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M.A.., D.SC., LLJD.., F.R.S. 

Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh 
President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 



First printed 1953 

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 54-10375 

Printed in Great Britain 



THE author desires to thank the following (in addition to those men 
tioned elsewhere in the text) : The Mews Chronicle (for the plate facing 
p. 224) and British Paramount News (for the accompanying inset). The 
Royal Institution (for prints from their copy of the newsreel, for illustra 
tions facing pp. 5, 36, 72, for the portrait of Van *t HofF facing p. 117, and 
for figures on pp. 35, 38, 65, 66, 67). Mr Thomas Martin (for the 
illustration facing p. 20). The Bettman Archive, New York (for 
illustrations facing pp. 21, 200). Appleton-Century Publishing Co. 
(for permission to use the illustration facing p. 21). The Society of 
Dyers and Colourists (for lending the blocks for the illustrations facing 
PP- 73* 8 ; from F. M. Rowe, * Perkin Centenary Lecture, 5 J. Soc. 
D. & C., 1938). Institut fur Gerbereichemie, Darmstadt (for the 
illustration of Kekule facing p. 117. Verlag Ghemie, Berlin (for the figure 
on p. 95). Librairie Larousse, Paris (for the illustration facing p. 116). 
Mademoiselle five Curie (for the illustrations facing p. 172 and the second 
one between pp. 172-173). The National Magazine Go. Ltd., 28/30 
Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.i (for permission to use the illustration facing 
p. 1 73) . The proprietors of Punch (for permission to reproduce Figure 23) . 
The Royal Society of Edinburgh (for lending the blocks for the illustra 
tions facing pp. 1 80, 181). Edgar F. Smith Collection, University of 
Pennsylvania (for illustrations facing pp. 21, 200). Dr Otto Reinmuth, 
Chicago University (for assistance in obtaining the illustrations facing 
p. 201). Aluminiurn Company of America, Pittsburgh, Pa. (for the 
picture of the aluminium statue facing p. 201). General Electric Co. 
Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, W.C.2 (for photographs from which 
figures 28, 29 were drawn). Crompton, Parkinson, & Co., Bush House, 
Aldwych (for photographs from which Figures 30, 3 1 were drawn). The 
Print Room, British Museum (for the youthful portrait of Edward the 
Seventh facing p. 216). Dr A. G. Langmuir, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y. 
(for the portraits facing pp. 208, 209) . 

Jw' V 

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I Humphry Davy I 

n Michael Faraday 33 

m Some Young Organic Chemists 69 

iv The French Faraday and the Dutch Davy 99 

v The Chemistry of Solutions 124 

vi Elements Old 139 

vn And Elements New 159 

vm The First Chemical Society and the First 

Chemical Journal 181 

ix Some Young American Chemists 195 

x A Young Royal Chemist 222 

Index 229 


The Alchemist Facing page 4 

Humphry Davy at the age of twenty-three 5 

A stance at the Royal Institution in 1801 20 

The effects of Laughing-gas 2 1 

Sir Humphry Davy in 1821 36 

Michael Faraday in 1830 37 

Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution 72 

Perkin at the age of fourteen 73 

Perkin at the age of twenty-two 80 

Archibald Scott Couper 81 

Pasteur as a student at the cole Nonnale 116 

Kekule in 1862 117 

Van 't Hoffas a student in Bonn 117 

Svante and Sven Arrhenius, 1913 132 

Arrhenius as a student in Upsala 132 

J. A. R. Newlands 140 

W. L. Bragg, 1915 140 

Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendelejeff 164 

H. G. J. Moseley 164 

The future Madame Curie and her sister Bronya, 1886 172 

Vanity Fair cartoon of Pierre and Madame Curie 1 72-3 

Madame Curie and her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie 172-3 

Frederic Joliot and Irne Joliot-Curie 1 73 

The Title-page of the First Chemical Journal 180 

The Title-page to Paper 16, by Mr Haliday 181 

James Woodhouse 200 

Robert Hare 200 

Etching of Charles M. Hall at Oberlin College 201 


Aluminium statue of Charles M. Hall 201 

Irving Langmuir in Paris, 1893 208 
Irving Langmuir showing his nephews how to use 

a slide-rule 209 

* What next ? 5 asked Edison 209 
The future King Edward the Seventh at the age 

of eighteen 216 

The boiling- lead experiment 224 


THIS volume was originally published in the form of e a 
Christmas Course of Lectures adapted to a Juvenile 
Auditory' delivered at the Royal Institution in 1938. The 
present edition involves a number of radical changes. In 
the first place, it has been found that the detailed descrip 
tion of many of the experiments carried out during the 
lectures cannot be properly appreciated by those who have 
not actually witnessed their performance, and interrupts the 
main stream of the story. The book has therefore been 
recast throughout from lecture into narrative style* In the 
second place, the discussion has been brought up to date 
wherever it touches upon present-day topics, notably in the 
account of the discovery of atomic fission and the conse 
quences thereof. And thirdly, an entirely new chapter has 
been inserted, a chapter describing the first chemical society 
in the world and the first chemical journal in the world, 
both due to young chemists. 

Until I worked up the material for my Royal Institution 
Lectures in detail, I did not fully appreciate what a pre 
dominant part young chemists have played in the develop 
ment of their science. It was with some surprise that I 
finally recognised that there are, indeed, very few significant 
discoveries in chemistry not due to 'juveniles. 5 If anybody 
doubts this, let him attempt to outline the contents of a 
volume entitled Old Chemists and Great Discoveries, taking a 
very liberal point of view with regard to the first adjective. 
If c old * means over seventy, or even over sixty, the book 
would be practically all cover ; if over fifty-five, it would 
still be very slim. Reduction of old age to fifty would help 
somewhat, but the available material would still be rather 
scrappy and second-rate. Not only have young men and 
women made most discoveries in chemistry, but those dis 
coveries have been the greatest. 



The reader may find it of interest to confirm for himself 
how, in almost every instance treated in the following pages, 
the creative period has been the period of early youth. 
The subsequent careers of my various youthful heroes have 
been described in order to round out the story, but there is 
generally little to tell. Only with a genius of the extreme 
classical type, such as Faraday, or Pasteur, or Langmuir, 
do the flowers of later development rival the first blossoms. 

To emphasise the juvenile exploits of my heroes and 
heroines, I have endeavoured to select, as far as possible, 
accompanying portraits of them in their youth. Some of 
the early photographs employed do not give perfect repro 
duction, but I feel that in this volume at least a whole 
gallery of greybeards would be entirely out of place. The 
few later pictures that I have been forced to include will 
suffice as contrast. 

More extended biographies of Davy and Faraday will 
be found in my books Humphry Davy : ' Pilot ' of Penzance 
and Michael Faraday : Man of Simplicity (Faber and Faber). 

I wish to record my sincere thanks to my younger 
daughter, Alice Rebecca, whose shorthand notes of my 
lectures helped materially in the preparation of the original 
manuscript, and to my elder daughter, Isabella Jean, who 
has been an invaluable aid to me in the present revision. 


EDINBURGH, November 1952 


CHEMISTRY is essentially a youthful science and a science 
for youth. It has its foundations, it must be confessed, in 
the very ancient art of alchemy, but as a true science it is 
only between a hundred and fifty and two hundred years 
of age. One scientific historian, Adolphe Wurtz, has made 
the definite statement that chemistry was founded by 
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, the leader of the chemical 
revolution against the false doctrine of phlogiston, who 
perished himself on the guillotine during the French 
Revolution in 1794. In this country, however, many prefer 
to regard as the father of modern chemistry Joseph Black, 
professor at the University of Edinburgh, who first made the 
subject an exact science by his constant appeal to the 
balance in experimental work. Lavoisier learned much 
from his correspondence with Black, but did not always 
recognise Black's discoveries as independent from his 

Two hundred years is a short span in the history of human 
thought, and chemistry today still shows itself to be in the 
adolescent stage of its development as a science it is still 
in a state of rapid growth. Advances in chemical knowledge 
follow one another so quickly, indeed, that each generation 
of chemists finds itself considerably ahead of the preceding 
one ; any schoolboy now has the opportunity of under 
standing much more chemistry than Davy or Faraday ever 
knew. This, to the enthusiastic beginner, is perhaps the 
greatest fascination that the science affords. No young 
artist expects to rival Rembrandt, no young poet anticipates 
that he will ever rank with Shakespeare ; each has to start 
his own work from scratch. The young chemist, on the 
other hand, can begin where his famous predecessors ended 


their progress into the unknown, and himself explore some 
section of the regions beyond. He is not even, as his elders 
are, embarrassed with the burden of outmoded theories and 
preconceived ideas ; he can strike boldly forward. Every 
teacher of experience in chemistry cheerfully recognises his 
own inferiority to his more gifted disciples ; the author 
himself is certain that many of his former students in 
Edinburgh and in New York are already in front of him 
ha the onward march of scientific research. 

All through the period from Black and Lavoisier to the 
present day, in point of fact, we find young chemists in the 
very van of progress. The major discoveries in chemistry 
have almost all been discoveries due to youthful genius, 
discoveries made by young men or women in their teens 
or twenties ; relatively few have been the work of those past 
the prime of life. The alchemist of the fifteenth century may, 
perhaps, have justified the popular conception of him as an 
old man, either excessively hairy or excessively hairless, 
gazing into a crucible in quest of gold or the elixir of perpetual 
youth. The leaders in chemistry in more recent times, 
however, have found many elements of much greater im 
portance than gold, and have not needed to search for 
youth they have possessed it already. 

It is the purpose of the author, in this volume, to narrate 
the wonderful achievements of a number of brilliant young 
chemists. Their early life and struggles will be outlined, 
some of their epoch-making experiments will be described, 
the influence of their work on the development of modern 
chemistry will be indicated, and frequent illustrations will 
be made of the practical application of their discoveries to 
the benefit of the human race. The last point is one 
of particular importance since, although these youthful 
enthusiasts were not consciously seeking riches for them 
selves in the course of their inspired labour in the 
laboratory, the results of that labour have been of 
inestimable value to mankind. As Huxley remarked 
in 1877 : 


I weigh my words when I say that if the nation could purchase 
a potential Watt, or Davy, or Faraday, at the cost of a hundred 
thousand pounds down, he would be dirt-cheap at the money. 
It is a mere commonplace and everyday piece of knowledge that 
what these men did has produced untold millions of wealth, in 
the narrowest economical sense of the word. 

To fill the role of the hero for this first chapter, no more 
fitting choice could be made than that of Humphry Davy. 
At the age of twenty-three he had already achieved such 
astonishing discoveries in chemistry that he was appointed 
to the position of Professor of Chemistry at the Royal 
Institution, and through the charm of his lectures delivered 
in its theatre immediately became the rage of London. No 
matinee idol of the last generation, no film star of the 
present day, ever created such a furore as this young c Pirate 
of Penzance ' when he first burst upon the delighted metrop 
olis. ' Those eyes were made for something more than 
poring into crucibles/ said the fashionable ladies who 
swarmed to his lectures, and his desk was littered with 
anonymous sonnets from his fair admirers. Davy was justly 
styled c the first philosopher of his age/ but could any 
greater contrast from the customary conception of a dry-as- 
dust and aged recluse possibly be imagined ? 

The main facts regarding the life of Humphry Davy are 
given in detail in his brother's biography, which tells * how, 
from a comparatively humble origin, solely by his own 
exertions and abilities, he raised himself to distinction and 
acquired a name and reputation which, from its connection 
with science, can hardly be less permanent than science 

He was born of old yeoman stock at Penzance, Cornwall, 
on 17 December 1778, the eldest son of a father who was a 
skilful wood-carver, c too fond, for the welfare of his family, 
of making experiments in farming and of engaging in the 
hazardous concern of mining. 5 His mother, an orphan 
child, had been generously maintained until her marriage 
in the home of a doctor, John Tonkin, who had attended 


her dying parents ; we shall meet this same Dr Tonkin 
again later. 

In the style of the old-fashioned nursery story, seven 
fairies may be imagined as coming to the cradle of the 
infant Humphry, each bestowing upon him her own par 
ticular blessing. The first promised that he would be a 
fine poet, the second that he would be a clever writer of 
essays and novels, the third that he would be c the complete 
angler/ the fourth that he would be a wide traveller, the 
fifth that he would be a man of fashion and a society idol, 
the sixth that he would be famous in the medical profession, 
and the seventh that he would be the greatest chemist of 
his time. As years went by, all of these blessings came as 
fairy blessings must to fruition, but the seventh fairy was 
evidently the most potent and her gift ultimately outweighed 
all the rest. 

As a boy at Penzance and Truro Grammar Schools, 
Davy showed little promise of his later ability, in fact c he 
was more distinguished out of school and by his comrades 
than by any great advance in learning. 3 He himself remarked 
later : e I consider it fortunate that I was left much to myself 
as a child, and put upon no particular plan of study, and that 
I enjoyed much idleness at Mr Goryton's school.' This 
idleness frequently led to painful consequences, for Mr 
Coryton was an adept with the flat ruler and is reported to 
have been in the habit of reciting the following verses while 
inflicting punishment upon his lazy scholar, * suiting the 
action to the rhythm ' : 

Now, Master Davy, 
Now, Sir, I have J e ; 
No one shall save J e, 
Good Master Davy ! 

Whether this played any part in fostering Humphry's early 
love of poetry is not related, although it tempts one to 
speculate upon a possible connection between the modern 
dearth of youthful poets and the abandonment of corporal 


The Alchemist 

This, one of the finest of alchemical pictures, is attributed to 
Edmund Hellmer 

Humphry Davy at the age of twenty-three 
From the painting by H. Howard 


punishment. In any event, such talents as Davy did exhibit 
at this period were mainly literary. Like his contemporary. 
Sir Walter Scott, subsequently his close friend, he first 
became popular with his comrades as a * tale-teller ' not, 
of course, in the present significance of the word. His 
assistance was often requested by boys much older than 
himself in composing verse, he shone pre-eminently in 
writing valentines and love letters, and he first showed his 
fondness for experimenting in making fireworks. His taste 
for fishing appears to have been almost instinctive. 

He left school at the age of fifteen, and seems to have 
led an idle and unsettled life for a year. Then, suddenly, 
he was called to face realities by his father's death, which 
left the family (a widow and five young children) in very 
straitened circumstances. Under the advice of the old 
friend of the family, Dr Tonkin, he was apprenticed in 
February 1795 to Mr Bingham Borlase, a man of talent, 
then practising as surgeon and apothecary in Penzance. 
Dr Tonkin, no doubt, expected that Humphry would 
eventually succeed to his own general practice in his native 
town. The lad himself had higher ideas ; he looked forward 
to graduation at the medical school at Edinburgh and a 
career as a distinguished physician. How seriously he 
realised his responsibilities may be seen from the following 
4 plan of study ' that he drew up for himself at this period, 
transcribed verbatim from one of his note-books which has 
been preserved. 

1 Theology 

Or Religion ] [taught by Nature 

Ethics, or moral virtues J" 1 by Revelation 

2 Geography 

3 My Profession 5 Language 

1 Botany i English 

2 Pharmacy 2 French 

3 Nosology 3 Latin 

(969) 1 


4 Anatomy 4 Greek 

5 Surgery 5 Italian 

6 Chemistry 6 Spanish 

7 Hebrew 
4 Logic 

6 Physics 

1 The doctrines and properties of natural bodies 

2 Of the operations of nature 

3 Of the doctrines of fluids 

4 Of the properties of organised matter 

5 Of the organisation of matter 

6 Simple Astronomy 

7 Mechanics 9 History and Chronology 

8 Rhetoric and Oratory 10 Mathematics 

This represents, truly, an ambitious programme for a 
boy of sixteen to undertake, and it may be doubted whether 
much progress was made in some of the subjects cited, such 
as Nosology x and Hebrew. The doubt increases when it 
is discovered, from other note-books of Davy surviving from 
this same year, how much time he devoted to one topic not 
specifically mentioned on the plan at all poetry. Here, 
as an example, the last few quatrains of a long poem entitled 
The Sons of Genius may be quoted : 

Like the tumultuous billows of the sea 
Succeed the generations of mankind ; 
Some in oblivious silence pass away. 
And leave no vestige of their lives behind. 

Others, like those proud waves which beat the shore, 
A loud and momentary murmur raise ; 
But soon their transient glories are no more. 
No future ages echo with their praise. 

1 This, according to the dictionary, is * the science dealing with the classi 
fication of diseases. 3 


Like yon proud rock, amidst the sea of time, 
Superior, scorning all the billows' rage, 
The living Sons of Genius stand sublime, 
The immortal children of another age. 

For those exist whose pure ethereal minds, 
Imbibing portions of celestial day, 
Scorn all terrestrial cares, all mean designs, 
As bright-eyed eagles scorn the lunar ray. 

Theirs is the glory of a lasting name, 
The meed of Genius, and her living fire ; 
Theirs is the laurel of eternal fame, 
And theirs the sweetness of the muse's lyre. 

This may not be first-class poetry, but it is very creditable 
versification, and it was considered meritorious enough by 
Wordsworth and Coleridge, who became acquainted with 
Davy a few years later, to be included in their Annual 
Anthology for 1799. Coleridge, indeed, was wont to declare 
subsequently : c If Davy had not been the first chemist, he 
would have been the first poet of his age/ but this statement 
must be regarded as more cogent evidence of the loyalty of 
his friendship than of his critical acumen. The best of 
Davy's poetry, it must be confessed, is strongly reminiscent 
of Wordsworth in his most pedestrian moments. 

Chemistry, however, soon became his supreme pre 
occupation. He did not begin to study the subject seriously 
until he was just entering upon his nineteenth year, but 
previous to that, when he should have been preparing 
medicines in the surgery, he had formed the habit of practis 
ing spectacular experiments in the garret which he occupied 
as a bedroom in Dr Tonkin's house, his sister functioning as 
his assistant with occasional disasters to her dress from 
corrosive substances. His apparatus consisted chiefly of 
phials, wine-glasses and tea-cups, tobacco pipes and earthen 
crucibles ; when he needed a fire he was obliged to come 
down to the kitchen. On more than one occasion an 
explosion occurred which evoked from the worthy doctor 


such expressions as : c This boy Humphry is incorrigible ! 5 
4 Was there ever so idle a dog ? ' 'He will blow us all into 
the air ! ' But ' Sir Humphry,' as his benefactor called him 
in prophetic jest, was always indulgently allowed to continue 
his c researches.' 

Two friends whom he made at this time turned his 
thoughts towards chemistry in real earnest. Davies Giddy, 
a wealthy Cornish landowner with a keen interest in science, 
is stated to have first noticed Davy c pulling faces 3 while 
swinging on a gate. He asked who that extraordinary- 
looking boy might be, and was informed that it was young 
Davy, the wood-carver's son, who was said to be fond of 
making chemical experiments. ' Chemical experiments ! * 
exclaimed Mr Giddy with much surprise ; c if that be the 
case, I must have some conversation with him.' As a result 
of this conversation he invited Humphry to his house, 
offered him the use of his library, and took him to see the 
chemical laboratory at a neighbouring copper-works. The 
tumultuous delight with which Davy examined common 
pieces of apparatus, previously known to him only as pictures 
in books, surpassed all description. Little could anyone 
have suspected, at this stage of their acquaintance, that some 
day the poor wood-carver's son would repay the wealthy 
landowner for his kindness by nominating him as his suc 
cessor for the position of President of the Royal Society of 
London ! 

Davy's second friend was Gregory Watt, son of the famous 
James Watt, who, forced to abandon his scientific studies at 
the University of Glasgow through ill health, came to the 
kindlier climate of Cornwall to recuperate, and stayed as a 
lodger in the house of Mrs Davy. The two young men soon 
became closely attached to each other, Gregory's interest 
being first aroused by Humphry's undertaking c to demolish 
the French theory of chemistry in hah an hour. 5 No doubt 
the pair subsequently held many long discussions on this 
absorbing topic. 

Davy had, at this point, read only two books on chemistry 


Nicholson's Dictionary and Lavoisier's Elements. Within a 
few months he had grown bold enough to believe that he 
could amend the great Lavoisier's brilliant theory of com 
bustion (that substances, when they burned, combined with 
the oxygen of the air), which had recently overthrown the 
old phlogiston theory (that substances, when they burned, 
lost a material of negative weight, phlogiston). Through 
Mr Giddy and Mr Watt he entered into correspondence on 
the subject in April 1798 with Dr Beddoes of Bristol, and his 
vivid description of the speculations which he had made 
c On the Nature of Heat and Light ' and of the experiments 
which he had performed to verify those speculations soon led 
Beddoes to declare his whole-hearted conversion to Davy's 

In all probability, Beddoes was much more directly 
interested from the very start in another line of investigation 
that Davy was then pursuing the effect of nitrous oxide on 
animal life. Dr Mitchill, an American chemist, had put 
forward a * Theory of Contagion ' which ascribed to this 
gas the power of spreading disease. Davy, in his attic bed 
room, soon disposed of this theory. Here is his own account : 

The fallacy of this theory was soon demonstrated by a few 
coarse experiments made on small quantities of the gas, procured 
from zinc and diluted nitrous acid. Wounds were exposed to 
its action ; the bodies of animals were immersed in it without 
injury, and I breathed it, mingled in small quantities in common 
air, without remarkable effects. An inability to procure it in 
sufficient quantities prevented me at the time from pursuing the 
experiments to any greater extent. I communicated an account 
of them to Dr Beddoes. 

Dr Beddoes must have made up his mind, immediately 
he received this account, that the right place for Humphry 
Davy to continue his chemical studies was in the Pneumatic 
Institution, which he was just then establishing at Clifton, 
a suburb of Bristol, for the purpose of testing the medicinal 
effects of different gases. He accordingly offered this boy 


of nineteen the position of superintendent thereof. With 
the help of Mr Giddy suitable terms were arranged, Mr 
Borlase released Humphry from his unexpired apprentice 
ship, and in October 1798 he left Penzance for Bristol. His 
brother states in his biography : c If this situation had been 
created purposely for him, it could not have been more 
suitable to the bent of his genius, or better adapted for calling 
into activity and developing fully the powers of his mind. 5 
Only one person seems to have been opposed to the whole 
business, poor old Dr Tonkin, who was so disgusted by 
Humphry's disruption of his own plans for his future that 
he struck the rascal's name out of his will. 

Behold, then, the juvenile Davy transported to the 
Pneumatic Institution at Clifton. He was destined to 
remain there little more than two years, but how busy he 
was going to be during that brief period ! 

First of all, while the erection of his laboratory was being 
completed, he put into order for publication his researches 
on heat and light. These occupied the first 200 pages of 
a volume, Contributions to Physical and Medical Knowledge, 
collected by Thomas Beddoes, M.D., printed at Bristol in 
January 1799. Beddoes, of course, lauded Davy's ideas to 
the skies ; more important, the venerable Priestley, still 
struggling to revive the phlogiston theory, wrote from his 
American exile to congratulate the young author on his 
philosophical acumen ' x ; but the critics rushed at him 
like a pack of wolves. It may be an exaggeration to state, 
as Dr Paris did, that the theories put forward in these essays 
have scarcely a parallel in extravagance and absurdity, but 
in sober truth the c infant speculations ' which they contain 
are ninety per cent nonsense, and, it is difficult to understand 

1 Later, in 1801, Priestley wrote to Davy : ' It gives me peculiar satis 
faction that, as I am far advanced in life, and cannot expect to do much more, 
I shall have so able a fellow-labourer in my own country. I rejoice that you 
are so young a man, and perceiving the ardour with which you begin your 
career, I have no doubt of your success.' 


how many of the experimental results cited in their support 
could actually have been obtained. Davy, of course, was 
deeply chagrined ; he subsequently declared that he would 
joyfiilly relinquish any little glory or reputation he might 
have acquired by later researches, were it possible to blot 
out these essays from the records of science. 

No doubt, however, the bitter experience was a valuable 
lesson to him ; it warned him of the dangers of hasty hypoth 
eses and unconfirmed conclusions. In August of the same 
year he made the following remarks in his note-book : 

I was perhaps wrong in publishing, with such haste, a new 
theory of chemistry. My mind was ardent and enthusiastic. 
Since that time, my knowledge of facts is increased ; since that 
time I have become more sceptical. It is more laborious to 
accumulate facts than to reason concerning them ; but one 
good experiment is of more value than the ingenuity of a brain 
like Newton's. 

The last sentence is manifestly an over-statement, but by 
that time the * good experiment ' had already arrived. 

Meanwhile Davy was enjoying to the full the literary 
contacts afforded him in Bristol. The city was at that time 
particularly favoured by young men of genius, and Dr 
Beddoes's house was their gathering-point. Here Davy 
met, among others, Southey, Wordsworth and Coleridge. 
All these c had very little the advantage of him in age ; 
they also were entering with eager emulation on the course 
of glory ; he formed their acquaintance and obtained their 
friendship ; and though the great objects of his pursuit 
were of a scientific nature, yet he found time to take a part 
with them in labours purely literary.' 

So speaks his biographer brother. Here it will be 
sufficient to give a bare list of the main works upon which 
his note-books of 1799 show that he was then assiduously 
occupied. In the first place, no fewer than five novels, in 
all of which he himself is obviously the hero : The Child 
of * Education, or the Narrative of W. Morley ; The Lover of Nature, 


or the Feelings of Eldon ; The Dreams of a Solitary ; Imla, the 
Man of Simplicity ; and The Villager : a Tale for the Common 
People, to prove that great Cities are the Abodes of Vice. Secondly, 
a number of essays, among which, c On Luxury/ * On 
Genius/ c On Dreaming/ and c On Education ' merit special 
mention, the last being a preliminary draft of a more extended 
treatise to be entitled, Observations on Education and the Formation 
of the Human Intellect, designed for the Use of Parents and In 
structors ! And finally, an epic poem in the style of Milton, 
six books in blank verse, large fragments of which have 
survived, on Moses ; or the Deliverance of the Israelites from 
Egypt, together with a mass of minor poetry. 

All these, however, were subsidiary recreations ; his 
official task was to investigate the physiological effects of the 
respiration of different gases for the Pneumatic Institution, 
and right manfully did he set about it. His first experiments, 
naturally, were upon the use of nitrous oxide, the gas with 
which he had already made some preliminary trials in 
Penzance. The results that he obtained, * of a very novel 
and wonderful kind, contrary to all expectation, and almost 
exceeding belief/ were published in 1800 in an octavo 
volume. Had he never written any other work, this alone 
would have immortalised his name. 

* In April (1799),' he states, * I obtained nitrous oxide 
in a state of purity, and ascertained many of its chemical 
properties. Reflections upon these properties, and upon my 
former trials, made me resolve to endeavour to inspire it in 
its pure form ; for I saw no other way in which its respira- 
bility or powers could be determined.' 

This resolution, although he was well aware of the danger 
of the experiment, he rapidly carried into effect. Here is 
his own description of one of many trials : 

A thrilling, extending from the chest to the extremities, was 
almost immediately produced. I felt a sense of tangible extension 
highly pleasurable in every limb ; my visible impressions were 
dazzling, and apparently magnified, I heard distinctly every sound 
in the room, and was perfectly aware of my situation. By degrees, 


as the pleasurable sensations Increased, I lost all connection with 
external things ; trains of vivid visible images rapidly passed 
through my mind, and were connected with words in such a 
manner, as to produce perceptions perfectly novel. I existed 
in a world of newly connected and newly modified ideas : I 
theorised, I imagined that I made discoveries. When I was 
awakened from this semi-delirious trance by Dr Kinglake, who 
took the bag from my mouth, indignation and pride were the 
first feelings produced by the sight of the persons about me. 
My emotions were enthusiastic and sublime, and for a minute 
I walked round the room perfectly regardless of what was said 
to me. As I recovered my former state of mind I felt an inclina 
tion to communicate the discoveries I had made during the 
experiment. I endeavoured to recall the ideas : they were 
feeble and indistinct ; one collection of terms however presented 
itself ; and with a most intense belief and prophetic manner, 
I exclaimed to Dr Kinglake, e Nothing exists but thoughts ! The 
universe is composed of impressions 3 ideas, pleasures and pains ! ' 

Once it was ascertained that the gas could be inhaled 
with safety, all of Davy's friends were eager to assist him 
by putting their experiences on record. Even the sedate 
Southey, the future Poet Laureate, is reported to have 
smiled while c under the influence/ The story given by 
Coleridge is of particular interest : 

The first time I inspired the nitrous oxide, I felt a highly 
pleasurable sensation of warmth over my whole frame, resembling 
that which I remember once to have experienced after returning 
from a walk in the snow into a warm room. The only motion 
which I felt inclined to make, was that of laughing at those who 
were looking at me. 

The second time I felt the same pleasurable sensation of 
warmth, but not, I think, in quite so great a degree. I wished 
to know what effect it would have on my impressions ; I fixed 
my eye on some trees in the distance, but I did not find any 
other effect except that they became dimmer and dimmer, and 
looked at last as if I had seen them through tears. 

Comparing these two accounts carefully, can we really 
believe that Coleridge attended as many of Davy's lectures 


as he could in later years merely ' to increase his stock of 
metaphors ' ? The personal attraction must surely have 
exceeded the literary. Davy * himself was anxious at this 
time to ascertain whether the state of intoxication produced 
by inhaling nitrous oxide would improve his poetry. He 
took walks on the more sublime parts of Clifton Down, 
composing verses while breathing the gas from a bag. The 
effect was insignificant, as the following effusion demon 
strates : 

Not in the ideal dreams of wild desire 

Have I beheld a rapture-wakening form : 
My bosom burns with no unhallow'd fire, 

Yet is my cheek with rosy blushes warm ; 
Yet are my eyes with sparkling lustre fill'd ; 

Yet is my mouth replete with murmuring sound ; 
Yet are my limbs with inward transports fill'd 

And clad with new-born mightiness around. 

Yet is it not possible that to this idea of Davy we owe 
c Kubla Khan/ composed by Coleridge while he was 
making a similar test of the influence of opium ? 

The remarkable influence of nitrous oxide on human 
emotions and behaviour soon became noised abroad beyond 
Bristol, and it was not long before the fame of Davy spread 
not only over Great Britain, but also to the United States, 
through demonstrations with the e pleasure-producing air/ 
at which the most ludicrous results were frequently obtained. 1 
It is astounding, nevertheless, that the application of Davy's 
discovery by the medical profession to the relief of human 
suffering by its use in operations was delayed until long after 
Davy's death. Only in 1844 did an American dentist named 
Horace Wells first demonstrate its value in this connection, 
through the painless extraction of one of his own upper 
teeth. A subsequent experiment at the Boston Medical 
School failed, however/because an insufficient quantity of the 
gas was used, and sulphuric ether and chloroform became 

1 The stories of much earlier nitrous oxide ' orgies ' conducted bv Daw 
and Borlase at Penzance are purely fictitious. 


the earliest popular anaesthetics. Not until much later did 
c laughing gas ' come into favour for employment in tooth 
extractions, and it is still one of the most widely used anaes 
thetics in this and certain other minor operations. 

Yet the possibilities of the use of nitrous oxide in dentistry 
and surgery were clearly appreciated by Davy himself as 
early as 1799. Looking back on the activities of this boy of 
twenty they have not yet all been enumerated it is 
evident that he must have been leading not one double life, 
but several double lives, during his residence at Clifton, and 
retribution inevitably followed. While completing his 
observations on nitrous oxide, this venerable philosopher 
cut a wisdom tooth ! Perhaps he should be permitted to 
describe the experience in his own words : 

The power of the immediate operation of the gas in removing 
intense physical pain, I had a very good opportunity of ascer 

In cutting one of the unlucky teeth called denies sapientiae, 
I experienced an extensive inflammation of the gum, accom 
panied with great pain, which equally destroyed the power of 
repose, and of consistent action. 

On the day when the inflammation was most troublesome, 
I breathed three large doses of nitrous oxide. The pain always 
diminished after the first four or five inspirations ; the thrilling 
came on as usual, and uneasiness was for a few minutes swallowed 
up in pleasure. As the former state of mind however returned, 
the state of organ returned with it ; and I once imagined that the 
pain was more severe after the experiment than before. 

A little later in his publication of 1800 he makes the 
definite remark : 

As nitrous oxide in its extensive operation appears capable 
of destroying physical pain, it may probably be used with advan 
tage during surgical operations in which no great effusion of 
blood takes place. 

What a pity it is that Davy never realised the ambition 
that he cherished at this time, an ambition that he did not 


definitely abandon for many years, of completing his medical 
studies and becoming a practising physician ! What agony 
might not mankind have been spared through his efforts ! 
Why did he not press his work in this direction any further ? 

The reason is simple Dr Beddoes. That gentleman's 
lack of scientific balance had already induced Davy to rush 
his researches on light and heat into premature print, now 
he was again demonstrating himself to be ' as little fitted 
for a Mentor as a weather-cock for a compass. 3 He envisaged 
the Pneumatic Institution acquiring an international reputa 
tion through Davy's discoveries ; nitrous oxide must prove 
to be a specific for all kinds of diseases. That the wish, 
with him, was indeed the father to the thought was shown 
by Davy and Coleridge when they assisted him to cure an 
ignorant patient of paralysis, concealing from him the fact 
that the man had never been given nitrous oxide at all ! 
e It were criminal to retard the general promulgation of so 
important a discovery/ exulted Beddoes. Davy, however, 
not desirous of any more discredit, and foreseeing the future 
collapse of the Pneumatic Institution under such a director, 
confessed his deception and turned his own investigations 
into safer fields. 

About this time, in fact, he was forced to go home for 
a month's holiday, so seriously had he injured his health 
through experiments on a number of other gases, the effects 
of which he wished to compare with those of nitrous oxide. 
An attempt to breathe nitric oxide proved painful enough, 
but his most appalling experience resulted from inhalation 
of * hydrocarbonate ' or c water gas 'a fifty-fifty mixture 
of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. That lie did not kill 
himself with this was a sheer miracle. After taking three 
deep breaths, he just managed to drop the mouthpiece from 
his lips before sinking into annihilation. On recovering 
consciousness, he articulated faintly : ' I don't think I shall 
die,' and proceeded to note with meticulous accuracy all 
the symptoms accompanying his agonising progress back to 
life, even remembering to ask for a dose of nitrous oxide in 


order to test its effect under such circumstances. Nothing 
daunted by this escape, he tried only a week later to respire 
pure carbon dioxide, but his epiglottis rebelled. Not without 
justice has this series of experiments been entitled c one of 
the boldest ever undertaken by man. 5 A safer field of 
investigation was indeed necessary for the survival of the 
young investigator. 

The study of e galvanic phenomena ' had already begun 
to attract him. Scarcely had Nicholson and Carlisle 
announced their accidental discovery, on 30 April 1800, 
that water could be decomposed by the voltaic pile (or by 
an electric current, as we should say nowadays) into its 
constituent gases, hydrogen and oxygen, before Davy was 
hard on their heels, and by January of the following year 
he had published no less than six papers on the chemical 
changes accompanying electrolysis. Discussion of this work 
will be deferred for the moment, however, for February saw 
Davy released from Dr Beddoes and installed in another 
position Director of the Laboratory and Assistant Lecturer 
in Chemistry at the Royal Institution in London. 

Bidding farewell to his friends in Bristol before proceed 
ing to the ' Abode of Vice/ Davy nourished no qualms 
regarding his prospects in his new responsibilities, A few 
months earlier Coleridge had visited the metropolis and 
had been asked on his return : e You must have met some 
clever men in London ; how do they compare with Davy ? ' 
' Clever men ? ' Coleridge replied ; c our Humphry could eat 
them all ! * He not only could ; he did. 

The Royal Institution had been founded in 1799 by 
Count Rumford, himself a scientist of the first distinction, 
6 with the intent of diffusing a knowledge of science and of 
its applications to the common purposes of life, and of 
exciting a taste for science amongst the higher ranks.' The 
first professor of chemistry, however, Dr Garnett of Glasgow, 
had not proved a success ; he sank into melancholia after 
the death of his wife and attendance at his lectures languished. 


Seeking to revive the drooping fortunes of the Institution, 
Rumford had his attention drawn to Davy, whose engage 
ment was made on the understanding that he should step 
into Garnett's shoes on his retiral, which actually came into 
effect within a year. 

In spite of the high recommendations that Davy received, 
Count Rumford was evidently uncertain for a time as to the 
ability of this uncouth country lad to measure up to the 
duties of his position. It is to be suspected, in fact, that 
Davy and his c laughing gas 3 were designed, originally, mainly 
to act as comic relief to the lugubrious Garnett. Look at 
the plate, facing page 20, which portrays a e Seance ' held 
at the Royal Institution in 1801 ! Rumford himself is stand 
ing on the right, Garnett is administering the nitrous oxide, 
and Davy is assisting with the bellows. 1 That Rumford had 
some regrets in regard to his precipitancy in engaging Davy 
is revealed by the fact that he would not at first allow him 
to lecture in the main theatre of the Royal Institution. After 
he had heard him speak once in the smaller lecture room, 
however, all his doubts were removed and he exclaimed : 
c Let him command any arrangements which the Institution 
can afford/ Thenceforth Davy was not to function as comic 
relief, he was promoted to the role of juvenile lead. 

His popularity was immediate and prodigious, and the 
Royal Institution boomed. Regarding his very first lecture, 
on Galvanic Phenomena, delivered in April 1801, the 
Philosophical Magazine reported as follows : 

The audience were highly gratified, and testified their satis 
faction by general applause. Mr Davy, who appears to be very 
young, acquitted himself admirably well ; from the sparkling 
intelligence of his eye, his animated manner, and the tout ensemble, 
we have no doubt of his attaining a distinguished eminence. 

One of his earliest friends, Mr Parkes, wrote after his 
death : 

1 Part of the cartoon on the left has been suppressed, it may be noted, as 
too crude for modern standards. 


The sensation created by his first course of Lectures at the 
Institution, and the enthusiastic admiration which they obtained, 
is at this period scarcely to be imagined. Men of the first rank 
and talent, the literary and the scientific, the practical and the 
theoretical, blue-stockings and women of fashion, the old and 
the young, all crowded eagerly crowded the lecture-room. His 
youth, his simplicity, his natural eloquence, his chemical know 
ledge, his happy illustrations and well-conducted experiments, 
excited universal attention and unbounded applause. . . . 
Compliments, invitations and presents were showered upon him 
in abundance from all quarters ; his society was courted by 
all, and all appeared proud of his acquaintance. 

And Dr Paris, not always a sympathetic biographer, 
states : 

At length, so popular did he become, under the auspices 
of the Duchess of Gordon and other leaders of high fashion, 
that even their soirees were considered incomplete without his 
presence ; and yet these fascinations, strong as they must have 
been, never tempted him from his allegiance to Science : never 
did the charms of the saloon allure him from the duties of the 
laboratory, or distract him from the duties of the lecture-room. 
The crowds that repaired to the Institution in the morning were, 
day after day, gratified by newly devised and highly illustrative 
experiments, conducted with the utmost address, and explained 
in language at once perspicuous and eloquent. 

He brought down Science from those heights which were 
before accessible only to a few, and placed her within the reach 
of all ; he divested the goddess of all severity of aspect, and 
represented her as attired by the Graces. 

Envious voices, of course, were not entirely silent, and 
even some of his old friends felt alarm for his future. 
Coleridge, for instance, wrote : 

I see two Serpents at the cradle of his genius : Dissipation 
with a perpetual increase of acquaintances, and the constant 
presence of Inferiors and Devotees, with that too great facility 
of attaining admiration, which degrades Ambition into Vanity, 

Such solicitude was unnecessary ; Davy could keep his 
head for the present. His exterior, indeed, might adjust 


itself to his new environment contrast the unkempt yokel 
on page 20, the tidier, but still unsophisticated, youth on 
page 5, and the Beau Brummel on page 36 ! but chemical 
research remained his ruling passion despite all other 
distractions. For some years, it is true, the variety of his 
duties at the Royal Institution he was called upon to deliver 
successive series of lectures on tanning, on mineralogy and 
metallurgy, and on agriculture prevented him from con 
tinuing his electrochemical investigations as actively as he 
desired, but he was elected to the Royal Society in 1803 
and when, in 1806, he was invited by that society to deliver 
its Bakerian Lecture, he established indubitably his place 
as * the first chemist of his time.' 

Dr Thomas Thomson considered this paper to be the 
finest and completest specimen of inductive reasoning to 
appear during the age in which he lived ; Berzelius, the 
6 Dictator ' of European chemistry, spoke of it as one of the 
most remarkable memoirs that had ever enriched the theory 
of the science. Still more significant, although Great Britain 
and France were then at war, a committee of the French 
Institute awarded Davy the prize of 3,000 francs which had 
been established by Napoleon himself ' for the best experi 
ment on the galvanic fluid. 3 Some people said that 
Davy ought not to accept this prize, but he remarked : 
e If the two countries or governments are at war, the 
men of science are not. That would, indeed, be a civil 
war of the worst description.' It is sad to reflect that 
such sentiments are much less tenable today than in 

Many of the ideas expressed in Davy's first Bakerian 
Lecture, however, almost appear to belong to the twentieth 
rather than to the nineteenth century. It is impossible to 
describe them adequately in brief space ; let it suffice to 
indicate that the whole lecture constitutes a remarkable 
anticipation of modern electrochemical developments. 

An important section of the paper examines in detail the 
fact that, when an electric current is passed through the 


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solution of a salt in water, acid collects around the positive 
and alkali around the negative pole. The formation of the 
two products of electrolysis at a distance from each other 
had always intrigued Davy ; back in Bristol he had shown 
that hydrogen and oxygen bubbled off at the two electrodes 
in the proportions required to give water even when the 
human body intervened to form part of the circuit (Fig. i). 
Now he found that acid and alkali were similarly produced 
quite separately, and forecast the utilisation of electrolysis 
for the large-scale manufacture of acids and alkalis. Today 
hundreds of thousands of tons of caustic soda, for example. 

FIG. i The human body * experiment 

are obtained annually from common salt for use in the soap 
industry by this very method. 

Still more astonishing was Davy's suggestion that elec 
trolysis should lead to the discovery of the true elements of 
compound bodies, yet before a year had elapsed he himself 
had fulfilled his own prophecy. If his first Bakerian Lecture 
was a masterpiece, his second, delivered in November 1807, 
was a veritable triumph. Two new elements potassium 
and sodium were exhibited to an awestruck audience ; 
metals such as mankind had never seen before, metals which 
swam on water, decomposing that liquid with a beautiful 

When Davy, passing an electric current through fused 
caustic potash in the laboratory of the Royal Institution 
on 6 October 1807, saw the first tiny globules of molten 

(969) 3 


potassium, bright as quicksilver, break through the surface 
and take fire, he was as excited as a child. According to 
his cousin, Edmund Davy, who was acting as his assistant 
at the time, he actually danced about the room in ecstasy, 
and it was some time before he became sufficiently composed 
to continue his work. c Capital experiment ! ' he wrote in 
his note-book, and a capital experiment indeed it was. A 
few days later he obtained sodium in a similar manner from 
caustic soda, and before the middle of November he had 
determined the main physical and chemical properties of 
both metals. 

The whole work was carried out under conditions of 
wild mental agitation ; few discoveries of such magnitude 
have been made and perfected so rapidly. He composed 
his lecture in a state of fever ; after its delivery he collapsed 
and lay for weeks at the point of death. The doors of the 
Royal Institution were besieged by anxious inquirers, but 
his understudies could not tempt them inside as far as the 
lecture-room. Bulletins were issued daily, and a public 
subscription was raised to provide him with bigger and 
better batteries with which to carry his investigations further 
on his recovery. He might have been a prince of the blood, 
so great was the general concern. 

During Davy's illness Berzelius and other chemists on 
the Continent had anticipated him, to some extent, by 
preparing metallic calcium and barium from lime and 
baryta by modifications of his methods. He immediately 
countered by the isolation of three more elements strontium, 
magnesium and boron. What a man ! 

His next work of note was to prove the elementary nature 
of chlorine. This gas had been discovered by Scheele in 
1774, in the days of the old phlogiston theory, and christened 
e dephlogisticated marine air.' Lavoisier considered it to be 
a compound of oxygen and muriatic acid (what we now call 
hydrochloric acid), and termed it ' oxymuriatic acid ' 
accordingly. Davy, by a series of the most brilliant experi 
ments, showed that oxygen was entirely absent from chlorine. 


The film of moisture obtained when a mixture of hydrogen 
and chlorine combines was demonstrated to be due merely 
to insufficient drying of the gases beforehand. Tremendous 
controversy ensued before Davy's conclusions were universally 
accepted, but even Berzelius, the protagonist of the doctrine 
of Lavoisier, finally gave way and enjoined his cook-assistant 
in his kitchen laboratory in Stockholm to speak no longer 
of oxymuriatic acid : c Thou must call it chlorine, Anna ; 
that is better. 5 

Incidentally Davy was the first to discover, in the course 
of his experiments on chlorine, that the dry gas is incapable 
of bleaching vegetable colours, the presence of a trace of 
water being necessary in all industrial bleaching operations 
in which chlorine is employed. He also isolated many new 
compounds of chlorine, too numerous to mention in detail 

Davy was now in the prime of life, at the height of fame 
and happiness. His popularity had spread from London to 
the whole United Kingdom ; when he was invited to speak 
in Dublin in 1810 and 1811 the laboratory of the Dublin 
Society, which had been enlarged to hold 550 people, would 
not accommodate half the persons who desired to attend his 
lectures, and from ten to twenty guineas were offered for 
a ticket. He was evidently feeling the strain of continuous 
work, however, and was glad to break away to Gonnemara 
to fish : he was always ' a little mad 5 about fishing. At 
this period he was being pestered, also, by some of his 
influential friends to enter the Church, while he himself had 
serious thoughts of resuming his medical studies, with the 
view of practising as a physician. He actually entered his 
name at Cambridge and kept some terms there for that 

At this point of his career, moreover, he showed that he 
was not free from human frailty, after all, by falling in 
love, and in April 1812 he was married to Mrs Apreece, 
a rich widow from Antigua and a c far-away cousin ' of 


Sir Walter Scott. It was not her wealth that attracted him 
Davy had not the slightest interest in money matters, and 
never sought to commercialise his many inventions it was 
a true love-match, on Davy's side at least. One of his friends 
celebrated the occasion with the following verse : 

Too many men have often seen 

Their talents underrated ; 
But Davy owns that his have been 

Duly Apreeciated. 

The wedding, however, was not a success. Sir Humphry 
married he had been knighted a few days before his 
wedding was not such an attraction to fashionable ladies 
as plain Humphry single ; Lady Davy also was no longer 
the lioness that she had proved to be while unattached. The 
social ambitions of the young couple were doomed to failure, 
and mutual disillusionment soon followed. 

On his marriage Sir Humphry resigned his official duties 
at the Royal Institution, but retained the title of Honorary 
Professor in order to be free to devote more time to original 
research. While delivering his last series of lectures there, 
during the winter of 1812, he made what ultimately proved 
to be the greatest of all his discoveries the discovery of 
Michael Faraday. The story of this discovery will be given 
in full in the following chapter. 

In October 1813, Great Britain and France being still 
at war, Sir Humphry obtained special permission from 
Napoleon to make an extended scientific tour of the Con 
tinent, and proceeded to Paris with Faraday, whom he had 
engaged as an assistant, and a small ( travelling laboratory.' 
He was received with the greatest cordiality by all the 
prominent French chemists of that period, and within a few 
weeks he solved for them the mystery of a c violet vapour,' 
produced by the action of sulphuric acid on the ash of sea 
weed, that had been occupying their attention for the last 
two years. Davy showed that this substance, which con 
denses on cooling to lustrous black crystals, was an element 


with similar chemical properties to chlorine, and called it 
6 iodine.' His French colleagues were overwhelmed by 
his ingenuity, but did not altogether relish his rapidity 
of thought. His insular arrogance is reported to have 
caused frequent offence, and it could not have been 
pleasant for them to learn that Napoleon had heard 
that the young English chemist had a poor opinion of 
them all. 

