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SALT  LAKE  CriY,  UTAH  84150 


^  c 

/'vsi-  /^zS" 

*    *    * 

Film    No 


June  8,  1922  -  June  11,  1925 





Elizabeth  M.  Collins 

11638  SE  164th  St. 

RENTON,  WA.  98058 



©Elizabeth  M.  Collins 
Copyright  0  1993  by  Elizabeth  M.  Collins 
All  Rights  Reserved  Worldwide 
Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America 

Uu.  Jcu>on  A.  WJJi&on,  nee  Maud  VeSiZva,  -c<s  AptncUng  a  ^eio  day6  az  (tome,     fiet 
moA/ujigz  occMAAtd  dafUng  the.  hotldayi  but  woi  not  known  outi-idz  o^  hoA  Ajrmzdiate. 
iamUij  untiZ  the.  pcu>t  weefe.     Shz  l&  a  daughteA  o^    m.  and  tVu>.  SmUh  VaSUva  oi  tkU 
city  and  ha&  been  texidUng  tn  Bowman  County  wheAz  tJiz  wtdding  occuAAzd. 

Hex  ^end&  kfie.  one.  ptza&zd  to  e-xtznd  bzZate.d  cDnghatuZjatAjon&  and  but  wicsfteA. 
Tfie  young  couple,  ate  tMjnkAjiQ  o£  Zocatcng  tn  thz  Canadixin  nofithweJ>t. 
HANKINSOH  NEW5  «*»♦««»««*»♦  J^^^  j^    j922 

Member  o^  thz  John  R.  JoneA  ^amiJty  and  Uu.  W.   C.  Tofiman,  Jfi. ,  oAt  InVofman 
today  to  attend  the.  oi  Uaj>&  GeAXhude.  HuxZy  and  David  H.  30neJ>,  which  takti  thii  a^teAnoon  at  the  homz  o^  the  bfiidz'6  motheA,  Hfu>.  W.   HuAty 

The  bAidz  i&  a  cou&ln  oi  Thz  Nem  man  and  aj>  weZt  known  in  HankJju>on,  having 
taught  in  ouA  puhZic  6choot6  ^oA  thAzz  yzoAi,. 

Thz  gfioom  -c4  a  6on  o^  Ha,  and  HAi,.  V.  J.  Jonzi  o^  VoAman  and  ^oA  a  6hoAt  timz 
wa&  employed  in  thz  FaAmzu  and  MzAchanti  BAnfe  o^  thit>  placz.     A^teA  a  AhoAt  honzy- 
moon  tAip  thz  young  coapLz  wUJi  makz  thziA  homz  at  WyndmeAz  whzAz  thz  gAoom  iJ>  cxuhizft 
ol  Thz  VJLaU.  national  Bank. 
HANHUSOU  NEWS  ************  j^^^  22,    1922 

John  HeUi,  Ja..  ,  aAAA.vzd  homz  la&t  wzek  af^tzA  an  zxtzndzd  abhzncz,   bAinging 
with  him  a  bAtdz  in  thz  peA6on  o^  Uinniz  BAyan  o^  Chanutz,  Sa&k,  CAnada.     They  weM. 
moAAizd  by  Ju&ticz  VfvindvJULlz  at  Sll>&eton  on  Thauday,  June  15tJi. 
HAWKIMSON  NEWS  ************  j^^^  29,    1922 

Henny  Witt  0(5  Bel^oAd  Iz^t  thz  ^oAz  pant  o^  lai>t  weefe  ioA  Blue  EoAth  City,  MM., 
wheAz  hz  took  unto  him&eZ^  a  bfUdz  -in  thz  pzA&on  o^  Hi&6  Gladys  GzoMchaheA  o^  Winne- 
bago, MN. ,  on  Wednesday,  July  12th.     Thz  NeMJi  hoi  been  pAomiizd  a  detaZtzd  AzpoKt  oi 
thz  wzdding  ^OA  ouA  nzxt  i66uz. 

HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  July  20,    1922 


GzoAge  MyhAa,  6on  o{t  H.   C.   N.  UyhAa,   Zickland  County  pionzeA  and  bAothzA  o{,  E.   i 
HyhAa,  o^  Wahpeton,  was  maAAied  at  VztAoit,   MN. ,  Tuz&day,  July  nth,  to  Ha,&  Goldiz 
Gwendolyn  Jonz&,   daughteA.  o^  M^.   and  M^.   HoAtin  Jonzi  oi5  VilvJoAth,   MN,,   accoriding  to 
announcejmzntk  Azceived  by  Wahpeton  ^Aczndi,. 

Thz  wzdding  wai,  a  quiet  a^^aiA  and  theJA  moAAiagz  woi  a  AuApAiie  to  all  but  a 
ijew  cloiz  Aelattvzd. 

Ha.  and  Mai,.  Myhta  have  AetuAnzd  to  thz  old  homz  ^anm  nohth  o{^  Vwight,  wheAz 
thzy  Witt  makz  thziA  home  {^OA  thz  pAziznt  at  least  with  thz  gfioom' i   {^otheA. 

Many  Kzlativzi>  and  {^AizndA,  ^Aom  Vwight,  Gatchutt,  AbeAcAombie,  Toaqo,  Vltwofith 
Wahpeton  and  otheA  communittzi)  gathzAzd  at  the  Myhna  homestead  Sunday  evening.  ThziA 
puApoiz  bzing  a  AuApAiiz  panty  on  thz  nevolywedi,.  One  hundAzd  guz&tl,  weAz  pAz&znt,  an^ 
all  6pznt  a  mo6t  happy  zvenlng.     Thz  gAoom  ha&  tivzd  at  thz  homz  iaAm  all  o^  hU  li^z 

(  1) 

cormunUiy ,  ^ecexved  a  uxiAm  wzZcome  {^Hjom  tho.  many  Kulbxtiv^  and  {,^e.nd&  pKUznt,   and 

the.  happy  couptz  weAe  kaxwtUiy  conQhaiutatzd. 

HANKWSON  HEWS  ************  j^^  20,    J9Z2 

Hon.  Hatikew  H.   Lynch  o^  LidgeAwood,  ^eemi  to  bz  aj>  6ucce/t&^uZ  'in  matfujnony  a& 
in  potitiu.     In  tht  Ktcejnt  pfujnaAy  ztzctlon  he.  woi  oveA  wheZmingty  nominate.d  {^oti 
xzpKzMzntatlvQ.  In  ikU  ttg-U>latlvt  dUtAlct,  and  la6t  weefe  /le  wa6  unltzd  In  maAfviage. 
to  Mc44  JutixL  McHugfi,  one,  o^  LidgeAioood'A  cJtaAming  young  bzZJizi. 
HANKWSON  WEW5  ************  j^  27,    1922 


Mc44  Gla.dy6  Ben&chotzA,   oldest  daaghteJi  o^  Ma.   and  Ma4.   H.   BenAchoteA,   o^  Winne- 
bago, hiN.,  woi  moAJiied  to  Ma.   Henny  WiXt,  o^  Hankinl>on,  Wednesday  a^teAnoon,  JuZy  12th, 
at  Btue  EoAth,  MN. 

The  hai,  fie^lded  In  Wlnneabago  ^oK  a  ntmbeA  o^  yeoAi,  and  aj,  a  graduate  o^  the 
Winnebago  High  School.     Vox  the  pa6t  thfiee  yeafii>  6he  had  taught  /school  In  Nofith  Dakota. 
She  l&  a  lady  who  l6  held  In  the  highest  xegaAd  and  esteem  by  all  who  know  hex. 

The  gloom  hxu,  lived  In  BeZiond  Townihlp  ^ox  many  yeau  and  l6  weZl  and  {^avoKably 
known  hzAe.     The  happy  young  couple  mJUi  make  thelfi  home  on  the.  gxoom'A  ({oAm. 

The  Nem  jolm  In  heajvty  congxatulatlon&  and  veAy  beJtt  wlihe/i. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  j„£^  27,    1922 

L.  K.   VICK  inotoKild  to  Ghace  City  Friday,  xetuKnlng  the  ^lut  o^  the  week  with 

kii,  who  ha&  been  staying  at  the.  home  o^  hen.  paM.ent&  6lnce  thelA  moAAlage  a  couple 

OjJ  weeki  ago.     They  have  gone  to  hoa&ekeeplng  -in  Aoomzln  the  Ma6.  A.  M.  Jone'A  fieJ>-idence. 


Jamei  P.   P.  TulZock  accompanied  L.  K.   Vlck  on  an  auto  txip  to  Tango  Vfilday,   going 
{/torn  thene  to  Winnipeg  wheAe.  liu  inlend&  have  good  fiea&on  to  believe  he  was  moAAled 
yeJiteAday  to  Ua,6  Uellle  PatteA&on,  a  bonnle  Scotch  la&ile,  who  oAAlved  at  the  home  o^ 
Ma.  TutLock'6  ilsteAl,  In  Winnipeg  la6t  week  ^Aom  Scotland.     Ma.  Tuiloch  recently  puA- 
cha&ed  the  duelling  hooiz  ju&t  nonth  of,  the  Spott&wood  home  and  It  li>  expected  the 
neMlywedt  wilZ  go  to  housekeeping  shortly.     They  one  expected  to  annlve  heAe  Tnlday. 
HANKJNSON     NEWS  ************  jt^  27,    J9Z2 


JcuTiei   P.   P.   Tullock  and  bnlde  oAAlved  heAe  Ehlday  ^nom  Winnipeg,   and  the  populaA 
gnoom  luK,  been  bu&y  deceiving  congnatulatlom  o^  hl&  many  ^Alend&  duAlng  the  pa&t  week. 

The  gfwom  hai  been  a  ne^ldent  o{,  Hankln^on  iox  ieveAal  yeau,   employed  as  manual 
tAolnlng  teacheA  In  oufi  public  6chool&.     Vunlng  the  Wonld  WoA  he  enti&ted  with  the  Cana- 
dian tAoopjfi  and  iaw  active  heAvlce  In  the  englneeAlng  cofip^.     He  Ketunned  to  HanklMon 
ioon  a{,teA  hl6  dl/^choAge  to  Keiume  hlA  wonk  In  ouA  ichool. 

(    2) 

mant/  pu,zn.d6  OjJ  -t/ie  gKoom. 

Wt.  and  Ma4.  TulZock  havz  gone  ;to  fiou-sefeeeptng  -tn  ;tlie  dwzlZlng  hoaiz  joit  nofcth 
0^  thz  SpoXX^mod  homz,  which  thz  gKoom  fizczyxtty    puAchaizd. 

Thz  ^oZZouxing  account  aj>  iakzn  ^fiom  thz  Manitoba  Fjuzz  Pa.z&&,  pubti&hzd  at  Winnipzg. 

Thz  moA/Uagz    o^  HzZzn  Wat6on,  thUid  daughtzfi  o({  M.  and  Uu.  WiJZiam  Vattznjton, 
Edinburgh,  Scotland,  to  Ma..  Jamz6  P.   P.  Tattock,  took  placz  at  thz  homz  o^  MfU>.  VztzK 
Hay,  iiitzA  o^  thz  bAtdzgnoom,    119  Evanion  StAzzt,  W^nipzg,  Cannada,  on  Wzdnz&day, 
Augti&t  2nd. 

Rev.  J.  A.  hlilZa/L,  Oak  Lakz,   Manitoba  o^^iciatzd  and  Uu.  Hay  plaifzd  thz  wzddtng 
moAc/i.     Thz,  who  voa6  givzn  in  manxiagz  by  Ma..   Pe^eA  Hay,  woKz  a  dA.zl>&  o^  Alpptz 
Aotin  with  thz  KzguLation  vziZ  and  ofuxngz  bto^iomli  and  caAAizd  a  bouqazt  o^  Koi>zJ>, 
ivoztt  peoA  and  tWUzit  o^  thz  vaZZzy.     Shz  woA  attzndzd  by  Mi&6  Bztty  Giant  and  titttz 
Bzth  Uowat,  ncecei  oi  thz  bAZdzg/wom.     Thz  bfiidzgAoom  uxu  attzndzd  by  hii  nzphzM),  Ma.. 
Alex  Gnant. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  Augiiit  10,    1922 

Ma.,  and  MA4.   F.  Mooa  Iz^t  Monday  f,ofi  Vaynzi^viZlz,  MW. ,  vohzAz  thzy  wznt  to  vI&aX 
ifu.znd&  iJoA.  a  ^eu)  day&  and  aZ&o  to  attznd  tiiz  wzdding  o^  MK6.  Mooa'  coaiin  which  will 
takz  placz  Satwiday  o^  thli  wzzk.     EAom  thzf\.z  Ma.,  and  Mfu>.  Maai>  will  go  to  thz  Twin 
Cltiz&  to  takz  In  thz  MW.  Statz  Ealfu 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  Aagd!>t  31,    1922 

Ma.  and  Maa.  W.  G.  Hazy  Aztafmzd  Wzdnziday  moaning  af^zh.  attznding  thz  maAfilagz 
0(5  thzin.  Aon  Lynn,  which  took  placz  at  MinnzapoHi ,   Monday,  Aug.    28th. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  Wyndmziz  Column  SzptmbzA  7,    1922 


Monday  night  Chlzi  Tacob&on  wai,  calZzd  to  HlZlhzad  whzfiz  hz  placzd  Gust  Wz&t- 
andzA  undzt  oAAzit  ^OA.  a&iult  with  a  dangztoai,  wzapon  and  Intent  to  do  bodily  hafm. 

It  appzoM  that  Wz&tlandzA  had  attacked  hid  wi{^z  with  a  wagon  wAznch  and  had 
bzatzn  hzA  Azvztly  about  thz  hzad  Inflicting  6z\)Zfuxl  painful  woundi, 

Shz  cannlzd  hzt  a  even  dayi  old  baby  and  a  two-yzoA-old  child  to  a  mlghboA.'  A 
houiz  (JoA.  Az{^ugz. 

WzitlandeA  woi  bKought  to  Vzblzn  and  placzd  In  jail.     Hz  wa6  latzK  takzn  to 
BAltton  whzAz  hz  wai,  glvzn  hzanlng  on  Wzdnziday  and  wai  put  undzfi  bond  to  kzzp  thz 
pzacz.     falling  to  azcuAz  bond,   hz  li  at  thli>  wnltlng,  -itUll  In  thz  county  jail. 

Thz  bAutal  attack  o^  thz  hu6band  upon  thz  wl^z  whom  hz  had  6woAn  to  pAotzcl 
hoi  a/wuAzd  conildzAablz  ^zzting  agalnit  WzitlandzA  and  thz  {,act  that  bat  4  even  dayi 
had  ztap&zd  lincz  hzt  baby  wai  bohn  makzi  his  bzhavloA  6zzm  itlll  moAz  ottAocioai . 
We  tAuit  thz  law  will  not  dzal  too  lightly  with  him.  , ,, ,  Vzblzn  Advance. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  SzptzmbzA  U,    1922 


A  pxeXty  wzddung  occanjizd  at  Gnand  FoAk&,  NV. ,  on  SautuAday  moAning,  Szpt.  2nd, 
u)hzn  FnanceJ)  L. ,  onZy  daughteA  o^  Mn..  E.  L.  PleAct  o^  that  city,  bzcame.  thz  bntdz  o^ 
EduocLtd  M.  HungeA.  Tht  czAzmony  took  pZaae.  at  St.  ?auZ'6  Epticopat  ChuAch,  Rev.  Jon- 
athan Wat&on  0 f^ffictating.     Only  the.  tnmzdiate.  KeJiatLvaA  o{^  thz  bfiide.  wtn.z  in  attendance. 

The.  bntdz  woi  attULe,d  i.n  a  point  iiaiJit  tAaveZLng    dAui  and  wofiz  a.  couagz  o^ 
KiZtoAnty  fw&u.     The.  King  AeAv-cce  woA  oied. 

Fottovaing  the.  ceAemony  a  wedding  bAeak^oAt  wa&  ieAved  in  the  bHtde'&  home  and 
ZateA  in.  the  manning,  Ua.  and  Wis,  HungeA  teit  ioA  VetAoit  and  ULnneapotii,  tAaveZing 
by  mo  to  A.     LateA  they  motoAed  to  Hankin&on  ^oA  a  ihomt  viJ>it  at  the  home  o^  the  gAoom'A 
paAenti,  M/i.  and  Ha6.   F.  0.  HungeA. 

The  bhtde  i&  a  popuZaA  GAand  FoAki,  beJUie  and  moit  OjJ  heA  tL^e  haJ,  been  &pent  in 
that  city.     The  gAoom  ij,  a  Hankinion  boy  but  doA  the  pa&t  iJew  monthi  hai  been  with  the 
M.  G.  Ot&on  Clothing  Co.,  at  GAand  foAki,  a&  manageA.     He  ha6  a  ho6t  o^  ^Aiendi  heAe 
who  oAe  pleased  to  extend  beJtt  mj>heJ). 

Ua.   and  Uai,.   HungeA  viitl  be  qutte  at  home  to  theiA  {^Aiendi  a(,teA  Set.    15th.  at 
1624  JnteAnational  Ave.,  GAand  fofdii. 
HANKWSOhl  HEWS  ************  SeptejnbeA  14,    1922 

An  announcejnent  o^  the  appAoaching  moAfiiage  o^  Mcaa  HoAgaeAite  KAump  0(J  this 
viLlage.  to  Ha.  Cluu.  A.  VondeZingeA  oi  Sioux  City,  lA. ,  woa  made  public  l/i&t  Sunday. 

Both  OAe  veAy  pAominent  young  people  and  aAe  well  known  In  thli  vicinity.  Tht 
moAAiage  will  take  place,  next  Tuesday,  Sept.    19th,  at  St.  PeteA  and  ?aut'/>  Catholic 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************ 

Invitations  have  been  Aecelved  heAe  announcing  the  moAAiage  o^  ^tcii  Agatha  TeA- 

haoA  oi  PleAz,  MN. ,  to  Ha.  Hike  LugeAt  of^  hkintadoA,  which  will  take  place  at  the  home 

0(5  the  bAide's  poAents  at  PleAz  on  Tuesday,  Sept.   26th.     Ha.  and  M^.    LugeAt  expect 

to  make  theiA  home  on  a  £aAm  nonth  o^  HantadoA  which  Ha.   LugeAt  has  Aented. 


MEUHANM     -       KORTH 

The  moAAtage  oi  Hiss  Elsie  C.   NeuJinnn  and  AAthuA  W.   KoAth  wa6  6olemniztd  Tuesday 
a^teAnoon  at  2  o'clock  at  the  GeAman  JmmanueZ  ChuAch  in  the  pAe^ence  o{i  a  loAge  gatheA- 
ing  0(5  {,Alends,   Rev.   C.   ObeAdoe^teA  peAf^oAmlng  the  ceAemony.   The  bAide  woa  attiAed  in  a 
gown  0^  white  satin  and  caAAied  a  bouquet  o^  white  AoseM.     Hiss   Lena  Stach,   a  cousin  o^ 
tiie  gAoom,  was  mold  o{,  honoA  and  Cast  Neiw\ann,    bAotheA  0(5  the  bAide,   acted  OJS   best  man. 

Ai^teA  the  ceAemony  the  wedding  poAty,  including  about  100  guests,   made  mzAAy  at  a 
big  Aeception  at  the  bAide's  home  in  EAightiuood  Township. 

The  gAoom,  a  son  o^  Has.  Amanda  KoAtii,  has  also  lived  in  BAightwood  since  boyhood. 
Both  have  hosts  o(t  (^Aiends  who  oAe  pleaded  to  extend  congnatulattons  and  bes-t  wishes  ^oA 
a  long  and  happy  moAAied  Hie. 


