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Full text of "A handy-book to the collection and preparation of freshwater and marine Algae, diatoms, desmids, Fungi, lichens, mosses and other of the lower Crytogamia, with instructions for the formation of an herbarium"

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PLATE XVI, (Frontispiece.) 


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86. Fiieus vesiculosus. 
87. Fnueus serratus a. fertile cell ; 0. zoospores > ¢. spores. 

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A Handy-Book to the Collection | 
and Preparation of Freshwater | 
and Marine Algz, Diatoms, Des- | 
mids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, | 
And Other of the Lower Cryptogamia : 


Ghe Formation of an Herbarium 


See REV: W. W. SPICER, M.A. 

Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society 

wOV 8 



These are Thy glorious works, Parent of geod, 

Almighty, Thine this universal frame, 

Thus wondrous fair ; Thyself how wondrous then, 

Unspeakable! who sitt’st above these heay’ ns 

To us invisible or dimly seen 

In these Thy lowest works; yet these declare 

Thy goodness beyond thought, and power divine. 



ee OO 

Or the convenience and utility of an Herbarium to 
the Botanist, it is needless to say a word. The first 
instinct of the student of Natural History is to col- | 
lect together specimens of the objects to which his 
attention is directed. Indeed before long he becomes 
aware of the positive necessity of having by him 
examples, on which he can readily lay his hand, for 
reference and comparison. Simple, however, as it 
appears to be to make an Herbarium, there is no 
point, respecting which the young naturalist (without 
experience and without a guide) more frequently 
violates the most important canons of science. The 
correct representation of the natural habit of the 
plant, and the best method of preserving it when 
found, are the rocks on which the beginner constantly 
makes shipwreck. Speaking generally, his errors 
arise from giving either too much or too little atten- 
tion to the matter. In the first case he looks only 
to the beauty of the specimen, and its neat appearance 
in the cabinet. He takes care—too much care, indeed 
-—to lay out the various parts in a manner to please 
the eye, but without any reference to their natural 


position, or true relation to each other. In the other | 

case, he is careless about the preservation of the plant, 
and neglects the commonest rules, whereby alone it 
can be saved from speedy destruction. The result, in 
both cases, is the same. His preparations are un- 
trustworthy and well nigh useless—at any rate, can 
lay no claim to any scientific valne. 

The lower Cryptogamia especially, such as the 
Alege and Fungi, require a somewhat complicated 
mode of treatment: so much so, indeed, that many a 
beginner is frightened from prosecuting his studies, 
disgusted by the continued failures, which, without 
a guide to lead him, it was next to impossible for 

him to escape... And yet so full of beauty and in-— 

terest are these lowly orders—enchaining the mind 

and arresting the attention of all, who are deeply 

DRT 4 

engaged in their study, that it seems hard, that any — 

should be debarred from the enjoyment of so much f. 
pleasure by mere mechanical difficulties, which, after 

all, may be easily removed. 
As cases of this kind have frequently come under 

my own observation, I have prepared the following 

pages with a view to place near the novice in botany — 
an adviser, who may offer him, in a condensed form, @ fs 

some useful suggestions respecting the best methods 
of collecting and preparing plants for the Herbarium. | 
I have ie this without the intention, or even the 

idea, of offering to the public anything ere or 

new, or better than what has been already published ; _ 


_ but because I know how troublesome and difficult it 
is for the tyro, in the commencement of his studies, 
to search through numerous works for a description 
‘of the method of preparation, which he may chance 
to need at the time. Here at least I can promise 
him, that he will find the most important facts con- 
tained 7m nuce, to the saving of both his time and 
patience. And this is the more necessary, because a 
novice’s library is not. usually too well stocked with 
books of reference ; and, besides, he is not always in a 
situation to consult larger and more important works, 
bearing on the subjects treated of here. 

Therefore I launch this little volume into the 
world, with the earnest wish that its perusal may be 
of service in lightening the labours and smoothing 
the path of more than one self-taught botanist. 


The reader will observe, that the chapters into which 
the book is divided, are of very unequal proportions, 
and that the greatest prominence is given to the Alew, 
which occupy quite one-half of the whole work. This 
is owing to the extraordinary variety of form and 
habit, which characterises this family, calling for 
-Tumerous descriptions of methods of preparation 
which need not to be repeated. 






. Or THE Stiprtate DIATOMACE 




. OF THE FinamMentous ALG 



. Or THe Marine ALGH , 


. Or THe Funcr. 







See eee 
Spirogyra : : 1 1-6 
Toxonidea Gregoriana . ; ; : : II 9 
Donkinia carinata . i : . 3 10 
Amphiprora maxima s : : “4 11 
Diadesmis Williamson . : ; : é z 12 
Triceratium striolatum . ' ; : ; III 13 
Amphitetras antediluviaua : : S 14 
Closterium Liebleinii = 15 
¥9 striolatum . : j Race 16 
Evastrum oblongum—front view .*.+ .. . > 17 
a $ side view . ; : fs 18 
Micrasterias rotata . ; a3 19 
Cosmarium margaritiferum . : : v 20 
x a empty frond . : si 21 
a5 ie end view : : “ 22 
Ankistrodesmus falcatus : oC oe tae : 23 
Collecting bottle * 24 
Navicula didyma .. 3 25 
Pinnuiaria major a 26 

Isthmia enervis : : v1 i ae 
Amphitetras antediluviana : - 28 
Licmophora flabellata. : oo ae a 
y iy fan ; é : : a! 30 
Mastogioia Danseli VIII 31 
Dickieia ulvoides a a2 
5,  pinnata :. 33 
Berkeleya fragilis * 34 
Coeconeis major ee 38 

m nitida 

: : " 39 


Schizonema Grevillei ; rx. 40 71 
Micromegz helminthosum : fe 41 ab. 
Colletonema neglectum . : = 42 1. 
Biddulphia pulchelia : : ; : x 46 79 
Triceratium castellatum . ; : s 47 20. 
Pleurosigma formosum . : . XI 49 87 
Penium digitus alee. 5 ce 50 1b. 

pee Weviculd* . : é ; a ol a, 
Docidium clavatum . : : 3 - 52 10. 
a = end of oad : : iB o3 ab. 
Staurastrum dejectum : ‘ x. 64 95 

- oracile ? toe : # sag 1, 

& spongiosum . : : : es 56 2b, 

a alternans : : 2 ; 3 oF 95 

Hmacstzum didelta .. . : : - 58 1. 

Hyalotheca dissiliens 3 iil o9 103 

Spiroteenia condensata.. e 60 a. 

Cosmarium botrytis : 35 61-70 th. 

Volvox globator . 5 mai 71 i11 

Pandorina morum . : : : - 72-81 ad. 

Press for drying Botanical Sacemens : XV 82 119 

Zygnemacee conjugating : j es < So-8o 2b. 

Fucus vesiculosus. Soy 86 { Frontis- 

= serratus. : : : : : 87 2b. 

» . nodosus es, : , i, VIE 88 127 

,, canaliculatus . ; : : : one ee ib. 

Torrubia entomorrhiza . : eae 50r 90 135 

. > section . ss 9] id. 

-. milters. : _ 92 ab. 

* eunnil : 5 : : : - 93 0. 

ie sphingum . : : é i 94 1b, 

3 5,  isaroid anni ge eee 

4 » fertile stipe : oes LK 96 143 

_ stylophora - : ; 5 : z OT ab. 
Morchella esculenta § : : ; zh 98 th, 

Lycoperdon gemmatum —. : = 99 ib. 


Lycoperdon saceatum . : : : . | ee: ee 

im -atropurpureum . : : : “d 1C1 ab. a 
Aregma bulbosum . é : . Xx_. 22 150mm 
Triphragmium ulmarie . . > OS 26mm 
Spheria herbarum . : : : ; ; 93. se AOA ab. # 
Asterosporium Hoffmanni .. x 105, 167m 
Puccinia graminis . é 5 es : 5 ome LO ab. i! 
Achlya prolifera . ; = ee . xx . 107 (1/om 
Marasmius oreades - . 4 Sees. 1 Samm 

. » section , ; : ge ae ib. B 
Scolopendrium vulgare . - =. 5), See 
Ceterach officinarum _.. : Pier t| ib. 4 
Osmunda regalis_. : ete : . exvr: le ©1998 

Ophioglossum vulgatum . : : coal bg 


Tron Ladle : é : : E ; pe | 
Caspary’s Rake . ; : d ; : g 8 5 : 
Quetschhahn or Spring Tap 5 eae ; 35 22 

Banninae Wachier Apparatus . : 37 26 & 
Envelope for Diatoms, &c . : : : 43 35 
Slide for 55 ae : 44 ib. @ 
Diagram representing Diatom . ; 45 388 
Valves and Hoop of . : : : 48 41 
Digeer -*. : ° . . 114 158 



Few stupies afford more instruction, or are attended with 
more genuine pleasure, than that of the Alee. And this is 
not simply due to the boundless wealth of form which they 
exhibit, and which astonishes and delights even those who 
have never given their attention to Natural History. Nor 
is it merely on account of the inexhaustible materials 
for observation and comparison which they afford to the 
botanist. But the main point of interest consists in this, 
that it is only by a close investigation of the conditions 
of life existing in the Alge, that we are enabled to get a 
true insight into the structure and functions of the higher 
plants. In fact, it is not too much to say, that vegetable 
anatomy and physiology, and the theory of the nature, deve- 
Jopment, and increase of vegetable cells—depend in no 
slight degree on the close observation of the Alge ; because 
in them the separate existence of each cell is so clearly 
seen. Whoever, therefore, would cultivate the study of 
vegetable anatomy, must first make himself thoroughly 
acquainted with this particular family. 

Materials for observation are always near at hand, for 
Algee abound everywhere ; often, indeed, where the superficial 
observer would scarcely expect to find even the smallest 
trace. Wherever water collects in large or small quantities, 
in a sea or lake, in a river or pond, and equally in the 
smallest ditch or puddle, or even on the face of a damp 
wall, there Alez thrive, and invite the attention of the 

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collector. It would be a mistake, therefore, to examine only — 
the larger masses of water; for frequently the least impor- 
tant localities afford the largest supply: indeed, certain 
families (for instance the Scytonemaceze and Nostochacee) 
would be constantly overlooked, if the lowlier spots were 
habitually neglected. In the same way a careful survey 
of a halfdried pool or puddle will often give the richest 

The filamentous Alge (such as the Confervacea, 
Zygnemacee, and Vaucherie) are generally the first to 
strike the attention of the collector, partly on account of 
their mode of growth, in large tufted masses, and partly on 
account of their bright green colour, so like that of the - 
Phanerogamia.* It is best, therefore, to make our first ac- 
quaintance with these, and through them with the more 
minute members of the order—the Diatomacesz, Desmi- 

_diaceee, &c., numbers of which are generally to be found 

adhering to the entangled tufts of their more gigantic 
relations. 'The rest may be made out by degrees, as the 
necessary amount of observation is given to them. eae 

To avoid needless repetitions, we will commence by 
offering some suggestions which will be found useful in 
collecting these plants. Asa general rule, the collector is 
strongly advised to give his attention to everything that 
can possibly be of the nature of an Alga; for, without the 

- microscope, he will often be unable to decide what he has 
before him. And if he is sometimes vexed at finding that 

he has carried home some worthless object, he is at least as 
likely to regret having thrown away from ignorance some- 
thing of value, 

* Many members of the Zygnemaceous family are especially con- 
Spicuous, when viewed under the microscope or a good lens, on 
account of the beautiful manner in which the cell contents are dis- 
pesed. Instead of forming a simple uniform ground colour, as is 
usually the case, the chlorophyll, or green matter, is arranged in 
spirals of exquisite pattern. In a few species the serpentine band is 
solitary, but, generaily speaking, there are from two to four spirais 
interlacing and crossing each other at regular intervals. Figures 1 
to 6, Plate 1., will help to illustrate the above remarks.—Ep, 


Green and brown excrescences on wood, slimy masses on 
_ plants, pieces of wood and stone that have lain long under 
_ water, layers of mud of a greenish or rusty brown colour 
are things not to be passed by. Neither let him neglect to . 
examine such matter as the outflowings from a manufactory, 
or walls which have been moistened by the vapour issuing 
from a steam engine; for, in situations of this kind, Alge 
are often developed, which may otherwise be looked for in 
vain except in hot springs. But, above all, the Algologist 
should never forbear to collect an object under the suppo- 
sition that he already possesses it. In the first place he 
cannot be quite sure of this until he has placed it under 
the microscope. Next to that, on the same batch of speci- 
mens which have been polled early in the season, most 
interesting parasites (as, for instance, Characium and 
Hydrocytium) will often be found at a later period. 
Lastly, it is actually necessary to examine certain species at 
different times of the year, if the development and fructi- 
fication are to be satisfactorily determined. Let it then be 
an axiom with the collector of Alge, to take care to 
gather always more, rather than less, than he actually needs. 

With regard to the fittest season for collecting water- 
weeds it is sufficient to observe, that they are to be 
‘Obtained at all periods of the year, not excepting the 
winter, many of the Diatomacez showing themselves to 
be perfectly indifferent to extreme changes of temperature. 
At the same time increase takes place most largely in the 
spring. On the other hand the autumn is the best time 
_ for gathering Desmidiacee. In fact, the periods of vege- 
tation vary considerably. ‘The species of Ulothrix, for 
instance, occur only during the early months of summer, 
and then vanish almost entirely. Again it is requisite to 
observe, whether Algw are constant in any given spot, or 
whether (as is often the case) they appear there for a 
time only, and then disappear altogether. Thus I have 
noticed Hildenbrandtia rosea, CEdogonium fonticola, and 
Batrachospermum moniliforme developing themselves, 

B 2 : 

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season after season, in the same situation; while other 
species, which were at one time just as abundant, have 
entirely vanished, without any apparent reason. ‘Take, for 
example, Hydrodictyon utriculatum. It is quite astonish- | 

_ ing in what abundance this species will suddenly fill some ~ 

pond or ditch, at times almost obstructing the flow of 
water, only to disappear again after a while without 
leaving a trace behind, So that, if a person is anxious to 
gather a large number of specimens (for the sake, say, of 
making exchanges), he must be careful to do so while he — 
has the opportunity, and not leave them to a future period, 
under the idea that they will await his convenience; for . 
he is likely enough in that case to deceive himself, and, on 
returning to the piece of water, to find only emptiness, — 
where, the year before, there was superfluity, It is far — 
better to secure the requisite number of examples on first 
coming across the species; indeed, if necessary, the whole 
stock may be taken, as there 1s little likelihood of extir- 
pating any kind of Alga. 

What few implements are needed in the collection of 
Alge are neither complicated nor expensive. The following 
will be found useful :— 

: pe. small 3 iron or tin ladle, two inches across, fig. 7. 

About one-third of the circum- 

Fig. 7. ference on the right hand side 

is provided with a number of 

teeth, three lines long, and bent 

inwards. <A short hollow handle 

projects from one side of the 

ladle, whereby it may be at- 
tached to a walking-stick. 

This little instrument serves 
to fish out plants which lie be- 
yond arm’s length; and the 
teeth may be usefully employed in entangling small species. 
which occur on the surface of the water, such as Rivulariz, | 
Cylindrospermum, &c. 


2. A tiny sieve, such as is sometimes suspended from 
“the mouth of a teapot to intercept the minute portions of 
the leaves. It must be of very fine wire, and provided 
with a handle. Its use is to secure floating masses of | 

_ Desmidiacez, Limnochlids, &c. 

__ 8. A common iron spoon is convenient for lifting with 
eare the upper layers of mud, where there is reason to 

_ suspect the presence of Diatomacez and Desmidiacez. | 
4, Where Characezx are likely to be met with, or, indeed, 

| for dredging purposes generally, Caspary’s rake is an 

admirable instrument, fig. 8. It is made of iron, and is 
of the following dimensions:—Length, a, b, ten inches; 
width, ¢c, d, from the point of one tooth to the opposite 
point, three and three-quarter inches; distance between the 
points of the teeth c, e, three-quarters of an inch. The 
handle, 7, 9, terminating ina ring, to which a stout cord 
may be attached, is five inches long. The weight of the 
Instrument must not be less than “two or three pounds; 
-if lighter, it is apt to jump over slight obstacles at the 
bottom of the water, and thereby miss the object to be 
caught. The length of line, which should be about the 
thickness of a finger, must of course be adapted to the 
depth of the water. An Alpine lake frequently requires 
as much as eighty or ninety feet. For convenience 


of carriage, the teeth of the rake may be enclosed in a 
wooden channel (just as a crosscut saw is generally 
carried), and the rope tied round and round it. It isa 
mistake to fix the rake into a long handle (as is sometimes 
done), not solely on account of the difficulty of transport, | 
but because it can only be used: in water of moderate 
depth. Moreover, it is by no means easy to fix the in- 
strument with sufficient firmness into the wooden handle, 
and it is consequently liable to be lost, if it meets with an 
obstruction of more than ordinary size. : 

5. A sufficient quantity of oiled paper, or some similar 
material, such as waxed cloth, or india-rubber or gutta- 
percha sheeting, in which to fold up the specimens, and 
prevent the water from draining out. Several small 
parcels can be packed in a larger piece of sheeting, and 
these again placed in a bag, to be carried across the 

6. A number of small bottles with wide ete for 
the purpose of holding Diatomacez, and similar minute 
specimens. Cork stoppers are to be preferred to glass, 
as the latter are apt to get loose and fall out from the 
constant friction of sandy particles, whose presence it is 
impossible to avoid. Besides, glass stoppers make the 
bottles both heavier and more expensive, without any 
‘corresponding return. ‘The bottles may be safely carried — 
in the breastpocket of a coat—that is, for short expeditions. 
For longer journeys, and on occasions where many bottles 
must be carried, it is best to provide a kind of knapsack, 
not too large, in which they may be laid, one against the 
other. To prevent shaking or breaking, some paper or 
strips of pasteboard may be laid between each bottle. 

7. Lastly, it is of the utmost importance to be pro- 
vided with a good lens, or a pocket-microscope, so as 
to be able to distinguish in a moment, and on the spot, 
useless from useful matter. 

There is no need to recommend a stout walking-stick 
and a pocket-knife, as no sensible botanist would think of © 

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going on an expedition without being provided with both 
the one and the other. The Ge especially is indis- 
pensable to the Algologist, as it forms a ready handle for 
his ladle and sieve. 

With these few instruments the collector of Alger is 

prepared for his outdoor work. A tin vasculum, such as 
is commonly used in gathering Phanerogamia, need not 
be rejected; still it is by no means a necessity, because 
_ the Alege are sufficiently protected by the waterproof paper 

or sheeting. Nor are they of the same fragile nature 

as the higher plants. Besides, a considerable portion will 
_be contained in the bottles. At the same time, however 
' carried, care must of course be taken not to squeeze the 
_ specimens too closely together. 

As soon as the stock of specimens is brought home, the 

first business of the collector will be to place them (each 
species by itself, as far as may be) in glasses of water 
— (which should be, if possible, quite soft), in order to keep 
_ them fresh until he is prepared to examine them. Many 
_ Species may be preserved in this way for several days 
_ without spoiling, especially if the water in which they are 
_ placed be in some quantity, and is changed every day. 
_ Others however, the Vaucherize for instance, perish very 

quickly, and cannot be preserved for long. hee there- 

Penny I es hay ete 

fore must be attended to first. But even when any of 

these are completely lost, it is well not to throw them 

away until they have been carefully searched for Diato- 
_Iacez, many of which will survive the decay of the plants 
_ to which they were clinging when first removed from the 
water. A small quantity of muriatic acid may be poured 
into the glass, as this has a tendency to check putridity, 
and then the Diatomacez may be separated at leisure. 

If from want of time, distance from home, or any like 

cause, the specimens collected cannot be at once prepared, 
the best plan is to place them. in a bottle, and pour over 
them a quantity of gin, which may be procured almost 
anywhere. It is true the alcohol destroys the colour of 


the plants, and turns them yellow or brown; but even 
that is to be preferred to losing them altogether. At 
the same time the collector should not forget to note the 
fact of their having been immersed in alcohol, otherwise, — 
if exchanges are made, strange mistakes may arise as 
to the original colour of the specimen. 

As may be supposed, plants which have grown in os 
flowing streams are more liable to decay after they have 
been gathered, than those whose home is the stagnant 
pond or marsh, since the conditions of life in the latter are 
not so much interfered with by their removal; indeed, they | 
will often continue to live and vegetate in a room, provided 
attention be paid to. the chemical quality of the water in 
which they are found. 

As this little work is intended for the collector and not 
for the systematist, nothing will here be said with regard 
to the genera into which the Alge have been divided. 
‘That portion of their history must be sought for in other 
works, though of course in this, as in every other depart- 
ment of Natural History, an coe knowledge of both 
genera and species is essential to the student. But, for 
convenience sake and to avoid repetitions, we will, in the 
following pages, confine our treatment of the subject to 
certain heads, corresponding in some degree to the natural — 

- divisions of systematic authors. 

| Having given on a preceding page one or two examples 
of the lovely patterns which distinguish some of the fila- 
mentous Algew, it will not be amiss to insert here some 
specimens of the families of Diatomaceze and Desmidiacez. 
The figures will assist the young student in discriminating 
the members of these minute, but important, divisions of 
the vegetable kingdom ; they will also help to point out to 
him what wonderful treasures lie within his grasp, ready to 
be seized as soon as his eye and hand are sufficiently 
edueated to make them his own. In the accompanying 
Plates (11. 1. Iv. v.) the Diatomacese are represented by 
figures 9 to 14, the Desmidiacee by figs. 15 to 23.—Ep. | 



THESE TINY MEMBERS of the great vegetable kingdom are 
generally the first to engage the attention of the collector, 
for their distribution is almost boundless. I suppose there 
is scarcely a single piece of water anywhere which does 
not contain at least some individuals of the commoner 
species. They are to be found alike in the lake that 
crowns the mountain-top, and the swamps and peat-beds 
which fill the lowest valley ; in the water-course employed 
to irrigate the meadows; in the broad ocean and the 
shallow puddle left by the overflowing of a ditch. The 
brackish water, where the tidal river meets the sea; salt- 
works and salt-pits; even inland lakes, which have a trace 
of salt in them —each affords a rich variety of characteristic 
Diatomacee, varying according to the chemical quality of 
the water.* They are to be frequently found also on rocks 
and masses of stone, damp from overhanging trees, or from 
the constant trickling of water. There they nestle among 
the tufts of moss, or the layers of Oscillatorie; or, in 
company with other minute Alge, form a slimy mass of a 
brown or olive green colour on the face of the bare rock. 
Never let the collector pass by a spot of this description 
without giving it a close examination. He will be often 
rewarded with some of the rarest and most lovely species. 

_ * Tt is quite astonishing what a slight infusion of salt suffices to 
fix the character of the Diatomacez. For example’s sake I may 
mention a lake in Hungary, and some pieces of water in Southern 
Moravia, which contain an inappreciable quantity of salt, neverthe- 
less the Diatomaceous forms answer exactly to those usually found 
in brackish water.—J. N. 


In any case he is tolerably sure to come across good speci- 
mens of other Cryptogamic orders. 

The fact that the separate valves of the Diatomacee are 
protected by an almost indestructible coating of silica, 
allows of their being recognised years after the organism 
itself has ceased to exist, as may be seen in almost any 
dried-up pocl. Nay, countless ages may pass away, and 
still the valves, on being brought to the light of day, will 
exhibit their delicate markings as clearly as though the 
hand of the Creator had sculptured them but yester- 
day. Numerous deposits of these peculiar Algee are to be 
found in different parts of the world. It is sufficient to 
mention San Fiore in Tuscany, Franzenbad in Bohemia, 
and Berlin, as well-known examples. This remarkable 
quality of endurance naturally leads us to look for traces 
of their presence in localities where we should not usually 
search for the Alge. Guano, for instance, is rich in 
beautiful forms. Dwellers by the seaside may furnish 
themselvés with numerous species, which vegetate in the 
unknown depths of the ocean, by a microscopic examina- 
tion of the contents of the stomachs of fishes, mollusks, 
and meduse ; a task not much to the taste perhaps of the 
beginner, but one which we would recommend him to 
undertake boldly, as he is sure to meet with a rich 
return. | 

So minute are the Diatomaceer, that, with few excep- 
tions, individuals escape the eye of the collector altogether, 
save when armed with a microscope or powerful lens. 
Still he should never hesitate to carry off a supply of what 
may, at first sight, appear to be worthless matter. For 
oftentimes he will find examples of most interesting species 
in gatherings which, to the naked eye, seem entirely desti- 
tute of vegetation, and, for the sake of these, he must be 
content to draw a few blanks in the vegetable lottery. 

It is rare, indeed, to find Diatomacez in any quantity 
free from admixture with other members of the Algz, and 
uncontaminated by mud and sandy particles. Generally. 


| Speaking, the cleanest specimens, by which I mean those 
best adapted for immediate preparation, are the filamentous 
_ genera of Melosira, Odontidium, Fragillaria, and Schizo- 
nema; also certain parasitical kinds, such as Cocconeis, 
Achnanthes, Synedra, Gomphonema, Licmophora, &c., 
which often cover the plants to which they are attached 
_ to such an extent as to hide the original form. 

With regard to the fossil Diatomaces it is a singular 
fact, that although they exist in such countless quantities, 
they are nevertheless ranged under a very small number 
_ of species. | 
As in the case of the Alex generally, the outfit required 
for gathering Diatomacee is of the simplest kind. A 
common iron spoon, to scrape the surface of mud; a few 
small bottles, wide-necked and cork-stoppered ; a quantity 
of oiled paper, or some similar material. With these few 
articles the botanist may safely commence an expedition 
‘in search of these minute plants. 

| The collector will often come across likely-looking spots, 
lying beyond the reach of his arm; perhaps a mass of 
| Weeds in the middle of a wide ditch, or a tempting hollow 
at the base of a steep slippery bank. To meet this con- 
tingency, he should provide himself with an ounce vial, 
broad-brimmed and wide-mouthed, and, besides, a stout 
India-rubber ring. The bottle, when required, can be 
easily attached to the end of a walking-stick by means of 
the ring (as shown in fips, 24 Pilates), and then w= 
‘serted among tufts of Alge, &e., at some distance from the 
‘side of the pond or stream.—Ep. |] 




THE Diatowscrz may be conveniently divided into two 
classes. the free species, or those which have an indepen- 
dent existence ; and the stipitate, or such as are attached to 

other objects, generally the larger Alge, by means of a _ 

stalk. This kind of classification, though purely arbitrary, 

is not without a certain importance, so far as the purposes — 

of collection and preparation are concerned ; for, as it is 
one of the main points in a well-ordered herbarium to 

retain the natural habit of each plant, we must not over- 

look the various modes of growth to which the Diato- 
maces are subject. 
{ Acting on the Horatian maxim, that 

‘Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures, 
Quam que sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus,’ 

I add here a few examples of the two classes of Diatoms 
_ referred to above. Figs 25, 26, Plate v., represent members 

of the ‘ Free’ genera, Navicula and Pinnularia. 

- In these it will be seen that each plant is a separate and. 

independent individual ; whereas in those which follow, 
individuals are attached. together, or to some other body, 
either by a slender cord, or by a stem, from the ends or 
sides of which they are produced ; in other words are 
‘ Stipitate :” for these see Plates vi. and vil. 

A third form includes the Frondose species, or those in 
which numerous individual frustules are enclosed in, and 

held together by, a coating of gelatine; bearing, in this — 

state, a strong resemblance to the frond of a tiny seaweed. 
Figs 31 to 34 (Plate vi.) belong to this group.—-ED. | 






9. Toxonidea Gregoriana. 11. Amphiprora maxima. 
10. Donkinia carinata. 12. Diadesmis Williamsonii. 






ae alin ae Hn 



' The free growing members of the family (or those 
which are in no sense parasitic) are found entangled 
among the tufts of filamentous Alge, Oscillatorie, Mosses, 
&c.; or we see them below the surface of the water, 
wherever the soil, or a stone, or fallen leaf, is stained with 
a yellowish brown hue. In the latter case the colour is 
almost invariably due to multitudes of Naviculaceee and 
Nitzschiz, genera which usually prefer shallow spots, only 
a few inches deep, though occasionally they occur in 
considerable depths, as for example in Alpine lakes. In 
swiftly flowing streams they become more scattered, and 
numbers of them remain suspended in the foam, consequent 
on the water beating violently against stones and other 
obstacles, and thus may be easily collected without any 
admixture of sand and mud. In like manner they often 
rise to the surface with the bubbles of gas, which are 
disengaged from water-plants under the influence of the 
sun’s rays. Whenever these foam bubbles are seen to be 
tinged with a brown colour, the collector knows at once, 
that they are charged with numerous specimens of the 
plants he is in search of, and he has only to skim them off 
into a wide-mouthed bottle to be sure of ample materials 
fur study on his return home. Those individuals which are 
eaught among the filaments of Algew, or Mosses, must be 
gathered with the latter, care being taken to drain as little 
moisture as possible from the tuft, lest the Diatomaceze 
escape with it. Let the whole mass be carefully laid in 
oiled paper, and on afterwards washing it in clean water, 
the lesser Alge will be disengaged from their temporary 
nidus, and after a while sink to the bottom of the vessel, 
when the superfluous water may be poured off. If it is 
desired to dry the sediment at once, this can be managed 
by filtering it through some fitting material. _ 

It is less easy, however, to separate them from the 
Oscillatorie, because the latter are so fragile, that it is 
almost impossible to prevent numerous fragments of their 
filaments from being mingled with the Diatomacee. To 

. C 


get rid of these, the objects to be cleaned should be placed 

in an evaporating dish of porcelain, or in test tubes (such 
as are used in chemical laboratories), into which some 
strong mineral acid—muriatic or nitric—has been pre- 
viously poured, and the whole suspended over a spirit- 
lump. By this means the fragments of Oscillatoria and 
other organic matter will be dissolved, leaving a residuum 
of the silicious coats of the Diatomacez (which are 
practically indestructible), and also whatever flinty par- 
ticles of sand may have been introduced: these latter 

can be got rid of Uy washing, in a way to be presently 

During the boiling which ensues, means must be taken 
to let the vapour escape that rises from the heated acid, 

by placing the apparatus, for instance, on the hob of a fines 3 

grate, so that the steam may be carried up the chimney. 
If this precaution is neglected, serious damage is likely to 
ensue to articles in the room, the lenses of a microscope 
will be spoilt, and any metallic substance 1s sure to be 
tarnished, not to mention the injury that may be done 

to the observer himself, from imbibing the poisonous — 

How long the boiling should continue can be determined 
_ only by practice and experience; a few minutes are gene- 

rally sufficient. Sometimes, however, a second application 

of acid is needed, before the whole of the organisms are 
dissolved. The best test, perhaps, of this having been 
accomplished is the clear bright appearance of the acid 
that remains in the tube or saucer, and then the Diatoma- 
ceous valves may be considered as thoroughly cleansed, 
To clear them of the acid, empty the mass into a tolerably 
large glass of pure water, and allow the Diatomacez to 
sink to the bottom. Immediately pour off the water, 
taking the utmost care not to disturb the sediment, and 
introduce a fresh supply, which must, in its turn, be 

poured off, and the glass refilled. This should continue 

until a strip of litmus paper ceases to be tinged with a 


reddish hue; a proof that not an atom of the acid is left in 
the glass. 

The greatest attention must be paid to this cleansing 
process, for, should it be carried out carelessly or incom- 
pletely, the valves, on account of the acid still clinging to 
them, will make very imperfect preparations for the micro-- 
scope. Supposing, however, that all has been done as it 
should be, the flinty coating of the Diatomaceze suspended 
in the water will be seen to give it a sort of flickering 
appearance. ‘Time must be given them to settle on the 
bottom of the glass, and then they may be passed through 
the filter and dried; or, if not wanted immediately, they 
may be kept in alcohol for future observation. 

The species which lie on the surface of mud must also 
go through a process of cleansing, for it is exceedingly 
difficult to collect them in so pure a state as is needed for 
a really good preparation. ‘They can rarely, in fact, be 
gathered without a large infusion of sand and earthy in- 
eredients, though, of course, the more careful the col- 
lector is in taking them up, the less will be his trouble 
and anxiety afterwards. 

Generally speaking, these species appear as a yellowish 
brown deposit at the bottom of the ditch or shallow pond 
in which they are found. ‘The finer the weather and the 
brighter the sun, the richer and more conspicuous is this 
deposit, because these circumstances are favourable to the 
vegetative powers of the Diatomacer, which then move 
with considerable activity, and draw themselves towards 
the light, forming a thin layer, which may be lifted 
carefully off the surface of the mud with an iron spoon, 
and dropped into a wide-mouthed bottle. Sometimes, 
under the influence of the sun’s rays, causing gases to 
bubble up from the underlying mud, myriads of these tiny 
plants are caught by passing fragments of Oscillatorize and 
other weeds, are raised to the top of the water, and may 
then be secured in a perfectly pure condition. 