Davy, it is to be feared, soon outwore his welcome in 
Paris, and Lady Davy, who accompanied the party, proved 
to be a constant source of trouble, as will appear in the next 
chapter. On one occasion she ventured to take a walk in 
the Tuileries wearing a cockle-shell hat, such as was fashion 
able just then in London. Parisian style, however, de 
manded at that time a bonnet of most voluminous dimen 
sions, and such a crowd assembled around the e unknown 
exotic ' that she finally had to quit the gardens surrounded 
by a military guard with fixed bayonets ! 

Altogether the trip was far from an ideal honeymoon, 
and Davy's later tours on the Continent were mostly made 
alone. After eighteen months had been spent wandering 
all over France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany, meeting 
the most famous scientists of all these countries, the party 
was glad to return to England in April 1815. Davy had 
written a great deal of poetry during his travels, but it is 
noteworthy that none of it treats of love. 

Now came Davy's last great achievement in chemistry, 
by virtue of which his name is still most widely revered, the 
invention of the miner's safety-lamp. A recent succession 
of disastrous explosions in the coal mines had led to the 
formation of a society to investigate the whole situation and 
to seek for remedies. When this society sought Davy's 
assistance, he replied in August 1815 as follows : 

It will give me great satisfaction if my chemical knowledge 
can be of any use in an enquiry so interesting to humanity, and 


I beg you will assure the committee of my readiness to co-operate 
with them in any experiments or investigations on the subject. 

If you think my visiting the mines can be of any use, I will 
cheerfully do so. 

After examining the danger from fire-damp in a number 
of collieries, he was able to report two months later : 

My experiments are going on successfully and I hope in a 
few days to send you an account of them ; I am going to be 
fortunate far beyond my expectations. 

By November he was ready to announce the fundamental 
principle of the safety-lamp to the Royal Society, and in 
January 1816 models of his design were tested in two of the 
most dangerous mines near Newcastle with perfect success. 
Here is a record by Mr Buddie, manager of the Wallsend 
Colliery : 

I first tried it in an explosive mixture on the surface ; and 
then took it into a mine ; it is impossible for me to express my 
feelings at the time when I first suspended the lamp in the mine 
and saw it red hot. I said to those around me, ' We have at 
last subdued this monster. 3 

An early form of the Davy safety-lamp, together with 
a more modern variety, is shown in the diagram on page 27. 
Starting with the discovery that gaseous explosions would 
not pass through narrow tubes, particularly if these were 
made of metal, Davy reasoned that this stoppage must 
depend upon the cooling effect of the surface of the tubes. 
c Metal is a better conductor of heat than glass ; and it 
has been already shown that fire-damp requires a very 
strong heat for its inflammation. 3 

This cooling effect was next found to be equally efficient 
in preventing the passage of an explosion when the narrow 
tubes were replaced by a mesh of wire gauze. The gauze 
presents, essentially,, a multitude of very short fine tubes 
through which the gas must pass, and it cools an inflam 
mable mixture down so quickly that, normally, no flame 


can travel through it. A miner carrying a lighted Davy 
lamp knows immediately when he has entered a dangerous 
area underground, since the inflammable mixture outside 
readily passes through the meshes of the gauze and burns 
within it, filling the cylinder with a bright flame. No 
explosion will pass outwards, however, even although the 
gauze becomes heated to redness. 

Davy's invention, intended primarily solely to save 

Ajr leaves. 

Wire Gauze. 

Air enters. 


A B 

FIG. 2 Safety-lamps, old and new 

human lives, meant millions of pounds annually to the 
mining industry during the last century, since it enabled 
larger and deeper (also more dangerous) pits to be worked. 
Our modern Aladdin, however, disdained to become rich 
himself by taking out a patent for his invention, he gave it 
freely to the benefit of the world in general. In September 
1817, it is true, he was presented with a magnificent service 
of plate, valued at 2,500, by a grateful committee of colliery 
proprietors, but even this, as directed in his will, passed 
eventually, after the death of Lady Davy and his brother, 
to the Royal Society c to found a medal to be given annually 


for the most important discovery in chemistry made any 
where in Europe or Anglo-America. 3 An unfortunate con 
troversy took place about this time owing to claims made 
by the friends of George Stephenson, then an obscure wheel 
wright, later the famous railway engineer, for his priority in 
the invention of the safety-lamp, but there is no doubt that, 
while Stephenson was independently groping towards the 
method of protecting the flame, Davy had already leaped 
at the right answer. His promotion to the rank of baronet 
in October 1818 was felt by the whole nation to be richly 

The remainder of Davy's life calls for only brief comment. 
Honours were still heaped upon him he became President 
of the Royal Society, for example, in 1820 but he did little 
more scientific work of lasting value. He spent a great deal 
of energy in investigating for the Admiralty a method for 
preserving the copper sheathing of ships from corrosion, but 
his suggested solution, the insertion of protecting bars of a 
more electropositive metal, such as iron or zinc, while per 
fectly sound in theory, failed completely in practice, since 
the uncorroded copper quickly became so foul by adhesion 
of barnacles and seaweed as to impede the progress of the 
vessel. The various official trials that were made took him 
on wide journeys over the North Sea, and afforded him some 
good fishing in Scandinavia, but the final abandonment of 
the project mortified him bitterly, as may be seen from the 
following letter to his old friend, Mr Children : 

A mind of much sensibility might be disgusted, and one 
might be induced to say why should I labour for public objects, 
merely to meet abuse ? I am irritated by them more than I 
ought to be ; but I am getting wiser every day recollecting 
Galileo, and the times when philosophers and public benefactors 
were burnt for their services. 

As time went on, and as his health deteriorated, he 
became fonder than ever of social relaxations, foreign travel 
and above all his old recreations of writing and angling. 


Sir Walter Scott, who had first met him in 1805 in the 
Lake District when, in company with Wordsworth, they 
' climbed the great brow of the mighty Helvellyn/ frequently 
entertained him at Abbotsford, and here is Lockhart's account 
of one particular house-party there : 

But the most picturesque figure was the illustrious inventor 
of the safety-lamp. He had come for his favourite sport of 
angling . . . and his fisherman's costume a brown hat with 
flexible brims, surrounded with line upon line, and innumerable 
fly-hooks ; jackboots worthy of a Dutch smuggler, and a fustian 
surtout dabbled with the blood of salmon made a fine contrast 
to the smart jackets, white-cord breeches, and well-polished 
jockey-boots of the less distinguished cavaliers about him. I 
have seen Sir Humphry in many places, and in company of many 
different descriptions ; but never to such advantage as at Abbots- 
ford. His host and he delighted in each other, and the modesty 
of their mutual admiration was a memorable spectacle. Davy 
was by nature a poet and Scott, though anything but a philos 
opher in the modern sense of that term, might, I think it very 
likely, have pursued the study of physical science with zeal and 
success, had he happened to fall in with such an instructor as 
Sir Humphry would have been to him, in his early life. Each 
strove to make the other talk and they did so in turn more 
charmingly than I have ever heard either on any other occasion 
whatsoever. Scott in his romantic narratives touched a deeper 
chord of feeling than usual, when he had such a listener as Davy ; 
and Davy, when induced to open his views upon any questions 
of scientific interest in Scott's presence, did so with a degree of 
clear energetic eloquence, and with a flow of imagery and 
illustration, of which neither his habitual tone of table-talk (least 
of all in London), nor any of his prose writings (except, indeed, 
the posthumous Consolations of Travel) could suggest an adequate 
notion. I remember William Laidlaw whispering to me, one 
night, when their e wrapt talk ' had kept the circle round the 
fire until long after the usual bed-time of Abbotsford * Gud 
preserve us 1 This is a very superior occasion ! Eh, sirs ! ' he 
added, cocking his eye like a bird, c I wonder if Shakespeare and 
Bacon ever met to screw ilk other up ? ' 

The last two books that he wrote were Salmonia, or Days 
of Fly-fishing, and Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a 


Philosopher. He died in Geneva on 29 May 1829, before he 
had completed his fifty-first year. 

Davy has never lacked detractors, either during his 
lifetime or since his death. Every truly great man 
must submit himself to the sneers of envious inferiors, and 
Davy never made the slightest attempt to evade criticism. 
He was always vain of his accomplishments, but had 
he not the best reason to be ? Only in more mature 
years did that vanity gradually harden to arrogance, 
as in his treatment of the French chemists and, as will 
be seen in the next chapter, in his later dealings with 

It may be admitted that it was hardly tactful for c the 
first chemist of his age * always to act openly on that assump 
tion, but his nature was such that he could not behave 
otherwise. Similarly, on a fishing expedition, he must always 
be the best angler of the party, and at a fashionable gathering 
he must always be the centre of attraction. It is to be 
doubted, however, whether many of those who have accused 
Davy so vehemently of snobbery would have acted much 
differently if they had been placed in his position, and 
certainly very few, if any, would have carried it off with 
his success. 

The most eminent among his contemporaries never 
joined in the chorus of censure and abuse. That dour old 
Quaker, John Dalton, for instance, who toiled until the 
twilight of his life teaching little children the rudiments of 
arithmetic, and whose genius was not recognised by the 
Royal Society until he was fifty-six, what does he, who might 
justly have grudged his junior colleague his easy ascent to 
the top of the ladder of fame, say about Davy, who never 
believed in c ultimate particles or atoms 5 ? This is what 
he wrote after visiting him in London : 

He is a very agreeable and intelligent young man, and we 
have interesting conversations in an evening. The principal 
failing in his character is that he does not smoke. 


If any man had reason to resent Davy's behaviour towards 
him, that man was Michael Faraday. Yet the great French 
chemist, J. B. Dumas, records Faraday's attitude in the 
following anecdote : 

Faraday never forgot what he owed to Davy. Visiting him 
at the family lunch, twenty years after the death of the latter, 
he noticed evidently that I responded with some coolness to the 
praises which the recollection of Davy's great discoveries had 
evoked from him. He made no comment But, after the meal, 
he simply took me down to the library of the Royal Institution, 
and stopping before the portrait of Davy, he said, e He was a 
great man, wasn't he? ' Then, turning round, he added, c It was 
here that he spoke to me for the first time.' I bowed. We went 
to the laboratory. Faraday took out a note-book, opened it and 
pointed out with his finger the words written by Davy, at the 
very moment when by means of the battery he had just decom 
posed potash, and had seen the first globule of potassium ever 
isolated by the hand of man. Davy had traced with a feverish 
hand a circle which separates them from the rest of the page : 
the words, c Capital Experiment,' which he wrote below, cannot 
be read without emotion by any true chemist. I confessed 
myself conquered, and this time, without hesitating longer, I 
joined in the admiration of my good friend. 

Another friend of Faraday, Lady Pollock, has reported 
in similar terms : 

On one occasion, when some allusion to his early life 
from a friend brought on the mention of a painful passage 
between himself and Sir Humphry Davy, he rose abruptly from 
his seat and said, ' Talk of something else, and never let me 
speak of this again, I wish to remember nothing but Davy's 

What wonderful tributes these are to the greatness of 
Davy, but how much more wonderful testimony to the 
nobility of Faraday ! Truly, as Thorpe has said, it is not 
necessary to belittle one in order to eulogise the other. With 
typical French conciseness, Dumas has summed up the 
difference between the two men in a single phrase, written 


in relation to their visit to Paris in 1813 : c We admired 
Davy, we loved Faraday.' 

The foregoing pages, it is hoped, have demonstrated that 
Davy was indeed admirable. The ensuing chapter will 
attempt to show that Faraday was not only admirable but 
also lovable. 


Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy. John Davy, 1836 
The Life of Sir Humphry Davy. John Ayrton Paris, 1831 
Collected Works. Edited by John Davy, 1839-40 
Humphry Davy ; Poet and Philosopher. T. E. Thorpe, 1896 
The Scientific Achievements of Sir Humphry Davy. Joshua G. Gregory, 

British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century. J. G. Growther, 1935 


THE great German scientist, Wilhelm Ostwald, whose 
laboratory at Leipzig was the Mecca of all good physical 
chemists in the last years of the nineteenth century, relates 
that one of his research students, a Japanese, once put to 
him a very queer question : e How can men of future genius 
be recognised in earliest youth ? ' When asked why this 
should be done, the Oriental went on to explain that then 
it would be possible for the government to make the develop 
ment of children of genius, particularly in the case of the 
poorer classes, its special charge, being recompensed sub 
sequently a thousandfold by their services to the State. 

Ostwald became intrigued in the subject, and investigated 
his departmental records to see if he could discover an 
answer. He soon found that it was not those students who 
were particularly distinguished in their class work that later 
became famous ; the men of future worth were those who 
had not been satisfied with what they were given in their 
regular scheme of instruction. Originality was the first, 
and the supreme, indication of genius. Any teacher of 
experience, on reflection, will confirm this finding, and 
frequent examples of its validity will appear in the course of 
this volume. 

Looking into the early lives of great scientists, however, 
with genuine Teutonic thoroughness, Ostwald discovered 
another very interesting fact, that men of genius from their 
earliest years fall into two types the romantic and the 
classical. These types exhibit entirely distinct characteristics 
throughout their careers, and Ostwald finally wrote a thick 
book Great Men in which this whole topic is examined in 
minute detail. 

His perfect example of the romantic type is Humphry 



Davy. Davy's genius appears to have been essentially 
intuitive, he worked rapidly and easily, great discoveries 
dropped into his hands almost of their own accord, true 
gifts from the gods. But his genius was also erratic, he was 
a will-o'-the-wisp, here one minute and gone another ; 
nobody could tell what he was going to do next. 

Michael Faraday, on the other hand, is an ideal instance 
of the classical type. His was the kind of genius that Carlyle 
defined as a c transcendent capacity for taking trouble. 3 
Fortune did not smile upon him as upon Davy ; everything 
that he accomplished was the result of hard work. That 
work, moreover, was always severely logical and systematic. 
Davy's genius might, at times, flicker more brightly, but 
Faraday's shone with a steadier ray. 

The good fairies that clustered round Faraday's cradle 
brought him, as will be seen, gifts as desirable, though not 
so varied, as those for Davy, but another visitor was also 
in evidence on this occasion the Demon King ! He 
ordained that every time Faraday's labours led him to great 
achievement or high honour, something would happen that 
would spoil his enjoyment thereof. Davy had been Fortune's 
favourite, Faraday was to be her football. 

Michael Faraday's origin was even humbler than that 
of Davy. His father, a blacksmith, and his mother, a farmer's 
daughter, had left their native village of Clapham on the 
lonely Yorkshire moors for London just before his birth, and 
it was in an outlying Surrey suburb, Newington Butts, long 
since swallowed up in the maw of the metropolis, that 
Michael was born on 22 September 1791. His parents were 
poor, and he received very little schooling. Yet his home 
life and early associations must have been happy, for in 
later years, on country vacations, he would stand a long 
time under the spreading chestnut-tree to watch the sparks 
fly at a local forge, and he was never ashamed of having 
been e born and bred in a smithy.' 

At the age of thirteen he entered the employment of 



Mr Riebau, a bookseller and stationer, as an errand-boy. 
His duties were to dust the place, black boots, take round 
newspapers, and make himself useful generally. On Sunday 
mornings he had to get up particularly early to complete 
his tasks, for his parents belonged to the Sandemanians 
a small but very serious religious body and attendance at 
worship was strictly enforced. 

FIG. 3 Riebau's bookshop 

This bright-eyed boy, who c slid along the London pave 
ments with a load of brown curls upon his head and a packet 
of newspapers under his arm/ evidently gave his master 
satisfaction, for in October 1805 he was formally apprenticed 
for seven years to learn the arts of bookbinder, stationer and 
bookseller, and, in consideration of his faithful service, no 
premium was demanded. Faraday soon became an expert 
bookbinder ; even when he was world-famous, indeed, he 
continued to bind his own note-books. It is also interesting 
to note his remark to one of his nieces many years later, on 
passing a newspaper boy in the street : e I always feel a 


tenderness for those boys, because I once carried news 
papers myself.' 

Young Michael did not restrict his attention, however, 
to the outside of books. Here is what he himself says : 

Whilst an apprentice I loved to read the scientific books 
which were under my hands, and, amongst them, delighted in 
Marcet's Conversations in Chemistry and the electrical treatises in 
the Encyclopedia Britannica. I made such simple experiments in 
chemistry as could be defrayed in their expense by a few pence 
per week, and also constructed an electrical machine, first with 
a glass phial, and afterwards with a real cylinder, as well as other 
electrical apparatus of a corresponding kind. 

My Master allowed me to go occasionally of an evening to 
hear the lectures delivered by Mr Tatum on natural philosophy. 
I obtained a knowledge of these lectures by bills in the streets 
and shop windows. The hour was eight o'clock in the evening. 
The charge was one shilling per lecture, and my brother Robert 
[who was three years older and followed his father's business] 
made me a present of the money. 

Robert remained through life a warm friend and admirer 
of his younger brother, and, although only a gasfitter, 
frequently took advantage of the tickets which Michael sent 
him to attend his own lectures. Frank Barnard has told 
the following characteristic story about him : 

One day he was sitting in the Royal Institution just previous 
to a lecture by the young and rising philosopher, when he heard 
a couple of gentlemen behind him descanting on the natural gifts 
and rapid rise of the lecturer. The brother perhaps not fully 
apprehending the purport of their talk listened with growing 
indignation while one of them dilated on the lowness of Faraday's 
origin. * Why,' said the speaker, e I believe he was a mere 
shoeblack at one time.' Robert could endure this no longer ; 
but turning sharply round he demanded : ' Pray, sir, did he 
ever black your shoes ? ' ' Oh ! dear no, certainly not,' replied 
the gentleman, much abashed. 

In 1810 Faraday's father died, but this misfortune merely 
strengthened the bonds between him and the rest of his 

Sir Humphry Daw, in 1821 
From the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence 

Michael Faraday in 1830 
From the painting by H. W. Pickersgill 


family. He looked forward to the end of his apprenticeship, 
in order to share with his brother the responsibility of taking 
care of his mother and sisters., but when his seven years 
were up in October 1812, and he took service as a journey 
man bookbinder under a French emigrant, De La Roche, 
he became increasingly restless. De La Roche was a man 
of acid temper, who made Michael most uncomfortable. 

Some months before, through the kindness of Mr Dance, 
a customer at Riebau's shop and a member of the Royal 
Institution, he had been privileged to hear four of Sir 
Humphry Davy's last series of lectures in Albemarle Street. 
He sat in the gallery, under the clock, and was thrilled to 
the marrow by Davy's eloquence and experimental skill. 
He took notes, and then wrote out the lectures in a fuller 
form, interspersed them with drawings, and bound them in 
a quarto volume. He began himself to make c a few simple 
galvanic experiments.' And finally, in sheer desperation, he 
took the bull by the horns in December 1812 : 

My desire to escape from trade, which I thought vicious 
and selfish, and to enter into the service of Science, which I 
imagined made its pursuers amiable and liberal, induced me at 
last to take the bold and simple step of writing to Sir H. Davy x 
expressing my wishes, and a hope that, if an opportunity came in 
his way, he would favour my views ; at the same time, I sent 
the notes I had taken of his lectures. 

Now let us hear the other side of the story, as told by 
Dr Gassiot : 

Sir H. Davy was accustomed to call on the late Mr Pepys 
in the Poultry, on his way to the London Institution, of which 
Pepys was one of the original managers ; the latter told me that 
on one occasion Sir H. Davy, showing him a letter, said, * Pepys, 
what am I to do ? here is a letter from a young man named 
Faraday ; he has been attending my lectures, and wants me to 
give birn employment at the Royal Institution what can I 

1 A similar letter to Sir Joseph Banks, then President of the Royal Society, 
sent some months before, had been contemptuously ignored. 

(369) 4 



Delivered. J>y 



FIG. 4 The title-page of the famous * Quarto Volume ' 


do ? ' e Do ? * replied Pepys, e put him to wash bottles ; if he 
is good for anything he will do it directly ; if he refuses, he is 
good for nothing.' c No, no/ replied Davy, ' we must try him 
with something better than that.' 

The upshot was that Davy, although he was then suffer 
ing from the effects of a bad explosion in his laboratory, 
which had seriously affected his eyes, sent Michael into the 
seventh heaven of happiness, to his immortal credit, with 
the following letter : 

SIR, I am far from displeased with the proof you have 
given me of your confidence, and which displays great zeal, 
power of memory, and attention. I am obliged to go out of 
Town, and shall not be settled in town till the end of January. 
I will then see you at any time you wish. It would gratify me 
to be of any service to you ; I wish it may be hi my power. 

The momentous interview took place in the anteroom to 
the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution. Davy had no 
immediate position to offer the young enthusiast, and frankly 
advised him to stick to the trade of bookbinding. That 
Faraday made a good impression, however, is shown by the 
fact that Davy promised to send him all the books that the 
Royal Institution required to have bound, as well as his 
own and those of as many of his friends as he could influence. 
Shortly afterwards, too, his eyes becoming temporarily worse, 
he engaged Michael for a few days to act as his secretary. 

And then, one night, as Thompson states, c the humble 
household in which Faraday lived with his widowed mother 
was startled by the apparition of Sir Humphry Davy's grand 
coach, from which a footman alighted and knocked loudly 
at the door. For young Faraday, who was at that moment 
undressing upstairs, he left a note from Sir Humphry request 
ing him to call next morning.' 

An emergency had arisen at the Royal Institution. Mr 
Payne, Davy's assistant, had a disagreement with Mr New 
man, the instrument-maker, and forgot himself so far as to 
strike that gentleman ; his immediate dismissal was resolved 


by the managers, and Faraday ' his habits seeming good, 
his disposition active and cheerful, and his manner intelligent' 
was offered the position at the same salary, twenty-five 
shillings a week. Blessed be the short temper of Mr Payne, 
and blessed be Mr Newman for giving him provocation ! 
Without their intervention Faraday might have bound 
books all his life, and British chemistry would have lacked 
its brightest star. 

Not a moment did Faraday hesitate in his decision, 
although De La Roche, who really liked him, promised to 
make him his heir if he would remain, and although Sir 
Humphry himself was doubtful whether he was justified in 
making the change. Regarding Davy's attitude, Faraday 
reports as follows : 

At the same time that he thus gratified my desires as to 
scientific employment, he still advised me not to give up the 
prospects I had before me, telling me that Science was a harsh 
mistress ; and in a pecuniary point of view but poorly rewarding 
those who devoted themselves to her service. He smiled at my 
notion of the superior moral feelings of philosophic men, and said 
he would leave me to the experience of a few years to set me 
right on that matter. 

Unfortunately, as will transpire shortly, this statement 
was to prove only too true. But for the present there was 
not a single cloud on Michael's horizon. He was twenty-one, 
he had entered the service of science and the service of his 
scientific hero what more could life offer ? 

Master and assistant appear to have spent the greater 
part of that spring picking pieces of glass out of each other. 
They were continuing Davy's experiments on ' the detonating 
compound of chlorine and azote,' (now called nitrogen 
trichloride), which had cost Dulong, its French discoverer, 
an eye and three fingers, and which had already almost cost 
Davy his eyesight. In a letter to his friend Abbott, dated 
9 April 1813, Faraday writes : 


I have escaped (not quite unhurt) from four different and 
strong explosions of the substance. Of these the most terrible 
was when I was holding between my thumb and finger a small 
tube containing y| grains of it. My face was within twelve inches 
of the tube ; but I fortunately had on a glass mask. The explo 
sion was so rapid as to blow my hand open, tear off a part of 
one nail, and has made my fingers so sore that I cannot yet use 
them easily. The pieces of tube were projected with such force 
as to cut the glass face of the mask I had on. On repeating 
the experiment this morning the tube and a receiver were blown 
to pieces. I got a cut on my eyelid, and Sir H. bruised his hand. 

The experiment was repeated again with a larger portion 
of the substance. It stood for a moment or two, and then exploded 
with a fearful noise : both Sir EL and I had masks on, but I 
escaped this time the best. Sir H. had his face cut in two places 
about the chin, and a violent blow on the forehead struck through 
a considerable thickness of silk and leather ; and with this 
experiment he has for the present concluded. 

Lady Davy must have heaved a sigh of relief when her 
queer bridegroom decided, in the early autumn, to take her 
on the Continental tour described in the preceding chapter. 
Even an enemy country must have seemed safer to her 
than the laboratory of the Royal Institution ! Faraday, 
who had never before travelled more than twelve miles 
from London, accompanied Sir Humphry as his secretary 
and scientific assistant. 

He started the journey in the highest spirits, but it was 
to hold more bitter for him than sweet. Sir Humphry's 
valet, c diverted from his intention by the tears of his wife, 5 
had refused to go with him at the last minute, and Michael 
was asked ' to do those things which could not be trusted 
to strangers or waiters * until the party arrived in Paris. 
He felt somewhat unwilling to proceed on this plan, but 
considering the advantages he would lose, and the short 
time he would be thus embarrassed, he agreed. At Paris 
Sir Humphry could find no servant to suit him ; let Faraday 
himself continue the story in a letter written to Abbott from 
Rome in February 1815 : 


At Lyons he could not get one ; at Montpellier he could 
not get one ; nor at Genoa, nor at Florence, nor at Rome, nor 
in all Italy ; and I believe at last he did not wish to get one : 
and we are just the same now as we were when we left England. 
This of course throws things into my duty which it was not my 
agreement, and is not my wish, to perform, but which are, if I 
remain with Sir H., unavoidable. These, it is true, are very few ; 
for having been accustomed in early years to do for himself, he 
continues to do so at present and he leaves very little for a valet 
to perform ; and as he knows that it is not pleasing to me, and 
that I do not consider myself as obliged to do them, he is always 
as careful as possible to keep those things from me which he 
knows would be disagreeable. But Lady Davy is of another 
humour. She likes to show her authority, and at first I found 
her extremely earnest in mortifying me. This occasioned quarrels 
between us, at each of which I gained ground, and she lost it ; 
for the frequency made me care nothing about them, and weak 
ened her authority, and after each she behaved in a milder 

In another letter he states : 

I should have but little to complain of were I travelling with 
Sir Humphry alone, or were Lady Davy like him ; but her 
temper makes it oftentimes go wrong with me, with herself, 
and with Sir H. 

As Davy remarked later to his brother regarding his 
family worries : c In this world we all have to suffer and 
bear, and from Socrates down to humble mortals, domestic 
discomfort seems a sort of philosophical fate.' With Faraday, 
it was the name more than the duties of valet that hurt, 
and the opportunity that it afforded Lady Davy to vent her 
spleen upon him in all kinds of petty ways. c I fancy that 
when I set my foot in England, 3 he wrote to Abbott, * I shall 
never take it out again. I am certain, if I could have fore 
seen the things that have passed, I should never have left 
London.' He even thought of going back to bookbinding 
on his return, so sharp was his disillusionment. 

The truth was that neither Davy himself, and still less 


Lady Davy, could appreciate the fact that Michael was not 
a mere mechanic any longer, but had already become a 
scientist in his own right. The chemists of Paris were more 
keen-sighted ; they admired Davy, but they loved Faraday. 
At Geneva, Sir Humphry's party was entertained by De La 
Rive, who, with his distinguished son, was a close friend of 
Faraday in later years, and the following incident occurred : 

Host and guest were sportsmen, and they frequently went 
out shooting. On these occasions Faraday loaded Davy's gun, 
and for a time he had his meals with the servants. From nature 
Faraday had received the warp and woof of a gentleman, and 
this, added to his bright intelligence, soon led De La Rive to 
the discovery that he was Davy's laboratory assistant, not his 
servant. Somewhat shocked at the discovery, De La Rive pro 
posed that Faraday should dine with the family, instead of with 
the domestics. To this Lady Davy demurred, and De La Rive 
met the case by sending Faraday's meals to his own room. 

No wonder that Faraday's fiery spirit so chafed under 
his treatment as a menial that he was frequently on the 
point of returning alone. He possessed his soul in patience, 
however. The boy who had never enjoyed any real educa 
tion could not, deep as his discomforts might be, forgo the 
opportunity, granted to few university graduates, of sharpen 
ing his mind by daily contact with the best scientific brains 
of Europe. It was a vastly different Michael from the one 
who so joyfully left England in October 1813 who finally 
wrote to his mother from Brussels in April 1815 : * Before 
you read this letter I hope to tread on British ground, which 
I will never leave again.' Napoleon's escape from Elba had 
rushed the travellers home ; Waterloo had not been fought 
when Faraday's salary at the Royal Institution was raised 
to thirty shillings a week. 

He was soon busily engaged, as Davy's assistant, in the 
experimental development of the miner's safety-lamp. Not 
only did he help Davy in the laboratory, but he made him- 


self responsible for keeping an accurate record of everything 
that was done. Thompson states : 

He preserved every note and manuscript of Davy's with 
religious care. He copied out Davy's scrawled researches in 
a neat clear delicate handwriting, begging only for his pains to 
be allowed to keep the originals, which he bound in two quarto 

With justice might Davy say, in his preface to his paper 
on the safety-lamp : c I am myself indebted to Mr Michael 
Faraday for much able assistance in the prosecution of my 

Faraday was always devoted to his master and ready to 
defend him against the slightest attack ; he considered the 
Stephenson controversy regarding priority in the invention 
of the safety-lamp a * disgraceful subject.' But loyalty to 
scientific truth, for him, preceded even loyalty to Davy. 
The early models of the Davy lamp had their defects and 
did not provide security under all circumstances, and when 
Faraday was asked once before a Parliamentary Committee 
whether under certain conditions the safety-lamp would 
become unsafe, he admitted immediately that such was the 
case. Davy was furious with him, but could not induce 
him to retract. 

At this time, also, he was quietly subjecting himself to 
a severe course of self-education, with the special object of 
becoming, like Davy, a skilful and fluent lecturer. His 
recorded notes, dealing with every aspect of the topic of 
lecturing and dating almost from his very entry into the 
Royal Institution, are as voluminous as they are interesting. 
He delivered his first lecture before the City Philosophical 
Society in January 1816 on ( The General Properties of 
Matter. 3 In 1823 he was unexpectedly called upon to dep 
utise for Professor Brande, Davy's humdrum successor as 
Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution, at one of 
his morning lectures. Ultimately he became recognised, for 
a period of over thirty years, as a lecturer without a rival. 


His own scientific work developed slowly, in contrast 
with that of Davy, but steadily and surely. He published 
his first independent paper in the Quarterly Journal of Science 
in 1816. During the next few years the flow increased signi 
ficantly, but his first important discovery two new com 
pounds of chlorine and carbon, one of which is now used 
extensively in fire-extinguishers was announced to the 
Royal Society in 1820. In the same year he carried out 
some interesting experiments on steel alloys, and occasion 
ally in later life he would present one of his friends with 
a razor made from his own c silver steel.' A case of razors 
from the manufacturers, it may be noted, was the only 
practical reward he ever received for this work, although 
exact analysis of some of his specimens by Sir Robert Had- 
field indicates that he prepared what may be considered 
the first samples of stainless steel. 

In June 1821, his official salary now being 100 a year 
(he supplemented this by private teaching and consulting 
work in order to help to maintain his mother and pay for 
the education of his younger sister), he took to the two rooms 
which he occupied at the top of the Royal Institution a bride, 
Sarah Barnard, a fellow-Sandemanian. It is characteristic 
of Faraday's simplicity that he asked few people to the 
wedding, and that he directed that c there will be no bustle, 
no noise, no hurry ; the day will be just like any other 
day ; it is in the heart that we expect and look for pleasure. 5 

The marriage, though childless, was ideally happy. 
Thompson remarks upon it as follows : 

Mrs Faraday proved to be exactly the true helpmeet for 
his need ; and he loved her to the end of his life with a chivalrous 
devotion which has become almost a proverb. Little indications 
of his attachment crop up in unexpected places in his subsequent 
career. Tyndall, in after years, made the intensity of Faraday's 
attachment to his wife the subject of a striking simile : ' Never, 
I believe, existed a manlier, purer, steadier love. Like a burning 
diamond, it continued to shed, for six and forty years, its white 
and smokeless glow.* 


Trouble was in store for the happy bridegroom, however, 
and it broke upon him in a most unjustified manner. The 
great Danish physicist, Oersted, had made in 1820 the 
fundamental discovery that, if a compass is suspended near 
a wire carrying an electric current, it is deflected. Dr 
Wollaston, a friend of Sir Humphry Davy, had the idea 
that there should also be a tendency, when the pole of a 
magnet was presented towards a wire carrying an electric 
current, for that wire to twist around upon its own axis, and 
in April 1821 he came to Davy's laboratory at the Royal 
Institution to make the experiment. Faraday was not there 
at the time, and did not see the experiment fail, but coming 
in shortly afterwards he heard their conversation on the 

In the summer of the same year Faraday was asked to 
write an historical sketch on electro-magnetism for the 
Annals of Philosophy, and he repeated himself most of the 
experiments he described therein. This led him, in Sep 
tember, towards the first of his epoch-making discoveries in 
this field that a wire carrying an electric current would 
rotate around a magnet over which it was suspended. 
Before publishing this discovery, Faraday tried to see Dr 
Wollaston in order to ask permission to refer to his views 
and experiments, but Dr Wollaston was out of town, and 
Faraday's paper was accordingly published in the Quarterly 
Journal of Science in October without any allusion to him. 
Immediately afterwards rumours spread abroad for which 
Davy, it is to be feared, was partly responsible c affecting 
Faraday's honour and honesty ' ; he was accused of stealing 
Wollaston's original idea. Promptly and frankly Faraday 
appealed to Wollaston himself, and invited him to visit his 
laboratory to view his actual results. Wollaston came to 
see him several times, and the charge, for a period, appeared 
to die away. It was, unfortunately, to come up again two 
years later. 

To the layman it may seem that this was a storm in 
a teacup, and that the point at issue was merely trivial. 


Let it be noted, however, that this discovery of Faraday's 
was the initial step in his main life-work, the twenty-nine 
series of Experimental Researches in Electricity and Magnetism 
that were destined to occupy the greater part of his later 
years and that have meant more for mankind than the work 
of any other scientist who has ever lived. What a tragedy 
it would have been if Faraday, through this misunderstand 
ing, had been forced to abandon scientific research ! What 
marvellous benefits the world would have missed ! Here 
is an extract, in this connection, from an address given at 
Oxford in 1926 by the Duke of Windsor, then Prince of 
Wales, in his capacity as President of the British Association 
for the Advancement of Science : 

Faraday's labours provide one of the most wonderful examples 
of scientific research leading to enormous industrial development. 
Upon his discovery of benzene and its structure the great chemical 
industries of today are largely based, including, in particular, the 
dyeing industries. Still wider applications have followed upon 
his discovery of the laws of electrolysis and of the mechanical 
generation of electricity. It has been said, with reason, that 
the two million workers in Great Britain only who are dependent 
upon electrical industries are living on the brain of Faraday ; 
but to his discoveries in the first instance many millions more 
owe the uses of electricity in lighting, traction, communication 
and industrial power. 

The year 1822 proved to be a placid one, but 1823 was 
to witness a second and much more disagreeable storm in 
Faraday's relations with Sir Humphry Davy. The story of 
its origin has been told by Dr Paris as follows : 

I had been invited to dine with Sir Humphry Davy, on 
Wednesday the 5th of March 1823, for the purpose of meeting 
the Reverend Uriah Tonkin, the heir of his early friend and 
benefactor of that name. On quitting my house for that purpose, 
I perceived that I had time to spare, and I accordingly called in 
on my way at the Royal Institution. Upon descending into the 
laboratory I found Mr Faraday engaged in experiments on 
chlorine and its hydrate in closed tubes. It appeared to me 


that the tube in which he was operating upon this substance 
contained some oily matter, and I rallied him upon the careless 
ness of employing soiled vessels. Mr Faraday, upon inspecting 
the tube, acknowledged the justness of my remark, and expressed 
his surprise at the circumstance. In consequence of which, he 
immediately proceeded to file off the sealed end ; when, to our 
great astonishment, the contents suddenly exploded, and the 
oily matter vanished ! 

Mr Faraday was completely at a loss to explain the occurrence, 
and proceeded to repeat the experiment with a view to its 
elucidation. I was unable, however, to remain and witness 
the result. 

Upon mentioning the circumstance to Sir Humphry Davy 
after dinner, he appeared much surprised ; and after a few 
moments of apparent abstraction, he said, c I shall enquire about 
this experiment tomorrow. 5 

Early on the next morning I received from Mr Faraday the 
following laconic note : 


The oil you noticed yesterday turns out to be liquid chlorine. 
Yours faithfully, 


To understand the situation that now developed it is 
necessary to add another extract from the Life of Sir Humphry 
Davy by Dr Paris : 

It is well known that, before the year 1810, the solid substance 
obtained by exposing chlorine, as usually procured, to a low 
temperature, was considered as the gas itself reduced into that 
form : Sir Humphry Davy, however, corrected this error, and 
first showed it to be a hydrate, the pure gas not being condensable 
even at a temperature of 40 Fahrenheit. 

Mr Faraday had taken advantage of the cold season to 
procure crystals of this hydrate, and was proceeding in its analysis, 
when Sir Humphry Davy suggested to him the expediency of 
observing what would happen if it were heated in a closed vessel ; 
but this suggestion was made in consequence of the inspection 
of results already obtained by Mr Faraday, and which must have 
led him to the experiment in question, had he never communi 
cated with Sir Humphry Davy upon the subject. This avowal 
is honestly due to Mr Faraday. 


Sir Humphry, however, had entirely different ideas on 
the matter. He moved with typical rapidity : 

On the morning [Thursday, March 6th] after Mr Faraday 
had condensed chlorine. Sir Humphry Davy had no sooner 
witnessed the result, than he called for a strong glass tube, and, 
having placed in it a quantity of muriate of ammonia and sul 
phuric acid, and then sealed the end, he caused them to act 
upon each other, and thus condensed the muriatic acid, which 
was evolved, into a liquid. The condensation of carbonic acid 
gas, nitrous oxide gas, and several others, were in succession 
treated with similar success. 

A week later, before Faraday's account of the liquefac 
tion of chlorine could be printed, Davy read a note to the 
Royal Society on these experiments, and, when Faraday's 
article appeared in April in the Philosophical Transactions, 
Davy appended a postscript in which he essentially claimed 
the whole subject as his own. 

There has been considerable diversity of opinion among 
chemical historians regarding this episode ; some consider 
that Davy's conduct was most reprehensible, others that he 
c acted generously ' ! Since we can never know for certain 
whether Davy really had in mind, from the start of his in 
structions to Faraday, the possibility of obtaining liquid 
chlorine, and since also we can never know whether Faraday 
would have immediately deduced, as Davy did, that he had 
discovered a general method for the liquefaction of gases, 
it is probably best to divide the credit between them. It 
is interesting to note, in any case, that this same important 
field of investigation became, much later, still more closely 
identified with the laboratory of the Royal Institution 
through the brilliant work of another of its professors of 
chemistry, Sir James Dewar, the inventor of the thermos 

Amazingly enough, Faraday learned shortly afterwards 
that neither he nor Davy had the merit of first condensing 
chlorine ; Northmore had unintentionally done it nearly 


twenty years before ! Faraday hastened to perform what 
he thought right, and published an historical account of 
the liquefaction of gases in which he stated that he 
had great pleasure in spontaneously doing justice and 
honour to those who deserved it. Davy preserved a dead 

The incident was by no means ended ; it still rankled, 
and rumours were rife. Poor Faraday, it is true, who had 
undergone considerable danger in doing the experiments, 1 
was quite philosophical about the matter, as will be 
evident from the following statement which he made 
later : 

I have never remarked upon or denied Sir H. Davy's right 
to his share of the condensation of chlorine or the other gases ; 
on the contrary, I think that I long ago did him full e justice' 
in the papers themselves. How could it be otherwise ? He saw 
and revised the manuscripts ; through his hands they went to 
the Royal Society, of which he was President at the time ; and 
he saw and revised the printer's proofs. Although he did not 
tell me of his expectations when he suggested the heating the 
crystals in a closed tube, yet I have no doubt that he had them ; 
and though perhaps I regretted losing my subject, I was too much 
indebted to him lor much previous kindness to think of saying 
that that was mine which he said was his. But observe (for my 
sake), that Sir H. Davy nowhere states that he told me what 
he expected, or contradicts the passages in the first paper of 
mine which describe my course of thought, and in which I claim 
the development of the actual results. 

Davy, on the other hand, clearly began now to be 
violently jealous of Faraday's rising reputation, and used 

1 Here is a letter which he wrote on 23 March 1823 : 

* DEAR HOXTABLE, I met with another explosion on Saturday evening, 
which has again laid up my eyes. It was from one of my tubes, and was so 
powerful as to drive the pieces of glass like pistol-shot through a window. 
However, I am getting better, and expect to see as well as ever in a few days. 
My eyes were filled with glass at first." 


this opportunity to resurrect the old Wollaston scandal. 
Faraday had been, just about this time, put forward as a 
candidate for the Fellowship of the Royal Society Wollaston 
being the very first of his twenty-nine proposers and Sir Humphry 
should have been among the foremost in pressing his claims 
to election. Instead of this, he used his position as President 
of the Society to oppose Faraday tooth and nail. Here is 
what Faraday himself reports : 

Sir H. Davy told me I must take down my certificate. I 
replied that I had not put it up ; that I could not take it down, 
as it was put up by my proposers. He then said I must get my 
proposers to take it down. I answered that I knew they would 
not do so. Then he said, I as President will take it down. I 
replied that I was sure Sir H. Davy would do what he thought 
was for he good of the Royal Society. 

Admire the moderation and dignity of Faraday's replies ; 
however unreasonably Sir Humphry might behave he was 
not to be betrayed into losing his temper ! It is pleasant 
to record that Faraday's certificate was not taken down and, 
when the ballot took place in January 1824, he was elected 
F.R.S., only one black ball being recorded against him. 
Let us pray that this single black ball did not drop from 
the hand of Sir Humphry Davy. 

Although the hatchet was soon buried, the relations 
between the two men could naturally never 'be the same 
as before. For reasons of health, Sir Humphry resigned 
his Honorary Professorship at the Royal Institution, stating 
that c he considered the talents and services of Mr Faraday 
entitled to some mark of approbation from the managers.' 
Faraday was accordingly advanced, in 1825, to the post 
of Director of the Laboratory, his salary remaining at 100 ; 
henceforth all his scientific work was to be carried out 
independently and alone. It has been urged against him 
that he never took up any younger man to train as his 
successor, as Davy had trained him. The complaint is 
unfounded ; Faraday fell into Davy's hands unsought, like 


manna from heaven, but one of his own miscellaneous notes, 
found after his death, states : ' I have looked long and 
often for a genius for our Laboratory, but have never 
found one.' 

Michael was now thirty-three and no longer, strictly 
speaking, a c young chemist/ although he remained young 
at heart all his life ; his subsequent career will accordingly 
be described in less detail. Just before his appointment as 
director, he had made what the later development of organic 
chemistry was destined to convert into his greatest purely 
chemical discovery the isolation of the * bicarburet of 
hydrogen. 3 

Faraday obtained this substance as follows. At that 
period, considerable quantities of gas for household illumina 
tion were manufactured in Great Britain by decomposing 
whale-oil at a red heat ; this gas was stored in portable iron 
cylinders under a pressure of 30 atmospheres. Sir Walter 
Scott, it may be noted, was the chairman of an oil-ga 
company at Edinburgh, and used the gas to illuminate his 
house at Abbotsford. Under compression, oil-gas was 
observed to deposit a certain amount of fluid, and some of 
this fluid was sent to Faraday for analysis. Faraday found 
it to be a very complex mixture of substances, but by dis 
tilling it and collecting the products of distillation at different 
temperatures in separate receivers he broke it up into a 
number of fractions, ranging from a very limpid liquid to 
a thick syrup. From certain of the middle fractions, on 
cooling in a c frigorific mixture ' of ice and salt, beautiful 
white crystals deposited, and these crystals could be obtained 
pure by squeezing out their adhering mother-liquor in a 
filter-press. They were crystals of the * bicarburet of hydro 
gen/ which fortunately, alone of all the many hydrocarbons 
in those particular fractions, possesses a melting-point higher 
than that of water. This compound, now known as benzene, 
is the parent substance today of a veritable army of dyes 
and drugs ; it is probably the most important of all the 


hundreds of thousands of organic compounds that chemists 
have isolated. 

Faraday took his new duties as Director of the Laboratory 
of the Royal Institution most seriously. He initiated the 
famous * Friday evening meetings ' of the members, and 
of the seventeen discourses delivered thereat in 1826 he 
gave six himself. He widened the appeal of the Royal 
Institution still further by means of c Christmas Courses of 
Lectures adapted to a Juvenile Auditory.' In 1827 he was 
offered the Professorship of Chemistry in the University 
of London, but declined the appointment in the following 
words : 

I think it a matter of duty and gratitude on my part to do 
what I can for the good of the Royal Institution in the present 
attempt to establish it firmly. The Institution has been a source 
of knowledge and pleasure to me for the last fourteen years ; 
and though it does not pay me in salary what I now strive to do 
for it, yet I possess the kind feelings and goodwill of its authorities 
and members, and all the privileges it can grant or I require ; 
and, moreover, I remember the protection it has afforded me 
during the past years of my scientific life. These circumstances, 
with the thorough conviction that it is a useful and valuable 
establishment, and the strong hopes that exertions will be followed 
with success, have decided me in giving at least two years more 
to it, in the belief that after that time it will proceed well, into 
whatever hands it may pass. 

The Royal Institution was to have the privilege of retain 
ing his services, as it happened, not for two, but for nearly 
forty years longer, but in the summer of 1831 he found 
himself forced to make a most weighty decision. He had 
spent much time since 1825, as a member of a Royal Society 
committee for the investigation of optical glass, in experi 
mental work designed to lead to great improvements in 
telescopes. This work had mainly proved abortive, although 
sundry scientific uses for a new c heavy glass * which he 
invented, consisting essentially of boro-silicate of lead, have 
since been devised. His growing fame had resulted in 

(969) 6 


constantly increasing demands upon him from chemical 
manufacturers for analytical work and for expert advice 
in the Law Courts. All this, combined with his official 
responsibilities, which he never neglected, gave him little 
opportunity to indulge in his most absorbing occupation 
original research. Resolved that research should no longer 
be subordinated to other interests, he determined to abandon 
his private consulting practice entirely. 

The sacrifice was not a small one, for his professional 
fees in 1830 had amounted to 1,000, while his salary from 
the Royal Institution remained at c 100 per annum, house, 
coals, and candles. 3 x True, he had also been appointed, 
in 1829, lecturer on chemistry at the Royal Academy at 
Woolwich, from which he received 200 for twenty lectures 
annually, but even so his resolution reduced him from 
affluence to comparative poverty. Poor Sarah must have 
dreaded a return to the old times when he had deprived 
himself of dinner every other day to send his younger sister 
to boarding-school, for his aged mother too was still entirely 
dependent upon him. Yet she cheerfully acquiesced, and 
how much richer the world is today because Faraday refused 
to tread the road to riches ! 

And so he began, on 29 August 1831, the full record of 
each day's results being faithfully transcribed in his note 
books, his monumental series of Experimental Researches in 
Electricity and Magnetism. These were to demand his un 
remitting toil, with several interruptions due to breakdowns 
in health he suffered much, alas, from loss of memory in 
later life for more than twenty years. Their significance 
to the human race today has already been indicated ; 
electric light, electric power, the telegraph, the telephone, 

1 At this time, it must in justice be mentioned 3 the Royal Institution itself 
was passing through acute financial difficulties. * We are living on the parings 
of our own skin/ Faraday once told the managers. In 1833, however, Mr 
Fuller founded a Professorship of Chemistry at the Royal Institution with 
a salary of 100 a year, and Faraday was appointed for life to this position 


wireless communication all owe their development to the 
fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism, and 
of their interrelation, established by Faraday. 