The.  young  coupZe.  mJUi  be  "at  homz"  on  thz  A.   H.   Bfiown  hat^  section  ^ansn  Zn 
EZma  ToMnikip  the.  latteji  pant  of^  tkU  weefe. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  SzptmbeA  21,    1922 


A  veAy  pn^eXty  wedding  took  pZaae.  at  thz  St.  '6  VeteJi  and  ?aut  Chufich  at  Mantadon. 
on  Tuesday  mofuiing,  Sept.  19th,  when  UoAgaKet  R.  Knump  becamz  the,  bfiidz  oi  ChanteJ>  A. 
VondeZingeA,  Rev.   H.  WZZke^  peAionming  the.  ceJiemony. 

The.  wai  att/Jizd  tn  a  dn.e.66  o^  whtte.  cxinton  cAepe  and  caAJiced  a.  ihoweA 
bouquet  o^  white  noteM  and  imUjox.     She.  woi  attended  by  Mc44  UafigofieZ  E.  KAump,  o^ 
FaAgo,  a  coui-in  oi  the,  who  wai>  attiAe.d  tn  a  dA.ti6  o^  He.nna  canton  cAepe  and 
cxuaU-zd  an  ahm  bouquet  o^  A6teA&. 

The.  ghoom  wai>  attended  by  ha>  biotheA,  Ma.   EduiaAd  VondeLingeA  oiJ  IftnneapotU . 
k{^eA.  the.  wedding  ceAemony,  a  Keceptlon  -ot  the     {^ofm  oi  a  wedding  bfiejokia&t  wa5  gtven 
at  the  bAldz'-i  home..  About  6e.\Jenty-  f^ive  tnvtte.d  gae^ti  weAe  pA.e/>ent. 

The.  bntdz  t&  a.  daughteA  oi  Wu>.  K.  KAunp    and  wa4  bofm  and  KeoA^d  nzoA  HantadoA 
and  Jis,  one.  o^  the.  mo6t  popuioA  young  Zja.dieJ>  oi  that  cormunity. 

The.  ghoom  JU  a  6on  oi  Ma6.  J.   VondeLingeA  0(J  Sioux  City,  Ik.,  and  U>  weZi  and 
^avoKabte.y  known  i.n  the  coimuntty  -in  which  fie  tivti. 

The.  happy  young  couplz  Itit  the.  ^oZZowing  day  on  a  wedding  tAip  to  Uinneapotii, 
and  ^fiom  XJieAz  went  to  Stoux  Ctty,  lA. ,  wheAz  they  wiZt  be  at  theiA  home,  to  theJA 
.^fbiendit  at  611  Jenntng6  StAzet.     Ma.  VondeLingeA  li>  a.  pAominent  fvaWvoad  man  of,  that 
ctty  and  tit  ejnptoyed  by  thz  t^ULwaukze.  Hood. 

Out  0(5  town  gue£tl,  who  attended  the,  wedding  weAe,  Mt.  and  Maa.  A.   Haf^neA  and  ion 
and  daughteA  o^  Wahpeton,  UlchaeL  Ga&paA  and  Hi&i  Suion  Gaj>paA  o^  Alton,   Iowa.. 

The.  NEWS  jotni  theiA  many  ^Alendd  in  e.xtending  congAatuZation&  and  be^t  wl6he/>. 
HANKJNSON  ************  Se.ptejnbeA  U,    7922 


Announcemejiti  weAe  Aeceiued  fieAe  the  pa&t  wezk  o^  the  manAiage  of,  fliii  KatheAine 
Gnt^^ith  to  Albln  GfionZund.     The.  ceAemony  wa&  peA^ofmed  at  Hinneapotii  on  Tuesday,   Oct. 
3Ad,   at  the  KectoKy  oi  the  Aicen&lon  ChuAch,   Rev.    VatheA  HoAntngton  oi {dictating. 

The  bntde  taught  the.  eighth  gnade  In  the  Hanktn&on  Tubtic  School!,  duAing  thz  pa&i 
two  yzoAk.     Ez{t0fLZ  that  4/ie  had  taught  at  Fonman,  thz  homz  o^  thz  gfioom,  wheAz  thz  Aom- 
ancz  began.     Thz  bntdz  has  a  hoi>t  o^  Hanktyi&on  ^Alzndi  who  aAz  pleaizd  to  extend  {^eLi- 

Ma.   and  Ma5.   Gfwnlund  will  make  tiieJji  homz  In  Hinnzapolii  wheAz  thz  gAoom  16 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  Oct.    12,    1922 


John  HelZ'A  Voung  Bfiidz  HeZd  Zn  UinntapolAJ,  on  A  ChoAgz  o^  Blgamif 

ThzAz  -C4  ont  young  woman  down  i.n  Ulnnzapotil,  who  hoi  doubtZe.&6  btzn  conveJvttd  to 
thz  beZLz^  0^  a  titeAot  Hdii  on  zxiAih,  and  atio  thai  we.  eac/i  havz  ouA  peAionaZ  dzvAJt. 
And  hzfi  txpfUcnce.  o^  the.  lait  (Jew  month&  wouLd  6ezm  to  bexin.  out  tkU  thzofiy,  at  leoit 
40   ^oA  oi  M/14.  HeJU.-CloAk-'Bfiyan-GzYu.dzy  l&  conceAned. 

It  -c4  the  old  6tonii  o£  thz  tovtng  maiden  who  took  in  too  muck  teAJuXoAy.  ..attempte 
to  divide  heA  a^^^zctioM  among  thAzz  OA  ^ouA  admiAeAA.     Bat  in  thil>  In&tancz  6hz  went  a 
6tzp  too  iaA...waA  thz  bZa&hing  bAidz  in  a  nMAtlagz  czAzmony,   yz&,  with  at  tea&t  thtzz 
di^^zAent  men,  negtzcting  thz  {,onjnaLcty  o^  divorcing  thz  old  bz{,oAz  6hz  wa6  on  viith  thz 
new.     A4  a  Aziult  6hz  li  in  cuitody  with  thz  authoAitiz6  at  UlnnzapotiA  and  it  16  zxpzct 
zd  that  John  HeLt,  Ja.  o^  Hankimon  wUibz  thz  zomptaA.ning  wctneii  Xn  a  cAiminat  action 
with  bigamy  a6  a  choAgz  again&t  thz  (,cuA  defendant. 

So  ^aA  ai,  Hankin&on  people  know  o^  thz  ca&e,  it:  began  zoAly  la&t  Junz  whzn  John 
HeJUi,  J  A.  AetuAnzd  homz  a^zA  a  bAiz^  ab-iencz,   bAcnging  with  hon  a.  young  woman  who  hz 
intAoduczd  oi  ku  wi^z.     Thz  couplz  had  bzzn  moAAizd  at  Sl6&eton  by  a  Ja&ticz  o^  thz 
?  and  at  that  timz  ihz  gavz  heA  namz  a6  fAlnnlz  E^yan,  which  ij>  bzlizvzd  to  havz  bzzn 
hzA  maiden  namz.     Thz  couplz  &zttlzd  down  hzAz  and  appoAentZy  zveAything  uxu,  loveZy. 
But  a  6hoAt  timz  ago  Wu.   Hzll  in^oAmzd  heA  husband  that  AeZatlvzi  weAz  6ick  in  thz  zaj,t 
and  that  &hz  ieJLt  it  heA  duty  to  go  to  thzm  ^OA  a  timz.     A  tztteA  puAponting  to  havz 
b^zn  Azzzivzd  by  hzA  woi  ihown  Ma..  HzlZ  to  6ub6tantlatz  hzA  6tatzment6. 

Thz  woman  dzpaAtzd  at  oncz  and  whotz  at  intzAvali  to  Wi.  HeJUi  ^OA  ^undi.     HeA 
pAolongzd  abiznce  {^ijnaZZy  oAouizd  hii,  ioipicioni  and  hz  bzgan  an  invz&tigation  of,  heA 
peAionat  hl6toAy.     He  wa&  6oon  convinced  that  all  wa&  not  flight  and  Iz^t  last  SatuAday 
evening  ^oA  HinnzapoliJ,  with  thz  avowzd  intzntion  o^  "going  to  thz  mat"  with  thz  iaiA 
but  fiickly  \Mtmiz. 

The  fieMt  o£  thz  itoAy  to  datz   [but  wliick  may  bz  prolonged  into  a  AZAial  i^  pKo- 
6zcution  0^  thz  woman  fiOttows]  ij>  told  in  Monday's  hiinnzapotis  JouAnal: 

A  lovz  plot  0(5  Aomi^cations  woi  fizvzalzd  by  and  thz  county  attor- 
ney's o{^{yicz  today  when  llinniz  Bfiyan,   aged  11,   modishly  dAeMzd  and  of,  itAiking  appzaA- 
ancz,  was  lockzd  up  in  a  cell  in  thz  cJity  jail  on  choAges  o^  bigamy  brought  by  John 
HeZZ,  Ja..  ,   5S  yesvis  old,  wealthy  AztiAzd  iJoAmcA  0({  Hankinson,   NV. 

Laaghtng  scohn^uiZy,  tiiz  aubuAn  ginZ,   admitted  according  to  dztzctivzi ,  that  shz  moAAizd 
thz  ioAmeA  so  that  shz  could  get  $20,000  and  Azjoin  Ffiank  Geitiickzy,   an  employzz  o^  a 
nofith  MinnzapolLi  coal  company,  whom  shz  had  mcuiAizd  12  days   bz(,oAz.     Shz  lovzs  Gewickzy 
shz  told  Vztzctive  James   Levzns  and  maAAizd  HzlZ  ^OA  his  monzy. 


StoAting  ApniZ  4th,    1921,  thz  young  woman  has  a  stonmy  matAimonial  caAzeA,  winning 

and  losing  thAzz  husbands,   according  to  heA  story. 

She  became  acquainted  with  Hell,  shz  said,  through  "Cupid's  Columns,"  a  St.    Paul 


maXAAjnonLat  papeA.     Shz  conAe6pondzd  inilth  him  {^fiom  koJi  harm  i.n  Chanivte.,   Kanicu,. 

HdUi,  a.  vtZtfum  o(^  thAtz  ^ofmeA  cx)nnuhiaJi  ve.ntan.z6,  and  thz  {,athzA.  o£  4  even 
chAJbifitn,  viznt  to  Chanutz  Zcu>t  Max/  and  woi  60  cha/mzd  by  thz  young  divofLCZZ...who 
had  paAtzd  ^fLom  J.  B.   CZa/dz,  hzA  ^lfL6t  6pou6z  a^tzA.  a  6hofit  and  6toAmy  moAAlzd  Li^z... 
that  hz  pfwpo6zd  and  woA  aczzptzd.     Thz  wzaJithy  iafmeA.  tvztivmzd  homz  an  engaged  man 
and  thAzz  wzzki  ZxxtzA  hlA  ^nanczz  cxmz  to  hilnnzapoti/)  to  buy  hzA  tAou66zau  bz^ofiz  p-to- 
zzduig  to  Sl66zton,  SV.  \ 


HzAz  aczoJuiing  to  hzA  6toxy,  6hz  mzt  Gepxidizy,     It  wa6  tovz  at  (,lfi6t  6-ight  and 
thzy  wzKz  moAAizd  June  )Oth,  6hz  told  dztzctivz6  Lzvzn6  and  f^zdiam,  who  aAAz6tzd  hzA, 
thz  dztzctivz6  6atd. 

Two  day6  ZatzA  6hz  Zz^t  thz  b/u.dzg^oom  and  wznt  to  Dakota,  dttznmlnzd,  azcond- 
Zng  to  thz  6toKy,  to  win  thz  $20,000  HzJUi  t6  6aAA  to  havz  pAomi6zd  hzn.  ^oA  moAAytng 
him,  and  thzn  to  KztuAn  to  Gmlckzy. 

Shz  moAAizd  HeZl  at  SZ66eXon  on  June  22nd. 

Untii  Szpt.  13th,  thz  vztzAan  agfu.zuZtuAaJUj>t  thought  hz  had  won  a  ^ond  and 
^aAXh^uZ  wt(Je.  On  that  datz,  howzvzA,  6hz  tz^t  Hankln6on,  06tzn6Zbly  bound  ^oA  a 
\}AJ>lt  to  hzA  homz. 


On  Oct.   5Ad,  Hzlt  Azczivzd  a  tzJizgfum  ^Aom  UlnnzapoiL6,  6lgnzd  by  hi6  uii^z  and 
a6klng  ^OA  monzy.     HzZt  bzaamz  6u6pl<u.ou6  and  came  to  Hinneapoti6.     He  tnaczd  thz  tztz- 
gAam  to  524  Szvznth  St.  So.  and  thzAz  hz  iound  hi6  mi66'ing  bfUdz,  and,  it  aZZzgzd, 
6hoz6,  6ock6  and  matceIZanzou6  appoAzt  that  nzvzA  bzlongzd  to  him. 

VztzcXZvz6  on  thz  young  woman  wzaz  6o  amazzd  by  hzA  6toAy  that  chaA.gz6 
0^  bigamy  wzAz  {/JLzd  and  6hz  wa6  piaczd  In  jalZ. 

Hztt,  at  thz  county  attonnzy'6  o^ilcz,  today  6aid  that  hz  t6  bzgtnntng  to  doubt 
thz  pzAmanzncy  o^  Aomancz. 


Tuz6day'6  HinnzapotcS  JoafmaZ: 

"Whzn  a  glAi  ha6  two  6WzzthzaAt6,   onz  filch  and  onz  pooA,   and  6hz  doz6n*t  know 
which  to  moAAy,   onz  tlUng  6hz  AhouZdn't  do  16  to  get  moAAlzd  to  both,      I   did  and  Zo6t 
zvzAytlUng.     But  I  am  not  di6couAagzd.     I  liavz  anothzfi  iweette  -en  VetAolt.     He  -16 
onZy  29  and  ha6  $100,000.     I  havz  nzvzA  6zzn  him,   but  hz  wKZtz6  wondzA^uZ  ZzttzA6. 

So  6pokz  hiinnlz  BAyan,  tiiz  oubuAn-hatAzd  young  dlvoAczz,  who  ti  hzZd  Zn  thz  city 
jolZ  whllz  John  HzZZ,   zZd&AZy  Hankln6on,   MP.,    {^oAmzn.  l6  huAAylng  to   ^ZZz  bigamy  chaAgz6 
agaln6t  heA  In  that  6tatz.     Thz  young  woman  adnlt6   ^AankZy,  with  a  tuilnkZz  In  hzA  zyz, 
that  6hz  moAAlzd  ?Aank  GEwlckzy,  UlnnzapoZlb,    ioK  Zovz  and  that  a^tzfi  12  day6,  ZatzA 
6hz  moAAlzd  Hztt,  who,  6hz  6ay6,   pfwmUzd  hzA  $20,000  to  waZk  to  thz  aZtoA  with  him. 
Shz  wantzd  thz  monzy,  6hz  6ald  without  hziltatlon,  to  fiztuAn  to  GziMlckzy,   "my  6oZdleA 
boy."     HzA  6chzmz  iaJXzd  whzn  Hztt  ^ound  h^A  hzAz  wlXh  Gmlckzy. 



"I  wai  in  an  ow^od  ^x,"  ^e  icuUi  pAliontn.  &cu.d  mXh  a.  auz^uZ  &mlZt,  :(Jinoagh 
tilt  baA&  today.     "I  mzt  both  Geuiickty  and  HzZt  through  mafUmonlat  papzAl.     Thzy  both 
camz  to  my  komz  toi/on,  Chanute.,  KS.,  at  thz  4,ajm  time..     I  wouZd  izt  ont  on  om  night 
and  thz  otheA  the.  nejct. " 

"HeZi  woi  otdeA  and  nidi.     GEtaickey  woA  young  and  good  looking  and  I  Zoved  him. 
I  didn't  know  what  to  do.     I  wanted  HeJit&  money  and  Gewickey' &  love." 

"Finatty  I  decided  to  take  a  chance  and  moAAy  both.     I  thought  I  couZd  gei  the 
$20,000,  HelZ  pAomUed  me  and  Ketunn  to  the  man  I  loved.     So  I  ient  HeZt  back  to  Hank- 
in6on,  pAomi&ing  I  would  come  to  him.     He  le^t  $50  in  a  Chanute  bank  ioA.  my  ticket.     I 
moAXied  GeMiickey  June  lOtk." 


"Two  dayh  lateA  I  le^t  him,  laying  I  wai,  going  home.     He  nevcA  knew  about  HelZ. 
He  witl  neveA  ioAgive  me  ^on.  thiM.     He  hain't  come  to  iee  me  and  I  don't  blame,  him.     I 
wouZd  neve/i  ^oAgive  him  i^  he.  did  to  me  what  I  have  done  to  him." 

"But  I  wanted  nice  cZothei  and  money  6o  we  coiiLd  enjoy  ti^e.     knd  I  wanted  love. 
I  took  mt/  chance  and  hene  I  am.     I've  lo&t  eveAyihing. 

WUi.  SoAoh  Schae^^eA,  potice  matron  inteAjected  a  comment: 

"Oh,  you  don't  ieeZ  oa  badly  ai>  all  that,"  i>hz  6aid.     "You  told  me  that  you  had 
anotheA  sweetie  in  VetAoit  wiXh  $100,000." 

"I  have,"  iioid  IMnnie  Bnyan.     "He  i/>  only  29  and  he  iJ>  cAazy  about  me.     1(5  I 
eveA  Qet  oat  od  heAe  I  am  going  to  moAAy  him.     I  have  neveA  6een  him,  but  he  wfiitei 
wondeA^ul  leXteAS." 

"You' fie  a  AeguloA.  vamp,"  6aid  M^.  Schae^^eA. 

hiinnie  EAyan  &miled.     She  ha&  been  mafOiied  thAee  timeJ>.     She  wai  divoKced  by. 
J.  B.  ClxiAk  at  Chanute,  WJ.,  in  MoAch  and  moAAied  Gewickey  and  HeZZ  within  thAee 

^°*^^^'  HELL     HOf^E    THIS     MORWING.... 

M^.   Hell  aHAived  home  thii  moKning  {,Kom  Siiieton,  wheAe  he  iwofie  out  a  complaint 
again&t  Minnie  ioK  bigamy.      Inasmuch  ai,  the  authohitiei  have  copiei  oi  moAAlage  ceAt- 
i^cateA  to  both  moAAiagei,   dated  but  12  day&  apoAt,  it  would  ieem  a&  if,  theAe  wai 
little  chanqe  ^oA  the  woman  to  eicape  conviction. 

hiA.   HelZ  stated  to  the  NEWS  that  Hinnie  had  planned  to  AetuAn  to  Hanhimon  Monday 
uiing  a  AailAoad  ticket  which  he  had  tent  heA  the  latteA  poAt  of  lait  week.     He  ii  of 
the  opinion  that  Hinnie  had  at  leait  one  confedeAate  and  that  theiA  plan  wai  to  "hold 
him  up"   foA  moAe  money. 