When however, as is more usually the case, earth and 

| c 2 


sand are mixed with the captured Diatomacee, the former 
must be got rid of by the process of washing alluded to 
just now. 


There are different arrangements for effecting this; in — 

the simplest, a few wine glasses are all the apparatus needed. 
Empty the contents of a bottle into one of these, and 
shake them well together. Let the glass remain at rest 
for a short time, until the heavier particles have sunk to 
the bottom ; then pour the water slowly and carefully into 
another glass, and the Diatomacez and other light bodies 

will be carried with it. As some of the material might be - 

lost by clinging to the outside of the glass, in consequence 
of the slow passage of the water, it is a good plan to smear 
the edge with a little tallow or suet: this will cause the 
water to flow in a steady compact stream. Now let the 
vessel be quite still as before, so as to allow of the heavier 
ingredients once more subsiding, and again decant the 
contents, leaving the residue in the glass. This process 
may be repeated again and again, until the Diatomacez are 
entirely purified from all admixture of mud or sand. 
Indeed, by the same mode of proceeding, the larger species 
may be effectually separated from the lesser; because, 
owing to their weight and form, certain kinds are sure to 

-reach the bottom more quickly than their lighter com- 

panions. ‘The clearer the water appears to the eye, so 
much the longer must the glass remain at rest, because, in 
consequence of their smaller specific gravity, the lesser 
species take a longer time to sink. Lastly, the separate 
deposits are to be examined under the microscope, and 
their contents filtered and dried. 

The plan recommended by Okeden is rather more 
complicated than this, but is perhaps more effectual in the 
end. The gathering of mud and Diatomacee is emptied 
into a tall narrow vessel—a champagne glass for instance— 
into which water has been poured to the depth of two 

inches, and is then to be stirred with a glass rod. The 

vessel is left quiet until the more solid particles have 


separated themselves, and sunk to the bottom. This will 
take place in about half a minute. The fluid is next 
| carefully decanted into a second glass, and the amount of 
water lost made up, the same process being gone through 
five or six times. ‘The sediment in the second glass now 
contains all the Diatomacew and sandy particles, which 
were too light to subside during the first half minute. To 
separate these still further, this sediment is treated exactly 
as was the original gathering, excepting that a longer time 
is given if (say two minutes and a half), between each 
decanting. In the same way the contents of the third 
glass are sorted, only that a still longer period, not less 
than five minutes, is allowed. LHvery glass now contains 
samples of Diatomacez, mingled with earthy ingredients of 
varying weights, the last glass having of course the 
lightest. ‘To remove the foreign bodies altogether, each 
mass of sediment is placed in turn in a short wide glass, 
and about an inch height of water is poured over it, where 
it is left for a minute or two. As soon as the whole of the 
contents may be supposed to have settled, a rotatory 
‘motion is given to the water, by moving the vessel with 
the hand in a circular direction. The Diatomacez, con- 
sisting mostly of thin plates or valves, are raised by the 
agitation of the water to the surface, while, on the other 
hand, the sandy particles being more or less round, are 
- rolled upon each other at the bottom, and gradually collect 
in the centre of the vessel. The fluid is now quickly, but 
with great care, decanted into a second glass, where the 
_ Diatomacez are allowed to subside. What remains in the 
_ first glass may be again and again submitted to the same 
process, until it is tolerably certain that not a single 
Diatom has been overlooked. 

In order to effect a separation of the different species, 
by taking advantage of their varying specific gravities, 
the following method, introduced by Munro, is excellent, 
and has the merit of great simplicity. A glass tube, 
three to four teet in length and half an inch wide, is 


suspended, or fixed, in an upright position. 'To the lower 
part is attached a short piece of india-rubber tubing, 
ending in a glass mouthpiece with a fine opening, and 
provided with a kind of tap, known in Germany as a 
‘Quetschhahn,’ which may be freely interpreted ‘ spring- 
tap. * The Alge having been partially cleansed from 
sand and dirt, the mass is poured into the upper opening 
of the tube, and a short time being allowed for settle- 
ment, the tap is opened, and a portion drawn off into a 
glass. The tap being again closed, and a few minutes 
allowed to pass, some more of the water is run into a ~ 
second glass, and so on, a longer period being allowed 
between each opening of the tap, until the whole of the 

* As this peculiar and most useful form of tap is, I believe, un- 
known, or nearly so, to English Diatomolosists I append a short 
Fig. 35. : ‘description. It con- 
Fig. 36. A sists, as shown in 
the accompanying 
figures, of anelastic 
wire bent round to 
form two parallel 
8B sides, which are 
| again bent at right 
angles to its axis, so as to cross one another, 
and each ending in a flat button A, B. Its_ 
elasticity, when made to grasp the india-rubber 
tubing, completely prevents the passage of a 
fluid. If it is desired that the fluid should 
escape from the tube, it is only necessary to 
press the buttons A, B, upon which the two 
sides separate to any required extent. On re- 
leasing the buttons, they immediately fall back 
to their former position, and the flow of liquid 
is arrested. 

This instrument (which may be procured at. 
Mr. Baker's. 248, High Holborn) is greatly to 
be preferred to the ordinary stop-cock for use 
in washing Diatomacee ; being cheaper, more . 
easily cleaned, and far less lable to get out 
of order, or to be choked by sand or mud.—Ep. 



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13. Triceratium striolatum. 14. Amphitetras antediluviana. 
15, Closterium Liebleinii. 


fluid is received into several glasses. If now these are 
examined, it will be found that they contain individuals of 
different species, for the heaviest sorts sank first to the 
bottom of the tube, and were the first drawn off, the 
lighter swam longer on the surface of the water contained 
in the tube, and were the last therefore to leave it. 
Another plan, as ingenious as it is easy to put in 
practice, is that recommended by Reinicke, the principle of 
which is founded on the peculiar property, possessed by 
the Diatomacez, of pressing towards the light. Having 
collected a quantity of mud, which is seen to be overlaid 
by a deposit of Diatomacez, it is spread out on a shallow 
plate, a common dinner plate answers the purpose very 
well. Upon this is laid a piece of thin linen, or canvass, or 
cotton stuff, and sufficient water gently poured upon the 
whole to cover it entirely. The plate is then left near the 
window of a room in a clear light, or, better still, where 
the full rays of the sun may fall upon it. The tiny 
organisms immediately begin to creep through the meshes 
of the overlying cloth, and, in two or three days, form on 
it a thickish coating (free from all earthy matter), which 
may be taken up by means of a camel’s hair pencil, and 
laid upon a slip of glass. Of course this process is avail- 
able only so long as the plants are fresh and full of life. If 
left too long in the room, they lose their vitality, and must 
-be got at by some other means. .Another point to be 
remembered is, that it can be employed only with certain 
Species, such as the Nitzschize and Navicule, whose move- 
ments are perfectly free and active. There are numerous 
genera in which the individuals have but slight inherent 
powers of motion; these cannot be prepared after this 
Gerstenberger’s plan of propagating Diatomacee in 
confinement, depends on nearly the same principle He 
also spreads out the mud on a plate or shallow dish, and 
places it near a window in the full light of the sun. 
Stimulated by its rays, the plants begin to multiply 

ree PO TN Ie MOE TT em oe) Ne Renna wey 




rapidly, forming a brown layer on the surface of the mud. 
As soon as a sufficient quantity is produced, the water is 
carefully poured away, or (preferably in my opinion) is 

Fig. 37. 

drawn off by the aid of a small 
glass syringe. The mass is now 
to be swept up with a camel’s 
hair pencil, and either deposited 
at once on a slip of glass, or im- 
mersed in clear water. The mud 
remaining in the plate may be a 
second time moistened and placed 
in the sun, and the ccllection of 
the Diatomacee repeated as be- 
fore. By degrees, however, the 
vitality of the little plants ex- 
hausts itself, and it 1s necessary . 
to revive their vegetative powers. 
This may be accomplished by 
creating for them an artificial 
spring and winter. And there is, - 
in truth, no difficulty in -pro-_ 
ducing these unseasonable sea- 
sons! You have only to allow 
the water to evaporate, and the 
mud to become nearly, not quite, 
dry. Then pour fresh water 
over it, and once more the Dia- 
tomacee break up, and vegeta- 
tion commences anew. In this 
way, gatherings originally poor 
may be made to yield an abun- 
dant supply of plants. 

Another contrivance for obtaining the Diatomacez in a 
pure state is the washing apparatus of Benning, fig. 37. 
It consists of a glass cylinder, two feet six inches in 
height and two inches wide, on one side of which four 
holes are pierced, ¢, d, e, f, the lowest at four inches from 


the bottom, the others being about eight inches apart. 
Each hole is provided with a short tube, of glass or gutta 
percha, and a stopcock, or spring tap, so that water may 
be drawn into vessels placed below, through either of the 
holes, and in any quantity required. At the apex of the 
cylinder a funnel, g, is placed, and to it isattached a narrow 
glass tube, h, of sufficient length to reach almost to the bottom 
of the cylinder. ‘To the lower extremity of the tube, h, a 
kind of mouthpiece of glass is joined (a short piece of 
india-rubber tubing will effect the junction), drawn out 
into a very fine opening. Above the funnel, g, either 
placed on a stand or fixed against the wall, isa tin vessel, 
|, with a short pipe, &, leading into the funnel. This vessel 
is for the reception of water. 

The method of using this little apparatus is as follows: 
—The Diatomacex, roughly freed from mud and sand, are 
poured into the cylinder, a, 0, and immediately sink to the 
bottom. The funnel, g, being replaced, the tap, &, is 
opened, and water begins to flow down the inner tube, h. 
The effect of this is to cause a grand disturbance among 
the imprisoned Diatomacez, which are forced up the sides 
of the cylinder, a, 6, the lightest of course being the 
highest. On opening the uppermost, c, of the four side 
sluices, the water, loaded with Diatomacez, issues into a 
Wineglass, or some similar vessel, and this should be 
continued as long as the fluid remains thick. As soon as 
it appears clear and bright, let the next tap, d, be opened 
(the upper one still being allowed to discharge its contents), 
and the water caught in a second glass. ‘This second glass 
will then contain all those Diatomacee which were too 
heavy to rise to the level of the uppermost tap, c, but at 
the same time too light to sink below the level of the 
third tap, e. And so the process is continued until each 
of the taps has been opened. 

It will be well to bear in mind, that the flow of water 
from the reservoir, 7, can be regulated very nicely, and the 
quantity discharged lessened or increased, by means of the 


EN Ee eee ee ee 


tap, k, leading into the funnel. The amount of disturbance, 
also, to which the Diatomacee are subjected can be altered 
at will, by having mouth-pieces of different sizes made for the 
funnel tube, h, so that the apparatus is completely under 
the control of the operator, and any degree of washing can 
be given to the contents of the cylinder—the column of 
water issuing from the funnel and the opening of the 
mouth-piece below being made to bear a certain relation to 
each other. | 

The Diatomacez being now cleansed from all impurities, 
the next step is to put them away in the herbarium. If 
the quantity be sufficient, it 1s a good plan to lay them 
(using a camel’s hair pencil for the purpose) on stout paper 
or cardboard, and there let them dry. Should they be 
wanted for examination under the microscope, it is easy to 
take up a portion, about the size of a pin’s head, and lay it, 
on a glass slide. If, however, the original supply is small, 
the whole may be placed at once on a glass slide, protected 
by a thin glass covering. The advantage of this method is, 
that the object is always ready for microscopical observation 
and comparison, and the same preparation may be examined 
any number of times. Care, however, must be taken, 
while laying on the drop, that the mdividuals are not too 
crowded together, but that each one stands out distinctly ; 
otherwise the passage of light is interfered with, anda dark 
shapeless mass is all that meets the observer's eye. 

The scientific value of each preparation is increased by 
having at hand some specimens in a ‘ crude’ state, that is 
to say, with the endochrome in situ, and not removed by 
an acid. The difference between these two states is this: 
when the valves have been submitted to the action of a 
strong acid, the delicate sculpturing of the silicious coat 
comes out, under proper illumination, In a marvellous 
way; but the endochrome has entirely disappeared; the 
plant is, in fact, a mere shell. In the other case, when 
the individuals are not submitted to an acid, and are 
examined in a fluid, the markings are scarcely visible; 


very often they are not to be seen at all; but the contents 
of the valves can be made out clearly enough. For this 
Jast purpose, then, the plants should be put away in small 
bottles, filled with very dilute alcohol. When required for 
use, let the bottle be well shaken, insert a glass rod, and 
some of the frustules are sure to cling to it, and be drawn 
out. The drop may then be placed on a slide, and the 
mixture allowed to evaporate. 

If, as is often the case, especially with the fossil species, 
the valves will not adhere to the slide, recourse must be 
had to a very thin solution of gum arabic. By placing a 
minute drop on the glass, and then immersing the specimens, 
their adhesiveness is ensured. However, this plan should 
only be resorted to in extreme cases, for the residuum left 
by even the purest gum is very apt to interfere with the 
beauty of the preparation, and to spoil the delicate markings 
of the valves. 




to other bodies by a footstalk or pedicel, not only forms a 
convenient ground of division to the collector, but has a 
specific value in the eyes of the systematist. That this is : 
so is proved by such genera as Cymbella (Agardh), and 
Cocconema (Ehrenberg), Sphenella (Kitzing), and Gompho-— 
nema (Avuet.), Achnanthidium (Kiitzing), and Achnanthes . 
(Bory), which are respectively separated solely on this ac- 
count. Cymbella and Cocconema, for instance, are precisely — 
the same in form and appearance, except that the former is 
free and the latter stipitate. So with regard to many 
species of Synedra, great attention is paid to “the manner 1n | 
which they are attached, some being adherent during the ; 
whole term of their eee while others become free at 
a very early stage. And a single glance at the genera 
Podosphenia (Ehrenber 'g), Rhipidophora (Ehrenberg), and 
Licmophora (Agardh), is sufficient to show how much of } 
the characteristic differences existing among these plants is | 
made to depend upon the existence and position of the 
footstalk. j 
The stipitate Diatomacez must naturally be searched for 
in somewhat different localities to those in which the free | 
species love to dwell. They are, in fact, to be found ad- | 
hering to the larger Algee and similar water plants, often in — 
enormous quantities, If the smallest atom of one of these” 
loaded plants is separated from the parent branch, and | 
carefully spread out, with the aid of a needle, on a glass” 
slide, then allowed to dry, and submitted to the microscope, — 

THE FacT that certain kinds of Diatomacee are attached 



rt — a 

Pom sx's 
gee tenn 









ys - Huastrum oblongum (front view). 19. Micrasterias rotata. 


16. Closterium striolatum. 18. Enastrum oblongum (side view). 

Pees eee ey 

i. f 

emp rears 



a whole forest of parasitic Diatomacee will come into view. 
The worst of this drying process is, that, in the species with 
long pedicels, the connection between me head and the stalk 
is almost sure to be broken, the former separating and falling 
to the ground. ‘T'he only way to avoid this is to keep the 
plants in a mixture of one part of alcohol to six parts of 
water. The same solution is recommended asa preservative 
for many species, which are united together and form a long 
chain, as for instance Odontidium, Melosira, Diatoma, and 

In searching for these minute plants, the collector will 
often be guided by the reddish-brown tint, which colours 
the Alez on which they are growing, and which betrays 
their presence. ‘This is especially the case in the bright ~ 
- sunshine, when it often happens that tufts of weed float on 

the surface of the water, upheld by the gases which have 
been generated by its rays. The quantity of Diatomacee, 
which are sometimes found on the larger Algze, is almost 
incredible. Species of the genus Cocconeis (Plate vitr. figs. 
38, 39) not unfrequently clothe Confervacee (for instance, 
Cladophora glomerata) with a deep red brown colour, to 
such an extent that not a trace is to be seen of the original 
green tint of the Cladophora. The Polysiphonie and 
Ceramia are not unfrequently so completely hidden under 
masses of Synedra and Achnanthes, that in point of fact 
they become, not independent plants, but the invisible 
axis of a coating of Diatomacee! Others, however, of 
the stipitate species occur more rarely. To secure these, 
the collector must not forget to examine closely the 
various filamentous Alge he may chance to come across 
on his excursions, and to carry off a small piece with him? 
He must be careful, too, not to overlook those plants 
whose acquaintance he has already made earlier in the 
season; for it often happens that a colony of Diatomacee 
will fix themselves on an Alga late in the year, of 
which not a specimen appeared when the plant was first 



In many species (as, for instance, Melosira varians, Odon- 
tidium mesodon, &c.), numerous individuals are united — 
together so intimately as to form a sort of chain. These, — 
on being detected, may be at once removed from the water, 
Jaid on paper or glass, and dried. But this must be done 
while the plant is still fresh, for, as soon as its vitality 
ceases, the links of the chain separate, and the whole falls 
into a mass of minute fragments. The connection, however, 
may be preserved for a long time by immersing the plant — 
in the alcoholic mixture mentioned above. 

Another manner of growth observed among the Diato-— 
macee is that of an amorphous mass of gelatine, or gelatinous- 
tubes, enclosing numerous individual plants. Each tube or 
sheath forms a kind of frond, adhering at one extremity to 
the larger Alge, or some similar object under the water. 
Of this kind are Encyonema, Homeocladia, Schizonema, and . 
numerous other genera, in which the frond is persistent ; 
while in Colletonema and Frustulia the sheath appears to be 
of a more temporary nature; in fact, to be an abnormal 
development due to the influence of some unknown causes, 
rather than the regular growth of the plant. The beginner 
will be better able to judge of the structure of this group 
of Diatomacez by consulting Plate Ix., as also figures 31 
to 34 on Plate vu. 

Finally, in Gomphonella olivacea the stipes, or footstalk, 
appears half dissolved ina kind of mucous matter, in ae 
the wedge-shaped frustules are embedded. 

Such “of the Algz as have been laid on paper may be 
put away as soon as they are thoroughly dried, without 
any further process but that of attaching a descriptive 
ticket to each, of which more will be said hereafter. 

Those, however, which have been laid on glass, must be 
placed for preservation in a paper envelope. The shape of 
this envelope is of sufficient importance to warrant a figure 
and description, for upon it depends the future safe-keeping 
of the slide. The latter, in fact, must lie so firmly in its © 
covering, that the tender plants may not be rubbed off in — 


the unavoidable removals from the herbarium, or from any 
accident to the papers in which they are contained. The 
safety of the Diatomacez is best se 

secured by making the envelope Fig. 43. 

of the form annexed, fig. 43. The 
slide with its deposit is laid on 
the square, 0, face upwards. The 
upper square, a, is carefully folded 
over it, and the double square 
thus formed is again folded over 
the lowest part, c. The two wings, 
d, e, being successively bent over pee 
the whole, prevent the glass from 

falling out at the sides. 2 

Should the plants be of a pecu- 

liarly delicate nature (as is gene- | 
rally the case where they have 
been subjected to the action of an acid), it is a good plan to 
gum a strip of cardboard on each side of the central mass, 
a, b, fig. 44. Upon these a loose piece of glass may be laid 
whenever the specimens are put away, which may be taken 

Fig. 44. 

off when the latter are required for examination. J am not 
sure that this arrangement of the covering glass had not 
better be the general rule with beginners, instead of the 
exception, because it ensures the safe keeping of the en- 
closed Algee. 
ee D 2 


If the contents of the slide are not likely to be disturbed, 
after having been once deposited, or if the valves will not 
readily attach themselves to the slide, it is better to cover 
them at once and permanently with thin glass, drawing a 
ring of Brunswick Black round the edge of the latter, to 
exclude the air. 

| ee re 
= NG 
4 5 



BEFORE CONCLUDING my remarks on the Diatomacee I wish 
to call the attention of the reader to the principal charac- 

teristics by which they are distinguished from other mem- - 

bers of the vegetable kingdom. ‘These are their form and 
the curious markings of their silicious coats; and with 
these, varying as they do in the most extraordinary 
manner, the botanist should make himself thoroughty 

With regard to the form of the plant, he must not be 
content with a single view of the individual, however 
favourable it may seem. Whichever side is turned towards 
him, when the specimen is first placed under the lens, his 
first object should be to roll and turn it on the slide, in 
such a manner as to expose the other side also to view. 
This is a difficult business with many of the species (those, 
for instance, of Fragilaria) which are propagated in long 
‘ribbon-like filaments, and which, from the flatness of their 
outline, lie close against the glass. He must be prepared, 
indeed, to give up a good deal of time, and to exercise no 
little patience, before he accomplishes his object; but 
‘practice and experience are sure to bring success in the 


As the language in which authors describe the two 
aspects under which every Diatomaceous Alga ought to be 
viewed is often obscure, the reader may get a good notion 
for himself by the inspection of an ideal figure like that 
which is here annexed, fig. 45. It represents a column or 
cylinder, divided into several parts, and, by naming the 


long cylindrical surface, a, 6, the ‘front view,’ * and the — 
base, c, b, the ‘side view,’ t we see that the two aspects — 
: bear the same relation, as do the long and short axes of the _ 
: cylinder, to each other. | 
| Now, if we suppose the cylinder to be divided into 
| several very thin sections, a d, d ¢€, e b, &c., in lines per- | 
pendicular to its longer axis, it is clear that, so long as the 

Fig. 45. 


i rows of sections remain attached to each other, the cylin- 
drical surface, a, b, appears to the eye of the observer the 
largest, and is in fact the ‘front.’ But the whole aspect of the 
object is changed as soon as the segments are separated 
and placed apart, as f, g. Then the base exposes the © 
larger surface, h, and is really the ‘ front’ to the observer. 
However, to avoid confusion, and to have fixed ideas in 
reference to these parts, the base (or part through which the 
‘knife passed in our imaginary section) is held to be the 
‘side,’ while the name of ‘front’ is appropriated to the 
part which is cut through, notwithstanding that the so- 
called ‘ side’ may be more conspicuous and more frequently 
exposed to view. As the Diatomaceze propagate them- 
selves by self-division, thereby forming longer or shorter 
rows of frustules, the diagram given above affords a fair 
representation of the manner in which the frustules are 
attached by their ‘sides,’ as the collector may easily satisfy 

SS > eae 

* This is the ‘primary’ side of Kiitzing and the ‘secondary’ of 
{ This is the ‘primary’ side of Rabenhorst, and the ‘secondary’ 

of Kiutzing; so widely do authors differ in their nomenclature. 

LLL ee 


Un eee 



Se eee 

CO > 
eb gy cry 0 
mM So gt 
pos re) 
P's 5 o> 
Ou ee 
Ao ro 
Sag 20a 
44 2 gh 
Og Fag 
Ca sao eS 
See re 
wes SB 
or SS ee 
Fy VC 



Cosm. margaritiferum (end vies 

93. Ankistrodesmus falcatus. 

(empty frond). 


20. Cosmarium margaritiferum 
21. Cosmarium margaritiferum 




himself, especially in the early spring, when the process of 
multiplication is being rapidly carried on. Melosira va- 
rians, Odontidium, Fragilaria, and numerous other kinds, 
are invariably produced in this manner, and are to be found 
almost everywhere. 

It is more difficult to represent the relation which these 
two aspects bear to eachother in species with unequally 
developed sides, as Cymbella, or in forms similar to those 
of Biddulphia and Triceratium, Plate x. It may help to 
guide the young botanist if he keeps in mind, that the 
‘sides’ are the silicious membranes 
which, from their enclosing the contents 7 
of the plant, are more appropriately 
named ‘valves,’ while the ‘front’ is the 
frame or hoop, as it is generally termed, 
which binds the flinty surfaces together. 
It is on the valves (that is to say, under 
a ‘side view’) that we more generally find those wonderful 
sculpturings which serve the purpose, in a great measure, 
of distinguishing the species. Perhaps the above remarks 
will be made clearer by an examination of the annexed 
fig. 48, in which a, 6 represent the two opposite surfaces 
(valves or sides) of a Navicula, and ¢ is the frame (hoop 
or front) which holds them together. 

_In most cases the Diatomacez offer a valve or side view 
to the observer, the front or hoop being completely out of 
sight, or only visible as a narrow line or suture encom- 
passing the valve. He is therefore compelled, in order to 
get a full view of the hoop, to change the position of the 
frustule by turning it round, which is best done while 
the plant is immersed in water. If it has been already 
dried, it should first be allowed to remain a short time in 
alcohol to get rid of the air, which is almost sure to collect, 
especially in the larger specimens, and mar their beauty. 
This being effected, let the plants be placed on a stage 
plate, a drop of water added, and the whole covered with a 

Fig. 48. 



24 ce 


glass.* The next step is to give an almost imperceptible 
inclination to the covering glass by gently pressing one of 
the edges with a fine mounted needle. This causes a tiny | 
stream to flow under the glass, by which means the plants 
are put in motion, and begin to roll over. Meanwhile the 
object under examination must not be allowed to escape 
from the operator’s view (a mishap which will inevitably 
occur if the covering glass be too roughly handled), as it — 
is often most difficult to catch sight of it again. Another 
reason for exercising great care in the use of the needle is, 
that in very flat species (such as Himantidium) the hoop ~ 
is So narrow as to form a mere suture. Consequently the 
frustule, as it turns over, assumes an erect position for a 
single second only, immediately resuming its former posi- 
tion as the stream of water flows back; so that, unless 
extreme care be used, the observer will scarcely ever 
succeed in getting a front view. | 

It happens occasionally that the plants themselves present 
both valve and hoop to view, or that they rest against 
some foreign body in such a way as to show them, without 
any special manipulation; but these must be looked upon 
as happy accidents. 

If it is desired to make a drawing of these delicate 
‘organisms, and I would strongly recommend the collector 
to do so, this may be accomplished by means of the camera 
lucida, or Sémmering’s mirror or steel disk. For a de- 
scription of these instruments, and the method of using 
them, I must refer the reader to works more peculiarly ae 
voted to the microscope.T 

The markings on the silicious valves of the eae . 

* The thicker this covering glass is (in reason), the more conre- 
nient is it for the operator; because very thin glasses are difficult to 
manage, and the water is apt to overflow their edges, and dim the 
surface. Of course the positive thickness of the olass must be 
decided by the powers of the objective in use at the time. | 

+ Micrographic Dictionary, Introduction, p. xix. ; or Beale’s ‘How 
to Work with the Microscope,’ p. 20. 


are not only very beautiful objects in themselves, but also 
of great importance in the determination of species. They 
are dependent on the presence of certain ridges, called coste, 
which are connected with an inner membrane, and also of 
numerous points, more or less fine, which dot the exterior 
‘membrane. ‘These points, though sometimes scattered 
‘about without order, are more usually seen to be in regular 
series. Under a low power, the rows of points appear as 
jines éxtending across or along the surface of the valve. 
They are then called strie,* and, in determining species, it 
is usual to speak of them under that name, although with 
a very high power most, if not all, of the strie are resol- 
vable into dots or points. The differences arising from the 
fineness, approximation, and position of these strize con- 
stitute the characteristics employed in fixing species. The 
costa is always visible, even when the valve is immersed in 
water; but to bring out the strie and points clearly is a 
much more difficult matter. Before all things the contents 
of the frustule must be entirely removed, or the latter will 
not become transparent. Next to that it must be thoroughly 
dried ; for, if the hollows on the surface of the valve con- 
tain any moisture, the passage of the light is interfered with, 
and the markings rendered indistinct, if not invisible. 
Lastly, the resolution of the strie requires not only a 
really good microscope, but also extremely careful and de- 
licate manipulation, especially as regards the illumination 
of the object. 
In order to dry the frustules quickly and with safety, and 
to free them from endochrome and other soft substances, they 
‘may be exposed for a few seconds to a red heat, which will 
entirely destroy all organic matter, will dry up any re- 
maining moisture, and leave the silicious valves bright and 
transparent. The heating is accomplished by placing a 

* Tn fig. 48, the costa or vitta, or median line, is the central line 
marked a, d. The striz are the lines radiating from the centre to 
the hoop on each side of the costa. The central spot is named the 
‘nodule. 3 


quantity of the Diatomacez on a thin sheet of platinum, and 
holding it over the flame of a spirit lamp. As soon as the — 
foreign matter 1s consumed, the frustules.are to be removed 
from the platinum, and spread out on the stage plate for — 

It is sometimes more convenient, if the individual plants 
are very minute and diffused through water, to employ scales 
of mica in lieu of platinum. But care must be taken in the 
selection ofthe mica, as not every piece that comes to hand 
is suitable for the purpose. A piece must be chosen, which - 
separates easily into flakes, 1s clean and pellucid, and does 
not grow dim when exposed to extreme heat. Moreover, it 
must not be too thick, otherwise the scales are apt to fly apart 
during the process of incineration ; nor too thin, because, in 
that case, it becomes dull and opaque under the influence 
of the heat. Experience alone. can guide the operator in 
choosing the right thickness. 

When the frustules have been laid in a drop of water on 
a scale of this description, the latter is to be held, by the 
aid of a forceps, at some little distance above the flame, so 
that the moisture may evaporate without boiling. Strict 
attention must be paid to this point; for, should the water 
_ be allowed to boil, the frustules are thrown on their edges 
by the action of the air, as it is set free, and long dark 
heaps are formed on the surface of the mica, like Lilliputian 
moraines. So soon as the moisture is entirely dissipated, 
the plate may be lowered into the flame, and there held. 
At first the preparation assumes a black colour in conse- 
quence of the organic matter becoming carbonised: in the 
next stage it turns red, and finally white; a token that all 
the foreign bodies have been got — of, and the empty 
valves alone remain. 

The period during which the fr arate should be expen 
to this great heat 1s a matter of considerable moment, and . 
must be carefully watched. Too short a time is insufficient 
to destroy the organic substances, and the valves come out 
dark and impervious to light. If the heating continues too 


long, the markings lose their sharpness to a great extent, 
owing to a kind of glazing operation, which follows on the 
melting of the alkalies contained in the water. On this 
aecount distilled water should be employed, so as to avoid 
the presence of calcareous salts as far as possible. 

After this preparation, the frustules may be placed under 
the microscope, where a most astonishing sight awaits the 
eye. So wonderfully minute, however, are the markings 
brought out by the incineration of the vegetable matter, 
that, except in a few rare instances, they escape detection 
altorether when the transmitted light is direct; that is to 
say, when the rays falling upon the object are ‘paral lel to 
the axis of the instrument. In most kinds of Diatomaceze 
the light must be directed obliquely to the lines of striz, 
before their minute structure becomes visible even with 
the highest powers. Oblique light, it may be observed, is 
obtained by thrusting the mirror to one side of the axis 
of the microscope. ‘The diaphragm should be removed, to 
allow free passage to the rays, when the latter will fall, so 
to speak, upon the edges of the lines, and render them 
visible. If this proceeding is skilfully managed, the whole 
system of lines, of which some species possess several, 
running in different directions, is brought under the eye of 
the observer. 

It is well here to remind the student, that, in order to 
sharpen his experience and to accustom himself to the 
detection of these minute points, he should provide himself 
with what are commonly termed ‘ test objects,’ of which the 
Diatomaceous family offer some excellent examples. For 
the lower powers, those magnifying from 200 to 220 times 
linear,* Pleurosigma attenuatum forms a good test; for 

_* ‘When one dimension only of an object is taken into account, 
viz. the breadth or diameter—and this is the ordinary manner in 
which the magnifying power is taken—objects are then said to be 
magnified so many diameters, or so many times linear. But objects 
are reaily as much magnified in the other dimension, or in their 
entire surface; so that the true expression of their amplification 


the higher powers, Pleurosigma angulatum is a fair object. 
In the former of these two, with direct ight, longitudinal 
striz are seen; but, when the rays are thrown on it obliquely, 
a second series of lines appears at right angles to the longer 
axis of the valve. A threefold system of striation is dis- 
covered in Pleurosigma angulatum by careful adjustment 
of the light, viz. a set of lines perpendicular to the vitta, 
and two other sets of lines running diagonally across the 
valve in opposite directions. 

The student will find on several of the plates examples 
of ‘striation.’ I would refer him especially to Plates 11., v. 
(25,226); vaie(38), KI. (49): 

I need scarcely add that, in such delicate operations, 
where the slightest displacement of the focus changes the 
whole aspect of the picture, a steady hand and a sharp eye 
are indispensable. 

