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Full text of "Hankinson news : marriage and death announcement extractions from the Hankinson News, Hankinson, Richland County, North Dakota"

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•       BEND  ^ 

HANKINSON  "^"^^^^^ 
•  • 



AUG  2  6  1938 

ITEM  n^ 


G.  S. 


XL  IB  7-102 


*        *        * 

Film    No 


WovembeA  5,    1903  -  kpfiiZ  25,    1907 


EtizabeXh  M.  Cottcni 

n63S  SE  164th  St. 
RENTOH,    WA.    9S0SS 

cc-f  l^O^/z. 

*         *     * 

©  1993  Elizabeth  M.  Collins 
Copyright  0  1993  by  Elizabeth  M.  Collins 
All  Rights  Reserved 

Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America 

7  9  0  3 
fUsn  «  1570  HANONSOW  NEWS  Wov.   5,   J903  -  Hay  1,   7907 

Inu-cCotioni  o/Le  o\xt  {ok  thz  o^  Otto  W.   Uzimann  io  M^4  Bt/vtha.  Vumke., 
io  iakz  ntxt  ThuAJ>day  moKnlng  at  thz  W-c£d  Htce  ChuAch  nofith  o^  town. 

**********  Noyjembtn.  12,    1903 

Thz  manjiMiQZ  oi  RobzAX  Vumkz  to  HUi  Lzna  lOuuiiiZ  oc.cuAX.zd  yzitzAday  at  ha£.{,  pait 
tzn  o'clock,   at  thz  WZtd  Rlcz  ChuAch     noAth  o^  touon,  Rev.  HZtQZndoAd  o^icAXuUng. 

Thz  bfbidz  -c4  thz  daaghXzfi  oi  onz  o^  thz  \)lAjid  Zicz  iec/tcon'4  pAo&pzAouuk   {,aAnizAi, 
and  hoi  ipznt  thz  gAzatzh.  poAt  o£  hzA  ti^z  In  Zickland  County.     Thz  gAoom  li,  a  highZy 
Azipzctzd  young  man,  a  ion  o^  Ha.  and  M/l4.  Wm.  Vumkz,  and  thz  happy  coupZz  havz  thz 
congAoXuZatAXinl)  and  bzit  uxUhzi  o^  a  toAgz  cJjicZz  o^  iAizndi   ^oA  a  long  and  happy 
maAAizd  Uiiz.  **********  Novzmbzn.  U,    1905 

On  Mov.    5th  a  maJUujigz  Ziczniz  u)a&  -ciiued  at.  Wahpzton  to  fAltz  J.   Tlzii  and  hlA&. 
Ida  HanbuAg,   both  o^  Hankauon. 

**********  NouembeA  79,    7903 

At  10:30  AM  tkL6  moAnAjng,  at  thz  GzAman  ChuAch  noAth  o^  town,  occuAAzd  thz  moAK- 
■iagz  oi  Otto  iil.   Mzumann  to  Hiii  BzAtha  Vumkz,   Rzv.  Hilgzndofii  oxidating.     A  numbzA 
oi  iAlindi  oi  thz  contAacting  paAtiz6  dAovz  out  tht&  moAntng  to  paAtLclpatz  Zn  thz 
iziitA.vltA.zk  which  wtll  contbuLZ  thAoughout  thz  day. 

Thz  bAidz  and  gAoom  OAZ  wzlZ  known  young  pzoplz,   having  AUldzd  In  thli  vlclntty 
ilncz  childhood,   and  havz  thz  bzit  wli,hz6  oi  aJUi.     Thzy  wltL  makz  thzlA  homz,   duAing 
thz  wlntzA,  with  thz  bAA,dz'6  paAznt&,  Ua.  and  HAi.  Wm.  Vumkz. 

**********  Noue/nbeA  79,    7903 

IAa6.  Aticz  Vavldion  oi  Wahpzton,  widow  oi  thz  latz  Von  R.  Vavld&on,  wa6  moAAizd 
at  HoAbhall,   UN.,   yz6teAday  noon  to  Rzv.  Wm.  H.  UzdloA,  poitoA    oi  thz  CongAzgatlonal 
ChuAch  at  AlzxandAia,  MN. 

**********  NovzmbzA  79,    7903 

ChA.vaAAi  woi  thz  topic  hzAZ  iait  ThuA&day  zvznlng,  whzn  Hli>i>   tmma  Hohh  wa^  man- 
Alzd  to  a  poAty  iAom  Unnziota.     Thz  namz  oi  thz  gzntlzman  ti  unknown  to  thz  waUza. 

**********  NovzmbzA  26,    7903 

T.   L.  WlpzA,  who  iomzAly  woAkzd  ioA  John  R.  Jonzb  hzAZ,  wa6  moAAizd  at  Shztdon 
yz6tzAday  to  tJla>6  Bziilz  UuMny.     Ma.  OJlpz^  li  now  ak^litant  coiUeA  oi  thz  Rani  cm 
County  Statz  Bank  at  Sheldon        **********  VzczmbzA  77,    7903 

fAzd  Coppln  wai,  maXAlzd  Azczntly  at  Sl&izton  to  a  Robznti  County  young  lady. 
Wz  OAZ  uyiablz  to  IzoAn  thz  namz  oi  thz  bfudz,   but  TAzd'i  many  Hanklnion  inlzndi  join 
wlXh  Thz  MBIS  In  zxtzndlng  congn^taUtloni ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  Pecen-beA  24,    7903 


Tfie  moMMigz  o^  HUi  Mafae£  Mo4^eA,   {^ofmojULy  of^  ilnJjt  placz,  to  Ha..  Otto  TytzA 
occafu,     tinjji  zvzrUng  at  the.'i  homz  -oi  TeuJmount.     The.  gfLOom  wan  Cfizout  HohtheAn 
heZpzfL  htfLZ  and&n.  F.   E.  Shaw  {,0A.  about  /)Zx  months  and  Zi,  now  agznt  at  Gzneu>zo,  SoAg- 
tnt  County.  *  *  * **  PecembeA  24,    1903 

A  VECAVE  AGO [WZnteA  oi  '93) Thz  mvuiiagt  o£  Ua..  Aagu&t  Gollnlck  to  Hi&i 

bJtth'elnUnz  Ja&t/tjou}  woi  i,otejrnnA.ze.d,  Rev.  WoAwecfee  of^^CAJiting. 
At&o.  ...fAjonk  Dunham  and  Hil,^   LiJbbZt  Pond  weAe  mamUzd. 

•  »»»»»,»»»  Vzcmbzfi  24,    1903 

Thz  mvuua.QZ  oi  ?Kzd  Coppln,  mention  o{t  uihich  woi  made  in  toit  weefe'4  HBilS, 
occWiAzd  at  SZl,4>zton  on  thz  14th  oi  Vzc;  thz  bfiidz  being  Uli,6  Safiah  Glxjttz,  a  popuZaJi 
young  lady  £Ajom  nexvi  E^lngton.     Rev.  Odz  o^  SZiizton  peAlohmzd  thz  czAemony. 

Thz  ghoom  il  onz  o£  ouA.  moit  induJbtAlouJk  young  {^oAmzu  and  a  ho&t  oi  ^Alzndi) 
takz  pZza&WLZ  in  zxtending  congAotuLationi  and  bzit  wiihzi  to  thz  happy  couple. 

»»»*»**«**  Vzczmbzn.  31,    1903 


19  0  4 

HMKTNSON  HAPPENINGS  TEN  VEARS  AGO MaU  Jolt,   now  a.  IzadLng  meAchant  oi 

UantadoK,   and  Hi&i  MoAy  Scha^zA  o£  E5na  Towmhlp,  MeAt  maJOiltd. 

*  *********  JanaoAy  7,    1904 

Thz  bKejCLch  0(5  pAomlie.  cnie  oiJ  PouuZint  MacAfeou-cc/i  vi.  Anton  Wohluiznd  u)cu,  itttttd 
oat  0(5  couAt  at  Wahpzton,  thz  platnttii  fizcelvZng  about  $1,000  domagei  accoftdtng  to 
numoK.     The.  coiz  poliuizd  many  laZadoai   ^zatuAti  and  woatd  havz  fizgaZzd  thz  chotcz 
cAowd  oi  couAt  toalzfUi  who  takz  ptzoizafiz  tn  lack  dtvzAiton,  had  it  bzzn  bfioaght  to 
tAiaZ.     Thz  plaA.ntA.ii  In  thz  ca&z  aj>  ititt  undzfi  ZndLctmznt  at  UomaJ>,  MW.,   on  thz 
ckoAgz  oi  malitng  away  vottk  hzfi  tniant  chUZd. 

**********  JanuoJiy  7,    1904 

Thz  moAfiMLgz  oi  John  Stottznou)  to  onz  oi  ouA  wztt  known  young  ladtzA  Z&   daz  to 
ozcuA  at  an  znAly  datz.  ,,,,,,»,,,  ^^^^^^  ^^^    j^^^ 

Thz  moAAiagz  oi  Atui  Katz  i)lakZ  to  M/i.  Wm.  Mclntyfiz  wa&  lolzmnZzzd  at  thz  Catholic 
ChuAch  yzitzfiday  moAJiing,   Rev.   F>^.  Studntcka  oHictattng.     Thz  bfUdz  -Ut  a  ilitzfi  oi 
Hu.  John  Stzngzn.  with  whom  ihz  hat,  madz  hzA  homz  ioA  lomz  timz  pakt. 

Thz  gfvoom  tLvzi>  at  Shzidon,  thii  itatz,  whzAz  thzy  wilUL  go  to  hoakzkzzping  at 
oncz.     CongAotatationl  oAz  zxXzndzd  by  a  ZoAgz  caAcJLz  oi  iAizndi. 

*  * *  *  *  JanuoAy  27,    7904 

YzitzAday  moaning  at  Lidgz/vwood,  at  10:50  AM  occuAfizd  thz  moAAiagz  oi  UaM   Emma 
Kotchian  to  M^.  ChanZzk  Hiz&zn,  Rev.   Fa.   lumbaitch  pzKiofuning  thz  czAzmony.     Thz  bnidz 
ii>  a  4>iitzfL  oi  J.  A.  Kotchian  oi  thz  iifm  oi  Kotchian  S  Hizizn,   and  thz  gfvoom  i6  thz 
junioA.  mzmbzt  oi  thz  iifm  and  hai,   chatigz  oi  thz  baiinzi>6  hzAz. 

Thz  gfioom  hai,  bzzn  a  fiziidznt  oi  Hankin&on  but  a  ihont  timz  bat  hat  madz  many 
iAizndi  who  zxtznd  congfiatatationi,  and  bz&t  wi&hz&.     Hfi.  and  Ma/,.  Hiz&zn  wilZ  go  to 
hou^zkzzping  in  a  ihoAt  timz.       »,»**,««,«  januoAy  11,    1904 

Ga&tav  Etadow  and  Miii  HoAy  GatimzA  wzAz  Zicznizd  to  wed  by  County  Judge  Wafee- 
iizZd  at  Wahpzton  loit  wzzk.         »»*»**««»»  JanuoAy  n     1904 

Thz  moAAiagz  oi  Wm.   Eiwick  to  HLil  Edna  HaycAoit  took  placz  lo&t  SatuAday  at 
thz  homz  oi  thz  bnidz' I  paAznti  in  Eima  Twp.     Only  thz  immzdiatz  iamlZy  wai  pAz&znt  and 
thz  czAzmony  wai  pzAioAmzd  by  Rev.   H.   C.  Compton. 

Thz  bAidz  i&  a  doughtzA  oi  Ha.  and  UAi.  Gzo.  HaycAoit  and  has  tivzd  in  thii 
vicinity  thz  gAzatzA  poAt  oi  hzA  tiiz.  HtA  iAizndi  oAz  tzgion  and  alZ.  zxtznd  bzit 

Thz  gAjoom  ih  an  induitnioai  young  ioAmzA  and  it>   iavoAahty  known  ioA  hi&  6tzA- 
ting  quaiitizi).     Thz  happy  couplz  havz  gonz  to  houizkzzping  on  thz  Kountl,   ioAm,  which 
M/L.    Eiwick  ha&  Izaizd  ioA  thz  coming  izaion.  JanuoAy  2S,    1904 


Thz  moA/Liage.  0($  Loot*  BudgwZi chfU.  to  HU-i  Magg-ce  ReJ,ck6tad  occuAAzd  at  the. 
paJLCih  hoiHiZ  Tuudaii,  Rev.  Fa.  StucbUcka  pznf^onmLng  thz  czAzmony.  The  bAcdz.  Zi  a 
daughtzt  0(J  M^i.  and  MAi.  John  Rzlch&tad  oi  thll>  placz  and  the.  gioom'^  homz  l6  Jjn. 
Udgzfutiood.  **********  Fzhfumnij  11,    1904 

Thz  avzAagz  MoAth  Dakota  pKzachzA.  x4  not  to  bz  outdonz  by  imaJUi  dA.{j{jZcuJUU.u . 
OvzA  at  TaJjmoant  thz  othzA  day  a  coupZz  pAZizntzd  thzmztvz^  at  thz  homz  o{,  Rzv.  HantzA 
and  a&kzd  Ivijn  to  pzA^oAjm  a  ma/ifUxigz  czAzmony.     TnqvuAy  dzvztopzd  thz  ^act  that  thz  gnxiom 
had  6zcuAzd  a  ticzmz  A,n  ULnnziota. 

K^tzA  dzJLibzAcuting  a  momznt  thz  6ky  p^ot  jimpzd  Znto  thz  buggy  with  thz  coaplz, 
dAovz  acA066  thz  tinz  into  ULnnziota,   and  pzA^onmzd  thz  czAzmony  in  thz  opzn  ait.     Thz 
poAty  thzn  KztuKnzd  to  tkz  gKoom'6  homz  on  thz  Hofith  Vakota  iidz  vohznz  thz  wzddLing  woi 
fittingly  czZzhAotzd.  **********  FzbfiuoAy  11,    1904 

FoAmzA  ^Aizndi  and  nzighbou  o^  FAzd  UuAnbzAgzA  in  thii  vicinity  wznz  iomewhat 
iiUApnijiZd  to  tzoAn  o^  hii  Kzcznt  manAiagz  back  in  Ohio,   but  aZJi  join  in  wishing  him 
much  joy.  **********  TzbfuioAy  IS,    1904 

FfizdzAick  NuAnhzAgzA,   an  zaJity  iztttzn.  in  BzZ{,oA.d  and  LibzAty  Tmp.  and  wzJLl 
known  to  many  of^  ouA  Azadzu,  wai  moAAizd  at  VzmbzAvittz,  OH.,  fizczntZy  to  Ma4.  Anniz 
UnkoAt.     Thz  bAA,dz  6pznt  poAt  o£  lakt  iunrnzA  in  holding  down  a  ctaiin  in  thz  noAthzAn 
poAt  o{t  thz  iitatz,  having  joinzd  a  numbzA  o{i  othzA    iotdizW  widows   {,on.  that  puApoiz. 
WhiZz  on  hzA  cZaim  shz  madz  thz  acquaintancz  o{)  Ma..  HuAnbzAgzA,  with  thz  abovz  KUuLt. 

**********  TzbfiuoAy  IS,    1904 

Mc6A  UoAtha  Knaak  and  Ha.  CoaZ  Backhaui  WZAZ  moAAizd  at  thz  Gznman  EvangzLical 
ChuAch  Tuz6day  mo  tuning.  Rev.  Kunz  oiiiciating. 

Thz  bnidz  il>  a  daugktzA  ojj  Ma.,  and  Hu.  August  Knaak,  who  tlvz  just  southwzst  oi$ 
town,  and  thz  gAX)om  is  a  son  0|$  Ma.  and  MM.  CoaZ  Eackhaus.     Fotiowing  thz  czAzmony, 
thz  wzdding  was  cztzbmxtzd  at  thz  homz  o^  thz  bfuAz's  paAznts . 

**********  TehKuoAjj  25,    1904 


A  tzjap  yzoA  Aomancz  vzhjy  much  bzyond  thz  oKdinoAy  af^^aiAS  ol  thz  hzoAt,  in  which 
a  woman'ii  dz{^tnzi>s  in  combining  tovz  and  businzjiS  and  a  man's  ignohancz  oi  {^zitiinLnz 
natuAz  OAZ  thz  c/u.e(J  ztzmznts,   has  tizczntZy  bzzn  znactzd  ovzA  at  Whitz  Rock.     A  gznuinz 
Izap  yzoA  pfLoposal,  a  tu)ztvz  milz  fiidz  by  thz  hzAo,  a  Izap  into  matAimony  and  thz  ownzA- 

ship  o{i  thAzz  buUiding  tots and  alZ  insidz  oi$  thz  spacz  o{,  thxzz  houAS,   constitutz 

in  bKiz{,  thz  main  incidznts  in  thz  dAoma. 

M.  S.   Olson,    {^onmznZy  managzA  of^  thz  S.   E.   OscaASon  Company  o{,  that  placz,   jzst- 
ingly  askzd  onz  o^  his  izXZow    cZzAks ,  ULss  Eva  Lund,  how  hzA  Lzap  VzaA  ambitions  wzAz 
coming  on,   and  incidzntatty  o^f^zAzd  to  pAzsznt  hzA  with  thAZZ  building  lots  oi  an  agg- 
Azgatz  valuz  Oi$  ^300  i{i  shz  would  gzt  moAAizd  6ei$oAe  S  o'clock  that  zvzning. 

Sati^{,ying  heASzl{)  that  thz  oiizA  would  bz  madz  good  i{)  thz  conditions  wzAz  com- 


plZzd  uuXh,   Hii-i  Lund  qalzXZy  Zz^i  iht  itoxz  and  pnccztdzd  to  thz  vooAdioaite.  and  oat- 
tintd  a  plan  to  BMt  Soz,   hoA  {^nce..     Jhtn.z  wot)  but  tiXtlz  tanz  ion  deMulzd  zxptaln- 
atloni,   and  Mk.  Soz  teZzpkonzd  to  Whzaton  to  havz  a  LLcznisZ  Kzady  and  iznt  a  huAAy  caZZ 
^OA  a  £a6t  tzam  o^  hoA^zi>.     Thz  -tune  ZAjnit  woi   B  o'clock. 

At  7:  30  PM  aZZ  thz  {^ofmaZAjU.zi>  A.ncJ,dznt  to  taundvLng  upon  a  mathAjnonJjaZ.  coAeeA 
wzfiz  ovzfi,  and  Wl.  Ot&on,  iummonzd  to  thz  long  dZitancz  tzZzphonz,  voait  Zn^onjnzd  that 
tht  coauz  o£  tfLUZ  Zovz  had  Kun  both  imoothZy  and  HapZdZy  and  that  hz  uioi  thz  Zo6ZA  to 
thz  zxtznt  o{i  thAzz  buildAJig  Zoti.     Ma..  Ot&on  lntznd6  to  adkzfiz  &tAA.ctty  to  hAJ>  pant 
oi  thz  compact.  »••»«»»»«»  ^^^  3^    j,^^ 

Wm.  SchZageJi  and  Hiiti  Voich,   both  o^  Havana,  uizAz  maJOvizd  at  thz  Cong't 
pa/uonagz  la6t  ThuA&day,   Rev.   Compton  of^f^CAjxting .     Thz  bfiJidz  -U  a  coaiZn  OjJ  Joi.  Bzch- 
tal  oi  GKzat  Bend  and  thz  gfwom  ^  a  b/iothzA  o^  Hfu.  W.  G.   Liniz  oi  thz  WzJ>t  HotzZ, 

A  iumptuoui,  wzdding  iuppzt  wai  iZAvzd  at  thz  hotzi  iottouUng  thz  czAzmomf  and 
du/  thz  zvzning  a  poAty  oi  6ZAznadzu  paid  ikzifi  AZipzcti  to  Xhz  nzwttf  wzddzd  coaplz. 
^^/[..  and  Hu .  SchZagzt  wJJUi  makz  thzJji  homz  at  Havannjx. 

Uonth  Dakota' i  onty  rrULLionaZAZ,   Cot.  C.  A.  Hohton  oi  Taxgo,  wait  maJi/Uzd  In  St. 
Paul  lait  u)zzk  to  Hiii  Hzlzn  Suianion,  a  nu/u,z  who  had  attzndzd  hJjn  thAoagh  a  izvzAz 
-iitnzi.i.     Thz  announczmznti   iaZt  to  itatz  whzthzt  thz  vaLiant  colonzl  izZl  a  vlcJujn 
to  thz  w^Zzd  oi  a  Izap  yzoA  cupld,   ok  did  hli  ouin  pAopoilng. 

**********  MoAc/i   10,    1904 

A  btg  uozddLng  occuAAzd  thJj>  mofiyung  at  thz  W-itd  Ricz  ChuAch  noKth  oi  touin,  thz 
pnyincLpali,  being  FAank  l^zdzmoatd  and  Mc44  Bzntha  Vankoui.     Thz  czAzmony  wcu  pzAionmzd 
by  Rev.  H^gzndoAi  and  u)ai>  attzndzd  by  a  loJigz  nwmbzK  oi  ihlzndi. 

We  OAZ  plzoizd  to  annoucz  thz  appnoachlng  mafifujagz  oi  ou/i  populoA  hlofuthztn  Pac- 
lilc  Agznt,  Ma..   Pn.zd  Stokzlzy.     Thz  bhldz'i  namz  !&  Ha,6  Poia  Hozit  oi  VzzA  Cnzzk,  MW. 
AitzA  a  bfUzi  honzymoon  Ma.,  and  Ma6.  Stokzlzy  uUlZ  KztuAn  to  GAzat  Bend  to  AZitdz  and 
Mill  be  a  wztcomz  addition  to  ouA  moAAlzd  izt. 

**********  HoAch   17,    1904 

A  wzddlng  oi  conildzAablz  local  tntzAzit  took  placz  In  Hinnzjxpolii,  on  Tuziday 
zvzning  oi  thls>  wzzk  at  8  PM.,  Ha>i  CloAa  liabzl  Balzntlnz  and  EdwoAd  F.  bJlAth  bzlng 
thz  contAacting  poAtiu .     Thz  CZAzmony  wa&  pzAioAmzd  at  thz  homz  oi  thz  bfUdz'6  bAo- 
thzA,  S.   BalzntLnz,    102S  Ea&t  25th  St.,   thz  bzaatiiul  and  ImpAzi-ilvz  izAvlcz  oi  thz 
PAZibytzAian  ChuAch  being  u6zd. 

Thz  contAacting  poAtlzis  oAz  too  well  known  to  nzzd  any  IntAoductlon  to  local 
AzadzAi,  thz  bAidz  having  bzzn,   ioA  a  couplz  oi  yzoAi,  one  oi  thz  nufuzi  In  thz  hoip- 
Ital  hzAZ  and  a  iavonltz  among  thz  youngzn.  social  izt.     HeA  gznlal  mannzA  made  iAlzndi 
on  zveAjy  hand  and  i,hz  uxlll  bz  weZcomzd  back  to  Hanklmon  by  all  who  fenew  heA. 


The.  gncom  xi  a  tzading  KzxiZ  utaXt  and  Ajikunjunce.  agtnt  and  ha&  caJULtd  HankLn- 
&on  hib  homz  {,oA  tzn  on.  AveZve  yzau.     He  ha&  a  ho6t  of,  {^fu-eyidLb  not  onZy  In  Hanklmon 
but  -tn  Wahpzton,  whzAz  hz  woi  Vzputy  Kzg-Litzn.  o{t  Vzzd6   {^oi  tu)o  yzau,   and  aZl  joZn  In 
extending  hzajUy  c.ongAatuZatlonJ>  and  but  w-cifiei  jJoA.  thz  ^utufLZ  happinzi/>  and  pfw&pzfi- 
iXij  0)J  tkz  newly  uizddzd  coupZz. 

M/t.  and  Mw.  WVitk  afOu.vzd  homz  on  thJit,  moA.n^g'i  tfuLin  and  viWi  at  onzz  go  to 
hocuzkzzpZng  Zn  thz  LUZzy  cottagz  on  6outh  Mooi  St. 

Augu6i  Knaak  and  MciA  Anna.  KLLngeA.  wzfiz  moA/itzd  at  thz  GzAman  EvangeticaC  Chafich 
thM,  moAntng,   Rev.  Kunz  o^^cuxiting. 

»»*«*,*,»«  y^^  24,    1904 

LotUz  JhainoK  zxpzct&  to  tzavz  6oon  £oK  HicJUgan  to  be  manfUzd Gnzat  Bznd 

MaAAtzd,   at  St.  John' 6  ChuAch  In  Wahpzton,   on  Sunday  a^teAnoon,  KpfuZ  3Kd,    1904, 
M64A  KathzAtnz  BafeeA  to  Wi.  hi.  J,   KAzb^bach,   both  OjJ  HanlUnion,  Rev.   Fa..  TUttzA  oi^Zc- 
-iattng.     Thz  contracting  poAtizi  anz  weZt  known  hzAZ,  thz  bttidz  having  bzzn  engaged 
In  thz  dAe^&makzlng  buMlneM  ioK  a  coupZz  oi  yzoAk,  wklZz  thz  gnoom  aj>  hzad  ctejik.  at 
Kotchian  £  Hizkzn'i.     CongARtuZatZoni  and  bzit  uiZihzi  OAZ  zxtzndzd  by  thz  many  ^Aiznd& 

Oi     thz     COUplZ.  «««•«««»«*  ^^^^      7^        ;g^^ 

MU4  C^o'ui  Kovei '   {iHtznd&  Zn  Gfiejot  'Bznd  zxtznd  congnatuZatiom  on  hzn.  moAfitagz 
at  Hankln&on  Za&t  weefe  to  G.   P.  AAm&ttong. 

**********  ApA^   14,    1904 

John  StAUizt  hoi  not  AztuAnzd  {,fLom  FeAgat>  TaZJU>  at  tJuJ,  wAittng,   but  It  It, 
undzutood  that  hz  waJUL  bhtng  a  bntdz  whzn  hz  comz&.     A  hoit  o{i  {^ntznd^  zxtznd  conghot- 
ulattoni.  »•««»»«*»«  ^p^^  j^^    jg^^ 

MARRIEP At  UadUon,   MW. ,   on  Wzdnzkday,   ApfUZ  6th,    1904,  t/iAi .   Lee  A.   Ogdzn 

to  Ua.  John  L.StAohm. 

CoAdi,  announcing  thz  abovz  happy  even;C  uieAz  Kzcztvzd  by  HankJini>on  {,Aiznd6  o^ 

thz  gn.oom  lat,t  weefe,   and  cfizated  no  iuApKiiz.     A{,teA  a  bntzf,  wedding  tntp  h'A.  and  h\Ai,. 

StAohm  oAtlyjzd  in  Hanktnkon  Sunday  zvzntng,  wheAz  they  n.zceA.vzd  thz  hzaAty  conghatuZat- 

■ioni,  0]$  a  latigz  numbeA  0($  a66zmblzd     {^AZznd& .     Thz  gAoom  locatzd  hzAZ  about  two  yzoAi 

ago  ($0A.  thz  pAacticz  o{^  law  and  hoi   ^oAmzd  a  loAgz  cZacZz  oi  £fu.end6 .     Thz  bnZdz  aj>  an 

accomptiihzd  lady  and  wUZ  be  a  valujxblz  addition  to  ouA  locZaZ  clAcZzi. 

**********  ^p,^   T4^    ,904 

WalteA  Landdick,  one  o£  thz  populoA  cZznki  at  E.  HungeA  6  Son'i>,  Izavzi  tonight 

^OA  Moion  City,   lA.,  wiie^e  hz  li  to  bz  maAAizd  to  an  ti>tlmablz  young  lady  0($  that  city. 

Thzy  wlZZ  makz  Hankln&on  thzln.  homz, 

**********  ^p^^  j4^    jt)04 


C.  S.   ?heZp6  dtpoAtdd  SatuAdcuf  {^o^  Hinnzapotii> ,  on  Tuuday  a  moMJjXQa  LLce.niz 
woLb  AJt/tUtd  to  Ctydz  S.   PheZpi,  and  Ha>i  MyAa  Johnson,  and  thz  pAuumptlon  hzftz  Zi  that 
anothzA  o^  Hankyiniion'6  popataji  young  couptti,  have,  been  jo-Lne.d  Zn  wtdtock. 

Thz  Haniumon  {^fileyidi  OjJ  thz  coupZz  have,  no  ^ufithtn.  knowZzdge.  oiJ  tht  wzdding 
than  that  g^ven  abovz,   bat  Zt  Zi  txptcZzd  that  thty  wZtt  ojikLvz  Zn  Hanklniton  within 
a  Im  day6  and  at  once,  go  to  hoaizkztpZng  Zn  the  KZng  cottage  on  the  nofith  iZde  oi 
town,  whZch  M/i,  Fhelpi  Zeoitd  i,omz  tZme  ago  and  ha&   ^uAnZihed  loK  occupancy.     The 
newly  wedded  paZfi  aJie.  too  w&U.  known  to  ne.zd  any  extended  ZntAodixctZon  to  tocaZ.  fieadeM. 
Ton.  teveJwJL  yeoMh  the  gAoom  fioi  been  a  valued  employee  o{^  John  R.  Jonei  and  at  the  pfie^- 
znt  tZim  hoi  a  Ke/>pon&Zble  poiZtZon  Zn  the  latteA'-i  o{{)Zce.     Thz  bfiZde  iofi  iome  tZme 
poit  ha&  been  employed  Zn  Uk.  Jonei '  oK^Zce  Zn  the  capacZJy  o^  ittenogKapheA,  and  diUiZng 
heA  Ae^Zdenct  Zn  HankZjiion  hai,   {,oAme.d  a  laft^z  cOicle  oi  f^filendi,  who  zxtend  congKotixl- 

atZjoni  and  bzi>t  wZ&he^.  »««««»»««» 

ApfiU  14,    1904 

A  quZeX  home  wedding  occuAAzd  lait  ThuMday  evenZng  at  8  ?M  when  Hd>-i>  ClaJia 
Koued  and  Ma.  GZtbeAt  P.  AAmitAong  wheAe  unZted  Zn  mafUiZage  at  the  home.  o£  Ma.  and  hiu. 
Wm.  StAubeZ.  aJL  8  o'clock.  Rev.  EfiemeA  o^  Cfieat  Bend  oUZcZatZng. 

The.  cexemony  woi  wZtnt&^ed  by  only  thz  Zmmedijate  AeZatZve^.     The.  contAactZng 
pafitZti  oJie  will  and  ^avoAohley  known,  the.  bnZde  havZng  Kt&Zded  in  thZj>  vZcZnZty  aZ- 
moAt  iiZncz  chZZdhood,  whZZe.  the.  gfvoom  lofi  the  pa&t  yeaJi  oK  mofie.  ha6  bzen  bookkzepeji 
at  the  milZ.     They  afit  popal/vt  wZth  alZ  and  have  the  congAotuZatZoni  and  be^t  wZ&heJ> 
0(5  the  entiAe  communZty.     Ma.  and  Ma4.  AAmst/iong  have  gone  to  houiekeeping  in  the 
Odenbach  cottage  on  the  wei-t  iZde. 

**********  ApA^^   14,    1904 


St.   Paul  VZi patch: WaZteA  LanddZck,   HankZnion,   NV.,   and  UZbi,  OtZZZe  VoicheA. 

0|J  CoApen^eA,   lA.,  weAe  moAnZed  Zn  the  pafiZoik  of,  the.  SheAman  HoteZ.     Ju&tZce  o^  the 
Peace,  Smith,  oi  the  We^t  Side,  pcAlofvmed  the  ceAemony. 

A  ZoAge.  paAty,   {/iZendi>  o^  thz  coupZe,   came  Zn  on  the  fiaZn  wZth  them,  and  a  bZg 
wedding  dZnneA  wai  ieAved.     VuAing  the  a{,teAnoon  the  guziti,  of,  the  hoteZ  toa&ted  the  and  gfioom  with  numeAou^  bottZeJt  o^  champagne 

The  gAoom'6  HankZmon  ^nZendb  hasten  to  extend  congfiatuZatZoni, .     The  newZy  wed- 
ded coupZe  axe  expected  to  aAHive  Zn  a  leu  dayi>  and  wZlZ  at  once  go  to  hoa&eJzeepZng 
Zn  the  F.   0.  HungeA  cottagz  on  Wz&teAn  Avenut. 

**********  ApAxX  21,    1904 

The  moAAZage  oi  Wm.  BeAndt  to  Mi6i  BeAtha  KZuge  wai  iolemnZzed  at  the  home  o{, 
F.  W.  Uoihek  Zn  LZdgeAA}ood  on  ThuAiday  o^  Zxu,t  week,   Rev.  Uioviub  odf^icZjotZng. 

Thz  contAactZng  paAJxe^  AziZde  wzit  o{^  town  and  oAe  weZZ  known.     They  have  thz 
congAotalatZoni  0|{  a  ZoAge  cZacZz  o^  {^AZendi,  and  wzZZ  wZj,hzu. 

»»•»*,»»,»  ^p^^  27^    1904 


Cn.zat  Etnd ChanZu  MoAa6,   N.   P.   Agen;t  cut  MooAeXon,  wcu,  majuiltd.  at  FeAgoi 

faZJUi  ijxtit  weefe  to  MiiA  Maude  E.    loQue..     The,  QKoom'l   {^fvizndi,  txte.nd  congfiatLLZcutioni, . 

»»»»«»*»»»  ^p^^  2S,    1904 

John  B.  WagneA  0({  LidgzAuiood,  wdUi  known  in  thii  vl<u.nyLty,  wot  manxizd  at  blah- 
pzton  lait  weefe  to  Hiii  Anna  HuppzZcA  at  tht  home,  ol  the.  bfUde.'^  motheA.  Bishop  Sha- 
nZejj  oi  TafiQO  o iy.cJjate.d.     A  ho&t  o£  Hanklnion  iKtendi  e.xtznd  congfiatuZationi . 

**********  ^p^^  2«,    7904 

Johnny  St/uMzl  mJUi  go  to  TeJigiK,  TaZli  the  latteA  poAt  of^  thti  month  (,on.  hii 

bKidt,  and  tkzy  mJUi  makz  theXA  home  in  tht  naat  cottage,  juit  completed  by  Ma.  StAA.i,6el. 

**********  ^^5^    J9Q4 

The  moJtAiage.  o^  John  BummeMbach  to  Hiii,  Uafuj  MaucA  occuM.e.d  at  the  Catholic 
ChuAch  on  Tuesday  moaning,  Rev.  Fa..  Studnicka.  oi^ciating.  Both  o^  the  contracting 
poAtieJt  fieMide.  on  the.  noAth  &idt  o£  town. 

**********  May  5,    1904 

GREAT  BEhlV Invitationl,  afie.  oat  ^oK  the.  wedding  oi  Johnny  Stni66eJi  of,  GKtat 

Bend  to  Hii-i   lydia  SckfioedeA  at  feAgu6  TaJUU,  UH.,   on  ThuAsday,  May  26th.     The  {ifiiendi 
Oi$  the  gfwom-to-be  oioatt  witk  pleoiuAe.  the.  oaaa-voZ  o^  tht  couple,  at  tkeJji  {^atuAe  home 
among  ai> .     The  gAoom  ha6  Azcently  completed  one  oi{  the  neateJ:>t  djoeJUU.ngi,  in  town  which 
thty  wiU  occupy.  **********  May  12,    J904 

Invitation!,  oAe  out  (JoA  the  moAAiage  oi  kdoli  to  Hi&i  kmeJiia.  Tiegh 

at.  the  Wild  Rice  LutheAan  ChuAck  next  Wzdntiday  moHning,   May  ISth.  The  bhide  il,  a 
daaghteA  0(5  Ma.  and  Ma4.  HeAman 

**********  Uay  U,    1904 

Thz  moAniage.  o{,  Hits  Kate  JaAifey  to  HeAman  Hittag  it,  announced  iJoA  next  Tues- 
day, the  24th  oi  May,  at  the  Catholic  pauonage. 

**********  Hay  19,    1904 

HoAAied,  at  the  Catholic  ChuAch,   on  Uondaij,  May  16th,  Annie  HennenLLng  to 
Thjxnk.  Bommeubadn.,   both  o(  Hanktmon,   Rev.   Fa.  Studnicka  peA{,oAmlng  the  ceAemony. 

**********  Hay  19,    1904 

UoAAied,  at  the  Wild  R^cce  ChuAck  noAth  ojj  town,   on  Wedne&day,   Hay  ISth,   kdolph 
GAiepentAog  to  HUs  Amelia  Tiegs,   Rev.  HilgendoAl  peAf^oAmlng  the  ceAemony. 

The  ii>  a  populoA  young  lady,  a  daughter  of^  Ha.  and  Maa  .  Henman  Tieg6, 
and  ha&  gAown  to  woman  hood  in  Richland  County.     The  gAoom  i6  a  pAoipeAoui,  young 
doAmeA  who  hai,  the  Kei,pect  0($  all  who  know  hijn,  and  a  hoit  ol  {^Axendi  extend  congAot- 
uZationi  and  bei,t  wi&hei  to  the  young  couple.     foULowing  the  ceAemony  a  loAge  wedding 
poAty  made  meAAy  at  the  home  o^  the' i  paAent&. 

**********  Hay  19,    1904 


J.  F.  StAAMitzZ  hoi,  goKie  io  Fe/tgoi  TaZJii>,  MW.,  wfieAe  he.  li  to  be.  mcuuLizd  on 
ThuMday,  the  26th  o{,  Mcu/,   to  Ha>6  SchAoedeA  at  the.  luJkeAjojn.  ChuAch. 

Thty  mZZ  fieMinn  at  once  to  Cxeat  Bend  and  qo  to  hooiekeeplng  In  tine  home  pKe- 
pojied  by  thz  g/ioom.     The  young    couple.  mJiZ  bt  a  weZcjome  addition  to  ouJi  liXtle  city 
and  aZZ  extend  hexxAtieMt  congfiatuZationii  and  be^t  Mlihti. 

*•»»*»«»«»  Hay  26,    1904 

MofUiied,   at  Ofvonoco,  MN.,   on  Wednesday,  Mat/  Z5th,  Hiii  Auguita  L.  Uoutton  to 
Rev.  H.   E.  Wa£feeA.     The  gfvoom  hai,  bezn  a  Ktiident  o^  Hankin6on  ^ofi  the  pait  thA.e.t 
yeau  and  duAing  the  pait  yejvi  hai,  bze.n  pat>toK  oi  the  CongKegationat  chaAgti  at  Wynd- 
meAz  and  Vcxtefi.     A  toAge  ciAcZz  o{f  {/liej^di  zxtznd  congfiatuZatiom  and  be/it  wi&hu. 

^A.  and  Hu.  iiJatkeA  wiit  be  "at  home"  to  theJji  ifu.e.ndi>  in  Hankimon  a^teA 
June  10th.  »«»*»«»»»*  Hay  26,    1904 

HoAAied,  at  the.  Catholic  pauonagt,  on  Tuesday,  May  24th,  HeAman  Hittag  to 
liUii,  Katie  Jauky,  Rev.  Fa.  Studnicka  o ifjiciating .  The.  u&ual  uedding  {^e^tiviXieJi 
loUiowed  at  the  home  oi  the  b/iidc'i  uncZe  in  the  tvejiing. 

**********  Hay  26,    1904 

GREAT  BENP Youn.  coM.e^pondent  in  iome  May  neglected  to  mention  the  Aecznt 

maAAiage  o^  Gutit  Walhy,   ouA  popuZoA  haAne.&6  makeA,  to  HCii   Ida  Popp.     Thz  wedding 
wai  a  quiet  ai^aiA,   onJLy  the  Ketativei>  and  immediate  {^Aiendi  being  p^je&ent.     Rev. 
ExejneA  peA{^ofuned  the  cetemony  a^tzA  which  an  elegant  6uppeA  woi,  izAved.     Though  a 
little  late,  we  take  pleat>uAe  in  extending  congAjotuZationl,  and  beit  wiihti.     The 

neiMly  wedded  couple  wiZZ  go  to  housekeeping  ioon. 

AnotheA  wedding  i>oon,   out  in  the  Leo  StAuheZ  neighborhood. 

VERNON. .  ..Alb eAt  SAu&ch  and  HI&6  Uinnie  EichleA,   popuZoA  young  people  0($  Hlnn- 
eitota  Townihip,  oAe  to  be  moAAied  at  the  bnide'i  home  we&t  o^  town  on  ifledneiday  of, 
next  week.     We  extend  congAotuZatiom,  in  advance. 

HoAAied,  at  the  home  o^  Mt.  and  M/i6.   F.  HeZey,  on  Monday  evening,  June  13th, 
1904,   Ma.  Anckew  Leitch  to  Mi&i  Ada  Andaai>6,   Rev.  W.  V.  RickeAt  peAf^oAming  the  ceAe- 
mony . 

The  gKoom  ii,  a  Aeiident  o^  Undenwood,  MN.,  whiZe  the  bAide'i  home  ii  at  WateA- 
loo,  WI.     FolZowing  the  ceAemony,  which  wai,  witne&ied  by  a  {^ew  intimate  {,Aiend&,   a 
wedding  6uppeA  wai  leAved,  and  the  newly  wedded  couple  le^t  Tue&day  {^oa  Undenwood, 
wheAe  they  wiZl  Aei>ide.  »»»»»»*»«*  j^^  j^     j^^^ 

hi.  C.  HcVonald,  SupeAintendent  o^  the  LidgeAwood  Schools  and  fids  KatheAine 
BeZangeA,  VAincipaZ  of,  the  High  School  theAe  duAing  the  past  yeoA,  we're  moAAied  at 
UinneapotUi  on  Tuesday.  ««»»«»»«*»  j^^^  j^     ^^q^ 


GREAT  BENV....He.nfiy  AchWi  vocu,  maruvitd  Atcznttij  to  a  daughteA  o^  CoaZ  HeAmos, 
CongfiOituZatyioni,  claz  zxtzndzd  to  thz  happy  couple.. 

**********  June  f 3,    1904 

UcJOvizd,   at  the.  bfu-dt'i  homz  tn  Hinnuota    Twip.,   on  bltdnuday,  June  22nd, 
AlbeAt  BAo&h  to  Mc64  Hinntz  EtchZtn..     The.  redding  woe,  attended  by  a  nwmbeA  o^  ^nZendi, 
and  aJUi  extended  congAatuZattoni  to  thz  young  couple.     May  they  live  long  and  pfwi>peA. 

Un..  and  Hu.  C.  LUk  attended  the  wedding  0|$  Jamei  LexvOiaJit  and  Mc4A  Goldy 
Johnson  at  VoAAmount  Ixubt  euejiotg.  Ihe  gfioom  aJ>  a  ion  0)$  VoitmaiiteA  Leatha/ut  and 
holdd  a  position  in.  the  goveAnment  JntejuwZ  Revenue  Of^f^ce  at  AbeAdeen. 

**********  June  23,    1904 

GREAT  BEWP John  Stoltenovo  and  Hi&&   Lejw.  Gaklefi  weh.e  moAnied  at  the  b/iide'i 

poAenti,  M/t.  and  M/ii.   FeAdinand  GahZeA,   tkfiee  miZeJi  noKth  oi  heAe.     The  congAatuZatioM 
and  bt&t  wiihej,  0(5  alZ  an.e  extended. 

**********  June  50,    1904 

A  moAAiage  ticejike  woA  ij,i>ued  in  UinnejxpoHM  on  Honday  to  AoAon  Wol^gAen  and 
Hiii  Johanna  WolteA.  The  bfiide  i6  pfwbably  Hi&i  Jo&ie  WolteA  who  wa&  at  one  time  a 
Ae^ident  o^  Hankimon,  »»«»»««»»*  j^^  2o     1904 

HoAAied,  at  LidgeAwood,  on  Sunday,  June.  26th,  Da.  N.  J.  ShieZdi  to  Hii-i  Uoa- 
ceZta  Hoviai,   eZdut  daughteA  0($  Ma.,  and  Ma6.  W.  R.  Movioui.     The  newly  wedded  couple 
wHUL  leave  on  July  13th  {^oa  a  tAip  to  EuAope. 

GREAT  8EWP WoAd  hoi  been  Aecelved  o^  the  maAAiage  o^  He.nAy  EAandeZ,    ioA- 

moAly  oi  GAeat  Bend,  at  Phoenix,  Al.,  Aecently.     The  i&  a  young  lady  £Aom  Boston, 
MA.  **********  July  7,    1904 

HoAAied,  at  the  Catholic  ChuAch,   on  Tueidag  moAning,  June  5th,  at  10  AM,   John  Studnicka 
and  Mc4i  Louisa  PAohl,   both  0^  Milwaukee.     The  gAoom  is  a  bAo^eA  oi  Rev.  J.   F.  Stud- 
nicka and  the  wedding  was  oAAanged  to  take  place  heAe  in  oAdeA  that  the  latteA  might 
peAioAm  the  ceAemony.  **********  j^  7     j^^^ 

Va.   Riddle,  one  0^  the  eoAty  pioneeAS  in  Hankin&on,  was  moAAied  Aecently  to  a 

ladjy  who  Atside^  on  a  loAm  neoA  lake  Tewaukon,   jast  acAoss  the  line  in  SoAgent  County. 

On  the  occasion  o{i  hJji  next  visit  to  Hankinson  the  L.  G.  B.  will  suAely  give  Voc.  the 

Aeception  to  which  he  is  entitled  in  joining  the  Benedicts. 

**********  jj^  j^    jgj,^ 

GREAT  BEWP Jean  Lucy,  SupeAintendent  of,  the  Adams   {,aAm,  was  moAAied  Aecently, 

and  the  band  boys  dAove  out  and  seAenaded  him. 

**********  j^^     J4^      jg^4 


A  moMJUage.  ticznie.  wai  l66ue.d  Loubt  ThuMday  to  Auguit  SchAozdfL  and  Mc44  Emma. 
Tauch,  both  o^  SznofUL, 

Ati^zd  OUvQJi  and  Hiu  ElzanoK  Bejm&tt,  both  oi  E^ington,  weAe.  maAKizd  at  Wahpcton 
txict  Wtdm&day,  at  the.  home,  oi  E.  8.  OtiveA.     They  wiZZ  make,  thelt  home,  at  Wahpeton. 

GREAT  BEMV....UaAAA,e.d,  on  Monday,  JuZy  nth,  Wm.  Gotinick  to  Hl&i,  OfuL  GfuepeJvtACQ , 
both  oi  BfiandejnbvJiQ  Townilvip.  Tht  gfwom  JU  a  pfi06peAoa&  iafmeA  and  tkz  bnlde.  aj>  a  dau- 
ghteA.  oi  Choiii.  GfiltpentKog .     CongfiatuZattom  oJie.  extended. 

»»«»«»»»«»  jy^  2S,   1904 

UaAfvizd  at  the  Luthe/um  CkuAch  on  JuZy  14th,  A.ugui>t  SchwzdeA  to  Hi&6  Tauch,  both 
oi  Scnofta.     The.  be/>t  wlihe^  oi  aZZ  ate  e.xte.nde.d  to  the.  young  couple. 

•  •««»«»»»«  J^^  2S,    1904 

The  oi  Theo.  Neumann  to  (ii66  Lena  Vaatz  w<x4  iolemnlzzd  at  Wahpeton  on 
Tuesday,  Judge  WdieiteZd  oUZciating. 

Both  paJvU.eJ>  have,  tived.  Zn  the.  v-icxjuty  iofi  yeoAi  and  have.  the.  beJ>t  uilihti  oi  a 
loAge.  CAActe.  oi  ifu.endi>  iofi  theAJi  iutwiz  happineM . 

••»««»»»»»  Auguit  4,   1904 

TEW  YEARS  AGO... Column.  ..The.  moMlagt  oi  W.  E.  Spotten  to  HUi  Jennlt  UaZkeA. 

occufiAzd  on  July  24th.      [1S94) 

**********  Augu&t  4,    1904 

GREAT  BEWP Hiii  HoAgoAeX  Beaton  and  Clyde  Halfioyd,  both  oi  UooKeion,  weKe 

maftAA.e.d  at  BKeckenAx.dge  la^t  weefe.     Rev.  P.  0.  WZIUjum  oi  the  Congregational  Chwich 
at  IX^itght  peJiioAmed  the  ceremony. 

**********  Augu&t  11,    1904 

An  exchange.,  .bayi  that  it  ti  itnguloA  that  the.  Statt  oi  Uat/Umony  hoi  nzveA  made, 
any  e.iiofit  to  be  admitted  to  the  unton.     It  ti  bound  by  hugging  and  kliiing  on  one 
^■ide.  and  cAadle/>  and  babte^  on  the.  otheA.     Its  chtzi  pfwducti>  oAe  population,  bfioom 
handler  and  staying  out  nlghti.     It  uxi6  dJj>coveAed  by  Adam  and  Eve  whiJiz  trying  to 
diicoveA  a  northeast  pa66age.  out  oi  pafiadiie.     SuAely  all  theJte.  Kequi6ite.&  entiXleJ> 
heA  to  a  itat  in  the  statehood. 

**********  Augu&t  11,   1904 

UaMied,  at  itiahpeton,  on  JuZy  30th,  by  Justice.  Pom),  AnthuA  C.  MoAih  to  Hiii  Emma 
M.  AndeA&on,  both  oi  Hankin6on. 

**********  Auguit  11,   1904 


Tfuwugh  a  Randan  papeA  The  NEWS  Xi  znabZe.d  to  cJnAotvidLi.  the.  maJinixLQe.  o{,  ^Jj>i 
Agnei  WaLttu  to  Choi.  B.  H(,  whyick  happy  tve.yvt  thii  weefe  at  the.  home 
o{i  the  bfUde'i  i,Aj>teJi,  Uu.   Tfied  liJZntJiofiit,  at  Wew  Salem,  MP.     The  contAactlng  poAJtLei 
aJie.  voeZt  knovon  hzAt,  tht  bKJidz  bzying  the.  daughteM.  o{,  Rev.  and  Ufa.  WalXeM,   ^ofmeAhj 
ofi  thil,  ptate.,   and  the  gfioom  a  {^ofmeji  bookktzpeA  -oi  Wm.  Gftjauie.'A  htoKe.  but  now  tht 
tAaveLLng,entatLve  o^  a  St.  Vaat  {fVvm.     A  ho6t  oi  HanlUnion  ^Alendi  zxtend  con- 
gmtuJtatA.on&  and  be^t  uil&hti  to  the  happy  couple. 

»»»»»»»«»»  Augait  IS,    1904 

UaJOvizd,   at  tht  CathoULc  pauonage,  on  Honday  mofiyiLng  at  9  AM,  Hiii   Lizzie. 
AlbeAt  to  Wm.   L.  M.   Ca&tlz,   Re.v.  J.   F.  Stu.dyu.cka  o{,{^cJ.aXUng. 

Tfie  cleAked  In  G.   L.  Ha{iemeZi>teA' i  itofie  dufilng  the  Atrnimet  and  hcA  home 
Aj,  at  LaCJva&he,  WI.     The.  gfioom  ll,  a  {^afmefi  living  neafi  Redwood  TaZlk,  MN.,  and  they  {jOA.  that  place  Immzdlately  {^oZloMlng  tht  ctfiemony. 

»»»»»»»•»»  Septewbtfi  S,   1904 

Tht  majwiagt  o^  Joihua  Btcktal  to  Uii6  Alma  Sohn  woa  Ao£eni/u.zed  at  tht  homt  o^ 
tht  bfUdt'i  paAtnti,  Mfi.  and  M/l6  .  Alhext  Bohn,   on  Stpt.    10th,  Rev.   T.  filnk  oi{yiclat- 
Ing.     Tht  ceAemony  woi  uiltnt&itd  by  a  6mall  poAty  o{,  AeZatlvti,  a^ttfi  which  a  delight- 
ful wtddlng  Ktpaj>t  woi  itAvtd. 

Both  poAXlti  oAt  well  and  {^avofuibly  known,  tht  buldt  being  a  daaghteA  oi  ont  0(J 
ouA  mat  highly  Ktptcttd  iaAmtAi,  and  hoi  fitildtd  In  ZicJiland  County  all  htA  tiit, 
whilt  tilt  gfuoom  aj>  a  ion  oi  Rev.  J.  Btchtel,    iofuntnly  Faitofi  o^  the  M.  E.   ChuAch  htfit. 
They  havt  alAtady  gone  to  hooiekttplng  on  tht  Chai.  WofintA  {^oAm. 

»»»«»«»«»»  StpttmbtA  U,    1904 

Anna  Gaitman  and  Chafitti  Kapnlck  weAt  moAfiltd  at  Wahptton  Tfilday,  thai  b flinging 
to  an  end  tht  pfioh tuition  oi  tht  latteA  ai  dttalltd  In  tht&t  columni  la&t  wttk.  Ufii. 
Kapnlck  ha6  fittufintd  to  tht  homt  o{^  htA  poAtnta  ta6t  o^  town  and  Kapnlck  went  back  to 
faAgo.  **********  Stpttmbfi  11,    1904 


La&t  Tut&day  mofmlng  at  tht  St.  MoAtln'i  ChuAch  occuJiAtd  tht  moAAlagt  of,  Will- 
lam  Wlttman  and  MciA  BafiboAa  Tlx. 

At  10:50  AM  tht  &tfialnl>  0(5  tht  wtddlng  moAch  vlbfiattd  thfiough  tht  chuAch  and 
tht  bfUdal  pcuA  enttfitd  atttnded  by  Htnfiy  Gltytfi  and  Hlii  Agnti  Campbtll,   and  weAt 
uiheAtd  to  tht  altafi  whfit  thty  weAt  united  In  tht  holy  bondi  o{,  matfUmonyby  FatheA 
Gfitvt.     FatheA  l^angan  0($  Flptiton  wa6  alio  pfit&ent. 

Immediately  afteA  tht  ctfiemony  tht  bfildal  pofUy  weAt  dAiven  to  tht  homt  o{,  tht 
bfildt'i  ilittfi,  Ufu>.  N.  Gocht,  whtAt  a  iumptuoui  wedding  bfitakfait  wai  itAvtd  to  a 
numbeA  o{,  Invited  gut&ti.  Including  FathtA  GAtvt  and  Hangan,  af^ttfi  which  dancing 
and  cafidi   {^uAnlihtd  amuitmtnt   ^ofi  tht  gutiti. 

Tht  Qfioom  li  employed  at  Hanklmon,   WP.,  In  tht  Itadlng  hottl  ai  cleJik  and  li 


one.  oi  thz  popatoA  and  tnttupKuing  young  men  o^  the  town.     The.  bfildt  iofmeAJbj  KeMldtd 
at  BancAofit,  Ik.,  and  by  heA  ejidzafunQ  waj/'4  /uii  made,  a  ho&t  o{,  ^fUend^  wheAe\ieJi  ike. 
fcoi  been. 

The  woi  dfveMied  In  a  dJueii  oi  whJXe.  6iZk  muZte,  txamed  with  idilte  4-c£fe  lace 
and  coMyied  a  bouqatt  o{  white  Koie/i.     The  QKoom  voai,  dJieJii>exl  ijn.  the  convejttionat  black. 

.  To  the  happy  couple  The  WEWS  uiiihts  to  congnxUalate  them  upon  theJji  good  choice,  oi 
the  opinion  o^  all  li  that  they  afiz  filgktialZy  matched  and  we  hope  that  In  the  cjan.eji>  and 
thlaJUi  which  occuA.  In  ll^e,  that  they  may  be  atuayi  gay  and  happy  In  each  otheA'i,  love. 
f^oodi^^  (MW.)  Nem....       ♦,.,,,,•,»  ^^^^  ,3^    j^^^ 

M^.  and  Maa.  Wltbnan  oMlved  home  Monday  mofu^ing  and  have  been  receiving  congfiat- 
atatloni  and  beJ>t  wlihti  ^Kom  all  ildti.     The.y  ane  stopping  at  the  WeJ>t  Hotel  at  p^eient. 

OctobeA  13,   1904 

A  pfieXty  wedding  occunxed  at  the  WJJLd  Rtce  ChuAch  ye^teAday  moAjvcng  when  Hi66  Ffilda 
LeJbn  and  Tnltz  Tlgge  wefie  united  In  the  Holy  Bondi  ojj  MatAlmony.     Rev.  H^LLgendofii  0 nic- 
tated.    The  bnlde  !&  a  daughteA  o^  Mft.  and  Hu.   Louis  LeZm,  one  oi  the  leading  {,aAmeAi 
neoA.  UantadoK,  and  the  gfioom  l6  well  known  ai  an  .indaitAloui,  young  {,aAmeA.     A  jolZy 
wedding  panty  at  the  home  oi  the'6  poAenti  followed  the  ceAemony. 

«»«««»«»»«  OclobeA  20,    1904 

GREAT  BEWP Paul  BoeJlke  and  Hi&i  (.ilnnle  Bohn  weAH  unlte.d  In  mofuuage  at  the 

home  o{  the  bnlde'i  paAnnti  on  the  16th  oi  OctobeA,  Reu.  T.  Hlnk  peAiofmlng  the  ceAemony. 

The  bhlde  li  a  daughteA  oi  HeAman  Bohn,  Sa.  ,  and  the  gfioom  It,  a  pfioipeAoui  and 
highly  fieMpected  young  ianmeA  xeildlng  iouth  oi  town.     A  hoit  oi  i^ilendi  extend  congfiat- 

OctobeA  27,    1904 

ulatloni,.  «*««*»»»«« 

A  pKetty  wedding  recently  occiwied  In  thli  neighborhood,  the  contnactlng  paAtleJ> 
being  Bent  Koenlck  and  Lottie  Johnion.     The  ceAemony  wa6  peAiofmed  at  the  home  oi  the 
bfilde'i  paAenti  ilve  mc£e4  iouthijoeMt  oi  town.     They  will  move  onto  thelA  ianm  and  itoAt 
housekeeping  ioon.  **********  OctobeA  11,    1904 

John  C.  GoAtow  and  HUi  Anna  FactoK,  both  oi  whom  KeMlde  iouthweit  oi  town,  weAe 
moAAled  at  Bfieckenfildge  loit  SatuAday. 

**********  OctobeA  27,    1904 

GREAT  BEWP A  lafige  numbeA  ifvom  thlb  vicinity  attended  the.  Boelke  -  Koppelman 

wedding  la&t  evening.     The  bnlde,  Hiii  hilnnle  Boelke,  li  one  oi  out  moit  popuZaA  young 
ladlei,  and  the  gloom  li  a  pfvogKeiilvz  young  ioAmeA,  a  ion  oi  Ma.,  and  Ww.   Ffied  Koppel- 

man.  ********** 

NovembeA  17,   1904 


Thz  moMMigt  ojj  John  LA.ene.n  and  HU.i>  ELizabeMi  ICinn  occuAHad  lent  Monday  at  St. 
Jot  Chafick,  and  woi  {^oltowzd  by  tkz  u&uat  weddcng  £utLv-itLt&  at  thz  homz  of,  the.'i 
poAznti,   M/L.  and  UfLi>.  BaptAJ>tz  Hinn.     A  ZoAgz  numbzA  oi$  IfUzndi  hztpzd  to  zdZzbUjotz  thz 
occa6^on  am  dixz  {^ofm.     CongAjatutatloni,  and  bzit  vuZikzi  oJiz  zxtzndzd. 

*  * •  *  WouembeA  17,   1904 

A  b-cg  Mzdding  occuJOizd  at  thz  homz  0($  Wm.  Boztkz  moa  GAzat  Bend,  thz  con- 
tAactlng  panties  being  EniX  Koppziman  and  lfJj,&  Viinnlz  BozZkz,   Rev.  T.  HA.nk  pzAf^onming  thz 
czAzmony.     Onz  handAzd  and  i-l^ty  ZnvZtationi  had  bzzn  Ziiazd  and  thz  attzndancz  was   zoM.- 
zipondZngZy  ZoAgz. 

Thz  bAidz  -C4  a  daaghtzA  o{,  Ua.  and  Hu.  Wm.  EozZkz  and  thz  gAoom,  a  ion  oi  hOi.  and 
Ma4.    fAzd  KoppeJiman.     Both  poAtizi,  havz  AZiZdzd  -en  HichZand  County  iZncz  daZLdhood  and 
numbzA  thz^A  {^Aizndi  and  wzZt  mMhzAi,  by  thz  szoAZ.     Thz  wzddlng  woi  thz  socizty  zvznt  0|$ 
thz  yzoA  A,n  tkeJji  nzLghbonhood  and  thz  AzvzZfiy  la&tzd  ovzn.  twznty- {,oafL  houA&.     Thzy 
mbaAk  on  thz  matAimoniaZ  sza  undzA  thz  moit  ^uipicioui  conditAjond  and  uxilZ  izttZz  down 
amid  tiiz-icng  iUzndl.  ,,,,,,,,,.  WoOembeA  17,    1904 

HoAAlzd,   on  WovembeA  9th,   at  itJahpzton,   ChanZzi  ?{,lagzA  and  Anniz  Ra&zum,   both  o{, 
Hankln^on.  ,,,»,,,*»,  November  17,    1904 

Thz  Hanklnion  {^hZzndi  o^  John  Caz&Z)  wllZ  bz  plza&zd  to  IzoAn  oi  hl&  moAfiiagz  at 
Kzn&aZ  on  ifJzdnziday  o{,  last  weefe,  thz  bfUdz  bzlng  Hl&i  UaAy  B/ieweA  o{,  that  ptazz. 

Thz  wzdding  wa/>  attzndzd  by  a  numbzA  of,  thz  Hanhinbon  colony  at  KznsaZ.,  atio  by 
Hi6J,  Anna  CAz&i  0($  HanlUnion.     Ma.  and  Mw.   Caz&6  mUZ  AziZdz  at  Kzn&aZ. 

**********  NovzmbeA  24,    1904 

GzoAgz  J.   Whttz'i  Hankln&on  ^Aizndi  OAZ  pZzaizd  to  zxtznd  congAotuZatZonl,  on  hZi> 
moAAiagz  ZoMt  weefe  to  M^4  Alma  UoAhoz  o^  LLdgzwood,   at  Montzvtdzo ,  MW.     Thz  wzddLng 
occuAAzd  at  thz  homz  0]$  thz  bAidz'i  ilitzA  on  thz  16th  of^  hlovzmbzA,  and  f^Aom  tkzAZ  thzy 
wznt  to  tkz  cJjtLu  on  a  wzddLng  tfUp,     Thzy  mJil  makz  thzln.  homz  at  AbzAdzzn,  SV.,  Ha. 
Whitz  being  a  tAaveZing  audiXoA  {,0A  a  IMiz  OiJ  oZzvatoAd  oat  oi  that  city. 

»»»»»«*»«*  NovzmbzA  24,    1904 

Thz  moAAiagz  0)$  Wm.   HzLtzzl  to  Mi44     \-\LnnLz  Kamkz  occuAAzd  yzitzAday  moAning, 
ioUowzd  by  a  b-cg  weddcng  poAty  at  thz  homz  oi  thz  bAcdz'i  bfiothzA,   HzAwan  Kamkz,   noAth 
oi  town.     Thz  young  couplz  havz  thz  bzbt  WAJihzb  oi  a  loAgz  cluclz    oi  iAizndi,,   many  oi 
whom  j'oZnzd  thz  thz  izi>tLvttu.zi> . 

»»«»»*»«*»  VzczmbzA  1,    1904 

HoAAlzd,   out  Wahpzton,   on  Monday,   Vzc.    Sth,   GzoAgz  Ne^by  to  HUi   Edith  Rakizll. 

**********  VzczmbzA  «,    1904 

AAnvaZ  HastbjoK  woi  moAAlzd  to  a  young  lady  nzoA  FeAga5  TaZts  last  weefe     and    fix6 

many  i/Uzndi   zxtznd  congAatulatLon6.     Ed.    Lokzn  and  Olz  OZ&zth  accompanlzd  hUm  to   FeAgui 

to  attznd  thz  wzddLng. 

»»»,,»»»,,  VzczjnbeA  IS,    1904 

W.  H.  BzAndt,   om  o^  ou/i  pnogA.U6lve.  young  {^cumejii,  labofUng  andzA  thz  thzofiy  that 
"Lt  -C6  not  \jozJUi  to  tivz  alonn, "  made  a  t/vip  to  UaJvion,   KV. ,  Ae.ce.ntly  and  netuAned  a  (Jew 
doLj^  ago  uuMi  a  bKide  -in  the  peAion  o{,  Hiii  Edna  Cannan.     At  pKuent  they  aJie  vZi-iting  Zn 
DJahpeXon.  .»•»«»«»»*  VecembeA  IS,   1904 

MoAA-ced,  at  the  home  o^  the'6  paAenti,  on  Monday  evening,  Vec.   19th,  klbenJt 
F.   UmbA.eAX  to  MciA  Anna  Gfu.epentAog,   Rev,  B^emeA  o i{fi(u.ating . 

The  young  people  axe  u)eIZ  and  f^avonabty  known  -in  thJj,  6ettA.on,  the  the 
daughteA  0($  one  0($  ouK  highty  fie^pected  lafmtu  and  the  gKoom  one  o^  oufi  leading  baiinzi,.l> 
men.     They  numbeA.  theJji  {^Alendi  by  hoiti  and  have  the  congfiatuZatxonl,  and  bzit  wiufiei  0(J 
oLL.     They  will  go  to  hoaiekeepZng  Zn  CKeat  Bend. 

«*,«»««»»»  PeceinbeA  22,   1904 

W.  A.  Gog^^te^eA  lef^t  Tuesday  night  t$oA  Ulnneapotii  to  attend  the  wedding  oi  hJj, 
tiain  bfiotheA,     FKom  theAt  he  mil  go  to  the  home  oi  hli  poAenti  on  the  Soo'6  Glenwood 
exteniZon  to  ipend  the  lemaindeA  0){  kit,  hoZtday  vacation. 

«•*»«»«««»  PecembeA  22,    1904 

An  excAange  teZli  of^  a  young  man  Ln  a  nelghbofiing  v-ilZage  who  let  hAj>  dfuig  bill  nxm 
iJoA  tu)o  yeau  be^oKe  settling.     When  he  Kecelved  hii,  itemized  statement,  the  iiut  item 
wai   chocolate  cAeami,  and  the  la&t  a  nuA&ing  bottle.     Time  maketh  gnejit  c/iangei. 

»•»»»»»»»»  PecembeA  22,    T904 

GREENFIELP,...Wc4i   CaAAie  Tfiundt  depoAted  thU,  week  iofi  Plea&ant,  NV.,  wheAe  6he 
woi  to  be  united  in  maAAiage  on  the  2Sth  o^  VecembeA  to  Hoamj  Tyion,    ionmenZy  oi  Hanktn- 
&on.     The  bntde  ii  one  oi  ouA  mo&t  highly  Ke^pected  young  ladies  and  gAew  to  womanhood 
among  u& ,  whiZe  the  gfioom,  a  6on  o^  Ma.  and  MA4  .   L.  A.  Tyion,  le^t  heAe  eajiHy  two  yeaJU, 
ago  to  mafee  a  home  ion.  himielf,  in  the  nofitheAn  pant  oi  the  itate.     Thejy  have  the  beMt 
wijihu  oi  alZ  ion.  thein.  iutuAe  happineM . 

»»*«»»»«**  Vecemben  29,   1904 

A  maAAiage  licenie  woi  iaued  at  Tango  Tutiday  aiteAnoon  to  Jamt&  R.   Tniibey  oi 
Hanktmon  and  Mc64  GAace  Rcce  oi  Li&bon.     Jim'6   intendi  heAeabouti  extend  congnatatationi . 

«»»»,«*«,,  VecembeA  29.    7904 


7   9  0   5 

TEN  VEARS  AGO [January  o^  U95] CoAdi  WiAt  h.zc.el\}td  huAt  (lYwioimcJbiQ  Hiz 

moMMige.  0($  F.  0.  HungeJi  to  Hi&i  REna  B.  Mace  at  CampbeZt,  Kllnnuotci. 

Thz  moMxage.  0(J  E.  Hungtn.  to  Mt64  Anna  John&on  ottuJUitd  at  FeAgui  FaW>,  MM.,  on 
tkz  24th  oi  JanuoAy.     An  zxtzndtd  accouYiX.  oi  thz  wzddLng,  takzn  ihjom  thz  FoJigui   EaIZs 
JouAnaZ,  wa6  pA-otied  in  The  NEWS. 

»  «»*»«*«*  »  January  5,  T905 

Choi.   L.  Uay  dzpahtzd  lait  weefe  ioA  MeenoA,  WI.,  wfieAe  fie  ^4  io  be  im^ed  -in  moA- 
Acage  ;to  Rc44  UXZJjxn  FoM.ut,  ont  o^  lait  yzoA'i  -teadieAi  In  tha  Han\uni>on  VubLic 
School!).     We  fiope  /Co  be  ablt  to  give.  poJctlculoM  o^  thz  wzddlng  nzxt  weefe. 

JanuaJiy  5,    1905 

V.obeAt  E.  Ty6on  wai  ujitied  ^n  maAAiagz  at  Spokane.,  WA.,  on  ChAZitmai,  Vay  to  flil,i 

MoAy  Jane  Addley.     The  gtvoom  ii  weZZ  known  OA  tjne  ion  o^  RobeAt  A.  Tyion,  and  gn.ew  to 

manhood  in  tkii  \>ici.niJy. 

»,«»»«**»»  JanuoAy  5,    1905 

MofuUed  at  Kenma^e,   NP.,   on  Pec.   29^,  HaM.y  V.  Tyion  and  Uiii  CoMle.  V.   TKundt. 
The.  yoang  couple  have  a  lange  circle  0($  acquaintance  in  the.  viciniXy  o{,  Hankin&on 
who  take  pleaiuAe  in  txtznding  heoAtie^t  cong/uttuZatijoni  and  btit  wZl>he.&. 

»»»«»»«*»*  JanwoAy  5,    1905 


The  wedding  oi  ChoAle^  May  of,  Hankin&on,  NP.,  and  UUl   LUliam  TofiACit  o{i  the 
town  o{i  Neeno/i,  took  place.  Wednesday  evening  at  the  home  0(5  the  bnide'i  paAznti,  be{,ofie 
a  company  of,  ^hiendi  and  Kelativei .     Rev.  J.   E.  GanxeXt  peAiofmed  the  ceremony.     The. 
a&ajal  wedding  {^eMtiviM.e/>  wene  indulged. 

The  bnlde  ii>  well  and  ^avoAably  known  in  the  vicinity  in  which  ihe  tivcd  and  the 
gnjDom  ib  head  miMeA  in  the  Hankimon  milt.     The  young  couple  have  gone,  to  Hankimon 
wheAe  they  will  make  thexA  iatuAe  home.         Neeno/i   (WI)  Daily  Hem,   Ian.   6th. 

Ma.  ancf  Mfii.  May  oMlved  in  Hanklnion  Eniday  evening  and  axe  stopping  at  the  Ole^t 
Hotel  at  pfie^ent.     They  will.  6oon  go  to  houiekezping  in  the  cottage  60uth  o^  the  Tubbi 

The  couple  have  a  holt  oi  {/liendi  who  extend  congfiatatationi>  and  be&t  wiihei. 

«•»»»««*«»  Januany  12,    1905 

The  hlEIJlS  i&  in  Kecelpt  oi  an  announcejmeyit  oi  the  wedding  oi  Theo.  Hamon,    ionmenZy 
oi  thti  place,  to  Hi&i  UoAtha  Sophia  JveAlon,  at  the  home  oi  the  bfiide'l  poAentl,  in 
Iowa.     They  will  be  "at  home"  at  Goodntch,  HV.,  aitet  Eebixiahy  15th. 

«»»»»»»»«»  JanuoAy  19,    1905 


Tfiank  ^'iOAtinzk,   one  0($  oufi  pAomlmnt  young  men,  uias  moAAlzd  cut  Sli6zton  ta&t  weefe 
io  HLi6  Th2AeJ>a.  Ruttkay  of,  Lidgfiwood.     Judge  Anckewi  pzA(,ofumd  the.  czAzmony. 

«»»»»«,,«*  Fefa/moAx/  2,    1905 

Inu-cto^oni  aJie.  out  {^on.  the.  Mzdding  oi  Wm.  H.  Hzii  and  Hii,6  Ro^e  A.   KtoiteAman  at 
the  CathoLic  CkuAch  in  Uantadofi  on  the     15th  O)}  thii,  month. 

«*,»,«*,,«  TzhKuuiny  2,    7905 

Otto  SoA.eJil>on  and  HUi  Kajtiz  MaueA,   both  {^ofmeJdUj  o^  Honfe-uiAon,  wcAe  moAAled  at 
ULnneapotii  loit  weefe.     The  gnxiom  woa   {^ofmzhZy  expKe/ti  mea^engeA  on  ^e  Soo'a  B-cimoAcfe 
bAoncA  and  acquified  qiuXe  a  Azpatatlon  oi  a  wxeMtteJi  in  the  Light  weU-ght  cZai6.     TheJJi 
{jfUzndi  hzAz  zxXend  congAotuZatloni . 

**********  Feh^aoKy  2,    1905 

y\aKtAjn.  HejmeALlng  and  Ul6i  hioAgoAet  Roth  wefte  maAAx.e.d  at  the.  Cathotic  ChuAch    on 
Tuesday  by  Rev.  Jo4.   F,  Stadnicka. 

»»»»»»»»»»  Feb^uo/ur  9,    J905 

Anthony  Co)$j$a.,  welZ  known  keAe,  woi  moAAied  to  fiui  BeIZe  Jone*  o{,  ColumbLH,   Ohio, 
at  ^ebiteA,  SV.,  Ktcejitly. 

»»*,,,»»,»  FebAuoAy  9,    1905 

The  moAAJjage  o{i  CoAl  HegeA  to  Ui&6  NelLie  WaZkcA  w<x4  iolejnni.zed  at  the.  Cathotic. 
ChuAcJi  on  We.dneMday  moAKing,  Rev.  3o&.   F.  Stwdniaka  oi^iJ^ocoXoig.     The  It,  a  daughteA 
0|$  M^.  Hike  EZien  and  the.  gAoom  -i&  a  pAoipeAom  {lOAineA. 

»»»«»«*»»»  TzbfmoAij  9,    1905 

The  wedding  oi  Iflm.  H.  Heii  and  lll6i>  Roi>e  A,  KZoiteAman  Li  to  take  place  next  liledneJi- 
day,  Feb.  15th,  at  St.  VeteA  S  Paul'4>  ChuAch  In  thii  village.  The  ceAemony  -it  to  be  ioil- 
owtd  by  a  Aeceptton  at  the  home,  o^  the  bfUde'i  paAent&.  hiA.   and  Aki.  Joieph  KloiteAmnn. 

...MantadoA...  «»»»»«««»»  ftbAuoAy  9,    1905 

SONORA The  wedding  o{i  John  Link  and  Hiii  Hlnju.e.  BaZl  took  place  at  the  home  o^ 

the.  bAtdz'A  paAe.nt&  and  woi  attended  by  a  loAge  poAtiy  oi  ^Alendi.     The.  occailon  wat  a 
jolly  one  and  the  young  couple  weAt  congAotulat^d  moit  iinceAeJby  by  all.     They  wJJil  makt 
thelA  homz  with  the  bAtde'/i  {^atheA  ^oA  a  ttme. 

**********  TebAuoAiy  9,    1905 

GREAT  BENf....Pau£  Vopp  and  hU   ^Alznd  Hl66  Alvlna    BeZing  weAe.  to  Wahpeton  and 
iecuAed  thexji  llceni>e.     Thexj  will  be  maAAted  at  an  eaZy  date.     VouA  coAAe^pondent  ij>  get- 
ting 60At  0^  icjOAzd  becauiz  they  oAe  all  getting  moAAted  veAy  {^a&t  oAound  CAeat  Bend. 
AnotheA  wedding  li  expected  in  GAeat  Bend  at  an  eaAly  date. 

**********  TzbAmAjy  16,    1905 

MhlTAVOR The  moAAiage  o{,  Wm.   H.   Hz66  to  Hiii  Roie  A.   KloiteAmann  occuAAed  on 

Wzdnz&day,   Feb.    15th,  at  thz  St.   VeteA  S  Paul' 6  Catholic  ChuAch.     Rev.  Joi.   F. 
Studnicka  peA{,oAmed  the  ceAemony,  which  wa6  witnz&ied  by  a  loAge  numbeA  o{,  ^Atendi.     A 


Kzczptlon  loZZouejd  cut  the.  fiome  o£  thz  bfUaz'i,  paA.ejvti>,  Ma.,  and  MA.  Jo^tph  Klo-iteAmann. 
The.  yoang  coapte.  have.  tke.  bej^i.  viLiheJi  o{^  ati  {^oh.  tkzAJi  (Ju-fu/ie  fuipfioiCAA. 

»»»*«»,*»«  f^bKuoAif  16,   1905 


GLEhlNWOOV   [mm.  I  GopheA  P/ie64;...A  wzdcUng  that  mZl  comz  ai>  a  luJiptuUe  to  Gte.nn- 
wood  pzoplz  UXL&  iotemYiized  at  ULnnzapoLU  loit  eucnoig  when  W.   E.  Cu/utii),   oi$  thii  city, 
and  HLi,6  li,aheJUiz  H.  WZLUjuu,  o^  HankUniion,  W.,  wete  made  man  and  {fxLie..     Wi.  CuJitii, 
lz{ft  loA.  Hinnejapotil,  yeMttfiday  uuXhouX  g-tu-cng  out  even  a  hA.nt  at,  to  the.  natuAZ  ojj  h^& 
vAj>-it  to  that  cJXy.     Bat  thz  cat  jumped  out  o^  the.  bag  myiteflM)u&ty . 

Thz  moAAlagz  took  place  at  thz  home  o£  thz  bfudz' l  lll>teA  at  312&  P^lZ&buAy  Ave., 
at  S  ?U.,  accoKding  to  thz  KitiiaJL  0)J  thz  ?KZ6bytzfUjan  Church,  a  HufrnzapoLii,  poiton. 
0 {^{^ZcJjxtAjig .     Thz  ceAemony  uxu  uiltnzi-izd  by  a  imaZZ  panty  OjJ  X.rvtanatz  iKizndLd  and  Kzta- 
ttvzi.     A^teA  thz  ceAemony  thz  happy  couptz  weAZ  /ihonoeAzd  vilth  congfuxtuZjatJjom,  and  bzbt 
Micihei  and  uieAz  gZvzn  an  eZaboAotz  wzddlng  luppeA.     Thzy  weAZ  aZ&o  thz  KzcJiptznti>  o^ 
many  vaZtiabtz  and  bejxiitA.laZ  wzddLing  gZ{,ti. 

The.  bnJAz  Zi  thz  daaghteA  o^  pAomlnznt  Lone  Sp^ngA,   lA.     fiZiZdznti  and  pAloA  to 
thz  announcement  o^  hzA  zngagemznt  a  ihoAt  timz  ago,  was  zmptoyed  a6  bookkzzpeA  ^ofi  a 
ZjOAqz  KztoAJi  itoKz  at  HanlilYUiOn. 

Thz  gAoom  U,  a  tchoLoA  yiom  Zotton  who  hojt,  madz  thid  city  hii,  homz  ^OA  thz  poMt 
yzoA.     He  -ci  employed  at>  {,oAemzn  0)$  tnz  John&on  BAOi,  Lcz  Oizam  ^actoAy  -en  tkii  cLty. 
He  enjoys  a  uxldz  acqualntancz  hzAz  and  Zi>  popuZoA.     Bz^oAz  coming  heAz  hz  voai  i,AjnULLaA- 
ty  engaged  at  WiZZmaA  whzAZ  thz  neiM  o^     hU  moAfiMigz  viWi  comz  at,  a  gznutnz  luApnlkz 
to  hii)  backeZoK  ^fUzndi,. 

Thzy  uxitt    make  thZi  city  tkelA  {^utuAZ  homz  and  AZiZdz  tempo'wxity  at  thz  Az&Zdzncz 
ol  M/L4.   P.  R.  Holton  on  GAzznz  StAzzt. 

Thz  GopheA  ?Atii  jo-Lns  with  a  holt  o(^  {Aizndi  o^  Ha.  CuAtZi  Zn  hzoAty  congAotuZat- 
-ion6.  »«»»••,«»«  FzbAuoAy  16,    1905 

hfiOAfUed,  at  thz  Cathotic  ChuAch,   on  Tuesday,   Feb.   14th,   VzteA  KutteA  and  Hi&6  Lena 
^ol{i,  Rev.  Joi.   F.  Studnicka  o {^{^ijcJjxttng .     Thz  bfUdz  le>  a  daaghteA  o^  FAzmfe  Wot^  and  thz 
gAoom,  a  ion  oi  LouZi  KutteA,  and  aJU.  AZ&Zdz  Zn  VoAb.  TownkhZp. 