What is, perhaps, most astounding of all, in connection 
with his great discoveries in this field, is that they were 
made by a man with so meagre a formal education that he 
did not know more than the merest elements of arithmetic. 
The higher mathematics were to him a sealed book ; not 
a single formula is included in all his mass of publications. 
Yet when Clerk Maxwell, the great mathematical physicist, 
made an intensive theoretical study of Faraday's Lines of 
Force in 1855, he demonstrated that Faraday's deductions 
from his experimental results were correct to the most 
minute detail. Men of lesser rank might deplore the 
fact that Faraday's records were difficult to read and 
understand ; the fault was theirs, not Faraday's. He, 
who was ignorant of mathematics, was in advance of the 
mathematics of his time. After his death Clerk Maxwell 
wrote : 

After nearly half a century of labour, we may say that, 
though the practical applications of Faraday's discovery have 
increased and are increasing in number and value every year, 
no exception to the statement of these laws as given by Faraday 
has been discovered, no new law has been added to them, and 
Faraday's original statement remains to this day the only one 
which asserts no more than can be verified by experiment, and 
the only one by which the theory of the phenomena can be 
expressed in a manner which is exactly and numerically accurate, 
and at the same time within the range of elementary methods 
of exposition. 

The practical applications of Faraday's researches did 
not, however, immediately become manifest. He was 
constantly reproached for wasting his time on work which 
had no useful object, when there were so many more im 
portant scientific problems clamouring for solution. To the 
query, c But what's the use of it ? * so frequently put to him 
by visitors to his laboratory he was very fond of repeating 


the reply that Benjamin Franklin used to make to his friends 
who questioned him regarding his foolish experiments on 
c lightning * : ' What's the use of a baby ? Some day it will 
grow up ! 5 Faraday's scientific babies certainly have grown 
up, and yet they are still growing. 

Once, indeed, he did vary his answer. Lecky relates 
that on one occasion Faraday was endeavouring to explain 
to Mr Gladstone and several others an important step in 
his investigations. Mr Gladstone, then Chancellor of the 
Exchequer, merely commented : ' But, after all, what use 
is it ? ' Quick as a flash came Faraday's retort : ' Why, 
sir, there is every probability that you will soon be able to 
tax it ! ' Again the probability has become a fact, Faraday's 
discoveries now contribute hundreds of millions of pounds 
annually to the British Exchequer. 

Recognition from the Government, nevertheless, of the 
value of his work was difficult to secure. Long before his 
encounter with Gladstone, Faraday had had a most humiliat 
ing experience in this connection, yet an experience from 
which he emerged with supreme credit. 

Early in 1835 the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, had 
decided that Faraday's scientific services amply merited a 
pension from the Civil List ; e I am sure,' he wrote, c no 
man living has a better claim to consideration from the 
State. 3 Faraday's first reaction, so independent was his 
spirit, was to decline point-blank, but yielding to the judg 
ment of his father-in-law (for whom he always entertained 
the highest respect, and than whom no-one could have a 
more intimate knowledge of the straitened circumstances 
under which he was living) he modified his refusal. Before 
the matter could be finally adjusted. Peel's government was 
defeated., and Faraday heard no more about his pension 
until October, when he was commanded to wait upon the 
new Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne. An interview took 
place, in the course of which Lord Melbourne, prejudiced 
against Faraday only because he was a protege of Peel, 
roundly denounced the whole system of giving pensions to 


scientific and literary persons, which he looked upon as 
6 a piece of humbug. 3 The last word was prefixed by an 
adjective that is simply described in Faraday's diary he 
was always deeply religious as c theological/ 

Melbourne had mistaken his man. Faraday was not 
prepared to be browbeaten, he was not going to cringe. 
Quietly he withdrew, and that same evening he left this 
note, with his card, at Lord Melbourne's office : 

MY LORD, The conversation with which your Lordship 
honoured me this afternoon, including, as it did, your Lord 
ship's opinion of the general character of the pensions given 
of late to scientific persons, induces me respectfully to decline 
the favour which I believe your Lordship intends for me ; for 
I feel that I could not, with satisfaction to myself, accept at 
your Lordship's hands that which, though it has the form of 
approbation, is of the character which your Lordship so pithily 
applied to it. 

Faraday's friends, prominent among whom was Sir James 
South, were indignant when they heard what had happened. 
The story got into the papers, and eventually reached the 
ears of the King, William IV, as related by Eraser's Magazine 
for December 1835 ^ follows : 

Soon after these incidents, Lady Mary Fox chanced to visit 
Sir James South, on whose table she saw a small electrifying 
machine with a ticket on it indicating that c The machine . . . 
is the first of which Faraday ever came into possession.' It stood 
when he was a youth in an optician's window in Fleet Street, 
and was offered for sale at the cost of 45 6d ; yet such was the low 
state of Faraday's finances that he could not purchase it. Many 
a day he came to the window to gaze and went away again 
bitterly lamenting his own poverty, not because it subjected him 
to bodily inconvenience, but because it threatened to exclude 
him for ever from the path of science and usefulness, on which 
he longed to enter. At last he did succeed in purchasing it, and 
he had now presented it to Sir James South. 

Lady Mary was greatly touched, and arranged that the 
whole story should be repeated to the bluff old sailor King. 


He was so affected by the tale of Faraday's early struggles 
against poverty that he shed tears. c That man deserves all 
the pension that Peel promised/ he exclaimed, * and he shall 
have it too. 5 And so Faraday, after all, was induced to 
accept a pension of 300 a year : ' Not/ as Fraser's Magazine 
stated, ' as a gift from the Whig Cabinet, but directly from 
the King/ 

This is not the place to discuss the scientific aspects of 
Faraday's later researches ; they lie chiefly, indeed, outside 
the domain of chemistry proper. When, however, he did 
re-enter the bounds of chemistry, he still showed all his 
former genius. The modern branch of the subject known 
as electrochemistry is largely founded, in point of fact, on 
Faraday's work. He even invented, with the help of his 
classical friend Whewell, practically its whole terminology, 
as used today, in order to describe the phenomena that he 
was investigating. The substance decomposed by an electric 
current he called an electrolyte ; the process of decomposition 
electrolysis. The c poles,' being in his view merely the doors 
through which the current passes, he termed electrodes, distin 
guishing the entrance and exit as anode (the way up) and 
cathode (the way down) respectively. Those products of de 
composition which go to the anode he named amons, those 
passing to the cathode, cations ; when he had occasion to 
speak of both together, he called them ions (literally, 
travellers) . 

His fundamental law of electrochemistry states that 
fi equal quantities of electricity discharge equivalent quan 
tities of the ions at the two electrodes, whatever those ions 
may be. 3 Having established this fundamental law upon 
an impregnable basis of experimental facts, he proceeded 
to discuss its theoretical implications : 

The equivalent weights of bodies are simply those quantities 
of them which contain equal quantities of electricity, or have 
naturally equal electric powers ; it being the electricity which 


petermines the equivalent number, because it determines the com 
bining force. Or, if we adopt the atomic theory or phraseology, 
then the atoms of bodies which are equivalents to each other in 
their ordinary chemical action, have equal quantities of electricity 
naturally associated with them. 

Here, as Thompson remarks, although Faraday confessed 
that he was jealous of the term atom, we have the germ 
of the modern doctrine of electrons or unitary atomic electrical 
charges, clearly formulated in 1834 ! 

With the passing years Faraday became more and more 
engrossed in his researches. His diary records how they 
drove him gradually into virtual seclusion after 1834 he 
declined ' all dining out or invitations,' after 1838 he c saw 
no-one three days in the week.' He paid the penalty of 
overwork by a serious breakdown in 1839, an d for a few 
years he was compelled to take an almost complete rest. 
During this period he spent several happy vacations with 
his wife in Switzerland ; here is an extract from a letter 
which she wrote to a friend on one of these trips : 

He certainly enjoys the country exceedingly, and though at 
first he lamented our absence from home and friends very much, 
he seems now to be reconciled to it as a means of improving his 
general health. His strength is, however, very good ; he thinks 
nothing of walking thirty miles in a day (and very rough walking 
it is, you know), and one day he walked forty-five, which I pro 
tested against his doing again, though he was very little the 
worse for it. But the grand thing is rest and relaxation of mind, 
which he is really taking, 

In his own journal he notes at Interlaken in 1841 : 

Clout-nail making goes on here rather considerably, and is 
a very neat and pretty operation to observe. I love a smith's 
shop, and anything relating to smithery. My father was a smith. 

By 1844 he was well enough to resume work, and in 
October of that year he was called upon to report upon an 
explosion that had just occurred in the Haswell Colliery, 


with, terrible loss of life. Davy's invention of the safety-lamp 
had unfortunately not prevented such disasters entirely ; 
increased protection had induced increased carelessness, and 
how reprehensible such carelessness had become is evidenced 
from the following story by Sir Charles Lyell, the renowned 
geologist, who accompanied Faraday on this investigation : 

We spent eight hours, not without danger, in exploring the 
galleries where the chief loss of life had been incurred. Among 
other questions, Faraday asked in what way they measured the 
rate at which the current of air flowed in the mine. An inspector 
took a small pinch of gunpowder out of a box, as he might have 
taken a pinch of snuff, and allowed it to fall gradually through 
the flame of a candle which he held in the other hand. His 
companion, with a watch, marked the time the smoke took going 
a certain distance. Faraday admitted that this plan was suffi 
ciently accurate for their purpose ; but, observing the somewhat 
careless manner in which they handled their powder, he asked 
where they kept it. They said they kept it in a bag, the neck 
of which was tied up tight. ' But where,' said he, c do you keep 
the bag ? 5 c You are sitting on it, 5 was the reply. 

His kindness of heart is illustrated by a second extract 
from the same source : 

Hearing that a subscription had been opened for the widows 
and orphans of the men who had perished by the explosion, I 
found, on inquiry, that Faraday had already contributed largely. 
On speaking to him on the subject, he apologised for having done 
so without mentioning it to me, saying that he did not wish me 
to feel myself called upon to subscribe because he had done so. 

In 1845 ne was absorbed once more in his electrical 
investigations, and continued to work at them like a Trojan 
so long as his health permitted. By 1 855 they were essentially 
completed, but at intervals the grand old man still insisted 
on strenuous attempts at research. His very last experiment 
was recorded in his note-book on 12 March 1862. 

He recognised himself that he was rapidly failing, and 
in 1857 he declined the Presidency of the Royal Society, 
just as he had declined the honour of knighthood years before. 


s Tyndall, 3 he said to his successor at the Royal Institution, 
4 1 must remain plain Michael Faraday to the last/ 

In 1858 Queen Victoria, at the suggestion of the Prince 
Consort, who esteemed Faraday most highly, provided him 
with a comfortable house on the Green at Hampton Court, 
thereby recompensing him for an annoying calamity which 
she had unwittingly brought upon him some time before. 
As already noted, Faraday was brought up a strict Sande- 
manian by his parents, and in 1840 he had been elected an 
elder of that Church. As such, he preached to the con 
gregation on alternate weeks, and was required to attend 
church, without fail, every Sunday. Thompson relates as 
follows : 

One Sunday Faraday was absent. When it was discovered 
that his absence was due to his having been ' commanded * to 
dine with the Queen at Windsor, and that so far from expressing 
penitence, he was prepared to defend his action, his office became 
vacant. He was even cut off from ordinary membership. Never 
theless, he continued for years to attend the meetings just as 
before. He would even return from the provincial meetings of 
the British Association to London for the Sunday, so as not to 
be absent. In 1860 he was received back as an elder. 

At Hampton Court the twilight of his life, in the close 
companionship of his beloved Sarah, was tranquil and 
happy. He was, so he told his friends, e just waiting.' He 
passed away peacefully and painlessly, sitting on the chair 
in his study, on 25 August 1867. 

It would be a mistake to suppose that Faraday was a 
* model of all the virtues,' dreary and uninteresting in his 
calm perfection to the ordinary run of mortals. On the 
contrary, he was intensely human. True, he lacked the 
romantic attractiveness of Davy, but he lacked also every 
trace of snobbery. 

His most characteristic quality, perhaps, was boyish 
enthusiasm, which he retained to the very end of his life. 


Here is a reminiscence taken from the Memorials of the 
famous American physicist, Joseph Henry : 

Henry loved to dwell on the hours that he and Bache had 
spent in Faraday's society. I shall never forget Henry's account 
of his visit to King's College, London, where Faraday, Wheat- 
stone, Daniell, and he had met to try and evolve the electric 
spark from the thermopile. Each in turn attempted it and 
failed. Then came Henry's turn. He succeeded, calling in the 
aid of his discovery of the effect of a long interpolar wire wrapped 
around a piece of soft iron. Faraday became as wild as a boy, 
and, jumping up, shouted : * Hurrah for the Yankee experi 
ment ! ' 

Faraday would have made, in fact, a wonderful 
American ; his nature was probably nearer to Abraham 
Lincoln's than to that of any other person of his period. 
Simple pleasures always appealed to him most. His wife's 
youngest brother, George Barnard, the artist, says : 

All the years I was with Harding I dined at the Royal Institu 
tion. After dinner we nearly always had our games just like 
boys sometimes at ball, or with horse chestnuts instead of 
marbles Faraday appearing to enjoy them as much as I did, 
and generally excelling us all. Sometimes we rode round the 
theatre on a velocipede, which was then a new thing. 1 

He enjoyed taking sketching trips with his wife, picnics 
on the river with theatrical and musical friends followed 
by choruses and charades, playing on the flute, watching 
a blackbird feed its young and lambs trying to find their 
mothers, romping with his niece anything, in short, that 
was informal and c unfashionable.' Let his niece, Miss Reid, 
continue the catalogue herself : 

1 * It was probably in a four-wheeled velocipede that Faraday was accus 
tomed, some thirty years ago, to work his way up and down the steep roads 
near Hampstead and Highgate. This machine appears to have been of his 
own construction, and was worked by levers and a crank axle in the same 
manner as the rest of the four-wheeled class.' The Velocipede : its past, its 
present, its future. By J. F. B. Firth. London, 1869 


After I went, in 1826, to stay at the Royal Institution, when 
my aunt was going out (as I was too little to be left alone), she 
would occasionally take me down to the laboratory, and leave 
me under my uncle's eye, whilst he was busy preparing his lectures. 
I had of course to sit as still as a mouse, with my needle- work ; 
but he would often stop and give me a kind word or a nod, or 
sometimes throw a bit of potassium into water to amuse me. 

Often of an evening they would go to the Zoological Gardens 
and find interest in all the animals, especially the new arrivals, 
though he was always much diverted by the tricks of the monkeys. 
We have seen him laugh till the tears ran down his cheeks as he 
watched them. He never missed seeing the wonderful sights of 
the day acrobats and tumblers, giants and dwarfs ; even Punch 
and Judy was an unfailing source of delight, whether he looked 
at the performance or at the admiring gaping crowd. 

Even in his beloved science, one of the details in which 
he took the greatest delight was the c Christmas Course of 
Lectures adapted to a Juvenile Auditory/ which he in 
augurated at the Royal Institution in 1826. Nineteen times 
in all did Faraday himself deliver this course of lectures, and 
the plate facing page 72 shows him giving the first lecture 
of a series on c Metals ' on 27 December 1855. The Prince 
Consort is in the chair, and his sons, the Prince of 
Wales (afterwards King Edward VII) and Prince Alfred 
(the Duke of Edinburgh), are on either side of him. Faraday 
was most impressed by the keenness of the schoolboys and 
schoolgirls who attended these lectures. As soon as he had 
finished, they came rushing up to his table to ask questions 
and to see the experiments. e Those who like it best come 
first, and they so crowd round the lecture table as to shut 
out the others.' 

Two brief impressions of these lectures may be given. 
Lady Pollock remarks that his irresistible eloquence c waked 
the young from their visions and the old from their dreams, 3 
and continues as follows : 

When he lectured to children he was careful to be perfectly 
distinct, and never allowed his ideas to outrun their intelligence 


He took great delight in talking to them, and easily won their 
confidence. The vivacity of his manner and of his countenance, 
and his pleasant laugh, the frankness of his whole bearing, attracted 
them to him. They felt as if he belonged to them ; and indeed 
he sometimes, in his joyous enthusiasm, appeared like an inspired 

A writer in the British Quarterly Review states : 

He had the art of making philosophy charming, and this was 
due in no little measure to the fact that to grey-headed wisdom 
he united wonderful juvenility of spirit. . . . Hilariously boyish 
upon occasion he could be, and those who knew him best knew 
he was never more at home, that he never seemed so pleased, 
as when making an old boy of himself, as he was wont to say, 
lecturing before a juvenile audience at Christmas. 

No more appropriate method of concluding this chapter, 
indeed, could be devised than by repeating a section from 
one of the lectures in Faraday's most famous Children's 
Series, * The Chemistry of a Candle.' 

' There is another point about these candles. How does 
the flame get hold of the fuel ? There is a beautiful answer 
to that capillary attraction. cc Capillary attraction ! " you say 
" the attraction of hairs ! " Well, never mind the name ; 
it was given in old times before we had a good understanding 
of what the real power was. Now I am going to give you 
one or two instances of capillary attraction. 

'I have here a substance which is rather porous a column 
of salt and I will pour into the plate at the bottom, not 
water as it appears, but a saturated solution of salt which 
cannot absorb more ; so that the action which you see will 
not be due to its dissolving anything. We may consider the 
plate to be the candle, and the salt the wick, and this solution 
the melted tallow. (I have coloured the fluid that you may 
see the action better.) You observe that, now I pour in the 
fluid, it rises and gradually creeps up the salt higher and 
higher \ and provided the column does not tumble over, 


it will go to the top. If this coloured solution were com 
bustible, and we were to place a wick at the top of the salt, 
it would burn as it entered into the wick. It is a most curious 
thing to see this kind of action taking place, and to observe 
how singular some of the circumstances are about it. When 
you wash your hands you take a towel to wipe off the water, 
and it is by that kind of wetting, or that kind of attraction 
which makes the towel become wet with water, that the wick 
is made wet with the tallow. I have known some careless 
boys and girls (indeed, I have 
known it happen to careful 
people as well) who, having 
washed their hands and wiped 
them with a towel, have thrown 
the towel over the side of the 
basin, and before long it has 
drawn all the water out of the 
basin and conveyed it to the FlG - 5 Porosity of a column 
floor, because it happened to be 

thrown over the side in such a way as to serve the purpose 
of a siphon. 

e In like manner the particles of melted tallow ascend the 
cotton and get to the top ; other particles then follow, and 
as they reach the flame they are gradually burned. 

' Here is another application of the same principle. You 
see this bit of cane. I have seen boys about the streets, who 
are very anxious to appear like men, take a piece of cane and 
light it and smoke it, as an imitation of a cigar. They are 
enabled to do so by the permeability of the cane in one 
direction, and by its capillarity. If I place this piece of cane 
on a plate containing some camphin (which is very much 
like paraffin in its general character), exactly in the same 
manner as the coloured fluid rose through the salt will this 
fluid rise through the piece of cane. There being no pores 
at the side, the fluid cannot go in that direction, but must 
pass through its length. Already the fluid is at the top of 
the cane : now I can light it and make it serve as a candle. 


The fluid has risen by the capillary attraction of the piece 
of cane, just as it does through the cotton in the candle. 

c Now, let us look a little at the form of the candle flame. 
There is a current formed, which draws the flame out, for 
the flame which you see is really drawn out by the current, 
and drawn upward to a great height. 
You may see this by taking a lighted 
candle, and putting it in the sun so 
as to get its shadow thrown on a piece 
of paper. 

'Now I am going to imitate the sunlight, 
by applying the voltaic battery to the 
electric lamp. You now see our sun, and 
its great luminosity; and by placing a 
candle between it and the screen, we get 
the shadow of the flame. You observe 
the shadow of the candle, and of the 
FIG. 6 Shadow of wick ; then there is a darkish part, and 
a can e ame fa^ a ^ r ^ which is more distinct. 
Curiously enough, however, what we see in the shadow as 
the darkest part of the flame is, in reality, the brightest part ; 
and here you see streaming upwards the ascending current 
of hot air, which draws out the flame, supplies it with air, 
and cools the sides of the cup of melted fuel. 

' If I take a flame sufficiently large, it does not keep that 
homogeneous, that uniform condition of shape, but it breaks 
cpt with a power of life which is quite wonderful. I have 
here a large ball of cotton, which will serve as a wick. And, 
now that I have immersed it in spirit and applied a light to 
it, in what way does it differ from an ordinary candle ? 
Why, it differs very much in one respect, that we have a 
vivacity about it, a beauty entirely different from the light 
presented by a candle. You see those fine tongues of flame 
rising up. You have the same general disposition of the mass 
of flame from below upwards, but, in addition to that, you 
have this remarkable breaking out into tongues which you 
do not perceive in the case of a candle. Now, why is this ? 


I must explain it to you, because when you understand that 
perfectly, you will be able to follow me better in what I have 
to say hereafter. I suppose some here will have made for 
themselves the experiment I am going to show you. Am I 
right in supposing that anybody here has played at snap 
dragon ? I do not know a more beautiful illustration of the 
philosophy of flame, as to a certain part of its history, than 
the game of snapdragon. First, here is the dish ; and let 
me say that when you play snapdragon properly you ought 
to have the dish well warmed ; you ought also to have warm 
plums and warm brandy, which, however, I have not got. 

FIG. 7 Tongues of flame 

When you have put the spirit into the dish, you have the cup 
and the fuel ; and will not the raisins act like the wicks ? 
I now throw the plums into the dish, and light the spirit, 
and you see those beautiful tongues of flame that I refer to. 
You have the air creeping in over the edge of the dish form 
ing these tongues. Why ? Because through the force of the 
current, and the irregularity of the action of the flame, it 
cannot flow in one uniform stream. The air flows in so 
irregularly that you have what would otherwise be a single 
image, broken up into a variety of forms, and each of these 
little tongues has an independent existence of its own. 
Indeed, I might say, you have here a multitude of inde 
pendent candles. 

c It is too bad that we have not got further than my game 


of snapdragon ; but we must not, under any circumstances, 
keep you beyond your time. It will be a lesson to me in 
future to hold you more strictly to the philosophy of the 
thing than to take up your time so much with these illus 


Life and Letters of Faraday. H. Bence Jones, 1870 

Michael Faraday ; his Life and Work. Silvanus P. Thompson, 1898 

A Tribute to Michael Faraday. Rollo Appleyard, 1931 

The Life of Sir Humphry Davy. John Ayrton Paris, 1831 

British Scientists of the Nineteenth Century. J, G. Growther, 1935 

Famous Chemists : the Men and their Work. Sir William Tilden, 

* Faraday's Contributions to Chemistry.' Newell, Journal of 

Chemical Education, 1931 

Faraday Centenary Exhibition Souvenir Catalogue. The Royal In 
stitution, 1931 

Michael Faraday* s Diary. Edited by T. Martin, 1936 
Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle. Michael Faraday, 1861 


SHORTLY after he had given his last series ofjuvenile Lectures, 
on 1 6 May 1861, to be precise, Faraday attended a meeting 
of the Chemical Society at Burlington House, where a young 
man of twenty-three had been invited to present an address 
c On Colouring Matters derived from Coal Tar/ At the 
conclusion of the meeting the master made that young man 
supremely happy by congratulating him upon the excellence 
of his discourse. 

How did it happen that such a young man could already 
have made such a mark in chemistry as to be invited to give 
lectures and to evoke the eulogy of Faraday ? And why, 
during the year of 1938, did chemical societies all over the 
world hold special meetings to celebrate the centenary of 
that young man's birth? The reason will appear in the 
following pages. 

William Henry Perkin, born in London on 12 March 
1838, was the youngest son of a builder and contractor. 
That he was a precocious lad, and answered OstwakTs 
requirements for a youthful genius from the very start, is 
evident from his own history of his early life : 

As long as I can remember, the kind of pursuit I should 
follow during my life was a subject that occupied my thoughts 
very much. My father being a builder, the first idea was that 
I should follow in his footsteps, and I used to watch the carpenters 
at work, and also tried my hand at carpentering myself. Other 
things I noticed led me to take an interest in mechanics and 
engineering, and I used to pore over an old book called The 
Artisan, which referred to these subjects and also described some 
of the steam engines then in use, and I tried to make an engine 
myself and got as far as making the patterns for casting, but I 

(969) 69 6 


was unable to go any further for want of appliances. I had 
always been fond of drawing, and sometimes copied plans for 
my father, whose ambition was that I might be an architect 
This led me on to painting, and made me think I should like to 
be an artist, and I worked away at oil-painting for some time. 
All these subjects I pursued earnestly and not as amusements, 
and the information I obtained, though very elementary, was 
of much value to me afterwards. But when I was between 
twelve and thirteen years of age, a young friend showed me 
some chemical experiments, and the wonderful power of sub 
stances to crystallise in definite forms, and the latter especially 
struck me very much, with the result that I saw there was in 
chemistry something far beyond the other pursuits with which 
I had previously been occupied. The possibility also of making 
new discoveries impressed me very much. My choice was fixed, 
and I determined if possible to become a chemist, and I immedi 
ately commenced to accumulate bottles of chemicals and make 

At this time he entered the City of London School the 
first school in which experimental science was taught and 
came under the spell of c Tommy ' Hall, a born teacher : 

Mr Hall very soon took an interest in me, and installed me 
as one of his lecture assistants. Science, however, was not 
allowed to interfere with the ordinary school curriculum, so that 
the lectures, and the preparations for them, were delegated to 
the interval for dinner, and being very much interested in pre 
paring the experiments, I not infrequently found this interval 
had passed before I had left off work ; but, fortunately, I never 
found that the abstinence thus caused acted prejudicially upon 

Photography also was one of his favourite pursuits at 
this period, as the portrait taken by himself facing page 73 
will show. 

Tommy Hall had been a student of Hofmann at the 
Royal College of Chemistry ; Perkin determined to follow 
in his footsteps. Through Hall's intercession, his father's 
objections to this project were finally overcome, and Perkin 
was allowed to start his course at the college at the callow age 


of fifteen. The first person he encountered in the laboratory- 
was Hofmann's assistant, William Crookes, to whom we owe 
the publication of Faraday's Lectures on the Chemical History 
of a Candle he took them down in shorthand himself on the 
occasion of their last delivery. This assistant later became 
Sir William Crookes, a chemist as famous as his young pupil. 

Hofmann's laboratory at that time, indeed, was the 
centre of chemical research in Great Britain. For a long 
time previously, British chemistry in general had been at 
a shockingly low level ; the great German chemist Liebig 
reported to Berzelius after a visit in 1837 : ' England is not 
the home of science. The chemists are ashamed to call 
themselves chemists, because the apothecaries, who are 
despised, have appropriated the name.' Only the mighty 
Faraday roused Liebig's admiration Faraday's memoirs 
sounded to him like c admirably beautiful music * but 
Faraday, as seen in the last chapter, could find no disciple. 
The Prince Consort, a man of real vision regarding the 
value of science, had determined to change all this. Battling 
long against opposition and inertia, he was one of the prime 
movers in establishing the Royal College of Chemistry in 
1845 on the model of Liebig's laboratory at Giessen, and 
it was he himself who engaged Hofmann, one of Liebig's 
most distinguished students, to direct its destinies. After 
the untimely death of the Prince Consort in 1861 one of 
the greatest calamities that British science has ever sustained 
interest in the college dwindled, and in 1864 Hofmann 
returned to Germany. 

Hofmann had a marvellous power of stimulating his 
students in the line of original research. Perkin relates the 
following story : 

I well remember how one day, when the work was going 
on very satisfactorily with most of us, and several new products 
had been obtained, he came up and commenced examining a 
product of the nitration of phenol one of the students had obtained 
by steam distillation ; taking a little of the substance in a watch 
glass, he treated it with caustic alkali, and at once obtained a 


beautiful scarlet salt of what we now know to be orthonitrophenol. 
Several of us were standing by at the time, and, looking up at 
us in his characteristic and enthusiastic way, he at once exclaimed, 
* Gentlemen, new bodies are floating in the air.' 

Perkin's special abilities were soon recognised by his 
professor ; by the time he was seventeen he had not only 
tackled two research problems the first gave negative 
results, the second went more successfully but he had been 
promoted to an assistantship. His teaching duties, he dis 
covered, left him little opportunity for continuing his research 
work at the college ; he therefore fitted up part of a room 
at home as a rough laboratory, and here he carried out 
experiments in the evenings and during holidays. 

The Easter vacation of 1856 approached, and this boy, 
who had only just reached his eighteenth birthday, set him 
self an ambitious task to perform therein the artificial 
preparation of a naturally occurring alkaloid, of the highest 
importance in medicine, quinine. His mode of attack was 
based upon some remarks made by Hofmann in a report 
published in 1849. In this report Hofmann referred to the 
synthesis of quinine in the laboratory as a consummation 
devoutly to be wished, and then stated : 

It is a remarkable fact that naphthalene, the beautiful hydro 
carbon of which immense quantities are annually produced in 
the manufacture of coal gas, when subjected to a series of chemical 
processes, may be converted into a crystalline alkaloid. This 
substance, which has received the name of naphthalidine, contains 
20 equivalents of carbon, 9 equivalents of hydrogen, and I 
equivalent of nitrogen. 1 

Now if we take 20 equivalents of carbon, 1 1 equivalents of 
hydrogen, i equivalent of nitrogen, and 2 equivalents of oxygen, 
as the composition of quinine, it will be obvious that naphtha 
lidine, differing only by the elements of two equivalents of water, 

1 This is under the old basis of atomic weights generally accepted at that 
period : Carbon 6 ; Oxygen 8 This basis gave naphthalidine the chemical 
formula of G 20 H,N, and quinine the chemical formula C 20 H ls NO a . (Actually, 
the analysis of quinine on which Hofmann depended in the next paragraph 
was faulty, the compound contains 12 equivalents of hydrogen instead of n.) 



J J 

*S s 


Perkin at the age of fourteen 


might pass Into the former alkaloid simply by an assumption 
of water. We cannot, of course, expect to induce the water to 
enter merely by placing it in contact, but a happy experiment 
may attain this end by the discovery of an appropriate meta- 
morphic process. 

We know nowadays that Hofmann's reasoning was un 
sound, and in the latter part of this chapter it will be shown 
that the atomic composition of compounds of this complicated 
type is a point of very minor significance ; what really 
matters is the manner in which the atoms are built together, 
and this can be varied in almost innumerable ways. Even 
in the case of much simpler substances, identity of com 
position does not necessitate identity of behaviour. Faraday, 
for instance, had noted as long ago as 1825 tne * remarkable 
circumstance 3 that a second new carburet of hydrogen 
which he discovered in that year, now known as butylene, 
possessed exactly the same composition as olefiant gas 
(ethylene), and wisely remarked : 

In reference to the existence of bodies composed of the same 
elements and in the same proportions, but differing in their 
qualities, it may be observed that now we are taught to look 
for them, they will probably multiply upon us. 

Chemical architecture, however, was in 1856 still a 
totally undeveloped subject, and Perkin had to make serve 
with the knowledge then at his command. He was led by 
the popular * additive and subtractive ' method to the idea 
that quinine might be formed from toluidine C 7 H 9 N x by 
first adding C 3 H 4 to its composition by substituting the radi 
cal allyl (QjH 5 ) for hydrogen, thus forming allyl-toluidine, 
and then removing two hydrogen atoms and adding two 
oxygen atoms by means of an oxidising agent thus : 

N a 4 + H 2 O 

allyl-toluidine quinine 

1 Throughout this paragraph modern atomic weights are used, in order 
to avoid confusion. 


He succeeded in preparing allyl-toluidine by the action 
of allyl iodide on toluidine, converted this into a salt and 
treated it with potassium dichromate. Let him continue 
the story now in his own words : 

No quinine was formed, but only a dirty reddish-brown 
precipitate. Unpromising though this result was, I was interested 
in the action, and thought it desirable to treat a more simple 
base in the same manner. Aniline was selected, and its sulphate 
was treated with potassium dichromate ; in this instance a black 
precipitate was obtained, and, on examination, this precipitate 
was found to contain the colouring matter since so well known 
as aniline purple or mauve. 

So this lad of eighteen, seeking to synthesise quinine 
(a feat, be it noted, which proved to be beyond the capacity 
of any chemist for nearly a century thereafter, see page 95), 
discovered the first aniline or e coal-tar ' x dye, and became 
the father of the modern dyestuff industry. Perkin's dis 
covery has frequently been described as a sheer accident, 
because he did not anticipate in the slightest degree the 
experimental result that rewarded his efforts. True, he had 
the luck of a Davy, but he combined that luck with the 
tenacity of a Faraday. Most chemists, on inspecting the 
unholy mess that remained on the completion of the reaction 
that he had performed, would have thrown it into the sink 
without a moment's hesitation. Perkin acted differently : 
he found that extraction of the black slime with boiling water 
took part of it into solution, and that from this solution 
crystals of a bright purple colour could be isolated. Very 
soon after the isolation of this c colouring matter/ with the 
inspired curiosity that distinguishes a great inventor, he tried 
its action on silk and found that the silk was dyed a brilliant 
mauve shade, which was c permanent ' (that is, it did not 
fade) both on washing and on exposure to light. 

He showed this to' his friend Church, { who, from his 

1 The parent substance of all these dyes, aniline C 6 tLN, is obtained 
commercially in large quantities from * black coal-tar. 5 It is a derivative 
of Faraday's benzene G 6 H 6 . 


artistic tastes, had a great interest in colouring matters, 3 and 
Church encouraged him to continue. He sent samples of his 
dyed silk to Messrs Pullar, of Perth, and in June he received 
from them the following reply : 

If your discovery does not make the goods too expensive, 
it is decidedly one of the most valuable that has come out for 
a very long time. This colour is one which has been very much 
wanted in all classes of goods, and could not be obtained fast 
on silks, and only at great expense on cotton yarns. I enclose 
you pattern of the best lilac we have on cotton it is dyed only 
by one house in the United Kingdom, but even this is not quite 
fast, and does not stand the tests that yours does, and fades by 
exposure to air. On silk the colour has always been fugitive : 
it is done with cudbear or archil, and then blued to shade. 

In August he took out a patent for his product, and 
went to Perth to carry out experiments on cotton dyeing in the 
factory there, with only partial success. Let him again take 
up the thread of the narrative himself : 

Although the results were not so encouraging as could be 
wished, I was persuaded of the importance of the colouring 
matter, and the result was that, in October, I sought an interview 
with my old master, Hofinann, and told him of the discovery 
of this dye, showing him patterns dyed with it, at the same time 
saying that, as I was going to undertake its manufacture, I was 
sorry that I should have to leave the Royal College of Chemistry. 
At this he appeared much annoyed, and spoke in a very dis 
couraging manner, making me feel that perhaps I might be 
taking a false step which might ruin my future prospects. 

Now comes the most surprising episode in the whole 
adventure. This scapegrace of eighteen, who had dis 
appointed his father by taking up chemistry and who had 
antagonised his professor by proposing to desert pure chemical 
research for a commercial gamble, persuaded his hard-headed 
father to invest all his money in the erection of a factory for 
the large-scale manufacture of aniline purple, and induced 
his elder brother Thomas, who had a good knowledge of 


building and was also a keen business man, to join forces 
with him in the undertaking ! What sublime faith these 
two showed in the baby of the family and, as Dr Levinstein 
remarked in his Perkin Centenary Lecture, what courage 
and self-confidence in his own ability Perkin himself possessed 
in deciding to risk his scientific career, his brother's career, 
and his father's life savings on this chance discovery ! 

In June 1857 the building of the works at Greenford 
Green, near Harrow, was commenced. At that time neither 
Perkin nor any of his staff had seen the inside of a chemical 
factory, all they did was derived from books. To any un 
prejudiced observer, the enterprise must have appeared 
doomed from the outset. 

The triumphant way in which the boy manufacturer 
surmounted the manifold obstacles that successively con 
fronted him in the matter of economic large-scale production 
of aniline purple cannot be described here in detail, since 
many- of the points involved are highly technical. What 
can be told is how he managed to solve the problem of 
applying his dye successfully to different kinds of material. 

To dye silk seemed simple at first, but there arose the 
difficulty of ensuring an even, level shade over the whole 
length. Young Perkin soon discovered that this could be 
done by dyeing from a soap bath c a method of dyeing ' 
(to quote Dr Levinstein again) c which had never been used 
before, but has never gone out of practice since.' 

On cotton goods, however, the dye alone could not be 
made permanent ; as Perkin had already found at Perth, 
it faded badly when washed. Perkin experimented per- 
severingly until he discovered that a number of substances, 
such as tannin, could be made to function as mordants in 
other words, they assisted the dye to c bite into * the cloth. 
This discovery has been called by industrial chemists a more 
considerable achievement than the isolation of aniline 
purple itself. 

The demand for aniline purple in Great Britain was, at 
first, only moderate ; this country has always been suspicious 


of e synthetic products. 3 In France, however, the dye soon 
became very popular under the name of mauve. The new 
name stuck ; mauve is what Perkin's discovery is universally 
called today. In 1862 Queen Victoria wore a dress dyed 
with mauve she was then in half-mourning for the Prince 
Consort when she attended that year's Great Exhibition 
at the Crystal Palace, and the colour immediately became 
the rage. According to Punch, a Frenchman visiting London 
at that period is reported to have informed a friend that 
even the policemen in the streets were telling people to 
4 get a mauve on ' ! 

Meanwhile Perkin's factory was expanding, and he him 
self was discovering and developing new dyes of the most 
varied and beautiful shades. Other chemists rushed to 
participate in the hunt. Even Hofmann and this must have 
made his former pupil smile, although the smile was some 
what concealed under the facial adornment which he had 
acquired, as portrayed in the plate facing page 80 could 
not resist the temptation ; he produced the most brilliant 
colour of all, Hofmann's violet. He had still, however, not 
completely forgiven Perkin for leaving his laboratory, as 
will be seen from the following extract from one of his 
addresses : 

Whenever one of your chemical friends, full of enthusiasm, 
exhibits and explains to you his newly discovered compound, you 
will not cool his noble ardour by asking him that most terrible 
of all questions, * What is its use ? Will your compound bleach 
or dye ? Will it shave ? May it be used as a substitute for 
leather ? * Let him quietly go on with his work. The dye, the 
leather, will make their appearance in due time. Let him, I 
repeat, perform his task. Let him indulge in the pursuit of 
truth of truth pure and simple of truth not for the sake of 
Mauve let him pursue truth for the sake of truth. 

Perkin took these words to heart. After all, his greatest 
delight was in original research 4 for the sake of truth,' and 
when in 1873 he found that German competition in the 
rapidly expanding dye industry had become so fierce that 


he would need to enlarge his factory to two or three times 
its already unwieldy size in order to survive, he decided to sell 
out. At the age of thirty-five he had accumulated, through 
his ability and industry, a fortune of 100,000 ; 4 big busi 
ness * did not interest him any further. He retired to devote 
the rest of his long life to pure research. 

With Perkin's retiral German predominance in the 
manufacture of synthetic dyestuflfs gradually increased, until 
in the years immediately preceding World War I it had 
become a virtual monopoly. Cheaper, and better, dyes 
were constantly being produced, 1 and natural products were 
almost completely displaced thereby. The ruin of indigo 
cultivation in the East by the introduction of synthetic indigo 
is only one of many instances. Since 1914, however, the 
situation has changed materially for the better, a large 
British dye industry has again been established, and some 
of the most valuable discoveries in the whole field in recent 
years have hailed from British laboratories. Caledon Jade 
Green and Monastral Blue may be cited as particularly 
important examples. 

Perkin's later scientific work can be dealt with only 
briefly here, though much of it was of primary significance. 
He achieved the synthesis of coumarin, an odorous substance 
contained in the tonka bean, the first case of the production 
of a vegetable perfume from a coal-tar product. Coumarin 
has the beautiful smell of new-mown hay, and so Perkin 
helped to initiate our modern synthetic-perfume industry. 
He devised a new general method for the formation of un- 
saturated fatty acids, a reaction now known to every student 
of organic chemistry as c Perkin's synthesis. 3 Has main field 
of work, however, was the very abstruse subject of magnetic 
rotation, and the following tribute was paid to him on the 
occasion of the Perkin Jubilee Celebrations in 1906, held 
to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of 
mauve, by Professor Bruhl of Heidelberg : 

1 Practically the last use of mauve itself, it may be noted, was on the 
familiar * penny mauve * stamps of the last half of Queen Victoria's reign. 


Availing yourself of the marvellous discovery of your great 
countryman, Michael Faraday, you undertook to investigate the 
relations between the chemical composition of bodies and their 
magnetic circular polarisation that is to say, one of the general 
properties of all matter. Before you began work there was little, 
almost nothing, known of this subject, certainly nothing of prac 
tical use to the chemist You created a new branch of science, 
taught us how, from the magnetic rotation, conclusions can be 
drawn as to the chemical structure of bodies, and showed that 
the magnetic rotation allows us to draw comprehensive and 
certain conclusions as to the chemical constitution of substances, 
just as we may from another general physical property, viz. 
refraction and dispersion. And by showing that both these 
physical methods of investigations lead to completely harmonious 
results, you did essential service to both the branches of study, 
and also to chemistry, which they are destined to serve. 

Perkin was a man of most retiring nature ; an enduring 
example/ Professor Meldola has said, c of humility in the 
face of success.' The same biographer continues : 

No distinction which he ever gained throughout a career 
which culminated in 1906, when the King conferred upon him 
the honour of Knighthood, and when the nations of the world 
assembled to render him homage, had the slightest influence 
upon the modesty and gentleness of his disposition. It was his 
personality that caused him to be revered in his domestic circle, 
and to be beloved by all who enjoyed the privilege of his friend 

His three sons all followed their father's profession, and 
all three became distinguished chemists. He died ' in the 
full tide of well-won honour ' on 14 July 1907. 

In an early part of this chapter it was mentioned that, 
at the time of the discovery of mauve, chemists had no 
conception at all of the architecture of organic substances. 
To get from one compound to another of a different com 
position, the optimistic method was followed of trying to 
knock off excess atoms of one element and to stick on deficient 


atoms of another, trusting to luck that everything would 
finally come out all right. It seldom did. 

The reason is perfectly obvious to us now, of course. 
One must not only take away and add the right numbers 
of atoms, one must also have such an intimate knowledge 
of the whole intricate structure of the ultimate particles, or 
molecules, of the substances concerned as to ensure that these 
atoms are taken away and added at exactly the right places, 
and even then an extensive rearrangement of the whole 
fabric is almost certain to prove to be necessary as well. 
There are so many thousands of different ways in which 
the constituent atoms of a complicated substance like quinine 
can be fitted together ! And even if one considers simpler 
cases, like Faraday's butylene and ethylene, where the two 
substances have the same composition but different molecular 
complexity, 1 one cannot say that one molecule of butylene 
will be formed merely by forcing two molecules of ethylene 
to combine. 2 One might as well imagine that, because a 
house requires 20,000 bricks and a theatre 200,000, a theatre 
could be erected simply by knocking ten adjoining houses 
into one structure. 

The helplessness of the organic chemist of 1856 becomes 
still more apparent when it is noted that he had not then 
definitely settled even upon the dimensions of bis bricks ! 
Utter confusion reigned regarding the three conceptions of 
atoms, molecules and equivalents ; not until the famous 
Italian, Cannizzaro, cleared up this chaos at the memorable 
Karlsruhe Congress of 1860 was it possible to be certain 
about the relative magnitudes of these fundamental chemical 
units for different elements. 

Before 1860, nevertheless, two young chemists had 

already, simultaneously and independently, solved the 

puzzle of the molecular structure of organic compounds. 

Two simple general principles sufficed to pluck the heart 


1 In modern nomenclature, butylene is C 4 H 8 and ethylene C 2 H 4 . 
* An entirely different third substance, iso-butylene, might be obtained 
instead ! 

Perkin at the age of twenty-two 

Archibald Scott Couper 


out of the mystery. In the first place, every carbon atom 
has the power to link up directly with four other atoms ; 
in chemical language, carbon has a valence of four. Secondly, 
carbon atoms have the extraordinary ability rarely ex 
hibited by atoms of any other element of linking them 
selves together to form long chains. 

These two principles were enunciated and developed by 
Archibald Scott Couper and August Kekul6 in 1 858. Couper 
never knew that he had won scientific immortality ; he went 
to his grave in 1892 unwept, unhonoured and unknown. 
Kekule became world-famous Baron von Stradonitz, pro 
fessor of chemistry at the University of Bonn, tutor to the 
future Kaiser Wilhelm II, feted by his colleagues * with a 
magnificence unparalleled in the history of science.' What 
a contrast between the two careers ! 

To failure, in this instance, just as much deference is 
due as to success, and the tragedy of Gouper will therefore 
be given priority in these pages. How his name was rescued 
from obscurity after his death forms a fascinating detective 
story, worthy of the best traditions of Sherlock Holmes or 
Hercule Poirot. The tale may fittingly be called 'The 
Couper Quest,' and a great part of the ensuing section will 
be taken from an article under that title, published in 1934 
by Dr Leonard Dobbin. 

. In the year 1885 Richard Anschutz, who had succeeded 
Kekule in the chair of chemistry at Bonn, carried out in 
conjunction with one of his students an investigation on 
the action of phosphorus pentachloride (one of the many 
compounds discovered by Davy) on salicylic acid (the acid 
radical of oil of wintergreen). This was a reaction on which 
a considerable amount of work had already been done by 
many noted chemists, including Kekule himself, but Anschutz 
found that certain of the results that he obtained were in 
conflict with those reported by his predecessors in the field. 
On looking into the literature more carefully, however, he 
ascertained that these same results had also been claimed 


by e M. Couper ' in a communication to the Comptes Rendus 
in Paris in 1858. Couper's experimental work had been 
discredited by his contemporaries, but Anschtitz, on repeat 
ing it, was able to confirm it completely and also to show 
why all the others had failed where Couper had been success 
ful. It was not, after all, a very important piece of research, 
but Anschiitz emerged from it with a great respect for this 
mysterious Monsieur Couper he naturally thought of him 
as a Frenchman who had taken the right path where so 
many mightier men had gone astray. 

Nearly twenty years passed. The great Kekule was 
dead, and Anschiitz was occupied in the compilation of a 
comprehensive biography of his venerated teacher, a labour 
of love that was to be undertaken so conscientiously that it 
did not attain completion for another twenty years. Examin 
ing the chemical journals of the period of Kekule's first great 
discovery, he stumbled across the name of Couper once 
more, and read for the first time an extended account of 
Couper's researches on salicylic acid published in the 
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Previously, in 1885, he 
had unfortunately contented himself with c a miserable 
abstract in Liebigs Annalen? He was absolutely astonished 
by the lucidity and daring of the views presented in this 
article, and a reference therein to ' the rational theory 
which I seek to develop in another paper ' led him to look 
up further work of Couper, published both in Annales de 
chimie et de physique and in the Philosophical Magazine for 1858. 

What he found there literally flabbergasted him. Couper 
had not only narrowly missed anticipating Kekule in announc 
ing the fundamental ideas of the quadrivalency of carbon 
and its capacity to enter into chemical union with itself, but 
he was obviously thinking well in advance of Kekule. 
Anschiitz gives this vivid account of his own reaction on 
first reading Couper's presentation of his theory : 

c Mein Gott/ I said to myself, c why did not Couper continue 
his work : he was, at the time, decidedly freer than Kekul was 


from preconceived ideas : with such penetration, what might 
he not have been able to achieve : he must have died early,' 

Animated by a desire to know something about the man 
himself, and not finding any information concerning him 
in the usual reference books of chemical history or biography, 
Anschutz started in 1903 to make inquiries regarding 
Couper, and it is here that e The Gouper Quest ' really 
begins. The inquiries went in two main directions, firstly 
to those of his friends who had connections with Great 
Britain, since ' Archibald S. Couper, Esq./ as the name 
was printed at the head of the paper in the Philosophical 
Magazine, was evidently not a Frenchman, and secondly to 
such of his colleagues as had been research students in Paris 
in the remote days of 1858. 

In August 1903 he received through his friend Debus, 
a German who had formerly been professor of chemistry at 
the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, a letter from one of 
his London acquaintances, Greville Williams, for many 
years chemist to the London Gas Company. 