As the number and direction of the strie are variable 
in the different species, though singularly uniform in in- 
dividuals of the same species, they are most important — 
elements in grouping these plants. For this purpose the 
lines must be counted, an operation requiring no little 
clearness of vision; indeed, it is well to give the eye a 
thorough rest for some seconds before beginning. As a 
' rule, striations showing forty rows or less in 1:1000 inch, 
are managed without difficulty where the illumination is 
rightly attended to, and the defining power of the objective 
is good.* The case, however, is different with the finer 
markings, and about these there seems to be the greatest 

would be given by multiplying that in one direction by that in the 
other, or by itself; 7.e. squaring the linear magnifying power. 
This is called the Superficial measurement. Thus supposing a mi- 
croscope to magnify 40 diameters, 40 x 40 =1600 would express the 
magnifying power in superficial measure. (Micrographical Dict. 
_ 448.) 

* Of the two species of Pleurosigma mentioned above, P. attenua- 
tum has 30 longitudinal and 40 transverse strie; P. angulatum, 52 
diagonal striz in 1°1000. 


28. Amphitetras antediiuviana. 

27, Isthmia enervis. 

i a TC 


confusion among authors, who give the most contradictory 
estimates of the numbers contained in 1:1000 inch. 

I think it is more than probable that, when the highest 
powers are being used, secondary representations, or images, 
of the strize appear before the eye, owing to a possible dis- 
tortion of the rays of light, and that these images deceive 
the observer, and induce him to note down a larger number 
than really exists. 

The coarser lines may be measured by means of an 
ordinary stage micrometer; but, for the finer structures, an 
eyepiece micrometer must also be employed. In either 
case, the operator must not be content with a single obser- 
on of the strie, but must reckon them several times, so 
as to be able to draw an average, and get as near the truth 
as possible. 

As however the frustules, minute though they are, have 
a certain thickness sufficient to interfere with their tran- 
sparency, a special expedient must be resorted to to obviate 
this inconvenience; otherwise the valvular markings can 
never be seen so clearly as is needful in the operations just 
spoken of. This may be managed by loosening the hold 
which the hoop, or outside frame, has on the two opposite 
valves, thereby setting them free, and enabling the observer 
to view each one as a separate object. 

To effect this, let the frustules be boiled in nitric acid, 
to which chlorate of potassium is to be added in small quan- 
tities. After the boiling has continued for about a minute, 
they must be well washed in soft water, in order to get rid 
of the acid. If this be carefully done, the intercellular 
substance which binds the valves together is dissolved, and 
the latter fall apart. 

| For the various methods of mounting the Derinace a in 
balsam and fluids the reader is referred to works specially 
devoted to the microscope. There is the less need to intro- 
duce the subj ect here, as it has been already exhausted in 
Mr. T. Davies’ admirable manual, ‘The Preparation and 
Mounting of Microscopic Objects.’ Hardwicke.—Eb. ] 




WE NATURALLY pass from the lowly Diatomacez to their as 
lowly relations, the Desmidiacez, since there is so much that — 
is in common between them in regard to their being and - 
their life history, not to mention that the methods of pre- 
paration for the herbarium are in many respects identical. _ 
Speaking generally, the Desmids inhabit the same lo- 
calities with the Diatomacew, with the single exception 
that they are an exclusively freshwater family ; not a single 
species is to be found in the séa. They are to be looked 
for in bogs, ditches, and ponds, lying in bleak, exposed 
situations, rarely in shady woods; some, as Closterium, 
among the filaments of the Oscillatorie and Conferve ; 
others, such as Palmaglea macrococca, on damp moss, or 
the surface of wet rocks and cliffs. Boggy heaths, however, 
are the spots where they mostly congregate, especially where 
' Sphagnum abounds. Swampy places and patches of water 
scattered over the bog, or shallow drains cut through it, all 
afford a rich supply of Desmidiacee. They also love ditches 
and holes in which, though the water itself is pure, the soil 
is of a clayey nature; there they often vegetate in such | 
abundance as to cover the bottom with a dense green film. | 
The autumin is the best time of year for collecting these 
plants, and the outfit necessary is much the same as in the 
case of the Diatomacee. | 
If the Desmids are in any quantity among the stems of | 
the Sphagnum, the latter will have a slimy, jelly-like feel — 
when grasped. Should the collector, on taking up a tuft of 
the moss, have reason to suspect their presence, he should 
let the principal part of the water drain away, though with- 


out pressing the Sphagnum with his hand, and then wrap 
the tuft in a piece of oiled paper or oilskin, or better perhaps 
india-rubber sheeting. 

On reaching home the Desmidiacee must be waded out 

of the Sphagnum into a glass, where they will speedily 
settle on the sides and bottom, and then the water may be 
slowly and carefully decanted. If the Desmids obtained 
by this simple process are free from mud and sand, nothing 
remains but to place them, with a camel’s hair pencil, on a 
slip of glass, as was recommended to be done with the 
_ When they occur as a green stratum on the bottom of a 
pool or ditch, they may be taken up with a spoon and placed 
in a wide-mouthed bottle, while the floating specimens can 
be caught with the ‘tea sieve,’ described at p. 5. On 
turning the contents of the phial into a white dinner plate, 
the Desmids will, in a short time, collect on the surface and 
sides, and then may be gathered up with a hair pencil, and 
laid on a glass slide in a pure condition. A second 
gathering may be made by pouring off the water and 
earthy deposit, when numbers of them will be found still 
clinging to the plate. 

They may also be separated from mud and sand by 
Okeden’s method, mentioned at p. 20; and the collector 
has the additional advantage, in this instance, of having 
them sorted into larger and smaller specimens. 

In short, most of the arrangements in use for cleansing 
the Diatomacez are equally applicable to the plants before 
us, provided neither heat nor acids be brought into play ; 
for the Desmids, having a membranous envelope entirely 
destitute of silica, cannot withstand the action of fire, or 
the corrosive operation of an acid, like the flinty coated 

The greater number of the Desmidiacee are free, as may 
be seen from the examples in Plate x1. figs. 50 to 53. 

In other cases we find several individuals grouped 
ale in the form of a star or disk, see Plate x11, 

E 2 


In some instances, the individual is constricted in such a 
manner, as to have the appearance of two valves united 
together centrally: of these, fig. 58, Plate x11., isan example. 

The reader will observe the same peculiarity of structure 
in the figures ranging from 17 to 22, already given in Plates 
Iv. v. Other species, again, are arranged i in long filaments ; 
or ribbon-like colonies, fig. 59, Plate x11. 

These filamentous Desmids generally yield very clean 

It will be seen that Hyalotheca is enveloped in a thick 

coating of mucous matter: this is by no means a common ~ 

form of construction, though we find instances here -and 
there, of which Spirotenia “condensata, Plate xu1., fig 60, is 
an example. 

The decayed remains of Sphagnum in peat bogs are 
often rich with the empty frustules, well adapted for ex- 
amination, though, from their dirty brown colour, and from 
being mingled with the surrounding vegetable matter, they 
are not fit specimens for the herbarium. Having lost the 
bright green of the living Desmid, they are difficult to dis- 
tinguish with the naked eye; in fact, they are mere empty 
cases; but none the less welcome to the collector on that 
_account, as they often give him opportunities of studying 

the cell membrane, which he cannot get with specimens 

better adapted for preservation. And here let me recom- 
mend him to be always provided with plenty of phials on 
his excursions, that each gathering may be kept apart; 
otherwise he entails upon himself a vast amount of trouble, 
when he comes to separate the species for preparation. 
Many of the Desmidiacee will readily propagate when 
kept in a room in a sufficient quantity of bog-water, thus 
enabling one to get an abundant supply of clean specimens. 
The plate, or saucer, in which they are placed, should be 
covered with a sheet of glass to keep out the dust, and ta 

prevent the water from evaporating too rapidly. How ever, 

should the water get too low from this or any other cause, 
the supply must be made up with rain or soft water, on no 



account with that from a spring, as its ‘hard’ property is 
sure to kill the plants. Care must be taken also not to ex- 
pose the vessel to too much heat; in fact, it had better be 
set in the shady part of a window, where it is screened from 
the direct rays of the sun. 

The student must not expect too much from this method 
of multiplying the Desmids. It does well for a while; 
but there is no doubt that, in the course of time, the 
plants degenerate, and cease to be fair representatives of 
the species. 

[ The figures (61 to 70) on Plate x11. will give the young 
student an idea of the manner in which the Desmids 
propagate themselves. They are examples of the common 
constricted species, Cosmarium botrytis. 

In figs. 61 to 64 we see how the two portions of the 
frustule gradually separate themselves, new cells forming 
in the interior, which ultimately become perfect frustules. 
This mode of propagation is known as ‘cell division.’ By 
another method, called ‘ conjugation ’ (of which more will 
be said hereafter), two frustules, which chance to lie near 
each other, form a temporary union, and mingle their 
contents together, figs. 66 to 69. The mass takes an 
irregular form at first, but gradually assumes the shape 
given in fig. 70, viz. a globe covered with forked processes 
(a, 6). This globe, or sporangium, as it is named, gives 
_ birth to new plants —Ep. ] 

Where the observer is content to study the external 
form only, the plan of simply drying his specimens on a slip 
of glass is sufficient ; because, on re-moistening them, the 
plants resume their former appearance. If, on the other 
hand, he wishes to examine the peculiar arrangement of the 
Chlorophyll), and the other contents of the cell, after the 
object has been laid by, he must preserve them in some 
fluid which will not alter their natural form and structure. 
Much time also is saved by his having such preparations 
ready to hand for comparison and observation. Moreover, 
many of the smaller Conferve (such as Zygnema and 


Spirogyra), whose characters depend entirely on the arrange- 
ment of the cell contents, are destroyed in the act of drying, 
their structure is utterly lost, and no soaking in water will 
ever restore them. It happens too, sometimes, that we have 
only a poor supply of some rare species, which gradually 
disappears under too frequent examinations, and its pos- 
sessor would gladly preserve the remainder once and for all. 

Influenced by these considerations, physiologists have 
‘applied themselves, from time to time, to the discovery of 
some method by which these minute and delicate organisms 
may oe kept unchanged for a lengthened period; but it 
must be confessed, with less success than their industry has — 

The great want which has marred all their efforts has 
been a fitting medium; or, in other words, a fluid of such 
a nature that the plant, when.immersed in it, shall not 
become distorted, or indeed receive any appreciable change 
for a long lapse of years, provided the cement enclosing it 
retains its air-tight properties. The want of success, it 
must be allowed, has not arisen from the positive evapora- 
tion of the liquids employed (glycerine, chloride of cal- 
cium, &c. retain their density for a very long time), but 
from the method of employing them. Following a natural 
law, the frustule, immediately upon being enclosed in its - 
cell, begins to part with the water contained within itself. 
And what is the consequence? ‘The surrounding medium 
cannot take the place of the water, the primordial utricle* 
contracts, the contents of the cell collapse, and the plant is 
left as much changed and disfigured as though it had been 
originally dried. 

The botanical. world is, therefore, greatly indebted to 
Herr Hantzsch, of Dresden, for his researches in this direc- 
tion, which have resulted in discovering an arrangement 

* The primordial utricle (primordial Schlauch of the Germans), is 
the name given by Mohl to the delicate membrane which lines the ~ 
inner cell wall, and which encloses the protoplasm, or viscid fluid, 
with granules intermixed, which forms the contents of the cell.—Epb. 


29. Licmophora flabellata. 00. Fan of Licmophora. 


which completely supersedes the various unsatisfactory 

plans hitherto adopted. 

His method differs from all others in this, that he ad- 
-vocates a gradual, not a sudden, application of the preser- 
vative fluid, so that the action of endosmose may be in 
some measure retarded, the adjustment of the difference of 
density within and without the vegetable cell carried on 
more slowly, and the consequent preservation of its 
delicate structure ensured. For this purpose he recom- 
mends the following composition:—3 parts of alcohol 
(as pure as possible), 2 parts of distilled water, and 1 part 
of glycerine. The specific gravity of this mixture being 
nearly the same as that of water, it does not tend to con- 
tract the primordial utricle. Now, if the water and the 
alcohol be allowed to evaporate slowly, the mixture will 
of course become proportionally denser, but quite gradually, 
and therefore without any destructive influence on the 
object. During this operation, the water is withdrawn from 
the frustule, and the glycerine, which is not volatile, takes 
its place, without causing any distortion whatever in the 

To make a preparation, the Algez should be laid on an 
ordinary slide, on which a ring* of the requisite size has 
been previously drawn with “asphalt, the latter being 
allowed to dry quite hard before being used. To make 
assurance doubly sure, a drop of distilled water may be 
laid on the frustule, and then a drop of Hantzsch’s fluia. 
Should the latter, on examining the specimen, appear to be 
acting too rapidly, water must be added to thin it. With 
regard to this part of the operation it 1s impossible to lay 
down specific rules, because the Algx, though all very 

* These rings (Gf round) may be easily and quickly made, and 
the cement afterwards applied by means of a Shadbolt’s turn-table. 
Square spaces may be enclosed of equal size on any number of slides 
by drawing a square of the required size on a card, placing the slide 
over it, and painting it with cement.—Ep. 



sensitive to endosmose and exosmose, are so in different 

The slide must now be laid aside for wallet enieeck 
with a bell glass, wine glass, or something of the kind, to — 
keep off the dust, while the volatile portion of the mixture 4 
is evaporating. On its being ascertained that the glycerine ~ 
alone remains, another drop of the liquid is to be applied, 
and a second evaporation submitted to; and so, again and 
again, until there is enough of the pure glycerine present 
to fill the greater part, though not the whole, of the ring. 

The time has now arrived for covermg the object with — 
thin glass. Let a piece of suitable size be selected—the | 

thinner the better; if it be too thick, the chance of ren- 
dering the cell air- tight is lessened ; besides, a thick cover- 
ing glass precludes the use of the highest powers of the 
microscope. Care must be taken to clean it thoroughly, 
just before laying it on, by washing in alcohol or dilute 
liquor potasse, and drying with a soft cloth and leather. 
Nor must it again be touched with the fingers, otherwise, 
at every point of contact, a mark is left, to which the ce- 
ment adheres with difficulty. : 

The operator now seizes the thin glass cover with pincers, 
lays a narrow strip of asphalt cement on one of its edges, 

‘for about one-third of its circumference, and lays it, ce- 

ment downwards, on the object. The glycerine forthwith 
spreads out, and occupies the enclosed space. A gentle 
pressure with the end of the pincers tends to fix the cover 
in its place, and to force out all superfluous liquid, which 
must be absorbed to the last atom by olotting paper, or a 
soft cotton cloth. The best way (though of course nothing 
but long practice can ensure it) is to apply, in the first in- 
stance, only so much glycerine as will fill the shallow cell 
without overflowing. 

The slide must now be put away without being touched 
for twenty-four hours, at the end of which time the strip of 
cement will have dried, and will hold the glass cover in its 
place. The work may, therefore, be proceeded with. The 


first great need now is to see that not a trace of glycerine 
remains outside the ring enclosing the object. Should there 
beany, it must be removed thoroughly before any further 
steps are taken. If satisfied that the glass is quite clean, a 
line of asphalt must be drawn with a soft hair pencil 
round the whole edge of the cover, so as to include it and 
its place of contact with the slide. It must be done slowly, 
and the slide watched, to see that no bubbles of air, or any 
foreign bodies, are enclosed within the circle. This layer 
of cement having dried, a second, third, and even fourth 
may be added, until the preparation may be reasonably- 
supposed to be air-tight. This may be most readily tested 
by holding the slide between the eye and the light, and 
seeing whether any part covered by the cement is trans- 
parent, especially the corners, if the covering glass is 
square. Any semi-transparent spot, or line, must be re- 
painted with cement. The cement, it may be added, 
should be very thin when in use. It is then laid on much 
more easily, and tends to make the preparation more truly 
air-tight. A thick cement dries badly, and is apt to crack 
and chip off, especially during changes of temperature. 

The preparation may now be considered complete. The 
name and other particulars will of course be added, and it 
may, if desired, be covered with ornamental paper. One 
most necessary point must not be forgotten, that is, under 
all circumstances, to lay the slide in a horizontal position. 
If set upright, the contents flow to one side, get heaped 
together, and eventually the fluid is almost sure, by its 
weight, to force its way through the cement, and cause a 
fatal leakage. 

[ Since the above was in type, I have had the opportunity 
of examining slides of Desmidiacezx, prepared in Dresden 
after Herr Hantzsch’s method. Nothing can exceed the 
beauty of these preparations; the form of the plant and 
the colouring of the endochrome having undergone no 
pone whatever.—Ep. | 

_ As to the characters most worthy of observation, nearly 


the same remarks as were made on the Diatomacee will © 
apply to the Desmids. In this case, also, both a front and — 
side view should be obtained, in order to get a satisfactory — 
knowledge of their form. Their markings differ essentially 
from those of the Diatomacez; in the latter, they are 
almost invariably depressions; whereas, in the present 
order, they consist of elevations, warty and spinous pro- 
cesses. They may be seen best in examples mounted dry, — 
especially in such species as appear smooth and plane, 
when immersed in a fluid. The chances are, that on drying — 
these, some markings will become visible, as also in the 
case of their silicious relatives. Oblique illumination will 
often bring out fine points, which are not to be seen by direct — 

If, as not unfrequently happens, one hasa single gathering ~ 
only, and that a poor one, of some rare Desmid, it is better 
not to wet the specimens, as they lie on the slip of glass, 
but simply to breathe on them, and then cover them with | 
thin glass. ‘The plants will imbibe sufficient moisture to — 
swell out, or at least assume as much of their original form — 
as 1s necessary for examination. On removing the cover, 
they will again dry up, and may be replaced in the herba- 
rium. In this way none of the precious material is lost, as 
would be the case if it was constantly soaked in water. 
The object, it is well to remember, must not be placed 
under the microscope while uncovered, otherwise the 
moisture rises by evaporation, and quickly dims the 

The student is recommended not to neglect making draw- 
ings of the most prominent characters observed by him. 
He will find them most useful afterwards for the permanent 
preservation of some of the nicer shadings of the markings 
on the outer membrane, and for comparison with the 
figures given in works devoted to the subject. It need 
scarcely be added that, in choosing specimens from which. 
to make his drawings, he should take care to select as per- 
fect examples of the species as he can find. There is no 


family in the whole range of the plant world which pre- 
sents such a boundless variety of forms, and consequently 
none in which mistakes and confusion may more easily 
arise from neglect of this precaution. 

- There are certain minute Algz (of which Aphanizomenon 
is an example), members of ‘the Confervoid order, which 
float on the surface of the water, forming a delicate mucous 
film. These may be most conveniently secured by scooping 
them up with the tin ladle described at p. 4, and pouring 
them into a linen net. As the water passes away, the 
Alge are left behind, and as soon as a sufficient quantity — 
is obtained, they may be scraped off into a bottle, to be 
conveyed homie. 

The specimens of Aphanizomenon should be mounted 
as speedily as possible (it is best done on the spot), because 
the faggot-like bundles of filaments quickly separate and 
fall asunder. If it is desired to retain the true habit of 
the plant, it ought to be caught at once on paper, and 
allowed to dry without delay. By exposing the dried 
specimens for some days to the light and air, the yellowish 
colour which they possessed during life passes into a 
brillant green tint. 

| Though scarcely to be pened among ‘collectors’ 
plants,’ I cannot omit mention of the Volvocinee among the 
minute Algz placed, for convenience sake, in this chapter. 
Their singular motions—for most of them move freely 
through the water with the aid of cilia—their peculiar 
forms, and wonderful modes of propagation, render them 
objects of great interest to the microscopist. The figures 
ia Plate x1v. represent two well-established genera of this 
group of plants.—Hb. | 



ALTHOUGH there are many more filamentous Alege than — 
those indicated below, yet for the purposes of the collector 
we prefer to group together only the families of Confer- 
vacee, Zygnemacee, and (Kdogoniacee. All these, with 
few exceptions, inhabit the same localities ; in many respects 
are very similar to each other; and are prepared for the 
herbarium in the same way. To these may be added ' 
also the genera Batrachospermum, Ulothrix (a portion only), — 
Vaucheria, Hydrodictyon, Calothrix, Tolypothrix, and Hy- 
drurus. | 
_ Almost all the members of this group are partial ta — 
standing water, swamps, bog- -holes, and lilliputian bays, in ~ 
streams and ponds. The species of Zygnema are found 
in clear cold springs, which they sometimes fill with their — 
glossy green tufts. On the other hand, Cladophora, Ulo- 
thrix, and Vaucheria take up their abode in rivulets and _ 
watercourses, where they attach themselves to stones and — 
other fixed objects, and thus safely anchored, let their 
long wavy filaments follow each motion of the stream. 
For specimens of Zygogonium, Hormidium, Schizogonium, 
Chroolepus, and some of the Vaucherie, the collector 
must search, not the water, but the land-damp stones and 
muddy ground, so that in their mode of life they are 
exceptions to the great bulk of the filamentous Alge: 
as are also the genera Chantransia, Microthamnium, Gon- 
grosira, Chlorotylium, Coleochete, and Chetophora, which, 
on account of their habit of forming close matted strata, 
must be excluded from our ‘filamentous group,’ and be 
treated of elsewhere. 


50 iii JOD . 
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ot Mastogloia Danseii. 34. Berkeleya fragilis. 
32. Dickieia ulvoides. 38. Cocconeis major. 
33. Dickieia pinnata. 39. Cocconeis nitida. 

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_ Those species which inhabit stagnant water throw out 
numerous filaments, which becoming more or less en- 
tangled and interwoven, cling together in cottony tufts. 
The generality of these, when quite young (Spirogyra, 
for instance) form a thick layer at the bottom of the water, 
or at any rate float at some depth below the surface. At 
a later season, however, when the plant is preparing for 
fructification, or when, in consequence of its active vege- 
tative powers, a large amount of oxygen is generated, then 
the plant rises to the top of the water, and covers a wide 
space with its outspread filaments. 

To collect these species, the only instrument necessary 
is the toothed ladle, attached to.a walking-stick. By means 
of this any quantity of the weed may be fished out, by 
simply moving the stick from right to left, the filaments 
catching in the teeth of the ladle and being retained there. 

When the Alga hes near the bank, it can, of course, 
be gathered with the hand. If, on the contrary, its 
masses float a long distance off, too far to be reached by 
the stick, another plan must be resorted to. This simply 
consists in removing the wooden handle and then tying 
the ladie to a piece of string of sufficient length. ‘The 
lidle may now be thrown among the weeds, and on being 
drawn in some of them are almost sure to be clinging to 
it. The plan may not be successful at first, but I have 
invariably found that perseverance will bring SUCCESS. 
Even at long distances and in deep waters I have rarely 
been disappointed of the coveted treasures. 

Let the water drain off before the specimen is put away 
ia oilskin, and the draining may be aided by a gentle 
pressure of the hand; but the collector must be careful 
not to squeeze it too hard, for if he does he will lose what 
Diatomaceze may be entangled in it; and, besides, the Alga 
itself soon dies a corrupts \ when robbed of its natural 

A pleasing contrast to these entangled masses are the 
eu feathery plumes which distinguish the species 



inhabiting quickly-flowing streams. In most cases (es- : 
pecially with the species of Cladophora) the plant must — 

be gathered as near the point of attachment as possible— 

the point, that is, corresponding to the root in a flowering — 

plant; for, since the determination of the species depends 

in great measure on the position of the main stem, its A 
degree of ramification, &c., it is by no means a matter of — 

indifference whether the whole plant or a mere fragment 

be secured. This precaution is not so necessary with the — 
Ulothricacez, as they consist of unbranched filaments. On ~ 
that very account they should be carefully collected with ~ 
the hand, not with the ladle, and then laid lengthways on — 

a strip of paper so as not to disturb the filaments, which 
adhere but loosely together, and are easily separated and 
carried away by the draining off of the water. 

If the tufts (as is often the case with the Vaucherie) are 
dirty and discoloured, the mud and sand must of course 
be washed off before the specimens are prepared for the 
herbarium. They had better, however, be carried home 
first, and thoroughly examined for Diatomacee. It will 
be time enough then to cleanse away impurities, taking 

pains during the operation to avoid entangling the fila- 

ments, and to preserve the natural habit of the plant. 
All the filamentous Alge may be laid out for ultimate 
preservation on stout writing paper. The size of the 

paper may be proportioned to the length of the object to— 

be laid on it. In practice, however, I have found the most 
convenient form to be as follows: Let a half sheet of 
writing paper be cut longitudinally into three strips, and 
let each of these be again divided across the centre. A 
sheet of paper will then give twelve portions, each of 
which is of such a size as to lie comfortably on the palm of 
the hand. The plants having been well cleaned from 
fallen leaves, twigs, decayed matter, &c., and divided into 

several distinct portions, are allowed to spread themselves. 

out on the surface of water in a large dish. One of the 
portions is now taken out and made to float in another 


vessel—a hand-basin is perhaps the best thing: at any 
rate, the vessel must be of such a depth as to admit of the 
whole hand being immersed, back downwards, under the 
plant. Give a final touch to the specimen either with 
a needle or with the fingers, to induce it to spread its 
filaments in every direction equally, and to get rid of knots 
and lumps. Then draw the piece of paper carefully under 
the specimen, so that the latter floats immediately over 
the centre. Spread the left hand under the paper, and 
the whole can be lifted slowly. and cautiously out of the 
water. It may be retained for a few seconds in this 
position to let some of the moisture drip off, and then 
laid just as it is on a packet of five or six sheets of blotting 
paper.* In this way the whole of the specimens at hand 
may be gradually disposed of. ‘The next step is to place 
them under the press. For this purpose the little heaps 
of blotting paper, each with its accompanying specimen, 
are to be piled one above the other to any convenient 
height, a sheet of stearine paper having been laid on each 
specimen before it receives its load of drying paper. The 
layers then follow each other in this fashion: 1. A packet 
of blotting paper; 2. A specimen on white paper; 3. A 
sheet of stearine paper; 4. A packet of blotting paper; and 
so on, the uppermost layer always consisting of blotting 
paper. ‘The whole pile is next to be laid between two 
smooth boards of well-seasoned wood. [If to each of the 
narrow ends there is attached a broad strip of the same 
wood, but with the grain running in the opposite direction 
to that on the board itself, it tends greatly to keep it from 
warping, which the alternations of heat and moisture are 
apt to induce. Much has been said of late years of the 
advantage of using, not solid boards, but frames made of 
parallel strips of wood, one inch apart, held together by 

_ * The blotting paper should be white, free from knots and rough- 
nesses, and as absorbent as possible. 
F 2 


cross bars. I mention the plan, but have had no experience ; 
of it.—Eb. | 4 
The plants are then to be subjected to the pressure of | 
three or four bricks. J consider bricks to be preferable to | 
stones or iron weights, on account of the handiness of their — 
form and the ease with which the pressure may be regu- — 
lated. For cleanliness sake they should be wrapped in © 
paper or linen; it is advisable also to sling them by cross 4 
pieces of string with a loop in the centre. 
Many botanists prefer an ordinary linen press to any 
of these things, but such an apparatus is not always to be. 
found when wanted. | 
[| Others again givethe preference to a form of press, such ~ 
as is represented at fig. 82, Plate xv. a 
As the reader will observe, cross-beams of wood enclose — 
the boards used for drying, and are held together by four 
upright iron rods. ‘The requisite degree of pressure is 
given by tightening or loosening the screws, which are 
placed at the top of the rods.—Eb. | | 
After about twenty-four hours the preparations may be — 
examined, and in case they are not dry, must have the 
blotting paper changed, and be again placed under pressure. 
A week will frequently elapse before the plants are fit to 
be put away in the herbarium. It is the nature of almost 
all Alge, when they are drying, to cling closely to the paper. 
on which they he, and the use of the stearine paper. is to 
prevent this from taking place during the time the plants 
are being pressed. In my opinion, it is far better for the — 
purpose than oiled paper, which was much in vogue at one 
time, as the latter is apt to leave spots and marks on the 
white paper to which the specimens are attached. Now, 
stearine does not sully the objects with which it comes in 
contact; and as the material itself is cheap and easily pre- 
pared, it is much to be preferred to paper impregnated 
with either oil or wax. 
To get it ready for use, let fragments of a stearine candle 
be rasped into shreds and strewn equally over a sheet of 


white blotting or printing paper. Cover this with a second 
sheet, which is to be also strewn with stearme chips; and 
so on, until five or six alternate layers of stearine and paper 
have been deposited. Next, let a hot iron be passed over 
the whoie; the stearine melts, and, forcing its way among 
the fibres, renders the paper partially water-tight. No 
attempt must be made to separate the sheets until the 
stearine is cold and hard, otherwise they will cling together 
and be spoilt. | 
‘Where it is requisite to prepare large quantities of the 
paper at one operation, the heap, instead of being ironed 
by hand, may be placed ona tin plate in the oven, or imme- 
diately in front of the fire. 

After being used for some time, the stearine paper 
(especially if the Algze with which it comes in contact are 
wet and succulent) becomes more or less opaque, and the 
plants are apt to cling to it. When this is seen to be the 
case, all that is necessary is to pass a hot iron over it, and 
the sheet is restored to its former condition.* 

In preparing this class of Alge for the herbarium, no 
special attention need be paid to peculiarities in the growth 
of such as are found in thick heavy masses. On the other 
hand, the habit of those which grow in long flowing tresses 
must be carefully observed and retained. These last 
represent, to a certain extent, the higher plants, from the 
root to the apex, and must be treated accordingly. Care 
must be taken, as I mentioned just now, to get a specimen 
direct from its point of attachment to the stones or other 
object on which it had passed its existence, and to carry 
it home without bending or entangling its filaments. If 
this precaution has been attended to, the tiny branches, on 

* The Rey. D. Landsborough, in his ‘Popular History of British 
Seaweeds,’ recommends a fold of muslin to be laid over the specimen. 
He adds, however, ‘In shifting the specimens the second time, the 
muslin coverings may be removed. When permitted to remain till 
the plants are quite dry, there ig danger of their leaving chequered 
impressions on the specimens.’— Ep. 


being placed in a vessel of water, will spread themselves — 
out; and in this they may be assisted by passing a needle ~ 

several times through their entire length from base to tip. 

Let the paper be oes very slowly through the water on E 
the left hand, while the reot end of the plant is held firmly — 
with the right. If the paper be slightly shaken, the fila~ — 

ments will ‘expand themselves still more fully, and will be 
prevented from rolling into a thick cord-like tuft along the 
middle of the paper, as so often happens when the hand 1 As 
raised too suddenly from the water. 

Auerswald recommends a thin metal plate in lieu of the 4 
hand for lifting the plants from the basin. As regards the — 

smaller specimens, my own experience is not in favour of 

this plan, because one can regulate the draining off of the 7 

water so much more easily with the fingers than with any 

mechanical appliance. With the larger Algz, on the con- 

trary, I have found it an admirable method, as the flatness 

of the plate prevents the paper from falling into folds and ~ 

wrinkles. If a metal plate is not at hand, the cover of a 
cigar-box or any thin flat piece of wood makes an ex- 
cellent substitute. 

The fronds of Draparnaldia and Stigeoclonium (it is well 

to bear in mind) are too delicate to allow of their being 
' subjected to the press. Their filaments, after being removed - 
from the water, may be still further arranged by the aid of — 
a needle and hair pencil, and then the specimen should be 

put on one side to dry. 
Some species of Cladophora, which grow to a great 

length, cannot be laid on paper of a manageable size. Itis © 

best in this case to give the plant a serpentine motion as it 
is being lifted from the water. It can thus be laid without 
difficulty along the edge of the sheet in an undulating 
manner, then covered with the stearine paper, and pressed 

as usual. In this way, at least one preparation may be — 
made, which comes within the compass of a sheet of paper, 

and yet represents fairly the natural habit of the plant. 
The Zygnemacee, as previously mentioned, cannot be 

. Ee 
Cada tig Pare Re a a Cee ee 

lie ahh a 




he (nev re — a lL Pre er Seep fe esters Se eee nnsintetirentrPnteesntceSankm ener ts nate Asmat A ms reece ee ath AIA A TR TERE OOO OP 

40, Schizonema Grevillel. 41. Micromega helminthosum. 
42, Colletonema neglectum. _ 

ps eg 



treated like the rest of the filamentous Algz, because their 
peculiar cell contents fall together and are lost during the 
process of drying, nor can they be restored by moistening 
them. These elegant Algz, therefore, must be preserved by 
Hantzsch’s method. If, however, the student wishes to 
have some specimens in a dried condition, they must be 
treated in the way recommended for the most delicate of 
this class of Algw. There is a circumstance, however, to 
which I would call attention, because it is often looked upon 
as the commencement of a failure. It is, that these plants, 
during the process of drying, invariably lose the rich green 
which distinguishes them in life, and become of a brown or 
black colour, nor does the green ever return. It isa 
curious fact, moreover, that the portion of paper on which 
they have lain assumes a yellow tint on being soaked in 

With regard to searching for the filamentous Alge, a 
few suggestions remain to be offered. 