The  fUaZ  of  the  woman  foA  bigoMiy  ii  expected  to  come  up  at  a  teAm  of  ciAcuit 
couAt  at  Siiieton  in  NovembeA. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  OctobeA  12,    1922 


CcLXd6  have,  bzzn  /Leccxued  by  {^AlcncU  o^  the.  bnlde.  announcing     thz  manxiaQd  of^ 
McAA  ^gne^  UoJuj  Tonath  to  Ma..  Vonatd  L.  Atklmon  on  Tatsday,  Oct.   3fid,  at  ZLUUngA, 
MT.     Thz  bKidz.  U,  a  daaghtzn.  o^  Hn..  and  Mw.  0.  G.  Vonath,   ^onimAZy  o^  tkii>  city, 
and  l6  Mztt  and  iavofuxbty  krwwn  heAe..     Thty  voUZ  make.  thexJi  home,  in  Champayign,  IL. , 
and  uxilt  be  at  home,  to  thexJi  i^lendi  a^teM.  Nov.   15th 
HANnWSON  WEWS  ************  OctobeA  12,    I92Z 

kKthuA  J.  Sagvotd  and  Mci-i  Anna  Lte.  o^  Mc  Lead  MeAz  mafuvizd  -In  EfizckzYihtdgz, 
on  Tuziady,  Stpt.   5th.     Both  o^  the/>z  young  pe.opZz  ofie.  weZt  and  {^avoKabtejy  known  In 
Uc  Le.od,  vohtfie,  thzy  havz  tivzd  ioK  iomz  tlmz.     Thzy  uaiZZ  ^aAm  nzoA.  Mc  Izod  and  mJUi 
znteAtaln  a  loAgz  numbzA.  o^  theJji  ^hlzndi  at  a  dtnneA  poAty  at  thzifi  iJaAm  homz,  Satur- 
day zvzntng,  Oct.   7th.     ThzAJi  many  ^nlendl,  MUh  them  zveAy  happtnz&6. 

HMKINSON  NEWS  \}}yndmeAz  Column  OctobeA.  12,    1922 


ijJzdnziday  a^eAnoon  at  two  o'clock,  at  thz  patatlal  couyvUiy  homz  oi  thz  bhldz' 6 
paAzntS  In  Bel^oAd  Tovonihlp,  Rev.   R.   HlZgzndok^  peAfiOhmzd  thz  ceAzmony  that  unltzd  ^ofi 
lliz  Mti4  E6s-ce  ?otiui>&  and  Ma..  AfithuA  UozdeA.     Onty  Immzdlatz  Aelatlve^  o^  thz  con- 
tAacttng  paAtlzi  weAz  pAziznt. 

Fotiouung  thz  czAemony  a  wzddlng  banquet  wai  izAvzd. 
.    Thz  btiidz  Id  a  daugkteA  o^  Ma.   and  Ma4.  John  C.  Pol^uii,  onz  o^  Bel^ofid'i  mo6t 
pnominent  iamttizi,  and  gAzw  to  womanhood  on  thz  homz  ^afim.     Shz  l6  a  choAming  young 
lady  and  heA  ^zndl,  aAz  only  ILmitzd  by  thz  clficlz  o^  heA  acqualntanceJ> .     Thz  gfujom 
lit  an  tndiiLtnloui,  young  man,  -don  o^  Ma.  and  Maa.  Juliud  RozdeA,  and  had  thz  Azdpzct 
and  zdtzem  o^  all. 

Thz  young  couptz  vxilSmakz  theJji  homz  with  thz  bfiidz'd  poAzntd   loh.  thz  pfizdent. 



Thz  moAnlagz  o^  Hidd  Etdtz  Wzdtphal  and  C.   W.   BZadow  wojd  dotzmntzzd  Tuzdday 
evening,  Oct.    17th,  at  thz  homz  of^  thz  bfudz' d  poAzntd,  fJA.   and  Ma4.   Wm.  Wz.dtphal, 
j'udt  noAth  ol  thld  city.     Rev.   C.   ObzAdozdtzA  peAfiOfmzd  thz  ceAemony  -in  thz  pn.zdzncz 
0^  thz  immzdlatz  Kelatlvzd  o^  thz  young  pzoptz. 

Thz  cotvtAactlng  poAlizd  oAz  well  known  -in  thld  vicinity  wheAz  both  havz  tivzd 
dincz  childhood,  thz  bnldz  being  a  daughteA  o^  AIa..   and  Ma.4.   U'm.   Wzdtphal  and  thz  gA.oon 
a  don  0(5  Ma4.   HeAman  Ramkz.     Thzy  havz  many  ^nizndd  who  aAz  p^eoierf  to  zxtznd  congfiat- 
ulationd  and  bzdt  Mij>hzd. 

Ma.  and  Maa.   Bladow  wilt  occupy  thz  HeAman  Kamkz  ^anm  nzoA  BelioKd,  thz  Ramkzd 
Amoving  to  Wahpeton  to  Kzdidz. 
HAUKT.HSOH  NEWS  ************  OctobeA  IS,    1922 



jkz  manjicage.  o^  Mc6A  f-\ay  h\atki.eJ>on  o^  BoAnzy  and  Ma..   LauAzncz  Jzntz  o^  h^antadoft 
occu^zd  Wtdnziday,  OCt.    Hth,  thz  ceAvnony  be^ng  p^fi^ofumd  by  Rev.  R.   HltgtndoKft  cut 
St.  John'6  Chu/Lch  in  Bzl^oAd.     Only  A.zZcuU.vt&  o^  the,  contAoctxng  poAtlO)  weAe  pA.e4e/tC. 

Jhz' 6  dAtiA  UX16  OjJ  wivitz  cnnton  cAepe  and  6he  wo*  attended  by  HUa  lOiuzgeJi 
0(J  BoAney  06  bnA.de6maid.     KffieA  the  ceAemony  the  wedding  poAty  motoAed  to  the,  home  o^ 
the.  at  BoAney  wheAe  a  6umptuoa&  dlnneA  waj,  AeAved  taith  eZaboAjate  pAedecoAxition&. 

The  young  couple  have  lived  in  the  vicinity  mo6t  o^  theiA  live^.     The  i6 
a  daaghteA  o^  IAa.  and  Maa.   Choi,   f^athie^on  o^  BoAney,  the  gAoom  i6  a  6on  o^  Ha.   and 
Ma4.   LoaL&  C.  Jentz  o^  Hankin6on.     Both  oAe  populaA  and  have  a  wide  ciAcZe  oi  {^Alendi, 
and  welZ  vaiiheM. 

A^eA  a  bfUe^  wedding  tAip  to  the  citieJ>,  Ha.   and  Ha&.  Jentz  will  be  "at  home." 
to  theiA  ^Aiendi  at  HontadoA,  wheAe  the  gAoom  i6  in  the  implement  buiintii. 

HANKJNSON  WEWS  ************  OctobeA  19,    1922 

Announcement/)  oAe  out  o^  tlie  appAoaching  moAAi/ige  o^  HiSA  Lena  GoegeA  ^Aom  heAe 
to  Ha.  Jo6.GilZti  0(5  Wohpeton.     The  moAAixige  will  take  place  next  Tuesday  at  St. 
PeteA  and  Foul' 6  Catholic  ChuAch  o^  HantadoA. 

The  ie>  a  veAy  pAomLnent  young  lady  having  6pent  mo&t  oi  heA  day6  on  a 
^oAm  ahout  ^ve  miZei  weiit  o{^  tka>  village. 
HANKINSOM  NEDJS  ************  OctobeA  19,    1922 

MtAA  EitheA  Kath,  daugliteA  o^  Ha. and  Has.  Wm.   Kath  o^  Tenny,  MN. ,  woA  moAAied 
Tuesday  of,  thl&  week  ot  Campbell  to  Geo  Age  AlbeAt  WeZi  o^  South  Haven,  MW.     A,5^eA 
the.  ceAemony  the  happy  young  couple  AetuAned  to  Tenny,  wheAe  a  sumptuous  wedding 
dinneA  was  seAved  at  the  home  o^  the  bAlde's  poAents.     The  neuilyweds  le^t  immedlatel.y 
^OA  South  Haven,  wheAe  they  will  make  theiA  home. 

The  gAoom  is  a  nephew  0|$  AlbeAt  Weis,  the  land  man  o{,  Wohpeton. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  FAZmOUKT  COLUHM  hlovembeA  2,    J922 


One  0)5  Hankinson' s  hustling  young  busine^s  men  peApetAated  a  suApAise  on  his 
dAiends  tills  week  when  he  slipped  quietly  away  to  Hinneapolis  and  was  moAAled,  the  being  a  well  known  young  lady  of,  the  LidgeAwood  neighboAhood.     The  gAoom  li  no 
otheA  than  FAedeAick  R.    Radio U  ond  the  bAide  Fose  Ann  Lipovsky,   and  both  weAe  boAn 
in  Richland  County  and  have  Aesided  heAzall  thelA  lives.     The  ceAemony  was  peA{,oAmed 
at  hiinneapoloi  on  Honday,   Nov.   6th,  and  a^teA  a  shont  honeymoon  the  young  couple  wiZl 
be  "at  home"  to  theiA  {^niends  in  this  city. 

The  bnide  ii>  a  daughteA  oi$  Ma.   and  t-iAS.   Anton  Lipovsky,  pAominent  ^oAmeAi  neoA 

LidgeAwood,   and  ijt,  populaA  with  a  laAge  ciAcle  o^  ^Aiends  thAoughout  this  paAt  o^ 


the.  cjounty.     The.  gfioom  l&  a  6on  oi  Ma.,   and  WiA.    Tfizd  UAdloU  o^  thAJ,  city.,   a  ^ofimeA  man,  and  commctndi  the.  A.e6pzct  and  z&tzesn  oi  aXJL  {flK  hl6  AteALLng  peA&onaaZ 

A  ho&t  0|5  {^xitndi  oAe  pZexazd  to  extend  conQfuxtidaXAj}n&  and  bzl>t  uii&h&&  to  thz 
loofithy  young  cowptt. 

HANKWSOU  NEWS  ************  hlovejnbeA  9,    1922 

WWiiam  IfaAquaJidt,  tivtng  acA066  the  fu.veA  tn  Hinne/>ota.  uiith  P.  0.  addKeJ>6 
VaVmount,  woa  maAAied  at  LidgeAiMjod  on  Tuesday  Nov.   7th,  Zn  thz  LutheAan  ChuAck  to 
Ul66  Hilda  HeyeA  o^  that  placz.     WaJUL,  valU.  AeXuAn  v^Xh  hle>  bfiide.  and  thzy  uilZZ  make. 
theAA  home  on  the  ^oAm  tn  IAinne.6ota,  wheAe  they  havz  the.  bz&t  tuci^e*  o^  theJA  {^ntendA. 


Re^tdenti  0(J  zveAy  cohneA  and  towmhip  o^  TUchtand  County  mJU.  mu,&  the  iamiLijaA 
vij>AXl>  oii  E.   Viola  oi  tiiz  Globz  and  heA  titttz  yeJUiovo  hoaditeA  next  AummeA.     Fo/t  the. 
enteApfuJiing  and  populaA  Globe  {fietd  Za.dy  ha&  ^ofuaken  heA  job  and  Jii>  now  a.  bfCidz, 
hcLvtng  bzen  moAfiLed  at  EfieckenAidgz  Za6t  Tuziday  to  HeAbeAt  A.  Bennett.     Thz  ceAemony 
MU  peA^oAined  by  Rev.   ChanZe^  VavZe^  o^  the  Baptist  ChuAdi  at  BfieckenAldge  and  lateA 
on  woA  duZy  ceZebfiated  by  thz  people,  o^  Kent  vlUagz.     We  villi  mli,6  E.   Viola  and  heA 
little  yeUiovi  wagon,  and  had  ihz  consented  to  enteA  thz  {^leld  oi  politics  Instead  o£ 
matAlmony  it  Is  well  within  thz  boundi  o^  po6ilbllity  that  ihz  might  now  be  SheAi^^- 
eZzct  0^  Richland  County  on.  even  have  a  &eat  on  the.  County  Boahd.     Anyway,  the  hundAeds 
0^  ^Alends  0^  E.   Viola  thtoughout  Richland  and  Wilkin  counties  zxtend  congratulations 
and  bzst  wishes  to  E.   Viola  and  husband. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  NovembeA  30,    1922 


hUj,s  Jo&ephine  Vahl,  daughteA  o^  hlKS.   L.  Hendnlckson  o^  Roiholt,  and  Va.   Roy 
W.   Hentz,  son  o^  Ma.   and  hViS.    TeteA  Hentz  o^  Elma  TownAhlp  weAe  united  in  moAnlage 
at  the  home  0(J  tlie  bnldz'^s  motheA  last  Wednesday.     Rev.  Wlckman,  PastoA.  o£  the  Nonwe.- 
glan  LutheAan  ChuAch  peA^oAnied  the  ceAesnony. 

The  bhide  wai  attiAed  In  a  beautl{^ul  gown  of^  white  -satin  tAimmed  with  whitz  lacz, 
and  coAAlzd  a  bouquet  o^  chnysthemums  and  pink  A.oszs,  and  was  attended  by  UiSA  EstheA 
Hentz,   a  6isteA  o^  the  gfioom.     Thz  gfioom  was  attended  by  Ufi.   HaAdas  Vahl,   a  bfiotheA 
o£  thz  bfilde. 

The  bfildz  is  a  young  lady  whoAz  chafwiing  gfiaczs  and  attnactlve  peASonality 
make  heA  beloved  and  adnvined  by  a  lofigz  clAclz  of^   ^filends.     Thz  gfioom  woA  fieoAed  and 
gfiejw  to  manhood  In  Elma  Township  a)id  Is  well  and  ^avonablzy  knowr\heAe. 

A{^eA  the  ceAetiwny  a  ^umptuoas  5  o'clock  wedding  dlnneA  wa.s  seAvzd  at  thz  home 
0(5  thz  bftldz'6  motheA  neoA  Roiholt,   about  thlAty- {^Ive  guests  being  pfizsznt.     Out  o^ 
town  guests  weAz  Uls.s  Helen  Stowz  o^  VaJigo;  Ufi.   AlbeAt  AndeASon  0($  l^oofizhzad,   and  Mfi- 


Wojii  Vahl  0^  Weyitbij,   Wlicon&Zn. 

TheAJi  many  ^ximcU,  join  In  wl&hbig  th^  a  long  tiiz,  happlm66  and  pAo&peAl^y 
vxLthout  mzoiuAz. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  *     ***********  NouemteA  30,    J  922 

A  imMJjiQZ  Ziczn&e.  wa^  l&iutd  Zaj>t  votzk  to  Vfumk  L.  KitchzneA  and  EZJizabzth 

V-Lx  LambzAt,  both  o^  VoAjmount.     Ua..  tCLtckzneA  and  kU  bfUdz  oAe  to  conduct  tht 
Rlcktand  Hotel  at  FalAmount. 
HAWKIWSOW  HEWS                                 ************  NovewbeA  30,    7922 

Ma..   Roy  Hantz  and  Aic64  Joiep^ne  VahZ  weAc  moMlzd  -in  Roihott  on  WzdnoAday,   Nov.   22nd. 
A  wedding  iuppeA  wai,  -6cAued  at  6  PM.     HexiAty  congfiatatatton&  to  the  young  peoptc. 

Gfidzndalz  Column  NovmbzA  30,    7922 

Mc44  Anna  M.  VuAnan.  and  WalteA  W.  Kath,  both  OjJ  Ttnny,  UN.,  weAe  maAAlcd  on 
WzdneJiday,  Nov.   15th,  at  that  placz.     Tht  happy  young  couple.  oAe  quZte  poputax.  and 
theUi  host  0(5  ^KlendA  extend  congfiatulatlon& . 

VaJjmount  Column  NovembeA  30,    7922 

Report  0({  Globe' 6  Glhlt,' i,  UafoUage  La&t  Week  WoA  PAematuAe,  At  Lea&t. . 

When  MoAk  TMuin  wa6  tn  Eutope  yeoAi,  ago  a  AepoAt  o^  hli  death  wai  pKinted  In 
leading  nwi>papeM  o^  thLl>  countAy.     Mank  came  back  In  a  cablegfiam  uiith  the  chaAact- 
eAl&tic  statement  that  "the  AepoAt  o^  my  death  It,  gAo66ly  exaggzAoted."    And  yeaA& 
lateA,    In  the  yeaA  o{,  A.V.   7922,   E.   Viola  Sckenck,  6he  oi  the  little  yellow  AoadsteA 
and  Aunny  dl&poiltlon,  paAapliAo&eA  the  ImmoAtal  UoAk  In  a  letteA  to  the  NEWS,   denying 
the  KepoAt  o{^  heA  moAAlage  which  woi  pAinted  In  this  papeA  laj>t  week. 

All  OjJ  which  goe&  to  show  that  one  should  neveA  jump  at  concZuJ>loni> .     Now  we 
took  It  ioA  granted  that  theAe  woi  one,  and  only  one,  E.   Viola.     TheAe^oAe  when  we 
heoAd  OjJ  the  maAAiage  o^  E.   Viola  Schmitz  at:  BAeckenAidge  Zait  wee^^we  quite  natuAoll 
a&sumed  that  It  wai  Rlcliland  County's  E.    Viola,  known  to  eveAy  man,  woman  and  chiZd 
thAoughout  the  length  and  bAeath  of,  this  county.     But  the  Globe's  E.   Viola  denies 

that  she  Is  moAAled and  she  suAely  ouglit  to  know.     She  wa6  a  bAidesmald  at  the 

wedding  o^  a  {^Aiend,   E.    Viola  Schmitz,   bat  still  Aetalns  heA  single  blessedness  and 
will  Aemaln  at  home  neaA  Kent.,   MM. ,   duAing  tiie  wlnteA  at  least. 

We  t&ndefi  a  humble  apology  to  all.  paAtles  entitled  to  the  same both  the  E. 

Viola's  Aeal  gAoom  and  the  pAospectlve.  gAoom.     Uistakes  will  happen  In  the  best  Aeg- 
ulated  0(5  {fOmilieJ)  and  we  suAely  would  not  be  a  panty  to  moAAylng  o^  the  Globe's  E. 
Viola  against  heA  will,  wish  and  consent. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ««»***»,»««»  VecembeA  7,    7922 


The  maAAiage  o^  ULss   FloAence  Wanek,   daughten.  o^  Ma.   and  hlAS.   Joseph  Wanek, 

TyleA  doAm  Aesldents  and  Al^Aed  Uatejeck  o£  this  city  was  solemnized  at  10  o'clock 

Tuesday  mo/mlng  In  BAeckenAidge  by  the  Rev.    ChoAles  VavleS ,   PastoA  of^  the  Baptist  Chi 


The.  cUZejidafvt&  weAz  Htlz  bfUde.'^  6Aj>teA,   Mj>6  EvzZyn  WaneJi  clucL  M/l.   Matejcete'4 
bKotkzfi,  W-Wiiam  Matzjazk.     A  weddtng  cUnmA.  woA  ieA.vtd  cut  the.  Wanek  homz. 

Ma.,  and  Mw .  hkUejcek  uieAe.  bonn  and  KeaAzd  -in  RlchZand  County.     They  uUZt  make 

tkeJJi  homz  on  thz  l^atzjczk  homz  nzaJi  Tytzn. Wahpeton  G-Lobz. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  FaOunount  Column  VzcembeA  7,    1922 

Twoi  bnotheM  took  i-Utzu  a&  bfu.deA  at  UooKeXan  Wzdnzsday  mofuung  when  thz 
Rev.  Jo6zph  BeAnoAjd,  a  b)wthzfi  o^  thz  bfUdzi,   unltzd  PzteA  J.   and  TAarJi  GiAodat  and 
thz  HU6Z6  Hzdwlg  6.  and  lofiztta.  M.   BeAnaAd  -in  wzdlocJz.     flUi  Hedwig  being  moMXizd  to 
VeXzA  and  Mc44  Lofietta  bzcamz  thz  ini^z  o^  ¥fiay±. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  WyndmeAz  Cohmn  VzczmbeA  7,    J922 


kZJizgzd  Matfujnoniat  Ad\)entuA.z&  Ji  KcquLttzd  oi  Zigamy  at  SZi-ieton.. . 