I grieve to say that I know nothing of the origin of poor 
Couper. I first became acquainted with him when I was assistant 
to Dr (afterwards Lord) Playfair in the University of Edinburgh, 
where Couper was a student in the laboratory, but he soon left. 
I only saw him once more, when he came up to me on the sea 
shore at Dunoon on the Clyde, but he was then a complete wreck. 
I believe his trouble originated in sunstroke. I deeply regret 
being unable to give you more information about this great but 
unfortunate genius. 

Here the matter apparently rested for some time, but 
in February 1906 Debus wrote to Alexander Crum Brown, 
professor of chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, as 
follows : 

My friend Professor Anschutz of Bonn wishes to obtain infor 
mation about the parentage and education of the late Archibald S. 
Couper. We have asked several friends, but no-one seems to 


know anything about him. It has occurred to us that perhaps 
the Register of the University of Edinburgh, where Gouper 
studied Chemistry about the year 1860, may contain the name 
of his native place, or perhaps other particulars, which might 
be useful in tracing his history. 

In response to this request, Crum Brown looked up the 
available registers at Edinburgh University, but did not 
find there any record as to Couper's birthplace or any other 
particulars concerning him. Debus, acknowledging a com 
munication to this effect, remarked : 

We do wish to know something about his origin and life as 
one of the founders of structural chemistry. He must have been 
a man of genius. For any further information we will be 

Further information was soon to appear, for Crum 
Brown, now actively interested in the quest himself, was 
writing around to all his own friends asking about Couper. 
Only one reply proved to be of any help ; it was from 
Sir James Dewar of the Royal Institution, who had also 
in his youth been an assistant to Playfair at Edinburgh 
University. Dewar said : 

Gouper was long before my time. It is like a dream to me 
as if I had been told that he had to be put into an asylum. I do 
not doubt that he was with Playfair in some capacity, but I can't 
tell you what. 

Dewar's letter supplied the first real clue to Couper's 
identity. Following up the vague reference to an asylum, 
Crum Brown addressed a letter of inquiry to the Secretary 
of the Board of Lunacy for Scotland, and received an answer 
in May 1906 to the effect that Archibald Scott Couper was 
admitted to a mental institution under the Board, as a private 
patient, on 15 May, and discharged on 14 July 1859 ; that 
shortly afterwards he was again admitted to a similar institu 
tion ; and that he was finally discharged in November 1862, 


when he was sent to the care of his mother in Kirkintilloch. 
The reply also furnished the name and occupation of his 
father and the address of the latter as Townhead, Kirkin 
tilloch, Dumbartonshire. 

Having established by correspondence that Couper's 
father had been the proprietor of a large cotton-weaving 
mill at Kirkintilloch, and that Couper himself, after his 
discharge from the asylum, had lived at his mother's home 
in that town for many years * a familiar figure walking 
about with an attendant * Grum Brown visited Kirkin 
tilloch in June. Couper himself, of course, was long since 
dead, but drum Brown was introduced to a number of his 
relatives, and from them learned a little of his general 
history. Details of his scientific career, however, were lack 
ing, and these were what Grum Brown most eagerly desired 
to obtain. 

Dr Dollar, a cousin of Couper and a veterinary surgeon 
in London, sent him a bundle of papers, among which was 
a letter to Couper from Amsberg, Westphalia, signed 
e Berring. 5 This letter was in such very friendly and familiar 
terms that Cram Brown felt sure that if Berring was still 
alive he was the man to tell him all he wished to know 
about Couper' s studies abroad. The writer told of his own 
impending marriage, and mentioned his sister Minna ; but 
how to find Berring ! 

Now it so happened that just a month later Cram Brown 
had a visitor staying at his house for two days, Rikka Kaul, 
a very distant family connection. 1 Rikka was the daughter 
of a major in the German Army, stationed then in West 
phalia. For weeks Cram Brown had been puzzling himself 
as to how he could hear anything of Berring ; listen now 
how he did hear something ! 

At breakfast on July loth it occurred to me that Rikka had 
been for some years living in Westphalia, and I said to her : 

1 Crum Brown explains the relationship in typically Scots fashion thus : 
c Her mother is the daughter of our old friend Peter Wilson, my brother-in- 
law James Stewart Wilson's brother.* 

(969) 1 


' Rikka, is Berring a common name in Westphalia ? ' She started 
and said : I don't know if it is common, but we know a Mr 
Berring.' A.G.B. : e Arnsberg ? ' RIKKA : ( He was in Arnsberg 
but he lives in Coblenz now. 5 A.C.B. : Is he married ? ' 
RIKKA : Yes, but his wife is dead ; he has a daughter. 5 A.G.B. : 
e Has he a sister Minna ? 5 RIKKA, in great astonishment : * How 
do you know Mr Berring ? 5 A.G.B. : c I know nothing about 
him, but wish to find out. 3 I then told her all about it and she 
gave me the Geheimrath's address. I wrote to him and got 
a very friendly answer. 

Fact is, indeed, stranger than fiction ! After a lapse 
of nearly fifty years, Couper's old comrade was thus brought 
to light, and with his aid the story of Couper's student years 
on the Continent was readily reconstructed. Here is a con 
densation of a letter which he wrote to Crum Brown on 
28 July : 

I became acquainted with Mr Archibald Scott Gouper 
when I studied in Berlin in the Summer Session, 1852, and was 
in daily association with him during the four months May /August. 

Gouper was a very handsome man of tall slender build and 
of distinguished aristocratic appearance. His fine face, with its 
glowing colour, was animated in the most engaging manner by 
the well-nigh marvellous sparkle of his deep-black eyes. 1 He 
was not, however, in robust health and always had to be con 
cerned about guarding it. He went back to Scotland in August 
1852, but in the following summer (1853) again made a journey 
to Germany and was with me for a few weeks' visit in a small 
Westphalian town not far from the Porta Westphalica on the Weser. 

In autumn of the following year (1854) I again met with 
Couper in Berlin, and I lived with him in a small private hotel 
(Dorotheenstrasse, 75) until his departure for Paris in spring, 
1856. He had meantime resolved on the study of chemistry. 
Gouper afterwards wrote to me from Paris that he had made 
a discovery which Professor Kekule in Heidelberg also claimed 
for himself, although wrongly, since priority undoubtedly be 
longed to him (Gouper). So far as I recollect, I have heard 
nothing more of him since. 

1 The portrait of Gouper facing p, 81 was taken in Paris in 1857 or 1858. 


So ends Crum Brown's contribution to the Couper 
Quest ; meantime, additional evidence with regard to the 
really vital incident in Gouper's career the discovery that 
he made while in Paris was beginning to come in from other 
quarters. In March 1906 Adolph Lieben, of Vienna, wrote 
to Anschiitz : 

Gouper's work is wholly independent of Kekule's, as no one 
knows better than I. Couper who, like myself, worked at that 
time in Wurtz's laboratory, was in the habit of discussing his 
intentions and ideas with me, and he also handed to me for 
examination, prior to its publication, his paper which appeared 
later in the Comptes Rendus for 1858 ; then he handed it on to 
Wurtz. Meanwhile there appeared the part of the Annalen 
published at the end of May, with Kekule's similar work, and 
Couper was profoundly disturbed by this coincidence. 

And in May of the same year Albert Ladenburg wrote 
from Breslau : 

Gouper worked with Wurtz in Paris and asked him to pass 
on to the Academy his paper on the quadrivalence of carbon. 
Wurtz, who at the time was not a member of the Academy, 
was obliged to give the paper to some one else who was a member 
(usually Balard). He bungled this a little, and so Kekul6*s 
communication appeared before Couper's was laid before the 
Academy. On account of this, great wrath of Couper, who 
took Wurtz to task and became insolent. This displeased Wurtz 
and he expelled him from the laboratory. Couper seems to 
have taken this very much to heart, and it was believed in Paris 
that the beginning of his illness dated from this episode. The 
story itself is authentic : I have it from Wurtz. 

What a pathetic picture these two letters reveal ! The 
young student (he was only twenty-seven) handed in his 
masterpiece to his professor to be presented to the French 
Academy for publication, but Wurtz seems to have hesitated 
to act as sponsor for ideas so daring and far-reaching that 
he regarded them as fantastic, and he took no immediate 
action. No doubt his conservative mind considered he was 
acting in Gouper's best interests in holding back such c revolu- 


tionary extravagances/ but the delay was fatal. Kekule's 
classical paper appeared, outlining a theory virtually identical 
with that of Couper, and was at once acclaimed and 
applauded by the scientific world ; Gouper was forestalled 
through no fault of his own. An abstract of his article was 
at once presented to the Academy under the distinguished 
patronage of Faraday's old friend, Dumas, but it was too 
late. His quarrel with his professor and his expulsion from 
the laboratory made matters tenfold worse. He felt that 
the whole world was against him, he lifted no finger to share 
the honours with his more fortunate rival, he made no reply 
to the many critics of his theories and practical work, as 
a scientific man he vanished and his work was forgotten 
until, more than forty years later, it fortuitously attracted 
the attention of Anschiitz. 

For a short time, after his return to Scotland, he did 
hold a position in the University of Edinburgh as laboratory- 
assistant to Sir Lyon Playfair, but ill health dogged his 
footsteps and forced him to resign. Fate continued to pile 
one misfortune upon another he lost his father, and finally 
an attack of sunstroke prostrated him and left him enfeebled 
for the rest of his life. Tended for more than thirty years 
by the loving care of a wonderful mother, he passed away 
on ii March 1892, at the age of sixty-one. 

Long afterwards, in 1931, a meeting attended by many 
distinguished chemists was held at Kirkintilloch to celebrate 
the centenary of Couper's birth, and a plaque was placed 
above the doorway of the house in which he was born to 
commemorate his tragic genius. Many of the worthy citizens 
of the little burgh must have heard with amazement how 
the man they had looked upon in their childhood days as 
the c town loonie * was a man whom scientists all over the 
globe now delighted to honour. A gathering of several 
hundred people in the Town Hall listened to an eloquent 
address * on Couper delivered by Sir James Irvine, Principal 

1 The two preceding paragraphs^ it may be mentioned, are borrowed 
almost verbatim from this address. 


of the University of St Andrews. Some of the final touch 
ing sentences of this panegyric follow : 

What did Couper think of in his placid fragile retirement ? 
Did he reflect on the fact that in every university in the world 
his theory was being taught to generation after generation of 
students to whom his name was unknown? Did he follow the 
immense technical development of organic chemistry which has 
given us our most brilliant colours and dyestuffs, our most 
powerful explosives, our antiseptics and synthetic drugs ? Did 
the smoky cloud hanging over distant Glasgow bring to mind 
the busy factories engaged in the building up and breaking down 
of organic molecules in processes controlled by the theory he 
had thought out years before in a student's lodging in Paris ? 
Did he think of the Fellowship of the Royal Society, of medals 
or degrees, the honours which fell to men more fortunate but 
less worthy ? I am sure he had no such thoughts ; for to him 
chemistry was a philosophy the end of which was theory, and 
he had no concern with the busy world of industry. But at 
times he must have thought of Kekule and of Wurtz ; if so, he 
kept his thoughts to himself. 

Before leaving Couper for Kekule, let us linger a moment 
to pay a tribute to the memory of Grum Brown and of 
Anschiitz, who toiled so nobly to secure for Gouper, after 
death, the recognition denied him during life. Of Anschutz 
in particular Sir James Irvine remarks : 

No finer example of the brotherhood of science could be 
found than the efforts made by Anschutz, then at the height of 
his fame, to do justice to an obscure stranger to whom he owed 
nothing, not even national sympathy. 

Such kindness, however, was typical of Anschutz. After 
World War I many of the British and American soldiers 
in the army of occupation of the Rhineland took the oppor 
tunity of attending classes at Bonn University. In general, 
they were received coldly, but Anschutz went out of his 
way to give them the warmest of welcomes, both in his 
laboratory and in his home. When his colleagues remon- 


strated with him, he is reported to have said : ' There may 
be another Couper among them ; who knows ? ' Like 
drum Brown, he lived to a ripe old age, happy in his last 
year in the fact that the land of Couper had shown its 
gratitude by electing him an Honorary Fellow of the Royal 
Society of Edinburgh. 

To him, indeed, science was not national, but inter 
national. Heil Anschtitz ! 

Friedrich August Kekule he always called himself 
August was born at Darmstadt, in Hesse, on 7 September 
1829. His father, a government official, wished, like Perkin's 
father, to make his boy an architect, and in 1847 he entered 
the University of Giessen to study for that profession. There 
he attended the lectures of Liebig on chemistry, and such 
was their fascination that another architect was lost. In 
later life, however, he always insisted that his early work 
in architecture was of extreme value to him, it gave him the 
habit of making an actual picture of any problem with which 
he was occupied. As Professor Japp states in his Memorial 
Lecture to the Chemical Society : 

He was doubtless right. After all, he remained an architect 
to the last : only it was the architecture of molecules, instead 
of that of buildings, with which it was his lot to concern himself. 

Having persuaded his family to consent to his change 
of plans, he returned to Liebig' s laboratory the following 
year to study chemistry seriously. How seriously he worked 
is shown by his own confession at a celebration which the 
German Chemical Society held in his honour in 1890 : 

I have faithfully followed the counsel which my old master, 
Liebig, gave me when I was a young beginner. * If you want 
to be a chemist, 5 Liebig said to me when I was working in his 
laboratory, * you will have to ruin your health ; no-one who 
does not ruin his health with study will ever do anything in 
chemistry nowadays. 5 That was forty years ago. Is it still true ? 
I faithfully followed the advice. During many years I managed 


to do with four and even three hours' sleep. A single night 
spent over my books did not count ; it was only when two or 
three came in succession, that I thought I had done anything 

Such industry deserved a reward, and in 1850 Liebig 
offered him an assistantship. This tempting appointment 
he declined : he wanted to widen his outlook by studying 
abroad. That he was wise in his decision is certain. As 
Japp says, had he been hampered by a one-sided training 
he might not have discovered his strength until the brief 
period the too brief period during which the great 
creative geniuses of science really create was past. He 
worked in Paris with Dumas for a year, and there met 
Wurtz, Gerhardt and many other famous chemists. Later, 
in 1854, after he had graduated at Giessen as Doctor of 
Philosophy, he obtained an assistantship with Stenhouse in 
London, and it was here that he obtained the first vision 
of his future discovery. Let the story be told in his own 
words : 

During my stay in London I resided for a considerable time 
in Clapham Road in the neighbourhood of the Common. I 
frequently, however, spent my evenings with my friend Hugo 
Mtiller at Islington, at the opposite end of the giant town. We 
talked of many things, but oftenest of our beloved chemistry. 
One fine summer evening I was returning by the last omnibus, 
c outside,' as usual, through the deserted streets of the metropolis, 
which are at other times so full of life. I fell into a reverie and 
lo, the atoms were gambolling before my eyes I Whenever, 
hitherto, these diminutive beings had appeared to me, they had 
always been in motion ; but up to that time I had never been 
able to discern the nature of their motion. Now, however, I 
saw how, frequently, two smaller atoms united to form a pair ; 
how a larger one embraced two smaller ones ; how still larger 
ones kept hold of three or even four of the smaller ; whilst the 
whole kept whirling in a giddy dance. I saw how the larger 
ones formed a chain, dragging the smaller ones after them, but 
only at the ends of the chain. The cry of the conductor : ' Clap- 
ham Road/ awakened me from my dreaming : but I spent a 


part of the night in putting on paper at least sketches of these 
dream forms. This was the origin of the Theory of Molecular 

After he had obtained a junior teaching position at 
Heidelberg in 1856 Kekule continued to work on these 
ideas, and in May 1858 he published his memorable paper 
in the Annalen, where the two principles of the quadrivalence 

FIG. 8 Kekul6 formulae 

of carbon and the linkage of carbon atoms are clearly 
enunciated. Pictures of the structure of six typical organic 
compounds ethyl chloride, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, 
acetamide, methyl formate and methyl cyanide as drawn 
by Kekule at this period are shown above. 1 

These pictures are certainly crude, in the light of present- 
day knowledge, and even some of his German colleagues 
ridiculed them under the name of c roll and sausage formulae. 3 
The system used is cumbrous, and Kekule himself employed 
it only sparingly. For the representation of molecules con 
taining branched chains, it becomes quite impracticable. 

Compare these pictures with those given by Couper in 
his 1858 paper, and the superiority of the Scot is immediately 
evident. The diagram on page 93 records Couper's con- 

1 The strokes through the carbon and oxygen atoms in these pictures are 
intended by Kekul6 to indicate that he had adopted, as the atomic weights 
of these elements, the values 12 and 16 respectively (see p. 72). 



struction for a number of organic compounds propyl 
alcohol, butyl alcohol and butyl-ethyl ether in the first 
column ; acetic acid, propionic acid and glycol in the 
second ; oxalic acid and tartaric acid in the third. These 
formulae are essentially the same as those used by organic 
chemists today. 1 

f O OH 

c l 


C H 2 
C H 3 

f O OH 



C H 2 
C H a 

G H 3 

C [C 


P H a C 



G H 2 
C H a 


C l 
I 10' 

C H 3 

f O OH 

C 1 
I 10* 

f~% TTg 

\^t n 

C H 3 

f O OH 

f H* 

G ! 
( O OH 

FIG. 9 Couper formulae 




(.O OH 

Truly, as has often been said, the line of development 
of modern 6 graphic ' formulae is through Couper, not 
through Kekule. To Kekule, however, went all the glory. 
The young Heidelberg Prwatdocent was at once called upon 
to fill the chair of chemistry at the University of Ghent, 
and it was there a few years later that he made his crowning 

1 The only important difference is that Couper, although he had seen 
the necessity of using the value 12 for the atomic weight of carbon, continued 
to employ the old figure 8 for oxygen. Consequently, as will be noted by an 
inspection of the diagram, oxygen atoms always occur in his formulae in 
pairs, where only a single atom is really required. 


achievement, the discovery of the structure of benzene. If 
Kekuie must concede to Couper and this is admitted even 
by Anschiitz a keener insight into the architecture of one* 
half of the organic field, aliphatic or chain compounds, 
nobody can deny him the sole credit for elucidating the 
more intricate fabric of the second half, aromatic or ring 
compounds. His memoir on the benzene theory has been 
called the most brilliant piece of scientific prediction to be 
found in the whole range of organic chemistry. Once more, 
let us allow Kekuie himself to relate how the first inspiration 
arrived : 

I was sitting writing at my text-book ; but the work did not 
progress ; my thoughts were elsewhere. I turned my chair to 
the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were gambolling before 
my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the 
background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by repeated 
visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures, of 
manifold conformation : long rows, sometimes more closely fitted 
together ; all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But 
look ! What was that ? One of the snakes had seized hold of its 
own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As 
if by a flash of lightning I awoke ; and this time aiso I spent 
the rest of the night in working out the consequences of the 

So originated what was ultimately developed into the 
famous ' hexagon ' formula for benzene Faraday's ' bi- 
carburet of hydrogen ' which constitutes the basis of all 
' aromatic * architecture. The six carbon atoms in the 
molecule C 6 H 6 form a closed ring, and each is combined 
with one hydrogen atom. A comic representation of this, 
the e monkey formula 3 for benzene, which demonstrates 
that even German chemists can have their lighter moments, 
is shown on page 95. For perfect accuracy, each monkey 
should also be holding a banana (to represent the hydrogen 
atom) in its free 'hand, 3 but for simplicity the hydrogen 
atoms in the benzene ring are frequently omitted in com- 


plex graphic formulae the mere outline of a hexagon 
indicates the fundamental nucleus. 

Examples of this will be seen in the structural formulae 
for quinine and for mauve * shown on page 96. How different 
the architectural styles of the two molecules are, yet how 

FIG 10 The * monkey formula * for benzene 

prominent the hexagon pattern of Kekule is in each structure! 
A glance at these two formulae will make it obvious even 
to the layman how far from the mark Perkin's e shot in the 
dark 3 landed. The formula for Monastral Blue, shown on 

1 Actually the sulphate of Perkin's base c mauveine * is represented here. 
As regards quinine, its structure was first deduced by employing standard 
reactions to split the complex molecule of the naturally-occurring alkaloid 
into smaller fragments, which were then identified as relatively simple sub 
stances with constitutions already determined. The accuracy of the deduction 
was completely established only in 1 944, when two American chemists finally 
succeeded in reversing the process, rebuilding the complex molecule from 
such fragments and proving that their synthetic product was identical with 
natural quinine. 


page 97, is still more complicated, but beautiful in its 

The modern organic chemist is such a skilled architect 
nowadays that he can construct practically any molecule 
he may desire to correspond exactly to his special require 
ments. In the field of dyestuffs, for instance, he knows that 
certain groups, called ckromopkores y must be present to make 
colour possible, and that certain other groups, called auxo- 
chromes, are also necessary to strengthen that colour and 
make it permanent. By varying the nature of these 
groups, and by shifting their relative positions in the 
molecule, the most delicate differences in shade can be 

CH=CH 2 

(I) (II) 

FIG. 1 1 Graphic formulae of (I) Quinine and (II) Mauve 

A single illustration will suffice. The most precious of 
all dyes in ancient times was Tyrian purple, obtained from 
certain species of sea-snails (Murex). It was so costly that 
it was reserved for the use of emperors. The secret of pre 
paring this substance was lost for centuries, but in 1909 the 
German chemist Friedlander gathered 12,000 of these 
molluscs and succeeded in isolating 1.5 grams of the colour 
ing material for analysis. He showed it to be a derivative 
of indigo, containing two bromine atoms in place of two 
of the hydrogens. This identical substance had been pre 
pared synthetically five years earlier, but found to be inferior 


to another dye containing the bromine atoms in different 
positions in the molecule. 

The colour that flashed only on the robes of those c born 
in the purple ' in olden days is, therefore, not considered 
good enough for the ordinary flapper of the twentieth 
century ! And yet there are still people who regard synthetic 
chemical products as fundamentally inferior to natural ! 

FIG. 1 6 Graphic formula of Monastral Blue 

Let us return to Kekule, the master-architect. After nine 
years in Belgium, he was appointed in 1867 to be professor 
of chemistry at the University of Bonn. Never, in later 
life, could he recapture the first fine careless rapture of his 
early achievements, but he not only performed much useful 
research himself, he trained many students who afterwards 
became famous chemists. Japp says of him in this con 
nection : 

His laboratory teaching was remarkable for the way in which 
he endeavoured to awaken independent thought in the student. 
He was never better pleased than when a student was full of 
suggestions, which he would spend much time in patiently listen 
ing to and criticising. The one thing which he never pardoned 
in a student was want of interest in his work ; such a student 
was, for the future, quietly ignored. 

His lectures were an inspiration to all who heard them ; 
they appealed not only to the intellect but to the imagination. 



Chemistry to him was always an adventure, not a livelihood. 
It was with his own experiences vividly in view that he once 
remarked : 

Let us learn to dream, gentlemen, then perhaps we shall 
find the truth. But let us beware of publishing our dreams 
before they have been put to the proof by the waking under 

His last scientific paper was published in 1890 ; he died 
on 13 July 1896. 

Neither Perkin nor Kekule ever was an architect, in the 
narrow sense of the word, but both builded better than their 
fathers knew. As for Couper, of him it may justly be said : 
' The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become 
the head of the corner. 3 


c Sir William Perkin's Adventure and what has come of it,' 
H. Levinstein, Chemistry and Industry, 1938 

Eminent Chemists of our Time. B. Harrow, 1920 

Memorial Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society : The 
Hofmann Memorial Lecture. 5 W. H. Perkin, 1893 ; * The 
Kekule Memorial Lecture. 5 F. R. Japp, 1897 

'Obituary Notice: William Henry Perkin. 3 R. Meldola, 
Journal of the Chemical Society, 1908 

* Life and Chemical Work of Archibald Scott Couper. 5 

R. Anschiitz, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1909 

* The Couper Quest/ L. Dobbin, Journal of Chemical Education, 


c Couper Centenary Meeting/ Chemistry and Industry, 1931 
August KekuU. R. Anschutz, 1929 


THE preceding chapter has described how the architecture 
of organic molecules has been minutely examined to the 
point where it is possible to represent the structure of the 
most complex compounds by means of c graphic formulae. 5 
The story, however, is not yet complete. Such graphic 
formulae are, like the pages on which they are printed, 
only two-dimensional, whereas the molecules themselves 
exist in three dimensions. In other words, the substances 
with which the chemist works, like the building in which 
he is working, occupy space ; they are not restricted to mere 
surfaces. The plan of a house may be very useful and 
informative, but it cannot give us a perfect picture of the 
house itself. The same is true of molecules : the space 
relationships of their constituent atoms are of primary 

Indications that space problems must be taken into 
account in the study of chemical properties were not lack 
ing, in fact, long before Couper and Kekule began their 
investigations. In this connection, the most outstanding 
discovery was that made by a brilliant young French chemist, 
Louis Pasteur. 

Louis Pasteur may very properly be styled * the French 
Faraday ' ; there is, indeed, an extraordinary similarity 
between the two men and their careers. The same humble 
origin, the same family devotion, the same simplicity, the 
same unselfish slavery to science and scorn of wealth, the 
same switching away from chemistry to adjoining fields in 
later life. And, sad to relate, also the same unmerited 
misfortunes antagonism from their contemporaries and 
shattered health in their prime. 


The father of Louis was a hard-working tanner who had 
fought in the Grand Army of the Republic with such dis 
tinction that he had been decorated with the Legion of 
Honour by Napoleon. On the little house that he occupied 
in a poor quarter of Dole, a small town in the Department 
of Jura, there now stands a simple inscription in gold : 
c Here Louis Pasteur was born on 27 December 1822.' That 
Louis appreciated, all through his life, the sacrifices his 
parents made to secure him a good education is witnessed 
by the fact that the most celebrated of his works bears the 
dedication : To the memory of my father, old soldier under 
the First Empire, Chevalier of the Legion of Honour 9 a 
tribute, as Frankland has said in his Pasteur Memorial 
Lecture, more imperishable and more covetable than the 
ribbon pinned to his tunic by the victor of Marengo and 

At the local school at Arbois Louis was conscientious 
but slow, and distinguished only in drawing. His first 
original effort a pastel depicting his mother going to 
market in her cap and shawl still exists, and shows bold 
realism. His headmaster, M. Romanet, however, distin 
guished the hidden spark of genius in the boy, and when 
he was fifteen persuaded his parents to send him to Paris, 
to prepare for entrance into the great cole Normale. The 
experiment was a failure ; the poor lad was so homesick 
that he fell seriously ill. ' If I could only get a whiff of the 
tannery yard/ he would say, e I feel I should be cured. 5 
Before a month had passed his father had to come and take 
him back to Arbois. 

The following year he spread his wings once more, but 
only as far as the neighbouring college at Besangon, and 
for a time it seemed that the post of a provincial teacher 
would represent the height of his aspirations. c If you could 
only become, some day, the master at Arbois,' his father 
often said, * I should be the happiest man in the world ! * 
But ambition reawakened and, after he had completed his 
courses at Besamjon and taught there for two years, he 


went to Paris for the second time in October 1842. He had 
determined to become a chemist, although his instruction 
in chemistry so far had been very inadequate and his record 
therein on his final certificate is inscribed merely c mediocre.' 
He attended the lectures of Dumas at the Sorbonne and 
was entranced. He might have started work at the cole 
Normals immediately, but he was dissatisfied at the low place 
he had taken in the entrance examination thereto, and 
preferred to wait for another year. Combining teaching with 
study at the same boarding school which he had left so 
suddenly on his previous visit, he kept his parents free from 
all expense, and in 1843 he entered the &ole Normale at last 
fourth on the list. 

He worked assiduously, but was not too busy to under 
take a most unusual task in addition. His father had often 
deplored his own lack of education, and with the pretext 
of helping his young sister Josephine in her studies the 
budding chemist now tutored the old man also by corres 
pondence ! Papa Pasteur would often sit up late at night 
over rules of grammar and mathematical problems, prepar 
ing answers to send to Louis in Paris. 

In 1846 he sat and passed a competitive examination 
which made him eligible to becbme a professor in a junior 
college, but when the Ministry of Public Instruction pro 
posed to send him to teach physics in remote Tournon, his 
immediate chief Balard, the discoverer of bromine, inter 
vened. Louis had just begun independent research in 
Balard's laboratory, and it would be rank folly, Balard 
declared, to tear him away before he had obtained his 
doctor's degree. It would, indeed, as events soon proved. 

There was at that time a rising young professor from 
Bordeaux working as a visitor in Balard's laboratory, Auguste 
Laurent, e a strange delicate-looking man, a scientist and 
a poet,* a genius with only a few more years to live. He 
also must have sensed the genius latent in Pasteur, for he 
delighted the shy youth by suggesting that he should assist 
him in some of his experiments. Their work in common 

(969) B 


was soon interrupted, for Laurent was appointed assistant 
to Dumas at the Sorbonne, but Louis has left a manuscript 
note relating its consequences : 

One day it happened that M. Laurent studying, if I mistake 
not, some tungstate of soda, perfectly crystallised and prepared 
from the directions of another chemist, whose results he was 
verifying showed me through the microscope that this salt, 
apparently very pure, was evidently a mixture of three distinct 
kinds of crystals, easily recognisable with a little experience of 
crystalline forms. The lessons of our modest and excellent pro 
fessor of mineralogy, M. Delafosse, had long since made me love 
crystallography ; so, in order to acquire the habit of using the 
goniometer, I began to study carefully the formations of a very 
fine series of combinations, all very easily crystallised, tartaric 
acid and the tartrates. 

It was through ' tartaric acid and the tartrates ' that he 
was first to become famous. 

Tartaric acid had been discovered in 1770 by the wonder 
ful young Swedish chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in the 
crystalline deposit, or c tartar/ which separates in wine-vats 
during the process of fermentation. Fifty years later an 
Alsatian manufacturer, Kestner, preparing tartaric acid in 
his factory at Thann, obtained by chance a very singular 
substance. Chemically it behaved exactly like tartaric acid, 
but certain of its physical properties solubility in water and 
crystalline form, for example were quite distinctive. 
Kestner could never get it again, however often he tried, 
but he kept some of it in stock and sent some to distinguished 
chemists for them to study. Gay-Lussac called it racemic 
add, Berzelius called it para-tartaric acid, but neither solved 
its mystery. 

Just after Pasteur had commenced his studies at the 
cole Normals, a striking new difference between sodium- 
ammonium tartrate * and sodium-ammonium racemate had 

1 The salt obtained by neutralising tartaric acid half with caustic soda 
and half with ammonia. 


been noted by the German mineralogist, Mitscherlich. In 
the crystalline state the salts seemed to Mitscherlich to be 
absolutely identical, but when they were dissolved in water 
the solution of the tartrate was found to rotate the plane 
of polarised light to the right, while the solution of the 
racemate was inactive. 

At this point a digression will be necessary in order to 
explain the term c polarised light,' which naturally means 
nothing to the non-chemist without an explanation. Accord 
ing to the wave theory, light consists of vibrations or waves. 
The wave-length^ or distance between the crests of successive 
waves, varies with the colour of the light, but is in all cases 
very small, not much more than one hundred-thousandth 

FIG. 13 Double refraction (calcite) 

of an inch. Now in ordinary light, as it comes to us from 
a lantern, these waves are undulating in all directions per 
pendicular to the ray. It is found, however, that certain 
crystals Iceland spar, or calcite, is a good example have 
the power of splitting a beam of ordinary light into two 
distinct beams. This phenomenon, known as e double 
refraction/ is illustrated in the diagram shown above. 

Now when these two beams are examined separately 
and this can readily be done by means of a Nicol prism x 
a very interesting fact emerges. The undulations of the 
light are no longer haphazard : in one beam they are all 
in one direction and in the other beam all in another. The 
second beam, in fact> is vibrating in a plane exactly at right 

1 This, devised by the Scots chemist Nicol in 1828, consists of a rhomb 
of Iceland spar with perfect cleavage cut diagonally in two pieces, the two 
halves being joined together again with O*narfg balsam. One of the two 
beams of light, on reaching the junction, is deflected away to the side j the 
other passes straight through. 


angles to the first. Each beam is said to be polarised. It is 
found, furthermore, that if a second Nicol prism is placed 
in the path of a polarised beam in a position perpendicular 
to the original prism, no light can pass through it at all ! 
This is the principle of that useful instrument, the 

Perhaps the explanation is still proceeding too rapidly, 
however, for the lay reader, and the description of a large- 
scale illustration of the phenomena of polarisation an 
experiment which anyone can easily perform for himself 
may assist in making clear exactly what the Nicol prism 
accomplishes. First, suspend a rope about twenty feet long 
from a bracket fixed in a high wall, hold it near its lower 
end (about four feet from the ground) and impart to it a 
brisk circular motion from the wrist. Several waves will 
form along the length of the rope, and these waves will be 
seen to be * three-dimensional.' Points on the rope within 
the waves revolve continuously in larger or smaller circles, 
points at the * nodes ' between the waves remain stationary. 

Next, fix securely two square pieces of wood, each with 
a long slit in its centre through which the rope can pass, 
on brackets half-way up the wall, one above the other and 
about eighteen inches apart. Arrange the boards at first 
so that the slits are both parallel to the wall, and now wiggle 
the rope as before. 1 Below the slits the waves are still circular 
and three-dimensional, but above the slits they are flat and 
two-dimensional. All motion in the rope above the boards 
is in the plane of the slits, parallel to the wall. In other 
words, the waves have been polarised. 

Change the boards so that the slits are both perpendicular 
to the wall, and the waves will be polarised in that direction. 
Change one board only, so that one slit is parallel to the wall 
and the other perpendicular, and now, work as you may, 

1 Two boards are necessary, it may be noted, since if one only is used 
a * node * is apt to form at that particular point and motion in all directions 
passes through to the upper part of the rope. With two separate boards, 
this is not possible. 


you will never get any motion in the upper part of the rope 
at all. 

It is time, however, to come back to the polarimeter, 
an instrument useful to the research chemist but indis 
pensable to the sugar manufacturer. The reason is that 
a solution of cane sugar in water has the power of ' rotating ' 
a ray of polarised light which is passed through it. The 
undulations are twisted away from their original plane into 
an entirely new one, the angle of the twist increasing with 
the concentration of the sugar in the solution and with the 
length of the tube containing it. By observing this angle 
under standard conditions, the sugar manufacturer can 
obtain a quick and certain test of the purity of his product. 

In the polarimeter the angle of rotation can be observed 
very simply by noting through what angle the second Nicol 
prism, placed at the far end of the tube, must be twisted 
from its original position, perpendicular to the first prism 
at the near end, before a complete c black-out * is again 
established. 1 Different kinds of sugar give quite different 
degrees of rotation, and even the direction of the rotation 
may vary. A solution of glucose, or grape sugar, for example, 
rotates the plane of polarised light towards the right ; chemists 
therefore frequently call it dextrose. A solution of fructose, 
or fruit sugar, on the other hand, turns it to the left ; hence 
the chemical name laevulose. 

There are very few common substances, except sugars, 
which possess this odd property of rotating polarised light 
when dissolved in water, but natural tartaric acid and its 
salts are among the few. And now, after this long digression, 
it is possible to return to Louis Pasteur and to appreciate 

1 In actual practice, more accurate results are obtained by matching * half- 
shadows,* but the principle is exactly the same. 

In connection with the * black-out * mentioned above, it may be remarked 
that one scientific [?] explanation of the e Indian rope trick * is that the climber 
has a Nicol prism concealed in each of his trouser-pockets and crosses his 
legs on reaching the top, the " crossed Nicols * rendering him entirely invisible, 
Unfortunately for this explanation, however, the native rope-climbers do not 
possess trouser-pockets ; they do not even possess trousers ! Some alternative 
explanation for their disappearance is therefore necessary. 


the significance of his work on the salts of tartaric and para- 
tartaric acids. 

Mitscherlich, it will be remembered, had reported in 
1844 that crystals of ordinary sodium-ammonium tartrate 
and crystals of sodium-ammonium para-tartrate were 
absolutely identical. The young student engaged on his 
first real research succeeded in noticing, however, something 
which had escaped the observation of the skilled crystal- 
lographer. There were small facets on both crystals that 
Mitscherlich had overlooked, small facets which existed on 


i n 

FIG. 14 Crystals of (I) Sodium-ammonium diytfro-tartrate, and (II) Sodium- 
ammonium Zflwo-tartrate, showing the heroihedral facets a and b. 

only one-half of the corresponding corners. A little matter, 
indeed, but one of profound significance ! 

For Pasteur, examining the tiny crystals with an eagle 
eye, discovered that the tartrate and the para-tartrate did 
differ with respect to these small c hemihedral ? facets. In 
the natural tartrate, these facets were all on the same corners 
of every crystal. In the para-tartrate., on the other hand, 
half the individual crystals showed the facets on the same 
corners as the tartrate, while the remaining half showed 
them on the corners which, in the case of the tartrate, were 

The minute difference between the two types of crystal 
is best illustrated by means of large-scale models, in which 
the hemihedral facets are more clearly observable. Three- 


dimensional models, however, cannot be fitted into the 
pages of a book, and the reader must make serve with the 
diagrams above. Even these, he should note for his con 
solation, represent crystals hundreds of times larger than 
those with which Pasteur had to deal in practice, crystals 
about the size of granulated sugar. What a marvellous feat 
it was for him to spot the distinction for the first time, even 
with the aid of the microscope ! 

Some readers, looking casually at the picture of the two 
crystals on page 106, may still be sceptical that there is any 
essential difference between them. c If I could only turn 
the crystal on the right around, 5 they may feel, * I could make 
it identical with the one on the left. 5 Well, try to put your 
right hand into a left-hand glove ; it can't be done ! In 
the same way, twist and turn the solid models of the crystals 
as you will, they still insist on remaining different ; one can 
never be superimposed on the other. The only way to 
convert I to II, or vice versa, is to hold it in front of a mirror. 1 
One crystal is, in fact, the mirror image of the other. 

His heart beating with excitement, Pasteur now prepared 
to proceed with the next stage of his research he was going 
to anticipate Alice Through the Looking-glass \ With the help 
of a pair of tweezers, he patiently picked out the tiny crystals 
of sodium-ammonium para-tartrate one by one, examined 
each under the microscope, and sorted all the crystals of the 
first type into one dish and all the crystals of the second 
type into another. He then dissolved each batch of crystals 
in water and tested the two solutions separately in the 
polarimeter. To his delight they were different. The 
crystals that resembled the crystals of the natural tartrate 
rotated, just as they did, the plane of polarisation to the 
right, but the second set of crystals gave a solution which 
rotated the plane of polarisation an equal amount in the 
opposite direction to the left. 

1 If you stand in front of a mirror while writing, you will find that your 
reflection is writing with its left hand that is, assuming that you are right- 


When Alice brought the Red Queen back with her 
through the looking-glass, she turned into a kitten in her 
hand, but Pasteur's laevo-ta.rta.ric acid, as he called it to 
distinguish it from the ordinary dextro-tartaicic acid, was a 
tangible product of paramount scientific importance. Pasteur 
himself apprehended this at once ; like Archimedes, he cried, 
c Eureka ! 5 He dashed out of his laboratory and embraced 
a friend, M. Bertrand, whom he met in the passage, with 
typical Gallic fervour. * I have made a great discovery ! * 
he shouted, and dragged Bertrand out into the Luxembourg 
Gardens to explain it to him in detail. Soon every chemistry 
department in Paris was buzzing with the news. 

Disbelief was almost universal. How could this un 
known novice have succeeded in obtaining such surprising 
results in a field which older and more experienced inves 
tigators had worked threadbare ? It was rank disrespect 
to assume for a minute that his amazing claims were correct. 
Incredulity finally grew to such a pitch that a private trial 
was arranged, the judge being none other than Jean Baptiste 
Biot, the grand old man of French chemistry at that period. 
Biot had been on the committee which awarded Davy the 
prize for his first Bakerian lecture forty years before, he had 
devoted practically his whole life to the study of polarisation, 
he was now seventy-four, but his mind was still keen and 
alert. Who could be better qualified to unmask a manifest 
impostor ? 

A graphic description of the trial, which took place at 
Biot's laboratory in the College de France, has been given 
by Pasteur's son-in-law and biographer, Rene Vallery- 
Radot : 

Biot began by fetching some para-tartaric acid. e I have 
most carefully studied it,' he said to Pasteur ; e it is absolutely 
neutral in the presence of polarised light.' Some distrust was 
visible in his gestures and audible in his voice. c I shall bring 
you everything that is necessary,' continued the old man, fetching 
doses of soda and ammonia. He wanted the salt prepared before 
his eyes. 


After pouring the liquid into a crystalliser, Biot took it into 
a corner of his room to be quite sure that no-one would touch 
it. e I shall let you know when you are to come back/ he said 
to Pasteur when taking leave of him. Forty-eight hours later 
some crystals, very small at first, began to form ; when there 
was a sufficient number of them, Pasteur was recalled. Still in 
Biot's presence, Pasteur withdrew, one by one, the finest crystals 
and wiped off the mother-liquor adhering to them. He then 
pointed out to Biot the opposition of their hemihedral character, 
and divided them into two groups left and right. 

* So you affirm,' said Biot, 4 that your right-hand crystals 
will deviate to the right the plane of polarisation, and your 
left-hand ones will deviate it to the left ? * 

* Yes,' said Pasteur. 

c Well, let me do the rest.' 

Biot himself prepared the solutions, and then sent again for 
Pasteur. Biot first placed in the apparatus the solution which 
should deviate to the left. Having satisfied himself that this 
deviation actually took place, he took Pasteur's arm and said 
to him these words, often deservedly quoted : e My dear boy, 
I have loved Science so much during my life, that this touches 
my very heart.' 

Biot immediately constituted himself Pasteur's scientific 
sponsor, submitted the account of his researches to the 
French Academy of Sciences, and suggested that the Academy 
should declare its highest approbation thereof. He stood 
at Pasteur's side during many subsequent controversies 
regarding his later discoveries. On 8 December 1862 
Pasteur, in spite of intense opposition, was himself finally 
elected a member of the Academy. Vallery-Radot relates : 

The next morning, when the gates of the Montparnasse 
cemetery were opened, a woman walked towards Biot's grave 
with her hands full of flowers. It was Mme. Pasteur who was 
bringing them to him who lay there since February 5, 1862, 
and who had loved Pasteur with so deep an affection. 

Space considerations permit here only the barest outlines 
of Pasteur's later work work that has meant so much for 


France in particular and for the world in general. In the 
main, as has already been hinted, it lies outside the boundary 
of chemistry proper. 

It was a trifling incident that first turned Pasteur's 
attention to the study of living organisms. In 1854, now 
happily married and professor of chemistry at Strasbourg 
University, he learned that a German firm of manufacturing 
chemists was troubled over the fact that solutions of calcium 
tartrate, left standing about in warm weather, fermented 
and decomposed. Investigating the general question of 
fermentation in tartrate solutions, he made the astonishing 
discovery that, under the ordinary conditions of fermenta 
tion, ^xifr0-tartrates alone were consumed, tow-tartrates 
remaining unchanged. c I may say, in passing,' he remarks, 
c that this is the best means of preparing /a^w-tartaric acid 
from racemic acid. 3 Much easier, of course, to let the 
ferment do all the work than to pick out the crystals one 
by one yourself! But the biological significance of the 
observation was to prove of much wider importance sub 

In the same year he was transferred to the University 
of Lille, and since one of the leading industries of the district 
was the manufacture of alcohol from beetroot and grain he 
took up the study of fermentation in earnest He ultimately 
showed that not only alcoholic fermentation, but also milk 
fermentation, butter fermentation, in fact all fermentations, 
are not merely chemical processes, as was the universal 
opinion at that time, but depend entirely on the presence 
of living organisms. 

In 1857 he was again promoted, this time to the position 
of Director of Scientific Studies at the cole Normale ; how 
proud his old father must have been when he heard of it ! 
The promotion was not an unmixed blessing, nevertheless, 
for Pasteur was publicly informed by a Government minister 
that * the budget had no means at its disposal to provide 
him with the sum of 1,500 francs a year for experimental 
researches.' He was engaged to direct research, not to perform 


it ! Pasteur, at his own expense, however, constructed a 
private laboratory out of an uninhabitable garret. Biot 
fumed, but Pasteur said a little later : * I have grown 
accustomed to my attic and I should be sorry to leave it. 
Next holidays I hope to enlarge it/ It was in that attic 
that he approached c the impenetrable mystery of Life and 
Death. 3 

How he exploded the age-long theory of e spontaneous 
generation ' and proved with perfect finality that not only 
fermentation processes, but also the processes of putrefaction 
and decay, are the work of micro-organisms, no living cell 
of which is ever produced from any other source than 
another living cell, is a story that cannot be told in detail 
in these pages. He had to contend with unparalleled pre 
judice, misrepresentation and abuse, but he finally won the 
day. His researches on the ' vinegar organism ' led him to 
study the various ' diseases of wine,' which he showed were 
all due to different micro-organisms and could be cured by 
partial sterilisation at a moderate temperature. This simple 
process, now known as * pasteurisation,' has since been 
extended to become one of mankind's greatest boons. Its 
widest application, during Pasteur's own lifetime, was to 
the brewing industry. Frankland has remarked regarding 
his volume entitled Studies on Beer Pasteur visited many 
English breweries in the course of its preparation ; c We 
must make some friends for our beloved France,' he would 
say as follows : 

I do not know whether this work has been consulted by 
the great titled millionaires of the brewing world, or even whether 
it is to be found in their libraries, but I do know that it has for 
twenty years served as a gospel to those members of our profession 
who are the brains and right hands of the great brewing concerns 
of this country. 

Even now, however, his great work was only beginning, 
for his study of micro-organisms spread upwards from the 
vegetable into the animal kingdom. Most aptly has he 


been called c the Microbe Man,' since it is his miraculous 
series of researches on bacteria, the action of bacteria on 
their animal environment and the methods for fighting that 
action that has rendered his name today famous throughout 
the civilised world. He first saved the silk industry of France 
from a disease which threatened the silkworm with extinction. 
He assisted to solve the problems of fowl cholera, of swine 
fever and of cattle anthrax. Most important of all, he 
robbed many human diseases, such as puerperal fever and 
hydrophobia, of their terror. 

Lord Lister, the greatest of British surgeons, was proud 
to acknowledge his indebtedness to Pasteur. Here is an 
extract from a letter which he wrote in 1874 : 

Allow me to take this opportunity to tender you my most 
cordial thanks for having, by your brilliant researches, demon 
strated to me the truth of the germ theory of putrefaction, and 
thus furnished me with the principle upon which alone the 
antiseptic system can be carried out. Should you at any time 
visit Edinburgh, it would, I believe, give you sincere gratification 
to see at our hospital how largely mankind is being benefited 
by your labours. 

Ten years later he did visit Edinburgh, to receive the 
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University at 
its Tercentenary Celebrations. He was the hero of the 
occasion ; Mr Younger, the brewer, even reserved a special 
saloon car for him and his friends on the train from London. 

And yet, while the real leaders of the medical profession 
were acclaiming his achievements, he was being constantly 
assailed with vituperation and abuse by its meaner members. 
' How dares this chemist meddle with matters about which 
he knows nothing ! ' was the constant cry. * Why, he has 
not even got a medical degree ! * Time and time again his 
results were questioned, time and time again he proved to 
be right, but the struggle against prejudice and ignorance 
never ceased until his death. 

From the age of forty-six he had been crippled by 


apoplexy, his left arm was stiff, he dragged one foot like 
a wounded veteran. He had his father's spirit, however, 
and he fought on to the end. He died on 28 September 
1895. When he arrived at the great goal he might indeed 
say with truth, c I have done what I could. 3 

The whole French nation came to worship him in his 
later years, and abroad he was almost equally popular. To 
the very last, nevertheless, he retained the humble simplicity 
of his youth. Representing France at the International 
Medical Congress in London in 1881, he was about to 
take a seat in the body of St James's Hall when, as Vallery- 
Radot says : 

He was recognised by one of the stewards, who invited him 
to come to the platform reserved for the most illustrious members 
of the Congress. As he was going towards the platform, there 
was an outburst of applause, hurrahs, and acclamations. Pasteur 
turned to his two companions, his son and his son-in-law, and said, 
with a little uneasiness : e It is no doubt the Prince of Wales 
arriving ; I ought to have come sooner/ 

e But it is you that they are all cheering,' said the President 
of the Congress, Sir James Paget, with his grave, kindly smile. 