The different Vaucherie, Zygnemacee, and Cidogoniacee 
can be determined only when in fruit; it is useless to gather 
them at other times. The ripening of the spores is usually 

accompanied with the development of an oily matter, 

having a brown or reddish tint, which frequently gives a 
| very pretty appearance to the plants. The red colouring 
so often seen in Spheeroplea arises from this cause, the ripe 
spores filling the cells in immense quantities. 

The Zygnemacee at some periods of the year are found 
in what is termed a state of ‘ conjugation’— that is to | 
say, two filaments lying parallel to each other throw out 
processes by which they become united together. The cell 
contents of one filament are then discharged into the other 
filament, and eventualiy become spores. Examples of this 
singular mode of propagation are given in Plates x11. (figs. 
66 to 69), xv. (figs. 83 to 85). To find filaments of this 
description search must be made beneath the floating 
masses. They may be distinguished as well by their light 
a colour as by the fact of their having a slighter cohesion 


than is the case with the greener and more compact portions” 
of the tuft. Specimens of the conjugating filaments should 
always be obtained, if possible, as the characters of several | | 
of the genera are based upon this curious phenomenon. I 
may mention among others Mougectia, Mesocarpus, Pleuro- | 
carpus, Craterospermum, Staurospermum, Rhynconema, and — 
Spirogyra. In all. these the sterile filaments are of little” 
service in affording generic characters, whereas (except 
in the one mentioned last) the presence of conjugating 
examples marks the genera at once, even after they are | 
Another remarkable phenomenon, the so-called ‘ Swarm-— 
ing Spores,’* common to all the filamentous Algew, is most 
easily observed in the species of Ulothrix. The escape of 
the Zoospores from the parent cell generally takes place in | 
the early part of the day, and betrays itself even to the 
naked eye by a green film which forms on the water's” 
edge when the Algez are kept in a glass vessel. It may be 
observed, too, in the Cidogoniacee, especially in Gidogo-— 
nium fonticola, in which the swarming spores may be seen ~ 
at almost any period of the year. The cilia with which © 
these spores are furnished defy detection on account of the 
almost incredible swiftness of their movements; but they 
may be seen easily enough if a drop of solution of iodineT — 
be allowed to work its way by capillary attraction under 
the covering glass. As the solution mixes with the water, 
it paralyses and finally kills every object of an organic — 
nature with which it comes in contact. While this is — 
taking place, the observer must keep his eye fixed upon the ~ 
dying spores, applying a rather oblique—at any rate not — 
too bright—illumination, and then he will see the glistening 
threads as they swing to and fro. 
Many of the Cladophore, Conferve, and (Edogonia, : 

* It takes its name from a fancied similarity of the movements of — 

the Zoospores in the parent cells to the swarming of bees.—Eb. 3 

{ Either iodine dissolved in alcohol, or an aqueous solution of 
iodide of potassium. 


exhibit a peculiarity in the contraction of their cell walls 
when they are drying; that is to say, the latter do not 
return to their former state when soaked in pure water ; 
but if a little muriatic acid or caustic potash be added to it, 
the cells immediately swell out to their original form. 
Should the filaments be encrusted with crystals of lime, 
they may generally be got rid of by means of dilute 
muriatic acid. 

There is one genus, Psichochorium, which has the 
remarkable property of depositing lime in the joints of its 
filaments. Special care must be taken to get rid of this 
when the specimens are being prepared, as, in case of their 
being left behind, the very parts become obscured and 
useless on which the generic characters depend. 




Or THE members of this family, the Lyngbye and the 
species of Leptothrix which float on the surface of the 
water may all be prepared in precisely the same way as. 
was recommended for the Conferve in the previous chap- 
ter. Those like Phormidium, which form filmy masses, 
will be treated of presently. But the genus Oscillatoria 
itself requires a peculiar mode of preparation. The © 
individuals embraced in this group dwell by preference on 
mud at the bottom of shallow ponds and ditches; though — 
frequently, on a sudden rise of the water, they break away — 
from the soil and float, appearing lke a cloudy film 
radiating from a centre. All have a disagreeable odour, 
which clings to them long after they have been deposited 
in the herbarium. They vary much in colour; the 
common tint is an eruginous green, darker or lighter in 

. different species. Others are steel-blue or even brown—as, 

for instance, Oscillatoria Frohlichii in many of its habitats. 
During the process of drying, they change colour, owing to 
the influence of the oxygen in the atmosphere, their tints 
eradually becoming brighter and more intense. ‘This is 
well seen in the last-named species, which is usually of a 
deep brown during life, but which after death, and while 
drying, assumes first a blackish-green tint, and then a steel 
colour. . 
The family takes its name from a property peculiar to 
some of them, but not common to all, of spontaneously 
oscillating or waving gently backwards and forwards, like . 
a very slow-moving pendulum. ‘To whatever cause this 
mysterious movement may be due, the fact itself is of 


essential service to the collector, who is enabled by it to 
secure perfectly pure specimens for preservation. As 
stated above, the members of this family delight to dwell 
on the mud, nor can they be got out without a plentiful 
supply of the latter. But this is of little consequence. 
Mud and plants may be thrown together into a vial, and 
on being brought home may be poured out into a deep dish 
with a sufficient quantity of soft water, and then left 
undisturbed near a window. The active little organisms 
immediately set themselves in motion, and creep out from 
among the earthy particles by which they are encompassed, 
forming by degrees a pure thin layer on the surface of the 
water, whence they may be taken up with a spoon, in 
larger or smaller quantities, at the will of the operator. 
Next, for the best method of preparing them for the 
herbarium. ‘This also is made to depend on the movements 
of these singular plants. First, let a sheet of stout paper— 
drawing paper is the best—be provided, and on it describe, 
with pencil and ruler, about eight squares of equal size. 
Fix the paper firmly on a wooden board with needles or 
artists’ pins, and lay in the centre of each square a small 
quantity of soft water.* Let the water spread over a 
circular space the size of half a crown, and then add a few 
drops carefully so as to raise the centre as high as possible. 
By this means the final evaporation of the water is retarded 
to the utmost. Having thus prepared the paper, the next 
step is to deposit in each square a quantity of the Alge, 
taking care to choose portions least contaminated by mud— 
a piece about the size of a bean is sufficiently large. 
Separate the filaments by a gentle touch of the finger, and 
let the whole be left in a spot well exposed to the light. 
Before very long (the time depends a good deal on the 
season of the year, the freshness of the plants, the amount 

* The use of ‘soft’ water is insisted on, because the vitality of the 
Oscillatorie is quickly destroyed in hard spring water, and the success 
of these experiments depends entirely on their vegetative principle 
being strong and active. 


of light, &c.), the operator will observe, even without a — 
lens, a dark filmy mass radiating from the common centre — 
of each piece of water, and spreading equally over the © 
surface. Gradually the edges are reached, and then the © 
filaments bend themselves round, and follow the line of the © 
circumference. To make really good preparations, the — 
greatest pains must be taken not to jolt or shake the paper — 
until the water is entirely dried up, and the Alge lie flat — 
on the spot prepared for them. As soon as this has taken — 
place, the sheet should be removed from the board, and_ 
divided into the several parts marked off by the pencil. — 
Each of the examples is then ready to be deposited in the — 
herbarium. | 

The reason why it is advisable to prepare several ~ 
specimens on a single sheet, and to fix the latter to a board — 
during the operation, is, that. the Oscillatorie are of an — 
exceedingly fragile nature, the filaments easily falling to — 
pieces, and the fragments jerking themselves off the paper, | 
if the latter be crumpled and then suddenly bent straight — 
again, aS is sure to happen when it is laid in the her- ~ 
barium. Now, small pieces of paper do get so crumpled, — 
while they are drying, in consequence of being acted on 

_ unequally by the water: whereas large sheets accommodate 3 

themselves more readily to the contraction and expansion ~ 
caused by evaporation; and consequently the individual 
sections are smoother and less wrinkled when the whole is 
cut up. A single experiment will demonstrate this. 

There are certain genera, some of which belong to the 
Oscillatorian family, the members of which (instead of 
spreading themselves out like those we have just been 
speaking of) group themselves into close flocculent masses. 
Such are Phormidium, Microcoleus, some species. of 
Symploca, and not a few of the Scytonemacee; among the 
Ulotriche, Hormidium and Schizogonium; and of the © 
Zygnemacez, Zygogonium. In all these forms the filaments _— 
have a tendency to develop themselves towards the — 
interior, and their growth is exceedingly complicated in ~ 


mn casteliatum. 



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46. Biddulphia pulchella. 


consequence, so that they form compact webs or films, and 
ean be gathered up in closely combined masses. They are 
found upon damp earth, wet rocks, palings, and tree stems. 

Their treatment is of the simplest kind. The collector 
has only to peel the film off the earth or stone, and lay it 
between the leaves of an old book in order that it may not 
get wrinkled or bent. If too dry, the specimens had better 
be moistened before being laid in the book, to prevent their 
breaking. On reaching home, they may be pressed between 
sheets of blotting paper, and when quite dry, and without 
any tendency to curl up, may be laid on a sheet of paper 
with the lower side gummed down, and so put away in 
the herbarium. 



WE FIND among the Alge a considerable group in which. 
the external membrane possesses the peculiar property of — 
surrounding itself with a gelatinous substance, varying in — 
its consistency in the different species: and in this mucous © 
matter the inner cell (or Gonidium of Kiitzing) les em- | 
bedded. As the cells continue to multiply, colonies are 
raised (larger or smaller according to the amount of division 
in the original ceil), forming masses which are generally 
amorphous, though sometimes of a definite outline, and © 
then usually spherical. In this way arise the soft gelati- — 
nous layers of a portion of the Rivulariacee and Cheto- 
phoracee, a kind of slimy matter holding together the indi- 
vidual filaments. 

Such species may be looked for in marshy stagnant 
pieces of water, on damp earth and the surface of wet 
rocks, where they form a smooth jelly-like coating. The 
species found in water usually commence their existence 
on stones or attached to water-plants, from which they 
eventually separate themselves and then float on the 
surface. When this is the case, they are to be collected by 
means of the ‘tea-sieve,’ and from thence transferred to 
a wide-mouthed bottle; while those that are adherent 
must be taken up together with the object on which they 
rest. If growing on rocks, they may be scraped off. No 
special preparation is needed. The gelatinous substance 
may be divided into any convenient number of portions,’ 
and dried upon paper. When thoroughly damped at a 
future period, the masses will swell out to very nearly 


their former consistency, even after they have been laid by 
for a considerable time. 

Those species of Nostoc which are of a coarse dense 
consistency, becoming corrugated when dry, may be 
covered with stearine paper and placed under a lght 

Many of the Alge again are furnished with crustaceous 
or foliaceous fronds, firmly fixed to some underlying sub- 
stance. Of this description are most of the Scytonemacez, 
the genera Hydrococcus, Schizosiphon, Chroolepus, Proto- 
derma, Chlorotylium, Coleochete, Gongrosira, Hilden- 
brandtia, Melobesia, and several others. Some of these (as 
the Scytonemacee and Chroolepus) form compact felt-like 
layers on wet shady rocks and walls, or on the bark of 
trees. Others (as Hildenbrandtia) are found encrusting 
stones and pebbles, spreading irregularly over the surface, 
and have a wrinkled leathery appearance. Finally, Hydro- 
coccus, Chlorotylium, and some others, form tiny sponge- 
lke excrescences, which at length unite into a mass of rough 
uneven knobs. Some of the smaller kinds (Coleochet>, 
Melobesia, &c.) are parasitic on the larger Alge, and such 
water-plants as Sedges, Mosses, and Potamogeton, where 
they often flourish in the greatest abundance, though 
frequently overlooked, as many of them—the species of 
Coleocheete, for instance— are too minute to be easily detected 
by the naked eye. 

_ As it is always desirable to secure specimens that give 
a clear conception of their mode of growth, the plants 
should not be rubbed or scraped off, but gathered with 
the object on which they are growing. Where the species 
are at all abundant, small stones are sure to be found 
clothed with the membranous crust peculiar to these Alge; 
these may be taken and put away just as they are. In the 
case of such as occur upon trees (the Chroolepi, for 
instance), they may be obtained without injury by cutting 
off a portion of the bark. They are more difficult to get 

at when growing on the face of a rock or large block of 



nl nee i eth tn ow get eS Rie 

them in his pocket or bag, to ‘prevent the specimens from | 


stone; here a stout hammer and two good steel chisels are | 
requisite—one of the latter being broad and flat, the other — 
pointed. ‘The former serves to break off a piece of rock — 
of the required size, when the plant grows on an angle, or 
at least where there is a good bearing for the instrument; — 
when, on the other hand, the surface is smooth, and — 
offers no point of resistance, the narrow-pointed chisel 
comes into play to punch out a notch, on which one side 
of the broad chisel may rest, while a smart blow of the 
hammer is given. Of course, the thinner the stony bed of — 
the Alga is, the better, as then it may be deposited among 
the leaves of the herbarium; whereas if it be too thick it 
must be kept in a separate drawer or cabinet. Let me 
here warn the young botanist to fold the sections of rock © 
or bark each in its own piece of paper, before placing — 

being rolled and rubbed together: unless this precaution — 
be taken, the adherent Alga is certain to be much injured, 
if not entirely destroyed. If the stones, on being brought ~ 
home, are found to be sufficiently thin and flat, they may — 
be gummed on stiff strong paper; and so with the pieces — 
of bark. Should they be too large and rough, they may ~ 
be put away on the shelf or in the drawer of a cabinet, — 
such as is used for mineralogical collections. F 
Vegetable parasites like Coleochete may be dried and ~ 
put away in paper bags; or, if it 1s thought worth while to — 
take so much trouble, may be stripped from their bed, and © 
either dried upon glass or mounted in Hantzsch’s fluid. 
Some of the foregoing species are encrusted with lime. — 
These must be immersed in dilute muriatic acid, in ~ 
order to get rid of the lime, before they can be properly ~ 
examined. The operator must recollect not to lay on the © 
cover until the bubbles of carbonic acid have ceased to ~ 
rise ; otherwise they will collect under the glass, and the ‘ 
experiment will come to nothing. 4 
With regard to the species of Chroolepus, it is as well to © 
mention that its filaments lose their characteristic yellow — 


or red tint during the process of drying, and assume a grey 
appearance. An odour lke that of violets is common to 
all the species, and is particularly observable when large 
quantities are brought together. However, colour and 
smell must not be taken as characters of any great value: 
the true distinguishing marks lie in the form of the cells, 
and the ramification of the rigid filaments. 

~The last of the three forms which I have grouped 
together in this chapter embraces the stone-like Alge. 
This peculiar mode of growth may be seen in certain 
species which have the property of separating carbonate of 
lime from the surrounding water, and depositing it among 
their filaments. This peculiarity imparts a hard stiff 
appearance to the latter, so that to the uninitiated they 
appear to be made of stone. In shape these Alge are 
usually semiglobose, and adhere tightly to stones, piles, 
breakwaters, and similar submerged objects. Where they 
ean be taken off by hand, it is better to adopt that plan ; 
but if fixed too closely for the fingers to be of any use, 
recourse must be had to the hammer and chisel. The 
specimens may be put away in a paper case; or, if thin 
enough, fastened on a sheet of stout paper with eum 

Before the specimens can be examined under the micro- 
scope, the carbonate of lime must be dissolved, as of course 
its presence renders them opaque, even when very thin 
sections are made. This can, however, be easily effected by 
leaving the Aloe for a ecient time in dilute muriatic 
acid. Indeed, common vinegar, though not so rapid in its 
action, is just as efficacious. Bubbles of carbonic acid 
begin to burst through the surface of the liquid, and so 
long as this ebullition continues it is certain that lime is 
still present. ‘he gas having thoroughly escaped, the 
preparation will be found in a flaccid condition, and sufh- 
ciently soft to allow of very thin sections being cut from it 
by means of a sharp razor. These should be forthwith 
laid in a watch-glass and once more submitted to the acid, 

A ot ee 

ee en eae 


in order to remove the last trace of lime. After waiting a | 
short time, the sections may be removed with a soft brush | 
into a saucer, and the acid washed out of them. This last | 
circumstance should be carefully attended to, as the gases | 
released from the acid are apt to attack the lenses and do | 
them serious injury. The object is now ready for exami- — 
nation under the microscope, for which purpose it has | 
simply to be laid on a slide under a thin covering glass. © 

A gentle pressure given to the latter will cause the fila- | 
ments to recede from one anvther, and ensure e the trans- - | 

parency of the preparation. 


49, Pleurosigma formosum. 51. Penium navicula. 
50. Penium digitus. 52. Docidium clavatum. 

53. Docidium clavatum, end of frond. 


se ae tite we then 

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THE BEAUTY of colouring and delicacy of form exhibited 
by the generality of the Alge inhabiting the ocean have 
always made them great favourites with botanists; and 
even those persons for whom botany has no charms may 
he seen eagerly searching for these lovely plants among 
the debris scattered along the seashore. 

Of course, where the student has the opportunity of 
gathering them for himself, it is far better to study their 
habits and watch their changes of growth in their native 
haunts, than to trust to dried specimens: moreover, he 
will be saved much time and patience, both of which are 
largely called for in the task of disentangling a complicated 
network of Algz which have lain long between the sheets 
of an herbarium. Nevertheless, there are many who are 
either altogether debarred from visiting the seaside, or can 
do so at long intervals only; but even these need not 
despair of making acquaintance with the marine flora. 
Besides, it often happens that the collector is prevented by 
want of time from at once preparing a large number of 
specimens for the herbarium. It is well then to know 
that Alge which have been roughly dried for mere pre- 
servation will, upon being carefully remoistened, regain so 
much of their natural beauty as to please even a critical 
eye. Indeed, under certain circumstances, this prelimi- 
nary drying has positive advantages. For instance, there 
are certain species which have the unpleasant peculiarity, 
when the fresh specimens are being dried, of discharging a 
portion of their cell contents, thereby spotting and staining 
the paper on which they lie. Such are the genus Aglao- 



phyllum, several of the Callithamnia, Polysiphonie, &e., 
all of which ought to be placed a second time under the > 
press before really good preparations can be hoped for. 
Other species (as those of Wrangelia) are completely spoiled 
by being immersed in fresh water * while in a living state, — 
as it turns them to the colour of ink. 

These untoward events may be met by giving the plants 
a preliminary drying on some stout paper, just as they are 
taken from the sea. To prevent the paper from wrinkling, 
it is advisable to load the corners with weights; or, better 
still, to press the objects as soon as they are tolerably dry 

- between sheets of blotting paper. ‘The fact of a few pieces 

of the drying material clinging here and there to the Alge 
is of no consequence, as they may be easily removed after- 
wards by applying a little water with a soft hair pencil. __ 

The possibility of rear ranging Alge, at a future period, 
which have been already dried, is (as I observed just now) 
of the last importance to botanists who can rarely visit the 
coast, as it gives them an opportunity which they could — 
not possibly have otherwise of becoming acquainted with 
these lovely denizens of the sea. For while mere prepara-. 
tions, however beautifully got up, can give but a very 
imperfect picture of the plant itself, these same examples, 
when once more acted on by water, represent very fairly 
its original habit, and afford the student abundant material 
for investigation. 

With no group of Algw is the caution more needed than 
with this, to be most careful in preserving the natural habit 
of the plant, To be led away by the mere love of the - 
beautiful, or what the operator is pleased to consider the 
beautiful, is fatal to the prosecution of science. In the case 

* I take this opportunity of observing that, sooner or later, all 
Marine Algze must be immersed in fresh water before the final drying. 
Ifthis precaution is neglected, the salt contained in their tissues will 
absorb such an amount of moisture from the atmosphere as will 
keep the plants in a continual state of dampness and mouldiness.— 


before us it leads him to sacrifice the true relation of the 
different parts to the prettiness and neatness of the prepa- 
ration, to force branches into unnatural positions because 
they appear to him to look better so, and generally to 
distort the whole plant. All this may possibly make a 
pretty object for the herbarium, but it alters its whole 
character and destroys its value in the eyes of the real 
- botanist. 

We will imagine the reader to have received a packet of 
dried Alge from a friend at the seaside. ‘The first thing 
to be done with each of the specimens is to immerse it in 
clean soft water, and let it remain there until it has become 
sufficiently flexible to allow of its being lifted without 
injury from the paper to which it was fixed. ‘The move- 
ment may be aided by inserting a blunt knitting-needle 
between the paper and the plant, so as to raise it gradually 
from its bed. Let this be done very slowly and carefully, 
as too much haste is almost certain to tear the specimen 
and entangle the filaments. As soon as the plant floats 
freely in the water, it must be rubbed and kneaded between 
the fingers (roughly or lightly, for a longer or a shorter 
period, according to the degree of coarseness and general 
consistency of the specimen) until the different parts have 
ceased to adhere together. When this is effected, the 
needle is again brought into use (the plant still remaining 
in the water), and is slowly drawn, beginning at the root 
end, through first the upper, then the middle, and lastly the 
lower stratum of stems and branches. In this way knots 
and entanglements are got rid of; and it enables the opera- 
tor to ascertain whether he is dealing with a single plant or 
a whole colony—a circumstance of some importance, as the 
crowding together of numerous plants makes it very diffi- 
cult to recognise the true character of the species. 

_ As soon as order is introduced among the tangled plants, 
the whole mass should be divided into portions, each of 
such a size as is likely to make a good preparation. And 
here let me caution the student to choose for preservation 


only whole or perfect specimens ; by which I mean such as — 
are provided with the disk by which they were fixed when | 
in life, or at any rate with as much of it as possible, in ~ 
order to exhibit the plant’s natural habit. Fragments torn — 

off the main stem look very pretty, and do well enough to 

adorn a lady’s album, but, as a rule, are valueless to the 

botanist. In many cases it is absolutely necessary to have ~ 
the entire plant before one’s eyes to determine with cer- — 
tainty its place in the system of nature. I will bring ™ 
forward a single example. The genera Callithamnion and — 
Phlebothamnion are separated on the ground of the former 

being ‘ corticate ’—that is to say, furnished with a cortical or ~ 

external integument, which 1s wanting in the latter. Now, 

there are instances (as I have myself repeatedly ex- 

perienced) where this outer stratum is developed for a 
short space only above the point of attachment, the whole 
of the upper portion of the stem being naked. If, then, the 
student (instead of gathering the whole plant) is contented 
with specimens taken from above the portion invested with 
cortex, how is it possible for him to determine to which 
of the two genera his example belongs, since he has 
deprived himself of the only characteristic mark by which 

they are distinguished? Much the same may be said of 

' the different species of Polysiphonia. 

When, again, the collector comes across Algz flourishing 
in large tangled groups, he must take care while separating 
them to secure a sufficiency of material for future obser- 
vation. It is a sound axiom in domestic economy that 
frugality applied in the wrong place does but aggravate 
difficulties. And it is as true here as in the more serious 
matters of life. Many a chance of determining the true 
position and natural habit of a plant has been lost from the 

collector having neglected to gather sufficient material on — 

the spot and at the tight time. A single stem of a Cera- 

mium may perhaps exhibit the generic and specific charac- . 

ters sufficiently well; but, however beautifully laid out, it 
can never set before the eye of the observer the great massy 


tassels and soft flowing tresses which distinguish most of 
the Ceramiacez. So far, then, the study of esthetics has a 
claim upon the botanist; only let him beware of allowing 
it too far, by giving that a first claim on his attention which 
shou'ld in fact be a mere means to an end. Besides, a 
needy hungry-looking set of specimens always detracts from 
the good appearance of an herbarium: it repels rather 
than invites the attention; whereas a rich series of well- 
prepared examples awakens in the observer's mind an 
agreeable feeling of the beauty and perfection of the works 
of nature: it may be, even deeper and more lasting sensa- 
tions—wonder, praise, and thankfulness to the great Creator. 

Having * now divided the group of plants into fitting 
portions, each tuft is to be laid separately on the edge of a 
plate, not in the water, but just on the side, so that it may 
imbibe a sufficiency of moisture during the ensuing opera- 
tions without being actually immersed. Next, let a piece 
of stout white writing or drawing paper, of a size corre- 
sponding to the object under preparation, be pushed under 
the water slowly and carefully, so as to prevent air-bubbles 
from pressing on the lower surface, as they are very apt in 
the subsequent treatment to cause an unequal expansion in 
the paper, thereby raising folds and wrinkles. The paper 
being ready to receive the Alga, the latter may be drawn 
gently over it, with the root end towards the operator, the 
stem and branches being kept from entanglement by means 
of a smooth blunt needle (a broken ragged end to the 
needle will do more harm than good, by tearing the delicate 
filaments), due regard being had to their natural position 
and the angle at which they ramified from each other 
during life. As soon as the larger branches are laid in the 
right direction, attention can be given tothe minor branches, 
or pinnules, the position of which is in a great measure 
regulated by the way in which the paper is drawn out of 

_ * From this point the suggestions offered refer alike to freshly- 
gathered Aloe and to those which have been long dried. 



the water across the edge of the plate. If this be done 
deiiberately and without undue precipitation, the tiniest — 
even of the branchlets and filaments will fall one after the { 

other into their proper place. 7 

Excellent as this plan isin its results, there is no doubt — 
that it calls for a large amount of patience and foresight, — 
and takes a good deal of time to carry out properly. Indeed, 
so much of its ultimate success depends upon the perfect — 
quietude of the materials under operation, that not un- 
frequently an unlucky jerk of the arm or an ill-timed blow” 
on the table will send the water streaming in the wrong — 
direction, and mar the whole proceeding. I will therefore 
give another method, which, although its results are not 
more pleasing to the eye, 1s certaily much more easily » 
carried out, and therefore less trying to the young student’s 
peace of mind. 

According to this plan, the paper, with the specimen on 
it, is drawn out of the plate and laid on a small tin dish, 
the bottom of which has been previously overlaid with 4 
piece of paper of about the size of the object to be operated 
on. Two of these tin dishes should be provided, of dif- 
ferent sizes—the cost is a mere trifle—one measuring — 
. about fourteen inches by nine inches, and the other and 
smaller nine inches by five inches—each having the edges 
turned up say half an inch, so as to retain the water. 
The only other requisite is a small glass syringe, such as is 
used for medicinal purposes, and which may be purchased 
for a few pence at almost any glass or chemist’s shop. 
With this last instrument pour a gentle stream of water 
over the Alga as it lies in the dish, and continue to do so 
until the smaller filaments and pinnules begin to float—the 
stem and main branches, from their superior weight, still 
resting on the paper. It isan easy task now to insert a 
needle among the floating ramifications, and not merely — 
reduce them to order, but bring them as nearly as possible © 
into the same position they were wont to have when in 
their natural localities. The most delicate branchlets of 

54, Staurastrum dejectum (a, end ; 6, 

5D). aa gracile ? = 
56. 3 spongiosum (a, side 
oT. - alternans 


58. Euastrum didelta. 

side view). 

; b, end view). 


jam ges “sean 

ae ea ee 



the Bryopsis species, of the Polysiphonie and Callithamnia, 
nay, even the curious apices so characteristic of the genus 
Ceramium, all yield to this mode of treatment, especially if 
it. be aided by a hair pencil loaded with water and drawn 
slowly among the .finer portions of the plant, should any 
of them still continue to cling together. This operation 
having been satisfactorily performed, the next thing is to 
withdraw the water. Here the syringe again comes into 
play, but this time as a suction pump. It is only necessary 
to place its open end between the larger branches, and by 
very slow movements of the piston the whole of the fluid 
will be drawn up through the barrel, and can be discharged 
into the plate. The eye will determine when the water has 
been sufficiently abstracted, but the ear is a still better 
guide. As soon asa bubbling sound is heard in the body 
of the instrument, it is a certain indication that air is taking 
the place of the water, and that the latter is exhausted. 
To empty the dish entirely 1t must be gently tilted on the 
side which holds the root end of the plant, so that the 
water shall flow towards the opposite side, where it may be 
drawn off with the syringe. ‘The water having been thus 
got rid of, the operator will probably find it necessary to 
give a final touch with a hair pencil to some of the branch- 
lets or filaments that have been displaced, especially if 
examples of the more delicate kinds be under treatment; 
the whole may then be lifted out of the dish and laid upon 
blotting paper, to undergo a sort of preliminary drying. 

Although this process takes some time in describing, it 
‘is in point of fact of the simplest kind, and allows of each 
preparation being got ready in a very short space of time, 
because the operator works upon a firm, even basis; both 
his hands are free, and there is no large quantity of water 
to be displaced by a chance blow or shake, all which 
advantages are wanting in the ordinary method of pre- 
paring specimens in a plate or basin. 

The preparation must not be left too long exposed to 
the action of the atmosphere, or it will be spoiled. The 
: H 

+ oe Re eRe nd 


very fact of the Alga and the paper on which it lies 
differing widely in their powers of absorption and evapora- | 
tion is alone sufficient to cause the former to separate from | 
its support during the process of drying. To meet this — 
difficulty it must be submitted to a press, and left there — 
until all the moisture is withdrawn. As was mentioned | 
under the head of the Filamentous Alge, there is nothing — 
so good for the purpose as smooth white absorptive blotting © 
paper. Let the preparation, already partially dried, be — 
laid on half-a-dozen sheets, and let a piece of stearine paper | 
be placed over it, adapted as nearly as can be to the size of — 
the object. Next to the stearine comes another layer of 
blotting paper, then a specimen, and so on, until a pile is — 
formed of a manageable size, according to the discretion of ~ 
the operator. The whole is then to be placed between ~ 
smooth boards and weighted with three or four bricks, as 

previously described at p. 68. Nothing more is to be done | 
for some six or seven hours, when the damp blotting paper 

should be removed and a fresh supply inserted between the — 
boards. The oftener, in fact,a change is made in the 

absorptive material, the better; as it tends to preserve 

both the eolouring of the specimen and the clean ni | 
appearance of the paper on which it lies. 

When changing the drying paper, the best plan is to 
turn the whole pile upside down, so as to get at the lowest 
examples first—the stearine paper, of course, now lying 
below the plants. Carefully remove the first layer of damp 
sheets, taking care not to lift with them the piece of white 
paper attached to the specimen. Lay the latter on a fresh — 
stratum of blotting paper, and so proceed with each speci- 
men, loading the whole, as before, with bricks. After the 
lapse of some hours the process must be repeated; in a- 
word, the operator will find that his preparations are not 
merely neater, but also more true to nature, the oftener he 
gives himself the slight trouble required in replacing the 
drying material. In proportion as the moisture 1s got rid 
of, the latter must be reduced in quantity, until a single 


sheet only is left between each specimen. In this state 
the pile should be left for several days, until the plants lie 
flat and all danger of their curling up is past. 

It frequently happens that the gelatinous Algee, such as 
Mesogloia, are found adhering by their upper surface to the 
stearine paper; but there is not the least necessity to try 
and separate them, as a beginner might be tempted to do: 
any such attempt would only end in the destruction of the 
specimen, or at any rate in the spoiling .of its appearance. 
He has but to ‘ leave well alone,’ to let the Alga remain as 
it is until it is perfectly dry, and the stearine paper will 
then spring off spontaneously, or in any case may be easily 
separated without the least injury being done to the prepa- 
ration. Even if small fragments of the paper should adhere 
to the Alga when it is taken off, it is easy enough to re- 
move them by simply touching them with a moistened hair 
pencil, waiting a short time until the fragments are satu- 
rated, and then scraping them gently with the sharp edge 
of a penknife. The portions that have been wetted 
quickly dry up, and the preparation has as neat an appear- 
ance as before. 

