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3Lonfcon:    C.   J.    CLAY   and   SONS, 



(BInaaoto:    263,  ARGYLE  STREET. 

ILtipMs:    F.   A.  BROCKHAUS. 

iJlcta   gorfe:    THE  MACMILLAN  COMPANY. 

Bombaji:    E.   SEYMOUR  HALE. 


OF    THE 







W.   WRIGHT,   LL.D., 






M.  J.  de  GOEJE, 





[All  Rights  reserved.] 

Cambrfoge : 

PKINTED    BY   J.    AND    C.    F.    CLAY, 


J    -        J    fl  -  »«»    J 


VOL.  I. 


6  c  after  ilLi^JI  lUsJl  add  :  The  ^  is  then  called  a^b^l  jUJt. 
11,  1.  1,  read:  haufun. 
14  D  read  :   In  combination  with  _. 

15b  add:   J^jJl*  from  Jjjk-o,  i»J>£. 

19,  last  line,  read  .Jl. 

20,  Rem.  c,  read :   as  [perhaps]  in  the  article ;   comp.  §  345.     See 

my  reply  to  Dr  Howell,  in  the  Asiat.  Qtiart.  Rev.  1897,  Vol.  iii. 
n.  5,  p.  126  seq. 

21,  1.  3  from  below,  read  ih&Ti. 

30  c  add :    Hence  the   use  of  y*j,  excellent   is  he   in   his  shooting, 

'fin  "  *  '       '  J  " 

yai  excellent,  or  how  excellent  is  he  in  his  judging,  *}£,  %*Jo, 
it*  *- 

yA.     Comp.  §  183,  rem.  c. 

32  b  add  :  w^j-ej  ^£Al>H  ^9  jjuo  he  tvent  up  unci  clown  the  valley. 

33  after  (c)  add :    The  third   form  construed  with   the  preposition 

y^+j  has  not  unfrequently  the  signification  of   a  causative  of 

the  sixth  form,  as  ij*i  ^^.\  he  united  by  brotherhood,  ^^o  w>j^ 
he  made  to  be  near  together,  etc.  (Nbldeke,  Zur  Grammatik, 
p.  26). 

34,  Rem.  a.     Comp.  j+±,  and  j-^t. 
Rem.  b.     Comp.  ojJJJI. 


36  A.     .j£w1  is  properly  to  listen,  to  give  attention   to  a  complaint, 

as  ^ict,  ^ii>t,  etc.  (Nbldeke,  Z.  Gr.  p.  28). 
W.  II.  b 



37  c  add  :  jJJu. 

41c  after  narrow;  add  :  J^Jtil. 

47  D  add  :   AqIUt  {jJ**)- 

48,  §  70,  add  :  Oj**5  (sZ*jj*c). 

59,  Rem.  a.     Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  368  considers  the  root  as  a  con- 
crete noun. 

67,  §  117*.     Vollers,  Zeitschr.  f.  Assyriologie,  xii.  134  footnote  quotes 

Kor'an  ch.  xiii.  12  OLA**  for  oL&«*  (Beid.  i.  477,  1.  17)  as 

a  proof   that  this  form  is  not  restricted   to  those  verbs  that 
have  a  dental  as  second  radical. 

,      ,    ,  0 

87,  Rem.  a,  read  :    cIJaIwI. 

91a  add  :  The  tribe  of  Taiyi'  said  Uu  for  .Jb ,  Loj  for  ■*-ej ,  OUj  for 

0    -      J 

C-w-O,  so  Hamdsa  yy  and  comp.  De  Saey,  Chrest.  ii.  445. 
96,  Rem.  a.    Gahiz,  Bayan  i.  i»,  6  and  3  from  below  has  <Lr~j*$\  opp. 

-    }r         '  )  *         *     1 

98,  Rem.  c.     On  such  forms  as  £*j,  jjz,  ya$,   see  above,   note   to 
p.  30. 

98,  Rem.  a,  delete  the  remark  in  square  brackets. 
108 A  read:  jlis  CvJ  (Seybold). 

110,  §  195.     They  are  called  also   »i>jka*JI  2l©-J   opp.  to  j>**M  iU-J 
(Hamdsa  \-). 

181  A  add  :  j&'3  (Tabarl  i.  3158,  1.  5). 

182  read:  £j\<Ly 

O       '   0  s 

183  add  :  ^^£=>j-«  a  ship  (Seybold). 

195  ((/).     The  ending   Oyi~  *s  often  shortened   to   0>- >   as   usually 
•    j  •  o 
in   ^j^*w' 

,         J    ,   0    -   0, 

in   ^jj/Jtw^l   for   &#;*£*$)       Other  instances   are   ^j-^JI, 



«  >  tc 

210,  footnote.     The  plur.  pauc.   of  fem.  words  is  ordinarily  J*il,  of 

«'     at 

masc.  words  SJbtil. 
230  c  read  :  ko/mt^  (Seybold). 
233  c:  HBW  belongs  to  *iot,  comp.  Aram.  tffiflX  (Seybold). 

t   *  t    :  - 

252,  Rem.  a,  read  :  The  suffix  of  the  1st  p.  sing.  ^  -,  when  attached 


253,  Rem.  b,  read :  [Comp.  Vol.  ii.  §  38,  a,  rem.  b.] 

o  *Z*  3  *.~  , 

271,  Rem.  a.     Likewise  ,>j JJ1  instead  of  ,>jJJUI  Kor'an  xli.  v.  29. 

■  .-  -         .-..--.-..  i 

296,  Rem.  c.     A  poet  allows  himself  to  say  Jjj  c^j'i"  J>*$  (Ilamasa 


VOL.  II. 

19,  Rem.  b.     Hence  it  may  be  followed  by  a  jussive  in  the  apodosis, 
for  instance  Gahiz,  Ifahdsin,  p.  18,  1.  14  .Jt   i*5j  t^-o  (J~©>J 

bring  thou  a  letter  from  me  to  the  Prince  of  Believers,  written 
by  thyself,  so  I  tcill  be  thy  debtor  for  two  benefits. 

21,  §  9.     An  example  of  the  use  of  the  simple  imperfect  instead  of 
J^s  with  imperf.  is  Tabari  i.  2225,  1.  U  jJL)  #\  ^>-*il>  ^ 

j3j+i  ^tf.^^)\   iJlc  *9j    SijJI  ,**    'Abu   Bakr  did  not  employ 

an  apostate  either  in  the  tear  against  the  apostates,  or  in  that 
against  the  barbarians. 

3    *    *        }*         J     3 1  , 

30  d.     The  jussive  in  the  verse  (Sibaweih  i.  402,  1.  8)  *->yo  <*J  w-Ui 
jy^j  SllaiJI  \Jj±-\  O-*  ^-^  ^-H-**"-5  *$3  *s  explained  by  the 

2       *  *  3    -  '2'     3  1  3    13, 

elision   of   *n),   for   ^>JU>J   ^j — dU-Jju   *^j,   as   in    Lk^juoJ   *$ 


3     '  , 

38,  second  footnote.     Another  example  is  Tabari  i.   1713,  1.  6  ^>«i 

*}      3*        -    '  ')  1 




44  D.     The  imperative  is  also  often  used  by  poets  in  the  apodosis  of 
a  conditional  clause,  as  jjiCs  ^£yvJtj  >yJJI  O*  SUje.  CXife  lil 

Ijl«JL^  jamcJI  t^-jb   ^>-«  j/&~»»  ?y  </iOM  ar£  indifferent  to  play 
and  love,  then  thou  art  a  hard  stone  of  the  dry  cliff,  and  Tab. 
ii.   1574,  last  1.  ^cjl*.  ^j\  L>LiJL&  \y^s^  ye  shall  be  like 
whores  if  ye  suffer  yourselves  to  be  beguiled. 
121  A.     We  sometimes  find  a  nominative  where  we  should  expect  an 

5        -  '         0  '       J    -  0  -        -        " 

accusative,  as  Tab.  i.  2009,  1.  15  J^&zj  J***^  *uJU  iy-^3  and 
he  forgot  to  put  down  his  own  name  being  hurried  and  heed- 
less,  where  we  must  supply  ^Aj. 

219,  1.  7,  for  ^&\  read  :  Jd>\. 

237,  §  99.     Also  the  ordinal  numbers,  e.g.  *^».j  j**£-  ^ila«J  15JI  /  am 
the  eleventh  man  (Tab.  i.  3307,  1.  1). 

272  c  read  :  ^Jby 

298c  add:  j^*c  *s)|   C.JL&  L^i  they  were  only  passing  clouds  (Tab. 
ii.  1197,1.3). 

350  seq.  footnote.    Prof.  Hartmann  has  just  published  "  Das  Arabische 
Strophengedicht,  1.  Das  Muwassah." 






A.     THE   VERB. 

1.     The  States  or  Tenses 

The  Perfect     .... 
„  as  an  Optative 

„  preceded  by  jj>     . 

„  as  the  Pluperf.   Indie 

„  as  the  Pluperf.  Subjunct.,  in  two  correlative 

hypothetical  clauses,  after  ^i,  etc 

,,  after  lil 

„  after  ^jt 

„  in  two  correlative  conditional  clauses,  after 

^t,  etc.    . 

„  after  io^jjjl   U 

The  Imperfect  Indicative 

j  *  a  ,      *    «■ 

The  Latin  and  Greek  Imperfect,  J*aj  ^^=> 
The  Future-Perfect,  Jjii  (jj)  O^i- 









The  Imperfect  Subjunctive 

Ox  J/ 

The  Jussive,  after  jjt  and  L>) 

,,  in  two  correlative  conditional  clauses,  after 


,jt,  etc.  .... 

The  Energetic  ...... 

2.     The  Moods 

The  Subjunctive       ...... 

0  i-         3  p  it  Ox 

The  Subjunctive  after  &),  N)  jjl  or  *n)I,  and  ,^J 

O      x 

„  after  J,   ^^s,  etc. 


after  o 
after  j . 
after  ^ 


after  jt 

after  lit  or  (j}1    . 

The  Jussive 

„  after  J 

,,  after  ^  ...... 

„  in   two  correlative  conditional  clauses,   after 


jjl,  etc.   ...... 

Ox  fix 

„  after  ^i  and  l*J   . 

The  Energetic  of  the  Imperfect      . 

,,  after  ^j    . 

„  in    prohibitions    (with    *$),    wishes,    and 

questions     ..... 
,,  in   the  apodosis   of    two    correlative   con 

ditional  clauses     .... 

,,  in  the  protasis  of  a  sentence,  after  Let 

X    JO     X 

after  LJL*.  etc.         .... 

,,  as  a  negative  imperative,   with   *$  . 

The  Energetic  of  the  Imperative    . 



3.     The  Government  of  the  Verb   .         . 

(a)     The  Accusative        ....... 

(a)    The  Objective  Complement  in  the  Accusative 
Two  Objective  Complements  in  the  Accusative  . 

s  -•  e  ^ 

The  Accusative  of  the  jJlcuo,  etc.,  as  the  absolute 

object,  JiXJa-oJI  Jyta^Jt   .... 

Construction  of  the  Objective  Complement  and  of 
the  Subject  with  the  Nomen  Actionis 

Use  of  J  with  the  Genitive  to  express  the  Objec 

tive  Complement  of  the  Nomen  Actionis 
Government  of  the  Nomina  Agentis  or  Participles 
Use  of  jj  with  the  Genitive  to  express  the  Objec 

tive  Complement  of  the  Participles 
Construction  of  Verbal  Adjectives 
Construction  of  Comparatives  and  Superlatives  of 

the  form  ^*i\         ..... 
The  Accusative  after  a  Verb  which  is  understood 

l\jS^\}  ^jjo^t 

'  -      - 

The  Accusative  after  ,jt,  ,jt,  ^>£),  ,jl£>,  O"^ 

„  after  C*J,  Jx,  JjO    . 

„  after  j  (ilx^t  jt_j) 

The  Vocative        ...... 

i        - 

,,  after    I,   b,    etc.,    expressed    by    the 

Nominative    .... 

„  after    1,    L»,    etc.,    expressed    by    the 

Accusative     .... 

,,  after  lyjl  or  lyjt  b  . 

,,  after  1j    . 

The  Accusative  after  ^),  used  ^~*a».)  I  JlJ 






(/3)    The  Adverbial  Complement          ... 


The  Predicate  of  J&> 


*      *         j     *  *  i 

„             of  the  (J^9  Ol_$£»l 


The  Predicate  of  I*  and 

*9,  when  =y-J 


3  *      Si  io 


„  .           of  A*iU)l 

^jt  and  of  O^) 


The  Construction  of  the 

<4jU^I  JUi» 


The  Adverbial  Accusative  of  Time 


>>                    u 

of  Place 


11                   ii 

of  State  or  Condition 

J      '  0' 

JUJt     . 


ii                   ii 

of  Cause  or  Reason 


ii                   ii 

of   Limitation  or  De 



0   - 

Construction    of  ^o^ 

t^lis,  and  ijkib 


)>                   j> 

of  Comparison    . 


(b)     The  Prepositions 


The  Simple  Prepositions 




*  -            0 

^jZc  =  yj*6         . 



^o  after  Comparative  Adjectives 


6     - 


Jl     ■    ■    ■ 




J            .           .           . 


}  *     *     0  *  - 

Ajlil^l    . 


L5*           •          •          ' 










,  a  * 

-      i  J 

^»  ^ 

The  Compound  Preposit 

4  -        0 
tXrf      C>"*>      etC- 

O*  v>*>  e*°- 
Prepositions  in  connection  with  a  following  Clause 

*  0  9, 

to  redundant  after  (j-o,  ^fc,  and  w> 
Omission  of  the  Preposition  before  ^1  and  ,jt 




B.     THE   NOUN. 

1.  The  Nomina  Verbi  or  Actionis,  Agentis,  and  Patientis 

2.  The  Government  of  the  Noun. 

The  Status  Constructus  and  the  Genitive 
-to,  etc. 

3'y  V 

r,  il     , 
0  0' 


0  0' 


9    0s        0-0 

jjj,  j\jJLc 

*  '  J 

Si   1 

VJ       ■ 

'       Si     j     i    -  -j  0  - 

3  (Vj  3^) >  °>  O* 

j  -oi 

{Jj&\  Superlative . 

3  £      oSA 

oi-  - 

A  Clause,  introduced  by  ^j\  or  Lo,  as  a  Gen  it  i 
The  Genitive  of  Restriction  or  Limitation,  after 

ticiples  and   Adjectives 
Interposition  of  a  Word  between  the  Status  Constr 

and  the  Genitive 





A    Genitive   in    Apposition    to   a    Relative    Adjective 


in  [J- 

Definite  and  Indefinite  Annexation 

Construction  of  Jjiil  as  a  Superlative 

The  Genitive  of  the  Material 

Apposition  of  the  Material. 

The  Genitive  Construction  in  place  of  Apposition 


The  Numerals. 

The  Cardinal  Numbers  from  3  to  10 

*                              «  -  i 

jj*\$  and  j^.\ 

„               ,,           „     from  11  to  99 

a5U  (100)  and  oUI  (1000)      . 

Compound  Numbers 

Agreement  of  the  Cardinal  Numbers  in  Gender  with  the 

Nouns  denoting  the  objects  numbered 
When  the  Cardinal  Numbers  are  determined  or  definite 
Construction  of  the  Ordinal  Numbers  with  the  Genitive 
Dates       ......... 

The  Days  of  the  Month  ..... 












The  Parts  of  a  Sentence 250 

The  Subject  and  Predicate 250 

The  Jajlj  or  Connecting  Pronominal  Suttix  .  .        256 

The  ^J-aAJI  j--o-o  or  Pronoun  of  Separation         .  .        259 

When   the   Inchoative  or   Subject  of   a   Nominal  Sen- 
tence may  be  an  Indefinite  Noun  ....        260 



The  »**&U)t  jo+to  or  Emphatic  Pronoun 

Use  of  0^*>   O^Aj>  in  a  Nominal  Sentence 
The  Subject  not  specified 
Personal  form  . 
Impersonal  form 
The  Complements  of  the  Subject  and  Predicate 
Reflexive  pronominal  Suffixes 

u"»*jj  0^>  e^c-»  as  reflexive  objects 
Appositives,   %j\£>\ 

The  Adjective .... 
Substantives     .... 

Demonstrative  Pronouns 

iJ  O 

i  *  O  i        *■,  a   , 
J'ȣ       j     ^  oe         j^Oe 

SO'         O    0  - 


ju£»UM,  the  Corroboration 

w**JI  or  AA-flJI,  the  Qualificative  or  Adjective 
^JjuJI,  the  Permutative    .... 
OW  tJUkc,  the  Explicative  Apposition 
Apposition  of  Verbs         .... 

2.     Concord  in  Gender  and  Number  between  the  Parts  of   a 
In  Verbal  Sentences 
In  Nominal  Sentences 




Negative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences 
V     ■         ■ 

e  - 

o>  ■       • 

Or  fix 

-  e^ 

•Jj  after  U,  ^j,  £3,  J>J,  or  ^ 

•^  with  the  Perfect,  as  a  Future 

„  „  as  an  Optative 

*9  redundant  after   verbs  meaning  to  forbid,  fear,  etc. 

followed  by  £l  with  the  Subjunctive  (•$  <j\,  *§\) 

Omission  of   *$  in  Denial  by  oath,  and  its  Insertion  in 

the  Jussive  and  Energetic 

*$  in  Prohibitions,  with 
2.     Interrogative  Sentences 

of      ot 

a  - 
J*.  .  . 

Nl,  U1    . 

SA       Z  *        *  a,        *  o* 

N»,  **,  ^V,  Uy 

Or  , 

Relative  Sentences 
Definite  and  Indefinite 
The  Connecting  Pronoun,  juUJJ  or  %oS^\ 











j  j  *\*  * 

4.  Copulative  Sentences 

i  ^ 

N)j  after  a  preceding  negative 

The  Conflict  in  Government,  ^^aJI   ^J   cjLUt 

^JlaJI  jlj,  the  Waw  of  the  State  or  Circumstance 

5.  Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences    . 

<)     ■ 
»    i     a     i 


*p  ■ 

G.     Conditional  and  Hypothetical  Sentences 

O  introducing  the  Apodosis  of  a  Conditional  Sentence 

^J  introducing  the  Apodosis  of  a  Hypothetical  Sentence 








The  Rhyme 
The  Metres 




Wafir       . 




Mudari'   . 






Medid      . 

Haflf       . 

Mugtett  . 



Affections  of  the  letter  I  .  .  .  .  . 

Irregularities  in  the  use  of  the  Tesdid    .... 

Uncontracted  Forms  for  Contracted  ones 

Suppression  of  final  ^j  in  some  Nominal  and  Verbal  forms 

Other  Letters,  and  even  Syllables,  dropped 

Lengthening  of  a  Short  Vowel  in  the  middle  of  a  word 

Shortening  of  a  Long  Vowel  ...... 




RHYME 368 





Suppression  of  a  Short  Vowel         ......  384 

Addition  of  a  Final  Short  Vowel  to  some  Verbal  Forms  and 

Particles      ..........  385 

Irregular  Use  of  the  Tenwln  and  other  Case-endings      .         .  387 

Suppression  of  the  Tenwln       .......  388 

,jj_  for  (J->—  in  the  Genitive  Plural  of  Nouns       .         .         .  388 

Irregularities    in    Verbs    and    Nouns    derived   from   Radicals 

tertise  j  vel  ^£  ........  389 

Pausal  Forms  out  of  Pause     .         .         .         .         .         .         .390 




A.     THE  VERB. 

1.     The  States  or  Tenses. 

1.    The  Perfect,  ^-iO'l  (Vol  i.,  §§  77,  79),  indicates  :—  A 

(a)  An  act  completed  at  some  past  time  (the  historic  tense,  the 
Greek  aorist,  German  imperfect,  and  English  past) ;  as  juj  sU.  ^j 
then  came  Zeid ;  w>W  ^^  '3— ^  they  s<*t  down  at  the  door. 

(b)  An  act  which,  at  the  moment  of  speaking,  has  been  already- 
completed  and  remains  in  a  state  of  completion  (the  Greek,  German 

and  English  perfect);  as^ȣ*Xc  c-**JI  ^t  ^i^aJ  'i/^o'  be  mindful 

of  my  favour,  ichich  I  have  bestowed  upon  you. 

(c)  A  past  act,  of  which  it  can  be  said  that  it  often  took  place  B 
or  still  takes  place — a  use  of  the  perfect  which  is  common  in  proverbial 

expressions,   and  which  the   Greek  aorist  also  has ;   as   Slj^l   Ojj 

relaters  say   (hare  handed  it  down   by  oral  tradition  from   one  to 

,        J   J    s  iO-o       ,  ,Zi  7/7  J  J 

another);  ^^...AqJI  Jii3l  commentators  are  agreed  (have  agreed  ana 
still  agree). 

(d)  An  act  which  is  just  completed  at  the  moment,  and  by  the 
very  act,  of  speaking;  as  aJJt  ^Jj«iJt  /  conjure  thee  by  God ; 

tjuk  /  sell  thee  this. 

w.  11.  1 

2  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  1 

A         (e)     An  act,  the  occurrence  of  which  is  so  certain,  that  it  may- 
be described  as  having  already  taken  place.      This  use  prevails  in 

promises,  treaties,  bargains,  &c,  and  after  the  particle  *$  not,  especially 

in  oaths  or  asseverations ;  as  cJ«i  ^X3l  Ul  o-*^*-  ^^  O^*^'  Ulatli 

<^'w  m-s,  therefore,  an  assurance  of  safety  on  one  of  two  conditions, 

either  that  thou  wilt  accept  (lit.  hast  accepted)  what  we  propose  to  thee 

(lit.  that  wherewith  we  are  come  to  thee),  or  that  thou  wilt  keep  (it) 

B  secret  and  refrain  (lit.  hast  kept  it  secret  and  refrained)  from  doing  us 

any  harm,  till  we  get  out  of  thy  country ;  *£*J  C**.St  *$  aJJIj  by  God, 
I  shall  certainly  not  remain  in  Mekka ;   U  j^-aJl  ,j^»©Ui.  *})  C~Jt 

0  J         »         x  ^ 

^  <  ...  a.-;   4ip5-»-3>)   CwLU  /  swear  (that)  wine  shall  not  make  me 
intoxicated,  as  long  as  my  soul  remains  in  my  body. 

Rem.  a.     When  a  clause  commencing  with  *9  is  connected  with 

0         a  previous  clause  beginning  with  U  followed  by  the  perfect,  or^J 

followed  by  the  jussive,  in  that  case  *9  does  not  give  to  the  fol- 
lowing verb  in  the  perfect  the  sense  of  the  future,  because  it  merely 

supplies  the  place  of  these  particles ;  as  *$j  l^yw  .iJLjl  C-JL:5  U  .jAJl 

Ijhs-c-  ,Ju-J  <x!«Ia  C-A».q»,  ^3  tjc^c  /  Aat>e  wo<  killed  thy  son  either 
inadvertently  or  designedly,  nor  have  I  made  his  skull  a  sheath  for 

my  svjord ;  OLS^IP '  dl3j  *^3  OjjlP'  °ji  ^  ^  wola^aJI  ^J-*  OjJb 
/  /*aw  experienced  such  wonderful  things  as  neither  seers  have  seen, 
D         nor  narrators  have  narrated. 

[Rem.  b.  Instances  of  the  perfect  retaining  its  original  meaning 
after  a  single  *n)  are  extremely  rare.  In  later  prose,  however,  we 
often  find  ^Jlj  *$  he  did  not  cease,  he  continued  (to  do)  employed 
just  as  Jlj  U  or  ^)}j ^  (Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  446  seq.)] 

(f)    Something  which  we  hope  may  be   done  or  may  happen. 
Hence  the  perfect  is  constantly  used  in  wishes,  prayers,  and  curses ; 

as  ^Uj  aJJI  a*».j  may  God  (who  is  exalted  above  all)  have  mercy  on 

§  2]  The  Verb.—\.    The  States  or  Tenses.  3 

jJOJ       /    /  *        *  J      Q        J 

him  !  a£JU  v»b  may  his  reign  be  long !  ^)\jj  cJU»>  may  I  be  made  A 

^y  ransom  !  ^ydi\  C~o1  mayest  thou  avoid  execration  (a  formula  used 

in  addressing  the  ancient  Arab  kings)  •  aXJI  *£lixJ  GW  cwrsg  thee ! 
The  proper  signification  of  the  perfect  in  this  case  is,  "if  it  be  as  I 
wish,  God  has  already  had  mercy  on  him  ;  "  &c.     The  perfect  has  this 

sense  also  after  ^ ;  as  tj-o  ^**j  U  ^I*aJ  *)  may  you  never  meet  with 

harm,  as  long  as  you  live !  3)$9  ^a9  *$  may  thy  teeth  (lit.  mouth)  not 

be  broken  !■  [neg.  of  the  phrase  «i)li  4JJI  ^afi]. — When  a  conditional 

clause  precedes  the  optative,  the  particle  vJ  must  be  prefixed  to  the  B 
latter,  in  order  that  the  influence  of  the  conditional  particle  in  the 

former  may  not  extend  to  it;  as^stj^b  c^a. A jA+M  ^jj\  c~i^  <j1 

if  thou  art  'Ibn  Hammdm  (lit.  the  son  of  Hammam),  mayest  thou  be 
saluted  with  honour ! 

Rem.     After  the  name  of  God,  such  perfects  as  ,JUj,  ^JjUj 

.JIjuj     J^-j  j&,    *^3   J***)  aQd  the  like,   are  n°t  optative  but 

declarative  or   assertory ;   as    ■J'Ju^   «^jW-*   <*•£"   »J^*   God  (who  is    C 

blessed  and  exalted  above  all)  hath  said .     [Comp.  Vol.  i.  §  50, 

rem.  a.] 

2.  The  perfect  is  often  preceded  by  the  particle  jJ>  (Vol.  i., 
§  362,  z).  When  this  is  the  case,  if  the  perfect  has  either  of  the  meanings 
mentioned  in  §  1,  b  and  d,  it  now  implies  that  the  act  is  really  finished 
and  completed  just  at  the  moment  of  speaking.  Its  completeness  may 
consist  either  (a)  in  the  removal  of  all  doubt  regarding  it,  in  its  perfect 
certainty  as  opposed  to  uncertainty ;  or  (6)  in  its  having  taken  place  D 
in  agreement  or  disagreement  with  what  preceded  it,  in  accordance 
or  non-accordance  with  what  was,  or  might  be,  expected,  or  just  a 

little  before  the  time  of  speaking.     For  example  jt^j^.  Sjtjj  U^j  j3 

^>*5UI  Sjljj  LaIa  j^JJj  jyol+)\  ^aljl  ^i  *&-*j->  C>i  «^^  we  have 

already  spoken  of  the  vizirate  of  their  grandfather  Halid  'ibn  Barm^k 
in  the  reign  of  M-Mansihr,  and  we  will  /iere  speak  of  the  vizirates  of 
the  rest  (in  this  example  the  just  completed  act  is  contrasted  with  the 

4  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  3 

A  future  one) ;  Sy-aJI  C-^15  jcs  ^<?  (time  of)  prayer  is  come;  &*>\  oi 
sioU  **3  thy  daughter  is,  as  was  expected,  dead,  or  thy  daughter  is 
just  dead ;  j*a*  &jj\  c*Jj  j*a3  aj^^I  Ut  as  regards  the  post  of 
governor,  I  appoint  thy  son  governor  of  Egypt  (§  1,  d) ;  Oj^j  <*J  J15 

>3*>oJI  o**s$  J^5  JUi  IJjb  he  said  to  him,  Thou  didst  promise  this,  and 

he  replied,  I  now  really  fulfil  what  I  promised. 

Rem.  a.     jJ  immediately  precedes  the  verb,  as  in  the  above 

B         examples,  and  can  be  separated  from  it  only  by  an  oath  or  assever- 

ation ;  as  C*U».a»l  aAJIj  jJ>  by  God,  thou  hast  done  well;  ^£j^xi  jJi 

*  *    & 

\j.&\~>  Co  by  my  life,  I  have  passed  the  whole  night  awake. 

Rem.  b.  j3  is  called  by  the  grammarians  %S*^i\  \J>j&.  the 
particle  of  expectation,  and  is  said  to  be  used  JjJiafcJLU  to  indicate 
perfect  certainty,  or  .JtaJI  £y*  ,<.oUJt  %^j jJu}  to  approximate  the 
past  to  the  present. 

C         3.     The  Pluperfect  is  expressed  : — 

(a)  By  the  simple  perfect,  in  relative  and  conjunctive  clauses*, 
that  depend  upon  clauses  in  which  the  verbs  are  in  the  perfect ;  as 

ijyol*}\  aj  j*o\  U^ov-Xfc  u&j*  he  laid  before  them  what  el-Ma  mun  had 

ordered;   6$j\   u-^-  £***■  Kj~^*r  he  sat  where  his  father  had  sat; 
U)U  ^Jjb  £-«>oJl  ^1  jjZM  J-03  U-^  and  after  the  bull  had  come  to 

0,        j  Oi       ,     j       &*     -  "0 

the  place,  he  turned  his  back  in  flight ;  a~o  JaI  J^S  UJ  J*}-^  he  fled 

D  after  his  kinsmen  had  been  killed. 

[Rem.  Whether  the  perfect  in  these  clauses  has  the  meaning  of 
the  pluperfect,  must  in  every  single  case  be  decided  by  the  context, 
or  by  the  nature  of  things.  It  may  indicate  a  time  identical  with, 
and  even  posterior  to,  that  indicated  by  the  perfect  in  the  clause 

*  By  a  relative  or  conjunctive  clause  we  mean  a  clause  that  is 
joined  to  a  preceding  one  by  means  of  a  relative  pronoun  or  a  con- 
nective particle. 

§  3]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  5 

,..»..  o  *      *   a  a  *     j    *    *      2s 

upon  which  it  depends.     E.g.  J^jI^wI  ^y-J  j*ol*  ^c  tf>y«  j\~>  UJ  A 

<ul)t  .-5  ax*  dJL«*.j  uu^  ^L*3  4*31  jJI  when  Moses  went  forth 
from  Egypt  with  the  Benu  'Isrd'U  to  the  desert,  he  disinterred  Joseph 
and  carried  his  remains   with  him  through  the  desert ;    ^a^>\    l^J 

?      0      a  j*       --  '    z   '       a  e-     j   j£  +     j   *  *  a*o    )$'*'        i   s  -  -  * 

L~*5j  ^yJ  Jjia^j  o'  *V— »  Sli^Jt  dJy^ifv.  dUa-etj  m;A«/i  Ae  became 
unbound,  i.e.   was  dying,  they  asked  him  to  give  them  a  chief] 

(b)  By  the  perfect  with  the  particle  jJ>,  preceded  by  ^  or  without 
it,  provided  the  preceding  clause  is  one  which  has  its  verb  in  the  B 

«•     at  J        »*+       J  *  +    0  t 

perfect ;  as  ir»*  J^j  *«>/•»»  1  /^  &d  him  out  blinded  (lit.  aW  he  had 

fo^n  blinded) ;   juwjJt  jlj  ^1  jXj  jJ>  tJUk.^3  J-aiJI  ^Jl  jij  /fo  iwn$ 

ear/y  m  ^  morning  to  el-Fadl,  and  found  that  he  had  gone  still 
earlier  to  the  palace  of  'ar-Rasid  (lit.  and  found  him,  he  had  already 

gone  early).     The  clauses  with  j3  and  j*ij  are  clauses  expressing  a 

state  or  condition  (Jl»-). 

(c)  By  the  verb  O^  t°  oe>  prefixed  to  the  perfect ;  as  OU   C 

w-JJt     ^     *5tj     Ajjle'-J     ^jCtji.     ^1     ,-j-i.     0^3     wH>^     ju-_wjjt 

'ar-Rasld  died  at  Tits,  after  he  had  set  out  (lit.  and  he  had  set  out) 
for  Horasan  to  combat  Raft  'ibn  el-Leit.     These  clauses  also  express 

the  state  (Jujf). 

(d)  By  O^9  an(i  the  perfect,  with  the  particle  jJ>  interposed ; 

a  'O'O       *        ,  jt  *  ai     £  j      *j  OS  *■*    *+      -        i    il-      a  -     j    a  j> 

as  J-aiJI  ^1  lyijjbl^j  lyl^Uj  *4jW-  ^rfj  J^5  CUb  /  &w?  brought 
up  and  educated  a  female  slave;  I  then  presented  her  to  el-Fadl-  D 

a  * 

Sometimes  the  particle  jJ  is  placed  before  both  verbs,  instead  of 
between  them;   as  jJ>j  Ly».j  i£5l*)  J 15  ^xLo  aJUI   Jyj    o'  L&LH 

w        -         id  * ,      a  s  a*        ■     ?  ;      i   %      ;  *    - ,       a,* 

■jJI  J-Xo-jt  jJj  ^j-o  U^5  Jiiu  ^1  OjJu  Oolb  ^re  is  a  tradition 

that  the  Apostle  of  God  {God  bless  him  and  grant  him  peace  !)  said  to 
'A'isa  {God  have  mercy  on  her  I),  after  she  had  vowed  (lit.  and  she 
already  had  vowed)  to  set  free  some  persons  of  the  children  of  Ishmael, 

6  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  4 

A  Rem.  a.     "When  one  of  two  or  more  pluperfects  is  anterior  to 

the  rest  in  point  of  time,  it  is  indicated  by  means  of  the  particle 

jj>,  the  others  having  merely  ^J£a ;  as  O^J  \j*3^i  Ju^yJI  OU 

-    -    *        0  s         s    \       0        '        *        *      *  id  to  9  '  ■■'       '     J  '       '    '    J  '         '    '    - 

jj.ij^^i  ^JLc  wJLiJj  AtlkJt  *J^»j  'ar-Rasid  died  at  Tits,  after  he 
had  set  out  for  Horasan  to  combat  Raff  'ibn  el-Leit,  who  had  rebelled 
(lit.  and  this  Raff  had  already  rebelled),  and  cast  off  his  allegiance, 
and  taken  forcible  possession  of  Samarkand. 

B  [Rem.  b.     Between  (jl^  and  the  perfect  a  conjunctive  clause 

may  be  interposed,  as  ;*-«•»»  j»X*JI  j+±-  CM^  9~*$~o  T^i   UJ  O^ 

t\jA^\  when  the  information  about  tlie  enemy  had  reached  Salah 
ed-dln,  he  had  assembled  the  emlrs.~\ 

4.     (a)    If  two  correlative  clauses  follow  the  hypothetical  particles 

V  if,  Cft  V  if  that,  <)%,  [Up]  and ^3  «/  not  (Vol.  i.,  §  367,  o)*,  the 
verbs  in  both  clauses  have  usually  the  signification  of  our  pluperfect 
subjunctive   or  potential,  though   occasionally  too  of  our  imperfect 

C    subjunctive  or  potential.     For  instance  :    aJJI   *$\  a^\   \-o-\-**  O^  £ 

DjuJU  ^y  £/^r#  Aae?  fo^rc  in  them  (heaven  and  earth)  gods  besides  God, 
tliey  would  surely  have  gone  to  ruin ;  3»x».bj  i«t  ^Wt  J*»J  <^->j  *U>  ^ 
if  thy  Lord  had  chosen,  He  would  surely  have  made  (all)  mankind  one 
people ;  ^ovs^  b>*^  lil*-«=>  ajp  ^ov**^  l>*  Is^iP  V  O-i^  u-ts^Jj 
and  let  those  fear  (God),  who,  if  they  should  leave  (or  were  to  leave) 
behind  them  weak  offspring,  would  have  fears  for  them  (or  would  be 

D   afraid  on  their  account) ;  j^As.  Ua^iaJ  b>*jlj  Sy*o\  i^>*JI  J^t  ,jt  3J3 

u^j'i'b  £1<-JI  ^>«  Ol£^j  a/ic?  «/  the  people  of  those  towns  had 
believed  and  feared  (Us),  We  would  have  surely  bestowed  upon  them 
blessings  from  heaven  and  earth;  [^j^\  p-f*--"  vo^  OJ^*0  ****  *~~^  3} 

*  The  protasis  of  a  sentence,  when  introduced  by  "^J,  although 
it  may  not  have  a  verb  actually  expressed,  yet  includes  a  verbal  idea, 

viz.  that  of  the  verb  (jli». 

§  4]  The  Verb.—l.    The  States  or  Tenses.  7 

if  I  had  been  one  of  {the  tribe  of)  Mazin,  they  (the  enemies)  would  not  A 
have  carried  off  my  camels ;  ^y>'  U  Sy>  ^  ,jt  £  aXJIj  Ul  jaw  JISj 

fj+Zo  j+e.  UjU^o^-3  C»*fe>aytj  ^iUiaJ^  tjl  <*JJIj  Ul  «;?</  Sa'd  said: 

verily,  by  God,  if  I  had  some  strength  left  that  I  were  able  to  rise,  thou 
wouldst  hear  from  me  a  roaring  in  its  (* El- Medina 's)  quarters  and 
streets,  that  would  drive  thee  and  thy  comrades  into  your  holes,  and  by 
God,  I  would  remove  thee  to  a  tribe  where  thou  wouldst  be  a  follower, 

,*  **        *   a,a-o     j     Bit*         a  j  a*  J         -•  J  a*       *a* 

not  followed ;  js-\^i  ^£.  c**JI  c ^  jsSj  j>y£.  ^Sjj**.  ^Uji  ^   B 

^*i*>\j->.\  had  not  thy  people  ceased  recently  to  be  in  a  state  of  infidelity, 

6  i       *  a,  * 

I  would  surely  raise  the  house  on  the  foundations  of 'Ibrahim  ;  ^j\  ^Jj 

5  A 

2JsS  ^«  and  were  it  not  that  all  mankind  would  have  become  a  single 
people  (of  unbelievers),   We  would  certainly  have  given  to  those  who 

ii  •»      jo*       *a  , 

believe  not  in  the  Merciful  roofs  of  silver  to  their  houses;]  <UJI  J-oi  ^)^i 
"^.JLS  *^t  ,jUa*iJI  ^juj^)  <CL»g*-jj  j£-t^  &«^  *£  wo£  fo^w  for  the  goodness   C 

o/"  God  towards  you  and  His  mercy,  ye  would  surely  have  followed 

j  - j    -  - ,*    5    '    -  a^ 
Satan,  (all)  save  a  few ;  j^s-  .iUyJ  ^s-  ^  had  it  not  been  for  'All, 

*  %  j       5  j*     a  }  ai      *  a  , 

'Omar  would  surely  have  perished ;   (j-^-o^-o  UiJ  ^15 1  '^J  ^W  i*£  ;w£ 

» ,  *  ,  »^    ,  1    „  ,  0^ 
6ee»  ,/ar  ?/om,  w?#  would  surely  have  been  believers ;  ^  j»\jti\  IjJk  ^)"^J 

1      AC 

^ow?  ?Y  7w^  been  for  thee,  I  would  not  have  gone  on  pilgrimage 

this  year  (*-*►*.!  in  rhyme  for  -*-a^>.l).     [With  j3  inserted  in  both 

*  «•  1      )&**     a  "     *  c  ja'O  j      t 

clauses  0*^i  C^*jU  jlaJ  jJ-mU^JI  j~o\  OU  j3  ^i  if  the  Prince  of  the  J) 
faithful  were  dead,  I  would  swear  allegiance  to  So-and-so;  or  only 

fj'«<-jj^^^j»^         j*  *  ate*  1  j    s  *    a    s      £  j      ,  ~,    a  *    a  *■ 

in  the  protasis  »j^j  t>^=>j3^  <uc  l^-cu'i)  ^3-6  ^«  O-*  J^  i"j  »x5  ^ 
zy  a^  ^«^  are  with  Munis  had  seen  thee,  they  would  surely  turn  away 
from  him  and  leave  him  alone.] — (b)   Occasionally  >j\£s   is  placed 


between   •}  and  the  perfect  in  the  protasis   of  the  sentence,   and 

8  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  4 

A  sometimes  O^  *s  repeated  before  the  perfect  in  the  apodosis.     If 
this  be  the  case,  the  signification  of  the  verbs  in  both  clauses  is  always 

-     >Ss     <  <         *         I  JO        <•  J       0    J  6  - 

and  necessarily  that  of  the  pluperfect ;  as  &JjJs&  &'*  C-^U  c-^S>  £ 
if  I  had  known  this,  I  would  have  beaten  thee ;   UJ  U^i^c  \y[&  ^ 

6    -"0-a       S  *  )  '   *  J     «• 

»xa..oJI    w>j    I3-X0    lyl^  {/"  £&??/  ^a^  known  it,  they  would  not  have 

crucified  the  Lord  of  glory. — (c)  If  the  verb  of  the  protasis  be  an 
imperfect,  and  that  of  the  apodosis  a  perfect,  both  must  be  translated 

B  by  the  imperfect  subjunctive  or  potential ;  as  ^jyj*>  ^L^ol  l\£j  y 

if  we  pleased,  we  could  smite  them  for  their  sins ;  ^»W-'  oUk*».  l\£j  ^ 
if  we  pleased,  we  could  make  it  salt  water.     [If  the  verb  of  the  protasis 

be  an  imperfect  preceded  by  o^*  an(^  tnat  0I"  the  apodosis  a  perfect, 
both  may  be  rendered    by  the    pluperfect    subjunctive    or  by  the 

imperfect  subjunctive,  as  U  aJI  Jj-5'  ^°3  i^^S  ^^  03**5i  S^>\Ss  •} 

gUjI  ^AjJia^JI  if  they  had  believed  in  God  and  His  prophet  and  in 

what  has  been  revealed  to  him,  they  would  not  have  taken  them  for 

C  friends;  jJ^»JI   A>U?t    l^o  Jl^J  jj*-   ^>jJI   ,>«  ^^   0^=*  > 

?/  caution  could  save  from  death,  surely  the  caution  (of  thy  friends) 

j  *  ' 
would  have  saved  thee  from  what  has  befallen  thee  (j»x»-  in  rhyme 

0    -    - 

for  jJ^-).] 

Rem.  a.     The  apodosis  of  y  (^  w>'^»-  </*e  answer,  complement, 
or   correlative    of  lau)    is   frequently    omitted,    when    the    context 

readily  suggests  it;  as  aj  C-ttJni  jl  JW4**-"  *^  •-in**'  ^IjJ  tjl  ^)j 

,o,o«»  ^*  j        o£         jafo<»  #  , 

-ja^Jt  aj  ^oJ^»  _jt  c^j^'  aw*  V  ^e  mountains  could  be  made  to 
D  move  by  a  Kor'dn,  or  the  earth  be  cleft  in  pieces  by  it,  or  the  dead  be 
addressed  by  it,  ...  .  (scil.  it  would  be  by  this  Kor'dn) ;  ,jl  ^ 
juji>  ,ji=>j  .J  I  ^jT  j  I  3^3  J^L  ^  if  I  were  a  match  for  you  in 
strength,  or  could  have  recourse  to  a  powerful  clan  or  party,  or  to  a 
mighty  chieftain,  ....  (scil.  /  would  resist  you) ;  ^^  w*S$3  U^l 
'<Ju>  Lukl^J  U&  ^  ^j~*>3  Wj*-  _;'«**-«  ^£jJ  /  have  delayed  only 
until  thou  couldst  see  the  extent  of  our  forces  and  of  our  endtirance  ; 

§  5]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  9 

and  if  we  had  been  with  him  with  our  hearts  (heart  and  soul),  ....   A 

*  **      6    j  *      c  s     :  s  * 

(scil.  we  should  have  defeated  you  long  ago) ;    ^yo  lyJ  ^Xj  ^i  3J5 

j  :-    «j  i   0   *>0x»      *  i  ,  *         _       je<e      o^  -  j;*a  *  Z    10     1         0  *       2  *  Z  * 

f*~>\j*  .-$  ?—■'!/*  ttft^JI  ^*iJ3t  ««<£  i/"  i^  (Seville)  possessed  no  other 

glory  but  the  place,  called  Axarafe,  opposite  to  and  overhanging  it, 
famous  for  its  numerous   olive-trees,    (and)    stretching   leagues   by 

leagues,  ....  (scil.  this  would  be  enough  for  it,  iJ&J  or  libliiJ). 

[Rem.  b.     The  verb  expressed  or  understood  in  a  clause  pre- 
ceded  by  ^Jj  even  if,  though,  has  the  same  signification  as  that  of   B 

the  clause  to  which  it  is  annexed,  as  ^tj»  ^jkc  sU»-  ^j  ^pLJI  IjJact 
give  to  the  beggar,  though  he  should  come  on  horseback ;  ^jA  /**•.;'  "^ 

-J  C-*       *       *  0  *   *  «* 

j-olj»i  i«-»1j  jU»  ^Jj  t<«Ui  /  «?i/£  no£  retract  my  promise  of  pro- 
tection,  even  if  my  head  should  fly  before  me;    jJuJkj  3J3  l^ijuaJ 

*    3    j  :  *  s        5    <■ 

\j>ja**»  give  alms,  though  it  be  only  a  burnt  hoof ;  3J5  ajIju  ,*<£jt 
tjl«».  bring  me  a  beast  to  ride  upon,  even  if  (it  should  be)  an  ass 

*  *      a  6*  *     Oil       ei  *      *  j*    *iio         *  0  *        »'        1*01 

(§  41,  rem.  b) ;  djJj  ,>«  ^j  ^UUgi  (^^Ua^JI  j^^-  aJt  *ip    0 

*  *  *  *  ,  *   9  %m 

the   complaints   of  the  wronged  were  brought   before   him,   and  he 

t    **  *       *      :*-     0 

obtained  justice  for  them,  even  from  his  own  son;  Ul^«»>  w»oJt  ^jl 

«       it*      *     ot*       *t         sti    »** 

(j^jtLe  wJli^H  1*0 1  _jJj  if  thou  causest  an  animal  pain,  however 
little,  thou  art  cursed.~\ 

5.    After  lit  when,  as  often  as  (Vol.  i.,  §  367,  b),  the  perfect  is 
usually  said  to  take  the  meaning  of  the  imperfect,  the  future  act 

;  -   a  «?     ,        *  i       i 

being  represented  as  having  already  taken  place ;  as  j-*»-l  lit  ^a^l  D 

1  a  io-o  1        *  o 

j— J I  I  will  come  to  thee  when  the  unripe  dates  become  red;  \y+**Z«i\ 

»1  0   1        *  6   1***  li       *  it 

^SLfAji  UJ  j^s\s.y  til  Jy-yJJj  *lU  respond  to  God  and  to  the  Apostle, 
when  he  calls  you  to  that  which  can  give  you  life. — Consequently,  if 

the  particle  til  or  U  lit  be  followed  by  two  correlative  clauses,  the  first 

of  which  extends  its  conversive  influence  to  the  verb  of  the  second, 

the  verbs  have  in  both  clauses  either  a  present  or  a  future  significa- 

w.  11.  2 

10  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  5 

A  tion.  For  example:  liL*J  jj*>  t&*.  5>»."^t  jctj  sU.  ti^  aw«/  wforc 
the  •promised  term  of  the  future  life  comes  (or  is  come,  or  shall  have 
cowe),  w?0  will  bring  you  all  together  (to  judgment) ;  £$3  U  131  ^o-m 
aj  ^o^uf  w&m  it  (the  punishment)  /a//s  (*«po»  you),  will  ye  believe  it 
then7:  aj\jus  cJi  j*o*$\  ^j**^  u^i)  'i}  when  Yahyd  takes  the  matter 

in  hand,  its  difficulties  are  easily  overcome.  In  such  cases  the  Latin 
requires  the  future-perfect  in  the  first  clause,  and  the  future  in  the 
second.     The  imperfect  is  sometimes  used  instead  of  the  perfect  in  the 

j  •      •  j  ***     d    6- 

B  protasis  or  apodosis ;   as  Li©~>  j£  tyis  U3U  ^t-wU  ^JJ3  titj  and 
when  our  verses  are  read  to  them,  they  say,  We  have  heard ;  lit  ^Ul 

i    a  *     i  i  > 

9j  j9^=>  L5^»-j ^oir^l)  ^V'  ^5i  J!P  ^5^**"*  ^e/*  whom,  when  the 
shout  of  '  Alight  for  the  fray'  is  raised,  you  see  on  foot  (looking  as 

1      0    *  0      0*  Ol*Oi*        *      * 

tall)  as  if  (they  were)  riding  (v^ j  in  rhyme  for  w*£>j) ;  jtr^}^  'i' J 

oii*ot*ioi  , 

^^L-ft.1  «JL..a..nJ  awe/  w;^w  £&«<  seestf  ^w,  £#^r  bodies  make  thee 
marvel.     Occasionally  too  the  imperfect  occurs  in  both  clauses ;   as 

**0l0>a  1*'  *  **>  11  1     0*  ***       t'*f       *     *f  "t6J      »'»' 

(J  jJCioJI    tjj*£>    O^-^    *>^J    L59     »-^*J    ^^    wul  ^ov*^    i^-*-3    'ijj 
and  when  our  verses  are  read  to  them  as  clear  proofs,  thou  discernest 

0     *  1     l*        1      J  *       *     * 

displeasure  in  the  faces  of  those  wlw  disbelieve ;  ^>c  JjjJ  JjlP  '^ 

*  oio*>         *  *     n     *  *  *oi*t**i  t 

0\t*y  v^*  *J>^  L5***8*"''  ■**■»*»■£*  awrf  www  it  (ill  fortune)  departs, 
it  departs  from  a  proud  hero,  whose  sudden  fits  of  passion  are  dreaded 

1     *  0  *  *  *         iM*  1         *       *  *  *  Ovi*       *         0  *         *  JOW  &* 

by  his  rivals ;  £i£3  J-iS  ^)t  ip  tilj  [V~*)  W  ***!;  l^~*^'j  ^<?  sow/  /s 

desiring  much,  if  you  give  her  what  she  wishes,]  and  when  she  is  reduced, 

j\  or  restricted,  to  a  little,  she  is  content. — If  a  clause  dependent  on  15 1  is 

introduced  by  such  a  perfect  as  <jUb  or  j\*o,  the  verb  governed  in  the 

,  _  <    *0i      *Z  *  *       *  *       * 

perfect  by  tit  is  likewise  a  historical  perfect;  e.g.  £bl^£>  lit  ,jlib 

*     J  *       it         0     OtO  Oi.  16***,, 

when  he  spoke,  he  spoke  eloquently;  [<Jyj  O'^*"  c^*'  u&*4  j-^ij 

•  5  *»        f         *     +  *  *    j  *  a  *o      +  *  *     +     *    *      &  *> 

a£«  wjI*w  jJI  9. j±.  5*iLsJI  Oj-a».  til  ^l£»  <UJt  some  learned  men  say 

that  the  Apostle  of  God,  when  the  time  of  prayer  had  come,  went  to  the 
mountain-roads  of  Mikka.      Here  also  the  imperfect  is  sometimes 

§  5]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  11 

used  in  the  protasis  or  apodosis,  as  J-eu   *$   <suU  C*»L<  tit  c~i£j  A 
o^i*.  ,JI  jj-lj  a«c?  wA#w  /  saluted  him,  my  head  did  not  reach  to  his 
waist ;  U^tj  jU.1  >~£>  lit  (J^J  aw<^  w^^w  fo  bestowed  raiment,  he 

Z   *  c.    *  *t  *        *         j     ut  *Q*o 

did  it  in  a  liberal  and  generous  manner ;  \jj*-\  j+b-  lit  £-*}LoJt  C^3 

yij  o-*  b'>~'  ^jf^  J^y  **•****■  ^'  w^W-  o-°  A*-*<*-'  ^  aw«  ^ 

skipper,  when  he  had  conveyed  a  person  in  his  vessel  from  the  one  to  the 
other  side,  got  for  pay  a  bracelet  of  gold.]     If  the  clause  introduced  by 

tit  stands  in  the  middle  of  a  narrative  of  past  events,  the  perfect  has  B 

also  the  sense   of  the  historical  perfect,  [as,   ^J-^JI  w-^-lo   J*»»i 

•  0 -  -a     jjg  j    j    1    s 

jgi^fES  jjhjm+m.  lili  4jUm0|  9-Ujj  l^cji\  yr^o  jc»*^»..'  and  the  captain 

of  the  cavalry  began  to  drive  together  parties  of  them  by  the  spears  of 
his  men;  and  when  they  had  collected  them,  they  killed  them;  0^3 
J*j  Uj  Ji5  o^  yj^si  y  >*~*f  »ij  **»  JpU-^M  v^^.^,0,11  *El- 
Mu'tasim  was  good-tempered,  but  when  he  was  angry,  he  cared  not 
whom  he  killed,  nor  ichat  he  did ;  J-JJI  fU.  tit  O-tjj*  ^  J^Jj  J^^   ^ 

ufj*$l  **-3  ^5^  &J2  *h  4;>>  \S  W  ***>}**  C5*  W  ^°  £?*?!"  ^t^" 

LJSi  /  remember  whilst  we  were  in  Kazwln,  when   night  came,  we 

brought  all  our  things  in  the  cellars  of  our  houses  and  did  not  leave 

anything  on  the  floor.'] 

Rem.  a.     The  use  of  lit  as  a  conjunction  arises  in  reality  out  of 
its  original   meaning   as   a   temporal   demonstrative   (see   Vol.  i., 

§  367,  b).     Lake  ,>*».,  wJ>j,  j*y>  ,  etc.  (see  §  78),  lit  is  an  accusative  D 

in  the  construct  state,  and  governs  a  following  verbal  clause  vir- 
tually in  the  genitive*.     Under  these  circumstances,  the  actions 

both  of  the  defining  clause,  introduced  by  tit,  and  of  the  clause 
defined  by  it,  are  such  as  would  be  appropriately  expressed  by  the 
imperfect  indicative.  These  two  clauses  being  in  correlation,  and 
that  which  is  logically  primary  (the  defined  clause)  becoming 
syntactically  secondary  (the  apodosis),  either  action  may — without 

*  [Comp.  however  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  113,  note  1.] 

12  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  5 

A  reference  to  their  temporal  relation  to  one  another  or  to  other 
actions — be  regarded  either  (a)  as  beginning  or  in  progress,  or 
(/3)  as  completed  and  done.  In  the  one  case  the  imperfect  will  be  ■ 
used,  in  the  other  the  perfect.  As  a  rule,  however,  the  language 
has  preferred  either  to  represent  the  action  of  the  defining  clause 
(or  protasis)  alone  by  the  perfect ;  or  else,  which  is  more  common, 
the  actions  of  both  the  correlative  clauses  by  the  perfect,  that  of 
the  apodosis  being,  as  it  were,  conditioned  and  postulated  by  that 
of  the  protasis.  But  to  what  period  of  time  these  correlated  actions 
belong, — whether  the  perfects  are  to  be  translated  by  our  past, 

B         present  or  future, — depends  entirely  upon  the  considerations  stated 
in  Vol.  i.,  §  77,  rem.  a. 

Rem.  b.     The  temporal  clause  introduced  by  til  is  often  almost 


identical  in  meaning  with  a  conditional  clause  introduced  by  ^j\ 
(see  §  6)*;  but  it  is  very  rare  [in  prose]  to  find  lit  construed  with 
the  jussive  like  ,jt  (§§13  and  17,  c),  as  J^a^Ii  ioLai.  oJL-oj  I3I3 
and  when  poverty  befalls  thee,  bear  it  patiently  ({J^L^3  in  rhyme  for 
<J«!*~) ',  [and  [-UjJwi  \^}j3  tit  when  you  visit  me,  you  will  honour 
C         me]. 

Rem.  c.     It  has  been  said  that  when  lit  or  to  til  is  immediately 

preceded  by  («£»■  until,  and  followed  by  two  correlative  clauses, 
the  verbs  of  which  are  in  the  perfect,  these  perfects  take  the  sense 
of  historical  past  tenses,  expressing  a  state  which  closes  the  action 
of  a  previous  perfect.     This  exception  to  the  so-called  conversive 

influence  of  til  or  to  til  does  not,  however,  hold  good.  15^  is 
construed  with  the  perfect  to  indicate  a  simple  temporal  limit,  or 
the  effect  or  result  of  an  act  or  series  of  acts ;  with  the  imperfect 
indicative,  when  this  effect  or  result  is  regarded  not  as  something 
D  actually  past,  but  as  yet  in  progress,  as  a  historical  present  (see 
§  15>  c>  /?)•  This  view  it  is  which  the  Arabic  language  has  chosen 
to  adopt  in  the  case  of  two  correlative  clauses,  introduced  by  lit, 

*  [The  difference  is  that  q\  denotes  what  is  possible,  tit  what  is 
ascertained,  so  that  one  says  juj  «U.  ^l  if  Zeid  come,  but  J!»tJ  eU.  lit 
jy*A\  when  the  beginning  of  the  month  shall  come.] 

§  5]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  13 

0    ,i*>,    **>*>  0  3    }  ~  -  3 

after  ^Z*-     For  example:  ^i^  ja^J\^  jJ\  ^i  ^^b^*^  ^JJI  yb  A 

-  i  ^    j  /  /     j         -  I    i  .<  ~Z        m*  *  '  '     *  3       o  3  a  st*>    1 1  —  *  *         s        - 

dJJI  \^i  j^fi   )a*a.\  jr^.   'yis_5  O'"*-*  J^  O-*  a-.***' ^»**W»J   wi-o'^- 

^j^l  a)  ^^oJLa^-o  //e  i<  is  wAo  letteth  you  travel  by  land  and  by 

sea,  until,  when  ye  are  on  board  of  ships,  and  they  sail  away  with 
them  (abrupt  change  of  person,  instead  of  vnth  you)  with  a  fair 
wind,  and  they  rejoice  in  it,  there  overtakes  them  (the  ships)  a 
tempestuous  gale,  and  the  waves  come  on  them  from  every  side,  and 
they  think  that  they  are  encompassed,  (and)  call  upOn  God,  professing 

0  3  -  !-       <•  '  0   OiO'        -  »jO    *  33      3    3        -        -  -  -   J  *         3     * 

sincere  religion ;  j^  j-J*JIj  u^^3  O-4**""  O"*  ^A^*1**  qU-j^ J  jL^.$ 

0  '    2   *        0     s     *  0  S  iO  ,  ,  s  $  *.  i        s  £    *         ,         3*3 

aA*J  cJl5  ^^-o-JI  ^J*\j  i*J^  t^JI  li]  )fc5*»*  O^J^i  and  unto  Solomon 
were  gathered  his  hosts,  of  jinn  and  of  men  and  of  birds,  and  they 
were  marched  on  in  order,  until,  when  they  arrive  at  the  Valley  of 
Ants,  an  ant  says — .  In  this  second  example  the  meaning  would 
be  substantially  the  same,  if  we  rendered  it  by  until,  when  they 
arrived  at  the  Valley  of  Ants,  an  ant  said,  but  the  translation  would 
be  less  close*.     In  the  next  two  examples,  on  the  contrary,  the 

*  [Trumpp,  Der  Bedingungssaz  im  Arabischen,  Sitz.  Ber.  d.  phil. 
hist.  CI.  der  K.  B.  Akad.  d.  "Wissensch.  zu  Miinchen,  1881,  p.  432  seqq., 
rejects  the  theory  expounded  in  rem.  c,  which  is  also  that  of  Fleischer 

(Kl.  Schr.  i.  116  seqq.).  ^j^-,  being  properly  a  preposition,  has  no 
influence  on  the  signification  of  the  perfect  in  the  following  clause. 
This  depends  on  that  of  the  clause  to  which  it  is  subordinated.  The 
same  remark  applies  to  the  perfects  of  two  correlative  clauses  intro- 

duced  by  Ijt  ^^-     For  example  :  w**ylit  Ijl  ^».  jj>».l  /  run  until  j) 

-    a*»io      ,  ,  ,      o  *    3  *  o$o*o      ,  2  +  o    *  3  t  *  *        * , 

I  attain  the  end ;  C~JI  J^.j  jJ>  jj-^t  til  .J^.  %^J  O^xi  Ui 
but  before  I  was  aware  of  anything,  *El-Aswad  had  entered  the  room  ; 

i    -        «•  3*  3       «J/         y       *~  3      «•'.»        O     S  i    0*  Si        m  J  0  3    3    0'        ,0s, 

LT*-  O^jy-i  J*c*   ^VW  *->J**L   0-9-^  ^y  **»  J**  O^  J^*^>  J**i3 

*—       030  2  *   £       *  *  *  *        * 

l^WW^o-^**^'  J15  !i»W»  '3'  and  on  that  day  when  we  bring  together 
out  of  every  nation  a  company  of  those  who  have  gainsaid  our  revela- 
tions, kept  marching  in  ranks,  until,  when  they  have  arrived  (before 
God),  He  will  say :  Did  ye  treat  my  revelations  as  impostures  ?  A 
comparison   of   this   verse  from   Kor'an   xxvii.  with  that  cited  above 

14  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  6 

A  repetition  of  the  act  justifies  us  in  the  use  of  the  past.  UL^I  Loj 
lit    ^  ...   .    ^jJUl    Jdbt    O-f  WJ    ^-^    ^W-J    ^1    ^>    i>» 

*i   a  *     6  3  —  *  j       ■>         o  -•      o  j2p  3-    ..       j  jui  x>       A-6*  Sio 

\3j*aJ  ^oAgl*.  tjJJ^  jJJ^Jl   bj-Jaj  ^J-^JI  ^LlHwl  awe?  JFe  Aai?e  not 

sent  before  thee  (any)  but  men,  to  whom  a  revelation  was  made,  of 
the  people  of  the  cities,  ....  until,  when  the  apostles  were  despairing, 
and  were  thinking  that  they  were  deluded,  Our  aid  came  unto  them  ; 

j    -      *  w  -        e    -       *  j       .•    «•  oc     o    o-  -      -  d  --  j  *  j       -         j  *     a* • ' 

Sy*~j*  lit  I***"  *L5^»  J^9  vl^'^W^   lo»^  AJ  hj^>  ^*  !>**^  ^* 
^       j    tj     tj     *   *  t  *  a  *     o  j    *■  a  s  t        j   I      * 

^jj-JL^^oA  lili  SIxj^aUJ^I  I3J9I  LoJ  am/  when  they  had  forgotten 

B  ^Aeir  warnings,  We  set  open  to  them  the  gates  of  all  things,  until, 
when  they  were  rejoicing  over  what  they  had  got,  We  laid  hold  on 
them  suddenly,  and  lo,  they  were  in  despair. 

6.     (a)   After  the  conditional  particle  (jl  if  (Vol.  i.,  §  367,/),  and 

after  many  words  which  imply  the  conditional  meaning  of  Oi  ((^5**^ 

J»j*uJI  or  ijl  ^m*),  the  perfect  is  also  said  to  take  a  future  sense, 

the  condition  being  represented  as  already  fulfilled.  In  English  it 
may  usually  be  rendered  by  the  present.     Such  words,  for  instance, 

C   are :  ^1  and  ^>o  who,  whoever,  O-o-jl  whosoever,  U  what,  UjI  what- 

0     -  0  -  s  a  *  em  t  JO- 

soever,  0"°ir*  whoever,  1*^-*  whatever,  \*X£s  as  often  as,  %£**»•  where, 
Ui*».  wlierever,  ^U  when,  UU«  whenever,  ^1  where,  U-^l  wherever, 

*  0  *  s  s  0  s  at  *     ii£ 

oL^  /ww,  U-a*^  however,  ^yl  m  whatever  way,  however,  {jb\  and 

U   O^j'j  wAe??,  whenever,  Uil  whenever.     Examples :   ^)t   k_jl».l   ^1 

^o-Jac^^j  w>tjcc  ^j  c*~qg  I  fear,  if  I  rebel  (lit.  &u'#  rebelled)  against 

m#  Zorc?,  the  punishment  of  a  great  (i.e.  terrible)  day ;  <£***.  ^tb^X+sS} 
D  ^a^-o^aaj  «wc?  $/«?/  ^m  wherever  you  find  them  (lit.  Aar^  found  them) ; 

o  30  j        -  -  »i    a  3  *  -    -j- 

^^i^a  Lo^jl  ^Jt«  ykj  awe?  he  is  with  you  wherever  you  are.  The  same 
remark  applies  to  the  perfects  before  and  after  jl  or,  in  such  phrases 

oJI  ^jl^JLJ  j-£».^  shows  clearly  the  influence  of  the  preceding  verb 

on  the  signification  of  those  in  the  subordinate  clauses.  For  in  the 
latter  we  ought  to  render  until,  when  they  arrived  at  the  Valley  of 
Ants,  an  ant  said.     D.  G.] 

§  6]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  15 

as  ^j-hr-  jl  \yt\k  %\}~t  it  is  all  the  same  whether  they  are  absent  or  A 
present;   Ojoii  j\  c-^i  ^J**-  %\y*  it  is  all  one  to  me  whether  thou 
standest  or  sittest;   Jj*i»  3J  O^*  V***  ou-cJt  ^9^»l  honour  a  guest, 

whether  he  be  rich  or  poor. — (b)  If  the  words  jjt,  <^l,  ,j-o,  &c,  be 
followed  by  two  clauses,  the  first  of  which  expresses  the  condition 

[J»j-i)t],  and  the  second  the  result  depending  upon  it  [J»j-£Jt  w>l>^  or 

hjh\  i\jef.\  then  the  verb  in  both  clauses  is  put  in  the  perfect*,  both  B 
the  condition  and  the  result  being  represented  as  having  already  taken 
place.  For  example  :  C-XJUb  dUi  cJUi  ,jl  if  you  do  this,  you  wiU 
perish,  lit.  if  you  shall  hate  done  this,  you  hate  perished  or  will  perish 
(§  1,  e) ;  o|>>«  fJW  <>j-'vo^9  O-*  ^  M7^o  (=v  ow^)  keeps  (has  kept)  #?s 
owra  secret,  attains  his  object ;  UJ^.1  Ujl».j  U*ol  ^>«>«Jl  i)L©  i^XaJI 

wisdom  is  the  strayed  camel  of  the  believer  ;  wherever  he  finds  it  (=  if  he 
shall  have  found  it  anywhere),  he  lays  hold  of  it  (will  lay  hold  of  it). —    C 

(c)  If  the  perfect  after  ^>t,  ^£\,  ^j*t>,  &c,  is  to  retain  its  original 

meanmg,  then  0^*>  or  one  of  the  O^*  Ot^i.1  the  sisters  of  the  verb 

kana  (such  as  jUe  to  become,  J&  to  be  by  day,  Ob  to  be  by  night, 

g».;.<ot  to  be  in  the  morning,  \j~*\  to  be  in  the  evening),  must  be  in- 
serted between  those  words  and  the  perfect  in  the  protasis,  and  the 

apodosis  must  be  indicated  by  the  particle  o.    For  example  :  O^9  Oi 

*z*3j*eJ>  JJi  v^«  jj  <uo*«i  if  his  shirt  is  (has  been)  torn  in  front,  she  D 

5  *         SO 

*  [The  verb  in  the  protasis  may  never  be  a  ju>U*.  jJas  an  aplastic 

*  0*        -  * 
verb,  such  as  have  but  one  tense  and  no  infinitive,  as  ,^-J,  15— *• 

Comp.  §  187,  b.     In  negative  clauses  the  jussive  with^J  is  employed 

(§  12)  with  very  rare  exceptions  as  Kor'an  ii.  140  ^>jJJI  w*Jt  (j^Jj 

<£llL5  IjaJ  l<  5-jt  ^J^j  wjU^JI  l^5jt  erew  though  thou  shouldest  bring 
every  kind  of  sign  to  those  who  have  been  given  the  Scriptures,  yet  thy 
kebla  tliey  will  not  follow,  for  1^-wj  _^J.] 

16  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  6 

has  spoken  the  truth;  \^sy  <*~Ui  aJJu  j^J^>\  ^£&  «Ji  i/"  #e  have 

believed  in  God,  place  your  trust  in  Him;  ,jl  «~«LJ  jl  jJuJl  Jh-o-* 

C^Mftt  ^t  Cv«ja.I  c«^>  accept  my  excuse  readily  or  (at  least)  be 
indulgent,  if  I  have  committed  a  crime  or  a  fault. — (d)  But  if  the 
perfect  after  these  words  is  to  have  the  historical  sense  (English  past 

tense,  §  1,  a),  the  verb  £?£*,  or  one  of  its  "sisters,"  must  be  prefixed 

to  the  correlative  clauses ;  e.g.  \y&i  J>*)W  Oi  [$■*»  if  they  exerted 

a   themselves  to  attain  an  object,  they  attained  it  \l^>  »l3t  U«^»  0^3 

<tw^st  °>yt}  lA^-jJ'  O-*  and  whenever  one  of  the  wild  animals  came 

to  visit  him,  he  made  it  his  prey ;  <UjJI  <^»o  <ud±.  atjt  ^1*  O^J 

and  as  often  as  he  would  throw  off  his  allegiance,  he  entered  the  desert] ; 
though  it  is  also  sufficient  that  the  correlative  clauses  should  be 

dependent  upon  others  that  are  historical ;    as  .^JUH   c*&>j>t   U-Jl 

*M   ju»a.Jl   sisXI  CUo^i  {+X&  jL»a>JL>  /  attained  knowledge  only  by 

C  praising  (God),  for,  whenever  I  understood  (anything),  I  said,  Praise 

belongs  to  God.  [(e)  If,  however,  the  verb  0^*>  or  one  °f  its  sisters, 
after  these  words,  is  followed  by  an  imperfect  or  a  participle,  we  must 

J     S/Or        -  it    A5        „  Jj  J  tJt   J  0 

render  it  by  the  present  (§  131),  as  k>_5JytJli  aJJI  ,j^*a*J  ^u£»  ,jt 
if  ye  love  God,  then  follow  me;  aJJI  JU».  U  (>*£&  ^1  ^J  Ja*->  ^ 

Jj  io       St       ii      St     i        a         St  *  Of 

<UJb  0-*>J  O^9  Oi  Ov*l*y'  ^5*  wor  ^  ^  lawful  for  them  to  conceal 

0     <• 

w&z£  6»W  Aa£A  created  in  their  wombs  if  they  believe  in  God;  o^ 
j)  .,.;la»*a.*  »x*J  L>iU£»  c«&  ^)]^  (>yJLL3  jti)  U>jL*  c^»  //*  £&w  speakest 
the  truth,  thou  hast  killed  me;  if  thou  liest,  thou  hast  disgraced  me.] 

Rem.  a.     What  has-been  said  of  the  temporal  Ii)  in  §  5,  rem.  a, 

»  o  e 

is  also  applicable  to  the  conditional  jjt,  for  q\  is  also  originally  a 
demonstrative   (compare    |FI,    ^-»!)-      I*1   *ms   case>   however,  the 

language  always  employs  the  perfect,  never  the  imperfect  in- 
dicative, after  the  conditional  word ;  that  is  to  say,  the  condition 
is   invariably  represented,   in   reference  to  the  conditioned,   as   a 

§  7]  The  Verb.— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  17 

completed  action,  and  not  as  one  in  progress.     On  the  alternative  A 
use  of  the  Jussive,  see  §§13  and  17,  c. 

0  0  J       *    *  »  - 

Rem.  b.     The  apodosis  of  ^1  (,jl  w>l^».),  like  that  of  £  (§  4, 
rem.),  is  frequently  omitted,  when  the  context  readily  suggests  it; 

honest  men  oft/ie  Muslims  bear  witness  in  thy  favour,  {good  and  well); 
6w£  if  not,  demand  of  him  the  oath;  *}Mj  jAJ^i  ^j*  s.%«ftjj  »^-*»J  oi 

»sAa.  I ......  ju-jOI  w^»ol  i/"  ZAow  repeniest  and  recantest  wliat  tltou  hast   B 

said,  (good  and  well,  or  /  will  forgive  thee)  ;  but  if  not,  I  tcill  order 
tlie  slaves  to  fay  thee  alive.     [Comp.  §  186,  rem.  c,  footnote.     By 

this  omission  ^j\j  tlwugh  (§  17,  c,  rem.  a)  acquires  the  meaning  of 

o     -      -  a  -   e 

nevertlieless,  as  in  the  saying  of  the  Prophet  ^j\ ^  \-^j^   ride  her 

(the  camel)  nevertheless  (though  she  be  destined  for  sacrifice),  Lisdn 
xvi.  179.] 

Rem.  c.     Where  ^g\,  ,^0  and  I*  are  inter rogatives  or  simple 
relatives,  ^ic,  ^y\,  {Jj>\,  ^jbl  and  *Ju£=>  interrogatives,  and  sL~a.    C 
a  simple  relative  adverb,  without  any  admixture  of  the  conditional 

signification    of    ,jl,   perfects    dependent    upon    them    retain    their 
original  sense. 

7.     After  the  particle  U,  as  long  as,  whilst,  as  often  as  (Vol.  i., 
§  367,  p),  the  perfect  takes  the  meaning  of  the  imperfect  (present  or 

2  j      o  >      -       -      e  t      *       * 

future) ;   as   \j*o  ^~Jb  U  ^-i)    *$  may  you   never  meet  with   harm 

(§  lj  /)>  as  long  as  you  live  !  O^^-  *i*zJ^  *&r-^\  ^  l^-ob  U  ^UJt  D 
men  are  careless,  as  long  as  they  lice  in  this  world  (lit.  remain  in  the 
life  of  this  world)  ;  Jjjli  f*  U  JL-JI  *)  I  will  not  forget  thee,  as  long 

as  a  sun  rises ;  w>U**'  <su$.c.>  U  ^yJI  care  answers,  as  often  as  (or 
whenever)  you  call  it.  If  this  imperfect  is  to  be  liistorical,  the  rule 
laid  down  in  §  6,  d,  must  be  observed.     The  negative  as  long  as  not 

is  always  expressed  by  ^  U  with  the  jussive  (see  §  12). 

-       *•*.*  *■    «fi  ■»  •  » 
Rem.     The  Arab  grammarians  regard  this  l<o  as  Suijh  Sujj^olc 

w.  ii.  3 

18  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  8 

A         or  i*3L}j,  i.e.,  as  equivalent  to  a  verbal  noun  or  infinitive  in  the 

accusative  of  time.  They  say  that  Lo-  C~o  Co,  as  long  as  thou 
remainest  alive,  is  equivalent  to  L*.  JiLelji  or  Co.  ^LeUi  3jt*o. 
This  cannot,  however,  be  the  case,  for  whence  then  would  come  the 
conversive  force  of  this  L>?  It  is  in  fact  only  a  variety,  in  its 
application  to  time,  of  the  dlJa^uJI  Lo  or  conditional  ma  (§  6,  a). 

J&        *    ©A3         J 

B         8.     The  Imperfect  Indicative  (e$_9j~oJ1    cjLiuoJt)  does  not  in 

itself  express  any  idea  of  time;  it  merely  indicates  a  begun,  incomplete, 
enduring  existence,  either  in  present,  past,  or  future  time.  Hence  it 
signifies  : — 

(a)  An  act  which  does  not  take  place  at  any  one  particular  time, 
to  the  exclusion  of  any  other  time,  but  which  takes  place  at  all  times, 
or  rather,  in  speaking  of  which  no  notice  is  taken  of  time,  but  only  of 

duration  (the   indefinite  present} ;   as  jj^su  <*JJIj  jj^j    (jl-J^t   man 

Q  forms  plans  and   God  directs   tJiem   {man  proposes,    God  disposes) ; 

jaJ\    j*xZ~j  j-Jb    the  free   man   is  enslaved  by  benefits   {conferred 

upon  him). 

(b)  An  act  which,  though  commenced  at  the  time  of  speaking, 
is  not  yet  completed, — which  continues  during  the  present  time  (the 

*      )  *  a  *        -         j  *  o  -      jii  - 

definite  present) ;   as  ^^A^ju   \^>  ^bu   aJJI   God  knows  what  ye  are 

doing.     Hence  its  use  as  a  historical  present  in  lively  descriptions  of 

J)   past  events ;   e.g.   ^a*-j  Jw*.bj  ^j>  ^^J\s  ^js-\  r~j£-^  ia*JJs   J 15 

\S)***°  L5*  ^h*  7~J^°^3  said  TaKia>  S°  out  I  run,  and  put  on  my 
coat  of  mail,  and  seize  my  sword,  and  cast  my  shield  on  my  breast. 

(c)  An  act  which  is  to  take  place  hereafter  (the  simple  future) ; 
as  ^*w  v~*->  O*-  u~*J  l£J,^-j  ^  **yi  I>aj'j  and  fear  a  day  (in 
which)   a  soul  shall    not    make    satisfaction  for   a  soul  at  all,   or 

j  y  o  *      3  lt*>  * 

shall  not  give  anything  as  a  satisfaction  for  a  soul ;  ^^i  *^b 
a^^iJI  je,yi  jtr^i  but  God  will  judge  between  them  on  the  day  of  the 
resurrection. — To  render  the  futurity  of  the  act  still  more  distinct, 

§  8]  The  Verb.—l.    The  States  or  Tenses.  19 

the  adverb  o^-;  (Vol.  i.  §  364,  e),  or  its  abbreviated  form  ^  (Vol.  i.   A 

i     *  0  t     *      I       o  -  o  *     o    -  - 

§  381,  b),  in  the  end,  is  prefixed  to  the  verb ;  as  lJlj»xc  <iX)j  J**i  0-°J 

1    -  0    3  sir*         i   0  }    * 

tjU  «uLa.>  u^mJ  UAJ»j  «/w?  whoever  does  this  maliciously  and  wrong- 
/m%,  w^  w///  &wr»  fo'm  w/£A  hell-fire;   aa-j^  .J   a^w  «*#  w//Z 

explain  it  in  its  (proper)  place;  ju£»  J^   Jjj^  ,>*  ^*£*-'  ^o« 

s&z/£  be  protected  (through  God's  grace)  from  every  machination  of  thine 

Rem.  «.     o>$-»  may  have  the  asseverative  j  prefixed  to  it,  as    B 

"A-^  .-3..  x  «J  +  t*s* 

if&jZfi    <&>j    jJ-»la*j    i^5^~Jj    a?w7   verily  thy   Lord  will  give   thee 

(abundance)  and  thou  wilt  be  content ;  and  it  may  be  separated  from 
its  verb  by  a  verb  which  is  void  of  government,  as  in  the  verse 

•*  *  OP  0  }  ~         <J   Z  s'i  Oi  3        '  '  0    *   *  Oi  '  ' 

not  know,  but  I  sludl  (I  think)  know,  whetlier  the  family  of  Hisn  are 

0*0'  0    - 

a  band  of  men  or  women. — Rare  forms  are  oL/,  $~>,  and  ,-w. 

[Rem.  b.     The  simple  future  has  sometimes  the  sense  of  a  polite 

//»/       «•  *  *  *      -      j      *  o*      j     *  o*  j      j*      ,    *  , 

order  or  request ;  as  lu*j  \^  \^$jj^  ^^Sj^oJ-j  (jUJ^  oj  JUi  tlien    C 
Suleiman  said:   Depart  now,   and  we  will   consider   between   our- 

0  C         J    J      .-  . 

(Tabari  ii.  544,  1.  7);  j-^)l  aJUt   -JU1  Ji-ju   »-Lj^  J15j 
cme?  A«  said  to  Itah:  Have  the  kindness  to  enter,  God  bless  the  Emir  ; 

-  *  0  -  0 

j't*c-'       •  t  j  OfO    ,       s.      *      j  j     cj      o       '       j*         * '  * 

<sU*li  ^j-U^oJ  I  j-^ol   L   xi^yj  jJW.  dJ  JUi  rt?^/  Hal  id  said  to  him  : 

Grant  him   indemnity,   0  Prince  of  the  faithfd,  and   he   did  so 
(!Ag.  xvii.  164,  1.  14).     D.  G.] 

(d)    An  act  which  was  future  in  relation  to  the  past  time  of  which 
we  speak.     When  this  is  the  case,  the  imperfect  is  simply  appended  to  D 
the  preceding  perfect  without  the  intervention  of  any  particle,  and  forms, 
with  its  complement*,  a  secondary,  subordinate  clause,  expressing  the 

state  (JUJt)  in  which  the  subject   of  the  previous  perfect   found 

himself,  when  he  completed  the  act  expressed  by  that  perfect  [ Jl»« 

*  That  is  to  say,  auy  word  or  words  governed  by,  or  otherwise 
connected  with,  it. 

20  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  8 

-«■  j*»i^J  ;  as  «i>*J  aJt  sla.  //«  c«?we  fa  him  to  visit  him ;  j>*c  ,JI  i*-5' 

w^-2o  ?U  /^  c«w20  fa  a  spring  of  water  to  drink;  ^jjJI  ^jAc  ^^LJ^j 

j-«^l  jjju  then  He  seated  Himself  on  the  throne  to  administer  the  ride 

(of  the  Universe) ;   »iUjo  a^Xsu  J-jjI  />g  sew*  fa  inform  him  of  this; 

[i^yJU^-oJ  £■■<>■»■  1  he  determined  to  circumvent  the  Jews,  'Ag.  xix.  96, 
1.  6.     R.  S.]. 

(e)    An  act  which  continues  during  the  past  time.     In  this  case 

B  too  the  imperfect  is  appended  to  the  perfect  without  the  interposition 

of  any  connective  particle,  and  forms,  with  its  complement,  a  second- 

ary,  subordinate  clause,  expressing  the  state  (Jla*JI)  in  which  the 
subject  of  the  previous  perfect  found  himself,  when  he  did  what  that 

perfect  expresses  [jj^LS-o  JL».] ;  as  <^*~^u  juj  eU.  Z¥id  came 
laughing ;  «lj**o  »*■»»»-..'  U&l  he  returned,  congratulating  himself  cm 
(lit.  praising)  Ms  morning-walk;  aZcjI)  wJUI  >Uaj  (j*I»  he  set  out, 
0  leading  (as  it  were)  my  heart  by  its  bridle ;  aLc^l  <LU>t  a*3j  <usjj  ULJi 
awe?  we  remained  watching  for  him  as  one  watches  for  the  new-moons  of 
the  festivals;   %\*ja»Z«iS  ^s-  ^£*o3  UaIj^I  <sJAs>^9  and  one  of  tJiem 

came  to  him,  walking  bashfully ;  0>**rf  *'*"*  -**W'  b'Wj  aw^  ^^ 
6Y<w<?  fa  tf/^'r  father  in  the  evening,  weeping.  As  the  above  examples 
show,  the  imperfect  is  in  this  case  generally  rendered  in  English  by 
the  participle. 

D  Rem.  a.    After  the  negative  particle  *j),  the  imperfect  retains  its 

general  idea  of  incompleteness  and  duration;  as  ^A  £yA  ^Jbtj  *)  K-f*- 
he  went  out,  not  knowing,  or  without  knowing,  where  he  was  ; 
^J-jiwJI  .-aV^JI  jbj$i>  *$  the  liberal  (mart)  does  not  respect  the  stingy. 
— After  the  negative  particle  L>  it  takes  the  meaning  of  the  present; 
as  Aio  jjjkl  Sily-^J  O^***^ '  i_s%j^  ^*  a  wia/i  is  no£  declared  right- 
eous  by  the  evidence  of  his  own  household ;  ^o  'j/*^  C>i-*"  iyi   t* 

§  9]  The  Verb— I.    The  States  or  Tenses.  21 

unbelievers  among  those  who  possess  a  (revealed)  book,  and  among  A 
the  polytheists,  do  not  wish  that  any  good  should  be  sent  down  unto 

-    0*0      *  j  ~  **      -  *  oi       -       -      j  j  0  *      *  £no     £ 

you  from  your  Lord;  w>U£)t  ^>*  <JJI  JjjJl  to  ^j^-oJXj  CH**^'  0\ 

io-JU  t  >bjj  <*JJ  1  ^y+XSL)  they  who  hide  the  book  which  God  hath  sent 

down,  and  buy  with  it  something  of  small  price,  these  swallow  doivn 
into  their  bellies  nothing  but  fire,  and  God  will  not  speak  to  them  on 
the  day  of  judgment. 

Rem.  b.     According  to  the  Arab  grammarians,   the   imperfect    B 

-    0  J  -    b*o       j      ^    £  , 

indicative  is  used  JlaJU,  to  indicate  present  time  (j-ala*JI  ^>L«pl), 

-  a    »  to  j  -  :  ,  3    j  3- 

and   ^JLLZ./jU,    to   indicate  future   time  (J*,JlL..^J\,   less   correctly 

9.  To  express  the  imperfect  of  the  Greek  and  Latin  languages, 
O^*  is  frequently  prefixed  to  the  imperfect ;  as  j*£JI  w«a»-j  ,jl£> 
AjxJLiS}  he  was  fond  of  poetry  and  poets  ;  5j^c  j»y>  J^s  ^y  w«£>jj  O^ 
j\ja  he  used  to  ride  out  every  day  several  times ;  julS  lyj  ^j^SJ  0^*i  C 
J*-j  »JU1  ^i  awe?  ?for£  z^o*  to  be  (stationed)  in  it  (the  city) 
a  general  with  a  thousand  men;  ^i^JI  *~t>  <j^jj£»  \y>\^  JV-j 
jw#w  who  used  to  live  with   the  princes.     If  this  signification  is  to 

be  attached  to  several  imperfects,  it  is  sufficient  to  prefix  (J^* 
to  the  first  alone. — If  one  or  more  perfects  precede  the  imperfect, 
or    if   the  context  clearly  shows    that  the    verb  in  the  imperfect 

has  the  sense  of  the  Latin  imperfect,  O^3  need  not  be  prefixed  to  it ;  D 

as  jjl»o-J-»  ^U-«  ^kc  (j-J»L<£Jt  ^JJ3  U  I^ujI^  and  they  followed  what 

the  evil  spirits  read  (or  recited,  or  followed)  in  the  reign  of  Solomon ; 

J»J>  yj^  ddl\  gUJt   sj^kju  ^X*  Ji  Say,    Why  then  did  ye  kill  the 

3  0-  /  JJt/  40/  >     /      / 

prophets  of  God  before  ?    Here  ^Sj  and  Oj^**^  stand  for  ^Jj  oJl£> 

-330-0303  0  - 

and  ^yjJu  ^o^^3-  [So  in  poetry  after  j3 ;  see  Vol.  i.  §  362,  r, 
footnote.     R.  S.] 

22  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  10 

"    *         J     Is 

A  10.  To  express  the  future-perfect,  the  imperfect  of  O^3  \OSri) 
is  frequently  prefixed  to  the  perfect,  the  particle  *»5  being  sometimes 
interposed.     For  example,  O^h  t^J-**  L5^i  A*5^»a^«>  l*!>*i  j^wwj 

O^'j   aUjj   AXaiJ  .jJjXi   JJuL>   f^A  ^tjj   ^AJ   ^,jX>   'N)j>0A/».I    Ut 

awd  /  sAa//  /«Ve  so?«0  people  to  carry  it  to  my  house,  and  I  shall  be  the 
last  of  them  {to  depart),  and  there  shall  not  have  been  left  (shall  not 
B  be  left)  behind  me  anything  to  occupy  my  mind  with  the  doing  or 
removing  of  it,  and  by  the  trifling  pay  I  give  them,  I  shall  have 
provided  help  for  myself  (so  as)  to  spare  my  own  body  all  the  labour. 

o  £ 

[Rem.    In  dependent  clauses  introduced  by  £)\  the  future-perfect 

*  *  s      *      j       o  £      j        f 

becomes  the  perfect  of  the  subjunctive,  e.  g.  «^Jk}  C)3^i  O'  *t-^J 

*    j      »*  *  '  i  bio       *  s  *  6 

it  cannot  be  but  that  he  has  gone  (abierit);  ^i  ^j^XS^L^\   «J&a.I 

..©I    (aJJ  I    ,j jJLj    jjl  =)    <*JU  I    (J3^   the  theologians   disagree  abont 
C         God's  having  ordered  (jusserit).] 

11.  The  Subjunctive  of  the  imperfect  (*r>yeu*ti\    cjUa^l)   has 
always  a  future  sense  after  the  adverb  ,jJ  not  (Vol.  i.  §  362,  hh),  and 

0  £  fit  fie  *     -  o    ' 

the  conjunctions  o'  that,  ^  o'  or  *^  that  not,  ^»  and  ^^J  that, 

s  0    s  '  0  '  3'  ^    J     0^        0    ^ 

*jL£>  and  *}L£J  that  not,  ^jZ*.  till,  until,  and  J  £/««£;  as  J*>»>->  O* 

^<jLaJ  j  I  bj>  O^3  O-*  *^i  *->»•""  none  shall  enter  Paradise  except 
D  those  who  are  Jews  or  Christians;  ii&JI  \jL*.*>3  ^\ ^,Z~~».  j>\  do  ye 
think  that  ye  shall  enter  Paradise  ?    See  §  15. 

12.  The  Jussive  of  the    imperfect    (^ojj^^oJI     cjLa^JI),   when 

dependent  upon  the  adverbs  _^i  not,  and  UJ  w#£  •?/<?£  (Vol.  i.  §  362, 
jjy,  ##),  has  invariably  the  meaning  of  the  perfect.     For  example  : 

u^j*^3  Ol^o-JI  dl*  aJ  aXJI  ,jl  J^XjO  Jjl  hast  t/iou  not  learned  (or 

dost  thou  not  hu>w)  that  God's  is  the  sovereignty  over  the  heavens  and 

o ,   ,        ,         fi/o      j  *  *      e  j  £-       u^-^      ^  fi  -  fie        i)6-       0  £      ijg       ,        t£ 

the  earth  1   t^JU-  CH  jj|  J^°  ^^  UJj  *^-JI  i>^-^  *j'  ^"^  >' 

§  13]  The  Verb.— 1.     The  States  or  Tenses.  23 

^iXi  ^>©  efo  ye  £^//*£  that  ye  shall  enter  Paradise,  be/ore  there  shall  A 
Aafltf  come  (lit.  an<2  ^r#  &is  not  yet  come)  upon  you  the  like  of  what 

a-  a  0'      £ -'       ^  l S 

c«w^  m/w/i  those  who  passed  away  before  you  ?  ,>*-JJ  ^a+j  UJ}  I^a' 
j^yjj  <*JLc  0^«  l>l  wiJ3  iclw  m  f^/s  (^e  mse),  before  our  parting  is 
an  hour  old  (lit.  and  an  hour  has  not  yet  gone  by  since  parting)  ?  How 
then,  when  months  shall  hate  passed  over  it  ?  UjI^j  yj\  j~e-  ^-^  oj' 
Ul*^j  Jjj  L»J  om/*  departure  is  close  at  hand,  save  that  our  camels  B 
have  not  yet  moved  off  with  our  saddles  (i.e.  we  have  all  but  started) ; 
oJCJU  »UJi  Jjtij  ^J  ^>l  if  you  do  not  do  this,  you  will  perish  (§  6,  b) ; 

w*+  3  ja*    *»***&  JO     J*     !•* 

iSjxJJSj  jjtiJI  w*a>-j  y^j^i  he  was  not  fond  of  poetry  and  poets  (§  9). 

Rem.     The  grammarians   put  the   distinction  between  ^J   and 

2+  o^e-      t,  *  *  *  a  *  a  ■>     2, 

LoJ  in  this  way,  that  Jjiaj  ^J  is  the  negation  of  J**,  but  ^)juu  UJ 

..  -  ,     e  ^ 

the  negation  of  ,Jj»i  jJ,  [meaning  /*e  /«as  not  yet  done  it,  but  he  will 
certainly  do  it  aftenvards  ;  see  Beid.  on  Kor'an  iii.  136.     R.  S.]  C 


13.     After  &\  and  the  various  words  that  have  the  sense  of 
,jt   the  jussive  has  the   same   meaning   as  the    perfect   (§  6) ;    as 

.•  J.   --    i  :  -  :  -      i      j  :  •     :  i       a   3  jj  *  j   a  >      a 

<»JJI  A^Jjtj  djjLJ  jl  ^Ssj^j^o  ^i  U  \yui^i  ,jl  whether  ye  hide  what 

a  *        a  i  -  a «•        - 

is  in  your  breasts,  or  disclose  it,  God  knoweth  it ;  j~±.  ,j-«  IjJjuu  U 

.'-:--     U/)/  y     -    a  a  ,  a  -     a 

aJJI  <sl«Jju  whatever  good  ye  do,  God  knoweth  it;  >iLo%. A  ^ji  J-o-*J  O] 
4-^c  w~^-5  UteJ'-d  *jL»c  (/j  now  that  thou  hast  become  a  Muslim,  thou 

*  "O     *      *3      a  j     a 

doest  a  good  work,  thou  wilt  be  rewarded  for  it;   J I  L»  \jyuauJ  ,jt  D 

a  j  a,       a      -  a  -      *    *  a  * 

^LJt  •-jjZsu  vj'jJ-*  If  Ve  do  us  justice,  0  family  of  Merwdn,  we  will 

j   a  r  so      jZ  a  j         lis        *  *  ai 

draw  near  to  you  ;  O^-JI  ^X^jju  tyyu  Lo^j!  wherever  ye  are,  death 

*    ,    a>o 

will  overtake  you;    ^jyyu  *UUji3I    a-il   ^Z*  when  I  lay  aside  the 

-      a  *  *      -      a  *      *  a  *       a    ,  ,       *     *  a      *  a  *      a  *  * 

turban,  ye  recognize  me;  ^)  k>-e.j  bjJLc  jju  quj^j  *9  4>a>^->.»  O-o^ 
v»5^  ^^?*  Ow  UaJLcu  //t?  k?Ao  seeks  our  protection  has  nothing  to  fear 
after  our  covenant ;  but  he  who  does  not  come  to  terms  with  us  will  pass 

24  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§14 

A  his  nights  without  sleep.  See  §  17,  c. — When  the  first  of  two  corre- 
lative clauses  contains  a  verb  in  the  imperative,  and  the  second  in 
the  jussive,  then  the  jussive  has  the  same  meaning  as  if  the  first 


clause  had  contained  a  verb  in  the  jussive  preceded  by  ^j\*  '>   e-§- 

isOs  s     s  s    oi      -s     i  j      j  is  . 

tjj^j  ^jtaj  jl  by>>  ^3^  IV«  they  said,  Become  Jews  or  Chns- 
tians,  {and)  ye  will  be  guided  aright.  Here  '>>>£>  is  equivalent  to 
t^jyu  jjf,  If  ye  become  Jews  or  Christians,  ye  will  be  guided  aright. 
See§  17,  c. 

B  [Rem.  a.      ±Ju£*   and,  according  to  the  school  of   Basra,   also 

s  s  0    s 

\~oJu£=>  form  an  exception  to  the  rule  that  the  jussive  may  be 
employed  in  the  two  correlative  clauses.  Many  grammarians  allow 
no  other  correlative  clauses  after  these  particles,  but  those  that  con- 

J/{(      J  s    0   s         s  0    s 

tain  the  imperfect  indicative  of  the  same  verb,  as  %X>a\  %~a3  ^-i*^"* 
as  thou  doest,  so  will  I  do.  See,  however,  an  example  of  the  jussive 
in  both  clauses,  §  17,  c] 

[Rem.  b.     After  *j)l  both  the  jussive   and   the  indicative  may 

»     j    is         OOs       si 

C         be    used   in  the  two   correlative  clauses,  as    ^MbU   Jj"*-*   *^'   an(^ 

t    }    i s       J     0  s       si  s  0   *   s  I  is        si 

A£>\j  J>i3  *i)t  wilt  thou  not  alight  and  eat?  ^Xjj^».I  ^^Ij  *i)t 
wilt  thou  not  come  to  me,  (then)  I  will  tell  thee  ?] 

14.  The  Energetic  forms  of  the  imperfect  have  always  a  future 
sense;  as  ,jjj£>UJI  ^>o  yjj^i  oJ&  o-f  l£a»->1  O^  if  thou  de- 
Uverest  us  from  this  (danger),  verily  we  will  be  of  (tlie  number  of)  the 
grateful;   Jliic  0->j-&$  *-^h  h  God!  I  will  cut  thy  head  of  (lit. 

D  strike  thy  neck).     See  §  19. 

2.     The  Moods. 

15.  The  Subjunctive  mood  occurs  only  in  subordinate  clauses. 
It  indicates  an  act  which  is  dependent  upon  that  mentioned  in  the 
previous  clause,  and  future  to  it  in  point  of  time  (see  §  11);  and 

*  [Trumpp,  Der  Bedingungssaz,  p.  369  seq.,  rejects  this  view  of 
the  matter,  making  a  distinction  between  the  jussive  in  the  apodosis 
of  an  imperative  and  that  of  a  conditional  protasis.] 

§  15]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  25 

hence  it  mostly  corresponds  to  the  Latin  subjunctive  after  ut.     It  A 
is  governed  by  the  following  particles. 

e  i 

(a)    a.    By  O'  that,  after  verbs  which  express  inclination  or  dis- 
inclination, order  or  prohibition,  duty,  effect,  effort,  fear,  necessity, 

permission,  etc.;    ^  O'   or  ^'   that  not;   and   ,jJ  (for  yj\  *),  i.e. 

O'  0&  *$  it  will  not  be  or  happen  that)  certainly  not,  not  at  all. 

For  example  :  ^*3I  J^j-k  j*J  O^1  O'  C*»e**b  Oijl  i"  wished  and 

Be-       «  *        ,  c      * 

desired  to  make  plain  to  them  the  path  of  learning ;  ,j\  ^Jl£>  w>W  ^   B 

,  j    0  „  *        B*       Be  'B* 

w."iX->  &?;  no  ong  wfo  can  tw/te,  re/itse  fo  wr/fe ;  ^>ij  u'  l^**5* 
aJUI  Lij^JbOl  wJJsu  ^l***"  '£  behoves  the  learner  to  strive  by  his 
seeking  after  knowledge  to  please  God ;  w~cuM  (J^i  O'  j^t^i  it  may 
be  the  accusative ;  i^J  j^-^  O'  ^  O&  *•*  V*-8  -k^^i  J^5  #<? 
(God)  said,  Get  thee  down  then  from  it  (Paradise),  for  it  is  not  for 
thee  to  behave  with  pride  in  it ;  [\J&  Jjwj  ^jb  £3^6  I  commanded 

thee  to  do  such  a  thing;]  ^j^>j^i  ^'  ^JU.1  ^1  I  am  afraid  he  will  0 
not  leave  me,  or,  in  accordance  with  a  particular  idiom  of  the  language 
[§  162],  I  am  afraid  he  will  leave  me;  j^  ...1  •}).  «£bu«  U  what  hath 

2  *■       j  0  *        &  Si£       £       j     .'  ~?       *  £  *  *     6   * 

hindered  thee  from  worshipping  (him)?  ojjot*  Ubt  y\  jUJI  U...^0-'>  O* 
the  fire  (of  hell)  shall  certainly  not  touch  us  save  for  (shall  certainly 

touch  us  only  for)  a  certain  number  of  days ;   *}M   iiaJ  I   J^-^xj   \J$ 


j^jLcu  j  I  byb  O^  O-*  none  shall  enter  Paradise  save  those  who 

i  -   ^J-  Z  *  -  3ii*o     +  *Be      3    *  * 

are  Jews  or  Christians;  ^1  ^  O^  C5**"  u*jN'  P"J^*'  Cj*^  -^  "^ 
therefore  not  quit  the  land  (of  Egypt)  M/?fr7  my  father  gives  me  leave.  D 
[Rem.  If  we  wish  to  indicate  that  the  thing  ordered  or  resolved 
upon  has  actually  been  done,  the  verb  may  be  followed  by  ^>l  with 
the  perfect,  as  Ljtf  I^IjsLj  o'  j**5  *^>'  l*L»-,  ,jl  jj3  Q  ^bJ  Ail 
ot/"fer  God  had  decreed  to  call  them  to  life  for  the  first  time  (as  He 
did),  He  decreed  to  call  them  to  life  a  second  time  (see  Fleischer, 

Kl.  Schr.  i.  525  seq.,  ii.  356). — In  later  times  ,jl  with  the  indicative 
of  the  imperfect  is  often  employed  as  the  equivalent  of  ,jl  with  the 
w.   ii.  1 

26  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  11 

j    o  j  -  *  s      #e  »■      .-  w  't.    o  i     j    o  j 

A        subjunctive,  as  in  the  verse  C~ojj  ^.slx^J  lj*£.  >ejw5l  ,jl  w*oj  UJM» 

w^l  <<Jl  as  o/i!ew  as  /  intend  to  send  onward  some  good  deed  for  my 
future  life  and  to  repent  toward  God  (see  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  526 

(/?)     But  if  the  verb  to  which  (j'  is  subordinate,  does  not  indicate 
any  wish,  effect,  expectation,  or  the  like, — and  the  verb  which  is 


governed  by  &\   has  the  meaning  of  the  perfect  or  present, — the 

indicative  of  the  perfect  or  imperfect  is  used  after  &\  I  as  O'  i5**^"^ 

B   v2^o.3  it  pleased  me  that  thou  stoodest  up ;  JU>  ,jl  ^s-\  I  know  that  he 

j    ss     a  t     j* &£  St  i  t 

said;  j>\^i  O'^o^'  ^  Awow  £Aa£  Ag  es  asleep.  As  ,jl  awoo7,  on,  with  a 
pronoun  (<ul,  etc.),  is  more  usual  m  such  clauses,  the  native  gram- 
marians  designate  tjt,  when  it  has  the  same  meaning  as  o'  ano- 
governs  the  indicative,  by  the  name  of  £L*3I  sj*  AAAs^oJt  ^j\  the 
'an  that  is  lightened  from  the  heavy  form,  or,  more  shortly,  <UUui^»)l  o' 
the  lightened  'an ;  but  when  it  is  equivalent  to  the  Latin  ut,  they  call 
C  it  *uoU3l  jjl  £/jg  '«»  that  governs  the  subjunctive  (^»ycJ>^\  cjUa^JI). 
After  verbs  of  thinking,  supposing,  and  doubting,  when  they  refer  to 

the  future,  ^>l  may  govern  the  indicative  of  the  imperfect,  as  JUAa^t, 

or  the  subjunctive,  as  i*oLM ;  e.g.  j»yu  o'  *2*iJ9  /  think  he  will 

get  up. 

Rem.  a.     ^1  is  in  these  cases  4jjjuo*o,  that  is  to  say,  ^jl  with 

the    following  verb   is    equivalent    in   meaning   to  the  masdar   or 

D         infinitive  of  that  verb;  e.g. ^i  j+±,  \^^c3  ^lj  and  that  ye  fast 

is  better  for  you  (\yoy*a3  ^jl  ==^X«Lm©)  ;  >l)j3j\  ^jl  Ji-»jl   /  wish  to 

visit  thee  (i|j>jt  O'  =  ^jki)  >  *£-»*  O'  1^5^**^'  =  ****V  ^;-:*-gl- 

Rem.  J.     The  omission  of   ,j!  before  the  subjunctive  is  very 
rare;  as  Lfcyia^  0j-«  or<i(sr  /m?i  ^o  iwy  i<;  d)Jk»»U  ^3  j,>aJUt  JA 

«ue  the  thief  before  he  can  seize  thee ;  and  in  the  verses  li  [yj\  *$\ 

§  15]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  27 

^jJliJ  v£jl   J*  OljJjT  j^wl  \^tj  ^^1  j-a».l   iJ>^lpl    0  thou   A 

</ia<  hinderest  me  from  being  present  in  battle,  and  from  taking  part 
in  amusements,   canst  thou  make  me  live  for  ever?* — The   grain- 

0  i 

marians  tell  us  that  some  of  the  Arabs  construed  jjt  always  with 

J  ic     * g    J     ' 
the   imperfect  indicative,   as  jb^Ju   ^j\   J»Jj'   /   wish  tliee  to  stand 

up ;  and,  according  to  the  reading  of  Ibn  Muheisin,  Kor'an  ii.  233 

it  La  J I  ^Jj  ^jl  _>ljl  ^j^i  for  him  who  desires  to  complete  the  time  of 

suckling;   whilst  others  let  it  govern  the  jussive,  as  in  the  half-   B 

verse  y>h>  '■  ju-oJI  UjLj  ^j\  .Jl   I^JUJ  come,  until  the  game  comes 

(or  is  brought)  to  us,  let  us  gather  firewood. 

»  £ 
[Rem.  c.    Sometimes  ^jt  seems  to  have  the  meaning  of  lest,  for  fear 

that,  as  in  the  verse  j>j\j  u°5^*  O^*  **«>  **•  *"-*>?**  O!>o*  C&  J-** 

tj*ct  ^1  /  have  given  iAmr  ibn  'Imran  a  hundred  camels  for  a  young 
beast  unable  to  rise,  for  fear  lest  I  should  be  blamed  (Hamasa,  p.  256, 

L  3) ;  A*i^li  j  jm  V5*!-i  O'  r-*^— ^'  Co»*fcl  -f  ^"^  prepared  arms  for    Q 
year  that  an  enemy  should  come,  in  which  case  I  may  repel  him ; 

LoJblj^l  j£sj£»  U-fcljL»-<  J-iJ  O'  /or  /ear  ^  f^e  one  °f  them 
shoidd  make  a  mistake,  hi  which  case  the  other  may  remind  her 
(Kor'an   ii.    282).     In   these   and    similar    phrases    (Kor.  iv.    175, 

vi  157,  xlix.  2,  Lane  p.  106,  b)  the  interpreters  supply  iiiU*-*  or 

2jb\j&.  In  others  it  may  be  explained  by  the  preceding  words 
implying  a  prohibition,  as  Kor.  xxxv.  39,  Tab.  i.  657,  1.  8,  3026, 

1.  2.     In  the  verse  (Hariri,  Dorrat,  88)  L>j\3^\  lij^L]  vjl  iL-ojt   D 

w-jl^.  >*j    ^>*C..^JI    s.a.^j^. — JJL-ojl    may  have   the  meaning  of 

r  J)  x   '  2 

^ljjk».l  /  MYirH.  <Aee  fes£  thy  near  r 
poor  return  disappointed.     D.  G.] 

^  j  ■*  *  & 
2)jjka>.\  I  warn  thee  lest  thy  near  relations  shoidd  praise  t/iee,  but  ilie 

*  [Beidawl  on  Kor'an  ii.  77  reads  j<\n»\,  adding  that,  if  ^j\  is 
omitted,  the  verb  is  put  in  the  indicative.  R.  S. — Comp.  Hamasa, 
p.   438,  1.   6  seq.  and   see  also   Lane  p.   104  c,  on  Kor'an   xxxix.  64 

j  Jit         -     Jjt/       L   *?  '  s  * -i 

28  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§15 

A         (b)     By   J   that,   in  order   that  ([called   ^^  v»*i)]    originally   a 

.   .  t>   *       a    *  0  i 

preposition,  Vol.  i.  §  366,  c) ;  Si^=>,  L5#,  and  <j^,  that,  in  order  that ; 

s  0  s  st>   s  is 

*$•*£*,  %*&,   and  *}UJ,   that  not,  in  order  that  not;  particles   which 
indicate  the  intention  of  the  agent  and  the  object  of  the  act.     For 

j  it  >o     s  s     ,     as         a  j 

example :    <tUl    >zX)  jS>aJ    yj    repent,    that   God  may  forgive   thee ; 

s     s  s^tO  s         J  s  J    s  s   s         sbfO        ,*  s  vi     s9         J        0     J  0>O  SS    0    y  0     £  sOs 

b*}LJI   ^js-  ou$*aJ  2us\jti\    %j   aAJI  ^-^1   iJL~ j  ^j\  ^J^i  it  behoves 

the  Muslim  to  ask  God  (who  is  exalted  above  all)  for  health,  that 

-B   He  may  preserve  him  from  misfortunes ;   ^£»  aaXas  Lw  c-Jxto.  lit 

%Z*>  s  s  6  s        s       3  s 

jloUJI  ,-U  aJ!  ijju  when  you  learn  anything,  write  it  down,  so  that 

j J    i     I         sis 

you  may  constantly  refer  to  it ;  j^Js-S   U-^=>   that  I  may  prepare 

J  *  s  j       0     -  jCi  s  s  sjiiijuls 

them  ;  I^oJjCJ  ^i  lj-o-k«J  learn  that  ye  may  teach ;  O^3'  £)*$  "*->*l3 

s  0  jd"?      sCii- 

\j^tX^\  Jjt  and  I  am  ordered  (this)  in  order  that  I  may  be  the 
first  of  the  Muslims  (of  those  who  surrender  themselves  to  Him) ; 

#       ..        -  sa  s        s  o  , 

Uilo   ^^oXxJ    U-j£)  that  thou  mayest  know  me  to  be  speaking  the 

*         .-    -  0    s        s  0    s  s  J 

C   truth ;  IjJI»-j  ^jj^^aj  t-o-»£»  CH^J-*  ^w  desirest  to  take  me  as  thy 

J       s      0*»       sis         s  6  s  s        I  A  »       +  »  s        ts 

fowr  together  with  Halid ;   w>U£JI  J>J*u  *i^j£»  »^i  J^^i  ,J*i*Lj  ^ 
w  Aaw  wo£  occupied  ourselves  with  giving  an  account  of  this,  in  order 

*>s    tit>ss    s    as     ts     i     s       is      s  a  s 

that  the  book  might  not  become  too  long ;  sX+^y  (J-o  aJji  C>3^i  ^e^9 

0  i  0 

j£±a  that  it  (the  spoil)  may  not  be  a  thing  taken  by  turns  among  the 

0    Is     s  s  s  s  0    sis  s   0   s 

rich  of  you ;  j&JKs  U  ^ke-  \$~j\3  %Si  that  ye  may  not  grieve  over  what 

0     Oss  ut    s    s   0   1       uJs         s       1  s    s         svi 

D  escapes  you  ;^JjJb  obi»jL»»>  *^U3  ^Xi'^  J 13  l*Jl  he  said  this  only  in  order 
that  learning  might  not  be  disparaged. 

0  t 

Rem.  a.     After  ^J  the  grammarians  assume  the  ellipse  of  jjl, 
which  always  appears  before  the  negative,  *}ID.     The  insertion  of 

is  0e      0   f 

^j\  is  allowable,  as  1^5*^  <£Jj£».,  or  I^St  ^^,  /  a??i  come  to  thee  to 

s  0  }0-o       sit       s  J    t       0    t  J    0      Is 

read  (whence  some  translate  ^^Ju«^JI  Jjl  0>^'  O*^  *->*l3  ty 
anc/  /  am  ordered  to  be  the  first  of  the  Muslims) ;  except  when  it  is 

§  15]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  29 


the  )±a*^hJ\  j»*$  or  lam  of  denial,  i.e.  when  it  is  the  predicate  of  A 

^j\£>  U  or  ^Xj  ^J,  as  j^  OJlj  ^yjjJtJ  <*JJl   0^»   ^  #<*?  ««» 

it<        3     J  -      3, 

not  one  to  chastise  them  whilst  thou  wast  among  them ;  joj  ^jiLj  ^J 
,  0-^  H  t_^v  J  Zeid  teas  not  a  man  to  drink  nine. 

J  Z       -     3     ,3*>  - 

Rem.  b.     The  addition   of   Sljj  jk*a+}\   I*   appears   sometimes  to 

S     ,  3  '  3 '     3 -       '     3t       , 

interrupt  the  government  of  ^i),  as  in  the  verse  sjUj^J  wJI  lit 
«JUj  *  j  Aj  LiKj^"*  i<i«JI  L3^H  U->^  j-a*  */*Ae?i  f^oii  cans*  no£  benefit, 
then  harm;  for  nothing  is  expected  of  a  man  but  that  he  should  harm    B 

a  i 

or  benefit.  Sometimes  ^1  is  added  to  strengthen  the  regimen ;  as 
Igjkaajfj  ^*j  ^jl   U-^  <A«<  fAou  may  est  deceive  and  beguile ;   U-j& 

*  3  s        <■  *       3   i 

^.Zjjii  j-^so   ^j\  that  thou  may  est  fly  to  my  village. 

(c)  a.  By  ^»~  (also  originally  a  preposition,  Vol.  i.  §  366,  k), 
until,  until  that,  that,  in  order  that,  when  it  expresses  the  intention 
of  the  agent  and  the  object  of  the  act,  or  the  result  of  the  act,  as 
taking  place  not  without  the  will  of  the  agent  or,  at  least,  according  to 

his  expectation.     For  example  :    £^j   i^j^  l>**^^   *s*^  ?~J**  <•>*    ^ 

L*~>fe  UJI  ice  icill  not  cease  to  stand  by  it  (worshipping  it),  till  Moses 

return  to  us;  bt^o  0&.  ^^-v0*^'  cM  J-«^'  u-°  <*4  *$  ire  must 
meditate  before  ire  speak,  in  order  that  our  words  may  be  appropriate ; 
^UxM  ^c  a KiUj  i<^-  u-^J'  Uvl-cl-i  M  ^jl  ^»r^  he  must  not  weaken 
the  spirit  so  that  he  is  hindered  from  acting ;  u..\s*A,i  sli  ,jt  <U  ty^i 

*       3  J      3%      J  *         I  £   '       J    '  *  3  J3  * 

^yjjjub  jt  <*-»*5l  ^5*»-  d«*i  jiht.lj  te//  yfo'w,  //'  ^  eho<j$es,  to  sit  down  D 

«/*</  ^H-^  w^  Ais  ^«w^,  that  I  may  force  him  to  rise  or  he  force  me  to  sit 

down. — /?.  But  if  ^^^  expresses  only  a  simple  temporal  limit,  or  the 
mere  effect  or  result  of  an  act,  without  any  implied  design  or  ex- 
pectation on  the  part  of  the  agent,  it  is  followed  by  the  perfect  or  the 

indicative  of  the  imperfect.     For  example  :  ^..^.tJI  c~«Jlb  ^f»-  hj^* 

*■  *  3i  i/         )))^ 

they  journeyed  till  the  sun  rose;  juul  ^»-  *->^  and  so  he  fled  till  he 

},     13,     ,        z ,       ,     , 

got  a  great  way  off;  4jj*^j  ^)  i*i»-  v°j*  he  is  so  ill  that  they  have  no 

30  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§15 

A  .  110,1,  ,0,1  ,,,  5J/  5  a>      js- 

Aojoe   o/  A*s   living ;    ju*>    aJ   io-ui   ^i   ii*w   ^    Jjwj   ^J-dl  j->i. 

Oj-oJt  a^jU  j^j^-  <*AJI  #A#  &es£  o/"  wz^w  is  a  roa?i  ore  a  hill-top,  amid  a 

small  flock  of  his  own,  who  serves  God  until  death  comes  to  him. 

Rem.  a.     After   ^I»-  the  grammarians  assume  the   ellipse  of 

o  £  o  i        ,  a    , 

^j\,  and  say  that  it  is  equivalent  in  meaning  to  ^jl   .J  I  or  ^Ja, 

^        J^  i^  Sjio  0  _  0   i  ,       ' 

as  w>3^j  i«*»-  c*3*"^'  »— >^l  ^e<^  ^ie  f/tie/"  until  (^j\  .Jl)  Ae  repents 

0      ,  0    , 

B         or  that  (\Smy^  or  ,j£))  Ae  may  repent. 

Rem.   6.     In    some    cases   the    regimen    may   be    doubtful;    as 

aJJI  j-oj  ^yL*  djto  Ij-Ut  i^JJIj  Jj-. >ji\  jjJu  iya-  \^Pj_$  and  they 

J  ■" 
were  agitated  until  the  apostle  said  (J^ib),  or  so   that  the  apostle 

,  j  , 
said  (,J^su),  and  those  who  believed  ivith  him,  When  (will)  the  help 

of  God  (come)  /—In  fact,  after  ^J*.  four  constructions  are  possible, 

,,  i  o£  Zi  ,         ,     j»o         ..        jo 

which  may  be  exemplified  thus :    lyUiol    i*^-   iijiJl    .Jl   0^-<   / 
journeyed  to   el-Kufa   that  I  might  enter  it   (=  [»£») ;  O^w 

^  j  j  o£  Ct  , 

(]    ^_5*»-    I  journeyed  to   it   till  I  entered  it   (hist,   imperfect, 

,         ,  ,      .>•     -*  ^  j  j  o£  5  ^       jo 

<L*sUi  ^JLsfc.  <ul£».) ;    lyA^,sl  (*I»>  Oj-j  /  have  journeyed  to  it  till 

,  i*bto     ,  j  j   o£       ,t  5  ^  w^jo 

/  a/re  (now)  entering  it   (=  ^^)l    bl    i<*^)  ;    and  i<X».  O^w 
lyjjl^i  I  journeyed  till  I  (actually)  entered  it. 

(d)    By  v-i,  when  this  particle  introduces  a  clause  that  expresses 
the  result  or  effect  of  a  preceding  clause  (w~~JI  &,  A.W..JI  2'i,  or 

,       ,      0*        i*   , 

w><3  a>.  M    iLi).     The  preceding  clause  must  contain   an  imperative 

(affirmative  or  negative),  or  words  equivalent  in  meaning  to  an  im- 
perative ;  or  else  it  must  express  a  wish  or  hope,  or  ask  a  question  ; 

or,  finally,  be  a  negative  clause*.     The  signification  of  ^»  in  all  these 

*  [In  some  cases  the  indicative  is  employed  where  at  first  sight 
we  should  expect  the  subjunctive,  as  in  Kor'an  lxxvii.  36  ^J  jji>i  ^ 


^•jjux**   it   shall  not  be  permitted   to    them   to   allege   excuses   (they 

-  vol,,  0,,%l        ,  , 

cannot  excuse  themselves) ;    Hamasa  p.   407,  CUi.1   *$$   a*x»Xj  j»\   *%» 

0    1,0,, 

6jjuJl£  no  mother  will  weep  over  him,  no  sister  will  miss  him.     D.  G.] 

§  15]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  31 

cases  is  equivalent  to  that  of  ^i»-.     For  example :   w>j   b  ^  ^*tt  A 
«UaJI  J^oli  pardon  me,  0  my  Lord,  so  that  I  may  enter  Paradise ; 
JJk».l  ^  ^->«flJl  w»j  0  ?ray  Zorc?,  fo(p  tw^,  so  *^«£  /  be  not  forsaken  ; 

aJt^&jJu  order  him  to  sew  it;  ^)l  U» *....*  lii*  viLf**"'  <3^  ^ 
,jU»J»«»  0  camel,  go  at  a  far-stretching  gallop  to  Suleiman, 

that  ice  may  find  rest  (U*--«i  and  U^j^L-J  in  rhyme  for  la>  t •>  and 

f-tjZ-J) ;    «iU*l$  (^jjjk*.!^)   *j)  do  not  punish  me,  so  that  (or  lest)  I  B 

perish ;  £--f^  ujSl  ^i  S)j  j^-*^  ^-^  ^1  Lbo  <j  J^Jbl  0  6W, 
Aand  ms  wo*  over  to  ourselves,  lest  ice  be  too  feeble  {for  the  charge),  nor 
to  (other)  men,  lest  we  perish;  ^^^Ae.^SLis.  J*~J  a*3  lytfcu  *n)j  and 
do  not  exceed  therein,  lest  my  wrath  alight  upon  you  (or  become  due  to 
you) ;  4i*  Jjjuojli  *i)U  ^j)  C~J  ?«w/d  ^otf  I  had  money,  that  I  might 
give  part  oj  it  away  in  alms!  Wj,k&  Ij^i  jyii^^ys-o  c*i£»  ^  b 
0  would  I  had  been  with  them,  that  I  might  have  won  gnat  gain;   C 

^-     j£^     *    j  £         *t" 

&j3y&  ?-»■'  ^j***)  perhaps  I  may  go  on  pilgrimage  so  as  to  visit  thee ; 

a*M  ^f&-*\*  jl»>J'  ^  <*ij  J-*  is  Zeid  at  home,  that  I  can  go  to  him 
(=  tell  me  whether  Z.  is  at  home,  so  that  ete.)  ?  \jxsJ~3  sl*i£  ^*  U)  J^j 

UJ  Aare  we  then  any  intercessors  to  intercede  for  us?  *$\  j»\j&\  ^j\  U 
«£>>>•*»•  •**  U  j*A~Zi  yj3  0  son  of  the  noble,  wilt  thou  not  draw  near, 
that  thou  mayest  see  what  they  have  told  thee  I  iaia.J5  ^^  *%*  why 
dost  thou  not  study,  that  thou  mayest  learn  by  heart !  i*3j&~\  *^J  w>j  D 
Jj»*-«ti  <~*4j*  J"*-'  ^]  wy  Zorrf,  why  hast  Thou  not  granted  me  a 
respite  for  a  bnej  term,  that  I  might  give  alms?  t^j^-i  ^JU  ^-aij  *) 


sentence  is   not  passed  upon  them,   that   they  die;   tojo*^   UJU   Lo 
*Aom  /i^r^r  comest  to  us  to  tell  us  something. 

.  S      0       ' 

Rem.     The  imperative  must  be  pure  or  real  (^^xa^o),  not  an 
interjection  like  do.  nor  a  verbal  noun  in  the  accusative.     You 

say  >y-JI  y^y~^.\i  4*0  fold  your  peace  and  I  will  treat  you  kindly ; 

32  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§15 

1      WX>       1 

A  ^UJI  >oU*3  U>j£w  AwsA,  areo?  the  people  will  go  to  sleep.  The  negative 
clause  must  also  be  pure,  not  restricted  by  ^1,  nor  followed  by 
another  implied  negative;  e.g.  Lo,>o^9  UoUJ  *^l  C-Jl  I*  ^Aom  efos£ 

nothing  but  come  to  us  and  tell  us  something  ;  \£jjm*2&  U*3D  Jlp  Uo 
^Aom.  never  ceasest  coming  to  us  and  (never  ceasest)  telling  us  some- 


thing.     Consequently  we  may  say  LojuwJ^  t-^ti  to,  if  we  understand 

the  words  to  mean  thou  dost  not  come  to  us  and  (dost  not)  tell  us 

B         something    (=  LSjia*.!*    l*»).      [The    poets    allow    themselves    to   use 

..  O  *       1    i  at  r 

O   with   the  subjunctive  after  a  single  future,   e.g.   .Jj--*   j)j->\~t 

*         *  bis  .*  0*0         j   *  at *  *  + 

U*-jjJi»ilJ  jla»^JL»  ^aJt^  ^o-j^J  i«^J  I  will  leave  my  abode  to  the 
BeniL  Teniim,  and  betake  myself  to  the  Higaz,  that  I  may  have  rest. 
(Comp.  Jahn,  Erklarungen  zu  Sibaweih,  p.  53.)     D.  G.] 

(e)    By  j,  under  the  same  circumstances  as  \-fi,  when  the  governed 
verb  expresses  an  act  subordinate  to,  but  simultaneous  with,  the  act 

C   expressed  by  the  previous  clause;  as  UJj  «U»JI  IjAa.jJ  (j'^**?*** *■>*' 

•  £      O      ^     -    0  s    s  0     J    >  1     x        s  *  Z*0     jit     *0  *  b  * 

ijjjjLsJI  ^0J.*jj^0.£u  1jjj»l».  ,j>jjJt  xUI  ^oA*j  efo  ye  think  that  ye  shall 
enter  Paradise  without  God's  knowing  those  of  you  who  have  fought  (for 

1*  a  ,     %*,  ji       $    ,     ,b,      , 

Him),  and  knowing  the  patient  ?  ^Xtc  ^jUj  JU^.  O*  a-o  ^)  cfo  not 
restrain  (others)  from  any  habit,  whilst  you  yourself  practise  one  like  it ; 

-■      -      -        si     »  £  o    *  ,  ai     Zi         ,  i  si,  »«j      i    a  i 

OW^'i  i^-*^  O'  ^->^>i    j^jut  ^jl  >citj  ^^^1  C~Ui  awe?  /  sairf  (to 

her),  Call,  and  I  will  call  (at  the  same  time),  for  it  makes  the  sound  go 

D  farther,  if  two  persons  call  out  together ;  ^^j  03^3  **=*£■*■  «^'^' 

m>   *      b*0  *      j£  s    s0*O     J     J/0/ 

^U^bj  <o^©JI  ^XUjj  was  I  not  your  neighbour,  there  being  (all  along) 

,     ,    i    *>         11%,         0  , 

between  me  and  you  love  and  brotherly  affection  1  <^Lo_^Jt  J^U  Jjk 
^JJI  w^-uJj  do  you  eat  fish  and  drink  milk  at  the  same  time?  v~**3 
oyuiJI  yj~. J   ^>«   ^t   ^.y-fc-l   ^.Ut  ^aj^  SsLfr  and  the  wearing  of  a 

coarse  cloak,  whilst  my  eye  is  cool  (not  heated  with  tears),  is  more 
pleasant  to  me  than  the  wearing  of  fine  garments.     The  Arab  gram- 

§  15]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  33 

o    *  **»     j 

marians  call  ^,  thus  used,  <u*«JI  jtj,  or  *»aJl  ^,  or  ^..^.La^Jl  jl^,  A 
£ta  w«m>  o/"  simultaneousness,  and  explain  it  by  o'  £•* 

[Rem.     The  school  of  Kufa  allow  the  use  of   the  subjunctive 

Sj  *  *  a  -m         * ■ '         J       ^ 

also  after  ^  in  the  manner  of  o  and  ^,  e.g.  j»^s  ,-Xt  Ij^ju  ^ 
lyj  tJL+JU  ^oJ  *^Lo*1  do  not  upbraid  people  for  actions,  whilst  you 
practise  them  yourselves  (Tab.  ii.  887,  1.  1  seq.).     D.  G.] 

si  at      2 

(f)    By  y,  when  it  is  equivalent  either  to  o'  *^i  unless  that,  or  to 
O'  L5*!  or  (fc51*'  Mw^  that;  as^JL-j  _jl  jitfJl  ,>L3^  /  ivill  certainly   B 
AiY/  ^  unbeliever,  unless  he  becomes  a  Muslim;  SU5  O^i  lit  C~^j 

**a*  at,,     >)}***»* 

L»gfcLJ  j)  lyj^*£D  0^~^>ft^3  «??</  ?r^»  /  squeezed  the  spear  of  a  tribe, 

I  broke  its  knots,  unless  it  stood  straight ;  ^j*^-  ^'Jft*"?  ^  «ili«jJ'^  / 
wi/Z  s£w&  fo  3/o?^  £?7/  ##m  gr?w  me  my  due;  J)j)\  jl  wJusJI  (j^Xj—I-^ 
Vfc5u-0Jt  /  mu7/  deem  everything  difficult  easy,  until  I  attain  my  Irishes; 

/  /t  j/      .-       i  *     at      i  a  i       t        **        *i       *  ta  *  a*      *    i*       i  a  i , 

Ijjuus  O^oJ  ^1  UCJU  JjU*J    l©Jl  JJU-^  siJLJ  ^  <d  cJLii  and  I  said  to 

him,  Let  not  thy  eye  weep,  toe  seek  nothing  short  of  a  kingdom,  unless   C 

we  die  and  so  are  excused  (for  not  attaining  it) ;  ijjUJI  «->J>J  3^  >i^'  *^ 

/  will  not  go  to  thee  till  the  gatherer  of  acacia  berries  (or  leaves) 
returns  (i.e.  /  will  never  go  to  thee).  In  the  former  case,  the  preceding 
act  is  to  be  conceived  as  taking  place  but  once  and  as  momentary  ;  in 
the  latter,  as  repeated  and  continued. 

(9)  By  (jil  or  lit  in  that  case,  well  then,  when  this  particle 
commences  a  clause  expressing  the  result  or  effect  of  a  previous 
statement,  provided  that  the  verb  in  tln3_sjibj3rdinate  clause  refers 
tf>  a  really  future  time,  and  that  it  is  in  immediate  juxtaposition  to  j) 

iji\,  or,  at  least,  separated  from  it  only  by  the  negative  *$,  or  by  an 
oath,  or,  according  to  some,  by  a  vocative.     For  example,  one  may 

say  \j£  .iLJI  Ul  I  ivill  come  to  thee  tomorrow ;  and  the  reply  may  be 

*    *■    a   c-     a  *  s   s       t     *     a  s 

<&*j^\  jjil  well  then,  I  ivill  treat  thee  with  respect,  or  «lU*Al  ^  ,j3l 

*    *    a    i       ~  *e,     a  s 

well  then,  I  will  not  insult  thee,  or  *zLoj£=>\  aJJIj  jj}l  well  then,  by  God, 
w.  11.  5 

34  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§16 

A  I  will  etc.,  or  «2l^£»l  <UJI  juc  b  ,jil  (though  many  prefer  in  this  case 

*     J      t>     l  s  0    s 

.iLaj^l).     If  the  particle  _j  or  J  be  prefixed  to  ^il,  the  verb  may 

be  put  in  the  indicative  as  well  as  the  subjunctive,  e.g.  *^   lilj 
f     -     a      ■■  -  *  *  j s» ,      *     3s' * 

%JJ>  *9I  ^UJa.  (var.  t^JLLj)  (j^LL;  and  in  that  case  they  would  not 

have  remained  after  thee  but  a  little  while ;  but  if  any  of  the  other 
conditions  specified  above  be  violated,  the  indicative  alone  can  be 

,  3     I  f      -  s  j   -         <•  &j  f    e  + 

used  :  e.g.  ■iL^.l  /  am  fond  of  thee,  ISjiLo  (or  *£X)l».l)  ^LU3t  jjit,  well, 
B  /  think  thou  speakest  the  truth  (where  the  verb  refers  to  present,  and 

its     J       ji  #  *      J     0)        06s       0    - 

not  to  future  time) ;  Ijuj  jjjl  I  vnll  visit  ZUd,  <&-*)£>  j^j  (jil  w#// 
then,  Zeid  will  treat  thee  with  respect  (where  juj  separates  (jit  from 

-   J        li  J    s  0  ss         il  s3s        «    - 

the  verb);  «i)jjjt  I  will  visit  thee,j>jJ3  aJJtj  ^31  tffow,  &#  God,  thou 

'  »  -     '  j  »  l 

sAa/£  assuredly  repent  it  (where  J  is  interposed),  or  (j>t  ^Lo^st  I  will 

s     j    a    l    6    s        si 

treat  thee  with  respect  in  that  case,  or  *iL^£st  ^il  Ul  /  in  that  case 

m  m  1  s  »£     s     e  s  '■'  >os 

0   will  treat  thee  with  respect ;  JajI  ^  jjl  aJJtj  63/  GW,  ^«,  I  will  not 

s    «.     0  s  is     a 

do  it ;  ^3\  {Ji\  ^^b  Oi  ?/  thou  contest  to  me,  in  that  case  I  will  come 

6    s 

to  thee  (in  which  four  examples  (jit  does  not  commence  the  clause,  or 
is  dependent  upon  a  preceding  condition). 

Rem.     Owing  to  the  Hebrew  having  lost  the  final  vowels  of  the 
imperfect,   the  form  which  it  employs  after  such  particles  as   *5 

"lE^tf    \Vu?    *l£J^  \W    |3    etc.,  can  no  longer  be  distinguished 

from  that  which  expresses  the  indicative.  The  same  remark  applies 
D  to  the  Syriac ;  but  the  j92thiopic  has  introduced  another  distinction, 
using,  for  example,  the  form  gY^C, :  yendger  (root  Y\d,  :  nagdra, 
'  to  speak ')  for  the  indicative,  and  ^""J0!  C. :  yenger  for  the  sub- 

16.     Since,  in  Arabic,  the  subjunctive  is  governed  only  by  the 

conjunction  &S,  that,  and  other  conjunctions  that  have  the  meaning 

*  * 

of  0'>  ^ie  indicative  must  be  used  in  all  other  subordinate  clauses, 

whether  they  be  dependent  upon  a  conjunctive  or  relative  word,  or 

§  17]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  35 

simply  annexed  to  an  undefined  substantive ;  as  J«^'  U  ^Uafcl  fo  A 
grave  wra  w^atf  /  teas  to  m£;   w-*«xj  O-i'  l5jj^  "^  ^  ^^  n°t  ^now 

*  *       j  j  o  *  *  '       o  j  j        o  j  * 

where  he  is  to  go;  1^*3  yjjjla*.*  oU».v«vJ*.juw  he  will  bring  them 

into  gardens,  to  dwell  in  them  for  ever.  In  such  sentences  the  Arabic 
language  does  not  distinguish  the  intention  from  the  effect.  Hence 
the  first  example  may  also  be  translated  he  gave  me  what  I  ate  (at 
that  time),  or  what  I  am  (noic)  eating,  or  what  I  shall  (hereafter)  eat ; 
the  second,  where  he  is  going  or  will  go;  the  third,  in  which  they  shrill 
dwell  for  ever.  B 

17.     The  Jussive, — connected  with  the  imperative  both  in  form 
and  signification, — implies  an  order.     It  is  used  : — 

(a)    With  the  particle  J  ( j**$\  j**$  the  lam  of  command)  prefixed, 
instead  of  the  imperative ;  as  <C*~>  jj-«  Sxw  ^j  iS*~l  let  the  owner  of 

abundance  spend  of  his  abundance ;  &ij  UJLt  cA*^  let  thy  Lord  make 
an  end  of  us.     If  the  particle  j  or  *J  be  prefixed  to  J,  as  is  often  the   C 

case,  then  J  usually  loses  its  vowel ;  as  <j^«j*JI  J^yiJi  aJJI  ^jJLcj 
*»  GW,  £fon,  fe£  ^  believers  trust ;  ^0...i.:)j  *~lli  »i\>l».  ,-j  *1>j^».  ^jl 
tjib  J-j*--  ^ifc  (/"  anything  happens  to  me,  let  it  be  sold  and  (the 
proceeds)  divided  in  such  and  such  a  way ;  IjJb  L*At  ^Ju  ^jl  jljl  ,j-o 

«9        J  0       JJr). 

icLJI  d&jlAs  itL»  whoever  wishes  to  give  up  (the  study  of)  this 
science  of  ours  for  a  time,  let  him  do  so  now.  It  is  the  third  person  of 
the  jussive  that  is  chiefly  used  in  this  way,  while  the  second  is  very   D 

rare ;  examples  of  the  first  person  are  j&  J-o*$i  '>*y>  rise  and  let 

i  j      -  -  e       o  'S* 

me  pray  for  you ; ^^bbUa*.  J^a>.;Jj  and  let  us  bear  your  sins;  [of  the 

second  aj>»&)  make  it  (the  tray  of  palmleaves)  large,  said  to  a  woman, 
Ag.  xvii.  90,  last  line.     D.  G.]. 

Rem.  a.     The  particle  ^J  is  rarely  omitted  in  classical  Arabic, 

* }  t    *■  *i    *        A^c^  ...»   »  6   ,*  i  -  J     0  J 

except  in  poetry;   e.g.    U^».  i«J^   O^     *■*)'■>  *i^  v'^   cJJ 

36  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  17 

A         lftjUk.3  /  said  to  a  porter  in  whose  charge  was  her  house,  Admit  (me), 
for  I  am  her  father-in-law  and  her  neighbour  (an  instance  of  the 

2nd  pers.);  ^-Jii  ,J&  >£k«Ju  jJu  jc»a>.^  Muhammad,  let  every  soul 

be  a  ransom  for  thine  ;  w»«a.'  &~t>  j^.U  £y&  t>&3  but  let  there  be 

.- > s  jst  »/«/ 
(granted  to  me)  from  Thee  a  share  in  good  (deeds) ;  SuiXi  ^Jjkl  ^Xsu 
„,  i  -»  ,  ''_ 

tUstoJI  jj-iijl^  let  the  feeble  people  of  the  fortress  of  Maridin  know — . 

Some  passages  of  the  Kor'an,  however,  admit  of  being  viewed  in  this 
way;  as^jfeLSjj  Iq~o  IjJiioj  S^XcJt  \yo^Jj  \yU\  ^>jJJI  ^.>LjO  ^Ji 

B  say  to  my  servants  who  have  believed,  let  them  observe  prayer  and 
spend  (in  alms)  of  that  which  we  have  bestowed  upon  them ;  but  the 
jussive  may  here  be  explained  in  accordance  with  what  follows 
under  c,  (3. 

Rem.  b.     The  vowel  of  J  is  also  sometimes  dropped  after  ^j  ; 

as  ^ov**-*   Ij^gJLJ  j£  then  let  them  do  away  with  their  dirtiness,  or 

(b)    After  the  particle  *>)  not  (^^^  *$  tlie  la  of  prohibition),  in 

C   connection  with  which  it    expresses  a  prohibition  or  a  wish  that 

something  may  not  be  done ;  as  Uato  aJJI  ,jt  Cli*^  *$  be  not  grieved, 

for  God  is  with  us ;  U*~J  ^J\  UJui.1^3  *n)  Ljj  0  our  Lord,  punish  us 

not  if  we  forget;  fUjt  O-i/*^'  Oj-*-*.*-^'  **»»*j  *$  let  not  believers  take 

0  J  s         *  *         *    0    *  0  *    b  *    s  *        * 

unbelievers  as  friends;  juu  *$j  JmLo  &*  ^*»^»-  ^  '3'  w^ew  we  <7y 

forth  from  Damascus,  let  us  not  return. 

D         (c)    a.     In  the  protasis  and  apodosis  of  correlative   conditional 

clauses,  which  depend  upon  ^1  or  any  particle  having  the  sense  of 

O'  (§§  6,  b,  and  13).     It  stands  in  the  protasis,  when  the  verb  is 

neither  a  perfect,  nor  an  imperfect  preceded  by  0^>  Du^  a  simple 
imperfect ;   and  in  the  apodosis,  when  the  verb  is  likewise  a  simple 

imperfect,  and  not  separated  from  the  protasis  by  the  conjunction  \J 

(for  if  this  latter  be  the  case,  the  indicative  must  be  used).     For 

0  s  0 ,     0,0,    » 
example  j»j^j   J**.*.!*   &\   if  Mwu  art  hasty,  thou  wilt  repent  it; 

§  17]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  37 

aj  j^i  \%y~>  J-»*»  £>*  he  who  doth  evil,  shall  be  recompensed  for  it ;  A 

j3yo  j^.  Ubjuc  jU  j^»»  jia»J  ojU  _w  ^J]  ^'ju  dJ'J  ^-s  wAin  Mom 
comest  to  him,  making  for  the  light  of  his  fire,  thou  findest  the  best  of 

m  jit   *       ,*      0**3         0      *  0  '         /J»/ 

fires,  beside  which  is  the  best  of  kindlers ;  <*JJI  -iU  jjuu  ^,JLL..J  U-Ld. 
O^j^  yi^  ^  l».U»J  wherever  (or  whenever)  thou  shalt  pursue  a 


right  course,  God  will  decree  thee  success  in  the  time  to  come;   to-ijt 

-        >  *  -  -   .    ,'         J        _    a  *  *  0  * 

yj^j  lyJ-^oJ  »-jjJI  whithersoever  the  wind  bends  it,  it  bends;  t»**^» 
Ij-oi.    ^jlcJ    ttt^lj   however   thou  settest  out,   thou  wilt  meet   with   B 

J  *    )        *  *   J  o  J         -       '0  «•  it        *    is        '         *    t-s  w*       *    *  * 

good  fortune;  Jjla*-»  *^  UC.^;  U  ^-i  U.1  LJU  ^LJU  .^31  ,JUU. 
m^  two  friends,  however  ye  come  to  me,  ye  come  to  a  brother  who  will 

*   *       -  ,0  ,      0    ,c+      /  «    I>      *     Si 

wwr  oo  anything  but  what  pleases  you;  1}!^  Ij/*£  ^>«Ij  ^U«y  ,jbl 

«      <»        .•-.-,       2        *    oi o-o  o  3     o* 

\jS^-  JjJ  j^  U*  jj-o^t  J) ju  j^  when  we  grant  thee  security,  thou  art 
secure  from  (all)  others  but  us;  and  when  thou  dost  not  obtain  security 
from  us,  thou  ceasest  not  to  be  afraid;  Jj^i  p-ij)\  aj  Jjuu  U  ,jW^ 
and  whenever  the  wind  turns  it  asida,  it  descends;  but  ju^j  O^  O-*   0 

<yj»-  ^  aJ  ,jp  S^.'Njt  *t^».  whosoever  chooses  the  tillage  of  the  life  to 

•  *  <■    •   a  ••  • 
co?ra,  fo  n«7w  %>«''  we  grj're  an  ample  increase  in  his  tillage;  j£*  Jjj— .j  ^1 

.f »..       *  3  *      %i        **  * 

s^3  ^yt>  a)  -.1  ^w  (/"  fo  steals,  (why,)  a  brother  of  his  has  stolen  before; 

2**        **  *    0    *  3      *    *         **         *t*  0         fr  3       0      *•• 

Uaj  ^j  l«^j  olai-j  *ib  4j^»  ^><^j  4,>»i  ana7  whosoever  believes  in  his 

Lord,  shall  not  fear  a  diminution  (of  his  reward)  nor  wrong. — /?.  The 
jussive  also  stands  in  the  apodosis,  when  the  protasis  contains  a  verb 
in  the  imperative  [or  one  of  the  expressions  that  have  the  meaning  of  J) 

an  imperative  (Vol.  i.  §  368,  rem.  d)] ;  as  l£U  ,>&  t*^  c£*  live 
contented  (and)  thou  wilt  be  a  king ;  ^=>j^su  v»ijl  ^j^ju  I^JjIj  be 
faithful  to  (your)  covenant  with  me,  (and)  I  will  be  faithful  to  (my) 
covenant  with  you.  [J^>^>  ^>3jj*  therefore  let  her  eat;  Ji3t  ^j^f* 
t^yo   let  me  kill  Miisa;  <uiaj    j»-*^'    l^***   ^  me  s^  his  belly; 

38  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  17 

A  ^a*jjI«J  jl  ^juoJfc-3  ^UU  ^^aJ  OU«.  WA^  i^^^j  «??e?  mi/  saying 

to  my  soul,  as  often  as  it  was  stirred,  Keep  thy  place  {and)  thou  wilt  be 
praised  or  find  rest.]     In  this  way  may  be  explained  the  passage  from 

the  Kor'an  quoted  under  a,  rem.  a,  viz.  by  supplying  after  l^ul  the 

words  \5Aiu\3  SjJ-cJ!   I^**5I,  and  regarding  \^SJJJ^  S^loJI   \^Ju  as 

the  apodosis  to  Ji". — y.     The  jussive  is  used  in  a  protasis  that  is 

dependent  upon  \j\,  etc.,  because,  when  anything  is  supposed  or 
assumed,  an  order  is,  as  it  were,  made  that  it  be  given  or  take  place. 
B  That  this  is  the  correct  account  of  the  matter,  is  evident  from  the  fact 
of  the  jussive  being  employed  in  the  apodosis  as  well  of  an  imperative 
as  of  a  conditional  protasis.  The  use  of  the  jussive  in  the  apodosis, 
again,  has  for  its  reason,  that,  when  a  thing  takes  place  or  is  assumed, 
whatever  depends  upon  it  takes  place  or  is  assumed  at  the  same  time  ; 
and,  consequently,  when  the  one  thing  is  ordered,  the  other  too  seems 
to  be  ordered  at  the  same  time. 

Rem.  a.     It  appears,  then,  that  in  two  correlative  conditional 
clauses  several  modes  of  expression  are  possible ;  viz.  (a)  perfect  x 

Q         perfect,  as  C— ©.3  C**i  ^j\  if  thou  standest,  I  stand  ;  (/?)  jussive  x 

jussive,  as  j a»  ■!»  ^S^i  ^jt  if  thou  art  slothful,  thou  wilt  suffer  loss\  ; 

*  [It  is  sometimes  difficult  to  say  whether  the  second  clause 
contains  an  apodosis,  or  a  qualificative  sentence  (<Lk*o),  or  a  circum- 
stantial  definition  (Jl^).   In  the  last  two  cases,  of  course,  the  indicative 

J     *        vJ   *        /     4j/      0  toss 

must  be  used.     E.g.  in  the  words  ^^»  LJ3  «ibjJ  ,j-«  ^  w*y9  (Kor'an 

D    xix.  5)  <jive  me,  then,  a  successor  of  Thine  own  choice,  who  shall  be  my 

heir,  i*3j->  is  a  asuo,  but  some  readers  pronounce  ^<^j-j  as  an  apodosis; 

in  the  passage  *1©JI  IJuk  vj-^J  J-kJ'  IJ^>>  ^j  u~**j  ^  iJttle  Ut> 
O^oJI  U-Jb  if***  JjW  leave  us  (may  God  grant  thee  health!)  abiding 
under  this  shade  and  drinking  this  cool  water,  until  death  comes  to  us, 
JL;j6  and  op  are  a  JU.]. 

t  [Very  rarely  poets  have  the  imperfect  indicative;  see  Slbaweih 
i.  388,  Kamil  p.  78.     D.  G.] 

§  17]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  39 

o     *      oo. 

(y)  jussive  x  perfect,  as  C^iii  j~a3  ^j\  if  thou  art  patient,  thou  wilt  A 


prevail ;  (8)  perfect  x  jussive,  as  jjJaJ  Oj--e  ^jl,  in  which  case  the 
imperfect   indicative   is    also   admissible,   with   or  without    o,   as 

3        *  '*  *  9        "  *         -  3      3*  **   0    ,         ,0,  9  *         3    *i        3         * 

friend  comes  to  him  on  a  day  {when  h#  has  need)  of  asking,  he  says 

J        i '  0  3' 

(jjjyu  instead  of  ,JJL>),  My  camels  are  neither  absent  (or  my  property 

5**3***3**  3* 

is  neither  hidden)  nor  withheld  (from  thee):  iXSUh.  w>jaM  C-Jl^  ^jli 

j)j~£  J^a-"*  *})  ^Jj-»t  ,<*  aj^Jsucu*  a?i^  t/"<A«  Arabs  go  about  in  agitation    -t> 

on  thy  track,  they  will  not  find  any  other  but  thee.  The  third  form 
of  expression  is  rarer  than  the  others.  [The  following  remarks 
may  here  be  added :  (1)  If  an  oath  precedes,  the  verb  in  the 
protasis  is  invariably  a  perfect,  whilst  as  a  rule  the  indicative  or 

3       *  it  *>** 

the   energetic    (§   19,   e)  is  used  in  the  apodosis,   e.g.   ^JL'   <*JJI^i 

'  0*-  3  0  *         •  *  0  *       3    +   + 

lyJt   %af-y  *$  l»»i«  Csft^tt.  for,  by  God !  if  thou  go  forth  from  the 

3:3*03***3  i   Ml* 

town,  thou  wilt  never  return  to  it ;  O-o-iU  J*ij  J&*  O'  *^'3  by  God  ! 

m  m  3£'0c*     90*      ***o  *i  *c* 

%f  Zeid  rises,  I  rise  also ;   &*~cj£s*$  j^j  eL*.  ,jt  aJUIj  by  God !   if  C 
Zeid  come,  I  will  honour  him.     There  are,  however,  exceptions  not 

*     *  *         3  3  3         *        3        *  J|<0        3  Oi  * 

only  in  poetry,  but  also  in  prose,  as  ,<oUi  ^^  O^  *^'  ^3 

3  M   *0      **  s         3  3*     *  it     tO  0  3*  3     0  it    *0 

aJJI  glw  ^1  S^ly^JI  j«^aj  *^  j-odl  by  the  oaths  of  God!  if  I  meet 

them  and  victory  escapes  me,  martyrdom  will  not  escape  me,  so  God 
will   (Tab.    ii.    644,    1.    15).      (2)    The  jussive   in    the    protasis   is 

necessary  if   the   verb  be  preceded  by  the  negative  *^,   thus  after 

d  *        :  9*0***  Oi  0*0  0*3  33*3      3*3*        '- 

*$\  (=  ^)  oi)  if  not'  as  j^^  jl—ij  u^j^  L<*  *-->•  0&  oj-UaJ  ^1 
unless  ye  do  the  same,  there  tvill  be  discord  in  the  land  and  great   J) 

3  *  tO  3*     *  *       0**3       3      30*       H 

corruption;  aJJI  oj*cu  jSi  oj^-cUj  *^)1  if  ye  tvill  not  aid  him,  certainly 
God  did  aid  him.  (3)  The  imperfect  indicative  is  used  in  the 
apodosis,  if  the  verb  is  meant  to  express  expectation  or  order,  e.g. 

*    Oi  0*0  3  *        3  *         *        0    3  Oi  *  3   3%***  333*        030*         3       0  *  Oi       3 

(Jt^W^I     ^S      dJj«X»J     U^LjJuL     ,JjJk».U5     ^J^Cf.yim3  J^S-     O-rfh^l     £)\ 

*     Oi  *  *  ~        3 

^Li^tj   O^H   o-o  if  I  let  you  go,  ye  must  go  and  take  what  of 

implements  and  timber  you  find  in  the  bazaars  (comp.  §  8,  c,  rem.  b). 
(4)    If  the  protasis  be  a  nominal  sentence,  only  the  perfect  may  be 

40  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§17 

A  used,  as  6ya»M>  .iJjlaJiwt  yj^sjJi^i]  ,j*o  j*a~\  ^j\j  if  any  one  of  the 
polytheists   ask  protection  of  thee,  grant  it  him.     (5)    After    ^j\$ 

o-  a      -     9  o  * 

though  only  the  perfect,  or  the  jussive  with  ^J,  is  used,  as  (jt j  j>jj 
,J~OteO  aJU  j2&  Zeid,  though  he  be  rich,  is  stingy;  2>jii\  w~J&M  ^j\^ 

v^*a>J  <ul^  O'i  lV'  L5,*a*^'  ^-^W-  O-"0  a?w^  verily  a  solitary  hill 
from  the  side  of  tl-Hima  is  dear  to  me,  though  I  have  not  been  to  it. 
(6)    In  nominal  sentences  the   conditional  phrase  is  often  placed 

B  between  the  subject  and  the  predicate,  as  (J^j^-oJ  <*JJI  slw  <jl  Ut 
truly,  if  God  please,  we  shall  be  guided  rightly  ;  comp.  the  quotations 
under  (5).] 

Rem.  b.     On  the  cases  in  which  the  apodosis  of  a  clause  con- 

0  ; 

taming  ^jt,  or  any  of  its  "sisters,"  must  be  introduced  by  o,  see 
§  187. 

Rem.  c.     (1)  "When  we  have  in  an  apodosis  a  verb  in  the  jussive, 
and  there  follows  another  verb  in  the  imperfect,  connected  with  the 

former  by  a  conjunction,  then  (a)  if  the  conjunction  be  ^  or  j,  the 
C         second  verb  may  be  put  in  the  jussive  or  in  the  indicative,  more 

j    j   o  j     oi      e  j     jii  -  jtj      a      <• 

rarely  in  the  subjunctive,  as   o^sl^J  jl  ^SLJu\  ^3  U  IjjlJ  ^lj 

llLj  y^o  w>Juuj  2lw  ,j^i  jAkJ  <»JJI  aj^Xj-jU*-;  and  if  ye  disclose 

what  is  in  your  soids  or  conceal  it,  God  will  reckon  with  you  for  it, 
and  will  forgive  whom  He  pleases,  and  punish  whom  He  pleases ; 

or  jijuj  and  w> Jjuj,  and  He  will  forgive  and  will  punish  (^j^ 
\j\£ZJ*§\  as  beginning  a  new  proposition) ;   or   finally  jJuui  and 

*    -/  -  j  -  «! 

J)         ^Jjtjj,  governed  by  ^1  understood ;  but  (/3)  if  the  conjunction  be 

J^5,  the  subjunctive  is  not  allowed  [comp.  §  15,  e,  rem.].  (2)  When 
we  have  in  a  protasis  a  verb  in  the  jussive,  and  there  follows 
another   verb   in   the   imperfect,    connected   with    the   former   by 

»»i  or  «,  the  second  verb  should  be  put  in  the  jussive,  although  the 

subjunctive  is  allowable ;  as   *~au  *)  4-Ul  jjli  j-~ajj  Jilj  ^-o  <su| 

',■•■    f  o11  j4*S  verily  whosoever  feareth  God  and  hath  patience,  God 

W  0        ^  0  s      Q      s    s 

indeed  will  not  let  the  reward  of  the  righteous  perish  ;  U-o  w>/i»J  0-*5 

§  19]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  41 

■  j      ,    .     :    *  , 

«3^3   XmosLj^  and  whosoever  approaches  v<s  and  humbles  himself,  toe  A 
grant  him  protection. 

Rem.  d.  The  Hebrew  cannot,  owing  to  the  loss  of  the  final 
vowels,  distinguish  in  every  case  the  jussive  from  the  indicative  and 
subjunctive ;  but  the  shortened  form  of  the  imperfect,  wherever  it 
exists,  is  the  proper  one  to  be  used  in  most  of  the  above  cases.     It 

has,   however,   no   particle   corresponding  to   jj,   and  uses   7J$    in 

certain  cases  instead  of  X  7  (*9)-    The  .^Ethiopic  employs  the  shorter 
form  of  the  imperfect,  f^VlC^ :  y$ng&ri  *°  express  the  jussive  as   B 
well  as  the  subjunctive  (see  §  15,  rem.),  and  often  prefixes  to  it  the 
particle  A  :  Id  —  ^J,  of  which  ,J  is  a  dialectic  form. 

18.  The  jussive  is  also  used  after  the  particles  ^i  not,  and  \+i  not 

O*  *      j»  £  -o     *  *       *  to*    *i      0** 

yet  (compounded  of  ^i  and  the  a*^,»jJI  U,  §  7) ;  e.g.  O^*  ^yi  j'  ^* 

i         *      *  *  t>   i 

W^b  y£s\  but  I  hate  not  seen  a  day  in   which   there  were  more 
weepers;  w>!J^  'V-3-^  ^  they  have  not  yet  tasted  my  punishment   C 
(for  ^IJlc).     See  §  12.     The  verb  after  ^  and  i+i  has,  however,  only 

the  form,  not  the  signification,  of  the  jussive,  and  their  effect  upon 
the  following  imperfect  seems  to  be  similar  to  that  which  the  Hebrew 
wdw  conseciitivum  (•))  exercises  upon  the  imperfect  annexed  to  it. 

Rem.  If  the  particle^  be  followed  by  two  or  more  imperfects, 
of  which  the  second  depends  upon  the  first,  the  third  upon  the 
second,  and  so  on,  then,  of   course,  the  first  alone  is  put  in  the 

J     y    0  -  10'        0      J  '        Oy 

jussive ;  e.g.    ^--—j  wi/au  ^jSJ  ^i  he  did  not  knmv  (how)  to  swim.   D 
See  §  12,  and  §  8,  d,  e. 

19.  The  Energetic  of  the  imperfect  (see  §  14)  is  used  : — 

(a)    With  the  particle  J  truly,  verily,  surely,  prefixed  to  it,  both 
in  simple  asseverations  and  in  those  that  are  strengthened  by  an  oath  ; 

as  UL-w  ^yijjkyj  UJ  l« jJkU*.   v>J*^b  an^  those  who  have  striven  in 

*  *  Ota     2  j  y 

our  (holy)  cause,  we  will  surely  guide  in  our  paths ;  ^-a*^*Jt  ^}jZi 
w.  11.  6 

42  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  19 

A  ye  shall  surely  see  hell-fire;  O^0^^  p-8*-*^  cM>*  U*  verily  within  a 
short  time  they  will  repent  it;  w^l  la*  ^^  ^-^Jj^)  <*JJ'j  %  GW/ 
I  will  teach  you  manners  different  from  these;  ^o^o^-i^)  jXjjjus 
^j-gptfc  1  £/^w,  by  Thy  glory,  I  will  surely  lead  them  all  astray. 

(b)  In   commands    or    prohibitions,   wishes,   and    questions ;    as 
(j3^L»..o  ^o^'j  *9t  CP^-o-5  ^  50  ^°  n°t  die  unless  ye  have  become  (or 

B   without  having  become)  Muslims ;  ^jjl».j3  »UlJ  would  that  thou  wouldst 

s  *  o*    at  c  -     i  i     *  -•  - 

CMW0    &«C#  /     v>|j-^     ^'     w%    <fo^    ^w    wo^    C07W0    &WH  ?     [jjA«h.jJ    Jjkj 

C-wJ  a*-aaJ!  O^i  &m£  caw  "would  that"  bring  bach  the  thing  that  has 
passed  awayV\j>\+a*$  \s^z«  ^k.^\  j*$j  jXs^jb^S  ^M  »x».t  o-*%H  ^ 
fe£  wo  o??e  incline  to  hang  back  on  the  day  of  battle,  fearing  death ; 
5jU».  £j£.  *}15U  ^ji*cja*,j  *}U  do  not  then  refuse  me  a  gift,  after  I  have 

come  from  such  a  distance;   [La  I  a  &*>j\  *$  let  me  not  see  you  here; 
C    ^XxJu  L>)  ^LX&  C-^-JM  /  beseech  you  to  do  it]. 

[Rem.     The  rare  construction  of  L>Jj  with  the  energetic,  as  in 

i^oyu  LoJj  perhaps  you  will  rise,  is  explained  by  native  grammarians 
as  due  to  its  meaning  perhaps  or  sometimes  which  approximates  to 

a  prohibition.     In  contrast  to  it,  they  say  also  .^JUi  O^"*-*   '•*  J*^> 

you  say  that  often.     D.  G.] 

(c)  In  the  apodosis  of  correlative  conditional  clauses,  in  which 
case  J  is  prefixed  to  the  protasis  as  well  as  to  the  apodosis ;   as 

*)    AAJt  ^jJ^JLJ  j^*)\j  t_^»^uJl  ^giii.ij  t/*)*^'j  Ol^^.«»Jl  iP>a»  ^j-o^^e^JJL/  \^yi^ 

and  if  thou  ashest  them,  Who  created  the  heavens  and  the  earth,  and 
obliged  sun   and  moon   to   serve  Iliml    verily  they  will  say,    God; 

iwoUb  UA....J  <&*i^o)  »>y  verily,  if  he  does  not  desist,  we  shall  seize 

and  drag  (him)  by  the  forelock. 

[Rem.     If   jj  does   not  immediately  precede  the  verb  of   the 

ii  m>         _  ,      bj»    j      ai      oZj       a     ,, 

apodosis,  the  indicative   is   used,  as   aJUl   ^i*)  ^XnS  jl  ^Lc   jj^j 

§  20]  The  Verb.— 2.    The  Moods.  43 

-    *  *  » 

(Jj^it.a»J  and  certainly,  if  ye  die  or  are  slain,  to  God  shall  ye  be  A 

(e?)     In  the  protasis  of  a  sentence  after  Ul   (=  U  yj\  if)*;   as 
>zkj*o\  t  juj  o-ir^  *-*!  (/"  ^0M  beatest  Zeid,  I  will  beat  thee ;  t^k-Jbl 

^    ;  -  -        *  a  *       *+       »      *  i      *    *      i    -  -  #  j  -         z  i  z.-  is        i  -       #        -        -  .- 

^y-Xc    J^i.   *}U    ^IjkA  £*3    O-"^   L^***  L5?9  -o^"**5^    ^    >*■-»*■    V^ 

^  ye  down  from   it  (Paradise),   all   together;    and  if  there  shall 

(hereafter)   come   unto  you  guidance  from   me,   then   whosoever  shall 

a  }*'  -  s-      a  * 
follow  my  guidance,  on  them  no  fear  shall  come;   ^i  ^yijJuj   Uli   B 

o  j  -  i  -      a    '      a         o  -  -■  '  s   '  a<o 

^ov"^*-  O-*  J*fl  >j*-*  Ti^**-"  and  lf  thou  capture  them  in  battle,  then 
put  to  flight,  by  {making  an  example  of)  them,  those  who  are  behind 

la*  t  a  2  j    -      *  -  j  *         f  ri         *  sa>o      *  5     *»  *        S> 

them;    Lo^-o   ^j^a-jXi   -OjJJ   ^1   ^J^**   t«*»-l  j-*~JI   O-*   CHj-'   ^*^ 

and  if  thou  shouldst  see  any  one  of  mankind,  say,  Verily  I  have  vowed 

a  fast  unto  the  God  of  mercy ;  ^jy^iu.^  sty**  ^  ^  O-?*^  ^-*^  and 

if  we  take  thee  away  (by  death),   we  will  surely  avenge  ourselves 
on  them.  G 

- 1  a  * 

[(e)     The   energetic   may   be    used   (a)   after   UA>*-    and   similar 
compounds,  as  »5XjI  0->j£>  U~j»-  wherever  you  may  be,  I  will  come  to 

you;   (/?)  after  i^l^f  U  (Vol.  i.  §  353*)  as  oiili  £  -4*^  with 

&?m«  painstaking  you  will  certainly  accomplish   it;   &*>j\    U   D-***1 
*tvYA  sowtf  e^  /  ivill  assuredly  see  thee.] 

2o.  article  can  be  placed  before  the  imperative.   D 

Consequently,  Awieu  a  prohibition  is   uttered,  the  jussive   must   be 

Ct   i-a>o      *  s     a  &  to  a  *  a  *     * ,  a*  a  *      a     i  as 

used ;  as  4*5^1  ^1  ^k^^l  ^  J^»»5  *$3  CHjiA  ^'  remain  two 
months,  and  be  not  in  a  haste  to  run  from  one  'imam  to  another ; 

*  [This    Uo    is    called    hjJJ\    ,<*«    ju£>U    Lc   to   strengthen    the 
conditional  meaning,  Beidawi  on  Koran  vii.   33.     R.  S.     Sometimes 

S  *    a     a    £  e-s       2 

Lol  is  followed  by  a  jussive,  as  ^JLe^dt  .j^jIj  Ut  if  thou  come  to  me,  I 
u?'dl  treat  tliee  with  honour.     See  an  example  §  152,  d,  rem.] 

44  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§21 

A  >6*«  l>*^3  (^5^  ^J**-*  *^  <&>  w<#  ^A^w  place  me  on  a  level  with 
{compare  me  with)  one  who  is  inexperienced. — The  energetic  forms  of 
the  imperative  serve  to  increase  its  force ;  as  O-i^'  ^W  strike,  by 
God  I  wjo«j  c£**JI  J>b  O'  0-o^*5  learn  that  length  of  life  is  a 
punishment  or  torment  (^^Juu   in  rhyme  for  w*jJuu)  ;    iijj)  2bj*£M 

Ji3l^  ly^aJ^  A~oyAa*~o   <xi  asuo  glory  belongs  to  God  (alone),  as  an 

attribute  peculiar  to  Him;   therefore  keep  thyself  afar  from  it,  and 
B  fear  (Him). 

[Rem.  a.     In   verbs  that  signify  to  go,  to  move  (,-ct*,  »_^Aj, 

si        s      s  -  s      s  s     s 

,J»t,  %ef.y  9-\j,  jb\.i,  etc.)  the  dual  and  the  plural  of  the  first  person 
of  our  imperative  are  often  replaced  in  Arabic  by  an  imperative 

s        Z  Cl  ■&    ~  s  0  s  » 

with  ajjuCJI  ll)  (§  56,  rem.  d),  as  Uj  uau«\  to  a  man,  Uj  ,<-fit«l  to  a 

s       s      o  *  3  a  ,      ,  t> 

woman,  Uj  U-iuol  to  two  persons,  Lo  \^m\  or  Uj  ^j^aA  to  more,  let 

us  go.    A  modern  manner  of  expressing  the  same  thing  is  to  employ 

0         the  imperative  of  a  verb  signifying  to  let,  as  p-jjj  (UjJli.)  UJL».  or 

3  s  s      3   s  s  s  s  0  s 

•.jjj  (Uj*,>,  U*£.>)  Ufr.>  (comp.  Fleischer,  if7.  aS'cAt*.  ii.  636  se^.). 

Rem.  6.  The  imperative  of  the  verb  ^j\^s  with  the  name  of  a 
person  in  the  accusative  is  used  to  express  one's  guessing  that  the 
person  whom  one  sees  coming,   or  whom  one  meets  with,  is  that 

individual,  as  ji  bt  |J>£»  /  presume  that  the  person  approaching  is 

Abu  Darr;  j^jj  L»l  ^>^  /  guess  that  you  are  Abu  Zeid.     (See  the 
D         Gloss,  on  Tabarl.)     D.  G.] 

3.     The  Government  of  the   Verb. 

21.  The  verb  may  govern  either  (a)  the  accusative  of  a  noun,  or 
(b)  a  preposition  with  the  genitive  of  a  noun,  which  takes  the  place  of 
the  accusative  and  gives  greater  precision  and  accuracy  to  the  ex- 
pression.— This  government  is  not  restricted  to  the  finite  tenses  of 
the  verb,  but  extends  to  the  nomen  verbi  or  actionis,  the  nomina 
agentis  and  patientis,  and  other  verbal  substantives  and  adjectives, 

§  23]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a,)  The  Accus.     45 

whenever  and  in  so  far  as  these  different  kinds  of  nouns  contain  A 
somewhat  of  the  conception  or  nature  of  the  verb. — The  verb,  too, 
need  not  necessarily  be  expressed ;  it  may  be  understood,  or  it  may 
lie  concealed,  as  it  were,  in  a  particle  that  has  a  verbal  force. 

(a)     The  Accusative. 

22.  The  verb  governs  the  accusative  of  the  noun — which  we  may 
call  the  determinative  case  of  the  verb  or  the  adverbial  case  (see  Vol.  i. 

§  364)— either  B 

(a)  as  an  objective  complement  (determinans),  i.e.  as  that  which, 
by  assigning  its  object,  limits  and  restricts  the  act ;  or 

(b)  as  an  adverbial  complement  in  a  stricter  sense,  indicating 
various  limitations  of  the  verb,  which  are  expressed  in  non-Semitic 
languages  by  adverbs,  prepositions  with  their  respective  cases,  con- 
junctive clauses,  or  (as  in  the  Slavonic  languages)  by  the  instrumental 

23.  Most  transitive  verbs  take  the  objective  complement  in  the   C 
accusative,  though  a  considerable  number  of  them  are  connected  with 
the  object  by  means  of  a  preposition.     Not  a  few  are  construed  in 
both  ways  with  a  variety  of  significations,  and  different  prepositions 
may  sometimes  be  joined  to  the  same  verb  with  a  difference  of 

meaning;  e.g.  *\*)  he  called  him,  \jSL>  <xi  Uj  he  prayed  that  he  might 
receive  something  as  a  blessing,  <suXc  b,>  he  cursed  him*;  [^  w*tj 
S<_<£JI  he  coveted  the  thing,  &+£■  w*cj  he  shunned  it].     In  other  cases  a 

transitive  verb  may  be  construed  indifferently  with  the  accusative  or  D 
with  a  preposition  and  the  genitive,  the  former  being  the  older  and 
more  vigorous,  the  latter  the  younger  and  feebler  construction  ;  e.g. 

j>JLc  to  adhere  to,  to  attach  oneself  to,  and  <>aJ  to  adhere  to,  to  overtake, 

are  construed  indifferently  with  the  accusative  of  the  person  or  with 

*  [In  d)  lc,>  he  blessed  him  and  aJLs  lt,>  he  cursed  him,  the  object 

aJUI  has  been  omitted.  The  proper  signification  is  he  prayed  to  God 
Jar  him  and  against  him.     D.  G.] 

46  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  23 

A  ^   and  the  genitive.     More  rarely  the  converse   is  the  ease,   the 

accusative  being  the  later  and  less  correct  construction ;  e.g.   ij*  to 

have  finished,  to  hive  done  with,  is  construed  with  ^c,  and  *-U»-t  to 

ham  need  of,  to  be  in  want  of,  with  ^1,  whereas  in  modern  Arabic 
both  take  the  accusative. 

Rem.  a.     Transitive  verbs  are  called  by  the  Arab  grammarians 

J  f  »J   f  f    i'iiO        J     f  OeOf 

ZjjjCL<i)\  vJUi^l,  and  they  designate  by  this  name  not  only  those 

B         verbs  which  govern  their  object  in  the  accusative,  but  also  those 
which  connect  themselves  with  it  by  means  of  a  preposition.     The 

-       Hi       if  *i"J0'O      i    sCsi'. 

former  are  distinguished  as  ly~JuL>  tbjmZpJI  jJUi*})l  the  verbs  that 
pass  on  (to  an  object)  through  themselves  (and   not   by  help  of  a 

*    Of         if  vissJOs      i    fOiOf 

preposition)  and  the  latter  as  lA/**J  ajjuu^M  JUi^l  the  verbs  that 
pass  on  {to  an  object)  through  something  else  than  themselves  (viz. 

vi    f  0       f  ##  **   f   ^ 

j^.  y_«jt.  *  through  a  preposition).     For  example,   %Xj  to  reach,  to 

Of  *ffi  9  0 

arrive  (of  a  message,  etc.),  is  a  a,...a^,>  juu*  (J*9,  because  we  say 

iff  OtO  f  f  f  f   f  f 

C        >»a»J!  L-S**^  ^m  news  reached  me  ;  but  j jj>  to  have  power,  to  be  able, 

OfvlffiQO  '  f 

is  a  dj-j*J  j^jCLo  ^si,  because  it  is  construed  with  ,«Ap,  and  we  say 

'is**  L5^  J"**  ^e  was  a^e  io  ^°  soniething. 

Rem.  b.  Only  careful  study  and  the  use  of  the  dictionary  can 
teach  the  learner  whether  a  verb  is  construed  with  the  accusative, 
or  with  a  preposition,  or  with  both ;  and,  if  more  than  one  con- 
struction be  admissible,  what  are  the  different  meanings  that  the 
verb  assumes.  Here  we  merely  remark  that  verbs  signifying  to 
D         come,  which  are  construed  in  Latin  and  English  with  prepositions, 

Off  f  f 

admit  in  Arabic  also  the  accusative ;  as  j^[c  UsW.  'Amir  came  to 

Ot  0f3  f       Oi  0  f        itf         rfffiOfOffOtf         fffiOiO        W 

us;  u^j^l  jUail  ^  ^yjy>k  s!/^1  >^bl*  zWj-*11  u'  strangers  and 
tJie  sons  of  t/ie  great  come  to  me  from  (all)  quarters  of  the  earth 
(compare  in  Hebrew  X3  with  the  accusative,  e.g.  Ps.  c.  4,  Prov. 


ii.  19,  Lament,  i.  10).     Hence  these  verbs  have  in  Arabic  a  personal 

0     f  f      I 

passive,  so  that  we  may  say  %^J^i  ,«Jt  he  was  come  to  with  a  thing, 

§  24]    The  Verb.—S.   Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  Tlie  Accus.    47 

i  e.  it  was  brought  to  him,  the  active  construction  being  t^yLt  otfl   A 
he  came  to  him  icith  a  thing,  i.e.  he  brought  it  to  him. 

[Rem.    c.     The    place    of    the   objective    complement    may   lie 

«       y        <t/      it      j    a    * 

supplied  by  an  entire  sentence,  as  w-jl»-  'j»Jj  O'  ^-o-^  J  know 
that  Zeid  is  going  forth.  Comp.  §g  35,  b,  /3,  78,  88,  114.  It  may 
not  be  superfluous  to  note  here  that  the  verb  Jli  to  say,  or  a 
derivative  thereof,  is  followed  by  ,jl  if  the  saying  to  which  that 
verb  relates  is  repeated  (£>b£».),  as  «.*—^JI  UXl5  Ut^oyJ^Sj  and  their   d 

saying,   Verily  we  have  slain  the  Messiah  ;  ^Xi  L*JJ?  Ul^lXS  ,jjli 

^  a  ^  ^      a    j  ^ 

U^JJs  ^^Xi  a?w/  {/"  ye  say  £/*«£  ice  did  wrong,  (pur  anstcer  is)  ice  did 
no  tvrong  (ffa?nasa  55) ;  ^513  t juj  ^t  oJJ  /  sata7,  Verily  Zeid  is 
standing.     But  when  •  the  following   words  explain   what  is  said, 

5  £  j(      $/   /         $    /  «         //       J  tj      t/ 

^1  must  be  used,  as  in  the  saying  ^jt  U..,a.  U'^s   -iJU   wJIS  jJ 

»_   ^      -  5£^         s       ..      ^    ^£ 

jjj'c  ^JUlj  ubp  ,*)bl  /  Aare  saw?  to  £/ie<?  a  cooc?  saying :  that  thy 

j  •   3  £  *c       j     Ji.        *       j*£ 

father  is  noble  and  that  thou  art  intelligent ;  j^a-\  .J  I  J^St  t-«  ^jj'    ^ 

^i  o  -  £ 

aJJI  the  first  word  I  speak  is  that  I  praise  God.  The  conjunction  ^j\ 
is  used  also  when  J15  has  the  meaning  of  ^jj»  to  think  (§  24,  rem.  e) 
as  JULla^o  <*JI  jJ^aj  iji*  ?M«»  t/ostf  thou  think  that  he  is  going] 
whereas  wJkli  <ikt  ^J>*J  i***°  would  mean  when  dost  thou  say  that 
tliou  art  going  ?] 

24.  Many  verbs  take  two  objective  complements  in  the  accusative, 
either  both  of  the  person,  or  both  of  the  thing,  or  the  one  of  the  D 
person  and  the  other  of  the  thing. — These  verbs  form  tiro  classes, 
according  to  the  relation  of  their  objects  to  one  another;  the  first 
class  consisting  of  those  whose  objects  are  different  from,  and  in  no 
way  connected  with,  one  another,  the  second  of  those  whose  objects 
stand  to  one  another  in  the  relation  of  subject  and  predicate. — («)  To 
the  first  class  belong  all  causatives  of  the  second  and  fourth  verbal 
forms  (Vol.  i.  §§  41  and  45),  whose  ground-form  is  transitive  and 
governs  au  accusative  ;  as  also  verbs  that  signify  to  fill  or  satisfy,  give, 
deprive,  forbid,  ask,  entreat,  and  the  like,  the  most  of  which  have 

48  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  24 

A  likewise  a  causative  meaning.    For  example  :  *£jyM  ^c  a^Ac  he  taught 

him  the  science  of  astronomy;  ^^.1  3jj\  tjuj  C-^jj  I  gave  Zeid  my 

brother's  daughter  in   marriage;  j-«^)t    ^io^cl    he   informed  me  of 

the  thing  (lit.,  he  made  me  know  it) ;  |U  ^jJt  *jJ-«  he  filled  the  bucket 
muYA  water ;  lj-*»»  <uuwl  Ae  &tf  /aim  #«£  as  much  bread  as  he  could 
(!>*».  *w  he  ate  as  much  bread  as  he  could) ;  »JL-JI  a+mJ»\  he  let  him 

£  *       )    b    s       4   $    *  2  0*         0  •  * 

B   taste  the  sword  (ran  him  through  with  it) ;   2uy*m*  !/*».  Ijuj  \yut 
they  gave  Zeid  poisoned  wine  to  drink;  w>U£)l  aUacl  he  gave  him  the 

book ;  j**l\  aAJI  asjj  God  gave  him  his  life;  sJ^i\  »Uj  he  gave  him 

ft  *  *  de  tit  *>    *  *  *  s 

milk  in  abundance;  lj*w  ^juLil  he  recited  a  poem  to  me;  <UJI  U^xcj 
ajju*n)I  3^*a*JI  6W  «as  promised  us  everlasting  life;  a=>^j  aJJI  <l^». 
^JL*)l  God  has  deprived  him  of  the  blessing  of  learning  ;  jUJt  w>t*xc  1^5 
C  preserve  us  from  the  punishment  of  Mil-fire  (J>  imperative  of  ^5j, 
Vol.  i.  §  178) ;  yUJl  <*JUt  J—»l  asjfc  pardon  of  God ;  [LJi  aJJI  j»*2~>\ 
-yn~,  »  C~J  /  beg  forgiveness  of  God  for  sins  that  I  am  not  able  to 

count  (comp.  §  70,  rem.  e) ;  <su   O>»ol  U  J*ili  j*»»"   >iXj^l   /  have 

enjoined  thee  {to  do)  the  best ;  do  what  thou  hast  been  ordered  to  do]. — 
(b)  To  the  second  class  belong  (a)  verbs  which  mean  to  make,  appoint, 
call,  name,  and  the  like ;  and  (/3)  those  verbs  which  are  called  by  the 

D  Arab  grammarians  w^-UJI  JUit  verbs  oftJis  heart,  i.e.  which  signify  an 

act  that  takes  place  in  the  mind,  or  ,jU~».jJI  3 1  »iUJtj  ,>*iJI  JU3I 
verbs  of  certainty  and  doubt  or  preponderance  (of  probability),  such  as 
^(j  to  see,  think,  know,  [ Jjjt  (pass.  IV.  of  \j\j)  to  think,  believe],  J^s. 
to  know,  j^.j  to  find,  perceive,  ^jj*  to  know ;  JU.  to  think,  imagine, 
^fio  to  think,  believe,  s^-.*-  to  think,  reckon,  suppose,  ^c-j  to  think, 

deem,  S*  to  count,  reckon,  IjL»-  to  think,  opine,  J*».  to  believe,  think, 
^*yi  to  imagine,  fancy,  J13  in  the  sense  of  to  think,  and  the  im- 

§  24]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.    49 

o  Z, ,  o    , 

peratives  ^oJ*j  learn,  know,  and  w*a  suppose,  think.     For  example  :  A 

*    •  •  tit  tot*    J  J*        *  *   *  &* 

(a)  Lwlji  uaj^\  j£$  J*»-  l^jJ'  who  hath  made  the  earth  a  bed  for  you  ; 
Uuj^l  O-jlaJt  O^c  I  have  made  the  clay  (into)  a  jug ; ^t^j-i\  «*JJt  jai»Jlj 
"iLJU.  «W  6W  took  Abraham  (for)  a  friend  ;  £)\jJ  <*IJI  ^^-a?  w«?/ 
God  make  me  a  ransom  for  thee !  Liuj  jj-JI  yjAj^xZ  )ji  and  it  (Fate 


or  Fortune)  turned  their  black  hair  white;  \j>+a*~e  <su>£a  /  called  him 

vi  *  Si  to      ,     -  ,  *t ,  ,  10*    ,         0  ,      J  JO  2  *  * 

Muhammad ;  ^jC^S  ^ijio  ^Xa^oJI^Jjo  a^j*-^  and  I  named  it  (my   B 

book)   '  The  Instruction  of  the  Learner  in  the  Pa&  of  Learning'; 

2      *  j  s  o  *  s    o  Jvt  a  *      -  -  t>fO   Zt  *  £    j   y.  * 

(/?)  Ijljij  Ajjjl  j*c>\  they  indeed  think  it  far  off;  Jt»-  JiaJI  JJ».t  Ootj 

*t,  10*> 

^»JjtoJI  /  f/»w£  ^e  e?«ty  we  owe  fo  a  teacher  the  greatest  of  duties  ; 

**+      ,    1         0    ,        _   j        ^/t   (     /Ji  <i       i     oi, 

aJjUwo  %^>  J^  >*^»'  <*JJ1  wolj  /  /how  £^a£  God  is  the  greatest  of  all 

t-        ,         #   0  ,  1       ,    oi 

in  power  of  will ;  [LJW.  J^w  jjjp  ^>j|  where  thinkest  thou  that  Bisr  is 
sitting  ?] ;  »J>j^x«Jt  JiM  ^iZ+Xe-  I  know  that  thou  art  liberd  in  the 

,  ,  ,       o i, ,  a  i        ,  o    ,  ,       o     , 

exercise  of  bounty ;    ,^>JL>liJ  ^j^s\    Uju».j    ^\j   and  verily   we   C 

f         ,  4     0,         l  1  0    ,    , 

found  most  of  them   evil-doers;    l+J^.   b».w   ajj^j   /  found  him 

-       '  £  tO,  1     ' 

a  mild,  or  gentle,  old  man;  i)l».l  ljuj  J^-l  /  tf#m£  i^'d  is  thy 
brother;    3-^15   <Ut«JI    ^^fcl    Uj   #?*<£  /  do   //o^   think  the  hour  {of 

judgment)  is  at  hand;  W-bj  2)l«wJ  /**•  5>»J'j  j,^**^  o^...*.  /  deemed 
piety  and  generosity  the  best  merchandise  in  respect  of  profit ;   ^j 
Ul^-al  aJJI  J-j*->  ^i  I^Xii  i>i*^'  Q-:-'»a>.'>  and  do  not  deem  those  dead  D 
who  have  been  slain  on  God's  path  (i.e.  fighting  for  their  religion) ; 

,     0 

0*>  *     ,         ,  ,0,0*  jOs        ,, 

jiiJI  ^3  ^y^jjii  ^J>«JI  iJ«5  *jU  do  not  then  reckon  the  mauld  (or 

J       0  L         10    1 

client)  a  sharer  with  thee  in  (his  time  of)  affluence ;  $^r*.\  w~£»  j3 

_,         ,  i  o  ,       ,1  i ,    ,  , 

iij  U.I  jj-6*  bt  I  supposed  'Abu  fAmr  to  be  a  trusty  friend ;  l>bt».j 

I    0  w  •«     1    , 

UU!  sj*a-j}\  ^Lc  j^o  ^>->JJI  a£U-oJI  ««c?  #^  believe  the  angels,  who 

no,,,        to,      iio,, 

are  the  servants  of  the  Merciful,  (to  be)  females ;  aZ+ZJJt  )j^c  <uXaa» 

AV.    II. 

50  Part  TumD.Syntacc.  [§  24 

,  mtj'JJsflijt 

A  I  thought  he  was  a  slave,  and  so  I  abused  him  ;  ^$^i  ^^>  J>^  ^V^' 

*    *  j      be-      s        c     j  o  . 