*«.,,,«,,*  FefaAuoAtf  16,    1905 

Thz  ihZzndt  OfJ  HZt>i>  BeZZz  A.  WZttZami  t/oeAZ  6uApAZ&ed  to  teoAn  o^  hzA  manAoigz  at 
t-UnneapoLii  the  latteA  poAt  o^  lait  weefe.     ^■li66  WilZZami  waj,  on  heA  annual  vacation  and 
thz  £Znj,t  ZntlmatZon  heA  (^nZzndi  had  oi  heA  moAAZagz  uiai  contaZnzd  Zn  thz  tZdt  o^  IZc- 
zn&zi  publZihed  Zn  thz  duoZty  papeAi..     The  gAoom'6  namz  Zt,  Cita.   E.  CuAtU,  and  they  uxiZZ 
make  theZn.  homz  at  GZenmoood.     Thz  bKZdz  ha&  bzzn  a  Kz&Zdznt  o{^  HankZmon  {^oh.  izveAat 
yeoAb,  Zn  thz  employ  oi  J.  A.  VwyzA  ai>  itznogtapheA  and  lateA  a&  bookkzzpzA  and  &tzno- 
QAapheA  {,0A  M.  A.  WZppznman,  and  Yuai,  a  hoit  ojj  {^fiZzndi  who  aAz  pleaizd  to  extend  be^t 
MZiiheJ,.    HAi.   CuAtZi  Zi,  zxpzcted  to  AetuAn  to  HankZmon  zoAly  next  week,  to  cZoiz  up  heA 


a|$|$cuAi  heAz,   a.{^taA  Mkich  ik&  uiaJX  go  to  Gtejmiood  to  bzQ-in  houMe.kzzpJ.nQ.     Kn  account  o^ 
thz  MzdcLLng  takzn  i>wm  a.  GlzmJood  papzA  mIZ  be  {,ound  zZizwhzAz  IntJruJi  ^iuz. 

,»»«»»«,»*  FebA-ufl/u/  16,    1905 

GREAT  BEMt? Thz  moAAcagz  o^  HUi  AlvZna  M.   BzZlng  to  Ui.   Paul  E.   Popp  took  placz 

at  lion  ChuAch  {)}zdnz6day,  Feb.  23^rf,  uxUh  Rev.  B^emcA  pzAionmLng  thz  ceAZjrtony.  Thz  bfUdz 
u)0AZ  whJJiz  6-Uk  and  coAfvizd  KOhzM  and  caA.natxon& .  RzlnhoAt  GKizpzrvVwg  actzd  ai  bzAt  man 
and  M.C44  CoAo.  BzLing  a6  bnldz&mald. 

A  ZoAgz  numbzA  o{,  i^Axendi  weAe  pfiz&znt  and  a  fizczptxon  wai  hzld  at  thz  homz  o{,  thz 
bfhldz' i>  poAzjitM,   Wi.  and  lfifu>.  August  BzLing,    (,otioMlng  thz  czAzmony.     Thz  iM  a  molt 
zitanabtz  young  lady,   klghZy  thought  0)$  {,on.  hzA  many  good  quaJbcbizi,,   and  thz  gloom  Z&  onz 
0)5  ouA  pKoipzAoai  young  {^oAmzu.     Thzy  havz  thz  congnjotuZationt,  and  bzi>t  wZdhzj)  oi  alZ 
iofi  a  long  and  happy  moAAlzd  ll^z. 

«*»»«»»,»*  ^^^^  2,    1905 

A  WahpeJjon  ipzcLal  iayi: . .  .Whzn  JamzA  Zatachka  and  Katiz  Owzn  oi  Lidgznwood  appzafi- 

zd  at  thz  oiiicz  o^  County  Judge  JzAitn  to  obtain  a  maAAZagz  LLczn6z  and  havz  thz  czAzmony 

pzA^ofimzd,  thzy  {,ound  thaX  Mu.   Oi^zn,     thz  mothzA  oi  Katiz,   had  tzZzphonzd  to  thz  Judge  to 

-^l^uie  thz  tlczniz  on  account  oi  KatZz'i  tzndzA  agz.     Wik.   Owzn  alio  tzlzphonzd  ShznlH 

Robblni  to  hold  thz  couplz  until  6hz  could  oA/Livz  In  Wahpzton.     ShztlH  Robblni  itantzd 

out.  to  i-ind  thz  young  pzoplz  and  locatzd  thzm  In  BAzckznAtdgz.     He  took  thzm  Zn  chaAgz 

and  16  holding  thzm  until  thz  mothzA  oi  Katiz  aAAivzi.     Thzy  ieem  to  be  taking  thz  zpl- 

iodz  06  a  hugz  jokz  and  look  ionwand  to  a  happy  zndlng  oi  thz  fioablz. 

,»«»*»,»*»  ^^^^^  2,    1905 

MAAH'APOR Thz  wzddlng  oi  S.  Vufiant  and  Ida  Rzdzjn&ky  and  Ma.   F.  VuAont  and  lli6i 

AZvlna  Rzdzmiky,  wlitch  took  placz  iomz  tlmz  ago,  wa&  madz  public  lateZy. 


On  MoAcA  2nd  at  thz  LuthzAon  poAionagz  In  Sliizton,   occuAAzd  thz  maAAtagz  oi  Ma. 
E.   C.   {>.'aAneA,   oi  Inwood,    IK.,  to  Hiii  ChAlitlana  Vallntln&on  oi  Hankin&on,  NV.,  thz  Reu. 
Ruiice  oiilctatlng.     Thz  young  couplz  Izit  ioA  thzlA  homz  at  Inwood,   lA.,   on  Tuldcuy,  MoA. 
3Ad.     T^e  contAacting  paAtlz6  oaz  vozJU.  and  iavofuiblzy  known  In  thti  county. .  .Slii^ton 
StandoAd....  ,*»*.*»»*«  ^^^  23,    1905 

Thzo  Coppln,    ioAmzfiZy  oi  Hanktn&on,  uxii  moAAlzd  to  an  z&tlrra.blz  young  lady  oi 
BakeA6vlllz,   CA. ,   on  Feb.    19th. 


MoAcA  23,    1905 

Thz  zditoA  In  a  nzlghbontng  tou)n  Auolvzd  to  tzJUi  thz  tAuth  and  nothing  but  thz 

tAuth  In  hli  local  Itzmi  and  thli  li  thz  way  hz  WAotz  up  a  wzddlng: "Thz  bnldz  wai 

boAn  oi  honzit  poAznti.     Shz  could  walk  at  4>lx  montki,  wa6  Azal  ioit  at  tzn,   and  hai, 
nzvzA  ilackznzd  hzfi  gait. 

Thz  gKoom  li  a  tAoitzd  zsnployzz  oi  StAzzt  S  WalkeA  but  zxpzcti  to  gzt  a  job  with 
Bum  S  lahl&tlz  ioon.     Thz  happy  couplz  will  be  at  homz  with  thz  old  man  until  thzy  oaz 
kicked  out.  *«*»«»««*«  ^^j^j^  23,    1905 


Tfie  moA/ujige.  o^  fKoA  J.  VzbbiMX  and  Hi&i  Mo/qr  Witt  occvJVitd  ttuJ>  mo^uving  at  thz 
fiome  o{,  tkz  bAAjdt'/>  paAznt6,  Ma.,  and  MA^.  CanZ  Witt,   noiXh  o^  town,  tn  tkt  pKUznce. 
0]$  a  mmbzfi  o^  JielatX.vzJi  and  lfu.e.nd6.     The.  young  ptoptz  oAz  wttl  and  lavoKobZy  knoMn, 
thz  bKidz  having  KuZdzd  i.n  Ziditand  County  ^Znce.  cSUZdhood.     Shz  Xi  kighiy  zstzzmzd 
($0A.  hz^  many  zxczLiznt  quaJUtlu.     Thz  gnxiom  t&  a  young  man  o{,  high  itanding  among  ka> 
aaquatntznaz& ,   and  aZZ  join  tn  MUhZng  thz  happy  coupZz     a  long  and  happy  maAAtzd  Li{,z. 

«.«*.»»*«»  fj^^^  23,    1905 

PztzA  L.  SchuJUhzli  ha&  bKought  an  action  ^OA.  dlvoficz  agatn&t  hit,  m.{^z,   Vzaxt  Sck- 
utthzld.     Thz  ^twmoKii  ll,  fuinnlng  tn  a  liJakpzton  papzn.. 

UiU6  Emma  Enjandt  0|J  tkii  placz  MLi  KzczntZy  maHfUzd  to  a  Wi.  Nlckzlti.     HeA  {^nlzndi 
extznd  congAxituZattoni .  «»•«»««»»*  MoA-di  30     1905 

ELWA One  o{,  Elma'6  b^dz&  wai  KzczntZy  pxzizntzd  uiHh  a  cAOii,-cut  iou)  and  ano- 

thzA.  with    a  {,oafL  hofuz  hoAAou).     ()Jhat'6  thz  mattzfi  tulth  u&? 

HANTAVOTi. . .  .Thz  u)zdding  o{,  Joizph  M.   Hai^^neA  to  Hil>6  Uagglz  Kfiump  l&  izt  iofi  June 

6th.     Both  oJtz  popuZaA  young  pzoplz. 

»»,»,»«»««  ^p^^^  27,    7905 

GREAT  BEhiV Ma.   Ed  lolZ   [VoU.  ?)   and  Ulii  Hinnlz  Laboda  weAe  moAAlzd  on  WzdneJ>day, 

kpnJUi  26th.  »»♦*»«»«*«  f^^y  4^    j9(,5 

GREAT  BEMP CoaZ  Szba  li>  on  thz  moMlagz  tiit.     He  li  to  be  moMlzd  tka>  weefe 

l(,  thz  lady  dozi>n't  ckangz  hzM.  mind. 

**********  }iai!  4,    7905 

Tfie  mannJjagz  oi  Cka6.  Stach  to  knniz  Bladou)  wa4  iolzmntzzd  Tuz&day  zvzning  at  thz 
homz  0(5  thz  gnoom  on  thz  iouth  itdz,  In  thz  pfiej>znc.z  oi  a  ($ew  {^Hltndi. 

**********  Uay  4,    7905 

Tfie  mafoUagz  o^  Rev.   J.   KozKbzfi  to  Mcii  Etna  Bladou)  woi  tolzmnlzzd  Tuziday  moAntng 
at  thz  homz  o{^  Ma.  and  Ma4.   kaguit  AbAxiham,  Rev.  Hltgzndo^  pz^{,ofimlng  thz  czn.zmony. 
Thz  gloom  hoi   ioK  a  coaplz  o^  yzoAi  bzzn  pa&ton.  o^  thz  Gz/iman  lathzAan  ChuAch  hzfiz  and 
thz  bfildz  fuu  izktdzd  In  Richland  County  all  hzA  lliz. 

Immzdlatzty  thz  czAzmony  thz  nmly  moAfilzd  couplz  Izit  on  thz  Sac  tAoln 
ion.  VltXAbuAg,   PA.,  wfieAe  thz  gAoom  mil  oiiumz  thz  poitoAotz  o(,  a  Izadlng  chuAch  o{, 
thz  LuthzAan  {,alth.     Thzy  wzAz  accompanlzd  on  thz  jovjinzy  by  thz  gAoom' 6  i>u,tzA  who  will 
go  to  Wew  Vonk  itatz  and  act  ai  hoa&z  kzzpzA  ioA  anothzA  bAothzA. 

*»»«***«»«  Mcu/  25,    7905 

GREAT  BEWP Indications  oAz  oat  that  BzAthold  IIzXIjOW  will  be  maAAlzd  iomz  tlmz 

thl^  month.  «**«»«»«*«  H^^^,  25     7905 


L.   J.   ZcttzA'i  Hanlvinion  ifvi^judi,  vuJUi  6e  pttcuzd  to  lexiAn  Oj^  fu^  moAAlage.  cut  CouAt- 
znay  on  Tuuday  o^  tkli  weefe  to  a  Hui  Hofin.     Thz  bildz  JU  a  o^  a  pfiomlmnt 
Statiman  County  iamity,   and  tkz  gfioom  aj,  iald  to  havz  p/w6peAzd  In  mofiz  u^ayi,  than  one 
4-cnce  Izavlng  heAz  iomz.  {lOUA  yzafu,  ago.     Tht  bfildal  couplz.  tz^t  on  Soo  tfuUn  107  on  a 
tnlp  to  the.  homt  ol  Wi.   ZUteA'i  pattnti,  at  Dayton,  WA. 

**********  May  25,    1905 

Quctz  a  numbeA  0){  KtlatLvoj,  and  dnlzndi   (jAom  town  wznt  out  to  thz  HthmzA  howz  TueA- 
day  to  attend  the  NeJmeA  -  Ilettow  wedding.     The  btvide,  Ulii  hlinnte  MehmeA,  Li>  a  daugh- 
ter. 0(5  Ma.,  and  \^JU>.  Wm.   NehmeA,  and  the  gfioom,  Ma.   BzAthold  Itettow,   a  hi.ghZij  leMpected 
young  {^oAmeA  Ae^iiding  neon.  GKeat  Bend.     Both  one  well  known  and  higlity  fie^pected  young 
people  who  have  fiei>tded  in  KlchZand  County  the  gfieateJi  poAt  Oi$  theJji  LLve^,   and  have 
ho6ti  0(5  IfiLendM  who  extend  htanty  congfiatuZaJxoni> .     OveA  iixty  iamitie^  attended  the 
we.dding  {,eAtlvAJU.ej>  which  zontinuzd  ^oK  a  couple  oi  dayi. 

**********  June  1,    1905 

Rumou  oAe  out  that  John  WonnzJi,   Ji. ,  wai>  moMted  at  KapeAvllZe,   IL.     We  w-i&h  htm 
much  joy  and  happtneMi  through  lli^e' i  jouAney  l^  the  Aepofit  aj,  conAect. 
...GREAT  BEWP....  **********  j^^   j^    jg^5 

MA\rrAPOR. .  ..One  o^  the  biggest  weddlngi  even,  celebmated  tn  thti  vtclntty  occuAAe.d 
on  Tuesday  0(J  thii,  week  at  the  home  of;  l^iA.  and  A^.  Wm.   Ne.hmeA  iouthea^t  oi  town,  the 
contAacttng  pantleM  beting  UiJ>6  Utnnie  NehmeA  and  Ha.  BeAtliold  lletZow.     Rev.  HtZgendoAf, 
peA{,oAjmed  the  ceAemony  tn  the  pAe^ence  o^  neoAly  150  {^Aie-ndi  and  AeZative^. 

The  ieJittvltieA  that  {^olZowtd  wtlZ  long  be  KemejnbeAed  by  the  loAge  poAty  o{,  gueAti 
that  poAttctpated.     The  young  couple  have  the  be^iit  wikheJi  oi  oJUi  ioA  a  long  and  happy 
moAAted  Hie.  **********  j^^  j     j9P5 

TEH  /EARS  AGO  Cohmn Mj,i>  Otive  M.   Hayden  and  OtU  V.   FoAte  weAe  moAAted  at 

Helena,  MT.  **********  j^^^^  g     j9^5 

Inv-LtaJU-on^  oAe  out  ioA  the  wedding  oi  f-liii  Sana  HaAie  VedeAAon  to  Choi.   Van  hilll, 
which  happy  event  will  occuA  at  the  home  o^  the  bntde'i  poAentk,  Ha.   and  Hfu,.   U.   Ved- 
eA&on,   on  June  29th.  **********  j^^  ^     jg^^ 

The  moAAiage  oi  Joseph  M.   Ha^neA  to  Hi^i  Haggte  KAump  occuAAed  Tuesday  monntng 

at  St.   VeteA  6  Paul' &  ChuAch  In  HantadoA,   Rev.   Jo4>.   F.  Studnicka  oHlclating.     The 

ceAemony  wai,   followed  by  an  eZaboAote  ceZebAation    at  the  hom.e  o^  the  bAide' i>  paAentk 

Ha.   and  Ham.   VeteA  KAimp,  In  which  a  loAge  numbeA  o^  ^nlendi  o{,  the  contAacttng  paAtiei 

paAttclpated.     The  bnlde  -ii  a  popdLoA  young  lady  oi  the  nelghbonhood  In  which  &ht  hoi 

tived  ioA  yeoAi,  and  the  gAoom  ii  a  pAo^ipeAoui,  young  ioAmeA  ne.aA  HooAeton. 

**********  j^^g,  g^    j9^5 

Invttation&  aAe  out  ioA  the  weddtng  oi  klbeAt  ?Aibbenow  and  AiUA  Lena  VetAzt  on 
the.  15th  oi  thii  month. 

The.  p^ApzctLvz  gfwom  -66  a.  pncmLnznt  ijoung  {^anmzA  oi  Gfizzn^eZd  Towrukip. 

**********  Junz  S,    1905 

The  maAAAXtge.  o{,  AZbzAX-  Pfu,bbej^ow  to  Hui  Lzna  VnJjbit  taku  place.  thi&  moArUng  cut 
ihz  LuthzAAn  Chu/ich,   Rev.  U^gendoA{i  o^jj/cctoicng.     The  young  people  have  a  IxxAge  cJjidie 
oi  {^ejndit  who  txtend  congfuituZxUAjoni,  and  be/>t  viikhej,.     They  vuZl  make  theJJi  home  -in 
GKze.nileJid  Tou)ru>kip. 


June  75,    7905 

H,  C.  PoMlou)  and  (^xi{^e  KttixJined  thl&  mohnlng  dhom  {)lzndell.,  MM.,  wheAe  they  attended 
the.  uiedding  ye^teAday  oi  fay  PoA&lou}  to  McAi  MaAy  L.  ki,h. 

The  b-tlde  -Lb  the  dauglvteA  o{,  a  pAX)minent  {^oAmeA.  ntoA  WzndelZ  and  thz  gfwom  woi  {^oK 
teveAJxl  yeafu,  a  Ke^ldtrvt  oi>on,  wheAz  Kii,  ^fiivtidA  and  well  uil&heA&  ajiz  nimbeAed 
by  the  i,coKt.     He  ^i  now  Soo  agent  at  Hodman,  MN.,  wheAz  thz  happy  couple  uiilZ  make 
the/Ji  iutuxe  home.  **********  j^^  J5     jg^5 

A  Chicago  ChuAck  will  today  be  the  iczne  oi  the  moAAlage  oi  one  o^  Hanklnson'i 
moit  populoA  young  boilneM  men,  when  Guy  L.   lAeland  wllZ  lejod  to  the.  aZtoA  hlUi  Be/Uha 
Kllllngi,   daughteA  o^  a  pAomlnent  Chicago  iamily.     The  gKoom  ha6  been  a  fizAldent  oi  ouA 
city  ioA  about  two  yzau  and  li>  at  the  head  oi  one  oi  ouA  leading  bu&lnz(>6   ilAim.     He 
l6  highly  esteemed  and  occupies  an  enviable.  po4>ltlon  In  the.  bui>lne^6  atxd  ioclal  clnclz& 
oi  the  community. 

M^.  and  fAu.   lAeJUmd  will  oAnlve  In  Hankln&on  the  latteA  pant  oi  the  week,  and  ioA 
the.  pieMervt  will  take  apoAtmentt,  In  the  Heting  home.     LateA  In  the  ^eaion  they  wilt 
occupy  a  palatial,  home  on  the.  coKneA  opposite  J.  A.  VwyeA'i  Azildence,  which  hiA.   lAeland 
111  planning  to  bulZd  duAlng  the  iummeA. 

The.  bziit  wl&hz6  oi  all  aA.e  extended  to  the  happy  couple,  and  thzy  wilt  be  a  welcome 

addlXlon  to  the  maAAled  iociaZ  heX.  oi  ouA  city. 

**********  j^^  j5^    j9^5 

It  ll>  Humoied  that  Va.  SheJUand  l6  to  be  maAAled  today,   but  none  oi  hii   inlends 
4eem  to  know  the  name  oi  the  bfilde-to-be.     While  poAtlcuLoAi  oi  the  happy  event  ate  not 
obtainable,  the  docJioA'i   iAlendi  In  Hanklmon  extend  hejxAtlut  congAatulatlom  and  beAt 
wl&he^.  **********  J^^^  j5^    j9(,5 

Va.  J,  T.  ShelZand,    iomeAliy  oi  Hankln&on,   and  Uiii  Etta  G.   CaApznteA  weAe  maAAled 

at  the  home  oi  the  bhlde'i   iaXheA,   Hon.   V.  A.   CoHpenteA,   at  Sauk  CentAe,  MW.,   on  June 

14th,  the  ceAemony  being  peAioAnied  by  Rev.  J.  C.  ShelZand,    iatheA  oi  the  gAoom.     The  wai  a  teacheA  In  the  Hankln.6on  ichooli,   ioA  a  couple  oi  yeaA&  and  the  happy  couple 

have  many  inlendi  heAe  who  extend  beAt  wlihe6. 

**********  jj^g  22,    J905 


Tlili  a{,teAnoon,  at  the.  komt  oi  the.  bfbidt' &  paAznt&,  Ma.  and  l^ifu.  M.  FadM^m, 
nzan.  VeAnon,  occu/u,  thz  moAAlagz  o^  theyOi  daughtzA  Sana  MaAle.  to  Ma.  Chaj,  VanMLtl 
Tht  nwty  wtddzd  couple.  oAe  welZ  knoim  young  people,  and  numbeA  tkeiA  {^Kizndd  and 
uJzLi  uU^heM  by  thz  icoAz.  «»*«»«,»»»  j^^  ^^     ^^^^ 

FAxencii  o^  thz  bfiidz  Kzczlvzd  inv.itatU.on6  thu  u'eefe  to  thz  wzddlng  oi  Kil66  Many 
Roonzy  and  John  J.  Jung,  to  takz  placz  yzdtznday  a^tzAnoon  at  PanAzaa,  MM.     Thz  bKldz 
taught  thz  MaAqwaAdt  ichooZ  In  ZAightwood  Town6hcp,    {^oh.  a  couplz  o^  yzoAi  and  madz  many 
iAizndii  In  thz  locjxJUty    Mho  takz  plZjOSuAz  In  zxtzndlng  bzit  uxlihzA   ion.  {^uZuAz  happlnz^i. 

**********  June  29,    1905 

A  quA^zt  wzddlng  took  placz  at  thz  homz  oi  M.   and  Wii>.  Wm.   MoAquaAdt  In  Bnlghtwood 
Toumihlp  on  SatuAday  a^tzAnoon,   thz  corvOiacXlng  pantlzM   bzing  tUM  Habzl  HoAtln  and    Ma. 
Ralph  HoAquoAdt.     Rzv.   WkiXcomb  pzA^oAJuzd  thz  czAzjnony  In  thz  pn.zi>zncz  oi  thz  iajhily 
and  a  ^m'  IntAjnatz  iAyizndi. 

,         Thz  bnxdz  ti  a  Kzcznt  oAAcvaZ  i$Aom  Oklahoma  and  thz  gAoom  -ci  a  -ion  o^  thz  zitlmablz 
couplz  at  Mhoiz  homz  thz  wzdding  cccuAAzd.     Hz  hat,  gnown  up  In  TUchland  County  and  ion 
thz  lobt  thAzz  t/eoAi  ujai  a  ioldlzn  In  thz  AzguZoA  anmy  In  thz  ?hUJ.pplnzM .     Thzu,  havz 
tJiz  congnatulaXconi  and  bz^t  uiUhzi  o{  many  old  nelgkboAi  and  {/Lcznds. 

**********  June  29,    1905 

CREENFJELV 0.  J.  RonnzZl  and  Ma&.   Edith  Layton  weAe  mafiAlzd  at  TzAgai   Taiti,  MW. , 

Tuesday  and  oAAivzd  homz  yzAtznday.     Thzy  waIZ  nzildz  on  thz  gnoom'i   {,aAin  In  GA.zzn{^zld. 
Thz  bnldz  Xm  a  daughtzA  o^  thz  latz  Samuzl  Tyion  and  hoi,  ipznt  thz  gnzatzK  pant  oi  hzn 
tiiz  In  Richland  County.  **»***«*»«  ^  „     ^     ^^^^ 

l^ioAnlzd,   at  thz  komz  oi  thz  bnldz'i  poAznti,   Ma.   and  Mm.   N.   PzdzAion,   on  ThuA&day, 
thzln  daaghtzA  Sana  Manlz  and  Ma.   Cha6.   VanMLll.     Thz&z  young  pzoplz  anz  wzll  and  iav- 
ably  known  and  6conzi  oi  {,nlzndi  wlkh  thzm  a  happy  and  pAoipzAouA  ll^z.     Thzy  wznz  thz 
nzclplznti  oi  a  numbzn  o^  handiomz  pnzAznti.     About  thlnty  guz^ti  wznz  pnz^znt. 
....GREENFIELV....  **********  j^^  ^^    j^^^ 

EnnzAt  Tlocovltz  and  IUm  Etilz  Knxmzn  anz  to  be  mannlzd  at  thz  Gznman  Evangzllcal 
ChuAch  nzxt  Wzdnz&day.     Thz  pno^pzctlvz  bnldz  iM  a  daughtzn  o^  Mm.  John  Lotzzn  o{,  thl& 
city,   and  thz  gnoom  li  a  pno^pzAouj,    ianmzn  o^  Sunnyildz,  iouthsMZJ>t  o^  lldgznvcood. 

**********  July  n,    1905 

Thz  moAAljagz  o^  Ennzit  Vlocovitz  to  MUii  Elilz  KnamzA  occuAAzd  yzMtznday  cut  thz 

Gznman  Evangztical  CkuAch,   Reu.   Kunz  pznionjnlng  thz  cznzjnony.     Thz  bnldz  li  a  daughtzn 

oi  Ma&.  John  Lotzzn  o{,  thlk  clXy,   and  thz  gnoom  U>  a  ianmzA  iouthwzAt  o^  Lldgznwcod, 

whzAz  thz  couplz  will  nzildz. 

**********  July  20,    1905 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column Thz  mannlagz  o^  E.   A.   King  and  Ml&i  Hulda  Schnozdzn  occuAA- 
zd on  July  2nd.      [1S95]  **t*******  j^     20  7905 


GREAT  BtWP IJiOAXind,   Tuesday,   July  IStk,   Mc64  Ucwtha  HeJjdniiA  to  Ma..   Hunman  Stoltz- 

nou),   both  0^  GfizjaX  Bend.     Rev.   E.   F.   Mou-cu^  oi5  LidgzAwood  pzA^oAmzd  the.  ceAejnony.     We 
wcih  thz  happy  cowptt  a.  ivng  and  happy  mafOiizd  Za.{^z. 

**********  juZy  27,    J905 

Tht  manJiiage.  ot$  Hiii  Sab-ina  R.  BeAnoAd  to  Wm.  ICinn  wUUL  taka  place,  on  Thu/U)day, 
Auguit  ]Otk,  at  St.  Joe  ChuAch.  A  neaeption  wiZl  iollow  at  the  home  oi  the' 6 
mothex,  Maa.  PtteA  BeAnoAd. 

t   ********  *  Awgoit  3,    1905 

TEW  YEARS  AGO  COLUMN EdwoAd  CoppZn  and  HUi  Anna  S.   HoikXn6  wefiz  moAAitd.     The 

gAoom  AM  the  ^atken.  o^  the  Copp-Ln  bAotheA&  u)e^t  o{,  town  and  li  now  living  In  old  Eng- 

Augu6t  3,    1905 

land,   hli  naXlvt  land.  ********** 

A  veAy  pAeXty  wzddlng  oacoAAed  at  the  homt  o{,  Wa.  and  Hai,.  E.   L.  Kinney  Wednesday 

a^teAnoon  wfien  thelt  niece,   Mc44  Blanche  A.  Kinney,  woi  united  in  maAAA.age  to  Ma.  Win- 
{yieZd  A.   Rowe  oi  FaAgo,   Rev.   H.   E.  WalkeA  Aeading  the  ieAvice  in  the  pKc&ence  oi  a  iei^ 
invited  gue^ti.     The  di^eAent  Aoomi  oi  the  home.  wcAe  toitc^ully  decoAoted  ^ok  the  occ- 
asion.    The  bay  tAXindou  o{^  the  back  paAloA  wa&  a  veAitable  boweA  o{,  golden-Aod.     TAom 
the  centtA  suspended  a  ^lippeA  iiZled  with  meet  peaj>.     At  the  cloie  0|$  the  iinging  of, 
that  impAes6ive  6olo  "Oh  ?Aomi6e  Me."  iung  by  Ma.   ChoAles  RogeAi,  h'^6  Vhlce  played  the 
bAidal  maAch  {^Aom  "  LohengAim"  which  announced  the  coming  oi  the  bAidal  poAty  who  entzA- 
ed  the.  Aoom  unattended,  itanding  in  the  centzA  o{,  the  bay-window,  wheAe  they  weAe  met 
by  the  oHiclatxng  cZeAgyman.     A^teA  a  ihofit  but  lmpAeJ>iive  ieAvice  they  deceived  the 
ccngAotuZatiom  and  bat  wa>heJ>  o{i  the  ^Aiendi  pKeJ>ent. 

Shontly  a{^teA,  the  guati  weAe  invited  to  the  dtning  Aoom  which  gfiezted  the  eye  in 
a  moit  attAactive  manneA.     Faow  the  ctnteA  o^  the  cetting  impended  a  loAge  bunch  o{, 
white  Aibbon  loopi   {,Aom  which  extended  {,oua  endi  terminated  at  each  coAneA  oi  the  table 
in  a  bow  {pitied  with,  paniies.     Vainty  AeiAet^hmentA  weAe  ieAved  {^Aom  a  well  appointed 
table  which  weAe  {^uZZy  enjoyed. 

The  bAlde  wa&  choAmingly  gowned  in  white  PeA&ian  lawn  tAimmed  with  lace  and  Aibbon. 
The  going  away  gown  woi  bAown  6ilk  with  hat  to  match. 

Ma.   and  Ma4.   Rowe  le^t  on  the  evening  tAoin  ioA  theiA  ^utuAe  home  in  FoAgo,   W. 

**********  August  10,    1905 


l^onday  a{iteAnoon,  A.  J.   Vunham  and  Ma6.   E^zate^  Dunham  o{  VeVillo  Township  weAe 
moAAied  by  Judge  JzA&in  0($  the  county  cou/it. 

MoAe  than  thtnty  yeaAi>  ago  these  people  weAe  happily  maAAied  in  an  eastern  itate. 

They  came  to  Richland  County  mo  fie  than  twenty  yeoAS  ago,   and  opened  a  ZoAge  ftOAm,  AOASed 

a  nice  iamily  and  pAoipeAed.     Eat  the  izApent  cAept  in,  mc&undeMtandingi  oAOie,  and 

Ma..   Dunham  le{,t  the  home  wkicii  his  labor  had  established. 


SJ.X  yzcvu,  ago  Vunham  tz{^.t  iht  countAy,  and  M^.  Vimhan  iuzd  loi  divoKco.  on  gAoand& 
o{i  deAeJution.     S/ie  izcuAtd  the.  divoAcz,   but  that  did  not  bnlng  happtnUi.      ^eoAi  paMzd 
and  both  KtllQ.cX.zd.     ThexK  dliifieyicu  gKadaaMy  gievo  imattzA  until  thty  {^nalZy  dU- 

Ont  day  Vunkam,  tkinking  o{i  Ivii   {^ajaiJiy  tn  tkz  wut  Mfiotz  tkzm  a  Izttzfi.     An  aniwzK 
w<x4  KoXuAntd,  and  he.  wKotz  again.     Letter  lollowtd  leXteA,   and  In  one.  woi  an  Invitation 
to  vti>lt  the.  old  home.     Vunham  took  the  lokteMt  fialn  ioK  the.  weJ>t. 

Hz  and  M'l^.  Vunham  talked  It  all  oveA,  and  they  decided  they  had  made  many  mi6ta}iz6 
and  they  would  Kectl^y  them.     They  came  to  Wahpeton,  and  tkeln.  manxiage  end*  all.     Mny 

old  {,Aj.endi  extznd  congfuxtulxutlom,  and  bzit  iA)l6he^   ioK  the  iutuAe Globe 

»»»».«»»»*  AuguAt  )0,    1905 

Wm.   Klnn  and  liii,i,  Sablna  R,   EeAnoAd  oAe  to  be  mafifiled  at  St.   Joe' 6  ChuAch  neoA  Gfieat 
Bznd  today.     A  deception  will  (^olZow  at  the  home  o^  the  bfiide' i  mothzK,  Mu.   Pzte/i  BeAn- 
ojvd.     Thz  young  pzoplz  ojie  well  and  {^avoiably  known  and  all  unite  In  wl6hing  tlizm  much 
moAAlzd  happinzM.  **********  August  10,    1905 

THEEVE Thz  wedding  ojj  Wm.    Klnn  and  Mc44  Sabina  H.   BzAnaAd  loJ>t  ThuAiday  wni  attznd- 

zd  by  a  loAgz  numbzA  OjJ  {^Aizndi  ^Aom  thli  vicinity.  Thz  wzddlng  occuAAzd  at  thz  St.  Joz 
ChuAch  and  wa6  iollowzd  by  the  uAual  {^zitivitleJi  at  the  homz  o{i  thz  bfUde'i  mothex,  l\u, . 
VeteA  BzAnaAd.     Thz  young  pzoplz  havz  thz  congAatulationi>  and  bz6t  wi6hz^  oi  all. 

**********  Aaga4;t  17,1905 

Rzv.  Joi.   F.  Studnicka  pzAionmzd  the  ceAesnony  on  Uonduay,   Oct.   9th,  which  united  in 
moAAiagz  Ma.   William  limmeAman  and  Hu>4>  Kate  Thtll.     The  moAAiagz  took  placz  at  thz  VaA- 
ijih  Hoa&z  in  thz  pAz&zncz  o^  immediate  AelativeJi. 

Thz  bAldz  wai  chaAmlngly  gownzd  in  pzaAl  gAzy  and  caAAtzd  puAplz  a^tzAA.     The  happy 
couple  afiz  well  known  and  havz  a  ho6t  0|J  iniend^  who  join  in  zxtzndlng  congfiatulationA 
and  bzit  wi^hzi.     Thzy  will  makz  thelA  home  in  Hanktn&on  and  havz  gonz  to  hou&z  kzzping 
in  thz  cottage  {^oAmzAly  occupied  by  thz  J.  V.   CAzene  iamilij. 

**********  OctobzA  12,    1905 

A.    F.   BzAndt,   onz  o^  Elma'6  pAoipeAoui   {^oAmzU,   oAAlvzd  homz  ^xom  Wahpeton  today 

with  a  bnldz  in  thz  peA&on  o{,  an  estimable  young  lady  ^nxim  Iowa.  Thz  gAoom'i   {i/iizndl, 
aJiz  pAzpaAlng  to  zxtznd  a  {fitting  wzlcomz  to  thz  young  couplz. 

**********  OctobzA  19,    1905 

tAi66  fJiaggiz  BAz&naham  and  Ua.   Ohman  Gowan,   populoA  young  pzoplz,  wzAz  maAAizd  at 
thz  Gowan  homz  zoit  o{,  town  loit  SatuAday.     Jnvitatiom  oAz  out  {jOA  a  Azczptlon  in 
thzlA  hcmoA  tomoKAow  [fKiday]   evening.     Thzy  havz  thz  but  wiihzi  o^  many  ^Aiendi. 

**********  OctobzA  19,    1905 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column Guita{,  Po£((a44  and  hiiM  Anna  KlauAz  wzAz  maAAizd  at  tJiz  home 

o{,  John  PoHuM  nonth  ok  town.  ,  ,        „     ,^.,. 

°  "  ^  **********  MovQjnbzA  2,    1905 


TEN  y^ARS  AGO  Column. ..  Ail&i  MaAtha  l^zd^ymatd  and  HeA.maja  Lobenow  weAe  mafifu,zd  at 

thz  CoAman  EvangeZicaZ  ChuAch. 

•»*«»**»*»  WovembcA  2,    1905 

?fw(i.  Goltiiick'^  OnchzMtXa  ^uAyiuh^d  muiic  ioK  the.  we.ddLing  o^  ZickoAd  Bohn  and 

Annnda   MueMcA  necw.  GkzoX.  Bznd, 

«*««»»«»»♦  UovdjnbeA  2,    1905 

T/ie  wzddZng  o^  UUi  CafiJiit  EtZZe.  WagneA  and  HeAboxt  L.   Hankin&on  took  placz  at  Hinn- 
(lapotik.     The.  gn.oom  Zi  a  6on  0)$  Hon.   R.  H,  Hankinion  and  Jj,  now  a  pfL06peA0iU>  comml6Alon 

man  o{,  the.  flovJi  City.    [1895]       ********** 

NovmbeA  1,    1905 

GREAT  BEND.  ...Aug.  BeAndt,  who  l&  weJUi  known  oAound  Gtiexit  Bend,  got  moAJiitd  to  an 
Iowa  gViZ  and  wWL  ieXtte.  down  and  itoAt  to  (oAmlng  on  a  icale.. 

**********  UovejnbzA  1,    1905 

JnV'LtatLon&  oAz  out  ioK  thz  wadding  oi$  RobeAt  C.  TZtgi  to  l'iii>i  UoAtha 
The.  happy  tvent  wilt  take,  plxxcz  at  the.  LutheAan  ChuAch  In  GKtat  Bend  on  Mov.    15tk. 

The.  pAX}6pe.cttve.  gAoom  li  onz  oi  oua  highly  Ae^pzcte.d  yoang  {,aAmeA^,  and  the.  bntde- 
to-be.  the.  daughteA.  o{^  a  wzZZ  known  {family  mofi  GAzat  Bend. 

MAWTAPOR **********  UovembeA  2,    1905 

GREAT  BEWP TfieAe  wUl  be  a  wzddlng  the.  15th  of^  WovembeA  at  the  Cha6.  GhlepentAog 

home.     The  li>  theJji  daughteA.     The  GAeat  Bend  Band  will  {uAnlih  the  mui-ic 
at  the  weddtng.     We  wl&h  them  good  luck  in  advance. 

**********  Novejnben.  1,   1905 

^ANTAVOR Tfie  moAAlage  oi  RobeAt  C.  Tieg&  to  Ulii  t^loAtha  GfUepenfwg  li  announced 

to  take  place  at  the  LutheAan  ChuAch.  In  GAeat  Bend  on  Wednesday,  hlov.    15th.     The  gAoom 
who  ii  one  oi  oua  moit  highly  heMpected  young  ^aAmeAi,  hai  a  hoit  oi  intendi,  who  will 
take  pleoJiuAe  In  extending  congAatuZatlom . 

**********  Hovemben.  9,    1905 

A  Aomantlc  moAAlage  hai,  ju6t  been  announced  that  wllZ  be  o^  lnteAe/>t  heAe.     The  paA- 
tlei  oAe  Vk.  I.  B.  Gheen  and  Hln  Anna  B.  GAeene,  the  latteA  being  a  il&teA  o^  J.  V. 
GAeene  iohmeAly  o^  Hankln&on,  and  who  \il&lted  heAe  ^eveAal  weeki  the  poit  &ummeA.     The 
moAAlage  took  place  at  St.   Raul  on  June  23Ad  but  wa&  kept  a  i>ecAet  until  lxu>t  week. 
The  gAoom  li  alio  illghtly  acquainted  heAe,   having  vliited  John  V. ,  once    OA  twice.     He 
li  now  a  hoaie  iuAgeon  at  the  U.   P.  Hoipital  at  BAalneAd,  MW. 

**********  hiovembefi  16,   1905 

MANTAPOR ChoAlei  Witt.,   J/l.,   and  Mc44  Uinnle  SandeA  weAe  moAAled  at  the  bnlde'i 

home  neaA  BoAney  on  Wedneiday,   Mov.    15th,   Rev.  HUgendoAi  oHictatlng.     The  young  peo- 
ple, have  the  beit  wlihei  oi  a  hoit  oi  i^lendi. 

**********  NovembeA  16,    1905 

A  maAAiage  llceme  woi  liiued  lait  week  to  Wm.  Bohn,  J-^. ,  and  Vlii  CloAa  HolzhaueA 
both  oi  BAondenbuAg  Townihlp.       *  *  *  *  *j*^*  *  *  *  NovembeA  16,    1905 

The  moAAlagz  o{,  Wm.   Bohn,   Jn.. ,  to  fUj,i  CUUia  HolzhauA  took  place  cut  the     home  o^ 
the'i  paAenti  on  Thafuday,  Mov.   23Kd.     The  ceAemony  was  MctneMied  bij  a  iJew  (^fiiendi, 
and  u)a6  {^olZoiMed  by  the  ummxJL  ieMtivltiei .     The  young  people  ajie  well  known  and  populoA, 
the  QKoom  being  a  ion  o{^  Urn.   Eohn,   one  o^  ouA  leading  (^aAmeA&,  and  the  bKide  a  daughter  o^ 
Aki.   CoAl  PoibHlg.     We  take  pleoiuxe  i.n  extending  congKatuZatiom  and  be^t  uxUhe&. 
GREAT  BEWP ,**»*»,*»,  Vecembet  1,    1905 

^oAXied,   on  Wednesday,   Nov.   19th,   Mt&i  lUnnle  ZiegeJbnan  to  Otto  StAtiieZ,   Reu.   H^nk 
o^^ctating.     The  bKide  -ci  a  daughteA  0($  M..   and  Ma4.   F/ted  Itegelman  and  t6  one  0($  qua 
mo6t  popuZan.  young  ladles,  vokile  the  gfioom  haialoAge  cJjuile  o^  acquaintances  among  whom 
he  -16  highly  esteemed.     The  happy  couple  have  the  congKatuZatiom  and  but  wlihei  oi$  aZl. 
GREAT  BfcW »«,»»,»**»  Vecente^  7,    1905 

l/ERNON The  mafoUage  oi  fiUi  Nannie  M.   Efilandion  to  John  P.   Hovey  -ii  announced  to 

take  place  at  the  TiAhtrntad  Monwegian  Lutheran  ChuAch  on  l^onday,  Vec.    18th.     A  recept- 
ion at  the  VeAnon  HaxZ  wilZ  follow  the  ce/iemony. 

»«*,»*,»»*  PecemfaeA  7,  7905 

GREENFIELP Gnzeni^eld  iiiendi  oi  H(J>i  Edna  Gowtn  extend  congAatulatiom  on  he/i 

Accent  moAAiage  to  John  PetteA6on. 

»,»*,»*,,»  VecembeA  14,    1905 

UERNON Invitations  have  been  issued  {^oA  the  moAAiage  o{,  Visi,  Hannie  UoAie  EiZand- 

ion  to  John  P.  Hovey.     The  happy  event  wiZZ  take  place  at  the  TiAkinstad  Nonwegian  Luth- 
eAa.n  Church  on  Monday,   Vec.    ISth,  and  will  be  followed  by  a  Keception  at  the  VeAnon  Hall. 

»,»»»»«,»»  PecembeA  U,    1905 

A  quiet  wedding  took  place  at  the  home  Oj$  At/i.   and  Mw.   AZAy  Gowin  neoA  FaiAmount 
on  ThuAsday,   Nov.    23Kd,  the  contracting  paAtiei  being  thciA  daughteA  Edna  and  John 
PetteAion.  »«,*»«»*,»  VecembeA  14,    1905 

VERNON On  Monday  occuAAed  the  wedding  Oi$  John  P.   Hovey  and  Mi66  Nannie  MoAie 

EnZandion.     The  ceAemony  wai  peA^^oAmed  at  the  TiAkimtad  Norwegian  Lutheran  Chwich  south 
od  town  and  was   iolZowed  by  a  big  reception  at  the  Vervwn  HaZZ.  A  large  number  oi  invited 
guests  were  present  and  participated  in  the  {festivities.     The  young  people  are  well  known 
and  highly  respected  by  all,   and  we  take  pleasure  in  extending  congratuZations . 

***,»*,»**  Vecember  11,    1905 

A  quiet  home  wedding  occurred  at  the  home  o^  Ur.   and  hirs.  G.   E.   Coaa  at  S  PM  last 
evening  when  Rev.   H.   E.  WaikeA  pronounced  the  words  that  united  ^or  Hie,  Wittiam  A.  Gog- 
steXXer  and  Uiss  Eva  L.   Carr.     The  ceremony  was  witnessed  only  by  the  immediate  family. 

The  young  people  have  the  congratuZations  and  best  wishes  o^  a  loAge  ciAcZe  o^  friends. 
The  bride  is  a  most  estimable  lady  and  has  taken  a  prominent  paAt  in  the  social  ll^e  o{, 
the  town  during  her  residence  here.     The  groom  holds  a  trusted  position  in  the  Tarmen, 
S  lAeAchants  Bank  and  is  highly  thought  o^  in  business  circles.     The  NEWS  joins  with 


othdA  i)u.tndi>  Zn  MUhlng  Uk.   and  Mw.   Gogitz^tteA  a  long  and  pKoipz/ioui,  manxie^d  tiie.. 

«»«»»*»»»«  VtzmbeA  21,   1905 

THEEVE. .  ..Thz  moAAlagt  oi  EAvZn  W.  T^app  and  Uli,6  UyfitZt  B^acfUn  lt>  to  take,  place. 
\)ltdnej>day,  Jan.   lid,  at  tkz  home,  of,  M^.   and  Maa.  John  B/iackln,  the.  bKidz' 6  paAznti. 
The.  young  ptople.  oAc  weJil  known  and  popuJbxA  and  uulZ  have  the.  bt&t  Mii>he£i  o{)  all. 

,,»»,,«,»»  VtzejnbeA  n,    1905 

Inv-itationi  oAt  out  jJo/l  thz  moMlagz  ojj  Hlki  Uafuj  EnkeJUi  to  RobeAt  FoeLtz,  the. 
happy  zvznt  to  take,  placz  at  the.  home,  oi  the.  bnJAe.' i>  paAejfvU  at  StlleJ>  on  ThuMdojj, 
Jan.   4th.  ,,«««*»»«»  Ve.cejnbeA  U,    1905 

Invitations  havt  bezn  Ik&utd  ^OK  thz  wtdding  oi  HUi,  UyhXJLe.  Ivy  Bfiackln  to  Etivln 
W.  iKapp,  thz  happy  zvtnt  to  occuK  at  thz  home  oi  thz  bnyidz'i,  panjinti>,  M/l.  and  Ma6. 
John  Enackin,  In  iJJaZdo  Townihtp,   on  Wzdnziday,  Jan.   lid. 

**********  X)^c.^t)^  2«,    7  905 


19  0  6 

A  huj>band  amz  komt  om  zvzning  to  {find  a  note,  ttit  iofi  him  by  kl6  wl^e..     CaAzZui- 
ly  he.  opened  it  but  cu,  he  Kead  kli  fjoce  blanched.     "Uy  God!"  he  zxcialmed,  "hoM  could 
it  have  happened  60  luddenlxjV'     And  snatching  hii  coat  and  hat  he  Ka&hcd  to  a  ho&pital 
which  woM  ntan.  hiJ,  home. 

"I  want  to  iee  my  voi^e,  M'ti.   Zfwwn,  at  once.,"  he  iold  to  the.  heaA  nuAie,   "beioKe 
ihe.  goeA  undeA  the  ethe/i.     Take,  my  meMage  to  heA  at  once.."     "^Iw.  Bfiown,"  echoed  the 
nu/i&e,   "theAe  i6  no  Ma4.   B^own  hefie."     "Then  to  which  hoipital  hai  ihe  gone?"  akked 
the  dlitAeMed  husband,   "I  came  home,"  and  he  handed  the  note  to  the  nuue,  who  fiead: 
"VeoA  haiband:   I  have  gone  to  have  my  kimona  cut  out.         ...Belle." 

»»»«.»«»»»»  JanuoAy  4,    1°06 

Next  Sunday  evening,  Jan.   7th,  Wax  UzxleA,  one  o{i  ouA  local  ba&ineM  men,  will  be 
moAAicd  at  Hinnejapolii,  to  ka>i>  Sabina  Rubin&tein,   daughteA  oi  Ma.   and  Wii.  A.   Ruben- 
6tei-n  0(5  323  TouAteenth  Ave.  S.     The.  wedding  will  take  place  at  Morgan  Po6t  Hall,   coK- 
neA  oi  Hicolltt  Ave.   and  TkOid  Stficet,   at  5  ?U,  and  the  couple  will  be  "at  home"  in 
Hankin^on  a^teA  Jan.    15;(h.  «»»***»«»»  JanuoAy  4     1906 

The  moAAiage.  oi  Bivin  W.  TAapp  to  Ua>i  Myntle  Ivy  BAackin  wai,  solemnized  yeJ>teA- 

day  at  the  home  o^  the  bnide'i  poAtnti,  Wa.  and  Maa.  John  BAackin,  in  Waldo  Town&hJ.p. 

The.  ceAemony  wa&  peAiohmed  in  the  pAt&ence  oi  a  ievi  intimate  i^iendi  oi  the  contfiactlng 

paAtici,   both  oi  whom  one  well  known  and  highly  AeJ>pected  young  people.     CongAatulatiom 

and  btit  wZihei  ioK  a  long  and  happy  Hie  oAe  extende.d. 

«  ^  «««»*»»  »  JanuoAy  4,    1906 

Today,   at  the  home  oi  the  bni.dt' i>  poAenti  at  StileA,  M^4  MaAy  EnkeAi  and  RobcAt 
Foeltz  will  be  joined  in  holy  wedlock.     The.  cont/iacting  paAtie.6  aAe  well  known,  the. 
bfvide  the  daughteA  oi  Ma.  and  Maa.   Wm.   EnkeM,   ioArr^eA  Keiidentk  oi  Hankimon, 
and  the  gnoom  a  highly  Ktipected  and  induittioui  young  ioAmeA  oi  Gfieeniield  Towmhip. 
They  have  aloAge  ciAcle  oi  itiendit  who  extend  congnatuZationi,  and  but  wlihei. 

»»**»«»»,»  JanuoAy  4,    1906 

A.  J.  Theede  only  imilei  and  Icokb  wlie  when  he  ii  accused  oi  having  matAimonial 
intentions  oi  a  seAioui  natuAe.     It  ts  saie  to  bet  that  out  genial  ghxiin  bayeA  will  be 
on  hand  at  the  YaiAmount  Catholic  ChuAch  on  the  monning  oi  Tuesday  Jan.    16th. 

****THEEVE****  **********  JanuoAy  11,    1906 

EAvin  W.   TAopp  and  Hiss  UyAtle  Ivy  BAackin,  two  oi  Waldo's  popuZoA  young  people, 
weAe  joined  in  the  bonds  oi  holy  wedlock  at  the  home  oi  the' s  paAents,  Ma,   and 
Ma4.  John  BAockin,  on  the  Ind  oi  Jan.     Only  a  ieu)  iAlends  wete  present  at  the  wedding. 
May  theiA  voyage  on  the  sea  oi  mafvimony  be  a  long  and  happy  one,  is  the  wish  oi  theiA 

Jan.    11,    1906 

many  intends  and  well  wisheAS.     ********f^ 


GREENFIELD JnvAJtcutioni  oJit  oat  ioh.  tht  {^oAthwmlng  maA/Lcage.  o^  Hiii  Etlzahzth 

Wawtu  o{)  GKttn(^eXd  to  Alton  J.  Thztdz.     Jkt  wzdding  waJU.  takz  at  TaxJmount  on 
TueJ>day,   Jan.    16th.  ,»»,»»»*»,  Jancuvu)  II,    1906 

6REEWFIEI.P{fidid  ifvie.ndl,  axe.  pttoMz  to  txtznd  congfiatuZattom  on  tht  moA- 

filage.  o{,  Wm.   Ffumdt  to  HUi  Adami,  ukich  took  placz  at  thz  Hanklnion  Catkotic.  ChuAch  la^t 
Saturday  moAnlng.     The.  confiactying  paxtizM  have,  fie^tded  tn  thJj,  vZclnAXy  llnce  chctdhood 
and  axe  highly  thought  oi.  **********  Januaxy  II,    1906 

VEWOM. . .  .Maxxied. ..  .Ed.  Back  to  Enga  Oitbexg.     The  happy  evznt  took  place,  la&t 
Sunday  at  the  g^om'^  home.     A  {ew  iKiendt,  wexe.  -in  attendance,  and  all  extend  thz  beMt 
oi  uili>hz&.  **********  Januaxy  II,    1906 

VFRMON Wofid  hai  bezn  fizcelved  {,Aom  Hudolph  John&on,  noho  leit  iome  time  ago 

ioK  Kensington  that  hz  woi  manxLzd  Tuesday,  Jan.   9th,  to  Anntz  Walitxom  oi  Kznilngton. 
We  axz  juit  awaiting  hi/>  afixival. 


Januaxy  II,    1906 

Thz  maxnlagz  oi  Max  inJzxlex  to  Hil,i  Sabina  Rublmtzln  took  placz  at  Hinneapoli6 
on  Sunday  zvzning,   and  uoai,  attznded  by  a  laxgz  nwmbex  oi  ifiizndi,  oi  the  contxacting 
paxtieJ). . .  .60  many  that  the  redding  ieJitivitieM  took  placz  In  a  lafige  down  town  hall. 

Thz  buJidz  iM  a  daughtex  oi  hin..  and  UXi.  A.  Rubznitztn,  a  pfiomineyit  iamiZy  oi  thz 
Jeioi&h  colony  In  the  city,  and  the  gfioom  woa   ioK  i>zvzxat  yzoM  in  the  ztrrploy  oi  Gold- 
stein S  KulbeXg  oi  thi&  placz  but  -U  now  a  mzmbex  oi  thz  ilxm  oi  HoKouxLtz  i  Wexlex  at 
thz  ioAmzx  HaiemziitzA  itand.     Ma.  and  Uu.  WzxZex  axe  expected  to  axxivz  inom  Hinn- 
eapolli,  some  timz  next:  weefe  and  wjUUL  be  "at  homz"  -in  Hanklnion  aitex  Jan.    15th.     The 
gAoom'i  i^Uendi,  axe  pAzpaxing  to  extznd  a  hzaxty  wzlcomz  to  thz  nev^ly  wzdded  couplz. 

**********  Januaxy  11,    1906 

Rev.  ii}m.  H.  Gimblztt,    ioAjneXly  pokton.  oi  thz  Congtegattonat  ChuAch  hexz,  wot, 
maxnlzd  at  St.   TauL  on  Mew  Vzax^ i>  Vay  to  Hi&i  UaxgoAzt  C.  Mac  Izod  oi  that  city. 

**********  JanuaAy  11,    1906 

Thz  moAxlage  oi  Wm.   fxandt  and  Hi&i  Nona  Adam&  took  placz  at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch 
lobt  SatUAday  mofinlng,   Rev.  Jo6.   F.  Studnlcka  pzxioHming  thz  cexzmony. 

Thz  bfildz  AJi  a  daughtex  oi  Ma.  and  Ma4,  Joi.  Adan\&  oi  thli  placz  and  thz  gfioom  -a, 
a  fie^pzctzd  and  Induitnloui  young  iaxmex  oi  GAzzniieZd  Township.     Both  axe  highly  Azipzct- 
zd  and  have  a  host  oi  ihlzndi  who  extend  congAotuZatlonS . 

**********  Januaxy  11,    1906 

GREEWFIELP Txiznds  oi  ^ic44  ElizabeXii  iHajwzM  zxtznd  congnatulatlom,  and  bzit 

wi&hzi  on  hex  maxnlage  Tuesday  last  to  A.  J.  Thzedz  oi  Sonofia.     A  numbex  iiorn  Cxeen- 
iizld  attznded  thz  Azczptlon  on  Tuesday  evening  at  the  homz  oi  Ma.   and  Ma4.  Hznxy  Thezdz. 

**********  JanuoAjy  25,    1906 

ELMA Thz  moAXiagz  oi  C.   M.   BzAndt  and  fii&s  Anna  Cannon  took  placz  at  LldgeAwcod 


la^t  ThiiA^day,   Rev.   E.   F.   Movlui  o UlcJjitinQ .     The.  aj>  a  iliteA  oi  Wu>.  Wm.   H. 
EeJindt  and  came  hext  ^Kom  Ke.nX.ucky  tiut  Augait,  l-bice  which  tlmt  6he  hai,  trade  many 
ifbiendi.     The  gKoom  l6  a  well  known  young  ianmeA  and  enjoyi  the  eitzem  o^  all.     They 
Mill  Aej>lde  on  ike  Wm.  H.  BeAndX  ianm  du/Ung  the.  abience  oi  the  SbaXteK  on  a  vJu^JUt  iowth, 
and  will  go  to  houiekeeping  ioK  thesnielveJ,  In  the  6pfUng.     All  join  In  extending  congnnt- 
ulaXlom.  «»«*«»»*«»  JanuoAy  U,    1906 

THEBVE Alton  J.  Theede,   ouA  populoA  gfialn  buyeA,   believing  that  "It  li  not  well 

iofi  man  to  live  alone,"  hoi  taken  unto  kim&eli  ^  ^i^  poAtneA  in  the  peMon  oi  fiiii  Eliz- 
abeth WaweM,  daughter  oi  a  well  known  ioJmeA.  oi  Gfieenileld  Township. 

The  wedding  took  place  at  St.  Anthony' i  Catkotic  ChuAch  In  FalAmount  on  Tuesday 
mofinlng  at  10  AM  and  wai>  ioUowed  by  a  Keczptlon  at  the.  home  oi  h^A.  and  MA4.  HeyiAy  Theede. 
The  young  people  have  the  be6t  ulihe^  oi  all. 

**********  JanuoAi,  n,    1906 

MMTAVOR. .  .The  iaylng  l&,   "GeXtlng  maMled  16  only  an  evtfuj  day  occuAAence,"  but 
thl6  l6n't  the  coie  In  ouA  town  a6  It  only  occuAi  once  In  365  dayi  heJie.     Titii  yean.  It 
occuAAtd  on  Jan.   10th,  when  the  bondi,  oi  matnlmony  united  thz  heanti  oi  Ulii  CloAa 
Beagle  and  John  FetteAi   ioA  Hie. 

**»»»**,,»  JonuoAw  IS,    1906 

One  oi  the.  ^akpeXon  papeM  decently  had  an  account  oi  a  illveA  wedding  annlveAiafuf 
neaA  Vwlght,  and  It  wai  itattd  that  thli  wai  the  f/JUt  couple  moAAled  In  Zichland  County 
to  celebAote  theJji  tviejntyilith  onnlveAioAy. 

Two  well  known  couplej>  oi  BfuindenbuAg  claim  pAlonlty  oveA  the  Vwlght  couple 

Ua.  and  M^,  AlbeAt  Bohn,  who  weAe  miAAie.d  In  1S76,  and  Ma.,   and  Ma4.  Augu&t  Hoeii,  who 
weAe.  maAAled  In  U77,  both  In  BAandenbuAg.     Ate.  theAe  any  otheAi? 

**********  JanuaAy  IS,    1906 

GREAT  li,  Aepofited  that  RobeAt  Hohi,  one  oi  ouA  Ae^pected  young  ioAmeAi 
li  to  be  maAAled  ioon.     We  wlih  him  good  lack  In  advance. 

**********  JanuaAy  25,    1906 


MAWPAN  PIONEER:     A  veAy  pAelty  home  wedding  occuAAed  at  the  Ae^ldznce  oi  l-'A.  and 
Hu.   Ohln  AUoAtcht  In  thl&  city,   on  Tuesday  evening  at  S  ?U  when  Hu>6  Be.ulah  J  delta 
Rui>6ell  and  M^.   Eduiin  Claude  SmiXh  weAe  united  In  mahAlage.  by  Rev.  BAeoAley  oi  the 
?Ae6byteAlan  Chutch.     Only  a  ^ew  iAiendi  oi  the  contAacting  poAtiei  weAe  pAeAent.     At 
10  o'clock  6uppeA  wai  ieAved  at  the  JnteA-Ocean  Caie  to  the  happy  couple  and  thelt  intends. 

The  bnlde,  who  -ci  a  il&teA  oi  Aiw.  AlbAeckt,  li  a  veAij  atttactlve  and  chaAming 
young  lady,  and  li  held  In  the  highest  esteem  by  heA  many  ihlendi.     She  wai  an  occasional 
vliltoA  In  Handan  but  duAlng  theie  bAiei  ^li>lli  made  many  iAiendi  who  oAe  delighted  to 
congnatulate  heA  on  heA  new  Aelatlom  In  Hie. 

W^.  Smith,  the  gAoom,  li  manageA  oi  a  lumbeA  yoAd  at  Kemal,   NV.,   and  li  AcgoAdtd 


06  a  bfu-ght  and  young  man  uiLth  an  zxceZtcnt  Ktcofid  £ofi  baiZne^i  pmh  and 

The.  happy  couptz  uuIZ  bz  at  Kdn&at,  theJA  iutuAe.  home.,  a^ten.  Vtbtwuafuj  15th. 

**********  Fefa/tuoAi/  I,    1906 

MANTAPOR..  ..Tfie  moAAlagz  0|{  MA..  Lumbatdy  and  HUi  KaXkfUna  \slWieJbnlna  Stlngtzbena 
wai>  celebfuU.e.d  at  the.  gKoom' 6  homz  last  Sunday.  The  moMlage.  cexemony  wa6  peAionjne.d  by 
Hat  Jo&t,  Jtiitice  oi  the.  Teace.  The  xeceptlon  woi,  ceAXalnty  the  mat  enjoyable  exper- 
ienced by  the  people  o^  tkl6  vloinlXy  ion  a  long  while  pcu>t. 

**********  Tzbtwxouj  1,    1906 

ELHA....The  moAtiage.  o^  B>  Jahnke  and  Hui  Lucy  ScnkbeAZ  woi  solemnized  at 
the  LutheAMi  ChuAch  oveA  In  HlnneAota  Town&hlp  on  Wednesday,  Rev.  ClouteA  o{,{rlclating. 
TheAJi  ^fu.end&   {,^m  Elma  exte.nd  congftatulatlom. 

**********  TebfumAy  22,    1906 

Two  divohceJi  weAe  gnanted  In  Vist/U-ct  Couht  at  Wahpeton  last  to  Uegna 
Paulson  ifvom  Swen  Paul  VavJLson,  who  A.esldes  southwest  o^  this  place,  and  one  to  M.  P. 
Lathwp  £Axjm  HoAlon  C.  V.   Lathfiop,  the  latteA  case  being  {^fLom  Uoofieton.     The.  cases  o{, 
BeA.3  vs.  Tlx  and  Tlx  vs.  BeAg,  Involving  locaZ  panties,  weAe  settled  out  oi  couAt. 

**********  FzbfuiaAy  22,    1906 

UoAAltd,  Ua.  Enlck  Jahnke.  to  Hiss  Uathilda  Schoanzlastlg,  last  wtek,  by  Vastoh. 
Kunz  o{,  Honfcoiion,  at  the  home  o{,  Gzo.  Jahnke. 

. . . .  UERNOW. . .  **********  ^^,^^^  ,^    7906 

The  moAAiage  oi  Hiss  Ida  Hoglund  to  Ha.  SodeAqulst  was  solemnized  VAidajy  oi  last 
weefe  at  the.  home  oi  the  bnldz' s  poAznts,  Hfi.  and  Hks.  I.  Hoglund,  west  oi  hzAz. 

Thz  czAzmony  was  peAionmzd  In  thz  pn.zsence  o{i  a  ieu}  Intonate  {,nJ.ends  oi  the  con- 
tracting poAtlzs,  both  oi  whom  oAz  wzll  known  and  highly  Kespzctzd  young  pzoplz.  Ccn- 
gnatuZatlons  and  best  wishes   ioK  a  long  and  happy  ll^z  oAz  zxtended. 

...VEWON...  **********  M^^  j^    7906 

TEN  VEARS  AGO  Column HeAman  WoAneA  and  Hiss  Emma  Bohn  weAe  moAAczd  at  Gfizat  Bend. 

(MoA.    1896)  **********  M^j^^   j^    7906 

A  pKetty  home  wedding  occuAAzd  last  evening  at  thz  home  o{,  hifi.  and  Hns.   F.   F.  Hc- 
Vkolj  just  east  oi  town  when  thzin.  daaghteA  Habel  H.  was  jolnzd  In  wedlock  to  hir.   Joseph 
J.   Green.     The  ceAzmony  was  peAioAmed  by  Rev.  W.  P.  ZickzAt  In  thz  przszncz  oi  only  thz 
Immzdlatz  relatives.     Thz  bnldz  Is  a  chanming  young  lady  who  has  grown  to  womanhood  In 
thz  community  and  numbeM  hzA  irlends  by  the  score.     The  groom  has  also  resided  hzrz 
ior  a  numbzr  oi  years  and  znj'oys  the  respect  and  esteem  oi  all. 

Thz  young  couple  will  go  to  housekzzplng  In  Hanklnson  shontly,   and  mil  be  at 

home  to  their  iriends  aitzr  Kpril  15th. 

**********  1^^^  g^    7906 


It  li  told  thaX.  a.  faJjmoimt  womxn  Kzczntty  Ka&hzd  Into  the.  tzZnQfiaph  o^^cz  and 
Iniofmtd  tkt  opeAoton.  that  heA  haiband  had  gone  to  St.   Looci  to  gzt  a  banneji  ^oK  the. 
Sunday  School,   but  ihe.  had  ioKQottzn  to  tell  hun  how  loAgz  thz  banneA  woa  to  be  and  the 
-cm  cAiption  to  be  placed  upon  aX. 

She  thtn  wKott  a  teJitQAom  contxu.ntng  tkz  tnionimtton  and  hande.d  It  to  the 
opeAotofi.     It  Kzad:  "Mi/  dejiA  Jomei.     SavoA.y  Hotel,  St.   Loul&.     Unto  u&  a  child  li,  bonn, 
zlght  ieeX  long  and  two  iteX.  uildz."    The.  haiband  li,  itill  In  St.  Louli,  and  he.  hat,  a 
n.ztuAn  ticket,  but  he  lin't  coming  back. 

6REEWFIELP VKepaAotioni  ate.  btlng  made.  ioA  the.  {^oAthcomlng  wedding  o{i  ^tc44 

LauAa  MeAiion  and  M^.  Vavld  WateAhoa&e.,  which  happy  zvznt  will  take,  place.  In  GKzenileZd 
on  ThuAiday,  MoAc/i  29th.   A  QKond  deception,   dance  and  6uppeA  will  be  held  at  VzAnon 
dating  the  zvznlng.     Thz  ptoipectlvz  bAidz  li  a  chaAmlng  young  lady  o{,  many  accompllih- 
mznti  and  thz  gKoom  to  bz  li  onz  oi  ouA  mo6t  iubitantlal  and  highly  Kz&pzctzd  lofmeJii. 

knnouncejnzrvti  oi  thz  moAfilagz  oi  ClaAzncz  AlmeAon  WlZcox  and  Annabel  Notthbtidgz 
o{,  Totbzi  have  bzzn  Kzczlvzd  by  Hanklnion  (^fUzndi  of,  thz  gtoom.     Thz  wzddlng  took  place 
at  St.   Paul  on  Taziday,  ^.ioAch  20th,   and  thz  coaplz  will  bz  at  homz  In  Wahpeton  a{^teA 
June  liit.     Thz  gtoom  woi  {^oAmeAly  In  thz  jejwzleAy  bailnzii  heAe  and  old  itizndi,  zxtznd 
congfLatulatlom.  »»»««*»»»«  ^^^^^^  22,    1906 

Thz  moAtiagz  of  Hiii  LauAa  NeAlion  and  Ha..  Vavld  WateAhoaiz  took  place  thli  moAn- 
Ing  at  thz  Congn.zgatA.onal  poAionagz,   Rev.   W.  A.   ^hlXcomb  pzA{,0Aming  thz  ceAzmony.     Thz 
gAoom  hai  oAAongzd  {oA  a  gAond  Azczption  at  VzAnon  tonight  and  will  zntzAtaln  kii   {^Alendi 
In  a  mannzA  bzilttlng  thz  occailon. 

Thz  bAldz  li  a  chaAmlng  and  highly  Azipzctzd  young  lady,   and  thz  gAoom  li  onz  o{, 
GAzzn{rield' i  bzit  known  and  molt  pAoipzAoai   foAmeAi,   ziteemzd  by  alZ  foA  hli  itzAtlng 
woAth.     Thz  MEWS  Jolni  with  a  holt  o{,  otheA  fAizndi  In  zxtznding  congAatulatlom  and 
be^t  wlAhe^.       ■  ,,,,*,,,*,  ^^^  29,    1906 

GREAT  BENP Tt  li  AzpoAtzd  that  thz  moAAiagz  of  Ua.   RobzAt  llztlow  to  hiiii 

Honda  llzgeJbnan  will  take  place  on  Hay  22nd.     Both  oAz  highly  Azipzctzd  young  pzoplz  o{, 
thii  community,   and  when  thz  pAopzA  tlmz  comei  we  will  ceAtalnly  extend  congAatulatlom . 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  COLUHM Hlii  HaAy  JahA  and  Ak.  TlobzAt  Welnkaaf,  wzAz  moMlzd 

at  thz  GzAman  ChuAch,   Rzv.  VaUbnan  officiating.      {ApAll  1S96] 

««*,*»»««,  ^p^j^  j2,    1906 

Emll  SchAozdeA  and  Hlil  EaAboAa  MewbaueA,  two  of  GAzzndalz'l  populoA  young  pzoplz 

WZAZ  moAAizd  at  Wahpeton  on  Honday  of  thZi  wzzk.     TheJJi  m.any  fAlzndi  zxtznd  bzit  wlihzi 

foA  thzAA  futoAz  happlnziii. 


Tke.y  vulZ  AUAxit  on  the.  John  Schnxxidtn.,  Sx. ,    i<vm,   and  thz  JLattfi  wlXh  kli>   {^amlly 
mlZ  movt  to  HankLnion,  whzAt  thty  havz  puAcha&e-d  a  homz. 

GfLte.n{^eJid  Township  ha6  bztn  KtdnAAJttojnzd,  and  by  edict  o^  the  county  boaxd  mJit 
heAeo-iteJi  be  known  04  6REEWPALE  Township.     This  action  was  taken  Jin  compliance  with  a. 
law  passed  by  the  last  legislature  wkicJi  provides  that  no  two  townships  In  the  state  shall 
be.aJL  thz  same  name.     TheAe  was  a.  GKeen^ZeZd  township  In  C^ggs  county  ptvioK  to  the  organ- 
ization oi  ouA  GAeenfileld.  **********  Apfiil  12     1906 

UndeA  a  new  law  pKovldlng  that  no  two  townships  In  the  state  shall  have  the  same 
name,  the  county  boand  last  week  changed  the  name  o(  GREEWFIELP  township  to  GREEMVALE, 
PARK  to  VOERR,    LIBERTY  to  LIBERT/  GROVE.     • 

**********  ^pg^      ,g^        jg^^ 

Hanklnson  {^Alends  o{,  Vfiank.  C.   Bn.ummund  ytsteAday  received  coAds  announcing  his   ioKtk- 
coming  maMlage  at  HeJOield,  SV.,  to  \iit,s  Hantha  E.  Khudt,   daughter  o^  Rev.  and  h^fis.  August 
Kludt  oi  that  place.     The  wedding  will  take  place  on  Mat/  1st.     Flank  Is  one  o^  the  Hank- 
Inson  boys  who  has  "made  good"  and  oi  whom,  the  town  may  well  ){ee£  proud,  and  a  host  o{, 
inlends  here  waJJL  extend  congratulations  at  the  propeA  time.. 

**********  ^p^j^     jg^      ,9^^ 

Alvord  Hltton  and  Celia  Bemen  weAe  moAAled  oveA  the  telephone  at  Monango  by  a  vrln- 
IsteA  at  Edgeley.     They  secuAed  a  license  In  Vlckey  County  and  when  they  got  ready  ^or  the 
marriage  the  hlonongo  minister  was  at  Edgeley. 

He  was  called  up  and  consente.d  to  periorjn  the  ceJiemony  by  telephone,  which  was  done. 
The  ^act  that  he  was  In  onotheA  county  ^rom  the  bride  and  groom  and  ^rom  which  tiie  license 
was  Issued  may  make  no  did^eAence  as  to  the  legality  o{i  the  ceremony, 

**********  ^p^^  26,    7906 

Invitations  are  out  ior  the  wedding  o{,  John  C.  Grant  and  Hiss  KatheAine  L.  Vorman, 
to  take  place  In  the  Congregational  ChuAch  In  Hanklnson  on  Wednesday  evening,  U.ay  2nd. 

**********  ^^,^  26,    J906 

Mai/  1st  was  the  date  set  ^or  the  maAAiage  of,  Erank  C.   Brummund  and  Ulss  hioAtha  E. 
Kludt  at  HeAAeld,  SV.,   but  the  sudden  death  o£  M^.  Brummund' s  mother  necessitated  a  change 
In  date,   and  the  marriage  was  quietly  solemnized  Sunday,  and  Va.  and  Urs.   Brummund  le{,t 
HeAAeld  at  once  ior  Hanklnson,  arriving  In  time  ^or  the  iuneAol  Honday  a{,teAnoon.     kiteA 
0.  short  visit  with  friends  heAt  they  leave  today  ior  Minneapolis,  and  will  be  at  home  at 
HeAAeld  a^teA  June  ISth.  **********  ^      3     j^^^ 

A  pAetty  wedding  was  solemnized  at  the  LutheAan  ChuAch  last  ThuAsday  when  Rev.  T. 
Hlnck  pronounced  the  words  that  joined  in  wedlock  Hr.   RobeAt  Iletlow  and  Ulss  Uanda  Ileg- 
elman.     The  chuAch  wa&  beautifully  decorated  and  the  ceAemony  was  witnessed  by  a  large 
numbeA  o^  invited  guests.     At  the  conclusion  o{,  the  ceAemony  the  guests  proceeded  to  the 


home  0|$  thz  bKidd,  Mhtfie,  thty  uieA^  Ajoyatiy  e.nteAX£u.ntd  urvtci  an  zaxty  kouJi  Tnlday  moHn- 
ItiQ.     Thz  bfUdal  coaplz  weAe,  thz  ^ecx.pcen^  o{,  a  nimkct  oi  beMutl^ut  Qlitk.     Thz  contAact- 
jLtlq  poAtiiUi  cuie.  well  knoim..     Thty  wcAe  both  bo Aji.  and  fuxLi,td  In  tihii  coimunOty,   and  have  a 
fiOA-C  o£  {^nlejidi  uiko  e.xtznd  HizaJl  conQfvxtataXAjonb  and  bt&t  uxuhej,  ijo-r  a  Zong  and  happy  Li^z. 
....GREAT  BEWP....  •»•«»*»»«»  Hay  17,    1906 

MOORETOW T^ank  WebeA  and  UU6  Ro4^e  HydAamp  wcAe  mwiitd  at  Wahpzton  on  Tuesday. 

**********  Hay  17,    1906 

Uiii  MeXtiz  TUndzAman,    ionmzAZy  o^  Hanklnion,  and  {^oK  a  couplz  o^  yzoAj,  a  manbzfi  o{, 
Thz  MEWS  Oj^i^ce  ioAcz,  wa6  moAnlzd  to  ChoAlzi  R.  ThatchzA  yz/>teAday  at  thz  homz  o^  hzn  pafi- 
znt6,   M/i.   and  M^.   CiCjoJi  Hindzfman,  -en  Wahpzton. 

Thz  gAoom  voai   ionmznijy  abiccJjitzd  uuMi  R.  J.  Haghz6  tn  thz  puhtic/ition  o{i  thz  Wahpzt- 
on Gazzttz,   but  nou)  hoi  a  job  -in  a  pAJ^nttng  zitabtlihmznt  at  Hinot,  whzAz  thz  couplz  mil. 
fizJildz.     Thz  bnJ-dz  hoi  many  {^filzndi,  -in  Hanklmon  who  zxtznd  congfiatuZaXZoni  and  bzit  uxli,hej). 


Thz  wcMhiagz  oi  Ma.   Lzvl  Liik  and  Hl&i  AZv-ina  KnxmzJi  took,  ptacz  at  Wahpzton  yzAitzfidcy . 
Thz  bJUdz  -u  a  i-iitzA  of,  Ma-6.  A.   E.  W-ilZafid  and  hai  taught  icJnool  In  thii  vicinity  (^ok  iomz 
-tune  poit.     Shz  -id  a  {,avonltz  among  hzA  acqualntancz-6 ,   o{i  Mhlch  6hz  hoi  a  loAgz  clAcZz. 

Thz  gncom  hoi  gAown  to  manhood  In  Richland  County,   bzlng  a  ion  oi$  hiA.  and  Uas.   C. 
Lc6fe  o{i  EljJia.     He  -i&  highly  z&tzzjnzd  by  all  who  knoM  hln\,   and  Thz  WEWS,     uxith  othzA  ^Aizndi 
takz-6  plzaiuAz  In  zxtzndlng  congAotulatlon-i  and  bz-it  lolihz-i. 

A^tzA  a  6  ho  At  vli-it  with  thz  bAidz'6  poAznt-k  at  OAtcnvlllz,  thz  nzvily  wzddzd  couplz 
Villi  AztuAn  to  Elma  Touinihlp  and  makz  thzlA  ^utuAz  homz. 

**********  Junz  U,    1906 

Paul  Halpaai  and  bAldz  took  thz  tAaln  at  Hanklnion  on  l^ondaij  ^oA  Wabasha  County,  MW., 
-Che  nuptial  knot  having  been  tlzd  at  WahpzXon  thz  dajy  pAzvloui.     Thzy  mil  latzA  vImIX  at 
Elbow  Lakz,  whzAz  thz  gAoom  may  acczpt  a  position  which  has,  been  oi^j^eAcd  him. 

A  pAztty  wzddlng  looi  czlzbAatzd  at  St.   Fhlllpi'  ChuAxih  latt  Monday  moAnlng  at  9  AM 
whzn  Hu6  Mae  EithzA  Thill,   daughtzA  o{,  Ma.  and  Haa.  J.   P.  Thill,   bzcamz  thz  bAldz  oi  Ua. 
Wm.   Hutton.     Thz  bAldz'i  only  attzndant  wai,  fU-ii  hioAy  Vlciii,  o^  LidgzAwood,   and  thz  bz6t 
man  woi  Ma.  J.   P.  ThUUL,   bAothzA  o^  thz  bAldz.     Thz  nuptial  mai,6  wai  Azad  by  Reu.   TathzA 
Studnlcka.     Thz  bAldz  lookzd  vzAy  iwzzt  gownzd  In  whltz,   and  coAAlzd  a  bAldal  bouquzt. 
Thz  bAldz&mald  wai  gownzd  -in  whitz  oAgandlz  and  coAAlzd  pink  coAnaXlon-i. 

Thz  bAldal  couplz  wzAz  izAznadzd  at  thz  homz  o{,  Ma.  and  Maa.   I-immzAman,  6-i6tzA  o{ 
thz  bAldz.     Thzy  thzn  paAtook  o^  a  wzddlng  bAzak{ia6t  a^tzA  which  thzy  wzAz  Immzdlatzly 
dAlvzn  to  thz  homz  oi$  thz  bAldz  whzAz  a  Azczptlon  wcw  glvzn. 

Thz  bAldz  wai)  {^oAinzAly  onz  oi  Richland  County' i  moit  populoA  tzachzJU,,  pAzvloia,  to 
hzA  bzlng  In  bai-inzi,6  hzAz.     Thz  gAoom  li  wzll  known  heAe  and  hoi  many  (,Alznd6. 


Thzy  It^t  iofi  theJA.  harm  at  Whctz  Hock,  SV.,   on  Ue.dnt&d€Ly  even-cng,  wheAz  Wi.  Mutton 
l6  engaged  In  ba&inui.  *     »«««««»,»  j^^^  j^     ^^^^ 

GREAT  BENV kihfit  Gabt  o^  iku  plact  and  Mc44  Uattie.  Schmidt  uJeAe.  moMtcd  on  the. 

13  at  the.  homz  o{^  tko.  bhJidt  at  Lakz  City,   MN. 

»»«»»»««*,  j^^  27,    1906 

Cha6  MahZeA  o{,  WaZdo  and  Wc64  Eti^z  EhZzAi  wzAt  unittd  In  moMlagt  on  thz  20th  at 
the.  home  o^  the  bfilde  at  lake  City,  UH. 

««*««»«»«»  jj^^  2T,    J906 

The  HEltlS  aJ,  In  fitcelpt  of,  a  tetteA  {^Aom  MA6.   John  B.  Pa66tneau  ojj  Tomahawk,  WI. 

Ak4.   Poi^Zneau  woi  iohme/dUj  Hc44  BeAtha  lOUeg,  daughter  o{,  Ma.,  and  Uu.  Geo.  KAteg  o^ 

thii  place  and  woi  mafuUed  loit  OctobeA. 

**********  June  21,   906 

HeAman  lOiau&e  and  Hw.  Stetn  uieAe  moAAted  Zoit  ThuA&day  eventng  at  the  CeAiT,an  Evan- 
geLicai  pauonage,  Rev.  Kunz  peA^oAming  the  ceAzmony. 

,,»»«»«,»»  j^^  21,    1906 

Jnvttationi,  axe  out  ion.  the  ma>iAlage  of  RobeAt  VeddeA  to  Hi&i  Mafuj  WaZZmann.     The 
wtdding  mJUi  take  place  at  the  GeAman  Evangelical  ChuAch  on  Thauday,  June  28th. 