A few species, especially those belonging to the genera 
Schizonema and Hctocarpus, must not be placed under a 
press at all. ‘The fronds are too tender and too soft to bear 
the weight of the superincumbent bricks. At the same 
time, the reader will have gathered from the previous 
remarks that drying in the open air has a tendency to 
cruimple the paper on which the Alga hes. But this diffi- 
culty is to be got over by a little perseverance. As soon as 
the plants are thoroughly dried, let the paper be dipped into 
a basin of clean water, remaining there for a few seconds—in 
fact, only until it is wetted through and bends with facility. 
Take it out quickly, and having placed it between some 
sheets of blotting paper (with the usual stearine cover on 
the object), draw the hand backwards and forwards over the 
pile until the previously wetted paper has discharged all its 

moisture. In this way it will recover its sued appearance 
e H 2 


without the object itself giving out baiifhicieht mucous mation : 
to allow of its adhering to the stearine cover. | 
Up to this point we have had before our eyes only those | 
forms of Alge which divaricate into almost infinite ramifi- — 
cations. I have treated so largely of them, partly because of 
their overwhelming number, partly on account of the diffi- 
culty involved in preparing them for the herbarium. 
There are, however, numerous other forms, consisting i 
mainly of broad flat membranes, thicker or thinner aco 
cording to the individual species. These are to be simply i 
spread out on white paper and laid under the press, any ~ 
folds and wrinkles having been first smoothed down by — 
means of a soft hair peneil. There are certain exceedingly | 
delicate species (among them may be named the Delessérie, — 
several species of Callithamnion, and some of the finer — 
Polysiphoniz) which do not require any pressure at all. 
Laid upon white paper they dry up in a very short time, © 
adhering closely to the surface, and looking, in fact, 
more like a painting or work of art than an object of 
nature. Others, of considerable thickness, should be treated 
after the fashion recommended in chap. vii. for some of the 


_ fresh-water species. They will adhere readily to the paper, 

and give no trouble in that respect. At the same time, the — 
student must notice whether the under-surface of the frond 
exhibits any sort of characteristic clothing. This is the 
case, for instance, with individuals belonging to the genus 
Peyssonelia, in which the lower part of the frond is thickly 
coated with jointed. hairs. Where anything of this kind 1s 
seen to exist, the specimen had better be deposited in a 
paper bag of suitable size, instead of being fixed down, so 
that on being taken out either side of the frond may be 

The large Laminarie call for the same kind of treatment | 
in its general principles, though varying somewhat to meet’ 
the exigencies of the case. These giants of marine vege- 
tation are far too large—they often extend to a distance of 
eleven or twelve feet—to allow of their being dried and 


pressed in the ordinary manner; while at the same time 
the specimens lose a great deal of their interest and at- 
tractiveness if their fair proportions are too closely shorn. 
It is necessary, then, to select a middling-sized example for - 
preservation ; but even a middling-sized example will need 
a press far beyond the usual limits. Fortunately, the student 
has no need to dread a failure, so far as his materials are 
concerned. He has only to cover the floor of a room pretty 
thickly with sheets of blotting paper—the covered space 
measuring about six feet by three—and then to lay over 
this the Laminaria, which must be so far dried beforehand 
as to have lost the slimy feeling which it usually commu- 
nicates in the growing state. More sheets of blotting. paper 
being spread over the Alew, the whole is to be covered with 
a smooth board of corresponding size (or in default of one 
so large, with several smaller boards), upon which a sufh- 
cient quantity of bricks should rest. If, after all the pains 
taken, the specimen is found to be too long for any reasonably 
sized press, the lower end of the frond may be turned over, 
not immediately upon the body of the plant, but at an 
oblique angle—blotting paper being laid inside the joint, so 
as to keep the parts from actually touching each other, 

where it is impossible to prevent them from coming together. 

The papers should be frequently changed, as the thick 
leathery substance of the frond makes the process of drying 
somewhat dilatory. However, the business of changing the 
layers of paper is rendered less tedious, in spite of the 
bulky nature of the object, on account of the firm though 
fiexible character of the frond, which allows of its being 
moved about at will without any fear of damage Of 
course, a plant containing so large an amount of fluids in its 
cells requires not only a frequent change of the blotting 
paper, but also a more than usual amount of time—a 
fortnight or three weeks will not be found too long—to 
ensure its being thoroughly dried, and to get rid of all its 
folds and wrinkles. These last, however, I regret to say, 
are my apt to return ata later period, as it is ; impossible 

' because in their wet state they are very apt to get torn | 


to lay such monstrous specimens between sheets of writing — A 
paper, or to put them away in the herbarium cabinet. The ~ 
consequence is, that they are more or less exposed to the | 
action of the air, which is almost sure after a while to i 
impart to them a consider able amount of moisture. ; ; 

In examining this class of Algee it is necessary (if his — 
investigations are to be of any ~value) that the student — 
should make himself acquainted with their anatomical | 
structure. In-numerous cases this is by no means difficult, © : 
on account of their transparent nature, which allows of” 4 
their whole inner structure and delicate cellular tissue — 
being examined at leisure under the microscope. In those | 
species, however, which are furnished with a thick leathery 7 
frond and stem, it is requisite to cut fine sections, otherwise ~ 
their opacity effectually prevents any view of the form and ‘9 
arrangement of the cells. [With regard to this part of the © 
subject I must refer the reader to works in which the © 
methods ef preparing objects for the microscope are de- — 
scribed at length: as, for instance, ‘ Davies’ Preparation and | 
Mounting of Microscopic Ob bjects,’ where the whole matter — 
is thoroughly discussed.—Ep.]} I will only observe here, that ~ 
the examples to be operated on had better be quite dry, | 

instead of being accurately cut, the cells coming apart and | 
hanging together in disorder. The section must be placed | 
in water or spirits of wine, and left for a while to absorb the ~ 
fluid ; it is then fit for examination on a slide. . , 

The lme-producing Alge (by which I mean Corallina, — 
Jania, Acetabularia, Liagora, Melobesia, and similar genera) — 
must not be submitted to the knife until the incrustation — 
has been entirely dissolved by means of an acid. 4 

It is often very difficult to detect the true structure of the 3 
cell walls in the strictly gelatinous Alge, as also in many of ~ 
the Enteromorpha and some other families. The best plan — 
in such cases is to add a drop of a solution of chloride of — 
zine and iodine to the fluid in which the section is im- — 
mersed on the slide. By this expedient a conspicuous blue — 


59. Hyalotheca dissiliens. 60. Spirotenia condensata. 
61 to 70. Cosmarium botrytis. 

—F Bs 


‘tint is communicated to the cells, giving them a clear sharp 

Contrary to the plan previously adopted in this little 
‘work, we have not yet touched upon the subject of the 
collection of the marine Alge. The fact is, the individuals 
belonging to this huge family are so exceedingly numerous, 
and occur in such an infinite variety of localities, that it 1s 
impossible to do more than offer some general suggestions. 

The best rule to observe is, to search every habitat dili- 
gently, and to take careful note of all that meets the eye; 
not, ina word, to pass by the smaller and humbler species 
in favour of their. gaudier and more prominent relatives. 
This is by no means a rare fault with the botanical tyro. 
‘He allows his imagination to be impressed by some mag- 
nificent representative of the larger Algz, forgetting that 
the lowly object, which he crushes under foot without 
remorse, should have at least as much interest in his eyes. 
And the consequence often is, that he has to lament the 
loss of a specimen which would have greatly aided him in 
his studies, and afforded him much genuine pleasure—a loss 
which is sometimes irremediable. 

“Marine vegetation depends largely on. the character of 
the coast line. Sandy shores are the least promising ; mud 
flats are not satisfactory hunting grounds: it is on a bold 
precipitous coast that the collector may look for the largest 
returns. This is especially the case where the receding 
tide is caught in rocky hollows and basins, for here the 
loveliest of the seaweeds are sure to be found, spreading 
abroad their delicate filaments, while the coarse, leathery 
kinds cluster about the rough blocks that overhang the 
erystal pools. 

Even in spots where old Ocean shows himself in his 
roughest mood, and breakers roar and burst against tlie 
iron-bound cliffs, even there these tender plants are to be 
seen tossed about by the wild waves, or clinging closely to 
os rock, as if in defiance of their utmost efforts to dislodge 

ar Tae Rapes 


They are to be found too at all depths. A few, princi-_ 
pally Fuci, seem to revel in the scorching rays of the sun, 
appearing to be quite satisfied with an occasional sprinkling” 
of salt water. Some flourish best about high-water-mark 5 
others where the tide reaches its lowest point; while large 
numbers, and those too of the brightest colours, delight to_ 
grow in depths to which, it must be supposed, the rays of” 
the sun never penetrate. These latter, of course, are not | 
very easily to be got at; and the coll ector must, as a rule, 
trust to the action of storms and hurricanes to supply the | 
coveted specimens. Nevertheless, if he is blessed with the 
‘gs triplex’ so requisite for all ‘who go down to the sea | 
in ships,’ he will do well, when the opportunity occurs, to — 
accompany a fishing crew on one of their trawling expers 
ditions. He will be rewarded by finding among the refuse — 
of their nets many an interesting plant, which would other- 3 
wise remain beyond his reach. 

The character of the marine vegetation also depends | 
greatly on geographical considerations ; indeed, far more so 
than does the freshwater Flora. With regard to the Euro- 
pean coasts, those washed by the Mediterranean, the 
Adriatic, and other southern seas, abound particularly in the — 
genera included under the great ‘Red’ group, known as 
the Floridez ; while the ‘ Olive’ genera, the Melanosporez — 
of systematists, preponderate on the northern shores. As — 
we approach the equator we find the Algw assuming a size ~ 
and brilliancy of colouring far surpassing anything we are ~ 
accustomed to see in the temperate zone. 

[ The figures on Plates xvi. and xvii. will assist the young ~ 
Algologist in recognising members of the great ‘dark-spored’ — 
group, the commonest on our shores, and generally the first — 
to strike the eye of the beginner.—Hp. | ’ 




THE INDIVIDUALS grouped under the term Characewe have 
found a great difficulty in establishing a place in nature. 
They have been a kind of vegetable outcasts, ‘ casuals,’ 
without any special ward assigned to them! The truth is, 
that while their organs of reproduction are those of a 
Cryptogam, their external form so nearly resembles that of 
many of the higher orders, that the earlier botanists may 
well be excused for having given them a habitation among 
the latter. The great Linneus ranged them in his class 

and order, Monecia Monandria, removing them, strange to- 

say, from a place which he had formerly given them, and 
which was much nearer to the truth, among the Crypto- 
eamia, not far from the Lichens. Jussieu, De Candolle, and 
Robert Brown retained them among the Phanerogamia ; 
Agardh and Wallroth referred them to the Alge. Only 
recent authors, Hooker, Lindley, &c., have allowed their 
claim to a separate order, and have fixed their identity as 
members of the Cryptogamic family. But even now the 
unfortunate Characee are far from finding permanent rest, 
being bandied about from one neighbourhood to another, 
from Alge to Fungi, and from Fungi to Lichens and Equi- 
setacee. Without pretending to lay any claim to sys- 
tematic accuracy in this little work, I believe that we are 

adopting a right course in placing our troublesome protéges » 

between the Alge and Fungi; their tubular stems recalling 
the former, while the spore-like. bodies contained in the 
nucule seem to mark their affinity with the latter. Like 
many of the Alge, too, a large number of Charas are gifted 
with the power of encrusting their stems and_ branches 


with carbonate of lime; an unfortunate property for the 
collector, as it renders them so brittle, that he has some 
difficulty in securing plants in a perfect condition. 
All the Characez prefer, for their habitats, ponds and. 
ditches with a muddy bottom, and in which the water is 
clear, although stagnant: they are rarely found in swiftly” 
flowing streams and rivers. As a rule, they prefer shallow 
pieces of water, though many species flourish at consider-_ 
ane depths in the larger lakes. Some, perhaps a fourth of | 
the European varieties, delight in brackish water; afew in | 
the sea itself. Their geographical range 1S wide, being - 
found in greater or less abundance in every quarter of the 3 
globe, although most common in the more temperate | 
climes. 3 ; 
On account of the extreme brittleness which characterises 
these plants, it is extremely difficult to handle them without © 
breaking off portions. A first consideration, then, with the ~ 
collector is to avoid entangling the individuals as they are ~ 
brought out of the water, as his subsequent efforts to — 
separate them from each other will cause him infinite — 
trouble and vexation. 3 
There is no difficulty in collecting them, when they — 
chance to grow near the bank. The collector must dip his — 
hand into the water, and seizing a tuft of the plants as near — 
to the root as possible, grasp them firmly and draw them 
up to the surface in such a way that they shall not bend 
over on themselves, and get their branches twisted and — 
jumbled together. Before attempting to get rid of the 
mud, quantities of which are sure to be clinging about the 
root, the upper clean part should be enveloped in paper : 
this will prevent it from getting dirtied, and will keep the 
stem and branches from entangling. Then hold the roots 
in the water, kneading them softly with the hand, but not 
drawing the fingers through them. ‘The purified masses 
may then be laid lengthways between folds of damp paper 
and carried home: a portfolio is the best and safest mode of © 
transport. The greatest care must be taken not to allow 


the specimens to dry up before they are properly laid out, 
as their brittleness is increased a thousandfold when they 
have lost their fluids. Hence the necessity of sprinkling 
them with water on reaching home, if they are to be left 
for any time before being got ready for the herbarium ; 
but the best plan is to set about preparing them at once. 
Where the species grow in very deep water or beyond 
the reach of the arm, it is requisite to employ the double 
rake, which has been already described at p. 5. If the 
collector has a boat at his command, it is better, as of 
course he has so much larger an expanse of water on 
which to make his experiments; otherwise he must 
confine his efforts to the comparatively small area, em- 
braced by the distance to which his line will reach from 
the bank. In any case the rake must be allowed to reach 
the bottom, and then dragged slowly along (if in a boat, 
the miovement of the latter as it floats without the use of 
oar or paddle, will give sufficient impulse to the rake) 
until a check is felt, upon which it must be drawn up and 
the booty secured. It is rare that this little instrument, 
if made according to the instructions previously given, fails 
in the services required of it. Of course in fishing in such 
deep waters, it is impossible to guess what they will yield, 
and a good deal of worthless stuff will be dragged into the 
boat. However bright and clear the waters may be, it 
requires an experienced eye to detect what may be growing 
at the bottom; and even that resource is cut off if the 
slichtest wind ruffles the surface. But, generally speaking, 
the collector will be able to judge pretty well of what he 
may expect to find by paying attention to the fragments 
east on the banks. In places where irrigation is carried on, 
it is advisable, in the winter and spring when the fields are 
flooded, to examine the masses of duckweed, sedges, Kc. 
that are scattered about. The chances are, that he will 
hit upon some minute fragments of Chara, indicating what 
he may expect to find worth gathering later in the year. 
Among the Characee themselves too he will frequently 


come across small portions of other species, proving that— 
the latter grow somewhere in the neighbourhood and may 
be got at by diligent search. Not unfrequently several — 
species grow together ina single colony ; or again numerous © 
kinds may flourish in distant parts of the same piece of © 
water, requiring close observation on the part of the | 
intelligent botanist, who will not be content with securing — 
a solitary specimen, but will take a careful survey of the 
banks step by step. He will bear in mind, too, that in this” 
order several species bear a close resemblance to each 
other, while they are wet; whereas, on being dried, which — 
speedily takes place on being exposed to the air, the specific 
differences are easily seen, as they depend mainly on the « 
manner in which the tubular stem is formed. | 

The first step to be taken in preparing the Characez for — 
the herbarium is to lay the larger masses on a table, divide © 
them into smaller portions, and then extract the individual ~ 
plants. JI recommend this being done on a table and not. — 
in water, because the plants we are dealing with have a - 
strong tendency to intertwine their branches, especially if 
te is any movement; and this is almost ee aia ie in 
the fluid on which they rest. | 

The separate specimens may now be dropped into a 
basin of water, those only having been selected which are 
furnished with root, stem, and branches; for, as in the case 
of the Phanerogamia, those examples only should be pre- 
served which give a true picture of the whole plant. No 
mere fragment, however pretty to look at, 1s, under ordinary 
circumstances, worth the attention of the botanist. 

Now let a piece of stout paper of the proper size be — 
inserted under the Chara, and let the latter be drawn over — 
it root foremost. The only further care necessary is to- 
draw the paper slowly out of the water, and with a blunt : 
needle re-arrange any branches which may have been dis- © 
placed. Leave the paper undisturbed for a short time to — 
let the water drain off, then lay it on some sheets of blot- — 
ting«paper, and cover it with ctearine paper. This may be ~ 




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71. Volvox globator. _ 72 to 81, Pandorina morum, 


_ repeated until a convenient pile is formed, which should be 
forthwith submitted to the press. After the lapse of a few 
hours the damp blictting paper must be removed, and 
replaced by dry material, special care being taken not to 
disturb the stearine covering, as the Characez are very apt 
te cling to it: but this is of no consequence, as they will 
easily separate as soon as the specimen is perfectly dry. 
_ If, on finally removing them from the press, the plants do 
-not adhere completely to the paper on which they le, a 
little gum-arabic may be placed under the stem and prin- 
cipal branches. 
_ The extreme fragility of the Characeze must never be 
lost sight of during their preparation, and the drier they 
become, the more strongly marked is this tendency to break 
up into fragments. This tendency remains even after they 
are placed in the herbarium: the only remedy I can sug- 
gest is to insert a very thin layer of common wadding be- 
tween every half-dozen sheets of the prepared specimens. 
The wadding, however, must be previously moistened with 
benzine or corrosive sublimate, or sprinkled with camphor ; 
otherwise it is but inviting the attacks of Anobia and 
Dermestes, and similar destructive insects. 

The Characee being of a comparatively large size, a low 
power only of the microscope is needed for determining 
their characteristics; indeed an ordinary lens is generally 
sufficient. The stratum of carbonate of lime, which 
invests the majority of these plants, must of course be got 
rid of by means of an acid, before any observations can be 
made on their inner structure. 

The species of Nitella, as being entirely free from this 
incrustation of lime, afford the best opportunity to the 
student of watching the wonderful phenomenon known, 
in technical language, as ‘cyclosis,’ or ‘rotation of the 
protoplasm,’ but commonly called ‘ circulation of the sap:’ 
this, however, it is not. Under a power of not less than 
200, green globules are seen to circle round and round 
each of the cells. But these globules are not the sap, 


but granules of chlorophyll (the substance Wick gives — 
the green colour to plants), and they are being forced | 
along by a current of mucilaginous matter, termed proto- 
plasm. What the purpose of this never-ceasing rotation — : 
may be has not yet been discovered. 

In the Characez, also, may be observed the movements 
of the spiral filaments or spermatozoids, which swim 
actively in water, on being pressed out of the globule or : 
antheridium. 4 



AS THE ALG# require water in larger or smaller quantities 
for their support, so the Fungi demand for their perfect 
development the decaying remains of other organisms. 
Wherever rottenness and corruption are present, there are 
we sure to meet with a rich Fungal vegetation. Let a 
plant for instance be sickly, it is seized upon immediately 
by a host of parasites belonging to this class; their cotton- 
like mycelium penetrating its cellular tissuie, disorganising 
its structure, and extracting nourishment from its infected 
juices. Wet wood, fallen “leaves, animal excretions, all 
afford a nidus for ‘these scavengers of nature, who only 
spring from the earth itself when the latter is rich in 
huraus, or, in other words, in decayed vegetable matter. 
For a like reason they are to be found in abundance on 
damp tree stems and in mines and cellars, where fragments 
of rotten wood supply the conditions necessary to their 
existence. It must not however be imagined, that, because 
they are found in deep mines or in cellars, into which the 
rays of the sun never find their way, Fungi are less 
dependent for their perfect development on the action 
of light and air, than the more highly organised members 
of the vegetable kingdom. ‘The fact is, that they exist 
in these localities only in a certain condition, as byssoid 
products or mycelium; they never come to perfection. 
It isa matter of grave doubt to this day, what is the perfect 
form of the well-known Rhacodium cellare. 
_ There is in truth scarcely a single object in the whole 
realm of nature which is not liable to the attacks of these 
minute enemies. The timber of our houses, as many a 
3 3 12 

ee Faw So ee 


landlord knows to his cost, crumbles into dust under the 
influence of ‘dry rot’ (Merulius lacrymans). Our bread, 
our cheese, our ink, and an infinite number of similar 
household matters—only let the conditions be favourable 
—are quickly overrun with the delicate Fungi, which, in 
common language, are grouped under the name of ‘mould’ 
(Mucoracee and Botrytacee). A stroll in the garden, or 
a walk through a field, shows us how readily our flowers 
and cereals succumb to the insidious growth of ‘smut’ 
and ‘brand’ (Uredinacee). Nor are the members of the 
animal kingdom one whit more exempt from the assaults” 
of the common enemy; while Empusina fixes itself on the 
common house-fly, and Torrubia on a caterpillar,* Muscar-" 
dine is the nameof a so-called disease which destroysmyriads - 
of silkworms in sunny Italy, and which is in fact nothing 
but the mycelium of a Fungus (Botrytis bassiana), growing | 
within their bodies and consuming their vital powers. , 

The most favourable situations, however, for the de-— 
velopment of the Fungi are undoubtedly those where - 
a moderate degree of dampness is united with an equable 
and not too high temperature. Hence forests and woods 
are certain to provide the collector with abundant material, — 
since they are rich in the elements most needed for the © 
production of Fungal life; viz. organic substances in a state 
of decay, shelter from cold biting winds, shade, and 
moisture. For like reasons, old thick hedges, not too 
much exposed to the sun, often abound in crimson Pezize, 
orange Tremelle, and the curious nest-like Nidularie. 
Warm rains also in the autumn are favourable to the 
growth of this class, so that it is not an unusual thing to 
see astonishing quantities of mushrooms in the fruiterers’ 
shops, or to come across gigantic puff-balls and boleti in 
the woods, at that time of year, when they have been 
quite scarce during the hot summer months. Not that 
the germs depend for their growth on any particular 

* On Plates xvur. xrx. (96, 97) are given several examples of 
this singular parasite. 


Season ; at no period, other circumstances being favourable, 
need the collector fear to return home from his excursions 

His outfit is comprised in a few words: 

1. A bag, or rather knapsack, the back and front of 
which are kept apart by two or three pieces of stout mill- 
board—these same pieces dividing the interior into separate 
divisions. ‘The use of this knapsack is for the large thick 
specimens—the Agarics (Plate xxiv.), Helvellids (Plate 
XIx. 98), and Lycoperdacee (Plates xix. 99, xx.), also 
pieces of wood on which minute Fungi have fixed them- 
selves. | 

2. An old book, in which to carry leaves and other thin 
parts of. plants; the habitats of Puccini, Lecyther, &c. 
An india-rubber ring will keep the whole together. 

3. A supply of chip and pill boxes, and small wide- 
mouthed bottles. These are all useful for the transport 
of the more delicate Fungi. | 

4. Paper for wrapping up the objects. 

5. A strong sharp knife. 

Armed with these, and taking care to keep a good look- 
out among trees and bushes, hedges and palings, the 
collector may fairly expect to reap the reward of his zeal 
in a well-filled knapsack. So strangely, indeed, do the 
Fungi vary in form and size, that his eyes must be at the 
same time both telescope and microscope. They must not 
only be able to embrace, from a distance, the outline of the 
ereat Bovista, but they must peer among dead leaves and 
decayed fragments of wood, and be able to detect the 
faint traces which betray the presence of an Aregma or a 
Triphragmium (Plate xxi. 102,103). Every tree stem 
must be diligently searched, and careful glances thrown 
on the herbaceous plants around him: every broken limb 
and rotting bough lying in his path should be lifted up 
and examined above and below; for it is on these, that 
Spheria (Plate xx1. 104), and Asterosporium (Plate xxi. 
105), and a host of other curious forms delight to grow. 

Sey nee Le ee 
“ ¥ = 7 - } 


True, the very minute Fungi are not to be detected by ; 
the naked eye, or at least very rarely; and it may seem — 

- superfluous to bid the young botanist search for what he — 

cannot perceive. But in truth, though he cannot perhaps — 
see them, he can see where they are; he can see spots and ~ 
lines and fissures and excrescences; he can see distortions — 
and discolourations, all of which announce plainly that the © 
little miner has established himself, and is hard at work — 
carrying out the mission entrusted to him by Providence. — 
Of course judgment and discrimination are necessary here, — 
as In every other department of science. Not every black — 
spot on a cereal is an Ustilago, nor is every knob or — 
distortion an Hysterium, or a Polycystis. Experience is, 
no doubt, of the greatest possible use; and, more than that, 
it must be bought; there is assuredly no ‘royal road’ to 
a knowledge of the Fungi. Nevertheless the student will — 
do well, if it hes in his power, to seek the advice and © 
counsel of an older mycologist;.so that, on his first few 
botanical trips, he may have some kind of notion regarding 
the characteristics of the minute Fungi. If he is not so © 
fortunate as to have a friend, who can lend him a helping — 
hand, he must needs work the matter out for himself, — 
and trust to his own tact and common sense to discover 
these tiny organisms where the eye of the uninitiated 
would see only a dirty spot, and at the same time to 
separate the worthless from the valuable.* By taking 
trouble at first to inspect the leaves in a living condition, 
he will soon get to notice those in which the Chlorophyll 
is beginning to fail, and which have in consequence a 
sickly appearance; an almost sure sign that the germs of 

* I take this opportunity of commending to the notice of the 
mycological student, Mr. M. C. Cooke’s admirable manuals, ‘ A Plain 
and Easy Account of British Fungi,’ and ‘ An Introduction to the 
Study of Microscopic Fungi.’ (Hardwicke.) The research displayed 
is only equalled by the clearness with which the results of the — 
author’s investigations are placed before the reader. To the beginner, 
especially, they will prove invaluable aids.—Ep. . 






=>). 5 


82. Press for drying Botanical Specimens. 83-85. Zygnemacee conjugating. 




Eme destructive Fungus are developing themselves. All 

such leaves he will gather and place in his book for 
future examination; although, perhaps, there is nothing 

_ beyond this visible a the eye, to show what mischief is 

at work. By way of illustration, I will refer to the 

disease which so frequently seizes on the leaf of the potato 
_ during the summer. Its first attacks escape the vigilance 

of even the most experienced eye. Soon, however, a 
chemical change begins to take place in the Chlorophyll: 
the hitherto green leaf assumes a yellowish-brown tint, 
and is finally enveloped in a layer of white cobweb- like 

_ threads ; all of which is due to the presence of a mould, 
- known to botanists as the ‘ Peronospora devastatrix’ S 

De Bary. Another minute Fungus may be observed in 
the form of a pale spot, which gradually envelops the 
leaf on which it is seated with a delicate web; and a very 
close inspection will detect tiny black dots scattered among 
the meshes. These are the conceptacles, or capsules, en- 
closing the spores; and the whole mass is the well-known 
‘mildew,’ belonging to a genus Erysiphe, the members 

of which work sad destruction among roses, hops, peas, 

and numerous other plants. 
Wherever, in a word, the eye of the collector detects 

an tinnatural colour in a leaf, or a diseased appearance in 

a stem, it is worth his ae to examine the sickly part, 

‘as the chances are greatly in favour of the evil being due 

to the baneful action of some Fungus. Thus the pedicel 

of the thistle, the leaf of the hawthorn, the ripening stem 

of the wheat plant, &c., are frequently swollen and dis- 
coloured by Aicidia and Puccinie (Plate xxi. 106), which 

+have worked their way into the cellular tissue, and are 

rapidly destroying it. 
But it is not the stems and leaves alone that are subject 
to the attacks of these active assailants. It is rare to stroll 

through a field of standing corn late in the summer, 

without finding traces of that torrible pest, the ‘smut, 

7 (Ustilago segetum), a dust-like agglomeration of minute 


black spores, which in certain seasons propagate themselves 
in countless myriads, always taking up their abode in the 
ears. No less injurious is another microscopic Fungus, 
generally known as ‘ bunt’ (Tilletia caries), which grows — 
within the grain itself, filling it with its dark mass of 
spores. On pressing the grain the spores become visible 
to the eye as a sooty and foetid dust. 

Of the cases in which Fungi are noxious to animal life, 
the commonest and most easily observed is that of the 
Empusina musce, Cohn., to which so many house-flies tall 
victims. It is by no means a rare thing, especially during ~ 
the autumn, to find flies with outstretched legs apparently | 
glued to the window-panes, and surrounded by a white — 
filmy cloud extending to a distance of one inch or two 
inches on each side of the body. This filmy cloud is a 
Fungus, which, generated within the body of the animal 
during life, has now forced its way out between the rings © 
of the abdomen, and is spreading its filaments in every 
direction. [Recent investigations have brought to light 
the almost incredible fact, that this HEmpusina, when 
immersed in water, alters its whole character and develops 
oe a plant, which was Icng looked upon as a Confervoid 

Alga (Achlya prolifera, Nees), (Plate xxui.); a plant only — 
too ) well known to keepers of gold fish, whose sides it clothes 
with numberless tufts of long colourless filaments, gradually 
wasting their powers and destroying their vitality. Nor 
does the wonder cease here: there is reason to believe, 
though the fact is not yet well established, that Achlya 
is but another form of Botrytis bassiana, the ‘ Muscardine,’ 
to which I have already alluded as consuming the intestines 
of silkworms.—KEp._ 

All the larger Fungi must be thoroughly dried before they 
can be put away with safety in the herbarium. Withregard 
to the species which flourish on such compact material as 
branches, palings, &c., the simplest plan is to cut off so © 
much of the wood as is convenient, and leave the preparation 
in the open air until the moisture has completely evaporated. 


Fresh leaves and stems infested by microscopic forms of 
Fungi may be dried in the same way as the fronds of ferns 
or leaves of the Phanerogamia, of which more will be said 
hereafter. The only precaution necessary is, that the pres- 
sure be not too heavy, and that the blotting paper be con- 
stantly changed. As these Fungi arise, in the first instance. 
from below the cuticle in which they excavate (so to speak) 
little hollows, and then spread themselves around in yellow 
or black pulverulent masses, too severe a pressure may 
force them back into the cavities, or at least squeeze them 
against the plane surface of the leaf, and thereby destroy 
their natural habit and appearance. ‘The reason why it is 
advisable to make frequent changes of the drying material 
is, that various forms of mould are developed wherever 
there is moisture present. This is of little consequence 
where large plants are being prepared, but may give rise to 
Serious errors when the objects are of a microscopic nature. 
The most difficult kinds to manage are the fleshy pileate 
Fungi, those, I mean, included under the order Agaricacee, 
or Hymenomycetes, of systematic authors. Numerous ex- 
periments have been made from time to time with a view 
to strike out some plan of retaining their natural form and 
features after death. But onearrangement after another has 
had to be abandoned, and mycologists have been compelled to 
fall back upon the earliest and withal the simplest method, 
that of drying them. ven this simple method, however, 
is not possible with the larger individuals, not only on ac- 
count of their size, but because the substance of which they 
are composed is so sensitive to the influence of moisture, that 
it is hopeless to think of preserving them by any ordinary 
treatment. Under the most favourable circumstances they 
are shrivelled and shrurk out of all shape when taken from 
the press. So the student must be content with having por- 
tions only of the original plant at his command; but these 
may be prepared in such a way as to be full of instruction, 
if he will follow out the suggestions Iam about to offer. 
_ [But first of the parts which go to ferm an ordinary. 


Agaric (Plate xxiv.). On taking up one of these plants ~ 
(or rather one of their fructifying organs, for the plant — 
itself is concealed under the soil in the form of Mycelium) ~ 
we see a convex expansion called the pileus or cap, sup- — 

ported by the stipes or stem, which itself rises out of the — 

enclosed the entire organism, but through which the pileus — 
and stipes have forced their way, leaving only a fragmentary ~ 
cup behind. The pileus, in fact, isa thick leathery roof, ~ 
concealing and at the same time affording protection to the 
hymenium or reproductive organs; and, on turning the — 
pileus over, we see that the hymenium is divided into — 
numerous plates, the lamelle or gills, radiating from the 
centre to the external border. . Further investigations under ~ 
the microscope reveal the fact, that these lamelle are recep- 
tacles containing the sporules, the germs of the future 
Agarics. Perhaps it will simplify the matter to some of 
my readers if I add, that the pileus with its accompanying 
hymenium forms the edible portion of the common mush- ~ 
room, the stipes usually going to form that useful sauce, — 
‘catsup.’ What are termed ‘button mushrooms’ are the — 
young plants still imprisoned within the volva, or which 
have but just burst through its membranous coat.—Ep.] 

In the first place, longitudinal sections must be made, | 
traversing. the whole organism, from the top of the pileus | 
to the base of the stipes. To effect this, the operator takes | 
a very sharp knife, or better still a razor, and with a firm — 
hand makes a bold cut from above downwards right ~ 
through the plant. This he repeats three or four times, so — 
as to obtain successively several lamin, each about two — 
lines thick, presenting a kind of diagram of the different 
parts. These should be at once placed under the press. — 
The quicker the operation of drying is performed, the finer 
will be the appearance of the preparation, and the better | 
will the natural colouring be retained. This may be for- | 
warded by frequently changing the paper, and by warming | 
it before laying it on the object. | 


Of the two halves remaining over and above the portions 
cut away, the operator should separate the stem from the cap, 
and scoop out a large proportion of the hymenium, so as 
to leave the pileus entire with a certain amount of fleshy 
matter adhering to it. It might be better, perhaps, to re- 
move the whole of the internal substance; but, in that case, 
the preparation would have a bad appearance, from being 
too transparent after it was dried. The remains of the 
stipes must be similarly treated; that is to say, a large 
portion of its interior must be removed, and then the frag- 
ments thus prepared are ready for the press. As soon as 
the pieces are all perfectly dry, one of the stems must be 
gummed or glued on white paper, and at its upper end one 
of the halves of the pileus fixed in like manner, so as to get, 
in fact, a more or less characteristic representation of the 
original plant. Where there is an abundance of specimens, 
the collector need not be so particular about preserving the 
two halves that have been already cut through. It is better 
indeed to dry the whole of a pileus, having first scooped out 
the greater part of the hymenium previous to fastening it 
on paper. When drying and gumming down the longi- 
tudinal section, pains must be taken not to disturb the 
arrangement of the lamelle and their relaticn to the stipes. 