UJ-fclswX*  j»\  <£iol  j^sti  by  thy  father 's  life,  dost  thou  think  the  sons 
of  Lu' ay  are  ignorant,  or  {only)  pretending  to  be  so?  (in  rhyme  for 
£jAit\aJZ*t>) ;  \ajj&  j^.5  u~&ii\  i\*Jj  ^ju  know  that  the  healing  of  the 

0* ,      Z    *  -       *i  0      i      )    a  i  * 

soul  is  the  conquering  of  its  enemy;  ^~-v*  *$\s  «iUU  Ul  ^jj-*-'  oJ-ii 

l£)U  \*j*\  and  I  said,  Protect  me,  0  'Abu  Malik,  and  if  not,  deem  me 

a  lost  man  (in  rhyme  for  IflU) ;  \su  jlo  ^tXi  ^.Ufc  suppose  me  a  friend 
B  of  thine. 

Rem.  a.     Of  the  two  objective  complements,  that  which  is  the 
subject  is   called    Jj*^)l   J^Jti^JI  the  first  object,  and  the  other,  or 

vi  to       j       JO  *9* 

predicate,   (<JU)t  JjjuLpJt  the  second  object. 

% ,  s    ,    s  my  OiO      j    ,  ti 

Rem.  b.     When  verbs  like  ^j\j  and  jl».j  are  mere  j^-a^Jt  JUil 

or  ver&s  of  sense, — i.e.   express  nothing  but  acts  of   the  external 
organs  of  sense, — they  may  still  be  connected  with  two  accusatives, 

but  the  second  accusative  is  no  longer  a  ^U  J^*a*  or  second  object, 

0      - 

Q         but  a  jjl*.  or  circumstantial  accusative,  i.e.  an  accusative  expressing 
a  state  or  condition  of  the  object  in  actual  connection  with  those 

acts;  e.g.  L©jU  ^^j'j  I  saw  thee  sleeping,  Uojj-*  huj^j  I  found  him 

sick  (in  a  state  of  sleep,  of  sickness*).     In  these  and  similar  phrases 

i*  *   *  * 

^\j  and   jkA-j  may  often  be  translated  by  the  very  same  words, 

o  *o«*       j    s  si  vi    *  b/o      j   ,  di 

whether  they  are  w~U)l  JU3I  or  ^^aJt  JUil ;  but,  in  the  latter 

case,  the  object  is  merely  the  individual,  apart  from  any  predicate, 
whereas,  in  the  former,  it  is  the  logical  proposition  you  were  asleep, 
X)         he  was  sick,  that  is  to  say,  the  individual  as  the  possessor  of  this 

Rem.  c.     The  above  construction  of  ^JIS  is  usually  restricted  to 
the  2nd  pers.  sing,  imperf.  indie,  in  an  interrogation,  provided  that 

*  [Instead  of   the  predicative  accusative  the  imperfect  indicative 

may  be  used,  as  ^Jmu  *Zj\j  I  saw  him  do.     Comp.  §  8,  e,  §  74,  and  also 

the  perfect,  as   IJt£»  C~lx?  jXjj**.j  /  found  that  you  had  done  such 
and  such  a  thing.] 

§  24]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.     51 

the  interrogative  particle  is  not  separated  from  the  verb  by  anything  A 
but  a  preposition  with  its  complement  or  an  object  of  the  verb,  as 

i    i  -     *    etc- 

in  the  example  cited.     We  must  not  say  UXku-o  tj-^c  J>*^  wJIt,  but 
JU-L-U  j^c  in  the  nominative.     [Comp.  §  23,  rem.  c] 

b  *i*a       j    *  Qt 

Rem.  d.     The  fourth  form  of   the   wJUUI  Jl**t   governs   three 

t -       -      o  }*    ,  o£     o  j      j 

accusatives;  e.g.  3.t>.A  >9£i[+e.\  jJLjjj  he  will  make  you  think  your 

*«*         j  £       03  **  o£*     f        -       *       ii        -;---■-  ^-         «•£ 

actions  bad ;  Uujlo  oh[  ^y^JLctj  \jjLo  »->*!'  tr»W  *^'  4«ij'  ^°^  ^ 
made  men  think  Job  patient  and  know  him  to  be  most  veracious.    B 
similarly  Oj^.,  ^-^  or  ^kl,  and  Lj  or  Ljl,  to  tell  or  inform. 

o  *o*o       j    ,  it 

Rem.  e.     The   ^JUUI    ^jbiit    may   also    be    construed    so    as   to 

exercise  no  grammatical  influence  upon  the  clause  which  is  im- 
mediately dependent  upon  them.  This  happens  (1)  when  the  verb 
is  inserted  parenthetically,  in  which  case,  however,  the  accusative 

t        *         j    a*  -         *e-  *       *        3    0**        «»- 

is  preferable,  as  *}ljbU.   O-Ub   ljuj,  or  JJbU-  v2~ub  juj.  Zeid  is, 

I  think,  a  fool ;  (2)  when  it  is  put  at  the  end  of  the  sentence,  in 

which  case  the   nominative  is  preferable,  as  Q~ul?   Jf.>l-«  juj.   or    C 

C^^Jg  \3}La  I  juj,  ^ei</  is  truth/id,  I  think  ;  (3)  when  it  is  placed  at 

the  beginning  of  the  sentence,  but  the  dependent  clause  is  either 
negative,  or  interrogative,  or  else  an  affirmative  clause  introduced 

by  the  particle  ^j  truly,  as  JoLo  juj   U  C~Ub  /  think  Zeid  is  not 

90'       ot       -     '0  S»^e       36^        - 

truthful,  $}+£■  j»\  .JjUfc  juj  I  w-»Xc  L*  I  do  not  know  whether  Zeid 

3t        O  MC 

is  in  thy  house  or  lAmr,  ^)yt\  ^y->l  C— oXz  I  knoiv  ichich  of  them  is 

9    -"       9  0"         10" 

thy  father,  ^\s  jujJ  OvUjg  /  £At7&&  -Zeio?  is  standing  up.     In  the   D 

9    •"        9  0"  05«tf  ,  * 

last  example  ^515  jujJ  is  virtually  [jjjJuJI  ,«Xc,  comp.  Vol.  i. 
§  310]  in  the  accusative,  for  if  another  object  be  added,  without  the 
particle    J   being  prefixed    to  it,  it  is  put   in   the  accusative,   a- 

*-0J      f  0   *  s       9    ~*      90  *,        J0*s 

UJ.Jfl,:<>  l^tj^jli  jujJ  w»-UJg  /  think  Zeid  is  standing  up  and  (Amr 

\  *  I  - 

going  away. — In  the  first  two  cases  the  infinitive  ^o  may  be  used 

in  the  accusative  instead  of  the  finite  verb,  as  wJhli  <iUi?  juj  Zeid 

52  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  25 

is,  as  thou  ihiukest,  going  away,  ^^JLo  i*^  J^jj,  ^  ,£)$*.  I  juj. — 
In  modern  Arabic  the  particle  ^jl  is  interposed  between  the 
w-AiJI  ^Jjti  and  a  dependent  interrogative  clause ;  as  ^>l  C-^Jlt  to 


i£  wm#£  be  first  explained  what  the  noun  is. 

25.     If  the  verbs  of  the  two  classes  mentioned  in  §  24  are  put 
B  in  the  passive  voice,  one  of  the  two  accusatives  becomes  the  nomina- 
tive.— In  the  case  of  the  first  class,  it  is  the  accusative  of  the  person ; 

e.g.  aL^S  j^st  j^st  he  was  taught  the  science  of  astronomy ;  o^-JI^^jum 
he  was  made  to  taste  the  sword  (was  stabbed  with  it) ;  j-»J$M  ^*~t 

t        J   0    s        ~  «• 

Ufr»~..o  frU  ^Ae  vmr  was  given  poisoned  water  to  drink,  or  poisoned 
water  was  given  to  the  vizir  to  drink;  j-o.*M  Jjj  life  was  granted  him  ; 

o*        f »  j    o   t  el 

dj^Jti   Ijjti   OjJLM  a  poem  by  another  (autlwr)   was  recited  to  me; 

a    a*s   *  *  *  ,     -      i 

C  ^AjtJI  ^£sjj  j>j&.  he  was  deprived  of  the  blessing  of  learning.  Should 
it  happen  that  both  accusatives  are  accusatives  of  the  person,  that 
which  is  next  to  the  verb  becomes  the  nominative ;  as  <Uj1  j*-»j  p-jj 


i**-'  Zeid  was  given  my  brothers  daughter  in  marriage  or  my  brother  s 

daughter  was  given  in  marriage  to  Zeid.  If  both  are  accusatives  of 
the  thing,  that  one  becomes  the  nominative  which  designates  the 
thing  that  is  affected  by,  or  receives  or  passes  into  the  other,  or  the 

D  reverse;  as  ;U  ^jJI  cJU»«  the  bucket  was  filled  with  water. — In  the 
case  of  the  second  class,  that  accusative  which  is  the  subject  of  the 
other  becomes  the  nominative ;  e.g.  Iwjji  u°j^  j*&  CuXk^i  the  earth 
has  been  made  a  bed  for  you ;  Uj^I  O-s^'  j~o  the  clay  has  been  made 
into  a  jug ;  Uls^w  ^^.Ja.*  juj  Zeid  is  thought  brave;  \3\yo\  l^w. ». 
they  are  deemed  dead ;  jj&  b  J^'  ^j£\  *Z~ij*  thou  art  known  as  tlie 
faithful  keeper  of  thy  promise,  0  'Orwa  (for  l$j£-  b). 

§  26]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.     53 

Rem.  a.     As   the   verb   ,-3t,   to   come,    is   construed   with    the  A 

accusative   of   the   person   (§  23,   rem.   b),   its   fourth   form    (i«3i) 
becomes  doubly  transitive,  and   takes  an  accusative  both   of   the 

person  and  of  the  thing ;  e.g.  w>Ufll  J-Jl^wl  {JJ  ^^yo  ,^31  Moses 

brought  the  (Itoly)  book  to  the  children  of  Israel  (lit.  made  it  come  to 
them).     Now,  as  this  accusative  of  the  thing  is  the  nearer  object  of 

.yjt,  we  should  expect  it  to  become  the  nominative  when  the  verb 
passes  into  the  passive  (.-Jjl) ;  but  the  reverse  is  the  case,  because 
the   person    is   of   greater   importance    than    the    thing.     "We    say    B 
therefore  w>U£JI   J>*>\j~>1  y^>  ^Jf^  the  (holy)  book  icas  brought  to 
the  children  of  Israel,  and  not  sJJ>\j~>\  .-o  w>UXM  ..jjI. 

Rem.  b.     If  the  verb  should  happen  to  govern  three  accusatives 
in  the  active  voice  (§  24,  rem.  d),  that  which  is  next  to  the  verb 

becomes  the  nominative  to  the  passive;   e.g.  LolS   jj-o-c  J-ij  ^«-^' 

Zeid  teas  informed  that  lAmr  was  approaching;  ljuj  ^j'   C-J^j 

t»Xw  ^J-jS  l<.^>  and  I  used  to  think  Zeid,  as  was  (commonly)  said, 

a  lord;  icu^o  Jj'jJdb  ^jJ-J  C-JLJ  /  t/;os  foW  (</««<)  ZeiYtf  tsas  sic£    C 

in  el-1  Irak ;   Uo  ^yjj+±.\  ljt   when  thou  art  told  (that)  I  am  sick. 

26.  All  verbs,  whether  transitive  or  intransitive,  active  or  passive, 
may  take  their  own  abstract  nouns  (nomina  verbi  or  infinitives,  Vol.  i. 
§  195),  as  also  the  deverbal  nouns  of  the  classes  nomina  viv.  >nd 
nomina  speciei  (Vol.  i.  §§  219,  220),  as  objective  complements  in  . 
accusative.  This  may  be  the  case  either  when  they  have  no  other 
objective  complement  or  complements,  or  when  they  have  one  or 
more ;  and  the  verbal  noun  may  either  stand  alone,  or  it  may  be  D 
connected  with,  an  adjective  or  demonstrative  pronoun,  a  noun  or 
pronoun  in   the  genitive,  or  a  descriptive  or  relative  clause.     For 

example  :  bj-o  «->-*  lit-  he  struck  a  striking,  Ujj  j>\j  he  slept  a  sleep, 

\j~-i  jL»  he  journeyed  a  journey ;  bj-e  >->j~e  lit.  he  was  struck  (with) 

a  striking;  Ob^i  jl  ^j^Jj-a  ^j^j-^3  *4j~e  <>^>j*o  I  struck  him  one 

stroke,  and  he  struck  me  two  or  more  strokes;    bj^o   <slwIj    !juj   w>j-^ 

54  Part  Third.—  Syntax.  [§  26 

A  lit.  lie  struck  Zeid  (as  to)  his  Jiead  {with)  a  striking ;  ljujcw  b^-j>  <&>j«a 
or,  omitting  the  nomen  verbi,  ljujtw  aL>j~o  I  gave  him  a  violent 
beating*;  WJac  Uyi  9-ji  he  rejoiced  (with)  a  great  joy ;  ^t  i****-« 
\jjij£  U-<»  Uj^xo  she  clasped  me  tightly  to  lier  breast;  ^u~.e».  <Lwe  i**** 
he  walked  (with)  a  graceful  gait ;  vj-^'  '•*■*  \^^J-^  ne  beai  n™  in  this 
manner,  lit.  (^£A)  £A«s  beating;   louuJl   IJub  ^©Ajl^wl    <j^l»Aa*-;  ^y 

B  fe;p  £/^«V  secrets  (with)  this  keeping  (i.e.   so  carefully) ;   w*^  <«J>o 

5      rf  w  £*  J  D*tf       *     O    s 

^JllaJI  /&?  &ea£  Am»  as  a  c/w/  oppressor  does,  or  wOj*JI  w>o  <w  a 
teacher  does;  ^jLaJI  ^$±.  JU.  lie  j eared  as  a  coward  fears;  Opsu 
w»^-a*JI  Spsu  aJI  /  looked  at  him  {with)  the  look  of  an  angry  {man) ; 
VlPj  u^j^  *^pj  '^i  when  the  earth  shall  quake  (with)  her  quaking; 
j^x^jl  U^o  !^}j~s  lie  beat  me  so  as  to  hurt  me  much,  lit.  he  beat  me 
(with)  a  beating  which  pained  me ;  *&<Xz  ^Aij  *j)  t^JJI  Vj-^'  l^J-"* 
C  ^  <jraw  m#  a  gwc?  beating,  as  you  know  well,  lit.  A«  6ea£  me  (with)  the 
beating  which  is  not  concealed  from  you. — This  objective  complement, 

which  is  called  by  the  Arab  grammarians  jyJx©JI  J.j*a*JI,  the  absolute 

U    object  t,  orjju^veJI  (see  Vol.  i.  §  195,  rem.),  is  used  in  the  two  following 
"  ways. 


(a)     When  it  stands  alone  and  undefined  Coy**),  it  is  employed 
jw^UXJ  /or  strengthening,  or  ^-JialX)  ybr   magnifying,  i.e.    to   add 

I)  greater  force  to  the  verb ;  e.g.  I»xe  >»*•*£  ^  /w*£/*  numbered  them 
(ivith)  a  numbering  (i.e.  wi£/*  a»  &rac£  numbering) ;  t^j^'  ^-»»-j  'i| 

*  The  undetermined  object  in  such  phrases  as  ljujui  a^j^o  may, 
however,  where  the  sense  allows  or  requires  it,  assume  a  more  definite 
meaning,  and  be  viewed  as  an  accusative  of  time;  e.g.  *%i^e  bjjL» 
may  be  translated  they  travelled  a  long  lime,  scil.  *^*i^o  Litoj. 

t  Because  it  does  not,  like  the  object  in  a  narrower  sense,  depend 
only  upon  a  verb  that  governs  one,  two,  or  three  accusatives  in  the 
active  voice,  or  one  or  two  accusatives  in  the  passive. 

§  26]    The  Yerb.—Z.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     55 

CLj  JLaJt  C— jj  (L.j  ichen  the  earth  shall  be  shaken  (with)  a  shaking  A 
(i.e.  shaken  violently),  and  the  mountains  be  crumbled  (with)  a  crumbling 

*     -  2     2  -5  J  *  t  r  a*'  m  t 

(i.e.  crumbled  to  dust)  ;  ljL£wl  l^^iiwlj  a??<7  ffoy  disdain  (irith)  a 
disdaining  (i.e.  are  haughtily  disdainful) ;  '-©j  a^U*p  ^j  he  crushed 

his  bones  (with)  a  crushing  (i.e.  crushed  them  to  pieces).  This  sig- 
nification lies  in  the  indefiniteness  of  the  verbal  noun,  which  leaves 
the  verbal  idea  quite  unlimited  in  its  force  and  effect. 

Rem.  a.     For  still  greater  emphasis  the  masdar  may  be  repeated,    B 

J     /  Zt      +  J    0  £  0>&  yd      J  * 

as  l£»,>  l£»j  u°j*$\  w-£»a  lit  W«?n  iAe  earth  shall  be  crushed  (with) 
crushing,  crushing. 

[Rem.  b.     For  the  same  purpose  sometimes  the  masdar  accom- 
panied  by  a  suffix  referring  to  the  logical  subject  is  put  in  the 

ji        a  - 
nominative,  as  oj**.   «x».  he  exerted  himself  strenuously  (properly 

jj /  /      a  - 
his  energy  exerted  itself,  became  real  exertion) ;    4J*}Lo  ^a  he  was 

j  j  a  j      *  j  , 

profoundly  in  error  (prop,  his  error  became  error  indeed)  ;  »jj«j  jju    q 

y  j   j  j      a  J 

A<?   m*i.s   iwy  far    off ;    L^i^*.    ^j^**.   sAe    became    thoroughly   mad ; 

ut  ^    /    / 

d^^ft.  clifc,  /<«  AaJ  a  vehement  hunger.  We  have  a  similar  figure  of 
speech  in  the  phrases  w»jLw  w~w  intense  whiteness  of  the  hair  ; 
j£-\£i  jjti  excellent  poetry;  Jj^  J*J  a  very  cfarA*  night ;  C—»U  Oj-o 

*       .■        SB  ^ 

a  violent  death  ;  ^Jj\j  J*»^  a  great  woe.     D.  G.] 

Rem.  c.     A  masdar  of  this  kind  cannot,  of  course,  form  a  dual 
or  plural,  for  the  mere  fact  of  its  doing  so  brings  it  at  once  under  a 

different  head.     {j^>j^o  iy^>j-o  can  only  mean  he  beat  me  on  two  J) 
different   occasiotis ;    and    in   general    the    dual    or   plural    is    only 

e  a 

admissible  in  the  case  of  a  masdar  used  gy^i  (see  the  end  of  the 

a  *       e  *  a  *       i  a 

section),   when  there  is  a  difference  of   kinds,  as  joj   \kt£j-t-'   <0^w 

*       *a*o*     *    *  *  a*o 

«-*JUIj  |^>...a»Ji  /  went  the  two  paces  (or  courses)  of  Zeid,  the  good 

and  the  bad;  lislJJ  Jjkl  JU^  CL'^  jbyi  »!**■  O-i-t*-  ^t^  I  love 
Thee  (with)  two  kinds  of  love,  (with)  the  love  of  affection,  and  (with) 
another  love,  because  Thou  art  entitled  thereto  (or  worthy  thereof). 

56  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  26 

A  (b)  When  it  is  connected  with  an  adjective  or  demonstrative 
pronoun,  a  genitive,  or  a  descriptive  or  relative  clause  (see  the 
examples  given  above),  it  defines  and  limits  the  verbal  idea  by  an 
addition  which  is  commonly  expressed  in  our  family  of  languages  by 
means  of  an  adverb  or  a  relative  clause. 

> ,  t>    ja*>      y    j  a  sBs  -  a* 

If  the   jyJa«>JI   JyiA«Jt   be    a  nomen  vicis,   it    is  used    jIjjuJJ 
for  enumeration ;  and  if  it  be  a  nomen  speciei,  or  have  an  adjective, 

a  £ 

etc.,  connected  with   it,  it  is  used  fy&  to   indicate  the  kind,  for 
B   specification,  or  ^**lJJ  or  j-wj^iw  for  distinction. 

Rem.  a.  Instead  of  the  nomen  verbi  of  a  particular  finite  verb, 
that  of  another  form  of  the  same  verb,  or  of  another  verb  of  the 
same  meaning,   or  else   a    concrete  substantive,  is  sometimes  em- 

ployed  ;  as  LojJLo  ^yojJu  *nJ  ye  do  not  advance  boldly  (IV.  and  II.); 

Ijujui  *})U3  I^JlIXlt  (] icy  fought  with  one  another  (VIII.)  a  hard  fight 

i      Os       e^         ail*** 

(III.),   *}Ll«J  <*JI   J^-Jj  and  devote  thyself  (V.)  to  Him  (with)  an 

z  a  *        s  *  *  a  j/     c  u//  «jj        *  *  * 

Q         (exclusive)   devotion  (II.),   *%~£   A^-^\,    H^3   Usjj  ;    bj*3  v-h*., 
.1;  Ijujlw  bljcc^o-^jj^l  /  will  chastise  them  (with)  a  sore 

chastisement,  Aau^w  Z+jJ*  \ycj^j\  they  fed  a  shameful  flight,   %of.j 

- *»  *a*  a  2  s      *  £     I 

^j-iySJI  he  retired  backivardn,  ^>-*».  «iL^.I  (see  above,  a,  rem.  c), 

tail*-  *      *  *  ,    j      a  *  a  «  at       j    j  * 

LoJu   *£w  ;   J.J3   3Lp    «hwU.*    ^>«   *J**v>   ls**"^'   ^"*    ^ow  'ias< 

recourse  to  Nahsal  for  protection  Jrom  Mogdsi1  as  a  weak  man ; 

dJL*JLiaJ  A  *  \*  "   Ae   was  cm  intruder  at   the  feast,   uninvited. — 

j     «•     *  * 
D         Sometimes   a   specificative  term  may  be  interposed,  as   !^JL*J   %i 

a   *   a*o       &    i 

y\s-*l\  A  ^  do  not  incline  wholly  away  (from  one  of  them), 
iij-*-«JI   ua*.  *  AJLij-z  I  kneio  it  in  part,  OljtW.   «£/^5  4JjJL». 

j     j    a-»     -      -     ai       j      a    *   * 

I  gave  him  three  whippings,  ^^J*  a..  )l  ^— <^m-\  C»  ...  A.  »»  /  s«£ 
raosJ  comfortably ;  or  the  masdar  may  be  omitted,  and  its  place 
supplied  by  another  word,  as  lib  <xj jdc*.  (for  C>ljJl».  wJj),  a!jj-» 
LL^-j  /  Je«£  /am  (tvith)  a  whip  (for  J»^w  w»/-o). 

§  27]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accvs.    57 

Rem.  b.     The  accusative  of   the  nomen  verbi  remains,  as  we  A 
have  seen,  unchanged,  when  the  active  voice,  on  which  it  depends, 
passes  into  the  passive.    It  may,  however,  be  changed  into  the  nomi- 
native, when  there  is  no  other  subject,  provided  that  it  is  qualified 
or  specialised  by  some  other  word  (an  adjective  or  a  substantive  in 

the  genitive),  as  jujlw  w^-£  «->^  J^>^  J***  Jtr1-  •*0*^  J****  J*** 

0  »    '  -         J         59  *      * 

and  not  merely  ^c  *->•«•  j-e~>  ftr1- 

27.     It  has  been  mentioned  above  (§21),  that  the  nomina  verbi  B 
derived  from   verbs  which  govern  an  objective  complement  in   the 
accusative,  may  be  construed  in  the  same  way  as  the  finite  verbs 
themselves.     We  shall  here  enter  into  some  further  details  on  this 

(a)  If  only  the  objective  complement  of  the  act  (and  not  likewise 
its  subject)  be  expressed,  it  is  put  after  the  nomen  actionis  in  the 
genitive*;  unless  it  be  separated  from  the  nomen  actionis  by  one  or 
more  words,  in  which  case  it  is  put  in  the  accusative,  beer  use  the 
genitive  can  never  be  divided  from  the  word  that  governs  it.     For   C 

example  :    JUJI  Jy>  k>«  ^ov*^°  he  hindered  them  from  saying  what 

0      dfS  J£    0 

was  right ;  j-»Jl   Mi  v>*  O^— '^'  ->6^— i  *$  a  human  being  is  never 
weary  of  praying  for  weal;  U-JL>  2uiu.~c  \&  J*yt  i«» -*!«»'  j'  or  to 

feed  in  a  day  of  famine  an  orphan;  j»^  u*3b  «^s-^W   *->^  °V 
cutting  off  with  swords  the  heads  of  some  people.     In  like  manner,  the  i 
object  is  put  in  the  accusative,  when  the  nomen  actionis  is  defined  by  f 
the  article,  because  a  noun,  when  so  defined,  cannot  take  a  genitive  X) 

after  it;    as   *i\js-\   ajXJI    Uux~s  feeble   in   harming  his  enemies; 

z*o  o  i  --?  *  o  jot      o  *  -* 

lxo->"<    *r>^'    O*    J*-51  jj*   and  I  did  not  desist  from   striking 

Rem.     If  there  be  two  or  more  objective  complements,  they  are 
usually  all  put  in  the  genitive ;  but  sometimes  only  the  first  is  put 

*  This  is  called  the  objective  genitive,  to  distinguish  it  from  the 
subjective  genitive  or  that  which  designates  the  subject  of  the  act. 
w.  ii.  8 

58  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  27 

0    £        J     0 

A         in  the  genitive  and  the  others  in  the  accusative,  as  J^l  C*Aji» 

jj-*.  Ulj  J-*^JI   /  a»i  stc&  o/  eating  bread  and  meat,  for  ^^a^JJtj  ; 

ULJJIj  ^'ili^H  SilaJ^o  UL»».  lyj  C~ob  CvA  jk3  /  Aae?  ta&ew  /*er  m 
Kew  o/"  my  o?e&£  /rom  Hassan,  for  fear  of  (his)  becoming  poor  and 
delaying  payment,  where  IJLXJtj  is  in  rhyme  for  ^LJU^j,  instead  of 

(b)    If  both  the  subject  and  the  objective  complement  of  the  act 

be  expressed,  three  constructions  are  permitted,     (a)  The  subject  may 

B  be  put  in  the  genitive,  and  the  objective  complement  in  the  accusative; 

as  i^JI  ajdfc  ,i  j/Ate.  iAJoJt  JlS  <jl^  in  this  year  the  chalif  put 

Ga'far  to  death  (lit.  the  chalif 's  killing  G.  was  in  this  year) ;  S^j£s'^i 

jff^sA^S  j^j£*j£r>   <UJI   then  remember   God  as  ye  remember  your 

fathers ;  dUI  w>,s$«oJI  w»/-cJ  W^W  crying  because  of  the  tutors  having 

^    ^  a       //  lino    /     o  j       a         ,  ,  *        * 

beaten  him ;  ^JjUc  S-oJiJI  £ji£=>  ,j-«  ^^b  U  what  is  apparent  of  thy 

C   ingratitude  for  favours  bestowed  upon  thee  ;  J~eJuj£sjo  J^jjaJI  JIa* 

«bl  Jia».*i)l  el-Farazdak  said,  mentioning  how  el-Ahtal  preferred  him  ; 

^^-^  ft  v  ,oj  ^o-y-jJL^s   <»_5!^_».|^   because  of  Koteiba  'ibn   Muslim  el- 

Bdhilis  killing  their  writers,  and  massacring  their  priests,  and 
burning  their  books  and  writings,  (/?)  The  objective  complement 
may  be  put  in  the  genitive  and  the   subject   in  the  nominative ; 

D   as    j^-jjJI    jl_»    JLo^JI    ^j-i— '    X-LiJI     ~~jj    ^-y-JLa-w    the    wind 

of  annihilation  swept  them  away,   as  tlie  hand  of  the  west   wind 

sweeps  away  the  sands;    ^ju   S^Ia   s)&   ^i   ^o^JI    Ulju   ^jkXi 

t^jjU-fiJI  >U^J  ^^AljjJI  her  fore-feet  scatter  the  gravel  every  midday,  as 

'       0     J- 

the  money-cliangers  scatter  the  dirhams  whilst  selecting  them;  U>©j}jJ 
>wf5pi  w>ta*-ol  Ul^X}\  jsjji  ^Jj\y  w^'-j  c-oJ*  fixed  at  the  dooi'  of  my 
house,  as  long  as  I  know,  as  the  Companions  of  ar-Ratiim  (the  Seven 

§27]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.     59 

Sleepers)  kept  to  the  cave ;  Uju— j  j*-\  AlJpla*-*  ^>«  5il£»  ^LJI  %x*  A 

he  gave  orders  to  the  entire  people  against  any  ones  addressing  him  by 
the  title  of  "  our  Lord."    (y)  The  subject  may  be  put  in  the  nominative 

and  the  objective  complement  in  the  accusative ;  as  *->j*o  ^>«  c~j».& 
Sj+s-  joj,  or  juj  lj-»c  *->^  0-«>  I  wonder  at  Zeid's  beating  lAmr; 
«l».l  jfypa^o  <jj£)l  <<i*Aj  /  have  heard  that  Mahmud  has  murdered 
his  brother ;  Ijua  juj  >o^JI  Ji*AJaj  (^5**^  ^  ^*^  foard  that  Zeid  has 

today  divorced  Hind  ;   Sj+z  j^a^  £**»JI  ^^j  jUawl  ^.^.cl  I  am  B 

surprised  at  Muhammad" s  expecting  'Amr  on  Friday.  The  first  of 
these  three  constructions  is  the  most  usual.  The  second  is  not 
uncommon,  especially  when  the  objective  complement  is  a  pronoun. 
The  third,  in  which  the  nomen  actionis  may  be  accompanied  by  the 
article,  or  by  a  specification  of  the  time  or  place  of  the  act  in  the 
genitive,  is  of  comparatively  rare  occurrence. 

Rem.  a.     If   an   adjective  be  annexed  to  the   subject   in  the    C 
genitive,  it  is  also  usually  put  in  the  genitive,  but  the  nominative 

is  admissible ;  as  objJsJI  juj  >oL5  ^*  C*?a».s,  or  objJsJI ;  lyj^lkj 

vo^JLta^JI  aa».  y^JutaJI  w~U»  and  pressed  her,  as  the  seeker  after  his 

due,  who  is  defrauded,  presses  (his  debtor),  instead  of  ^Jbt-eJl  wJU» 

Rem.  6.     If   both  the   subject  and   the  objective  complement 
be  pronouns,  they  may  both  be  suffixed  to  the  nomen  actionis ;  e.g.   D 

Jl  (_A«9Jlc  <u>  my  love  of  him  lias  taught  me  to  be  religious. 

Here  the  suffix  of  the  first  person  is  the  subject,  and  that  of  the 
third  person  the  accusative*. 

1       1  -      e   *       J  O  9   e    »    * 

*  w*».  is,  strictly  speaking,  an  j^^a^^l,  and  not  an  actual  jjueuo 
(see  §  26) ;  but  it  is  used,  instead  of  w>L».1,  as  the  masdar  of  ^*».t 

(IV.  of  >^*r*-)  to  lorn,  [as  j«v  f°r  \joxju\^  masdar  of  t/ai^t  to  A#te]. 
See  rem.  c. 

(30  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  27 

A  Rem.  c.     Not  only  the  nomina  actionis,  but  also  those  nouns 

which  are  of  similar  force  and  signification,  and  which  consequently 
can  supply  the  place  of  the  former,  may  be  construed  with  the 
genitive  of   the  subject  and  the  accusative  of   the  object.      For 

j»  J      #5       ..      ,   ,   Ci   *>  *  a  £      f  i  *      6  ) ,     *    j     S  J6  *  j  i 

example  :^o-U»  <LatoJ^o*jLJI  ^jdfcl  ^JU-j^oJoLx*  ,j!  ^^JLwt  0  SuUim, 
verily  your  afflicting  a  man,  who  has  given  the  salam  as  a  salutation, 

o      ^  j        <i,    ,  a  j  a        &  ,  j      *  '  J"°     '.    *  • 

%s  (an  act  of)  tyranny  (w>La-o  =  ajLoI)  ;  j&f*t>  juu  j»\Jj\  ^Ju^ju 

£  <•  *         ,      *  *■ 

through  thy  associating  with  the  noble,  thou  wilt  be  reckoned  one  of 
B  them  (SfLc.  —  ojJ^\su>) ;  Ij-ejJI  Ai».jj  (J.ft-jJ'  4-M  ,^o  ablution  is 
{rendered  necessary)  by  a  man's  kissing  his  wife  (aJL5  =  J-^Ju) ; 
,-wjiUt  ^jj^xJI  A^JaJ  Ijj^aJ^a  and  remember  how  the  Bekrite  slapped 
the  Koreishite  (a*.U  the  nomen  vicis) ;  [Lj  l«J  *liw  l^c^Js  <j\J> 
for  to  speak  with  her  is  a  remedy  for  my  suffering] ;  ^XjUac  juuj 
\.e.\jji\  ajL^JI  and  after  thy  giving  the  hundred  grazing  (camels) 
(|lkfc  =  flkft|;  IftUpt  in  rhyme  for  clSJjt) ;  ijJb  4*0*  ^JJ  JiaJf 
C  aJJI  ^1  jJjJt  observe  this  child's  obedience  to  the  command  of  God 

(it  Us  -  AfiLbt) ;  ^JuaJl  ^jLa^JI  Juftj  ^/te  bustard's  threatening  the 
falcon  (*x*£3  -  i^|)  j    lyiwt  ^-^'  w-j.>l».t  itfAa£  the  hywna  tells  to 

j  -  i-         <i     *         a   *  -  -   -  ai       //w  *  ,        jj«  // 

its (w*j.>1».I  =  oUj>»Xa*.3) ;  Ia^JjI  jjui\  t^-a-^Lo-i  <&£sj3  I  have 

left  him  (or  it)  where  the  wild  cattle  lick  their  young  (i.e.  in  some 
lonely  or  desert   spot,   l    know  not  where),  =jJL)l  ^.o>JLi  dwa»J 

,  ,    ,ai 

D  Rem.  r/.     What  has  been  said  of  the  nomina  actionis  of  singly 

transitive  verbs,  applies  equally  to  those  of  doubly  transitive  verbs. 
The  only  difference  is,  that  the  latter  take  an  accusative  after  the 
objective  genitive,   or  even  add   a  second   accusative  to  the  first. 

For  example  :  ^Xjui\    J^s^  ^Xjl^JI  ^Aju   the  instruction  of  the 

.    .-      o-'    j  ,*  ,.    a  s       a  a*      j     '  ai       * 

learner  in  the  path  of  learning ;  (3!^*JI  «t;l  *~Jy>  O"*  A^'  »1ju*1  L« 
</*«  favour  which   he  conferred  upon   him  by  his  appointing  him 

_  to  j        z  a  *  S  *  j      *  +  •  j     -  *  Zi  *     Z 

governor   of  el-'Irdk ;    \j+±.    \j^t    j*+»~*  >oUl?j    'y^3   ^H^l    O' 

§29]   The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of the  Verb.— <a)  The  Accus.     61 

£       J    0    ^ 

Uja-r- 1?  the  people  condemned  Muhamma/fs  giving   lAmr  poisoned  A 
bread  to  eat. 

Rem.  e.  The  complement  in  the  genitive  may  also  be  expressed, 
when  it  represents  the  subject  of  the  act,  by  ^a  :  when  it  repre- 
sents the  object,  by  J  (see  §  29) ;  and  when  it  indicates  time  or 

place,  by  .ji ;    e.g.   <u*»..   in  rem.  b,  by  <*J   ,-U   (,J^U*JI)  wj»JI 

3    St    *0        3   '  '—    iO       *      a  * 

the  love  (which  accrues)  from  me  to  him  ;  jyi^  J*£  ^JLo^JI  L5*~'. 
in  §27,6,  (3,  by  JlojXi  j^> jJI  ju  ^>«  i^*—5' ;  and  A»^a.JI  ^ojj  jUa&t, 
ibid.,  y,  by  ix^aJI  >o^j  ^  jUsl^^I.  13 

28.     In  the  case  of  verbs  which  govern  their  objective  complement 
by  means  of  a  preposition,  the  nomen  actionis  retains  that  preposition : 

r     I  r  *■    **  0  3  '  #  0 -  ,        3    S   -  - 

e.g.  «iX)3  ^.ft  SjjcS  ^  U  I  have  no  power  to  do  this,  from  aAc  0>jJ  ; 
A^ij  «ui  ^  L»  /  ^«iv  no  wish  for  it,  from  <su*  C~*> ;  aJI  «£Jj».l».  U 

a  *       -     a  -  a 

what  need  hast  thou  of  it  I  from  aJt  w**-:a.l. — The  same  thing  holds 

good  in  the  case  of  mixed  government,  the  nearer  object  or  accusative 
being  converted  into  the  genitive,  and  the  more  remote  retaining  its   C 

preposition  ;   e.g.  icUxU  (jUJ^t  JUiy>  man's  ta/wjr  helped  (by  God) 

to  obey  (Him).     Occasionally,  however,  the  closer  connection  by  means 
of  the  genitive  is  substituted  for  the  looser  construction   with  a 

preposition ;   e.g.  vOL^i  J»~«   inclination  (of  the  mind)  towards  U- 

'  Islam,  ioxjfi-f  ^J\  JI^JI. 

29.     The  nomen  actionis  ofteu  takes  its  objective  complement  not  D 
in  the  accusative   but  in  the  genitive  with  J,  in  which  case  this 

preposition  is  used  as  an  outward  exponent  of  the  relation  that  subsists 
between  the  nomen  verbi  and  its  object.    Hence  the  Arab  grammarians 

,a-o      ,     a  *      j   £  * 

rightly  call  it  J^UJt  ijyuJ  ji*$J\  the  lam  that  strengthens  the  regent 

(the  nomen  actionis  or  the  verbal  power  which  it  possesses) ;  for,  since 
the  verbal  force  which  dwells  in  the  nomen  actionis  is  less  than  that 
in  the  finite  verb,  the  language  helps  the  former   to   exercise   its 

02  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  29 

A  influence  upon  its  object  by  annexing  to  it  a  preposition  expressing 
the  direction  of  the  action  towards  the  object.  This  construction 
with  J  is  used  in  the  following  cases. 

(a)  When  the  nomen  actionis  immediately  precedes  the  object 
and  is  undefined  (see  §  27,  a) ;  as  ajI^oj  <t$Uaj>J  J-oU  j*£  kj* 
without  considering  what  was  false  and  what  true  in  it,  instead  of 
&j\yo$  deUai..     This  is  especially  the  case  when  the  nomen  actionis 

*  a l         t         a ,     i ■     i    it 

B  is  in  the  adverbial  accusative  (see  §  44);  as  ^il^^  U-J**3  <d^3t 
I  stand  up  in  his  presence  to  shew  respect  to  my  teacher ;  iX)i  J13  UJI 

a)   Ul^b]   /«#  said  this  only  to  do  him  honour ;   IjUilil  j^s-   «iL«ol 

*  *  *  t> 

(j->j^a.L1r.0JJ    Ag    refrained  from   {attacking)    them,    awaiting    the 

Muhdgirun ;  aX)  La.  juil  l^-ol  i>;>JJtj  &m£  £/wse  wAo  believe  are 
stronger  in  love  of  God. 

(b)  When  the  nomen  actionis  immediately  precedes  the  object, 
0   and  is  defined  by  the  article  (see  §  27,  a) ;   as  ^hUU   aJUxJI    j)j3 

giving  up  pursuing  the  people;  aajUxoJI  ^a  (JIa1*^  C^fcola.1  L>) 
Aa^jX'jJ  after  (t/ie  tribe  of)  Gatafdn  had  agreed  to  take  the  part  of 

(c)  When  the  genitive  of  the  subject  is  interposed  between  the 
nomen  actionis  and  the  object  (see  §  27,  b) ;  as  ,j->si— ~j  ,j1  ^M 
Sjli^l  J-«-j  (-Xc  yb  L>3I  uij*il)  ^^Jl  /£  results,  therefore,  that  the 

D  sun  warms  the  earth  in  no  other  way  than  by  his  light  (lit.  that  the 
suns  warming  the  earth  is  only  by  the  way  of  his  light),  for  v°j*$l  ', 
J  lyljkd  AjUa«J  because  of  my  enemies   persecuting  me,  for  ^ul  ; 

aX)  djjjj  Aw  .*W/i#  GW;  <i)L*  ^1  *iX)  ^i-XJ  wy  enabling  you  to 
attain  your  wishes;  l^&lbl^  A.o->a.yi  aLjAAJI  SjJiyt  ojjk  ^1  jJaJ\ 
aXJI  j***)  observe  this  mother,  affectionate  and  loving,  and  her  obedience 
to  the  command  of  God. 

§  30]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a.)  The  Acciis.     63 
It  may  also  be  extended  to  other  verbal  nouns  of  similar  force  and  A 

„  a  ,  -  ,     ai  *  *  -         ~^ 

signification  (see  §  27,  b,  rem.  c) ;  as  J^*-«3  ajU— «'  Pj^-*  ^5Ji  ^ 
•'  t>^  O'**-**  cM'  he  went  down  to  the  places  where  his  comrades 

had  fallen,  and  to  the  spot  where  the  people  of  Hamadan  had  killed  his 

*    +  *  0     *  Q     *      *  *">*0  0  *  *  JC-*b*0        *      J  J         *    £  ** 

sisters  son;    [j»g3   ^>©J   c-Jl£>    ^i-L»JI   ***£j   03*WM   ^>^   u'   ^i 

CyXU  ^1  frw£  £fo  victories  of  Sl-Ma'mun  and  'Abd  el-Malik  were 

gained  over  those  who  aimed  at  their  sovereignty]. 

In  such  clauses  the  choice  between  the  older  and  closer  construction  B 
with  the  accusative,  and  the  later  and  looser  with  the  preposition,  is 
left  in  most  cases  to  the  taste  and  judgment  of  the  writer. 

Rem.  a.    In  more  modern  Arabic  .Jl  is  often  used  ^J-oUJI  ajjJu) 

instead  of  J ;  as  aJt  ^f^^\  my  bearing  him  in  mind;  ^Jl  ^ij 

,  ,  a* 

w>l^aJI  viy  returning  an  answer. 

Rem.  b.     This  use  of  ^J  to  designate  the  objective  complement 

of  the  verb  is  common  in  Aramaic,  rare  in  Hebrew  and  ^Ethiopic    0 
(see  Dillmann's  Gr.,  §  179).     See  §  31,  rem. 

30.  The  nomina  agentis  or  participles,  which  hold  a  middle 
position  between  the  verb  and  the  noun,  and  partake  of  the  force  of 
both,  may,  like  the  nomina  verbi,  follow  the  government  either  of  the 
verb  or  the  noun,  or  of  both.  The  following  rules  are  to  be  observed 
regarding  them. 

(a)     If  the  nomen  agentis  has  but  one  objective  complement,  this 

may  be  put  either  in  the  accusative  or  in  the  genitive ;  as  ^t  l^cjL»  j) 

ixdUt  (j-^^bbOlj  ^JlL^  Cjjs-\  dU*.  vie  with  one  another  in  hastening 

to  a  garden  {Paradise),  which  is  prepared  for  the  God-fearing  and 

those  who  restrain  their  wrath ;   S^ibpl  0>*>»"j  an<^  t^l0se  w^°  Palf 

,  ao       » j      a  *  5  -       z     *£         -i  &   *  a  *       -    a^a-o     j     *       ss* 

the  poor-rate;  i^-**-"  Jjj  O-0  **■*  ^b'  j*i^  j**  *^^'  oUbUUt 

*  a*  m  -  -  a* 

the  slate-coloured  pigeons  (^j^aJI  by  poetic  license  for>»WaJI)  which 
inhabit  the  sacred  House   (i.e.  the   Ka'ba),   never  quitting   it  (and) 

64  Part  Third.— Syntax-.  [§  30 

A  domiciled  in  Mekka  (UJI^I  for  t^aJljt) ;    <u*£)t    iJU  Ljdk  aw  offering 

*>  *  *>  ^.s 

coming,  or  (actually)  brought,  to  the  Ka'ba ;  ^Xxl\  ^)%io  seekers  after 
knowledge;  O^JI  ££513  ^aj  J,£>  gwr^/  soul  is  a  taster  of  death  (tastes 
or  shall  taste  death) ;  ^LJt  **U-  <£lJI  CGj  aw  Lord !  Thou  wilt  be  an 

assembler  of  (wilt  assemble)  mankind;  ^r^j  >**^-«^v^'  0>*^!  CH»>M 

w&?   £^m#  £/*«£  £/^?/  s/?a//  60  meeters  of  (shall  meet)  their  Lord; 

j<£LS%<>  dJls  <suu  C>3J**  {£j^\  ^>oJ'  Oi  'Writy  the  death  from  which  ye 

B  ,/fetf,  mtc7/  surely  be  your  meeter  (will  surely  meet  you). — The  nomina 
agentis  of  directly  transitive  verbs  admit  of  being  construed,  in  so  far 
as  they  have  verbal  power,  either  with  the  accusative  or  with  the 

genitive,  provided  they  have  the  meaning  of  the  imperfect  (e)l<£*JI, 

historical  imperfect,  present,  future).     As  the  genitive  connection  is  in 

this  case  <ua*£s*JI  j*&,  improper  or  representative  (see  §  75,  rem.), 

the  governing  word  may  be  defined  by  the  article  :   ^tdl  JjIS,  or 

^       li  <&  0  '  &    *0  J  *t+  '        ul   JO         J  sty 

q    ^LM  ^plS,  one  who  kills  people ;  ^UJI  ^pUJI,  or  ^LJt  JJUJI,  he  who 

kills  people  =  sJ^aj  ^JJl ;  as,  according  to  another  reading,  ^i-aj  Jib 

O^oJI  asu\$  (see  above) ;   oW-v"  *$UJI  w*At>M  0/  him  who  gives  a 

hundred  fine  white  (camels) ;  S^J-oJI  ^^-ji^JI^  «wg?  ^ose  w^o  perform 

the   (prescribed)  prayers;   O^J-*-*  jW   L5*^'    ^'   ^'    ^  ^hou   that 

desirest  single  combat,  draw  nigh.     When,  on  the  contrary,  the  nomina 

D  agentis  of  directly  transitive  verbs  have  the  meaning  of  the  perfect 

(perfect,  pluperfect,  aorist,  and  future-perfect),  they  approach  more 

nearly  to  the  nature  of  the  noun  that  springs  from  them  (as  wol^, 
writing,  a  writer),  and  hence  are  construed,  like  this  latter,  with  the 
genitive  only.  Further,  since  this  genitive  connection  is  *t**i* , 
proper  or  real  (see  §  75,  rem.),  the  governing  word  cannot  be  defined 
by  the  article  :  ^Ut  JjU>  (and  not  ^Ul  JJtiJI  or  ^LJI  JjUJI)  one 
who  killed,  has   killed,   had  killed,    or  shall   have  killed   people,  = 

§30]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     65 

j&  i^JJI,  or  J^5  ,jl£>  ^j31,  or  Jis  ^yL>  ^JJI ;  as  Ol^IJI  Jj»ti  A 

^J^'j  *^  Creator  of  (or  He  who  has  created)  the  heavens  and  the  earth. 
The  same  remarks  naturally  apply,  when  the  genitive  is  a  pronominal 
suffix  instead  of  a  separate  substantive  :  L5-*5'i)  =  ^-«^i  «*»■'  one  who 

reproaches  me,  and  ^jW  =  ^j^^i  i^JJ'  he  who  reproaches  me,  as 

j^JLi*  w^o^JJ  ^^oJLuJI  lyjt  0  thou  who  revilest  me,  in  order  that  thou 

mayest  be  thought  my  equal ;  but  he  icho  reproached  or  has  reproached 

me,  ^y*y  c5-£m>  is  ^y^*^,  not  L5*5'}Ut. — If  the  nomen  agentis  be  B 

undefined,  it  governs  the  accusative  only  in  the  following  cases. 
(a)  When  it  is  the  attribute  or  the  predicate  of  a  (usually  preceding) 
subject,  or  stands  in  the  accusative  to  express  a  state  or  condition  of 

*o-      «         -       sa  ^  t  a  *      s         -         *  a  ^     5 

that  subject  (see  §44);  e.g.  \j+*  «->j^  •*<;>  or  !/■»*  Vj^  '•*£>  Ol 
^/c?  /s  beating  (or  w///  foa£)  'Amr;  ^  l».t  «>jI  w*;*-^  «*ij  ZeicTs 
father  (lit.   i^'rf,  A/s  father)  is  beating  (or  iot7/  beat)  a  brother  of 


mine ;  *ujt  jU  wJlb  t^-»jl*J  *^j^  I  passed  by  a  horseman  (who  was)   C 

0  a,  i ,      e        ,      a  , 

seeking  revenge  for  (the  murder  of)  his  father ;  ^j-c  *~~P  ^^  ^o^> 

«-       a  - 

oj+t  ^J*  how  many  a  one  fills  (or  sates)  his  eyes  with  what  belongs 
to  others,  =  ^U  ,>t>.  ■*  ^»fe  ;  ty-Aj-J  U^j  3ja*-o  *,J»U^  //£#  a  fo«$ 
w;focA  was  awe  day  butting  a  rock  to  break  it,-  *-l»U  J^^» ;  ^>i^f 

bit  UU»  j^»c  '^4w?-  c«w«  to  we  seeking  instruction.     ((3)  After  an 
interrogative  or  negative  particle,  when  it  is  the  attribute  of  a  pre-  D 
ceding  or  (less  usually)  following  subject ;   e.g.  tjuj  OJI  j*j£*  J-a 

J     6     *  20*        jJOi     5  0J> 

w«7£  £&>?*  £/*£«£  Zeid  with  respect ?  <*j  cJuj  tj^-j^^'  j^.*..ol  will  ye 

fulfil  a  promise  on  which  I  relied  ?  ^^5  fir>^>  w-5'  U  ^>«  dost  not 

follow  (or  adopt)  their  kibla ;  ajL*.!  ^jlc  jl».I  j**-*  U  «/?  o»g  grcWs 

protection   to  the  enemy  of  his  friends,     (y)   After  an   interjection 

(see  §  38),  as  the  predicate  of  a  suppressed  subject ;  e.g.  *iC^.  UJU»  Ij 

w.  ii.  9 

66  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  30 

A   0  (thou  who  art)  climbing  a  hill !  =  U)U»  ^»-j  b  ;  Sj^JI  ^.^  U>jt.o  b 

0  (thou  who  art)  turning  away  from  me  (thy)  love! 

Rem.  a.  The  nomen  agentis  in  the  singular  number,  when 
followed  by  a  substantive  in  the  genitive,  can  take  the  article  only 
when  that  substantive  is  itself  defined  by   the  article  or  governs 

o  sO*o      j       5   * 

another  substantive  that  is  so  defined ;  e.g.  j^«*J  I  w>jl«a)l  he  who 

o  ,o*>         t,       j         i  , 

beats  the  slave  ;  jlojJI  ^\j  w>jLaJI  he  who  beats  the  slave  on  the  head 

a  *       j       Z  * 

B         (lit.,   beats  the  head  of  the  slave) ;  but  we  cannot  say  j>+£  w>jLiJI 

nor  joj  wJjLaJI,  nor  even  juj   jl»c  w>jLoM  or  ajut  w^LoJI.     The 
reason  of  this  seems  to  be  that  a  certain  equipoise  may  be  preserved 

J        -    3  0  * 

between  the  governing  word,   oLa^JI,   and  the  governed  word, 

aJI  y»iLiuoJI.     On  the  other  hand,  the  article  may  be  prefixed  to 

the  dual  or  the  pluralis  sanus  masc,  even  when  the  following  geni- 
tive is  not  defined  in  either  of  the  above  ways ;  because,  after  the 

„  J^       ,    JO, 

C  rejection  of  the  terminations  ^j  and  ^j  (Vol.  i.  §  315,  b,  c),  oLa«JI 

0*  J        *   J  c* 

and  aJI  ^i\*A+}\  become  more  closely  connected,  and  grow,  as  it 

were,  into  one  word,  like  the  nomen  agentis  when  defined  by  the 
article  and  followed  by  a  pronominal  suffix.      Hence  we  may  say 

o  *       *       Zi  *  o  *•      o  *•      Ct   *•  o  *        o  *        j        Zi  s  o  *  St  * 

juc   bjLsJI,   juj  ^jjLaJI,   jkJj   juc  ^JjLoJI,  djL^c  ,-jjt-a)l,  as  well 

to  *  ^  i^  t  0  *  0  y  Ct      '  0  s        '  0  *         '        J  Ct    *         J     sO  *         *  &     ' 

as  \j~s-  ^jbjLoJI,  ljuj  ^t-jjLaJI,  juj  j^s-  £)jfj\*ai\,  dju*  Osij^^^'y 

'  '  *  '  t  s  *  * 

*  +       *>       b s  o  j 0*0     *  vt*       //O/       0 

^»xc  \ihyUm^i\  L-ic  Luib  ^1  if  the  two  who  reside  at  'Aden  can 

,  J  0      of.       C,  ,  0  0    -         5  - 

D         dispense  with  me  (or  do  without  me);   b^y^wl  ^qJj  i*-*!/*  ii<""H 
the   two  who  revile  my  character,  without  my  having  reviled  them; 

J   *  -         -  -  i      -    0  J  0* 

I^Jkj  bj  Jt*^  j}Xj&*»+i\  those  who  deem  small  the  great  (sums)  they 
have  given  away.     There  is  even  a  third  form  of  expression  admis- 

t  o  *      <•        S  * 

sible,  arising  out  of  a  combination  of  these  two,  viz.   Iju£  bjl,*x)t, 

to  *         0  -         it    »•  0  .        ,  0  *  J  St   »        J    *  0 ,  8    « 

ljuj  LjjjLaJI,  juj  ju*  _jjjbixM,  ojuc  ^-jjLoJI,  in  which  the  rejec- 
tion of  the  terminations  ^j  and  jj  serves  only  to  indicate  the  close 

*  6  *  j     j   *  *  t      -      '0*0    j       toio    ■** 

logical  connection,  as  in  the  phrase  tjipiw.*  a\y*.\  *}UUUI  j+a*$\  Am. 
the  'amir   came,   whose  two  brothers  killed  Muhammad,  in  which 

§  30]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     67 

j   *  s  £ 

another   substantive   (o\^.\)    is  actually   inserted,   as    the  subject,  A 

between  the  nomen  agentis  in  the   dual  (^JLSJt)  and  its  object 

*  i  *  j 
(tjL»a».«). — When  a  pronoun  is  annexed  as  object  to  the  dual  or 

pluralis  sanus  masc.  of  a  nomen  agentis  which  is  defined  by  the 

article,  three  forms  of  expression  are  likewise  admissible;  viz.  (1) 

j^S'JjS*  s  A  *       8  *  i*  *£,)*,}       St* 

flLjLoM,   ojjjLaJI  ;    (2)  oLjt   ^UjLaJI   or  di   jjbjLaJI,   obi   ^jjjLaJI 

1*       *      3        ai     4>  si*        1*1        is 

or  a)  ^j^jjLsJt ;  and  (3)  AJbjLoJI,  AJjjjLaJt.     In  the  last  case,  the 

pronoun,  though  apparently  a  nominal  suffix  in  the  genitive,  is  in 
reality  a  verbal  suffix  in  the  accusative ;  and  even  in  the  first  case,    B 
the  Arabs  regard  the  pronominal  object  as  an  accusative,  and  not 
as  a  genitive,    using  .-J   instead  of  ^£~  for  the  1st  pers.  sing. ; 

e.g.  L5L*.  jJjA  ^-i-il^^JI  (_>«-»)  he  who  comes  to  me  to  obtain  a  gift 

a  i  *  a** 

is  not  disappointed ;  ^ywJt»,i  u~-^3  and  ^  ^  n°t  too  heavy  a  burden 

i*    i       ,z-?s    *a  *  »jo    ,.       i    mOie    ii 

for  me ;  ajjJLcUJIj  ^*s»Jt  OiL/'O"  ^**  **  **  ^V  w^°  orc^r  what  is 
right,  and  who  do  it  themselves*. 

Rem.  b.     When  the  nomen  agentis  is  followed  by  two  or  more 


objects  connected  by  $  or  jl,  it  not  rarely  happens  that  the  first    C 
alone  is  put  in  the  genitive,  and  the  others  in  the  accusative,  the 
nominal  force  of  the  nomen  agentis  passing,  because  of  the  distance 

of  the  complements,  into  the  verbal;  as  ^-^aJ Ij  Liw  jJ-JJt   (J^^ 

LiL...a-  j+i)\}  He  wlio  appoints  the  night  for  rest,  ami  the  sun  and 

moon  for  the  reckoning  (of  time);   Iajl^cj  ^jla^yJI  SjLjJI  w*aI^JI  of 

him  who  gives  a  hundred  fine  white  (camels)  and  their  attendant 

*  ,* ,  *  ,      a  *  *  *,      *a*ai**'  -  i        *       *   ai      a  * 

(either  Ujucj  or  Uju^J;  w>j  j~z  jt  UZ^laJ  jloi  c.t'j  OJ1  J-fc 
wilt  thou  send  Dinar  for  our  need  (to  our  help)  or  lAbd-Eabb?  D 

(b)  If  the  nomen  agentis  be  derived  from  a  verb  which  governs 
two  or  three  objective  complements  (§§  24,  25),  it  takes  the  first 
either  in  the  accusative  (which  is  by  far  the  more  usual)  or  in  the 

genitive,  and  the  others  in  the  accusative  ;  as  \j±M  b^j  ljuj  ^>\£*  lit 

*  [El-Mubarrad,  Kamil,  205,  1.  16—206,  1.  9  speaks  of  this  verse 
as  spurious,  and  says  that  such  an  annexion  is  not  allowed  even  by 
poetical  license.     R.  S.] 

68  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  31 

A  I  will  dress  Zeid  in  a  splendid  robe;  Uaj.>  juj  (J**«  Ul,  or  tJ*x* 

'^j  ^**>j>,  I  will  give  Zeid  a  dirham ;  ^SU  t^c  ^jU?  c-*Jt  Ja,  or 

>*U  j^-o-c  (jlb,  rfo^  £/#>>£  £/«'#&  '  J.?rer  intelligent  ?  \j*+e.  joj  ^ku>  IjJb 

UAJai*  tf^is  (m«»)  informs  Zeid  that  'Amr  is  going  away. 

Rem.  a.  If  the  objective  complements  of  the  nomen  agentis  of 
a  doubly  transitive  verb  be  pronouns,  both  may  be  appended  to  it 

as  suffixes ;  e.g.  aSLLx*  he  who  gives  it  to  you ;  \vt*<rv±x.<>  he  who 

B         gives  me  it  to  eat.     [Comp.  Vol.  i.  §  187.] 

Rem.  b.  The  second  of  the  two  complements  of  a  nomen  agentis, 
or  that  which  is  in  the  accusative,  is  very  rarely  inserted  between 
the  nomen  agentis  and  the  first  complement,  or  that  in  the  genitive ; 

e.g.  -j-Ua-oJI  aSJai  *JU  ^)I^wj  whilst  others  than  thou  withhold 
their  benefits  from  the  needy ;   aIwj  d  j^cj  sJJvL*   <UJ  I   £ypmmm3  *$J 

think  not  then  that  God  will  fail  to  keep  His  promise  to  His  apostles. 
In  the  former  of  these  examples,  which  is  a  half-verse  of  poetry, 
this   construction   has   been  followed  in   order   to  bring  the   word 

C  »-La^l  into  the  rhyme;   in  the  latter,  which  is  taken  from  the 

1  -■  J  J  4^  -       «     J 

Kor'an,  xiv.  48,  the  preferable  reading  is  aJLwj  oj^tj  <J»X±,^. 

31.     What  has  been  said  in  §  29  regarding  the  use  of  the  pre- 
position J  after  nomina  verbi  is  equally  applicable  to  nomina  agentis. 

(a)  J  is  used  when  the  nomen  agentis  immediately  precedes  the  object 

and  is  undefined ;  as  ^J  v^^ju  making  time  wonder ;  a)  £JW~«  ^a^ 

D  whilst  site  was  avoiding  him  (in  which  example  the  undefined  nomen 

agentis  is  the  predicate  of  a  aJI».  aX*».   or  circumstantial  clause 

[§    183]  ;    JaJU    UU*    *N)    UUju*  ^o-cuiJI    J^s    13]   N)l  jya^   *n)   aJLoJIj 

and  artifice  is  not  allowable  (in  argument),  except  when  the  opponent  is 
a  disputatious  sophist,  and  not  a  seeker  after  the  truth.  This  is 
especially  the  case  when   the    nomen    agentis    is  in   the  adverbial 

accusative  [§  44,  c] ;  as^ju*  UJ  ISj^cuo  cJjJI  Uj  '>^bj  «»c?  believe 
in  what  I  have  sent  down,  confirming  that  which  is  with  you  (the 

§32]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     69 

Scriptures  which  ye  have  already  received) ;  1>-©U*-«  3-ojuoJI  ^c  Jp  A 
V  he  halted  before  the  city  to  besiege  it ;  UcIjj  ^h^*M  »>.b  L5*£»j 

J-SlxJU  the  sweetness  of  knowledge  is  a  sufficient  inducement  and 
incentive  to  the  intelligent,  (b)  J  is  also  used  when  the  nornen  agentis 
immediately  precedes  the  object,  aud  is  defined  by  the  article ;  as 
dJJt  ijjcaJ  (j^JaiUJI  those  who  keep  the  ordinances  of  God ;  cl3j— ***" 
oLj^I  djiyj  ^  expounders  of  these  verses ;  «Ul»JI  w*L-»*j)l  ^_£$il  B 
^Jajuii}  S^JLaJI  <Ul5t  Jfj^J  to  perform  one's  devotions  with  reverence 
is  the  surest  means  of  procuring  one's  daily  bread ;  »iJJ3  ^i  j£*^j  15*^ 

ju^JU  (.J^-fl-oJI  s^-iJI  «/k£  fo  continued  meditating  about  that  thing 
which  governs  the  body,     (c)   Finally,  J  is  used  whea  a  genitive  is 

interposed  between  the  nomen  agentis  and  the  object ;  as  ^J  y»*lx« 
^  who  gave  it  to  me  to  eat.  Q 

Rem.  J  must  be  used  instead  of  the  accusative,  when  the  object 
of  the  nomen  agentis  is  rhetorically  transposed  and  placed  before  it ; 
as  ^>Jjulft  UJ  \y\£s^  and  t/iey  ivorshipped  us  ;  ^^Jail*.  w~*JU  U^  U 

we  did  not  know  what  was  hidden  (in  the  future);  ^jJaila*J  aJ  Lit 

verily  we  will  take  care  of  him ;  j»j£*  -iU  tjjj  j^  U  lj^i\  a  man, 
as  long  as  thou  dost  not  unjustly  disparage  him,  treats  thee  with 

..      1 1  a ,     r%  i        a  ja  j        a 

respect. — So  also  with  the  finite  verb,  ^j*ju  L»jjJU^U£»  ,jt  if  ye  J) 
can  explain  a  dream.    If  the  transposed  object  be  a  pronominal  suffix, 
LI  (Vol.  i.  §§  188,  189)  may  be  employed  instead  of  J ;  as  juxj  i)b! 

i  *  a*       *    Z    * 

^>  eJriLwJ   ^JLjIj    thee   we   worship   and   to   thee   we   cry  for  help ; 

i  a  -    j  5      a  j  , 

Ij^ou  obi  ^eylla.  lie  thinks  tliey  mean  him  (in  rhyme  for  ^jyiaj). 
Compare  £  29,  rem.  b,  and  Vol.  i.  §  189,  b. 

32.  If  the  verb,  from  which  a  nomen  patientis  is  derived,  governs 
two  or  three  accusatives  in  the  active  voice,  its  nomen  patientis  retains 
one  or  two  of  them,  the  other  having  passed  into  the  nominative ;  as 

70  Part  Third.—  Syntax.  [§  33 

A  U>>>  <>J*£  (^jJa**  Ojj,  Zeid's  servant  (lit.  i^/rf,  fos  servant  [§  120]) 

#     ^,     J      JS       0        J  8 

is  ^/w»  a  dirham;  Uj15  o^tl  (j^ili-o  j^j  Zeid's  father  is  thought  to  be 

standing  up;  UllsuU  t^e  d^>l  ^.ju>  juj  Zeid's  father  is  informed 
that  'Amr  is  going  away.     See  §§  24,  25. 

33.  Verbal  adjectives  of  those  forms  which  differ  in  meaning 
from  the  nomina  agentis  only  in  being  intensive,  may  govern,  like  the 
nomina  agentis,  either  the  accusative  or  the  preposition  J.     Since, 

B  however,  their  verbal  force  is  very  slight,  the  latter  construction  is  by 
far  the  more  usual,  the  former  being  chiefly  poetic.     This  rule  applies 

principally  to  the  forms  JUi  and  Jj*»  (Vol.  i.  §  232,  and  rem.  d, 

§  233) ;  more  rarely  to  other  forms,  such  as  J***  (§  232),  J*s  (id.), 

«  -  »  ,  i 

and  JUa*  (§  233,  rem.  b).  Examples  with  the  accusative :  U.I 
lyj'iltt.  lyJI  L»U  w>>*J'  inured  to  (lit.  «  brother  of)  warfare,  constantly 
wearing  the  garments  suited  for  it ;  LjUxJI  aJI  Lol^i.  O^oJt  .Jl  IcjJLe 

C  rushing  upon  death,  wading  in  search  of  it  through  the  ranks  (L5U3JI 
in  rhyme  for  w*)Ux)l) ;  £l>o  «->"*  *$3  ^ot^  O-*  C>^  ^  tJj-k  5*^»~« 
l»*p  <ui£.>  adorned  with  a  ring,  which  is  not  an  amulet,  nor  manu- 
factured  by  a  moulder  of  a  dirham  with  his  hands;  J-o^j  Vi/^ 
JU^JI  oUIa  ou-Jt  smiting  with  the  edge  of  the  sword  the  heads  of 
men;  «->«»*  s!>*Jl  0'>**i  Ji>£J'  j^^  Mi  verily  she  stirs  up  the  patient 

D  (or  continent)  to  desire  {excites  desire  in  tliem,  ?»->**  in  rhyme  for 
fry**) ;  ^^9  >**  j<tv*>'*  j*&  ready  to  forgive  their  sin,  not  boastful 
(yi**  in  rhyme  for  }»*>*)  ;  *$"$**>  ^w^i  U-v***  Ul  <jUUi  tfwo  maidens, 
{one)  of  them  resembling  a  new  moon  (in  beauty) ;  «U.>  **<-*  dJJI  ^>l 
ettj  <j>*  ^°^  «^*r5  ««*  prayer  of  him  who  calls  upon  Him  ;  \jy*\  jj>»- 
a)  S)  on  his  guard  against  things  that  cannot  injure  {him)  ;  («J^I 

§  34]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     71 

Lf&jz  Os*j*  j*y>\  &  has  come  to  me  (to  my  hearing)  that  they  are  A 
defaming  (lit.  tearing  in  pieces)  my  character ;  \^£>\y>.  j^»~^  <*Jt  he 
is  a  slaughterer  of  the  fat  ones  among  them  (the  she-camels) ;  j^ 
jjjafJS  Olj^'  O-i^v*  haughty,  looking  with  disdain  on  the  limbs  of  the 
slaughtered  camel.  Examples  with  J :  C-a*— JJ  ,jyUbl  u^i)  05*\-*~* 
hearers  of  falsehood,  eaters  of  what  is  unlawful;  pL*  j^Js.  j\k£s  J£> 

every  hardened  infidel,  a  hinderer  oj  good ;  w-l£U  *^U*»  a  great  B 

collector  of  books;   J^xi  j>\jSj\  J15  U»J  JjyS  ready  to  say  what  the 

noble  say,  and  to  do  (it)  ;  etc. 

34.  Verbal  adjectives  of  the  form  J*»l,  corresponding  to  our 
comparative  and  superlative  (Vol.  i.  §  234),  when  derived  from  tran- 
sitive verbs,  take  their  object  in  the  genitive  with  J,  very  rarely  in  the 

accusative  ;  sls  ^Sj^c  ^Xjdi  w~U?l  >*  he  seeks  after  knowledge  more  than 

you  do;  a-Ju  ,j-«  aJU  w-».I  ,>«>*Jt  the  believer  loves  God  more  than   C 

himself;  gj*-^  vov**^'j  ^*^  >**'»**l3  tH^I  J^»-'  ^  ?»o^  ignorant 
of  men,  and  the  most  opposed  of  them  to  learning,  and  the  most  inimical 
of  them  to  the  lav: ;  wJil  j**^  >f**J  V^*v*  ^*y  »»««£  be  more  apt  to 
change  it  (viz.  the  letter  j,  into  ^)  without  an  intervening  (letter) ; 
L»jl^iJI  o^*-Jb  U«  w^-ol^  rt«c?  ?«w<?  ready  than  we  to  smite  with 

swords  the  tops  of  helmets  (l«JlyU1  in  rhyme  for  LrJ\^ii\,  accus.) ; 
Ul^j*.  *-ut^  and  a  better  protector  of  neighbours.  J) 

Rem.  a.  Verbal  adjectives  of  the  form  kJ*il,  derived  from  verbs 
signifying  love  or  hatred,  take  the  object  with  ^j  when  they  are  used 
in  an  active  sense,  as  in  the  second  and  third  of  the  above  examples; 
but  when  they  have  a  passive  sense*,  they  take  the  subject  with 

*  As  there  is  only  one  form  for  the  comparative  and  superlative, 
it  may  be  derived  from  verbal  adjectives  of  either  active  or  passive 

signification ;    e.g.  w-^-t   from   w^»«o  loving,  or  from  w-jw^.  beloved, 
dear.    [Comp.  Vol.  i.  §  235.] 

72  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  35 

£  J  t    J  Os 

A         ^M,  as  d^*i  ^yc  aXS\  .Jl  w*».l   ^*j4JI  the  believer  is  more  loved  of 

God  than  any  one  else  ;  \^t>  .J  I  ^ojl»\  3  a  he  is  more  hateful  to  me 
than  she. 

.       .  -"** 

Rem.  b.  Verbal  adjectives  of  the  form  Jjiil,  derived  from  in- 
transitive verbs  [i.e.  verbs  which  govern  their  object  by  means  of 
a  preposition,  §  23,  rem.  a],  require  the  same  preposition  after  them 

as  those  verbs ;  as  ^Jlft  0>*'  '**-*  ^8  *s  lighter,  or  easier,  for  me  ; 

'  '  J     *    0    Z  '  0      d  *>        s  J    s  i>  £  s  0*0/0  *  J    *   0  £  *  *0  vi     tO  J  *  Ot        *   J 

•D  j>  (l>  )  I  he  abstains  more  from  worldly  pleasures,  and  is  quicker  to  do 

good,  and  keeps  farther  from  (clearer  of)  crime,  and  is  more  eager 
after  the  praise  (of  God).  They  often,  however,  take  their  signifi- 
cation from  one  of  the  derived  forms  of  the  verb  (generally  the 

second  or  fourth) ;   as  S^lyiJU  j>^\  jt^ls   this  confirms  the  evidence 

*    *£  *     *  «i  6*O>0      J       J   J         0        \* 

still  more  (from  js\s\,  IV.  of  j»\l  to  stand);  (>JjJJ  t^i\  J>»»-  £>&3 

3  *  o£ 

^y~>\  but  the  obscurity  of  a  man  preserves  his  religion  better  (from 

*  &  *  *  ^  at  *      *  s  a     a      w  *t         „  j  a^a      j  o* 

_/0JL»  or  ^oJUl,  II.  or  IV.  of  ^*JL»  to  be  safe);  >*}L/}U  j^l  jMSiS  JZ5 

0        ^»*»'jj  O-*^  v**'j  ^e  slaying  of  unbelievers  increases  the  power  of 
Pd- Islam  and  strikes  greater  terror  into  those  who  are  behind  them  ; 

*    0  J  *  0  £*       *     a  *        j  *  0  £       *     \ 

ly^AjJ  ijA-ebj  LjJLo^J  }$*-\  «2JUi  this  improves  its  crop  and  makes 

0  J  0 *  *  j  *  0  i  w     *>  *o    jO  * 

its  oil  clearer ;  ^XJLc  ^-is^.1  ^JUfc.jJI  j^e.  another  besides  the  anti- 
Christ  fills  one  (accus.)  with  greater  fear  on  your  account  (than  he 

0*  w  it  *         J    -    a  i     s    J 

does);  aJI  ,-i*  ,J!  5»j*-t  >*  he  has  more  need  of  me  than  I  have 

*     *    *  0  *    * 

of  him  (from  .J  I  -».U;&.I,  VIII.  of  9»l»>,  to  have  need  of).    See  Vol. 

D        i-  §  235. 

35.  The  accusative  not  unfrequently  depends  upon  a  verb  which 
is  understood.     This  happens  : — 

(a)  In  phrases  expressive  of  command  (positive  or  negative), 
wish,  reproach  (worded  interrogatively),  praise,  salutation,  and  the 
like,  in  which  we  must  supply  the  verb  from  which  the  noun  in  the 

accusative  is  derived,  and  to  which  it  serves  as  J>J«L*JI  JyuLoJI  (§  26). 

For  example  :  ^hyp2im^M  lit  ^Z*.  w>l3>JI  w>oi  hjJc^>  CH-^'  ^r***  M* 

§  35]    The  Verb.—S.    Govejmment  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     73 

e  ->■*       A  j  . 

%.\jS  Ul^  U«  Uli  J^yi  'jjuij  and  when  ye  meet  (in  battle)  those  who  A 

believe  not,  smite  their  necks  (i.e.  cut  off  their  heads),  till  (at  last), 
when  ye  have  made  much  slaughter  among  them,  bind  fast  the  fetters ; 
and  {thereafter)  either  show  kindness  (by  letting  them  go  free)  or  take 

ransom   {for  them),   where    w>^'    Vj"-^  -  ^ij^   *r,^P'    '»-^'     ^* = 

O  *         +    *Qo        j  s  -  j 

U«  \Jy*2,  and  i\ji  =  \\ji  OJ-^*-'  :  *r~"*3'  J«^  JUJI  JhJjj  *^J^ 
carry  o/f  camels,  0  Zuraik,  as  foxes  carry  off  (their  prey),  where 
JUJI  ^ju  =  *$jo  JUJ1  Jjul  :  Uj*.  ^  lj--o  ^  patient  and  do  not  give  B 

i  -  *       a  -   a  -       *  *     i  a  -    e      e  i  a  - 

way  to  immoderate  grief  i.e.  U^*.  £>»~>  ^  Im-«^-«'  I  *^v-°  9en^V- 
softly!  i.e.  *iHv-«  Jv*' :  ^  W*-»  °w»y  ^'^  fl^w  ^^  ra*w  /  i.e.  i)li-/ 
Uu  aJUI  ;  ^U  Lc,  wrt?/  GW  £wp  M^/  i.e.  Lc,  aXM  JU, ;    ,*JJ  L-*5 

z  a  -      *    a  *  *  *  -  a  *a&  *•'     -  a  -      t  »  i  t 

mayest  thou  stumble !  i.e.  I— *5  c*...t> ;  ^^  O^Jt  j>j  jju  l^ifbl  shall 

t  a  J      }  i  o   ii 

I  be  ungrateful  after  thou  hast  averted  death  from  vie]  i.e.  \ja£s  j*£s\\  • 

j  ,a&    *■    ,  *      a  **       ?      //c 

>_.^t^Jl  d)^IU  jc5j  Wv'  dost  thou  delay  (or  loiter),  seeing  that  grey   C 

*  *  *  -I 

hairs  have  already  come  upon  thee?  i.e.  l-Jl>»  ^I^UI  :  <*JJt  ,jl 
£&?  absolute  glory  of  God !  or  4Jl»fcr-»  £T/s  absolute  glory !  scil.  9~->t 
/  praise  (which  is  an  jW*-]  or  statement  of  fact),  or  s"~-»,  ^^ ■*.<>, 
etc.,  praise  thou,  etc.  (which  is  an  |UJ!,  a  command  or  wish)  [often 
used  as  a  phrase  expressing  wonder] ;   4JUI   3U-9   God  forbid !  i.e. 

oJJI  jlx*  j^cl  /  se»jfc  ffo  refuge  of  God ;  w>j  W  <i*-oU».  &/re  jw#rcy  oh   D 

z  *  *     &  +  *       &  z*  *  *  a  £j  -  *-*    ^  .  -  - 

7w^,  0  my  Lord!  i.e.  UU»-  ^jJLc  (^a^J  or)  O*-'-^*^'  *£^'  I  ll'axt 

intent  upon    Thy  service,   0  God!  i.e.    U   iU  JjUuLM   il)  J^l ; 

2  *    +  +       -z  s  *  z  d  *      j   *  d  Z 

icU»j  l*^w  hearing  and  obeying,  or  to  foar  ?5  ^0  obey,  i.e.  t**~»  ^o-*t 
icl»  ^^^  ;  >6ji«  ^-^  welcome !  i.e.  >ejJL«  j-^  c— oj>3  £&?m  «;f 
arrived  the  best  of  arrivals ;  [<U!j^»j  L»».  ?r/^  for^  and  honour  (will  I 

*^»         *    >     a    I,     Z.  i     ,   *     l 

do  what  thou  recpiirest)  i.e.  '-e'j^l  JLe^slj  L».  .iL^.11. 

w.  ii.  10 

74  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  35 

A  Rem.  a.     In  the  cases  of  command,  wish,  and  reproach,  the  Arab 

grammarians  regard  the  verbal  noun,  not  as  a  j^>J»©  jju^uo  (§  26), 
but  merely  as  JjuJI  ^o  Jju  a  substitute  for  the  verb,  or  w*5L3 
jjjti)  I  w>Lu  supplying  the  place  of  the  verb  ;  so  that,  according  to 

^       *S>&         $    b  *  s       *  0M9  JOJ  *  *         Z  b  *  3  It      ^  *     *   * 

them,  Jl^JI  *^ju  is  simply  =  JUJ t  Jjul,  ^JU  Liw  =  4JJI' «*)ULj,  and 

Rem.  6.     In  such  cases  as  «^JlJL».  and  ^JLJ  the  dual  is  regarded 
B         as  being  used,  not  4-u£JJ  to  express  two  occasions,  but  j-J&Jtj  jjjXiXJ 
to    indicate   repetition   and  frequency.       [Similar    expressions   are 
Jbjutw,   -iXJUo.    JUjla^o-.    ^JU^tJub  and   ^Ua.l^Jb.] 

(&)  In  various  other  cases,  in  which  the  verb  to  be  supplied  is  not 
that  whence  the  noun  in  the  accusative  is  derived,  but  may  be  easily 
guessed  from  the  manner  in  which  the  noun  is  uttered  and  the  circum- 
stances of  the  speaker.     Such  are  :■ — 

(a)     Phrases    expressive   of   wish,   salutation,   and  the  like ;    as 

C    iW    Uj«*.   may  thy  nose  be  cut  off!   iXJ    Cj  perdition  to  thee!  i.e. 

cjkaJI  aJJI  JUfJ!  or  ws^JI ;  '^v-'J  *^*b  W»y«>  scil.  C-.JI  or  C-siiLo, 

thou  art  come  to,   or  hast  found,  a  roomy  {convenient)  place,  and 

-        * "  *  * 
friendly  people,   and  a   smooth   (comfortable)  place;    <iAj    L»y-©,   i.e. 

^b  w«*.j->  UUC*  o~JI,  £^om  ar£  co?w<?  to  a  place  where  there  is  plenty 
of  room  for  thee  (to  a  comfortable  place) ;    phrases  equivalent  to 
welcome!  ^y—^j  aJUl   ^JU   L»^  may  God  give  thee  plenty  of  room 
D  and  ease!* 

(ft)  Phrases  in  which  an  individual  is  called  upon  to  guard 
himself,  or  a  part  of  his  person,  against  some  one   or  some   tiling 

(jjJka*Jj|) ;   or  in  which   one  or  more  individuals   are   urged   to   do 
something  or  attack  some  object  (*h^1).     In  the  former  case,  the 

*  [On  the  phrase  Kltj*  L^-i*  comp.  §  44,  c,  rem.  h,  footnote.] 

§35]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.      75 

speaker  may  mention  (1)  either  the  person  who  is  to  be  on  his  guard,  A 
or  (2)  the  person  or  thing  he  is  to  guard  against,  repeating  the  word 
or  not,  at  pleasure  ;  or  lastly,  (3)  both  together,  connecting  them  by 

the  conjunction  3.     In  the  latter  case,  he  mentions  only  the  object  to 
be  attacked,  repeating  the  word  or  not,  as  he  pleases.     Examples  : 

«i)bt,  or  Jbt  ^)UI,  take  care!  i.e.  jJ^».l  jJM  thee  I  warn;  *iU».j  thy 
foot!  scil.   ,3  take  care  of;   ȣLjIj   thy  head!   scil.    *-J,  fowo7  aside; 

+  *  i  0*  *   *i 000    *  *  i-Q*  .  0*0 

jui^t,  or  jurf^l  ju/^t,  £^#  /«/>»  /  M^  lion  !  scil.  jj^*.1  beware  of,  guard  B 

against ;  jij^JI  jtjiaJ!  ^  wall!  the  wall!  ^y~d\  ic^'  ^  child! 

the  child!    Jij/JaJl    J>JpaJt   ^   road!    the  road!    scil.    J**,    clear; 

ju»^tj  Jbl  /wwaT  ^  fowl  /  scil.  ju^l  jJ^-tj  jJ^-l  JL>1  ;  SI^U^JIj  i)L»t 

^guard  thyself  against  enmity;  oUj^.»Jlj  ^)0l  foep  cfew  0/'  innova- 

*    •  *  *  0  *       0  Z  *       +    £ 

tions  or  neiv-fangled  ideas;   tj^»  ,J*aj  <Jlj  «^Wi>  or,  less  correctly, 
IJ*^»  J.«»j  ,jl  i)b1,  beware  of  doing  so  and  so  (where  0'>  followed  by    C 
the  imperfect  subjunctive,  is  put  instead  of  the  accusative  cf  a  noun 

_    „  Co     ,  1  ,.      ^0^      o£^      '2 

[§  23,  rem.  c]) ;  Jj«»J'  IJv  J*~-->  Ob  ^W]  ^^  care  /w£  to  meddle 
with  this  sort  of  contention;  -buUJIj  ^LjIj  thy  head  and  the  wall! 
scil.  JsuUJt  jJ^-'j    jX-»Ij   ^J  ;    \Ju~J\j    JL»lj  jU   Mazin,  thy  head 

'  O  Z    &  '     0  »B*  +      *  i.*  is,  i    J  ^0*»      i     J  +0* 

and  the  sword!  scil.  ou-JI  j«x»-1j  »iLJj  ,3  OJ^  W>  JJ^'  j»**J' 
the  foe!   the  foe!   scil.    IjJui.  sm^,   attack;  ,£)Ui.t   ,iM».t,   or  ,i)b*.t 

O'  -        '    0      0*s,  _  0*0 

<*JI    jjL-A-^lj,  fo  always  kind  to  your  brother,  scil.  j>j&,  cleave  to;  D 
<ilJl£«  A^p  #owr  j!>fo<;e  /  scil.  >»pl ;   <^-Lb  iljl£  rfo  a*'  ?/om  ftfo  «0&^ 

0-0  *     J         -  -  ..         *  *  Or  Z  1 

your  camels,  scil.  Jj»*1,  #o;  j*.  io-Ii  *^   g^^i  Jib  everything  but 

*  j      *  *       *       0       ->'       s*        0^        Z  J 

reviling  a  freeborn  man  !   scil.  j*-  io-JLw  s-Siy  *^j  s,^  »J^  Cot ; 

,     ,    *i  ,     *•* ,  03    01  *'  ' 

^«lc\   before  thee!   Je'j^   behind  thee!   scil.  ^psul  look;    ^)jiJ&  thy 

excuse!  scil.  j^*>,  or  va^l,  produce;  &Jj**-  thy  story!  scil.  OlA 
grj'w  here,  tell. 

76  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  35 

A  Rem.  a.    If  a  noun  in  the  accusative  be  uttered  only  once,  the  verb 

may  be  added  ;  but  if  the  accusative  be  repeated,  or  if  there  be  two 

accusatives  connected  by  j,  the  verb  is  never  expressed. — Vulgarly, 
jw*i)l  ^)UI  is  used  instead  of  jui^l^  «^L;I,  and  the  like. 

Rem.  b.     It  is  only  the  second  personal  pronoun  which  is  com- 
monly thus  used.     Examples  of  the  first  and  third  persons  are  rare ; 

e.g.  j-uJIj  ^Gl  keep  me  from  evil!  scil.  j»uJt   *Jj  jJJ\  ^js-  ^-^a^J 

_-.  vt  *  *   sb  £  Ota     J   j       J    *  £  *  0  *      0   £  •      •      £ 

■d         lk^')  w-Jj^t  ^=>J>-*-\  Jj^aj  jjbj  ^Q'  preserve  me  from  seeing  any 
of  you  throw  at  (or  shoot  at)  a  hare  !  scil.  oJ>*.  SjjfeUL©  \j&  ty**-j 

wM^Jjl  bl^  «bU  w^ew  a  man  reaches  sixty,  let  him  avoid  the  young 
women  (where  observe  the  irregular  use  of  Gl  with  a  substantive). 

(y)    Various  phrases,  of  which  the  following  may  serve  as  examples. 
,*t*     , ,    ,    *  b* 
\j   We  may  say  to  a  hunter,  jJLi\  ^Xt  *S$£}\-the  dogs  at  the  antelopes! 

o      o£  ##  ^     *   0    6* 

scil.  J— 'j'  fe£  /oo«? ;  or  of  a  person  who  is  aiming  at  a  target,  ^Us^l 
aJJIj  £A<?  target,  by  God !  scil.  v-^^--  ^  w*7/  /«'£/  or  if  we  hear  people 
shouting  at  the  first  appearance  of  the  new  moon,  <*-Ulj  J*%^\  the  new 
moon,  by  God!  scil.  tjj-«3->1  #A^y  Aaw  seg»;  or  to  one  who  tells  us  a 

dream,  j~>  Uj  tj*»-  wAa£  &  (700c?  and  cheering,  scil.  wolj  ^o«  hast 
seen  or   dreamed;    or   to   a   man   who    has   done    something   mean, 

D  *iL^j  IjJb  J.^1  «//  #A&  om£  0/*  stinginess  1  scil*  C-Jjii  Aas£  £&>«  c?o«e  ? 
[>»&••  •**-'  ^5**^  <&  <3*^*"  V^-°'>  scil.  S}*  preserve  your  mother  from 
being  divorced,  for  if  any  of  you  sings  a  song  (it  will  assuredly  happen). 
'Ag.  ii.  52,  1.  8.     D.  G.] 

(8)  Phrases  in  which  a  pronoun — generally  of  the  first,  rarely  of 
the  second  person — is  followed  by  the  noun,  to  which  it  refers,  in  the 
accusative,  without  any  verb  intervening.    The  object  of  this  construc- 

tion — named  by  the  Arab  grammarians  ^Lol*.*})!  the  specification  or 

particularisation  (of  the  pronoun) — is  to  show  that  this  accusative  is 

§35]    TlieVerb. — 3.   Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Acctis.     77 

the  noun  which  the  pronoun  represents  and  to  which  the  statement  A 
made  refers.     It  is  to  be  explained  by  an  ellipsis  of  ^ys-\  I  mean,  or 

uo±.\  I  specify.  Examples  :  JJu  v^«  ^a*— »'  »->**'  O-*^  we  Arabs — 
lit.  we,  (I  mean)  the  Arabs, — are  the  most  liberal  among  the  generous  ; 

S«3j«*M  ^s.  Uj  Z5[k  n)  »UJbusJt  ^a^J  we,  the  miserably  poor,  have  not 
the  ability  to  be  generous  as  becomes  men  ;  £->jy>  *$  sWi"  j-£l*«  \y»^j 
we,  the  band  of  prophets,  have  no  heirs  {among  men)  ;  ot.tX>  L^j^j  Uj  B 

j     -  -  -a  e  e  *       , »  ,       2 

w>L-aJI   by  us,   Temlm,  the  mist  is  swept  away ;  jȣ  jju-o   ^j   lit 

w *»  j^i  we,  the  Benu  Minkar,  are  a  people  of  high  worth  ;  jj  ^i\ 

j~x*o  yA  U«  Sj\jj  j»j\*  ^i*>  Ut  seest  thou  not  that  Zurdra,  the  father  of 

-  >  -  * » - 

Ma'bed,  is  one  of  us,  the  Benu  Ddrim?  (ju**  in  rhyme  for  ju*«) ; 

* '    *    -         -         .-  t  j  0>a     j  j  Of 

^j^*   *$   O*--8^'  ^ff*5'  ye>  (I  mean)  the  believers,  grieve   not  ye; 

*    0    *0*O  3  2  ,       *  *i    -9  /^    ^      /     /       /      0  j 

J-fioUl  >»yj  aJJI  «ib  in  Thee — God — we  hope  for  bounty ;  <xXi\  dJ[s*.~~>   C 

*    .     *to*°  •  o  £      w  J      *  0  * 

^*Ji»Jt  (I  assert)  Thy  absolute  glory — the  great  God;  [JaI  CU  (jloJLw 
~JI  Salman  is  one  of  us,  the  kinsfolk  of  the  Prophet].. 

Rem.  a.     This  kind  of  ^Lal^.1  is  only  a  species  of  the  w«-ai 
j*+*j*3\}  ^oZZMj  voJJI^  ^-J^3I   L5^  or  accusative  of  praise,  blame, 

*  '   0*0       it  J   d    ^   e-* 

reproach,  and  pity ;  e.g.  jl*^»JI  aJU  Jl^aJI  praise  belongs  to  God, 

0  J.V  ^  3C  J.  J       &  J*> 

f/t«  praiseworthy;    >lil^i\    Jjkl    <*JU  ^UL»JI  kingdom  belongs  to  God,   J) 

\  t  m  '     *  0*0  *"    d  *     j  it*  Q*&* 

{the  Being)  entitled  to  kingdom ;  w-k&Jt  iJU^.  aJt^otj  and  his  tcife, 

*  *   0*0      *  *0fO     50*  si 

the  (miserable)  carrier  of  firewood ;  w-...a»JI  JU-U3I  juj  1*^^'  Zeid 

.  **     r'sdrt         *  d         die  ids* 

came  to  me,  the  base  ivicked  toretch;  u~j[J\  ^.JC^Jt  <u  Oj»-e 
/  passed  by  him,  the  poor  wretch;  in  aU  of  which  examples  the 
word  j^-ict,  /  mean,  may  be  supplied. 

-■  '  *'  ,   ,   , 

Rem.  6.     In  such  phrases  as  L£JI  there  it  is  for  you  !  iCju  ^JLfc 

there's  my  hand  for  you  !  LoJau  i)Li  A<?re  ^Ae?i  ts  a  poem  for  you  ! 

78  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  36 

M  ^JUk  take  the  sword !  [to  a  woman]  the  accusative  is  used, 

*    0*  *       * 

because  .iLJI  and  JiJlA  (Vol.  i.  §  368,  rem.  d)  are  in  point  of  sense 

o  j  *  o  3  *   o*       *   o  3  o  j 

equivalent  to  Jui.  take  (Ia»x».  or  »iJLJI  UJci.,  ^_£ju  ,>»»).     Similarly, 

£  0^  *    0  *  *  *  0  *        *      *  0  *  0  *       *      ^       3  3**3 

in  the  phrases  ljuj  '•^M^i  '«KJ  ^J^c,  t juj  «iijj^,  wise  iTeitZ  /  a&ji, 

3        3   3*3  f  -•     J    c    -         0    t 

dj^&jj,  toA;e  Aim/  the  accusative  does  not  depend  upon  Jui.0  ^1 
(£/t«£  £/tow  shouldst  seize),  to  be  supplied  after  the  preposition,  but 

a  j  o  ^o 

upon  an  imperative,  such  as  Jta»  or  j»ji\,  implied  in  the  preposition 
B         itself.     The  literal  meaning  is  :  seize  Zeid,  who  is  in  front  of,  beside 

*         die       *  *  Zi  * 

or  close  by  you.     So  also  in  the  phrases  Ju^SJI  ^J^-h**  come  quickly 
to  the   terld  (a  sort  of   hash   or   stew),  where  the  interjection  is 

f        0     3  ^J/  /O/ 

equivalent  to  Uy— » «  O-jl ;    \joj  jlo  gently  with  Zeid!  treat  Zeid 

3  0       oi  t  0  *       *  0  *  6**0* 

gently  !  =  aX^c\  \  I  juj   <aXj,  or,  with  the  genitive,  juj  aXj  let  alone 

3    0      3  03  3   0*  *  0  *  *  0  *  3 

Zeid,   say   nothing    of  Zeid=<&j3\    or    ac>  ;    and    Ijuj    J^Jjj   or 

0-         ^0^.»  JO      OP  JO        Of  ^  0  .> 

juj  J*-jjj;  ^-ea£  Zeid  gently /  =  0}jj\  or  dJL^t.     In  the  case  of  aXj 

*  0  *  3  ** 

and  jujj  with  the  accusative,  the  fetha  is  a  *Uj  or  indeclinable 

*     Of 

C  ending  (as   in  ^jj\  where?);  whereas  with  the  genitive,  it  is  the 

0  0*  o    0  * 

termination  of  the  construct  accusative  of  aX>  -  ^)jj  leaving,  letting 

0  0*3  03 

alone,  and   J*£3j,  the  diminutive  of   ^jj,  slow  and  gentle  motion, 

*      *  0*  *     *   0  *  3  *      *  0  * 

gentleness.     We  may  also  say  .*) j^J,  jjju^j,  softly  !  gently  !  i)j*-o 

Z  Q  *  tOsssOsJ  t  *       *  0  s  )  *    J        ^  0  *  J 

Ijuj,    ljuj    ^J>i3j,   gently    with    Zeid!    ^j£>j^jj,    ^yl&^jj, 

3     3*0*3  * 

i^y+&J>i3ji  etc.,  gently  with  me  !  the  agent  (jJ,  etc.)  being  in  the 

*    *  *  0    *  *      -  0  *  3 

genitive;    [^ojljjdb   \.9y*  ^J^ijj  drive   thou  the  old  camels  gently, 
D        Faikxi.  139]. 

a  #  a  s 

36.     The  adverb   oi  £>*#%»  certainly,  and  the  conjunction   o' 

Ma£,  as  likewise  the  particles  compounded  with  these  two  words, 
such  as  v>£),  or  0&3>  but,  yet,  o^  «$  (/>  «s  though,  and  O^  because 
(see  Vol.  i.  §  362,  m,  00,  and  §  367,  g),  take  a  following  substantive  or 
pronoun  (which,  according  to  our  idiom,  ought  to  be  in  the  nominative, 
as  the  subject  of  a  nominal  or  verbal  proposition)  in  the  accusative, 

§  36]    The  Verb.—S.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a.)  The  Accus.     79 

because  the  force  of  the  verb  to  see  (\£\j)  is  embodied  in  these  A 
particles*.     This  takes  place  both  when  the  subject  immediately 

follows  j^jl,  etc.,  and  when  it  is  separated  from  them  by  a  portion  of 

the  predicate  of  jjt,  etc.,  consisting  of  an  adverb  of  time  or  place,  or  a 
preposition  with  its  complement.     In  the  former  case  the  affirmative 

particle  J  may  be  prefixed  to  the  predicate  of  Q\ ;  in  the  latter,  to  its 
subject.     If,  however,  the  predicate  be  negative,  or  consist  of  a  verb  in 

the  perfect,  not  preceded  by  j3,  the  particle  J  ought  not  to  be   B 
prefixed  to  it.     Examples  :  jjj3  %^>  J^»  ^jJU  aJUl  <jt  God  is  mighty 
over  all  (lit.  see  God,  He  is  mighty  over  all) ;  jb^jJ  ^  5jtjia*J1  ,jl 
youth  does  not  last;  ^*t*-j  jj**3  <*JJ'  Oi  G°d  is  forgiving,  merciful; 


^ykjlx)  ^j+±A^\  y^yc  Uu^i  jj^j  a«//  a  part  of  the  believers  were  averse; 
Oyr**i  j^?j^  \jP  ^ov*i  «^-»*)  %  thy  life,  they  were  bewildered  in 
their  intoxication ;  {Jj^\  VI  **JJI  **  ,j'  O^H*^^-^  do  ^  feg£(/^  C 
^a£  ^;-e  «/v?  other  gods  with  the  (true)  God?  Jj^a  ^JJI  w^JJb  ,jt 
^*5a  .£*""'  *"  ^  r«^'««  *&»*  *»  ft^fote  ££/«'  (£&?r<?  /«Vs)  «  murdered 
w«»/ jLajN)!  ^j^  S^jJ  ^Jj  ^y  ,j|  jn  this  there  is  an  example  (or 
learning)  to  those  possessed  of  insight;  U.*5)LaJ  «i~-£Jt  lyjt  .iUJS  ^j  ^t 
tj.^L.^U  in  putting  thee  to  death,  old  man,  there  is  a  benefit  to  the 
Muslims;  [w-^yk  it  ^Jks.  j*\  ^  ^LHj  jUi^l  ^>*  ;*3  *J  ^yli  D 
*+iy?  /  was  w*YA  «ww^  w^»  o/"  £fo  !4w.s«r,  M?Ai&£  ^  people  were  in 
great  distress,  when  lo  I  had  a  light  slumber] ;  J^JU  ^  UCU  £>l  ^^. 
**Ai  ^  U^»  ^-y  ^  is  narrated  that  one  of  the  kings  of  India  had 
a  wife;  SsUJ  sz3h>\  ^1  ^J  A^r  J^J^  J15  ^j  £,1  ^jl^jT  ^yj 
and  in  the  hadlt — or  collection  of  traditions— (ice  read)  that  a  man 

*  Compare  en  and  ecce  in  Latin,  as  en  eum,  ecce  eum  or  eccum. 

80  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  36 

A  said,  0  apostle  of  God  !  my  mother  has  died  suddenly ;  a*Jjt  ^  O^9 

t*m'  2  *  j     •>   -    o  '      *&&  * 

'j-Sj  as  i/"  in  his  ears  (were)  hardness  of  hearing ;  ^ji  ^£=>$£=>  \^j\£s 

as  if  it  were  a  glittering  star ;  jy  i^a^i\^  jy  ^JjjJI  ,j^)  IJJbj  a??e? 

(A#  did)  this  because  knowledge  is  a  light  and  the  ablution  {before 

•prayer)  is  a  light ;  ^yyAiu  *n)  ^>*iiU«JI  (J>^3  ^  ^ie  hypocrites  do  not 


Rem.  a.     These  particles,  along  with  those  mentioned  in  rem.y^ 

n  .  ' '  '  '  * '     fi  .  • 

d  are  named  by  the  grammarians  IjJI^».Uj  ^1  'inna  and  its  sisters, 
or  jJjiaJU  Ay-^oJI  ojj^fcJI  the  particles  which  resemble  the  verb  in 

„  a    a**         *  o  *  j  j 

having  a  certain  verbal  meaning  and  force,  1^*5  JjwJI  ■  <**  ^5*V 
C^j^oJj  wUb)Ju~>bj  C*y~*j  Oj^l  ,J^  ^JjiaJI  ^^  W>1*"«  O*^ 
C-N^a-jJj.     The  word  governed  by  them  is  called  their  J9~»\  or  noun, 

<i  '  * 

and  the  predicate  is  called  their  j+±.  or  predicate. 

a  m 

C  Rem.  b.     If  the  predicate  is  placed  between  jjl  or  ^jl  and  its 

noun,    the   logical    accent   lies    upon    the    noun ;    whereas,    if   the 

predicate    stands   after   the   noun,   it   receives    the   logical    accent 

itself.  For  example,  -iJL».lo  £aa  ,j1  means  your  friend  is  ivith 
you  ;  but  Jlx-o  »£JL».lo  ^t  your  friend  is  with  you. 

Rem.  c.  A  second  subject  after  q\,  <jt,  and  ij£i,  may  be  put 
in  the  nominative,  if  the  common  predicate  has  been  already 
expressed;  as  \j£jj  u-^W-  '**ij  0'»  or  J**i3>  verily  Zeid  is  sitting, 

D  «^  -#*&•  (i-e.  c^W-  J-^J  or  ^J^>  j*^3)  >  l^J W-  ' J^j  O'  *£*•*» 
t^ujj,  or  j£*>3,  I  know  that  Zeid  is  sitting,  and  Bisr ;  \j+£  ^>*J 
ijjti.*    JiJlLu-6,   or  Jjli._j,   but  'Amr  is   going  away,   and  Halid; 

*  [In  the  phrase  juj  i-J  ^oA^**.  jt  j>^\  ^-».  O-*  Oi  one  of  the  best 
intentioned  of  the  people,  or  the  very  best  of  them,  is  Zeid,  we  must  not 
write  1  juj  because  (jl  is  to  be  supplied  after  ^1,  'Ayanl.  xviii.  77.    D.  G.J 

§  36]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.    81 

jlyisl  S^Ljj  oUpCoJ!^  ^o^  5>^'j  As'^JLsfcJI    ,jt    verily  tlie  cahfate  A 
aw</  the  office  of  prophet  are  in  them  (in  their  tribe),  and  noble  deeds 
and  chiefs  of  spotless  character. 

*  3  Si  £      S  £  -»  5      i      # 

Rem.  d.  "When  U  is  appended  to  ,jl,  ^jt,  tj^>  anc^  C>^>  xt 
hinders  their  regimen,  or,  to  speak  more  correctly,  their  governing 
power  does  not  extend  beyond  itself  (5il£)l  I©  the  hindering  ma), 
and  hence  their  noun  is  put  in  the  nominative ;   as  ^i  bjJI  L>)t 

A<t...,:Jl   verily  usury  is  in  the  delay  (of  payment) ;    cA5jua)1    LjJt    " 
sj/jUJU   <A«  obligatory  alms  are  only  for  the  poor  (LoJt   is  usually 
restrictive,  see  §  185,  and  Vol.  i.  §  362,  n) ;   L^JI  .Jl  i**-yi  U-"| 
jk^tj  dJI^XyJI  if  w  on?y  revealed  to  me  that  your  God  is  one  God ; 

iUJ^oJ&i^l^^iCJt^ol  l^JI  I^Jlclj  «?icf  Amojo  <A«<  your  wealth  and 
your  children  are  a  temptation ;  l*^isu«o  Ooj*£)l  Ja^  UoJl^   %s  if 

flames  of  sulphur  were  its  face  ;  l\^i  ^JWvP'  0*4  «*^*U^  UJl&  as  if  C 
his  turban  were  a  standard  among  men.     The  same  influence  is 
exercised  by  the  jjUJI  ^^o-o  or  3.«aiJl  j-^-o   (Vol.  i.  §  367,  </) ; 

as  4Jbt3  aJJI  i«t  «ut  verily  the  handmaiden  of  God  is  departing; 

<ub"   UjL>   ^o  4Jt    verily,  lolwever  comes  to  us,  tee  ivill  go  to  him; 

aJUI  Ul  dJI  verily  I  am  God. 

Rem.  <?.  If  the  lightened  (oUa*.*)  forms  ,jl,  ,jt,  ,J^,  and 
^jXJ,  be  used,  their  government  is  likewise  hindered,  and  their  D 
noun  is  put  in  the  nominative. — £j\  is  in  this  case  always  followed 
by  ^J  [\rol.  i.  §  361,  c,  c],  as  JiXkA^J  juj  ^j\  verily  Zeid  is  going 
away ;  ,jt^.LJ  ^jljuk  ,jt  verily  these  two  are  sorcerers ;  ^J^  (jl^ 
Qjj^"*  «  ^JjJ   .*.e^    UeJ  rt?if/  verily  all,  gathered  together  (SjuJ-e  L* 

**  0  i 

ju^UJJ),  sliall  be  brought  before   Us. — As.  to  ^t,  the  grammarians 
assume  an   ellipse  of   the   ^jtiJI  ^*-e-o,   as   J>^K:-g  juj    ^jl   C— o-^t 
I  know  that  Zeid  is  going  away,  i.e.  a3I  or  <ul  :   ^JULfc  ^jl  \y^Xe.  j3 
w.    II.  11 

82  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  36 

0        y  ui    J 

A         ^JjCUjj  L<AaH  l>*  J^  they  know  that  every  one  who  is  barefooted 

it    b  *  * 

and  shod,  will  die  (alike).  We  find  .also  such  examples  as  JJJI  ^Ji 
jJ3\ji  ,,«£)L>  gU.jJI  ^e^j  ,,3  if  thou  hadst  asked  me  to  part  from 

thee  in  the  day  of  affluence,  for  ^Xj\  ;  £-iy>  ^-~*$  T"**-)  ^W  (they 
know)  that  thou  art  autumnal  showers  and  a  plenteous  rain,  for 
JUU;  and  even^JUct  ^L>j  ^o^^i^J  UJ  y£>  oi_S  aw«  verify  *«?/ 
Lord  will  repay   every  one    (according   to)   their   works    (oj^jja   La 

o  *  a  £j  j        vt     •>  o  i-  *  o  t  ' 

B         J-JxiJJ),  where  others  read  *$£=>  (jlj. — Examples  of   ^J£s  :    C^^=> 

2  j       j  *   0 -  0  i  ' 

^jlia.  oLjju  as  if  its  breasts  were  two  round  ivory  caskets;   O^ 

^oJLJI  Jijlj  ,J|  ^.laaj  *--is  ^e  a  gazelle  which  stretches  (her  head)  to 

the  leafy  selem-lree  ;  where  others  read  a*j  ju  <J^,  and  i*J3  (J», 

o  £  *b  s         o  £  * 

or    (regarding    ,jt   as    redundant)    A**ii    O^    ^n    the    genitive. — 

0         1  J  *      '  '  0  *0*9       *  J      Z>       *o  I 

Examples  of  sj£i :  ,j»~«  J*iLo  ^5  jt>^J\  ^»JUsJI  ,j£J  but  the 
nrrong -doers  are  this  day  in  manifest  error  ;  j^j&S  >£  O^7*  "'1P^  O^ 

d  J  d 

C        vov***  ^  </iose  o/*  them  viho  are  firmly  rooted  in  knowledge. 

Rem.  /.  The  words  C~J,  utinam,  would  that —  /  and  ^s.  or 
JjJ,  perhaps,  are  construed  in  the  same  way  as  jjl,  etc.;  as 
O- i.Vi*.g.M  *x*->  lV^J  ^^*  ^^  ^  0  that  there  were  behveen  thee  ana 
me  the  distance  of  east  from  west !  ^jjhyUt  a1Sj£-  l~-J  C*J  *$\  would 
<Aa<  <//e  midwives  had  drowned  Kais  !  w~>ji  isLJI  ^)jJ  ^j>j  Uj 
and  what  lets  thee  know  (whether)  perchance  the  hour  (of  the  resur- 
D  rection)  is  near  ?  If  U  be  added  (see  rem.  d),  the  government  of 
J»c  or  JjO  is  hindered,  as  ^Jl».  OJI  l<A«3  perchance  thou  unit 
behave  with  calmness  (or  moderation) ;  but  the  noun  of  l^lJ  may  be 

x   ,0,        ,t         0    '    'm 

put  either  in  the  nominative  or  in  the  accusative,  as  LoJiJ  ^)l  CJ15 
U  vbCsLjI    IJJb   s/te   s«iJ,    0   would   that   these   doves   were   ours ! 

CzAslj  JLjli  Hoi  U  C-sJ  Ij  0  would  thai  our  mother  took  her 
departure/ — These  words   seom,  as   has  been  already  remarked  in 

§  37]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— {a)  The  Accus.    83 

Vol.  i.  §  364,   rem.  b,  to  be  verbs ;   and  if   so,   they  govern   the  A 
accusative  by  their  own  force  and  not  by  that  of  an  omitted  or 

implied  verb*.     JjJ,  however,  sometimes  [especially  in  the  dialect 

of  'Okeil]  takes  a  genitive ;  as  w«J/S  «£U*e  jl^JLoJI  ^*>\  J*)  perhaps 

o   *        *■  o  *  *     o  j  f  a  *      *t  &     &  *s 
'Abu   'l-Jligwar   may  be   near   thee ;    %i^-i    UJLc  ^XLai  aJUI    Jlx) 

perhaps  God  may  liave  given  you  some  superiority  over  us. 

£      'v* 
Rem.  g.     With  the  suffixes  of  the  1st  person  we  say  ■<-»],  Uil, 

w*         £  ££££■*  £       \  *§  ** 

or  i-Jt,  Ul,  and   so  with   ^1,   ^jl£»   and   £yQ ;   but  |i«)  is  more 

usual  than  i<-Jji),  whilst  conversely  .jiJ  is  very  rare.     The  corre-   B 

sponding   Hebrew    particle    to    ^j\,    viz.    niJH)    also    governs    the 

accusative,  as  appears  from  the  forms  *J3H  and  *J3i"l>  ecce  rue. 
Rem.  A.     Some  of  the  Arabs  put  the  predicate  of  these  words, 

*  £  *  *      *  :  -  :  i.     £  £  * 

as  well  as  their  noun,  in  the  accusative ;  e.g.  \iyZJ  I3t  <uol  i^^ 
ti^a>^  LoJL5  ^1  iolS  /its  ears,  when  he  looks  out  eagerly,  are  like  a 
quill  or  a  pointed  reed-pen;  IjlwI  CwIja.  ^j\  verily  our  guards  are 
lions;  \xm.\jj  ,**^dl  j»\j\  C~J  Lj   0  would  that  the  days  of  youth    C 

£  *s*      * 

could  return  !  jJbl  i***^  W  0  would  that  I  were  tliou ! 

37.     If  the  conjunction  j  connects  two  nouns  in  such  a  way  that 
the  second  is  subordinate  to,  and  not  coordinate  with,  the  first,  it 

governs  the  second  in   the  accusative ;   as  J^lsJbj  juj  ,*£■*  Zeid 
went  ahng  the  road;  J-jJIj  ^--jI  cJj  Lo  I  did  not  cease  going  along 
the  Nile ;  jr=>£\£sjZ>$  jr=>y>\  \$a-*c*\s  decide  then  upon  your  affair  with   D 
your  companions;  [i»£»Jtj  2UJI  ^jyi->\  water  and  wood  are  equal]; 
^Jblj    CoUc    U    what    hast   thou    done,   together   with  thy  father! 

*  [wsJ  seems  to  be  changed  from  woj  =  o»jIj      Hence  it  can  be 
construed  with  two  objective  complements  in  the  accusative  (like  the 

JJW  1     «•  tit  S        r  itr  ,      if 

wj^XiJI   JUst)  e.g.   l*5U>  ljuj    C~J  0  might  Zeid  rise!  prop,  utinam 
videas  Zeidum  surgentem.] 

84  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  37 

A  aU^  O^w  I  went  together  with  him*;  'j^jj  ^Jtw  U,  or  tjuj.5  <£JJ  U, 
what  hast  thou  to  do  with  Zeidl  *x»»J  J^»-  ^jJjJIj  *£U  U  w/*a£  /*«s£ 
£Aow   to  do   with   loitering  about   Negdl    (»iUa3    or    <±LJl£>)    «iL-~»- 

Q  -  0  £  0  -  -  -      J  ©    -     , 

^o^j^  '**<jj  <*  dirham  is  enough  for  thee  together  with  Zeid;  <iU-~».j 
^x^-o  v-iw    2)U»-tfJtj  a  sword  of  good  steel  is  enough  for  thee  with 

-  » 

(when  thou  meetest)  ad-Dahhdk ;  ;»-a»Jlj  <^Xj^  do  as  thou  pleasest 
(§  35,  b,  /?)  about  the  pilgrimage  (=^o*J!   *^  dJJli  <iUAc) ;  <su«ajj  \%j*>\ 

0---J0-  ^    _ 

B   let  a  man  alone  (=  <x«Ju  a.*  *£,>).    This  j  is  called  by  the  grammarians, 

-  m  Ci      -  0x>     J   - 

like  the  j  that  governs  the  subjunctive  (§  15,  e),  S***JI  jlj  oi 
ji^aJI  jlj  ^e  tow  of  simultaneousness,  and  *u».La*JI  jlj  the  ivaw 
of  association  or  concomitance  t. 

[Rem.  a.     The  ^  is  called  jajjltt  jlj  iAe  w«w  o/  adherence,  if  the 

J-----  0-  li    J 

two   nouns  belong  necessarily  together,  as   <sUoJ$    ?,w    ,J^   eac/i 

J  Z  s  *  -    0  w    J 

C         ^/mty  has  its  i>rice  ;  a*A>j  ^L-Jl  jj^s  every  man  has  his  own  care.] 

J  -   -  J      J  0  -0- 

Rem.  b.     This  accusative  is  termed  a**©  J[$juLoJI  or  £/ie  object  in 
connection  with  which  something  is  done.     It  occurs,  though   but 
rarely,  in  Hebrew,  as  Esther,  ch.  iv.  16,  p  &!)XN  TTlW)  ^X"D3 
/  too,  with  my  maidens,  will  fast  so. 

*  [From  this  o\j\^  the  modern  preposition  b^  or  L>^  toi^/i  has  been 

formed   (comp.   Lane,   p.    135  c).      Spitta,   Grammatik,  §  83,   p.   166, 
D   adduces  this  as  an  evident  proof  against  Sprenger,  who  considered  the 

whole  theory  of  the  aIa^JI  jtj  as  false  (Alte  Geogr.  p.  280).     D.  G.] 

f  Quite  correctly  too,  for  the  subjunctive  of  the  verb  corresponds 
both  in  signification  and  in  form  to  the  accusative  of  the  noun.  The 
one  shows  that  a  person  or  thing  depends  upon  an  act,  the  other  that 
one  act  depends  upon,  or  is  affected  or  governed  by,  another  act.     [It 

is  perhaps  superfluous  to  remark  that  the  use  of  j  with  the  accusative 

is  not   limited  by   the    conditions   given   for  the    use  of  j   with    the 

§  38]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     85 

38.    The  person  or  thing  called,  ^UoJt,  is  generally  preceded  by  A 
one  or  other  of  the  5tjuJI  oj^».,  or  SljUcJI  ^J^j*.,  interjections.     The 

principal  of  these  are:    1,  ■  *,  b,  U1,  La,  ^$1,  \^\ ;  LjI   (fern.   V*jI), 

to  which  b  may  also  be  prefixed ;  and  1j. 

(«)     Of  the  first  seven  of  these  particles  the  most  common  are 

t,  b,  and  bt.  They  require  after  them  a  noun  not  defined  by  the 
article,  which  is  put  sometimes  in  the  nominative,  sometimes  in  the 

(a)     The  nominative — in  the  singular  always  without  the  tenwiu —    B 
is  used  when  the  particular  person  or  thing  called  is  directly  addressed 
by  the  speaker,  and  no  explanatory  term  of  any  description  is  appended 

to  it ;  as  j^s»^c  b  0  Muhammad  (nom.  jcoA~e)  ;  jb^ct  0  'Am mar 
(nom.  jU>c) ;  jj+c  b  0  'Amr  (nom.  jj+e-,  Vol.  i.  §  8,  rem.  b);  i^JSo  b 
0  Talha;  aj>~-  b  0  Sibaweih ;  ip  iub  b  0  Taabbata  Sarran ; 
i^Lli  b  0  Fatima;  >L*Zj  b  0  Zeineb ;  ,^£13,  b  0  Rates;  ^JJo  b 
0  w«/i  o/   ^  fr-^e  o/  Dabba  (£»-©) ;    J»».j  b  0  ffo«  tw««  ;   jlw  b 

0  sir;  &+£■  b  0  eye;   ^U-»t  U  *bjU-  b   what  is  thy  name,  girl?   C 
O^t-j  W  &>  #»«  *wo  men;  Jb*g  b  /fo  #om  men;  Ox**  b.  ^  prophets; 

1  Jub  b ,  o  JUb  b ,  s*N)yb  b ,  3/0M  tffortf  / 

(/3)     The  accusative  is  used :  (1)  when  the  person  or  thing  called 
is  indefinite!  and  not  directly  addressed  by  the  speaker;  as  when  a 

blind  man  says  {JJ^i  «>»■  SLL>  ^  some  man,  take  my  hand,  or 
iS^i  {£***■  *oW-  b  #>/ra<?  woman,  take  my  hand;  or  a  preacher,  D 

J  J  JO    +        J     0    +0*0*         5  +  * 

aJJ*j  0>*Jlj  "5bU  b  0  £/fo«  */W  «>•£  heedless,  whilst  Death  is  seeking 
thee;  or  a  poet,  d-J*  Sjbj  ^^  -^U-lj  U  0  traveller  that  wishest  to 

*  [I  is  used  in  calling  one  who  is  near,  T  in  calling  to  one  who  is 

t  [Noldeke  writes  in  a  note  on  Delectus,  p.  67,  1.  15:  "Ego  quidem 
in  talibus  nomen  indefinitum  esse  nego."] 

86  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  38 

A  visit  Taiha  (el-Medina) ;  oV^  O-0  i^Utju  bU*s  £*«oj*  b»l  L£>tj  bt 
L3*}U  ^)  jjt  0  rw&r,  {/*  £Aow  fallest  in  with  (tliem),  tell  my  comrades  of 

Negrdn  that  there  is  no  meeting  (for  us).  (2)  When  it  is  directly 
addressed  by  the  speaker,  but  has  an  explanatory  term  appended  to  it, 
namely,  either  a  genitive,  or  an  objective  complement,  or  a  preposition 

with  its  complement,  or  a  determinative  or  limiting  term  ;  as  *x*c  b 

<i-Ul    0   'Abdu-'llah;    ^A^.^1    j>-*w    b    0   lord   of  t/ie  wild  beasts; 

Jt>  ^..^rwH  bl  b  0  father  of  the  little  fortress  (an  epithet  of  the  fox); 
^+a*\*e  b  0  ye  two  companions  of  mine;  i^£)b  ^jjJiyo  ^>  0  ye  two 
kindlers  of  my  fire;  J*5l/~'t  ^>  b  0  children  of  Israel;  LjI^».II 
0  brethren  of  ours ;  %<&•  bJll>  b  0  thou  that  art  ascending  a  hill; 
j*».  y}J=s  ^laa^  b  0  thou  that  art  gtjted  with  every  good  thing; 
iLxlb   \sLsj  b  0  thou  that  art  kind  towards  men;  j>£j   »>*  Ij**.  b 

C    0  thou  that  art  better  than  Zeid;   *v»-j  b~. ».  b   0  tftou  that  art 

33*3  130'' 

Iiandsome  in  face;  a^^e.  b^j-su>  b  0  thou  whose  slave  has  been 

The  simple    %\j>j,   when    the    accusative    is   used,   is  merely  an 

exclamation,  addressed  to  no  one  in  particular ;  but  when  the  noini- 

native  is  used,  it  is  a  real  address,  wAJ***.  to  a  definite  individual. 

In  the  compound  jjlju  no  such  distinction  is  made,  and  even  in  a  real 

address  the  accusative  is  used,  as  being  the  case  that  depends  on  a 
D  verb,  and  to  which,  therefore,  other  nominal  and  verbal  dependencies 
can  be  more  readily  attached  ;  in  contradistinction  to  the  nominative, 
which  is  independent  and  closes  the  construction.  The  reason  of  the 
omission  of  the  tenwin  in  the  nominative  singular  seems  to  lie  in  the 
energy  with  which  the  word  is  uttered,  whereby  its  termination  is 
shortened,  as  in  the  imperative  and  jussive  of  the  verb  (see  also 
rem.  b). 

Hem.  a.     When   no   interjection    is  expressed,   the   same   rules 
apply   as    above;    e.g.    oW^    °    'J (ban;    J«j*)\    I*    U    Lord   of  the 

§  38]    The  Verb.— 2.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a.)  The  Accits.     87 

Throne;      JLJL>.  0  »iy  <?oo  friends:   U-JLil  w>L».l  beloved  of  our  A 

souls!  LwA.t  0  friends  of  ours  I  tjjk  ^>c  c^j^'  "—*-'>?  Joseph,  turn 
away  from  this  {leave  it  alone,  take  no  further  notice  of  it) ; 
JwJ    r**~e\  become  morning,  0  night ;  ^y^j.,0  j^i\  ransom  thyself, 

0  throttled  one  ;  w~~».  ^£5*  J*y*  i^j^^  b^Icju*.  may  your  noses  be 
cut  off,  ye  tivo  poets  who  belang  to  an  honourable  people  !  With 
pronouns  this  omission  is  very  rare ;  as  * l^fijl  S>  tliou  there,  refrain 

-  ^  3    '  '  '        *  '  »'  -     1  y  !> 

(from  folly),  for  13  b;  ja\j&$  ic^J    IJ>>  ^XXl^i  through  the  like  of  B 
£A«e,   thon   (man)   there,  (comes)  heartache  and  torment   (or   ruin) ; 

. •  1  -  1  ai     *      1  j  a  *    ~s  I  \      a  joi    S  J 

Ju\  jJ^JJju  t^)«J8^ol^j  thereafter  ye,  ye  men  there,  tvere  slaying 

3       j  *      ay      a   *  a*     3       3 . 

your  own  selves;  w^j  O-*  ^»*v'  ^y+i   *$  O-*  ®  Thou  that  diest 
not,  have  mercy  upon  him  who  is  dying. 

Rem.  b.  The  suffix  of  the  first  person  singular,  ^_,  is  generally 
shortened  in  the  vocative  into  kesra,  _  (see  above,  at  the  end  of 
the  section);  as  w>j  b  0  my  lord;  ,-jjt  w>j  my  Lord,  show  me;  Q 
ij— «-»  b  0  my  soxd ;  ^.jLfi  b,  or  ,>Lc  b,  0  ?»?/  servants;  s*5JLfc.l  //*y 
friends  !  .-Uj  b  0  my  efear  son.  This  remark  does  not,  of  course, 
apply  to  words  ending  in  ^_  or  _,  from  radicals  tert.  _j  et  i< ;  as 
^LJ  b,  from  ^13  «  youth,  ,*-il3  b,  from  ^15  a  judge.  Other 
forms   are  admissible,  besides   ^_  and  _;   as,  from  j^c  a  slave, 

'       •'        '  -a*       *  ,a*        ,        ,o-        ,  a,     a,       , 

^J*£    b,    Ijl»c    b   or   (^juc    b,   juc    b.   and  in  pause  <ojuc   b,   D 

a    *'a,     *  ii     ,  o 

oljufi  b  (compare  no.  c,  rem.  d).     E.g.  ja\  ^1  0  so?i  of  my  mother, 
Kor'an  vii.  149,  ^&  ^b  0  son  of  my  uncle,  ^j  U  0  my  dear  son, 

for  ^^1,  ^c,  ^;j  ;  ^c  Jj^^  Wj  W  0  my  ZotyZ,  forgive  me ;  wUj  U 

<"  .  --*  --  j  *    *     z*  * 

L5*^*'-5  ^5"*^    ^  ^  ^  daughter  of  my  uncle,  do  not  scold,  but  go 

&    *  *+  at     *    a  3        » *    a    i -      - 

<o  s/ee/?/  Jai  j^cl  w-»^>  Ja  objjs  b  0  my  uncle,  wast  thou  ever  blind 
0/  one  eye  ?     The  words   w>l  father  and  ^ol   mother  admit  of   the 

-£      ^  '  Si      . 

peculiar   forms   c-j!   b   and   c— el    b   (also  pronounced  with  fetha. 

88  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  38 

A         wot,  0**t),  which  become  in  pause  <ul  b  and  a*ol  b.     We  likewise 
meet  with  «UjI  b  and  »L*I  b. 

Rem.  c.  On  the  principle  alluded  to  at  the  end  of  the  section, 
as  well  as  in  rem.  b,  several  classes  of  substantives  admit  of  being 
shortened  in  the  vocative  by  the  rejection  of  one  or  more  of  their 
final    letters.      This    abbreviation    is    called    by    the    grammarians 

i         IS/ 

js*±-j3\  the  softening  of  the  voice  (compare  Vol.  i.  §  283).     Namely : 

(1)  All    substantives,   whether   proper    or    common,   masculine   or 

•  +    b  *      *  j  *  $  s       *        *  +i  J  *        *  i 

B         feminine,  that  end  in  <L_;  as  w>jj  b  for  Aj^i  b,  ^jU*.l  for  AjjUa.1, 

/  IJ  /  t  *         \     1         *  *  0  sli  )    s    0   fii  S     O    1  ( 

i^5*-e  b  for  aj^slc  b  (names  of  men);^^^©!!  for  i^-woll,  i**--!  for 

ib-o-J,  .-o  b  for  «u*  b  (names  of  women) ;  JiUI,  for  SJjUt,  0  thou 

(woman)   that  reproachest  (me);    Jfb    ^J>  f°r   **^   M.>   ^  she-camel; 
■  s^ol    Iw   b   (or  i****)\)  keep  to  the  house,   0  sheep!   for  Slw   b. 

(2)  Simple  proper  names,  not  ending  in  £_,  that  contain  at  least 

•  j         '       *  *i  j        *i  *i  J         si 

C         four  letters;    as  jba  for   ^U  b,  jc\c-\   for  j-oUl,  JUI   for  «iUUl, 

bw  b  for  >bw  b  (name  of  a  woman).     If  the  word  consists  of  more 
than   four   letters,    and    the    penult   is   servile   and   quiescent,   it 

/(J         -  ^  0  ^        -  J  »  .-        * 

disappears  along  with  the  last  letter,  as^Ic   b,  jy-o  b,  ,jaU  b, 

o  ,  ,s*        *  },oi        i     ,  o  .-       j       >  »  ,        j  a  j^o^ 

*£JL~«  b,  Qtf*»  b,  for  ^>b>ic,  OlSLJ"*'  Jj-*3^6;  L>£^"*****>  >**^  5  but 
in  other  cases  it  must  be  retained,  as  Ua..«  b,  ,,=»►-<>  b,  ^5  b, 
^Cji  b,  ^Jj^  b,  for  jUsto-*,  jk*a^o,  j>^5,  Oo^)  and  c£*>*>  though 
D  some  admit  the  forms  pjS  b  and  ,jjX  b.  Words  not  ending  in  *L_ 
may  also  be  inflected  without  regard  to  the  portion  di'opped ;  as 
jb*.  b,  uuut.  b,  ^<J  b,  instead  of  jb*.,  Oi*».,  and  ^j  (for  «£>jb>., 

Jui».,   and    ij-oj)  ;    and   the    same   thing   is    admissible    when    the 

termination  5_  is  not  of  the  fern,  gender,  as^JL-^o  b,  instead  of 

^JL^*,  for  «L»JL^o  (a  man's  name).     Proper  names  compounded  with 

a  genitive   (as  u»^it  Jut),  or  forming  a  complete  proposition  (as 

J  J    0     *         ss  *  vJ  *        +    Sit* 

a.^,  **  JLj,  tji  iuU)  do  not  admit  of  any  abbreviation,  though  we 
occasionally  find  such  examples  as   JsuU   b,  dropping  \jl»\    but  if 

§  38]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.    89 

>    -      «     5  x    i 

they  belong  to  the  class  called  ,«*fc>-»  w-%^«  (Vol.  i.  §  264),  they  are  A 

a  x     x  x 

shortened  by  the  rejection  of  the  second  word,  as  ^juuo  b,  w-*~>  b, 

x        x  ax  a,  x 

for  o^3  i^jjl*,  duyxr*.     (3)  To  these  may  be  added  some  rarer 
cases,  as  »-L©  b  0  companion,  for  w*^b©,  as  ^Jp  ^  ^£  *,lo 

Oj^JI  j^»'i  friend,  gird  tip  thy  dress,  and  cease  not  to  be  mindful 

x   x  j     xx  x  x  x  a    a  e 

of  death ;   and  lj^,  for  jjtj^£»,  in  the  proverb  jy»  Jlj-k'  crouch 

down   quietly,    0   bustard   (or  partridge) ;   as   well    as    the    words 

JJ  b  (for  o^i)  and  J^jb  b  =  J*L;  b.     [Comp.  Vol.  i.  §  353*    2.]   B 
These  last  are  inflected  as  follows  : — 




'         J  J         * 

O^i  ^ 

J*  k 


O^i  b 

O^ii  b 

(Ji,  5Vi)  iii  b 


Or*  W 

U^*   W 

J       X               X 


0    x      Jx         x 

obyjk   b) 

a       x  x      ^ 

(4*jL*   b) 

Sxx             X              0XX             X 

(»L*   b,    A-&   b) 

Obb  b 

^Ui*  b 

JOx              X              Jxx             X 

CUA    b,    4^A   b 


a    j  ^  x       x 

(»yU  b) 

0            xxx           x 

^-- i   b) 

(a£*   b) 

Rem.  d.     "We  have  said  above  that  the  noun  which  immediately 
follows  these  interjections  does  not  admit  the  article.     One  excep- 

jA    x  xix,        X 

tion  is  the  name  of  God,  dJUI.  from  which  we  may  say  aJUt   b  or, 

j  m  £     x 

irregularly  retaining  the  heraza,  <*JUt  b*.     Another  is  produced  by 

x      I 

the  insertion  of  the  pronoun  13  or  tjjb  between  the  interjection  and 
the  vocative;  as  J*yJI  l-Wk  b,  JU»pl  ^yb  b,  instead  of  J**.j  b,   J) 

*  The  more  usual  form,  however,  is  ^yJUl,  without  any  interjection 

i  J  A  xJ      x 

prefixed,  though  we  find  occasionally  in  verse  ^o^JJt  b.  The  origin  of 
the  termination  v0_  is  uncertain.  [This^o^JUl  is  used  as  a  corroborative 
interjection  in  the  expressions  *^l  ^ti\  unless  indeed  or  unless  possibly 

a  x x      Sjm* 

(§  186,  a,  rem.  d),  and  ^ai  ^yJ^'  y^5  indeed  or  yea  verily  (Lane, 
p.  83,  c).] 

w.  ii.  12 

90  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  38 

/J  *   /      >!>*> 

A         JW-j  V.  ,  Aa^-jw  yJ^U-.>  Ua^^oM  \$  \j  0  thou  there,  who  terrifiest  us 

#  it  J    /  ft  O/O   ,"'_..- 

wiiA  iAe  murder  of  thy  chief.  But  cases  like  Sjui  ju^l  b  0  (mow 
who  art  like)  the  lion  in  strength;  .yAS  ^■©•P  ^^1  b.  «iXX».l  ^>-o 

0  i     0 

because  of  thee  (for  «£U».t  &-«),  0  thou  who  hast  enslaved  my  heart ; 

and  Iji  jjlJJUl  jjU*}l*)t  U3  and  0  ye  two  slaves,  who  have  fled ; 
are  very  rare. 

Rem.  e.     If  a  vocative,  expressed  by  the  nominative,  be  simply 

j  /  /O/ 

repeated,  or  another  word  be  substituted  for  it  (JjkJI,  see  §  139, 
B         rem.  b,  2),  or  it  be  connected  with  another  vocative  by  a  conjunction 

/S/o       j  o    / 

(JUuM  oUa.&,  see  §  139,  rem.  b,  3),  the  ordinary  rules  are  followed; 

JO/       Jt/        /  _  m  J  0 x         J    J /        / 

as  juj  juj  b  (9  ^ei'oJ,  Zeid;  juj  »J*».;  b  0  tfAow  maw  tfAere — Zeid  ; 

JO//         JO//  JO//  JJ// 

jy-o*j  juj   b  0  Zeid  and  lAmr  ;    J^jj   0*rj  b   0  thou  man  and 

Jt/      OP       )»/         /  il    /O     /0/        JO-         / 

Zeid;  jj-o^  jt  juj  b  0  Zeid  or  'Amr;  but  <*JUI  juc  juj  b  0  ^eic? — 

■IO       /!//        Jt/        / 

(/  mean)  lAbdu  'lldh;   <JJI   jujjj  juj   b  0  Zeia7  and  lAbdu  'lldh. 

j    j  o  /•«/ 
If,  however,  the  connected  word  ((3j.»>*.»H)  has  the  article,  both  the 

i        /  0/0/      j  o  /      / 

Q  nominative  and  accusative  are  admissible;  as  »i>jUJtj  ^j-o-t  b,  or 

/  /  0/0/  J    /   J  0/0/       J  0/        /  /    /   JO/O/ 

^jjlaJlj,  0  '.4mr  awe?  U-Hdrit ;  j»*^Jti\^  juj  b,  or>^*Mj>  0  Zeid 

J  Ob5       /O/         J//  m|£  J     /  /  /  OS       /O/ 

awcZ  the  slave  ;  j+Sa)\$  ajcc  .«jjI  tjb».  b,  or  ^kJlj,  0  mountains, 

repeat  ye  (the  praises  of  God)  with  him,  and  ye  birds. — Should  a 
vocative  be  repeated  in  such  a  way  that  the  repetition  is  necessarily 
put  in  the  accusative  by  a  following  genitive,  then  the  accusative 
may  be  used  in  the  first  instance  as  well  as  the  nominative.     For 

o£  0*o      /t/         Jt   /         /  /  0  /         / 

example,  ^j^t  jutw  jul-»  b,  or  jjut  b,  0  Sa'd,  Sa'd  of  (the  tribe 

HI//0/JO//  /  0/  / 

D         of)  el-Aus  ;  ^J^vP^^ffP  ^i,  or  jhz*  ^i,  0  Teim,  Teim  of  (the  tribe 

JW    />  /    /   O/O/O     /  0  /        J  0  /         / 

of)  fAdi;  JjJJt  w/iboJuJI  juj  ju>j  b  0  Zeid,  Zeid  of  the  high-bred 

camels  of  slender  make.     The  grammarians  explain  the  accusative 

by  saying  either  that  the  second  accusative  is  ^^.^  arbitrarily 
inserted,  or  that  the  genitive  has  been  dropped  in  the  first  instance. 

o  £  O/o    /  o  /       / 

In  the  one  case  the  original  construction  is  ys»j*$\  J***  b;  in  the 

o  i  o/o   /  o  /  o  £  O/o   /  o  /      / 

other,  ^y^l  J*-*  cr»jj^'  J^**"  W- 

§38]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     91 

Rem.  f.     If  a  vocative,  expressed  by  the  nominative,  be  con-  A 
nected  with  another  substantive  by  a  j^r*yi\   oUa£   (see  §  139, 

,,S-o         3  0     , 

rem.  a)  or  a  ,jLJt  uike  (see  §  139,  rem.  b,  3),  the  appositive  may 

j     ,     , 
be  put  either  in  the  nominative  or  the   accusative ;   as  ^**J    b 

,1,6%  ,         *  e  £  #  x  &     2*  *  3  *    *     * 

j^jj'or  ',  or  ^«0it-  ',  0  (£W6e  o/")  Temim,  all  of  you  ;  j^«-J'  .>{■>.  o  b, 
or  j«*J1,  0  Muhammad  the  propliet ;  juj  (J"»-j  b,  or  '»*ij»  0  ^^* 

54^  *■  I  x  S#-  *»  3,3,  *    • 

wan  2/tere,  ^id;   juj  IjJk  b,  or  tjuj,   id.;  jJL>  jo*$£  b,  or  tj-£o, 

f       ,         f »  ,  ,   0  £      i        ,  Oi       , 

0  slave,  Bisr  ;  [LsU*.  UJl*.  Ji^^.1  i*i\j£-\  b  0  tliou  foolish,  churlish,    B 
rough  boor,  Tab.  ii.  1312,  1.  2  s#?.];  unless  it  has  a  genitive  after  it, 

0    3  £  3  3  ,         , 

when  it  must  be  in  the  accusative;  as ^q£)L£p ^p^eJ  b  0  (^riie  q/") 
T'ez/M/zi,  o/£  of  you ;  aJJI  ^J^  ^-Jby-il  b  0  Abraham,  tlie  friend  of 

,       --«*        *        ^«/         -  ~*S,  ,i         3  0,  t 

God;    ^L^aJt    Ii   juj    b    0   ^eic?,   skilled  in   wiles ;    t^j^    b*1    ju>jl 

£      ,   0>a     3  0,       , 

0  Zeid,  brother  of  Warka  ;  i*£»t  ^i\  juj  b  0  Zeid,  my  brotrter's 

,  *1,        ,  ,0^      3  0  , 

son;  L+£  2jj\  jUA  b  0  Hind,  our  uncle's  daughter. — If  the  word 

9     0 

£y>\   stands  between  the   names   of   son   and   father,   it   loses  its    C 

prosthetic  t  (Vol.  i.  §  21,  b),  and  the  name  of  the  person  addressed 
may  be  put  either  in  the  nominative  or  the  accusative  [though  the 

0  ,       ,    0       3  0  ,       ,  ,  0,        , 

latter  is  generally  preferred];  as  _<»>»fr  ,J-»  Juj  b,  or  juj  b,  0  Zeid, 

,      ,     0    ,Zt  3     *  3        ,    *  3 

son  of  (Amr ;  juAJ  ^j  5^6  j^  bj^  Murra,  0  Hurra,  Murra  son  of 

,  0,       ,    0       3*3         ,        ,    0     ,0-e  0,  , 

Tetid  ;   ^^LJ  ^jj  j^s-  b  j^.^M  jc^-jj  and  tlwu  buUdest  up  glory, 

,        ,    0         ,  0,        it  to     3    ,    ,       ,    0*  , 

0  'Omar  son  of  Leila  ;  [^o^e\s-  ^jj  ^^3  aJUI  jo%*  ^LJLc  God's  peace 

—      .  3  0, 

upon  thee,  0  Kais  ibn   lAsim,  Hamdsa  367  with   the   var.  j^"***]*   D 

6  ,0  ,        ,  ,'-to        3  0  , 

The  same  construction   holds  with   ajj\  ;    as  ^o^U;  <LjI  juA  b,  or 

,  0  ,  #  _ 

jUA  b,  0  Hind,  daughter  of'Asim. 

Rem.  g.     An  adjective  in  connection  with  a  vocative,  expressed 
by  the  nominative,  may  likewise  be  put  either  in  the  nominative 

3         ,0*>     3  0*,  ,         ,0-0 

or  the  accusative  ;  as  JilxJI  juj  b,  or  JibJI,  0  Zeid  the  intelligent ; 

JiUJ)  IJjk  b,  or  JiUOl,  0  thou  there,  the  intelligent :  ^jj£)\  jjij  b 

iOM3  ,  ,0*  _  ,,,3030,,, 

*r**9'>  ox  j9tj&\.  0  Zeid,  wliose  father  is  noble;  i*bo  ^jj       n*^  1*9 

92  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  38 

0    J  J     M/ 

A  Ijl^aJt  j^c  b  y*ku  ,s>a.b  ^jocw  ^yi\^  not  Ka'b  'ibn  Mama  nor 
'Ibn  Su'dd  was  more  bountiful  than  thou,  0  'Omar  the  bountiful  ; 
\\$$^\  JU»l9  b  0  thou  unrighteous  man,  the  apostate,  *E1-Mubarrad, 
p.  573,  1.  1]. 

Rem.  h.  The  interjection  b  is  sometimes  prefixed  to  an  impera- 
tive,  as  tjjia.,..»l  b  *$\  0,  prostrate  yourselves ;  jb  b  iy«J-»l  b  ^1 
j^bJI  ^jke  ,-«  0  be  thou  safe,  0  Jiouse  of  Maiya,  despite  (all)  wear 

,     B  ,      ,         ,*  ,  /    /   t</       /! 

B         and  tear,  or  during  wear  and  tear  ;  J  la. .;,..»  Sjlc  ^3  ,Jla»*«ob  *})l 

0  bring  me  a  morning-draught  before  the  attack  on  Siugdl ;  jJla.  bt 

^AJb  come  forth  to  war,  Abu  Halid  ;  to  the  optative  C~J  (see  §  36, 

rem.  f),  as   jjj>*w   C*J    b    0  would  that  I  knew;  C«*&  lc***J   b 

^^jv©   0  would  that  I  had  been  ivith  them;   and   to  a  nominal  or 

0 '  OfJ  /  ill   <      J/J/         . 

verbal  proposition,   as   jujj  ^^J    b    0,   vwe  to  Zeid ;  aJIM   iu*J   b 

j la.  ^o  ^) I**-*  ,-Ae  y^ote.JLaJI^ ^0-j.X^  ^oI^S'nJIj  0,  i/ie  curse  of  God 
C  awe?  of  all  the  peoples  and  of  the  just  be  upon  Sim'dn  as  a  neighbour ; 

^jUjaJI  j-ja-  ,J.$  b  0,  little  is  the  good  of  the  women.  In  these  cases 
some  grammarians  assume  an  ellipse  of  the  jC>U«  or  person  called, 
as  jujJ  ^^J  j>$*  b ,  whilst  others  regard  b  merely  as  a  <w-0'  u»^a» 
or  particle  used  to  excite  attention*. 

(6)    lyj'  and  l-rd'  b  (or  Ljjb)  require  after  them  a  noun,  singular, 
dual  or  plural,  defined  by  the  article,  and  in  the  nominative  case ;  as 

}    H  m>      ,2ii  1      sbio      ,2ii       -  jte,0*>     ,&&  lib, a*      ,i!ti 

D  ^Ul  lyj!  0  people;  £X*)\  l^jl  b  0  king;  S\j^i\  L^orSf^Jt  l^jt, 
0  woman;  ^^a-UI  lyi;!  b  0  soul ;  j*Jt)\  lyijt  0  caravan ;  v>i^'  ^)  ^ 

*  [The  ellipse  of  the  ^jU*  is  evident  in  such  phrases  as  .«jb  b 
ij^l^  0  £//,om,  whom  I  would  ransom  with  my  father  and  my  mother  ; 

0,      -    0    ,  ,       ,      ,    0  ,  ,        J       ,  ,   0    JO**   J  il  - 

^r^Ju  >ik~)jj  b  ibAc  ^j\jCU>.»M  <*JJI  /  pray  God  to  help  me  against  thee, 

0  thou  whom  I  tvould  ransom  with  my  life,  'Agdui  xviii.  185,  lines  22, 
23.     D.  G.] 

§38]   The  Verb.— -3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— {&)  The  Accus.     93 

!yUT  0  #<?  artfo  believe;  ^j^yS\  '*£  [for  I^jI]  0  believers.    The  demon-  A 
strati  ve  1i  is  also  admissible;  as  J-3»  lj  £l  C  thou  there,  come  forward! 
dJjS  j^yt  *».Ul  IJljjI  *$\  O  thou  there,  whose  soul  passion  (or  grief) 

is  killing;   jl^jT  ^IjCLiT  t*  L^t  ^1   0  £&>«  ftere,   >/'fo  Darkest  at 

(revilest)  the  Benu  's-Sid. 

Rem.  Ljt  is  occasionally  used  u^Lflu».'}U,  /or  specification  (see 
§  35,  6,  8),  by  a  speaker  to  call  attention  to  himself  or  himself  and  B 
his  companions ;  as  J*-jJI  ^->'  IJ^>  J**^  ^'  Ut  rt-s/o/-  ?»€  /  will  do 
so  and  so,  0  man  (meaning  himself):  AjLoxJI  \^J\  U  jkt\  ^\)\ 
0  God,  forgive  us,  0  band  (me  and  my  companions) ;  IjJJl  Uila^> 
a5^L3I  and  so  we  remained  behind,  0  three  (we  three).     In  this  case 

.it  .    . 

lyjl  must  be  preceded  by  a  clause  containing  the  pronoun  to  whfon 
it  refers,  and  b  is  never  prefixed  to  it. 

(c)  t^,  which  is  used  to  express  sorrow  or  pain,  and  is  hence  C 
called  SjjuJI  o>».,  ^  particle  of  lamentation,  follows  the  same  rules 
as  L| ;  e.g.  >x»a~»  lj  a&ts  Muhammad  I  <*JJ!  jl*£  lj  «/</x  'Abdu-  llah  ! 
Generally,  however,  the  termination  \L ,  in  pause  «t.l ,  is  added,  which 
usually  effaces  the  final  vowels ;  as  tjuj  t^.  or  *tjuj  l_j.  (das  Z^id! 
b^£»  ^J>*«  '>  dUUkfrJt  jut  tj.  If  a  genitive  follows,  this  termina- 
tion  is  annexed  to  it,  and  not  to  the  governing  word ;    as  j~»t   \$ 

»   s  i  J  t*  %  ...  .        .  .  *    * 

«Uu*j*JI  alas  for  the  commander  of  the  faithful !    Similarly  with  (j->l  D 

son,  *|/*JjJ'  \J->  ij***-  ^  alas  for  'Amr  the  son  ofez-Zubeir!     But  as 

to  an  adjective,  there  is  a  doubt,  some  admitting  oU^XJt  juj  tj  alas 
for  the  noble  Zeid,  and  others  not. 

Rem.  a.     \j  can  be  prefixed  only  to  a  proper  name  or  a  definite 
word*;  we  cannot   say   »^)^-j  tj  or  aljuk  lj.     Xor  can  it  precede 

*  [That  is,  not  having  a  vague  signification,  for  tjub  is  definite  in 
the  grammatical  sense.     The  rule  refers,  of  course,  only  to  the  cases 

94  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  39 

.  Zi*  0     *  0**0**6        **'<>''* 

A         ^JJI ;  though  it  may  be  prefixed  to  ^c}  as  oUf*ej  jZj  ji*.  ^>*  bj 
alas  for  him  who  dug  the  well  of  Zemzem  ! 

Rem.  6.     b  may  also  be  used  ajjuU,  as  «lj-o*  jy-o*  b  *>)l  0  '.4wm*, 
'.4  mr! 

Rem.  c.     Words  ending  in  the  elif  maksura  (^1)  usually  reject 

that  termination  before  adding  al_,  as  dbvj*o  bj,  from  (<-'3-«  Moses, 

6  ' '    '    ' 
though  oLwj-»  bj  is  admissible.     See  Vol.  i.  §  368,  rem.  6. 

Rem.  d.     The  suffix  pronoun  of  the  1st  pers.  sing,  may  either 
B         be  retained  or   rejected  ;  as    bjue    bj,  or   Ijlȣ   bj,   0  my  servant ! 

\t\ly*.\   b   0  brethren  /]   «\j^   bj    0  my  back !    U-»l    bj,   Uud   b  or 

*  *{.       *         *  *  *         *         s*   b     *         *         *  *  b     *        *  **  0     *         *  *  6*       *  **!>** 

•  Ju>l  b,  bf»>  Ij,  Uf»»»>  bj,  Uj-«».  b  or  jJ5j-«fc  b,  ijAy^  W>  Lf^£3  t> 
0  my  grief! — The  suffixes  of  the  2nd  pers.  sing.  fern,  and  the  3rd 
pers.   sing.   masc.   retain   their   vowels   in    a   lengthened    form,   to 

prevent  confusion  :  obCe^bi  bj,  alas  for  thy  slave,  is  masc,  the  fern, 
being    &£**%£    bj ;    whereas    t\*?$Jz    bj   is   fern.,   the   masc.   being 

6     3,*}'  3     '  ' 

dy^^i-  bj      Compare  certain  forms  of  ^jA  b  under  a,  rem.  c,  3. 

3      ' 

C  Rem.  e.     In  verse  the  form  «!_  is  occasionally  used,  even  out  of 

3  "       '  •■  a '         *  3  *  s  b  *      * 

pause;  as  oLa  b  0  thou  there;  \jJlc-  jb^a^J  aL»y-o  b  0  welcome  is 
the  ass  of  'Afrd. 

39.  (a)  When  the  negative  *9  is  immediately  followed  by  an  in- 
definite object,  of  which  it  absolutely  denies  the  existence,  it  governs 
that  object  in  the  accusative  ;  and  as  the  whole  weight  of  the  sentence 
falls  upon  the  negative  particle,  the  substantive  is  abbreviated,  when 
possible,  by  the  omission  of  the  tenwin.  If  there  be  a  predicate  ex- 
D  pressed,  it  must  be  likewise  indefinite,  but  in  the  nominative  case. 

For  example:  jljtJI   ^y*   J-^-j   ^  there  is  no   man   in   the  house; 

where  bj  and  b  are  used  to  wail  for  the  loss  of  a  person,  not  to  the 

,*  ,    ,  ,  ,  ,t  ,  ,t,         , , ,   , 

exclamations  bj*.  bj  oh  my  spoliation  !  (U~d  b)  U~>bj  or  Ic-J^tj  oh  my 

grief!  Wa-fc  i>*  <md  alas  my  wonder  (Lane  sub  ,<^).     Oomp.  however 
rem.  d.     D.  G.] 

§39]    The  Verb.— %.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Acciis.     95 

j . «-   *    ,  i 

aJUI  ^1  <JI  "9  Afore  *>  no  god  but  God;  <ui  w-o  ^  w>U-£Jt  dUj  *£&  A 
6oo^,  there  is  no  doubt  regarding  it;  ^>\3  sJ**j  *$  there  is  no  man 
standing ;  «iLu  j+m.  «*».!  ^  fM*e  is  wo  owe  better  than  thou ;  Oty^l  *$ 
there  are  not  two  Gods ;  La  JU-j  *9  ^>'£  we  wo  men  here  :  V^0J— . «  ^ 

*         *  tie  , ,      ,  ,       * 

S-ijJc»JI  ^5  f^ere  are  wo  Muslims  in  the  city ;  «iU  ^j-oli  ^  there  are 

wo  helpers  for  thee ;  Ujuc  o'^JL— o  ^)  there  are  no  Muslim  women  in 

our  possession ;  w~*JJ  olJJ  ^J  fAere  are  no  pleasures  for  grey  hairs; 

ly)  Ol5j  *j)  ^^1  6LoJI  w^lj>  ffo  aquatic  animals  ichich  have  no  lungs ;   B 

[iuj  ij*o  ju  ^  or  <UU*^  *9  ^'e/v  is  wo  avoiding  it  (Vol.  i.  §  364,  /*); 

»•»%  J*^  ^5*-*J'  .J-***^  O'  iLf*  *^3  ^w  is  wo  wondering  that  the 
young  man  should  follow  the  example  of  his  father].  But  if  the  nega- 
tive be  separated  from  its  object,  it  is  put  in  the  nominative ;  as 

,Jo-j  jljJt  ^  ^  there  is  no  man  in  the  house ;  J^*  ly*i  *$  in  it  (viz. 
the  wine  of  Paradise)  there  is  no  injurious  force. 

Rem.  a.     The  rule  regarding  the  retention  of  the  terminations    C 
^j  and  ij  in  the  dual  and  plural  may  seem  to  be  contradicted  by 

such  examples  as^^JUaJb  »iJU  ^ju  "^  Moit  ca/w<  rto  no  wrong  (lit. 
Mow  Aas<  wo<  two  hands  for  wrong) ;  LJ  .yOt  ^  */*«  /<«s  no  ears  ; 
*3  ^j+^  *$  v*f&  a  shirt  without  sleeves  ;  jXi  jJ>-©0  ^  thou  hast  no 
helpers;  but  in  these  cases  the  grammarians  say  that  the  preposition 
J  is  AiLo*$J  Ijl^&jJ  i^aJU,  arbitrarily  inserted  to  strengthen  the 
annexation,  and  that  the  preceding  noun  is  really  in  the  construct  D 
state.  In  the  same  way  too  they  explain  the  phrases  iU  bl  *^, 
tlum  hast  no  father,  and  <J  U.1  *),  he  has  no  brother,  which  are 
generally  used  instead  of  i)L»t  *9  and  till  *).  [But  compare 
Vol.  i.  §  315,  footnote.]  The  form  w>l  is,  however,  also  used  before 
J,  as  ol^-r  ^  vl  «n)  ^OLv-n)!  ^1  el-' Islam  is  my  father,  I  have  no 
father  but  it;  and  if  any  transposition  takes  place,  the  ^  of  the 

96  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  39 

■  <■  s   I 

A        dual  and  plural  must  of  course  be  restored,  as  jjlju  IjJb  ..i  ill  *}) 
i/iow  hast  nothing  to  do  with  this  matter. 

Rem.   b.     The   plur.  fem.   in    Ol_   may,   it  is  said,   take  feth 
instead  of  kesr,  as  lijuc  Ol^JL.^  *$. 

Rem.  c.     The  interrogative  I  may  be  prefixed  to  *^,  either  to 
ask   a  simple  question  or  to   convey   a  reproach,   more  rarely   to 

*  b  *        *  *       o**      *£ 

express   a   wish ;    as   ^.^JLJ   jlJkol    *$\    has   Selmct   no  patience  ? 

jjs      •        o  2*      o    s       #*•    6*a     •£ 

B  <****+£>  <Z-$3  Ch*i  £l3*j'  *^'  ^as  one  no  self-restraint,  whose  youth  is 

13  1    J         0       '     '    0    J  Z'       '    »  J  'i 

on  the  wane  ?  a£-^o~j   cUaZ~~«  ,Jj  j-o-t  ^)l  is  there  no  life,  the  return 

of  which  is  possible,  after  it  has  passed  away  ?  (would  that  a  life, 
which  has  once  passed  away,  could  possibly  return !) 

(b)     If  a  genitive  be  attached  to  the  substantive  after  *),  the 

j  f  *  -  j    - 
accusative  must  of  course  be  used  in  its  construct  form,  as  J*j»>  j»*$£  *$ 

j-el».  there  is  no  slave  of  any  man  present ;  s^e*-}*  <$^*°  v***^-*  *^ 

C    no  true  friend  can  be  found.     But  if  the  substantive  be  followed  by 

an  explanatory  term  of  the  nature  of  an  objective  complement,  a 

preposition  with  its  complement,  or  a  determinative  or  limiting  term, 

0  -  t  '  '  *     .'         * 

the  tenwin  is  retained  (compare  §  38,  a,  /?,  2) ;  as  jJtMo  *}L».  U)li>  *n) 

,-  * 

a  *>             i  *  -     i      -  - 

there  is  no  one  ascending  a  hill  visible ;  cH>JsJ'  ^»  ^^*  M3!;  *$  there 

is  no  one  riding  a  horse  on  the  road;  Ujuc  juj  ^*  |^*».  *$  there  is 

no  better  (man)  than  Zeid  in  our  opinion;  Ujuc  j+a-i  libO  *$  there 

D  is  no  one  who  speaks  good  with  us  ;  j»$aJ*c  aA»s  U«~».  *$  no  one  whose 

0      )     ,    S  ■*  i  l  0  #  r  * 

deeds  are  good  is  blame-worthy ;  ^£»jUe  Olf*-^  Ua$l».  M  there  is  no 

one  among  you  who  knows  the  Kor'an  by  heart. 

Rem.     Nomina  agentis,  however,  when  they  take  their  objective 
complement  by  means  of  the  preposition  J  (§  31),  constantly  reject 

the  tenwin;  as  ^)i,jj  ,jl^  yb  ^)l  a)  wi£l£»  *5&i>-aJ  aUI  ^ ■*■>  O' 

0    - 

*)  >U  *&*  J****!  if  (*°d  touch  thee  with  trouble,  there  is  none  to 

§  39]    The  Verb.— 3.   Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     97 

remove  it  but  He,  and  if  He  seek  thee  icith  good,  t/tere  is  none  to  keep  A 
back  His  bounty  ;  aJUl  Ol*Jb3  ^Jju**  *$  ncae  can  change  the  words 
of  God. 

(c)  If  an  adjective  be  immediately  annexed  to  an  accusative  after 

*9,  it  may  either  take  the  same  form  without  the  tenwin,  or  it  may 
retain  the  tenwin,  or,  lastly,  it  may  be  put  in  the  nominative  with  the 

tenwin  ;   as  ly-a  \Jujio  J*.j  *$.  or  Uu^J3  J«».j  *j),  or  \Jujie>  J**.j  •$, 

there  is  no  witty  man  in   it  (the  house).     But  if  the  adjective  be  B 

separated  in  any  way  from  the  substantive,  the  first  of  these  three 

*''       '  ■>  '  * 

constructions  is  no  longer  admissible  ;  as  uL>ji>  ly-i  J^.j  ^,  or  UjjJ», 

there  is  no  witty  man  in  it,  but  not  sJujii. 

(d)  If  another  substantive  be  connected  with  the  accusative  by 

the  conjunction  y  the  particle  *9  may  be  repeated  or  not.  (a)  If  *$  be 
repeated,  the  first  substantive  may  be  put  in  the  accusative  without 
the  tenwin,  and  the  second  either  in  the  accusative,  with  or  without 

the  tenwin,  or  in  the  nominative  ;  as  aJJb  *$\  (3y>,  3^3)  Sy  *^j  J^».  *$    Q 

there  is  no  power  and  no  strength  save  in  God :  or  the  first  substantive 
may  be  put  in  the  nominative,  and  the  second  either  in  the  accusative 

without  the  tenwin  or  in  the  nominative  ;  as  *j)l  (3_$3)  Sy>  ^  J^».  *n) 

aJUb.     (/?)   If  ^  be  not  repeated,  the  first  substantive  is  put  in  the 

accusative  without  the  tenwin,  and  the  second  either  in  the  nomi- 

native  or  in  the  accusative  with  the  tenwin;  as  (»l^«lj)  St^olj  J^j  NJ 

jtjJI  ^  tffore  is  neither  man  nor  woman  in  the  house.     Examples:  D 

*^  *$3  J*&fi  w*— J  ^  M*r»  ?s  no  kinship  today  and  no  friendship ; 
i(    //     /  >     ^    >      i  si     * 

w>1  ^  ,*Mi  O^9  Oi  ^  >*'   *^  Wfty  ^  ^rtlv  ;w  mother,  if  this  be  so, 

and  no  father ;  djj\^  o'l/**  \J~*  ^b  v'  ^  £for«  £s  no  father  and 

no  son  like  Marwdn  and  his  son  ;  *^j  O-s*"  *$3  ^-!^*  ^n^^  *$3  3*^  *$3 
j    j    - 
y0*U  ly-i  «h<2  ffore  is  no  idle  talk  in  it  (in  Paradise),  and  no  accusing 

(one  another)  of  sin,  and  no  dmth,  and  in  it  there  is  none  to  reproach ; 
w.  ii.  13 

98  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  40 

A  icliw  *s)j  iX».  *s)j  <sui  «.*j  *n)  >o^j  a  day  in  which  there  slmll  be  no 
bartering,  nor  friendship,  nor  intercession ;  [^tb  *i)j  jov^*-  *-*}*•  s* 
tj^jja*-!  on  them  shall  come  no  fear,  neither  shall  they  be  grieved 
(Kor'an  ii.  36,  where  a  var.  reading  is  *J>».).     K  S.] 

Rem.  a.     The  particle  ^),  when  used  as  above,  is  called  by  the 

grammarians  u..;aJI  A*ilJ  *}),  or  u..;a.JI  ,JUJ  *$,  the  la  that  denies 

-d         £Ae  whole  genus,  [and  djj*J3l  ^  gAe  la  that  denies  absolutely].     The 

substantive  in   the    accusative    is    called    *$  ^o-J,   £Ae   noun  of  la, 

and  the  predicate  *n)  **»■,  ^Ae  predicate  of  la.     The  predicate  may 
be   omitted,  when  it  has   already   been  sufficiently  indicated ;    as 

when  one  asks  ik}**j  jijjs.  ^Jjb  is  there  a  man  in  thy  house  ?  and 

-    J    '  -  0  J   *  0  0  * 

you  reply  ,J^-j  *})  tfAere  is  no  one  (scil.  j^jUc)  ;  or  jj^j  jj>^  j^A 
^U>  is  there  any  one  standing  up  ?  and  you  say  ^J^-j  *^j  wo  one  (scil. 

0    "' 

C        vff^*)-     The  omission  of  the  noun,  on  the  contrary,  is  very  rare;  as 

»ss  *i. 

JLXt  *$,  for  «iJLlc  ^b  *^,  iAere  is  no  fear  for  thee  or  no  harm  will 
befall  thee. 

Rem.  b.  The  noun  of  *9  should,  according  to  the  grammarians, 
be  always  indefinite  (3j£j).  Apparent  examples  to  the  contrary,  as 
lyj  jj>*-».  bl  *^5  a*-***;  »  disputed  case,  and  no  'Abu  Hasan  for  it  (to 
decide  it),  are  explained  to  mean  £ymm-  iri^i  i*-o~-"°  *})>  and  no  one 
D  named  'Abu  Hasan,  or  ^— m.  ..J  I  J£o  *^j,  and  no  one  like  'Abu 
Hasan ;    ^jJa^JJ  aJLJUt  ^oJLa  *^  ^Aere  is  no  Haitam  tonight  for  the 

beasts  that  carry  us ;  y}LJL>  <i~o\  *^  there  is  no  'Umeiya  in  the  land. 
An  adjective  added  to  any  of  these  names  would  be  indefinite,  as 
LJ  UU^  ^j—**-  W'  *^J  ari^  w0  compassionate  'Abu  Hasan  to  decide  it. 

40.  Having  thus  treated  of  the  accusative  as  the  objective 
complement,  we  now  proceed  to  speak  of  it  as  the  adverbial  com- 
plement in  a  stricter  sense  (see  §  22,  b).     This  depends — 

§41]   The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.     99 

A.     On  the  idea  of  being  or  existence,  when  expressed  (a)  by  the  A 
substantive  verb  0^>  or  (/*)  Dv  other  verbs,  the  signification  of  which 
includes  that  of  O^9-     The  general  idea  of  existence  is  in  this  case 
limited  and  determined  by  the  accusative. 

41.  The  verb  0^=*>  t°  oe>  io  exist,  when  it  supplies  the  place  of 
the  logical  copula,  requires  the  predicate,  to  which  the  being  or 
existence  of  the  subject  refers,   to  be  put  in   the  accusative;   as 

*JU»o  *n)  <u--eu   \jjJLo  OHJl   O^  0\  lf  tte  calamity  is  decreed  (or   B 

-  2       tO  Q  *  ml  *    J     J  J  £  ^       *  J         *        * 

fated),  it  will  befall  him  without  doubt;  *Ji5UaJU  ^>->*Jjt$  *^-'j  >*  O^ 
he  and  his  brother  were  teachers  in  et-Taif;  ^UM  ^e.  %\j^>  t>>>£3 
Iju^  j£*te-  JyjN  0&3  that  Ve  may  ue  witnesses  against  mankind, 

i  ^     a    *  * 

and  (that)  the  Apostle  may  be  a  ivitness  in  regard  to  you ;  ^>&  0**3 
Loji  gLJ  Ujji  <*J  ^IJatMtJl  awd  whoever  hath  Satan  as  his  companion, 
a  6a<#  companion  is  he !  j^  \j*±-  &i  \ytyj  O^  and  >f  they  repent,    q 

y *     jij/      *      o     +        a**     «•  a  s*     o   *'     jtj/     a 

it  will  be  well  for  them ;  *jli  <u£>  *$  ^\^  xAc  iaX»J  &Xi  <ju£>  ,jt 
aJUS  ,_i  .iAJ  ^*^,  (/*  /£  6e  he,  thou  wilt  not  be  able  to  overcome  him  ;  and 
if  it  be  not  he,  there  is  no  good  to  thee  in  killing  him ;  SjU*.^.  \y>$& 

t         *     ai  *  j  a  *■  *•         *  *a»e        a*  *    *        a       *         a* 

t jujk».  jl  be  ye  stones  or  iron ;  &>^$  1^5**^  <t«y>  ^  ^L»  ^0^3  J «M 
S~—i  »ii-JLt  obi  by  liberality  and  mildness  a  man  becomes  a  chief  among 

a  1     a    -       i  j         *  - 

his  people,  and  thy  becoming  so  is  easy  for  thee ;  ^juj  ^t>  J^  U5 
,*)l*.t  U5l^  iiliJI  and  not  every  one  who  shows  a  cheerful  face  is  thy  J) 

brother.  But  if  O^9  nas  on^Y  a  subject  connected  with  it,  to  which 
the  idea  of  existence  inherent  in  the  verb  is  attributed,  that  subject  is 

put,  like  every  other,  in  the  nominative  ;  as  03~4  **  0^3  J^-^*  O^9 

ilu  there  was  (or  lived)  a  merchant,  and  he  had  (lit.  there  were  to  him) 

three  sons  (t/^13  O^  would  mean  he  was  a  merchant) ;  <*J  O^  O-** 

j-JSfb   JU   but   he  who   has   (lit.   to  whom  there   is)    much  property; 

100  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  41 

A  (>j^  ji*^JI  wAoh}  «s  fated  will  come  to  pass.     In  the  former  case, 

the  substantive  verb  is  called  by  the  grammarians  2-a3UI  «J^*>  the 

incomplete  or  defective,  relative  kana,  because  it  requires  an  attribute 

to  complete  the  sense ;  in  the  latter,  i^UJI  o^>  the  complete,  absolute 
kana,  because  it  contains  the  attribute  in  itself  and  does  not  require 
any  other. 

Rem.  a.     The  subject  is  called  O^  ^o— ''>  ^te  noun  of  kana, 

B         and  the  predicate  O^3  >***  ^ie  predicate  of  kana.     The  natural 

*  t"i   •  • '    '     ' 

sequence  of  the  three  is  verb,  subject,  predicate,  as  \+j\.i  jjij  O^3  > 

but  we  may  also  say  juj  lojl*  (J^»,  as  j+aj  l**^  ^*»-  O'^J 
^j-U^^oJt  cm<i  i£  zvas  Our  duty  (it  behoved  Us)  to  succour  the 
believers  ;  jkA.1  <*J  IJa£»  *iJLj  ^^  and  there  is  none  equal  unto  Him  ; 

OB  *      ,       *  t     r* 

and  even  juj  O^  U^U>,  especially  in  interrogative  and  alternative 

sentences,  as  !j-J»i  jl  O^  W»*  *— a*-a)i  >»/^t  honour  a  guest,  whether 

he  be  rich  or  poor  [^  6,  a].     This  inversion  is,  however,  in  some 

C         cases  impossible ;  for  example,  my  brother  was  my  companion  must 

be  expressed  by  ,*£**)  i<»-'  O^3)  because  ,<»»l  15***)  O^  would 
naturally  mean  my  companion  was  my  brother.  [If  subject  and 
predicate  are  both  definite,  it  is  allowed,  in  case  of  inversion,  to 
put  the  latter  in  the  nominative,  the  former  in  the  accusative, 
converting  thereby  the  logical  subject  into  the  gi'arumatical  pre- 
dicate,   the    logical    predicate    into    the    grammatical    subject,    as 

tjuj  j)^.\  \j\&  for  juj  ^JUi.1  vJ^s.      Poets  allow  themselves  to 
D         do   the   same    in    other   cases,   as   >iJL»-^.Uaj  —  ij*iLUt  ^   Uj    for 
«iL^U  -aH&r  JA>  Uj  (Tab.  i.  755,  1.  2).     D.  G.] 

Rem.  6.     O^  luay  sometimes  be  omitted,  especially  in  alter- 

St  *         0  *»         £  b   *■  0  *         *     J  --  i3    s 

native  conditional  clauses;  as  \jJZ*  ^\ $  t^*.  ^\  ^gjl^J  o>j~>  £/i<m 
wilt  be  recompensed  either  with  good  or  with  evil  (i.e.   \j^»   Q\ 

what  is  spoken  is  spoken,  be  it  t?'ue  or  false  ;  e^_^Jt  ,«i  iiJl^oJI  aLjuo 

§42]    The  Verb.— 3.   Government  of the  Verb.— <a)  The  Accus.  101 

\jj£,  ^\*  \j~±.  ^1  jj^  ^°  ^^  *'*  meaning  is  l  to  do  one  s  utmost   A 

in  a  thing,'  be  it  w/uU  it  may,  whetlier . good  or  bad ;  *$$£>  jJ  ^>«o 

*  *'•       - ' 
ly5"5Ut  jJli  yVaz/i  <Ae  time  they  were  pregnant,  till  their  young  were 

following  them  (i.e.  *^yi  JjU-JI  OJl^  ^<jJ  l>*) ;  ^  aj'ju  1*5"**^' 
IjUa.  6rt/^  me  a  beast  {to  ride),  even  if  it  be  an  ass  [§  4,  rem.  6]. 

^     ^  o  *  Z  ,  >  ,  * 

Rem.  c.  O^  *3  rarely  merely  redundant ;  as  ^Jo  ^»\  ..-o  5!^-/ 
w»^*JI  rt.<^...»M  O^  L5^  L5'*'-**^  ^  heroes  of  the  Benii  AM  Bekr  B 
ride  upon  branded  Arab  steeds ;  ^jSj***.}  J* 2*  j'**^  *-*JJ*  '^'  u»«Q 
j*\j£s  \y>\£s  U)  and  Juno  when  thou  passest  by  the  dwelling  of  a 
tribe  and  of  noble  neighbours  of  ours  ?  j&^Ia  O^  ^*^yi  ^3  atu^ 
their  like  was  not  found*. 

Rem.  d.  The  verb  \j\^,  iEthiop.  ji^.  kona,  does  not  occur  in 
Hebrew  in  the  sense  of  to  be,  exist,  happen,  though  it  is  so  used  in 
Syriac  (rare)  and  Phoenician.  The  construction  of  the  iEthiopic  C 
verb  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  Arabic ;  in  the  other  Semitic 
languages,  which  have  lost  the  final  flexional  vowels,  the  case  of 
the  predicate  cannot  be  observed,  but  doubtless  it  was  the  accu- 
sative.— In  Hebrew  the  radical  V\2  retains  its  original  signification 
of  to  stand  (compare  Fr.  etre,  older  form  estre,  and  Span,  estar,  from 
Lat.  stare),  and  the  place   of    \j'£s   is   supplied   by  PVH  or  rflH 

T  T  T  T    ' 

Aram.  fcO!l}    I0*71*  to  fall  ({£}*),  happen,  be  (compare  *5j,  to  fall, 

happen,  Lat.  accidit,  Eng.  it  fell  out),  of  which  the  predicate  must  D 
also  be  looked  upon  as  in  the  accusative. 

42.     The  same  construction  appertains  to  certain  verbs,  called  by 
*   *     *  *  *  t 
the  grammarians  o^9  ^l***',  the  sisters  of  kdna,  which  add  some 

circumstantial  or  modifying  idea  to  the  simple  one  of  existence.     This 
may  be :  (a)  the  idea  of  duration  or  continuity,  as  in^j»b  to  continue, 

*  [Different  from  this  is  the  use  of  ^L£»  after  participles,  infinitives 
and  other  nomina  verbalia,  in  the  sense  of  he  (it)  was  or  was  formerly. 
See  many  examples  in  the  Gloss.  Geogr.  and  the  Gloss,  to  Tabarl.    D.  G.] 

102  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  42 

A  to  last,  construed  in  the  perfect  with  the  «u^jjJI  U  (see  §  7,  and 

Vol.  i.  §  367,  p),  ^u  to  remain,  to  last ;  Jlj,  fjl,  ^i,  JXiil,  to  cease, 

construed,  in  the  perfect  or  imperfect,  with  a  negative  particle  ;  (b)  the 

idea  of  change  or  conversion,  as  in  £*o,  iU,  £t*j,  and  ^jo\,  to  turn  out, 

to  become;  (c)  the  idea  of  time,  as  in  JJ»  to  be  or  do  during  the  whole 

day,  0*j  during  the  whole  night,  ji~»\  at  daybreak,  \ji-  or  f+*e\  in  the 

morning,  ..^.ol  in  the  forenoon,  p-\j  or  {*~~o\  in  the  evening,  all  of 

B  which  verbs  are  often  used  as  simple  synonyms  of  0^>  without  any 
regard  to  the  secondary  idea  of  time ;  or,  (d)  the  idea  of  negation,  by 

which  that  of  existence  itself  is  absolutely  denied,  as  in  ^^J  not  to  be. 
Examples  :  j>^3  *^><>JI  j^=>>^i  *3IJJ  a*asUc  C-«b  U  J^tXi  *-**)*  *3 
there  is  no  pleasure  in  life,  as  long  as  its  joys  are  troubled  by  tlie 
recollection  of  death  and  old  age ;  j>\*  U  ^UJl  ^yt>  ^L«aj  juu  *jj 
JULt  UU  w*-iJUI  do  not  count  thyself  among  men,  as  long  as  anger 

C  has  the  mastery  over  t/iee ;  <i*-JI  U~a»^  ddi\  Jlj-j  *$  may  God  never 
cease  being  beneficent  to  you ;  O^oJI  j£>\}  JP  *j)  never  cease  bearing 
death  in  mind ;  ,j+i£=>\£-  «uXc  »-j-J  ^  t^JlS  they  said,  we  will  not 
cease  standing  by  it  (worshipping  it) ;  \»j±-  O-*^'  j'-«  the  clay  became 
pottery ;  *U  j~aj  j^-^Ij  ljl*»^»  j~o±  eUJ'  jJ>j  O^J  «^  he  thought 
that  the  water  became  vapour,  and  tlie  vapour  became  water;   iXjli 

j)  aSLifi  ljuft  CfjJti  0%jjw  j£  and  thou  hast  been  sold,  and  hast  become  a 
slave  in  Mekka ;  bUj  »*j  li3~°3  ^t^-Jl&  ^1  ly^!>\  Uj  tw««  w  Ms 

nought  but  the  lamp  and  its  light,  which  becomes  ashes ;  cj*2/  >l^~>  ^a\ 
U>l«o  the  blackness  of  his  hair  became  whiteness;  Uj«>-o  £»-j->  U  j^K*Jt 
an  enemy  never  becomes  a  friend ;  \*y~*  ^^-3  <J^  n's  face  became 
black;  UL5j  \j**~> ^j)  0>^  O-^'j  an^  those  who  pass  tlie  night 
prostrating  themselves  unto  their  Lord  and  standing  up  (in  prayer) ; 


§42]    The  Verb.—  3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.  103 
i^ij^s  zj*.  ^jJU  Ijj^  and  they  icent  out  in  the  morning  with  settled  A 

»  J    0    x    0  c 

purpose;  bhj».l  *JJ'  ^-o*^  ^a-*-«'  through  the  grace  of  God  ye  are 
become  brethren  ;  l^l»U-o  ly-ii  ^5—0^  O1  ^^^e^  ^<>M  wishest  to  become 
a  laicyer  skilled  in  disputation  ;  0%-J  ^o^-Jt  ^Jl  ^5**'  O-*^  Is!**-*  ^ 
U<^«  ■•*«?/  ??#£  #0  #w«  refo  graws  yew  ^«  salutation,  Thou  art  not  a 
believer ;  Jy^-3^^  $y  \^-t^  one  icho  knows  and  one  who  doe*  not 
A*«o?r  ar«  wo^  o«  an  equality ;  ^X*».t  *il5tj  c*-J  yjl  iU-»l  U  aJJI  ^^-aS  i> 
6W  hath  decreed,  O'Asmd,  that  I  should  not  cease  to  love  thee. 

Rem.  a.  To  the  above  verbs  may  be  added  .J5I,  t\a*,  and  jjt5*: 
as  l^wo-.i  Ob  ,-jt  A«>.j  .Jlc  oyUli  and  throw  it  on  my  father's  face, 
(and)  he  shall  become  seeing  (recover  his  sight,  explained  by  %».jj 
l^s-cu)  ;  UXfc ■»  *UJt  (or  i*2l)  fUfc.  <Ae  building  became  strong  ovjirm; 

<i  * »    -  -H  -  a       "   "  i  "*  '         3  "  *  '  '  '  si-  j 

Ajj*-  lyjl^  OjotS  i<^  AJ^ii  c_iAjl  7i«  sharpened  his  knife  till  it 
became  like  a  javelin  (i.e.  4jj^  J-^*)- — Of  these  verbs  three,  viz.    C 

,  s*        ,       *  -  '  *'_** 

y-J,  /-^  and  jjlj,  are  always  <LoiU  ;    the  others  may  be   either 
«Lo5U  or  <L«D  (see  §  41,  at  the  end). 

Rem.  b.     The  verbs  Jlj,  p-^jJ.  ,V^,  and  ^iJu\,  must  always  be 
accompanied  by  a  negative,  expressed  (as  in  the  above  examples 

W    XJ  0     ' 

with  «-^j  and  Jlj)  or  implied,  as  aJUI  j**a*->  ^Ay*  aJJIvoI^I  U  9-jjbj 

1jl.a.«   UUaCX*  a?i«?  /  s^a^  not  cease,  as  long  as  God  preserves  my 
tribe,  through  God's  grace  to  wear  a  girdle  and  ride  a  noble  steed   D 
(pjjl  for  ~.jj\  *),  and  lju.a>^  in  rhyme  for  ljua««)  ;  aJJIj  ly)  C-JLii 

\js-\.i  ?-j*\  and  I  said  to  her,  By  God,  I  will  not  cease  sitting  still. 
[Comp.  §  162,  rem.] 

Rem.  c.     The  verb  *X».j,  to  be  found,  be  extant,  exist,  is  often 

*      -         J      s   *  i 

reckoned  one  of  the  ,J^  »^ '.$»•'>  Dut  erroneously  ;  for  it  is  either  = 

*  [jjv»-   may  be  added   to   these    verbs ;    see   the   Gloss,   to  Tbn 
'al-Faqlh.     D.  G.] 

104  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  42 

1   ul      uJ  -C 

A         i«lJI  ^lib,  and  has  no  predicate,  or  it  is  the  passive  of  J*?.^.  which 
governs  two  accusatives,  and  therefore  naturally  retains  the  second 

w  "*       1      1  0  '0^  £0  0     ^        ^  0  1*1* 

object  (,yUM  jJ^jiA^JI)  ;  as  \bj*o  *._w  lyi«  J^-yi  *$  not  one  of  them 

*9  r,     * 

is  found  pure  (in  a  pure  state),  where  \£j+o  is  a  ^Jl^  or  circum- 
stantial accusative,  or  we  (Fr.  on,  Germ,  man)  do  not  find  one  of 
them  pure,  where  Is^-o  is  the  second  object  [§  25]. 

-  -  a  *  **ti  *  i 

Rem.  d.     The  negative  particles  I©  and  *^,  when  j^~Jb  ^Ly-JLo 
assimilated  to  leisa,  or  used  ^^-J  ^Jt^j  in  the  signification  of  leisa, 

B         are  also  construed  with  the  accusative  of  the  predicate,  provided 
(1)    that  the  predicate    is   placed   after  the   subject,   (2)   that  the 

exceptive  particle  ^1  is  not  interposed  between  them,  (3)  that  the 

e  * 

corroborative  particle  ^j\  is  not  added  to  U,  and  (4)  that  the 
subject  and  predicate  of    ^  are  both  undefined ;    e.g.   Ij-ij  IJJb  U 

*  *    *  oi       1  1         *  * 

this  is  not  a  human  being ;    Uo*})jt  ^>  U>«  and  they  are  not  its 

o      *  z&    a  i      *  &***£** 

children ;  ^^L-al  ^jA  I©  they  are  not  their  mothers ;  *.-i  *$J  jju 

*       *»      J  w   *o  *  *         w  $  *  *         *  *        Z       *  Q  £■  QtO  *  * 

U5bj  aJUI  i<-a3  L>*  jj3  *$j  W*W  u°j*$l  i<^  take  comfort,  for  there 
Q         is  nothing  on  earth  enduring,  and  no  fortress  can  protect  (one)  from 

*       *  6  *        5  -•         *      0  *    1 »    *  * 

what  God  hath  decreed;  Jil».  j~£  w^La  *$  il  <2)3j*cu  I  aided  thee 
when  thou  hadst  no  companion  who  was  not  faithless ;  but  on  the 

0    0  1  *&  0  *  >  .£'?.■*' 

contrary,  ^>»».  UJa   ^j\   U  our  habit  is  not  cowardice ;  3u\J±.  ^j 
*        s  ■  ^^* 

j/   ^  :>>o     j  j  o£      a      i  *.         «         ^        *  *       o    *  *      i  io£      o  *  • 

wJ»f^J1  ^o-^'  e>*^5  <-*ij-°  *^J  <^**i  >o-^'  C>i  ^  2/e  Z?en«  Gudana, 
ye  are  neither  gold  nor  pure  silver,  but  ye  are  pottery.     The  fourth 

*£       *  0  ^0*tf    *    *   *        6     2/    / 

restriction  is  violated  in  such  verses  as :  lit  ^)  %r*X£)\  *\y*  C~l»j 

D  l^l^o   ly*».  ^>c  *^j  l*t^-»   Lib  and  she  dwelt  in  my  heart's  core, 

I  desired  no  other  than  her  and  relaxed  not  my  love  of  her  (Gt  being 

*       *        1    *o*»     **        z      lb*      id*  0*o      ** 

definite);    U5U  JU>JI  *)j   l>}~Jlo  j^o^JI  *$>*  then  neither  is  praise 

won  nor  does  the  money  remain. — If  I*  has  a  second  predicate, 
connected  with  the  first  by  an  adversative  particle,  such  as  J^  or 
^j£),  then  the  second  must  be  put  in  the  nominative,  as  ju>j  U 
j^ftlS  J^  L>515  ZetV?  is  not  standing  but  sitting,  i.e.  JlcIS  yk  J^ ;  but 

§  42]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  TJie  Accus.  105 

in  any  other  case,  the  accusative  is  preferable  to  the  nominative,  as  A 
Ijccli  ^3  Lojii  juj  U  or  *xcU>  *^j. — This  government  of  U  and  *) 
is   peculiar  to  the  dialect   of   el-Higaz,  and  hence  they  are  called 
^bjU^aJI  U  and  <bj  U^aJt  *$. 