In the early years of this century a French periodical 
conducted a nation-wide vote on the question : c Who is 
the greatest person in the history of France ? * The result 
was most interesting. It was not Charlemagne, it was not 
Joan of Arc, it was not even Napoleon who topped the list ; 
Pasteur won hands down. His picture on the French postage 
stamps will be familiar to many ; would it not be a wonder 
ful thing if some day Great Britain should pay a similar 
tribute to Faraday ? 

The Pasteur Institute in Paris stands as a permanent 
memorial to his genius. He is still more permanently en 
shrined, however, in the hearts of men. 

It is now necessary to return to the chemistry of space. 
The theoretical significance of Pasteur's first discovery the 


existence of dexfro-tartanc acid and laevo-tartaxic acid in 
crystalline forms that are mirror images of each other 
could not be fully grasped by the chemists of 1847. As 
seen in the preceding chapter, the principles of the archi 
tecture of organic compounds were then entirely unknown. 
Pasteur, of course, did appreciate the fact that the different 
positions of the hemihedral facets on the crystals and their 
different effects on polarised light must be connected in 
some subtle way with a difference in the inner arrangement 
of the atoms. In a lecture published in 1860 he said : * Are 
the atoms of the right acid grouped on the spirals of a helix 
twisting rightwards, or placed at the summits of an irregular 
tetrahedron ? We cannot answer these questions. 9 

These questions were, in fact, not answered until 1874. 
In that year, by an amazing coincidence, two young men 
working in the same laboratory in Paris the laboratory of 
Couper's old professor, Wurtz simultaneously arrived at 
the same correct solution, each in complete ignorance of the 
other's ideas. These two young men were Joseph Achille 
Le Bel and Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff, 1 an Alsatian and 
a Dutchman respectively. 

This time, it is pleasant to state, there was no dispute 
about priority. Both freely acknowledged that no com 
munication on the subject had ever passed between them 
and that their work had been entirely independent ; the 
scientific world after a decent interval accorded equal 
credit to both. There can be no doubt today, however, 
that Van J t Hoff, the younger of the two, was the greater 
genius. Le Bel, it is true, had a long and distinguished 
chemical career, but he made no more really big discoveries ; 
he rang the bell (pardon the pun !) only once. Van 't Hoff, 
on the other hand, rang it repeatedly ; he was also a much 
more picturesque personality. Consequently, since this 

1 The name is frequently written * van't Hoff* ; in his later years in 
Germany, indeed, in accordance with the German custom, he wrote it so 
himself. Correct Dutch usage, however, demands the capital letter, as in 


chapter is already on the long side. Van 5 t Hoff only will 
be dealt with in further detail. 

If Pasteur may be styled c the French Faraday/ Van *t 
Hoff can well be called e the Dutch Davy.' How genuine 
an example he was of the romantic type of genius will become 
obvious as his life-story unfolds. 

His father was a practising physician in Rotterdam, and 
it was in that city that he was born on 30 August 1852. At 
school, while he was constantly near the head of his class, 
he never succeeded in reaching the first place, if, indeed, 
he ever tried. He was, however, awarded prizes by a local 
musical society for singing and for pianoforte playing. 
Chemistry appealed to him at an early age, as Sir James 
Walker relates in his Memorial Lecture before the Chemical 
Society : 

Practical instruction in chemistry was given in the school, 
and this evidently interested young Van 't HorT, for he with 
some companions secretly repaired to the school on Sundays to 
finish their class exercises, and to perform additional unauthorised 
experiments. As they, boylike, enthusiastically chose to work 
with highly poisonous or explosive substances, their private 
investigations, when discovered, were brought to an abrupt end. 
Van 9 t HofF, however, continued his experiments at home, and 
conducted them on business-like lines, as he is reported to have 
charged spectators a small fee, which was expended in the 
purchase of fresh apparatus and material. 

After leaving school he spent two years at the Polytechnic 
Institute at Delft, but a holiday experience in a sugar factory 
convinced him that technical chemistry was * a somewhat 
monotonous occupation,' and he transferred to Leyden 
University. Here also he chafed under the matter-of-fact 
nature of his instruction ; in later life he declared that 
under the influence of his Dutch professors he would have 
become c a dried and shrivelled scientific conglomerate ' had 
it not been for the counter-influence of Byron. For romantic 
poetry, at this impressionable period, attracted him even 


more strongly than chemistry. Burns and Heine he loved, 
but Byron he adored. References to Byron, quotations from 
Byron, abound in his letters, and together with much verse 
in Dutch he wrote many Byronic stanzas in English. An 
example will be given shortly. 

The fame of Kekule attracted him to Bonn, and the 
romantic atmosphere of the Rhine raised his spirits tem 
porarily. He wrote to a friend : e In Leyden all was prose 
the town, the country, the people. In Bonn all is poetry. 3 
But soon he found Kekule unsympathetic, and he grew un 
settled, melancholy, even bitter. An emotional disturbance 
through which he passed about this time may have con 
tributed to this. There was one c lady-student ? in Kekule's 
laboratory, and lady-students in chemistry were rare, and 
not always welcome to the male majority, in those days. 
One morning Van 3 t Hoff learned that the poor girl had 
committed suicide, and how deeply this affected him is 
shown by a long Byronic elegy that he wrote the first 
stanza of which may here be quoted : 

Thy day is done, young champion of the free ! 

Thy glory and thy suffering are past. 

As a weak beauteous flower's, where no tree 

Can shelter it from cruel Autumn's blast ; 

Which dies in silence lovely to the last ; 

Gone as a day in Spring, gone as the dream 

Of one that wakes no more ; and must it be 

That thoughtful loneliness passes unseen, 

Oh I shall thy hapless lot be lost in Lethe's stream ? 

Those who do not think that this is good poetry for a boy 
of twenty-one to write in the language of a country he had 
never visited are invited to try to do better in Dutch. 

So he continued his wanderings elsewhere, and went on 
to Paris to study under Wurtz. He seems to have done 
little in the way of practical research during his sojourn in 
Wurtz's laboratory, and one of his fellow-students has 
recorded : * He was so quiet that nobody paid much attention 

Pasteur as a student at the Ecole Normale 
Bv Charles Lebavle Photo Mairet 






to him.' In that quiet head, however, unknown even to 
Wurtz's young assistant, Le Bel, a great idea was being born. 

That idea was, like all really great ideas, very simple. 
A carbon atom in an organic compound can, according to 
Couper and Kekule, be directly linked to four other atoms, 
or groups of atoms ; in other words, it is quadrivalent. But 
how are these four valences, or linkages, distributed in space ? 
Van 't HofT boldly adopted the simplest possible theory in 
this connection namely, that their space distribution is 
geometrically symmetrical, all the linkages making equal 
angles with one another. This condition can be satisfied 
in only one way, by assuming that the four valences are 
directed towards the four corners of a regular tetrahedron, 1 
at the centre of which is the carbon atom. 

A crude idea of Van 't HofFs model of a carbon atom 
thus combined with four other atoms, or groups of atoms, 
A, B, G and D, may be gained from diagram (I) on the 
following page. It must be carefully remembered that this 
model is, in reality, three-dimensional, the side BD being 
invisible from the front. The reader will find the argument 
that follows much easier to understand if he constructs a 
model (or, rather, two models, since a second one will be 
necessary immediately) for himself. 

Now a pretty problem in solid geometry begins. Does 
it make any essential difference in what positions the four 
groups A, B, C and D are arranged ? In other words, is 
there more than one space compound possible, or can you 
always, by twisting and turning the tetrahedron about, make 
any second arrangement identical with the first ? 

If A, B, G and D are all the same kind of atom (as, for 
example, in methane or marsh gas, CH 4 ) it is obvious at 

1 A model of a regular tetrahedron may readily be made by cutting out, 
from a sheet of stiff cardboard, four equal equilateral triangles. One is used 
as a base and the other three arranged to stand on it, each with one side along 
a side of the base and the top corners all touching. The edges are then all 
fixed together with strips of gummed paper. 



once that all possible arrangements are identical. If three 
of them are the same, or even if only two of them are the 
same, exactly the same conclusion follows, although it may 
be necessary for you to twist and turn the tetrahedron several 
times before you are convinced that this is the case. But 
if all four are different, then an exhaustive trial will show 
that there are two, and only two, essentially different ways 
in which the four groups can be arranged. These two ways 
are illustrated by (I) and (II) in the diagram. All other 
ways may be made identical either with (I) or with (II) 
by patient twisting and turning, but no amount of twisting 

r JT 

FIG. 15 Mirror-image tetrahedra 

or turning will ever make (I) and (II) identical. One is, 
in point of fact, the minor image of the other. 

Thus did Van 't HofFs speculations join up with the 
work of Pasteur, and the reason why certain organic com 
pounds rotate the plane of polarised light, while others do 
not, immediately suggested itself to him. For optical activity 
to become possible, one condition must be fulfilled there 
must be a carbon atom in the molecule that is linked up 
with four different groups. Such a carbon atom is called 
asymmetric, and it is its asymmetry that twists the light passing 
through the molecule either to the right or to the left, depend 
ing upon which of the alternative structures (I) or (II) the 
compound possesses. 

Le Bel approached the problem more generally he 
mentions the tetrahedron only once in his paper but his 


conclusions were exactly the same. Between them, these 
two young chemists founded that important branch of science 
known as stereochemistry the chemistry of space. As Sir 
James Walker says : 

Not only did they state the bare principle ; they showed 
it was a living one, drew deductions from it, applied it on all 
sides, and delivered it, in short, as an effective instrument into 
the hands of their fellow-workers in chemistry. 

Just one example of the perfect manner in which the 
new ideas explained old facts will be presented here, and 
it will be appropriate to choose tartaric acid as an illustration. 
If the reader will refer back to Gouper's formula for this acid 
(the last formula on p. 93) he will note that the second 
carbon atom from the top is asymmetric. The groups to 
which it is linked (remember, please, that Couper always 
plants two oxygen atoms where only one should grow) are 
COOH, H, OH and CHOH.GOOH respectively. But the 
third carbon atom from the top is also asymmetric, and 
inspection shows that it likewise is linked to precisely the 
same four groups. How many different tartaric acids, then, 
can there be ? 

Careful consideration discloses that the possible tartaric 
acids are four in number. In the first place, the two asym 
metric carbon atoms may both induce a twist of light waves 
passing through the molecule towards the right that gives 
dextro-taxtaxic acid. Secondly, they may both induce a twist 
towards the left that gives laevo-tartaiic acid. Thirdly, a 
compound of dextro- and laevo-taxtaric acids may exist, in 
which the two molecules, arranged alternately, exactly 
neutralise the effect of each other that gives us ^ar^-tartaric 
or racemic acid, which is inactive. And fourthly, one 
asymmetric carbon atom in the molecule may twist the 
light one way and the second in the same molecule twist it 
the other. Since the twists will be equal, an inactive form 
of the substance will again result, the inactivity here being 
due to c internal compensation.' This fourth form of tartaric 


acid- meso-tartaric acid was discovered by Pasteur him 
self in 1853. 

Meso-ta.rta.ric acid differs essentially from para-tartaric 
acid in one important property. It cannot be broken up 
into the dextro and loevo forms (or * resolved into optically 
active isomers/ as the chemist calls it), since we cannot split 
a single molecule in the middle without decomposing it 
completely. Indeed, later investigation has shown that 
Pasteur was really extraordinarily fortunate in performing 
his first resolution of sodium-ammonium ^zra-tartrate success 
fully. If his solutions of this substance had been slightly 
warmer than they were, he would not have obtained any 
right-handed or left-handed crystals at all, the pam-tartrate 
would have crystallised out in its inactive form. Certain 
chemists who rushed to prove Pasteur wrong were in such 
a hurry that they could not wait to let their solutions evap 
orate slowly at room temperature, but heated them in order 
to drive off the water more rapidly. Naturally they did not 
duplicate his results. 

It might be thought that Van 't HofFs brilliant work 
would have been hailed with immediate acclamation by his 
contemporaries. Not a bit of it ; it was received with 
indifference and coldness, none of the ' high heid yins 5 
not even his own teachers, Kekule and Wurtz condescended 
even to discuss or criticise his conclusions. Probably they 
could not be bothered to read the original Dutch pamphlet 
of September 1874, so Van *t Hoff republished this in 
French. Still nobody paid much attention, and the poor 
young man grew terribly discouraged. He actually con 
sidered giving up chemistry altogether and emigrating to 
Australia. The best position that he could obtain was an 
assistantship in the Veterinary College at Utrecht. 

Then the tide turned. In November 1875 he received 
a cordial letter from the famous German chemist Wislicenus, 
praising him to the skies and promising to write a special 
preface to a German translation of his pamphlet. This 


translation was printed late in 1876, and in May of the next 
year it evoked the following caustic comment from the 
mighty Kolbe, professor at Leipzig University : 

A Dr Van 't HofFof the Veterinary College, Utrecht, appears 
to have no taste for exact chemical research. He finds it a less 
arduous task to mount his Pegasus (evidently borrowed from 
the Veterinary College) and to soar to his chemical Parnassus, 
there to reveal in his La chimie dans Vespace how he finds the atoms 
situated in the world's void. 

His hallucinations met with but little encouragement from 
the prosaic chemical public. Dr F. Hermann, assistant at the 
Agricultural Institute of Heidelberg, therefore undertook to give 
them further publicity by means of a German edition. ... It 
is not possible, even cursorily, to criticise this paper, since its 
fanciful nonsense carefully avoids any basis of fact, and is quite 
unintelligible to the calm investigator. 

Kolbe continues by deploring the fact that two men 
practically unknown, one from a veterinary school and the 
other from an agricultural institute, should dare to express, 
with such assurance, a judgment on c the most important 
question in chemistry, which probably never will be solved.' 
Their views appear to him to savour almost of * witch- 
belief and spirit-rapping. 5 As for Wislicenus, who supports 
them : 

Herewith Wislicenus makes it clear that he has gone over 
from the camp of the true investigators to that of the speculative 
philosophers of ominous memory, who are separated by only 
a thin medium from spiritualism. 

After reading this diatribe, Van ? t Hoff at once went 
out to the stables of the Veterinary College, had a photo 
graph taken of the sorriest-looking hack there, put it on the 
wall of his laboratory, and labelled it ' Pegasus ' ! Herein 
he followed the example of his hero, Byron, who * drank 
three bottles of claret to his own share after dinner ' when 
the Edinburgh Review advised him to abandon poetry and 


turn his talents to better account. He could, indeed, afford 
to laugh at Kolbe. Like Byron after the publication of 
Childe Harold, he might say : 6 1 awoke one morning to find 
myself famous.' 

The intervention of Wislicemzs had done the trick ; 
henceforth no appointment in his native country was too 
good for the young prodigy. Before he was twenty-six he 
had risen to the position of professor of chemistry at the Uni 
versity of Amsterdam. It was characteristic of him to choose 
as the subject of his inaugural address * The Role of Imagina 
tion in Science.' In this lecture he drew attention to the 
imposing number of scientific men of the first rank (not 
forgetting, of course, Humphry Davy !) who were also 
distinguished for poetic and romantic invention, and closed 
with the following quotation from Buckle : 

There is a spiritual, a poetic, and for aught we know, a 
spontaneous and uncaused element in the human mind, which 
ever and anon, suddenly and without warning, gives us a glimpse 
and a forecast of the future, and urges us to seize truth as it were 
by anticipation. 

Evidently there was to be no danger of students becoming 
c dried and shrivelled scientific conglomerates ' under Van 't 
HofFs instruction. He spent eighteen years in the University 
of Amsterdam, and the atmosphere of his laboratory has 
been vividly described by one of his assistants thus : 

Whoever knows the Amsterdam laboratory knows that things 
do not take place there in any ordinary way. There is some 
thing mystical, something uncanny in the air. And this demonic 
something is the belief one might call it the superstition if 
success had not so often followed it the belief of Van 't HofT 
thatjhis fundamental idea, the analogy between chemical and 
physical phenomena, is profoundly true. 

The most important of the many discoveries he made at 
Amsterdam deals with a new topic, the nature of solutions. 
This discovery will be described in detail in the following 


chapter, where a brief account of Van 't HofFs later career 
is also included. 


The Life of Pasteur. R. Vallery-Radot, 1928 
The Microbe Man. Eleanor Doorly, 1938 

Memorial Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society : * The 
Pasteur Memorial Lecture/ P. F. Frankland, 1897; "The 
Van 3 t Hoflf Memorial Lecture,' Sir James Walker, 1913. 

Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hof : Sein Leben und Wirken. E. Cohen, 


PRIOR to 1883 solutions were considered to be purely chemical 
in their nature ; when sugar was dissolved in water, for 
instance, all the sugar was supposed to be combined with 
all the water. The attractive forces holding the molecules 
of solvent and of solute together, however, were regarded 
as relatively small. This assumption was necessary in order 
to explain why solutions did not contain solvent and solute 
in simple molecular proportions ; it was the weak affinity 
between their components that rendered solutions c com 
pounds of indefinite composition. 5 

Van J t Hoff wanted very badly to study this ' affinity ' 
experimentally and find out exactly how small the attractive 
forces were. He had been astonished to run across an old 
statement by Mitscherlich to the effect that even in the 
crystal of a * salt hydrate, 5 such as Glauber's salt (sodium 
sulphate decahydrate : Na 2 SO 4 ,ioH 2 O), the affinity corre 
sponded to a pressure of only about one-half of one per 
cent of an atmosphere. This value, for a compound in 
which the components were present in definite propor 
tions, struck Van 't Hoff as unbelievably minute. Even in 
solutions, he argued, the affinity must be much greater than 
this. But how to measure this affinity ? 

With this question upon his lips the young professor 
walked out of his laboratory one day, met his colleague 
Hugo de Vries, professor of botany, and started to tell him 
his troubles. De Vries, however, proved to be the better 
talker, and soon Van 9 t Hoff found himself listening to an 
account of his experimental work. What he heard was so 
interesting that he did not interrupt. 

De Vries had been observing through a microscope the 
withering of plants when placed in salt solutions. He had 


found that the tiny ceils in a leaf, cells that were originally 
filled -with fluid, tended to collapse when the leaf was 
immersed in a concentrated salt solution, most of the water 
within the walls of the cell being sucked out into the solution. 
This flow of water through the cell walls was known as 
osmosis. When, on the other hand, the leaf was immersed 
in pure water, the cells became distended and turgid, owing 
to osmosis inwards. De Vries had also noted the fact that 
the protoplasmic layer lining the cell wall allowed only 
water to pass through it, being impermeable to the salt 
outside the cell and also to the organic solutes in the fluid 
inside. The cell wall functioned, in fact, as what is called 
a e semi-permeable membrane/ De Vries had even succeeded 
in establishing a connection between the concentrations of 
different salts outside when an immersed cell remained un 
changed in other words, when osmosis in both directions 
exactly balanced. Such solutions he termed isotonic, since 
they exercised the same e osmotic pressure. 5 

Van J t Hoffat once saw the significance of these observa 
tions from the chemical point of view, and asked his colleague 
if any botanist had ever made any quantitative measure 
ments on the osmotic pressure of solutions. De Vries replied, 
c Yes, a German named PfefFer did some on sugar solutions 
in 1877, using an artificial membrane of copper ferrocyanide/ 
and gave Van 't Hoflf the reference to Pfeffer's work. 

That reference was all that Van 3 t Hoff needed. He 
found, as he had expected, that the osmotic pressure was 
not an insignificant quantity. For a six per cent solution of 
cane sugar in water at room temperature, indeed, it was 
equivalent to about four atmospheres. If the concentration 
of the sugar was doubled, the osmotic pressure was doubled, 
just as the gaseous pressure is in the case of a gas. If the 
temperature was raised, the osmotic pressure increased in 
proportion to the absolute temperature, again just as the 
gaseous pressure does in the case of a gas. All the laws of 
osmotic pressure, in fact, were exactly analogous to the 
general gas laws. 


The establishment of osmotic pressure by Van 3 t Hoff 
as a properly of fundamental importance in the study of 
solutions led to a great influx of research workers into this 
field. It is recognised now that osmosis plays a paramount 
part in plant life it explains the utilisation of fertilisers and 
the rise of sap in trees. In the animal body also, osmosis 
is of considerable significance. Here, however, we must 
restrict ourselves to its chemical aspects. 

Van 't Hoff made osmotic pressure, indeed, the central 
pillar of a new theory of solutions. Recklessly abandoning 
the whole idea of c affinity ' between solvent and solute with 
which he had started, he postulated now that there was 
nothing essentially chemical about solutions at all. In a 
dilute solution we may consider the solute to be, to all intents 
and purposes, in the gaseous state. The solvent may be 
entirely disregarded : it simply affords a medium wherein the 
solute is enabled to exhibit the properties of a gas. 

This theory proved of tremendous service, in the years 
that followed, in the rapid development of a new branch 
of chemistry physical chemistry. It is true that all the 
assumptions on which it was founded have not stood the 
test of time, and that it represents merely a limiting case 
of the more modern theory of ideal solutions. But, when 
Van 't Hoff first announced it in 1884, in his great book 
tudes de dynamique chimique, he certainly rang the bell again. 
A Swedish reviewer l stated : 

Although the author has already gained a great name by 
his power of wresting secrets from Nature, his former efforts are 
placed entirely in the shade by this work. An enormous per 
spective has been opened up for future investigation. 

German universities vied with each other for years in 
trying to induce the Dutch Davy to transfer his activities 
to their country, and finally in 1896 he succumbed. The 
fact was that he had got tired of his heavy load of routine 

1 This reviewer, then a completely unknown and humble research student 
in Stockholm, was Svante Arrhenius, whom we shall meet again shortly. 


teaching and administrative work at Amsterdam, and the 
Prussian Academy of Science demanded from him only one 
lecture a week, with the rest of his time free for research. 
A special laboratory was provided for him in a pleasant 
suburb of Berlin, and during the next ten years more than 
fifty papers by Van 't Hoff and his research students issued 
from this laboratory. Most of these papers were connected 
with an exhaustive investigation of the potash deposits at 
Stassfurt, a question of the greatest theoretical and practical 
interest, since the whole world then depended upon these 
deposits for the potassium salts necessary to farmers for 

The early sparkle, however, had vanished from him. 
Like Dpy, he had burnt himself out at the age of fifty, 
and like Davy he sought consolation in foreign travel. He 
died at Berlin on i March 1911. Sir James Walker has 
said of him : 

He was, in my judgment, the greatest chemical thinker of 
his generation. If any should dispute this judgment, I can 
only reply that our science is indeed favoured when such dispute 
is possible. 

That no real dispute is possible is evidenced by the fact that, 
when the Nobel Prize in chemistry was instituted, in 1901, 
Van 't Hoff was the first recipient. 

While Van 't Hoff was developing his new theory of 
solutions in Amsterdam, a young Swede was wrestling with 
a problem that he had set himself for his doctor's thesis at 
Upsala University. This young Swede, Svante Arrhenius, 
was destined to do as much for solutions as Van 3 t Hoff 

Svante Arrhenius was born at Wijk, a village on Lake 
Malar, on 19 February 1859. He came of farmer stock, 
and at the time of his birth his father was the manager of 
an estate at Wijk, but shortly afterwards the family moved 


to Upsala. As an undergraduate at Upsala University 
Svante was not exceptionally brilliant ; his professors 
chiefly remembered him as President of the Aurora Club, 
a convivial student society with the sole rule that its meet- 
Lags should never break up before dawn. Since dawn 
arrives very late in Scandinavia during the winter months, 
this responsibility must have interfered considerably with his 
classes. On his side he found his professors, who taught the 
chemistry of twenty years back, deadly dull, so that when 
he reached the stage of independent research he selected 
a thesis subject for himself and went to Stockholm to work 
on it. 

He had heard in his lectures how it was impossible at that 
time to determine the molecular weight of a substance, such 
as sugar, that could not be vaporised with decomposition. 
He believed he could solve this problem by measuring the 
effect of addition of sugar on the electrical conductivity of 
salt solutions. Sugar decreases the conducting power of such 
solutions, so to a lesser degree do substances like alcohol and 
glycerine, the molecular weights of which are known, and 
Svante thought that by comparing the decreases he could 
arrive at the molecular weight of sugar. He soon found 
that he was wrong, but he continued his conductivity 
measurements on salt solutions of all kinds and concentra 
tions, speculating all the time on the question : * What 
makes a salt solution conduct the electric current anyway ? 3 

Davy and Faraday, and all previous investigators in the 
field of electrochemistry, had noted the appearance of the 
simple radicals composing the salt for example, copper and 
chlorine in the case of cupric chloride at the separate 
electrodes, but had never thought it possible that these 
radicals might exist independently in the solution even 
before the current was passed. Arrhenius argued that they 
must, and that the passage of the current through the whole 
bulk of the solution could only be explained by assuming 
that the positive radical (e.g. copper) is attracted to the 
cathode because it carries a positive electrical charge, while 


the negative radical (e.g. chlorine) travels towards the anode 
because it possesses a negative electrical charge. Following 
Farada/s nomenclature, he called these free radicals, bearing 
electric charges, ions. 

How now to explain the fact that some substances in 
water solution conduct the current excellently and some 
poorly, while in all cases the relative conducting power 
increases as the solution is made more dilute ? l Arrhenius 
met this difficulty by assuming that substances like sodium 
chloride, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, which 
are good conductors or strong electrolytes^ are very largely 
broken up into ions when dissolved in water. Substances 
like ammonium hydroxide and acetic acid, on the other 
hand, which are poor conductors or weak electrolytes,, give only 
a very small proportion of ions. Both classes behave alike, 
however, in one respect the extent of ionisation increases 
with dilution. To put the matter briefly in chemical nota 
tion, we have for a conducting substance RX dissolved in 
water the equilibrium : 

In the case of strong electrolytes the forward reaction pre 
dominates, in the case of weak electrolytes the backward 
reaction, but for all electrolytes the forward reaction is 
favoured by dilution. 

Arrhenius found, further, that there were really two 
factors conditioning the conductivity of a solution, the 
number of ions between the electrodes and the speed with 
which they move. Strong acids and strong bases are better 
conductors than the salts to which they give rise by mutual 
neutralisation, because the hydrogen ion H + of acids and 
the hydroxyl ion OH~ of bases are particularly speedy. 
Weak acids and weak bases, however, are worse conductors 

1 In other words, halving the concentration of the salt in the solution docs 
not lower the conductivity to one-half its original value. 


than the salts which they form, since all salts are strong 

All these theoretical points, together with the tabulation 
of his experimental results, made the final draft of Svante's 
dissertation for his doctorate a very bulky affair. He dared 
not mention ions openly, that would be too dangerous. It was 
therefore necessary for him to do an extraordinary amount 
of padding in order to camouflage the full implications of his 
revolutionary ideas from his conservative examiners at 
Upsala, upon whose sympathies he could scarcely count. 
The first convert to his theory, he states, was the janitor 
of the chemistry department, whose duty it was to deposit 
the statutory number of copies of his thesis in the University 
library. He had never had such a burden to bear before, 
and its weight convinced him that the young man who wrote 
it must be a wonderful chemist ! 

The examining committee, however, thought otherwise ; 
they treated the candidate like c a stupid schoolboy, 5 and 
Arrhenius had a very narrow escape from being failed 
ignominiously. Finally it was grudgingly decided to award 
him a c fourth-class degree ' for his dissertation. 1 Regarding 
this decision Sir James Walker has remarked : 

After every allowance has been made for the novel and 
unusual character of the dissertation, it is difficult to see how 
the University of Upsala, the university of Bergman and Berzelius, 
should have condemned a brilliant thesis on the very subjects 
of affinity and electrochemistry associated with these names. 
For the award amounted to a condemnation ; in view of it 
Arrhenius could not normally become a docent in the University 
of Upsala. 

Poor Svante was in the depths of despair, for he did 
want to continue chemical research. What could he do 
with all the spare copies of this unfortunate thesis still in 

1 The four classes at Upsala are : summa am lauds (with highest honours), 
magna cum lauds (with great honour), cum laude (with honour), and non sine 
Imide (not without honour). 


his possession ? He sent them through the post to famous 
professors abroad, praying that some of these would prove 
more appreciative. Practically every copy went straight 
into the wastepaper-basket on receipt. Only Wilhelm 
Ostwald, then a professor at Riga, always on the alert to 
recognise a young genius, saw that here he had one, but 
so tied up with red tape that it was difficult to disentangle 

Ostwald relates how he received this dissertation from 
Arrhenius on the same day that his wife presented him with 
a nice daughter ; he was also suffering from a nasty tooth 
ache. c It was too much for one day ! * he said. 6 The worst 
was the dissertation, for the others developed quite normally.' 
At last, unable to sift the wheat from the chaff in the argu 
ment on the printed pages, he made up his mind to cross 
the Baltic and thrash it out with Arrhenius himself in Upsala. 

Great was the excitement in the chemical laboratory 
when the famous Ostwald arrived ; greater still the astonish 
ment when it was learned that he had made the journey 
specially to discuss crazy ideas with a fourth-class nobody ! 
But, as Arrhenius records, they had some very pleasant days 
together, making plans for the development of the whole 
of chemistry. * Everything seemed to us so regular and fine, 
but the reality has been much better. 5 

Then Ostwald visited the head of the chemistry depart 
ment, Professor Cleve, in his laboratory. Arrhenius entered 
a little later ; he was not expected. He heard Gleve say : 
c In this glass I have a solution of sodium chloride ; do you 
believe there are sodium and chlorine in it ? Do they look 
so ? * * c Oh, yes/ Ostwald said as tactfully as possible, 
6 there is some truth in that idea. 5 Then they saw Svante 
and the discussion was at an end ; he was very sorry. 

1 Geve's very questions betray the fact that he had never grasped erne 
fundamental point in the theory of Arrhenius, namely that sodium ions in 
solution and chlorine ions in solution are, by virtue of their electrical charges, 
entirely distinct substances from metallic sodium and gaseous chlorine. Many 
of the most bitter opponents of the ionic theory were afflicted with the same 
disability to understand it properly. 


Ostwald did prevail upon Cleve, nevertheless, to grant 
Arrhenius a junior teaching position in the laboratory at 
Upsala. He wanted him to come to Riga to collaborate 
with him on their projected scheme of research in -physical 
chemistry, but the illness and subsequent death of Arrhenius's 
father kept him in Sweden another year. In December 1 885 
he received a valuable travelling scholarship from the 
Swedish Academy of Sciences which enabled him to wander 
at will around the continent of Europe for the next five years. 
He worked with Ostwald in Riga, with Kohlrausch in 
Wtirzburg, with Boltzmann in Graz, with Planck in Kiel, 
with Van 't Hoff in Amsterdam, and again with Ostwald, 
now in Leipzig. It was during this protracted c bus 
man's holiday ' that the theory of ionisation was finally 

His association with Van J t Hoff was particularly pro 
pitious. Not only did the two men become brothers rather 
than friends, but each found that his own half of the new 
general theory of solutions dovetailed exactly into the other's 
half; each could utilise the other's ideas to establish his own. 
For instance, Van 5 t Hoff had been quite at a loss to explain 
why conducting solutions did not conform to his osmotic 
pressure equations at all. Dilute solutions of salts like sodium 
chloride, NaCl, gave almost twice the calculated values ; 
dilute solutions of salts like calcium chloride, GaCl 2 , gave 
almost thrice the calculated values, and so on. With the 
help of Arrhenius, this difficulty vanished like a cloud into 
thin air. The double value for NaCl is due to its dissociation 
in solution into Na + and Cl~~, and confirms this dissociation. 
The triple value for CaCl 2 is due to its dissociation into three 
ions, Ga" 1 " 1 " and 2G1~. Arrhenius could at last venture to 
talk freely about ions. As Sir James Walker remarks : 

The theories of osmotic pressure and of electrolytic dissocia 
tion were now fairly launched, and, propelled by the driving- 
power of Ostwald through the waters of scientific opinion, they 
soon attained a world-wide recognition, though often meeting 
very heavy weather. 



One storm deserves description. The older generation 
of chemists was already finding difficulty in swallowing the 
fact that sugar, dissolved in water, was a gas, and when 
they heard that salt, dissolved in water, was broken up into 
sodium and chlorine ions, their stomachs rebelled. This wild 
army of lonians, as Ostwald and his school at Leipzig came 
to be called, was getting beyond all control ; it must be 
curbed. At the British Association Meeting at Leeds in 
1890 a pretty plot was laid. Ostwald, Van >t Hoff and 
Arrhenius were all invited to attend a discussion on c Theories 
of Solution, 3 and to present their views. Their papers, 
however, were carefully placed at the very end of the pro 
gramme, the idea being that after they had listened to 
lectures from their orthodox elders for a few days they 
would be convinced of their folly and recant. 

The plot was a dismal failure. It was only the old- 
timers who remained in the lecture-room to doze or drone 
while antiquated theories were discussed, the young enthu 
siasts were out in the corridors, clustered around Ostwald 
and Van 't Hoff (Arrhenius, the third of c The Three Mus 
keteers, 5 could not attend himself, but sent a paper which 
was read by Walker). Before the end of the meeting all 
the coming chemists of Great Britain had followed the lead 
of William Ramsay and James Walker, and were enlisted 
under the Ionic banner. The diehards sadly dispersed. One 
by one, as years rolled by, they were converted to the new 
faith, or dropped out of chemistry altogether. Only Henry 
Edward Armstrong never ceased to wield a vitriolic pen 
against the gospel of Arrhenius ; he died in 1937, still 
refusing to admit that ions exist. 

The ionic theory might be established, but Arrhenius 
himself still lacked a definite position. Germany offered 
him the chair of chemistry at Giessen in 1 89 1 , but so intensely 
patriotic was he that he refused then, as he frequently refused 
later, to settle down outside of Sweden. In his native 
country, nevertheless, he still received scant recognition. 
When, in 1895, it was proposed to convert a lectureship 



which he held in the Technical High School at Stockholm 
into a professorship, his opponents raised a chorus of protest 
against his promotion. A committee of three Lord Kelvin, 
the eminent British physicist, Christiansen, a Dane, and 
Hasselberg, a Swede was appointed to report upon his com 
petence. Ostwald wrote indignantly, e It is preposterous to 
question the scientific standing of such a giant as Arrhenius ! ' 
Yet the committee, following the lead of Lord Kelvin (who 
really ought to have known better), voted two to one against 
Arrhenius, Christiansen alone being in his favour. It was 
only in default of another suitable candidate that Arrhenius 
was finally given the appointment. The next year he was 
elected Rector of the Technical High School, six years later 
he was awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society, the 
following year he was presented with the Nobel Prize. 

In 1905, returning from a triumphal tour in America, he 
passed through Berlin, and received from the Prussian 
Academy a tempting proposal to join his old comrade, 
Van 't Hoff, there. Sweden was aghast ; the prophet was 
now not without honour even in his own country, and even 
old King Oscar expressed the wish that Arrhenius ' should 
not be allowed to leave. 9 The Swedish Academy of Sciences 
accordingly resolved to found forthwith a Nobel Institute 
for Physical Chemistry, with Arrhenius as its director. 

Thus then, at Experimentalfaltet, a beautiful park just 
outside Stockholm, a small laboratory with an official 
residence attached was inaugurated in 1909. * Here, with 
an assistant and a few research workers as guests, 1 Arrhenius 
could work and write under ideal conditions on such prob 
lems of physical chemistry, physiological chemistry, im- 
munochemistry, meteorology and cosmic physics as might 
please him.* 

1 The author himself spent a happy year as a research student in this 
laboratory in 1912-13. It was during this period that a fellow-guest, now 
Professor Hugh Stott Taylor, F.R.S., of Princeton University, took the snap 
shot of Arrhenius with his young son on his knee reproduced in the picture 
facing p. 132. 


For he had become, in his prime, a man of most varied 
interests, and he touched nothing that he did not adorn. 
As Sir James Walker states : 

The stormy period of Arrhenius's career was now definitely 
over, and from the time of his appointment to the Nobel Institute 
life went very smoothly with him. From being a scientific out 
cast in Sweden he became a scientific oracle, known and respected 
by all classes of the people. 1 

The same authority may also be drawn upon for a 
summary of the personality of this great scientist, who died 
at Experimentalfaltet on 2 October 1927 : 

Arrhenius had nothing academic about him save learning. 
In person he was stoutly built, blond, blue-eyed and rubicund, 
a true son of the Swedish countryside. His nature was frank, 
generous and expansive. He was full of robust vitality and 
primitive force. He had hearty likes and dislikes, and beneath 
his inborn geniality and good-humour was a latent combative- 
ness, easily aroused in the cause of truth and freedom. 

Sweden can boast of many eminent names in science, of which 
two are by common consent of the first magnitude Linnaeus 
and Berzelius. Since the death of Berzelius she has had no name 
to rank with these save the name of Arrhenius. Yet withal 
Svante Arrhenius was so simple, so genuine, so human a person 
ality, that those who had the privilege of his intimacy always 
forgot the great scientific master in the genial companion and 
the kindly, lovable friend. 

The theory of ionisation has had many important com 
mercial applications. The manufacture of battery-cells, the 
electrolytic refining of metals, electroplating, the electrolytic 
production of useful chemicals all these represent fields in 
which the work of Arrhenius has enabled the industrial 

1 A personal anecdote in proof of this may be cited. One day I was walk 
ing with Arrhenius in Stockholm. A man sweeping the streets raised his hat 
as we passed and said, * Good-morning, Professor ! J Arrhenius gravely returned 
hi salute. A minute later, we met a distinguished-looking gentleman who 
gave exactly the same greeting and received exactly the same response. I 
thought I had seen the gentleman's face before and asked Arrhenius who he 
might be. His reply was : * King Gustav * ! 


chemist to replace rule-of-thumb methods by scientific 
principles, with consequent enormous improvements in 
technique. In one important respect, however, his original 
ideas have been discovered to require modification in a 
direction that would have surprised his old board of 
examiners. He hesitated to tell them that strong electrolytes 
were extensively dissociated into ions. What he should have 
told them is that they are completely ionised. 

It will be remembered that Arrhenius found that the 


FIG. 1 6 Rock-salt crystal lattice 

conductivity of a solution is conditioned by two factors, the 
number of ions between the electrodes and the speed with 
which they move. When his experimental results showed 
that the relative conducting power increases with dilution, 
he assumed that this was due to an increase in the extent 
of ionisation, the speed of the individual ions remaining 
constant. This is not the case with strong electrolytes. 
They are always one hundred per cent ionised, but the 
speed of the ions increases steadily to a maximum as dilution 
reduces the * drag ' which their environment exerts upon 
their motion through the solution. 

Our modern theory of complete ionisation was first 
suggested by the discovery, through the X-ray analysis of 


crystals, that even in crystalline salts undissociated molecules 
do not exist. In a crystal of sodium chloride, for instance, 
there is no molecular NaGl ; there is, instead, a regular 
arrangement of alternate sodium ions Na^ and chlorine ions 
Cl~ in a cubical lattice structure, as indicated in the diagram 
on page 136. 

The elucidation of the interior structure of crystals by 
means of X-rays in recent years has been largely due to 
the pioneer work of the late Director of the Royal Institution, 

FIG. 1 7 Ultimate structure of a diamond 

Sir William Bragg, and his son, Sir Lawrence Bragg, who 
succeeded Lord Rutherford as Cavendish Professor of 
Experimental Physics at Cambridge University, For their 
joint discoveries in this field they were awarded the Nobel 
Prize in 1915, when the younger recipient was only twenty- 
five. He justly deserves, therefore, to be added to our 
gallery of young chemists. With the help of X-rays we are 
at last able to obtain a perfect picture of the space relation 
ship of the atoms in any molecule, however complex. In 
the case of electrolytes, as has been mentioned, the molecule 
may drop out of sight, as a molecule, altogether. In organic 
compounds, however, which are predominantly non-electro 
lytes, the experimental results obtained have confirmed in 


a remarkable way the fundamental theories of previous 
workers, such as Kekule and Van *t Hoff. 

A glance at the diagram on page 1375 which illustrates 
the ultimate arrangement of carbon atoms in the diamond, 
will make this immediately evident. Note the tetrahedral 
arrangement of the four carbons to which any single atom 
is directly linked. Note also the prominent c sign of the 
hexagon, ' the framework of the benzene ring. The same 
essential features are to be found in the X-ray space models 
of all organic compounds. 

In conclusion, it is interesting to note that, although 
X-ray crystal analysis as an art was not developed until 
1912, Crum Brown at the University of Edinburgh intuitively 
constructed a space model of the crystal lattice of common 
salt, identical with our model of today, as long ago as 1883* 
He did not know anything about ions then, of course, but 
his three-dimensional mind told him that the atoms just had 
to be built together that way. It is not, perhaps, altogether 
surprising that the same man who displayed such ingenuity 
in the Couper Quest should here again prove his ability, 
in the words of Van *t Hoff, * to seize truth as it were by 


Memorial Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society : e The Van 't 
Hoff Memorial Lecture. 3 Sir James Walker, 1913 ; ' The 
Arrhenius Memorial Lecture. 5 Sir James Walker, 1928 

Lebenslinien. W. Ostwald, 1926-7 

Eminent Chemists of our Time. B. Harrow, 1920 

Crucibles. B. JafFe, 1 930 

* Electrolytic Dissociation.* S. Arrhenius, Journal of the American 
Chemical Society, 1912 


THE ancient Greek philosophers were very fond of discus 
sions, especially when no final decision on the point at issue 
appeared possible. Impromptu debates on subjects such as : 
c Which came first, the hen or the egg ? ' e Gould Achilles 
ever catch the tortoise ? * and * What happens when an 
irresistible force meets an immovable object ? * whiled away, 
no doubt, many long winter evenings in Attica, Two 
chemical problems, hi particular, provoked most intense 
speculation the continuity of matter and its ultimate origin. 

All matter, according to Democritus, was granular in 
its structure ; it was made up of minute particles or c atoms/ 
and when we had (in fancy or otherwise) sub-divided any 
particular sample of matter until we had reached individual 
atoms, then it was impossible to persevere any longer, since 
the atoms were indestructible, indivisible, unchangeable and 
eternal. The opposite opinion of Anaxagoras, however, that 
all matter was continuous and infinitely divisible, gained 
universal prestige through its adoption by the school of 
Aristotle, and until the beginning of the nineteenth century 
atoms remained completely in eclipse. As regards the 
ultimate source of matter, some favoured fire, others air, 
others water, others earth, but a compromise was finally 
reached whereby it was postulated that there were four 
c elements ' fire, air, water and earth and that all matter 
was built up out of these four elements, assembled together 
in different proportions. 

This opinion, although assailed by the alchemists in the 
Middle Ages, who based their faith on the three principles 
mercury, sulphur and salt survived until the middle of 
the seventeenth century. A typical argument in its support 
is quoted by Boyle in his Sceptical Ckymist : 



If you will but consider a piece of green wood burning in 
a chimney, you will readily discover in the disbanded parts of 
it the four elements. . . . The fire discovers itself in the flame 
by its own light ; the smoke by ascending to the top of the 
chimney, and then readily vanishing into air, like a river losing 
itself in the sea, sufficiently manifests to what element it belongs 
and gladly returns. The water in its own form boiling and 
hissing at the ends of the burning wood betrays itself to more 
than one of our senses ; and the ashes by their weight, their 
fineness, and their dryness, put it past doubt that they belong 
to the element of earth. 

Robert Boyle c the father of chemistry and the brother 
of the Earl of Cork 5 proceeded to refute both the hermetic 
philosophers, who set their trust in the four elements of 
Aristotle, and the vulgar spagyrists, who believed in the 
three principles, and put forward the following as his own 
definition of the term c element ' : 

I mean by elements certain primitive and simple, or perfectly 
unmingled bodies ; which not being made of any other bodies, 
or of one another, are the ingredients of which all those called 
perfectly mixt bodies are immediately compounded, and into 
which they are ultimately resolved. 

Chemistry was still not sufficiently advanced at the time 
of Boyle for this definition to be given immediate practical 
application the phlogiston theory constituting the chief 
stumbling-block but a century later Lavoisier placed it on 
a definite experimental basis, and all substances were re 
garded as worthy of the name of elements which could not 
be decomposed into, or built up by combination from, other 
substances in the laboratory. It is true that a few substances 
caused a great deal of controversy before their status could 
finally be agreed upon quicklime, for example, was con 
sidered an element until Davy decomposed it by means of 
an electric current in 1808, and chlorine was long thought to 
be a compound of some other element with oxygen but as 
chemists grew more experienced in their methods of attack 



the debatable cases became fewer and fewer, and the list of 
recognised elements steadily grew until by 1890 an apparent 
maximum of 92 was attained. Thejy&zjval of the atomic 
theory by Dalton enabled us to assign a definite atomic weight 
to each element, but the atoms of different elements were 
regarded as fundamentally distinct. If the chemist of the 
nineteenth century ever visualised the atom he visualised it 
as a tiny hard round ball ; it was something static ; it was 
dead matter ; transmutation was a foolish dream of the 

There had been, it must be noted, an interesting sugges 
tion advanced in 1815 by William Prout, a young Edinburgh 
medical graduate, that all atomic weights could be expressed 
by whole numbers with hydrogen, the lightest, as unity, and 
that the atoms of all elements might therefore be built up 
from more or less complex aggregates of atoms of hydrogen* 
At first Prout's idea gained considerable support, but as 
more exact analytical methods were developed, divergences 
from integral values for the atomic weights of the heavier 
elements became so obvious that in 1860 the Belgian chemist 
Stas wrote the doom of Prout's hypothesis in the words : 

I have arrived at the absolute conviction, the complete 
certainty, so far as it is possible for a human being to attain 
to certainty in such matters, that the law of Prout is nothing 
but an illusion, a mere speculation definitely contradicted by 

This chapter will show how, in spite of the pronounce 
ment of Stas, the 92 elements have been gradually classified 
into groups and finally shown to possess a common ultimate 
basis. The twentieth century accepts transmutation as an 
accomplished fact. 

The first hint that relationships between the atomic 
weights of different elements did exist came as a direct 
consequence of the discovery of bromine by Balard later 


Pasteur's professor, then a young man of twenty-three In 
1826. Bromine, a red-brown liquid with a suffocating smell, 
stands midway between chlorine and iodine in its properties. 
So strikingly does it straddle these elements in every respect 
that, when a sample had been sent to the eminent Liebig 
some years before, he reported that it was e iodine chloride.' 
On hearing of Balard's discovery, Liebig kicked himself and 
put the bottle containing the sample in a special cabinet 
which he called his s cupboard of mistakes.' An unknown 
student, unhampered by preconceived ideas, had scored 
not for the first nor the last time in chemistry over a world- 
famous professor. 

Three years later it was pointed out by Dobereiner that 
the atomic weight of bromine, which had just been deter 
mined, agreed almost exactly with a prediction he had made 
that it would be ' the arithmetic mean of the atomic weights 
of chlorine and iodine/ l Dobereiner drew attention to the 
fact that other sets of three elements with closely similar 
properties existed, where the atomic weight of the central 
element also stood half-way between the other two. Examples 
are lithium - sodium - potassium and calcium - strontium - 
barium. These sets of three became known as c Dobereiner's 
triads/ but chemists in general did not spare much thought 
on what was considered to be merely a curious coincidence. 
Nor were they a whit more interested, indeed, when a young 
man named Newlands made a much more significant dis 
covery in 1864. 