The foregoing applies particularly to the very large 
fleshy Agarics. ‘Those of a medium size may be simply 
divided through the centre of the cap and stem, and each 
half pressed and dried. The preparation is not very 
elegant, but gives satisfactory results from a scientific point 
of view. The smaller species, such as the Marasmii, 
Collybii, &c., require no special preparation beyond suspen- 
ding them for some hours in a current of air (but not in 
the sun) until they have lost a portion of their contained 
fluids, and feel flabby and loose to the touch. They may 
then be submitted to the press as usual. 

I should perhaps have mentioned before, when speaking 
of the very fleshy kinds, that all Fungi of a soft nature, like 
Mushrooms and Toadstools, should be hung up in the air 

pileate group, are very difficult of determination. If, 


for at least twelve hours before being operated on. The 
work itself is rendered much easier, and there is less chance | 
of the delicate parts being mangled. 3 

Small coriaceous. Fungi (the Polypori, Thelephore, &e.) 
must not be weighted too severely. ‘There are some kinds 
of Fungi, which are as hard as wood; from such thin | 
sections may be taken in various directions, and put away | 
at once. Several species belonging to the genera Peziza, 
Hirneola, &c., are of a totally different consistency, being ™ 
strictly gelatinous. These will partially recover their | 
original form and appearance on being moistened, longy 
after they have been deposited in the herbarium. 

Asa final process, subsequent to the pressure and dry- 
ing, every portion of the Fungi—of the leathery and fleshy 
kinds, I mean—must be impregnated with corrosive subli- | 
mate, to save them from the attacks of insects. But with 
regard to this I will speak more freely when treating of the 
herbarium, and the best method of preserving its contents — 
uninjured. | : 

However well prepared, dried Fungi, especially the 

therefore, from want of time or leisure, the student is | 
unable to submit his freshly gathered examples to a rigid | 
examination, he should at least assist his memory by | 
making a not2 of such characteristics as come under his— 
eye before the plants are dried. The main points to observe 
are these: the colour of the stem and of the upper surface _ 
of the pileus; consistency of the fleshy substance, whether 
hard and brittle, tough and gelatinous, soft and spongy, &c.3_ 
the odour emeead of garlic, of violet, of putrid flesh, &c.; | 
the presence or absence of a milky fluid when fragmenta) | 
are broken off; and, lastly, the changes of colour, which © 
take place when the plant is freshly cut. For a more) 
scientific diagnosis it is necessary to ascertain, what relation | 
the reproductive parts hold to the general structure of the | 
organism ; whether, for instance, the spores are imbedded in | 

lamelle (as with the Agarics), are borne in tubes on the lower 

88. Fucus nodosus. a. Spores, 89. Fucus canaliculatus. a Spores. 

2 eas 


part of the disc (as in the Polypori), or whether they cover 
the top and sides of a club-shaped receptacle (as in Clavaria, 
&c.). The spores themselves should also be secured as 
useful aids. This may be done by laying the fructifying 
organs on a piece of white paper, and leaving it undisturbed 
for about twenty-four hours. On lifting it at the end of 
that time the paper will be seen to be sprinkled with a 
brown (occasionally white) dust, which is in fact a multi- 
tude of ripe spores: these may be wrapped in paper, or 
shaken into a corked tube for future examination. 

_I strongly advise the young mycologist to make drawings 
of the Fungi, or at least of the principal forms, which come 
under his notice. Even if he is not a practised draughts- 
man, he can by perseverance soon acquire skill enough t 
copy their outline, and lay on the proper colouring: how- 
ever roughly done, he will probably find his sketch of 
considerable use in the comparison of individuals and the 
determination of species. ‘The systematic examination of 
' these plants cannot be carried on without the aid of the 
microscope, on account of the extreme minuteness of their 
organs. In some instances an ordinary needle attached to 
a wooden handle is sufficient to expose their inner structure: - 
generally speaking, however, the cellular tissue and organs 
of fructification cannot be properly seen unless a delicate 
section is made with a razor. With such as rest upon a 
stout, firm base, like the branch of a tree, there is no diffi- 
culty ; a little practice will enable the student to make a 
clean cut from end to end. The same may be said with 
respect to the Agarics and other soft, fleshy kinds: in these 
a section may be easily made through the pileus, so as to 
include the hymenium. On the other hand, species which 
are parasitic on the leaves of Phanerogamia must be 
treated in a different way. The leaf itself, not giving 
sufficient support to the cutting instrument, must be laid 
__ between two pieces of cork—a common wine cork divided 
longitudinally answers perfectly well; then, by cutting 

K : 


clean through cork and leaf, sections of the required thin- — 
ness may be obtained without difficulty. To keep the | 
two pieces of cork from shifting during the operation, they — 
may be thrust through a metal ring of suitable size,or a | 
piece of stout paper may be gummed round them; a still | 
simpler plan is to tie them together with strong thread or | 
thin string. The section can be placed at once on a slide 
with a fine hair pencil. 

In a large number of cases the fruit must es examined — 

in a dry state, in order to ascertain the true connection of 
the spores with their receptacles, as water causes them to — 
separate. Of this description is the whole order of Botry- — 
tacez or Bo SU eo order which embraces most of = 
the common ‘ moulds,’ growing upon organic substances, 
both dead and lving; the Peronospora of the potato, to 
which I lately alluded; the parasites which infest the 
onion, pea, rose, and clover, and numerous other pests of 
the farm and garden. In all these (which to the naked 
eye appear as patches of a white woolly substance) the 
fruit, or acrospores, as they are called in technical lan- 
guage, are situated on the tips of certain upright threads, 
sometimes solitary, but more generally branched, so as to 
have the appearance of miniature forest trees, only that 
there are no leaves, and that each branchlet supports at its 
apex a single round or oval acrospore. In some cases the 
branchlet itself is moniliform, or made up of rows of ee 
tiny reproductive organs, adhering end to end. 

From some unknown cause, the ‘pedicels’ no svoner 
_come in contact with water, than they ‘lose their heads;’ 
the fruit drops off, and the observer misses the chance of 
ascertaining the way in which pedicel and acrospore were 
united. If then a fluid is applied at all, a single drop 
must be laid on the slide after the specimen has been placed 
ready for examination. Let the water touch the covering 
glass, and it will creep under by capillary attraction and 
saturate the object. 

: OF THE FUNGI. 131 

The following re-agents may be used with advantage in 
the. examination of the spores —sugar, sulphuric acid, 
iodine, and caustic potash, in solution. [ As to the method 
of employing re-agents, I must refer the student to the 
works of Dr. L. Beale and others, bearing more directly 
upon the subject than this little work pretends to do.—ED. | 

K 2 




JUDGING FROM external appearances and from their natural 
habits, no two groups of plants would seem to be more 
distinctly separated than the Fungi and the Lichens. Their 
boundaries, one would suppose, are as sharply defined as - 
any embraced under the great family of Cryptogamia. 
Nevertheless, modern authors are gradually drawing to 
the opinion that, sooner or later, the Lichens must be 
reduced to mere forms of the Fungal class. The point on 
which the ‘ Separatists’ have mainly relied is the presence, — 
in the thallus, of globular gonidia, containing a green 
matter in the cells, which gonidia are supposed to be 
wanting in the Fungi; but it is certain that some of the 
Lichens (Abrothallus for example) are destitute of green 
gonidial cells. And it is by no means certain that some 
analogous structure is not to be found in many of the 
Alege. Agardh considers Lichens more nearly allied to 
Fungals than to Algals: he remarks, that ‘if Spherias, or 
Pezizas, had a thallus, they would be Lichens; and that the 
same part is all that determines such genera as Calycium, 
Verrucaria, or Opegrapha to be Lichens and not Fungi.’ 

(Lindley, ‘Vegetable Kingdom,’ 47.) 

However, “eaving these matters to be discussed by 
physiologists, we will assume for our purposes, that the 
distinction ordinarily laid down in regard to the two 
classes is correct, viz. that ‘while the Fungi have their 
vegetative structure immersed in the medium in which 
they grow, the Lichens are entirely aérial encrusting plants. 

A practical matter of great importance to the collector, 
though of no value in the eyes of the systematist, is the 


admitted fact, that no Lichen is ever submersed, and that 
they are never developed in mines, caverns, or places 
deprived of light. In this respect they form a striking 
contrast to both Algez and Fungi; the former, as we know, 
depending for their very existence on the presence of water, 
while the latter love moisture, and the absence of direct 

Lichens, however, prefer the driest and most exposed 
localities. Within certain limits they bear, with equal 
indifference, the scorching heat of the midday sun and the 
icy breath of the north “wind. Even when so dried and 
withered as to crumble in the hand, they will wake to new 
life when again moistened and placed 3 in such conditions as 
allow of the development of their cells. This extraordinary 
persistency, the power of retaining life under circumstances 
which would be fatal to any other organised being, causes 
the Lichens to be veritable pioneers in the vegetable king- 
dom. ‘Taking possession of the bare face of a cliff, where 
not even a moss could find footing, they seize the passing 
dew or raindrop, introduce it into the shallow fissures of 
the rock on which they are clustered, and thus gradually 
prepare a foothold for the higher plants, Nor is their 
usefulness limited to their living state; their very death is 
made subservient to the great purposes of nature, by filling 
the cavity on which they grew with the humus formed out 
of their own corruption; doubtless a trifling amount, but. 
sufficient to support the tiny moss which succeeds them, 
and which in its turn lives and dies only to supply 
nutriment for some more highly organised plant. Perhaps 
the most remarkable evidence of the powers of vitality 
belonging to this class is shown in the fact, that no sooner 
do the streams of lava begin to cool after a volcanic 
eruption, than a Lichen (known as Stereocaulon Vesu- 
vianum) spreads its hard solid thallus over the glowing 

Most of the Lichens prefer to grow on either stone or 
wood; very few flourish on the naked soil; a small propor- 



tion are parasitic, either on other Lichens (as Abrothallus), 
or on the leaves of box and similar evergreens (as Strigula) 
The collector may hope to get his best gatherings from 
stone and brick walls, trunks of trees, palings, and posts, all 
of which are often clothed with an immense variety of these — 
plants, especially where they have a northern aspect. 
Many of the species are exceedingly minute and of so dark 
a colour, as not to be easily distinguished at a short distance- 
from the bark on which they rest. In fact, tree stems and | 
palings must be as diligently searched for Lichens, as the 
leaves and stalks of herbaceous plants for microscopic Fungi. 
The same outfit is requisite here as was recommended in . 
the last chapter, with the addition of a couple of chisels 
(pointed and broad) and a hammer for detaching the 
species which grow on the surface of rocks. 

Those kinds which are more or less free (that is to say, | 
in which the thallus is not wholly fixed down to the 
object on which it grows) may be simply taken off by hand, 
and, if not too dry, placed between the leaves of a book. It 
is best to gather them when they are damp; consequently, 
the fittest time for searching for them is after rain, or in the 
early morning before the dew has passed away. Botanists, 
however, cannot always time their excursions so nicely as 
to meet these circumstances exactly. When this is the 
case, and the specimens on being gathered feel dry and 
brittle, they must be dipped in water, and suffered to 
imbibe so much of the fluid as to render them limp and 
flexible. After this, allowing the surface moisture to 
evaporate, they may be. safely carried in the book, or 
wrapped in paper, in the pocket. 

I may aswellobserve here, that most of the Lichens, which 
are of a light grey tint hen dry, become much darker, 
and frequently quite green, when moistened. I mention 
this that the beginner may not be disappointed, and | 
attribute to his unskilful pr eparation what is in fact a | 
natural change of colour. 

On being brought home the specimens must be looked | 


$0. Torrubia entomorrhiza. 
91. Section, &c. 
2. Torrubia militaris. 


5 ALO 

nh Ay 


pie Hee? 3. J 

7 AO 

+ eB: wv 

93. Torrubia gunnii. 
94. Torrubia sphingum. 
95. Torrubia sphingum. Isaroid condition. 


5 j 


over, and, when uecessary, again damped and _ softened. 

‘They should then be spread out between sheets of blotting- 

paper, so as to exhibit as near as can be their original 

character, and left to dry under a light pressure. On 

the whole, the Lichens cause less trouble in their pre- 

paration than any other group of plants, except perhaps the 
Mosses. , 
In the case of certain small species (as, for instance, 

Beeomyces roseus) which grow on the earth, the better 

plan when collecting them is to carry away with the plant 

a thin layer of the soil itself. This is easily effected by 

means of a knife. In the same way all such as flourish on 
wood, tree stems, palings, &c., should, on being taken off, 
retain a very thin section of their support. The difficulty 
of gathering those which are firmly fixed to the face of a 
rock, overgrowing it like a thin crust, is far greater, as the 
stone itself must be chipped off with chisel and hammer. 
Of course the difficulty is increased where the operator has 
to deal with the smooth surface of a compact rock; as, on 
the other hand, it is considerably Jessened when the material 
is of a calcareous, slaty, or schistose character. Each piece, 
on being broken off, must be wrapped separately in paper, 
to prevent them from rubbing against one another, thereby 

spoiling the incumbent Lichen, or at least destroying its 


I take this opportunity of cautioning the botanical novice 
against preserving only such small specimens of the chipped- 
off rock as will he between the sheets of his herbarium ; 

an error he is liable to fall into for the sake of uniformity - 

and for convenience of arrangement. He forgets that, as 
tame goes on and his collection increases, it must of 
necessity be divided into numerous smaller portions, and be 
put away in drawers or boxes. He had, therefore, much 
better at once secure good instructive examples, even 
though he is obliged to keep them in separate repositories, 
than have to do his work over again at a future period. 

I need scarcely perhaps add that, with Lichens, as with 


= Soh anger Rane 



any other form of plant, those are the most instructive 
examples in which the organs of fructification are well 
displayed. As regards the Lichens, indeed, the presence of | 
the fruit is indispensable. 4 

Investigation into their minute structure is accomplished, 
as in the case of the Fungi, by means of thin sections, cut 

through both frond and receptacle. 




Tue Mosses occupy a less exclusive position than the pre- 
ceeding classes of the Cryptogamia, inasmuch as in many 
respects they approximate to the great family of pe the 
Phanerogamia. [Not that there is any likeness to a ‘ flower ’ 
in their organs of fructification; so far there is still a wide 
gulf between the highest of the ‘ Muscal alliance’ and the « 
lowest of the sexual plants: nevertheless, when we come 
to examine their structure, we find that among Mosses a 
great step in advance has been made in the scheme of 
nature. For the first time now we have to deal with a 
true root, a true stem, and true leaves; though it must be 
owned, that in a few instances it isa work of some difficulty 
to detect these organs. Thus Buxbaumia aphylla has re- 
ceived its specific name from the apparent absence of leaves, 
and the species of Sphagnum retain their roots only in the 
young state. For the first time, too, we meet with traces 
of that special characteristic of the more highly organised 
plants—a vascular system.—EDp. | 

With regard to the localities in which the Mosses 
delight to dwell, we find them to be truly cosmopolitan. 
The particular species are by no means indifferent to the 
situation they may occupy; but, taking them asa whole, the 
members of this order exist wherever shade and moisture 
are afforded ; the actual species varying according to the 
nature of the soil, and the material on which they grow. 
Streams and morasses have their peculiar species. Fonti- 
-nalis, Sphagnum, &c., are strictly aquatic; and from these 
we may trace them, step by step, to the sloping sides of a 
‘ditch, the weather- ‘beaten roof of a thatched cottage, the 


refts in a wall, the hard surface of a rock, and finally to 
spots (such as the resort of the charcoal- burner) where 
the soil, though sheltered by trees, has been withered and 
scorched by the action of fire. 

Mosses, observes Lindley, ‘ are found in all parts of the 

world where the atmosphere is humid, but they are far 
more common in temperate climes than in the tropics. 
They are among the first vegetables that clothe the soil 
| with verdure in newly formed countries, and they are the 
last that disappear when the atmosphere ceases to be 
capable of nourishing vegetation. The first green crust 
. upon the cinders of ccenee consisted of minute Mosses ; : 
| they form more than a quarter of the whole Flora of 
Melviile Island; and the black and lifeless soil of New 
} South Shediac: is covered with specks of Moss struggling 
| for existence.’ 
Their favourite localities, however, are those which are 
rich in decaying vegetable matter, and but little exposed 
. to the sun’s heat; so that it is to the wood and forest, the 
| deep ravine and hie narrow valley, that the collector mua 

look for his principal gatherings. The shady side of bold 
ridges must be carefully searched; also damp hedgerows 
and wet rocky places, especially with a northern aspect, 
for in these many of the delicate Jungermanniz love to 
osrow. A few, comparatively rare, forms (the Splachna) 
choose the dung of animals as their habitat, principally in 
Alpine and Subalpine districts. ‘ One of these, Splachnum 
angustatum, which is commonly met with upon dung, we 
once saw growing vigorously upon the foot of an old 
stocking near the summit of Ingleborough, Yorkshire.. The 
same species was found by a friend of ours covering the 
half-decayed hat of a traveller who had perished on the 
mountain of St. Bernard in Switzerland; and the same, iff 
we mistake not, was discovered by Captain Parry in 
Melville Island, vegetating in the bleached skull of a musk 
ox. * The Sphagna, as stated above, are truly aqualay 

* Muscologi: 4a Britannica. 


choosing by preference the swamp and morass, great tracts 
of which they cover with their spongy tuits. They may 
be easily distinguished, even at a long distance, by their 
singular pale yellow hue, so different to the bright rich 
green which generally marks the Moss tribe. The denizens, 
however, of the water are far inferior in number to tres 
which draw their nourishment from the atmosphere, 
thriving on the surface of rocks, damp walls, and stems of 
trees. Thus the Orthotricha are almost entirely confined 
to the latter habitat, the exceptions occurring on rocks, 
z.. on the faked soil. The collector, therefor e, must 
take a rigid survey of the trees, as well as of the ground 
which they overshadow, taking particular care to examine 
the hollows formed by the junction of the branches with 
the stem; also the base of the tree where the latter passes 
into the root and buries itself in the soil; for it is in places 
of this description that the rain and dew settle, and 
consequently Mosses are encouraged to develop themselves. 
Uprooted trees, on which time and the weather are beginning 
to make an impression, are also favourite localities for 
nearly all the members of the Muscal alliance. Let them 
be closely investigated, for, other conditions being aus- 
picious, more examples will often be gathered here than 
hours of research will disclose in many less-favoured spots. 
__ A strong knife, a waterproof bag or small tin vasculum, 
a few small bottles, and a supply of paper, are all that is 
necessary, by way of outfit, for a ‘ramble among the Mosses.’ 
If possible, only such specimens as are in full fructifi- 
cation should be gathered; for, as a practical matter, mere 
tufts of leaves without signs of fruit, or with immature 
fruit, are really of very little value. So important is this, 
that, should the collector find himself in a neighbourhood 
where the Mosses do not yet display their fruit, he had far 
better leave them for a while, than gather them at once, 
however tempting the opportunity, or lovely the specimens. 
Let him mark the place carefully, and revisit it in a month 
or two, and in all probability he will be amply rewarded 

id ee ee 


for his self-denial. Of course there are cases in which he 
has but little chance of seeing the spot a second time; there 
is no help for him then but to secure the prize while he 
can. ‘There are a few cases too in which the plants rarely, | 
if ever, develop their organs of fructification. Here again | 
he must ‘take things as he finds them; ’ it would be of no 
use to wait, and he must be satisfied with sterile examples. | 

[ The reproductive organs of Mosses consist of so- -called 
antheridia and pistillidia, or archegones. ‘The former 
are minute globular or oval bodies, supported on a short 
pedicel, and, when ripe, discharging a granular matter, | 
which has been likened to pollen, They are usually 
associated with a number of jomted cellular filaments 
or paraphyses, the ‘fila succulenta’ of Hedwig. These 
antheridia are considered to be the representatives of the’ 
stamens, or male organs of the flowering plants. The 
pistillidia, on the other hand, minute flask-shaped bodies, 
swollen at the base, are ioctees upon, as their name implies, 
as corresponding to the pistils, or female organs of thé 
Phancrogamia. By degrees they are developed into the 
long stemmed capsule, or theca, so conspicuous in most 
Mosses by their bright chestnut colour. : 

Now it is requisite, if possible, that the student should 
provide himself with examples of each of these organs, not 
only because of the interest attached to them, but from the 
increasing tendency of muscologists to base their systems of 
classification on these minute structures.—ED. | 3 

It frequently happens, however, that Mosses are ical 
cious; that is to say, the two kinds of reproductive organs 
are situated on separate plants, the mature female of course 
being the most conspicuous. ‘This is exactly analogous to 
what occurs among the true sexual plants; but then their 
parts, as a rule, are evident enough, whereas among the™ 
Mosses and their allies the same parts, at any rate at first, 
are strictly microscopic. All we can recommend to the 
student is, to make diligent search. If the antheridia are 
not to be found i in the ‘ pistillidiferous’ specimens, he should 


~~ 7 NSS 


bs Y ye 

96. Torrubia sphingum, fertile stipe. 98. Morchella esculenta. 
97. Torrubia stylophora, ; 99, Lycoperdon gemmatum., 

Ce le ee all 


examine the neighbourhood (especially where it varies a 
little in elevation or dampness) for male plants. ‘ Practice 
makes perfect,’ and though frequent disappointments may 
occur, success will follow, in a greater or less degree, as he 
applies himself more vigorously to his work. 

In gathering the Hepatic it is indispensable to secure 
the organs of fructification: these are of simpler structure 
and lower organisation than in the Mosses, consisting of 
capsules either imbedded in the thick cellular frond (the 
Riccie), or elevated on footstalks (Marchantia, Junger- 
mannia, &c.\, but in either case unprovided with the 
calyptra and ‘operculum, the hoods which distinguish and 
protect the spore cases of the true Mosses. When then the 
latter plants are placed in the bag or vasculum, precautions 
must be taken against losing the hoods, as they are of 
great service in the elucidation of genera, and unhappily 
they are very apt to drop off— [I always myself ‘bottle’ a 
few small specimens, the enclosed moisture preventing the 
separation of the calyptra from the theca. ‘The leaves too 
are kept fresh and the plants generally are saved from 
rubbing and consequent mutilation. This refers more 
particularly to the Jungermannie, the extreme delicacy of 
whose fruit, and stem, and leaves demand most tender 
treatment, ‘The ‘ bottling’ also ensures a specimen being 
ready for examination immediately on returning home; 
though this is by no means essential, as all the Moss tribe 
speedily recover their plumpness and general appearance, 
on being immersed in water, after they have been long 
dried.— Ep. | 

They are very easily prepared for the herbarium, all 
that is necessary being to separate them into convenient 
portions, pick out all foreign bodies (such as fragments of 
leaves, &c.), place them between blotting-paper, and sub- 
mit them to the press. The weights employed must be 
of the lightest, as otherwise the natural appearance of the 
plants are distorted. The true Mosses are usually divided 
Into two chief sections—the Acrocarpi, or those in which 


the fruit is situated at the summit of a stem, and the 
Pleurocarpi, which bear the fruit on the sides. In one 
word, in the first, the theca or capsule is terminal; in the 
second itis lateral. This difference of structure necessitates | 
a difference of treatment in preparation. Bunches of the 
lateral fruited species may be separated by the hand without 
taking the trouble to isolate individual plants: it is better, 
in fact, to leave them massed together, as showing their 
character of growth more accurately. With the terminal 
fruited species, on the contrary, the natural habit of the 
plants is seen better if they are separated, though they 
need not be entirely so. For this purpose, two or three 
clean cuts may be made with a knife through the tuft, ’ 
from above downwards, thereby making thin sections held 
together slightly at the bottom, either by the adherent 
earth, or by their own interwoven roots. 

Some of the very delicate kinds, such as Brachyodus or 
Seligeria, and many of the Jungermanniz should be collected 
torcther with the bark or stone to which they have at- 
tached themselves. : 

The Hepatice need great care in their preparation ; not 
the least difficulty is the getting rid of the soil from their 
roots without injuring the leaves or breaking the stem. 
The best method of accomplishing this‘ is to lay the plants, 
just as they are brought home, in a cup of clean water, 
then, by a gentle movement of the fluid backwards and 
forwards, the earth will gradually separate itself and settle 
at the bottom. ‘The water should be constantly renewed, 
until no signs of discoloration appear. Next let the plant 
be carefully lifted out of the cup and laid on soft paper to 
allow of the water draining off. Here, again, great care is 
needed, because some of the important parts are easily 
broken off and lost from their extreme minuteness, if any 
roughness or over-haste is used; such are the so-called 
gemme, the calyx or vaginule, and the antheridia, on 
their short pellucid footstalks. | 

An ordinary lens is sufficient for the examination of the 
stems and branchlets of the Mosses ; but the construction of 


the leaf (especially in the Hepatice) can only be properly 
seen with a microscope whose powers are not less than 200 
diameters. For this purpose a leaf must be separated, by 
means of a pair of forceps, quite close to the stem, or the 
stem itself may be divided above and below the point of 
attachment, and the whole section submitted to the micro- 
scope. ‘This last is perhaps the better arrangement, be- 
cause it often happens that the base of the leaf is furnished 
with peculiar cells, which are of service in discriminating 
species. A drop of water should be added to the leaf, when 
it is laid on the slide, as this renders the delicate network 
of cells more pervious to light. 

I have found the following plan bring out the form of 
the cells of the Jungermannie, and indeed of many of the 
Mosses, very clearly. First, let the leaflet be warmed to’ 
ebullition in a solution of caustic potash, rinse it in soft 
water, and then add a drop of a solution of chloride of zinc 
and iodine. By this means the cell walls, after a while 
(though sometimes not for hours), assume a blue tint, and on 
being slightly pressed under the covering glass, the layers 
of cellular tissue exhibit themselves to great perfection. 

_ The arrangements, however, of the leaf cells may be best 
seen in vertical sections, made by means of a divided cork 
in the way recommended at p.129. In many cases tre 
necessity for preparing these thin sections is not called for, 
while in others (as Fissidens, Polytrichum, Sphagnum, &c.) 
the true construction of the leaf cannot be made out without 

* The following observations on the leaves of the Jungermanniz 
are of value :—‘ The leaves are remarkably varied in their form and 
arrangement, and usually afford excellent guides in the discrimina- 
tion of one species from another. A glance at the figures which 
follow will show their great variation in this particular... . . In 
all cases the leaves are without footstalks, and in each British species 
alternate ; that is, they are not arranged in pairs at the same level on 
the stem, but one is always a little above or below its nearest neigh- 
bour in its attachment. In some cases they are ranged in two rows 

i 2 


The amphigastria are a kind of modified leaves in the 
Hepatice, answering in some respects to the stipules of 
more perfect plants. Growing, as they do, on the lower 
surface of the stem, and being very minute, considerable 
trouble is involved in searching for them, as numerous 
stems have to be examined; neither are they always pre- 
sent over the whole extent of the stem. The most likely 
parts are healthy young shoots, especially those that sup- 
port the reproductive organs. The eye, too, should be 
directed to the sides of the under-surface, rather than 
along the central axis. For the purpose of examination the 
amphigastriee may be shaved off with a thin and very 
sharp penknife, or the stem itself may be divided, as 
directed for the true leaves. The latter method has the 
advantage of securing the stipule from injury, and of giving 
a good insight into its mode of attachment. 

on opposite sides of the stem. In other and fewer instances they are 
attached to, or grow from, all sides of the stem. It is of rare occur- 
rence to find the leaves notched at the margin, but this sometimes 
takes place. 

The cells, of which the leaves: are composed, are roundish, or 
hexagonal, from pressure, and very variable in size. This also is a 
great assistance in the determination of species. . . . The cells 
of the ladder scale Moss (Alicularia scalaris), for instance, contain 
peculiar nucleate bodies of from two to four granules ina /ine in 


each of the cells (fig. 2); those of the three-toothed scale Moss (Pla- 
giochila tridenticulata) fig. 8, and of the curled-leaved scale Moss 
(Jungermannia curvifolia), fig. 4, will illustrate some of the forms of 
leaf cells.’ (‘ British Hepaticee ; an Easy Guide to the Study of, by 
M. C. Cooke—a work which may be consulted with advantage by the 
student. It is crowded with figures, and its exceedingly Tow price 
places it within every one’s reach.)—Ep. | 


The vaginule. which answers to a certain extent to the 
calyx of the Phanerogamia, at first encloses the spore-case ; 
the latter, however, soon bursts through its cellular en- 
velope, and is elevated on a delicate threadlike stem. The 
vaginule should be examined in its early state, previous to 
its losing its contents, first from the exterior ; and, when its 
outward form is familiar to the observer, he should divide 
it under water into two halves longitudinally, in one of 
which he will see the organs of fructification in a greater 
or less degree of development. Ordinarily this division of 
the vaginule may be easily effected by means of a forceps 
in cach hand ; occasionally it is of so fleshy a nature as to 
allow of being cut with a knife. 

For studying the anatomical structure of the fruit of the 
Mosses a capsule must be taken with the fruit not yet ripe. 
Thin sections, vertical and horizontal, may be made with 
great ease. A pecuhar organ is found in the capsules of 
nearly all the Hepatice, called the elater. It is a single or 
double filament, spirally twisted, and enveloped ina slender 
tube: both tube and elater form interesting objects for the 
microscope. Of what service the elaters may be in the 
economy of the plant is not yet accurately ascertained ; 
their probable office is to disperse the spores by their elas- 
tic movement as soon as the latter are ripe. 