Rem.  e.     The  above  construction  of  l«  and  *nJ  is  also  extended  to 
O*^)  (Vol.  i.  §  182,  rem.   b),  and  to  iuildt    ,j|  or  the  negative  'in 

*i  * ,       ta,ais>a 

(see  [Vol.  i.  §  362,  k  and]  §  158);  as  j&.\  ^Xc  U^X— «  yk  ,jl  ta 
rules  over  nobody ;  ,*JjLs>  *^j  JUJU   <iAJ3  ,jt  £/tis  cannot  profit  thee    B 

wor  km  ^ee;    «*JLc   t^a-rf    O^  O-^J  <uW*-  sL>«*JLt  U~o  I^JI   jjl 

'  '  *  ''. 
"^Jkai^i  a  man  is  not  (to  be  counted)  dead  ivhen  his  life  comes  to  an 

end,    but   when   he    is    wronged,    and  forsaken    (by   his  friends) ; 
^U«o   ^>*».  O^j  but  it  tvas  no  time  of  escape;  j»jJ*o  icL/   O^) 

it  icas  not  an  hour  for  repentance.     The  government  of  0*j)  seems 
to  be  restricted  to  nouns  denoting  time,  and  either  its  subject  or 

predicate   is   omitted,    usually  the   former    (^Ll-o   0-t-*"   ^^ =    ^ 

^  •     ^  j  a*o      *  a* 

J      ^     -  s 

Rem.  y!     Instead  of  the  accusative,  the  O^*  Ol^-t  may  take 
after  them  a  verb  in  the  imperfect,  following  the  construction  of 

i  a  i       j  ,  a  . 

0^>,  §  9,  or  §  8,  e;  e.g.  ^Jti  J^u  jtj^JI  j>\>  U  U5U  Jt>j  *s)  0l£» 
Ae  Msec?  net'CT'  to  cease  sleeping  as  long  as  the  blacksmith  continued 

*a*     j  j  a  *     *      ^ 

working  at  any  xcork ;  lyJI  j-k-o  i****  awl  he  continued  looking  at 

j  -  *       *  *   a,o      j         t^      j  *  a         j  j  at      j   a       * 

them;    xslo  vi-jjk*Jl    jj-^lj    djUc   jcsil   Oj-oj  ana7  /  sa£  aW'n  6y  D 

him  and  conversed  with  him  at  great  length  ;  ^*Jbw  *^  jLo  /<e  became 
speechless;  1J^  ^J  jXaJ  jLo  he  began  to  reflect  upon  such  and  such  a 

-  a 

subject;  ^j^&u  ^JlUai  and  ye  icould  be  marvelling ;  o\^o  O^-0^  ^W* 

a  * 

j  ju  and  they  were  all  night  hoping  for  (or  longing  for)  the  waters  of 

^  a%  *        j   ..  „  j     *  ..  a  if  i*a*      2i<°s 

Bedr:  <sui£3  wJJu  ^..:.ol9  and  he  began  wringing  his  hands ;  yJu  dJJU 

-  j    j   j  j   *^ 
»^a~<^j  j^^  by  God,  thou  wilt  not  cease  thinking  (or  speaking)  of 

a  *     )  *         is  *        *         **)*a-2i*a* 

Joseph  (rem.  b)  ;  aJjjCj  j.1*.  <£$\i  C>*a  Lo   %+~3   ^UX5  ^<w  ?ot7< 
w.  ii.  U 

106  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  42 

A         never  cease,  as  long  as  thou  lives t,  to  hear  of  some  one  being  dead, 
until  thou  art  he  (until  thy  own  turn  comes).     [The  predicate  of 

,jl^   and  its  sisters  may  also  be  replaced  by  a  preposition  and 
the  word  it  governs,  or  by  a  circumstantial  clause,  generally  with 

_j,  as  w*5jJb  i^Ail  U03  c^  jJU  in  former  times  I  was  not  to  be 

frightened  by  a  wolf;  <L*£)t  jUc  <<J-aJ  Uj  L£s  J^J  we  dared  not 

to  pray  near  the  Kalba ;  «sJUi  ^>c  w*»^J  *j)  C*3l£>  il  as  Mey  were 

not  prevented  from  it;  l*^c  ■  *$  Ijti  UI3I  JJJsLJ  juj^a^JI  Uj^ju  ^I_j 

B        vff^'   5*i  verily  in  our  hands  the  steel  is  eloquent,  whilst  in  other 
hands  it  is  dumb.~\ 

Rem.  g.  With  the  construction  of  the  O^  ^ '>»•'>  mentioned 
in  rem.  e,  we  may  connect  that  of  the  ajjU^JI  JUil  or  wer&s  0/ 
appropinquation.  These  are  principally  of  two  kinds :  such  as 
indicate  the  simple  proximity  of  the  predicate,  and  such  as  imply 

a  hope  of  its  occurrence. — (1)  To  the  first  class  belong  ^1£»,  «£iwjt, 

and  w^-     (a)  ^^  (lst  P-  sin§-  Perf-  ^«^>  rarely  Oj6),  imperf. 

C         i^J,  particip.  jul^,  was  originally  construed  with  the  accusative 

of  the  predicate,  as  LSI  0*x£>  Uj  ^v*  ^  Ooli  and  so  I  returned 

to  (the  tribe  of)  Fahm,  but  I  was  very  near  not  returning  ;  but  it 
commonly   takes   the    predicate    in    the    imperfect    indicative,    as 

Ul^J!  ,^c  ULaJ  $\£s  ,jt  verily  he  was  nigh  leading  us  astray  from 

ojo  +     a      t»     *******    t 

our  gods  ; ^y^e  tjjj*  *r>5^*  ?-i£  >^*  **  «**^  O-*  r*/l!er  ^  hearts  oj  a 
part  of  them  had  well  nigh  swerved  ;  Qjil^j  *$  \*t>}3  U-HJ-*  O-*  "^J 
D  ^5  (J^^aaj  Ae  found  before  them  (the  two  barriers  or  hills)  a 
people  who  could  scarcely  understand  speech;  Iji^  L03  \At)tt*.>S* 
^j^juu  then  they  sacrificed  her  (the  cow),  but  they  were  nearly  not 
doing  it;  Lfclj-;  j£j  ^i  oju  prj*-'  \>\  when  he  stretches  out  his 
hand,  he  can  hardly  see  it;    rarely  the   subjunctive  with    £t,  as 

nearly  not  praying  the  tasr  (or  afternoon  prayer)  till  (lie  sun  was 
nearly  setting  ;    d^Xc-  u<*~*i   jjl   ^^-aJI   0^l£>  m?/  soul  was  nearly 

42]    The  Verb.— '3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.  107 
expiring  over  him  (for  grief).     (/3)  ^JLwjl,  little  used  in  the  perfect,   A 

a  £ 

generally  takes  ,jt  with  the  subjunctive,  more  rarely  the  imperf. 
indie;  as  Ija^o-jj  I^JUj  ^j\  by  lib  J*5  lit  lytij*^  w>jj£)l  ^Ul  J£-<  3J3 
cwwZ  if  men  were  asked  for  the  {very)  diist,  wlien  it  was  said  '  Give 

*  j  at     9'        j  * 

A<??'e,'  £&?#  would  well  nigh  be  disgiusted  and  refuse;  Uojt  i^Lwj-oi 

ljl*j  U»3*.j  i_r--J^)t  o^**.  )$3U  ,jt  and  our  lend  is  nearly  becoming, 
after  our  friend's  departure,  a  desolate  wilderness  ;  ^j-o  ji  ^y>  ^li  »j 

lyiil^j  ajIj*  ^oxj  j«i  dJ^i*  ta  zp/jo  ./Zees  yVowi  his  fate,  is  likely  to   B 
meet  it  on  some  occasion  ichen  he  is  off  his  guard.     This  verb  is 
either  personal  or  impersonal,  for  we  may  say  *,**->   juj    ^^yi 

at      53  s      1 .  j 

(as  in  the  third  of  the  above  examples),  or  *,«**->   O'  **4j  '**~J5i 

5  a*  -     a  t     j         j 

(as  in  the  first),  or  juj  «i<»~»  O'  ^^^A^i  (where  the  real  subject  of 

*«      •*  .  ■*. '    J 

^JLw^j  is  the  following  clause).     The  form   *2X2jjj  is  a   vulgarism. 

(y)  «—>/£»  (rarely  w>J^)  *s  or^J  used  in  the  perfect,  and  is  construed 

a  t 

with  the  imperf.  indie,  rarely  with   ^jt   and  the  subjunctive ;   as 

j      j  *    j   +  +        a  j   a  *5io     *  *  * 

w>jju   t>\^-   \^a  wJLiJI   -~>j^  vny  heart  teas  nearly  melting  away    C 

"5^^      at      r  1  *  at       a*s*         a  *  * 

from  grief ;  UiaJu  ,jt  lyiUcI  wOj£»  jJ>j  when  their  throats  (lit. 
necks)  were  nigh  being  cut  to  pieces  {with  drought  or  thirst).     To 

j  j       a  j       *  ..  a  .» 

these   may   be    added   such    verbs    as    dibjju   tJ^JUb    he    teas   near 

*  *  }  *  a*      2't 

overtaking   him;    lj^    (J**J  ^'   A«  ioas    near   doing   so   and  so; 

*  *t  £  *  a  *     a  t     j      j     z    *  •  ^  ^  • 

iljl,  e.g.  ^^xiUj  ^1  ju^j  Ijlj^  'jw*-^  and  they  f mind  a  wall  which 

.-      j*     a  t        j        sa*>  *  *i 

was  about  to  fall ;  Oj-»j  ^jl   uauj~0i\  >lj1  tlie  sick  man  is  about  to 

£  y  *     1     3     ,  at  J       *    *l     tO        Cl  , 

die ;  ^A,  e.g.   j>q-w.j  ^jl   »Jj-JI  ^A  the  lamp  was  on  the  point  of  J) 
going  out;    and  the  like. — (2)  To   the  second   class  belong  ,«-~£, 

*  *  -si  -  1  *  *  1    a  ,  *  j  , 

^jjj*.,  and  jyjJl».t.     (a)  ^_j-~c  (1st  p.  sing.  c««  ...,g,  rarely  C^..x), 

used,  we  may  say,  only  in  the  perfect,  [and  having  always  the 
meaning  of  the  imperfect,  mostly  in  the  sense  of  the  indefinite  or 

definite  present  (§  8,  a,  b)\  was  originally  construed,  like  jl^,  with 

*  **  ,        j    a  *  •  ~        a  *    a  j       *• 

the  accusative,  as  in  the   half    verse   1*51*0   \1— ,-  c   .-5 1    ijfj^Su   ^ 

108  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  42 

A         do  not  {abuse  me)  so  much,  for  I  may  become  a  faster,  and  in  the 

t  e-  at  j  »  ^  jo«»        *  <■ 

proverb  Iw^jI  j->3*M  ,«— c  perhaps  the  little  cave  may  become  {may 
bring)  misfortunes,  or  perhaps  U-Goweir  (the  name  of  a  well)  may 
become  {may  bring)  misfortunes  ;  but  generally  it  is  construed  with 

<Jl   and   the  subjunctive,  as  ^Lo^-jj  ,jl  ^&j  ,««~£  perhaps  your 

* ,  o  ,      o  £  ,.  .,       „ 

Lord  may  have  mercy  on  you ;  [?U«a3  (jl  ,j«~c  Le  w;Aa£  may  she 
perhaps  do  ?] ;  I^JUJ  *$\  JUaJI  ^lilc.  J...;4>  ,jl  ^.^.c.  Ja  may 
&  ?io<  6e,  ■$/"  if  were  ordained  you  to  fight,  that  ye  would  not  fight  ? 

1  0 

B         rarely  with  the  imperf.  indie,  as  aJJI  <u  ^Jb  »-ji  .-^c  perhaps 

God  may  bring  some  joy ;  ot\jj  (J>^  ***  Os*~*l  ^JJI  w>J^'  L5**** 
»--*J/3  Trj-*  perhaps  some  joy  may  be  close  behind  the  sorrow  in  which 

-     '  0  £  St/  // 

Mow  wow  arf.     This  verb,  like  ^.wjt,  is  either  personal,  juj  ^,-x 
->°>*rf  0'>  as  m  the  above  examples,  or  impersonal,  juj  >ojaj  ,jt  ^--x, 

o  j^   50'      /J/      ;o--  j  -  o  ,     o  J  ..  , 

as  ^XJ  j-j».  jjAj  ILw  tj,A^^3  ,jl  ^^—c  perhaps  ye  may  be  averse  to  a 
thing,   though  it  be  good  for   you.     Still  another    construction  is 

C         possible,  viz.  with  a  pronominal  suffix  in  the  accusative,  ^13  «*JL»c 

*»*bt***  5...,  g„^ 

or^o^ij  ^t  «*JL.c,  like  Jji)  (§  36,  rem.  /),  just  as  conversely  Jjd 
may  be  followed   by  the  imperf.    indie,   or   the   subjunctive   with 

o£  4      *^t>£^*    &*&,*,         »j      -, 

O'j  as   '■rtj'*  Oj^-*  itbJI  JjJ  ^JjJkj  Loj  a?«/  ?t>Aa£  lets  thee  knoiv 

7  »/ti  *  *     *  i  *    it*     *  l     *&** 

{tvhether)  perchance  the  hour  is  near?  s^Jb  ^JU^^j-^uj  ,jt  aXxi 
ioJJjJI  perhaps  He  may  aid  you  against  these  evil-doers.     (/?)  l</»-, 

rare,  with    jjl    and   the    subjunctive;    as  >oyu    ,jl    juj    ^JJ^>-    or 

'i'j'»f      '-  '„'a'*  .        oJ 

D         ^Ji  03^!  O'  L5>*"-     (y)  t^J-^*^  rare,  with  ^>l  and  the  subjunctive, 

*jb*ot    ***£>&  ^    o^  o  ^      c^     o  v      ^  o  *    z 

asjJk«J  ^jl  2l.©-Jt  oJUjAri.1  £/ie  sky  is  likely  to  rain;  .jjQ  ^'  J^V^-I 
if  is  likely  he  may  come. — (3)  With  these  two  classes  of  verbs  the 
grammarians  connect  a  third,  which    they   call    pjj-£JI   Jl*»l,  or 

i*  *&     ttO  1     '  ft  **t  ****** 

ttw^l  ^JUil,  the  verbs  of  beginning.     Such  are  :  Ju^t,  ij-9ir-,   fj£, 

*  *  ' "  -   -  ,    ,        **tt      *  *     £  *e&  «s    - 

JJUa    (rarely  JUJ»    and   J*J»),    J>JU,   ^51,  j>\i,   UJI,   and  ^Jb,  fo 

begin,  used,  we  may  say,  only  in  the  perfect,  and  followed  by  the 

imperf.   indie;    as    <*-*^j  jJji^   he  began   to   reproach   him;    UuUb} 

§  44]    The  Verb.— 3.   Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.  109 

iiaJI  (3j5  O-*  Wys^  ^l^vj  «?^  <Aey  began  to  sew  togetfier  of  A 
the  leaves  of  Paradise  (to  cover  their  nakedness) ;  jju  ^-s**-  JU* 

i)/      i,a*  J     Osy         -  i  J 

yju  iUc  cJUc  Ijl  yX<  ?6"/*«?i  /  was  off  my  guard  for  a  moment, 
the  nightingales,  dipping  in  tJieir  heads,  began  to  drink  of  my 
cistern;  ebu-o  Jjk!  ^^jo  ^aJUl  ^—51  OviUj  ami  I  began  to  divide 

,  ,  j       J   *     j  *     *    *  3<o  -  *  at 

the  meat  among  the  people  of  San'a  ;  wJJ»  ^  J>$*~Z  <LoL»a»Jl  O-Lil 

*  sb.O  Ji0    sbiO  ,       * 

6UJt  the  pigeon  began  to  fly  about  in  search  of  icater  ;  SI^JI  C~eli 
■?-y3  the  woman  began  to  wail  aloud ;  ^J^c^Xj  C~>  she  began  to   J3 
reproach  me. 

43.  The  adverbial  accusative  depends — 

B.  On  any  verbal  idea  which  determines  or  limits  in  any  way 
the  subject,  verb,  or  predicate  of  a  sentence,  or  the  whole  sentence. 
In  this  case  it  supplies  the  place  of  a  preposition  with  the  genitive, 
or  of  a  conjunctive  clause,  and  amply  makes  up  for  the  want  of  adverbs 
in  Arabic. 

44.  By  the  adverbial  accusative  is  designated  : —  C 
a.     The  time   in  or  during  which   an  act  takes  place ;   as   o\ji 

a*X».j  Us^Ij  U^j  iiJoJI  the  caliph  saw  him  one  day  washing  his  feet ; 

«^*}V  -*&■  *-*>•£  *-*■:■£>  {£j<>j  *i)  he  knows  not  how  he  shall  die  on  his 

a*a-o      £j  j     ;,    „  3  ,30         sis 

dying  day ;  j»$A\  J^  C~-Lo.  or>o^JI  ^olju,  I  walked  the  whole  day, 

s  a  ^j«>      £      ,  j  i  «.        *  *  ,  at  ai      ai     o- 

or  part  of  the  day ;  jb^J\  j>\  Uy*  ^Jt  eU.  i^-^l  ^\  ^  I  did  not  know 
whether  he  came  here  yesterday  or  today ;  \*\A  ^£^i)t  ^joju  ^J  ^SL*  D 
he  stopped  (a  few)  days  in  a  village ;  tj^Jj  >M  <,u-*  ^^  Juu.^1  implore 

f  *      ,     *    a*>    ,  a  3  * 

God  night  and  day  to  protect  you  from  it;   ljk£  w>U£)l  «iUk*--j  he 

~  *  a  }    A  ~  *  , 

will  give  you  the  bo<jk  tomorrow ;   i^s.  ^Abt    Ijlla-j  and  they  came 

/:« a**       *     a  &  a  *  a  *        a  Sfi* 

to  their  father  in  the  evening ;  3Uw^)l  jLl»-l  ^J  CHj^  s}^  reflect 
two  months  upon  the  choice  of  a  teacher;  0->*->j\  J^\jiA\  1J*  "^ij^ 
iiw  he  did  not  pass  the  night  on  a  bed  for  forty  years ;  J*^  ^ji^oli 

110  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  44 

0   3     , 

A  LiL»-l  u**j-^'  he  stood  up  at  times  whilst  lecturing ;  ^>-o  aa>jJ  cu£»j 
j.£JLj\    ^jUjJI   and  I  continued  reflecting  for  a  considerable   time; 

s  ,  ,S>*3     _  *  C   *>      J  JO  s  '  '         *    -  '         3      0     3 

«L-3UJI  «u*JI  aJj;3  /  killed  him  last  year;  C^-oj  Os^-o  I  fasted 
during  Bamaddn;  gliuJI  jj-aj  c*£».  I  came  in  the  winter-time;  JU» 
<juSJ  (J>*».  he  said  at  the  time  of  his  meeting  him  (or  when  he  met  htm) ; 

O  '        '         '        -     S  '  'is        0  3»i    ' 

y^  ij^*"  j-ac  at  the  time  when  old  age  is  drawing  near ;  j»$i  j*^^ 

B   UUwi  jt  SuJus.  n)I  I^JLb  ^J  lyjjj-j  (/£  s/i«//  seem)  as  if  they,  on  t/ie 

day  they  shall  see  it,  hud  not  tarried  (in  tlieir  graves)  save  an  evening 

or  its    morning;  jJkjJt    ^>-o    ^3-^    «juc    £***Xa*.   I  sat  with  him 

2      *      z "  '     '  0  ^     '    '  '    it  j 

for  a  long  time,  i.e.  *%i^  tuj  ;  ^i^  jtfi-  wsCo^j  then  he  tarried  not 

'      ,  a  *       t  * , 

long,  i.e.  Jj>k  j-*£  U«j.     [To  the  same  class  belong  the  adverbial 

d  +       *      *  a  *       s       *  s  bs      *      * 

expressions  S^  Olj  once,  j>$t  Oti  one  day,  iLJ  Olj  one  night,  and 
ijjju  (or  Otj)  ^i  Jjl  A2ji!  /  m<?£  him  first  of  all.] 
C  Rem.  a.     A  masdar  is  often  put  in  the  accusative  of  time  by  an 

s      Os  <       3  3  *■  , 

ellipse  of  some  such  word  as  0-.S5  at  the  time  of;  e.g.   e^Us  sU*. 

a  Ct  10  a  Zt  >o  j  3        '    a '  *    3  3        3  0'  * 

^^o.uJI   he  came  at  sunrise,  i.e.  Um<rJ^\    t^J-b    oJ>j ;    Jf^*^   '*->>j3 

^^  --it  /  arrived  at  the  setting  of  the  Star  (the  Pleiades) ;  »yJi  O^3 

^.laJI  >ojJL*  £/m  happened  at  the  time  of  the  arrival  of  the  caravan 

0/  pilgrims,    or   j-oaOl     S^JLo    ai    £Ae    £ime    0/    afternoon   prayer, 

3C.  '"SiO        '     '     '  t  .  *       '}       ' 

or    O**0'    tfLi^Li.    during    the   caliphate   of   el-Ma'miin  ;   jU^tj 

j     &  *,  <  0^J<-^«^  '  3*3 

J)  /i^  -"  anc/  ai  ^Ae  setting  of  the  stars;  Ortj3J^-  J*"^  "^  jJsuJl 
i/iey  waited  for  him  for  the  space  of  time  in  which  one  might 
slaughter   two   camels.      Examples    of    more    violent   elisions   are: 

■  •wJgjUUl    4-oJlibt    ^)    /  toiW  no£  s/>eaA;  <o  Ai»i  as   «m<7  as  iAe   iwo 

gatherers  of  acacia  berries  (or  leaves)   are  away  (i.e.  /  wi^  wever 

speak  to  him),  for  ^>Js.jUJI  ^u-t  Sju> ;  ^^.SjiJI  a*jI  ^  I  tvill  not 

go  to  him  as  long  as  the  two  Pointers  (the  two  stars  which  point  to 

*'  *    *  s  *> 
the   Polestar)    endure   (i.e.   /  will  never  go  to  him),  for  £l£j   oj*« 

0    ,  '»  'OiO 

§  44]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a.)  The  Accus.  Ill 

3     J 

Rem.  b.     Peculiar  is  the  use  of  ijSJ.  ja*~>,  S^a*— >.  5j)r»  <>.  Sj.*A   A 
and  ii-i,  as  a  sort  of  definite  proper  names,  when  they  refer  to  the 
morning  of  a  particular  day  or  to  a  certain  fixed  time ;  e.g.  aIJU 

s    ,      ,  *     '     '  '    3     J    3>o      -   3  '        **  ' 

jrt,  -■  /  met  him  this  morning ;  ^~>   Sat+aJI  j»^i  fl*.  he  came  on 
Friday   in    the   morning;    5j£j  ^^.^qa-JI   j»$->    s^»-    /  canvi    on 

s*3*  *3*         *  *  3*         JJ         s  r3  s-3**         '3'         'sO'd' 

Thursday  in  the  morning;   ii*i   jju   ii-i  aLJU  =  iiJJI    j*j   <UJU1 

I  met  him  time  after  time  ;  [Jja*— '  4~Ii  would  mean  I  met  him  on  a 
certain  morning]. 

b.     The  local  extension  of  an  act,  and,  if  general  and  indefinite,   B 
the  plate  in  which  it  is  performed ;  as  JW*t  ajuj'  IjjL»  they  travelled 

3**3*13*'  *'i>"  '   ' 

four  miles;  ^>-a— »ji  c~£*  I  walked  two  parasangs;  5yx  {Jj*r 
he  ran  a  bowshot ;  (^Cwj)  'j*— i$  ^~«*i  j^>  he  looked  right  and  left ; 
\ja*jj  Sjj  j  jot)!  jJU  j-rf^jl  &?  conquered  the  enemy  by  land  and  sea  ; 

,      ,[  ,      o  ,  3     *  ~*  *  *     3    *  <  ^»^ 

>oUl,  ^oljJ,  before;   ^*X±..  z\jj,  behind;    Ixwj    m    the  middle;   J^»- 

.»  0-  *       3     *  *  3 

around;  J>^3  afore;   Oo»J   under;  jut  beside,  by;  etc.     [Here  we 

may  add  the  adverbial  expressions  O-s-**"  <^>'i  and  JU-iJI  Ol3  in  the   C 
direction  of  the  right  hand  and  o/*^  /£#.] 

Rem.  a.     When  the  place  of  the  act  is  definitely  specified,  the 
preposition  ,-J  must  be  used  ;  as  jl  jJI  ^-i  C*...Jlq.,  7  sa£  down  in  the 

*t       £  *9  3   *  J     3d    * 

house;    ,*--dl   Jta.  ...,■«   ,«i   0~JLo   7  prayed   in   the    mosque   of  the 

3   *    )   3-o  *  3  *  J      0  ,s 

prophet;  ^...j>-.)l  ^JJjLo  ,«i  O-oil  7  stopped  at  the  place  where  tl- 

*      £  *o     J      3  *    *  *  3    *      1     3i    *  *  *  3  *       J      3  *>£ 

Hosein  teas  killed;  not  jljJt  w-..Aa».  »v> *  C^JLo,  and  ^JJJLe  C— oil*. 

Excepted  is  the  case  when  a  vague  noun  of  place,  such  as  ^jl£e   J) 
or^olio,  is  construed  with  a  verb  conveying  the  idea  of  stopping 

0*         ******* 

or  remaining,   as  juj   ^jUCa   C*~JLo»    7  sa£   efown  i«   ZeicVs  place; 
*  [Sometimes,  however,  the  definite  noun  of  place  is  put  in  the 

*£  Z    *0     J    3  *  *  3    *  s  3  s         *    ' 

accusative  against  the  rule,  as  in  ^aliJI  C~J*6  I  went  to  Syria,  ,JL^*±.  ^)15 
Jujl«  >ot  ?/<■?  ??/-o  stayed  during  midday  in  the  tents  of  Umm  Ma'bad  (see 
the  Gloss,  to  TabarT  in  v.  w**J  and  comp.  §  70,  rem.  p).      D.  G.] 

112  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  44 

A         and  also  the  case  when  a  noun  of  place  is  construed  with  the  verb 
from  which  it  is  derived,  as  juj  jjuLo  Ojots,  or  juj  ^^JLa^o  O— JU., 

.  .  ****** 

/  s«£  (Zowre  m  Zeid's  seat ;   dLc\JLc  ja\s  he  stood  up  in  his  place,  or 

0  *  0    0   **  0**  0  ^  • 

supplied    his   place. — The    nouns    s^Jl».,    *»._$,    ^v»-,    **».U,    s*^e, 

G  *  G  *  G  0   *  J      b 

quarter,  jj-jla.  outside,  J^-b,  Oj^.,  inside,  require  ^J,  as  ..i  w-oJ 
jtjJI  ^-jUi.  /  sfe/>£  outside  the  house;  but  in  later  Arabic  we  often 

find  the  accusatives  wJU.,  «-j^»>  and   J^b,  as  also  w^3   wear, 

B         for  ,»jj.3   ^ji,  ^JijJj  on  the   east,  >*ij£-  on  the  west,  for  ^JijJj  \J, 

i^P>j£   |V,   and  the  like. — Observe  also  such  phrases  as  :    ...U  3A 

bjjyi  J»U-s  7ie  is  as  far  from  me  as  (the  place  where)  the  Pleiades 
(hang  in  the  sky) ;  ^*JSi\  j^-yo  ^«U  3-fc  he  is  as  far  from  me  as  the 
farthest  place  where  one  can  chide  (or  cry  out  to)  the  dog  ;  ^Ji*  ^& 
jlj^H  jJls*o  he  is  as  close  to  me  as  the  place  where  my  waist- wrapper 
is  fastened. 

Rem.  b.     The  accusative  of   time  and  place  is  called  by  the 
C         grammarians    OfJsJI    the   vessel   (see   Vol.    i.    §  221,    rem.    a),    or 

1     j  0  *  e* 

<ui  ch^ttjL0.M  that  in  which  the  act  is  done. 

j    *  a* 
c.     The  state  or  condition,  JU*JI,  of  the  subject  or  object  of  an 

act,  or  of  both,  whilst  the  act  is  taking  place ;   as   t^'j   juj   ?U. 

Zeid  came  riding ;  <d  *$5\s  d^Xe.  loA~~«  SjU^JI  ^b  ,-U  \Jls^  he  stood 

at  the   entrance   of  the   cave,   saluting  him   (and)  saying  to   him; 

f  Ci  j      *     *t»o       i  )  a*>*  ,        j^, 

i»xa»...>  w»Ut  t^Lholj  and  enter  the  gate,  prostrating  yourselves;  ^J>i\ 

ill,       i*       ,l)rt,      j  )    a  * 

D  b^*Sj  UL5  <UJI  ^j^sjo  who  bear  God  in  mind,  standing  up  and 

sitting  down;  UjJ  >^*3t  oU^b^ojij  apiece  of  wood  can  be  straightened 

with  the  tikaf  (a  kind  of  tool),  while  it  is  soft ;  U*}Jl£  «u  olio  ^^JU. 

a  habit  with  which  I  grew  up  as  a  young  man ;  Ubj  j-JDl  w>^Ai  <J^* 

^JUI  ^slLsJHj  wjUxJI  Ia^>j  ^jJ  Lwbj  (/V  /.s')  as  //  the  hearts  of 
birds,  fresh  and  dry,  beside  her  nest,  were  the  red  fruit  of  the  jujube  or 

§  44]    The  Verb— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.  113 

.»*»     j   a 

decaying  dates;  l*^—-*  u*^'  C**£>j  /  mfe  ^  forsg  saddled  ;  OwJJ  A 
L-^L>   djL-Lc   ^jUxi—JI   /  7«^  ^«  sultan   in  his  house,   weeping; 
ly-i  IjJU*.  IjU  cd».ju  oj.**-  jutL*j  dJ^-jjj  aJUI  (^ajtj  ^>«j  «W  whoso 

shall  rebel  against  God  and  his  Apostle,  and  shall  transgress  his 
ordinances,  He  shall  make  him  enter  into  fire,  to  abide  in  it  for  ever ; 

LJU.  juJj  Oj^-e  /  passed  by  Zeid,  (as  he  was)  sitting  doicn ; 
ji\iajti\  ia*«»  du  OeUfc-j  and  she  brought  him  forth  long-limbed ;  CsA 
|/Atj    ,jUL-Jt    ^   I  teas  in  the  garden,   tchilst   it   was   in   bloom ;  B 

3,  0  ,      3    -   ~,  9      3  3,  '  «_  i  ,  ~    ,   0  ,    J»-o  -  -        ,     ,     3   i  , 

JL~j  j&.\j  jy ,....«  0^*4j*  LJl*.  tl.Ai.oAJU  ^n  p~?*o\j  and  there  were 
next  morning  two  parties,  (one)  ashed  and  another  asking  about  me, 

z,  Z  ,  3       ,   ,  ,d&     ,  3       3  j         ,  3  ,       £    * 

(whilst  I  was)  sitting  at  el-Gomeisd ;  [SjjJLo  bU^JI  U£»jjJ  o^-j  Utj 
^j*m-«j  W  the  Fates  will  overtake  us,  they  being  destined  for  us,  as 
we  are  destined  for  them] ;  ^j~J=>\j  aIJU  J  met  him,  (irhilst  we  were) 

o,»  ,  ,3,      ,  ,  , 

both  riding ;  £>i>}*  ^x*^  ^  i_5~°  whenever  thou  meetest  me,  both  (of  C 

*  ^     (J  i  0     3        3  3  , 

us  being)  alone ;  j;jia».;.«  tjuua*  aJLiJ  I  met  him,  (whilst  the  one  of  us 
teas)  going  up  (and  the  other)  coming  down. 

Rem.  a.  The  JU>.  is,  in  relation  to  the  grammatical  structure 
of   the   phrase   to  which    it   belongs,   a  iLai   or  redundancy,   for 

90,      -  , 

joj  t\^.,  Zeid  came,  is  a  complete,  intelligible,  sentence,  without 
the  addition  of  L^lj  riding.  It  answers  the  question  <JL^  Atra; .? 
in  regard  to  the  state  or  condition  of  the  subject  or  object  of  the   J) 

6    5  ^  J     _  _  9,3 

act,  [and  may  be  jjJLo  indicating  a  future  state,  or  iJjj\jLo  indicating 
a  simultaneous  state  (§74),  like  the  Imperf.  (§  8,  d  and  e)]. 

9    '  ,  3^     j 

Rem.  b.  The  JU*.  depends  upon  a  regent  (Jla»JI  ^J^l*),  which 
may  be  either  a  verb,  as  L£alj  juj  sU*.  ;  or  a  verbal  adjective 
(Vol.  i.  {§  230,  231),  as  OS  £^  «1>^  +>j  ^W  is  ftmftn^  'Jrar 

1      ~*^        9  3     3     *        9  3  '  1~,       c,      ,,9  3' 

standing,  Ljjl.3  ^jjj-ct*  juj  Z^;'^  ts  beaten  standing,  Ljjli  ,j— a.  juj 
w.   II.  15 

114  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  44 

3      /     S«       t     *'      00. 

A  -£eit£  /oo&s  handsome  standing,  I  jccla  <U*o  jj>~.».i  \^>\.i  Juj  Zeid  looks 
more  handsome  standing  than  he  does  sitting  ;  or  an  expression  that 
has  a  verbal  force  (^Jjts  .-i**),  as  a  preposition  with  its  com- 
plement, a  demonstrative  pronoun,  an  interrogative,  or  a  word 
like  OsJ,  (JjJ  and  O^3)  as  U^*  jtjjl  ,-i  juj  ^eie?  is  in  the  house 
standing  (where  jtjJI  ,«i  is  equivalent  to  jt  jJI  ..ijiil-wo),  juj  1^*3 

*  c"£    ...  .  .  «      /        sj/      /    /« 

1*j15  m  i£  is  ^eie?  standing,  LJl».  3^^©*  iJj^c  beside  thee  (or  in  £/w/ 

«    -  a  j       go*        ,  i 

house)  is  lAmr  sitting,  UJLkuU  3j-*c  IJJk  ^Ais  is  '.4mr  (in  2/ie  ac£  o/") 
B         going  away  (equivalent  in   sense  to  UJUa-^o  aJI  jJsu!  £oo&  a£  7iira 

«     ^    0  j  0^  j        I 

going   aivay,   or    liAla^o    aJ!     vwl    /  point    to   him   going    away), 

.0  '  '"  6  « 

UjIS  -ilJlw   U  w/ia<  is  £/«/  o&;'ec£  (ire)  standing  ?  (where  ^Uli  U  = 
^Jjiaj    Uo  w/tatf  ar£  ^/iore  doing  ?)   \ks\j  ^JU    U»  what  art  thou  about, 

lbs  6  .■  ,  \    , 

standing  {there)  1  la>~w  i<J«*j  IJ^Aj  and  ^/iis  is  my  husband,  an  old 

0  2    *>  '0  3*  '  ^ 

man  {—and  this,  my  husband,  is  an  old  man) ;  5^J»JI  ^ys-  j^  Loi 
^j^ajsue  what  then  ails  them  that  they  turn  aside  from  the  warning  ? 

o    r  o  o  ^  o- 

C  Rem.  c.     The  <J{&-  is  usually  (1)  an  adjective  (uuij  or  iio) 

0-      ,6  3         <i     s 

expressing  a  transitory  state  (aJUtli*  jjl^) ;  though  it  may  also  be 

*      sO  3     3  0  *  £  ^        s  vi   *o      3     0   »  ' 

permanent  (ZJJu^c  j+z),  as  la--o-w  aJJI  Oj^i  /  called  upon  God  as  a 

(constant)  hearer  (of  prayer). — It  may  likewise  be  (2)  a  masdar, 
substantially   equivalent    in    meaning    to    a   participial    adjective 

i  a  ,      3  t o, - 

[comp.  Vol.  i.  §  230,  rem.  c*],  as  t^o   dJJUS   /  killed  him  bound 

f       3     0     -  i   0     -        3  30s£ 

(in  cold  blood),  i.e.  Ij^cue  ;  \*c&j  <***3'  /  came  to  him  riding  hard, 


J)  i.e.  La£=>Ij  ;  l*^w  <u^>  «^J3  Oj^l  /  received  that  from  him  by  hearing 
(I  learned  it  from  him  by  hearing  him  say  it),  i.e.  buoL> ;  A2Ju  %Xh 

i         -  1    *   ,     3        3  3         - 

he   came   into   view   suddenly,    i.e.    UcU ;    3gla»j    AlJL)    /   met   him 

i  s     3  i    -  3  3  , 

suddenly  or  unawares,  i.e.  l£».l«*o  ;  OLc  <^-.i3  I  met  him  face  to  face, 

t'3*''f3       33    6S>*  1  '     3 

i.e.   UjI*«  ;  i^iULo  rtJLpA^a  /  spofe  <o  him  face  to  face,  i.e.   lyiltLo  ; 
<ik£->   a»£s   <CLJ»i  I  met  him  face  to  face  (each  of  us  hindering  the 

[  Rather,  according  to  Noldeke,  to  a  gerundium. 

§  44]    The  Verb. — 3.    Goveniment  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.  115 

other,  for  4i£l  ii&). — It  may  also  be  (3)  a  concrete  substantive,  A 
as  tjju  j^JUl   JfcXJs  tlie  moon  rose  full ;  I jlwI  juj  j£s  Zeid  charged 
(Zi&e)  a  lion ;  ^**jJO  t.*-©  <uu  sell  it  (at  the  rate  of)  a  mudd  for  a 

b*         -      Ajb*o     ~,  _ 

dirham ;  ^jjyJii  j*JI  sb»-  £A«  wheat  is  come,  (at  the  rate  of)  two 
/bq/w  (for  a  dirham) ;  U>Apj  Sli  sliJI  Cou  /  Aaue  sold  the  sheep 
a£  a  dirham  apiece;   juJ  lju  «&ub  /  dealt,  or  traded,  with  htm, 

■t   *        t  *      i  *     *  I*        J    b£* 

hand  in  hand  (i.e.  for  ready  money);    bb    bb    ajL-*.    aJ    w^-o 

*     by       *    bs  -       -  J 

I  explained  his  account  to  him  item  by  item;  C**J  C~o  i^j^-  >*    B 

by  /  ?«/ 

Ae  is  my  nextdoor  neighbour  (lit.  house  to  house,  for  C*J  ^jJt  U-j 
or  C~J  ll*j) ;  j^s  ,Jt  ob*  tvLoJL£>  /  spoke  to  him  face  to  face  (lit.  his 

4      *     j  b        j     *b    i.      z*  *  I 

mouth  to  my  mouth);  L*jj  <suU  w~J»l  Lit  IJdk  this  (fruit)  is  better  as 

**       *        bi-      j  o  ^b*o      ****  **      *         'Z- 

a  grape  titan  as  a  raisin;  L-j  t^Jkjl  j>$&\  \$j*3,  or  Lw  i^i^j'  the 
people  dispersed  (like)  the  bands  of  Saba  (for  Lw). — Lastly,  the  jJU*. 

«^  b   J 

may  be  (4)  a  proposition,  «U0a    (see  §  183). — There  may  be  more    Q 

*  ' 
than  one  tjb>.  referring  to  the  subject  or  object  of  an  act,  or  to 

both  ;  e.g.  UC^lo  b&tj  joj  sb*.  Zeid  came  riding  (along)  laughing  ; 

S   *    x  *  j         f       *         9  9*  -   t  b-a       y       , 

UjOfcJL*   Uit^    juj    tjub   Mis   is  Zeid  standing  talking ;    i<-j'    lj*) 

*  -  b  ^         i     *  i,        o  '         b  1       4    ~  *  b  *  *  i 

Lj-oLo  I_5_iLp's  <ujai;<  U5b*.  ajj^I  my  son,  in  cdarm,  met  his  two 

S  0     J  i  b  J  « 

brothers,  coming  to  help  him,  and  they  won  spoil ;  tjuua*o  tjUA  C.***J 
Sjjia».;.o  /,  (ichilst)  going  up,  met  Hind  (a  woman)  coming  down. 
The  only  case  in  which  a  difficulty  can  arise  is  when  both  the  hals  D 
are  of  the  same  gender  and  number,  as  tjjo».«,<  tjjt«a*o  ljuj  C~JL) 

*        -      *        ^       ?»^       j  b£* 

or  L£»!j  LwU  ljuj  C-jtj.     Some  of  the  grammarians  say  that,  in 

s     - 

this  case,  the  first  Jb*.  refers  to  the  subject  and  the  second  to  the 
object,  /,  (as  I  was)  going  up,  met  Zeid  coming  down;  but  others 

maintain  that  the  first  jjb^  refers  to  the  object  and  the  second  to 
the  subject,  /,  (as  I  was)  riding,  met  Zeid  walking. 

«-  «   <•    W     i  J  *    *    i   i     ibr 

Rem.  </.    The  Jb*.  may  be  5jl£»^o,  strengthening,  or  5j^»^  j-ji. 

116  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  44 

9  x   w   i  J 

A         As    SjJhye   it   may    refer   either    to   the   verbal    regent   or   to   a 

preceding  proposition  as  a  whole.     If  it  refers  to  the  verbal  regent, 
it  may   be    derived   from   the  verb   itself,   though   this  is  a    com- 

paratively  rare  case ;    as   *$3~>j  ^UJJ   ^JULwjIj  and  we  have  sent 

'    0   &    lO*       *      'W  *"'  *  but  iO        3    3*       *   d      *  * 

thee  to  mankind  as  an  Apostle;    ^^^ujbj  jV*J'.3   J^'  J&  J8*1 13 

dj-ob   Olja.  ...,o  ^e^a^Jlj  j»«iJlj   and  He  hath  subjected  to  you  the 

night  and  the  day,  and  the  sun  and  the  moon  and  the  stars,  subjected 

by  His  command.     If  it  refers  to  a  preceding  proposition,  this  must 

B         be  a  nominal  proposition,  consisting  of  two  definite  concrete  nouns 

as  subject  and  predicate;  as  lijJac  ^3-*!  j*-»j  Zeid  is  thy  father,  as 

being   affectionate ;    lijjjt*    „fcjj    ^A   he   is   Zeid,    as   well   known ; 

UA»»Jii   ^UftJ    O*^   ^'   I  am  so  and  soj   valiant  (and)   brave;  3A 

L«u  J£»Jt  it  is  the  truth,  as  manifest ;  yj^aut,  l^J  Isjlcl*  Jia*J!  3A9 

awe?  i£  «s  the  truth,  as  confirmatory  of  what  is  with  them  (of  the 

Scriptures  which  they  have  already  received) ;    *}H^t  <UJt   Jl»c   Ut 

Ju*a01  jj^sb   l^^  /  a»j  <Ae  servant  of  God,  eating  as  the  servants 

(j  (0/  6W)  ea£;  ,<*-~J  ^  IsjjJt*  Sjlj  ,^_>t  Ul  /  a??i  the  son  of  Dara, 

my  lineage  being  tvell  known  through  her.     The  ^)\a-  is  explained 

in  these  cases  by  an  ellipsis  of  ASj^\,  AA»-t,  <U*jI,  /  know  him  (or 

it),  know  it  to  be  true,  know  him  (or  it)  for  certain,  and  the  like;  e.g. 

z     j     s      j  i   j  t      -      )i      <i  a*         #      .-j         $  ,    ,       2i  *  h      0     -  J       -i 

\b^xc  &&o-\    *)$i\  joj,  Ula^w  ^Lfcu  Jk».t  jj'iUs  Lit,  etc. 

Rem.  e.  The  JL».  is  ordinarily  Sj£j  or  indefinite;  but  it  is 
allowable  to  define  it  by  the  article  in  cases  where  it  may  be 
D  explained  as  involving  a  condition  (hjJJ\  ^y*-*),  as  *r*£»h/JI  juj 
j-iLoJt  <U«  ^>~.».t  ^eto?,  when  he  is  riding  (w-^j  til),  £ooA;s  ?«ore 
handsome  than  he  does  when  walking  (\*£~o  tet),  instead  of  the  more 
usual  LwU  <U«  ^>-^».t  L&tj  juj.  Further,  it  may  be  defined  by  a 
pronominal  sulfix,  or  otherwise,  in  various  cases,  in  which  it  can 

be   explained    by,    or    is    equivalent   to,    an    indefinite    Jl*. ;    e.g. 

» *  0  *  j  0  *  *  _  _  «  /(>       /  «/, 

ojwo-^  <ju   Ojj~«  /passed  by  him  by  himself  ov  alone  (  -  tj^ii«o),  cJLai 

§44]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accns.  117 

t     ,    0    1 

^ij^ye*.  iJUj  thou  hast  done  this  to  the  best  of  thy  ability  (=  t  jLyla^e)  ;  A 
LS*  L5*i  ^  <v^a^=>  /  */w&e  &>  /*»»  ./ace  *o  face  (=  S^i^L*)  :  ^j*M  J)>*3 
L-j  ^jul  (=  (j-jijLjX-e.  see  rem.  c,  3) ;  Ij-cu-a5j  ty-oi  ^o-^  L5""*""*' 
(<A«  <W6e  o/)  Suleim  came  to  me,  its  gravel  with  its  pebbles  (i.e.  small 
cmtf'  areai,  one  a?^  aff,  =  Uj.0^)  ;  iMjjdl  lyJLyti  a?w^  so  lie  let  them 
(the  camels)  (70  in  a  6o^y,  or  a  croicd,  to  water  (=  A^^Jjto) ; 
^jiiJI  elpa.)!  IjtW.  <A«y  ca/ue  o/£  together  (lit.  in  a  grrerti  mass, 
covering  tlte  ground,  =  \*>**  ) . 

Rem.  f.     The  subject  or  object  of  the  action  to  which  the  Jb*.   B 
refers,  JlaJt  w-^-lo  or  ^JUJ!  ji,  is  usually  definite,  Sij**.     The 
principal  cases  in  which  it  is  indefinite,   Spli,   are   the  following. 
(1)  When  the  Jl».  precedes  it,  as  J^-j  W51S  ly*s  i?t  it  (the  house) 
is  a  maw  standing  ;  ^jS   JJ-»    Lt^.^.«   SjjJ  '^Issa's  is  a?i  ancient 

r?tm,  fe/i!  desolate;  w>^w  a^^Ac  y  Uo  L?^o^..,a..lbj  a«o?  in  my 
body  there  is,  manifestly,  if  thou  didst  (but)  know  it,  a  sad  change  ; 
|L1»  RX Kl....o  Ua3I_3  i<J'j*J'  WNfltoJj  «/«/  tinder  the  sjiearlieads  and  C 
sliafts,  seeking  shelter,  are  gazelles  (women).  (2)  When  the  w-^'-o 
JlaJI  is  followed  by  an  adjective  or  a  complement  in  the  genitive, 
as  \jj^c  ^o  1^*1  ^S*-  jx>\  J£>  Jfjsu  \^J  in  it  (that  night)  is 
settled  each  wise  thing,  as  a  thing  proceeding  from  us  ;  w>.  Lj  vT-,;?*  *■ 
Uj)-^  ■"■■«>»Jt  ^  j±\a  >iXXs  ^i  <J  Os*aJL-»tj  Uk.^3  </tow  rfiV^  deliver 
Noah,  0  my  Lord,  and  didst  answer  his  prayer,  in  a  ship  cleaving 
the  sea  heavily  laden;    L»515  J^j  jS%&   ^J^c  in   my  house  is  a  D 

+  ^  wt  **  +  its-         *  *  o£ 

?na?is  slave  standing;  ^>JL5l-JJ  *lj«,  ^ebl  iajjt  ^.i  in  four  days 
complete — (this)  for  inquirers.  (3)  After  a  negative  or  an  inter- 
rogation,  as  L5lj  ^5-0^-  O^o  ^>«  ^^.  U  there  is  no  interdicted  spot 
appointed  to  preserve  (one)  from  death  ;  j*\at^?$\  ,Jt  jca-t  ^j^»»j  ^ 
v*Wa*~J  iij-w.Zo  ^*y  v»>»  ^  no  one  incline  to  hang  back  on  the  day 

118  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  44 


50/       ul   J 

of  battle,  fearing  death;   Lib  jL+t  ^a.  Jjk  »-U  i  0  friend,  is  a 
life  decreed  as  lasting  ? — Slbaweih,  however,  admitted  the  correct- 

f     *"         O    J  /         / 

ness  of  such  a  phrase  as  L>5li>  ^J&-j  lv*9,  and  in  a  tradition  we  find 

#  /_      o  /       .»»»//        a  ,  *      i      *        *  ii  io    j    j ,        z  , 

UU5  Jla-j  dsljj  L5^-«j  tj^cli^ato  aJUI  Jj~>j  l5^°  ^  Apostle  oj 

God  prayed  sitting,  and  there  prayed  behind  him  [some)  men  standing. 

Rem.  g.     As  to  the  position  of  the  Jl»-  in  a  sentence,  the  fol- 
lowing remarks  must  suffice,  in  connection  with  what  will  be  said 

0      / 

B         elsewhere. — (1)    As  a  rule,  the  Jl*.  is  placed  after  the  regent.     It 

0  ul   r  /  J 

may,  however,  precede  it,  if  the  regent  be  a  fully  inflected  (^fij*aZc) 
verb   or  verbal   adjective,   as   juj    Aa?.    L*£»tj    riding   came  Zeid; 

O  /         /        *       0    J 

jJaJj  li  Uy»~w«  iw  /tasie  is  £/m  (man)  departing  ;  but  we  cannot  say 

#0///0£/«  /  0/0  J     /    0   P  £  /        91/ 

ljuj   ^*ma.I    to  Ua.Lo   and  j^t   ±J*o  ^j^a.\    l£»-Li  JuJ,    instead 

f  /SO/        //Of/  £  /  0/0  J     /     0  £       00 / 

of  l£».Li  jtjj  ^>*~».l  to  and  l£».Li>  Jj^*c  O-*  O"**^  »*£;>  because 

//o£  a  /  £  ->      j  o  j/o£  o2/oj/o£ 

neither  ^**».t  as  w»a,.aCJI  (J^si,  nor  ^^.^.l  as  sJ*~aJLZl\  ,Jjiil,  is 

0  uJ    /  /  J 

C  Oj-*aLo.     An  exception  to  the  latter  case  is  when  an  object  in  a 

certain  state  is  compared  with  itself,  or  with  another  object,  in  a 

5       /  J /0£ 

different  state,  in  which  case  the  one  ^Jt*.  must  precede  ^Jjiil,  and 

#       /     jo         j/o£      #.»/     00/ 

the  other  follow  it,  as   Ij^cls   <sU*  ^^^.l   tojls  juj  Zeid  standing 

o  j/Oc      ;  /  o  j       0  0/ 

foo&s  more  handsome  than  he  does  sitting,  or   ^o    Jiiil   Ijj^Lo   juj 

*  /     3  0  / 

fist*  jj-o*  ^ei(Z  a/cme  is  ?wo?-e  iiseful  than  lAmr  assisted  (by  others). 

3/0/0/  0/ 

If  the  regent  be  a  ^yju>  jJ-oU  (see  rem.  b),  the  Jb*.  must  follow 
it,    with    rare    exceptions    in    the    case    of   a    preposition   and   its 

0  0  /0  ?/3    -J  s      si         /I  S       J    / 

D        complement.      We  cannot  use  jua  >iUJ   Sj^a^o,  ^^j!  IJub  td^Ja^c, 

/      j  £       #0/       /0/#        £       o   /£       #0/       5  £   /       *         /  #/  3   /   j      oo  /O 

jj^».l    ljuj    C-sJ    l/^ol,   Jurfl    ljuj    (J^3   W^*'j>   ^or   °A/*!*"*   •***  «iU3, 

s      j  /        /     j  £        /i  /      /£       £       £        £0/        /0/        o  /  £      £         /         £0/       w  £   / 

li^Lc  J^jI   IjJk,    Jjji.1   l^^wol   ljuj   C-sJ,    juj!   t£»lj   ljuj   Ol-^»  > 

//0  *      <»/        0  0/  wo  *     <■•/       0  0/ 

nor  is  it  usual  to   say  Jjac   1*513   juj  or  jljJI  ^  U515  J^»j  for 

So/         //0  00/  *o/  w«>  00/ 

LjjlS  d)juc   juj  or  Uj15  jljJI  ^ji   Juj,  though  some  read  in  the 
Kor'an  tfLU^u  Ob^la-o  Ol^^*Jlj  and  the  heavens,  folded  together, 

§44]   The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a.)  The  Accus.  119 

O       i         3    *  . 

(shall  be)  in  his  right  hand,  instead  of  Ob^Jsuo,  and  the  heavens  A 
(shall  be)  folded  together  in  his  right  hand. — (2)  The  JU.  may  pre- 
cede the  JlaJI  wft.Lc,  when  the  latter  is  the  subject  (nomin.)  or 

0  3*        i  *         *  ibi******* 

direct  object  (accus.),  as  juj  l£*.L©  sU*.,  IjuA  t^j****  vj-"* »  unless 

5      „  S  *  1*3         Cl  *  *3lB*>       J      3}  ** 

the  Jl».  be  restricted  by  *n)I,  as   ,jjj*L^  *^t  ,j-J-j^oJI  ,J->jJ  Uj 

,  0  J  * 

^jjljj^-c^  and  we  do  not  send  the  Apostles  but  as  announcers  and 

*    B*>        J  * 

warners.     If  the  JlaJI  w-»-Lo  be  governed  by  a  preposition,  the 

O     *  *    *         *  3  }    3  *  *  Bt**13** 

Jl».  must  follow  it,  as  i-JU.  jUyj  Ojj-o,  not  jUyj  «LJU*.  C>j^.    1> 

J  »,  ,         ,  B        * 

Only  a  poet  could  venture  on  an  emergency  to  say  )jj  O^9  O^ 
w  r.:^ )   Lit    l*»t»-   i«Jt    Wi'-*   O^***   s'-*"    if  ever    the   coolness  of 

*  £        *"  '*  ^^  £  , 

water  vxis  dear  to  me  when  parched  and  thirsty,  verily  she  is  dear  (to 

i  *        *       *B  *        S*  *        -  B    *  *     0  *  B     *  *  3        |     «    *  Bi         J  *        B     * 

me),  for  b^La  ^U**  ^Jl  L-*»». ;  or  ^jXs  o^**J^  O-f-*'  ^3^  ^  O^ 

JL».  JiSj  Uyi  I^JbJJ  «nc?  though  (your)  herds  of  camels  and 
(your)  rvomen  be  seized,  yet  ye  must  not  let  the  murder  of  Ilibdl  pass 

i  B  *  *  B  *  5      * 

unavenged,  for  U^i  JL»-  J^*J  -     The  JU*.  may  be  dependent  upon    C 

3*0*1  9        *  3 

a  preceding  <su)l  oLcl*  (see  §  75),  when  the  i^uiuo,  or  governing 
word,   is   naturally  capable  of    being  its    regent   (masclar,    nomen 

i*i   *  i  B  J  *  *   I  J     *  *  *    Bi 

agentis,  etc.,  see  rem.  6),  as  Z$js*~*>  juA  w>jus  I  jdt> ;  >&L3  {.i..s!..e.\ 
Uj— *o  juj  ;   Ujotfc  ^Xa^.j-6  aJJ  I  .Jt   to  GW  sAa?Z  fo  your  return 

*»  '    *  0  v*  *o  *  Z  *  *•***•        QtO       1  *-5-a       j     j  ** 

altogether ;  ^*j£   ba>i   f  JlP'   ^'   tj^lj  «il5^Uxil   ,jt  j^^I-ol  J>*J 

*      *f     * 

U  bi  *j)  my  daughter  says,  Verily  thy  departing  alone  to  tear  will 

5        *  1 

one  day  leave  me  without  a  father  ;  or  when  the  oLiue  is  a  part,   J) 

B*  9         *    J  B  3  IS  *      *B*** 

really  or  tropically,  of  the  aJI  oLcl«,  as  £ye>  ^t%j}  jus  ^J  U  UcjJj 

*     £  *  *  *  ^*** 

t     *    B  M 

Ul^i.1  Ji  an(^  We  toill  remove  what  is  in  their  breasts  of  rancour 

4*3  B  }    1 

as  brethren  (lil^».t  dependent  on  the  suffixed  pronoun  in^^Jkjjjwo); 

4        *       *         *  3       *  Z  &     £  *y  £        *B*  *  3  *  Bi-      Si  J 

Uu-i*.  >0-Jbljj|  iL«  ?»-v'  o'  ,^^'  U;^.^l  ^j  then  We  revealed  unto 
thee,  Folloiv  the  law  of  Abraham  as  a  hanlf  i.e.  inclining  to  the 
rt</ft<  stoto  or  senmd  in  faith  (U«^»>  dependent  on  ^J8lj->l,  dJLe  being 

120  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  44 

A         virtually  a  part  of  ^Jkl^jt,  and  the  phrase  quite  clear  and  correct 

*        -       -  *a        0    2 

without  it,   U^ia.  ^Jktjjl    f-31). 

Rem.  h.  The  Jla*JI  WJ««U  may  be  suppressed,  either  necessarily 
or  optionally.  It  is  omitted  necessarily,  for  example,  in  the  case  of 
a  AX^s>.  jj^o-^toJ  Sj^aj^  Jl».  (see  rem.  d),  as  li^lac  j)y>\  juj  ;  in 
forms  of  salutation  or  congratulation,  as,  to  one  departing,  tjuJ>U 
Ljj^-o  taking  the  right  way  and  directed  by  God,  scil.  i^Jb^t  #0;  to 

B  one  returning  from   the   pilgrimage,    ljju~o   lj^  rewarded  and 

accepted,  scil.  0~*jJ>  thou  art  arrived,  or  thou  art  returned  ; 
to  one  eating,  Ujj~«  U*^a  easy  o/  digestion  and  wholesome,  scil.  aJL£», 
4,.J^>,  6$y£s,  etc.,  ea£  i£,  =  may  it  agree  with  thee  or  you* ;  and  in 
such  phrases  as  (t„xcUas)  Ijulji  ^>;ju  <CJjlwt  /  bought  it  for  a 
dirham  and  upwards,  scil.   Ijutj  lJ>©^)t  w>J>i,  or  SjsA*o,  and  the 

C         price  went  on  increasing  or  went  higher ;    *^sL*J  jUjju   O3juo5 

I  gave  in  alms  a  dinar  and  less,  scil.  *ikilw  <au  Jjjucu.oJt  wAJJ  wc? 
<Ae  amount  of  what  was  given  in  alms  went  lower.  But  the  omission 
is  optional  in  such  phrases  as  L^lj  riding,  in  answer  to  C^a.  v-^*2-* 

/ttwo  c^o^  £Aow  come?  for  L^lj  C-JU*. ;   (j,">»-l  W-~s*5  *j-«   Wo^o^l 

«  Temimite  at  one  time,  and  a  Kaisite  at  another  ?  scil.  ^J^-wl  or 
jJa^jI,    dost  thou  change,  or  iwrw,  thyself  into —  ?  or  JU^Jol  dost 

J  s       ,  -    -     t>    -         0  -         0  i        3         -  0    »«»        J  D    *i 

D         thou  affect  the  nature  of — ?   A^lJat   ^■o-s^J  ^  jjl   (^L-j^l  w*~»=w.j! 

<*j^  l^3~~>   O'   15^    0<P^   r5^  (l°es  1nan  think  that  We  shall  not 

*  j  s  0  * 
re-unite  his  bones  ?    Yea,  (we  will  re-unite  them,  lv»,.»a».i)  being  able 

to  put  together  evenly  the  bones  of  his  fingers. — It  may  even  happen 

*     ..     1     -  *  «   1 

*  [Tf   ^->.y>  £«-*  be  considered  as  epithets  of   the   masdar  *$£=>\ 

understood,    this   phrase   belongs   to   the   class   mentioned   §  35,  h,   a. 
Comp.    Lane  sub  Jj-*-] 

§44]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of  the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.  121 

that  the  actual  Jl».  itself  is  suppressed,  and  only  a  word  or  phrase,  A 
which  is  dependent  upon  it,  expressed;  as^^y-J^  ^j^J^-ju  i£5*}LoJlj 
jj^Xz  j^%~>   w>L»   yj£z   &*  and  the  angels  shall  go  in  unto   them 
through  every  gatey  {saying,   ,>*i5U»)  Peace  be  upon  you. 

d.     The  motive  and  object  of  the  agent  in  doing  the  act,   the 
cause  or  reason   of  his   doing   it ;    as    \ij±.  Co^k  /  fled  for  fear ; 

w>j*JI  yjs-  OjjiS  thou  didst  refrain  from  going  forth  to  war 
out  of  cowardice;   *i  \~-t&  L5^'  <^->j*°  I  beat  my  son  for  the  sake  B 
of  correcting  him;  ^iUw*^  l^.jkir.7  <xi  j»$i\  <Qlj  13!  when  I  see  him, 

3    S    S     i    10  s     *     0 

I  stand  up  before  him  to  show  respect  to  my  teacher ;  «u  Ij^iwt  l« S.» 

have  sold  their  souls,  that  they  shoidd  not  believe  in  what  God  has 

»  i  '     i  i  *     o*  -      i*>  oi      a  9        *       Ci  * 

sent  down  (revealed),  out  of  envy;  ^J&j-t  ^  w>U£JI  Jjbl  ^>«  jt^>  *5 

&        j  si.         &  o  ^//        #fii       'J,'1  o*-o 

^y~Ju\  juc  kj-«  IjU^  ^iulojl  juu  ^>«  many  of  those  who  have   C 
Scriptures  would  like  if  they  could  make  you  unbelievers  again,  after 
ye  have  believed,  out  of  selfish  envy:  j-uJI  aiU~o  \j&  wJjis  /  did  so 

and  so  for  fear  of  harm,  or  ^i^^JJ  jjl  <LiU»»«  for  fear  that  thou 

shouldst  reproach  me;  aJJI  oLi^*  sUIjI  a— iJ  v^J-^  t>*  w^^l  0-*J 
awe?  #/"  w«  there  are  who  sell  themselves  (give  up  their  lives)  to  win 

*  a  *  a  *         j      a&*     i*     *  ■**>  -  t  -.-    -  -a  -     -> 

the  favour  of  God>  (for  SLi^);  ^  u^j^h  djt»ol  ^rij^^  ^jj*  j-^h 
Uj£>  ^ff-^JJt  j£Jj  I  forgive  the  harsh  language  of  the  noble,  that  I  may  D 
treasure  him  up  (as  a  friend  in  time  of  need),  and  I  disregard  the 
abuse  of  the  vile  out  of  generosity ;   ,j-e  ^yJlit  ^  ^y*j\*a\   ^j^Xxa.i 

O^-frJI  jJ^»-  Jicl^-cJI   they  put  their  fingers  in  their  ears  on  account 

of  the  claps  of  thunder,  through  fear  of  death.      Such  an  accusative 
is  usually  either  indefinite  or  else  in  the  construct  state ;  definition 

by  the  article  is  not  common,  as  i\sh^syi\  ^s-  o-^-"  *wt*'  *$  I  refrain 
not  from  battle  out  of  cowardice. 

w.  ii.  16 

122  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  44 

2      0. <      9   /    0    - 

A  Rem.     This  accusative,  which  must  always  be  a   i,*X3  jj~&*, 

a  mental  or  intellectual  nomen  verbi,  is  called  by  the  grammarians 

j/      j     j  o  -o^  o  ?     o  of        jjo  /o/ 

aJ  J^huLq.)!,  or  («*A».I  ,,>*)  aJI».'^)  JjJM-oJt,  £Aa£  o?i  account  of  which 

0    / 

something  is  done.     It  is  the  answer  to  the  question  <l«J  why  ? 

e.     Various  other  determinations  and  limitations  of  the  predicate  ; 

#0/       00/  /  ^  ZO,    J0/0.O       /       / 

as  L«ii  juj  w>U»  Zeid  is  cheerful  in  spirit;  b^J  ij^JI  w>li»  the  rose 

*  /  /        69/         /     £  /  / 

is  charming  in  colour ;   \3j*  juj  w**-oj  .Z^'c?  streamed  with  perspi- 

tf     d     **  J    tw     ^         •  y  --  D  *»• 

B   ration  ;   L*-*-w  ^t^JI   JaIwIj  aw<#  wy  Amrf  glistens  with  hoariness; 
iitjj  Jb&JI   O.P  tu*}b>.t  our  grave  minds  surpass  the  mountains  in 

Z  /    /  /     o  /  o£ 

weight  (ox  firmness);    \*>j£=>  o*»yjl   thou  art  a  marvel  of  generosity ; 

*  0    /  /O5<«J0//  *     /      /  /     0  iO*>       J      0    /  / 

\j j3  p«wuJ  I  Oo»ij  /  raised  the  chief  in  dignity ;  j/a~w  ±joJ^ '  Owjii 

?      J  J  /0  CO''       /  0    w   /  / 

I  planted  the  land  with  trees;  b^*c  c^j*i"   M>^3  aw^  w^  ?warfe  £/*£ 

#/    0  .>        0  /       lit    / 

earth  break  forth  with  springs ;  3j„*5  j*t&*  aiM  Croo?  ?s  great  in  might; 

2)0''*  j/  «  J/        (     (/  /  o £       /    o£ 

b^»>  >»jU*.  jA  fo  is  a  Hdtim  in  generosity ;  j%=>\$  *$j^*  1^5^  *£**' 

C   n)U  if/wM  «r£  higher  in  station  and  richer  in  wealth;  Sj la».swJ l£>  ^^ 

«/i/    2/!   «E 

S^.3  jtwl  jl  «??<£  £/^?/  (your  hearts)  were  /«fe  stones,  or  even  harder  (lit. 

:"£        0/        /t      //    0  c         /  ;p        0/  £         o      0    I 

stronger  as  to  hardness);  bl  jiu    bl  ^ej^l   U,  or  bl  jSL>  ^j\j  j>j£=>\, 

0  0/  $  /  /    0 

Aow  wo/We  *s  ilfol  2?£#r  as  a  father !  **jj  L»-L©  ^su  excellent  is  Zeid 

0     0  #    /    J  /    0 

«s   a  companion !  j-^->   b>e*ibi   i^~- £-^  very  bad   is  Bisr  as  a  slave ! 

/    /        /       £     j   /      j    w   >*»     /  o    / 

blj   dLol  jlj  jljJI  ^jUj  aw«?   excellent  is  the  provision,  thy  father's 

*  '  JO    <  m  <# 

provision,  as  a  provision!   l^-ob  aj  **L.~.e»-  £/«/  sufficiency  is  in  Him 

D  (//«  suffices  thee)  as  a  helper;  L»jb'   «p  aJJ  ?/7^a^  a  man  he  is  as  a 
horseman!  (lit.   to  God  belongs  his  outflow  or  emanation,  from  none 

*    J /       J    *    0/  §  zO/ 

other  could  he  emanate) ;  'iLfc.j  ^j  w//«^  rt  »?«??  /^  is !  {p*i}  being 
here  a  w«a»«3  »-?>*.  ox  particle  of  surprise)',  [L»jli  4«u  ^>lj  ^-»-  yk 
///?  w  6^^e?-  rt.?  a  pedestrian  than  as  a  horseman,  §  48,  e,  rem.  «]. 

j       05/  j  w  /  j  »/ 

Rem.  a.     Tliis  accusative  is  called  j^w^JI  or  j^-oJt,  M^  specified- 

§44]    The  Verb.— 3.   Government  of the  Verb.— (a)  The  Accus.   123 

j  -  -  j  .-- 

<ion,  and  also^*— JuJI  or^,..J^Jt,  and  ^.^Dl  or  ^**^JI,  ffo  explanation.   A 

It  is  an  indefinite  substantive,  Sj&^o-J,  placed  immediately  after 
the  proposition  of  which  it  limits  or  defines  the  predicate.     In  the 

grammatical  structure  of  the  sentence  it  is  a  aJLos,  like  the  Jl^. 

(see  c,  rem.  a).     The  grammarians  regard  it  as  governed  by  the 

.  ,  9-930- 

verb  in  the  preceding  clause,  of  which  it  was  the  J.eli  or  JjjuLo, 

1_  9         0-  9        - 

before  its  transference  to  the  place  of  j~^J  to  the  actual  J^li  or 
J^jjuLo  ;   or,  if   the  preceding  clause  be  nominal,  as  having  been   g 

transferred  from  the  place  of  the  lj£~e.     Thus  LJu  joj  w>U»  is 

0  -  3  0-        0     -    -  20-         -    0  d    fO        3>      o  -- 

equivalent,   they  say,   to   juj    LrJu   Oulk  ;    Ijjji    i--^JI    C~xJj   to 

'll*      '   *'  3      0--  i-   0  3  9  •  3  it    -  r*    -  -  it    10        3-    0   3 

->.~~}\  jjJ  wojij ;  5j jj  ^..bc  <*JUI  to  A+glag  oJJ'  5j •** ;  and 
•JU  ills  ji4l  j£j  to  iUU  ^Jj£s\  jJj  JU     The  J-^5  may  be 

•  30-**     -  n      jo, 

explained  by  ^«  with  the  genitive  when  it  is  JytA^JI  ^6  J^-iU^, 
as^a^w  ^>-«  c^j'i"  %^*~'j£;  instead  of    |^*~w ;   but  not  when  it  is    q 

-0*3     -  t      3  0  -  0-0  9  0  -       -       - 

jJ^UJI  ^a  Jj^jLu,  for  ^-jj  ^»o  juj  wjlb  is  nonsense.  [Instead  of 
Ljj\s  and  >»;;  in  the  phrases  quoted  Iwjli  op  dJU  and  *^».j  *a»^3 

-        0  3-0  90- 

we  may  use  ^jli  ,j-o  and  J*-,  ,j*.  See  §  18,  6.] — The  j-~«J  may 
occasionally  be  placed,  by  poetic  license,  before  the  predicate  which 

J  -  -      0*&  Z   0  -       -        -  -  -        -  -  -  -      OS  -  d   -       3     3    0  -t 

it  limits,  as  w«jfexii  J'jAJb  l— «J  O^  '*°i  W**-  <3!/**W  jrti-1  j^*-h' 
taiW  Selmd  sever  herself'  from  her  lover  by  going  away  {from  him), 
though  she  ts  not  cheered  in  spirit  by  going  aivay  ?  U-wj  wo^tjt  l*j   ta 

-  -  -  0*a     -       e- 

^■^l  j^^'j  a?i<^  I  did  not  refrain,  tfiongh  my  head  glistened  with 

.  90-  i  -  -0  90  <      -3  -0 

hoanness.  Such  phrases  as  juj  L».Us  j^xj  and  j^u  U*}JU  ^«X» 
are  no  exceptions  to  the  ordinary  rule,  as  they  stand  for  yk^jjj 

50^  £  *•  40  4*3  3   3    Z.   jO  -a 

juj   L».lo   or  jJL>  U*}lc    0**jM   u-~W-     The    transposition   of    the 
-  -  - 

j-~-dJ  can  take  place  only  when  the  previous  clause  contains  a  verb 
which    is    v»?^-cu-9    (see   e,   rem.  g),   as   ^...Iaj    and    Jjtwl    in    the 

124  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  44 

9*i    ,   ,  1  9  0 

above  examples*.     Should  it  even  happen  that  the  v-jj-al*   Jjii 
bears  the  meaning  of  a  i^g^oJU  j^c  ^ats,  no  transposition  can  take 

»/  ,  ,        t       ,      ^  t      ,         b,  ,  , 

place ;  we  cannot  say  JuJj  15*^  UJLi,  instead  of  LoJU  »*-»j^  15*^*) 
there  is  a  sufficiency  in  Zeid  (Zeid  suffices)  as  a  scholar,  because 

?      ,  ,  ,  z      ,    j   ,   B   £      ,  hi   , ,      ■**. 

l^JU  <u  ■  _**-»  is  here  equivalent  to  l«JU  «Ui=!  U,  and  a  >^>%Jt3  ^J-O 

Ml       ^     •    J       J    B  , 

is   LijM£UOjy»C. 

B  Rem.  0.     The  accusative  after  the  cardinal  numbers  from  11  to 

19  and  from  20  to  99  (see  Vol.  i.  §§  322,  323),  is  also  of  this  class, 

,  ,B*>   )      B  ,  tj,     ,,,      ,,£ 

being  a  ijeaJt  J-»*o->  or  specification  of  number ;  as  *^.tw)  j-Z-£  J^t 

Z  ,  ,       ,,  B   ,        ,     B  2,,jB,9,£ 

eleven  men,  <Ui  ojjLg    jc~J  nineteen  years,  LeU   O^J-^J  **^'  owe 

and  twenty  years,  3-w  ^-Jl^j  jjjt  eighty  years  old  (lit.  a  sort  of 
eighty  years). 

Rem.  c.     To  this  class  also  belongs  the  specification  of  weight 

j  0,0,  j  a  ,0,      j   ,      ,     »,         j    ,0     B,  OB, 

C  (Oj^)  and  measure  (^Si\,  i^L-oJt,  ^LiLoJI),  in  which  the  jg+3 

follows  a  single  indefinite  noun,  and  specifies  the  article  of  which 
that  noun  expresses  the  quantity ;  as  \Xjj  ^)^j  a  pint  of  olive-oil, 

Z  B    ,  ,  ,  , 

L*m>    o'^***6  two  nianas  (four  pou7ids)  of  clarified   butter   (ghee), 
l^-j   J-jA-5    a   kaflz    of  wheat,    Li. ^e>f    O^lp    two   cuo^s   °f  cloth, 

4  B  ,  B,      ,JB,,B  1     B   ,  9  , 

Ij-oJ  ^^-jftLs   C-»jjJLwl   /  bought  two  sots  of  dates,  %a*J   *-*ij^  tJ 

~  ,       9        },  i  B  ,        9      B 

I  own  a  gerlb  of  date-trees ;  £U  w>>^  a  bucket  of  water,  U^w  .«»»-} 

D         a  s&m  of  ghee,  *&>±.  }$s  \j  a  jar  of  vinegar,  ^L~c  w*»-  « j^o<  0/  honey ; 

ljuj*»».  ^Ui.    a   ri?i^f   0/   iro?t,    L».L>    w»b   a   door   of  teak-wood, 

i ,  ,  ,,B    ,  J  ,  B  ,  B, 

a  coat  of  silk ;  L*5  5J^».  ^)*J  ^  JUp  ^^-wJ  /  Jutve  not  got 

,    4*1  j 

(«/  ,       ,  ,&£         i  B  ,        Bt      B  ,  , 

*  [The  transposition  of  bto  in  the  words  jjU=»   LjI   U*o  j}\  ^Xi 

A  and  I  did  not  know,  which  of  us  two  slied  the  most  tears  (Dozy, 
Supplem.  i.  654,  a,  1.  6)  is  allowed  because  V0a>  is  the  comparative  of 

9  ,  i   B  ,  J  ,         9      1  B  , 

^rc*\~. 1  pouring  forth.     But   perhaps   bvo   is   here  ai  ^hyuLo  for  tears 
(Fleischer,   A7.  Schr.  ii.  556).     D.  G.] 

§  44]    The  Verb. — 3.    Government  of  the  Verb. — (a)  The  Accus.  125 

j  a  -      »  - 

the  weight  of  a  grain  of  mustard-seed  in  gold,  i^.\j  jjj  £1<-JI  ^  U   A 
bla»~/  (or  bUb~r  \J^r>   *~oy*)  there  is  not  in  the  sky  a  cloud  the  size 

i,*  aia-a       a  *i     0  **at     a   '* 

of  a  hand;  L*i  u^j^  **J*°  »**■'  O-*  J^*i  O^  there  shall  not  be  re- 
ceived  from  any  one  (of  them)  the  full  of  the  earth  in  gold  ;  S^JI  ^Xt 
I  juj  lyJLLo  on  each  date  its  like  in  fresh  butter  (a  piece  of  fresh  butter 

o  ' : *?*  0  *a*o    j       a  * 

of  the  same  size). — This  J~£JI_j   OJ>"  j*z+*   is  equivalent  to  the 

5ilol    (§  75)  or  to   the   preposition   ^j^  with    the   genitive ;   e.g.   B 

\jj  ySi  =jj  jJ3  or  jj  ,j-e  J-»aS.     In  some  cases,  however,  there  may 

be  a  difference ;   e.g.  £L*  ^y>  means  a  bucket  (full)  of  water,  a 

f  ^    i    *  * 
bucketfd  of  ivater,  whereas  §Lo  »->jJ5  may  mean  not  only  a  bucket 

of icater,  but  also  a  bucket  for  water,  a  water-bucket. 

Rem.  d.     Finally,  to  this  class  belongs  the  accusative  after  the 

a  -  *  i  * 

interrogative  nouns  of  number  j^  and  ^\£s,  how  much  ?  how 
many  ?  and  the  indefinite  \j£s,  so  and  so  much  or  many  [included    C 

1       -    -     a,  0    '  *   * 

under  the  name  ObUfll]. — (1)  ^^  (contracted  for  Uib  the  like 
of  what,  =  U  Jl«  or  U  jj3,  see  Vol.  i.  §  351,  rem.)  is  either 
&i*\ysu-i\  interrogative,  =  i jut  ^1  what  number?  or  2uj~±.  assertory 
or   predicative    (or   exclamatory),  = j,  .  *  g->    much,   many.      (a)    As 

0    - 

interrogative,  j^s  is  followed  by  an   indefinite  substantive  in  the 

*    *  a         it*      a  * 

accus.  sing.,  as   Jju£  *^.j  j^s   how  many  men  are  there  in  thy 

«  -       ,   *         i    -  j        a, 

house  ?   w-a!3   yiiJ   Lo*iUi  ^^   hoio  many  slaves  of  thine  are  going 

-   o    -   *        t  a  *       a, 

away?    ajj  .;  iJL*    Ijufc  ^^    how    many   slaves   unit   thou   buy?  J) 

*  *    j  *  e         a  ,  ,  ,    j,t „      a  , 

»iX3  oXLc^^  hoio  many  like  it  hast  thou?  iX)  ej^M  J^s  how  many 
besides  it  hast  thou  ?  *iXi  xU  l^-a.  j^  how  many  better  than  it  hast 
thou?  A  phrase  like  UU^c  *&  j*=>  how  many  slaves  hast  thou?  is 
no  exception  to  the  rule,  because  the^I^  of  jj=>  has  been  omitted, 
viz.  La5,  and  Ul^U  is  in  the  accus.  as  a  Jl».  (see  c,  rem.  b  and 
rem.  c,  3).  If  governed  in  the  genitive  by  a  preceding  substantive 
or  a  preposition,  the  j^^c  may  be  put  in  the  genit,  as  well  as  the 

126  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  44 

A         accus. ;  e.g.  cJLlbl  (J»».j)  *^»-j  ^o^  Jjjj  ^  pension  of  how  many 
men  liast  thou  granted?  IJl*  OsJjJLwl  (loJkp)  _^*»ji^-i  for  h°w  many 

*  *  a*      *    o  *  *  o  t  a  o  *  *  * 

dirhams  didst  thou  buy  this  ?  *£aJLjJ  CJuu*  ( p  Ju*.)  U-  J*.o-  ^£»  .Jit  ow 

/m>m>  many  beams  hast  thou  placed  the  roof  of  thy  house  ?     (/?)  As 

assertory  or   predicative  (or    exclamatory),  j^s  is  followed  by  a 
substantive  in  the  genitive  of  the  singular  or  of  the  broken  plural, 

and  requires  a  verb  in  the  perfect ;  as  CJCJU  oU^  jtr^  many  a 

B         slave  have  I  owned,  or  how  many  a  slave  have  I  owned  !  =  ^0  !/*££» 

ij\u0Xki\;  Osii.) I  ^pAp  j^  many  a  dirham  have  I  spent,  or  Iww  many 

a  dirham  have  I  spent !     This  genitive  is  explained  by  an  ellipsis  of 

^0,  which  is  often  expressed;  as  ,<i*3  •>)  Ot^o-JI  ^J  .iJUU  0-°^o^9 

ILw^J^ULw  and  there  is  many  an  angel  (or  how  many  an  angel  is 
there)  in  heaven,  whose  intercession  shall  be  of  no  avail ;  ^a  ^o^j 
Ia'-XIaI  «UjJ  and  many  a  town  have   We  destroyed,  or  how  many  a 
C  town  have  We  destroyed  !     If,  however,  j^s  be  separated  from  the 

j~+*o,  the  latter  should  be  put  in  the  accusative,  not  in  the  genitive, 
as^ojcc  jJlc  "i^ai^oy^o  .-JU^o^s  many  a  bounty  luive  I  received  from 

t    0  -    0    j  »n«>  -         3,    1     0  *    ,     t  *       at* 

tliem  when  (I  was)  in  want;  Ij^j^swo  uaj*$\  ^yc  ajj}^£sj  iJLiyty 

lijli  she  (the  camel)  makes  for  Sinan,  but  on  this  side  of  him  there 
is  many  a  tract  of  land,  the  valley  of  which  is  deeply  hollowed;  though 

the  genitive  is  also  admissible  in  poetry,  as  Jlyj  SU^-o  i^e  jjji  j^ 

lyj  there  is  on  this  side  of  Maiya  many  a  frightful  desert  •  ^Ji  j^s 

D  clij  jw£»-U  dAwjJl^pirw.o  j^-»  j$L)  ^j.i  jutw  i-o  ^Aere  is  among  the 

Benu  Sa'd  'ibn  Bekr  many  a  chief  large  in  gifts,  glorious  and  useful 
(to  his  tribe). — Unless  it  be  governed  by  a  preceding  substantive  or 

a  preposition,  j^s  always  stands  at  the  beginning  of  the  clause. 

If  a  singular  J****  be  followed  by  a  pronoun  referring  to  it,  that 

j  j  ot*  j  *     a  < 

pronoun  may  be  either  singular  or  plural,  as  aZjIj  J*»j  j*=*  or 

o  j  jo£s        *j      *      £'  a*o       *  St  )  *      *  ~  *  -      0  a  *    *  9ii/  j 

j^Ay    lyiJU   Z\j*\  j^a  or  O-v-***'   f^  ^^  i>°  ^=*3- — T,le  jo** 

0  -  ^    J      *        0    < 

may,  of  course,  be  often  omitted  after  j^,  as  dAJLo^o^  hotv  much 

§44]    The  Verb.— 3.    Government  of 'the Verb.— (a.)  The  A  ecus.    127 

t   *  -  j   -  0         o  - 

is  thy  property?   scil.   IjUjj  ;    ^JUl<JLc  ^__>   Aoio  many  slaves  hast  A 

«  0-  -  0  0  - 

thou?  scil.  L-jLj ;  0>~»  ^o^s  Aow;  ^/ar  hast  thou  travelled?  scil. 
U»— >j$  or  *}L-o ;  w*^U  dJUl  jl*c  ^£9  Aow  long  will  'Abdu  'Hah 
efe/ay  ?  scil.  icU  or  U^j  ;  juj  ,*Jsl».  ^£b  Aow?  often  lias  Zeid  come 
to  thee?  scil.  oj*  ;  [^xLe  4JUI  Jy-»j  >*•*£««  ^l— ^  O^9  ^*^  Ch' 
ioj*-oJt  Aow  many  years  old  was  Hassan,  when  the  Apostle  of  God 
arrived  at  *El-Afedlna?~\. — (2)  ^l--*  or  ,^jl_b,  compounded  of  3)  B 
and  the  genitive  of  ^1  10J10?  which?  [Vol.  i.  §§  351,  353,  rem.  c] 
is  scarcely  ever  employed  interrogatively,  as  w%»fr>   O^  l5^'   cJ^ 

y^ju~ij  \j*£j  JUi  w>IJa.^I  Sj^-»  \jJJ  v>i'^  >5* ■■■<  0-»^)  '£'»ei  'i6w 

^a'6  «u'e?  /o  'Ibn  Maslud,  As  how  many  (verses)  dost  thou  read  the 
Chapter  of  the  Confederates  (Kor.  xxxiii.)  ?  And  he  said,  Seventy- 
three.     Its  ordinary  use  is  assertory  or  predicative  (or  exclamatory), 

followed  by  the  accus.  singular,  as  w~»lj  *^f~j  CH^  many  a  man 

(or  how  many  a  man)  have  I  seen  ;  but  more  usually  by  ^c  with    C 

the  genitive,   as  j~£r>  £)$?>j  **-«  J«3tS  ^*j  ^«  ^libj  and  how 

many  a  prophet  (is  there),  with  whom  many  myriads  have  fought  ! 
-       1     u     *$*     a  >  *     -  o  ..  -     -      i  j  *  0  ;„--.--  /i  ji«  — •»         0  .<£  -  - 

U^J**  ^V**  ^»*5  W^   0_3>*!  C^J^'j  Ol^-Jt  ^  4jI  ^>a  CH^5 

and  /tow  many  a  sign  is  there  in  heaven  and  earth,  by  which  they 

pass,  turning  away  from  it!  L5-»'^t  1$^'  15-"''  l>«  k£^3  many  a 
grief  is  too  great  to  be  consoled  by  any  examples  (of  resignation). 
It  is  disputed  whether  it  can  be  preceded  by  a  preposition,  as  in   D 

'    OS*        -  1       J        -      we- 

the  phrase  w>^3l  tjkA  s.**j  ^liu  for  how  much  wilt  thou  sell  this 
piece  of  cloth  ?  (another  example  of  the  interrogative  use). — (3)  \j£=t 
(sometimes  written  ^J^d),  so  and  so  much  or  many  [Vol.  i.  §  340, 
rem.  d],  requires  after  it  an  indefinite  accus.  in  the  singular,  as 

IjLkC  l»x-->  cXU  I  possess  so  and  so  many  slaves  ;  Lo-*>i  tjkib  ^ju£ 
/  A«w  so  anfZ  so  many  dirhams  by  me.  It  is  more  usually  doubled, 
tjkfbj  ljk_b,  as  l^o  IJiibj  tjk£b  jjuUI  jj-o  JIS  Af  mW«  (lit.  sazW)  so 

128  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  45 

and  so  many  verses  of  poetry ;  ajjU.  IJ^j  \j£=>  j-^^)t  <J>Iwl  the 
amir  bought  so  and  so  many  slave-girls;  ^)lw^j  juu  L**j  ^yJUil  j^ 
wX-.aJ!    i<~»J    <u    UiaJ    IJl£»j   tjc£»  Ij^ti  promise  thy  soul  ease  after 

thy  affliction,  calling  to  mind  such  and  such  favours,  through  which 
trouble  is  forgotten.     The  conjunction  is  sometimes  omitted,   and 

some    say  that    there    is   a    distinction    between    \j£r>$    \j£=>  and 

\j£s  \j£s ;  e.g.  U-Ap  IJ^»  'J^  ^Ac  oj  means,  according  to  them, 

B         /  owe   him   so   and  so   many  dirhams,   from    11    to    19,  whereas 

LoJkji  IJAj  IJc£»  means  at  least  21  dirhams. 

f.  An  act  expressed  by  a  nomen  verbi,  with  which  another  act, 
expressed  by  a  finite  tense,  is  compared  ;  as  I^c^aI*.!  oSj\  JlS  o^XzH 
they  killed  him  in  the  same  way  as  his  son  killed  their  brother  'Anir ; 
juj  yi\  J»jto~d  <uj«x*j  ljuj  w>Jcc  he  tortured  Zeid  just  as  'Isma'U, 
ZeicPs  father ',  //«rf  twtured  Mm \;  ^^yJUwJtwt  jJDt  ^UU  aJJI  Jo^ju  3J5 

C  vfrv^'  vfft^*  1^5"^  jr^W  and  if  God  should  hasten  evil  upon  men, 
as  they  would  fain  hasten  good,  verily  their  end  {death)  would  be 
decreed.  For  this  accusative  may  be  substituted  3  with  the  genitive 
of  the  nomen  verbi,  or  U^  with  a  finite  tense  of  the  verb  ;  e.g.  in  the 
first  example,  <«-jI  JJ&^  or  <cj1  Jj:S  l^  [comp.  §  27,  £>]. 

45.     If  an  entire  clause,  consisting  of  a  subject  and  a  predicate, 

be  annexed  to  another  clause,  to  define  or  limit  either  the  subject 

or  object  of  the  latter,  then  the  predicate  of  the  former  is  placed 

D  before  its  subject  and  put  in  the  accusative,  the  subject  being  left 

in  the  nominative  (see  §  73).      For  example :   lj3~X»  -iUJj^J  j^Jj 
»j6J\^\  Ij^tJ^  <UJtj1  Timnr-lhik  (Tamerlane)  turned  his  back,  aftei- 

his  van  had  been  broken  and  his  rear  struck  with  panic ;  1^31  ^JJI  >* 

w/w  produceth  gardens  with   trellises  for  vines  and  without  them, 
and  the  palmtrees  and,   the  grain,   with   their  various  edible  fruits 

§48]     The  Verb.— S.  Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  o^.       129 

j j  j  l      t  -  o  j  t    «•  e  j      i  j  j   i      if*  a  Z  &     ,    *  a*  **        j      «c/ 

UU.  ij\£s  U  all  I  2lij  t,^-*  QW-  ^  w^  ^'^  a?r«#  my  disgrace 
with  the  sword,  let  God's  decree  bring  upon  me  what  it  may  (^^  WJU*. 
=  j^jic  w«i».  Oij>  Q^f-  in.  rhyme  for  Ul»). 

(b)     T7^  Prepositions. 

46.  The  prepositions  all  originally  designate  relations  of  place 
(local  relations),  but  are  transferred,  first,  to  relations  of  time  (tern-  B 
poral  relations),  and  next,  to  various  sorts  of  ideal  relations,  conceived 
under  the  figure  of  the  local  relations  to  which  they  correspond. — 
They  are  divided  into  simple  and  compound. — The  simple  prepositions 
are  again  divisible  into  three  classes,  indicating  respectively  motion 
proceeding  from  or  away  from  a  place,  motion  to  or  towards  it,  and 
rest  in  it. 

47.  The  prepositions  which  indicate  motion  proceeding  from  or 
away  from  a  place,  are  ,>*  (ex)  out  of,  from,  and  ^s-  (ab)  away 
from.  q 

Rem.     In  Hebrew  and  Aramaic  fft  supplies  the  place  both  of 

,j-e  and  ^c. 

48.  ^y>  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^j-^-o,  U«,  -ilu,  a^c)  desig- 
nates : — 

(a)    The  local  point  of  departure,  departure  from  a  place ;   as 

5-x-o  (j-e  £•■**"  ^e  went  forth  from  Mekha ;   U ju   ^c  Jaiw  it  fell 

from  her  hand I;  j»\jaJ\  ,xa.....<JI  iy*  "^J  ajuau  j^^I  ^JJl  (jla».*..>  tj 

(I  declare)  the  glory  of  Him  who  transported  His  servant  by  night 
from  the  sacred  Temple  (at  Mkkka).  Hence  it  is  connected  with 
verbs  which  convey  the  idea  of  separation,  departure,  holding  oneself 
or  another  aloof  from  any  person  or  thing,  liberating,  preserving, 

fleeing,  frightening  away,  forbidding,  and  the  like  ;    as  ^..arw.)  I  jA 

«»»>l»v£JI  ft.  o^    o-°  ^ai  i*  this  is  the  fortress  which  preserves  (us)  from 

w.  ii.  17 

130  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  48 

A  77  7  ••  "  f      "°        '  it    lO         >        it 

A  all  calamities ;  *o-bJI  o-*  ^W  3>cl  I  take  refuge  with  God  (pray 
God  to  preserve  me)  from  covetousness ;  ^^aJI  O-*  £**3  LJ*^'  ^  wor/o* 
holds  (us)  back  from  good ;  Sj^lj  ^-ij  sj^)  ^ZZX*.  ^JJI  who  hath 
created  you  (brought  you  into  existence)  from  one  soul.  Hence  too 
its  use  to  signify,  on  the  one  hand,  by  or  through,  as  w)UI  jj»o  c^*0 

he  came  in  by,  or  through,  the  door ;  l^U  2UJI  ^$jZj  ,JJI  \1fe!.\jj\  ^s 
B  towers  through  which  the  water  ascends;  j-o^lj  t^**»*^i  tJI  jJ*J  tit 

*    Ct    &  6  *        0 

w)U,...JI  JiXs  ^-©  w^w  we  foo/fc  at  the  sun  and  moon  through  an  open- 
ing in  the  clouds;  and,  on  the  other  hand,  in  place  of,  instead  of 
(=  Jj^),  as  S^.*N)t  ,jx>  tJjJt  S^-a^JU  ^JLwojt  are  #e  contented  with 

the  life  of  this  world  instead  of  the  next  ?  SSLj*^  j&>*>  LX*»J  lUJ  ^j 

^j^iXa^  u°j$ '  ^  aw^  v  we  pleased,  we  could  place  (or  create)  in 

j ia>e     *  a  j*      o  **■ 

your  stead  angels  to  succeed  (you)  on  the  earth  ;  J^aJ  t  ^y>  J>  JJ  ^)j 

**  a  j««> 

0    UUmJU  t  and  she  had  not  tasted  the  pistachio-nut  instead  of  (common) 

■f  *  0  s  s  *  b  s  ^vi         d  *  *■  *     0  s  * 

vegetables;  \&4j£>  j>j-oj  gU  ^>o  UJ  wsJi  oh  would  that  we  had  a 
draught  instead  of  the  water  of  Z^mzem  /]*. 

(b)    The  temporal  point  of  departure,  the  point  at  which  an  act 
Or  state  has  commenced  ;  as  ajUw  ^yo  <UJ  t  juc  he  served  God  from 

O    Z  *o  *  o   *  Cue       *  w  -  w   »-'•       J      0  - 

Ats  2/ow^/i ;   jo».U  t  ^t   jtj-oJ '  O-0  ^oJ**^  I  C-5 ^  £/^  time  of  learning 

extends  from  the  cradle  to  the  grave ;  ^•ot^-  J>y>  O^j^  O-*  Oj***-^ 
D  £^ey  have  been  chosen  from  the  times  of  the  battle  (lit.  day)  of  Halima. 

Vi    *     Ox?       s     0  vt     *■  *  3   .  ■  0  ■-  *  *» 

*  [In   the  words   «xaJI  <&-<>  »xaJI   13   **xj   *j)j   Zamahs'arl,   Fdik, 

i.   159,  explains  ^a  by  Jju  i.e.  iXj^Lcj  ^Utlis  Jju,  riches  will  not 

profit  the  possessor  thereof  instead  of  Thee,  i.e.  £Ae  obedience  and 
submissiveness  to  Thee.     Commonly  it  is  said  to  have  here  the  signi- 

fication  of  jUft  with  Thee  (comp.  Lane  in  v.  juh.).     D.  G.J 

§  48]     The  Verb.— 3.  Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  o»*       131 


Rem.  a.    The  Arab  grammarians  say  that  ^ya,  when  used  in  the  A 
above  significations,  is  employed  ^LojJIj  \JS-^\  ,-$  «uUtM  61juj*})  to 
denote  the  commencement  of  the  limit  in  place  and  time,  or  simply 
6tjuJ^U  to  denote  the  commencement. 

Rem.  b.     The  tribe  of  Hudail  used  .JLo  in  these  senses  as  well 
as  £y*;  e.g.  *-<,.$->  ,-L©  lya.j^.1  he  brought  it  out  of  (^yt)  his  sleeve; 

-*. ,yJ  ^yi  fix*.   ->.aJ   ^Lt>  C+j&ji  j£  >»--JI  sUj   CH*--'  ^^2/  (*be 

clouds)  drank  of  the  sea-water,  t/ien  they  rose  from  (^yo)  the  dark-   -t» 
green  flood  with  the  sound  of  the  storm. 

o  j  a  j 

[Rem.  c.     On  ^yo  in  the  signification  of  Ju*o  see  §  61,  rem.  d.~\ 

(c)     The  causal  point  of  departure,  the  origin  and  source  of  a 
thing ;  as  ^JeU*.  Lj  ,j-«  ^L)3  ^is  is  in  consequence  of  information 

that  reached  me;  l^Lo  w,*^.** j  ^iy  aw«7  jfe  ^txxf  admiring  it  (or 
icondering  at  it,  his  wonder  proceeding  from,  or  being  caused  by,  it) ;    C 

j     a  l    •         <•         .-         5 

Iji^cl  ^yjUJai.  U-o  f^y  ?twe  drowned  because  of  their  sins  (the  par- 
tide  l«  is  merely  expletive  and  does  not  interfere  with  the  govern- 

o  *     ,  ,      a  *  a  3  *      ~ *  *  at 

ment  of  \^yt>)  '•>  <*-^J^-«  O-*  ^-«*-ij  eW»»  ^^5-**^  he  is  silent  out  of 
modesty,  and  others  are  silent  through  fear  of  him.  Hence  its  use  after 
verbs  meaning  to  sell  and  to  give  in  marriage,  as  cb,  w-Aj,  *-jj  ; 
e.g.  Lyi  <sU*»  zl>  he  sold  to  him  a  horse ;  j^*o  <*JJI  Jj-y  O-*  ^-%*!1 
JjjIj-j  J^.j  /  «>/«?  to  the  Apostle  of  God  a  pair  of  trousers ;  *-jJ  D 

*    \  a  a  a*o  £  a  to  j*sa*9       j  t    - 

Jta—J  ^>j  ^^xjuJI  A-*.l  ^jj!  jj-6  <CUjI  jJ-oi^-jI  Ishmael  gave  his 
daughter  in  marriage  to  his  nephew,  Esau  the  son  of  Isaac. 


Rem.  a.     The  grammarians  say  that  ^yc  is  used  in  this  case 


^yJjuXi  to  assign  the  reason. 

a  i      a 

Rem.   b.     In   speaking  of   persons  J**.'   0-*>  a'4  account  of,  is 
always    used    instead    of   ^yo,   and    often   too   in    other   cases ;    as 

132  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  48 

A        t^JL^k.  t  ^c  15&J  i<*JI  she  on  whose  account,  or  for  whose  sake,  thou 

weepest;  ^oUJaJI    J^.1    £>*>    (j^i\   *U£  jU  ^  jlc  ^.5  jUs   it  is  a 

threefold  disgrace  for  a  man  to  be  in  misery  on  account  of  {for  want 

s  s  0  £     0 

of)  food;  a*%!=s  J**.t  vi>*  because  of  what  he  said. 

(d)  The  distance  from  a  place,  person,  or  thing,  particularly  after 
words  which  signify  proximity,  such  as  w>ji  or  U,>  to  be  near,  v^J-* 
near,  etc.  (compare  Lat.  prope  ab  eo,  Fr.  pres  de  lui,  rapproche'  de  lui) ; 

B  e.  g.  vov*^  lA^  '  V>9  ^  arm?/  was  near  them ;  ^.U  Uj  he  was  not 
far  from  me  (^1  Oj  would  mean  lie  came  up  close  to  me);  wJUa)  ^*~iJ 

iUw^l  ^  Ljj.5  L^-^n!  ^  O'  -<A*J'  it  behoves  the  student  not  to  sit 
near,  or  close  to,  the  teacher.  [Hence  its  figurative  use  in  the  phrases 
quoted  §  44,  b,  rem.  a  near  the  end  :  Ij^-H  J^U*  ^e  yk  etc.,  and  in 
the  following  examples  :  »iU*  vO^*M  IJufc  U  wAa£  relation  is  this  lad 
C  to  you?  <*-u  C-sJlj  *£U*  ys  /*e  is  cfose  to  you  and  you  are  close  to  him 
(in  birth  and  rank);  ^>c  w-Jj  »£U*  C~J  ^jjli  /am  wo£  iw  union 

with  you  nor  you  with  me;  ^y**  jjJI  *i)j  ij  O-*  IjJ  I*  i"  ^«w  wo 

concern  with  diversion,  nor  has  diversion  any  concern  with  me.     In  the 

o  ,  ...  • 

last  two  phrases  %^>  ^  may  be  supplied,  in  which  case  tj*o  has  the 

partitive  meaning,  as  in  %^>  ^j  j^  I  o-°  u^  he  is  in  no  part  of 
D  science,  i.e.  ^  has  nothing  to  do  with  science.] 

(e)  The  difference  between  two  persons  or  things  which  are  con- 
trasted  or  compared  with  one  another ;  as  ^jhJ  I  o-*  *>*^ '  o>*>  Ja 

»    j«4     /  /      Ojoa>     )-$-    Jut  *>* 

dost  thou  know  the  good  from  the  bad?  ^.La^l  ,>*  j^L^\  ^Xxj  «UJtj 
but  God  knows  him  that  dealeth  foully  from  him  that  dealeth  fairly ; 
tj^s,  J^Jbj  9-y  o-*  ^-^  Ch'  what  a  difference  there  is  between  thee 
and  Noah  in  length  of  life !  lit.  where  art  thou  from  Noah  and  his 
length  of  life  1    Hence  the  use  of  ,>«  after  comparative  adjectives  ;  as 

§  48]     The  Verb.— 3.   Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  ch>-      133 

0  J   '  --  -     -   -  JO 

j^j-u  J-ail  yb  fo  is  ware  excellent  than  I ;  <u«  <^-UJb  Jt»-I   O-**^ 

we  are  fwore  deserving  of  (or  Aat'e.  a  better  right  to)  the  kingdom 
than  he. 

Rem.  a.     If   an.  object  be  compared  with  itself  in  a  different 
respect,  the  appropriate  pronominal  suffix  must  be  attached  to  the 

O  0       *"**        0  3  0  O  **        J  s  0  i         J     St  s 

preposition  £y«;  as^yjbU^oyio^o^Jlojj  <ju£I  ^UJI  people  are  more 
like  the  time  in  which  they  are  born  than  they  are  like  their  fathers  ; 

-      o        a  jo         j/9c  sis       ;  ji        jj 

OU-j'iU^ov*^  V>*'  «J^3i  j*£M  ^9*  they  were  nearer  unbelief  on  that 

_  i  *  ei  *      s        so  -  ^         ii  *3,      si      si     *      s   s  s 

day  than  belief;  ^^c  Jj^wl  ....  ojJ\j  SjdJb  ^1  aJUIj  lit  2u\  b  Jlii    B 
ig*>\    iJI  6w<  Ae  said:    0  my  father  !   I  have  more  longing  for  a 

s  sBsS  s  s  0   J  »  si 

piercing  thrust  than  I  have  to  see  my  son;   w>/*JI    ^.Jlc  j/0£o   bl 

i     J  is  s  s-    s  i  S3        s  *  is     0    t 

j&yz  «—>>*Jl  O-*  L5**  *■£$*»'  -^  Aawe  wore  /ears  o/"  injury  to  the 
Arabs  by  you  than  I  have  of  injury  to  you  by  the  Arabs  ;  ^ib\  b^j 
j-ft-LawJ  Lj^-e  aJUI   Jj~»j   ?-l/a^   and  verily  I  was  more  concerned 

w ,        ;  s    *^s ,     s  s  Vi       '  ' 

about  the  wounds  of  the  Apostle  of  God  than  I  was  about  my  own    C 

0  sis  s  *  0    ii  si       s  \        o  sis  s         j  s  ii      si 

wounds;  y^y>  ly-*^9   \^\  L5~°  J-*^'   '•**  (J-*   \^3^  i^[  J*-6'    ^' 

it  so  s  s 

t^yJ  I  Olji  /  am  more  inclined  to  its  being  (derived)  from  this  root 
than  I  am  to  its  being  (derived)  from  (one  of)  tlwse  which  contain 

0     s     bs3         si  Si  s  s     0    i  6       i-?  }   sj    •?       J    S  S  S  S      S 

the  letter  n  ;  w^»Jb  yk  b#*  j*±\  _^-b*)b  oUUl  d^o*,  u^J  ^ie  pos- 
sessed, may  God  have  mercy  on  him  !  more  knowledge  of  science  tluxn 
of  war  (with   U  explet.). — Sometimes,   in  a  less  careful  style  of 

speaking  or  writing,  the  preposition  ^^  is  annexed  to  the  latter 

of  the  two   objects,  instead  of  to  the  person   or   thing  which  is   D 
compared  with  him  or  itself  in  respect  of  these  two  objects;  as 

s     ..       «--  s  s    ii  s    s  isS  0  J  J  S  J  s        s 

»^k-JI  ^y.  i£y>l  La*Jb  ^flyAJUu  jLo  he  began  to  fight  them  with  the 
stick  more  sturdily  than  with  the  weapons  (for  »-^LJb  <su*o  i<*il); 

i      ■!  0  s  0  J    sBi         i  J    i  s  e  &     r*         Sti  s  s 

j^sy*&  ^a   -*^il  ^q^o  ^JJjJI  ^j\   (^Xc  because   wrong  proceeding 

9       J         9   ^  9  JO  J     s  £  i 

from  you  is  worse  than  from  others  (for  ^sy^e.  ^c  <U«   ?»«il). 

0  •   i     •  i  .  .  .-,  i  s  o  i     tit  , 

^8  with  its  complement  is  sometimes  omitted;  e.g.  j~£=>\  <*JUt  God 

134  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  48 

A* '     a 
is  most  great,  lit.   God  is  greater  Oj^i.   ^yc  than  any  other  being; 

i+  of    ji  4>  a '       o 

^Xcl  aJJI  God  knows  best,  lit.  God  knows  better  dj^e.  ^yo  ilian  any 

j  *  0  i  s     Z  si      j  J    rss s       ZOs      ss  s  s      •* s  it  to       s  s  s  Sua     St 

other  being ;   ^^Jstj  }£■  I  <*-oJ^>  ^J  U)  ^-^J  Ao-J\   <iX*~»  j^JJI   Oi 
verily  He,  who  reared  the  Heavens,  hath  built  for  us  a  house,  the 

s     is        0 

props  (or  pillars)  of  which  are  more  glorious  and  taller,  scil.  <iA~o  ^yc 

0  s        ~   j  a 

£/ta?i  {those  of)  thy  house,   or  C-w^   jj^  £ye  than  (those  of)  every 
(other)  house*. 

j  soi  SO 

B  Rem.  b.      When  thus  used  ^Jjts\  is  invariable  in  form  ;   as  jUfe 

w«oj   ^o  ^J»oil  Hind  (a  woman)  is  better  than  Zeineb ;  ^j\2jmJ\ 
O"**-**})'   O-*  jj*"^'  ^ie  two  freeborn  women  are  belter  than  the  two 

~ss   j  ax?      ^  j    s  oZ     ^-</jo^ 

female  slaves ;  g'ilyaJI  ,j-o  jj-oit  2l©JUJI  £/te  learned  are  better  than 

s       sbto      s  js6Zj*c.j0s 

the  ignorant;    Ol^ibCM    £ye>   J-ait    oUo^Jt   £/*e  (female)  believers 
are  better  than  the  unbelievers. 


Rem.  c.      ^yc    with   its  complement  is  occasionally   placed  in 

J  s  0    i      J  0  0    sSl  s         s  0* 

0         poetry  before  the  comparative  adjective;  as  w»*l»l  <U*o  wO$j  ^  ^ 
way,   what  she  gave   (us)   as  provision  was   (even)   sweeter  than  it 

j  s    o  Z      Si  j  o  o   ,       s  _  _  i  j> '  ois 

(honey);  ^)~~.£?\  Ov*-6  ?i<~'  ^  nothing  is  lazier  than  they;   £l©~»b 


-JLol  dLUauaJl   ^JUU  ^>-o    fAew    '^s/ud    is    more   beautiful   than    that 

woman.     In  prose  this  inversion  takes  place  only  with  an  inter- 
rogative pronoun  or  a  word  in  the  construct  state  before  an  inter- 

oo  -        /   «     a    £ 

rogative  pronoun;    as  j-j*.  C*Jt  ^>o-«  than  whom  art  thou  better? 

j   s  oi       s    oZ      o   JZ  to  •       i  •    i        /•     » 

I>         i)-ai'  OJl  ^ov^'  iW'  O-*  ^aM  the  father  oj  winch  of  them  art  thou 
better  ? 

Rem.  d".  In  the  other  Semitic  languages,  which  do  not  possess 
a  peculiar  comparative  form  of  the  adjective,  the  comparison  is  like- 
wise expressed  by  means  of  the  same  preposition ;  Heb.  Yft,  Aram, 

^o,  Mth.  "^9°:  or  "K*F*\:- 

J  s  0     i       Jul    s 

*  [Fleischer  denies  that  phrases  like  j-£>l  <*JJt  are  elliptical,  taking 
j'.£-*\  as  an  absolute  superlative;  Kl.  Schr.  i.  684,  789,  ii.  721.] 

§48]      The  Verb.— 3.  Govt  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  o-«-      135 

(/)    The  relation  which  subsists  between  the  part  and  the  whole,  A 
the  species  and  the  genus  ;  as  w>L~>*i)  I  (j-°  w«-~»  w>i»J  I  ^o-^  ^  science 

*     0*9    j         o  *        o    Q*o  o  •       o     ^ 

o/"  medicine  is  one  of  the  professions  ;  w>Ul£)  I  ^J»*j  ^o^ '  ^«^*^  0-*5 
and  respect  for   the  book  is  a  part  of  the  respect  due  to  science; 

*    *    *  O  -         0  0      i    -  1        J       *  0    0* 

ju-».j  ^-ij   ,j»*  s-,-^-0  (jl-J^t  man  is  compounded  of  soul  and  body ; 

he  saw  that  the  natures  of  animals  and  plants  are  compounded  of 
numerous  elements;  (j+S.)  j*  O-*  j-iS  a  kafiz  of  wheat;    y^yt.  <su<U    B 

,    O-o 

^j>aJI  his  garment  is  of  silk. 


Rem.  a.  "When  ^>*  precedes  a  definite  noun,  especially  in  the 
plural,  it  often  indicates  an  indefinite  quantity  or  number,  =  £._£, 

S    0*  ~*0>o      -  J    0      -  ,  ,    ,  £ 

or  j^Aau  ;  as  6L©JI   ^>-o  CsJ^  /  drank  some  of  the  water ;  ^yt>  J*. I 
^-JUjJt   he  took  some  of  the  dinars;    «ubl   ^t>  ^s\A   jjj  /<«  has 
already  slwwn  you  some  of  his  signs  ;  [^£^5  O-*  **nr^  lV'  ^°  ^  am    ^ 
about  to  pay  the  homage  of  my  praise  ;  O^e*' '   O-*  'v*^  '^^  «n^ 

J     -       0  J  3 

tiLAc  ^^ucJj  ^J  ^o  ^ov^J  ^M*  °f  some  We  have  told  thee,  and  of 


others  We  have  told  thee  nothing.    Accordingly  ^j^c  with  an  indefi- 

•     .  "        o         * 

nite  genitive  may  be   the  subject  of  a  sentence,  e.g.    J*j13   ^j-oi 

,   0  £omo  6   C       °       '  *  "  8<a  '       a  Z       *      2  -a 

>^b  J->U>  0-*5  J^W-v-'W  J^*    (j^ej    oLJU-j^JU    i!/^re   are 
sot/kj  ivho  believe  in  the  spiritual  beings  as  gods,  others  in  the  celestial  J) 
bodies,  others  again  in  the  idols].     Compare  in  French  de  with  the 
article,  as  du  lait,  "  some  milk."     We  here  see  the  nominal  origin 


of  sj^c,  which  is  clearly  a  substantive,  meaning  a  part  or  portion. 

Rem.  b.  After  negative  particles,  and  after  interrogatives  put 
in  a  negative  sense,  ^y.  prefixed  to  an  indefinite  noun  means  none 
at  all,  not  one ;  as  \)**.j  tj-o  ^sl*.  U,  or  j^.\  ^o,  no  one  came 
to  me ;  jjjj  *^j  _/*£->   ,j-«  Ujl».  U  <A«re  A«^7i  co?«e  to  zis  no  bearer 

we  cause  a  number  of  springs  to  gush  forth  in  it ;  1 :  -^  -r  5 

oj0^     o>.      o^     o  ja 

136  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  48 

of  good  news  and  no  warner ;  j*c*.\  ^c  i*-*^  *^  ^  no  one  come  to 

3)3,  \3  3),        ,  3  6  3** 

me ;    tj+c.   ai\   ^c  ^£i  Uo  ye  have  no  god  but   Him ;    ^a  j^  La 

*  ^  3J'       *  '       *  J   •       0  Ci    to  ' 

v>>j-eU  they  have  no  helpers  (=^J  CHj*o\J  *$)  ',  J*»-j  O-*  j'*^'  \^  *$ 
iAere  ts  wo  maw  iw  £Ae  Aonse  (=^ljJI  ,-i  *J"^"J  *^)  >  ^J-0  O-*  cJ"*  *s 
£/tere  any  addition  or  increase?  aJJI  j-*£  JUUi.  (J>«  ,Ja  is  tfAere  any 
creator  but  God?  *x».!  ^^-o  ^v-*"*  u**8"^  (J1*  ^os^  ^i0M  perceive  any 

3  *  3  3i  30      s  s,         3  * 

B         one  of  them  ?    ?.£  ^e  j-o*j)l   jj-c  U)  Jjb   /tave  w;e  any  portion  of 

*  £       3 

that  thing  ?    With  ju*.l  ^>-«  compare  the  Hebrew  1P|fc$Jb>  Levit.  iv. 

*  '  TV    " 

2,  Deuter.  xv.  7. 

[Rem.  c.  Very  often  ,^o  preceded  by  an  indefinite  noun,  is 
followed  by  the  definite  plural  of  the  same  noun,  in  order  to  signify 
that  a  person  or  thing  is  wholly  undefined,  as  i)^X$JI  jj-o  >^U*  a 

J   j3fO      s  0    3' 

certain  king;    fl^^jJt  ^>*e  a^j   «  certain  manner.     But  when  an 


C  indefinite  noun  denoting  a  state  or  condition  is  followed  by  yj*a 
with  the  same  noun  defined  in  the  singular,  it  signifies  a  high 
degree  of  that  state  or  condition,  as  w-a..^  I   s^yo  wa.s  a  wonder 

3   ,  ,3 

o/"  wonders ;  £l jJ  I  i>*  2b  a  ^er2/  S^a£  disease ;  ,jLuJ  I  ,^o  (jlw  a 
wry  important  affair  ;  ^>j jJ  t  jj-c  ,^-jj  a  areai  ornament.    D.  Gr.] 

[Rem.  a*.    The  adverbial  expressions  (jJti  I  ^>«)  j^i  ,j-«  to-morrow, 

T)         »J^'  t>*  a^  nto7i£  correspond  to  the  Latin  de  mane  (demain),  de 

node,  and  signify  properly  in  a  part  of  the  following  day,  in  a  part 

of  the  night.     Other  examples  are  a^j  ^yo  frs**  ^e  weni  oui  on 

6*         to  *    *   * 

the  same  day  ;  oj^9  ^yo  *.a*j  he  returned  immediately  (comp.  Lane 

3    '30  3 

s.  v.  and  Fleischer,   Kl.  Schr.   i.  p.  457  seq.) ;    j^ ....<,)!  £y* 

'  '  *  *  ' 

*  3  '  0 

inside  the  mosque.  This  is  called  ^  (>y*o^  v>°  m^n  w^1  ^ie 
signification  of  ft,  though  there  is  a  slight  difference  between  the 
use  of  the  two  prepositions,  as  has  been  pointed  out  by  Fleischer,  i. 
p.  414.    D.G.] 

§  48]     The  Ve?-b.— 3.  Gov't  of  Verb.—(h)  Prepositions :  o^.      137 


Rem.  e.     When  ^c  indicates  a  part  of  a  whole,  it  is  said  to  A 


be  used  ^cux+ZXi  to  indicate  division  into  parts ;  when  it  indicates 

the  parts  of  which  a  whole  is  composed,  w~£>JU  to  indicate  com- 

(g)    The  definition  or  explanation  of  a  general  or  universal  by  a 
special  or  particular  term,  the  latter  being  one  of  several  objects  that 

go  to  make  up  the  former;  as  £yc  ^JJUI  Jj^l  ^U  c^Iaj  ^JUJ^j 

£**L&Jlj  ijU^lj  K)£sy2\  and  in  the  same  way  we  are  enjoined  to  take 
cognizance  of  the  different  states  of  the  heart,  such  as  trust  (in  God),   B 
and  repentance,  and  fear  (of  Him);  ^  .Jjl>eL«a.'N)l  **»».  ^Jbaui 

jjilfcoJIj  oLJI^  oUI^-ohJI  ^-6  jL-aJIj  jjyCJI  ^JU  «?2c?  ^  examined 
all  the  bodies  which  there  are  in  this  world  of  existence  and  decay,  both 

animals,  plants,  and  minerals ;  J-j15j  J-uU  ^j*o  J^  fotfA  (of  them), 

*  mo*    ,        p>^2«"     'j  '  * 
j46^^  as  M'^/Z  «s  Ca?w  ;  jLoJ'n) !  ,^*  e^'jl*  UjI^,!  ^s#  brethren  of  ours, 

the  Ansar  (or  Helpers  of  the  Prophet) ;  ^*i\  o-*  jv***0**  J-^^-j  ^   C 

their  object,  namely  learning,  is  not  attained;   ^>o  Lr**.ji\   \^imXi 

OHS*^  t  therefore  avoid  the  abomination  of  idols ;  IJuk  o  J^a*«3  *-ir*) ' J 

.»      J-  ^         ^^        0  ^  0    0*» 

J.**0  J^5  O-*  J***'  «««?  the  Arabs  omit  this  verb  kola  yakulu. 
Hence  it  serves  to  indicate  the  relation  between  the  material  and  the 
article  made  of  it,  as  (wAj  t>*)  w*a JJ I  &*o  ^*e  a  statue  of  gold; 

\j4j*"  O-8)  j4j*^\  O-*  <t>^  a  garment  of  silk ;  j»jjA  aJU  w-a-qj  D 
VMfli)  I j  SjU^aJI  o-o  n)I  ^>CJ  ^  lyj-Njj  o*ihjt  a«d  «V  UY<5  difficult 
for  him,  because  of  the  want  of  instruments,  and  because  those  (which 
he  had)  were  made  only  of  stones  and  reeds.  In  this  way  ,>«  is  con- 
stantly used  after  the  indefinite  pronoun  U  [and  C,-*],  what,  whatever, 
which  cannot  be  construed  with  a  genitive ;  as  jC"  0-«  w-Ai  U  the 

7-777  *  i.*'  ?' J  *    '  °  •»       0  J 

wow^y  srfocA  has  been  spent ;  ^>>^[  o^»  j~&.  ^>o  l^ii^i  U  whatever 

ye  lay  out  in  charity,  shall  be  amply  made  up  to  you  ;   <UJ  I   t-ZJu  lJ 

w.  ii.  'l8 

138  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  48 

A  LJ  JL..Q.0  Sjii  *4*.j  ,*>*  ^UU  ^e  mercy  which  God  sendeth  forth  for 

*  $  *     *     * 

0  - 

man,  none  can  keep  bach     [In  some  cases  this  ,>?  ^er  U  may  be 

•       * 
considered  as  the  partitive  £>-*.] 

Rem.     In  the  language  of  the  grammarians,  £y*  is  here  used 

^jLJJ,  or  ^-j**ilJ,   to  make  clear  or  explain,  or  ^iaJl   OW  to 
explain  the  genus. 

j       0  Z,  ,  0  * ■  &'        i> 

B  [(h)  The  specifying  (j-j*^DI)  of  the  general  term,  as  ,>?  .yp  aAJ 
^Hjli  wAa£  a  man  thou  art  as  a  horseman !  (where  ^j^  O-*  is  the 
equivalent  of  L»jli  §  44,  e) ;  J**j  t>«  &+*&  what  a  wonderful  man 
he  is!   !/***■  f-l  O-0  **"  «^!>^  wa2/  *2°^  repay  thee  good,  excellent 

vt      J  /JO        / 

brother  as  thou  art ;  >^»-  »J-*  **&* <•**  might  I  only  be  rid  of  thee,  love 
(that  makest  me  miserable) !  oj£j\  ^»**«  ^^  'j-*-*  'M  ^3*i  L5**" 
C  Ijuij  J^3  j\k  ^>6  <uM  #Aa£  £&??/  may  say  when  passing  by  my  tomb, 
God  directed  him  aright,  warrior  as  he  was,  and  verily  he  followed  the 
right  course;  j„^i  j£%&  ^>«  U**  A-i/I— «  jAj  \J*>j*  ***~»  j>j'  '*** 
ul  aJ  J-J  ^'s  is  the  son  of  the  lord  of  KurUs:  he  is  nursed  among 
us,  orphan  as  he  is,  having  no  father ;  ly^ai  "iUsli  l£wU  *^efj  0^*3 

4jUt  Jy^j  £~-t  JaI  «LaL«  ^Jt  J-j^j  (jl£»  Ja-j  <>»  A<?  was  a  pious, 

D  distinguished,  and  learned  man,  namely  a  man  inclined  to  the  love  of 

the  family  of  the  Apostle  of  God.     A  special  branch  of  this  is  the  use 

of  ,>*>  which  is  called  ju^aJ^J,  to  designate  the  person  or  thing,  in 
which  a  certain  quality  is  prominent,  as  ju^t  d-u  w**5^J  I  encountered 

9-9  o  y  >         0 

m  Ai?»  a  /%>»/  ^^-^o^-  cfcJJ^-e  O^*  u>-*  ls*  -^  ^aw  iW  So-and-So  an 
affectionate  friend;  tj**J  a^*  »^-«*^  I  found  him  to  be  a  man  of  ex- 
ceeding  generosity.  In  such  phrases  v>*  has  the  same  meaning  as 
w>  and  u&. 

§  49]     The  Verb.— 3.  Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions:  o*.      139 

Rem.  a.    Observe  the  elliptical  phrases  Oj-i^l  ^!  ^o  ,J  ^^  A 

who  will  deliver  me  from  Ibn  el-Asraf?  ȣlJlj  <iXi*  Ul  /  am  of  thee 
and  related  to  thee,  I  belong  to  your  family.  On  the  meaning  of 
^LJ\j  &*c  ^*»JJ'>  see  Goldziher  in  Zeitschr.  D.  J/.  G.  xlviii.  p.  95 
seq.  (comp.  p.  425  seq.)    D.  G.] 

Rem.  b.  ^*  is  used  in  vulgar  Arabic,  like  ^~>  in  Syriac  and 
y\^°\:  in  .^Ethiopic,  to  indicate  the  agent  in  connection  with  the 
passive  voice  of  a  verb ;   as  9-jhj   &*)   ^)l   %\jZJ   juu    -  I  nj   *$    B 

^UJ I  ^c  ^1  juj  U*.jli.  it  is  good  for  nothing  at  all  but  to  be 
thrown  out  and  trodden  under  foot  by  men,  instead  of  ^LJl  awjjuj. 

49.     yj*  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^&,  Le,  JLc,  «up)  designates 
distance  from,  motion  away  from,  departure  from  a  place  or  from 
beside  a  person  ;  as  <*-u*j  o*  w^"f  he  sat  at  (a  certain  distance  from) 
his  right  hand  [comp.  however,  this  §,  /.  rem.  c] ;   ^j£-  ^nr-1 '  \j*j   C 
^-jiJt  he  shot  the  arrow  from  the   bow;    jJUl    ,j-*  jiL>   take  thy 

departure  J rom  the  town;   <ut    w^l/^'j  &£s>f>  ^J  rj-Ua^J  *5)  ^X*. 

£Aa£  £&>«  mayest  not  be  compelled  to  leave  him  and  turn  away  from  him. 
Hence  it  is  used  : — 

(a)  After  verbs  denoting  flight,  avoidance,  caution,  abstinence, 
self-defence,  guarding  and  setting  free,  forbidding  and  hindering,  and, 
in  general,  to  express  the  doing  of  something  (e.g.  fighting  or  paying) 

for  or  in  behalf  of  another  [comp.  §  69,  g\     For  example:   O*  t>j$  D 

C>*-9-«  j*z  £J  <*-Ul  6La5  it  is  impossible  to  fee  from  the  decree  of  God 

.  <■**>*$,,  at  ,b. 

Almighty;    »■  a..iJ I  ^>c    -»~l3  aiy>k£  w$a£   is  disgraceful;   <jl  ^5*5-0 

j2  j/     s*      «    ,  .-  , 

»j-iu  Lo*  w..*^.j  &  is  necessary  that  he  should  avoid  what  injures  him; 

)  3  0 ,     1  3        1        3  „     „       s  •       0  J  ,  j , 

d—flj  «^JjJ  Lfrt  ^*-cu  ,jl  ^^i^o  it  is  necessary  that  he  should  patiently 
abstain  from  what  his  soul  desires  (his  jxissions  desire) ;  ^>^  O^  &]*** 
I  declare  myself  free  from  all  connection  with  them  (as  client) ;  UAXt>.Zt 

140  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  49 

A  5^.^)1  w>l«xfi  ^>c  ^  is  saved  from  punishment  in  the  next  world ;  <x^sh\ 

J  OlO  s  _  _  »J»/9  '      J      /      / 

c^aJI  ^^c  he  fed  him  {to  save  him)  from  hunger  ;  ^£j*)\  O*  «l~«^  he 

s  0  io>e         *       j    (S/ 

clothed  him  (to  save  him)  from  nakedness ;  j£i*JI  O*  j^-JI  ^0  prohibi- 

«/    j    i/  j»»-j^j 

taW  o/  M?Aa£  «s  wicked ;  ^js-  *r>3+i  he  acts  as  my  deputy ;  «uc  JjUj  Ae 

oj  /  j«S     ^      j  *  o  s      s         S/o         *      o       sis 

fights  for,  or  to  protect,  him;  ^^^Ju)  ^^3U&*j  j>jJJI  ,>c  JiU»J  ^ 
<&?  wotf  contend,  or  plead,  for  those  who  act  wrongly  to  themselves; 

iOsOsOsOOs  0    *         * 

B  U*£  jj-aj  ^^Aj  \J>j^*  *$  (one)  soul  shall  not  make  satisfaction  for 

t  sO  s   s    s  *    *  JO*  s  s    s 

(another)  soul  at  all;  l»Ap  tj^j  \j£s  <uc  c^**"  ^  paid  so  and  so 
many  dirhams  in  his  stead,  lit.  he  bore,  or  took  upon  himself,  for  him. 

(b)  After  verbs  denoting  uncovering,  laying  bare,  opening,  reveal- 
ing, informing,  asking  and  answering ;  for  in  these  verbs  there  lies 
the  idea  of  the  removal  of  a  covering,  real  or  figurative.    For  example : 

/t  i   <o  J      J  J  m  -  s  J         0* 

LJjJI  j^j  ^jis.  *J*.££>  £  if  the  veils  of  this  world  were  removed  from 

j j    o*     o  a*  o>o       s*»    j  ,  «j  * 
C   me  (from  before  my  eyes) ;  Cj^*j  v>c  c-iuJI  ,^1  J*iLJt  the  mounds 

f  s  0*        *    0    J  0 

which  were  laid  open  so  as  to  disclose  chambers ;  \  jdkli  ^j***  c-^s  ^1 

~*      0     s    1       0    J 

w*5U  ij*j+a*.t  if  thou  wantest  a  witness  who  can  inform  thee  regarding 

*        j  o    s      o   s     s    j   ocs 

what  is  hidden;  lyCj^a.-*  ^>c  «iUJL»   /  ivill  tell  thee  about  all  of 

J  0  *       *         sis  rs  vt*OJJsj0s         s      J         0     £  J  s   \ 

them ;  <us  wjI^Is^oaLo  aJJI  J>wj  <uc  ^)Z~>  Jl$-W  '»**  this  is  a  question 
about  which  the  Apostle  of  God  was  questioned,  and  he  gave  an  answer 

j    li  j  sOiOio        s       1 0  s      s  £  s  r»        •  7  /• 

to  it;  6±>\  t^Jju^Jt  ^1  <uc  a».j  his  father  sent  to  Spam  to  look  for 

JO  s  J    ul    s    ■       s    s  s  IX  s         0  1st  s  s 

D  him;   ajs.  I^v».j  JU>j  (ta5«^  j*}\*~*  and  lie  asked  them  about  me  and 

s         oiOtO  s         J      ~s    s   OtO  s  Is 

said,  Send  to  look  for  him;   Aa^L^^)\   ^j*  ^jj\jaJ\  O^x-oii  and  they 

Ml   '    J       P  J  £  J         0       *■  J  0'  *  yi£   * 

made  for  the  arsenals  to  look  for  arms;  j~g**c  ^i^i  ^>c  ^— *j  UjI^s 

ss     oi 

ijj  j  I  sfo  smiles  so  as  to  display  (teeth  like)  strung  pearls  or  hailstones 
(in  whiteness). 

(c)  After  verbs  denoting  abandonment  or  neglect,  and  the  ability 
to  dispense  with  (o*)  onc  thing  because  of  the  possession  of  another 

§  49]     The  Verb— 3.    Govt  of  Verb.—(b)  Prepositions:  <j*.      141 

(w»  [§  56,  c]) ;  because  in  them  is  implied  the  notion  of  turning  away  A 
(t^cl).     For  example  :  [s^Jt  O^  v^j  he  ^  ;w^  ?r^  /^r  the  thing, 
he  avoided  it;  a*o   O^  w-^juj  or  Ojac  I  forgave  him  his  sin; 

<ue  j^j-oj  &?  ?cas  satisfied  with  him  (and  had  nothing  more  to  ask  from 

him)  as  in  the  words  of  the  Kor'an  <ii£  '^-ojj^r**  ^'  L5^J  ^°^  ''5 
we//  pleased  with  them,  and  they  are  well  pleased  with  Him.     D.  G.] ; 

ByByyjByii  y  B     »  ..  f* 

a-jj  ,j*  Jjuu  *^  O'  0^*~ '*^  ^5*^  a  WWin  m«^  not  be  neglectful  of 

sBs      i       s      y-By  m  *  »      By*  '  _ 

himself;  lyic  ^yi  ykj  he  does  not  require  it;  ^yi^Jjdl  wj*jlb  ^  ^   B 

..      ^e<»  ~y       a    y 

OLiliM  gLc  ,j*  /7?«(/  in  study  such  contentment  that  lean  dispense  with 

*       a  y  a  *,       -       '<-       a    *      y      y    y  at 

the  singing  of  women ;   »SlLAAj   L5;*£nlj   ,&L«t^  ^c  *£U"}la*-»  (^y-iil 
£\y*  £)*  satisfy  me  with  what  Thou  allowest,  so  that  I  may  be  able  to 

dispense  with  ichat  Thou  forbiddest,  and  suffice  me  with  Thy  goodness, 
so  that  I  may  not  have  occasion  for  any  other  but  Thee.     Similarly  : 

«u»  *^i  'l^  sJ^9  l5*  s>^'  O*   ^^  aJULw  this  circumstance  occupied 

B  B      y       «       -      s 

him  so  that  he  could  not  think  of  anything  but  it ;  j£s>  ^>c  ^-o*.  ^>    C 
wJUoJI  J£»  /  «;«  unable  to  mention  all  the  virtues ;  w-^.  Cwa-I  ^Jl 

ri/  0  By         B   y   .- -- 

^j  j^»i  O^  ./**»»■"  -^  &*££  loved  the  good  (of  this  world)  so  as  to  neglect 

B^         By  i     y     By 

all  thought  of  my  Lord;  &~Ju  ^  J**--»  he  is  so  stingy  as  to  deny 
himself  everything. 

(d)    After  verbs  signifying  to  leave  one  behind  or  to  surpass  one  ; 
as  lky^  wJ-oil  *$  thou  dost  not  surpass  me  in  anything.     Hence  the 

By  S     B  y 

expression  ^>c  ^Lai  not  to  mention,  much  more  or  much  less  (according  D 

yyBiByZByyjB    yBy»      ryBiBiO        *  yi.  )  y       y     Zs'y 

to  the  context) ;  as  U^»t  ^>c  ^Loi  S^c^oM  sLi*}M  Jil  ^y  a)  ^^-li 
w*ah-*JI  ^^  <u*»  (^5-^  ^*  i«XaJI  jUl  ,j»«  ««</  ^€re  became  manifest 

to  him  in  the  smallest  of  existing  things,  not  to  mention  (and  much 
more  in)  the  largest  of  them,  such  traces  of  wisdom  as  set  him  in  the 

yyyByiByyBi  (d     <n  J     y         J         y 

greatest  astonishment ;  ja«  ^>c  "^.oi  Ift^wlj  >bUJI  ,J>  J-^-y.  ^  it  is  not 

142  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  49 

A  found  in  the  wJwle  of  Syria,  not  to  mention  (much  less  in)  Safed. 

TT  1  *     '  * 

Hence  too  the  use  of  ^>c  in  comparisons  (like  &*,  §  48,  e) ;  as 
j£3\  Oly^oJ  s.^la»JI  jjuJI  Os-Jt  ^yz  C-Jl  ^>jt  where  art  thou  (where 
are  thy  verses)  in  comparison  with  this  rare  verse,  which  contains  all 
the  things  wherewith  the  mouth  can  be  compared?  ^^SsjJij  U*  ^1*5 
He  is  exalted  above  ivhatever  (gods)  they  join  (with  Him). 

a  *     o    * 

[Rem.     If  £y£.  *jL«ai  is  followed  by  a  clause  with  ^jl,  ^>c  is  very 
B         often  omitted,  as  is  frequently  the  case  with  prepositions  in  general, 

o  £  Sit 

before  ^1  and  ,jl.     D.  G-.l 

(e)     ^jf-  also  indicates  the  source  from  which  something  proceeds  ; 
as   [v»Jp  O-^   £«J'    U-i]  selling  or  buying  is  only  (resultant)  from 

,  j  i*     a    *    ,  *  , 

mutual  agreement;   &*$**  ^j\j  ^  jjuo  lie  acted  after  the  counsel  of 

such  a  one] ;  ^3.5  ,j^  IJuk  Jjwj  *})  200  wjY/  wo£  efo  this  at  your  word 
(as  it  were,  setting  out  from  your  word,  moved  by  your  authority) ; 

c?tt?e^  t»  ^  city  of  Marrekus  (Morocco)  by  the  order  of  its  governor. 
Hence  it  shows  (a)  the  authority  for  any  statement,  tradition,  or  the 

like  ;  as  [<Uc  ^JjJI  OJ^.1  /  acquired  knowledge  from  him ;  yjs-  \^£$j 
O*^  he  related  (a  tradition)  from  such  a  one] ;  .ytsUiJI  ^  i*^ 
i£  is  related  on  the  authority  of  es-Sdfl ;  t>c  ^£**~i  OiU~»t  O^J 
P-jU^oJt  ^>*   -*-w  cmc?  o^r  teacher  used  to  narrate  on  the  authority 

J)  of  a  certain  sheikh;  <UJI  J$~*j  O*  7-tP**0  ^J^  «>*  authentic 
tradition  of  the  Apostle  of  God;  Jli  <ul  (h5~iM  ^j  awe?  it  is  told  of 
the  prop/iet  that  he  said ;  and  (/?)  the  cause  from  which  an  effect 
proceeds  as  its  source ;   as  out  ^ej'ljUl  ^a£  w/mc/j  necessarily  follows 

/row  «Y ;  Sj^aL©  ^^  j^-«l  *iU*  U  wo  o»#  ever  perished  through  asking 
advice  (of  others). 

§  49]    The  Verb.— 2.    Govt  of  Verb.—(h)  Prepositions :  c^-     143 

0    s  *  b  *  . 

(/)    Lastly,  v>c  is  used  of  time  as  equivalent  to  jju  after;  as  A 
Jllb  ^  UJ>   ^Jjs>j2  ye  shall  encounter  (or  experience)  state  after 
state;  ojjji  ^sllaJI  ljuo  ^>p  ^j  j-3  i*Js  as  the  temper  of  a  (good) 
sward  betrays  itself  (even)  after  it  has  become  rusty ;  O5&  w-j>5  ,j^ 

0  +  ****** 

\j*%=>  in  a  short  time  it  will  be  much;  J-Ji  l^c  after  a  little  while 
(where  U  is  redundant,  as  in  an  example  in  §  48,  c). 

Rem.  a.     Observe  the  phrases :    <u~«  ^JLoJ  ^jS-  OU  he  died  -t> 
..      ,,    0  ,     ,    , 
aged  eighty ;  j-ji-e  jJj  ^^  w>U   fte  died  leaving  a  young  child; 

6  i-     0    ,         j    j 

^Aj±.\  ^jf-  IjJU5  tfAey  were  slain  to  the  last  man.  [In  expressions 
like  SjjJ>  ^c  U&  Ae  forgave,  though  he  had  the  power  to  punish,  ^j£. 
can  be  replaced  by  jJ^,  J^  or  «-«. — For  marking  the  distance, 

,,36  4,6,,  6,0, 

as  £)\+£  ^^o  lai^-^i  (J>«  ...^jfc.  ^>c  a£  a  distance  of  fifty  parasangs 
from    'Oman,    it   is   synonymous   with    ^-JLt    (comp.    the    Gloss. 

.»     »  ^         0    J  ,6,6,0 

Geogr.). — On  the  elliptical  phrases  *ii-^  J^,  <iUc.  w-Ail,  etc.  see    0 
the  Gloss,  to  Tabari.     D.  G.] 


Rem.  b.     Because  of  their  being  related  in  meaning,  ^j*e  and 

6     ,  '  _  ,  ,  , 

£>£■   are   sometimes    used    indifferently ;    for   example,  after    s-u 

,     ,,  6  _  , 

to  hinder,  w.Ua.1  to  avoid,  f^gjJ  free  from,  clear  of,  and  the  like. 
Compare  §  48,  e,  with  §  49,  e£.     [After  the  verbs  to  take,  to  borrow, 

3      6 

etc.   jj^  is   used   of   transportable  objects,   as  ^oAljjJI  <U*e  w-J^l 
•  ,  , 

I  got  from  him  the  dirhems  ;  but  we  ought  to  say^JbUI  <Uc  OjkA.t   JJ 
7  acquired  knowledge  from  him.     Others  say  that  ^0  is  used  for 

,  ,  6*>  36  }     6        , 

what  is  near,  as  wo  jk^JI  <U-o  C»x»..»  /  heard  from  him  the  narrative, 

6    ,  ,  6,,'6**0     3,6,  Z.*o    ,  3  , 

yjfi  for  what  is  remote,  as  «.>Lc  ,3*  *J>3I  J-ij  ^JJI  ybj  Z/e  t£  is 
wlio  accepts  repentance  from  His  servants  (Kor'an  xlii.  24).] 

e    , 

Rem.   c.     £>£■    is    sometimes    used    as    an    indeclinable    noun, 


signifying  side,  which  is  its  original  meaning;  e.g.  gU^o-j  ^jS-  O-* 

144  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  50 

A  dJl^wj  [or  ,j^  1^5-k]  ow  ^*«  ri^/ii  anc?  his  left;  UL..JI  C-AfjL  U  lit 
LJLo^>  jj^  ^^o  w/tew  /  jofoce  f/ie  sword  on  my  left  side  (QU-w  in 
rhyme  for  JUA  ^Ci).     Compare  *]¥ ,  "7%  f*\ • 

Rem.  g?.  According  to  the  grammarians,  ^jfi.  is  used  jutJU 
5jjta.^Jlj  fo  express  distance  from  anything  arae?  passing  away 
from  it. 

B         50.     The  prepositions  which  indicate  motion  to   or  towards  a 
place,  are  ^Jl  to,  ^^a.  up  to,  and  J  £o. 

51.     ^1   (with  pronominal  suffixes   ^J[,  «iXJI,  aJI)   is  opposed 
(io,lfc«)  to  o-*  and  j>c  ;  as  **a*JJI  ^1  j^oJI  v>«  /row  ^  cradle  to 

/     /   0/  ^-  **     0  *0*o       *  JO 

the  grave;    *\jJu   ^1   Sj-oJI    ,j-«   Oj-w   /  went  from  el-Basra  to 
Bagdad;  <sUc  *Jaiul  /^  severed  himself  from  him,  abandoned  his  cause, 
but  aJI  aJaiJl  he  was  devoted  to  his  cause;  j-ic  <£JlJI  standoff"!  (see 
C   the  end  of  the  section).     It  signifies  : — 

(a)     Motion   [or  direction]   to   or  towards  a  place ;   as  ^t   eU. 

/  ^5x>  0  *0*o    *>  4  0*  0  *  s  0  £  Zito    *        •  A  J 

iujuoJI  A«  came  to  £/^  city;  jia. ....»)!  £>*  *^-J  «ju*j  ij^-"'  c5*^  Q^.>*» 

*  ot  0*a  0    *0*o  x  +    +  0*a 

1b5-a5*n)I   jkai....^Jt   ^1  >oljj»Ji  (see  §  49,  a)  to  ^   Temple  which  is 

0   *0*O  0  *  *  0  *      J      \     vt    *> 

most  remote  (at  Jerusalem) ;  [^mr»jJL0i\  c«o  ^1  JJU^j  S^lcJI  at  that 

time  they  used  to  pray  turning  towards  Jerusalem ;  ^Jl  jJaJ  he  looked 

°'     '  ' 
towards  me,  he  regarded  me;  aJI  J\*  lie  or  i£  inclined  towards  him 

or  aV.     Hence,  because  the  notion  of  being  inclined  is  implied  in  it, 

D  JU*-JI  iJI  Slj^JI  ^  ^Ae  Aear^  o/  woman  is  inclined  to  foolishness ; 

pv*  L5^>°Jb  J^  mc^  sorrow  leads  to  joy ;  il^-JI  ^1  aj^J  its  colour 

*  j        •  &     *o        **       +  J       %  *0  vt  *a     £ 

verges  on  black;  $*>  U  J>kJt  ^1  >*  it  is  somewhat  long;  LjjJI  ^1 
L5*  ^°  JliJ"  L5^'  see>  the  world  is  somewhat  on  its  decline*.     D.  G.] 

*  [For  the  explanation  of  this  (^)  $*>  U  see  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr. 
i.  477  seq.,  Dozy,  Supplem.  sub  U  and  infra  §  136,  a,  rem.  e.] 

§51]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov  t  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  ,J\.      145 

(b)  Transferred  to  time,  the  point  up  to  which  something  lasts  A 
or  continues ;  as  w^LoJI  ^Jt  Cs«4  /  fasted  till  sunset ;  ^ya  Of***-* 

to  the  present  day   (and)  have  been   tested  with   every  sort  of  test ; 

*U*5JI  >»*>    ^H    JiaJ'    ^jAc    ^jjfclb    ^^1    ,J-«    dJu\b    J!p   ^   a   par/ 

of  my  people  shall  not  cease  to  hold  fast  the  truth  till  the  day  of  the 
resurrection.     It  occurs  in  a  somewhat  different  sense  in  the  phrases 

,  i    a*       »-         -       a  )Z*  -   a  " 

a-o-JUI  jiyi  ,Jt  ^f  ;»_»a.  .)  He  will  certainly  assemble  you  to  the  day  of  B 
the  resurrection  (for  it) ;    [«U->   ^)l   jyib  c-JI  £&>«  «r<  divorced  till 
this  day  year]. 

Rem.     In  these  two  cases  ,JI   is  used  jlyi'jU  to  designate  the 
limit  of  the  act.     [See  §  52,  rem.  b.] 

'  .       .  '  '     '  j* 

(c)  ^Jl  also  shows  that  one  thing  is  added  to  another  («L»-LcuoJJ 

or   ijtoJU),   and   hence   we   find    it   construed   with    jjj    to   increase, 
augment;  as  IJuk  ^1   \J*  ^*b  add  this  to  that ;  j^\yo\   I^J^U  ^    C 
j^\yt>\  ^1  do  not  devour  their  substance  in  addition   to  your  own  ; 

»        *  a  *       z  *  t  i  * 

jf^Omm  ^M  i^Ca*  lj>tj  they  have  added  knowledge  to  the  knowledge 
they  (already)  possessed.  [Hence  also  it  signifies  reaching  up  to 
(-  ^i  J^i  ^l  w'^-^-o).  belonging  to  (=  ^M  jay**isu*),  entrusted  to 
(-^1  J^a^o)  etc.,  as   «U«1   ^j   ^Jt  ykj   and  he  belonged  to  the 

a  >  <■  a "        i  *  -  -  i  a* 

Ben  Ft     Umeiya ;  j^jxii   Ll-o   «->■£   ,J[   '>— *J   they   belong   to   none  D 

„        -    a*     -  i  3  -     -  - 

of  our  Arab  tribes,  that  we  should  know  them  ;  SjjjaJI   ,jt    \jj£s'}j 
tj^j_~J  ^31  c-Jl^  and  they  said  that  *El-Jazira  belonged  formerly 

,      ,,ao    )     ,  a      *  a*       *     * 

to  Kinnasrm  :  iCol^JI  (jU-/jL»*j  aJJ  (J^  the  hospital  of  the  Barma- 

kides  was  entrusted  to  him.] — It  is   also   construed  with   adjectives 

of  the  form  J*3t  and  others,  derived  from  verbs  signifying  love  or 
hatred  and  used  in  a  passive  sense,  to  indicate  the  subject  of  the 

feeling  (see  §  34,  rem.  a) ;   as  w--»-,  w>^o»-.o,  dear  ;   ^^».l  dearer : 

*  j ,  at  6 

sjaJu  hated,  hateful:  ^^oijl  more  hateful. — It  is  used  too  with 
w.  ii.  19 

146  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  52 

A  near,  and  similar  words,  in  so  far  as  they  convey  the  idea  of  approach 
or  approximation,  opposed  to  jj*  jk«A>  /ar  /row,  e.g.  ^M  w>*'  ^^ 
^o-JsmJI  /or  #Hs  cowe^  nearer  to  reverence ;  whereas  in  so  far  as  they 
convey  the  idea  of  the  measurement  of  the  distance  of  one  place  from 


another,  they  are  construed  with  ^>«  (§  48,  d).     [The  same  idea  of 

approach  is  indicated  by  .Jl  in  the  expressions  aJI»»  .Jt  on  his  side  ; 

*!»*£.  ^M  <CLo*»»  Ms  tent  (stood)  beside  the  tent  of  the  other.] — Finally, 

notice  the  phrases  :  «yJi  j~i-  ^J1,  lit.  on  to  other  than  this,  and  oj»-\  ^Jl 

B    (contracted  ?>-JI),  to  the  end  of  it,  i.e.  et  cwtera  ;  «&1*H,  lit.  to  thyself! 

and  ^jis.  siXJI,  lit.  to  thyself  from  me!  =9*3  stand  off'!  aJI  IJuk,  scil. 

j^~~*  or  i^a^sLc,  this  is  committed  or  entrusted  to  him. 

[Rem.     On  the  phrase  ly£JI  there  it  is  for  you!  see  §  35,  b,  8, 
rem.  &.] 

52.     j>  differs  from  .J!  in  indicating  motion  towards  and  at 
the  same  time  arrival  at  an  object,  whether  this  object  be  actually 

C   touched  and  included  or  not ;  whereas  ^t  merely  implies  the  motion 

towards  an  object,  whether  this  be  arrived  at  or  not ;   as  ^a  j**^ 

^aJUl  bJUslo  .*£»•  it  is  peace  till  the  break  of  day ;  ty^-  i^UI  Cv 

-    2    «J  c-  2  -       -  -    -   2    >e      l    a    _    c 

p-UcJt  I  slept  last  night  till  it  was  morning ;  l^lj  ^^»-  <* £■»...} I  cJ^sl 

/  ato  ^e  /sA  to  zVs  {eery)  head ;  ^>*»-  ^*»-  <^;a.....J  £^?/  would 
imprison  him  for  a  (certain)  time.  However,  when  jj-o  and  ^Jl  are 
D  used  in  opposition  to  one  another  to  designate  the  terminus  a  quo  and 
terminus  ad  quem,  ^Jt  necessarily  includes  the  idea  of  reaching  the 
object  (§  51,  a,  b).  Further,  when  the  reaching  of  the  object  is 
distinctly  expressed  by  the  governing  verb  or  verbal  noun  itself,  the 

meaning  of  ,^1  is  naturally  modified  thereby  ;  as  aJI  C^^UI  /  came 

up  to  him ;  aJI   ilyli^JI   the  attaining  to  it.     That   ^£»»  does  not 

necessarily  include  the  object  reached  or  attained  is  evident  from 
its  being  occasionally  used  to  indicate  exceptions,  like  the  German 
bis  auf. 

§  53]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions  :  J^.    147 

Rem.  a.     i**»-  is  scarcely  ever  [i.e.  only  by  poetic  license]  used   A 
with  pronominal  suffixes;  as  ^b  ,iJU».  ,_£j  ^bl  ^Jdj  *)  aJUIj  %9 

*  i 

>0j  ,-jt  ho,  6y  GW,  men  will  never  find  a  man  (coming)  up  to  thee, 

0  'Ibn  llbi  Ziyad :  ^i  J^  j^ai.i  «*)U».  Ool  she  has  come  to  thee, 

making  for  every  mountain-pass. 

Rem.  b.     The  grammarians,  when  they  wish  to  make  a  distinc- 
tion,  say  that   .Jt   is   used   tl^^U,   to  designate   the  limit   (of  the   B 

act),  whilst  ■  «*»»  is  employed  iulxXJ  or  <ul*JI  tlyJUi^),  to  designate  the 
attainment  of  the  extremity  or  utmost  limit. 

a <  j)  - 

Rem.    o.     When    ,«£»■    is   a    simple    copulative   particle    (Oj»- 

Oikc,  or  5itU,  or  oUk*JJ),  in  the  sense  of  even,  it  exercises,  like 

the   other   copulatives    (such    as  j,   o.   and  ^j),   no    independent 
influence  upon  the  following  noun,  which  remains  under  the  same 

government  as  the  preceding  one ;    e.g.   Sli^JI  !**»•  ?»-la^aJ1  j>j£    C 

the  pilgrims  Iiave  arrived,  even  those  travelling  on  foot ;  ^UJI  oU 

iUJ^/t   tyj^  men  have  died,  even  the  prophets;    ty*.\   L^»-  d^j^J 

and  they  left  him,  even  his  brother;  lytj.x*.  ^J*  4jjU*Jt  L-^.I>a..c.1 

the  girl  pleased  me,  even  her  conversation  ;  ly-»lj  l***-  a£o— M  wJLral 

,.  li-0        33,3'3-'- 

1  have  eaten  the  fish,  even  the  head  of  it  :    <UJt  J^j—m  jjUw   O^j 

CwJI    ^51^*.    ^^  j>*"i)l    ><«e^    ,«*    <ula>.^l     «-e  ^s^o    and   the 

Apostle  of  God  used  to  consult  his  companions  on  all  matters,  even   J) 
household  affairs. 

■s  *  *  * 

Rem.  d.     A  dialectic  variety  of  ^^-  is  ^  through  which  it 

may  perhaps  be  etymologically  connected  with  the  corresponding 

Hebrew  word  "jy. 

53.     J  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^J.  iU,   a))  is   etymologically 

connected  with  ^1,  and  differs  from  it  only  in  this,  that  ^J\  mostly 
expresses  concrete   relations,  local   or   temporal,  whilst   J   generally 

148  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  53 

A  indicates  abstract  or  ideal  relations.     Hence  J  is  rarely  employed 

sVp*^  (see  §  51,  b,  rem.) ;  as  ikS«^c  J***)  jj>*~»  J£>  each  (of  them) 

travels  to  an  appointed  goal*.  Its  principal  use  is  to  show  the  passing 
on  of  the  action  to  a  more  distant  object,  and  hence  it  corresponds  to 
the  Latin  or  German  dative;  but  it  may  also  express  the  relation  of 
the  action  to  a  nearer  object,  and  so  stand  in  place  of  the  accusative 
(compare  §§  29,  31,  33,  34).     Hence  J  indicates  : — 

(a)     The  simple  relation  of  an  act  to  the  more  distant  object ;  as 
B   <*J  AJkj  he  gave  it  to  him;  lyJ  JUS  he  said  to  her;  <iUjJ  jj-«  .J  ^Jk 

i«Jb  Ajji  give  me  from  Thyself  good  descendants;  Cy*  j&  J*»-  a-U'^ 

#     *  0 i     oi       JSP 

W»jjjt^»£'"*Jt  ««c?  &W  /*«£/*  made  for  you  wives  of  yourselves  (of  your 
own  race). 

Rem.  «.  After  the  middle  forms  of  the  verb,  J  often  expresses 
the  yielding  oneself  up  to  the  action  of  another  or  to  the  effect  of  a 
thing;  as^£)  j^~i\  Lo  j-Jaa».)l  <d  tjj^.,  pull  his  (the  camel's)  leading- 

C  rein  as  long  as  it  can  be  pulled  by  you  ;  ai  LcjoLJt  aJJU  Uc»xo-  ^y* 

if  any  one  deceives  us  with  God  (i.e.  with  a  pretence  of  devoutness), 
we  let  ourselves  be  deceived  by  him. 

Rem.  b.  Some  grammarians  say  that  the  jj»JI  vo^),  or  preposi- 
tion  J,  is  used  in  this  case  SujaCXi,  to  express  the  j)assing  on  of  the, 
action ;  but  others  consider  that  it  is  here  employed  ^JLJLoJJU  and 

0  i  >e       o 

»iLwLo^l  <*-<£J,  to  signify  the  giving  2>ossession  (of  something)  or  the 
D         like,  and  restrict  the  term  ajjulJU  to  the  cases  laid  down  in  §§  29, 
31,  33,  and  34. 

*  [After  verbs  that  signify  to  fall  (as  j±.,  JaJLw,  *5j)  J  has  the 
meaning  of  on  (=i*^),  as  ^j-sJJJ  jj>.  he  fell  down  prostrate  with  his 
chin  on  the  ground.  Hence  the  expression  ^o^AJj  ^j juJU,  on  which  see 
the  Gloss,  to  Tabari  sub^.     1).  G.] 

§  53]      The  Verb.— 2.    Govt  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  J.       149 

«       »   x        6    *x        Jx       ft      x  J   }  Z   * 

(b)    The  dative  (a)  of  possession ;   as  ^SLe  ^\j  *J  o-*  J^'  A 

w      j  »  x  »x 

^  ;«««  &  Ae  mjAo  has  a  right  opinion  or  a  correct  judgment ;  aJJ  »>-fraJI 

i       2  ftx         j  x»x 

praise  belongs  to  God ;  <JJ  Lil  we  are  God's;  jujJ  JUJl  ?Ao  property 
is  Zeid's ;  yj*j*^  w-j-J'  ^0  s«<M<?  belongs  to  the  horse ;  [Uu^-»  <*J  w*»'j 
/  saw  ftkrf  ft  &w?  «  glistening] ;    whence  it  is  used  to  indicate  the 

x    x  a«>  o  Z*>  x  x  x 

author  of  a  proverb,  poem,  etc.;   as  jj— aJI   ^jj  j***.-*i   J->5   U^ 

a  Ox       x  x  os 

as  has  been  said  by  Muhammad  'ibn  el-Hasan  : ^n J  jlwI  A«  recited  B 

_         *  •>"«  x  x  .»         0     _     fte 

(«  poem)  by  one  of  them  (the  poets) ;  ^A*)  <*Jl  J-jfj  OjuiJl  a  /##;« 
was  recited  to  me-,  and  I  was  told  it  was  by  'All ;  (/?)  of  permission 

'     '    3"  ..  .  l-        •  •  ft  £    jx 

[or  right] ;  as  «iX)3  <*Ji  then  this  is  allowed  him  (lit.  is  to  him) ;  [^jl  *J 
\j&  J*aj  he  has  a  right  to  do  such  a  thing] ;  (y)  of  advantage,  as 
opposed  to  i^*,  which  indicates  injury  :  as  lyJ  U  j.^JLdl  a.ijju>  aaa.m 
lyJLt  Uj  learning  is  the  soul's  cognizance  of  what  is  for  its  good  and   C 
for  its  hurt ;  [*)  lft>  /^  blessed  him,  §  23]. 

Rem.  a.     The    grammarians    say    that   ,J,    when    it    indicates 
possession,    is    used    JJUL^JU    to    indicate   the   right   of  property,    or 

x       ft   xJ 

L>?l«a.Z^.>jJ  to  shoiv  that  something  is  ascribed  to  one  as  his  own,  or 
JjUa^w^U  to  s/«o«y  </*a£  Ae  has  a  right  to  it.     Compare  the  Hebrew 

usage,  Tph  "lOTD  a  psalm  composed  by  David  ;  etc. 
.  T  .  .  . 

Rem.  b.     As  the  Arabs  have  no  verb  corresponding  to  our  have,    D 
they  are    obliged    to    express   it    by  the    preposition    J   with    the 

ft  x      ,^  ft  x .»  x  ft      x      x 

genitive  of  the  possessor;  as  ju£  U5U  ^-Jbj  JUL»JU  O^  ^'-'^  Zuhair 

had  two  hundred  slaves;  j+±.  w*».l.o  ojL^L-j  ^IjJLj  <sJ  Ae  A«o"  in 

*  XX  xxx  "x 

•     7_.  .  *    «X»        xx  «    £  x 

Bagdad  six  hundred  secret  police;  ^jj\  *^j  w>t  ,J  Lo  /  Aaiv  neither 
f oilier  nor  son. 

Rem.  e.     J  is  often  used,  instead  of  a  simple  pronominal  suffix, 

6   £  xx 

in  order  to  avoid  rendering  a   noun   definite;    e.g.   «.t   ,J  C»U  a 

150  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  53 

A         brother  of  mine  is  dead ;  whereas  i**^'  OU  would  mean  my  (it  may 
be,  only)  brother  is  dead  [§  92]. 

Rem.  d.     In  pecuniary  transactions  ^)  is  used  to  indicate  the 
creditor,  whilst  ^JLc  expresses  the  debtor  [§  59,  c]  ;    as  ^JLJLc  ,J 
^o-fcp  oiM  /Ziom.  owest  me  (lit.  £^ere  are  to  me  upon  thee)  a  thousand 

Rem.  e.     Observe  the  expressions  of  admiration  :  dp  aJJ  w;Aa£  a 
-D         maw  ^e  is  /  jj***-;  O"*  ^J-*  ^  wAdrf  a  mewi  thou  art  !  £$i\  <*JU  what  a 

man  thy  father  vms  !  C-Jl  aJJ  what  a  man  thou  art  I  ^pUUI  <*JJ  Aow 

beautiful  is  {the  saying  of)  the  poet !  (lit.  to  God  belongs  his  outflow 
or  emanation,  from  none  other  could  he  emanate ;  compare  Jonah 

iii.  3,  DTl'/X/  ri/ilil  Ty  nn^H  DI.DM)  and  Nineveh  was  a  very 
..        T      .         .         T.,T      ...  ,.. 

large  city).     Remark    also    such    phrases    as :    w>tjJjl    ,-i    -iJJ    vJa 
wouldst  thou  like  some  wine?  tjjb  \^Xmu  ^\  ,ji^£)  jjj»  A«ye  ye  a 
0  tois/i  to  eto  £/m  ?    ^^sJaii   ^j\   dU  ^^yS  c/os<  £Ao<*  wish  then  to  give 

me  some  food?  where  we  must  supply  the  substantive  «Lcj  desire, 
wish ;  [^)l  U  l«o  what  object  or  reason  have  we  that  ?  aJj  ,J  Lo 
i«/ia£  Aave   /  to  do   with  him  ?    \j&    ^J-awJ    >Jljt    J    to   w/m£    has 

0      - 

happened  to  me  that  I  (i.e.  why  do  I)  see  thee  doing  thus?  .J  ^c 
who  loill  be  for  me  as  helper  ?  lyJ  Li  I  /  am  the  man  for  it]. 

D  (c)     The  purpose   for  which,  and   the   reason  why,  any  thing  is 

done  (relation  of  the  action  to  its  purpose  and  cause) ;  as  a^jbtoJ  v»l5 

he  arose  to  help  him;  w-j^UJJ  <H)jJs  I  beat  Mm  to  correct  him;j^*i\  U 

J»o.«ij  *$\  science  (or  theory)  is  only  for  the  purpose  of  being  applied  in 

practice;  o^^^oJWj-**^  o\^J\  ^JJb  he  sought  the  dignity  (or  office)  for 

the  purpose  of  ordering  good ;  J~5  IJ^yJ}  and  for  this  reason  it  is  said ; 

i   t  <    Jit  •  -  *     •  * 

j*oj  «u*n)  because  it  does  harm  ;  <»JyU  C«,;»»,c  /"  wondered  at  (because  of) 

§53]      The  Verb—  3.    Gov 't  of Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  J.      151 

«r^ctf  fo  said?;  Sjjb  ^Jt^JJ  ^J}>*3  LT5!^  aw<*  wn^'  tt  Jeehng  of  joy  A 
cow^s  ore/-  ;«?  a£  remembering  thee. 

Rem.     In  this  case  J  is  said  to  be  used  JJLxJJ,  or  aJUJU,  to 
indicate  the  cause.     [Comp.  §  44,  d,  §  48,  c] 

(c?)     After  the  verb  J15,  it  often  indicates  the  object  in  reference 

5     ^  at       J<  <o  ..  3**3    a    ^         j    j^     ^^ 

to  which  something  is  said ;  as  Ol^-at  aJJI  J^w  ^  JJ£j  kj-0J  iy>£j  "^ 
say  not  in  regard  to  thaw  who  are  slain  on  God's  path,  They  are  dead  B 
(do   not  call  those  who   are  killed  fighting  for  God's  cause,  dead) ; 

*  \       5    0         £       9  J       f  *  Z*         -    -    0  *        3       J  *S 

IJkA^a*— A  ^,£s>At*.  UJ  JwJU  (jy^SJI  do  ye  say  of  the  truth,  after  it  has 

JilC  *    *         -  3        0    31*o  -     0     '        »-        *  -  it    3      * 

come  to  you,  Is  this  magic?  [ajI  ^Xc  ^j^L-^JI  %^a^3  ^  Zj~£*  J^.3 

(J'iUa^M  ^Xc  JLvli  a)  JULj   ^j   JU-i  ly-*-LoJ   JUu  j*£»  «wrf  «  man 

who  has  committed  a  great  sin,  but  such  as  the  Muslims  do  not  agree  in 
calling  infidelity,  is  said  to  have  acted  wickedly,  but  is  not  termed  a 

wicked  man  without  restriction.     Hence   the   very  common   aJ   JUL    C 

5    Z     '      3  5    W     -      3       J*  3        3* 

j^»a>.«  he  is  ccdled  Muhammed,  from  the  active  ji»a».o  aJ  J>aj  he  says 
of  him  Muhammed,  i.e.  he  calls  him  M.]     Similarly  :  £y>  doJL-«o  JU> 

3     0**        o  *         *    *  oi       0  3  *  Z     *  3        *       0     *  *  Ot  0*3  to*  *o>o         a  * 

CJjtf   j3   J13   dJjkl    ^«    J^jJ    U^Jli   C.rwj£«l    w.^-tfi;)    U^j    ^ULoJI    ju£ 

Meslema,  the  son  of  'Abdul-melik,  said  one  day  to  Nosaib,  Didst  thou 
compose  a  poem  in  praise  of  so  and  so  ?  meaning  a  man  of  his  family ; 
he  said,  I  did.     [And  so  frequently  after  a  demonstrative  pronoun,  as 

Jli  ^JJJ  IJ^>j  \j£j  JJJt  ^^~>j\  a-Ic  yj\  see,  'Otba  has  sent  me  to 

you  with  such  and  such  a  message,  according  to  what  he  had  said ;  D 

aJx.  yb  ^JJt  jlaJJ  wi5^JI  IJjb  J\3  Aijsu  Jiij  ^o.  Jjf  JjLj  ij\ 

that  the  Apostle  of  God,  when  he  stood  on  'Arafa,  had  said :  this  is  the 
station,  meaning  the  mountain  on  which  he  found  himself     D.  G.] 

[(e)     Finally,  J  is  used  to  mark  the  time  from  which,  or  at  which, 

any  thing  took  place  -^jjUJJ,  as  0-*iX)  U»*s>  we  fasted  from  the  time 

a  *    *    *         .  ».»•»---- 

oj  the  mist ;  a^J  oU  he  died  on  that  same  day  ;  aCJU  ^j** 

152  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  53 

A  when  one  year  of  his  reign  had  elapsed ;  j-^\  O-*  *Z~&*  *^J  wfo» 
one  night  of  the  month  had  passed,  i.e.  the  first ;  <L-J  to  the  completion 
of  a  year.     See  §  111,  and  an  example  §  70,  rem.  b.     D.  G.] 

Rem.     After  the  interjection  b,  the  preposition  ^J  is  frequently 

prefixed  to  the  name  of  a  person  called  to  aid,  as  well  as  to  the 
name  of   him   against  whom   help   is    implored,   in   which   case  it 

B         is  said  to  be   used  4jli£w'})U  to   ask  help.     If   there   be  only  one 

or  <su  QlaI>...o,  i.e.  person  called  to  aid,  the  preposition 
takes  the  vowel  fetha  (just  as  with  the  pronominal  suffixes,  Vol.  i. 
§  356,  rem.  b) ;  as  jujJ  b  0  for  Zeid!  i.e.  help,  Zeid !  Jb  **})3bj 
wJbu  alas  for  the  humiliation  !  help,  tribe  of  Taglib  !  But  if  there 
be  several,  ^J  is  used  with  the  first  alone,  and  ^J  with  the  rest, 
unless  the  interjection  be  repeated  before  each  name,  when  jj  is 
C  retained  throughout ;  as  _jj-«aJj  J^jJ  b ,  or  3j^*J  bj  jujJ  b,  /te£p, 

£   it  -  3       JO-  0  '*  • 

^icZ  «««?  '-<4mr  /  (JjUuJUj  J^yCU  b  /ie^jp,  oW  awe?  young  !  i*-*}*)  b 

,<o>5  jj^**6'^  ^-3  Ad^p,  0  my  family  and  ye  who  are  like  my 
family  !  If  the  name  of  the  person  against  whom  aid  is  required, 
<sJ  *t>Ul..»»M  or  <xXe*.\  jj^s  ^UImmoJI,  be  expressed,  it  takes  J  (with 

kesra)  before  it,  as  _£/<**)  J^jJ  b  AeJp,  Zeid,  against  lAmr  !  ^UU  b 
woUCJU  A«(p,  people,  against  this  liar  I  If  an  adjective  be  annexed 
D  to  the  aj  OIaI.~o,  it  may  be  put  either  in  the  genitive  or  in  the 
accusative;  as  ^rij&\  JujJ  b  or  ^jj£i\.  In  the  case  of  the 
aj  -^.Aiilm*,  the  vocative  termination  1_  (see  §  38,  c)  is  sometimes 
used  instead  of  J  with  the  genitive ;  as  jj-oJtJ  I juj  b  Atf//»,  Zeid, 
against  lAmr  ! — These  expressions  are  also  employed  [(1)  to  call  or 
invite,  as  6t<JU  Jla-jJJ  \j  0  ye  men,  come  to  the  water!  ^J^XJJ  b 
_  .ai  »,H    ^jL^JiJJj    come   Aere,   young   and   old,   to   wonder ;    hence 

&  ,  5  jo  '.     i    -/  j 

(2)]   wiL.*."H,   <o  express  surprise,  in  which  case  the  <LU  w*a» .»."."■<. 

§55]     The  Verb. — 3.    Gov't  of  Verb. — (b)  Prepositions:  ^i.     153 

or  object  that  causes  surprise,  is  treated  in  the  same  way  as  the  A 
aj    ^'Iflinuii ;    e.g.    ,__ -flt.'H    b    0    the   wonder !    d-J*>l  jJU    b    0    the 

misfortune !  jL«JI  ^>«  J-**  J***  a-JU»  |jtj...o>J  Ls  fo<2  0  the 
disgrace  of  those  who  seek  it  (learning)  in  order  to  obtain  benefits 
from,  men. — Similar  forms   of   expression    are    <sJ    b,    ^JL)    b,    etc., 


followed  by  the  accus.  or,  more  usually,  by  the  preposition  yj*o 
with  the  genit.  (see  §  44,  e,  rem.  a) ;  as  *j^.j  *i  b^  Jj»»j  i^-5*^ 
or  jj*wj  ^>*  aJ  b^j,  there  came  to  me  a  man,  and  what  a  man  he  teas .'   B 

*»*      O  y     *  i      *****      s 

iLJ  ^c  \i  b  0  ivhat  a  happy  night  !  (J-j-jI  «Aa.  ^><o  <il)  U  0  what 
a  soft  cheek  !  J>J  yj-a  «iJU  Li  and  0  wA«£  a  splendid  night !  JJU  b 
j-tr*-t,-}  5j+5  ij*6  0  happy  lark  in  a  meadoio .' — In  all  these  cases  ^J 

seems  to  point  out  the  person  or  thing,  in  reference  to  which 
the  exclamation  is  uttered,  as  being  the  origin  and  cause  of  it. 
[There  can  be   no  reasonable  doubt   that,  as   the  grammarians  of 

tl-Kufa  teach,  this  ^Jb  with  following  genitive  was  originally  J|l  b 
followed  by  the  name  of  the  kinsmen  of  the  man  who  called  for    C 

aid.     See   Fleischer,   Kl.   Schr.   i.   393  seq.,   Lane  sub  Jt.     R.  S. 

This    war-cry    of   the    Time   of   Ignorance    (iJjklaJI    ^J^i)    was 

lis   ,           ,         i  jt/    / 
forbidden  by  the  Prophet,  who  substituted  aJU  b  and  ^^X -»»J  b.] 

54.  The  prepositions  which  indicate  rest  in  a  place,  are  ^  in, 
into,  y  at,  in,  by,  with,  **  with,  along  with,  ,jjJ,  or  ^jJ,  at,  tcith, 

in  the  possession  of,  and  ^JU  over,  above,  upon.  J) 

55.  The  preposition  ^j  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^i,  <ibi,  <*-i), 
on  the  difference  between  which  and  w>  see  §  56,  indicates  : — 

(a)    Rest  in  a  place  or  during  a  time  and  motion  into  a  place,  in 
which  latter  case  it  corresponds  to  the  Greek  eis  or  the  Latin  in  with 

the  accusative  ;  as  C*-JI  ^y  in  the  house ;  &Ljt  Jih  ^  in  this  year ; 

'     ■»  »  '  «£  j»<o  **o* 

[C>li3«x«-»  v»bl  ^i  during  a  certain  number  of  days] ;  j^\  ^J»  ibjJI 
w.  ii.  20 

154  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  55 

A  the  water  is  in  the  jug ;  ,jlju*J!  ^  ^^£^1  ^<?  racing  is  in  the 
meiddn ;  jZJ\  ^  *5j  he  fell  into  the  well;  w>U£JI  j^b  ^J  %i$ 
he  wrote  on  the  back  of  the  letter ;  J^L/jJI  ^J  aJJI  a*3$j  God  will 
cast  him  into  (make  him  dwell  in)  the  villages ;  ^-^^  ^  «£)ju  J»»o' 

•    0  *  s     *   Ota      JO    •  Oi- 

put  thy  hand  into  thy  bosom;  [^j*~°\  ^vc^la-M  CJLA.^1  by  inversion 
for^oJUJI  ^  ^**-e]  I  inserted  my  finger  into  the  signet-ring].     This 

B  signification  is  then  transferred  to  the  relation  subsisting  between  any 
two  things,  the  one  of  which  is  regarded  as  the  place  in  which  the 

other  is,  or  happens,  or  into  which  it  goes  or  is  put ;  as^JjuJI  Jl».  ^i 

in  the  state  of  pupilage ;  j~*-)\  O-*  ***  ^*  whatever  good  there  is  in  it ; 

JfjuaJI  ^-i  Sta^l  safety  lies  in  speaking  the  truth;  alcUo  ^i  j~e-> 

skilful  in  his  trade;  w>U£)t  ^  jiiu  /^  looked  into,  or  ra*</  t»,  ^ 

foo#;  <Cj».l».  ^i  ^j***  ^  exerted  himself  about  his  business;  ^i  J^-3 

C  ^Xju)\  he  commenced  studying;   rf7p»g   ^i  aJJI  ^^Ai-ju  6W  «ra#  /#£ 

them  enter  into  His  mercy  ;  [<^2>  ^*  ^tA*M  O-*  oW  he  ^s  nothing  to 
do  with  science]. 

(ft)    j-i  is  sometimes  equivalent  in  meaning  to  %*  with,  or  ^i 

among;  as^o^-M  O-*  ^^  J^^o-6'  ^  t>^»ot  enter  with  generations 

which  passed  away  before  you ;   ^»JI  O-*  *$***'  ^  w*L3l  she  came 

j)  forward  with  (some)  women  of  the  tribe ;  UJI  )j-?...>^a.  ^j  a».^j'  /^  se£ 

ow£  wi£/<  50,000  m«/.     [The  proper  meaning  of  ^  being  in  the  midst 

of  the  following  noun  ought  to  be  a  plural  or  a  collective ;  but  the 
signification   of   with   became    so    prevalent,   that  we   find   actually 

J^'^vO^  ^  ^M  K-j^^i  *$  O^^  and  he  did  not  go  out  with  more 

titan  one  servant.     In  a  somewhat  different  sense  ^»  is  used  in  the 

*      *  *  »t         *  »  * 
phrase  Jl»-j  **Ji'  iV  O-*-*  we  were  four  of  us  men. — The  signification 

§55]      The  Verb. — 3.  Gov  t  of  Verb. — (b)  Prepositions :  ^5*.      155 

of  with  comes  to  denote  a  combination  of  two  qualities,  as  ^  i\y*  A 
»/♦»■  blackness  blending  with  redness.     D.  G.] 

(c)  It  indicates  the  subject  of  thought  or  conversation,  that  in 
which  these  move ;  as  iliw^l  jU^.t  ^  O-ijr^  J**^  re/fee*  faro 
months  upon  the  choice  of  a  teacher ;  *iU3  ^  J&&  o'  ^5*^  ^  OTtts^ 
meditate  upon  this;  «£U3  ^y  ^^»  &?  <*/*>£«  afowtf  f£is  (whereas 
<£AJjj  ^^AC  would  mean  /<f  £/w£0  tfAis  #«£,  ^  (/are  utterance  to  this  B 

.     .  r    "i*  "  „     &       ,  jZ 

opinion);   [aU\  ^  Lj#^.la*JI  cfo  ^  argue  icith  us  concerning  God] 

{Jf*+£  **s*^  L5**"  L5*  ^  ^"**  whoever  may  doubt  my  lore  for  Buteina]. 
Hence  it  is  used  in  stating  the  subject  of  a  book  or  chapter ;   a^ 

+   *  l»f  4   ,  ,i,  9    3, 

JjV^^t  ^  L»U£»  oUc  he  compiled  a  book  on  morals;  ^  J-ai 
^*"  a*aU  a  chapter  treating  of  the  nature  of  science ;  j>^^\  w>U£» 
SjAUUI^  ^^c*  jy-6  ^i  SjJbl^JI  M<?  fo>o£  0/  ^  shining  stars,  treating 
of  the  kings  of  Misr  and  el-Kahira.  Similarly  :  <sui  c^V  he  got  up  C 
(to  #0  ««d  &*>£)  /o/-  him ;  U^-i  ^^a.^  £foy  sent  me  to  Wjk  for  them, 
or  to  fetch  them;  4JJI  jup  ^t  ^jlkLJI  ^y  *i*jtJ  and  he  sent  for  the 
Sultan  'Abil  'Abdi  Hah.  [It  also  denotes  the  assigning  of  a  cause,  as 
j**»J\  <->*•'  i^j*  »***•"  <Vj-»  he  fogged  him  with  the  prescribed  number 
of  stripes  for  drinking  wine;  iUj  ^s  <su>^  /«?  blamed  him  because  of  it; 

,  9  ,   *     ,  St  ,      £    iO  ,     ,     ,  ti,   3*0  £ 

V*— ?*•   *>*  ^f  j^'   w^»J  s!/*l    Oi    w^*%  a  woman  entered  Hell  D 
because  of  a  cat  which  she  confined  without  food.} 

(d)  ^ji  is  used  after  verbs  signifying  desire,  like  w-^j  and  *4-k, 
in  connection  with  the  object  desired  ;  as  J-o*"j  vo^'  5-JJ  «*»-3  O-* 
^Ul  jut  U-i  w*^>  ^Ji  <su  M?Ay  should  he,  who  has  experienced  the 
sweetness  of  knowledge  and  of  the  application  of  it  in  practice,  desire 

£  <o  ,  3  i  ,,3,2         I  ,3, 

anything  that  men  possess?  ^Ul  J\yc\  ^  ^.»kj  *$  ,jl  ^i-r^j  he  must 
not  covet  people's  property.     Compare  §  53,  b,  rem.  e. 

156  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  56 

A  (&)  It  is  employed  in  the  comparison  of  two  objects,  governing 
the  thing  with  which  the  other  is  compared ;  as  ^  W**M  s>**^'  I* 
c\Zc  *^l  Sja.'n)!  this  life  is  merely  a  temporary  usufruct,  compared  with 

the  life  to  come;  [JU**^  i>*  O""8^  ^*  <lU^3  ls*  J**^  '^•[f^  ^* 
£/«/  ta.r  is  7w£  Ai^A,  *»  proportion  to  tlie  number  of  handicrafts  of 
which  thou  art  master] ;  3^L5  •>)!  d^a»-j  ^  <£J-oAfi  U  £%  knowledge  is 

B  cm/?/  a  rfrop  compared  with  his  ocean;  lit.  w^w  j^£  into  it,  the 
smaller  object  being,  as  it  were,  placed  within  the  larger  one  for  the 
purpose  of  comparing  the  two. 

(/)     Lastly,  ^  is  used  to  express  proportion  (e.g.  length  and 

e  ,      *  *  *      a  st**  t  -        y      j  a  -      jj    j 

breadth)  and  multiplication;  as  Ulji  jJuz  ^jij\  ^j»  Ulp  yjy~+±.  <jJji» 

*  •  * 
\*cj£  its  length  is  fifty  cubits,  by  twelve  cubits  in  breadth  (Germ,  bei  or 

auf  Fr.  sur) ;  lyXJU  ^J  /»-~'!>*  *j-**ft  IajIjia*  its  size  is  ten  parasangs 

"  °  *      .  •  - • - 
Q   by  the  same;  <L~+&.  ^  itU  three  into  five  or  three  times  five,  according 

to  the  phrase  >**£  ^  \*j>£  *->««  he  multiplied  one  number  by  another 
(lit.  struck  the  one  into  the  other). 

fi  ••5 

Rem.     .*$  is  said  by  the  grammarians  to  be  used  iLijJa-U,  to 
indicate  time  and  place. 