Hinnlz  Bfiyan-CZaAk-Gewlckzy-HeJtZ,  3fi.,  whoi>z  mat/Umoniat  adveyvtuxzi  cuZmlnatzd 
Zn  hex  oAAzit  a  ^ew  wzeJi6  ago  at  thz  Imtigatlon  o^  John  Hztt,  Jk.  ,  0(J  this  city, 
voa6  acqulttzd  o^  thz  choAgz  o^  bigamy  In  dl&tAlct  couAt  at  Sl6Aeton  laAt  weefe.     Thz 
pAX)6zcutlon  ialtzd  to  zitabllih  by  compztznt  zvldzncz  that  UeAAy  Uinniz  had  zveA.  bzzn 
moMlzd  pfiloK  to  heA  alZlancz  Mith  Mt.   HelZ. 

Thz  coAz  attfiactzd  a  Lot  oi  attention  thhoughout  thz  nofithu}z6t  and  Hanklmon 
pzoplz  had  a  spzclaZ  InteAz&t  In  thz  aa&z  oA  thz  dzftZndant  woi  a  ^amlLLoA.  ^guAz  on 
ouA.  i>txzttl>  duftlng  thz  pa&t  AiunmeA.  whzn  &hz  llvzd  heJiz  ai  thz  vil^z  oft  Ua.   HztZ.     Thz 
loltovilng  fiejpoit  o^  thz  tJilat  li,  taken  ijAom  thz  Sliizton  CounleA'- 

On  Monday  o^  thli  weefe  duAing  thz  tAcal  o^  Hinniz  Bfiyan-CtaAk-GeJMickzy-Hztt,  3a. 
notoAioul,  ioA  heA  zottzctlon  o{^  husband,   z&pzclaZZy  thz  tost  tuoo,  zvzn  standing  Aoom 
was  taken  and  thz  cAowd  oveA-  {,lowzd  Into  thz  coAnldoA;  and  duAlng  thz  a^teAnood  Azczss 
veAy  ^eju)  te^t  thzlA  ptaczs  ^ox  {^zoa  of^  Losing  thz  opportunity  to  hzoA  thz  pteas  o^ 
thz  attorneys. 

Hinnlz  0^  Clianutz,   KS.,  uxu  choAgzd  vxiXh  unZoLO^uLiy  having  moAAizd  John  HzLi,  Ja 
oi  Hanklnson,  UV.,  whlLz  laiM{,uLty  moAAled  to  TAank  Geinickey  In  ColoAado.     AttoAnzy  C. 
R.  Joh.gznson  defiendzd  Uinniz,  voho  to  judge  (jAom  /LunioA.  and  gossip  Is  aLtzged  to  havz 
had  moA.z  ha&bands  than  thz  Zoia)  oLLoim.     Thz  State  pfiovzd  heA.  moAAiagz  to  John  HeLL,  Jh 
but  ialtzd  to  pAovz  heA  LaujiuLLy  moAAlzd  to  Tfiank  Geuilckzy.     This  was  hoAd  foughi 
with  dz{,znda}tt' s  attofinzy  ^iQlitlng  zveAy  Inch  o^  .thz  way,  noising  numeAous  obj'zctlons 
to  the  admlssab-LLity  o^  the  evldzncz  o^ieAzd  by  the  state,  and  ^InaLiy  showing  that 
thz  state  liad  not  pfiovzd  a  taw^uL  moAAlagz  to  Thank  Gewlckzy.     Thz  plea  o£  thz  defend- 
ant's attohney  was  logical  and  convincing.      The.  j'tiAy  very  shortly  KetuAned  a  veAdlct. 
of  not  guilty.     The  fltst  ballot  was    11   foK  acquittal  and  1   blank.     Upon  the  second 
ballot  all  weAz  unanimous. 
HANKJNSOM  NEWS  ************  PecmbeA   U,    1922 

A  message  fAom  Spokane,   WA. ,   announced  the  moAAlagz  of  H.   C.   JoAgznson,    fofmeA 
agent  of  thz  N.   P.   Line  heAz,  to  a  populoA  young  lady  of  TeAtlle,   MM.     Thzy  wzAz 


moAA^e-d  cut  f>\oonJitad  a  wkiZz  ago  and  oAe.  on  theMi  way  to  Lo6  Ang^Zc^,  CA. ,  to  Aptnd  th 
m.nteA.  HzAt'i  many  hzaAty  wtAKeA  ^on.  a  iang  and  happy  tiit  and  congnatuJtation6  ^m 
kii  many  pLie.nd&. 

HAMKWSON  NEWS  »*«»»«««»«»♦  VtcmbeA  21,    1922 

MUEHLER    -     BUCK 

Thz  moKfujigz  oi  John  F.   UazhZtn.  o^  G^zendaZz  Town6hA.p,   and  Hi66  BeAtha  Buck  o^ 
La  Mom  TouinihA.p  occuAAzd  at  thz  Gzfman  LutheAan  ChuJich  in  Hankin6on,  at  1:30  o' ctock 
ChnAj>tmai>  Vay,  the.  cfivnony  b(  peA{^ofirm.d  by  Reu.  J.  P.  Ktau&ZeA.     The  wzdding  wa6 
ZoAgeZy  attzndtd,  ovcA  {fil^b}  admOung  yu.tnde>  and  mlghbou  we/ce  pA.z6tnt. 

Thz  bnZde.  woAe  a  dAt&l  o^  wkLtz  cAzpe.  de.  chine,  and  coAXied  a  bouquet  o^  ho&eJ> 
and  cannatU.on6  and  wa&  attended  by  heh.  6-il>teA,  Hiii  kdeJUba  Buxik,  and  Hi66  BeAXha 
Piuehlfi,  6-i6teA  0^  the  gAoom.     The  bfildeMnaxdi  woAe  dAeMti  oi  yeJUiow  oAgandie  and 
caAAied  bouquetA  o^  caAnatU.on&  and  ^eAni. 

The  ghoom  vooi,  attended  by  kl&  bAotheA,  Henfiy  MuekteA,  and  CtementA  Buck,  a 
bAotheA  0^  the  bAlde. 

A^teA  the  ceAemony  the  wedcicng  poAty  AepaiAed  to  the  home  oi  the  bAyLde'6 
poAenti,  wheAe  a  bounti^ai  Aepa&t  wa6  AeAved  and  a  Aoclat  a^teAnoon  and  evening  uxu 
e.njoyed.     The  happy  coupZe  weAe  the  AecA.pi.etvU>  o^  numeAouA  wedding  gi(^tt,-and  iZnceAe 
congAotalationi . 

The.  bAide  16  a  daughteA  oi  M^.   and  Wk>.  John  Buck  oi  la  Moaa  Township  and  the 
QAoom  aj>  a  ion  o^  Ma&.  WiZLiam  f^\uehZeA.     Both  buide  and  gAoom  weAe  bofm  and  AeoAed 
■in  thJj)  cormunUiy  and  oAe  weZZ  known  ioA  theJiA  exceZZent  tAaZt6  o^  choAacteA  and 
Likeable  quaZitiei. 

The  gAoom  hai  Aented  the.  BnltXon  {^aAm  In  GAeendaZe  township  wheAe  the  happy 
coupZe  wZZt  make  thelA  home. 


A  veAij  pfisJJjj  chuAch  wedding  occuAAed  Tuesday,  Vec.   27th,  when  Hiii,  VoAa  WuaZ 
0^  GAeendaZe  became  the  bnlde  oi  1\a.  AdoZph  FetAlch  oi  EZma.     The  ceAemony  wai  peA- 
ioAmed  by  Rev.  J.  P.  KZaa&ZeA  at  the  LutheAan  Chwich  in  the  pAe^ence  o^  about  25 
AeLative^  and  Invited  gaeJ>t6. 

The  bAide  woAe  a  gown  o^  bAown  meMoZine  and  coAAled  a  bouquet  o^  tiZZieJ>  o^ 
the  vaZZey.     She  wa&  attended  by  heA  iZ&teA,   Annie  WuaZ,   cut,  bAideJ>mcu.d,  who  coAAied 
a  boaqae.t  o^  Aed  Aoie^.      The  gnoom' 6  beJ>t  man  waj,   TAed  PetAtch,   a  couiZn.      CongAot- 
uZationA  and  an  in{,oAmaZ  Aeceptton  ^oA  ttie  young  coupZe  ^oZtowed  the  ceAejnony. 

The  bAide  l6  a  daughteA  o^  Ha.   and  Ma6.   Wm.   WanZ,  pAominent  AciZdentl,  o{,  GAeen- 
daZe and  hcu,  Acilded  In  RtchZcuid  County  oJUi  heA  ti^e.     She  -U  a  deAeAvedZy  popuZoA 
among  the  ciAcZe  o^  heA  acquatntanceJi .     The.  gAoom  Zs  an  Znda&tAtou!,  young  ianmeA  who 
caj7ie  heAe  ^Aom  Jowa  with  kii  paAenti  about  12  yeoAi  ago.     He  Zi  weXZ  and  ^avoAabZy 

The  nepjZywedi  wcZZ  Acilde  on  the  gAoom' 6   iatheA'i   i^"-'^  which  he  hoi  Aented  f^oA 


tilt  coming  4ea6on.     Tkt  Weui6  joln&  thtOi  ixvigt  CAJicZt  o{^  {,Altnd&  In  extending  but 
Ml6ht&  ^OA.  a  long  and  happy  manAlzd  Li^e.. 

HAhlKWSON  NEWS  ************  PecembeA  2S,    192 

KtnneMi  CZaAkz,  a  6on  o^  Ma.,   and  UfU.  John  CtoAke.,  oi  tkii  city,  wcw  Aecejvttt/ 
mvtAltd  at  LoaUzviLtz,  KY,  wheAe  hz  li,  AupeAAjitzndznt  oi  a  paint  iactoKy.     He  and 
kilt  bfiidz  oAfiivtd  on  Taz&day  moAtUng  ^oA.  a  v-U-iX.  viith  kii  pafizntA. 
HANKIUSON  NEWS  LJVGERWOOV  COLUm  Vzcmbzt  28,    192 



Ha>.&  Ladle.  SiAubzZ  and  M^.   ChxUi.  SXzmz  oi  KbeAdtzn,  SV. ,  wzAt  majini.zd  In  that 
<uXy  on  b}e.dm6day,  Pec.   27th. 

Tht  -ci  a  daughteA.  o^  M^u  and  MM.  GzofiQe.  StfwheZ  and  Jj>  a  mo6t  eMtimabte. 
young  lady.    Thz  gfioom  l&  a  toeZi  knoim.  canttaxitoA.  o^  Abttdttn  and  at  pfieJ^ent  han,  tht 
contAoxit  ^oK  the  biUZding  o^  a  lange.  4>tAuctuxe.  loK  a  school  ioK  tht  ^e.zbZe.  minded  at 
Gfw.{yton,  tkl&  ^tate..     Ufu  and  Hu.  SZen6z  aA.e  at  p^e^ent  makZng  thexx  home  at  Gfvaffion 
and  expect  to  KemoLn  theAe  untiZ.  the  comptetxon  o^  the  ichool  biuJbdlng. 

The  bfujde  hoi  many  {)fu.end6  heAz  who  join  -in  laLiikLng  the  nzui&ywzd6  a  moit  happy 
and  pfio&pz>w{jbS>  jouAnzy  thnough  ti^z. 
HAMKINSON  MEWS  ************  January  4,    ?923 

WoAd  urn,  fLZczlved  In  thl&  city  a  ^ew  dayi  ago  that  Unk.  Vzanz,  iofmznJbj  oi  thi& 
city,  now  fizkldiyig  at  long  Bzach,  CA.,  uxu  maxftizd  theAz  thz  tatteA  paKt  oi  PecembeA. 
HMKJNSON  MEWS  ************  January  11,    1923 

Vfiomlnznt  Hanktn&on  GVit  Becomes  Bfujdz  oi  Ulnnzapotu  Man... 

An  eJiahonatz  chanch  wedding  oczuAJizd  Taziday  mofming  at  St.   PhlZip'A  Chiuch  when 
MciA  Evangetinz  M.  Gn.zzn  o^  tha>  city  bzcamz  thz  o^  M^.  HaHAif  Ha/ifilion  Baddz  o^ 
hU.nnzapoLi6 . 

Thz  czKemony  woi,  peA^ofunzd  by  Rev.  Jo4.   F.  Studnlcka  at  9  AM  In  thz  pAz&zncz  o^ 
Kzlativzi  oi  the  couple.     Hi66  lona  U.  Hzaji  ptayzd  Lohzngfiln' &  bfildaZ.  chofuii  aj>  pfwcziA- 
lonaZ  and  Mzndel&hon' 6  Wzdding  Manch  oi  Kzczi6i.onat.     Thz  bfiidz  wai>  ottiAzd  In  a  bzaut- 
i-lut  peoAt  gfiay  canton  cAepe  gown,  eZaboAotzty  fUmmzd  with  6tezt  bzad^  and  won.z  a  gfuuj 
pi-ctuAz  hat.     Shz  woAz  a  cofiiagz  o^  oKcKid^,  fioizi,  and  ZilZizi  o^  thz  vaLtzy. 
Mc6A  CatheAlne  L.  GfLzzn,  mold  o^  honofi  and  6l6teA  o^  thz  bfildz,  wofiz  a  dank  bZuz  tAtco- 
tinz  dfLzii  and  changzabZz  taf^^zta  hat.     Shz  wofiz  a  coh&agz  o^  vlotzti,  Aoiz&  and  ZlZLizii 
OjJ  thz  vaJUzy. 

Thz  gfioom  wai,  attendzd  by  Edmund  GAzzn,   bfiothzn.  o^  thz  bnldz,  a^  beAt  man.     Tottow-  thz  chuAch  i,zKvijcz  thz  bfitdaZ  panty  fizpalAzd  to  thz  homz  oi  thz  bntde  whztz  oiump- 
toui  wzddLng  dinnzA  wot,  6eAvzd  at  douA  PM.,  thz  guz&ti  being  Azlatl.vzi  and  immzdiatz 
{jAiendi  0(5  the  newtywzdi. 

Thz  bnJAe  Id  one  ol  Hanki,n6on' 6  bzi>t  known  and  moit  popuZoA  young  ladizi,  having 
gAown  to  womanhood  in  ouA  city.     Shz  l&  a  daixghtzA  oi  Ua.  and  Wikf  John  GAzzn,  pionzzA 
Azi>idznt&.     Highly  talzntzd  a&  a  ma&lcian,  6hz  haj,  dzvotzd  much  time  to  pzA^zcttng  hzn. 
ability  OA  a  pianUt  and  has  Az^a&zd  numzAoui  o^^^eAi  to  zntzA  thz  pAoiz&6ionaZ  Aanki. 
Shz  li  dzizAvzdly  popuLoA  with  a  loAgz  ciAclz  o^  iAlzndi  thAcughout  this  i,zction  o{i  thz 

Thz  QAoom  ij>  a  pAomi&ing  young  man,   being  engaged  in  thz  dAug  bu&inzi6  in  hlinnzap- 
olii,   and  hoi  a  mat  pAomi6ing  iutuAz. 


The  uizdcLuig  g^iJ^tA  weAe  nimeAoai,  ana  bdMuUf^iUi,  -cnu-uxung  a  ractia/ia  oauy  ynana 

ptano  £A^m  tkz  bmLdz' 6  ^amiZy. 

KiteA  a.  bfUz^  vozddJbig  toon.,  Ak..  and  Hu.  Buddz  mZt  be  "at  homt"  at  114  W.  GAont 
St.,  UinmapoiAJ,. 

f/ANKIWSOM  NWS  ************  JanuoAy  IS,   1923 

A  quiet  uozddlng,  60  qiu,et,  in  ^act,  that  only  a  ijew  ^fUznds  weAe  au)aA.z  o^  Itb 
occuAAzncz. . .1006  6oZemUztd  6orm  tune,  ago  whzJ^  Wi6.  E.  K.  Kfiuzgzn.  become  tht  bfiidz  o^ 
RobeAt  Homing.     Thz  bhAjLz  t6  a  piomeA  oi  tkiJ>  6zction,  bzlng  bz6t  known  a  Wi6.  Bfuumond, 
and  tkz  gnoom  ha6  KZ6tde.d  in  tki6  vZcxjiity  iofi  6omz  tunz. 

A^tzn.  a  6hoHt  honzymoon  at  tkz  homz  o^  tkz  bfiidz'6  bfiotkzfi,  HzAman  Tfumz,  60uthwzit 

0^  town,  thz  nejwlywzd6  ahvz  6zttZ.zd  down  to  hoii6zkzzping  In  Hankcn6on. 


Kz66zt  Thoma6  6Wvpfu6zd  hl6  iamity  and  ifu,znd6  by  oAtlving  homz  Thu/i6day  zvzning 
with  a  bAidz.  Hz  ho6  bzzn  ZjnpZoyzd  at  Thizi  R^veA  Tatt6,  MM.,  ^ofi  6omz  timz  and  tkzfiz 
thz  fwmanzz  bzgan  that  culminatzd  thz  moMiagz  o^  Ma.  Thorm  and  Hc66  Ro6z  Syvzuon  at 
HinnzapoZii  on  Jan.   19th. 

Thz  young  toapZz  wzfiz  thz  fizcJ.piznt6  o^  hzxvity  congKotuiationi  by  Hankin6on  {^Hlznd6 
and  oAz  6pznding  thzAJi  honzymoon  with  thz  gloom' 6  pajiznt6,  M.  and  VJi6.  Gzo.  H.  Thoma6 
0^  thi6  city.     Latz/L  thzy  witt  fiztvAn  to  Thizi  RivzA  Tatt6  to  fizjiidz. 
HMUHSOH  mis  ************  Tzbhuany  1,    1923 

LawfLzncz  Kai&zn.  o^  thz  Whitz  Hock  nzighbonhood,  quitz  wzlZ  known  hz/tz,  wa6  mafOiizd 
at  New  Ei^ington  on  Wzdnz6day  o^  ta6t  wzzh,  hii  bhidz  bzing  Ui66  Maty  Vzumontgzn  oi  that 
pZacz.     Thz  czfizmony  took  pZacz  in  thz  Hzvo  E^^ington  Catholic  ChuAch  at  9  o'clock  in  thz 
moKning  and  a  wzdding  dinnzA  wa6  6ZAvzd  at  thz  bhidz'6  paxznti  homz  at  noon.  Hfi.   KaAj>zfi 
i6  thz  6on  ojj  UfL,  and  Uu.  PztzA  Kai6eA  and  ha6  many  ^xiznds  hzAz.     Pa.   and  Un6.   Kai6zA 
wiiZ  tivz  on  a  ^anm  nzoA  Whitz  Kock. 
HANKWSON  MEI^S  ************  TzbfuxaAy  S,    1925 


In  St.   ?zteA  and  Paul' 6  ChuAch  at  MantadoK  on  Feb.    ISth,  at  thz  houA  oi  8:30  AM 
Hi6i  ElZzn  G.  HUtag,   daaghtzu  o^  CoKl  Uittag  o^  Gxzat  Bend,   bzcamz  thz  bnldz  oi  GzoKgz 
J.  SchZznzt  oi  VantadoK,  6on  oi  Wii>.   F.   E.  SchlznzA  o{,  that  placz. 

Thz  bnidaJi  a66i&tant6  wzAz  Ma.  Schlznzfi' 6  6i6tzfi    and  bKothzA,  \li66  Vfiibczlla  and 
Zzn  SchlznzA.     AitzA  tkz  czAzmoniz6  a  wzdding  bfizakioit  wa6  iztvzd  at  thz  homz  o^  Ma.,   and 
Maa.   Jo6zph  VztzUckick,   bfwthzA-in-lau  and  6i6teA  o^  thz  bnidzgnoom. 