John- Alexander Reina Newlands, to give him his full 
name, was born in Southwark only a few minutes' walk 
from Faraday's birthplace in 1837. His father was a 
minister of the Established Church of Scotland, his mother 
was of Italian descent. Like Perkin, Newlands early imbibed 
a taste for chemistry/ and he entered the Royal College 
of Chemistry to study under Hofmann just as Perkin was 
leaving it in 1856. He was fated, however, to pass out of 

1 The presently accepted values are CH 35-46, Br 79*92, I 126-92. * The 
arithmetic mean of the first and third figures is 81 ig. 


the hands of Hofmann into an even more exciting occupa 
tion than the making of mauve. For in 1860 the liberation 
movement under Garibaldi roused the enthusiasm and 
sympathy of the youthful chemist to such a pitch that, like 
many other Englishmen of that period, he went to Italy to 
fight in the cause of Italian freedom, and did not return 
home until the campaign was won. 

Now it is well known that * all over Italy, they sing so 
prettily,' and when young Newlands came back to chemistry 
he seemed to have got it rather muddled up with music. 
In 1866 this impetuous free-lance ventured to present, in 
the sacred precincts of Burlington House, a paper to the 
Chemical Society correlating his ideas on the two subjects. 
Newlands had noted the surprising fact that if the elements 
were arranged in the order of ascending atomic weights, 
every successive eighth element was c a kind of repetition * 
of the first. * In other words,' said Newlands, c members 
of the same group of elements stand to each other in the 
same relation as the extremities of one or more octaves in 
music. This peculiar relationship I propose to provisionally 
term the law of octaves.* 

Besides splitting his infinitives, Newlands was handi 
capped by the doleful fact that he did not know that several 
notes on his chemical keyboard were missing. A number 
of elements had not yet been discovered at that time, and 
consequently, when Newlands put his fingers on two notes 
an octave apart, he did not always get the expected 
harmony. In order, therefore, to show the full value of 
Newlands* idea, it will be better not to reproduce his 
original octaves, but to amend them by omitting hydrogen 
(the first note on the scale) and inserting certain elements 
that have since been discovered. The first three * octaves,' 
then, run thus : 

Be B G N O F 

Na Mg Al Si P S a 
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn 


Looking at these octaves the chemist sees that elements of 
a similar character, belonging to the same c family/ fall in 
the same vertical column throughout. On the other hand, 
if any octave is read horizontally, a regular and progressive 
change in properties is observable. The most significant 
change, from the purely chemical point of view, is in the 
property called valence. 

In an earlier chapter it has been noted that the carbon 
atom can be directly linked to four other atoms, and chemists 
therefore say that carbon is c quadrivalent ' or has a valency 
of four. Now carbon, it will be seen on inspection, is the 
fourth note in its octave. Examination of the keyboard 
shows that lithium, sodium and potassium all possess a 
valence of one. Beryllium, magnesium and calcium all 
exhibit a valence of two. And so it goes on right through 
the octaves, until at the end fluorine, chlorine and manganese 
are reached, all of which show a maximum valence of 

Here it must be stressed once more that Newlands did 
not find it possible to work out the scheme given above so 
harmoniously as it is now developed. He was already in 
trouble in his first three octaves because of missing notes, 
and when he came to the heavier elements the discords 
which he produced were truly terrible. For this reason his 
work did not obtain the recognition which it deserved at 
once ; in fact, it was received with derision. 

Burlington House fairly rocked with laughter on i March 
1866, when young Newlands read his paper ; the dear old 
Tories of the Chemical Society had not had such an enjoy 
able evening for years. One Fellow humorously inquired 
of Mr Newlands whether he had ever tried arranging the 
dements alphabetically, in the order of their initial letters, 
and then all Piccadilly knew that something had happened 
to rouse the pundits from their wonted torpor. It was 
finally agreed that the best interests of science would be 
served if the article were buried in the archives of the society. 
Twenty-one years later, however, the laugh was on New- 


lands* side when he was awarded the Davy Medal of the 
Royal Society for his discovery. 

This award arrived far too late, however, to save New- 
lands for pure science. He had been too deeply discouraged 
to do much further research on the elements ; he went instead 
into chemical industry and spent the greater part of his 
remaining years as a chemist in a sugar refinery, peering 
into polarimeters and carrying out other necessary routine 
work. 1 He died in if 

The next * organiser 3 originated from a most unexpected 
quarter Siberia. Sir William Ramsay relates that, in 
1884, he attended a dinner in London in honour of Perkin, 
where the following incident occurred : 

I was very early at the dinner, and was putting off time, 
looking at the names of people to be present, when a peculiar 
foreigner, every hair of whose head acted in independence of 
every other, 2 came up bowing. I said, * We are to have a good 
attendance, I think ? ' He said, c I do not spik English.' I said, 
* Vielleicht sprechen Sie Deutsch ? ' He replied, c Ja, ein wenig. 
Ich bin Mendelejeff. 5 Well, we had twenty minutes or so before 
anyone else turned up and we talked our mutual subject fairly 
out. He is a nice sort of fellow but his German is not perfect. 
He said he was raised in East Siberia and knew no Russian until 
he was seventeen years old. I suppose he is a Kalmuck or one 
of those outlandish creatures. 

The outlandish creature was Dmitri Ivanovitch 
Mendelejeff, born at Tobolsk on 27 January 1834 (Old Style). 
His father was headmaster at the local high school, his mother 
had Tartar blood in her veins. Dmitri was the youngest 
of a large family, variously estimated as containing from 
eleven to seventeen children. The uncertainty in their 

1 The portrait of Newlands (facing page 140) is one taken in later life. It 
is a pity that nobody knew when he was a young man that he had already 
earned immortality. 

* See the portrait facing p. 164, In this connection it may again be 
remarked that photographers, unfortunately, did not flourish in Siberia in the 
first h^f of the nineteenth century. 


number may be due to the fact that their father gradually 
went blind and had to resign his position shortly after 
Dmitri's birth, while their mother was so busily engaged in 
supplementing the small pension on which they had to 
subsist by reopening and managing an old glass factory her 
parents had built fifty years before that she never had time 
to count them properly. 

Her husband died of consumption and the glass works 
was destroyed by fire, but still the heroic woman struggled 
on. Tobolsk was then a place of banishment for political 
exiles, and from one of these, who married his elder sister 
Olga, Dmitri obtained his first interest in science. To enable 
him to continue his studies at a university, his aged mother 
travelled with him on the long and tedious journey to 
Moscow to see if she could obtain him a scholarship. It 
could not be done, he was * deficient in classics.' Nothing 
daunted, on to St Petersburg she went, and there at last, 
with the assistance of some of her husband's friends, she 
succeeded in securing admission for him to the Central 
Pedagogic Institute. Shortly thereafter, worn out by 
overwork and self-sacrifice, she died. 

Mendelejeff never forgot his debt to his mother. More 
than thirty years after her death he dedicated to her his 
great book on Solutions in the following lines : 

This investigation is dedicated to the memory of a mother 
by her youngest offspring. Conducting a factory, she could 
educate him only by her own work. She instructed by example, 
corrected with love, and in order to devote him to science she 
left Siberia with him, spending thus her last resources and 
strength. When dying, she said, c Refrain from illusions, insist 
on work and not on words. Patiently search divine and scientific 
truth.* She understood how often dialectical methods deceive, 
how much there is still to be learned, and how, with the aid 
of science without violence, with love but firmness, all superstition, 
untruth, and error are removed, bringing in their stead the safety 
of discovered truth, freedom for further development, general 
welfare, and inward happiness. Dmitri MendelejefT regards as 
sacred a mother's dying words. October, 1887. 


So eager was he to justify his mother's trust in him that 
he ruined his health with excessive study. At graduation 
he received a gold medal for all-round excellence, but his 
doctors gave him only six months to live. He obtained a 
teaching position in the Crimea the Russian Riviera and 
the southern climate soon restored his strength. But the 
Crimean War came and drove him to Odessa, and in 1856 
he was back in St Petersburg, a lecturer in the University 
at the early age of twenty-two. 

In 1859 the Russian Ministry of Public Instruction 
decided to send several young scientists to study abroad for 
two years, and Mendelejeff was among the favoured few. 
He worked in Paris and in Heidelberg, but with characteristic 
eccentricity he did not do much practical research in the 
University laboratories, he occupied himself instead mainly 
with tabulating innumerable physical constants of the 
elements and their compounds, securing data upon which 
he was later to base his great discovery. He attended the 
historic Karlsruhe Congress where Cannizzaro dispersed the 
mist that had so long enshrouded atoms and molecules. 
How Cannizzaro's ideas must have assisted in clarifying 
his own speculations ! Another young chemist, a German 
named Lothar Meyer, who also heard Cannizzaro, relates : 
' It was as though scales fell from my eyes, doubt vanished 
and was replaced by a feeling of peaceful certainty.' This 
same Lothar Meyer came into more direct contact with 
MendelejefF subsequently, as will appear in due course. 

It was not c all work and no play ' for Dmitri, however, 
throughout those golden years. During vacations he 
tramped far and wide over Europe with one of his com 
panions, Alexander Borodin, whose father was a Georgian 
prince. In his diary he gives an amusing story of one of 
their joint journeys into Italy : 

We started with light baggage, one knapsack between two 
of us ; we wore blouses and tried to pass ourselves off as artists, 
which, in Italy, is always advantageous to the traveller's purse. 


We bought ourselves linen en route, and when it became soiled 
left it by way of tips to the waiters. In this manner we visited 
Venice, Verona and Milan in the spring of 1860, and Genoa 
and Rome in the autumn of the same year. On our first trip 
we had an interesting adventure. Near Verona, our carriage 
was visited by the Austrian police in search of an Italian prisoner 
who had made his escape. Borodin's southern type attracted 
the attention of the police, who believed they had found in him 
the man they were seeking. They ransacked our luggage from 
top to bottom and questioned us ; but they soon found we were 
peaceable Russian students and thereupon left us alone. Scarcely 
had we passed the Austrian frontier and entered the States of 
Sardinia, when our travelling companions began to make much 
of us, to embrace us, to cry * Ewiva ! ' and to sing at the top 
of their voices. We then discovered that the prisoner was amongst 
us and had passed unobserved. Thanks to the suspicions aroused 
by Borodin's physiognomy, the prisoner had escaped the clutches 
of Austria ! 

Did Dmitri ever meet a young volunteer named New- 
lands during his travels in Italy ? It is scarcely likely, nor 
did Italian music seem to make much impression upon him, 
although he was always intensely interested in art. 1 Borodin, 
however, was more susceptible. Not only did he become 
a great organic chemist, he also became one of the greatest 
of Russian composers. This e Sunday musician/ as he called 
himself, since his scientific duties afforded him no leisure 
during the week, wrote the symphonic poem, On the Steppes, 
and the well-known opera, Prince Igor. Think of it one of the 
most wonderful operas ever written was written by a c mere 
chemist ' in his spare time ! 

Returning to Russia, Mendelejeff obtained his doctor's 
degree without any difficulty, and was appointed Professor 
of Chemistry in the Technological Institute at St Petersburg. 2 
In 1866 he was promoted to the Chair of General Chemistry 

1 In Ms later years, indeed, his first marriage having proved a failure, 
he feH in love with a beautiful young Cossack artist with the picturesque 
name of Anna Popova, and from his second marriage romance never vanished. 

* In this institute also the author spent several months as a research student, 
a few years after MendelejefPs death. 


in the University itself. His lectures there are still re 
membered. His predecessor had made chemistry c a collation 
of recipes/ but every student who listened to Mendelejeff 
and hundreds crowded to hear him was made to perceive 
that it was a living science. Prince Kropotkin, later the 
famous revolutionary, has said : c For me it was a revelation, 
a beautiful improvisation, a stimulant to the intellect which 
left deep traces on my development/ No wonder he found 
it so, for in those first years as a professor Mendelejeff was 
putting the finishing strokes on his great work on which he 
had been engaged for over a decade, The Periodic System 
of the Elements. 

This mammoth conception is now a familiar feature of all 
chemistry textbooks. In its strict scientific form, however, 
it is rather too abstruse to allow the layman to appreciate 
its beauties. For that reason an attempt will be made here 
to explain its main points by means of an analogy. We shall 
suppose that we are trying to accommodate all our chemical 
elements in a rational manner in a huge apartment-house 
which, in honour of its original architect, we shall name 
Mendelejeff Court. A cross-section of Mendelejeff Court is 
shown in the diagram on page 150. Only its salient details 
can be discussed here ; for a fuller treatment the reader is 
referred to the author's earlier volume, At Home among the 

According to this diagram there are eight storeys above 
the street level. 1 Most of the floors contain six rooms, but 
towards the top the building regulations compel us to step 
back a little. These six rooms we may label, for convenience, 
starting from the left, A, B, G, D, E and F. A, B and F 
are single rooms ; G, D and E are double rooms. The three 
roof bungalows are each sufficiently commodious to house 
three elements. 

The elements are found to occupy Mendelejeff Court, 

1 Will the reader please pretend, for the present, that the basement is 
invisible ? 

A B 

Ni 58-7 
Fe 55-8 

Pd 106-7 
Rh 102-8 
Ru xoi'7 

Pt 195-2 
Ir 193-1 
Os 191-5 













\ v 

















12 I -8 

























La 138-9 
and 14 



































(Maximum valence -j-8) 

(Valence +7 or i) 

(Valence -f-6 or 2) 

(Valence +5 or 3) 

(Valence +4 or 4) 


(Valence +3) 


(Valence -f-2) 

(Valence +i) 

(Valence o) 

D E F 

FIG. 1 8 Mendelejeff Court 



in order of increasing atomic weights, 1 as follows. Starting 
with the first note of Newlands* first octave, lithium, in 
Room A on the first floor, we proceed upwards until we 
reach the top of the building with fluorine, the last note of 
the octave. Rooms B and the c lower berths 3 on the left- 
hand side of Rooms C are successively filled in exactly the 
same way. But now Mendelejeff skilfully avoids the diffi 
culties that baffled Newlands in harmonising the heavier 
elements. His first two series of seven elements, tenanting 
Rooms A and B, are followed by series not of seven, but 
of seventeen. Was it his own early environment he may, 
recollect, have been the youngest of seventeen children 
that suggested this particular number to him? At any 
rate, there they are, three series of seventeen elements, each 
split up into two sets of seven on the left and right sides 
of Rooms C, D and E on the seven main floors, with an 
intermediate set of three in each of the roof bungalows. 
When Rooms F, finally, are reached, the sixth series seems 
to come to a stop with uranium, the element of highest- 
known atomic weight occurring naturally. 2 

Having now completed our tour of the apartment-house, 
we are ready to admire the amazingly apt way in which its 
occupants have been arranged. Natural families of elements 
like the alkali metals (lithium, sodium, etc.) and the 
halogens (fluorine, chlorine, etc.) all live in adjoining rooms 
on the same level. If you want to visit any particular element 
you need only to know its valence and you then know exactly 
on what floor to find it It is true that there are two families 
in all dwelling on each floor, and that sometimes these two 
families have little in common save valence, but this fact 
is easily indicated by assigning them lower and upper berths 

1 Approximate values for the atomic weights are included under the 
symbols for the different elements in the diagram on p. 150. 

* Recent work (see pages 173-9) has resulted in the artificial production 
from uranium of no fewer than six 4 transuranic elements/ which have been 
named neptunium, plutonium, americium, curium, berkelium and californium. 
Uranium appears, indeed, to start a second series of elements similar to the 
rare earths (pages 157-6). 


respectively, as in the diagram on page 150. The groups of 
three renting the roof bungalows are all elements of closely 
similar character, and compounds are known in which they 
exhibit their maximum valence of eight. 

Until recently two available places in the apartment- 
house were vacant, the upper berth in Room E on the 
seventh floor, and Room F on the first floor. These repre 
sented a halogen and an alkali metal, respectively, that still 
awaited discovery. 1 Even although we could not observe 
these elements personally, we knew precisely, neverthe 
less, what they were like in advance of their discovery. 
Mendelejeff had supplied us with all their identification 

* How can this be so ? ' you may well ask. The mystery 
is easily explained. When Mendelejeff Court was first 
erected, it was not nearly so full as it is now : there were 
plenty of elements yet unknown in 1869. Its architect, 
very wisely, did not insist on renting the rooms in strict 
rotation. When he found, as he ascended the list of atomic 
weights, that an element did not agree with its neighbours 
in the room to which it was first assigned, he boldly moved 
it one or two floors higher, until it did find a congenial 
environment. This left him, of course, with quite a 
number of c blanks, 5 and here it was that Mendelejeff 
took the opportunity of displaying his supreme gift of 

* If I determine all the properties of the known members 
of a family in detail/ he said, c I can predict therefrom the 
properties of any unknown member.' Let us demonstrate 
how his forecast was vindicated in one particular case out 
of many. There used to be a gap in the carbon family, the 
element that should occupy the upper berth in Room G on 
the fourth floor being ' lost, stolen or strayed.' Mendelejeff 
sent out a general SOS for this missing element, which 
he called eka-silicon, in 1871. In 1886 the German chemist 

1 Their places are now occupied by astatine and francium. 


Winkler discovered it, and named it germanium. The almost 
incredible accuracy of MendelejefFs anticipation of truth is 
shown in the following table : 

MenddejefPs Winkler>s 
Eka-silicon Germanium 
(1871) (1886) 

Atomic weight 72 72*6 

Density ....... 5.5 5 . 4? 

Colour ....... dirty grey greyish white 

Density of oxide 4-7 4*703 

Boiling-point of chloride . . . below 1 00 86 

Density of chloride .... 1-9 1-887 

Boiling-point of ethide . . . 160 160 

Density of ethide ..... 0*96 nearly i 

Imperfect as our analysis of the apartment-house has 
been, it will already be evident to the reader that the Periodic 
Law of Mendelejeff represents a great advance beyond New- 
lands 5 Law of Octaves. Classification of the elements into 
families was so successful that its acceptance by chemists 
was immediate and almost universal. Some timid souls did 
doubt for a time the audacious predictions regarding missing 
elements, but the confirmation of those predictions finally 
convinced even the most sceptical. 

That the time was ripe, indeed, for the enunciation of 
such a law was shown by the fact that Mendelejeff, who 
had been working up to it gradually for years, was nearly 
anticipated after all. Lothar Meyer, whom we encountered 
at Karlsruhe in 1860, had also been engaged upon the same 
general problem, and in December 1869 he published a 
c periodic system ' which progressed, in certain respects, even 
beyond that originally put forward by Mendelejeff in the 
previous March. Mendelejeff freely acknowledged his in 
debtedness to Lothar Meyer for the full development of his 
principles ; he also admitted that Newlands and others had 
foreshadowed the Periodic Law. But, as he himself once 
stated : 


No law of nature, however general, has been established all 
at once ; its recognition has always been preceded by many 
presentiments. The establishment of a law, moreover, does not 
take place when the first thought of it takes form, or even when 
its significance is recognised, but only when it has been confirmed 
by the results of experiment. The man of science must consider 
these results as the only proof of the correctness of his conjectures 
and opinions. 

In agreement with this judgment, the scientific world has 
unanimously given the primary credit for the classification 
of the elements to Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendelejeff. 

"His later career may be described briefly. His own 
research work, outside his one great discovery, was not of 
primary significance. It is true that he devoted an enormous 
amount of time to the study of solutions, but Van 't Hoff 
outdistanced him ; he never got beyond the point of con 
sidering solutions as c definite chemical compounds in a state 
of partial dissociation.' As a teacher, however, he was out 
standing. Both he and Borodin, almost alone among 
Russians at that time, dared to recognise the injustice done 
to women by withholding university privileges from them, 
and risked provoking the wrath of the Government by giving 
gratuitous instructions to classes of ladies as early as 1870. 
He also stood up frequently to protect his men students 
against Gzarist interference. He received little thanks 
therefor the liberals regarded him as a * rigid monarchist * 
while the conservatives considered him a fi subversive 
revolutionary * ; he himself said that he was * a peaceable 

In 1890 an insurrection broke out in Poland, and there 
were serious sympathetic disturbances in all the Russian 
universities. MendelejefF pacified his own students by 
promising to present their petition to the Minister of Educa 
tion ; he was sharply reprimanded by the authorities for 
not minding his own business. Deeply insulted, he resigned 
from his chair at the University, but three years later he was 


appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, 
a post which he retained until his death on 20 January 
1907 (Old Style). 

He filled this Bureau of Weights and Measures, as far 
as possible, with women employees ; their position must 
often have been rather difficult. For Mendelejeff, through 
out his life, remained at heart a peasant he always travelled 
third-class in order to engage in intimate conversations with 
the c common people ' on the trains and he possessed the 
Russian peasant's ready flow of profanity. When roused, he 
not only called a spade an adjectival shovel, he addressed 
it in terms that were calculated to raise its temperature to 
red heat. The women in his office either had to stuff 
their ears with cotton-wool or pretend to be conveniently 

When MendelejefF was presented at court to Czar 
Alexander III, His Majesty was very curious to know 
whether he would have his hair cut for the occasion. He 
did not ; it was his habit to cut his hair once a year in 
spring, when the warm weather set in, and the shearing 
season had not yet arrived. 

Numberless stories exist illustrating MendelejefPs eccen 
tric personality. Most of them may be based on fact, but 
some are certainly apocryphal. It has been told, for example, 
how in 1889, when he was awarded by the Chemical Society 
of London its highest distinction, the Faraday Medal, he 
was handed after the delivery of his lecture a small silk 
purse worked in the Russian national colours and containing 
the customary honorarium. c Dramatically he tumbled the 
sovereigns out on the table, declaring that nothing would 
induce him to accept money from a Society which had paid 
him the high compliment of inviting him to do honour to 
the memory of the immortal Faraday/ It is a good story, 
and represents no doubt exactly what Mendelejeff might 
have done under the circumstances. Unfortunately, how 
ever, the records of the Chemical Society reveal that 
MendelejefF received an urgent recall to Russia before the 


lecture was delivered and that, in his absence, a translation 
was read by the secretary. 

His services to science were universally acknowledged 
abroad, but the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St Peters 
burg never elected him to its membership. In 1934, never 
theless, the Soviet Government issued a special series of 
postage stamps to commemorate the centenary of his birth. 

As with Van J t Hoff, Byron was his literary hero. His 
perpetual youthfulness is shown by the fact that Fenimore 
Cooper and Jules Verne were his favourites in fiction. e Of 
all things in life/ he said, c I love nothing more than to have 
my children around me.' On the day of his death he sat 
listening to the reading of Jules Verne's Journey to the North 
Pole. His soul went on a longer journey, but his body was 
buried in the Wolkowo Cemetery beside the body of his 
beloved mother. 

During the last years of MendelejefPs life, strange events 
were occurring at Mendelejeff Court. Recent research had 
resulted in much excavation work being carried out in the 
street outside the apartment-house, and suddenly it was 
discovered that Mendelejeff Court possessed a basement. 
Not only was there a basement, but there was a whole family 
of elements dwelling therein, elements whose existence in 
this world had hitherto been entirely unsuspected, although 
they are present in the very air that we breathe. They had 
escaped recognition previously only because of their exclusive 
habits. In accordance with their lowly position under 
the ground-level, they exhibit a valence of zero ; that is, 
they do not form compounds with any other elements 
at all. 

How these hermit elements the inert gases of the 
atmosphere were brought to the light of day by Sir William 
Ramsay is an entrancing story, but too long to be told here, 
Some of them have since been made to work for their living. 
Hdfium, for instance, has been extensively employed in 
airships, neon is used in electric signs and argon in electric 


lamp bulbs (page 217). Radon, or radium emanation, is of 
service in hospitals in the treatment of superficial cancerous 

The discovery of the inert gases caused chemists to 
concentrate their attention upon MendelejefF Court anew, 
and several deficiencies came up for consideration. After 
all, apartment-houses grow out of date very quickly, and 
Mendelejeff Court, admirably -as it functioned during the 
nineteenth century, was clearly getting too antiquated for 
twentieth-century standards. One point may already have 
struck the reader children are not permitted within its 
portals. Poor little hydrogen, the lightest of the elements, 
finds no place at all to lay its head ! 

A still more scandalous state of affairs confronts us as 
soon as we look in on lanthanum in Room E on the third 
floor. Lanthanum, which ought to occupy this double room 
with thallium alone, has invited no fewer than fourteen 
companions to share its quarters, and all these elements are 
cooped up in one bunk together ! Now this is a situation 
which is really beyond a joke and it cannot be allowed to 
exist indefinitely. Chemists have made innumerable efforts 
to find alternative accommodation for these fourteen extra 
elements in Mendelejeff Court, but they simply refuse to fit 
into the general system. 

These metals of the rare earths, as they are called, have 
really been a source of serious annoyance ever since the 
periodic system was introduced. Everywhere else through 
out the list we have a uniform change in valence and chemical 
properties as we proceed from one element to another. 
Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, we find fifteen 
elements with beautiful names lanthanum, cerium, praseo 
dymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, 
gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thul 
ium, ytterbium and lutecium which all prefer to exhibit 
a valence of three. They occur all together in nature, 
notably in the monazite sands of North Carolina, Brazil and 
Travancore. They can be separated one from another only 


with great storm and strife, by taking advantage of slight 
differences in the solubilities of corresponding salts. 

What can we do with these rare earth elements ? They 
cannot be permitted to impose permanently upon the kind 
nature of lanthanum, since the Board of Health will not 
tolerate such chronic overcrowding for ever. They cannot 
be accommodated elsewhere in Mendelejeff Court. There 
is no proper place for them, and they would disturb the 
harmony of the elements which follow. Chemists in the 
past have usually done one of two things. Either they have, 
like the ostrich, shut their eyes to the fourteen superfluous 
elements and pretended that they were not there, or they 
have shunted them off into a shed outside of the main build 
ing and left them to their own devices. 

Now this is manifestly unjust, since, after all, the rare 
earth metals are honest-to-goodness elements ; they have 
atomic weights and everything. If, then, we cannot find 
suitable places for them in Mendelejeff Court, and if we 
do not want to split our chemical community into two 
sections, what other alternative can we devise? The only 
course is to evacuate Mendelejeff Court and move our 
chemical community out of the cruel city into the calm and 
peaceful open spaces where there will be ample room for 
everybody and no objection will be raised to children. 


* Newlands Obituary Notice.' Nature, 

c MendelejefF Memorial Lecture of the Chemical Society.' Sir 
William Tilden, 1909 

Eminent Chemists of ow Time. B. Harrow, 1920 

Crucibles* B. Jaffe, 1930 

M Home among the Atoms. J. Kendall, 1929 


THE transfer of the elements to more commodious quarters 
in a modern Garden City was mainly due to the work of 
two young men Niels Bohr and Henry Moseley. Niels Bohr, 
happily, is still active in scientific research in his native city 
of Copenhagen, and in his honour we shall name our Garden 
City c Bohrville.' Harry Moseley, alas, was cut off in the 
first flower of youth. 

In 1912 these two young men were both engaged in 
research in the laboratory of Lord Rutherford at Manchester 
University. Rutherford had just succeeded, as a result of 
recent work in radioactivity, in reviving Proufs old hypo 
thesis of a common basis for the atoms of all the elements in 
a modified form. Mendelejeff, strangely enough, had always 
frowned upon this logical extension of his classification of the 
elements into families ; he seems to have regarded specula 
tion in this direction as a kind of abuse of the periodic system. 
In his Faraday Lecture he went so far as to state that any 
theory of the compound character of the elements and the 
existence of primordial matter must be classed among mere 
Utopias. But the study of the radioactive elements, to which 
we shall refer in greater detail later, proved that trans 
mutation from one element to another could occur in 
nature, and one of the common products of radioactive 
disintegrations had been identified with Sir J. J, Thomson's 
electron, or unit of negative electricity, a particle with a mass 
only i part in 1,850 that of an atom of hydrogen. To this 
unit Rutherford added in 1911 the proton, or unit of positive 
electricity. The first systematic c picture ' of the atom, as 
formulated by Rutherford, showed it as consisting of a 
minute central nucleus, positively charged, surrounded by 
planetary electrons. The nucleus, containing all the protons, 



is responsible for practically the entire mass of the atom ; 
the external electrons, being set at relatively large distances 
from the nucleus, are responsible for practically all its 
volume* Only in radioactive transformations does the nucleus 
change ; ordinary chemical reactions affect merely the 
external electrons. 

Bohr's business was to untangle the exterior electrons ; 
Mosele/s to unveil the heart of the atom. Before, however, 
their work is described, it will be well to anticipate one 
fundamental difficulty which was not actually cleared up 
until later. 

If the simplest atom, the hydrogen atom, comprises a 
single proton as a nucleus and a single external electron, 1 
and if all other atoms are built up of more complex aggregates 
of protons and electrons, how can it happen that all atomic 
weights are not exact multiples of that of hydrogen ? This 
was the rock upon which the old hypothesis of Prout had 
split long before. 

A perfectly satisfactory solution of this difficulty was 
obtained by Francis Aston, Fellow of Trinity College, 
Cambridge, a young research worker in the laboratory of 
Sir J. J. Thomson. Hydrogen is not, after all, the proper 
basis to employ, since the mass of the hydrogen atom is 
altered by an approximately constant fraction when it is 
incorporated into heavier atoms, as will be developed at 
the end of this chapter. It is therefore fortunate that chemists, 
after Prout's hypothesis was discarded in 1860, gradually 
switched over, purely for convenience, to oxygen = 16 as a 
standard. For an extraordinary proportion of atomic weights, 
on the basis O = 16 (or H = 1-0078), fall so close to being 
integral that the nearest round numbers are exact enough 
for ordinary use. The odds are billions to one against such 
an agglomeration occurring merely by chance. There are 
still some flagrant exceptions, such as chlorine 35-457, but 

1 To illustrate the minuteness of the nucleus, it may be noted that if the 
liydrogen atom were expanded to the size of the Wembley Stadium, the 
nucleus would correspond to a golf ball placed at its centre. 


Aston succeeded in proving that all such elements with 
eccentric atomic weights consist of mixtures of distinct 
types of atoms, called isotopes. Thus there are two kinds of 
chlorine, one kind with atomic "mass 35, the other kind with 
atomic mass 37. The only difference between them is that 
the heavier kind contains two additional proton-electron 
pairs (or neutrons., as they were subsequently termed) packed 
into its minute nucleus. And since chemical properties 
depend only upon the number and arrangement of the 





1 1 


1 1 


1 1 



1 1 


1 1 


V m K Series of X-rav soectra f diagrammatic only) 

external electrons, and these are the same in both cases, the 
two kinds of chlorine are chemically identical. 

Now we can return to Moseley, who was investigating 
the X-rays obtained when different elements are used as 
the target for a stream of electrons. His experimental 
technique is too complicated to be described here ; it will 
be sufficient to mention the fact that he found, using a large 
rock-salt crystal as an * analyser,' that different elements 
gave different X-ray spectra. Some of the results for a 
sample series of successive elements, from titanium to copper, 
are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 19. Theoretically the 
wave-lengths of the lines obtained with any element should 
depend, in a simple way, upon the number of free protons 
in the nucleus of its atom. On comparing the spectra of 


different elements, Moseley discovered now the great law 
of atomic numbers. 

Every reader has probably seen, at some time or another, 
a company of soldiers lined up on parade, calling out their 
numbers at the command of their sergeant-major. Through 
Moseley's work we can now line up the elements in a similar 
way and make each call out its c atomic number ' the 
number of free protons in its atomic nucleus. The discipline 
is perfect : i, 2, 3, 4, etc., come the successive cries up to 
92 ! Every element, including the rare earth elements, thus shows 
its right to occupy its own private house with its own parti 
cular number in our new Garden City. 

The planning of this Garden City was left for Bohr. 
Bohr showed that the exterior electrons could be pictured 
as moving around the nucleus of the atom in orbits of 
different classes. The maximum number of electrons in each 
class is limited as follows : First class 2, Second class 8, 
Third class 18, Fourth class 32. 1 But the outermost class in 
any atom is also limited to a maximum of 8 electrons, and 
the next to outermost to 18. With these rules in mind, Bohr- 
ville was built. The result is shown in the plan on page 163. 

Bohrville spreads out over the countryside in a fan- 
shaped fashion, and contains seven avenues of varying lengths, 
the last house in each avenue being tenanted by an inert 
gas. Gross-tracks, indicated by straight lines, connect 
elements in different avenues that have obvious family 
relationships. In what complete harmony the elements all 
exist, however, in beautiful Bohrville is a matter which 
cannot be developed in these pages ; space considerations 
prohibit the attempt. The reader who desires details is 
referred once more to the author's book/ At Home among 
ike Atoms* 

Sergeant Moseley had called each element's number, 
but the dread sergeant, Death, was about to call his own. 

1 Note that these numbers follow the mathematical series 2 X i* ; 2 X 2* 5 
2 x 3* ; 2 X 4*. 



In August 1914, at the outbreak of World War I, the 
young scientist, whose one brilliant research had already 
made him famous at the age of twenty-six, was in Australia 
attending the Meeting of the British Association for the 









FIG. 20 Plan of Bohrville 

Advancement of Science. As soon as its sessions were con 
cluded, he hurried home to enlist. He had gone through Eton 
and Oxford when he was only four he had lost his father, 
who had been professor of anatomy at the latter so he was 
given a commission in the Royal Engineers. In June 1915 
his unit was sent to the Dardanelles, and in the trenches 
there, two months later, he was shot through the brain by 


a Turkish sniper while engaged in signalling operations. 
Orders for his recall from active service to participate in 
important scientific war work at home were actually on 
their way at the time of his death. 

Professor R. A. Millikan, himself a Nobel Prize winner, 
has said in this connection : * Had the European War no 
other result than the snuffing out of his young life, that alone 
would make it one of the most hideous and irreparable crimes 
In history. 5 How many other Moseleys, however, who were 
not even given the opportunity to complete one research, 
that holocaust must have included among its victims ! 
Edwin H. Lewis has mourned his loss in The Ballad ofRyerson 
as, follows : 

The beat of the harp is broken, the heart of the gleeman is fain 
To call him back from the grave and rebuild the shattered brain 
Of Moseley dead in the trenches, Harry Moseley dead by the sea, 
Balder slain by the blindman there in Gallipoli. 

Beyond the violet seek him, for there in the dark he dwells, 
Holding the crystal lattice to cast the shadow that tells 
How the heart of the atom thickens, ready to burst into flower, 
Loosing the bands of Orion with heavenly heat and power. 

He numbers the charge on the centre for each of the elements 
That we named for gods and demons, colors and tastes and scents, 
And he hears the hum of the lead that burned through his brain like fire 
Change to the hum of an engine, the song of the sun-grain choir. 

Now, if they slay the dreamers and the riches the dreamers gave, 
They shall get them back to the benches and be as the galley slaves. 

It now becomes necessary to turn back the pages of 
history a little in order to discuss the important topic of 
radioactivity. The greatest of all the great names connected 
with this topic is undoubtedly the name of Marie Sklodovska 
better known to the world in general as Madame Curie. 

Marie Sklodovska was born in Warsaw on 7 November 
1867 ; Madame Curie died in France on 4 July 1934. 
Between those two dates what a wonderful life-work lies ! 


So lofty and yet so retiring was the personality, so romantic 
the career, and so stupendous the scientific achievements of 
our first young heroine that, though she has been dead only 
a few years, she has already passed into a legend. 

Her biographers have told us how the old prophet 
Mendelejeff met her as a young girl in Warsaw her father 
taught physics in a secondary school in that city and 
made another of his unerring predictions : Here is the 
first woman chemist of the future ! ' They have related 
how she was forced to fly from Poland owing to her connec 
tion with revolutionary activities against the hated Russian 
Government, how she starved in a Paris garret, and how, 
a feminine Faraday, she met her expenses at the Sorbonne 
by washing bottles and preparing the laboratory furnace. 
How far these and dozens of similar stories are true is a 
question that can never be absolutely settled. Many of 
them are discredited in the authoritative biography (1937) 
written by her younger daughter, who has not included 
a single anecdote of which she is not sure, but some first 
hand reminiscences of early friends may quite well have 
an authentic basis. Here her hard climb to immortality 
will be described in barest outline ; for fuller details Eve 
Curie's book (translated into English by Vincent Sheean) 
should be consulted. 

A girl of eighteen, anxious to complete her own educa 
tion abroad, Marie took a position for three monotonous 
years as a governess in order to help to support her elder 
sister, Bronya, who was working for a medical degree in 
Paris. The son of the house fell in love with her, but her 
employer (who had herself been a governess and married 
under similar circumstances) squelched the budding romance. 
What a treasure she rejected ! At last Marie found that her 
meagre savings sufficed to justify her too in making the 
journey to Paris, and she joined her sister there in 1891. 
It was to this same sister that she wrote more than forty 
years later : c Believe me, family solidarity is, after all, the 
only good thing/ 

(969) IS 



Yet when she found that the distance of her sister's 
apartment from the Sorbonne was handicapping her in her 
studies, she did not hesitate to go and live in the Latin 
Quarter alone on 100 francs a month. ' Work ! work ! 
work ! * was her watchword for four heroic years, at the end 
of which she had reached the stage of starting scientific 
research under Professor Lippmann. Then she married 
Pierre Curie, a brilliant but poorly paid instructor in physics. 

A brief e bicycle honeymoon ' the happy couple were 
both ardent cyclists then back to research ; after the birth 
of a daughter, Irene, back to research once more. By the 
end of 1897 all preliminary hurdles had been passed and 
Marie was ready to prepare for the final step the disserta 
tion for her doctor's degree. This work was destined to 
raise her out of obscurity for ever, for in seeking her doctorate 
she discovered radium. 

The year before, Henri Becquerel, a Paris professor, had 
observed quite accidentally that compounds of uranium 
the element with the highest atomic number, 92, existent 
in minute quantity in the pitchblende deposits of Bohemia 
emit a strange radiation. This radiation resembles X-rays 
in its ability to penetrate solid objects. It is also electrical 
in its nature, for when a salt of uranium is brought near 
the knob of an electrometer, the gold leaves of which have 
been caused to separate by charging 
them with electricity, the leaves are 
rapidly discharged. Marie decided to 
make a general investigation of this 
peculiar radiation the research problem 
for her doctor's thesis. The only 
room available for her use was a damp 
unheated lumber-room in the School 
of Physics, but that did not discourage 
the frail young woman. 
Several points of great interest soon emerged. Uranium 
compounds are not alone in emitting these spontaneous rays. 

FIG. 21 Electrometer 


thorium compounds do so also to a lesser degree. Further 
more, while the activity of all salts of uranium is exactly 
proportional to their uranium content, the pitchblende from 
which uranium is extracted is several times as active as the 
uranium itself. Marie's mind leaped instinctively to the 
correct conclusion from this last observation. All known 
chemical elements, except uranium and thorium, are in 
active. Pitchblende must contain therefore, in amount so 
small as to have escaped notice hitherto, one or more new 
elements, tremendously more radioactive than uranium 

At this stage it became obvious that the continuation of 
the research was to be not only of intense importance, but 
also exceedingly laborious. Pierre immediately abandoned 
his own investigations and joined in the quest. So began 
a collaboration which was broken only by death. By patient 
elimination of inactive groups of elements, the abnormal 
radioactivity of the pitchblende was finally found to be 
concentrated in two distinct fractions. In July 1898 it was 
possible to announce the discovery of one new element ; 
Marie named it polonium after her loved homeland. In 
December of the same year a second and still more important 
communication was made to the Academy of Sciences, a few 
sentences from which follow : 

The various reasons we have just enumerated lead us to 
believe that the new radioactive substance contains a new 
element to which we propose to give the name of RADIUM. 

The new radioactive substance certainly contains a very large 
proportion of barium ; in spite of that, its radioactivity is con 
siderable. The radioactivity of radium itself, therefore, must 
be enormous. 

Radium had been { discovered/ but four years 9 hard 
labour was yet required to isolate it pure in sufficient quantity 
to determine its atomic weight and establish to the in 
credulous its definite claim to the title of element. The 
Austrian Government donated a ton of pitchblende residues, 


and in a dilapidated wooden shack, an abandoned shed with 
leaky roof and no floor, the couple toiled through summer 
heat and winter snow until in 1902 Marie at last succeeded 
in obtaining a few grains of e chemically pure * radium 
chloride, more than a million times as active as the uranium 
salt, from which the atomic weight of the element, 225, 
was determined. 

On 25 June 1903, finally, Marie appeared before the 
examining committee at the Sorbonne for her doctor's 
degree. She was more fortunate than Arrhenius. The room 
was packed with eager spectators, and at the end of the 
formal examination the president, her old professor, Lipp- 
mann, amplified the usual statement : e The University of 
Paris accords you the title of Doctor of Physical Science with 
honour,' by adding the words, ' and in the name of the 
jury, Madame, I wish to express to you all our congratula 

In the same year Pierre and Marie Curie, conjointly with 
Professor Becquerel, were awarded that supreme scientific 
distinction, the Nobel Prize, for their extraordinary work 
in common on the Becquerel rays.' 

The story of Madame Curie's life must now be interrupted 
to explain, very briefly, the main phenomena of radio 

The elements that are, naturally, significantly radioactive 
are all elements of very high atomic number. In their atoms 
the congestion of protons and neutrons within the tightly 
packed nucleus has evidently reached the point where the 
aggregate has become unstable, and ever so often depend 
ing on the particular element concerned particles are 
ejected. Two kinds of particles may be mentioned helium 
nuclei (alpha-rays) and electrons (beta-rays). Uranium 
atoms disintegrate very rarely ; the half-period of the 
element the time that will have elapsed before half of a 
given sample has broken up is nearly 5,000,000,000 years. 
After several successive disintegrations, uranium is converted 


into radium ; hence all uranium ores have a very minute 
radium content. The half-period of radium, however, is 
much shorter, only 1,690 years, and the first product of its 
disintegration is a gas, radon or radium emanation. This 
also breaks up very rapidly its half-period is less than four 
days and after another long series of disintegrations a stable 
product is finally obtained lead. 

The rate of any particular disintegration may be accur 
ately measured in various ways. For example, if a sample 
of a radium salt is placed near a screen covered with zinc 
sulphide, the impact of each helium nucleus on the screen 
produces a faint flash of light. This is the principle of 
Grookes's spinthariscope (Fig. 22). By observing the screen 
G through a lens A in a dark 
room, the scintillations are magni 
fied, and the total number of 
radium atoms disintegrating per 
second from a sample of a radium 

salt placed at B can be readily FIG. 22 Crookes' Spin- 

_ f , A . ' thariscope 

calculated. A much more con 
venient and accurate method of detecting and recording 
the * splitting * of individual atoms, however,, is afforded 
by the Geiger counter. 

This instrument consists essentially of an ionising chamber 
a space between two parallel plates charged at a high 
potential difference where the entrance of a single alpha- 
particle is sufficient to ionise the air between the plates and 
to induce a momentary spark to pass. The passage of a 
spark can, with the assistance of amplifiers, be effectively 
indicated by any one of several devices by the production 
of peaks upon a Hne of light in a television tube, by c crackles * 
from a loud-speaker, or finally, most conveniently of all, by 
a mechanical system of numbered lamps connected with 
a post-office counter. The handiness and adaptability of the 
Geiger counter has made it, indeed, an invaluable piece 
of apparatus in the quantitative study of radioactive dis 


The Importance of such study, both from the theoretical 
and from the practical point of view, cannot be entered 
into in detail here. It will be enough to mention one fact 
familiar to all the application of radium in the treatment 
of diseases, and particularly its use in the fight against 

On 19 April 1906 disaster struck the Curie household. 
Pierre, crossing a crowded Paris street, was run over by 
a heavy wagon and killed instantly. He had been promoted 
to a professorship only two years before ; France was almost 
the last country in the world to recognise his genius. Neither 
he nor Marie ever entertained any thought of capitalising 
their great discovery; like Davy they left it free for the use 
of humanity. Marie had lost her husband ; the world had 
lost a great scientist. 

The day after Pierre's funeral the French Government 
officially proposed to award his widow and children a 
national pension. Marie refused ; heartbroken she might 
be, but she was still prepared to earn her own living. And 
earn it she did, for she was appointed to succeed her husband 
in his chair. A huge crowd gathered to listen to the first 
lecture delivered by the first woman professor the Sorbonne 
had ever seen. 1 Reporters, society people, all Paris besieged 
the secretary's office for c invitation cards/ but Marie's mind 
was only on her students. Without a word of introduction, 
she resumed the course at the precise sentence where Pierre 
had left off. 

The years that followed were more years of hard work 
in the service of science. In 1910, duplicating the method 
used by Davy in his Capital Experiment ! she was the first to 
prepare metallic radium. As MendelejefT might have pre 
dicted from its position in the periodic system, its properties 

* Several biographers state that the President of France and Mme Fallieres, 
King Carlos and Queen Amelia of Portugal, Lord Kelvin, Sir William Ramsay 
and Sir Oliver Lodge were * among those present.* Mile ve Curie, however, 
makes no mention of any of these notabilities. 


proved to be those of a metal in the barium family. The 
Academy of Sciences, by one vote, refused to admit her to 
its hallowed membership, but in 1911 she again received 
a Nobel Prize the only person in history to be honoured 
by a second award. 

Her old shed was demolished, and a palatial * Institute 
of Radium/ sponsored by the University and the Pasteur 
Institute, was ready for her occupation in July 1914. The 
war came ; she developed a mobile radiological service for 
the treatment of the wounded and she herself drove one of 
the twenty c little Curies,' as her specially equipped cars were 
called. Trained manipulators were lacking, so with the 
assistance of her daughter Irene she conducted a course of 
instruction in radiology at the Radium Institute. In the 
last year of the war she welcomed to her laboratory twenty 
soldiers from the American Expeditionary Force as pupils 
in this course. 

It was two years after the armistice before she was free 
to return to research, happy that her native Poland was 
now also free from oppressors. In December 1920 she wrote 
to her brother Joseph : * It is true that our country has paid 
dearly for this happiness, and that it will have to pay again. 
But like you, I have faith in the future/ Paderewski, 
Poland's pianist-premier, had been a friend of Marie and 
her sister Bronya in their old student days. In 1925 an 
Institute of Radium was erected in Warsaw, and Marie laid 
its corner-stone. 

Years of overstrain and excessive exposure to the rays 
of radium had sapped her strength, yet she continued to 
devote herself to the duties of her own institute, and to the 
promotion of research in radioactivity throughout the world, 
until she died in harness. Though she would have preferred 
to remain in seclusion, she was forced to become a public 
personage. She made a trip to the United States, in the 
course of which she was presented with a gramme of radium, 
subscribed for by the women of America, rich and poor. 
Her picture, and that of her husband, appeared on the 


postage stamps of many nations. Her laboratory was always 
thronged with eager students j between 1919 and 1934 the 
total of scientific papers emanating therefrom was 483. With 
what joy must she have watched her daughter Irene following 
directly in her footsteps and developing into c the second 
woman scientist in the world ' ! What poignant memories 
must have been evoked in 1926, when Irene announced her 
engagement to Frederic JoKot, one of the most brilliant 
research workers at the Institute of Radium ! Had she lived 
only eighteen months longer she would have seen history 
repeat itself when Frederic Joliot and Irne Joliot-Gurie were 
awarded the Nobel Prize for their joint work in the field of 
* induced radioactivity/ 

It has been noted, earlier, that only the atoms of the 
elements of highest atomic number are naturally unstable. 
Lord Rutherford, however, discovered in 1919 that the 
atoms of certain lighter elements may be disintegrated arti 
ficially by bombarding them with the swiftly moving alpha- 
particles ejected from radium. Bombardment of nitrogen 
with alpha-particles (helium nuclei), for instance, produces 
hydrogen and oxygen. The actual amount of transmutation 
achieved is exceedingly small, for the nucleus, it will be 
recalled, is an infinitesimally tiny target and practically all 
the alpha-particles are deflected away from it by the attrac 
tive forces of the outer cloud of oppositely charged electrons 
through which they must first penetrate. For this reason 
only the simpler atoms are decomposed by alpha-ray bom 
bardment ; more complex atoms are immune. 