56.     w>  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^>,  ib,  aj)  differs  from  ^j? 

in  this,  that  ^,  like  the  Latin  and  German  in,  shows  that  one  thing 

D  is  actually  in  the  midst  of  another,  surrounded  by  it  on  all  sides ; 
whereas  w>  merely  indicates  that  the  one  is  close  by  the  other  or  in 

contact  with  it,  and  corresponds  therefore  to  the  Latin  prepositions 
prope,  juxta,  apud,  ad,  and  the  German  an  or  bei.     For  example  : 

SybUJI  w>Lj  ajj.3  «  village  at  (close  to  or  /<«/^  by)  the  gate  oj 
U-Kdhira ;  J>*-jJ  ^jj-°  I  passed  by  a  man;  **>  w^*-  he  sat  beside 
(or  by)  him;  jjuj  <UJt^=>j-<x»  GW  helped  you  at  Be~dr;  ioj*»oJb  o^ 
^Xi  there  was  at  (or  m,  Germ,  cm,  Fr.  r))  U-Medina  a   merchant; 

§56]      The  Verb.— 3.  Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  w>-      157 

j«A+j  2uj3  a  town  in  Egypt ;  ou-»  «jujj  ipim  a  sword  in  his  nana;  A 
lb  aj  ftfera  *V  ?'«  fo'w  «  disease;  jV^  M;b  v***^'  awtd  ow  fowse  &y 
<%  (=  \jQ) ;   jj&i    |>.a>.i.^.»  ^ffvtic   OaJ-^3  J^i^  «»<*  *»*%  #e 

pass  by  them   in   the   morning  and  at   night   (=*}LJ). — Hence  it  is 
construed  with  verbs    signifying  to   attach,   connect,   or  adhere   to 

(e.g.  Jif,  J*sJ,  S*j,  JU),  [go  round,  surround  (e.g.  ;b,  J»U.t,  oU»)], 
seize,  take,  or  begin  (e.g.  •*£•',  'Ju);  ask  about,  know,  or  be  acquainted  B 
with  (e.g.  JL»,^oJLc,  j-oj),  flee  for  refuge  to,  believe  in,  and  swear  by 

(e.g.    JU,    ,>*!,  ^-J\).      For   example :    ^  ^oyiU^U    4JLo~$  ^ov-'Ji) 
j^  JjLct  their  heads  adhere  to  their  shoulders  (and)  they  have  no  necks ; 

XI*  |J<A>         «  Alt       St  «■      "    «" 

jb>3b  jy**j  ijjJI   O*^  because  the  worms  stick  to  the  fruit ;   (J-©} 

Sl5^JL»  s^^JI  /*<?  joined  the  one  thing  to  the  other ;  [glj^b  ^>3  and  I 

hovered  round  enemies;   UJ»c  fc«^Jb  J»b>.t  he  comprehended  it,  knew    C 

*Y  thoroughly]  ;  JE--Jb  lju  ^e  te^aw  fo  study  the  lesson  ;  j»\J*£J\j  J^. 

take  hold  of  the  nose-rein  ;  gL«JI  £tj.>b  j--oj  ,<ob  sl~JO  ,-j^L-J  ^b" 

«««?  //"  #?  o&fc  »*«  afowrf  women,  truly  I  am  skilful  in  the  diseases  of 

women ;   <*Jaa»...>  ^y>  aXJLi  j^*j   we  take  refuge  with   God  from  His 
-  -  *    <•    ' 

wrath;  «*».tyi  aJJb  CvUl  I  believe  in  the  one  God;  (c-JU»»)  w-o—5) 
aJJb  I  swear  by  God;  iU*j  OjJj^  ^  %  Thyself  (I  swear),  I  will 
puft  7%  Aouse;  ^Cl  U  «ib.  SU  /io3  ^  thyself  I  care  not;  JL*\jj  D 
6y  £%  taurf  / — Hence,  too,  it  is  used  after  13]  lo !  see  f  introducing  a 
person  or  thing  that  comes  suddenly  into  view  (3U*.U«JI  til  or 
^>W-*JI  'ip  ;  as  £»>V^  'ij  >*— J  >*  1-^  whilst  he  was  going  along,  he 
suddenly  perceived  a  cloud  of  dust ;  £>yAJ  01  13]  w>jj^'  cJa-jy  UJi 
^oj^fe  rt«o?  «/?<?/•  I  had  got  to  the  middle  of  the  lane,  I  all  at  once  heard 
a  great  noise;  w>M    \j^   **-»-^*ft   Aa.,A)    1}!^   si*jjkaJI    ^i    j*Jj 

158  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  56 

A  and  whilst  we  were  talking,  a  great  clamour  suddenly  arose  at  the 
door ;  J-.SI  jJ  2l£sjj  ju-JI  aJ  JUj  Ja»/j  t$l  behold,  a  man  called  the 
sdiyid  Beraka  came  forward.  Here  we  must  supply  the  participle  of 
the  verb  u-^.1  to  perceive  [or  j*aj  to  see],  which  is  construed  with  w», 
as,  for  instance,  in  the  second  of  the  above  examples,  \j~a»^>  Ut  lit 
^*Jit  CsyAi.  The  same  remark  applies  to  O^*  m  sucn  phrases  as 
,-^.sUteJ  >ib  ^^  ^  seems  to  me  that  thou  art  trying  to  deceive  me  ; 

B  jofcJUt  VJI  kttwtf  *£b  jV^  J£  is  as  if  1  saw  thee  being  let  down  into 
the  grave ;  [c~-a3  f*if>  U  <•**  ^ji  >zkj\£s  it  is,  0  Darih,  as  if  thou 

t       *      s  *t£  * 

sawest  me  already  dead] ;  *}bj;5  ^Xj  ^y^  methinks  I  see  thee  slain; 

i.e.  sib  ^a^-o  («J^,  or  <ib  j-oj!  ^iU».— From  the  idea  of  contact 
there  arises,  in  the  case  of  a  superior  and  inferior  or  primary  and 
secondary  object,  that  of  companionship  and  connection  ;  as  «UaIj  jU 

(j   he  set  out  with  his  household ;  jJuJ\  w>W^  ^e^  J-»->  he  came  into  his 

presence  in  his  travelling  dress;   ti*c\af\)  jU^Jt  ^JjZZI  he  bought  the 

ass  together  with  its  bridle;  [j**-i  well,  properly  with  well-being  in 

at-       -  a  s 

answer  to  the  question  £*j*~~e>\  >J^£»  how  do  you  do  this  morning  ?] 
Under  this  idea  are  figuratively  represented  the  following  relations  : 

(a)    The  relation  between   subject  and  predicate,   especially   in 
negative  propositions  ;   as  «ju*  ^J\SL>  <UJt  ^•Jl  is  not  God  sufficient 

J        0  s  S    &  £t  '  '     v*0  0 

1)  for  His  servant?  jj\xj  C~J  /  do  not  knoic ;   -»**«JJ  -^^  ^J  ^* 
thy  Lord  will  not  deal  wrongly  with  His  servants;   ^j+^y+j  j**  U 

e  s       a    » 

they  are  not  believers ;  ^o^U^cb  ,>£»!  ^  jtjJI  ^1  \^J^\  0^-«  ,jt^ 
and  if  hands  are  stretched  out  to  food,  I  am  not  the  quickest  of  them 

*■  O  0060^0  &   J  *    s  *  J       0     0  0  0       4         0  0     J0 

(to  do  it) ;  v/5  C*  dy  O*  *$•#*  O**?  t*^  &  ^  -***  ^**^  L5^  O** 
and  be  an  intercessor  for  me  on  the  day  when  no  (other)  intercessor  can 
avail  Sdwdd  'ibn  Karib  in  the  least.     An  example  of  the  rare  use  of 

§  56]      The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.—(b)  Prepositions:  ^>.      159 

w*  in  affirmative  propositions  is  {kJt*-i  O'  ^^  J^^  ^  O'  ^3li  -*^' 

^^♦J  I  efo  ^<9j/  not  see  that  God  has  power  to  Wing  the  dead  to  life  ] 
[Comp.  in  Hebrew  T&l  X^Pl  Job  xxiii.  13.     D.  G.] 

(6)    The  relation  between  the  act  and  its  object,     (a)  This  is 

always  the  case  after  intransitive  verbs,  as  %^j~->  J*»»J  he  ivas  stingy 

of  something,  opposed  to  aj   -^w  he  ivas  liberal  of  it;   [ojJI^  ^j  he 

,  *  -  »  i     o  -    *    oi      o - 

treated  his  father  with  filial  piety;  &*  ^im.j±\  }t  ^  jj— ».l  j3  B 
,jjL..JI  jfe  f/eted  ttW/  towards  me,  when  he  brought  me  forth  from  the 
prison;  Jii*  aj  j*\  he  gave  an  order  respecting  him,  and  accordingly 
he  was  slain ;  OL^JLJU  ^i  Lcj  he  pixiyed  (God)  to  grant  me 
stedfastness] ;  especially  such  as  indicate  motion,  e.g.  st*.,  ^Jl 
to  come,  w-*i  to  go  away,  »-1j,  jL»  to  depart,  set  out,  jAS,  sja^j  to  get 
up,  rise,  lo->»  to  be  high,  etc.     These  verbs  are  construed  with  w>  and 

the  genitive  of  the  thing,  accompanied  by,  or  in  connection  with,    C 
which  one  performs  the  act  they  denote  ;  and  they  must  be  translated 

into  English  by  transitive  verbs.  For  example :  aJLI*  Sjy-j  Sy\s 
then  bring  (lit.  come  with)  a  sunt  (chapter)  like  it ;  ^Aj^o  aJJI  w>i 
God  took  away  (lit.  went  away  with)  their  light ;  JiaJU  >ol5  he  upheld 
the  truth;  a£X^»J1  gLcb  tB^v-'  ^e  t°°k  upon  him  the  burden  of  the 
government ;  &j  l^w  he  lifted  it  up  on  high  ;  [aj  ^jit  bring  thou  him, 

§  59,  rem.  a],     (/?)   The  same   construction  is  also   employed  with  D 
transitive  verbs,  not  only  when  they  signify  motion  but  in  other  cases 

too,  and  the  verbs  must  then  be  used  absolutely*;  as^o^j  ^J!  wou 

he  sent  them  to  me  (lit.  he  performed  the  act  of  sending  to  me  in 
connection   with,  or  by  means  of,  them,  using  them   as  the  objects 

*  [In  many  cases  this  construction  is  the  consequence  of  the 
omission  of  the  proper  object,  e.g.  with  verbs  signifying  "  to  send " 
without  mention  of  the  bearer  of  the  message,  etc.,  with  those  that 
signify  "to  throw"  without  mention  of  the  thing  aimed  at,  etc.     D.  G.J 

160  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§56 

A  through  which  he  realized  that  act ;  jw~&>  C5"*J  he  s^  *he  arrow 
{from  the  bow) ;    aJt  oj~j  ^aJI  he  gave  himself  up,  or  surrendered 

himself,  to  him ;  j>-Jb  o!/*i  *$  j^*~*N  *y*  dark-eyed  {women),  who 
do  not  read  the  suras  (the  Kor'an).  This  happens  particularly  when 
the  transitive  verb  is  used  in  a  figurative  sense,  and  the  preposition 

is  then  called  jU»^JI  lb  the  figurative  o  ;  as  Ua*JI  j— £d  ^«  6ro#0  ^ 

stick,  but  ^fUj  ^-~£b  fo  Aas  broken  my  heart  [along  with  ^*U>  j—*^9] > 

&  ^*i*«JI  j-^.  /-£  set  the  bone,  but  L5-A*J  >-»•  /><?  ^«s  comforted  my  heart 

[along  with  ^^5  j*»..     Likewise,  ?UJI  >lwl  /w  raised  the  building, 

but  oj£sjo  jtet  he  raised  his  fame  as  well  as  «^3  ilwt ;  J~»JI  w>«*»- 

//g  rfmtf  or  pulled  the  cord,  but  aju-aj  «jJ^  /^  rendered  his  name 

famous  more  generally  used  than  <uu*a  w>Ju*..]     The  relation  of  the 

acts  of  breaking  and  setting  to  their  objects,  in  a  tropical  or  spiritual 

sense,  may  be  expressed  by  a  prepositional  exponent,  as  being  a  less 

C    immediate  relation  than  when  they  are  used  in  their  ordinary  material 


(c)     The  relation  between  the  act  and  the  instrument  with  which, 

the  means  by  which,  or  the  reason  why,  it  is  performed ;  as  c~l£> 

s  so**  0  a  to    j  *  *  * 

>0AA)b  /  wrote  with  the  reed-pen ;   ou~Jb  &\li  he  slew  him  with  tlie 

sword;   a5U>  &j~>  j-**aJI  <*«U1   **JLH    G°d  will  grant  him  patience 

j    0  *   *     i  --■        2  - 
through  the  salutary  power  of  prayer  to  Him ;   C<.q»^.tw  aJJI  J>a^*-.' 

D  by  God's  help  I  have  performed  the  pilgrimage  (to  Mekka) ;  ^Usui 

J***    O-^  ^o^^^J  ^ov'   ^*J^'   *^W*k  ^ovt^    l**^   tj>^   ^H^xJt    ^>* 

5jJ£»  aJUI  and  because  of  wrong  done  by  those  who  were  Jews,  we  have 

forbidden  them  good  things,  which  were  allowed  them   {before),  and 
because  of  their  turning  away  many  {men)  from  the  path  of  God  ; 

^bU«J  ^^SUj-o  ^^y-aij  U-i  wherefore,  because  of  their  breaking  their 
covenant,  we  have  cursed  them  (U  redundant,  see  §  49,  /). — Connected 

§56]     The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  w>-       ^l 

herewith  is  the  use  of  w>  with  surnames,  etc.,  after  <J>j*  to  be  known ;  A 
as  also  after  ^^  to  be  enough,  to  suffice,  with  the  person  or  tiling 
that  suffices  or  is  enough  for  one ;  e.g.  \J$jx^\  ^c  ^  ,>-*■ 
^tui^oJb  Hasan  'ibn  'All,  known  by  the  name  of  el-Ma  rglndnl  ; 
^yLj  i»j^ju  i>^i  a  village  known  by  the  name  of  Bakwa ;  aJUb  ,3*^3 
ljuyi  God  sufficeth  as  a  witness* ;  JiUJJ  Utbj  Lcb^JUJI  5JJU  ^a^ 

^  pleasure  of  knowledge   is  a   sufficient  motive  and  incentive  to  a    B 
sensible  man.     [Comp.   §  49,   c] — The  price  of  any  article  is  also 
expressed  by  the  preposition  o  after  verbs  signifying  to  buy,  pay,  etc., 

as  being  the  instrumental  means  with  which  the  act  is  performed  :  e.g. 
^Jbjju  \+\5  jj^Iit  he  bought  a  reed-pen  for  a  dirham  ;  <x^c  *->y2\  ^^"-f 
jUjju  I  sold  the  piece  of  cloth  (or  the  garment)  to  him  (see  §  48,  c)  for  a 
dinar ;  u-^  0++1  *3j~*3  and  they  sold  him  for  an  insufficient  (or 
trifling)  price ;  jJ'J^W  <UV-*»J'   tj^Iwt  ^^  have  purchased  error  at 

-         J  -t  *J  J      ^  -  «      S       6         *  -       b  )s 

the  price  of  truth;  q^jJSj  \y>\£>  U->^Jt  wjIJ^^J  theirs  is  a  painful   C 
punishment,  for  having  deemed  (the  prophet)  a  liar  (t^Jl£»  Uj  =_>0VJyu) ; 

M«#  /  had,  instead  of  them,  a  tribe  who,  when  they  ride  (forth),  pour 
down  (on  their  enemies)  from  every  side,  mounted  on  horses  and  camels 

0  e  m  S3,,, 

(jvy!  at  the  price  of  them,  in  exchange  for  them,  =j^jS). — [Hence  its 
use  after  verbs  signifying  to  kill,  slay,  etc.  in  the  sense  of  in  retaliation 

*  [In  this  and  the  following  example  the  preposition  w>  is  said  to   J) 
be  redundant  after  i**^  in  order  to  emphasize  the  relation  between 

subject  and   predicate,   aJJI   being  the   agent   (comp.    Beidawi  i.   211, 
1.  21  seq.,  ii.  226,  1.  2  seq.,  Abu  Zeid,  Xaicadir,  204,  1.  3  seq.).     In  like 

6  a  -     -      *    - 

manner  it  is  said  to  be  redundant  before  the  predicate  in  juj  ^L— a*-» 
Zeid  is  a  person  sufficing  thee.  It  is  better,  however,  to  take  ^.A^ 
as  containing  its  subject  in  itself,  viz.  <uU^.  and  thus  being  used 
impersonally  (comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  199,  Anni.  2.  374).  P.  G.] 
w.  11.  21 

162  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  56 

A  for,  as  an  equivalent  for,  as  J^£*  j<£+*  <*->  O^**^  certainly,  a  chief  of 
your  tribe  will  be  killed  in  retaliation  for  him ;  w~^  ^bu  *«^j  ^j 
be  thou  slain  as  an  equivalent  for  the  thong  of  Koleib's  sandal.] 

Rem.  a.     In  such  phrases  as  ,«^bj  C«Jl  t«^b  thou  art  as  dear 

to  me  as  my  father  and  mother,  a3)}$  ^>*o  ,»j  b  dear  to  me  as  my 

father  is  one  whom  I  love,  the  preposition  depends  upon  the  word 

^£jju>  ransomed,  or  ^jS  may  he  be  ransomed,  which  is  understood, 

B         and  the  literal  meaning  is  :  thou  art  to  be,  or  shalt  be,  ransomed  with 
my  failier  and  mother,  may  one  whom  I  love  be  ransomed  with  my 

*        but   fO     *** 

father.  This  is  called  by  the  grammarians  2jjk&j|  i\>  the  w>  which 
expresses  ransom;  but  it  is  in  reality  the  &+2)\  *b  or  w>  of  price, 
as  used  after  <£jJLwl.  eb,  etc.  (see  above,  no.  c,  at  the  end).  In 
the   same  way   are  used    ■  5-.JUj    and    ^»-jjJ- — Observe   also   the 

e     *  o    *        *    *  '     *  '    o  -  i      0    " 

phrase   C^X'j    ly*i   [or  simply  Ij-J]  grooc?  rmtZ  t#e^,  as   C-.*o-l  jjt 

Q         ws^jijj  ty*i  C-odglj  i/"  ^A«m  consentest  and  obey  est,  good  and  well ; 

^^'j   ly*i  4Jt^aJU    1-oj.j   ^h»  t/  one  performs  the  wudu   for  the 

Friday,  good  and  well.     This  is  explained,  by  an  ellipse,  as  equi- 

valent  to  ^1    3JLxiJ|    C~o*ij    J-oiJI   JL_j  iLaaJI  3I    abtiJI    djL^i 

A  dJLacwJI  6y  M'-i8  act  or  Practice  is  excellence  attained,  and  good 

is  the  act  or  practice.     Others  regard  ly*i  as  equivalent  to  lyj  <lLXni, 

\yi   AJbtf,  etc.,  keep  thou   to  it,  let  him  keep  to  it,  etc.  (see  §  59, 

D         rem.  a)  ;  and  other  words,  such  as  2j>Z}\  the  practice  of  the  Prophet, 

or  4«tfk»Jj|  the  ordinance  of  indulgence,  may  be  supplied  according 
to  circumstances. 

Rem.  b.     In  phrases  like  (j*~«*>)  J»*bu  ^5*^'  cM  ^b>  he  died  a 

little  before  the  Prophet,  j>\j\$  CHjiAl  ^>  J^^  "e  arrived  two 
months  and  some  days  after  this,  w»  is  the  w>  of  measure,  and  quite 
different  in  meaning  from  the  accusative  of  time  how  long :  jiL> 
^j^cyt  .jJbi  means  he  travelled  for  two  days  before  me,  profectus  est 

56]     The  Verb.— 3.  Gov't  of Verb.— (b)  Prepositions:  ^>.        163 

biduum  ante   me,   Germ,   er  reiste   zwei   Tage  lang  vor   mir,   but  A 
yj-yoyj.}    i*M  ./*'-'>  he  started  two  days  before  me,  profectus   est 
biduo  ante  me,   Germ,   er  reiste  ztvei  Tage  vor  mir  ab.     Observe 
that  w»  with  its  genitive  must  in  this  ease  always  be  placed  after 

'».*      -  o  * 

JkJ,  jju,  etc. 

Rem.  c.     The  preposition  without  is  expressed  in  Arabic   by 

..  o -  o,       a  j 

^L  and  j-o«->,   more  rarely  by  j+&  ^>-«  and  vj_3»^>  as  we^  as  ^he 
simple   ^ji  (§  69,  f).     *^j   can  be   used   only  with   an  indefinite 
substantive,  j*Ju  [and  j+e.  £ye,  as  also  ^jj  and  OL5*Vj  with  one    B 
which  is  either  definite  or  indefinite ;   as  j^==>   Jj>*  %4   QtJaJL.* 

~  s         s  ..     0 

§L»  *i)b  a  rwfer  without  justice  is  like  a  ro'rer  without  water ;  Cwk. 
jlj  ^U  £Aow  a?*<  co7?ie  without  (bringing  any)  provisioyis  ;  Zjjj~q  j*Ju 
without  necessity ;  JaJI  j+xj  unjustly ;  o^^  j-j*  ^>-o  ivithout 
controversy ;  \j\jy*  J»>5  *—**-'>**  O-*  without  sword  and  bloodshed. — 
Compare  in  Hebrew  K73,  t^3,   *^33  C 

[Rem.   d.     Observe  the  phrases   IJJy   ^)  ,^»o   ?cfo  i/n/£  6e  re- 
sponsible  to  me  for  such  a  thing  ?  (where  we  must  supply  ^J*o\*o) ; 

,  si  to  it  >a         i      0    * 

\yi  \j\  I  have  done  it  (where  C-tq.  may  be  supplied);  aJJb  t>a*J 
^b^  we  put  our  trust  in  God,  then  in  thee  (suppl.  iytj  or  Ji*J); 
\JjSs  ^jl^  ljt  -ib  ou£>  /<o«y  icilt  thou  be,  when  such  a  thing  is  the 
case  ?     The  w>  in  aJUt  ^-~j  denotes  according  to  some  the  aid  or 

i         ,oi 

instrument;   others  say  that  we  ought  to  supply  ^£J-Zj\   I  begin  J) 

s    siO*  Or  3  * 

xoith  tlie  name  of  God.  In  the  expressions  ju»^)t  jujj  o*JU  /  met 
in  Zeid  the  lion,  etc.  w>  is  the  equivalent  of  ^c,  see  §  48,  h.     On 

0  *  -  }  0  , 

the  expressions  <U-*j  yfc  or  a...a«..>  see  §  139.     On  the  use  of  w>  in 

0  -         o      oi 

the  formula  jujj  ^-oit  see  Vol.  i  §  184  and  rem.  a.] 

Rem.  e.     The  grammarians  denote  the  various  uses  of   w>  by 
saying  that  it  is  used  JjLoJ'ilU  to  express  adhesion  ;    i-i^JsJJ   /*>/*<? 

164  Part  Third.— Syntax'.  [§  57 

A         and  place  ;  ^~JLU  swearing  ;  <L».Ua«JJ,  or  aIJ^LoJU,  companionship 

'      0  Z  oi 

and  connection;  ujj^lU,  or  JXUJ,  to  render  an  {intransitive)  verb 

transitive;   AjUlw^U   to   indicate  the   instrument    of  whose  aid  we 

avai7  ourselves ;  A.W-JJ,  or  J-JjCJJ,  to  express  the  reason  or  cause; 

and  k</ajjALU,  ibli^JJ,  or  ,J>*.£U,  to  stoto  £Ae  recompense,  equivalent, 
or  jorice  given  for  anything. 

s    '  0    * 

B  57.  £*  (rarely  £*)  mYA,  a&m*?  w&A,  indicates  association  and 
connection  in  time  or  place  (<c;$j  3I  w>ULko^)l  ^IC«)  ;  as  jjto  jC 
/&?  travelled  with  me;  <uu>  JS*.  he  sat  with  him;    p^So    i*  ili£». 

u-^uJI  I  came  to  tJiee  with  the  rising  oftlie  sun;  [^Q^M  *»«  continually 
(prop.  a&>»<7  w^A  ^0  o?a?/s)] ;  Jv*-5'  £*  JJ^JI  r**"^  ^  devotion  cannot 
be  real  along  with  (is  incompatible  with)  ignorance ;  jajJti  U  jtpo  *.« 


C   <u*  wiVA  #Ae  repetition  of  that  portion  of  it  which  went  before  (repeating 

at  the  same  time  what  had  been  done  before) ;  \S\^  J&*  ^J-ij* 

^£**  and  my  substance  is  from  you  and  my  love  is  ivith  you.  Hence 
it  is  used  to  show  that  a  person  possesses  something  or  has  got  it  with 

him  ;  as  «j+a>~*  <£**<  Jjk  hast  thou  got  an  inkbottle  with  thee  /  ^5**  U 

J**i*  *$3  J^*i>  I  have  neither  dinar  nor  dirham  (neither  gold  nor  silver) 

by   me.      [Hence   li-*-«   according   to  our  opinion,    like   lijc-Lt].— 

D  Sometimes  it  signifies  in  addition  to,  besides;  as  Cjjs.  <uji»    **  in 

addition  to  his  being  (besides  his  being)  a  stranger. — More  frequently 

it  means  notwithstanding,  despite,  although ;  as  Altla^w  %*  J^5  despite 

,   .        ,  7  *      \        *   r*  <5o      /  ,     *0i<i,t0J*0' 

his  bravery  he  was  fouled;  «£U3  %^  J$~tj}\  o-*  »>***'  Jk**'  O^i^J 
Sj^U^JU  j*e\  no  one  was  more  clear-sighted  than  the  Apostle  (Muham- 
mad), and  notwithstanding  this,  he  was  ordered  to  consult  (others) ; 

f  0*3     s  3 ,  0  Z     ,  d^OfO     £  t     *  +         *  oto<o        0  *       0    •    *   *    * 

tUJI  ,j*o  (JttwI  j>j^\  ,jl   *.*  ^oLa^I  jajj*>  ^>t  ia^t  he  was  unable  to 

destroy  the  pyramids,  although  it  is  easier  to  destroy  than  to  build 
(compare  in  English  withal:  in  Hcb.,  Dy,  e.g.  Nehem.  v.  18,  nT"Dyi 

§58]     The  Verb. — 3.  Gov  t  of  Verb. — (b)  Prepositions :  £+.       165 

and  5    e.g.  Job  i.  22,  n^rS^,  Deut.  i.  32,  nttl   *QTOl,   Num.   A 
xiv.   11,  mntfn  7J2;  and  in  Pers.,  b  and  i>^  L»). — Lastly,   %* 

is  used  in  comparisons,  and  must  then  be  translated  into  English  by 

s-    i ,  *  )      ,  ay- 
compared  to,  in  comparison  with ;  as  jjj  a**o  j*a*J\  compared  with 

him  M-Hadir,  or  el-H}dr  (Elias,  the  wandering  Jew  of  the  Mu- 
hammadans),  is  a  tent-peg,  i.e.  fixed  and  motionless,  an  expression 
used  of  one  who  leads  an  unsettled  vagabond  life. 

Rem.      **  is,  as  the  Arab  grammarians  remark,  properly  the 
accusative  of  a  noun,  signifying  association,  connexion;  see  Vol.  i.    B 
%  359.     The  expression   out*  ^j*a  w**Aj,  /  ivent  away  from  beside 
him,  is  recorded  by  Slbaweih. — To  it  corresponds  in  Hebrew  Qj^ 
in  Syriac  1*11. 

58.  ,jjJ  (with  suffixes  ^JjJ,  bjJ,  ^jJ)  or  ^JjJ,  also  written 
IjJ  (with  suffixes  i^jJ,  ^jJ,  ajJ*),  is  a  comparatively  rare  word, 
signifying  beside,  near,  at  or  by,  in  the  possession  of  (Lat.  apud, 
Fr.  c^&z) ;  as  w>M  'jJ  Iajlw  LaMj  ««rf  they  found  her  lord  at  the  b 
door ;  ^U-w  )1  ^jjJ  ^^Xii\  31  when  (their)  hearts  shall  be  in  (their) 
throats;   <ujJ  .JJt   jUi^l  J-oil  jUJt   ,jl  jJltl  ^  believed  that  fire 

was  the  most  excellent  of  the  things  which  were  in  his  possession. 

*  ■»'  .  ...       *  _ 

Rem.  a.     ^jjj  chiefly  occurs  in  composition  with  ^j*c  (see  §  70), 

- ,»    o£  ^^  ..   -  ».«    ^^    »<» 

and,  like  that  preposition,  is  used  ^j\SLo  ^1  ^toj  ,»*  ijliJI  6ljJL>^) 

to  denote  the  commencement  of  the  limit  in  place  or  time.     It  may  be 

connected  with  a  proposition,  as   «ib  OJl  ,jjJ  »Uaj  j^JJj  and  J) 

thou  art  mindful  of  His  benefits  since  thou  art  grown  up;   [!3Ui 

b'ULi  ^jl  (jjj  ij£j*Zi  ^jt  («Jj-o  13JI/J  ffl»f^  ioAa£,  thinkest  thou,  did 

it  harm  me  that  thou  hatedst  me  since  we  greiv  up  ?] — When  con- 

nected  with   the  word   Sjjlc   morning,  it   usually  takes  it   in   the 

accus.,  as  w^jjdt)  0*0  l***"  Sjjic  ^j^  from  morning  till  it  (the  sun) 
^  e  j 

was  near  setting,  though  Sjjwi  is  admissible.     The  former  construe- 

1(5(5  Part  Third. — Syntax.  [§  59 

Z  *    0    J       J  *      Zt   *o  *     *  0     3* 

A  tion  is  explained  by  an  ellipse,  viz.  Sjjic  AfrLJI  C*Jl^  ^jJ  siwce 
the  hour,  or  ^?>ie,  was  morning.  If  another  word  be  connected 
with   Sjjic,   it  may  be  put  either  in   the  accus.   or  the  genit.,  as 

4vl        *  *       1  *     0  3         0     3  *  m 

iLJUtj  o^js-  vJjJ  from  morning  and  evening.     Some  grammarians 

5  <  o  3      o    j  *  m  *      * 

admit  the  nominative  likewise,  l^js-  (JjJ,  by  an  ellipse  of  \j\^, 

o  -  o  j       o    *    *       03* 
viz.    Sjjct    C-Jl£>    £)J>). 

Rem.  b.     ^jJ   differs  from   jUc   (§  66)   in   being  restricted  to 
B         material  objects  which  are  actually  with,  or  on  the  person  of,  the 

0       ..    ..  0  3  0  *0iO       *  I 

speaker  [or  the  person  spoken  of].    You  say  w>b>o  ^Ju*  J^ill  IJJk 

0  3  •  J  ^0 

tf/m  assertion  is  right  in  my  opinion ;  aj  j^s-  ^J^s  jJS-  So-and-so 

z  *  *  *  3         *  * 

knows  about  it;   not   ^jJ   and   jj^.3  i^jJ.      And  again  you  say 


JU  j^jUt,  /  have  money,  whether  it  be  about  your  person  or  not, 

9     *         S>     *    * 

whereas  JU   ^jJ   means   that  you   actually   have  it  about  you. 

to     J  * 

[O^  can  never  form  the  predicate  of  a  nominal  sentence.     One 

00**6**  ^  9  0  *        £  3* 

C         may  say  juj   to jJ  Zeid  is  with  us,  but  not  juj   UjJ.] 

59.     ^Ic  (with  pronominal  suffixes  ^^,  ^M^,  **^)  ww,  afow, 
2</w»,  is  used  : — 

*•  ,  0      0*> 

(a)    In  its  original  local  sense  (^XjCLj*^J,  to  denote  higher  elevation) ; 
as   gJauJI  (fc5Xc  juj  ^ic?  is  on  the  roof;   hu\».  ^kc  jsy*3  <^X+i\* 

D  and  it  (the  pigeon)  began  to  hover  over  a  wall ;  jjujiaJt  i^j^  ^>^\  >***3 
lie  found  a  person  upon  the  road ;  J^-j  Sjyo  l*5la*JI  ^e-  jJaJ  he  saw 

3     3         3        <r  i    *  * 

on  the  wall  the  figure  of  a  man ;  t>k5  w>W^  i^*  I  hud  on  cotton 
cbt/ies ;  «iUi)l  ^e-  .iU-o  ^>«j  Oul  Cjy-I  Ijli  and  when  thou,  and 
they  who  are  with  thee,  are  safe  on  board  the  ship.  The  same  sense  is 
further  exemplified  in  :  SjuUJI  ^-^  J~**f  ^  sat  at  tlie  table  (because 
a  person  sitting  at  table  rises  above  the  level  of  it) ;  j^i\  ^jXe  *»a5j 

§  59]     The  Verb.— 3.   Govt  of  Verb.— (h)  Prepositions:  ^j*.     167 

he  stood  by  the  river ;   *jb  w*W  ^t-  jut5  he  sat  at  the  door  of  his  A 


house;    ^J^i  ^»\j   ^Xc    *^aSj    ta    sfcxx?    by  the  head  of  So-and-so; 

when  he  was  very  eager  to  investigate  the  peculiarities  of  the  limbs  of 
animals;   [LlkuJUt    v>«   *%*  yLs.    ^j$\    ^s-   Aj^-iJt    the    village   is 

a  ,  ,   £  *  a ,  ,    *    * 

situated  at  a  distance  of  12  miles  from  el-Fostat\;  &Ae-  y>,  or  aAs.  jl*., 
fo  passed  by  him;  J*!/**'  ^5^  !/*■«'  ??"^-a'~',  O^9  ^-Haggag  was  B 
&ww*  (or  governor)  of  el-' Irak ;  %<^>  ^.U  «Jlb  &>  contemplated  or 
examined  something ;  j^-w  ^jXc  juLbl  fo  became  acquainted  with,  or 
acquired  a  knowledge  of  something ;  <sulc  1^3,  either  fo  (the  pupil) 
raw?  (a  &*>£)  fte/iwe  A/m  (the  teacher),  studied  under  him,  or  he  (the 
teacher)  read  (a  book)  to  him  (the  pupil) ;  ^yJ&  aJL/^JI  *$3  he  read  the 
letter  to  them ;  jL»a».»  ^^  SjA-eJt  w>U&j  I  ju  he  began  the  book  of  C 
(canonical)  prayer  before  Muhammad,  began  to  read  it  under  him  as 
his  instructor.  Similarly  in  the  phrases  :  (ly-Ac)  <*~^  ^Le.  he  (she) 
fainted  (lit.  #A«re  ims  a  covering  of  darkness  over  him  or  ^r) ;  ^5-0*' 

»  J»  ^  ^       s 

<uic  <fo.;  (lyJLft)  aJIc  ^5^*-*  in  a  faint ;  j<$~^  j^)<->  peace  be  upon 
you  !  <uic  aJJI  i«*.j  God's  mercy  be  upon  him  (may  God  hare  mercy 
on  him). 

(b)     In  a  hostile  sense,  in  which  case  it  can  generally  be  rendered  by  D 
against  or  upon;  as  «uXc  frx^"  he  went  out  against  him  (with  an  army), 
he  rebelled  against  him ;  [«ulc  Icj  he  cursed  him,  §  23  ;  a-Ic  (.^-^  ^ 
pronounced  a  (legal or  other)  decision  against  him,  as  opposed  to  ai  ^^]; 

a  *  *     *  ,   *  a  s  *     a       i* 

<suXfr^»a»Jb  he  rushed  upon  him:  *J»c  ,j*li  therefore  give  aid  against 
him;  ^>aw-^l  ^e-  j~aj  ,jl  ^jk^j  he  must  bear  his  troubles  patiently 
(lit.  otj/^  exercise  patience  against  them);  a^Icj  <«J*££  0>^  >*= 
aJ*  ia»^-  f/^^  Aw  intelligence  and  his  knowledge  may  not  become  an 

168  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  59 

,  b  *********  Oi    rf        J/       i/         JD      lV 

A  argument  against  him;    ^-^   Uj  lyJ  U  ^^aJI   asjjlc  aaA)\  learning 
is  the  soul's  cognizance  of  what  is  for  its  good  and  for  its  hurt  (see 

i   *  *  5  -  0      0* 

§  53,  &,  y).     Similarly  in   the  phrases  :    ,J&  (>*•>*•*)  *-**»«   difficult 

S  *  *  0         *  50/  3    *  *     9         *  ^ 

/or  me,  opposed  to  j^jXc  (j~~.i)  J^w  easy  for  me;  ^^  J-ij^  difficult 

i    *  *         0    «J/ 

./br  w^,  but  also  dlear  to  w^,  opposed  in  both  senses  to  ^.U  ^>*a  ; 

z  *  *    °    *  '  * ,    *    ^ 

(^jXc  (^a».  hidden  from  me,  obscure  to  me,  opposed  to  [Js-  ^A».  c/#w 

B   to  me.     It  is  therefore  construed  with  verbs  signifying  to  6e  angry 

with  and  to  incite  or  instigate ;  as  a*Xc  »»^c  /*.#  was  angry  with  him ; 

b  s  *       £      *     *      jOw'j     D^ 

<suit  LLa..->  <t-oX&  ^  he  did  not  speak  to  him  out  of  anger  with  him 

»*  *      *      *  >  a  *  *     *  * 

[and  <xAc  ,*-£>  he  was  content  with  him,  as  opposed  to  *Js-  ksi».»>] ; 
xAe.  ±rJ£i\  {£j£\  he  urged  on  the  dog  against  him,  set  the  dog  at  or 
upon  him   (<u  would   mean  lie  made  the  dog  attach  itself  to  him). 

Frequently,  however,  when  construed  with  these  latter  verbs,  it  does 
C    not  imply  a  hostile  movement  against  an  object,  but  merely  motion 

towards  it  to  get  possession  of  it  or  do  it*;  e.g.  J**l\  ^s-  wsaJt 

-  o  *       *  *  j  a    *       ui  *  j  j  }'    * 

urging  or  inciting  to  action ;  w>U£»  oL-^^aJ  ^Xc  dbl  ^^.^j****  o^Jo[^, 

they  talked  to  him,  urging  him  to  compose  a  booh;  J^»^»  S^».'^Ij/0a 

0     *    &*>  *   *        *         *  0     O-o 

j-j»JI  .Jlc  (jUJ'NM  concern  for  the  life  to  come  induces  man  to  do  well 

*  *0*>  *    »    i  *3  I  *  *         *    *    *    *  * 

(lit.  carries  him  towards  good);   aA-UUI  ^^cjJ)  ejus*  ^s.  ^iXox*.  U 
D  what  induced  you  to  set  up  this  empty  claim?     Hence   too   *>*>*•> 

0  0  0  * 

to  be  greedy  or  covetous,  and  its  derivatives  u"j*",  greed,  and  ^ajj*., 
greedy,  are  construed  with  ^j^-*-  and  the  genitive  of  the  thing 
coveted. — The  phrase  O*^  ^5^  J^->>  to  go  in  to  one,  is  used  when 

a,  ,         j  *  *  o 

*  [Hence  we  can  decide  only  by  the  context  whether  <x*Xc-  lyi^oJ 
and  similar  expressions  are  to  be  translated  by  they  collected  themselves 

«5«o  *    *      i  ^  *  t 

against  him  or  to  him.  Similarly  £,y£Jl  i^"*  <*-'^'  may  signify  '*" 
helped  him  to  avert  the  thing  or  to  accomplish  //.] 

§59]     The  Verb.— 3.  Govt  of  Verb.— (h)  Prepositions .  ^.      169 

the  person  sought  is  in  his  house  or  room,  so  that  we  actually  find  A 
him  ;  &*&  ,JI  J*-i  merely  means  to  go  into  one's  house  or  room. 

(c)  Of  a  debt  which  one  owes,  and  a  duty  which  is  incumbent 
upon  one ;  as  ,>j>  aJLc  he  owes  a  debt,  opposed  to  ^jJi  ai  a  debt  is 
due  to  him ;  o'j^-*  ,iM*  \^  thou  oicest  me  two  dinars  (see  §  53,  b, 
rem.  d)  \  j^~~ »  J^»  L5^  a-*l>j^voJ*"  w-JJ»  ffo  search  after  knowledge 
is  an  ordinance  for  every  Muslim  (every  Muslim  is  bound  by  divine 

*  i       *  *  » *     a  i     -  9*  - 

command  to  seek  after  knowledge) ;  tjjk  Jjiaj  ^j\  dLic  it  is  incumbent  B 

upon  thee  to  do  this,  thou  must  do  this;   4--iJ.  sj^  jj*»Z3  jjl  ^Lle 

thou  must  refrain  from  slander  or  backbiting.     [Hence  it  is  employed 
with  verbs  signifying  to  decree,  to  make  incumbent  or  unavoidable,  as 

^i>3,J^i,  J^jl,  wi^>,  etc.] 

(d)  Of   the    advantage,   superiority,   or    distinction,   which  one 

-    *  *   ,9*  -  -  *  s~  J     9   s 

person  or  thing  enjoys  over  another ;    as  i£5*}*.*Jt    ^Xc  j»$\   J-ai 
Adam's  superiority  over  the  angels;   UijJI    S^*aJI    (j^s^JL-j    ^>jJJI 
Sja.'Vi   ^JLc    who   love  the  present   life   more  than   the   lije  to  come;    C 
oj+s.  ^JU  (»jU».l)  «pi  he  preferred  it  to  the  rest,  selected  it  in  preference 
to  the  others. 

(e)  Of  the  condition  in  which  any  one  is  in  respect  to  religion, 
trade  or  profession,  health,  fortune,  mental  or  bodily  gifts,  etc. 
(properly,  the  ground  or  basis  on  which  he  stands  in  these  respects). 

For  example  :  ^y£»jjLo  >jj*  ^Jte  ^tJ!  people  follow,  or  conform  to, 

the  religion  of  their  kings;   %^i   ^s-   ^jLaJI    C— ~J   >y^\    CJ13  D 

the  Jews  say,  The  Christians  are  not  (grounded)  upon  anything,  have 

nothing  to  stand  upon  ;  »~>— *J.  o^>  ^5^  O^9  ^  followed  the  religion 

J    J      -  9  -         ^        -  -  -  *,**&■»  ,         9  ' 

of  the  Messiah ;  ojjuju   >j\£=>  U  o*iU-  ^ic  \y>\  jl*~>  ^>J  fo  /»«»» 
nothing  contrary  to  what  he  believed ;   ^L~JI   5jy>o  ^^  w-J«  ^y* 

3    J*     »*      oi 

\J&  j^  J>\  no  matter  whether  they  be  endowed  with  human  form  or  not; 

3     i  &,       *,     0*  *      9  *  3*,  ,    ,    3>»       *  3         if  *  '  3i  j  «>        1,3*  -■' 

«-      TT  90 

170  Part  Thtrd.— Syntax.  [§  59 

A  he  loved  a  slave-girl,  endowed  with  the  highest  degree  both  of  beauty 

0       OtO       i  0 

and  of  knowledge  of  singing  and  instrumental  music;   [u..«aJI  ^^\ 

2  0,       10  *c,  0  ,         1  0  *0  0*0*  ,  , 

\*i**>  ^f^>h  O-t^  ytx^^  0-iJy°  yjr*  the  common  noun  is  divisible  into 
two  classes;   (it   is)   a  noun  denoting  a  concrete   object,  or  a  noun 

0  *  ,  ,i  , 

denoting  an  abstract  idea]  ;  aJx.  \j\  U  the  state  or  condition  in  which 
I  am ;  jt*^  ls*^  v***-'  O*  {j^  <£~^  ■*  w<*>8  going  to  comply  with 
(the  orders  of)  the  emirs  messenger;  SJJ  ^Xc  si-^-w  w'^i  many 
B  «  cwp  have  I  quaffed  with  delight;  aXa£  j>*».  ^A*  <».u»>»oJI  J^oj 
tyJUkl  (^  «ne?  ^e  entered  the  city  at  a  time  when  its  inhabitants  were 
off  their  guard  ;  jJkjJI  Jj^  ^.U,  or  O^UJI  ^^Xc,  amw?  ^  changes, 


or  vicissitudes,  of  time  ox  fortune;  j^jUJI  ^Xc  always,  continuously, 
(f)     Of  the  ground  on  which,  the  cause  or  reason  why,  one  does 

11O,       ,,,0,,     i,,i  >  §  < 

a  thing ;  as  *&**i  ^  U  l^U  «Jk*.t  /*#  was  seized  with  a  passion  for 
her  which  he  could  not  restrain  (lit.  there  seized  him  on  her  account 

,  ,    ,  ,  ,  ,  it         10,0* 

C    something  which  he  could  not  master) ;   *^o  U  ^e-  aJJ  *x+aJ  I  praise 

,     ,   1  O-o  0  ,  ,   ,  11         ,  1 

belongs  to  God  for  what  He  has  done;   31^1^ I  j)jj  ^s-  <wUj»  he 

reproached  him  for  having  neglected  to  send  him  a  present  in  return ; 

JqSJjJo  U  j^JLp  aJUI  Ijj^XJj  and  that  ye  glorify  God  for  having  guided 


you;   ,JU  <£JLJafct   %^  ^j\  ^&  why  am  I  to  give  you  my  money? 

,  ,  o  i,        ,  ,ci      ,  i  i  ,  ,        ,   -   '       0,0,1*  o*>,    £"    .  '  if     i  *  I- 

a  $/aw,  whether  female  or  male,  fetches,  without  taking  account  of  any 
J)  accomplishments  they  may  possess,  only  for  their  faces,  a  thousand 
dinars  and  more] ;  AU  aj!  ^Xs.  sU.  he  came,  on  the  ground  of  his 
being  a  king;  A^».t  a31  ^Xe  ^iXX^JI  vW  ^31  he  came  to  the  king's  gate, 
pretending  to  be  his  sister ;  ^U  a-Xc  ^Iwl  ^  I  do  not  ask  you  for 

0,   ,       ~,  .  0,,  f       ,01 

money  on  that  account  (scil.  a*Xc  ^Uj  building  upon  it,  or  aJ^  t*>^I** 

0  t  ,,        ~, 

relying  on    it) ;    particularly   in    the   common   phrase   o'    kJ^    *^4 
building  upon,  reckoning  or  relying  upon,  such  and  such  a  thing. 

§59]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov  t  of  Verb.— (h)  Prepositions :  ^.     171 

(g)    Of  the  terms  or  conditions,  as  the  ground  or  basis,  on  which  A 
anything  is  done;    as  J»j-i3l  tjuk  ^^  on  this  condition;  ^I^jI*.! 

^x^jijiC  1  '  'l     '  7  7  J-  7  •  7        • 

C^LJb  «jjuo-{   jjt   ■***   <*U3  ^  consented  to  this  proposal  oj   theirs, 

o«  condition  that  they  should  aid  him  {by  providing  him)  with  weapons; 
^oJkp  oUI  jJLt  <l»JLs  &?  made  peace  with  him  on  (the  condition  that  he 
should  pay  him)  a  thousand  dirhams. 

(h)     In  saying  that  one  thing  happens  in  spite  of  or  uotwith-   B 
standing  another  thing,  which  might  have  prevented  it ;   as  «£bjkcl 

«iXL>  f^  jjlc    /   will  punish  thee,   notwithstanding   thy  great  age 

(lit.  mi  thy  state  of  great  age,  see  J) ;  <tw  ./*-*  i>_5Xc  ' «*-<!  ,Jji3  />e  x/t- /<• 

a  //#«,  notwithstanding  his  extreme  youth  ;  lyjjl— «  ^^Xt  ^Sj^  J*^' 

horses   run,   notwithstanding   their    vices,  or    diseases;   ^JJ    ibj    ,jt 
^oy^JLb  (JLc  ^UU  5^ii^6  tvW/y  thy  Lord  is  merciful  unto  men,  despite 

their  throng-doing  (compare  ?$?,  Job  x.  7,  xvi.  17);  [CH^I  ^^  ly*s    C 

*  '• 

Jlijt  .^«  can  gallop  in  spite  of  her  fatigue.     It.  S.] 

(/)     Of  the   rule  or  standard   according   to  which   something   is 
done ;   as  SJbjJaJI   ajub  ^&  a/ter  i^/s  manner ;   ii»j*a*-e  i. — i     Jit 

according  to  a  duly  observed  proportion;   wJfll    ^    C-^tj    U   .-U 

according  to  what  I  have  seen  (stated)  in  books;  ol£».  U  ^z 
according  to  what  he  related.     [Hence  its  construction  with  the  verbs  D 

that  signify  to  fashion,  to  mould  (Jt**.,  P^9,  j^-  <— >"*>  a"  ^-^q- 
lyJt  elwl  ^.©  jiijj  ^-«J'  ^>—^1  ^yo  w**-  ^5^c  V.*^'  hearts  are 
created  with  a  tendency  to  love  him  who  does  good  to  them  and  to  hate 

*  *  *      J      O*  o        J   *     0     J 

him  who  does  evil  to  them ;  <i«a:L>  ^c  iiaJJI  J*»»~»  </  word  is  made  to 
accord  inform  with  its  contrary  in  meaning.     D.  G.] 

(j)     Of  the  thing  of  which  we  speak,  which  forms,  as  it  were,  the 
basis  of  our  conversation  (compare  super,  Germ,  fiber) :   as  .JL*  Jli 

172  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  59 

s      \  *         it  *o  *  *       <      j      j  *       oi 

A  «^Ji  he  said  concerning  this,  on  this  matter ;   U  aJJI  ^e-  (j^Jyu  j>\ 

*         )  *  6  ,       s 

(j^«Jl*j  *$  or  do  ye  say  concerning  (or  of)  God  what  ye  know  not  ? 

[{k)  Of  a  person  who  is  excluded  or  thrust  back  (comp.  ^33, 
§  69,  f),  as  j**$\  l«x*  ^ov*^  'Vv  ma^e  yourselves  masters  of  this 
business  over  their  heads,  excluding  them  (Tab.  i.  1841,  1.  13,  1842, 
1.  10,  13) ;  a-JUj  ^yj  ^^U  ^Ut  SJujJI  j^Ij  ^jL;  ^PjI  he  made  the 
whole  land  of  er-Rabada  public  pasture  ground,  without  taking  notice 
B  of  the  claims  of  the  Benu  Ta'laba  (Tab.  i.  1879,  1.  6) ;  bjj^  U-icj^JI 
dost  thou  grant  protection  to  our  enemy  in  spite  {defiance)  of  us?  D.  G.] 

St  *  * 

Rem.  a.     Observe  the  following  phrases  :   <u  ^jX*  fetch  him  to 

J    J    6  J  u  d   10  '  r 

me,  scil.  I^JL^jl  or  some  similar  word  (see  b,  at  the  end) ;  iHJ/JI  ^jr^ 
t^j-jJIj  {it  is)  upon  the  head  and  eye,  i.e.  it  shall  be  done  most 
willingly  and  promptly ;  JkJpl  <Jlft  on  an  empty  stomach,  fasting 
(lit.  on  the  saliva) ;  &*$**  (»iU»«,  J^*)  O**"  lj^*  ^n  ^ie  ^met  or 
C  reign,  of  So-and-so  ;  (d  jj)  &j  ju  ,<k;,  or  simply  a*Xc,  by  his  means, 

*        J  J  *  *  *  •  0  *  *         *  "     ** 

through  him,  as  ^JLLjj  .Jit  Uj  jcCj  La  UjIj  a?i(i  ^ive  ws  what  Thou 
hast  promised  us  by  Thy  apostles,  aSy*j  v^LJ  ,-Xe.  <*J15  He  said  it 
by  the  mouth  (lit.  tongue)  of  His  apostle*  ;  [<2X*Xfc  *$  for  ^XJs.  ^b  N) 

'si*  0  £  sis,  * 

there  is  no  fear  for  thee  (§  39,  d,  rem.  a),  ,Jjuu  ^j\  <iLAft  ^  o?o  ^<;/t«£ 

</iOM  likest];  and  the  adjurations  <£JUU>  aAJU,  <£l*U  ^La*j,  /  implore 

thee  by  God,  by  my  life  (to  do  so  and  so),  which  are  usually  followed 

D         by  the  particle  ^1  [or  loJ]>  lit.,  this  oath  with  all  its  consequences 

be  upon  you,  if  you  do  not  do  so  and  so. — The  phrase  ljuj  ^L-U 
seize  Zeid,  has  already  been  mentioned  in  §  35,  b,  0,  rem.  b.     In  this 

sense  .iXJlt  is  also  construed  with  the  preposition  u  [§56,  b] ;  as 
Jl».jJU  jf*-(^£-  attack  those  men,  i^l^-Jb  ^JCJLfi  invade  el-Yemama ; 

*  [O*^*  O^  LC^  often  signifies  tinder  somebody  s  name,  i. e.  falsely 
ascribed  to  him.     D.  G.] 

§  61]    The  Verb.— 3.    Govt  of  Verb.—  (b)  Prepositions  :  Ju*.     173 

Rem.  b.     As  being  originally  a  substantive,  iJLfc  niay  take  the   A 

a  "      o 

preposition  ^o  before  it,  ^JLc  ^j-e  from  off  (lit.  from  upon,  Heb. 

,*  ,  *       a  *  * , 

/$&)  '}    3lS  *~>j*  L5^"^   0~*   dP   he  dismounted  from  his  horse ; 

a  *  ^ ,      e        , --  -  s *       a*  «•      o  a    *  * 

*H-k  i«JLe  i^y*  jii  he  sprang  from  off  its  bock  ;  jju  <slJ^  ^a  Ojcc 


Ift^oi?  ^oJ   l«  sAe  (the  bird  called  kata)  Ze/7!  i'2  (Aer  young  or  Aer  «es£) 
in  £Ae  morning,  after  her  time  of  abstinence  from  tcater  was  at  an 

*  *      a         -    si 

end  {when  she  could  no  longer  abstain  from  drinking) ;  ^Ae-  ^yc  C-Jt 

*  *i  io        *  *      a  *t  *  *-a*» 

jJto^uJI  (JLc  ^yc   \j\j   v>*«-JI  thou  on  the  right  hand  and  I  on  the   B 

j  a  j 

60.  To  these  three  classes  of  prepositions  may  be  added  Ju-o 

a  *  -  ,  , 

or  Ju»  since,  $  and  C»  by  (in  swearing),  and  ,£)  like,  as. 

61.  Ju«  is  derived,  by  assimilation   of  the  first   vowel,   from 
0-»  and  jj  (see  Vol.  i.  §  340,  with  rem.  c,  and  §  347,  with  the  rem.  b   C 

and  e,  and  compare  the  phrase  J-3  ^j  ^  i>*s*  '^  ht  may  return 

.  .  .  .  * j 

to  Aw  Jormer  condition).     It  is   contracted  into   Xc,  which  usually 

becomes  in  the  wasl  Jw©  (see  Vol.  i.  §  20,  d  and  §  358,  i).  These 
words  signify  from  which  time,  and  may  be  construed  with  the 
nominative  as  well  as  the  genitive,  the  latter  being  more  particularly 
used  when  a  yet  unexpired  period  of   time  is   spoken   of*.      For 

*  [Theoretically  jJ~o  or  jwe  is  construed  with  a  definite  noun  of    D 

time  in  the  nominative  to  designate  the  terminus  a  quo,  as  >ojj  Jus 

'  *  J 

** orti  II  *"ince  i£  teas  Friday,  i.e.  since  /a.<?£  Friday  ;  with  an  undefined 

noun  of  time  in  the  nominative,  when  the  expired  period  is  spoken  of, 
as  iw  Jl«  e<  w  a  year  since ;  with  a  defined  noun  of  time  in  the  geni- 

a  -a«j    i  a  ) 

tive  to  mark  a  yet  unexpired  period,  as  j»^J  I  JwU  since  the  beginning 

of  this  day,  i.e.  to-day.  But  in  course  of  time  the  construction  with 
the  genitive  prevailed  in  all  cases.  Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr. 
i.  408—411,  ii.  100  seq.] 

174  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  61 

-  a  j  a«»    ja->       ju     jjtf/ 

A  example:   As^aJI  jb^j  Jo*  aZjIj   U  /  Aaw  not  seen  him  since  last 
Friday  (lit.  ^  terminus  a  quo  is  Friday),  or  oWi  «■**•  ^r  ^  ^*^ 

1 SA     9    f      0  J  at       a  -  5£       a  J  ii      »  J 

two  days,  or  Jjl  jt>\s-  Ju>  xince  last  year,  or  u~«\  ^>«  Jjt  ,j««  J^l  Juo 
smctf  ^  e?a?/  before  the  day  before  yesterday;  ^)-JJI  oLsuJt  J.* 
jjljjjl  0*5^  jJI  yl'ora  midnight  till  the  time  when  the  sun  has  passed 
the  meridian;   <ubaJu*o  ,JI  j^uJI  Jjl  j^  from  the  first  of  the  month 

Q*b       a  j  >■      o  *      s      *  a  i  ssOJs'Q't 

B   to  the  middle  of  it ;  O^oJJ  ^j  ?-~£u  Oj-ac  J*}L«I  ^jUlft  J^  jj  j^  \ 
»Jl.o  JJ&Jlj  Aas£  thou  not  seen,  for  the  last  two  years,  the  kings  of 

9     m  *        Jvii       J  '  a  t       *•£ 

cwr  £ime  summoned  by  fate  to  death  and  slaughter  l  *5l».  <ul  ^*'  ^' 

it      *  o  •     j  &  j 
ja\j\  i^^a.  Ju*  I  know  that  he  has  been  starving  for  the  last  five  days ; 

IJjb  Uj^i  J*«  Al»JL£9  U  /  have  not  spoken  to  him  since  (the  beginning 

of)  this  month,  or  U*^j  Jl«,  or^oj-JI  Ju«©,  since  this  morning,  to-day. 

C  Rem.  a.     The  lexicographers  give  the  rare  forms  Ju*  and  J*. 

— Jco  may  be  pronounced  in  the  wasl  as  J~e,  and  the  forms 
jbyA  t  and  >&jJ  t  J-o  are  also  mentioned. 

j  a  } 

Rem.  6.     Ju*  and  Jus  are  used  0*-*P'  l**  *d^*"  &'»**^  to  denote 
tlie  commencement  of  the  limit  in  time,  or,  as  it  may  be  otherwise 
expressed,  to  denote  jl-o^I  £/ie  starting-point,  or  Sjl^JI  JjI  £/*,e  com- 
D         mencement  of  the  period,  and  Sj^oJI   *■*<**.  '/<<e  wAo^e  of  the  period. 

>    a    >  a  J 

Rem.  c.  JlJ-«  and  Jw«  never  take  a  pronominal  suffix,  and 
cannot  be  joined  with  any  substantives  but  those  which  denote 
time.    They  may,  however,  be  directly  connected  with  propositions ; 

as  Jjla-    Ju»o  <0 t«  I*  /  Aave   ?to<  seew  /n»i  since  he  was  born,  or 

^a^J I  j)*-j  Ju-o  si/ice  iAe  ^ri6e  departed ;  Ju*  0*>:,a* -"^ ^  W**»»ft  »x5 

ijj j-Juc  l^_T:g^  ye  <?yo  Aave  ^ye(/  as  companions  since  ye  were  little  ; 

u*:^  ^o^S^I  ^  «J^*  vff^j^i  i5*~*^!  >»*  rt0  ^v e  (however  comfortable) 

§62]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  '3,  o.     175 
has  made  me  forget  you,  since  the  time  that  I  have  not  met  you  (since   A 

*       s   i  s   s      1      s  s       o     -  -  s       a  i       s   s       - 

I  no  longer  meet  you);  l^«.3  djljt  olju  OjJU  Joe  ^Jlj  U  he  has  not 
ceased  to  be  handsome  from  the  day  his   hands  fastened  his  robe ; 

i       s      si      t  i        s    ,  a*3  ai        i  3  - 

*iU   Ul   j*  JUJI   i«*j'   ^-Jj   \-*   I  have  not  ceased,  to  seek  after 
wealth  from  the  time  I  grew  up. 

o  it  i  _s  s      o  i  a  i 

Rem.  d.    The  Bedawln  use  ^«  instead  of  Ju*,  as  «Uw  yj**  =  j^o 

<Uw.    Compare  the  Kor'an,  ix.  109,  j»^>  J^l  ^^  ^-yLJI  .JU  Lr~*\ 
which  teas  founded  upon  the  fear  of  God  from  the  first  day.  B 

62.     The  particle  $,  which   is   frequently   used   in   swearing,   is 

ii     *Os 

construed  with  the  genitive  of  the  object  sworn  by  ;  as  aJJt^  by  God ! 

,  >  si*       *    s  s 

***£}\  w»j^  by  the  Lord  of  the  Ka'ba  (the  mosque  of  Mekka) !     This 

j  is  employed,  however,  only  when  a  substantive  follows,  and  the 
verb  of  swearing  is  omitted  ;  before  a  pronominal  suffix,  as  well  as 
when  the  verb  is  expressed,  the  preposition  w>  must  be  used  (see  §  56).    C 

Sometimes  the  particle  o  is  prefixed  to  ^,  as  aJdl^i  by  God  then  ! — 

The  particle  O  (the  origin  of  which  is  very  obscure  [comp.  Vol.  i. 
§  356,  b,  footnote])  is  construed  like  j,  but  is  seldom  used  except  in 

il  >Os 

the  oath  aJJU  by  God!    Other  examples  mentioned  by  the  gram- 

s  o  siio     m  **  **  * 

marians  are  :  <ux£H  ^p  by  the  Lord  of  the  Ka'ba,  i*ij3  %  mil  Lord, 

I       0    i    f»S  S  s       s       s 

*-ji\3  by  the  Compassionate,  and  «£ULa*J  by  thy  life. 

Rem.  a.     The  oath  (^JUt),  whether  expressed  by  w>,  j,  or  O,  j) 

-     sB**  J        s      s 

requires  a  complement  (^-JUI  wjl^*.),  of  which  the  following  are 
the  principal  conditions.  If  the  complement  be  an  affirmative 
nominal  proposition  (A.ZJic  <u^wl  aJLoj*.),  it  is  introduced  by  J,  as 

ills         5  i     s     1  s  il    s9s 

diy*>j  j>qt»  p)  aJJIj   by  God,  verily  Muhammad  is  His  apostle;  or 

5  lllsZZsli  it    S3  s  s 

by  >J\,  as  aiyaj  Ijipffc  o  ^j\  aJUIj,  in  which  case  J  may  be  prefixed 
to  the  predicate,  as  aiy^ji  \j**m**  ,j!  <sdUI^.     If  the  complement 

176  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  63 

o  -  *oj    9  Z    a       o  -  o  j 

A         be  an  affirmative  verbal  proposition  (a*,***  aJIss  aA**.),  with  the 

verb  in  the  perfect,  it  requires  jJU,  as  ^y*.  ^t  >5Ua  jJU  aJJIj  &y 
GW,  !46?7  Ct«M  is  dead  indeed ;  but  if  the  verb  be  in  the  imperfect, 
it  takes  the  energetic  form,  with  ^J  prefixed,  as  ^JUi1})  aJUI^  by 
God,  I  will  do  it !  [see  §  19,  a].  If  the  complement  be  negative,  no 
particle  is  prefixed  to  the  ordinary  negatives  U  and  *^ ;  as  Uo  aJU  1^ 

B         w>3^»  jL«a^  %  ^°^j   Muhammad  is  not  a  liar  ;  w>J^>   U  aAJI^ 

ju»a».o  by  God,  Muhammad  has  not  lied ;  ^c^\  ^<yi  *j)  aJUIj  by 

God,  the  believer  shall  not  perish !  [On  the  oath  preceding  con- 
ditional sentences,  see  §  17,  c,  rem.  a,  (1).] 

Si     *  *  Ot  '        W    v5    fO       J       J 

Rem.   b.     In  such  phrases  as  ^JLai*})  w^JI  jj*o  6y  i/*e  Lord,  I 

will  do  it !  i~tj  £)**,  or  ..jj  ^po,  &?/  my  Lord  !  aJJI  ^>*,  aJJl  j^-e, 

■  i      ■» 

aJUI  ^>-«,  and  aJU!^,  6y  GW/  the  words  ^«  and>*  are  abbreviations 

5    J  Oc 

Q         of    ^>©->l   oaths  (see  Vol.  i.  §  19,  rem.  b),  which   is   contracted  in 


various  other  ways.  Some  grammarians,  however,  regard  ^J*6  and 
jj*o  in  .jjj  ^^-e  as  being  really  the  preposition  sj^  (§  48). 

63.     Among  the  prepositions   is   usually  reckoned   3)  as,   like. 
This  is,  however,  not  a  preposition,  but  a  substantive,  synonymous 

with  JjLo  likeness.  It  is  formally  undeveloped  (like  ji),  but  may 
stand  in  any  case  as  oLa*,  or  governing  word,  to  a  following  noun 
D  in  the  genitive  (see  §  73) ;  as  Sj—JiJl^  4u*1j  ^£-}  and  on  the  top 
of  it  (the  pillar)  is  (something)  like  a  pointed  cap,  =  5^....*XaJ  1  Jl« ; 
^jtlsJl^>  Jatkw  ^ji  .yv-o  J)J  nothing  hinders  oppressors  (or  wrongers) 
like  a  lance-thrust ;  Uu*~o  ^».U£»  ^UU  ^•►aj  ^  2lil  wo  owe  crows 
owr  thee  like  a  feeble  boaster  (one  who  has  little  reason  to  boast) ; 
JplSj-JUo  with  {a  horse)  like  a  falcon  (in  speed)  =  Jpliy-JI  J~+t ; 
J^oJI   jjjl^    ^>t    ^>JCaLcu   f//«/  /a;^  so  as  to  show  (teeth)   like 

§63]      The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  i>.      177 
melting  hailstones  (as  white  as  hailstones);  <u,>U)1  Zj»..D\  ^y  j±ZJ  A 

•x  e..  z,a*>  * 

*J1  (^U  OwjJI£»  it  makes  in  (at  the  foot  of)  an  aged  tree  (something) 

o  *a*a       '  o  3*  a  *  ojo  *        j    6  j 

like  a  cell,  to  which  it  resorts,  =  C~JI  J£«  ;   j^-^JUl^  j^J   ft  p«te 

forth  (something)  like  two  horns.     The  name  of  preposition  can  be 
applied  to  it,   at  the  most,  only  when  it  virtually  stands   in  the 

accusative,  as  a   ii-e,  adjective  or   relative  adjectival  clause,  to   an 


infinitive  which  is  understood  ;  as  Ju>£»  C*£».  thou  earnest  like  Zeid, 

i.e.  jl»j  (6(^a^-«   J-**)  5(^5^-*^  £»a».«  c-i*.   f^<w  earnest  a   coming  13 

///•«  £&?  coming  of  Zeid.     Or  we  might  regard  it  as  being  a  Jl»-. 
or  conditional  expression,  dependent  upon  the  pronominal  suffix  of 

the  second  pers.  sing.  masc.  in  C*£a.  as  J^li  or  agent;  i.e.  c«a 
(juj  JJU)  juj^  U5l£»  ^/>«  earnest  being  like  ZZid. 

Rem.  a.  i)  is  [frequently  joined  to  the  personal  pronouns  of 
the  3d  person,  as  yj=>.  LS^9'  W^'  etC-'  sometiines  ftlso  to  those  of  C 
the  2d  and  1st  person,  as  wJl£»,  Ul^.  but]  very  rarely  to  a 
pronominal  suffix,  as  ^M  ,>y^  *^j  a£s  *^j*^».  *^j  ^IL*j  ^^J  *$j 
*}Lbl».  araf  <Aow  rfos£  «orf  see  a  husband  or  wives  like  him  and  like 
them,  save  one  who  is  jealons  :  and  equally  rare  is  the  use  of  the 
redundant  U  after  it,  as^»jl*.j  aJx^oj^a^*  ^UJI  l»3  aj!^JL*jj 
a/w£  ?ce  Atiom?  <A«<  fe  w,  ^'A-e  (other)  men,  sinned  against  and  sinning 

J  9  * 

(vejUfc.  in  rhyme  for  j»j\t*.).     In  Hebrew  £^3  and  CH3    or  DH3     D 
are  used ;   but  with  the  other  pronominal  suffixes  )f22  =  U^  is 
always  employed,  as  also  occasionally  before  substantives. 

Rem.  b.     ,*)    is   sometimes   used    redundantly   along  with   the 

*  »  a    +  a     +         *  a* 

synonymous  JJU;  as  i,.2/  a.^^.^  ^^J  there  is  nought  like  Him. — 

a  -  a  -i-  ' 

[On  the  compounds  j^s  and  ^>i^  see  Vol.  i.  §§  351,  rem.,  353, 

..    a  i      ,  , 

rem.  e.     On  the  elliptical  phrase  C-Jl  U^  keep  where  thou  art,  sec 
w.  ii.  23 

178  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  64 

A         the   Gloss,    to   Tabarl.     Sometimes    Loj£»   means   as  soon   as,    e.g. 

J    }    0  *  *   *  0  *>  * 

iJa.jJ  l«£»  j^t  salute  as  soo?i  as  thou  enterest.     D.  G.] 

Rem.  c.     i)  is  said  by  the  grammarians  to  be  used  <uJbJU  to 
compare  (one  object  with  another). 

[Rem.  d.     \+£s  may  be  prefixed  adverbially  to  a  verbal  clause, 
like   l^jj    (§  84,    rem.   b)   and   with  just   the   same   meaning,    as 

r    J    *    »£         *    *  ij»*3*         *         10         +    *  0*0 

jXftaJt   \+£s  ig^j^3    *&**!   U^»  lVj^**^'  wait  for  me,  perhaps  I 
B         may  come  to  thee,  and  look  out  for  me,  perhaps  I  may  overtake  thee  ; 

>***i  *o*  *>*)**  *>  **i  j  e*>     *     *o  *         *    gj 

<x5l^i»   ^y«  j*$sA\    ^$J^u    l©^    a5UJ   ^>-o   &}\   jjL-s-iJ   oJLS  /  said 

to    Seiban,   try  to   draw  near  to   him    (the   ostrich),  perhaps   thou 
mayest  procure  a  morning  meal/or  the  men  with  his  roasted  flesh.~\ 

64.     Many  words,  which  are  obviously  substantives  in  the  accu- 
sative of  place  (see  §  44,  b),  may  be  conveniently  regarded  in  a  certain 

*    0    *         *0  **  *    0*  *       0    *         *0*  *       J 

sense  as  prepositions ;  e.g.  >**->,  J^,  J~3,  ^j*j,  c-o*j,  <jf>i,  and  ^y 

*  0    *  .  0     0*  *    * 

C         65.    $*J  (the  accusative  of  j»»-J,  the  nomen  verbi  of  U»J  to  go 

*  o  *   *    j      *  a  j 
towards ;  comp.  §  82,  g)  means  (a)  towards  a  place,  as^a»J  03j*~>i  j** 

d  *  j  o-o  0  *  _  *£**»**** 

^juLpJI  Cw  then  they  will  journey  towards  Jerusalem ;  2£©  ^s*J  p-j*- 
he  set  out  towards,  or  in  the  direction  of,  Mekka;  and  (b)  according 

0  *     *    0   * 

to,  as  dAy*  ^a*J  according  to  his  saying,  as  he  says  (compare  the  use  of 
J  in  §  53,  d). 

*  0  50 

D         66.     juc  (the  accusative  of  juc  a  side  or  quarter)  signifies  beside, 

*   0**      *  0  ***i*0  ****** 

near,  by;  as  [JaSUJI  jjs.  at,  near  the  wall] ;  jjlij  «jus  **cu  0^*5 
*  *  *  *  *  \* 

*     *  *0&      i         -  0*       St  i  *0** 

and  he,  used  to  lay  notebooks  beside  him  ;  j»*}£)\  ^j£»j  *$  \j\  \^*^i3 

0  w      j  *  0 

4->3]r'  *9]  »jue  «w^  ^e  m?«tf  ?w£  commence  to  speak  before  him  unless  with 

his  permission.     Used  of  time,  it  shows  that  something  is  closely 
connected  with  what  took  place  at  a  particular  time,  by  happening 

.    ,  .  .  0  *****  * 

either  simultaneously  or  immediately  after ;  as  ajy*  juc  Jui  and  he 

§66]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  jj*.     179 

said  as  he  was  dying;  u~+&)\  p>^»  J^  ^X^a-  /  c«/we  to  thee  at  A 
sunrise;  »£u3  jut  m?^&£  £ws  took  place  or  immediately  after  this  took 
j0&w#,  hereupon;  L*  julc  whilst,  during,  or  immediately  after. — 
Further,  jUt,  like  *-»  (§57),  implies  [a] possession  and  [6]  comparison; 
as  (a)  ji».bj  jUji  "Njl  ^jjJ^e.  rj\£s  U  /  Aac?  aw/y  a  so/</fe  a7»«y  %  w  ; 
^UM  juc  U  «:Aa£  ^  people  have  or  possess;  ^juc  ^oXJ  JyH  ^ 
aXJI  o^Lf*'  ^^o  ?w^  say  ^  you,  With  me  (known  to  me)  are  the  hidden  B 
Mjh#s  0/  GW;  [a*.^  O^  ****  1^  -^  want  a  ^"wgr  0/  s?<cA  a  one; 

9    0s'      SO   *       3,6 

J-aij  j-».  «juc  A<?  possesses  goodness  and  excellence.     Hence  you  say 

**     * a        a   «■    - 

of  a  woman  (j'ib  juc  c-Jl£»  sA^  ^#as  married  to  such  a  one,  in  which 

*      a  *  *  *  a  *  ,  ,  , 

signification  it  is  a  synonym  of  CoJ  (§  68) ;  (b)  ^j~t  jus  <su«»  ^i-*  jJLc 

-  j 
jlx*  notwithstanding  his  youth  as  compared  with  the  age  of  Mo'dd] ; 

«->lH  <slUI  juc  u«j*i"  ^JjA*  ^  Hngrs  0/  ^  6?a;-^  art?  dust  compared  C 
with  (lit.  a*  ^  siae  of)   God. — Lastly  juc  (like  the  Latin  apud, 
Fr.  chez,  and  Persian  <^jj>P)  implies  z«i  o/w's  mzVio',  in  his  opinion; 
as  L»»-»l£*  aXxi  U  ^juc  w>t^oJt  the  right  thing  in  my  opinion  is 

0     j    ;   -     -  -:  1  a*>    a  i    j  *  a        -     <■ 

what  our  sheikhs  have  done  ;  Ji^Xi^  o!/**'  O'  dJ^*  O^3  ^ls  opinion 

3  *  *  a  *     at     j         *  a  *     a  j    *  a 

was  that  the  Koran  was  created ;  aJjwj  ^1  J*a*Z~.> ^£=>jj^  according 
to  you  it  is  impossible  that  He  should  do  it. 

Rem.  a.     [,*)jUft  means  keep  where  thou  art,  take  care,  and  also  D 

to ,     *   *  a  #  a  *      a  j 

advance.} — On  the  phrase   I juj   i) jUp  =  ljuj   j±.,  see  §  35,  b,  8, 

*  a  a    1 ,  *s 

rem.  b. — On  the  difference  between  juc  and  ^jjJ  or  ^jJ,  see  §  58, 
rem.  b. 

*  a 

Rem.  b.     juc  is  sometimes  (in  modern  Arabic  generally)  pro- 

r  a  *  *  a  1 

nounced   jUc,   rarely  juc.     It   corresponds  in  form  to  the  Heb. 
LjlHy,  but  in  signification  also  to  Di?. 

180  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  67 

A  Rem.  c.     Nearly  synonymous  with  jjs.,  in  its  local  sense,  is  ^5 

(the  accusative  of  ^5  front),  Lat.  coram,  apud,  penes;  as  <tX*3  j^l^ 
present  be/ore  him  ;  Ji».  ^^Hi  ^5  J  /  Aaw  a  claim  upon  So-and- 
so;  ^-Jiky^  «£JUL3  tjj"*^  CH*^'  JU*  awrf  to/ta£  (Acts  come)  £o  (for 
^jj JJJ  Loi)  <Ae  unbelievers  that  they  run  hastily  around  thee  ?  It 
also  signifies  towards,  as  Jij-£«*JI  ^J**  ^0.£aj.&.j  '^V  O'  >*^'  CJ**' 
w^a^J  Ij  joiefo/  o?oes  not  consist  in  your  turning  your  faces  towards 

B         the  east  and  the  west. 

67.  (j-jJ,  between,  among,  is  the  accusative  of  the  substantive 
ij-u,  signifying  intervening  space,  which  may  be  regarded  either  as 
uniting  or  as  separating  two  or  more  objects,  whence  sj*J  may  be 
construed  with  verbs  of  either  meaning ;  as  L~o  £*»»  he  united  us, 

i*j  Jjji  ne  parted  us,  lit.  he  united  our  separation  and  parted  our 
C   connection  ;  j£i y&  jj-jJ  aJJI  oUI  God  has  united  your  hearts. — If  two 

genitives  follow  0^>  an^  either  or  each  of  them  is  a  pronominal 
suffix,  the  preposition  must  be  repeated  before  the  second,  and  the 

conjunction  j  inserted;   as  <=u*jj  ^*j  between  me  and  him;  j^ti 

-*£**•'    0-&3   between  you  and  your  brother.     But  if  both  are  sub- 

stantives,  this  is  not  usually  done  ;   as   u^j^'j   &U—JI  O*^  between 

heaven  and  earth;   Ia^Ij  o!/**  t>srf  between  Harrdn  and  'ar-Buhd 

*    0       Ota         *    0  s  *  *>      vt     *a         /    6/ 

D  {Edessa) ;  3/»^JI  o*^  jjli^JsJI  ,j«u  between  the  Flood  and  the 
Higra. — Instead  of  the  simple  o+l,  we  often  meet  with  {j^j  U 
what  is  between,  and  k>*J  U*i  m  w/w«£  &s  between;  as  ^>*j  U  v~^'.3 
ajjjLi  and  t/te  kernel  between  its  two  shells ;  j^ti  U-«*  I^UlSI  t/iey 
fought  with  each  other ;  [>eL»^l  jj-u  or>eb*5)l  ,j-jj  U-J  iw  or  during  the 

space  of  several  days].     Both  ^>*^  and  j^-j  U  are  often  used  in  the 
sense   of  both— and,   and   of  partly— partly  (tarn— quam,  partim — 

§  67]     The  Verb.— 3.  Gov't  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  Chrf      181 

partim) ;    as   J^y**^  ^3j-**   O-s-^   to  partly  known  and  partly  A 
unknown ;  \j&3  >***  Ot>  to  ^eU*.  ^<?re  cawe  to  w«  both  rich  and 

l*'  *      *    a*      J  a  *  a* 

poor;  j+~>\j  J*^3  (j^o  j»y»)\  the  tribe  was  partly  slain,  and  partly 

,    a    i ,       a  1       *  a  * 

taken  prisoners;  [jl-^oj  ijj  ^>*j  sometimes  in  a  bord  (a  garment 
made  of  a  certain  kind  of  cloth)  and  sometimes  dressed  in  a  saffron 

*  a  *  *  a*       , 

robe.  R.  S.].  In  such  cases  ,j»o  or  v>-j  U  holds  the  place  of  a 
substantive  expressing  that  which  unites  both  objects  as  parts  of 
one  whole. — If  we  wish  to  indicate  the  entire  interval  between  two  B 

places  or  points  of  time,  ^31  is  used  before  the  second  substantive ; 

as  i£o  ^t  Sj-oJt  ,j-o  between  el-Basra  and  Mekka ;  j»y^\  jj-o  Lo-J 

j'i'  O-0  0-*ti3l  >j«Jt  ^1  i»Ui  v>o  ^jJUJI  between  the  second  day  of 

f  >  #  a      j  a  i     *  a* 

Subdt  and  the  eighth  day  of  'Addr. — Observe  the  phrases  [^Jk^bt  ^>*j 

>2s>,  *3'  its, :*,;,  9      ,  ,         ,    a - 

or  j*fij<^o  \J~>  and^ovs^'jv^  Cysi  Ul  the  midst  of  them];  ^ju  ,j»o 
O*^*  before  any  one,  in  his  presence,  lit.  between  his  hands;  as 
4*al*»Ji  j^ju  ^>*j  t^j^l  J-i  fo  Hsserf  the  ground  before  the  caliph;  C 
^JJ^  O**  Oua».t  /  A«i"e  sinned  before  thee;  ajju  jj-j  ^JJJI  ^ol^jt 
the  feeing  of  the  wolf  before  him  (the  dog) ;  of  time,  j>*j  UJ  USjuclo 
dujji  confirming  what  was  before  it  (or  preceded  it) ;  jjju  ^1  y»  ,jl 
jujJi  w>l*x*  (^ju  t>^  -^  he  is  nought  but  a  warner  to  you  before 

,  a*     *  j  *  ,  ,      ,      ,**>)*,}      *  ,  ,  , 

a  severe  punishment ;  in  the  plural,  ^j^j  ^*-cuj  •-Uh.jJI  j— SJ  J*».j 

at  ** 

to  Jul  a»d  /fe  fogra;*  to  6m«£  «p  the  fowls  and  to  set  them  before  us.  D 

Rem.     From  ^*j  are  formed  the  conjunctive  adverbs  of  time 

-a*  *,a* 

U*j  and  l»~J  whilst,  which  naturally  exercise  no  influence  upon  the 

-   '£    jjja,     1     a  *     ,a* 

following  clause ;  as  UUI  <u5p  O**^  k*j,  ta&tfcl  toe  zoere  watching 
for  him,  he  came  to  us;   ^Ul   ^^-J   U*j   whilst   ice  govern  the 

*  a*  *    a  *      , , a*  , , «, 

people ;  wojoJt  ^i  i>*^  W*«J  whilst  we  were  conversing ;   U-U.> 

0     ^   ^  •  {  *      Ji<a 

^oySl^wl   ^  ^UJI  whilst  the  people  are  in  their  markets.     [Comp. 
Vol.  i.  §  362,  b.] 

182  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  68 

A  68.  CoJ  (the  accusative  of  Co*J  the  lower  or  under  part) 
signifies  below,  beneath,  under,  as  tJJ/31  Csxj  U  wAa£  &  beneath  the 
soil ;  U-yJ  y^  AXa^-j  O^J  aw^  w?wfer  /£  (the  wall)  was  a  treasure 
of  theirs;  metaphorically,  J-JJt   C*a»J  jL»  Ae  travelled   under  {the 

s        s       b    *  0  I       s         C     -- 

sAacfe  o/)  night:  oju  c*o»3,  or  «j-ot  CtaJ,  zmefor  Ms  power  or  authority. 

It  is  said  of  a  married  woman,  (j*^  s^aJ  c«Jl^  slie  was  under  {the 

authority  of)   So-and-so,  as  ,j-ja»Jt.o  IbLc  ,j^  O-i^t^  ^-^»^  UjI^ 
B  £/j#?/  were  under  two  righteous  servants  of  ours  (viz.  Noah  and  Lot). 

Rem.  a.     C*a»J  has  a  diminutive  CwaJ  «  little  below  or  under. 

Rem.  6.     Opposed  to  c-o*J'  is  Jjji  (the  accusative  of  Jjji  ^ie 

^  4  ^  J 

upper  part),  with  its  diminutive  JS^^i,  signifying  above,  over,  upon, 
as  jyj^o  jj-o  Jf^i  upon  a  well-beaten  road ;  ^afj~c  ^qA}\  o\j~i  JJ^i 

upon  the  back  of  a  bridled  black  (horse) ;    [^l/JI  £5*  *ULoJ»JI  the 

-  *  0   -         J  sSiO        *    J    ' 

turban  is  upon  the  head];    metaphorically,    oLc    Jf^i  jJklSJI   ybj 
C  and  He  is  the  All-powerful  over  His  servants  ;  ^)^J\  ^j-jjJI  jJ^Ua-j 

\^jsc=>  ^jj  JJ I  Jj^i  awoJ  (/)  will  place  those  who  have  followed  thee 
above  those  who  have  not  believed;  \+j  w»tjjJI  ^^ji  IjIJ**  ^o^^>j 
^•juJb  l^jl£»  we  wiZ£  arfcZ  £0  them  a  punishment  in  addition  to  the 
punishment  for  tlieir  corrupt  doings;  &££\  Jiji  |l~J  v>^  Oi* 
and  if  they  be  females  more  than  two;  »^Jo*j  ^Jas  to  J>ji  lyj  ,Jjkj 

D  he  treated  it  worse  than  Ice  had  treated  Aleppo ;  [ly*>*  Uj  <Loj*j 
a  o?w*£  awcZ  wAai  exceeds  it  {in  smallness  or  iw  largeness);  aj\±  3A5 
,  aL'JI  JJj^*  and  it  is  an  animal  a  little  above  the  size  of  a  cat]. 

69.     &}*  (the  accusative  of  ^jj  wluit   is  beneath,  under,  less, 


or  inferior,  related  to  lo  to  come  near,  and  y>*  to  be  low  or  vile),  with 

its  diminutive  \J-i^>,  and  OL5>  O-0.  ^n  which  combination  ^>-»  has  a 
partitive  force,  signify  under,  below,  beneath.     They  indicate  : — 

§69]     The  Verb.— 3.  Govt  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  >J3>-     183 

(a)  That  a  person  or  thing  dwells  or  is  situated,  or  that  an  action  A 
takes  place,  below  some  place,  or  near  it ;  as  i)j  js-  ju*.  <£i«jJ>  jj^j 

w«y  £fo  c^#>£  0/  £%  enemy  be  under  thy  foot ;  ,J3>  l£^  '  woiSJU  jjl 
*}LliU    *lw   iw   f^£  ravine  that  is  below  Sela'  (there  lies)  a  murdered 

man ;  eUio  ^j  I^LJI  ^3/  met  near  San'a  :  >*^Jt  O-*  V5^  W*  j-a-» 
Egypt  and  the  adjacent  countries. 

(b)  That  one  person  or  thing  conies  near  or  approximates  to  B 
another,  especially  a  higher  one  (properly,  stands  under  it,  does  not 

reach  it) ;   as   U^*.!^*.   ajjij   ObjlyJ  U   Ui*J  li   and  he  (the  horse) 

Twowfe  us  overtake  the  foremost  (of  the  herd),  whilst  near  him   were 

#^0.^  of  them  that  lagged  behind;   ,£)!$   ^i  IJob  £&!s  fe  nearer  than 

*    ,     J         J    Oj 

that ;  ^liji  Co'  c<w^  nearer  (to  me) !  lit.  approach  not  far  from 
yourself  (towards  me) ;  ljuj  dlJ^  setze  -Ze/tf  (wAo  stands  not  far  from 
you,  see  §  35,  b,  0,  rem.  b) ;  >oAj»*J'  «^ji  fofo  ^^  dirham ;  dy^j^   C 

£«£#  3/0  Aim. 

-  -  j  »  j^  j 

Rem.     ^Uj3    and  ^uji,    as    interjections,    are    equivalent    to 

»LL«UI,^UUt  (see  §  35,  6,  /?)  [and  ,i)jUc,  §  66,  rem.  a],  look  out! 

-       ■» '  ■» 
fo&e  care/  [sometimes  advance  /]  as  ic^'j-e  «^JU^>  beware  of  wrestling 

?tra^  me;  ^JhjJLJu  ^)  ^»Cji  ^^  care  [or  advance']  (and)  give  them 
no  quarter;  [._j  (^ri^*'  -^jji  fo^e  care  (or  advance)  and  keep  to  me]. 

(c)  That    one    space,   distance,   or  number,   does   not  equal  or  D 

'     ,  ,  0,  ,        3,3,9,, 

complete  another ;  as :  j^»-  £~oj  Oj*  ^r^3  anQl  between  them 
there  was  less  than  a  stones  throw;  iSjuo  JJtjl  u****.  03>  Ws*  u**^ 
tffore  is  no  poor-rate  (to  be  exacted)  on  what  is  under  (or  less  than) 
five  ounces ;  Ob^  jAe.  ^3>  *>»■»■■»)  J-*-»  O*  we  l'^  not  accept  for 
Mas'iid  less  than  ten  fines  for  homicide. 

(d)  That  one  thing  is  smaller  or  worse  than  another ;  as  ^la^-dl 
yjAa^ii\  03>  jujkaJI^  i-aiJI  ,jj^  copper  is  of  less  value  than  silver, 

184  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  69 

A  and  iron  of  less  value  than  copper ;  iUjj  J)jju  jo^JL  ^JJI  he  who  shall 

arise  (as  king)  after  thee,  will  be  inferior  to  thee  ;  ^JU)  I  j*  ajjj  ,^05 

v-^lW  ^5*  an(l  magnificent  splendour  in  the  retinue  of  princes  is  less 
(glorious)  than  it  (learning). 

(e)    That  a  quality  which  belongs  to  one  person  or  thing  is  not 
possessed  by  another,  and  that  the  latter  is  therefore  in  this  respect 

B  opposed  to  the  other :   as  »£U3  ^>j>  jvr*>3  jj^aJLaJI  ^oi^«  some  of 

them  are  good,  and  some  of  them  not  so  (lit.  and  some  of  them  remain 

under  that,  do  not  attain  to  that  quality) ;  £)j£>j  (jt  jJJu  *$  aJUI  ,jl 

»    -    j 

l\*-4  O-^  ^>  03*  I*  j**-i3  *4  verily  God  will  not  fm*give  the  joining 
of  otlier  gods  with  Himself,  but  He  will  forgive  what  is  other  than  that 
to  whom  He  pleaseth*  ;  %*^  03^+*13  **  0>-***i  O-*  L>s^t-*uJI  i>*J 
>2Wi  OJ^  and  of  the  evil  spirits  some  who  should  dive  for  him  (into  the 
C-   sea)  and  do  work  other  than  that.     In  this  sense  ,j!3*  is  equivalent  to 

j-j*  (see  §  82,  d).     [Hence  it  can  also  signify  beyond,  of  higher  quality, 
as  in  the  last  quoted  sentence,  where  it  may  be  rendered  by  and  still 

greater  works.     Likewise  when  a  man  has  said  UujJJ  Ijuj  ,j\  verily, 

Zeid  is  a  noble  man,  another  replies   «£Uj   03*3  an^  above  that; 

{Ac  do  {Jjaj  U  03*^  <£3*>  th°u  art  more  powerful  than  'All.    D.  G.] 

(/)     That  a  person  or  thing  is  excluded  or  excepted,  neglected  or 
D  postponed  (properly  that  the  action  affects  him  or  it  to  a  less  degree 

than  it  does  another) ;  as  a*a^>  ^  Uj  «j-oj  *jJ  U  aJJI  ^^  {j^  ^J^i 

he  invokes,  to  the  exclusion  or  neglect  of  God,  ivliat  can  neither  injure 
him  nor  benefit  him,  he  invokes  what  can  neither  etc.,  but  not  God ; 

it  io  jo  -  -   aiaio  ,       j)  a*       s        '-*>  i        j  at 

AJul  &j>  ^>Uc^l  03*****  a^jJ^J'  <>■**  J**'  the  people  of  this  city 

*  [Many  interpreters  render  the  words  ,*AJ3  ^^  srv~*3  °y  an^ 
otlters  (tliat  are)  below  them,  and  .iUi  Qjj  U  by  and  what  is  less  tlian 
that.     Compare  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  417.] 

§  G9]     The  Verb.— 3.    Gov't  of  Verb.—(b)  Prepositions:  &3y     185 

warship  idols  and  not  God ;  j~o*>  ^j  ^5  v>*  aJJI  ^jj^   <j-*  ^XJ  U  A 
ye  have  no  patron  and  no  helper  except  God ;  j±-*j\  &$*  \^>j^Ji>  ^X^s- 
ye  act  according  to  one  of  these  two  (rules),  but  not  the  other ;  ^  IjJk 
»iJLi«i  O-*  this  belongs  to  me  exclusively  of  thee,  thou  hast  no  part  or 

«  '   a    *a*a    -     j      -      't*>  -  *  a  *     ai  '0* 

share  in  it ;  oUju^^JI  ^j^  J^H^'  j^-^i  O'  ^^i  he  ought  to  choose 

fi  J  A  a*o    *       j      a  j  Zi* 

the  old  in  preference  to  the  new;  \jie  j»\j*$\  03*^*^3  and  he  sought 
you  out  in  preference  to  all  other  men. — Here  must  also  be  mentioned   B 
\jj*,  and  the  rarer  03>W  i  in  the  sense  of  without ;  as  ^>«  >v»J  I  Oj* 
J|yUl  without  speaking  loudly ;  ZLL«  ,jj.>  JUJ'  w>L-I^t  ^^-J  wealth 

a,^'  j  St**      -    -  *  a    a*>    - 

cannot  be  acquired  without  trouble;  yj-^jio  (j^ju  ^Ji^-i  *$  ilw^l  <jt 

e-  *  a  i  ,  -  a  j 

aJI  ju-~«5  jU-~«  ^0  'isndd,  or  relation  of  attribution,  cannot  be 
ejected  without  two  extremes,  an  attribute,  or  predicate,  and  a  subject ; 

'   '  J  '  &  '  ?fO  ,  J       yd     J  +    J     J  C* 

t>*J    03<*t  j***^   ^l  jW~*    !"*«*»•  ^    the  merchants  of  the  country   C 

,    a    ,     *  , 

of  Malabar  take  them  without  (paying  any)  price  (for  them) ;  jia~e  *jJ 
j^HS  C)3>>*>  ^*i  J*v*t*  *$3  >W^JI  \J3^i  i^*"*?  for  no  glory  is  built  up 
without  a  hard  struggle,  and  no  effort  is  of  avail  without  the  decree 
(of  fate  in  thy  favour,  jjJUt  in  rhyme  for  jjJUl). 

(g)     That  one  object  is  placed  before  another,  either  (a)   as  a 
hindrance  or  obstacle  to  prevent  a  person  from  getting  at  it,  or  (/?)  as 

a  protection  to  defeDd  it  from  some  one ;   e.g.  LaiJ  I  >»*.  *&)'}  03*  D 

-   si  -3       lis, 

jLiJI  yj±-2  before  this  there  are  the  coals  of  the  gadd  and  the  stripping 

of  the  hitcid,  that  is  to  say,  before  you  can  obtain  this,  you  have  many 
serious  obstacles  to  surmount  (the  wood  of  the  gada  being  noted  for 
its  long  retention  of  fire,  and  the  katad  for  the  number  and  size  of  its 

thorns) :  Jt>*t  »iW}  &3>  0^3  v*</s  '*>!>•«  Oi  the  time  or  place  for 

visiting  her  is  near,  but  there  are  many  terrors  in  the  way ;  j*?3>  w^ 

«'  .  "*,,,, 

V^**"**  there  is  no  curtain  or  barrier  in  front  of  them  ;  l*^**  0^3 

w.  ii.  24 

186  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  69 

A  u°3"^  *'  ^^  ^*3'  C-i£»  ^>«  (j^3  my  shield  (or  protection)  against 

£  *  *  *    *  b  sb/O      *   bfO     w 

those  whom  I  feared  ivas  three  persons ;  \^£J*o  ^M  ^J>»-  t^****^  *h»'  Oi 

I^J^oJ'  Oi^  **U*»  aSUcI^  'Imruu  'l-Kais  ran  for  a  goal,  but  death 

intercepted  him  before  he  reached  that  goal;  *^U*>  >v^'  03*  before 
(thou  reachest)  the  river,  there  is  a  number  of  men  (to  be  encountered),  = 
j^i\  l_)1  J-tfJ  ,jt  J*i.     Hence  verbs  signifying  to  shut  a  door  against 

B  one,  to  fight  for  one,  and  the  like,  are  construed  with  (j^a  (compare 
§  49,  a)  ;  e.g.  lyiji^o^  ly^us  V~»-  ^'  *t>j*°  j£  then  he  struck  her 
(the  camel)  on  the  side,  and  made  her  get  up,  and  stood  in  front  of  her 

is*  bJ'       J  '  '      i. 

(to  prevent  any  one  from  touching  her) ;  apL>  jtrt>$>  ^plS  he  fought 
for,  or  in  defence  of,  them  for  some  time;   JJto  Jjil-<aJ'  w-a>-oJl   O' 

J       b       '  s  J  J      -    b  • 

Aj^+a***   jj^i   a~Ju  a  true  friend  gives  up  his  life  for  his  friend  ; 

j  lb**     *}*}'*  j  b-a  }   ,      *     -      b  i      i      w  j  ill  - 

c^a^JI  (J3>  J^^J  A****"  j^  «■*-*■>  O'  ^i^ov^'  unless  indeed  the  fire 

C   q/"  hunger  burn  and  stand  in  the  way  of  sleep.     In  this  case  ^ji  is 

synonymous  with  >eUI  m  /n>w£  o/,  before. — -Hence  too  it  often  denotes 

,     ib*     rt     *    j      * 
on  this  side  of  (cis,  extra) ;   as  Qj-*  jg-   OL5-*  ^°  £*+**  a^  the  region 

on  this  side  of  the  Oxus ;  in  which  case  it  is  opposed  to  stjj  behind, 

bit  *  •" *       * 

beyond,  as^^-01  jtjj  U  Transoxania  (lit.  what  is  beyond  the  river  Oxus). 

Rem.     Other  important  words   belonging  to  this  class  of   pre- 
positions are : — 

,i*  * b *i  >  b *    ,* * 

j)  (a)     ^5,  with  its  diminutive  J-j*5,  before,  of  time  ;  as  dJy«  ^3 

before  his  death ;  IjJk  ^J-i  w*«  ,<-wJ  t-»  0  would  that  I  had  died 
before    this!   aJLi   i^-o^lj  >e^Jt    .-3   U  j^£\}   and   I  know  what 

vt  •  S  fO     *  b  * 

happened  to-day  and  yesterday  before  it;  ^jtyJJI  ,J>*3  before  threatening 

„  ,  b-o      *  b  *      *  Z*       *      f 

(without  waiting  to   threaten);    [2jjj^i\  ^5   i\Le  ^oj^i  he  came  to 

*  b, 

Mekka  before  (his  coming  to)  * El-Medlna\— Opposed  to  it  is  jut^, 

•  o  s-  j  w£         ^  i  ^        --  0  -  +  0  * 

diminutive   j^-aj    after ;   as  ^bl   iiAj   jjt^    ot/i!er    <Aree  days;   jut/ 

§69]    The  Verb.— 3.    Gov t  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions :  oj>     187 

after  thy  arrival ;   ejju  after  him,  i.e.  after  his  departure,   A 
or  after  his  death ;  ^juu  C^-ou  jJ>  thou  hast  become  changed  after  j 

a  *     *  a  - 

me,  i.e.  after  I  parted  from  thee,  since  I  last  saw  thee,  =  t^J^  juu 

»  i  *  Z.   »--     -        *  *  a*o    ,  a  *     *       "  # 

«i)b ;  jJ^LoJI  *i)l  JaJ)  jou  li  1*9  ana  wAai  ts  there  after  the  truth 
(when   the    truth    is   gone),    but   error?     [Tropically  j*->j-£*   ^J%* 

w-j^I    tjub    juw.  -■    >-*}    So-and-so   is   generous   and    moreover   well 

' "'   .      * 
educated.     A  synonym  of  juu  is  ^^^-J 

,    ,i  *     ms  1**1*        a,     is  jt» 

(6)    _>»U|  and^etjJ,  before,  of  place;  as  <L«Ut  ^-^ri  *i)  O'  -"a^  "e    -" 
should  not  walk  before  him;  ^UI^oljJ  «^*S  Ais  ^rope  is  before  the 

grate;  ^-^^)l  vetjJ>  j>jL»  4jiJL5  jLa».  ^i  JJ3  Ae  was  A-i/tea'  a£  the 
siege   of  the   castle   of  Sdbur   before   the   emir    (in   his  presence,  = 

a  **     *  a*  *  +     *£}**' 

«u  ju  ^>*j)  ;  tropically,  ^UUI  S^LaJt  the  (time  of)  prayer  is  before 

j,,i,)s,     issz-oiis- 
thee ;  '♦-ftM  jr*  '*■}  ^l-J^I  ju^j  iJj  nay,  but  man  wishes  to  go  on 

in  his  wickedness  (in  the  time  that  is)  before  him.     [On  the  use  of 

-iLoLot  as  an  interjection  see  §  35,  b,  /?.]  C 

(c)  i\jj  behind ;  as  tfcgtjj  jZl£-  J^o  'Antar  came  in  behind  her 
(her  back  being  turned  to  him)  ;  ^Aj^L  t\j^  d*j*J*s  they  cost  it 
behind  their  bocks  ;  -iidjj  U  ivJiat  is  behind  thee  ?  i.e.  what  news 
dost  thou  bring  ?  hence  beyond  (Lat.  trans,  ultra),  opposed  to  ^j^ 

'         )  J   3  '  ' 

(see  §  69,  g,  at  the  end) ;  and  relating  to  time,  after,  as  \J3J^i3 
ot\j^  Uj  but  they  disbelieve  in  what  (hath  been  sent  down  or  revealed) 
after  it   (the   Pentateuch) ;    tropically,  beyond,  besides,  more  than, 

asi*ai'\~s,       *  * 

^.■^■■o  4jLU   «£AJ3  «tjj   toj  but  anything  beyond  this  (merely)  serves   D 

a  j    ,  ai  j  *  a*     at    a  i  i     ~*  *      -     a  is     Z  -  i  - 

to  (make  a  sltow  in)  society  ; ^i\yc\j  t^ju*3  ^j\  ^i*  t\j$  to^£)  ^^'j 
and  He  hath  permitted  you,  besides  this,  to  seek  out  (wives)  by  means 
of  your  wealth;  jjj^^*"^**  »iU)jli  jJUi  stjj  ^-al-M  tj-oi  6m2  they  who 
desire  more  tlian  this,  are  transgressors.  [On  the  use  of  <i)t\j3  as 
an  interjection,  see  §  35,  b,  /?.] — Synonymous  with  sljj   is   UlXa. 

<    a  *  -  a  *       j     *    a  j     j  a  Si  -o, 

behind,  after:    as   Ub^J^    Ot^   s_^afc....._>  jJtfaJI^   flinr^  h^r  hair  hung 

188  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  70 

>  ,  o   '       ,    J  0  i         j      0  j  , 

A         down  to  the  ground  behind  her  back ;  x&X±.  jj&*$  £*+&&  and  I  got 

vt      Ci    *o  s  ,  •  0    ,  *     Q    s     *  *  0  * 

up   to   run  after   him ;    JaJjl    ,JI    l^ftAi.    C^o.*?    sJ^»    how   thou 

,  ,  a  *        *  ,     ,4,^,0^      *       z     *        *  *a ,   ,    , 

wentest  after  her  to  the  bank ;  V^bX*.  L*j  ^-iJ^i  ^>*j  UJ  *j)l&  UbUXn%3 
and  ive  made  them  a  warning  to  their  contemporaries  and  to  those 

f  3^,0,         /•.»,«,         ,«^ 

after  them;   ^l*X3  *n)I   ^XaAi.   ^j^LXj   *$   I3t^  anc?  iw.  £Aa£  case  they 
would  not  have  tarried  after  thee  but  a  little. 

B  (d)     c!$*"  around;  as  aJ^a.  U  Oslol  LoAi  and  a/ter  it  (the  fire) 

3     J       <£'  *■        ^»  ,       oj5'         o   j,     i  j 

has  lighted  up  the  space  around  him  ;  U£».  ^»»yft»  Jjj»"  j<eyJj..»fla>i«^  ^»J 

<Aew   we   wn/£   se£    iAem    around  Hell  on   their  knees ;    a)y*.    i^lb 
Ae  tt>ew£  round  it  (the  temple);  ^jIjaJI  ^o  acIo*.  dJj*.  around 

/tim  were  a  number  of  women. — Jxwj  mi  £Ae  midst  of,  in,  among ; 

,   0  ,        ,      0  ,  *  'Ota     *      Or 

as  2l*ojj   ixwj   in   £&e  midst  of  a  garden;    p|/^t   ixwj  among  the 
C  reeds ;  jbjJI  Ja~rj  among  tlie  houses. 

70.     Compound  prepositions,  though  by  no  means  rare  in  ancient 
Arabic,  are  more  common  in  the  later  stages  of  the  language.     The 


first  part  of  the  compound  is  generally  &*,  and  the  second  part 

another  so-called  preposition,  now  however  no  longer  in  the  accusative, 
but  in  the  genitive.     Such  are  : — 

0,0  iZ    ,  o ,     o  j        j    o    --o^  ft      gi  /    j 

(a)     rj*J  ^j-c  (lleb.  P3D) ;  as  £*lib  ,j-w>  ,j»«  ^j-as^Jt  jA  ^^a-^ 

D  JU^b   J-^iJU   JAaJI  Muhammad  is  t/ie  one  preeminently  distin- 
guished among  all  mankind  for  excellence  and  perfection  (lit.  from 

o  ,  ,         o^    o 

among  all  mankind)  ;  <uju  ,j-o  £y*from  his  presence  (lit.  from  between 

oo,o,o  o£  o,o 

his  hands) ;  ^ykX*.  O-^^o-v^'  O**  l>*  from  before  tliem  and  behind 

o      ,  ,      o,,       ,o,      o       ,oo,       ,,„ 

£Am ;  w>l*-»-  <^trf3  tu,o  ^-©j  jij  Lj1>I  ,-3  /».  oMr  ears  is  hardness 
of  /tearing,  and  between  us  and  thee  there  is  a  partition-wall.     In  this 


last  example  j>«  is  partitive,  the  literal  meaning  being :   and  in  a 
part  of  the  space  between  us  and  thee,  etc. 

§  70]  The  Verb.— 3.  Govt  of  Verb.—(b)  Prepositions.  189 

(b)  j£i  o-«  and  woJ   ,>?  ;    as  l^iy   Of  ^'^j  C*f  J*»-  ^  ^ 

s ,         a  ^  ^ 

placed   immovable   (mountains)   upon    it  (the   earth)  ;    J^i    o**    M* 

»  ^         a  ,, , ,  ,  ,  a* 

aaJU.   o-*   JpJ   J*»-"    ^«   ascended  the  hill  and  descended  by  the 

j    'ii»-e       -      a  -       a  a   *        0     -  - 

other  side  (lit.  behind  it);  jVi"   ^y*8*-5   v>°   l£/^-j   ^'-^  gardens 


under  (the   trees  of)    which   streams  flow.     In   these   examples   o-9 

is  partitive ;   the  mountains   form   a  part   of  what   is  raised  above 
the  earth ;   the  man  ascends  a  part  of  the  hill-side,  and  descends 
by  a  part  of  the  other  side ;  the  streams  occupy  a  part  of  the  space   B 
under  the  trees. 

a  *      a  a  -      a  a  i   a ,     a  <         is 

(c)  JJ>  (j-°  aud  ***->  O*0  :   a-  vff^M  O-*  0^-^'  those  who  were 

a  *a-o  \    ,  a ,       a  gj 

before  you;  ja*±$\    3^L«    ^)~5   o-*   before   the   morning  prayer.:  ^j 

:  i     z  -  a  *       a  a  i     *  a  s  * 

jt&y*   j>%j    o^  ^sUixj    then    we   brought  you  again    to   life  after 

sj  '       a        a ,     a  *  *  *  , 

your  death ;  »JU».  ^jju  o-«  wiU-S  and  there  has  come  after  them 


an  evil  generation.     Here  again  o-*  ls  partitive,  in  a  portion  of  the   C 
space  of  time  before  or  after. 

(d)  j~e  o-»  (Heb.  Dyft)  and  ^jSl  o-«  (but  not  ^JJ  &*) ;   a.s 

it  *      a        a  ,  i 

aJJt  j^c  o-9  '•**  this  is  from  (lit.  from  the  side  of,  from  beside)  God ; 
o^i£.  o-9  «£*«*.  ^«  c«/«^  from  him ;  1j*xp  ^JJ  o-*  w-^*L»  jJ 
now  hast  thou  obtained  from  me  an  excuse  (for  leaving  me) ;  U  wJk 

i^,  a  ,     ,  a  j*     a 

io*»;  ilj»>j  o-»  <?"*  ws  /72^;-cy  /row  (lit,  from  beside)  Thee. 

(?)     yM  O-*  •  as  <jW^  *»M  v>«>oliJb  tj-w«l  o^9  he  was  governor  D 
o/  Syria  for  'Otmdn  (lit.  /row   beside  l  Otmdn,  with  whom  lay  the 
option  of  sending  him   as  such) ;   J*5  o-«  <uU£>  vl**-  ^^  >»-»^ 
jfc  ^>\  there  came  to  him  an  answer  to  his  letter  from  (Fr.  de  la  part 

de)  Abu  Bekr ;  \ij&->  ^W*  O-9  <j^  i^-M  O-9^*^  />«*€«  be  from 

me  (Fr.  <&>  «w  ;ww£)  k/kwj  her  who  has  enslaved  me  by  her  pleasing 

190  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  70 

A  (/)  s'jj  O-*  and  **aI».  ^« ;  as  jj^f.  z\j3  &*  /row  behind 
walls;  *->j*»i  SjU-JI  ^tj^  ^o  u-^W  *$\  he  is  sitting  behind  the 
curtain  drinking  (^-«  partitive) ;  ^ov*^**  0-*3  ynd^  £>*i  O-*  from 

o  r       a  rrr , 

before  them  and  behind  them  (see  a) ;  <*iA».  jj>*  cJPj  awc^  ^  descended 
by  the  other  side  of  it  (the  hill,  see  b). 

0   r  0  r       0   r  0  w  rO&r  0  rO*>     r  r        Zt    r         *     0  J        0 *  * 

B  «we?  {/*  £fow  Aae?s£  ieew   /jarsA  «wc?  hard-hearted,   they  would  have 

OrO-o  0    r  0  r      *t     r         r  r     \  /to  rrr 

dispersed  from  around  thee;   J*jJt)\   J>»-  O-*  t>s*^*"  *£**»*"  UtP.3 
awrf  £&?#  sAa/£  see  #Ag  angels  surrounding  the  Throne  (^>«  partitive). 

Rem.  a.     We  have  already  spoken  of   £>£■  ^e,  §  49,  rem.  c  ; 

*        0  -  r        0  }         0  J 

g»  o-*;  §  57>  rem-:  c5**  o-?>  §  59»  rem- &;  oj^  o-;>  § 69;  0>**> 

§  56,  rem.  c,  and  §  69,/;  j*£  £y6,j+iu,  and  %j,  §  56,  rem.  c. 
C  Rem.  b.     Other   prepositions   are    occasionally  found    in    com- 

>    0   .1  «o      _     1 ,      0  i  r  0  Si  <&  ir      0  j 

position,  as  ^-^Jl  J[$J.3  ^1  ,Jt   ?»~*-eJI  ^jJ  J^e  /rom  </ie  morning 

O'Oio        r\  oi       jo  j  rr  r 

until  the  sun  declines;    [j»yj\    Ijjb   ^-^ol    Ju^J   ^-lljlj   he   left  me 

r  j      *        0        * 

since  yesterday] ;  especially  ,J|  in  the  compounds  ,jj.s  ^)\ ,  jUc  ,JI 

0  Or  r  0     *  *  ^r    r  r 

(and  jUxl),   JJ35  ^M,  y*~i  ^1,  and  eljj  ^Jl,  which  are,  however, 
condemned  by  the  grammarians. 

D  Rem.  c.     The  preposition  is  very  rarely  omitted,  especially  by  a 

t       0   r    0  i  r  0  r 

poet,  and  the  genitive  notwithstanding  retained ;  as  C-sa»-»*gl  oL£> 

Or  Or*'  Or 

how  art  thou  this  morning  ?  j*j*.  quite  well,  for  j+±.  ^^  [or  J&*~i]  \ 

J  r  iOlO  a!    i     £  O0»  0  s     1  0   ,       s  f       t  r         ^S'  5»5u£  r  , 

•jto^l  o»^»'n)L>  w*J^»  Ojlil  aJLaS  j>i  ^Ul  ^1  J«j3  lit  W<e/i  </*e 
question  is  asked,  Who  of  mankind  are  worst  as  a  tribe  f  the  fingers 

Or     J  r  0   r       ri  r     ir  r  Z  r 

point  with  the  hands  to  Kuleib  (for  w.-*^>  .Jl  OjUd) ;  f-J*-^  i**** 

r    otOjO  r  rO>0  r 

^'ilLc'^l  ^_i3jLi  until  lie  became  haughty,  and  ascended  the  heights  (of 

r  0i0-e  r  r  rO  lO  r 

pride),  for  j»*^e.^  I  ^Jl  ^jSUj  li. 

§70]  The  Verb.— 3.  Govt  of  Verb.— (b)  Prepositions.  191 

Rem.  d.     The  preposition  is  likewise  very  rarely  separated  by   A 

*  a  ,     * 

another  word  from  the  substantive  which  it  governs ;  as  l^c   ^j\ 
2j+£-  j>y£\  •**  j**-  *9  (is  for  'Amr,  there  is  no  good  in  lAmr  to-day, 

instead  of  $j+£-  ^J  j>^\  j*±.  *$  ;  ,J--~»  cljj^'  ^y*-*  ±*}[  u~i?3  an(^ 
there  is  no  ivay  (or  means)  to  get  down  from  it,  for  L^i*o  <Jjj-J'  iJI  : 
^o^p  aJJI^j  aJJjJLil  /  bought  it,  by  God,  for  a  dirham,  instead  of 

Rem.  e.     Sometimes,  by  a  more  concise  and  Ixjlder  construction    B 

[cLJJI   or    %~iyi\,  the  accusative  is  used  instead  of   a  preposition 

with   the  genitive  (especially  J) ;   as   C~J  I    cJl»o    /  entered  the 

house,  for  C~J1   ^  or   C~J1   ^Jt  :  jljJt   C~iC   /  inhabited,  or 

dwelt  in,  the  house,  for  jljjt  ^.i  ;    Ij-sl^j    l^JL^   dUj^  ^$i^  «»^ 

-  j    , 

many  a  day  toe  met  face  to  face  Saleim  and  'Amir,  for  <ui  Ujiy^  : 

[A^-o-ii  >t-^-"  ^o^*-»  J^  l>**  therefore  whosoever  of  you  shall  be  Q 
present  xn  the  month,  he  shall  fast  therein,  for  <t*i  j/0-aJLi  :  aJJjjk 
JkJjJaJI  /  showed  him  the  way  for  J^jJaJU  or  JpjJkll  ,Jtj :  JUiJ  I  >©'». 
Ae  AeW  6ac&  in  6a«fe  {through  cowardice),  for  jJLil  I  .-J  :  \'-*-  Lp^ 
^JxiJI  JkJjiaJI  fl«  *A«  /ox  frote  along  the  path,  for  JJjjlJt  ^J  (see 
§  44,  6,  rem.  a) ;  ^oUJI  ^j  he  went  to  Syria,  for  j»\JJ\  ^1  ; 
^UxiJ  0-^t  *N)y  ^JJI  ^jAft-l^  a /id  /  hide  (within  me)  that  ichich, 
were  it  not  for  patience,  would  be  the  death  of  me,  for  ,-ic  -^S' ;  J) 
^S\-jfi  L5t^l-°  L5*  my  friends  and  relatives  tvere  far  from  me, 
or  kept  aloof  from  me,  for  ^^c  ^ij  ;  <u  o^ot  U  JjJ7  jJ!sjT  iljj^ 

/  bade  thee  do  good,  do  therefore  as  thou  wast  bidden,  for  j.J*^ 
^3  aJJI  jiiiwt  /  (wA;  pardon  of  God  for  my  sin,  for  ^S  CH> ; 
>*-J    CxV"'   A«>5   ^~>yo  J*-^'^  a/^  Moses   chose  from  his  people 
seventy  men,  for  a*£  ^o  ;    A*^C^  JWsP?  J.'ir'^  ^JjT  U«  o/  ms 

1^2  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  70 

A         was  he  who  was  chosen  from  among  men  for  (his)  generosity,  for 
JUfcjJI  ^y* ;  g^^JI  a\Ju  he  sought  the  thing  for  him,  for  ai  ^.ju  ; 

2   0    •        V    J    0  *   *       J      0  0  J     J     *  *      ' 

tju-d   «iUjLo  /  caught  game  for  thee,  for  JJU  Oju©  ;  ^A^Jl^s   litj 

^       J  0    J         0  J       J  . 

OjL/">8^-J  ^o^J-'Jj   j'  anc^  wAew  ^Aey  measure  unto  them  or  weigh 

7  7  •  7  7  •  °J'  J'  '         *S         *J'  J      ' 

rtnfo  Mem,  Mey  oiw  less  (than  is  due),  for^^l  Ijjjj  jl  ^o^J  UJl^ ; 
^SL^cj  tjo.^t  «iAJLU».  jlSJj  «toc/J  /  Aave  gathered  for  thee  mushrooms 
oj  different  kinds,  for  «iU  c^a.  (^SL^c  in  rhyme  for  JiL^c) ; 
<i+jj^  U^iJ  l*Ul»-j  O^J  ^w^  we  made  ready  noble  spirits  to 
encounter  these  (calamities),  for  l^J  I JU»j  ;  lyiL*tfu>  Ae  (rlAe  wiW 
he-ass)  passed  the  summer  with  them  (the  she-asses),  for  I^jL© 

W^^  J  V  J  tf      .J 

Rem.  /.     As  we  have  seen  above,  ^jj  and  j>X*  or  Ju«  may  be 
directly  connected  with  a  following  proposition  (§§  58  and  61). 

0  i       S  i  - 

The  other  prepositions  require  the  interposition  of  ^j\,  £)\,  or  U ; 
as  Oj-^  ,jl  ^31  wram  /  greiv  up ;  ^-*-»-  i^U-J  i5->»-^  O'  m^ 

C  on  condition   that   thou  wilt  be  my  hired  servant  for  eight  years; 

j^jCM  ^.i^^c  ^j\  jic  notwithstanding  that  old  age  hath  come  upon  me; 

0  *     1  *      *         )  -     0  i       0     s        ,  s  * 

j+lsu  ai  £)$£-i  O'  C>*  *$&3  awc^  ^e  *s  exalted  above  having  any  equal; 

j  j  a  -o        -        */     j(/       ?<■  ^£     o  £     o  1/  t   (/  it/ 

tented  poverty  is)  better  and  more  honourable  for  me  than  to  see  gifts  of 
<Ae  6ase  Aww^  round  my  neck;  SUJI  ^>-6  J^-wlvOj^t  jjl  s.^  though  it 

is  easier  to  destroy  than  to  build;  aJJI  ObU  ^jjjjrfj  l^jl^^^yjb  ^JU> 
J)         ^Aa?;    was    because   they   used   to    disbelieve    in   the   signs   of   God; 

0    jO*j  x  £  *o  *        *         L*       j     ^o£        ^       •o^ 

^^JoL-oJ  I  jb\i&\£=>  di-wlj  ^Uil  U  jju  a/i!er  </<e  waving  locks  of  thy 
head  have  become  like  the  gray  tagoZm  (a  plant) ;  l^o  vlh^'  W**i  «^ 
jb^l  ojjb  ^.Xc  w>|/^l  ?-i^\  L5*-***''  ^e  ^MS^  ^as  stopped  up  these 
wells  since  the  wind  has  swept  the  dust  over  t/iem ;   ij««ftS    l*  jJtf 

j  *  e>  *  Si  io  ,  ,  a  j  j  >•  o   ^ 

jjy>>  ^hWI   .JLiLo   ^-i   .-ua..!  o/(!er   ('Ibn)  Haubar  perished  on  the. 

0    *   *  +  «•       I  •  x 

battle-field;    \y&£-   \^j   >iJUi   <Aa<  ?^«s   because  they  disobeyed:    \+£o 

§  71]  The  Novn.—The  Nomina  Verbi.  103 

*)y*/j    O^J*    l_s^    I— i—JL— y!    as   ice   sent   an    apostle    to    Pharaoh. —   A 

a  a    * 

U  is  often  inserted  after  ,j^,  ^>c.  and  w>,  without  affecting  their 
regimen  [and  is  therefore  called  Sjul^JI  U] :  as  \^J>j^\  ^)\IJa±.  \+a 
they  were  drowned  because  of  their  sins  ;  jj-wo>U  ^a»»«aJ  J-X5  \^s- 

It  **      ,  ^  '    0  '  '    ^ 

after  a  little  (while)  they  will  become  repentant;  aJJI  ^>-e  3-o^-j  '<-i 
j^  CmJ  6y  ^  mercy  of  God  thon  hast  b^n  gentle  unto  them.     After 
j)   this   use   of    U  is  very  rare  (see  §  63,  rem.  a).     Compare  )fo 
(i.e.  nib)  in  Hebrew ;    as  J^tTta  (Job  ix.  30,   Ken),  Sski&3    B 
(Ps.  xi.  2),  T\rnU?  (Job  xxvii.  14),  J3XiD3  (Exod.  xv.  5). 

» t  m 

[Rem.  g.     Before  ^1  and  ^1  the  prepositions  are  often  omitted, 

.-  j  s3  *     //Aj     of  *  a  £     j3  ^      ^*^        "  *  j    *   a  * 

as  l«&£>>  _A>>>  O'  l£/^'  ^^  'W  OjJsu  V  ^Aow  mightest  have  a  look 
at  her  (before  marrying  her),  for  this  affords  a  better  chance  of  a 

a  i  -   Ji  j    -  >  i  '- 

good  understanding  between  thee  and  her  (for  ^{j  ^£j*»\)  '•  yJijI 
lijjjt*    ^-jUI    w^.Lcu    ^jl  ^fffj>jk».t    «6-   any  one   of  you   unable   to    \j 


associate  with  men  kindly  1  (for  ^jl  ^ic.  lit.  is  he  overpowered  so  as 

*    *  -  *ai       a  i     )B     i     2  " 

to  be  unable?);  tjk£»  jJjtJt  ^jl  Opt  jJU  I  have  assuredly  purposed  to 

at  '*  -   ■■  -        *    *       at     jaii*  -  *" 

do  such  a  thing  (for  ,jt  .Jlfi) ;  £a».jjiaw.)  jLo  ,j1  ja*)\  aj  i^lr* 
and  his  affair  led  eventually  to  his  becoming  the  property  of  HadUja 

a  i        -  **  *     +        a  ,      a  i  a  *  a  *      +    *lt  m    £ 

(for  ^1  jJt) ;  *^U  w>j-"^i  O'  LS8**  •'"'"•-  ^  *->i  *e<? ''  ^°^  2S  w0* 

ashamed  to  use  a  parable  (for  ^j\  £yc).  See  also  §  49,  d,  rem.  and 
§  167,  rem.  b. 

On  the  omission   of   the   preposition  along  with   the  suffix  in  D 
relative  sentences,  see  §  175,  c.     D.  G.] 

B.    THE   NOUN. 
1.     The  Nomina  Verbi,  Agent  is  and  Patient  is. 
71.     As  we  have  already  spoken  of  the  idea  of  the  nomen  verbi  or 

abstract  verbal  noun  (Vol.  i.  §  195),  of  its  use  as  jyJxsJt  JyuLpJI  or 

objective  complement  of  the  verb  (§  26),  and  of  its  rection,  in  so  far 

\v.  ii.  25 

104  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  72 

A  as  it  possesses  verbal  power  (§§  27 — 29),  we  have  now  only  to  remark 
that  it  is  not  (as  might  at  first  sight  appear)  rendered  definite  by  the 
very  nature  of  its  idea,  and,  in  consequence,  able  to  dispense  with 
the  article  in  order  to  become  definite ;  but  is,  on  the  contrary,  like 
other  nouns,   indefinite,  when   it  stands  without  the  article.     E.g. 

J      *     &        *  +    0     6*0  0    y  biO*  6  6    J     *  Jj   A»  0       -         i     '    y      0  *  G    * 

f»Jjui.lj  jb\jJ>J\    Jk£±+**+}  t  J    4J  j*£=> c    dJJI    J-~w    ^>fr    JUC^    >**^    A*5    Jtl3 

W  *<>       '  6  J/d      £       JO  OP 

4JJI  jut  j-^t  ai*  aXa!  to  y%r/^  v>?  it  (one  of  the  sacred  months)  is 

(a)  great  (sin),  but  to  turn  (others)  away  from  tlie  path  of  God,  and 

B   not  to  believe  in  Him  and  (to  prevent  access  to)  the  sacred  mosque, 

and  to  turn  His  people  out  of  it,  is  (a)  greater  (sin)  in  the  sight  of 

a  ,  _  3   -  S  0  j 

God  (JUS  a  fighting,  not  the  fighting,  and  so  with  jue  and  j*&) ; 

^U»».Ij   ?-ij~-3  ^'   *-^5j*«J  *i)L««b  0^>*  JTSUaM   ^  divorce  may 

take  place  twice  (and  the  woman  be  taken  back  after  each  time), 
£w£  a/iter  £Aa£  ?/<?  m?«s£  either  retain  (your  wives)  with   kindness  or 

dismiss  (them)  with  benefits  (JJ'iUsJI  tlie  divorce,  j)[~~c\  a  retaining, 

0    9-i.j~~3  a  dismissing) ;    tj-cu  j^    (j^»..Ja.T...j    *j)   £/^t/  are  not  able  to 

t    0 ,  Sao,  0  ,      a  *    »  S  * 

give  them  (any)  help  (tj-oj  =  U  Jj-aj  or  j-cu  ^>«,  whereas  j-aJI  would 

mean,  they  are  not  able  to  give  them  the  help  necessary  in  the 
particular  case). 

72.  Of  the  rection  of  the  nomina  agentis  and  patientis  or  concrete 
verbal  nouns,  in  so  far  as  they  possess  verbal  power,  we  have  already 
treated  in  §§  30 — 32.     They  designate  the  person  or  thing,  to  which 

D  the  verbal  idea  attaches  itself  as  descriptive  of  it ;   e.g.  w^UI  the 

exciting  cause,  the  motive;  *JUJ'  the  hindering  object,  the  hindrance. 

Now,  as'  both  the  person  or  thing  and  the  verbal  idea  are  something 
firm  and  abiding,  it  follows  that  the  concrete  verbal  noun  indicates  a 
lasting  and  continuous  action  on  the  part  of  an  agent  or  passion  on 
that  of  a  patient.  This  idea  it  possesses  in  common  with  the  Im- 
perfect (see  §  8),  to  which  it  is  often  related  in  outward  form  (see 
Vol.  i.  §  236,  with  rem.  a).     The  difference  between  them  is,  that 

*  Viz.  ^-^.I^  JL^ls'  or  JU*I  (yk)  ^fciyii. 

§  73]         The  Noun. — Tlie  Nomina  Agentis  et  Patientis.  195 

the  concrete  verbal  noun  designates  a  person  or  thing,  to  which  the  A 
verbal  idea  closely  attaches  itself  and  consequently  remains  im- 
movable ;  whilst  the  Imperfect,  as  a  verbum  finitum,  expresses  the 
verbal  idea  as  movable  and  indeed  in  constant  motion*.  The  employ- 
ment of  the  concrete  verbal  noun  as  a  perfect  results  from  its  use  as  a 
fixed  immovable  substantive. 

73.  To  what  point  of  time  this  lasting  and  continuous  state  of 
the  agent  or  patient,  as  designated  by  the  nomen  verbale  concretum, 
is  to  be  referred,  can  be  deduced  only  from  some  other  word  in  the  B 
sentence,  which  points  to  a  specific  time,  from  the  nature  of  the 
thing  or  the  character  of  the  thought,  or  from  the  connection  of  the 
context.  The  nomen  agentis  or  patientis  itself  does  not  include  the 
idea  of  any  fixed  time.     [Comp.  §  30,  a.] 

(a)  In  a  clause  that  is  not  circumstantial  [comp.  §  183],  whether 
it  be  absolute  or  dependent  upon  another  clause,  the  concrete  verbal 
noun  shows  that  the  verbal  idea  contained  in  it  refers  either  to  the 

present,  the  proximate  future,  or  the  future  in  general.     E.g.  juj 

Sjujj  I js-  aAj!  -^»Ij  Zeid's  son  is  to  be  married  to-morrow  to  Zubeida    C 

(the  reference  of  f£*^  to  the  proximate  future  is  shown  by  \j£) ; 
<UJ15  lit  /  am  going  to  kill  him ;   -iUSlS  Ul  /  will  kill  you  (ego  te 

interficiam) ;  Jy&«  IJ^*  this  man  must  be  killed ;  \}}y+a**  ^Jb 
she  is  praiseworthy ;]  (in  these  four  examples  the  context  fixes  the 
meauing) ;  v>jjj^i  LiL^**-*  *^'  Ols  *^'  ^,a.,».»  j^t  ^qXj!  I^^JLcl^ 
and  know  that  ye  shall  not  escape  God,  and  that  God  will  put  the 
unbelievers  to  shame ;  ^yij  $**%*  ^v-"'  Oy^i  CH-^'  irno  think  that  D 

-       j        -        a  j         /     jj    t/        *  + »  £       i - 

they  shall  meet  their  Lord ;   jJ^xjL©  ^  U  ^Ja-o    Jj^\   *x5  he  kept 

*  The  Arab  grammarians  ascribe  to  the  finite  verb,  in  general,  the 
idea  of  Ojjo»JI  the  becoming  new,  the  coming  into  existence  of  the  act ; 

1  .  -.  .  .  J  £    *  S  * 

to   the   lmpertect,  in   particular,  that   of   j_Mfcn"   constant   renewal  or 

vrpetriioii   (see   §  8) ;    to  the   verbal   noun,  that  of    C»^-3l,   or  OLiM. 
fixedness,  immobility. 

196  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  74 

'    j    ' 
A  silence  in  order  to  see  what  they  would  do  (the  reference  of  ^ytilo 

1  J     B  , 

to  the  future  results  from  j&iS)- 

Rem.  a.  When  the  perfect  <J^*  is  prefixed  to  a  concrete 
verbal  noun  which    refers  to   the  future,  the  idea  of   futurity  is 

i     i  a ,       ,      -         oai  . 

transferred  to   a  past    time ;    as    *$jxL*    O^9  J"*'   a  thing  which 

*  ,  e  j     6  $      e        ,       *      -       see 

should  have  been  done   (equivalent  to  s)mj  ^j\  Uu**>   O^9  J"*')  > 
•iJt  jj   U5l£»    O^   ^**  <?wit#  futurum  esset  si  etc.     Compare  the 
B         composition  of  the  imperfect  with  ^)Us»,  §  9. 

[Rem.  b.  Verbal  adjectives  of  the  form  yj^ni  with  a  passive 
sense  may  refer  also  to  the  future,  as  ,J«wjUI  O^-i  ^  9-*$*~*t  by 
one  or  another  weapon  will  certainly  be  killed  whosoever  is  destined 
to  be  killed;  ^>*a»roJJI  ^1  lit  /  am  the  son  of  the  two  intended 

(b)    But  if  the  concrete  verbal  noun  stands  in  a  circumstantial 
C  clause  (Jl^),  the  state  which  it  describes  belongs  to  the  same  period 

..a-  o     j   a    ,    ,  j  *     ,  ,  ai 

of  time  as  the  verb  in  the  leading  clause.     E.g.  *£-+j  ^^a*-*  jAj  j^J  I 
he  recited,  whilst  he  was  in  prison  at  Mekka,  {the  following  verses) ; 

a  *  *     «  d// j       J.  *>   j  -   -    *  o  s »«»       *  j  j  *  *■        *     *  *  ssaie  &       a *a-o     i  * 

el-Mahdl  fled  with  all  speed  and  reached  Tarabulus   (Tripolis)   in 
North  Africa,  whilst  Ziyddetulldh  was  constantly  on  the  look-out  for 

*  a  j  a*a     ,  a  j  a**      /    /   t/(/o       -  -    o  o  .»      ^  j  ^       ii*»       -      j^e^      a      e  j    a    -  «■ 

him;  ^5*^'  Sjjjdb  «iL^»wl  jJte  yj^a^c  jAj  aJJI  ^1  a^^j^L^j  ^«j 

awe?  w/wso  tfwrHS  himself  wholly  towards  God,  whilst  he  does  good,  has 
D  laid  hold  on   the  surest  handle.     In   such   subordinate   clauses  the 
imperfect  is  used   in  almost  the  same  way  as  the  concrete  verbal 
noun  (§  8,  e). 

74.  In  like  manner,  the  concrete  verbal  noun  refers  to  the  same 
period  of  time  as  the  verb  with  which  it  is  connected,  when  it  is 
annexed  to  the  verb  as  an  adverbial  accusative.     This  may  happen 

f      ,    1  a  2  *       i,, 

even  when  the  subjects  are  different  (§  44,  c).     E.g.  L»jU  j^l  ^Jy 

§  74]         The  Noun. — The  Nomina  Agentis  et  Patientis.  197 

the  ox  turned  ki$  back  fleeing  ;  ^r*^'  «>»•'  WjW  j^^  he  set  off  whilst  A 
his  brother  was  shaping  the  bow ;  ty>\  \js-\S  ~-j».  he  went  out  whilst 

------    j 

his  father'  was  seated ;  L^W  *J^  ^)UaJ-Jt  c~JU  /  met  the  sultan  in 
his  house  weeping ;  |/*lj  jjU— J I  ^i  c»6  /  m;«s  in  the  garden  tohilst 
it  was  in  bloom ;  tjU  <*A».ju  ojJ^  •wQj  '^^-'j^  4*^'  i>*  0>*3 
ly*»  tjJUt.  «W  w^oso  ^a//  rffo/  against  God  and  His  Apostle,  and 
shall  transgress  His  ordinances,  He  shall  make  him  enter  into  fire,  to 
abide  in  it  for  ever  (here  the  Jl»-  or  circumstantial  term,  ly*i  tjJl*..    B 

is  not  a  ^>jli«  J^,  or  /*«/  which   indicates  a  state  present   at  a 

past  time,  but  a  jjJLo  JW.,  or  hdl  which  indicates  a  future  state 
[comp.  §  44,  c,  rem.  a]).     The  same  is  the  case  after  ^yu  to  remain, 

vob  £o  /as£,  continue,  Jlj-»  ^  ^  ?W/Z  n<?£  «?«&?,  and  the  like  (see  §  42,  a) ; 
as  tjccl5  Jj->^J  he  did  not  cease  sitting;  yjjjJbUi  LJL*\  ,j»«  «U3U»  Jlp  ^ 

>**"  ->•>*   L5^1   d»*-"    ^5^  «  />«r£  0/'  ;wy  people  shall  not  cease  to 
hold  fast  the   truth  till  the  day  of  the   resurrection  ;   *»-jtjJI  _>ol>    U    C 
ju~*JI   ^   U^Lr   a.*   &w</  as  M«  spirit  continues  to   dwell  in  the 

body;    \j**-Za   (^j***   A«   remained   in   amazement ;   ^JLj  ^oJbdl    ^3 

UftLaL*   <>jc  f//<>  reputation  of  the  learned  shall  continue  multiplied 

(after  his  death).  The  Imperfect  is  also  used  after  these  verbs  in  many 
cases  [§  42,  rem.  /],  with  this  difference,  that  the  Imperfect  designates 
the  constantly  repeated  action,  the  concrete  verbal  noun  the  lasting 

condition  of  the  agent ;  as  <su>Uu>  j*3  ^i  oV^'  ^J*-  j «"^»J  J'j  l*  D 
/w  rfw?  not  cease  to  restrict  himself  to  sitting  quietly  at  the  bottom  of  his 
crti-*;  ly-i  jJa-JI  ^^fco  Jjj^Jj  a»d  ^  rfid  mo£  desist  from  investigating 
it  carefully  {j^i  -  O**-;).     Compare  §  8,  e. 

Rem.     The  concrete  verbal  noun  is  sometimes  annexed,  like  the 
imperfect  (§  9),  to  the  verb  ,J^*>  tu  express  the  prtesens  prseteriti 

198  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§75 

A  or  Greek  and  Latin  imperfect ;  as  ^jU  &\&  he  was  dwelling ; 
Ij^s^a  C-Jlib  they  (the  spears)  were  sticking  in  the  ground  (OJl^ 
j£*yi  would  mean  <Aey  were  stuck  into  the  ground). 

2.     The  Government  of  the  Noun. 
The  Status  Constructus  and  the  Genitive. 
75.     The  idea  of  one  noun  is  very  often  more  closely  determined 

lis**  )Zi,  *  * 

B  (u,arfia».:j)  or  defined  (^jjuj)  by  that  of  another*.  When  this  is  the 
case,  the  noun  so  defined  is  shortened  in  its  pronunciation  by  the 
omission  of  the  tenwin,  or  of  the  terminations   jj  and  ^  (Vol.  i. 

§  315),    on    account    of   the   speaker's    passing   on    rapidly    to    the 
determining  word,  which  is  put  in   the  genitive.     The  determined 

noun  is  called  by  the  Arab  grammarians  «^L£loJI  the  annexed;   the 

determining  noun,  aJt  olcuoJI  that  to  which  annexation  is  made  or 

to  ivhich  another  tvord  is  annexed ;  and  the  relation  subsisting  between 

If         si' 

C   them  is  known  as   aiLe^t    the  annexation.     European   grammarians 

are  accustomed  to  say  that  the  determined  or  governing  word  is  in 
the  status  constructus. 

Rem.    The  Arab  grammarians  speak  of  two  kinds  of  annexation. 

The  one  is  called  2usu&a*l  I  5iLo*^l  the  proper  or  real  annexation, 

I  2JLo*^\  the  pure  annexation,  or  cUj^ji^JI  SiLi'sM  the  logical 

0<J      1  i  -         J  . 

annexation ;  the  other,  rt.ft.arwJI  j*s.  AiLi^l  the  improper  annexa- 

tion,  a«aa»  c)l  j*c.  diLo*^t  the  impure  annexation,  or  a-JaaJU!  diLi^l 

J)  <Ae  (nierely)  verbal  or  grammatical  annexation.  The  latter  consists 
in  this,  that  an  adjective,  a  participle  active  intransitive,  or  a 
participle  passive,  takes  a  definite  noun  in  the  genitive  instead  of 

*  [The  UAi.,*iti*.~>  consists  in  qualifying  an  indefinite  noun  by  an 
adjective,  or  an  expression  equivalent  to  an  adjective,  as  a  preposition 
with  a  genitive,  or  the  genitive  of  an  undefined  noun,  \~ijjJU  is  the 
defining  of  the  noun  by  the  genitive  of  a  defined  noun.] 

^  77]     The  Noun.— Gov't  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  I-  Genit.     100 

an  indefinite  £emy?.s-accusative  (see  §  44,  <?) ;  or  that  the  participle  A 
active  of  a  directly  transitive  verb,  being  used  with  the  meaning  of 

cjLkoJI   or  the  Imperfect   (see  §  30,  a),  takes  the  object  in  the 

genitive  instead  of  the  accusative.  In  both  cases  the  genitive  is 
only  a  looser,  representative  construction,  instead  of  the  stricter 
accusative,   and   consequently   exercises    no   defining   or    limiting 

power  (ob/ju   or  UAi,^>s^j)  upon  the  preceding  governing  word 

(see  §  89).  We  have  here  to  deal  almost  exclusively  with  the 
real  annexation. 

76.  By  the  genitive  is  indicated  :  (a)  the  person  to  whom  [or  the   B 
thing  to  which]  the  quality  designated  by  the  governing  word  belongs, 

as  aJUI  £*£•.  the  wisdom  of  God;  [£UqJ  t  l\iuo  the  Umpidness  of  the 
wetter ;]  (b)  the  material  of  the  form  and  the  form  of  the  material,  as 
&Jai  a-o-j  an  egg  of  silver,  ^JkljjJI  i-oi  the  siher  oj  the  dirhams  (in 
the  former  case  the  annexation  is  explicative,  **JW  4il«£t,  the  original 
expression  being  <Uii  «Lgu,i,  i.e.  *-oi  y*  Atfuj,  see  §  94);  (c)  the 
cause  of  the  effect  and  the  effect  of  the  cause,  as  sjof)\  Jk3U.  the  t- 
creator  of  the  earth,  U~+Jd\  j*.  the  heat  of  the  sun  ;  (d)  the  part  of 
the  whole  (partitive  annexation,  a,..^.,.,w.J  iiL^I)  and  the  whole  as 

,  »      a*o        it* 

embracing  the  parts  (explicative  annexation),  as  <v»x*JI  ^Jj  the 
beginning  of  wisdom,  Ol3^.U.-»JI  J^  the  totality  of  created  things; 
(e)  the  thing  possessed  by  a  possessor  and  the  possessor  of  a  thing 
possessed,  as  jjUaJ-JI  io>».  ^  treasury  of  the  sultan,  jJ\  ,jUkX-;  I) 

^jfc-Jlj  M<?  /ore?  o/*  the  land  and  sea ;  and  (/)  the  object  of  the  action 

and  of  the  agent,  as  SU»-JI  <^*>  ^  creation  of  heaven,  <UL^JI  wJl& 
ffo  icriter  of  the  letter. 

77.  The  Arab  grammarians  say  that  in  the  real  annexation  is 
implied  the  force  of  a  preposition,  which  is  either  J  (which  also 

represents  the  accusative,  §§  29 — 34),  ,j-o,  or  ^.     For  example : 

200  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  78 

A   ^»j  ve>i  Zeid's  slave,     J^jJ   ^^'  ->Ok*)t  ^  sfow  w/w  (belongs)  to 

0  0 

#£/<# ;  i-ai  ^lib  «  s*7wr  c«/>,  -  «Lai  ,j-«  ^l^  «  cm/>  (made)  of  silver 

(see  §  48, /)  ; >6^JI  ^o^  to-days  fast,  =>»>Jt  ^ ^>JaJf  tf^  fast  (held) 
on  to-day  (see  §  55  a). 

Rem.     The  annexation  is  resolved  by  ^o,  when  the  aJt  ^_iLa*e 

is  the  genus  or   material  of   the  oLcl«,   as  J*.   -r'V  a  s^  dress 

B         [comp.  §  48,  g]  ;  by  ..i,  when  the  aJ!  olcu*  is  the  yJjJi  (see  Vol.  i. 

§  221,  rem.  «)  of  the  oLa*,  as  jla^aJI  w»j*  <Ae  Arabs  of  el-Hijdz, 

*   W  *B  *■  0  Ci  *o     J    0  ' 

jlyJI^  ^j-JJI  jX*  plotting  by  night  and  day. 

78.     The  determining  noun   is,  in  the  real  annexation,  always 
either  a  substantive  or  a  word  regarded  as  such,  a  pronoun,  or  an 

.  A    fO       1      3  -  Sis' 

entire  clause.     For  example  :  aJJI  Jyj  the  Apostle  of  God ;  jj'  *-o-^ 

,  s  *  s  0   '  -   »         J  »^ 

C   the  word  'in  ;  J>l3  ^**  the  meaning  of  (the  verb)  katahi ;  ^L-Jl  j-XO 

the  indefiniteness  of  (the  substantive)  'insan  (not   ,J^\   i©J^»,  etc., 

because  words,  regarded  as  substantives,  are  by  their  very  nature 
definite,  just  like  proper  names,  and  therefore  do   not  require  the 

article) ;  «Lx*  its  meaning  .-^jus  ^>*5il^JI  jti^j^o^j  tjjb  ^/.?  w  ^ 

da?/  (when)  their  truthfulness  shall  benefit  the  truthful;  ^yju±  j>yi  ^1 

^7/  ^  day  (when)  they  (the  dead)  sAa//  fo  raised ;  \j\*lb*$\  cJ^^o^ 

D  Ue  the  day  (that)  the  women  (setting  out  on  their  journey)  turned  away 
t    t    j    s  * ««»   <•  ■»  * 
from  us ;  j~«\  *•  U*.aJ I  jj-oj  «£  the  time  (when)  el-Haggag  was  emir ; 

JZZ~»\  jjl  wij  «£  ^e  time  (when)  he  hid  himself,  -  «jU-wl  "^*^  a£  £fo 

time  of  his  hiding  himself ;  w>IJuOI  OJLH  O**"  when  they  shall  see  the 

Gs         0  J     J    0    ,  0 

punishment ;  [a^*j  o-*  TrJ**^  Oh*-  O-*  from  the  moment  he  goes  out 
from  his  house] ;  >^~jZ~c  ,jl».  j-ot  at  the  time  (ivhen)  old  age  is  coming 
on ;   \J£=>  J**j   O'  (&\*~*)  <>-*>*•  fw  fear  °f  his  doing  so-and-so ; 

§  79]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat  Construct.  &  Genit.     201 

Uq->^».  *U  t^iwj  ^h^  a-^oJI  ***->'  L5**1  ^  efe«^  made  him  drink  the  A 
cup  of  "and  they   were  given   boiling  water  to  drink"    (el-Kor'an, 

xlvii.   17). — The  determined  noun,  on  the  contrary,  can  be  only  a 

'     j  -  * ' 
substantive  ;  for  the  numerals  and  prepositions  (JW-j  <*—>+*•  five  men, 

«Lw  juu  a/lter  ^£  /«/*?£  of  a  year)  are  in  reality  substantives,  and 
adjectives,  standing  in  the  position  of  defined  nouns,  have  the  force 
of  substantives,  as  ij^J  I  j***-  the  best  of  (God's)  creatures  (see  §  86), 
[A*>yt   0-~»-  ^  handsome  face,  %  89,  rem.],  iiai*   J*-^  a  hurried  B 

.  «/tf         S^/J 

thrust,  j**. iJI  ^jt  ws».LaJI  ^o-jI  ^Iaj  0*i"  o^i-oj  and  honoured  now 

by  the  exalted  name  of  the  Sahib  'Abu  l-Kdsim.     [Comp.  §  86,  rem.  b, 
§  93  at  the  end,  and  §  95,  e.] 


Rem.  a.  In  the  pure  annexation,  the  article  ,J\  can  never  be 
prefixed  to  the  oti* ;  in  the  impure,  it  may  (see  §$  30,  a,  and  89). 

Rem.  b.  Occasionally  in  ancient  poetry,  and  frequently  in  later 
prose  writers,  we  find  such  phrases  as  juj  ?>-<)j  oL~;  Zeid's  sword 
and  spear,  for  which   the  correct   expression  would   be  juj    ot*~>    v^ 

3     J      »  J  ^ 

*J3  ;  e.g.  LyJIS  ,^©  ij^;_5  *>-!  *JUI  sJai  way  GW  cw£  off  the  hand 

,  it-o     ,  a  ,  ,      a  *  *        -  a  - 

and  foot  of  him  who  said  it;  Juj^M  ^y*»-j  i<c'j3  Ot^  between  the 
two  paws  and  the  forehead  of  the  Lion  (the  constellation  Leo) ; 
~~A~i  ifclju  jl  SJ^Jlc  *$\  save  the  after-running  or  the  first  running 

**  0  *  *       *  0  *       9   t  *a*o    *  +  p  a*o         *  , 

of  a  courser;  lyjj^-j  ^J^->  w~j*M  O^^J*^ '  ^  may  the  rain  water 
the  lands,  both  rugged  and  level,  for  lyjj».j  ^y->-  D 

79.     Not  only  common  nouns,  but  also  proper  names,  may  be 
determined   by   a  genitive;    as  ^^AJI    ***0   RabVa  of  the  horse; 

^jLoi  aJu\j  Pn-Ndbiga  of  (the  tribe  of)  Dubyan,=  ,JLj»j)1   ii_>L01  : 

~,        >      a  *  ~'iajas*-}' 

^plj  wJL*5  Taglib,  (son)  of  Wail,  for  Jjtj  ^  wJLij  ;   s^^L  ^jI». 

Hdtimof  (the  tribe  of)  Taiyi  ;  wJ£)t  ^-0*  '^lw;-  o/Mt?  ^  (because 

w.  11.  26 

202  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§80 

A  he  was    always    accompanied    by  one)  ;   0-o**M    3j*»-  U-Hira,   (the 

Cri    <«  J  J  J 

capital  of  the  kingdom)  of  hi- No' man ;  j>\*J\  ^JbtjJa  Tripolis  in 
Syria;   w>>*M  ^^JjIjJ?   Tripoli  in  North  Africa;  Jij/*JI  ,>!****>  >el3l 

t    ids  3         •>  0  s  %  Z    0  0   ,  Si  J  J  a  '  * 

*-j~i*  J>w  j»\JJ\  JU»o  J-fc^)  aS^wj  ^  <^e/£  in  Bagdad  of  (in) 
Sl-'Irak,  but  his  yearning  for  the  people  of  Damascus  of  (in)  Syria 

,  *  at        a  i       a  *        -I-       ,  Z  *>     ,  a  *       *  i  *  *       *  * 

was  a  painful  yearning ;   cAs^W  ^r^^ij   ^j   UW  J^yi   ^>*H)   ^ 

^jj^-o-i  t>*">*-^'  ^5-^^*°  our  Zeid,  on  the  day  (at  the  battle)  of  en-Nakd 

B   (or  the  sand  hill),  smote  the  head  of  your  Zeid  with  a  bright  (sword) 

t  *    -  -  j      a  j  *     j  a  *         j  *  s  ^ 

of  el- Yemen,  the  edges  of  which  bit  deep;  *$j*aJi**  ^A}^x*~*  '^ji1** 
and  they  left  their  Mas'iid  thrown  down  upon  the  ground. 

80.     It  often  happens,  too,  that  a  noun  is  qualified  by  the  genitive 
of  another  noun,  when  in   other  languages  an  adjective  would  be 

a  *■        j  i  *  a  *     y    ,  j    a  * 

employed;   as  %$*>   J^  a  bad  man;  ,jl».j  jU>»-  a  wild  ass;   oy 

a  s         i«'/  J 

JJjlo  a  piece  of  cloth  of  good  quality,  Jj  ju»  t^^-o  a  good  place  of  abode, 

a         j  *  *  Z  *>    j    *  a 

C    Jj^o  w*»-lo  a  good  comrade ;  'A-aJI  Ol***!  the  pure  or  sincere  brethren 
(or  brotherhood).      This   is   particularly  the   case  in  specifying  the 

S        j  ,  a* 

material  of  which  a  thing  is  made ;   as  2-ai  ^-a*J  ovum  argenteum, 

a  silver  egg ;  j-jj^-  *->y  vest  is  serica,  a  silk  dress  (see  §§  76,  77).  In 
the  same  way  a  genitive  is  attached  to  the  name  of  a  person,  to 
express  something  peculiar  to  and  descriptive  of  him  ;  as  J*jLij|  juj 

*    £>  &      j       <ja  *  a  *  a*o     j  a  * 

the  erring   (apostate)  Zeid,  =  J^LcJI  j3   ju j  ;  j-oUl    jutw   the  good 

a  -  a*>       j       r  a  *  a  2   *>     j  a  * 

D  Sa'd,^j^s>J\  £   jotw,   to   which  would  be   opposed   S^JI   jjtw,   or 
jJii\  jjtw,  the  wicked  Sa'd,  =  j^-JI  ^  jju*  or  j-£Jt  ji. 

a  -e*>  j  .. 

[Rem.    This  sort  of  annexation  is  called  ^jifcjl  .Jl  ,J-j*JI  siLo\ 
i.e.  the  annexation  of  the  concrete  to  the  abstract  noun.] 

81.     The  Arabs  also  use  several  nouns,  which  convey,  at  least 
secondarily,  the  ideas  of  possession,  companionship,  origination,  etc., 

§  81]     The  Noun. — Govt  of  Noun. — Stat.  Construct.  &  Genit.      203 

in  combination  with  a  following  substantive   (usually  expressing  a  A 
quality)  in  the  genitive,  as  a  substitute  for  adjectives.     These  quasi- 
adjectives,  when  actually  in  apposition  to  a  substantive,  are  placed 
after  it,  like  real  adjectives.     They  are  principally  the  following : 

ji  the  (man)  of  such  and  such  a  thing,  its  owner  or  possessor  (Vol.  i. 

s  *  see 

§  340,  rem.  c) ;   w-*.lc   companion,  possessor;   JJbl  family,  people; 

«  £  31  ...  .    .  .       . 

w>!  father,  and  j>\  mother,  i.e.  originator,  cause,  origin,  or  principle 

93  °'3  s  *  •  ...»  f, 

of  a  thing ;  ,jjt  son,  and  3jj\  or  >Z~JJ  daughter,  i.e.  originating  from,   B 

<i  £ 

caused  by,  dependent  upon  or  related  to  something ;  *-\  brother,  i.e. 

J  5 

connected  with  or  related  to  something.     The  nouns  ji,  w*»-L«,  and 

*  *£ 

Jjkt,  are  constantly  used  in  this  way  in  ordinary  prose ;  the  others, 

being  metaphorical,  belong  almost  exclusively  to  poetry  and  poetical 

a  -  a*>        j  a     a*       j 

diction.     For  example  :  >^t*•J  1   ^i   the  good,  ^UJ I  ji   the  learned, 

y)~A9  ji  gracious,  JU  ji  wealthy,  ^^j  £  a  relation,  «i)^w  Oli  ^aj\ 
a  piece  of  land  cotered  with  thorns,  w»U*i)l  >3jt  intelligent  persons,  L> 
^*l«*.j^)l  jji,  or  ^oU-j^l  y^t,  relations ;  ^JLL*^  I  *-iaJI  w-a-Ua  o«« 
irtfA  gw^  natural  parts,  <uL*JI  w«*.Lo  ^<?  person  ivho  has  committed 
a  fault,  j**.  w*»-L©  a  scout,  spy,  or  mouchard,  j^s.  wsew'-e  a  man 
of  learning,  y-J'j  i<»JI  w>U»o1  ^  inmates  of  Paradise  and  Hell ; 
<U-Jt  Jjbl  ^o.5e  it'^o  conform  to  the  practices  [and  sayings]  of  Muham- 
twW,  glyb^M  v^Jkt  persons  of  erroneous  opinions,  heretics,  ^*Jt  J-*'  D 
£Ae  learned,  iiJJI  Jjkl  lexicographers ;  JLi^JI  ^jI  a  hospitable  man, 

..  ..  e*>        it  a   -   i  a*        j£ 

SLaJI  ^i\  the  father  (supporter)  of  life,  i.e.  the  rain,  (jjo-wM   ^jl 

the  father  (constructor)  of  the  little  fortress,  i.e.  the  fox  ;  *£»s5Lsij  I  v°' 

s  -»  31 ' 
£fo  mother  (cause)  of  disgraceful  acts,  i.e.  wine,  Jij^iaJl  >»'  ^  main 

road;  [JkJ^JsJI  C>Uj  ^  branches  of  the  road ;]  ^^---Jl  ^1  ^  so«  o/" 
£fo  «my,  i.e.  ^  traveller,  *->/*•  O^'  a  warrior,  ^jl  ^>jI  ^  sow  0/ 

204  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  82 

A  howling,  i.e.  the  jackal;   J*aJI  c-*u  £Ae  daughter  of  the  mountain, 
i.e.  £Ae  echo ;  j~±J\  ^»-t,  j^^Jt  >**■',  ^**J'  >»-l,^J^l  3»*l,  the  good. 

-        j   £ 

£^e  laborious,  the  wealthy,  the  learned,  j****  ^»-l  a  brother  of  Temim, 
o?20  q/*  £/^e  £ri£>e  of  Temim;  [j^.&Jt  ^£.1  ^  brother  of  wine,  i.e.  «  man 

0    6  0-6  0     0 

drunk  with  wine.     Connected  herewith  is  the  use  of  o-jI,  2cj\  (<£•*->) 

to  indicate  the  age  of  a  person,  as  <Uw  j^-Jlo-5  (JjI  $&>  he  is  eighty 

B  years  old  (lit.  he  is  the  son  of  eighty  years).     A  poet  (Hamasa,  p.  6) 

9  £   .  -  6   -         j  £ 

employs  *-l  in  the  same  manner  :  !,>*.....»£.  ^±.1  ^ty  years  o£a]. 

82.  Further,  some  secondary  ideas,  such  as  those  of  the  whole, 
the  part,  the  like,  and  the  different,  which  we  usually  designate  by 
adjectives,  prepositions,  or  compound  words,  are  expressed  in  Arabic 
by  substantives,  taking  the  primary  substantives,  to  which  they  are 
attached,  in  the  genitive.     Such  are  : — 

C         (a)    Jds   (Heb.   73,   Syr.  ^oi>,   ^o,   JEth.     Yy.<ft    kwell)   the 
totality,  the  whole  (lit.  what  is  rolled  and  gathered  together ;  compare 

77.3  to  roll,  \\  i  \*"),  J-Jibl,  a  crown,  77^  to  make  complete  or  perfect, 

7v3  perfect,  the  whole).     If  the  leading  substantive  is  definite,  and 

3  j 
signifies    something    single    and  indivisible,   J^»    means  whole,   as 

6^6>o      ill  6  ,6>a        ill  .«    ...      -      . 

C~J  I  J^3  the  whole  house,  j»^i  I  J.£>  the  whole  day ;  if  it  is  definite, 

but  a  plural  or  a  collective,  J£»  means  all,  as  Ol3l^*a»JI  J^  all  the 

&*  & j  .  I* 

D  animals,  ^UJI  J^>  «W  mankind ;  if  it  is  indefinite,  Jib  means  each, 

every,  as  d-o^-i  s^*Jj  ^-©j  £b^~»  J^»  U  >w£  everything  which  is  black 

c*>    a  1  £ 
&  a  date,  and  (not  everything  which  is)  white  a  bit  of  fat ;  %t*\  J^' 

IjU  JJUb   j*.5y  jljj   \lj*\  ^>^.~.a>J  g?os£  </w«  consider  every  man  a 
{true)  man,  and  (every)  fire  that  blazes  at  night  a  (true)  fire  (really 

6    -  I  1  6-  ij 

deserving  of  the  name)  ?  J*£»  J£>  ew?-y  stratagem,  j»^i  J£>  every 
day,  (»*».1)  J^-l^  J^  eac/j  s/w^e  owe,  ,>«  J^  every  one  who  (in 

§  82]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat,  Construct.  &  Genit.     205 

which  case  the  annexation  is  explicative,  ^Ulj^ — iui\  *iiUi>!,  each,  A 
viz.   stratagem,   etc.)*. — Frequently,   however,   the  definite  primary 

it    J 

substantive  is  put  first,  and  J^  is  placed  after  it,  in  annexation  to 
a  pronominal  suffix  agreeing  with  the  primary  substantive,  which  is, 

ji  J  3     3  ,S, 

as  it  were,  repeated  in  the  suffix ;   as  aJ^  c-s^J  I  the  whole  house, 

*  -  3  3  3i3*  }ji  j  J    Si  ' 

W-^3  u^j^l  the  whole  earth,  j*^^  tr»W  all  mankind.     Instead  of 

this  construction,  we  sometimes  find  J^JI,  to  vdv,  and  even  St)£=>. 
which  is  definite,  notwithstanding  the  tenwin,  and  stands,  according   B 

*il    3  t     ji    J  3  ^i«5  ,     £     ,      x  i    x   ^ 

to  circumstances,  for  U^.  v0iCJL^,  etc.;   as   ^LJU^aJI   c»»-»a^'>   jJj 

it  jOja         j , ,       ,   ,  sis**      6  }*     *  3  3  -  o*£       o *        it  33^*       j    ,o;sv,       i       ,  J  a**,. 

l«L3  s'^JI  juc  «;^  the  poor  and  widows  and  orphans  had  assembled, 
and  had  all  corns  to  water  their  camels  and  flocks,  and  they  all 

i  3  3*  tj    ij  ]    3     '  3       '         <j    '   * 

remained  standing   near  the  water  (,J£J\=^J&) ;    ^j^cj^s^    ^Icj 

/  JJ  •»     /      i   ^  ut  3  Z  J       J  3  *  *  *3i  3*o       3         -      3i*  3        3*3*  

a«<#  Pharaoh,  and  the  brethren  of  Lot,  and  the  inhabitants  of  the 
grove,  and  the  people  of  Tubba',  all  accused  the  apostles  of  imposture 

t    J  3  lit    }  3  3  3  -  it    3  Zt   3     '  -  3   3*'  -     \       3  3  -  -  0  f  * 

{^y^-jtr^=>  or  j^y^  *x»-lj  J^j  :  *^^j  wJ^asjj  J^*--]  ^  ^-*j 
W5  Ubto.  «•<?  gave  him  (Abraham)  Isaac  and  Jacob,  and  each  of  them 
we  made  a  prophet  (*}l£>  =  U^-U  «x»-lj  J£>  or  ^rr*)  :  0^>  J^> 
a//  7Wf/s£  <//<?,  i.e.  ^Ul  ^>«  j^*.l  J£> ;  *jI>j  w>U.I  J-*-*  «»^  ^<?y  <M 

*  [In  poetry  J^,  followed  by  an  indefinite  noun  in  the  genitive  D 
singular,   is  often  used,  like  the  German   word   tauter,   to   denote   a 
number   of   objects    all   of  which    possess    this  or  that   quality,    e.g. 

3  ~*3*  fi       3  5  -     3     it    *,         ** 

>ojJ»o  t\}j*?.  (J-^»  *^l  j±-JJ\   *^_3  and  (he  cared  for)  no  treasure  save 

only  mares,  all  of  them  short-haired  and  hard-hoofed ;  ^li-ai  JL£>  ^ju 

^^a-^iM   with   me  tvere  comrades,  each  of  them  cloxl  i)i  a  loose-fitting 

tunic,  in  German,  es  begleiteten  mich  tauter  Freunde  mit  iceiten  Kleid- 

206  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  82 

A  assented  and  sivore  allegiance ;   [J-yJt  w>J^>  ^M   J^>   o\  there  was 
not  any  one  but  accused  the  apostles  of  lying]. 

6r»*>     J  « 

Rem.  This  last  remark  applies  also  to  j^c  to-morrow,  =  >o^J  I  j^i 
and^o^JI  *iUi  j^c,  and  to  ,J->U>  next  year,  =^1*31  tjjk  ,JjIS  and 
>oLaJt    «iU3  tJ-A3  ;    as  Ijcc   L*»e  <tlwjl    sent?  Awn.  wi£/i  ^<s  to-morrow; 

'  s  '  0*      0  J  *  *         •    0    •  *■  *  *    0  '    '  '        ' 

^)j15   j_Jt   [yXjjJu   *$3  2lL»^J  t^-  ^iy*"  [*  'i'   lohen  thou  gettest 
B         the  plucking  of  a  palm-tree,  do  not  put  it  off  till  next  year. 

(b)    With  the  use  of  J^  coincides  in  most  points  that  of  £- 
the  totality,  the  whole  (lit.  what  is  collected,  from  **»-,  connected  with 

■3    ^  Z  *>      )         *  oil*  J    2  - 

^»-»-) ;    as  ^UJI   f-d-o-c*-,   or  ^yx^a.    ,_r>U)t,   all  mankind  (but  also 

Ut^a.   u-'W,  whereas   !}li=>   ^UJt    is  inadmissible) ;    ly****-   *^»J^oJ' 

£^e  wAo/e  c%;   ^.A^^Jt  JlS   ^U^l  ^3   l^Ji  ««c?  a/fer  Atf  obtained 

C    ^  sovereignty,  he  put  them  all  to  death  (****JI,  to  oAov,  equivalent 

in  this  case  to  _^*^©.a.)  ;  Qgj  ^x-w «  U>  jJ  ^-^»-  ^>  teli  cme?  fo,  £&?y 
sA«//  be  assembled  before  us  all  together. 

Rem.     Similar  is   the   use  of  <ulc   the  great  mass  or  bulk,  the 
greatest  part,   [the  whole]  (properly  the  fern,   participle   of  ^o-c   to 

0  J  Z      *  ,  6  *  0    * 

comprise    or    comprehend) ;    as    ^Jkjj)    d-^oLcj  ^ZSLs    ^9   ^>a-J 

^^jUsto-a.^  t£  (the  water)  rw?is  tw  £/teir  streets  and  the  greatest  part 

D         o/"  ^AeiV  houses  and  baths  ;  Sjla*^.   lylUjt  <L©Uj  awe?  <Ae  greatest  part 

of  its  buildings  are  (of)  stone  ;  ALcKe-  u.t»>a.J  I  the  great  bulk  of  the 

army,  [the  whole  army] ;  U-vs*  J>v^-<^ '  J-**J  I  ^j^  <uW  t  lj.3  //ws£ 
(readers  of  the  Korean)  read  according  to  the  passive  voice  in  both 
(words);  <UU  >o^iJI  j'».  ^e  people  came  in  a  body. — The  word 
JjU»  the  rest,  tlie  remainder  (properly  the  participle  of  jZ~>  to  be  over, 
to  be  left,  Heb.  ")$&),  is  incorrectly  used  by  later  [even  elegant] 
writers  in  the  sense  of  all;   as  »-l»JI  jjL»  >jJ>  all  the  pilgrims 

§  82]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct,  <£  Genit.     207 

have  arrived;    »-|/^JI  J>&  ^s^"'   the  whole   of  the  property-tax  A 
has  been  collected*. 

(c)     uov  a  part,  a  portion,  is  used  with  the  genitive  of  a  plural 
or  a  collective  to  signify  some  one  or  more,  a  certain  one,  some  one, 

,,a*>,a,5,*  ,:  *        i  a  <■      *  +      *  , 

one;  as  o— *-"  CH  J~o*»-*  J***W  »^a*J  w-»t»»  #«£  of  his  pupils 

,  ,  »*o  a  , 

addressed  Muhammad  the  son  of  el-Hasan  :  ^li^Jl   u^-i  ^  in  a 

certain  cave ;  >ob^)l  ^a«j  ^»  owe  cfay;  ^ov**-^  J*^Jl  «£  recited  (the 
following  verses)  composed  by  one  of  them  (one  of  the  poets,  by  a  certain    B 

,   a,       .» i  ■»     ,  ,ai      ,  a  ,       a    ,       ,      j   a  ,       a  i      Sj)/  J--' 

poet);    ^LJI  aJUI  Jpt  U  ^^suu   ^>c  ^>^»  o'  ^r^j^^3  and  beware 

of  them,  test  they  lead  thee  astray  from  part  of  what  (from  any  of  the 

5  * ' 
precepts  which)  God  has  sent  down  (revealed)  unto  thee.—U  uaxj 

be  repeated  as  a  correlative,  no  pronominal  suffix  is  added  to  it  in  the 
second  place ;   as  u&*->  O-*  0>*'  J-~"  cA*j  %wm  evils  are  easier  to 

*         ,  t/  a  }    J    a  ,         r      ,  i// 

be  borne  than  others ;   |>*yJ»  cA*-J  v^v^   C^  ^i  ^v»  though  the 

i  i  a  ,      a  j   j  a  ,      ,      i      ?    *>    j     ,     a 

one  of  them  should  aid  the  other ;  *$\  Laxj  ^y-aaj  ^j-oJUaJI  j^xj  ,jl    q 
l)ij^  ^  wicked  make  to  one  another  only  vain  (or  deceitful)  promises ; 

a  *      ,a  ,      ,    j  a  ,      s     /jj 

^xj  Jj^i  V"*V  ^U-U»  darknesses  one  upon  another  (darkness  upon 

s  a, 

darkness).     In  modern  Arabic  the  second  t^a*J   is  often  omitted.— 

j  i- ,a,  e  a,  % 

Lastly,    tA»-J'    [and   even   ,>uu   without   the   article]   is   sometimes 

j  a ,  j  a  ,a-o  ,    ,      , 

used  instead  of  ^^4  with  the  genitive;   as  ^i   cA*^'   <*-»  j»'i  131 

,         ,a*o         ,     ,    , ,        ,  a  , 

^SUI  ^js-  Jaiw  SjX>  when  some  (people)  in  a  town  observe  it,  it  is 

j  a  ,a>e    j  }  *,   ,       a  ,  , 

not  required  of  (lit.  it  falls  off  from)  the  rest ;   cA*^'  ^v**'*'  **fj   D 

*  [To  the  same  class  belong  also  »xo»  and  Ji»-  in  expressions  like 

,    &  is'  ,     &  ,£     , 

j&ZA  jl».  very  mean  =  I  j^a.  ^^  :  ^Jlc  jia.  Ul  U  /  aw  rco<  very  learned 

=  Ijm*.  ^U  :    O*-6'   *>*•  Wi0^  trustful  =  U».  ^--ot  ;    wJli  Jift.^o^j  o« 

s  ^     »     ^ 
intensely  hot  day  =  'ia.  ^Jl3.      Comp.  §  137,  rem.  6  and  the  Gloss,  to 

Tabari  s.  v.  J»..      D.  G.] 

208  Part  Third.—  Syntax.  [§  82 

2  0*         i      b     s  **  Z  Q  *         JO 

*yJi  ^*  ,w»?<?  opposed  them  in  this  matter  ;  [Ca*j  c*ibpj  Loaj 
/  foo£  «  jt?ar£  (0/  i£)  and  left  a  part]. 


(d)  j*s-  alteration,  difference,  as  a  concrete,  something  different, 
is  used  with  a  following  genitive  to  designate  one  or  more  objects 
other  than,  differing  from,  or  the  opposite  of,  the  object  or  objects 
expressed  by  the  genitive.  In  the  last  case  it  corresponds  to  our 
negative  prefix  un  or  in  ;  in  the  others  it  may  be  rendered  by  another, 

_.  .  OjjO**jj  JO* 

-B   other,  et  cwtera,  and  the  like.     For  example  :  ^a^j   ^i^-oi\  kings 

*  J  0  *  *       J  *  *  uj    »0*      J  Zi  J5iO*         J  *         *      Zi     * 

and  others  ;  \k>j*&$  aaauJIj  S^jUIj  icla^iJI  bravery,  strength,  clemency, 

))))/^         J        *    JOiO*  ***     jOiO         *■  * 

and  other  qualities ;  ^bj+s-j  SLiaiJtj  ^jj^l  ?^-  there  came  the  vizirs, 

*      I       J}**  *        JO*  irf  *  0  *  *£ 

judges,  etc.;  [»sX)i  j-j^j  ££  cetera/]  O*^  *^'  O-^  jt>**'  do  you  then 

0     J         C*  vt     fO    J  0  *        0  1  0      * 

seek  another  religion  than  that  of  God  I  aj^CJU  aJJI  j*s.  a)  I  ^yo  what 

JO      *      j«/ 

god  is  there  but  God,  ivho  would  bring  it  (back)  to  you  ?  Jj^Jo*-*  jt£ 

J    0     *0>e      JO*  0  J       JO  *  JO* 

uncreated;   Jj>Li~oJI  j^e-  tlie  uncreated;   (>£«-*  j-^e.  impossible;  j*& 

C    *->jjd\  not  Arabs ;  j-m  j^e.  ^J\  Ay^-j  his  face  was  not  turned  towards 

Egypt ;  %\*>  j*£-  ^Xe-  JjjJS  and  he  halted  away  from  water,  or  without 

J  0  *0*      ^  J  0  * 

access  to  water.— j*Jd\  is  very  rarely  used   instead   of  j+z  with  the 

0  *0*3  it   1    i  *    J  *  J 

genitive;  as  j+*l\  t*_i£bl  lya^iL&j  the  hands  of  others  clasp  them 
(-^Aj^e.). — When  in  the  accusative,  j-+£,  which  always  remains  a 
substantive,  often  requires  to  be  translated  by  a  preposition  or  con- 

O  *  P     *  0  *        J  5  *  0*5       *     * 

junction,  such  as  except,  but;  e.g.  jSL>  ^jI  j*a  j>$&\  j>\»  the  people 

D  stood  tip,  except  'Abii  Bekr ;   JJ*>U-  j^e.  ^y  *$  tlwu  wilt  never  seem 

0  *  0^0 

(or  be  thought)  but  a  fool*. — On  j-Ju  and  j*£  o-*>  without,  see  §  56, 

J  »  •  ^  J»/  *0*  % 

rem.  c.     The  expressions  j-j*  *$  and  j*£  c^  are  used  in  the  sense 

JO*        *       to  *  J  *  0*  0    JO* 

of  not  otherwise,  nothing  more  [Vol.  i.  §  363] ;  as  j*£  *$  lip*  lJ*)XL~»+)\ 
that  which  is  used  as  an  accusative  of  time,  not  otherwise  ;  j^e-  *$  M^W 

£     *0  *  £       Z  n        -\ 

*  [On  jjl  j*s-      i^j\  *i)1  comp.  the  footnote  to  Vol.  i.  §  367.] 

§  82]     The  Noun.— Gov't  o/Xoun.—Stat  Construct  &  Genit.     209 

j»^  ,  a,      **a  a 

in  the  nominative,   not  otherwise;  j~z  u-t?  >o*j>   {£<±^   I  have  a  A 

,i      j)/       -        *     \     j  a*         -  a- 

dirhani  about  me,  nothing  more;  i.e.  <iUj  j*£  *9,  «£U3  j*£  u-*^- 

Rem.  a.  When  the  sense  demands  a  repetition  of  j-»-e,  the 
particle  *9  is  used  instead,  likewise  followed  by  the  genitive;  as 
->•'  *^3  T>'  ^s*  O-*  without  father  and  mother ;  ^jJk  ^)_j  ^oJx  J^4 
^-^-e  w>U£»  *9j  tcithout  either  knowledge  or  guidance  or  a  book  to 

i  *        ,  *  j   ,      *  a  *     j  j   a  £ 

give  them  light ;  j»^b  ^)_j  >^«>  ^^  ai^l  7  &nm<?  7m?i  to  6e  neither   B 
envious  nor  tyrannical ;   w^-o-t-q.!  I  j-j£  ^^-Jx  C-s^x."'!  ^>-;JJI   k\j*o 

'•*£*&*'       a     a*  *  _ 

(J^JLaJt    *^)j  ^ovc^*   ^  jt)a^A   q/"  i/tose  to  whom   Thou  art  gracious, 

with  whom  Thou  art  not  angry,  and  who  go  not  astray. 


,  a  * 

Rem.  6.  Instead  of  ^^*c  in  the  nom.,  genit.  or  accus.,  followed 
by  the  genit.  of  an  adjective,  we  sometimes  find  *^  with  the  corre- 
sponding  case  of  the  adjective  ;  as  jj^i  *j)  S^Ju  a/i  unbroken  heifer, 

=  jj*  *±  c 

(^)     l5>-'   (rarely  ^>-»   and    £t^-»),   another    (besides    So-and-so), 

*   a    ta*>     j  *   a  -      j        -       -^       - 

likewise  runs  through  all  the  cases;   as  a-Ua».»JI   aJLai   %JU  ^I^-jj 

whilst  others  than  thou  icithhold  their  benefits  from   the   needy  (see 
§  30,  b,  rem.  />) ;  ^yJ^\  wolj  ly«5b  JL)l^~i  then  another  than  thou 

*    +  a    *        *        a  *  a  to, 

is  the  seller  and  thou   art   the  buyer;   £)\y*    ^js-    jULAi.t   ^k£s\^ 
and  suffice  me  with  Thy  bounty,  so  that  I  may  have  no  need  of  any  D 
other  but  Thee;  lr.>«.»l  ^Jy~>  O-*  b«**  L5**9'  L5^  ^"-J  ^  u'  l«^j  "^j^i 
/  &uv  prayed  to  my  Lord  that  He  icould  let  no  enemy  conquer  my 

j       a  *       '  - 

people,  that  belonged  to  another  race  than  themselves:  JU»-Q  *^j 
u>1^-»  jj»«  *^j  L*  l^...,l«h.  Ijl  ^o^-U  o^  O-*  f^^>*^'  and  no  one  of 
them  speaks  a  foul  word,  either  when  they  sit  with  us  or  with  others 
than  us;  ^^i-Lj  AX*y>  sj^c  ^)\y*  ,jlj  and  he  who  places  hope  in 
any  other  than  thee  is  wretched. — When  in  the  accusative,  it  must 
w.  ii.  27 

210  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  82 

,  o .  a    a«»  - 

A  often  be  translated  by  besides  (compare  j-»c  in  d) ;   as  .^AxJt   ^£y 

a    ^a«»     .--a.-  a-  -  #  >  »  •  i    ?     • 

besides  science;   u la.„0,)l  Jp^i   <su«£»   l£>w  besides  its  [or  fos]  omia 

«??  ornament  in  society. 

90  o  -  at  . 

(/)     J***)  Pmr-   J^-°'>  likeness,  as  an  adjective,  Mtf,  also  runs 

mo       ja  j  a^  to       ^5  j  ^      uSc        ^     t 

through  all  the  cases;    as    l^jJI    J£«    £~JI   L©-»t    I^HS  ^^yjb   *i*J3 

j»  j  »      o  ^  -•      £       a  jac     a 

tfAis  because  they  say,  Selling  is  merely  like  usury;  UXl*  jJLi  *^\^J\  \j\ 

Zt  i  a>o       j  a        9    ,      a  i       ,, 

B   ye  are  nothing  but  men  like  us;  ^UsiJI    J£«  Aa^».l  l^J  they  have 

wings  like  (those  of)  bats;  ljuj  l^JJU  Sj^JI  ^^  on  each  date  the 
like  of  it  in  butter  (a  piece  of  butter  of  the  same  size) ;  t^^  <*A£»£»  w~J 

at         -  .-     w        a<«-        j  a  a  «>  ..  ^  ^  a  x>         - 

£^•0  is  nothing  like  unto  Him ;  o'  ^5"^  O"4*-*  'j  c*-^ '  OjtoJ^t  ^>J 

a  a 

a  .>      jc^     .-        *aibio     -  i  a  jt/ 

*L^tl  Oj-5^  ^  O!/*^'  '***  J^o^  'y>b  if  mankind  and  the  (jinn  united 
to  produce  the  like  of  this  Koran,  they  could  not  produce  tlie  like  of  it  ; 

a      a^      ^a        ..      i*o*      .-     -         3.o     -  -     *      \  * 

jr^s*  J**  O^o^i  *$  CH-^'  J*-'  *SJUJ>^  similarly,  those  who  have  no 
C   knowledge  say  the  like  of  their  saying  (of  what  they  say) ;    J!a3I  y 

■t  *  *         t  I.      *  a  t^Zioiisi-^ 

La3  jl».I  JjL*  vo^j  ^)^3  ^£>»x».t  if  one  of  you  spent  every  day  the  like  of 
(the  hill  of)  'Ohod  in  gold  (a  quantity  of  gold  as  large  as  the  hill  of 
'Ohod) ;  jt»\   im^>  y)£-6   ,j>jj3-rSLo    cU«JI    o^  V  if  ths  wMd  beast* 

a  ^>*«      ^  a        £  * 

wer^  painters  like  men ;  [JI/-J '  tJ~*  J-*  ^  passed  like  the  lightning] ; 
«iJL3  U  *}JJLo  ^J  7  /*aw  twice  as  much  as  thou ;  ^,-JjU  ^r^3j-i  they 

*  »i  *  9  9      11         '      ' 

thought  them  twice  as  many  as  themselves;  JlLol^  \j^ti  ijjS  ^3 

..  a«»  <•    o*> 

D  jlSi)  J*l£i\  and  in  it  are  white  apes,  like  (as  big  as)  large  rams; 
JL»  U  Jllol  ojJue.  («Waj  ,jl  y>\  he  ordered  that  he  should  be  given 
fe?i  ^'w^s  as  much  as  he  asked ;  [J^oJ'  is  used  instead  of  JJU  with  the 

a    e«»     j    *  * 

genitive  in  expressions  like  J^©JI  »>*j  the  price  paid  for  a  similar 

a  a    a«>    j»/ 

thing   (=  <*J^),   J«^oJ  I  j-v-«   ^   dowry  given   to  a   lady  of  her  rank 

§  82]     The  Noun. — Govt  of  Noun. — Stat.  Construct,  &  Genit.     211 

**  'a 

Rem.  a.     Exactly  like  JJU,  but  formally  undeveloped,  is  j)  the  A 

like  of.     See  §  63. 

Rem.  b.  Similar  is  the  use  of  <ui.  [or  <***£,]  likeness,  the  like, 
jj£,  or  jljJuo,  measure,  size,  quantity,  worth,  and  |Ukj  computation 
(by  conjecture),  which  last  may  usually  be  translated  by  about ;  as 
*JLft  juueu  -teji  <Lw  J«*aJI  j«9  Oyj*^'  C*a*Jj  rtW  the  ancients 
Imve  cut  out  in  the  mountain  (something)  like  steps  (or  a  stair),  by 

-  a-o  -  * 

which  one  can  ascend ;  [SjjjaJI  <Uy  ^J  ,-A  i<  (£/*«  town)  lies  in  a    B 

-   J  -  i  ^ -  ^     ^         J         ■•         ^J 

sor£    of  peninsula  :    f*f**$  I  j»-  ■*    «*»w  ^A    i£    (<Aw    ?ree)    Aas   £fo 

j  a  si*, 

likeness   of  a    lemon-tree;   also  construed  with   w>   as    <CU    «.^aJ 

*,  *       *  a  *  *  el  -  ****>*,  _ 

a«j^  4jL«  u"Q*^J   o»JL>   iiuw  ^.i  SjlyJaJt  w>U^  c(/«'i  /<-  edited  from 
this   work  the  Book  of  Purification  in  (a  volume)  of  about  1500 

*a       a*o  *aja>o         j  Z.  -?  j  »^     5^  *• 

/eares]  ;  dJLL&JI  jj jJjt^J  t  ,J>»-jN  jJ^^o-*^  a  statue  the  size  q/ (as  tall 
as)  a  well-proportioned  man;  j\*£i\  j»\xii\  jjj  j-aa.j  Jaij  ^^jjl^Ja 

^         j  a  -     a  j 

peacocks,  speckled  and  green,  as  big  as  large  ostriches  ;  [i5Lo  jjJ^Jb    C 

-         *i       £       j^i  <i  a  i       *  &3>  *    *     0  + 

they  are  as  many  as  a  hundred] ;  JuLsl  ilw  jljJLo  JUt  «uL©pl  C-o».!i 

-■  ^    ^ .» 

under  the  knob  is  a  neck  (or  shaft)  measuring  six  fingers ;  flo  ^A 

f  *     i       j       -     j  a*     s      - 

,«»-j  ^Ju    ^o  jJ^  j-y^>    it  is  a  large  body  of  water,   as  much  as 

-a  -         **+**3+t         6-A-j         a   S/»  at 

would  turn  a  mill ;  l^JLLo  ,-i   «— . »ljj  SjJLt  jljJLo  5^>a»~)  juyJ!  ^o^-> 
in   the   country   of  India  is  a  lake,   measuring   ten  parasanys   (in 

*  a  ..  ,  ~*       i      *  a  * 

length)   by  the  same  (in   breadth) ;  j\ jJuo  jj j^c.   ,,3    IfciU    x»Za»,< 

a  «-        -  a  *  a  *       *  a  - 

j&f~t  S^JLc  ^i  ^ov-*  *j^*  *&  u^ater  collects  in  a  pond,  measuring  a  D 

«-       *    *  a        t   *  *■  *       ~  *aia  i* 

bowshot  by  a  boivshot :    clj3  j'j»i«  i£o—>   sLoJI   ,«i  ^lj  /e?  *«?^"  i/i 

it  j^      ^  ^  ,  a 

</t«  water  a  fish,  measuring  a  cubit  (in  length)  ;j»\j\  ,<i  <*J   x^J^I 

^J  »■«•        ^1^        ^^J        »j»  jc^O-*' 

>e'^ft  1^5^)1  itU   ilkj  ^oy**  O^-0^'  ^//«re  were  collected  of  them  by 
him,    in    the    days    of  el-Ma'miln,    about    3000   slaves ;    Q^SJ    aJLxJ 

^  ii     ■"  j      *a  m^a*)         +* 

p\f}  oUI  elfcj   lyi-o  ws*<JI  jit  perhaps  there  may  be  on  each  corpse 
about   1000   ells    of  it:    l^i-L    jUJ   ^Jt    to    about    the   half  of  it: 

212  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  83 

(^  *'  J  '     vt     *>  JJ  J  J. 