A still more mysterious organ found in the antheridia of 
most of the Mosses is the spermatozoid, or antherozoid, 
or spermatic filament; for by all these names it is known 
among botanists. It is a minute thread, of which the 
functions are not yet known. On being placed in water 
these spermatozoids exhibit active spontaneous motion, as 
may be seen by squeezing the contents of a ripe antheridium 
into a drop of water on a slide, covering it with thin glass, 
and then submitting it to a microscope with a power of 
from 300 to 600 diameters. If the movements are too 
quick for observation, they may be retarded by allowing a 
drop of iodide solution to make its w ay under the covering 


For the determination of species the capsule and its | 
enclosed spores must be quite ripe, and must still retain — 
its operculum (or lid), and calyptra (or veil). A few q 
species (as Phascum) are destitute of an operculum ; and | 
in some (as Sphagnum) the calyptra disappears long before | 
the capsule reaches maturity. In all cases however, — 
where they are present, both lid and veil drop off as soon 
as the spores are ready for dispersion ; an office which is | 
oreatly assisted by a third organ, which crowns the capsule,’ | 
and is known as the fringe or peristome. | 

This last, which is sometimes single and at others double, 
is of the utmost importance in the discrimination of genera ;_ 
so much so that, in systematic works, the characters of the © 
subsections are founded on its absence or presence ; and > 
the Aploperistomi (plants with a single fringe), the Diplo- ; 
peristomi (those with a double fringe), and the Gymno- | 
stomi (or such as are destitute of a fringe), form acknow- | 
ledged divisions in the Muscal family. — 

The peristome, moreover, from its peculiar construction — 
and delicate colouring, makes a lovely object for the micro-— 
scope. A specimen is easily prepared: lay the capsule on- 
the thumb-nail of the left hand and cut it across the shorter 
axis with a sharp knife, rather towards the summit. The 
upper portion, which now represents a short tube, is next 
to be cut half through vertically. The fringe may then be_ 
spread out on a slide and covered with a thin glass to pre- 
yent it from again curling up. | ; 

The leaves may be preserved for future observation by 
laying them between two pieces of thin glass, united at the 
edges by asphalte. When wanted for use the specimen 1s 
dipped into water, which entering between the glasses 
moistens the leaf, and restores it temporarily to its original 
appearance. All the more important organs may be 
treated in the same way. By this arrangement much time 
is saved, when it is desired to examine any particular 
species, of which perhaps there may be but few examples 
in the herbarium, and the specimens themselves, preserved 


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100. Lycoperdon saccatum. | 101. Lyccperdon atropurpureum. 

ag ee chal ; 
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jpmlhets ; 
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between the sheets of paper, are saved from the wear and 
tear to which they would be subjected if constantly brought 
out for investigation. — 

lam of opinion, that if the specimens were mounted in 
silicate of potash (or waterglass, as it is sometimes called), 
much future time and trouble would be saved, as the leaf 
would probably retain its fair appearance without being 
immersed in water every time it was wanted. But my 
own experience is not sufficient to justify me in recom- 
mending it to others. [I have frequently employed silicate 
‘of potash as a preservative medium for the leaves of 
Mosses and other objects. In some instances it has suc- 
ceeded thoroughly, the leaflets retaining their fresh appear- 
ance, and remaining unaltered. But it appears to be un- 
certain in its action, ‘vacuoles’ and bubbles often appear- 
ing in its midst in the most unaccountable manner. For 
pleasantness in using, rapidity in drying, &c., it surpasses 
any medium with which I am acquainted.—Ep. | 

a a atc nei Soret, 




I Have thought it as well to unite these two classes, not 
only on account of the external resemblance which they 
bear to each other (as compared with the preceding 
families), but because, speaking generally, the same methods 
of preparation are applicable to both. As a rule, Ferns, 
especially the commoner sorts, are far better known to the 
botanical student, than any of the Cryptogamic orders, not 
excepting the Alga. Their bright green colouring and the 
eraceful outline of their fronds invite the attention of the 
passer-by ; and many a beginner glories in a collection of 
dried Ferns, who has never troubled himself about their 
specific or even generic differences. These depend almost 
exclusively upon the fructification, the absence or presence 
of an indusium, the form of the spore-case and its ring, and 
the shape of the sorus or collected spore-cases. It would be 
beside the object of this Handy-book to enter into this 
subject, nevertheless the accompanying plates (xxv. and 
XXVI.) will assist the student in discriminating some of the 
eenera more commonly met with; the glossy Hartstonegue 
(xxv. 110), and scaly Ceterach (111), the glorious flower- 
ing Fern (xxvi..112), and its humble relative the Adders- 
tongue (113). 3 
For a more intimate knowledge of thestructural differences 
in this interesting family I must refer the reader to John 
Smith’s ‘ Ferns, British and F oreign, and to the works of 
Newman, Moore, and other well-known Pteridologists. 
If it were necessary to warn the student to secure perfect 
examples of the more lowly organised plants—the Alge, 
Fungi, Lichens, and Mosses—still more needful is it to 


repeat the warning here. Among the Phanerogamia, with 
very rare exceptions, flower and fruit, leaves, stem and 
root, are fully developed; and (excluding the first-named) 
they are equally perfect in the Ferns. Consequently every 
one of these organs ought to find a place in the herbarium. 
There is no positive reason why the stem, or the root, 
should be neglected any more than the flower, or the leaf. 
And yet this is just the point in respect to which beginners 
make the most woful mistakes. They are satisfied with 
a moiety, when they should have the whole. An her- 
baceous plant, for instance, is plucked off at some distance 
above the junction of the stem with the root, and carried 
triumphantly home as a specimen of that particular 
species. What is the result ? Suppose it isan Orchis which 
the tyro has in hand. He searches through one or the 
other of the standard botanical works, and, under the head 
of Orchis, he finds that the specific differences depend in 
a greater or less degree on the form of the root: thus, 
while one important subdivision has ‘tubers undivided,’ 
another is provided with ‘palmate tubers.’ Hence he is 
reduced to guess at the name of his fragment, or at best 
to do his work of collecting over again—not always a 
convenient task. 

The fact is, there are peculiarities in every part of a 
plant, from the root to the inflorescence, which cannot be 
neglected with impunity. What a large ‘number of species 
depend for their due identification upon the presence of 
the radical or root leaves, and which cannot be satisfac- 
torily determined, unless these are under the observer's eye! 
The very names ‘of some are based upon the fact of the 
root-leaves having a totally different form to the series 
which clothe its upper parts. It is well known that the 
stem-leaves of the common hare-bell are narrow and linear. 
Whence then its technical name, Campanula rotundifolia? 
It was given to it by the great Linneus, who saw it in the 
early summer forcing its way through the chinks of some 
stone steps in the university of Upsal. At that season the 


crown of the root is encircled by round or cordate leave 
which quickly decay and vanish; hence the origin of its 
specific title. 

Here then is a case in on. illustrating the need of gather- 

ing examples of all the leaves, radical and cauline alike. 
. There are certain families also, like the Roses and 
Brambles, in which the leaves vary much in form according 
to the part of the plant on which they grow. Specimens of 
these variations must be gathered, if the student hopes to 
have at all a satisfactory collection. 

Where the plants are either monecious or ae it 
stands to reason that both the sexes must be secured, 
whether found on separate individuals, or on different 
parts of the same plant. 

The fructification plays a most important part among 
both generic and specific characteristics. What, for instance, 
is the value of a flower, taken alone, among the Crucifere 
and Umbellifere? Almost nzl! It is to the fruit that we 
have to look to bring order out of chaos, and settle the 
limits of genera. In a modified degree the same may be 
said of other families. 

As many species flower dina a large part of the 
year, there is seldom any difficulty in securing with the 
flower the half-developed fruit, which should be noted 
down and again visited at a later period, when the seed- 
vessel is mature. The Crucifere, except in their earliest 
stage, are tolerably certain to supply the collector with both 
flowers and fruit—the latter ina more or less advanced con- 
dition—the ripest at the base of the stem, and so passing 
through every stage up to the barely opened corolla. 

Another group of plants, which has to be carefully 
watched, are those trees and shrubs in which the flowers © 
are produced on naked branches, the leaves not appearing 
until some time after the flowers themselves have withered 
away. Of course, in such instances, flower and leaf must — 
be gathered on different occasions. Only let the collector 
be careful to take the latter from the same specimen, from 


which he has already gathered the flower. The same 
fores ght must be extended to the fruit. The latter, indeed, 
is not indispensable, though certainly desirable; for the 
reader may easily picture to himself what confusion and 
errors may possibly arise, where there is no certainty of 
the examples, which, lie together in the herbarium, having 
been the produce of the same plant. 

The above remarks refer with tenfold force to the 
Willows, which seem to have a peculiar facility for hybri- 
dising ; and, therefore, the greatest care should be taken 
to isolate every specimen, and if possible to have it in one’s 
power to identify the very tree from which each was taken. 

The Ferns are no exception to the rule, which demands 
that the plant should be seen in its integrity when dried. 
The crown and root must always, if possible, be secured as 
well as the frond; and of the latter, those which have no 
fruit on them must not on that account be passed by, as 
the two kinds often exhibit wide differences in form, and 
mark the character of the plant. More than one species of 
the remarkable genus, Equisetum, is furnished with both 
sterile and fertile fronds; both of which must of course be 
gathered and laid side by side in the herbarium. In the 
case of the common Equisetum arvense, the succulent, 
fawn-coloured, fruit-bearing stem rises upright from the 
soil weeks before the harsh green procumbent frond 
spreads itself over the ground. In others again the fertile 
shaft is entirely unbranched, while the sterile stems are 
enriched by frequent whorls of elegant pendant branches. 
The two sorts of frond may be easily recognised; while 
the barren stem tapers gradually to a point, the fertile is 
furnished with a stout clavate head, which is in fact the 
receptacle, and contains the spores in a number of separate 
sporangia. ‘These spores are themselves very interesting 
objects: each is furnished with four filamentous processes, 
known as elaters, though very unlike the elaters which are 
mingled with the spores in the capsules of the Hepatice. 

hey are extremely sensitive to the influence of moisture, 


and, if breathed upon while under the microscope, will be 
seen to curl and uncurl themselves, enfolding the spore or 
causing it to dart on one side. 

The collector is well prepared for a botanical expedition 
when he has furnished himself with a common gardener’s 
trowel, a strong knife (if provided with a saw so much the 
better), and a tin vasculum, the latter larger or smaller 

according to the probable duration of his cp, the time of 

year, the plants likely to be met with, &c.* 

If, on returning home, the flowers have closed their 
petals, as frequently happens, it is only necessary to set 
the roots in a basin of water, until the corollas have again 
opened, when the roots may be roughly dried, and the 
preservation of the plant proceeded with. Should they be 
wet from dew or rain, when gathered, they must be laid 
by until every trace of moisture has disappeared ; other- 

* A very useful instrument was brought under my notice; many 
years ago, by that eminent botanist, Philip Barker Webb. The ac 
companying figure exhibits its general form. The total length is 
15 inches, “of which the handle occupies rather more 
than one-third. The blade (which i is triangular in shape me 114, 
each side of the triangle measuring seven-eighths of an 
inch where it joins the handle) is “brought to an obtuse 
point. About midway between the two extremities, or, 
more correctly speaking, some 44 inches below the. 
handle, it begins to make a gentle curve, the lower end 
being about one inch out of the true line. One of the 
angles forms the back of the curve. For convenience of 
carriage it should be fitted into a stout leather case. 
This instrum rent, which was Mr. Webb’s invariable com- 
panion in his numerous Alpine excursions, is of great 
value for forcing plants from between the fissures of 
rocks, massive tree roots, &c.; in a word, from places 
where the broad surface of a trowel cannot be inserted, 
or would probably be broken, if it could be got in at all. 
It is also useful for extracting tap roots without mjury from chalk 
or any other hard dry soil. 

If made of good material, it will last a lifetime. My own has seen 
a good deal of rough service, but is practically in as good conditie 
as when it was made twenty years ago.—Eb. | 


ad ai 
PTT Amis emer rrmere tre Pree Pe tle 

ipa be rn eeestnas asc 


nium ulmari 


103. Triphrag 

104. Spheeria herbaruam. 

102. Aregma buibosum. 

* Paria st 


wise mould and mildew will speedily develop themselves, 
or at any rate the corollas will lose their bright tints, and 
the leaves become spotted and black. 
' As most of our readers must be aware, all these plants are 
prepared for the herbarium, by being laid between sheets 
of paper and placed under pressure. The choice of paper 
for this purpose is by no means a matter of indifference, as 
the beauty of the specimens and their ultimate preserva- 
tion depend in a great measure on the speedy and thorough 
extraction of the fluids contained in their tissues.* Blotting 
paper is an excellent material; but the quantity required 
when the gatherings are on a large scale prevents it from 
being ordinarily employed. On the whole, common print- 
ing paper may be recommended with safety ; and the cheap- 
| ness and abundance of newspapers in the present day makes 
it easily attainable in large quantities. 
Proof, however, should be made of its powers of absorp- 
tion before being used; for some of the newspapers are 
prepared in such a manner as to prevent them from im- 
bibing water freely. __ 

One special point to be kept in view is, not to be sparing 
of the drying material, but to have so much at hand that 
frequent changes may be made. ‘This is of the last im- 
portance, as a false economy is ruinous here. 

In order to dry the sheets when they are removed from 
the press, they must be spread out in such a manner as to 
expose the largest possible suriace to the air. But as this 
occupies more space than most botanists can spare, the 
following plan will be found of service: it is quite as 

numberless papers lying in disorder about the floor of a 

* An excellent paper in appearance (I have not yet had the oppor- 
tunity of trying it), is manufactured expressly for botanical pur- 
poses by E. Newman, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, N.E.; and 
#$ also sold by Mr. J. Smith, 42, Rathbone Place, Oxford St reet. 
| M 

effectual, and the eye is not offended with the sight of 



room. Four or five sheets having been laid on one another, | 
a thread is passed through them on the folded side, some | 
two inches from the border; and then the two ends of the 
thread are tied together so as to leave a loop sufficiently 
large to admit of a longish rod or stick being passed through © 
it. In this way packet after packet of damp paper is 
loosely fastened on the stick, and the latter is suspended 
horizontally in any convenient place, where there is a 
current of air—between the rafters of an out-house—across 
two chairs near a large fire—or, weather permitting, in the, 
open air, where it will catch the rays of the sun. A few 
rods fitted up after this plan will allow of an immense 
number of sheets being dried at the same time. From the’ 
loose papers having both their sides acted on by the 
draught, they give up their moisture more quickly than if 
laid on the ground, and are not liable to be blown about by. 
ousts of wind. ‘The business of sewing the paper together 
is considerably lightened, if the end of a ball of thread is: 
drawn, by means of a packing needle, through a great 
number of sheets at once, the thread being afterwards 
divided in lengths sufficient to bind up the packets as 
previously described. This saves the time, which would 
otherwise be wasted if the thread were cut into the required 
lengths before being passed through the packets. 

As soon as the plants are freed from the moisture on 
’ their surface, and the paper has been distributed into con- 
venient parcels of five or six sheets, the process of drying 
may be proceeded with by niaking alternate layers of 
packets and specimens until a height of some two feet has 
been reached. Next let the whole pile be placed between 
two smooth boards of the same size as the paper, and 
weighted with bricks, as previously recommended. Great 
attention must be paid to the degree of pressure laid on ; 
if it be too severe the specimens will be squeezed out of all 
shape, whereas, if too light, the leaves, petals, and other 
tender parts will be shrivelled and wrinkled. It isa point 
on which experience and common sense must be brought to 


bear, and they will be found safer guides than volumes of 
advice and description. 

In arranging the specimen on the drying paper, the 
appearance it had when living is the first thing to be 
thought of; indeed, the main object in submitting it to a 
press at all, is that it may retain its form permanently. 
Before all things, therefore, care must be taken not to do 
violence to the plant, or force any of its members into 
positions which they could not possibly have held in their 
living state; otherwise an ill-shapen, distorted object, 
which can never be restored to anything like its original 
form, will be the inevitable result. For the same reason 
no leaf or twig must be removed for the mere sake of pro- 
ducing symmetry, or to indulge a false taste. The one 
erand point to be kept in view—I cannot impress it too 
strongly on the young student—to which everything else 
must be made to yield, is the preservation of the natural 
habit of the plant. If that is lost sight of, his herbarium 
may form a pretty object in the eyes of superficial observers, 
_ but it can never be a collection of plants by which science 
will be promoted, or a knowledge of botany advanced. 

Of course there are times—and that not rarely—when it 
is actually necessary to curtail certain portions of a plant, 
in order that it may be prepared satisfactorily. Leaves, 
for instance, are constantly in the way, and must be 
removed to prevent them from concealing flower or fruit, 
or from being squeezed irregularly against the stem. 

Whenever, then, amputation is unavoidable, let it be 
performed in such a manner that there may be no mistake 
about it—that, in a word, anyone may see at a glance 
that leaves, twigs, &c. really have been removed. ‘To this 
end let the leaf, supposing a leaf to interfere with the due 
disposition of a flower, be cut off, not quite down at its 
junction with the stem, but a short distance up, so as to 
leave a good portion of the petiole adherent to the plant ; 
and so of a twig, or a flower-head, or any other part, that 

must inevitably be sacrificed. But amputation had much 
| mM 2 

SS i a SE te tle ae ee 

er a 


better not take place at all, if it be possible to do with- 
out it. 

Should the specimen be too large to be contained within 
the compass of a sheet of paper, the stem must be cut 
half ee at a convenient spot, and bent over, but at a 
certain angle, so that as little as possible of the upper layer ~ 
shall press on the lower. Where the specimen is so long, 
that it is impossible to bend it so as to prevent its project= 
ing beyond the paper, there is no help for it but to divide 
it into short lengths, care being taken to mark each part, 
so that their true connection may be seen at once. “This 
can be easily managed by simply varying the shape of the 
cut : let the two corresponding sections be rounded, notched, — 
truncated, &c., and no mistake can arise. But I repeat, let 
all amputation be avoided as long as possible. 

As far as circumstances will permit, the different mem- — 
bers of the specimen, I mean the leaves, stem, flowers, — 
and so on, must not be permitted to lie directly on each 
other; for, if they do, they are almost certain to cling te- 
gether and to become discoloured. Where it is impossible ~ 
to avoid this, pieces of paper must be interposed; any 
kind of paper will suffice for the leaves, stalks, and less 
delicate parts, but for the petals only tissue, or thin note 
paper, should be used: indeed, the employment of the latter — 
during the whole course of preparation, in addition to the re- 
gular drying material, tends greatly to preserve their colour. 

Care must be taken, when arranging the order of the 
specimens one over the other, not to lay a thick woody 
plant next in succession to a thin slender specimen, as the 
latter will bear the impress of its stouter neighbour much 
to its detriment. Should it be found impossible to escape 
such an arrangement, the only remedy is to lay, not a single 
packet of paper as usual, but several packets bet:veen the 
two specimens—to heap them up, in fact, until the hand, 
when passed roughly over, fails to detect the protuberant : 
stem beneath. | 

The young botanist, in the course of his inves stigations, — 



will meet with numerous plants, belonging principally to 
the family Crassulacee, such as Sedums and Sempervivums, 
which are so succulent and so tenacious of life, that they 
continue to grow after they have been laid between the 
sheets of drying paper. These require a special treatment 
of their own in order to destroy their vitality before any 
attempt is made to preserve them for the herbarium. ‘To 
this end they are to be placed between two or three sheets 
of paper, the inflorescence alone projecting beyond it, and 
a hot iron is then passed cver them. ‘Two special pre- 
cautions must be taken during the operation; one, that 
the flowers are not singed—the other, that the papers are 
changed more than once, as the plants being always of a 
succulent nature, a large amount of water is discharged by 
the heat. 

There are some plants the ‘surface of which is coated 
with a glutinous matter, which causes them to cling to the 
paper, especially when under pressure: indeed, some of the 
foreian Semperviva combine both these unpleasant con- 
tingencies, extraordinary vitality and extreme viscidity. To 
obviate the latter, the best plan is to sprinkle the specimen 
with the spores of Lycopodium clavatum—to be procured at 
most chemists under the name of ‘ Lycopodium.’ The spores 
ean be shaken off as soon as the plants are thoroughly dry. 

Delicate water plants are often difficult to deal with, as 
their long trailing leaves and stems are apt to get hopelessly 
interwoven at the moment they are taken out of their 
native element, and it is an almost impossible task to 
separate them after they are dried. Such plants must be 
treated in the same way as was recommended in the case 
of the filamentous Alge, viz. passing under them, while 
still in water, the paper, on which they are to he. 

There are certain terrestrial plants, aiso of a fragile 
perishable nature, which must be laid at once between 
pieces of blotting-paper and not again disturbed until the 
whole process of preparation is concluded. 

_ The packets of paper,. between which the specimens are 


first laid, absorb their moisture so rapidly as to require — 
frequent renewing. The oftener this can be done during — 
the first few days the better: indeed, the student should © 
bear in mind, that whatever trouble he gives himself in — 
this respect will be amply rewarded by the beauty and — 
durability of his specimens; whereas a neglect of this 
precaution will as surely meet with its penalty in their — 
discoloration and ultimate destruction by mildew and the — 
ravages of insects. 4 

The changing of the paper may be accomplished in the — 
following manner :—Let the bundle of plants be laid on a — 
table, and, on the operator’s left hand, a pile of fresh dry | 
packets. Now let the topmost layer be lifted off the plants, ” 
a blunt needle being brought into play where any part of 
the latter is found to adhere. On the specimen thus ex- 
posed, let a packet of dry paper be laid; then let both 
it and the packet on which the plant lies be slowly raised — 
up, the same precautions being taken with regard to any | 
adherent parts of the next underlying plant. The two — 
packets, with the intermediate specimen, being now turned | 
over, the dry one will of course be the lowest. The damp | 
paper must next be taken off and replaced by afresh packet. | 
Proceeding in this manner a large pile may gradually be | 
renewed by simply laying a dry packet on each plant suc- | 
cessively, and turning it over on to the one which preceded — 
it; and thus the whole work may be accomplished without — 
injury or disturbance to the tenderest or most delicate speci- | 
men. Last of all, the pile is covered with a final’ packet, 
and again submitted to the press. I need scarcely add that, | 
where the stoutness of a plant calls for it, several packets of | 
paper should be interposed, as was directed to be done in | 
the first instance. . 

During the first week the plants must be shifted daily, | 
the succulent ones even oftener. After that, if they appear | 
to be going on well, the changes may be made less frequently ; | 
at the same time the oper ator must be very careful not to— 
remove the weights too quickly, or the consequences will be 
most disastrous. 


te mp et perio epee tegammeapre egw eyed 

A I A A CR = nt 

105. Asterosporium Hoffmanni. 

@. natural size; b. magnified; c. d. uredo form. 

106. Puccinia graminis. 

5 ied 
i ya Hist) mie iret arom al 





There is one point on which it is very difficult to give 
advice—I mean the ascertaining, with anything like ac- 
curacy, the degree of dryness to which the specimens have 

attained. Here each one must be left very much to hig 

own sagacity, because, after the superficial moisture has been 
absorbed, and the plant has become more or less stiffened, 
the mere passing the hand over it will seldom betray the 
presence of damp. The best plan with which J am ac- 
quainted, is to lay the specimen against the cheek; if it 
imparts a sensation of coldness, it may be inferred that 
there is still a good deal of damp to be got rid of. At any 
rave, 1t is always better to ‘err on the safe side’ by leaving 
the pile of plants longer under the press than their actual 

- condition may seem to warrant or to eall for. 

T will lay before the reader another method of preparation, 

which is recommended by many experienced botanists. It 

consists in laying each specimen between a sheet of very 
thin blotting-paper before placing it on the regular drying- 
paper. The specimen is to be arranged in the usual 

-Imanner on the open sheet, the upper half of which is then 

carefully folded over, and a packet of drying-paper laid on, 

proceeding in the same way with each specimen. When it 

is requisite to change the packets, the damp one is re- 
moved, and the thin envelope to the plant is simply lifted up 
(without opening it, or in any way disturbing its contents) 
and laid upon a fresh packet of drying material. 

It is true that many good botanists are opposed to this 

plan: they think that the moisture retained in the thin 

sheet at each renewal is likely to cause permanent injury, 
and that it is scarcely counterbalanced by the facility 
which it gives of lifting the specimen without disturbance. 
But in point of fact the blotting-paper retains a mere trifle 
of moisture, which it quickly imparts to the new packet, 
and, with ordinary care, very beautiful results may be 
obtained. J am acquainted with a person who prepares 
thousands of examples yearly for a society of naturalists ; 

nothing can exceed the beauty or the durability of his pre- 


parations, and yet every one of them is dried in the manner 
I have just been describing. The truth is, that every mode 
of preparation depends greatly upon the foresight, the 
patience, and the handiness of the operator; and impatient, 
unskilful workers will make a failure with even the best of 
means at their command. 

An arrangement advocated by Auerswald has much to 
recommend it. I cannot speak of it from my own experience, 
but I feel bound to mention it for the benefit of those who 
make long botanical excursions, and collect large quantities 
of plants, as it is likely to save them both time and labour. 
In the ordinary method of drying, where the sheets are 
placed between two boards, the upper and lower sides not ’ 
being exposed to a current of air, the moisture can escape 
only through the open edges of the paper. The conse- 
quence is, that a large quantity of paper is wanted, and 
a good deal of time is consumed in the preparation. — 
Auerswald’s object is to economise both these important — 
requisites—time and material; and he accomplishes it in 
this manner :—Instead of two solid boards he provides 
himself with a couple of iron frames of a size to suit the 
paper; they should be light and thin, but at the same time 
strong enough to allow of being strapped tightly together 
without bending: wire netting is stretched across them, and — 
on each of their longer sides two loops are fastened for the 
leather straps to pass through. In the middle of one of 
the shorter sides a ring is attached for the convenience of 
carrying the parcel, or in order to suspend it in the open 
air and sunshine. 

Now, as the moisture contained in the plants can readily 
escape on every side, it stands to reason that the work is 
done much more quickly, and the traveller is saved both 
the time consumed in shifting his plants, and also the heavy 
load, which he must otherwise carry about with him. 
Doubtless many succulent plants will not come out so well — 
under these circumstances as they would with the con- | 


yeniences and appliances brought to bear on them in the 
botanist’s own residence; but, on the other hand, it must ~ 
be remembered that they would suffer greatly, perhaps as 
much, from being transported for a week or ten days in a 
vasculum, before they were pressed. 

Two sets of frames with a proper supply of paper will be © 
found sufficient; and, as soon as the plants are partially 
dried, which, with most of them, takes place within twenty- 
four hours, they may be transferred from the first to the 
second set. When the preparation is complete, they may 
be laid one upon the other for the convenience of carriage, 
without fear of any permanent injury being done to them. 

To return to the more usual methods of preparation. 
Specimens collected on different occasions ought not, if 
possible, to be placed under pressure in the same pile; 
because the last and freshest are sure to impart some of their 
moisture to the others, which are already more or less dried, 
and are very likely to spoil them in consequence. If the 
piling them together is unavoidable, then they must be 
separated by thin boards, so as to prevent the damp from 
the plants more recently obtained being communicated to 
those which have already perhaps been shifted two or three 
times. For a like reason very succulent plants should not 
be put up with those of a less sappy nature; besides, the 
former require to be more frequently shifted than their 
drier neighbours; and to place them together would cause 
unnecessary disturbance to the latter. 

_ [Through the kindness of a friend, I have lately been 
made acquainted with a process of drying, which, if we may 
judge from the very beautiful results obtained, leaves no- 
thing to be desired. It consists in placing the specimen, 
soon after it is gathered, in a tall narrow vessel, and then 
pouring over it very gently a sufficient quantity of clean | 
dry sand, to cover itentirely. In this state it is left undis- 
turbed (unless, as sometimes happens, the drying material 
has to be renewed) until the moisture emanating from the 

= —————— Tr ee”)hlUrhee SL le 


plant is absorbed by the sand. It is then removed with 
ereat care, and flattened in the usual manner, between 
sheets of paper. By this plan the petals retain their colour 
in a way that [ have never seen equalled.—Ep. | | 

With regard to the physiological and anatomical inves-_ 
tigation of the flowering plants, the limits of this little 
volume will not allow of my. entering into it, nor would it » 
lie within my province to do so. 4 

[ At the same time I offer no apology for concluding this 
chapter with the following useful suggestions from the late~ 
Dr. Lindley’s excellent ‘ Descriptive Botany.’ k 

‘The student should select for examination as perfect a_ 
specimen as he can obtain, and should carefully study every © 
part... . In doing this he. must on no account guess, 
but be certain that he sees correctly, what is before him. — 
This is not difficult in the case of roots, stems, leaves, and | 
their parts; but the flower, from its general smallness and ~ 
somewhat complicated structure, demands a little skill in 
dissection, which is only to be cained by experience. 4 

* After its external structure has been determined, it is 
necessary to open the flower. Mere looking down into its 
tube or interior leads to nothing but error. ‘The student — 
should hold it in his left hand, and split it longitudinally by ~ 
a rapid cut from below upwards. 'This lays bare the whole © 
of the interior, shows the number and position of their” 
parts, and their insertion, which is very important. If he — 
attempts to divide a flower by cutting it from above down- ~ 
wards, he only crushes and disfioures his specimen. In the 
case of the ovary it is usually necessary to ascer tain its 
placentation, which, if it 1s not seen in the first longitudinal © 
section, can be best determined by making a transver se 
section. . . . In examining seeds of any kind, where dis- | 
section 1s required, cut into them perpendicularly, beginning — 
at the hilum, and passing the knife through the axis: m_ 
this way the embryo and its relation to other parts usually ~ 
becomes distinctly visible. Failing this, the observer must 


have recourse to crushing or careful skinning and unrolling. 
- . - When parts are shrivelled or dried up, as is always 
the case in herbaria, they must be relaxed by immersion 
in boiling water. 

‘ In all cases where dried flowers are to be dissected, the 
air should be driven out by boiling for a short time, before 
any attempt is made to separate their parts.’—Ep. | 



THE OBJECT which the collector has in view (or at least 
should have in view) is, not the mere gathering together of 
a great number of different plants, but the acquisition of 
material, wherewith he hopes to enlarge the bounds of his 
own knowledge, and, so far as lies in his power, to advance 
the interests of science. For this purpose he arranges his 
examples in a certain definite order, grouping them together 
m the manner that seems most consonant to the system of 
nature; in one word, he forms an Herbarium. 

Simple as this process may appear to the novice, it will 
not I trust, be superfluous to offer a few words on the 
subject, pointing out certain fixed principles, which should 
euide the student in the arrangement of an herbarium 
intended to be scientifically useful: to these shall be added 
some suggestions to aid him in its preservation. For the 
best arranged and most admirably got-up collection is 
certain to fall before the assaults of its numerous enemies, 
if not properly looked after. 

As my readers are by this time well aware, the first step 
towards the preservation of a dried specimen is to place it 
between a sheet of paper; and this applies to plants of 
every known order with the exception of a few, which are 
either too large (like the Laminarie), or which cling too 
tenaciously (as many Lichens do) to a stone or some other | 
rough object, to be removed. . 

Provided that the specimens are laid upon clean whitel 
paper, the choice of the wrapper may be left very much to. 
the fancy of the student; it should. not be very thick,” 
otherwise the fascicles will take up too much room; and_ 



EP 2S-e==: 


ier eee 

se areos vase: 

107, Achlya prolifera. 


it should be uniform in size and appearance. The kind 
that I have always used isa stout light brown material, 
much employed in packing; it measures seventeen inches 
by twelve; the white paper on which the specimens lie, 
measures fifteen inches by nine. ‘This is quite the largest 
size. would recommend; anything wider or longer than 
this becomes cumbersome and difficult to manipulate; in 
fact, a size snialler would probably be quite as efficient. 
In any case, whatever form or size is adopted, let not the 
student, from any motives of economy, employ too cheap a 
wrapper: above all, let him avoid the thin gray and blue 
sorts, so much used on the Continent, and frequently 
imported into England with foreign herbaria. (In Germany 
it is known as ‘Fliesspapier.’) ‘The innumerable hollows 
arising from the inequalities of surface in cheap papers 
‘Invite colonies of insects to take up their abode; while, 
from their rough uneven nature, it is impossible to eject the 
“Voracious crew’ from their head-quarters, when once they 
have established themselves. Another objection to a too 
flimsy wrapper is its great flexibility, and the consequent 
injury likely to accrue to the enclosed specimen, every time 
it is handled. 

We will now suppose the plants to be laid, each species 
by itself, on their half sheets of white paper, and these 
again slipped within the fold of their wrappers, the opening 
of the wrapper looking to the left hand. If the examples 
‘of any given species are numerous, representing varieties, 
abnormal forms, or growths from different localities, they 
must be laid on separate white sheets, but enclosed in a 
single wrapper. In all cases, however, the wrapper must be 
confined to one species, or section of a species, if, as is often 
the case, the latter is subdivided. This last suggestion 
must be carefully attended to; otherwise the arrangement 
of the herbarium will be constantly interfered with; besides, 
there is a great danger of the tickets being transposed from 
one species to another, whenever the wrapper is opened for 

the purpose of examining its contents, which might cause 


indescribable confusion. 

Dried specimens of the Phanerogamia and Ferns may be 
laid on their separate papers at once without any further 
manipulation, with the exception of the smaller and more 
fragile species, which should be previously fastened on to a ~ 
piece of paper by means of adhesive slips, passed across the © 
stem, &c. Mosses and Hepatice may be fixed to the paper — 
by touching a portion of the tuft here and there with gum, | 
not by smearing the whole under-surface, as beginners are 
apt to do.* Some, at least, of the Mosses should be pre- 
served in paper bags, as the fragile organs of fructification, — 
the calyptra and operculum particularly, are very apt to be q 
rubbed off and lost, from their unavoidable collision with — 
the surface of the wrapper, whenever it is moved. As — 
regards the Lichens, which are generally attached to some — 
rough surface, such as a piece of rock or wood, the student 

* I must confess myself altogether opposed to fixing the specimens — 
at all, except in rare instances, where in fact it is unavoidable, as 
with most of the Algz. Of course something must be done to secure ~ 
the safety of the smaller plants, or they will be constantly shaken — 
out of their places, broken, and lost. I prefer to fold in pieces of ~ 
paper the very minute examples—as, for instance, many of the — 
Hymenophylaceous Ferns, or the tiny Myosurus minimus—gumming — 
the lower surface of the packet to the half sheet of white paper. In | 
this way three or four may be placed on a single half-sheet, without | 
any danger of their rubbing against each other. The author himself © 
supplies us with an argument in favour of this mode of proceeding | 
in the very next sentence to that which has given rise to this note. — a 
Less minute specimens—such as the delicate masses of the aquatie ~ 
Ranunculacee—may be kept in their place by passing a tolerably | 
broad band of paper, not too tightly, across the whole—the band ~ 
being adhesive at the two extremities only. The specimen can then | 
be slipped in and out of its guard with the greatest ease, when re- 
quired for examination. My reason for recommending this plan is, | 
that the smaller the plant and the more minute its structure, the © 
more need is there to have it in one’s power to examine it by trans- | 
mitted, as well as by reflected, light; and how is the former to be | 
accomplished, if the specimen is permanently glued to an opaque | 
object >—Ep. a 


must, first of all, deside whether the preparation is suf- 
ficiently thin and flat to be laid between the sheets of the 
herbarium, or whether it must be kept in a separate 
cabinet, like a specimen of mineralogy. 