««,«*»«««»  j^^^  21,    1906 

The  maHAlage  oi  WalteA  Mace  and  Mci^  MoKjonte  Hoiiofid  took  place  at  Maihua,   MN.,   on 
Tuesday.     The.  gfwom  lt>  a  bfiotheA  o^  Wu>.   F.  0.  HungeA  and  hai,  vl&lted  heAt  ixeqaently. 
The  Lk  aJUo  known  to  lome  of  ouA  people,  having  been  a  gue^t  at  the  HimgeA  home    a 
yeoA  ago.  «»♦«»««»»»  j^^^  28,    1906 

The  manAlage  o^  RobeAt  VeddeA  and  Mc6-i  MoAy  Wallmann  took  place  at  the  GeAman  Evan- 
geLical  Chuxch  thti,  monntng.  Rev.   Kunz  peAiotming  the  ceAemony.     The  b/vide  li  a  daughteA 
ol  yji.  and  Mx&.  CaAl  ItJallmann  o£  Bxightuiood  Touin^hlp  and  l6  a  mo6t  estimable  young  lady, 
eJiteejned  by  a  laAge  ciAcle  oi  {,fUend&.     The  gfioom  -ci  one  o^  ouA  lndu.itAloa6  and  highly 
fieykpected  young  foAmeAi,  a  ion  o^  Ut.   and  Ma4.  Wm.   VeddeA  o^  Bzlfond.     They  have  many 
{/Uendi)  who  wcih  them  much  joy  In  tketfi  moAAled  life. 

«,««««,»,«  jj^^  2S,    T906 

At  the  home  of  hin..  and  Mm.  Hickent  toit  evening  the  moAAtage  of  VeAn  Hazel  WalkeA 
to  HenAy  Roy  Ka&low  wat>  iolemnlztd.     The  ceAemony  wai>  peAlohmed  at  S:30  ?M  by  Rev.  H.  E. 
^olkeA,    fatheA  o^  the  bfUde,  In  the  pxaence  of  a  imalt  a&iemblage  of  fielativeJ>  and  Intim- 
ate {/Llendi.     following  the  ceAemony  an  InionmaZ  deception  ioK  the  newly  wedded  couple 
wa6  held. 

The  bntde  li>  the  youngest  oi  Ma.  itlalkeA'i   ilve  daughter  and  duAtng  the  time  ipent 
In  HanktniiOn  ihe  ha&  won  many  ifitendi.     The  gfwom  l6  a  pfwrnlilng  young  builneM  man  oi 
Venvefi,   CO.,  and  Ma.   and  hifci.   Kailow  will  leave  tomofiAow  evening  iofi  that  place  wheAe 
they  will  KeMlde,  stopping  enAoute  at  Mlnneapollj,  and  otheA  Minnesota  polntk  to  vlilt 

ifUend6   and    KeZatlvti.  **********  July  19,    1906 


GREAT  BEWP. . . .  John  Tfu.pkz,  a  pfiomlmnt  {^oAmeA  ZlvlnQ  Zn  SimmiX.  Tou}yu,lu.p,  woi  maxn.- 
Izd  to  a.  lady  ntcui  CfiookMion,   MM.,  toutt  Tuej>daiij. 

**********  j^  26,    1906 

The.  moAAiagz  oi  Anna.  TAlpkz  and  John  HoZXhuizn,  3k.,  uooj,  &otvnnize.d  Zoit  Wcdntiday 
at  the.  Luthtfuin  ChuAch  i^ue  milzi  tait  o^  heAz.     Rev.  H-inck  tied  the.  knot  that  uruXed 
thz  happy  cowplt  In  wedlock  in  the.  pJizAtnct  oi  a  laAge  a&iemblage  o^  Znv-cttd  {i,fLlend&  and 

FoZloMing  the  ceremony  a  fieceptZon  woi  given  to  the  gue&t6  oJi  the  home  oi  the  bnlde'i 
paAjerUi.     The  bKlde  Ik  the  younge&t  oi  Ma..  Tnlpke'i  daughXeU  and  ha6  gKown  to  womanhood 
In  SimmiX.  towmhlp  and  nimbe/u,  heA  ihlendi,  by  heA  acqualntanceit .     The  gnoom  Ik  a  phjomitilng 
young  iatuneJi  who  ha&  aZio  been  fieoAed  to  manhood  In  thl&  vicinity. 

The  happy  young  couple  have  the  beit  wi^hei,  oi  thelA.  many  ifilendk  ion  a  long  and 
happy  Uie.  **********  j^^j  26,    1906 

A  moMlage  licence  wa&  iMiaed  by  Judge  ChnXitlan  la&t  evening  to  Choi.  W.  BoAgen. 
oi  HanklMon  and  UlMi  Lucy  Hanson  oi  Cogswell.     They  one.  qaite  young  iolki,   and  the 

lady  l&  lately  i^om  South  Dakota FORMAN  NfEO/S 

**********  Augu&t  16,    1906 

Cha6  W.  BaAgeA  and  Mc44  Lucy  Han&on  weAe  maMled  at  fofiman  lait  week,   and  axe  now 
6ettled  In  Hankln&on.     The  ghoom  li,  In  the  employ  oi  J.   F.   LaiwleA,   and  the  woM  a 
fie&ldent  oi  Cogswell.     The  young  couple  have  gone  to  houiekeeplng  In  the  Langbehn  hou&e. 

**********  Auguit  16,    1906 


MARRIEP: ....At  the  home  oi  the  bnldek  paxenti,  Wedne&day  evening,  August  22nd,    1906, 
Ul66  Anna  Hay  t.\cGAay  to  Ma.  John  C.  Woodhouie,   Rev.  W.  A.  WhlXcomb  o Ulclajting . 

The  above  announceMent  wlli  be  pleading  neuii  to  the  many  ihlendud  oi  the  bnlde  In 
Hankinkon  and  vicinity.     The  wedding  waJi  a  quiet  one,   only  the  Immediate  lelativek  oi  the 
contAactlng  poAXlti  being  pfie&ent.     following  the  ceAemony  a  dainty  wedding  ^uppeA  wa& 
6eAved  and  the  newly  wedded  couple  leit  on  the  Gfient  UoitheAn  tAoin  ioK  a  khont  bhldal 
touA.     They  will  be  at  home  to  thelA  ihlendi,  at.  499  LaaKel  Ave.,  St.   Paul,   aiteA  Sept.    15th. 

The  bnlde  Ik  a  daaghtet  oi  Ma.,  and  Hm.   F.   F.  UcGnay  oi  thlk  place,   but  ion  ieveAal 
yeoAi  hai  ipent  mokt  oi  hen  time  In  Wahpeton.     NeveAtheZeik  khe  hak  a  hokt  oi  inlendk  In 
thik   vicinity,   and  all  Join  In  extending  bekt  wikhek. 

The  gnoom  Ik  a  PulZman  can  conducton  on  the  MontheAn  Vacliic,  nunnlng  between  St. Paul 
and  the  coakt,   and  hak  been  In  the  nallnoaxL  buklnekk   ion  yeoAk.     That  he  hak  the  conildence 
and  ejiteesn  oi  the  company  Ik  attekted  by  the  iact  oi  hlk  kteady  advancement  klnce  he  ilnkt 
entened  the  keAvlce. 

The  motken  and  klkten  oi  the  gnoom  annlved  h',onday  inom  St.  Paul  to  be  pAeJ>ent  at  the 
wedding.  **********  Augu&t  21,    1906 


Tht  rroMAMjgz  oi  Bznjamln  Jontl>  and  Hl66  Ella  SckuLtz  woi  6otejnru.ze.d  at  Gznuzo  lcu>t 
Uondaij,   Rev.   foAAaxid  Oj$  LidgeAuoood  peA^oAmlng  iht  c^zmony.     Tht  bKldaZ  pamty  anAA.vtd 
hzAt  Tuesday  and  vl&ittd  with  thz  gfioom'A  Aelxitlvti  luvtii  y^teAday,  whzn  thzy  Itit  ioK 
Keniod  voheAz  the,  ghoom  aj>  tngagzd  i.n  bui-ine>6-& .     Ben  hai  a  ho6t  o^  {^nltndi  htAz  who  e.xte.nd 
congfwjtuhvtioni,  and  beit  wiihei  to  thz  nwty  maJinie.d  couple.. 

«»»«*«««*«  OctobeA  4,    1906 

JnvL(:ation&  afm  out  ioK  thz  iofitkcoming  maMJiLagz  o^  Wj>i,  LydZa  Holthatzn  to  WU.tiz 
H.  TAxbfee,  to  takz  placz  on  We.dmi>day,  OCt.   17 th,  at  St.  John'i  ChuAch.     Both  oAe  uM. 
known  young  pzoptt  oi  Swmmit  TownAhtp,  the.  bfUde.  bzlng  a  daaghtzK  oi  Co.   Com' K  Holthaktn 
and  tka  gfioom  a  ion  oi  John  Tntbkz.     The.  ceAejnony  wiLt  be  ^olZowed  by  a  fieceptton  at  the 
Holthiuen  home.  ,»,,,«»«,«  OctobeA  11,    1906 

InvLtatconi  ate  out  {,0K  the  doKthcomlng  mofuUage  oi  HUi  Blanche  Gowln  and  Anton 
Ennen,  welZ  known  young  people  Ke^ldtng  ecu>t  oi  town. 

«««*»»»»««  OctjobeA  IS,   1906 

UUi  Lena  SandeA  and  Wi.  Efineit  i)lltt  weAe  moAAled  at  Banney  ytiteAday  mohnLng,  Rev. 
HU-gendoK^,  o ilLclatlng .  A  AzceptLon  iolZowzd  at  thz  home  oi  thz  Bntde'i  paAenti,  M^.  and 
M^.   HenAy  SandeA.     The  young  people  will  fieM-ide  neoA  UantadoK. 

kn  eJLahofuxte  wedding  took  place  tkU  mofintng  at  the  GeAman  EvangeXtcoI  ChuAch,  the 
contAacting  poAttzi  bzlng  kli66  Eti6e  KAuegeA  and  Klifizd  Vfwchnow.     The  ceJizmony  wat,  peA- 
iofvmed  by  Rev.   Kunz  tn  the  pAz6zncz  oi  a  chuAchf^ul  oi  {^Atendi  who  had  known  the  young 
people  itnce  childhood,     ToULowtng  thz  czKzmony  the  guzit&  pAoczzdzd  to  thz  home  o{,  the' &  poAznti  wzit  oi  town  wheAz  thz  nupttaZi  wllZ  fce  ceZebKotzd  according  to  thz  u&ual 
GeAman  custom. 

The  bnldz  -U  the  onZy  daughten.  oi  Wi.   and  Ma4.   Vfizd  KfuxzgeA,  who  oAe  numbered  among 
BAtghtwood' i  oldest  and  moit  pA06peAoai>  izttZzU.     Thz  gfwom  ij>  a  i,on  o{,  Va.  and  UJit,,  HeA- 
man  Vfwchnow,  oZmo  pfwminznt  {^oAmeAM  o^  BfilghtMood.     Thz  young  couplz  wiZZ  occupy  the  hlaA- 
quoAdt  iafm  adjotntng  the  KAuegeA  place,  and  which  the  bfUde'i   iatheA  puncha&zd  a  {,ew  mon- 
thi  ago.  »»»«»»««»*  Octobzn  18,    1906 

The  maA/Uagz  oi  Hui  Lydia  Holthuizn  to  UUZcz  H.  T/ilbke  wa&  solemnized  by  ?ev.  T. 

Hinck  la6t  Wednz&day  in  the  pfuzizncz  o^  a  laAge  numbeA  o{^  invited  guziti.     Af,teA  the  ceAe- 

money  the  Keception  took  place  at  the  home  oi  the  bftlde  wheAe  zveAybody  had  an  enjoyable 

time.     Ha.  and  Hu.  Tfilbke  havz  thz  congAatulationJt  and  bzit  wlihzi>  o^  thziA  many  dntendi 

ioK  a  long  and  happy  moAAced  tiiz. 

«»»»»«»»*»  OctU}beA  IS,    1906 

GREAT  BEHV JnvitatLoni  oAe  out  ioA  the  ionthcoming  maMtage  0)$  Uii&  MaAtha  Sedlel 

to  HznKy  Holthu&zn,  to  takz  place  on  Wednzidaij,   Oct.   24th,  at  thz  LutheAan  ChuAch.     Both 
young  people  oAe  well  known  in  thtk  community,   having  gAown  to  man  and  womanhood  heAe. 

Thz  bAtde  l&  a  daughteA  0){  Choi.  SedleA,   one  oi  ouA  pionzzA  iafuneAi  and  the  gAxiom 


Xi  a  6on  oi  Co.   Com'K  Holthaitn.     Thz  czAejnony  loJJUi  be  iottowtd  by  a  GeAman  itylzd  Ktc- 
vption  (U  ike.  bfUdz'i  home..  **********  OcXobeA  IS,    1906 


The  gerU/xt  po6iat  cZeAk,  M-^.   Hike  UuLtirU),   kcu  joined  the  cumy  of,  btrizdlcts  and 
heJieaiteA  will  be  one  oi  the  "at  homz,"  li  you  plea&e. 

The  happy  ai^aJji  happened  at  Vofital  tadt  weefe  by  Mkich  f-lUi  f^ioAgaAet  ValZy  and 
Hike.  hiuILim  weAe  joined  -in  the  holy  bond6  o^  wedlock,  among  odmiAlng  {,fu.end6  and  6how- 
eAed  vcith  congfuxtuLationd ,   and  heAea^teA  will  fieMlde  In  theAA  com{,ofitable.  home  In  VontaZ. 

ConceAnlng  the  bKidegioom  theAe  ^  no  neerf  oi  teZZlng  what  eveAjj  one  knowi>,  that 
he  -iii  a  ilne  ieZZow  capable  oi  maktng  a  good  woman  happy,   honored  and  fitipected  arriong  kit, 
iellow  men  and  co-woxkeAM. .  .but  it' &  all  tAue  neveAthelt&i. 

The  woi  at  one  time  Co.  Supt.   oi  Schools  -in  WoAd  Co.   but  hai  been  Living  In 
fcfital  ioK  ieveAal  yeoM  and  teaching  In  the  puhllc  ichooLi,   duAing  which  time  ihe  hoi 
built  a  nice  leMldeyice  In  VoKtaZ  and  pKoved  up  on  a  valuable  claim  nejoji  theAe  and  now 
ietkA  to  maJze  Ma.  UulUm,  happy  by  pKeMldlng  oveA  the  household  aiialM. 

Immediately  aiteA  the  we.ddlng  ceAemonleM  the  couple  took  the  C.   P.  tAotn  to  ^^anii 

wheAz  tiiey  will  enjoy  two  weeks  oi  theJji  honzymoon EndeAlln  Independent..... 

**********  OctobeA  25,    7906 

A  moAAlage  woi  solemnized  liJednziday  In  tht  lutheAnn  ChuAch  when  Rev.  T.   Hlnck  tied 
tiie  nuptial  knot  that  united  In  wedlock  duAlng  the  couAse  oi  theJji  eanthly  Hie,  Henhy 
Holthuien  and  ViOAtha  SedleA,  two  oi  ouA  populaA  young  people.     Both  have  gfuiwn  up  In  this 
vicinity  iKom  thelA  childhood  and  have  always  numbered  among  ouA  most  KeMpected  young 

The  ceAemony  In  the  chuAch  was  witnessed  by  a  loAge  numbeA  oi  Invited  guzsts.     Fol- 
lowing the  ctAejnony  a  Keceptlon  took  place  at  the  home  oi  the  bnide.     Wi.  and  Wa4.  Holt- 
huSen  have  the  congAatulations  and  beJit  wlsheJi  oi  thtlt  many  ihtends   ioK  a  long  and  happy 
moMled  Hie.       ...GREAT  BENV..   **********  OctobeA  25,    7906 

GI^EAT  BEW....The  moAntage  oi  Hiss  Maggie  HaineA  to  Ma.    Leo  Velzel  took  place  at 
the  CatlioHc  ChuAch  In  town  on  TueAday  mo  fining  at  10  AM,  aiteA  which  a  laAgc  cAowd  enjoy- 
ed themselves  at  the  home  oi  the  bfilde. 

**********  OctobeA  25,    7906 

The  moAAlage  oi  l^ilss  Blanche  Gowln  to  Elvis  Ennen  took  place  at  the  home  oi  Will 
Hoiiman  In  LeUaAs  Tcwn^hlp  yeAtzAday.     Both  oajz  well  known  young  people  Aesldlng  east 
oi  town,  and  thelA  intends  zxtend  congKatulations . 

**********  OctobeA  25,    7906 

Thz  moAAlage  oi  hiiss  Lillian  Evenson  to  HoAAy  hlulph  was  solemnized  Wednesday  oi 
last  week,  and  thz  young  pzople  aAe  now  Azsldents  oi  Hanklnson.     The  bntde  Is  a  daughteA 
oi  Ma.   and  Has.  T.   Evenson,  wzZl  known  ioAmzAs  neax  LidgzAwood  and  eveAy  one  In  this 
vicinity  knows  the  gfwom,  the  son  oi  one  oi  ouA  leading  Aesldznts.     klZ  join  In  extend- 
ing congKatulations  and  best  wishes.  HovembzA  7,    1906 


MOORETON, ,.  .F/ied  Ha^^neA  u)cl&  moAJUzd  to  Jei^Ze  LaWLence  o£  Wahpcton  on  TaeAday. 

»«««,«»,»»  HovmbeA  S,    1906 

JnviXaXU.on&  hxivz  been  i66ue.d  ioK  the.  weddcng  o^  Hii6  Lzna  JcumcA  and  Ma..  EdMln 

Stack,  wzLt  known  and  popuZaA  young  pzoplz  o^  BAlghtMiood,  to  take  place,  ntxt  ThuAidojj 

Nov.    T5tk,  at  the  LuXheAJm  ChuAch  In  town. 

««««»«»»««  UovembeA  %,    1906 

lnv.Ltationl)  ofie  oat  ioK  the  wedding  oi  HichaA-d    Hacae  o{  Lidgtwood  and  Uli6  Hed- 
wlg  Kunz  o^  tkii,  place,  which  happy  event  wWi  take  place  on  Uov.   14th.     The  bfitde-to- 
be  li,  a  i>UteA  oi  Rev.  Kunz.  **********  NovembeA  S,    1906 

At  9:30  AM  thU  moAning  Rev.   Kunz  pfwnnounced  the  wofidi  which  joined  In  wedlock 
UUi  Lizzie  Stack  and  WUliam  H.   Biadow.     The  bAtde  li  a  daaghteA  oi  Cha.&.  Stack,  Sk. , 
and  the  gfwom  li,  a  well  known  young  iafmei.     A  fieceptA.on  ioZlowi  the  ceAemony,  to  be 
held  at  the  HeAman  Eladow  home  6outh  of,  town. 

**********  Move/nbeK  8,    1906 

Invltationi  aAe  out  ion.  the  wedding  oi  Wm.   Raddltz  and  UlMi>  UaAtha  Boldt,  to  take 
place  next  Twe^day.  *********    *  UovembeA  15,   1906 

The  moAAlage  oi  Hi&i  Lena  Ja&men.  to  Wa.   Edwin  Stach  took  place  at  10  Al^  thid  moin- 
Ing  at  tlie  LatlieAon  ChuAch,  Rev.   leAiln  o iilcJjxting .     following  the  ceAesnony,  the  laxge 
poAty  oi  Invited  gueMtt,  Kepatfied  to  the  home  oi  the  bAide' &  poAenti,  Ma.  and  Mw.   CoaI 
Ja6meA,  In  BAlghtwood  Township,  wheAe  the  a&uaZ  deception  li  now  In  pAogficii.     The  young 
people  have  fie^lded  In  thli  vicinity  neoAly  all  thelA  livei  and  afie  highly  esteemed. 

The  gnoom  li  a  ion  oi  Hfi.and  hifu.  AlbeAt  C.  Stach,  ploneeAi  oi  Belicfid  Townihip. 

The  newly  wedded  couple  will  fie^lde  on  the  Stach  ioAm,  and  Ma.  and  MA4.  Stach  will  become 

Ke^ldenti  oi  Hanklmon  In  a  iew  monthi. 

**********  UovejnbeA  15,    1906 

RobeAt  Uohi  woi  moAfiled  loht  Wednciday  at  TeAgoi  falli,  MW.,  to  Hiii  Hilda  Stetn 
oi  that  place.     The  gfioom  li  a  well  to  do  ioAmeA  oi  tkii  vicinity,   having  Kcilded  heAe 
ilnce  childhood.     The  bfude  li  alio  iatnly  well  known  heAe,   having  vlilted  heAe  on  iev- 
eAal  occoiloni.     Ma.   and  MA4.   Uohi  will  be  at  home  to  thelA  many  inlendii  In  a  ihoht  time. 
The  happy  couple  have  the  congAatulationi  and  btit  wliheJ>  oi  theJJi  many  inlendi   ioK  a  long 
and  liappy  moAAied  liie.  **********  MovembeA  15,    1906 

Ma.  and  MA4.  John  Wendt  have  liiuzd  Invitations  ion.  the  wedding  oi  thelA  daughten. 
hilii  Mcmtte  to  Ma.  HeAman  WebeA,  the  ceAesnony  to  take  place  on  Wednesday,  Wo  v.  21  it,  at 
St.  John'i,  and  to  be  iollowed  by  the  usual  neceptlon. 

**********  KovembeA  15,    1906 

Mi-64  Ada  EeAgeA  and  John  E.  Gata  weAe  nioAnted  at  TaAgo  on  Tuesday.  The  bnlde  Is 
the  eldest  daaghteA  oi  Ma4.  Jacob  EeAgeA  oi  this  place  and  the  gnoom  Is  a  Soo  bnakesnan. 

**********  NobembeA  15,   1906 

MNTTAPOR Thz  moAJilagz  o^  Ulii  ULnrUt  Wandt  to  ^k.   HoAsran  O/efceA  txjok  plact  on^day  monncng  at  St.  John'i  Chuxch  In  thz  pKeJ>tnce.  o{,  a  loAgz  cl&6 anblage.  o{^  Invltzd 
gu(U>t&.  Thz  ceAzmony  wca  (^oULowtd  by  a  ceZzbAation  In  the.  good  old  GeAman  i>tylz  at  thz 
harm  ol  tkt  blldz^ 6  paAznt6. 

The.  young  people,  cuie  weLi  and  lavoHablij  known  In  thJj>  xjldviiMj ,  tJie  biLde  being  a 
daughteA  ojj  two  o^  ouA  oldest  6eXtteA6,  Wi.and  Maa.  John  ^endt,  and  thz  goom  -ci  a  pfwl- 
peAoiU)  young  ^o/uneA.     AlZ  join  In  extending  congAatulatxoni,     and  bt&t  mj,heJ). 

*»»,**««»»  Uovembzn.  11,    1906 

TEW  YEARS  AGO  COLUUN PeteA  Klnn  and  Hui,  GeAtAudz  Kfump  we/ie  maAAizd  at  Manta- 

doK,   Rzv.  J.   F.  Studntaka  o iffitlating.      {Nov.    1896) 

»*%*«»»»«»  hiovzmbeA  11,    1906 

Wm.  H.  RaddLtz  and  Hi&i,  MaAtha  Eoldt,  two  of^  ouA  uieZl  knovon  young  people,  weAz 
united  -in  moMlage  by  Reu.  H.  Kunz  at  thz  GeAman  Evangzllcal  Chu/ich  on  Tuziday  mofinlng. 
Thz  bfvidz  -u  a  daughteA  ol  Wi.and  WU).   HeAman  Boldt,  uiho  tivz  jai>t  ioath  ol  town,     and 
thz  gfioom  ha^  Kziidzd  i.n  Hankln6on  i-incz  boyhood.     Thzy  uxiti  go  to  hoaizkzzptng  heAz  at 
once.     CongKotulMttonii  and  bzit  wt&he^     OAZ  zxtzndzd  by  aZZ. 

**««*»«»»»  November  11,    1906 

At    home  oi  the  bAtdz'i  paAznti  .in  Waldo  yziteAday  ocuooizd  the  maMlage  oi  lli&i, 
f'\aAgaAzt  GeAtAudz  BAackin  to  Ma..   EAnz&t  L.  Zi&lng.     The  zeAzjv.ony  woi  peAionxnzd  in  the 
pKe^encz  oi  a  ^ew  AeZativti  and  Zntanatz  ^nlzndi. 

Thz  buldz  li  the  populoA  and  aczompHihzd  daughteA  o;^  ^^'   ^'J^d.  M-^4.  John  BAackin, 
well  known  Azitdznti  0|$  Waldo,  and  thz  gAoom  ti  a  thnlity  and  highly  AzspzcXzd  young 
ioAmeA.     Thzy  will  be  at  home  nexiA  FalAmount  to  thzlA  {/ilendi  a^tzA  Vzc.    ISth. 

*»««»»««»«  MovzmbzA  75,    7906 

Loi-t  weefe  Thz  MEWS  iaUizd  to  mention  thz  maAAla.gz  o^  Thzo.  Huli  and  Ulii  LaiiAa 
Valnz,  which  happy  event  took  placz  at  thz  Catholic  paAl&h  hou6z  on  thz  10th  oi  Nov., 
Rev.  Joi.   F.  Studnicka  oif^Zclatlng.     CongAatulatloni  and  bzit  wtihzi  aAz  zxtznde.d  by 
thelA  iAlzndi.  .  «»»«»«***«  November  29,    7906 

A  double  wzddlng  0(5  {,ouA  E^^ngton  young  pzoplz  took  placz  at  Stiieton  toMt  wzzk. 
VztzA  Holman  and  Hui  BzAtha  Moe,   and  John  Jolimon  and  Hu6  f-iaAy  SpabeAg,  weAz  happily 
unltzd  In  wzdloch,  Rev.  Rudiz  being  thz  o^^^clatlng  cleAgyman. 

«»»»*»»»»*  HovembzA  19,    1906 

The  maAAlagz  o^  l>iLii  BeAtha  RoedeA  to  Ua.   lAvln  Pankow  occaAzd  at  thz  GeAman  Evan- 
gelical ChuAch  yzitzAday  moAnlng,   Rev.  Kunz  peA^oAmlng  the  czAzmony.     At  Iti  conclalilon 
the  guz&ti,  AzpalAzd  to  thz  homz  oi  thz  bnldz'i  poAznti,  Ha.   and  UAi.  Jullui  RoedzA,  In 
BAlghtJMOod  Town&hlp,  wheAZ  thz  wzddlng  wai  celebAated  accoAdlng  to  thz  uiual  ca6tom. 

Thz  young  pzoplz  oAz  well  known  Az&ldznt&  o^  BAlghtwood  and  havz  thz  congAatuLatioYHt 
o£  a  loAgz  clAclz  of,  {,Alzndi. 

»«»»»«»»«»  hlovzjnbzA  19,    1906 

MORETOH.. .  .Guilt  Johnion,   ouA.  bcuiJbz/i,  woi  mvuilzd  In  ULnnzapotu  on  ikt  27th  of^ 
Uov.  and  KeXuAnzd  viiXh  hU  bfilde.  on  Thu/aday  evening. 

»,««»»««««  VzcmbeA  6,    1906 

InviXcvbioM  ka.\)z  b^tn  l66ue.d  ioK  thz  wzdding  o^  Mfi.   TKtd  Ve.ddzK  and  McA4  hiinnle. 
ULibfiandt,  to  takz  placz  at  thz  GeAman  EvangeZicaZ  Chuxch  nexi  Thauday. 

»««»»«»»«»  PecembcA  7  3,    1906 

Jhz  nwiniagz  oi  Hu6  Ro^y  Hzntz  to  M/t.  John  Gabbext  wai,  iotvmniztd  at  the.  Schuett 
komz  today,   Rev.   leAiin  peA{,ofming  thz  ceAejnony.     Thz  bKidz  -u  a  daugktzn.  o^  VeteA  Hzrvtz 
and  thz  gnoom  -c6  a  p^oipeAoui   tJo/uneA.     Tkz  nmly  wtddtd  couptt  Izit  iimzdlattty  on  a 
wzdding  VUp  to  UaUhaZZ  and  otheA  pointi  in  Hinnziota. 

»«»»«*««»«  VtcmbeA  13,    1906 

ChoAlu  W.   KlmiitteA,   am  o^  BfUghtuiood' i,  pxomlnznt  {lOAmzU,  mXZ.  be  mafiKizd  at 
Gfiaiton,   lA.,  to diy  to  Hil,6  La,6lz  C.  Gtoitzl,   daugkteA  oi  Ma.,  and    M^.  J.   G.   Gla&iel 

o{i  that  place.. 

kiteA  a  bhlzi  wzddlng  tnJip  thzy  will  be  "at  home"  on  thz  gloom' i   ilnz  {^afum  wz&t  o^ 
town.     CongfiatuZationi  and  bz&t  m^hzi  afiz.  zxtzndzd  by  a  Zafigz  cOiclz  o{,  inizndi,. 

PecejJibeA  J  3,   1906 

Thz  iwAxLagz  oi  VUj>i,  UaAy  Wz6tpkal  to  Ua.   PauZ  llzgeJbm.n  took  placz  at  thz  GzAman 
EvangzUcal  CkuAch  yziteAday  mofmying.     Rev.  Kunz  pzAiohming  thz  czAzjnony  In  thz  pAz&zncz 
oi  a  loAgz  poAty  oi  Invitzd  gaz6t6.     Tkz  iiduaZ  nzzzption  ioZZowzd  at  thz  komz  ci  tkz 
bfUdz'i  paAznti,,  Ma.,  end  Wu,.  Wm.  Wz&tpaht,  ja&t  ioutk  oi  tovin.     Tkz  young  pzcplz  oaz  well 
byiown  and  kavz  many  iXAzndUi  wko  zxtznd  bzit  uxlikej>  ioA  a  long  and  happy  moAhlzd  tiiz. 

**********  VzcembzA  15,    1906 


McLVu.ed,   at  thz  komz  oi  thz  bhldz'i  pafvzntk  In  VzVillo  Township,  hil&i  Suilz  W. 
TAopp,  only  daugkteA  oi  Ma.  and  MA4.  A.   F.  TAapp,  to  ElmzA  E.   Lozbi  oi  Abztdzzn,  SV.,   on 
TkuA.iday,  Vzz.lltk,  at  4:50  PM,   Rev.   C.  A.  BAemcA  oiilclatlng. 

Tkz  ceAzmony  wcw  mtnzbizd  by  thz  -Immzdlatz  KeJbxttve^  and  ihlznd^  oi  tkz  young  pzo- 
plz,   aiteA  which  a  iumptoui  wzddlng  izoit  wai  leAvzd  to  wklck  thz  guz6ti,  did  ample  ju/>ttcz. 

Tkz  neuoly  wzddzd  couplz  dzpaAtzd  on  thz  zoAly  mofinlng  tAoln  iofi  thziA  iutuAz  komz 
nzaA  KbeAdzzn,  SV.,  avovylng  with  thzm  thz  bzit  wlikzi  oi  thetA  many  inlznd^  ioh  a  long 
and  happy  tiiz.  **********  VzczmbzA  10,    1906 

TkuAi>day  ieemi  izt  apoAt  ai  "wzddlng  day"  at  tkz  GeArmi  Evangzlical  CkuAck,  and 
today  l&  no  zxczption.  kt  10  AM  thl&  mofinlng  Rev.  Kunz  jolnzd  In  wzdlock  Hi&i  Hinnlz 
HUbAandt  to  MA.   FAed  VzddzA  In  thz  pKz&zncz  oi  a  loAgz  aiizmblagz  oi  InvAjtzd  guzktk. 

following  thz  ceAemony  thz  poAty  Azpalnzd  to  thz  komz  oi  thz  bAldz'i  paAzntb,  AtA., 
and  Maa.   HzAman  HUibAajndt,  wkeAz  tkz  u^ual  Azczptlon  li,  now  In  pAogKzi,i.     Tkz  young  pzo- 
plz  kavz  ipznt  moit  oi  thziA  livzi  In  RlckZand  County  and  kavz  numbeAlziA   iAlzndi  who 
zxtznd  congAotulatloM  and  bzit  wlikzi.    (42)  VzczmbzA  10,    1906 

A  moAAaige.  ticzme.  ioa6  ll>i>  lout  wank,  to  Paul  G.   Lulck  and  flii,6  MoAgaAzt  Schultz. 
The.  pnx}i,ptcti\)t  gicom  -U  a  i,on  oi  the.  laXe.  ChhJj,  Luick  oi  MoAzm  and  thz  bfiidt  a  daughttn. 
o{t  Ma.,  and  Ma<s.   HeAman  Schultz,  who  At&tdz  nexui  l^antadofi. 

»««»»»»««»  Vtcesnbe^  27,    1906 


7   9  0   7 

Two  weddcngA  ^nvotv-ing  weJU.  known  VzAnon  fiuldtntt,  weAe  iotamnlzzd  itctrvtZij ,  thz 
conXAactLng  poAtcei  being  Amtmd  A.   BeAg  and  Hu,6  Gina.  0.  Sonde,   and  John  Loke.n  and  Uajuj 
lokkzn.  »««»»•«««»  JanuoMj  3,    7907 

TEN  yTAR5  AGO  COLtiMW Tha  Hem  fizcofided  ihz  moMlagz.  oi  Htnfuf  C.   PoAtlow  to  Mj>i 

Sadie.  VoAman.      (Ma.,   and  f-iu.   VaAilow  aelzbfuite.d  theJA  "tin  we.ddlng"  la6t  wtek.     M/t.  Vau- 
low  hoi  held  ItuM  poixXion  a6  Soo  agznt  at  tkii  point  ioK  ntoAJLy  a  dozen  yeoAi  now  and  aj> 
one.  o{i  the.  company' i  moit  vatae.d  employees. ] 

ALSO...HeAbeAt  BeckeA.  and  Uli>6  Annie  BoweM  weAe  mviAled  at  the.  Catholic  Chwich. 
[hifi.  and  Uu.   BecfecA  oAe  now  n.e^ldenti  o^  Wahpzton.) 

AMV Iii66  Emma  Rackow  and  ^^L.  ?auZ  Kimtfit  wtut  moMltd  at  the.  hotrn  o^  Ufi.   and 

Ma4.   CtofLge  UacheeJi,   Rev.  VaZlman  peA^onmlng  the  ceAemony.      {Jan.    1897] 

**********  Janujvm  3,    J907 

Jnvltatloni  oAe  out  ion.  the  maJuUage  of,  Hi^i  Hattle  SugoAman  o^,  h{lnneapoll&  and 

h'A.  SanueZ  Roio^,  a  local  d/iugglit,  to  take,  plact  on  Tuesday,  Jan.    ISth,  at  the.  home 

0(5  the' 6  poAznti,,   111  Unlveultu  Ave.,  Soatheoit,  Hinneapolii,  MW. 

**********  Janiuum  10,    1907 

HoMAled,  at  the.  Catholic  ChuAch,  on  Tuejyday,  Jan.  Sth,  ChAlitlna  BommeMbach  to 
John  SchllteA,  Rev.  J.  F.  Stadnlcka  peAiofiming  the.  ceAemony.  The  contracting  paAtieJ> 
oAe  well  known  young  people  Atilding  on  the  nofuth  hide  o{,  town. 

**********  January  10,    1907 

H.   0.  Wendt  and  Mc44  EAna  Bfiurmund  weAz  quietly  moAAled  at  iilahpeton  lait  Thauday, 
and  leit  Monday  ^ofi  McVlUe,  Me  Lean  County,  wheAe  the  gtioom  hat,  a  position  om  section 
{iOKonan  loK  the  Gnzat  HoKtheAn.     The  bride  l6  a  daughteA  o^  Ma.   and  Mu.  Wm.  J.   BAunnund 
and  hju  gjiown  to  womanhood  In  thl&  locality,   and  heA  inlendi,  oAz  nwmbeAed  by  heA  acqualnt- 
oncei.     The  gfioom  Id  a  moit  e&tlmabZe  young  man  who  enjoyi  the  esteem  o{,  alt.     ConghatuZ- 
atlond  and  beAt  wliheh  ate  extended  to  the  newly  wedded  young  people. 

**********  January  10,    1907 

SOWORA A  maMlage  will  take  place  at  the  hone  ol  Mr.  and  Mai>.  H.  Theede  on  the 

16th  o{,  JanuoAjy.     The  gloom- to-be  li  Ma.  H.   BleZ,   and  the  bride  Ih  Mliii   Lizzie  Theede. 
Both  OAe  well  known.     The  bride  wilt  be  attired  In  black  lawn. 

**********  January  17,    1907 

The  moATlage  oij  Mlii  Hattie  SugeAman  to  Samuel  Ro40i$)$  wa6  6olejnnlzed  according  to 
Hebrew  cuAtom,  Tuesday,  Jan.    15th,   at  the  hom.e  o^  the  bride' ■&  parenti  In  Mlnneapolii, . 

The  bride  l6  a  itrangeA  here,  but  the  groom  l&  one  oi  oar  enterprl&lng  bat.lneA'imen, 
having  been  In  the  drag  builneii  here  ior  the  poit  three  yeau.  He  ha&  a  hoit  o{,  {^rlendi 
who  extend  congratulatlom . . 

Mr.  and  Mu.   Roio{,{,  wlil  be  at  home  to  their  ^nlendi  alter  Jan.   25th,    1907. 

**********  JanuaAy  17,    1907 

The  moAAlagz  o{,  Ulii  l-ioAij  LovA.yi6kJ.  to  W^.  Jacob  Gottinlad  took  place,  at  the.  Cath- 
otic  ChuAch  on  Tut6day  moKning,   Rev.  J.   F.  Studnicka  peAjJo-Trujig  .the.  ceAesnony. 

Thz  contAactlng  paJvtieJ>  axe.  weJiZ  known  young  people,  the  gKoom  the  bakeA  at 
the  City  BakeAy.  **********  Janiuviy  17,    1907 

Mx>iA  Anna  Wol{^  and  Txank  Veiee  weAe  maXAied  at  the  Catholic  Chafich  on  Tuesday 
monntng,   Rev.  J.   F.  Studnicka  peJiioKmlng  the  ceAemoniy.     Both  anz  AeJ>ldznt&  o{,  the  nonth 
ilde  oi  town.  **********  January  24,    1907 

When  Lynn  RaaelZ  le^t  heAe  loit  week  ^OA  Hinneapolli  he  wai,  accompanied  by  hil&i 
Anna  Johnion,   and  AumoAi  o{^  a  wedding  weAe  hexwd,   but  even  Lynn' 6  moit  Intimate  iAlendi 
declined  to  veAl^y  the  autdok.     La&t  TAiday' i>  St.   VauL  papeAi,   howeveA,   bAought  newi  o{, 
the  iMuance  o{,  a  moAAlage  llcenie  to  the  young  people,  and  It  It,  pAobable  that  by  thl& 
time  they  aAe  weUi  to  the  iouthwoAd  on  tkelA  honeymoon. 

The  bntde  l&  quite  well  known  heAe  and  li,  populoA  among  heA  clAcle  o^  acqualtitencei . 
Everybody  knowi  Lynn  RaiieZl  and  to  6ay  that  aJil  aAe  ht&  welZ  wliheA&  l&  putting  It  mild- 
ly.    hiA.   and  h\A6.   Ra&iell  wlLi  make  thelA  home  at  Toht  WoAth,  TX. ,  wheAe  he  hai  a  Aoil- 
fcoad  poiltlon.  **********  JanuoAy  24,    7957 

Mc44  Lucy  TuAZong,   ioKmehJb.j  a  nuA&e  In  the  hospital  heAe,  wot,  moAAled  at  heA  home 
In  St.   Paul  on  Jan.   Sth  to  Wi.  W.   C.  Snow,   a  wealthy  iheep  HnncheA  neaA  Vlcklni>on,    W. 
Hankln6on  {^Acendi  extend  congnatuLatloni  and  bej,t  wlihe&. 

**********  JanuoAy  31,    1907 

The  maAAlage  o^  hlii  Etta  BeAneA  to  M^.   Clinton  C.  SnydeA  wai  iolemnlzed  at  the 
home  o{i  Ua.   and  hiAi.  W.  V.   RlckeAt,  SatuAday  evening,     Rev.   H.   E.  WalkeA  peA{iCKjrlng  the 
ceAemony.     The  bntde  li  the  popuLoA  and  e{){ylclent  bookkeepeA  at  M.  A.  WlppeAmoji'6  and 
the  gAoom,    {^oa  leveAnJL  months,   liaa  been  the  G.   N.  agent  at  thL&  place.     ThelA  many  ihlendk 
extend  congAatulatlom,  and  beit  wl6he&   {,0A  a  long  and  happy  maAnled  llde. 

**********  JanuoAij  31,    1907 

GREAT  BEW M^.   and  MA4.   John  WonneA,  Sa.  ,  leit  ioA  NapeAvUJLe,    TL.,   lait  Sunday 

to  attend  the  Hlgglm-WoAneA  wedding  which  took  place  on  ThuAiday. 

**********  TebAuoAy  7,    1907 

The  AumoAi  have  become  Aeal  and  anotheA  one  o{,  oua  boyi  will  be  coming  home  In  a 
ihont  time  accompanied  by  a  Hie  mate.     A^teA  a  Aomance  o^  ieveAol  yeau  the  maAAlage 
ci  Miii  Valiy  Hlgglni  to  M-^..   John  W.   WoAneA  wa6  solemnized  on  ThuAiday,    Feb.    7th,   at 
tiie  home  o^  the  bnlde'i  paAent&  In  HapeAvllle,   TL.,  In  the  pAetence  o^  a  ^ew  Intimate 
iAiendi  . 

The  bfilde  l6  the  only  daughteA  o^  Ua.   and  h'Ai.   Hlgglni  and  li   entlAely  unknown 
heAe,   but  we  have  leoAned  that  ihe  li  a  f^^^ined  young  lady,   having  been  AeoAed  to  woman- 
hood In  HapeAvllle,  and  li  a  gAaduate  iAom.  MoAthweiteAn  College  o^  that  place,  wheAe  Ma. 
WoAneA  {jlAit  met  hex  ieveAol  yeoAi  ago  while  attending  the  iame  Initltution. 

The  gAoom  li  one  o^  oua  most  Aespected  young  men.     He  li  the  oldest  ion  c^  Ma.  and 


Hfil>.   John  WonneJi,  Sk.     He  uxu  boKn  and  AcuJitd  to  manhood  -in  thli  cormaivCty  and  nimbzM 
hAJ>   iHyitndis  by  kU  acqaOyintance^ ,  who  aZZ  joZn  ihz  tdJXoK  .in  txXzndlng  tonQKaX.uJbatLoni 
and  MUhlng  Hn..  and  MA4.  WofimA  a  tong  and  happy  tif^z.     Ju&t  uihejn.  the.  happy  couplz  Mill 
aAMlve.  homz  we  oM.  unabZz  to  iay,   bat  we  ain  iay  that  a  good  bJig  chaJiivaxL  Li>  auxLcting 
tkm.  **********  TtbKuoAy  7,    1907 

John  R.  Jonei  tz{,t  ioK  Hinnejapotil)  to  atttnd  thz  wadding  of,  hli  bKothzA-ln-law, 
WaAAzn  StillweJUi,  to  liUi  CoMJUe.  B.  King,  which  happy  tvant  took  place,  at  3925  Chicago 
Ave..,  HLnnejxpoti6 ,  on  Tatiday.     Hn.6.  Jonei  and  Mw.  OiboAn,  ii&teM  o{,  the  gfwom,  Zeit 
lait  week  to  be  patient  at  the  wedding. 

**********  TzbKwvm  7,   1907 

Ha>6  Anna  fiiheA  and  hioAtin  JaegeA  weAe  maJvU.e.d  at  the  Cathotic  ChuAch  on  Tae^day 
mofuilng.  Rev.  J.  F.  Studnicka  o^iiciating.     A  big  deception  wai  heZd  at  the  buide' i>  home 
In  the  evening,  attended  by  oveK  one  hundred  gaej>tt>. 

**********  Tebmaxy  7,    1907 

MOORETON WalteA  fAwtche  and  Ul6-i>  VeaxZ  weAe  maAfu.e.d  at  Wahptton  on  Tuesday. 

**********  TzbfiuoAy  U,    1907 

John  lawfience  and  Hii,6  Anna  Ha^neA  weAe  noAAied  In  Wahpeton  on  Tuesday. 

**********  VebfuxoAy  14,    1907 

CaAdi  have  fceen  Kec.eJ.ved  by  theiA  ^nlendb  heAe  announcing  the  moMlage  oi  M^.   Lynn 
R.   Ha&ielZ  and  Mc44  Anna  C.  J ohm, on  at  HLnneapoti6  on  Jan.    17th.     They  oAe  at  home  at 
ChJckaiha,  IT.  **********  TebnuoAy  14,   1907 

At  the  CaXhollc  ChuAck  on  Tuesday  mofmlng.   Rev.  Joi.   F.  Studnicka  peAiotmed  the 
ceAemony  that  united  iofi  tile  Hl66  Lucy  f^a&tAup  and  M^.  Hike  KKeb6bach.     The  bnlde  woM 
gowned  In  whiXe  iilh.  and  woi  attended  by  Wc44  MoAlan  LaQua  oi  bnyide^mald;  the  gAoom' 6 
bAotheA,  M^.  HerViy  Kfiebibach,  wai  beit  man.     The  ccyiemony  wai,  wltneJiJ>ed  by  a  numbeA  o{, 
inlendi,  oi$  the  contracting  panties  and  at  Iti  concluilon  congfiatuZatlon&  and  be/>t  wlihei 
weAe  extended  by  aZZ. 

The  l&  weJUi  known  to  many  oi  out  AeadeAi  and  hoi  lotmed  many  {^nlendkhlpi  dat- 
ing heA  tejildence  In  Hanklni,on.     The  gtoom  ^oA  the  poit  tuio  yeaA&  hat,  been  a6ioclated 
with  kli  btotheA  In  the  meAcantlZe  ba&lnti6  heAe,  but  recently  dl&poied  oi  hli>  InteAe^ts 
and  will  tetuAn  with  hl&  bfildt  to  hli  ^otmeA  location  at  Eimond. 

The  be^t  wiJ>he/>  of^  a  ho6t  0(5  Hankln6on  {,tlendi  oAe  extended. 

t*********  TzbtuoAy  14,    1907 

Otto  Lotzfee'i  {^tlendii  will  be  plea&ed  to  leaAn  o{,  hli  moAAiage  fiecently  to  an  est- 
imable young  lady  oi  Halloway,  MN.,  wfieAe  he  li>  at  ptesent  engaged  In  ba&lnc&i,. 

**********  fq.bfumAy  11,    1907 

Uk.  Adolph  C.  Me£/CA  and  Mcii  Anm.e  M.  ^elnkaui,   both  well  known  fiesldenti  oi  llinn- 

e^ota  Town&hlp,  oAe  to  be  maAAled  next  Uedneyiday. 

**********  f^oAch  14,    1907 

M^.  kdotph  Meyc/L  and  HUi,  Anniz  bJelnkau^  wtfit  ma/aUzd  cut  thz  homz  o^  thz  bfiLdt' i, 
{^cUhzA,  M^.  Wm.  i)ltinkau{,,  In  M-tinzMota.  Toum^hZp,   ijexUeAday,   Rev.   Kunz  ojji^cxixtois. 
Both  (Viz  popuLcui  young  pzoptz  0($  thzJji  nzA,ghbonhood, 

**********  noAck  21,    ?907 


M/t.  Adolph  C.   Mei/eA    and  Hu6  Annlz  M.  Wzlnkaui,  populaA  young  pzoplz  o(,  hilnnziota 
Touiruhip,  wzAz  unltzd  In  moAM-aga  by  Rev. Kunz  on  Wzdnziday  o^  liu>t  weefe. 

Thz  bnldz.  wout,  aXtzndzd  by  UiM  TaILLz  UtyzA  and  Uli,6  Hzlzn  Hznkz,   and  W.  W.   Met/eA 
and  F.  W.  {>lzinkau{i  o{,{)i(UaXzd  cii  but  men.     FoZtouiing  thz  czftzmony  a  laJigz  caAcJLz  oi 
^fUe.nd6     czZtbhJitzd  thz  at  thz  homt  oi  the.  bnldz'i  paAeyvd, 

Thz  young  pzopZz  oAe.  wzZt  knou}n,   having  gfwwn  up  tn  ULnntiota.  Towmlvip,  uohzAz  tkty 
uxiJU.  Kz^tdz  on  tkzJJi  ioAm.     ThzAJi  many  iJvizndi  j'otn  tn  itiUhlng  thtm  a  long  and  happy  moA- 
fu.zd  tiiz.  **********  y^^  2B,    1907 


On  Tuz&day  zvzning,   at  thz  homz  o^  thz  bKidz's  paAznti,   Ma.   and  M^.   J.   F.   Saum, 

occuAAzd  thz  maJixiagz  oi  tkzvi  daxightzA  Ghatz  to  Wi.  Gzofvgz  VznnhoAdt. 

Both  young  pzoptz  ajiz  welt  known  and  thz  announczmznt  -Li  a  iuApKiiz  to  theJji  many 

iAA,e.nd& . 

Thz  bAldz  wa&  attAjizd  In  a  gown  oi  wkctz  i>itk  and  atfUiizd  bAldz'i  Koizi.     Thz  gfwom 

woKz  a  iult  oi  convznttonat  btack.     Rev.   H.   E.  WatkzA.  pzfiiofmzd  thz  zeAesnony.     Thz  Intim- 

aXz  inyiznd6  and  KeZatLvzit  oi  thz  btvidz  and  gfioom  wzAz  thz  onty  guziti.     AiteA  a  dainty 

wedding  iuppzA  thz  young  zouptz  took  thz  night  tAJtin  ion.  t.UnnzapoLi6  and.  otheA  zoitzAn 


M/L.   and  ^ki,  VznnhoAdt  wUU.  bz  at  homz  to  thzAA  iKizndJ,  aiteA  May  lit,   at  HoAvzy, 

W.,  wheAz  thz  gfioom  Li  In  thz  zmptoy  oi  thz  Soo  ai  Conductor. 

Thz  WEWS  and  theJA.  many  i^iizndi   zxtznd  bzit  Ml&hzi  and  conghatataXZoni . 

**********  ^p^^  jj^    j9^7 

PetcA  JaegcA  and  Hi&6  Annlz  SckztteA  wzAz  moAAlzd  at  thz  Catholic  Chwich  on  Tuz&- 
day  moKnlng.  **********  ^^^^  ^^^    ^^^^ 

A.  V.  Vaution,  an  zxteniivz  dzatzA  -in  land  at  Sl&izton,  pzuuadzd  hii  wliz  la&t 
iaJLl  to  go  ion  a  i>lx  montk&  vlklt  to  OKzgon.     In  hzn  abiencz  hz  quietly  hzcuAzd  a  dlv- 
oKzz.     Thz  publication  oi  thz  dzoizz  ieXZ  undeA  thz  zyzM  oi  a  inlznd  who  Imrr.zdlatzly 
iznt  a  moAkzd  copy  to  MA4.   TauZ&on,  who  huMlzd  homz  a  month  hoonzA  than  zxpzctzd,   and 
hoi  begun  pwczzdingi  to  havz  thz  dzcAzz  6zt  oiidz.     It  li  Kepofitzd  that  pxzvloui  to 
going  inxim  homz  hzA  tlgnatuAz  wait  glvzn  to  a  numbeA  oi  papzM  which  ihz  did  not  tizad, 
iuppo6lng  thzm  to  bz  In&tAumznti  connzctzd  with  hzfi  haiband'i  land  bailnzii,,   but  which 
WZA.Z  KeaJily  dzzdi  to  oLi  thelA  pfiopeAty  and  a  consent  to  dlvoKcz  pfiocezdingi .     M^.   Vaul- 
Aon  hah  bzzn  closing  up  hli  land  and  banking  buslnziS  theAz  pKepaAalonij  to  zitabllihlng 
hlm&eli  In  MoaUi  Dakota,  wheAz,  It  Is  fumotizd,   dwells  thz  Inzvltablz  woman  In  the  casz. 


TkzAe.  oJiz  ilx  young  dUldAzn  -in  the.  VcuuJUon  ^amlZy,   aZZ  by  thz  decAee  to 
tkt  hoiband.  **********  ^p^  j,^    j9(,7 


Readers  of  The  NEWS  are  somewhat  familiar  with  the  now  famous  Paulson  divorce  case  at 
Sisseton. . . .how  it  was  charged  that  while  Mrs.  Paulson  was  away  in  Oregon  last  winter, 
Paulson  procured  a  divorce  from  her  without  her  knowledge  and  married  another  woman;  how 
Mrs.  Paulson  came  back  from  the  coast  and  succeeded  in  getting  the  case  reopened  and  the 
divorce  set  aside,  and  was  given  a  judgement  of  over  $A,000  and  the  home  in  Sisseton.   Then 
followed  the  arrest  of  Paulson  in  Browns  Valley  and  his  refusal  to  go  over  into  South  Dak- 
ota without  requisition  papers;  the  attempt  to  get  some  sort  of  settlement  on  the  basis 
of  a  divorce  being  granted  to  Paulson.   But  "Hell  hath  no  fury  like  a  woman  scorned,"  and 
Mrs.  Paulson  would  consent  to  no  settlement  which  contemplated  giving  her  recreant  hubby 
his  freedom.   It  was  claimed  that  Paulson  had  no  money  and  no  property,  but  after  many 
months  the  attorneys  have  succeeded  in  effecting  a  compromise,  with  the  result  that  Mrs. 
Paulson  gets  the  divorce,  the  home  in  Sisseton  and  an  equity  in  several  farms. 

**********  August  15,  1907 


19  0  3 
TUm  "  niQ  HANKIWSCN  fJEUHS  Nov.   5,   7903  -  May  2,   1907 

M-w.  Huvitad,  tivlng  on  a  ^oAm  ndOA  Colf^ax,  hcu  cowmLtttd     A  ujzdi  ago  ihz 
told  hzA  nelghbofii  6hz  u}a6  going  on  a  vliiit.     She.  wejnt  txi  the  boAn  and  ie.d  hay  and  ijeed 
to  the  itock  and  dZ&appeaAed.     HeA  neZghbou  then  A.n6tituted  a  i>eajixih.     They  enteAed  the 
ceZloA  undeA  the  hoa&e  and  ^ound  that  ihz  had  covmitted  iuiclde  by  cutting  heA  throat, 
bat  no  kYiLie  oK  otheA  tntttAumznt  ujoi,  £ound.     She  had  dug  a  hote  and  succeeded  in  pofit- 
taJUby  buAy-ing  heAieZ^.     HeA  husband  died  about  two  monthi  ago  and  iince  that  time  6he  had 
been  demented.  ^*  ***********  NoveirheA  26,   1903 

HaAAiy  J.  CJLaAk,  a  well,  kjiwtjwi  LidgeAwood  bu6ineJ>6  man,  woi  the.  victim  oi  a  deeA  hunt- 
ing tAogedy  neoA  Coal  HoAboK,  70  ntctei  nonik  ol  BiimoAck,  on  Wednesday  o^  week.  In 
company  with  C.  C.  Smith  he  went  up  theAe  about  two  weeJu  ago,  and  in  going  thAough  iome 
undeAbAuih  wai  mistaken  {^oK  a  deeA  by  onotheA  hunteA  and  ihot  thAough  the  body,  the  ball 
enteAing  about  iowi  inchti  to  the  night  o^  the  navel  and  coming  out  at  the  back. 

He  wa6  taken  at  once  to  Coal  HaAboA  and  Va.  Shanley  oi  lidgeAwood  wlted  ioA,   bat 
pooA    CloAk  died  ThuA6day  moAning  be{,oAe  medical  heZp  aAAived.     Deceased  wai  a  single 
man  but  had  a  si&teA  living  at  LidgeAwood.     He  wai  well  known  heAe,  having  joined  the 
local  K.  P.   Lodge  a  couple  o^  yexnAi  ago.     The  Aemaim  weAe  bAought  to  LidgeAwood  and  the 
^uneAal  held  Tuesday. 

**********  UovembeA  26,    1903 

¥aAmeAi  t/ubutoAy  to  Windom  poit-o^{,ice  oveA  in  RobeAti  County,  aAe  agitated  oveA 
the  iact  that  iully  100  hogi  that  have  been  Aunning  at  loAge  have  Aeaently  become  io 
wild  and  ^ieAce  that  they  attack  human  beings  who  happen  to  come  neoA  them. 

I'iaAion  BaAkeA,  a  well  known  iaAmeA,  wai  attacked  in  a  most  vicloui  manneA  by  one  oi 
the  wild  booAi,  Aecelving  an  ugljy  wound  in  the  knee.     'Blood  poiioning  ^olZowed  and  Wi. 
BaAkeA'i  death  ii  houAly  expected.     This  incident  hoi  so  aAouied  BoAkeA'i  ionmeA  neigh- 
bo  as  that  many  o^  them  have  oAmed  themieZve.i  and  intend  to  hunt  down  and  exteAminate 
the  hogi.     Nobody  appeoAi  to  claim  owneAihip  to  the  animals.     FoA  ieveAol  weeks  they 
obtained  ^ood  iAom  vaAloui  coAn^ieZds  in  the  neighboAhood  but  since  the  coAn  has  been 
picked  they  aAe  in  a  starving  condition  and  aAe  made  mad  iAom  the  pangi  OjJ  hungeA.     They 
Ae^emblz  the  AazoAback  specie  and  can  scale  a  iooA  haiZ  iance  with  exise. 

**********  NovembeA  26,   1903 

A.  G.  CAockeXt,  a  well  known  Ae^ident  oi  EndeAlin,  wai  ihot  and  killed  loit  Fniday. 
In  Aemoving  a  loaded  gun  ^Aom  a  wagon  it  wai  accidentally  diichoAged,  the  contents  pass- 
ing iquaAely  thAough  the  heaAt. 

Veceaied  wai  undeA  ientence  to  impAiionment  ioA  violation  oi{  tJne  Vfwhibttion  Law, 
and  an  appeal  wai  pending.     He  had  juit  hii  lawyeA'i  o^^ice  a^teA  having  notified 


hun  to  dLi&mUi  the.  appe/iZ  cu>  he  had  decided  to  beg-cn  6eA.vtng  hli  -tone,  when  the  accident 
occuAAzd.  **********  HovmboA  26,    1902 

MoAtin  Ztahe,  a.  young  man  oi  23,  committed  ivuLclde  by  btouxing  hAj,  bKatru>  oat  with  a 
shotgun  at  the  home  oi  hU  Aunt,  M^.  Geo.  EZake,  ten  mlte6  i,outhwei>t  o^  WyndmeAe  Late 
lait  Tueiday  evening.     Voon  heatth  li  thought  to  have  been  the  cau6e  o^  kU  izZi-dektAu- 
ctJjon.     On  the  evening  In  question  he  went  to  the  boAn  and  a&cended  to  the  haxj  to{t  whfie 
he  dfwve  a  nait  Into  the  waZZ  and  hung  the  lanteAn  on  It.     He  then  ^a&tened  a  single 
boAAet  ihot  gun  In  iuch  a  mannen.  that  he  couZd  dlichaAge  the  iome  with  a  ^hofit  itlck. 
A^teA.  tying  down  he  ptactd  hZi  eye  to  the  boAA-eZ  oi  the  gun.  and  with  hli  leit  hand  dlk- 
chaAged  the  6aine,  blowing  a  hole  clean  thAough  hJU  head.     HI&  Aunt  heand  the  fiepoit  oi 
the  gun  and  he  woi  ^ound  dead  a  £ew  mlnutei  a^tcA  he  had  committed  the  act. 

He  leavei  a  mothtn.  In  Canada,     Deputy  Stanton  and  CononeA.  Kaii{^mann  held  an  Inqueit 
oveA  the  Kejnalni  (iJedneiday,  the  vendlct  being  In  accoAdance  with  the  ^acti  above  given. 

************  NovmbeA  26,   1903 

Knot  Ste{^anion,  an  aged  ^onmeA  living  alone  on  a  {^afm  neoA  BoAAA.e,  thli  county,  woi 
buAned  to  death  on  Tue&day  night  o^  lai,t  week.     A  neighbor  6aw  hl&  house  In  ^lame&  and 
when  he  a/iAlved  on  the  icene  {ound  the  Aejnaln6  o^  the  unioAtanate  man  In  the  AiUn6. 

Ste^anson  wai>  a  wldowen.  about  sixty  yeaA.6  oi  age.     The  ontgln  o^  the  ilAe  l6  not 
known  though  It  li,  supposed  to  have  faeen  caiu>ed  by  a  defective  {,lue  white  Ste^anson 
was  asleep.     A  Cofwnen.'s  Inquest  resulted  In  a  veAdlct  oi  accidental  death. 

**********  VecmbeA  3,   1903 

0.  H.  Olson,  a  Robefits  County  {oAmeA,  Is  dead  as  a  acsuZX.  oi  an  attempt  to  caoss 
Lake  TAaveAse  SatuAday  night  by  team.     The  Alg  bAoke  thAough  the  Ice,  and  though  Olson 
managed  to  cAawt  out  oi  the  wateA  to  iaie  Ice  he  died  iAom  cold  and  exposuAe.     The  team 
was  Aaved  by  panties  iAom  Wheaton. 

**********  VecembeA  10,   1903 

MAWTAPOR  NEWS hliss  Maggie  LambeAt  died  Nov.   14th  aiteA  a  ihoAt  Illness,  and  was 

buAled  ^'{onday,  Nov.    16th.     TuneAaZ  seAvlces  weAe  conducted  at  St.  VeteA  and  Paul's 
ChuAdi  at  MantadoA.     The  iamity  has  the  sympathy  oi  alt  In  thelA  beAeavement. 

**********  VecembeA  10,   1903 

VEPNON  ITE^^S vied,  at  his  home  In  Lien  Twp.,  on  Vec.   7th,  AliAed  SweZandeA,   30 

yeoAS  old.     The  iuneAal  was  held  In  the  Scandinavian  ChuAch,  Rev.   PeteASon  conducting 
the  seAvlces.  **********  VecembeA  24,   1903 

The  eighteen  months  old  daaghteA  oi  Ma.,  and  Has.   fAonk  Gustman,  who  Aeslde  noAtheast 

oi  -town,   died  Sunday  moAnlng  aiteA  a  shoAt  Itlness, 

The  iuneAot  was  held  Tuesday,  Rev.  Kunz  conducting  the  seAvlces.     The  poAents  have 

the  sympathy  oi  all  In  the  tosi  oi  thelA  little  one. 

**********  VecembeA  31,   1903 


A  iod  accldtyvt  occuM.e.d  ttut  ScUuAday  uihldi  Ke^aJitdd  In  the.  dzaXh  o£  i/lm.   BichZzn, 
a  {jOAmeJi  living  about  ^ouAtten  miZzi,  iouthwut  oi  htfiz. 

LichZtn  had  bt^n  to  Vzbtin  ayid  &taAttd  home  atom  In  a.  top  baggy.     He  woi  irvtoxic- 
ate.d  and  {^elZ  oitzzp,  hli  htad  bzcx)mlng  ia6ttmd  In  the.  wedge  6hape.d  iwppofut  oi  the 
top  o{i  the  >u.g.     In  endexvooKing  to  e-xtnlcatz  kimieZi  he  appoAentZy  had  ^aZZen  out  o^ 
the  baggy  and  woi  itowty  choked  to  death.     The  accident  happened  in  the  6ame  nelghbofi- 
hood  04  the  iOie  a  ytoA  ago  whuJi  >ieJ>aJited  in  the.  death  oi  Henkc  and  young  lenbaAth. 
The  decejo^ed  ZeM.veJ>  a  u}iie  and  iamiZy  to  mouAn  hij)  i,udden  and  antimeZy  taking  0|$i$. 

«»»».»»««»»  VecembeA  31,   1903 


(^51)  35  NORTH  WEST  TE;, 



HMKJNSON  HAPPENINGS  TEN  /EARS  AGO "Ja&pcA,"  WaU  AndAem  old  dog,  diad,  and 

ihz  NEWS  gaue  him  cAtdlt  ^ofi  bting  thz  bz6t  tducatzd  dog  In  tovon.     He  tz^t  a  laAgz 
ianUZy.  ********** 

Ten  yexVii  ago  thU  mofming,    [Jan.   7,    1S94]  Wm.  PankeM.  dizd  o^  pneumofujx  at  hli  home. 
tU3o  miZti  e.a&t  oi  town.     VzcexL6e.d  Iz^t  a  uildoui,  Ufu.  Ucuuj  Pankex,  and  two  daughteM,  M-w. 
WUhuJi  NeM>on  and  Hu.  N.  S.  Lowell. 

**********  JanaoAy  7,    1904 

A  ipeclat  (J/tom  Po^Ual  KzpotdJi  that  Ge.ofigz  MeyeM,  haiZing  ^fiom  VaUmoant,  d/iopped 
dead  ikeJve.  Tuesday.     Pecezucd,  40  (Jot  ai  known,  had  no  A.eJiativeJ>  and  wofiked  £01  a  ^anmeA. 
neaJi  faUmount  thz  poit  6iameA.     He  had  no  money  on.  valuables  on  hU  peAion  and  nothing 
u)a&  ^ound  to  gZvz  tn^onmation  oi  to  thz  wheAeMhouti  o^  any  xelativej). 

**********  JanuoAy  7,    1904 

TEN  /EARS  AGO... Column.... Go tttizb  HeZn,  iatheA  oi  Cha&.  Heln,  dlzd  at  home  on  the 
Rice  on  Jan.  19th,  at  the.  age.  oi  71  yexiu.  He  wa&  one.  o^  thz  oldest  ptoneeAi  o^  thU 
Keglon.      [1S94]  **********  JanuoAy  21,    1904 

Oven,  at  (iJhzaton  the  Ackooli  oAe  closed  owing  to  a  ^atal  cxu>e  oi  black  diptktnJ.a. 
One.  aiteJmoon  loit  wtek  the  9  yzan.  old  &on  oi  Banktn.  PeteMon,  one.  oi  the.  mo6t  pnomlnent 
mzn  In  the  town,  wa&  6ent    homz  inom  6chool  owing  to  ^lZnzi4>  and  wai  dzad  at  ntnz  o'clock 
that  evening.     Thz  ichool6  wznz  Ajnmzdiately  cZoizd  and  all  public  gatheJiingi  pnohibitzd. 

**********  JanuoAy  21,   1904 


Thz  sympathy  oi  thz  cormuyiity  goz6  out  to  Mn.  and  Mns.  HichaAd  Bohn  In  the  death  oi 
thzln  tu!o  chtldAzn  inom  tcahtet  izvzK.     AnotheA  oi  thetn.  tittlz  onzi  -ii  nzpontzd  to  be 
■ill  wtth  thz  dtkeoiz,  but  with  coAziul  nuA6lng  will  pnobably  nzcovzA. 

**********  Januany  28,    1904 

TouA  dzathi  -in  t*)o  iamlltzi  occuAnzd  in  BnandznbuAg  Township  la&t  wzzk  inom  scanlet 
izvzn.  On  Tuesday  one  oi  Vlchahd  Bohn'&  chiMnzn  succumbed  to  thz  dl&za&z  and  icoAcely 
had  the  sonAowlng  pan.znt6  laid  thz  little  onz  to  njzkt  bzionz  anothzn.  chiZd  wai  iwmonzd. 

Two  childnen  in  thz  iamiZy  oi  Cha&.  GnizpzntAog  alio  dizd  duAing  thz  wezk  invm  thz 
diizaiz.     In  ail  oi  thzsz  ca&e^  death  n.zi,ultzd  inom  complicatiom   ioUowing  a  neZaphz. 
OtheA  membeAA  oi  both  thzie  iamiUzs  anz  down  with  thz  dt&zoiz,   but  it  ii  hopzd  thz  poA- 
znti  will  be  spoAzd  iuAthzA  aHliction.     Thz  hzxmtieJU  sympathy  oi  all  ii  extended  to 
thz  bznejxvzd  onzi.  **********  Januany  28,    1904 

Gottlieb  Abnaham,   85  yzai  old,  ii  nzpontzd  to  be  ilowly  sinking  at  thz  hospital 
and  wilZ  handly  suAvivz  thz  day.     Hz  andznwent  an  opeAotion  two  weeks  ago  that  was  nec- 
ziSoAy  to  pnolong  his  liiz,  but  his  advanced  yzaAS  mode  complete.  Azcovzny  impossiblz. 


He  hai  hzvzfwJi  dtitdxtn  n.ti>idlng  heAe.. ..  August  kbfuxham,  Ufit>.  TeJid,  Hoz{yi ,  MA4.  The.o. 
HzlZng,  M^i.  J.  Hztlng  and  MA4.   LangbeJin. 

«»»*««««»«  JanuoAy  U,    1904 

Vunam  liJliklt,  thz  boA  feeepcA  who  ^hot  and  lUZZtd  L.  VeJihon  at  UahZow,  jiut  acAoa 
the.  itate.  tinz  in  ifiOMhaZZ.  County,  on  CiuU^tmai  night,  woi  tfvizd  at  SfuXton  laj,t  wttk. 
A{iteA  bzing  out  t^znty  houu  the.  juny  fietisAnzd  a  veAdi.eZ  o{^  manAtaixghteA  in  thz  iiAdt 
dzgKzz,  and  WiZki-Z  wa4  givzn  a  izntzncz  oi  ninz  yzofu  in  thz  pzn. 

Thz  mzn  bzcamz  invoZvzd  in  a  quoAAzZ  oveA  a  game  oi  Ouipi  and  WiZkz  ihot  Vzihon 
thfiough  thz  nzdi,  thz  lattzn.  dying  a  couplz  o{  day6  lateA  at  thz  LidgeAwood  HoipitaZ. 
Thi6  woi  thz  iiut  muAdzA  VUaZ  zveA  fUzd  in  f^aMhaZZ  County. 

»»««»»»«»»  JanuoAy  1%,    1904 

Geo.  BeAtKom,  SupeAyintzndznt  o^  thz  County  Took  Vanm,  dAoppzd  dzad  at  WahpeXon 
SatuAday  moAning.     Hz  had  bzzn  to  LidgeAwood  {,0K  a  patiznt  and  wai  aiii6ting  thz  panXy 
o^i  thz  t/uun  at  thz  HiZwojuhzz  depot  whzn  hz  dAoppzd  dzad. 

HeMAt  diizaiz  woi  thz  cnaiz  oi  ki6  demuz.     Vzcexi&zd  uxi6  a  bKothzA-in-Zau  o^  RobeAt 
We44e£,  and  wa6  an  oZd  >veJ>idznt  oi  thz  county. 

,«««»«»,**  fzbtuiOAy  4,   1904 

GottZizb  Abnjxhan  i,tiZZ  iuAvivti  though  hU  death  hxu,  bezjn.  zxpzctzd  daily  iofi  thz 
poit  wzzk.     Hij>  vitality  It.  wondeAiuZ  cjon&ideAMig  hJU  advanced  agz  oi  85  yzoAi. 

»•*«»«»,»*  FzbnuoAy  4,    1904 

Mw.  J,  W.  HaAgAavz  fizteJ-vzd  a  mz&i>ajgz  tkU  moAning  beoAing  thz  iad  nei*x&  oi  hzA 
Uothzfi'i  death  at  thz  old  homz  in  Iowa.     Thz  blow  amz  ai  a  izvzfiz  ihock  to  W-w .  HaAgfiavz 
ai  the  mzi>iagz  camz  uxUhin  an  houA  aitzA  6hz  had  hzUzZi  bzzn  taken  to  thz  hoipitaZ  ioK 
tAzatment.  **********  rzbAuoAy  4,    1904 

A  thiAd  one  oi  Choi.  GhizpejntAog' i,  chiZdAzn  dizd  (Uzdnz&day  oi  lait  wzzk  iKom 
icoAlet  izveA.     Thz  iamily  havz  thz  /sympathy  oi  all  in  theiA  lOKz  aUtcctton. 

**********  TzbrmoAy  4,    1904 

Hti.  John  FAonk,  a  iaAmeA'6  wiiz,  wai   iKozen  to  death  nzan.  Mandan  duAing  t.\onday 
night'i  itofm,   hzA  body  being   iound  in  a  tnow  dAiit  haZi  a  miZz  iiom  homz.     Shz  had  gonz 
to  thz  ichooZ  houiz  ioA  heA  ZiXtZz  giAZ  and  wa6  Zoit  on  hzA  AeXxiAn. 

**********  FzbAuoAy  4,    1904 


GottZizb  Kblaham  paiizd  pzacziuZZy  oMiy  at  thz  hoipitaZ  at  7:30  PM  Uonday  evening. 
Hz  had  been  i lowly  gKowing  wzaJieA  day  by  day  and  thz  end  had  bzeJ^  zxpzctzd  ioA  i,omz  -tone. 

Vzczoizd  woi  bonn  in  GeAmany  on  kpAiZ  5,   1819,  and  had  hz  livzd  until  nzxt  ApAiZ  hz 
wouZd  havz  kzachzd  thz  agz  oi  85  yzaA6,     Hz  wa6  maAAizd  in  1839  to  Roia  RzimzA,  who  iuA- 
vivz6  him  at  the  age  oi  76  yzaAl>. 

Thzy  camz  to  AmeAica  in  1870,  izttZing  in  WZicomin  wheAz  thzy  KZiidzd  untiZ  1887, 


when  thty  movzd  to  Hankimon  and  hav&  ^.cnce  fitsldtd  with  theJJi  daaghtfii.     A  lamily  oi 
ttzvcn  ckitdKzn  weJit  bofun.  to  tkem,  6ix  o£  whom  oaq.  tivtng.     0^  thej>z  {^Ive.  oAe.  /lUtdznti 

0(J  HaniUrUiOn \tw.  TzAd.  Hot^,  MA4.  Thto.  HzLLng,  Mu.   Langbzhn,  Maa.  J.  Hztinq  and 

Aagmt  Abraham,  the.  latteA  being  the  only  Aon.     The  otheA  daughteA,  Wu>.  HtMlztta  Sch- 
midt, Aeiidc^  tn  Catlionnla. 

foH.  eleven  yeau  a^teA  coming  to  Dakota  they  fie^lded  with  Wi.  and  Uu.  R.  Heling,  but 
ioK  the  poit  iouJi  yeaxh  have  made  theln.  home  with  Ufi.  and  Mxi.  Theo.  HeZlng.     Veceoied, 
In  addition  to  hli  widow  and  ckHdA-en,  hai  ^ou/i  4,l6teA6  living  In  Michigan,     He  lived  tc 
6ez  Oh  dejicendanti  2S  gKandduZd/ieJi  and  5  gKeat-gfLandchlldA.en. 

The  iuntfuxl  waM  held  yeiteAday  [Wednesday]  a^ttfuwon,  a  ihofit  ieJivlce  being  conduct- 
ed at  the  hou6e  and  public  AeAvlcti  at  the  GeAman  Evangelical  ChuAch,  Rev.  Kunz  oi{,lci- 
atlng.    The  Kemalni  weAe  laid  to  KeMt  In  the  cemeteAy  iouthwtit  o^  town. 

«»»«,»»,«»  FebAuoAxj  n,   1904 

G.   B.  Norton  died  ^Kom  heoAt  ^aHuAe  white  on  hli  way  home  to  Ludden  ^fwm  Oakti. 
He  wa6  the  man  who  ihot  J.  W.  Shelton  In  the  eoAly  nineties  In  what  It,  known  ai,  "Little 
Utah.,"  In.  the  iouthea&teAn  pafit  o^  Vickey  County.     Shelton  wai  Intimate  with  M-w.  hlonton 
and  finally  Induced  heA  to  live  with  him.     The  two  men  "mixed"  and  Norton  ihot  and  killed 
hli  odveAiany.     Hofiton  woi  acquitted  on  the  plea  oi  iel^  de^tme. 

»««»««»«,«  VebmoAy  11,   1904 

The  aged  mothex  oi  Van  and  Thank  Sweeney  died  at  the  home  o^  heA  iom  in  Elma  Twip. 
at  an  eanly  houA  ytiteAday  mofinlng.  Vece/ned  had  been  In  pooK  health  ion.  iome  time  and 
paiied  peaceiuHy  away,  having  attained  the  fiipe  old  age  oi  80  yeoAi.  The  iuneAal  will 
be  held  tomofiAow  at  12  Noon,  Rev.  Tk.  Studnlcka  to  conduct  the  ieAviczM. 

«»«»«««*,«  fdafwuoAy  11,    1904 

A  telegram  wai  fiecelved  heJie  SatuAday  announcing  the  death  oi  Auguit  KutteA  at  Rock 
Jiland,   JL.     He  wai  about  70  yeoAi  old.     Hli  wiie  had  paiied  away  about  ten  dayi  pxevloui 
and  aiteA  heA  death  he  expKeMied  a  dalne  to  ioUow  heA. 

Ai  a  KeJ>ult  the  old  gentleman  pined  away  and  died  peaceiully.  The^e  old  people  weAe 
well  known  In  thli  vicinity,  having  been  among  the  eoAlieit  iettleAi  In  thli  fieglon,  and 
leit  a  iew  monthi  ago  ioK  thelA  old  home  on  Rock  Jiland  to  ipend  the  AeJit  oi  theJJi  dayi. 
Two  iom,  OicaA  and  Lewli  KutteA,  live  iouthweit  oi  town  and  the  iofmcA  leit  SatuAday  to 
attend  the  iuneAal.  **********  fehfrnoAy  11,   1904 

Again  hoi  the  imall  man  who  deiendi  hinieli  with  the  iiXit  weapon  been  vindicated  by 
a  j'uAy  oi  tweJive  good  men  and  thue.  At  Hilnofi  loit  iaZl  two  bfwtheAi ,  Blew  by  name,  be- 
came Involved  In  a  diHiculty  with  the  village  moAihal,  Neli  Ton,  and  the  latteA  ielzed 
one  oi  them  by  the  thtoat  and  attempted  to  choke  him. 

The  latteA  dtew  a  KevolveA  and  iiAed  thAee  ihoti  at  the  maAihal,   none  oi  which  initic- 
ted  ieAlooi  injuAy.     The  manihal  died  a  couple  oi  weeki  lateA  i^om  pneumonia  and  an 
attempt  wai  made  to  p/iove  that  hli  death  woi  the  Kciult  to  iome  extent  oi  the  ihootlng. 


The.  EleiM  weAe  PUzd  In  (Uj>tAlcX  couAt  at  FoAmon  la&t  uiztk,  and  though  the.  caiz  wai 
stubbornly  iouQht  the  juAsj  fieXuAnzd  a  veAdlct  OiJ  acquZtXaZ  a{,teA  beA^ng  out  hali  a  day, 
the  opinion  being  that  Blew  had  {/Jied  the  ihot6  In  6eli  deiejue  and  was  justiiled  In  so 
doing.  **********  fehfOLOAy  11,   1904 

Rudolph  Kovt&  and  motheJi,  Wit,.  A.  StAubel,  leit  thli,  aiteAnoon  on  tAoln  IDS  ioK  Uon- 
tovloi,   CA.,    n  inileJ>  ifwm  Loi  Angeles,  In  KeJ>pon6z  to  a  message  announcing  that  RlchaAxi 
Koves>,  who  went  theAz  tanty  In  the  wlnteA  ion  f^u  health,  was  veAy  £mw  wLth  consumption 
and  could  live  but  a  shout  time..     The  aUUctzd  man  Is  a  couplz  oft  yeafis  youngzK  than 
Rudolph  and  Is  pant  owneA  In  a  meat  manket  at  Wahpeton.     He  Is  unmoMled  and  has  been 
camping  In  the  mountains  with  a  numbed  oi  fellow  suUeAeAS  oi  the.  dxtad  dlseasz. 

**********  Fdamany  11,    1904 

The  young  son  oi  Wis.  V.   E.  Elakz  oi  VtlameAz,   died  Sunday  moKnlng.     His  death  was 
caused  by  the  dAlnklng  oi  ca/ibollc  add  by  mistake. 

**********  FzbAuaxy  IS,    1904 


Willie  SchAoedeA,  a  16  yexxx.  old  boy,  died  this  moaning  at  3  AM  at  the  hospital  heJie 
as  a  fieMulX  oi  cold  and  txposuAe  while  KeXunnlng  home,  iiom  Wahpeton  to  his  home  In  Sum- 
mit Twp.,  tknee  mlie.s  northeast  oi  SenoKa,  last  Tnlday  night. 

Veceaszd  was  attending  school  at  Wahpeton  and  Vnldaiy  a  bfwthex  and  hlAed  man  dfiove 
ifwm  the  iam  to  Wahpeton.     The  youngeA  bnotheA  was  to  netunn  with  them,  and  beioKe 
leaving  town  thty  went  to  Zfizckenxldge  and  had  a  dAlnk  on  two.     This  seemed  to  excite  the 
iofmeA  gneatly  and  they  had  somz  dlUlculty  In  quieting  him.     Finally  thzy  stoAted  home 
with  him  In  thz  bottom  oi  thz  sleigh,  but  lost  thzlA  way  and  wandzAzd  in  thz  stohm  until 
neoAly  thAzz  o'clock  in  thz  moKnlng.     Thz  otheA  two  occupants  oi  the  sleigh  wzAz  pKztty 
cold  and  theiA  iaces  weAz  iKost  bitten,  but  thz  boy  was  In  much  wofisz  condition.     His 
iace.,  hands  and  izzt  wzAz  badly  ifiozzn  and  hz  was  unconscious. 