A  Iclp  O-**^-'  ^j  ^r-^l  U>^  0>A!  ^'ie  length  (height)  q/"  <Ae  image 
is  about  thirty  cubits.  This  last  word  is  sometimes  construed  with 
£f*6,  as  yj^-j  *5l*  u****"  O-*  'l*j  c>a*,~'  we  were  about  500  men. 
zn  number. 

0  •  ' 
(gr)    ^a*J  properly  signifies  direction,  quarter,  and  is  used  in  the 

•  •  *  . 

accusative  as  a  preposition  (see  §  65).     But  more  usually  ^s»J  is 

employed,  in  all  its  cases,  as  a  substantive  or  adjective,  to  signify 
such  as,  like;   as  juj  ^a»J  ^»-j  a  man  like  Zeid;  £\~>  ^  >sUjk£>j 

B    JcwJIj   j^aJt  y*-J    Jj^i.^1    and  similarly  in  regard  to  the  other 

moral  qualities,  such  as  liberality  and  niggardliness ;  jbyai\^  S^JLoll^ 

UJb^abJj   as  prayer,  fasting,   and  the   like;    j*-*j   ^^>  ^«-J^-5    (i.e. 

juj  ^oiO  3^*0  Ul£3  ^ol^*)  /«#  spoke  like  Zeid.    As  a  substantive  it  also 

r"  1 

means  about,  in  which  case  it  may  be  followed  (like  gUj  in/,  rem.  b) 

0  *  *  *  *  0  0    0    *       J    *  w  ^*- 

by  v>*  ;   as   a«^w  a5U  ,j-«  ^a»J    x-»,>tJlj  «/w#  the  wax-candles  were 

C   afeow^  a  hundred;    %e*j   O**^   ^a^j    *$\    l^Jjbl    ^j*c   oJaj  ^   there 

escaped  of  its  inhabitants  only  about  thirty  men ;  a*-»j!  ^a^J  ^  O^9 

o*^l  ^  was  at  the  head  of  about  4000 ;  J>»-J/««  w*~»  >**«J  ,-Xc  a£  (a 

fl  w    *5     j    a   ^      9    *  9     2  *  ■» 

distance  of)  about  six  marches;  j~&\  >»>->  jU-c  C*U»>  I^j  in  it 
are  small  snakes,  about  a  span  {long) ;  j*£Jt  >»•->  i£o~>  ilo  A<? 
caught  a  fish  about  a  span  (long) ;   jui    ,j>«  ^**J  j-£)  t   ^i  ^^  it 

j  *       -  s»i      »  o  o  ,      a  j  - 

D  is  about  the  size  of  Feid ;   J^.j  i5U   %jj\   ^>«  ^a*J  ^oAj  a;?c?  ^^ 
were  about  400  men  (in  number) ;    U/^3  U-«  '_*«*-»  l^jj  /«?  handed 

It  &     it* i  *    at 

down  nearly  the  same  (story)  as  we  haoe  mentioned;  <*JJI  ju-c  (h^x£' 
^Aji  tJUl  ^>*-~oxfc.  ^>«  l^8^  ^a*JI  'Obeidullah  gave  el-Harit  about 
50,000  dirhams. 

83.     Cy^^y   fem'   O*-1-^'  ^°^»  a  i^*7*  (compare   Heb.    D*K/3 
^W(?  things  of  different  kinds,  Mt\\.    fclAA,:  fern.   ^lA?*.'^:   ^o), 

§  83]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat  Construct.  &  Genit.     213 

is  always  construed  with  the  genitive  dual  of  a  definite  noun  or  A 
pronoun,  or,  it  may  be,  with  the  gen.  sing,  or  plur.  of  a  pronoun, 

ts  1  2   iO      , 

when  it  is  to  be  taken  in  the  sense  of  the  dual ;  as  (j-Jj^l  *^^  both 
the  men;  ,^JUaJI  UJL£»  both  the  gardens;  U^*}^  ^1  Lo>jk».t  one  of 

s       s  1       S  b  s   S  0     i         1  S   0  S    S 

the  two  or  both  of  them  ;  U*jlL£»  oUJL-/  O'^*^^  and  He  knows  that 
both  of  us  will  meet  Him  (at  the  judgment) ;  ^$j»«  j*JJj  j^M  ,jl 

» sss     5  a  +      +    i       *       „ 

cMj  ^^3  "^i  *$^*3  both  9°°d  ano^  ev^  have  their  limit,  and  both 

* "  •■»•» 

are  plain  and  clear   (J*5   in   rhyme   for   J*5).     Tins  word   is   not   B 

inflected  except  when  it  is  connected  with  a  pronominal  suffix ;   as 

s-  » <■  sis  i    sis  e  s  s»  j  o s  * 

«£b^a.l  *}£s  C^jIj  I  have  seen  thy  two  brothers  (not  ^£») ;  UX&  ^j^ 
.iA-ii.1   /  passed  by  thy  two  sisters  (not  ^jAZt) ;    but  ^©Jjt^J '    Oi 

-       is  s  i      ,3s  J    3s     s 

UyJ^  w^j-JaJ!^  the  teacher  and  the  physician,  both  of  them ;   w»jj-« 

s       0  sO  s    s  s  s  s       si  s 

U^ilib  ioislij  <^sJJJj  I  passed  by  Zeineb  and  Fatima,  both  of 
them.     Although  dual  in  form,  it  takes  the  predicate  in  the  singular ; 

s  2  ->  sis 

as   [a*»-LsJ   wsa>-»   L0A'iL£»  each  of  them  loves  his  friend,  i.e.  they   C 
foiv?  owe  another] ;  aj^**.  **».t  v>c  ^ic  li*}^  e<wA  o/*  ms  c««  dispense 

J    S       si  29   S  S      s-  S  S  S        S 

with  his  brother,  all  his  life  long ;   <sulit  U-w  JU  U  lit  [j*j<£>  when 


either  of  us  obtains  anything,  he  lets  it  slip;  «UU.>  Uji  £)\£s  ^-iy*-\  %^ 
each  of  our  two  brothers  was  an  eminent  man,  a  support  of  his  people; 

»  1  »  s  S     1  S  s» 

[wMgu  ^oJ  U^'i^  neither  of  you  has  hit  the  right  thing] ;  UX^ 
lyj^sl    OJI    ^>-i^Jt   each   of  the  gardens  produced   its  fruit ;  Uy>  D 

5  S  S        OS  S}S  SlS 

\je**f.  &4\  \+*?)£=>  Cf^-i  here  are  two  men,  both  of  whom  are 
hateful  to  you. — In  poetry  it  is  sometimes  joined  to  two  singular 
genitives,  as  oUSUI  ^  \*>~e*  tj^-'j  ^^'3  ^l  *^=>  my  brother 
and  my  friend  both  find  me  a  help  in  misfortunes;  but  in  prose  we 
cannot  say  3j+*3  J*ij  %£*  both  Zeid  and  'Amr,  instead  of  j^-o^J  »HJ 
Ca^£>  or  5 j**}  <±ij  O-*  CW^». 

214  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  84 

A  Rem.  a.     When  ^'^s    necessarily  denotes  both  together,  not 

each   of  the   two   separately,  it    naturally    takes    the   predicate   in 
the  dual,  as  ailij  jlo  ^£s  ^j\+*u  Ua^&j  and  these  two  together 

comprise  everything  hurtful  and  useful;  j-»-JI    j^.    ^>*»-    loA^^s 

s  *  o£       0  *        *  3  s»  s 

1*13!  jjj  U^-wU  both  of  them,  when  setting  out  became  earnest  between 
them  (when  they  had  to  set  out),  started ;  or  even  in  the  plural,  as 

yiXi'i  UXai  U*}J»£»  we  £too  have  done  this  together. 

n  Rem.  b.    *$Js  and  Ul£»  are  sometimes  written  <J^  and  ,JjL&, 

and  in  poetry  the  shorter  form  cJLfr*  very  rarely  occurs. 

-j  ■> 

84.  w>j  »w»2/  a  ....  ,  Germ,  manch,  Fr.  maint,  is  construed 
with  an  indefinite  substantive  in  the  genitive,  followed  by  an  indefinite 
adjective  in  the  same  case,  or  by  a  nominal  or  verbal  clause  (with  the 
verb  in  the  perfect)   standing  in  place  of   such  an  adjective ;    as 

3  '      ?  *  <  J  *      Z  3  j  s       Z,   j 

C^JU  jk5  jtrij^  J^j  Vj  "many  a  noble  man  have  I  met ;   sJ^-j  *->j 

e        *      j  3  si*  >  ..    i      j  )0j-  s        o       5  .t 

0    *}IaI».  duJ\j  many  a  man  have  I  thought  foolish  ;  «iUi  aZUj*  jJ>j  w>j 

,  »  ,0*3  3  ,        «...  0  ,         i     3 

jsyj  I  many  a  drinking-cup  did  I  empty  on  that  day ;  o^iA  elSjj  w>j 

l>«is   ^   C*»-jue  ^a»,w  O'i  ^t>  «h)U  ma#^  a   cooing  dove,  sorrow- 
stricken,  cries  in  tlie  morning  on  a  branch. — Sometimes  the  pronominal 

3  S  J 

suffix  **  is  appended  to  w>j,  and  the  indefinite  substantive  put  in 

oo,  oi 

the  accusative,  as  a  >***j  (§  44,  0),  or  by  the  verb  v>y*',  /  mean, 

0    *    *       0  *■     0  *  bt      t       *      3  Z>  3  * 

D  understood  ;  as  <sukc  &*c  OjJul  Lkc  dL!j3  and  many  a  perishing 
{man)  hast  thou  saved  from  destruction  (<*,;Ja&  in  rhyme  for  <uiac). 
When  the  substantive  is  feminine,  or  in   the  dual  or  plural,  some 

ft*  00   j£  j 

grammarians  allow  the  use  of  the  corresponding  pronouns ;  as  Sl^t  <uj, 

J      J     0      ,0<O     J 

*  [Called  in  this  case  c|^va.,0)l  j-j^-oM,  because  the  noun  to  which 

it    relates    has    not    previously    been    mentioned.      Comp.    Fleischer, 
Kl  Schr.  i.  419.] 

§  84]     The  Noun— Gov't  of  Noun— Stat.  Construct,  d-  Genii     215 

or  o\j*\   lyjj,   many  a   icoman;   ^L».j  j*r>.)    many  men;   i\~J    O-rij  A 

many  women. 

j  .  •  -■» 

Rem.  o.     Other  forms  of  this  word  are  :  w>j,  w»j.  w>j.  w»j.  C~>j, 

*  „  *  ^  j  ^    Sj  a,      ,a  *li 

Coj.  of  which  the  most  common  are  w»j  and  w*Jj  ;  as  ^^Jb  ^o^-«'  * 
OU3U9  j~e.  ^iU*.  >^j  wJjIi  w-»-Lo  w>j  jjl  CHj -^  '  ^nieima,  dost 
thou  knotv  that  I  parted  on  the  day  (i.e.  at  the  battle)  of  Horn* 
from  many  a  sturdy  friend  (ouauo  in  rhyme  for  »JLx«o)  ;  4.;ha»  w>j    c 

;,     *  -    s  j  -     a   -    a  j 

ojhitm o    many   a   long   oration    (in    rhyme    for    5y*Ua»  ....< '. — The 

addition  of  iilXJt  U  (see  §  36,  rem.  d)  usually  hinders  the  regimen 

ij  a  iZiia*       j       *  a*      ,ii 

of  w»j,  as  ^ove*  w^>*"  (J**^*""  ^*0  many  a  large  and  thriving 
herd  of  camels  is  (to  be  found)  among  them ;  but  it  is  sometimes 
added  without  producing  any  effect  ([SjuljJI  La];  see  §  70,  rem./), 

as  ^yJua   OUm>j   ajj-o   L>Jj  many  a  stroke  with  a  polished  sicord ;    C 

3jli  L>L»j   many  a  raid  (see  rem.  c). 

Rem.  6.     From  wjj  and  Lo  is  formed  the  adverb   L>Jj  many  a 
<iw«,  sometimes,  perhaps,  which  may  be  prefixed  to  either  a  nominal 

[in  which  case  Lo  is  iiUL!  I  Lb]  or  a  verbal  clause  [in  which  case  Lo  is 

ajj Jlo^.) I  La]  ;  as  jtjJI  ,-i  juj  LjJj  perhaps  Zeid  is  in  the  house ; 

10/  ^/         a!j  *  £*0  A.*  *        ^w  j 

juj  ^JfL*.  L>jj  many  a  time  has  Zeid  come  to  me ;  ^^JJI  z^j  LjJj 
^>«ol o   IjJl^s  ^J   tjjJ^   often  will  those  tvho  have  not  believed,   J) 

>         J  J  S«5        )J,J/  -  ^  }         1  '  *  *  > 

wish  that  they  had  been  Muslims ;  J|^i*3 1  aJLju  ^  Lo  jJjaj  LjJj 
perhaps  he  may  say  something  which  our  undertakings  cannot  receive 
(which  we  cannot  admit)*. 

►  [In  the  verse  JLuJI  J«-&  £».ji  *J  j.^1  ^  ^^UJI  o^CJ  Uj, 
/or  many  a  thing  tliat  the  souls  dislike  there  is  a  removal  (as  easy)  as 

*  s  -       j  a  *      * 

the  loosing  of  a  camel's  rope,   Ls  is  a  26y&yo  Lo  (Vol.  i.  §  348),  with 

eee«»    '  o    ^  *  -  a  j     j*  *, 

j*y\  ^j+c  as  jjLJi  and   *J1  i».ji  a)  as  ii^.     See  Fleischer,  A7.  Schr. 
i.  420.] 

216  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§85 

A  Rem.  c.     w>j  is  the  accusative  of  a  substantive  w>j,  Heb.  ^*), 

multitude,  quantity,  dependent  upon  the  interjection  b  (§  38,  a,  (3), 
which    is   generally  understood,    though  sometimes   expressed ;   as 

io-JJI^^j  ijjlc  LjjJI  ^i  iwl^  w»j  0  many  a  {woman  who  is) 
clothed  in  this  world,  (will  be)  naked  on  the  day  of  the  resurrection  ; 

10  J  0        0     0  •»    ..  £>  3         0 

A-oj-fiu  ^>J  a^jLs  w>j  b  many  a  one  who  is  keeping  its  fast  (now) 
shall  not  keep  its  fast  (again),  meaning  the  fast  of  Ramadan ; 
Uj»JjI  jil  jJ  ^jbi.  w>j  b  many  a  maternal  uncle  have  I,  noble  and 

006%  0   0  bi  o  2   j 

bright  of  countenance  (laJbl  in  rhyme  for  !»Jbl)  ;  ,*9  ^XXLc  w»j  b 

^  ^  f0   0    *i    10 

ijjji-  £L*Jt  many  a  one  like  thee  among  women,  inexperienced  in 

0  biO  0     b  St  MS  0  *00  0    0  0       0  0  0&J  0  Si  0 

love  affairs ;  ^^ *^Jb   asJJJl^   glytw  5jU  1©£jj  b  ^jbj  Mawiya, 

many  a  far  extending  raid  is  like  a  burn  with  the  branding  iron. 
Together  with  its  genitive  it  has  the  value  of  a  whole  clause,  to 

0  0 

the  indefinite  noun  in  which  there  is  added  a  2Jl&,  that  is  to  say, 
C         an  adjective  or  a  clause  taking  the  place  of  an  adjective.     This 

r,  0  Si  j        j       0    0 

the  grammarians  call  w>j  w>l^».,  the  answer  or  complement  of 

wjj. — It  is  curious  to  note  that  w»j  has  passed,  like  the  German 
manch,  Fr.  maint,  and  Eng.  many  a  ....  ,  from  its  original  signi- 
fication of  multitude,  into  one  which  is  almost  the  opposite,  viz.  not 

0  il 

a  great  many.  The  same  remark  applies  to  bjjj  and  the  Germ. 
vielleicht,  perhaps.     Hence  some  of  the  Arab  grammarians  say  that 

w>.   is  used   ^j-JUuAJ   to  denote  a  small  number ;   others,  j*£&JJ  to 

D         denote  a  large  number. 

85.     In  consequence  of  the  elision  of  w>j,  we  frequently  find  the 

0  Si  j       j    0 

indefinite  genitive  alone  after  the  conjunction  j  (w>j  ^   the  maw 

j    a     0  i  0  0 

of  rubba,  equivalent  in  meaning  to  rubba) ;  as  C-^w  u*^*}  many 
a  cup  have  I  quaffed ;  LS^i  llo~>  ^^>j-o  *^'j'j  many  an  ardka-tree 
formed  a  roof  over  us  ;  ^Aut  aJjju-  e^j'  >•»■*"  F**^*  ^*  many  a 
night,  like  (dark  as)  the  waves  of  the  sea,  has  let  down  its  curtain 

§  85]      The  Noun.— Gov't  of  'Noun.— Stat  Construct  &  Genit     217 

upon  me;   JpULij  lyiuaj  jUX».  yj-*j   lyi-aj    i^c  ^j—^w   (>j»«  a».Ujj   A 

^/•^  ts  many  an  apple,  the  one  half  of  which  is  fashioned  of  a  lily, 
and  the  other  half  of  a  pomegranate  blossom  and  an  anemone. — The 

same  is  the  case,  though  rarely,  after  k_i,  and  still  more  rarely  after 

a  -  ;  - ■  ^        j     ;  -  -         is  *  a  j  o     * 

Jj  ;  as  *~6y>$  c«i^b  jS  L5^**  *^~+*  many  a  one  like  thee  hare  I 

a  j  *  *  ,     a*  l-o      ~      ,  *      a  * 

visited  by  night, pregnant  and  nursing  a  child;  <t^x5  •>.  Uj^aJ  I  ^JLe  jJu  Jj 

e  j  -  - 

nay,  many  a  town,  the  dust  of  which  fills  the  wide  roads  (a*I5  in  rhyme 
for  A+Z3) :  A**r<>  jaj  C«auoJ  a*y*  Jj  ««#,  ma«j  a  desert  after  desert   ■*> 

»    ^  >     ..  »*>      a  *    *        ~*  a*       a  *         a  * 

have  I  traversed ;  £*kts*mJ\  jy^»  sly-j  j^».  Jj  /?<?#,  man^  a  middle 

a    *   •    ^  $*»  +  *    *  a»o 

of  a  desert,  like  the  back  of  a  shield  (cJu^ahJI  in  rhyme  for  dAa»»j»J1). 
Occasionally  even  these  particles  are  omitted,  and  the  genitive  alone 

a     ,  *  j    a , ,         ,        a  * 

appears;  as  aJJlb  ^*  C~*3j  jb^o-»j  /»er«y  a  deserted  abode,  amid  the 

o    ^ ,  "  j  a  s      *  a  * 

ruins  of  which  I  have  stood  (aJLU»  in  rhyme  for  aXU») ;  O^L>  ^j-e^jj 

a     j  *  *       *  a  Ci  *o    j  a  *      Z*     -z   *  a  *      j  a 

w-'J^c*   ly-jj  ykjJI   *k5  JJ  iojj  d-U  »?««?/  a  garden  of  lilies  have  I  C 
visited  early  in  the  morning,  in  which   it  was  sweet  and  pleasant  to 

a      i  ,  *     _  ,      j , , 

pass  the  time  (w»J^cj  in  rhyme  for  w>Jicj). 

[Rem.  The  theory  about  this  $  with  a  following  genitive  is 
that  of  most  native  and  European  scholars.  Nevertheless,  I  think 
it  ought  to  be  rejected.  There  are  a  great  many  cases  where  it 
is  impossible  to  render  it  by  many  a,  as  it  appears  from  the 
context  that  a  single  person,  a  single  object,  or  a  single  fact  is 
recorded,  so  that  we  must  translate  it  by  /  remember,  I  think  of   J) 

1  I    a-a     ~  ,  *  ,  , 

0  that!  etc.,  as  aj  aJNJI  sl».  j**.\±  j-**^  Oh  that  unbelieving  wine- 

-  a  -   * 

merchant,  a  real  godsend !    >>  horn   the  poet  robbed ;    «*-*}L-»   O^-J 

■*      '     *  c 
w*Jjj    jJ   I  think  about   that  scabbard  of  mine   that  I  have   been 

j  *  ,  .  a  j  -• 

deprived  of;  J^-y^  J~>^3  Oh  sender  and  sent  one !  (on  that 
splendid  evening)  ,  ^z\y>5  I  think  of  those  tender  ladies,  who  spoke 
on  the  day  of  my  departure;  Jl~t  ^^JLbtj  Oh  that  dust-coloured 
■wolf!  says  £1-Farazdak,  telling  of  his  meeting  with  a  wolf.  I  take 
w.  ii.  28 

218  Pakt  Third.— Syntax.  [§  86 

A  this  j  to  be  the  remnant  of  a  word,  like  the  j  in  aAJIj  (comp.  Vol.  i. 
§  356,  footnote).  In  fact,  though  the  elision  of  w>j  after  a  copu- 
lative  3  is  not  impossible,  as  is  sometimes  the  case  after  o  and  jJj, 
I  do  not  remember  ever  to  have  seen  w>j^  at  the  beginning  of  a 

'  sentence,  nor  do  we   ever  find  w>j  employed  where  only  a  single 
person,  object  or  fact  is  mentioned.     D.  G.] 

86.     With   the   genitive    are    also    construed    verbal    adjectives 
B  expressing  the  superlative,  whether  of  the  common  form  J*$l  (Vol.  i. 

<s  o  ^  OS'         5'  i  -  »i 

§  234),  or  of  any  other  form,  such  as  Jj*i  (e.g.  j+±-,  j^>) ;    as  ^o^' 

Aiw^UJt   £Ae  most  learned  of  the  philosophers,  5-}>JI  j*±.  the  best  of 

created  things  (see  §  93).  Here  the  genitive  designates  the  whole, 
out  of  which  some  one  or  something  is  brought  conspicuously  forward 

as  its  most  remarkable  part.  As  J^sit  and  J*i  are  in  this  construction 
definite  substantives,  and  not  adjectives,  they  do  not  conform  in 
gender  and   number  to  the  object  or  objects   referred  to ;   so  that 

£      'JO    J  »    -  0^8/0         J      -  oi 

q   ijjJI  j-j*.  or  j>5&\  J-aJI  may  be  said  of  a  single  man  or  woman,  or 

of  two  or  more  persons  of  either  sex  [comp.  §  93,  rem.  a], — To  indicate 
that  an  object  is  the  greatest  or  most  distinguished  of  its  kind,  the 
substantive  is   often  repeated   in   the  form  of  the  definite  genitive 

plural;   as   gfj-«*sH  j*-<>\  the  emir  of  the  emirs,    i.e.   the  chief  timir ; 

*    jo*a  *  #  #  ''tS^J'©-' 

SLoiJt  ^_f*>{*  the  chief  judge ;  Ola.  API  ia*JJ»  the  Talha  of  the  Talhas, 

i.e.  the  noblest  of  those  who  bear  the  name  of  Talha. — To  show  that 
certain  objects  possess  the  highest  degree  of  a  quality,  the  adjective 
t\  which  designates  that  quality  is  construed  with  the  genitive  plural 
of  the  substantive,  and  becoming  then  virtually  a  substantive  need 
not  vary  with  the  gender  and  number  of  the  objects  spoken  of;   as 

^Jkl^aJI    u****^    the   most  precious  gems   (lit.   the  precious  of  gems); 

^aJI   *jL»,  or^aJI   2->\y~>,  the  most  ample  favours ;  [cfl}*'^   *JL« 

the  truest  friends;    J^ji*    sl~J    9-JLe   the  best  women   of  Kureis; 

{y$±.*$\  -»JU>  the  best  manners. — Another  manner  of  expressing  the 

§  80]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  &  Genii     219 

same  is  the  use  of  the  superlative  followed  by  (5j;jus*J')  ^  with  the  A 
correspondiug  person  of    O^   or   another  verb,   or  with  the  cor- 

,  *      j    *  »(       *\  *  J       *      3    *   3  i       ,1 

responding  personal  pronoun,  as  O^  *-*  w-^t  1.x*  or^U  wm»I  I^a 

,     e-e     *  3       3  *        *       *t  *  i  *        3     3  -     -  * 

he  is  the  craftiest  man  that  lives;  JUaJI  O-*  C>3^i  ***  -^^  «$JJUi 

3    *  3  i      ,  *B*>, 

they  fought  against  him  as  fierce  a  fight  as  is  possible  ;  »*>»■'  O^  '.3 
ilj    .Jt    U^    U    an<2   a2   present    ice    have    the   greatest    want   oj 

******  at*  _  <  *i        *      *   *  3i 

provisions;  C-Jl^   U  >i^t  ^-o^*-.'  /#>'  ^  highest  price;  Ul  U  ^»jl 

*  *  *  o  *        3  _ 

3iX»w    ,j-«   /  dislike   nothing   more  than   {the   name  of)   Samlaka;   B 

jji»-w  U  i^».l  aJJIj  yfc  £Ats  (horse)  is  indeed  most  excellently  trained. 

Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  475  seq.,  685  £<?<?.  iii.  16  and  my  note 
Journ.  Asiat.  1883,  i.  541,  542.     D.  G.] 

j  a 
Rem.  a.     The  numeral  adjective  ^jjl  first,  being  strictly  a  super- 

lative,  is  also  construed  with  the  genitive,  as^^J^I  the  first  of  them, 

3*        tit  3  H  tie      3  3*1* 

jijj  Jjl  the  first  day  =  Jj^J'  J>$^\  ',    but  this   construction  is   not 

extended  in  classical  Arabic  to  the  other  ordinal  numbers  (Vol.  i.    ^ 
§  328),  which  are  nomina  agentis  from  transitive  verbs  (see  §  109), 
though  later  writers  not    unfrequently  use   them  in  this  way,  as 

Zj*  («Jlj  for  the  second  time  =  iJli)l  5^JI.     Modern  and  vulgar  are 

3  *  i  *  '  *  3  '   * 

such    constructions    as  j»$j   .cJUJI   tlie   second   day,   oj^c  wJUJI    the 
third  time.     [Comp.  §  108.] 

*   3        -  3  * 

Rem.  b.     In  such  phrases  as  ^/0SL>\Z£s  j-ij^  y°ur  honoured  letter, 
the  genitive  does  not  designate  the  whole,  of  which  the  wiLi-e  is  a 

-    3iii^    33*  m  .  .  TV 

part,  but  it  is  (as  in  &}f$  I  j-^>  the  river  Jordan)  merely  explicative  -D 

0    3*  3  *  0    33     *  *    3  *i>0        3  '0* 

(see   §   95);    so    that  ^)0SLt\Z£>  jjjs.  =  v0£>L£>    yk    ^JJI   J-jjjJl  = 

3  *3iO      3   3  3*  *  3  3      3  3**3*9*0'33  *    3* 

jjjjtM  ^5sL>L£».      [Similarly  JjUwj  j~£s  <xi  ^^-J  -  j-*»£»  3^-^J  ^  tr-jJ 
it  has  no  great  territory*.^ 

*  [On  the   use    of  j*+£z>  and  j..-f.£->  with  a  following  genitive   in 
negative  sentences,  see  the  Gloss,  to  Tabarl  s.  v.  «**.!.      D.  G.] 

220  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  87 

Si  £  o  it 

A         87.     The  interrogative  pronoun  ^1,  fem.  &j\  (Vol.  i.  §§  349,  353), 
is  construed  with  the  genitive,  indefinite  or  definite ;   as  Ja.j  ^1 

0  s      3   S  vt      £  b  S      J   W     *0        IM      £ 

which  man  ?   O^e^j  ^'   which  two  men  ?   <^A*.ji\  ^t  which  of  the 

two  men7;    J^-j    i^l    which  men ?    J^-jJ'   ^   ivhich  of  the  men? 

j    s  Be-      -    c£s       a    s      i   £ 

jj-<ail  Oolj  ^yi>  ^1  which  of  those  whom  thou  hast  seen  is  the  better, 

3  s  0    £       -  .-     -  Zi-e     it   £ 

or  the  best?  j>j£=>\  o~£J  0-t&\  l£'  ivhich  of  those  whom  thou  hast  met 

B   is  the  noblest?  U-v-»'  which  of  the  two?  j^S  ivhich  of  them?     In  the 

former  case  the  annexation  is  explicative,  in  the  latter  partitive. — 

S  £ 
With  a  definite  singular  ^i  can  be  construed  only  when  the  annexa- 

3    s   o  £  3  2  «a      a  £  3    s    o  £  o  s       ii  £ 

tion  is  strictly  partitive,  as  ,j-^».l    J^pl   ^J,  or  ^>~».l    juj    ^1, 
what  (part  or  feature)  of  the  man,  or  of  Zeid,  is  the  most  handsome  ? 

S  £  _  3lto3sO£sZisss        s   ii£  s  j£ 

or  else  when  ^1  itself  is  repeated,  as  aJJI  «1>».ls  \jJj  O^3  ^ih  ^i' 
whichever  of  us  (two)  be  the  bad  one,  may  God  bring  him  to  shame ; 

£^om  no£  ask  the  people,  which  of  us,  on  the  morning  we  met,  was  the 

*    \ri$*  *J~  0   Juii  '  vit  suit 

best  and  the  most  noble?  (^Ij  ^1  and^o£»lj  ^jI  =  U>l). 

88.     The  genitive  of  a  verbal  noun  is  not  unfrecpiently  resolved 

o  £  s 

into  a  clause  consisting  of  ,jt  or  U  and  a  finite  form  of  the  verb ;  as 

s03  0£0  30s  t  s  s  0 

O»o.3    O'    O-0   y^st«^'c   I  wonder  at   thy  standing  up,  =  *^-«US   ^^  ; 
jj^wt  ,jl  C*3j  a£  #Ag  ^'we  /^  hid  himself \-  ojUlwl  C-.S3  ;  ,«*-*  UJI3 

3        3s  s  vt£0*O  sZt    s3  ^3      3s  s  sOs  3       3s  s  0       OlO         3  s 

aJLLm^oJI  djjk  ^/<g  student  of  science  was  named  Ma-takulu  (what  dost 

thou   say?)  for   no  other  reason  than   that,  in   the  olden  time,  they 
used  constantly  to  say,    What  dost  tlwu  say  (ma  takiilu)  about  this 

6         0s  s  t>    s  i  Os  s     »  s     s  w  30  s 

question  ?  =^^   ZjJSl ;    I juj    w-jj-i    l<-«    C-.*aw.&   /  wonder  at   thy 
beating  Zeid,  =  <&>j**>  v>«  ;   wA">a>J'  j>$i  I3—J  U-J  because  they  have 

O  s   3  s  3  0  £ 0«J        3    30  s  r  0      s        s  s 

forgotten  the  day  of  reckoning,  ^^^yJL— ij  ;   Uj  c^j*^'  ^tM-  CUsl^jj 

§  89]     The  Nairn.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stab.  Construct.  &  Genit.     221 

>LS>Lj  and  the  earth  became  (too)  narrow  for  you,  notwithstanding  its  A 
breadth.     In  the  same  way,  a  verbal  or  nominal  clause  is  often  found 
as  the  aJI   *JliJ   or  genitive  after  substantives,   especially  those 
denoting  time  or  portions  of  time.     Compare  §§  [23,  rem.  c],  70, 
rem.  f  and  78. 

Rem.  In  this  case  the  &\  or  U  is  ijjjusu,,  because  the  clause 
which  it  introduces  is  equivalent  to  the  mosdar  or  infinitive  of  the 
verb,  [Vol  i.  §  195,  rem.]. 

89.  Adjectives  and  participles  may  take  after  them  a  restrictive  B 
or  limitative  genitive  ;  as  A».y  \  o— *-  handsome  oj  Jace  ;  v^-AaJ  i  jAU» 
pure  of  heart ;  i/jLl*  Juji,  very  warm;  ^b^JI  £tj**>  smitten  down 
by  the  wine-cup,  intoxicated  (compare  j"  ^/H,  Isaiah  xxviii.  1); 
fJ>\^\  T-Lj**  smitten  by  {enamoured  of)  the  fair  sex;  J-s^J'  J*^5 
having  few  wiles  or  sA(/fe;  J-**^^*^  fomw^  <7rai*  %*•<;  v-±>  J£=> 
O^ojT  iiSTS  ern^  soul  shall  taste  dmth ;  olx&l  £Jb  J^ja  a  ractifli 
wAtdS  arrives  at  the  Ka'ba  (*Jb  is  construed  with  the  accusative  of  C 

..        3jO       J  *    w   *  '77 

the  object  reached);  ^t,^\  aJLSU.  (a  woman)  whose  waist-band,  or 
girdle,  fits  loosely;  oj*rJ\  ^-o^»~o  on«  wAose  conduct  is  praised  or 
praiseworthy ;  wJUJt  cj^  sagacious  of  mind;  6UjJI  w»U^— o  o/ie 
?r/W0  prayers  are  answered ;  [j^-jy^Jt  U— ».  0*^->  O^-*"  JW-J 
d^».yi  two  or  more  men  with  handsome  faces].     Compare  in  Latin 

aeger  animi,  integer  vitae  scelerisque  purus,  etc.     This  annexation  is  D 
an  improper  one  (.§  75,  rem.),  standing  in  place  either  of  a  ternylz- 
accusative   (§  14,  e)  or  an  accusative  of  the   object*.     Hence  the 
genitive,  though  always  defined  by  the  article,  exercises  no  defining 

*  [The  two  constructions  may  even  occur  in  the  same  sentence,  as 
l^oJk  JlijJI  jUai.*i)t  jU-aJ!  »iU)jl  l^JI  r"Aose  (?c/fo  do  sack  things)  are 
only  tlie  men  of  little  dignity  and  of  mean  aspirations.     D.  G.] 

222  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  90 

A  influence  upon  the  governing  word,  any  more  than  the  accusative 
which   it  represents ;    and  consequently,   if  we  wish  to  define  the 

governing  word,  we  must  prefix  to  it  the  article;  as  v>laJI  jL^aL* 

A^-^Jt    Muhammad,  the  handsome  of  face,  or  jJtuJI  jJtaJI  with  the 

curly  hair;  ^laJt  ^\j  w>;Ux)t   juj  Zeid,  who  smites  the  head  of 

the  offender;   ^-1-wjJI    5I5laJI    jua   Hind,  whose  girdle  fits  loosely ; 

Jj^jJI  wJjtfiJI  he  who  strikes  the  man,  J^pl  w>lj-iJI  those  who  strike 

3  i  a      3       ,     .j  -  3      ,         St   , 

xJ   £/&?  man,  J^pl  w»jl>oJt  ^os<?  (women)  who  strike  the  man,  oGjlcJI 

3    S    lO  ,    3  t       5    v  J  30, 

J^.jJI>o*}U  £/ws£  (women)  ?^o  strike  the  man's  slave;  S^JUaJI  $*n*+l\ 


those  who  perform   {the  rites  of)  prayer;   ^j^l  He  who  created 
thee;   ^j^§Ji\  he  who  rebukes  me  (compare  ^n^DH    Isaiah  ix.   12); 

30,  -         ,      o  30-0     *  f  «i  , 

j^jcc^JI   he   wJio   threatens  me;    [^jU-oj-oJI   sL~JI    the  women   tlmt 

,3        6  3  0, 

have  suckled  thee;  lyXw^JI  he  who  has  let  her  go  out]. 

Q  Rem.     Observe,  however,  that  the  annexation  may  in  some  of 

these  cases  be  a  proper  one,  either  of  a  partitive  or  an  explicative 

0    ,  0&         3      '    , 

character.      For   example,    A^yt    t^y~&-    may    possibly   mean    the 

3  ,,03 

Jmndsome  {part)  of  the  face,  or  even  the  handsome  face  ;  w>U^.Z...-o 

£IpjJI  that  part  of  the  prayer  which  has  been  answered;  3jljj*Jt  jujlw 

the  most  intense  portion  of  the  heat  (compare  §  86,  with  rem.  b,  and 
§  95).     In  this  case  the  article  can,  of  course,  never  be  prefixed  to 

-p.  0,3 

u         the  otiuo. 

90.     No  word  can  be  interposed  between  the  noun  in  the  status 
constructus  and  the  genitive,  and  consequently  an  adjective  which 

qualifies  the  former  must  be  placed  after  the  latter ;   as  aJJI  w>L£> 

J  ,  a  *>  ,030033, 

JjJjJI  the  glorious  book  of  God;  ^-W  d**i  his  right  hind.    Exceptions 

to  this  rule  are  very  rare,  and  found  almost  exclusively  in  the  poets, 
who  sometimes  take  the  liberty  of  interposing  an  oath  or  some  other 

word.     For  example,  in  prose :    aXwj  o*xcj   \J&±~t>   aAJI   ^ — a*J  *^i 

§  90]     The  Noun.— Gov't  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  &  Genit.     223 

think  not  then  that  God  will  fail  to  keep  His  promise  to  His  apostles  A 
(Sl-Kor  an,  xiv.   48,  according  to  one   reading) ;  j~~Q   O-i)    ^J^>3 
^ft£ayL  JJb>^\  Jj;3  ^y^>jL^\  ,>*  und  '»  ^'e  manner  the  killing 
of  their  children  by  their  companions  was  made  to  seem  good  to  many 
of  the  pohjtheists  (Si-Koran,   vi.    138,   according  to   one  reading) ; 

^_j».L^  ^J  ^s^i  j^\  Jjk  do  you  not  leave  me  my  companion  ?  (words 
of  the  Prophet,  reported  by  'Abu  'd-Darda) ;  UI^Aj  siL-ii  U^j  Jp 
Ubj  jJ  lyJ  ^jt-*  to  let  your  soul  alone  one  day  with  its  lust  is  an   B 
effort  towards  its  destruction  ;  ajj  aJJI^  Oj-o  *.*--j  SLiJI  q\  the  sheep 

e  j        i   - 

hears  the  voice,  by  God,  of  its  master.  Again,  in  poetry  :  [*iU*  4JJ3 
w.ijdg  uHj^  wJL»o  jJ>  how  many  kingdoms  (to  God  the  glory !)  did 
I  not  ente?;  and  how  many  horsemen  did  I  not  pierce !  Tab.  i.  1964, 
1.  16  with  aJU  (§  53,  b,  rem.  e)  put  between  the  w>j  jtj  and  the 
genitive.    D.  G. ;]  ly**})  O-*  -^y^ '  j->  *^  we^  done  he  who  has  to-day   ^ 

rebuked  her  I  JjJj  _j1  w>j^i  l£-*>v^  ^>!  «-*^  w>^'  ^*  **^  rt-*  a 
book,  or  fetter,  at-os  written  one  day  by  the  hand  of  a  Jew,  writing 
(the  lines)  nearer  or  farther  (from  one  another) ;  »-j  *s?-}+j  lyi^twji 
djlj-a  .-jI  j^^^XiJt  and  I  stabbed  her  with  a  short  lance,  as  lAbii 
Mezada  stabs  a  young  camel  (o|j-«  in  rhyme  for  S.jtj-9) ;  Jj^w  >>UL..,i 
J^U*.*})!  *i>lxJI   awrf  we  jwj£  Mm  to  flight  as  falcons  put  to  flight 

kites;   Ty-}1^1    O-^1   «*!>*   ^W   H1^'   J*^1   *r-»-   4H4   they  D 

(the  locusts)  r«6  down  the  grains  of  the  full  ears  in  the  fields,  as  the 
mihlag  (an  iron  instrument)  rubs  down  the  cotton,  (clearing  it  of  its 

seeds);  »-La*-«JI  <slLoj  *jU  ,JIj-/j  whilst  others  than  thou  withhold 
^;r  benefits  from  the  needy;  ^.^.ju  ^>-6  ^U  JlLu  j**?-!  *-**£>  J^j 
j-i-  ^y  j-UJIj  5-C^.o  agreement  with  Bugeir  saves  thee,  Ka'b,  from 
speedy  destruction   and  from   remaining  for  ever  in  hell  (for   Jli^ 

224  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  90 

A  w-*£»  C  j-h^-»)  ;  ^>}i~U^  jb  jW«-  Juj  ^oLic  bl  ^Sj^  jjl£>  0  Abu 
'Isdm,  it  is  as  if  Zeid's  hack  were  an  ass  made  thin  by  the  bridle 
(by  constant  riding);  ^1  ,jj|  ^  <dy  JptJ^JI  Jj  jij  ^>>»*i 
'-fi^s>    £-fW^'    ^^  /  escaped,  but  the  Maradl  ('Abdu  'r-Rahman 

'ibn  Mulgam)  wetted  his  sword  with  the  blood  of  ('All),  the  son  of 
'Abu   Talib,  the  chief  of  the  valleys  (of  Mekka) ;    ^Xc   oJUU.   ,j3j 

B  ^»— &*  ^t-o-i  O-*  (3**-*'  O*-*^  &*)>*.*)  "^5**i  a"<^  verily,  if  I  swear 

before  thee,  I  swear  with  the  oath  of  a  swearer  which  is  more  truthful 

them  thy  oath  (for  ^Xi**J  ^yo  3^°^  ^r*~*~°  O*-*^)  '■>  u*»*J  t>c  L^i^P  ^J 

j>}sd\    Ujlybl    &w£    o?<r    desires    do    not   refrain  from    breaking  our 

3'  s    £        '  Q      '  0     *    0*0  *    *    £  *3 

resolutions;  a3  U.1  *\)  ^  wjpJI  ^  \^.\  LoA  ^3/  are  the  brothers 

in  war  of  him  who  has  no  brother.     From  these  examples  it  appears 
that  the  word  interposed   is  usually  either  an  oath,  an  objective 

C  complement  of  the  wil***,  an  adverbial  accusative  of  time,  or  a 

Rem.     Of  the  insertion  of  SjutjJI  U,  or  the  redundant  ma,  after 

certain  of  the  prepositions  and  w>j  we  have  already  given  some 
examples,  §§  70,  rem.  f  84,  rem.  a.     It  sometimes  occurs  in  other 

cases,  as :  juj  ^•■»=>»~.l3  woe  to  Zeid !  joye*.  U  j*z  ^>-o  C**^g  thou 
art  angry  without  any  offence;  Os**a5   ^JL».*^I  \+j\  whichever  of 

D  the  two  terms  I  fulfil ;  ai  oJl*.  ^J-*)  ^Ai.9  U  Slw  b  0  antelope  of 
chase  for  him  (to  be  chased  and  caught  by  him)  for  whom  it  is 
lawful  1  jJ3  _/\s-  U  ^J^  ^,5  who  brings  forth  (for  jJj)  every  year. 
[The  insertion  of  N)  is  explained  by  its  forming  one  word  with  the 
following  genitive,  as  ?,<£  *})  (,>-»  w«ac  Afi  was  angry  for  nothing  ; 

,       ,  ~  ,  3        i  <■  '  *  '  C 

}\j  *%>  -Aa.  he  came  without  food;  <o  ^A^cl  JUo  *$  »>**•  tfc5**^H 
^Aow  Aa*<  abandoned  me  at  a  time  when  there  was  nothing  that  I 
could  live  by.     D.  G.] 

§  92]     The  Noun.— Gov't  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct  &  Omit.     225 

2     ' 

91.  The  relative  adjectives  ending  in  ^j-  (Vol.  i.  $  249\  l>ecause  A 

standing  to  some  extent  in  the  place  of  a  genitive,  admit  of  a  genitive 

_  «  3*       3       32  «»      J    tit 

in  apposition  to  them  ;  as  ^£J^  ^  ^5**^'  "^'j  I  saw  the  Teimi. 

3  -         3  s    }  St  -o         1     3i, 

(namely)  of  {the  tribe  of)   Teim  ('ibri)  'Adl,  =^*J   O-0  J-*^'   *^»'; 

m  -  3  -  »'  '  i  '  3*>         -        -   3  -  3     3        1*3  1         ,*»,'*       f   "   ' 

i^JJ*  jvij  :  u-c5  Oj*-6  ^yj^***  ullr*  CH  ^f*6,  S^aJI  iu».t  Otba 
ibn  Gazwan  U-Mazim,  (namely)  of  (the  tribe  of)  Mazin  of  Kais, 
founded  H-Basra;  io-»>*-  -*-»'  i^-W^t  j«*jp1  O^  *^'  «***  J^ 
says  '^itaa  7/a^  '/6n  ez-Zeblr  el-Ased7,  of  (the  tribe  of)  Ased  (ibn)  B 
Huzeima ;  jij-oj  ^•^-j-J  O^  <*^f  ^iUulju^JI  ,j-»l  *^jUI  bl  ^^JUj 
om<2  fo  w<^  J165  'l-Feth  'ibn  'ar-Rindanakanl,  (from  Rindanakdn), 
a  town  lyetween  Serahs  and  Meru:  .    „>  0-»  o  ajj-^UI  >»L;*^I  CJl£a  UgJ 

^^^U  ,jj  of/iter  M^/v  came  the  J>dsirean  days.  (I  mean  the  days  ot 
el-Melik  m-Nasir)  Muhammad  'ibn    Kala'un ;   and   even  with   the 

~,     3*>  Z         3  2*  2*13-0         1    3       1*3    r        -    *3*1  j£ 

interposition   of  a  word.  s^)>IW   ^.5*4^'   ^■•-■oJ'   O^  j<**   5»*~*  >>' 
ij-lf*  j^   'Abu  'ObZida  Ma' mar    ibn   el-Mutanna,   by  client  ship   of  C 
the  tribe  of  Teim,  (namely)  T>im  of  Koreis. 

92.  In  the  proper  annexation,  if  the  second  noun  be  indefinite, 

the  first  is  so  too ;   but  if  the  second  be  definite,  so  is  the  first 

1  3 
likewise.     For  example.  »iXJLo  0-0  is  a  daughter  of  a  king,  a  king's 

daughter,  a  princess,  Fr.  une  file  de  roi,  Germ,  eine  Konigstochter : 

,3*         1    3 

but   <iAJl»JI    wUj   is   the  daughter  of  the  king,  the  king's  daughter, 

Fr.  la  file  du  roi,  Germ,   die   Tochter  des  Kbnigs  (either  his  only  D 
daughter  or  that  daughter  of  his  who  has  been  already  spoken  of). — 
If  we  wish  the  first  noun  to  remain  indefinite,  whilst  the  second  is 
definite,  we  must  substitute  for  the  annexation  the  construction  with 

the  preposition  J  (§  53,  b,  rem.  c) :  e.g  »iU*JJ  c~o  a  daughter  of  the 
king;   »-l   ^J   OU  a  brother  of  mine  is  dead  (whereas  ,«*.t    oU 

would   mean    my  brother   is  dead,   that   is   to   say.    either   my  only 

brother  or  that  one  of  my  brothers  of  wham  we  hace  been  speaking). 

w.  11.  29 

226  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  93 

A  —There  are  some  nouns,  however,  of  a  wide  and  general  signification, 
which  may  remain  indefinite  even  when  followed  by  a  definite  geni- 

tive  ;  for  instance,  alio,  «>a*J,  */JaJ,  [«S**£],  something  like  him  or 

■^^jo^        j  o^  *  *  *io        j  t  * 

it ;  i\jlii\  ^jasj  some  pom-  people;  j->U^JI  ^aju  a  cave ;  (see  §  82,  c, 

0    j    j    s    £  j    o    j 

/  [and  rem.  6],  #) ;    [^Aj^t  some  one  of  them;   oi>&.  a  />ar£  0/  iY; 
a£U  a  i^/re?  o/  &     Likewise  we  find  ^Idl  J^l  and  4*^5  J-iil  used 
B   in  an  indefinite  sense*]. 

/»J»        -       «»    J  o£ 

Rem.     In  such  phrases  as  Loj  3^£.t  j-ol,  a  matter  of  this  life 

and  the   life  to  come,   the    indefinite   aJI    ±J\Jx4    shows   that   the 

JUu  is  to  be  regarded  as  a  single  part,  some  one  matter,  etc.  In 
such  cases  the  genitive  may  even  be  virtually  definite,  but  never- 
theless it  does  not  take  the  article,  in  order  to  preserve  the  govern- 

-         »»  J  Oi 

ing  word  from  becoming  definite ;  Loj  Zj£.\  j*\  is  in  fact  equivalent 

in  meaning  to  LjjJIj  5^.*^ I  j^«\  ^e  j^l.  The  same  remark 
applies  to  those  indefinite  annexations  which  supply  the  place  of 
compound  nouns  or  adjectives  ;  e.g.  «iJUU  j-a.5,  a  royal  castle,  nearly 

^5^>  J    J         0  SO'  Zl       ,        }',     0 

the  same  as  *iU*oJI  j3-°-*  O-*  J-^  >  [^W"***  *'j-*'  may  be  a  barber's 
wife  and  £/ie  wi/e  o/*  a  [certain)  barber,  though  in  the  latter  case  it 

•  2     •  0^0   ^  £    *>     jc^  o 

would  be  better  to  write  )>^-woU>..a»Jl  lj-o^&U»^.  Sl^ol.      D.  G.] 

•Of  0  0^ 

93.     Nouns  of  the  forms  J*«il,  JU*,  etc.,  used  as  superlatives 

(see  §  86),  are  construed  as  substantives  in  the  singular  masculine 

D  with  the  genitive  of  the  word  denoting  the  objects  among  which  the 

one  spoken  of  is  preeminent.     The  genitive  is  at  times  indefinite  and 

explicative,  at  times  definite  and  partitive!.    Examples  of  the  indefinite 

*  [I  owe  this  observation  to  Prof.  Noldeke.     D.  G.J 

t  [Such  expressions  as  <\j\^\  jj-^3l  ^Jk  he  is  the  most  excellent  of 

his  brethren,  or  <ola>^gl  j*±.  jA  he  is  the  best  of  his  companions,  are  not 

,  j         „  ^-'  „    0       0/0        J     *  ot      *J 

exceptions  to  the  rule,  for  they  mean    yk   (l>jjjt   O'^***^'   ,j-ajl   >* 

0  1    J    *  t 

^oAj^t.     Though  Hariri,  Durrat,  9  condemns  them  strongly,  they  are 
not  rare.      D.  G.] 

§  93]  The  Noun.— Gov't  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  &  Genit.  227 
genitive :   J*.j  JJsJi\  y*  he  is  a  [or  the]  most  excellent  man ;  ^a  A 

is  »*>      *    ,  ti  » '  i  '        i   -  >  £       '  ■» 

St^ol  J-ost  &fe  is  a  [or  the]  most  excellent  woman;  Cxr^-J  J-**'  W* 
they  are  two  [or  £ta  tfiro]  thos^  excellent  men ;  %\~J  J-ail  ,>*  ^# 
artf  »ww£  [or  the  most]  excellent  women ;   Jail*.  j*±.  dJJI  GW  is  the 

2  Ostiils-is-oisi  .. 

best  preserver ;  ^UU  c-^.j^.1  5^1  j**.  j^£*  ye  are  the  best  nation 
Ma£  Aas  6^n  created  for  mankind;  Jj&\j  j*)\  ^Jl  jJ>13  J-a3l  aiAJI 
juol5  learning  is  the  best  guide  to  piety,  and  walks  in  the  straightest   B 

S  ss    $    s       it  s-         sis  ,    *■   &***•  0  1>*       -      1  s»*         *    s-  ' 

of  paths ;  ^.ilUfc  ^i  Uaj  ju»aJ  I  j  J^i~J  W  J^-J  I  oLej  he  described 
the  Jews  as  being  avaricious  and  envious,  and  these  two  are  the  worst 

-  -  -  -?        1    s  >i        s 

of  qualities.     Examples   of  the   definite   genitive  :    6l— Jl    J-ail    ^ 

2  Ox^'jo      i    s  oi    i  5  s-  s 

she  is  the  best  of  the  women ;  '»»*»•  ,>-Jju)I  J-oil  i**j  and  Maiya  is 
the  fairest  as  to  neck  of  all  beings  (^J*)3&\  means  mankind  and  the 

e  •.*,»       i  *  ei        si 

ginn) ;  >»yUt   J-ail    1*a   ^jjg  £ico  are  the  two  best  of  the  tribe;   C 

*     «?         J    ,      0  C 

^-JjLcJI   JjjloI   '-0-^1  j/0  £#r0  are  the  most  truthful  of  the  truthful; 

.-  o       ,  _•  ,  s-        s      *■  *  .5    J     -  .-  J,         2'  (Jd/(  0    1    1       0    I        si 

2l+~a)\  jiyj  ^Uk*  ^.U  ^L>j5\j  ^1  ^-^.b  ^^bj-i.1  "nJI  /  will  tell 
you  who  are  the  dearest  of  you  to  me,  and  who  of  you  shall  have  the 

,  s     !  i         His-  ss  s 

nearest  seats  to  me  on  the  day  of  the  resurrection ;  u^j^^  ^nr>^sf^3 

\     s  s    s  ~    * 

S^-*-  ^s-  ^Ul  and  verily  thou  wilt  find  them  the  greediest  of  men 

si      s  ai  ils*>  11  * 

after  life ;  lyJ^L^t  j>«^M  ^-*»  the  best  of  things  are  the  mediums  (or 

0  s  1       s     i  s  9      s  2    sO    W  s 

means  between  two  extremes) ;  d^e.  ^>jjJ  ««-oju  wsAju  o-«  ^Ul  j^>  D 
the  worst  of  men  is  he  who  changes  his  religion  for  that  of  others; 
ja»  ...M   wJjj  w>LiJI   9-j^i  Ol3j*i)t   J-^Jl  the  best  of  times  are  early 
youth  and  early  morning.     Compare  in  general  §  86.     Here  must  also 

tit  9         — 

be  mentioned  the  indefinite  genitive  after  J^l,  first,  and  j±.\,  last, 
these  words  being  (as  already  remarked  in  reference  to  the  former, 
§  86,  rem.  a)  really  superlatives ;  e.g.  ^JJJ  ^UU  x^j  c~o  J^l  ,jl 
ZSLj  the  first  house  (tempk)  which  was  founded  for  mankind,  was  that 

228  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  93 

A  m  Bekka  (Mekka) ;  j>$i  Jjl  <>*  t^>*3'  ^5^  c/~* *'  J^»-~~«  «  mosque 
which,  was  founded  upon  the  fear  of  God  from  the  first  day  {of  its 
existence) ;  J^m-»-  ^  Jj->  *4'  >»•'  V  chW^  Cw'  0*>  (^  *s  stated) 
on  the  authority  of  'Ibn  'Abbas  that  this  is  the  last  verse  (of  the 
Kor'dn)  which  was  revealed  by  Gabriel  (lit.  with  which  Gabriel  came 

down).     Instead  of  j>yi  Jjt  it  is,  however,  very  usual  to  say  j*y£\ 

J_5^)l. — On  the  construction  of  a  positive  adjective,  used  substantively, 

with  a  definite  or  indefinite  genitive,  see  §  78  (at  the  end  [J*-^ 

B   &&»])  and  §  86,  rem.  b  [J&1&  j-»ji]. 

Rem.  a.     If   the  genitive  be  definite,  the  governing  adjective 
may  also  agree  in  gender  and  number  with  the  object  or  objects 

spoken  of;   as    gL«JI    jJLoi    ,Jk   she   is   the    best   of  the  women; 

0  ,  »aj     ,     ,  ■  ei        s  j  %  m  i  '  if     *  J 

j*}*)  I  ^Lail  1©A  £Aese  too  are  the  two  best  of  the  tribe  ;  ^Losl  ^oJk 

>ejiJI,  or^o^i)!  J-i'il^o-*)  ^e#  are  ^ie  ^e^  of  the  tribe;  OuLaJ  ,JA 

fL~UI,  or  6L~dl  jj-ai  ,J>A  tfAey  are  iAe  6e,s<  o/"  ^Ae  women ;  *yj**»j 

C  ly-i    l_$j£«J    ly^a*-*  jJ^»'    AJj-5    J^»    ^5*    UU».    and   similarly 

We   have  placed  in  every  town  its  greatest  sinners  to  plot  in  it ; 

lS^Hi.1  ^eXwl^-t  rfAe  best  of  you  in  moral  character  ;  •j^w'^l^  i^a*UJl 

Ohj-*  L5*^  SJ**-C'  the  Lessener  (Yezld  'ibn  fel-Welld,  so  called 
because  he  lessened  the  pay  of  the  troops)  and  the  Scarred  (le 
Balafre,   'Omar  'ibn   'Abdu  l-'Aziz)  were  the  two  most  just  of  the 

,       ,  o  at      j  ^  (5  £       -    at 

7?<?m7  Mar  wan  ;  ^JU  jJl*.  Jjkt  jjtit  C-Jl  <Aow  ar£  //te  greatest  poet 

of  the  people  of  thy  colour   (words  addressed   to   the   negro   poet 
1)         Nosaib).     In  these  last  two  examples,  however,  many  grammarians 

say  that  SJj^tl  and  j*wl  are  not  superlatives,  but  stand  for  *^lft 
and  j^lw. 

Rem.  6.  In  such  constructions  as  sJ^-j  J-^!,  >»>}  Jj'>  *■«'  JtH^t 
^IfLli.  ji,  iuL  J^.U;  ^*-Ujf^ir  ^U,  and  J&&=>  jijz, 
the  genitive  is  explicative  (as  in  jl^xij  <Ujj*-*,  {5  95),  and  not,  as 

§  94]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  <&  Oenit.     229 

might  at   tirst   sight  appear,   a   substitute  for  a   temylz-aceusative   A 
(g  4J.?  ey     J«a.j  J-^it  is  not  =  >».j  J->a9l  most  excellent  as  a  man 

,       ,   3  Z  '3 

(tres  distingue  en  tant  qu'homme) ;    for  we   cannot   say  ^*ail   U-* 

(Jjfcjjl,  as  we  say  ioLUt    %i^o    l^A  ^<?y  are  both  long  of  beard, 

t ,  3  ,      *       'j 

instead  of  «LaJ  ^j*}U^l?   l©Jk,  but,  on  the  contrary,   we  must  say 


94.     The  substantive  that  denotes  the  material  of  which  anything 
is  made,   is  put  in  the  genitive,   definite    or  indefinite,   after   the  B 

,  3     3  ,  3  ,     , 

substantive  designating  the  thing ;   as  jij&-  *->y  «  silk  dress,  _^o 

wsAjJt  the  golden  image  (see  ^  76,  77,  80,  and  92).  Frequently,  how- 
ever,— and  this  is  the  older  construction, — the  substantive  denoting 
the  material  is  put  in  apposition  to  the  object  as  a  determinative  of 

kind  (^Lj),  both  being  either  definite  or  indefinite.  For  example  : 
wJbJJI  ^~a)\  the  golden  image  (not  wJbJJI  ^~att)  ;  «u**Jl  ^^t 
^  s(7(^'   cap;    ,y--aJt    <L-JUaJ-JI    M<?   porcelain    (or   china)   dish;    Q 

3         ,       ,      3*3  J  X    i       i       -  ,       ,       ,  f        3 

wJLaJt  ^jULflJI  rfo  wooden  crosses;  tju~*.  *$*^£.  a  calf  of  red  gold; 

l*.Lji  b^j  JtfwJI  fo  made  a  dress  of  brocade;  Lij*.  <slLwj  ,»i  <*°f33 

,  ,  3      3         i      ,    3 

ILUx-e  UUi.j  a»«?  ^g  found  in  the  centre  of  it  a  sarcophagus  of  marble, 
with  a  cover;  [ajl>j*o]  «>»Lj  ^j%j-«  ly-J^.5  and  beside  it  art  two  [square] 

,  ,3*3  3  Is  3         3 

posts  of  teak- wood  [§  136,  a,  rem.  e] ;  jujks*Jt  ^ji  <*-Jt  J-*»-'  carry 

*    ^  _       J        J  ,3i,       ,  ,  3«*      3  s    s%        3  3,  3',, 

to  him  my  iron  coat  of  mail :   L»Uj   «j— Jl^  >jj»»JI   ajWj  *-*   1$*^**   ^ 
^*£JI   ^>-«  a«o?  they  stripped  off  from  him  his  silken  garments,  and 

&  ,3  33*3      ~,      3, 

clothed  him  in  garments  of  hair ;  j^lt^Jt  l\jJd\  mantles  of  Burtdst 

i      _  --  3  -  ,  ,3, 
(i.e.  of  fur  from  the  country  of  the  Burtas) ;  ^j^-cJI  ^LaAJI  porcelain 

(or  china)  bowls  or  plates;  ^jU*JI  w>W*M  robes  of  (the  stuff  called) 

3d       ~  ,3, 

el-'Attdb'i  (manufactured  in  «LolI*M.  one  of  the  quarters  of  Bagdad)  ; 

230  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  94 

A  ^^^^-j.01  ^— XJI  cloaks  of  (the  stuff  called)  ed-Darglnl  (manufactured 
in  Dargin  in  North  Africa)  *. 

Rem.  a.     In  this  case  the  construction  rises  from  the  particular 

to  the  general,  from  the  individual  or  special  to  the  generic ;  but 

o  s  *    o  *  * 
the  reverse  may  hold  good.     For  example,  instead  of  JJa*-w  ^ul^c 

0  -   *  00  J  0       * 

an   old  worn-out   turban,   JUa.    }jj   an   old  tattered  garment,   wjLj 

0     *    0   t  59   ,         0*0  J 

Jfi^t,    old   tattered  clothes,    }jc*.    S>jj    a   thread-bare   old  garment, 

o  t     oo- 

B         iJ-o~j  <*£«Ja.3  or  jjt^wl  *->$$  an  old  worn-out  garment,  we  may  say 

„  '.  **  -J.  •    '  .  oyi**j*oi 

i-ol^c  J>a».„»  a  worn-out  old  (thing)  of  a  turban,  j>jj   JJ^»-,  Ji*}^' 

0^  *    J  O  r*  *    J  *  9    J3*»  ^        d  •   ^  0  ^  £• 

vjorn-out  robes  (<uLo  dirain.  of  Sp-^^)  ;   jj^^L-^J I  JU  ,J-«  U jOc  ^^J 

_-  *0*>  I  J»    ^  2 

<U.Ja&) I    ojj*   ij^.   *$\    £/*ere    is   nothing   in    our  possession   of  the 
property  of  the  Muslims  but  this  thread-bare  old  garment. 

Rem.  b.     Different  from   the  above  are  such   constructions  as 

0    0*00*  _  _  1    *    *   0«»      }     0*0* 

C  *~*4j  *J*K)  a  P'int  °f  olive  oil,  ^ol^s*.)!  C**JI  the  sacred  house  (temple), 

j  *   *   0«J     i *o  *o*  J  j    j  0>o     J  j  o  i  o* 

jiSjA^S    «Lx£}|    the   holy   Ka'ba,  jojaJ\   j-^*^\    the    sacred    months, 

''     '  '       2."         "  ■  o  Z  >°      J  J  2  * 

w>!^».   *Loj*-«  a  ruined  or  deserted  city,  l$~-)\   jj^pl  the  bad  man. 

0     0  *  0      **  O  *  * 

In  the  first  of  these,  Ooj  is  not  a  ijto,  but  a  Jjij  or  permutative, 
instead  of   which  we  may  employ  a  temylz-accusative  (Ujj  ^J-kj) 

»^  J»  ,.  0   *    *  9  1    i  0     *    * 

or  a  genitive  (C~>j  J-»;) ;  in  the  others,  j»\j*-,  plur.  jaj^.,  «—>!/**> 

and  gyw,  are  adjectives  of  both  genders  (originally  infinitives),  [see 
§  136,  a]. 

D  Rem.  c.     Similarly,  in  Hebrew  and  Syriac,  Dunlin  *\T$3T\  the 

brazen  oxen  (2  Kings,  xvi.  17),  (^201 J  |;~L-i)  a  golden  dinar. 

iO  *      4*0* 

*  [It  is  not  improbable  that  in  the  words  of  the  Kor'an  U~o  SjJL^, 


is  to  be  considered  as  a  substantive  meaning  a  land  that  lias  not 

0     0*         9*  *  9       *   * 

yet  been  brought  into  a  state  of  cultivation  (for  C~j*   jJL»,  as   >Z*\yo 

0       *    *  0  Ot  0*0* 

is  used  for  Ol^-o  ±joj\),  and  put  in  apposition  to  SjJIj  as  the  material 
of  which  the  tract  of  land  consists  (comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  672).] 

§  95]     The  Noun.— Govt  of  Noun.— Stat.  Construct.  <t  Genit.     231 

95.     The  genitive  construction  is  also  often  extended  in  Arabic  A 
to  things  that  are  identical,  the  second  of  which  ought  strictly  to  be 
in  apposition  to  the  first*.     This  remark  applies  :— 

(a)     To  nicknames  in  connection  with  the  names  of  persons ;  as 

jjis  jk*xw  Sa'ld  (nicknamed)  Kurz,  i.e.  wallet, =jjh>  ^  <jSi\  j-*-> 

5jJ  Jls  Kais  (nicknamed)  Kuffa,  i.e.  dried  gourd :   3Jaj  j-jj  Zeid 

(nicknamed)  Batta,  i.e.  bottle. 

»  i     »     - 
Rem.     In  such  cases  as  jj^  jlju  the  use  of  the  apposition  is    B 

equally  correct,  nom.  jj£s  J^*-».  gen.  jjss  j^jl*.  ace.  \jj^  \j~x~>. 
If  the  name  is  defined  by  the  article,  the  apposition  alone  is 
allowable;  as  jj^s  £>j—i\.  The  same  thing  holds  good,  it  either 
word  is  a  compound  (e.g.  aJUl  ju*  'Abdu   Uah.  or  SiUI  ^iil  cameVs 

j  *  j        ;  -        it 

nose);  as  jjSs  aJJI  jl>c.  SiUI  oul  «x-*-».  itu  aJUI  jut   ii5  juj  ^jt. 

Some,   however,  allow  the   nickname  to  be  put  in  the  accusative, 
when  the  name  is  in  the  nominative ;  in  the  nominative,  when  the    ^ 
name  is  in  the  accusative  ;  and  in  either  case,  when  the  name  is  in 

the  genitive;   as  iSLJt   sju\    Jujci   IjJk  (scil.   ,5-^'   /  mean):   C-j1j 
iSUJI  oul   ljuxw   (scil.  yk  ^JJh:   iSUt   oLil  jl,j« — >  ^.j-8 

(6)  [To  specific  nouns,  when  preceded  by  a  noun  designating  the 
genus,  as  0>*iP'  j**"  fhe  olive-tree  (=  OV^iP'  j»-**^)  ;  j*-1— "  w-ia. 
teak-wood ;  {j\$*a)\  S,U^».  fint-stones.]  J) 

*  [Excepted  are  the  definitions  of  measure,  number,  weight  and 
colour,  as  also  those  of  the  genus  by  its  species,  of  the  whole  by  its 

parts.     It  is  not  allowed  to  say  f~>\j*  a*»*±-  Sjjj-e*. 

U-j.    ^1^1    (J-0*  which    ought   to   be    -i-~ Aji   4».0c»    Zj-ij-*' 

ia*  j  >  ,       9  ..         , 

/ire  parasangs  in  extent,   U-j   ^j^...0a.    Sju-a5  a  ^)0<?m  q/"  ,/?/ty   verses, 

9       ,  »C  «  .  S  -    ' 

O'V  c£o  feathers  of  divers  colours,  as  a  jJjiJ  or  permutative  :  comp. 
Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  552,  ii.  33  seq.] 

*  +  » 

an    island 

232  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  95 

A         (c)    To  the  names  of  towns,  rivers,  mountains,  etc.,  when  pre- 
ceded  by  the  words  for  town,  river,  etc. ;   as  at jJu   <Ujj^  the  city 

of  Bagdad  (^*\jJu  ^a  ^jJt  S-OjLoJt)  ;  oIjaM  j^J  M<?  mw  Euphrates; 

J-j-JI  j^fcj   //^   river  Nile;    &+~-«>  j>b    mount   Sinai:    tjLfiu*)  ^v* 
#/>?  month  of  Ramadan. 

(d)  To  words,  regarded  merely  as  such,  and  governed  by  a  word 
B   signifying  wd,  such   as  a^J^s  or  liA)  ;    e.g.    O^  *■+&  the  word 

kana  (see  §  78). 

(e)  To  nouns  governed  by  other  nouns,  when  the  governing  word 
signifies  something  to  which  the  object  designated  by  the  governed 

word  is  similar  ;  as  gU-"   0***J  the  silvery  water  (lit.  the  silver  of  the 

water),  =  l\+i\   $*>   j^JJI    O*^1-   i  p-    D**-^1   J^6  >*   iS^   *UJ'. 

Here  the  aJI  ^.cu*  is  the  primum  comparationis,  and  the  wiLct* 

q   the  secundum  comparationis. 

(/)    To    adjectives  defined  by  the   article   in  connection  with 
substantives  not  so  defined;   as  u^jJL<^\  c~o  the  Holy  Temple  (i.e. 

Jerusalem),  =u*jJLal\  ^>   ^JJI   *^~-JI,  or,    shortly,  ^.xLoJI    C~>JI ; 

j-ji-oJI  w>b  ^  foYtf/e  gwte  (as  a  name),  =j-i-oJI  «->UI  ;   Jj^l  £*Jj 

£Ae  ,/??•.«?£  RabY,  and  >a^l   ^j  ^  last  (second)   RabV  (names   of 

D  months):    J^'  >olc   /as#  ye«r;    ^J/**'    w-^1*-   ^   western   swe,= 

■  e^ill  wJUJI  ;   s-«taJI  j^....«  //^  congregational  mosque,  =  jia»,~.»M 

9.As*J\  ;    £U<^JI    aJLaj    the  foolish   herb,  purslane,     iiL^»J\    iUJt  ; 

Sja.^1  jb  ^  o^r  world,  the  world  to  come,  =  S^-^l  jtjJt.     In  these 

and  similar  annexations  some  grammarians  see  an   Jj-e>oJI    iilol 

aJLcJI    ,Jt,  or   annexation    of  the   thing  described  to   the  descriptive 

epithet,   i.e.    of  the   substantive   to  the  adjective ;   but  as  such  an 
annexation   is  impossible  (see  §  78),  those  grammarians   are  correct 

§  95]  The  Noun.— Gov't  of  Noun.— Stat  Construct.  &  Genit.  233 
who  regard  the  adjective  as  having  been  raised  to  the  level  of  a  A 

Z.  -   ISO       J     e- 

substantive.     Strictly  speaking,  ^ jJLoi  I  c~o  means  the  house  of  the 

f  j  /  j  a  a  '  5 ' 

&>/y  ^/ace  (taking  ^jkio,  if  we  like,  as  rumen  loci  from  ^jJ  to 
sanctify,  Vol.  i.  §  227) ;  Jj*i)t  £*0>  ^  ifafo'  0/  ^  first  place,  first 
i»  order ;  etc.  On  the  other  hand,  in  ^j^M  5^L»  the  annexation 
is  an  ordinary,  proper  one  (aJLJL*.  iiLil*,  the  word  acL»,  hour,  being 

understood;  ^J^  5^1o=^)j*^l  <LcLJI  3>Lo,  i.e.  icLJI  ^y  SyLsJt 
^3^)1  (see  §  77).    Similarly,  some  grammarians  consider  ^Vj^'  v^W-    B 

=  Lp>j-kJ\     (j'oC^JI     wJU.,     *-©UJ'     J>a. o  =  g-«U>Jl     ^j'oC^JI     j^a. .<, 

or  **laJI  wJt^ll  j^.^o.  cU^aJI  dJJb  =  £U«*»J  I  2*oJ  I  SJUu  ,  and 
S^fc.^1  jl^^5^fc.^l    31-aJI  jb*.     Here  too   the   constructions   JJai\ 

*  [Accordingly  too  «jLJI  ^j  is  explained  by  Zamahsari  (Fdik  i. 
163)  as   ajLJI  ^j-JJl  j*y*  o?i  tfAe  cfa?/  o/"  the  seventh  night.     The  real 

explanation,  however,  seems   to   be    that  we   have    in   ^jJLoJI   w-o.    C 

j.+k*si}\  w>b,  etc.  the  first  instances  of  the  omission  of  the  article  before 

the  qualified  substantive,  which  is  prevalent  in  modern  Arabic.  The 
end-vowels  of  the  word  were  generally  not  pronounced  in  common 
speech,   if   no   misunderstanding   could    arise,   according    to    the   rule 

a  j  *j  j        j*  j   a  j        //      ut'       -        -         e  j      ^  ^  ^    -  e     oo         j      i  *  i  *       - 

jj^£*  dju  \3X^J  y3  ^^IfeU.  til  jji**^£s  ^j  v'j^'  ty  <*.;■■■•»  ^ 

^p^oISs  lil  ofo  ?io<  ?««&£  use  of  case-endings  in  your  speech,  when  you 
address  people,   but   employ   them  in  full   in   your  letters,   tchen  you 

correspond.    This  was  called  rt-.jLJL.JI  and  deemed  elegant  (Fdik  ii.  94).    D 

Hence  this  omission  of  the  article  caused  no  difficulty  whatever,  till 
the   grammarians   attempted   to  find   a    place   for    these    abbreviated 

expressions  in  their  syntactical  system,  comparing  the  Kor'anic  ^>j,> 
i^*iJI    for   A^jiJI    iUJI    ^>Ji    and   Sj^.'s)!  jtj   for   5^.^)1    SLaJI  jt^. 

The  grammarian  el-Leit  ibn  Nasr  disapproved  of  the  use  of  ji^  t-  d 
>u«lajJ1,  etc.   which  he  called  a  mistake.     D.  G.] 

w.   ii.  30 

234  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§96 

A  J*fc.j,  djjth  J^.U,  ^£A£=>  Jj>c,  etc.,  find  a  place  (see  §  78,  at  the  end, 
§  86,  rem.  b,  and  §  93). 

Rem.  a.     This  sort  of  annexation  is  called  by  the  grammarians 

(So    J/     /  Jw  bCt-e    3s     s     bs 

j+~J£}\  Ailol,  or  jxjj**Ju)\  5iLe*j)l,  the  interpretative  annexation,  as 

-     -  £  s"  s  g 

ssbfO       3  s        s  3d        ssb**        3  s       s       bs 

also  ("iLJI  SiLil,  or  <LJLJI  diLi's)!,  <Ae  explicative  annexation. 
The  special  sort  mentioned  under  e  is  named  A^JJt  dilol  £/te 
comparative  annexation. 

B  [Rem.  6.     It   may   not    be    superfluous   to    mention   here   the 

s  b*9     vi     s  s   s         s     3  btO     mi    s 

genitive  by  attraction,  called  jt^^Jt  j**.  or  Sjjl&^Jt  j&.  (genitive 

s  *l        s       3     b       3         s    3 

of  proximity.  Comp.  Hamasa,  38,  1.  16),  as  in  o^a.  w~o  j*****  >* 
this  is  a  deserted  hole  of  a  dabb  (a  large  kind  of  lizard),  instead  of 

<S  s  sb3b*3  3sbsb*o        sbs       vi   P    s 

;  ^J^j-fti  t  O^^CaJ  I  ^Jjx  ijlib  (i£  is)  as  {/"  the  woven  web  of  the 

spider,  instead   of    ^J-^-oJI,  though  Oj*£ic  is  of  the  fern,  gender. 
Other  examples  from  poetry  have  been  given  by  Jahn  in  his  notes 
C         to  Slbaweih  i.  185.     D.  G.] 

3.     The  Numerals. 

96.  We  have  already  mentioned,  in  Vol.  i.  §§  319—321,  that 
the  cardinal  numbers  from  3  to  10,  when  placed  in  apposition  to 
the  tilings  numbered,  agree  with  them  in  case ;  but  when  placed  in 

s         j5 

annexation  before  them,  govern  the  genitive  plural,  as  JU^-j  <£•»  six 

s     s  3      I  s  '  V   <  b  3  3  s  s  bi 

J)   men,  jl>»-  w*U  three  girls,  U1U  we  three  (women),  _^ju;I  the  four  of 

them  (men).     The  genitive  must,  in  every  possible  case,  be  that  of  the 
broken  plural  (Vol.  i.  §  300,  b,  and  §§  304,  305) ;  and  if  the  substantive 

has  a  aXaJI   *«>a.  as  well  as  a  5j£tt\  %+**.  (Vol.  i.  §  307),  the  former 

s  bi       3   s     b    s  *         bZ       3  s         s  s 

ought  to  be  used  ;  e.g.  *->\y\  <L~»+j».  five  pieces  of  cloth,  £j>».t  ^U^ 

^  "  b  3  s  s  s  3  bi        3  s\s 

eight  sacks,  A^Xt  ZjJLs.  ten  slaves,  t^Ji  t  aIU  three  fels  (a  copper  coin), 

'  3     s   b    s  3   3  3  s         s  s  s   b  3  s  s  s  3  3        3  s\' 

not  w>tJ  «L~fr».,  w>^  **J^,   O^*^  *>**>*>  cr»>^  *£U. — They  are 

§  96]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  235 

o :  9*3* 

very  rarely  construed  with  the  accusative  }~*r^  (§  44,  e) ;  as  ^..-»a>  A 

?    •  op  ^  o  £    j   •  o  ^ 

bl^jl,  instead  of  w>'^j!  i-^/*.*. 

Rem.  a.     The  word  ajL©  forms  an  important  exception  to  the 
above  rule,   being  always  placed  after  the  governing  unit  in  the 

-  Jl  -• 

genitive   singular,    as    SuL^Xj    three   hundred.      Only    a    poet    can 

..  j    I  ^  oop 

venture  to  say  ^jJLc  *£JJ.  [On  the  use  of  the  plural  forms  of  ^Ji\ 
see  Vol.  i.  §  326,  rem.] 

2    o«*   JO' 

Rem.  b.     Should  a  dJUU  t  «  0r-   be  little  or  not  at  all  in  use,  the   g 

^0  ^«o     J    0    ^  J   J       J'1 ' 

3jJ&)  I   n0a.  must  of  course  be  employed ;  as  pj—w  itU  f A ree  shoe- 

;    /   »c  5   j  o  p 

strings,  because  cl— il  and  *-~wt  are  rare  or  doubtful.     Even  in  the 

3 3   ' '• ' 
Kor'an,  however,  we  find  e^S  iiLj  ^ree  menstruations,  instead  of 

jl^3t  or  jjil. 

[Rem.  c.     It  is  perhaps  superfluous  to  remark  that  the  pluralis 

'-      JO,        ,J-. 

sanus  is  used  in  cases  where  no  broken  plural  exists,  asOU  J*-— »  lyjt 
2/te  verses  of  this  sura  are  seven  in  number  (pi.  of   <ul  :    ^t  is  a    C 

',^J0,  «",  ..  JOy 

quasi-plural);  OljJu  *.w  seven  cows  (pL  of  Sjib)  ;  (.j^—i  ^^-^ 
fen.  years;  Oto  C—>  sia;  daughters;  ^>i>ljt».  i£U  ?/*ree  smiths. 
If,  however,  the  word  is  properly  an  adjective  or  participle  (<Uu©), 


we  ought  to  employ  the  preposition  ^yo,  or  to  put  the  noun  in 
apposition  to  the   numeral,   or    rice   versd,   as   ^-y^o^oJl    ^^-e    iUAj 

,        J       OJ        S'l*  5,l<         -        J      OJ  -  aj        J-;l<  0       -  50^ 

or   ^j^«.<^.c    tfUJJ     itl3    ^j^.oj.o),    not   ^j^o^e   <UJU :    ola».&    a^w 

■»  J   0    ^ 

seven,  lean  (cows)  not  o^*-t   ^i—'-j  D 

*  [In  Arabic,  as  in  some  other  languages,  a  cardinal  number  may  be 

^  0      3  *} 

followed  immediately  by  the  next  one,  in  order  to  rectify  it  (^)\jjk^*jJ ; 
comp.  §  184,  6,  rem.),  as  jjLwjJUl   ^>*o  a*%w  iiw  six  seven  (i.e.  six,  or 

20'       '  0'        '  ^  OP    J      '   0 

it  may  be  seven)  horsemen;  L*jj  ^j,....^^.  ^oujl  jljJLo  a  sa<m  o/  forty 
fifty  (i.e.  from  forty  to  fifty)  c/a^s.     D.  G.] 

236  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  97 

°     '  °  '  £ 

A  97.  Of  the  two  words  *x»-lj  and  jl»-I  the  former  is  more  com- 
monly used  as  an  adjective,  the  latter  as  a  substantive ;  e.  g. 
a*- 1 j  Jj»-j  a  «'^/«  man,  one  man,  j^t^JI  dJJ  to  the  one  God; 
^Ul  jk».l  one  of  the  people,  *£JJL)I  ^J^-t  one  (fern.)  of  the  three, 

b  j  j  -  i  s  *■  £ 

^aj^I  owe  o/  tfAem.     j^t  is  used  absolutely  in  negative  and  inter- 
rogative  phrases  in  the  sense  of  any  one  ;  as  jljJI  ^  j>»-\  *$  there  is 

no  one  in  the  house;  j^-\  ^el».  U  no  one  came  to  me;  \^£\j  j^-\  J-* 
B  I  a*  J£«  Aas  aw?/  owe  seew  the  like  of  this?  As  applied  to  God,  the  two 
words  are  interchangeable,  j**.IjJ  I  yb  or  j^1^  t  3A ;  and  also  in  the 
compound  numbers  21,  31,  etc.,  03J~£,3  **•"'  or  OiJ-^J  ju^-lj,  etc. — 
,jUjt,  fern.  (jU^jt  or  O^-^  is  n°t  unfrequently  placed,  as  an  adjective, 
after  a  noun  in  the  dual,  to  express  the  idea  of  duality  more  strongly  ; 
as  O**^'    L>s^i    'jJ^^-5  *})  efo  not  take  unto  yourselves  two  gods; 

O-uSt  O^fSJ  J^  O-*  W**  *£XXwli  on'??<7  z'rafo  iV  (the  ark)  of  every 
C    {species  of  animals)  a  pair  (lit.  £«;o  individuals,  male  and  female) ; 

*  b  fO  *  'bi         vi         s     btO  b  '  b  Z     '  *  w     fO         J       s     *■  Js  '  *     *  £jfO* 

%'&ȣ  Saldho'd-dln  (Saladin)  has  assigned  him  in  lieu  of  the  tax  levied 

b  -  b/o  b  -  b  *       j  b  J        -  - 

on  the  pilgrims  is  2000  dinars;   O*-^'  O-ij-^  ^-°  0*-?J^  dwelling 

-  b  by  b-o  b^  s  -■ 

{in  it)  for  the  last  two  months ;  ly-U  ^>~j  I  O^^o  ^Xc  at  a  distance 

lbs  '         J  '   bZ*         O     *   b     *     '  S'brO  0  '  *   ' 

of  two  miles  from  it;  [U^j  Oj*Ols  *~»-»*-j  o'^''  J*5t  t-*-^  two 
hundred  five  and  forty  days].  It  is  very  rarely  prefixed  to  the  things 
D  numbered,  and  then  requires  the  genitive  singular;  as  fjSaJ^.  Uij  two 
colocynth  gourds,  =  JJau*.  U*».  (&*».  grain,  berry,  being  used,  like  the 
Persian  ajIj>,  ddna,  in  counting  fruit).     See  Vol.  i.  §  321,  rem.  c. 

98.  When  the  numeral  is  followed,  not  by  the  noun  expressing 
the  things  numbered,  but  by  a  collective  designating  the  whole  species 
or  genus,  the  relation  between  it  and  the  collective  is  indicated,  not  by 

§  99]  The  Noun,— The  Numerals.  237 

the  simple  genitive,  but  by  the  preposition  ,>« :  as  o-6  **o'  •**-*  A 
^-Ut  fafo  ^«  /o«r  birds,  =  j*±M  O-*  J^9  **0'  :  <f-V  t>?  A****^ 
wiwe  of  the  people,  =  lajsyi  ^>o  jni  SI  aa-J.  Sometimes,  however, 
the  collective  itself  is  put  in  the  simple  indefinite  genitive ;  as 
hdkj  4*-J  ijjuoJI  ^  O'-^J  ^re  ^^  tn  *"€  c'^  nine  persons ; 
jiu  ajuj\  js*}  and  they  were  four  in  number*. 


[Rem.     The  construction  with  ^c  is  also  employed  when  the 

noun  expressing  the  things  numbered  is  properly  an  adjective  or   B 
participle ;  see  §  96,  rem.  c] 

99.     The  cardinal  numbers  from  11  to  99  take,  as  already  men- 
tioned (§  44,  e,  rem.  b,  and  Vol.  i.  §  323,  rem.  b),  the  objects  numbered 

in  the  accusative  singular ;  as  ^^-j  j*-*  *j*$>j  thirteen  men ;  £— j 
l\^\  ZjJLs.  nineteen  icomen ;  *$-»■)  03Jt^-'3  **-^  seventy-three  men ; 
Aa..?J  (j^jt-Jj   *-J  ninety- nine  sheep.     They  are  very  rarely  followed 

by  the  accusative  plural;  as  W*t  U»L-jI  S^i*  ^^jI  ^^UxLij  and  C 
we  divided  them  into  twelve  tribes  {or)  nations. — As  to  gender,  the  tens 

(03j*~£,>  etc.)  are  both  masculine  and  feminine,  but  the  units  conform 
to  the  gender  of  the  noun  denoting  the  things  numbered  ;  as  j£s-  j^-\ 
L^^£s  eleven  stars ;  iSU  03*-i^3  i^-o^-  forty-five  she-camels. 

5    a  s    a  - 

Rem.      %~zu  (also  >*~fiu)  is  construed  Uke  the  numerals  which  it 

represents  (Vol.  i.  §  319,  rem.  b,  etc.),  but  does  not  vary  in  gender, 
according  to  the  best  authorities,  when  unaccompanied  by  another   D 

number  and  signifying  from  3  to   10;  as  JU-;   jugu,   Sa~J   *~cu. 

"  jo  zjs**ys*a  'is  a  >o    +*  a  *      *    a  *      j\  *  *      e  *   ? 

v>~^~'   f-<su.   but  "^fc-j  j-i^  ia-iu.    i\j*\   ZjLs.    *-«a->.    0>**^i    is-s_> 
^>-^L— oJI    ,^)»©   some    thirty,   or    thirty   and   odd,   of  the   Muslims, 

z  *  *      *      },  at*      e    » 

ii~»  Oy^jh  £"£■?  some  forty  years  or  forty  and  odd  years. 

o -  -  *a  * 

*  [This  is   not  allowed  with  jJ^j  and  ^eji,  according  to  Fdik  ii. 
384.     D.  G.] 

238  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  100 

A  100.  If  an  adjective  be  appended  to  the  noun  denoting  the 
things  numbered,  after  any  numeral  between  11  and  99,  the  adjective 
may  agree  either  grammatically  with  the  noun,  or  logically  with  the 

cardinal  number ;  as  bj-eU  tjUji  OJL>^  twenty  dinars  of  M-MMik 
en-Ndsir  (where  bj-oU  agrees  grammatically  with  iJUjj,  accus.  sing, 
masc),  or  ajj-oU  JjUji  Oj>^c  (where  *bj-ob  agrees  logically  with 
O^j^-i  as  representing  the  broken  plural  j-olo,  which  requires  an 
B  adjective  in  the  sing.  fern.). 

101.  When  the  object  numbered  has  been  already  spoken  of, 

the  cardinal  numbers  from  20  to  90  (the  tens)  may  be  construed,  like 

•  •  •  °"     J  ° 

substantives,  with  the  genitive  ;  as  juj  _2>t»c  ZUd's  twenty  (camels) ; 

'  j  " ' 
^ijSyj  your  thirty  (servants).     Compare  §  108. 

102.  The  cardinal  numbers  from  11  to  19  may  also  be  construed 
in  the  same  way  with  the  genitive  of  the  possessor  (except  jJis.  \Xj\  and 

Q  its  fern.).     In  this  case  they  remain,  according  to  most  grammarians, 

indeclinable,  as  *t)j£s-  £.....»£.,  fern.  -iU^c  L>l.<»,  thy  fifteen  (nom., 

5  J  ' 
gen.,  ace).     According  to  others,  the  js*s>  or  latter  part  of  the  com- 

pound  is  declined ;  as  ^ijJ^e.  o^^.,  gen.  $j.J*&  a~»<,±.,  ace. 
^)jJuc  ;  [or  both  parts  are  declined  ;  as  -iJ^c  <L~©a.,  gen.  $j£jz 
acc.  ^)jJi&  £«««».].     Others  still  admit  the  declinability  of  the  jj~e 

0    )    s 

or  former  part  of  the  compound,  and  put  the  J**-*  or  latter  part  in 
D  the  genitive  ;  as  ^)j*»£-  £..*»£.,  gen.  ^)yi£-  £,..>.»£.,  acc.  ^)jJi&  a,...^^.. 

103.  The  cardinal  numbers  a5U  a  hundred,  and  s—sJt  a  thousand, 
and  their  compounds,  are  construed  with  the  genitive  singular  of  the 
noun  denoting  the  objects  numbered;   as  J^j  <i5U   100  men;  U5U 

jC»»  200  asses;   *^=>   *5U^5  300  dogs;   *Ujju>   UA\    1000  cities; 

w>U£>  UJt  2000  books;  jLj  o*#  iitSjf  4000  men;  jLjj  oUI  jii  J^-l 

11,000  dinars;  J»-J  ^aJI  iSUoiii  300,000  men. 

§  105]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  239 


Rem.     The  accus.  sing,  or  genit.  plur.  after  i5Lo  [and  oUI]  is  A 

i    *  a**  s,:*?        *    *      * 

very  rare;   as   L»U  ,^JjLo  ««IaJI  ^U  Ijt   u-hen  a  man  has  lived 

-  -  -   i  .»      a        »  -  .>  ^ 

£u?o  hundred  years ;  ^>~w  ajLo  wJLj  ^yiy^  ,-9  l>*^5  anc^  ^i6y 
tarried  in  their  cave  three  hundred  years  (where  others  read  4jL©. 
and  regard  j«Li  as  a  J|ju  or  permutative  apposition  to  ajLo  w*L»). 

104.  If  a  sum  be   composed  of  several  numerals  of  different 
kinds,  the  noun  denoting  the  things  numbered  falls  under  the  go  vera  - 

//tj  s*       *  s—      '    a*  s         -  a      ao     *  »' 

ment  of  the  last  numeral ;   as  ,-cuio  ^s.  j>$\   ^>*jj    S^a»^J  I   ,j-o   B 

£'••       «       3  + tit*  *  a     *        *  it+*  s~     j  -  -  :'~        So*    a>e        ,  sZ.  *o 

iw  Oj*0'.3  ci'*x*'i-5  *^  ^-'J  «*^'  **o'  5*jlj-aJt  Slj^Jt  beticeen 
the  Higra  and  Adam,  according  to  the  Hebrew  Pentateuch,  there  are 
4741  years;  l>-*.j^0Jt  jLl£.l  ^JLt  S^a^JI  O^J   O— *^'   J^M   C>*^ 

O**"*'  ^o'j  ajUoJUjj  «^j*i)t  aj^U  beticeen  the  confusion  of  tongues  and 
the  Nigra,  there  are,  according  to  the  assumption  of  the  chronologists, 
3304  years.     The  substantive  may,  however,  be  repeated  after  each 

numeral;    as   a*jj1j  jLoi   ^_aJI    a5Uj   jUjj   \Jd\    Ult    lyj^    ^./"J'    C^.  IjUji  Oy^3  j^-*  ^'  Oy-^jh  fne  revenue  of  (the province  of) 

el-Garblya  (in  Lower  Egypt)  is  2,144,080  military  dinars.  In  large 
amounts,  consisting  of  millions,  hundreds  of  thousands  and  thousands, 

the  word  \Jti\  must  be  repeated  after  each  numeral ;   as  <^Ji  iL»». 

S^^oe-  o#       ,         tai       _       )    *  *  *      4  *  *  it*  Bi        *         it,'  ai  *—       j'  a 

ixjjlj  ^jU5Loj  UJI  ^jjJtoJj  *»Jjlj  oUt  a5Lo— &»»3  o»JI  *-i^M  Sjt-J 
IjWi  O^^i  ^e  total  of  this  amounts  to  9,584,264  dinars. 

105.  The  higher  cardinal  numbers,  as  well  as  those  from  3  to  D 
10  (Vol.  i.  §  321),  may  be  placed  in  apposition  to  the  substantive 

denoting  the  objects  numbered;  as  i£JU*-o  ^j^M  ,JI  ZSLJJ\  ^St*. 
0*"-**'3  a^»j  5jU  5/-*^  ^o~»  ^  (7?^?^  r^<?  net  to  land,  full  of  large 

*  a  ,\z&  j         *  a£      j       jj       a    *    * 

fishes,  a  hundred  and  fifty-three ;  juc  i£U)l  -*~y>  ^^\  w^^aw  C-Jl^> 
^  L>effi^'J3  O^*-*'  O**-^'  J'-t'M  ^  nations  sprung  from  the  three 

240  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  106 

A  sons  of  Noah  were,  at  the  time  of  the  confusion  of  tongues,  seventy-two 

0  °  * 
in  number  (the  substantive  denoting  the  things  numbered,  w-*w,  is 

repeated  here,  because  the  last  numeral  requires  it  in  a  form  different 
in  number  and  case  from  w»^fci). 

106.  As  regards  the  agreement  in  gender  between  the  cardinal 
numbers  and  the  nouns  denoting  the  objects  numbered  (see  Vol.  i. 
§  319),  the  following  rules  hold. 

(a)  If  the  plural  of  the  substantive  denoting  the  things  num- 
B   bered  differs  in  gender  from  the  singular,  the  numeral  agrees  with 

the  singular ;  as  ij_*-^— »  *-»-w  seven  years  (sing.  <Li,  fern.),  but 
j>\$£-\   *-*-+-*»   id.    (sing.  >oU,    masc.) ;    OLcL^et.   2J?%3   three  baths 

9      S     *  -    w     -      ■>        ■>  Z  t  0    &     '    J 

(sing.  y&Lp-tt.,  masc.) ;  OtjcX  a^o  ^  six  volumes  (smg.  >^>, 
masc).     This  rule  holds  even  when  the  substantive  itself  is  sup- 

t  *  o   s         j     to    j  m  £it     *  *  o  * 

pressed;   as  £~*©a.   c**-o  I  fasted  five  days  (i.e.  j*\j\  £....■»£-,  from 

glz  #   0    -         J    0  #  „  *s        *  6   * 

jbji,  masc,  a  day) ;  U^».  O^w  /  travelled  five  nights  (i.e.  JUJ  u—o*-* 
Q   from  5JU,  fern.,  a  night);  %jj\  ^^e-  ^j^i  O** ^n**  among  them  are 

creatures  which  walk  on  four  feet  (i.e.  J.»-j'  £Jjl  ^■^,  from  JU-j, 
fem.,  a  foot) ;  ?-'j-«>J'  ^-^  **jjW  Li''5^^  £-W-«s>  J^>  J^  ^Jy>  O-tP  k 
0  eye  of  mine,  weep  every  morning  (*-lfO  in  rhyme  for  ?-W-»)  5  shed 

copious  tears  over  el-Garrah  (lit.  weep  with  the  four  channels  for 
tears,  Qj^uJI  a*jjW,  from  the   sing.   o^>  masc,  or  with  the  four 

D  corners  of  the  eyes,  0**J'  wJ'j-**  **o^,  from  the  sing.  wJU.,  masc, 
a  side). 

Rem.     This   rule    is    often   disregarded    by   modern    incorrect 
writers  and  copyists. 

(b)  The  numeral  follows  the  grammatical  gender  of  the  sub- 
stantive, when  the  objects  numbered   are  designated  merely  by  a 

J     Of      J  -  I  • 

noun  of  a  vague,  general  signification  ;  e.g.  ^>vw.*1  o£U  three  persons, 

§  106]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  241 

from  ^^uiJrf,  masc. :  O**'  wJj  *£ree  human  beings,  from  0**>  fern.   A 

But  if  another  noun  be  annexed  to  this,  which  determines  the  real 

gender  of  the  objects  more  precisely,  the  numeral  agrees  with  the 

ij      *  \  *  a     ioi       t   -     *    i        *  *         *    , , 

second  noun ;    as  ^^-j-.*    wJj    ^j&\    C>S    ^>*    ,jj,>   ^«a.*o    ^jb3 

>*a***5  OW*^9  <*w^  so  w_j/  shield  against  those  whom  I  feared  tens 

9         *  *       a  i 

three  persons,  tiro  girls  and  a  young  woman  (>^*£\£a  and  ^oiu  are 

i  i 
used   only   of   women,   Vol.    i.    §  297,   c,   rem.    b ;    u0}"*  *'    is   here 

employed  by  the  poet,  through  the  exigency  of  the  metre,  instead  of  B 

lit  1  a  1  _  ._  «  a    ->  t     ,  w     - 

^^uJ^il,  §  96  :  j*cjla  stands  in  rhyme  for  j-ax*).     Again  :   b^lL^  ,jli 

a    ^»<o       ,»    J"'        •  "'  r    it*  1    at       1  a    -  I 

j-£a)I  lyJ^Li  ,j»«  ijjj^j  c-JI^  o-^'  J-***  *•**  ^**  (frife  f>/)  iT*7«6 
//as  fe»  branches,  but  thou  hast  nought  to  do  with  its  ten  branches 
(vJJaul  is  a  plural  of  ,>lsu,  Vol.  i.  §  304,  rem.  c,  which  is  masc,  but 

the  numeral  takes  the  gender  of   the  feminine    substantive 

i  -** 
which   immediately  follows   in   its  plural   form    Jjti)  ;    and   in   the 

s^c      *      -  a  *     **  a  *      a   * ,  s*e   ii    rtm+* 

Kor'an,  ch.  vii.  16<>,  \+*\  U»U— .1  IjJu.  ^Z£\ ^Lxlaij  and  we  divided   C 

*      '  at  *    a 

them  into  twelve  tribes  (or)  nations  (J»U~#1  is  the  plural  of  iu-*,  masc, 

Heb.  tonfc?,  but  the  numeral  agrees  with  &ot,  which  follows  in  the 

v  "     « A 

plural  form^o^l).     Sometimes,  however,  the  numeral  agrees  with  the 

real  gender  of  the  objects  numbered,  even  when  the  grammatical 
gender  of  the  noun  used  is  different ;  as  ^r-AJl  SJJJ  three  persons  (of 
the  male  sex),  where  *£U  is  masc,  although  j^Ju  is  fern.,  because  u-AJ 
is  here  equivalent  to  jjl«J1  or  J**j.  D 

(c)    If  the  substantive  be  suppressed,  and  its  place  be  taken  by 
an  adjective  or  other  word  expressive  of  its   quality,  the   numeral 

agrees  in  gender  with    the    understood    substantive ;   e.g.   sU.    o-» 

..      ..  » i      1    S    ,         Is,  r  ,     *  0/0 

lyJliol  jLs.  aXi  rt;„,aJb  ta  «rfo  </<#>$  a  good  thing,  shall  receive  a 
tenfold  recompense  for  it,  lit.  shall  receive  ten   (good  things)  like  it 

i  a  -    m  *a  $  , ȣ 

(^£p  is  fern.,  because  JJU,  plur.  JUUt,  though  masc,  is  here  only  an 
epithet  of  oU-*  understood,  the  plur.  of  4^,..^.,  which  is  fern.), 
w.  ii.  31 

242  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  106 

A  (d)  When  the  numeral  is  connected  with  the  substantive  by  the 
preposition  ,j-o  (§  98),  it  agrees  in  gender  with  the  substantive ;  as 
^o»i*Jt    ,j«o    %jj\  four  sheep   (j^   being   fern.,  Vol.   i.   §  290,  a,  e) ; 

JxJI  ^c  iiXj  three  ducks  (Iso  being  masc.  [by  form],  Vol.  i.  §  292,  a)*. 
This  is  the  case  even  when  an  epithet  follows  which  fixes  the  real 
gender  of  the  objects  numbered;  as  j$£>$  ^xiS  ^c  jujI  four  sheep, 
males;  «i>UI  JaJI  ^yo  iitf  ^r«e  ducks,  females.  If,  however,  the 
B  epithet  be  placed  between  the  numeral  and  the  substantive,  the 
numeral  must  agree  in  gender  with  the  epithet ;  as  ,j-o  jj£»i  **o' 
^*)t,  JaJt  ^c  *t>Ul  *i-sX5  [comp.  §  96,  rem.  c]. 

(e)  The  numerals  as  abstract  numbers  (Vol.  i.  §  309,  &,  c)  are  of 
the  masculine  gender ;  as  iiw  w«^ij  *&U,  or  aZ-JI  >JLoJ  itUl,  #/w^ 
?'s  the  half  of  six. 

(f)  In  the  enumeration  of  several  groups  of  objects  of  different 
genders,  the  following  rules  hold. — (a)  The  numerals  from  3  to  5, 

C   inclusive,  must  be   repeated  before   each  substantive,   and  vary  in 

gender  accordingly ;  as  (j*\)  ^Ul  t^~**.j  jutl  <L»+i.  .J  /  have  Jive 

male  and  Jive  female  slaves,     (/?)  From  6  to  10,  inclusive,  they  are 
not  repeated,  and  conform  in  gender  to  the  nearest  substantive ;  as 

(jt\)  %\-*\$  «x*£t  «KJl*j  ^  I  have  eight  male  and  (eight)  female  slaves, 

or,   transposing  the  words,   ju-^l^   (v»l)    '*<-*[    ^yU^   ^j}.     (y)   The 

compound  numerals,  from  11  upwards,  are  not  repeated,  and  take  the 
masculine  form,  when  the  following  substantives  designate  rational 

D  beings ;  as  i»jl».j  I jl*c  jJLz  a...^^  ^j^  /  have  fifteen  male  and 
(Jifteen)  female  slaves,  or,  transposing  the  words,  jJ^c-  *«.>■»*.  t^juc 
ljucj  ^ij^f.     But  when  the  substantives  designate  irrational  objects, 

,,     j  ,  el 

*  [We  may  of  course  say  also^o^iJI  kj-o  (or  dUi)  w>U»ju   %Jj\  and 

§  107]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  243 

the  numerals  take  the  gender  of  the  nearest  substantive ;  as  j^jut  A 
iSUj  *$**»•  y^£-  rt,,„»^  /  have  fifteen  male  and  (fifteen)  female  camels, 

t  ,  ,   *    i ,    ,    * ,  a  ,        ,   a  -  a 

or,  transposing  the  words,  '^••j  i$L)  "i^Ls.  ^^o*.  ^juc.  If,  however, 
in  the  case  of  irrational  objects,  a  vague,  general  expression,  such  as 
j>*j  U  (g  67),  be  interposed  between  the  numeral  and  the   things 


numbered,  the  numeral  is  always  of  the  feminine  gender ;  as  ^jut 

*   * ,  *  ,         *   a*        y      ,,  a  ,  *  a   * 

ASljj   J-»*»   0-&    ^*  Zj^c-  t^*».   /  possess  fifteen  camels,   male  and 

-   ,       *   a*        ,      **  a  *         *  a  ,  a 

female,  or,  transposing  the  words,  aSO   ^><o   U    ijJLs.   ^m+a.    ^juc    B 

107.  The  cardinal  numbers  become  determined  or  definite  in  the 
same  cases  as  substantives  ;  viz. 

(a)  When  the  numeral  is  used  to  express  an  abstract  number, 
and  hence  contains  the  idea  of  genus ;  e.g.  ii-Jt  lA-aJ  itUJt  three 
(ever}-  three)    is  the  half  of  sir   (every  six).     The   article  is  here   C 

employed  U»^,U.  to  indicate  the  genus  [Vol.  i.  §  345,  rem.  a].     It  is 

3      »        * '  » 
not,  however,  essential,  for,  regarding  the  numeral  as  a  ^">*e*  ^JLc 

(Vol.  i.   £  191,   rem.  b,   5  a),   we   may   say  with  equal   correctness 

J      0  J  ^  I  ^ 

(b)  When  the  objects  numbered  have  already  been  mentioned, 
or  are  supposed  to  be  well  known ;  as  *-jjo  ^yt-— Jt  £^">*  an^  the 
seventy  (disciples)  returned  with  joy ;  ^^-ouj*^)  I  jk*.  Oj^l*.  jJ^  since  D 

i  *  *  -  at  i* 

I  am  already  past  forty,  scil.  iw  years  (observe  ^>**0'^'  DV  poetic 

*        -  aia-  a  -  > 

license  for  o*3Kj'^')-     The  article  is  here  used  j^jcU,  to   indicate 
previous  knowledge. 

(c)  When  the  numeral  is  in  apposition,   as  an  adjective,  to  a 

j  ^  a   *  a^       j     *  *  * 

definite  noun;    as  3— **JI    Jl».jJl   the  five  men   (ol  avSpes  ol  ttcvt*, 
see  Vol.  i.  §-321). 

244  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  107 

A  (d)  When  the  numerals,  from  3  to  10,  precede  a  definite  noun 
in  the  construct  state  (see  §  92) ;  as  JU-jJI  iitf  the  three  men 
(lit.  ^  ?n«rf  of  the  men);  «L*X*JI  S^c  £/^  ten  slaves;  i^j'^jaJI  j-*^ 

l-ttoio     j  *  ti  '  ai  e*>     i  *  a  * 

the  ten  female  slaves;  j^-S^J  *->ji  £/^  four  houses;  jW-**5"  a»»»^ 
the  five  spans ;  ^15^)1  w*U  M#  tf/wee  stones  (on  which  the  cooking -pot 
rests).     Sometimes,  however,   the   numeral   too  has  the  article ;  as 

,  a  I  :&    i  ,    a   -  a-  *   *  a   j  a*>  *   a  £  a**    }  *  e  Z  * 

^>\yi*^\  <L~+a*J\  the  five  dresses;   SjU^-oJI  Ol^-a^l   aj^UJI  the  three 

B  selected  airs  or  tunes;  ^jcoJI  Cs-JI  ojjb  ^ese  m?  cities*. — According 

to  the  later  and  now  (but  without  case-endings)  usual  construction, 
the  article  is  dropped  before  the  substantive  and  appears  only  prefixed 

'QC-J^'Qi-O*'  ?J  JO'S* 

to  the  numeral;   as  ^U*.!  **Jj"}H  the  four-fifths :  ij>5  ^^^aJl  the 

,        )  ,\Z  *  a    ,         a,  -5 , 

five  villages;  JU.j  «UO  the  three  men  (vulg.  JU-j  5j^UJI)t. — The 
same  remarks  apply  to  *5U  and  oUI,  with  their  derivatives  and 
C  compounds;  e.g.  jUjjJI  i5lo^U  ^  300  dinars,  .^jjJI  »-**})  I  a^j 
tfo  3000  dirhams;  but  also  jUjjjf  aSUiiJbt,  ^AjjJI  iJ^I  &12m, 
and  in  more  modern  Arabic  jLjj  aSUj^UM,  ^Aj,*  o^)l  a£U)I  (vulg. 

o   .-  ay       a  *S>*        a  ,a  a    **     a  s   *  Z>  * 

jto>  A5l0j'}UJt,  ^.Ap  vJ^I  Aj'iUJI). — Those  numerals  which  take  the 
objects  numbered  in  the  accusative  singular,  must  have  the  article 

*  [The  grammarians  of   the  school  of    Basra   disapprove  of   this 
construction.     Nevertheless   Zamahsari  gives,   in   his  Fdik,  three   in- 

..       .;  -.->    ,  -     a**      *  a  *        *  *      a* 

J)   stances  from  the  Traditions,  as  i.  61  seq.  *U5LcJI   aSLoJIj  SjJLJI  AjloJt 
the  hundred  cows  and  the  hundred  sheep;    i.   313  j«JUjJI  ax*..  J I  the 

seven  dinars  (with  a  var.  a**»J!  ^-Jb jJlj ;  ii.  381  ^jUJI  a5*jU)I  <Ae  <A?*ee 

persons.     Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  ii.  52  seq.     D.  G.] 

t  [Relatively  old  instances  of  this  construction  are  Ibn  Hisam  331, 

,    ,     ,  ,         a*     ,    i  rr 

1.   14  aSU  aSUJI  J^li  <A«<  /  way  <7e<  the  hundred  camels ;  Aydnl  xv. 

e*        -  a  *  *  -    *  i 

147,   1.   paenult.   C**J   UuaJI  jl».l  Ae  completed  the  halfverse.     Comp. 
Fleischer,  1.  c.  49.     D.  G.] 

§  108]  The  Noun— The  Numerals.  245 

prefixed  to  them  to  render  them  definite,  as  ^»-j  ,j^x...>H  ^/^  90  »#tfw  .-  A 

and  in  the  case  of  a  compound  of  tens  and  units,  the  article  must  be 

prefixed  to  both,  as  "ilU*.  ^jyu-Jt^  iau-JI  the  77  camels.  The 
compound  numbers  from  11  to  19,  however,  according  to  the  best 
grammarians,  prefix  the  article  to  the  unit  alone,  without  making 

any  change  in  the  termination,  except  in  the  case  of  12  ;  as  i^sUM 

SUfc  j£a  the  thirteen  camel*.     But  others  allow  the  repetition  of  the 

article,  as  i^.  jiiJT  iiUM  ;  JijJf  ^J>j\  j*»\  ^l^ajf  JJb  J~S 

the  grave  of  James  the  apostle,  one  of  the  twelve.  B 

Rem.     The  peculiar  construction   of   the  numerals  in  modern 
Arabic,  is  analogous  to  that  employed  by  the  same  dialect  in  such 

nominal  compounds  a^  jj^WJI  (vulg.  ij^UJI)  rose-tvater,  for  the 
classical  jj_$JI  *Lo :  ^)ULaaJI  frankincense  in  grains,  for  La*. 
^jlJUt :  JU-iP'  ^4<s  capital  or  principal  (in  speaking  of  money), 
for  ^JUqJI  ^^Ij  :  ^juA^Jt  $/*«  tamarind  (lit.  fA«  Indian  date),  for 

108.     The  ordinal  numbers  are  often  construed  with  the  genitive, 
especially  of  the  month  (on  the  omission  of  the  word  for  day,  compare 

§  101  and  §  106,  a)  ;  as  ^Xjis.  J~*\L  the  fifteenth  of  them  ;  jC  J^j 

ia^aJJ  next  the  sultan  proceeded  to  'Azaz,  and  laid  siege  to  it  on  the 

third  of  Dul-Kald<i,  and  took  possession  of  it  by  capitulation  on  the  D 

i,  »       ,      *    ,    ,  , 

eleventh   of  Dul-Higga ;  jy+j    (J^-^*    O-*^    sJ^i  ,lnd  >f   "'(ts  th? 

twenty-eighth  of  Temuz  (in  this  example  ^>*tf  is  in  the  construct 

state  before  \£y*-*,  lit.  the  eighth  of  the  twenties*,  and  so   also  in 

*  [This  construction  has  supplanted  the  coordinating  of  the  units 
with  the  ordinals  from  twentieth  to  ninetieth  bv  means  of  «,  according 

246  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  109 

A  the  following  ones,  in  which,  however,  the  modern  form  £nj£*, 
gen.  (j^ic,  ace,  ^jjjJLs.,  is  used  instead  of  the  classical  }j&*,  gen. 
and  ace.  <J>£ft  ;  just  as  in  the  noun  we  find  On***  instead  of  y~» 
and  ^y>,  from  0>^,  plur.  of  ill,  a  y«ar,  Vol.  i.  §  302,  rem.  d) ; 
<£r^   O-ij*-*   l£-^**  >*   it  is  the  twenty-first  of  Tisri;   wJlS   .J 

,        ,00        ,         j  o 

SjaUJI^   \^>y   <^ij^  on  the  twenty-third  of  this  (month)  there  was 
B   a  proclamation  made  in  el-Kdhira. 

109.  An  ordinal  number  is  not  unfrequently  connected  with 
the  genitive  either  (a)  of  its  own  cardinal,  or  (b)  of  the  cardinal 
which  is  one  less  than  its  own. 

(a)  In  the  former  case,  the  ordinal  expresses  indefinitely  one 
of  the  individuals  designated  by  the  cardinal ;  as  O-iS)  S  ji&  jJU 
*2\j  wJU  aJJt  (jl  tyiS  eerily  they  are  unbelievers  who  say,  God  is 
a  third  of  three  (is  one  of  three) ;  t>**^'  ^>\5  hj*^  CH*^'  ^^j-4**'  i' 
C  when  those,  who  were  unbelievers,  drove  him  forth  a  second  of  two 
(one  of  two,  with  a  single  companion)  ;   2ju~>    *jL»    juj    p-j±>  Zeid 

went  out  a  seventh  of  seven  {with  six  companions).  With  the  numerals 
from  11  to  19,  we  may  either  use  the  whole  ordinal  number,  or  (which 
is  better)  suppress  the  second  part  of  it,  in  which  case  the  first  part 

,  -    -  0    ,0-o    ,    ,    ,  ,  ,  ,   ,   ,         0    ,0iO  , 

becomes  declinable  ;    as  j-Lc   ^j£\  jJue.  ^15,   or  jjLc  ^ji3\   ^\j,  a 

0    ,  ,OiO     ,,    0    ,        ,  ,       ,  ,,  0  ,         0    ,,  OiO      J  ■ 

twelfth  of  twelve,  fern.  ojJuc  ,JU5l    BjJut   i-itf  or  SjJJi  i*^'   a*j^j; 
D  jJ~z  iib  yLs.  iJU,  or  iiU  »iJtf,  a  thirteenth  of  thirteen,  fern. 
SjJLt  *L>*$J  jjLt  3J3\j  or  5j-o.c  £>*^j  a^Hj  ;  etc. 

to  which  jj-oU  in  J^o-J  ^/*^3  0-*^>  0^3  would  be  in  the  status 
constructas  before  jy*J,  as  in  the  cases  mentioned  $  78,  rem.  b. 
Comp.   Fleischer,    A7.   Schr.    i.   697.     Hence   also   the   use   of   ^yUJM 

CrtS**,  Crtj*-*-  «l-Jt  for  Ojj^h  iV^J'.  Olf^**^  **U\  (Vol.  i. 
§  330,  rem.)     D.  G.] 

§  109]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  247 

Rem.     Compare  in  Old  German  selbe  vierde,  i.e.  mit  drei  andern:  A 
zuo  riten  sdhen  einen  ritter  selben  dritten,  i.e.  mit  zwei  andern ;  der 
grdve  selbe  zwelfte  in  eine  barken  spranc,  i.e.  mit  elf  andern. 

(b)  In  the  latter  case,  the  ordinals  from  third  to  ninth  are  in 
reality  nomina  agentis  (compare  §  86,  rem.  a)  from  the  verbs  w-X5 
to  make  (two)  into  three,  %^j  to  make  (three)  into  four,  etc. :  as 
,^>~ol  <£JL>  3*  he  makes  a  third,  lit.  he  makes  three  of  two.  Hence 
they  may  also  be  construed  with  the  accusative;  as  aj^j  xj\j  ^a  B 
he  makes  a  fourth,  fern.  U*}b  ajuIj  ^a. — With  the  numerals  from  11 
to  19,  we  may  in  like  manner  sayj-ic  ^.ol^ic  wJU  yb  fo  makes 
a  thirteenth  ;  S^it  0*}U  SjJLc  a*j!j  ^  -*^  makes  a  fourteenth  (where 
the  cardinal  number  is  in  the  accusative) ;  though  many  grammarians 
wholly  disapprove  of  this  construction  [allowing  only  j^-  ^jI  wJU  yb 
and  3^<ie  O^  aajIj  ^a,  with  suppression  of  the  ten]. — With  the  C 
numerals  compounded  of  units  and  tens,  only  the  unit  is  put  in  the 
construct  state,  and  the  ten  is  suppressed ;  as  ^jjjJlc^  £LU   «->  Ij  yk 

he  makes  a  twenty-fourth ;   or,  with  the  accusative,  Ij*}U   **j'j   (*a 
^jjjLs.}  she  makes  a  twenty-fourth. 

Rem.  a.     Examples  of  the  ordinals  used  as  nomina  agentis,  with 

»jj     -     /j      -         *\  -  -  o   ,     a  j      j ,       , 

pronominal  suffixes,  are  :  ^y*jlj  ^A  ^)1  ilU  L^^-3  O-*  U_>^  *«* 
£Aere  w  «o  private  converse   of  three,   but  He  makes  the  fourth  ;  D 

i  a  ,      a  i  ia  *        a  j  j       -      *  -  a  -       -     i    j , ,      a  3  ja  ,        »jj     -     «  - 1 .;      ..     j     j  ^  ^ 

U*»y  ^ffy^1^  ^Y-ol-'  i-~o^.  oV>*i^  ^v-f^3  ^v*^!j  *~^  OV.***-' 

a  j  ja  *        a  j  j       ++     %  *  a  *       *     33**  a  *  a*o 

^f.t<X=s  ^yJ**\jj  <uuri  ^^Jyu^  „_^iJL>  M^y  jvi//  sa^/,   '  Three,  their 

dog  making  the  fourth';  and  they  will  say,  '  Five,  their  dog  making 
the  sixth,'  guessing  at  the  secret :  and  they  will  say,  '  Seven,  and 
their  dog  making  the  eighth.' 

*      3  a 

Rem.  b.     From  £)}jj*£.  twenty  is  formed  a  [post-classical]  quad- 
riliteral  verb,  the  nomen  agentis  of  which  may  be  used  in  the  same 

*  *  '    «  -  a        s      a  ,  j     ,  3 

way  as  the  ordinal  number ;  e.g.  jJLs.  ax..J  ^jjJLaut  yk  he  makes  a 

248  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  110 

A         twentieth  (lit.,   if    we  may  be  allowed  to  coin  a  word,  he  twenties 

*  '  *  " 
nineteen),  from    ^jj-^£-  to  make  {nineteen)  into  twenty.     [Similarly 

i>a-^w  t°  make  into  seventy  is  formed  from  p******  seventy.] 

110.  In  stating  dates,  particularly  when  reckoning  according  to 
the  Muhammadan  era,  the  cardinal  numbers  are  employed  instead  of 
the  ordinal.     They  are  put  in  the  genitive  after  the  word  denoting 

year,  but  agree  with  it  in  gender ;  as  ^J^A+jj  O^  ****  C5* 
jj^SLi*^  i5U  ^yU^j  in  the  year  888  of  the  Alexandrine  era; 
B  ajUjUJj  ^jlJj^  *Z*~'  &*~>  cd^o^j  then  commenced  the  year  396  (of 
the  ffigra) ;  0*A».  aXJ  SjJis.  i*Z&  O^*^'  J*yi  U»<*>  ^o**-e  i<*V 
S^a^JI   ^o   S^4c   ^jk».t  iJ   Jj^l   /*-*J>  jv^   O-*  ^  (t,ne  Prophet) 

cfoW  ear/?/  iw  £^e  forenoon,  on  Monday  the  twelfth  (lit.  twelve  nights 
being  passed)  of  the  month  of  the  first  RabV,  in  the  eleventh  year  of 
the  Higra.     But  if  the  years  of  a  life  or  a  reign  are  meant,  the 

ordinal  must  be  employed;  as  jjL*£  v-5^w^)l  >z)Xc  ,j»o  3-oLJI  <u-JI  ,-j 
C    ?'»  £/^  £2*atfA  year  of  the  reign  of  el-lisraf  Sa'ban;   &JUJI  iU-JI  ^ 
*&>•  O-*  Os^j^'j  *w  ^  forty-second  year  of  his  reign. 

111.  The  Arabs  have  two  ways  of  stating  the  day  of  the  month. 
They  count   either  from  the  first  day  to   the  last,  as  we  do,  e.g. 

^jLatw  ,j-«  ^ojj  Jjl  the  first  of  Sa'ban  ;  w**>-j  >*-*  O-8  >^*  /y!P'  -*W 

Me  fourteenth  day  of  the   month   of  Regeb ;    ^UM    ^e^a-Jl  j»^i 

I)  yo^-oJ  ^j*jOIj  (9w   Thursday  the  twenty-second  of  Muharram ;   or 

they  reckon  by  the  nights  of  the  month,  the  civil  day  being  held  by 
them,  as  well  as  by  the  Jews,  to  commence  at  sunset.  To  illustrate 
this,  let  us  take  the  month  of  Begeb,  which  has  thirty  days. 

1st  of  Regeb,   s^Lj   *>*  *XJ   Jy),  or  y^j   o*  %li*.   a$J, 
one  night  of  Regeb  being  past*. 

*  We   may  also  say  w-a-j   S^i)  or  w-».j   o^i.   (from   3j£  fA«  6/aze, 

§  111]  The  Noun.— The  Numerals.  249 

2nd,  v^>j  O-*  '*•**•  O^-MJ  ■"■ 

3d,  w^.j  ^  o^-  ( jQ  »£-&)  £>*& ;   and  so  on  up  to  the 

,  *      a  ,  a  ,  *        a  * 

*  *      a  a**********  *   a 

11th,  w**>j  O-0  wJ^  (*M)  •j-i*  (^J****^  ;  and  so  on  up  to  the 

'*•        :  ;*,',$,        *  *a£ 

14th,    w*.j    jj-o    CJU.    Sj£fc    *-»j*^. 

*  *      a  a  _  ..-  ,»  *  <■     _-.--  -  /jj 

15th,  w*»>j  ^>«  ouaJt  i<9,  oj  w*a>v<  >-JLa^J I  (<i.  or  oLtfu«,<  ^? 
w-»->  *«  ^  middle  of  Regeb. 

*  *     a  a  *   *     i *  a*     "  a  +     +  *■  ai 

16th,  w*j  j^*  c^Jj  (iL3)  IjLs.  *~>f$  fourteen  nights  remaining 
of  Reg^b  ;  and  so  on  up  to  the 

*  *      a  *        *        a   *    *  ,*        a  ,  a  , 

20th,  w-»-j  v>«   (o**^)  ^^*-.'  (JW  j-^*J)  j~** ;   and  so  on  up 
to  the 

27th,  w4-j  0-«  tS**^  «£»$b. 

28th,  w^j  ,>»  UJb  O^MJ-  C 

29th,  w^.j  ,>»  C~*J  *JUU. 

*  *     a  *a*  ~ 

30th,  w-».j  ^>«  5JLJ  ^*.*^  on  the  last  night  of  Regeb*. 
Germ.  Blasse,  on  a  horse's  forehead,  the  nevj  moon).     The  word  sj^jm.^ 

9   - 

(from  J^Ha  (he  new  moon)  is  likewise  frequently  used  to  denote  the 

first  of  the  month,  and  more  rarely  J*iLyiwl,  J*}H*1,  Jv*>  ^*'  an(^ 

Ja;  e.g.  ^jj<£*  {J%  jJ^T  £^j  Jyil^  ^  ^.yTiljujT  o^»  D 

4X«  jLs.  l*jUJI  2/*e  disease  began  on  the  first  of  the  first  Rabl\  and  he 
(the  Prophet)  died  on  the  twelfth  of  that  rhonth. 

*  *         a  *  ,   *  ,      a*  *  ,  ,  ,  o  j 

*  Or  »^«».j  ^J-J,  or  w»y  •-'^-JN),  or  w*»y  -iJL— ^J.     The  words 

j1j»«»  and  jj-rf,  more  rarely  jl^-;  and  jj~t,  are  also  employed  to  denote 
the  last  day  of  the  month. 

w.  ii.  32 



1.     The  Parts  of  the  Sentence:   the  Subject,  the  Predicate, 
and  their  Complements. 

-d  112.     Every  proposition  or  sentence  (*!*».,  plur.  J-o*-,  «  sum 

or  total  of  words)  necessarily  consists  of  two  parts,  a  subject  and  a 

J '  *  ■**' 

predicate.     The  latter  is  called  by  the  native  grammarians  ju~ <JI 

£Aa£  w^/c/j  leans  upon  or  ?s  supported  by  (the  subject),  the  attribute; 

0,  1,0    10, 

the  former,  aJI  ju.>^J1  that  upon  which  (the  attribute)  leans,  or  by 
which  it  is  supported,  that  to  tvhich  something  is  attributed.     The 

1    ,  9      0, 

relation  between  them  is  termed  >Uw^l,  properly  the  act  of  leaning 
(one  thing  against  another),   then,   as    a   concrete,   the  relation    of 
C   attribution. 

Rem.  a.     Some  grammarians  [e.g.  Slbaweih],  however,  call  the 
subject  JU...J1  or  jU^^Jt,  and  the  predicate  aJt  ju— .©Jt. 

[Rem.  6.     An  indispensable  member  of  a  proposition  is  called 

Sji^c  (lit.  a  support),  whereas  a  dispensable  member,  as,  for  instance, 
the  objective  complement  of  a  verb,  when  the  suppression  thereof 


is  not  detrimental  to  the  meaning,  is  called  dJLoi  (lit.  a  redundancy). 
D         Comp.  §  44,  c,  rem.  a.] 

113.  The  subject  is  either  a  noun  (substantive  or  expressed 
pronoun*),  or  a  pronoun  implied  in  the  verb  ;  the  predicate  is  a  noun 
(substantive  or  adjective),  a  verb  [or  a  preposition  with  its  genitive  = 

0*40,  <i  s  -      Oi 

an  adverb] ;  e.g.  j^s-  jl»j  Zh'd  is  learned ;  *Jb^»  wJI  thou  art  noble ; 

ii  ,  e«j    film,  t  9t ,      ,      ,  ,      , 

JiaJI  yb  aJJI  God  is  the  truth;  juj  OU  Zdid  is  dead;  OU  he  is 

[See,  however,  §  48,  f,  rem.  a.] 

§  113]   The  Sentence  and  its  Parts.— The  Subject  &  Predicate.    251 

dead  (in  which  last  example  the  pronoun  yb  is  implied  in  the  verb) ;  A 

[Jjhy  UaU  here  is  a  man]. — Every  sentence  which  begins  with  the 
subject  (substantive  or  pronoun)  is  called  by  the  Arab  grammarians 

iUo-rft   aJU*.  a  nominal  sentence.     Whether  the  following  predicate 

be  a  noun,  or  a  preposition  and  the  word  it  governs  (jj>»~«j  jW- 
attracting  and  attracted,  §  115,  and  Vol.  i.  §  355),  or  a  verb,  is  a 

matter  of  indifference ;   OU   juj  Zeid  is  dead,  is  m  their  eyes  a 

9       -       9  »'  m  9  »' 

nominal  sentence  just  as  much  as^Jl*  juj  Zeid  is  learned,  or  ^  ju»j   B 
>».»■«.  M    2T&V/   es    mi   the   mosque.     What  characterises  a  nominal 

sentence,  according  to  them,  is  the  absence  of  a  logical  copula 
expressed  by  or  contained  in  a  finite  verb.  On  the  contrary,  a 
sentence  of  which   the  predicate  is  a  verb  preceding  the  subject 

(as  juj  OU  Zeid  is  dead),  or  a  sentence  consisting  of  a  verb  which 

includes  both  subject  and  predicate  (as  OU  he  is  dead),  is  called  by 

them  «uUi  iX^».  a  verbal  sentence.    The  subject  of  a  nominal  sentence 

is  called  tju**JI  that  with  which  a  beginning  is  made,  the  inchoative,    C 
and  its  predicate  j-jfcJt  the  enunciative  or  announcement.     The  subject 
of  a  verbal  sentence  is  called  J*UUI  ^?  «#£/?#,  and  its  predicate  J**JI 
^  action  or  wr£>. 

Rem.  a.  lju**JI  is,  according  to  the  above  translation,  an 
elliptical  form  of  expression,  for  <u  Iju^Jl.  Compare  Vol.  i.  §  190, 
rem.  b  ;  [where  a  similar  elliptical  expression  occurs,  viz.  j^t.-g}\ 
and  ^^cu»Jt  for  <xj  j-j^-aJI  and  aj  ^^.o-qJI.  Likewise  Jf^L^oJI  to  J) 
pyyrov  is  used  for  «u  J^JaU^J!,  jl^jvqJI  for  aJLc  ji^jtoJI  </«e  relied 
upon,  JjJL.t.o  for  a^i  jJjJ^L*  shared  in,  and  (in  later  times)  i**Vt 
for  aJ^  J^iJI  (§  133)]. 

[Rem.  b.  The  difference  between  verbal  and  nominal  sentences, 
to  which  the  native  grammarians  attach  no  small  importance,  is 
properly  this,  that  the  former  relates  an  act  or  event,  the  latter 

252  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  114 

A  gives  a  description  of  a  person  or  thing,  either  absolutely,  or  in  the 
form  of  a  clause  descriptive  of  state  (§  183,  a).  This  is  the  constant 
rule  in  good  old  Arabic,  unless  the  desire  to  emphasize  a  part  of 
the  sentence  be  the  cause  of  a  change  in  its  position.] 

114.  The  place  of  the  subject  both  of  a  nominal  and  of  a  verbal 
sentence  may  sometimes  be  supplied  by  an  entire  sentence  compounded 

of  a  verb  and  one  of  the  particles  ,j\  or  U  (called  ajjjuo^JI  Uu^aJI 
B  the  particles  which  supply  the  place  of  the  masdar  or  nomen  verbi, 
§  88) ;  as  j^  j*±-  l^-e^-eu  ,jt  It  is  good  for  you  that  ye  should  fast 
or  to  fast  (l^o^oJ  ,jt  -j^^yo) ;  <d*f.j±.  (jl  ^«*a..ct  it  pleased  me 
that  thou  wentest  out,  or  thy  going  out  pleased  me  (o^.a.  O'- 
«sV^5jrfk) ;  jf%~>^\  CUjjU  U  JU»  thou  hast  long  been  hostile  to 
el- Islam  (C*j*U  U  =  ^tjl**). 

[Rem.     Instead  of  a  sentence  compounded  with  ^t,  sometimes 

i  *  *       6  i       a  go  *        .a        j  -  joo        s  ,  t  , 

Q  an   oratio  directa  is   used,   as    dtp    ^jt    ^»«  j-^    ^ji-ji^Jb    ^J 

thy  hearing  of  the  little   Ma'addi  is  better  than  thy  seeing  him; 

0  Z'  i        ^J  tJt  .»«     J  1^ 

feeder  <kn  my  being  emir ;  ^t,  ^)t  ws».l  ^ov**6  UUufiJI  ^JLi 
LJL5  ^j»«  ^Jb  ^t  and  that  the  breach  of  faith  proceeds  from  them 
pleases  me  better  than  that  it  should  proceed  from  us  ;  aJI  %+~i\  ^JUi 
.J!  j-~~>  ^)l  ^>*  iJ]  «^*«^t  anc?,  saio?  he,  rather  will  I  march 
towards  him  than  that  he  should  march  towards  me;   and  in   the 

I)         predicate  Ua..»<   l*«^»  L5*^  -*'  J^'  -**  4"*A  >^'  >»>^'  j^j*  J^* 

sleeping  hardly  at  all,  his  principal  object  being  to  obtain  his  blood- 
revenge,  or  to  meet  an  ironclad  warrior  (ffamdsa,  p.  245).     D.  G.] 

115.  The  predicate  may  be,  as  mentioned  in  §  113,  a  preposition 
with  its  genitive;  as  »xa. ....«,>>  ^*  juj  ^»/c?  /,s  iw  ^  mosque;  i)j~s-  j^jj 
Ze~id  is  with  thee  or  m  #%  house;  aJJ  ,j**j  w^  «re  God's;  sj^  Ul 
^-JiUfiJt   /  rtwi  one  of  those  who  speak  the  truth ;   CHU  ^y*  /  owe 

§  116]    The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Tlie  Subject  &  Predicate.     253 

same  money  (lit.  upon  me  there  is  a  debt,  see  §  59,  c)  ;  aXjuu  ,jl  «iU  A 
thou  mayest  do  it  (lit.  it  is  to  thee  that  thou  do  it).     When  the  subject 
is  placed  first,  these  are  nominal  sentences  (§  113);   but  when  the 
predicate  precedes  it,  their  nature   is   doubtful,  most  grammarians 
holding  them   to   be   transposed  nominal   sentences   (in  which  case 

\^s'  m  Oi>  (^5^  w  a  j»<*±*  j~±  or  predicate  placed  in  front,  and 

5  i  i-  i    e-  *  *  6  j 

Oi>  a  >*->•  I  ju*-«  or  subject  placed  behind),  whilst  others  regard  them 
as  being  in  reality  verbal  sentences,  with  the  verb  suppressed  (so  that 

^jAfi  is  equivalent  to  ^jX*  j*^--i  there  rests  upon  me,  and  ±>jz  is  the   B 

*    ' 

J*li  or  subject  of  this  suppressed  verb).     A  sentence,  of  which  the 

predicate  is  a  preposition  with  a  genitive  indicating  a  place,  is  called 
by  the  Arabs  2uij£>  i****.  «  &*•«/  sentence  (see  Vol.  i.  §  221,  rem.  a) ; 
and  if  the  genitive  indicates  any  other  relation  but  that  of  place,  it  is 
said  to  be  A-ipaJI  ij>»~«  *i£*p  &-*+  «  sentence  which  runs  the  course, 
or  follows  the  analogy,  of  a  local  sentence.  As,  however,  the  expression 
^jJ»  is  often  used  in  the  general  sense  of  m*~*$  jU.  (§  113),  any  C 
sentence  commencing  with  a  preposition  and  its  genitive  as  the 
predicate  may  be  called  <CM>  iC».  (see  §  127,  a). 

[Rem.  The  difference  in  signification  between  those  sentences 
in  which  the  predicate  and  those  in  which  the  subject  precedes  lies 
in  the  fact,  that  the  logical  emphasis  always  falls  on  that  part  of 
the  sentence  that  is  put  in  the  second  place  (comp.  §  36,  rem.  b) ; 

«>^""frN    ^    *>-ij   Zeid  is  in  t/ie   mosque  (not  elseichere),  but   ..i 
j*>j  >>j». "■«■)!  in  tlie  mosque  is  Zeid  (not  any  one  else).]  D 

116.     When  the  predicate  is  a  preposition  with  its  genitive  [or  an 
adverb],  and  the  subject  is  an  indefinite  substantive,  or  a  sentence 


compounded  of  q\  and  a  finite  verb  (§  114),  the  predicate  must 
necessarily  be  put  first ;  as  Jlj  i)  juc  a  man  is  with  thee  or  in  thy 
house ;  l\j*\  j\ji\  ^  a  woman  is  in  the  house;  4JL*i3  ,jt  JJ  thou 
mayest  da  it;  and  not  Jju*  JLj,  j\jS\  ^,  ilj  iUl5  £,1. 
Unless  the  indefinite  substantive  be  accompanied  by  an  adjective, 

254  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  117 

A  expressed  or  implied,  when  either  order  is  admissible ;  as  Ja*.j  ^jjjs. 
j&ij^i  or  \^£j^s-  jtrij^  J^j>  a  noble  man  is  ivith  me  or  in  my  house ; 

o  o  -  j      *  *  a  ,  ,  b  oo  * j 

sj^c^j  U>a^,  or  Ijjuc  J-ja-j,  there  is  a  little  man,  or  a  mean-looking 
fellow  dj^j  =^*fco  J^j  or  j*£».  jJj^j)  twVA  ?^  or  at  our  house — [or 
unless  the  sentence  expresses  a  wish,  when  the  indefinite  subject  comes 

*  o*  *    o    -  *  e-        oa  * 

first;  as  >&As-  j?%*,  jup  Jjj  (§  127,  e).  In  case  of  inversion,  the 
subject  must  be  defined  by  the  article,  as  >OLJI  yiLXe-,  J-»y  **iP]- 

B  117.     This   inversion   of  subject   and   predicate   also   necessarily 

■  O  J 

takes  place  in  a  nominal  sentence  :   (a)  when  the  tju**  comprises  a 
pronoun  which  refers  to  a  word  in  the  j-**-,  as  ly***^-  (J**  >***  what 

an  eye  loves  fills  (or  satisfies)  it,  ly*»-L»  jljJI  ^j?  its  master  (or  owner) 

is  in  the  house,  not  £>*£■  ^Lo  ly****-,  jtjJI  ^J  ly-^.Lo  ;  (/?)  when  the 

r'  '  » 

Iju-^  is  restricted  by  Uil  or  *$\,  as  juj  jljJI  ^  l«j|  o»/#  Zeid  is  in 

the  house,  joj  ^)l  jljJt  ^  U  #/^re  /.?  ;w  owg  but  Zeid  in  the  house, 
C    I****.!    cUjI   *^l  W  U  we  have  nothing  (to  do)  but  to  follow  'Ahmed 

&   »o  go*        *  j3 

(Muhammad),  not  jljJI    ^   juj    l*Jt,  which   would   mean   ^?'c?   ?s 
only  in  the  house  [comp.  §§  115,  rem.,  185];  (y)  when  the  j-^.  is  an 

s    0  i        0      s  ,   \  ,  OB"       -    Oi 

interrogative,  as  C-Jt  ^yc  who  art  thou!  tJJk  U  what  is  this!  j>jj  (j-d 

0 B    -  *0s 

where  is  ZVid!  jj-o-e-  <-M»  how  is  'Amr ! 

Rem.  a.     With   the    particle   *j)l    under   /?  we    find    occasional 

«•    0  .»  ^        Si  B  *  *       B     B ,  ,  syBilBiiO'  it  0  *       <*    '       "^ 

exceptions ;  as  viA^lc  *$ \  ^Jjbj  ^y-^  l5^-Lh  J**** '  ^  ^i  iJ"*  Vj  ^ 

T)         lJ>*-o^  I  0  wiy  Lord,  can  victory  over  them  be  hoped  for  save  through 
Thee  ?  and  (on  whom)  can  one  rely  save  on  Thee  ? 

Rem.  b.  The  inversion  likewise  takes  place  when  a  nominal 
proposition  is  preceded  by  an  interrogative  or  negative  particle,  the 
transposed    predicate   agreeing  with   the   subject   in   number*;   as 

J    r         Bi     >Z  ,1     0       ,  Bit  J  i  'I 

*  [In  the  words  j>U  j>\  a**l  JiUull  (Tab.  ii.  1973,  1.  7)  2u+\  has 
the  sense  of  a  collective  :  are  the  house  of  Omeiya  rvaking  or  sleeping  ? 
D.  G.] 

§  1 19]  The  Sentence  and  its  Parts.— The  Subject  &  Predicate.    255 
^^L»yJI  ,jUjU>  U  the  two  men  are  not  standing:  Jl»»jJ'  0>»^  w^'   " 

j     *  *  *    5   ^    £ 

or  ^J'jfcyJI  >»W*'j  rtre  ^  w^ra  standing  ?     See  §  121. 

118.  In  verbal  sentences  the  subject  or  agent  must  always  follow 

j  ,  j        -      ,  }     ii        *      *      j  *   i 

the  predicate  or  verb;   as  j+e-  OU  'Omar  is  dead ;   oy>\  OU  j+s- 
'Omars  father  (lit.  'Omar,  his  father)  is  dead  (see  §  120). 

119.  When    the    noun    (substantive    or  pronoun)   stands   first, 
and  the  verb   second,  the   former  is  not   a   J*l*   or  agent,  but  a   B 

or  inchoative,  of  which  the  latter  is  the  j~±.  or  enuntiative, 
the  whole  being  not  a  verbal  but  a  nominal  sentence  (see  §  113). 
A  sentence  of  this  kind,  consisting  of  an  inchoative  and  a  complete 
verbal  sentence,  the  agent  of  which  is  contained  in  the  verb  itself 

(§  113),  may  be  called  compound;   e.g.   OU   juj   Zeid   is  dead,= 

yh  oU  juj  ;  wJi  Ut  /  have  said,  where  the  agent  is  C>  in  C-Ji. 
In  such  sentences,  the  pronoun  which  is  contained  in  the  verb  takes 
the  place  of,  and  falls  back  upon,  the  noun  which  stands  before  the 
compound  verbal  sentence  and  constitutes  its  inchoative. — The  dif-   C 

ference  between  a   compound   nominal   sentence,  such  as  <oU   juj, 

and  a  verbal  one,  such  as  juj  OU,  is  this.  In  the  former,  the 
inchoative  is  always  (tacitly  or  expressly)  contrasted  with  another 
inchoative,  having  not  the  same  predicate  but  a  different  or  even 

i     ,        j  ,   J  ,         ,        ,       s»^ 

an  opposite  one  ;   e.g.  ^j*.  /♦&}  oU  juj  Z^id  is  dead  and  'Omar 

is  alive,  =  ^j***  j-o*  Ul^  C>Ui  juj  Ut ;  whereas  in  the  latter,  in 
which  the  logical  emphasis  rests  almost  solely  npon  the  verb,  such  a  D 
contrast  of  two  inchoatives  is  not  admissible.  Even  when  the  verb  is 
put  into  the  background  by  the  emphasis  falling  with  specialising  or 
contrasting  force  upon  some  one  of  its  complements,  the  very  fact  of 
the  emphasis  so  falling  at  once  sets  aside  all  question  of  a  contrast 

of  the  inchoatives;   for  example:  ,j»j»i-J  ^^i]j  •*■**■>  «^W  thee  ice 

9  »  * 


worship  and  to  thee  we  cry  for  help ;  w>-®3  '  J^*'j  '^•j  ^ij 
Ot-^>^  O-a^j  J+*  Zeid  struck  one  man,  and  'Omar  struck  two  men. 

256  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  120 

A         120.     Those  sentences  are  also  compound,  which  are  composed 
of  a  noun  and  a  nominal  sentence  or  a  verbal  sentence,  consisting 

„  ,  0      -     -  J  10-e       0  0- 

oi  a  verb  and  a  following  noun.  For  example  :  (j-~».  &ij\  J*ij 
Zeids  son  (lit.  Zeid,  his  son)  is  handsome;  oy>\  OU  juj  ZMtfs 
father  is  dead;  o^».t  JI5  juj  Zeid's  brother  has  been  killed; 
w>U^j   aJI   i^af.   juj  a  letter  has  been  brought  to  Zeid  (lit.  Zeid, 

there  has  been  a  coming  to  him  ivith  a  letter).  In  compound  sentences 
of  this  sort,  there  is  appended  to  the  subject  of  the  nominal  or  verbal 

B   sentence,  which  occupies  the  place  of  the  j**.,  a  pronominal  suffix, 

called  Jajl/Jt,  the  binder  or  connecter,  which  represents,  and  falls  back 

upon,  the  noun  forming  the  lju~«.     Such  a  sentence  is  said  by  the 

o  ,  i  ,        j     -      o  -  a  j 

grammarians  to  be  jj-jy».j  Oli  ^X^^.,  a  sentence  with  tivo  faces  or 

aspects,  because,  as  a  whole,  it  partakes  both  of  the  nominal  and  the 
verbal  nature. 

Rem.  a.     The  pronominal  suffix  is  sometimes  omitted  in  cases  in 
C  which  the  sense  is  perfectly  clear  without  it;  as^Ajju  Ol***-0  O-****" 

the  ghee  is  (at  the  rate  of)  two  mands  for  a  dirham  ;  ^j^i—J  j&\  j+i\ 

*  '•  .  .  " ' 

l^Jbp  the  wheat  is  (at  the  rate  of)  sixty  dirhams  per  kurr  ;  i.e.  ijty*o 

J  0  J  0  Z  JOs 

4JU  two  mands  of  it,  x^c  jj3l  the  kurr  of  it. 

L'  .  °' ' 

p  \j  is  not  required  when  the  j-i.  is 


*  "  a  > 

J)         wider   or   more   general   in   its   signification   than   the    \  ju~o ;    as 

is*.-*, a  <j  a, 

jJ^fcjJI  jqiu  j*ij   Wliat  an  excellent  man  Zeid  is !     Nor  when  the 
I  ju**  and  j-*»»  are  perfectly  identical  in  meaning ;  as  aaM  iJ^oJ 

r.n^r-  wiy  utterance  (is),  God  is  my  sufficiency  ;  aJJI  *j)1  aM  *n)  ^^ 
w/ta£  /  say  (is),  There  is  no  god  but  God. 

121.  (a)  If  a  sentence  consists  of  a  verbal  adjective  occupying 
the  first  place,  and  a  noun  occupying  the  second,  it  may  be  regarded 
as  a  verbal  sentence,  the  verbal  adjective  being  looked  upon  as  a  verb 

§  121]   The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. — The  Subject  &  Predicate.    257 

)'     s 

and  the  noun  as  its  agent.     E.g.  w»y)  ?+>  >^*-*»  the  Banii  Lihb  are  A 

skilled  (in  augury)  :  yfi^t  ^LM  juc  j*J  ^^-a-9  ««</  £0  ?re  ar*  footer 
Mrt«  i/ow  in  the  opinion  of  men  (where,  according  to  the  analysis  of 


the  grammarians,  j««*>  and  j+*.  are  the  tj£~«,  and  yJ  and  (J-**-5  are 

each  a  ^^aiJI  ju^  >L»  ,J^l9  or  agent  supplying  the  place  of  the  habar)  ; 

^«»c   a**>U  w>jLi>  juj  Zeidts  slave  is  beating  'Omar  (where  j^e.  is 

the  J*l*  of  w>j^*)  I  *>«^*  O— ^ '  J-ij  ^^f-  there  came  to  me  Zeid,   B 
whose  slave  is  handsome. — (b)  The  same  is  necessarily  the  case,  when 
the  verbal   adjective   is    preceded  by  an  interrogative  or    negative 
particle,  and  put  in  the  singular,  without  regard  to  the  number  of 

the  following  noun.     E.g.  juj  ^5151  A*  Zeid  standing?  jua  3-Atj  U 

Hindis  not  going  away  (where ^513  and  2-Jkl3  are  the  tju*«,  and  juj 

are  each  a  >-aJ 1  ju~«  jL»  J^li) :  J^P'  ^5^1  ^/v  ffo  ##«    q 


J  -     -c        5     „  - 

standing]    \S^°f^  ^^    ^»   ^   ^"*0   w^"   «>"£   >^  standing;  ^^1 
J-»j  «l>jt  are  Zeids  parents  standing?  (where  ^5li  is  a  transposed 

j+±-,  o\y>\  its  J^l>,  and  juj  a  transposed  tj£~<  ;  -iiy^i  ,.^-i-o  ,jjk 


«■>».»  C//tJ  .1  -  J—/ 

are  My  sa/w  beaten?  (where  wJJjj"**0  *s  tne  '•**j-°»  anc^  >»*  a  w^ 
j-jiJI  ju~«  jL>  J^li  or  deputy-agent  supplying  the  place  of  the  j~±). 
Similarly :  ^*^>\  W  ^J^\  O*  ^l  *r-*'j'  ari  fnon  9oxn9  fo  forsake  ft 
my  gods,  0  Abraham  ?  \+Z>\  ^$J^*j  ol^  U  ^JLJ^.  my  tico  friends, 
ye  do  not  keep  your  compact  icith  me;  aj  c~£jj  tj^^  ^L>l  Ja,^1 
will  ye  fulfil  a  promise  on   which   I  relied?   *-jb\*   Jl«xc   *M  ^-* 

^yJJ)   ^  enemies  are  not  in  play,  so  do  thou  leave  off  play  (where 

»*iJ  ^  =  »^J  U.  i.e.  ^)j-ol  ^JjU  U).     But  if  the  verbal  adjective  agrees 

.  with  the  following  noun  in   number,  the   sentence   is  regarded  as 

nominal ;  e.g.  O^^"  O^^  ^°  ine  tu'°  men  a™  not  standing  (where 

w.  ii.  33 

258  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  122 

A  O'-o-'^  is   a  jejJLo  j+±.   and   0*^P'   a  j*-y°   '•****)•     See  §  117, 
rem.  b. 

O  0  y        «    i»*S 

Rem.     In  the  case  of  a  singular  noun,  as  juj  ^5l3t,  a  double 


O     ^^  Z  *  s  0  J  4  6* 

analysis  is  possible ;  ^£\.i  may  be  regarded  as  a  lju~o,  of  which  juj 
is  the  >^*aiJ  I  ju-»«  ^U»  ^J^U,  and  this  is  the  preferable  view ;  or 
^0^15  may  be  regarded  as  a  transposed  j+±-,  of   which  juj  is  the 


B         transposed  I, 

122.  The  Arabic  language,  like  the  Hebrew  and  Syriac,  has 
no  abstract  or  substantive  verb  to  unite  the  predicate  with  the  subject 

of  a  nominal  sentence,  for  O^9  *s  n°t  an  abstract  verb,  but,  like  all 
other  verbs,  an  attributive,  ascribing  to  the  subject  the  attribute  of 
existence.  Consequently  its  predicate  is  put,  not  in  the  nominative, 
but  in  the  adverbial  accusative  (§  41).     The  same  remark  naturally 

C   applies  to  the  J^=>  Ol^i.1  (§  42). 

123.  If  a  definite  noun  (substantive  or  pronoun)  and  an  indefinite 
adjective  are  placed  in  juxtaposition,  the  very  fact  of  the  former  being 
defined  (no  matter  in  what  way)  and  the  latter  undefined,  shows  that 
the  latter  is  the  predicate  of  the  former,  and  that  the  two  together 
form  a  complete  nominal  sentence  ;  for  an  adjective  which  is  appended 
to  a  noun  as  a  mere  descriptive  epithet,  and  forms  along  with  it  only 
one  part  (either  subject  or  predicate)  of  a  sentence,  must  be  defined 

D   according  to  the  nature  of  the  noun.     E.g.  u^ij-*  *-*~>ji  Joseph  (is) 

O  '        J       '    »    &    -  _  >  0  -  -  J       J  it 

sick,  u^-ij-*  cA-k-*— ^  the  sultan  (is)  sick,  u^ij*  >-*~>5i  ^,  Joseph's 

father  (is)  sick,  u^s*  i<^  my  father  (is)  sick,  u^-ij-*  >*  he  (is)  sick, 

ua>ja  IJub  this  man  (is)  sick ;  whereas  ^Ajj-oJI  IJufc  would  mean  either 

this  (is)  the  sick  (man)  or  this  sick  (man),  and  ^jZuj^S  ^jUxLJl  the 
sick  sultan. 

124.  When  both  subject  and  predicate  are  defined,  the  pronoun 
of  the  third  person  is  frequently  inserted  between  them  (see  §  129), 

§  125]  The  Sentence  &  its  Parts.— Subj.  &  Pred.  J-oiJl  j-*-*.    259 

to  prevent  any  possibility  of  the  predicate  being  taken  for  a  mere  A 
apposition.     This  is  done  even  when  the  subject  is  a  pronoun  of  the 

first  or  second  person.  For  example:  j>y*&\  cr*-"  .**  *^'  ^°^  u 
the  living,  the  self -subsisting,  JaJtj  S^oJI  ^a  <UJt  God  is  the  life 
and  the  truth,  9>}&\  }*>  ^ta5';*,'  tne  (only  true)  wealth  is  contentment, 
j&T  i^Sj  ^k  JX23\  these  are  fuel  for  the  fire,  Ut  I*  JL^>\  iUj  that 
man  is  I,  i$l  1>j$  >*  Ut  /  am  the  Lord  thy  God,  Jij&\  ^a  Ul   B 

S^oIjTj  JU«JIj  /  am  the  way  and  the  truth  and  the  life,  01  ^a  ^>* 
who  am  I*?  [The  insertion  of  this  pronoun  takes  place  also  fre- 
quently,  when  the  predicate  is  a  comparative,  as  £y*  J-iit  >*  J*>j 
jj^ft  Zeid  is  more  excellent  than  lAmr.]  This  interposed  pronoun, 
which  is  equally  common  in  the  other  Semitic  languages,  is  called  by 
the  grammarians   J-aAJI  j~o-a   [or   simply   J~e*M]   the  pronoun   of 

separation  (between  the  tj£j-9  and  the  _/-*-),  s\+*)\  j~t*>e  [or  simply   C 
iC*JI]  the  pronoun  which  serves  as  a  prop  or  support  (to  the  sentence), 
or  simply  £*U  jJt  ^«  _prop  or  support. 

125.     In  the  case  of  a  definite  subject  in  the  accusative  after 

,j'>  0'>  etc-   (§  36),  the  J-a*)l  j-^o  is  not  required,  because  the 

predicate  is   sufficiently  marked  as   such  by  its  remaining  in  the 

nominative,  as  iiU  wJU  aXJI  ^j\  verily  God  is  one  of  three ;  whereas  D 

a  mere  apposition  would  be  in  the  same  case  as  the  subject,  viz.  the 
accusative.     A  pronoun  may,  however,  be  inserted,  provided  it  be  of 

the  same  person  as  the  substantive  or  pronoun  after  jjt,  etc.  ;   as 

jtjiM  jb  Lj*  It^y '   Oi  ver}sft  *'-   world  to  come  is  the  everlasting 

*  [This  insertion  of  the  pronoun  of  the  3d  person  after  the 
pronouns  of  the  1st  and  2d  person,  is  post-classical ;  comp.  Fleischer, 
Kl.  Schr.  i.  588  seq.] 

260  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  126 

j      ;  '$*>     s    ii     -    2  t  s  Its      si         ^t 

A  abode,  w>U>yi  OJI  <iXJl  Tlwu  art  the  bounteous  giver,  >Ajj  Ul  ^Jt  I  am 
thy  Lord.  Very  often  the  predicate  after  (jl,  etc.,  is  introduced, 
for  the  sake  of  greater  distinctness,  by  the  particle  J  (§  36),  as 

2<C  •^  bs  3s      s  vt  *o        £ 

^LJI  lAc  ^J-oi  ^JJ  olUI  ,jt  wn7#  6»W  is  good  towards  men;  and 

."  s  3s        sit  iO        Cl 

even  here  the  pronoun  may  be  introduced  after  J,  as  ^J  <»JJl   <jl 

J  s  5*5     3  sbiO  3       s   sOlO      s3s  s    I         ut 

jxfimJS  J-ijJti\  verily  God  is  the  mighty,  the  wise ;  \jo*cji)\  y^  IJjfc  ,jl 

Z   s  a<o 

JiaJt  verily  this  is  the  true  narrative. 
B  Rem.     The  noun  governed  by  ^j\,  etc.,  is  not  regarded  by  the 


S  s  sO  3  ul  3    a 

Arab  grammarians  as  a  Iju^-o,  but  as  the  ^jl^wl,  the  noun  o/'inna, 
etc.     See  §  36,  rem.  a. 

126.  When  both  the  subject  and  the  predicate  of  a  nominal 
sentence  are  indefinite,  but  the  former  consists  of  several  words,  no 
doubt  can  arise  as  to  whether  they  form  a  complete  sentence  or  only  a 
part  of  one,  because  the  subject,  being  cut  off  by  the  words  annexed 
q  to  it,  cannot  possibly  form  any  one  portion  of  the  sentence  (subject  or 
predicate)  in  connexion  with  the  noun  which  is  separated  from  it  by 

s  3  s  Bs  s    s     s         0  0  »  s         Os        0    s  s  0       3  B   s  <i  »  s 

these  words.     For  example  :  V*~»>  aSjuo  ,j~6  j~±.  S^ifcoj  v-ij^a-o  Jy> 
iCil   kind  words  and  forgiveness  are  better  than  alms  folloived  by 

t    3  Bs    s      it      Os  s  s  B    3        0  0BsQst3      9slss 

injury ;  ^£z+a>-£\  ^  2&j<Lo  ^c  j-j*.  &U^«  i*^  and  verily  a  female 

slave  who  believes  is  better  than  an  idolatress,  even  when  she  (the  latter) 
pleases  you  (more). 

j)  127.  The  inchoative  or  subject  of  a  nominal  sentence  cannot, 
according  to  the  Arab  grammarians,  consist  of  an  indefinite  noun*, 

*  Indefinite  (5j&)  is  here  to  be  taken  in  the  sense  [not  only  of  not 
being  defined  by  the  article  or  the  genitive  of  a  defined  word,  but 

wj  3  s    s 

even]  of  not  having  a  genitive  after  it,  for  such  phrases  as  jj   y)~ȣ 

3  s  <SBs^ss3Bs 

O-ij-i   a  pi°us  action  or  good  work  adorns  (a  man),  j*m.   icU   ^Jjcc 
j^Jit  otM  oCe  £yt  an  hour's  justice  is  better  than  a  thousand  months' 

§  127]  The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. — The  Subject  &  Predicate.    261 

or  one  which  is  not  qualified  by  an  adjective,  or  an  expression  equi-  A 
valent  to  an  adjective  (as  U  jUp  j»\j&  I  ^>e  J**,  there  is  a  man  of  the 

9  '  9    1    r  .  .  n 

noble  with  us,  =^,ij^  J*-j  a  noble  man) ;  except  in  certain  cases,  of 
which  the  following  are  the  most  important. 

(a)  When  the  sentence  is  of  the  class  called  i-ijJsJI  iC»oJt 
(taking  this  term  in  its  widest  sense,  §  115  at  the  end),  and  (a)  the 
predicate  is  placed  first,  as  J**j  jljJt  ^y  there  is  a  man  in  the  house, 

mfj^i  t*-»lj  CaJ  under  my  head  there  is  a  saddle,  S^J  juj  jjs-  there  B 
is  a  leopard  in  ZeifTs  possession  ;  or  (/3)  the  subject  is  preceded  by  an 

9i-   O-e       i  i    -a  9   j  A- 

interrogative  or  negative  particle,  as  Sj/-«l  j>\  jtjJI  ^  J**j^  w  there 
a  /?i««  Mi  ^/fo  Aoms?,  or  a  woman  \  j'jJI  ^  O*-— '!  J-*  &  ^'^  «»y 
person  in  the  house7,  ^ii  ^i  JJk  >V  there  a  young  man  among  you? 
jljJI  ,-i  jl».I  U  r7#;-0  is  wo  o««  in  the  house,  UJ  J^i.  U  we  have  no 
friend,  «iJU-o  j-»».  »*».l  U  ^/we  is  no  one  better  than  thou  art.  C 

(b)  When  the  subject  is  preceded  by  the  affirmative  J ;  as 
^513  J>c*-j)  certainly  there  is  a  man  standing. 

(c)  When  the  subject  is  a  diminutive,  because  the  substantive 
then   includes  the  idea  of  the  adjective   vJLc  small,  or  ^-i»-  ctw- 

worship,    Jamj    ^)    .ilLto    one    like   thee   cannot   be   mean,    are    quite   J) 

admissible,  and  yet  the  governing  noun  is  indefinite,  according  to  §  92. 
The  inchoative  may,  however,  be  an  indefinite  verbal  noun,  provided 
that  it  retains  the  government  of  the  verb  from  which  it  is  derived ; 

e.g.  j~±.  jt^-i  I  ij>  «My  a  desire  to  do  good  is  good,  ajjuo  o^j^oj  j*\ 

9  '  *■     *  /9J       0    *         9    »  " 

iSjco  j&*q  ^j£-  ^yjj  to  order  what  is  right  is  an  alms  and  to  prohibit 
what  is  wrong  is  an  alms.  In  both  these  cases,  however,  there  is 
evidently  a  sort  of  partial  determination  [L^--n-^ " ;  comp.  §  75, 

262  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  127 

•  -  a  5a  ..  j 

A  temptible ;  as  U^ic  tjs^-j  ^<?/'0  fcs  a  mannikin  (or  a  Traeow  fellow)  at 
our  house  (see  §  116). 

(d)     When  the  subject  is  a  noun  of  a  general  signification,  such 
as  J£»  a/£;  as  <j^  J^>  <^  joen^  ;  O^j  J^  «W  dfe;  because  J^ 

Zi  *>     &  ■>  *  £      £   j 

is  here  equivalent  to  ^Ul  J^>  «//  mankind,  or  jk».l  J^»  ewfj/  <w, 
and  is  therefore  virtually  definite  (see  §  82,  a). 

B         {e)     When  the  sentence  expresses  a  wish  or  prayer ;  as  ^*Xt  jt>*$~) 

O  s  04/ 

peace  be  upon  you  !  jujJ  jJ-jj  woe  to  Zeid ! 

(f)  When  the  subject  is  a  word  which  contains  the  conditional 

meaning  of  the  particle  ij]  (/">  such  as  O-*  (§  6) ;  e.g.  ax^>  ^3)  ^su  ,j-o 
if  any  one  gets  up,  I  will  get  up  with  him. 

(g)  When   the   subject  is  preceded  by  the   JUJt  jtj   or  waw 
which  introduces  a  circumstantial  clause  (§  183),  or  by  the  conjunction 

•  a  -  ^-   -  a.a    **■  a  j  •     *-•£     a  -    o  a  •  -      •  a  -  - 

C  ^  (/*  "°^>  or  by  the  st>aJI  eli  [§  187] ;  as  *x*i  sLil  jj^^jj  Lj^ 
JJjlw  (J^  *^o  ^^Ai.!  ^JLate.^  \j>>  we  travelled  by  night,  after  a  star 
had  already  shone  out,  but  from  the  moment  thy  face  appeared,  its 
light  obscured  every  shining  star   (Jijli   in   rhyme   for   JijUO  ;    "^V 

,  £  j  *  as-  o   *       a *> 

dJLo  ^£'i  J&  {3*3*$  jM**«'  w^  &  "^  /o**  patience,  every  lover  would 

die ;  iaApl  ^  ^*ai  j~>c  w**6  ,jl  if  a  wild  ass  departs  (i.e.  if  a  chief- 
tain dies),  there  is  a  wild  ass  (another  chieftain)  in  the  tribe. 

jy         (h)    When  the  subject  is  the  answer  to  a  question,  its  predicate 

-    ,  a        o    * 

being  suppressed  ;  as  when  one  asks  .i)  juc  ^j^e  who  is  in  thy  house  ? 

o  i  ,  a 

and  receives  the  reply,  J^j  a  man,  soil.  ^J^. 

(i)     When  the  subject  is  an  adjective,  agreeing  with  and  taking 

-  a  9  9*  0        i    J 

the  place  of  a  suppressed  substantive  ;   as  j*^  O-*  jt^  0-*>*  a 

0        t   J        0    »  « 

believer  is  better  than  an  unbeliever,  i.e.  »>*>«  J>»-j  a  believing  man. 
(j)     When  the  subject  is  connected  with  another  subject,  which  is 

§  127]   The  Sentence  and  its  Parts.— The  Subject  &  Predicate.    263 
definite  or  accompanied  by  an  adjective  ;  as  (jU^^  J^jj  J^j  Zeid  A 

^  .  s 

ff/M?  a  »ia»  are  standing;  jtjJI  ^y   J^j.3  L5?*?3  a  Temimite  and 
{another-)  man  are  in  the  house,  where  L5*->«J  =jtn^  .*»■'  (p-  260,  note) 

5  ..«.»,  2  10  9  *         "        9is  a*'         9    1* 

or  l^o-^j  J*.j  (above,  i) ;  jtjJI  ^y  iL»>»  Sl^-ot^  J*.j  a  man  and  a 
tall  woman  are  in  the  house. 

[(k)  When  two  or  more  indefinite  subjects  are  put  together  anti- 
thetically  or  synthetically,  as  U*Xc  ^>>j   UJ  ^j  one  day  is  for  us,   B 

x   ^        «  fl^-  ,    *        9  a,* 

another  against  us;  J15  vajij — J13  >sy>j  ^»/^  say — offcrs  say. 

d  tip 

(/)  "When  the  subject  is  in  the  accusative  after  ^!,  o'»  e*c-  (§  36), 
as  w'JL'kjj  w*>i  A-ej^i  O^9  '>^l  Oi  a  ll0n  had  a  irolj  and  a  fox  for 

In  all  these  different  sorts  of  sentences,  there  can  be  no  doubt  that 
the  words  form  a  complete  sentence,  and  not  merely  a  part  of  one. 

Rem.  a.     The  subject  may  also  be  indefinite  in  some  cases  in    Q 

which  a  strong  emphasis  rests  upon  it ;  as  dL»  t\».  «£  something 

has  brought  thee,  meaning  ^b  cla.  ^^.Kc    ti*2>  something  great  or 

a  ,      2       ,         ~  ,       , 

important,  or  equivalent  to  *_£  ^)l  ^JU  si*.  Le  nothing  has  brought 

a    *  2  ,*    9*  ** 

thee  but  a  thing  (of  importance) ;  O^Jbu  S^Ju  a»  ox  Acts  spoken  ! 
Rem.   6.     European    grammarians    have   often    erred   in    their 

9        *    9  a  *  *  a    *2  *       a* 

analysis  of  the  phrase^  j--ai  in  the  Kor'an,  xii.  IS,  wJ^-»  Jj   j) 

s        ^     9  a  -  '*  at     a  j  j  tai    a  >* 

Jjlt»  ^--ai  l^o t  ^CjuI  ^^J.     This  they  have  translated  either  /ta^, 

your  minds  have  made  a  thing  seem  pleasant  unto  you  (and  ye  have 
done  it),  but  patience  is  becoming  ;  or  mais  la  patience  vaut  mieux ; 
or  ergo  pati   (patientem  esse)   pulchrum  est;   according  to  which 

**'  c  «■  *  a  i  9        ,  9  „  _ 

translations^**©  would  be  an  indefinite  tju«o  and  ^pr    its  »*»». 

Still  worse  is  it  to  regard  the  words  as  an  exhortation,  therefore — 
becoming  patience  !  (also — geziemende  Geduld .'),  which  would  neces- 

*         -       ta  * , 

sarily  be  *}L^».  b/**ai  (§  35).     The  Arab  commentators  are  right 

.  s^'  9 a  ,  at* 

in  regarding  the  words  either  as  a  compound  j*£»,  i.e.  j+*o  {Jj*\* 

264  Part  Third— Syntax.  [§  128 

J«j*».   cmc?  therefore  my  business  (or  f?w££/)  is  {to  show)  becoming 

0  , 

(//ij  j  ^  it.  j  *  e  C         <5  .-       5  »    ^  ^ 

patience,  or  as  a  compound   lju~«,  i.e.  (J^l)   v^«o^l   vjjcq*  X*0^ 

and  therefore  (to  show)  becoming  patience  is  more  seemly.  The 
former  of  these  two  views  seems  to  be  the  preferable  one.  [Comp. 
Slbaw.  i.  i«.] 

[Rem.  c.     In  such  sentences  as  Lo  jtyA  I   ,j~5  ^o^aJ  I   ^ JJ    Oi 

LoxJ  I  jp/AJ  verily,  before  to-day  the  staff  was  struck  for  an  intelligent 

B         man  (i.e.  he,  being  heedless,  has  been  called  to  attention) ;  J^S  0-*3 

Otw^j  ,»i  j&^j*  to  and  before  now  ye  have  been  remiss  with  regard 

to  Joseph  ;  jcjQjJ  to  I  j^j  and  to-morrow  ye  will  see  me,  to  is  not 

pleonastic,  as  it  has  been  called  by  some  scholars,  but  forms  with 
the  following  verbal  clause  the  subject  of  a  nominal  sentence  of  the 
class  mentioned  under  a.  Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  479,  ii. 
390  seq.,  where  many  examples  are  given.     D.  G.] 

Q         128.     When  both   subject  and  predicate  are  definite,  but  the 
former  consists  of  several  words,  it  is  also  clear,  without  the  insertion 

of  the  J-aiJt  jfo^>,  that  the  words  form  a  complete  sentence;   as 

J     *      0       0*3  til    /G  s   0  J  yi     * 

j&J*$\    aJUt   j^c   O-jjJI    the   {only   true)  religion  in   God's  sight  is 

el- Islam;  C-IJ1  i»-w  JJ^fe  aU\  J-*-  ^y^Jt^ol  O***^!  CH^1  J^9 

Jjllw  «.*-»  the  likeness  of  those  who  expend  their  wealth  in  the  path 

(or  cause)  of  God,  {is)  the  likeness  of  a  grain  of  corn  which  produces 

D  seven  ears. 

129.  The  J-aiJt  jiro^  is  also  not  rarely  omitted  in  sentences  in 
which  both  subject  and  predicate  are  definite,  but  the  former  consists 
of  only  one  word ;  as  aJJI  Jyj  j^oj>~o  Muhammad  is  the  apostle  of 

God;   aXjT  Jp  ^U   'All   is   the  friend  of  God ;  Jr*k*$ f  Ji^T  iui 

this  is  the  great  felicity  (el-Kor'an,  ch.  ix.  90,  but  in  verse  73  we  read 

^JiaJI  jyJI  y*   iUj).     Here  a  doubt   might  at  first  arise,   as  to 

whether  these  words  form  a  complete  sentence,  or  merely  the  compound 

§  130]  The  Sentence  and  its  Parts.— The  Subject  &  Predicate.    265 

subject  of  one ;   in  which  case  we  must  only  examine  whether  the  A 
words  that  follow  can  be  taken  as  their  predicate,  without   doing 
violence  to  sense  and  grammar,  or  not. 

130.     From  the  ^J-aaJI  j~-o*°,  or  pronoun  of  separation,  must  be 
carefully  distinguished  the  pronoun  which  is  appended  to  the  subject 

a-  __ 

to  give  it  emphasis  and  contrast  it  with  another  subject  (ju^UI  j~<-i> 
ju£»$Jt  y) ;  as  w~-JI  yb  tjub  ,j\£s  this  was  the  reason  ;  ,j\£>  Oi 
Jjuc  ±yt>  J^Jt  yk  \jjb  (/"this  be  the  truth  from  Thee;  Of** — •J'  U^»   ^ 

«•  e  j  a*>     }  i 

jUaJt  ^oJb  ?fo  Muslims  (and  not  slaves  or  mercenaries)  formed  the 

army ;  (j-j^JUsJl  ^  t^ilib  »>~3  but  they  waer«  ^  (ftttrs  of  wrong. — 

This  pronoun  is  also  frequently  appended  (as  in  the  other  Semitic 
languages)  to  a  pronominal  suffix  in  any  case,  to  give  it  emphasis 

0      0*    •  ■»  i    *0        '     a£  *     0  J 

[comp.  §  139,  rem.  «] ;   e.g.  ^y^z  w~5p'   w^'   C~^  thou  art  the 

#a^      5   ^  t       **    ***      fie    -*  j     j  jt/      •      ^ 

watcher  over  them ;  U*£  j^».l  JjUu  ^)l  yk  <sulj  O^  HIS  opinion  teas 
f^a#  ??o  oh«  should  take  anything ;   JiJI    IjJb   ^^   Ul    ^gcLi    jjjli    C 

lis,,},     3-o        *  \        a     - 

where  then  is  my  sAare  of  this  booty?  O"3*^  ^  «->^'  '•*■*  O-oJ  «'&>se 

^    i      a  *  jot      -  j  -  -  -       - 

is  this  book?  Ours;  ^X3i  o-*  ^*^'  U£*«u  U  what  prevented  you  two 

from  doing  that?  IjJjj  *^t«  *2Al*  J^'  Ul  Oj-5  Oi  if  thou  thinkest 
that  I  have  less  wealth  and  (fewer)  children  than  thou  :  and  more 
rarely  to  a  noun  in  the  accusative,  as  o**WJ'  ^a  <Qp  ^X*^.^  and 

we  made  his  offspring  the  survivors.  The  emphatic  J  is  sometimes 
prefixed  to  it,  as  ^>oJLaJI  ^>a*-J  Lib  jjt  if  we  fo  ^  righteous.       D 

[Rem.     In  the  preceding  quotations  from  the  Korran  some  read 

&  *  a<0   *  j       -      j      Ct    to  }  i        t ,  *  *      s    ^     ,  a  L  ,l     *i 

J^JI  yib.  (j^^JUsJI^A,  IjJjj  ^)t©  «£J*U  JJI  li  I,  taking  these  words 
as  nominal  sentences,  which  form  in  the  first  and  second  case  the 

'      **  £• 

predicate  of  ^l£».  in  the  third  the  second  object  of  ^!j.  just  as  in 

*  a       6»/       ^j        ;«/      iji 

^U-»  ^-jfc,  yk  tjuj  (J>A»I,   /  f/iinA;  Zeic?  ts  better  than  thou  art,  the 

^asa^^j  £- 

words  JJU-e  j-«te.  yb  are  the  second  object  of  v>b.] 
w.  ii.  34 

266  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  131 

A         131.    If,  however,  in  a  nominal  sentence,  a  more  precise  indication 

of  time  and  mood  be  necessary,  the  Arabs  use  for  this  purpose  O^* 

J    J "  • 

or  one  of  its  "sisters"  (§§  41,  42).     The  imperfect  O&  nas  m  tnis 

case  the  usual  meanings  of  the  imperfect  (§  8) :  whilst  the  perfect  O^ 
admits  of  four  significations  ;  viz.  (a)  of  the  historical  tense  or  Greek 
aorist  (§  1,  a),  in  which  case  it  has,  according  to  the  Arab  gram- 
marians, the  sense  of  ^U?  to  become ;  (b)  of  the  actual  perfect  (§  l,b); 

j    }  *    «-    - 
(c)  of  the  actual  imperfect,  as  it  were  a  shortening  of  03^i  0*^> 

B   which  also  occasionally  occurs  (§  9) ;    and  (d)  sometimes,  especially 
in  the  Kor'an,  of  the  present,  but  only  by  giving  a  peculiar  turn  to 

its  use  as  a  perfect  (has  become  by  nature,  -n-icfrvKa),  as  O^  *^'  Oi 
UjSj^LJ*  verily  God  is  a  watcher  over  you  (Sura  iv.  1).     The  perfect 

,jl£»  expresses  the  present  in  particular  after  the  negative  particle  U, 
and  the  interrogative  particles,  such  as  I ;  e.g.  ij>^>  ^«*»-  O^  ^* 
ouju  ,j-o  ^JJt  (^Jjuaj  0^3  it  (the  Kor'an)  £s  ??o£  a  story  invented 
C  (by  Muhammad),  but  a  confirmation  of  what  (i.e.  of  the  sacred  writings 
which)  preceded  it;  ,j^a51».  *j)l  Us$A».ju  O'^o-ir^  O^3  ^**  ^#  cannot 
enter  them  (lit.  ^  is  not  to  them  that  they  should  enter  them)  but  with 
fear ;  aJJt  (jib  ^1  O-cy  o'  u~*^  O^3  ^  wo  sou^  can  believe  except 
6?/  £/*0  permission  of  God ;  L5/-A-J  >a  O^   '■*  ^g  *s  n°t  (^ie  man)  to 

0  J  '     *  *  J  3  li    V  --  • 

efo  ms  «»?/  harm;  ^&LojI    ^*-aJ    aJJI    j^    U   GW  ?'s  incapable  of 
letting — lit.  z's  not  (the  one)   to  let — your   belief  perish   (i.e.  go   un- 
D  rewarded) ;  ^^v^o    Jj*-j    ^1    ^^»"3^    o'    W*   l^^    O^'   ^s  &  a 
wonder  to  men  that   We  have  made  a  revelation  to  one  of  them  1 

132.  The  subject  of  a  sentence  is  frequently  not  specified,  either 
because  we  do  not  know  it,  or  do  not  choose  to  mention  it.  We  have, 
however,  the  option  of  expressing  ourselves  either  personally,  by  such 
forms  as  one  says,  they  say,  people  say,  Germ,  man  sagt,  Fr.  on  dit ;  or 
impersonally,  either  by  means  of  the  passive  voice,  as  it  is  said,  Germ. 
es  wird  gesagt,  or  of  the  active  voice,  as  it  rains,  Germ,  es  regnet,  Fr. 

§  132]  The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. — The  Subject  &  Predicate.    267 

il  pleut.     The  Arabs  too  express  themselves  in  both  ways  (with  the  A 
restriction  stated  in  §  133,  rem.  b).     If  they  wish  to  use  the  personal 
form,  they  employ  (a)  the  third  person  sing.  masc.  of  the  verb  with 
its  own  nomen  agentis,   denned  or  undefined  by  the    article ;    as 

Jjl3  J13  one  said,  JjUJI  J13  id.  (lit,  he  who,  or  every  one  icho,  was 

in  a  position   to  say,  said);   JjUJI    Jyu  one  says,  is  wont  to  say 

(lit.  every  one  who  is  in,  or  gets  into,  a  position  to  say,  says).     The 
determination  of  the  singular  subject  by  the  article  expresses  in  such 
cases  a  distributive  totality,     (b)  If  the  undefined  subject  is  one  of  a 
number  of  persons  who  are  known  to  us,  the  sufiix  pronoun  of  the   B 
third  person  plural  is  annexed  to  the  nomen  agentis  to  indicate  these 

persons ;   as  ^yJ^5  J^5  om  °f  tnem  sa^-     (c)   ^  there  be  several 

indefinite  subjects,  the  third  pers.  plur.  masc.  of  the  verb  may  be 

j  -  *  *  *  .  .     . 

used,  as  tyi5  they  say,  'j-o^j   they  think;   but  it  is  more  usual  to 

employ  the  verb  in  the  singular  and  its  nomen  agentis,  defined  or 

undefined  by  the  article,  in  the  plural,  as  0>^*   J^  some  said ; 

«£Ui   jj-e   <j— ».l    £w   Jai   ,jyt«LJI    %^w   U  no  one  has  ever  heard 

anything  more  beautiful  than  this  (lit.  those  who  can  hear  have  never   C 
heard  etc.). 

Rem.  a.  Instead  of  the  nomen  agentis,  defined  or  undefined, 
such  words  as  >J**.j  a  man,  Sjj^t  a  woman,  and  the  like,  are 
occasionally  used,  with  or  without  the  article  (compare  1  Sam. 
ix.  9);   as  J4-J   Jl5  =  j5ll  J15,   J^jjf  JJS  =  J5UJ7  JJu,   etc. 

s  fl  - 

For   the   nomen    agentis   with  the   plural    suffix,   the   word    ^*; 

e j  j  a  -       *  *         sjj  »/       *   , 

a  part,  some  one,  is  often  employed,  as  ^^j  J13  =^^13  ^{5.     J) 

[Rem.  b.  A  peculiar  manner  of  expressing  the  general  terms 
somebody,  something,  certain  ones,  etc.  is  to  use  the  relative  pronouns 

^yo  and  to  with  repetition  of  the  verb,  as  JjJ  ^j**  IjJLa!  ^j^  J&3 

there  came  down  from  its  inhabitants  who  came  down,  i.e.  some  of 

them ;  ^jLLcl  L©  ^JlLtl  he  gave  me  what  he  gave  me,  i.e.  much,  or 

little,  or  something  between  the  two,  according  to  circumstances.     It 

268  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  133 

A  is  specially  employed  j^SjCJI^  ^J&jCM  to  magnify  and  multiply, 
if  an  impression  of  something  important  or  mysterious  is  to  be 
conveyed,  e.g.  Kor'an  liii.  16  ,<£«->  L©  SjjuJI  •*£•*->  it  when  that 
covered  the  sidra-tree  which  covered  it,  i.e.  hosts  of  adoring  angels.] 

