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Press oF C. C. SHELLEY, s 
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Copyrighted, 1592, DAN TALMAGE’s Sons, 4 


AT the meeting of the Cotton Grower’s Associa- 
tion held in Memphis, Jan. 15th, 1892, a recommen- 
dation was adopted, advising the planters to reduce 
the acreage of cotton planting twenty per cent. 

We then made the following suggestion : ‘‘ Where- 
ever the culture of cotton is curtailed we suggest 
the growth of rice. It is adapted to either lowland 
or upland; as an all-around crop, is among the safest 
and most profitable of Southern crops; gross re- 
sults, $40 to $75 per acre; cost of cultivation, $20 
to $35 ; difference in outcome due to character of 
cultivation or season. The consumption of rice in 
this country is increasing annually per capita and at 
far greater ratio than production. The United 
States to-day-needs twice its present production to 
meet its home demand, and were the product in- 
creased even ten-fold the surplus could be marketed 
abroad at prices which would leave handsome mar- 
gin to planter.” . 

This has been widely circulated through news- 

papers in the South and has met with hearty com- 


mendation from many of them, as well as from the » 
commercial press elsewhere, who appreciate the im- 
portance of the crisis now impending in cotton 

We quote from the New Orleans Pzcayune, Jan. 
18th, 1892: “Both sugar and rice have paid the 
producers well, and this will undoubtedly assist in 
offsetting the ill effects of the low price of cotton, as 
far as this State is concerned.”’ 

Charleston Vews and Courter, Jan. 27th, says: 
“The suggestion is a good one, we think ; it is well 
sustained by the arguments of the gentlemen who 
offer it. * ™ There is probably no reason why 
the crop should not be grown on the uplands in a 
large part, if not every part, of South Carolina. We 
have seen it growing finely on the side of a moun- 
tain in this State. * ™ The experiment is weil 
worth trying.” 

There is no reason why the United States should 
not speedily produce the largest crop, as it now 
does—*‘the best rice in the world.” Every con- 
dition is most favorable, for while not native, it has 
here shown its finest development. This was true 
of its main crop before the war, and the magnificent 
quality grqwn by many planters to-day shows that 
it is not a lost art, though by no means so general. 
The high standard previously established is within 
reach of the humblest grower. It was due to a 


generous rivalry among Carolina planters who sought 
the best seed and methods of cultivation. At the 
front in its day and of historic fame was Ward’s 
“long grain Carolina” rice. The grain was like 
the largest Honduras head, but of crystalline char- 
acter, and properly described “an elongated pearl.” 
Mr. Ward made it a practice to gather of the 
heaviest and best filled heads in the field and in the 
course of afew years had seed unequaled in the 
world. We relate this in the hope that it may pro- 
voke others to good works. It paid doubly—making 
him a: prince among planters, as well as yielding 
rich returns forthe purse. It costs little or no more 
to cultivate the best, but the outcome is ever so 
many per cent. larger. 

NEw York, February 5th, 1892. 


The earliest record of rice in history is its intro- 
duction into China, several centuries before the 
deluge, in the year B. C. 2822, Where it came 
from, or how the record itself was preserved, is not 
stated. Rice was described by Theophrastus, B. C,. 
322, Pliny the Elder, B. C. 72, and by Dioscorides, 
B. C. 54. The claim made by the Chinese, coming 
to us from the mists which surround the ancient 
history of the race, serves to show the early date in 
the age of the world when ‘rice was an esteemed 
article of food for mankind. 

To insure improvement in character and pro- 
ductiveness, its culture in China was encouraged by 
royal favor, and imperial edicts were issued in regard 
to the selection of seed. Its value as food caused a 
widely extended culture, and to-day we find it used 
by the whole world, and by far the larger proportion 
of the world’s population live on it almost exclu- 
sively. In China, Japan, the East Indies and islands 
adjacent the success or failure of the rice crop means 
plenty or famine to nearly 800,000,000 of people. 