Tuz&day  moAning  in  St.   FztzA  and  Paul' 6  ChuAch  with  thz^Rzv.   En..  Wilkzi  oHidatung 
thz  wzdding  o{,  UI&6  MagdaZzna  Pau6ch  o^  Mantadofi,  daughtzn.  oi  Loui&  Pau&ch,  and  WzAbznt 
UzppzA  ol  EoAnzy  took  placz.     Attzndanti  weAz  Hiii  Agnzi  Pau6ch  and  Vincznt  Nzppzt.     A 
izczption  ioltowzd  thz  chuAck  czAzmoniz6.     Ma.   and  Maa.  WeppeA  oAe  to  livz  neoA  UantadoK 
on  tkz  ioAm  ownzd  by  Wi6.  John  SzZlnzA. 
HANKJMSON  NEWS  ************  EzbfiuaAy  15,    1923 


hlina.  M.  Nelson  Wtddzd  to  l^yto  E.   EmmzAiorL,     VomeA  Hankln&on  Ruldznt 

Tht  moAAiagz  o^  Hem.  M.  Httion  to  Mylo  E.   ErmeASon  was  6otmnlzzd  at  Wakpzton 
Monday,  and  a^teA  a  b^z£  honejfnoon  thz  bnldt  viUZ  KdtiiAn  to  Hankimon  and  Aume.  htt 
diitlu  oi  a  tzacheA  Zn  tht  pubtic  ichooti  ^ofi  tht  balance,  o^  the.  yexxA. 

The.  ii>  vieZl  known  and  dt6eAve.dZy  popuZoA,  being  the.  only  child  o^  Hfi.  and 
Mw.  SUa6  Hum  oi  this  dty.     She.  hoi  bten  a  teacheA  In  ouA  public  ichooU  ion  heveJual 
yeoAi.     Kt  tht  tmt  thU  countAy  tnteAtd  tht  WoAld  WaA,  6ht  moAAltd  Tuank  Helton,  tht 
{ilAit  HankAJU>on  man  to  At&pond  to  tht  dAa^t,  and  two  wttki,  JbxttA  ht  was  calltd  to  tht 
tnalnlng  camp  and  ZateA  was  kltttd  in  actxon  In  Thanct.     Wis.  Helson  has  always  madt 
htA  home  with  hex  paAtnts. 

Tht  gKoom  Is  also  well  known,   beJjig  tht  son  o^  Wi.  and  Wis.   C.   EmmeASon,  who  ioA- 
mzAly  Atsldtd  east  o^  Hankinson  but  now  tivt  at  VeXAoJU,  UN.     Ht  was  a  misslonaAy  In 
kifilca.  iofi  stveAal  ytaAS,  and  AttuAntd  to  this  countAy  about  12  ytaAs  ago.     Recently  ht 
has  bttn  acting  as  ^eld  saltsman  ^oA  a  cattlt  conceAn  at  Vallty  CUy. 
HANKINSON  NEblS  ************  ^^^  ^^    ^^^3 


Tutsday,  Uay  Ind,  at  S  ?U  In  tht  a^teAnoon,  Rev.  Robinson  ptAf^ofmtd  tht  ceAemony 
that  jolntd  in  mvuUagt  CoAxi  B.  tAtdenwaldt  and  HaAAy  6.  WohneA,  both  oi  this  city. 
Tht  moAniagt  occuAAtd  at  foAgo  and  was  witnesstd  by  tht  daaghteAS  0^  tht  o{f^clatlng 
pastoA.     Tht  bAldt  wo  At  a  gown  o^  palt  gAten  canton  cAtpt  with  hat  to  match. 

This  bAlngs  tht  culmination  0^  a  fwmanct  o£  moAt  than  passing  InteAtst  to  tht 
ptoplt  0^  ouA  city.     Tht  contAactlng  pontics  weAt  boAn  and  Aalstd  heAt  and  have  a  wldt 
clAclt  o{,  ^Altnds  thAoughout  this  stctlon.     Tht  bAldt  Is  a  daaghteA  0^  Wi.  and  Wis. 
HeAman  l^tdenwaldt,  plonttAS  0^  GAttndalt  Township,  and  Is  dtstAvtdly  populoA  with  all 
who  knew  heA. 

Tht  gAoom  Is  tht  only  son  o£  hiA.   and  Wis.    FAtd  WoAneA,  who  oAt  among  tht  ilASt 
Aesldtnts  o£  ouA  city.     Ht  gAew  to  manhood  among  us  and  at  tht  oatbAeak  0^  tht  Wo  Aid 
WoA,   tnlisttd  In  Hanklnson's  Company  L,  seAvlng  loA  thAtt  ytoAS  oveAStas  as  a  rptmbtA 
oi  tht  163Ad  Ambulance  Company.     At  tht  clost  0^  hostltLtles  ht  enteAtd  Into  poAtntA- 
shlp  with  his  iatheA  In  tht  gaAagt  business  heAt. 

A^teA  a  bAlti  wtddlng  tAlp  to  tht  homt  oi  tht  gAoom's  slst^  at  VlAglnia,   MW. , 
tht  young  couplt  will  AttuAn  to  Hankinson  and  make  thtlA  homt  with  tht  gAoom's  paAtnts. 
Tht  News  joins  with  thelA  many  ^Altnds  In  txttndlng  congAatulatlonS  and  best  wishes. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  May  3,    7923 



WoAd  UX16  Ke.cQA.vzd  htfie.  thl&  weefe  o^  ihe.  moMMigz  o^  Vzanz  I.   Chapln,  ttdz^t  6on 
0^  M^.  and  M/ii.  W.  J.  C^poi,  o^  tki6  CAXy.     Tht  happy  zveM.  occuAJizd  on  May  17th  at 
Kath^yn,  HV.,  the.  bAJAz  beAng  Hiii  LiUu  S.uimon&  o^  that  ptacz.     Ho  dttOAJti  havz  been 
Ktczivtd  btyond  tholz  g^ven  abovz. 

Vzanz  l&  a  Hanfun&on  natlvz  and  pAactLcaZly  his>  zntUiz  ti^z  has  bzzn  6pznt  -in 
thU  city.     Hz  li  now  ejrtployzd  In  thz  NoKthzAn  ?acl{flc  dzpot  at  iiJhzatZand,  tW. ,  and 
thz  young  couplz  valiZ  makz  thzOi  homz  at  that     A  ho&t  o^  Hankimon  ^Kiznds  aKz 
pleased  to  zxtznd  congKatuZ£Ltion6  and  bzit  Ml&hz&. 

HANKWSON  WEWS  ************  May  24,   7923 


Thz  mwUagz  oi  hUj>&  SaiZz  SchiZtz  and  M^.  "  Klz^^zA.  vxu,  iotzmrvizzd  at  St. 

?hitip'6  Chu/ich  at  9  M  Tuesday  moA/Ung  in  thz  pKzizncz  o^  a  loAgz  gathering  o^  -invitzd 
^fUznds  and  fiztativzs.     Thz  czfizmony  was  pzt^oAmzd  by  Rev.  Jo&.   F.  Studnidm  and  at 
■itl)  concZusZon  thz  wzdding  pahty .  K-zpaVizd  to  thz  paZatiaZ  countAy  homz  of,  thz  bnldz'i 
paAzntA,  Wi.  and  Ufii.  John  SchiZtz,  Zn  EZma,  wfieAe  a  big  xzczption  thAoughout  thz 
a^zAnoon  and  zvzning  uiith  opzn  hou&z  {,oA  thz  zntiAz  countAy&ldz. 

Thz  wzdding  wai  onz  o^  thz  bZg  i>ociaJi  event*  oi  thz  nzighbohhood  whzAz  thz  bAidz 
waji  boAn  and  gAim  to  womanhood.     HzA  paAznti  oAz  aswng  thz'^EZim.  plonzzu  and  thz  bfiidz 
Z&  wldzty  known  and  dzizAvzdZy  populoA.     Shz  Zs  thz  only  daxigktzA  and  thz  wzdding  ^z&t- 
ivZtiz&  wzAz  on  a  Zaviih  6caZz,  bAAJigZng  to  cZJbnax  a  pAztty  Aomancz  -in  which  thz  popuZoA 
bAidz  hcL6  thz  bz&t  Miihz&  and  congAatuZaticni>  o^  a  hx>6t  o^  ^^Zznd&.Thz  gAoom  Zi>  an  Znduit- 
Aiou&  young  loAmzA  ofj  nzoA  Roihott  and  Z&  ^oAtunatz  -in  hi&  iztzct>ion  o^  a  tiizmatz. 

Thz  young  couplz  wiZZ  go  to  houizhzzplng  at  oncz  on  thz  ^nz  ioHm  which  thz  gAoom 
hai)  Azntzd  nzoA  Roiholt. 
HANKINSOH  WEWS  ************  May  31 ,    I9Z3 


A  pAztty  homz  wzdding  occuAzd  on  Wednesday,  Uay  30th  at  thz  countAy  homz  o^  Un. 
and  M^.  John  C.   ?ol{,ai>6  in  Bzl^oAd  Township  whzn  thziA  daughtzA  HzZzn  M.  un6  united 
in  maAAlagz  to  ThzodoAz  J.   Bladow.     Thz  czKZJnony  was  pzAf^onmzd  by  Rev.  J.   P.   Klau&lzA 
at  St.   John's  ChuAch  and  was  attended  by  aZZ  AzZMtiveloi  the  contAacting  panties. 

The  bfiZde  woaz  a  gown  o^  white  satin  axnton  cAzpe  and  cjoAjCied  a  bouquet  o{^  Aoszs 
and  pansizi.     She  was  attended  by  Hiss  Minnie  KAause  and  Miss  Lena  Zladow,  thz  {^oAmeA 
a  cousin  0^  the  gAoom  and  the  ZattzA  a  sisteA  of,  the  gAoom.     The  gAoom  had  as  best  man 
his   bAothzA  Henny  Etadow  and  khthuA  Weiss,  a  cousin.     The  wedding  moAch  was  played  by 
Wm.   KzZZey. 

TmmediateZy  af^zA  thz  impAessivz  czAemony  thz  wzdding  paAty  AepaiAed  to  the  home 
0^  the  bnide  whzAe  a  Aeception  was  heZd  ioA  the  neMy  weds,  the  guests  being  KegaZed 
by  a  bounteous  Aepast. 


The  young  couple  havz  been  {,A^zndi  and  lovzAi,  i-cnce  cJuZdhood  and  ZhdAji  maAAAjige. 
Li,  thz  cjudbruMxtAjon  o^  a  pKeXiij  /iomanc&.     Thz  bfUde.  aj>  a.  daaghteA  o{^  Ma.,  and  Aiw.   John 
C.  FoZ^uii,  and  Z6  a  yoimQ  tody  o^  rnant/  accomptZ&fmzrU^  and  a.  happy  dl&po6-(Jxon  that 
makt&  hzA  a  ^avoKltt  uuXh  alt.     The.  gAoom  l&  a  &on  o^  Hfi.  and  M'lA.  Choi.  Zladow  and  aj> 
fLZipzctzd  by  alZ.     Thty  fiave  a  ho6t  of^  ^fUe.nd&  and  weZi  uil&hzfU  ^ox  a  long  and  happy 

HANKWSON  NEWS  «»««*««»»«««  j^^^  7^    J923 

Hk.  and  B.  Pzltz  announce,  the.  engagement  o^  theZn.  daiiQkteA,  TeJieJ>a  BeAnoAxilne 
to  AhXhuA  U.  OdeZZ,  0(J  Hlnnejapoti6 .     The  wedding  mJUL  take  place  In  Ulnnejxpotu ,   bat  the 
date  hat,  not  yet  been  deilniteZy  iet  at,  Mc44  PZetz  £eave4  ^ofi  New  VoKk  thi&  week  to 
a&6li>t  -en  ^e  ^all  buy-cng  ^ox  the  Wyman  VaxtAA.dge  Ready-To -Wean.  VepaAtment.     Hu6 
Vletz  expects  to  be  gone  about  a  month. 
HANKJNSON  WEWS  ************  jj^^^  7^    J923 

An  exchange  6ayi,  a  man  who  we  will  not  name,  recently  matfUed  a  widow,   named 

Elizabeth,  who  hoi  two  (JUZdn.en,   but  we  do  not  think  that  l&  any  K.ejx(,on  that  the 

ieZlom  should  guy  him  about  getting  a  second  hand  Lizzie  and  two  mnabouti, . 



Wedne^day,  June  )Zth,  at  the  home  o^  the  bnide  nofuthweJ>t  o.i  thii  (My,  Rev.  J.   P. 
KlaasleA  peJiiofmed  the  ceAemony  that  united  In  moMlage  tUj>6  Lena  W^ege  and  Mx.   Fxed 
Stack.     Only  a  iew  Intimate  ixlendi  and  xeZatlveJ,  weAe  pxe^ent. 

The  young  couple  axe  weU  and  iavoably  known,  having  nzi,lded  In  thii  vicinity 
alt  thelx  ave/>.     They  have  the  congnatulatlonA  and'  beM  wUhe^  oi  a  loAge  cincle  oi 
ifu.endi>.     They  will  fie^lde  on  the  iam  o^  the  bxlde  nonthweAt  oi  town. 
HAmMSOUmS  ************  June  14,   1923 


A  pxeXty  home  wedding  u>  i^cheduled  ioK  thli  evening  In  GKeendale  Towni^hlp  when 
\J1^6  UabeZ  Leavltt  will  become  the  bnlde  oi  Ma.  Roland  WUdeA.  The  ceAemony  will  be 
peAiomed  at  the  home  oi  the  bAide' i>  poAenU  In  the  pxe^ence  oi  the  Immediate  Kelatlve^. 

The  bnlde  l6  a  daughteA  0,5  Ma.   and  Maa.   M.  P.   LeavUt,  pnominent  Kz(>ldentt>  oi 
GKeendale  and  hat,  many  i^lend^  In  that  localiXy  and  oL^o  in  Hankln^on  wheAe  ihe  attendee 
High  School.     The  gAoom  ll  a  prominent  young  ioAmeA  oi  kmboy,  MM.,  and  the  young  cowple 
will  make  theiA  home  neoA  that  place.  * 

CongAxtnlaUom  and  bzit  wUhc6  axe  extended  by  a  Wx^e  clAcle  oi  inlend^  through- 
out thi6  poAt  oi  the  county. 
mKWSOU  NEWS  ************  Jane  N,    1923 

E.    l/IOLA  A  JUNE  MWE 
E.   Villa  Schenck,  pAobably  known  peA^onally  to  mofie  Uchland  County  people  than 
any  otheA  individual  In  the  wonld,  l6  a  June  bnlde,  having  been  moAAied  on  Tuesday, 
June  nth,  to  Jake  E.   EUenbaum  oi  Vnlnceton,  MN.     The  ceAemony  was  peAiomed  at  the 


Cathotic  Chu/ick  in.  Ktnt,  MN. ,  uuMi  KaXjaJxMiji  and  the  WahpeXon  Globe,  ioice,  cl&  the.  only 

A^eA  onz  weefe  0(J  honzymooning  in  Jta&ca.  Va/tk  mXk  the.  little.  yeZtcw  Vond  oi. 
tkeAJi  t/icLveZlng  vehicZe.,  Ma.,  and  Ufu>,  ElZenbaum  will  lettle  down  on  the  gnaom'^  ^oAm 
nexLH  PfUnctton. 

It  li  OUL  bttizi  that  no  lUdtland  County  bhide  hoi  zveA  had  the  beJ>t  uxUht&  o^ 
a  laAgeJL  cOmlt  oi  ^fiiendi  ^OK  a  long  and  happy  moAXied  Hie  than  hai  E.  Viola. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ««••»«»»»»»«  j^^g^  27,    1923 


A  phjetty  home  wedding  wot,  lolemnized  at  iix  PM  ThuAiday,  June  14th,  at  the  home 
oi  Wi.  and  Mw.  M.  V.  Leavitt  when  fiUi  hiaheZ  E.   Leavitt  became  the  bnlde  oi  Rowland 
WiZdeA.     Rev.  C.  V.  khmi  nexid  the.  leAvice  in  the.  pA.ej>ence  oi  a  laAge  gfioup  oi  iKiendj, 
and  Kelativti. 

The  wedding  took  place  beneath  a  Hjo&e  thijmed  anch  on  the  lawn  and  Hi&6  ^\aJigaAet 
Oiook&  played  the  LohengAen  wedding  maJich  oi  the  bnidal  pafity  advanced  to  thelfi  places. 

The  wa6  attended  by  hen.  hlhtefi,  HUi  TeAn  leavitt,  who  woKe  a  gown  oi  Aoie 
6atin.  Eahl  Leavitt,  bfiotheA  oi  thz  bfiide  wai,  beJ>t  man.  The  wai  dJieM&ed  in  puAe 
white  latin,  iaihioned  on  Aimplt  linti  and  ihe  coAKied  caAnationi. 

ImmediateZy  aiteA  the.  ceAejnony  a  wedding  luppeA  wa&  leAved  to  all  the  aiiembled 
gueiti.     Thu  wai,  ioULowed  by  a  deZightiuZ  inionmat  paAty. 

The  bAide  li>  the.  second  daughteA  oi  Ha.  and  Maa.  M.  V.  Leavitt  and  ha&  gnown  to 
womanhood  in  thU  vicZncty.     Shz  attended  the.  Hanklnson  High  School,  beZng  in  heA 
junioA  yeaA  theAe.     Shz  ii  well  and  iavoAably  knownfond  has  a  ho&t  oi  iniendi  and  weZl 
wiiheAJ)  in  tkii  community. 

The  gAoom  li  the  only  6on  oi  Ua.  and  Uai.   E.   P.  WildeA  oi  Amboy,  UN,     Hij>  entiAt 
li-ie  hai,  been  ipent  at  home.,  except  when  he  wai  attending  a  theological  lemlnaAy  in 
Tennejilee,  wheAz  he  wai  Aecently  ondained  ai  a  minilteA.     The.  young  couple  leit  Mon- 
day ioA  Amboy,  MN.;  wheAe  they  will  make  thziA  iutuAe  home. 
HANKJNSON  NBIS  »»«««*»««»♦*  j^^  ^j      J923 

A  moAAiage  licenie  wai  l&iued  at  BAeckenAidge  lait  week  to  EAneit  ?..  KlrMltteA 
oi  Hanklnion  and  Hill  Elda  Hollow  oi  Wilkin  County.     The  ceAejnony  Lk  to  be  peAioAmed 
thli  week  and  the  young  couple  will  make  thexA  home  in  BAtghtwood  Townihip.     The  pAoi- 
pectlve  gAoom  li  the  lecond  ion  oi  FAed  KZamitteA  oi  tkii  city. 

*««*»,»»»*»»  j^^^  2J,    1923 

The  mamviage  oi  Leona  Loll  EAb  and  Edwin  C.  KAauie,   both  oi  Hanktnion,  wai 
lolemnized  by  Judge  Van  AAnan  at  Wahpeton  lait  VAiday. 

The  bAlde  ii  a  daughteA  oi  Ua.   and  Hai.  AliAed  EAb  oi  thii  city  and  the  gAoom 
li  a  well  known  young  man  Ae^iding  loutheait  oi  heAe.     They  have  the  congAatulationi 
and  beM  wiihei  oi  many  iAlendi. 