133.  If  the  impersonal  form  of  expression  is  to  be  employed,  the 
Arabs  use  the  third  person  sing.  masc.  of  the  passive  voice,  whether 
of  a  transitive  or  of  an  intransitive  verb,  [which,  however,  may  never 

B  be  used  absolutely  like  the  Latin  itur,  Jletur] ;  as  ^*JW  v**^  & 
has  been  written,  it  is  written  with  the  writing  reed;  JjtjJ^t  i^\  jf 

-     J   9   J 

there  ivas  a  travelling,  they  travelled  towards  'Irak;  <***  o&£.t  it 
has  been  disputed,  there  has  been  a  dispute  about  it ;  ljujui  |loJ»  U-«J 
there  is  vehement  thirst  felt,   t/iey  thirst  vehemently ;   jujj  j*  there 

9    o*  -      ^    el 

was  a  passing  by  Zeid ; ^r^Xt  Jjj\  a  revelation  was  made  to  them; 

~  9*  s  '  J 

\j   aJs-   ,**>£   he  fainted  (lit.   there  was  a  covering   thrown  over  him, 

I  9 s  -  &    ^    9   ,9* 

comp.  S  ?ynrt),  whence  <uic  ^ta^JI  the  person  in  a  faint,  fern. 
ly^Xc  ^Lk^\  (in  later  times  incorrectly  t^J^  i-^i^JI,  and,  without 

dl  S    *9s  J^     S^V 

the  preposition  [§  113,  rem.],  ^■u.i^Jt,  fern.  <ui>«-»3i).  [Similarly 
«ju  ^  iaXw  Ae  repented  (lit.  £for«  was  a  falling  upon  his  hand),  and 
hence  »ju   ^  h^su^>   *a  Ag  is  repenting;    ly^c  ^v*^'   S^w^Jt   £/^ 

forbidden  tree ;  jv^t^-  ^»*--oJ'   ^  benefited  ones ;   \y^  Os~©  s/<e  was 

D  fe/fc  ow  orphan,  or  a  ividow.]  Verbs  thus  used  are  always  of  the 
masculine  gender,  which  the  Arabs  frequently  employ  where  we  should 
use  the  neuter.  The  neuter  plural  of  adjectives  and  nomina  agentis 
and  patientis  is,  however,  always  expressed  by  the  feminine  plur.  sail. 

or  the  plur.  fract. ;  as  oU~aJI  beautiful  things  (not  <jl~a*JI,  which 
means  handsome  persons),  Ot-JaJt  good  (things  not  jj^^-JaJt,  which 

J       ..       }    9    *9, 

means  good  men),  Ob^*.^*)!  existing  things,  Ol*.iyi  necessary  things, 
C>U£o«frJI  possible  things,  jut  juDI  afflictions,  calamities,  w^t^Jt  exciting 

§  133]  The  Sentence  &  its  Parts.— Subj.  eft  Pred.;  impers.  passive.  269 

causes  (from  w*cb),  «JI^JI  hindrances  (from  £^-«).     [The  sing.  fern.  A 
must  be  used  for  the  neuter  of  the  numerals,  as  *t»*iL>  three  things 
or  qualities,  and  may  be  used  for  that  of  the  pronouns,  as  «.**  these 

Rem.  a.     The  passive  of  directly  transitive  verbs  may  be  used 

either  personally  or  impersonally ;  as  w-*^  it  (a  book  or  letter)  teas 

urritten,  and  <A«  act  of  urriting  was  performed.     In  the  former  case,    B 
the  direct  object  or  accusative  of  the  active  voice  [or  the  sentence 
that  supplies  its  place,  §  23,  rem.   c]  becomes  the  subject  of   the 

passive  (J^UJI  ^olLo^Sli);  in  the  latter,  according  to  the  Arab 

grammarians,  the  subject  is  the  nomen  actionis  of  the  verb  itself, 
which,  however,  can  only  be  used  if  qualified,  as  will  be  seen 
hereafter ;  so  that,  according  to  their  view,  the  impersonal  passive 
becomes  really  personal.  If  a  passive,  which  is,  according  to  our 
ideas,  impersonal,  governs  an  object  by  means  of  a  preposition  (as 

aJs.  <<<ilc),  this  object  becomes  virtually  the  subject  of  the  passive    Q 

voice,  just  as  it  was  virtually  the  object  of  the  active,  and  con- 
sequently if  the  nomen  actionis  be  expressed  along  with  it,  it  must 

*  e  -       e,     ,  5  »■>■ 

be  put  in  the  accusative ;  as  \jir,  <tJt  ^-~>  (not  j-~»),  from  the  active 

*  o  -        a*     *    - 

\j+~i  aJI  jL»  he  journeyed  to  him  (a  journeying).     In  either  case, — 

«  £  -  t      **       * 

whether  the  passive  be  personal  or  impersonal, — it  is  ^-~j  ^J   lo 

a    - 

dJLcli,  an  act  of  ichich  the  agent,  i.e.  the  acting  person,  is  not  named 

(Yul.  i.  §  74,  rem.),  not  even  by  means  of  a  preposition,  as  with  us 
(for  the  subject  of    the  passive  voice  is,  as  we  have  said  above, 

*    J ' ' 
merely  the  du  J^jjul*  or  object  of  the  active  voice*,  converted  into  t_) 

the  subject,  and  so  J^UUI  j>Mut>  ^#515,  or  ^^c-UtJ  t  w>U«  w*5li,  w*5U 

jJ^UJI  £>£,  supplying  the  place  of  the  agent).     If  the  agent  is  to  be 

5       3  »  -  %  m  6  - 

*  The  «u    fJfxSLc,  or  object,  may  be  either  ?->j*o  pure,   i.e.  the 
accusative,  or  p-ij*o  j*s-  impure,  i.e.  a  preposition  with  the  genitive 

270  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  133 

A         named,  the  active  voice  must  be  used*. — As  stated  in  §  26,  b,  rem.  b, 

the  accusative  of  the  nomen  verbi  (JULL-oJI  iJ^slL0)\)  can  be  changed 
into  the  subject  of  the  passive  voice  only  when  it  is  qualified  or 
specialised  by  an  adjective  or  a  substantive  in  the  genitive.     We 

cannot  say  w»j-o  w>-£,  j-*~>  j-+~>,  because  such  an  undefined  masdar 

adds  nothing  to  the  meaning  of  the  verb  (<ui  Sjuli  *$) ;  but  we 

0  .-         0  0     '        -  J  .-0/O    JO'-  Q  *  6    '         -  J 

may  say  juJuj  >->j-e  ^j^j  **s5>*"  j-s~>  j^r'i  [and  even  2uj*b  *-jj-o- 
B  In  expressions  such  as  Oj^.  o*-»-  »*$  and  J^i  >iU3  ,-i  Jw>3  j^s 

the  words  o^a.  and  ^h^S  are  not  to  be  considered  as  masdars,  but 
as    substantives,    the    meaning    being   something   was  feared    and 

something  was  said  about  it].  The  op»  can  be  put  in  the  nomina- 
tive   also,  but   only   when    it    is    capable    of   inflection    and    adds 

0  -  -    *       j 
something  to  the  meaning  of  the  verb.     We  cannot  say  ja  ...»  *-*£=>) 

from  j~,  ■■•  w~==>j  he  rode  early  this  morning,  nor  ^)  j*i&  ^j*. L».  from 

3)  jU£    l^*J*  ^e  Sa^   beside   thee,  nor   C-s5j  j-j~>  ;    but  we  may  say 

C  ^»0-h,'  I  jt>yj  j*~>  Friday  was  travelled,  ,jLa-oj  yrt^  Ramadan  was 

O       3  0   ' 

fasted.     When  a  passive  verb  is  connected  with  a  aj  J^juLo,  and  a 

JiXic*  yJjSULo  or  jjusue,    a   Op?,   or  a  j3j**~c3  jW->   the  ^   U3***0 

alone  can,  as  a  general   rule,  become  the  J^UJI    ^j*   yjl) ;    e.g. 

d»l>  ^  j-***})l  >©UI  aa^aJI  >ojj  Ijwjw  L>-i  juj  wJj-o.— Since 
the  Arab  uses  many  verbs  as  directly  transitive,  which  in  our 
idiom  are  only  indirectly  so  [§  23,  rem.  b],  their  passives  may  of 
course    be  employed    in  both    of   the   above   ways ;   e.g.   not  only 

D  aJI  £,$»■  (impers.)  means  ventum  est  ad  eum,  but  also  simply  *■<*. 
(pers.).  In  the  former  case,  only  the  third  person  sing.  masc.  is 
used,  tig^  *L5^"  a  ^n9  was  brought,  imperf.  %^J^>  2l»-» ;  in  the 

*  [In  modern  Arabic  the  agent  may  be  named  with  the  passive  by 

means   of   the    preposition    ,j-o    by :    see  §  48,   /*,   rem.  b  and    comp. 

Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  91,  599,  iii.  68,  Spitta  §  173,  c,  Noldeke,  Zur 
Grammatik,  p.  54.] 

§  135]  The  Sentence  &  its  Parts.— Subj.  &  Pred.;  impers. passive.  271 
latter,  all  the  numbers  and  persons  are  employed,  sing.   3  p.  m.   A 

■•  a,  ,    a  a    -  " 

i^Bf,  i-   OJL^.,   2  p.  m.   cJU>.,   etc.,  as  %^-i  skfc5»-  something  was 
brought  to  him  (act.   £,«^  «el»»  he  brought  him  something). 

Rem.  b.     Our  impersonal  actives  indicating  natural  phenomena, 
such  as  it  snows,  it  rains,  etc.,  are  always  expressed  by  the  Arabs 

personally.     They  say  either  »~U)!  ?»JLj  the  snoiv  snows.  jJa-»J  I  j.h* 

the  rain  rains,  or  iLo-JI  C-,a.,U  *Ae  s&y  snows,  iLo—J'  Opx*  ^Ae  sAy 

rains.    In  the  latter  of  these  two  forms  of  expression  the  substantive    B 

lUo-JI  is  sometimes  suppressed,  leaving  only  the  verb  in  the  3d  pers. 

sing,   fern.,   CsaJJ,   OjJa-e  — [In   like   manner   they    say    C-A...tfl 
7  was  in  the  morning,  where  we  should  say  it  was  in  the  morning  ; 

ii  *     +     t>  i      o  ,»*     a  * 

,-—. 6 1  I  am  in  the  evening  for  it  is  evening ;  Oto  ^jt  w*-J»j  ^  A« 

tarried  not  long  that  he  died  for  it  was  not  long  before  he  died, 
etc.     D.  G.] 

Rem.  c.     In  the  case  of   words  like  j>awj  i£  is  allowed,  w*aw->    ^ 

'a'    .  a  *       . 

?£  is  necessary,    (<*--o   t£   behoves,   etc.,   followed   by   ^jl   with   the 

subjunctive,    the    subject    naturally    is    the   following   clause,    and 
therefore  the  verb  does  not  come  under  the  head  of  impersonal*. 

134.  The  complements  of  the  subject  and  predicate  are  annexed 
to  them  either  by  subordination  (the  accusative  or  a  preposition  with 
the  genitive)  or  coordination  (apposition). 

135.  When  the  pronominal  suffixes  are  attached  to  a  substantive 

in   the  accusative,  governed  by  a  verb,  or  to  one  in  the  genitive,  D 
governed  by  a  preposition  annexed  to  a  verb,  they  may  refer  to  the 
agent  of  the  verb,  and  consequently  have  a  reflexive  meaning,  for 

*  [On  the  impersonal  use  of  \J&  see  §  56,  c,  footnote.     Comp. 

_  aia^  i,        * , 

also  Noldeke,  Zur  Grammatik,  p.  76  seq.  who  adds  j^*^\  .ji  aJ  Iju 

his  opinion  changed  as  to  the  matter,  jJjUUI  ^9  t,j^  l^ii  ichen  it  teas 
next  year,  etc.] 

272  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  136 

A  which  the  Arabic,  like  the  other  Semitic  languages,  has  no  distinct 

pronominal  form;  as  aJU  JUjI  he  has  spent  his  (own)  money;  1^15 

^f1/j\^.*^  they  said  to  their  (own)  brothers.     But  a  suffix  attached  to 
*  *       &' 

the  verb  itself  cannot  have  a  reflexive  meaning  :  to  give  it  this,  the 
word  v-su  soul,  ^j^s.  eye,  essence,  [or  a».j  face,]  (and  in  later  Arabic 
f3j  spirit,  ^'i  substance,  essence,  or  Jl»-  state)  must  be  interposed  ; 
as  <*— aj  Jj:5  Ae  /h7fec?  himself;  &~Ju  <su  j^  console  thyself  therewith ; 

>  3      O  -  i  (  ill  0  s  j      o  *  o  ( 

B   (^5^-Jj   ^*^*'  /  ^flW0  destroyed  myself;  [<UJ  ^v».j  C**X*t  /  resign 

myself  to  God ;]  except  in  the  case  of  the  verba  cordis  (§  24,  b,  /S), 

when  the  pronominal  suffix  is  the  first  object  and  the  second  object 


is  either  a  noun  or  a  whole  sentence ;   as  bLa*  aJU.  he  imagined 

himself  struck;    lj-o^  j**ju    «\j    he    saw    himself  (in    a   dream,   it 

appeared  to  him  as  if  he  were)  pressing  out  wine.  [A  suffix  attached 
to  a  preposition  annexed  to  the  verb  may  have  a  reflexive  meaning, 

0   as  l/a*fe  ^L*  **■«  jtj*-'  ^  took  a  large  amount  of  money  with  him  ; 

,    *,  a  -  j  ■>  j  -  *        *    *  *      '  5  -       j     a  i      j  *  a  *         £s  * 

AJj\j~*\     j-U      6i*f3-i     **■*     w**J    J~A*     C-*s»-V     *W>*"      U«^     «W<#     tt^tfW 

Nebuchadnezzar  had  laid  it  (Jerusalem)   waste  he  carried  off  with 

him  the  principal  men  of  the  Benu  'Israil ;  ^1  ^j\  C-«-o«o  I  drew 

my  son  to  myself.  This  however  is  allowed  only  where  no  doubt  can 
arise  as  to  the  meaning  of  the  suffix — which  in  this  and  the  former 
case  happens  oftener  with  the  suffixes  of  the  1st  and  2d  person,  than 

with  that  of  the  3d  pers. — and  even  then  the  interposition  of  u*^.  etc. 
D  takes  place  frequently.] 

Rem.  Compare  the  use,  in  Heb.  and  Aram.,  of  &£}  I  •  ^  ^ 
soul,  D¥5?  or  ET)S,  P^KV  bone,  anf*  Wil.  body;  and  in  iEthiopic, 
of  C^|*|:  (re'es)  head. 

136.  The  complements  which  are  coordinated  with,  or  placed  in 
apposition  to,  the  subject  or  predicate,  are  called  by  the  Arab  gram- 
marians ^^,  sequentia,  followers  or  appositives  (sing.  £>ty,  and  the 

J       JO  ^0- 

word  to  which  they  are  placed  in  apposition  is  called  c$*I©JI,  that 

§  136]    The  Sentence  &  its  Parts. — Appositives;  the  Adjective.   273 

which  is  followed  (by  some  word  in  apposition).     They  are  generally  A 
connected  with  a  noun,  more  rarely  with  a  verb. 

(a)  With  the  noun  is  thus  united  the  adjective,  which,  like  all 
other  words  in  apposition,  follows  the  noun,  and  agrees  with  it  in 
respect  of  determination  or  indetermination,  as  well  as  of  gender*, 

number,  and  case;  e.g.  jtri^=*  J*rj  a  noble  man,^r>j&\  J*-jJt  of  the 
noble  man,j9ij£\  tjuj  the  noble  Zeid  (ace),  >£>*)!  ajU£»  His  glorious 

9  *Z*  J      9  *         '  '  -  '    '  'i'  0 

book;  **->y>  Sj^lS  a  square  pedestal ;  jjUU-~».  ,jL>tj»«l  two  handsome 

is         ,  <■      i  J  9,         ,         o   ,  9       ,         , 

women;  ZfJ&>  \jy&  great  treasures  (ace);  4-«»tj  JW»-,  or  oL-Jj,   B 

,,  5  /         58/  •"*    J         9  0  * 

or  ^hI^j,  firm  mountains ;  jtrtj£&  j>$* \  or  iU^^jS,  a  noble  tribe  or 
family,  [qja~i\£  jo^S  wicked  people.     As  the  preceding  examples  prove, 

the  adjective  following  a  collective  noun  denoting  rational  beings 
(Vol.  i.  §  292,  b)  may  be  put  in  the  singular  and  agree  with  the 
grammatical  gender  of  the  collective,  or  in  the  plural  sanus  or  fractus 
according  to  the  natural  gender  of  the  persons  indicated.  The 
pluralia  fracta,  even  when  derived  from  a  masc.  sing,  are  construed 
with  adjectives  in  the  fern.  sing,  or  plural  (sanus  or  fractus).  They  C 
can  have  an  adjective  in  the  masc.  plur.  only  by  a  constructio  ad 

J       »  J  9     ' 

sensum,  as  has  been  remarked  Vol.  i.  §  306,  for  instance  ^y^oyc  J^j 
believing  men.     This  is  also  applicable  to  the  names  of  Arab  tribes,  as 

-       i  -  a    i  o*o        o  a  -  i 

^)yoj^^\    u~J>5   the  noble  Koreis   (comp.   §  147).     The   collectives 
mentioned  Vol.  i.  §  291,  a,  e  may  be  joined  to  an  adjective  in  the  fern. 

9 '       '       9*  *  5       ^       ^      0  ^  ' 

sing,  or  in  the  plur.  fern,  (sanus  or  fractus)  as  a^z^^e  or  oL^tj^o-ic 
pasturing  sheep  or  goats;   those  mentioned  Vol.  i.  §  292,  a]  to  an 

g  e  -  j  i  -     ia*>    a    *  *  a* 

adjective  either  in  the  sing.  masc.  (as  £*«•),  e.g.   JJ^Ja^J!  ^el^aJt  1) 
the  ring-necked  doves ;  or  in  the  sing.  fern,  (as  icU».),  e.g.  J-**-*  j^-^' 

<u^l^  trunks  of  palm-trees  worm-eaten  and  empty ;  or  in  the  plur. 

*0&        ~  *  0  J  9   j  , 

*  [Exceptions  are  <<£il  ft©  feminine,  i.e.  soft  water:  iJ^»-  J>*»j 
a  hermaphrodite.  For  an  exception  to  the  agreement  in  number 
see  §  100.     D.  G.] 

w.  ii.  35 

274  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  136 

9      *         *        0    0    ^ 

A  sanus  fern.,  as  Oliwb  J«»-J  wry  ta//  palm-trees ;  or  in  the  broken 
plural,  as  JU3I  w>l»*~JI  the  heavy  chads;  (3jV  ^W*J'  the  dusky 
white  doves.     A  noun  may  have  two  or  more  adjectives  connected 

J  *     0  i  0*1  J  *l&  >o      J      s      0  '0*  I    >io        ill    «•  9 

with  it ;  as  j^^^M  ^^Jl  wibyOl  ^  bright  red  star ;  yj^M.ji\  <*JJI  ^»— j 
^^c^ayJI  /»  £/>g  wame  o/*  (too7,  the  compassionate,  the  merciful. — Sometimes 

o  o      o  *       - 

a  substantive  is  used  adjectively ;  as  jSJ  ijjl».  a  young  woman  (who 

B   is)   a  virgin    (TV?)r\^,   TXlV^)  5    *•**    ju>.L~«   «   number  of  mosques ; 
t        :  T-:r  '         ' 

S*xc  JW-rs  ck>**  i«**  J-o^>3  gg  contains  a  number  of  horses  and  men  ; 

\$js-  ^>~w  a  number  of  years ;  3,>lc  JiX*.  <u-o  ^Jlij  and  this  is  a  usual 

*  *  *  * 
custom  of  his.     This  is  especially  the  case  with  nomina  verbi  ([ii-aJt 

jJlclqJ  U] ;   see  Vol.  i.  §  230,  rem.  c) ;    as  S^i  JU*.j  ^jk  tffore  aw 

plenty  of  men  with  me;  U*.  L».  JUJI  ,j^*»^jj  and  they  love  wealth 

C   with  a  great  love;  a5U  ^s.  juj  j^jl*  ^o-^'j  «w^  ye  are  a  band  of 

<i  0    ,  0    J  ..  9    »  ^       Of  ^  0 

wore  tfAaw  a  hundred;  j>$*o  J^.j  a  fasting  man,  Jjs-  Slj-ot  a  ,/ws£ 

i  O  0  *  <i     a  ''•>»'  <i   t>    ' 

woman,  ^-ej  J*$*  people  with  whom  one  is  pleased,  0*^*3  J**  tO~° 

j3u*  ^-cjj  jZJ  a  cleaving  blow  and  a  violent  thrust  and  a  burning 
shot*.     Compare,  in  Hebrew,  ^SDD  Wfy  Num.  ix.  20,  fcy&  DTON 

T     ■      .  .  T  -     ;  •      T  -• 

Nehem.  ii.  12;  and  in  Syriac,  (LiQXD  p-t  many  gardens,  f  Y 1  o 
|  LiQjCO   |A±^o  ?b«hi/  sons  and  daughters. 

X)  *  [It  is  sometimes  a  matter  of  taste  or  use,  whether  the  qualifica- 

tion by  a  genitive   (§  80),  or  by  apposition   is  to   be  employed  ;    for 

6    ..  O    J   -  r    O  *  *    1    *         »/  »(         0      ' 

instance  some  tribes  of  Keis  say  %^>  j^j,  0'*>w  O^W->  l^y^  JW*> 

O    *  lis  0  *  '    )  s  0  <  1     - 

instead  of  the  usual  %y»i  J^.j,  %y~>  *%*-y  %y  JW-j)  and  a  tradition 
has  ;*£)l  JJU  &5-J1  u.>»,Xa.,)i  ^JjLo  a  bad  companion  is  to  be  compared  to 
a  blacksmith's  bellows  (Zamahsarl,  Fdik  i.  372  seq. ;  comp.  the  Gloss,  to 
Ibn  al-Fakih  s.  v.  U-).     D.  G.] 

§136]    The  Sentence  &  its  Parts. — Appositives;  the  Adjective.    275 

Rem.  a.     A  noun  in  the   dual  or  plural   may,  of   course,  be  A 
followed  by  two  or  more  adjectives  in  the  singular,  if  a  contrast 

o  *  Sm  jo      j    ot* 

between   the   objects   mentioned    be   intended ;   as    ^>j*KP'    *-*i'j 

^  *0»9*  *  *OiO 

J>>^.J  1^  j*ij& '  /  s«w   *Ae   'm'O  Zhids,   Vie  liberal  and  the  stingy  ; 

*  0*  *  *  *  *  *  J    0  *  * 

**->j2  j~a3j  \M^°  \J^*H  "-^JJ-*  *  passed  by  {three)  men,  (one) 
tall,  (one)  short,  and  (one)  of  middle  size. 

Rem.  b.     If  an  adjective  in  the  dual  be  connected  with  two 
singular  nouns,  whose  regents  (J-«U)  are  identical  in  meaning  and    B 

******         S3-         -     *  * 

government,  it  agrees  with   them   in   case ;  as   JiJJaJt  j   juj   w-Jfci 

*      *  &*tf       40*  o  *       ,.*-.-  z  *  *  *       j  o  j  *         o  *         j  o  *  * 

jjUjjJOI  3j»*c,  or  0~*ij&\  jj-»*  ^jXc  0>».j  ^jJ^  Oy-o.  But 
if  the  two  regents  be  discordant  in  meaning  or  government,  the 

adjective  is  put  either  in  the  accusative  (supplying  i*-^'  /  mean) 


6  -    *  (//)J  *  J 

or  in  the  nominative  (as  the  j~±.  of  a  suppressed  I  j£«-o.  viz.  L©Jb) ; 

0  *       *o-o      h  o  *       *    *  *  *     r,o  *    w*  *  *       *  a  a       jo***         o  *         jo** 

t*        *0*o     *  0  *  *       *itO 

^*JUCJI  \j+z  or  ^jLjUCM.-— If  the  two  singular  nouns  be  connected    Q 
with  only  one  regent,  as  subjects  or  objects,  the  same  constructions 

*>"  9  0**        50*        *    * 

of   the  adjective  are  admissible  ;    e.g.   ^/}IL5lxJ  I   jj-0^3  Juj  j»\£   or 

:  ,  .-..-  o  *        *:•?      i  o  *  *        ZO*       J   oi*  *        *0-a 

^JlSlxJI:  0**jj£JI  ^J-**-}  '*^J  *— *}'j  or  U^»iP^'-  -But  ^  the  one 
be  the  subject  and  the  other  the  object,  the  construction  varies 
according  to  the  relation  of  the  regent  to  each  in  respect  of   its 

*0-e      so,       9  0*       *   *    * 

meaning ;  you  say  ^"i^l*J  I   t^-^c  juj  *->;*&•  ^'here  the  relation  is 

5  * 

different  in  respect  of  meaning  (for  Zeid  alone  is  w>jLo,  and  'Amr 

6        J    0    *  0*        '0*      S  0   -       SO*       *    *       * 

alone  is  wjjj-iu*),  but  V^>JLSUJ  I  l^c  juj  ^-o!^..  where  the  relation   D 

5       *  j 
is  the  same   (for  both   Zeid   and    'Amr  are  at  once  ^^pU^-o  and 

«  *  *  j 

Rem.  c.     In  later  times  a  noun  in  the  dual,  whether  masculine 

or   feminine,    is    sometimes    construed    with    an    adjective    in    the 

.    .  *2     »*o  *  s 

singidar  Jemmine  ;    as   <Ua..>jii    (j'i)U«   two   European    miles   (J~c 

*  0*      i*_       *  *  J         *   J    *    *        i*  *  *  j 

raasc.) ;    jjUauafcJI    i-iLaio    L^AtjIj    iio^lLL*    their    two    houses  are 

276  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  136 

A  contiguous,  the  walls  touching  each  other  (j\$  usually  fern.).  [For  a 
third  example  see  §  94.]  This  construction  has  become  the  rule  in 
modern  Arabic. 

Rem.  d.     It  is  always  possible  to  break  the  natural  connection 
between  a  substantive  and  its  adjective  (*JsJUI),  when  the  latter  is 

yt  *&  &'  b  £    >Os        vt    vt  lOy  b    y  b  **  *0*o  0 '  J    b  *  * 

employed  ^AyJI^  ^LuJI^  voJJ I j  «- j^Xi ;  as^^Ol   jujj  djj**,  or 

j  j 

,  s    tie  ,  b      bio  ,  J 

ws**aiJI,  or  ^SL^i\,  supplying,  in  the  case  of  the  nominative,  yh, 
B         and  of  the  accusative,  15-cl  (see  §  35,  b,  8,  rem.  a). 

Rem.  e.     The   pronoun   U  is   often   used  in    apposition  to  an 

i  £       *b     bio      , 

indefinite  noun,  with  a  vague  intensifying  force  (<LwolyJ*j)l   L») ;  as 

L>  jjwwls  some  {small)  number  or  quantity ;  U  U»U— »  Lkfil  </iw  us  some 

a     ot      -  0 
book  (or  other) ;  \*e>  j*o*$  Ov«a.  thou  art  come  because  of  some  matter 

*  *      t   *      j  *       Ct       t  *  s       *        b  *       b  £  b   *  b  s       >-     '  vi   &    w 

(of  importance);   l^i  A^a^su  Lo  *}LL©  «jj^u   ^1   i^mmZmj  *$  <UJI  ^jl 

lyl^i   verily  God  is  not  ashamed  to  invent  (lit.  strike,   coin)  some 
Q         similitude  (or  other),  a  gnat  and  what  is  above  it  (in  the  scale  of 

creation) ;    L©    ^mJ,   nearly  equivalent    to   ^    ^1,   what  a  man ! 

b,i  *       J       *       w       9      j 

^jj.5  ,-U  J-jlS  Le  jJ-mIS  i«Aa£  a  man  to  have  been  slain  was  he  whom 

the  Benu  Koreim  have  slain!     [Another  mode   of   expressing  the 

.-        -  j     -      -         *j 
same  idea  is  the  use  of  (<<*)  ^A  U  ((<*)  >*  after  a  verbal  noun, 

'        ' J     " 
of  (i*a)  3A  l*  after  an  adjective  or  an  equivalent  expression  such 

Ct    bto        *  Ct     b*o         *         *j       * 

as  SAiUI  ,JI  =  SAiUt  ,J|  J^L*  (§  51,  a),  in  the  sense  that  a  person  or 
a  thing  possesses  a  quality  in  a  certain  degree,  either  between  the 

Si     b*>       j       b  - 

j)         two  extremes,  /xerpiou  n  (iUU  I  ^L-liu),  or  in  an  indefinitely  high 

-  j         ^  "b-0  *  b  d  ie  j  *  bt 

degree.     Instances  of  the  former  are  y&  Lo  ^LJI  ,Jt  |JLJ"^'  J^J^ 

*  J        *         Zi     bio  , 

bright  of  colour,  verging  on  white ;  y*>  Lo  aJIaJI  ,J1  rather  few  than 

,  l         s     >  ,  b  i  *  *        ,  9  *       - 

many ;  yh  L«  >y~t\  blackish,  etc.;   of   the  latter  ^A  Lo  ._*  4^.1^. 
a  very  great  need ;   ^-fc    L*   A.t>^.   <u».  a   very  dangerous  snake ; 


j-A   Le  Vj"*'   cJU-^JI   15JI   much  more  to  the  north.     (This  use   of 

§  136]    The  Sentence  <£  its  Parts. — Appositives;  dem.  pronouns.    277 

1*   U  is   not  to  be  confounded  with   its  use  in   such   phrases   as   A 
ylb  Lo  j»*$  he  is  in  the  way  which  oxight  to  be  pursued,  sc.  vo^-ol* ; 

,  >       ,      ,  i  ,  t<e    it  -.■!.>  .>    o  ^  77?  7  •        i 

or  yb  U  jL^aJI  ^>l  jk».lj  J^  v-5^ju  everybody  knows  what  is  the 
meaning  of  hamd  "praise").     D.  G.] 

(b)  As  regards  the  demonstrative  pronouns,  which  are  looked 
upon  by  the  Arabs  as  substantives  (Vol.  i.  §§  190,  d,  and  338),  either 
they  may  be  placed  in  apposition  to  the  substantive,  or  the  substantive 

J        *»#       ,  \  ,  '    t       9  9  - 

to  them ;  as  .iUloJ.  IjJb  this  king,  lit.  this  (person),  the  king;  t«x*  **Jj    B 

Zeid,  this  (person),  i.e.  this  Zeid  or  ZMd  here.  In  both  cases  the 
apposition  is  a  qualificative  one,  whence  the  first  word  in  each  is 

J        JO    *B* 

called  by  the  Arabs  «J>j-ej»oJl  that  which  is  described,  and  the  second 

*  *  —  ' 

AioJI  the  description  or  descriptive  epithet.     [The  pluralia  fracta  are 

construed  with  a  pronoun  in  the  fern,  sing.,  unless  they  designate 
rational  beings,  in  which  case  the  pronoun  may  be  in  the  plural,  as 

JU.jJI    s^)>a.     This    last  is    also  applicable  to    the   collectives,   as   C 

It'tiO       v/JI  »»'J    t  *  0  -  J 

jafi)\  s*$yib,  and  the  names  of  Arab  tribes,  as  6^)Ja  lAo-*-]  As  the 
demonstrative  pronoun  is  by  its  nature  definite,  the  noun  in  apposition 
to  it  must  of  course  be  definite  likewise.     If  it  be  defined  by  the 

9      J  >' 

article,   the  demonstrative   usually  precedes,   as   fy~^>.   very  rarely 

9         *  Jji'        /I  *   I  J    J  w   * 

follows,  as  *jU  ;  e.g.  J^jJ'  tJub  ^/s  »*««,  seldom  tjjk  Ja.jJI.     But  if 

the  substantive  be  definite  by  its  own  nature  (as  a  proper  name  or 
a  mere  word,  §  78,  and  Vol.  i.  §  292,  c),  or  defined  by  having  a  genitive 

after  it,  the  demonstrative  always  follows ;  as  tjub  juj  this  Zeid  (see  D 

10'  .  t  *       £  S         o  3  *  j     j  o  ^o^ 

above)*;  ojub  ,j3l  ffos  (word)    idan  :  »Juk  ^jJI  ,jl  ^*~JI  j-i  j^JLoJI 

%*  l^*-oJ  it  is  well  known  in  grammar  that  this  'ila  has  the  meaning 
of  ma1  a;   £*i)yb  ^jLc  these  my  servants  or  these  servants  of  mine; 

*  If  the  proper  name  has  the  article,  IJuk  may  possibly  precede, 
because  it  is  to  a  certain  extent  a  common  noun  defined  by  the  article 

J  I     0<»       ,    I  ..    I         J  10' 

(see  above) ;  as  £>j*J\  IJdk,  or  I  Jut.  -£^s»Jt,  this  el-Hdrit. 

278  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  137 

\j&  Ul5j  ^Jl  ^o  £/«$  time  or  a#g  o/  otws;  J-Jj»JI  IJjb  ajU&  £A& 
famous  book  of  his.  On  the  other  hand,  in  such  a  phrase  as  a$U  ojjt, 
ijl^XJ  aJJI  the  words  aAJI  a5U  are  the  predicate  (>*£•)  of  «JJk,  and 
aj!  ^£)  is  a  circumstantial  accusative,  this  is  the  she-camel  of  God,  (as) 
a  Sigrw  w?ifo  2/o «.  [Likewise,  in  the  saying  w>WW  j»>^*  J*ij  '•**  the 
words  vWW  ^r>{*  **4)  must  be  considered  as  the  predicate  of  IjJb, 
seg  this  is  (=  S00  £/je;*0  is)  Zeid  standing  at  tlie  door,  in  ^>j  j-«*  IjJk 
B  ou-Jb  labw^Lo  w>Ua,a»J  t  here  is  'Omar  the  son  of  U-Hattab  girded 
tt>&'£/*  ^  sword,  wjLkaiJI  ,jj  j^ft  is  the  predicate,  (J*Jb  U»-^L» 
a  circumstantial  accusative.     D.  G.] 

137.     J^»,  >*«».,  and  less  frequently  a*Ip,  totality,  are  often 

placed  after  the  definite  noun  which  they  might  govern  in  the  genitive 
(§  82,  a,  b),  in  which  case  a  pronominal  suffix  is  appended  to  them, 

0  }  Z   )  I     S  +  til  -  id* 

referring  to  that  noun  ;    as  >ov^*  tr»^'»  or  ^xry^-o-q-  i»h^',  a^  men 
C    (also  l***»-  (^*»^l,  §  82,  b) ;  V^*  *****"»  or  V*^»**-  *-W*^>  ^  wAo/g 

ut     J  J  *■  J  '  '     0'  J   J  ul       *  JO     /    0/ 

tribe ;  i>y».£  o  g>  Olju^l  a//  ^  Hinds  ;  aI*U  ^gaJl  ^  wAo/^  army ; 

OjJi       /         jJ/3/ 

^o^iolt  ^ejiJI  £Ae  wfo/le  £;v'6e  or  family.  If  the  noun  be  indefinite,  this 
construction  is  inadmissible,  for  the  pronominal  suffix,  being  by  nature 
definite,  cannot  refer  to  any  other  than  a  definite  noun.  There  is, 
however,  one  exception,  namely,  when  the  indefinite  noun  indicates  a 

J  ii  1        0  0  *  *d  J         «*  * 

precise  period  of  time ;  e.g.  *X£s  j^>  a  whole  month;  ly^s  4-w  a  whole 

B  year;  w^j   *^   J>*"   SjtC   yi-^   ^   ^  would  that  the  number  (of 

months)  of  a  whole  year  were  (all)  Regeb  !    Words  of  a  vague  signifi- 

9     0-9^9  92   J 

cation,  such  as  c-ij,  0-*j>  »>**•>  *»*■•>  fo'me,  a  space  of  time,  etc., 

cannot  be  thus  construed. — After  J^»  and  its  suffix  we  often  find  a 
second  apposition,  agreeing  with  the  preceding  substantive  in  gender, 

J   ,    0    t  ~  ,  0    , 

number  and  case,  namely,  the  adjective  ^♦»»',  fern.  *U*».,  plur.  masc. 

J    ,     o    t  _  >    s    1  r   *    t  I 

,\,  fern,  (see  Vol.  i.  §  309,  a,  8)  £*••  (the  dual  masc.  ^U^^.t, 

§  137]    The  Sentence  &  ite Parts— Appositives ;  J£»,  £^.  etc.    279 

*  '  • '  . 

and  fern.  o'j^**»->  are  not  admitted  by  the  great  majority  of  gram-  A 

marians) ;  as  ^j}X+*.\  ^X£s  2£ZX+)\  j^....i  and  the  angels  all  (without 
exception)  prostrated  themselves.  Sometimes  this  word  is  used  without 
J^ ;    as    v^**^*-l  jvris&*$    verily   I  ivill   lead   them    all   astray ; 

.1  Jul  jJkjJI  cJULb  o^i  in  that  case  I  would  pass  all  my  time  in 

>/ti  *  -  o  £  *  *  »  t       t  a  *    i  *  a  *t-o        i  +      o  * 

weeping  Q«o»  1  in  rhyme  for  *-*»-t)  :  l*-»»-'  bj^>  <>£JI  Oj*»  jJ  ^ 
pulley  creaked  a  whole  day. 

Rem.  a.     Instead  of  using  the  pronominal  suffix,  the  noun  itself   B 
is  occasionally  repeated  after  J^ ;    as  in  the  verse  of    Kuteiyir, 
^i)  b  ^LJI  ^J^  ^UJI  <su£l  b  0  ^A<>u  most  like  of  all  men  to  the 

0      *    1 

moon  (in  beauty),  instead  of  ^^Jl^s. 

Rem.  6.     A  peculiar  use  of  ^£s  as  an  appositive  is  exemplified 
by  the  phrases  pl^-uJI  J^s   cla>..»)l  ^Jk  /*e  is  a  £r««  hero,  ^bJI  ^Jk 

^bJI  ^J^  Ae  w  «  thorough  scholar;    tyiiS   ^J^  i***"  C*5l  ^o?t 

ar£  a  reaZ  man.     Similarly,  according  to  §z-ZamahsarT,  ^JbJI   tjdk    (J 

*•»<»    i  ^a*»     a  «■  3 

^bJI  .xa..  or^UJ!  Ji».,  ?Ais  rs  a  thorough  scholar  (j**.  toil,  effort, 


pains ;  Jio.  truth,  reality,  fact).     [Comp.  §  82,  b,  rem.  footnote.] 

j   ..  o  £ 

Rem.  c.     To  *»«a»1  are  sometimes  appended  other  synonymous 
words,  which  form  their  fern.  sing,  and  masc.  and  fern.  plur.  in  the 

J  -  a    i         j     -  :i  j/tc 

same  way;  viz.  *I&I,  %*oj\,  and  *Q1.  The  usual  sequence  of 
these  synonyms  is  exemplified  in  the  phrase  «■  0,it-  *  a\£=»  u-*s*^  '  * V- 

j  /t£      i    -  oi      i  ,  a    J 

jCjI   *»ojI    «.I^1  <Ae  entire  army  came ;  but  the  order  of  the  last   D 

}     *  ii       i   ,a; 

two  may  be  inverted,  *-cul  *Z>\.  They  are  scarcely  ever  used 
singly  and  without  J£s ;  as  ^ytZ£»l^ejiJI  ^sb*.  *A<?  wAofe  friie, 
or  people,  came  to  me;  l\iiji\  L-;JL»a>J  lx*j^  L-^o  ■>l-l.^  ,^,)  b 
\%&>\  *^)^».  0  would  that  I  were  a  sucking  child,  whom  ed-Delfd 
(or  she  with  the  slender  nose)  would  carry  for  a  whole  year ;  bj>Jji 

280  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  138 

■ o  j        o     *     /tj       * o ^5<«. 

A         LUauisI  A£jj  ^jj  ^>1«jUj  U^AJtj^jljJJI  ^/iey  turned  their  backs  upon 

us  and  protected  themselves  one  and  all  by  (seeking  refuge  from  us 
behind)  tn-No'mdn  ibn  Zur(a. 

3  -  ° £ 
[Rem.  d.     p-*^  is  also  often  connected  with  the  noun  to  which 

o         -   0  i  ~ 

it  refers  by  means  of   the  preposition  w>,  as  jXn,g»c>.L>   lj*U»  ^Aey 

ca?«,e  a^   o/"  them,   all   together.     Likewise    ^>*c    (§  139)   and   the 
words  j~i\  (properly  a  thong  of  untanned  hide)  and  S*)  (a  worn-out 

0  i  J     0    J  OOC-lOs** 

B         rope),  as  dj-^U  ojk*.   take  thou  it  all ;  ^j-jb  j>%&\  ?l».  tf/ie  people 

w  J  0     d   -e        o-  ^  ^  ,. 

came  altogether;   aIajJ  g^_ ^Jt   aJI    «i.»  Ae  </ave  /tim  <Ae  ^m^  aZ- 

together  ;  aZajJ  &l-^JU  «^JU*3l  /  have  brought  thee  the  thing  altogether. 

Similar  corroboratives  (§  139,  rem.  a)  are  given  by  HamadanI  in 
his  Kitab  M-*Elfaz,  Beyrout  ed.  p.  214.     D.  G.] 

138.  Like  J^  and  its  synonyms  are  used  O*^9,  fem-  O^^* 

O   0  ,  0    0 

both  (§  83),  [t^a*J  a  part]  and  ^JusJ  a  half.     They  follow  the  noun  to 

C    which   they  refer,   and   take   the   appropriate  pronominal   suffix ;   as 

l-o^JL^   wwjJaJlj  ^o^fcoJI    ^ I    the  teacher  and  the  physician,  both  of 

*     0*0  6ss  **  *0*>  ss        -  J    0    *" 

them;  l^-JJL£»  <u2LJL«j   -~.~~.<J\  ^Jisu+kj  o-i-ot  /  believe  in  the  two 

J  0  *0»O  ,*  * 

natures  of  the  Messiah  and  His  two  wills,  both  of  them  ;  [j*y*l  t  ^^ 

o  }  j  o ,.  j  j  o         3  o  *  o* 

^o^-aaj  a  part  of  the  people  came  to  me] ;  aa-aj  jjl^aJI  half  the  army. 

Rem.     &*$&  is   very  rarely  used  in  apposition  to  a  feminine 

.-       0  ■-  OssOZl'O  'Oi  &        J* 

D         substantive,   as   l^^JL^    ^y^jjji]   ^j>aj   ^>-oJ   thou  favourest  (me) 
with  the  proximity  of  the  two  Zeinebs,  both  of  them. 

9t/  0     0  *  .  .  . 

139.  um*">,  soul>  an(l  0^>  eye>  essence  (of  a  thing),  are  often 
employed  in  the  sense  of  ipse,  self  (compare  §  135).     They  are  then 

not  seldom  prefixed  to  a  noun,  which  they  govern  in  the  genitive ;  as 

O'W'  O*^  degradation  itself,  utter  degradation;  ^-jSs^iJI  ,j>*£  ^ 

„  .  o*>     jo*  ii  *>      S  *     <)*   *         *J 

star  itself;   Jj*i)'  Ch*  **?  ^y^'  U*  SjW*1  >*  ^*s  «  aw  expression 

9   a  - 

§  139]    The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Appositives ;  ,j*£,  i^Ju.    281 

for  that  wherein  the  second  (term)  is  identical  with  the  first ;  a-JLS  C*jIj  a 
I  have  seen  himself;  a~Ju  ^>c  Jv*?^'  *^!ii  ^  removing  of  ignorance 


//ww   himself     But    more   generally  they  are   used,   like    J-&,   as 
appositives  to  a  definite  noun,  and  are  followed  by  the  appropriate 

pronominal  suffix ;  as  a— aj  juj  jU.  ^«W  himself  came ;  >-~^>)  OsU*. 
Ij—aj  ZeuM  herself  came;  *~Ju  Ij^c  Col;  /  saw  ilra/-  himself 
If  the  noun  be  in  the  dual  or  plural,  the  plural  forms  u-Ju)  and 
,jUcl  should  be  employed,  as  U^—ajI  (j^./*-*^'  ^*i|;  -^  saw  the  B 
two  amirs  themselves ;  U^— ajI  ^ju^JU  Ojj*  /  passed  by  the  two 
Hinds  themselves ;  j^ — hj\  l\jj^i\  aL3  the  vizirs  themselves  killed  him  ; 
L'iW*'ji  uW*'  «■**  £fos«  are  thy  dirhems  themselves].  Some  authori- 
ties admit  in  this  case  the  use  of  the  singular  or  the  dual,  as 
U^ ■■>*■'»    0'*HP'    *W-,   or    UaLJu,   the  two  ZVids  themselves  came; 

[comp.  Vol.  i.  §  317,  rem.  d].     These  words  are  also  often  connected 
with  the  nouns  to  which  they  refer  by  means   of  the  preposition   C 

«-> ;  as  (Uio  j^^  eW.  the  'amir  came  in  person ;  <uaj  OIm-" 
degradation  itself ;  ^r-Jul)  ,jjjlii»j  o^'j  rtW<^  "^  they  are  choosing 
in  person;  yCcb  ^-^1  ^'i*)l  the  'aivafi  (spear-shafts)  are  the 
spears  themselves ;  AjjjiJ  jj^jLcb  5^— J I  j'NlJjb  ^  ^  yb  ,j£)  ^-Ju 
fo  swears  that  unless  he  restores  the  women  themselves,  he  icill  assuredly 
attack  him;  [<u**j,  etc.  after  an  indefinite  noun  means  a  certain,  as  D 
j^o\yai\  ^j^— j  oUj*j  £-«>«  v^-Jj  i**.UI  ^o-fLi  j^o\^d\  Ulj  *£7- 
Awdsim  is  the  name  of  a  district,  there  is  no  place  of  this  name]. 

.  6  a  * 

Occasionally,   too,    ,>*£   is  appended  in  the  form   of  an   adverbial 
accusative,  or  by  means  of  the  preposition  ^,  but  without  any  suffix  ; 

as  (O**?)  *-***  }*>  ••**,  ^  W  ^  t'^ry  person  (or  thing). — ,.^-iJ  and 

,>*c  may  be  put  in  direct  apposition  to  a  pronominal  suffix  in  the 

accusative  or  genitive ;   as    2l..jL>  »iJb  Ojj-«.  a— iJ   aj   o^,   <^UjIj 

w.  ii.  36 

282  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  139 

0  •     J  JO  £- 

A  jl~JJ.  a-mAj  aIjIj.     But  if  the  pronominal  suffix  represent  the  agent, 
as  in  the  verb,  the  insertion  of  a  separate  pronoun  is  a  matter  of 

necessity  ;  as  a~Ju  jA  wA$  he  went  away  himself,  ^a  *3J*mm  »*" 

^o^-~AJl    ^Ae  people   were  present   themselves;   *zL~Ju    oJt    %Z++.9   thou 

thyself  stoodest  up ;  j<£~Ju\  j£>\  t>«>$  stand  ye  up  yourselves  (whereas 

we  can  say^»&£>  '>•>*  stand  up  all  of  you). 

Rem.  a.     The  words  J^,   **«►».,  icU,  £»o*.1  etc.,  0^=*  and 

B         ij\Zk£s,  UueJ,  ^-su,  and  ^>*c,  form  one  division  of  that  class  of 

appositives,    ajI^UI,    which   the    grammarians    name    j^*£»UJI    (or 

j  e  a  ,•  ,  _  j  »i    £  it, 

ju£a*Ht),  <Ae  strengthening  or  corroboration,  and  ji^^©JI  £/te  corro- 
borative, because  they  strengthen  the  idea  of  totality  or  of  self, 
already  contained  in  the  py^-o,  by  the  addition  of  their  own.  This 
class  of  appositives  is  designated  by  the  special  name  of  ju£»^Jt 

^3«i*<JI,    £/*,e    corroboration   in   meaning,   to   distinguish    it    from 

C  .JajUJ!    ju&^JJI,  <Ae  verbal   corroboration,  which   consists   in    tne 

emphatic  repetition  (jjjSS))  or  jljXJt)  of  the  word  itself ;  as  in  the 

0  to  0  *o    *       J  a  *o    ,     ,?.     *     ,s.  *  0 *       j      *   v>  10    *    bi.         s       *    oz^ 

verse  ^^^.t  ^^-^.l  ^^i»-'^JI  j)\j\  JUI  ^iU-j  3U»*dt  ^jj\  ^jJt  ^u 

whither,  whither  can  I  escape  with  my  mule  ?     The  pursuers  are 

come  up  to  thee,  come  up  to  thee ;  halt !  halt  !  (^^-^.I  in  rhyme  for 

^^m^.1).     So  also  in  answers,  ^xi  ^xj  yes,  yes ;    *$  *$  no,  no.     If 

a  word  is  governed  by  a  preposition  or  other  particle,  both  must 
,       ,       i  a*  *  a  * 

D         be  repeated  ;  as  ȣJb  >iJL>  O^-o  /  passed  by  thee,  by  thee  ;  j\  jJI  ,-S 

0  »-       a  «»  ««^a«o,    a 

juj  jl  jJI  i»5  .£e«/  is  in  £/i<e  house,  in  the  house ;  I  juj  ^>l  I  juj  ^jl 

^15  ^eic/,  ^eicZ  is  standing  up.     A  suffix  pronoun  may,  however, 

be   strengthened   in  this  case,   as  well  as  in  others,  by  the  cor- 

,  et   «       j  » *  * 
responding  separate  pronoun  [§  130]  ;  as  wJt  «iXj  Oy-o  /  2)assed  by 

,  j  ,1        ,0, »  1 

thee,  or  ylb  <xj  by  him  ;  lit  f.iZcj^s)  thou  didst  show  kindness  to  me; 

J  Uulj  <Aow  sawest  us;  C-JI  O-^S  thou  stoodest  up;  [or  by  a 

§139]   The  Sentence  &  its  Parts. — Appositives;  the  Adj.  ii-oJt.    283 

construction  with  U,  as  jLj]  &J\j  I  saw  thee  (Vol.  i.  §  189)].   A 
Only  a  poet  could  venture  to   say  ^As*j  ^>j£)'    ol    0\  indeed, 
indeed  the  noble  man  is  grave  or  sedate. 

0  9* 

Rem.  b.  Besides  the  ju£s^3,  the  Arab  grammarians  acknow- 
ledge  three  other  classes  of  f->\yi;  viz.  wjeJt  or  <ia.oJl,  2Ae  description 
or  descriptive  word,  qualificative,  adjective;  ^JjuJt,  <A«  substitution 
or  per  mutative ;  and  ^jLJt  oUa^,  £/t«  explanatory  apposition. 

(1)     The  C*aj  or  <ul«  may  refer  to  the  fy~-<>  either  directly   ]} 

(in  which  case  it  is  a  simple  adjective),  as  ^j*~ »•  J^-j  icJ«^«  ^«re 
cawie  £o  ?>ie  a  handsome  man  ;  or  indirectly,  in  virtue  of  a  following 
word  which  is  connected  with  it,  as  a^.\  ^  tj^j  ic^^-  £/*ere 
cawe  to  me  a  man  whose  brother  is  handsome.     In  this  latter  case 

3   5  -  J 

the  adjective  [called  >_...; ....-qJI  the  connected]  belongs,  as  a  prefixed 

J     -    i 

predicate,   to    the   following    noun   [called   y^>JI    the   connecting], 
which    is   its    subject,    and    the    two    together    form   a   4JL0,    or    Q 
qualificative  clause,  of  the  preceding  substantive,  with  which  the 
adjective  agrees  in  case  only  by  attraction*;  as  U...».  *ke*j  C-olj 

3       3  i  *J)  0  *       £  *   *       £$*  &*o      3     OS-' 

09A.I  /  saw  a  man  whose  brother  is  handsome,  lyyt».j  U,,».  Sl^-ot  Oolj 

3  &  3  *  ,  j  -         3  *  *  * 

I  saw  a  tooman  whose  face  is  handsome,  dj j^c  /«*£*  w^J^   ^-JJJ^° 

t  it        +  +   *  J  *  3    S  ,  *■ 

I  passed  by  a  man  whose  enemies  are  many,  <su»1  ^ ^ ..  o—  ^J-a*j*>  ^jj-* 

I  passed  by  a  man  whose  mother  is  handsome.  If  the  following 
noun  be  in  the   dual  or   plural,  the  adjective  is  still   left  in  the  j) 

singular;  as  LoJkl^jl  £y~^  ^^Jt^eLt  Oj^-a  I  passed  by  two  women 

a  j  j      j    j        ^  *   *  i  a  *  * 

whose  parents  are  handsome ;  ^yAj^wj  rt ;  ...a.  ^J^j-j  *-*JJ*  I  passed 
by  some  men  whose  faces  are  handsome,  ^t%^\j\   \+jj&  ^)l»»j  "^'j 

*  [Also  when  the  preceding  substantive  is  only  understood,  as 
lyjlbjl  ^j^a>, ;J1  ^03  (sc.  fJjLi}\)  and  from  the  tribes  that  are 
domiciled  in  Negd  (HamdanT,  p.  118,  J.  11).     D.  G.] 

284  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  139 

A         /  saw  some  men  whose  fathers  are  noble ;  though,  if  the  noun  be 

J      OZ- 

plural,  the  broken  plural  of  the  adjective  is  admissible,  as  C*j|j 
djul  \^jj£s  *$>&-},  or  djbl  LoljJs,  /  saw  a  man  whose  forefathers  are 
noble.  If  the  preceding  noun  be  defined  in  any  way,  the  adjective 
takes  the  article;  as  Ay^J  Q — a— J 1  ljuj  <uAj  /  saw  ^eia7,  w&ose 
yace  is  handsome;    oj^sj  j»jJu+J\   ^^i^jti]   ^y^i I   ^jI   ,«£»•  ^^* 

'l-Futuh  el-'Iyli,  who  has  been  mentioned  before,  narrates  ;  J»»»p'  fU*. 
«ljjt  (J-iUJI  the  man  came,  whose  parents  are  excellent;  ?$—£  A*- 

ou**Jg   <LLoUjI  Jesus  came,  whose  two  natures  are  perfect,  ^)^L^\ 

0  J  J  0  i   vi  *  *  3  b*o  5J^, 

^oAj£»j  J*J>*Z*1 1   £Ae  kings  who  have  been  mentioned  before ;   jJjjS 

^o^j^Ai    <Lw  UUJ   ?#oe    to   those   zvhose   hearts  are  hard !     The   Arab 

grammarians  assume  that   every  adjective   contains  a  pronominal 
agent  within  itself,  when  no  other  agent  is  expressed,  and  they 

therefore  call  the  adjective  J*A)I  <Uw,  that  which  is  like  the  verb. 

0     -     -  0  J  -  *  j  0     -    «  SJ'  «   3    - 

Consequently    ^j~»*.   J^,j    is    with    them  =  yb    SJ~».   J^-j  =  J^-j 

J       J  c      0 

(3A)  ^—.».;  but  oj^t  ^....».  ,J*»»j,  where  another  agent  is  expressed, 
is-ojxi.1  ,J— j*.  <J*!-j'>  anc^  s0  w^h  the  rest:  <u>t  «U»u».  ,J*^  0)j»o-= 

jwc       a     ^  j  ^  j  ^  j  a  *  *        6  j  I.*,*       t         ,  1     ,  j   oi*  i+  J    »i' 

a*\    C**»»»i    sj-cf'jl    ^JJ*'  vO^jW    U^/^    *^^j    ^» *ib  =  1^W^   ^"^'j 

a  •>  ^•""    -  J  -        JJ   «   /      »•     *     *  »x>      ;»/       j    e£,  j  j  0   *      *     j    *  wxji      f  0  ^      j    £?«• 

etc.     In  such  cases  the  seemingly  nominal  sentence  is  in  reality  a 

verbal  sentence,  serving  as  asuo  to  the  preceding  substantive.     On 

j)         the  other  hand,  if   the  substantive  precedes  the  adjective,  as  in 

O-****"  *yil  \J*f-j  ^^W")  the  second  substantive  and  the  adjective 
which  follows  it  form  together  a  really  nominal  sentence,  of  which 

1. '  -  0  j 

the  substantive  is  the  \j<L~o  and  the  adjective  the  j-». ;  and 
consequently  both  must  remain,  under  all  circumstances,  in  the 
nominative,    and    the    adjective    must   agree    regularly    with    the 

substantive,  as  ^j— ».  03/i.l  *jl».j  Culj,  iu«».  4*1  J*^  ^jj-*,  etc. 

X  JS/O         j    ,    , 

(2)     The  J ju,  or  permutative,  is  of  four  kinds,     (a)  JJCJ I  J jy 

§139]  Sentence  &  its  Paris. — Ajypositives ;  Permutative.  JjuJ'.  285 

JJCJI  ^^o  7A«  substitution  of  the  whole  for  the  wlwle  ;  as  j^c  lV£  •     -^ 

jj^t  'Omar,  thy  brother,  came  to  me/^Jk^j^Ss  a^jjlqJI  js>y*  lVc^ 
»  W«o  x  j  ^ 
_^AjU*-£j   i/i6  people   of  the   city   came   to   me,  great   and  small; 

all  I  k\j*a  jjfJiZmmA  k\j*o  ,JI  to  a  straight  path,  the  path  of  God ; 
4J&l£.  <L»5l^  i*-«U  iL-oUJU  UJi...^   TPe  in7£  seize  and  drag  (him) 

j  Z         #  s  -        j    lis         j  a  -  - 

by  the  forelock,  a  lying,  sinful  forelock;  obt  ljuj  wolj,  Ou* 
do  juJJ.  A  noun  may  be  substituted  for  the  suffix  pronouns  of 
the  3d  pers.,  as  tjuj  <^'j,  J^j  *4  ^-"JJ*'  IjJl*.  ojj  t^'sii  Aim,  Hdlid,    B 

^Jla»^  lyJl^  Cy-°  *^  ^^J*^'  ^j'  l*^  notwithstanding  that  th°,y — 
the  times — are  all  become  marvellous ;  but  not  for  the  suffixes  of 
the  1st  and  2nd  pers.,  unless  a  plurality  of  individuals  is  distinctly 

referred  to,  as  tJ^bj  Wj^  ' J^  ^  OL>^  (which)  niay  be  a  festival 
for  ns,  for  the  first  of  us  and  the  last  of  us.  We  cannot  say 
Ijuj  >2XZj\j,  juj  *£b  Ojj*;  nor  even  ^Cn.^.M  [UIJ  ^  [Jj^I] 
woe  to  me,  the  poor  !  J9ij&\  ^JLJLc  oh  ?A«e,  <A«  noble*.  In  such  cases  (J 
as  i)bl  <ili>lj,  those  are  right  who  regard  ,i)b1  not  as  a  Jju  but 
as  a  J~r=>y>  (see  rem.  a).     [To  this  kind  belong  the  permutatives 

that  indicate  the  parts  of  the  whole,  the  species  of  the  genus,  the 

definitions   of   measure,    number,   weight   and   colour   (§  95,   f oot- 
id }»>e      ,  a  -0*>       »  *  + 

note).] — (6)  J£)  I  s^yt>  ^oxA  t  J  ju  the  substitution  of  the  part  for 

)  ,  3  >        -      fi«»     j  o  -   £ 

the  whole  ;  as  a£U  ouipi  C-J^l  I  ate  the  loaf  the  third  part  of  it, 
ox   I  ate   a   third  of   the    loaf;    jlJI    aJL5   £iss   Aim,    his   hand;  D 

i^j^fj  >»*b*j)lj   Q'* *W   ^J^jl   ^  threatened  me,  my  foot,  with 

the  prison  and  fetters,  (c)  JLjJw^)l  Jju  <A€  comprehensive  substi- 
tution, i.e.  the  permutative  which  indicates  a  quality  or  circumstance 

*  [In   the   former    case    we    ought   either  to   write    jj-Jw^JI   as 

,t  '     ' 

predicate   of   the  emphatic    Ul    (§  130),  or  to  use   the  accusative  of 

specification  (§  35,  b,  S),  which  must  be  used  in  the  latter  case.] 

286  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  139 

A        possessed  by  or  included  in  the  preceding  substantive ;  as  L5^a».fr< 

J    jO  40  ,  ,      )    *    ,  ,0   s     oi 

•x^Xc  jjtj  Zeid's  learning  filled  me  with  surprise  ;  ^JLe*^£»  ,_J£*a»£l 

*      *  i  o  o *  oi      * 

thy  speech  filled  me  with  surprise;   ULa^  ,_oA».  ,-UJLJjJ!  Lo  thou 

6    ,  *     *  , 

hast  not  found  my  understanding  lost  (or  thrown  away) ;  O^i^ij 

s   *  *    *  o*      *  }  t  * 

lySl*  ijj  juaJ  and  she  called  to  mind  the  coldness  of  the  water  of 

Taktud  ;  4*3  JUS^ol^aJI  jv**^'  O-*  &>^\~~ i  they  will  question  thee 

about  fighting  in  the  sacred  month,   lit.   about    the  sacred  month, 

B         (about)  fighting    in   it.     (d)    The    fourth    case   is  where    the    per- 

mutative  (Jju^Jt)  is  wholly  different  from  the  *Uo  J****  or  word 
for  which  it  is  substituted  (d-i*  Jjcj^JU  ^L^JI  JjtJI).     It  is  of 

,    0      0*0        J    *  * 

two  sorts:  (a)  wjIj-£*n)I   jJjiJ  the  permutative  of  retractation  (from 

..  •  a  £  »»  -•  ^ao      j  -•  ^ 

w)j-ol,  to  £wm  aivay  from),  or  6I  juJ  t  ^Jju  ^Ae  substitution  of  a  new 
opinion,   something   one    ivould   like   to   substitute  for  the  original 

t  0    J  }      0  *     t 

statement ;  as,  for  instance,  when  one  says  jj>*»»  cJtfol  /  ate  bread, 
but  then,   preferring  to   state  that  he  had  eaten  meat,  adds  the 

i  0  *  to*      to  >        }    a  *   i 

Q         word   l0t»  I   (l«*J  \j~^  cJLS»l).     Here,  to   use  the  words  of    the 

J  vt  tO     J      '  0  J  '    '  1        JO   sbfO      J      *  0  J 

grammarians,  juUJI  JwcJu  l*^  c^l»)l  Juoaj  £/*e  metbu'  is  designed 
as  well  as  the  tdbi1;  and  this  is  what  distinguishes  it  from  (ft)  ^jju 
^jL.>«.*3tj  Ja-liJt  the  permutative  of  error  and  forgetfulness,  in  which 

o     j  o  »■ 

the    &>**•«  is  uttered   merely  by  mistake,   and  the  correct  word 

C  ,  ,  0  -  J    0,    - 

immediately  substituted  for  it ;  as  when  one  says  ^ji  sr^j  £jjj-» 

*    0      OiO       J   *  * 

I  passed  by  a  dog,  (I  meant  to  say)  a  horse.     The  wjI^^JI  jjju  is 

D         equivalent  to  the  use  of  the  particle  ^  (U^J  Jj  ]}*»•  C*A£»I). 

(3)  The  (jLJt  Uuftfi  or  explicative  apposition  is  the  asyndetic 
connection  of  a  substantive  with  a  preceding  substantive,  which  it 
more  nearly  defines ;  as  juj  ^)j*.l  i^JsU*.  <%  brother  Zeid  came  to 

0*1  0  *  it  U  *  '  '  Ot  si       i 

me;  j+s-  ^aa*.  yi\  aJUb  ^o-J>l  'Abu  Ilafs  'Omar  swore  by  God 
(j-*£-  in  rhyme  for^c);  J»-jJto  jU  ^j*c  i«**^  ^te  «^a^  6e  given  to 

,   *     ,  >         -    -     -         0  J  j      J 

drink  water,  watery  humour  (or  matter) ;    a£s>jL*o  oj^Jj  ^-o  ^>y. 

§  140]      The  Sentence  and  its  Parts. —  Verbal  Appositives.         287 

iijljj  {which)  is  lighted  with  (the  oil  of)  a  blessed  tree,  an  olive.   A 

.•  j  *     *     * 
This  apposition  is  equivalent  to  the   use  of  ^Aj,  l<*3>  e^c-   (e-»- 

9  0**3*        *  it  ~  * 

juj  ybj   £)j±.\   j-jglfc),  and,   being  asyndetic,  is  opposed  to  the 
Jt— J I  otbcc,  or  connection  of  sequence,  which  takes  place  by  means 

,       2  J  Z  *        oi  oi 

of  connective  particles,  such  as  j,  ^J,  ^j,  ^j**.,  j»\,  and  ^1.     [To 

this  kind  belong  the  appositives  to  a  vocative  (§  38,  rem.  f),  those 

that  denote  the  material  (§  94),  the  nicknames  (§  95,  a,  rem.),  etc.] 

j  *  * 
Rem.  c.     One  verb  may  be  substituted  for  another  by  the  ^jju 

hi    30*9  *  _     .•   "  -.-  J  *  *  0*0        3*  0    *         *  J  t        *t  *  0  *  •         I  6^0*.  0        ^ 

JiCJI    ^>*   J&l,  as  w>IJut)l   <d   utcUu  Utfl  JJu    JUj   JjUj    ^   B 
whosoever  doeth  this,  shall  find  a  recompense  of  sin — his  chastisement 

t  0   *  {  *      *  0  *       *  *  2  1  r     l  -  *  * 

shall  he  doubled;   *$}*?.  LJn,rw    »va>j    ^jW^   lj'    W  vo-*^   ^^   15** 
when  thou  contest  to  us — visitest  us  in  our  country — thou  shalt  find 

*      0  *9  *3       3   *  *  *  0'  0*3* 

firewood  in  abundance ;  or  by  the  Jl^Iw^M  yjj*>,  as  UJI  ^J-cu  ^o 

0*3       *         0        *  0  * 

^jju  Uj  ^jjC-~j  whoever  comes  to  us  (and)  asks  help  of  us,  is  helped. 

Rem.  d.    The  word  to  which  a  jSsyo  is  annexed  is  called  by  the 

3  2  t  30* 

grammarians  j*£bj^JI   that  which   is  strengthened  or  corroborated;    C 

.  *'  6      0*  J  J   0    *  0*  130*0* 

that  which  is  followed  by  a  aJus  or  O^aJ,  \mfij*oy+i\,  or  OjjU^JI,  #A«? 
qualified  or  described ;  that  which  has  a  ^Jju  after  it,  <uu  JjJ^JI 
£/i«£  /or   which   something   is   substituted ;    and    that   to    which    a 

**OiO  30      *  0**  3       3      0*0* 

,jLJI  oikfi  is  appended,  aJLc  o^Jajt^JI  Me  wore?  to  which  (an 
explanatory  word)  is  attached  (by  means  of  a  virtual  conjunction). 


Rem.  e.     In  phrases  like  ^^utJ^^-aju  I^JUUJ,  they  fought  xoith 


one  another,  the  words  ^axJ  ^-cuu  are  a  permutative  of  the  agent   D 

0  3  "  j  *     *  * 

jt*,  contained  in  the  verb  \jX3\Ju,  and  serve  to  strengthen  the  idea 

of  reciprocity  belonging  to  that  verbal  form.    The  J^UjT  *Jj&  J>*$ 
o*  ***-** 

in  (»>a*-J,  which  supplies  the  place  of  the  accusative,  is  dependent 

3  *     *^  3  *     *  * 

upon  I^JJIS,  they  fought  with,  contained  in  b^JUUb. 

140.     One  finite  verb  may  also  be  put  in  apposition  to  another. 
In  this  case  either  (a)  the  first  is  the  preparative  act,  introductory 

288  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  141 

3  '  s      s     ,  ,      * 

A  to  the  second,  as  a)  >*%->  j>\l  he  arose  (and)  prostrated  himself  before 
^'w,  dbt  dUjo  ^o-UI  >J~ij\i  then  he  sent  (and)  informed  his  father  of 
this,  0%x5j  ^a)I  O^Uj  and  disturbances  broke  out  again  ;  or  (o)  the 

s     -  i      *   *   - 

second  modifies  the  first,  as  JU&I  jia....*  /^  continued  long  prostrate, 

*     s    t  l  it' 

yj*~*J\  L5^£  he  sang  well.  In  both  cases  the  older  and  more  elegant 
form  of  expression  is  to  insert  the  conjunction  o :  aJ  j»f~mi  >oU>, 
Jl~i  *\e-  he  asked  again,  JU»U  j^-w.     If  the  first  of  the  two  verbs 

B  be  a  perfect,  the  second  must  be  so  likewise,  for  the  imperfect  would 
be  a  [Oj^*-*  or]  j****  J^*-  (see  §  8,  d,  e),  and,  as  such,  would  virtually 
stand  in  the  accusative  [comp.  §  44,  c,  rem.  a] ;  as  ^Aju  J->jl  w/^Y 
nuntiaturus,  he  sent  to  inform.  If  both  verbs  are  in  the  imperfect, 
the  second  may  either  be  an  apposition  [§  139,  rem.  c]  or  a  jjJLc  Jl»»; 
as  ^oJaj  (J-*1.^  ^  s^wdis  (a«(?)  informs,  or  mitt  it  nuntiaturus,  he  sends 
to  inform*. 

Q  Rem.     The  later  Arabic  construction,  without  the  conjunction, 

„  '     .7     7 

is  very  common  in  Syriac,  e.g.  01,~kj|  5,_»  Ae  senf  (awe?)  seized  him, 

7  7 

Q  1  Q  rme^rr}  they  rebuilt ;  and  also  occurs  in  Hebrew,  e.g.  fQISJ^ 
•?|3N3f  nyiNt,  Gen.  xxx.  31. 

2.    Concord  in  Gender  and  Number  between  the  Parts 
of  a  Sentence. 

D  141.  In  verbal  sentences,  in  which  (according  to  §  118)  the 
predicate  (verb)  must  always  precede  the  subject  (agent),  the  following 
rules  hold  regarding  their  agreement  in  gender  and  number. 

142.  (a)  If  the  subject  be  a  singular  substantive,  which  is 
feminine  by  signification  (Vol.  i.  §  290,  a),  two  constructions  are 
possible,     (a)   If  it  immediately  follows  the  verb,  the  verb  must  be 

*  [In    this    case    also   the    conjunction    ^j    may    be   inserted,    as 
djj^.13  ^«»*1   /  will  come  to  take  it,  Tab.  i.    1526,  1.   13.     D.  G.] 

§  1 42]   Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Concord  of  Predicate  &  Subject.   289 

put  in  the  fern.  sing.  ;  as  jU*  OsL*.  ///«rf  came,  jij*i '  5  t^l  cJU>  £Ae  A 
w(/«  o/"  el-Aziz  said.    But  (/?)  if  it  be  separated  from  the  verb  by  one 
or  more  words,  the  verb  may  stand  in  the  sing,  masc,  although  the 

fem.  is  preferable;   as  i\j*\  ^-il*)!  j-oa.  a  woman  came  before  the 
judge;  %y~>  jA  Vi^k*».'^l  jJj  jSi  a  bad  mother  gave  birth  to  that  poor 

U-Ahtal;  Sj^lj  v>£u  oji.  \%j*\  \j\a  man,  ichom  one  of  you  (women) 

has  deceived.     [As  to  the  collectives  mentioned  Vol.  i.  §  290,  a,  c,  see 
§  145.] 

Rem.  a.     The  form  of  expression  ii^li  J 15,  So-and-so  said,  is   B 
mentioned  by  the  grammarians  only  to  be  condemned. 

[Rem.  b.     The  concord  remains  if,  in  negative  or  interrogative 
sentences,  the  subject  be  preceded  by  ^>-o,  as  l\j*\  yj^c  Osl».  Le 

..  3*        3  0        '    *  B  *        O  * 

no  woman  came,  iLJ   ^e   C-.,«a-o   j3  ^£s   how  niixny  nights  have 
gone  by  !     T>.  G.] 

(b)  If  the  subject  be  a  singular  substantive,  which  is  feminine 
merely  by  form  or  usage  (Vol.  i.  §§  290,  b,  291),  the  preceding  verb 
may  be  put  either  in  the  masculine  or  feminine,  whether  the  subject    C 
immediately  follows  it  or  not,  though  in  the  former  ease  the  feminine 

is  preferable,  as  u~o->.tJl  c~«JU»  the  sun  rose,  iiJJI  o^~^  the  brick 

was  broken,  rather  than  ^-^1  *lb,  iuUI  j--&.     In  the  following 

examples  the  verb  is  masculine :    £>-t^   <u3l£   O^  o»-£»   tjj-^;g* 

^o^M  O*  aw^  s^  tr^«^  was  the  end  of  those  icho  preceded  them ; 

4a.A.^£JLg  ^UU  ^>£>  ^  M«£  ^  people  may  not  have  any  pretext 

against  you;   <uj  £yo  ikc^-a  «jU»-  <j-oi  and  whosoever  receives  an  D 

admonition  from  his  Lord :  <us>La».^v->  jjl£»  ^3  even  if  there  be  in 
them  poveHy  or  straitness. 

(c)  If  the  feminine  subject  be  separated  from  the  verb  by  the 
particle  *$\ ,  the  verb  is  put'  in  the  masculine ;   as  3U5   *$\  \£sj   U 

~*,3&  3>o 

s$»*)\  yjjS  no  one  was  innocent  except  the  maidservant  of'lbnu  'l-Ala 
w.  11.  37 

290  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  143 


A  (i.e.  j**\  \£=>j  U).     The  feminine  is,  however,  admissible,  especially  in 
poetry,  as  in  the  above  example,  ^Jl  C*£»j  U  (i.e.  SUs). 

(e?)  The  verbs  ^qAj  and  ^-^  (Vol.  i.  §  183)  take  the  masculine 
form  in  preference  to  the  feminine,  even  when  the  subject  is  feminine 
by  signification;  as  >-— iJj  Slj-oJI  ^sj  Zeineb  is  an  excellent  woman! 

0  , 0 
rather  than 

B  143.  If  the  subject  be  a  plur.  sanus  masc,  or  a  plur.  fractus 
denoting  persons  of  the  male  sex,  the  preceding  verb  is  usually  put  in 
the  sing,  masc,  particularly  when  one  or  more  words  are  interposed 

between  it  and  the  subject;   as   03^^^   J^   the  believers  said; 
a£©  \^ya  Jt^)  j*$i   Oli  t\et.  there  came  one  day  (some)  men  from 

>  a    < 

•**  s    VI   •*>      ,     ,r         ,   s  }  f.  )Z 

Me^kla;  ilyA-JI  ^>*l  U£»  o-*P'  shall  we  believe  as  fools  have  believed? 
But  Sbj^JI  cJIS  narrators  say ;  ^y~c  l\j*JJ\  ^5*^*  t  i  Uj  and  what  is 
C   it  pray  that  the  poets  want  of  me  ?  *2U*i  ,j»o  J-jj  >z+jj£s  jJ6  apostles 
have  been  accused  of  falsehood  before  thee. 

Rem.  a.  A  similar  construction  may  be  found  even  in  Old 
German ;  as  do  wart  genuoger  ougen  von  heizen  trdhenen  rdt ;  uns 
hazzet  liute  imde  lant. 

Rem.  b.  Oy^.i  sons  (P^-  °^  C>^')>  and  other  similar  words 
(Vol.  i.  §  302,  e,  and  rem.  d),  are  exceptions,  being  treated  as 
plurales  fracti  (see  §  144),  and  therefore  admitting  the  verb  in  the 

I)         fern.  sing.     This  remark  applies,  however,  to  £)£*!  only  when  it  is 

*'     •  '  c 
used  to  denote  a  family  or  tribe  (compare  §   147);  as  yXj  c-JIS 

'    ""  * 
jJ-Jtj-wt  the  Benu  ' IsrcCll  (Children  of  Israel)  said. 

144.     If  the   subject  be  a   pluralis  fractus,  no  matter  whether 
derived  from  a  masc.  or  a  fem.  sing.,  the  preceding  verb  may  be  either 

masc.  or  fem.;  as  «iXJi  jju  \^y>  j£>£*  Cs~.»v  then,  after  this,  your  ilii 
hearts  became  hard  (from  s^X3,  masc.) ;  9-^0  ^Jo  veLaJI  O^  ^5** 
when  the  tents  are  (set  up)  at  Du  Toluh  (from  «*-«*•,  fem.).     See  §  143. 

§  146]   Sentence  and  ite  Pai-ts. — Concord  of  Predicate  &  Subject.   291 

Rem.     The   remark   made   in   §  142,   c,   regarding   the  particle   A 
*^t,  applies  here   too.     An  example  of   the  fern,  is   *$\   ws-aj    Uj 

1  <■    *    StO        1        J     i     jO 

^wl^aJt    cjJLoJI  and  nothing  remained  but  the  loic  rugged  ridges 
of  hills  (from   xJLs,  fern.),  where  a  prose  writer  would  have  said 

C5^   **>  scil-  l^r1- 

145.  If  the  subject  be  a  collective  of  the  class  mentioned  in 

Vol.  i.  §  290,  a,  e,  like^o"*^  sheep  or  goats,  j~b  birds,  or  one  of  the   B 
collectives  or  other  nouns  mentioned  in  Vol.  i.  §  292,  the  preceding 
verb  may  be  put  either  in  the  masculine  or  feminine,  though  the  fern. 

is  preferable,  if  the  subject  be  feminine ;  as  j^jLaJI  oJ~J  j>yJt  cJll 

\s*  L5^  ^ie  ^eirs  &'#>  The  Christians  stand  upon  nothing  (have  no 

*  ©  „ 

foundation  for  their  belief) ;  J^13  tj-».  ^-^j  Jiji  ^U*-'  ^'j'  lc5! 
Ai«  j-JaJI  /  saic  myself  (in  a  dream)  carrying  upon  my  head  (some) 
bread,  of  which  the  birds  were  eating.  C 

146.  If  the  subject  be  a  feminine  noun  in  the  plural  number, 
whether  plur.  sanus  or  plur.  fractus,  the  preceding  verb  may  be  put 
either  in  the  masc.  or  fern.  sing. ;  unless  the  plur.  sanus  refers  to 
persons  of  the  female  sex,  in  which  case  the  fern,  is  decidedly  to  be 

J       *****      J    M    ■>/  ,  0*0 

preferred.     Examples  :  oU-Jt  ^£5jU.  U  «mu  ^  after  the  convincing 

proofs  hare  reached  you ;  j^ytj^  C~i£»   '-o-«  because  of  what  their 
hands  have  written;  t^-o^  U  OlL*->  ^^Ujli  the  evil  consequences  of  D 

S  J  <■  a    *  *+  ++, 

what    they    did,   came    upon    them ;    \j>J»<) a*  £    if?**    L5*"**    an^   mif 

-  3   -     *i    *,  *         a  s     lit 

daughters  lamented  their  misery ;  lyjIjUl  j^o  jJ  *u^)  because  its  signs 

have  already  appeared;   ioj^t  ^  5^-J  J 15  (some)  women   in  the 

til*,       ,    j ,         ,  i      , » * 
city  said ;  ^AjUJ   ^ — I    ,jljdk   y^i  had  it  not  been  for  these  two, 

their  women  icould  have  been  taken  prisoners;  but  such  instances  as 


1       ,       C    33*       3   3         ~  ,  , 

oU*fr«J  1  ^s sU.  131 ,  when  believing  women  come  unto  you,  are  com- 
paratively rare. 

292  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  147 

A  147.  The  names  of  the  Arab  tribes,  which  are  mostly  of  the 
feminine  gender,  take  a  preceding  verb  in  the  fern.  sing,  (see  §  143, 
rem.  b) ;  but  a  following  verb  may  be  put  in  the  plur.  masc,  because 

such  names  have  the  sense  of  collectives ;  e.g.  j»*£sj  J-***  C«*»%j 

aJjjJI  \Ju~*  ^J»«^0Via»J-»  U  t^jibluJj  (the  tribes  of ')  'Okail  and  Koseir 

assembled  and  complained  to  one  another  of  what  was  being  done  to 
them  by  Seifu  'd-daula. 

B  148.  In  general,  when  once  the  subject  has  been  mentioned,  any 
following  verb  must  agree  with  it  strictly  in  gender  and  number ;  as 

J     W   Ml     >"  0  '    ' 

oj^>jju  ^Xs    yJ^~J\    ^ji  ytt>^    Lois  jtf^-A  ^ej^JLs   Oj^W*3^'   At^e-   Trj^" 

the  hunters  came  out  (sing.)  against  him  and  he  fled  from  them,  and, 
whilst  he  continued  on  level  ground,  they  did  not  overtake  him  (plur.) ; 

^olo^JI    r-^    Ol^-^iri    ^<&    OVj^*-^'    **   ff^id    those  parting  are 

moved  (sing.)  by  it  as  they  are  moved  (plur.)  by  the  mournful  cooing  of 

C   doves;  s'xr"  ***~!  ^j^  *****  ***  O^  there  was  (masc.)  upon  it  a 

cupola,  known  (fem.)  by  (the  name  of)  t/ie  cupola  of  the  air ;  Sjli^j^ 

jJ-oJt  (^jXcl  ^Jt  \^y^+*-*  0^<^3t^Ai3  -/o-^W-''  j'jjp'  ^j+i  j-a^J'  and 
the  pilgrims  leave  (sing.)  their  baggage  at  the  cave  of  el-Hidr,  and 
ascend  (plur.,  jtjjJI  being  a  plur.  fract.  denoting  rational  beings) 
two  miles  to  tJie  top  of  the  mountain  ;  jt£-*?  (J^sUuj  S^j'^Lo  aJJ  GW 
has  angels  wlw  watch  over  you  in  turn  (plur.,  for  the  same  reason  as  in 
D  the  last  example);  w^aj  ^ajIjjI^-^JI  JU»i  awe?  the  herd  wheeled 

(masc.)  and  guarded  (tlieir  rear)  with  an  old  buck  (v>**jl  fem., 
because,  with  the  exception  of  the  single  buck,  the  rest  of  the  herd 
were  does) ;  eLc'jt  oV^  O^*^3  •>**  \c-\3j  a-u  jjj\i  and  he  took  out 
of  it  scraps  of  paper  written  with  (ink  of)  various  colours  (where 
C%*l£>  might  also  be  used). — If  irrational  or  inanimate  objects  are 
spoken  of  (for  example,  in  fables)  as  persons,  the  plur.  fractus  may 
be  followed   by  the  verb  in  the  plur.   masc;   as  l^j'-et   Zy*  w**}^ 

§  149]   Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Concord  of  Predicate  &  Subject.  293 
%+~t  jJL».  once  <?«  a  time  (some)  dogs  found  the  skin  of  a  beast  of  prey  ;  A 

i  _  --      ,  s ,   oi        i  *       *  a*  *      a  j  a     -      «•        o  jj  j   *  * 

dJUt  Uibul  I^JIS  I.UL*  ^5 j^  ^J  ^oA^jJLaJ  tyiSj  tfW  ^<?2/  £/*«//  say  to 

their  skins  (members),  Why  hare  ye  borne  ivitness  against  us?  They 
shall  answer,  God  hath  made  us  speak. 

[Rem.  When  the  subject  in  the  plural  denotes  irrational  or 
inanimate  objects,  the  plur.  fern,  of  the  verb  is  preferred  in  classic 
Arabic,  if  their  number  does  not  exceed  ten,  the  sing,  fern.,  if  it  be 

more,  as  tJ^A*-  >t>*$J2  and  cJL».  SjJ^c  ^j^^)  (§  111).     The  same 

rule   applies  to   the   pronouns  that   refer   to  them,   which   in  the    B 

former  case  are   ^jJb.  ^>A,  in  the  latter  ,-A  and  Ub  (as  a  suffix). 

Comp.  Fleischer,  A7.  Schr.  i.   695.] 

149.     If  the  subject  be  a  substantive  in  the  dual  number,  the 
preceding  verb  must  be  put  in  the  singular,  but  must  agree  with  the 

subject  in  gender.     Examples :   oW**   Qa  ....)!    <**«   *J^*3   and  two 

young  men  went  into  the  prison  along  with  him;  0*^*?y"  {j^j^  ^ 

after  the  two  men  disputed  with  one  another  about  me;  ^J^=>  U  jju    C 

^jt^a.'^t  (Jjwj  ^)  U  j-o*i)l  ,j-«  tuo  a/fer  something  had  taken  place 

*   a  *  a*>      j    -  ?^      ^  - 

between  us,  which  brother  and  sister  do  not  do;   ^j\j*a*}\  w*Ju   ^ 

<£**       -       -       a  j     at      "'        -       s^o-^      se- 

U-»eJ  U  l^jju  (j'  'f^9  '^i  *^J  -**!  ^  ^00  fo"»M»,  day  and  night, 
when  they  seek  (to  effect  anything),  are  never  long  in  attaining  what 
they  aim  at;   o^^-j^  aljuitj  «1ju  O^o->j  and  his  hands  and  arms 

j    -  -  *        a    *      j      a    ,        s       * 

and  feet  were  pierced  with  nails ;   oUjJ  wsxkJ  ^j^j  <suw  like  one 

5  -        a     -     j       *      a  '  *        j    a*,       z  „      s   a ,      „      ,       g, 

whose  feet  are  cut  off';  ^)U£»  <z-Lsu  U  J-e^  *jj  lj  \j*o\»-  jju  ^^  V   D 
/fad  Bedr  been  present  and  'Ibn  Hamel,  thy  hands  would  not  have 

a  *  *  *  *  ~  sii*>  j       a         }   *a*      a  i**      - 

been  branded  (J-»»»  in  rhynie  for  J-**-)  ;  s^-^l  J>k  O-*  alus  ol3>  ^ 

w«?/  7^5  e#&?  ?*eiw  cease  from  constant  weeping ;  i*^-  «2JUjLw  ^^*  Jui. 

jJLic  3^*5  ^_5^»-  «^J>J  0-*3  ^  3^*3  cut  your  moustache  till  your 
lips  can  be  seen,  and  your  dress  till  your  heels  can  be  seen  (compare,  in 

294  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  150 

A  Hebrew,   Micali   iv.   11,  Sfltyg   |VX3   Tlini) ;   <J&  c£>i^   iJUJiaj 
UojI  Jl^JI  ^i  ,jUjLUI  and  thus  these  two  words  (viz.  taiy3  and  D7J?) 

«re  alike  in  their  application  to  men  also. — A  following  verb  must,  of 
course,  agree  strictly  with  the  preceding  subject  in  number  as  well  as 

gender ;    as  %£Ju  ,jl  ^Cu  ^jU&jUs  o^a  >1  when  two  troops  among 

you  were  on  the  point  (sing.)  of  behaving  with  cowardice  (dual).     But 
if  it  be  a  collective,  designating  rational  beings,  the  masc.  plur.  is 

admissible;   as  U-v*^    l^a*»Leli   I^JJLISI   (j^^u^oJI  ^o  ^>U«jlb   jjlj 

B   and  if  two  parties  of  believers  fight  with  one  another,  make  peace 
between  them. 

Rem.     Sometimes,  however,  a  preceding  verb  is  found  in  actual 
agreement  with  a  following  subject  in  the  dual  or  plural,  or  even 

G  '  0  J     }     //»t       0  s  * 

in  virtual  agreement  with  a  singular  collective;  as  jut~o  di.©JL>l  j3^ 
^^■o.a.j  after  both  far  and  near  (after  every  one)  had  abandoned  him 
(>»»»*■    in    rhyme   for  j0if^».) ;    ol-Uc    ^j-o^-'    his   eyes   were   red; 
Q  olju  \Zcj  his  hands  threw  or  shot;  .-ojUj   »**$  »»^-^Jt  .JtjiJt  (J>jIj 

the  women  saw  the  white  hairs  which  glittered  in  my  whiskers; 
,-XaI  jJ^swJI  gtjjiwl  ,-i  j-o^ojJj  wty  family  abuse  me  for  the 
purchase  of  the  palm-trees;  ^Aj-o^j  OjJJItli  i**>$*  £)jj*oj  my 
people  aided  thee,  and  thou  becamest  powerful  through  their  aid. 
The  phrase  *£**£t^JI   ,-JjJl^l,  the  fleas  devoured  me,  is  generally 

cited   by  the   native  grammarians  to  exemplify  this  construction, 
D         [which,  they  say,  is  peculiar  to  the  dialect  of  the  tribe  of  Teiyi']. 

150.     If  the  preceding  verb  has  several  subjects,  it  may  be  put 
in  the  plural,  as  C-JI3  lit  L£*.  thou  and  I  are  come ;  or  it  may  agree 

)      J*  ,         J         J  \        J         0  J  s 

iii  number  and  gender  with  the  nearest  subject,  as  «>^3  OiL/*  **■»"-.! .3 
a~i\j  (JLc>njjLjl  and  Aaron  and  his  sons  shall  lay  their  hands  upon 

his  head ;  ^^y>  ^  03^3  ^rij-*  >^©-*£>  Miriam  and  Aaron  spoke 
about  Moses. — If  the  subjects  precede,  and  are  either  three  or  more 

§  151]   Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Concord  of  Predicate  &  Subject.  295 

singulars,  or  a  singular  and  a  dual,  the  verb  is  put  in  the  plural ;  if  A 
they  are  merely  two  singulars,  in  the  dual ;  as  1^-slaJ  O^^P'i  O-^' 
the  belly  and  the  two  feet  disputed  with  one  another ;  j-**^  'j  >>-*-" 
U-sULj  the  cold  and  the  heat  disputed  icith  one  another :  j^*JJ\  3  ^^-Jlj 
(jlj^...^;  a«(/  £fo  plants  and  trees  icorship  (not  Oi  ***?■ ....» ,  because 

^»a*Jt  and  ^a..£)l  are  not  individuals  but  species);   c^j'^'  cJ^»»-j 
Sj^U  i£»i  lx£»jk3  JLaJlj  r<w<?  {when)  the  earth  and  the  mountains 

a     2    j 

shall  be  lifted  up  and  dashed  in  pieces  at  one  stroke  (not  C-^j  or   n 

*     »       J  j   -       a* 

£>££>*.  JLaJt  being  a  plur.  fract).  If  the  subjects  be  of  different 
genders,  the  verb  is  usually  put  in  the  masculine,  as  in  the  first  of  the 
above  examples,  or  in j-£aJI  C^j^ij  *JJI  O-*  O'***^  J*yA\  sx^=>3  J — ^' 
indolence  and  excess  of  sleep  remove  us  far  from  God  and  make  us 
heirs  of  (reduce  us  to)  poverty. 

151.     The  verb  frequently  agrees  in  respect  of  gender,  not  with 
the  grammatical    subject,   but   with   its   complement    (the   genitive    C 

*•»      it  1       a  i  a  ~  *      a*  , 

annexed  to  it),  which  is  the  logical  subject;  as  «L»I  J^^yJzU*.  ^ 

j       -     -  a  , 

even  though  every  sign  should  come  (be  shown)  unto  them ;  J^»-->  j*$-> 

f   *    a    j       a  *       a  a    *      *        ..  a  *      w  j 

\jjtr*.  o  j+±.  y^*  ci«c  U  t^-su  J^»  on  the  day  (ichen)  every  soul  shall 
find  the  good  it  has  done  present  (along  with  itself  before   God) ; 

-   -  :i      j        -        a     *  0*0  j  a<       a    *       j 

^Loct    >.p^    wsdyJLwl   all   my  limbs   were  relaxed ;    ^joju    C-.T.k'S 

A3uLo\  some  of  his  fingers  were  cut  off;   ,>uu    'y-aaj   *^«    ^jXJu 
some  of  them  ransom  themselves  from  him  icith  others  (by  giving  up  D 
others  to  him) ;   Lliyc>  )j.-.,;...JI  ^^uu  1^1  when  some  years  shall  have 

gnawed  at  us ;   ^UU  c«a^l  iol  j~±.  ^b  ye  are  the  best  people 

that  has  been  brought  forth  (created)  for  mankind ;  Ojifcl  l»ib 
j*~i}^\  JT^y  J-0  Vs^'  c»yfc..J  ?>-^j  ^^  walked  as  spears  wave,  the 

a  ^»*»     j*   - 

fo/«  0/   ?r^<?rt  are  bent  by  the  passing  of  gentle  breezes:   JJuUI   SjUl 

296  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  152 

s  ^  e  -  o     i   o  , 

A  ^5*   ^3^°"i    wi>»*»C«   Me   brightness  of  the  intellect  is  obscured  (or 

eclipsed)  by  obeying  lust.  As  the  above  examples  show,  this  agreement 
of  the  verb  with  the  logical  subject  most  frequently  and  naturally 
takes  place  when  the  grammatical  subject  expresses  a  subordinate 

5    J  O  -  9  0s  90s 

idea,  like  j£>,  £*«►»-,  u***->  andj-ji  (see  §  82). 

[Rem.     The  verb  sometimes  agrees  with  a  subject  that  is  to  be 
supplied  from  the  context,  as  <LJL£a,  SJLaJ,  etc.     Examples :  C-*JLi 

it  *>        '      1   '  0    s  s  -  - 

g         4JJI  J^~»j  */m  (threatening)  reached  the  Ajyostle  of  God ;  ,-9  *->'>* 

•  ^  *    s  vt   *o  0  * 

lyJaLA^-j  juwjJt  ^/-ii  <Ais  (saying)  remained  in  tlie  mind  of  er-Rasld 

and  he  kept  it  in  memory.     Comp.  the  phrase  <iU  lyLp^a.  ,J  O^  '*• 

he  is  not  the  man  to  forgive  thee  this  (deed).     D.  G.] 

152.     What  has  been  said  regarding  the  concord  of  gender  and 
number  in  a  verbal  sentence,  is  nearly  all  applicable  to  a  nominal 
C   sentence. 

(a)  When  the  predicate  [being  a  verb,  or  an  adjective]  follows 
the  subject,  they  must  agree  strictly  in  gender  and  number  (see  §  148); 
unless  the  subject  be  a  plur.  fractus,  in  which  case  the  predicate  may 

9s  s        J        J  )0iO*  J        3  1  0&  *   0  * 

also  be  put  in  the  fem.  sing.,  as  S^bU  0***^3  V.*^*"  LS^  the 
hearts  are  blind,  whilst  the  eyes  are  seeing.     This  latter  remark  applies 

s  0  -  0  *  J  s   - 

also  to  the  names  of  the  Arab  tribes  (see  §  147) ;  as  S^>$i  u-*^  y~>3 

sssO'Os'9's  , 

ajuxo  jjj  y\s-  ^>  ^i  aJjLJ  and  the  Benu  'Abs  were  at  that  time 
D  dwelling  among  the  Benu  'Amir  'ibn  Sa'sa'a. 

(b)  When  the  predicate  precedes  the  subject,  as  happens  in 
negative  and  interrogative  sentences,  then  (a)  if  the  sentence  be 
nominal  (see  §  117),  the  predicate  and  subject  must  agree  in  number; 
but  (/?)  if  the  sentence  be  verbal  (see  §  121),  the  predicate  is  put  in 
the  singular. 

(c)  If  the  subject  be  a  collective,  the  predicate  may  be  put  in 
the  plural ;  as  0>*^5  **  J^9  "^  are  obeying  him.     Similarly,  when  a 

§  1 52]   Sentence  and  its  Parts. — Concord  of  Predicate  &  Subject.  297 

0    e-      *       I . 

verb  is  placed  after  a  collective  subject  (see  §  148) ;   as  j2&\  0^3  A 
yjjjSLLj   *$   j^UJI  but  the  greatest  part  of  mankind  are   thankless; 

/   ;  '     /   ;  /  j    ^     .'  j :  5       -  i  j  e  j 

^Ul  ^)|aj>..i  ^gy^  J^O-*  «■  jww<  o/"  ^<??w  «;v  afraid  of  men  :  [l^i=>pl 
j^^s^j  U  ^JjJI  &£  £fo  Turks  alone  as  long  as  they  let  you  alone ; 

»**     j  ,  a  ,       Si 

t^CLb  duL^et.  jj*^  because  his  army  had  perished]. 

(d)     The   predicate  frequently  agrees    in  gender,   not  with  the 
grammatical  subject,  but  with  its  complement,  which  is  the  logical   B 

subject  (see  §  151) ;  as  O^-JI  i£5l3  ^^Ju  J£s  every  soul  shall  taste  of 

death;  as^jxa  ^ajUp  (JL**.!^*)!  ^31  the  committing  of  crimes  is  held 

•I    i  j 
laudable  by  them.     [Less  frequent  are  such  expressions  as  (jil  J»£-» 

jib\j  {j^c  yj^sj  «-«L»  every  ear  is  hearing,  and  every  eye  seeing.] 

[Rem.     In   the  words  of   the   Prophet   JUj  j»*   J»&    <j|   *$\ 

^Jbk  ij^jJ  Co>J  .jyi  aJLaI^JI  ,-i  wJl^  SpUj  verily,  whatever 

claims  of  blood,   money  or  privilege  there  existed  in  the  time  of  C 
Ignorance,  are  under  these  my  feet,  i.e.  are  abolished  by  me,  the 

fern,  form  of  OJli=->  and  ,-yi  (replaced  in  "Ibn  Hisam  821,  1.  6  and 

^  0  -  •    mi  J  J  J 

Tab.  i.  1642,  1.  9  by  y^i  .jSju),  is  to  be  explained  by  VJ^  having 
the  sense  of  icLo_».  totality,  just  as  in  the  verse  of  Gamll  SjLjJI  ^jl 
_...»«o»JU    verily  the   visiting  is  easy  for  the  loving  one,   the 

predicate  has  been  put  in  the  masc.  gender  according  to  the  sense 
(^jiiteJI  ^^U),  SjLjjJI  being  =jt>eJI,  and  in  ^^J  O*  e^^—5  O^ 
lyj  t^>_5'  -i>it^4»Jl  ,jt3  anc?  i/"  fAow  as&  me  about  my  locks,  lot  the   D 
vicissitudes  of  time  have  taken  them  away,  the  verb  agrees,  not  with 

i        *   *  a,  j      ,,,   ,  a, 

»£ol^-»JI,  but  with  its  equivalent  ^jUj^swJI.  In  the  words  of  the 
tradition  (Zamahsarl,  Fdik,  ii.  490)  JLo+^tf^  aJUl  J-~~-  ,ji  jJJJUl 
efea^A  <m  the  path  of  God  is  purifying  {from  the  filth  of  sin),  the 
predicate  is  according  to  some  interpreters  fern.,  because  JJJUt  has 

**_*■£*■  <i  *    a  - 

the    meaning   of    o}[y*D\    martyrdom.     Others    say    that    <Uoii»    a 
practice   is  to   be  understood.     Neither   explication    is    necessary, 
w.   ii.  33 

298  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  152 

A         for  the  nomina  actionis  are  of   both  genders  (Vol.  i.  §  292,  d). 

.  OsDlsOZllOS    *>* 

Other  examples  are  Tab.  i.   2185,  1.  9  seq.  Sah-clo}  Z.9j*o  j>y*o)\j 

f  s    s       6    *     *    * 

and  fasting  makes  iveak  and  feeble ;  Lebld,  Mu'all.  33  S^lc  wol£»^ 
ly^ljkSI  Ojkjf  ^A  lit  iiU-o  and  it  vms  his  wont,  to  let  her  precede, 
when  she  drew  back,  where  also  some  interpreters  say  that  the 
predicate  agrees  with  a*ojjl$\  =js\j£*$S  ;  Faik  i.  246  JLSt  ,-fc  UJI 
jb>tj  <Ats  is  only  an  advancing  and  a  retreating  (comp.  e).     D.  G.] 

B  (e)  If  the  subject  of  a  nominal  sentence  be  a  personal  or  demon- 
strative pronoun,  and  the  predicate  a  feminine  substantive  or  a  plur. 
fractus*,  then  the  former  is  generally  put  in  the  fem.  sing.,  even 
when  the  preceding  substantive,  to  which  it  refers,  is  of  the  masc. 

gender ;  as  S^JJ  o Jok  ,jl  this  is  an  admonition  (Germ,  dies  ist  eine 

il  x>    1       11  *   0 

Erinnerung,  Fr.  ceci  est  tin  avertissement) ;  aJJI  ^j«x».  dUJ  such  are 
God's  ordinances  (Germ,  dies  sind  Gottes  Regeln,  Fr.  ce  sont-la  les 
regies  de  Dieu) ;   JIaJb  ^^  1*>Lj  aAJI  oLjl  «iUj  s?/c/e  are  GW's 

C  signs,  which  we  repeat  to  thee  with  truth.  [In  like  manner,  if  O^ 
or  one  of  its  "sisters"  be  used  (§  131),  this  may  agree  in  gender  with 

the  predicate,  as  ^j*.*i)l   c-Jl^   ^tj  a?ie?  «/  ^  contrary  should 

0  sirs  til  a   *       ,         0  '  s 

happen;  *->>*"  ^  **~*  ^  Ojlo  j^5j  a»<#  /£  has  become  a  custom 

Qii  1 

of  mine  with  the  Arabs  (*E1-Mubarrad,  279,  1.  4  with  the  variant  <Uw); 
I^JIS  ^1  *^l  ^^yUJLi  ^^£3  ^  j£  then  sJiall  no  other  e.rcuse  be  theirs 

but  to  say  (Kor'an  vi.  23  according  to  some  readers) ;  wJtfS  ^a^*^^ 

* j  *  *     * 
jy^Ltrij*  and  they  bore  down  upon  them  and  this  was  their  defeat ;  see 

D  other  examples  in  my  note  on  *E1-Mubarrad  ii.  1 08.   This  is  also  the  case 

0     ,  ,  ,    il       0      ,    ,  0      , 

after  the  interrogative  pronouns  o-o  and  U  (§  170),  as  «il*l  oJl^  ^>o 

who  was  thy  mother  ?  *it^.l».  (OjLo  =)  Osl*.  U  what  became  (or  was) 
thy  want  ? 

*  [The  word  ojJb,  in  the  expression  ^Ap  »JUI  ojJk  (am  is  a  thousand 

i       ..  -•       i 
dirhems,  is  explained  by  the  grammarians  as  standing  for^^AljjJI  ajUk.] 

§  154]  Negative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences.  299 

Rem.     In  order  to  express  the  neuter  this,  it,  etc.   both  the  **■ 
masc.  and  fern.  sing,  of  the  personal  and  demonstrative  pronouns 

*  2Z       -    j  "  s       -    .-  -  '~  *i 

may  be  used.     Examples   of  the   latter:    »iJbt    ^>aJJt    C~ot   ^JOI 

j     *  ai*      -a         i-  a  i  -•?     ,  a    ,  *  a  j 

v-t?t''j  lyio^^ZAl  ,-J!  ,£UJj  15-^J  ^  Aai?e  heard,  mayest  thou  avoid 
imprecation  !  that  thou  hast  blamed  me,  and  because  of  this  I  am 

,  2  *     a  ,    ,    * 

anxious  and  distressed ;   IaIjI  OJl^j  and  so  indeed  did  it  happen 

*     j  j  a'*, 

(Tab.   i.   2951,  1.   1);    U^JJlai    ye    have  done    it,  it   is  your  fault 

(Tab.  i.  2755,  1.  12);  H.i, cw  lAjJl**.  jJ  they  Jiave  made  it  to  be 

treachery,   such   as   was    committed    against    *El-Hosein.     This    is 

2    a*o  "i.  '  -c  3         * 

applicable  also  to  the  4.«aiJt  or  ^LuJI  j^-o.«s>,  which  is  masc.  or  fern, 
according  to  the  gender  of  the  subject  in  the  following  sentence. 

j      <  a  ia-o  *  a  *      *      ,2  + 

An  example  of  the  fern,  is  Kor'an  xxii.  45  jLaj*}M  ,y«JU  *$  Vyjli 
ybr  i£  is  not  the  eyes  that  become  blind.     D.  G.] 


1.     Xegative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences.  C 

153.  The    negative    particles    may,   as   in    the    Indo-European 
languages,  deny  any  part  of  the  sentence, — the  predicate,  the  subject 

(e.g.  ^,-^aJ  1   iJL»   *$,  §  39),  the   object,  the  kcil  or  circumstantial 

expression,  etc. 

154.  The  negative  particle  sometimes  immediately  precedes  that 
part  of  the  sentence  which  it  denies,  at  other  times  is  separated  from 

it  by  some  other  part ;  as  J»a»Jl  ^^..Jl  j>jSL*  •$  the  liberal  man  does  D 

not  respect  the  niggardly ;  l^-tj  IJub  U  this  is  not  a  human  being  (see 
%  42,  rem.  d) ;  tjJb  J15  U  he  has  not  said  this. 

[Rem.     If   only  a   part   of   an   affirmative  sentence   is   to  be 
strongly   denied,    the    negative    particle    must    precede    that    part 

£         *       *  *         t         *         •       5  a  ^       **  * 

immediately,   as   L^b    *^    l£»-Ls>    •$    juj    sU.   Zeid  came  neither 
laughing  nor  weeping.     If  to  the  affirmative  part  of  a  sentence,  a 

300  Part  Third.—  Syntax.  [§155 

A        parallel  negative  is  to  be  opposed,  the  latter  must  be  preceded  by 

i  0   -        *         1  t>  '        J     Sis 

the  negative  particle  without  a  conjunction,  as  \j+£-  *$  Ijuj  wsjlj 
/  have  seen  Zeid,  not  'Amr.] 

155.  The  predicate    of   a  simple  declarative   verbal   sentence, 
which  is  neither  asseverative  nor  optative  (§  1,  e  and  f),  may,  when 

denied  by  ^,  be  put  either  in  the  imperfect  or  the  perfect,  (a)  When 
put  in  the  imperfect,  it  may  be  rendered  into  English  by  the  present, 
the  future,  or,  when  connected  with  preceding  past  tenses,  by  the 

B  Latin  imperfect  (§§8,  9) ;  as  J*si~Jt  ^aL-JI  jsjSJ  *$  the  liberal  man 
does  not  respect  (or  will  not  respect,  or,  under  certain  circumstances, 
did  not  respect,  non  honorabat)  the  niggardly,     (b)    The  perfect  can 

properly  be   used   only  (a)  when  *9  is  repeated  twice  or  oftener  in 

clauses  connected  by  j,  in  which  case  it  may  be  translated  by  the 

perfect  or  the  past  (§  1,  a  and  b),  as  ^^  ^3  Ji****  ^  he  has  neither 
believed  nor  prayed,  or  he  neither  believed  nor  prayed;   or  (/3)  when 

*$  is  connected  by  3  with  a  preceding  negative,  such  as  U,  ^i,  or  UJ, 
C  and  merely  carries  on  the  negation  of  something  past  (see  §  1,  e,  rem.  a, 
and§  160)*. 

156.  The  particle  ^  (a  contraction  of  <jl  *$),  which  is  construed 
with  the  subjunctive  of  the  imperfect  (§§11  and  15,  a,  a),  is  a  very 

strong  negation  of  the  future,  not  at  all,  never ;  as  »>Jj  \jXxsu  j^  ^i 

jUJI  \ysuiJ  \^Xmu  and  if  ye  do  not  do  it — and  ye  will  never  do  it — 
then  dread  the  fire  (of  hell). 

D  Rem.     On^  and  UJ  see  §§12  and  18. 

157.  The  particle  U,  when  joined  to  the  perfect,  denies  the  past; 
when  joined  to  the  imperfect,  the  present  (see  §  8,  e,  rem.  a). 

158.  The  particle  J>!  [Vol.  i.  §  362,  /]  is  often  found  with 
negative  force,  in  verbal  as  well  as  in  nominal  sentences  (see  §  42, 
rem.  e),  and  that  before  both  the  perfect  and  the  indicative  of  the 

*  [Comp.  §  1,  e,  rem.  b.] 

§  158]  Negative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences.  301 

it       i      j  o  j  a*  ( 

imperfect.     For  example:  aU  *j)l^£»Jt  &\  judgment  belongs  to  God  A 

«&>«£  (lit.  is  w<tf  &rc0/?£  to  GW) ;  jjy^  ^J>  *i)l  C>»^'  u]  ^  ""- 
believers  are  in  utter  deception  (lit.  «re  ?jo£  except  in  deception)  ; 
^jjjJai  j^JJt  ^jlft  *9l  l£^*'  Ol  &  w  /^r  ^i7W  «^>"^  &>  reward  me, 
«#&?  Aas  created  me ;  lil—*.]  *j)1  Ujjl  ,jl  aJJU  jj^il^j  ^j'U*-  ^ 
^»  they  will  corns  unto  thee,  swearing  by  God  {and  saying),    We 

a  sit  ^  j  *  *  a£     a  ***»*  + 

intended  nothing  but  doing  good  ;  v>*  j>*-\  ^>«  l*^£— «1  <jt  Ulj  ^yi^ 

ojuu  ««c?  i/"  £^#  (heaven  and  earth)  should  quit  their  place,  no  one  B 
could  withhold  them  after  Him  (if  He,  i.e.  God,  should  withdraw  His 

-  :    j  a*     -         s>si       a         5  J       -■    "  - 

support);  (-«..»a>Jl  *))l  lojt   ,jl  ^>iAa.-Jj  aiu?  wri/y  £&?y  iritt  swear, 

FFe  meant  only  what  is  best ;  ,jiaJ!  *9|  »J>*t*i  Oi  ^#  merely  follow 
their  own  fancy.  In  elevated  prose  style,  as  well  as  in  poetry,  the 
negative  U  is  often  prefixed  to  this  ,jl ;  e.g.  |U*  ly)  >ai;.j  ,jl  Uj 
but  her  pains  were  (all)  of  no  avail ;  <cu  yXu  *^t  c^j"^'  t^~»i  Oi  ^*  C 
only  one  shoulder  of  his  touches  the  ground ;  ^UJI  ^i^yJ  wolj  jjl  U 
*^UU1  £fow  Aas£  /wwr  s#?n  (««#)  //£«  them  among  men  (^U«1  in  rhyme 
for  *})UUI) ;  aa^j  c-Jt  *tta5**^  w^l  Oi  ^  ^<0M  hmt  never  done  a  thing 
which  thou  didst  not  like. 

Rem.  a.     This  ^j\  (called  by  the  grammarians  i*iUt   ^\  the 

negative  'in)  is  not  to  be  confounded  with  the  conditional  particle 

of  the  same  sound  (iJs^iJ!  ^jt  <A<e  conditional  'in) :  for  («)  it  admits  D 

of  a  nominal  sentence  after  it ;  (b)  it  does  not  govern  the  jussive ; 
(c)  it  lets  the  perfect  retain  its  past  signification ;  (d)  its  predicate 

is  sometimes  put  in  the  accusative,  like  that  of  t«  (§42,  rem.  e) ; 

and  (e)  it  is  joined,  as  a  corroborative,  to  U.  It  seems  rather  to  be 
connected  with  the  Hebrew  negative  V{<  px  and  occurs  itself  in 
that  language  in  the  form  Q}$. 

[Rem.  b.     'Abu  Zeid,  Nawddir,  60  seq.  gives  au  instance  of  *^ 

302  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  159 

A         being  prefixed  to  ^j\  instead  of  L»,  apparently  because  a  relative  U 
precedes.     D.  G.] 

' », 
159.     The  verb  i^~J  (Vol.  i.  §  182)  is  used  (a)  as  the  negative 

sometimes  of  <uuJt  o^  (§  41),  e.g.  jjct  0^^3  cJ1**^  ^t*^  u-rP 

>»***M  «^>H  ^  /°'*  him  who  is  healthy  in  mind  and  body,  there  is  no 
excuse  for  neglecting  the  acquisition  of  knowledge ;  at  other  times  of 

J      '     ^     Si  *3  Z  s  '    0'  *  '  0' 

iciSUI   (J^  (§  41),  e.g.   UJlc  k^-J,  or  ^i^o  ^^J,  he  is  not  learned. 

B   [It  has  always  the  meaning  of  the  imperfect,  mostly  in  its  sense  of 
the  indefinite  or  definite  present  (§  8,  a,  b).]     But  it  is  also  employed 

(b)  as  an  indeclinable  negative  particle,  stronger  than  *$,  to  deny  some 

part  of  the  sentence  to  which  it  is  prefixed ;  e.g.  ^5  c-sil».  IJkyJ  t^J 

w^-ftl    IJkyj   thou  wast  not  created  for  this,  nor   bidden  to  do  this; 

j  *  0  j      '     '       -       &  j  *  0' 

iljju  Oli  U  JJs  ,^-J  nothing  tliat  has  escaped  us  can  be  overtaken 

C   (an  opportunity  once  lost  never  recurs) ;  J^»J  I  u~+)  ^jZki  I  ijj>»»-j  U-Jl 

it  is  only  the  man  that  makes  a  return,  not  the  camel  (J«fr»JI  in  rhyme 

J  '    '  0*  /      »J        B   i         '     0  '  '  0  '  ,  O'i 

for  ^J-^aJI) ;   ^ySujo  jjt   C*j>>   j>*   \j~J\  hast  thou  not  formed  the 
intention  of  setting  me  free  ?     In   connection  with   an   imperfect,  it 

.-    0     y   ««»      J         ot        JO' 

expresses  a  strongly  denied  present  or  future ;  as  vj-*^ '  •*-<**'  o*«J 

"  0    'DM    '         0  i  JO  0  ' 

<Lx£J  I  j> jjk*9  Os^th.  ^  I  do  not  intend  to  make  ivar  (upon  you),  but 

'Si      j  i  '      i    a.'      j    "       '     0  ' 

I  am  come  to  destroy  the  Ka'ba ;  l^JJu  ^ji*.  j*S\  JUJ  c~J  ?/o«  ?#i7/ 

j  ^  »  j     '  0  "t 
D   »ew  attain  greatness  till  you  humble  it  (your  spirit) ;    ^)±j3  c/~^ 

J    i  *>       St   '    OtO    '  0' 

jUM  «UaJI  jju  /or  the  fire  (of  Ml)  is  never  entered  after  (one  has  been 

0  '    M'  ^  e  j        '  0' 

a  dweller  in)  Paradise;   ojwUJ  {tjaf.jJ  u-^  no  good  is  hoped  of  thee 

0 '  *"  '  >"  ' 

(«juIa)  in  rhyme  for  SjuUJ).     It  may  even  be  governed   by  £){£>, 

ui      Zi  o  * 

so  as  to  express  the  negative  imperfect  of  that  verb ;  as  ^^^  O^9 

'0<o  ,  '  ..      .-  '  0'  ~ 

^^--ft^W  *$3  \My^^  v~tJ  j9*l~°  the  Prophet  was  neither  of  high  nor 
low  stature. 

§  160]  Negative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences.  303 

160.     When  to  a  clause  containing  one  of  the  negative  particles  A 

U,  j^,  UJ,  or  ^ji,  or  the  negative  verb  u-J,  there  is  appended,  by 

means  of  the  conjunction  ^,  another  dependent  clause,  then,  in  place 
of  repeating  the  particular  negative  of  the  former  clause,  the  general 

negative  *$  is  used,  because  the  special  kind  of  negation  has  already 
been  sufficiently  made  known.  For  example  :  ^yJI^-ot  ^y^  1^5**^  O^ 
\LJii  dJJI  ^6  ^»*i^l  ^  neither  their  goods  nor  their  children  shall 
a-ra*7  ffojw  aught  against  God ;  ULp  <sd  J^aw^J  ,j«*JI  .iAJj  jj'  L^l)  B 
^^bb^^)  <u  jjji  ^  //*>  5«?t'  £^a£  fAts  body  was  not  created  for  him  in 
jest,  nor  connected  with  him  for  any  vain  purpose  ;  j££-o  aJx  JJ-j^i 

remained  for  him  no  difficulty  in  the  (divine)  laic  which  did  not 
become  clear,  and  nothing  sealed  up  ichich  was  not  opened,  and  nothing 

obscure  which  was  not  made  plain ;  ^...aJi  wJL5  wJUUb  ^cl  c—J 

aaj^*»J  ^  ^JJI  p-^Lp'  *^5  I  understand  by  the  (term)  heart  neither   Q, 

the  corporeal  heart  nor  the  spirit  which  dwells  in  its  cavity.  [Comp. 
§  180.]  If,  however,  the  second  clause  be  conceived  as  independent 
of  the  first,  and  the   connection  be  merely  an  external  one,   the 

-  tit,       a*,      t*$ai*j»* 

particular  negative  is  repeated ;   as  Us»  '■>$»•>«  JtH  ^  j^  }*  J-* 

•>»»y  O-0  a»»>^v»«w»J'  «uu..^i  j^$  oU-»  is  it  a  thing  ichich  has  never 

ceased  existing  during  the  past,  and  which  a  period  of  non-existence 
has  never  in  any  way  preceded?  [But  if  the  connected  words  have 
not  the  character  of  a  dependent  negative  clause,  but  that  of  a  simple 
continuation  of  the  preceding  part  of  the  sentence,  only  the  conjunc-  D 

tion  j  is  used,  as  ?%*A\  j^jJaJJ  3]^  iy_j  it  Ucj*.  U  we  did  not  despair, 
when  they  fled  and  when  the  fire  (of  war)  burned;  \3jj  jJti  ,jL»J  *9 

y  a  ,  , 

js.  jjuj  do  not  keep  food  for  to-morrow  and  the  day  after  to-morrow.] 

Rem.  a.     When  ^*c,  ^j,  ^j^,  etc.  (see  §  56,  rem.  c)  require  to 
be  repeated,  their  place  is  supplied  by  *9,  which  is  followed  by  the 

304  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  161 

A  genitive  governed  by  j*£,  etc. ;  as  sSsk*  ^  z',',.a,.4  j-ji  lijalii  cmd 
he  slaughtered  them  without  their  being  shut  up  or  bound ;  j+b  yh 
v«g«*>-&  "^J  vi/*  ^**  ?,s  neither  strange  nor  wonderful  (see  §  82,  d, 
rem.  a) ;  jL».  *$j  w— ^  *^L  without  honour  or  shame ;  sj^e>.  \J$} 
Jjji  *^  without  cowardice  or  fear. 

Rem.  6.     ^j  is  sometimes  repeated  emphatically  after  a  pre- 
B         ceding  negative,  and  requires  to  be  rendered  in  English  by  even; 

as  Jj>.\  ^j  **§  ?io£  wen  owe ;  jk».l^  ^j  ^ffv*^  &->*■  O'  c£>'  *^-3  ^w*  ^ 
cfo  not  see  that  there  has  come  out  even  a  single  one  of  them. 

161.  In  oaths  and  asseverations  *$  is  followed  by  the  perfect 
with  the  signification  of  our  future  (see  §  1,  e) ;  as  ^/j  CUc-ac  *j  aJJIj 

by  God,  I  will  not  disobey  my  Lord;  w>LJ'  Ijjb  £**»&  ^  aJJI^ 
by  God,  I  will  not  open  this  door ;  liyA  ^^^a.jA.  *>)  Oo^  *X**J 
C  by  the  life  of  Pharaoh,  ye  shall  not  quit  this  place ;  <LJb  <uXc  c~Ie  ^ 
tj^-frfc  I  will  never  reproach  Mm  {again)  during  the  remainder  of  my 
life.  In  blessings  and  curses  it  is  followed  by  the  perfect  as  an  optative 
(see  §  1,/) ;  as  \j£  Oolj  *^  may  est  thou  never  see  (suffer)  evil !  O^3  ^ 
,jl£wl  *^  may  he  not  be  {may  he  perish),  and  never  come  to  life!* 

162.  When  verbs  signifying  to  forbid,  fear,  and  the  like,  are 

0  i  #  * 

followed  by  ^1  with  the  subjunctive,  the  negative  *$  is  sometimes 

0  i  H         i  H 

I)  inserted  after  &\   (*>)  ,j\  or  ^)l)  without  affecting  the  meaning  (see 

-    j    a  ,     a     *  ,  * ,     , 

§  15,  a,  a);  as  ji^  .....*>  *n)1  -iXs^o  U  what  prevented  thee  from  worshipping 
(him)  ?  0JLi^  ^  \$Lo  ^rAj  3 J  *&*+*  U  what  hindered  thee,  when 

*  [,jUwjt  in  this  sense  is  of  rare  occurrence.     The  old  expression 

was  ^$£>  *$j)  O^  *$'    ^n  ^ne  Chrestom.  of  Kosegarten,  p.  16, 1.  \2seq. 

we  must  read  with  Dozy  wU&~/t  *^j  C^A  *^  would  that  I  had  never 
come  to  life  !     D.  G.] 

§  162]  Negative  and  Prohibitive  Sentences.  305 

thou  saitest  that  they  had  gone  astray,  from  following  me? ^k*.  ^j\^  A 

*  *  ,o,o  i     » ,    a  ......  .  7 

j-«UJI  ,-i  »jU  ..■■•;  *s)|  rtW(7  j/^e  «/•£  afraid  of  being  unjust  towards 

Me  orphans  (but  if  we  read  t^Ja-Ju,  "^  is  no  longer  redundant :  if  ye 

«r^  afraid  of  not  being  just,  etc.) ;  j^l  aJjou  ^)l  .^Uj  ^i  jbj  L5VJ  «>ij 

«wrf  Ziyad  forbade  concerning  this  matter,  that  anybody  should  do  it. 

Rem.     In  accordance  with   a   curious   idiom   of   the  language, 
whereby  an  oath  or  execration  seems  to  be  regarded  as  a  virtual 
negation,  the  negative  particle  may  be  omitted  in  denial  by  oath,    B 
and,  on  the  contrary,  be  inserted  in  affirmation.     For  example,  in 

-  si  aiiio     i  o  i       ^„i ,  j  5  -        rj'tt*       *        oi       it  *>       i     »  ^  ai 

poetry:  ^JLojl  l/«j^'  <->P  Ji/iJ  ^y^  V^'j  tyJLd  aXJb  w*o~. 51 
by  God  I  swear,  I  trill  not  give  it  (to  others)  to  drink,  nor  drink  it 
(myself),  until  the  dust  of  the  earth  separates  my  joints  ;  ^«J  C*JI3 
lyj  U  AaJD  U^l?  «iWbk  l-JLc.  and  so  I  swear,  I  will  never  mourn 

it  *>     *         -      j    a  j  , 

/br  one  dying,  NOR  osA:  a  mourner  what  ails  her ;  aJJI  v>**j  O-Jxfl 
IjlcIS  p-^1  flwwi  /  s«i<f,  -6,</  GW  /  swear,  I  will  not  cease  sitting 
(see  §  42,  rem.  6) ;  and  in  the  Kor'an,  sJuj^j  j,£>j3  ^Jju  4JUL3  by  C 
6W,  fAoM  toilt  never  cease  thinking  of  or  speaking  of,  Joseph. 
Conversely,  in  the  Kor'an  :  ^i  ^-JU  AJt^  _Aj^  :tt  *il^-oJ  ^—31  ^13 
^o-Jslc   ^^-oJjij  an/7  /  swear  6?/  the  places  where  the  stars  set,  and 

*  i    «*»      a -      j      ol 

verily  that  is  a  great  oath,  if  ye  (only)  knetv  (it) ;  «L»*JUt  >o$-o^~.3l  ^ 

,,»«»       ,|  j       ol      , 

I  swear  by  the  day  of  the  Resurrection  ;  jJUl  |Jlj_»  ^-Jt  ^)  /  swear 

63/  £/m  town.     [As  to  the  latter  case,  many  interpreters  say  that  N) 
is  the  denial  of  a  preceding  objection  that  is  to  be  supplied,  so  that   D 
we  must  translate :  no  !  (it  is  not  as  ye  say),  I  swear,  etc.     In  the 
former  case  the  omission  of  the  negative  particle  is  allowed,  because 
no  misunderstanding  can  arise.     For,  when  affirming,  we  ought  to 

say  L^jjl^j  \^Lxl^j  JS\^  (see  §§14,  19).     Therefore  the  negative 

particle  may  be  omitted  even  wnere  no  oath  is  expressed,  as  in  the 

old  verse  (Noldeke,   Delectus,   p.  65,  1.   14)  }j+s-   b   C— «t   ^   ,jji 

*      *      St        1  ȣ 

\jj[j  Ji£sjj\  and  if  my  life  be  spared,  0  'Amr  !  I  will  not  cease  to 
w.  11.  39 

30G  Part  Third.— Syn tax.  [§  168 

A         seek  vengeance  for  thy  blood,  and  in  that  of  Abu  Nowas  (Tab.  iii. 

705,  1.1)  .JlJI  jJLc  Uo^laJl  U  j**-j  J[p  we  shall  never  cease  to  be 

in  good  condition,  as  long  as  we  keep  the  fear  of  God  in  our  heart. 
See  two  other  examples  §  42,  rem.  b.     D.  G.] 

163.  The  prohibitive  *$  governs  either  the  jussive  or  the 
energetic.     See  §§17,  b ;  19,  b ;  and  20. 

B  2.     Interrogative  Sentences. 

164.  The  Arabic  language  ignores  the  difference  between  a  direct 
and  an  indirect  question,  in  so  far  as  regards  the  arrangement  of 
words  and  the  mood  of  the  verb.  Every  interrogative  clause,  even 
when  dependent  upon  a  preceding  one,  takes  the  direct  form. 

165.  A  question  is  sometimes  indicated  merely  by  the  tone  of 
the  voice,  both  when  it  stands  alone,  and  when  it  is  connected  with 

C    another  question  by  j*\  or  jl ;  as  £w  «£L~aj  ^0  L~U  ^Z-^-3  lyUi 

j   e  , 

*>L».lj^ol  ^J-ixil  \*£=>\j  is  it  better  to  cast  the  stones  (one  of  the  ceremonies 

of  the  pilgrimage  to  Mekka)  riding  or  on  foot  ?  &\j  ^£j*\  U  dJj^jd 

^jl^Ju  j>\  j-o-aJI  O-**)  f-r-l  ^jb  CvS  by  thy  life,  1  know  not,  though 

I  am  knowing,  {whether)  they  pelted  the  Gamardt  (see  the  last  example) 

with  seven  (pebbles)  or  with  eight ;  C*»-jt  (j-e  jl  C-^-;  ^j-o  yk  ^jjl  *$ 

I  do  not  know  whether  it  comes  from  rohtu  or  from   'arahtu.     In 
D  general,  however,   a  question  is  introduced  by  one  or  other  of  the 
interrogative  particles  mentioned  in  Vol.  i.  §§  361,  3G2. 

166.  The  simplest  interrogative  particle  is  I,  which  may  be 
prefixed  to  the  word  &\,  and  to  the  conjunctions  y  v-i,  and^»5;  as 

„ ,  S  ^  0     ,     0  >o    :  t  >      t  it 

slo-J1  ^  O-*  >»**^"  are  ye  safe  from  Him  who  is  in  heaven?  O-*^' 
ilyi-JI  ^>«l  l*^  shall  we  believe  as  fools  have  believed?  U^j  \XLc  IJul 

^  0*>       J     0  . 

and  they  said,  Dost  thou  fear  any  evil  to  us  from  thyself?  jU-^J  I 

ec     j   *  oc 

§  166]  Interrogative  Sentences.  307 

yjy^j^i  L5t   UUxftj  \j\jJ  when  ice  are  dmd,  and  become  dust  and  A 
bones,  shall  we  indeed  be  recompensed  {for  our  deeds)  ■    wJ*^    «iU5! 

3   3        3  ^  1  -       -  2 1  J//  «J/         /  J        /J  /S 

uu^j  art  thou  really  Joseph]  ^J\*pA  \££j  U^5  ,jjJJUJ  ^)l  will  ye 
not  fight  a  people  who  have  broken  their  oaths  I  <*JJt  ^yc  ^a»  .:...">  Ul 
art  thou  not  ashamed  of  thyself  before  God  ]  «utj  ^£X^jl  jSL>  y>\  Jl£i 

^  I  ^  ^  _  ^  ,  a     *  *i 

I  Jjk  jjk  a/jd  J16m  i?#£r  sgm'<2,  J./-e?  ye  a//  0/  ^/s  opinion  ?  ^»l*»..^t 

£•  <•  2  3      ]i 

lj-j».    "^t    J^it   Aas£   £&?m   ^e«   heard    me   saying  aught   but   good]   B 

-         i         J  -        3sas'li-oZti        -  .>  -  »  ^  //J 

Ojli-"^  U^oJju  aJJI  ,jl  (J^oJju  ^t  efo  ^ey  «o£  £/20W  that  God  knows 

*■     c«<«       'ssis         it         «•  *'  3       0    -         -  'i 

ivhat  they  keep  secret  ]  (Jj^)  I  Lii-J^o  *j)l  (J-jIs^j  O-3*-^  ^'  rtrg  w'g  ;M?^ 

«•        :  -  ~      a  **i 

then  liable  to  die  save  our  first  death  (in  this  world)  ?  ^)l  Ij^j  ^Jj' 
£^£  ,j-«  aJJI  Jii»-  U  /iai'g  ^ey  /w£  looked  at  what  God  has  created] 

du  ^J**\  %3j  U  Ijl  ^jt  wAen  /£  /a/fe  («/x>?i  you),  will  ye  believe  it  then  ] 

ai  £ 

If  another  clause  be  connected  by>ol  with  the  one  beginning  with  I 
(in  this  case  called  aj^—JI    S^jk,  ^  hemza  of  equalisation),  there    C 

si/      at       ,  *  a        si/; 

arises  a  disjunctive  or  alternative  question ;  as  ^y-^s-  >»'  ,£)jU£  jujl 

is  2T£m?  in  ^y  Aouse,  w  'Amr]  JfjJI  ^^°'  <■£!— f>  a^jUJ!  ^1  ts  ^y 

date-honey  in  the  jar  or  in  the  skin  ]  \Jj~a  j>\  \±*}sf.\  U~U  i\y*  it  is 
all  the  same  to  us,  whether  we  bear  (our  torments)  impatiently  or  with 

a  j  a      a  1     a  *      ai      a  i  ,a  ,  aii     a    a  *  *        ~,  * 

patience;  ^AjJuj  ^J  j»\  ^yjjjull  ^y-le    t^y    it  is  all  one  to  them, 

a    *       j     a    j  —  *   *  a»o      *       , 

whether  thou  hist  warned  them  or  not;    ,j-o  w-^-fc    w-jUjiJI    0-*3 

jjij       j  ,    2   >        *  a  *       ai     &       Z    s       i      3        it  *a   *  li       6        -      *  3 

o>^c  ^ola^j  \Jl^  ja\  ^lLH\  j»\  jcjuJI  ybl  JJkl*.  yk  one  of  the  strange  J) 
things  is  the  self-conceit  of  him  who  does  not  know  whether  he  will  be 


saved  or  damned,  or  how  his  life  will  end.     Instead  of  j>\  we  may  use 

ai  6  a,     ai      *  *a        *a*i  a33  *     a 

j\ ;  as  3^-o.c  j'  ^)jup  jujl  is  Zeid  in  thy  house,  or  'Amr]  ^yS'iUi.t 

a  *      ai       ,a  **  &  *  a  a  *  j£       w^  a*o  * 

*j**£  j'   tjJjJI  ^9**->  u—^  O-*  5*'  i^aJI  ^o-s«J  ^jj  ^A«/r  difference  of 

opinion  in  regard  to  the  delights  of  Paradise,  whether  they  are  of  the 
same  kind  as  the  delights  of  this  world,  or  of  a  different  kind. 

308  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  167 

A  Rem.  a.     The  interrogative  particle  is  frequently  omitted  at  the 

beginning  of  an  alternative  question;  as  ^JLol  jl  ^*^>  <^-W  til 
I  am  king,  whether  ye  like  it  or  not  (for^lwt  t'j-"')-  ^  both  parts 
of  the  sentence  be  dependent  upon  the  same  verb,  it  is  placed 
between  them;  as  t^Jii  jl  O^*  ^**^  whether  he  be  rich  or  poor 
(for  Lie!) ;  i\~~<>  _/>\  At*.  lo-L«3  whether  he  comes  in  the  morning  or 
in  the  evening  (for  l»-U-©l).     See  §  6,  a,  and  §  165. 

B  Rem.  b.     It  is  said  that  there  is  a  difference  of  meaning  between 

os-  ot  o  o  *     ot       *  *  o         0O'£ 

jl  and  jt>\.     The  question  3j»*£  jt  ^JjUft  jujl  implies  ignorance  as 

•i  a  ,     oi     ..  ,  o       oo  'Z 

to  whether  either  of  them  is  there,  or  not ;  but  jj-*c  >et  ij  j^s.  jujt 

implies  the  knowledge  that  one  of  them  is  there,  and  asks  which 
it  is. 

oZ       is        ,  0  )  i 

[Rem.  c.    j»\  (ojdaJU^JI  j>\  the  unconnected  'am)  signifies  often 

or  rather,  nay  but,  serving  like  Jj  (§  184,  c)  to  denote  digression  or 

*»«•«£     <>    *     s a 
C         to  rectify,  as  *lw  j>\  (Jj*})  Ijil  verily  they  (the  animals  seen  moving 

'6  £ 

at  a  distance)  are  camels  ;  nay  but  are  they  not  rather  sheep  ?  This 
is  also  its  meaning  in  alternative  sentences  after  ^Jjb ;  see  §  167.] 

167.     The   interrogative  particle   Ja  introduces  questions  of  a 
more  lively  sort;  as  $y^\  w^-*»«  «^l  J-*  hast  ^l0U  heard  tlis  tale 

of  the  armies  1  ^\  ^\j>£  O-*  ^W-^  sj^  i^*  ^^  J-*  shall  I 
direct  you  to  a  merchandise,  .which  shall  save  you  from  sore  torment  ? 

,       ..   j       oZ      ,  0,0*       ,0,lZ  ■>        '      oiti      », 

j)  -Ut  w^.U>  vj  O'  O-ij^3  J*  ^k^'  I  (§  84,  rem.  a)  ;  ^>ju  ^>\  Ja 
(^^•.Lo  ^J  (§  90).  It  may  be  preceded  by  j,  \J,  and  ^ ;  as 
^~iy>  w->J^»-  «iJ^'  JU3  awrf  Aa^  £/w  story  of  Moses  reached  thee? 
^3t«  p-jlj  OJI  J^i  £l— <JI  ^1  C-soil  ^1  //'  I  stay  till  the  evening,  wilt 
thou  go  with  me! — Ja  cannot  be  prefixed  to  a  negative  clause  (ex- 
cepting >*,  §  169) ;  nor  to  a  conditional  clause  ;  nor  to  <j]:>  3>  *-*>  an(l 
^j  ;  nor,  in  general,  to  a  nominal  clause  of  which  the  predicate  is  a 

§  168]  Interrogative  Sentences.  309 

finite  verb  (§  119);  as  oU  juj  J*  [except  in  poetry].— It  may  be  A 

at  o£  . 

followed  in  an  alternative  clause  by^el  or  j\,  with  the  former  of  which 

particles  JJk  is  [mostly]  repeated ;  as  j>\  j>)jZa  o-*  Mj*^'  ji^  J-* 

^oA>>  jut»  jl jJI  OvSjX  ^jjk  ^«fe  ^  /w<<tfs  &/£  any  place  to  be  patched 

or  pieced  (any  decaying  ruin  to  be  sung  of).?  Nay  but  (I  have 
something  to  say :)  hast  thou  recognised  the  abode  (of  thy  beloved)  after 

*  a  *       » *      at    j        *e*>*  -  e  £ o>»  -  a -       a  - 

doubting  (regarding  it)?  [^3^-3  J-*  >»l  ^,..a.,)1j  ^^t^)t  i^Jy^-i  J-* 

J      i  *o*  >       -  J  L      s  m 

jyMj   OlpJUnJI  «/•#  ^  6/«na?  ««rf  £&?  seeing  equal?    Or  rather  are   B 
darkness  and  light  equal?]  CJLw  Ja  j>\  ^y-i  &J&  J^  ***-''  sj^-f 

*  sis  0  s    $     '    *? 

lyJIJb  ,j*o  ^^jJI  osl;  ' Useiyid  whether  I  have  taken  my  blood-revenge 
on  Wail,  or  {rather]  whether  I  have  cured  my  soul  of  its  grief; 
*^a*j  jt  ws-»  3I  ji»>t  ,^^0  w-w  JlA  rf/rf  //<?  rm/g  any  one,  or  was  he 
reviled,  or  was  he  avaricious? 

Rem.  a.     Some  grammarians  say  that   JJb  is  originally  equi-    C 
valent  in  meaning  to  j3,  and  that  its  iuterrogative  force  is  really 


due  to  the  particle  1  understood.  The  two  are  sometimes  combined; 
as^£»^)t  ^3   eUUt   «>  ft,.,. i  Ujlj  ,jjkl  c/ic/  £/tey  see  us  at  the  loioer  end 

of  the  plain  with  the  hillocks  ?  j\)  w*Jf£  JJkl  4-JLJ  UsU^o  Jlii 
ly*j  jJUo  jju  <±kJL.Lc  and  he  says,  addressing  himself  Hast  thou 
recognised  the  abode  of  thy  beloved,  after  thy  doubting  regarding  it  ? 

*  *  -  *       a  - 

Rem.  b.     On   the   elliptical  expression    IJl&    ,-i    -iJU   Jjk,  see  J) 

§  53,  b,   rem.  e.     When    followed   by  a    clause    commencing   with 
tjl,  the  preposition  .^i  may  be  omitted  [comp.  §  70,  rem.  g],  as 

j»\jj  ^j\  «iU  Jjb  dost  thou  tvish  to  go  to  sleep  ? — Similarly,  .J  I  2ii  ^)Jb 

j-£»p  ^jt  wouldst  thou  become  pure?  scil.  i«^p  O'  15"  c^**°  *^  «J** 
Aos^  <Aou  an  inclination  to  becoming  pure  ? 

168.     The  compound  negative  particle  ^)l,  nonne,  is  often  used 
to  draw  close  attention  to  the  certainty  of  the  following  assertion,  and 

310  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  169 

A  hence  admits  of  being  rendered  into  English  by  truly,  verily,  certainly 
(compare  in   Hebrew  K7n  =  TX2T\),  in   which  case   it  is  frequently 

w  ,  a     tie        }    , ,        *         si. 

followed,  as  a  farther  asseverative,  by  ,jl*  ;  e.g.  ^*)l  JW  •>)  *j)l 
<U— j  *5l  certainly  thou  wilt  never  attain  learning  save  through  six 
things  (lit.  is  it  not  sol  thou  wilt  not,  etc.) ;  jijjJ  *j)  Sjl^xaJt  ^1  *^t 
iw%  2/o?^A  ofo^  /2<?£  last  for  ever ;  llyA-JI^A^o^Jl  ^M  verity  ^se  art; 

the  fools ;   V^ljj  O-0  J"*****"—*  '-H^  L5^fr  L5^i  J**^'  f-V^'  'i  W  *^' 

B    0  £/wm  £/*a£  barkest  at  (revilest)  the  Benu  's-Sid,  verily  I  am  ready  to 

fight  to  the  death  in  their  defence,  though  they  are  far  away.     It  is  also 

used  as   a  corroborative  before  the   optative  perfect   (§  1,  /),   the 

'*»'j2i-0'*s  si- 

imperative,  jussive,  and  energetic  ;  as  <^v*?*J  4-^'  ?"**  ^  ma1l  G°d 
disfigure  thy  face !  Here  L>  is  often  inserted;  see  §  38,  a,  rem.  h. — 
The  synonymous  particle  U!  [also,  before  an  oath,  written  j>\]  is  used 

/£  /JO//       //Ow//      0/        wj  *"/         /£ 

in  the  same  way  as  ^)t ;   e.g.  &&&   I^jju  ^   aAJIj  Ul  verily,  by 

God,  hudst   l/iou  transgressed   it,  I  would  have  put   thee   to  death; 

C  jWI   oj^u  j4*~j  j-+±-  ^  ajI  Ul  verily  there  is  no  good  in  prosperity 

which  is  followed  by  the  fire  (of  hell) ;  0-°3  JLf*  O'J^  OLasljJIj  Ul 

i  i  a  j        j  o  s   » Z       6  "  si  Oio  *  a  *  St  *■ 

\£^&  L5*  *^*"  ^j-o-1*'  «**J  «^'j*i"  0*-«**^  L5^°  ^  ^  galloping 
camels  at  Ddt  'Irk,  and  by  those  who  pray  at  Na'man  abounding  in 
'ardk-trees,  (I  swear  that)  I  have  treasured  up  love  for  thee  in  my 

169.     ^1,  %*>,  ^)>J,  and  Uy  (called  by  the  grammarians  Ojj^- 

J)  uaj*l\j   ^iu-aa^JI  the  particles  of  requiring  with  urgency,  or  with 

gentleness),  are  used  before  the  imperfect  to  incite  one  to  perform 

an  act,  and  before  the  perfect  to  rebuke  the  neglect  of  it ;  as  s^i^sJ  *$\ 

jjbpl    ,-i  UU&  why  dost  thou  not  compose  a  book  upon  asceticism? 

equivalent  to  compose  one,  pray ;  but  jJfcjJI  ^  L>L^  c^-i-e  *i)l  why 

*  [And  also  by  ,jl^  and  by  3  ;  see  the  Gloss,  to  Tabarl.     D.  G.] 

§  170]  Interrogative  Sentences.  311 

•   0  •   »C  -    ' 

hast  thou   not  composed  a   book  upon   asceticism?   ^-.^Act   ***  »%  A 

«••       •    el     •o^         •  •  •        -        5-o     j    i' 

didst  thou  not  inform  me  (of  it)?  a~U  Jpt  ^y  bj*£>  CH^  J^*t! 
*0  t>°  *?  those  who  do  not  believe,  say,  Why  has  no  sign  from  his 
Lord  been  sent  down  to  him  ?  £\  UJLi  jl  lti\  L^LC.  ^y  why  does  not 
GW  spraA-  to  us  or  a  sign  come  unto  us  ?  cub  ,j!  *£!+}  W  ^^  l^ 
jj-^^LajT  ^  why  dost  thou  not  bring  the  angels  to  us,  if  thou  art  (one) 
of  those  who  speak  the  truth  ?  In  later  times  the  simple  U  is  so  used  ; 
as^i5  U  dost  thou  not  stand  up?  or  thou  dost  not  stand  up!  equi-  B 
valent  to  pray,  stand  up. 

Rem.  a.  *})1  is  used  in  the  same  sense  as  *^1,  but  with  less 
force ;  as  j*^**}  \y£>  Uy>  ^j^JUUj  ^1  why  toiU  ye  not  fight  a 
people  ivho  have  broken  their  oaths  ?  ^£J  aJJ!  j**j  O'  0>?'a*"'  *^' 
10%  do  ye  not  like  that  God  should  forgive  you  ? 

Rem.  b.     Sometimes  the  verb  is  suppressed  after  these  particles, 

•  i      e  i  a  •       £  • 

and  a  substantive  follows  in  the  nom.  or  accus. ;  as  ^Xi)  ^c  Ij-ji.  *}Lfc 
why   not   better  thaii   this  ?   scil.    Jjuu    dost  thou    do,   or  j*±.  ^L*    C 

•  I       0  •  0  •         •  J        *  J         J  J0&*        J    ~  •  -  "*      Z.   ' 

«£|J3  y^c,  scil.  «£U*  (J^  was  from  thee;  p-L—o  w>^JliM^  >ojJi3l  *}>Jk 

•  •  t^ 

?t'Ay  t/irf*  ye  «o£   cfo  so   before,  when  our  hearts  were  sound?   scil. 

)  it  *  Z  -o     ,       i        S  •  #■       •       gji  -i        •       •  5  •  -  -<*    -  » •        '       J  J- 

•  3  •  Jdx»       A         --  -  -3         •Ox  ••Ox  •  0  J  Ox  ••of 

UJLeJt    ,«*£J1    'iiy    ^jjis^o    ^J*>  ^jkM    ,^-ail    i/e    reckon    the 
slaughtering  of  she-camels  your  greatest  glory;  ye  sons  of  a  good- 

•  w  J  •  «5  • 

for-nothing,   tohy   not    the   helmed   warrior?   scil.    ^jjuu,   i.e.   *}L* 

•  £  •  JO^      *  •  ©**  0    •O^       •  •  SJ/ 

*iLoJI  ,**£)l  j-i»»H   ^>*  O^***^  u'hy  do  ye  not  reckon  the  helmed  D 
warrior  something  glorious  ? 

170.     The  interrogative  pronouns  »>«  who?  and  U  what?  may 
stand  in   any  one   of  the  three  cases,  nominative,  genitive,  or   ac- 

•  o£      o  •  oe     o   •       j  o 

cusative  ;   as  wJI  ^>-o  who  art  thou  ?  cJt  ,j>*  C— U  if^ose  daughter 

0,  •        0     • 

art  $om  ?  cJj:3  ,j-e  ?r^o?»  ^«*^  ^Aom  slain  ?   ^lu^o  iUJ  U  what  is 

312  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  170 

)        )  *         *  6)6)* 

A  that  in  thy  right  hand?  J>£>  U  what  sayest  thou  ?  ^>&*  ^nfi  in  what 
(state)  were  ye  ?  Even  when  they  ought,  strictly  speaking,  to  follow 
another  word  in  the  genitive,  they  may  be  put  first  in  the  nominative 
absolute,  and  their  proper  place  supplied  by  a  pronoun  which  falls 

«.».-  0  .-  t>*  *)))'*  *  »     *  0    1 

back  upon  them  (juU  or  £»-'j);   as  %^t>  J£>  0$£U  «juj  ,>«  J3 

e  *        * 

(instead  of  ^j~c  juj)  Say,  In  whose  hand  is  the  kingdom  over  every- 

0    -  * 

thing  ?  But  no  such  pronoun  can  be  used,  unless  o-*  an(l  ^  precede 
in  the  nominative  absolute. — To  render  the  interrogation  more  lively, 

B  the  demonstrative  pronoun  t3  is  appended  (like  the  Heb.  H?)  to  the 
interrogatives  ,j~©  and  L«,  even  when  the  subject  of  the  inter- 
rogative  clause   is   introduced  by  the  relative  pronoun    ^JJt ;    as 

)  )*  *  *  )        )    *  5«5  -  * 

J^aj  13  L«,  or  J>aj  ^JJI  13  L-«,  what  is  it  (that)  thou  sayest*? 
j-«!   j^JJI  ^^j  or  j-ol  ^JJI  13  ,j-o,  M'Ao  is  i£  £/$«£  has  given  orders? 

^)\         *         *******&&*'** 

U^A  ^J|   <&&***  j*ju  0*Jj  13  UJ  (pron.  &'ma  da),  why  dost  thou  run 

aw)/  a/iter  thy  coming  hither  ? — The  pronouns  ^a  and  U  are  always 

C    used  substantively,  but  can  neither  govern  a  genitive  nor  be  followed 

by  another  substantive  in  apposition  to  them  in  any  case  (nom.,  gen., 

*■*      t   *  0       *       o    * 

or  ace):  ^-^3  o-*>  u*j^*  0-°>  do  n°t  mean  rts  dvyp;  quisnam  vir? 
quis  eques  (est  ills  quern  vides)  ?  but  quis  (est)  vir  ?  quis  (est)  eques  ? 
<>-6  being  the   subject  and  the  following  word  the  predicate.     For 

j         )  Zti       )   o  t  *       b  *  )   *      )  o  *  o*>      * 

example:    w-jic  ^J\  C-^Xi.   ^»  &*  I^HS  jt>^ii\  I3t  when  the  tribe 

2  e  t  »*>  *      *       »* 

ask,  Who  is  a  man  ?  I  think  that  I  ammeant ;  U«  oU*;)!  ^J>  O^  V 

*      )  O  *     )    d  O  )*      *  O  *        O    ^         O  *    *  *        0  * 

D  IjV*j  o\A  ^o^*"  cHj^  O-*  '>*»**  J^tj  if  there  were  one  of  us  among 
a  thousand,  and  they  cried  out,  Who  is  a  horseman  ?  he  would  think 

<o     )  S  *        61 

(that)  they  meant  him  (Li>i«J  in  rhyme  for  ^yju);   aXi\  j^t  ail  ^yo 
I  L-aj  ^^^JL;,  lit.  ?r/w  (is)  a  (706?,  beside  the  (true)  God,  (that)  could  give 

*  [We  find  not  unfrequently  13  L«  Jl>*3.  13  t«  oJjo  what  host  thou 

*  *  w  )  )  * 

done?  13  l««  (<--•  J^}^**  «wrf  w/ta/  rfo  yow  wish  from  me?     D.  G.] 

§  170]  Interrogative  Sentences.  313 

3/om  /?^£  ?  the  words  *  l*-iu  ^jJLj  forming  a  relative  clause  in  con-  A 
nection  with  the  indefinite  substantive  <*JI  (see  §  172).     Even  such  a 

t  a -      a  -  a-e^ 

case  as  is  represented  by  the  words  ljuj  ^>*,  jljj  ^^«.  in  no  way 

violates  this  rule.  One  person  says  tjuj  wolj  /  have  seen  Zeid; 
another,  repeating  the  exact  words  of  the  former  speaker  (ijl£&Jt), 

#  0  *         0    .. 

asks  ljuj  ^>«  ?r&>   is  (the  person  meant,  when  you   said  "  ra'eitu 

J    0  ^  *• 

Zeidan,"  by  the  word)  " Zeidan"  ?    Similarly,  in  the  genitive,  Ojj-o 
»*jJ-»  I  passed  by  ZZid,  juj  ,j>*.      In  general,  however,  the  i»b£».   B 
(imitation,  citation  or  quoting  of  the  exact  words  of  a  speaker)  is 
neglected,  and  the  questioner  asks  juj  ^>«  wAo  is  Zeid?  in  the  nomi- 
native.     The  *ubC».  is  allowed  only  when  the  word  quoted  is  a  proper 

name,  and  ,j-o  is  not  preceded  by  any  connective  particle,  such  as  j. 

.^  9  a  *      a  *  *  m  a ,     j     ,  j      a  - 

We  can  only  say  juj  ^^^  and  icho  is  Zeid?   ju_j  j»%i-  v>«  who  is 

the  slave  of  Zeid  ?  The  word  ,j-o  may  be  used  by  itself  alone,  in 
reference  to  an  undefined  substantive,  with  the  inflections  mentioned   C 

in  Vol.  l.  §  352  ;  e.g.  J^.j  ^sl*.  there  came  to  me  a  man,  ^U  who? 
y^j  ^-*j'j  /  saw  a  man,  U«  whom  ?  J^>J  ^jj*  I  passed  by  a  man, 
^^5^-9  ivhom  ? — As  interrogatives,  j>*  and  U  are  construed  with  the 
masculine  singular  of  a  verb,  but  occasionally  admit  of  the  feminine, 

*  -  -      a  *    *       a  * 

when  the  predicate  is  of  the  feminine  gender  ;  as  ^Ut  <^j\£s  &*  who 
was  thy  mother?  [see  §  152,  e\ — If  inquiry  be  made  regarding  the 

nature,  qualities,  social  position,  etc.,  of  a  person,  U  is  used,  and  not  D 

a  *  *  ai        *     *  *      *  a  *  * 

jj-a ;  e.g.  C-JI  Lo  aJ  UISj  and  we  said  to  him,  What  art  thou  ? 
jj-s^JUJI  w>j  U  what  is  the  Lord  of  created  things?  «£Uy>  ^j£-  ^i^-i.1 

^  *      *       j  *  a  *  a  *      a  &     *  £      *  *        a    *  *  a  £       .-      a  ^  £  .0       •      a  *       at*       Z*  *  *■ 

a  io    *■  _  a£e  ..      , 

*  O'  O"*  ^J  Poetic  license  for  ^jl  ^o,  and  OIjJl*.  in  rhyme  for 
w.   ii.  40 

314  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  170 

A  dSlc  jjtil  ^&   ^   wa.Ic   ^«-«J   J^>*  jU*«   ^^   cub  J13  ^»1^ 

fe//  m#  «&om£  £%  verse:  "  ^4wrf  a/lter  s/^  descried  the  cavalcade  of  the 
Numeiri,  she  turned  aside,  and  they  were  on  their  guard  against 
meeting  him  " ; — what  were  ye  1  He  said,  I  was  upon  a  lean  he-ass, 
and  with  me  was  a  friend  of  mine  upon  a  she-ass  like  it. 

Rem.  a.     The  <LA£^  of  a  proper  name  is  inadmissible,  if  the 
name   be  qualified   in  any  way,  except  by  ^jj\  in  a  genealogical 

b,     ,  b      ,b,      s    bi,  ,  b     ,  b,    b    , 

series.     If  one  says  3j-»£  £y,   Juj  CUjIj,  you  may  ask  £yt  juj  ^j-c 

©^  ,      ,b>o       ib,       j   bi,  ib>o     ,   bio       tb,       j   bi, 

B         3j~*e-  ',  hut  if  one  says  ^J-SUJI  Ijuj  C-ulj  or  j~c*$\  ^Jj\  ljuj  Csjtj, 

.-        ^dA»      £  a  /      b     ,  ib>a     ,    b*>       4b,      b     , 

you  cannot  ask  ^JiUJI  ljuj  ^>o  or  j-+-c*$\  (J-»l  ljuj  ^^-o.     In  these 
cases  the  nominative  only  is  allowed. 

»  -  S    - 

Rem.  b.     From  £>*  is  formed  an  adjective  ...U  [Vol.  i.  §  352, 

s  ,b<         1        , 

rem.  c],  which  is  used  in  asking  questions  regarding  ^o-lsJ  I  Olio 
or  OL~~iJI    (Vol.   i.   §  249).     E.g.   juj    ^J^W-  #&«?  came  to  me; 
j-^oJI   o/*  which   tribe  ?  to  which  the  answer  might  be   ,-£yJUI   of 
C  Koreis,  as  distinguished  from  ,*£a3I  J>jj  Zeid  of  the  tribe  of  Taklf ; 

[jJb  ,<wo,  C-Jl  j«-w6  of  which  tribe  art  thou,  is  he?  instead  of  the 
usual  jJ^yJI  0-«-*]- 

Rem.  c.     The  interrogative  U  is  very  rarely  used  of  persons ;  as 

,  i  ,  J    ,  ,  b.  Jib,,  ,  J  ,   bi       ,  J  vi  J   ,  ,   ,         b  iviii  wl      1  , 

but  I  tvill  point  out  to  you  a  man  amongst  us,  who  is  better  able  to 
carry  out  what  ye  have  asked  me  to  do  ;  and  they  said,  Who  is  he  ? 

D         IJjb  U  CJlii  Ojl-o-2*  \J^-j  15M  Opsu  she  saw  a  man  pretending  to 

".  °   ' 

be  dead,  and  said,  Who  is  this  ?    The  conjunctive  (relative)  ^0  and 

,  b    ,     b  j  b 

Uo  (§  172  and  foil.)  are  more  frequently  interchanged;  e.g.  ^j-c ^^ 

,  bi  ,,  b , 

<ftjjl    i_jJ*   ^.rlej   among  tlcem  are  creatures  which  walk  on  four 

j        i      j  ,      b  ,      b    ,         ,  *  ,,    i  ,     ,  ,     *        j    b    ,       b ,      ,    ,b>o    ,  b      I 

(feet);jJo\  Ooyk  j>$  ,>o  ^3t  ^jLd  a».U».^3u  ,>©  Jjk  UaiJI  w»^wl 

0  covey  of  katas  (a  sort  of  bird)  is  there  one  (among  yon)  who  will 
lend  (me)  his  unngs  ?    Perchance  I  might  fly  to  the  one  whom  I  love; 

§  171]  Interrogative  Sentences.  315 

jL-JI  jj»«  ^aXJ  w>U»  Lo  l^a>C)Li  £^erc  marry  what  women  seem  good  A 

to  you  ;  tjjJj  Lo  ^JJjUIj  I^aJo  to  ^..Jl!  ^Aose  whom  they  married 
{their  ivives)  were  {doomed)  to  captivity,  and  those  whom  they  begat 

j  a  *Bio     ,     ^  *     a  &  *  a  *  *       * , 

(their  children)  to  slaughter;   J|yi3l    ^jl^   d-o*}Hlfcl   ,J   UiXi   L»i 
<£JUy>  <ui  a/tf/  (as  to)  those  about  wJwse  virility  we  are  in  doubt,  the 

-  a    -        ,     *         '     '        -      £-         s  <•    £  J 

decision  shall  be  as  you  please  ;  dJjo-»»  .*  ^j^  to  .tjoa   l^c  ^ja^J^oJ 
<Ae?i  fo  ordered  all  who  tvere  in  his  presence  to  retire  and  leave  us  ; 

*43>3  *0^'  O-*  *■}  uA-*si*~l  I*  *J^3  an^  a^  whom  ne  had  about  him   B 
of  his  friends  and  relatives* . 

Rem.  d.     On  the  shortening  of  U  into^o,  see  Vol.  i.  §  351,  rem. 

2  £ 

171.     Regarding  the  interrogative  pronoun  ^1,   of    which  we 
have  spoken  before  (§  87),  there  are  here  two  remarks  to  be  made. 

(a)  ^1  [when  followed  by  a  noun  in  the  genitive]  is  used,  not  only 
instead  of  the  fern,  ijt,  but  also  instead  of  the  plur.  ^y,\  ;  as  ^1  ^y>   C 
OJ!  iL«i  «?/  ?rA«£  tfrifo  or*  #Aok?  O^-oJ  fu^j'  l5^  u-*-5  lS;*^  ^3 
and  no  soul  knows  in  what  kind  it  shall  die ;  OJI  ^Ul  ^1  ^yo  of 
what  people  art  thou  I  [when  prefixed  to  a  fern,  pronoun,  it  may  be 

2     J  lit 

masc.  or  fern. ;  though  Ov*i'  is  the  more  common ;  see  Vol.  i.  .§  353]. 

(b)  A  nominal  sentence  with  a  nominal  predicate,  of  which  the  subject 

I//9JI/  3    c 

(lju*-oJt)  is  ^1  with  a  pronominal  suffix,  may,  as  a  whole,  without  any 

*  [In  reality,  the  above  examples  form  no  exception  to  the  rules.   J) 
In  the  two  first  the  question  relates  to  the  quality  or  position  of  the 

man,  not  to  his  name.  In  the  others  Co  is  used  in  a  collective  sense. 
But  as  in  many  cases  the  interrogative  what  is  he  ?  and  tuho  is  he  ? 

*  a    * 

the  relative  what  and  whom  are  equally  admissible,  we  find  Co  and  jj-o 
sometimes  interchanged  by  different  authors  and  in  different  manu- 
scripts.    Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  iii.  14  seq.     D.  G.] 

t  [The  reading  ^ijl  4-»b  is  compared  by  Sibaweih  to  an  equally 
rare  form,  viz.  ^j^X£s.] 

316  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  171 

A  change  of  case,  supply  the  place  of  an  accusative  to  a  verb  or  of  a 
genitive  after  a  preposition  ;  as  jtjJI  ^  ^jS  O-i^c  /  know  which  of 

L^c  ^^  wi7/  we  £a#e  /or£/i  from  every  band  those  who  have  been 
stoutest  in  proud  rebellion  against  the  Merciful;  ^->l  j^J  lyi-a* 
*^X*a\  he  bit  them  with  his  teeth  in  order  to  see  which  of  them  was  the 

J    -  0t  OJiit  *  s         0  ul  *  '  -  *  *  -  r         * 

hardest ;   ,J-ail  j^S   ^s-  ^X^J   ^XJU   ^j   C-wJJ   U  Ijl  when  thou 
B   meetest  the  Benu  Malik,  salute  him  who   is  most  excellent  amongst 

3  £ 

them.  In  such  cases,  however,  ^l  may  be  put  alone,  without  any 
suffix,  in  the  accusative  or  genitive,  the  vacant  place  of  the  subject 
in  the  nominal  clause  being  supplied  by  the  pronoun  of  the  third 

H    tO  s  3         Zit         J    0-  -  3    i 

person;  asjIjJI  ^  $*»  IjI  oi^*.  In  the  former  case  ^t  is  treated 
as  an  interrogative,  in  the  latter  as  a  relative  pronoun.     We  may  also 

Ct   x?  ,-  j      o  t  ^t       j    o*  ^  £*»  Sis-     )    b  s  * 

sayjIjJI  ^£  ytt y^/A  c^.c,  and  evenjtjJt  ^  \A  <£*jj&. 

Q  Rem.  a.     ^£\  likewise  serves  to  express  astonishment,  in  which 

case  it  may  always  be  put  in  the  masc.  sing.,  and  the  noun  which 
it  governs  in  the  genitive  is  undefined.     If  the  preceding  noun,  to 

3    £  &    p 

which  ^1  refers,  be  indefinite,  then  ^1  agrees  with  it  in  case ;  as 

j  *     w  £  j  .-  -a 

\J**-j  L^'  *J*?"J~t  L5****J*  thou  hast  brought  me  a  man,  (and)  ivhat  a 

vi     t  w£  is    b*0  }     0*    * 

■man  !  —  what  a  man  thou  hast  brought  me  I  [(or  ^S)  2u\  Sl^b  ^jj-* 

Sl^-et  I  passed  by  a  ivoman,  (and)  what  a  woman  /]     But  if   the 

*  .  .        Sf 

preceding  noun  be  definite,  ^1  is  always  put  in  the  circumstantial 

j  ^      ;J  £     o  a  •  *■ , 

D         accusative  or  hat;  as  yj^j  ^\  juj  ,-3sla.  Zeid  came  to  me,  (and) 
what  a  man  (he  is)  !     The  reason  of  this  is,  that  the  interrogative 

and  exclamatory  ^1,  being  by  its  very  nature  indefinite,  can  never 

3  £ 
be  in  concord  with  a  definite  substantive.     Instead  of  ^1  we  also 

find  UjI  [LoJLj t] ;  as  J^.j  l^jt  Ja.jJ  ^j^Z-*.,  J-e^j  UjI  J>ij  ^J*W-, 

z, .  s  o*o      s    St£  0'£*  o«s        j  o  •  •  ^       ^         ^  *Zii       vi  *o    J  't  I 

S    '  '  5    /'  ^-  >  ^ȣ, 

handmaid  of  G'ud,    (and)  what   a  girl  is  she  /]    tia.   et©j|  OLojli 

§  172]  Relative  Sentences.  317 

:►      ^»  ^      ^e. 

j-XJ  U^jI  jZ+».  U*c  dJUi  jJIaJ  a«(/  /  gave  a  slight  wink  to  Habtar,   A 

and  how  keen  (see  §  53,  b,  rem.  e)  were  the  eyes  of  Habtar,  the  noble 
youth ! — The  substantive  which  constitutes  the  object  of  wonder 
may  be  understood,  when  it  is  virtually  contained  in  the  verb,  and 

j^l  must  then  be  put  in  whatever  case  that  substantive  would  have 

stood,  had  it  been  expressed;  as  ijliu  ^t  l^iwl  how  they  have  been 

*    *     st  ^  <      »  ,,3 
tormented !  i.e.  «ul&  ^1  <ubu  t^XiJl. 

£  -  - 

[Rem.  6.     From  ^1  is  formed  the  relative  adjective  ^.A ;  see   B 
Vol.  i,  §  353,  rem.  c] 

3.     Relative  Sentences. 

172.  There  are  in  Arabic,  as  well  as  in  the  other  Semitic 
languages,  two  kinds  of  relative  sentences ;  namely  (a)  indefinite, 
i.e.  such  as  are  annexed  to  an  immediately  preceding  indefinite 
substantive,  without  the  aid  of  a  conjunctive  noun  (Vol.  i.  §  316) ; 
and  (b)  definite,  i.e.  such  as  are  introduced  by  a  conjunctive  noun,  C 
whether  substantive  or  adjective,  which  is  definite  by  its  very  nature. 

9    - 

A  sentence  of  the  former  kind  is  called  ii-o,  a  descriptive  or  qualifi- 
cative  sentence;  of  the  latter  kind,  iL©,  a  conjunctive  sentence;  and 

the   conjunctive    noun    itself   is    called   J^oj^JI  ^~»^l,   or   simply 

J^oj^JI.     Examples  of  the  first  kind  :  j»\i-i  J^j  ^jj*  I  passed  by 

a  man,  who  was  sleeping ;  iSL>  ^jjXi  ^UU  *^j  c~*j  JjI  ^j\  the  J) 
first   temple,   which   was  founded  for  mankind,   was  that  at  Bekka 

*     a*>      ill      *    }        «        ,   s   3     i       5       '-• 

(Mekka) ;  w>U£M  j*\  ^>a  oI^m  Obi  firmly  constructed  (i.e.  «m- 
ambiguous)  verses,  which  form  the  basis  (lit.  are  Mtf  mother)  of  the 

<j   ,      ,  ,  ,  ,       £S->  "  .        Si/         -        04/ 

Scriptures;  apUw  ^j  iX».  ^  <sui  s»o  *)  j>$i  a  day  in  which  there 
s&m  fo  «o  bartering,  nor  friendship,  nor  intercession ;  ^S3  ^i  «L-o 
traces  of  an  abode,  which  speak  not  {^Si  in  rhyme  for  ^J&j)  ; 
ijV  tU-J  <J*j  •**  j±-\  u~^*-«  ^i  ^*j  ^fi  w»re  removed  to  another 

318  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§172 

A  room,  which  had  been  sprinkled  with   rose-water.     Examples   of  the 
second  kind:    Jjuu  ^JJI  ^U^jf  the,  king  who  is  just;   ^f  (^^O 

^^  oJl£»  my  s/*op,  w/mcA  Aae?  belonged  to  my  father ;   ^  JJl^  jl 

*ij*  ^^  j*  or  (hast  thou  seen)  tfie  like  of  him  who  passed  by  a  town  1 

SJ/    /Of       -         1      CI        «-  2* 

j^S^cS  (J3***i  CH**^'  those  ivho  spend  their  wealth  (in  almsgiving) ; 

d-©~>l  ly^i  j^J*i  o'  O-0  *^'  ju»»l-»wo  *^-o  ^>«-«  ^ffJJ3l  jS^j  awe?  wAo 
B  #00$  a  greater  wrong  than  he  who  hinders  the  temples  of  God  from 

O     *  i  0  1  -        -         1         0      *  - 

having  His  name  mentioned  in  them?  2.J*  ****'  O-*  **  l**^  O-** 
foj£  ^0  to  whom  anything  is  forgiven  on  his  brother  s  part ;  \k^js' 
<&jZj  U  £#***}  he  let  me  know  all  that  he  was  leaving. — Sometimes, 

however,  a  noun  defined  by  the  article  is  followed  by  a  qualificative 
sentence,  when  that  noun  indicates,  not  a  particular  individual 
(animate  or  inanimate),  but  any  individual  bearing  the  name*;   as 

*  i    o  i  i  a  *a*      * 

i&if+Lj  ^J^-jJJ  L5***i  ^*  ^hat  which  beseems  the  man  who  is  like  thee; 

vj    ljU~>l  ij+a^-i  jl^aJt  ^yLo^>  like  the  ass  which  carries  books ;  j^aJl^ 

iUJJI  .J  ?-*o5i  like  the  coal  which  is  put  among  the  aslies.     In  such 

phrases  as  C-wjlj  ^l^'vo*-5,  what  an  excellent  counsel  thou  hast  adopted! 

the  substantive  i^ipt  is  the  first  nominative  after  the  verb  of  praise, 

and  the  clause  wolj  the  second  nominative,  standing  for  C*jtj   U; 

so  that  the  expression  is  equivalent  to  <£btj  ^1^  [comp.  Vol.  i. 

§  183]. 

tv  Rem.  a.     The  Arabs,  like  the  other  Semites,  have  no  relative 

pronoun  which  they  can  employ  when  the  antecedent  to  the  relative 

3  i 
clause  is  indefinite.     Further,  it  should  be  observed  that  ^1  and 

jCjJ!  are  always  definite,  whether  the  latter  be  used  substantively 

*  [The  article  is  then  employed  u,..>aJI   \Juy*2>   to    indicate   the 
genus  (Vol.  i.  §  345,  rem.  a).] 

§  173]  Relative  Sentences.  319 

or  adjectively ;  whilst  jj-o  and  Co,  which  can  only  be  used  subs  tan-  A 
tively,  are  either  definite  or  indefinite,  as  eU»  jj-«  he  who  comes  or 
one  who  comes,  .J  Co  that  which  I  have  or  something  ivhich  I  have. 

When  employed  indefinitely,  ^yt>  and  U  are  not  regarded  by  the 
Arabs  as  conjunctive  nouns,  but  as  indeclinable  substantives  (equi- 

*  •  "  *   '  .  • 

valent  in  meaning  to  ^^i-w  .* ,  a  person,  and  l^ti,  a  thing),  to  which 

the  words  that  we  regard  as  the  complement  of  the  relative 
pronoun,  are  annexed  as  a  qualificative  clause,  virtually  in  the 
same  case.     We  even  find,  though  very  rarely,  a  single  adjective  so   B 

annexed  to  yj**  or  lo,  and  actually  agreeing  with  them  in  case 
[e.g.  £ymm*j»  O-^i  **->jJ*  I  jiassed  by  a  generous  person  ;  L>j  *— 'jj-0 

"  a  J 

«5JU    y>^u  /  passed  by  something  pleasing  to  you].     When  thus 

used,  ^o  and  U  are  said  to  be  di^-cj^.     [Comp.  Vol.  i.  §  353,  l.J 

Rem.  b.     The  pronoun  in  the  qualificative  clause,  which  falls 

back  upon  the  antecedent  (jubJI  or  **.'jJt  [§  173]),  ought,  strictly 

speaking,  to  be  of  the  third  person,  even  when  the  subject  of  the    C 
qualified  substantive  is  a  pronoun  of  the  first  or  second  person.     In 
practice,  however,  the  one  is  usually  brought  into  agreement  with 

the  other;  as  ^j^Xyt^J  j»^3  j£j\  verily  ye  are  a  people  who  are 
foolish;  iw  ^JJLSJt  ^£jj  Lo  js^a)  01  verily  ice  are  people  who  count 
it  no  disgrace  to  be  slain;  ^J>}\j£-  JW-jJ'  J^*  J^l  ,c>t  verily  I 

am  a  man  whose  hostility  (brave)  men  find  (to  be  terrible).  Compare 
§  175,  rem. 

[Rem.  c.     Among  qualificative  sentences  may  be  reckoned  also    D 
the  qualificative  clauses  mentioned  §  139,  rem.  b,  (1).] 

173.     The  qualificative  sentence  necessarily  contains  a  pronoun 

(juUJI  or  £e>.ljJI),  referring  to  the  qualified  noun  and  connecting  it 

with  the  qualificative  sentence.     This  pronoun  is  either  contained  in 

the  verb  of  the  qualificative  sentence,  as  its  nominative,  e.g.  «l».  jJo>g 
a  man  icho  came;  or,  in  case  of  its  being  a  nominal  sentence,  is 

expressed  by  a  separate  pronoun,  e.g.  ^j^iJ^  5*  J*-j  a  man  who  is 

320  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  174 

A  my  friend;  or,  lastly,  appears  as  a  suffix  in  the  genitive  or  accusative, 
e-S-  j**v  6&\  J"*^  <~>jj-*  I  passed  by  a  man  whose  father  was  asleep  ; 
n-^J  .Sj-o*  O^  SI^-oU  ^SS  C*».jj  I  married  my  son  to  a  woman, 
wtfA  wte  f^4?wr  was  iw  /ow;  [V^j-^  *-><«=>  a  striking  wherewith  he 

was  struck].  The  suffix  is,  however,  not  unfrequently  suppressed, 
when  the  sense  clearly  indicates  the  connection  between  the  qualified 

-       .  .  OsO*>      S3,       ~s,       tJ/i/C  &i       *   s 

noun  and  the  quahncative  clause  ;  as  j^t  J>k$  %\Xi  j^^aS  ^p\  Uj 

•d  IjjLoI  JU>ol  and  I  do  not  know  whether  distance  and  length  of  time 
have  changed  them,  or  wealth  which  they  have  won  (for  ajjlol) ; 
C*-^J  \£s  jj*.  4jj~e>  aZ)j«£  I  struck  him  a  blow  at  which  he  fell  like  one 

dead  (tor  \i  j*»);  vLw  ^^aj  <j^  ^-aj  l£h**->  *^  '-•^  l**-^  and  fear  a 
day,  in  which  a  soul  shall  not  make  satisfaction  for  (another)  soul  at  all 
(for  <ui  ^j^J). 

C  174.  The  conjunctive  noun  ^JJI  may  be  used  either  substan- 
tively or  adjectively.  In  the  former  case,  it  includes  the  idea  of  a 
person  or  thing,  that  is  to  say,  it  is  equivalent  to  the  substantive 

,j«©  and  U,  when  they  are  definite  (jtiyoy*),  he  w/io,  that  which.  In 
the  latter  case,  it  agrees,  like  any  other  adjective,  with  its  antecedent, 
which  is  always  a  definite  substantive,  in  gender,  number  and  case, 
and  thus  markedly  differs  from  the  relative  pronouns  of  the  Indo- 

german  languages;  as  u-J^lj  O^M  ^c  U*}Ls>1  &jji\  Mj'  show  us 
D  (those  two)  of  the  ginn  and  of  mankind,  who  led  us  astray,  scil. 
Ij^-^l  cH"^'  (j>iJlla.*^JI  Ujl  show  us  the  two  devils  who  led  us  astray, 
viz.  Iblis  and  Kabil  or  Cain  ;  <5**-~»  U*  CH-*^'  L5**^  u~»-'  l>*  ^ 
t-alutw.,*  ve^  J I  ^^Jai  (^5^*3  ^  ^w  w/w  sawest  my  two  little  sons, 
who  were  my  hearing  and  my  sight, — my  hearing  has  to-day  been 
snatched  away ;  \yJ»$  Oi^  jLoj'n)!  ij^  tyU  ^SM\  v>*X».jJI  ju*.l  ,j\ 

>   o       j  o  s  i 

ojLtLw  yjj  srii*  AA*i-JI  ^\  one  of  the  two  men  of  the  'Ansar  (or 

§  175]  Relative  Sentences.  321 

Helpers  of  the  Prophet)  ichom  they  met,  when  they  went  to  the  porch,  A 
was  'Oweim  'ibn  Sd'ida;  ly-i  J*->  5%©  J-^y  ^j  i*.^  w~-el  j*> 

C^lic  ^JLt  ^>ljJI  ^>Il*^>jJt  *5l  M<?/*  Gerega  was  slain,  without  having 
prayed  a  (single)  prayer  in  which  he  prostrated  himself,  save  those  two 
rWas  by  praying  which  he  became  a  Muslim  ;   ^-jjj-aJI  j^>  JJ   Uli 

AJnj>^.   v>c   UoJbUjjj  ^>jJJJI  ««c?  we  sfo/W  (wow)  </Mote  tffo  £?ro  «>«^ 

(or  airs),  which  we  hate  received  from   Gahza;   sj*SX0)\   ^ycj   ^i 

*  j  i  »  -  C  *  *■         a  '  ~  * 

l«Ay£»i  >ojcij  ^>j-^'  ?/2  ^  ^'»?e  o/*  £fo  tfiro  kings,  ivho  have  been   B 
already  spoken  of;  ^\  L>*  ciV*5   ^5*   °^**  O^J^'  ^J^s   u'  ^ 
J-e^-oJI  JW»-  rt«»  ^'5  fatfo  sons,  who  had  murdered  him  in  Nineveh, 
fled  to  the  mountains  of  Mosul. 

Rem.  Somewhat  similar  to  this  is  the  attraction  or  assimilation 
of  the  relative  in  Greek  and  in  the  older  forms  of  German,  as  dusint 
punt  des  allir  bestin  goldis,  des  die  wouwen  tragen  woldin. 

175.    As  the  case  in  which  the  conjunctive  nouns  stand,   is    C 
iudependent   of   the    conjunctive    clause,   they  cannot    express    the 
syntactical  relations  of  our  relative  pronouns.     If  they  stand   (as 

always  happens  with  y>«,   U,  and  ^1,  and  frequently  with   ^«xJI) 

as  substantives  at  the  beginning  of  an  independent  sentence,  they 


form  its  subject  or  inchoative  (lj£~o),  and  are  consequently  in  the 

nominative  ;  and  the  same  thing  occurs  with  ^jl\,  when  it  is  annexed 

as  an  adjective  to  any  such  subject  in  the  nominative.  In  every  other 
instance,  they  stand,  it  is  true,  at  the  commencement  of  the  con-  D 
junctive  sentence,  but  are  in  whatever  case  the  preceding  governing 
word  requires,  be  it  noun,  verb,  or  particle ;  that  is  to  say,  they  are 
in  that  case  which,  according  to  our  idiom,  pertains  to  the  demon- 
strative pronoun  implied  in  them,  or  to  the  substantive  antecedent  to 
which  they  refer.  The  syntactical  place  of  our  relative  pronoun  is 
supplied  by  a  pronoun  in  the  conjunctive  sentence,  which  falls  back 
upon  the  conjunctive  noun  and  agrees  with  it  in  gender  and  number, 
w.  ii.  41 

322  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  175 

3    «>  *0iO    3 

A  This  pronoun  is  called  by  the  grammarians  \J\  (*».tjJI)  Jul*)  I  jt+>iM 

3    0   sOtO 

J^o^oJI,  the  pronoun  which  returns  to,  or  falls  back  upon,  the  con- 
junctive  noun,  or  simply  juUM  or  *«*.tjJI. 

(a)     If  this  pronoun  stand,  as  the  subject,  in  the  nominative  case, 
it  is  represented,   in   a  verbal   sentence,   by  the  personal  pronoun 

>       O  -        S     -         it         I  t  ,.. 

implied  in  the  verb;   e.g.  Jj^u  j>*  ^*».l  /  love  him  who  is  just; 
-D   ^LJ|  ^j^x.^U..>  {j^  jtrv*^  among  them  are  some  who  hearken  to  thee; 

s  s       0  s        J      0  <■*        0      *  *  *  0     J  * 

(jLa^Ja^aj  wJi  Lj  ,j-«  J^o  ,j£i  (if  so,)  we  shall  be  like  those,  0  wolf 

,     St   lO      3       1     *  StO  -OXJ       -  3      *    i 

who  are  comrades;  ^Ul  ^J-lsu  ^j))  «iU<JI  ,>©  JU.I  /  am  afraid  of 
the  king  who  oppresses  the  people.  But  in  a  nominal  sentence,  it  is 
expressed  by  a  separate  pronoun ;   e.g.  jj   yfc  ^a  he  who  is  pious ; 

<i    *     *  *  3  St  0  *  *  3  SttO       '     S   Si    A?         3      0    3 

J^Lc  jA  U-*  of  that  which  is  error ;   u^ij*  >*  l£^'  j****^'  0**c 

/  have  visited  the  old  man  who  is  sick.     In  nominal  sentences  of  which 

C    the  predicate  is  an  adverb,  or  a  preposition  with  its  genitive,  depending 

upon  the  idea  of  being  understood,  the  virtually  existing  subject  of  the 

substantive  verb  suffices  to  connect  the  clauses,  without  any  separate 

pronoun  being  expressed;  as^^j  ^,>oJ  "■-'jj"*  I  passed  by  him  who  is 

*     j  *  0  0     *  *  si  So,  ,    l   Ct   &  0*3* 

there  or  those  who  are  there;  *j)  ojut  ,^-03  u^j^'j  Ol^o-JI  ^»  ^yi>  a) 

**  0**3      0*0* 

Aj^Lfi  ^js.  ^2y£l~j  to  Him  belong  those  who  are  in  heaven  and  upon 
earth,  and  they  who  dwell  with  Him  are  not  too  proud  to  serve  Him  ; 

s    vis  vis  w  s  J  Os  sCtt-         d  •  /%  • 

D  &£*_>  ^JJJ  ^LAJ  jfc.03  c-s*j  J3I  jjl  verily  the  first  temple  which  was 

9  -* 
founded  for  mankind  is  that  which  is  at  Bekka  (Mekka).     The  julc 

may  also  be  omitted  in  a  nominal  sentence  of  more  than  the  usual 

CI  0i0>o  *       51  •»<    St    to  St-o      *3 

limited  length,  as  <*JI  uof$\  ^j  *M  sU~JI  ^  t^JJ'  yk  He  it  is 

0  ~*  St>°        *i       * 

who  is  a  God  in  heaven  and  a  God  upon  earth,  ^JMS  t^JJb  01  U 
ILj  siXi  I  am  not  he  who  says  anything  to  thee;  but  this  omission  is 

o  *  *       *         00**        0  *  O10      *  0  3     0    * 

rare  in  short  nominal  sentences,  as  <uu>  U^  iS^i  *$  jU*»JW  £>*i  C>-« 
he  who  cares  for  praise,  does  not  speak  what  is  foolish. 

§  175]  Relative  Sentences.  323 

(b)  If  the  juU  be  an  objective  complement  in  the  accusative,  A 

it  is  appended  as  a  suffix  to  the  verb ;  e.g.  <Q'j  O-*  he  whom  I  have 
seen;  ali^c  ,j^  cJjX  I  know  him  wham  thou  hiowest ;  ^JJl  J>jl.JI 

0*«     3  *-  *  . 

^yj  I  aJUS  ^  £^i<?/  w^om  wy  son  killed.     The  suffix  is,  however,  not 

0  j  j  } ai  *  a  *       *      -  0  j^- 

unfrequently  omitted ;  as  ^C  Jul  ^^J  U  'y^vo^j  and  yours  (shall 

*  O  s  1      *    a* 

be)  in  it  (the  future  life)  what  your  souls  desire  (for  <Uyl£J) ;  w>L£)t 
<cUt  Jpl  ^JJI  ^  book  which  God  has  sent  down  or  revealed  (for  B 
<Opl);  [1>>^»  ^JJl£»  Uy>  ^jx^jj  ^j\  vetj^t  ^--c  tV  way  fo  £Aa£  £mw« 

lis  0^  ^  J      ^ 

wrc7/  restore  some  people  to  their  former  state  (for  oyl^  or  <uXc  l^jUb)]. 

(c)  A  pronominal  suffix  also  supplies  the  place  of  our  relative, 
when  it  stands  in   the  genitive,  dative,  etc.,  or  is  governed  by  a 

preposition ;  as  t^ju*  jjj\  ^JJt  w«*JaJI  the  physician  whose  son  is  at 
my  house;  jJ^s  JU  a)  yj*  he  who  has  great  possessions ; ^a^cjJ  U    q 
aJI  tffotf  to  which  thou  callest  them.     If  the  governing  word  be  an 
active  participle  of  the  form  J^li,  referring  to  present  or  future  time, 

-      *   ai        *  a*e, 

the  genitive  suffix  may  be  omitted  ;  as  ^15  oJl  U  u«a3Li  doom  then 
what  doom  thou  wilt  (for  4*^15).  If  the  suffix  be  governed  by  the 
same  preposition  as  the  preceding  conjunctive  noun,  the  suffix  and  its 

^    ai     0     -      *  0         *i 

preposition  may  be  omitted  ;  as  OJI  ,j-«  jjs.  Ul  /  am  at  the  house  of 
the  same  person  as  thou  (for  ojjs.   wJt) ;   (j>«^w  j-*  t5«*^W  ^jj-*   D 
I  passed  by  the  same  person  as  Suleiman  did  (for  <u  j*) ;  {+*  w>*~»3 

*      J  *  a  *  j«         /       j/t/  -    0  j         0  -  -■ 

tjyjj^j  and  he  drinks  of  what  ye  drink  (for  aU  Oyfj^*) ;  c-*^  jJj 

*Jb  OJI  (^JJW  ^*  O*^  T—^  ***»■  el>o-»  ws»-  ^*a^»  £&>«  o7<fe£ 
conceal  thy  love  of  Semrci  for  a  time,  but  now  disclose  what  thou  wilt  of 
it  (yj*$  by  poetic  license  for  £)*$!,  W*-*  Q/"  ^"  =  Vt**  i>*  of  love  of  her, 
and  *-5b  for  aj  ?-jW)-     But  this  is  not  allowed  when  the  preposition 

324  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  175 

A  is  used  before  the  suffix  in  a  different  meaning  from  that  which  it  has 
before  the  conjunctive  noun,  nor  when  the  preceding  verb  is  a  different 

one ;  as  juj  ^e.  «*>>  <Z>jj~c  ^ JJ  b  Ojj-«  /  passed  by  him  on  whose 
account  thou  didst  pass  by  Zeid  (where  w>  in  ^JJL>  is  ^LaTiU,  whilst 
in  <su  it  is  Ajw-JJ,  §  56,  rem.  d) ;  *ui  c~£)  ^JJ  I  ^  OjJbj  /  Aaw 
had  no  longing  after  that  ivhich  tliou  desiredst  (not  *Z-+£j  ^JJI  iJi). 