Tolling  to  Azvlvz  him  thz  iamily  bzcamz  oLoAmed  and  bfiought  him  to  thz  Hanklnson 
Hospital  Monday  aitefmoon.     By  this  timz  hz  was  In  such  condition  that  thzAz  was  littlz 
chance  to  savz  his  tiiz  and  hz  passzd  away  at  3  AM  this  mofmlng,  having  bzzn  dzlinlous 
inom  thz  timz  he  fizached  thz  hospital.     Had  he  survived,  amputation  oi  both  hands  and 
izet  would  have  bzzn  neczssoAiy  and  the  sight  oi  one  zyz  destAoyed. 

Hz  was  a  ilnz  physical  spzclman,  mzasuAlng  six  izet  iouA  inches  and  ZoA^z  in  pKo- 
poAtlon.     Vzczaszd  was  thz  son  oi  August  SchAozdeA,  onz  oi  thz  most  substantial  ianmeAS 
in  Summit  Township. 

The  fiemalns  weAz  taken  home  today  and  thz  iuneAal  will  be  held  at  GKzat  Bznd  Satur- 
day, Rev.  Hink  to  conduct  thz  seAvicz.     Thz  iamily  havz  thz  sympathy  oi  a  loAgz  cOiclz 

oi  iAlznds  In  thlzA  gfizat  aiillctlon. 

**********  TebAuoAy  IS,    1904 



VJED:  ....Mu.  ZfU-dgo^t  SMttnojj,  at  the.  homz  o^  heA  i,oti,  VayUeZ  Sw^entif,  In  EZma 
TowMhlp,  on  WtdneMiay,  Feb.    10th,    1904,  cut  tht  agz  oi  10  yzxvu,  on,  a  fizkuJU  oi  a  thiAd 
itAoke.  oi  paJuaZijili, . 

VtcoxUtzd  woi  boKn  In  Canada.,  heA.  maidtn  name.  beAjng  Buidgtt  O'Connor.     She.  woi  moAA- 
A.ed  to  VatAick  Sweenty,  who  di.ed  Zn  1SS9.     0^  tki&  union  ten  chUjdAjejn  voeAe.  bo  fin,  4  even 

oi  whom  oAe.  llv-Lng Mw.  S.  Hunt  o^  Vankton,  SV.;  Hfu,.  Lizzie  GfUti  o^  Hibbing,  MW.; 

M/L6.  W.   L.  VunhaDi,  o^  WiZion  CKzek,  WA.;  Wib.  John  Tinn  oi  ZLveA  FaXti,  WJ.;  Jame^  Swe- 
enet/  o^  Bou)beZt6,  and  VanieZ  and  Thank  Swee.ney  o£  EJbna  Towni>lUp.     0^  thz&e  all  attended 
the  {jUneAol  except  Ha&.  Tinn  and  Ha6.  Vtxnham,  who  weAt  unaJbte  to  be  pAtient  owing  to  the 
diitance  at  whtch  they  Live, 

Veceoied  came  to  NoAth  Dakota  23  yeaAi  ago  and  has  6ince  AeAided  in  EZma  Twip.     In 
addition  to  the  ckildAen,  deceased  ii>  niAvlved  by  a  bfwtheA  who  tivti  at  Getty6buAg,  SV. 

deceased  wa&  a  li^e  long  Catholic  and  died  in  that  ialtk,  the  {,aneAaZ  itAvice^  being 
heZd  TfUday  at  the  Catholic  ChuAch,  Rev.  F-^.  Stadnicha  conducting  the  &eAvice^.     The 
Aemain6  weAe.  inteAAed  in  the  CaXhotic  CemeteAy  6outh  o^  town. 

»«««»««»««  TebAuaAy  IS,    1904 

The  infant  child  o^  M^.  and  Uai>.  Augiut  Schmidt  who  AeJ>ide  eoMt  oi  town,   die.d  ThuAi- 
day  and  the  iuneAot  wa&  heZd  ^Aom  the  Catholic  ChuAch  ?Aiday  a^teAnoon.     The  tcttte  one 
wa^  onZ^  a  ieui  day&  old.  ,,,»,,,,,,  Feb/iaoA^  18,   1904 

Maud  Hiuiey,  a  15  yeaA  old  school  gihZ,  committed  iiUcide  at  BAeckevoudge  Tuesday 
by  taking  pAu&iic  acid.    She  wai,  despondent  oveA  the  death  of,  a  cou&in. 

«»»»»»»»»«  TebAuoAy   25,  1904 

A  j'uAy  in  ciAcuit  couAt  at  Si&6eton  ^ound  FAonk  Goodboy,  not  guilty.     On  Oct.  Snd, 
Goodboy  and  hJj>  i>on,   Etick,   Jndiam,  tnionmed  the  aiithonltie^  at  Si^ieton  that  the  eldeA 
Goodboy  had  ihot  and  kiZLtd  a  white  man,  named  Jame/>  Whalen,  a  ^anm  hand,  and  that  the 
body  had  been  leit  on  the  pAoiAie. 

SevtAol  peA&on  ajccompanied  by  the  6on  went  to  the  icene  o^  the  cfumz  and  ioand  the 
body  oi  Whalen  cold  and  6ti{ii  on  the  gAound.     The  Aemains  weAe  taken  to  the  agency,  wheAe 
a  coAoneA'6  inquest  wa&  held.     BeioAe  the  tAiaZ  the  4,on  Etick,  the  only  living  witneM 
oi  the  cAlme,  died.     The  pleM.  oi  the  defendant  was  that  death  wa&  the  Aeiult  o^  an  acc- 
ident and  the  iailuAc  o^  the  itate  to  e^tabti&h  evidence  to  the  contAaAy  Atiulted  in 
acquittal.  **********  TebnuoAy  25,    7904 

A  meJ>i>ajge  was  Aeceived  Sunday  moAning  announcing  the  death  at  tlilwaukee  oi  Arnold, 
the  10  yeaA  old  son  oi  M.  and  Has.  HenAy  Stack,  who  was  take.n  theAe  ioA  medical  tAeat- 
ment  nealy  two  months  ago.     The  ^otheA  was  with  the  child  when  he  died  and  aAAlved  home 
Monday  evening  with  the  Aemalns.     The  {,uneAal  Is  being  held  this  a^teAnoon  at  the  GeAman 
Evangelical  ChuAch,  Rev.  Kunz  conducting  the  ieAvice.     JnteAment  will,  take  place  In  the 
cemeteAy  south  oi  town. 


The.  tejfidex  iympaihy  o^  oJUL  poMjnii,  go  out  to  tkz  bzAzavzd  ^amity  on  tiiQjJi  gxzat 
aiiUcXlon.  **********  f^^^  3^    j9^4 

MAWTAPOR MAii.   Chci6.  Wo-iwodz  and  Ha,6  EJUzabzth  LaQua  dtpoAtzd  Icut  SatuAday  {,0^ 

WcLba6ha,  UN.,  to  atttnd  the.  lunfuiL  oi  a.  KeZatLve. 

**********  y^^  j^^    j9^4 

A  teAAZbte  tAagedy  li>  fieponted  by  The  NEWS  tnaveLing  conAt&pondeyit. 
He  A^pofuti  that   a  lanmeA.  neax  KbeAdzen  wAxite.  the  tocaZ.  butcheA  a6  {totiom:     Pleaie  do 
not  ■& end  me  any  meat  tkU  week  yet  aVieady,     T  have  butcheAed  myieZ^. 

**********  ^^^      J^^       jgp^ 

Rudotph  KovQj)  KetuAned  Tu.eJ>daij  mofming  i>iom  CaZL^oHnla,   accompojuecf  by  hl6  motkex 

and  bKotheA.     The  iattex  l&  a  victim  oi  the  dAead  di&ea&e  con&umptLon  and  dti-Oied  to 

fiztuJm  to  NoKth  Dakota  and  be  among  fieZativti  and  ^Hlendi.     HudoZph  fiepohtM  havelng  ieen 

A.  K.  Matoy  at  Loi  AngeZt6  and  the  latteA.  l6  uielZ  plexned  with  ha,  move. 

**********  y^y^  j^^    ,9^^ 


County  Phij.&lclan  Taptin  o^  RobeAt^  County  hai  been  Investigating  the  death  oi 
Chanter  Johmon,  a  ^anmtn.  o^  that  county,  who  li  beZlzved  to  have  been  a  victim  ojj 

SeveJiaZ  othen.  peASom  In  the  6ame  locaZlXy  oAe  a^^ected  by  a  myhteAioui  maZady  which 
It  li  ^eoAed  may  be  glandeAi,     The  county  physician  dl&coveAtd  that  some  o^  Johnson's 
hoAses  weA  a^f^ected  with  gtandens. 

It  Is  also  Kepotted  that  the  animals  weAe  accustomed  to  dnlnk  i>wm  a  weZZ  which 
^uAnlshed  the  people  o^  the  nelghboAhood  with  wateA,  and  the  health  authofUtles  have 
disinfected  the  pAemlszs.     AnotheA  resident  o^  the  same  locality  died  o^  a  disease 
Acsembling  that  which  caused  the  death  o^  Johnson,  and  some  believe  both  men  weAe  victims 
oi  glandeAS.  **********  ^^^^  j^^    ,9^^ 

Philip  Enzy,  a  {^oAmeA  ten  mlle>s  iKom  Kulm,  was  iound  dead  In  his  shack  one  day  last 

week.     He  lived  alone  and  was  last  seen  two  days  be{t0A.e  the  discoveAy  o^  his  body,  when 

he  attended  a  beeA  picnic  at  a  neighbor's. 

**********  ^^^   jQ^    j9^^ 

GREAT  BEWP The  Infant  child  oi  ^k.  and  Uas.  klhent  Eohn  Is  veAy  sick  and  Is 

not  expected  to  live. 

**********  ^^^  24,    1904 

It  Is  with  great  sonAow  that  we  chAonlcle  the  death  o^  the  iouA  yeoA  old  son  oi  Rev/. 
and  Uas.  T.  Hlnk,  which  occoAfied  on  Sunday,  the  13th  oi  MoAc/i.     He  had  suHeAed  ifiom  an 
attack  oi  scaAlet  ievefi  about  holiday  time  and  this  was  complicated  with  a  recent  attack 
oi  pneumonia. 

The.  dunfiaZ  too*  hztd  on  Wtdnuday  and  wcu>  attzndtd  by  a  laAgz  nimbeA.  oi  i^e.nd6. 
The.  ieJivZcu  wzfiz  conducttd  by  Rev.  HA^ge-ndofi^  0){  Mantadon.,  CZoeXeA  oi  LLdgcAwood 
and  Nacktiteln  o^  GkqjoX  Zand. 

»»»«»«»«««  jy^^  24,    1904 

We  fizgfizt  to  ckfioYu.cZ.Q.  iht  dtath  oi  the.  youngest  ^on  o^  Wi.  and  Uaj>.  ktbeAt  Bohn. 
The  tittte  ieJUjow  had  been  IZZ  ioK  iome  tXjne  and  pas-ied  away  at  a  tote  houK  Monday  night. 
The.  ^uneAoZ  wai  held  ifJzdnt6da.y  {,Aom  the  LutheAan  ChuAch. 

The  tn{)ant  oi  Wi.  and  ^k4.  UZck  Jacque  di&d  lait  \:3ejdneJ>da.y .     The.  patents  have  the. 
sympathy  o^  aJUi  In  tkeJji  beAejivejnent. 

»*»»*«««««  ^p,^^  21,    1904 

The  thfiee.  yeoA.  old  daughteA  o^  Ma.,  and  Mw.  Wm.  Knaak  dle.d  at  theJJi  home  welt  o{ 
town  on  SatuAday  moAntng  a^teA.  a  ihoAt  tiZxieM.     The  ^imeAoZ  was  heZd  Sunday  ^Aom  the 
WiZd  Vice  Chwich,  Rev.  HAJigtndoA^  conducting  the.  leAvtceM.     The  paAcnti  have,  the  sym- 
pathy 0^  aJUi  tn  the.  ton  o^  thelA  VXtZe.  one. 

•  »«•»»«»»«  ^p^^^  2J.    1904 

Reuben  WiZbtAg,  a  14  yeoA  old  boy  on  hJj)  way  to  VoAtat  In  choAge.  o^  itock  and 
machineAy,  wa6  {^ataiiy  tnjuAtd  on  tht  Soo  fuiitAoad  at  VodgeAi  Sunday.     He  attempted 
to  ctimb  into  the  dooA  oi  the  coA.  a^teA  the.  tAaUn  had  itoAtcd,  6tippe.d  and  ^eZl  undeA 
the  wheels ,  cutttng  o^i  hti,  Aight  teg  and  mangting  Lis  fUght  anm.     He  woi  taken  to 
WXjnbte.don  wheAe.  Va.  MacDonatd  and  Va.  WanneA  took  htm  tn  choAge.     LateA  it  wa&  decided 
to  move  him  to  the  Uinot  Hoipitat  wheAc  he  die.d  Monday  moAning. 

«»«*,,»*,«  ^p^j^  21,    7904 

RidioAd  Kove.6  ii  AepoAte.d  veAy  tow  thij>  moAning  with  the  end  houAty  expected.    The. 
unfortunate  man  i6  the  victim  o£  consumption  and  spent  the.  exiAty  poAt  o^  the  winteA  in 
Cati^oAnia  in  the  hope  oi  checking  the  disease,  but  Aeceivtd  tittte  benefit.     His  bAo- 
theA  Hadotph  and  motheA  AetuAncd  ^Aom  Los  AngeZts  with  him  szveAat  weeks  ago,  and  he 
has  been  steadity  dectining  since. 

»«««»«»»,«  ^p^j^  21,    7904 

Vied,  at  the  Hankinson  Hospital,  on  SatuAday  moAning,  ApAil  16th,  John  SpieAS,  about 
31  yeaAS  old.     Vecejosed  was  known  throughout  the  length  and  bAeadth  oi  southern  Kichtand 
County  as  "Tobe"  and  had  been  in  the  employ  o^  Va.  Spottswood  as  dAiveA  and  hostleA  ioA 
ten  yeoAS.     His  death  was  caused  by  quick,  consumption,  contAacted  thAough  exposuAe  on 
the  long  dAives  which  were  a  part  oi  his  duties. 

Veceased    came  to  North  Vakota  with  the  LoAkins  {^amUy  irom  Ottawa,  Canada,  and  the  . 
only  relatives  he  ever  mentioned  were  a  couple  o^  sisters  at  that  place.     His  father  was 
a  Ijocomotive  engineer  but  was  killed  several  yeoAS  ago.     "Tobe"  had  the  happy  temperament 
pecuZioA  to  his  race  and  one  o^  his  dominating  tAoits  was  his  loyalty  to  his  employer. 


Thz  (litzejn  A,n  wklch  he.  uxu  heZd  by  the.  cormanity  vdoa,  otteMtzd  by  ike.  aXtendanaz 

at  hJj,  limeAoZ.     The.  ieAvZce^  weAe.  conducted  .in  the  CongAegationaZ  ChuAck  on  Sunday 

apiojuioon  and  the  edl^ce  wa&  packed  tc  oveAitowing .     Rev.  H.  C.  Compton  conducted 

the  heMLce  and  the  casket  uxu,  loaded  uuMi  ^toKoZ  oHeM-ngi.     The  locaZ  ^ajlc  depoAt- 

ment,  o{,  which  deceased  had  been  a  mejnbeA,  twined  out  -en  a  body  and  maxcked  to  the  cejm- 

eteAy  eoit  o^  town  whefve  the  fiemaJjU)  weAe  -LnteAxed. 

»•«»,,««,«  ^p^j^  21,    1904 

WatteA  F.  Toi,ney,  a  Soo  bfuikejnan,  died  at  Ende/tLin.  lai,t  week  0)J  Znj afiiei  iu^tained 
{fiom  being   knocked    undeA  a  ^KexghX  ttaln  by  a  inow  dAif^t  wkiZe  standing  on  the  laddeA    ■ 
at  the  iide  o{^  the  coa.     The  accident  occuAHed  at  VlngaJL.     A  deZegation  o^  ^eZZow  tAoin- 
esnn,  among  whom    wtw  Lynn  liLU>4>eZZ,  accompanied  the  Kemalni  to  the  home  o^  hJj>  pofienti  at 
Glenwood,  MN.  •»«»»»«»»«  ^p^^^  2S,    7904 

laAii  AadZand,  an  18  yeoA  otd  boy  n.e^lding  with  hli>  bfiotheA  Jacob  AadZand  il{,teen 
mlteJ)  iouXkfieJtt  oi  heAe,  died  ta&t  ThuAiday  night  o^  con&umptlon  a^teA  a  long  Ittntii. 
In  addition  to  the  bKotheA  with  whom  he  made  hl6  home,  two  mafUiled  ilbteAk,  UKi.   Lou 
Lauon  and  Hu.  Joseph  Tav6\Jold,  fieslde  In  the  neighborhood.     The  {lUneAol  wa&  held  Sun- 
day ^/iom  the  Scandinavian  Chanch  jii&t  acAo/>6  the  i>tale  line,  Rev.  R.  W.  Ruudee  conduct- 
ing the  ieAvlce^.  «»«»«*»«««  Apnll  2S     1904 

VeteA  UcCliiAe,  a  mulatto  who  worked  In  the  Bnlghtwood  Hotel  undeA  the  VeAAy  manage- 
ment, died  at  the  hoipltal  Monday  evening  o^  canceA  o^  the  stomach  aiteA  a  long  lttneJ>6. 
Deceased  waa  about  {,l{,ty  yeau  o{t  age  and  had  no  fizlatlveJi  io  ioA  oi  known.     He  was 
buHled  at  the  county'i  expense.  «»»»**»««*  April  2S,   1904 

UlchaAd  Kove^  paired  away  on  Monday  evening  at  the  home  oi  hl6  motheA,  Mn.  HeAman 
StAuheZ,  at  the  age  o^  26  yeau,  a^teA  llngeAlng  ieveAaZ  months  wJjth  consumption. 

deceased  was  bom  In  GeAmany  and  came  to  this  country  thirteen  years  ago  with  his 
parents.     He  has  been  engaged  In  basinet  at  Wahpeton  ior  a  couple  o£  years  past  but 
Aold  out  last  iall  owing  to  falling  health  and  went  to  CaLiiornla.     The  charge  oi  climate 
ialled  to  benefit  him,  howeveA,  and  his  motheA  and  brother  made  a  trip  to  Los  AngeZeJ> 
late  In  the  wlnteA  and  brought  him  home.     Since  that  time  he  as  been  steadily  {^alting 
and  death  came  as  a  welcome  relief. 

BeJilde^  his  motheA,  deceased  Is  survived  by  one  brotheA  and  ^oua  6lsteAS Rudolph 

Kovej>,  hirs.  itlm.  ?opp.  Has.  film.  Strubel,  Has.  C.  ?.  Arm^tAong  and  Has.  Techllka,     all  o{t 
whom  reMlde  In  this  vicinity  except  the  latteA,  home  Is  at  Vonnybrook,  NV. 

A  i>hort  service  Is  being  held  at  the  house  this  morning  a{,teA  which  the  remains  will 
be  taken  to  the  M.  E.  ChuAch  at  Great  Btnd  where  the  ^uneAal  Aervlce^  will  be  conducted 
by  Rev.   BremeA. 

JnteAment  will  take  place  in  the  Great  Bend  Cemetery. 

»     ********     *  y^p^j^  2S,    1904 


AMERICAN  EPISCOPAL  CHURCH Thz  Right  Reu.   P/t,   CcmzKon  Mann,   B^j^hop  o£  W.   V., 

Mitt  conduct  thz  buJvicUi  ieJivice.  o^  ItonoAd  Mou^tM  at  LidgeAJMood  on  iilkits unday  at 
n  AM.     Thz  Kiihop  -Li)  aZio  zxpzctzd  to  havz  ACAvcxe  and  pfitoich.  -in  thz  e.vzning. 

**********  May  19,    1904 

F^cendi  OfJ  thz  Ke.dmy  family  mil  IzoAn  Mith  n^g^izt  o£  thz  de.ath  o^  M^.  Kzdmy, 
wlUck  iad  zvtnt  occuJVitd  Zcat  ffvidmj  night.  ....l/ERWON  Column... 

**********  Mm/   19,    1904 

LzonoAd,  thz  21  yejax  old  60n  of,  Mn..   and  Ufu,.   E.  A.  Movtuus,  0)$  LldgeAWood,   dlzd  at 
Tucson,  kl.,  Tuesday  mofvfiing,  whzAz  hz  hai,  teen  undergoing  tAzatmant  loi  i>zvznaJi  months. 
Tkz  fie.main6  uiiZZ  be  buoaght  home.  ^OK  buAlaZ. 

**********  May  19.    1904 

ChoAJizy,  thz  little  6  old  6on  o^  M^.   and  Mu.  John  Rotkgebtfi,   ditd  Sunday 

a^zAnoon  a^^teA.  a  bfilei  lllne^&  o{^  icxuilzX.  izvex.     The  bunlaZ  took  place.  Monday  moAnlng. 

The  iamily  -id  itill  In  quoAantine  06  otheA  membeAJ,  o^  the  iamHy  have  the  dc^eoie. 


May  19,    1904 

Wm.  Simon,  a  pnx)6peAou!>   ^oAmen.  iouth  OiJ  LldgeAwood,  wai,  thAoim  {,fLom  hli  nig  while 
fietuAnlng  home  Satuxday  night.     He  uiai  fvendeAtd  uyicom>cioui>  and  laid  on  the  pAoLnle 
till  Sunday  af^tzAnoon  bz{^o^z  hz  uxu   {^ound.     Hli,  spinal  column  uvu  InjuAed,  a  nib  cAu&hzd 
and  an  eoK  neanZy  toln  o^^.     Hz  woi  takzn  to  the  LidgeAuood  Ho&plXal.     Hl6  kzcomzAij  -c6 
doubtial.  **********  May  19,    1904 

Thz  dzath  o£  Mm.  J.  Kzndzy  occufUied  at  thz  family  home  iJouA.  miZzs  this  i>ldz  o^ 
Efi^ngton  ia&t  Fnlday  night  a{fieA  an  ILlnziS  o{  szvzAol  months.  Vzath  was  due  to  a 
complication  oi  kidney  and  lJi\}eA  tAouble^. 

Vzczased  Is  suAvlved  by  a  husband  and  tuo  gfiown  sons  who  llvz  neat  E{i{^ngton.     Thz 
iuneAoZ  was  held  Sunday,  InteAmznt  taking  place  In  thz  E{^(^ngton  Czme^eAy. 

**********  May  19,    1904 

GREAT  BENV . . . . Mu .   John  Tnlpkz  dlzd  suddenly  at  heA  home  east  o^  town  on  Sunday 
a£tzA  a  shont  Itlness.     Vzczased  was  widely  known  and  one  o(,  out  zoAly  seXtZeAs,  beloved 
by  all  f^oA.  heA  many  good  qualltleA. 

She  Is  suAvlvzd  by  a  husband  and  {five  chlldtzn,  two  o£  whom  oAz  moAAlzd.     The  {,un- 
znal  was  held  Tuesday,  thz  seAvlce^  being  conducted  In  thz  GeAxran  ChuAch  In  SummiX  Twsp. , 
and  thz  fiemalns  weAz  {,ollowzd  to  thelA  {final  Kzstlng  placz  by  a  laxge  concourse  0|{  soK- 
Kowing  {nlznds.     The  family  havz  thz  sympathy  o^  all  In  theln.  sad  beAzavzmznt. 

**********  May  26,    1904 

Thz  11  months  old  babe  o^  Mt.   and  Mns.  AlbeAt  W^ege,  who  fieAldz  south  o^  town,   dlzd 
Sunday  a^tzA  a  shont  Illness.     Thz  {uneAat  was  held  Tuzsday. 

**********  May  26,    1904 


F-ted  J.   Bctt,  uiho  had  loAgz  Zand  IntzAUti  In  tkU  vldniXii ,   die.d  at  tiadeZia,  MW. , 
thii,  weefe  at  thz  agz  oi$  44  yexiu.     He  hai,  yj^itzd  HanklnAon  izvzAol  timeA  du/u-ng  the. 
pa6t  aouuptt  ojj  yzau,  and  li,  knovon  to  mmy  o^  qua  bva-inu-ii  men. 

«»«»»«*«*»  Hay  26,    1904 

Joizpk  StabzfUi  ditd  at  tht  ho&pijtat  Monday  mofiyiing  0($  dAop&y  and  he.afvt  Vwuhtt, 
at  the.  agt  o{i  SS  yza/a.     Peceoied  woa  a  MdUi  known  {^onmeA.  A.u-LdLng  ntan  WyndrmAz  and 
tzavu  a  Mk-iJe  and  eJie.vzn  ckitdAzn,  eight  boy6  and  th/izz  gViZi. 

A  6ho^  ^imeAoZ  izfiv-Lcz  woi  hzZd  at  tht  Catkotic  ChuAch  on  (ilzdmiday  mofining  and 
the.  KeMLini,  wejie  ihtpped  to  Stoax  City,  Ik. ,   ^on.  lnte.nme.nt. 

**********  Uay  26,    1904 

Tmo  bnotheAi),  9  and  14  yeMAi  OjJ  age,  we^te  dnowned  -in  tkz  Hichol&  ante^lan  lake 
ne.a/1  Oake^  lait  week.     They  weAe  out  In  a  Zexiky  boat  which  {^lUjid  with.  wateA,  and  it 
-C4  6uppoied  they  weAe  taken  with  cAojnpi,.     The  bodies  weAz  lecoveAtd. 

*«»»»,*»«*  May  26,    1904 


ChanZ.eji>  Eti>en,  oaiAtant  In  the  fiA^t  Nationai  Bank  at  Si^ieton,   committed  rnictde 
SatuAday  night  by  shooting.     The.  cauie  o^  his  seZ^  dzstAuxitton  is  a  mysteAy  oi  he  was 
highty  Ktspected  and  his  accounts  weAz  fitght  to  a  cent. 

Elson,  who  was  only  19  yeoAS  aid,  was  the  son  o^  a  wealthy  saZoon  ke.epeA.     He  wai, 
highty  thought  o{,  by  the  bank  o^^ctats  and  was  weZL  edujcattd.  ..a  splendid  bookkeepeA 
and  accomplished  04  a  linguAj>t,   having  command  o^  se.ven.    difideAent  languages.     He  wai 
o{,  a  KetAAtng  disposition  and  Zlve.d  mwch  by  himiel^,  having  no  IwtimateA  and  declining 
to  converse  upon  the  most  oidinoAy  topless  wiXh  any  one.     His  ecccntAictty  in  this  fies- 
pect  was  welZ  known  to  the.  community  and  was  gzneAalty  attxibuted  to  boih^uineyiS . 

SatuAday  night  he  {^ntshed  kis  woAk  at  the  bank  as  aSuaZ,   and  a(^eA  suppeA  mounted 
his  wheel  and  node  0($($  towatd  BAowns   ValZey.     This  was  the  last  seen  o{t  him  alive,  as 
his  body  was   ^ound  the  ^oULowing  moKning  by  two  giAti  in  a  lane  about  thAce  miles   {^Aom 
the.  ciXy.     He  was  in  a  kneeling  postuAe  and  had  a  gaping  wound  back  o^  the  le^t  eoA, 
caused  by  the.  bank  AevolveA  which  he  still  held  in  his  hand. 

Elson  was  sobeA  and  industAiouS  and  had  $1400  in  savings  on  deposit  in  the  bank. 
A  {jOntune  o{)  $20000  {^Aom  the  old  counfiy  was  due.  htm  as  soon  as  he  became  o{^  age. 
He  had  no  bad  habits,  and  his  sel{,  imposed  seclusion  is  thought  to  have  pAeyed  on  his 
mind  until  he  was  mentally  unbalanced. 

The  iuneAal  was  held  Monday  and  woi  one  o£  the  loAgzst  eveA  held  in  SiAseton. 

The  little,  son  o^  Ma.   and  Mas.  S.  H.  Woolsey  died  at  2  PM  on  Tuesday  a{^eAnoon 
af^teA  su{^ieAtng  {,oa  seveAol  wceJis   ^Aom  scaAlet  ^eveA.     The  little  one  was  twenty 
months  old  and  was  thought  to  be  AzcoveAing  nicely  until  a  ^ew  houAS  be^oAe.  the  end. 

The  ^uneAal  was  held  this  moAning,  the  seAvice  being  conducted  in  the  open  oiA  in 


{/Lont  0(5  -tke  IflooiA^y  korm,  and  ■LrvtzAmtnt  took  pZacz  -in  tht  cojivitzfiy  eoi-t  0|5  town. 
Wi.   WoolAzy'A  poAzrit!)  we^e  owe/i.  ^m  Wahp&ton  to  aXttnd  thz  (^untKaZ.     Thz  iympcuthy  0({ 
-the     zntifLZ  commuyiity  gou  out  to  tht  beJLza.\Jzd  {^cunlly  in  thz  toi>&  o^  thexA  tUttz  onz. 

**********  J^^       J^^        ^t)Q4 

M^.  Hznfiy    Hznnzn  dlzd  cut  thz  homz  o{,  hzA  6on,  Hznty  Hznnzn,  twznty  mitzM  iouth  o{) 
hzAz,  lent  ThuA^day  at  M  o'cZodi,  af^tzA  iuft^zAying  a  poAotytic  ithokz.     Vzcza^zd  came 
out  ^fLom  Goodhuz  County,   Mn.,   on  May  4tk  to  u-ci-ct  hzA  cKitdAzn  -in  this  vtcA-nLty,  and 
wa6  appoAzntty  -In  thz  bz^t  o{^  hzaZtk. 

Shz  tzavzA  tlfiAzz  40(t6  and  tMO  daughtzAi., .  .Henty,   John  and  Rudotph,   M^.   HinnLz 
Vadzn  and  Uu.   Ckfilstina  HoZtz.     Vzcz£U>zd  uja6  63  yzoAi  otd  and  had  6uAvi\}zd  hzA  huiband 
joit  ^oun.  yzoM  to  a  day.     Thz  Azmalm  weAe  ihippzd  {/lom  hzAZ  to  thz  old  homz  i.n  Good- 
huz County,  MN. ,  ukzAz  ^imzAoZ  izAvlzzA  weAe  hztd  Sunday. 

**********  j^^  j^^    J9Q4 

l/ERWON. ..  .E-'Lccfe  E.   LLzn,   onz  o£  thz  pionzzA  flZ^Zdznti  o^  Lizn  Town&kip,   dlzd  at  hU 
homz  thfizz  mltzi  wzit  o^  hziz  at  an  zaJity  houA  Monday  monning.     He  had  bzzn  a  iiui^^ztzn. 
ioK.  a  couplz  0(J  yzoAii   ^Kom  apoplzxy,  and  hi&  dzath  wai  no  &uApfujiZ.     He  woa  6  7  yzaAM 
otd  and  6ZAvzd  ai  County  Commii>.!>A,onzA  ifiom  tkii>  dLUttfiict  at  onz  timz.     LLzn  TtU6p.  woi 
aLio  namzd  in  kli  honon..     He  tzavzi  a  {,amiZy  o^  6ix  ckitdxzn,  two  o^  whom  oaz  mafuiizd 
and  Jiziidz  nzan.  hztz. 

Thz  iunzAot  WC16  hzZd  Tuziday  and  uoai  attzndzd  by  a  Zcuigz  ntunfaeA  0|{  hti  old  timz 
^fiizndi.     Thz  bwiiaZ  took  placz  in  thz  Lizn  Tiuip.   Czmztzfiy. 

**********  j^^  23,    J904 

M^.   Madge  Uohton 

VIED kt  thz  Hankimon  Ho&pital  on  SatuAday  night,  June  ISth,    1904,  Maa.  Madgz 

HoKton,    3S  yza/u>  old,   of^  tubzAculoiii  o{,  thz  bowzli,  af^tzn.  an  iJUinzM>  o^  6zvzAal  montki. 

Vzcza&zd  wai  a  nativz  oi  Canada.,   but  mo&t  o^  hzA  liiz  w)a4  i>pznt  in  thz  Unitzd  Statzi, 
In  1S92  ihz  wa6  moAAizd  to  J.  W.   MoAton  and  ^on.  i,zvzAal  yzaAA  tkzy  viztz  A.z6idznt!>  o{) 
tkid  plazz,  moving  to  ?.zgina,  H.  W.   T.,  in  1S99. 

Whilz  hztz  ihz  u)a6  a  tzachzn.  in  thz  public  schools   ^OA  a  couplz  o^  yzoAM.     EzAidzi 
hzA  hu&band,  thAzz  chiZdAzn  6uA.vivz  hzA....onz  daughtzA  o^  about  H  yzaA6,   onz  daughtzA 
0(5  thAzz  and  a  littlz  ion  o^  zightzzn  months.     HzA  mothzA,   Wv!>.   R.   A.   BzckzA,   alio 
KZMidzA  iouth  oi  town,  and  thzAz  oaz  two  bftothzAi.  ..Lzon  and  HoAfuj  BzckzA. 

Vzzza&zd  woi  a  mzmbzA  o^  thz  Royal  f4zA.ghbofU>  Camp  at  tha>  placz  and  thz  izAviczA  at 

thz  chuAch  wzAz  conductzd  undzA  thz  au&piczi  o^  that  ofidzK,   Rev.   H.   E.  WaZkzi  dztivzKing 

thz  iZAmon.     Tkz  Azmaim  wziz  ihippzd  to  thz  old  homz  in  Wiicomin  ^ox  bu/Ual. 

Thz  dzzpzit  sympathy  i&   £zlt  by  alZ  ^on.  thz  bzAzavzd  onz^. 

*     ********* 


E.   E.  TORRE/ 

PIEP; Ai  the.  camp  o^  iiie.  goveA/mznt  JkuJivtyonj)  iiouthwzit  o£  town,  on  Sunday 

zvenlng  at  6  PM.,   E.  E.  ToHAty,  61  t/eoAA  old,  oi  htoAt  iaJJjuAz 

Peceoied  vxu,  the.  £oKemm  o^  the  QoveAymejfvt  iuJwejjing  pcuity  that  Zi  at  pfie^eyit  making 
itu,  hzadqaaAteA.&  on  the  oZd  Adam  £aAm  thn.e.z  mcZe^  60uthweJ>t  o^  town.     He  w<u  a  {,lne  pky- 
itcaJL  i>pecunejn  and  happo&zd  to  bt  tn  good  hejitth.     About  a.  weefe  pfUoK  to  hJj>  iudden 
taking  o{,^  he.  wal>  taken  with  a  bnA.e.£  fainting  ipeJLZ,  but  wcw  Kzvlvzd  by  itlmulanti, .     He 
xeJiumtd  woik  and  Sunday  zveyiing  wa&  e.ngage.d  In  wAlXlng  a  ZetteA.,  but  a  6to>m  aAjoie  and 
he  aj>ilj)ttd  In  tightening  tht  guy  hjopeJ)  o^  tht  te.nt,     kt  tkU  time,  he  complained  o{,  Reel- 
ing unwelZ  and  a  doctoK  wm  ^ent  ^oA.  po&t  hoitz.     One  oi  kil>  companlom  hufovied  to  an 
adjoining  tent  to  iecuAe  6timulant6,  but  beiofie  he  KeXjunntd  the  i,tfu.cken  man  waj>  dejxd. 

VectoAed  wa6  single  and  had  been  engaged  In  the  goveAnment  Cooit  and  Geodetic  iWi- 
veylng  ^eAvlce  pAacticatiy  ati  hli  ll^e.     Mothlng  woi  known  by  hii>  companA.on6  legaAxUng 
hl6  KttaZiveA,  but  by  mea.Yii>  o{  the.  envelope  he  had  addKe£6ed  to  enclo6e  the  letteA  he 
was  WKiting  when  the  i>to>m  bnoke,  they  weAe  located  and  communicated  with. 

At  thelK  lequ&it  the  fiemains  weAe.  shipped  to  BeveAly,  MA. ,   ki6  boyhood  home,    ion. 

PapeAS  ^ound  on  the  body  Indicated  that  deceased  was  a  min  o^  some,  means.     He  had 
ion.  yeoAS  been  wonklng  ion.  the  goveAnment  and  at  the  time  oi  hcs  death  was  dnawing  a 
saZaAy  oi  $1600  a  yeoA.     He  was  a  man  oi  good  habits  and  highly  thought  oi  by  the  otheA 
membens  oi  the  cAew.     His  sudden  taking  oH  cast  a  cloud  oi  gloom  oveA  the  camp    oi 
which  he  had  choAge.  ««*«»**«»« 

VJEV •■.... At  his  home  twelve  mlZes  southwest  oi  heAe  In  Lien  Township,   on  Monday 

monning  at  3  AM,   oi  apoplexy,   Enlck  E,    Lien,  aged  61  yea/is 

deceased  was  bonn  In  Monway  but  came  to  this  countfuy  In  his  eanJbj  boyhood  and  was 
one  oi  the  iln^t  to  settle  In  what  lj>  now  Lien  Tmp. ,  when  the  n.eseAvatlon  woi  opened 
In  1S92.     He  took  a  prominent  pant  In  the  developemtnt  oi  nonthenn  RobeAtS  County,  and 
Lein  Township  woi  chn^istened  In  his  honon.     He  was  also  County  CommlssloneA  ion.  a  numben 
oi  yeans. 

His  wiie  died  thlAteen  yeans  ago  whtle  vtslting  at  Blooming  ?nalAA.e,  MN.,   but  a  iamlly 
oi  six  chUidAen  suAvlve  him. .  ..Ole,   EmiZ,   Loul^,  AlbeAt,   Bessie  and  Erma.     Oi  these  the 
{yiKst  two  named  one  moAAled,  and  ail  but  the  youngest  son  and  etdest  daughten.  neslde  neon. 

The  iuneAal  was  heZd  Tuesday  aitennoon  at  3  PM  and  was  attended  by  a  loAge  numben  oi 
old  time  in^iends  and  nelghbon.s.     The  seAvlce  was  conducted  by  Rev.   VeteAson  and  Intenment 
took  place  In  the  Lien  Twsp.  Cemeteny. 

June  23,    1904 

PIEP: On  FfUday,  June  17tk,  cut  12:30  AM.,   Iva  Mcuu.e.,   daughtzA  o£  M^.  and  MA4. 

{)l-iZbuA  Nu&on,  t^}o  montki  old,   o^  6plnaJi  mznlng-utllt . . . . 

The.  -infant  wcu,  om  o^  iuxLrUi  and  had  been  A-ccfe  ^ofi  iomz  timz.     Thz  ^anzHxiZ  wot,  hzld 

Sunday,   Rzv.  H.   E.  liJaZkzA  aonducttng  thz  -ie-^v^ce,  and  lYitznmznt  took  pZacz  -in  thz  Czmz- 

teAy  ea^t  o{,  tmn.  »«»«*«««**  j^^  23     1904 

"GREAT  BEhlV The  youngzit  chJJid  oi  Auga&t  Gfu.zpzniAx)g  dltd  loit  weefe  OjJ  iummeA  cxjm- 

pJicUjvt  a^Wi  a  ^ew  hoafU)  UlnzMi,.     A  Zjoxge.  ccAc£c  oi  ^Alejidi  expend  ^ympaihy. 

July  7,    1904 

CoaZ  RedemAfee,  uihoiz  homz  l&  wz&t  0^  Mantadofi,  died  T^viday  a{^zfmoon  aitzfi  an  IZJL- 
ne44  0({  a  ($ew  kouu.     Acutz  aZcohotiim  woa  thz  caaiz  o^  Ivi6  dzmliz.     Vzczaizd  Izavzi  a 
w-i{iZ  and  izvztat  chiid/izn.     Thz  dunzAjot  woi  hztd  Sunday,  -intzfunzYvt  bzlng  madz  -in  thz 
Hankiviion  Czmztzfiy    zait  0^  town. 

GREAT  BENP. ..  .Choi.   Uittag  Kzczlvzd  won.d  la&t  weefe  0^  thz  dzaXh  o{^  a  iO^tzA  at 

ChJcaan  ««»*»««»»* 

^"^^^^30-  j^^y  21,    1904 


EFFIWGTON,  SV.,   JuLy  22nd HoKatio  VaAnham,  an  old  ioldlzA,   on  uho6z  land  E{,{,ing- 

ton  Li  locatzd,  -U  dzad.     Thz  buMJjal  took  placz  at  Sliizton  undzfi  thz  aa&plczA  o{,  thz 
G.   A.   R.  **«*****»» 

Vk,   VfLzd  ToAnMOonth  dlzd  iuddznly  on  July  ISth. 

M'Li.   V-uhzJL,  thz  uxldoiM  of,  an  old  toldlzfi,  paazd  away  SatuAday.     A  ion  o{,  thz  dzcza- 

izd  tivzA  hzAz  and  anothzt  -in  ULiiouAl,   both  ioldlzAi  In  thz  Spanlih  AmzAccjon  WaA. 


July  ZS,    1904 

Choi,,   Aihlzy,   an  old  izttlzA.  In  Sangznt  County,  woi  manglzd  and  klllzd  In  a  moMlng 
machinz  SatuAday  nzoA  CogiMzll.     He  imu>  about  10  yzau  old.     Thz  tzam  dhjxggzd  kirn  about 
a  milz  to  hu>  homz,  and  hz  dlzd  bziofiz  atd  could  6e  izzuAzd. 

**********  j^y  2S,    1904 

Mm.  E.  HungzA  Iz^t  Tuesday  zvznlng  ^oK  Tzfigui  ¥all(>,  MN. ,  in  fizipoMz  to  a  mziiagz 
announcing  thz  dzath  o{j  hzA  iLitzt' 6  b^othzA-ln-law,  coihtzA  In  onz  o^  thz  Fetga6  Tatti, 
banki.  **********  August  4,    1904 

ElmzK  Tnzdzzn,   a  young  man  zmployzd  by  thz  Gizat  WzstzAn  Tzlzphonz  Company,   lo6t 
hOi  ti{^z  -in  an  accldznt,  which  happznzd  SatuAday  nexui  VaOmount. 

Tfizdzzn    woi  oiiliting  a  c/tew  o^  mzn  najj>z  a  tzlzphonz  polz.     Thz  polz  ilippzd  and 
izll,   itAiktng  TfLzdzzn  on  thz  ildz  of^  thz  hzad,   and  cAuihlng  him  to  thz  gKound.     He  d'lew 


kimi>eZ{,  {/lom  imdeJi  the.  pott,  but  woi  ^oimd  to  be  badZy  InjuAzd,  4o  he.  woi  taktn  to 
kli,  home  -in  WahpeXon.     He  xttained  coyii>(u.oui>ne^.i>  {^oi  6ome  time,   but  ditd  Monday  even- 
ing {^hjom  c.oncu/i&.ion  o^  the  bAain.     The  deceased  uxii  about  23  yexVLi  old.     He  ItaveA  a 
Miijje,    {,atheA,  motkex  and  biotheA  pZu6  otheA  KeJLaZiveA. 

»**»**««»*  AuguAi  4,    1904 

...TEN  /EARS  AGO.  ..Column. .  .The.  dejxth  o(,  PeteA  NeZ&ingeA,  a  coal  heaveA  in  the  Soo 
yafixLi,  hefiz,   cAtated  a  6en^ation,  and  a  po6t  moKtem  zxamination  wai  heZd  by  ConxineA  Steele. 

PeteA  KnuAn.,   head  milleA  at  the  Han\,on  PolleA  UilZi,   died  on  Aug.   6th   [1894]   of, 
consumption  at  the  age  of  SO  yzaA.6. 

**********  AugoA-t  4,    1904 

A  hobo  woi   {jOund  dead  In  a  Soo  Line  boxcoA  at  EndeAtin  Vfiiday  molning.     A  IocjoZ 
phyiican  had  tAtated  him  {^on.  heant  trouble  a  {,eu)  day6  beion.c.     An  inquest  wa6  not  deemed 

"^^'^^^y-  **********  A^^^      ,,^        jg04 

Wm.  RiemeA,  one  0($  the.  eoAty  ictXleAi  of  Hank.inoiin,  died  Sunday  a{,teAnoon  6hontZij 
a{^QA  5  PM.  He  had  been  In  poon.  health  {^on.  6ome  time.  Ve.cexuke.d  wa6  63  yea/u>  old  and 
i6  iuAvived  by  hii>  u)i^e  and  a  numbeA  0({  neZativeM  in  tkid  vicinZty. 

The.  {^uneAal  woi  held  Tuesday  a{^teAnoon,   Reu.   Kunz  conducting  the  izAvZce  at  the 
GeAman  EvangeZical  ChuAch.     The  KemoAjUi  weAe  twbinAed  in  the  cemeteAy   6outh  of  town. 

**********  August  11,    1904 

R.  H.  Hanfex)i60n  wo^  catied  to  lU.nne.apoli6  lai>t  week  by  a  teZegfum  conveying  the  iod 
nem  of  the  death  of  hii  &iMteA,  Wu.  Safiah  A.   Roe,  which  occuAAed  TueAday. 

VecejOMed  wai  afflicted  with  asthma,  and  tki&  uxith  a  complication  of  heoAt  tAoube 
cauied  heA  death.     The  funeAal  wa6  held  ThuMday  ffwm  the  late  fitsldence  of  the  deceased. 
HeA  hu&band,  it  uxill  be  fiejnejrteAcd,   died  about  a  yeoA  ago  afteA  a  ihoKt  lllneAi. 

**********  August  IS,    1904 

Jacob  Hoffman.,  the  aeAonaut  u)ho  wai  mth  the  Cash  CoAnivat  Company  at  Lidgenwood 
last  month,  landed  In  Lake  AJLice  while  making  a  descent  at  Tegfms  VaJils  tost  Thansday 
night,   and  uiai  dAowncd  befofie  assistance  reached  him.     The.  ascent  was  made  without 
Incident  and  the  descent  was  appoAently  being  made  In  safety,    but  the  aeAonaut  landed 
In  the  lake  and  become  tangled  In  the  panachute,   drowning  In  a  veAy  few  minuter. 

**********  August  25,    1904 

Adolf  C.   Pecinovsky,  a  pfwrnincnt  fatmeA  KeJildlng  weMt  of  Hantado'L,   died  at  the.  hosp- 
ItaZ  Ttlday  evening  of  appendicitis,     deceased  was  biought  In  about  ten  days  pfievlous 
to  undeAgo  an  operation,   but  owing  to  a  fancied  Inrpnovement  In  his  condition  refused  to 
Submit  to  the  opeAatlon,  and  when  he  KeaZized  his  seAlous  condition  It  was  too  late. 

Veceased  settled  In  Richland  County  seveAal  yeoAS  ago  and  was  highly  respected  foK 


kii  ittnZLnQ  honuty  by  aZZ  uiho  knvn  him.     He.  wo*  38  yeoAi  old  and  Ztavu  a  wZ^e  and 

iJouA  daughtzM  to  mouxn  ku  toll.     The.  iuneAat  wait  heZd  at  LidgeAwood  Sunday  a^teAnoon, 

leAvlczi,  beJjiQ  conducted  in  the,  hxxZt,  and  the  Kemtim  weA.e  lnvteAKed  in  the  cemeteAy  at 

that  place. 

««»»»»«»««  Auguit  25,    1904 

L.  M.  Han6on  o^  Veblen  Bexitcn  to  Death  While  JntoxA.cate.d 

L.  M.  Han&on,  a  welZ-to-do  ^aAmeA  whole  home  l6  neoA  Veblen,  died  at  SiiieXon  lxu>t 
Wednesday  Yioon  ai  a  Kt&ult  o^  injuAlti  fieceived  the  night  pfcevioui  at  the  handi  o{,  WiZl- 
ijm  Titzpatnlck. 

On  Tutiday  night  Hanion,  the  muAdeAed  man,  loai  ^ound  lying  aileep  on  a  bed  in  a  loom 
adjoining  a  candy  itofie  conducted  by  Hu.  ¥itzpat/Uck.     Two  little  giAli  who  iinit  law 
him  Kan  upon  the  itAeet  and  told  iheJji  bfiotheA  that  a  dhunken  man  wai  in  the  houie  aileep 
on  the  bed. 

The  bKothen.,  initead  o^  notifying  the  poli.ce,  hunted  up  a  ^Kiend,  Kfithux  JouAdai,n, 
who  went  with  him  to  the  houie,  accompanted  by  the  two  gixli.     On  enteAlng,  young  Titz- 
patAlck  lit  a  light,  and  handin.g  it  to  Jouxdain,  pulled  o^i  hij>  coat  and  began  to  pound 
the  ileeping  man  ovefi  the  head.     He  then  puZted  Hanion  into  the  alley  and  notified  the 
police  that  he  had  "{^ixed  a  dfwnken  Norwegian." 

The  police  went  to  the  ipot  and  with  the  aiiiitance  o^  the  two  boyi  who  committed  the 
cfUme,  took  Hanion  to  the  itation  and  caZled  a  doctoK.  In  the  mofintng  Hanion  wai  taken  to 
a  hotel,  wheAe  he  died. 

A  cofLoneA'i  inqueit  wai  held  SatuAday,  /leiultbig  in  a  veAdict  o^  muAdeA  ^nom  a  blow 
on  the  head  {^Kom  the  handi  o^  WiZLLam  VijtzpatAlck.     fitzpatnlck  and  JouAdian  weAe  lodged 
in  the  county  jail  at  Siiieton  to  await  tfiiaZ.     Citizeni  aAe  vety  much  exeAclied  oven,  the 
bAutal  a^^alA,  and  but  liXtle  lympatky  ij>  expfieiied  ioh.  the  pniioneAi.     The  muAdeted  man 
fvecently  {^eUi  heiA  to  a  laAge  eitate  in  the  old  countAy  and  had  gone  to  Siiieton  to  lign 
the  papeAi  doling  up  hli  title  to  the  lame,  and  decided  to  celebrate  the  event  with  the 
dAunk  that  Keiulted  in  kil  death.     He  owned  a  good  ^aAm  and  countfiy  itoxe,  and  beioxe 
locating  thexe  lived  at  HiZnoK,  SaAgent  County,  wheAe  a  bnotheA.,  Ole  Hanion,  ii  one  oi  the 
leading  buiineii  men.     Veceaied  leavei  a  wi^e  and  leveAul  children. 

»»»»»»»»»»  September  I,   7904 

ThAee  men  attempted  to  hold  up  lix  hoboei  in  a  boxcoK  at  Valley  City  on  Tuelday  night 
and  in  the  melee  that  followed  one  oi  the  hold  up  aAtliti  wai  itabbed  to  death.     A  coKoneA'l 
juAy  decided  that  the  killing  wai  juitl^ied. 

««««««»«»«  September  1,   1904 



M/L6.  RobeAt  HaAttdbzn  died  FfUday  euenoig  loit  ifvom  comptlavU.oni  {,oZZoiMing  thz 
bluik  oi  a.  ckild  6omz  -tone  ago.     Skz  wcu,  bfiought  to  the.  hospital  iomz  time.  ptev.ioiii, 
6u.^^eAxng  i^m  btood  polioning,  and  though  a  vaLiayit  battZt  againit  thz  Inhjoadii,  o^  thz 
tJioubtz  uxut  madz,  dzath  camz  oa  a  MzZcomz  fizZza&z  to  hzA.  4>u{i^zAAjig. 

Vzcza/>zd  Izavzi  a  huiband  and  izveAaZ  dvitdfczn  to  mouAn  hzn.  Zo^i.     Thz  ^unzAoZ  mu, 
hztd  on  Sunday,  6zn.vlcz6  facing  condactzd  in  thz  Gznman  EvangzLixuiZ  ChuAch  by  Rev.  Kunz, 
and  a  la/igz  concouuz  o^  lofOiovdng  ^fLizndi  lolLowzd  thz  fiemainit  to  thzJji  ilnal  A.z6tcng 
placz  In  thz  czmztzfuj  i,ouXh  o^  town. 

«»«»«««»«•  SzjptzjnbzA  1,   1904 

'TEH  /EARS  AGO".  ...Column.  ..M.  A.  UippzAman  Kztufmzd  ^fiom  Wiicon^Zn,  whzfiz  hz  wa6 
catizd    owtng  to  thz  i,uddzn  dzath  oi  kii  iathzA.      (IS94) 

»«««»»»«»    »  Szptzmbzn.  8,    1904 

Gfizat  Bznd Thz  Iniant  ckiZd  o^  Ma.,  and  MA4.  Petzt  Gttiz6  dizd  Wzdnziday  even- 
ing a^tfi  an  ilZnz&i  dating  {,fiom  biAth. 

«««««««««»  Szptzmbz^  S,    1904 

TzAdlnand  Schack  dizd  at  hii  homz  on  thz  nonXk  ildz  oi  town  on  Tuzkday  a^tzA  izveAal 
monthi,'  Ulnzii,  ojj  Zung  tfioubtz.     He  avu  about  70  yzau  old.     He  texLvzi  a  wiiz  and  one 
dojughtzA,  WUi.  KihzAt  WAzgz.     Thz  ^unzAal  woi  hzJtd  iKom  -thz  Catholic.  Chuxch  thlb  mofining. 

»»«»»•»«•»  SzptembzA  8,    1904 

Thz  two  monthi  old  ckWi  o{,  Ma.  and  Mw.   Pe^cA  GiZiz&  oi  GxzxU    Bznd  dizd  loit 
evening.     Thz  titttz  onz  had  bzzn  a^UUng  ilncz  blfith. 

«»»«»»»«»*  SzptzmbzA  8,    1904 

I'ERWOW Ma.  and  tAu.  HzJU  O^bzy  havz  thz  sympathy  oi  all  -in  thz  loll  oi  thzln. 

ioufi  yzoA.  old  child  lait  weefe.     Thz  iunzAat  wa&  held  on  Monday. 

«»«»»»»»»«  SeptembeA  15,   1904 

AlvZn  CoAlzn,  a  20  yeafi  old  ion  oi  Hon.  John  CafiZzn  oi  Havana,  SoAgznt  County,  wai 
buAnzd  to  dzath  th/J,  wzzk  by  thz  zxptoiton  oi  a  can  oi  keJioienz  with  which  hz  wob  itoKt- 
■ing  a  iViz. 


Wit,.   F.  V.  WoA.azittzA,  wliz  oi  a  dfwugglit  at  CogiweJUi,   iWizd  a  lamp  with  gaiollnz 
by  mlitakz  Tuesday  zvznlng.     An  exploilon  iollowzd  and  ihz  wai,  4,0  badly  buAnzd  that  dzath 
zn6uzd  In  a  ihofit  -time.     Thz  iamHy  ioAmzAly  Kzlldzd  at  Lidgznwood,  Ma..  WoAczitzA  being  a 
bfwthzn.  oi  M.  V.  WoAczitzA  oi  that  placz. 

»«*»»»«*««  SzptesnbzA  15,    1904 


A.  I.  StouhtaxL,  R&g^iteA.  o£  Peed*  o^  RobeAti  County,  dlzd  lcu,t  Sunday  eve.nlng,  cut 
the.  OQZ  oi  64  yaxiM,  a^teA  an  WLna>i>  laitAJig  tkxzz  weefei.     VzczoMzd  wcw  a  candLdcute. 
ion.    Kz-ztzction  on  tkz  "AJi6uAgznt"  tickzt,  havtng  uuMid/uwon  {^Aom  thz  n.zguZaA  fizpubtlcan 
tcckzt  a^teJL  thz  nomlnatLon&  wzAz  made. 

«     »»»««««»«  SzptzmbzA  15,    1904 

■  L.  John6on,  a  thtc&hzA  who  wai  brought  down  ^A^m  Kzniot  with  an  advanczd  auz  o^ 
typhoid  izvzK,  dlzd  at  thz  ho6pttat  VfuAajy  a^tz/unoon.     Vzczjuzd  wa&  about  22  yzaAi  old, 
and  camz  out  inom  liildcovUtln  with  hil,  bfiothzA  to  wofik  du/Ung  thA-Zihlng.     Thz  Kzmum  wznz 
ihlppzd  on  Monday  to  kii,  homz  lomz  twznty  irUZti  60uth  oi  HUuJaukzz  ^OK  IntzAmzjnt. 

»»»»««»»«»  SzptzmbzA  15,    1904 

Thz  Infant  danghtzA  o^  UK.   and  Uu.  HichazZ  WlAtz  o^  WaZdo  Townl>kip  dlzd  SUxht  ThJi- 
dajj  a^tzA.  a  ihoht  tlZnzi-i.     Thz  titttz  onz  wai  onz  o^  tuxln6  that  wzAz  boftn  about  a  yzan. 
ago.     Thz  ^unzAaZ  woi  hzZd  {^Kom  thz  Catholic  Chu/ich  SatuAxlay  moAnlng,  Rev.   Vn..  Studnlcka 
conducting  thz  6zAvlczi. 

»»*«*»»«««  SzptzmbzA  22,    1904 

Uu.  IlzgleA,  HobeAt  A.  Ty^on'i  mothzA-ln-lau,   dlzd  In  Spokanz,  WA.,   on  Szpt.   4th, 
0^  bhonchltu  at  thz  advanczd  agz  oi  St  yea/U).     Vzcza&zd  had  been  a  ^u^zAzA  with  that 
dUza&z  ion.  25  yzanu>. 

»»»«»«»•»»  SzptzmbzA  22,    1904 

Thz  badly  dzcompo&zd  body  oi  a  man  wai,  iound  In  a  whzat  ilzld  about  titio  mltzit  thli 
iilAe.  oi  Valnmount  lait  Sunday.     Thz  body  had  zvldzntly  lain  thzAz  ion.  &lx  wzzki  ok  moKz, 
and  wai  In  6uch  condition  that  Idzntlilcatlon  wai  ImpoMlble.. 

Thz  man  had  bzzn  Koughly  dKzi>6zd  and  thz  only  antlclzi,  that  might  Izad  to  hl6  Idzntl- 
ilcatlon WZAZ  a  watch  and  pockzt  knliz.     TheAz  wa&  alio  a  imalZ  6wm  oi  monzy  In  thz  pocJazt. 
We  woA  zvldzntly  about  25  oK  30  yzau  old  and  oi  mzdlum  wzight  and  hzlght.     CononzK  Kaai- 
man  wai  iunmonzd  iKom  Wahpzton  but  thz  Idzntlty  oi  thz  dzczaizd,  oK  thz  caaiz  oi  dzath, 
could  not  bz  dztzAmlnzd.     WhztheA  It  wai  a  caiz  oi  iulcldz,  accldzntal  dzath  ok  ioul  play 
will  pKobably  nzvzK  be  known.     Thz  Kzmcuni  wzKz  buKlzd  In  thz  Falnmount  CzjnzteAy  Tuziday. 

»«»»»»«»»*  Sep;CeffifacA  29,   J904 

Rev.  J.  A.  StKachan,  who  will  bz  KzmembzAzd  by  old  Kzildznti  ai  a  ionmzA  VcmtoK  hzAz 
when  thz  Mzthodliti  wzKz  itnlvlng  to  maintain  a  chuKch  onganlzatlon,  dlzd  at  Shanon,  VT. , 
Kzczntly  aitzK  a  long  lUnzM.     Vzczxiizd  wai  a  bKothzK-ln-law  oi  County  TKcoiunzA  CaAtzK. 

Capt.  J.  W.  GKzgg,  ionjmzAly  oi  ZLchland  County,  dlzd  at  Paiodzna,  CA.,  Kzczntly. 

Vzczoizd  wai  pnlvatz  izcAztoKy  to  Gov.  John  iiillzK,  thz  itatz'i  ilKit  zxzcutlvz,  and 

ilncz  that  tlmz  hai  bzzn  an  attache  oi  voKloui  dzpoAtmznti  oi  thz  itatz  capital. 


RobzAt  OlziizZ  wai  catlzd  to  WahpeXon  ThuKiday  by  a  mziiogz  announcing  thz  dzath 


o{,  hJj>  {^atheA,  TfUtz  Wti6zZ,  ooho  paj>&td  away  about  9  AW  that  mofining  o^  ojpopt^xy.     Ve.cexu,e.d 
VtcaoUttd  vxu,  one.  oi  ike.  tanZy  fiziidznti  o^  the.  county,  having  itttZzd  neoK  Wahpeton  ovex 
thUity  ytoJU  ago,  ,,,*,•••,,  Se.ptembeA  29.    1904 

GREAT  BEMP MA4.  Suckow,  uiiit  of,  a  loAmeA  paJitoK  oi  the  chuAch  heAZ,  dtzd  at 

KddJjiOn,  Com,  County,  ioit  week.     Rev.  C.  A.  RtemeA  and  Gto^z  liloKneJi  wejit  up  to  attend 

the  luneAaZ. 

««««»««,«,  OctjobeA  6,   1904 

OJ.  F.  Bai6le.y  AetuAned  SatuAday  ^Aom  KbeAcAomble,  wheAe.  he.  woi  cxdZed  to  attejid  thz 
iuneAat  oi  ki&  iatheA-Jin-lauo,  Va.  PauZion. 

»•««»»»»»»  OctobeA  6,    1904 

The.  yeoA  old  daughteA  o^  Ma.,  and  Ufu>.  TAeA  VjuiZjoii  dtzd  Sunday  a{,teA  a  hhofit  Zttnt&A. 
The.  luneAat  woi  hztd  Tuesday  a^teAnoon  ^ficm  thz  GeAman  EvangeLicaZ  ChuAch,  Rev.  Kunz  con- 
ductlng  the  ^eAvZce^.  •     »••,»».,,  OctobeA  6,   1904 

f'^ooAeton Ha.  and  Wu>.  Johnnie.  Ha^neA,  accompanied  by  Uu.  HeJL^  and  VeteA  ThltZ, 

AeXuAntd  SatuAday  cvejung  ^Aom  Neu)  Hol6tlen,  WI.,  wheAe.  they  had  fceen  called  by  the  death 
0(5  thelA  motheA. 

»««*«»»»«»  OctobeA  13,   1904 

A  me&6age  ^Aom  Eakeu^leZd,  CA.,  thU  moAning  announces  the  death  o^  Uaa.  SaAah  Slmp- 
kin6  at  that  place.     Vecea&ed  wm  a  membeA  o{,  the  Coppln  ^ajmlly  and  le{,t  heAe  two  yeoAi 
ago  la6t  June  to  make  heA  home  In  Calt^ofinia.     HeA  hu&band,  a  Wahpeton  bailne66  man,  died 
about  a  yeoA  a^teA  thetA  moAAtage,  and  no  chlldAen  weAe  boKn  to  them. 

The  Aematni  oAe  now  being  shipped  heAe  ioA  buAcal,  and  6eAvlcei  uollZ  be  held  iome 
time  next  week,  but  a&  yet  no  day  can  be  named. 

»»•»«««»<«  OctobeA  20,   1904 

VEVKOH IveA  Staditaad  called  on  iome  o^  hJj,  old  time  ^Alendi  heAe  SatuAday. 

He  hoi  ipent  the  poit  (Jew  yeau  In  Alaska,  but  htoAted  {,oA  home  on  leannlng  OjJ  the  Aecent 
death  o£  hl6  ^otheA. 

«,«»«*,»,,  OctobeA  10,    1904 

Two  men  weAe  lulled  at  Tlntah  on  Monday  night  by  an  extAa  {^nzlght  on  the  Evamtvllle 
bAanch.     The  men  had  been  6een  a  ihoAt  time  be^oAe,  and  wete  i>t<H  woAm  when  iound.     An 
Inque&t  wai  held  and  the  veAdlct  wa6  that  the  men  had  been  killed  by  being  Aun  oveA  by 
the  engine,  having  fallen  In  an  attempt  to  ileal  a  Aide  on  the  pilot.     They  weAe  TAed 
TAott  oi  VuAand,  WI.,  and  (UalteA  Slmondon  oi  Lake  City,  MW. 

«»»«»«•«««  OctobeA  10,   1904 



VZEV: SXmplUn&,  M^ .  HaAy  Ann,  at  SakeAi^leJtd,  CA.,  on  OctobeA  17ih,   1904,  o£ 

qwLck  coniumptZon,  at  the.  aQt  oi  38  yzau,  two  month&  and  29  dayA. 

VzctoAzd  wa6  boAn  In  Canada  on  July  18th,   1866,  beting  thz  otdo^t  daughttn  o^  M^.   Ed- 
waA.d  Coppin,  and  cjxmt  to  UlchZand  County  uxith  the  ^amlty  in  the.  ApfiinQ  oi  1881,  iettJUnQ 
on  the  {tOAm  tuio  miZei,  weMt  ojj  Hankjinbon  whtch  itJJJi  the.  name,     HeAz  &he  fie^tded 
uiUh  heA  paAenti  until  May  15th,   1889,  when  4>hz  wa6  uniXe.d  in  moMiage.  to  ItonaM  Simpkim 
0(5  Wahpttcn.     The  latteA  died  on  Pec.   10th  o^  the  Aame  yeafi,  but  hli  mxiow  fieiided  in 
Wahpeton  ion.  leveAat  yeau,  lateA  coming  to  the  home  o^  heJi  bfiothefu,  we/>t  o^  town.     In 
June  oi  1902,  6he  went  to  CaZi^oAnia  whefie  Ahe  kept  hou&e  (on.  hen.  b/wthex,  Tho6.  Coppin, 
at  BakeuiieZd,  up  to  the  time  o£  hen.  death. 

Hen  iZZneii  dated  ^ncm  la&t  Apning,  being  the  dinect  n.eiuZt  0(J  a  Aevene  coZd  which 
attacked  hen  ZungA,  a^ten  which  time  6he  Waited  AteadiZy. 

She  ij>  iunvived  by  hen  ^athen  who  now  ntiidei  in  England,  tu)o  iiiteM  and  6ix  bnctheM, 
viz:  Mn4.  A.  H.  Snown  oi  HankinAon,  Un£.  Baken  o^  Wahpeton,  John,  Geonjge,  Vned,  Thomoi, 
Vhitip  and  William  Coppin,  all  0(J  whom  wene  pne6ent  at  the  ^unenxJi  except  Thomas  at  whoie 
home  in  Caliionnia.  hen  death  occuAned, 

The  nemain6  oAAived  hene  Tue&day  and  the  ^unenal  wai  held  yeitenday  a^tennoon  at  1  ?M, 
Aenvices  being  conducted  at  the  Cong' I  Chuxch  by  Rev.  H.  E,  Walken..     A  lange  numben  o^ 
pUendA  0)5  the  family  attended  the  ienvicei  and  followed  the  nemaim  to  theln.  ^inal  netting 
place  in  the  family  cemeteny  in  the  pictune&que  hiZli>  to  the  weit  oi  town,  whene  6he  wa& 
loyld  to  neJ>t  be&ide  hen  mothen  and  iij>ten,  Wu.  W.  H.  Baken. 

Deceased  wai,  a  devout  Chni^tian  woman  and  a  memben  o^  the  Baptist  ChuAch.     Hen  acti 
oi  kindnett  and  beatiti^ul  chanxicteA  endeaxed  hen  to  all  who  knew  hen,  and  the  wonld  l6 
betten  ^on  hen  having  lived. 

The  membem,  o^  the  family  detiAe  to  expne&t,  thnough  the  NEWS  theln  thanki  to  the 
iniendt  who  wene  pnetent  at  the  iunenal  and  attiAted  them  in  6o  many  wayi  danlng  the  dank 
houm,  0({  theln  ai£li.ction. 

«     ««««»»»»»  OctobeA  27,    1904 

Hn&.  Loot*  ThilLipA,  whoie  huiband  wai  in  change  o^  the  Hankimon  Vnug  Company's 
buiineis  hene  at  one  time,  died  necently  at  White  Rock. 

»»»»*«*««»  HovembeA  3,   1904 

Samantha  Cleo,  daughten  o^  Wi.  and  Wib.  Andnew  Uounen,  died  ta&t  night  at  thein 
home  iouthwe&t  o{,  town  a^ten  a  six  weeks'  illnesi.     Complications  iottowing  scanle^ 
ieven  was  the  cause  o^  hen  deatJi. 

Deceased  was  6  yeans,  9  months  and  20  days  old,  and  Is  the  second  youngest  o{,  a 
family  o^  ^oun  ginls.     As  thene  ane  othen  cases  oi  the  disease  in  the  house  thene  will  be 
no  iunenal  senvice,  but  intenment  will  be  made  at  the  Tysonville  Cemeteny  SatuAday  aiten- 
noon.     The  poAents  have  the  sympathy  o{i  all  in  theJji  sad  beneavement. 

»»»»»»««»,  Novemben  10,    1904 


TEW  VEARS  AGO  COLUMN EAnzit  VeAdwiin,  a  bfwth^-ln-lm  oi  Ffitd  Egg^At,  wan 

accldtnCtty  ihot  vkAjLo.  hunting  -in  ihz  iond  hUXli  noAXh  o{,  town  and  dltd  ^Avm  kli  inju/viu. 
Thz  body  woi  takzn  to  MlnntapotU , 

»     «*,»»»««     ,  NovmbeA  17,   1904 

EWERLIN  JWEFENVEhlT:  ..,Vk.  lOion  wcu,  caJLttd  to  WyndmeAe.  bxbt  Monday  to  aiiUt  Vk.   E. 
T.  SheAp^g  -en  attending  a  man  by  the.  name  oi  HobeJit  LittZz  who  wai>  ieAA-OiuZy  and  penhapi 
iataZiy  wounded  by  the  accidentaZ  dZichoAge  o{,  a  ihotgun.     We  woi  attempting  to  take  the 
gun  ^Kom  a  wagon  and  gfuutped  It  by  the  baMjeZ.  vAien  tt  wa6  dl&cha^ed,  the  chaJige  ejiteJiing 

ki&  4-cde  and  anm  and  {eoA^utZy  tacJiating  hli  ofm  and  body, 

»     ««««««««     » 

HovembeJi  17,   1904 

Hon.  fKeeman  OKciitt,  zx-ccunty  iadge  oi  tki&  county,  died  at  Uinneapoll&  loit  ThuM- 
day  moAnlng  at  the  age  o^  59  yexuu.     Veath  woi  due.  to  canceJi  oi  the  thAoat  wJMi  which, 
he  had  been  WL  ion  nine  weeki . 

Judge  OfLcutt  wa&  at  one  time  County  Commi66ioneA  ioK  the  Wahpzton  diitfUct  and  lateA 
le/ived  two  ttnmi  a6  County  Judge.,  being  de^eaJied  (,ok  Ae-eZection  by  Judge  Wake^ieZd  ^ouK 
yeafii  ago.     He  wa&  aZio  at  one  time  State  Commanded  oi  the  G.  A.  R.     Vecea/,ed  woa  a  mem- 
beA  oi  SumneA  G.  A.  R.  Vo6t  at  Wahpeton  and  wai  alio  a  membeA  o{t  the  Wahpeton  Lodge*  o^ 
Odd  EeZZowi,  ModeAn  Woodmen  and  Knighti  oi  ?ythija&.     The  ^uneAaZ  wai>  held  Sunday  aiteA- 
noon  at  the  lamiZy  home  in  HinneapoZii,  2  W.  VouAteenth  StAett. 

«     »»»»«««»     »  NovembeA  24,    1904 

David  V.  Waite.,  County  TAeoMuAeA  eZect  o^  WiUiin  County,  died  in  the  BfieckenAidge 
HoApitaZ  on  Monday.     He  wai  elected  at  the  lai,t  eZection  and  wouZd  have  taken  the  o^iice 
in  JanuoAy.     Veath  wait  due  to  an  opeAation  ^oA  canceA.     He  lived  at  Childi  and  wa&  a 
heavy  Zand  owneA  in  that  vicinity. 

»«««»»«»»»  VecembeA  1,   1904 

Melvina  Elizabeth,  daugkteA  oi  Ma.  and  Mfu,.  John  0.  Moen,  died  at  an  eoAty  houA 
thJj)  mohning  at  the  home  o^  heA  paAenti,  sixteen  miteJ>  iouth  oi  town.     Vecexued  would 
have  been  iouAteen  yeoAi  old  had  ihe  lived  until  the  10th  oi  thii  month. 

Consumption  wai  the  came  oi  heA  untimely  end.     The  ^uneAol  will  be  held  Sunday  at 
3  ?M.,   inom  the  Valley  ChuAch,  Rev.   Lundquiit  to  conduct  the  6eAviczi. 

»•»««*»*««  VecembeA  1,   1904 

EAne^t  StetnwehA  depaAted  lat>t  night  ioA  Waupon,  WZ.,  to  atte.nd  the  iuneAal  oi  a 
6i6teA,  wold  oi  who'i  death  he  had  Kzceived  daning  the  day. 

»»«»«»*»,,  VecembeA  S,   1904 

Body  Eound  HeaA  EaiAmount  May  Have  Been  Mining  South  Vakotan. 
HURON,  SV.,  Vec.  6th E.  M.  Vunn,  Chiei  of,  Police  at  MilleA,  wai  in  the.  city 

on  ht&  way  to  Bnandon,  lA.  to  conieA  with  the  motheA  and  otheA  Kelativejk  oi  Jacob  John- 


iion,  mU^ing  ^Aom  kL&  ioMm,  ntoJi  WeJt&Zngton,  i>lncz  the.  laiteA  panX  oi  loit  June.,  and 
6uppoied  to  have  been  mvJidenzd. 

Wi.  Vunn  AztuAned  ^Aom  FaVmount  and  Wahpeton,  -in  tJoAth  VaJzota,  a  ^exo  douji  6Znce, 
wheA-e.  he  toznt  to  vtw  the  AemU.n6  o^  a  man  £ound  dead  In  a  wheat  {/.eZd  neon,  the  iVikt 
named  town  iome  time  aamcz.     HZ&  \>4j>lt  Atiulted  Jin  getting  poiieMton  oi  a  iiZveA  watch 
and  a  portion  of,  the  dead  man'&  vz&t.     The  watch  ha6  been  tdtnti^ied  a6  that  o£  Johmon'i 
but  the  cZothlng  havtng  been  exposed  to  the  weathfi  io  tong  -ci  ^aded  and  -ci  not  po&tti\ieZy 
Zdentifted  oi  that  woAn  by  the  mli^tng  man. 

A  pecaUjxA  pAoceeding  wai  that  the  Aemaini,  04  60on  oi  found,  weAe  oAdeAtd  by  the 
cxiAoneA  to  be  buAZed,  no  examtnatton  oi  to  wound&  oA  caiue  pf  death  woi  held  and  seemingly 
tittte  effoAt  made  to  a&ceAtain  the  tdentity  of  the  dead  man.     The  body  waj>  without  hat, 
but  in  the  pockets  of  ki&  cZotking  woi  found  about  $14  -in  ca&h. 

A  foAmhand  di6coveAed  the  body,  and  lateK  came  to  Wzi>&A.ngton  to  woAk  and  happened  to 
tdUL  of  the  find,  when  the  aivthofUtie/>  at  once  began  inve^tigattng ,  the  Ae^uZt  of  which 
now  btdit  faJji  to  lead  to  the  diicoveAy  of  the  peApetAatoAj,  of  one  of  the  foulest  cJumej> 
known  to  thi6  pojit  of  South  Vakota. 

A6  to  whetheA  oa  not  Johmon  wa&  kitted  at  hit,  home  neoA  WeJ^itngton  and  the  body 
taken  to  wheAe  it  wot,  found,  oa  whetheA  he  woi  Induced  to  go  theAe  with  hti>  itayeA  -ci  a 
pAobtem  that  mu&t  yet  be  solved. 

It  l6  known  that  Johnion  had  a  team  the  day  he  woi  ta6t  ieen  at  hi&  home,  but  04  to 
the  whzAeahouti)  of  ettheA  of  the  hoAi>eM  oa  wagon,  oA  the  otd  Aeddl&h-yetZow  tAunk  of  HoA- 
wtglan  make  that  ii  at6o  mii,6tng,  though  maAked  "Paut  Jakob6on"  -in  NoAwegian,  no  one  hoi 
yet  been  abte  to  itate.     A  AesuaAd  of  $200  -ci  offeAed  foA  the  team  and  wagon. 

It  -is  beLieved  that  the  v-id-it  of  Vwnn  to  the  Aetative-lt  of  John&on  at  EAandon,  wltt  be 
heZpfut  to  thoie  now  dezktng  to  unAaveZ  the  den&e  my^teAy  and  tead  to  the  punZ&hment  of 
thoie  AeApon&-ibte  foA  the  oUme. 


MILLER,  SV.,  Vec.   7th (Uty  UaKkhatZ  Ed.  Vunn  hoi  jo&t  AetuAned  fAom  BAondon,  lA., 

wheAz  the  motheA.  and  bAotheA  of  muAdeAed  Jacob  John&on  weJie  unabte  to  tdenttfy  the  watch 
taken  fAom  the  dead  man  found  neoA  TaiAmount,  NV.,  a6  that  of  the  mlii-ing  Jacob' ■&.     Two  of 
h-ii,  foAmeA  netghboAi  at  Mount  VeAnon,  howeveA,  -identif-ied  the  watch  ai>  hii .     Two  men  in 
UitteA  hay  the  watch  tooki,  j'ait  tike  the  one  he  showed  them. 

A  Wellington  man  identified  the  ptece  of  the  UoAth  Vakota  man' i  ve^t  a6  the  the  iame 
04  woAn  by  the  mining  Jacob.     TheAe  ij>  a  itAjong  pAobabitity  that  it  wa6  hii  body  found 
theAe.     It  toy  in  the  wheat  fieZd  100  yoAdi  fAom  the  Aoad,  hatteM.     M/t.  Vunn  li,  po&itive 
about  it. 

The.  muAdeAeAi  mu&t  have  made  off  into  Hinne^ota  and  pAobably  into  Canada  with  the 

tejm  and  peA&onat  pAopeAty,  and  finding  the  woAk  undetected  came  back  thAee  months  tateA 

and  kiZted  G.  M.  Todd.     The  alteged  di&coveAy  of  the  Todd  hoAMe/>  in  liinnejiota  indicates 

that  the  iame  diAecticn  was  taken  by  hi6  muAdeAeA-k,  Canada  oA  the  gAeat  plneAteM  deeming 

to  be  the  iheZteA  iought.  **********  VecembeA  S,    1904 


Joe  BeAnoAd  Ik  ThAouin  ^A-om  Wagon  Stat  and  B/ieofei  Hli  Hzck. 

Wklie.  xeXiLfufiLng  home.  £Aoni  HajfilUmon  with  a  load  o^  coaZ  taj,t  TnJjdaxj  night,  Jot  BeAn- 
aAd,  a  ^oAmzA  living  eZzveji  mlZeJ>  noAthtait,  itll  ifiom  hli  wagon  i,zjat  and  bfiokz  ha>  necfe. 

BeAnoAd  woi  In  town  nzafiiy  all  day  TkuAiday  and  did  not  Izavt  {,0A  homz  until  about 
9  PM  thai  tvznlng.     Hz  had  on  a  doublz  box  with  a  izat  to  which  thzAz  wzJiz  no  ildzi,  on. 
back.     Hz  had  loaded  a  hali  a  ton  oi  coal  at  John  R.  Jonz6'  yahd  bz^oAz  leaving  and  itafU- 
zd  homz  alone.     The  team  reached  homz  about  midnight,  but  cw  Ma.  BeJinand  wot,  ml6ilng  hl& 
wl^z  bzcamz  alanmzd  and  walkzd  to  Wm.  Koppelman'A  nzafi  by  and  a&kzd  him  to  ^toAt  out 
In  izoAch  o{  heA  haiband.     At  daylight  KlppeZnan  and  Thzo.   Bohn  {^ollowzd  thz  tAoll  back 
iAom  thz  houiz  and  about  &lx  AM  camz  upon  thz  Zlizlzii  body  OjJ  BeAnaxd  nzoA  thz  appAoach 
to  thz  Popp  bAldgz  acAo6i  thz  Wild  Zicz  HiveA.  6lx  mlZzi  noAth  o^  hzAz.     Thz  ipAlng  to  thz 
izat  zvldzntly  bAokz  whllz  going  down  thz  bank  to  thz  bAldgz,  thAowlng  BeAnoAd  to  hl& 
death.     Ai  hli,  nzck  wai  bAoken  death  wa6  pAobahly  ln6tantanzou& . 

Thz  body  woi  taken  to  a  nzlghboA' 6  and  CoAoneA  KaaHman  notl{,lzd  at  Wahpeton.     On 
hli  aAAlval  an  Inquzit  wa&  held,  thz  vzAdlct  being  that  dzcexued  cxmz  to  hli  death  by 
falling  {^Aom  hli  wagon  izat  ai  abovz  dzicAlbed. 

Vzceoizd  wai  a  man  o^  about  thlAty-tLVo  yzoAi  o{,  age  and  leavzi  a  wl{,z  and  ilx  imali 
chlldAJzn.     Hz  coAAlzd  no  liiz  IniuAancz  and  Izavzi  littlz  pAopeAty,  having  Aentzd  and 
woAkzd  a  poAt  0|J  thz  old  Vlvzt  ^aAm  lait  izaion.     Hz  hoi  izveAal  bAotheAi  living  In  thz 

Thz  ^uneAal  wai  held  Monday  ^Aom  thz  St.  Joe  ChuAch  zait  o^  GAzat  Bend,  InteAmznt 
being  made  In  thz  cemztzAy  nzoA  by. 