A large number, those which have a crustaceous thallus, 

and others which are not attached to their support by their 
whole circumference, may be disposed of in the first 
mentioned way; care being taken that the stone or wood 
be made as thin as is compatible with the safe keeping of 
the epiphyte: to prevent any undue pressure between 
neighbours, they should be placed by the side of, not 
exactly over, each other. Certain, however, of the gymno- 
carpous section (like Calycium and Coniocybe), which are 
characterised by stalked apothecia, would be spoiled, if 
their safety was not better cared for. These should be 
deposited in chip or pasteboard boxes with covers, or they 
may be fastened on cardboard, with strips of wood, gummed 
on each side, of sufficient thickness to keep the specimen 
from being rubbed: a piece of cardboard laid on the 
wooden strips will still further ensure its integrity ; it may 
then be laid between the pages of a wrapper, as usual.* 
_ In very large collections coarse solid objects, such as 
stones, which have been encrusted by Lichens, should be 
put away in drawers and boxes, apart from the herbarium. 
At the same time, as their absence necessarily causes a 
gap in the systematic arrangement of the specimens, it is 
well to deposit in the place, which should have been 
occupied by the Lichen, an empty sheet of the wrapping 
paper with a label, which bears on its face the name of 
the missing species, and the number, with which it is 
ticketed in the drawer. 

The same mode of proceeding may be adopted with 

* All adhesive materials, as gum, &c., should be first poisoned by 
an infusion of corrosive sublimate; or a small quantity of some 
essential oil should be mixed with them. This prevents the growth 
of Fungi, and the attacks of insects.— Eb. ; 

| N 2 


those Fungi and Algz which cannot be preserved in the , 

herbarium, on account of their size and roughness. Mi- 

croscopic Fungi, on the other hand, growing on leaves, — 

twigs, &c., should be fastened down by adhesive slips, 
[but in such a way as to allow of their being taken out 
and replaced, Ep., | all superfluous wood having first been 
removed, so as to render the specimen as thin and flat as 

possible. Sections of the pileus, hymenium, &c., may 

be similarly treated, and put away in the herbarium. 

Finally, as regards the Alge, the original conditions of = 

their preparation, as the reader will remember, necessitated 

the application of paper, before they were removed from , 

the water; to this support they generally cling with the 

greatest tenacity, scarcely rising above the surface—indeed 

very often having all the appearance of a delicate painting. 

The precautions requisite for the preservation of the — 

Diatoms and Desmids have been already fully described, 

in the chapters devoted to those subjects. 
Every plant should have a label attached to it, on which 
is inscribed its name and certain other notices, which 

_ should not be omitted. 

These are— 

1. The name of the family, genus, species, and variety, 
in the Latin language. The Latin tongue (interlarded 
with Greek) has been fixed upon, by common consent, as 

the medium of communication in the scientific world, or, — 

at least, over the wide domains occupied by the kingdoms 

of botany and zoology. By this means uniformity of q 

nomenclature and accuracy of description are to a large 
extent obtained: more so, at any rate, than when the titles 

are given in either of the living languages; for these are 
of merely local value, are without meaning to foreigners, ~ 
and often incomprehensible beyond the narrow limits of a — 

2. The name of the author, that is, of the person who 
first gave the species the denomination, by which it has 

since been recognised. It is written in an abbreviated — 

" ‘je 7 
eur. ae he & 2 


form immediately after the second name of the plant: 
thus, ‘Sonchus arvensis, Zinn.’ (fer Linneus), ‘ Lastrea 
eristata, Pr.’ (Presl), ‘Synedra acicularis, W. Sm.’ 
(William Smith). 

This addition of the author’s name should never be 
omitted, because the same plant is often published under 
different names; and, as often, widely different plants are 
described under the same name. We have an instance in 
one of the examples given above: ‘Synedra acicularis, 
W. Sm.,’ 1s a diatomaceous species found in brackish 
water, to which the name of Synedra levis has been given 
by Kiitzing, while, to make confusion worse confounded, 
this last author’s Synedra acicularis is a fresh water 
species, which Smith calls ‘ Nitzschia acicularis;’ so that 
it 1s not only not identical with the first-named Synedra 
acicularis, but actually is a separate genus! Ifthen, in 
such a case as this, the student simply gave the name of 
the plant without that of the author, no one would know 
which Synedra acicularis was intended, that of Smith or 
of Kiitzing. Examples of this kind might be multiplied 

To the name of the author should also be added, it 
possible, the title of the work in which the species was 
first described, with a reference to the volume, page, &e. ; 
the whole to be enclosed in brackets. All the longer 
words to be abbreviated. 

3. A list of the synonyms, or, at least, the more recent 
ones; that is to say, the names which have been given to 
the specimen by authors of repute, in addition to the one 
by which it is generally known and accepted. These 
it is usual to place between brackets, immediately under 
the established name, together with the work in which the 
synonym was first made known to the world.* 

_.* So huge has the catalogue of synonyms become, that in many 
instances it would be simply impossible to recount them without 
 overstepping the limits of any ordinary label! The common Cysto- 

=, ew Ne ee pn ge ee a ag OOS OT a Ae, 


a namie ~ peremcnemmmetiiiinn 

= eee 


4, The locality where the plant was growing when it > 
was gathered; in other words, the name of the mountain, © 
marsh, town, village, &c., on or near which it flourished. 
Any information of this nature is of the greatest benefit to 
later botanists, especially in the case ofrare kinds. [ Great 
Britain is so restricted in extent, and so well hunted over — 
by botanists, that it is sometimes actually necessary, if 
a new acquisition to our Flora is to retain its place, to 
conceal its locality from the eyes of those, who are bota-~_ 
nists in name, but exterminators in fact. These, however, — 
are exceptions; and on the Continent, with its vastly larger — 
surface, and greater distances to travel over, it is of — 
benefit instead of injury, to disclose the whereabouts of © 
any given species.—Ep.] Thus Orthotrichum rogeri, Br., 
has been gathered on the Jura Alps, but has never been 
rediscovered, because the description ‘Jura Alps’ was 
too vague and indefinite to be of any service to future col- — 

To the geographical or topographical position should be ~ 
added a word or two, descriptive of the soil on which the — 
individuals flourished, whether dry, swampy, woody, &c. _ 

It is frequently also of service to indicate the geological © 
formation underlying the locality; the mfluence of the 
subsoil on the development and general character of the 
plant being often very striking. | 

5. he date on which the specimen was gathered. This, 
too, is of importance, as marking the season of flowering, 
fruiting, &e.- | 

6. The name of the collector, and, if the example has 
passed through another hand, ‘that of the person, from 

pA i 2 * ee es 

pteris fragilis, Bernh., enjoys at least twenty-seven different aliases. Of © 
the still more common Pteris aquilina, Zinn., Sir William Hooker—_ 
having first enumerated seventeen or eighteen names—writes (Spee. 
Fil. 11. 197): ‘Other synonyms might be added, if it were worth en-— 
cumbering our pages with them. . . . Mr. Moore has twenty 
synonyms under the European Pt. aquilina, without taking into 
account Pt. esculenta, caudata, &c. of authors!’—Ep. : 

Sen a cen i Ry ces 


il} i) 

Ni | | 3 | 
STL) Hi Hitt a ea \5 
“ \ tt AN “ ; \ 

108. Marasmius oreades. 

Prat © bY. 


a een 4 th eet ae sae aN Hk 

109. Marasmius oreades, section of. 

fe Poeenelt amma AON teh chee NRRL NACA steht ne tn hh a eae he en eh TTT TEL AARP tet ss emeenrereinh heen teeth ss 


whom it was received. These particulars are guarantees 
of the genuineness of the specimen ; they also impart to it 
considerable authority, where the collector and communi- 
cator are known in the botanical world as accurate observers 
and safe guides. Itis usual to write these in Latin and 
to abbreviate them thus: ‘ Leg.’ (for legit, ‘ collected,’) 
and ‘ Com.’ (for communicavit, ‘ communicated’); or ‘Ex 
Herb.’ (for ex herbario, ‘from so and so’s herbarium’). 
Below is an example of a label, illustrating the various 
points to which I have called the reader’s attention. 

Nitzschia acicularis, W. Sm. 

(Synops. Brit. Diatom. vol. 1. p. 43, tab. xv. 123.) 
(Synedra acicularis, K7z. Bacill. p. 63, tab. iv., f. 3. 
Ceratoneis acicularis, Pritch. Infus. p. 783.) 

B. closterioides, Grun. tab. xii. f. 19. 

Near Brinn in Moravia, in a ditch of clean, but stagnant, water. 

| Formation, Syenite. 
Leg. J. N. July 15, 1863. 
Com. (or ex Herb.) A. B. 

Any observations, which the collector has the opportunity 
of noting down in regard to the life history of the indi- 
- vidual plant, add greatly to the value of his collection; but 
I need scarcely add, that they must be perfectly trust- 
worthy, and formed on his own experience. 

There is no recognised form of label to recommend to 
the student; as long as he takes care that it is not too small, 
and that it is unencumbered with finical ornamentation, he 
can choose the size and the form that he fancies 10st for 
himself. If he wishes his herbarium to have a particularly 
neat appearance, he can have slips of paper cut, and printed 
at a small cost, something in this form :— 

SS RT ra ee 

ve eee 


enn Fe ES 


Herbarium (with his own name added). 
Fam., &e. : 



igen Date. 
Com. (or ex. Herb.) 

The labels had better be laid under the specimen, when ~ 
the latter is not fastened down, as then they are not so — 
easily lost at the opening of the wrapper; at the same time 
the name should be left exposed, so as to avoid disturbing — 
the plant, each time the name is required. Where the — 
specimen is fixed down or kept in a paper bag, the label — 
may be attached by means of gum arabic. q 

To the young student it may appear the simplest plan to ~ 
write the name, &c., at once on the paper on which the © 
specimen lies, without the intervention of a label. But 
experience has proved that the latter plan is the most ~ 
advantageous. In the first place, there is frequently no ~ 
room on the half-sheet, a good-sized plant with its leaves — 
and twigs occupying nearly the whole of its surface. Again, — 
the plant may be wrongly named, for the beginner must natu- ~ 
rally expect to make numerous mistakes in nomenclature. — 
Now (supposing the name to be written on the paper — 
itself), as soon as he discovers his error, either corrections © 
must be made, giving the specimen an unsightly appearance, — 
or else a new half-sheet must be introduced, an unnecessary ~ 
waste; whereas, in the case of the label, he has only to— 
remove the old one and substitute a new one in its place. _ 

It is customary, when a specimen is received from another ~ 


botanist, to retain the original label, 7.e. the one sent with 
it; 1f, however, the name employed by the giver differs 
from that in the system after which the student arranges 
his own herbarium, then let him add a second label with 
the necessary information. » 

It frequently happens with some of the Alge, that the 
species gathered are irretrievably mingled together, so that 
it is hopeless attempting to separate them: this is more 
particularly the case with the Desmidiacez and Diatomacee. 
If the collector has sufficient material, he should proceed to 
make as many preparations as there are species in the 
gathering, introduce them into their proper places, and 
ticket them accordingly. For instance, we will suppose, 
that there have been taken at one gathering specimens of 
Gomphonema, Pinnularia, Meridion, Synedra, Fragilaria, 
and Closterium. Should he not be able to separate them 
satisfactorily, let him make six different preparations, each 
containing examples of the several genera. Next let him 
inscribe one label with the Gomphonema species, another 

_ with the Pinnularia, &c., and arrange them in his herbarium 

as though the species denoted by the ticket were the only 
one present in that preparation. 

When, however, the gathering is too small in quantity 
to allow of dividing it in this manner, he must make a 
single preparation, but place labels, corresponding to the 
number of species in the preparation, in their respective 
wrappers. Thus, taking the last-named illustration, the 
preparation will occupy the wrapper apportioned (we will 
say) to Gomphonema; the others, Pinnularia, Synedra, 
&c., will be represented in their wrappers by tickets, labelled 
with their names, and referring the reader to the Gom- 
phonema preparation. 

I strongly recommend the student not to be satisfied with 
solitary examples of plants from a single habitat. The 
delicate shadings and variations, due to differences of 

situation, soil, and climate, cannot be rightly appreciated, 
until the observer has before him an abundant supply of 

ye ee ae 

Se ee ee ee 

OO eee, 


material from different localities, embracing widely- -sepa- 
rated areas. 

The more numerous the localities represented in an her- 
barium are, the more valuable is it in the eyes of the man 
of science. or the same reason he should bring together, | 
in the case of the Phanerogamia, not only flowers, but ripe 
fruit, both with and without the capsule, or, if the plants are 
dicecious, examples of both the sexes; in the case of the 
Cryptogamia, sterile as well as fertile forms from numerous © 
localities, since, in many cases (as for instance among the © 
Mosses) pecularities of situation, hindering or promoting — 
the fertility of a plant, influence its habit and character in | 

- no slight degree. In a word, in each order of plants, the 

collector should endeavour to.obtain the successive stages — 
of development, if he intends to study them thoroughly, and 
to give a scientific value to his collection. 

That he may study the specimens with ease, his herba-_ 
rium should be so arranged, that he may be able to lay his | 
hand at any noment, and without loss of time, on the ex- | 
ample he wishes for; and also be able to take it out and — 
replace 1t without 1 injury to the collection. 4 

For this, I recommend the following plan. The wrappers | 
being laid on a table with their openings looking to the © 
left, the whole of the species belonging to a single genus — 
(or a section of them, if the genus is very large) is to be ~ 
lifted off the pile, and enclosed in a separate wrapper, the — 
opening of which looks to the right. This arrangement ~ 
tends greatly to convenience in handling the specimens, as ~ 
the operator can remove each genus, (or, it may be, portion ~ 
of a genus,) with the greatest ease, and, when properly 
labelled, any desired genus can be got at without disturbing — 
the other packets. . 

The genera included under an order should next be — 
isolated. Asa rule, this involves a pile of specimens much ~ 
too bulky to be comprehended within the limits of a single ~ 
wrapper. ‘The better plan, therefore, is to lay the pile be- ~ 
tween two sheets of stout pasteboard of corresponding size, ~ 


(just as they were before laid between two boards during 
the process of drying), and either tie them round with 
thick string, or buckle them together with a strap of a 
woven material. The beginner is often tempted to lay out 
his money on nicely got-up portfolios, in which to enclose 
the orders; but, if he will take my advice, he will save his 
money, and be content with the pasteboard covers, though 
their appearance is certainly less elegant. My own expe- 
rience is decidedly in favour of the latter, because, first of 
all, much time is consumed in the tying and untying of 
the numerous ribbons, with which a portfolio is furnished ; 
and, secondly, because the pressure of a tight string or 
strap (especially the latter, on account of its breadth) is 
much more equal. Besides, the ribbons are apt to break 
off with constant use, and they cannot be replaced without 
giving an untidy appearance to the portfolio ; whereas a 
string, or strap, can be renewed at will. 

_ Should the roots (as sometimes happens) interfere, from 
their thickness, with the proper disposition of the packets, 
raising them up at one end, and forcing the whole pile out 
of the level, it is easy to turn a certain number of the 
packets round, thus doing away with the unevenness of 
the bundle, and giving it the desired flat surface. Next 
for the best system of labelling. First gum a ticket just 
above the lower border (and equidistant from the two 
corners) of the pasteboard cover, with the name of the 
order upon it. Then, on the lower left-hand corner of the 

‘Genus’ wrapper, let a ticket be gummed, bearing the name 
of the genus ; similarly, on the lower right-hand corner of 
the ‘ Species’ wrapper, gum a ticket, bearing the name of 
the species, preceded by the initial of the genus: thus ‘R. 
Kohleri’ marks the species‘ Kohleri,’ of the genus‘ Rubus.’ 
If the names are written in bold legible characters, they 
cannot fail to catch the eye of the observer immediately on 
his turning over the wrappers. 

- But how is the student to grope his way through the 
mass of paper, accumulated in his herbarium, in order to 


lay his hand on any wished-for specimen? This is easily — 
effected by the simple process of numbering the tickets © 
outside the wrappers, one set of numbers for the genera, — 
and another for the species in each genus, the orders © 
being distinguished by Roman figures. Whatever sys- — 
tematic work the student has taken as his euide in the 
arrangement of his herbarium may be made the ground- 
work of hisnumbering. Should the work in question not — 
be numbered, the student will have no difficulty in going © 
himself through the volume, first marking the genera © 
from beginning to end with consecutive numbers, and then ~ 
the species, in these confining the consecutive numbers to | 
a single genus. All that is requisite now is to look ~ 
into the index of the book for the genus to which the — 
desired specimen belongs, and to ascertain its number. — 
Then, by keeping his eye on the external labels of the © 
herbarium, the student can find the specimen without — 
being compelled to open any but the right packet, and ~ 
also with the least expenditure of time. A specimen can — 
be replaced in the same simple manner. Of course the ~ 
descriptive tickets accompanying the examples are also | 
numbered ; and the search is much facilitated, if a list of — 
the genera contained in each order, or at least a list of | 
their reference numbers, is slipped under the string or 
strap enclosing the fisiclne ‘A 
| When the herbarium has crown to a large size, so that) 2 
individual packets are less frequently consulted, it is wel sf 
to wrap the separate fascicles in paper, or, better still, in J 
linen, bringing the ends well round, so as to overlap the’ 
centre, and tying them together by two strings fastened to 
the opposite corners of the covering material. Each string 
is carried right round the bundle, and looped in again, — 
where its other end is attached to the linen cover. If | 
paper is employed, the pasteboard covers must be placed — 
over and under it, to keep it in place. In either case the] 
list of enclosed genera may be slipped under the outside § 
ee: g 

MeL an 

<< Vhy/ Yee 



A he Sieyes 



ft CAR 
Ip Yh 
azn ‘ 

= 5 




110. Scolopendrium vulgare, portion of mature frond. 
111. Ceterach officinarum; a. portion of frond enlarged. 



Although by this arrangement the difficulty of getting at 
the specimens is undoubtedly increased, still the advantages 
are great, where (as I observed before) the fascicles are not 
in constant requisition; it saves the specimens from dust, it 
keeps the wrappers in good order, and it helps to ward off 
the ravages of insects. __ : | 

I referred just now to the need of selecting some system- 

atic work as a guide in the arrangement of the herbarium. 
This is easily done as regards the flowering plants and the 
higher Cryptogamia; there are works enough published to 
satisfy the taste of every collector, whatever his views may 
be, whether Linnean, Jussizan, Candollean or Lindleyan. 
But this, I regret to say, is far from being the case with the 
lower Cryptogamia, the Lichens, Fungi, and Alge. | Inde- 
pendently of the fact, that the systems hitherto arrived at 
are far from perfect, there is the additional circumstance, that 
' Science in its onward strides is ever bringing new species to 
light, or compelling the re-arrangement of those with which 
we are already acquainted. Consequently, we must either 
find room in our catalogue for species of whose existence 
we had no conception a short time before ; or, on the other 
hand, we must be prepared, in consequence of a deeper 
insight having been gained into their structure and habits, 
to separate species, hitherto closely combined, and not un- 
frequently to place them in distinct genera. 

_To meet these difficulties a certain elasticity must be 
allowed to the catalogue, so as to permit of the names of 
species being introduced or removed without disturbing its 
general arrangement. For this purpose quarter-sheets of 
foolscap paper are prepared; one, two, or three for each genus, 
according to its size. The generic name, with its reference 
number, being placed at the head of the paper, the species 
are added in due order beneath, a considerable Space being 
left between each name to admit of others being introduced. 
In this way new species can be inserted in their proper 
places, without having recourse to endless interpolations, 
which disfizure the page and confuse the render, 



Should the genus be so extensive, as to necessitate the 
division of the species into sections, it may be labelled and 
catalogued after the following fashion. We will suppose 
that the Diatomaceous genus Nitzschia is the 138th in the 
system adopted by the student, and that he Panestes the 
species named onvie | 

138. Nitzschia, Hass. f 

a. Frustules arcuate. 
1. N. amphioxys, W. Sm. 

6. Frustules constricted in the centre. 
1. N. plana, W. Sm. 
2. N. constricta, Pritch. 
3. N. parvula, W. Sm. 
4, N. latestriata, Bréd. 

c. Frustules sigmoid. 
1. N. sigmoidea, W. Sm. 
2. N. eurvula, W. Sm. 
d. Frustules straight, linear, or lanceolate. 
1. N. tenuis, W. Sm. 
2. N. communis, Pad, 
3. N. hyalina, Greg. 

It will be observed, that the sections are marked bya | 
letter of the alphabet, and that each commences with number | 
‘one.’ Care must be taken to leave sufficient space between 
each section to allow of the insertion of fresh names. ! 

The herbarium is best preserved on the shelves of a | 
closet provided with well-fitting doors to exclude the dust, | 
and kept in a room in which a fire can be lit during the 
winter, and in exceptionably damp weather. | 

It is of no use, however, to take pains in preparing | 
specimens, labelling them correctly, and providing them 
with shelves and drawers, unless the greatest care be taken 
for their preservation afterwards. 4 

If the plants are liable to injury from damp or rough 
usage, still more so are they from not being touched at all. | 
Neglect is worse than careless handling, or indeed than any | 


other of the numerous ills to which a ‘ Hortus Siccus’ is 
exposed ; because it is mainly due to neglect, to leaving 
the specimens to take care of themselves, that insects are 
encouraged in their depredations. The student may have 
an intense affection for his botanical treasures; he may 
handle them tenderly, when extracting some much-prized 
example; he may see that the room is duly warmed to pre- 
vent the admission of damp with its accompanying swarm 
of minute Fungi; but all his labour and love will be thrown 
away, if he be not constantly on the watch, turning over 
the sheets, and examining his favourites individually, 
scrutinising their condition, and looking with an almost 
microscopic eye for the first traces of the enemy. ‘Prin- 
cipls obsta’ should be the motto inscribed over the portals 
of his cabinet. He must strive to prevent the fiend from 
entering his paradise at all; for if once he and his progeny 
gain a footing there, it will cost him many a weary hour’s 
hard work to eradicate them. 
_As a means to this end, no plant, whether dried by: 
himself, or cominunicated from some other source, should 
be introduced into the herbarium without first undergoing 
a strict investigation. Indeed, if a number o1 specimens 
are received in bad condition, it is always as well to 
‘sulphur’ them, according to the plan given below, to 
prevent the possible infection of the whole cabinet. <A 
world of future trouble and vexation will be saved, by 
taking care, in the first instance, that no ova or larve are 
concealed among the leaves or in the flower-heads. 
Another necessary precaution is to ‘poison’ the speci- 
mens before laying them by. Frequent experiments have 
been made in this direction, with the view of discovering 
some means of warding off the attacks of the insect world, 
or at least of rendering them harmless. Not one of the 
numerous methods, however, can be pronounced absolutely 
certain In its operation. Many of the lower forms of 
plants, the Alge, the Lichens, and the Mosses are, compara- 
tively speaking, exempt from their ravages; but they seem 
02 3 


to revel in the destruction of the Ferns, the flowering 
plants, and the Fungi, especially the two last named. 
Strange to say, certain orders of the Phanerogamia are 
more liable than others to the visits of these ‘ pests of .the 
herbarium.’ I may mention the Willows, the Umbellifere, 
and the Composite plants, as among their favourite haunts. 
The Composite especially are greedily attacked by Ano- 
bium, Dermestes, &c., possibly because the large flower- 
heads, with which many of the species are furnished, 
afford them such admirable hiding-places. These, then, 
must be thoroughly impregnated with some poisonous © 
substance, before they are finally deposited in the cabinet. 

The best preservative medium with which I am ac- 
quainted, is a solution of corrosive sublimate in alcohol. 
To apply it, the specimen should be laid on a smooth 
surface of glass or tin, and well painted with the mixture, 
by means of a broad soft hair pencil. As the alcohol 
evaporates, a deposit of sublimate is left behind. In the 
case of very delicate plants or flowers, which are en- 
dangered by the touch of even a soft hair pencil, it is 
better to apply the solution through a glass syringe, 
thoroughly sprinkling every part. The specimen may be 
_ replaced in its wrapper as soon as it is dry, which takes — 
place very speedily on account of the volatile properties of 
the spirits of wine. This poisoning process, be it under- | 
stood, is by no means permanent: it is of service for a time, 
but only for a time, and must be renewed at stated intervals. — 
My own experience leads me to suggest, that the herbarium — 
should be carefully inspected twice a year, in the spring — 
and autumn, and a coating of poison laid on to every plant, — 
or, at any rate, on those which are most lable to the — 
attacks of insects. 4 

Camphor, oil of turpentine, and other strong-smelling — 
substances, have been recommended from time to time, but 
T confess I have but little faith in them as preservatives. 
Indeed I have generally found, that they are far more 4 


disagreeable to the botanist in his study, than to the insects 
in his herbarium ! 

Should it be found, that the larve, in spite of all pre- 
cautions, have established themselves in any part of the 
herbarium, the infected packets must be at once removed, 
and submitted to the fumes of sulphur. For this purpose 
let a box be provided—if made of iron or lined with tin, 
so much the better—large enough to hold two or three of 
the packets. An air-tight lid being requisite, let a shallow 
groove or channel be run round the upper edge of the box. 
to receive the lid when closed; the groove itself is to be 
filled with water when the box is in use, thus rendering 
it air-tight. It is necessary to retain the fumes of the 
sulphur within the box, not only on account of their evil 
odour, but because they are apt to produce unpleasant, and 
even injurious, symptoms in the operator, if imbibed to 
too great an extent. For the same reason, the work should 
be carried on in an outhouse or in the open air, not in an 
inhabited room. A movable framework of iron fits loosely 
into the box, consisting of netting, or of a few cross bars 
sufficiently strong to support the packets, and resting on 
lees three or four inches high. : 

Now let a shallow pan of burning sulphur be laid on 
-_ the bottom of the box; the framework with its packets 

‘placed over it; the lid shut down; and the whole left un- 
disturbed for about forty-eight hours; and it will be found 
that at the end of that time not a single insect survives. 
I have had occasion to try this plan repeatedly, and never 
knew it to fail. [Another method, of which I can speak | 
with approval, consists in placing the packets in an oven, 
and leaving them to bake for some hours. No form of 
animal life—at least of animals destructive to plants—can 
stand against the continued heat: it is especially useful in 
very damp climates. Care must be taken that the oven is 
not too hot, or the specimens will be rendered over-dry and 
brittle —Ep.] The best seascn for making these experi- 


ments is towards the end of summer, or even as late as 
October. | | 

[Havine now clothed in an English dress the results of — 
Herr Nave’s large experience in collecting, preparing, and — 
preserving plants, I leave this little work in the hands of 
the reader, with the confident hope that he will pardon its — 
defects for the sake of its object. That object will have - 
been fully accomplished, if it be the means of awakening © 
in the Botanical Student a desire to become more closely —— 
acquainted with the loveliest of all the Creator’s works, or — 
in smoothing some of the difficulties, which must inevitably 
surround the path of the tyro.—Eb. 7 | 

‘Thy desire, which tends to know 
The works of God, thereby to glorify 
The great Workmaster, leads to no excess 
That reaches blame, but rather merits praise, 
The more it seems excess , : 
For wonderful indeed are all His works, 
Pleasant to know, and worthiest to be all 
Had in remembrance always with delight,’ 

: | Miron. 


0 panvacts OS sane) 

ry opeea 

112. Osmunda regalis. 

a. fertile spike enlarged, 

a. Pinnule of barren frond. 

113. Ophioglossum vulgatum. 


~ ee ee 



A LGAB, abundance of, 1; best 
season for collecting, 3; 
implements for collecting, 4, 
65 ; knowledge of, necessary to 
the Botanist, 1 ; to preserve, 9, 
66, 93 
Algz, filamentous, 2, 62; crus- 
taceous, 83; gelatinous, 82, 
99; marine, 91, 125; parasi- 
tical, 3, 83, 84; stone-like, 85 

DENNING’S method of clean- 
ing Diatoms, 26 

Brand, 116 

Bunt, 122 

ASPARY’S rake, 5, 109 
Catalogue of Herbarium, to 
make, 189 

, Cells, shallow, to make, 57 note 

Characez, characteristics of, 107; 
to collect, 108; to preserve, 
110; where found, 108 

Chlorate of potassium, to clean 
Diatoms with, 49 

Conjugation, in Desmids, 53 ; in 
Zygnemacer, 73 


Cooke’s British Fungi, 118 note ; 
British Hepatice, 147 note. 

Crassulacez, to destroy the vital- 
ity of, 165 

Cyclosis, phenomenon of, 113 

AVIS'S Manual of Prepara- 
tion, 49, 102 

Desmidiaceze, best season for 
collecting, 50; characteristics 
of, 60; mode of propagation, 
52 ; structure of, 51; to clean, 
51; to preserve, 538; where 
found, 50 

Diagram representing a Diatom, 

Diatomaces, characteristics of, 
37; implements for collecting, 
13 ; influenced by locality, 11 ; 
in guano, 12; in stomachs of 
fish, &c., 12; to be preserved 
in crude and prepared form, 
28; striation of, 43; toclean, 
17, 20; to draw, 42 ; to mea- 
sure striation of, 48; to pre- 
pare, 25, 43; to preserve, 28, 
34; to secure in a clean state, 
19; where found, 11, 17, 33 


Diatomaces, 13, 

34 ;-tossil, 12,13 5 free, 14; 

frondose, 14, 34; parasitic, 
3; stipitate, 14, 30 
Digger, useful form of, 
Dry rot, 116 
Drying paper, 161 


NVELOPE to hold Diatoms, 
&e. 34 
Equisetaceze, 157 

ERNS and flowering plants, 
154; implements for col- 
lecting, 158 ; to examine, 172 ; 
to prepare, 161 
Front and side views of a Dia- 
tom, 38 
Fungi, best season for collecting, 
116; characteristics of, 1238, 
126; implements for collect- 
ing, 117; to collect spores, 
129; to draw, 129; to pre- 
serve, 122; where found, 115 
Fungi, brand, 116; bunt, 122; 
dry rot, 116; mildew, 121; 
mould, 116; muscardine, 116, 
122; parasitical on flies, 116, 
122; on gold fish, 122; on 
insects, 116; on plants, 117; 
on the silkworm, 122; smut, 

of cleaning and propagating 
Diatoms, 25 
Gum arabic, to be poisoned before 
using, 179 note ; to fix Diatoms 
with, 29 

fiuid, 54 




Herbarium, its object, 174; to 

form, 174; to number and 

catalogue, 189; 
190, 194 


ABEL, form of, 185, 186 
Labelling of specimens, 
Laminariz, to preserve, 100 
Lichens, characteristics of, 132 ; 
to collect, 134; 
134; where found, 133 

Lime in Algz, &e., to be got rid 

of, 75, 84, 102, 113 

ILDEW, 121 
Mosses and their allies, 
characteristics of, 139, 142, 
150; fructification of, 142, 
145; implements for collect- 
ing, 141; to prepare, 145; to 

preserve, 150; where found, — 


Mould, 116 

Munro’s method of cleaning Dia- 
toms, 25 

-Muriatic acid, to clean Diatoms — 

with, 18 

Muscardine of the silkworm, 116, \ 


ITRIC acid, to clean Diatoms 

with, 18, 49 

KEDEN’S method of cleaning Z 

Diatoms, 25 
Oscillatoriz, characteristics of, 

76; colours of, 76; meaning — 
of the name, 76; to prepare, 
77; toseparate Diatoms from, 

17; where found, 76 

to preserve, 

to prepare, — 



PAP 3 
APER, to prepare for Algae, 
66; to dry, 161 
Plants, to ticket for the Her- 
barium, 180 
Pleurosigma, as a test object, 
Potato disease, 121 
Press for drying plants, 68 
Primordial utricle, 54 
Protoplasm, 54; rotation of, 

(\UETSCHHARN, or spring 
tap, 22 

E-AGENTS, 131. 
Reinicke’s method of clean- 
ing Diatoms, 25 

ECTIONS, to make, of Alge, 
85, 102; of Fungi, 129; of 
Lichens, 138; of Mosses, 147 
Shadbolt’s turn-table, 16 note 
Silicate of potash, or waterglass, 


Smith’s Ferns, British and For- 
elon, 154 
Smut, 116, 121 
Soft water, 52 
Sommering’s mirror, 42 
Spermatozoids in Characez, 114 ; 
in Mosses, 149. 
Spores of Fungi, to collect, 129 
Spring tap, or Quetschhahn, 22 
Stearine paper, 68 
Striation of Diatoms, 43 
Sulphuring box, 197 
Swarming spores, 74 

Te objects, 45 
yo erALe 61 

YGNEMACES, spiral ar- 

rangement of chlorophyll 
in, 2 note, to preserve, 53, 







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