<3    „  ,  u, 

B  Rem.  a.    The  juU  after  ^JJI  originally  was,  and,  strictly  speak- 

ing, ought  to  be,  a  pronoun  of  the  third  person,  even  when  the 
preceding  subject  is  a  pronoun  of   the  first  or  second  person ;  as 

■,       ,     0  J      ,     Ot         ,  ytlO       J        O    , 

l».Uol  ijdfc  :-ol  O^**^'  O*^  *'  *s  we  w^°  arose  early.     More  usually, 
however,  the  julc  is   brought  into  agreement  with  the  word  to 

which  it  refers  (compare  §  172,  rem.  b) ;  as  ^yt>\  ^jZ*~>  ^JJt   U1 

°"  '  * ' 

Ojjk**.  /am  &e  wlwm  his  (lit.  my)  mother  named  Haidara  [Lion)*; 

j  J    j  J        ,  CJ*o     ,£ 

C        ^9*1)5^-*°  Lj*  ,<3jJ^-;  ^JJI  ti'  /am  Ae  whom  they  find  (a  choking 

j       ,  ,     j       ,  ,    o  ,i 

morsel)  in  their  chests  or  throats  (i*J$«X*>-j  for  ^*jjj^-j) ;   CU«J1 

,    ,  o  ,  ,        ,  j       ,    o  )  Cito    //  g«  o*>      ,  o  --o*o 

tjkib    jub$+j    U-*tp   CUAfe    ^JJI   i5~>^)l    jL**Jt   ar£    2/iow  wo£   iAe 
negro  slave,  who  used  to  attend  upon  us  in  such  and  such  a  ^?ace  ? 

0     ,  }    0  ,    , 

[Rem.  b.     Ibn  Malik  alone  permits  the  phrase  £>*+*  C~>j~o 

,0s  ,0,0*10*' 

<Z+*£j   for  «ui    C-s*cj    (^j-*   C^Jj-o   T  beat  him  whom  thou  desiredst 
(see  Lane  s.   v.   ..5),  while  some   other   authorities   sanction  the 

0      'J/       0      ,  ,    ,  2  0,        0  ,        0,0 

J)         following  likewise  jjiwj  ^^  (-lc    U^j   Jia».j  ^i  ^j\  if,  some  day, 

0,  ,        J     Si,      0    , 

he  fails  to  find  one  on  whom  he  may  rely,  for  <x*Xs,  ,J£*;  ^>»o  (see 
Lane  s.  v.  ,Jlc).     D.  G.] 

o,  St, 

Rem.  c.     On  the  occasional  use  of  ^1  in  the  sense  of  ^JJI  see 
Vol.  i.  §  345,  rem.  b. 

*  O^o-*   by  poetic  license  for  ,-U^w,  and    Ojju».  in  rhyme  for 
5jjuj»..     Another  reading  is  .-«t  .-£*-«>. 

§  177]  Copulative  Sentences.  325 

4.     Copulative  Sentences.  A 

176.  We  have  already  spoken  of  the  difference  between   the 

copulative  particles  j  and  <j  in  Vol.  i.  §  366,  a,  b.     To  what  has 
been  there  said,  the  following  remarks  may  be  added. 

177.  If  to  the  subject  implied  in  any  form  of  the  finite  verb, 
another  subject  be  appended,  the  former  must  be  repeated  in  the 

jja^,      ,Zi3,s 

shape  of  a  separate  personal  pronoun ;  a?  w>^1*jj  lil  o^-o*.  /  and 
Ya'kub  {Jacob)  were  present ;  ajU^oIj  ^a  ^jI  he  and  Ms  companions  B 
came;  <&>j}  wJI  w**ili  go  therefore,  thou  and  thy  Lord ;  C-JI  ,j£-»l 

»*>        -     J     3  . 

I  «iWjj^  do  thou  and  thy  wife  dwell  in  the  garden ;  j^=>  juU 

-     -  3    J     l-"*-  -        0  J  it 

J*}Lo  ^^g^jbtj^jl  verify  ye  and  your  fathers  have  been  in 

clear  error.     Exceptions  are  very  rare ;  as,  in  a  verse,  oJLSI  jl 

<J^y*  J^JS  I  said,  when  she  and  (other)  fair  (women)  advanced  with 

elegant  gait  (^1^3  for  ^J}(y2) ;  [***  Crt^h  J&  h*  and  those  who 

were  with  him  said  (Tab.  i.  2419, 1.  2)].     If,  however,  the  verb  has  a   C 
pronominal  suffix  in  the  accusative,  the  repetition   of  the  implied 

subject  in  a  separate  form  is  unnecessary ;   as  j^Jj  >Uj^£>t  I  and 

~v.,        -  *    *    *  O     s,  ,,      3    J     i,  3,  J      it, 

Zeid  have  shown   thee  honour;    ^JLs   (j-oj    lyJjJL».ju    ^jjs.   O'^. 

gardens  of  everlasting  rest,  into  which  they  shall  enter  and  those  who 
are  righteous. — This  form  of  expression  may  be  varied  by  repeating 

the  verb  after  j,  but  even  then  the  separate  pronoun  is  still  usually 

employed  ;  as  «->>£*j  j«nr».j  Ul  o^a*.*.  t\ 

*  [Sometimes  there  is  hardly  any  difference  between  this  construc- 
tion  and   that  with  ilx^Jt  jlj  (§  37),  e.g.  'Ibn  Hisam,   318,  1.  11 

Ch**".**^  ••l£**v"  'Vj^  ^  bla^-olj  U^j  ice  and  some  of  our  comrades 
who  left  the  right  path  became  like  two  parties,  where  Aali  L£» 
UJ  w>la*-otj  would  convey  the  same  meaning.  R.  S.  We  may  add 
here  that  it  is  usual  to  say  ljujj  C>-»  rather  than  X>]y  but 
2j+*3  J*ij  j*-»  rather  than  1/**$.] 

326  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  178 

A         178.     If  a   substantive   be   connected  by  j  with  the  objective 
pronominal  suffix  of  a  verb,  the  suffix  may  be  repeated  in  the  form 

ot  a  separate  pronoun,  but  not  necessarily ;  as  ju*i  ,jl  ^o^  ^-u^-lj 

y    •   o  £  0^ 

>»Uc^  I  and  keep  away  from  me  and  my  sons  our  worshipping  idols ; 

1  ,  t  ,  s       J     s     B    t 

a-o>5j  o^.ef\  he  made  him  and  his  people  emigrate.  But  if  a  pronoun 
is  connected  with  a  substantive  or  a  pronominal  suffix  in  the  accu- 
sative, it  must  be  suffixed  either  to  the  word  Cl  (Vol.  i.  §  188)  or  to 

the  repeated  verb ;   as  Ubl^  aXls,  or  V^Sj  <xX3,  he  killed  him  and 
B  her.     If  a  substantive  object  is  annexed  to  a  pronominal  object,  the 

verb  may  be  repeated  or  not ;  as  Ij^j3  <^»>Jj  I  saw  thee  and  Zeid ; 

6i        0  J  y    *       s         -  0     *  ,        J  '  s  - 

aXaI  £y>  <x3u>  (J^  0-c3  *^*  he  hilled  him  and  those  of  his  family 

who  were  with  him,  or  ^J!  &-*3  3-fc  <lL5,  or  ^Jl  ,,>«  J**^  <t^**- 

179.     If  to  a  pronominal  suffix  in  the  genitive  there  be  joined  a 
substantive  in  the  same  case,  the  governing  word  is  usually  repeated  ; 

C   as  ^fr£5W  VjJ  j£*.)  y°ur  and  your  fathers'  Lord.     The  form  »ibU£» 

B  y  -        s     oi 

J*ij3  cJl,  thy  book  and  Zeid's,  is  of  rarer  occurrence,  except  with  the 
suffixes  of  the  third  person,  as  A*»-tj  y»>  as\su\  his  and  his  brothers 
agreement.     If  a  substantive  be  connected  by  ^  with  the  pronominal 

i    - 

suffix  of  a  preposition,  the  preposition  must  be  repeated;  as  <u». *j)j  ^J 
to  me  and  his  brother.  This  rule  is  occasionally  violated  in  poetry, 
D  scarcely  ever  in  prose  ;  as  Ukj-ot-»j  lyj  ^^H  O-**  v'**  »■***  an^  balked 
is  he  who  is  scorched  by  it  (war)  and  its  flame ;  j&i*$\  5  <&>  1*3  w**iL3 
v^,c  jj^  60  off  then,  for  there  is  nothing  strange  in  thee  or  the  times. 

Rem.     If  a  genitive  belongs  alike  to  two  or  more  nouns,  it  is, 
in  classical  Arabic,  attached  to  the  first  of  them,  and  represented 

after  the  others  by  a  pronominal  suffix;  as  ouUjj  -iU-o-JI  y^  the 

king's  sons  and  daughters.     On  an  exception  see  §  78,  rem.  b ;  it  is 

common  in  later   prose  writers,  as  j>)\  jU^lj  j^l  j-£~>J*>   j^>« 

§  181]  Copulative  Sentences.  327 

Moses  mentions  (by  name)  the  sons  and  grandsons  of  Adam,  for  A 
0}\Jl*.\j  j**\  i^)jl  ;    <Uji   jJL^Ij  VJ»I  a  most  pleasant  and  sweet 
slumber,  for  Ifc'iJl^.lj  i*jj  «y*a**^ 

180.     The  negative  particle  ^,  when  it  follows  _j,  connecting  two 
nouns,  supplies  the  place  of  a  preceding  negative  sentence  (see  §  160) ; 

as  ^o\  *^j  ^1  Ji*j  ^»J  neither  my  father  nor  my  mother  remains  alive, 

B    J     t~'~ 

where  ^  is  equivalent  to  J-j^Jj  ;vo^»^W  ^j^Jl  '>oJ*>^oJ  ye  have 

not  known,  nor  your  fathers ;  OjL>l  *^  U£»^wl  U  aJJI  jU»  ^  if  God  B 
had  pleased,  ice  tcould  not  have  given  Him  companions,  nor  our  fathers. 

If  the  two  nouns  be  both  separate  words,  ^  is  sometimes  prefixed  to 
the  first  also,  notwithstanding  the  negative  which  precedes  the  whole 

sentence ;   as  j»%£*  ^3  JUS  ^  Uu-j    %s$  U  there  has  been   neither 

combat  nor  dispute  between  us. — Similarly,  if  two  verbs  are  dependent 
upon  another  verb,  which  is  preceded  by  a  negative  particle,  the 

second  of  the  dependent  verbs  usually  takes  the  negative  ^  with  the 

t  Bi       ,  *    Bi        **        *B  «         *  *  at       B  i  '  -  Bi         ,   ■  t 

conjunction  3 ;   as  jj*l    *iaSI   ^3   Uw   J^cl  0'   yj~£*\   ^»  it  was   Q 
impossible  for  me  to  do  anything  or  to  conclude  anything,  where  ^j 
is  equivalent  to  ^1  L5~£«'  Vs- 

181.  When  two  verbs,  connected  by  3  and  referring  to  the 
same  subject,  precede  that  subject,  one  of  them  (in  general  the 
second)  agrees  with  it  in  gender  and  number,  whilst  the  other  is  put 

,  *'B*,*sB  ie*  ,  ,  *  *  B  *o*        *  *  * 

in  the  singular  masculine;   as  «£Mju£  IjjucIj  i<*J,  or  ^jutlj  L*j 
.y'jufc,  thy  two  servants  acted  insolently  and  with  violence ;   Q^a^-j  D 
i)tol   jjW— i},  or  «i)W  ^4^5— i3  ^jU,„.^fc.» ,  thy  two  sons  do  good  and 
evil.     This  involved  form  of  expression  occurs,  however,  but  rarely  in 
classical   Arabic,   in   which   we    usually  find    Ljjutlj    i)lju*    ^jj. 

t—      J  -         *    *  BiO      J  B    J  jj    ,£/ 

tj'-s— j  j  ^)UjI  ^...ah.j.     It  is  called  by  the  grammarians  ^^-9  PjUJI 

J-o-*-",  the  conflict  in  regard  to  government.     Some  further  illustra- 
tions of  it  are  given  in  the  remarks. 

328  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  181 

A  Rem.  a.     Sometimes  a  noun  belongs  to  two  verbs  as  the  subject 

of  the  one  and  the  objective  complement  of  the  other.  (1)  When 
this  is  the  case,  if  the  verb  to  which  it  is  the  complement  be  placed 
first,  the  noun  is  expressed  only  as  the  subject  of  the  second  verb, 

3      0'     ' 

and   the    first   verb   is    left   without   any   complement;   as    C-sJj-i 

00'  '  '    '  ' 

J^tj  ^■^j-'S'j  I  struck  (Zeid)  and  Zeid  struck  me.  Some  Arab 
grammarians,  however,   allow   the   first   verb   a   pronominal    com- 

0  0'  //    /^       JJd/    /  0  '         '  0  J  *  0  3         '     0  3  ' 

plement ;  as  juj  (e-yj-^j  &Zjj~o  ;  *_-*»-Lo  s£JL*sjj j  t-t^jJ  C«*£>  tit 
B  when  thou  satisfiest  a  friend  and  he  satisfies  thee.  (2)  If  the 
verb,  of  which  the  noun  is  the  subject,  be  placed  first,  the  second 
verb  takes  a  pronominal  complement,  and  the  first  verb  agrees 
with  the  noun  according  to  the   rules   laid   down  in  §  141,  etc.; 

00'      3  30 ''y  '  '     '  '    3    v>    &       'i30''y  '  '    ' 

as  juj  <CL>j~e>j  (-oj-o,  \^J%ef^\  \^Lij^a^  l*,**!j~0  ^ie  two  men  struck 
me  and  I  struck  them.     The  omission  of  the  pronominal  complement 

0  0'  30'''  "     '  '3vi*O30'''  "     '  '  '      ' 

is  rare;  as  juj   c-sJj-oj  ,_;j^o,  0^*hpt  OOj-oj  ,-Uj.o ;  [.-Uwlj 

3      3    30X3        3     0'"  _  0  3       '        '  3 

ijj-SJI  C^frwUg  the  apes  were  akin  to  me  and  I  to  them~\;  \m***j  \o\Sau 

CO   3      '    3  3      "         3  3  '  '  2  lO 

At  Lai    ^a^-oJ  ^c*    'it    ^>jjJ»U)I    at   iOkdz  the  sheen,   or  gleam,    (of 

3       '     uj    ' 

weapons,  «-^LJt)  dazzles  the  eyes  of  the  beholders  when  they  look  at 

it.  The  noun  may  also  be  made  the  complement  of  the  second 
verb,  and  the  first  verb,  which  has  now  no  subject  expressed,  must 

f  0  '        3      0'''  'X     ' 

agree  with  the  noun  in  gender  and  number;  as  tjuj  Ooj-ij  (-Uj-o 

0'     3    Zi    *3        3     0'''  "     ' 

(Zeid)  struck  me  and  I  struck  Zeid,  ^-J^pt   C-o^.05  ,-jUj.o  the 

3     0'''  3  '    ' 

two  (men)  struck  me,  and  I  struck  the  two  men  ;  C-0^03  ^j^tj^b 

D         yj-j^JUaJt  they  (the  evildoers)  struck  me,  and  I  struck  the  evildoers. 
All  these  involved  forms  of  expression  occur  but  seldom  in  classical 

*  0  '  3     0'' 

Arabic,   the    usual    and   regular    constructions    being    tjuj    C-Jj-o 

_  '     '  '  '  3  30  '     '   '  '    3    Z  *>  "     '  0  3  30'''  '  3         *1      lO  '   '     ' 

^j*°3i    W*?j-»s    l/^-J^    l^^'  "T&J^J    (Jj-^^1    l^J""*' 

'  '     '  '  0  '     3   vt   *>        3     0''  3  '     '   '  '  vt       to        3     a  '     ' 

■  jjljj-oj   £xX*.j}\   C-sJj-i,    {j->±>.j*03   yJ>*^JUaJt 

Rem.  b.     In  the  case  of  a  verb  which  must  be  connected  with 

both   a  subject   and  a   predicate   (such  as  <jk£»   or  j'-o),  if   the 
predicate  be  common  to  two  propositions,  it  is  expressed  only  once, 

§  181]  Copulative  Sentences.  329 

being  either  entirely  omitted  the  second  time  or  having  its  place  A 


supplied   by  b!   and  a  pronominal  suffix.     For  example,  we  may 

*  -       SO-       -        -    -        j     a    t 

translate  I  was  sick  and  Zeid  teas  sick  by  Laj^-o  juj  O^J 

*  -S0----JW  JflJ  S  /         $1/         /  /     / 

or  Lcu>-«  juj  <jl£»3  «L»I  C«S,  or  lastly  Lcu^a  juj  »J^.3 

•L»l,  the  first  of  the  three  forms  being  preferable.     These  involved 
forms  of  expression  likewise  occur  but  rarely  in  classical  Arabic, 

*        -     so-      -      -   -        *         -      j    oj 

the  ordinary  construction  being  biuj-o  juj  0^*J  ^ij-0  C«^»,  or 

JwSO---,  J    0  J  0£  -  - 

abl   juj   jjl^j.     [An  example  from  poetry  is   CU^>  j*ob    j-JL&j    B 

*         -  -  -       JO 

Ujjj  i^jJ'jj  a^-9  /i«  accused  me  of  a  thing  of  ivhich  I  and  my  father 
were  innocent  (Sawdhid  el-Kassqf 31 1).     D.  G.] 

Rem.  c.  Almost  the  same  thing  takes  place  after  the  verbs 
jj-b  to  think,  believe,  w*"^  to  think,  reckon,  suppose,  etc.,  which 
take  for  their  objective  complement  a  clause  consisting  of  a  subject 

*        -  *  0  -         J      0-  - 

and  a  predicate  (§  24),  as  LJU  Ijuj  OvuJ»  /  thought  Zeid  learned. 
The  predicate  of   the  clause,  which   serves  as  complement  to  the    0 

0  -0/0         J  0 

wJjUI    ,Jjt9,  may  belong  to  two  different  propositions,  and   con- 
sequently refer  to  two  different  subjects ;  whilst  the  noun,  which 

0  -0/0        J  0 

is  the  subject  of  the  wJUU  t  Jjti  in  the  one  proposition,  may  in  the 
other  be  the  subject  of   the  clause  which  is  dependent  upon  the 

0  -0/0        JO 

wJJUl  J«*$.     When  this  is  the  case,  we  may,  in  accordance  with 
rem.  b,  translate  such  a  phrase  as  Zeid  thought  me  learned  and  I 

£      -  20-J0---  w  -  3  Si  5- 

thought  him   learned  by   bjJlc    Ijuj    O-^-bo,    lyUlp,    or   obt   i**-^ 

CjU   Ijuj    >zJj&'3,   or  lastly   abj   Cjlc    Ijjj   ojubj   ^ylk     The   D 

first  of  these  modes  of  expression  is  the  most  common,  but  all  three 

*    -    so-         s- 
are  rare,  the  natural  and  usual  construction  being  LjJlc  juj  .j^il? 

J     £  J  J  0—      - 

obi  dJUJgj.     If  the  subjects  differ  in  gender  or  number,  the  pre- 

o-  -  £     *  o  -  -        #o-        2  £  3  j   -  -     it  s  i 

dicate  must  be  repeated;  as  ^^£.1  tj-o^j  tj^j  l»-l  .JLisuj  ^jjit 

/  think  Zeid  and  lAmr  two  brothers  (of  mine),  and  they  think  me  a 
brother  (of  theirs). 

w.  ii.  42 

330  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  182 

A         182.     The  Arabs,  as  well  as  the  other  Semites,  often  connect 
single  verbs  and  entire  sentences  with  one  another  merely  by  means 

of  the  particles  j  and  o,  where  we  should  employ  particles  of  a  more 
definite  meaning   to  indicate   the  precise   relation    between   them. 

They  use  _$,  for  example,  where  we  would  prefer  a  disjunctive  or 

adversative  particle ;   as  ^j^Xju  *)  ^lilj  ^^Axj  aJJI   God  knows,  but 

ye  do  not  know.  In  such  cases,  however,  j  has  in  reality  only  a 
copulative  force ;   the  adversative  relation  lies  in  the  nature  of  the 

B   two  clauses  themselves.— The  Arabs  also  use  3  and  o  with  a  separate 
verb  in   some  cases  in  which  we  avail   ourselves  of  a  subordinate 

modifying  expression ;  e.g.  JU»ti  j*.a«w  he  prostrated  himself  and 
made  long  (his  prostration),  equivalent  to  he  prostrated  himself  for  a 

long  time,  instead  of  i^rwJI  JU»I,  as  we  may  also  say  (see  §  140). 

183.     The   particle   3   in   Arabic,   like   its    equivalents   in  the 

other  Semitic  languages,  often   serves  to  connect  two  clauses,  the 

C   second  of  which  describes  the  state  or  condition  either  of  the  subject 

or  one  of  the  complements  of  the  first  clause,  or  else  of  a  new  subject. 

This  takes  place  in  such  a  way  that — 

(a)    The  clause  descriptive  of  the  state  is  nominal ;  as  juj  >el3 
j)[j  ybj  Zeid  rose  up  weeping ;  p^suaut,  3-*$  ^)l  ^U  he  returned  to  me 

beaten;  a*^W  vW*M  i5^»«  ^^  ajuc  ^yo  OsU.  she  came  from  his 
liouse  with  her  clothes  in  tatters,  crying ;  £yo  oQ/*  **fs  ^5*  u°j*J\ 
^a  f&j  ^*tJI  two  generations  of  men  passed  away  in  his  time,  whilst 

D  he  still  lived ;  VAiL^  ^*  ^i3^  \j*>3  ^j-5  ^j^  J-*  lS*^1^  ^e  ^im 
who  passed  by  a  town,  falling  down  upon  its  roofs  (in  ruins,  its  walls 

falling  in  upon  its  fallen  roofs) ;  ,j^©Jju  ^i lj  ^Itj^  ye  lied, 
knowing  (that  ye  did  so),  ye  lied  wittingly,  in  which  example  the 
nominal  circumstantial  clause  has  a   finite  verb  for  its  predicate ; 

JJU  jj-o*^3  <±ij  w**3  Zeid  went  away,  whilst  'Amr  remained; 
lyjL^j  ._*  j-t^^s  j„5J^I  J>*3  and  sometimes  I  go  forth  early,  whilst 

§  183]  Copulative  Sentences.  331 

the  birds  are  (still)  in  their  nests,  where  the  circumstantial  clause  has  A 
a  distinct  subject;  JA^..j  3j-o*3  »*ij  *r**3  Zeid  went  away,  whilst 

'Amr  was  busy,  where  the  circumstantial  clause  has  a  distinct  subject 

and  a  finite  verb  for  its  predicate. 

Rem.  We  sometimes  find  a  nominal  clause  merely  appended 
to  the  preceding  proposition,  without  j,  as  j js-  ^At..)  ^Cahi  l^ixJbl 
get  ye  down,  the  one  of  you  an  enemy  to  the  other ;  o  ju  juj  zU*. 
Awlj  iJlft  Zeid  came  ivith  his  Iiand  on  his  head;  iwj  *•«■»■  aA&  a~&}    B 

/  />te£  Aini  wearing  an  embroidered  coat ;  [^^yJ  «iJ»— oJI  £~s.  t^»-lj 
£&?^  returned,  (wh  ilst)  the  perfume  of  musk  clung  to  them]  ;  and 
even  without  a  pronoun,  as ^Ajju  j~&5  jJ  b  ^j/-8  I  passed  by  the 

tvheat,    (whilst)   a  bushel   (of  it   was   selling)  for   a   dirham   (for 

J  °     *     ' 

<sU«^ji5  [§  120,  rem.  a]). 

(6)     The  clause  descriptive  of  the  state  is  verbal  and  affirmative, 
the  verb  being  in  the  Imperfect   Indicative,  preceded  by  »»ij ;   as   C 

■  -  6 

knowing  (as  ye  do)  that  I  am  the  apostle  of  God  unto  you  ?     If  the 

particle  jJ>  be  not  employed,  j  must  also  be  dropped,  so  that  the 
circumstantial  Imperfect  is  outwardly  unconnected  with  the  previous 

proposition;   as   <lX»~Jaa   juj   Aa*.   Zeid  came  laughing ;  j^t^S   «U*. 

*4<M  O^  w-jUaJI  aUu  the  emir  came  with  led  horses  preceding  him 
(a  very  common  construction,  see  §  8,  e).  D 

(c)    The  clause  descriptive  of  the  state  is  verbal  and  negative, 

a'  - 
the  verb  being  in  the  Imperfect  Jussive,  preceded  by  ^Jj,  or  the 

Imperfect  Indicative,  preceded  by  L03 ;  as  w-$j  ^$  ^1  ^•^  JU>  jt 
l^jii   aJI   or  has  said,  'Something  has  been  revealed  to  me,'  whilst 

:  ;    -    :  zi      Z.         r      3    *  t  *       *  * 

nothing  has  been  revealed  to  him  ;  OiLJ**"^  ^J^v****-*'  *$[  O^^^Z  ^°3 
but  they  deceive  only  themselves,  without  knowing  it.  In  this  case  j  is 
often  dropped;   as  ly->  ^n,-.-.*.*  ^   J-^j   *^\   O-6   *-o*^    I>*UjL» 

332  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  183 

A  and  so  they  returned,  (laden)  with  favours  and  benefits  from  God, 
without  any  harm   having   touclied   them.     Where   the    negation    is 

*  -  *    Bio        z  a  *     a  £    a* 

expressed  by  *}),  the  particle  3  is  rarely  used ;  as  cUjj'n)  U$3  ,jl  ^ 

1     *  0  l      *      *  *  a  *  *      * ,  Zi  *>         )  ,  *        *      * 

w-a.,^-1  *$  lylX».>  gLo-JI  I^Aio  dA**5  if  any  persons  entered  heaven 
because  of  distinction  of  tribe,  I  would  enter  it  without  being  hindered. 

(d)    The  clause  descriptive  of  the  state  is  verbal  and  affirmative, 
the  verb  being  111  the  Perfect,  preceded  by  jJ>j  ;  as  j>i_9  Ia^Uc  IJjb 

13   C-w^wl  swcA  ?&•  /«e;#  singing,  now  that  she  has  grown  old;  ^pUu  ^1  U  U3 

LSUjIj  UjLji  ^jjh  Ua-jji.1  jJj  <*JJt  J->*-j  ^s  «W  «?/»/  should  we  not 
fight  in  the  path  of  God,  since  we  have  been  driven  out  of  our  dwellings 
and  (parted  from)  our  children  1     Sometimes  j^Sj  is  omitted,  and, 

<•  0  *  0  i     a  j  1       1    >        a  *         s       a  j        *  *      oi 

less  rarely,  either  j  or  *x5  alone;  as  O' ^o-AjJ**-0  O/ *n*» j&j$*f  3' 

•  ■»■»'•» 

^s^J\JL>  or  they  come  unto  you,  their  hearts  being  reluctant  to  fight 

C    against  you;   \£Z$  U  U^tUal  y  IjjuiSj  ^>\^.*^  I3JIS  O-Z^  who, 

having  remained  (at  home),  said  of  their  brethren  (who  went  out  to 
battle),   'If  tliey  had  taken  our  advice,   they  would  not  have  been 

killed' ;  ja+j  *$  V^-J  C>3>  C*Aj£j  ^ov5l~J  JiJLc  1*1**^  O^*  ^ 
what  can  it  boot  me  that  their  women  say,  '  0  do  not  perish ! '  when  I 
have  been  slain  fighting  for  their  husbands?  O^S  »Hp  j**-5  ***  *Wj 
ojj^cf.  fJ*e-  ice  saw  him  enraged  against  Zeid,  who  was  in  command 
of  his  army. 

D  (e)  The  clause  descriptive  of  the  state  is  verbal  and  negative, 
the  verb  being  in  the  Perfect,  preceded  by  Uj,  or  more  rarely  by  U 
alone ;   as  v^j    ^J   **4j   £^   ZMd  came  without  having  ridden ; 

ayA  jXl  Uj  juj  Aaf,  or  oyi\  jXi  U,  Zeid  came  without  his  father 
having  stood  up. 

Rem.     The  _j  which  introduces  such  a  circumstantial  clause,  ia 
called  by  the  Arab  grammarians  ^JlaJI  jlj,  the  lodw  of  the  state, 

§  184]  Copulative  Sentences.  333 

condition  or  circumstance,  and  £UL>^t  ^3,  the  waw  of  commence-  A 

«  £         -        0  -   3    J 

ment.     The  clause  itself  is  called  iJl».  aA»o-»-- 

5.     Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences. 
184.     The  principal  adversative  particles  in  Arabic  are  ^,  Cr? 

Si  0  * 

or  »>£),  and  j^. 

(a)     *$   is   opposed  to   a  preceding   affirmative   proposition  or  a 
command ;    as   JaU.    *$  ^Ic   juj    Z^'d  is  learned,    not   ignorant ;  B 

faAre  Z01W,  ?w£  ilwir.     [In  comparisons  ^  has  the  meaning  of  but  not, 

as  *iX3U^»  ^  l^9  a  man  but  not  the  like  of  Malik  (ibn  Nuweira) ; 

-  •* 
,jtjuuJl£9  *i)j  l^j-0  kS^^^  *^3  *^*  wv/fc/' — but  not  so  good  as  that 
of  the  well  of  Sodda,  pasture — but  not  like  the  sa'ddn.     In  later  times 

*^3  was  very  often  used  in  the  sense  of  even  more  than,  as  *})j  Ojj^t 

w>l^iJI  gtjucl  /  rose  ear/y,  eren  earlier  than  the  crow  does ;  C— oi  J^j    ^ 

ju?£  O^  J/-*6,  ^J  *^  a,ld  verily  t"°u  luist  dej ended  the  cause  of  God 
better  than  even  'Amr  'ibn  'Obeid;  jjU*Jt  ,jl£w  ^j^.  ^)j  l^-^j 
they  were  silent,  even  more  than  the  inhabitants  of  the  sepulchres. 
In  reality,  neither  *$  nor  *^j  have  an  adversative  force ;  the  adver- 
sative relation  lies  in  the  nature  of  the  two  clauses  themselves,  as  has 

been  remarked  in  the  case  of  j  §  182.     D.  G.]  D 

(b)  sj£  or  sjSH  (also,  especially  in  Magribl  mss.,  0^=>^,  O^3*^)- 
which  is  often  preceded  by  3,  is  more  particularly  opposed  to  a 
preceding  negative  proposition  or  a  prohibition ;  as  yj&  j^>j  ^>^*f 
t**~i  jt^  It**  Zeid  came  to  me,  but  Amr  did  not  come ;  *->**■•  *$ 
'j-o*  O®  '-^j  d°  n°t  beat  Zeid,  but  Amr ;  1^Jl£>  ^i^   U^Ai?   Uj 

334  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  184 

,        -        J      0    ^       0  j  ,  }  oi 

A  03-<>-^*i^*-~*-5'  ail(t  they  did  not  injure  us,  but  they  injured  themselves; 
L5^5  V**^  0&3  ^5***  *^J  Ji»Xo  *iU  /or  he  neither  believed  nor 
prayed,  but  deemed  {the  truth)  a  lie  and  turned  away ;  ^J  ^.J^o^L 

J  "  'vi    J  0  2     1/  s  s  s  0*         w       J 

*****)  V***  O-*  {f**®3  L5^'-**  L5^  ^^*"  w#  reproachers  blame  me 
for  loving  Leila,  but  I  am  deeply  smitten  with  love  for  her  (%£++£■ 

9  -  1}    •*,*         0         I       J)        *s  *    0     J         *        rsO  *        -    6>o      !> 

m  rhyme  for  Ju^c) ;    ^i  <uulSj  ^SJ   oj>I^j  ^-^-J   "n)  dsjj  ^\  ,j\ 

o  jJa^.j  vj-*^ '  no  errors  of  sudden  passion  are  feared  in  'lbn  Zarka, 
but  his  onslaughts  in  battle  are  looked  for  (with  dread).  When 
introducing  a  nominal  clause,  »>&  requires  the  subject  to  be  put  in 
the  accusative  (see  §  36),  whereas  o-£  leaves  it  in  the  nominative  ;  as 
I_$ja£»  Ch^W^'  0&3  O^-**^  j-*^  ^*3  and  Solomon  ivas  not  un- 
believing,  but  the  devils  were  unbelieving ;   ^s  ja^J\   ,j^JUaJI   {j£i 

C    C>«-*  <J*$~*>  but  the  evildoers  are  to-day  in  manifest  error. 

Rem.     ,^£J  and  ^jSi  are  said  to  be  used  ^Jljjklw'^JL)  fo  rectify  or 

emend  (the  previous  statement). 

e'  . 
(c)     Jj  is  opposed  either  to  a  preceding  affirmative  or  negative 

proposition,  a  command  or  a  prohibition  ;  as  jj-o-t  ^  JkJj  j>{*  Zeid 

<i  o  *        o  *       oo  *      ,    ,        , 

stood  up — not  so,  it  was  'Amr ;  jj-o-t  ^Jj  juj  ^eU   U  Zeid  did  not 

f  o  -        o *        so/       *       o 

stand  tip,  but  'Amr  (stood  uj>) ;   Sj^s.  ^Jj  ljuj  vj-^'  ^^  Z#/c? — no, 

10*  0'         to*        0         0  *        - 

D  Amr;   tj-o*  <Jj  \j*ij  *->j-*£  *$  do  not  beat  Zeid,  but  (beat)  Amr; 

,  *  0    lit!    *         0  *  0  *         0  s  Os  s        0   3*  s  s         s 

,j_o3lfbj/<r£dsu  Jj  jj-oi  £yt>  \xAs-  jjti  ^jj  U  we  do  not  see  that  ye 
are  in  any  way  superior  to  us — nay,  we  think  you  liars ;  Uj>1>*  1^1* 

0         0   >        jirf     JJ///         0  '  0  0  J 

^bjiSLj  <UJI  ^rr&i  jJj  oUc  they  say,  '  Our  hearts  are  uncircmncised' — 

J  *  *  0  }  0  ,  l  ,   * 

not  so !    God  hath  cursed  them  for  their  unbelief;   *ZxX±.  out-  l^xA*. 

I    ,    0*> 

S^aJI    >~>y>5   J^   they  stripped  him  of  his  dress,  nay,  also  of  the 

*        *  0   '  -        '.£.»    1^1  -  0     '     **       ftir    0*0  f-  rt    >   -  *       Oli 

garment  of  life;   ^£*^yo  L>   Sl^l  J-»  cJlii  o\j*«\  j»\  A+*j  C-Jlt  art 

§  186]    Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences.         335 

thou  a  man  or  a  icoman?  And  she  said,  A  tcoman  (lit.,  not  a  man,  A 
but  a  tcoman)  0  my  master.     Sometimes  it  is  strengthened  by  the 

addition  of  *^  ;  as  «**jj  >»-*  ^**w  ^i'j  \Jj  *$  ^Jj^Js  Uj  and  I  hare 

not  abandoned  thee;  no,  on  the  contrary,  separation  and  distance  have 

increased  my  love.     [In  the  answer  to  a  disjunctive  question  Jj  *9 

and  Jj  deny  one  member  (the  first),  as  *$  Jli  ojuu  j»\  ^JUj  ^1 

ojju  Jj  whether  in  my  time  or  afterwards?  He  said:  Nay,  but 
afterwards  ('Ibn  Hisam  10,  lines  5  and  3  from  below,  11,  1.  1,  Tab.  i. 
912, 11.  3,  4,  9).     R.  S.]  B 

Rem.  After  a  negative  proposition  or  a  prohibition,  Jj  is  said 
to  be  used  ,*)ljjilw'}U  (see  above,  b,  rem.) ;  after  an  affirmative 
proposition  or  a  command,  wjIj*£*^U  to  denote  turning  away,  or 
digressing,  from  what  preceded  (jjj^t   O1*)- 

185.  The  particle   UjI  is  one  of  the  most  important   in  the 

language  as  a  j~o».  \Jj*-,  particle  of  limitation  or  restriction.     It 

stands  at  the  beginning*  of  a  proposition,  and  the  word  or  portion  of  C 
the  proposition  which  is  affected  by  it,  is  always  placed,  for  emphasis' 

sake,  at  the  end  (compare  §  36,  rem.  b,  d) ;  as  ^yj^Lm. ©  ^  LjJl 
we  are  on^y  mocking  (at  the?}i) ;  t\jJudi  OlijuaJI  lo->t  ^«  obligatory 
afow  are  only  for  the  poor  ;  yj~5\  jl  Ijl».Ij  ^>^c  J£>  ^J  ^jjJLJ  l^jf 

^<w  a/res£  fo'r^  in  £%  it-fo/e  ///"e  to  o«/y  one  or  two;  J~l>  lS£-±-\  C5t 
^iaJJ  I  fear  the  overflow  only  of  my  own  streamlet;  [^»  by  I  L^Jt 
££-— dl  verily,  usury  is  in  the  delay  of  payment].  D 

186.  (a)  The  most  important  of  the  exceptive  particles  is  *J|, 
compounded  of  o],  (/*,  and  •$,  no*  (see  Vol.  i.  §  367,  «).  The  exception 
(2U£*^I)  is  considered  to  be  of  three  kinds:   J-^yT  **"—$!,  [n 

*  [But  not  always;  comp.  Fleischer,  KI.  Schr.  i.  508.] 

330  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  186 

A  which  the  thing  excepted  (^;i£«^f)  is  joined  to,  or  of  the  same  kind 
as,  the  general  term  (oU«  ^.^^Jl  tf/fotf  /row  w/«cA  ^<?  exception  is 
made);  ^Lk^iS  i\xl2*>*$\,  in  which  the  exception  is  severed  from,  or 
wholly  different  in  kind  from,  the  general  term  ;  and  £>&»H  l\£LS$\, 

or  the  exception  made  void  (of  government)*,  in  which  the  general 
term  is  not  expressed.  The  rules  for  the  construction  of  the  exception 
are  as  follows. 

(a)   When  the  thing  excepted  is  placed  after  the  general  term,  and 
B   the  proposition  containing  that  term  is  affirmative,  the  exception  is 

put  in  the  accusative  ;  as  I  juj  *n)I  j>$s&  I  j>Kl  the  people  stood  up,  except 

Zeid;   I**jJ    *9l  j»^^>   ^jj*  I  passed  by  the  people,  except  Zeid ; 

jvir*  >***  *^|  «*-i-»  IjJj-^  «wc?  tfA^y  drank  o/*  /£,  sai1^  a  few  of  them. 

(/?)     "When  the  thing  excepted  is  placed  after  the  general  term, 
and  the  proposition  containing  that  term  is  negative,  or  interrogative 

implying  a  negation  (^^aJI  ^5^**^  vol^ilwl  or  e&l&l  velvet)!,  the 
C  exception  may  be  put  either  in  the  accusative,  or  in  the  same  case 
with  the  general  term  (as  a  Jj*j  or  per  mutative,  or  more  specifically 
as  a  <u*  ^y^I-^oJI  ,j-o  ^  Jju,  §  139,  rem.  b,  2,  b),  but  the  latter 
construction  is  preferred ;   as  juj    *i)l    *x»-l   <*j?^   U  (or  ljuj   *s)|), 

j-jj    *n)I  ^x©*^   Ojj^   U  (or  I  JUJ   *N)I),  JUJ  ^|  JU».I  ^^AJ  *s)  /^  W0  0rt0  sto«^ 

wp  pw/  Z^'a7  (or  tjuj  *n)I),  juj  *^)l  **».U  ^jj"<  J-*  ^«s£  £/>om  passed  by 

t  a ,      £  «jo         o      -      Z     3     > , , 

D  any  one  but  Zeid  (or  ljuj  *$\)  ?vOV^o  J~X3  ^)l  ojAxi  U  they  would  not 

oo  i£,  saw  a  few  of  them ;  <UJI  *$\  w>^JjJI  j**j  ^j  awa*  who  forgives 

s«'ws  saw  GW.?   [<»-Ul  ^)l   4JI   *9   tffore  is  wo  cifeiYy  o£/^r  than  God], 
Sometimes  the  place  of  <*x«  ^XZ»^i\  is  occupied  by  a  preposition  and 

*  [Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  ii.  96.] 

t  [Also  in  sentences  like  Uju~A3  aJUI  *N)t  i^JI  U^o  O^*  V  §  4,  a, 
the  proposition  implying  a  negation.     D.  Cr.] 

§  186]     Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences.         337 

its  complement  (jsj-s^-c3  jW-)  or  tne  like,  wnicn  does  not  however  A 
affect  the  construction  of  the  exception  ;  as  juj  ^1  »x».l  ^>«  ^s^.  U, 

*i      e  5   si  sa-      2  *i      a  j   ai*       ,  'i      a 

where  j^-\  ,j-«  =  «*»-l ;  Ijuj  ^1  j^-l  O-*  »^b  ^>  where  «*»-t  0-*  = 

9  *  i         2  to  ,  i,  a  j      *      ta  -       £         a    ,        s  a -        -  a-  »    -         5  a  -       * 

4j    L*j   »nJ   fj^    •v)!,  Zeid   is   nothing  but  a   thing  of  no  account; 

jJss-  ly)  CwJ  tju  *nJ]  jk*j^I-J  ^j^J  ^yjl  ^  i?£;^  Lubeina,  ye  are  B 

wo  hand  but  a  hand  that  lacks  an  arm. — On  the  contrary,  if  the  thing 
excepted  is  wholly  different  in  kind  from  the  general  term  the 
preference  is  usually  given  to  the  accusative,  in  accordance  with  the 

dialect  of  Sl-Higaz ;  as  tjW»-  *$\  J**-I  j^W-  U  no  one  (i.e.  no  person) 
came  to  me,  but  an  ass ;  tjU*.  ^M  j>^\  >»U>  U  the  people  did  not 
stand  up,  but  an  ass ;  but  the  Temimites  [and  some  others]  adopt  the 
permutation,  as  jU*.  ^1  _>o^i)l  voli  U,  jU-»-  *$\  j>s&^.  ^jj-*  U.— 

If  the  general  term  is  not  expressed,  the  thing  excepted  is  put  in   Q 
whatever  case    the  general    term   would    have  been,   had    it    been 

«   a  ^       5  — ^  -  i  a  *  ay         -         j  a  *  *        * 

expressed;    as   jljj   *$\   ^sU*.   U   (not   Ij*-»j),   jujJj   *9I   O;^*   U, 

*  o^      £        a       a  -     a  ^ 

'  ju  j  *^M  «->*^!  ^oJ  (for  had  the  general  term  been  expressed,  we  should 

s  ^  £     »»  ^        «  ,  i       i  a ,  ,       *  t  ,  i      a       a  -     a  -  a  ,     a  ** 

have  said  jl».I  sU*.  U.  j^-b  Oj^-o  U,  and  lj»*.l  w^-su^J) ;  jju  ^oJi 

^^j  j^!«>J'  i^[  a^Ls.  U  c^^,«»  U  <UJI  *^l  and  none  but  God  knew 
what  (feelings  the  thought  of)  her  tattoo-marks  excited  in  us  on 
the  evening  when  the  abodes  (of  her  people)  were  far  away.  J) 

(y)    When  the  thing  excepted  is  placed  before  the  general  term, 
it  is  invariably  put  in  the  accusative,  if  the  proposition  containing 

the  general  term  is  affirmative;  asvojJUl  ljuj  •$!  ^>\l.  But  if  that 
proposition  be  negative,  the  nominative  is  also  admissible,  though  the 
usual  construction  is  the  accusative ;   as  i**w  Ju^».t   jf  *^l    '  J  l^i 

v**-*  ti*^'  w>»^  *i)t  ^  U3  /  Aow  no  helpers  but  the  family  of 

'Ahmad  (Muhammad),   and  I  have  no  way  but   the   way  of  truth; 

w.  11.  43 

338  Part  Third.— Syntax  [§  186 

A  llrc^s  ^j  U  lino  n)I  ,>tj  Ui  £w£  conversing  with  her  only  doubled 
my  pain  (lit.  wA«£  was  m  we) ;    but  ^  til  ^liw  <su*  O^^hJ  voir5"^ 

j**3i2ioSiOJ*  <  i\      • 

«.ilw  (J>tM^I  *)[  i>&  and  they  expect  from  him  (Muhammad)  inter- 
cession, wlien   there  is  no   intercessor  save  the  prophets;   *$\   ^*}   U 

0  *  *        J    i  *         ul    2    * 

j»oU  ^3^.1  I  have  no  helper  but  thy  brother;  instead  of  v>**~i)l  and 


B  Rem.  a.     If  several  exceptions  are  specified,  the  following  rules 

are  observed.  (1)  If  the  general  term,  from  which  the  exception 
is  made,  is  not  expressed,  the  regent  (verb)  affects  one,  usually  the 
first,  of  the  exceptions,  and  the  others  are  put  in  the  accusative;  as 

b-U  %  +>)  4\  JM  U  \£i  •§»  1>-U  *5t  jtfr  $\  ^JjjU  U.  (2)  If 
the  general  term  is  expressed,  and  the  exceptions  precede  it,  they 
are  all  put  in  the  accusative,  whether  the  proposition  containing 

2  0*  .2  20  *         d         *     * 

the  general  term  be  positive  or  negative;  as  \j^£-  ^)t  \j*ij  *})I>15 

j>$&\;  j»^i\  ()£>  *5]  tj-o*   *5l  tjuj  S)l  js{$  U.     If   the  exceptions 

C         follow  the  general  term,  and  the  proposition  containing  that  term 

is  affirmative,  the  exceptions  are  likewise  all  in  the  accusative,  as 

2  0*         w  20*         2  20*  2  J  0  *0-a       *    * 

\jSJ  *$\  l^o*  ^1  ljuj  ^1  j>$sd\  j>\.s;  but  if  the  proposition  be 
negative,    one    of    them    (usually    the    first)    is   construed   in   the 

ordinary  way  as  a  permutative   of    <sU-o  |c**w»»ll,  and  the  others 

^  & <■     a     &  t>  *     m     so /     cj     o  s  &   s  **     *» 
are  put  in  the  accusative,  as  \jSL>  *^t   \j+£  *j)l  juj  *$S  ji^l  >oU>  U 

2  0*2  "  . 

(but  ljuj  *n)I  in  the  accusative  is  rare).  (3)  If  the  exceptions  be 
different   in'  kind   from    the    general    term,    the    ordinary  rule   is 

followed  for  all ;    *%*L  «s)t   L,Ji   •J I    lJC»»  *$\   X^\  j\s  U  in  the 
D         accusative  is  preferable  to  the  permutative  in  the  nominative. 

Rem.  b.     If  the  repetition  of  *§\  be  merely  emphatic  (ju£»^JJ), 

it  exercises  no  influence  upon  the  word  following  it,  which  may  be 

connected  with  the  preceding  exception,  either  as  a  permutative  or 

*  *      t    a      o  *    w       *  t     j  o  *  *     * 

by  the  conjunction  $  ;  e.g.  ^JL^t  *$\  ^>j  *$\  j^»-b  ^)j-«  I*  I  passed 

by  no  one  but  Zeid — but  thy  brother,  meaning  but  Zeid  thy  brother, 
£       o  ->-     a        ■■'&*-      i-  o  *-     a      j  o  .  >>-•• 

.1   Juj   *9t  ;    \j^£-   *^l    tjuj    *n)I  ^e^iJt  >el5   the  people  stood  up, 

§  186]    Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences.         339 

except  Zeid  and  except   'Amr,  only  slightly  more  emphatic  than  A 
ij^ij  tjuj  *J|  except  Zeid  and  Amr;  *3tj  Uj^Jj  iLJ  ^M  ^AjJI  J* 

*?  j    j  j 

UjLc^oJ  ^  q-  M  PjJ-b  is  Time  aught  but  night  and  its  (following) 
day,  and  {aught  but)  the  rising  of  the  sun  (and)  then  its  setting  ? 
where  the  second  *^l  is  a  jiU  or  superfluous  word,  which  does  not 

j  j         -       £       0 j  -  -       £  -        o  -       o  -  -       * 

count  in  the  construction;  a^*->j  *$\  &L&&  *^l  ^  i,w  ^j-e  «£JJ  Us 
dJU.  ^|^  thou  hast  nothing  from  thy  old  camel  but  its  toil,  (nothing 

JJ///       3    3         -       3  3  *  *        £ 

but)  its  jog  and  (nothing  but)  its  trot,  for  d-Lejj    *♦»*)  **«£  *$\    B 

~        a  *  -        -  -  -        o  - 

by  license  for  >iJLa.lw,  but  others  read  ^la»-w). 

Rem.  e.     The  exception  after  *^l  may  also  be  expressed  by  a 

/        !</        I   (  -O  -  Of       - 

sentence,  which  may  be  introduced  by  j.  jjj,  ^jl,  etc. ;  as  ULvjl  U 

^5  w   io*        w  -  c-Orf         --o£       -  O  *  £       £         -      -      0  X*C  _ 

6l^-fiJlj  £L;yb  lyJUkl  UJl».I  ^1  ^J  t^yo  3ujS  u*  We  have  never 
sent  a  prophet  to  any  city  without  our  afflicting  its  people  with 

-j-}-      £         ^- -      o         j    }a,      - 

adversity  and  trouble;    ly^Xau  *$\  Sijj  ^yc  h.i...J  Lo  no  leaf  falls 

j  o        so-       so-      £         s    -  e      j    o£-       - 

fru<  Z7e  knows  it;    <U*o  ^*^  Juj  ^1   tj^.1  OsjI;  to  /  Aaue  seen  no    C 

x  J  0    3        0  JOfc  -  £  £3         J  -  -  - 

one  than  whom  Zeid  was  not  better ;  ^j^0.L.,.«^qIjlj  *$\  vjJ^0J  ^JLs 
do  not  die  then  unless  ye  be  Muslims;  ^-ij  *$\  f,-i  -iLJUS  ,_$  Lo 

i  :      )  *  a    i  o - 

d^«p=)l  ir!^  tfAere  is  no  emotion  in  thy  heart  but  there  is  a  stronger 

:    -  *  .- '~     o  -  -       -    -       £       :    ' -  J      0  -  - 

one  in  mine  ;  wJLil  »*i  i^jW-J  *$l  w»J'  ^oJj  «"<^  -^  ^^  not  waited 

0  0  0       »»-  0--        m        JJOs         -- 

&m<7  fo«£  my  grir?  came  ttpy  «jUc  ^j-o  OsL*.  jJj  *^t  jjtwl  L>3  and 
before  I  teas  aware  (of  it),  she  had  come  from  his  house  ;  lyJJLL>.  l^i 

3    J  S  t9      +     **        0  ^^  fi 

J>»^JI  w-Ai  «Oj  ^)l  «w<f  before  I  had  unloosed  it  (my  foot),  <A«  »wm  D 

,  ,»&     -  -j  tji>    jj/  [/      oj       ;        /     jj  t<       o- 

was  gone;  >oL>iJI  ^>-»  JJJi  ^i  aJJI  ^^y-Jb  (jt  *j)l  ^jJxo  Jjb 
ca«  <A«y  expect  but  that  God  shoidd  come  to  them  overshadowed  by 
clouds?     The  phrase  cJUi  NJI   (<UJb)   aJUI   JUjuiJ  /  beseech  thee 

*   -    0  £  -0  J      2  *  s  ' 

by  God  to  do  (it)*,  is  explained  by  JULni  n)I  »£JLu  C*JLk>  U  /  6«^ 

-       £  a*       *  £  *o       *     JO-- 

*  [Properly  /  remind  thee  of  God,  therefore  ^o*yJlj  aJUI   .jUjuLj 
/  remind  thee  of  God  and  the  ties  of  relationship  is  often  =  /  beseech 

340  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  186 

■  t>  o  '         J       0    <■    »c 

A  of  thee  nothing  but  thy  doing  (it),  equivalent  to  *$|  ^XlXc  Co»»JH 
C*Xxi  (compare  §  59,  rem.  a).  [In  this  sense  *^l  is  often  replaced 
by  O ;  see  Yol.  i.  §  367,  I] 

Rem.  d.     *^|  is  sometimes  strengthened  by  prefixing  to  it^yJUl 

j  t*>    j  ^     ,     *     a  £      5       5  j  i  ^ 

0   Cod  /   as    £$j»Jt  jU  jJl>   (jjl  *^l  ^ryJJl  unless  indeed  the  fire  of 
hunger  be  kindled.     [Comp.  the  footnote  to  §  38,  rem.  a7.] 

Rem.    e.     *$\    is   very   rarely  used    in   poetry  with   pronominal 
B         suffixes  ;  as  j-eli  o^Jt  u^^6,  iJ  U-*  «wc?  /  have  never  any  helper  but 

Him ;  j\*>*  J)*$\   Ijjjla^j  *$  ^j\  tJjla.  Cwfe   U  t^t  UJLc  U^  a»(i  ii 

zs  nothing  to  us,  when  thou  art  our  neighbour,  that  no  one  is  near  to 
us  but  thee. 

Rem./!  The  exception  is  sometimes  suppressed  after  *j)l,  as  in 
the  phrase  *n)I  ^^^J  (compare  j.*&  u*Ji  and  j+&  *$,  §  82,  d) ;  e.g. 
*n)|  ^^J  w-woZlAi  *}\^.   U^  tjkt  lo  Uls  as  regards  ma  'ada  am/  ma 

C         hala,  ^Aey  are  used  with  the  accusative,  not  otherwise;  j^»»t_3  jJ^UJt 

a      ■'*•' 
*n)|  ^^wJ  ^e  agent  is  one  (in  kind),  no  more. 

i        d  £     y  !>  - 

[Rem.  g.  ^j\  *^t  and  ^J\  j^e-  are  often  used  in  the  sense  of  but, 
even  if  the  preceding  proposition  be  affirmative. — On  the  phrase 

a  £      Ct       -  j        ^ 

^j\  *$\  3-fc  Uo  to,  see  the  Gloss,   to  TabarT.J 

0  ' 

(b)    j*£  (see  §  82,  d)  is  often  used  in  the  sense  of  besides,  except, 
but.     It  is  construed  with  the  genitive,  and  must  itself  be  put  in  the 

D  same  case  as  would  be  the  thing  excepted  after  *$\  ;  e.g.  j»^*i\  volS 

0  •        •  0  ,.  £0y  £  0/         JJ/  0     --   £  ^      •  s  0  0*  d 

juj  j-ji  (=  ljuj  n)|)  ;   juj  j»ji   jw».t  >els  U  (=juj  ^1),  better  than 

itAee  6y  Corf  £o  think  of  the  ties  of  relationship,  as  SjGjJtj  ,£UjuLj 
/  beseech  thee  to  give  us  the  increase  of  pay  (lAganl  xiv.  120,  1.  16  quoted 
by  R.  S.).     The  words  cJLai  ^1  are  properly  an  elliptical  phrase  (§  6, 

^    e  _  ^       o  0         .*     ^  6  c  »«>.•      *  Si  >o        f  J  6  .»  *■ 

rem.  6),  as  cJlsi  ,jt  ?io4  to  do  (*£),  e.g.  <jl  >ot»-j*i)lj  <*JJt  .iUjuiJ 
L5^a»-cii  7  beseech  thee  by  God  and  the  ties  of  relationship  not  to 
disgrace  me.     D.  G.] 

§  186]    Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences.         341 

^.j  j-jt  (=  i juj  «9p ;  ^»j  >**  ^  i*  (=  «*u  ^J) ;  j1*^-  ;■**  •**■'  >°b  u  A 

(=  IjU*.  "Sj),  rather  than  jC»-^  (-jC*»  5j). 

Rem.  a.     *^)l  is  sometimes  used  as  a  *j!j,  when  we  should  rather 
have  expected  ^-ji,  and  is  then  followed  by  a  substantive  in  the 

same  case  as  that  which  precedes  it;   e.g.  ^1   iyJI  U^*i   O^3  V 

..A-  s       '       '  ' 

Ujc.a.)    aJUI    (/"  *Aere  Aac?  fteen   ire  lAem  (heaven  and  earth)  ^oc?s 

besides  God,  they  would  certainly  have  gone  to  ruin;  oJUlj  wss^-ol    B 

ly*lij  *^l  Ol^-c^l  lyj  (J-J^  SjJb  JJ^i  SjJL  sAe  tvas  made  lie  down, 
and  laid  her  breast  upon  a  tract  of  ground  in  which  there  icere 

3  1         '   J  £  li    J      ^ 

{heard)  few  sounds  except  her  own  murmured  cry  ;  dijU-o  <i-\  (J^j 

^\j3jJti\  *$\  <il*jl  ^^o*'  «3».1  and  every  brother  is  forsaken  by 
his  brother,  by  thy  father's  life,  except  the  two  (stars  called  the) 
Pointers.     The  noun  which  precedes  ^1  is  in  this  case  usually  an 

J  JO 

indefinite  plural  or  its  like  (<iy*£),  such  as  a  substantive  defined  by    C 

0         0 

the  article  used  ^^UaJU. 

Rem.  b.     The  construction  of  ^y  (see  §  82,  e)  in  the  sense  of 
besides,  except,  is  similar  to  that  of  j^t ;    as  juj   t^y-*  ja^ii  I  jXi 

Os      'd'  *    0   JO/0  '  '0'        &" 

(=juj^*c);  jjljjcall  ^j— »  J!-J^oJj  and  there  was  nothing  left  but 
violence  (=sj\^j>*i\  j^i). 

(c)    The  verbal  clauses  *}L».  U,  w?^a£  is  free  from,  and  lj^e  U, 
ic^a£  gws  beyond,  are  often  used  in  the  sense  of  except,  but,  and  D 

govern  the  accusative;  as  l~>Lc  *il*.  U^Jk^jJli  and  they  made  them 

alight,  except  'Abbas;  JJ»b  aJJt  *$>*■  U  t^w  J£»  ^t  verily  everything, 

*  1  *        3 

except  God,  is  vanity  (in  rh)Tue  for  JJsb) ;  j+±.  ^  j^'i  U  g**^ 

a//  £^«£  /$«s  fo^re  said  regarding  the  habar  of  the  mubtada',  as  to  its 
kinds  and  states  and  conditions,  holds  regarding  it  (the  habar  of  'inna), 

342  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  186 

•  ,       ,     *,  o  ,  oxj     *  '  oi      J   £J 

A  except  the  allowability  of  placing  it  first ;  \js-  U  £I^UJI   c.\$J\  c**j 

i^a^a.Jl  /  have  tasted  all  kinds  of  sweetmeats,  except  the  habis. — 

When  U  is  dropped,  as  is  frequently  the  case,  %±.  and  \j&  may  be 
construed  with  the  accusative  or  the  genitive,  though  the  latter  is 

,  ,  1,0,       ,Zi     *£,**>      ,  ,        ,       *#      JOo      ->     "  J  '  * 

disputed  in  regard  to  I js. ;  as  J^.*3  IjJl  t\jsA\  *jl»-  O****^'  *-*&<X«3 

*  o,     , , ,  .  ... 

c>~J   J-o-c  and  the  opinion  of  the  Kufis,  except  el-Farrd,  is  that  it 

,  o  j  o*>     ,  ^    "*  _  ,  o   '        "  *  *    .  " 

governs  in  the  same  way  as  leisa  ;  (j>^0X.^.0Jt  ^>«  o^l  £....»£■  J>»-  ^°3 
B  >SJj^"j  eCl*JI  '«**  ^x^'j  aJjWIj  «»d  «6om*  5000  Muslims  and 
Metdwila  and  Jews,  besides  the  women  and  children;  *$  <UJt  *>>>»• 
^\^>  3^.jl  saving  God,  I  have  no  hope  but  in  thee;  v~! W  C*~*J 
jl^-Jt  '^  S^UUI  /  Aave  worn  a^  sorfe  o/  splendid  garments,  except 

black ;  j~3L*ai\  JaJDIj  6lk^iJt  Ij^c  l^wlj  %Z$  ^rvs**  l-a-^  w^  0°^  ^i9 
£/Wr  £n£>0  to  slaughter  and  bondage,  except  the  grey-haired  woman  and 
the  little  child. — These  words  may  of  course,  like  *j)t,  j*£,  and  ^>-«, 

it  0  £  0  2  Z       ,    , 

C  be  followed  by  a  clause  commencing  with  o'  or  O'  5  as  Oi  O'  *^ 

i.        ,     ,     ,       o     ,  ,  o    o  *>  ,00^1,0,  > 

LoU  ^lib  (jt^  JLAiw1^  JaaJI  JjfcaJJ  except  that  (the  conditional) 

'in  turns  the  verb  into  a  future,  though  it  be   (in  form)   a  past; 

# -     io,     a       ,  o ,  t>&    ,  ,   a  -o     i   ,  6      iia,,iC>i,, 

it  is  not  elegant  to  make  an  indefinite  substantive  the  permutative 
of  a  definite  one,   unless  an  adjective  be   annexed  to  it.     This  is 

,    o  ,  ,    e  , 

also   the   ordinary  construction   of  j^->   (rarely  *»-*-•),  used   in  an 
D  /fcJaJU*  ll£l~>\ ;   as  J^-j  *Jl  J*>  JUJ'  j~£=>  *H)  Zeid  is  wealthy, 

0,1       o  vo£       ,o,  Z  ■*>        ,,  ,      o    ,       i     ,ot      ,£ 

but  he  is  stingy;  J~-ij*   v>*   c5^    **^   >^W   tP3-5   O-*   ?— *^'    lJ' 

0,  00,  -JOOjOa^  >€ 

Ju   ^yj  jia-j  (««iJ  t*5  Cou^lj  1  have  the  purest  pronunciation  oj 

the  letter  dad,  but  I  am  of  Koreis,  and  I  was  put  out  to  nurse  among 
the  Bhiil  Sa'd  'ibn  Bekr  (words  of  the  Prophet). 

(d)     ^l*"  (lit.  he  excepted*)  or  l£l».,  rarely  ^1*.  and  ^-^,  is 
*  [That  i*wW-  is  originally  a  nomen  verbale,  and  not  a  verb,  as 

§  186]     Adversative,  Restrictive,  and  Exceptive  Sentences.         343 

j    3  -    3  i 

construed  with  the  genitive  [or  with  J]  or  the  accusative  ;  as  c-i—*-t  A 
i£«£jT  jJi-U.  ji\^)V^  j>\£=>*V>  ^l  I  have  benefited  the  high  and  the 
low,  except  the  family  of  Barmek ;  O*  ^-o  y  oi  OkP  L5v'  ^^ 
JiLfij  SUjUjT  except  Abu  Taubdn, — verily  he  is  sparing  of  abuse 
and  foul  words;  j»%->^  *i*fi  lJ*  j*&*  **"  O^  ^ij3  t^1*" 
Oi^h  except  Koreis,  for  verily  God  hath  given  them  the  superiority 
over  all  creation  through  U- Islam  and  the  (true)  religion ;  j*£\  ^v^'   " 

ilo^jT  CYj  ^\LJf\  ^ji-U-  £^—j  0-**3  J  ^  **od,  Pard°n  me  and 
those  who  hear,  except  Satan  and  Abu  'l-Asbag.  It  is  rarely  preceded 
by  U;  as  i«i»li  (or  u-^-)  ^^  ^°  \>Jl  wr»WI  w^-l  i«LJ  Uscima 
is  the  dearest  of  mankind  to  me,  except  Fatima  (words  of  the  Prophet); 
*i)lai  ^yJLoJI  \Ja^>  Ulj  IA»>5  IwU.  U  ^LJI  Uii  «/?</  as  regards 
mankind,  except  Koreis,  ice  are  the  noblest  of  them  in  deeds. 

[Rem.     aJU  ^^^  in  Kor'an  xii.  31  and  51  is  an  expression  of    C 

it  *    *    -  jj 
wonder  at   the   power   of   God,   like    <*JUt    ^jla»  «...< ;    used   by  later 

A- '  '  -    -     * 

writers  in  the  sense  of  aJUI  3lx*o  God  forbid !  God  keep  us!  jJlil*. 

or  iJU  ^Ui  means  saving  you,  you  excepted.] 

(e)  j^lJ  and  *j£±  ^  are  ^^  occasionally  used;  in  these  forms 
only,  as  equivalents  of  ^1,  and  are  followed  by  the  accusative ; 
as  tjuj   ^-J  vft^Ut  j»\3,  or   Ijuj   05^   *^-     Here  the  grammarians 

3  1     1    3*  

suppose  an  ellipse  of  the  subject,  ^o^-oju.     With  pronominal  suffixes  D 
we  may  say  ^■...■J  and  ^5— *J   (as  well  as   ^£^i\  u-*1*-  ^-e^»  etc. 

[comp.  Vol.  i.  §  182,  rem.  a] ;  e.g.  ^j—J  ^o'j^3l  j»$tt\  w>*i  it  si«c« 
the  noble  have  departed,  except  me;  ^£jj  *)  ;y£  J-JJI  l«x*  C-J 
L*5j  («^a»J  *i)j   ^^[s   L^^i  *-^     W>*  *e*    would  that   this  night 

the  school  of  el-Kufa  taught,  has  been  proved  by  Fleischer,  XL  Schr. 
i.  405,  462  seq.] 

344  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  186 

A  were  a  (whole)  month,  during  which  we  might  see  no  stranger,  but  only 
me  and  thee,  and  might  fear  no  spy ;  £.Jjkl»J I  ^  j.*-\  ^)  ou»j  U 

*£X~J  iicJI  jjo  aZjIj  *n)I  >©'i)-w'N)l  («5  AijUi  no  one  was  described  to  me 

iw  ^e  (ftTrae  q/*)  ignorance,  whom  I  saw  (afterwards)  in  (the  time  of) 
M- Islam,  but  I  found  him  inferior  to  the  description,  save  thee  (words 
of  the  Prophet  to  Zeidu  '1-Hail). 

(/)     CI*  *s)  especially,  above  all  (see  Vol.  i.  §  364,  e),  may  be 

° '     *     "    " 
B  construed  either  with  the  nominative  or  the  genitive  ;  as  <**»*&  j^Aj 

f*jj*i\  ^Jwo  U-w  ^3  ^<<rJa.*Jt  «ulc  ^jLaJI  ly^iiju  and  it  is  a  church 

which  the  Christians  hold  in  very  great  reverence,  but  especially  the 
kings  of  the  Europeans;  jJj^A*.  SjIju  ^j  lo-w  ^j  6w£  especially  a 

day  in  the  valley  of  Gulgul.     The  word  ^y  is  the  accusative  of  the 

noun  j^w   an   equal  (see  §  39),  and,  if  the  construction  with  the 

C  genitive  be  adopted,  U  is  regarded  as  redundant   (compare  §  70, 
rem.  /).     Often   a   preposition  with   its   complement,   an   adverbial 

accusative,  or  a  circumstantial  clause  introduced  by  j  or  jJj  (compare 

a,  rem.  c),  [or  a  conditional  (temporal)  sentence  introduced  by  oi  or 

lit],  follows  U-l*  *^ ;  as  ^Uj^n-w.)  l.o*~>  ^  especially  in  thy  presence ; 

glyi-JI  ,j^  l^Zw  ^  ^)Ca»~^W  As-^J  ^a^  care  to  6ear  insults  patiently, 

especially  from  fools ;  a-jUj  &*JUJ)  iCj  ^  c*ilj  U^-»  *>)  especially 

D  s£wc0  £Aow  ar£  «w  £^0  gr«r&  o/*  £/^  caliph  and  his  dress ;  j^j  l»^  ^ 

v»*l)LlaJI   ^^  v»ij^l  especially  as  the  shadow  of  darkness  has  fallen ; 

[ULa<©  aLJI  (or  l>!)  ,jl  U-j~>  ^j  ^>&  I AJj  0\  verily  ZVid  is  generous, 
especially  if  thou  come  to  him  whilst  he  is  engaged  in  prayers].  Later 
writers  incorrectly  use  Ww,  without  ^ ;  as  ajL-».I  .>*>>*  *.«  I*xa 
6*5JLi3l  ^>*j  ,-»  U^w  aJI  ^/i/s,  notwithstanding  his  excessive  kindness  to 
him,  especially  in  time  of  dearth. 

§  187]  Conditional  and  Hypothetical  Sentences.  345 

6.      Conditional  and  Hypothetical  Sentences.  A 

187.  To  what  we  have  said  above  (§§  4—6,  §  13,  and  §  17), 
regarding  the  use  of  certain  moods  and  tenses  in  the  protasis  and 
apodosis  of  conditional  and  hypothetical  clauses,  we  must  here  add  a 

few  words  on  the  use  of  the  particle  o  at  the  commencement  of  a 
conditional  apodosis.— This  particle  is  used  to  separate  the  protasis 
and  apodosis  of  a  conditional  sentence,  [or  of  a  clause  introduced  by 

lit],   when   the   conditional   particle  of   the  protasis   either  cannot   B 
exercise  any  influence  upon  the  apodosis,  or  is  not  required  to  do  so*. 
This  is  the  case — 

(a)     When  the  apodosis  is  a  nominal  sentence ;  as  IJuk  <^X5  ,jl 

..  -»<«     ^  ..    at* 

^jjjiUOl  yj*o  c-Jli  if  thou  sayest  this,  thou  art  one  of  the  unbelievers ; 

i*       o  o  -  -  -  *       a  m  #  jSx  j  ,  o  *      a 

a)  Jj>J  \SaA  0\  lf  he  be  disobedient,  woe  to  him !  ajU   t^l*£J  ,jl 
^£j  J>>~i  if  ye  do,  it  will  be  a  crime  in  you  (lit.  attaching  to  you) ; 

o  j      ^  a-  -       £  +  a *»io     -  a*  ui  j        o 

^o^>UiJL».  Uli  wsaJ  I  ^y>  w-jj  ^b  j^j£=>  ,jt  if  ye  are  in  doubt  about   C 
the  resurrection,  verily  we  have  created  you ;  ll+~/*$\  aXs  I^cjJ  U  bt 
■  g^M.^ll  by  whichsoever  (name)  ye  call  (upon  Him),  His  are  the  best 
names.     [J*-***-  <*JJ^j   gl^j  J£i   a^ojs-  j»^Xi\  sj^<>  ^J-i  ^  ^oJI   li] 
when  a  man's  honour  is  not  sullied  by  meanness,  every  coat  he  wears  is 


becoming  to  him.]  In  this  case,  after  a  conditional  oj  or  '*!>  we  mav 
substitute  for  o  the  so-called  «LjU**JI  lit  (see  Vol.  i.  §  368,  rem.  e), 

*  i    ,a*     >j      /       t  ai      o    -  £  ^       -        f/ii/      cjo      j     a     - 

as  (J^K^j^qA  lit  ^^j jut  C*ojJ>  I^j  aS-^^^^clJ  ,jtj  «wrf  if  evil  befcd  J) 

them  for  what  their  hands  have  previously  wrought,  lo  they  despair ; 
provided  always  that  the  nominal  sentence  does  not  partake  of  the 

nature  of  an  imperative  (as  in  the  ?bove  a)  J-!V),  and  is  not  intro- 

duced  by  a  negative  or  ^1. 

*  [When  the  protasis  is  deprived  of  its  conversive  influence  on  the 

verb  of  the  apodosis  this  is  called  £li)t.  Comp.  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i. 

w.  ii.  44 

346  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  187 

A  [Rem.     The  o  is  sometimes  omitted  in  poetry,  rarely  in  prose, 

*b*o  .:.     *bto      jo*      j  j  *  b  s  *      j  ~Z      d  i       *         o  so**  0     j  *       a*      o     *  * 

whoever  did  not  die  to-day,  the  snare  of  death  will  certainly  lay 

,      j     o  s      a  j  j       -        *      s    * 

hold  of  him  to-morrovs ;  ^jj-ksu  ^fA  Uyoc   \*  l>l^  and  when  they 

*i     ,    a  i      ^  ^    -•  a  ^      t   *  ,  i  o  *  s      *       •• 

are   angered,  they  forgive :   ,,31  ^.».l   *n)j  jjj   *n)    l5U£»  0^*»J  jjlj 

j^g-.J    anc/   i/  /   escape    on    equal   terms,   neither   condemned  nor 
rewarded,  lo,  I  shall  be  fortunate.] 

B  (b)  When  the  apodosis  is  a  verbal  sentence,  but  the  verb  is  a 
*>-*W-  u°{*  or  defective  perfect  (without  imperfect  or  masdar),  such 
as  t^-J  he  is  not,  ^-^  perhaps  he  is,^su  how  good  is,  and  the  like  ; 
e.g.  u~tM  ^J"°  cJj'  L5^  rt"° j k *.* 6»  5^«  oUI  jju  a^Jbuu  ,^>£j  ^J  ^>-e 
^JjJt  J«*U  /?0  wfose  reverence  {for  his  teacher)  is  not  the  same  after 
(seeing  him)  a  thousand  times  as  after  (seeing  him)  for  the  first  time, 

*  Ci       -  ,  ,   Ci  o         j  a  i     a 

is  not  worthy  of  science ;  jjA  '.©A^i  OlSj^JI  tjjoi  (j!  if  ye  give  alms 
C   openly,  it  is  well. 

(c)  When  the  apodosis  is  a  verbal  sentence,  expressing  a  desire, 
wish,  command,  or  prohibition  ;  as  ^JjaJLs  aJJI  05***^  j*~^*  0[ 
if  ye  love  God,  follow  me;  J^swJj  %^a.  <*JUI  ^^a*-;  ,jl  jU»  ^a 
■^a.  S^rs)i  i^  aJ^J  whoever  wishes  to  attain  his  desires  as  a  whole, 
let  him  make  use  of  his  night,  as  of  a  camel,  to  overtake  them. 
[Comp.  §  1,  /,  at  the  end.] 

D         (d)     When  the  apodosis  is  a  verbal  sentence,  preceded  by  one  of 
the  affirmative  particles  ^,  ^Jy,  and  j>.*,  or  one  of  the  negative 

^  0    s  /0/  3  0  s         0  J/         Of  //^  0**00*0 

particles   U,  ^jJ,  and  u~J  ;    as  J-i  ,j^>  a)    »-l   Jj-w   jJH   Jj— j  o! 
if  he  steals,  a  brother  of  his  has  stolen  befoi'e  (him)  ;  ^  ja*Z~J  ^1 
^  aJUI  jsJu   ^Xi  if  th<m  askest  forgiveness  fo?-  them,  God  will  not 
forgive  tliem. 

§  188]  Conditional  and  Hypothetical  Sentences.  347 

Rem.  a.     If  the  perfect  in  the  apodosis  conveys  a  promise  or  A 

threat  (§  1,  e),  the  use  of  k^fi  is  optional,  as  the  verb  really  refers  to 
future  time. 

Rem.  b.  With  the  negatives^  and  *9,  the  use  of  ^fi  is  optional. 
If   o  be   inserted,   ^   requires  the   imperfect   indicative  after  it 

(§  17,  C,  a). 

(0)    When  the  perfect  tense  in  the  apodosis  is  intended  to  retain 

a  a  j     a  -    j   j         '     *      *        s 

the  signification  of  the  perfect  (see  §  6,  c) ;  as  ^>«  jJ>  jJ*  <^a^0.i  O^3  Oi 

CJEjuai  J.^5  (/*  fo's  shirt  is  (has  been)  torn  in  front,  she  has  spoken  the   B 


[Rem.  The  apodosis  of  the  temporal  clause  introduced  by  LoJ, 
is,  sometimes  in  old  poetry,  frequently  in  later  prose,  preceded  by 
^9  (Vol.  i.  §  366,  b,  footnote ;  an  example,  Vol.  ii.  §  3,  a),  especially 
if  the  protasis  consists  of  many  words,  or  is  separated  from  the 
apodosis  by  a  circumstantial  clause  (comp.  the  Gloss,  to  Tabarl).] 

188.     The  particle  ^  (Heb.  y?),  which  forms  hypothetical  clauses, 
and  the  particle  oi  (Heb.  DX),  differ  from  one  another  in  this,  that   C 
the  latter  simply  indicates  a  condition,  whilst  the  former  implies  that 
what  is  supposed  either  does  not  take  place  or  is  not  likely  to  do  so  ; 

as  j£$  1^-ila.^wl   U  |yfc»w  >3j  jj£si\£.}  Ijj^o— j   *$  ^a^cjJ   ,jl  if  ye 

call  t/iem,  they  will  not  hear  your  call ;  and  even  if  they  heard  (it), 
they  would  not  answer  you. 

Rem.  a.     ^J   is  sometimes  used   optatively  (compare   !p   O  si, 

0       vi  s  s   *  J         J  0  ^   '  0  *  ' 

titi7iam),  as  ^ovO   ls^*   'j**3   ^   LSP   3^3  an^  tf  thou  couldst  see 
(=coiddst   thou   but   see)    wlien   they    are    set    before    their    Lord!  D 
[^oy^   b/**-**   5^3   UJ   ^j\   $)   had  we  but  a  return  (to  life),   then 

i  *  ,        ,  Zfo   i  ,  $ ,     a,  , 

xvould  we  keep  ourselves  clear  fro-n  them  /]   \^ji£s  ^jj  JJI  ^oJLxj  ^Jj 
jLJI  ^4VA>^a.j   ^c  ^j^sSLj  *^  ^>*»»  and  if  those  wlio  disbelieve  knew 

(=did  those  who  disbelieve  but  know)  the  time  when  they  shall  not 
(be  able  to)  keep  off  the  fire  (of  hell)  from  tlieir  faces  /*     Especially 

*  [According   to  el-Beidawi,  as   Trumpp  p.   351  observes,   ^J   has 

348  Part  Third.— Syntax.  [§  189 

,-»e     jS/J      a,       a  >    i    s  s. 

A         after  jj  to  toue,   wish,   like ;  as  2-Uw   oUI  j-^ju  3J  ^Aj^l   i^j   one 

*s  •"      0  a  * 
of  them  would  fain  be  kept  alive  a  thousand  years ;    ajuMa   C09 

^J^Laj  ^  w>L£)t  Jjbl  ^yb  a  party  among  the  people  of  the  Book 
would  fain  lead  you  astray. 

St   t       0' 

Rem.  b.     Before   nominal   clauses    ,jl    jJ   is    [generally]  used 

instead    of  ^ ;    as   lyto-j    ^Uil    <jl   £   if  the   people  had  heard; 

*   \      0 ,       *  0 , ,       zz  t>  * 

^*  Jt£  L5^  L5*^>C'5  ^'  ^  tf  ^oii  hadst  asked  me  to  do  something 

B         else  than  this  ;  t jcou  I ju>\  <Uuj  ly.Uj  ,jl  £  >£  it  (the  soul)  would 

be  glad  if  there  were  between  itself  and  it  (the  evil  it  has  done) 

a  i  j    '    d  " 

a   wide   space.     [Examples    of   the    omission    of    ^j\    are    Olj   ^j 

o  ,  ,   ,  , 

ic^loikJ   j\$~t    and  if   a   bracelet-wearing    (lady)    had   struck   me ; 

l->j  i*».j  CPL^*'  Oj^-^^o-*^  3J  {/"  2/0M  possessed  the  treasures  of 
my  Lord's  mercy, .] 

C  189.  Sometimes  the  two  particles  o!  and  >J  are  combined 
(compare  the  Aram.  )?tf  a_£\) ;  as  j-w«l  Jjl»-  V  Oi  LiJi-**^-3 
»£jJlil£o  jj-U^^oJt  «»<i  &y  my  £//e,  (/*  the  Commander  of  the  Believers 
sought  to  recompense  thee;  3J  <jt  >&jij  U-Jjj  «^Ji  J>5$  jt^^>  *) 
\jJs  O^  we  do  not  concede  the  necessity  of  this,  for  it  is  necessary 

,  m  -  ,       ,        a,    0  1         *a>e  i*  its* 

only  if  it  be  thus  {and  thus)  ;  ajU^  ^Jb  ^  O^3  £  C)\  w-^'  ^  >^i 

because  of  which  (longing)  the  writer  would  fain  be  in  the  inside  of  his 
D   own  letter. 

190.  The  particle  J  is  prefixed  to  the  apodosis  of  hypothetical 
sentences  (see  Vol.  i.  §  361,  c,  y)  like  o  to  that  of  conditional  seu- 
tences ;  as^ov***^  t^-^w^^v-^  t^«»WI  O^  5^  //'«//  mankind  were 

here   its    hypothetical    meaning,    the    apodosis    t^Jlsw,*X.wt    L*)    (oerily 
they  would  not  ask  for  speed)  being  omitted  (ij  4,   rem.  a).] 

§  190]  Conditional  and  Hypothetical  Sentences.  349 

my  slaves,  I  would  set  them  free*.     The  employment  of  this  particle  A 

is,  however,  unlike  that  of  <*£,  quite  arbitrary ;  and  it  is  only  in  the 
case  of  a  long  protasis  that  it  is  never  omitted,  in  order  thereby  to 
mark  the  apodosis  more  distinctly  (compare  the  German  so).     The 

same  remark  applies  to  J  before  a  negative  apodosis  of  this  sort 

introduced  by  U,  as  *$££  lyJ  Oj^.j  LoJ^JlS^M  *«*».  ^JLc  w~£Ji  ^Xs 

and  if  thou  didst  search  all  climes,  thou  icouldst  never  find  any  one 

like  her;    but   it   is   never   prefixed   to  ^J,    in   order   to   avoid   the   B 
cacophony  produced  by  the  repetition  of  the  letter  /. 

*  [Sometimes  J  is  preceded  by  131  then,  in  that  case,  e.g.  Koran 
xvii.  102.] 


A.     THE  RHYME. 

A         191.     Poetry  (jjiuJI)  always  takes,  during  the  classical  period, — 

that  is  to  say,  from  the  earliest  times  down  to  the  fall  of  the  'Umawi 
dynasty  (a.h.  132,  a.d.  749 — 750), — the  form  of  short  poems,  rarely 

*  On  this  subject,  more  especially  as  regards  the  oriental  doctrine 
of  the  metres,  the  student  is  advised  to  consult  the  following  works : 

Samuelis  Clerici  1*^5*^3  u^j^aJI  j^a  scientia  metrica  et  rhythmica, 

seu  tractatus  de  prosodia  Arabica  ex  auctoribus  probatissimis  eruta 
B  (Oxonii,  1661);  Freytag,  Darstellung  der  Arabischen  Verskunst 
(Bonn,  1830);  De  Sacy,  Grammaire  Arabe,  t.  ii.  pp.  615 — 661; 
and  the  more  recent  grammars,  e.g.,  Lagus,  Larokurs  i  Arabiska 
Spraket  (Helsingfors,  1869),  pp.  354—376;  Palmer,  A  Grammar 
of    the    Arabic    Language    (London,    1874),    pp.    291 — 376.      Also: 

C.  V.  A.  Van  Dyck,  5-iUJIj  ua^J.x^\  ,^+Xe-  ^y  SpljJI  ia.-o*-o  w>L£> 

(Beirut,   1857) ;   SpljJI  aJsJLS,   printed  as  an  appendix  to  the  »-L-o-o 

C    „_JlLjl  of  Butrus  Til-Bistanl  (Beirut,  1854),  and  to  the  p^+a***  w>L£s 

^JjjjT  (j>^   (V  wO^M  <>f  Naslf  eLYazigi  (2nd  edit.,  Beirut,   1869); 

*   ,0iO  0  *  }       * 

and    Ibn    Keisan's    .JI^aJI    s^JJJ    w>U£»,    in   my    Opuscida   Arabica 

(Leyden,    1859).      [A    very    able    treatise    on    Arabic    prosody    was 
published  in  the  Journal  Asiatique  for  1877  by  M.  Stanislas  Guyard, 

§  193]  The  Rhyme.  351 

exceeding  the  length  of  a  hundred  and  twenty  verses.     Such  poems  A 
are   called   kasidas,   Sju^lS,   collect,   jl.^5,  plur.   juLaS ;   whereas   a 
mere  fragment,   consisting  of  only  a  few  verses,  is  termed   a*Ja3, 
plur.  %L3,  also  Obtkio.     A  poem,  the  special  object  of  which  is  the 

9  -  3      -  -  ' 

eulogy  of  an  individual  or  a  tribe,  is  named   *-****,  plur.  £~>J*** ; 

*  *  9  2        ol  &  'Z  «"5  S'a*   ' 

a  satire,  fl»Jk  or  **»-*t,  plur.  ^jft-vfcl ;  an  elegy,  fb|,  or  t^j*, 
plur.   <LAy> ;    and  a  poem   in  the   metre   ragez  (see  §  201),   5J^»-j',   B 

j  ,i  9JZ    el  it       ^i 

plur.  >-»-'j'.     Verses  set  to  music  are  termed  4~£1,  plur.  ^tel. 

Rem.     Rhyme  without  metre  or  measure  (ijjj)  does  not  con- 

•  •  ^ 
stitute  poetry,  but  merely  rhymed  prose,   Jta^. 

192.  Each  verse,  wn-j  (lit.  feȣ,  house),  plur.  C>Lj1,  consists  of 

9*0  9  *   a 

two  hemistichs,  termed  p|/-a-»  or  cr*a«o  (owe  wa//*  of  a  folding-door), 

>  ,    ,  3  *    ■>  90     *  9      3     1  93     ei 

plur.  *jjLa-o  and  p^-a-*,  or^Jxi  (a  half),  pi.  j>l*-w  and  jJxwt.     The    C 

3  o  a  - 
first  of  these  hemistichs  is  called  jjucJI  (the  breast),  and  the  second 

3    3     ,0, 

j^»M  (Me  rump). 

193.  The  rhyme,  5-iUUI,  plur.  ^»'_yU',  labours  under  peculiar 

restrictions,  for,  according  to  ancient  rule,  the  two  hemistichs  of  the 
first  verse  of  a  kasida  must  rhyme  with  one  another,  and  the  same 
rhyme  must  be  repeated  at  the  end  of  every  verse  throughout  the 

Theorie  nouvelle  de  la  metrique  Arabe.  Compare,  however,  Prof.  D 
M.  Hartmann's  Essay,  Metrum  und  Rhythmus  (Giessen,  1896).  In 
1879  Dr  A.  Gies  (Leipzig)  published  a  dissertation  on  modern  metres  : 
ax**JI  lljyiii\.  Ein  Beitrag  zur  Kenntniss  sieben  neuerer  arabischer 
Versarten ;  Prof.  Hartmann,  in  the  Actes  du  dixieme  Congres  inter- 
national des  Orientalistes,  session  de  Geneve,  1891,  Hi.  pp.  15 — 67 
("  Ueber  die  Muwassah  genannte  Art  der  Strophengedichte  bei  den 
Arabern"),  made  some  excellent  remarks  about  Arabic  metres,  and 
announced  his  intention  of  soon  publishing  an  exhaustive  treatise  on 
the  subject.] 

352  Part  Fourth. — Prosody.  [§  194 

A    whole  poem.     The  rhyme  may  be  of  two  sorts,  Sjui*  and 

It  is  called  oj^JLc  or  fettered,  when  the  verse  ends  with  a  consonant, 

5  .-  -  0     J 

and  diLL*  or  foos^,  when  it  ends  with  a  vowel. 

194.  The  essential  part  of  the  rhyme  is  the  letter  called  i^jjJI, 
which  remains  the  same  throughout  the  entire  poem,  and,  as  it  were, 
binds  the  verses  together,  so  as  to  form  one  whole  (^Jjj  to  bind  fast). 
Hence  a  kasida,  of  which  the  rmvJ  is  the  letter  /  is  called  oj^as 

B   2u**$ ;  r,  <u5lj  ;  t,  a*5U  ;  and  so  on. 

Rem.     The  letters  I,  j  and  ^  cannot  be  employed  as  rawl,  when 

they  are   (a)  long   vowels,  e.g.   Ij£,  ..jU^  ;    (b)  inflexions  of   the 

feminine   singular,  the   dual,  and  the  plural  of    verbs,  e.g.  .-Xziu, 

*}L;iu,  t^JLS,  t^JUSt  (unless  they  form  a  diphthong  with  a  preceding 

fetha,   e.g.   \$*j,  ^-cj') ;    (c)  inflexions  of    the  dual  and  plural  of 

nouns ;  and  (d)  the  final  letters  of  the  pronouns  ^A,  .^A,  and  tA. 

The  same  remark  applies  to  the  tenwin,  and  to  the  letter  ^  of  the 
C  second  energetic  form  of  verbs ;  as  also  to  the  letter  o,  when  it  is 

not  radical,  as  in  d^a.j  for  Ao^-j,  <suU£s  for  ajU^,  a*jU^  (pausal 

form   for   ^jI^s    or   .-A*^).     The  s   of    the    pronouns   a   and    I A 

may,  however,  be  used  as  rawl,  if  preceded  by  a  long  vowel ;  e.g. 

195.  The  loose  kafiya  (see  §  193)  terminates  in  what  is  called 
aJLoJI,  the  annex  or  appendix  to  the  rawl,  which  may  be  either  a 

D  long  vowel  (i.e.  I—,  ^J—,  or  j_),  or  the  letter  «,  preceded  by  one  of 

0    ,  0  0    1 

the  short  vowels  (a—,  a_,  a_). 

Rem.  a.  We  say  "a  long  vowel,"  because  the  final  vowel  of  a 
verse  is  regarded  as  being  followed  by  the  homogeneous  letter  of 
prolongation,  whether  this  latter  be  written  or  not.  The  vowel- 
letter  I  is  invariably  expressed,  but  ^  and  ^  are  frequently  omitted, 

even  where  they  are  always  written  in  prose ;  e.g.  juj,  for  {JJo^, 
and  my  hand ;  ^*o,  for  yC~e>  or  \j*J~o,  they  made. 

§  196]  The  Rhyme.  353 

Rem.  b.     If  the  letter  »  has  a  long  vowel  after  it,  as  in  the  A 

suffix  pronouns  U,  «  (=  ^jh),  »  (=>*),  the  letter  of  prolongation, 

3    J  j  *' 
!,  ^  or  i£,  is  called  ».j^aJt,  ?Aa£  which  goes  beyond  {the  silo)  ;  as  in 

JJf/J  JJd/J  0^  0^  "J  0    - 

aJUju  (=  A^JLXaj),  4-oju  (=    <«,-«3AJ  .  U-rsj-e. 

Rem.  c.     Both  «7a  and  horug  must  accompany  the  rai#7,  without 
the  slightest  change,  throughout  the  whole  poem. 

196.     The  raid  may  also  be  preceded  by  one  or  two  letters, 
which  form,  to  a  greater  or  less  extent,  a  necessary  portion  of  the   B 

kafiya  (whether  loose  or  fettered).    These  are  named  ,^-2-jU!,  J-«wjJI, 

and  o:>pl. 

'   -»    to* 

(a)  j^-^UJI,  or  ^  foundation,  is  the  name  given  to  an  !  of 

prolongation,  preceding  the  rawl,  and  separated  from  it  by  a  consonant, 

which  is  called  the  J*»o,  stranger  or  grates*.    The  former  is  invariable, 

the  latter  variable  ;  but  the  vowel  which  separates  the  daJul  from  the 
rawl  ought,  strictly  speaking,  to  remain  unchanged.     For  example,    C 

0  ' 

in  a  verse  ending  with  the  word  j*Xi,  the  j  is  the  raid,  the  long 

vowel   t   the   ta'sls,  and  the  jt  the  daJfil,  whilst  the  vowel  which 
separates  this  last  from   the  rawl  is  i ;   but  the  next  verse  may 

terminate  with  the  word  jjI^jJI,  where  the  dahll  is  ^,  though  the 

other  parts  of  the  kafiya  remain  unchanged.     The  same  rule  holds 

when  the  kafiya  is  loose,  instead  of  fettered,  as  in  j*\*  and  j^V' 

(where  the  duh'd  is  in  the  one  case^»,  and  in  the  other  O),  or  albb  D 

0  >  *  , 

and  aXoJS^j. 


(b)  The  Oij,  or  w^atf  rides  behind,  is  the  technical  name  given  to 
one  of  the  letters  of  prolongation  1,  ^  or  ^,  when  it  immediately 

precedes  the  rawl;  as  in  the  words  <jl**.L**.,  aJlyj,  V^jLJI,  V*U.j, 

*     *     *    *t 

£-jy>,  w)^.     The  long  vowel  a  remains  invariable,  but  the  poet  may 

use  I  and  u  indifferently ;  »j^5  is  regarded  as  rhyming  with  ?->»»■, 
»y«.««.«  with  w>^jJ»,  a5^j  with  **ijJ. 

w.    ii.  45 

354  Part  Fourth. — Prosody.  [§  197 

A  Rem.  a.     Strictly  speaking,  the  rawi  and  the  ta'sls  should  form 

parts  of  the  same  word,  but  exceptions  are  allowed  in  the  cases  of 

the  separate  pronoun  l*A,  and  of  a  pronominal  suffix  preceded  by  a 

preposition,  as  U),  UJ  (for  .J  or  ^J). 

Rem.  b.  When  the  kafiya  is  unaccompanied  by  either  a  tasis  or 
a  rid/,  it  is  said  to  be  Sj^.a*^e,  naked  or  bare  ;  otherwise,  it  is  either 
2Lm~*yA  or  ii.jj-0. 

B         197.     The  vowels  which  accompany  the  kafiya  are  also  designated 
by  peculiar  names. 

(a)  The  mtgra,  jjjjsl-oJI,  is  the  vowel  which  follows  the  rawi 
in  the  loose  kafiya ;  e.g.  a  in  ljL>  (for  jLw),  i  in  u*3**,  w  in  !>£*-«'  or 
w~UJI.     It  is,  strictly  speaking,  invariable. 

(b)  The  ne/dd,  jliUM,  is  the  vowel  between  the  letter  o,  as  ^7a, 
and  the  horug  (see  §  195,  rem.  b) ;   e.g.  fetha  in  K^^syo,  kesra  in 

C    A-aju  (=  Ljy-oju),  and  damma  in  aXIju  (^^JJju).     It  is,  of  course, 

(c)  The  taugih,  a**.^!,  is  the  vowel  which  immediately  precedes 
the  rawi  in  a  t^ya***  **^5,  e.g.  fetha  m  j~«wi  (for  ^-aJ),  and  kesra  in 
jil  (for  jil)  ;    or  separates  it  from  the  tt/  in  a  i—w^*  &J13  (see 

§  196,  rem.  6),  e.g.  kesra  in  j-«U  (for  j^>tf)  or  ^l^lj.     The  latter  is, 

however,  more  frequently  distinguished  by  the  special  name  of  cLw^M. 

D  The  'tebd'  ought,  strictly  speaking,  to  be  invariable  ;  whereas,  in  the 

taugih,  the  vowels  damma  and  kesra  may  be  interchanged,  as  in  jil, 


for  ji\,  and  j+*o,  for  j~o  (compare  the  case  of  ^  and  ^  as  rid/, 
§  196,  b). 

Rem.     The  taugih  is  absolutely  necessary  in  a  fettered  kafiya, 
unless  it  be  Ziyj.*  (as  cUm,  ?»~!>$,  J*JUl)  5  out  it  is  not  necessary  in 

0    -         JO   JO^ 

a  loose  kafiya,  as  jjJ>,  j-«Jt)l. 

§  198]  The  Rhyme.  355 

(d)  The  rass,  u<iP'>  lii  the  vowel  which  accompanies  the  letter  A 
preceding  the  tasis  (see  §  196,  a).     It  can,  of  course,  be  none  but 

J    0     -    B* 

(e)  The  hadw,  jJia*JI,  is  the  vowel  which  accompanies  the  letter 
preceding  the  rid/  (see  §  196,  b).  It  is  either  fetha,  kesra  or  danima, 
according  as  the  rid/  is  I,  ^  or  j  ;  but  the  vowel  fetha  before  j  or  ^ 

0    .-  0       - 

( j— ,  {£— )  is  also  included  under  this  name. 

9  ' 

198.     The  last  two  quiescent  (^>£»l->)  letters  of  a  verse  form,   B 

according  to  the  preceding  sections,  the  limits  between  which  is 
comprised  the  rhyme.      Hence   the  Arab  grammarians  divide   vhe 

rhyme  into  five  kinds,  according  to  the  number  of  moving  (j)ja*Z.*) 
letters  which  come  between  these  two*;  viz.  ^i}\fZc,  jj\yLc,  ^Jjlju-o, 

S  ^-J  9  "  1 

yAlj^,  and  ^jUj^j  . 

(a)  The  o.>tji«  is  where  there  is  no  moving  letter  between  the 
two  quiescents, — in  other  words,  a  fettered  kafiya,  in  which  the  raid   G 

0       ^     ^  -  0      j   -         0  -•  0  05  ^        00^0^ 

is  preceded  by  a  rid/;  as  (jl^-L^.,  J>»-j  ,  f-ij*,  \J*m,  C^V-     I*  is 
of  comparatively  rare  occurrence. 

(b)  The  ^lyu  is  where  one  moving  letter  intervenes  between 
the  quiescents;    as  ^AJ»   (=^^^0^),  ^^   (=jj^-»),    ULw,   J»**». 

(=>W»»)>   l^^- 

*      "  •»   . 

(c)  The  ^)jlju^  is  where  there  are  two  moving  letters  between  J) 

*  The  reader  should  bear  in  mind  that  the  grammarians  designate 
the  vowels  by  the  term  Ol^.^,  motions  (sing.  Sib^*.) ;  whence  a 
consonant,  which  is  followed  by  a  vowel,  is  said  to  be   jU^  "^  0r  in 

motion,  and  one  that  has  no  following  vowel,   to  be  ^^L>,  at  rest, 

9       J   J 

inert  or  quiescent.     Hence  too  the  gezm  is  often  called  i^j*S>~i.     See 
Vol.  i.  §  -1,  rem.  b,  and  §  9,  with  rem.  a. 

•356  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  199 

the  two  quiescents ;  as  J~»  L«JI  (^^JL/L^JI),  Ia,^jj,  J£*a  (=L5JbCftA), 

(d)  The  w^l^  is  where  there  are  three  moving  letters  between 
the  quiescents  ;  as  15^3  ^3,  ^-ij  ^At  (=  ,«*-©$),  j»x~».  jJ>. 

O      ..      -  J 

(e)  The  ^jICl*  is  where  there  are  no  less  than  four  moving 
letters  between  the  two  quiescents,  as  in  the  half-verse  OijJ\  j**-  j>» 

a  *    y    -■      J     -      Oa> 

B  j~*J>  d^)*i)t  God  has  healed  the  (true)  religion,  and  it  1ms  become  ivhole. 
This  sort  of  rhyme  is  of  rare  occurrence. 

199.  A  violation  of  any  of  the  rules  laid  down  in  §§  194 — 197  is 
regarded  as  a  fault  (w***)-  Of  these  faults  the  grammarians  reckon 
five,  viz.  *\11S\,  l\^3*$\,  iUfe^l,  llLj'ji,  and  &**Jd\  or ^»JJ3\. 

q         (a)     The  sindd,  jL-JI,  consists  in  a  certain  change  of  the  vowels 

j         0  &  *       j    *  a    o*  1  a   -  a* 

called  «u».yJI,    cl*i^l,  and  ^JoJI.     (a)  In  the  taug'th,  kesra  and 

damma  may  freely  interchange,  but  the  use  of  fetha  to  rhyme  with 
either  is  a  sinad  (see  §  197,  c).     'Imru'u  l'Kais,  for  example,  commits 

this  fault  in  rhyming  ji  (for  ji)  with-it  and  j~e.  (/3)  In  the  'isbd',  the 
same  fault  is  exemplified  by  rhyming  ^-Jl».  with  ^JUwJJ,  or  cjtyULi 

with  wljuJI.     (y)  In  the  hadw,  I  may  be  interchanged  with  u  (see 
D  §  196,  b),  and  ai  with  au  (e.g.  ^v  may  rhyme  with  s^-ij-i) ;  but  to 

'11  •>    0  S  '  0  s   J 

rhyme  U»^*».  with  l&*e  or  t^jj.5  is  a  sinad.  In  the  case  of  the 
taug'th  and  'isbd',  this  fault  is  but  a  trifling  one,  and  not  seldom 
committed  even  by  the  best  poets. 

Rem.     The  name  of  3U-JI  is  also  applied  to  cases  in  whieh  a 
word,  having  a  rid/  or  ta'sls  before  the  rawl,  is  rhymed  with  one 

j  a  *  a  -  a  -  -  a  - 

which  has   not ;   e.g.  A*oyi  and   «uaxj,  ,, 0,».  and  i*-^,  i«vL«J 


§  199]  The  Rhyme.  357 

—*  a    a- 

(b)  The  'ikwil,  *lyhM,  is  the  name  given  to  a  change  of  the  A 

*    S    ,  &*  Z*  3  1  -    •    -  '  '  3         1- 

vowel  called  »J>»~oJI  (see  §  197,  a) ;  e.g.  jj>«  and  j>^t,  or  j^-j 
and  jjlP-     Though  this  fault  is  considered  a  serious  one,  the  older 

poets  not  unfrequently  allow  themselves  the  interchange  of  kesra  and 
damma  (compare  §  196,  b,  and  §  197,  c)*.  If,  however,  the  ratal  is 
followed  by  the  letter  o  as  sila  (§  195),  any  alteration  of  the  megra 

*  *    t  *  t    i }  a  3    -    a  z  -    ,  I 

is  exceedingly  rare ;  to  rhyme  lyjjj  with  \yjy&,  or  oloUUjI  with  a*L»1, 
is  condemned  by  all  the  native  critics.  B 

~,  a     a, 

(c)  The  'ikfcl,  lU£»*j)l,  is  the  substitution  of  some  cognate  letter 

a  aS  *        t  a  a ,  ai  a  a  - 

for  the  rawi ;  as  when  one  rhymes  J-JJ1  with  ^-JLit  and  O-*^,  or 

»jj        #  a  j   j  -    -  *  -  -  j--' 

cjuo  with  **-©.  or  Uxwj  with  tjU«Jt.  This  is  a  very  grave  fault,  and 
carefully  avoided  by  all  good  poets  t. 

—*  a  a* 

Rem.     Many  authorities  call  this  change  il^i^l,  and  apply  the 
term  lU£»*>)l  to  the  alteration  of  the  megra,  (see  b). 

(«?)  The  '7£«,  iUau^l,  is  the  repetition  of  the  same  word  in  rhyme  C 
in  the  course  of  a  kasida.  However,  not  to  impose  too  great  a 
restriction  on  the  poet,  this  repetition  is  held  to  be  allowable,  provided 
there  be  some  slight  shade  of  difference  in  meaning,  even  if  it  be  only 
to  the  extent  of  the  word  having  the  article  in  the  one  place  and  not 
in  the  other.  Many  authorities,  too,  permit  the  repetition  in  the 
same  sense,  provided  at  least  seven  verses  intervene. 

(e)    Each  verse  of  a  poem  ought  to  be  independent  in  construction 

9-  a  j 

and  sense  {ij**).     That  two  or  more  verses  should  be  so  connected  D 

*  [The  reason  is  given  in  the  'Agdni  ix.  164.  The  final  vowel  was 
indistinctly  enunciated  in  simple  recital,  but  prolonged  in  singing. 
When  en-Nabiga  came  to  Yatrib  and  heard  his  own  verses  sung,  he 
perceived  his  fault  at  once  and  corrected  it  in  many  places.     D.  G.l 

t  [The   most  common  is  the  interchanging  of   mlm  and  nun,  as 

i  *  ,  -333  ,  i        „ » , 

ij-^o  and^^j-oJUl  (Fdik  i.  89),  lyij— '  and  V»JJu— j  (Lisan  i.  137  seq.). 
D.  G.] 

358  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  200 

A  with   one  another,  is  regarded  as  a  fault,  and  technically  named 

tadmin,  ^>*^-oJI,  or  tetrnim,  ^o-s^JJt.     It  is  not,  however,  a  serious 

defect,   unless  the   one  verse    be   wholly  destitute   of   meaning,   if 
separated  from  the  other ;  as  when  Sn-Nabiga  says 

They  water  their  herds  at  the  wells  in  spite  of  Terriim,  and  they  are 
the  victors  on  tlie  day  of  'Okdz;  verily  I — which  is  unintelligible, 

B   because  the  habar  of  (jl    is  unknown,   till  we  hear  or  read    the 
next  verse  : 

/*atv3  sgg;i  £^w  .$7^  »w*"j/  #  gwe?  fight,  (for  which)  I  reward  them 
with  my  heart's  whole  love. 

B.     THE  METRES. 

C  200.  Every  verse  in  Arabic  poetry  consists  of  a  certain  number 
of  feet,  called  individually  J**a5,  plur.  J-xUj,  but  as  constituent 
parts  of  a  verse,  ij*.  (a  part),  plur.  2}>»»1.     A  certain  collocation  of 

5   o  -  s  j  at 

feet  constitutes  a  metre,  j**.*  (a  sea),  plur.  j^»->l.  To  sc«m  a  verse  is 
expressed  by  the  word  »ix3  (to  cut  into  pieces),  infin.  xJaaj.  [The 
last  foot  of  the  first  hemistich  is  called  u^3j^,  that  of  the  second 

O    0    * 

D  [Rem.     The  constituent  parts  of  a  foot  are  called  w*-— >  (cord) 

0  '         0     '  ' 

consisting  of  two  letters,  either  v^i.ft^.  ww  a  movent  letter  followed 
by  a  quiescent  letter,  or  ^J-Ju  w*j."»  £«>o  movent  letters,  and  juj  (/>e</) 

0        J   «  ^  0      ^ 

consisting  of   three   letters,   either   Oij-*-*  -KS  <M,°  movent  letters 

0      J  »    '       0      * 

followed  by  a  quiescent  letter,  or  ^jj*-*  jJj  o/ie  movent,  then  one 
quiescent,  then  one  movent  letter.  Three  successive  short  vowels 
followed  by  a  quiescent  letter,  are  called  ^jUjjJL*  <jU~»»  e.g.   U&» 

§  201]  The  Metres.  359 

#      J  s  *   3 

in   ^JUUio,  two  parts  each  consisting  of  a   movent  letter  and  a 

*    )  a  *  **  *  a  -  a  j  a    3     a  -  a  j 

quiescent    letter    ^jlSjji.0    jLw    e.g.    oil...,*    in    ^JlaiJLwo.      The 
common  name  for  w~-w  and  juj  is    xJaJLo  (Gr.   xo'/x/xa).] 

201.  The  metres  are  ordinarily  reckoned  to  be  sixteen  in  number, 
and  are  exemplified  in  the  following  composition,  made  up  partly  of 
verses,  either  taken  from  the  poets  or  written  for  the  occasion,  and 
partly  of  sentences  from  the  Koran. 

0    *   >o    3    j    oi 

•••  'j^«^  j*-£  *z~>  i«*3  j*£J'  j**^  B 

i      -    ai      3**2    *>*  i.    3        ,      ,Z  3   ..  ai      3    i  3       a    *  *   a      a*e  >  ..       3        * 

oU_9t  j  ;  <\  ,7  M3    ^>1>i   *->'*'       d,>*1  ^-^  O-*  uIh^'  ij'-^  J^ 

3  ^8<a        j        ;   --    j    ;    ,  j. 

ijj      'C      at       2,        a   ,  a*>     -    *       :  :   , 

*  3   a    ,a. 

o*       a  3  *      a , 

•.•  Uo-wl—.  I^L-j  d-jAc  I^Lo  o^-1*^  o-Ic-Ul*  o-^^ 

j     -  e*»       j         _  jj   3  a  ,a* 

360  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  201 

J  s  sOtO         J         £    >o    j     0    xOx 
oios3  s     >Ct/0  x  tJ/H  si         *         tjl        x 

o  i  6*3        ^   «^      (2  c  /  oj  ,     -       o    j  x  x 

s        s  x  x 

J     x    i    -o         J  i      ^     J      J     X»x 

.V    »»pl      JuLJI   JA~JI 
j  x  o  i       *  x  x»x»      *     o   s     j  ~s     o  i  5     x     .<     »         .»      j  »    x  »*>    j    x  St    s 

j      e  «»        .»  x«»      -  £-'      ^is      ^  a   j     6s  o  j      o  j      z  -  o    i      6   i     6  s  6  i 

■:■  \^j^o\   \y^c\   ^jjjJ\   lyjt   L>  ^jXjU£~*o  £)XmjlL*a  £)XxJlL**a 

*3    j    0   x»x 

f    0     J  b*o*  fOjOytOyif  *■  w  (V  0        6    £  6  ,->  y 

j      &  *&  j      a  &  j  o  *■&' 

0  *         s      0"  Of  f  f        0  vi    f  Of    0*0     J      f  f  Of  0   f        J  * 

X  XX        ^^     X  ^^  X  X  ^""   X 

a       ^   0*3  *o*»    j  o   *        -    \  e   j       s      e   j       6s6joj6s6j 

J  s6J6fO    J  /W    J     0    /6/ 

J   XX  s   10-O  -  a   J      xx  9        S  JXC0X9     J       x         x  .1        -     «3         J  xSJ 

Jx  x  Jx«Jx  OJx  xx  0     J        0  -    C     j  Is  i     S        0        0     J 

0*3      J     0    xOx 

xxxxx  xOx  S    x  xx     »/»  J»£  J»xS  5x  Sx 

x  xxx  xa£«Ox0x  W  0Jxx«>0x6J0Jxx 

J  x     J6«0     xxx         X  w    v»     J     0    xOx 

0<o       i  j        si  J    j     -  o    >         -  ' 


§  203]  The  Metres.  361 

j        ^  x  j:^    *  *  *         ^         *  ; *?    j    0    ^ ; 
*      *        t      ..     s        ,       ,  ~ ,  aj'Oi'Bj'Oi* 

■:■  UgJlf  UJU  ^eU  UsU.  ^>U'J  ^-Itli  ^Jlcls  v>Ub 

J  *^  J  0*0    *  +  *  *         -    *?      J     -   ^0^ 

o^l^aJt    l^jl    w~— -      >-.— . '    L*J  oLaxJI    ^»-    J^>-»    Vj^ 

•:•  6j£sji\  iy>lj  o^X^aJI  1^*jJI  Jjxs  c^y*  O****  C^^** 

202.  Instead,  however,  of  following  the  system  and  arrangement       C 
here  laid  down*,  we  prefer  to  adopt  that  of  Ewaldt,  and  to  treat  of 

the  metres  in  the  following  order :  1.  j».ji\,  2.  *jj-JI,  3.  J^tflt, 
4.  ^iiyi,  5.  L$\,  6.  1>j&£\,  7.  JiJoS\,  8.  cjliOX  9.  tyS^Si 
10.   i»- — Jt,    11.    £-j-i«JI,    12.,  ,7  i0M,     13.    J-ojJI,    14.    Juj^l, 

J  ^  0^  i     /    t    J)/ 

15.  ouiaiJI,  and  16.  ws^-»JI.     Among  these,  if  we  leave  the  ragez 

out  of  account,  the  favourites  with  the  old  poets  are  the  taicll,  kamil, 
xcafir,  beslt,  mutMdrib,  and  sarV.  D 

203.  The  iambic  metres  are  four  in  number,  namely,  the  ragez, 
sarV,  kamil,  and  wafir. 

*  See  the  note  on  p.  350. 

t  See  his  work  entitled  De  Metris  Carminum  Arabicorum  Libri 
Duo  (Braunschweig,  1825),  and  the  second  volume  of  his  Grammatica 
Critica  Lingute  Arabicce,  pp.  323 — 343. 

w.   II.  46 

362  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  204 

A  204.     The  most  common  varieties  of  the  ragez  (j*-pt  the  trem- 

bling) are  the  dimeter  and  the  trimeter,  both  of  which  may  be 
catalectic.  The  trimeter  is  the  more  usual.  The  basis  is  w  — w  — 
(diiamb),  which  may  be  varied  in  one  or  two  places  by  the  substitution 
of  —  w  -   or  -ww-,    and  more  rarely  www-.     The  older  poets 

0  '  °. ' 
almost  always  use  this  metre  as  jyloJi*,  that  is  to  say,  each  hemistich 

(jJa-w)  forms,  as  it  were,  an  independent  verse  and  rhymes  with  the 
preceding  one.     The  more  modern,  on  the  contrary,  not  unfrequently 
B   follow   the   rule   of  the   other   metres   in   rhyming   only  the   second 
hemistich  of  each  verse. 

Trimeter  acatalectic  o  -  w  ■ 

—  w  w  — 

„        catalectic 
Dimeter  acatalectic 
,,       catalectic 

205.  The  sa/rV  (*jj~JI  tlie  swift)  admits  in  its  first  and  second 
feet  the  same  variations  as  the  ragez.     Its  normal  form  is 

w-  *•>-    I    w~  ^  ~    |    — w—     jj    0  —  w  -    |    c;  —  w—    I    —  w  — 

—  ww  —        —  w  >— i  —  I    —  w  w  —        —  w  w  — 

but  —  is  frequently  substituted  for  -  w  —  at  the  end  of  the  second 
hemistich.  The  use  of  final  w  w  —  in  either  hemistich,  but  more 
especially  in  the  second,  is  very  rare.  A  few  later  poets  have  taken 
D  the  liberty  of  adding  a  syllable  to  the  second  hemistich,  so  that  the 
last  foot  of  the  verse  becomes  -  w  — . 

206.  The  kamil  (J-otflM  the  perfect)  is  either  dimeter  or  trimeter. 
The  normal  form  of  the  trimeter  is 

WW  I     WW  I     WW  II      WW  I     WW  I     WW 

\j v^> v.,   —      || W    — W    — W    — 

but  we  frequently  find  it  catalectic 

W-w-    |**-w-    | w-    || w-    | w-    |S=£*-- 

The  omission  of  another  syllable,  so  as  to  convert  the  last  foot  of  the 

§  210]  The  Metres.  363 

verse  into  — ,  is  more  rare,  though  sometimes  even  both  hemistichs  A 
are  shortened  in  this  way. 

The  normal  form  of  the  dimeter  is 

^-^-  |  ^-v,-  |[  ^_^_  |  ^_^_ 

It  is  sometimes  used  as  catalectic  (—  —  for  —  -  ^  -  in  the  last  foot 
of  the  second  hemistich),  but  far  more  usually  the  verse  is  lengthened 
by  the  addition  of  a  syllable  B 

in  which  case  it  is  said  to  be  J>*^«  having  a  train. 

207.     The  basis  of  the  wajir  (jj'yi  the  exuberant)  is  the  same  as 

that  of  the  kamil,  but  with  the  order  of  the  component  parts  reversed, 
^  —  —  — .  It  is  either  trimeter  or  dimeter,  but  the  latter  is  com- 
paratively rare.  The  trimeter  is  always  shortened  by  one  syllable  in 
each  hemistich,  so  as  to  become  C 

The  dimeter  has  the  form 

v-/  —  \s  ^ 

for  the  last  foot  of  which  there  may  be  substituted  ^ ;  but  these 

two  forms  are  not  used  indiscriminately  in  the  same  poem. 

208.  Of  antispastic  metres  there  is  only  one,  namely  the  hazeg 
(frJtH  the  trilling),  which  consists  in  a  single  repetition  of  ^  —  ^ 
(antispast),  varied  by  u .     It  may  be  either  catalectic  or  acata-  d 


Acatalectic  ^  —  ^  \  ^  —  ^  ||  ^  —  ■ 



v_/  — . 

209.  The  amphibrachic  metres  are  three  in  number,  mutekarib, 
taivll,  and  muddri'. 

210.  The   basis   of  the   mutekarib   (wJjUiaJt    the   tripping,    lit. 
taking  short  steps)  is  ^-^  (amphibrachys),  for  which  may  be  substi- 


Part  Fourth. — Prosody. 


A  tuted  ^ — .  The  latter  is  indeed  almost  invariably  employed  as 
the  penultimate  foot  of  the  hemistich.  One  great  peculiarity  of 
this  metre  is,  that  the  first  hemistich  may  be  either  acatalectic  or 
catalectic,  independently  of  the  second.  If,  however,  the  first  be 
acatalectic  and  the  second  catalectic,  then  the  last  syllable  of  the 
first  half-verse  must  be  short,  and  must  coincide  with  the  end  of  a 
word.     Of  this  metre  no  form  but  the  tetrameter  is  in  common  use. 



v    II    v 


A  rarer  form  reduces  the  last  foot  of  the  second  hemistich  to  a  single 
long  syllable,  in  which  case  the  preceding  foot  must  be  ^  — . 

C         211.     The  taw'd  (Jj^JLM  the  long)  is  one  of  the  finest,  as  well  as 

the  most  common,  of  the  Arabic  metres.  It  is  formed  by  the  single 
repetition  of  ^  -  ^  and  ^  -  ^  - ,  for  the  first  of  which  may  be  substi- 
tuted ^  — ,  and  for  the  second  ^ .     The  latter  is  restricted  to 

the  first  place  in  each  half-verse,  where  it  is,  however,  far  more  usual 
than  vy-w-.  The  verse  may  be  either  acatalectic  or  catalectic.  If 
the  latter,  then  the  last  syllable  of  the  penultimate  foot  should  be 
short,  w-w. 




^  —  w     |    vy  —  —  —    I    v^  —  ^    I    ^  —  vy  —    ||     \j  —  0    I    \j  —- 

In  the  acatalectic  verse,  the  last  foot  is  also  changed  into  ^ 

\->  —  \J       vy 

^  —  C/        ^ ^  —  O        ^  —  w  —         \j  —  c 

<-/  —  C2         W  — 

J  '    JO' 

212.     The  muddri'  (ojLa^JI  the  similar*)  is  one  of  the  rarest 

*  Namely,  to   the  mugteU  (§  222),  as  may  be  seen  by  adopting 
another  mode  of  scansion,  ^>  ~ 0-  |  —  v^ j    ^  — ^^  |  —  ^ . 

§  215] 

The  Metres. 


metres,  and  not  employed  by  any  early  poet.     Each  half-verse  consists  A 
of  w-v  and  «-»  —  %y— ,  with  a  single  syllable  appended,  and  the  two 
generally  rhyme  with  each  other,  as  in  the  ragez.     For  ^  -  ^  may  be 
substituted  ^ — ,  and  for  v^-^-,  — ^-;  but  both  changes  must 
not  take  place  together.     Consequently  the  entire  verse  is 

213.  The  anapcestic  metres  are  likewise  four  in  number,  namely, 
the  muteddrik,  bes'it,  munsarih,  and  muktadab. 

■»"■»«'  • 

214.  The  mutMdrik  (Jjtju^JI  the  continuous)  is  one  of  the  rarer  B 

and  later  metres*.  The  basis  is  ^  v->  -  (anapaest),  which  is  convertible 
into  -  ^  -  or  — .  It  is  generally  either  trimeter  or  tetrameter,  the 
former  having  occasionally  an  extra  syllable  in  the  second  hemistich, 

so  as  to  make  it  ^j*  (see  §  206). 

Trimeter  bk::.|&*=|s*zu&<=|s*=|e*  = 
Tetrameter  ^=|^-|^=|^=||^=|^-|^-|s~- 

215.  The  besit  (Ja*-*JI  the  outspread)  is  a  favourite  metre  with    C 

the  older  poets.  Its  base  consists  of  w-v-andw,  which  may 
be  repeated  so  as  to  yield  either  a  trimeter  or  a  tetrameter  verse. 
In  either  case,  ^-<~>-  may  be  converted  into  — v^-,  and  occasionally 
into  -wv-,  or  even  v^wv^-,  though  these  changes  are  very  rare 
indeed  in  the  second  place,  v  w  -  may  be  changed  in  the  first  place 
into  —*---,  but  either  remains  unaltered  in  the  second,  or  becomes 
— .     Hence  arise  the  following  forms  of  the  tetrameter. 

&  —  \j 

—   v^  >■» 

The  trimeter  may  be  either  acatalectic  or  catalectic,  more  usually  the  D 
latter.     If  the  loss  of  a  syllable  be  extended,  as  is  commonly  the  case, 
to  both  hemistichs,  the  last  foot  in  each  is  ^  — . 


o  "■ vy  ~ 

*  [In  the  Muhlt  the  name  of  this  metre  is  pronounced  mutedarak 
i.e.  the  supplied,  so  called  because  it  was  ignored  by  el-Halil  and 
afterwards  supplied  by  el-Ahfas.] 


Part  Fourth. — Prosody. 


A        Catalectic 


J         «■  O  J9-- 

216.  The  munsarih  (v-j^J^S  the  flowing)  has  the  same  base  as 
the  besit,  but  the  first  ^  ^  -  is  reduced  to  a  single  long  syllable.  It 
scarcely  occurs  in  any  form  but  the  tetrameter. 


—  v->  \j  — 

Rem.     This  verse  may  also  be  scanned  as  follows. 

j     -  •  a  i  o- 

217.     The   muktadab   i>rJsl'k^>\   the  lopped  or  curtailed)  is  an 
exceedingly  rare  metre,  the  normal  form  of  which  appears  to  be 

^         i  i  ii  ^         i  i 

—  \j  —    |    <~>  —    |    uu  —    ||    —  ^/  —    I    u  —        <w»  >-»  — 

C   It  is  said  that  ^  -  may  be  transferred  to  the  first  place,  thus  giving 
the  form 

\j  —     ^  \^ 

Rem.     This  verse  may  also  be  scanned  as  follows. 

—  n  —  y~>       —  \s  kj  ■ 

218.     The  ionic  metres  are  also   four  in  number,  namely,  the 
ramel,  medld,  hafif,  and  mugtett. 

I)         219.     The  rarml  (J**P'  the  running)  has  for  its  base  ^^ 

(ionicus  a  ininore).     It  may   be  either  dimeter  or  trimeter.     The 

trimeter  is  almost  invariably  catalectic  in  the  first  hemistich,  and 

generally  so  in  the  second  ;  the  dimeter  very  commonly  in  the  second. 

For  w^ —  may  be  substituted   -^ — ,  and,  though  very  rarely, 

-  w  -  v^,  or  vy^-v^,  in  which  case  the  next  foot  must  begin  with  a 

long  syllable. 



The  Metres. 
Trimeter  acatalectic 


w !    C7^ \j  ^  — 

Trimeter  catalectic 

Rem.  a.     The   tetrameter   catalectic   is   a   late   innovation,    in 
which  —  ^ has  entirely  usurped  the  place  of  w  ^  — . 

Rem.  b.     In  this  metre  the  later  poets  occasionally  rhyme  the 
single  hemistichs,  as  in  the  ragez.  B 

220.  The  medld  (juj^oJl  the  extended)  has  for  its  base  two 
w^ — ,  separated  by  ^^-.  Either  ^^ — ,  but  more  especially 
the  second,  may  be  converted  into  —  \j  —  ;   the  ^  ^  —  into  —  <-— . 

The  second  hemistich  is  sometimes  catalectic,  whilst  the  first  remains 
complete ;  but  usually  both  are  catalectic,  in  which  case  the  last  foot 
is  almost  invariably  ^  ^  -,  passing  at  the  end  of  the  verse  into  — . 

Rem.  a.     A  very  rare  variety  shortens  the  first  hemistich  and 
leaves  the  second  complete. 

Rem.  b.  A  still  rarer  species  consists  in  a  repetition  of  the 
entire  base,  each  hemistich  rhyming,  as  in  the  ragez.  The  last 
foot  is  usually  ^  ^  — . 

--  II 


221.  The  hafif  (oLAaJI  the  light  or  nimble)  is  one  of  the  more 
usual  metres.  Its  base  is  ^  ^  —  and  ^  —  ^  -.  The  former  may  be 
varied  by  —  w  — ,  and  more  rarely  by  —  ^  -  ^  or  ^  ^  -  ^  ;  the  latter 
by  — \f— ,  and  occasionally  by  — ^^  or  ^  — w— .  The  second 
hemistich  is  sometimes  catalectic,  in  which  case  the  last  foot  is  by 
preference  ^ — . 

368  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  222 

A  A  far  more  usual  form,  however,  is  the  trimeter,  which  is  generally 
acatalectic,  though  we  now  and  then  find  it  defective  in  both  hemi- 

stichs,  or  in  the  second  only.     In  the  acatalectic  verse, may  be 

substituted  for  the  last  ^  w  — ,  and  in  the  catalectic  —  for  ^  ^  -. 

Acatalectic  w^ —  |  ^>  —  ^—  |  ^^ —  ||  ^*-> —  |  ^  — w  —  |  ^  — 

Catalectic     ^  ^  -  - 

O      J.V 

222.     The  mugtett  (wla. ,.<,)!  the  docked  or  amputated)  has  the 

B    same  base  as  the  hafif,  but  with  the  order  of  the  component  parts 

reversed,  namely  ^  -  ^  -  |  ^  ^  — .     The  changes  which  the  feet  may 

respectively  undergo,  are  also  the  same  as  in  the  hafif.     It  is  used 

only  as  dimeter  acatalectic. 

[Rem.     The  three  metres  mudari1  (§  212),  muktadab  (§  217)  and 
mugtett  (§  222)  are  not  employed  by  the  ancient  poets.     It  is  not 
improbable  that  they  were  invented  by  el-Halll  (Guyard,  pp.  168, 
C         272  seq.] 


223.  We  must  next  treat  of  the  forms  which  the  final  syllables 
of  words  assume  at  the  end  of  a  verse  ;  and  as  these  are  often  identical 
with  those  which  they  take  at  the  end  of  a  sentence  in  ordinary  prose, 

tj   or  of  a  clause  in  rhymed  prose  ( *<*....)!  or  *,.j»....3t),  we  shall  handle 

the  whole  subject  briefly  in  the  following  sections. 

224.  As  a  general  rule,  all  final  short  vowels,  both  of  the  noun 
and  verb,  are  dropped  in  prose ;  e.g.  *>)  A+,  instead  of  jj)  ;  £>jj*» 
j^jj,  instead   of  jujj  ;    J^pt    OsJj-6,    for   J*-jJI ;    *%•>  for  Aijlj  ; 

<iu  C»^-«,  for  4j.  But  in  poetry  it  constantly  happens  that  the  vowel 
is  retained  as  long,  the  tenwln  of  the  noun  disappearing  at  the  same 
time;   e.g.  jCdl  o~£  J»v**3  whilst  fire  is  kindled  among  them;  ^ 

§  226]       The  Forms  of  Words  in  Pause  and  in  Rhyme.         369 

Jo*-«  0-*J   m  a  tinie  of  sterility,  for  Jj»~«.     In  this  case,  the  final  A 
vowel  fetha  is  invariably  accompanied  by  an  elif;   e.g.  j>£    clp 

^»    2  «»     ^       j       o  j  *  a   2  * 

%jj*a)\  (j^;...a>.j  as  a  people  strike,  who  can  strike  well,  for  *->«ft)l ; 
\jyju  obi  him  they  mean,  for  Oy*J. 

Rem.     It  is  even  allowable  to  double  the  final  consonant  after 

a  j  a 

*»  s  *  a*  a  *  *  a*         *  *  *  **       _  -    .*  - 

the  elision  of  the  vowel,  as  J>»aJl,  for  Jno^JI  (J^aJt).  ^»».1,  for 

a  *  at       ,  ,  a  I 

j+»-\  (j+a*S) ;  provided  always  that  the  penult  letter  has  a  vowel,    B 

I.    .  a* 
and  that  the  final  letter  is  neither  elif  with  hemza  (as  LL&JI)  nor 

..  *a*  ,,a* 

elif  maksura  (Lo*JI,  .«i*)l). 

225.  The  accusative  termination  t_  generally  becomes  l_,  both 
in  prose  and  poetry,  though  it  occasionally  disappears,  like  the  short 

—,  as  w~££>  f*~o\  he  was  deeply  grieved,  for  UJUb  (i.e.  LJ£»).     The 

termination  ,j_  or  l_  in  the  Energetic  of  verbs,  and  in  the  particle 
yji[  or  131,  is  also  changed  into  a;   but  ^j—  in  the  plural  of  the    C 

a      j 

Energetic  becomes  03-- 

• "  *  "  * 

Rem.     The  Benu  Temim  [and   Kais]  use  sj—  for  t_,  as  ..Ail 

a  -  -   a**     -      *     -  a  i  m  ,     , 

^>jUjO!j  Ji'ft  >»jAJI  sparse  reproach  and  blame,  0  faidt-fnder  (jJiLc 

j  *     *       *  a  *    *    a*o*  *   *  a*o* 

for  ij^lc  L»,  and  ^LxJI^  for  bU*JI^). 

5  ^  ^  *  -  a  ^ 

226.  The  feminine  terminations   S—,   S_,  and   5— ,   become   «-, 
more  rarely  O —     The  same  remark  naturally  applies  to  5_  and  5_,   D 

a- a  -  *s  a  ' 

whether  masculine  or  feminine ;  e.g.  «>»».,  for  5^».  (name  ef  a  man). 
In  rhyme,  the  5  may  also  be  changed  into  O,  and  the  final  vowel 

retained  as  long;  e.g.  C.,Xa»  )Li  <J>UU  »*JLUlj  rcAiTs*  thy  family  are  at 
el-Liwa  and  el- H  ilia,  for  iLaJLi;    oUaJI  JUiij  oim?  a  liberator  of 

*  ja* 

prisoners,  for  5U*J1. 

s  - 
Rem.   «.     In   this  pausal  o_  the  *  is  sounded,  ah,  wherein  it 

w.  ii.  47 

370  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  227 

differs  from  the  vulgar  ending  o_,  a,  and  the  Hebrew  |"|—  «  (see 


Vol.  i.  p.  7,  note,  and  §  294,  rem.  b).     This  is  proved  by  the  fact  of 
its    rhyming   with    a  radical   «,   and   with    the   pronominal   forms 

aj_  (for  ^_,  j^_)  and  *_  (for  •_) ;  as  a)  jjjJI  (ajjudl),  <sUbt  (aJbt), 

and   a)jj    (^JjX  Divran  of   el-Mutenebbi',  p.  nr;   4*Ut    (a-oUl), 
A-o*iLJI    (A-o'iLJt),  and  <uU,)   (<ulc>),   Sl-Hamasa,   p.   t»v;   aJb>SI 

(Jli^i  l^'^)'  ***1*  (*****)»  and  isM  (*»M)>  ibid  p.  viY. 

B  Rem.  6.     The  plural  terminations  C>t_  usually  become  in  pause 

0         * 

Ol_,  but  sometimes  (particularly,  it  is  said,  in  the  dialect  of  Taiyi') 

*l_ ;    as    oUJt,    «l^ft»^)l,    for    OUJI,    Olj^*})l.      Similarly,    OL*A 

(OLjI),  far,  far  avmy,  remote  is—,  becomes  in  pause  OL^Jk  (OLjI) 

or  «L«Jk  («lyj|) ;  and  O^jtf,  a  6oas,  a  coffin,  -O3JU  or  ojjD. 

C          227.     Nouns  ending  in  ^$—  or  I—  simply  drop  the  tenwin  ;  e.g. 

\J&  becomes  ^i  or  & ;   Lac,  Lac.  Those  ending  in  —  drop  the 

tenwin,   and   either  resume  the  third  radical   or  not,  at  pleasure ; 

t>i>l5,  for  example,  may  become  either  u°^*  or  1^5*^*,  u«^  either 

yilii,  or  i^aKZj ,  j\^nf.  (plur.  of  «4>jl»-  «  #«W)  either  jt>».  or  ^Sj^yef., 

tjl**  (plur.  of  ^**  meaning)  either  ,jlafc«  or  ^>\*a.     The  accusative 

singular  merely  loses  the  tenwin,  e.g.  W-«15  (and  not  ^^13)  for  L-oU> ; 

D  the  accusative  of  the  broken  plural  commonly  drops  only  the  final 

vowel  in  prose,  but  may  retain  it  as  long  in  poetry,  e.g.  ^I^*  for 

.Jl^«  (accus.  of  ^y*  a  client),  in  rhyme  also  lJb>«. 

Rem.  a.     If  a  word  ending  in  _  has  lost  another  radical  besides 

the  final  y  or  ^£,  the  only  pausal  form  admissible  in  the  nominative 

and    genitive    is    that   which    ends    in    the    long    vowel ;    e.g.  j*o, 

J-  lot 

participle  active  IV.  of  \^£\j,  to  see,  can  become  only  jj^-*,  never  j*. 

§  228]        The  Forms  of  Words  in  Pause  and  in  Rhyme.       371 

Rem.  b.     Words  of  the  form  ^bia,  in  which  the  third  radical  is  A 
I,  as  *jSi\  /odder,  forage,  usually  let  the  I  become  quiescent  in  all 
three  cases,  ^lUCM ;  but  sometimes  the  final  vowel  acts  upon  the  I 
so  as  to  change  it  in  the  nominative  into  j,  ^JUul,  and  in  the 
genitive  into  ^£,  iJ^JI. 

228.     The  long  vowels  l_,  ^— ,  ^—,  and  >_,  usually  remain 

unchanged;  as  *iU5,  Sjs.,  {^*^-,  ^f*ji,  *j*i-     In  nouns  derived  from   t> 
radicals  third  ^  or  \j;,  the  omission  of  final  ^£—  is  allowable  in  the 

nominative  and  genitive,  as  1^0  UUt,  >L3I,  JUl^Jt,  for  ^j-eUUt,  ^jLJI 

^JUioJI ;  the  accusative,  however,  admits  only  the  form  ^-©UUl,  etc., 

and  the  vocative  is  ^j-o  15  b . 

Rem.  a.  The  interrogative  pronoun  bj,  when  governed  in  the 
genitive  by  another  word,  is  frequently  shortened  into  j»  (see  Vol.  i. 
§  351,  rem.).  In  pause,  if  governed  by  a  noun,  it  takes  the  l\*  C 
oLijJ  1  (see  §  230),  as  «u  ebiuSl,  a*  JJU  ;  but  if  governed  by  a  pre- 
position,  it  may  also  drop  its  final  vowel,  as  <i«£,  a^j  or  ^ ,  a<J  or 
j£,   A-e   U^  or^oUa.. 

Rem.  6.  The  genitive  and  accusative  suffixes  of  the  first 
personal  pronoun,  ^_  and  ^3,  have  several  pausal  forms,  namely, 

in  prose  ^_  or  <su_,  ^  or  <U  (see  §  230),  and  in  poetry  also  b_, 
Li ;  besides  which,  the  long  vowel  may  be  altogether  omitted,  as  J) 

OyuLi,  0-*^>'>  CPU'>  Oj^'.  JW,  for  ^jy£L»,  ^jM  C5?Ut> 

u^tft,  ^b. 

Rem.  c.  In  rhyme  the  long  vowels  ^_  and  j_  are  often 
expressed  merely  by  kesra  and  damma,  as  ju  for  ^ju,  aLo  for 
3*io  or  l^xi.©.  This  is  done  for  the  purpose  of  preserving  the 
umformity  of  the  «LJjU>.  or  fringe  (i.e.  the  succession  of  rhyming 
syllables)  throughout  a  poem. 

372  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  229 

A         229.     When  the  penult  letter  of  a  word  has  no  vowel,  the  vowel 

B  3  *         B  3  i  - 

of  the  final  letter  may  be  transferred  to  it  in  pause;  as  j£>,  >*^1, 

J  £  *  &     *        B       *    '       B  3       0  i         B  3  '  '    '  B  3    w  <•  M/  90/  0  0  Si  *  3  B  St  *• 

^JjJI,   ^j-iaJI,  j«£*J,   <*Jj*a\,    Alij*e ,   <U.»-j,   for  jSL>    (j&),  j-*-^    (j**H)> 

BB    St  *  3  0  St   '  B   0  St      *  3  B  ~*     *         B  B  *  B  *  3  B       B  £        3  B  "    *         3  B    *t  *■ 

3jjjt  (yjjt),  j^liajt  (^^yjt),^  (jil.),  Aj^ot,  a^-o,  aU.j.   With 

regard  to  the  vowel  fetha,  however,  the  grammarians  are  not  agreed, 

B   "B^  B  B  'B*        *  -'B* 

some  allowing  the  transference  in  all  cases,  e.g.  j£J\  for  j£JI  (j£JI) ; 
others  limiting  it  to  the  case  in  which  the  final  consonant  is  elif  with 

B   hemza,  as  LaUl  for  LaUl  or  g^^aiJI.     This  transference  is  technically 

3  3  St  - 

called  Ji-01. 

Rem.  a.     The  ^JJLi  is  forbidden  when  it  would  give  rise  to  a 
form  which  has  no  example  in  the  language.     For  instance,  there  is 

O  3 

no  substantive  of  the  form  ^Jjii,  and  therefore  we  should  not  say  in 

B  3     B'  3  B     e- 

pause  ^XxJI   (^oAsJI).      Some  grammarians,   nevertheless,  allow  tins 

3*1    -  B*t    , 

form  when  the  third  radical  is  elif  with  hemza,  as  HjiS  (^ipl),  whilst 
C         others  recommend  the  change  of  the  dam  ma  into  kesra,  pronouncing 

*1     <  C        *l    y  3*1    '  £  3*1    s 

gijJI  or  ^>pl  instead  of  gj^Jt  or  ^.ipl,  or  substitute  j  or  ^  for  the 

3*1    -  *t    - 

hemza  and  say  3>pl  or  i^£L\^\- 

3  B        BC-  B  3     C- 

[Rem.  b.     According  to  the  analogy  of   ouj-ol  fur  duj+o\,  <su»jl 

3  B    (■  B  *  s  B  *        Bs  r  B  *•»  '         B*  B  ,      s   i 

for  A-ojl,  we  find  also  A^JLU  ^J  for  ly^JLD  ^J  and  even  diUi.1  for 

'  3       -   Z  B  *  , 

tyiU.1  and  <u  for  lyj  (Noldeke,  -Zwr  Grammatik,  p.  14).] 
D         230.     Indeclinable  words,  ending  in  a  vowel,  take  in  their  pausal 

0  /3«5      *  *  B  St    tO      ~  - 

form  a  final  *,  technically  called  the  \J£^\  il*,  or  C-X-Jl  *U,  the  ha 

0  ^  0   s  0  vi  *  f  0  **  Si* 

of  pause  or  of  silence;   e.g.   ***£»,   a*.?,  for  v-**£»,  ^.     The   same 
letter  is  added  to  verbal  forms  in  which  both  the  first  and  third 

radicals  have  disappeared;  as  <*i  for  Jj  (iinperat.  of  ^3),  aaj^oJ  for 

^0'.  .  .»  .-  «/  -  B  ,  *      Bs  - '       B- 

»-*i  jh^  (jussive  of  ^5*5);  also  oj  for  j,  and  ojj  ^J  for  jj^J,  iinperat. 

and  jussive  of  ^lj  [comp.  Vol.  i.  §  175,  rem.  a].     It  may  also  be 
appended  to  those  in  which  only  the  third  radical  is  dropped  ;   as 

§  232]        The  Forms  of  Words  in  Pause  and  in  Rhyme.       373 

a*,!  for  j»j\  (iinperat.  of  ^Jcj),  t>jiu  JJ  for  jkj  J,)  (jussive  of  j>*),  A 

»ju5l  for  jJil  (imperat.  VIII.  of  \j3)  [comp.  Vol.  i.  §  167,  b,  a, 
footnote].  "We  likewise  find  it  added  to  j>,  the  shorter  form  of  the 
interrogative  pronoun  U  (see  §  228,  rem.  a) ;  and  to  ^-  and  ^j,  the 
older  forms  of  the  genitive  and  accusative  suffixes  ^—  and  ^y  (see 

§  228,  rem.  b) ;  more  rarely  to  J),  as  <*£i©^1  for  &Uj£s\. 

Rem.  a.     The  yJLSyi  lU  is  never  added  either  to  nouns*,  or  to    B 
the  perfect  of  verbs,  or  to  adverbs  ending  in  u  (see  Vol.  i.  §  363), 
with  the  single  exception,  it  is  said,  of  dXc  ^yc  for  ^Js.  ^yo.     The 

o  "^     » >  j  *     *     o  -  y  -     *     o  j  e  -    o  -  **       i  i  *     - 

Arabs  do  not  say  aJU5,  <tls*.j  b,  *JL».j  ^,  ajuu  ^-«.  for  ^3,  ^J^-j  W> 

Rem.  b.  The  ordinary  pausal  forms  of  Ut  and  yb  .are  Ul  and  yk, 
but  we  also  find  <sul  (see  Vol.  i.  §  89,  1,  rem.  b)  and  oyk. —  «^)>fc  and 
dUyA  are  likewise  used  instead  of  the  common  ^)yb  and  L^A.  0 

231.     Double   consonants,  as  a  rule,  are  not  souuded  as  such 
in  pause ;  jil,  ^5,  and  j*.t  (for  jil,  ^3,  and  ^»»'),  rhyme  with  j»ojIj 

and  j--o  (forj-oJL»  and  >«o).     See,  however,  §224,  rem. 


232.     The  Arab  poets  allow  themselves  a  certain  latitude,  both  as 
to  the  forms  of  words  and  the  construction  of  sentences.     We  shall  D 
here  confine  ourselves  to  the  illustration  of  some  of  the  principal 
licenses  which  fall  under  the  former  of  these  two  heads. — The  poet 

*  [An  exception  is  given  in  the  Lisdn  xx.  379,  1.  4  from  below. 
If   somebody  says   ^....a».,)  I    ^sl*.  el-Hasan  came  to  me,  another,  as- 

tonished  to  hear  it,  will  exclaim  ^...^Jl  really  note,  el- Hasan  ?  or  if 
j^-o-c  i^5~5£^  lAmr  came  to  me,  oj^—o-fc'  really  note,  'Amr?  with 
prolongation  of  the  final  vowel  and  with  the  pausal  a.     D.  G.] 

874  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  233 

A  may  find  himself  obliged,  by  the  exigencies  of  metre  or  rhyme 
(j*£JI  6jjj~a  poetical  necessity),  to  make  some  slight  change  either  in 
the  consonants  of  a  word,  or  in  its  vowels. 

233.  Under  the  former  of  these  divisions  we  include :  (a)  the 
various  affections  of  the  letter  I ;  (b)  irregularities  in  the  use  of  the 
tes'did ;  (c)  the  employment  of  ancient  uncontracted  forms  instead  of 
the  more  modern  contracted  ones ;  and  (d)  the  suppression  of  the 
letter  jj  in  certain  nominal  and  verbal  forms. 

B  (a)     Affections  of  tJie  letter  *Elif. 

234.  *Elif  with  hemza  (t)  may  be  affected  in  several  different 

(a)     It  may  be  totally  absorbed  by  a  preceding  vowel,  like  the 

a  .0-5       J   i  0     6<0      *i  0     e£       -i 

J-<?$JI  U>}\  (Vol.  i.  §  19) ;  e.g.  *-bl  *$\  convey  the  news,  for  *Jjt  *)\, 
imperat.  IV.  of  *~b  ;  jA*'j  and  rejoice,  for  jZjIj,  imperat.  IV.  of  j£*> ; 
y>\c  jb\  j->a~©  he  wlm  gave  shelter  to  '[/mm  'Amir  (a  name  for  the 
C  hyama),  for  j>\  j*?***  ;  C*j;  Ja  hast  thou  seen  ?  for  OsjIj  ;  <jUuJ1  ji 
one  wJw  hates,  for  jjUwJI  (^ILiJI) ;  ^WJ  to  my  end  or  fate,  for 
^jO  (j^'W) ;  *i^j'  V  j»-U^*)t  C^J  ^>«  *.«~Jj  awe?  tffow  hearest 
beneath  tlie  dust  a  sound  produced  by  them,  for  *}L«jl ;    U^a-sUj   ^jl 

wjjZiJ  Obj"°  J^  %/"  #6  do  us  justice,  0  family  of  Marwdn,  we  will 
rfraw  wear  (to  you),  for  Jt  Ij  ( Jll) ;  ly-^j  ^  on  tffow'  heads,  for  VWJ^J  J 
D  ,_jl«~©  wy  Aw£,  for  ^jjfl^-*,  from  si*. 

Rem.     By  a  double  license,  the  verb  ^lj  becomes  first  Ij  and 
then  elj,  pass,  j^j  [Vol.  i.  §  176,  rem.  b] ;  as  ,jj  ,jljut*  JjL*  Ij  ^j*t> 

s    0    -  1      s   Ot         *  0  ' 

.-*a»->  who  has  seen  the  like  of  Ma'ddn  'ibn  Yahya  ?  -»~+~'\  J^**  "^ 
ly5U   yiM   Jib  jv>   «lLJU   *1j  «ilj  Ojlt    *s)l   *±Lu  no  human  beiny  is 

'  *  *  w  * 

more  generous  than  thou  art,  save  one  (who),  knowing  thee  (well),  has 

0  »  0  *  , 

seen  thy  soul  (and)  has  not  said  (to  thee),  Give  it  here  ;  ^yo  i^£j  J**} 

§  234]  Poetic  Licenses.  375 

2"*tjU  Sij^  i$M>  a/"^  wajJ  there  (ever)  seen  before  me  one  drowned  A 
in  tears  ? 

(b)    When  preceded  by  a  vowelless  consonant,  the  vowel  of  the 
I  may  be  transferred  to  that  consonant,  as  in  the  case  of  ,j-o,  when 

followed  by  the  article  (Vol.  i.  §  20,  d),  fjji  for  ij\y_  (Vol.  i.  §  176), 
and  the  like.     Examples :  ,jl  ^  if  that,  for  ,jl  ^  ;  JUl».l  [j^>  on  thy 

account,  for  «£U».t   ^^-s ;    lyJ-».t   ^>c  /row  for  AtTfc,  for  VW»-'  O*  5 

j^i^a-j^,  a  £      a  ; « /  j    j  »< 

i**^»  O'  O-*  /row  meeting  him,  for  o'  ,>«  ;  tjk*Jj  >cl  ^1  if  I  make  B 
a  raid   m;#)»   Zubeid ;    jljuJI   yjl   jtp    ffo   upright   Xizdr   (pron. 

ilsiO't'  *  a«»    «   ^      .. 

Nizdru-nu-lus),  for  yy  :  't-o-'j  '-'jb  ^ — al  Ijto  W  0  fo«$tf,  wAose  stte 
has  become  desolate  !  (pron.  dd-rd-nam),  for  ^— «1 ;  .$-'>*  15J'  J'  O-* 

"      o  i  s  to*      z  a  j, 

of  the  family  of  'Abu  Musd,  for  Jl  ,>*  (Jtt) ;  ^UJU  lit  J^i 
V^i^'  O*^'  t£J^  ^  ^w  to  Me  enemy  who  note  aims  at  doing 
mischief  (pron.   naura   Idna,  see   Vol.  i.  §  20,  b),   for   o*^'    (O'^') ',    G 

a  ^  £  a**   )**ii*,io**  „  *&*>*  a  2  «*    ^   a  ^ 

J-a'N)!  SL»-  i^*»  ^j^l  note  r^«  /?/^  of  hope  revives ;  O^lj  ->.jjjJt  ^j 

s  a  -  a^ 

between  husband  and  wife,  for  SI^JI. 


Rem.    In  this  case,  the  I  is  sometimes  assimilated  to  a  preceding 

5^      «.  .->^^     »/»)«>        tj     a^^ 

^  or  ^ ;  e.g.  Lw  iL~U  ll£J  I  ^jJu  ^Xi  but  to  weep  over  thee  was  of 


no  avail,  for  Lw. 


(c)     I,  preceded  by  a  vowel,  may  also  be  converted  into  the  letter 
of  prolongation  which  is  homogeneous  with  that  vowel ;  e.g.  «xa»->  ^Ai  D 
^L»  ^JJI  j-cuJI  djuc  om£  fo  did  not  find  with  him  the  help  ichich  he 
demanded,  for   JL» ;   ZJLt*te   aJJI   J^w,   JjJJk   cJL»   (*&?  tfr/fo  of) 
Hudail  asked  the  Prophet  of  God  (to  do)  something  base,  for  cJL» ; 

j-         ^  ^      ^  *      a  j  j  a^  I  ,j, 

4^-5  L5^  ^'-5  ^t^*^'  -^  obeyed  them,  though  I  was  in  haste,  for  U!j. 
This  is  most  frequent  when  I  is  the  third  radical  of  a  word,  in  which 

376  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  235 

A  case  the  word  virtually  becomes  third  j  or  ^  (compare  Vol.  i.  §  132, 
rem.  a).     For  example,  in  verbs,  i)U*  *$  may  it  do  thee  no  good !  for 

.yuA ;  iJLjl  i^o*  who  told  thee?  for  JLjI  ;  Uaulj  and  it  delayed,  for 
*M  ;  L&bt,  for  jj'jbl,  III.  of  Ij3  ;  <u»;p,  for  &*.j3,  IV.  of  U-j  ;  and 

m  nouns,  U-k  thirst,   \£/j  «  fawn,  l»-t  £/^  «am«  o/  a  mountain,  for 

OOO..  O 

s//      t//     s/c  /  e.        ,  t*  *  , 

L©J»,  Li,,  la- 1  ;  jl3  a  reader,  for  ^jl5,  participle  of  1j5 ;  (^.tj  one  who 

*  s.  s  £  *  *  a  s  *    *      0' 

g   strikes,  in  rhyme  for  ?»-'j,  i.e.  («»-'j,  participle  of  U».j  ;  [^^'j^'-'  V 
Os5yi  fri  j*>  U  'v*^*^  *ij^-*  «A~»^)I  ew«  //"  the  rapacious  lions  sprang 

upon  me,  I  would  master  them  if  my  time  had  not  yet  come,  for  ^»»-!]. 

(d)    *Elif  with  hemza  and  gezm  (t)  is  constantly  changed  by  the 

poets  into  the  letter  which  is  homogeneous  with  the  preceding  vowel : 
e.g.  JUJI  the  omen  (for  JU3I),  rhyming  with  JU3I  (plur.  of  ,Ja3)  ; 
^JjJI  o/"  £//g  ^?ad  (for  ^jM),  rhyming  with  ^Ul  ;  ^ji\  of  the  tender 

C    (for  5«>jJI)>  rhyming  with  >>~JI  (plur.  of  iy^\)  ;  w~>i  a  wolf  (for  wJi), 
rhyming  with  w~Jj.     See  Vol.  i.  §  17,  £>,  rem.  &. 

235.    *Elif  memduda  (see  Vol.  i.  §  23,  rem.  a)  is  not  unfrequently 
changed  into  elif  maksura;   e.g.   U-JI,  for  *U-JI,  £Ae  s%;  I^j,  for 

r,,  >  «•    »  '  'is  ~s 0 ' 

1%j,  a  misfortune;   \jks,  or  ^Jj**,  desert,  desolate,  for  it^i5,  fern,  of 
ja5I  ;  y-2>  ju  a  palsied  hand,  for  2*i)Ji,  fem.  of  J^l ;  U-l,  for  *l£l,  I  wish, 
I)   1st  pers.  sing.  Imperf.  Indie,  of  eli. 

Rem.  a.     On  the  contrary,  elif  maksura  is  rarely  changed  into 
<Mif  memduda;    as  f'yJJIj  ^Jam-^JI  ^  w*£-o  {which)  sticks  in  the 

mouth  and  throat,  for  lyXJI^,  plur.  of  SlyJJI  </(,e  uvula. 

Rem.  6.     The  short  interrogative  I  is  sometimes  lengthened  into 

I,  when  the  next  word  begins  with  1 ;  as^Jlw  >l  jb\  wJll  is  it  thou 

JO*     J    w   «• 

or  'Umm  Sdlim?  \}j.5  j>\  \Jy*i  °W"  >^  Ae  thinks  whetlier  it  is  he 
they  mean  or  an  aj)c. 

§  238]  Poetic  Licenses.  377 

236.  The  Slifu  '1-wasl  is  often  retained  in  poetry,  where  it  would  A 

0       - 

naturally  be  elided  in  prose  (see  Vol.  i.  §  19,  rem.  e) ;  e.g.  jj>*-«jj 

o  >e,        ,  *  o        o    ,  - 

and  be  patient,  for  jj>*-*'^ ;  3Vz3t  £h&  like  one  v:ho  leads,  for 
iU5l   (j-9^  ;    clws^l^  JJuJt  ^   in  bestowing  and  withholding,  for 

^LL«*}Mj;  w-*j»  ^t  LJL2J  oJlj  «wd  £/Wm  was£  a  fosterchild  of  our 
sheep,  for  ^>jt  U3UJ  ;  j~»  O-**^'  JjW*  '^i  wA^w  «  secret  goes  beyond 

O'O*  -  -jj 

two,  for  O**^'-  d 

[Rem.     The  vowel  a  before  a  double  consonant  (Vol.  i.  §  25, 
rem.)  is  sometimes  resolved  into  two  a's  by  inserting  a  hemza,  as 

*    si  &  *  *     *t    2  *     2t  *  o  2*0 

(Jl^La)!  for  (j^JLoJI,  jl^».l  for  jU^I.     Noldeke,  Zur  Grammatik, 

Sit  *  0  -  Z  *   0 

p.  8,  thinks  that  this  is  the  origin  of  many  ^JUil  forms,  as  jU-*'> 

2  J  -  o        2  t  *  o  2  ,  ,  o 

J!>^'>  oUJ»',  and,  with  substitution  of  c  for  f,  j^Jul.] 

(b)     Irregularities  in  the  use  of  the  TMdJd.  C 

237.  The  necessary  tes'did  is  occasionally  dropped  ;   e.g.   U-h', 

s  }  2Z  oi     i  ,  ,  2£         J  ~2  *»     -2£ 

for  U^jI,  which  of  them ;  ȣXjl  ^A3  if  that  thou,  for  ǣAJl ;  JjLJI  Lyjl 
^icj  ^ov^   0  ^om  that  askest  after  them  and  after  me !   for  ^j^j. 

**        J       *'  2*         i       2, 

Similarly  in  the  rare  verbal  forms  ^*~>,  £— Z>,  for  {k^*^i,  £~-Z>,  as 

at  *,     *  2  j        t  *  -      }  *  oi  * 

jj\j  ■<**»  V^*  l*l*»»  Uj-aJl».li  and  they  cleaned  them  (and  made  them, 
the  swords)  light,  all  of  them  guarding  themselves  (against  the  evil  eye) 
by  (their)  lustre,  where  others,  however,  read  ^i^>.  ^ 

238.  Sometimes  too  the  tesdid  is  introduced  where  it  would  be 
inadmissible  in  prose*,  through  a  false  application  of  the  pausal  form 

-  -  1     -  OjO      *  ,1,3, 

mentioned  in  §  224,  rem.;  e.g.  JJCJUJl  ^c,  for  JXJbJJl,  the  breast; 

*  [Excepting  the  saj1,  for  we  find   (Zamahsari,   Faik  i.   145  seq.) 

I  J  it  rlJ/  Kj 

for  «iL^-»fc,  in  order  to  rhyme  with  a*jj  a+j.     T>.  G.] 
w.  ii.  48 

378  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  239 

Z  s      o  Zbs       ^  /   /     etj/  i   s     a  i-  s  vis  0 

A   l^ai*-o,^l,  for   l»sw.o^)l,  ace.  sing,  of  jf±,*o\,  large,  stout ;  tfcjij/-*  ^ 
ow  /#?;•  bodkin  (for  applying  /y?^/  to  tlic  eyes),  for  Ifcjj^  ;  J^-W  ^5* 

s  »t    s*  s        s       s  Zt  '  si      a  £       i  s        b  ss 

in  the  tether,  for  JaJaJI  j,5  ;  tj  U«U  ^s  W«*»-  l5j'  O'  ^■^■*-  «*^ 
U-aaJI  Jiilj  J^&JI  J£«  lyoa.1  ^1  juu  verily  I  ivas  afraid  of  seeing 
drought  (spreading)  in  this  our  year,  after  it  had  been  fertile  in 
herbage,  as  a  fire  (spreads)  which  encounters  (a  bed  of)  reeds  (b,**.  = 

s  a  s  vt  '  o  £  Z   s  sOs  s   s  a  i  s   s  s  Os 

B    bjw*. ;  Ltfufc.1  and  LocuUl  for  Ucui.1  and  L*ajUI). 

(c)     Uncontracted  Forms  for  contracted  ones. 

239.  These  are  most  common  in  the  case  of  radicals  in  which 
the  second  and  third  letters  are  identical  (Vol.  i.  §  119),  and  occur  in 

1       <■        0       s 

both  the  verb  and  the  noun ;  e.g.  ly^?  oi^  though  they  be  stingy, 

2  s  tits  j>/      oS  ^ 

for  tj-i-e  ;  j-^oJls  a*X£j  ^  ,jtj  and  if  thou  dost  not  (actually)  kill 

*  is  ,  o j  s 

C   him,  yet  come  near  it,  for  ^*JlJ  ;  ^*»J^j  and  he  is  blamed,  poetic 

0/     0J/  w     #»  J  s  viiO       J    bi-  tsl      J/»J  •   S 

form  in  rhyme  for  ^Sif,  and  that  for  jtSij  ;  t^JJl  j-*^) '  J*j~i  *$_$ 

i    ai     si  2x>  i  oios*     i,  a  j      s*      o       s      si 

j>j~t>  ^a  j^JJt  f*^\  tJ^H  *$3  JJb*.  y*  ?<>/#*£  /^  loosens  cannot  be  bound 

Is  is  i 

fast,  and  what  he  binds  fast  cannot  be  loosened,  for  Jl»-  and  J*»-!  ; 

,  0   i?*>         M       sOsi  Jo  J   i>    -   0^ 

AJL^.'s)!    jJbOl    d-U    ju»aJI  praise  belongs  to    God,    the  exalted,   the 

s  *  ^^  S  ^         ^ 

m     s   its 

glorious,   for   J>-»-*}H.      Compare,   in    Hebrew,    !)3£K,    O^DSD     and 
D  similar  forms*. 

240.  The  poets  also  use  the  uncontracted  forms  of  nouns  derived 
from  radicals  third  j  and  ^,  instead  of  the  contracted  (see  Vol.  i. 

%  167,  b,  /?) ;    e.g.  ^^U  j-ji  not  past,  for  ^U  ;   ^l/J  ^J>»-  a~>\jj 

silts'  s  *l  1  s  ....  »• 

*  [J'jjJtJ  W  for  .Jjju  in  a  tradition  (Faik  ii.  130,  Lisdn  vi.  232) 
is  said  to  be  unique  in  prose.    Abu  'Obeida  suspects  that  it  is  a  clerical 

s  s  £  Its  s        1  0  s 

error  (iJLiJI  obj*»J)  for  iJjjju.      D.  G.] 

§  241]  Poetic  Licenses.  379 

*       •         - "  - 

jbj  ^>j  ^UJI  and  fo'.s  head  we  cut  off  (in  retaliation)  for  the  head  of  A 

St    *  j       £     j  it*  *        -  5        '  ■» 

en-Nabi  'ibn   Ziyad,   for   ^^jLJt ;    9.^    wr»>*J'    ^LX^    ^y* 
freedmen  as  (fat  as)  rams  of  the  breed  called  'us,  for  J'>* ;  ^jU  *$ 

*  *a*  j  It  *  *  *•«• 

^jl^iit   ^  *JJl  may  God  not  bless  the  icemen!  for  ^y\jk)\   ^i  ; 

6jja*-tfJI  ^  i>**k  L&ls1*1  ^*  ^"e  fl7'r^s  sporting  in  the  mead. 

Rem.     It  sometimes  happens  that  the  usual  accusative  form 
jJlxi  is  incorrectly  transferred  to  the  genitive ;  e.g.  juc  (jl^  ^Jj    B 

Ul^-e    .J>«    oJJI    »X*£    0&3    «au^ai  >    L5^>*    a^'    -t,e''e    'Abdu'lldJi    a 
freedman,  I  would  lampoon  him,  but   'Abdu'Udh  is  merely  a  freed- 

*  *         *  a  * 

man's  freedman,  for  ^)\y*  l^J-*- 

(d)     Suppression  of  the  letter  &  in  certain  Nominal  and 
Verbal  Forms. 

241.     This  is  a  license  of  which  the  poets  rarely  avail  themselves, 
but  it  occasionally  occurs  in  the  dual  and  plural  of  nouns,  and  in  the    C 

jussive  and  energetic  of  verbs ;  e.g.  j»>  Ul^  iUj  jL»l  Ul  UJa*.  1*a 
these  are  alternatives,  either  captivity  and  quarter,  or  bloodshed,  for 
pl:U;  ^^U^l  UXjj  J_>JL»JI  ^U5  1JJU1  ^  oi  w^=»  uj*1 
_y«  2&Mit  Kuleib,  't  was  my  two  uncles  who  slew  kings  and  burst 
asunder  the  yokes  (of  captives),  for  yjtJtUl  :  ^J  IJJJI  ^j^)'  \a&  U-fc 
UjejJ  ftase  are  the  two  pillars  of  the  earth,  which,  if  they  were  shaken, 
for  ^IJJJI  ;  ^A^lo  ??~^*J  wJl»-  (^JJ!  oi  ^'^  whose  blood  was  D 
s^o?  unavenged  at  Felg,  for  ^ JJI ;  0»5^k  ,jl  ^^yJ 1  -ike  «->>-« I 
arm?  auwj/  *w?  thoughts  from  thee,  if  they  come  by  night,  for  CHj-*' 
(compare  Vol.  i.  §  20,  rem.  c) ;  and  more  frequently  .ib ,  >iXJ ,  ^Xj , 
for  0&i,  0&-J,  \j£~J,  jussive  of  O^9- 

Hem.  a.     The  same  elision  of  yj  occurs  in  the  particle  yj^J"  6?^  ; 
as  i5^i—»l  ^*i)*  ^«<^  give  me  to  drink. 

580  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  242 

Rem.  b.     On  the  contrary,  some  poets  have  even  dared  to  add 
the  energetic   ^j    to   the  perfect  and  participle  of   the  verb;   as 

U-w«  C-^»-j  ^jl  jJ^xa-j  O-*'^  may  £/«/  ^ootZ  fortune  last,  if  thou 
A«s£  compassion  upon  one  enslaved  (by  love),  for  >ob  ;  j-n— - *  jjJblSt 
b^y^JI  wi/Z  /te  s«*/,  Bring  in  the  witnesses  ?  for  ^JjISI. 

242.     Other  letters,   and   even  whole  syllables,   are  sometimes 
dropped  under  the  pressure  of  metrical  necessity*.     For  example, 

B   (a)  at  the  beginning  of  a  word  :  jj*j)  for  ,j*})l  (compare  §  234,  b),  as  in 

the  half- verse  »JU  C-Jl  ^*x)b  l^-U  <J*$  -»Ji  &w£  »ow  disclose  what 

£&?«*  mayest  disclose  of  it ;  e*$  for  aAJ,  as  ^J  C-JLait  *n)  *£JU*  ^>jI  ^ 
j^^jit  w*~».  wAat  a  man  thy  cousin  is !  thou  dost  not  surpass  me  in 
noble  qualities  (compare  §  53,  b,  rein,  e) ;  JJtS  for  Jo-^-Ut,  as  <j[  Jo^^ 
>*»■»■  wA*S  o^i=   0  6»W  /   «/*  Thou  hast  accepted  my  pilgrimage 

(-mZs**-   rare  pausal   form   for   ^a.-*.) ;    J>J,   Ui-j   for   JUI,   l^iJI 

*-'  ,      '  '',.'' 

C   imperat.  VIII.  of  ^3j,  as  UJ  <dJI  JJJ  /««>•  6rW  m  ww  cas£,  tyjl  «>a-j 

jjLaJI  fear  Him,   0  young  men  I     (b)   In  the  middle  of  a  word: 

cUx-»t    (X.    of    £>k),    imperf.     ,<g-Ja.,....j ,   for    cUa-Xwl,    a.-jJal....; ;    as 

JO/  J      0  s     ss  *"  s  i  s        J  o  £  Cits-       0*  ' 

<U£  c*A3UJ  A^l^a.  ^^j  *Jkwl  ,-Ot  Jj  a/io?  had  I  been  able,  on  the 
efa#  <>/*  AiV  cfe«^,  /  would  have  fought  in  his  defence  [cf.  Vol.  i.  §  118, 
rem.  b\     (c)   At  the  end  of  a  word  :   j^c  for  Sj^,  in  the  half- verse 

.  j  ^  ^  5*»      o  £o>o    ^  •      j/  0^/ 

Ijj^cj  ^*xJ'  j-**jM  <^c  ^3aX».Ij  a»c#  £/^?/  have  failed  to  perform  for 

D   thee  the  thing  which  they  promised ;   JU£o   (also  written  JU   JL«) 
for  JUJI  ^>»  (see  Vol.  i.  §  358,  rem.  c),  as  JU-U  ^t^t  c-aj!  Ui 

*  [We  find  in  a   tradition   (Faik  ii.  229)   Olb^JUJ   ^>c   ^jyj   for 

■?     ■>  ole*  i  -  »  -  j  *  a  it* 

OU©^At*})l,  as  j-o*J  is  said  for  j***-*$\  (comp.  Arol.  i.  §  345,  rem.  a). 
D.  G.] 

§  242]  Poetic  Licenses.  381 

Ojuft  ifyfc  £os  &>/£  (lit.  the  days  hate  left)  no  wealth  in  our  possession  ;  A 
6ijU  (or  6U  J*),  for  gUlf  ^U  :  ^T  ^Jl^,  'an-nebi,  for  J^df  ^  : 
Jjjjr  ,>«,  mir-rizki,  for  Jjjjl  S-?  :  J3  O*  for  O*^  O^  (owing  to 
the   vocative   form   Ji  'b,  §  38,   a,   rem.   c,    3).     Similarly,  >~i*k, 
yj*y\^.*\.t,    O^aJb,    for  j~JJt)\    yo,    lJ*y\st*a}\   y*> ,    OjaJI   ^o ,    etc.* 

Likewise,  in  (piadriliteral  and  quinqueliteral  plurales  fracti  (Vol.  i. 
§  305),  as  jbLi,  &\j\,  Jbu,  j»yj;  for  ciU-i,  v^b'i  wJ^*l  J^o^J  ;   B 
e.g.   JmUj  <w»-   ^aULiJj   awe/   M<?  frogs   in   its  pond  are   (always) 
croaking:  jf$*SJS    *-u«    LjX-w  j/*»'    «**  the  seams  of  which   skilful 

*  *  o  io  -  -  *  -  a  £    o  - 

apprentices  have  joined  firmly  together  (jj*-l  j£  for  }j*»\  **3.  §  234,  b). 
Further,  JU.  jLv,  for  £<Ju,  ^iLv ;    as  t^iL»   ^>j'j  ^r-oU.   dl^ji 

^<?«   /%  husband  is  fifth  and  thy  father  sixth  ;    tjukj  jUy;  j-«  jJ 

^jJUJI  £«w  days  are  already  passed  and  this   is  the  third.     Proper    Q 
names  are  also  liable  to  be  abbreviated,  especially  in  the  vocative 
(see  §  38,  a,  rem.  c),  but  also  in  other  cases,  as  ^31  ^-i*3  ^2i}\  ^xii 

a  s   *  a&*  i  a&    s,2,  }    i         i      ,  ,       a    * 

j.a-±.\\$  c>aJI  ibJ  Jl*  ^  *-*ij^  dj^  s>^  excellent  is  the  man,  the 
light  of  whose  fire  thou  makest  for  {from  a  distance)  on  a  night  of 
hunger  and  cold,  (namely)  Tarif  'ibn  Malik  (JU,  or  JU,  for  ^UU)f. 

Rem.     The  following  are  specimens  of  even  still  more  violent 
abbreviations  :   U^Jt  for  JjUoJI,  as  in  the  half-verse  of  Lebid.  ^o   J) 
yjbb   /«Jl-io->   ^-oJl  the  dwellings  are  desolate  at  Mutctfi'  and  'Abo.n, 

x  *     ja*o         j  e         ,s 

*  [In  later  times  we  find  even  jaJa+Xj  for^k»)l  (_jjl;  Ul  (Ibn  abl 
'Oseibi'a,  ii.  108).     D.  G.] 

f  [Very  rare  is  an  abbreviation  like  that  in  ,«*>£>  */  Cjli  Jit  b  "^1 
for  itjli^l  L;  (Abu  Zeid,  Nawddir,  30,  58).     D.  G.] 

382  Part  Fourth.— Prosodtj.  [§  243 

A         and  also  for  LU^JI  (plur.  of  aIO'),  as  in  jlr^\  ^hjjJj  U^jl  £oJi 

ivill  let  thee  see  death  at  the  points  of  the  spears  ;   CZS\  for  y! 
(plur.   of   2~++~>),   used    by   'Alkama   in   the    half-verse   CLj  jsjJuo 

J    j  >  -  Si  *0s 

v6>tLo  ^jL&l  having  its  mouth  covered  and  enwrajjped  with  strips  of 
linen;  L»aJI  for  ws».L*aJI,  as  in  the  words  of  'Ibn  Dureid, 
LaJI  jU  lyj  {£)$\  he  strikes  out  of  them  small  sparks  of  fire ; 
^^aJt,  used  by  Sl-'Aggag  for^ol^aJt  in  the  half-verse  aSU  Ubl^i 
ii  o.a>  J I    Jfj  j    (J>«    //te   slate-coloured  doves    which   inhabit    Mekka ; 

'     *'  ■»     ■»    *'  «■    ««»        j    0  ^  9    c        >     o .-  ii       *  St  * 

Lx)\   for   ,JU*JI,   in   the   words   LxJt    OsiUs»l    C~*fil    131   ^   «iW, 

when  I  teas  exhausted,  I  let  go  the  reins  ;  la»-^  for  »-l»^».,  in  the 
words  j~fr-&  *-*»»l»-  l***-*-  ij  on  the  bone  of  a  slender  eyebrow ;  and 

even  *\j  for^».j  the  womb  (see  el-Makkari,  torn.  i.  p.  ire,  1.  11,  and 

s>  *  i  ,  o  , 

torn.  ii.  p.  v-  •,  1.  8),  and  j-o  for  L».j-«,  according  to  one  rendering 

0  *  •       z  a  *  ^       z  o  £     j ,       j    o  j      o  i-  *  o  Si        0     j       0  *  * 

of  the  line  ^j  '%r~>j  *^.Al  aJ  0*13  ,jt  jljj^j  *n)I  ^aj  ^Ji  fot^  /<e 

0         slopped  only  for  the  space  of  time  that  I  coidd  say  to  him,  Welcome 

(others  think  that  j»*$  is  here  nothing  more  than  the  usual  pausal 

form  of  jj*$  and  passed  on).  Such  abbreviations  are  not,  however, 
more  violent  than  the  Homeric  yeAw,  I8pu>,  tyw,  8w,  for  yekwra,  I8p(2ra, 
l^wpa,  Soifxa,  and  the  like. 

243.  Under  the  second  of  the  two  heads  mentioned  in  §  232, 
namely,  poetic  licenses  in  regard  to  the  vowels  of  a  word,  we  include 
(a)  the  lengthening  of  a  short  vowel  in  the  middle  of  a  word  ;  (b)  the 

D  shortening  of  a  long  vowel ;  (<•)  the  suppression  of  a  short  vowel ; 
(d)  the  addition  of  a  final  vowel  to  certain  verbal  and  pronominal 
forms,  and  to  some  particles  ;  and  (e)  the  irregular  use  of  the  tenwin 
and  other  case-endings  in  the  noun. 

(a)    The  lengthening  of  a  short  vowel  in  tlie  middle  of  a  word. 

244.  This  is  technically  called  cLi^l,  filling  full  or  saturation, 
and  is  not  uncommon  with  the  vowels  a  and  i,  rarer  in  regard  to  u. 

§  245]  Poetic  Licenses.  383 

Examples:    cL^»,  for   %~->,  in  the  half- verse  of  'Antara.  o-*  fW-2  A 

5^-*.   w>3^£    iSf*$  flows  from   behind  the  ears  of  a  fierce,  bulky 

she-camel:  JUCJUOl,  for  JXJUCJt,  in  the  words  ^Xc  C^  jJj  C-A3 
JUJbCJI  /  saiei,  after  she  had  fallen    upon  her  breast ;   »-ljJUo,  for 

9-jZ**,  in  the  hemistich  <*-\jl^i  JU-jJl  >o  ,j-ej  «??cZ  («>•?  thou)  far 
removed  (i.e.  <7«*te  y*r«>)  from  the  blame  of  men  ?  >>«^,  for  i^o*.  in 
the  half-verse  j^-oU  Jj^^\  w*a.>JI  o-*  ***  ?;?  ^  ^m=  *V  «  pillar  of  B 
purest  gold ;  w»jjL-fiJt  and^o-JbljjJI,  for  ^L-aJt  and^AljjJt,  in  the 
hemistich  oLjL-aJI  >li3^Jk1jjJI  ^^AJ  as  ^  money-changers  scatter 
^  dirhams,  whilst  selecting  (those  that  are  of  full  ireight) :  j^kjl, 
for  jJsul,  in  the  words  j^ixili  ^ot  iyCX«»  U~»-  O-*  -^  draw  near  to 
whatever  place  they  go  and  look  (at  them). 

(b)     The  shortening  of  a  long  rowel. 
245.     This  may  take  place  either  in  the  middle  or  at  the  end  of  a    C 
word,     (a)  Examples  in  the  middle  of  a  word  :  ^3,  for  ^U3,  as  in  the 
words  4*i$  ^*  iw  tfs  r/«.^  or  ife  darkness;  j^^,  plur.  of  jt^c  «  wiofe 
in   the  eye,  j-eUL«,   plnr.   of  Sj^oio  r?  c*//   or   chamber,   for  ^j^l^x, 
^j-oli*,   and   the   like;    IJuk   (^-),  instead   of  tjob  ( — ),  as   in   the 
half- verse   iU   J£>  ^j   (JLh*-^1    ^  JJ=>  ^J\  how  long  shall  this 
estrangement  last  every  night?  aJJI  (-^^),  for  aJJI  ( — v^),  as  in  the  D 
hemistich  J-y~»  ^  aJJI  J,U  n)  •nJI  »j«y  GW  «o£  />&>.«  Suheil !  and, 

with  double  license,  0-^>  for  O1-^-  in  the  words  ^-oj^j^JI  ^-u 
v>^Jl  partly  silk  and  partly  linen,  (b)  Examples  at  the  end  of 
a   word :    £-|y)l,    for    (^I^Jjl,   as  in   the    hemistich   Ji-tj    9-'_>^> 

^•U—  like  the  tips  of  the  feathers  of  a  dove  of  Negd ;  ju^I, 

384  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  246 

A   for  ^Ju*})!,  as  in  the  words  J^l  l^-«^i  with  their  fore-feet  bleeding ; 
^Ul,  for  ^-rflJI,  as  in  the  words  \i\£\$  bjjj'  ^UJI  ^j£-  from  one 

" —  'a 

who  forgets  robes  and  garments.     [Examples  in  prose  are  Jb  *9  for 

^Jb   *j)  «o£  falling  slwrt  and  j^l  *j)  for  jjjpt   *j)  /  £«ow  wo£.     Comp. 

Vol.  i.  §  6,  footnote.     D.  G.]     The   1st  pers.  plur.  of  the  Perfect, 

Uj:3  (^  — ),  is  also  sometimes  shortened  into  jj-US  (w  -  w),  but  the 
elif  may  be  retained  in  writing,  in  order  to  distinguish  it  from  the 

j  a ,      ,    a  Z'  o  -  a  j, 

B   3d  pers.  plur.  fem. ;  e.g.  out  £y~su  ^L~ Zm. «j  and  many  a  one  on  the 

point  of  surrender  have  we  relieved ;  <*j  l*»»J  ^J~aZ)  «u£»pl  jij  and 
if  we  had  overtaken  him,  we  would  surely  have  slaughtered  him. 

(c)     The  suppression  of  a  short  vowel. 

246.     (a)  In  the  middle  of  a  word  this  license  is  of  most  frequent 
C    occurrence  in  the   case   of  the  very  few  nouns   of  the  form   J-*i 

(becoming  J*$),  and  of  verbs  of  the  forms  Jj«i  and  Ja3  (becoming 

,a,  '■»  .'*■*  ' ' 

J*i,  see  Vol.  i.  §  183,  rem.  b),  and  J*s  (becoming  J**);   as  U£» 

*$*>*$  \  lylJo  J-ji.   C»M<aiyU>l  as  horses  scatter  camels  by  their  charge 

s  0*  J     s    -     0     '  &    s  &  s  0     to*       *  G        *      s    0        s  '    *  0  >•-.''      >   -        0         - 

(for  ^^1)  ;    «U«»JU3    OjJJ  Jj^ll    ^  Jjb  _/»—£  U^»  >*>•«**■,'    <U*Jkl  (j'^ 

aJlAlibj  awe? «/  /  lampoon  him,  he  cries  out,  like  a  nine-year-old  camel 

j)  whose  sides  and,   withers   are  galled  (for  j**-**,   J^^,   and    0>j,>)  ; 

*3^>3  03**  ^SJ*"  ^*  c^***  j'  or  as  Aaron  and  David  were  recompensed 

(for  \£j**-) ;  Jl**»-  «^j>J  »>*■  (^5^-*  '^i  when  it  is  drawn,  it  twangs 
with  the  curved  bow  (makes  the  curved  bow  twang).  Rarer  instances 
are  exemplified  by  J*»j,  for  J>»-j,  as  in  the  half-verse  O^9  ^^ 
*j)l»-»  >0ju£^j   *^»«j  ./'<»'  /'"  was  a  man,  and  ye  are  men ;  j-£)l,   for 

jJS\  (plur.  of  iJ>*£M),  in  the  words  ^J$\  j*£i\  v~su*$\  ^a  these  are 

§  247]  Poetic  Licenses.  385 

the  great  souls  which  — ;  Ot^ij,  for  Ol/ij  (plur.  of  Sjij,  Vol.  i.  §  301,  A 
rem.  6),  as  lyj'jij  O-*  u~*^'  ?*&**»**  and  the  soul  finds  rest  from  its 
sighs. — This  license  has  resulted  in  the  production  of  such  forms  as 

»    '  B    B     y  B  ..  *    s      ,  By  s  B  *  tt/  0        / 

j^jt  for  jwwj  (jtffc^j,  jussive  of  J^j),  and  jJLj  or  jJb  for  jJj  (j>Xj, 
jussive  of  jJj)  ;  as  I ju  j^SL^  >j*  j^.\  ^i  ^^j  but  I  have  not  been 

able  to  avoid  cursing  you;  ^  jJj  j^ij  [w>t  aJ  j^-Jj  ^y°  Vj  ^'] 

tJ'>?'    ojoj  [vm/?/,  there  is  scarcely  (w>j  used  JujiiiU)  one  generated 

without  having  a  father,]  and  scarcely  one  who  has  offspring  is  there   B 
whom  two  parents  have  not  begotten  (except  Adam). 

Rem.     The  poets  also  take  the  contrary  liberty  of  adding  a 

supplementary  vowel  in  the  nominal  form  Jjti,  using,  for  example, 

9  9  B  g  $  a 

JJ»!  for  JJ»I,  flank,  and  jJa.,  for  jJL»>,  skin. 

(b)    The  same  license  at  the  end  of  a  word  is  exemplified  by 

Bis  *'       .  jBsslitoZisBisBf* 

such  a  form  as  JjL»,  for  JUj,  in  the  half- verse  ****  aJJI  ,jli  JUj  vj-6^ 
and  ivhoso  fears  (God),  verily  God  is  with  him*.     [The  pronouns   C 
yk  and   ^a  are  often  shortened  into  yk  and  ^j*.]     Compare  also 
the  suppression  of  the  final  vowel  in  the  pronominal  suffixes  of  the 

Bsl      By 

1st  pers.  sing.  ^j—  and  ^y,  §  228,  rem.  b,  [and  the  use  of  Jul  ^  for 
JU  ^»1  7  efoV/  wo£  care.] 