Jane  21,    1925 



Reu.  J.  A.  TkieZ  ccmz  doum  {,Aom  Rugby,  MP.,   FnZday  and  txptcts  to  dnlvt  hl6  cjoa 
back  We.dneJ>day  moMjtlng.     MXj,  bnath^A,  Kick,  expecti  to  accompany  him  back  and  then  go 
to  Catio  w/ieAe  wedding  bzJUii,  laiZt  be  flinging  Tuciday,  June  26th,     He  expects  to  leXivin 
and  make  hii  ^utuAe  home  viith  hil,  iotki>  heAe  at  f^antadoA.  a^tzA.  a  week&  vacation.     He  i6 
manoQtfi  o^  the  MantadoA  Gaxage  undeA  whae  iupzAvi&ion  they  have  made  a  good  iucceii 
and  we  axe  lufie  it  miiZ  be  itWi  gAeateA  in  the  dutuxe. 

Wi44  UoAgofLtt  UueJUieA  o^  Catio  i6  the  happy  and  lucky  to  be.     Both  have  a' 
ho&t  oi  piiendi  and  weiZ  wiiheAi  who  join  in  wi&hing  them  a  tong  and  happy  mafifiied  li^e. 

««»»»«»***•»  June  27,   1923 

hiext  week  wUZ  be  "wedding  day  week"  at:  Uantadofi.     On  Tuesday  mo  fining  Ak.  Jack 
WinteA  and  Julia  ?.eil>dofiieA  wWi  be  moAfiied  at  St.   PetcA  and  Paul' 6  Cathotic  ChuAch. 
Both  afie  f^antadofi  ^olk6  and  have  lived  nofith  o^  town  ^ofi  mnay  yexiu.     We  all  KXi&h  them 
a  long  and  happy  moMAled  ll^e.     They  expect  to  make  theifi  ^utuAe  home  nofith  o^  town 
wheAe  Att.  Wintefi  hai  fie/ited  a  ^anm. 


June  2?,   7923 

On  i)JedneJ>day  mofwlng  Ufi.  BeAnofid  Heitkamp  and  Hi66  Lucy  Lingen  o^  Uantadofi  will 
be  moAfUed  at  St.   PeteA  and  ?aul'6  Catholic  ChuAcJi.     Mfi.  Heztkamp  ii  a  popular  young 
man  o^  f^ooAeton  and  hai,  been  wofiking  ^ofi  JiOme  time  vxlth  kU,  ^athefi  who  owm  a  loAge 
^anm  nexiA  MooAeton.     Hiii  Lucy  Lingen  i6  well  known  to  HantadoA  people,  having  lived 
wt&t  0(5  town  ^ok/o.  YumbeA  oi  yeoAi,.     HeA  f^atheA  owni,  a  ^ine  hal^  section  weit  o{,  town 
which  he  home&teadtd  a  nimbeA  0(J  yeoAi  ago.     The  happy  couple  expect  to  make  theiA 
iutuAe  home  with  AiA..  Heitkainp'6  {^olks  whoie  ioAm  they  have  A.ented. 

June  27,    7923 
Hanklnion  ^Aiendi  afie  pleaded  to  extend  congfiatulations  to  the  contracting 
poAtizi,  in  a  pA.etty  home  wedding  which  occufiAed  at  Fox  home,  MM.,  Wednesday  when  HUi 
Lola  Tubb6  became  the  o^  John  Jacobchick  o^  Wahpeton.     The  ceAerrony  vxu>  peA^oAmed 
at  the  home  o^  the  bAide'^  pafienti,  Ua.  and  Hw.  Geo  Age  Tubbi,  in  the  pAeJience  o^  Ael- 
atlvej)  and  immediate  iAlendi.     The  bAide  ioAmeAly  Auided  heAe  and  ii,  well  known  thAou- 
ghoat  thii  lection.     The  gAoom  i&  employed  at  Opple'6  ToggeAy  in  I'Jahpeton. 

************  Jane  27,    7923 

Hankinion  Baseball  jjoni  and  the  public  geneAol  afie  pleaded  to  extend  congAat- 
ulationi  to  UiU  Campbell  o^  Taifunount  Townihip  on  hi&  moAAiage  ujkich  occuMAed  la&t 

The  bAide  wai  HLi>6  Jennett  ULnnehan  o^  Wahpeton  and  the  ceAemony  waj,  peAloAjned 
at  St.   AdelbeAt'i  ChuAch  in  that  city  on  Monday  of,  last  week.     Will  i&  a  mighty  i-ine 
dellow,   a  good  ball  playeA,   and  populoA  with  all  who  knew  him.     He  Alchly  dzieAvcj, 
the  good  things  of  tiie,  including  the  iine  young  lady  who  will  be  hJj>  helpmate  {,Aom 
now  on. 
HANKJMSOM  NEWS  »»«»«««»««»»  j^^^  2«,    7923 


KikmrriR  -  hoefs 

A  pAettt/  cJwAdi  mdcUng  occunJitd  on  Wzdnuday,  June  27tk,  at  the.  LutkeAan  ChuAch 
i.n  thii,  cJMj  wkzn  Ha,6  Alma.  KlaiaitteA  btccmz  the.  bfiide  o^  M^.  Hudolph  Hoe^^,. 

The.  ceAemony  m.6  peAiomzd  by  Rev.  J.  P.  KZoiUleA.  In  the.  pAe^ente  oi  225  KeJb(xtA.veM 
and  iKiendi  oi  the  cont^Lacting  paAtieyl>.     Tht  bhlde  vxu,  goioned  Jin  a  cAeotton  oi{  whLtz 
canton  cAtpe.  with  Spanish  lace  and  tAiimed  with  pzant  beadi,  and  uoi  attended  by  Ffieda. 
KZauiitteA,  HeAtha  KZauiUteA  and  Et6lz  KlcutiUteA  oi  bfu.deJ>maA.di> ,  alt  being  cou&lni. 

The  gfwom  had  a*  bzi>t  man  A/ithuA  Hoe^  and  EAnt&t  KlanxUteA  and  Alien  Heuman. 
Tht  altoA  be^oKe  MhicJi  the.  solemn  vom&  weAe  made  woa  decoftxxted  uicth  hJOiieJ>,  mock  oiange 
and  ^eAM,     The  king  heAvJicz  wtu  oierf. 

At  thz  concliii'ion  o^  thz  ceAemony  the  wzddcng  panty  pfwczzdzd  to  thz  coantAy 
homz  0(J  the  bfUdz'-i  paAent6  uiheAe  an  eZahoKotz  wedding  6appeA  wai>  6eAvzd,  ^ot lowed  by 
a  Azczptixjn  and  wedding  £z6t>ivtttz&  that  continued  thAoughout  the  night. 

The  ll>  a  daughtzA  o^  Wi.   and  Uu.   Cha.i.   KlxwiitteA,   and  waj,  bom  and  AaZizd 
on  thz  ioAm  noAthwz&t  o^  tki6  city.     Thz  poAznti,  have  AzA-idzd  In  HichZand  County  ion. 
45  yzaAi,.     She  l&  weZt  known  thAoughout  thli>  i,zctA.on  and  dzieAvzdly  populoA.     Thz  gloom 
Xm  a  iton  o{  Ufi.   and  Rw.   ft'.    F.   Hoz^s,  plonzeAJ,  o^  Waldo  Tou^nihip,  and  woA  al^o  boAn  In 
Richland  County.     Hz  li  known  oi  an  lndu6tAiou£  and  capablz  young  iofmeA  and  hat,  thz 
Az6pzct  and  zitzem  o^  all. 

A^teA  a  bKizi  honzymoon  tAlp  thz  young  couplz  will  go  to  hoa&zkzzplng  on  thz 
iafim  oi  thz  gKoom' i>  iathzA  In  Waldo. 

************  jun^  28,    1923 

Announcementi  have  bzzn  fizczlvzd  heAz  oi  thz  moA/uagz  oi  I/.   IngzAion  to 
Madge  l^abellz  ChnZ&tlan&on  at  EfLOWn&  Valley  on  Monday,  Junz  ISth. 

Thz  bfiidz  li  a  daaghtzA  oi  Ma.   and  Maj>.  R.  H.  ChnJjttian&on  oi  'BAx)Wn6  Vallzy  and 
thz  gAoom  l6  Gfieat  UoltheAn  opeAotoA  at  that  placz.     Hz  li>  a  bnothzA  oi  A.  J.   JngeA6on 
oi  tkii,  city  and  wai,  ionmeAly  zjnployed  heAz.     Hz  wai,  a  memfceA  oi  Hanklmon' 6  old  Com- 
pany L  and  hoi  a  ho  At  oi  iAlends  heAz  who  oAjz  plexuzd  to  zxtznd  congfiatulation6. 

************  janz  n,    1923 

PEITZ  ~  OVEll 

A  wedding  choAacteAizzd  by  -ct'4  Axjnp^eneA^  waj,  iolomznizzd  lait  Saturday  moAning 
at  Mlnneapolii  when  TeAz&a  BeAnaAdine  Vzitz,   daughteA  oi  Mk.  and  Mai,.   BeAnoMd  VeJXz, 
oi  thJj,  city,   bzcamz  the  oi  ^fA.   AfithuA  Vincent  Odzl,  oi  Minneapolis.     Ma.64,  Mayz 
A.   Fzitz,  sliteA  oi  the  was  thz  only  attendant. 

Tollowing  the  ceAemony  the  wedding  bfizakia&t  wai  ieAved  at  the  CuJvtii>  Hotel, 
o-iteA  which  the  bfiide  and  gfioom  Izit  by  aato  aAAivZng  heAe  SatuAday  night,  to  ipznd 
a  iew  days  at  thz  homz  oi  the' &  poAznti.     They  fiztuAnzd  Wednesday  to  spend  thz 
balance  oi  thziA  honeymoon  at  thz  lakes. 

The  was  boAn  and  fiaised  In  Hankinson  and  until  ilve  yeoAS  ago  vxis  one  oi 
ouA  leading  buslnz&s  women.  Slncz  thzn  t,hz  has  bzzn  assistant  buyeA  In  thz  Rzady-to- 
WeoA  depoAtment  iofi  thz  Wyman  VantAidgz  Wholzsalz  Co. 


Tfie  gKoom  -U  an  aaxLLtofi  connected  viLth  the.  Soo  Zn  hiinne^o.^A^ .     Thz  young  couplz 
havz  a  Icvigz  caAcZz  oi  £AA.zndl,  who  zxtznd  congnnXuZatiorUt  and  but  wafie^. 
HANKIHSOU  WEWS  ************  j^^^  5^    ,^^3 

WzZt  Known  HaniUn6on  Glfit  Btcomu  the.  Bfildz  Oi{  Wm.  Rempe^  oi  CaliiofmU 

Utdnuday  zvejting,  JuZy  25th,  at  tht  home,  o^  Wu.  Lofia  E.  Kinnztf  In  tkik  cuJy, 
Ul66  HeZen  Tubb6  becamz  the.  b^de.  0(J  Urn.  RempeZ,  Thz  ce/iemony  woi  peAjJoAmed  bq  Rev. 
C^flAence  Coaa  in  thz  pAzizncz  o^  about  ioKty  Jbivitzd  gae^ti. 

Vltzctty  bz^ofLZ  thz  wzdding  pKoceMlonal,  Jamzi  P.  P.  TuJUoch  &ang  "I  Lovz  Vou 
TJtuZy."     Mendzl&ohnn' &  WzddLng  IkiAch  wo*  played  by  MA4.  HatAy  Badde  o{,  Uinneapotli. 
LLXtZz  Kathzxinz  BeZZz  RempeZ,  nizcz  o^  thz  bfiide  and  gKoom,  actzd  oi  (r^oweA  gVil. 
Shz  woA  dn.zi>6zd  in  a  iaZny  likz  cAzation  o^  paZz  yeZZow  oKgandLz  uxlth  blue  ioKgzt-rr.z- 
notb.     She  caMied  a  basket  o^  btaz  bacheZon.  buttons  and  pimk  iwzzt  peai,     hlu.   E\jeA- 
ztt  HoMh,  cou&in  o^  thz  bxidz,   ^olZowzd  thz  ilowzfi  ginZ.     Hen.  go\m  woi  gAeen  cAepe 
de  chine  tMjmed  uxith  cJieiun  tace.     Hapten.  BiZty  V.empeZ,  nzpheu)  o^  the  and  gioom, 
doAAied  the  ling  in  the  heant  o^  a  tafige  white  tiZiy. 

Thz  bAidz,  onz  o^  Hankinion'i  moit  popuZan  young  Zadizi,  Zaoked  chanming  in  a 
inodk  oi  cAeam  accondion  ptaited  canton  cAzpe,  fiimmed  uiith  toachti  oi  liZvei.     HeA 
vziZ  woi  heZd  in  pZaxLZ  viitk  a  Wiejxth  oi  exquZiite  ohangz  bZo66om6.     Shz  coAnZzd  a  loAgz 
6hou)eA  bouquet  oi  cAzam  iwzetheaAt:  Aoizi,  iioeet  peai  and  tiZZZeJb  oi  thz  vaZZey.     The 
bAZdz&miid,  Mc4.4  Edith  JoneJ>,  woaz  a  gown  oi  TAench  blue  6wiii  t/vumed  with  cAexm  iiZzt. 

The  gnoom  and  Wu  AZiAed  Biggi,  the  bz&t  man,  met  thz  bKidaZ  pafvty  at  thz  aZtoA. 
The  aZXoA  wa6  io)med  by  many  plants  and  ieAM.     Rev.  CZoAence  Cojia  oHicZated  and  the 
King  ceAemony  wa6  a&ed. 

Aki.   LoKa  E.   Kinney,  with  whom  the  bnZde  haj>  made  heA  home  iincz  childhood,  woAz 
a  ZoveZy  gown  oi  navy  canton  cAepe,  tAJjmed  with.  Vfiznch  Lace. 

AiteA  the  ceAemony  a  Kzception  woi  g-tven  and  a  dainty  luncheon  woi  ieAved  to  thz 
ionty  gutits.     Ma.  and  Ma6.   Rewpe£  wiZt  6pznd  tkeJji  honeymoon  at  Uinneapolib ,  Omaha, 
Colorado  Spking6,  GAnnd  Canyon,  VenveA,  thence  to  theiA  iutuAe  home  at  PoAodzna,  CA. 
Thz  bnidz  wa6  attUizd  in  a  tAaveZing  gown  oi  cocoa  bAown  ilat  cAepe  and  a  wnjip  oi  thz 
iomz  colon,  tnimmzd  wiXh  iquiAAzl  colloA  and  cuiil>.     HzA  hat  wai,  alio  bKown. 

Thz  out  oi  town  guzi>t6  wzAe   •■   Hi6i>  Anna  RempeZ,  iij>tzA  oi  thz  gAoom,   oi  VutXon, 
MT.;   BiZZz  HzAb  and  KathzAcne  BeZZe  RzjnpzZ  oi  Vutton,  MT.;  Maa.   EvzAztt  HaA&h  and 
lUtZz  daughtzA,   FaOibauZt,   tW.;   Maa.   AAt^uA  Kotechian,  Wimbledon,   tW.;  Mas.   CUHofid 
HungzA,   CAook&ton,   MW.;   MAi.    HaAAy  Budde,   lUnneapotu,   MW.;   Hii>i   HuZda  Otizn,   SzattZz, 
WA.;  McAA  Loocie  Tiidel,   Loi  AngzZz6,   CA.;  HeAteAt  UzAAiiizZd,   ValZzy  City,  W.;  Ma. 
and  M'li.  Wm.   BAenneA,   Mew  Ej^j^ngion,   SV. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  Jul.y  26,    1923 



A  qoLzt  home,  wzdding  occuAAzd  out  ihz  homz  o^  Mw.  Anna  Jonei  Sunday  zveyUng 
at  S  ?hi  wfien  heA  daaghteA.  Ua,6  Reba,   became  thz  o^  VavZd  Rejnple  o^  Vutton,   MT. 

Thz  ceAejnony  wa&  pzA^oAmtd  by  Reu.  C.  CaAA  in  thz  pfieMencz  o^  InmedLate  KeJbat- 
-cveA  oi  ihz  bnidz.     LighX.  fiJtiKeji>hmejrvtt>  weAz  ieAved  and  thz  newlywzdi  £e^  Irmzdiatzly 
on  a  ^hofit  lionzymoon  to  thz  cittzi  a{^zn.  which  thzy  vxiti  makz  thzVi  komz  at  Vutton, 
MT. ,.  ui^eAe  thz  gKoom  ii  cjai,hieA  o£  thz  Vutton  Statz  Bank. 

Thz  bfitdz  haJi  ipznt  pAojutiaaZZy  heA  zntUAz  li^z  hzfiz  and  Z6  kighZy  z&tzemzd 
^oA  heA  many  good  quoLctlzs  o^  hzaAt  and  mind.     Lait  yzoA  6kz  taught  In  thz  Tabtic 
Schooti)  0^  fXichlgan  CiXy,   Indiana,  and  had  acczptzd  a  po6itlon  in  thz  Chicago  City 
Schooti  fiOn.  thz  coming  yzoA.     HeA  moAKiagz  camz  oi  a  happy  6uApfii6z  to  a  toAgz  caAjcZz 
oi  inizndi,  thAoughout  thi6  paAt  o^  thz  countAy. 

Thz  gKoom  it  not  a  AtAongeA  hzAz  by  any  mean*,  having  vi&itzd  HankiMon  i^-'ieq- 
qazntty.     OnZy  a  month  ago  hi6  bnotheA,  WiZtiam  Rempet,  ztaimzd  Mt44  HeZzn  Tubbi  o^ 
thi&  city  a*  a     Hz  ii  a  iucczi-ifiid.  young  baiinz&s  man  o{  Vutton. 

Thz  congAotatationi,  and  be^t  uii&hz6  o^  a  Ioaqz  ciAcZz  o^  i>u.endi>  oAz  zxtzndzd 
to  thz  young  cowptz. 

HKHKIUSOU  HBjJS  ************  Augait  23,    7923 


ThAzz  WzddingA  thz  Ta&t  Wzzk  That  ^Uilt  bz  oi  JnteAzit  to  Hankinion  Vzoplz. . 


Simptz  but  impA.zi6ivz  waA  thz  moAXiagz  ceAzmony  condactzd  by  Rev.   E.  A.  klLbi, 
Va^toK  o(i  thz  EiA&t  Congxzgationat  ChuAch  o{^  Wahpzton,  Saturday  mohning  at  S  AM,  at 
thz  home  o^  Joizph  VatteAdon  on  Sixth  StAzzt  in  that  city,  which  joinzd  in  moAAiagz 
Mt.   PattzMon' 6  daughtzA,  Clafw.  Gznzva  and  Wi.  Uichazl  VzTza  o{t  Whzaton. 

Only  Wahpzton  mzmbzu  o^  thz  PatteA&on  (,amiZy  and  a  ii&teA  oi  thz  gfioom,  M^A 
Ro4e  Vz  Tza  o^  Hankin&on  witneMzd  thz  ceAemony,  which  wa&  pzK^ofmzd  without  bnidzi- 
maid  OK  gnoom&man.     Thz  homz  wai,  appAopfiiatzZy  dzconatzd,   yeJUiow  and  wkitz  cotoKi, 
pAzdominating .     ToZLowing  thz  ceAemony  a  wedding  moa  ieAvzd  ^ofi  nine  peA- 
ioni,   a£teA  which  Un..  and  hOi&.  Vz  Fea  dzpaxtzd  {,ofi  EaiAm.ount  wheAz  thzy  took  thz 
Soo  tKoin  to  Hinnzapotiii  ^ofi  a  i>hoHt  honzy-moon. 