The quantity grown in these countries is enor- 
mous, amounting in a single year to two hundred 
and fifty billions (250,000,000,000) of pounds, or 
about fifteen hundred (1,500) times as much as has 
been raised up to the present time in our best sea- 
sons. This immense quantity is mainly consumed in 
the countries where it is grown. Large amounts are 
exported to Europe, North and South America, yet 
so ereatMis the: product, these «exports “doy inet 
reach one per cent. of the total. Looking at the 
map of the world, Japan seems insignificant, yet in 
1870 this apparently small territory had 8,000,000 
acres planted in rice, producing an average of fifty 
bushels to the acre, equal to 9,600,000,000 pounds. 
The government assessment was on about half this 
amount. Japan exported in 1891 about one hun- 
dred and seventy-five million (175,000,000) pounds, 
nearly four times as much as the total product of 
the: United, States _ the same year, “Phe jcrappor 
1889-90 was T1,700,000,000 pounds. The exports 
from India, principally Burmah, in 1891 were over 
two billion (2,000,000,000) pounds. From these 
figures we can gain somewhat of an idea of the 
enormous production of rice and thé important 
place it occupies in the food products of the world. 


Although cultivation in many. portions of the 


East is crude, varying little from that pursued a 
thousand years ago, it may be interesting to relate 
a few particulars in regard to the culture in China, 
In the southern districts the land is flooded before 
plowing and harrowing, the buffalo or water-ox 
being used in working the land, the desired result 
being a soft, plastic mixture of mud and water 
about six inches in depth. The seed in the mean- 
time has been planted in small patches of highly 
enriched soil, and by the time the ground is pre- 
pared a vigorous growth is started, and they are 
transplanted in rows about twelve inches apart each 
way. From ten to twelve plants are put in each 
place, the laborer simply pressing the roots into the 
soft soil, and as his hand is withdrawn, the mud and 
water fill in around the roots, and the planting is 
During the growing season care is taken to keep 
a sufficient quantity of water to flood the rice until 
the crop is nearly ripe. This is done by water- 
wheels worked by hand, foot or animal power. 
These appliances for elevating water are crude in 
construction, yet effective on account of the cheap- 
ness of labor. The first crop is cut in the latter 
part of June or early in July, and as soon as 
gathered a second planting is made by preparing 
ground and seedlings as before. This,second crop 
is harvested in November. In some sections the 



ground is made to produce a third crop, some quick- 
growing vegetable being planted. ‘To counteract 
this drain upon the productiveness of the soil fer- 
tilizers are freely used, and in this line of agriculture 
the Chinese, as well as the Japanese, are far ad- 
vanced. Instances of such constant planting and 
reaping make it readily understood how the im- 
mense population of these countries are fed without 
importing any considerable quantity of breadstuffs. 

In the latitude of Wuthang, 30 degrees north, the 
culture is mainly upland or “dry culture,’’ and the 
shorter season will not allow a second seeding after 
the first is harvested. They secure two crops, how- | 
ever, by planting between the rows of the first 
(which is seeded in May), eighteen to twenty days 
after. The growth of this second planting is re- 
tarded by the shade and superior vitality of the 
first, which reaches maturity in August and is then 
harvested. ‘The second planting at this time is only 
about a foot high. ‘The ground is loosened around 
the roots, fertilizers are applied and having nothing 
to retard its growth, rapidly matures and is har- 
vested in November. The reaping hook is similar 
to our sickle. 

The use of Rice is by no means confined to feed- 
ing vast masses of humanity ; preparations from it 
are often prescribed by physicians as being peculi- 
arly adapted to cases where cooling and at the same 


time nutritious food is necessary. It enters intomanu- 
factures, such as jewelry, works of art, toys, cement, 
paper, arrack (an intoxicating liquor), also a light 
beer is made from it; it is offered by the heathen 
in worship to their idols, and it was recently the 
standard of value in Japan ; indeed, its uses are so 
- varied that it ceases to be a matter of wonder that 
it should be so highly prized in the countries where 
it is most largely produced. 