**********  VzcembzA  S,   1904 

Thz  thAzz  yeoA  old  daughteA  o^  John  Viathlzieji,  who  llvzi  wzit  oi  WyndmeAe,  wai  (total- 
ly buAned  whllz  alonz  In  thz  houiz  onz  day  lait  wzzk.     Thz  littlz  glAl  iound  iomz  matchzi 
and  izt  hzA  clothing  on  ilAz,  then  Auihzd  out  o^  the  houiz  a  man  oi  ilamzi.     BeioAe  thz 
iathzA  Azachzd  heA  ihz  wai  io  {^atally  buAnzd  that  dzath  zniuzd  wcthln  a  ^zw  houAi. 

**********  VzcembzA  75,    1904 

Vlzd,  at  thz  homz  oi  Ma.  and  Maa.  AlbzAt  Hlngit,  a  ion  nlnz  monthi  old.     Thz  {^unzAol 
will  bz  held  at  the  CzAman  LutheAjin  ChuAch  on  Tuesday  a^tzAnoon,  Rev.  R.  Hlnk  to  conduct 
the  iZAvlczi .     Thz  beAzavzd  icmlty  havz  thz  iympathy  oi  thz  entlAe  community. 

**********  PecejnbcA  22,    1904 

TztzA  and  Nick  ?ohl  havz  been  called  to  FAedonla,  W1.,  by  a  mzJtiagz  announcing  thz 
iZAloui  llZneM  o^  thzlA  latJuzA,  who  li  not  zxpectzd  to  iuAvlvz. 

**********  VzczmbzA  22,    1904 


Tcuthtt  U/JUMun  GfizogzA,  pfu-Ut  and  hzaZeA,  dle.d  Ktzzntly  at  Elphany,  SV,     Vtczoitd 
dafUng  the.  pa&t  it-ix  yexiu,  admLnUteAtd  to  thz  phyitcai.  and  ipVUtuaZ  .WLtt  o^  pattznti 
^om  att  ovzfL  the.  United  Statzi,  numbeAtng  among  ht6  patients  i,zveAat  ^fwm  tkU  pajvt  o£ 
ULchZand  County.     He  biUZt  the.  vihote.  town  o^  Elphany,  Indbxding  a  ho&pltaZ.  and  big  i>ani- 
toAAMm.     A  loKtunt  oi  $250,000  16  le^t  to  a  niece  by  the  teAmi,  o{,  hi&  vailZ. 

»«««»««««»  VecejnbeA  11,   1904 

Eplvujm  BM-ckeA.  died  at  the.  hoip-ital  SatuAday  a^teAnoon  at  iive.  o'cZock,  at  the  age 
oi  32  yejoAi,,  aiteA  an  JULlneJ^h  oi  about  a  yexoi.  "Eph"  ai  deceoied  u}a6  iamiZlaAZy  oalted 
un&  weJUL  known  Xn  Hankin&on,  having  ipznt  a  good  6haAe.  o^  IvU  tone.  heAz  6tnce  iiA^t  ent- 
eAtng  the.  employ  oi  John  R.  Jonei  i>lx  yeoAi  ago.     He  woA  at&o  at  onz  tJjne.  a  6tude.nt  at 
the.  UntveA&ity  at  Wahpeton  and  hxu,  a  loAgz  (uActe.  oi  acquatntance^  theAe.. 

Vezejibtd  woa  bonn  In  Wa&htngton,  Canada,  in  JanuaAy  oi  1872,  and  i6  4,uAvive.d  by  ki& 
poAznti,  thAte.  6i6teAi  and  two  bfiotheAi.     One  bfiotheA,  AAthuA  BAeckeA,  fui6ideJ>  in  FoAgo 
and  woi  pfie^ent  at  the  iuneAaZ  which  woi,  held  Honday  ioftznoon  ifiom  the  GeAman  EvangeZlcaZ 
ChuAch,  Rev.  Kunz  conducting  the.  ieAvice^.     JnteAment  wai>  made,  in  the.  cemeteAy  6outhwti>t 
oi  town. 


VtcembeA  22,    1904 

HAPPEmNGS  OT  TEN  YEAPS  AGO W.  S.  AndAem  wai  caUzd  to  Ha6on  City,   lA.,  to 

attend  the  iunefiaZ  oi  hU  bfiotheA,  R.  J.  AndAeua,  iofmeAty  a  Ke^ident  oi  tkU  place.. 
Vecexu>e.d  wai>  a  membeA  oi  the  Hankinson  M.  W.  A.  camp  and  caAAie.d  $3,000  in6uAance  in  the 

oAdeA..  «»»«»»««»» 

VecembeA  22,    1904 


7  9  0  5 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column JanuaAy  o^  1895 HU^  BeMha.  Uzdzywocdidt,    77  yzoA 

otd  daughJteA  oi  ?Ae.d  MtdejuvaJbit,  ditd  o^  typhoZd  (JeveA. 

A  tele.gficm  announczd  the.  dzaih  oi  MfU,.  J,  W.  Copt  at  WooiteA,  OH.     Sfee  woa  ^ound 
uncon&cloui  on  a  ile.e.p^ng  cjok  white.  malUng  a  ficuMcuj  j'ouAney  {^fLom  1)1  a6  king  ton  City  to  Tout 
Islaujnz,   IN. 

M/L4.  Va\jld  Sutton  died  on  Jan.   30th  US95)   at  the.  age  o£  25  yeau. 

»««««»»»»«  Januxviy  5,    7905 

An  -in{^ant  ckitd  o^  M/i.  and  M^.  ChoJi.  TfiA.bzek,  who  Keyklde  60uth  o^  Stiles,  d^ed  la&t 
Efu.da.y.     The  bafUaZ  took  place  Sunday. 

*«««.»«««««  JanuoAy   5,  7905 

Tfu.end&  o^  Mk&.  MoAy  Uoi>J.eA  weAe.  shocked  to  leahn  oi  hen.  death  at  the  home  oi  hfi 
bfwthefL,  A.  A.  AZZzn,  at  falnmount  loAt  ThuA6day. 

Veteaied  waj>  41  yeau  old  and  le/ivt&  {^Ive  chtidAcn,  ^ouA  daughteM  and  one  6on. 
The  £uneAal  wa&  held  SatuJuday  monning  at  7  7  AM.     The  MoA-ceA  family  axe  well  known  heM., 
having  fitildzd  on  the  He  Gfiay  ^oAm  ea&t  oi  town  at  one  time. 

»«»»,»»««»  JanuaJiy  5,   1905 


Geofige  WonneJi,  Sfi. ,  one  o^  the  iVat  i>zttlefii>  In  the  Gfvexxt  Bejnd  countfiy,  died  Monday 
a^teAnoon  at  kl6  home  tn  that  village,  at  the  age  0(J  76  yeoAi.     He  had  been  troubled  with 
an  oithmatic    a^lictlon  {^oA  yeoAi,  and  he  recently  contracted  a  &eveAe  cold  which  hast- 
ened the  end.     Hii  wi^e  and  leven  surviving  childfien  weAe  at  the  bedside. 

Deceased  was  bofm  in  He^sen-Va/msbach,  GeAmany,  on  Feb.  28th,   1828,  and  was  twice 
maAAied.     He  was  the  ^otheA  o^  te.n  cSUldAen,  two  o^  whom  died  21  yeoAS  ago  this  week  duA- 
ing  the  diphtheAia  scouAgz  that,  swept  the  GKeat  Bend  Countny  oX  that  time.     AnotheA  son 
died  about  twelve  yeans  ago.     The  AesnainLng  seven  aAe  all  maAfUed  except  one  and  Azside 
in  this  vicinity ...,  John,  Wm.,  Chas,  and  HeAinan  WoAneA,  all  o^  whom  aAe  in  business 
at  GKeat  Zend,  fAed  WofineA  o^  this  place,  and  Uas.  Chas.  HiXtag. 

Veceased  came  to  the  United  States  45  yeoAS  ago  and  ^inst  settled  in  Wisconsin.     TkiAty 
one  yeoAS  ago  he  moved  with  his  family  to  VaJiota  and  settled  nexiA  GAtat  Bend,  beting  one  o{, 
the  ofUginal  seventeen  ^amilie.s  in  the  GAeat  Bend  colony.     HeAe  he  has  since  Kc&ided, 
AeoAing  a  ^amiZy  that  has  played  a  leading  paAt  in  the  development  oi  the  countAy. 

Veceased  was  a  devout  membeA  o^  the  GeAman  Evangelical  ChuAch  and  the  iuneAol  wiU  be 
held  ^Aom  the  chuAch  oi  that  iatth  in  GAeat  Bend  at  2  VM  this  a^teAnoon,  Rev.  C.  A.  BfiemeA 
to  conduct  the  seAvices. 

«»««*««»»»  JanuoAy  12,    1905 

t,\AS.  HaveAland  oi  Colfax,  NV.,  idio  is  well  known  oAound  GAeat  Bend,  died  o^  pneumonia 
last  week.     Rev.  C.  A.  B^ameA  was  telephoned  f^oA  to  conduct  the  iuneAoZ  seAvices  but  could 


not  go  on  account  o^  the.  Ktvlval  mtztlngi  heAz.     UUi  GloKy  BeAndt,  Ul6i  Lydia  Labznow 
and  Choi.  intznde.d  to  go  too,  but  thz  cold  wzathfi  kept  them  back.     We  weAe  lohKy 
we  couldn't  be  pneJient.     Uu,  HaveAland  was  a  membeA  o^  the  EvangeZical  kiiocLatlon  and 
a  ^aWi^ul  chuAch  mnkeA. 

«»«*»««»»»  January  12,   1905 

Hick,  Ben  and  ?ete  Tohl  have.  KetuAned  ^Kom  Trktdonla,  WI.,  wheAe  they  attended  the 
^uneAoZ  0^  thziA  £atheA. 

»»»«««»«»»  Janaa/iy  12,   1905 

fAfu.  lilm.  KAouie  0^  tUnneJ>ota.  Towmhlp  died  la6t  T^iday.     The  iuneAol  lejivlceji  ueAe 
held  SatuAday  at  Hon  ChuAch. 

**********  JanuoAy  12,   1905 

On  Ffitday  loit,  HoAtatio  TaAim  and  hi&  itkteA  itoAted  ^oK  Sliieton  ^Kom  thzAJi  home 
at  ^{if^AjfiQton  taking  with  them  a  ihot  gun.     The  gun  lay  tn  the  uiagon  neoA  them  nejtting  on 
the  bed  o^  the  wagon.    When  ahout  t^o  mlleM  iKom  home,  i>iom  iome  came,  pnababley  {,Kom  the 
jaA  0(5  the  wagon,  the  gun  woi  diichoAged,  mangling  M/l.  VoAum'^  anm  and  ihouldeA  -in  a  tefOiible 
mannefi.     He  woi  huMtedly  taken  home  by  hU>  llkteA  and  medical  aid  woi  hastily  iujmoned.     It 
woA  ^ound  nece^iiOAjy  to  amputate  kii  aAm  ad  the  only  way  o^  iavZng  hii>  li^e  but  the  leveAe 
loll  oi  blood  had  weakened  kirn  6o  he  died  the  iolLowlng  evejiing. 

Ut.  Fatjuun  wai  bo^n  In  Apleton  City,  MO.,  on  ^ay  24th,   1873.     He  moved  to  RobeAXi 
County  with  kli,  ^atheA,  HoKtatio  FoAnum  tn  H92  and  lived  with  him  until  hli>  iatheA  died 
lome  itx  monthi  ago.     He  was  31  yeoAi,   7  monthl  and  6  dayi  old  at  the  time  o^  hiJ>  death. 
He  16  iuAvtved  by  one  liiteA  and  tuo  bfiotheAl  who  AeMlde  In  Iowa. 

The  iuneAaZ  wai  held  In  the  Woodman  Halt  on  Honday,  Rev.  UilleX  oUtclating  and  the 
fiemalni  InteAAed  at  Ei^lngton  CemeteAy.     Ua.  ToAnum  wai  one  o^  the  eoAJUj  iettleAi  having 
taken  up  a  home^itejod  in  HoAt  Townihip  at  the  opening  o^  the  fijeJi)eAvatJ.on  wheAe  he  hoi  cont- 
inually tieJiided,  the  town  oi  F-ii^ijigton  being  laid  out  on  hii  ^anm. 

**********  JanunAy  12,   1905 

The  ia/m  houie  oi  Geo.  Hanna,  ten  mcdeA  iouthoe^t  o^  Liibon,  wai  buAned  eoAly  Tues- 
day monning,  UAi.  Hojnna.  and  two  young  childnen  peAliking  in  the  ^lamti. 

**********  JanuoAy  12,    1905 

J.  B.  HeAbeAt  received  a  teleghom  SatuAday  announcing  the  iad  newi  o^  the  death  o^ 
hii  motheA,  and  depaxtcd  the  iome  day  ioA  the  old  home  neaA  PittibuAg,  PA.,  to  attend 
the  {^uneAal  ....Tutiday  in  the  AM  a  meMage  wai  deceived  iAom  GAjacevltle,  MW.,   con- 

veying nem  o^  the  death  oi  Uiii  Kinnamon,  M/t4.  HeAbeAt'i  iiiteA,  who  hoi  been  veAy  tow 
with  comumption  ioK  iome  time. 

Veceoied  wai  quite  welt  known  heAe,  having  at  one  time  been  in  change  o{,  the  CewtAot 
Telephone  Exchange.     Wii.  HeAbeAt  had  been  with  heA  ioK  iome  timeJ>  pAioK  to  heA  death. 


The.  sympathy  o^  thz  tyvbUiz  cormuyilty  U>  extzndzd  to  Mk.  and  hlu.  HzAboxt  -in  theJA 
double.  aUUcUon.  »*,»,»«»»«  JanaaAi/  J2,  3905 

W.  G.  Tabbi'  ^cutheA  died  la&t  week  at  the  old  home  in  UontlceJUo,  MW.,  a^teA  a 
tingeUng  UlneMi.  **********  January  26,   1905 

....TEN  YEARS  AGO  Colmnn Wm.  Bladow,  a  highily  Ke^pected  ^oAmeA.  fiziidlng  ^ouA 

mUbeM  noAth  o(  town,  died  oi  -inilaimaHon  oi  the  bowelj,. 

**********  TdbmoAy  2,    1905 

GREAT  BENV The  death  o^  Mc44  Emma  Maai  at  St.  VAancl&  Hospital  in  BxeckenAidge 

cxi6t  a  gloom  oven,  the  cjoirmunity.     She  wo*  attending  ichool  at  Wahpeton  and  tooi  taken  iud- 
denly  ill.     An  opeAation  wcu  ^ound  nezeJiiafuj ,  and  6he  did  not  iu/ivive.     She  u>cii  one  o^  oufi 
leading  young  people,  popuZoA  uith  all,  and  heA  sudden  end  wai,  a  gAeat  6hodz  to  heA  many 
iAiendi.     She  woi  a  daughteA  o^  (Aa.  and  Wti.  Wm.  Marw,  and  i6  aZio  6uAvived  by  one  iiiteJi. 
The  {jUneAol  wa&  held  Monday  at  the  lion  ChuAch,  Rev.  EAeineA  conducting  the  ieAviczk. 

**********  TeJoALWiAy  2,    1905 

Many  o^  oua  people  itiill  AemembeA  AlbeAt  lietlou),  a  hal^  bAothcA  ot$  Wm.  Schactt  and 
a  6on  o{,  HeAman  lietlouo  o^,  EAandenhuAg  Town&kip.     He  Ae-t>ided  in  thii,  vicinity  ieveAoJL 
yeoAi  ago  but  AetuAned  to  Wiicon6in,  and  in  the  Juneau  TeZephone  book  we  note  the  death 
0((  hii  estimable  wi^e,  M/i4.  AmeXia  lietlow,  oi  pneumonia,  at  the  age.  o^  29  yeaAi>. 

**********  febAwxAy  2,    1905 

VcteA  God^Aied  died  at  hii  home  on  the  noAth  hide  oi  town  Tuesday  moAning  at  an 
eoAly  houA  at  the  age  oi  3S  yeaAi.  Deceased  came  hcAe  with  a  colony  oi  ^Aiendi  iAom 
Galacyia,  Au&tAia,  about  two  yeoAi  ago. 

He  wa6  aiilicted  with  heoAt  tAouble  and  had  been  iZl  ioA  iome  time.     A  wi^e  and 
iive  childAen  &uAvive  him.     The  iuneAol  was  held  iAom  the  Catholic  ChuAch,  Rev.  Stud- 
nicka  oUiciating.  **********  fdbAuoAy  2.   1905 

Ww.  Aagu&ta  ZimmeAman,  who  died  at  the  FeAgui  FallJ^  Hospital,  wa&  bAought  heAe  ioA 
buAiaZ,  the  iuneAal  taking  place  Wcdne.6day  aiteAnoon. 

Deceased  was  a  daughteA  oi  Maj,.   ChaAle.6  fiebe^oAn,  who  makc&  heA  home  with  heA 
daughteA,  HA6.  HeAman  Kube.     VeceoJitd  wa6  a  6i&ttA  oi  M/l4.  Wm.  WeJitphaZ,  UAi.  HeAman 
Kube  and  the  late  M-w.  RobeAt  HoAtltben.     TuneAal  icAvice^  weAe  held  at  the  GeAman  Evan- 
getical  ChuAch  on  Wednesday  aiteAnoon,   conducted  by  Rev.  Kunz,  and  inteJment  took  place 
in  the  cemeteAy  oi  that  iaith  we^t  oi  town. 

**********  TzbAuoAy  2,    1905 

Ak4.   Celcitia  A.  BaAnci,  motheA  oi  L.  J.  EaAnei  and  Mw.  M.  E.  Cox,  died  at  the 
home  oi  the  latteA  SatuAday  moAning  at  3:75  oi  BAight'i  dUejue.     Vecexi&ed  had  been  a 
4)UiieAeA  iAom  the  diieoie  ioA  6eveAal  yeaA6,  but  wai,  in  iaiA  health  up  to  le^i>  than 
two  dayi  oi  heA  death. 


VzjczcLiejd  woi  boKn  In  New  Vofik  state.  66  yzaAj>  ago  but  hhofitZy  a^ttK  heA.  manAloQZ 
came,  west,  sextling  at  Vxeston,  MM.,  uikeAz  heA  husband  cLied  some  ^^tezn  yeoAS  ago. 
Since  thojt  time  she  has  spent  mack  o^  heA  time  with  heA  cIuIdAen,  having  vtsiXed  heAe 
o^f,  and  on  ^oA  the  past  thAte  yeoAS.     She  oAfuved  heAe  on  heA  Zxist  visit  In  OctobeA 
and  Aemalned  with  heA  chlZdAen  to  the  time  o{^  heA  death. 

She  Is  suAvlved  by  thAte  chlZdAen..  ..L.  J.  EoAnzs  and  Mas.  M.  E.  Cox  o^  this  place, 
anda  moAAled  OaughteA  at  Mden,   Ik.     Owing  to  IZJbiess  In  the  iamiZy  the  latteA  was  un- 
abZe.  to  attznd  the  ^uneAot,  which  was  heZd  {ffwm  the  Cox  home  on  Twesday  moAnlng,  Rev. 
W.  A.  ^hltcomb  conducting  the  seAvlceJt.     JnteAment  was  mide  In  the  cesneteAy  ejost  o^  town. 

VuAlng  heA  visits  heAz  dzcexised  £ofmzd  qultt  a  clAcZe  o^  (^nlends,  aZZ  o£  whom  extend 
sympathy  to  the  beAeaved  ones  In  thelA  a^tlctlon. 

»•,»••«*,»  febfuioAy  2,   1905 

AJiex  V.  Ttemington,  VAobate  Judge,  o^  Vlckty  County,   died  at  BZtejfidaJie.  on  Sunday. 
He  had  been  an  InvaZid  (^on.  eA.ght  months   {,Aom  muscuZoA  fiheumatlsm  and  had  to  be  wheeled 
about  In  a  chalA.     He  had  just  enteAed  on  his  ^ouAth  successive  teJm  o^  VKobate  Judge. 
He  was  at  one  time  State's  AXtoAney  and  was  a  candidate  ^OK  VlstAlct  Judge  In  1SS9,  when 
Judge  LaadeA  Aectlved  the  nomination  a^teA  a  deadlock  light, 

•  »•»«.»«««  VehtuioAjy  9,    1905 

The  Infant  child  o^  Ufi.  and  Uns.  Wm.  Knaak  died  Uonday  o^  pneumonia.  a^teA  a  ^ew 
days  IZlness.  ••»•.,,,,,  FebAuo^  U,    1905 

A  letteA  Aecelved  by  W.  S.  AndAews  o^  the  local  K.  P.   Lodge  ^Aom  a  branch  o^  the 
oKdeA  at  Pasadena,  CA.,  bfilngs  neiM  o^  the  szAlous  condition  o^  Paul  Hawkins,   ^oAmeAly 
ol  this  place,  idio  Is  In  the  last  stages  o^  consumption.     Ha.  Hawkins  was  at  one  time  In 
the  employ  o^  John  R.  Jones  but  le^t  heAe  about  7  yeoAS  ago  ^OA  the  benefit  o^  kU  health. 

LATER.... A  teleghom  Aecelved  yeMteAday  announces  the  death  o^  Wi.  Hawkins.  Besides 
being  a  membeA  o^  the  local  K.  P.  Lodge,  he  caAAled  $1 ,000  li^e  InsuAonce  In  the  Endow- 
ment Rank  ol  the  oKdeA  which  was  kept  In  ^oAce. 

•  »•«»»».•«  TehAuaAjj  U,    1905 

A  thAee  yeoA  old  daaghteA  oi  Ma.,  and  Has.   E.  H,  Eohn  died  Sunday  o£  Inllamatlon 
0|J  the     bowels.     The  poAents  have  the.  sympathy  o^  all  In  theiA  al^llctlon. 

•  «,«••»».»  TebfuioAij  23,    1905 

R.   F.  RogeAS,  a  nephew  o^  Va.   C.   P.  Spottswood,  was   latalZy  InJuAed  by  an  TnteA- 

uAban  caA  at  1:30  AM  yesteAday  moAnlng  In  Minneapolis .     A  teJiegfum  Aecelved  announces 

kis  death  this  moKnlng.     Vzceased  was  a  medical  student  at  the  UnlveAslty  and  spent 

seveAol  months  In  Hanklnson  last  summeA  and  iaZl.     He  made  many  iKiends  heAe  who  will 

be  shocked  to  leoAn  oi  his  untimely  death. 

«<«,«»,»••  PebAuoAy  23,    J905 

TEW  YEARS  AGO  Column John  WateAhoase,   {,atheA  o^  the  WateAhouse  bAotheAS,  died 

at  the  home  o^  his  son  ^HilUam,   South  oi  town,  at  the  age.  o^  81  yeaAS. 

•  «,«»,«,»,  jy^^  2,    7905 


A  4  yeoA  old  ^l&ttn.  o^  Uu.  W.  J.  ChapZn  dltd  at  Endt>dA.n  lndt  weefe,  a.{,tzK  iajJiJe/ucng 

{^Kom  pnexunoruA  ioK  iitveAoJi  dayi. 

»,»»»«*,,»  ^^^^^^  2,    1905 


Old  fLt&ldznti  uUZl  be.  ihocktd  to  Itafm  o^  tut  accUdzyital  dzatk  o^  H.  J.  SptvoiQat,  vohldn 
occuAAzd  at  HoJujitvUXe.,  WA. ,  on  Feb.  llit.     The.  ^oZlouilns  account  o^  tht  accJjdznt  -ci  taken 
ifvom  tht  ^oAijivUZt  Globe.. 

An  amiiually  &ad  accxdent  occuJUied  (iltdne^day  a^teAJWon  about  4  PM  ^  the.  Smith  mill 
which  A.e/>ulte.d  tn  the  dzath  o^  tht  v-cctan  thAtt  houA^  lattfi.     Tht  btlt  by  which  tht  band 
iau  ij,  optfuattd  and  which  woi  not  Zn  uit  at  tht  timt  axu  btcomtng  tntangltd  with  tht  belt 
conntctZng  with  tht  kntt  bolting  machint. .  Ua..  H.  J.  SpAagut,  who&t  duty  It  wai  to  opfiatt 
tht  band  Aow  and  look  a^teA  tht  belt,  ittpped  ovtn.  and  took  hold  o^  tht  beZt.     Aa  ht  did 
10  hii  lt(it  anm  wai  caught,  and  hi&  body  coA/Utd  with  tht  6ha^t,  mahing  itvtfual  n.tvolation&. 

A  plank  with  which  tht  ltg6  camt  in  contact  wai  6ptit.     Tht  It^t  afm  wa&  toKn  i$/iom 
tht  body,   both  Itgi  bfwktn  and  tht  ^b&  on  tht  It^t  lldt  cAuihtd  In.     Tht  clothing  woi  tofm 
^nx>m  hi6  body  by  tht  belt,     Vfi.  C.  E.  Munn  waj,  irmexLiatety    calltd  and  tht  injuntd  man 
coJifu-td  to  hii  homt,  whtfit  ht  died  at  7  ?U  that  tvtntng. 

Ma..  Spfiagut  wa&  conicijoui  immexiiateZy  a{^ttn.  tht  accZdtnt  happtntd  and  a&ktd  tht  men 
how  it  happtntd.     ffe  fieXaJintd  coniocooinw^  unt^H  uithZn  ttn  minutti  o^  hi&  death,  conveA- 
^tng  with  hii   family  and  txpAt66ing  KtgKtt  ovzA  tht  accJ.dtnt  {^OK  tht  lakt  oi  tht  {,ajnily. 

An  examination  o^  tht  pant  o^  tht  milX.  wheAt  tht  accident  happtntd  (^oaJLi,  to  i,how  any 
ntgtigtnct  upon  tht  poAt  o^  tht  owneAi.     Tht  plact  wheAt  tht  accident  occuAAtd  ti,  an  ex- 
cttdingly  dangeAous  ont  and  extJiejnt  cant  iM  ntctS-ioAy. 

Tht  miZZ  wai  itopptd  iimtdiattly  KemainZng  ikat    down  until  a^ttA  tht  ^untnaZ. 

HenAy  J.  Spfiagut  wai,  bofwi  in  lllinoli  on  Junt  20^,    U56,   being,  at  tht  tZmt  o^  hU> 
dtath,   49  yeofu,  old.     Ht  leaver  a  mothtA,  a  iliteA.  and  two  bfiotheA^  IZvlng  in  Shawano,  WI. 
Tht  irmtdixitt  iamiZij  conl>t&t&  o^  tht  widow  and  {^vt  ckiZdntn,  thttt  giAl6  and  two  boyi. 

Tht  {^untnal  took  plact  ^ficm  tht  CongfLtgatZonal  ChuAjch,  tht  poitoK  of^itcZatZng, 
oiilittd  by  Rev.  W.  C.  King  o{,  tht  Bapti&t  ChuAch.     Tht  Moioncc  oAdtn.  o^  which  tht  dtctaitd 
waj)  a  mtmbeA,   had  choAgt  of,  tht  {^untfial. 

Vtcta&td  wa6  at  ont  timt  a  leading  buiintl>.l>  man  o^  Hanhinion,  tht  handwanz  bui)ijn.eM& 
o(^  Upham  S  SpAagut  having  bttn  puAchaitd  by  M.  A.  (>lZpptnman  about  ttn  yta/u  ago.  Ht  alio 
itAvti  04  deputy  ihtnZ{,^  undeA  E.  M.  Jonea  duAing  tht  latteA'i  ^ixit  ttnm. 

**********  uaxck  9,   1905 

VERNOU Tht  A.n{iant  chiZd  oi  Ua.  and  MA4.  kuguit  Tettuon  ditd  iuddtnly  a^ttA  a  bfilti 

iZZnt&i  lait  wtek.     Tht  poAtnti  havt  tht  sympathy  o^  all  in  thtZA  btAeavemtnt. 

Tht  5  yeoA  old  daaghCfi  o^  Ua.  and  UAi  VeteA  Kltin  dZed  SatuAday  nJ.ght  a^ttA  a  bnlti 

iZZntii,   oi  pntumonia.     Tht  iuntAoZ  woM  held  Honday.     Tht  poAtntA  havt  tht  sympathy  oi  all 

in  thtU  had  beAtavtmtnt.  *     *********  Utmch  9,    1905 


Tfie  5  weefea  oLd  daughtzA  o£  Ma.,  and  Maa.   FA.ed  BuJUiom  cLLtd  Sunday  night  o£  pntumovwa^ 
alttn.  an  x^neiA  oi  only  a  ^ew  day/).     Tkt  lant/uxX.  wom  heJid  on  Uonday,  thz  &  being 
condactzd  at  thz  Catkotic  Chufich  by  Kev.   lumba&ch  o^  LidgtAwood. 

A  UWieA,  SP.,  ipzcuaZ  £ay&: ....TheAz  not  beJjig  &a^Z(U.ejit  evidence  to  ihoui  that  the. 
man  {^ound  dead  tas>t  f^aZJi  nejoK  Wakpeton,  WP. ,  um  Jacob  Johnson,  mafvdeAzd  noKtheadt  ojj  fieAe, 
a  thzoKy  ti  advance.d  that  the.  body  wcu,  that  oi  ElmeA  Young,  wanted  on  a  woJOiant  choAgtng 
hJbm  uilth  thz  mandeA  o^  Ctofige.  Todd,  and  who  li,  6uppo6zd  to  have.  fUtZed  John&on.     It  l6  be- 
tieved  that  Smith  and  hAJ>  paZ  tnnveZed  noKth  a^teA.  buJiytng  theZn.  vtctin  on  OK  man.  hJj>   iafm, 
and  that  tn  a  qaoAAeJL  EZmeA.  wa&  bJJUied  and  tt^t  tn  the.  whexut  {^eZd  wheAz  he  ieJit,  by  the 
now  doubtz  imndeASJi,  who  pKoczzded  with  the  Johmon  hofiie/,  and  pKopeAty. 

GREAT  BEWP The.  Infant  chUd  o^  Wi.  and  Hu.  John  Stoltnow  dle.d  SatuAday  a£teM.  a 

iew  howu  Wine^.     The.  {^antnaJi  was  heJLd  Monday. 

New4  KexLchzd  hexe  taht  weefe  oi  the.  dejoth  oi  Ma..  UmbfieiX  In  thz  state.  o£  Washington. 
Ma4.  UmbKzit  AjmedZateZy  on  o^  thz  neuxs.     Vzczaszd  opzAotzd  a  ^anm  neoA  hzfiz 
£ofi  eight  yeoAS  and  was  htghty  zstzemzd.     Hz  tz^t  somz  timz  ago  ioK  Washybigton  whzfiz  hz 
bought  a  ^oAm  and  tntznded  to  xemovz  hZs  family.     A  wi{,z  and  6ix  chiZdn.zn  anz  tz£t  to  mouAn 
his  untbnzLy  death. 


VuxAck  16,    1905 

AndAew  EAlckson  died  at  hJiS  home  thfvzz  miZzs  noAthuizst  0i5  VeAnon  this  moAning  at 
6  AM,  a{)tz'i  an  iZlnzss  o^  szveAoZ  months. 

Vzcza^ed  was  about  53  yzas  old  and  was  among  thz  {fiASt  settlzAS  in  thz  /leseAvation, 
whzAZ  hz  has  sincz  fizsldzd.     Hz  Izavzs  a  wl^z  and  ^ouA  6ons,  all  gfiown,  to  mouAn  thz  lo&S 
0^  a  lovtng  husband  and  indulgznt  ^athzfi.     Thz  lanznal  will  bz  held  Sunday,  szAvlczs  at 
thz  homz  at  2  PM  and  lateA  at  thz  Swzdish  ChuAch  south  zast  o^  VeAnon. 

•••*'•*••*  moAch  U,    1905 

A  thuzz  yeoA  old  son  oi  ChAis  Hznnzszy  izll  Into  thz  fu.veA  at  Wahpeton  last  week  and 
was  dAowned.  Thz  body  iloatzd  undeA  thz  Icz  and  had  not  bzzn  iound  at  last  KzpoKts,  thou- 
gh dynamitz  was  beting  used  to  bAzak  thz  Icz. 

•  •••»»«t»«  1^^,^^  ,^^    J955 

A  thAzz  months  old  son  oi  Wi.  and  Uu.  ¥Azd  Stein,  who  Azsldz  nzoA  Oswald,  died  last 
night  aitzA  a  shoftt  Ittnzss.         »»»«••*»»»  UoAch  16     1905 

GREAT  BEWI'....Ma.4.   Edwafid  Loll  died  suddznly  on  Manch  13th  at  hzA  homz  neoA  Vaynzs- 
mIHz,  MW.     Shz  was  ill  only  a  ieu  houAS,   having  bzzn  ablz  to  attznd  chuAch  on  thz  12th. 
Vzczaszd  was  a  daughtzA  oi  Ma.  and  Has.  CAueXzmacheA  oi  this  placz,  and  thz  Kexnalns 


weAe  bAjOiigkt  ktfie.  {^OA.  IntzAmejit.     ScAvZczi,  weA.e  conducXtd  Zn  Hon  Chuxck  by  Rev.  C.  A. 
S^emeA,  and  a  laA.gz  numbtn.  o{,  ^Klejidi  weAc  pfLZ&tnt  to  pay  theJJi  la^t  X^ubiUe.  to  tkz  dzad. 
Peceoierf  lzavej>  a.  loving  ha&band  and  thKzt,  paJLznU,   ^vz  bKoth&fU,  and  ^vz  4X4- 
tzu  to  mouAn  hzn.  Zjoii. 

•  «••«•«»,»  j^^^j^^^^  23,    1905 

.  The  iympathy  o^  a  langz  cJJicZz  oi  Hankln&on  ifu.zndi  li  zxtzndzd  to  Kev.  H.   E.  Comp- 
ton  In  thz  losi  o^  lvi&  bzZovzd  vil^z,  wfioiz  dzatk  occjuJOizd  at  thz  homz  o^  hzK  pan.znt&  nzofi 
Ohio,   IL.,  on  Ma/ich  9tfi.     VzczaiZjd  uxii  Zn  hzn.  35th  yeoK  and  Izavzi  a  ioAAOMlnQ  husband  and 
tuK  imatt  chitdfLZn.     Thz  ianity  KZJbldzd  at  HankAjn&on  {^OK  about  tuo  yzoKC  duAlng  uiiUch  timz 
Rev.  Compton  wal,  pa&toA.  o^  thz  CongA.zgaUonat  Chwick.     Thzy  lz£t  hzAz  tact  iatt. 

**********  Ma^LcA  23,    7905 

TKZd  ElZu  a/Lfuvzd  on  T/Uday  {^Kom  Eugene,  (JR.,  to  look  a^tzfi  luM  {^athzn.'.t,  Zntzn.- 
Zit6.  FfLizndi  o{,  thz  {^anuJiy  mZt  6e  painzd  to  Izafin  0(J  thz  dzath  oi  Ufu>.  J.  L.  EZLU, 
Tfizd'^  motkzn.,  whJich  occuxtd  a  coaplz  o^  monthi,  ago  a^tzA.  a  ihoAt  iZl.nzt>it  oi  pnzxmoMji. 

Thz  EZtU  family  wzKZ  among  thz  zoAJU-Zit  izttlzAi  tn  thU  Kzgton,   but  moved  to 
OKzgon  a  zouplz  o^  yzau     ago.         •««••»«««»  MoAcA.  23     J905 

PIEP;  ...Ro44,  baby  ion  o{,  Hfi.   and  UfiS.  ^Itbzx  Weapon,  on  SatuAday  zvznZng,  MoAc/i 

TSth,  at  thz  agz  o^  zZzvzn  months,     TnzumonAjO.  u)a&  thz  caaiz  o^  thz  titttz  onz'&  dzath. 

Thz  iunzAjoi  uxLi  hztd  on  Monday,  Rev.  Wkitcomb  conducting  thz  IZfivtczs.     Thz  sympathy  o^ 

alt  ti  zxtzndzd  to  thz  bzAzavzd  poAznts. 

•     •»««,«»,»  ^^j^^  23,    7905 

A  me44age  wa4  Azcelvzd  zvzning  announcJing  thz  dzath  o^  thz  agzd  ^athzfi  oi 
Chat,.,  HzMman  and  John  KAaasz  at  thz  old  homz  tn  iliacon&tn. 

*  *********  MoAcA  30,    7905 

Oscan.  Osland,  6on  oi  Viz  Oslund,   dizd  vzAy  luddznly  at  EfwobZyn,  W.,   on  Uanch  17th. 
Thz  Kzmainl,  vdzaz  tnteJOizd  In  thz  Suizdl&h  Czmztzny  hztz. 
l/ERWON....  ••,•••»»,•  t^cLAch  30,    7905 

VERNON.... Jacob  Haagzn'&  baby,  agzd  thKZZ  monthi,  dizd  on  tiu  \aay  homz  inam  a  nzlgh- 
bofi'l,  wfieAe  tkzjj  had  bzzn  vlslMjig.     Thz  poAzntl  havz  thz  lympatiiy  oi  oil  In  thzlfi  bzn.zavz- 
g^jj^^  *******^**  fAcAch  30,    7905 

KoAl  Wzilzy,  4  months  old  baby  oi  M/l.  and  Uu.  CoaI  VobbzfUbtUn  oi  Uinnz&ota  Township, 

TiobzAts  County,  dlzd  this  uzzk  aitzt  an  llLnzss  oi  a  iJew  daijS. 

**********  KpfuJL  b,    7905 

Thz  tu]0  yzoA  old  son  oi  Va.  and  Um.  V^obVit  ^zlnkaxii  dlzd  last  Sunday  oi  Vnzumonia. 
Thz  iamiJLy  Kzsldzs  Ughtzai  milzs  louthczst  oi  hzKZ  and  thz  iunzAol  um  hztd  Tuzsday  ifwm 
thz  (kJman  ChuAch  nzoA  by.  Rev.  Kunz  oi  this  ptacz  conducting  thz  sznvlczs. 

**********  kpKil  6,    7905 


The.  iwo  ytoA.  old  child  o£  RobeAt  Wzlnkau^  died  Sunday  and  woi  biuu.e.d  Tauday  in  ike. 
cemetexjy  jait  acAo44  in  Soivth  Vakota.     The  i,ympathy  0(5  aiZ  it,  extended  to  the  beAeaved 
ianiZy  ....ELWA...  •••.••,«•»  ^p^^^  ^^    jg^5 

An  inf^ant  child  ojj  Ma.,  and  Mti.  Adotph  GAiepentnog  died  ye/>teAday,  at  the  age  o^ 
iive  day&.  * *  *  *  *  ^p^^^  ^^    19^,5 

A  thxee  yeax  old  chiZd  o^  Ma.,  and  Maa.  T.  M.  Stovey  died  Tuesday  at  the  ^anUZy  home 

eighteen  milt&  ^outhuitit  o^  hefie. 

«».««,«««»  f^,jj^  ^^   J9J5 

ChoAlti)  Wilhelm,  a  tAaveling  man,  mai>  it/iuck  by  the  Soo  ilyen.  at  Kensal  and  initantly 
killed  ThuAJ,day  evening.     The  dfviveA  0(J  the  fiig  escaped.    Ma..  WilheXm  told  lub/Licating  oili 
and  automobiles  and  had  been  driving  in  the  countfiy,  /uetujuning  about  9  PM.     H-c6  dAJiveJi  i& 
/toia.  to  have  inZed  to  bejot  the  paj>i>engeK  t^iain  acJios6  the  tnack  when  the  tnain  &tKuck  the 
nig.     Wilhelm'i  body  wa4  thhovin  on  the  piJLot  oi  the  engine  and  voith  the  Kemaini  o^  the  hi.g 
coAJiied  to  the  station.     He  uxu  dead  wfien  tiesnoved. 

The  ijn{^ant  child,  o^  Ma.,  and  UfiM.  Gust  Benndt  died  Sunday  night  a^teA  a  bJiie^  exist- 
ence o{,  eight  days.     The  pa/ients  have  the  sympathy  OjJ  all  in  the  loss  oi  theiA  baby. 
GREAT  BEND....  •,•«,.»»»•  ^p^^^  J3^    j^^j 

Rooney,  the  muAdenen.  0(J  HovooAd  Sweet  at  FaKgo,  has  ^OA  the  thiAd  time  been  sentenced 
to  hang,  and  Oct.   17 th  has  6een  iJoced  as  the  date  iofi  his  execution.     Realizing  that  sui- 
cide was  the  only  means  by  which  he  could  hope  to  cheat  the  gallows,  Rooney  gashed  his 
MfUst  with  a  penknife  in  the  TaAgo  jail  but  the  guaAds  {,fiustAated  his  attempt  to  die. 

He  has  been,  taken,  to  the  BlsmoAck  penitentioJiy  wheAe  the  execution  will  take  place. 
The  case  has  a  local  interest  as  Rooney  dAove  a  milk  wagon  heAe  Ion.  Will  f^osieA  jJoua  yeaA.s 
ago  {ofL  a  shont  time.     StAJxnge  to  fielate,  the  tuo  men  afie.  now  fellow  p/iisoneAS  at  the 
penitentioAy . 

MA.A.   CoAa  Tnundt 
Vied,   at  the  home  o(  Wis.  UaAjj  Hayden,   hen.  daughten,   on  Kpnil  Sth,    1905,  Ma4.  Vonjo. 
Vnundt,  at  the  age  oi  80  yeoAs,  o^  la  gnippe. 

She  leaves  one  son,  John  Tnundt  o^  Gneen{^ieXd  Town&hip,  and  ^oun  daughtens:  h\ns  Uanjy 
Hayden  o^  this  place,  Wv&.  Vona.  StoAA  and  Uns.  Anna  Tinlay  o^  Uason  City,   lA. ,  and  Uns. 
Etma  Steen  o^  iCinkhoven,  MN.,  besides  nineteen  gnnndchiZdnen  and  six  gneat-gnandchildAen. 
Hen  nemcilns  wene  taken  ^on  intenment  in  the  cesneteny  nean  hen  old  home  and  by  the  side  o{, 
hen  husband  at  Pontage,  WJ.     Uns.  Hayden  and  Ma.  John  Tnundt  accompanied  the  nemains   (^nom 
hene  on  Satunday,  Apnil  Sth. 

So  pass  the  old  land  manks. 


CARP  0(J  THAWKS....We  uilih  to  Zhank  thz  kAJid  lAltndi>  who  io  thougkt£uU.y  KzndeAtd 
aii  ho  muck  a64'C4^C<ince.  -en  ihe.  tcut  ^JUbiUh  o^  ouA.  deoA.  mothzn, 

UoAjf  Haydzn 
John  FKundt 
OlUz  V.   Tontz 


Eda.,  tht  15  yexUL  old  daughtzfi  o^  UK.  and  Mw.  Aaga&t  Zladow,  dA.e.d  cut  tkz  homz  o(^  hex 
pafiejuti  in.  SfuindznbuAg  Tou)n&hlp  yt&tfiday  moKnZng  ojj  aaitt  nJimmatUm,   ^Aom  which  6hz  hud 
bttn  a  &u^^eA.eA  {^OK  6omz  -tone.     Peceofied  uxu,  highly  fieJ>pzcXzd  and  heA  antimeZy  tnd  iM  a 
gfvmt  ihock  to  a  laJvge.  ciKcle.  0(J  ^fLizndi  oi  wtll  ad  thz  immzdiatz  mtmbtu  o^  thz  lamcZy. 

The  ^uneAaJL  will  be.  htld  SaJtUfiday  a^texnoon  ^m  thz  home..  Rev.  Kunz  to  condwct  thz 
hexvict.  ,»•,»••,.,  ^p^^  j3^    ,905 

Ugax,  tht  £ivt  wzzki  old  ion  o^  Wi.  and  UK&.  H.  M,   TeJUhaum  oi  ^nnt&ota  Town&hip^ 
HobeAti  County,  ditd  la£,t  Vfiiday  moaning  o^  bfionciuMj>  af^tzA.  an  iXtneMh  o£  a  dew  dayi. 
Thz  {^unzAoZ  wai  hzLd  Sunday  a^tzAnoon  ^Kom.  thz  LuthzAon  ChuAch  o^  whicM.  Reu.   KZuttzA  ii> 
pa/>tofL.  »«,,•«,,«•  ^p^^  20,    1905 

Ujh,.   CanZ  TzJbeZcoKn,    [Tizhztkofufi] ,  thz  agzd  mothzK  o^  Mta.  Wm.  lilz&tphaZ  and  UfU>. 
HzAman  Kubz,  dizd  at  thz  homz  o^  hex  ion-in-laui,   liobznt  HaAtZehzn,  on  Sunday  a{,tzA  a  lingzx- 
ing  ilZnzii.     Vzczaizd  with  hzx  hu&band  was  among  thz  zaxly  izttlexk  and  thz  lattzA  paiAzd 
away  at  a  fiipz  old  agz  a  couplz  o^  yzaXS,  ago. 

Vzcexuzd.  was  hzld  in  high  z/itzzm  and  thz  iunexat  on  Wzdnziday  a{^texnoon  wai  laxgzly 

attzndzd.     Thz  dzxvicz  was  hzld  ijn.  thz  Gzfmoji  EvangeZical  Chuxch,  Reu.  Kunz  ol^icMiting, 

and  thz  Azmaini  weA-e  laid  to  /LZ£t  be^idz  thoiz  oi  hex  haiband  in  thz  czmztzxy  iouthwz&t 

0^  town. 

».««•»».«•  ^p,^  20,    1905 

A  tzlzgfum  wcw  fiZczZvzd  yz&tzxday  announcing  thz  death  o^  Euan  Jonei,   {^athex  oi  thz 
JonzJt,  bfiothzu  oi  thijb  placz,  at  hiM  homz  in.  Uzznah,  WJ.     VzczA&zd  had  bzzn  in  patting 
hzalth  A-otce  la&t  ^all  and  wan,  Kzczntly  opzxatzd  on  ioK  an  aiitiction  of,  thz  kidnzys,  which 
aiioKdzd  only  tzmpoAoxy  fizLLzi. 

Vzcza&zd  woi  boKn  in  Walz&   78  yzax6  ago  and  camz  to  Amextca  whzn  hz  wa6   26  yza/Ui  old, 
izttZJing  at  Uzznah,  WJ.,  in  1S53.     Two  yeaxh  latex  hz  wai,  mxnJizd  and  thz  wi^z  iuAvivti,  him. 
Had  hz  lived  till  next  lurmex  thzix  goldzn  wzdding  would  havz  bzzn  czlebnnted.     His  zntixz 
manxizd  li^z  wa&  6pznt  in  Nzznah  and  hz  pae,£zd  away  in  thz  6an\z  houtz  in  which  hU  zZzvzn 
chiXdxzn  wexz  bofin.     Tzn  oi  thz6z  OAZ  ituZl  Living  and  atl  wiZt  bz  pKzaznt  at  thz  iunzAat 
which  wilt  bz  hzld  tomoKfww. 

VzczA&zd  was  onz  oi  thz  pionzexi  oi  Uzznah  and  wo*  oi  thz  thxiity  natuxz  ioK  which 


hl6  count/umen  ate  nottd.     He  £eavei  an  z&tate.  0(J  300  acAei  adjacznt  to  the.  city  ojj  Neena/i. 

The^  dtildnzn  oJie.  John  R,  Evan  M.,  Jonadab  J.,  Vav-Ld  J.,  Wm.,  VanlzJi  R., 
RobeA/C,   Ee.njaniLn,   EZtzn  and  Katz. 

«••«•«.«*,  ^p,^^  20,    J905 

GREAT  BEWP T/ie  Infant  druM  oi  Vji.  and  Ihu.  Choi,.  SzdJLcA  dlzd  la6t  weefe.     Tfie 

ianaAjol  woa  heZd  Monday.  ••««•,««,*  Ap/ua  27     7905 

M.  E.  Cox  woi  caJULzd  to  Wyoming,  IL.,  loit  weefe  owcng  to  ^e  Xttne^i  o^  a  il&ttfi. 
We  AeacAed  i/ie  bexL6ldt  SatuAday  and  thz  {^ottoviinQ  day  iho.  pai&exi  away. 

•  ••«••,,«*  ^p,^  27,    1905 

Tfie  ln{^ant  child  oi  Uk.  and  UfU>.  Chas.  Witt,   Jfi.,  died  yt&teAday  mofinlng.     The 
iuneJial  l6  beljiQ  heZd  today  (J-wm  the.  home,  haZ^  a  mite,  iouth  o£  MantadoK. 

»,«•••*.«»  ^p,^  27,    1905 

Lynn  Botti,  a  14  yeJxA.  old  boy  In  the  employ  oi  E.  M.  StKonQ  on  hli  iaJm  louJdmeit 
oi  town,  wa6  kicked  In  the.  iace.  by  a  6klttl&h  colt  loit  Tfilday  evening  and  died  at  the. 
ho&pltal  Tue/iday  night  a&  a  Ktsutt  oi  the  Injunlti  sustained. 

The  lad  wai  con&cloai  up  to  Sunday  and  hli  condition  wai  not  con&ldeAed  dangeAoui. 
The  ioA.ce  oi  the  kick  had  bAoken  the  no6e.  bonzi  and  t^eveJial  itlZcheM  uoeAt  neceMioAij  to  cloie 
a  cat  on  the  membeA.     OtheAuil&e  the.  iace.  imls  but  &llghtiully  dliilguAcd.. 

The  boy  had  made  hie,  home  with  the  StAong  iamlly  ioA  the  poit  thAce  yexiu,  but  hli, 
motheA  ACJildeJt  at  Oake/>,  and  the  body  woi  taken  to  OakeJ,  thl&  moAnlng  by  Ha.  StAong  ioA 
InteAment.  •««»».«•,«  Hay  4,    1905 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column.  ...EdwoAd  Pautz,  a  ianmeA  J,outh  oi  town,  wai  kllZed  In  a  quoAAeZ 
with  a  nelghboA....oA  died  a  iew  houA&  latex  iAom  InjuAle^  Accelved  to  a  quoAAel. .  .oveA  a 
cali.     Vautz  wai  iound  to  have,  been  the  aggAt&^oA  and  the  killing  woi  done  In  i,eZi  deienhe. 

[189S]  •«•.»•,»«•  Hay  11,    7905 

l/ERMOW....Wo/icf  hoi  been  Accelved  hexe.  oi  the  death  oi  Ha6.  CoAAle.  FaAZand  at  the 
homz  oi  heA  ion-ln-laui,  VeteA  Aadland,  weJ,t  oi  town.     VeceoMed  wai,  about  80  yeau  old. 

•»•»»,,«,»  May  18,    7905 

VERNON.... 0.  J.  and  J.  J.  Holm  Aecelved  the  lad  newi  laMt  Honday  that  thelx  motheA 
had  died  at  Kemlngton,  UN.     She.  wai,  62  yeoAi,  old.     They  leit  ImmedlateJiy  ioA  that  place 
to  be  pAc&ent  at  the  iuMAol.  «».t»«*«»«  ^^  jg     jg^5 

Ufu.  CoAnle  FaAland  passed  away  Tuesday  aiteAnoon  at  the  home  oi  hex  lon-ln-lau, 

Vetex  Aadland,    14  mlteJ,  louthwe&t  oi  town,  at  the  age  oi  SI  yeaxb.     Veceoked  wot,  a  native 

oi  NoAway  and  ioA  the  palt  eight  yeaxi,,  ilnce  the  death  oi  heA  hu/^bana,   had  made  hex  home 

with  the  Aadland  iamHy.     She  li  iuAvlved  by  tbiee  chlldAen. .  .HAi .  Aadland,  Thoi,.   FaAland 

and  a  daaghtex  In  the  old  countxy.     The  iunexal  will  be  held  today  iAom  the  ToAklnctad 

ChuAch  iiouth  oi  the  Aadland  home. 

•»•«•*»«.«  Hay  18,    7905 


M^.  KazhZ,  nothoA.  o^  Augu&t  Kudil,   cUtd  at  thz  IcuUex'^  komz  ^n  Waldo  Town^fiip 
IcL&t  FfUdaif  night,  at  tkz  age  o^  83  yzafu,. 

VzczoMzd  had  madz  hzA  homz  viitk  hex  ion  ^ox  a  rumbtfi  oiJ  ytaju.     The.  lanejiaZ.  wcui  heJid 
Sunday,  izfivijcu  btlng  conducted  cut  the.  GeAman  EvangeLicat  ChuAch  by  Reu.  Kanz. 

«,•«,«•»««  May  J  8,    1905 

John  Hagtn  Endzd  tliit  Lc£e  cacC/i  a  ZL£le.  EalZ  Eafiiy  Tku  Hofining. 
No  Motive  Known  ^OK  the.  Ra&h  Act....Jnque/>t  to  be  Held  Thl&  A{^teAnoon 

John  Hage.n  committed  i,uJ.CAjie  by  shooting  hlnUteti  thAoagh  the  head  at  about  daybfitak 
tkili  moKnlng.     The  tAagedy  occufiAed  on  the  old  EveAttt  Gfieen  {,aftm  thtee  and  a  haJil  mlte& 
6outheja&t  oi  toun.     The  weapon  uied  woi  a  32  catibfLZ  MoAJLLn  fil^le,  the  baZZ  entefving  jolt 
■in  ^Aont  oi  the  Alight  eoA.  and  coming  out  at  a  point  above  the  eaJi.     Vexith  emucd  ad)out 
tuio  houu  JUattn.. 

HfU>.  Hagzn  (Vvoie  about  daybKea.k,   djie^ied  and  went  out  to  the  bann.     On  a 
ieui  momentii  lateA.  6he  hexxAd  the  KepoKt  oi  a  fU^te,  and  entttZng  the  bednoom,  wheA.e  ihe  had  hen.  hu&band  a  ihoKt  time  fae^o^e,   {ound  him  tying  In  a  poot  oi  btood  on  the  itooK  uuMi 
a  gaping  wound  In  the  head  and  the.  6mokljig  Klite.  beside  him.     He  wai  unconicloul)  but  6tltZ 
ative,   and  the  eZdeJ>t  6on  wa&  dispatched  ioK  medlcat  old.     Vn..   Voung  huAJiled  to  the  scene 
but  Hagen  waM  beyond  human  aJid  and  passed  away  hati  an  houA  lateK. 

CononeA  Kltety  has  been  notiiled  and  -6s  expected  up  ifiom  TalAmount  today  to  hotd  an 
Inquest.  TheJie  seems  to  be  an  absolute  lack  oi  motbie  and  the  deed  must  have  been  the  le- 
sutt  oi  temponoAy  Insanity. 

Hagen  purchased  the.  Gheen  place.,  which  Is  nonth  oi  Lightning's  Nest,  just  a  yexui  ago 
and  came  up  iAom  South  Dakota  with  his  iamlly  last  September.     He  was  a  thntity  GeJiman  and 
In  easy  clucumstanceJt  ilnanctatly.     He  had  In  a  toAge  cAop  acAeage  and  the  gAoln  on  the 
place  Is  looking  ilne.     He  had  an  excellent  standing  with  the  local  business  conceAns  and 
the  tAagedy  has  cAeated  a  sensation.     He  leavts  a  wlie  and  hati  a  dozen  ckitdAen  and  his 
domestic  KeJLattons  have  always  be.en  pleasant  so  ioA  as  known. 

It  lj>  AepoAted  that  Hage.n  made  an  attempt  at  seZi  destAuctlon  In  South  Vakota  by  hang- 
ing seveAol  yeoAS  ago.     Deceased  was  a  man  somewhat  undeA  ility  yeoAS  oi  age. 

LATER.... The  NEWS  man  accompanied  CoAoneA  Kltety  to  the  Hagen  home  this  aiteAnoon, 
and  the  iacts  oAe.  substantially  as  above  stated.     Hagen  ieaAed  he  had  appendicitis  and 
AathzA  than  undeAgo  an  opeAotion  dzclded  to  commit  suicide.     The  deed  was  pAemedltated  as 
the  chtldAen  saw  him  taking  sheZls  ioA  the  gun  iAom  a  dAoweA  last  night.     The.  CoAoneA  dec- 
ided an  Inquest  was  unnecessoAy. 

Hagen  had  pAevlously  made  thAet  attempts  at  hanging,  the  last  about  thAee  yeans  ago. 

May  n,    1905 


The.  ^ouA.  moniki  old  Aon  o^  Ha.,  and  Maa.   LoijUj>  Lenzen,  one.  o£  the  Xiauii  xectntly 
boAn  to  them,  died  o^  pneumonia,  ffu.da.ij  moKn^ng  aiJteA  an  UJineJ>i>  oi  a  ijew  day4.     The  {,uneARl 
iMLi  held  Sunday  ^Kom  thz  CatiioVx.  ChuAch.     The.  poAznti  have  the.  sympathy  oi  all  in  tkeln. 
beAexivemtnt.  •...••,»,*  Hay  2S,    1905 

VERWN.... The  l>ad  o^  young  WalteJi  Ttvacy  Zn  the  loutheKn  pant  o{^  thu  town- 
ship woi  a  shock  to  his  many  ^fU-ends.     Veceased,  In  a  state  o£  acute  melancholia,   {^ln.e.d  a 
Kevolvefi  bullet  thAough  his  heoAt.,  the.  body  being  ^ound  the  following  day  In  the  (^leZd  a 
shoAt  distance  iAom  the  home  o{,  his  paneMts,  Ha.  and  Has,  V.  H.  TAAcy,     The.  ^uneAal  ims 
attended  by  a  loAge  mmbeA  o^  soAAouilng  {^Alends. 

•*•«.»»««»  May  25,    1905 

Has.  Jame£  Buaaows  AdmlnlsteAed  Laudanum  to  HeASeZ^  and  ChlZdAeM 

4  SejxA  Old  Boy  Vies  ^Aom  Ei{|Jec^ 
Un^oAtunate  HotheA  Is  Cormttted  to  Tnsanz  Hospital  at  3amestovon 

Mw.  JameJi  Buaaows,  In  a  {^It  o^  Insanity  o{,  the  melancholy  kind,  attempted  to  make 
auxiy  uilth  heA  own  ll^e  and  that  o£  thAte  OjJ  heA  chlZdAen  by  admlnlsteAing  laudanum  Monday 
moAnlng.     The  yountst  duZd,  Kenntth,  aged  ^ouA  yeoAS,  dle.d  {^Aom  the  e^^cctu,  o^  the  poison, 
but  the  lives  0^  the  motkex  and  otheA  chUidAen  weAe.  saved, 

FAom  what  has  developed  since..  It  waa  evidently  the  Intention  o^  the  motheA  to  dej>tAoy 
heASeZi  °-*^'^  l^^  thAze  youngzst  chlldAen.     In  this  she  was  unknowingly  thwaAted  by  Ha.  Buaaows 
who  took  two  0(5  the  chlldAen  with  him  on  a  dAlvz  Into  the  countAy  Honday  a£teAnoan.     As  eoAiy 
as  S  AM  the  motheA  gave  Wtllle,  the  oldzst,  a  dose  o^  cough  medloine,  but  he  detected  the 
taste  0)5  laudnaim  and  Spat  It  out,  as  did  Jlmmle,  the  second  at  about  the  same  time.     A 
tittle  lateA  a  dose  was  given  to  Kennetk,  the  youngest  boy,  who  was  ^ouA  yeoAS  old  last  Jan- 
uoAy.     AccoAding  to  the  motheA's  statement  the  child  lapsed  Into  a  deep  slzep  about  11  AM 
{^Aom  which  he  neveA  awoke.     The  houA  at  whlcJi  Has.  Buaaows  took  the  potion  Is  not  known. 
When  Jlmmle  oAAived  home  at  suppeA  time  he.  {^ound  thz  motheA  and  tittle  son  lying  unconscious 
on  the  bed.     Going  to  the  boAn  he  In^oAmed  the  ^athzA  who  had  juSt  AetuAned.     Va.   Voung 
was  summoned  but  the  cKild  was  beyond  human  old  and  the  spaAk  o^  ti^e  went  out  shoAtly 
af^teA  the  doctoA's  oAAlval.     The  motheA  was  Aevlved  but  a  delay  0|$  twenty  minutes  moAe 
would  have  pAobably  Aesulted  In  heA  death. 

She  was  coAeiully  guaAded  to  pAevent  any  {^uAthen.  attempt  at  seZ^  destAuctlon,  and 
the  county  authonltles  we^e  notified.     CoAxjneA  KlteZy  oAAlved  {,Aom  TalAmount  Tuesday  noon 
and  an  Inquest  was  held  oveA  the  body  oi  the  dead  child,  the  juAoas  being  J.  W.  HoAgAave, 
HeAman  BAandt  and  J.  V.  GAeene.     A({.teA  vleuUng  the  Aemalns  and  examining  as  witnesses,  Va. 
Voung,  James  Buaaows,  the  ^athzA,  kiltie  Buaaows,  H.  A.  WlppeAman  and  Has.  Ceo.   CoAA,  the 
juAy  fiound  that  the  child  Kenneth  came  to  his  death  £Ajom  Laudanum  admlnlsteAed  wlll{iUlty 
by  the  motheA. 


The.  IwneAjoJL  woi  hzld  Wedntiday  mofuiing,  iZAvlceM  beAjig  conductzd  in  thz  CathoLic 
ChuAck  by  Rev.  Joi.   F.  Stadruxika.,  and  wa4  cuttzndtd  by  tkt  paAtnti  and  chZtdfizn,  a  &iMtVi 
ol  Mw.  BuAAowi,  wfio  afUuxeA  ^nom  SafLgznt  County  on  btlng  notif^exi  o£  the.  tAjige.dij,  and  a 
lofigt  mmbzA  0($  ^fu.znd& .     Tht  Kejmln&  weAe  laZd  to  Ktst  In  the,  CatholZc  CejneXtny. 

The.  an{^o>itwnatz  motkeA  hoe,  6een  -en  a  meZanchoZy  ^hnme.  o{,  mind  ^OK  some,  thne.,  and  thz 
Kexaon  iht  gZvzs  {^on  heA  Aa&h  act  -c6  thaX.  6hz  did  not  want  heM.  chitdA.eji  to  glow  to  manhood 
andeji  the.  tvZt  -oi^^uences  thfioum  oAound  tJiejn  hsAZ.     Tfuca  had  pxtytd  on  heA  mind  ^OK  monthly, 
and  on  tujo  ok  thAze  pAZvlooi  occa&loni  4fie  had  attemptzd  to  poison  6omz  o£  thz  chJJLdAzn 
by  admlnAj,tzAlng  laudanum  In  co{^zz  and  cough  mzdlcMiz. 

M/Li.  EUAA0UJ6  UXI&  taken  to  OJahpzton  In  custody  oi  SheAl^l  Robbing  yeJ>teAday.  An  zxam- 
inatlon  by  thz  booAd  oi  In^anAXy  Az&uZtzd  In  heJi  commitment  to  thz  asylum,  and  6hz  uiai  takzn 
to  Jamzitoujn  last  nlghi.,  accompanlzd  by  thz  shznl^  and  heA.  husband, 

Thz  dzepzit  sympathy  Is  ieZt  thAoughout  thz  community  {^OA  thz  husband  and  ^ouA  Aejrcuin- 
Ing  4>onS  In    thzOi  gAzat  a^llctlon. 


Jack  Glzason,  a  lahoAZA  on  thz  Soo'6  tAack  laying  gang,  was  InstantZy  lulZzd  by  Soo 
pas^zngeA  tAoin  107  noAth  bound  last  zvznlng,  on  a  cuAvz  this  sldz  o^  HanXadoA. 

VztcuJis  OAZ  lackZng  but  {^Aom  what  thz  hIEOJS  can  IzoAn  thz  man  wis  Intaiuicjatzd  and  had 
^aZZzn  aslzzp  on  thz  tAack.     Thz  tAoln  wa6  latz  hzAz  and  may  havz  bzzn  Aunning  ahead  o^ 
6chzduZz  tonz.     TuAnlng  thz  cuAvz,  thz  pAoitAatz  man  taas  izzn  too  latz  to  stop  thz  tAoln. 

Thz  body  was  taken  to  OJyndmzAZ  whzAZ  a  coAonzA's  Inquzst  Is  being  heZd  today. 
Littlz  Is  known  o{^  thz  dead  man  as  so  ^aA  as  can  bz  IzoAnzd  hz  had  no  (Klznd^  OA  AzlatLvzs. 

M/L4.  Rushz,   onz  o£  thz  hlstoAlc  choAactzAS  o^  the  Red  RlvzA  VaULzy,   dJizd  at  St.   Vin- 
cent Azczntly.     Shz  was   108  yzoAS  old,   undoubtedly  thz  oldzst  pzASon  In  thz  htjatz. 

\klt,h  Ruth  Kylz,   eldzst  daaghteA  0)5  MA.,  and  t^AS.  R.  G.  Kylz,   dlzd  at  hzA  homz  In  Hpls., 
last  weefe,   at    the  agz  0(J  79  yzoAS.     Ma.  Kylz  was   {^ofimeAly  6.  N.  agznt  hzAz  ioA  a  mmbzA  oi 
yzjOAS  and  thz  dzczaszd  wWi  bz  AemembeAzd  as  a  llttZz  glAl  by  old  Azsldents. 

WHEATOW,  MN  May  Ibth. ..  .kntorun.  SzldznstlckzA,  thz  15  yzoA  old  daaghteA  oi  FAzd 
SzldznstlckeA,   pomlnznt  In  this  city,  shot  and  klZlzd  hzA  loveA,  Herman  SchzH,   yzsteAday 
aitzAnoon,  and  then  ihot  hzAseZi,  suppoizdly  In  a  loveAS  quaAAzl. 

Thzy  weAz  dAlvlng  and  thz  shooting  occuAAzd  somz  iouA  mllzs  south  oi  Whzaton  at  about 
1  f^.     The  glfiZ  Is  wounded  In  thz  abdomzn,  but  Is  ittJJil  aLivz  and  iays,  that  6hz  klllzd  thz 
man  and  shot  heAseli,  and  that  thzy  wlshzd  to  dZz  togzthzA,     Shz  has  a  chancz  to  azcovza, 
Shz  boKAowed  thz  AzvolveA  iAom  a  hoAduaAz  stoAz  hzAz  yzStzAday  aiteJinoon. 

,»•»»».*•.  jj^g^  j^    J905 


Hu.  John  G.  VauZ&on  died  at  hvi  homz  Jjn.  CACzn^eZd  TowmiUp  yziteJiday  moKning 
o-i^tzA  itu^^iAJjig  £oK  4eveAa£  months  £Kom  canceJi  o^  tht  stomach.     VzctcUitd  iMU,  67  yzivu  o^ 
age.  and  wa4  one  o^  the.  exuiZZut  izXtZzKl,  /ji  tlnJj>  Ke.gion.     Sht  aJs  Aotv/ued  by  hdA  hjuband 
and  thAze.  duZdJitn. . .Wu .  Ga&t  ?zX.eA&on  o^  VeAnon,  GlibeAt  Vaulton  o{,  VeAnon  and  Chxie,. 
PauZion  0(5  G^eeniJieZd. 

Peceoied  mu  gKzatZy    beZove.d  by  aZZ  who  knew  heA  and  a.  ho£t  o^  ^fu.e.nd6  moiuin  heA 
toi&.     The.  limeAol  mJit  be.  heZd  tomo/Oiovo  ifwm  the.  LutheAan  Chu/Lck  6ouXii  o^  VeAnon. 

A  6zven  yeoA  old.  ion  o^  Wi.  and  Ua&.  VeXeA  KteAJi  die.d  at  the.  Har^ujru,on  Hoipitat 
Tutiday  moAJUjig  a^teA.  la^^eAZng  ^OK  izveAaJi  monthi  {fuim  a  compticatlon  o{  dAopiy  and 
hejOAt  tAoixbZt.     ThZ&  lAz&h  beAeAvemznt  £diZoM&  dole,  on  the.  dexith  ol  a  iJ-cve  yeoA  old 
dauughteA  and  the.  itAyidiejn.  lamity  have  the  heoAt^eJLt  lympaXJiy  o£  a  loAge.  cuAcJit  ojj  iiJizndii. 


Tfee  oldeA  AJihabZtantl  o^  HanfUnlon  villi,  douhtle£&,   cxUZ  to  /lemembfiance.  the  young 

lady,  beofUng  thz  above,  name.;   buX.  thty  uxLtl  bKlng  heA  back  to  thexK  memory  not  ai  a  young 

lady,  though  KOitheA  aj>  a  iwzeX  and  meefe  little.  glnZ,  playing  In  thelA  itAzetl,  ajnd  gKett- 

Ing  any  one  that  chanced  to  irnzt  heA  uilth  a  kind  wofuL  and  plexiiant  imLlz.     She.  woi  thz 

eZdt&t  daughteA  0(J  Ma.  and  M^.  HobeAZ  Kylz,  uAo  Aeilded  {,0A  many  yeoAi  In  the  town  OjJ 

Hanklnion.     kboui  10  yeoAl  ago  thz  family  movtd  to  ULnnzapolli.     In  the  laid  city,  Ruth 

iMi  tducatcd  and  tAolnzd  ^oA  thz  poiltlon  which  ihz  held  e{^ilclejvtZy  and  honohably ,  until 

ihz  wai  tAuck  down  by  a  dlieaiz,   ok  /uatheA  a  complication  o^  dliexnei,  which  In  couuz  o^ 

tlmz  teAmlnatzd  {^atatly.     Shz  become  Indllpoied  on  Match  5th;  and  heA  Indl&poilMjon  g/iew 

and  IncAzaizd  In  Intznilty  and  pain,   until  ihz  wai  Aztizved  by  the  Angel  o£  Vejoth  on  Hay 

22nd.     Shz  boKz  hZA  a{^^tictlon  patlzntly  and  wai  hopz{,ul  o^  Kzcovzfiy  aJbnoit  tx>  the  houA 

0(5  hzA  dliiolatlon.     HzA  ^uneAol  took  placz  the  following  ThuAlday  a^tzAnoon;  and  iht  wai 

laid  to  Kzit  In  onz  0)J  thz  loveZleit  cemeXzAlzi  ojj  which  Hinnzapolll  may  nightly  boait, 

whlZz  at  thz  lamz  tlmz  thz  extzfiloA  o^  heA  "Slzzplng  ChambzA"  wai  coploully  baptlzzd  with 

thz  hzoAt'i  team     o^  muttltadzi     o^  ^filzndi.     Thz  day  wai  beautiful,  thz  gKzzniwaJid  wai 

at  Iti  bzit,  thz  tAZZl  woAz  thzlA  belt  Kobzi,  thz  lloweAl     wzaz  In  ^ulZ  bloom,  and  thz 

blAdl  coAolZed  znchantlngly ,  fizmlndlng  onz  o^  a  bztteA  day  In  thz  would  o^  ztztnal  lumneA. 

Thz  {^uneAal  leAvlczi  weAz  conducted  at  BeXhany  CongAzgatlonal  ChuAch,  Ulnnzapotil , 

by  Rev.  M.   B.  MofuUi,   o^  l^pll.,   and  Rev.  V.  T.  Jznklnl,   Ezthany  ChuAch,  St.   Paul  [{^ofmeAly 

oi  Hajnklnlon] .     Two  bzauXl^ul  loloi  wzaz  lung  by  Hni.   ?Aatt,  Hill  Ruth'l  mullc  teacheA, 

Thz  latteA  lolo  zntltZzd,   "I  Shall  See  Him"  wai  Hill  lluth'l   ^avoAltz,  and  ihz  had.  In 

yzoAi  pait,   o{^tzn  lung  It  at  Bethany  Chafich,  o^  which  ihz  wai  a  membzA.  The  ^uneAol  wai 

\JZAy  toAgz;  and  thz  pAo{^ullon  o^  {^loweAi   l/umzd  In  dlvzAlz  gzomeXAlcat  ^guAzi  Indicated 

plalnty  that  thz  dzczaizd  oncz  occupied  a  high  and  waAm  placz  In  thz  a^zctlonl  o{i  a  loAgz 

clAclz  0(5  ^Alzndi.     Hay  hex  lout  KeJ>t  In  peacz. 

•  ««»••,»,*  Jf^*^  '5,    7905 


HeAmon  fUecfe,  a  GeAman  {^aMmzA.  nzoA  SZl>6eXon,  wa4  itAuck  by  JLightrujig  and  ZrUitarvt- 
Zy  tUZtzd  ifklLe.  KeXuArUng  home,  f^fuom  town  dufujng  one.  o^  the.  ito/imi  la&t  wteJi.  HZ&  compan- 
AJ)n  ir.  the.  icum  iZjOt  wo*  4,tuyine.d  but  zicaped  uUth  no  ieAZoas  KeJ>uJit&. 

.«.«•,»»•»  June  22,    ms 

Chilli,  VasneJuiJi,  one.  o£  the.  plonteA  hcuidunne.  dexuZeM  o^  Wahpeton  and  at  ont  timt 
iyittfieMted  in  Kexit  tstatz  In  tkU  vicZntty,   ditd  at  an  advance.d  age  la&t  weefe  Zn  Catil- 
ofWAjj.,  vihext  he.  had  a  vaZuabZe  ifuxXX  iofm. 

»««*««».  t»  j^yj^  22,    7905 

Wu,.  F.  0.  HungeJi  KeXuxntd  Thauday  {,fiom  Na&hua,  MN.,  uheAz  6he  uioi  caZled  by  the 
ZtZnej^i  and  i,ubieqaejit  death  oi  a  KttatLve.. 

»«««•«,»,»  jj^^  29,    1905 

W.  A.  GogitetteA  Azcelved  a  me^i^age.  SatuAdaay  announcing  the.  death  o^  hJu  iatkeA 
at.  Hat-clu,nAon,  MM.     Vecexi&ed  had  be.eji  ZIZ  ^oA.  iomz  time  uiith  Ajn.iZajnmitA.on  oi  the  btaddeA 
and  hZd  death  wa&  not  a  i,uApnJj>e.     He  wac  63  yeafu  otd  and  -is  ^uAvived  by  a  uilie  and  nine 
chtZdAen.     Hfi.  Gog&teXteA  teit  Saturday  night  to  attejid  the  iuneAoZ. 

•  ««»»»»«««  j^^  29,    7905 

FKZd  O^tbeAt,  a  labofieA  on  the  Soo  6teeJt  gang,   died  at  the  hohpitat  on  Tuz6day 
moaning  oi  typhoid  ieveA.     Veceaied  teavei  a  iairUZy  in  Nofiwatf  and  a  bkothen.  in  Uichigan. 
He  Moi  bunied  Tuziday  in  the  cemeX.eAtf  ea&t  oi  town  at  the  cxiunty^i  expeji&e. 

»»«.«%««**  J^^^  29,    7905 

The  eommunity  ua&  shocked  lajit  SaXwiday    mofining  to  teoAn  oi  the  death  oi  Cha/itty, 
the  tittle  ion  oi  Hn..  and  Ufi&.  W.  J.  Chapin.     The  little  one.  uoi  itnicken  with  diptheAla 
eanJiy  in  the  weefe  but  hi^  conditixin  wai  not  comideAed  dangeAoui  until  within  a  iew  houM 
oi  the  end.     little  ChoAley  woi  the  tight  oi  the  household  and  the  sympathy  iett  ion.  the 
beAeaved  pa/Lent&  cannot  be  expKeJti,ed  in  woAd6.     The  xemaim,  weAe  shipped  to  EndeALin  ion. 
inteAment,  whefie  the  iuneAol  took  place,  on  Sunday. 

Ma.,  and  Ww.  Chapin  deJ>iAe  thuough  the  HEWS  to  expfie£>i  tkeiK  gfiatutude  to  iniendi, 
and  neighbor,  who  4o  kindly  tendeAed  theiA  iteAvicts  duAijng  the  dank  houA&  oi  thein.  beAz- 
ovemeMt.  •«»•»*,««,  j^^^  29,    7905  oi  the  quadnapleti  bonn  to  Hn..  and  Ua&.  Eugene  V.eiZly  oi  LaUouAZ  recently , 

have  died.  «»«»••»«,« 

July  6,    7905 

Augu&t  F.   PeteAi,  a  pnominent  ianmeA  oi  VeViUo  Twp. ,     died  SatuAday  inom  thz 
eiiecti  oi  a  coAbuncle  at  the  bai,e  oi  hi&  ikull. 

The  two  weeJii,  old  child  oi  Hn..  and  Hn.&.   Tn.ed  VebbeAt  died  Wednesday,   July  5th, 
aiteA  an  AllneM  oi  a  iew  houAi. 

-    ■        C89) 

WluJLe.  mowoig  weedi  about  hJU  baJin  loJit  Hondajj  mofining,  Anton  KndzMMon,  a.  Roniom 
County  {^cumeA,  fian  oueA  ftc6  ^ouA.  yeoA.  otd  boy,   cuuttLng  o^^  both  Itg^)  abovz  the.  biee4. 
TKe  boy  and  an  oldeA  iZ&ttn.  weAe  hunting  ^on.  eggi  aji  the.  taZt  wtedi  wfien  the.  qIkZ  htand 
the  mouieA.  appAoacfUng  and  e.ndea.voKe.d  to  ^ave.  hex  bnxitheA,  but  wa5  too  tote.     The  boy  li> 
not  expected  to  tive.  ««»«••,»«»  j^^^  20     7905 

GREAT  BEWP....MA4.  Htnnle  Eoelke,  wi^e  o{,  PauZ  Boetfee,  dted  at  hen  home.  Vionday 
nZght  afjteA.  iu^f^efUng  itxjejuxt  months  uolth  consumption.     Vecea&ed  uxis  a  daughteA  od  Ma.. 
and  UfU.  Hfman  Eohn  and  wa&  a  bfUde  o^  tess  than  a  yeoA. 

She  had  spent  most  o^  heJi  ZJiie  in  tht&  vJicjuuty,  wfiete  hex  untimety  end  Zs  mouAned 
by  att.     The  ^unefuit  uxu,  held  thAJ,   [ThuAsday]  moAnAJig,  the.  lexvlce  beting  conducted  by  Rev. 
T.  ULnk  at  the  GeAman  Luthexan  ChuAch,  and  the.  AemaJjis  wexe  {,olZowed  to  thelA  last  Aesting 

place  by  a  toAge  concouAMZ  o^  soAAowlng  iAtends. 

•  «»,»«,  »t»  jfjj^j  20,    T905 

A  hofuUbte  accident  occuAAed  tajst  week  neax  Comstock.,  the  otheA  itde  o^  Wahpeton. 
The.  tittle  tuo  yeax  old  daughteA  of,  Ha.  and  Mw.  G.  N.  Roeji  was  playing  on  a  hayAack  and 
■in  some  way     ieZl  between  the  boajids  and  was  caught  by  the  head  and  stAangled  to  death. 

,•»,«•»«•»  j^  27,    1905 

ElmeA  Rodin,  an  18  yeoA  old  boy,  was  taken  with  cAamps  while  swimming  in  the  CAeek 
neoA  PeeveA,  ST.,  on  the  16th  o^  July,  and  was  dnowned  be^oAe  his  companions  could  Kescjue 
him.     Iht  young  man  was  a  ^Aiend  and  ^ofimeA  playmate  o^  AAthuA  VeteASon  of^  this  place. 

«»»»»«.««,  J^J^y  27,    7905 

Vied,  at  Hankinson,  on  Wednesday  night,  July  tSth,  Wis.  Uina  TeckneA,  wi^z  Oi$  F/uinfe 
FeckneA,  at  the  age  0($  32  yeoAS,   one  month  and  eZeven  days.     Vecejosed  was  bAought  in  to 
the  hospttal  on  July  15th  suHeAing  ^Aom  blood  poisoning,  and  despite  the  best  o£ 
Skill  she  slowly  sank  until  the  end  came  at  midnight. 

Deceased  was  a  daughteA  o^  Uns.  CiMi.  Co^a  and  was  moAHied  ten  yexiAS  ago  to  Tnank 
FeckneA.     ThAee  chiZdAen  weAe  boAn  ci(J  the  union,  the  eldest  a  boy  o^  nine,  and  tuo  daughtzAS 
aged  se.ven  and  one  and  one  hal^  yeoAS  Aespectively ,  Since  heA  moAAiage  deceased  has  been  a 
Aesident  o^  Minnesota  Township,  SO.,  and  heA  untlmeZy    end  Zb  mouAned  by  a  laAge  ciAcle  o^ 
nelghboAi  and  {^Aiends. 

The  {^uneAol  will  be  held  SatuAday  moAning  at  Sisseton.     The  beAeaved  husband  and 
{^amiZy  have  the  sinceAe  sympathy  o^  all  in  theiA  sad  a^f^liction. 

•  .««,»»»«•  j^^y  27,    1905 

FAank  FeckneA  and  family  desiAe  thAough    The  NEWS  to  expAess  theiA  gAatitude  {,oA 
the  kindness  of,  iAlends  duAing  the  illness  and  a^teA  the  death  o^  Has.  FzckneA.     The  {^un- 
eAol  woi  held  at  Sisseton  SatuAday  moAning  and  was  attended  by  a  loAge  numbeA  of,  soaaow- 
ing  {^Aiends  o^  the  stAicken  family. 