Thz  bhidz  i&  a  wzJU.  known  and  popuLoA  Wahpeton  giAt,   boKn  in  that  city,   and 
a  gfiaduatz  o^  thz  high  ichoot.     Shz  wa6  a  itudznt  at  UooKzhzad  NoKmaZ  taht  yzoA. 

Thz  gfLoom  ii  a  i>on  o^  If  A.   PzteA  Vz  Pea  oi  Hankin&an,   and  Kzdidzd  in  thii>  city 
moit  oi  ki&  tiiz  untiZ  a  i,hont  time  ago  when  hz  moved  to  Whzaton  wheAz  hz  now  opeAatzi 
a  motion  pictuM.  thzatAz.     Uany  ifiizndi  oi  both  paAtiz&  oAz  extending  congKctulationi . 
Uk.   and  M^.  PeFea  will  make  thziA  homz  at  Whzaton,  wheAe  they  wilt  be  "at  home"     to 
thziA  inizndui  in  the  neoA  iutwiz. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  Septemben.  6,  /923 

A  veKy  pKztty  wedding  took  placz  at  thz  homz  oi  Ma.,  and  l>'Ai.  A.   Poiznbluir  at 


When  ifie  zci6:tJ30und  Soo  t/ialn  pvJULzd  .into  tht  dtpot  at  FaOmount  Wtdne^day  at 
10:42,  pcu,6zngeAi  thought  tkeAz  uxu  a  fviot  keAt  tn  faJUmoimt.     Bat  &iLch  ujcu>  not  thz 
cjcl&z.     Choi.  RiimLi  and  uiL^t,    (nee  Ro44)  weAe  lejavtng  on  theJji  honzymoon  and  tht 
cAowd  wa&  ihovoeAJjig  thvn, 

Thejj  uizAt  as6t6tzd  by  a  cAxMd  i^m  Hankinion  who  camz  ov&fi  heAz  and  6howeAzd 
onotkiA  cowpZt  who  had  gtvzn  thz  HanJujuon  pzoplz  thz  itip,  but  wzAz  ovzfitakzn  hzn.z 
and  bzMtdeJ)  bzing  gtvzn  a  6howzfi  oi  Kiaz,  we  undeMtand  onz  0(5  thz  couptz  woi  g^uen 

a  inzz  Hldz  on  thz  dzpot  plat^ofun. FAIRMOUWT  NEWS 

HAMKJMSOM  WEWS  ************  Aaguit  2,    J923 

A  mVLfiiagz  ticznzz  woi  Ibhuzd  at  MooKhzad  yzitzfuiaif  to  Jack  V.  SdiuZtz  o^ 
Coii  County  and  BzAtha  KoppzZman  o^  Richland  County. 

************  Auguit  9,    1923 


St.   Paul  IcUtt  Thu/L6daif,  Oct.   30th,  when  theZn  daughtzA  Miii  E&theA,   bzcamz  the.  bnlde 
0^  M^.  M.  V.  Reuben  o^  HanfUn&on, 

The  ceAejnony  uioi  peA^oAmed  by  Reu.   Hofwwitz  o^  St.  Paul.  Zn  the  pn.t6ence  od 
moKe  than  100  fLeZativti  and  lKiend&  oi  the  confiacting  poAtie^.     FolZomng  the  ceAe- 
mony  a.  iumptuooi  4 even  o'cZock  wedding  dinheA  uioA  leAved. 

The  bntde  aj>  a.  4>tAangeA  keAz,  but  aJ)  a  moit  worthy  young  lady,  being  heZd  in 
the.  highest  esteem  in  the  cormunity  wheAz  6he.  made  heA  home.     The  gfioom  ij,  at&o  a  new 
Ae^ident  in  HaniUmon  and  came  heAt  about  -fwo  monthA  ago  to  take  chaAge  o^  the  baii- 
ne44  0^  the  Hankimon  PKoduce  Company. 

M/L.  and  Ak6.  Reuben  aJifuved  in  Hankimon  ZoAt  Tkiday  and  have  Aented  apoAt- 
mentl,  in  the  Jonei  ^tat  and  oAe  now  comiofitabty  located  in  theiA  new  home. 

Tniendi  heAe  extend  congAatutatLon&  and  be&t  wij>h.t&. 
HAMKJMSON  NEWS  ************  SeptembeA  h,   ini 


The  maAAcage  o^  HU&  KatheAine  Tetton  to  Cli^oKd  BeAgZund  wa6  solemnized  at 
the  Catholic  paAionage.  in  Taifmount  la^t  ThJidajy  evencng.     Rev.   TatheA  MC  Vonald  peA- 
£oAmed  the  ceAemony  in  the  pAe/>zncz  o^  membeAi  6^  the  two  iamilieM  and  intonate  iKiendi, 
oi  the  young  couple. 

The  bfiide  i6  a  daaghteA  o^  MA6.  John  Bo6tAom  o{  faJjmount  and  spent  most  o^  heA 

li^e  in  Hankimon.     She  is  welZ  known  heAe.  and  has  a  host  oi  ^niends  and  well  wishexs. 

The  ghoom  is  a  painteA  by  tAade,  and    the.  yoimg  couple  wilZ  xe^ide  in  TaOmount. 

***********     * 


WoKd  was  Aeceived  heAe  the  ^iAst  oi{  the  week  0){  the  maAAiage  o^  Uy>wn  C.   TalleA 
to  Uiss  Ida  Ghay  at  WyndmeAe.     The  ghcom  Ls  a  son  0({  M/t..  and  Ma4.  C.  W.   TuZZeK  o^  this 
city  and  the  Is  a  weJil  known  WyndmeAe  ginl.     No  poAticuZoAS  oi  the  wedding  oAe 
available.     The  young  couple  will  make  theiA  home  at  WyndmeAe  wheAe  the  gAoom  has  a 
position  in  one  o^  the  geneAat  stoAe^. 

HAMKZNSOM  hlEWS  ************  SeptembeA  6,    ?9Z3 


mss  Anna  KAetchman  suApfvised  heA  ^Aiends  heAe.  when  the  announcement  came  this 
week  oi  heA  maAAiage  at  Billings,  hn'.,  to  M/l.   George  KeAcheA.     The  happy  event  occuAKed 
last  week  and  the  ^ifist  woKd  came  in  the  ionm  oi  a  bftiei  note  to  the  iamily  heAe.. 

The  fwmance  began  when  Uiss  KAetchman  was  teaching  in  the  neighboAhood  oi  Bill- 
ings,  a  couple  oi  yeoAS  ago,   and  the  lucky  gAoom  was  at  the  time  Aanching  in  thai 
vicinity.     She  leit  eoAly  last  week  ioA  a  visit  with  intends  in  Billings.     Ua.  KeAcheA 
met  heA  theAe  and  a  quieX  wedding  iollowed.     The  young  couple  leit  at  once  ioA  lillah, 
Wk. ,  wheAe  the  gAoom  has  a  position  with  a  wholesale  company. 

The  bAlde  is  a  daughteA  oi  h[A.   and  Wis.  GeoAge  KAetchman  oi  this  city  and  was 

boAn  heAe.     GAaduatlng  inom  high  school  and  lateA  iAom  the  Valley  City  UoAmal ,  she  was 

veAij  succe^siul  as  a  teacheA.     She  has  a  host  oi  iAlends  heAe  who  join  in  extending 

congAatulatlons  and  best  wishes.  ^»..*.*  ,        ,,1007 

*  *  *(hf  *******  SeptembeA  13,    1923 


UaAAZage.  ZLceMti  have,  been  Ziiuzd  in  iht  Zjut  ^m  day6  by  Judgz  Van  Annam  to  tkt 
^olZomjig:     OJittiam  F.  HzngeA.  to  ¥fLanc.e.i  Lznzzn,  both  oi  l^oonttqn'. 
Rudolph  tOiti^-ln  to  Reg^jm  A.  ViZzl,  both  o^  BoAnty; 
.    TKank  Volda  oi  iUyndmeAt  to  UaJiy  Vuba  o^  Hankin6on 


A  moAJuagt  tltzMt  wa&  li^ued  at.  Uahpzton  today  to  CanZ  ReXtLg  and  iUj>i>  Uomj 
BommeA4bac/i,  both  weZt  fenown  young  pzjoptt  fLz^ixLUig    iouth    o^  Hankimon. 


Ui66  Czcttia  EnkeM  and  Lmlt>  W.  RlddzAhaih  weAe  muwitd  at  thz  CongKzgatlonal 
Pauonage.  in  Wahpzton  on  SatuJiday,  OctobiM.  tSth,  Reu.  EAnz^t  filZzn  peAiofmlng  thz  ceA.e- 
mony.     Thz  young  cx)uplt  iztuAnzd  at  once  to  Hankimon  and  ^OA.  thz  pJvuznt  okz  domiciZ- 
zd  at  thz  EY\kz)U)  hotnz  in  thU>  ciXy. 

Thz  bAidz  ii  thz  choAmlng  daaghtzA  o^  Wl.  and  Uu.  Wm.  Erdizu  and  hoi  gKown  to 
wommhood  hzAz.     Shz  hoi  a  ho6t  oi  piizndl,  and  weZL  uxUhzn^.     Thz  gKoom  ii  a  young 
ichooZ  tzachzM.  uho  camz  to  tkU  vicijiiity  a  yzxoi  ago  ifiom  VoKchz6tzA.,  WI.,  and  haj,  "madz 
good"  OA  onz  o^  thz  mo6t  6ue.ce^-l>iut  KuAat  &ch.oot  tzachzM  in  thz  county.     Hz  haj,  madz 
many  {^nizjudi,  during  thz  (Jew  monthi  hz  ha&  ipant  in  ouk  nzighbofihood. 

Thz  NEWS  joini,  thz  many  ^zndl>  o^  the.  newlywzdi  in  zxtznding  congKotuLatiom 
and  bzit  uil6hzi>. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************     ^  OctobzA  U,    1923 


Thz  moMiagz  oi  Choi.  Hzin,  3ft.,  to  UL66  Jznniz  May  SteiMAt  wo*  iotzjmizzd  at 
thz  PKz&bytzAian  Vationagz  in  t^ooAjekzad,  UN.,  on  Monday,  Oct.   15th,  Rev.   Hall  o£  that 
city  o{,{flciating.     Hu.  H.  J.  SchiateA  o^  Hankinion,  a  iiitfi  o^  thz  gnoom,  wa6  thz 
only  attendant. 

Thz  bnldz  ^  thz  accompli6hzd  daughtzfi  oi  Wi.  and  Mu.  J.  W.  SteMitt  o^  NiagoAa, 
MP.,  pKomlneyit  ianmznj).     Thz  gnoom  ii  a  6on  of,  M^.  and  Uxd.  Cha&.  Heln  ot$  tkik  city 
and  it>  Midzly  known  throughout  thi6  izction.     Thz  young  couple  havz  thz  congAatuZation& 
and  bz&t  uxiihzi  oi  a  holt  o^  iAiendi. 

Ma.,   and  Mu.   Hzin  oAz  spending  thziA  honeymoon  at  NiagoAa  and  Mill  oaaIvz  in 
Hankimon  ihontly  to  ipend  thz  uilntzt. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  OcXobzn.  25,    1923 


Thz  moMiagz  of  HUi  Uaxy  Bommzubach  to  M^.   CaJiZ  Rzttig  MU  6olemnizzd  at  St. 
PhilipU  ChuAxih  Tuesday  manning,  Oct.   30th,  at  9  M,  Rev.   F-^.  HtUneA  oiiiciating. 

Thz  czfizmony  luai  uiitnzi&zd  by  a  loJigz  gatheAing  of  fniendi  of  thz  cont/iactlng 
pafitieM.     Thz  wzdding  moAc/i  uia&  played  by  Uu.  C.  H.  Mc  Vonelt,  and  thz  bfiidz&maid 


wdi  Ma/ur  V-zXtcQ,  a.  il&tex  oi  thz  gJioom.     The.  gfioom  wou,  attznded  by  John  BommeAibach,   a 
bKothzA.  oi  ikt  bfildz.     The  bKldz'&  gown  wtu  oi  bdjudzd  iotin  and  georgette  and  i>he.  aoAJiizd 
a  boaqazt  o^  pcnfe  Jioit&  and  izAn6. 

A^teA  thz  czAzmony  thz  wzddZng  poAty  fizpaJifizd  to  thz  zountxy  homz  oi  thz  bhldz 
uiheA-Z  a  4>umptuoul,  u)zdding  dinnzA  wtw  izAvzd. 

Thz  nejolywzdi  oAz  vizZl  knom,  having  Uvzd  aji  tku  vlcUyuXy  pAaUlcaJUy  aU  thzlfi 
tbJU.     Thz  bfUdz  li  a  daughtzA  oi  Wl.  and  Ma4.  HanZln  Bomzuback  and  thz  gioom  Is  a  i>on 
oi  Wi.  and  Wii>.  Joz.'Rzttig. 

HfL.  and  Ufu>.  Rctt^g  uilti  makz  tkzOi  homz  In  HankLmon  ioK  thz  pAuznt. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  HovmbeA  I,    1925 


M/L.  and  Uu.  blm.  Szhaztt  oi  tkii>  cJXy  weAe  among  thz  gueiJtA  at  a  big  wzdding 
at  Lidgznwood  on  Wzdnz6day,  Nov.    14th,  whzn  Eithzn.  Hay  Attain  oi  that  city  bzcamz  th.z  oi  Anton  J.  GaukZzn.  oi  VazAA  Townihip.     Thz  zzKzmony  woi  pzKiofunzd  by  Rev.   Tathzn., 
VaztA  at  thz  St.   Bonliacz  ChuAch  at  8:30  AM,  In  thz  p^zizncz  oi  a  ZaAgz  numbzn  oi  fizl- 
ativzi  and  iKiznd&  oi  thz  contAcctbig  pantLz&. 

A  SAJitzt  oi  thz  bAcdz  was  bAcdzimald  and  thz  gfioom  imi  attzndzd  by  a  bfwthzn. 
06  bzit  man. 

FoUouilng  thz  czAzmony  a  wzdding  izoit  woA  szhvzd  at  thz  homz  oi  thz  bKidz  and 
thz  izi)tlv-itlz&  contAJiazd  thAoughout  thz  day  and  ioA  into  thz  zvzning. 

Thz  young  couplz  axz  uxideZy  knoum  both  having  bzzn  boAn  in  VlchLand  County. 
Thz  bnldz  -U  a  daughtzA  oi  Ua.  and  HAi.  David  AZZain  and  thz  gfvoom  a  son  oi  A.  F. 
GaukZzA,  oUi  bzlng  Hichland  County  pionzzAi. 

Thz  newlywzd&  mJU.  occupy  thz  thfizz  qwoAtzn.  izctlon  ia/im  oi  thz  GaukZzu  iouth- 
u)z&t  oi  Hankin&on. 

HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  NovembzA  7  3,    1923 


Thz  pafiyUh  hoa&z  at  St.  John'^i,  ChuAck  uxu,  thz  icznz  oi  a  pAztty  wzdding  Honday 
moAntng  whzn  fathzt  RiddzA  Azad  thz  woAAiagz  czAzmony  ioA  Robznt  Stzin  and  FloAzncz  Oglz. 

Thz  ceAzmony  wai  witnz&6zd  by  onZy  a  ieuJ  iAizndi>  and  AeJfjotivzi,  oi  thz  young 
couplz  who  Zzit  soon  aitzAwaAd  ioA  a  izw  dayi  visit  with  his  poAznts  who  tivz  wzst  oi 
TaiAiwunt.     Upon  theJA  AztuAn  thzy  wiZt  makz  thziA  homz  at  114  TouAth  StAzzt  Nohth  in 
what  is  known  as  thz  SchAozdzA  housz. 

Both  thz  bAidz  and  gAoom  oAz  wzJtZ  known  hoAz,  thz  bnidz  having  livzd  hzAz  I'lith 
hzA  poAznts  ioA  somz  timz  and  has  latzZy  bzzn  zmptoyzd  at  thz  Wahpzton  Hospital.     h'A. 

Stzin  is  zjmployzd  in  thz  Aound  hoasz  in  BAzckznAidgz.  GLOBE 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  NovembeA  12,    J923 


Wis.   C.   E.    LounsbuAy  oi  Wahpzton  and  Has.   GzoAgz  BuSchzA   [Sylvia  HaHzidzA]   oi 
BAzckznAidgz  wzaz  hostzsszs  Wzdnzsday  zvzning  at  thz  LounsbuAy  homz  to  a  gAoup  oi  about 
twznty  iniznds,  thz  occasion  bzing  thz  announczjnznt  oi  thz  zngagzmznt  oi  a  populaA  Wah- 


pzton  couplt hliii  Lzna  Wouetzfee  and  Ufi.   Jamej,  P,  UaHfiaij who6e.  rr.aMAM.gz  mIZZ  be 

an  event  o{^  thz  hotiday  Aea&on. 

The.  ga&6t4>  Inchidtd  a  numb?A  o^  Hi&6  Novetzkz'6  idULow  ejnpZoyzi>  f,Kom  thz  Globz- 
GazeXtz  Pftlnting  Company,  and  i>z\JZAaJi  otkzn.  {,M.znd6.  The.  home  wai,  pKettiZy  decollated 
^oJi  the  occoHt-ion. 

VuxZng  the  evenoig  Mc44  Ati.ce  PzA^oni  took  hzA  Azat  at  the  piano  and  began  to  piay 
a  Mzdding  mahch,  which  wai,  thz  ilgnat  ^oK  thz  zntAancz  o^  titttz  Ulsi  VlAginla  Loun&buAy, 
daughteA  o^  thz  ho6teM,  ganbzd  oi  a  bnZde.,  who  pneMented  to  Mm  Movetzkz  a  beaatif^uZ 
pink  KoiiZbud  In  which  wa&  conczaZcd  thz  engagement  ^Ung.     Condi  announcing  thz  engage- 
ment weAz  then  dliPu-buted,   a{,teA  which  thz  ho6tz&-&  ieAvzd  a  deZlght^ut  lappeA. 
HAMKWSOM  NEWS  Wahpeton  GZobz  hlovzmbzn.  29,    7923 

Among  thz  maMlagz  tLcen6eJ>  liluzd  at  Wahpeton  thU>  wzzk  WOA  one  to  V.oy  Vlxmond, 
VetAclt,  UN.,  and  Ul&i  Mayz  A.   PzaXz  OjJ  Hankln&on. 
HAMKJNSON  WEWS  **********  NovembeJi  29,    ?923 

Hu.  John  SelZneA  Iz^t  Wednesday  £ox  St.   CZoad  to  be  pn.ziznt  at  the  JaegeA-BakeA 

wedding  which  wiZZ  take  placz  In  that  city  on  Thanksgiving  day. 


Invltatloni)  havz  bzzn  xzczlvzd  by  HanklnAon  ifu.zndi>  thz  moMlage  o^  HI&6 
Gkocz  JazgeA,  daughteA  oi  Wi.  and  Ufid.  John  M.  JaegeA,  to  Vetz  BakeA.     Thz  wzddlng  wlZZ 
takz  place  at  St.   Cloud,  ^W. ,  on  Thanksgiving  Vay. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  UovembeA  29,    7923 


A  veAy  pfietty  wzddlng  wom  heZd  at  thz  CathzdAal  at  St.   Cloud,  MM. ,  on  Thanksgiving 
moAnlng  at  10  AM  Uois,  when  thz  pastoK,   Rzv.   TatheA  Kln&zZla  xead  the  seAvlczi  which 
united  Uc&i  JazgeA,  daiightzA  o^  Ufi.   and  Hfu.  J.  M.  JaegeA  o^  Hankln&on  to  Ha..   FeteA 
BakeA  o{t  St.   Paul,  youngz&t  son  o^^  Mw.   John  SeZZneA,  aZio  oi  Hanklnson. 