In the foregoing we have only touched upon a few 
points of interest as concerns the production and 
value of this cereal in the Old World. 


Turning attention nearer home we find many 
points of interest in its culture in this country. We 
shall not deal with such tremendous figures of pro- 
duction, yet the industry is an important one to the 
United States, and particularly to the South. In 
1694 a vessel bound for Liverpool from Madagas- 
car, was blown out of her course and put into the 
port of Charleston, S. C., for repairs. Before start- 
ing on his homeward voyage, the captain gave to 
one of his friends, Landgrave Thomas Smith, 
who was at the time Governor of the Colony, a 
small parcel of rough Rice, which was in his cook’s 

stores, suggesting it might possibly grow and afford 


them an additional article of food. In a newcoun- 
try such a gift was valuable. That it was so, sub- 
sequent events proved, for the seed was planted in 
Mr. Smith’s garden (now known as Longitude lane, 
in the city of Charleston), and the product carefully 
preserved and distributed among the colonists, until 
from this small beginning was developed our Car- 
olina Rice, known the world over for its superior 
style and character. The culture was necessarily 
limited at first, but as the planters learned its pecu- 
liar needs, the products increased and during the ten 
years—1720 to 1729 inclusive—the exports were 
44,081 tons. During the next decade, 1730 to 1739, 
99,905 tons were exported to Europe (Holland, 
Bremen and Hamburg taking over three-quarters of 
this amount). ‘Thirty years after over 24,000 tons 
were exported in a single year (Great Britain taking 
about 12,000 tons). The next fifty years found the 
culture extended into both Carolinas and Georgia, 
and the product for the three States in 1816 was 
41,851 tons, equal to 137,843 tierces of 600 pounds. 
The product increased, of course varying with the 
favorableness of the season. 


Previous to 1860 no record of Louisiana crop 
was kept. 


Decades. Pounds. per year, 
Figs 20 0M 7 LEE SR 98,741,440 9,874,144 
PT SOREGNAET AUN, cece) all sa acolo a 223,787,200 22,378,720 
CHAO UO MAG. <0 ok 5 oss LC oo eae COG 27,223,500 
ty] OMIA IR "rd 2 9 ny, Oo eRe a 235,785,000 23,578,500 
1760 to1769 . . -» 334,349,000 33,434,900 
1770 to 1774: * (4 years) mae, 2505 3'7'7,000 64,844,250 
1782 to 1784 * (2 years) . 41.041 ,500 20,520.750 
PRCOMOMU TOG, gr oaaih cs furart ss 635,545,600 63,554,560 
ESOO MOD SOQN #6 es- areas es 502,950,600 50,295,060 
ESLOMO A OLOY 2% 26s hws #2 582,778,200 58,277,820 
MOE At AO 2a Sr sis. sb. weyers 716,536,800 71,653,680 
PB GOMOTSIO. 2). fo ace Vries 890,287,800 89.028, 780 © 
PSAOMOCTSAG wield wsyethnlie ete s 997.071,600 99, 707,160 
PBSO4O TBS Qs ae t/et,os elds T 023,225,000 102,322,500 
io @(G 6 0 NST I eee 316,398,000 31,639,800 
TO POWUO AO). s, «. car arsie digese es 700, 867, 800 70,086,780 
Vito} oS eB Tes 1 ea ae *'T, 223,704; 3'70 122,379,437 

* From 1775 to 1782 (during Revolutionary War) and from 1784 
to 1789 no record can be found. 

From 1862 to 1864 no record was kept, the pro- 
duction being doubtless small, and in’ 1865 but 
little was done except in way of restoring planta- 
tions neglected during the war. 