Investigators in recent years, however, have improved 
their artillery equipment tremendously ; Rutherford's 
original bullets have been replaced by high-explosive shell 
with much greater velocity. The projectile which has proved 
particularly destructive to heavier atoms is the neutron (see 
page 161). As its name indicates, this is electrically neutral, 
and it can therefore pierce the barricade of exterior electrons 
quite easily. By the use of high-speed neutrons, all kinds 

The future Mme Curie and her sister Bronya, 1886 

jBy courtesy of Mile. Ei-e Curie 

Pierre and Marie Curie 

Mme Curie and her daughter Irene, 1925 
By courtesy of Mile, Eve Curie 


of artificial disintegrations have been successfully performed ; 
transmutation of other elements into gold, even, is now 
possible. The cost of the process, however, fortunately or 
unfortunately, vastly exceeds the value of the gold 

In January 1934 Frederic Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie 
reported the remarkable discovery that the products of the 
bombardment of boron, magnesium and aluminium by 
alpha-particles from polonium are themselves radioactive, 
continuing to emit rays for some time after the natural source 
had been withdrawn. The induced radioactivity of boron 
is due to the formation of radio-nitrogen, an unstable isotope 
of ordinary nitrogen with a half-period of fourteen minutes. 
This same radio-nitrogen, the two experimenters predicted, 
should be produced by bombarding carbon with deuterons 
projectiles obtained from a newly discovered heavy isotope 
of hydrogen and this prediction was shortly afterwards 
confirmed. The years since 1934 have witnessed, indeed, 
the production of a bewildering array of artificially radio 
active elements of all types, with half-lives varying from 
seconds to years. Frederic Joliot and Irne Joliot-Curie have 
been responsible, directly and indirectly, for the discovery 
of more species of atoms than all preceding chemists put 

Practical applications of induced radioactivity are already 
evident, although the subject is still only in its infancy. Radio- 
sodium, for example, with a half-period of fifteen hours, 
has been produced in quantities sufficient to justify the hope 
that artificial radioactive substances may, in the near future, 
replace radium in medical work. An active modification 
of phosphorus, obtained by bombarding ordinary phosphorus 
with deuterons, is of even greater immediate interest. This 
substance has a half-period of two weeks, long enough to 
enable us to study the role of phosphorus in animal life in 
an intimate way never before possible. If rats are fed on 
a diet containing active phosphorus in the form of sodium 
phosphate, its progress through their whole bodies can be 


followed, simply by tracing the radioactive atoms. Through 
such work it has already been established that the mineral 
matter of bones is in a dynamic state, phosphorus atoms 
being continually lost and replaced. Furthermore, although 
it had previously been assumed that no regeneration of the 
brain tissue of adult animals takes place, the discovery of 
active phosphorus atoms in the lecithin of the brain tissue 
of rats, one hour after they had been given an injection of 

FIG. 23 * I'm not sure, sir, but I BELIEVE I've split the Atom 
(Reproduced by permission of the Proprietors of Punch] 

active sodium phosphate, suggests that a constant breakdown 
and rebuilding of material is here also occurring. 

The entity that Dalton considered as inherently in 
divisible, indestructible and eternal is evidently in parlous 
peril nowadays. At any moment it is liable to suffer the 
indignity pictured by Punch in the drawing above. 

That drawing, you will notice, is dated 1937, and since 
1937 the full-scale splitting of the atom has indeed been 
accomplished, in the form of the atomic bomb. The atomic 


bomb, it must be emphasised, cannot be ascribed to young 
chemists. Work in this field is not the type of work that an 
independent investigator can undertake it involves pro 
digious expense, and whole teams of trained scientists under 
the supervision of expert directors but it is necessary to 
discuss its development briefly in order to bring our account 
of the atom up to date. 

In January 1939 O. Hahn and F. Strassman in Germany 
announced their discovery that an isotope (p. 161) of barium 
was one of the products of the neutron bombardment of 
uranium. How excited scientists were by this discovery may 
be seen from the fact that before the end of the year nearly 
one hundred papers appeared on this new kind of atomic 
fission. Its importance lay in the gigantic amounts of energy 
thereby released, and in 1940 publications suddenly stopped 
owing to war secrecy regulations. The source of this colossal 
energy evolution may now be discussed. Do not expect this 
discussion to be bright and breezy ; the topic does not lend 
itself to such treatment. And do not expect me to supply 
any practical details on the manufacture of atomic bombs ; 
I am neither wise enough nor foolish enough to do so. I 
shall confine myself rigorously to fundamental facts, 

As was mentioned on page 160, the mass of the hydrogen 
atom ( i -0078) is abnormal. This is so because, inside the very 
minute nuclei of all other atoms, protons and neutrons are 
packed so closely together that their electro-magnetic fields 
interfere and a fraction of the combined mass is destroyed. 
The helium atom, for example, contains the same total 
material as four hydrogen atoms, but its mass is not 
4X1-0078=4-0312; it is only 4-003. The proportionate 
influence of this packing effect on atomic mass for still more 
complex nuclei is almost constant, but not exactly so. This 
may best be illustrated by comparing all atomic masses 
with that of the mass-spectrograph standard, 16 O. Fig. 24 
shows the curve obtained when mass number (the total 
number of protons in the nucleus) is plotted against what 
Aston has called the packing fraction (the mean gain or loss 





in mass per proton when the nuclear packing is changed 
from that of 16 O to that of each other atomic species). 

Several points of interest emerge from this curve. The 
initial, steeply descending sections (the curve splits into two 
distinct branches for the earlier elements, following those of 
odd and even atomic number respectively) indicate that the 
masses of atoms lighter than 16 O are slightly higher in the 
single case of hydrogen significantly higher than whole 
numbers. Through a long range of elements in the central 
part of the diagram the packing fraction is negative, so that 
atomic masses in this interval are slightly lower than whole 
numbers. In the region of the rare earths the curve crosses 
the zero line once more, and atomic masses are again above 
integral values. A more accurate graph, on a larger scale, 
for these latter sections is given in Fig. 25. 

Elucidation of these variations is obtained by the applica 
tion of the theory of relativity. What we have lost in mass 
through nuclear packing we have gained in energy. Mass 
and energy are not distinct phenomena, but interconvertible ; 
matter is potential energy, energy is potential matter. The 
law of conservation of mass holds within our limits of weigh 
ing, for all ordinary chemical reactions, only because the 
energy changes involved are extremely small. Energy 
changes in reactions c within the atom,' however, first 
demonstrated in radioactive disintegrations, may be enor 
mous. Correlating our old laws of conservation of mass and 
conservation of energy into one wider law conservation of 
mass-energy we can calculate what change in mass corre 
sponds to any particular energy change, and vice versa. We 
find that the mass change in ordinary chemical reactions is 
infinitesimal, and that even in radioactive disintegrations it 
is still minute. Conversely, if the mass change is appreciable, 
as in the case of hydrogen-helium, the energy change involved 
in the rearrangement of the protons and electrons must be 

It is very significant that the minimum in the packing 
fraction curve lies in the neighbourhood of iron, one of the 








most abundant elements in nature. Atoms in the region 
of this minimum should be most stable, whereas atoms at 
the two extremes of the diagram should be susceptible to 
highly explosive transformations to other types. Such trans 
formations, in the case of normal radioactive disintegrations, 
cany us only short distances along the curve at the right 
of Fig. 25. A much longer jump, however, has now been 
achieved by the fission of uranium, which renders the large- 
scale use of atomic energy possible, in peace (be it noted) 
as well as in war. Atomic fusion of the lighter elements (as 
in the so-called ' hydrogen bomb *) would obviously release 
even greater amounts of energy per unit weight of matter 
transmuted. This has only recently been effected on a major 
scale on our planet (although, by bombarding a target of 
lithium with protons of 700,000 electron volts energy, Cock- 
roft and Walton induced the reaction, 7 U+ 1 H-* 4 He+*He, 
where the energy of the ejected a-particles exceeds 8,000,000 
electron volts, as early as 1932), but a chain of reactions in 
which the 12 C atom functions as a catalyst for the transfor 
mation of hydrogen into helium is regarded by astrophysicists 
as offering the first adequate explanation for the source of 
the heat of the sun throughout the lifetime of our solar 

Our own danger, that the means of initiating some such 
process on this earth may be discovered, that the resulting 
chain of reactions may get out of control, and that the success 
of the experiment may be announced to the rest of the 
universe in the form of a new and exceedingly bright star, 
is not immediately acute, but what the future will bring no 
man can tell. To end on a more cheerful note, however, 
let it be recorded that radioactive by-products of atomic 
energy stations are already being put to valuable use as 
c tracer elements/ permitting the extension of studies such 
as those described on page 173 to a degree that woulc^ 
otherwise be quite impracticable. 


And, as a reward for those who have followed this long 
discussion faithfully in spite of the warning on page 175 
that I should neither be whimsical nor give away any 
secrets on the manufacture of atomic bombs, here is a 
Ruthless Rhyme that has been circulating among chemists 
recently : 

This is the tale of Frederick Worms 
Whose parents weren't on speaking terms. 
When Freddy wrote to Santa Glaus 
He wrote in duplicate because 
One went to Dad and one to Mum ; 
Each asked for some plutonium. 
Now Frederick's father and his mother 
Without consulting one another 
Both bought a lump of largish size 
Intending it for a surprise. 
They met in Freddy's stocking and 
Laid waste some ten square miles of land. 

Learn from this tale of nuclear fission 
And don't mix science with superstition. 


Crucibles. B. Jaffe, 1930. 

* H. G. J. Moseley, 1887-1915.' Lord Rutherford, Proceedings 

of the Royal Society of London, 1917. 

At Home among the Atoms. J. Kendall, 1929. 

Madame Curie, feve Curie, 1938. 

The Story of Atomic Energy. F. Soddy, 1949. 

* The Adventures of an Hypothesis.' J. Kendall, Proceedings of 

the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1950. 

The Title-page of the First Chemical Journal 

/ > 



t r tf & /fir -^ /''f/ff.^s <'f/fS 

The Title-page to Paper 16, by Mr Haliday 



THE preceding chapters have shown what young chemists, 
working singly, have accomplished in the achievement of 
great discoveries. The present chapter will demonstrate 
how young chemists, acting in unison, also anticipated their 
elders in the institution of chemical societies and chemical 
journals. Without discussion and publication of ideas, 
chemistry would indeed be a dead subject, and young 
chemists were the first to find the best way to keep it alive. 

In very olden days chemists did not forgather merely 
as chemists ; they merged themselves in broader organisa 
tions such as the Royal Society. The c chemical revolution 5 
which had its real beginning with the work of Joseph Black 
and which culminated in the overthrow of the phlogiston 
theory by Lavoisier aroused, for the first time, a popular 
interest in the special science of chemistry. Until recently, 
world priority among the chemical societies that resulted 
therefrom was by general agreement conceded to theGhemical 
Society of Philadelphia, founded by James Woodhouse in 
1792. An account of the work of this society and of its 
founder will be given in a later chapter (pages 199-201). 

The title of the Chemical Society of Philadelphia was not 
questioned until 1935. In April of that year the Edinburgh 
University Chemical Society met to celebrate its Diamond 
Jubilee, being under the impression that it was founded 
only sixty years previously, and I was requested to prepare 
a speech for the occasion. Reading Sir William Ramsay's 
biography of Joseph Black to obtain some historical material 
for this oration, I came across the statement that, among 
tbe correspondence of Joseph Black, Ramsay had discovered 
a sheet of paper, of which only the date, 1785, was in Black's 

(969) 181 W 

1 82 


handwriting, entitled c List of the Members of the Chemical 
Society.' Ramsay remarked regarding this as follows : 

This may have been a society of persons residing in Edinburgh 
interested in Chemistry, but is more likely to have been a general 
society. . . . The only name that I can recognize is that of 
Dr Thos. Beddoes [the founder of the Pneumatic Institute and 
the 4 discoverer ' of Sir Humphry Davy] ; the names themselves 
would indicate that their possessors belonged to all parts of the 

The complete list of names fifty-nine in all is repro 
duced below : 

John Webster 
Wm. Scott 

Jas. Forster 
Sam. Black 
Jno. Black 
Jas. Plumbe 
Wm. Johnston 
Thos. Clothier 
Henry Johnston 
Peter Gernon 
Robt, Ross 
L. van Meurs 

(amteemann batavis) 
Hugh Brown 
John Boyton 
Edw. Fairclough 
Bicker McDonald 
E. Galley 
An. Mann 

Hen. N. Ward 
Morgan Deasy 
H. Pache 
Jno. Gay 
Tho. McMorran 
Adam Gillespy 
Thos. Burnside 
Corn. Pyne 
J. Unthank 
J. Barrow 
J. Dona van 
Saml. Macoy 
G. Tower 
J. Sedgwick 
T. Skeete 
Wm. Robertson 
J. Sprole 
Thos. Cooke 
Thos. Edgar 
Guyton Jolly 

J. Alderson 
J. McElwaine 
T. Gill 
T. Willson 
Frs. Montgomery 
Thos. Swainson 
Archd. Webb 
J. Crumbie 
Geo. Marjoribanks 
T. Grieg 
J. Parr 
Alex. Stevens 
Wm. Symonds 
Thos. Beddoes 
J. Thompson 
G. Kirkaldie 
J. Carmichel 
Nich. Elcock 
Richd. Gray 
J. Hayle 

The idea struck me that an examination of the register 
of students at the University of Edinburgh at that period 
might identify more of the names in the above list. This 
register was accordingly consulted, and within a quarter of 
an hour it was established that no fewer than fifty-three out 
of the fifty-nine were students attending Black's class in 
chemistry at Edinburgh University during the years 1 783-7. 


Thanks to the kindly zeal of Dr Alexander Morgan, five 
of the missing six were also subsequently traced as registered 
students of Joseph Black between 1780 and 1788. The 
only name on the list definitely unlocated is that of Peter 

In the light of the above discoveries, it became my 
pleasant duty to inform my fellow-members of the Edinburgh 
University Chemical Society at their c Diamond Jubilee 
luncheon ' that they had been called together under false 
pretences, since they were actually celebrating their Sesqui- 
centenary ! For it is quite plain that the society of 1 785 was 
not, as Ramsay surmised, a general society. It was, on the 
contrary, a society consisting of those members of Black's 
class with a special interest in chemistry in other words, 
it was the Chemical Society of the University of Edinburgh. 
How long it survived after 1785 we have still no knowledge, 
but once the origin of its membership had been fixed the 
possibility, noted by Ramsay, of locating 'some one of 
their descendants in possession of some record of its pro 
ceedings and history,' clearly became much more likely of 

Twenty-one out of the fifty-nine members are on the list 
of medical graduates of the University of Edinburgh between 
the years 1784-90, This list also gives the nationality in 
each case, and it is interesting to find that, of the twenty-one 
only three were native Scots, three English, and the residual 
fifteen all Irish ! Joseph Black was himself, of course, 
of Belfast ancestry, and the proportion of Irish students in 
the Scottish universities has always been significant ; but 
such a preponderance as this is very surprising. Whether 
its Irish element was responsible for the disruption of the 
society (it is ominous that Bicker McDonald and J. Unthank 
were both Hibernians) is a question that, perhaps just as 
well, we are not in a position to press. 

The first chemical society in the world to complete a 
hundred years of continuous existence was the Chemical 
Society of London, the official records of which state that 


c on the 23rd of February., 1841, twenty-five gentlemen 
interested in the prosecution of Chemistry met together at 
the Society of Arts to consider whether it be expedient to 
form a Chemical Society.' Even after the publication of my 
account of the origin of the Chemical Society of the Univer 
sity of Edinburgh, the Chemical Society of London could 
still, quite justifiably, object that no evidence had been 
adduced that the Chemical Society of 1785 ever really 
functioned as a society. Nothing definite was known of its 
activities ; there were no publications, no records of meetings, 
merely a list of names. How this deficiency was remedied 
will now be described. 

In March 1947 I received a letter from the Rev. P. J. 
McLaughlin, D.Sc., of St Patrick's College, Maynooth, to 
the effect that he had discovered in the archives of the Royal 
Irish Academy, Dublin, a folio volume containing a collec 
tion of * Dissertations read before the Chemical Society 
instituted in the beginning of the Year 1785.' This volume, 
according to its tide-page, had been presented to the Royal 
Irish Academy a century previously, in January 1846. No 
specific mention of its source was apparent anywhere in the 
volume, and it remained a puzzle to Dr McLaughlin until 
he was referred by chance by Dr Farrington, Librarian of the 
Academy, to an article which I had written in Endeavour in 
1942 on * Some eighteenth-century chemical societies. 3 A 
partial list of the contributors, which Dr McLaughlin sent 
me, consisted of names that all appear on Joseph Black's 

I wrote at once to the Council of the Royal Irish Academy 
requesting them to be kind enough to loan the volume to 
the Royal Society of Edinburgh so that I might have the 
opportunity of inspecting it carefully. This favour was 
promptly accorded, and examination of its contents soon 
convinced me that I indeed held in my hands the first 
volume of the Proceedings of the Chemical Society of the 
University of Edinburgh. Presumably the unknown secre- 


tary of the society, to whose admirable diligence this record 
owes its being, was one of the formidable fraction of Irish 
members and retained possession of his handiwork when he 
returned to his native country. 

The book is a well-bound folio of 452 pages in copper 
plate manuscript, and contains thirty-two dissertations on 
topics of chemical interest. Some of the title-pages to the 
communications are true works of art. All of the con 
tributors are on Joseph Black's list, with the exception of 
Numbers 22 and 27, Mr William Lecky and Mr S. Latham 
Mitchill, and it must be assumed that these gentlemen joined 
the society after its inception. At the conclusion of Paper 15 
the words are added: 'Edin r , 26 th , Nov* 1785*; this is 
the only direct reference to Edinburgh in the volume. The 
beautifiolly clear handwriting throughout does not indicate, 
as I fondly supposed on first inspection, that students of that 
period were all experts in penmanship ; its identity in 
numerous papers bears witness to the employment of 
professional scriveners. These occasionally could not 
decipher chemical terms contained in the manuscript, and 
left blanks for their subsequent insertion ; where such 
insertions have been made they are still apt to be almost 

Unfortunately the thirty-two communications include 
very little matter of major scientific importance, and my 
expectation that the volume might afford a valuable, as well 
as a unique, record of contemporary chemical thought has 
not been felicitously realised. I had hoped to find the great 
Joseph Black himself participating in discussions upon the 
onslaught that Lavoisier was then launching against the 
phlogiston theory of Stahl, but Black suffered much from 
ill health during his latter years and there is no note of his 
attendance at any of the meetings of the society. References 
to e the learned Doctor * and to his work, however, are very 
frequent. Most of the papers are routine descriptive chem 
istry of the classical period, and one of the most promising 
of the few exceptions ' An attempt to point out some of 


the Consequences which flow from Mr Cavendishes Dis 
covery of the Component Parts of Water/ by Mr Thomas 
Beddoes peters out, after a tantalising start, into an 
addendum entitled e A Conjecture concerning the Use of 
Manure ' ! Evidently the youthful Humphry Davy was 
not unduly disrespectful when he described Dr Beddoes, 
under whose direction he was working at the Pneumatic 
Institution at Clifton in 1799-1800, to be e as little 
fitted for a Mentor as a weather-cock for a compass " 
(page 16). 

This disappointment, however, emboldened me to make 
a second request to the Council of the Royal Irish Academy, 
a request which I should not have felt justified in making 
if the volume had proved to be of greater intrinsic value, 
namely that the Council should agree to return the volume 
to its original owners, the Chemical Society of the University 
of Edinburgh. To this request the Council of the Royal 
Irish Academy graciously assented, and I was accordingly 
able, at a meeting of the Society held on 25 November 1947, 
to make formal restoration to the first chemical society in 
the world of the first volume of its Proceedings. Even if it 
has no great scientific significance, it does after all constitute 
the first journal extant of a purely chemical character, 
antedating by five years the Annales de Chimie initiated in 
Paris in 1790, and extracts from it may well prove worthy 
of wider publication. 

Careful examination, indeed, has disclosed that one paper 
does contain matter of significant historical interest. 

The penultimate paper of the first volume of the Proceed 
ings of the Chemical Society of the University of Edinburgh, 
presumably read in the latter part of the year 1786, is 
entitled : * Some Account of the Theories of Combustion, 
of Heat, of Light, and of Colour,' by Mr John Carmichaell. 
That this youthful philosopher was well aware that he had 
undertaken a heavy responsibility in discussing all these 
topics at once is seen by a Latin subscript to the title : 


* Lent me conigite manuj which may be freely translated : 
e Don't spank me too severely for my mistakes ! ' We shall 
concern ourselves here solely with his views on the burning 
topic of phlogiston (see page 9). Mr Carmichaell plunges 
right into the fight in his first paragraph : 

Mr President : Stahl was the first who reduced Chemistry 
to a regular Science, and enriched it by addition, or at best the 
Extention, of Becher's doctrine of the Inflammable Earth, Phlo 
giston, or the Principle of Inflammability. Altho' perhaps we 
owe the advanced State in which we find the Science at this day 
to the introduction of this Principal, as it has all along afforded 
such easy and clear explanation of all Chemical Phenomena, 
yet it is frequently the cause of the utmost confusion and Ambi 
guity, as in speaking of it or endeavouring to describe it there 
are hardly two Persons who seem to possess any distinct or even 
the same ideas concerning it, or in describing it use the same 
language. It is covered with a dark Veil and protected by 
inexplicable Jargon. 

After citing a number of examples of such jargon, Mr 
Carmichaell proceeds : 

However hypothetical this doctrine may appear, it has for 
long met with Courtesy, and Men of Science have unanimously 
countenanced it, and perhaps it might long have remained to 
be so, luted in the most perfect security, had not the Experiment 
ing Genius of a Rey, Hales, Priestiey, Bayen, Lavoisier or some 
other called in question on what Men of more confined or less 
exalted ideas of nature would have reckoned sacriligeous to 
have attempted. 

Before bidding adieu to the Manes of Phlogiston and wishing 
its Eternal Oblivion, the ingenuity of a Scheele and a Crawford 
demand our serious attention. 

The body of Mr CarmichaelTs paper consists, in fact, of 
a discussion of the experiments and theories of c the ingenious 
Mr Scheele, 5 c the studious Macquer/ the learned Lavoisier * 
and c the ingenious Dr Lubbock. 5 Having then explored the 
nature of heat, light and colour rather less difiusedly, he 
concludes as follows : 


And asking forgiveness of the Society for the many inac 
curacies, perhaps neither few nor small, that I may have been 
Led into, I conclude with the following line from Virgil which 
I think is applicable to this fanciful Proteus Phlogiston : 

Vcnit summa. dies 

Fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium et ingens gloria Teucrorum. 

Now what is there remarkable in the fact that this 
young medical student should have announced so con 
fidently in 1786 that the last hour of phlogiston had 
arrived ? To answer this question I shall need to discuss the 
contemporary views of more famous chemists, particularly 
Joseph Black. 

The opinion is still common among chemists that Joseph 
Black was among the last to abandon the theory of phlogiston 
and to accept the ideas of Lavoisier. P. Rousseau has 
painted this vivid picture : 

StahTs phlogiston loses its supporters one by one. . 
Ghaptal has already banished phlogiston from his course of 
lectures at Montpellier ; Berthollet follows suit in 1785. In 
1786 it is the turn of Guyton de Morveau . . . the following 
year it is Fourcroy who burns what he has idolised . . . and 
claims the glory of being the first to teach officially Lavoisier's 
theory. Abroad, there is a much more lively resistance, especially 
hi England and Germany, Slowly, however, the learned men 
renounce their errors ; Jacquin in Holland, the famous Black, 
There are only a few irreconcilables. ... 

This misrepresentation originates essentially from John 
Robison, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University 
of Edinburgh and the first secretary of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh, who edited the posthumous edition of Black's 
Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry. In the course of 
his editorial observations thereto, Robisou relates in detail 
how Lavoisier, in July 1790, learning that Black thought 
well of his theory and had introduced it into his lectures, 
sent Mm a long letter full of flattery to inform him of his 


inexpressible joy. How Black wrote a very plain, candid 
and unadorned reply, expressing his acquiescence. How 
Lavoisier answered this by praising in the highest terms the 
elegance of its style, the profoundness of its philosophy, etc., 
etc., and asked permission to publish it in the Annales de 
Ckimie. How Black, who had been in very low spirits when 
he wrote that letter, and was much dissatisfied with Its feeble 
ness, grew disgusted and refused, and how the letter appeared 
in print before his refusal reached Paris. How Black found 
out that Lavoisier, after all this obsequiousness, did not once 
mention Black's name in his scientific publications, but 
discussed Black's ideas as if they were all his owru How 
Black saw red and resumed his criticism of Lavoisier's theory, 
expressing his utter disapprobation of the bullying manner 
in which the French chemists were trying to force their 
system on the world. 

Is there an atom of truth in this story ? That question 
can now be definitely answered in the negative, owing to 
a discovery made in 1949 by Dr Douglas McKie, and I 
shall proceed to give a condensed account of this discovery, 
since it leads me right back to young Mr CarmichaelL 

In September 1793 two representatives of the Paris 
revolutionary committee called upon Lavoisier to search and 
seal his papers. Some letters written in English were taken 
away ; they are now in the Archives de France, and among 
them are two from Joseph Black. The first, dated 24 October 
1790, is the * very plain, candid and unadorned letter' 
alluded to by Robison. The following extracts are relevant 
here : 

You have been informed that I endeavour in my Courses 
to make my Pupils understand the new principles and explana 
tions of the Science of Chemistry which you have so happily 
invented and that I begin to recommend them as more simple 
& plain and better supported by Facts than the former system, 
and how could I do otherways ? Your numerous & well con 
trived experiments have been performed with such uncommon 


accuracy & attention to every circumstance of any importance . . . 
that nothing can be more satisfactory than the proofs of the 
Facts which you have investigated. And the System you have 
founded on these facts is so strictly connected with them and 
so simple & intelligible that it must be approved more & more 
ervery day and will even be adopted by many of those Chemists 
who have long been habituated to the former System : To gain 
them all is not to be expected, you know too well the power of 
habit which enslaves the minds of the bulk of mankind and 
makes them believe & reverence the greatest absurditys. I must 
confess that I felt the power of it myself, having been habituated 
30 years to believe & teach the doctrine of Phlogiston as formerly 
understood. . . . But tho the power of habit may prevent many 
of the older Chemists from approving of your Ideas, the younger 
ones will not be influenced by the same power ; they will uni 
versally range themselves on your side of which we have experience 
in this university where the students enjoy the most perfect 
liberty of chuseing their philosophical opinions. They in general 
embrace your system and begin to make use of the new nomen 
clature in proof of which I send you two of their inaugural 
dissertations in which chemical subjects were chosen ; these 
Dissertations are wrote entirely by the students ; the Professors 
have no share in them. 

Black certainly does not seem to have written this letter 
in very low spirits, or to have any reason to be dissatisfied 
with its feebleness ; Robison's subsequent statement that he 
was so disgusted by the artful flattery of Lavoisier's reply 
that he refused to permit its publication is refuted by a 
second letter, hitherto unpublished, sent from Edinburgh on 
28 December 1790, which begins thus : 

Mr Gahagan who is just returned to this Place made me 
happy with your letter of the igth Nov r . last & with the account 
he gave me of the ardor with which you still pursue your philos 
ophical researches. It gave me pleasure also to find that you 
are satisfyed with the avowal I have made of my approbation 
of your System of Chemistry. You have my full consent to 
publish my letter. This consent I consider as a tribute I owe 
to truth and the eminent Rank you hold as a promoter & Patron 
of the Science of Chemistry : in publishing it you may leave 
out any parts of it which you think superfluous. 


Lavoisier was, accordingly, perfectly justified when he 
published a French translation (by Madame Lavoisier) of 
Letter I in the Annales de Chimie in March 1791. As Dr 
McKie succinctly remarks : ' The translation is unexcep 
tionable and Black's wishes have been scrupulously 
observed. The whole incident does credit to two great 
chemists. 5 

In Black's first letter to Lavoisier, he mentions that he is 
sending him two inaugural dissertations written by his 
students, which make use of the new nomenclature. Now, by 
good fortune, Mr John Carmichaell is one of the twenty-one 
original members of the Chemical Society instituted in 1 785 
whose name appears on the list of medical graduates of the 
University of Edinburgh, This inspired me to disinter a copy 
of his inaugural dissertation from the vaults of the University 
library, in the hope that it might contain matter of interest. 
My hope was, indeed, richly fulfilled. 

The dissertation is entitled De Fermentalione y and was 
submitted in August 1787. It is not easy to decode, since 
it is written entirely in Latin of very uncertain pedigree, 
but a short translated extract from its introductory para 
graphs will suffice to show that Dr Carmichaell was of the 
same mind with regard to phlogiston in 1787 as Mr Car 
michaell was in 1786 : 

The philosophers of our age have advanced chemistry con 
siderably ; current knowledge has thrown much new light on 
the science ; it is now possible to discuss many operations with 
precision ; the necessity of taking the air into consideration is 
now well established ; phlogiston, that mysterious principle, 
has by almost unanimous consent been cast out of chemistry, 
while in place of shadow, substance is to-day favoured by the 

For these reasons, I have chosen the doctrine called the 
s pneumatic doctrine.' 

On the basis of this doctrine, consequently, Dr Car 
michaell develops his treatise on fermentation, with refer- 


enees to Black (clarissimus] and Lavoisier (hodie primarius 
scientissimus). His argument, however, is not very interesting 
from a modern point of view, for he is flogging what is now 
a very dead horse. Perhaps the most significant line in his 
thesis is on the tide-page, where he proudly announces 
himself as Extraordinary Member and President for the Year 
of the Chemical Society of Edinburgh. For this makes it 
dear, first, that the Society was not an ephemeral organisa 
tion, but survived at least into the year 1 787, and secondly, 
that the anti-phlogistic opinions expressed in Mr Car- 
michaelTs paper to the Society (pages 186-8) received such 
general approbation that his fellow-members almost immedi 
ately thereafter proceeded to elect him their president. It 
is almost certain, moreover, in view of the final paragraphs 
of Black's first letter to Lavoisier, that Dr CarmichaelTs 
inaugural dissertation of 1787 was one of the two exhibits 
sent to Paris in 1790. 

Although Black states that his students enjoyed c the most 
perfect liberty of chuseing their philosophical opinions,' few 
teachers will doubt that the majority moulded their views on 
the pronouncements of their professor, and the first volume 
of the Proceedings of the Chemical Society of the University 
of Edinburgh renders it practically certain that Black, in 
1785-6, while endeavouring to present both doctrines to his 
chemistry class as impartially as possible, was already leading 
the more perspicacious among them from the old path to 
the new. When leisure allows me, I plan to look through 
all the Inaugural Dissertations of a chemical nature sub 
mitted to the Faculty of Medicine in the years between 1785 
and 1790 to check this assumption and to discover how many 
other converts to Lavoisier's ideas, besides Dr Carmichaell, 
testified in Edinburgh during that period. The search will 
also, I hope, enable me to extend the c active life ' of our 
first chemical society still further, perhaps even beyond 

I wish, in particular, to find out more about Dr John 
Garmichaell ; his thesis does disclose a few additional details. 


First, the word Scotus after his name indicates that he was 
among the native minority of the original members of the 
Chemical Society (p. 183). Second, he was also a member 
of the Royal Medical Society, a student organisation founded 
in 1737 (what pioneers Edinburgh students of that century 
were !) and still flourishing. Third, he dedicates his disserta 
tion to his kinsman, Thomas Hay, Esquire, of the Royal 
College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. So far, my search for 
facts of his later life has been fruitless, but I am still on his 
trail. 1 

And now, my readers, if you possess friends with a 
common interest in chemistry, don't you think it would be 
well worth while to start a chemical society of your own for 
the discussion of topics of current importance ? You might 
even keep a record of the papers presented by members at 
the meetings of such a society, and this record might help 
chemical historians of the year 2100 to appreciate the 
scientific problems of today. 

1 Through the kindness of J. G. Kyd, Chairman of the Scots Ancestry 
Research Society, I have been furnished with the following data regarding 
Dr John Carmichaell : 

1. His father, Dr Michael Carmichaei ' of Hizellhead in the parish of 
Carmichall/ was married on 25 April 1756 to Miss Mary Hay, daughter 
of John Hay, W.S., of the North-East parish of Edinburgh. 

2. The Carmichaei family appears to have been resident at Eastend, 
Carmichaei (a village near Lanark), for centuries. John's elder brother 
Maurice became head of the family on the death of his uncle in 1 789. 

3. John Hay, W.S., a great-grandson of Sir John Hay of Barra, accompanied 
Prince Charles to France and was attainted in 1745. It was to his nephew, 
Thomas Hay, M.D., of Edinburgh (born 1751 died 1816), the fifth son 
of Thomas, Lord Huntington, that Dr John Carmichaei dedicated hb in 
augural dissertation in 1787. 

4. John himself was born at Hazelhead, Carmichaei, on 20 February 
1766. No details of his career after graduation have yet come to light 



The Life and Letters of Joseph Black, M.D. Sir William Ramsay, 

* Some Eighteenth-Century Chemical Societies. 3 J. Kendall, 

Endeavour, 1942 

Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, by the late Joseph Black. Edited 
by J. Robison, 1803 

* Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, F.R.S.' Dr McKie, Notes and 

Records of the Royal Society of London, 1949 


I WISH to make this chapter a little more informal than those 
which have preceded it. I am about to deal with young 
American chemists, and Americans are not accustomed to 
insist on ceremony. 

There are several reasons why it is appropriate to include 
some young American chemists in this volume. In the first 
place, it was an American scientist, Benjamin Thompson, 
who founded the Royal Institution and gave it Humphry 
Davy. Benjamin Thompson's career was even more colour 
ful than that of Davy himself. He was a man who never 
did things by halves. Born in Massachusetts in 1753, he 
held commissions on both sides during the War of Independ 
ence. Davy married one wealthy widow, but Thompson 
married two. For eleven years he was the e Big Boss ' of 
Bavaria, running the country benevolently and wisely, and 
being created for his services Count Rumford of the Holy 
Roman Empire. He may even be regarded as the inventor 
of concentration camps, for the Encyclopaedia Britannica 
relates : 

In one day he had 2,600 beggars and depredators in Munich 
and its suburbs alone arrested and transferred to an industrial 
establishment which he prepared for them. In this institution 
they not only supported themselves, but earned a surplus for 
die electoral revenues. 

His great scientific work was a paper presented to the 
Royal Society of London in 1 798, in which he denied the 
current belief that heat was a material substance, postulating 
instead that it was a form of motion or energy that could 
be excited by friction. His interest in this question had first 
been roused by the enormous amount of heat developed 


during the boring of cannon. While in London, also, he 
applied himself to the discovery of methods for curing smoky 
chimneys and to improvements in fireplace construction ; 
every American who visits England still vexes himself with 
the same problems. But domestic friction finally excluded 
all other varieties of heat and energy from his mind. His 
second marriage, to the widow of the famous French chemist, 
Lavoisier, was not a comfortable one. He might be able to 
boss Bavaria, but he met his match in her. When he last 
met Davy in Paris on that stormy honeymoon tour of 1813, 
which I described on pages 25 and 42, they must have ex 
changed some interesting confidences. He died in the 
following year. 

A second, and more personal, reason why I should discuss 
young American chemists here is that I myself, as a young 
chemist, enjoyed the hospitality of the United States for 
fifteen years, teaching and doing research in New York City. 
During that period I acquired a warm admiration for 
American chemistry and American chemists, and I trust 
that you will pardon me if I incorporate into this chapter 
a few of my own reminiscences. 

My last, and most important, reason for recounting the 
achievements of some young American chemists is that the 
United States, as befits a youthful country, has always 
fostered the development of budding talent. Such has not 
always been the case in Europe ; it must have struck you, 
in the course of this volume, how frequently young chemists 
there have been discouraged and derided by their elders. 
Couper, Pasteur, Van 't Hoff, Arrheruus and Newlands are 
typical examples. All of these made discoveries which were 
shown later to be of first-class merit, but most of their seniors 
did all they could to suppress them. Nothing of that kind 
has ever occurred in America. 

Wilhelm Ostwald, who studied, as you will remember, 
the subject of youthful genius so intimately, was greatly 
wrought up over this whole question. * How can we get 
rid/ te asked, * of these old men with established reputations 


whose minds have become fossilised and who are hindering, 
instead of assisting, the progress of chemistry ? 9 Fortunately 
the problem, in democratic countries at any rate, is no longer 
an acute one. Antipathy to accept young ideas proved to 
be only a passing phase, a product of the exaggerated respect 
for age and authority that characterised the Victorian era. 
Nobody discouraged Moseley or Bohr, nobody derided 
Frederic Joliot or Irene Joliot-Gurie. We elders have made 
such a muddle of affairs in general that, in science at least, 
we are content to look now to the younger generation for 
our salvation. 

In certain totalitarian states, on the other hand, science 
has been made utterly subservient to government control, and 
the results have already proved calamitous for science. The 
spirit of independent research, which demands freedom of 
ideas, has been killed. 

Let me begin this chapter proper with a personal anec 
dote, illustrative of the way in which America welcomes 

I first went to the United States in 1913, after two years 
of wandering around Europe, working in various research 
laboratories. I had received an appointment as instructor 
in chemistry at Columbia University, and I took my 
approaching duties very seriously. In the course of my 
Continental travels I had acquired quite a library of scientific 
books, which I thought would be necessary for the prepara 
tion of my lectures. Half-way across the Atlantic I was given 
a long form to fill up, a customs declaration, and I began 
to get worried whether I should have to pay a large duty 
(which I could not afford) on those books. One clause of 
the declaration, however, stated that the implements of one's 
profession were duty free, and I decided that the books 
were going to be the * implements of my profession.' 

The customs inspector I drew on the landing-stage 
thought differently. e You gotta pay a lot of duty on these 
books, buddy ! * he informed me as soon as he opened up 

(969) 14 


my heavy trunks. * Nothing doing ! ' I replied. e They are 
the tools of my trade. I need these books to teach chemistry 
at Columbia University.' ' You're telling me ! * was the 
answer. * Axes is tools, and saws is tools, but books is just 
books ! ' Things were looking very black until, sorting out 
my tomes into two heaps, English and foreign (only the 
former, it seemed, were dutiable), he came across some in 
Swedish. His attitude changed immediately ; it turned out 
that he was of Swedish parentage himself. * Say, Doc ! 
can you speak Swedish ? ' he inquired. I explained that I 
had lived in Sweden for a year and I knew the words all 
right, but I was still a bit shaky on the tune. He gave me 
a test and found that I was telling the truth. Thenceforth 
there was never any question of duty, our talk became 
purely a friendly one. 

He discovered volumes in French, in German and in 
Italian, and called upon his colleagues to examine me in 
each of these three languages. Finally he ran into a volume 
in Russian. You don't say you speak Russian too, Prof ! * 
he exclaimed. I confessed that I was not an expert, but 
could keep my end up in an ordinary conversation. A fifth 
inspector proved that this was correct, and then he took them 
all a little distance apart to go into a huddle on my case, 
leaving me to meditate how difficult it was to get into 
America and to wonder how anybody ever managed to 
enter at all. 

They came back in a body, and he asked me point- 
blank : How much money are they going to pay you, 
Professor, for teaching chemistry at Columbia ? * I told him 
100 dollars a month. * See here,' he cried, ' don't you be 
a darned fool ! You ain't going to teach chemistry at 
Columbia at 100 dollars a month. Me and my friends 
can get you a job as interpreter at 200 dollars a month, 
right here on this dock ! * 

That was my reception in America ; before I had 
actually set foot on shore my salary had been raised 100 
per cent I But I was a darned fool, I went to Columbia, 


and fifteen years later my friends told me that I was a darned 
fool again when I left the United States and returned to 
Great Britain. The call of my alma mater , Edinburgh, how 
ever, was too attractive for me to resist. 

Long before, in 1 794, America had given an enthusiastic 
welcome to another English chemist, Joseph Priestley. This 
distinguished veteran, the leading scientist of his day in 
Great Britain, had made himself obnoxious to his fellow- 
countrymen by his open sympathy with the French Revolu 
tion, and on 14 July 1791 a riot occurred in Birmingham 
in the course of which his house and laboratory were pillaged 
and burned by the mob. He and his wife barely escaped 
with their lives to London. Even there he was not free from 
threats of personal violence, and finally he emigrated with 
his family to the United States. As a victim of oppression, 
he was made a national hero on his arrival ; one New York 
newspaper published the following editorial : 

The name of Joseph Priestley will be long remembered 
among all enlightened people ; and there is no doubt that 
England will one day regret her ungrateful treatment of this 
venerable and illustrious rrmn. His persecutions in England have 
presented to him the American Republic as a safe and honourable 
retreat in his declining years ; and his arrival in this city calls 
upon us to testify our respect and esteem for a man whose whole 
life has been devoted to the sacred duty of diffusing knowledge 
and happiness among nations. 

America soon discovered, however, what a cantankerous 
old customer she had to handle. Priestley might approve 
of revolutions in ordinary affairs, but he did not extend his 
approval to revolutions in chemistry. There he was dictator 
and his word was law. When, however, he attempted to 
cram his stale theory of phlogiston, which Lavoisier had 
dumped into the dustbin, down the throats of American 
chemists, he found an unexpected opponent in James Wood- 
house, a young man who had been appointed to the chair 
of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania after Priestley 


had refused the position. It looked at first like a pygmy 
fighting a giant, but the pygmy proved that he was more 
than capable of holding his own. In a beautifully written 
little paper published in ' the Transactions of the American 
Philosophical Society in 1799, Woodhouse showed that Priestley's 
arguments and experiments were equally absurd. Poor 
Priestley, who had rejoiced when he landed that America 
was a country 'where every man enjoys the invaluable 
liberty of speaking and writing whatever he pleases/ now 
found American chemists altogether too independent for 
his liking. But James Woodhouse was a fair and chivalrous 
adversary, Dr John Maclean, of Princeton, attempted to 
assist him in the attack on Priestley in a rather injudicious 
way. Woodhouse at once wrote an article in which he 
demonstrated that Priestley was quite right on the points 
to which Maclean had objected, and then proceeded to pink 
him in several more places that Maclean had overlooked. 
One can almost hear this young republican saying to his 
colleagues : * I don't want any help ! You go away and 
find an Englishman of your own to fight ! * x 

This same James Woodhouse, at the tender age of 
twenty-two, had done another interesting thing : he had 
founded in 1792 the Chemical Society of Philadelphia, long 
considered to be the oldest chemical society in the world 
(see page 181). Woodhouse's society, which, as might be 
expected, * favoured Lavoisier's doctrine of combustion, ' 
lapsed with the untimely death of its founder in 1809. 
Several papers presented at its meetings, however, have 
survived, and the title-page of one of them is reproduced 
on page 201. This records a real landmark in scientific 
discovery, the invention of the <5&y-hydrogen blowpipe by 
Robert Hare, a student only twenty-one years of age, in 1802. 

1 A third young American chemist to oppose, in a very friendly manner, 
the vkws of Priestley on phlogiston was Dr S. Latham Mitchill, professor 
of chemistry at Columbia College, the first teacher of chemistry in America 
to use the nomenclature of Lavoisier. We have already met Dr Mitchill 
twice in this volume first hi connection with Humphry Davy (p. 9) and 
second as a contributor to the first chemical journal (p. 185). 

"c t- 

I i 

s I 



of the 

of the 


An Account of the new method of supplying the Blow- 
Pipe either with common air or oxygen gas: and also 
of the effects of the intense heat produced by the 
combustion of the hydrogen and oxygen gases. 


Published by order 

of the 


to whom 

it -was presented 


Corresponding- member of the Society. 


Printed for the Chemical Society, 

By H. Maxwell, Columbia-House, 


FIG. 26 Title-page of Hare's book 



Hare's devices for raising the temperature of a flame 
were naturally crude, but it is on subsequent improvements 
on his fundamental idea that all modern methods of cutting 
and welding metals are based. Even with his original 
apparatus he managed to melt many substances previously 
regarded as infusible, and noted that certain bodies which 
did not fuse glowed brilliantly on exposure to the flame, 
a point which later entered more prominently into the 
* limelight/ The present oxy-acetylene blowpipe gives a 
much greater heat, and with its aid armour-plate two feet 
thick can be cut into sections and steel buildings rapidly 
taken apart. All this we owe, essentially, to Robert Hare. 

He later gave additional evidence of his practical scientific 
ingenuity in constructing new forms of the c voltaic pile/ 
He replaced the cumbrous and unmanageable Cruickshank 
troughs employed by Davy in the discovery of the alkali 
metals by an apparatus which he called a Deflagrator^ where 
any series of cells could be instantaneously brought into 
action or rendered passive at pleasure. The passage of time 
has rendered Hare's deflagrator obsolete, but as Edgar F. 
Smith has stated : 

It is not less a proof of the merit of Hare's apparatus that 
Faraday, in 1835, after having exhausted his ingenuity and 
experience in perfecting the voltaic battery, found that Hare 
had already, nearly twenty-five years before, accomplished all 
that he had attempted, and with a noble frankness worthy of 
all praise, he at once adopted Hare's instrument as embodying 
the best results then possible. 

The first electric furnace ever used 'promptly for 
gotten and re-invented many years later* was also con 
structed and employed by Hare. He obtained therewith 
calcium carbide, phosphorus and graphite all substances 
now manufactured in enormous quantities in modern electric 
furnaces. He came before his proper time. Had he lived 
a century later he would no doubt have entered the com 
mercial field and revolutionised chemical industry. As it 


was, he was appointed professor of chemistry in the University 
of Pennsylvania in 1818, and continued to hand on the torch 
of knowledge there for nearly thirty years. He died in 1858. 

I should be wrong if I gave you the impression that all 
young Americans are chemical wizards, and for this reason 
it will be opportune for me to interpolate an anecdote about 
one who, failing as a chemist, gained glory in a different 

James Abbott McNeill Whistler, as a youth, spent three 
years at West Point Military Academy, but was discharged 
therefrom for deficiency in chemistry. At his oral examina 
tion he was asked to discuss the chemistry of silicon. Stand 
ing at attention, he replied : * Silicon, sir, is a gas.' c That 
will do, Mr Whistler, 3 said the professor, and the examina 
tion was ended. Later on in life Whistler used to say : * If 
silicon had been a gas, I would have been a major-general/ 
Instead of that, as you all know, he won his way against 
intense opposition to international fame as an artist, the 
greatest artist that America has ever produced. The 
United States has not yet honoured any of its chemists on 
its postage stamps, but a reproduction of one of Whistler's 
best-known pictures, the portrait of his mother now hanging 
in the Luxembourg Gallery in Paris, was used as a special 
commemorative issue for * Mother's Day.' 

My next ' real * chemist is Charles Martin Hall, born in 
1863, the son of a minister in the village of Oberlin, Ohio. 
Perhaps I can best introduce him to you through the good 
offices of his teacher, Professor Jewett, who has provided us 
with the following summary of his own great discovery 
the discovery of a man : 

When I went to Oberlin, on my return from four years* 
teaching in Japan, there was a little boy about fourteen years 
old who used to come to the chemical laboratory frequently to 
buy a few cents' worth of glass tubing or test tubes or something 
of that sort and go off with them. He would come again after 
while to get some more things to work with. 


Not knowing anything about the boy I made up my mind 
that he would make a mark for himself some day because he 
didn't spend all his time playing but was already investigating. 
That boy was Charles M. Hall, the man who, at the age of 
twenty-two, discovered the method of reducing aluminium from 
its ores and making it the splendid metal that we now sec used 
all over the world. Hall was an all-round student, but he did 
have a special liking for science. 

After he had entered college and was part way through the 
regular course, I took him into my private laboratory and gave 
him a place by my side- discussing his problem with him from 
day to day. 

Possibly a remark of mine in the laboratory one day led him 
to turn his especial attention to aluminium. Speaking to my 
students, I said that if any one should invent a process by which 
aluminium could be made on a commercial scale, not only 
would he be a benefactor to the world but would also be able to 
lay up for himself a great fortune. Turning to a classmate, 
Charles Hall said, * I'm going for that metal.' And he went 
for it. 