««»»«*,•«,  August  3,    1905 


TEN  VEARS  AGO  Column Wm.  EoeZkt,  JK.,  cLitd  cut  tht  homt  o^  kii  poJiZYvtk  naoji 

GKixvt  6iM  oi  typhoU  ^evcA.  •«,»»,,».,  Aaaint  3     190S 

TEN  ytARS  AGO  Column Ed.  GAjubtn.,  cut  om  tlmt  edltoK  oi  Tht  NEWS,  was  iomnd 

dzad  Zn  bzd  at  Gfiejut  Bend.     Hijvit  duexiie.  tuu  thz  CMise.  o£  hl6  dejnl6t.     Ed  was  io/ienaji 
oi  the.  oiiZct  Zn  uifUcJi  ihz  tcfUteA  took  fu£  zoJity  tt&.l>ons  in  thz  ant  pfiueJivatlvt. 

««•«•«.»«,  Aagtus;C  3,    1905 

ChanZty  Stack,  fenown  to  old  fLt&uiznt£  oi  "Old  ChajiZty"  to  Zdtntliy  hbn  inom  othvu> 
0(5  tht  same.  name,  -ut  thZi  vZcxrUty,  died  at  the.  &LCcfeeji/tafge  Hoipital  last  TtuAay.  He.  waa 
about  65  qea/il,  old  and  had  been  an  ZnvaJUd  ioA.  some,  time., 

•  t  »,•».«,  «  Augos^  TO,    7905 

BOy  l/rCTIM  oi  SHOTCUH 

Otto  Boldt,   a  14  j/eoA  old  boy,  woi  seJujoixkly  ZnjuA.e.d  about  noon  Tuej>day  by  the 
acctdejttal  dUchoAge.  oi  a  shotgun  on  the  Backhaus  iaJtm  one.  mile  south  oi  town.     Tht 
laJigt  musdtts  oi  kii  night  anm  wtn.t  tofun.  avoay  arid  a  fiaggtd  wound  madt  In  tht  ajmpit. 

bJith  his  iathtfL,   Htfman  Boldt,  tht  young  man  had  dnivtn  with  a  watth.  tank  to  tht 
Backhaus  ianm,  taking  wiXh  him  a  double  boAAtltd  shotgun.     He  attempttd  to  stick  tht  gun 
thjwugh  tht  holt  in  tht  top  oi  tht  tank  to  savt  cafiAying  it,  when  tht  hammtfi  caught  on 
tht  sidt  oi  tht  optning  and  tht  weapon  was  dischangtd  with  tht  abovt  titsuZt.     Tht  inJuAtd 
boy  was  bnought  to  town  at  onct  and  was  vtny  weak  inom  loss  oi  blood  by  tht  time  tht  hos- 
pital was  Atachtd,  somt  oi  tht  laKgt  blood  vtsseZs  having  bttn  stveAtd.     Vns.  Spottswood 
and  Young  dntsstd  tht  wounds  and  it  Zi  thought  tht  anm  wilt  bt  savtd  ii  blood  poisoning 
ccufi  bt  pntvtnttd.     He  is  doing  welt  at  this  wniting. 

This  should  pKovt  a  Itsson  in  tht  matttn  oi  allowing  childntn  to  ust  iintaJms  and 
tht  only  wondtn  is  that  moKt  accidtnts  havt  not  occunntd  in  tht  past  when  tht  laxity  oi 
poAtnts  is  considtntd. 

LATER.... Symptons  oi  blood  poisoning  dtveloptd  ytsttnday  aittnnoon  and  tht  anm  was 
amputattd  this  manning  at  tht  shouldtn  socket.     Tht  outcomt  oi  tht  optnation  can  only  bt 
conjtctantd  at  best,   bat  tht  patient's  condition  is  causing  his  intends  gnavt  anxiety. 

Tht  boy  was  unablt  to  withstand  tht  shock  oi  tht  optnation  and  ditd  at  S  PU  this 
aitzAnoon.  **********  Auga6;t  17,    1905 


SISSETOM,  SV.,  Aug.   llth Sisseton  was  shocktd  and  honniiitd  last  night  by  tht 

ntpont  oi  tht  mundtn  in  cold  blood  oi  two  citiztns  by  an  Indian.     Vtputy  ShtniH  M.E.  Col- 
by and  Edwand  Vtttnson  had  gont  to  tht  houst  oi  an  Indian  namtd  lach  Elutt,  who  lives  about 
two  miles   inom  tht  viUagt  oi  Pttvtn,  to  get  possession  oi  a  ttam  oi  montgagtd  honsts. 

An  alttncation  took  plact,  and  tht  Indian,  acconding  to  his  own  stony,  went  into 
tht  houst  ion  a  shotgun  and  kiZltd  Colby,  shooting  him  at  such  shont  nangt  that  his  lungs 
went  ntanly  blown  away.     Vtttnson  stanttd  to  nun  thnough  a  wheat  iitld,  and  tht  Indian 
ntloadtd  tht  gun,   chastd  him  about  a  qwanttn  oi  a  miZt  and  shot  him  thntt  timts. 

C9I)  _ 

flute,  theji  WCM/C  to  PecveA.  and  gave.  Iujn6zt£  up.     The.  Afee/u-iJiJ  woi  ^ejit  ^ox  and  now 
hajt  lUm  -in  cxilitodi[. 

Ai  6oon  a&  tkz  newi  became  QZntfujJLty  \inown  cAouidi  0(J  excJXzd  men  gotfieAed  on  i^eei 
Cjokyizu.     ToJik.  oi  tyncfUng  wo*  iKteZy  tndulge.d  In.     The.  cZtizejii  one.  teAfUbly  wwught  up 
and  It  iM  doubtiuZ  li  the.  iheAi-H  mZX.  be.  ablt  to  hold  hZe,  pfu^oneA. 

The.  Indiani  fiave  be.eji  dniniUng  hexLvZly  o^  tatt  and  maiUng  ugly  thxejoti,.     It  Zi  ieoA- 
td  that  a  lynching  would  bfUng  ahout  an  outbtiejsii. 

The.  bodtej)  oi  Colby  and  Pettuon  afte.  on  the  way  heJie..  The,  lndia.n  Zi  about  50,  ipeafei 
EngtUh  and  Z&  {^alnZy  InteZtigznt,     It  It,  iaJjd  that  he.  wai  at  one.  time,  a  pnexicheA  at  Tlan- 
dfieMi  and  GKanZte  Talti,. 

VeteAion  KeMldtd  neoJi  WJilmot    and  had  Jie.ce.ntZy  been  employed  oi  a  cZeAk  In  a  cloth- 
ing itoKz  at  SZ&ieton,  and  had  been  co£^ecicng  ^Kom  the.  Tndiam  ^Znce.  thz  fitcent  Indian 

Colby  was  moMltd  and  had  bten  living  neaJi  Sl&^eton  ^OK  two  yenAJ,.     He  came  ^lom 
Iowa.     Tlate.  has  be.en  given  a  hexvung  in  justice,  couxt  and  bound  ovex  to  thz  OctobeA  ttnm 
oi  CAAcuU  couAt.  ,«•»««,««,  Auguit  77,    79(?5 

The  iuneJuxZ  oi  Otto  Boldt,  thz  victim  oi  thz  unf^ontunatz  shotgun  accldznt  last 
wzzk  was  held  Satufiday  a{,teAnoon,  thz  szfivlczs  being  conducted  at  thz  GeAman  Evangzlical 
ChuAch  by  Rzv.   Kunz,  and  was  loAgzly  attended.     Tntznmznt  took  placz  In  thz  czmeteAif 
southwzst  0^  town.  »»««,««««»  August  24     1905 

VERNON Mas.  Uets  TedzASon,  wl{,z  o{,  a  most  Azspzctzd  ioAmzA,  died  Tuzsday 

moAnlng  a^tzA.  a  bAlz^  llZnzss  OjJ  typhoid  pnzumonla.     Vzcejxszd  wai  well  known  and  beloved 
by  all  who  wejiz  {^ontunatz  enough  to  numbzA  themselves  among  hzA  {/ilznds. 

A  husband  and  szvzAal  gAown  chUdAzn  suAvlvz  hzA.     Thz  ^unzAol  aAAjangements  have 

not  bzzn  madz  at  this  uAltlng. 

,»»»«»,«»«  August  Z4,    1905 

Anna  ChAlstina  Vedexson,  wl^z  oi  Nzls  Vedexson,  dlzd  at  hen.  home  eleven  miles 
south  0|$  town  Tuesday  moAnlng  at  11  AH  a{^teJL  an  Illness  oi  only  a  (Jew  days.     She  was 
taken  ill  with  typhoid  pnzumonla  last  ThuAsday  but  hex  condition  was  not  consldeAzd  dan- 
gzAous  Alght  up  to  thz  houA  o^  hex  death.     Shz  Aetalned  consciousness  to  the  last  moment 
and  passzd  pzacziuJLly  away  as  though  falling  Into  a  dzzp  slzep. 

Veczaszd  was  a  natlvz  o^  Venmoxk,  hex  maiden  name  being  Olson,  and  had  shz  lived 
till  thz  2nd  0|5  Oct.  would  havz  bzen  59  yeaxs  old.     In  7877  she  woi  moAXied  to  Nzls  ?zd~ 
exson  and  in  T882  they  came  to  AmeAlca,  settling  iixst  neax  fexgus  Tails,  MN.     In  7890 
they  moved  to  Zichland  County  and  In  1897  located  on  the  ^axm  2k  miles  south  oi  the  state 
tine  which  they  have  since  occupied.     Besides  the  hxisband,   ilve  childAen  axe  leit  to 
mouxn  the  loss  oi  a  loving  mothex.     They  ate:  Hans,  who  Azsldzs  in  CatiioAnia;   Vetex,  oi 
ULnnzapolls;  (^xs.  Chas.   VarMill,   a  bAldz  oi  a  ieM  wzzks;  Jzns  C,  and  Ellzaheth,   both  oi 
whom  live  at  home,     lilith  thz  zxczptlon  oi  thz  iixst  namzd  all  oAz  zxpzcted  to  attend  the 
iunexal,  which  will  be  held  Sunday  aitzAnoon  at  5  VH  iAom  the  home. 


Re.v.   liocLC  0^  Wkctt  Rocfe.  uxWi  conducX  tht  AZAvZcti,   and  Znifumnt  mIZ  be.  made. 
-en  the.  cemtteJuj  on  the.  WaZteJi  EtggA  (Joajti. 

VzcexU)ed  wcu  0|$  a  kind  and  motheAZy  diipoiZtZon  and  hex  dexiXh  JU  mouAnzd  bq  a 
Zokqz  cJjicJit  oi  inie-ndi,  who  txtznd  lympaihif  to  the.  beAeave.d  ^amiZy. 

««»•»«««,«  Auguit  24,    1905 

A  bfiutaZ.  nufideA.  Za  fizpotittd  {,fwm  nexLfi  Linton  Zn  Errmoni  County,  on  the  Soo'i  B-ci- 
moAcA  fc/umc/i.     The.  iUlLing  uxu>  done  by  a  Rin,^,Zan  named  Kunz,  and  the  vZcXXjn,  W.   2.  Steele., 
woi  deJUbtfuxteJiy  &hot  to  death  mXh  a  hZite.     Some  day£  ago  the  Raalan  wtnt  to  the.  BoeX- 
cheA  ^anch  and  comptaxned  that  Ste.ett  Ifiad  damaged  the  {^o^imeA'i  gfuUn  by  dnZvZng  along  the 
edge,  oi  the  {/.eZd  uuXh  a  headeK.     Steele  o dieted  to  pay  the  damaged  but  Kunz  would  not 
accept  pay. 

hionday  he  meX  SteeZe  and  wZthout  any  woAning  6hot  the  latten.  with  a  fiZ^le,  the  ball 
entenZng  the  ^ace  and  caa&Zng  Zmtant  death.     Kunz  and  hu  wZ^e  came  to  town  and  he  wai 
■UmedJjxteZy  oAneited.     SteeZe  was  A.ecentZy  moAnZed,  hZ&  wl^e  onZy  aJUiZvlng  thene  loit 
Satafiday.     It  Zi  thought  that  Kunz  came  to  town  to  get  out  o^  the  countAy  bef^ofie  the 
oif^Zcenii  could  be  notZ^Zed  a&  he  was  much  6uAp/iZ6ed  that  he  ihouZd  be  onAeited. 

«.•»,»«.*»  Aaga&t  24,    1905 

Ed.  SchwageA,  who  hoM  Lived  heAe  ^ok  the  laj>t  thAee  yea/u>,  and  wofdied  at  the  coApen- 
tzn.  tAode,  was  ta.lien  to  the  Jamestown  Ho^pZtaZ  la&t  VhZday  iu^^^eAZng  {^fwm  a  ieveAe  case 
0^  appendZcZtZi  and  genehaZ  penZtonZtZJi .     He  wai  opeAated  on  buZ  dZed  the  ^olZowZng  monnlng. 


Vecea&ed  wlZl  be  KemejrheAed  a6  agent  at  thZ&  point  (,ofi  the  St.  Anthony  S  Vaiiota 
ElevatoA.  Company  thAee  OK  ^ouA  yeau  ago. 

»*»»•%.**«  Augu&t  37,    7905 

hiu.  ChAZstZne  Tomne^on,   95  yeau  old,  thought  to  be  the  oldest  woman  in  the  state 
commLtZed  suZcide  eoAZy  Monday  moKnZng  at  VeviZ£  Lake  by  jumpZng  f^nom  a  second  stoiy  win- 
dow.    The  woman  has  been  blZnd  ^OK  twenty  {^ive  yeofis  and  o^  late  hen.  mind  has  been  {^aZtZng. 

•««•«*«.*»  August  il,    7905 

A  stabbing  a^{,fiay  that  fiesulted  in  a  muAdex  took  place  just  thZs  sZjde  o^  iXinnea- 
polls  on  Soo  tnaZn  105  that  oAAZved  hefte  Sunday  moftning.     John  Vevine  and  Wm.  WaZZace, 
both  dAimk,  weAe  in  the  vestZbuZe  oi  a  smokZng  coa  and  Vevine  fobbed  WaZtace  o^  hZs  watch. 

ThZs  caused  a  now  Zn  whZch  VevZne  stabbed  WaZlace  in  the  stomach  with  a  laAge  kni{^e. 
The  wounded  man  was  taken  {^^m  the  tAoZn  at  Eu^^aZo  but  dZed  tateA,   and  his  assaZZant  is 
now  in  custody  at  HcnneapolZs  to  anSweA  {^OK  his  cAZme. 

•«•«».«».»  August  37,    7905 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column Johji  O'Shea,  a  blahpeton  attorney,  hung  himself  Zn  a  boAn 

neoA  LZdgeAuiood  a^teA  a  pfiotAacted  spAee. 

M.  M.  Hogan,  section  i^ofieman  on  the  G,   hi.  at  Sonofia,  dZed  o^  eAysZpetas,  leaving 

a  uicjje  and  {.Zve  cJuZdxen. 


The  body  o^  cufi  unkrujuon  man  woi  ioand  im.  the.  imaUL  qKjovz  o{,  tA.z.u  jait  we^t  ojj 
hi.   VeXeA&on' &  gAovz  yiqjvl  town.     It  woi  that  o^  a  i-t/uiwgeA  wfio  ha.d  commLteji  by 
han^AJig  hlmieJi^  to  one.  o{^  the.  tA.zeJt.     The  body  uxu  badty  dzcompoitd  and  wad  neue/L 
UzntZf^zd.  ••,«••••,«  SzptmbVi  7,    T905 

Jo^epfi  WebtfL,  a  KUpzcttd  cltizzn  o{  Kanktnion,  dttd  at  5  AH  thJj,  moKnlnQ  a^tvi  a 
lonQ  li-tQt  oi  typhoid  iJeueA.     Peceoaed  woi  bofm  at.  Lee  VaZtzij,  Vougloi  County,  MW. ,   27 
yeoAJ,  ago  and  had  been  a  Kt&^dtnt  0(J  Hanfe-aiAow  (JoA.  ahout  ^oux  y(iaJii>,   dwUng  all.  oi  which 
time.  he.  wot  emptoytd  oi  heZpeA  at  tht  Soo  Depot.  About  -tfiAee  yeau  ago  fie  wai  moAAled  and 
the.  widow  iwvolvej)  him.    The/te  oKe,  no  ckltdxen. 

He.  woA  a  man  oi  qultt  unat,/iumlng  tejnpeJume.nt  and  In  hli  dexith  the.  cowmunlty  toitk 
an  hononabtz  and  upnJight  citizen    and  the  Soo  company  a  laJLthiut  and  con&clentljoui>  emp- 
loy ze.. 

Tht  iunejuil  wlti  be.  heZd  Satu/vday  mofinlng  at  9:30  AM  ieAvlcei  to  to  bt  conducted 
at  the  Catholic  Chufich  by  Rev.  J.   F.  Stuudnlcka..     JnteAment  will  be,  made.  In  the.  Catholic 
CemeteAy  louthuie^t  o^  town.     Vecea&td  was  a  member,  o^  the  Catholic  OfuLtn.  ol  VoKeJ>teJii>,  In. 
which  oKdeJi  he.  caJOu.e.d  a  ti^z  ln&ufw.nce  policy  oi  $1,000. 

«.»««»•,»«  SzptembeA  7,    1905 

Rudolph  Pleh,  a  Soo  bfiakeman,  dle.d  at  the  hospital  ye/>teAd.ajy  ioKtnoon  ai>  a  /leMult 
oi  Injufiles  iuitatned  at  Elbow  Lake  about  11  ?H  Tuesday  night. 

WhlZe  making  a  coupling  fie  wai  caught  beJbwtzn  the  "bumpzAl,"  and  do  badty  InjuAtd 
that  It  waa  Impodilble  to  do  mo  fie  than  KeZlevt  to  dome  degfize  the  duUoiLngd  oi  the  un- 
iontunatx.  man.     He  wad  bfiought  In  ye^teMay  moKning  In  change  oi  an  Elbow  Lake  phydlclan. 
but  died  about  iounteen  houu  aiteA  the  accident.     Vzcejoded  wad  a  dlnglz  nan,  23  yzoKd  old, 
and  hid  pa/ientd  KZdtdz  at  EndznZJin,  to  which  the  Kemujid  wcAe  dhlppzd  thld  mo  fining 
ioJi  buAlal.  «,«,»«».««  Szptembzn.  7,    190S 

Hinnlz,  thz  14  yzan.  old  daughteA.  oi  Ma.,  and  hUid.  Hejunan  SchuZtz,  who  Azdldz  about 
thKzz  mlled  nofith  oi  town,  dlzd  thid  moAnlng  oi  typhoid  izvZA.     Tlvz  otheJi  chilxbien  afiz 
dick  with  thz  dldejddz  In  thz  damz  homz,  and  It  Id  dald  a  modt  dzptomxblz  condition  oi 
aiialKd  zxldtd.     UnZzdd  pAompt  action  Id  taken  It  Id  tikzty  thzAZ  will  be  othzfi  iatalltlzd 
In  thz  iamlly.     Thz  iunzAol  oi  thz  dzczadzd  will  takz  ptacz  SatuAday,  dZAvlczd  to  be  fie^ 
at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  at  UantadoA. 

«»•»««*,»•  SzptembeA  U,    J905 

Tfie  body  oi  ChoAlzd  HeAzlg,  thz  conizddzd  muAdzAZA  oi  Lizzlz  GhonbacheA  at  Voungd- 
town,   OH,  thlAty  yzoAd  ago,  wad  iound  Tuzdday  In  a  deep  Aavlnz  j'udt  ovzA  thz  llnz  In  thz 
unoKganlzzd  county  oi  WalZacz,  douthwzdt  oi  Ulnot.     HeAzlg  had  commlttzd  dulcldz  by  hang- 
ing.    Plnnzd  to  hid  bfizadt  wad  a  note  oi  Idzntlilcatlon  and  zxplanatlon,  Azadlng  aj,  iolZowd-. 
"My  name  Id  ChoA^zd  HeAzlg.     OveA  thlAty  yzoAd  ago  1  muAdeAzd  and  cAlminatty  adduLted  a 
young  glAl  named  Lizzlz  E.  CfiombacheA  neoA  Youngdtown,  OH.     Chad.  SteAllng,  an  Innocent 


man,  uiai  tfuizd,   convZctzd.  and  hangzd  ^oK  thz  mWidtn.  o^  thZi  gVil.     T£  my  body  Xi  eveA 
f^oand  noti^^q  my  motkoA,   CatktnJjiz.  HzazZq  at  GiAOAd,   OH. 

«.»•.«»,»•  StpteirhzA  14,    1905 

RodeA^cfe  J.  CampbdUi,  a  lahofLing  man,  woi  klZZtd  Monday  niQht  ntofi  the.  TalKvieia 
loAm  noAXh  o^  kzn.z  by  tkz.  wzzd  banning  maciUnt  on  tht  KoKthzAn  ?a<u.{^c.     He  had  tvldtntty 
6een  walklnQ  along  tht  tfuack  and  woji  iitMidi  by  the.  tnginz.     One  teg  uiai)  gAjOund  to  fu,ecej> 

SepterrheA  21,   7905 

and  ivU  ikjuJU.  wa6  bfioken.  •«•«,«*,«• 

A  19  yeax  old  boy  died  at  the  hoipZtat  Satufiday,  having  been  bKoaght  In  ^Aom  Cog6- 
weZt  In  a  cAjiticaZ  condition.     He  had  been  voofiklng  nexui  CogiweJUi  and  had  KelativeM  in 
Oklahoma,  but  ai  they  did  not  Kz&pond  to  meiiagei  fie  wofi  bivUed  Tat&day  at  the  coanty'6 

^^P^"^^-  «,«.,•••••  SeptembeJi  It,   1905 


Un/>.  Wllhelmlna  Hoe^4t  died  at  hen.  home  on  the  nonth  ildt  o^  town  Tatiday  zvenlng 
at  9  ?M  af^teA  a  llngeAtng  llZneM&.     Vecexu>ed  had  &he  Lived  till  the  15th  o{,  next  Pec. 
would  have  been  76  yeoAi  old  and  ^on.  the  poit  3 1  yeoJUt  hot,  been  a  Ke^ldent  0)$  thlit  pant 
0^  Richland  County. 

Veceoied  woa  bonji  In  Lukanhogan,   GeJunany,  hex  maiden  name  being  Luepke,  and  ihontly 
a^tzA  hex  manjujoge  emlgnated  to  the  US,  settling  In  WZscon&ln  In  1871.     Two  yean^  laten. 
the  family  moved  to  thli  county,   betng  one  0)$  the  {jlfidt  white  ^amttiei  In  what  -ci  now 
the  townihlp  0|J  EnandenbuAg.     Shontly  af^teA  the  death  o^  hen.  haiband  on  New  Veo'Li '4  Vay, 
1S99,  the  widow  moved  to  Hanfzlmon  whtne  ihe  had  ilnce  nztlded.     Oven  a  yean  ago  ^>he  wai 
itntdzen  with  consumption  and  ha&  been  con{;lned  to  hex  bed  {^on.  neoAly  thlntetn  monthi. 
She  bon.e  heA  6u{£eAtng  patiently  and  made  all  pKepanatlonl  Ion  the  end. 

Veceoied  was  the  mothen  o^  seven  chlZdxen,   ^oun.  o^  whom  sunvlve  hen. . .  .Auga&t  Hoe{ti, 
Mn/,.   klbent  Bohn,   TeAdlnand  Hoeffi  and  Mw.  kugudt  Eladow.     AlZ  h.e/,lde  In  this  vicinity. 
TheAe  an.e  aZio  30  gnandchll.dn.en  and  10  gn&at-gnandchlZdAen. 

ihe  iunenaX.  will  be  held  tomonAow  iFnlday]  a^teAnoon  at  one  o'clock  ijAom  the  Genman 
Evangelical  ChuAch,   {^ottowing  a  ihont  seAvlce  at  the  home.     The  pallbeaneAS  will  be  Edw. 
KAlzseZ,   Chas.  KlASch,  John  Pol{,ui>6,   Theo.  Hellng,  Aaguit  Eggant  and  Wm.  Zn.ummund.     Rev. 
Kanz  wlxX  conduct  the  seAvlce  and  Inttnment  will  be  made  In  the  cemeteAy  south  o^  town. 

«••»•«.«*.  SzptzmbeA  U,    1905 

GREAT  BENP Rev.  C.  A.  BxemeA  was  called  to  Colfax,   NV.,  to  deZlvex  the  {^unenxtZ 

senmon  o£  Has.   EloomzA  who  died  last  week.     She  leavu  a  loving  husband  and  seven  small 
chlldnen  to  mounn  the  loss  o{t  a  loving  mothen. 

».«*.«•»»»  uctoben.  5,   1905 


New  OnZeans,  Oct.   10th A  mantyK  In  the  ilght  against  yettaw  ieveA,  Vn..   C.  M. 

Shanley,   ionmoAty  oi  Nonth  Dakota,  died  yeMtenday  at  his  plantation  home  on  Bayou  Banat- 


afuA  04  the,  fie^att  o^  a.  KzJLa.p&t  {^m  yzULow  itvex,  hJjk  ^itZneJ>6  extzncUng  oveA.  thz  peat 
two  weefei. 

Vfi.  ShanZty  come  fie/ie  uiLth  hlb  ^curUJiy,  about  thxtz  ytau  ago,   ^fiom  the.  no^ithwe/it. 
Wheji  thz  {^tveA.  appealed  Im.  New  OnZeJUUt,  he.  Kz^usexi  to  leave,  and  wfien  ^  dzveZoped  Zn  Bay- 
ou BaAotaJuja.,  hz  voluntzeAe.d  ki&  ie/ivXcea  to  aalit  in  itamp^jfig  aX  out. 

He.  placed  hZl,  iteam  laandi  at  thz  du,poial  o^  tkt  aathoAtti.t&  and  ^OK  da.y6  and  nZghts 
MAjtiXed  and  minZitfLzd  to  the.  ^Zck.     Seve/otC  wzeJii  ago  fie  uxu,  lujn6eZ{t  &tfUckeji  and  woa  bfio- 
ught  to  thz  (Uty  and  taken  to  the.  emeAgzncy  hoipltal. 

He  KemaJjizd  theAZ  untZt  fie  beLizved  hun6zli  cuAzd  and  IrmexUateJiy  KztuAnzd  to  thz 
bayou  to  Kz&umz  hte>  woA.k.     Expoiuxz  and  thz  dact  that  fie  had  vzntuAzd  out  too  £oon  fiz&ult- 
zd  in  a  ^Kz&h  attack  o^  lltneJ)i>  and  phy6icAjCLn&  and  two  tAoinzd  mvuzi  havz  bzzn  in  attend- 
a.ncz  on  him.     Vzath  camz  yzdteAday. 

Vfi.  Shanzly  vxa,  a  tJuAty  izcond  dzgKzz  Moaon  and  hii  body  i&  now  on  it' 6  way  to  thz 
city  and  will  bz  buJu,ed  today  {^fiom  thz  Ua&onic  Tzmplz  with  high  Haionic  honoA^. 

Hilt   death  i&  gfieatly  dzploAzd,   not  only  in  Jz^lzn&on  paxiih,  among  wfio^e  pzoplz  fie 
laboKzd,   but  thfioughout  thz  city.     Thz  continued  &ucczi&^uZ  pn.ogfLZSi  o£  thz  govzAnmznt 
authoAitie/)  in  tkzin  zHoKt  to  itamp  out  thz  yzllow  ^zvzn.  in  New  Ofilzani,  was  again  mani- 
^t&ted  yeJiteAday  in  thz  low  numbe/i  of,  new  caizi  and  dzathi. 

•     «•»«»».««  Octobzn.  12,    1905 

ConductoK  Ball,  who  dizd  at  EndeAJtin  fizczntly,  wot  a  ^oAmzA  ftziidznt  0)5  Hankin&on 
and  hi6  death  ii>  leannzd  of  with  dzzp  Kzgfizt  by  ffiiznd£  of  thz  family  hzfiz. 

.««»«».*».  OctobzA.  19,    7905 

TEN  i'EARS  AGO  Cohmn Gzjo.  Swzznzy,   25  yeaA.l>  old,  died  at  thz  home  of  hii 

fatheA  in  Elma  Town6hif>.  ,•»•*«.*,,  Ntfi/emfaeA  2,    I9£/5 


Tfie  community  wa6  shocked  to  IzoAn  of  thz  death  of  Ha£.  (UiZbuA.  Nz&.ion  on  Uonday 
zvzning.  Complication6  following  ckitdbiAth  caabzd  hzA  untimely  end.  A  baby  giAt  woi 
boAn  Monday  afteAnoon  and  death  camz  a  few  kouJU,  latzA. 

A  iad  fzatuAz  of  thz  casz  ii  thz  failuAz,  thiu  foA,  to  locatz  Ua..   Nz&iton  who  ha& 
bzzn  woAking  in  thz  vicinity  of  VoAtal  but  who  Izft  foA  homz  via  team  oveA  a  wzzk  ago. 
EffoAts  to  communicatz  with  him  havz  4o  foA.  bzzn  unavaiZing  though  mZ66agz6  havz  bzzn 
Izft  foA  him  at  iiZvzAal  of  thz  tjownb  whzAZ  it  i&  6uppo.&zd  hz  will  makz  ltop&.     VunzAal 
oAAangemzntl)  Azmain  umettlzd  pending  thz  oAAival  of  thz  ha&band. 

Vzceoizd  i&  a  daaghtzA  of  Ma4.  HoAxf  PoAkzA  of  thii  placz,  and  a  AiitzA,  Uu.  N. 
S.   Lowell,  ij>  alio  hzAZ  fAom  Scoax  FalZi,  SV.     Shz  woi  moAAizd  to  Ha.  Ne£/,on  thlAtzzn 
yeoAi  ago  and  fouA  childAzn  6UAvivz  hZA,   Floyd  and  Clzn,  boy6,  Jze>&iz  and  thz  Infant,. _ 
giAZ6.     Thz  beAzavzd  onzi  havz  thz  sympathy  of  thz  community  in  theiA  gKeat  affliction. 

«.«»•«».««  ^py^   2,    1905 


GREAT  BEWP Vltd:  Hn..  Sc/inexdeA  0($  MofOviitouin,  UN.,  thz  ^aXhoA  oi  FKzd  and 

UoAy  SdrnZA-dtn.  who  weAe  vZi^ting  at  Ufi.  and  (W>.  Hfman  Stdttfi'l  the.  poAt  iimmeJi. 
Thzy  fiaue  the.  sympathy  o£  aZi.  Jbi  tiieJUx.  hoKfuaw. 

•  ,«»»»».*»  NouembeA  1,    1905 

The  {jUneAoZ  of,  Mw.  WZZban.  Nti^on  wa6  heJid  Sunday  and  woi  a  poAtlcuZoAZy  iad  a(^{,aln. 
owcng.  to  the  deZay  in  Zocating  the  haiband.     Vuxing  the  entOie  weefe  tveJuj  e(J]JoA^  had  been 
made  to  communicate  with  Ma..  Weapon,   but  ad  he  wab  d/divinQ  thiough  ^Kom  Vohtat  he  did  not 
ZeoAn  0(J  hU  beAeavement  untiJt  he  Aexiched  Uantadoi  Sunday  a^tejinoon.     TheJie  he  wcu,  inionmed 
o{i  hu  MiC|Je'4  death  and  mounting  a  hoA&e  fiode  home  uxlth  aZZ  haite,  a/ifiiving  white  the  fun- 
efuxJi  leAvict  wa6  in  pKog^eM  at  the  Congfie^ationaZ  Chufich.     A  toAge  numbeA  OjJ  {^fiiendi  wefie 
pKti>e)nt  to  pay  theix  Jbu>t  tJuJbute  oi  fie^pect  to  the  departed,  and  at  the  concZu&ion  o{,  the 
leAvice  many  ^otiowed  the  ftemaJju  to  theJji  finaZ  Kej,ting  place  in  the  cemeteAy  eoit  of,  town. 

,*»•»«»«**  NovejnbeA  9,    1905 

IsloAd  woi  received  hexe  yt&teAday  oi  the  death  oi  ChfuJ>t  EfiZandton  at  hit  home 
iouth  oi  town.     TafiticuZaJii  ofie  lacking,   but  the  nem  oi  hii  untimeZy  end  was  a  ihock 
to  HankiMon  iAiend&.     PeceoAed  wa6  ionmeAty  section  ioKeman  on  the  Soo  at  tLu  point 
but  ioK  levenal  yeaA&  hoi  been  ianming  neoA  VeAnon.     He  leaver  thAee  chiZdAen,  a  i>on 
and  two  daughteAi,  to  mouAn  hit,  Zoii, 

•«»«•*»*»»  HovembeA  16,    1905 

Ma4.  Ben  Paine,  wiie  oi  one  oi  the  old  tettZeJU,  in  the  Hauh  neighborhood  a  dozen 
miZei  iouthexiit  oi  town,  died  Monday  aiteAnoon  aiteA  an  iZZneJ>6  oi  a  (Jew  houAi>.     She  wai 
4,tAicken  with  pnexmonia  Sunday  and  the  end  came  iuddenZy.     She  Zeavei  a  ha&band,  two  iom 
and  a  daaghteA  to  mouAn  hzA  Zo66.     The  6tAi.cken  ha&band  i&  aZio  veAy  iZZ  with  pneumoniji 
at  pAe&ent. 


NovembeA  U,   1905 

VERNON ChAUt  EAlandion,  one  oi  ouA  highZy  xe&pected  ioAmeAi,   died  loit  Wed- 

neiday.     He  fuu  Aeiided  neoA  VeAnon  ioA  ieveAoZ  yeaA6  and  wai  highly  Ae6pected  by  aZZ. 
He  Zeavei  a  iamiZy  oi  hevenaZ  chiZdJien.     The  iuneAoZ  wa&  heZd  Sunday. 

»»»*«,*»*«  November  26,    1905 

['ictoA  John&on,  an  in&ane  patient  committed  to  Jame&town  iAom  TaiAinount  two  yeofu, 

ago,   e&caped  about  Oct.    Ut  and  Zait  SatuAday  hi6  decomposed  body  wai  iound  in  a  ilax 

iield  a  ihoKt  distance  south  oi  the  a&ylum.     He  was  in  good  physical  health  at  the  time 

oi  his  escape  but  is  thought  to  have  died  ifvom  exposure.     He  was  about  23  years  old  and 

his  parents  reside  at  TaJjmount. 

»»»»•««•»«  NovembeA  26,  1905 

Art  tmfertown  man  dropped  dead  white  seated  at  the  supper  table  in  E.  A.   King's  rest- 
aurant last  evening  shortly  beiore  6  PM.     The  deceased  with  a  companion  was  employed  on  the 
O'VonnelZ  threshing  rig  south  oi  town  the  past  season  and  hai,  been  around  town  ior  severaZ 


dayi,  d/^nfexng  hfuivUij.     He  wo*  dnunk  yuteJiday  and  ihofMy  HteA  6<mUng  luM>eZ{,  at  tht 
tablz  hz  itLiitntd  out  and  ^eJU  to  the.  itoon,  dzaXh  bzlng  lMtantane.ouJ> . 

Thz  body  wm  Kemovzd  to  {U^p(inman'6  UndeJitafUng  fujomi  and  CoKonzA  tCUeZy  come 
oveA  ificm  Fa^ount  thU  moA/votg.     MteA  zxambung  iomz  oi  tht  mZnUha>  hz  dzcldzd  that 
an  Inqazit  «xu  annzcziioJiy,  dzjith  bzxng  duz  to  hzxvct  iaUuAZ  bzyond  a  doubt.     Thz  dzcz^zd 
urn  about  35  yzjvu  old  but  abiolutzly  nothing  ain  fee  IzoAnzd  about  km,  hU  poAtzneA  not 
zvzn.knoiUng  hU  namz.     ThzAZ  wzJiZ  no  papzAS  on  thz  body  by  which  hz  could  bz  Idzntlilzd. 

He  Villi  be  buAA.zd  at  thz  county 'i  zxpzn^z. 

•  •«««•**«»  UovzjnbzA  26,   1905 

Otto  FoUtz,  ion  oi  Ufi.  and  tUe>.   F/ted  FozUz,  dlzd  at  thz  homz  oi  hU  poAznt^ 
^outhz^t  oi  town  SatuAdmj  moKnZng  oi  consumption,   iKom  which  dKZXid  dliznsz  hz  has  bzzn 

a  iuiizAZfi  ioK  izvz/ijal  months. 

Vzczaszd  was  31  yzoAS  old  and  highly  Kzspzctzd.     He  was  a  slnglz  man  but  bzsldzs 
thz  paxznts  thzJiZ  oAe  szK^vml  bfuothoAS  to  mouAn  hU.  untunziy  end.     The  iunzJuU  szJivlcu 
wzJiz  conduUzd  IJionday  aitzAnoon  at  thz  EvangzUcal  ChuAch  by  Rev.  Kunz,  and  IntzAmznt 

was  made  In  thz  czmztzAy  just  south  oi  town. 

«»«*»»««»«  PecembeA.  7,   1905 

S.  R.  Volts  Azcelvzd  a  tzZzgfum  Ust  weefe  iKom  VKoyton,  Ont,  Canada,  bAlnglng  thz 
sad  newi  oi  his  mothzA's  dzatk.         ,,  ^  ,,,»»,  ,  VzczmbzA  23.    1905 

FUend.  oi  ms.   Ed.  Gee  0,5  Ui-ington  sympathizz  wUh  heA  In  thz  loss  oi  hv.  bAoth^A 
Stzphzn  Egan,  who  iKozt  to  dznth  nzaA  TagiM,  W.,  on  Tuzsday  oi  InM  weeii.     Peceo^ed  lost 
his  Uiz  In  an  zHont  to  ilnd  HaU  CantzA,  hl^  wliz  and  Iniant  chUd,  whom  hz  ieAAzd  had 
bzcomz  lost  In  thz  stonm.  **********  VzczmbzA  Z3,    1905 

UAS.  Sophia  lUiU  dlzd  at  Z  m  this  moKnlng  at  thz  homz  oi  hvi  son  CaM  W^tt  In 
EzlioKd  Township  aiteA  an  UZnzss  oi  two  wzzks.     Vzczxiszd,  had  shz  tivzd  untU  Vzc.   Uth, 
would  havz  attalnzd  thz  age  oi  nlnzty  yzoAS. 

Shz  was  bonn  In  Gvmany  and  camz  to  AmeA^ca  wUh  hzA  husband  and  thAzz  ch^dAm 
thiAty  yeoA.  ago.     MteA  a  Azsldzncz  oi  two  and  a  hali  yzoA^  ^  ^^  Vo^  ^^e  ^e  iarUly 
movzd  to  Ohio,  and  thAzz  yz^  tatzA  csmz  tx,  UoKth  Vakota.     Thz  husband  dlzd  ^ghtzzn 
y^uxAS  ago  l^t  August  at  thz  homz  oi  CaAl  lilitt  wUh  whom  thz  paAznts  xzMdzd  iKom  thz  t^z 

oi  his  moMlagz. 

Vzczaszd  is  SuAvlvzd  by  thAZZ  chUdAzn.. .  .CaU  I^Jltt  and  Loul^  l»Ut  oi  Zzliond  Twsp., 
and  VKzd  ^Itt  oi  ZlnAmont,  MW.     TheAe  oAz  21  gmndchUdAzn  and  thz  samz  mmb,A  oi  gAznt- 
g^dchUdAm.     Vzceaszd  wa,  ^  zxczUznt  health  until  about  two  wzzks  ago  whzn  shz  con- 
tAactzd  a  cold  and  gnaduaUy  gAZW  wzakzA  but  Aztalnzd  hv.  iult  iacxdtlzM  until  shz  passed 
Into  thz  l^t  lon^  slzzp.     Shz  was  among  thz  exudle^t  seXtleAM  ^  ^elioAd  Township  and 
unlveAsalZy  zstzzmzd. 


6REEWFIELP...  .M/L4.   Bonk,  uiiie.  o^  one.  of,  oufi  A.tipzc;te.d  {anmtu ,   die.d  Monday  cut 
the.  HanUji6on  HoipltaZ  CL^^teA.  a.  JLLngeAinQ  yUZnej>i,  o£  comumption.     Peceoied  with  hex 
husband,  W.  A.  BoAk,   come  up  £Kom  Iowa  tu)o  yexvu,  ago  and  itttZtd  on  the  old  Joz  Little. 
{iOAm.     VuAlng  heA  Kzildence  among  a6  ihe.  won  the  ^Ktendihip  and  titeein  o^  aZt  and  heJi 
untimeZy  e.nd  ii,  itncexeZy  mouAnzd. 

Be^Zde^  the  huJiband  ^he.  lexiveM  a  babe  ten  months  old  and  otheA  imaZl  chiZdfien. 

The,  {lOneAal  wai  held  l)Jedne/,day,  4eAv^ce4  conducted  at  the  GeAman  LathzAan  ChuAch 

Zn  HanLoiion  by  Reu.  F.  leAizn. 

VzcembeA  2S,   1905 

•  ««•«««»»» 

Thz  infant  ckiZd  o^  Ma.,  and  Uu.  John  Ocenbach,  who  KeJ>tdz  loath  oi  town,  dizd 

today  a{,teA  a  ihofit  ttinzii. 

VzczmbeA  28,    1905 

•  «•'•«««»»« 

A  16  yeoA  old  6on  o^  Ha,  and  M/L4.  John  Moen  dlzd  yziteAjdajy  oi  coniumptA.on  at  the 

home  o{i  hJjt  paAznti)  nzoA  VeAnon. 

PecejTibeA.  2S,   1905 


EngzbAzt  Hovzy,   iathzA  o^  John  P.  Hovzy  and  Olz  Hovzy,   dizd  o^  hzoAt  iaJJUxAz  at 

the  home  oi  hit  ion  neoA  VeAnon  the  ilfibt  oi  thz  wzek.     Vzceaizd  camz  out  i^m  ktwatzA, 

MM.,  to  attznd  thz  Hovzy-EnZandion  wedding  and  waj,  appoAzntZy  in  good  hexilth.     Thz  Kz- 

mainl,  weAe  ikippzd  to  AtwateA  ioK  buAlal, 

»»»»»«*«»»  VzczmbeA  2%,    1905 

fUahpeton  ha6  a  myiteAiou6  diiappeoAancz  caiz  that  hat  cAzatzd  quitz  a  izmatijon. 
Rev.  T,  M.   Edmandi,  PaitoA  oi  thz  CongAzgationaZ  ChuAch,  Izit  homz  at  10  AM  loit  Tniday 
monning  ioK  a  walk  along  thz  filveA  and  hoi  not  bzzn  izzn  lincz.     Hit  hat  wae,  iound  duAing 
thz  aiteAnoon  neoA  a  holz  in  thz  icz,  and  thz  belizi  ti  gznzAol  that  thz  uniontunatz  man 
wad  dAownzd  eithzA  by  accUdznt  ok  whilz  mzntaULy  deAangzd.     Thz  Kivex  hoi  bzzn  thoroughly 
dAoggzd  but  io  ioA  without  AZiult.     Hz  had  bzzn  in  pooK  hzoLth  ioK  izveAaZ  monthi  and  had 
woAAczd  a  gAzat  deal  ovzA  a  libzl  luiX  pzndlng  agaimt  him  and  bAought  by  Reu.  W.  EdwaAdi. 
oi  AbeACAombiz.     Uu.  Wm.   Edmandi  and  an  only  daughtzA  oAZ  dibtAxictzd  wiXh  gKizi  oveA  thz 
lad  aiialA.  »•••«,»«.»  VzczmbeA  2%,   1905 


19  0  6 

The.  body  o^  Rev,  T,  M,   EdmancU,  the.  Wahpzton  VaUttoK  who  iiZl  thjwaqh  ihe.  -cce 
and  wcw  dfuovonzd  ^n  thz  hlveJi  out  WahpeXon  nexiAZy  two  wzzki  ago,  wa6  A.zcoveA.zd  Tutiday 
a{iteAnoon.     An  txpzAZtnctd  divex  woKkzd  ovzn.  the.  kLvza  bottom  and  (^naJUbj  locat&d  the. 
body  nexinZy  a  mite  beZow  wheAz  the  un^oA^tunate  man  met  hi6  ^ate., 

«»»«««»»*»  januoAy  4,    1906 


The  commiLnity  woi  6hockeA  almo6t  beyond  beZit£  tlnJU  mofuUng  to  Izxuvn.  that  Wi&. 
M.  KAehibach  had  died  at  11  PM  txu>t  nZght  a{teA.  an  ZtZne.&i  o£  Izii  than  twenty  iouK 
howu.     Few  knew  o^  heA  JUitnzJ>i>,  and  the  newi  oi  htn  ludden  end  cMt  a  gloom  ovefi  the 
entJUie  town. 

Blood  pol&orUng  wa6  the  JumejUxute  camz  o^  heA.  death.     Ton.  a  couple  ojj  dayi  ihe 
had  comploAJied  0(5  ^eeLing  anwelZ  but  not  untiZ  i  AM  yt&teJvday  moKnZng  wai  heA  condJXLon 
comldefied  4,eAloa&.     Vn.  Spott&wood  woi  then  called  and  he  worked  oven,  hen  {fiom  that 
time  untU.  death  came.     She  pa6/>zd  pejace^uUy  away  Into  the  la6t  long  ileep  at  11  o'clock. 

Mw.  Ella  KfLeb&bach  wai  boKn  at  tittcheZl,  SV.,  27  yeaxi  ago,  wheAe  heA  motheA, 
Mw.  ^oZitAum,  itlll  KeJildeJi,     She  wai  moAAied  to  Hike  Kfiebibach  ieven  yeoAi  ago  and  li 
iuAvZved  by  the  huiband  and  two  c/iZtcken. .  .Reuben  5  yeoAi  old  and  floxence  1  yesiAi  old. 
The  family  came.heAe  ^fijom  Esmond,  MP.,  jait  a  yeoA  ago  and  the  decejoied  hoi  made  many 
woAm  ^Klendi .     She  wai  devoted  to  heA  chiZdAcn,  and  wai  an  ZdeaZ  wi^e  and  motheA. 

The  hejohtielt  iympathy  o^  all  goei  out  to  the  huiband  and  tittle  onti  In  thexA 
gKeat  beAeavement. 

The  iuneAol  will  be  held  ^fiom  the  home  on  Sunday  a^teAnoon,  and  lnte>ment  will 
be  made  heAe.  **********  januoAy  11,   1906 

Weuii  OjJ  the  death  o^  Um.  LouZi  EAendel  o^  ToaJi  Twip.  wai  a  gKeat  ihock  to  hen. 
InZendi  anound  Gneat  Bend.     Vecexned  woi  a  daughteA  ol  Ma.,  and  Mw.  John  Stoltenow,  and 
a  numbeA  £  thli  vZctnity  wllZ  attend  the  luneAol. 

...GREAT  BEWP....  **********  JanaoAy  11,   1906 

ELMA....MW.   Louli  BnendeZ,  wtjje  o{,  one  o^  ouK  neipected  {^aAmem ,  died  Uondajj 
evejiing  oi  comumption  a^ten.  a  tingentng  Itlneii.     Veceoied  wai  33  yeoAi  old  and  wai  a 
daughteA  oi  fAn.  and  Hn.i.  John  Stoltenow,  who  neilde  neoA  Gneat  Bend. 

She  wai  moAnted  about  18  yeoAi  ago  and  leavci  a  huiband  and  ilx  duldnen  to  mounn 
hen.  untimety  end.     The  iunenal  will  be  held  ThuAiday  ionenoon,  ienvlcei  to  be  conducted 
at  the  Genman  ChuAch  iouth  oi  StUei.     The  beneaved  onei  have  the  iympathy  oi  all. 

**********  JanuoAy  11,   1906 

MuAAoy  Bnown'i  iathen,  who  vliited  Hanbimon  ion  a  iew  dayi  iome  thAee  yeaAi 

ago,  died  on  Vec.   26th,  at  Gnand  Rapldi,  MT. 

•♦•«•**«»   •  JanuoAy  11,    1906 

Urn.  Anna  ChAtitina  Moen,  wlie  oi  John  0.  Moen,  died  yeitenday  monnlng  at  heA 


homz  16  mlte^  60LUth  o^  town,  o^  con6umptA.on,  at  the.  age  o^  40  yiOAk ,   S  monthi  and  3  dayi, . 
Sht  li  iiUA.vZvzd  by  the.  huiband  and  eX-qht  chUdAzn.     A  U  yeoK  old  hon  dizd  o^  the 
iojne.  dl&eoiz  a  {^ew  weefu  ago.     The  iuneAol  mJU  be  held  Sunday  at  11  AM  {,Kom  the  Suied^h 
LatheAan  ChuAch  a  mtte  inom  the.  homz. 

»»«»»»»««»  JanuoAy     11,   1906 

The.  KtpoKt  oi  the  £^ndAjig  o^  the  body  o^  Rev.  T.  M.   Edmandi,  the.  Wahpzton  pKeacheA 
who  dl&appejVizd  thfiez  weefci  ago,  uxl6  a  {^atiz  onz.     Thz  Kzpoht  {^Vu>t  appeoAzd  Zn  Hinnzap- 
otu  papzu  undeA    a  Wahpzton  datz  tinz,  and  woA  pfuntzd  Jin  taj,t  uizzk'i  NEWS.     E\)Zfiy 
ziioKt  waj>  madz  to  AzcoveA  thz  body  ^Kom  thz  nJ,\)ex.  and  pfLO^z&AZonjat  divzu  wonkzd  a  cou- 
ptz  0^  daiji  ZcLit  wzek,  bat  wzfiz  obtigzd  to  g^vc  up  thz  izoAch.     Thz  muddy  watzn.  madz  iX 
aZmo4>t  /jnpoi,i,ZbZ.z  {^OK  thz  divz'ii  to  accompZlih  anything,  though  $600  zxpzn6Z  wai  incufiAzd 
■in  thz  ziioKt.     Thz  wl^z  and  daiightzn.  o{  thz  ml&iZng  man  havz  gone  zoit  ioK  thz  KemaindzA 
0(5  thz  m.nteA,  but  imJUL  Aztwm  whzn  thz  Zcz  gozi  out  in  thz  ipAing  and  Aziumz  thz  izoAch. 

Thexz  oAz  vaAioui  thzoKizi,  a&  to  thz  disappzoAancz  o^  thz  unioAXunatz  man,  iomz 
beJjig  0(5  thz  opij/u.on  that  he  bzcamz  demented  and  wandeAzd  auay  Zmtzad  o^  being  dtownzd. 
li  thz  body  Zi  .in  thz  fiiven.  It  voiZt  undoubtzdly  be  ^ound  Jin  thz  ipfUng.     Thz  ^act  that 
hz  canjuizd  iomz  $10,000  o£  Li^z  A.niuAancz  addi  to  thz  impoKtancz  o^  KzcovzAing  thz  body, 
04  thz  tniWiancz  companizi  mXZ  oi  couuz  Az£u&z  to  makz  i,ettlemznt  undeA  pAz&zrvt  condit- 
■iom.     TheAz  Zi,  a  AewoAd  o£  $100  auxUting  anyman,  dead  oA  ativz. 

»«»«,***«*  JanixRAy  11,    1906 

TunzAal  o^  IkAl,.   Etta  KAzbibach 

Thz  ianzAol  OjJ  thz  tatz  EULa  KAzbibach,  u)l^z  o^  M.  lOizb^bach,  took  ptacz  Sunday 
a£teAnoon  ^Aom  thz  homz  on  CanZitzA  Avenue  and  a  taAgz  numbzA  o^  iOAAouitng  {^Aiendi  weAZ 
pAzsznt  to  pay  theJji  toit  Azipzct6  to  thz  dzcza&zd.     Thz  iZAvZcz  wa6  conductzd  by  Rev. 
Jo4.   F,  Stadnicka  and  wa6  a  touching  tAibutz  to  thz  womanly  quoLitiZi  oi  thz  dzcea&zd. 

JnteAmznt  waj>  madz  In  thz  Cathotic  CemetzAy.     Thz  patZbzoAeAi  weAZ  FAzd  inJoAnzA, 
HznAy  iznzzn,  G.  E.   Be^,  V.  S.  UcJlwaZn,  John  Mc  Vonatd  and  E.  P.   Laqua. 

Out  oi  town  Aetativzi  pAZiznt  weAz  Maa.  Wat&tAum  o{,  IfJXcheJUi,  SV.,  mothzA;  ^Cw. 
F.   P.  CampbzJU,  Stoux  CZXy,   lA.,  ilkteA;  UAi.  MaAy  Ouuxt,  HiXchetZ,  SV.,  iliteA;   PzteA 
IslaJUtAum,  mtchetZ,  SV.,   bAothzA.     Ha.  and  MA6 .  John  P.  KAzb^bach,  SpnlnghiZZ,  MW.;  Ma,. 
and  Ma4.  Jofcn  J.   KAzb&bach,   BeoAdilzy,  MN.;   Ha.  and  HAi .   PzteA  KAeb.&bach,   Esmond,   WP.; 
Bznj.   KAzbibach,  Uoonhzad,  MW. 

»»,»,»,,,«  JanuoAy  IS,    1906 

VERNON.... John  Hoaglund  pa&izd  away  pzaceiutty  on  Monday  mofmtng,  Jan.   12nd,   at 
thz  homz  oi  hit,  poAznti.     Hz  hjid  not  bzzn  well  ioK  thz  pait  £ew  months,   and  death  mxu 
due  to  quZck  consumption.     He  was  up  Sunday  zvznZng  and  appzoAzd  to  bz  a&  welt  oi  u&uat. 

*«»«»»«»»«  JanuoAy  25,    1906 

HAhlTAVOR F.   E.  Scfi^encA  tz{;t  {,0A  Richmond,  UN.,  to  attznd  thz  iunzAot  oi  his 

bAothzA  who  was  tnstantty  kltlzd  by  a  kick  In  thz  head  ^Aom  a  hoAsz. 

*  *  *(101)*  *  *  *  *  JanuoAy  25,    1906 


Olz  Jacobean,  a  (Jotm  hxind  moA  Wlndom,  a  imall  town  25  miZu  iou;tJw3a>t  o£  fiCAe, 
(vUemptzd  to  cormUX  toJkt  F^day  by  ihooUng  klmzZi.     VnloK  to  the.  />hootlng  he. 
i,et  iVit  to  the  baJm  oi  V.  A.  Sleyitz,  the.  buUding  being  entUeLj  conlimed  togetheA  mXh 
ilx  hout&  and  a  quantity  oi  gfuUn. 

Jacobion  had  been  mfiiung  ioK  Slentz  but  had  Uit  hU  employ  and  gone  to  wofik  ioK 
JoA.  MaUey.     He  went  to  the  Slentz  hoube  ThuMday  euer^cng  and  oiked  Hiii  Lena  Ctna6i,en, 
a  domestic  employed  In  the  iamOy,  to  go  fading  uuMi  him.     She.  had  decUned  to  ^eceXve 
ajUentioM  injom  3acobi,on  beioKe  thU,  and  on  heA  Keiuj>al  to  go  ^OK  a  he  attempted 
to  choke  heA,  ioylng  he.  would  fuU  heA.     The.  glnZ'6  hCAexmi  bnou^ht  Slentz  to  the  Acene 
and  he  oAdexed  Jacobion  inom  the  hooke.     The  latteA  then  pulZtd  a  AtvolveA  on  Slentz  and 
tkAexxtened  hbn.     He  went  away,   howzveA,  and  a  tittle  latex,  about  H  PM,  Slentz  wat>  auiaken- 
ed  and  iound  hli  boAn  on  ilAe.     A*  he  we.nt  to  the  dooA  he  heoAd  thAee  6hot&  inom  a  imaU 
hooie  acAoii  the  noad  and  upon  Investigation  Jacobhon  wcu,   iound  In  the  building  with  two 
bullet  holti   iiom  a  22  calibAe  AevolveA  in  hli,  abdomen.     He  had  alb o  attempted  to  cut  hit 

thAoat  with  a  jackknl^e. 

Jacob6on  woi  taken  to  the.  Slentz  home  and  at  la^t  AeponX&  wai,  tn  a  pxecnAlout 
condition  with  chancu  agUntt  AecoveAy.     The  boAn  was  gutted  by  the  ilames,  as  itaXed 


The  county  authofuXles  have  been  Investigating  and  li  Jacobhon  KecoveAS  he  will 

doubtless  elthtA  be  pAo^ecuted  ioA  oASon  oa  committed  to  the  Iniane  asylmn. 


Jacob-son  lb  dead  but  be^oAZ  he  explxed  made  a  statement  giving  hlb   iuZl  Intentions 
at  the  time  oi  the  odme.     KccoAdlng  to  his  own  statement  Jacobson  let  the  boAn  on  ilie 
and  then  concealed  hlmbeli  In  a  ihed  neoA  the  path  leading  ikom  the  house,  wheAz  he  waited 
ioA  Slentz,  AevolveA  In  hand,  with  the  Intentions  oi  bhootlng  him  when  the  ilAe  would 
cause  him  to  make  hlb  appzaAance.     HteJi  bhooting  Slentz  he  Intended  to  go  Into  the  house 
and  klU  hli  6weeXheaAt,  who  had  jUted  him,  and  then  muAdex  the  entlAe  Slentz  iamOy. 

Thz  ilAe  ialled  to  oAouse  Slentz  ifiom  hli  ilumbeAs  and  the  agonizing  icAeami  oi  the 
buAnlng  hoHses  and  catUe  In  the  baAn  pAompted  the  would  be  muAdeAeA  to  put  an  end  to  hli 
mliejiable  exlitence.     He  ilied  two  ihotb  Into  his  abdomen  and  then  attempted  to  cut  hli 
thAoat  with  a  jackknlie.     Slentz  then  appeoAed  on  the  icene,  having  been  oAoused  by  the 
ihots  ilied,   and  going  Into  the  ihed,   iound  Jacobson  WAUhlng  on  the  ilooA  and  attempting 
to  beat  out  his  bAolns  with  a  piece  oi  coal. 

Thz  baAn  buAned  to  the  gAound  with  all  its  contents,  Including  500  buihels  oi 
coAn,  a  loAge  quantity  oi  hay,  eleven  fiead  oi  cattle  and  Ux  houes.     The  loii  Is  esti- 
mated at  $2,500  with  no  InsuAonce.     The  glnl  lb  pAobtAoted  oveA  the  aHalA.     She  bayb 
bhe  wob  engaged  to  Jacobbon,   bat  was  compeUed  to  give  him  up  on  account  oi  his  bad 

habltb.     She  lb  an  Intelligent  and  pAepoibesblng  young  woman. 

««»»*««»»»  JanuaAy  25,    1906 


The.  infant  chJJid  o{,  Ma..  and  Hk6.  Wm.  Sattzwe.deZ,  a  weefe  old,   dizd  Taz&day. 

«»»•»«»«»»  JanuoAy  25,    7906 

Tht  body  0(J  Vk.  VKokz,  tht  dzntZ&t  who  wai,  muJidtfizd  at  A^htty  thid  wtak  by  Falkin- 
4>on,  uioi  ihyupptd  ta&t  thAxiagh  fieAe  Za6t  night  {^oK  buAtaZ.     Tatkin&on  ihot  Vnakz 
{,  a  dJj,patz  ovzfi  an  accoant  o£  45  czr\tt>,  tkz  Moundzd  man  tzn  mlnutzi  latzK. 
FuZktmon  zicapzd  and  JU  ititi  at  tajigz. 

•»»*»««%»»  JanuoAy   25,  1906 

W.  S.   Eakzn,  thz  wztt  known  tAavzJUng  fizpfLZ6zntativz  o^  thz  Gfuind  Fofiki  Hzfuxld, 
dizd  at  hii  homz  ^n  Vonman  Taziday  moKnZng.     Hz  was  {^ofunzfUbj  -in  biiiZnz&.&  at  Fonman,  iZAvzd 
a  tzAm  oi  pat  maitzfL  and  ZatzA  a6  county  aud^toK.     He  wai  Zn  Hanktmon  a  ihoKt  tlmz  ago 
and  took  an  oKdzfi  ioK  iu.ppJU.zi>  ion  thz  new  Cctczen  Uat't  Bank. 

**********  January  25,    7906 


Aihlzy,  HV.,  Jan.   29th. ..  .Thz  ^fiozzn  body  o^  HzzzkJjih  FuZkzAion,  who  on  Jan.   22nd, 
shot  and  LUZzd  Vn..   I.   I.  Vkakz,  oi  HinnzapoLii ,  thz  tAavzZlng  dzntiit,  In  thz  o^^Zcz  o^ 
thz  Soo  Hotzt  0^  thli  cUty,  wa6  yzitzAday  {^ound  by  a  Gznman  ioAmzfi  namzd  Ffvazz  BauzA, 
nzan.  VzntwUa,   ninz  rrUZzi  6outhwz6t  o{)  thti  placz. 

BoucA  tzZzphonzd  thz  {,act  that  a  dzad  man  wai,  lying  Zn  thz  6now  nzoA.  hJj>  placz, 
to  thz  authonttizi,  and  ShzAi£^  EmanuzZ  HlldzbKand,   accompantzd  by  A.  Cting.CoAonzA, 
C.  S.  Johns tonz  and  two  othzn.  cUtizzns,   at  oncz  dfiovz  to  thz  placz  and  {ound  thz  dzad  man 
was   FuUizuon,    {,on.  whom  a  {^Kwitlz&S  AZOAch  had  bzzn  madz  sZncz  thz  mundzA. 

Thz  placz  whzfLZ  thz  man  wai,  ^ound  was  old  ^^  tAavzZzd  Aoad,  and  -it  was  only  by 
acctdznt  that  BauzA  {ound  him. 

Thz  body  was  takzn  to  thz  count  housz  at  kshlzy  and  placzd  tn  choAgz  oi  guoAdi. 
Thz  tnquzst  wilt  bz  hzZd  tkis  moAntng. 

It  appzoAS  that  thz  fizzing  muAdznzA  tost  his  way  and  as  thz  night  o^  thz  mWidzA 
was  a  bittzAty  cold  onz,   hz  was  ovzAcomz  by  thz  cold  oi  zxhaustton  inddznt  to  his  flight. 

He  appeow  to  havz  cut  o^  thz  slzzvz  o^  his  coat  to  bind  ahout  kis  Aight  ioot  to 
pAzvznt  oA  guoAd  against  {^Azzzing. 

Thz  AzvolvzA  with  which  hz  did  thz  shooting  was   ^ound  in  a  pockzt.     FAom  alt 
appzaAznczs  hz  dizd  making  a  last  {^utitz  z^f^oAt  against  thz  cold. 

FAom  tzttzAS   £ound  on  his  pzASon  and  at  thz  placz  whzAz  hz  lodgzd  hzAZ  it  dzvzlops 
that  hz  had  a  bAothzA,  W.  H.   Fulkzuon,  at  CtzopatAa,  UcLzan  County,   KV.,  anothzA  bAothzA, 
hiaAshat  Futkzuon,  o^  ChuAch,  CAoyson  County,   KV.,   bzsidzs  a  sistzA  and  othzn.  Azlativzs 
in  that  locality. 

Va.  Vfuakz  was  muAdzAzd  in  his  oHicz  in  this  city  on  Tuzsday  last.     Thz  muAdzA 
was  thz  most  cold  btoodzd  cAimz  zvzn.  committed  in  this  vicinity. 

Futkzfison  madz  a  ctaim  that  thz  doctoA  owzd  htm  thz  sum  o£  45  cznts   {oA  somz 

a  03) 

ujofik  that  he.  [TutkeMon]  had  done.  ioK  him  &ome.  turn  be^ofie..     Vk.  Vfiake  dznlzd  owing  the. 
money  and  laid  he  wouZd  not  pay  it  andtn  any  ciAcumitance/, .     Thi&  fizpZy  made.  FulkeA6on 
anQhjj  and  he  made  thxeati  at  the.  timz.     He  wejfit  out  o^  the.  oif^ice.  a^teA  the  quoAAeZ, 
cZaining  he  wouZd  have.  Ke.vejn.QZ. 

Bat  a  ihonX  time  d£teA  fie.  fietunntd  with  a  fLZvotvex,  undeA  coveA,  and  znteAing  the 
VoctoA.'6  fioom,  he  went  diAzctZy  to  the  ptacz  whzAz  the  doztoK  wait  standing  and  £iAzd  two 
ihoti,  into  hii  body. 

Onz  ihot  took  z^^zct  in  thz  itomach  and  thz  othex  in  thz  bfLZCLit.     Thz  doctoK 
dhcppzd  to  thz  itooK  and  dizd  ten  minutzi  latzn.. 

Thz  muAjdzAeA,  a^tzn.  making  luKZ  that  hii  vittun  could  not  follow  him,  Iz^t  thz 
o{i{,icz  and  nothing  had  bzen  hzafid  oK  izen  o£  him  £Aom  that  day  untiZ  hi&  body  wai,  £ound 
in  thz  ^ieZd  yeitzuday. 

It  i&  pKziumzd  that  hz  izzuAzd  a  hofuz  and  immzdiatzty  tz^t  ^on.  thz  tountnjy.  Thz 
muAdztzd  man  wai  quitz  popuioA  and  teavzi  a  wi{z  and  onz  chiZd. 

fuikexion  wai  lingtz  and  wai>  a  vzfiy  taZZ  man,  bzing  ovzfi  lix  Izzt  in  height.     H'& 
zamz  to  thii  cZty  la&t  lummzt  and  ha6  bzzn  doing  odd  jobi . 

Whzn  thz  muJiAz/i  waj,  commiXtzd  it  cauizd  a  gfiexit  itZfi  among  thz  towmpzopZz  and 
thoiz  on  thz  out6kiAt&,  and  it  wai  onZy  a  ihofit  timz  bz^oKz  a  poaz  wai  ^oAmzd  which 
izoAchzd  diZigzntZy  but  wzfiz  unxbtz  to  £ind  thz  mufidzfieJi. 

»»»»«*»*»«  Tehhjumjy  1,    1906 

John  Hozn'i  inf^ant  bahy  dizd  lait  wzzk,  making  thz  ^ounXh  dzath  in  thz  ^amiZy 

within  a  yzofi.     Thz  mothz/i  dizd  tzii  than  a  month  ago.     UK.  Mozn  hoi  thz  iympathy  o^ 

aZt  in  hii  bzAzavemznt. 

»«««»«»»»«  FzbKuoKy  I,    7906 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  Column Rev.  Joi.   F.  Studnicka  wai  calZzd  to  (UZwaukzz  by  thz 

death  oi  hii  mothzA.  **********  febfuuviy  S,    1906 

THEEVE Eduxwd  ?.  EngeZ,  onz  o£  oixA  moit  KZipzcX.zd  young  ^oAmzfii,  paiizd  awajy 

Sunday  monning  at  6  AM,  af^tzA  iuf^^zAing   ^oK  a  long  timz  ^Kom  comumption.     Vzczaizd 
wai  a  ion  oij  M^.  and  Ufii.   Edwaxd  EngeZ  and  in  addition  to  thz  pafiznti  Izavzi  a  wi£z  and 
two  chiZdAzn  to  mou/m  hii  untimeZy  taking  o^^.     Thz  Kemaini  wzfiz  ihippzd  to  Rochzitzn., 
MN.,   ioA  intzAmznt.  **********  TebmaKy  «,    1906 

Thz  12  yzoA  old  daughtzA  o^  Ma.. and  Hfii.  W.  Vil^eAding  dizd  SatuAday  a^teA  an 
iZZnzii  oi  iomz  timz  iKom  in^lammatixin  oi  thz  boweZi .     Vzczaizd  wai  beZovzd  by  alZ  who 
knew  hzA  and  heA  untimeZy  znd  ii  mounnzd  by  a  Ixuigz  ciAclz  o^  {^Aizndi.     Thz  {^unznnl  waj, 
held  Tuziday,  Rev.  Joi.   F.  Stwdnicka  conducting  thz  iZAviczi,   and  thz  fiemaim 
weAz  intzfiAzd  in  thz  Catholic  CzmztzAy  neoA  Hankimon. 

**********  Feb/moAx/  S,    1906 

An  intoxicatzd  ^oAmeA  ^fiom  neoA  VeAnon  wai  dAoggzd  to  dzath  by  hii  hoKiZi  whiZz  d 
dniving  homz  i>wm  WhZtz  Rock  loit  night.     We  havz  bzzn  unablz  to  IzoAn  hii  name. 

**********  TzbhunAy  S,    1906 

a  04) 


Monday  zvziUng  0({  hut  weefe  Hznuy  Hamann,  tivAJig  about  iouA  mZta>  exat  oi  White. 
Tiock,  SV.,  in  Ulnnt&ota,  meX  mXk  an  accJAtnt  ^Aom  lukicJi  he.  dieA  Tae.6day  evening  about 
7  o'clock. 

Monday  U>i.  Hamann  uxu  at  WiuXe.  Rock  JUn.  a  baggy  with  a  ipVUXed  texun.     It  uxu  about 
doJik  whejfi  he  le^t  ^oA.  home,  and  ju&t  eait  o{  town  at  a  cJioil  fitwJju.e  fioad  which  he  geneA- 
atty  took  £oA  home,  wa&  a  ditch  to  CA06&.     It  li  ^wuniied  when  the  team  cAo^ied  the  ditch 
MfL.  Hamann  wai  thnown  {^ofMOfui  oveA  the  doihboaAd,  hit  {^eet  weA.e  caught  undeA  the  leat 
and  hib  body  {^elt  head  downuooAd  bttsjoeejn.  the  whi^^le  tAee/,  and  the  arte.  In  which  condit- 
ion the  unfortunate  man  woi  d/uigged  to  hJj,  home  iAozen  and  mangled  beyond  Kecog- 
nltlon.     The  hoAbZi  itaAted  on  the  Aun  when  they  itAack  the.  ditch,  and  the  deceased  wa6 
dAagged  head  downuxiAd,  bumping  the  hoAd  ^Aozen  gAound  untlZ  the  top  ojj  hl&  head  was  woAn 
away,   blotches  of^  blood,  bunches  o^  halA  and  £le.ih  being  {lOund  on  the  gAound  oveA  the 
Aoad  which  the  hoA6e.i  took  In  thelA  mad  ^^tight. 

Undoubtedly  Ua.  Hamann  nevex  iu^^zAed  any  ai  It  li  6uppo6ed  that  he  was  knocked 
iemeleJib  when  he  titAuck  the  gAound  and  neveA  Aegalned  con&clouineJ>6  again  fcej^o-tc  he  died. 
The  deceased  teavti  a  wl{^e  and  nine  chltdfien  to  mouAn  hit,  untimely  death. 

»»»»«»»»«,  VebAjuoAy  75,    1906 

PeteA  EummeA&bach  died  at  hit  home  on  the  noAth  ilde  o£  town  SatuAday  a{^teA 
i,u{i(,eAln£  iJoA.  a  long  time  iAom  dAopiy  with  compZlcatliini .     He  leaver  a  wl^e  and  ieveAaZ 
chlldAen.     The  {,uneAaZ  wa&  held  Monday,  Rev.  Jo6  F.  Studnlcka  conducting  the  ieAvlcci. 

««»«•*«*»»  febAuoAy  75,    1906 

MAi.  S.  P.   lAeland  hoi  AztuAned  {,Aom  Stevens  Tolnt,  Wl.,  wheAe  4, he  wai  called  to 
attend  the  {^uneAol  oi  heA  motheA,  Ma&.  GeoAge  J.  Goodhue,  who  died  In  Spokane,  WA.,  on 
Jan.   16th.     Veceoied  had  attained  the  Alpe  old  age  0(J  97  yeaAi  and  11  months,  and  up  to 
the  time  o{,  heA  death  wa.6  able  to  be  about  the  home  Aegulanly.     She  wa&  taken  sick  with 
bAonchlal  tAouble  bat  two  days  be{^oAe  heA  death. 

Deceased  Is  suAvlved  by  ^ouA  chlldAen,  HenAy  M.,  Geo.  J.,  3a.,  and  Wm.  T. ,  all 
oi  Spokane.,  WA.,  and  Mas.  S.  P.   lAeland  o^  this  place. 

*«*«««,,»»  rebAuoAy  75,   7906 

P-t.  Young's  bAotheA  passed  auiay  be{^0Ae  Va.  and  Mas.   Young  Aeached  Battle  Lakz 
last  week.     Vneumonla  was  the  cause  o^  his  death.     Deceased  leaves  a  wl^e  and  {^amlly 
to  mouAn  his  loss.     Da.   Young  oAAlved  home  the  ^lAst  ojj  this  week,  having  Aemalned 
oveA  to  attend  the  iuneAol. 

««••»»»»»«  TebAuaAy  11,   1906 

The  Iniant  son  oi  M^.  and  Maj,.  H.  M.  Auty,  died  eoAly  SatuAday  moAnlng  as  the 
AzsuZt  oi  the  cAoup.     The  little  one  had  been  iAoll  iAom  blAth  and  lacked  the  vitality 
to  withstand  the  altack.     The  iuneAol  was  held  Sunday.     The  beAeaved  poAents  have  the 
sympathy  oi  many  iAlends  In  thelA  loss. 

««««»«»«»•  FebAuoAy  11,   1906 


The  infant  dnJJid  o£  Ma.,  and  HfU,.   J^fuink  W^tt,  die.d  la&t  Sunday  evening.     The. 
{lUntnxiZ  iexvZcti  wexe.  heZd  Tuuday  at  the.  EvangaZ^cal  ChuAck  by  Rev.  C.  A.  BAemeA. 
The.  poKentt  have  the  4>ympathy  o£  thZ&  community  Zn  the  iad  houu  o^  thtlfi  beAeo-vement. 
....GREAT  BEWP....  ««««•••«««  ^^^  j^    jg^^ 

Mi44  LueZta  Hunt  wiond  Zaj>t  Uonday  oi  the  death  o^  hex  aunt  at  BaAnti- 
vltte.,  MN.     She  XimedZateZy  Zz£t  £oA.  that  place,  to  attend  the  ^uneAjal.     VuAying  hzfi  absence. 
UJU&  SdfwoeJXzeA  JiJ>  teaching  heA  cta64>tl>  and  Supt.  Black  oi  blahptton  Ij>  heJve  Jin  chaAge  o^ 
Hii,6  SchweZtzeA'i  de-pa^utment. 

....GREAT  BEWP....  **********  ^^^^  j^    j^^^ 

GREAT  BEMP P^ed,  at  hii  homz  In  thii  vUJLage.,  on  Feb.   2Ut,  CoaZ  Vopp,  Sa., 

at  the  age.  oi  73,  a^tzA  long  lu^^f^eAing  iAom  a  Aunning  loAe.  on  hi&  leg,  blood  poZioning 
IZnally  /netting  In  and  camJing  hJj>  taking  o^. 

Veceoicd  was  onz  o^  the  pJjoneeA  6ettleAi  oi  tkJU,  county.     He  cairn  hexe  i.n  the 
eoAly  ieventxeM  and  Zn  hli  active,  dayi  he.  took  an  AjmpoAtant  poAt  in  the  agAtcultuAoZ 
dzveJLopment  OjJ  ^e  cownty.     He.  wu,  held  in  the.  hightit  ei-teem  in  thli,  community,  being 
a  man  o^  honesty  and  tAuth^ulne.66 .     BeJ>idt&  a  widow,  he.  leave.1,  {five  gAown  up  chiZdAen 
to  moWin  hilt  deAth..  ..VAank,   ChaAZe^  and  WiZtixm,  att  AeJiiding  in  thii  vicinity  [they 
oAe  all  taking  an  active  pant  in  the  {oAming  inteAe.6ti)) ;  M^i.  AtbeAt  BeAndt  0|5  thi&  place 
and  Ua&.  John  Suianion  o^  CAyital,  WP. 

The  {uneAol  ieAvice^  weAt  heJid  SatuAday  at  the.  Evangelical  ChuAch,  and  weAc  con- 
ducted by  Rev.  C.  A.  Btemet.     Tfie  {amiZy  ha6  the.  l,ympathy  0(J  thz  tntOie  community  in  the 

loM  0)5  theiA  tAuz  and  {aith^uZ  huiband  and  {otheA. 

**********  H^^j^^  j^    j9^^ 

TEW  VEARS  AGO  Column. ..  .Augubt  Boldt,   ^atheA  oi  HeAman  Boldt,  died  iAom  the  e^e-cti 
0^  being  thAown  £Aom  a  hoA&t.  ALSO... 

SoAoh  Watenhouie,  widow  o^  John  iHateAhou&e,  died  at  hzA  home  in  GAeen^ieZd  Town- 
ship a^teA  a  tingening  Ulnecs.       (Mew..   1896] 

**********  f^^^    j^     jg^^ 

Mw.  otto  Glainike  wActei  a  {Aiend  heAe  that  heA  listen,  m&i  Thea  ToAkelion  died 

at  BAooten,  MW.,   on  Teh.   7th.     A  bAotheA  haji  also  passed  away  since  that  date.     Hiss  ToAk- 

elson  and  Wis.  Glninske,  weAe  engaged  in  dAess  making  heAe  a  couple  o^  yeoAS  ago. 

**********  y^^  j^    j9^^ 

GREAT  BEWP This  community  was  shocked  to  heoA  the  sad  news  o^  the  death  oi 

LawAence  Kinn,  who  last  week  in  the  pfiime  oi  youth,  at  the  age  o{  19,  was  called  {Aom 
his  eoAthly  home  to  the  heavenly  one  above. 

Deceased  was  a  model  young  man  and  by  his  quiet  and  pleasant  manneAS  he  had  made 
many  ^Aiends .     He  had  been  ailing  ^OA  some  time,  and  in  the  past  yeoA  has  taken  vaAious 
tAeatments.     A  shofit  time  ago  he  le{,t  {^oA  RochesteA,  MW.,  and  theAe  was  opeAated  on  ^oa 


apptncUcZtii  oi  a  fitiult  o^  wfucc/i  he.  ditd.     Tht  KmeUm  we^e  bAxtught  home.  Monday, 
accompanied  by  hii,  bfuothzA.  VauZ,  and  the  iuneAoZ  ieAvlcti  weAe.  heZd  We.dne.6day  at  St.  Joe.'4> 
ChuAch.     The  ^amlty  hoi  thz  sympathy  o£  the  zntJjie  commuruXy  in  the.  lad  houJtt  oi  theifi 
beAeavement.  **********  MoAc/i  S,   1906 

LeiteA,     the.  6  yean,  old  ion  oi  Ma.  and  Mai.   Emit  Lien  oi  VeAnon,  dizd  loit  night 

MoAch  S.    1906 

aiteA  a  ihofit  lttne.66.  ********** 

A  menage  wot,  Aecelved  SatuAday  announcing  the.  death  oi  LawAe.nce  Klnn  oi  RocheiteA, 
MW.,  uiheAe  he  had  been  opeAated  on  ioA  appendlcltli,  a  iew  dayi  beiofie.     Compllcatlom  let 
In  which  AeMulte.d  In  hl&  deaXh.     Ve.ceaie.d  woi   19  yeoAi,  old  and  had  been  IIZ  ioA  itveAol 

The.  Kemalni)  weAt  bAoaght  back  by  hl&  bAotheA  Paul  and  the  ianeAoZ  uxn  held  yeiteA- 
day,  leAvlcei  being  conducted  at  St.  Joe'6  ChuAch.     Vzceaitd  woi  the  youngest  ion  oi  Ma. 
and  Hw.  Baptlite  Klnn,  and  iAizndi  oi  the.  iamiZy  extznd  sympathy  In  the  antlmeZy  death 
oi  tht  young  man.  *********:,  ^j^^  ^^    j,^^ 

M^ .  HeJman  Hoei^,  Sa.,   died  at  the  homz  oi  htA  6on,   EAne.&t  GutzmeA,  iouXhMZ&t 
oi  town  on  Taeidajj  night,  aiteA  laHeAlng  mXh  canccA  ioA  a  long  time.     Veceaizd  leave/, 
a  huiband,   now  In  Canada,  and  iouA  ckHdAen. . .  .FAzd,   EAn&t  and  Otto,  and  Ma6  .  Bladow,  Jk. 

The  iuneAol  will  be  heJLd  on  SatuAday,  leAvlceM  to  be  cx)nducte.d  at  the.  GeJman 
EvangeZLcaZ  ChuAch  by  Rev.  Kanz.       **********  MaAch  S     1906 

MANTAVOR Olivia,  the  12  yeoA  old  daughteA  oi  Ma.,  and  Mw.  Chat,.  Itioluiode, 

died  Wednesday  aiteAnoon  oi  pneumonia  aiteA  a  ihoAt  lllneJil.     HeA  iudden  znd  Im  a  gAeat 
ihock  to  nelghboAS  and  ifilendi,  and  alZ  txtend  sympathy  to  tht  itnlcktn  iamlly. 

Tht  iuneAol  will  bt  held  SatuAday  manning,  itAvlce^  ijo  bt  conducttd  at  the  Cath- 
olic ChoAch  by  Rev.  3oi.   F.  Studnlcka. 

**********  ^^^  j5^    j9Q^ 

Henbent,  tht  tlttlt  ion  oi  Mn.  and  Ma6.  E.  J.  Enn&t,  pa&6td  away  Vnlday  night 
at  10  ?M  aiteA  an  llZntdi  oi  eltven  dayi.  Spinal  mtnlngltl6  wa.6  tht  caa&t  oi  hli  an- 
tlmeZy tailing  oH-  Tht  iuntnal  wai,  held  on  Monday,  ienvldti  btlng  conducttd  by  Rtv. 
ItAiln  at  tht  homt  at  10:50  AM  and  at  tht  LutheAan  ChuAch  at  11  o'clock. 