Up to 1820 the principal, in fact, only large 
market was in Europe and the West Indies, but 
our facilities for cleaning being greatly improved, 
and as the United States increased in population 
the home consumption became an item of prime 
interest. New York was the main point for distri- 

ee Re, iz . 
we hie hes oy . 


bution, and Rice was largely used as a medium of 
exchange between the North and South, hence it 
found its way into the hands of dealers in dry 
goods, boots and shoes, machinery, etc., and they 
jobbing out of the grocery line, the prices obtained 
were very low. The purchases made by planters ’ 
were made on long time and on long profit, thus 
receiving low prices for what they had to sell and 
paying high prices for what they bought. This 
cutting on both sides of the planter’s interest lasted 
until 1841, when Mr. Dan Talmage, of New York, 
seeing the evil and knowing its remedy, and wisely 
foreseeing the future, took up Rice as a specialty, 
concentrated the receipts, and, handling it with 
great discrimination, took it out of the line of bar- 
ter and made it a cash article, thereby enhancing 
its value as astaple product. 

New York still retains its place as a large milling 
and distributing centre, but through added and 
direct transportation facilities since the war fully 
three-fourths of the crop is now shipped from New 
Orleans, Charleston and Savannah to the North and 
West. The cities noted are placed in the order of 
their business importance. 

Very little of our domestic production is now 
exported to foreign countries, but previous to 1860 
the export trade was an important feature in the 
disposition of the product. 


Years. Pounds. Years. Pounds. 

BEGG © jdm de 5 Sinus de © WTPQSO OOS i TESS) fo45 Oe s65's.5 me ole 15,576,000 
DOGO rears} Bote cena aks 33-5 8,000' |? TB56. lelsne vistas» eie!e 18,549,600 
RM Sak ae ea kms 20,020 AOU 7 TBR 7 sc s/s sinteila’s se 18,762,000 
1 ES a Se SIE E OOS | LOR Os eigiaterets <'eletaia ce 18,483,200 
BO Bain Na)s wile: Wiel ws 88 Dy 2A GOD ||! TEGO! 30's 0/4's' eye al bs 21,694,800 
EDGR ree aid aie ads FOO FOON | TAOOS sin 8s oles ak 26,012,400 

Prices in New York for a series of years before 
the war—date selected is January 1—as being the 
lowest average for the year: 

Common to Fair. Good to Prime. 
Fis 5 ana CR ie ROUT ORS lls CRD 3 @34% 4 @4% 
De Msd oh ache arsNel wise: Wend ee bara, ees 474@4% 5 @5% 
CL ERs oh We pea EC ie aPaaN 34@3%% 4 @4% 
RW) sia sis orats' toa a a dye uero eh. wate 214 @2% 3 @3% 
WORKS teas visohy Balan aid ties --234@2% 344@3% 
PEDO AS ORI eo Calne ante ae otee 3 @33% 34@44 
BRO co a einige tab ira a aidan oe 234 @3 3144@3% 
Common to Prime. 
April, AN ek Cy Ca naan Mae 
PRCOUN ARE elo aswel dN aioe ae nas vbislvo © we woth ae piste na 54.@64 
meh GON cwes hoes tees s LN. dle ds rable 74@8 

The effect of the commercial depression of 1857 
is noticeable in the low prices obtained until Caro- 
lina ceased to arrive and war prices prevailed. 


Prior to the war, no foreign rice was imported 
and the tariff was but nominal, varying from fifteen 
to twenty per cent. ad valorem, which on the then 
current prices was one-half to three-quarters cent 
per pound. During the war the tariff was advanced 
from time to time, reaching its highest, two and 
one-half cents per pound on cleaned, in 1864, and 
continued at that until 1883—except that received 
from the Hawaiian Islands, which since 1876 has 
been admitted free of duty under the reciprocity 
treaty promulgated that year. Since then the duty 
on Cleaned Rice has been reduced: In 1883 to 
two and one-quarter cents, and in 1890 to two cents 
per pound. The last Tariff bill, Oct. 1st, 1890, 
places duty on imports of Foreign Rice per pound 
as «tollows 2-Cleanéd, 2; cents; Uneleaned, i Ye. 
Paddy or Rough, 34; Rice Flour, 4%; Rice Meal, 
\%; Broken Rice, \. 