(d)     7%#  addition  of  a  final  short  vowel  to  certain  verbal 

forms  and  to  some  particles.  D 

247.  The  vowel  kesr  is  frequently  added  in  rhyme  to  the  3d 
pers.   sing.   fern,   of  the  Perfect,   the   2d  pers.   sing.   masc.   of  the 

*  [This  happens  especially  if  the  last  consonant  of  the  word  and 
the  first  of  the  following  are  identical,  as  Jpj^aJ I  w».  jSJuj  Tabarl  i. 
853,  1.  ult.  iov'J&y,  o~J  o^j'  *.  1119,  1.  1  for  O^j';  Vj-*' 
Jjf  olLJ  ib.  1427,  1.  1  (iii.  2414,  1.  14)  for  L>j£\.     D.  G.] 

w.  ii.  49 

386  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  248 

A  Imperative,  and  those  persons  of  the  Jussive  which  end  in  a  con- 
sonant;  as  C-J^j  C~L«I  j£  bUa»oJI  t^».UI  they  made  the  camels  lie 

o    Ii  *  tit      6***     it* 

down,  which  were  tired  and  weary  (for  C*A£») ;  ^.wt  -iUyU  ^  oVj*i 
jclaJfj  #Aiy  say,  Zto  ??o£  dfo  q/*  </H^/,  but  bear  it  like  a  man  (for 
j*A»J)  ;   «Xy»-t  jcy&Jlj  iljo^l   »iXjL>   (jl^  «??(#  if  the  foe  come  upon 

o  ,  »  £ 

thee  with  all  their  might,  I  will  do  my  very  best  (for  J^v*-')- 

B  Rem.     The  vowel  preceding  the  final  consonant  may  have  been 

originally  long,  and  only  shortened  because  of  its  being  in  a  shut 
syllable,  but  it  is,  nevertheless,  not  restored  after  the  addition  of 

this  kesra.  For  example :  Oj.£  (for  Ojj*,  3d  pers.  sing.  fern.  Perf. 
of  \j£,  Vol.  i.  §  166,  a,  rem.)  becomes  Oj£,  not  Oljx  ;  jJo  (for  j*jo, 
2d  pers.  sing.  masc.  Imperat.  of  jU»,  Vol.  i.  §  152)  becomes  ^J», 
not  jj>*^  ;^fj\  (for^oUl,  1st  pers.  sing.  Jussive  of  j»\j,  Vol.  i.  §  151) 
becomes  ^1,  notv&Ut. 

0         248.     The  same  license   is  allowable  in   the   case   of  particles 
which  end  in  a  consonant,  particularly  such  as  are  monosyllabic  ;  e.g. 

j>5  (J^J  UH»yj  Jjj  l*J  they  (the  camels)  have  not  yet  moved  off  tvith 

O    *  *       0   *       6   £  ,    , 

our  saddles,  but  it  is  as  good  as  done  (namely,  cJlj  j>$  O^J  but  it  is 
as  if  they  had  already  moved  off) ;  y£>$  {£^  '3  j£*  l**«Ai1  w<W»J 
beloved  of  our  souls,  how  long  will  this  absence  continue?  how  long! 

Rem.     The  reader  may  here  be  reminded  that,  instead  of  the 
D         ordinary  pronominal  forms  ^^231,  ^Jb,  and>0^,  and  the  verbal  form 

»)»-/  j  jtl      j  *        j  j 

^Xsti,  the  poets  constantly  make  use  of  the  archaic  ^Zj I,  j^b,  ^£s, 
and  j^y*£.  The  final  vowel  is  in  these  cases  more  usually  long 
than  short*.  When  ^  is  changed  into^Jb,  either  ^A  or^A  may 
be  used. 

*  The  quantity  of  the  singular  suffix  o  also  varies. 

§  249]  Poetic  Licenses.  387 

(e)     The  irregular  use  of  the  ten  win  and  other  case-endings  A 

in  the  noun. 

249.  The  poets  constantly  use  the  triptote  inflection  of  a  noun, 
when  the  diptote  inflection  alone  is  admissible  in  prose.  Tins  remark 
applies  equally  to  the  singular  and  the  broken  plural.     Examples  of 

the  singular :  Sy— J  ^  v-^j  *4  C«*t»«  ^1  ,jLojL>  ^>tu  IL«  Pj-aJ 
Oj^kft  the  vale  of  Na'md-n  is  scented  with  musk,  if  Zeineb  walks  in  it 
amid  (her)  perfumed  attendants  (for  v**ij) ;  ^jlPj  •**»■'  «^jj>?  'y^> 

J  -  a  i  j  9  - 

they  sat/,  Ahmed  visits  thee  and  thou  visitest  him  (for  j>0fwl)  ;^»y  ■«..._»   B 
j^».t  S^  ^3  (/  smart  black-eyed  {page)  hands  them  trine  (for  j^»»l) ; 
^-flL*  U*i  5ju&  ^ftli  J13  j*i  the  poet  of  (the  tribe  of)  Kinda  has 

*  *o  *  a    Z      *   a  ,  o   -        *     ji/M         ,        j     t, 

said  in  olden  time  (for  Sju^) ;  j£^\  ^jj  ls**""'*  ^Ji/**"  (J-1  J>*^ 
thou  sayest,  Ask  largesse  of  Yahya  'ibn  *Ektem  (for  _»££»l) ;  C-vHj 
«*j>tufc.  %ijJ  bb^JLc  a/i^  /  warned  'Othman  to  repel  the  dangers 
which  threatened  him  (for  ^U-JLc) :  bol  *-j-±-\  aJJt  jj'  s"^ :  '  b  C 
and  thou  forgettest  that  God  turned  Adam  out  of  it  (for  j»*\) ; 
ULo*.1  ^)j-»  jA^Jt  t>cjy  *ib  neror  ^e/j  entrust  thy  secret  to  a  fool 
(for  JE*»-t)-  Examples  of  the  broken  plural :  ^ito  ^  ?\£=>j-L  ^*j  *§\ 
but  they  are  companions  in  (shedding)  their  blood  (for  2l£>ji») ;  dJLi 
>«-H>^  j-*frl— «  ly*Xc  (horses)  with  shaggy  manes,  on  which  ride 
warriors  who  stir  up  the  fire  of  their  battle  (for^ftC-*) ;  JjLo  l>5l»-c 
!"■■»*  L5^^'  °^  women,  like  vipers,  five  in  number  (for  >5U-c) ;  D 
OL*jj*j  ^)jtu  w>g£s  /  visited  dwellings  at  'Oreitindt  (for  Jjtu). — 
Other  instances  of  the  irregular  tenwln  are  :  in  the  vocative,  as 
ly-Ic  jia*   b  *JJI  ^^  ^<?  peace  of  God,   0  Matar,  be   upon   her 

ic  '\'\'\  r  f  *  -  i  8  'At'  i'°-  *  -'  '  •  '  '  fl£"  *i-  « 
(tor  ^ix«   b)  ;    [Ja^3    J^ftJIj    L^^J    ^    dM-sw    i^>©    Ob^j    ^Oa..o» 

J        8    J 

Jj-**    0  Muhammad,   since  thou    art   the  offspring  of  a  highborn 

388  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§250 

i     St     s      it 

A  lady  in  her  tribe,  and  thy  father  was  a  noble  (for  ju.»o»..ol) ;] 
^5lj*j)l  *£Ajl3j  jJ»J  Ujcc  b  0  'Adl,  every  circumstance  has  com- 
bined to  protect  thee  (where  a  writer  in  prose  would  have  said 
ijjs.  C) ;  after  *$,  used  ^JUJT  ^ii  (§  39),  as  tjli.  aLT  UjL  4^j  $ 

is  there  no  man  (may  God  reward  him  ivith  good)  —  /  (for  sj*rj  *}M) ; 
iu  words  of  the  form  JUi   (Vol.   i.  §  98,  rein,  c  ;   §  309,  c,  6),  as 

"  J*jh  u^ls^  O-*  j'^**  _;'«*»•  beware,  beware  of  the  horsemen  of  Darim 

(for  j\S»-  j'J^)  ;  ?-'%«  ^i^*  j-J**  W  ^  Hfo*  Matar,  come  hither 

to  Salah  (i.e.  Mekka,  for  ^%o) ;   and  in  proper  names  before  ^>j 

sow  0/*  (Vol.  i.  §  21,  0),  as  <juAaj  ^jj\  ^-^3  ^>«  ajjW-  «  young  woman 
(of  the  tribe)  of  Kais  'ibn  Ta'laba  (pron.  Kaisini  'bni,  for  ^>j  us*)- 

250.  On  the  contrary,  the  ten  win  is  sometimes  suppressed  in 
C   cases  where  it  could  not  be  dispensed  with  in  prose ;  as  O^  ^** 

*-©a~«  ^-i  ^bj-*  0^>*^  c^»-  *^J  O-***"  neither  Hisn   nor  Habis 

Z      s  0  *  &   >0       s    s   *  WtO  J   0    * 

surpassed  Mirdas  in  any  assembly  (for  L»lj>j-«) ;  j*jj3\  ^,Lk  ij;j}\  jj+t- 
ducfi)  'Amr,  who  broke  up  (bread  to  make)  soup  for  his  people  (for 
^JJI  jj-o*,  but  there  is  another  reading,  ^^Jk  ^^Jj^I  3j~o-£  tlie  noble 
14 mr  &ro£e  wp) ;  "ibJ.5  "n)I  aJJI  j^lj  ^j  wJju.~*  j-ji  4L>AJli  a/w?  / 
found  him  not  seeking  (the  Lord's)  favour,  and  seldom  thinking  upon 

S  5      b  J        s>      bt  6*0  *        J  Ml         --      V 

D  6W  (for^^li) ;  UjJ  JUa->*>)l  w>jla*_«  ^5^-3  and  the  tribe  of  Mohdrib, 
heroes  of  old  (for  w^5"*-0) 5  w-^'  ^^  J>^  w»>U-o  j^;,.»g^  Jifo  a« 
overmatched  cat,  which  springs  at  the  dog  (for  ^ ;....£>)  ;  ^— ^.  ^^^Xc 
l_^JUI  ^^Jl  ^>«  ji-a^  ?(po»  «  yellow  body,  smoother  than  gold  (for  >»—»■, 
and  t^JUl  in  rhyme  for  j^-J-«l,  instead  of  y-Xol,  §  249). 

251.  The  genitive  plural  in  ,>j-  is  sometimes  changed  in  rhyme 
into  sLH-  (see  Vol.  i.  p.  236,   note);  as  0*»O^I   •*•"  °J^^  ***J 

§  252]  Poetic  Licenses.  389 

since  1  have  already  passed  the  limit  of  forty  (for  0**0^')  ;  ^jW  *>}  A 

Ml  ^  0  J  kit     *? 

U~~>3  %a>  ^  <*JJI  may  God  not  bless  sixty  and  odd  years!  (for 
^>*wj) ;  O-J/0-'  otilcj  Li/^i'^  awe?  ?/^  ignore  the  riffraff  of  other 
tribes  (for  ,>£/*■')• 

252.  In  verbs  aud  nouns  derived  from  radicals  of  which  the 
third  consonant  is  $  or  ^,  the  poets  not  unfrequently  use  the 
Indicative  form  of  the  Imperfect  instead  of  the  Subjunctive  or  Jussive, 
and  the  nominative  case  instead  of  the  accusative.     Examples  of  B 

c       *  *       _  i  j  i  i      o  i     lit    00  ,i 

the  verb:  w>l  ^j  >b  ^o--'  u'  *^'  L5^'  ^r'^  nas  mt  Wt^e<^  inat  I 
should  be  of  noble  descent  either  on  the  mothers  or  the  fathers  side 

(for  ^lf\) ;    ^jte  ^Ji.  ^JlL  o^  S>j  &&>  O-f  V  u$|l  ^  ^^ 

*  a  <  j 

\  j^sk^A  ««o?  /  swear,  I  will  not  show  her  pity  for  weariness  or  foot- 

*        * i  ,   j a  -        *  a  z, 

soreness,  until  she  encounters  Muhammad  (for  ^^3) ;    JLJLi   ^Lli* 

*  ,  '  j      a  i 

^j'^  (tar*^-~J  O'  ^.V  soul  has  made  thee  wish  to  vie  with  Darim  (for 

*  *  j  *    a  *      at  -  ,a*  at       a  i    £  +       - 

^A^J) ;    la—iu   3I    <sui    ^^*J'    ^5— ©->    O1  j^    '>i    wfow    to  spend  an    C 
evening  or  a  forenoon  in  it,  fills  a  man  with  vain  delight  (for  ji.  I3I 

c&Z  ^   not  bring   thee    word— for   news  travels  fast — of   what   has 


befallen  the  milch-camel  of  the  Benu  Ziycid  ?  (for  iJULn  ;  ,jbj  O^Jk 

pj3  jt}$  >*-yJ  ^«J  O^J  y^*  ^j-9  lj«U*-6  o^tfc.  ^  thou  didst  lampoon 
Zabbdn,  and  then  thou  earnest  making  excuses  for  having  lampooned 
Zabbdn, — ($0  that)  thou  didst  neither  lampoon  him  nor  let  it  alone  D 

(for  -y-jj) ;  w>Lft  tj>j1  .iV!.*a>..»  U-U  i^sT**  turn  as'la^  to  lls>  (<-ind) 
'lbn  'Anndb  will  salute  thee,  i.e.  receive  thee  with  honour  (for  sl^  •)  ; 
i.1  dl-Jl  *sj  ^t  U  whatever  I  forget,  I  shall  not  forget  him 

■»  '  dc  ,  si     a    ,  * 

to  the  end  oj  my  life  (for  a~J1).  Examples  of  the  noun:  jljl  j^^j 
<eL>*-«a.-o  ^  (.j-*^'  <*»^  whoever  seeks  for  consolation  in  his  misfortune 
(for  ^UJI)  ;  (^g^J  "^-dl  »iiJU-»  Ojwh.j  I  found  thy  noble  qualities 

300  Part  Fourth.— Prosody.  [§  253 

A  a  subject  for  my  poetry  (for  ^ibJlat*) ;  ^>£JI  yJJic  Of^L*  l>%H  ^.'/ 
/iat'e  &/£  their  shepherd  like  an  old  (useless)  ivaterskin  (for  O-vs^'j)  > 
JjjiJI  cUJI  ^  O-vi*^'  O^  ^  if  their  forefeet  were  on  level  ground 
(for  jj^jul) ;  U5U*.  UoteJI  i^jUa  O^  Vj  <md  if  he  had  been  hungry 
and  famished  (for  ^yj»). 

253.     The  poets  occasionally  use  pausal  forms  (see  §§  223 — 230) 

-         *     -  Hz       u 

B  out  of  pause.     For  example  :  ^-^>j  for  ^^j,  in  the  verse  ^J^*-*  j3j-~4 

0    *  sOtOy  Or'  '         0  J    J    J    0    £ 

j-cuJIj  ^a^-jj  ^  ^j-i;  (j|  d-oj^».l  ifi#/i  joy,  my  lord,  will  I  wait 
upon  him,  if  he  be  contented  with  me,  and  ivith  my  hearing  and  sight 

J  *  J  C  J 

(i.e.  most  willingly  and  cheerfully) ;  ^jj  for  {Jjj=  ijjj,  in  the  words 

^0}       '  '       J  i  '  o  -  Ct  io  o   '  i  10  * 

C-s5j  i  l<i=  a^JLjjj  ^LJI  ,-i  jk».l  i^$jj  Oi  ^*  ^°  one  a?nong  men,  whom 
we  know,  was  afflicted  as  thou  art  afflicted ;  >fc  for  yb,  in  the  half- 
C    verse  iwu  ^-*-^«  W-^'  O-0  >*  *^*  ^^  so  he  does  not  lose  his  share 
of  (the  pleasures  of)  this  world. 

[Rem.     At  the   end   of    a  word  the  tenwln  is  sometimes   used 

*  0        0*>         10' 

instead  of  the  letter  of  prolongation  (J^Us^)  I  \J>j^),  as  some  read 

0  -  0  * 

in  the  Kor'an  lxxxix.  3  j— j  for  \^£j~ **  (see  Beidawi  ii.  401,  1.  13). 

vis  Zi   *o     1  0  * 

This  £)  is  called >0jj£)\  \^>>y3  the  trilling  or  quavering  prolongation 

o  a  - 1!>£       -    o-o**  i 

and  modulation  of  the  voice  (y_^jjJxJJ),  as  in   I^ZjI   ws^sJt   C*JL.> 
D         ^cCaji\  (see  Fleischer,  Kl.  Schr.  i.  323  seq.  and  cornp.  supra  §  225, 

*    oil  j0         it 

rem.).     In  like  manner  the  ajjuJI  <J&\  (Vol.  i.  §  368,  rem.  b)  is 

sometimes  lengthened  to  ^1,  as  in  a  tradition  given  by  ZamaMarl 
(Faik  ii.  95)  Fatima  is  heard  crying  for  her  two  sous  b  ^U....».  b 

o     -  o  ■■    > 

,jtu-»»..     The  addition  of    the    ^j   to  a   fettered   rhyme  (§  193), 

,0*       J  Oii  ,      _ 

called  .JUUI  O-if^^  la  condemned  by  many  grammarians.     D.  G.J 



The  Roman  numerals  indicate  the  volume,  the  Arabic  numerals  the 
page.     The  letters  a  b  c  d  refer  to  divisions  of  the  page. 


»-  o  j  ^i. 

bjjLJI  »|>t,  i.  269  a. 

a    *  at  *   j£ 

»l,    J*a».'l.  i.  28  C.  <S  -'  j»*>      £      £ 

iJUjUl  3\   5U.U«JI  131,  i.  284  a: 
j*L)S  ja^\,  ii.  359  b,  361  c.  ii.  157  D,  345  c. 

;  -   *    j   j   :  I 

::  ■?     :  -     ; . 

*-       J  ȣ 

4iJU»JI  4*^1,  i.  136  d.  5j>»-j',  ii-  351  b. 

cCi^t,  ii-  191b.  r'-i^l,  i-  220  d,  222  d. 

JeUM,  1.  40  c.  o^-oJI    o-«     cL^-vJI    VUI,    i. 

J*i3t,  i.  38  c.  245  b. 

jLi.N)l,  i.  274  b;  ii.  73  c.  lL^-^1,  ii.  335  d. 

4  »  Alt  C^.1,  i.  10  d.  J-f— o-JI         

jjUl       >>^'  ••■      »  ii-  336  a. 

a  *?*> 


j       ,  a  ja. 

IjlSiS       £Jsi^t         ...            ...       ,342d. 

^Uul^t,  ii.  76  d,  77  c,  93  a.  JljJ^l^',  ii-  235  d,  334  c,  335  b. 

^1    Ol^i.1,  ii.  80  b.  Jl***-t.  i.  116  b. 

,     ,  -  -  a  -  a 

0^»    •••    ,  ii-  15  c,  16  a,   101  d,      JmU—I,  i- 44a. 

103d,  258c.  •*<•'    -«-        £    2     -*      *,»  » 

*     -  -  £     s  ^  £  ,                *"^           -                     '         £                  ,     , 

C*lpl,  «bl,  i.  278  c.  ii.  336  a 



JUUw^l,  ii.  21  b. 
J£fy,  i.  104  a 
SjL^t  J^l,  i.  105  a,  264  d. 
aJ^T        ...  ,  i.  109c,  130b. 
J,t  ...  ,  ii.  80b,  260b. 

J*A*IM  . , .  ,  i.  140  c,  141b. 

0  -  4  0 

ju^La.  ^-1,  i.  106  D. 
^Ujf^t,  i-  181  a,  224  d,  234  a. 

,  i.  107  b,  180  d,  224  d, 

234  a. 
,   Add.   et   Corrigenda 

(Vol.  i.  110  a). 
,  i.  109  b,  124  d. 

f     Oo       J   0 

Sj-oJ  1^1,  i.  109  b,  123  b. 

O  --0  0 

<sui  juj-o^o-J,  i.  107  a. 

Si   -     0     J 

j  Si   '    joa»    j  o  *> 

*     ,    0«o 

^JjjT    ...  ,  i.  109  c,  125b. 

jJjjT       ...  ,  L105a. 

Jii  JIl,  or^U^ll,  i.  107  b. 

O     ^  JO 

^>_5_fi.    ^1,  i.  107  b. 
J^IAJI     ...  ,  i.  109  a,  131b. 

,  i.  109a,  110a,  296b 

,  ii.  100  a. 

,  i.  109  d,  148  b. 

,  i.  110  a,  165  b. 

,  ii.  98  b. 

,  i.  137  b. 




*  *   s  JO* 


Odt      '        J  5* 

1,  i.  107  a. 

,      JO/O     J    O  <o  * 

I,  i.  117d  ;  ii.  59  d. 
>*  ^w^t,  i.  110  a,  166  b. 

S     O   ^       JO 

.--La*  v0-,'t  i«  107  b. 

J  0  -o«> 

Jy£»»  ...  ,  i.  109  a,  131c. 
O^j't  •-.  ,  i-  109  b,  124  d. 
'  ,JI  jrS$\  i.  166  b. 

j  JO  ^0«J 

jj—UJt     ...  ,  i.  109  d,  149  c. 
J^^Jt     ...   ,  i.  105b;  ii.  317c. 
SJJCJ  ^1,  ii.  98  c,  123  a. 
c^jT^ll,  i.  109  b,  123  d. 

Sj^.yf ...  ,  i.  109  c,  147  bd. 
6Uyf    ...  ,  i.  109  d,  149  a. 
ilL^I,  ii.  250  b. 

ctli^l,  i.  249  d;  ii.  354  c,  382  d. 
J\+£^\,  i.  71a,  84  b,  89  b. 
£»&%(,  i-  294  b. 
IIUNt,  ii.  125  b,  198  c. 

j  w      ^  -'O-*'       J  - 

ii.  199  b,  205  a,  234  a. 

Al^juibT  &l*Nt,  ii.  199  c. 

A...i.:)f  JiUl,  ii.  234  a. 

£^-^r^l  j^-IllfiiUI,  ii.  205  a, 
234  a. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.   393 

aJlJUJ!  Si&Nt,  ii.  64  d,   198  c,      i>ju«^Jt  JUi^l,  i.  51a;  ii.  46  a. 
233  a. 

-       lie-        J  0  *  0  0  jd-e      j    -j;.v 

»,«->»  j^ 

L5^t  ^1  o-*Jt  AiUI,  i.  202d. 
<ULi^jf  jli  iiUs^l,  ii.  64  b,  198  c. 

&    +&*e    j&*      J  4 

4*\a».«JI  j*i.  diUi^l.  ii.  198  c. 

alteiln  i*u>*$i,  h.  i98c. 

J    ..     0     0*0* 

3  <Mfc   o  1 ) 

ji     0  b  0    03 

duyJt^i  I 

0+0*  0  >      9    0      »lO         i  0         - 

AA-aJI    ^Jl    03^>^JI    iit-£l,    ii. 
232  d. 

l>\jj±*<j\,  ii.  335  b. 

l\j**$\,  ii.  74  d. 

jifil,  ii.  351  b. 

J*l*t,  plur.  fr.,  i.  226  c,   227  d; 
secondary  pi.  fr.,   231  d. 

j         A. 

J^elil,  plur.  fr.,  i.  228  A  ;  second- 
ary pi.  fr.,  231  D. 

jli?l,  plur.  fr.,  i.  169  a,  211  a. 

00  0    a    600       j  0  0  i 

6LAJ^I   JU*I,  ii. 

108  d. 

wNi>i.»Hl     ...     ,  i. 

98  c. 

01     0      03 

,^-oJI         ...     ,  ii. 

50  b. 

©Jj-£JI        ...     ,  ii. 

108  d. 

J    -  9  *  : 

1  j*i.  JUi^l,  i.  51  a. 

..JUuT  Jlill,  ii.  48  d,  50  c,  51  a  b, 
329  b. 

L*jjj\  Jui^l,  i.  51  a. 

w.  11. 

II  JlxJ^I,  ii.  46  b. 

-  0  0 

_     -   «r,  0   0»03       1     ,  ;i 

j>JJ\j  ^j^l  JUil,  i.  97  a. 
ijJuUjt'  Jull,  ii.  106  b. 

^la**Jjl  ^1  >iXJJ\3  ^>JUI  JUil; 

ii.  48  d. 
jliil,  i.  116  a. 
Jlill,  i.  43  a. 
JJtill,  i.  43  c,  63  d. 
JliJl,  i.  116  b. 
Ji£*1,  i.  41  d. 
Jill,  i.  34  b. 

Jill,  adj.,  133  d,  136  a,  200  a; 
compar.  and  superl.,  i.  140c; 
derived  from  conjug.  11.,  iv., 
vii.,  and  viit.,  i.  141  D,  ii. 
72  b;  from  verbs  signifying 
love  or  hatred,  ii.  71  d,  145  d; 
formed  from  the  passive  voice, 
i.  142  d;  from  intransitive 
verbs,  ii.  72  a;  from  words 
denoting  colours  or  defects, 

i.   143a;  compar.  with   ^c, 

ii.  133  A — 134  d;  superl.  with 
the  genitive,  ii.  218  b,  226  c; 
with  the  accus.,  ii.  71  b:  with 

J,  ii.  71  b;  with  ^Jl,  ii.  72  a, 
145  b;  substantive,  i.  227  D  ; 

394  Indexes. 

fem.   ,Jlii,   i.   184  b,    240  d;      J%*it,  i.  116  b. 

^  -    0  • 

fem.  l%*i,  i.  185  a,  240  d. 

0  i  to       j  -  e£ 

iTll^J,  ii.  357  a  b. 

J^oAJI  JasI,  i.  140  c. 

JjJl,  i.  227  d,  240  d. 
du  JjJl,  i.  98  c. 

2U£>*3'l,  ii.  357  b. 

AjJ\  L533JL£»1>  ii.  294c. 
fli^i,  ii.  345  d. 

«     0-0         ) 

Jjtil,    plur.    fr.,   i.    169  d,    209  d,      JUJ^I  oUt,  i.  152  b,  157  a,  179c. 
Add.  et  Corrigenda  (Vol.  i. 

210  d). 
JjJl,  i.  43  a,  91  b. 

HjS\,  plur.  fr.,  i.  219  c,  240  a. 

C/ilail,  secondary  pi.  fr.,  i.  232  b. 

J&Jt,  i.  116  B 

J*£*il,  i.  117  d. 

Halt,  plur.  fr.,  i.  170  a.  212  b, 
Add.  et  Corrigenda  (Vol.  i. 
210  d). 

JJbJl,  i.  43  c,  63  d. 
JJbJt,  i.  48  c. 
Sliail,  i.  116  c. 
J$L£t,L  116  b,  117  d. 
JjU*il,  i.  46  d,  48  c. 
^jjUiil,  i.  47  a. 
JljaJI,  i.  116  b. 

*  *  e  -  o    - 

J^ytsl,  i.  46  c. 
J^kil,  i.  46  d. 
JbLxIl,  i.  116  k. 

UoUJt  tJU^I,  i.  11  a. 
ftLiff  obi,  i.  21  a,  269  c. 

Sj^^aLoJl  oU^M,  i.  11  b,  25  b. 


sUdf  Jbl,  i.  294  b. 

aj  jjjf  JS\,  i.  295  d  ;  ii.  390  d. 

J^yi  ...  ,i.  21  A. 

Aj\3^i\   ...  ,  i.   11  A. 

Jf&fj  Ji%,  i.  269  a. 

,.^1^  >ouT  j  oU%  il  243  c- 

j^«JU  ,  ii.  243  d. 

fe.lyj  ^Jl  ii.  145  b,  147  b. 
J-oGJT  ^^iJ  ^Jt,  ii.  63  b. 

iLjfc^JJ  ^1  A^.La-oA)  ^1,  ii.  145  b. 

i*ifti^JI  j»\,  ii.  308  b. 

ij'U^I,  i.  10  c. 

sJpaJ\  <j*o   cUIc'nJI,  i.  245  b. 

j**)\.  i.  61  i>. 

4    0      -     <>  0  i 

j*\,  ii.  31  d. 

-       St  ta    *  3  *  Z  *    jtto         i 

(rtLitM  ,>•)  iAAai^JI  o'j  "•  26b> 


AjjjuxaJt  ,jt,  ii.  26  c,  221  A,  252  a 
t  ^1,  i.  292  c. 

i*oU)7  ^1,  ii.  26  c. 

£  a  -    tc  *    ■: 

-    -    :      " 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic   Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  395 

J~U2U  *Uf,  ii.  164  a. 

0  £ 
j^U^X^J       ...    , 

«uj*3t  lU,  ii.  162  b. 

C^T     ,164a. 

al~Jl)  2LM,  ii.  164  a,  324  a. 
^LJjJkJU    ...  ,  ii.  163  d. 

^  ^  0 

^-JLU       ...  ,  ii.  164  a. 
jUjflCJ,  ii-  160  a. 

il^U^Jb  lUt,  ii.  164  a. 

aJbuiij       ...  ,      ... 

'W)  ...,  ... 

.,i.  4a. 
JXJU  ...  ,  ii.  164  a. 

j^iLojT  ^  j^ujT  J,C,  i.  50  b. 

14  b,  301  d. 

l  -  Z.    -    J  »>e 

(aJUttl  v>«)  rtAfta.  0M  o«,  i.  283  b, 
284  d;  ii.  81c. 

llsCdT  rj\,  ii.  105  a,  301  c. 

i^uJyf  gi.  i-  292  D. 

lyj^fclj  ^1 ,  ii.  80  b. 

lUJ^I,  ii.  73  c. 
Jliill,  L  116  b. 
Jiiil,  i.  40  c. 

it,  i.  56  b. 


aUb\,  ii.  351  A. 

i  ,i       li  ^1,  ii.  361  c. 

lUaj^t,  ii.  357  c. 

uoia^jJ  L^t,  ii.  93  a. 


iiu£&)  lUf,  ii.  164  a. 
JjUJ^J      ...  ,  ii.  163d,  324  a. 
ajjucJU       ...  ,  ii.  44b,  164  a. 

^a*j,  ii.  358  c. 

JJLjf,  ii.  9.0  a,  230  c,  231  d,  2^3  a, 
284  d. 

JUiw^l  Jju,  ii.  285  d,  287  b. 
>->\r±'f      ...,ii.  286  b. 


j£Jt  jj^  c>**^'  Jj^>  ii-  285  c. 

A~o  ^-aaammoJI   ^^  ^aw..)l  iJju,  ii. 
336  c. 

gCljT  i  <W&af  JJu,  ii.  286  c. 

JJjT  ,£h)  jiJT    ...    ,   ii.  284  d, 




■  ibta  3   *  ,b* 

*^*>    Jj^JJ    ChW'    J.A-JI,    n. 

286  b. 

4    ^0«»         J 

»       0/>5        - 

JaaM  o-f  jJ^o-M  J-m,  ii-  74  a. 

J  ,0, 

Jau—JI,  ii.  365  c. 
*U>,  ii.  78  b. 

Jyta^Jl  j  JxUJI  lUj,  i.  50  b. 
jZ,  ii.  229  b,  230  c. 
^,  ii.  351  b. 

aaJU^J!  j*£>U  SUM,  i.  139  a. 
\jdj ^ia. ■»  Li  ...  ,  i.  147  d. 

lyl^i  ^>«  SU^J  t  . . .  ,  i.  4  b. 
Ltf,  ii.  272  d. 
^^m-wIj,  ii.  353  b. 

a  - 

j*£»>3l  3t  «i*&U)i,  ii.  282  b. 
,..      ,  ii.  282  c. 
AiJUJI  j^ti,  i.  139  a. 
J^I*4j|  ju£»Bf ,  ii.  282  b. 
tL~>Jl  ju£»U,  i.  164  b. 
Jj^Jm  v£~jUJI,  i.  245  b. 
0»J£)t,  ii.  123  a. 
jj+JzS),  ii.  358  a. 
' " £ji  i.  52  b. 


ju&^lJI  ^y^  i-^i  i.  62  d. 

I,  ii.  195  d. 

jjjaizi),  ii.  74  D. 

aJULjf  sJujaJi,  ii.  378  d. 
°£j|,  i.  166  b. 
XJt,  ii.  4  b. 

^L-ollJI,  ii.  198  d,  199  a,  261  d. 

Sj-o^t  u^A^J,  i.  18  d,  73  b. 
Jri^jZii,  i-  174  d;  ii.  88  a. 

w^Jjjt,  i.  245  b. 

^jUwl  w<s*£»p,  i.  160  b. 

fu.s*.,~~Z  M,  ii.  368  d. 

j         a   S    - 

j^JLcuJI,  i.  110  a,  166  b. 

a  5  •«»    j  a  ^ 

^aA.jJj)  j->fccJ,  i.  174  d. 

j  a  ;  - 

jujuUJI,  i.  14  A. 

j  a  £  - 

)jg»«auH,  ii.  358  a. 
AjjuCJI,  i.  34  b. 

JujIiJI,  i.  247  c;  ii.  198  d,  199  a. 
^Jsi5f,  i.  166  d;  ii.  54  c,  268  a. 
4~J&bi,  i.  190  a. 
J^Uj,  i.  38  d. 
J^U.3,  i.  116  b. 

J^Ui,  plur.  fr.,  i.  226  c. 

•>  >  -  * 
J^U3,  i.  116  b. 

JwjtU3,  plur.  fr.,  i.  228  A. 

J.A....A3),  ii.  123  a. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  397 

Jbuu,  i.  115  b,  116  d,  117  b. 

...  ,  intens.  adj.,  i.  138  D. 
JUib,  i.  115  c,  116  d,  117  b. 

...  ,  intens.  adj.,  i.  138  D. 
JU*3,  i.  116  a,  117  a. 

...  ,  intens.  adj.,  i.  138  D. 
JjUiS,       ,  i.  139d. 

UUaj,      ,  i.  HO  a. 

JjUU,  i.   116  D. 

JIi3,  i.  36  c. 

Jjiaj.  i.  116  a. 

**    a  , 

■Ju.  L  115  b,  116  cd,  122  c. 
>,  i.  115  b,  116  d. 
iJbuu,  intens.  adj.,  i.  138  d. 

,  ,  a  " 

JJjuu,  i.  48  c. 
JlaUi,  i.  117  c. 

-  «•  a  j  a  -  *  a  j  a* 

(jjjuu,  for  y^ijuu ,  i.  56  b. 

s    i  a  i 
J^«AJ,  i.  115  D,   116  D. 

*  e^ 

J-**Ju,  i.  115b,  116 cd. 
...  ,  pi.  J-jftl*3,  ii.  358  c. 
i.  123  a. 
J,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  d. 

^j-jjuu,  i.  246  b. 

*  .  •'  .. 

«..JaJu,  ii.  358  c. 

J~u3t,  i.  286  c;  ii.  216  c. 
5JUU!  J*JUL>,  ii-  276  d. 

^~£3t,  i.  166  b. 

j-^Jt,  i.  31a;  ii.  74  b,  216  c,  268  a. 
!  JjjXJt  j!  JijSi,  ii.  74  b,  282  c. 

\    j      as  * 

Jts^\,  ii.  122  d. 

^    ^  #-o    3a* 

>ju*Jf  J**«J,  ii.  124  b. 
jZ&S        ...  ,  ii.  124c,  125  a. 

..     *  *a*> 
Ao-UoJ!      ... 

*a    a>c 

u-Li*!)     ... 

»  .-  --- 
OiV        ,125  a. 

j4*>)  ^   ojU^jf,  ii.  327  d. 
jjdSl,  i.  247  c. 

CHyZtt,  i.  12  a. 

J>j2\  o-»yi,  ii.  390  c. 

w-jj-kuJJ  ^j**)!,  ii.  390  o. 

^  -  *.*  ^      -  - 
,>*£*3I  cny^i l-  235  B- 

as  *   j       «^ 
j-X^'l  CH>*^»  *•  235  c. 

•o     j       as  * 

235  b. 

'    o-o    i        a* 

t^jxJt  OO*-*?  i-  235  c. 
^UUt  ,>>>£">  ^  390  d. 

**  ,  i a-o    j       a* 

iblioJI  CH>^)  i-  235  b. 
*^l^£jj,  ii.  272  d,  282  b,  283  a. 

ou».y3j,  ii.  354  c. 


*.wj3l,  ii.  191  b. 

•>  as  *  j         is  - 

ju^pl.    See  jl.£>U)1. 



■  c    Ob* 

invisible     ~* 

4^1  *tf)|,  i.  4  b. 
O^BTjI  01*31,  ii.  195  d. 
^<A  i.  29  a. 

JUJj,  i.  235  b. 

j^^i  j  jU.,  ii.  251  a,  253c,  269  d, 
337  a. 

j.aJ\,  i.  235  B. 

^  ^      -     .»»«»       i  *        tore  ui  * 

Sjj Isfc^J  I  ^1  jl^aJt  j^-,  ii.  234  b. 
|J4,  ii.  358  c. 
l?^iJI  ilj^,,  ii.  15  a. 

0 '0   s  0»   * 

A.0J.0.,  j>js»..  i.  13  a. 
c WJI,  i.  52  b. 

a^Clji,  i.  180  d. 

j  o  -  *• 

*^afcJI,  i.  52  b. 
j*~£JI  *.*»>,  i.  192  a. 
£^J|     ...   ,  i.  231c. 

^oJLJI   £**Jt,  i.  191  D. 

j  ^    «0       J    0    /  0/ 

-.,,=»  qM    *.©*Jt,  i.  191  D. 

alijT    i^i.,    i.  169  i>,    234  b;   ii. 

234  D,  235  b. 

*x»-t«  4juj  j-Xt  ^-.J  ?»•«.&.,  i.  245  c. 

j    3    -  j  e<o    j  e  ^  o, 
•>r^^a»l  t    s.«aJI,  i.  191  D. 

j  Si  *  joio 

Ji\L,  ii.  115  c,  250  b. 

Od       0  x>      0  -  0    J 

4*4^1  «U«a.,  ii.  251  A. 
«U^^  ^-o-wl  £A>oa»,  ii.  175  d. 

SpCM    £«>».,    i.    170  a,    234  b;    ii. 

234  v,  235  b.  |  ^WJ),  i.  51  d. 

<Li^I*)t    ^>sk-«    4djl»>    ^-W»>»    ii- 
253  b. 

&JU.  iCl,  ii.  68  d,  333  a. 

a,  a  ^      j     ,     o ,  a  j 

O-sv*^  Oti  aXo*.,  ii.  256  b. 

Ilijip  IU4-,  ii.  253  b,  261  a. 

4JU5      ...    ,  ii.  251  b. 

<LUJt    »>»».■     See  aXaJI   *..*».. 

SjiJCJI     ...     .     SeeSji&l    *♦».. 

£s«&J!,  i.  52  c. 

tj!       w;l^».,  omitted,  ii.  17  a. 

Z>j        ...    ,  ii.  216c. 

Jsj-uJI     ...    ,  ii.  15 a. 

^-~iJ  J     ...    ,  ii.  1 75  d. 

^J  . . .     ,  omitted,  ii.  8  c. 

j\iii),  i-  278  d. 


1  ,        si* 

iLwUJI,  ii.  371  d. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  399 

JUJI  i.  51  d  ;  ii.  5  b  c,  19  d,  20  b.     j^t.     >Jj-a*,  ii.  46  b. 
21b,  38c,  50c,  104a,  112c—  j  *  •  *  •-  ..    _„ 

120  a,  196  c. 

,    +  i  j    i  a  ,       «     , 

o j£=>yo  j*z  Jl»»,  ii-  115  D. 

£/\       ...   ,i.  287  a. 

llSSi*    ,  ii.  114  c. 

0              -            6  9' 

jj^L;  0/»-,  i-  13  b 

&&JJ  JU-,  ii.  115  d,  120  a. 

J»Ji,  j£.;  i.  292  d. 

^jUU       ...  ,  ii.  20b,  113d,  197b,      oUac    ...  ,  i.  290d;  ii.  147  b. 
288  b. 

jji*        ...  ,  ii.  19d,  113d,  197b, 

288  b. 
«'  /jj 

...  ,  ii.  114c. 

jjpll*  i^*-,  i-  13  b;  ii.  355  b. 
...    .  i.  14 c. 

0-0       :  i      j 

.  -    --       j   0    - 

^k»JU  jl  iibUJI  ^y*.,  ii  147  b.      ijjJjl  «J>/*>,  ii.  93  c. 

,.      ,i«S        »<•      »«3  0t 

j        i   i  a, 

^•jjlsJI,  ii.  195  d. 

j  a  +  a* 

$j**  It,  ii.  355  a. 

.,  i.  278  c. 

*»o    a io  *c 




,  i.  292  d. 

,  i.  282  b. 

,  ii.  390  c. 

,  i.  290  d,  293  b. 

,  ii.  122  d. 

,  i.  269  a. 

,  i.  293  d. 

,  i.  268  a  ;  ii.  92  c. 

,  i.  282  a 

,  ii.  4  b. 

^,l£J^JUI  O^J»Jl  i-  5  b. 
*£sj»-,  i.  8  a  ;  n.  3oo  d. 
jlSi\^  JjJbJt  ^>-j  *£>/»»,  i-  84b. 
dJL^JI   sJjjaJ\,  i.  4d. 

-     •      0*»      j       j    j 

diti^t  o^j^,  i.  278  d. 

:     -     :  - 

a  Z    >o       j     j   j 

^jojjtJS^    ^giio-h  7  M    ^fi^j^.,    ii. 
310  c. 

^*^Jt  ^^;  i.  1a. 
jj^jf  ...     ,  i.  278 d. 

c   -  a>o 

JJLaJ  t  ...     ,  i.  5  b. 

3  Zt      0     *■     0*0  J         J     J    &* 

0    .»    Oxi         J      J    J 

^fAAaJ]   *J*/*-.  i.  278  d. 
iJUjjJI  $\  iJUJJt  iJu^aJ),  i  5 a. 

j  2      i    Z.    ^        J       j    j  o* 



o  a  *      j 

ipjJii]  «*is>»»,  i-  290  c. 

Ji       s 

J    J   J  «' 

<*,..>.>^.u.M  t^jjj^Jt,  i.  15  c. 


...     ,  i.  5  B. 

2uj~o£)\  ^»3j*J\,  i.  15  c. 
i^JJI         ...      ,  i.  4  c. 
,>JJ|  <J»j»j^.,  i-  5  b. 

iuJUl    ^Jj^aJI,  i.  5  B. 

juoJI  «Jj/»,  i-  9  c. 

JaaJU  a^-^u^J!  ^Jj^aJI,  li.  80  b. 

Ajjjua^Jl  ^JjjaJI,  ii.  252  a. 

,,,}»*>        111 

iftjlo-oJt  ^Jjj-*",  i.  56  b. 

4  ...       ,  1.   lA. 

rt^ai,l>oM    05>aJ!,  1.  4  A. 

Jt<D  J       J     J 

SbU«Jt  »-*S/*">  ii-  85  a. 

J//UK    ^    jit*   _ 
aJl^^JI  kJjj^JI,  i.  4  a. 

61  juJI  ^is/»-,  ii-  85  a. 

a**LJI  jt  A**kuM  o^>aJI,  i.  5  a. 

tU^I  J^»»,  i-  1  a. 

A-SU^Jt    *Jjja*)\,  1.   1  A. 

£>l&Jt,  ii.  313  ab,  314  a. 
4*pU  JU.  fy£ft.,  ii.  30  c. 


j^LSs,  ii.  251  c,  255  b. 

jdjJlc  jli.,  ii.  253  a,  257  c. 

jjl     j-**.,  ii.  80  B. 

^l^   ...  ,  ii.  100b. 
<)        ...  ,ii.  98b. 

ijJAif,  ii-  353  a. 

^U*A-,  ii.  86  c. 

,JJLj1,  i.  235  a,  279  a. 

wi-AaJI.  ii.  367  D. 

Je*.  JJI,  ii.  353  b. 
iiUjj'l,  ii.  259  c. 

JUJT  ji,  ii.  117  b. 

iuip't,  ii.  256  b. 

iojjjl,  ii.  312  a,  319  bd,  322  a. 
^bj,  i.  29  a,  47  b. 
f\3j,  ii.  351  a. 
j^.jj|,  ii.  362  a. 
J£j|,  ii.  353  n. 

J£)l,  ii.  355  a. 
iijjl,  i.  8  a,  235  a. 
^ja^JI  ^jJI,  i.  28  d. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  401 

J^JI,  ii.  366  d. 
J£j)1,  i.  276  c. 
ijjji\,  ii.  352  a. 


j-etajf  O^i  ii.  21  b. 

0^»C,  i.  13  b;  ii.  355  bd. 
J  ^1)1,  ii.  283  b. 

«m«,  ii.  358  D. 
•    <    t 

J~Ju  w%w,  ii.  358  d. 

£-~JI,  ii.  351b,  368  d. 
Ljlfi,  ii.  362  c. 
Jjuu>,  i.  46  a. 
^yC-Jt,  i.  13  a;  ii.  355  d. 
JjLJt,  i.  36  a. 
&JULJI,  ii.  233  d. 
iuljf,  ii.  356  c. 
"  \  ii.  250  c. 

o  *  9<«    j  a 

£»»Jt  <sui,  i.  179  a,  181  a, 
224  d.  234  a. 

190  d, 

a    o&  j  » 

JjuJI  A-i,  ii.  284  b. 
Sjlw,  i.  14  c. 
hjLi\,  ii.  15  a. 

jki,  ii.  351  c. 
JjL£j^,  ii.  350  a. 
J&,  i.  8  b. 

JUjT^t^,  ii.  117  b,  119  a. 

jjuJI,  ii.  238  c,  351c. 

rtJbg,   indef.   relat.    cl.,   ii.    38  c, 
216  b,  317  c. 

iLlii  i.  105  a;   ii.  114  c,  277  b, 
'  283  a  b. 

iL>U  aa«o.  i.  187  a. 
liiU-  ...  ,i.  187c. 
jjLJfs  '}J&M  SJu^i\,  ii.  276  a. 

^JJI  _3  £j^    

j.'-ro11.'  3a*cJI,  ii.  274b. 

j    J^'iJI    6U—W    Ay-^oJ'    OUL^JI 

JjAaJT,  i.  133  c. 

iSJjl,  i.  19  a. 

...    ,  def.  relat.  cl.,  i.  105b;  ii. 
317  c. 

dJLflJt,  in  metre,  ii.  352  c. 
Jyii«JI  ^  J^UJI  a*-mo,  i.  50b. 

^rjl*;!)1!   ^UaJt,    Add.   et   Corri- 
genda (Vol.  i.  6  c). 

w*^JI,  ii.  358  c. 

w.  II. 




jiibt  6j3j~e,  i.  236  d  ;  ii.  374  a. 

5i      /  3     - 

*•"*»»  j9*e,  i-  7  D. 

j~ira}\,  i.  53  b,  105  bd;  ii.  251c. 
See  JsuljJI,  £«»tjjt,  and  JJUM. 


J.+-0-&,  ii.  265  a. 

2  a    - 

...   ,    i.    285  a,     293  b; 

ii.  81  c  d,  299  b. 

...   ,  ii.  259c. 

e  ^«/» 

II,  i.  245  b. 
JjjOI,  i.  245  c. 
\jo$j*}\  ii.  358  c 

jT  JJae,   ii.    91  a,   283  a, 


ii.  259  b,  264  cd. 

286  d. 
j^>°Ji\       ...    ,  ii.  91a,  282  b. 
J  LI  »        ...    ,  ii.  90  b,  287  a. 
A_iLo^l  ^JLe,  i.  235  b. 
aJjlcUM       ...  ,  i.  235  a. 

i.    285  a,    293  b;  j  «j«|$«A*JI     ...,i.  235b 
ii.  81  c,  299  b. 

i  a    *6>°  j 

J^va^JI  jfr^-oM,  ii-  214  d. 

J<>iji,  ii.  364  c. 

aJUmbJI  t\Sii\,  i.  6  c. 
^All?,  i.  246  b. 
JAlLl,  i.  105  B. 

Jj&l,  ii.  112  c,  253  c,  270  b. 

jkuJl',  ii.  312  a,  319  bd,  322  a. 

J*U,  ii.  275  b. 

JUJI  ,J-«U,  ii.  113  d;  suppressed, 
ii.  120  a. 

3        '  »  -  4         ' 

^yiJLt  J-«U,  ii.  118  c. 
>h3|,  ii.  238  c,  351c. 

(«-— •-»■  vffJ^,  i-  107c;  ii.  243c. 
^     ...  ,  i.  107  d. 
iloJjJI,  i.  245  b. 
s5u£,$U  L5JLc,  ii.  166  c. 
^jJbl  ^Xc,  ii.  51  d. 
J*3s    ...  ,  ii.  297c. 
iC*ft,  ii.  259  c. 

0   ^   »  J 

S  jl«*,  ii.  250  c. 

SjjUmoJI  j  jaJJ  v>c.  ii.  144  a. 

dk^jJl,  i.  290  c. 

J*aJI  o-jc,  i.  30  a. 

jAtoJI  w>^*£,  ii.  356  b. 

^JUJI,  i.  52  c. 
dJL^J- jli,  i.  108  b. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic   Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  403 

fts.,  i.  30  a. 

O**^    ...:i.  234 d. 

'  • ' 

6U>aJ7  lli,  ii.  262  c. 


1   ...,  ii.  30c. 

rtli...i...Jt  jt  w».»J  1  ili.  ii. 




iU,  i.  30  a. 


i.  32  c. 


participle,  i.   131 





323  c;    -Jii, 




verbal    adj.,    i.    136  B;    fern.. 
L  187  a. 

J*UJt,  ii.  123  a,  251  c. 

j~**}\  Ju—o  >L>  J»tlJ,  ii.  257  a. 

*'  _ 

ilcli,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139 a,  177  b; 

collective,  i.  233  a. 
J[j*li,  intens.  adj.,  i.  137  d. 

jj^fcli       ,  i.  139  d. 

aa».,:,r  9x^9,  i-  7  c. 

gilt,  i.  52  b. 

JJjuf,  ii.  259  b. 

iLii.  ii.  113  c,  123  a,  250  c. 

JJL*J,  plur.  fr.,  i.  215  a,  222  d, 
223  a,  239  d;  secondary  plur. 
fr.,  i.  231  D. 

«  ..  •»,»* 
C»"ilL5Ui,  secondary  plur.,  i.  232  b. 

JUi,  inf.,  i.  111c,  122  b;  adj., 
i.  133  c,  136  a. 

Jlxj,   intens.  adj.,  i.  137  a;  with 

the  accus.  or  ,J,  ii.  70  b. 

j  -  - 
JUi,  proper  names,  i.  243  D. 

JUi,  plur.  fr.,  i.  220  c,  240  a. 

JLati,  imper.,  i.  62  b;  proper 
names,  i.  244  a;  as  vocative, 
i.  244  b. 

Ju»,  inf.  i.,i.  111d,  113  b,  122  b; 
inf.  in.,  i.  116  a,  117  ad; 
subst.,   i.    175  d;    plur.  fr.,  i. 

202  d. 

«  i 
JU».    inf.    ii.,   i.    115c;    inf.    ill., 

i.  116a;  inf.  vm.,  i.  116  b. 

JL*J,  inf.  i.,  i.  Ill  D,  113  CD, 
122  b;  adj.,  i.  133c,  136  a; 
subst.,  I.  175  D,  176  cd;  plur. 
fr.,  i.  204  D. 

JUs,  intens.  adj.,  i.  137  d;  plur. 
fr.,  i.  207  B. 

Jl**,  numerals,  i.  241  d,  262  D. 

0*i)l*i,  secondary  plur.,  i.  232  B. 

iJUi,  inf.,  i.  111d,  112  d,  113  a; 
subst.,  i.  159  a. 

iUlxi,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  c;  subst., 
i.  176c;  collective,  i.  233  a. 

iJlxi,  inf.,  i.  111d,  114a;  subst., 
i.  159  a,  176  a;  plur.  fr.,  i. 
224  a. 

<Ul*i,  inf.,  i.  Ill  d;  subst.,  i.  159  a, 
176  BD. 



<UUi,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  c. 
JJUi,  plur.  fr.,  i.  226  c,  239  d. 

l£)Ui,  plur.  fr.,  i.  230  a. 
^J\jJ,  plur.  fr.,  i.  221  b,  240  a. 
^Jlxi,  plur.  fr.,  i.  222  b. 

^JUi,  intens.  adj.,  i.   165  b;  nu- 
meral adj.,  i.  263  c. 
4JU3,  inf.,  i.  Ill  d. 

JJlii,  plur.  fr.,  i.  228  a,  239  d. 

^Jl**,  secondary  plur.  fr.,  i.  231  d. 

Jjii,  i.  30  a,  49  d. 

sjjj]^  JlJjT  Ji*,  i.  43  d,  58  b. 

J*$,  i.  31  a. 

Jli,  for  JjU,  i.  97  c ;  ii.  384  c. 


J*5,  adj.,  i.  133  d,  136  a. 

0  0 

Jjti,  inf.,  i.  110;  adj.,  i.  133  d; 
subst.,  i.  158  c ;  numerals,  i. 
264  b  ;  for  J*9,  ii.  384  c. 

J^UI,  i.  29  a;  ii.  251c. 

^5^*.^!  J*aJ1,  i.  81c. 

...  ,  i.  68b. 

w-^.*:i  J*i,  ii.  124  a. 

J^oU.    J*9,  ii.    15  D. 

JjC       ...  ,  i.  53  a. 

o  - 

■mg^  ...  ... 

C"  ' 

«     *  s    J       IBs  5   »_ 

^Jj^aLc  j^e.  Jj«,  ii.  124  a. 

»l       *      *      J 

kA-A-JwO      ,   i.    30  A. 

JfcUlf  J*»,  i.  50  b. 

*i  9  '  JJ*\tl*JV**J9 

J*j,  inf.,   i.    110  c,    112  d;    adj.,  dAcli^^^  U  Jj*3,  i.  50  b. 

i.  133c,  136a;  subst.,  i.  158c,  ,8     j    ,,,„     t    3   ,,,„    ,,  ^ 

192  c;  plur.  fr.,i.  224  c;  used  J^    £y*J\   J»    ^j^JI   J**!* 

instead   of   Jcl»,    i.    132  d;  JftUUI  ^  jl,i.  50b. 

superl.  with  genitive,  ii.  218  b, 
226  c. 

JjJ,  inf.,  i.  110  c,  112  d,  113  a, 
121  b;  adj.,  i.  133  c;  plur. 
fr.,  i.  224  b. 


Jji5,  proper  names,  i.  243  A. 

*  >  * 
Jj&,  i.  30  b,  49  c  d. 

Jji»,  inf.,  i.  110c;  adj.,  i.  133  c, 
136  a;  subst.,  i.  159  c;  with 
accus.  or  ^J,  ii.  70  B. 

J    B  yBtO  r  *         it- 

J^u^JI  lkJkc  ji,  i.  50  b. 

s«j  -  -  t       o  e 

\J>j*aU  J*j,  ii.  124  a. 

U^Ux^Jt  Jiiil,  i.  68b. 

JZju>  Jjti,  i.  53  a. 

^5UT  Ji*ff,  i.  88  a. 

Ji»,  inf.,  i.   110  d,   121  b;   plur. 
'  fr.,  i.  202  B. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  405 

JjU,  plur.  fr.,  i.  207  B. 

«  *• 

J*i,   subst.,   i.    159  c;    for   J*i, 

"ii.  385  b. 
JJJ,  for  J«i,  i.  97  c  ;  ii.  384  c. 

Jxi,  inf.,  i.  1 10  D  ;  adj.,  i.  133  d  j 
subst.,  i.  158  c ;  plur.  fr.,  i. 
200  a  j  numeral,  i.  263  d. 

J*3,  inf.,  i.  110  d,  121  b;  adj.,  i. 

133d;  plur.  fr.,  i.  199  b. 

j  ^  j 
J*i,  proper  names,  i.  243  d  ;   as 

vocative,  i.  244  b. 

0  i  J  0,    ,    i 

Jjtj,  intens.  adj.,  i.   137  d;  plur.      «U'^Ui,  i.  123  a. 
fr.,  i.  206  d. 

9       J 

J*9,  i.  159  c. 

Jjti,  proper  names,  i.  243  a. 

iJUi,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139b;   plur. 
fr.,  i.  208  B. 

aJU*,  inf.,  i.  111a. 

2^jL«i,  inf.,  i.   111b;  fem.  adj.,  i. 
185  a  b,  240  n. 

*3&$,  inf.,  i.  111b. 

*3Ui»    plur.    fr.,    i.    218  d,    225  b. 
240  a. 

0*}iL*i,  for  «£>•£*£,  i.  192  c,  sqq. 
J^i*i,  i.  117  cd,  118  a. 

ij'iilai,  inf.,   i.   Ill  b;   adj.,  fem. 
I&ii,  i.  133  d,  184  c,  241  b. 

J*»,  adj.,  i.    133  d;    plur.   fr.,  i. 
200  d  ;   numeral,  i.  263  d. 

3JUi,  inf.,  i.  110  d  ;  subst.,  i.  123  a, 
158  c. 

J  ..  A  - 

dJl*j.  names  of  men,  i.  193  a. 

iLU,  inf.,  i.   110  d,   121  c;  plur. 
fr.,  i.  207  c. 

aLJ,  inf.,  i.  Ill  a;  subst., i.  159c. 

4JLsi,  inf.,     ...       ;  subst.,  i.  123d, 
'l58c,  175  c,  192  c;  plur.  fr., 
i.  169d,  209  b. 

ilxi,  plur.  fr.,  i.  208  D. 
dSxs,  inf.,  i.  Ill  a. 


iUi,  inf.,       ...     ;  subst.,  i.  158  c, 
175  c,  192  c. 

(j'iUi,  adj.,  fem.   ^^a*,  i-  133  D, 

136  a,  184  b,  241  b  ;  fem.  £&, 
i.  185  b. 

*  ' ' ' 

^jk*i,  inf.,  i.  111b,  113  c;  adj., 

i.  241  c. 
(j'iJL**,  inf.,  i.   111c;  plur.  fr.,  i. 
216  a;  proper  names,  i.  242 D. 

*  '  • ' 

jj^Ui,    inf.,  i.    111c;   adj.,  tern. 

Jb'SU*,  i-  133  d,  184  c,  241  b; 
plur.  fr.,  i.  217  c. 

Jj&,  i.  47  b,  48  c,  120  d. 
iUUi,  i.  117  cd. 

Jjlii  =  UUi,  ii.  384  a. 

*    » -  - 
OjJLxi,  inf.,  i.  111c. 

J>3&9,  inf.,     ... 



*U>i*9,  i.  120  a. 

'  * ' 
.J**,  inf.,  i.    111a;    fern,  adj.,  i. 

184b,  241b;  plur.  fr.,  i.  220a, 

240  a. 

j^Jlij,  inf.,  i.  111a. 

^JUi,  inf.,  i.   111b;    plur.   fr.,  i. 

220  c. 

'  • J 
^-Jijts,  inf.,  i.   111b;  fern,  adj.,  i. 

184 CD,  240  d. 
^JUs,  inf.,  i.  111b. 

l£*i,  i.  154  b. 

Jyis,  inf.,  i.  112  a;  adj.,  i.  133  d, 
136  c,  146  d,  185  b;  with 
accus.  or  ^J,  ii.  70  b. 

ij$*i,  intens.  adj.,  i.  137  D. 

Jjjii,  inf.,  i.  112  ad,  113  A,  121  d; 
plur.  fr.,  i.  205  B. 

0      ij 

J^ai,  intens.  adj.,  i.  137  d. 

5      x      J  > 

0*^j»i,  secondary  pi.,  i.  232  B. 
ijyj,  inf.,  i.   112  a;  intens.   adj., 

i.    139  b;    fern,    of    J>*i,    i- 
185  c  ;  subst.,  i.  155  d. 

«U^*5,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  c. 

JUyU,  inf.,  i.  112  ad,  113  a,  121  d; 
plur.  fr.,  i.  223  D. 

iJjij,  inf.,  i.  112  a. 

aJytf,  inf.,      ... 

Ja^ii,  i.  166  b,  167  d,  174  c. 

J**I»»,  i.  166  c,  170  c. 

J**i,  inf.,  i.  112  a,  113  cd,  122a; 
adj.,  i.  133  c,  136  a-d,  146  ad, 
186a;  with  accus.  or  ^J,  ii. 

70  b;  with  passive  sense,  ii. 
196  b;  subst.,  i.  154  c,  159  b, 
176  d;  plur.  fr.,  i.  223  c; 
numeral,  i.   263  D. 

J-j*j  =  J**i,  i.  167  a. 

J*ai  =  J-oJ,  i.  136  d. 

J*j«i,  intens.  adj.,  i.  137  D. 

jJd,       ,  i.  138  a. 

JI**,  i.  154c,  159b,  166  b,  174c. 

iJL*i,  inf.,  i.   112b;  intens.  adj., 
'  i.  139b;  subst.,  i.  154b,  159b. 

<UL«i,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  c. 

dJLxi,  i.  154  b,  159  b. 

*%»»,  i.  115  d,  116  c. 

JJti/x.  115  c,  116  c,  117  b. 

J*by,  plur.  fr.,  i.  213  c,  239  d. 

J^iy,  plur.  fr.,  i.  228  a. 

alijJikXi  l5»,  ii.  156  c. 

JU*9,  i.  116  a,  117  a. 

J£,  Jli,  adj.  (for  JL*i),  i.  146  a, 
155  b. 

4-J15,  ii.  351  c. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic   Words,  Paradigms,  etc.  407 

9  s  Z  i   J      is       , 

3*315,  ii.  354  a. 

,  ii.  352  a. 

«?    ..    ,  ,       6   - 

JpUUI  >oUU^51S,  ii.  269  b  d. 

j  5    ^  '   e<» 

»5,  i.  8  a. 

»  i 

j3,  ii.  4  b. 

ii.  4  B. 
JJU&J  Jj,  i.  286  c. 

^...£)t,  ii.  175  d. 

^-a5,  i.  24  D. 

s '      ... 
Sju^ai,  ii.  351  a. 

%iaii\,  ii.  276  a. 
A*Jft5.  ii.  351  a. 

rt,..;.f£u  ^JtfJi  (J),  ii.  178  a. 
J^tfj'l,  ii.  362  d. 

illjjT  oli>,  ii.  100  a,  104  a,  302  a. 
IcJuT ,302  a. 

L^t^i.!  j  ...   ,  ii.  15c,  16  a,  101  d, 
103  d,  258  c,  328  d. 

5j^~=5.  j~*»£»,  i.  7  c. 

<U*Iv*JL*,n)  I  ^£9,  ii.  125  c. 

Sj^siJI^o^.  ii.  125  c. 
ijUXJl,  i.  105c;  ii.  125  c. 
L1L,  i.  107  d. 


o*   s •»  S  *  *     at      *  »*        *  »  *         * 

ii.  104  a. 

a5^£jf^',  ii.  98  b. 

<bila>^JI  *$,  ii.  105a. 

s       »«»  a . 

ii.  98  a. 
.-  -  --    - 
i_<y-J'  *^>  "•  36  B. 

JjS),  i.  30  a. 

J>*$S\  (the  article),  i.  269  a. 
...     (the  J  in  jj&),  i.  30  a. 
i&j&'lji'j  (J),  i.  283  b. 
y^l^ul^U  J^Ut  (J),  ii.  149  c. 
JliLl^J      ...     (J),       ... 

a3iklvj      ...    (J),  ii.  152b. 

jp$\J><)  (J),  i.  291  b;  ii.  35  b. 
(T^U^1  (J),  ii.  148  a. 
£0&J      ...     (J),  ii.  151  d. 

w-a.^iI)  ...  (J),  ii.  152  d. 
ijjJLJLu  ...  (J),  ii.  148c. 
Uujj&°\  j>*$  (the  article),  i.  269  a. 



,^aJ  I  <J.jjj£)  ve^t  (the  article), 
'i.  269  b';  ii.  318  d. 

j^ai\   UujJCi  J>*&)'\   (the  article), 

i.  269  c.' 
J~jJLljU  J>4S\  (J),  i.  291  c;  ii. 
'l51  A. 

j^ujT  aj^lij  J^l  (J),  ii.  61  d, 
287' d' 

^j£bu  jA)'\  (J),  ii.  H8  c. 

'  283  b. 
^JjTJS)  (J),  ii.  29  a. 

0  0  J     vt    * 

...    (J),  ii.  148c. 
t^JLajf  J^'  (the  article),  i.  269  b. 
^JU\  y£».  ^^  (J),  i.  282  d. 
*$  J  £  yl^-^  (J),  i-  283  a. 
^UUjT  4^  >$M  (J)<  »•  148c- 
a«L  >SUI  (J),  ii.  151  a. 
J^T  j^  (the  article),  i.  269  c. 
aJLoUJt  3\  a.5,UJt  >^)1  (J),  i. 

^LL-oJU  >^Ut  (J),  ii.  149  c. 
£~*LuT      ...     (J),  i.  291c. 
yj,  ii.  339  a. 
^JsJu,  i.  246  b. 

ZJl,  i.  108  a. 
AAAa»^JI   ,jjCJ,  ii.  81  n. 

iloL^^f  U,  i.  277  d  ;   ii.  43  c, 
276  b. 

ii.  104  a. 
i^a*juJt    Lo,  i.  98  c. 

ji       ^       ox? 

Ajjla^wJI  ...,  ii.  105  a. 

283  b. 

0       O«o         J 

J*AJI  j»*),  i.  30a. 

^»  (J),  ii.  28  a. 
^Jii  2&i$'\J'§S\  (J),  i.  283  a. 
iilljJT  >&!  (J),  i.  285  b. 

3-JUpl  jt  a^^jjJI  L«,  i.  277  c, 
294  a;  ii.  17  c,  41b,  102  a. 

5  jljjJT  jf  S  juSlpr  U,  i.  278  A  ; 
ii.  193  a,  215  b,  224  c. 

a^Jil  U,  i.  277  b;  ii.  18  a. 

libClT  U,  ii.  81a,  215  bc. 

Js^iJt   ^-x-4  **t==>\^  U,  ii.  43  D. 

i  a     *  ,    '  / ,' 
j^LJU  Sjuj-«  U,  ii.  81  d. 

•       y  •  * 

J-liJU      ,  ii.  82a. 

iJ, Jua^jT  U,  i.  277  b  ;   ii.  29  a, 
215  c,  219  a,  221a,  252  a. 

«UJL)j  ajjjl^uo  L),  ii.  18  a. 

aiL^U,  ii.  95  c. 


,  ii.  17  d. 

I.    Technical  Tei-ms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.   409 

ii^^JT  U,  i.   273  c,  277  a:  iL  ,i)jUU,  ii.  355  bd. 

319  R  J*jSZj\,  ii  365  b. 

Vpi  U,  i.  273c;  ii.  320c.  j^  ..   ^ 

iiiil  U,  i.  98  c.  4^>U^5  ^  355  »»  356  A- 

iLb^jJ  U,  i.  50c;  ii.  269c.  j^  „   ng^  123d 

jcoU.  o«U,  ii.  346  b.  *    £-»    .    _ 

-  •  J%  J-ai«,  i.  o3c. 

,«-e>C)t,  i-  51  c;  ii.  1  a.  ,/    ,  a  ,,.,,„ 

'  <cu  w*».»«»J|,  it  152  d. 

j£»j*)t,  iL  282  b. 

-  "^  j*i*,  L  30  a. 

j^^JI.  ii.  287  c.  j    '-»>' 

,.*^a  VJUUJI,  ii.  363  d. 

iiji\i.  52c,  177c.  ,'       ,  .. 

a  -    ,  « ^  O-^-  »•  3^ B-  3d6  a" 

.  JuiaJl  wjJl.  i.  177c.  ,„,,*, 

^v*T~         *~  ^XS^i\,  i.  52c. 

^Jl  ^  A^H,  i.  177  c.  (^  ^  ^  .  234  d 

^iit  iJ^JI,  i.  179  a.  /£}  £££  L  235  A 

^Ujf    ...     ,L177d.  ^f^^£:,L235A. 

L^*-*^'     jst^I*,  iL  355  b  c. 

£*jO,  i-  31  ^  43  b,  116  c,  139  a.         tffi  i.  52  a 

1 50 C.  j;o  ,    »;    ;-j:- 

l ^1^^^UL74b. 

tju-*J1,  ii.  123  b,  251  c,  25o  b.  ' £   §  ^ 

^f,?,,,,  i..U  jl,  ii.  368  a. 
Iju^o,  ii  253  a,  257  c,  258  a. 

J  jliX  ii.  286  b. 

j  »     j  -  :  j  !. 

4-u  Jju^JI,  ii.  286  b,  287  c. 

i^jjL-o)  I,  ii.  354  b. 

J>jj*—}\,i.   60  D. 


i  «-— •»  i-  234  D.  i  j  »  '»*   .  _rt 

L5^  J^^LLSOc. 

*^»  > 

i,  iL  54  c.  J  t  i  '  Jf:  •  -t 

U~Jt,  i.  o2  c. 

.>~..»M,  iL  123a.  ?frJ  •  lif„  ••  fi,„ 

*-r^  '  uu>a>^,  i.  14  c;  n.  81  c. 

t.^J|  ii.  272  d  i5'  s'  •  o4 

i«,  ii.  355  b.  *».jjL.«,  ii.  351  a. 
w.  ii.  52 

^J-a  ,    160  C, 

161  c,    191  b,    196  b,    244  b, 
245b;  ii.  89  a. 

J^j],  ii.  283  b. 

*t>*  o  j»/ 

lcXlZ~.+}\,  ii.  336a. 

JO  .     S  ,   J  J  9/ 

a~«o  .-JUZw^Jt,  ii.  336  a. 

j      -  -  o   je^ 

II,  ii.  152b. 

j     *  *  o  j  a, 

do  ^Ui-^Jt,  ii.  152  b. 

0    i       0  »C      3*        3       ''0    30* 

dd&J  ^v^,  _j!  dJ  CAil—oJI.  ii.  152  c. 

3  ,  S  .-    0    3  is 

I,  i.  51  d;  ii.  21  b. 

I,  ii.  250  b. 

0*  3*0    30* 

aJI  ja-~oJt,  ii.  250  b. 

a£>jIL<j-\,  i.  32  d,  39  a. 
ijui.-e,  i.  13  d. 

0        3      0     * 

jjiouL*,  ii.  362  a. 

3  *      0    '0* 

jjk-£UoJt,  i.  110b;  ii.  54  c. 

0  It  Oi  t    i  3*0    *0* 

54  c. 

410  Indexes. 

juj^JI,  ii.  367  B. 
j.£b>JLoJ|,  i.  52  c,  177  c. 
Sji  i.  122  d. 
JiJj^,  i.  108  c. 
d,Jj»«,  ii.  351  a. 
Ji^,  ii.  363  b,  365  b. 
cyj-oJI,  i.  60  d. 
^Jbji  i.  108  b. 

,jpUl]  ^Jb^i  L  i°8b>  160b- 

0  s  2<>    J    *      0    *0* 

^JIAM  jj^*JI,  ii.  122  a. 

j  *    £  j  o>o 

j»<=>y<tl\     ...     ,  ii.  74  a. 

J^-JT     ...     ,    i.    119  c,    126  c, 

127  ac,   128  bd,  129  d. 
<■,  *  0        0*0 
c.\j«aa,   cj*a#.  ii.  351  B. 

cjUL2l,  i.  60  c;   ii.  64  b,  199  a, 
364  d. 

3       3     0      *0>°      3  *     3  3* 

^jWI  £,Ux«M,  ii.  22 1>. 

3        30  *  »«J 

cjij-oJI  ...     ,  ii.  18b. 


,  ii.  22  c,  26  c. 

oLcloJI,  i.  108  c;  ii.  66  b,  119  c, 
198  b,  200  a,  201b. 

0*       3    *  3  0* 
aJI    ol-a-oJI,  i.   108  c,  etc.  (see 

j    *  30* 

j-^^j't,  i.  53b,  105  bd;  ii.  251  D. 

cjUJ,   i.  35  d,   36  d,   38  d,  40  d, 

41  c. 

93  * 

i]a.o,  i.  24  C. 

j^iOX  i-  105  b. 

0  *       oi  *  o<o«»  ^    -  *   * 

ii.  164  b. 
5 -  0  3 
wjjjuo,  i-  234  d. 

^jjtoJt,  i.  247  c. 

ii^jLji,  i.  235  c,  247  c;  ii.  117  b. 

3       3   0*0* 

^jjtoJI,  i.  50  c. 
aIu  J^ki^M,  ii.  287  c. 
Jjiiift,  i.  50  c. 

0  *  a  , 

^J  ^*^o,  H.  1  I  b. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic   Words,  Paradigms,  etc.   411 

5  -  -  0 

i»jZj\  ^jix*,  ii.  Ub,  116  d.  AJbuU,  i.  130b,  149  b. 

JjU         ...    ,  ii.  Ill  a.  iladJo,  i.  148  c. 

JcUi,  plur.  fr.,  i.  226  c,  227  b.  hJ&,  i.  149  b. 

iUU-e.  i.  116  a,  117  a.  ddXxJL*.  i.  148  d. 

J-sUU,  plur.  fr.,  i.  228  a.  J>**-«-  particip.,  i.  131  c. 
ijljf,  i.  52  b.  ...     ,  =  Jii,  etc.,  i.  132  c. 

]>U,  i.  108  b;  ii.  357  d.  J****3'  (the  obJect)>  "•  123  A- 

II,  ii.  123  a.  Jy^'  J*****',  ^  50  »■ 

j  _ ,  j .-  - 

JU_Lo,    subst.,    i.    129  a,    130  b;  ^UJI       '  104a- 

numeral,    i.    263  d;    intens.  <^i  •••      ,  ii-  269  d. 

adi.,    i.    138  b;    com.   gen.,   i.        '       a,f  \   j?'m    ••    nco 

s      '  p-i^-^'  <4  J^JtA^Jl,  ii.  2b9  d. 

186c;     with    ace.    or    A,    ii.  <-"'  , 

70  b.  ^j-*11  j**  **  J******',  "•  -69  D- 

5JUi*,  intens.  adj.,  i.  139  D.  j  J?"ft    ••    ,,> 

J  '  «u3  JlyuUeJt,  n.  112  c. 

*  ^  «  -  '  ' 

JjuU,  inf.,  i.  112b;  subst.,  i.  124  d.    ,   *  i    °       *\     ,  "1,  \   J  f'ff  • 

*^  dJUj.1  ,>«  ^1  *tU.*i)  Jyui^JI.  ii. 

J*L,  i.  241  d,  262  d.  '  '  122  a' 

J*iU,inf.,  i.  112b;  subst.,  i.  124d.  Jj  JyO^M,  ii.  122  a. 

:    -  i   J."  «J    J   .•--.-, 

Jj»i«,  i.  112  b.  J-Ua-oJI  J^**«Jt,  ii.  54  c,  72  d, 

*  ^  •  193  d,  270  a. 

JjLiL«,  subst.,  i.  130  b,  149  b; 

intens.  adj.,  i.  138b;  com. 
gen.,  i.  186  c. 

*  ,  0  1 

iJjul«,  i.  131  a. 

3\    ju£»UJU   JJLk^JI   Jyw^J' 
vffi,inT.;)t,  ii.  54  c. 

J*i-»       ...       ,  149  b.  ii.'56B.' 

AXaJU,  inf.,  i.  112b;  subst.,  i.  128c,  jljj&J  Jik^jT  J»»1»J1;  ii.  56  A. 

118b;  plur.  fr.,  i.  225  a.  »*          }.»  >»*>    >  >a,> 

5,     0  ,  fy^-*  JWa-oJ'  Jyta^JI,  ii.  56  a. 

ajxJ-^.    inf.,   i.    112b;    subst.,  i.       S 

*  s  -    -        1     y  »  si* 

128  c;  plur.  fr.,  i.  225  a.  <X3u>  Jyii^JI.  ii.  84  c. 

•  *    a  a  *  5  3' 

rtJL«JU,  inf.,  i.  112  b;  subst.,  i.  l*$yuL*,  -  A*9,  etc.,  i.  132  d:  plur. 
128  c;  plur.  fr.,  i.  225  a.  fr.,  i.  225  a. 



ZiytJLc,  =  Jj«i,  etc.,  i.  132  d. 

9  0 

yJ^JtLc,  intens.  adj.,  i.  138b;  com. 
gen.,  i.  186  c. 

J       -  *  0  J  s* 

lyMOJA^Jt,  ii.  366  b. 

o  -   a  } 

^a*JLc,  ii.  90  D. 

9  *     a  - 

%\xLc,  ii.  359  A. 
OlxkJLo,  ii.  351  A. 

ii  -  ja, 

jHoJI,  i.  52  c. 
j^hjJI,  ii.  122  d. 

i   -  J  .a     '    0x>  -• 

aj^g^oJ  I   ^>o,  i.  273  c,  277  a; 
ii.  319  b. 

ijj-^JT  o-«>  i-  273  c;  ii.  320c. 

* ,    a*        a 

stjO^J  ^>«>  "•  131  A- 

^UJJT,  ii.  131  a. 
<jLJL)  j>«,  ii.  138  a. 

u***^-"  OW?^  O"*'  ii'  138  a. 
ijiuxjllJ  ^j*o,  ii.  137  a. 

'9«a       ~  ,         Ote  J  i 

ii.  174  c. 

'?«     j  »  j 

»^U  Ju*,  ii.  174  c. 

10iO  WC  J  i    > 

5^1    ***aJ  jl   Sj>^JI  Jj'n)  jOrf, 

ii.  174  cd. 
~.j**J>+i  1,  ii.  366  a. 

Jj^wU+M,  ii.  90  b. 

9      'Hi 

^j*eJ*t,  i.  234  d. 

w^-CU^JI,   i.   60  D. 

j      j  a  *  a* 

C>yU©JI,  i.  104  d;  ii.  287  c. 

o      *  a  3 

JucdU*,  i.  53  c. 

0     J«  - 

J^iU,  i.  108c. 

J   0     /Jrf  £ 


.  ,  ii.  138  a. 

6    2 

.  ,  ii.  138  d. 

)_    ^     j" 

.  ,  ii.  137  a. 

J~u£u    .. 

.  ,  ii.  131  D. 

a  S 

.  ,  ii.  138  b. 

^y  ^y*^  (>•>  ii-  136  d. 

..  ..  ja^ 

^>UoJI,  ii.  85  a,  92  c. 

ii.  123  bo.' 
j&U,  i.  247  c. 

J>>iiiJt,  i.  104  d;  ii.  277  b,  287  c. 
Jj«0j*Jt,  ii.  317  c. 
^5*-"?'   J^o^oJt,  i.  105  B. 

JcUUI  £*  ^U,  ii.  269  d. 

j~»J\    ju~«    ^L;    ^li   w*-5L),  ii. 
257  c. 

J^UM  „l>lu  JliU,  ii.  269  a 

a    a>o     *    *  *     9     *•> 

JjiaJI  w>U«  w*5k,  ii.  74  a. 
j^jjlj,  i.  56  B. 
oj*J,  i.  16  u. 
j»J,  i.  108  a. 

I.    Technical  Terms,  Mnemonic  Words,  Paradigms,  etc.   413 

lljuJI,  ii.  86  c. 

1,  i.  109  d,  149  c. 
J.~ftH  i.  8  a,  235  b. 

^j-jT  ^  ^£jf,  ii.  77  c,  276  a. 
pJuH,  i.  105a;  ii.  283  a, 
3UJI,  ii.  354  b. 
ikij.  i.  4  a. 
Ji-JI,  ii.  372  b. 

IjjCJ,  i.  235  c,  247  c;   ii.  116  c, 
117  b,  260  d. 

jC«jT  oA  «•  101  g 

J   s  *t    i  tiga      }      &  * 
*j£>yo)\    ^\,  i.   61  A. 

ijtS^Jl  <jjJ,  i.  101  b. 

iyl     XI  ~, 

*JlDI  |l*,  i.  7  a. 

...,  ii.  372  d. 
oi5>31    ...  ,  ii.  371c,  372 d. 
?Vjb,  ii.  351  a. 
«*>J^JI,  ii.  363  c. 
>»*,  S>8Jk,  i.  16  d. 

jLfcl^l,  i.  52  b. 
'js\^\,  ii.  363  b. 
sTjLl.'ffi  jlj.  ii.  333 a. 


w     J 



ii.  33  A;  with  ace, 

ii.  84  b. 
ii.  262  b,  332  d. 

ii.  216  d. 
ii.  175  b. 

ii.  84  b. 

ii.  33  A;  with  ace, 

ii.  84  B. 
ii.   33  a;  with  ace, 

ii.  84  b,  325  d. 

0    ago       )*     » 

j3y  ii.  358  D. 
Jjjj**  jJj,  ii.  358  d. 

9       Jt/ 


5  0/ 

yjjj,  ii.  351  B. 

A       «o      J    >    - 

J**N  Oj>  i-  245  c. 
oi-«yt,  i.  105  a. 
u.iupfrJI,  i.  245  b. 

*    9  *        */    0    * 

J-ej,  SJLoj,  i.  19  A. 

JLa-J^l    S>-»-A,  i.  152  b,  157  a,      lyIa*J  ,>«  SU^JI  lUt,  i.  4b. 
189  a. 

ij^—Jt  Sj-aJk.  ii.  307  c. 

AJx&Jt  Sj^Jb,  i.  21  a,  74  b. 

ajjuJU  U,  ii.  94  a. 

O^-^H'  i.  16  a. 
J-fiU'i,  i.  228  a. 


*  j  »  *        j     a  . 

,  269  b.        J**j,  J**j,  from  JjtJ,  i.  59  d. 




L  for  _  or  ^— ,  in  the  vocative, 

ii.  87  c. 
1  for  M ,  i.  9  d. 

I*,  o\l,  i.  295 d;  ii.  93c. 

\—  for  \L ,  in  pause,  ii.  369  b,  370c. 

\1  for  fjl , 

t_l   for  j^_,   in    the    vocative,   ii. 
87  c.   ' 


\1  for  ^jL  ,  i.  61  D. 

*  for  I,  I,  y  ^£,  i.  17  c. 

I,  elided,  i.  19  c. 

I,  omitted  in  writing,  i.  23  A. 

I  fori,  i.  18  d. 

I  for  initial^,  i.  214 d. 

1,  interj.,  i.  294  b;  ii.  85  a. 

I,  interrog.,  i.  24  a,  282  b;  ii.  96  a, 
306  d. 

J3— \  i.  284  c;  ii.  307  b. 
t  for  initial  j,  i.  119  a. 
1  =  ^1,  interj.,  i.  285  c. 
I  for  initial  y  i.  80  a,  119  a,  172  b. 
1  =  1,  interrog.,  ii.  376  d. 
C>!_  for  Ol_,  ii.  96  a. 
f,  interj.,  i.  294  b;  ii.  85  a. 
lC,l  157  a,  185  a,  240  b. 
Jtj\,  Ji\,  n.  53  a. 


j  ji.T,  i.  240  a. 
j*ll,  ii.  227  a 

JsA,  ii.  102  a. 

Jl,  i.  181a. 

JijT,  J'jT,  i.  259  c. 

iC\,  interj.,  ii.  85a 

1a,  i.  249a,  251  d;  ii   203a;  ^J\ 

,i  ii         S   i 

for  bt,  ii.  95  d;  bt  =  w>t,  i. 
249  c;  (j^St  i.  196a;  C-jI, 
*J|,  °«Lj'|,  ii.  87  d,  88  a. 

i-Ljt,  i.  240  b;  ii.  279  c. 

ObjHl,  i-  190  c. 

i«^Jt,  i.  240  b  ;  ii.  279  c. 

Jjf  for  JbJ,  ii-  385  c. 

J*t,  i.  20  a,  23  b,  249  b;  ii.  91  c, 
'  93  d,  203  b,  204  a,  314  a. 

2   'it 

jj^jUvl,  i.  163  a. 

'£>\ ,  i.  20  a,  250  a;  ii.  91  d,  203  b. 

J^S,  i.  20  a,  239  b. 
^t,  i.  93  b. 
ObiI$f,  i.  190  c. 
'  Jl,  i.  76  d. 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


«   it 
^yl,  i.  229  d. 

^1,  i.  74  c,  93  a;  ii.  46  D,  53  a. 
103  b. 

OL1j»,  OL^'.  l  20a>  255 cd  : 
ii.  236  b. 

.-.Uijl,  i.  153  b. 
£tj^.*ft  i.  190  c. 
Ji-1,  i.  283  c. 

*44-'e,  i-   195  a,  240  b;  ii   278  d, 

282  a. 

<■  *  • 
»-U».l.  ii.  46  a. 

ji^mA,  i.  35  d. 

j^».t.  ii.  236  a. 
^jkfc.1,  i.  184  d. 

^jaJ\,  i.   196  B. 

J^U-t,  i-  163  a. 

O'j-U-fft  i.  190  c. 

1\,    i.   249  a,    251  d;    ii.    203  b, 

204  b;  C)***y  i-  196a. 
1\,  li,  i.  295  a. 

Ol£XyC  i.  190  c. 

9     a  I       *      *  *  ? 

w*».t,  Ol^A.1,  i.  194  c. 
JuU,  i.  76  c— 77  a;  ii.  108  d. 
ji.f,  i.  199  d,  240  a. 

,    0    I 

^JjA-\,  i.  184  d,  199  d,  240  a. 
j£U.t,  ii  107  d,  108  a 
it,  adverb,  i.  283  d. 


SI,  conj.,  i  291  D. 

131.  conj.,  i  292  a  ;  with  the  Perl, 
ii.  9c;  with  the  Imperf.,  ii 
10  a;   with    the   Jussive,    ii. 

12  b;   ISI  or  U  ISI  with  two 
correlat.  clauses,  ii  9  D. 

IS],  adverb,  i  283  d;  ii.  345  c. 

w>  ISI,  ii  157  D. 

U  ISI,  i  292  a;  ii.  9  d. 

JIS|,  JIS  SJ,  i  284  b. 

U  SI,  i  291  d;  ii.  14  c. 

'SJ,  OSI.  i  284b,  292  a:  with  the 
Subjunct.,  ii.  33  c. 

&i*  wJkSl,  ii.  143  c. 
C^jf  iT^Sl,  i  266  a. 
•IJl  for  Sdjl,  i  121  a. 
>ljl,  ii.  107  c. 
^Iji  i  221  b. 

sjy*>jl>  i-  195  c. 
^£j\,  ii  48  d. 

A,  i  20  a. 
clwl,  i.  68  a,  87  d. 

*    *  a£ 

«Uwl,  i.  233  b. 
Jo»JLwl.  i  77  b. 



O^w-t,  ii.  304  d. 
jilt,  ii.  280  a. 
^£jjj~i\,  i.  47  b. 

cdll,  elk^t,  clkll  i.  68  a,  87  d: 

ii.  380  c. 
jjlwl,  ii.  102  A. 
J£\,  i.  20  a. 

£t>^l%  i.  190  c. 

jJwl,  Add.  et  Corrigenda  (Vol.  i. 
36  a). 

Ill],  i.  211  D,  240  b. 

11^1,  ii.  15  c,  102  a. 

S      -    0     '      o 

^gjjjAJft-et,  i.  153  d. 
0>i-o^i  i-  190  c. 
yiylfa,  i  191  a. 
^^.Lit,  ii.  102  a. 
b>-©1,  i.  62  d. 

j  -  j  j      #      a 

jUj-nJI,  i.  190  c. 

o  I     el 

cl   cl,  i.  295  c. 

j&\,  i.  140d. 

sJ\,  lit,  etc.,  i.  295  a. 

^kit  for  ^t,  i.  12  d. 

•<jil,  i.  291  b. 

oiyi,  i.  233  b. 

JU'SI  for  lolSI,  i.  121a. 
s  r 

Jjfl,  ii.  108  d. 

w*£>1,  i.  35  d. 

Jg£>\,  i.  195  a,  240  b;  ii.  279  c. 


Jl,  the  article,  i.  15  c,  19  c,  23  d, 
269  a. 

Jl  =  ^JJt,  i.  269  d. 

Jl  =  Ji,  i.  288  a. 

*§\,  interj.,  i.  294  c. 

*$\,  interrog.,  i.  284  b  ;  ii.  24  b, 
309  d,  311b. 

Jit  •$,  i.  284  b;  ii.  310  a. 

C  <)\,  ii.  310  b. 

*§\  =  4*,i.  284c,  288a. 

*^t,  interrog.,  ii.  310  c. 

•$  =  N?  J],  i.  16  a,  292  c;  with 
the  Subjunct.,  ii.  22  c,  25  a, 
304  d. 

•Jl,  i.  16  a,  292  d;  ii.  32  a,  39  c, 
104  b,    172  d,    254  b,    289  d, 

291a,   335  d,   341a;    *3|  re- 
peated   ju^liJ,    ii.    338  d  ; 

•J]  aJjT  JJjll,  ii.  339  d;  $\ 
with  pronom.  suffixes,  ii.  340  a. 

0\$\  =  od,  i-  293  d;  ii.  340  c. 

O^t,  0*5y,  i.  265  d. 
^\,  i.  271  a. 

jj\,  i.  25  d;  ii.  146  b. 

^Jjf,  i.  270  d;  ii.  318  d,  320  c. 

«..     at      «    j  at 

ai-JI,  o-^'.  i-  210  bd. 

II.     Arabic    Words,   Terminations,  etc. 


oUI,  i.  259  a;  ii.  238  d,  244  b. 

Lifi,  i.  62  n. 

M.  i.  77  c. 

aX)\  (v.)  for  aIm  (-),  ii.  383  d. 

.**JJI,  ii.  89  D  ;  before  ^1  and 
ii.  89  d,  340  a. 

^M,  ii.  107  c. 

«*    ,  i 
jJI,j)jt,  i.  195  d,  265  d. 

o»y t.  i.  259  c. 

^M  or  ^U  ^Jjf.  i.  271c. 

J\,  i.  280b,  281  a;  ii.  63  b,  144  b. 

»«*«  =  .**.,    ii-  78  A i    =£~^-J,    ii. 
146b;  ^k  ^JUI,  ibid. 

^XJI  =  Ujui..  ii.  77  n. 
«>.T  ^Jl,  ii.  146  a. 

C«l  J],  i.  285  d. 
Osi  tji-  "•  190  c. 

£&.£*  ^1,  ii.  146  a. 

J>i  j^JI,  ii.  190  c. 

%*  Jl 

Jl,  ft{  i.  265  b. 

Jit,  i.  284  c,  292  b  ;  ii.  306  c,  307  b, 
308  b,  309  a. 

Jl  =  jl,  i.  270  a. 
w.  ii. 

j>\,  i.  284  c;  ii.  310  b. 

V  ■ 
j»\.  ii.  203  a. 

Ul,  i.  284  c:  ii.  310  b. 

J[  Ut,  i.  284  c:  ii.  310  c. 

Ul.  followed  by  ^  i.  292  b. 

UI  =  U  ol  i-  16  b. 

U,i.  292n:Jl— Ul.orUl  I—  Ul, 


L«l  =-  L«   ^1,    i.    16  a;    ii.   43  a: 
followed  by  a  Jussive,  ii.  43  n. 

^'U  or  LJiUl,  i.  284  c. 

j»Ul,  i.  281c:  ii.  187  b. 

iUUt,  ii.  75  d,  187  c. 

I,  <ul.  ol£il,  ii.  87  d,  88  a. 

-  -   :        *t-  9 

3^*1.  51^*1,  i.  20  a. 

J     .-  6  J  O 

•j*l.  ^*l,  i.  239  b. 
^t,  i.  290  a. 

'  *|,  ii.  15  c,  102  a. 

Oly-ot,  i.  233  b. 
0*y*l  i-  217  c. 
\\y»\,  i.  233  b. 
,jt,  for  Ul,  i.  54  d. 

o  £ 

O'j  i-  16  A,  292  b  :  with  the 
Subjunct.,  ii.  22  c,  25  a;  with 
the  Perl,  ii.  25  d  :  with  the 
Perf.  or  Imperf.,  ii.  26  a, 
27  a  :  omitted  before  the 



Subjunct.,  ii.  26  D:  with  the 
Jussive,  ii.  27  b;  =  lest,  ii. 
27  b;  after  prepositions,  etc., 
ii.  192  b,   220  c;  prepositions 

omitted  before  ^>l,  ii.  193  b. 
q\,  for  ^jl,  ii.  81  c. 

Oj,  i.  292  d;  ii.   347  c;  with  the 
Perf.,  ii.  14  B;  in  two  correlat. 

J&\,  i.  233  c. 

..  -•  it 

j-bUI,  i.  65  d. 

-    ai 

OJI,  i.  54  a. 

j  J  si 

^£>\,  i.  55  a. 
ISs,  i.  201  b. 
f*£jj\,  i.  41  d. 

A.      I      a 

clauses,    ii.    15  a;    with    the   \  ,-*UI,  ^Ut,  i*~~>\,  i-  228  d. 
Jussive,     ii.     23  c ;     in    two 

correlat.  clauses,  ii.   36  D. 

Jl,  for  £>!,  i.  284  d;  ii.  81c. 

,jl,   negat.,    i.    284  c;   ii.    104  b, 
105  a,  300  d. 

^tl  for  ll  (aJjkJ?  <J)I),  ii.  390  d. 

^l_,  for  ^>j_,  i.  236  c. 

^j\,  i.  293a;  with  Imperf.  Indie.  = 

<jl  with  Subjunct.,  ii.  25  n ; 

after  JU>,  etc.,  ii.  47  b  ;  with 
the  accus.,  ii.  78  D,  259  c, 
263  b  ;  after  prepositions,  ii. 
192  b;   prepositions   omitted 

before  ,jl,  ii.  193  b. 
01,  =  J*3,  i-  290  b. 

lijt,  ii.  108  d. 

,jt,   i.  284  d;   after  J13,  etc.,  ii. 

47  a;  with  the  accus.,  ii.  78d,   j  J*'  »•  309c- 
259  c,    263  b;    in   oaths,    ii.       '.JLil   i.  195  c 
175  D. 

*.a...A>l,  i.   41  D. 
,  ,  -    a 


Jj6\,  ii.  102  a,  103  c. 

UJt,  i-  285  b;  ii.  254  b,  335  b. 

u~+J\,  i.  65  d. 


<Ol,  i.  54  d. 

Ji\,  i.  285  b;  ii.  14  c. 
,<j|— ,  rel.  adj.,  i.  164  b. 
S,  H,  ol  IaT,  etc.,  i.  294  c. 

«l_,  see  1_;  el_,  n.  94  c. 

«l_,  in  pause  for  Ol— ,  ii.  370  B. 

Jlit,  i.  221  B. 

Jit,  i.  181a;  ii.  203  a. 

Ul,  i.  25  d. 
Ul,  i.  54  a  cd. 

y,  i.  22  a,  293  b;  ii.  14d,  306  c, 
307  d,  309  a;  with  the 
Subjunct.,  ii.  33  a. 

II.     Arabic    Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


ji,  jf,  etc.,  i.  294  c. 

iiijl,  ii.  106  b,  107  a. 

jy,    i.    240  a,    260  a;    ii.    219  b, 
227  d. 

^jt»jt  jy,i260cD. 

Jjl,  i.  240  a. 
^jl,  i.  291  B. 
y^l,  i.  195  d,  265  d. 
jj\,  ;<)J,  i.  265  b. 

•$'»  •'^'!  *ls'i  etc->  *■  294  c. 
d  suprascript,  i.  lie. 
^1,  interj.,  ii.  85  A. 

^£\,  that  is,  i.  285  c. 

... ,  interj.,  i.  294  b  ;  ii.  85  a. 

*  '<■ 
...  ,  for  ^1  with  suffixes,  i.  276  c. 

^1.  i.  285  c. 

^1,  interrog.,  i.  270  c,  275  d;  ii. 

220  a,  315  b. 

^j\,   relative,  i.  270  c,  273  d  ;   n. 
14  c,  318  D. 

^£l,  expressing  surprise,  n.  316  c. 

LI,  i.  294  b;  ii.  85  a. 

C\,  i.  103  b;  ii.  69  d,  326  a,  329  a; 
l>efore  a  subst.,  ii.  76  b. 

ilbl,  ii.  75  a. 

ly£;t.  i.  295  c;  ii.  85  a,  92  c. 
-u>l,  i.  295  b. 

-  ii 

Umj\,  i.  96  c. 
JlT|,  i.  276  c. 

Cjl,  i.  292  b,  293  a. 

C«,  i-  293  a. 

U,»t,  interrog.,  i.  270  c,  276  C 

...,  relative,  i.  270  c,  274  a;  ii. 
14c;  expressing  surprise,  ii. 
316  d. 

0     .ii 

(j^jl,  interrog.,  i.  270  c. 

^>^»1,  relative,  L  270  c,  274  A;  ii. 
14  c. 

££?\,  i.  20  b,  24  b,  279  d. 

J^l,  i.  285  d;  ii.  14  c. 


4->1,  ajI,  i.  295  a. 

t^t,  i.  295  a. 

\A,  i.  294  c;  ii.  85  a,  92  c. 

0\y_l  I  229  c. 

,  ii     6.  »  -  ti 

\yj\,  0^j\,  6yi\,  i 

J^t,  i.  276  d;  ii.  317  b. 

,ii     »  ,  »  *  ti 

\yj\,  oy>\,  t>}j\,  i.  285  c. 

s    - 

^jbl,  U  jjW',  OW>  i-  285  d;  ii. 
6  14  c. 

l*Ij>t,  expressing  surprise,  ii.  316d. 

i.  279  bc;  ii.  156  c:  redundant, 
ii.  161  d;  in  oaths,  ii.  175  d; 
with  ^miu  and  i^-c,  ii.  281  c. 




*"**'  i^W>  ii-  162  a. 

u~5*>,  i.  58  d. 

-o        ,  ,t, 

u~Zj  (u-^>  u*»b,  u-^)>  i-  97  ab; 

ii.  290a. 

-  o  *  -  a 

U  j^j,  l».Jb ,  i.  97  b. 
C>b,  ii.  15  c,  102a. 

-  *   *  *  *  oi- 

j^b  -  juul,  i.  34  a. 
£Jb  =  iJbt,  i.  34  a. 
iULc  aJJb,  ii.  172  c. 
wo,  i.  68  d. 
£J,  i.  200  b,  240  b. 
•i-j,  etc.,  i.  295  a. 

^yU^j,    OU»j,    ^biJ,    ^5^, 

i.  228  d. 
jjjju,  ii.  163  a,  185  b. 

jj'jju,  i.  159  b. 

^jj,  i.  58  D. 

Ijj,  ii.  102  a,  103  c. 

S\jj,  i.  208  c 

Jjj,  i.  200  d. 

ajbl^o— j,  i.  23  a;  ii.  163  c. 

%JJ,  i.  200  b,  240  b. 

0        0*  0     0  0-0 

x  -a.  j,    %*aj ,    4-ju-clj,  i.  255  b, 

256  ad,  258  a;  ii.  237  c. 
^iu,  i.  22G  h. 

*   A  J  -  J  *- 

,  i.  98  b. 

,  i.  281  cd;  ii.  186  d. 


jju,  jju  yj*e,  i.  288  b. 

>   0  -  10'        0 

»,  ii.  207  a,  267  c,  280  b, 
295  c. 

o  o  j  o*o 

sjoju  =  ^bbt ,  ii.  59  d. 
ii.  163  a. 

Ub  for  ,Jb,  Add.  et  Corrigenda 

(Vol.  i.  91  a). 
^aj,  ii.  102  a. 

ojSJ,  ii.  Ill  a. 

Jj,  i.  15d,  285d;  ii.  308b,  334c; 
with  the  genit.,  ii.  217  a. 

0  ,  0*3         }  ,  OS         ii 

J^  =  Jt  >o,  ii.  381a;  =  J\  y>\, 
ii.  381  d. 

iu,  i.  279  b;  ii.  163  a,  303  d. 

i  o* 
w^rAj,  i.  24  d. 

jjb,  i.  178  d. 

s  0  -  0  s 

j~»*Xj,  i.  24 d. 
lb,  ii.  78b. 
^Jb,  i.  285  d. 
C*~  w»  iJ-  160  d,  193  a. 
^JLt  *Uj,  ii.  170  d. 

ObJ,  i.  194  c. 

^  for  ^>j|,  i.  23  b;  ii.  91c. 
%,i.  250  a;  ii.  203  b,  204  a. 

for    c~~»j.    Add.   et   Corri- 
genda (Vol.  i.  91  a). 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


yj,  ii.  290  c,  296  c. 
(jyi-i,  i.  195  c. 

^,  i.  253  a. 

•  '  '  ..      _ 

ou  for  [yj  in  pause,  ii.  372  c. 

3    *»* 
U?W'  i-  157  c. 

«    j 

^^j ,  i.  202  b. 

0>*y>  *■  195  D. 
w,  i.  226  a. 

iJj,  i.  289  c. 

S  0  J  •  «• 

(^jJLfrJt  C~J,  ii.  233  c. 
£i,  i.  289  a;  ii.  342  c. 
v>lJ,  i.  281c;  ii.  180  b. 
^i  ^>J,  i.  290  a. 
J\—0*,  ii-  181  b. 

Uli,  i.  286  a;  ii.  181 1>. 

^$*J,  i.  195  d. 
olaL*,  i.  281  D. 

5,  i.  7  a.     ^ 

s  - 

5_,    i.    183  d,    184  a;    as    a    plur. 

term.,  i.  232  d. 
O  for  5,  in  rhyme,  ii.  369  c  d. 

O,  i.  279  b;  ii.  175  c. 
£>,  i.  93  a. 

13,  i.  265  a. 

J)\J,  i.  266  d. 

ijjLJ,  i.  39  c;  iL  3  b. 

),  1.    i  I  A. 

J-»ULj,  i.  40  b. 

cJl-1  Osl^l  i-  281  d;  ii.  182  a  b. 

i     a  y       )      a  -       a 

Ua*J  ^>«,  i.  288  b. 
J,  i.  279  d. 
,>,  i.  77  a. 
Jail*J,  i.  40  b. 
ju,  i.  25  c. 
^JpUJ,  i.  39  d. 
^'Ui,  i.  39  c. 
...    ,  and  similar  perfects  after 
the  name  of  God,  ii.  3  b. 
JIi5,  ii.  49  a. 

Jp  =  J2I,  ii.  380  b. 
J&,  i-  279  d. 
tliJb,  i.  281  d. 
itib,  i.  267  bc. 

*u,  i.  93  a. 
^jyJ,  A3,  aj,  i.  265  a. 
^»lyj.  i.  154  a. 
<bjy,  i.  1 2  a. 

^0^33,  ii.  48  D. 
^tj  i.  265  a. 

-  a* 

jk*3,  ii.  78  B. 
i.  266  n. 



Jtf  for  ^JU,  i.  261  a. 
>,  i.  264  a. 

^^j,  i.  293  b;  with  Subjunct.,  ii. 
33  A ;  with  ^J  and  Jussive, 
ii.  36  B. 

0       „ 

,  i.  293  b. 
&,  i.  25  d. 
jU«b,  i.  253  d,  254  c. 

*U,  ii.  103  b. 
JU,  i.  145  c. 

if    f         if  o  i 

Ul».  =  U».t,  i.  34  a. 
oJmw  Jl»>,  ii.  55  b. 
JL,  ii.  207  d,  279  c. 
ijljuj^Jl,  i.  190  b. 
Olj^».,  i.  193  b. 

0       If 

jjj^,  i.  185  d,  215  c. 
J^L,  ii.  48  d,  108  d. 
SU^  JiL,  ii.  3  b. 
i^L,  i.  200b,  240  a;  ii.  278 d. 
L^i.,  ii.  206b,  278b,  282a,  296a. 
U***.,  ii.  206  b. 
/)L,l  213 d. 
'  '.,  i.  295  b. 
i.  286  b. 

»-,  i.  25  d. 

SU.,  i.  295  b. 

^ijJus.  ^pU.,  i.  262  a. 

J&L,  \iiL,  ^U.,  ii.  342  d. 
JU-,  ii.  272  a. 

Z^.,  i.  69  a. 

i     J  if 

y*>,    ytfc,    i.    98A. 

w^-^l**.!,  ii.  59  b. 

ii.  236  d. 

i  if      j       -  j  if 
Uv^LaJI,  ii.  382  a. 

IJu^.,  i.  98  b. 

^I*.,  prep.,  i.  280  b;  ii.  146  b. 

0     f  J»    f 

...  ,  as  oilaP  >-i/4>..  ii.  147 b. 

...  ,  conj.,  i.  293c;  with  the 
Subjunct.,  ii.  22  c,  29  b;  with 
Perf.  or  Imperf.  Indie,  ii. 
29  D. 

lit  Ji£,  ii.  12  c,  13  cd. 

U^.,  ii.  48  d. 

ii.  382  b. 

f    Of      f      f 

«SL>jl%*>,  ii.  74  B. 

0      f      J 

^»,  i.  201  b. 

0       J    f 

j  5»x«>-  i.  186  a. 

tlj^,  i.  281  u. 

»  ^  ~  f 

_jjufc..  for  ilj^*.,  i.  12d. 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc.  423 

-  i  ,  ,  ' 
0)j*"i  i-  196  b.  *>*»■>  i-  289  a. 

O.V--,  i.  196  a.  J£^,  i.  292  a. 

JjL,  ii.  107  d,  108  c.  Ji^-.  *&*-,  etc.,  i.  294  d;  J^. 

-  sat 

w ».,  i.  58  c;  ii.  48  d.  with  accus.  =  Uy— ^  w*jI>   ii 

»  j 

.,  i.  288  c. 

<■  j  ^ 

^>~».,  t>~fc,  L  98  a b. 

O'l^-,  i-  218d. 

,  i.  58  d. 

78  b. 

«  i  - 

«*-».,  112  a,  121  c. 


*».,  i.  94  d. 

0>^-,  i-  196  a.  C 

'  '.,  ii.  342  d. 

(N,  L   26  A. 

JU,  ii.  48  d. 

j>\±.  =  ^~ eU. ,  i.  261  a. 

A'        A   J 

^j-o».,  i.  162  a. 
s'  Jt^,  i.  76  cd. 

J.!,  ii.  207  d,  279  c. 
W--5-U-   i.  185  d. 
J^.,  i.  249  a,  252  a. 
lU-,  ^,  i.  284  c. 
^<^S\=j»\^Lj\,  ii.  382  a. 

^JLJU*. .  ii.  74  a. 


*■     0    «■ 

w>>»v  i-  295  b. 

J^.,  i.  281  d;  ii.  188  b. 

^,  i.  294  c. 

.,  ii.  143  c. 
^J*.,  ii.  103  d. 
^U.,  ii.  341c. 
^iS^fc.,  lUJU.,  i.  219  bc. 

"L,  i.  281  d;  ii.  187  d. 
.,  i.  264  a. 

J*-»i  =  J*ot,  i.  34  a. 

»  ^  o  ^          -       v»lj,  ii-  101  D. 

,i  .288  b.  iib.fop^lii.  18  d. 

&.,ii.Uc.  ^,ii.48D. 

x,  t,          A.        Uj,  ii.  45  c. 
the   Energetic, 

"•  43  c.  <£*♦*>,  >»>t,  i.  59  b. 

-».,  i.  290  a.  ^J'^3,  ii.  74  b. 

^9^  ^  A 



OP,   0*i>>  »•  28lD;-   il  182d;     A  1249  a,  252  a,  265c;  ii.  203  a: 

^voUt,    ii.    186  c;       ^-J,    ii. 

163  a,  185  b;  =^,  ii.  184c; 
meaning  beyond,  above,  ibid. ; 

opposed  to  i\jj,  ii.  186  c. 
&>$y     Juk.  or  ^6jJI,  ii.  78  a,  1 83  B. 
iUji,     iUU,  ii.  183  c. 
Ill,*,  i.  229  d. 

J^iy  chW>>  i-  229  D- 
JLLj,  i.  175  b,  229  c. 


|>,  i.   265  a  ;   after   Q,   ii.  93  A ; 

after  sj*  and  U,  ii.   312  B; 

after  C,  ii.  89  c. 
J&h,  i.  266  d. 
OlS,  ii.  272  a. 

Ol*,  i.  265  d;  =  JM,  i.  272  d. 
^jju  Ot3,  ii.  110  b. 
^^T  /l  JU*L)T  Oli,  ii.  Ill  c. 
Sj*  Olj,  ii.  110  b. 


Jli,  i.  266  c,  267  c. 
ibi,  i.  267  ac. 
Oi,  i.  284  b. 
^i,  oi,  oi,  i.  265  a. 

=  ^JJt,  i.  272  b. 

^ju  3a,  ii.  110  b. 

jji,  i.  196  c. 
^3,  i.  265  a. 

C-»»3j  w*jj  etc.,  i.  268  d. 


j,  used  instead  of  c,  i.  6  d. 

\),  for  ^  ii.  374  d. 


»lj,  foi '^».j,  ii.  382b. 

^tj,  i.  77  c,  93  b;  ii.  48  d,  50  b. 

.-      »       j    * 
^_Jzjb  jijIj,  i.  262 a. 

llj,  ii.  102  a. 

vj?ib'  L  153d- 
J\j3\jl\A.  190  d. 

^j,  ii.  214  b. 

^j,  i.  289  b;  ii.  216  a. 

4>J,   w»>   Vj>   *!-»>   "'    215A- 
o    ,i        »      J 

cJj,  cJj,  ii.  215  a. 

UJj,  i.  289  a;  ii.  215  bc,  216  c; 
with  the  Energetic,  ii.  42  c. 

Zj,  £>j,  ii.  214  c,  215  a. 

1^,1^1,1.12  a. 

gjj,  i.  263  d. 

i«J.J,  i.  57  n;  ii.  102  a. 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


»  0  -  *  J  . 

J*?-j,  for  J^-j,  ii.  384  d. 

^ij,  i.  69  c  d. 

•»»  j      *  j  ^ 

*    i  - 

1^5**^  J*?-j)  "•  273  d. 

Sy^j,  i.  12  a,  121c. 

*^  J4-j,  ii.  274  d. 

»»jj,  i.  69  d. 

a».j,  *j,  i.  25  d. 


«lij,  ii.  211  a. 

,-ix«»j,  i.  162b. 

Jij  =  Jlj,  i-  83  d. 

Jy->j,  i.  136  D. 


L£j,  for  i^-oj,  Add.  et  Corrigenda 

^  i.  282  d;  ii.  19  a,  346  d. 

(Yol.  i.  91  a). 


gL,  i.  98  b. 

<toj,  i.  25  d. 

s  ~  * 

A  ** 

jjl*,  ii.  206  d. 

J*j,  i.  290  c. 

5    .. 

£  ^* 

C>L»,  i.  261  a. 

C^j      - 

^    ^  * 


iy£*J,  i.  58  c. 


^,  i.  68  d. 

jL»  =jjU,  i.  145  d. 

<Lcj,  ii.  280  A. 

5     - 

^Lj,  i.  145  b. 

^•j,  Add.  et   Corrigenda  (Vol.  i. 

UL<  =  -kiwi.  i.  34  a. 

30  c). 

JL»,  JL»,  i.  24  c,  77  b,  84  c. 

Oj,  for  «,  i.  93  b. 

,  5  „                  j     „,^  5  „ 

Ij-JI,  for  wJU-JI,  ii.  382  a. 

^jj,  ii.  272  a. 

5     *  0' 

v>x--»,  ii.  248  a. 

^U-jj,  i.  157  c. 

j£~»,  for  j^wl,  i.  67  b. 

^Jj,  i.  94  d. 

^J.sw— >:  i.  153  d. 

jujj,  ii.  78  B. 

^Ll,  ii.    Ill  A. 

£\Jj,  for  ^j,  ii.  374  d. 

^     0     J 

Jj.a*   in1 

*  *o  *      *  a  - 

Ut»j,  *£*o,  i-  289  b. 

^  o  «.  »  * 

dLjjju^,  ii  74  b. 


0  x 

«JL;,  ii.  19  b. 

„ „ 

0       S'        5^    i  ^ 

Jlj,  ii.  102  a,  103  c. 

5gU«»,  *uUL>,  i.  183  d,  184  a. 

j^j,  i.  57  d;  ii.  48  d. 

s  - 

Jlw,  i.  77  b. 

W.    II. 




SjU-*,  i.  183  d. 

J    0  J  -        -  ^  C 

Ojj-w,j»it,  i.  59  b. 

Q  s  s  *> 

A$Lo~t,  i.  147  d. 

-    j  j 

^jy^i,  i.    196  B. 

cjjj,  ii.  108  D. 
Jiji,,  i.  30  c. 


J*£,  i.  57  c. 

2~i,  ii.  19  b. 

alii,  i.  233  b. 

5/J  J        <i,        j 

*>$-*,  »*»,  i-  120  c. 


J^Ui,  i.  154  d. 

S3S>,    i.    282  d,   289  b; 
346  d. 

i^,,  i3^,  i.  200  c. 

\Jy~»,    l^,    "•    209  c ; 

ii.    19  a, 
ij*~;,    ii- 

i3        "■ 

fj^i,,  i>j£,  i.  172  a 
oUi,  i-  233  b. 
wwsi,  i.  295  b. 

._~»,  ii.  19b. 

jlj~i,  i.  229  d. 

3            3    - 

CL,  i.  289  b  ;  ii.  344  a. 

!jui,  («*-w,  i.    151  B  D 


3    - 
j^^*w,  i.  151  c. 

Ji,  for  J,  i.  101  D. 


»!£,  i.  233  b. 

«-L>,  ii.  89  a. 

j»li>,  i.  145  c. 

J^li,  ii.  203  a. 

JLi,  JIA,  i.  145  bc. 
>l&,  i.  154  a. 
dl£,  dli,  i.  145  bc. 
jukli,,  i.  225  d. 
jjjtt,  i.  229  d. 

A*^i,  4*w,  ii.  211  A. 

Olli  OUA,  i.  289  d. 
JLi,  i.  68  d. 
Jii,  i.  202  D. 

jLe,  ii.  15  c,  102  a. 
illi,  i.  205  a. 

sCJj't,  i.  208  c. 

sLU  ^-L^,  i.  289  d. 

fm~0,   i.    26  A. 

0     *  ' 

}$**o,  i.  186  a. 
ILo,  i.  57  d. 
^oJtLc,  i.  25  d. 
\^o,  i.  12  a,  121  c. 

II.     Arabic   Words,   Terminations,  etc. 


2    ,», 

^UUio,  i.  157  c. 

*i  i.  295  a. 


O^c,  i.  181  D. 

uj         x    x  a    x  A        x    x  a    x 

^y^ju-o,  ^yiUju-o,  i.  164  D. 
w>j*o,  i.  185  d. 

x  x    0      x 

^0,  ii.  Ill  A. 

I  ju  jlw  aZ>j*6,  ii.  54  A  D. 

S         J    x 

«i»^i-o,  i.  185  d. 

jj   x    x        3  * 

ai'%a  J-«9,  ii.  55  b. 


^l-b,  i.  155  b. 
cU>,  i.  145  b. 

JU»,  i.  295  c. 

«  x 
(jU»,  i.  145  c. 

JJ»,  ii.  108  D. 

^jjtk,  i.  57  d. 

J,U«i>,  i.  118  a. 

J&,  ii.  108  d. 

<j&,  i.  295  c. 


ja,     ... 

sJJ?,  i.  57  d. 
<LuJLoJ9,  i.  117  d. 
&£,  i.  213  d. 

-i~Js>   ?~J9,  i-  295  c. 


JJ»,  ii.  15  c,  102  A. 

,j-t»,  ii.  48  D. 

1  ',     ■■ 
jj-b,  n.  51  d. 


jU,  ii.  102  a. 

O^Jtei  i-  195  c. 
J£=j£,L  34  a. 

IIU,  ii.  206  c,  278  b,  282  a. 

«x    x, 

«U>L^,  i.  231  c. 

s  e 

^jjuc,  i.  162  a. 

2  x  •>' 
^AhS,  i.  162  b. 

S  xix 

^Ic,  i.  280  b. 
olaLft,  i.  204  D. 

jlc,  ii.  48  d. 

jtft,  for  ojs-,  ii.  380  c. 

Ijlc,  ii.  341  c. 

a   x  x 

^j^ft,  i.  295  b. 


W  x 

l^jjkC,  i.  151  c. 

x  a  x 

jUj*,  i.  62c. 
Oli^c,  i.  243  b. 

9    H<X     J 

\j-ij£ ,  i.  1 7 1  b. 

J>c,  i.  207  b. 

^j— p,  ii.  15  u,  107  d. 

428  Indexes. 

jl£e,  i.  204  d. 

J     *    J 

jtlc,  i.  263  b. 

<>  a  * 

jJiS;  i.  255  a. 

"  '  * ' 

^jj^s-  ,  ii.  248  a. 

5  o 

^JjjtLc;  i.  153  B. 

JjUt    wsAAC,  i.  62  D. 

t>  =  J1    U5^'  *"  281  ^  ""  381  A- 
J^,  Jaj,  i.  68  d. 

Je,  i.  290  b;  ii.  82  c. 

t^Xc,  ii.  45  d,  108  d. 

J^,  ii.  48  d. 

Cfc,  ii.  82  d. 

j^,  i.  280  c,  281  ac  ;  ii.  166  c. 

<u  JjJLc,  ii.  172  b. 

JLU  =  S±.  or  jeji\,  ii.  78  a. 

w>  AJs.  =  Sm.,  ii.  172  d. 

&*§£  ^jLJ  (JLp,  ii.  172  d. 

jjjJU,  i.  195  d. 

Jk,  i.  25  d. 
>,  i.  78  c. 
^,  C^,i.  284  c. 

6  =ii,  ii.  143  a,  193  a. 
US  »>^>  i-  16  a,  281  b. 
j-U,  i.  12  c. 

0  0  «• 

^,    i.    16  a,    280  c,    281  b;    ii. 

139b;     in    comparisons,     ii. 

142  a;    =  jk  it j,     ii.    143  a; 

originally    a   substantive,    ii. 

143  d. 

o    *  o  £ 

^>c  =  ,j|,  i.  292  c. 

O*,  i.  290  b. 

Usj'l  =  £>lJ\,  ii.  382  b. 

juc,  i.  281  d;  ii.  166  a,  178  d. 

Jjjs-  =  ii-  or^ojjl,  ii.  78  a,  179  d. 

UjOfr,  i.  293  c. 


'    0  ' 

ua^z,  i.  288  B. 

UO^S;  i.   281  D. 

kbji,  i.  120  c. 

j**,  i-  146  b. 

J^ft,  i.  226  b;  ii.  272  a,  280  a  d, 
282  b. 

.-*£,  i.  95a. 


c,  replaced  by  j,  i.  6  D. 
Jjli,  i.  295  b. 

^,  ii.  187  a. 

5  ' 
w*£,  i-  264  b. 

jS,  ii.  206  a. 
iji,  ii.  102  a. 

*  *    0  3 

Sjj^i,  ii.  Ill  A. 

Sjj^i,  pi.  Ujci,  i-  222  d;  connected 

0     is 

with  ,jjJ,  ii.  165  d. 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


(«*<tf,  i.  154  d. 

J>£,  i.  290  b. 

y£.,  i.  288  c ;  j-*JI.  instead  of  j+£, 

ii.  208  c;  Jli,  ii  208  a,  296a; 

jLk,   ii.    303  d,    340  c; 

ii.  208  c. 
ii  ^It  =oXJ,  i.  293  d;  ii.  340c. 

0  c 


i»5,  with ^Jk,  ..A,  i.  54c. 

i»J,  as  w~op  *-*/»■>  i-  290  D;  ii. 
288 ad,  325a,  330a. 

si,  after  Ut,  i.  291  A. 

•  yj,  after  0,  i-  291  D. 

«  0 

(.J,  marking  the  apodosis  of  ^j\, 
ii.  3  B,  15  c,  40  B,  345  a  sqq. ; 
omitted,  ii.  346  a. 

O,  with  the  Subjunctive,  ii.  30  c, 
32  B. 

O,  with  the  Genitive,  ii.  217  a. 
J6,  i.  291  a. 
ly-i,  ii.  162  b. 

^£,  ii.  102  a,  103  c. 

J      0     ^    - 

^ *j,  L  288  c. 

cj$,  ii.  46  A. 
VfS,  i.  200  d. 
J-o»,  i.  58  d. 
^>t  !>Lii,  ii-  141  d. 

Jaii,  i.  286  b. 

,Ji,   with   the   Jussive,    i.    291b; 

ii.  35  c. 
Ji,  iU,  ii.  89  b,  381a. 
jU,  i.  207  d. 
O^i,  i.  278  a. 

is        ,  J 

AJ^i,  i.  241  d,  278  a. 

%,  i.  239  c,  249  b,  252  a. 

ouoi  =  Ui,  i-  274  d. 

^,  C-oi,  i.  293  b. 

4i,  for  sJ,  i.  93  B. 

y,  i.  249  b,  252  a. 

^y,  ^j-^i,  etc.,  i.  120  c. 

jy,  Jjy,  i.  281  d;  ii.  182  b. 

Jt/  J  0  -         0 

<3V'  jy  C^>  »■  288  B- 

^y,  i.  280c,  281b;  ii.  61a,  111c, 

,     ^  ^     0^ 

£•  or  ^>*j, 

153  d,  199  d; 
ii.  154  c. 

O*}  We*,  ii-  180  d. 
«U*s,  ii.  Ill  A. 

Jf,  i.  93  b,  94  c;  ii.  48  c. 
J*ti,  ii  206  a. 
Jli,  ii.  47  a,  48  d,  50  d. 
j>\3,  ii.  108  d. 
JJ,  i.  295  c. 
jli,  JIJ,  i.  281  d;  ii.  186  d. 



Jt/         JO. 


cM,  J*5  i>?>  i-  288  B- 
Jls,  i.  281  d;  ii.  180  a. 

jj»,  with  the  Perf.,  i.  286  B;  ii.  3  c, 
5  a,  79  b,  346  d;  in  correla- 
tive clauses,  ii.  7  c;  with  the 
Imperf.,  i.  286  c;  ii.  21  r>. 

,  ..  0  -• 

,jl£»  j3,  with  the  Perl,  ii.  5  o. 
JtjU,  i.  282  a;  ii.  187  b. 
jjj,  ii  211  a. 
J>S$,  i-  178  D. 
j{$j-$,  i.  62  c. 

j-m.5,  i.  205  d. 

h3,  Li,  i.  286  d. 

Ski,  i.  57  D;  ii.  103  B. 

*,  a'fjc  * 

^Ij.5,  i.  171  b. 
^3.5,  i.  295  b. 
Lt^5,  i.  229  c. 

J,  i.  280  a;  ii.  176  c. 
<\£>,  i.  276  d;  ii.  127  b. 

U=>    ■■■ 
jm  ... 

>&,  ii.  106  b. 

Jl£>,  for  JUJc&,  i.  268  d. 

jj=,,  ii.  99  a,  196  a,  197  d,  258  b, 
266  a. 

^l£»,   with    the    Imperf.,   ii.   8  B, 

16  c,  21b. 
...   ,  with  the  Perf.,  ii.  5c,  15c, 

16  a;  after  3J,  ii.  6  c,  7  D. 
...   ,  omitted,  ii.  100  D. 
...   ,  redundant,  ii.  101  A. 
...   ,  after  verbal  nouns  =  he  (it) 

was,  wan  formerly,  ii.  101  D. 
...   ,  imperative  of,  with  name  of 

person  in  accus.,  ii.  44  c. 
0  -     - 

lv3l^.lj    oL4,  ii.    101  d,   266  a, 

298  c. 

£,(£,  i.  292  c;  ii.  81c,  82  b. 
qU>,L  293  b;  ii.  78  d. 
w>  ^->^=>,  ii-  158  a. 
,j\d»,i.  276  d;  ii.  127  b. 

b    Hit   + 


J  0  JO-  J  -  JO'  _    „    , 

jfi\t  for  jg}\,  ii.  384  d. 

yj?-* ,  with    genitive  in    negative 
sentences,  ii.  219  d. 

il£>,  i.  200  b,  240  b. 

£j&  =  £lj&,  ii.  383  d. 

J*£i»,   with   genitive   in    negative 
sentences,  ii.  219  d. 

\SL,  ^JA,  i.  266  a,  269  a,  287  a; 
ii.  127  d;  \'j£>  IJ^>  or  li4 
IJ^j,ii.  127  D,  128  a. 

II.     Arabic  Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


A1J&,  i.  268  a,  287  a. 
yj^>,  i  228  d. 
^JJ=>,  ii  106  b,  107  b. 
JzUJ$\,  i  190  c. 
{Jjl^s.  i.  230  d. 


J&,  i  178  d. 

^j*£>,  used  impersonally,  ii.  271  d. 

J4,  i.  76  c. 

j£>,  ii.  204  c,  262  a;  278  b,  282  a, 
297  c. 

"*£>,  i.  287  a. 

*U*,  UX£>,  ii.  212  d,  280  b,  2S2  a. 

oi^>,  ii.  214  b. 

Cl4,  ii.  14  c. 

J&,  Jjl£»,ii  214b. 

j&,  i.  274  bc;  ii.  125  b  c. 
JJs,  ior^L,  i  22  b,  101  d. 

L»£»  —  as  soon  as,  ii.  178  a. 

C^>  =  J,  ii.  177  c,  193  a. 

wJI  U&,  ii.  177  d. 

Sj£&,  i.  186  a. 

^>,  i.  293  d  ;  ii.  22  c,  28  a. 

O  -      it,  6      0, 

"^jr9-   L3*^'  0*r&>   i-  276  d  ;  ii. 
127  b. 

j  j 

C-l^>i  <^J=>,  i-  268  d. 

LJ=>'3  'Ojs.  i.  268  d. 
j~£=>  =  >l£>,  i.  83  d. 

^■■Js*,  i.  220  d. 
'L£>,  i.  289  c;  ii.  14  c,  24  b. 

lX^>,  ii-  He;  24  b. 
%£»,  i.  293  d  ;  ii  22  c,  28  a. 
C?<S  ii.  29  a  ;  ,jl  Cl4,  ii.  29  b. 

d^j=>  =  Lo-^>.  i.  274  d. 

J,  for  Jl,  i.  23  d. 


U'  ^or  tJ>  i.  291  b  ;  ii.  35  c. 

J,  i.  24  a,  282  d;  ii.  19  b,  51c, 
79  ab,  81  d,  175  d,  260  a, 
261c,  265  c,  348  d;  with  the 
Energetic,    ii.    41  d,    42 cd; 

with  yk ,  j-A ,  i.  54  c. 
J,  for  J,  prep.,  i.  279c;  ii.  152b. 

J,  prep.,  i.  23d,  279  bc;  ii.  147 d, 
199  d;  expressing  the  com- 
plement in  the  genitive,  ii. 
61  A;  after  nomina  actionis, 
ii  61  D;  after  nomina  agentis, 
ii.  68  c,  96  d;  instead  of  the 
accus.,  with  the  finite  verb, 
ii.  69  c;  after  verbal  ad- 
jectives, ii.  70a,  71abd; 
inserted    to    strengthen    the 

annexation,  ii.   95  c  ;  =  .JU, 
ii.  148  d. 
tj,  with  the  Subjunct.,  i   291  c; 
ii.  22  c,  28  a. 



^J,  with  the  Jussive,  i.  291  b;  ii. 
35  b  ;  omitted,  ii.  35  d. 

<),  i.  287  a;  ii.  300  a,  333  a,  347  a; 
with  the  Perf.  retaining  its 
original  meaning,  ii.  2  D . 
with  the  Perf.,  as  optative, 
ii.  3  a,  304  c;  in  oaths,  asse- 
verations, etc.,  ii.  2  a,  304  b  ; 
with  the  Imperf.,  ii.  20  D ; 
with  the  Jussive,  ii.  36  B, 
43  D ;  with  the  Energetic, 
ii.  42  A,  44  a;  prohibitive, 
ii.  306  a  ;  governing  the 
accus.,  ii.  94  c ;  inserted  be- 
tween prep,  and  genitive,  ii. 

224  D ;    prefixed    to    ,j1 ,    ii. 
302  a. 
*^,   after  a  previous   negative,   ii. 
2  b,  303  a,  327  b. 

N),  after  j*c,  ii.  209  a;  after  j-ji, 
^j ,  and  ,j^i,  ii.  303  D. 

<),  iorjlk,  ii.  209  b. 

„  OP 

^,  redundant  with  ,jl,  after  verbs 
of  forbidding,  fearing,  etc., 
ii.  304  c. 

Jj  *§,  i.  289  c. 

JJ  %  ii.  335  a. 

J^i.  <),  i.  289  d. 

J^t-  »i  S>,  j*-  »i  %  i-  289  n- 
Jlj  iii.  2d. 
l^L  <J,  W~-  <),  i.  289  b. 
iUU  *j,  ii.  98  c,  172  c. 

j-si  n),  ii.  208  d,  340  b. 

aJuL^  S),  i.  289  c. 

£)y£j  *$,  as  an  exceptive,  ii.  343  c. 

$),  i.  292  c;  ii.  28  a. 

^A  i.  292  d. 

^•9,  i.  292  c;  ii.  28  a. 

£<)  =  $3,  i-  290  c. 
£&  i.  293  b;  ii.  78  d. 
C>SJ,  i.  96  d;  ii.  105  a. 
c^,  i.  145  c. 

£<),  for  V>£J,  ii.  379  d. 
&£*y,  0**<),  ii.  333  d. 
OS),  for  J$l,  "•  323  d,  380  b. 
6<),  for  Jj,  ii.  380  B. 
Jik^,  forJ$f,  ii.  380  b. 
*JU1  O-rt^  i  20b- 
C~J,  wJI,  i.  59  b. 
JLJ,  ii.  74  a. 
JaJ,  ii.  45  d. 

j^J,  for  j-U-^f,  ii.  380  d. 
OLaJ,  l5«1>,  i.  193  b. 

Jj,  jj,  i.  280  c. 
ijj,  i.  280c,  281  a;  ii.  165  b. 
^jj,  i.  280c,  281b;  ii.  165b,  179d. 
^jj,i.  280c,  281a;u.  165b,  179  d. 

II.     Arabic  Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


Ji),  i.  290  b;  ii.  108  c;  with 
accus.,  ii.  82  c;  with  genitive, 
ii.  83  a. 

U&J,  ii.  82  d. 
aJUJ,  i.  26  b. 

JA  i.  290  b. 

jlsi,  ii  190  c. 

OJ6,  i.  290  c. 

OU^JUJ,  for  C*&ji£*&  ii.  380  d. 

jJU,  ii.  176  a. 

£*t  &,  L  287  b;  ii.  81  d,  82  b,  I  ^   L   290b'   ^   the   accus" 

ii.  82  c,  83  d. 

two  correlative  clauses,  ii.  6b; 
optative,  ii  347  c. 

O'  >J,  ii-  6  b,  348  a. 

•^J,   i.  287  c,    294  a  ;   ii.   6  b  d, 
262  c;  interrog.,  ii.  310  c. 

Jjp,  i.  294  a;  ii.  6  b. 

-  o* 

Uy,    i.    287  c,    294  a;    interrog., 
ii.  310  a 

OP,  i.  290  c. 

JU,  i.  221  b. 

333  d;  with  accus.,  ii.  78  d. 
%£,  J^,  i.  293  d;  ii.  22  c,  28  a. 

4-U.    expressing    admiration,    ii. 
'150  a. 

*p  *U,  expressing  admiration,  ii. 

150  a. 

^oJ,   i    287  b  ;    with    the   Jussive, 
ii.  15  d,  22  d,  41b,  347  a. 

UoJ,  not  yet,  i.  287  b  c;  with  the 
Jussive,  ii.  22  d,  41  b. 

Q,  after,  with  the  Perf.,  i.  294  a; 
synonymous  with  ^t,  i  294  a; 

ii.  340  A. 
ili,  ii.  190  c. 

&,  i.  287  c ;  ii.  22  c,  25  a,  300  c, 
346  d. 

O-^j  for  ^^,  i.  285  b. 

y,  i.  22  a,  294  a;  ii  347b;  with 
w.    II. 

U^J,  ii.  82  d. 

^-J,  verb,  i.  96  b;  ii.  15  d,  102  b, 
103  c,  302  a;  negative  par- 
ticle, ii.  302  b,  346  d;  ex- 
ceptive, ii.  343  c  ;  with  pro- 
nominal suffixes,  ii.  343  d. 

Sfl  J£,  ii.  340  b. 

^li.  j^J,  ii.  208  d,  340  b. 

il  *      JO* 

oJUl  j^,  i.  20  b. 

It  &    j    j  a* 

aJUI  ^^    ... 


j»j»,  i.  25  d. 

*         * 
j>  iorj»,  in  pause,  ii.  371  c. 

j»  ov  j»  =  U,  i.  274  b  c;  ii.  371  c. 

A-  i 
aJUI^o,  ii.  176  b. 

U,  interrog.,  i.  270  c,  275  c ;  ii. 
298  d,  311  d. 




U,    relative,   i.   270  c,    273  b;   ii.   |   J^U,  JyfcU,  i.  164  a 
267  d,  319  a;    relative,  with 
conditional     sense,    ii.    14  c, 
23  cd. 

U,  indefinite,  i.  277  a;  ii.  137  d; 
with  intensifying  force,  ii. 
276  b. 

U,  negative,  i.  287  c ;  ii.  266  b, 
346  d  ;  with  the  Imperf.,  ii.  j 
20  D,  300  d;  with  the  Perf., 
ii.  300  d;  with  the  accus., 
ii.  104  a;  neg.  interrog.,  ii. 
311  A. 

U,  as  long  as,  with  the  Perf., 
i.  294  a;  ii.  17  c. 

U,  inserted  before  a  clause,  after 
a  preposition,  etc.,  ii.  192  B, 
220  c. 

U,  redundant,  after  w>j,  ii.  215  b; 

0  6-  - 

after  ,>«,  <>£,  w>,  ,*),  ii.  193a; 

5      -     -> 

between  the  sJLaa   and   the 
aJ\  JU«,  ii.   224  c. 

£,1  U,  i.  284  d;  ii.  301b. 

^£j  U,  ii.  180  d,  243  a. 

l£l».  to,  etc.,  ii.  343  b. 

%±.  U,  ii.  341  c. 

%  U,  with  the  Jussive,  as  neg.  of 

a^^-^jjji  u,  ii.  17  d. 

(^A)  ^b  U,ii.  144  d,  276  c. 
0\  -sjlyb  U,  ii.  340  c. 

He,  i5U,  i.  258 abd;  ii.  235a, 

238  d,  239  a,  244  b. 
Jj£*,L  153  b. 
6U,  i.  295  b. 
^f  gU,  ii.  273  d. 
OU,  i.  86  a. 

JyU,  i.  154  a. 
«U,  «U,  i.  145bc. 


a,   i.    287  c ;    ■<* 
294  b;  ii.  14  c. 

>,    LoULo,    i. 

jJL,  ii.  210  a. 

j>sL«>  i-  125c- 
jLq,sw,»,  i.  126  b. 
OjjJl*,  i.  146  a. 
^tjJjLo,  i.  188  c. 
ij,  i.  22  b,  280  d;  ii.  173  c. 

oJj  Xi11- 190c- 

ji  =  L^,  ii.  382  b. 
jj,  i.  76  c. 

1^1,51^1,1.  20  b. 

Ji^o,  i.  125  c. 

jka....^»,  i.  125  c. 

jUa.-©,  for  jUa£~«,  L  68  A. 

II.     Arabic   Words, 
JbuuLo,  i.  125  c. 

^X 6 

*  ,,  0    J 

£)jZL«,  ii.  251  d. 
JlJJL,  i.  129  b. 

9       0, 

<$j£~*,  i.  125  d. 

«         I  0 

Sj&Lo,  i.  12  a. 
j-cl«,  i.  178  d. 

S  3     0     - 

j_js«a^.  i.  146  a. 
jLiuo,  for  cLiuo.  i.  6  d. 
^«^a-o-)l.  ii.  251  D. 
xXLo,  i.  125  d. 
SjJiS,  I  128  d. 

Terminations,  etc. 


**,  **,  i.  280  d;  ii.  164b;  pro- 
perly the  accus.  of  a  noun, 
ii.  165  A. 

\ac,  i.  26  b. 
j^x«Jt,  ii.  251  D. 

,  +  *  *  o 

Ljco  =  UjUc,  ii.  164  c. 
w>>**°>  L   125  D. 
JpJ>,  i.  131  a. 
^tJUfi,  ii  251  d,  268  c. 

9     0  x 

<ji/i*.  i.  125  d. 

jljJLa,  ii.  211  a. 

«    j » - 

ij^io,  i.  146  a. 

J-o  =  JT  o-«,  i.  281  c;  ii.  380  d. 

U-9,  0-8-*'  *«  16  a,  281  b. 

C»  =  O*,  ii  131  c,  133  c,  193  a. 

ij-o,  interrog.,  i.  270  c,  275  A;  ii. 
298  d,  311  d. 

...,  relative,  i.  270c,  273b;  ii 
267  D,  319  a;  implying  a  con- 
dition, with  the  Perf.,  ii.  14  c, 
and  with  the  Jussive,  ii. 
23  cd,  262  b. 

... ,  indefinite,  i.  277  a. 

,     s  0       , 

IJJo  ^Ji  ^>«,  ii.  163  c. 

U*&  O-f  (^  v>»>  ^  139a- 


jj-*,  i.    15  d,    16  a,    22  b,    280  d, 

281  bc;  ii.  61  a,  123  b  c, 
125  b,  126  b,  129  bc,  199  d, 
237  a,  242  a;  after  compara- 
tive adjj.,  ii.  132  d,  133; 
after  a  negat.  or  interrog., 
ii.  1 35  d,  289  b  ;  preceded  by 
an  indefinite  noun,  ii.  136b; 
expressing  the  agent  of  the 
Passive,  ii.  139  a,  270  d;  used 

0  * 

J-^oJjJ,  ii.  138  b;  originally  a 

j  0  j 
subst.,    ii.    135  d;    =  Jj*e,    ii. 

175  A;     =  Jju    or    jui-e,    ii. 

130  B  D  ;  with  an  indefinite 
genitive,  forming  the  subject 

of  a  sentence,  ii.  135c;  dU-o 

iUU,  ii.  139  A. 

0   £        0 

J>-c*.\  >^c,  ii.  131  d. 
ju»»t     ...  ,  ii.  136  A B. 



O-i'  O-* 

,  i.  285  d. 

l^M  =  JjUJI  and  LjUbJI,  ii.  38' 

0  - 

,  ii.  189  b. 

382  a. 

,  ii.  188  c. 

i»-C,  i.  233  c. 


a   * 
CoJ  ... 

,  ii.  189  a. 

•  jJliU,  i.  154  a. 

0    - 

,  ii.  190  a. 

0       0  , 

wwU,  i.  125  i). 

OtAa.   ... 

Oji    ... 

,  ii.  182  d. 

OvU,  i.  275  b. 

0    J0  J 

ijZ*o,  i.  138  d. 

J  ' 

J*    ... 

,  i.  288  b. 

0    j  a  -     o       3    a  > 

j±..'-.o,  j^< ic,  i.  126  a. 

Ji  ... 

,  ii.  173  a. 

Xu,  i.  280  d;  ii.  173  b. 

0    .- 

,  ii.  143  d. 

&»J~o,  i.  126  a. 



,  ii.  189  c. 

j    j    a  *e* 

Jj^JeU^JI,  ii.  251  d. 


,  ii.  136  c. 

0,  , 

4-u,  i.  275  b. 

0  , 

,  ii.  163  a. 



«,y    ... 

Jj3i     ... 

,  ii.  136  d. 

,  ii.  189  a. 

\JjU,  i.  154  a. 

i    ,<>+    2    , 

L5^ttJI,  jJU,  i.  275  d;  ii.  314  b. 

J*3     ... 

,  ii.  189  b. 

a  -                 «. 

a*,  for  j>,  in  pause,  ii.  371  c. 

s>*  ... 

ii.  189  d. 

«u  =  U,  i.  274  d. 

0      .»• 

o^   ••• 
jjji  ... , 

ii.  165  c,  189  c. 
ii.  136  d. 

ou,  a-o.  i.  295  a. 
C&Vijl^,  J^V*,  i.  228  d. 

t         ■»    •» 

_  „  -.    >   > 

ii.  1 65  B. 
ii.  190  a. 
ii.  136  d. 

ii.  176  b. 
^fj  ,>*,  ii.  176  b. 

U^i,  ii.  14  c,  137  d. 

o  *  a  * 

O-ovo*  ii.  14  c. 

o    *  a,  j 

d\JuyA,  i.  63  d. 
dL^,  i.  233  b. 

C^i  "•  230  d. 
JJU,  ii.  342  c. 

j     *  -a* 

II.     Arabic  Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


O,  i-  26  a. 

^j,  of  the  2nd  Energetic  of  verbs, 
rejected,  i.  22  D. 

£,  for  ^yi,  ii.  371  d. 

ij—,  for  t_,  in  rhyme,  ii.  369  c. 

Q,  for  U,  in  1st  p.  pi.  Perf,,  i.  55  d; 
ii.  384  a. 

£,  for  ^,  i.  101  d. 
U,  i.  25  d. 
JjJ,  i.  233  c. 

JaU,  i.  287  d. 

<■  t>  , 
^a»J,  ii.  178  c. 

Xj,  i.  295  b. 

£ji,  i.  57  d. 

fll),  i.  203  b,  233  b. 

o£j,  J£1j,  i.  209  c,  217  c,  233  b. 

<)\  dJLM  Jti jLij,  ii.  339  d. 

^jUu,  i.  223  c. 

JaS,  i.  264  a. 

JUj,  i  264  a;  ii.  280  b,  282  b. 
i,  i.  264  a. 

,  i.  97  a — d;  ii. 

5,  i.  58  c  D. 

,  i.  283  d. 

>  ^*->.  >»l»i,  i.  287  d. 
U*j,  i.  97  b. 
JL\Ju,  i.  204  d. 
JLi5,   ii.  272  a,  280  d,  282  b. 
,-JUju,  i.  164c. 

J3,  i.  69  a. 
Jjjj,  i.  200  d. 
j^y,  for  ^j,  i.  21  c  D,  101  d. 

Lo,    for    ..J,    ._>,    in    rhyme,    ii. 
371  cd. 
Lj,  i.  258  a. 

J,  for  ^y,  ^j,  in  rhyme,  i.  101  d; 
ii.  371  c. 

*_,    in   the    Imperative,    i.    90  D, 
93  a. 

0  - 

«_,  in  pause,  ii.  369  c  d. 

0  J 

«_=  final  o,  i.  10  b. 

o  =  I,  i.  282  b;  in  the  form  Jjtil, 
i.  36  b. 

6,  for  «,   i.    101  c,   253  b,   279  c, 

290  a. 
U  Jju,  i.  97  b. 

U  =  j±.,  i.  296  c. 

IJuU,  i.  54  d. 

U,  i.  268  a,  294  c. 



Ia  =  S*.,  i.  296  c. 

sIa,  gU  =  S&.,  i.  296  c. 
JgTi  =  XL,  i.  296  c. 
IJueU,  i.  54  D. 
OU,  i.  36  c,  296  b. 
i)UU  iUU,  i.  268  c. 
IllSlA,  i.  268  c. 
jU,  jIa,  i.  145  bc. 
c'n)   cU,  i.  145  b. 
JU  =  XL,  i.  296  c ;  ii.  77  d. 
oU,  i.  294  c. 
LaU,  LaIa,  i.  288  a. 
wjA,  ii.  49  a. 
w*A,  ii.  108  d. 
bjlk,  i.  186  a. 
-La,  IsLa,  i.  295  b. 

iuLuJk,  ii.  74  b. 

\jl,  i.  268  b;  ii.  89  d. 

t ii  (^),  for  I Xk  (-),  ii.  383  c. 

t JJk  =  iSl  i.  282  c. 

^JLjjilJjk,  ii.  74  b. 

iJljJb,  i.  268  c. 

a  jjb,  j^JJk,  i.  268  b. 

jjb,  i.  69  a. 
L\j*,  i.  36  b. 

il^A,  i.  36  b. 

J£a       ...    ,  67  d. 

U^A,  i.  295  b. 

a  j     o  j 

*A  *a,  i.  295  c. 

I X&,  i.  268  d,  287  d. 

Ja  =  J1,  i.  270  a. 

ijjb,  interrog.,   i.   15  d,  288  a;   ii. 

308  c;    J\   Jl   J.    &    Ja, 

ii.  309  d. 
%k,  i.  294  c,  295  b. 

•&A,  i.  288  a;  ii.  310  c. 
JJ<a,  i.  294  d,  296  b. 

J^jU,  ii.  107  c. 
J^a,  ii.  107  d. 
J,*,  Ua,  i.  282  c,  284  c. 
Ji*,  for^A,  i.  22  d,  101  c. 
Jr&,  for^A,  i.  22  d,  101  d,  279  c. 
J,A        ...   ,i.  22b,  55  a,  101  d. 

Ua,  for  Ua,  i.  101  c,  279  c. 

J>A,  for  o\,  i-  292  d. 

,ja,    i.   249  a,    252  a;    O.*^-*'  *• 

196  a;    fern.    2jX,    i.    278  b; 

ijjb,  fern.   <UA,   C~iA,  in  the 
vocative,  ii.  89  b  c. 

J>*,  f°r  0'>  *•  285  b. 

II.     Arabic  Words,  Terminations,  etc. 
^>A,  for  IjJk,  i.  279  c. 


La,  La,  i.  288  a. 
JLa,  i.  36  c. 
JLa,  i)LA,  i.  288  a. 
iULA,  i.  288  a. 
\Lj*   Lua,  ii.  74  d. 

LyA,  L>a,  i.  288  a. 
i)Lyk,  L  288  a. 
^a,  for  Ja,  ii.  385  c,  390  b. 
^A,  i.  54  a;  ii.  258Dseq. 

yb  U  jA,  ii.  276  c. 

^  for  ^t,  i.  285  c. 

^A,  for  ^A,  ii.  385  c. 
JjA,  i.  54  a. 
La,  i.  294  b;  ii.  85  a. 
JjA,  La,  i.  294  d,  296  b. 
La,  for  U,  i.  104  a. 


C~a,  i.  294  d. 
£~A,  i.  295  b. 

juA,  juA,  i.  295  b. 

O^lk,  i.  36  c,  67  d. 

OL^Ia,  i.  294  d. 

^*A,  Add.  et  Corrigenda  (Vol.  i. 
30  c). 

— ,  for  _,  in  vulgar  pronunciation, 
i.  213  d. 

3— ,  for  e|_  and  ^_,  i.  12  d. 
J,  i.  17  c. 

j,  for  j  medial,  i.  119  c,    145  c, 

205  d,  206  b,  210  ac. 
j,  for  J,  i.  18  c. 

j,  i.  290  d;  ii.  97  b,  325  a— 333  a; 
with  yb,  yA,  i.  54  c. 

3,  with  the  accus.,  ii.  83  c,  325  d. 
j,  with  the  genit.,  ii.  216  D. 

^,  with  the  genit.,  in  swearing,  i. 
279  c;  ii.  175b. 

j,    with   the    subjunct.,    ii.    32  b, 
84  BD. 

ij,  i.  294  c,  295  d;  ii.  85  a,  93  c. 

Ij_,  for  |_,  i.  12  a. 

i».tj,  ii  236  a. 

Ojj,   i-   292  d;    ii.   40  a;   =  never- 
theless, ii.  17  b. 

olj,  Utj, >lj,  i.  294  d. 

Oj— ,  i.  166  a. 

3j— ,  for  S|_,  i.  12  a. 

Jmj,  i.  78  b. 

a».j,  ii.  48  d,  50  b;  j^j,  ii.  104  a. 

s  0  ^ 

Axfcj,  ii.  272  a. 
>£*•>  *•  Hod. 



*     Q    s 

jc».j,  i.  289  c. 

J>%  JpCJj,  i.  287  b;  ii.  333  d. 

j^.j,  i.  78  c. 

^j,  ii.  331  D. 

£ij,  i.  79  c. 

Ajj,  i.  78  c. 

Jb          •• 

2£,  i.  294  a;  ii.  9  b. 

sTJj,  i.  282  a;  ii.  187  c. 

^i  i.78B. 

hj'3,  i.  78  b. 

Uj,  ii.  331  d,  332  d. 

©i     ••• 

J^*j,  i.  78  b. 


ijj— ,   instead   of    ^jyi— >   Add.   et 

l&j     ••■ 

Corrigenda  (Vol.  i.  195  d). 

^jj,  i.  79  c. 

J-Jbj,  i.  79  d. 

klj,  i.  282  a;  ii.  188  b. 

JaJ,  i.  78  c. 

s^wj,  i.  79  c. 

fj'3f  i.  294  c,  296  a. 

S     ^       5     -' 
L£>^>  [J***  etc-'  L  151  c 

Ijj,  Uj,  ii.  84 c. 

S..03,  i.  79  d. 

44i»  i-  296a- 

^;    ... 

£*    - 

J^j,  i.  78  c. 

t*»    - 

>i     ... 


^jj,  i.  78  b. 

JO                   - 

jjj,  with  the  Perf.,  ii.  5  a,  332  a  ; 
with  the  Imperf.,  ii.  331  c. 

*3J,  i.  79  D. 

J^,  with  the  Jussive,  i.  291  b;  ii. 
35  c. 

*^j,  after  another  negative,  ii.  2  b, 

303  a,    327  b;    emphatic,    ii. 

304  a  ;    in    comparisons,    ii. 
333  b. 

aJLjj,  i.  296  a. 

AJJ,   lyJJ,  i.    294  C 

«uj_,  proper  names,  i.  244  D. 

_,  for   ^—,    in   the   vocative,    i. 

253  a;  ii.  87  b. 
_,  for  ^£_,  at  the  end  of  some 

II.     Arabic   Words,  Terminations,  etc. 


words,  i.    IOab;   by   poetic  [     «^   jj   152  a 
license,  ii.  383  c — 384  a. 

__,  dropped  in  pause,  ii.  370  c. 

#,i  17  c. 

(j,  for  g,  i.  18  c. 

^  for  fjT  or  j^-,  i.  252  c. 

V_£—  =  l_  final,  i.  11b,  295  d. 

t^_,  for  ^_,  in  pause,  ii.  370  c. 

^_,  pronounced  nearly  as  e,  i.  1 1  D. 

^_,  fem.  term.,  i.  184  b,  240  c; 
rejected,  i.  151  d. 

^_  =  ai,  i.  lie. 

^_,  for  _,  in  pause,  ii.  370  c. 

^_,  for  ^£— ,  in  pause,  ii.  370  d. 
{£—,  dropped  in  pause,  ii.  371  bd. 

a)  i,  iU  G,  etc.,  with  the  accus. 
or  ^-o,  ii.  153  a. 

b,  ii.  92  b. 
Jj£,  i.  92  b. 
u~rt>  *■  80  c. 
<u_,  for  31_,  i.  12  a. 
Juj,  for  J£j,  ii.  385  b. 
Jka>,j ,  for  Jka»,j ,  ii.  385  A. 

JJt/  iJ/ 

jjju,  for  jju,  ii.  378  d. 

J      0*  Jit*  *      * 

^Jjub  and  ,Jjub,  from  Jj»J,  i.  59  D. 

,iL,  etc.,  for  ^jSu,  etc.,  i.  82  d;  ii. 
379  d. 

[J-,  for  ^_,  pron.  suffix,  i.  21  c,       O^i  or  •**  0>A>>  witn  the  Perf-> 
'  101  d.  ' 

y^—,  for  ^£— ,  in  the  vocative,  ii. 

'  87  cd.  ' 
^_,  relat.  adj.,  i.  149cseqq.;  ii. 

225  a. 

b_,  for  {£—,  in  rhyme,  ii.  370  D. 

b_,  for  ^_,        ...       ,  ii.  371  c. 

U,  i.  294b,  295 cd;  ii.  85  a,  94a; 
before  a  verb  or  a  clause,  ii. 
92  a,  310  b. 

2f\  C,  'Jl\  C,  ii.  89c. 

£t  C,  i.  294  c;  ii.  85  a,  92  c. 

vj  U,  ii.  216  a. 

w.  II. 

ii  22  a. 

jJb ,  for  jJL» ,  ii.  385  a. 

jjloj,  i.  154  b. 

(jj-,  for  j>j_,  i.  235  d. 

(J-»— ,  for  ^>j— ,  in  the  genit.  plural, 
i.  236  d;  ii.  388  d. 

JJU^S,  i.  292  a. 

*jLJI>o^j,  ii.  233  b. 

*'  '  ..      _ 

aj_,  for  ^£_  and  ^£—,  ii.  371  c. 

*      i  si 

^j^i—,  shortened  to  ^»j— ,  Add.  et 
Corrigenda  (Vol.  i.  195  d). 




Abbreviation,  mark  of,  i.  25  c. 
Abged,  Abuged,  i.  28  b. 
Accent,  i.  27  a. 
Accusative,  ii.  45  a  ;  single,  after 

a    transitive    verb,    ii.    45  c; 

double,    after    causatives,   the 

wj^iijT  jUlf,    etc.,    ii.    47  c ; 

triple,  ii.  51a,  53  b  ;  cognate, 
after  transitive  and  intransitive 
verbs,  ii.  53  c;  depending  on  a 
verb  understood,  ii.  72  d;  with 
the  passive  voice,  ii.  52  b  ; 
instead  of  a  preposition  and 
the  genitive,  ii.  191  b;  as  vo- 
cative, ii.  85  c ;  adverbial,  i. 
288  c,  ii.  109  c;  of  comparison, 
ii.  128b;  of  limitation  or  de- 
termination, ii.  122a;  of  the 
motive,  object,  cause  or  reason, 
ii.  121  a;  of  place,  ii.  Ill  b;  of 
the  state  or  condition  (hal), 
ii.  112c;  of  time,  ii.  109  c ;  of 
wish,  salutation,  etc.,  ii.  74  B ; 

t*      Sua 

after  A*3UI  jjl,  ii.  105  a;  after 

a        a  g      a  -       if-  fit 

ol  ot>  cA^>  o^> and  o*?> 

ii.    78  D ;    after   J*    and    J*J, 

ii.  82  c ;  after  ^\£=>  and  its 
"sisters,"  ii.  99  a — 109  a;  after 

Jfe,  /*!&,  and  lii>,  ii.  125  B; 


1  ^Jcii  %  ii.  94  c ; 
°T     *§     and 

5jjla^aJI    U,  ii.   104a;   after 

<Z>*$,  ii.  105a;  after  C~J,  ii. 
82  c  ;  after  numerals,  ii.  237  b. 

Active  voice,  i.  49  c. 

Adjectives,  i.  105  a;  ii.  273  A, 
283  a;  in  connexion  with  a 
vocative,  ii.  91  d;  comparative 
and  superlative,  i.  140c — 143a; 
ii.  132  d,  218  a,  226  c;  inten- 
sive, i.  133  d — 140  b;  numeral, 
i.  105  a,  253  c,  seqq. ;  distribu- 
tive, i.  262  D  ;  multiplicative, 
i.  263  b  ;  partitive,  i.  263  c ; 
relative,  i.  109  d;  verbal,  i. 
131  b  seqq.  ;  with  the  accusa- 
tive, or  with  ^J  of  the  object, 

ii.    70  a — 71  d;    of    the   form 

^Jjiil,  with  ^J|  of  the  subject, 
ii.  71  d,  72  a;  with  the  geni- 
tive, ii.  218  A,  221  b  ;  relative, 
with  a  genitive  in  apposition, 
ii.  225  A. 

Adverbs,  i.  282  a;  numeral,  i. 
262  bcd;  inseparable,  i.  282  b; 
separable,  i.  283  c. 

Adverbial  accusative,  i.  288  c ;  ii. 
98  d— 128  c. 

III.     English  and  Latin  Technical  Terms,  etc.  443 

Adversative  sentences,  ii.  333  A. 

Agent,  ii.  250  d. 

Alphabet,  i.  1. 

Annexation,  definite  and  inde- 
finite, ii.  225  c. 

Apodosis  of  conditional  and  hypo- 
thetical clauses,  ii.  6  b — 17  c; 
ii.  23  c,  36  d,  345  a  seqq. ;   of 

,jt,  omitted,  ii.  17  A;  of  ^i, 
omitted,  ii.  8  c. 

Apposition,  ii.  271  c;  instead  of 
the  construction  with  the  geni- 
tive, ii.  229  b  ;  of  verbs,  ii. 
287  d. 

Appositives,  ii.  272  D  seqq. 

Article,  i.  15  c,  19  c,  23  d,  269a. 

Assimilation  of  letters,  i.  15  b;  of 
final  hemza  to  preceding  $  and 
^,  i.  18  c,  144  d;  in  the  verb, 
i.  16  b,  64  d,  65  d — 67  c;   in 


VIII.  of  verbs  having  I  as 
first  radical,  i.  76  d;  in  VIII. 
of  verbs  having  j  and  ^  as 
first  radical,  i.  80  d;  of  vowels, 
i.  60  b,  84  c,  136  d,  167  a, 
205  c  d,  206  a  c. 

Cardinal  numbers,  i.  253  c  seqq. ; 
ii.  234  c  seqq. 

Cases,  i.  234  c. 

Circumstantial  clause,  ii.  196  b — 
198  a,  330  b. 

Clause,  circumstantial,  ii.  196  b — 
198  a,  330  b;  conditional  and 
hypothetical,  ii.  6  b — 17  c,  23  c, 
36  D,  345  a  seqq. ;  descriptive 
or  qualificative,  ii.  283  a,  317c; 
relative,  i.  105  b;  ii.  317  B. 

Collectives,  concord  of,  ii.  273  b, 

291  a,  296  d. 
Common   gender,    words   of    the, 

i.  180  d,  185  b. 
Comparative  Adjectives,  with  ^>-«, 

ii.  132  d— 134  d. 
Compound  sentences,  ii.   255  a — 

256  d. 
Concord  in   gender  and   number, 

ii.  288  D  seqq. 
Conditional  and  hypothetical  sen- 
tences, ii.  6  b — 17  c,  23  c,  36  d, 

345  A  seqq. 
Conjunctions,  i.  290c;  inseparable, 

i.  290  d;  separable,  i.  291  d. 
Conjunctive  pronouns,  i.  270  b. 
Consonants,  final,  how  affected  by 

the  wad,  i.  22  a. 
Construct    state    of    a    noun,    i. 

248  c— 252  a;  ii.  198  a. 
Co-ordination,  ii.  271  C. 
Copulative    sentences,    ii.    325  A 

Correlative  conditional  clauses,  ii. 

36  d,  38  b. 
Damm,  clamma,  i.  7  D. 
Dates,  ii.  248  a. 
Day  of  the  month,  ii.  248  C. 
Declension  of  undefined  nouns,  i. 

234  c ;    of    defined    nouns,    i. 

247  b;  diptote,  i.  234  c,  238  a, 

239   d;     triptote,     i.     234    c, 

236  a. 
Defective  verb,  i.  88  A. 
Definite  annexation,  ii.  225  c. 
Degrees  of  comparison,  i.  140  c — 

143  a. 



Demonstrative  pronouns,  i.  105  A, 

264Dseqq.;  ii.  277  A. 
Descriptive  clause,  ii.  283  A,  317  c. 
Diacritical  points,  i.  4  A. 
Diminutive,  i.  110  a,  166Bseqq.; 

ii.    261  c;    formed    from    the 

pronouns  and   prepositions,    i. 

167  c;  from  verbs  of  surprise, 

i.  100  c,  167c;  from  diptotes,  i. 

242  b;  from  distributive  nume- 

rals  of  the  form  JUi,  i.  242  b. 
Diphthongs,  i.  7  B ;  pronunciation 

of  them,  i.  10  d;  how  affected 

by  the  v;a$l,  i.  21  d. 
Diptote  nouns,  i.  234  c — 246  b. 
Doubling    of    a    consonant,    how 

marked,  i.  13  d. 
Doubly  weak  verbs,  i.  91  d. 
Dual,  i.  52  b,  187  d;   from  oCi] 

».».a>  J I    and  broken   plurals, 

i.  190  d;  dual  of  an  adjective 
used  as  a  substantive,  i.  190  c; 
of  place-names,,  in  poetry,  i. 
190  D;  with  an  adjective  in 
the  fern,  sing.,  ii.  275  d;  dual 
subject  with  a  preceding  sin- 
gular verb,  ii.  293  b. 

*Elif  omitted  in  writing,  i.  20  b, 
23  a;  elif  conjunctionis,  i.  16  D, 
20  D,  21  a;  elif  productionis 
omitted  in  writing,  i.  10  A; 
elif  separationis,  i.  21  A;  elif 
maksura  and  memduda,  i.  11b, 
25b;  elif  otiosum,  i.  11a;  how 
affected  in  poetry,  ii.  374  B. 

Elision  of  I,  i.  19  c,  23  a  ;  by 
poetic  license,  ii.  374  b. 

Energetic,  i.  61  a,  62  c;  energetic 
imperfect,  ii.  24  c,  41  d;  after 

wol,  ii.  43  a;  after  J,  ii.  41  D, 

42  c ;  after  l©jj,  ii.  42  c ;  after 

'■** ' 

l^JLa.  and  similar  compounds, 

ii.  43  c ;  energetic  imperative, 

ii.  44  A. 
Enunciative,  ii.  251  c. 
Exceptive  sentences,  ii.  335  D  seqq. 
Feminine  nouns,  by  form,  i.  179  a; 

by  signification,  i.   177  d;   by 

usage  merely,  i.  179  D — 180  c; 

of  adjectives  and  substantives, 

how  formed,  i.  183  c — 185  b. 
Feth,    fetha,    i.    7  c ;    passes   into 

damma,    before    _j,    in    vulgar 

pronunciation,  i.   213  D. 
Figures,  arithmetical,  i.  28  b. 
Forms   of    the   triliteral   verb,   i. 

29  b — 47  b;  of  the  quadriliteral 

verb,  i.  48  c — 49  c. 
Fourth  form  of  the  verb,  used  as 

the  pjUxo  of  the  first,  i.  35  D. 

Fractions,  i.  263  d. 

Future,  in  the  sense  of  a  polite 
order  or  request,  ii.   19  B. 

Future-perfect,  how  expressed,  ii. 
22  a. 

Gender,  in  the  verb,  i.  52  b;  in 
the  noun,  i.  177  c;  common, 
i.  180  d,  185b;  feminine,  i. 
177  D;  formation  of  the  femi- 
nine, i.  183  c — 185  B. 

Genitive,  ii.  198  a — 202  b;  supply- 
ing the  place  of  an  adjective, 
ii.  202  b,  229  a;  of  limitation, 

III.     English  and  Latin  Technical  Terms,  etc. 


with  adjectives  or  participles, 
ii.  221b;  in  apposition  to  re- 
lative   adjectives,    ii    225  a  ; 

after  K)*9\,  etc.,  ii.  226  c;  after 

w»j,  ii.  214  b;  after  sJ^s,  yjaxi, 

jl£,   etc.,   ii.    204  c— 212  d; 

after   **£»,    lH^,    ii.    212  d; 

after  j^,  ii.  126  a;   after  j, 

^J,  JJ,  ii.  216  d— 218  a;  after 

$  suppressed,  ii.  217  b;  geni- 
tive plural  after  numerals,  ii. 
234  c;   genitive  singular  after 

i5U  and  oUI,  ii.  238  D. 
Gezm,  gezma,  i.  13  a. 
Henvz,  hemza,  i.  16d — 18d;  hemza 

conjunctionis,  i.  11  B,  21  A. 
Hollow  verbs,  i.  81  c. 
Hypothetical  sentences,  ii.  345  A 

'Imala,  i.  10  C. 
Imperative,     i.     61    D — 62   d;    of 

verbs  having  I  as  first  radical, 
i.  74  a,  76  cd;  of  doubly  weak 
verbs,  i.  93  a;  in  two  cor- 
relative clauses,  ii.  24  a,  37  c; 

negative,  expressed  by  ^  with 
the    jussive,    ii.    43  d  ;    with 

<bjj£i\  ilj,  ii.  44  b;  imperative 

of  ij\£*  with  name  of  a  person 
in  the  accusative,  ii.  44  c. 
Imperfect,  i.  51  b;  its  charac- 
teristic vowels  in  the  first 
form,  i.  57  b — 59  B ;  indicative, 
i.  60  b — 61a;   subjunctive,   i. 

60  b — 61  a;  jussive,  i.  60b — 
61a;  energetic,  i.  61a;  passive, 
i.  63  a;  subjunctive  or  poten- 
tial, how  expressed,  ii.  6  b  ; 
imperfect  indicative,  significa- 
tions of,  ii.  18  b;  as  a  hal.  may 
be  translated  by  our  infinitive 
or    participle,    ii.    19  D — 20  c; 

preceded  by  ^li»  =  Latin  or 
Greek  imperfect,  ii.  21  b;  pre- 

ceded  by  \JjSu  or  jj>  \j£i  - 

future-perfect,  ii.  22  a. 
Impersonal  active,  ii.  271  a;  pas- 
sive, ii.  268  a. 
Inchoative,  ii.  251  c;  when  it  may 

be  indefinite,  ii.  260  d. 
Indefinite  annexation,  ii.  225  c. 
Infinitive,   i.  52  b,    109  a,    110  a 

seqq. ;  as  objective  complement, 

ii.  53  c. 
Intensive  adjectives,  i.  136  c,  137  a. 
Interjections,  i.   294  b;   having  a 

verbal  force,  i.  296  b. 
Interposition  of  a  word  between 

the  status  constructus  and  the 

genitive,  ii.  222  d. 
Interrogative  sentences,  ii.  306  b 

Inversion  of  subject  and  predicate, 

ii.  253  d — 255  a. 
Jussive,  i.  60  b — 61  a;  in  two  cor- 

relative  clauses,  after  ^jt,  ,j*», 
etc.,   ii.  23  c,   36  d  ;    after   J, 

ii.  35  b;  after  ^i,  CjJ,  etc.,  ii. 
22  d,  41  b;  as  negative  im- 
perative, after  *j,  ii.  36  b,  43  d. 



Kesr,  kesra,  i.  7  c;  for  feth,  in  the 
preformatives  of  the  imperfect, 
i.  60  a. 

Kunya,  i.  244  d. 

Lam-elif,  i.  3  a. 

Letters  of  the  alphabet,  i.  1a; 
their  order  in  N.  Africa,  i.  3  a  ; 
unpointed,  how  distinguished, 
i.  4  a  ;  classes  of,  i.  4  c;  pro- 
nunciation of,  i.  5  b;  of  pro- 
longation, i.  9  c ;  solar  and 
lunar,  i.  15  c;  numerical  values 
of,  i.  28  b;  weak,  i.  53  a,  71  d. 

Licenses,  poetic,  ii.  373  cseqq. 

Ligatures  of  letters,  i.  3  b. 

Local  sentences,  ii.  252  D. 

Masculine  or  feminine  nouns,  list 
of,  i.  181  D. 

Matta,  i.  24  c. 

Medd,  medda,  i.  24  c. 

Metres,  ii.  358  cseqq. 

Moods,  i.  51  d,  52  a. 

Nebra,  i.  16  d. 

Negative  sentences,  ii.  299  c  seqq. 

Neuter  of  the  personal  and  de- 
monstrative pronouns,  how  ex- 
pressed in  Arabic,  ii.  299  A. 

Neuter  verb,  i.  50  d. 

Nomen  abundantiae,  i.  109  D, 
148  b;  nomen  actionis,  see 
nomen  verbi ;  nomen  agentis, 
i.  109  a,  131  b— 133  b,  143  b— 
147  a;  used  for  nomen  actionis, 
i.  132b;  construction  of,  ii. 
63  c — 69  D,  194  cseqq.;  nomen 
deminutivum,  i.  110  a  (see  Di- 
minutive); nomen  instrumenti, 

i.   109  c,  130  b;  nomen  loci  et 
temporis,  i.  109  b,  124  d  seqq.; 
formed  from  the  derived  con- 
jugations, i.  129  b;  nomen  pa- 
rentis, i.  109  A,  131  b;  used  as 
nomen  actionis,  i.  132c;  con- 
strued with  one  or  two  accu- 
satives,   ii.   69  d,    194  c  seqq.; 
nomen  qualitatis,  i.  110a,  165b; 
nomen    relativum,    i.    109  D; 
nomen  speciei,  i.  109  b,  123d; 
as    objective    complement,    ii. 
53  c;  nomen  unitatis,  i.  109  c, 
147  b;    nomen    vasis    (loci    et 
temporis),  i.  109  b,  1 24  d  seqq. ; 
nomen  vasis,  i.    109  D,    149  a; 
nomen    verbi    or    actionis,    i. 
109  a,    110  a;    list   of    nomina 
actionis,  i.  110  c — 112  c;  most 
usual  forms,  i.   1 1 2  d  ;  nomina 
actionis  of  forms  II. — XV.,  i. 
115  b;    of    quadriliteral  verbs, 
i.  117  c;  of  solid  verbs,  i.  118  a; 
of  verba  hemzata,  i.   118  b;  of 
weak   verbs,  i.    118  c — 122  d; 
nomen  verbi,  ii.  193d;  as  ob- 
jective complement,  ii.  53  c;  its 
construction  with   subject  and 
object,  ii.  57  b;  construed  with 
J,  ii.  61  d;  with  a  preposition, 
ii.    61  b;    as    hal,    ii.    114  c; 
nomen    vicis,   i.   109  b,   122  d; 
as    objective    complement,    ii. 
53  c.     See  Noun. 

Nominal  sentence,  ii.  250  D. 

Nominative  as  vocative,  ii.  85  b. 

Noun,    i.    104  D ;    primitive    and 

III.     English  and  Latin  Technical  Terms,  etc. 


derivative,  i.    106  A;   substan- 
tive  and  adjective,   i.    106  A ;  I 
how  defined,  i.  247  b;  diptote, 
i.    239  d;    triptote,   i.    234  c; 
declinable  and  indeclinable,  i.  j 
234  D ;   wholly  indeclinable,  i.   | 
243  d — 244  d.     See  Nomen. 

Numbers,  i.  28  b,  52  b,  187  d. 

Numerals,  i.  105  A;  cardinal  num- 
bers, 1 — 10,  i.  253  c  seqq.; 
11—19,  i.  256  a;  20— 90  (tens), 
i.  257  B;  21 — 99  (compounded), 
i.  257  d;  100—900,  i.  258  a;  j 
1000  and  upwards,  i.  259  a; 
compounded,  i.  259  d;  ordinals, 
i.  260  a — 262  A ;  numeral  ad-  \ 
verbs,  i.  262b — D;  construction 
of  the  numerals,  ii.  234  c  seqq. ; 
arrangement  in  composition,  ii. 
239  A i  agreement  of,  i.  254  d; 
ii.  240  a;  ordinals  with  the 
genitive,  ii.  245  d — 247  d. 

Nunation,  i.  12  a,  235  b. 

Object.     See  Accusative. 

Ordinal  numbers  with  the  genitive, 
ii.  245  d— 247  D. 

Participles,  i.  52  b,  109  a,  131  b — 
133b;  of  the  derived  conjuga- 
tions, i.  143b;  of  solid  verbs, 
i.  144b;  of  verba  hemzata, 
i.  144  c;  of  weak  verbs,  i.  144d 
seqq. ;  of  quadriliteral  verbs, 
i.  143  d;  passive  participle  as 
nomen  loci  et  temporis,  and  as 
masdar  or  infinitive,  i.  129  B — 
130a;  participles  with  the 
accusative  or  genitive,  ii.  63  c; 

with  two  or  more  objective 
complements  in  the  genitive 
and  accusative,  ii.  67  d;  with 
the  genitive,  ii.  221  b. 

Particles,  L  278  c;  negative,  ii 
299  c  seqq. 

Passive  voice,  i.  49  c — 50  D,  51  a, 

63  a  b,  64  A — c ;  with  an  accu- 
sative, ii.  52  A ;  with  two 
accusatives,  ii.  53  B. 

Past  tense  of  verbs  of  surprise, 
i.  100  b. 

Pause,  forms  of  words  in,  ii.  368  c 
seqq.;  pausal  forms  out  of 
pause,  in  verse,  ii.  390  a. 

Perfect,  i.  51  b;  its  characteristic 
vowels  in  the  first  form,  L 
30  B — 31  a;   passive,    i.    63  a, 

64  a  b  ;  contracted  forms,  i. 
97  c;  ii.  384  c;  its  significations, 
ii.  1  a;  as  optative,  ii.  2  d;  with 

lit  or  U  til,  ii.  9  c;  with  £,?, 

ii.  25  d;  with  £)\,  ii.  14  b;  with 

jj>,  ii.  3  c,  5  a;  with  ^J£s,  ii. 

o  -      ,     ,  ,      ,      a , 

5c;  with  jj>  jj^9  or  O^  >**> 

ii    5  c;   with   ^,    ,j\  ^,    *9jJ, 

jj^i  ii.   6  b;  with  <Lo^o>;jJI   L», 

ii.  17  c;  expressed  by  the  jus- 

sive  after ^J  and  l*J,  ii  22  D. 
Periodical  times,  i.  264  b. 
Permutation  of  verbs,  ii.  287  a. 
Permutative,  ii.  283  a,  284  d. 
Personal  pronouns,  i.   105  b;  the 

pronouns,  i.   53  D  seqq.,   100  D, 

252  b. 



Persons,  i.  52  b. 

Pluperfect  Indicative,  ii.  4c;  sub- 
junctive or  potential,  ii.  6  b. 

Plural,  i.  191  D;  sound  or  entire, 
i.  191  d;  masculine,  i.  192  a, 
194  d;  feminine,  i.  192  A, 
197  b  ;  broken,  i.  192  A ;  forms 
of  the  broken  plural,  i.  199  A — 
233  c;  secondary  broken  plurals, 
i.  231  c;  anomalous  broken 
plurals,  i.  233  b  ;  plurals  of 
abundance  and  paucity,  i.  234  b. 

Points,  diacritical,  i.  4  A. 

Predicate,  ii.  250  b  seqq. ;  of  ^^3 
and  its  "  sisters,"  in  the  accu- 
sative, ii.  99  a — 109  b. 

Prepositions,  i.  278  D  ;  ii.  129  A; 
separable,  i.  280  b — 282  A  ;  in- 
separable, i.  279b;  simple,  ii. 
129  b — 188c;  compound,  ii. 
129  b,  188c;  with  a  propo- 
sition as  a  genitive,  ii.  192b; 
separated  from  the  genitive,  ii. 
191a,  193a;  ellipsis  of,  ii. 
190  d;   ^J    after  a  nomen  ac- 

tionis  and  a  nomen  agentis,  ii. 
61  d,  68  c. 

Pronominal  suffixes  in  the  accusa- 
tive, i.  100  d;  double,  i.  103  a; 
in  the  genitive,  i.  101  b,  252b; 
attached  to  a  noun,  i.  251  b; 
to  a  verb,  i.  102  a— 103  b. 

Pronouns,  separate  personal,  i. 
54  a;  suffixed,  in  the  accusa- 
tive, i.  100  d;  in  the  genitive, 
i.  101b,  252  b;  demonstrative, 
i.    105  A,   264  D  seqq. ;  interro- 

gative, i.  274  A  seqq. ;  indefinite, 

i.    277  a;   personal,   i.    105  b; 

reflexive,    ii.    271  D;    relative, 

i.  105  b,  270  b. 
Proper  names,  i.  107  c;  diptote,  i. 

242  c. 
Proposition.     See  Clause  and  Sen- 
Prose,  rhymed,  ii.  351  b,  368  c. 
Prosthetic  I,  in  the  imperative,  i. 

19  c,  61  d;  omitted,  i.  24  c ;  in 

the  derived  conjugations  of  the 

verb,  i.  19  d,  40  c,  41  d,  43  a, 

44  a,  46  b. 
Quadriliteral  verb,  i.   47  B — 49  c, 

67  d. 
Qualificative  clause,  ii.  283  A  seqq., 

317  c. 
Quasi-plurals,  i.  224  d. 
Reflexive  pronouns,  ii.  271  D. 
Relative  adjectives,  i.  109  d,  149  c 

seqq. ;  ii.  225  a. 
Relative  clauses,  i.  105  b  ;  ii.  317  b 

Relative  pronouns,  i.  105  b,  270  b. 
Restrictive  sentences,  ii.  335  b. 
Rhyme,  ii.  350  A  seqq.  ;  forms  of 

words  in,  ii.  368  c  seqq. 
Roots,   secondary,   from  verbs  of 

which  the  first  radical  is  weak, 

i.  77  a,  81  a. 
Scriptio  defectiva  of  long  a  and  I, 

i.  9d— 10  b. 
Secondary  roots  from  verbs  having 

I  as  first  radical,  i.  77  a;  from 
verbs  having  j  and  ^  as  first 
radical,  i.  81  A. 

III.     English  and  Latin  Technical  Terms,  etc.  449 

Sedda,  i.  13  d. 

Sentence,   ii.    250  a;   adversative, 
ii.  333  A  ;  compound,  ii.  255  A — 
256  D  ;   conditional,    ii.    345  A  ; 
copulative,  ii.  325  A  seqq. ;  ex- 
ceptive, ii.  335  D ;  hypothetical, 
ii.    347  b  seqq. ;    interrogative, 
ii.  306  B  seqq.  ;  local,  ii.  252  D  ; 
negative    and    prohibitive,    ii. 
299  c  seqq. ;  nominal,  ii.  251  a; 
relative,  ii.  317  b  seqq.  ;  restric- 
tive, ii.  335  B ;  verbal,  ii.  251  b. 
Sila,  i.  19  a. 
Solid  verb,  L  68  b  seqq. 
States  (or  Tenses)  of  the  verb,  i. 

Status    constructus,     L     248  c — 

252  A;  ii.  198  A  seqq. 
Strong  verbs,  i.  52  d  seqq. 
Subject,  ii.  250  b  seqq.  ;  not  speci- 
fied, ii.  266  d. 
Subjunctive,  i.  60  B ;  ii.  22  c,  24  d. 
Substantive,  used  adjectivally,  ii. 
274  a;  in  apposition  to  a  pro- 
nominal  suffix,   ii.    285  a  ;    as 
hal,  ii.   115  A. 
Substantive  verb,  ii.  99  a,  258  b  ; 

negative,  i.  96  B ;  ii.  302  a. 
Suffixes,    pronominal,    accusative, 
i.     100  d;    double,    i.     103  A; 
genitive,  i.   101  b,  252  b  ;    at- 
tached to  a  noun,  i.  251  b;  to 
a  verb,  i.  102  a— 103  b. 
Sukun,  i.  13  a;  ii.  355  d. 
Superlative,  with  the  genitive,  ii. 

218  a,  226  c. 
Syllable,  i.  26  c  D. 
Tenwin,  L   12  a,  235  b;  irregular, 
w.    II. 

in  poetry,  ii.  387  a  ;  suppressed 
in  poetry,   ii    388  B ;    used    at 
the  end  of  a  word  instead   of 
the  letter  of   prolongation,   ii. 
390  c. 
Tesdid,     L     13  D;     necessary,     i. 
15  a;  euphonic,  i.   15  b;  after 
long  vowels  and  diphthongs,  i. 
15  b;  irregularly  suppressed  in 
poetry,    ii.    377  c ;    irregularly 
used  in  poetry,  ii.  377  d. 
Third  form  of  the  verb,  used  in 
the    sense    of    the    fourth,    i. 
34  a. 
Trebly  weak  verbs,  i.  95  b. 
Tribes,  names  of  the  Arab,  how 

construed,  ii.  292a,  296  c. 
TriHteral  verb,  i.  29  A  seqq. 
Trip  tote  noun,  i.  234  c. 
Triptotes  for  diptotes  in  poetry, 

ii.  387  a. 
Verb,  triliteral,  i.  29  a;  forms  of, 
i.  29  B  seqq. ;  quadriliteral,  i. 
29  a;  formation  of,  i.  47  b; 
forms  of,  i.  48  c  seqq.  ;  the 
strong  verb,  i.  52  D — 53  A  ;  the 
solid  verb,  i.  68  b;  uncon- 
tracted,  i.  69  a;  ii.  378  b;  the 
weak  verb,  i.  52  b,  71c — 72  A; 
verba  hemzata,  i.  72  B  seqq. ; 
verbs  having  $  and  ^  as  first 
radical,  i.  78  A  seqq. ;  verbs 
having  ^  and  ^  as  middle 
radical,  i.  81  c  seqq. ;  inflected 
as  strong  verbs,  L  86  d — 87  d  ; 
verbs  having  ^  and  ^£  as  third 
radical,  i.  88  a  ;  their  IX.  and 
XI.  forms,  i.  43  c,  91  b  ;  doubly 



weak  verbs,  i.  91  d  seqq. ;  trebly 
weak,  i.  95  A — 96  b  ;  with  suf- 
fixes in  the  accusative,  i. 
102  A — 1 03  B ;  substantive  verb, 
ii.  99  a,  258  b  ;  negative,  i.  96  b; 
ii.  302  A ;  aplastic  verbs,  ii. 
15  D ;  verbs  of  the  heart,  ii. 
48  D ;  verbs  of  praise  and 
blame,  i.  97  A;  ii.  290  a;  of 
surprise  or  wonder,  i.  98  b  ; 
impersonal  form  of  expression, 
ii.  266  d— 271c. 
Verbal  adjectives,  i.   131  B  seqq. ; 

with  the  accusative  or  J,  ii. 

70  a. 

Verbal  sentence,  ii.  251  B. 

Vocative,  ii.  85  a. 

Voices,  i.  49  c — 51  a. 

Vowels,  short,  i.  7  c ;  pronuncia- 
tion of,  i.  8b;  long,  i.  7b; 
pronunciation  of,  i.  9  c  ;  written 
defectively,  i.  9  d  ;  final,  how 
affected  by  the  wad,  i.  21  A — d. 

Wasl,  wasla,  i.  19  A. 

"Weak  verbs,  i.  52  d,  71  c — 72  A. 

CAMBRIDGE  :    PRINTED    BY    J.    &    C.    F.    CLAY,   AT    THE    UNIVER8ITY   PREBB. 



Caspari,  Carl  Paul 


A  grammar  of  the 


language.  3d  ed. 


▼.  2 






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