He tried various methods in vain, and finally turned his mind 
to the idea that perhaps electricity would help get the metal out 
erf" its ores. So he focused his attention on that process. I loaned 
him what apparatus I had to spare, what batteries we could 
develop. And I think that most of you who have seen an electric 
battery would have laughed at the one we got up made as it 
was out of all sorts of cups, tumblers and so on, with pieces of 
carbon in them. But we finally got the current that was needed. 
Soon after this he was graduated and took the apparatus to 
his own home ; apparatus which he himself had made and 
which I had loaned to him. He arranged a little laboratory in 
the shed, continued his investigations and reported to me 

About six months later he came over to my office one morn 
ing, and holding out his hollowed hand, said, ' Professor, I've 
got it ! '^ There in the palm of his hand lay a dozen little globules 
of aluminium, the first ever made by the electrolytic process in 
this country. 1 This was the 23rd of February, 1886. After that 
he developed his invention to its final great success. 

1 These original globules the * crown jewels * of the aluminium industry 
are now carefully preserved in an aluminium 'jewel chest * in the offices 
of Ac Aluminum Company of America at Pittsburgh, 


A few sentences from Hall's own account of his early 
career, taken from an address which he made when he was 
presented with the Perkin Medal in 1911, are also worth 
recording : 

My first knowledge of chemistry was gained as a schoolboy 
at Oberlin, Ohio, from reading a book on chemistry which my 
father studied in college in the forties, I still have the book, 
published in 1841. It is minus the cover and the title-page, so 
I do not know the author. It may be interesting now to see what 
this book, published seventy years ago, says about aluminium : 
* The metal may be obtained by heating chloride of aluminium 
with potassium in a covered platinum or porcelain crucible and 
dissolving out the salt with water. As thus prepared it is a gray 
powder similar to platinum, but when rubbed in a mortar 
exhibits distinctly metallic lustre. It fuses at a higher temperature 
than cast-iron and in this state is a conductor of electricity but 
a non-conductor when cold.' 

Later I read about Deville's work in France, and found the 
statement that every clay bank was a mine of aluminium, and 
that the metal was as costly as silver. I soon began to think 
of processes for making aluminium cheaply. 

So this boy who, in order to make his battery-cells, had 
to chop the wood and cast the zinc plates with his own 
hands, dared to venture on an experiment in which Humphry 
Davy failed, and perfected a process which had baffled 
Wohler, Deville and many other world-renowned chemists 
who had been busy upon aluminium over a period of nearly 
half a century. The aluminium that Deville, improving 
upon earlier methods by employing the cheaper metal 
sodium in place of potassium for the reduction of aluminium 
chloride, produced in 1854 cost 18 per pound, and the 
world's annual output until 1885 was a few hundredweights 
only. The metal existed simply as a specimen on museum 
shelves, a chemical curiosity. Hall's fundamental discovery 
was the fact that natural oxide of aluminium (bauxite) readily 
dissolves in molten aluminium fluoride (cryolite), and that 
the solution is a good conductor of electricity. By passing 



a strong current through the mass in an electric furnace, 
therefore, molten aluminium is obtained at the cathode. 
The form of apparatus used iron tanks, lined with a carbon 
cathode, into which carbon anodes dip is illustrated in 
the accompanying diagram. 1 What a complete transforma 
tion this process has effected in the status of aluminium will 
be evident when I tell you that the world's annual produc 
tion of the metal is now approximately 1,500,000 tons, and 
that its price has been lowered to less than eighteen pence 
per pound. 

Aluminium is no longer, indeed, a chemical curiosity, 

FIG. 27 Manufacture of aluminium 

but a household necessity ; Hall has presented modern 
industry with a new metal. If all the aluminium produced 
in Great Britain alone each year went into the manufacture 
of aluminium kettles (only a minute fraction of it actually 
does, of course) and if these kettles were placed in a line, 
the line would stretch twenty times the distance from Land's 
End to John o* Groats. In the United States, where a 
considerably larger quantity of c aluminum * is made 
annually, it would be possible to connect every large city, 
from the Atlantic to the Pacific seaboards, with a complete 
network of kettles. What useful purpose the kettles might 
serve, arranged in this peculiar fashion, I cannot suggest, 
but the information is interesting all the same. Much 

* The molten ^Itumnium 15 tapped off from the floor of the cell as desired. 


larger amounts of aluminium, in point of fact, are used in 
the automobile and aeroplane industries ; without alu 
minium the modern car and the modern plane could never 
have been developed. Aluminium castings combine lightness 
with strength, aluminium mouldings and panels combine 
cheapness with beauty. 

One of the most important of all the uses of aluminium, 
however, is hidden from the general public, namely its 
service as a medicine " or a * scavenger ' in the manu 
facture of steel. When a small amount of aluminium (less 
than i part in 1,000) is added to molten steel, it combines 
with the gases dissolved therein and gives sound ingots free 
from blowholes. Aluminium is a metal much more active 
than iron, indeed, and can even combine most energetically 
with oxygen held by iron in combination. This property 
constitutes the principle of 6 thermite welding,* and also of 
something about which the general public heard a great 
deal during the Second World War, the thermite incen 
diary bomb. In both cases a mixture of finely granulated 
aluminium metal and iron oxide is ignited by means of a 
fuse, and the resulting reaction furnishes sufficient heat to 
raise the reduced steel to a temperature at which it is liquid. 
By this method steel rails are welded together and large 
castings, like propeller-shafts, when broken, can be mended. 

It was very lucky for Charles Martin Hall that he suc 
ceeded in making aluminium when he did ; had he waited 
only a little longer, he would have been forestalled. By 
another of those extraordinary coincidences to which you 
will have grown accustomed in the course of this volume, 
a second young man of twenty-two, Paul Heroult, made 
precisely the same discovery in France a few weeks later. 
A quarter of a century afterwards Heroult attended the 
meeting in New York at which Hall was presented with 
the Perkin Medal, and in extending his congratulations to 
the recipient he narrated the following amusing story about 
how he himself made his first acquaintance with aluminium : 


I had a friend who since then became my partner, but for 
the time being we were both c dead broke.' We had pawned 
everything in sight and also other things which were not in 
sight. Finally my partner had a bright idea. He brought from 
home a stick of aluminium about six inches long, which was 
valued very highly by his family as a personal souvenir of Sainte 
Claire Deville. As we handed it to the pawnbroker, the latter 
said : * What is that bar silver ? * 

We said ; ' Better than that, that is aluminium.' 

' Aluminium,' he said. ( What is that ? ' 

He weighed it in his hand and said : * Why 1 is that hollow ? * 

We said : * No, that is aluminium and it is worth 120 francs 
per kilo.' 

After some thought he said : ' Well, I will give you two 
francs for it.' 

On a hot summer's day it was better than nothing and we 
took the money with the firm intention of buying the stick back, 
which we never did. 

Maybe that was one of the reasons why, later on, I had to 
make good and replace it. 

The two young adventurers, unknown to each other, 
proceeded to work out methods for the large-scale manu 
facture of the metal on opposite sides of the Atlantic quite 
independently, and for several years chemical industry was 
buzzing with rumours that something new was coming. 
What actually came at first, particularly as far as Hall was 
concerned, was a long succession of patent suits. Big busi 
ness had refused to finance him until success was assured, 
now he was forced to defend himself against all kinds of 
legal devices to deprive him of the fruits of his labour. In 
1893 Judge William Howard Taft, subsequently President 
of the United States, ruled : 

Hall's process is a new discovery, a revolution in the art. 
Hall was a pioneer, and is entitled to the advantages which that 
fact gives him in the patent law. 

Appeals against this decision in America, nevertheless, did 
not end until 1903. The international difficulty was finally 

Irving Langmuir In Paris, 1893 

Irving Langmulr showing his nephews how to use 
a Slide-rule 

4 What next ? ' asked Edison 

On being shown, shortly before his death, some of the latest 

apparatus of scientific research by Dr Langmuir in the laboratories 

of the General Electric Company at Schenectady, even Thomas 

Edison is said to have exclaimed, * What next ? ' 


straightened out in an eminently satisfactory manner by 
assigning the American rights of the invention to Hall and 
the European to Heroult. 

The long struggle had its effect upon Hall. He could 
be a shrewd business man where his just rights were involved, 
but he had naturally, like Perkin, a very modest and retiring 
disposition, and in later life he remained secluded from the 
public eye as much as possible, interesting himself chiefly 
in music and art. On his death in 1914 his twin 3 Heroult, 
died in the same year he left his entire estate for the advance 
ment of education in America and the Orient. His own 
college at Oberlin received one-third, between twelve and 
fifteen million dollars. A life-size aluminium statue of the 
young dreamer planning his great discovery now stands in 
the chemical laboratory there, and it will interest you to 
compare this imaginative effort with an etching, also from 
Oberlin. 1 When that etching was made Hall was forty- 
three ; he remained a boy, in appearance at any rate, all 
his life. 

Some of you may feel that a discovery like Hall's could 
not be duplicated today, that by now we must know all 
there is to know about the manufacture of metals and the 
uses to which metals can be applied. Nothing of the sort ; 
there is still plenty to be done. Look at the metals of the 
rare earths, which we ran into during our final inspection 
of Mendelejeff Court. These are actually the big brothers 
of aluminium, but the difficulties of separating them from 
each other still hold them back from definite employment. 
* Mischmetall,* a mixture of them obtained from the natural 
ore, is a better reducing agent than aluminium itself, but 
its only use so far is in patent cigarette-lighters. Some day 
some young chemist will devise a cheap method of separating 
the rare earth elements, and then they also will cease to be 
museum curiosities and enter the service of mankind. 

Will you allow me, at this point, to tell another personal 

1 These are both reproduced in the picture facing page 201, 


anecdote? In December 1925 I was asked to deliver a 
lecture at the University of Minnesota on c The Rare Earths.' 
Arriving at Minneapolis, I purchased a local newspaper, 
and saw to my horror a headline therein : * Kendall to speak 
on Rare Herbs * ! The reporter went on to say that I was 
a noted authority on rare herbs, that I had written a book 
on rare herbs, and that I had discovered several new rare 
herbs all of which, of course, is untrue. The title of my 
talk, it seemed, had been given to the Press from the uni 
versity over the telephone, and had been slightly confused 
in transmission. When I entered the lecture theatre I found 
an enthusiastic audience which appeared to me, in my 
embarrassment, to be mainly composed of botanists, phar 
macists and bootleggers, all waiting to get the latest dope 
on rare herbs. I was undecided how to start, until I remem 
bered that one of the rare earth metals is named erbium. 
No Englishman is ever supposed to be capable of sounding 
an aspirate in the United States, so I concentrated my 
remarks on erbium for three-quarters of the lecture and then, 
when I ran out of material, switched to terbium and ytter 
bium. When all was over, I believe, some of my listeners 
were still uncertain as to whether I had been speaking 
about rare earths or rare herbs. 

Hall himself, in his youth, almost succeeded in bringing 
the most refractory of all metals, tungsten, to heeL His 
old professor, Jewett, relates as follows : 

At one time Hall suggested that he and I should undertake 
to find a better material than carbon for the fiber in the incan 
descent lamp. He concluded that tungsten would answer. It 
was agreed that I should furnish the materials and that he should 
da the work in my private laboratory. Here he had his own 
desk, which he continued to use during his senior year. He 
worked with tungsten compounds for a season and finally found 
one which we thought might answer the purpose. When a fiber 
made of this tungsten was subjected to as strong a current as the 
laboratory afforded it glowed brightly for an instant or two, 
then snapped asunder. It was planned to take up the subject 
later, but drcumstances would not permit* 


If Hall had stuck to tungsten our modern tungsten- 
filament lamp might have arrived twenty years earlier ! 
And the mention of the electric lamp brings me to the last 
of my young American heroes Irving Langmuir. 

Irving Langmuir was born at Brooklyn on 31 January 
1 88 1 , and is still active in scientific research. Active is 
altogether too mild a term to use in connection with Lang 
muir, but it must serve in default of a better. I myself have 
been privileged to count him among my friends nearly forty 
years, so I must be careful what I say about him here. 
Whatever the calendar may say, Irving Langmuir still 
retains all the zeal of youth. 

His father, a business man of Scots descent with four 
sons, of whom Irving was the third, accumulated a com 
fortable fortune and lost it all in a mining venture. During 
his last six years he directed the European agency of the 
New York Life Insurance Company in Paris, and Irving 
went to French schools for a time. Even before he left 
America, however, his elder brother Arthur had aroused 
his interest in chemistry to a point where he was emulating 
the exploits of Davy and of Faraday, 1 as the following stories 
demonstrate. Arthur is the narrator : 

I was a student of chemistry at Tanytown, N.Y., in 1887, 
and one of my first preparations was chlorine gas, which fascinated 
me, and I gloried in its smell. Walking home one night I carried 
a 4-oz. stoppered bottle of the gas and at the family fireside 
offered it to Irving, aged six, to smell. In his enthusiasm for 
science he did not smell but inhaled the contents of the bottle 
and nearly strangled then and there. Fortunately pneumonia 
did not develop, but my father closed down hard on any more 
chemistry. StM, after a few years, chemistry gradually crept 
back, and Irving and I performed many an experiment, mostly 
of a spectacular variety. 

We were particularly intrigued with iodide of nitrogen, which 
is really a domestic explosive, for it can be made readily from 
iodine and household ammonia and explodes when touched, 

1 See pages 12 and 40 


making a loud noise and a purplish smoke with a choking stench. 
Yet it is relatively harmless. We astonished many a cat by 
dropping wood smeared with iodide in his vicinity. In fact, in 
those days almost anywhere in the house one was liable to run 
into nitrogen iodide, as our baby brother Dean discovered one 
day, while running his hand along the window-sill. 

The rigid discipline of French instructors, naturally, 
did not suit a boy of this stamp, and Irving himself has 
confessed that, until he was fourteen, he * hated school, and 
did poorly at it/ His mother, writing home to a friend in 
1893, savs : 

Irving thinks exercise is of much more importance than his 
studies, and I guess it is just as well, for his brain is too active 
and I really think if he studied vigorously we could not send 
him to school. His brain is working like an engine all the time, 
and it is wonderful to hear him talk with Herbert on scientific 
subjects. Herbert says he fairly has to shun electricity for the 
child gets beside himself with enthusiasm and shows such in 
telligence on the subject that it fairly scares him. 

And Arthur adds : c When he could not find Herbert, 
Irving would back up his eight-year-old brother Dean into 
a corner and talk science to him until he cried for help/ 
I should like to testify here that my sympathies are entirely 
with brother Dean. I have frequently felt like calling for 
help myself under similar circumstances. 

In 1895 Irving himself suggested to his father that he 
be transferred to an American school. His brother Arthur 
had just completed his research work for his doctor's degree 
at Heidelberg, and was starling out as an industrial chemist. 
Many years later, at a dinner tendered to Irving on the eve 
of his sailing to Sweden to receive the Nobel Prize in chem 
istry, Arthur told the following story of the young schoolboy : 

In 1896 I became engaged to a charming young lady, whom 
Irving had loved and admired for several years. Ramsay and 
Lord Rayleigh had just published the fact that ordinary air 
contained an unknown and chemically stagnant and uninterest- 


ing dement, argon. In 1904 each of these men was awarded 
the Nobel Prize, just as Irving is winning it in 1932. I was telling 
my brother what I knew about this discovery and then changed 
the subject to what was uppermost in my mind, saying, * Irving, 
do you know that I am going to marry Alice Dean ? * His reply 
was * Oh/ a pause, and then, e But, Arthur, you were telling me 
about argon,' It was tVn's very element, this lazy argon, which 
Irving seventeen years later used as the ideal constituent of his 
gas-filled tungsten lamps. 

Once more I wish to add my own testimony that it is 
still impossible to switch Irving away from science when 
he has got Ms teeth into a topic, however artfully one 
may try. 

The following year, Arthur having married, Irving went 
to live in his brother's home while attending school in 
Brooklyn. He fitted up a laboratory in the fourth-storey 
flat and learned analysis under Arthur's tutelage. One 
evening a strontium nitrate red fire which they set off on 
the window-siH brought rattEng up on the cobblestones, to 
their great surprise, two fire-engines, a hook and ladder, 
and a salvage corps. At school he did no chemistry, since 
he was obviously too much of a handful for his teachers, 
but he came across a book on the calculus and mastered it 
in six weeks. Then, in 1899, he entered Columbia University, 
tafcmg a degree course in metallurgy because the chemistry 
curriculum did not contain sufficient physics and mathe 
matics. Graduating in 1903, he proceeded to Gottingen 
to conduct research work in physical chemistry under 
Walther Nernst. He was at this time still undecided regard 
ing his right career, as the following extract from a letter 
from his brother Herbert will show : 

The whole matter resolves itself into the question whether 
you have, or have not, exceptional ability in pure science research. 
If you simply have a well-grounded knowledge and a thorough 
efficiency, you should certainly go right into the business of 
chemistry, where you can be of most use to yourself and every 
body else. But if you are the exceptional man, it is, in my 
opinion, your duty to be one of the pioneer scholars in America. 

(99) * 


The time has come when this country must have her distinctive 
scholars* If they do not get great honour now, they surely will 
by the time you have done anything particularly worthy. 

The future was to prove that he was so exceptional that 
he could have it both ways. The best academic position 
that he could obtain on his return to America with a doctor's 
degree in 1906 was that of instructor in chemistry at Stevens 
Institute, Hoboken. In 1908, however, he attended a 
scientific meeting at Schenectady, and met an old Columbia 
classmate, Colin G. Fink, then on the staff of the General 
Electric Company. Fink took him through the research, 
laboratory there, and introduced him to various members 
of the staff, including the genial and gifted director, Willis R. 
Whitney. Langmuir saw that industrial research, as 
organised under Whitney's far-sighted direction, could be 
just as fascinating and fundamental as research in pure 
chemistry. The following summer he accepted an invita 
tion to spend part of his vacation at Schenectady, fully 
expecting to return to teaching in the autumn. Forty years 
later he was at Schenectady still. 

Whitney did not assign Langmuir at first to any definite 
problem, he simply suggested that he should browse around 
and become familiar with what the other men were doing. 
Langmuir found that certain of the staff were experiencing 
serious difficulties in the development of the new tungsten 
lamps. Tungsten was then just corning into use as a fila 
ment in electric-lamp bulbs, the extraordinarily high melting- 
point of the metal (3370 Centigrade) making it an ideal 
material for that purpose. One very troublesome question 
how to convert the infusible powder obtained by reduction 
into very fine wire had recently been solved in the General 
Electric laboratory by W. D. Coolidge, but the filaments 
still would not stand up properly in the vacuum bulbs of 
that period ; after a short time they became brittle and the 
lamps failed. 

It struck Langmuir that the tungsten wire might contain 


gaseous impurities, which were driven out by the heat of 
the current, and he suggested to Dr Whitney that he would 
like to heat various samples of wire in a high vacuum and 
measure the quantities of gas expelled. Whitney told him 
to go ahead. He did, and the very first results he obtained 
appeared to be utterly preposterous in two days a filament 
produced 7,000 times its own volume of gas and there seemed 
to be no likelihood that the gas evolution would ever stop. 

* Where can all this gas come from ? * Langmuir asked 
himself. Evidently not from the wire, and he gradually 
grew so absorbed in following up thfs topic and other 
theoretical points that arose in the course of its investigation 
that he never did get back to the practical problem of the 
wire itself. Other people have since discovered how to make 
tungsten more ductile and so to overcome the fragility of the 
filament ; curiosity led Langmuir into much more remote 
fields. Listen to his own confession : 

During these first few years, while I was having such a good 
time satisfying my curiosity and publishing scientific papers on 
chemical reactions at low pressures, I frequently wondered 
whether it was fair that I should spend my whole time in an 
industrial organisation on such purely scientific work, for I 
confess I didn't see what applications could be made of it, nor 
did I even have any applications in mind. Several times I talked 
the matter over with Doctor Whitney, saying that I could not 
tell where this work was going to lead us. He replied that it 
was not necessary, as far as he was concerned, that it should lead 
anywhere. He would like to see me continue working along 
any fundamental lines that would give us more information in 
regard to the phenomena taking place in incandescent lamps, 
and I should feel myself perfectly free to go ahead on any such 
lines that seemed of interest to me. For nearly three years I 
worked in this way with several assistants before any real applica 
tion was made of any of my work. In adopting this broad- 
minded attitude Doctor Whitney showed himself to be a real 
pioneer in the new type of modern industrial research. 

Whitney was indeed wise in allowing the young inves 
tigator so much rope, as later events showed. Langmuir's 

(969) I5a 


first discovery, that the gas released in such large amounts 
was chiefly hydrogen, originating from the water vapour 
adsorbed on the inner surface of the glass bulb and from 
the vaseline on the ground-glass joint of the vacuum system, 
led ultimately to his development of that vast improvement, 
the mercury vacuum pump. For the time being, however, 
he frankly admitted that he could not produce a better 
vacuum, and proposed instead to study the problem by 
deliberately making matters worse, by admitting various 
gases in varying amounts into the bulb. This looked per 
fectly absurd from a practical point of view, since every 
body knew that a high vacuum was necessary to avoid 
heat losses from the filament, which reduced its brightness, 
but again Whitney told him to go ahead and spoil the 

He found that when hydrogen was introduced into a 
lamp bulb the heat losses at high temperatures were simply 
enormous, far greater than could be accounted for under any 
known theory. Patient research proved that this was due 
to the fact that the glowing filament dissociated hydrogen 
molecules into atomic hydrogen, a process which absorbs a 
tremendous quantity of heat. This discovery, after fifteen 
years, was given an important practical application in the 
atomic hydrogen torch. In this torch, compared with which 
Hare's original oxy-hydrogen blowpipe is a mere toy, the 
hydrogen gas passes through an electric arc and is converted 
to atomic hydrogen just before it burns. The temperature 
produced transcends that attainable by any other means, and 
Langmuir's atomic hydrogen torch is therefore particularly 
valuable in welding highly refractory metals. 

The * blackening 3 of lamp bulbs in course of use, with 
a consequent rapid decrease in their efficiency, was con 
sidered when Langmuir started his work to be due to the 
impossibility of securing a perfect vacuum, and he therefore 
expected to find that the introduction of gases into the bulb 
would promote such blackening. Nothing of the kind 
occurred, except in the case of water vapour, where a specific 

The future King Edward the Seventh 

at the age of eighteen 
After the drawing by George Richmond 


chemical reaction takes place. Other gases, such as nitrogen 
and hydrogen, actually hindered the slow evaporation of 
atoms of tungsten from the white-hot filament. In the 
absence of gas, tungsten atoms shooting off from the surface 
of the filament travel straight on until they strike the inner 
surface of the bulb and stick there. But if gaseous molecules 
are present in quantity, an atom of tungsten leaving the 
filament is almost certain to bump into a gas molecule 
immediately, whereupon it rebounds right back on to the 
filament again. 

This epoch-making discovery resulted in the supersession 
of the old style of vacuum bulb by the newer * nitrogen- 
filled lamp.' Later, when it transpired that argon, one of 
the inert gases present in the atmosphere, works even better 
than nitrogen in suppressing blackening, the * argon-filled 
lamp ' was introduced. Practically all of the electric-lamp 
bulbs manufactured nowadays are of the gas-filled type, and 
the value of Langmuir's invention of this new type of illumina 
tion has been truly astounding. According to Dr Whitney, 
it has reduced by 50 per cent the cost of the light we buy, 
and even in 1928 it was effecting a saving in America alone 
of* one million dollars a night/ This nightly million dollars, 
of course, has not found its way into the pockets of Langmuir 
and his associates, neither has it all gone into big dividends, 
although no doubt the Board of the General Electric have had 
ample reason to bless Dr Whitney's indulgence towards what 
most directors would call * wastefiil and unnecessary research/ 
The principal beneficiaries have been the general public. 

Not at once, however, was the gas-filled lamp a com 
mercial possibility ; the difficulty of cutting down the heat 
losses inevitably taking place therein, by the conductance 
of heat through the gas, first had to be surmounted. The 
c squirrel-cage ' type of filament then in vogue (see Fig. 28) 
is not raised to a sufficiently high temperature for it to glow 
brilliantly in a gas-filled lamp unless the current is con 
siderably increased, and this involves a much larger bill to 
the consumer. The heat loss may be minimised by using 


a very thick filament, but this is not practicable except in 
lamps of very high candle-power. The problem was finally 
solved by a most ingenious device. The straight filament 
was abandoned in favour of a closely wound spiral of very 
fine wire, which acts with regard to heat loss as if it were 
a thick wire with the external dimensions of the spiral. 

This ' single-coiled tungsten filament ' (see Figs. 29 and 
30) held the field in electric lighting for twenty years. 
Later, however, it was displaced by a further development 
the * coiled-coil filament.' Here the coil is coiled again 

FIG. 28 * Squirrel-cage ' 
vacuum lamp 

FIG. 29 Modern gas- 
filled lamp 

upon itself, so that the final form approximates to a 
cylindrical wire of far greater diameter (see Fig. 31), and 
the efficiency of the lamp is thus increased by another 10 
to 20 per cent. Just look through a strong magnifying-glass 
at one of the ordinary 4O-watt lamps that you use now in 
your home, and marvel at the skill shown in its manufac 
ture. The filament of ductile tungsten must first be drawn 
down gradually, through diamond dies pierced with per 
fectly round holes, until it is as fine as a spider's web. One 
of the girls who does the work has said : c It's like threading 
a wire you can't see through a hole that isn't there. 5 This 
minute thread must then be coiled, and the coil coiled again, 
with such precision that not a single one of the 3,773 turns 

in the final filament touches its neighbour, although the 
space between is less than the thickness of cigarette paper. 
And the whole tiny structure, in use, must remain white-hot 
for 1,000 hours without breakage or distortion. It looks as 
if there is not much room left for future improvements. And 
yet, with men like Langmuir still active, who knows ? 

I am sorry that space does not permit me to describe to 
you his later work (for which he was awarded the Nobel 
Prize in chemistry in 1932) in detail. I am particularly 
interested in all that he has done myself, because in a very 
peculiar sense I can claim to be his scientific grandfather. 
As you have heard, living's first instructor in chemistry was 

FIG. 30 Single-coil filament FIG. 31 Coiled-coil filament 

(greatly enlarged) (greatly enlarged) 

his elder brother Arthur, and this same Arthur was a student 
of mine at Columbia University. Lest you should be puzzled 
as to my antiquity, I must hasten to add that this was after 
Arthur retired from chemical industry and had decided that 
now was the time for him to find out what was on the 
carpet in pure chemistry. Insatiable curiosity is evidently 
a characteristic of the Langmuir clan. To Arthur, as to 
Irving, chemistry was not work, it was a great game. And 
Arthur took a certain malicious glee in the statement : 
e Irving has won a great list of prizes, but there is one prize 
that will be for ever beyond his grasp/ That prize is one 
which Arthur himself initiated the American Chemical Society 
award of a thousand dollars yearly to young men under the 
age of thirty inspired by Irving's career as a lover of 
fundamental research without thought of material reward. 


Irving himself is not always the austere scientist that the 
volume of his achievements might suggest him to be ; he 
realises and preaches the value of hobbies. He has always 
been an ardent mountaineer, and used to think nothing of 
ascents in the Alps where, 4 while holding on by his finger 
tips, it was necessary to swing out into space, with a drop 
of 500 feet below him, in order to locate a foothold for a 
further advance/ To one who has climbed to such chemical 
heights as he has done, the conquest of the Matterhorn must 
have seemed child's play. 

He has also outrivalled Faraday (see p. 59) as a walker ; 
one day in the Harz Mountains, ' just for fun ' at the sugges 
tion of a German friend, he did fifty-two miles, to the summit 
of the Brocken and back. After accompanying him for 
thirty-eight miles, his friend gave up ! 

Until recently, too, he used to pilot his own aeroplane. 
He has watched a total eclipse of the sun at an altitude of 
9,000 feet, and he has fraternised with Colonel Lindbergh 
on scientific observations. Rumour says that he even dared 
to tell Lindbergh that he preferred ski-ing to flying. Whether 
that is true or not, it is certain that one of the main uses he 
made of his plane each winter was to locate the best ski-ing 
slopes in the neighbouring Adirondacks from the air, and 
then take his friends to ski on them. Skate-sailing on Lake 
George was another of his favourite winter occupations. 

And to prove that, youthful himself, he still enjoys making 
contacts with youth, let it be mentioned, in conclusion, that 
he organised the first troop of Boy Scouts in Schenectady. 

Thus far in this chapter I have restricted myself to North 
America. Allow me, before I finish, to tell another personal 
story about a young South American chemist. 

Shortly before I left Columbia my colleague Colin G. 
Fink the very man who captured Langmuir for the General 
Electric, now returned to the academic fold as a professor 
of electrochemistry had a research student from the 
Argentine working with him on the development of what 


was then an entirely new field, chromium-plating. This 
student also attended one of my lecture courses, but found 
his research so interesting that he did no work at all for me, 
and at the end of the session I was forced to refuse him 
a class certificate. With a wicked flash in his eye he told 
me, c You will be sorry for this 1 ' (Later on he explained 
to me that all he meant was that I should regret my mis- 
judgment of his scientific abilities, but I did not know that 
at the time.) 

Anyway, I forgot all about him for a week. Then, very 
late one night, while I was working alone in my laboratory 
on the sixth floor of Havemeyer Hall, my door was suddenly 
thrown open and there stood c South American Joe/ flourish 
ing a long glittering stiletto. Naturally I was taken aback, 
but, remembering the old school tie and the duty of every 
Englishman to die game, I braced my shoulders and walked 
smilingly towards him. To my relief he smiled back and, 
twirling the handle of the stiletto towards me, said : * I have 
a little present for you, Professor ! ' It was a chromium- 
plated paper-knife that I now keep on my desk, one of the 
first pieces of chromium-plating ever made, still as bright 
today as it was that evening more than twenty-five years ago. 


Chemistry in America. Edgar F. Smith, 1914 
' The Story of Aluminum.' Harry N. Holmes, Journal of Chemical 
Education, 1930 

* The PerHn Medal Award. 3 Journal of Industrial and Engineering 

Chemistry, 1911 

* My Brother Irving.' A. C. Langmuir, Industrial and Engineering 

Chemistry (News Edition}, 1932 

c Langmuir's Work.' W. R. Whitney, Industrial and Engineering 
Chemistry, 1928 

* Irving Langmuir. 5 Katherine B. Blodgett, Journal of Chemical 

Education, 1933 


IN earlier chapters I have had occasion more than once to 
mention the interest displayed by the Prince Consort in 
science, an interest which led, in point of fact, to the planning 
of the Great Exhibition of 1851. You have read how he 
occupied the chair at the opening of a series of lectures on 
* Metals ' delivered by the immortal Michael Faraday at 
the Royal Institution in 1855, with his young sons the Prince 
of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII) and Prince Alfred 
(later Duke of Edinburgh) on either side of him, as shown 
in the picture facing page 72. You have read how he was 
one of the prime movers in establishing the Royal College 
of Chemistry at South Kensington in 1845, an< ^ h w Ge 
himself engaged one of Europe's most distinguished chemists 
to direct its destinies. Now I want to narrate, in my final 
chapter, how one of his sons became a chemist. 

This royal chemist was Albeit Edward, Prince of Wales. 
After he had listened to Faraday's series of lectures he wrote 
a letter to him from Windsor Castle, dated 1 6 January 1856, 
as follows ; 

M. FARADAY, Esq., 

Dear Sir, I am anxious to thank you for the advantage I have 
derived from attending your most interesting Lectures. Their 
subject, I know very well, is of great importance, and I hope 
to follow the advice you gave us of pursuing it beyond the Lecture 
Room, and I can assure you that I shall always cherish with 
great pleasure the recollection of having been assisted in my 
early studies in Chemistry by so distinguished a man. 

Believe me, Dear Sir, Yours truly, 


The hope that the Prince of Wales expressed of pursuing 
chemistry beyond the, lecture-room was -gratified three years 


subsequently, when he was sent by his father to Scotland to 
receive practical instruction from Lyon Playfair, at that time 
professor of chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. Why, 
it may be asked, did the Prince Consort select Playfair for 
this distinction ? Playfair had been an ardent ally of the 
Prince Consort in organising the Great Exhibition. For 
eight years he held an official position in the Prince's house 
hold, and was not only his scientific adviser but his intimate 
friend. Later in life he entered Parliament as member for 
that now defunct constituency, the combined Universities 
of Edinburgh and St Andrews. There he sponsored an 
agitation that led to the adoption of s open halfpenny letters, 
afterwards known as postcards,' was promptly punished by 
being made Postmaster-General in Gladstone's Government 
of 1873, and ended as Baron Playfair of St Andrews in the 
House of Lords. 1 He has recorded in his reminiscences that 
when he went to Windsor to kiss Queen Victoria's hand on 
his appointment as Postmaster-General, the Queen made 
the remark : * How much he would have been pleased.' 
There was no need, added Playfair, to conjecture who he 
was. But I must return to the Prince of Wales, a con 
temporary portrait of whom is shown facing page 216. 

At Playfair's suggestion the Prince's programme of work 
consisted of laboratory study of the chemical principles upon 
which manufacturing industry depends, followed by excur 
sions to large plants to see those principles in operation. It 
was while the Prince was a pupil in Playfair's laboratory 
that the following incident occurred : 

The Prince and Playfair were standing near a cauldron con 
taining lead which was boiling at white heat. 

1 His third wife was an American lady, and he spent so much time in 
America during the last twenty years of his life that, as his biographer Wemyss 
Reid remarks, * he almost became a citizen of the United States.' He was 
an intimate friend of Longfellow and Oliver Wendell Holmes. It was largely 
due to work done behind the scenes by this amateur politician that the Vene 
zuelan boundary dispute between President Cleveland and Lord Salisbury in 
1896 did not lead to war. 


4 Has your Royal Highness any faith in science ? ' said 

* Certainly,* replied the Prince. 

Playfair then carefully washed the Prince's hand with ammonia 
to get rid of any grease that might be on it. 

* Will you now place your hand in this boiling metal, and 
ladle out a portion of it ? ' he said to his distinguished pupil. 

* Do you tell me to do this ? * asked the Prince. 

* I do, J replied Playfair. The Prince instantly put his hand 
into the cauldron, and ladled out some of the boiling lead with 
out sustaining any injury. It is a well-known scientific fact that 
the human hand, if perfectly cleansed, may be placed uninjured 
in lead boiling at white heat, the moisture of the skin protecting 
it under these conditions from any injury. Should the lead be 
at a perceptibly lower temperature, the effect would, of course, 
be very different. It requires, however, courage of no common 
order for a novice to try such an experiment, even at the bidding 
of a man so distinguished in science as was Playfair. 

That is the official story, as related by Playfair's biographer, 
Wemyss Reid ; the tale handed down by tradition in the 
Edinburgh laboratories runs rather differently. Playfair 
used to perform the boiling-lead experiment every year in 
his chemistry lecture course, and arranged a special private 
demonstration for the Prince of Wales. No sooner, however, 
had the professor put his carefully washed hand into the 
white-hot metal than his royal pupil, without any previous 
preparation, placed his own beside it ! Fortunately the 
daring experimenter did not possess either a dry or a greasy 
skin, and therefore suffered no harm, but Playfair's con 
sternation may be imagined. 

Which is the correct version of the incident ? Nobody 
can say for certain, nevertheless I incline to believe that it 
was not respect for his professor, but uncontrollable scientific 
curiosity, that impelled the Prince to make the plunge. In 
certain details the official story is undoubtedly inaccurate, 
for it would be quite impossible to put one's hand right 
into the cauldron, as stated, without grave risk of injury. 
The precise technique of the c royal experiment * had been 


forgotten in Edinburgh after Playfair's departure, but I was 
lucky enough to rediscover it in 1938, when I was called to 
deliver the Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution, 
While rehearsing the experiments therefor, I happened to 
remark to Mr Green, the chief assistant in the laboratory, 
what a pity it was that I could not include the boiling-lead 
experiment, since no-one knew exactly how to do it now 
adays. Mr Green replied : c I know ; I did it for Sir James 
Dewar in 1912.' Sir James Dewar (page 84) had been 
Playfair's assistant at Edinburgh in his youth, so the chain 
was complete and the experiment was duly repeated. A 
picture of my daughter Jean, participating in its perform 
ance, faces page 224. 

You will note from the main part of this picture that the 
cauldron has been removed from the furnace, which stands 
in the background, and is being gradually tilted. The hands 
are then passed slowly, with fingers apart, through the white- 
hot stream of metal pouring from the cauldron, as shown 
in the inset in the right-hand upper corner. When I perform 
the experiment nowadays, in place of the cumbrous gas 
furnace previously employed a true instrument of torture 
which makes the lecture-room very hot and stuffy, and 
muffles the speaker with its roar I am able to use, through 
the generous co-operation of Professor Hay, of the Royal 
Technical College, Glasgow, a compact electric furnace 
which can be tilted with the cauldron still inside. The lead 
can thus be kept close to its boiling temperature approxi 
mately 1700 Centigrade or 3000 Fahrenheit until the 
actual moment when it comes into contact with the hands, 
and all danger of a burn is removed. The experiment under 
these new conditions has not the same medieval smack, but 
it is certainly more comfortable for all concerned. 

The Prince Consort has a worthy successor today in the 
person of the Duke of Edinburgh. He, like his great-great 
grandfather, is indeed an active patron of science, as he 
demonstrated beyond doubt in his presidential address to 


the British Association for the Advancement of Science at 
Edinburgh in 1951. This address, entitled * The British 
Contribution to Science and Technology in the Past Hundred 
Years/ is largely, as the Duke emphasised in his introductory 
remarks, the story of the fulfilment of the Prince Consort's 

Among the outstanding British contributions to the 
advancement of science during the last century singled out 
for mention in the course of the address are several discussed 
in this book for example, the discovery of mauve by 
Perkin, the development of X-ray analysis by the two 
Braggs, and the work of Moseley on X-ray spectra but 
the Duke shrewdly noted that the modern development of 
team research has made it truer than ever that e it is 
quite exceptional for the credit of a great advance to 
belong to one man or even to one country, although it 
will always require the flash of inspiration to weld the 
links into the chain.' His final paragraphs may be quoted 
in full: 

Progress in almost every form of human activity depends 
upon the continued efforts of scientists. The nation's wealth 
and prosperity are governed by the rapid application of science 
to its industries and commerce. The nation's workers depend 
upon science for the maintenance and improvement in their 
standard of health, housing and food. Finally superiority or 
even our ability to survive in war is a direct measure of the 
excellence and capacity of the scientific team. 

This team of research workers and engineers has a dual 
responsibility, one for its work and the other as informed citizens, 
and it can only fulfil its proper functions if its members have 
a sound general education as well as a thorough training 
in science. It is no less important that the people who 
control the scientific machine, both laymen and scientists, 
should have a proper understanding and appreciation of what 
science has grown into and its place among the great forces of 
the world. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is clearly our duty as citizens to 
see that science is used for the benefit of mankind. For, of what 
use is science if man docs not survive ? 


Before I conclude, however, I should like to comment 
briefly upon the fact, dwelt upon by the Duke of Edinburgh 
several times in the course of his address and stressed also 
in this book on page 175, that the increasing complexity 
and the cost of scientific research are making teamwork 
more and more the rule. In this connection the Duke 
remarked : 

We need not repine at this, but it would be a disaster if the 
individual inquirer working in his own laboratory were dis 
couraged out of existence. 

It would indeed be a disaster, in my opinion, although 
Irving Langmuir, whose own achievements are discussed in 
Chapter IX, has expressed the opinion to me more than 
once that, in this twentieth century, little personal signi 
ficance ought to be attached to any scientific discovery. He 
argues that so many skilled teams of research workers arc 
now following up every possible line of progress so inten 
sively, utilising each other's published results all the time, 
that it is practically a matter of chance who will first reach 
that stage in the general investigation where shadow turns 
to substance and a discovery of primary importance becomes 
obvious. No individual is indispensable, for in the absence 
of the actual discoverer somebody else would be certain to 
reach the same conclusion a few weeks or a few months later. 

No doubt there is a great deal of truth in what Irving 
Langmuir remarks, but I am still unconvinced. The fact 
that, at a certain period, a discovery is (as Hofmann said) 
* floating in the air ' is not, after all, a new fact in the history of 
chemistry. To the many examples of simultaneous and 
independent discoveries described in this volume many more 
might be added, such as the discovery of oxygen by Scheele 
and Priestley, dating right back to the beginnings of our 
science. Yet nobody thought of the application of nitrous 
oxide to surgical operations for forty years after Davy (see 
p. 14) ; nobody improved upon the laws of electricity for 


forty years after Faraday (see p. 55). There is no way of 
testing the point, of course, but I ask quite seriously : c Would 
anyone else have developed the principles of the gas-filled 
lamp until forty years after Langmuir ? ' The reader, after 
studying pages 214-18, is invited to give his own judgment. 
In any case, hero-worship is certain to persist in science, 
as in other fields. That such hero-worship is, in general, 
amply justified will, I trust, be admitted by all who read 
this volume. 


Memoirs and Correspondence of Lyon Playfair. Wemyss Reid, 1899 
* The British Contribution to Science and Technology in the 

past Hundred Years.' H.RJL the Duke of Edinburgh, 

The Advancement of 'Science, 1951 


Aniline 74 
Anions 88 
Anode 58 
Anschutz 81-90 
Argon 213, 217 
Armstrong 133 
Arrhenius 127-36 
Aston 160-1 

Atomic bombardment 172 
Atomic energy 1 75-9 
Atomic hydrogen 216 
Atomic numbers 162 
Atomic weights 141 
Auxochromes 96 


Balard 101, 141-2 

Becquerel 166, 168 

Beddoes 9, 10, 16, 186 

Benzene 52, 94-5 

Berring 85-6 

Berzelius 22 

Biot 1 08-9 

Black i, 181-92 

Blowpipe, 200-2 

Bohr 159, 162 

Boiling-lead experiment 2235 

Boltzmann 132 

Borodin 147-^8 

Boyle 140 

Bragg, Sir Lawrence 137 

Bragg, Sir William 137 

Bromine 142 

Brown, Crum 83-6, 138 

Butylene 73 


Candle flame 66 

Cannizzaro 80, 147 

Capillary attraction 64 

Capital experiment 22 

Carlisle 17 

Carmichael 186-9, I 9 1 ^ 

Cathode 58 

Cations 58 

Chemical Journal, First 184-8 

Chemical Societies 181-4, 200 

Chemistry of a candle 64-8 

Chlorine 22-3, ^8 

Chromium plating 221 

Chromophores 96 

Cleve 131 

Coleridge 7, 13, 17, 19 

Conductivity, electrical 129, 136 

Coolidge 214 

Coumarin 70 

Couper 81-90 

Crookes 71, 169 

Crystal structure 136-8 

Curie, Irene 172-3 

Curie, Marie 16472 

Curie, Pierre 166-70 

DALTON 30, 141 

Davy 3-32, 37~44> 47-5* 
Davy lamp 25-8, 44 
Debus 83-4 
Deflagratpr 202 
De La Rive 43 
De La Roche 37 
Deuterons 173 
Deville 205, 208 
De Vries 1245 
Dewar 49, 84, 225 
Dextrose 105 
Diamond 137 
Dobbin 81 
Dobereiner 142 
Double refraction 103 
Dulong 40 
Dumas 31, 88, 101 
Dyes 74-8 

Electric furnace 202 
Electric lamps 214-19 
Electrochemistry, law of 58 
Electrodes 58 
Electrolysis 58 
Electrolytes 58, 129 
Electro-magnetism 46 
Electrometer 166 


Electrons 159, 168 
Elements 140-80 
Ethylenc 73 

FARABAY 24, 31, 34-68, 69 
Fermentation no, 191 
Fmk 214 
fire-damp 25 
Franklin 56 
Friedlander 96 

Garnett 17 
Geigcr counter 169 
Genius, types of 33-4 
Germanium 153 
Giddy 8 
Gladstone 56 
Graphic formulae 93, 96-7 


Hahn 175 

Hall 203-11 

Hare 200-3 

Helium 156, 168 

Henry 62 

Heroult 207-9 

Hofaiann 71 

Human boay experiment 21 

Huxley 2 

Hydrogen 175 


Inert gases 156 
Iodine 25 
Ions 58, 129 
Irvine 88 
Isotopes 161 


Joliot 172-^3 
Joliot-Gurie, Irene 172-3 

REKULE 81, 90-8, 116 
Kehrin 134 
Kohlrausch 132 
Kolbe 121 


Laevulose 105 
Langmuir 211-20 

"LftTitharmm 157 

Laughing gas 15 
Laurent 101-2 
Lavoisier i, 140, 188-91 
LeBel 114 
Lkbig 71, 90, 142 


Lippmann 166, 168 
Liquefaction of gases 49 
LyeH 60 

Mauve 74-7, 96 
Maxwell 55 
McKie 189-91 
Melbourne, Lord 56-7 
MendelejefF 145-56, 165 
Mercury vacuum pump 216 
Meyer, Lothar 147, 153 
Miner's safety-lamp 25-8, 44 
Mitchill q, 200 
MitscherHch 103, 124 
Monastral Blue 78, 95, 97 
Monkey formula 95 
Mordants 76 
Moseley 159-64 

NEUTRONS 161, 172 
Newlands 142-5 
Nicholson 17 
Nicol prism 103 
Nitrogen chloride 40 
Nitrogen iodide 211 
Nitrous oxide 9, 12-16 
Northmore 49 


Oersted 46 

Osmosis 125 

Osmotic pressure 125-6 

Ostwald 33, 131-4* 196 

Oxy-acetylene blowpipe 202 


Para-tartaric acid 102 

Paris, Dr 47 

Pasteur 99-^114 

Pasteurisation in 

Peel, Sir Robert 56 

Periodic system 149-53, 162-3 

Perkin 69-79 

Pfeffer 125 

Phlogiston 9, 187-92, 199-200 

Pitchblende 166 

Planck 132 

Playfair 83, 223-5 _ 

Pneumatic Institution 9 

Polarimeter 104 

Polarised light 103 

Polonium 167 

Potassium 21 

Priestley 10, 199-200 

Prince Consort 63, 71, 222-3 

Prince of Wales (Edward VII) 222-4 



Protons 159 
Prout 141 

QUININE 72-4, 95-6 

Radioactivity 164-74 
Radium 167-71 
Radon 169 
Ramsay 145, 156, 181 
Rare earths 157-8, 209-10 
Robison 188-90 
Rock-salt crystal 136 
Roll and sausage formulae 93 
Rope experiment 104-5 
Royal Institution 17, 37, 53 
Rumford 17, 195-6 
Rutherford 159 


Scott, Sir Walter 29, 52 

Sklodovska, Marie 164-72 

Snapdragon 67 

Sodium 21 

Solutions 124-36 

Southey 13 

Spinthariscope 169 

Stahl 187 

Stas 141 

Stephenson 28 

Stereochemistry 119 

Strassman 175 

Structure of organic compounds 80-97 

Sugar solutions 105, 125 

TARTARIC ACIDS 102-9, 119-20 
Tartrates, dextro- and laevo- 106 

Taylor 134 

Tetrahedra, mirror-image 1 18 

Thermite 207 

Thompson, Benjamin 195-6 

Thomson, Sir J. J. 159 

Thomson, Thomas 20 

Toluidine 73 

Tracer elements 173-4, 179 

Transuranic dements 151 

Triads 142 

Tungsten 210, 214-15 

Tyrian purple 96 
URANIUM 166-9 


Van't Hoff 114-^27, 132-4 

Voltaic pile 17, 202 

WALKER 119, 132-3, 155 
Water gas 16 
Watt, Gregory 8 
Wheatstone 62 
Whistler 203 
Whitney 214-15 
Williams 83 
Winkler 153 
Wislicenus 120-1 
Wollaston 46, 51 
Woodhouse 181, 199-200 
Wordsworth 7, 29 
Wurtz 1,87, 116 


X-ray spectra 161 


1 02 623