Though the primary design of the greatly en- 
larged tariff was for the purposes of revenue during 
the war period, it was retained that through the 
incidental protection derived therefrom the planters 
might the more speedily rehabilitate the plantations 
and bring up the culture to its former value_as an 
industry. That the incentive has been appreciated 
is proven by the table next following ; the culture 

had gotten fairly underway by 1870 and in the first 
decade had doubled and at the end of the second 


Pounds. Pounds. 
LO7O—PD ei oes 52,892,400 | 1881-82....... - 104,766,555 
Moir) coy a eae 40; 339,000 | 1882-83... nt... 100,500,000 
Bey Me wears .c 7 as 5D, UE3, 750} 1889-84. ........ I 10, 700,000 
Mey eg Mig t a 8 pie eats 59,936,400 | 1884-85......... 109,561,600 
hoyle Sark ieee 65,215,000 | 1885-86......... 150,500,000 
ME iG Os < + alka, wets 82,710,800 | 1886-87......... 155,669,500 
OMe 7 Ie See Sak omc 86,630,000 | 1889-88)... 5.25. 113,630,700 
ely A pa 7 oe IE ea 714150: 400: |TEOOU-OG. 6,0. . s + L24, 7337200 
hey tac 3 cae. 81,461,800 | 1889-90......... 131,722,000 
TOM en dis 0 -0ueat ya 86,968,000 | I8g0-9I......... 136,750,000 
TOS OE i a sisi ss a. 122,090, 705) | LSQ1-O2* ov. ess « 146,500,000 


Comparing these figures with those showing 
yearly average, 1820 to 1859, it will be seen that we 
have reached, in fact exceeded, the highest average 
of those years. At that time we exported largely 
to foreign markets, but with increase of population 
and greatly increased and cheapened transportation 
facilities, our whole product has found a market in 
our own country, and in addition thereto from 
200,000 to 250,000 packages of foreign styles are 
imported annually to meet the growing demand. 


The population is increasing and the consumption 
per capita also, in a greater ratio than the produc- 
tion, hence there is room fora large increase of 
native product without endangering the values 

The industry in Louisiana has done much to 
restore the old-time production, having increased 
from 2,746,890 pounds in 1865 to 87,750,000 pounds 
in 1891 ; while this shows a wonderful increase in 
this State, the Carolinas and Georgia are still far’ 
behind the amount produced prior to 1861. : 


It is estimated that in eight Southern States there 
are from 70,000,000 to 90,000,000 of acres suitable 
for Rice culture and otherwise of little value, called 
waste lands. Louisiana contains more acreage of 
lands particularly suitable for cultivation of Rice 
than any other State. At a low average of yield in 
a fair season, say 1,000 pounds clean Rice per acre, 
if these waste lands were brought under tillage, 
the United States could rival the East and produce 
from 70,000,000,000 to g0,000,000,000 of pounds 


A Reve LE OU RAG; 


As abroad, so in the United States, the culture of 
rice is both lowland (wet) and upland (dry). The 
main crop is lowland—that is, upon lands which are 
so situated as to be overflowed or drained at the 
will of the planter, according to the season of the 
year and condition of the crop. It was probably, 
adopted first, as rice was and is still by many re- 
garded as strictly a water plant; second, large 
tracts of land, mainly worthless, were thereby 
brought into use; third, although expensive, has 
been adhered to, as the yield thereon is very heavy 
and net results under favorable conditions most re- 

Cultivation on uplands has not been so general, 
Owing in part to reasons above given and ignorance 
of the fact that rice yields far beyond other grains. 
At one time the quantity was insignificant, so 
small that no notice was taken of it, but it is re- 
ceiving enlarging attention of late, and any estimates 


of the rice crop of the United States which ignore 
it are certain to be wide of the mark. The phrase 
“good as wheat” is scarcely half descriptive of the 
rewards which come to the careful planter on up- 
lands in average seasons. We have heard of re- 
markable yields on lands that seemingly offered 
little inducement for cultivation, many times the 
value being taken off in a single crop. The gen- 
eral character of upland Rice is very handsome, 
being flinty and susceptible of high polish. 