Inttnmtnt  wa&  madt  In  tht  ctmtttny  taht  oi  tjawn.     Tht  pantnti  havt  tht  sympathy 

oi  all  In  tht  loii  oi  thtln  llXtlt  6on. 

**********  ^^^  j5^    j9^^ 

HtnAy  B.  McMonAow,  ont  oi  tht  ploneeAi  oi  Gnetnileld  Towmhlp,   dltd  at  hli  homt 
iouA  and  ont-haZi  milti  iouthtast  oi  town  on  Monday  tvenlng  at  9  PM.     Vtcta&ed  had  bttn 
6lck  but  a  ieM)  dayi  and  hli  condition  wai  not  conildeAed  cnlXlcaZ  until  a  iejw  houAi  btiont 
ht  poiitd  away.     Kldnty  dlieoit  with  a  complication  oi  htant  tncublt  wai  tht  cauit  oi 


The.  ^untnaZ  uxu  httd  thii  mofming  stUvZau  being  coKducttd  cut  the.  Ccutkolic 
ChuAcJi  by  Rev.  Jo-i.   F.  StudrUcka,  ajid  th&  fiemcUru,  wefit  lrU.eAJi.ed  In  ihe.  cemeXeAy  ju6t 
i>ouXk  o{,  town, 

Peceoied  uxu  bofin  Zn  the.  itate.  o^  Ohio  56  yea/u,  ago,  but  came,  wz&t  at  an  eauty  agz, 
iettZtng  ntax  UoKfvii),  MW.     Uexz  hz  (wu  maAfu,e.d  -en  1882,  and  In  1887  come  to  ZichZand  Cou- 
nty uihexe  he  hoi  4-tnce  KeitA,ded.     He  -ci  luAvlveA  by  a  uitdou)  and  te.n  drUtdfien,  izven  boyi, 
and  thxee  glnZi,  fianglng  In  agz  ^Aom  one  yeoA  to  21  yeaJU,,  and  att  o^  whom  KZi,lde  at  home. 
Ve.cza&zd  znj'oyed  the  fiej,pzct  and  ziteem  o^  aU.  who  knew  kirn,  and  much  sympathy  l&  zxpn.ti,i- 
zd  loJi  thz  bz^ea.vzd  iamlty.  »,«»,,«,»«  ^^^  j^     ^^^^ 

l/ERWON Thz  dzaik  o{,  Giazz  GloineA  lait  Sunday  camz  a^tzK  a  long  ^Zlnz&i.     Hen. 

dzath  mil  bz  mouAnzd  by  alZ.     Thz  ianznjil  wai  held  Tuesday,  Rev.  Joi.  F.  Studnidza  con- 
dacUng  thz  izAvUeJ,.  ••••,,,,.,  MoAc/i  22,    7906 

A  mjnneMota  woman  wKiteJ>  to  Hayot  WZppeAman  xelativz  to  thz  uy\known  man  who  drop- 
ped dead  In  fCcng'4  KZl>ta^xfLaJ^t  laiit  {att.     She  tkinks  thz  man  Xj>  hzK  bfiotheA.  who  wai,  iub- 
jzct  to  zptlzptic  iltl).     Hz  lz£t  ioti  Uonth  Vakota  last  {all  and  hai,  not  bzzn  hzand  oi  4-cnce. 
A  photoghjaph  o^  thz  nvti^Xng  man  wa4  encJLoied. 

»•«»»,«»,,  y^^  22,    1906 


Thz  tUtlz  village  o^  Gznzizo,    IS  mllzi  wzi,t  o{  heAz,  wai  6hockzd  asi  Thuuday 
moKnlng  by  thz  nem  that:  L,  M.   VanbudfuAk  had  bzen  ihot  and  kAJilzd  in  cold  blood  by  hl& 
netghboA.,  J,  B.  Hazlztt,  who  wznt  JbmzdAjOitzly  to  Tonman  and  gave  hJjn&zli  up  to  the  authoK- 
ttiej),  and  wai  placed  behind  thz  boAi.     He  wai  accompanizd  to  thz  county  izat  by  TKzd 
Toaman,  In  whoiz  thz  shooting  occufUied,  and  who  woi  an  zyz  wltne.i6  to  thz  teMxblz 
cnimz,     Toaman    wai  alio  taken  into  cuitody,  pending  invzitigation. 

Thz  iitofuy  oi  the  muKdeA  06  told  by  thz  zyz  wiXnzii,  bfiought  out  in  thz  coKone/i'i 
inqazit,  ii  AubitantialZif  ai  loUowi; 

Tfied  foaman,  who  condacti  a  butcheM.  6hop  in  GenZizo,   opznzd  kii  ihop  at  thz  uiual 
houA.  Thufiiday  moAning,  and  ihohtly  a£teAwaAxU>  L.  M.   VanhuikiAk,  thz  muAdzAzd  man,  cxmz  in, 
and  thz  two  men  wzfie  fitting  by  thz  6tovz  talking,  when  Hazlztt  zntzAzd  by  a  n.zaA  dooK 
{it  appeoAi  that  thz  {,fiont  dooK  wai  not  uizd  in  cold  weathzn)   coAAying  a  shotgun,  which 
hz  Iz^t  in  thz  back  fioom.     Hz  camz  into  thz  {^Aont  Koom  and  on  izzlng  VanbuikiAk,   hz  itep- 
pzd  back  into  thz  azoa  Aoom  and  AztuAnzd  with  thz  gun.     Hz  then  told  VanbuikiAk  to  get  oat. 

Thz  latteA  oiked  foaman  i^  he  [Toaman]   did  not  Aznt  the  ihop,  and  madz  no  movz  to 
comply  with  Hazlztt'i  demand,     Foaman  advised  VanbuikiAk  to  leave  ai  hz  {zaAzd  tAouhlz. 
VanbuikiAk  then  got  up,   buttonzd  up  hiM  coat,  tizd  a  icaA£  oAound  hij>  nzck,  put  on  a 
hzavy  paiA  oi  mittzni,  and  itoAtzd  to  leavz,     Hz  wai  obliged  to  pail  Hazlztt  to  gzt  out 
and  ai  attempted  to  paii,  thz  lattzA  puihzd  him  back  with  thz  muzzle  o{^  thz  gun,     \HoKdi 
thzn  iollowzd  whzn  VanbuikiAk  again  itoAtzd  to  leave,  laying  hz  would  go  to  Tohman  and 
get  a  woAAunt  ioi  Hazlztt'i  oAAeit,  Whzn  within  about  a  {oot  and  a  hal^  ^Aom  Hazlztt, 

a  08) 

the.  ZxUtvi  naXj,e.d  the.  Ahotgan  and  emptitd  the  conttnt^  in  VanbialuAk'4  le^t  Ude  pteAUng 
thz  ZxvUeA'i  hzoAt.     Thz  cha^t  (uvt  a  Jub  ^  two  Zn  znteMng,  ^tA^luna  a  Ufa  In  back  and 
lodged  In  the  tmucZej,  o£  the  back. 

HazleXt  and  Foaman  thej^  le^t  the  ihop,  but  did  not  lock  the  dooK  oi  KepoKted.     They 
went  to  Hazlztt'i  home,  wheAe  the  latteA  told  hU  that  VanbaaLOik  had  been  huAt  and 
6he  had  betteA  have  4ome  one  to  to  the  batchen.  ^hop  and  have  him  taken  cajie  o^. 

\^azleJX  and  Foomon  theji  went  to  FoAman,  wheAe  they  told  the  itotui  that  VanbinLOik 
had  ihot  KLmeli.  They  weJie  at  once  placed  undeA  oAAeit,  Vepaty  SheAiU  ^^nt  ^letaxnlng 
with  Foaman  to  Gene&eo  ioK  the  Znqae&t, 

Shohtlij  a^teA  the  oaaLvoZ  oi  Hazlett  and  Foaman  at  the  county  hejot  a  telephone 
mu.i,age  woi  received  by  State'6  AttoAney  Bowen  4itating  that  the  ihooting  occuAAed  but 
no  one  ieemed  to  know  how  badly  Vanboikink  woi  huAt.     The  Statei  kttoAney  ZmtAucted 
Comtable  Wm.  VuvaZl  to  Inve&tigate  and  the  Con&table  took  choAge  o^  the  AemaZn6  pending 
the  oAAivaZ  o^  the  coAoneA. 

As  soon  ai  authentic  in^oAmation  wai,  Aeceived  State's  AttoAney  Bowen  notified 
CoAoncA  SayloA  by  'phone,  who  pAoceeded  at  once  to  the  scene  o{,  the  cAime,  oAAiving  thzAe 
about  9  PM  in  the  evening.     A  juAjy,   composed  of,  John  UcPhaiZ,  V.   E.  Blade  and  WoAAen 
Collins  was  empanelied  and  the  investigation  taken  up  at  once.     AdjouAnment  was  taken  at 
2  AM  antiZ  moAning  when  Foaman  was  examined.     The  witness  at  iiASt  denied  that  Hazlett 
did  the  shooting,  claiming  that  VanbuskiAk  shot  himself.     The  CoAonen.  questioned  him  veAy 
closely  and  he  {finally  admitted  that  Hazlett  did  the  shooting,  telling  suhstantialZy  the 
stoAy  as  Aelated  above.     Foaman  stated  Hazlett  pAomised  to  pay  him  well  i^  he  would  help 
him  get  cleoA  and  they  had  agAeed  to  put  the  blame  £oA  the  shooting  on  VanbuskiAk. 

The  coAoneA's  inquest  bAoaght  out  the  {act  that  while  VanbuskiAk  had  on  his  peAson 
a  32  calibAe  AevolveA,  with  six  shells  in  the  cylindeA,  evefiy  sheZl  was  loaded.     When 
iound  VanbuskiAk  had  on  the  heavy  leatheA  mittens  and  the  scoA^  was  wound  oAound  his  neck 
beoAing  out  the  testimony  o{  Foaman  that  he  was  in  the  act  o{,  leaving  when  the  shooting 

It  seems  theAe  has  been  bad  blood  between  the  tuio  men  {oA  some  time,  thAeats 
having  been  made  by  both  paAties.     It  is  atso  alleged  that  VanbuskiAk.  had  attempted  to 
induce  Hazlett' s  wi{,e  to  leave  the  latteA  and  go  with  hem. 

CoAoneA  SayloA,  who  made  the  poKt  moAtem  examination,  AepoAts  the  wound  to  be 
about  thAee- iouAths  o^  an  inch  in  diameteA,  blackened  oAound  the  edges  {Aom  the  powdeA 
and  that  the  shot  must  have  been  at  close  Aange.     StAips  o^  clothing  weAe  aZso  found  in 
the  wound.     The  coAoneA  took  out  buckshot  and  about  a  dozen  smaZZeA  shot  and  the  gun  wad 
fAom  the  muscles  in  the  back  of  the  dead  man. 

Hazlett  was  held  on  a  complaint  swoAn  to  by  CoAoneA  SayloA  and  was  oAAoigned  be- 

foAe  Justice  BAadley.     ThAough  his  attoAney,  S.  A.  Sweetman,  he  filed  an  affidavit  of 

pAejudice  and  the  case  tAansfeAAed  to  Justice  C.  H.  FoAman's  couAt.     On  mutual  agAeement 

postponement  was  tahen  to  Honday  next. 

•  ••«»«»»*«  jH^(^  22,    1906 

a  09) 

GzoKQt  Ozduntn.,  a  £oAjneA  KU'Ldent  o^  Hanluji&on,  ditd  o£  BnA^ht'6  dLueMJ>t  at 
?o>it  A/ithiUL,  TX,  on  Feb.    14di.     He.  had  be.zn  iZck  ^Znce.  VzcembeA. 

A  ttiidow  and  ^Zvt  druULd/iui  iuKvhjz  hJjn.     VzczoMzd  {^ofmzfdUj  ownzd  thz  hoAdwoAe. 
buiZnt&i  now  conducted  by  John  6A.een  but  &otd  out  to  G/iztn  S  Jonu  about  tlqht  yeaxi  ago. 
Ma..  Gfize.n  lateA  taking  ovtn.  the  InteAut  oi  his  paAtntn.,  Wm.  Oiu-i,  uoho  KztuJimd  to  hli 
{,0AjneA  home.  In  Wl&con^ln.  ••»»«««»«»  UoAjch  ZZ     1906 

fli&6  Hofui  KZoiiteAman  died  Satwiday  a^teA  beZng  IZt  ^OK  thxtt  weeki,  oi  typhoid 
iexieJi.     The  ^uneAoJi  took  place,  at  Moofieton  Tue/tday  mofinlng  at  10  AM,  hejivlce  beJing  conduct- 
ed by  Tathex  Gedaiheck.     Ve.cea/,ed  woi  22  yeam  old  and  a  ^avoAlte  uilth  alt  and  hex  death 
U  greatly  moused.  ,»,,,,«,«,  ^^^^^^  29,   1906 

Thz  baby  boy  o^  Hfi.  and  UfU,.  Augu&t  Btadow  died  Tuesday  a^tex  a  ihoht  UULnzki. 
The  lunexaZ  ww  heZd  thlj,  a^texnoon,  Rev.  fCunz  conducting  the  iexvlcejb  at  the  EvangeZlcal 
Chu/Lch.     The  paxenti  have  the  sympathy  oi  alt  In  the  ton  oi  thelx  tittle,  one. 

«••»»«»«••  ^^^^^  29,    7906 

Hexbext,  the  9  yeax  old  ion  oi  Hx.  and  U>u>.  Hichaxd  Bolz  oi  Vaxk  Township,  died 
ye^texday  oi  dlphthexia.  He  had  been  ilck  but  a  ieui  day6  beioxe  succumbing  to  the  dlt- 
ea&e.     The  iunexal  was  hetd  today,  /,exvlce.i  beting  conducted  at  the  home  by  Reu.  Kunz. 

«««««•»*»,  ^^^^  29,    1906 

GREAT  BEWP Vied,  last  Txiday  evening,  Maxch  30th,   Elmex,  the  second  youngest 

son  oi  M/L.  and  Hks.  John  Wofinex,  at  the  age  oi  12  yeaxs,  oi  dlphthexia. 

Elmex  took  sick  about  a  wee.k  beiofie.  his  death,  but  his  case  uxis  not  thought  to 
be  vefuj  sexious  and  he  was  getting  along  ilne  until  shoxtty  beioKe  his  death,  when  In- 
ilammatlon  oi  the  heaxt  set  In  which  caused  his  sudden  end. 

Elmex  was  a  ilne  boy,  always  busy  oK  at  home  studying;  he  was  nevex  loailng  on 
the  stxeets  with  bad  compayujot\s ,  and  was  the  joy  oi  his  paxents,  who  axe  gfieatly  gfilei 
stxicken  ovex  his  loss.     Jntexment  was  made  Sunday  mohnlng  In  the  Evangetlcal  Cemetexy. 
The  iamlZy  has  the  deepe/>t  heaxt  iett  sympathy  oi  the  communlXy  In  thelx  sad  houxs  oi 
bexeavement.  **********  ^p^^  5^   ,9^^ 

August  Bexgman  and  Wm.  Schuett  made  a  txlp  to  the  ttiln  cltiez  this  week,  the  iol- 
mex  to  attend  the  iunexat  oi  a  nephew  and  the  lattex  on  business. 

**********  ^p^^     5^      jg^^ 

Mks.  Wlthetmlne  HitbAandt,   one  oi  the  ploneex  setttexs  oi  this  locality,  died 
at  hex  home  In  this  vltlage  on  Sunday,  ApKiX  8th,  on  the  seventy-ninth  annlvexsaxy  oi 
hex  blxth.     Deceased  was  bofin  In  Umotsel,  Vomexan,  Gexmany,  on  Apult  S,    1S27,  and  came 
to  the  United  States  In  1S72,  locating  with  hex  husband  In  Betiofid  Township,  this  county. 

Some  yeaxs  latex  the  iamity  moved  to  Hanklnson,  whexe  they  have  since  resided. 
She  Is  suAvlved  by  the  husband,  ^m.  UlZbhandt,   and  one  son  August  GolZnlck.     A  slstex 


Ma4  ,   EM.eJ>tLnt  JcJvl,  alio  Kui.du  htfit,  and  tkzAt  atiz  nine.  gKonddUZdAzn  and  thlmtzzn 
QfiejjX-QKandckiLdfitn.     Vtcmxitd  ha6  been  Zn  ^axZing  htaZXh  ioK  iomz  timt,  and  wkilt  heA. 
dejojtk  woi  no  iufipfvUz  a  laAgz  caJicJLz  o^  ifilandi,    mouAn    hex  toii,.     Thz  inneAaZ  woi  heZd 
Taz&day  a{,teAnoon,  ieA.vZcz6  beZng  conducted  aX.  the  GeAman  EvangeLicaZ  ChuAch  by  Rev.  Kunz 
and  ZnteAment  wcw  made  -in  the  CemzteAy  louth  o^  town. 

CiXy  0|J  San  V^umcZ&co  VeitAcyed  VeiteAday  UoKning. 
1,000  PEOPLE  KJLLEV,    2,000  IWJUREP 
F^e  Add&  to  HofOWK  o^  the  SAXuxvUjon,  and  EntOie  CUty  aj>  keying  Wlptd  Out  o£  Ex^tence 

ApA^Z  19,   2  PM. .  .Ba££etoi.. ..  The  city  o{^  San  V>iancii,co  ij>  doomed.   EntuAz  buiZnt&i 
and  KeiZdzncz  paAti  beJjng  deitnjoyzd  by  {^Zfie..     No  uxuteA  avaxlabZe,  and  mcLitia  and  ^AAemzn 
hjive  uizd  dynamite,  and  gun  cotton  to  no  t^f^zct. 

Nothing  can  bz  donz  to  pfizvent  dzitAuctZon  o^  zntOtz  city. 

One  oi  thz  gfLzatzit  caZamitizi  in  the  annati  o^  thl&  countAy  occuAfizd  ihonXZy 
a{^teA  5  AM  yz6teAday  moftning  vohzn  thz  buiinzii  pofition  o^  thz  city  oi  San  F/uinciico  was 
Zax.d  in  Kuini,  by  an  zoAthquakz  shock  and  ovzt  one  thousand  Lives  tost. 

TuZZ  dztaiZi  oAe  stiZZ  tackZng.     Thz  shock  occunAzd  at  5;  73  AM  and  uxis  most  szveAZ 
in  thz  business  po/UZon  o{,  thz  cZty.     Thz  gKzatest  loss  oi  ii^z  occjutuizd  in  thz  CAowdzd 
tznzmznt  dZstAicts ,  thz  ihaZl  wooden  buildings  collapsing  IZkz  papeA.     Thz  modehn  sky- 
saiapeAS  uuXhstood  thz  shock  without  sznZous  injuAy  to  thz  occupants,  but  ^iAZ  bnx)kz  oat 
immzdiatzly  in  all  paAts  oi  thz  city.     As  thz  watzA  maZns  and  KzseAvoiAS  wzfiz  destAoyzd 
by  thz  ejvtthquakz,  thz  city  was  without  iinz  pnotzctZon,  and  dynamite  was  thz  only  mzans 
oi  checking  thz  ilames,  and  this  pfiovzd  iutiZz. 

At  last  fizpoKts  iivz  hundAzd  bodZzs  had  bzen  AzcoveAzd  and  it  is  zstimaZzd  that 
theAZ  oAz  iulZy  om  many  moKz  in  thz  AuZns.     Thz  list  oi  injunzd  is  placed  at.  2,000. 

Thz  pAopeAty  loss  can  hoAdZy  be  estimated  at  thZi  time,   but  as  pAactZcalZy  thz 
zntiAz  city  is  being  consumed  by  iiAZ  it  will  pAobably  pAovz  as  heavy  as  in  thz  gxzat 
ChZcago  iiAz.  »»««»«»»»«  Ap^ZZ  79,    7906 


Thz  body  oi  thz  latz  Rev.  Edmonds  oi  WahpeZon,  who  was  dAjownzd  Zn  the  fiZveA  just 
bzioAZ  ChAistmoM,  was  iound  last  FftZday  moJinZng  by  Thzo.  JuAgens  and  A.  J.   FoAmaneck 
whZlz  iishZng.     Thz  body  had  iloatzd  about  iouA  miZes  ifwm  wheAz  thz  uniofitunatz  man  dZs- 
appeoAzd  in  the  Zcz, 

Thz  AemaZns  weAz  Zn  a  iaZfi  state  oi  pAzseAvatZon,  though  idzntZiicatZon  was  poss- 
Zbtz  only  by  thz  clothing  and  papzA  Zn  thz  pockets.     The  nZveA  had  subsZded  seveAoZ  Znchzs 
dunZng  thz  wzzk  bzioAz  thz  body  was  iound,  and  it  had  lodgzd  on  a  sand  boA  in  the  kZvza. 


The.  oveAcoat  woi  on  the.  body,  whJich  had  zvZdzntty  teen  pfiuzuvtd  by  tht  coZd  wcutzA. 

The.  body  woi  not  dutuAbed  anvtit  Cofionzn  fUXely  aJUuvzd  inom  FcuAmount,  and 
an  4JiqueJ,t  uioi  held.     The  veJidlct  wa&  accJ,dentat  dtath  by  ckownoig. 

The  vieM.  known  pa&toA.  oi  the  CongKegaZionat  Chuxch  at  Wahptton  diiappexuied  one  day 
ta&t  VecembeA.  and  Jtlnce  diZZgent  AeoAch  hoi  been  made  ^ofi  the  body,     kt  that  time  hu  cap 
uxu   ^ound  neoA  an  oaA  hole  in  the  ice  and  it  voat,  pfie^umed  that  he  had  fatten  thAoagh  and 
uxLi  dAowned.     A  KeuxxAd  o^  $100  uxu  oHeAed  ^ok  the  AecoveAy  o^  the  body  o^  the  an{,ofLtunate 
paj>toK  and  thi&  wiXZ  go  to  the  ts^o  men  uko  dUcovcAed  it. 

The  body  wa6  shipped  to  lltand  Pond,   VT.,  voheAe  the  uiidoui  Ke6idtl>,  and  memoniat 
iCAvice^  mZi  be  heZd  at  Wahpeton  on  Sunday,  kpfuJ.  29th. 

Vecea&ed  catAied  heavy  Ziie  in6uAance,  which  could  nat  be  cottected  untiZ  the  body 
woi  iound.  •••«««•»»«  ^p^^  26,    1906 

Cofinetiui)  Shea,  one  0(J  the  pioneeA  AettZeAi  o^  thi/i  pa/tt  o^  the  county,  died  at 
hii  home  in  EJbna  Townihip  iihoKtty  a^teA  noon  Monday.     He  wajt  in  appoAent  good  health  to 
within  {jOuA  dayi  o^  that  time,   but  W(W  itAicken  with  pneimonia.,  and  despite  the  beit 
medical  ikiZt  pa&6ed  peacefully  to  the  beyond  in  the  pfieience  o^  hi/>  Aelativei. 

Veceaj>ed  wa6  boAn  in  Cajnada  49  yeoAi  ago  and  wa&  KeaAed  thzAe,  comina  to  ZLchland 
County  in  1881.     He  iiled  a  homestead  in  what  id  now  Elma  Township,  and.  hii  bhothefu,  join- 
ed him  two  yeoAi  lateA.     They  have  Aeiided  thefie  eveA  iince,  and  axe  numbeAed  among  the 
mo6t  highly  Ketpected  {^aAmeu  o^  that  locaLcty.     Veceoied  wa6  nevet  moAAied,  but  i&  iuA- 
vived  by  thxee  bAotheu,  Jamei,  JeAemiah  and  John. 

The  {^unenal  wa6  held  thii   ^ofienoon  unden.  the  aa&picei  o£  the  Catholic  OxdzA  oi 
VofiutefU,,  oi  which  oKdeA  decea&ed  woi  a  membeA,  6eAvice6  being  conducted  at  the  Catholic 
ChuAch  by  Rev.  J.   F.  Studnicka.     The  edi{^ice  wai,  CAowded  with  £niendi  and  neighbor  who 
iotowwiuZly  paid  theiA  la&t  tribute  to  the  dead.     InteAment  wai  made  in  the  Catholic  Ccm- 
eJiefu:  douth  oi  town.  **********  ^^^^^^  ^^^   ^^^^ 

yAt,.  Auguita  Exummund  wai  itAicken  with  apoplexy  in  the  yaAd  at  heA  home  j'uit 
noKth  oi  town  on  FAiday  evening,  and  died  the  following  moKning  at  4  AM. 

Vecea&ed  wai  in  the  beit  oi  health  and  heA  iudden  end  wai  a  gAeat  ihock  not  only 
to  the  iamiZy  but  to  hen.  loAge  numbeA  oi  ifiiendi.     Ma.  BAummund  and  the  boyi  weAe  at  woAk 
on  hij,  otheA  ianm  iome  miZei  diitant,   but  weAe  hastily  iummoned  and  weAe  at  heA  bediide 
when  ihe  paaed  into  the  latt  gAeat  ileep. 

Auguita  KAauie  wai  bo An  in  Genmany  and  wai   57  yeoAi,   6  monthi  and  13  dayi  old  at 
the  time  oi  heA  death.     WiXh  heA  paAenti  ihe  came  to  thii  countAy  18  yeoAi  ago,  iettling 
iiAit  in  Hinne&ota,  wheAe  ihe  wai  moAAied  to  Juliui  BAummund.     Twenty  yeoAi  ago  they  came 
to  Richland  County,  iettling  iiAit  neoA  MooAeton  and  a  yeaA  lateA  located  on  the  ioAm 
wheAe  they  have  iince  Aeiided.     She  ii  iuAvived  by  the  huiband  and  eight  childxen,  iouA 

boyi  and  iouA  ginZi FAjank  C.  oi  HeAAeid,  SV.,  MAi .  OicoA  Vahl  oi  SupeAioA,  WJ.,  John, 

Henman,  Jutiui,  Hattie,  Hinnie  and  AdeLia  who  oAe  itill  at  home.     ThAee  bAoXhzAi  alio 

(112)  xji  Hiii>  VA.(u.ruXij. .  .John,  HeAman  and  ChoAZejj  lOiaasz. 

VzczMzd  had  bzzn  a  ti^e.  long  mejnbeA.  o£  the.  Gtfman  ChuAch  and  the. 
{lUneAoZ  izAvlcti  wai,  amducted  by  Rev.   Kanz  on  Uonday  a(^teAnoon.     The  edi^Zce  wai,  {^lU.ed 
to  oveAilovjlng  with  ioAAouxing  {^fu.e.ndii  who  gatheAed  to  pay  a  la&t  tnJJoute  oi  xe^pect  to 
the  deceaied.     JnteAme.nt  woi  patponed  tmtlZ  the  iottomlng  day  on  account  o^  the  non- 
afuUvat  oi  lAu.  VahZ  who  wai,  unable  to  Kzach  heAt  exi/itiz/i. 

**********  ncuf  3,    1906 

Chanleji  Gftiepejitfiog,  one.  ojj  the  plone.eA.  itttlefn,  oi  thU  paxt  o£  the  coimty, 
died  at  kit,  home  two  milzJi  Aoatheait  o£  hexe  Uonday  night.     Hz  wok  tn  appcuiznt  good 
health  antit  Monday  {^oA-znoon,   but  whZte  plowing  hl6  gafidzn  he  wai  kt^xcken  with  panal- 
yili  and  izvzAol  houAi  latex  hz  paiizd  Into  a  itatz  oi  unconi)Clou6nz&i  and  despite  good 
mzdlcal  ikllZ  pa66zd  pzacz^uUy  to  the  beyond  In  the  pJiz&zncz  o^  hit,  {,amily. 

Vecza&zd  wai  boKn  In  Gznmany  53  yzaxi  ago,   coming  to  Richland  County  In  1&S3. 
He  £llzd  on  a  homzitead  hexz  In  Efiandznbufig  townihlp,  and  hai  KZildzd  hzfiz  zvex  t>lncz, 
Hz    1004  nimbzAzd  among  thz  mot,t  highly  JiZipzctzd  lafmexi  o^  thli  locality. 

Vzczoizd  Izavzi  a  widow  and  {^Ive  chltdAzn  to  mouxn  hli  untimely  death.     Thz 
chltdAzn  who  iWivlve  him  afiz  Otto,  who  li  moAAlzd  and  hat>  bzzn  living  with  hli   ^olki, 
Amanda  and  Mathilda  who  afiz  alio  at  home,   Ufii.  Wm.  Goltnlck  oi  thli  vicinity,   and  Mai. 
RobeAt  Tlzgi  o^  Bzl^oAd.     Thz  lunzAol  iZAvlczi  wzfiz  conducted  ThuAiday  at  thz  Luthznxm 
ChuAch  by  Rev.  T.   Hlnck.     Thz  exti^lcz  wai  cAowdzd  with  iKlzndi  and  nzlghboKi  who  iOAAow- 
iuUy  paid  thelA  lait  tAlbute  to  thz  dead.     Inte/mznt  wai  madz  In  thz  LutheAan  CemetzAy 
iouth  oi  town.     Thz  {^amily  hca  thz  dzzpzit  hexvitlelt  iympathy  ol  thli  cormunlty  In  theJji 

6ad  houAi  OjJ  bzAzavzmznt.  GREAT  8EWP.... 

»»»«**»»»«  Hay  10,    1906 

Choi.  Gfu.zpzntAog,   onz  o^  thz  plonzzn.  iettlzu  o^  BAandznbuAg  Towmhlp,   died 
Tuziday  mofinlng  a  (Jew  houAi  a^tzA  being  itAlckzn  with  apoplexy.     Hz  wai  working  In  thz 
gafidzn  Monday  a{)teAnoon  and  ieUi  to  thz  ground  without  waxnljig.     Mzdlcal  aid  wai  iumm- 
onzd  but  thz  un^ohtanatz  man  wai  bzyond  human  help. 

Vzczoizd  li  iuAvlvzd  by  a  wl£z  and  izvojuxl  chlldAzn,  among  them  being:  Mfii. 
RobeAt  Tlzgi  oi  MantadoK  and  M/l4.  Wm.  Gollnlck  oi  GKzat  Bznd.     Onz  ion  and  two  young 
daughteAi  Kzildz  at  home. 

Vzczoizd  iuiizAzd  a  lumtAokz  izvexal  yzoAi  ago  and  thli  may  havz  bzzn  thz 
pfilmoAjj  came  o^  hli  death.     Hz  wai  onz  o{t  thz  bzit  known  ^ofmeAi  In  that  izctlon,  high- 
ly Zitzemzd  by  all,   and  hli   dzath  will  bz  gznzAally  mouAnzd. 

»•«»,*«**»  May  10,    1906 

IrKzd  SzdleA  died  lait  Fnlday  evening  at  hli  home  In  thli  village  a{^teA  many  yea/u 
Oi$  iu{i{,eAying  comumptlon.     Hli  death  came  hothzA  ai  a  fiztiei  to  hli  long  iu{i{,eAlng, 
and  on  Tnlday  evznlng  at  10  ?M  hz  paiizd  pzacz{,ully  to  thz  bzyond  In  thz  pxeizncz  oi  hli 


Peceo^ed  wcu  bofin  in  Gtfmany  on  thz  7th  OjJ  OcXcbzA,    1S64.     Kt  the,  age.  0)$  IS  ht 
teit  hJj,  mothoA  countAjj  and  came,  to  BKecken/Udge,  UN.     He  at  once  iecuAzd  employment  In 
the  Gn.ejit  NofitheAn ithopi  and  4>oon  worked  Ivii  way  up  to  an  engtnezA  on  the  Koad,     Ton. 
many  yeafu  he  woi  on  the  mm  {^fiom  'BKeckenAldge  to  kbefideen,   {^ottotaing  thZ&  occupation 
until  about  ^tve  yexuu  ago,  when  he  wa&  ^oKctd  to  quit  owing  to  Hi  health.     He  then 
came  to  thlt,  place  and  entefied  Into  a  poAtncuhlp  uxith  F.  Hitzel  in  the.  lumbeA  and  mach- 
IneJiy  builne.i,i.     About  thiee  yexou,  ago  he  dlipo^ed  o£  hli  builnzi^  IntzAe&t^,,  because  hli, 
health  uxa  iteadiZy  falling  and  he  wa&  unablz  to  take,  an  active,  pant  In  the  bu&lne.&i . 

Since  then  he  ha&  ^pent  hl&  tine  In  seeking  xecieatlon  £oK  hli  hejatth,  Including 
a  yeaJi  In  Texas,   bujt  all  In  vain.     Vecexu>ed  wot,  a  man  oi  good  habits,  Indu&tAloui,  and 
saving,  and  has  well  provided  ^oK  the  £utuAe  o^  hl&  ^amiZy.     Nine  yeans  ago  he  was  maxnled 
to  flLss  mtlle  Loll  0^  this  placz,  and  by  Issue  o^  thelt  mafoUage  tJifite  chlldKen  wefie  bo  An 
unto  them.     He  Is  suAvlved  by  a  widow,  two  chlZdAen,  an  aged  motheJi,  (yive.  bfiotheJis  and  tuio 
slsteM  to  mounn  his  untimely  death. 

The  ^uneAol  seAvlces  wexe  heZd  Sunday  af^teAnoon  In  the  Gznman  Evangelical  ChuAch 

and  wefie  conducted  by  Rev.  C.  A.  BAomeA.     The  chuAch  was  oveJi{^llled  with  sofuwwlng  {,Alends 

who  paid  thelA.  last  tnlbute  to  thz  dead.     Jntzfimznt  was  made  In  thz  Evangelical  CemztzAy 

closz  to  town.     Thz  iairUZy  has  thz  deepzst  heaAt^zlt  sympathy  o^  all  In  the  sad  houAS  o£ 

thelA  bzAzavemznt. 

" ~ May  24,    1906 

.GREAT  BENV...       »»»«»»»««» 

Thz  ln{,ant  son  oi  Ma.  and  Mw.  Chas.  Kath  died  this  weefe  a^teA.  a  shoAt  illness. 

»»»»«,»»»»  May  24,   1906 

August  Witt,  one  o^  thz  pioneeA.  settlzAS  o^  ?>el(,oAd  Township,  died  at  his  home 
a  shoAt  distance  {^Aom  MantadoA  at  10:35  PM  last  night  a^tzA  su££eAlng  ^oA  some  time  with 

Veczased  was   73  yzoJis  old  in  JanuoAy,  and  camz  £Aom  GzAmany  In  1SB7,  settling  a 
yeoA  latex  on  the  ianm  whzAz  he  has  since  Azsided.     He  was  highly  A.zspected  by  his  neigh- 
boAS  and  his  death  Is  sinczAeZy  AegAettzd.     He  Is  suAvlvzd  by  a  widow  and  six  children... 
(Hilllam,   EaIc  and  Max  ojj  this  vicinity,   Paul  Witt  o{,  HUwaukzz,  Rw.  BzAtha  SchmiZeg  o£ 
tlilwojukzz,  Wl.,  and  Has.  HznAy  TAickz  o^  MilnoA,  this  statz. 

Thz  {^unzAal  will  be  held  tomoAJiow,  szAvlczs  to  bz  conductzd  at  thz  house  at  1  PM 
by  Rev.  HilgzndoA{i,  and  at  2:30  at  thz  chuAch  nexiA  by.     InteAment  will  be  made  in  thz 
cemztzAy  nzoA  thz  chuAch.  «««»*«*»»«  ^       ^4     1906 

mORETOhl...The  infant  child  oi  Ma.,  and  hOis.  R.  0.  Mount  died  SatuAday.     Thz  iunzA- 
al  took  placz  Monday.  »*.«»«««»«  May  31 ,    1906 

K\AS.  EdwoAd  KZelse  o{t  EnteApAlse,  RobzAts  County,  was  dAownzd  last  Thursday  in 

a  most  peculloA  way.     It  seems  shz  had  accompanlzd  hzA  husband  a^tzA  a  load  of^  hay  and 

whzn  cAossing  a  tuAnpike  acAoss  a  slough,  the  load  tipped  ovzA  and  Ma£  .   Klelse  izll  undeA 

it  in  a  ditch  in  which  was  thAzz  ieet  oi  wateA  and  be^oAe  heA  iAantlc  husband  could 

zxtAicatz  heA  shz  had  dAownzd. 


she.  came  oveA  ^ftom  GeMmany  about  a  yzoK  ago  and  had  onZy  been  maMA.zd  a  (Jew 
morMu,.  •»•«««»»»«  j^^  7^    j^^^ 

UKk.  kndKm  John&on  wai  calZzd  away  toMt  weefe  to  TeAga6  TaJUU,  to  the.  be,di>-idt  oi 
a  dying  biothvi,  vko  poi^td  away  a^tzA.  hfi  oAAlvat.     A  ihofit  tunz  ago  ihe.  wai  caZZz.d 
thzfiz  to  the.  bzdiZdz  o^  heA  iZ&teA.  uiho  aZ6o  dZed. 

WkiZz  otxt  hunting  neoA  KemaZ,   Binzit  Cxeh,  the  12  yeoA  old  i,on  oi  TKed  GKzb, 
accJ,dejntaZZy  ihot  kii  5  yza/i  oM  nephesM,   Eddy  Alex,  the  baZZ  the  head  neoK  the 
eye  and  death  being  in&tantaneouA .     ReaLizing  what  he  had  done  to  the  tittte  ^eJUUiw,  and 
dfu.ven  {^fiantic  uuXh  Kemoue  oven,  the  a{^{^aJji,   Efmebt  >um  away  a  6hoAt  di&tance  and  placed 
the  muzzle  OjJ  the  ^ame  gun  nexui  kii>  chin  and  lent  a  baZl  into  hJj>  ovon  bfiain. 

The  accident  occunjied  nea/i  the  home  o{,  TKed  Gxeb,  ieven  mile^  noith  o£  Ken&al. 
The  tUtle  boy  died  imtantly;  the  oldefi  one  lived  untiZ  about  midnight.     Little  Eddy 
wai  the  ion  o^  Tony  Alex  and  wai  out  vi/>iXing  hii  gfiandpa/ienti  at  the  time  o^  the  iatal 
accident.  **********  j^^  j^^   ^^^^ 


A  iad  accident  occunned  neax  Eoako,  RobeAti  County,  Monday  night,  Hfu, .  C.  W. 
MaAtin  and  children  losing  thein.  livei. 

Uantiyi,  who  ii  a  welt  known  iaJmen.  living  about  twenty  milei  iouthweit  o^  Hank- 
inion  in  Hinneiota  Towmhip,  took  hij>  wi^e  and  thxee  childAen,  agei   1 ,   5  and  3,  to  Siii- 
eton  Monday  to  lee  the  cixcui.     He  itanted  £on.  home  late  at  night,  but  took  a  diHenent 
Koad  {^nom  that  ^olZowed  in  the  manning.     The  high  waten.  had  taken  out  the  bnidge  oveJi  the 
little  Minneiiota  nZven.  neoA  Bo^iiako  and  Mantin  wo*  not  awaxe  0(J  thii.     Ai  a  neiult  the 
hon.iei  {^eJU.  to  the  niveA  below  but  the  wagon  n.emained  on  the  bnink.     Suppoiing  hii  wif^e 
and  chitdnen  weAe  ititl  in  the  wagon,  Ikantin  laboAed  to  iave  hii  honiei  and  succeeded  in 
Keicuing  one  but  the  othen.  dnowned.     Retunning  to  the  bnidge  to  neaaune  K^  wi^e,  he 
£ound  the  wagon  ieat  empty...  the  wi£e  and  tknee  little  onei  had  fatten  {,nom  th.e  high 
wagon  ieat  and  been  iwept  away  in  the  iwif^t  cunAent. 

SeoAching  pantiei  weAe  at  once  {,onmed  and  eHonti  made  to  necoven  the  bodiei,   but 
at  the  lait  nepont  the  only  body  ^ound  wai  that  o{,  the  3  yeoA  old  child. 

The  gniei  itntcken  ^atheA  ii  quite  well  known  hene.     Hii  {^anm  ii  in  the  neighbon- 
hood  01$  the  TelZbaim  bnotheAi,  and  hii  wi^e  wai  a  iiiteA  oi  Juliui  fnjue.     Fnank  Budack'.i 
£aAm  alio  adjoini  that  o^  Mantin.     The  coie  ii  a  moit  diitneiiing  one,  and  hai  cauied  a 
Reeling  oi  gloom  thnoughout  the  neighbonhood. 

LATER.. ..The  bodiei  have  alZ  been  KecoveAed  and  the  (uneAal  will  be  held  tomonAow  the  Honwegian  Luthenan  ChuAch  £oun.  milei  iouth  o^  the  itate  line  in  f.{inneiota  Twip. 

**********  j^^  21,    1906 


The.  S  montlu  old  duZd  o^  M/i.  and  Hk6.  TKzd  Kohfit,  who  Live,  on  tht  old  John 
Lttiti  iafm  iouXk  o^  town,  dltd  Monday  moAyUng  a{^teA  a  ihoAt  -UUimt>&.     Thz  £uneAaZ  wa& 
httd  ye^ttfvday,  icAv^cei  fce^ng  conducted  at  thz  Gzfiman  Luth&Aan  ChuAch  by  Reu.   H^lgtndofi^ . 

•  «»»»»«,«,  j^^  2S,    1906 

U00'RET0N....Hli6  Linda  EakzA  wtnt  homz  SatuAday  to  attejnd  tht  iunviaZ  oi  hsA  tittlz 
ilbtzA.  **********  j^  5^    j9^^ 

A  mzi^age.  wai  fizceAvzd  heJit  Sunday  annoan(ung  tht  dzxith  0(5  3amu  Hamltton  at  Btaz 

EoAtk  City,  MW.     Vzctoitd  wa&  one.  o^  the  pione.eM.  baitntil  men  o^  HankAJUon,  havtng  eMtab- 

LLihtd  thz  hafvdmafie.  buiiint&i  now  conducted  by  M.  A.  WippeAman.     WcuiA  o^  hi&  death  aj,  fiec- 

eived  with  geneAoi  AzgKtt  by  otd  timeJii  throughout  thii  section. 

**********  j^  5^    j9^^ 

J.  B.  HeAbeAt  Ktceived  a  tetegfum  on  Monday  announcing  the.  death  oi  hi6  iathefi  at 

Attoona,   PA.     He  wai,  an  otd  man  and  in  hi&  70th  yeafi.         ...White  Rock  JouAnaZ... 

**********  jj^  5^    j9^^ 

Jofin  LoMVience,  a  young  man  wofiking  on  the  Adami,  ^oAm,  committed  iuicide  lait 
Ffiiday  night  by  hanging  /um6e£(5.     When  it  wad  leaAned  SatuAday  moAning  that  the  young  man 
had  not  been  in  hi&  bed  aZJL  night,  hi&  bAotheA&  &et  out  to  took  ^oA  him  and  weAe  gAeatty 
a&toni&hed  to  ^ind  him  hanging  on  a  Aope  that  had  been  tied  to  a  beam  in  one  o^  the  boAm,. 
No  cau&e  ioK  thu  tAagic  act  can  be  ^ound.     The  young  man  wai  onJty  17  yeoAi  o^  age,  and 
atway4>  appeoAed  to  be  in  good  ipiAitt,.     He  wai>  a  &on  oi  Aetpectabte  poAentt,  who  Ke&ide 
neoA  Wahpeton.     He  atio  hai>  two  bAotheAi  that  oAe  employed  on  the  Adami   iaAm,  one  oi  them 
being  the  book  keepeA  thcAe. 

**********  jj^    j2^    ^qo6 

The  iniant  child  oi  MA.,  and  Ha6.  AlbeAt  EngteA  died  the  ioAe  paAt  oi  the  week 
aiteA  a  bfiiei  ittneii.  **********  Ja£«  ?9     1906 

HAUTAVOR WoAd  ha&  been  Aeceived  hefie  oi  the  death  at  BoAdutac,  W.,  oi  L.  B. 

HibboAd,  ioAmeAly  a  resident  oi  Hankimon  and  ioA  yeoAi  in  the  employ  oi  the  Keyitone 
ioAm.     Ma..  Hibbatd  paaed  away  a  week  ago  Sunday  and  the  Aemaim  weAe  i hipped  to  hi&  old 
home  neoA  SyAacuie,  W.,   ioA  buAiaZ.     He  leavei  a  wiie  and  one  daughteA. 

**********  jj^  26,    7906 

A  thAee  yeoA  old  daughteA  oi  E.  A.  Olion,  living  neon.  VoAman,  wai  dAowned  in  a 

ilough  hole  lait  week  white  wandeAing  a  ihoAt  diitance  iAom  the  houie. 

**********  j^  26,    1906 

Lait  winteA  on  old  man  named  ThoA  Otion  wai   iound  dead  in  a  poituAe  neoA  McLeorf, 
thiAty  mllei  noAth  oi  heAe,  and  a  AevolveA  neoA  by,  which  had  evidently  cauied  hii  death, 
Aeiulted  in  a  vendict  oi  iuicide  by  a  coAonoA'i  juAy. 

The  dead  man  wai  buAied  without  iuAtheA  ado,   but  lately  hii  iotki  began  to  iuipect 


^ouZ  play  and  la&t  wecfe  the.  body  wa6  zxhumzd  on  the.  tktoKy  that  a  muAdeA  had  po^llbty 
been  committed.     Excitement  Kan  high  {,ofL  a  time.,  but  a  motie  thAough  e.xamlnatlon  o£  thz 
body  con^lnmed  the  ofilglnal  veAdlct  of,  death  by  holclde. 

A  £ew  houA6  be.{,0Ae  hit)  death  Ct&en  had  been  dntnklng  with  two  {,/u.endi,   and  hli, 
fieXatlveJi  6uj,pected  that  he.  had  be.en  klZZtd  In  a  drunken  b/iajtit, 

»«•»»»»«**  jj^  26,    7906 

GREAT  BEWP Vied,  on  Friday,  July  27th,  Robert,  the.  6  yeax  old  i,on  oi  M^.  and 

WiM.  Paul  StAJubeZ,  living  tivo  mliti  loath  oi  hexe,  o^  dlphtheAla.     The  boy  had  been  ilch. 
iofi  Ae.veAaZ  weeki  bat  hli  ca&e  woi  thought  to  be  only  mild  by  hl&  panenti ,  until  a  {,ew 
day4>  bz^oKe  hli  death,  wfien  a  doctor,  uxa  4unimoned,   but  In  ipltz  o^  mzdlcaZ  old  the  boy 
paiizd  away. 

Zntzfmznt  woa  made  Saturday  monnlng  In  thz  Evangelical  CemeteJiy  cloiz  to  town. 
Thz  ^amliy  hai  thz  iympathy  o£  thz  conmunlty  In  thzOi  iad  houAJ>  o£  bzfizavejnent. 

»•»»«*«»««  August  1,    1906 

F.  T.  Ketiy  li  dead  at  Endznlln  ai  thz  KZiult  o£  a  22  caLibAZ  bullet  accldznt- 
aJily  pznetAatlng  hli  night  zyz  and  lodging    In  thz  bnaln.     He  wai  In  thz  act  o{,  ihoot- 
Ing  a  weaizl,  and  not  having  thz  wzapon  In  poiltlon  to  ithoot  whzn  thz  wea^zl  appzoAzd 
itAack  at  It  with  thz  butt  oi  thz  gun,  with  thz  KZialt  ahovz  given. 

He  dlzd  In  {,lvz  mlnutzi.     He  woi  a  palntzn  and  dzcoKotoA.  and  had  woAkzd  In  izvzK- 
al  towni  o{,  thz  itatz,   being  employed  by  thz  Chicago  Painting  and  Vzconatlng  Company. 
Hz  waj>  a  mannled  man,  but  wai  not  living  with,  hli  wl£z. 

»*•»«»•«««  ^^^^^^  2,    1906 


Lait  wzzk  whltz  umpiring  a  game  o^  ball  neoJi  Wlndom,  Ulchael  Plfmantgzn,  a  {^anrnzt 
0)5  Heajvt  Towmhlp,  dfioppzd  dead.  An  Inning  OjJ  thz  gamz  had  jait  ^Inlihzd  and  Ma.  Plfman- 
tgzn wai  itandlng  neax  thz  pltcheA'i  box,  whzn  hz  itaggejied  backuxvid  to  thz  gAound.  Tho-iz 
standing  neaJi  wznt  to  him  and  to  thelfi  iunpnliz  dlicovzAzd  that  tiiz  had  Iz^t  thz  body. 

A  wl{^z  and  two  imalZ  chlldAzn  anz  Iz^t  to  mouJin  hli  sudden  and  untimely  death, 
who  have  thz  ilnczxz  iympathy  o^  thelfi  nzlghbofii  and  ^nlzndi  In  thli  thzlfi  dofikzit  hou/i. 

Thz  Azmalm  wzKZ  takzn  to  thz  old  homz  at  CtoineA,  MW.,   £oA  buAlaZ,  accompanied 
by  a  bKotheA,  Ufii.   Plfmantgzn  going  thz  day  pAzvloui . 

»««»»««*«»  Awgu^t  9,    1906 


Goihzn,    IN.,   Aug.   6th...., Not  until  ihz  wai  on  hzfi  dzath-bzd,  and  but  two  houfii 
fae<)OA.e  ihz  zxplfizd  wai  It  known  that  Ma4.  UathlZda  Jacobi,  a  well  known  Goihzn  woman, 
wai  thz  wl{,z  oi  Hznnjy  King  ojj  Homzitzad,  NV.     Joit  bz{,oAz  hex  death  Wu>.  Jacobi  itafitlzd 
hex  Kztatlvzi  by  telling  thzm  6hz  had  a  huiband. 

Hzfi  itfizngth  wai  io  exhamtzd  that  6hz  wai  unablz  to  glvz  dztalli.     Thzfiz  li  no 
fizcoAd  oi  iuch  a  mannlagz  having  bzzn  pzfiiofmzd  In  thli  county  and  hzfi  fizlatlvzi  think 


the.  union  mu6t  have,  been  a  common  taui  one. 

Hen.  body  hai  been  placed  Zn  a  xeceJivJinQ  vauZt  avocuuting  the.  oMa-vcUL  oi  King. 
Unden.  the  IndAjma  law  he  mlZ  InhefuX  heJi  estate,  which.  Ju  oi  cjonkldefiahle  value. 

«     «•«*»««««  Augu&t  9,    1906 

SUJCWE  on  the  SOO 

An  unknown  maZe  pcw^engeA  on  Soo  tKaJin  108  committed  i>uicide  by  4>hooting  hiiueZi 
thtough  the  head  jait  be{,oh.e  the  tnaJji  fieached  Valley  City  on  Thuuday  o^  Ixikt  week.  He 
itood  on  the  coach  6tep6  and  evidently  planned  to  iall  iofiwoAd  a^teA.  the  ^atal  ^>hot  wo* 
iixed,   but  a  luJtch  OjJ  the  tnain  tJview  him  bake  on  the  />tep6  and  he  died  a  (Jew  momenti 
lateA.     Ffiom  papeJU,  on  the  body  it  wa&  at  ^iut  ^uppoied  thz  aniofitunate  woi  TKzd  Stiggle 
0(J  Con&idine,  tW.,  but  it  deveZoped  latefL  that  Stiggle  wo*  at  kli  home  alive  and  weJUi. 

The.  man  wai>  ticketed  iKom  iome  point  in  Canada  bat  io  ^aA.  alZ  e.iioAt&  to  e^tabliih 
hZi,  identity  have  been  unavaiZing.     The  ajuthoHAjtizi  have  had  the  body  embalmed  and  it 
wilZ  be  kept  ioK  two  weeki  i^  nece^.iafiy  to  ^ecate  identification. 

»»««»»»»,«  August  16,    1906 

G.  N.  KILLS  an  UNKWW 
SViangeA.  Killed  at  Wahpeton  Monday  UoKning 
An  unknown  man,  apparently  about  25  yeaA6  old,  wai  kiZled  by  a  GKeat  Uofithefin 
tAoin  at  Wahpeton  on  Monday  moAning,  jU6t  in  £Kont  of^  the  depot.     Wo  one  witneM>ed  the 
accident,   but  it  ii  /,uppo6ed  the  un{,ofitunate  man  wai>  "Aiding  the  Aod&"  and  ^eZl  undeA 
the  wheeZi,.     The  top  o£  the  head  wa6  cAii&hed  and  one  leg  cut  o^,  the  victim  being  dead 
w/ien  ijound.     He  wa&  {,aiAZy  weZZ  dACiied  but  nothing  woi  ^ound  to  e^tabtuh  hU  identity. 
The  body  wa6  buAled  at  the  expetu>e  0(J  the  county. 

»»»*»»*»**  August  16,    1906 

UeZvlna,  the  23  yeoA  old  daughtcA  oi  Ha.  and  Mu.   TAed  Hohcnitein,  Ae^ldenti  oi 
EeZioAd  Town&hip,  died  loit  ThuAiday  aitex.  iuHeAing  iAom  dAopiy  ioA  lix  monthi. 

Veceoied  wai,  23  yeoAj,  old  and  a  loAge  clAcZe  oi  intendi  who  have  known  hzA  lince 
chiZdhood  mouAnheA  untimely  end.     Ju6t  budding  into  womanhood,  a  populoA  iavoAite  with 
aZZ,  hex  death  ii  a  ievzAc  blow  to  the  iamiZy. 

The  iuneAoZ  wai,  held  Sunday  ioAenoon,  iexvlce^  being  conducted  by  Rev.  HiZgen- 
doKi  at  the  chuAch  noAth  oi  town,  and  wa&  attended  by  a  loAge  numbex.  oi  60AAowing  iAlendi,. 
The  Kemain&  wcac  IntexAzd  In  the  cemetejiy  neoji  the  chuAch. 

«»««»»««»*  August  16,    1906 

The  yeaA  old  ion  oi  Ua.  and  Wu>.  Vxed  GutzmeA  died  Monday  aitex  a  bAiei  IZZneM. 
The  iunexaZ  wai  held  Wednesday  with  iexvicej>  being  conducted  at  the  GeAman  EvangeZicaZ 
ChuAch  by  Rev.  Kunz.  •»••»»•«•«  Auguit  23,    1906 

GREAT  BEMV M/tA.   Louii  RoioH  hai  Aecelved  the  iad  new*  oi  the  death  oi  heA 

mothzx  in  Ruiiia.  *     •«,«»»«..  ^^^^^  23^    ^<)o^ 


MOORETON The.  Infant  ckUid  o^  Wi.  and  Wu>.  John  Bu6cheA  died  Thauday  moAyiLng. 

Se.ptimbeA  6,    1906 

TEN  YEARS  kGO  COLUMN H.  K,  Hagtn,   County  Corrmli,i>Ajonzn,  waj,  ihot  and  InktawUUj 

klZtzd  by  a  hobo  Zn  a  fLUtaa/ioMt  at  WaZcott. 

•  »»»*»««««  SzptmbeA  13,   1906 

GREENVALE VKltndi  o{,  H/i.  and  Hu.  John  HzZZ,  JK. ,  iympaiiUze.  valth  thm  In  the. 

loM  0^  theAJi  youngest  chad,     about  two  yexua  old,  who  died  Sunday  a^teA  an  UJinui  oi  a 

(Jew  houu.     The.  danenaJi  wai,  heZd  on  Monday,  6eAvtct&  being  conducte.d  at  the  GeMman  Evan- 

geZtcaZ  tn  Hankln^on  by  Rev.   Kunz 

»«•»***»««  September  13,   1906 

The  tn^ant  dnJJid  o^  Ma.,  and  Uu.   Choi.  Kapnlck  died  Monday  a^tex  an  Itine^-i  oi  a 
£ew  houAi.  .««»»•»«*» 

The  Zn^ant  daughteA  o^  Ma.,  and  Mw.  Paul  BeJinke  died  on  Monday  at  the  age  o^  6even 

weeki.     The  iunehjol  wo*  heZd  Tuesday. 

«»»»»««»»»  September  13,   1906 

Joitah  Joicfe,  an  Indian  Living  neoA  Mofitow,  iouth  o^  LidgeAuiood,  ihot  and  klMzd 
htrmeZi  whJJie  on  a  hunting  expedition  tait  weefe.     The  shooting  apparently  wa6  the  Ke^uZt 
oi  an  atddent  but  how  It  oacuAAed  will  neveA  be  known.     The  ckaAge  entexed  hlM  abdomen 
and  pAodaced  a  inlghtiul  wound.  In  iplte  oi  which  Joiek  cAowled  twenty  fwdi  towoAd  help 
btioAe  he  ilmlly  6ucambed.  ,♦,,,,,»,»  SeptembeA  13,   1906 

An  Indian  iwppoiied  to  be  Chlei  Little  ThundeA  iAom  the  Oww  Wing  KtieAvatlon  In 
Montana,  and  a  Aelatlve  oi  CAazy  BeaA  oi  the  Sl6i,eton  Ae.6eAvatlon,  wai  iound  deed  nexxA 
Sliieton  on  ffuAay  night,  and  It  l&  thought  he  wa6  lulled  In  a  dAunken  Aow.     Thlj>  addii, 
but  one  to  the  many  iataZ  Aowi  among  the  Sli&tton  Kesih  ai  a  AZiatt  oi  the  deadly  ilAe  wateA. 

**********  SeptembeA  13,   1906 

By  the  coHapie  oi  a  bin  containing  2,000  bul>hel6  oi  wheat  tfio  young  thAti>heM , 
Rui^vold  and  HarmeA  by  name,  weAe  ^motheAed  to  death  In  a  gAanany  neoA  Lei  ton  on  fAlday 
night.     Eight  men  wexe  sleeping  on  the  ilooA  In  an  empty  bin  beside  the  bin  containing 
the  grain. 

Six  were  able  to  t&cape  with  illght  Injunlei,  when  the  collapse  came,  but  the 
otheA  two  were  pinned  down  by  the  tlmbeAi,  and  the  weight  oi  grain,  and  when  the  bodies 
weAz  recoveAed  Hie  was  extinct. 


SeptembeA  13,   1906 

Mn.  Gubtave  Kiel,  the  lady  who  wa6  io  badly  Injured  by  a  keAoiene  explosion  near 
TyleA  recently,  4>uccumbed  to  her  In  juries  la&t  week. 

VecejO&ed  wai  37  yean,  old  and  leaver,  a  huiband  and  iour  children,  the  eZdzbt  11 

yeoAi  old.     The  iuneAal  wai  held  at  Breckenrldge  and  wai  attended  by  Mr.  and  Mri.  Kuehn 

oi  thli  place.     VecejJUed  wai  a  iliter  oi  Mn .  Kuehn. 

**i*******  SeptembeA  13,   1906 


Banning  Botn  ErvOiap^  l>\ejnbzu  OjJ  JhKuivinQ  QJiaw 

ThAuheJi6  i^eepatg  -tn  thz  hay  lo^t  o^  a.  boAn  {^ouA  irUZu    iouXh  OjJ  StAoxibv^UZe., 
Scuigtrit  County,  OLCtidzntalZy  itt  thz  itfuxcXuJio.  on  ilfit  and  iuo  0(5  the.  6le.tpZng  men  weAe 
btvinzd  to  dtath,  two  othzM  mJU.  pfiobabZij  dtt  oi  theMi  baAn6,  and  a  coapZz  o^  otJxzM  oAz 
Zn  a  &tnZoa&  condition  but  uxllt  pfuobably  fitcoveA.     Thz  ^Iftz  uxu,  pfiobably  thz  Kc^ult  o^ 
imoking  jin  the.  lo^t. 

The  cAew  mxw  madt  up  oi  tAamZent  taboKeM  and  the  namti  o^  the.  vlctimi  oAe  un- 
known.    M.  A.  WA.ppeAman  went  down  yt&teAday  and  pfiepoAed  the  cofipi,t&   ^ofi  bufUaZ.     The 
bodies  weAe  buAned  to  a  cfuiip. 

A  boAn  occupying  the  iome  tlte  wai>  itAiick  by  Lightning  and  buAntd  to  the  ghound 
a  yeoA  ago.  **********  SeptembeA  27,    )906 

ChAli  Liu.cfe  Shooti  Wt£e  and  HofLtaLty  Wounds  H<jni)el{, 

ChAAj,  luA-ck,  a  weZt  known  ^oAmeA  Ae^Zding  ten  itujiej>  louthceJtt  o^  town,  ihot  hii 
wi^e  In  the  ihouZdex  and  tatzA  ihot  him&eZ^  thAoagh  the  boweJL&  SatuAday,  {^Aom  the  e^ijec^ 
0^  which  he  died  twenty-^ouA  houAi  latzA..     The  woman^i,  wounds  oAe  not  lexiouz,  and  ihe 
wZit  AecoveA. 

A  AepAtientatxve  o^  The  NEWS  vZiited  the  Lalck  home  Sunday  and  ^Aom  the  eldtit 
6 on,   Vaut,  />ecuAed  an  accuAote  account  oi  the  tAagedy. 

LuA-ck  hoi  been  a  heavy  dA^inkeA  ioA  ytofu,  and  when  undex  the  tnituence  oi  ItquoA 
seemed  to  become  a  iZend  tncaAnate.  He  had  made  thAeati  agalmt  hii  wlie  and  membeAi  oi 
the  ianUZy  timet  without  numbeA.  and  had  gone  6o  ioA  ai  to  attempt  to  cjvouj  out  hU  thAexiti,. 

Jaitt  beioAe  noon  Sata/idaij,  and  while  hii  wiie  wot  pAepofUng  the  midday  meaZ  ioK 
the  thAeihing  cfiew  that  wai>  waiting  In  the  boAn  neoA  by,   Lulck  appeoAed  In  the  kitchen  dooA 
oi  the  tittZe  home,  and  a&  hit  wlie,  who  wa&  In  the  eoMt  end  oi  the  noAAow  Aoom,  tuMied 
iAjom  hex  position  at  the  kitchen  table  to  iee  what  he  wanted,  the  Ouazed  man  ilAed  at  hex 
with  a  32  callbAz  AevolveA  ifvom  a  dl&tance  oi  not  ovex  tweZve  ieet.     The  bullet  entzxed 
hex  flight  ihouldex,  and  at>  ihe  Aoihed  pokt  him  to  the  out&lde  Lulck  walked  thAough  the 
dooA  by  which  he  had  entexed,  pabied  thAough  the  dinning  Aoom  and  Into  a  imall  itoAe  Aoom 
whexe  he  seated  humeJii  on  a  plZe  oi  iacki. 

I)lhen  the  ion  Paul  and  two  membexi  oi  the  thxe^hlng  cAew  hushed  Into  the  houie 
they  located  Lulck  who  wai  evidently  txylng  to  ihoot  humeli  ai,  he  wai  iejated,  hl&  back 
to  the  dooA,  which  woi  open  a  iew  Inches .     kk  they  itoAted  to  entex  the  Aoom  Lulck  heoAd 
them  and  quickly  tuAnlng  ilfied  point  blank  at  the  tAlo,  the  ball  lodging  In  the  dooK  jam  a 
icaxce  thAee  Inchei  iAom  Taul'i  head.     The  me.n  Kztlxed  quickly  iAom  dangex  and  Lulck 
paiied  out  dooAi  thAough  a  dooA  iAom  the.  itoAe  tvoom  to  the  eait  ilde  oi  the  houie.     Hexz 
again  the  cxew  attempted  to  cloie  on  him  but  he  held  them  at  bay  with  hU,  gun,   ilxlng 
two  ihot&,   one  oi  which  poiied  thAough  the  hat  oi  a  membeA  oi  the  cAew.     The  cAazed  man 
then  fvan  down  to  the  izctlon  Aoad  which  paati  thwugh  the  weit  end  oi  a  long  ilough  a 
iew  Aoadi  iAom  the  houie.     Standing  on  the  edge  oi  the  gmde,  which  hoi  a  deep  ditch  oi 


watsA  on  zXihoJi  i,ldt,   LiUck  ilntd  the  loit  xmcUrung  choAge.  Ajn.  tkz  wzjoupon  Into  hu 
bowzti .     He  {^dtZ  backwoAd  onto  thz  Acad  and  wai>  latzA  taktn  up  and  Mas  Kvnovtd  to  thz 
Hoipttai.  at  LidgeAuood,  whlthzfi  the.  woandeA  uil^z  had  atfiejady  been  takzn. 

An  examlnatUjon  0(J  thz  woman '^  tnjUAZzi  KzvzaZzd  a  patn{^al  ^Zzsh  wound,   but  at  no 
timz  wai  hzA.  aondltixin  dangzfuouh.     Thz  baZt  paazd  through  thz  ihouZdzn.  (J^m  thz  i>wnt 
and  lodgzd  -at  thz  {,lzi,h  at  thz  badz. 

Luick'i  {^iKit  tnquViy  w/ien  hz  Kzackzd  LLdgznwood  woi  as  to  kii  uiiiz'6  condition, 
and  hz  zxpA.z6-izd  AzgAzt  uhzn  told  6hz  uouZd  xzaovzA..     Hz  was  ihot  thwugh  thz  tntzitcnzi , 
u)htch  wzKZ  ptzfizzd  In  izvzjn.  placzi,  and  ^Jtom  thz  ^Zut  It  was  ieen  fu4  catz  was  hopzZzii. 
He  dizd  Sunday  a^tzAnoon  at  J  PM,  aJbnoit  zxacXZy  24  houu  ^/lom  thz  timz  oi  thz  shooting. 

Luyick  was  a  wztt-to-do  ^aAmZA,  a  4S0  acAz  ^oAm  whznz  hz  tivzd  [about  a  mltz 
iouthu)z&t  0^  thz  pond  known  as  GaiZy'6  slouch  ok  Schuztt's  Lakz]  and  thJizz  qwoAtzu  ianthzfi 
wzit  a  (Jew  mltz&.     Hz  was  somewhat  past  thz  i-L^ty  monk  in  yzans  whltz  thz  wl^z  ti  In  thz 
ioKtiu.     Thzy  wzfiz  among  tkz  Zjafity  sztttzM  and  havz  a  ^amtty  o^  tzn  duZd/izn,  stx  oi 
whom  tivz  at  homz,  thz  youngzst  a  gVUi  o^  ntnz  yzoAS. 

Lulck's  abusz  oi  his  wt^z  and  iamlty  has  bzzn  notofUous   ion.  yzoAS  and  nztghbonj, 
zxpKzsszd  JUttlz  sufvptiLsz  whzn  thzy  hzofid  oi  thz  tnagzdy,  tn  iact  many  had  pKzdlctzd  somz- 
thing  oi  thz  kind.     Hz  was  insanzty  j'zaZous  oi  his  wiiz  whzn  dfuunk,  though  thzKZ  was  no 
ioundation  ioK  his  j'zaZousy.     Hz  had  bzzn  undzfi  thz  inituejicz  oi  tiquoA  ioK  a  month  oK 
moKZ  bzioKz  thz  shooting  and  a  shoKt  timz  ago  attemptzd  to  dzstJioy  thz  homz  by  spAinkLing 
gasolinz  ovzn  thz  hoasz  but  was  ovzApowzAzd  bzioKZ  hz  coutd  apply  a  match.     Hz  gejuznaZJUj 
cajoiizd  a  gun  divUng  his  spKzzs  and  tost  spring  iiAzd  thfizz  ihots  at  his  son  Paul,  a  tad 
oi  tuiznty,  and  has  in.zquzntZ^  zndangzAzd  thz  tivzs  oi  his  household. 

»««»««t»»*  SzptembzA  11,   1906 

In  Attemptzd  Hold-Up  Fo/un  laboKeA  is  Shot  to  Death 
A  ghastly  t/uigzdy  was  enacted  in  a  Soo  boxcoA  zoAly  Monday  moAning  betwzzn  Endzttin 
and  blyndmeAZ  which  Azsultzd  in  thz  dzath  oi  August  Ringus,  a  ioAm  labofizn.,  at  thz  hands  oi 
hold-up  men.     Ri^gus  was  shot  thAoagh  thz  fught  tzmplz,  dying  instantly,  and  thz  muAdzAeAS 
ztcapzd  and  ihus  iaA  havz  not  bzzn  appAzhzndzd. 

James  HoAbin,  who  was  in  thz  can.  at  thz  timz  oi  thz  killing,  was  in  town  Monday 
aiteAnoon  and  ga\JZ  Thz  NEWS  thz  iolZowing  account  oi  thz  aHaiA: 

"At  EndeAlin,   Ringus  and  his  poAtnzA,  who  up  to  a  izw  minutzs  bzionz  wzAZ  stnangzAS 
to  me,   oumled  thAough  thz  znd  dooA  oi  a  can.  loadzd  with  wheat  with  thz  intzntion  oi  niding 
as  ioA  east  as  thz  bnakemzn  would  pznmit  and  I  went  in  with  them.     This  was  at  about.  3:20 
in  the  monning.     Being  dank,   onz  oi  thz  men  lighted  a  candlz  and  we  sat  oAound  it  in  a 
ciAcle.     ShonXly  aitzA  thz  tnain  stoAtzd,  within  iivz  minutzs,  two  othzn.  mzn  enteAzd  thz 
can  thnough    thz  samz  doon  and  ioA  a  shoAt  timz  Azmainzd  in  thz  znd  oi  thz  can  in  szmi- 
danknzss,  we  occupying  thz  spacz  bzttizen  thz  sidz  dooAS.     In  a  veAy  shont  time  onz  oi  the 
izltows  anosz  and  passed  thxough  ouA  ciAclz,   kicking  ovzn  ouA  candlz  but  not  extinguishing 

aX.     I  poJid  Zlttte.  attzrvtion  to  hOn  and  ma&t  havz  dA.oppe.d  Znto  a  doze,    (JoA.  the.  i-iut 
thing  I  knejM  af^tzAimtud  I  hexifid  a  command  to  "hands  up"  and  by  thz  timz  I  uxu  ^atiy  oAotuzd 
thz  {^zLioM  who  had  poMlzd  thJioagh  oujl  cJjidiz,  had  me  covtfizd  with  a  KevotvoA.     He  oifeed 
whzAZ  my  monzij  iMi6,  and  I  told  klm  -ck  my  pant6  pocket.     Juit  at  thil>  moment  I  hcoAd  a  ihot 
behind  me  but  did  not  took  oAound  {^OK  ^eaA  o^  betng  ihot  myieJii.     The  {^eJUioui  who  had  me 
coveAed  uxu  vzAy  nexvoui  and  thAint  hil>  hand  into  my  pocket  but  iecuJiS-d.  onZy  a  coppeJi  cent, 
oveAlooking  the  balance,  o^  thz  changz,  lz&6  than  a  doiZoA,  tn  thz  i>amz  pockzt,   but  hz  did 
not  ^-ind  thJj>.     Thz  man  who  did  thz  shoo  ting  dtd  not  izoKck  hU  vtctim,  but  went  thAough 
thz  tattzfi'i,  paAtneJi,  izcjjJujig  $15  {Aom  a  b/JJi  book  in  hi&  coat  pockzt.     I  wai  not  in  a. 
poittion  to  watch  thzAA  movzmznti,  and  KerroLinzd  with  my  hzad  tu/ined  thz  othzA  way,   ieafitng 
any  movement  wouZd  A.z6uZt  in  my  bzing  ihot.     Thz  poAtntn.  o{,  thz  man  who  wai  ihot  ioyi  thz 
JiobbeAi  backed  out  a^tzn.  izoAcKing  him,   kzzping  ui  coveAzd  with  thziA  gum  and  a{,teA  going 
thAough  thz  end  dooK  locked  U4  in.     We  then  tuAnzd  ouA  attzntion  to  thz  man  who  had  bzzn 
ihot  and  ^ound  him  to  bz  itonz  dead,  thz  butlzt  having  entzfizd  hii  night  temptz.     He  muit 
havz  bzzn  iitting  up  whzn  thz  ihot  wai  £iAzd  and  thz  body  £ell  ^ofiwaAd,   hiJ>  head  fiei.ting 
bztwzzn  hii  knzzi.     He  nzvzt  uttzAzd  a  gAoan  a^tzA  thz  ihot  wai   {^ixzd  and  muit  have  dizd 
imtantly.     We  ^ound  a  fizvolvzA  conczalzd  in  hii  bfieait  pockzt  and  it  ii  likely  he  attemp- 
tzd  to  pull  this  out  and  thz  AobbzA  iow  thz  movemznt  and  iiAzd.     We  thzn  atttactzd  thz 
attention  of,  thz  bAMJzzman  who  opznzd  thz  dool  oi  thz  cox  and  we  zxplainzd  thz  iituation. 
Thz  body  oi  the  dead  man  wai  taken  of^^  at  WyndmeAz  and  wz    weAZ  hzld  ai  witneiizi ." 

iJihzn  thz  tnain  Kzached  Hankimon  Uatiihal  Hzlzy  took  tm  young  men  into  cuitody 
and  thzy  wzfiz  hzld  on  iuipicion.     HaAbin  wai  brought  down  on  tAoin  lOS  but  wai  poiitivz 
thz  men  weAe  not  thz  guilty  onzi.     HowzveA,  ai  hz  had  izzn  but  onz  o^  thz  KobboAi  SheAi^ 
Robbini,  who  came  in  via  Tainmout,  took  thz  meji  to  WyndmeAZ  thz  iamz  zvzning  ioK  inipect- 
iom  by  t}iz  dead  man'i  paAtneA.     He  alio  iaid  thzy  weAz  not  thz  flight  onZi  and  ai  the  pain. 
gavz  a  iati&{,actony  a.ccount  ojj  themizlvzi  they  weAZ  allowzd  to  go. 

Zingui,  thz  dead  man,  li  thz  ion  o^  a  pnoipzAoui   ^ofmeA  KZiiding  nzat  Spznczn,  WT., 
and  hii  poAtneA  wai  thz  ion  o{^  a  neighbor.     Thz  ^^athzK  wai  noti^izd  by  wiAZ  o^  the  tnagzdy 
and  oAfUvzd  Tuziday  to  takz  chaAgz  Oj$  thz  Kemaini  a^tzn  thz  inquz&t.     HaAbin  whoiz  account 
0(J  ^e  aft^aiA  ii  givzn  above,  ii  a  Zaboning  man  and  giveJi  San  Vnanctico  ai  hti  home. 

•  »«»»*««»»  Szjptzjnbzn  27,    1906 

Dttc  MiKzd  Moen,   23  yejvii  old,   dizd  Tuziday  at  thz  home^o^  hii   {^athzA,  John  0. 
Moen,    15  milei  iouth  o{^  town,   OjJ  coniumption.     Vzceoizd  ii  thz  iixth  mzmbzA  o{,  thz  {family 
to  die  oi  thz  dxzad  diizaiz  withiji  eZghtzzn  monthi.     Thz  iuneAol.  will  be  heZd  today. 

**********  SepicmbcA  27,    1906 

Thz  body  oiJ  a  Chinaman  who  died  betwzzn  hzAZ  and  FaiAmoant  wai  takzn  {,nom  Soo 
tnain  107  lait  zvzning  and  now  lizi  in  WippeAman'i  undeAtaklng  noomi.     Thz  dead  man  wai 
ticked  to  Hong  Kong  but  wai  too  (Jot  gone  with  coniumption  to  itand  thz  itAoim  of,  thz 
tAtp.     CononeA  KiteZy  Ii  expzctzd  up  {^nom  FaiAmount  to  hold  an  inquzit  thii  a^teAnoon. 

**********  SzptembeA  27,    1906 

a  22) 

VohmoA  V.eJ>Zdtnt  ChofiQzd  with  Am^uZ  C^Uim  In  CatL{^ofLruja. 

Anton  Btiold,   {^onmeMlij  o^  HoinkZn6on,  ih  wanted,  at  loh  Angelu,  CA.,  on  a  chafiga 
oi  iUZLing  InJj,  Ml{^e..     Ho  paAtZcuZcuu,  oAt  known  hexe.  beyond  what  Jj,  ciontcune.d  In  the.  above. 

Eztold  came.  heJie.  exinZy  In  JuZy,    1902,  and  ^oande.d  the  bakeAy  now  conducted  by  W. 
Schaltheyii.     He  wa6  a  baken.  by  thade  biiX.  had  been  diicJioAged  ^fwm  the  fteguZoA  oAjny  leM 
than  a  week  be^oxe  hli  axfUvat.     He  had  been  stationed  at  Sault  St.  HoAle,  MI.,  beioie 
coming  hefie  and  hZe>  teJm  o^  entcitment  expixed  on  July  2,    1902,  and  he  te^t  the  ioUowlng 
day  ^oA.  HankAJi&on,   havtng  been  In  cjoKfizipondence  with  E.  M,  Jone*  ^oA.  ^ome  time  -in  fiegoJid 
to  ZocatZng  at  tJUi  place. 

He  opened  up  {^on.  baitneMi)  about  the  middle  0|J  3uly  In  the  building  adjoining  the 
one  in  which  the  bakeAy  ii  now  located,   but  a  ^ew  weeki  laten.  bought,  the  pne^ent  bakeAy 

Bti old  had  lexved  thxee  yeau  in  the  PhiLippinti  and  waj,  mimu>  the  {fiAit  dingeA 
oi  hit,  le{,t  hand.     In  conveAiotlon  wiXh  the  wAlteA  one  time,  he  fiemaAked  that  the  {,ingeA 
woi  6hot  0^1  by  a  FhiLipino  woaaIok.     Tkik  mi&6ing  digit  goe^  a  long  way  towoAd  Identify- 
ing the  poAjt  wanted  at  Loi  AngeZez  ai  Behold,   {^OK  the  muAdeAZA  li  deMCAlbed  a&  having 
loit  a  {ilngeA. 

Within  a  4>hoAt  time  <>({  hli  oAhlvaJi  Behold  went  away  and  KttuAned  In  a  ^ew  dayi 
with  hl&  bfUde.     Some  ate  oi  the  opinion  that  the  couple  wzAe  neveA  matAled,  but  theAe 
ieem  to  be  no  Aub^tantlaZ  Kea/ioni  loK  believing  thli  to  be  6o.     Behold  claimed  he  had 
worked  jJoA.  hli  wlie'i  ^athen.  be£oAe  he  enteAed  the  oAmy,  and  objection  to  thelA  manAlage 
waj,  given  at,  hit,  Aexuon  {^OK  enZlt)tlng.     WheXheA  poAentaZ  objection  was  removed  ok  whethzA 
the  couple  weAe  maAAied  ajway  ifiom  the  bhlde't,  home  no  one  knowi,.     Uu.  Beiold'^  iamlty 
home  woi  a  imatl  town  a  {^ew  mlZti  ^Aom  Pei  Uolne^,   lA.,  and  ^he  vlt,lted  theAe  poAt  o{  the 
wlnteA  lolZowing  the  ma/iAlxLge. 

Behold  continued  In  builneM  hfie  until  Sept.  4,    1903,  whe.n  he  6old  out  to  W.  Sch- 
uZthelj,  and  le£t  with  the  statement  that  he  intended  to  join  the  anmy  again  and  xetuAn  to 
the  PhlLipplnzi.     Nothing  It,  known  fiete  o£  thelA  wandexlng^   ^Aom  that  time  until  a  letteA 
^Aom  A.   K.  Haloy  to  The  NEWS  editor,  written  ^Kom  San  Pedno,  CA. ,  wot,  Kzcelved  thli  week 
containing  the  following  panagAoph: 

"What  I  wanted  to  wnJXe  you  moiit  about  waj,  one  Anton  Bt&old  who  t,old  out  the  bak- 
eAy to  N.  Schulthelj,.     He  It,  wanted  In.  lot,  Angtlet,  ioK  killing  hit,  wl^e...oA  AotheA  a  man 
by  that  name.     I  wl&h  you  would  make  InqulAy  about  him  and  hit,  wif^e.     Wat,  t,he  t,lckly? 
About  how  old  weAe  they?    Vld  he  have  a  ^IngeA  o^i  hit,  leit  hand?     AJUo  any  pantlculoAt, 
you  can  {,lnd  out  KegaAdlng  whzAe  they  went  and  about  thelA  poAenti,   etc." 

Bet, old  wat,  known  heAz  a&  a  fuathtn.  moAOie  Individual,  and  It  li  t,axd  that  he  wot. 
Inclined  to  ILl  tAeat  hit,  wlie.     She  wot,  an  even  tempe/ied  woman  o^  about  thlfity  yeaAt, , 
and  oi  a  decidedly  t,unny  dlt, position.     Behold  wat,  pAobably  beM>}een  35  and  40  yeafu,  old. 


The  MEWS  hcu>  cu>ktd  Wi.  Uatoy  ioK  luAtheJi  paKticjuZaAi  oi  ihz  ol^cua,  and  we  hopt 

to  be  ablt  to  g-Lvz  them  next  weefe. 

»«,*,»«»,,  OctobeJi  4,   1906 


VALLEY  CITY,  NV.,  Sept.   29th.... At  noon  today  onz  o^  the  mo6t  shocking  a.c<u.denti) 
Zn  the  hiitoKy  o^  Bafinti  County  occaned  about  tioeZve  nUZeJ,  noKth  oi  tkU  cJJjj. 