Level lands, which can be easily and successfully 
irrigated and drained are the best, such as swamp 
lands, near river bottoms, or inland swamps. The 
latter do not produce quite as much as those on 
rivers, as the water cannot be so easily controlled, 
but the product is usually of fine quality, quite the 
equal of that grown under more favorable con- 

For convenience in irrigation the land is laid off - 
in “squares’’ say 100 by 150 feet (by embank- 
ments) eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24) inches 
high, according to lay of the land. All of the 
land may not be on the same level and these em- 
bankments serve to hold the water when needed, 
hence they are called “check-banks.” Flood-gates 


or flumes, with cut-offs at both ends, are placed in 
connection with the river or reservoir from which 
the water is procured, and the lands flooded. Main 
ditches are constructed so as to hold water during 
growing season and for the purposes of drainage 
when needed. The very greatest of care should be 
taken to clean the land from grasses and foul seeds. 
Having prepared the “check-banks,” constructed — 
ditches and flumes—so as to be able to flood and 
drain the land at will—the next step is ploughing, 
which should be done as early as possible, particu- 
larly on new land. Plough from four to five inches 
deep the first year; subsequent years deeper 
ploughing may be beneficial. A few days before 
planting harrow the ground thoroughly. This is 
very important, as the soil should be well pulver- 
ized, and at the same time grass and weeds will be 
killed thereby. 


Rice may be’ planted as early as February or as 
late as second week of July, according to location. 
There are many varieties of seed. e mention 
Honduras seed, a large, bold grain, very produc- 
tive—if season is good and harvest favorable, com- 
mands good price in market ; White Seed Carolina 
—a white, flinty grain. This is the kind which has 


given Carolina Rice a world-wide reputation. Gold 
Seed Carolina—a large plump grain, heavy yielder, 
but apt to shatter and deteriorate. The best seed, 
all things considered, is without doubt the White 
Seed Carolina. It is hardy, standing the vicissi- 
tudes of unfavorable seasons better than the Hon- 
duras or Gold Seed, and is a standard grade in the 

After thorough harrowing, the seed may be sown 
broadcast—or in drills about a foot apart—latter 
preferable, as it can be weeded easier. Quantity 
per acre is from eighty to one hundred pounds of 
seed. After covering lightly, the land is flooded 
just sufficient to cover it—until the seeds are 
sprouted; this is called the “point flow.” The 
water is then drawn off; when plants are six to 
eight inches high, the water is turned on again to 
kill the grass and weeds, and held four or five weeks 
or until the growth will shade the ground between 
the rows. This is called the “ stretch flow.’”’ The 
water must never be allowed to rise above the first 
“barrel” of the stalk. Lastly comes the “ har- 
vest flow,” which begins when the stalk is about 
eighteen inches high, and is kept on until the rice 
“heads.’’ About a week or ten days before har- 
vest the water is drawn off, and when the upper 
half of the head is ripe harvest should proceed as 
expeditiously as possible, as every day of over-ripe- 


ness reduces the value of the cleaned rice. In test- 
ing a sample of Rough Rice, the presence of a 
green grain here and there is a sign that it was cut 
at the proper time. 


Harvesting is mainly done with the sickle, al- 
though machines are being offered which do most 
excellent work under favorable conditions. If the 
sickle is used, cut about two feet and a half from 
the top and lay the “hands” down on the stubble 
all around it. Twenty-four hours of good weatlter 
should cure it sufficiently for binding, which should 
never be done while the straw is damp. Cut in the 
morning and bind previous days, cutting in the after- 
noon. This divides the labor about right. Soon as 
dry, remove the bundles to the barn-yard and stack 
properly, so as not to suffer damage from storms. 
Let the bottom of stacks be raised from the ground 
a foot, so as to have circulation of air underneath. 
Rice should cure in the stack for thirty days be- 
fore threshing. Run a stake from the side into the 
centre of the stack and examine it every day or two; 
by noticing the temperature of the stick you can 
ascertain if the curing process is going on properly. 
If the stake gets hot, the stack must be pulled 

» down, straw aired and restacked. 


When cured the grain is separated from the 
straw by flails or in large quantities by threshing 
machines, of which several very satisfactory ones 
are now in the market. Rice should be thoroughly 
fanned and screened, so as to be free from straw, 
sticks, foul seeds otf any extraneous matter, the 
presence of which materially affects the value of 
the Rough Rice, as well as that of the Cleaned 

It will pay to have every bundle of Rice examined 
before it goes to the thresher, so as to pick out all weeds, 
grass and foul stuffs, the seeds of which when threshed 
with the Rice reduce its value far more than cost of 
labor of removing them at this point, 


The Rice can be sold in the Rough, or if full 
value is wanted, send it to the largest milling centre 
practicable, with instructions to your agent to have 
it milled on toll and the cleaned proceeds sold for 
your account. 

The following are milling centres and each have 
mills capable of doing the finest work: New Or- 
leans, Charleston, Savannah, New York, Wilming- 
ton. They are placed in the order of their com- 
‘mercial importance in rice. | 

It is needless to suggest that these markets not 


only offer better milling facilities, but by reason of 
being trade centres, the cleaned product i is fully as- 
sured of ready sale at highest current prices. 

In shipping, the Rough should be packed in 
strong double bags, about 170 to 180 pounds in 
each package. Sew the bag ; do not tie it. 


This kind of Rice is grown without flooding; 1 
planted in hills or rows wide enough apart to so 
mit a horse cultivator to be worked, and while it 
does not produce as much per acre as that grown 
in the water, will yield in quantity beyond other 
grains and under equal conditions give an outcome 
of far higher monetary value. It should be prop- 
erly fertilized, for it, like any other product, suffers 
from underfed or starved soil. If neglected in this 
particular it may prove less remunerative by break- 
ing under the milling process. Dry culture allows 
more careful cultivation and removal of foul grasses 
and weeds. ‘The general remarks as to Harvesting, 
Threshing and Marketing, given under head of Low- 
lands, will apply to the Uplands. 


1st. —Care in selecting or cleaning land. 
2d.—Care in planting good seed. 


3d.—Care in cultivation. 

4th,—Care in harvesting, curing and threshing. 
5th.—Care in sorting grades. 

6th.—Care in having Rough properly milled. 

first—Clean your land before putting seed 
into it; enough weeds will grow in spite of you, so 
start free. 

Second.—Plant good seed—“ Like produces like.”’ 
It costs no more to plough, plant, cultivate, harvest, 
mill and sell good rice than poor, but the money 
result is vastly different. 

Third.—Cultivate carefully. After you have 
spent time, labor and seed, don’t grow weary in 
_well-doing, but follow it up until the time you 
expect your reward. 

Fourth.—Harvest at the right time, and don’t 
linger if you have a good day. Let your rice 
cure before you thresh. “ Haste makes waste’’ 
in this as other things. Thresh and clean your rice 
so it will give you a reputation worth ten cents a 
bushel more than your slouchy neighbor. 

Fifth.—Sort your grades—that is, if you have 
a few bags of poor truck, don’t put them in with 
your good rice. It will spoil it all, and, what’s 
more, spoil your reputation. Better feed the trash 
to the chickens; they will grow fat on it. 

Sixth.—Get your rice milled where they will do 


it the best ; not where they charge you the least. 
Good service in milling costs money, like anything 
else, and milling can be “too cheap to be good.” 

_ The necessary limitation of this pamphlet will 

not allow us to enter into the minutia of cultivating. 
The variations of soil, climate, water-supply, irri- 
gating facilities, will afford abundant opportunity 
for the careful, thrifty planter to study the needs of 
the plant, and reap his reward by intelligent adapta- 
tion of means to ends. 

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