ChanJLzJi  fofid,  an  engZneeA.  -en  cha/Lge  o^  a  thne^hcng  hlg  on  the  {oAm  0(5  WUUUjam 
AveJU,  met  an  aw^uZ.  dejxth.     A  £^e  itoAted  undeA  the  engZne  and  the  {^lamti  tioAeatened 
to  InjuAe  It.     Fofid  mounted  the  iootboaxd  to  get  the  engine  out  o^  dangeA.     H-ci  cZotking 
^atuAoted.  uuXh  oit,  caught  ^lAe  and  he  became  panic- itfUcken  and  fian  uxLidZy  acfuo&l  the 
i)tubble  ileJid,  the  ilame^  e.nveZoplng  hU  {^IguKe. 

The  membeJiM  of^  the  cnew  gave  c/ioie,  but  he  dfvopped  ^Kom  exhauition  be^oKe  they 
coutd  fLzach  him.  Me  usai  about  a  quoAteA  o£  a  mlZe  away  be^ofie  the  ^Zame^  weAe  extlng- 
UAj,hed.  Haj,  body  woi  LiteAoZZy  Aoa&ted  and  he  died  ihofitZij  a^teAuxiAd.  He  woi  a  voeZZ- 
known  Ba/mzi,  county  ^oAmeA  and  Zeavei  a  uxi^e  In  pooK  heaZXh  and  two  imaZZ  ckiZdAen. 

*********    *  OctobeA  4,    1906 

The  body  o^  the  Chinaman  which  wa6  taken  ^fwm  the  tAotn  heAe  Zxat  week  wai>  buAled 
ThZdajy  In  the  Hanklmon  cemtteAy. 


OctobeA  4,    1906 


Wheaton,  MW.,  Oct.   Sth Ai  the  fieJ>uZt  oi  a  itabblng  a{,£Aay  EdwaAd  Raymond  o^ 

Omaha  Xi  dying  uxith  a  knl^e  cut  extending  iJ-tom  the  ba&e  o^  hit  &kuZZ  to  the  point  OjJ  hi& 
chin,  and  two  otheAi,  one  o^  them  OicoA  BoAtZow,  li  ieAlou&ly  cut  about  the  head  and 
AhouZdeAi, . 

The  cau&e  of^  the  fiow  li  a  myiteAy.     The  tMO  Van  WlnkZe  buotheAk ,   ^oAmlng  the  old 
VaZe  luinch,  weJtt  o{^  Lake  TAaveAie,   came  to  town  and  weAe  In  Kon^bAek'i  SaZoon  dfilnklng 
with  Raymond,  and  without  appoAantZy  any  provocation,  itohted  a  fiow.     Raymond  wai,  the 
neaAeit  to  them  and  woM  itabbed,  neanZy  bZeedlng  to  death  be^oKe  a  doctor,  woi  iecuAcd. 

EoaXZow  happened  In  with  the  thlAd  man,  ju6t  In  time  to  get  (oua  ugZy  ga&heJ, . 

Both  the  Van  WlnkZe^  ate  In  jalZ,  and  give  no  explanation.     The  dying  man  and  BantZow 

have  been  working  on  threshing  nlgi  oAound  thli  place  ^oA.  ieveAaZ  yeoM,  and  had  the 

reputation  of^  being  qultt  and  ondeAZy. 

**********  OctobeA  11,   1906 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  COLUm The  11  year  old  ion  oi  J.   E.  SetheA,  living  ten  mlZe^ 

north  oi  town,   ieZl  irom  a  load  oi  hay  and  brake  hii  neck.      [Oct.    1S96) 

**********  OctobeA  11,    1906 

A  7  yeoA  old  daughteA  oi  Hr.  and  Mn.  Theo.  Blmbaum  died  at  their  home  nine 

mlZzi,  louth  oi  town  Thuuday  and  the  iuneraZ  wai  held  on  Sunday,  Rev.  J.   F.  Stadnlcka 

conducting  the  iCAvlceJ,.     The  llttZe  one  had  been  an  Invalid  irom  birth  and  death  came 

a&  a  welcome  reZlei  to  her  i,uiieAljn.Qi . 

%*********  OctobeA  n,   1906 


The  dzath  oi  Ufa.  Tntd  Wlhn,  vofUch  occuAAzd  at  hzx  homz  In  EZma  TowmlUp  lent 
Tfu-daij,  woA  a.  ihock  to  hoji  {^fu-tndi,  oi  ^  woi  imtxpzcttd  and  many  did  not  know  0(J 
fiCA  iZZnUi,.     Ztood  pol&oning  wai  thz  iimzdiate.  came,  o^  hex  dzn;th. 

Pecerued  woa  one  oi$  the.  pionzeM^  in  EJbna  and  wak  weJUi  known.     Shz  -c6  i,uAvivzd 
by  a  ha&band  and  tuztvz  drUZdJizn,  and  much  sympathy  i&  zxpKzb^zd  {,oK  thz  beAzavzd  hus- 
band and  mothznZz&i  tittZz  onzi.     Thz  £uneAaZ  wai  held  on  Monday,  i>eA\ilczt>  being  condact- 
zd  at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  by  Rev.  J.   F.  Studnicka,  and  wai  attzndzd  by  a  langz  aiizmblagz 
o{^  ihiejfidi  and  neighbor.     Intz/mznt  wai,  made  in  thz  Catholic  CzmeXzty  adjoining  town. 

«»««*«,«,,  October  IJ,    7906 

WOORETOW HUi  Jnga  Nzi^  took  thz  tAoin  to  Eattlz  Lakz  on  Monday  to  attznd  thz 

iunzfiol  oi  hzn.  gfuLndmothz^i.  «*»•»»•,»,»  Octobzn.  11     1906 

John  Kouba,  a  cZexk  In  thz  County  kudiXoK'i  oHicz,  died  lait  Thufudax^  o{t  appznd- 
icitii.     Vzcexiizd  wai  a  ^ofmeA  Jizsidznt  o^  LibeJity  Towmhip  and  Izavu  a  wi£z  and  two 
6mall  childAzn.     Hz  wa&  28  yzau  old.     Thz  {^uneAol  wot,  keM  Satanday  at  LidgzAwood  wheAz 
Ivii  poAznti  fiziidz.  ,,»*,»,»*«  Ocjtobzn.  11,    1906 

HaKny  Hook,  a  young  man  {^Aom  Izno,  OH.,  wai>  accidzntally  kittzd  by  being  it/uick 
on  thz  iidz  by  thz  whzeJL  oi  a  itzam  thAZihing  znginz  nexui  Lidgznwood.     It  appzau  that 
hz  woi  Aiding  on  thz  tendeA  attachzd  to  thz  znginz.     Thz  znginz  had  juit  oiczndzd  a  gfvadz 
whzn  iomz  pafut  o^  thz  gzoAing  bAokz  and  thz  znginz  Aaczd  to  thz  bottom.     Hz  jumpzd  and 
wai  itAuck  by  onz  o{,  thz  AzaA  whzeli.     Vzath  iolZowzd  imtantly.     Hz  waj>  22  yzoAi  old. 

**********  Odiobz'L  11,    1906 

Ca/il  Jack&on,  a  laboAuig  man,  wai  killzd  by  thz  zxploiion  o{,  a  thAzihing  znginz 

boiZeA  nzoA  Campbeil  lait  wzzk.     Thz  iiAZ  box  wai  blown  o^  and  thz  cAown  ihzeti  blown 

oat,  itAiking  Jackion  with  iuch  ^oAcz  that  both  Izgi  WZAZ  bAokzn  and  hii  ikuZl  ^AactuAzd. 


UoAtin  PeXzUon,   a  {^oAmzA  AZiiding  {^{^tzen  milzi  iouth  oi  LidgeAuood,    iett  i>iom 
a  load  oi  wood  while  KztuAning  ^Aom  town  lait  wzzk,  thz  whzzl  cAuihing  hii  ikull.     It  ii 
iaid  hz  wai  intoxicatzd.     Hz  lejivzi  a  wi^z  and  a  loAgz  icmilxj  oi  childAzn. 

**********  October  11,    1906 

Ufa.  Uafiy  VankzA,  onz  oi  thz  pionzzA  izttlzfa  in  thii  izction,  paiizd  auiay  at  the 
hoipital  Tuziday  moAning  wheAZ  ihz  had  fceen  undzA  tAzatmznt  ioA  iome  time.  Thz  inmediatz 
cauiz  o{,  dzath  wai  blood  poiioning,  which  thz  bzit  medical  ikiZl  wai  unable  to  oveAcomz. 

Vzceoizd  wai  beloved  by  all  who  knew  hzfi,  and  thAoughout  hzfi  illnzii  diiplayzd  a 
ipifUX  oi  bzauti^ul  ChAiitian  ^ofitiXudz  and  {,aith  in  thz  iutuAZ. 

Vzceaizd  ii  iuAvivz  by  onz  daugktzA,  Ufa.  N.  S.   Lowell  o^  Sioux  Falli,  SV.,  who 
hai  bzzn  hzAz  ioK  iomz  time.     A  iiiteA,  Ufa.   Vfiicz  oi  Uinneapolii,   hoi  alio  bezn  heAz 
duAing  hzA  illnzii.     Hex  huiband  died,  tzn  yejva  ago  and  anotheA  daughtzA,  t-Lfa .  hiziion, 
dizd  about  a  yzoA  ago. 

a  251 

Tkz  iuneAaZ  iwjIcu  oJit  being  hdid  tkd>  aiteAnoon  at  ihe.  CongJie-gatLnnaZ  Chiuich, 

wfceAe  a  ZoAge.  cu>  o^  (jA^endi  oAe  gcuthzA.e.d.  to  pay  theJA.  Zait  mafik  0({  KUptct  to 

one  who  wai>  uyiiveAioULy  uttzmzd. 

•  »«»»»»»«,  OcXobdA  I  J,    7906 


StofLLf  0^  IzfiKAhtz  Oumz  uilth  wfUch  TofmoA.  VuZdznt  Ik  Chxvigzd 

Anton  Bz6otd,  thz  {oAmzA  HanlUnion  AU-idznt  who  wa6  badZy  wantzd  i.n  loi  kngeZu 
{jOA.  mI{,z  mu/idzA,  hoi  been  captuAtd  -en  Wa&hington,  PC,  and  takzn  to  the.  iczm  o^  the.  cJujne. 
The.  accu&ed  man  denZe/)  kii  giuJU.  but.  thz  evidence  agalruit  him  izemb  oveJaoheZmlng ,     HZi 
tfiiaZ  Zi  i,eX.  ^ofi  OctobzA  29th,  and  the  aathoAAXZzi>  cZaZm  to  be  In  po66e/>6Zon  o{,  enough 
evidence,  though  -it  Jj,  aZt  (UAcumitantlaZ,  to  iecufie.  hJj,  conv-cctcon  and  execution..  .■^oK 
the  o^^eme  -ik  puniihabte  with  death  Jin  CaJLiiofinla. 

The  muAdeA  wait  one.  oi  the  mo^t  dLaboJU.caZ  Zn  the  hZ&tofoj  o^  the  cAiminal  annaii 
o{  Lo6  kngeZei,  accoAdlng  to  accounti  pAtnted  in  the  papeA&  o^  that  cJXy. 

A^teA  tejavtng  heAt  in  Sept.,  oi  7903,  E&iotd  and  hU  wl^e  ^eem  to  have  coveAed  a 
good  deaZ  o{^  teAAltofuj,  leZdom  Kemcu.ning  tong  in  one  place.     At  voAioui  tlme^  they  weAe 
in  Omaha,  Texai,  liJaihington  itate  and  otheA  places,  and  in  May  oj{  the  pfieient  yean  loc- 
ated in  Lo6  AngeZeM,  wheAe  BeMold  puAchoied  a  butcheA  khop. .,  .gaining  4ome  noteAiety  at 
that  time  by  puZZing  a  gun  on  one  oiJ  the  paAtiej,  ^Aom  whom  he  puAcha&ed.     The  couple  weAe 
booAding  and  on  the  11  th  o^  JuZy  Ze^t  theiA  fL00m6  togetheA,  stating  that  they  would  ipend 
the  day  on  the  bzjach.     BejioZd  netuAned  to  the.  hou&e  aZone  in  the  evening  and  toZd  the  Zand- 
lady  that  htl,  wi^e  had  taken  thz  a^teAnoon  tAoin  £oA  SummzA^ieZd.     A  week  ZatzA  Bz&old 
Iz^t  ^OA.  thz  noAth  without  stating  hti  dzbtination. 

On  thz  moAnlng  ol  Auguit  8th  a  man  dfiiving  a  lumbzA  wagon  stopped  in  a  loneZy 
canyon  a  mile  and  a  haZ^  noAth  OjJ  Lo6  AngeJieJ>  to  wateA  hti  hoA^e.6.     A^tzA.  watzAtng  hti 
team  the  man  caught  iight  o^  what  seemed  to  be  a  paiA  o^  woman'^)  i>hoz6  poAtlaZZy  concealed 
by  heavy  undeAbAuah.     On  cJioi,eA  invzjttigation  he  wa^>  hoAAi.£ied  to  ^ind  the  body  o^  a  woman 
in  an  advanced  itate  oi  decompoiiXion.     HuJiAying  to  the  city,   he  notified  thz  authoAitizi. 
Thz  body  wai  A.emovzd  to  thz  moAguz,   but  cZo&zA  i,ejaA.dfi  {ailed  to  AzvzaZ  anything  that  would 
Zzad  to  the  identity  o^  the  A.emaini,.     A  buZZet  hole  iquoAzly  through  the  temple  told  the 
cau6z  o{  hzA  tAogic  death.     The  cZothtng  wa/t  minateZy  dz6CAibed  in  the  daily  papzAM,  a 
ikiAt  0(5  changeable  6ilk  being  givzn  thz  mo6t  attention.     Finally  by  meam  oi  a  laundAy 
moAk  thz  identity  o{  thz  body  wai  ej>tabliied  at>  that  oi  MAi.  CZaadie  EzioZd,  but  not 
until  two  otheA  iuipzcti  had  bzzn  ihadowzd  {oA  izvzAoZ  dayi  and  the  namzi  o{^  hal{^  a  dozen 
mtiiing  women  connected  with  thz  case. 

Ai,  ioon  ai  thz  body  had  bzzn  idznti^ied  the  ieoAch  {oA.  EzioZd  began.     He  was  trac- 
ed to  BeMZngham,  WA.,  wheAe  they  had  {oAmeAly  KZMided  and  hzAZ  hz  toZd  htb  wile'i  it&tZA 
that  he  had  poAted  with  ht&  wi^z,  giving  hzA  $5,000  with  which  ihz  had  gone  to  Mexico. 
In  San  fAanctico  hz  had  in{iOAmzd  otheA  £Ai.endi  that  hii  wi£e  had  died  in  Loi  AngeZzi  and 
he  had  had  thz  body  cAzmatzd.     He  alio  ioZd  iomz  0(J  heA  cZothing  to  a  woman  with  whom 
thzy  had  pKeviouiZjj  booAdzd.     He  itated  to  hii  iZitzA-in-Zaw  and  heA  huiband  that  he  wai 

about  to  enteA  thz  ioZoon  buiinzii  in  Loi  AngeZzi  and  induced  heA  to  zntAuit  him  with 


$S00,  ike.  cowple.  ijo  accompany  him  &oath  and  the.  hu6band  to  act  a&  boK  keepeJi.     With  tlvU 
monejj  he.  dyiiapptoAzd. 

He  wa6  tAjxctd  by  the  oiftlcexi  to  VenveA,  thencz  to  Ckica^o,  and  {yinally  to  Woih- 
-Lngton,  PC,  wheAZ  hz  woi  anx.eJ>ted  on  the.  moAnlng  o^  Sept.   20th.     He  Mat,  taken  back  to 
Lo.i  AngeZe^  and  on  the  mofi.ntng  o^  Oct.   9th,  aMjUgned  be^o^e.  a  JuitLce.     At  the.  KeqaeJ>t 
oi  hlM  attorney  the  ptu^oneA'i,  txamlnatton  wa6  coritlnue.d  to  Oct.   29th,  and  at  9:30  AM 
that  day  Bei>otd  uxiZZ  again  be  takzn  Into  count.     Me  expieMied  gKzat  6UApfil6e  when  afOiej,ted 
and  wai  a6  cjJbn  at,  any  ipectatoti  whzn  bnought  Into  couAt. 

Um,.  Behold  had  been  i>a£ieJUng  {  tabeAcalo6l&  oi  the  anm  ion  a  long  tlmz  and 
uai  con6ldeAed  IncuAobtz.     To  Aid  hlm&el{i  o{,  the.  buKdtn  Oj$  coAlng  ioA  htA  and  at  the.  4>ame 
time.  itcuJie  poi>ieJ>llon  o{,  Aomz  diamonds  and  a  valuable  watch,  l6  6uppoied  to  have  been  thz 
motive  {,oA  thz  cfilme.. 

Hli  iliteA-ln-law,   {,Aom  whom  fie  had  taken  the  $S00,   ha6  attached  what  monejy  he 
had  Izit,  lomz  $500,  and  thli  coie  l6  &tUU  umettZed. 

The  Lo6  Angelej)  papefu,  an.e  pfuo^uie  In  pl(ituA.eJ>  of,  the  couple  and  alio  4>how  plct- 
uAeJi  oi  the  mufideAcd  woman' i  gaAmenti,  the  place.  wheAe  the  body  wai  ^ound,   etc.     The  plct- 
UAC6  0|J  the.  man  and  hli  victim  ojlz  ejoilty  recognizable  by  thoic  who  fenew  them  heJie,  onz 
ihowlng  Beiold  In  hli  bakzA'i  cap  and  apAon  being  zipeclally  good. 

Thz  NWS  hoi  oAAangcd  to  keep  tAack  o^  the.  tAlnZ  of,  the  caie  and  ouA  AzadeAi  mJU. 
be  kept  In^oAmed  o{^  all  deveZopmenti . 

«     »«»*,*»»     »  OcXobeA  n,   1906 

TAank  Heley  attended  the  ^unenaZ  oi  hli  niece,  UAi.  TAonk  Landa,  at  lldgeMuood 
yeiteAday.  ********  t  *  OctobeA  18,   1906 

GREAT  BEhlV UAi .   F.   L.  Thompion  wai  called  to  heA  old  home  In  Wlicomln  to  the 

bedilde  oi  heA  dying  mothex.     lateA  AepoAti  announced  heA  death. 

**********  OctobeA  2S,    1906 

Hfii.  HaAAy  Stone,   daughteA  o^  Van  UcKlnnon  o^  AnteZope,  died  Sunday  night  at 
12  AM  ai^teA  being  III  {,oa  thAee  houAi.     She  leavei  a  huiband  and  little  glAl  to  mouAn 
hex  ejViZy  death.     Veceoied  wai  35  yeoAi  old.     Funetal  held  at  the  Antelope  Cejnetexy  on 
Wedneiday  af^teAnoon  at  2  PH.  **********  hlovembeA  1,   1906 

John  HavlUna,   a  laAmeA  neoA  lldgenwood,   died  yeiteAday  ^Aom  acute  alcohcllim, 

and  thexe  axe  iome  clxcwmitancei  that  Indicate  iulclde.     He  AetuAned  home  a{,tex  a  pAo- 

tAacted  ipAee  and  locked  hlmiel^  In  a  Aoom,  whexe  a  ^ew  houAi  latex  he  wai   {,ound  dead. 


A  menage  wai  received  hexe  Tueiday  announcing  the  death  o^  Ua&.  Jamei  BufiAowi  at 
Jameitown,  whexe  the  un^oAtunate  woman  had  been  undex  tAeatment  {^oA  ievenal  monthi.     She 
li  iuAvlved  by  a  huiband  and  thAee  ioni.     The  Aemalm  aXAlved  hexe  Wedneiday  and  the 
iunexal  will  be  held  tomoAAow  [TfitdoM]  moAnlna  at  9  AM.     SeAvlcei  will  be  held  at  the 
Catholic   ChuAch.  *  *  *  *  Uovembex  1,    1906 


The  Zn^ant  6on  oiJ  Hk.  and  Wu,.  Chxii.  fCLudi  dizd  thU  moaning  a^tzA  a  ihont 
Wbiui..  **********  NovmbeA  S,    1906 

The  agzd  mothsA  o^  Hu.  Wm .Efiuimuyid  ditd  Tuuday  a^teji  a  tCngtfUng  -UZnU6.     The. 
iuntnaJi  aj>  beJjig  httd  today  uUMi  ieAvZcu  at  thz  GeAman  EvangzLical  ChuAch. 

**********  NovmbeA  S,   1906 

G.  J.  Hoaglund,  one.  oi  the  old  itttteju  oi  ?.obeJiti>  County,  died  at  fcc4  home  mteen 
miZeJ>  iouth  o{^  heAz  la6t  week  o^  comvumptAXin  a^toA  a  ZtZneM.     The  ianeAot  woa 
held  on  SatuAday.  ******,*,*  UovembeA  15,    1906 

knetia.,  daughteA  o^  Ma.,  and  MA4.  iilm.   VeddeA  o^  BeZ^ofid,  died  Sunday  moAYiing  0(5 
diphtheAyua.  a^teA  an  UJLneM>  oi  bat  a  ^eui  kouAi.     Vece/utd  was   10  yza/u,   eight  months 
and  nine  days  old,  and  heA  sudden  death  came  as  a  gKeat  shock,  being  enttAeZy  unexpected 
until  mithln  a  iejjo  houA/,  oi  the.  end.     The  bloui  Is  a  heavy  one  on  the  beAeaved  poAents,  and 
aJit  extend  heant^eJU:  sympathy.     The  luneAot  was  held  on  Monday  with  Rev,  HtZgendoAf^  con- 
ducting the  seAvlcts. 

•  »»««»»»«* 

NovembcA  IS,    1906 

Uu.  John  EZanchoAd  died  Monday  moAnlng  at  heA  home  In  Waiipeton  o{^  consumption. 
Vecexxsed  had  a  seveAe  attack  o^  typhoid  ^eveA  last  winteA  which  developed  Into  consumption, 
and  since  then  heA  healXh  has  been  steadtZy  jolting. 

Deceased  gKew  to  womanhood  In  this  vicinity  and  a^teA  heA  moAAlage  to  hlA.  BZanchoAd 
they  moved  to  Wahpeton,  wheAe  heA  husband  became  a  contAactoK  and  wheAC  they  have  since 
Aeslded.     HeA  death  Is  gAeatly  mouAned  by  heA  many  ^ftlends  and  Aelatlves. 

She  teaves  seven  chltdAen,  a  husband,   one  slsteA  and  ^ouA  bAotheAS  to  mouAn  heA 
untimely  death.     The  ^uneAal  seAvlces  weAe  held  he/ie  ThuAsday  In  the  Evangelical  ChuAch. 
SeAvlces  weAe  conducted  by  Rev.  C.  A.  PAamet,  and  InteAment  was     made  In  the  Evangelical 
CemeteAy  close  to  town.     The  husband  and  chlldAen  have  the  sympathy  o{t  all  In  thelA  sad 
beAeavement.  **********  NovembeA  IS,   1906 

MOORETON,..Fftank  SchneldeA  passed  away  on  SatuAday  a^teAnoon  at  2  ?M  a^teA  being 
UZ  with  canceA  o^  the  stomach  ioK  some  time.     Vecejised  was  73  yeoAS  old  and  leaves  a 
beAeaved  wl^e  and  {,ouA  children  to  mouAn  his  death.     He  has  lived  heAe  {^oa  seveAol  yeoAs. 

**********  NovembeA  11,    1906 

TEN  /EARS  AGO  COLUMN M.  N.  Vond,  Aesldlng  six.  miles  soulhexist  oi  town,  died  oi 

typhoid  ieveA.  **********  November  11,    1906 

W.  S.   EoKd  died  at  LldgeAwood  xecently  at  the  filpe  old  age  oi  97. 

**********  NovembeA.  11,    1906 

The  Iniant  child  oi  Ma.,  and  Mas.  Wm.  H.  BeAndt,  who  Aeslde  southwest  oi  town,  died 
Monday  a  iew  houAS  aitcA  bluth,  and  was  buAled  In  the  new  Congregational  Cemeleny  on  Wed- 
nesday. **********  November  11,    1906 

a  28) 

MAWTAPOR UZjUcK  KobeZt  hcu,  Atcz^vzd  the.  lad  nmi  oi  the.  dexith  oi  hii,  bKotheA 

Jacob  KobeZt  at  Spokane,  \i)k.,  on  Nov.  25th.  Vzcejd&td  had  been  a  -jujJ^eAcA  ijAom  AhztmatUm 
ioK  levemZ  yeoAi  and  thl6  ailment  tvtl>uJUed  in  kU  death.  He  wab  a  Vakota  ptxjneeA,  having 
fie^lded  hefie  ioK  IS  yejOM,  but  ioK  the  pa6t  leven  yeoAi  hot,  lived,  at  Spokane..  He  lt>  luA- 
vlved  by  a  m.{^e  and  (^ouA  chlZdfLen...tuio  loru  and  tujo  daughteAi...  and  at&o  tejaveJi  an  aged 
motheA  who  hai  attained  the  age.  0(J  S2  yeoAi.  Five  b^otheJU,  and  iouJi  ilittu  alio  luAvlve 
him,  all  oi  whom  A.z6lde  In  Wlscomln  except  Utnlch  KobeZX  who  Kzilde^,  neaA  hejie. 

*  «  t  »«»»«»  «  HovembeA  29,   2906 

A  numboA  oi  ifilejndi>  heAZ  o^  the  late  T.  H.  BowdttcA  o^  WahpeXon  weAe  shocked  to 
leoAn  0^  hli  luddtn  death,  which  ^olIx)we.d  an  opeAotlon  {^oK  appendldtu  at  the  B^ecfeen- 
nldge  ho&pltal.       ...GREAT  BENV *  *********  NovembeA  29,   7906 

MORETON M;w.  Elizabeth  Ha^neA  dle.d  SatuAday  aiteAnoon  at  2  ?M  o^  old  age. 

VecejOied  wa6  83  yeafu  old  and  leavej)  ^ouA  gftown  up  lom  and  many  gAandchlldAen  to  mouAn 
heA  death.     FuneAoZ  leAvlcej,  weAe  conducted  by  TatheA  Geydaihek  ^Aom  Wahpeton  Monday 
{toxmoon,  at  St.  Anthony'^  ChuAch.   **********  HovembeA  29,    1906 


Mai,.  ReJtZa.  Blggi,  wlie  oi  ItlatteA  Blggi,  died  at  heA  home  In  GAeendale  at  5:40  AW 
Monday  moAnlng  a^teA  an  lUne^i  ojj  about  a  month.     Blood  pol&onlng  wai  xJie  Irnmedlate  caine 
ojj  heA  death. 

RelZa  Covell  wai  boAn  In  Clay  County,   TA.,   26  yeoAb  ago.     At  the  age  o^  nineteen 
ihz  wa&  moAAled  to  WaZteA  Blggi  and  £ouA  yeoAi  ago  the  {^amlly  came  to  Uonth  Vakota,  iett- 
llng  on  what  l&  known  oi  tJie  Thank  GlaineA  {,a/m.     HeAz  they  have  ilnce  Ae^lded  and  the 
deceased  hai>  made  many  woAm  ^Acendi  who  ilnceAeZy  mouAn  the  end  o{^  a  ll^e  that  hai  been 
iuUL  oi  deedi  o{^  ChAlbtlxin  klndnen. 

Veceaied  lt>  luAvlved  by  a  ioAAowlng  hubband  and  thtee  imalZ  chlZdAen. .  .two  boyi 
0^  ^ve  and  ilx  yeau  and  a  baby  o{  sixteen  monthi.     She  alio  leavej,  an  aged  {^athen.  In  the 
old  Iowa  home,  two  il&teAi  and  two  bAotheAi. 

The  iuneJuxZ.  waj>  held  ye.iteAday,  leAvlce^  being  conducted  at  2  VM  at  the  home  by 
Rev.  Book  0)5  White  Rock.     In  addition  to  the  Aelatlvtb  Ae^ldlng  In  GKcendaJie,  Mill  MoAy 
CoveJU  oi  GAeenvllZe,   lA.,  a  iliteA  o^  the  deceased,  and  Mu.  (f.  H.  FAeeman  o{,  SpenccA, 
ZA. ,  a  itlkteA  oi  Ma.  Blggi,  weAe  In  attendance.     Intenment  wai,  made  In  the  GAeendale  Cem- 
eteAy.  «••«»»«»»«  NovembeA  29,   1906 

Adolph  GAelpentAog  0(J  BAxmdenbuAg  wa6  called  to  (JJlicondtn  on  Sunday  by  a  teZegAom 
announcAjng  the  death  oi  his,  aged  iathcA. 

•*«»«»*»»,  VecembeA  6,   1906 

EAlck  Ohm,  a  young  man  sixteen  yeoAi  o^  age,  died  at  the  Adolph  GfUepentAog  home 
Yiontii  oi  town  on  Monday  o{,  dUuphthenlA  af^teA  an  HZneMi  oi  but  a  ^cw  houAi. 

Vecexi&ed  wa&  a  6on  o^  Ma.  and  Mw.  AlbeAt  Ohm,  ploneeA  Ae^ldenti  oi  GoA^leZd 


townihlp,  and  woi  hlQhly  utzzmzd  by  aU  who  knew  hun.     Thz  £uneAaZ  wca  haZd  today, 
^ZAvlcu  being  condmcted  cut  the.  Wltd  Uce  ChuAch  by  Rev.  HUgendofi^. 

Ve.cembeA  6,   1906 

Ed  LavaUe,  who  woi  ^omd  dead  In  a  boAji  at  LidgeAwood  ieveAaZ  wzeki,  ago,  wa& 
6uppoied  to  have  died  oi  natuAol  coasei,   but  U  l6  AepofUed  that  a  daughteA  who  KeMldej> 
^  UinneapoUi  ha6  had  the  body  zxhumed  and  an  examination  made,  with  the  xe^uZt  that 
the  neck  wai  ^ound  to  be  broken  bt&ide^  otheA  evldenc.ei>  oi  ioal  play. 

Lavalte  wa^  a  heavy  dAinkeA  and  U  im  thought  aJi  the  time  death  twti  due  to  acute 
atcohotUm.     He  wa^  a  weU  known  choAacteA  both  hexe  and  at  UdgeAwood  and  tittle  cred- 
ence li  given  to  the  £ouZ  play  theoAy  by  thoi.e  who  fencw  him  be/>t. 

VzcembeA.  6,    1906 

TEN  /EARS  AGO  COLUm. . .  .Hm.  B.   F.  Thomas,  wlie  of,  the  local  CaAgZU  gKotn  buyeA 
died  oi  heoAt  iai^uAc.     (Pec.   1896]  *********  VecembeA  13,   1906 

P.  E.  Han/>on,  an  old  Kuldent  oi  Valnmount,  itanted  wWi  a  couple  oi  iAiendi 
ioK  Sweden  to  ipend  the  hoUdayi,   but  ieZt  iAom  the.  tAatn  whUe  pa66ing  thAough  Canada  and 
and  wa&  instantly  kttied.     The  Aematru,  weAe  bAoaght  back  to  VaJjmount  and  buhJ.e.d  on  Sun-' 
day  undeA  the  amplcej>  oi  the  local  Ma&ontc  Lodge  oi  which  hz  wa&  a  membeA.     Vecexu>ed 
was  a  single  man  oi  middle  age  and  leaver  coniideAable  pKopeAty,  all  oi  which  will  go 
to  Swedish  helA6  at,  he  leaver  no  Aelative^  in  thli  countAy. 

*»•*»*»«,«  PecemfaeA  ?3,  1906 

The  tittle  ion  oi  Ua.  andWik.  G.   E.  Shtpe,  one  oi  tuiim  boAn  eight  months  ago, 
died  Tuesday  moAtUng  aiteA  an  Ulnui>  oi  a  iew  dayi.     The  iuneAol  wa4>  held  today,  loAvlcej, 
being  conducted,  at  the  Catholic  ChuAch  by  Rev.  Jo£.   F.  Studnlcka.     The  sympathy  oi  aU  li 
extended  to  the  beAeaved  poAcnti . 

**********  VecembeA  10,   1906 

Lena,  the  tittle  5  yeoA  old  daughteA  oi  Ma.  and  Ha6.  Chat,.  BelUn  oi  BelioAd  died 
oi  dlphtheAla  on  (Monday  moAnlng  aiteA  an  iUnt66  oi  a  iew  dayi>.     The  poAzntt  have  the 
sympathy  oi  all  In  thelA  beAeavement. 

The  Beltin  home  hai  been  quoAantined  a&  theAe  aAe  otheA  owe*  oi  thz  dAead  dlieoie 
In  the  iamily.  **********  VecembeA  20,    1906 

S.  H.  UuAphy  leaver  today  ioA  Stoughton,  OJl . ,  in  Ae^pome  to  a  me^^age  itatlng 
that  hit,  kli^tcA,  UAi.  Houston,  li  veAy  low  and  expected  to  iuAvive  but  a  iew  houA&.     Mu. 
BoAnei  hai  been  at  heA  bedside  ioA  iome  time.     UAi.  Stoughton  ipent  ieveAal  weeki  In  Hank- 
Imon  tut  iummeA,  and  heA  uniontunate  condition  It,  6ad  nem  to  inlendi  hzAe. 

*********t  VecembeA  10,    1906 

EitheA,  the  4  yeoA  old  daughteA  oi  Ua.  and  UAi.  HeAman  BeAndt,  died  on  Monday  oi 
the  dAeadiul  dl&eaie  diphtheAla.     Tntenment  woi  made  on  Wedneiday  in  the  Evangelical  CemeteAy. 

********  :t  ^  Pecembe^  17,   1906 


H.  Roiznbaum,  one.  o£  tho6Z  luZZeJ.  in  tkz  Soo  wfizck  at  EndzALin,  wa&  a  b^theA 
ot$  M.   L.  Roiznbaim,   ^ofmzfLty  o^  Hankyimon  and  LidgeAwood. 

»«»«»«»*•*  PeccjTifceA  27,   1906 

Wm.  Hughu,  mac£  cZzAk  on  thz  HaniUmon-BX^moAck  nun,  n.e.ceA.vtd  thz  6ad  newi  o^  the. 
death  o^  kU  ^otheA.  at  Steele.,  tkU  i,tate.,  the  ionepoAt  oi  the  weefe. 

«»»»»»»»»«  VecembeA  11,   1906 

Mc44  MoAi/  Jttlg,   15  yejoA.  otd  daughtzA  oi  HeAman  I-ttcg  o^  Havana,  SoAgent  County, 
dZe.d  at  the  hoi>pltaJi  ixut  ThuAiday  o^  appendA.<utU.&  a^teA  an  iZtne/i&  oi  thAze  weeiii>. 

Vece^i&zd  came  heAe.  to  attend  ichoot  and  woi  making  heA  home  with  heA  iZiteA,  Hk&. 
Otto     Vonath,   bat  wcu  take.n  lU.  uxithtn  two  daxji  o^  heA  oAAivaZ.     The  untimeJLy  end  oi  the 
dzcea^ed  Z&  a  ieveAe  bloi/o  to  the.  poAentb,  and  The  HEWS  zdJjtoA  zxtendi  iinceAZ  i>ympathy  to 
hit,  old  SoAQZnt  County  ^fUend  in  kii  Zoii, . 

Tht  Kemaini  voeAZ  ihtppzd  to  Havana  ^OA  buAcaZ.  HA.  Jttig  uilihe^  thfwagh  Thz  WEWS 
to  zxtznd  kii  thanki  to  iKLtndA  and  AeZatlveJ>  heAZ  ^OA  thtlfi  klndnzsi,  and  a&6l6tancz  duA-  the  iZlnzii  o^  hit,  daaghteA.  ThelA  loving  caAz  did  nach  to  AeZleve  the  laiieAtngi  o^ 
the  dzce/ued  duAlng  heA  lUneM.       **********  VtcejnbeA  27,   1906 

a  31) 

19  0  7 

HfUt.  F.  NeumoM,  one  0(J  thz  plonttn.  A.uZde.nt6  o^  Hanlun6on,  tit&  at  tht  poJijit 
oi  dexiih  cut  htn.  komz  on  thz  nofith  iZde.  oi  town,  and  the.  tnd  JU  exptcteA  any  time.. 

•«««»»•»««  January  5,    1907 

TEN  YEARS  AGO  COLUMN. ..  .HtnAy  TfUmble.,  in  jajUi  at  Wahpzton  ioK  thz  muJidex  oi  G. 
K.  Hagzn  at  Watcott,  commltte.d  by  hanging  himeZl  in  kU  cztt.     H^  tJujxJi  had 
been  izt  ioK  thz  ioUovilnQ  week.     **********  JanimAy  5,   1907 

HOORETON . .  .Thz  infant  6on  oi  Un..  and  Uu.  Vztzn.  Johnion  uxu,  bafUzd  in  thz  Cath- 
oUc  CzmetzAy  on  Monday.  •«»,,,«,,»  JanuoAz/  10,   1907 

Thz  4  yzoA.  old  ion  o^  Ha..  and  H/Ut.   VKzd  Stzin,  who  fiziidz  i,outhzaj,t  o^  Sono/vx, 
dizd  thli>  monning  a^tzK  a  Zingzfiing  ilZnzii.     Thz  {,aneAat  wiZZ  bz  held  Sunday. 

»•»»»»»»*«  JanuoAy  10,    1907 

Thomas  VKZbcott,  onz  oi  thz  pionzzn.  izttleJU,  oi  thi&  locality,  dizd  at  kit,  homz 

in  CaZzdonia,  WJ.,  on  Pec.   27th,  having  bzen  iick  ion  ovzn.  a  yzax  at,  thz  /LZ&ult  oi  a  iall. 

Vzcza&zd  wa&  boAn  in  Canada  in  1S34  and  will  bz  fLemzmbznzd  by  old  timzu  hcAzabouti. 

He  Izit  tkii  locatUy  about  tzn  yzau  ago. 

»»»«,«,»,,  January  10,    1907 

V.  S.  Mc  Tlwaiji  fizczivzd  a  mzi^agz  yziteAday  inom  Hanvzy  stating  that  kU,  bKothzK 
Bunt  had  ac(u,dzntally  i,hot  and  hlttzd  hiimeZi.     WhiZz  ilaughtzfujfig  hogi>  hz  itnuck  at  onz 
with  thz  butt  oi  a  niilz,  thz  weapon  wa6  di^chaAgzd  and  thz  ball  znteAzd  hU  body,   caus- 
ing dzath  within  30  minutzi. 

Thz  uniontunatz  victim  wa&   22  yzam  oi  agz  and  wai  quitz  well  known  in,on 
having  viiitzd  hznz  duning  thz  hotidayi  ju(,t  pa^t.     Har^inion  inizndi  zxtend  dzzpzit  sym- 
pathy to  thz  beJieavzd  iamily. 

V.  S.  HcJluxiin  Izit  immzdiateZy  on  Kzczipt  oi  neuu,  oi  thz  tnagzdy. 

«••«»»»»*«  Januany  10,   1907 

kdolph  Beii-ce,  onz  oi  thz  plonzeJU>  oi  Wahpeton,  dtzd  Sunday  night  oi  EfUght'6 

dij,zai>z.     Vzczoizd  wai,  67  yzau  old  and  had  Itvzd  thz  past  23  yzanj>  in  Wahpeton,   being 

engaged  in  thz  fizal  Zitatz  bu6inz&6. 

•«,*»«»*»»  januoAy  17,   1907 

A  iivz  yzan  old  son  oi  Hn.   Petzn.  Kfump  oi  BeZiond  Towmhip  succumbed  to  an 
attack  oi  pneumonia  on  Tuz&day,  and  thz  iunenal  i6  being  held  at  thz  Mantadon  Catholic 
ChuAch  today.  .»*»*•».•«  Januany  77,    J907 

Thz  iniant  child  oi  Ma..  and  Ufu>.  fiZbznt  Knaak  dizd  on  Monday  aitzn  a  bfiizi  iZZ- 
nzi,6,  and  was  buAtzd  yzstznday.       »«»»»*»•»«  Januany  17,    1907 

A  young  man  oi  eighteen  yeam  named  Pnaschol,  whoiz  poAznts  Kzsidz  in  thz  Walst- 
hjom  oAza  somz  iiitzzn  miZzs  south    oi  hznz,   dtzd  this  weefe  aiteA  a  lingzning  iZZnzss. 

««•»•»«»»«  Januany  17,    1907 


Old  xuZdznti  mJUL  Kdmembtn.  IUmi  Cona  MbKccht,  iZitzA  oi  Thex),  and  Ofuyi 
ktbKzckt,  who  vZiLttd  hcAz  itvtnaJi  ye^ua  ago,  and  uilZZ  be.  palntd  to  Zavin  o£  hzA  dixUh 
Azce-ntZy.     Sht  hxw  maxnltd  and  KtiZding  Zn  thz  uout  at  thz  turn  oi  hzA  dtath. 

«««»«»»«»»  JanuoAy   17,  7907 

M^.  JuLLa.  Kutka,   70  yojoM  old,   duidd  at  the.  homz  o{,  hzK  daaghteji,  l{fu>.  5oi.  Monty, 
on  the  old  Lucken  ^a/m  neoA  Stiltl,  at  1:30  AM  SatuAday  moA.nZng.     Vecejued  wai>  a  Ktzznt 
aJOLivaZ  Ifvom  TzAgoi  FalZi,  UN.     Thz  ^aneAal  wai  held  on  Monday,  Rev.  Kanz  conducting  thz 
6eMilczi.  **********  Ja-nuoAjy  17,    1907 

Mlbi  Ella  flihzfi'^  gfumdmothzA.  dizd  Jan.   18th  at  thz  age  o^  82  yzoAj,.     Vzczaizd 

Aj>  iu/LvZvzd  by  two  ckHdn.zn. .  ,a  daughtzA  and  a  ^on. 

**********  JanuoAy  24,    7907 

Thz  agzd  mothzfi  o^  MK6.  H.  C.  Sclmttz,  KZiZding  iouth  0(J  tou)n,  dJ.zd  yz&tzAjiay 
moxnlng  o^  poKalyili,.  **********  January  24,   7907 

HinnZz,  tlttlz  daxightex.  oi  M..  and  Ma4.  UoAtin  UzyzK,  who  fizkldz  j'lUt  ovzfi  thz 
lUnz  Zn  Hinnz&ota  town&htp,  paMzd  auay  on  Sunday  a£teA  a  b^Uz^^  .iLtnzii,  pneimonai  being 
thz  CJXiiiz  oi  heA  dexvth.     Thz  {^unzAal  uxill  bz  held  today  at  thz  homz.  Rev.  Kanz  conducting 
thz  AZfivtczi.     Thz  paAznti,  havz  thz  sympathy  oi  alZ  in  theAA  beAzavemznt. 

**********  January  24,    7907 

CaAZ  Kfutuiz,  a  79  yzoA  old  boy,  wai>  Ifiozen  to  death  nzofi  EUzndalz  du/Ung  thz 
bltzzoJid  la&t  weefe.     ThZi  Z&  thz  only  iatoLity  KzpoKtzd  danXng  thz  Kzcznt  cold  inap  tn 
thli.  connzn  o^  thz  i,tatz.  **********  January  37,    7907 

Ma4.  a.  H.  Cowlzi  woi  callzd  to  Wl&comZn  la&t  Wzdnziday  to  thz  bzd&ldz  oi  hzA 
agzd  {jotheji,  who  wai  KZczrvUy  it/Uckzn  with  a  ittokz  Oi{  payaty&li,  and  Id  not  zxpzctzd 
to  live.  **********  JanuoAy  37,    7907 

Thz  Infant  child  o^  Wi.  and  Atw.  FetzA.  Hoth  dizd  today  a^tzn.  an  iMnzii  oi  a  lew 
houAi.  **********  JanuaAy  37,    7907 

Vz  Etta  LUlZan,  daughtzn.  o^  Mk.  and  MA4.  P.  S.  McZlwaln,  pa&izd  away  F^Zday 
moAnZng,   Feb.    7^*,  a^tzn.  ^tullznJjig  ion.  a  ^ew  houu  with  pneumonia.     Thz  lUttlz  onz 
wai  boAn  on  KpnlZ  77,    7906,  and  woA  Jun  thz  bz6t  o^  health  until  within  a  ^zw  houAi  o^ 
heA  death.     Thz  iunzAol  wai>  held  inom  thz  GeAman  LutheAan  ChuAch  on  Sunday,   Rev.   leAiln 
conducting  thz  i,zfi\jlce.     Ma.  and  MA6.  Mcllwain  havz  thz  i>yinpathy  o^  all  In  thexA  had 
beAzavemznt.  **********  FzbAuaAy  7,    7907 

Mas.  Gzongz  E.   Moody  Azczlvzd  a  mziiagz  la&t  SatuAday  announcing  thz  death  oi 
heA  bAotheA  Adolph  BuAou,  which  occuAAzd  at  Elizabeth,  Mn.,  on  Thtday  evening.     The 
caoiz  oi  hi&  death  betng  pnzumonta.     M/u.  Moody  Izit  on  Monday'&  pa&&engeA  to  attznd  thz 
iunzAal  &zAvlcz&  which  WZAZ  held  at  thz  LutheAan  ChuAch  oi  Elizabeth,  on  Tuz&day  aiteA- 
noon.     Vzcza&zd  lzavz&  a  wliz  and  thAzz  chlldAzn  to  mouAn  hl&  untimely  dzath. 
. . .  .BRECKENRWGE  GASETTE....  **********  VebAuoAy  7,    7907 


Edwa/id  BuAMi,   ^atheJi  o^  Ufa.  Hoody  and  aZio  ^otheA  OjJ  thz  dzczoizd  uxu  one  o£  the. 
^lut  ieXtlejLi  oi  OttzAtaiZ  County,  MW.,  and  mzZZ  kywwn  to  att  thz  old  ieXtltU  o£  Hank- 
Znion,  Gfiejxt  Bend  avvd  \}lltd  Rice  vX.(U.nlty. 

«     »»*»»»»»»  FzbmoAy  7.   1907 

MO(?RETON...Tfee  AJiiant  dUZd  oi  Ma.,  and  Hu.  S.  Radouildi  dlzd  on  Wzdnuday. 

««•»*»««««  FcbKuoAjj  14,    1907 

Thz  £ouA  monthi  otd  dultd  oi  Ua..  and  Wu,.  HaAtin  FcZZbaum,  who  in  lUjnneJiOta. 

TowrUikLp,  died  on  Ffuxiay  a^tzfi  a  bfu.ei  AjULneMi. 

»*«»»»»»»»  Tdbfuuvuj  14,    1907 

An  Indian  named  John  Wakanna,  Zoadtd  uxcth  an  ovtn.do6t  o^  £-inewateA,  toit  hli  way 
and  0)04  ^fvozen  to  dexith  neoK  Jem,on'6  Zitand,  RobeAti  County,  during  the  late  btLzzaxd. 

»«•«»««««*  Vzbnwviy  21,    1907 

The  txJjxt  oi  Anton  BeJ>otd,  iofmeAZy  oi  Hankijuon,  fit&utted  in  a  ven.di.cX.  oi  munden. 
In  the  second  degKee  at  Loi  AngeZe^,  CA.    5en;tence  hoe,  not  yet  been  pae>ie.d  but  he  vuiZl 
pfvobabty  be  gZven  cZoie  to  the  maximun,  ioK  the  mufiden.  oi  kid  wiie  woi  one  oi  the  mo^t 
doita/idly  in  cfUminal  annaZd,     Stntijnent  fiete  wouZd  have  iavoKtd  hanging,  but  at,  the  evi- 
dence wai  aZi  ciAcumitantiaZ  the  juAy  he.6iXated  to  tnilict  the  iupxeme  penaZty. 

»••«»*  »  »  «  »  FefaAauAy  2&,    1907 

Uu.  bliZheZjnina  Witt,  wc^e  oi  Wm.  WZtt,  pa&Aed  away  on  Tuesday  aiteA  monthi  oi 
/>uiieAing  ifiom  canceA  oi  the  stomach.     The  end  had  been  expected  ioK  lome  time  and  ihe 
pa&^ed  into  the  lait  long  ileep  peaceiuZZy,  luAfiounded  by  heA  fieZcutLveM  and  ifiiendi. 
With  tfuxe  ChAc&tian  ioAtitude  ihz  enduAed  the  monthi,  oi  pain  with  a  iulZ  knowledge  oi 
Zte>  uZtimate  iataZ  tenmination. 

Vecexaed,  with  heA  husband,  wojk  among  the  pioneeM  along  the  WiZd  Ri.ce,  but  a 
iew  yeoAt,  ago  they  became  fLeJ>idznt6  oi  Hankin&on.  A  loAgz  ciAclz  oi  iAZzndi  iezl  heA 
lo-i-i  keenly  and  aZZ  iympathZzz  with  the  beAeaved  husband. 

Thz  iuneAaZ  was  heZd  thU  aiteAnoon,  seAvZczi  being  conducted  at  the  house  by 
Rev.  leAiin,  and  thz  KemaZns  wzAe  laZd  to  theiA  iinal  A.zit  in  thz  WiZd  CemzteAy, 
noAXh  oi  town.  **********  VebtmoAy  n,   1907 

Tony,  thz  onZy  ion  oi  Un..  and  Ma/,.  Jos.   KeAn,  dizd  on  SatuAday  zvening  oi  append- 
icitis, at  the  age  oi  eZght  and  a  hali  yzoAS.     Thz  little  ieZlow  was  sick  about  ten  days 
and  succumbed  to  the  eHecti  oi  an  opeAatZon,  whZch  was  thz  only  chance  oi  saving  his 
IZie.     Besides  the  soAAowing  poAznts,   iouA  siSteAS  oaz  leit  to  mouAn  thz  untimeZy  end  oi 
Tony,  who  was  onz  oi  the  bAightzst  and  most  popuZoA  littZz  ieZlows  in  thz  community. 

Thz  iunzAaZ  was  heZd  on  Tuzsday,  szAviczs  bzing  conducted  at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch 
by  Rev.  Studnicka.     HZs  school  matzs  attzndzd  in  a  body  and  among  thz  bzautiiul  iloAxiZ 
oiizAings  was  a  wAzath  iAom  the  chiZdAen. 

hiA.  and  Mas.  KzAn  wish  thnough  thz  hIEWS  to  expAzss  theiA  gAotiXude  to  the  nzigh- 
boAS,  pubtic  school  tzachzfis  and  the  chiZdAzn  ioA  theJji  klndZy  aid  and  sympathy  In  the 

houA.  o{)  thzAJi  bojiejovemant.     The.  ioZlcJitJudt  and  60Mjow  o^  the.  cltitdAen  touched  the  poAenti 
dteply.  •»»*«»«»«»  rd}maAi/  28,    1907 

Sentenced  to  Lcjje  ImpKAJtotmejnt  {^ofi  WZfJe  MuAdeA 

LOS  ANGELES  EXAMINER,   Feb.   26th Anton  Behold  imi>  /.zntznced  to  Uie  imp/u^on- 

ment  AJi  San  QaeMln  petiUeMloKy  ye/^teAdaij  {^oK  the.  mundex  oi  kU  wijje.     Judge  8.N.  SmiXh, 
who  pfuonounctd  the  itrvtejite.,  dujd  not  pejmlt  the  pKlkoneA.  to  make,  a  statement  a6  to  why 
judgement  ihouZd  not  be.  paired  upon  him. 

"J  am  not  guXZty,"  iald  Behold  tn  fie.6pon&e  to  the  Judge'6  que^t^xn.    "The  tAutk  li 
that "      The  judge  ^nteAAupttd  htm  by  6aytng: 

"It  ti  the  judgmznt  o^  tkii,  count  that  you  be  con£tned  In  the  itate'i  pfuMon  dux- 
Ing  the.  continuance  o{,  youfi  natuAot  ti£z." 

"1  am  innocent,"  Behold  voai,  heoAd  to  lay  agaJbi  undeA  hi&  bKeaXh,   "and  I  ihall  nevex 
wonk    In  the  itate.'^  prison." 

0{i{,lctfU>  who  heoAd  the  fiemank  zxpAe^6ed  the  beLiei  that  BeJ>otd  Intended  to  commit  tuxthefL  than  be  con^nzd  in  the.  pentte.nttaJiy , 

The  attohncy  in  the  ctwe  ij^ed  the  uiuaZ  motion  {ok  a  new  tfUaZ. 

[TheAz  ofie.  many  anticZeJi  on  the  BeJtotd  muAdex  itoKting  with  the.  Oct.  4th  ti-iue.  o^  the 
HanfzZn6oni,on  New6  up  to  thii  datz.) 

HeAman  Pankow,  a  young  man  23  yeoM  old,  died  Satufidaij  night  ^Kom  the  eiiectt,  oi 
an  opeAation  {,oA.  appe.ndicitii ,  peJiloHmed  the  pA.zvtout  Tuesday.     The.  dliexue  had  reached 
iuch  an  advanced  itage  that  he  was  unable  to  fiaiZy  {,Komt  the  e^^zcti  o^  the  opeAation. 

Veczaticd  wa6  boKn  on  MoAch  Ut,    1884,  at  KaiAchain,  Wl.,   coming  to  thii  countAy 
with  hii  poAenti  at  thz  age.  o{  iive.  yeoAi  when  they  ietitzd  thAtz  mitei  noith  oi  town. 
HeAz  hz  g/LCW  to  manhood  and  hii  untimely  znd  ii  mowmzd  by  a  loAge  ciAcle  oi  inlendi. 

The  iuneAal  wai  hzld  Tuziday  aitzAnoon,  Rev.  HilgendoKi  conducting  the  iz/wicei 
at  thz  Wild  Zicz  ChuAch,  and  thz  Azmaim  wzAZ  laid  to  AZit  in  thz  cemzteAy  neoA  by. 

Thz  bzAzavzd  mothzA  and  iamily  wiih  to  expAZii  thziA  thanki  tJnAough  Thz  NEWS  to 
neighboAi  and  inlendi  ion  thein  many  kindly  acti  du/Ung  thz  doAk  dayi  oi  theiA  ionAow. 
WoAdi  can  but  ieebly  zxpAZii  thzin  gnatitadz  ion  the  kindnzii  ihown. 

Uu.  Kinn,  motheA  oi  UAi .  Wm.   KAouiz,   dizd  at  thz  home  oi  thz  lattzn  izvzntzzn 
miXeJi  iouthwzit  oi  heAZ  on  Tuziday  monning  at  thz  nipe  old  age  oi  86  yzoAi.     The  iunznaZ 
wiZl  bz  hzld  tomoAAow.  «••«»«»»»«  MoAch  7     1907 

H.  C.   VaAilow  Azczivzd  a  mziiage  Tuziday  announcing  thz  dangznoui  illnzii  oi  hii 
iathzA  at  Hoiiman,  MW.,  and  Izit  on  thz  night  tAxUn  ioA  hii  bzdiidz. 

A  mziiage  Azceived  thii  aitznnoon  annoimczi  thz  death  oi  Ma.  VaAilow,  Sn.     Vzceaizd 


woi   77  yejxM  old  and  lzavt6  tkfizz     f^.  H.  C.  PoAilow  lexivu  toru^Qht  ioK 
lioiiman.  **********  ^^^  ,^^    j^^^ 

Otio  KuQVubt  VonaXh,   36  yzcju,  old,  dizd  at  kU  homz  in  thli  vtttage.  on  Sunday 
a^t^fL  an  XJLtnzMit  o{  ahout  ^o  inontki>.     Typhoid  izvcA.  ^oZZowZng  an  attack  o^  dCphthzAZa 
woi  thz  caiuz  0^  hli  dzath. 

Vzczoizd  woi  bonn  in  CeAmany  on  Aug.  22nd,    1871 ,  and  came,  to  thU  country  with 
hi&  poAznti  whzn  iix  yzau  old,  itttling  nzan.  Gltncot,  U.H.     Thxtt  yejou  lateA  thuj  moved 
to  MoAtJi  "Dakota,  joining  thz  Client  Bend  colony.     In  1889  deceoAerf  6tttle.d  in  Taylon  Town- 
ihip,  SaAgcnt  County,  but  in  1893  KttuJine.d  to  Richland  County  and  ha&  ^ince.  ntltidtd  in 
thii  viciniXy.     Hz  uiai  moKHicd  4  even  ycafib  ago  to  Hi6i>  Annie.  Stei,n,  and  be^idzi  the  uiidow, 
two  6on6,  aged  jjotfl  and  tujo  KeMpectiveXy,  axe  le^t  to  mouAn  hij,  loi^.     Hi6  aged  motkeA 
al&o  lufwiMZJi  him  and  ii,  a  Keiidzrvt  o^  Hankimon. 

Thz  {^uneAol  ixiai  held  ytiteAday,  AeJivicti  bei,ng  conducted  at  the  GeAman  Lutheran 
ChuAch  by  Rev.  ZeA&in  at  2  ?M  and  inteAment  was  made  in  the  net*}  cemzteAy  on  the  Wm.  Weit- 
phal  {^oAm.     A  b^otheA,   EmiZ  Tonath    oi  Gfiejat  Bend,  and  tuio  6il>teAi,  Wii.  HeAman  JUig  o^ 
Havana  and  M/l6.  MoAy  UilleA,  uxiXh  theiA  ^amiZici  uieAe  among  thoie  who  attended  the.  {,uneAal. 
ThAee  otheA  ii&teAi,  weAe  unable  to  be  pfizient  owing  to  iZlne^A, 

*     ********  t  fj^^^  21,    1907 

Henty  Cowley  Vaulow,  Sa..,  was  boAn  on  MoAch  3Ut,    1830,  at  CambAigty  GlouctteA- 
ihiAe,   England. 

ThAee  yeoAt,  lateA  hij,  mothzA  died  and  hli,  ^athen.  le£t  him  an  oAphan.     ThiAteen 
yeoAi  lateA,  at  22,   he  came  to  the  United  Statu,  settling  among  fLclativzk  on  a  £aAm  at 
Haitian,  Hennepin  County,  MW.,  wheAZ  he  lived  until  1868,  whe.n  he  moved  to  Delano,  UN., 
wheAe  he  wo*  manAied  to  Anna  B.  Tfiomp6on,  on  UoAch  4th,    1870.     FouA  ye/vu  ago  they  moved 
to  Ho{^{^man,  t^H.,  maki,ng  theiA  homz  with  thziA  youngeA  ion,  Whi,pplz  Vay....wheAZ  hz  pzace- 
iuUUj  pa66zd  away  on  MoAcA  14th,    1907,   at  thz  agz  oij  76  yzoAk,    11  monthi  and  14  dayi,, 
luMjoundzd  by  hij,  wi{z,   daughteA  Annie  E.,  and  tuio  40WA,   W.   F.  o£  HojJiJman  and  HznAy  C.  3k., 
o£  Hankinion,  WP. 

FuneAal  izfiviczii  weAz  hzld  at  the  Kz&idencz,  Hoi^man,  UN.,  at  2  PM,  on  Saturday, 
MoAch  16th,  Rev.  Godwand  o i{^ ,   and  at  W.  H.   landi^'  Undzntaking  Roomi,  HinnzapolCi , 
at  2  VU.  on  Sunday,  UoAch  17th,  Rev.  Haupt  o^  St.  UaAk'6  ChuAch  o .     JnteAmznt 
was  madz  at  Lakeuood  CemzteAy.         »»»««*»*«»  UoAch  21     1907 

UAi.  John  Hipp  dizd  at  heA  home  on  the  noAth  iide  0({  town  lai,t  SatuAday  a&  the 
Aziult  oi  complicationi  following  chiZdbiAth.     Vzcea&zd  wai  28  yzoAi  old  and  Izavzi  a 
huiband  and  two  imall  childAzn  to  mouAn  heA  lo66.     She  wai,  highly  zitzemzd  among  hzA 
neighboAi.     FuneAal  izAvicei  wzAZ  conducted  at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  on  Monday  by  Rev.  J. 
F.  Studnicka.  **********  ^^^  2S,    7907 

Thz  infant  child  o^  AlhzAt  Felton  oi  VeAnon  died  oi  livzA  tAoublz  at  Lidgznwood 

on  Sunday  oi  Ixut  wzek,  and  the  body  was  bAought  heAe  ioA  buAial  lait  Thuuday.     Thz 

poAzntjt  havz  the  sympathy  oi  all.   **********  KpnJJi  4,   1907 



WUhizImcna.  SchAotdzA,  vxiit  oi  John  SduiozdeA,  Sx. ,   dlnd  at  hzn.  home.  In  tkZi 
\jltta.gz  on  tJ.onday  mofinlng  cut  9  AM,  Zn  thz  6Zvznty-thLfid  ymA  o£  hzfi  tiid.     Shz  had  bzzn 
■itl  ioK  itvzfuxZ.  monthi  and  thz  tnd  wai  not  unzxpzcteA. 

Vzcza&e.d  u}a&  boKn  on  Pec.    12th,    1S54,  In  Gtnmany,  and  on  hlov.   ISth,   USS,  uxu> 
moAfUtd  to  John  Sdtowzdvi.     Two  yejuu,  latzA  thzij  zmigfuUzd  to  thz  Unitzd  Statu,     4,eXt- 
ting  nejvi  MayvltZz,  WI.     In  1881  th&y  camz  to  Richland  County,  whejiz  thzy  havz  ilncz 
fiuldtd,  6tttting  {/Jikt  In  BtlioAd  Towmkip  and  lattfi  In  GKttndaZt.     About  a  yzoA  ago 
thzy  btcamz  fiuidtntt  ojj  HaniUMon. 

Ve-djutd  wai  the.  motheji  oiJ  eZtveji  chJJLdJien,  nine,  oi  whom  6an.vt\jz  heA  and  aZl 
Ke^lde  In  thli  vtcJjuty.     They  axe.  ••  hiu.  Cha&  HeJji,  Wn.  PeteA  Itnzen,  Uxt, .  R.  Bettin, 
UfiM.   E.  A.   King,  ^Iw.   Chait.  PauZ&on,  John  A.,   Otto,  AZbtfit  and  EmiZ.     One  bfiotheji,  John 
Wejidt,  Zi  a  fieMldent  o^  ZeJLiohd  Towmhtp.     The.  husband  aJUo  ^uAu^vei  htfi  but  U,  Ln  Rait- 
ing heaZth.     Veceoizd  tived  to  a  fujpz  old  age  iuAAounded  by  heJi  duldxen  and  lohtij  gAjand- 
cKULdKzn,  and  only  tat>t  KovembeJi  thz  aged  couple  ceZehfuitzd  theJji  Golden  bedding  Annlv- 

Thz  {^uneJial  wai,  held  on  Wedntiday  a{teAnoon  and  the  GeAman  Evangelical  ChuAch  wai 
cAowdzd  with  loHAowing  Inlendi  who  atiembled  to  pay  theln  lait  fizipzcti  to  onz  who  wa& 
univzually  z&tzemzd  (^OK  hzn.  many  good  qualltizi.     Thz  iZAvlczi  wzfiz  conducted  by  Reu. 
Kunz  and  Intznmznt  took  place  In  thz  cemztzty  louth  o^  town. 

**********  Ap^x^   n,    1907 

JalluM  TKazz  pa6izd  away  at  hli  home  on  thz  nonth  i>lde  o^  town  on  Monday  moaning 
at  9  A}.{  o{  comumptlon  a{^teA  a  lingering  ltlnz66. 

Vzceoizd  wai  bonn  on  July  19th,    1872,  In  GeAmany,  and  ieXtlzd  ovzt  In  Hinnz6ota 
Township  73  yeoAi  ago,  moving  to  town  la&t  laUi.     Hz  wai  mafOtizd  to  Emma  Colzman  ieven 
yeoAi  ago  and  Ik  huxvlved  by  thz  widow  and  ilvz  chlldfLzn,   bzildzi  hli  mothtfi,   {^oua  ili- 
teAi  and  onz  bAotheA. 

Vecea6zd  was  highly  AZipzctzd  by  all  and  thz  lympathy  ol  thz  community  It,  extend- 
zd  to  thz  bzAzavzd  lamlly. 

Thz  luneAol  Xi  being  held  today  {fiom  thz  Lutheran  ChuAch  acAoii,  thz  line  In  South 
Dakota,   oi  which  Reu.  CloeXeA  li  paitoK. 

*  * *  •  *  ApUt  n,    1907 

An  eJiAOK  aj,  to  thz  luAvlvlng  Aelatlvzi  wai  made  In  thz  obltuoAy  notlcz  oi  Uk. 
Jullui  PAazz  04  pAlntzd  In  lait  Wzzk'i  MEWS.     Ezildzi  the  widow  and  mothzA,  theAZ  oaz 
iouA  b/wtheAi  and  one  iliteA  itlll  living.     0{,  thzie  thz  motheA,  iliteA  and  onz  bfwtheA, 
A-Zildznti  oi  lUnnziota,  wzAZ  pAeJiZnt  at  thz  iunzAal.     M^.  S.  A.   Lidiay,  a  iliteA  oi  M^. 
fAazz,   came  inom  Staplzi,  UU.,  alio  to  attend  thz  iunznal,  accompanlzd  by  hzA  huiband. 

^k4,   FAoze  wlihzi  thAough  thziz  columm  to  zxpAZii  heA  thanki  to  inlzndi  ioA  thelA 

many  acti  oi  klndnzii  du/ung  thz  doAk  houAi  oi  heA  iOfiAow. 

,»»»«««*«»  Ap^^  25,    7907 


In  toiiit  weefe'i  ^4ue  ol  Thz  NWS  an  account  woi  glvzn  0(J  the.  gotdzn  wtdding 
annivtUOAy  OjJ  lA/u,.  SchAom'i  pofieMU  at  Edzn  VaZJiuj,  MN.     ThJji  weefe  it  Zi  oujl  iad  duty 
to  chAonlcZt  thz  dznth  oi  one.  o£  thz  pnJjicJipaJU ,  HfU.  UoAy  FouAnlzn.,  mothzn.  o^  Uu. 
SchAom.     A  teZzphonz  meiioge  Kzczlvzd  thU  moAyUng  announczi)  thz  death  o^  thz  aged  lady 
a^tzn.  a  bAtz^  -iZinzi^.     Vzczoizd  voai  a  nativz  0({  County  LimzfUck,   JJieland,  and  had  Kzach- 
zd  thz  agz  o^  78  yeoAi. 

Wu.  SchAom  and  daughtzA  ikafuj  Zzavz  today  to  attend  thz  iunznat. 

•  «»»««*•*»  ^p^j^  25,    7907 



Aadland  59,84 

Abraham  52,53 

Achter  10 

Adams  30 

Addley  16 

Albert  12 

Albrecht 31,133 

Alex  115 

Allen  75 

T^dauss  9 

Anderson  11,90 

Andrews  74 

Armstrong  6,7 

Ash  22 

Ashley  64 

August  106 

Auty  105 

Back  30 

Backhaus 4 

Baisley  69 

Baker  6,103,113 

Balentine  5 

Ball  17,96 

Barger  37 

Barker  49 

Barnes  77 

Baum  47 

Beagle  31 

Beaton  11 

Bechtal  12 

Becker  49,62 

Behnke  119 

Belanger  9 

Beling  17,19 

Bellin  130 

Beman  34 

Bennett  11 

Berg  32,44 

to  Film  #  1570 


Berger  40 

Bergman  110 

Bernard  24,25,73 

Bemdt 7,15,25,26 


Bemer  45 

Bertram  53 

Besold 123,126,134,135 

Bessie  132 

Biel  44 

Biggs  1 29 

Bill  61 

Billings  22 

Birnbaum  1 24 

Bladow  3,10,40,77,83,95,110 

Blake  50,55 

Blanchard  128 

Blew  54 

Bloomer  95 

Boelke  13,14,90,91 

Bohn  12,13,26,27,31 


Boldt  40,41,91,92 

Bolz  110 

Bommersbach  8,44,105 

Bork  99 

Botts  84 

Bowditch  129 

Bowers  44 

Brackin  28,29,41 

Brandel  10 

Brandt 20 

Brecker  74 

Brendel  100 

Bresnaham  25 

Brewer  14 

"Brothers"  61 

Brown  100 

Brummund  ....34,44,112,128 

Brusch  9 

Brush  10 

Budgwischki  4 

Burau  133 

Burrows  80,86,127 

Buscher  119 

"Butchered"  57 

Campbell  95 

Cannon  15,30 

Carlen  67 

Ccirpenter  22 

Carr  27 

Castle  12 

Chapin  79,89 

Chief  Little  Thunder  ..119 

Chinaman  122,124 

Clark  49 

Coffa  17,90 

Colby  91 

Coleman  1 37 

Compton  81 

Cope  75 

Coppin  ...1,2,19,24  ,69,70 

Coules  133 

Covell  1 29 

Cox  77,84 

Cress  14 

Crockett 49 

Dailey  . . 
Dales  . . . 
Dameral  . 


Debbert  19,89 

DePee  45 

Dennhardt  47 

Deshon  53 

Devine  93 


Dif f erding  104 

Dobberstein  81 

Dorman  34,44 

Dosch  5 

Doscher  7 

Drake  103 

Drug  Bill  15 

Dumke  1 

Dunham  2,24 

Durant  19 

"Earthquake"  Ill 

Edmands  ...99,100,101,111 

Egan  98 

Eggert  71 

Ehlers  36 

Eichlen  51 

Eichler  9,10 

Elsen  17,61 

Ellis  81 

Elwick  3 

Engel  1 04 

Engler  116 

Enkers  28,29 

Ennen  38,39 

Erickson  80 

Erlandson  27,97,99 

Ernst  107 

Enzy  57 

Evenson  39 

Factor  13 

Farland  84 

Farnham  64 

Famsworth  64 

FeinMi  76 

Feckner  90 

Fellbaum  83,134 

Felton  1 36 

Fetters  31 

Fiebelkom  77,83 

Figge  13 

Fisher  46,64,133 

Fitzpatrick  66 

Flemlngton  78 

Foeltz  28,29,98 

Ford  124,128 

Forrest  16 

Forte  21 

Foss  54 

Fournier   138 

Frank  53 

Fraze  115,137 

Fredeen  64 

Fricke  114 

Frisbey  15 

Frtmdt  15,16,30,82 

Frutche  46 

Fulkerson  103 

Furlong  45 

Gabbert  42 

Gahler  10 

Garlow  13 

Cast  36 

Gates  40 

Gee  98 

"Gifts"  20 

Gilles  67 

Gimblett  30 

Glainske  106 

Glasner  107 

Glassel  42 

Gleason  87 

Goche  12 

Gogstetter  15,27,89 

Gollnick 1,11,110,113 

Goodboy  56 

Goodhue  105 

Gottfried  45,77 


Gowan  25 

Gowin 27,38,39 

Graber  21 

Grant  34 

Greb  115 

Green  26,32 

Greendale  Twsp  34 

Gregg  68 

Griepentrog  ....8,11,15,26 


Groeger  74 

Grombacher  94 

Grotte  2 

Grutzmacher    80 

Gustman    12,50 

Gutsmer    3,107,118 

Haase   40 

Haffner 20,21,    39 


Hagen    85,119,132 

Halpus    35 

Halroyd   11 

Hcunann    105 

Hamilton  116 

Hammer  119 

Hanburg  1 

Hankinson  26,65 

Hcinna  76 

Hanson  16,37,66,130 

Hargrave  53 

Hartleben  67,77,83 

Hartwick  12 

Hastb jor  14 

Haugen  81 

Haverland  75 

Havilina  127 

Hawkins  78 

Haycraf t  3 

Hayden  21,82 

Heger  17 

Heidner  24 

Hein  52 

Heley  127 

Helf  69 

Hell  119 

Henke  51 

Hennen  62 

Hennerling  8,17 

Hennesey  80 

Hentz  42 

Herbert  76,116 

Hennis  10 

Herzig  94 

Hess  17 

Hibbard  116 

Higgins  45 

Hilton  34 

Hingst  73 

Hink  57 

Hipp  1 36 

Hoaglund  101,128 

"Hobo"  65 

Hoefs  31,95,107 

Hoeft  5 

Hoffman  65 

Hogen  93 

Hoglund  32 

Hohenstein  118 

"Hold-up  Artist"  66 

Holm  84 

Holman  41 

Holthausen 37,38,39 

Holzhauer  26,27 

Hook  125 

Horn  21 

Hosf ord  36 

Hoskins  24 

Hount  114 

Houston  130 

Hovey  27 ,  99 

Hughes  .131 

Huls  41 

Hunger  16,64,89 

Hunt  1  06 

Huppeler  8 

Hussey  56 

Hutton  35 

Huvstad  49 

Hydramp  35 

Illig  131 

Ireland  22,105 

Iverson  16 

Jackson  125 

Jacobs  117 

Jacobson  102 

Jacgue  58 

Jaeger  46,47 

Jahnke  32 

Jahr  33,111 

Jarsky  8,9 

Jasmer  40 

"Jasper"  52 

Jastrow  2 

Johnson 7,10  13,16,30 



Jones  17,38,46,83 

Jost  3 

Jung  23 

Kamke  14 

Kapnick  12,119 

Kaslow  36 

Kath  114 

Kelly  117 

Kedney  60 

Kendey  60 

Kern 134 

Kiel  119 


King  23,46 

Kinn  14,24,25,41 


Kinnamon  76 

Kinney  24 

Kirsch  128 

Klawitter  42 

Klein  79,88 

Kleise  114 

Klinger  6 

Klosterman  17,110 

Kludt  34 

Kluge  7 

Knaak  4,6,58,78,132 

Knurr  65 

Kobelt  1 29 

Koenick  13 

Koerber  20 

Koppelman  13,14 

Korth  116 

Kotchian  3 

Kouba  125 

Koves  6,7,55,57,58,59 

Kramer  23,35 

Krause  1,25,36,76,81 


Krebsbach 6,46,100,101 

Brieg  36 

Krueger  38 

Kxump    20,21,41,132 

Kube  77,83 

Kuehl  85 

Kuehn  119 

Kunert  44 

Kunz  10,93 

Kutka  133 

Kutter  18,54 

Kyle  87,88 

Laboda  20 

Lambert 50 

Landa  127 

Landdick  6,7 

La  Qua  57 

Lathrop  32 

Latzke  46 

Lavalle  130 

Lawrence  40,46,116 

Lay ton  23 

Leathart  10 

Leitch  9 

Lelm 13 

Lenzen  86 

Lien  62,63,107 

Llenen  14 

Link  17 

Linse  5 

Lisk  35 

Little  71 

Loebs  42 

Logue  8 

Lokken  44 

Loll  20,80,114 

Lovinski  45 

Ltibenow  26 

Lucy  10 

Luepke  95 

Luick  43,120 

Lumbardy  32 

Lund  4 

Maas  77 

Mace  16,36 

Machkovich  2 

Mac  Leod  30 

Mahler  36 

Marboe  14 

Maxsch  11 

Martin 115 

Martinek  17 

Marguardt  23 

Mathieson 73 

Matrimony  11 

Mauer  8,17 

May  16 

Mc  Clure  59 

Mc  Donald  9 

Mc  Fray  32 

Mc  Gray  37 

Mc  Ilwain  132,133 

Mc  Intyre  3 

Mc  Kinnon  127 

Mc  Morrow 107 

Medenwaldt/t 5,26,75 

Medlar  1 

Meyer  46,47,133 

Meyers  52 

Miesen  3 

Milbrandt  42,110 

"Misunderstanding"  29 

Mittag  8,29,64 

Moe  41 

Moen  71,99,100,104,122 

Mohs  1,31,40 

Moody  133 

Morten  5 

Moses  8 

Mosier  2,75 

Moulton  9 

Mourer  70 

Movius  10,60 

Muehler  26 

Mullins  39 

Mvirphy  130 

Murray  1 

Nehmer  21 

Neisinger  65 

Neitzel  14 

Nerison  33 

Ness  125 

Nesson  .52,64,81,96,97,125 

Neumann  1,11,132 

Newbauer  33 

Newby  14 

Nickells  20 

Northbridge  33 

Norton  54,62 

Nulph  39 

Numberger  4 

Ocenbach  99 

0 'Conner  56 

Oechsner  110 

Ogden  6 

Ohm  1 29 

Oliver  11 

Olson  50,92,116 

Orcutt  71 

Osbey  67 

O'Shea  93 

Oslund  81 

Ostberg 30 

Ostbert  89 

Owen  19 

Paine  41,97 

Pankow  5,41,135 

Parker  52,96,125 

Parslow  22,44,135 

Passineau  36 

Paulson  32,47,69,88 

Pautz  1 1 ,  84 

Pecirl  46 

Pecinovsky  65 

Pederson  21,23,92 

Pelzel  39 

Peters  89 

Peterson  ..52,79,88,91,125 


Petret 21,22 

Petterson  27 

Pf luger 14 

Phelps  7 

Phillips  70 

Pieh  94 

Pirmantgen  117 

Pless  1 

Ploeovitz  23 

Pohl  73,76 

Polfuss  25 

Ponath  136 

Pond  2,128 

Popp  9,17,19,106 

Prahl  10 

Praschol  132 

Pribbernow  21,22 

Prochnow  38 

Rackow  44 

Radditz  40,41 

Radloff  69 

Radowich  1 34 

Raseum  14 

Raymond  124 

Redemsky  19,64 

Reichstad  4 

Reilly  89 

Reimer  53 ,  65 

Rice 15 

Riddle  10 

Rieck  89 

Rinderman  35 

Ringus  121 

Rising  41 

Ritter  21 

Rodin  90 

Roe  65 

Roeder  41 

Roen  90 

Rogers  78 

Ronnell  23 

Rooney  23 

Rosenbaum 131 

Rosoff  44,118 

Roth  17,133 

Rothgeber  60 

Rowe  24 

Rubenstein  29,30 

Ruf svold  119 

Rushe  87 

Russell 14,31,45,46 

Ruttkay  17 

Saltzwedel  103 

Sander  26,38 

Sando  44 

Schaf er  3 

Scheller  47 

Scheff  87 

Schiller  44 

Schlagel  5 

Schlener  101 

Schmidt  36,56 

Schramm 138 

Schneider  97,128 

Schroeder  8,9,11,23 


Schuck  67 

Schuett  77 

Schultheis  20 

Schultz  38,43,94,133 

Schwager  93 

Schwanzlustig  32 

Seba  20 

Sedler 38,39,84,113 

Seidensticker  87 

Senkbeil  32 

Sether  124 

Shanley  95 

Shea  112 

Shelland  22 

Shelton  54 

Shields  10 

Shipe  130 

Simon  60 

Simondon  69 

Simpkins  69,70 

"Sky  Pilot"  4 

Smith  31 

Snow  45 

Snyder  45 

Soderquist  32 

Soe  5 

Sorenson  17 

Spaberg  41 

Spiers  58 

Spotten  11 

Sprague  79 

Staker  61 

Stach  20,40,56 

Stack  40,91 

Stadstad  68 

Steele 93 

Stef anson  50 

Stein 36,40,80,132,136 

Steinwehr  71 

Sterling  94 

Stillwell  46 

Stone  1  27 

Stovey  82 

Strachan  68 

Strissel  6,8,9,27 

Stokeley  5 

Stoltenow  ..3,10,24,80,100 

Strohm  6 

Strubel  9,117 

Studnicka  10,104 

Suckow  69 

Sugarman  44 


Sutton  75 

Swanson  5 

Sweeney  54,56,96 

Sweet  82 

Swelander  50 

Tauch  11 

Telegram 33 

Thatcher  35 

Theede 29,30,31,44 

"The  Truth"  19 

Thill  25,35,69 

Thomas  130 

Thompson  127,136 

Tiegs   8,26,113 

Tix 12,32 

Todd  72,80 

Tommefson  93 

Torkelson 106 

Torrey  63 

Tosney  59 

Tracy  86 

Trainor  6 

Trapp  28,29,42 

Tribzek  75 

Trimble  132 

Tripke  37,38,60 

Trott  69 

Tubbs 77 

Tyler  2 

Tyson  15,16,23,68 

Umbreit  4 

Undecided 72 

Unkart  4 

Unknown 68,94,95,97 


Valintinson  19 

Van  Buskirk  108 

Van  Mill  21,23 

Vedder 36,42,128 

Verchmin  71 

Wagner  8,26 

Wahl  3 

Walte  71 

Hakama  134 

Walby  9 

Walker  9,11,17,36 

Wallace  93 

Wallman  36 

Walstrom  30 

Walstrum  100 

Walters  12 

Warner  19 

Waterhouse  33,78,106 

Wawers  30,31 

Weber  35,40,41,94 

Weinkauf  33,46,47 


Wendt 40,41,44,137 

Wessel  69 

Westphal  42,77,83 

Westrup  46 

Wexler  29,30 

Whalen  56 

White  14 

Wllberg  58 

Wilcox  33 

Wilhelm  82 

Wilkie  53 

Willard  35 

Williams  18 

Wilm 125 

Winthorst  12 

Wiper  1 

Wipperman  67 

Wirth  5 

Wlrtz  68 

Witt 20,26,38,84,98 


Wittman  12,13 

Wohlwend  3 

Woiwode  57,107 

Wolf  18,45 

Wolf gren  10 

Wolter  10 

Woodhouse  37 

Woolsey  61 

Worchester  67 

Womer    ..21,32,45,75,110 
Wrege   60,67 

Young  80,105 

Zatachka  19 

Zenbarth  51 

Ziegelman  ...20,21,33,34 

Zimmerman  25,35,77 