Thz  aZtan.  was  bzautl{)UlZy  dzcofvatzd  with  ieAns  and  chtysanthemums.     SlsteA  Joseph- 
ine played  the  oJigan  whlZz  a  numbzA.  of,  StsteAS  sang  a  pKogfuxm  o^  nuptlaZ  music. 

Guzits  pKzservt  {,ox  thz  dlnnzA  wzAz  hVi.   and  Mks.   Lzo  Lznzen,  M-w.  John  SzZInzA, 

HisszA  LauAa  and  Rose  SeZZneA,   hluszs  Emma  and  Suslz  JazgeA,  fliss  Elizabeth  Flnnzmann, 

Ma..   HoAold  Cox,   HeAb  Smith,  AngeZlnz  Mc  Vonald,   Ua.   and  Uas.   Mc  Donald,   GeoAge  Tlnnls, 

and  Mx:fee  PhoH. 

Thz  young  couple  wlZZ  be  at  home  at  930  ChoAlzs  St.,  St.   PauZ. 


A  quiet  and  simple  wedding  took  placz  Thanksgiving  Vay  at  4  PM  In  the  chapeZ  at 
St.   Alexias  Hospital  at  ElsmaAck,  when  Hiss  Uayz  PeMtz,   daughteA  o£  Ma.  and  Wis.   BzAn- 
oAd  Peltz  o{i  this  city  became  thz  bAldz  o£  Ceo  Age  LeRoy  Diamond  o{,  DetAolt,  MW.     They 
had  no  attendants. 

Thz  bAldz  woKe  a  gown  o^  Nejw  Blue  velvet  bAocaded  chiton  with  illveA  hat  and 
shoes     to  match  and  canAled  an  oAm  bouquet  ojj  Ophelia  Aoses. 


¥ofi  txavzZ  ihz  wo/te  a  dtui  o^  fio^wood  cJvx/umzn  tfUMntd  In  ivJi. 
A^teJi  thz  ceAmony  a  wzdcUng  dlnnzA.  uxu  iCAucd  at  thz  homz  o^  Ma.,  and  Ufu>.   FAancA^  HaZl- 
onan,   inlznd&  o^  thz  bftidz.     Mi.  VZamond  hon,  tlvzd  hzKz  A-incz  cfuJtdhood  and  hoi  a  hoi>t 
oi  iKiznd6  who  zxtznd  bzit  ux^^h^^.     Shz  l&  at  pA.z6znt  tzaching  In  thz  Hinnzapotii,  idiooU 
and  uiilZ  continaz  hzn.  woa^  ^zaz  uyvtit  thz  hotLdayi,  a^tzA  which  thz  young  couplz  wUZ 
be  at  homz  to  iKitndi  in  Dztnolt,  MM. ,  whzfiz  thz  gfwom  U,  a  pfioApzA^otu  young  bai-inz&A  man. 
HANKWSOU  NEWS  ************  VzczmbzA  6,    1923 


ChitdA.zn  o^  UfL.  and  tVis.  TzJid.  Mzdemxitdt  iuApnZ&zd  thzAJi  paJiznti  at  thz  homz  In 
tha>  CAJty  Wzdnziday  zvzning  on  thz  occjoiion  o^  thzln.  goldzn  wzdding.     Thli>  mfiXhy  couple. 
0^  pionzzju  wzAz  moJuUzd  Pec.    12th,   1873,  at  UayvUZz,  WI.     Nlnz  ioni,  and  one  dojughtzt, 
M/L4.   John  Buck,  we^e  bo  An  to  thzm.     Thzy  havz  Az&ldzd  Zn  thz  Mlclnvty  ilncz  in9.     Onz 
6on  Az&ldzi  In  Canada  and  onz.  Thank,  dlzd  loj^t  ipAcng.     AiZ  thz  othzA  ckitdtzn  fiuldz 
■in  thU  vicinity. 

A  bountiiut  6uppeA  woA  pfwvidzd  by  thz  chUdAzn,  and  Rev.  J.   P.  Klaa&ZeA  gavz  a 
6koKt  oddAzii  fitting  to  thz  occa&ion. 


Hankinion  aught  to  ii&uz.  a.  chalZzngz  to  any  city  o^  zj^uaZ  6izz  in  thz  itatz  to  pko- 
dacz  04  many  couplzi  maAAizd  iiity  yza/u,  ok  ouca  oi  axz  living  in  tkU  ciXy  and  irr.mzdiatz 

In  Rev.  J.  P.  KZaai>leA.'&  congAtgation  atonz  aJiz  thz  ^olZouiing:  Hzhman  Jizgi,  and 
Mk,){e  (55),  John  Rodfee  and  uxl^z  {54),  Augu6t  HeJj>^  and  laif^z  (53),  Wm.  Gabbztt  and  wl£z 

Thz  {^oUovilng  ceizbAatzd  theJji  goldzn  wzdding  annivzAJ,aAy  within  thz  lxu>t  tMo 
months:  Wm.   VzddzA  and  wl^z,  John  Eudack  and  wi^z,   FeAdinand  Mzdznwaldt  and  wtiJe. 
HANKZNSON  NEWS  ************  VzczmbzA  13,    1923 


Annouczmznt  ha6  ja6t  bzzn  madz  o^  thz  manAiagz  o{^  Ui6i  h^aAgueJutz  LznoAz  Lcnzhan 
to  Ma.    FnancJU)  Ulchazl  VzmuLLng,  which  happy  zvznt  occuAJizd  on  Tut&day,  Oct..   30th,  at 
RtveA  falli>,  WI.     Jhz  young,  couplz,   both  oi  whom  axz  i>tadznti  at  thz  RivzA  FatUi  NonsraZ 
Sdnool,   ktpt  thz  mwiiagz  a  hzc/izt  until  thz  announcmznt  wa6  madz  thii  wzzk. 

Thz  bnidz  i&  a  daughtzA  o^  Ma.   and  Maa.    FAank  LLnzhan  o{,  Hankin&on,  ii  a  gAaduatz 
o{^  oun.  high  school  and  hai,  a  hoi>t  o{^  dAizndi  in  tku  vicinity.      Fox  thz  pojit  couplz  o(^ 
yzoAJs  ihz  haj>  bzzn  attending  thz  nofimal  school  at  thz  old  {amily  homz  in  RiveA  FalLi,, 
wheAz  thz  Aomancz  bzgun  which  culminatzd  in  hex  maXAiaqz  ai  above  mzntionzd.     Wa..   and 
and  Mw.   Vemuling  oJiz  continuing  theiM.  itudizM  at  thz  nonmaZ  and  wltZ  bz  among  thz  1924 
gnadaate^ . 

Mean-tone    thzy  aJiz  at  homz  at  702  South  Haln  StAzzt  in  RiveA  Falt6. 
HkNKJNSON  NEWS  ************  VzczmbeA  13,    1923 

Thz  moMiagz  oi  lfiJ>&  Ida  Folk  o^  thii,  city  and  Eduiln  A.   Eladow  oi  Waldo  Township 


mai>  6olemnizzd    at  thz  LuthzAan  PaA&onagz  on  Tuesday,  Vzc.    11th,   Rev.  J.   P.  Klau&lzA 

o^^clcuUng.     Thz  b)Ude.  aj>  a  daaghteA  0)$  MA4.    F-^ed  Fa£fe  and  thz   qnoom  aj>  a.  ion  o(^  Hznman 
ZtadoM.     Both  havz  gkoum.  up  .In  tki6  v.i.(u.ncty  and  aJie.  wzJit  known  hzAz.     Many  ^/Ue.ndi  join 
In  e.xtzndA.nQ  congfLatuZaiX.on&  and  be^t  Ml6he^. 
HMKJNSOhl  WEWS  ************  PecembeA  13,    1923 


The  iaihzA  oi  iucctii  l6  WORK.     Thz  motheA  o^  iucceJ>6  l6  AM8ITT0W.     Tfie  did(^t  i>on 


The  baby  It,  OPPORTUNITY. 

They  axe  all  CAREFUL. 

WeddA^iQA  0)5  We^il  Knom.  Young  People  SolemnZzed. . , 

A  pfietty  meddlng  occafOied  at  St.   John'i  ChuAck  In  Zeliottd  Township  on  SatuJuday, 
Dec.   25/Ld,  when  at  8:30  PM,  Rev.  J.   P.  KZaaileA  pronounced  the  wofidi  that  joined  ioi  ll^e 
Atc44  Hilda  KlxmUXeA  and  HenAy  WahleA.     The  ceAemony  wai  peA^ofmed  In  the  presence  o^ 
about  one  hundted  -LnvlXed  gue^t&,  mo4-t  o^  whom  had  known  the  contAacting  paAtleA  oJfJi  theJA. 
llve^,   ^oA.  both  grew  up  In  the  Eel^oAd  nel-ghboAhood. 

The  woi  gowned  in  chinchilla  6atin  with  bead  tAirnningi,  and  &he  cjoAAied  a  bouquet 
OjJ  pink  Koiejt,  white  and  pink  caAnatioM  and  {iZAnS.     Hi&i  Helen  KtauiitteA,  a  iZ&teA  o{,  the 
bAcde  wixA  maid  o^  honoA  and  woi  ai,.ii6ted  by  Mx4A  Roialinda  Tiegi,  a  cousin  OjJ  the  bAide. 

HeAman  Tiegi,  a  cousin  o^  the  gAoom,   o^^^iciated  as  be^t  man  and  Otto  KlmviXteA,  a 
bfwtheA  0(5  ihe  bnlde  was  his  aaistant.     Uu.  KlausleA  played  the  wedding  moAch. 

A{^teA  the  ceAemony  the  wedding  paAty  proceeded  to  the  bnlde'i  home  wheAe  a  bounti- 
iul  wedding  Kepait  waj>  ieAved.     The  dining  Koom  was  beautifully  decorated  in  green  and  gold 
and  the  ^east  was  one  that  will  long  live  in  the  memoAy  o^  the  guests. 

The  bride  is  a  daughteA  o£  Hr.   and  Urs.   Emll  KlauxitteA,  well  known  {.aAmeAS  residing 
northwest  o^  this  city  and  is  one  oi  the  popular  mejnbeAS  o^  the  youngeA  ieX.  of,  that  neigh- 
borhood.    The  groom  Is  a  populoA  young  {aAmeA  residing  near  Wahpeton  and  the  young  couple 
wWL  be  at  home  theAe  a^teA  JanuoAy  Ut. 

Out  0^  town  gueJ>ti  In  attendance  weAe  Wis.   CaAoline  MeyeA  and  f^airily  of,  Nw  E^f^ing- 

ton,   and  Hr.   and  WiS.   Willie  Hardt  o^  Bowdle,   SP. 



A  quiet  wedding  occuAAed  out  the  M.   E.   parsonage  in  BreckenAldge  on  Vec.    TSth,  when 
l\rs.  Uay  HcKinnon  became  the  wii^e  o^  Ernest  HeAzog.     The  ceAemony  was  peA^oAired  by  Rev. 
Knotts  In  the  preJ>ence  o^  only  the  nece/>sary  tut-tnei^e^. 


A     TWTTy    WEWWG 

hli6i  Lejia  Nov&fcsfee      Becomes  Bnlde.  o{,-      J.  P.  Movuiy 

PopuZoA  HankJjfUon  GIaJL  Wzdde.d  to  Wahptton  Bu4^e44  Man  Saturday  Monnbig 

HUi  Lena  Hovetzkz  o{  Wahpeton,  daughteA  oi  Uu.  Anna.  Hovetzkz  -ScJieZteA  o{,  Hank- 
Inion,  and  Jamu  P.  UuMoy  o^  Wo/tpe^n,  mAt  moMltd  at  St.  PkiUp'i  Catholic.  ChuAch  In 
HajikAJi6on  SatuAday  moAitoig,  Vtc.  29th.  Thz  wzdding  ceAmony  uxu>  peAiJo-tmed  at  S  o'clock 
by  RevV  ¥a.  Studnlcka. 

Tfie  chuAch  WW  bujCuxtiiuZly  dtcoAotzd,  thz  AtguLoA  hotidai/  dtcoKotlom,  having  been 
lz{yt  In  place,  and  iuAtheA  aagmentcd  ^oA  the.  occasion.     The  pAcncipaZi  «eA.e  attended  by 
Uli6  CatheAlne  UiiAAay,  6l&teA  o^  the  gAoom,  aj>  bAidc&mald,  and  Rudolph  ScheZleA,  a  bno- 
theA  of,  the  bAide,  oA  bc&t  man. 

TolloMing  the  nuptlat  high  moM,  a.  wedding  bAejok^oit  woa  leAved  at  the  home  o^  the 
bAide.' 6  motheA,  only  Immediate.  AeZatlvci  being  pA&ient.     The  home  iMU  pAettlZy  decoAated 
In  pink  and  wlUte,  pink  Aoie/)  ^ofuning  the  pKlncipat  Itejn  In  the  decofiatlve  ichejre.  Ua6. 
C.   E.   Loan&buAy  o^  Uahpeton,  UAi.  GeoAge  Buic/ieA.  o^  EAeckenAidge  and  (Uj,6  Vletz  o{,  Hank- 
In&on,  Intimate  iAiendi  o^  the  bAide.  ieAved  the  bAeaklokt. 

Ua.  and  Wii>.  HuAAOjj  leit  Hanklnion  on  the  11:50  tAaln  ^OA  HinneApolli  and  otheA 
points,  expecting  to  be  gone  about  a  week,  a^eA  which  they  will  Aetunn  to  Wahpeton 
wheAe  they  wilt  be  at  home  a£teA  Feb.   Ht,  at  the  AnkeA  ApoAtmentit. 

Thoic  {jAom  Wahpeton  urfio  attended  the  wedding  weAe  the  gAoom'6  paAent6,  Ma,,  and 
M/t4.  P.  H.  UuAKayi  hli  il&teA,  MciA  CatheAlne;  hU  bAotkeA,  S.  H.  MuAAay  and  wi({e; 
th€  bAide' i>  bAotheA,  Leo  Novetzke  and  wl^e;  and  M^.  and  Mas.  C.  E.   Loun^buAy  o((  Wahpeton, 
M^.  GeoAge  BaickeA  o^  EAeckenAidge. 

HAWKINSON  WEWS  ************  JanuoAy  3,    1924 

Voung  People  Slip  Quietly  km.y  foA  hluptiati 
^tc4i  BeAtha  Beck  Became  BAide  o^  E.   R.  Simpson  at  Hinneapolli  Tuesday 

mj>6  BeAtha.  Beck  and  EveAett  Slmpion  wcAe  quietly  maAtled  at  HinneapollJ,  Tuesday 
In  the  pte&ence  o^  only  the  neceJ>6aAy  wltneiie&.  No  pantlculau  oAe  fznown  heAc  oi  the 
wedding  but  congAotuZatloni  and  beJ>t  wl&hei  oAe  none  the  leMi  heoAtlZy  extended. 

The  bAide  li>  a  daughtet  o{i  Wi.  and  MA4.  John  Becfe  oi  thli  city  and  hoJ,  a  hoit  o^ 
inlendii  and  weZl  wliheM.  She  gAes*i  to  womanhood  In  ouA  city  and  li  wideZy  known.  The 
gAoom  l6  a  6on  o^  Mt.  and  Hu.  J.  A.  Simpson  oj^  Elbow  Lake  and  wai  at  one  time  aA6oc- 
lated  with  ki6  bhothcA  In  the  management  0|J  the  Hankln&on  QAeamcAy.  It  wai,  duAlng  thli 
peAiod  that  the  Aomance  began  which  culminated  In  the  wedding  this  week.  The  gKoom  It, 
at  pAe&ent  manageA  o^  the  Elbow  Lake  CAeameAy  and  lt>  an  InduitAlocui  and  pAomlalng  young 
bu&lnei>66  man. 

A{fteA  the  bAiei  honeymoon  In  the  cltie&,  hiK.  and  Ma,*.  Slmp&on  wlIZ  KetuAn  to  Elbow 
Lake  wheAe  they  will  be  "at  home"  a{,teA  TebAuaAy  Ht. 
HAHKIHSOn  HEWS  **********  JanuoAy  10,    1924 


/ne  D-^de  -Oi  a  daaghXeA  o{i  t-Uu.    L.   A.   Tt/Aon  o{i  tkl6  cJXy  and  moit  0|^  heA  ti{.t  ken 
been  iperU.  -in  tkU  v-LcJjiLtif  wkeAz  6h.z  Zi  wttt  and  £avonn.bZif  known.     The.  qfioom  aj>  Soo 
agtnt  at  Logan,  NV.,  and  a{^eA  the.  cZo&e.  of,  Ww.  HzAzog'A  school,  vohlch  Ahz  l&  teaching 
■in  ZzZioKd  Town&kcp,  the.  {^amity  mUi  make,  theln.  home  at  Logan. 

MtAA  SeZma  UjmLtteK  and  ¥Ke.d  Ho&noio  6JU.ppe.d  awau  qiLletlt/  to  Mjmen.pota>  a  couple 
0^  wee/iA  ago  and  weAe  maAAle.d.     The  li  a  daixghten.  oi  Wit,.  E.   L.  Klxmitten.  o{,  this 
city  and  the.  gKoom'i  homt  -u  at  l>\oKa,  MM.     Thzy  have.  the.  congiatuZatiom,  and  be^it  uii&he^ 
0^  many  ^AyiendA  tn  thii  v-LcA-vutiy. 


A  qaieX.  home  wedding  occuAfied  at  the.  home  o^  Wl.  and  Mw.   Ftumk  ft'/Lcge  noKthice^t  oi 
this  cxty  on  Thursday,  Dec.   20th,  when  Hi66  CeceZla.  WaZZoch  became  the  oi  knthuJi 
HafitZebzn.     Rev.   C.  Obtudoe^teA  peA^onmzd  the.  ceAemony  In  thz  pKeMence  oi  fieJbxttveJi  and 
Jinmedtate  {,fuendi. 

A  ilx  o'cZjock  wedding  dlnneA.  followed  and  thz  young  couple  weAe  fiecelplentA  o^  heoAty 
congfmtuZationi  and  bzt>t  wlj,he.6  f^fwm  theJA  as&emblzd  gazi>t&. 

Thz  bfiide  ti>  a  welZ  known  young  lady  o^  tkiit  city  and  thz  gnoom  Lb  a  -son  o/  Ma.   and 

Wi&.  TlobeAt  HoAtlebzn  o{^  Ehtghtujood  Town6hlp. 



A  b-implz  quiet  home  wzddlng  occuAXzd  at  thz  homz  oi  Wi.  and  UAb.   H.  M.   Tzltbawm  on 
Vzc.    15th,    1 92 3,  when  thz  moAAiagz  ceAzmony  o^  thJUA  daughteA,  hliii  EAtheA  E.  and  Joseph 
Vavek  woi  solemnized  by  Rev.   ClozteA  o^  LldgeAwood  tn  thz  pxzizncz  o^  Immzdlatz  fie/Mttvzi 
0^  thz  bAldaZ  coaplz. 

kttuizd  hi  a  whltz  &tlk  canton  cAzpz  gown,   oveAdtapzd  with  ipanlih  lace  with  veJJ. 
to  match  and  {^z&toonzd  with  goAlands  o^  ^loweAk  and  thz  vow  that  united  them  in  holy 
bondi,  0(5  mafumony. 

She  wa&  ably  attzndzd  by  hzfi  sZiteA  ElsZz,  aj>  bfildz&mald  whJJie  Chanlzi,   a  bfiotheA 
OjJ  thz  gfioom,  acted  as  bz&t  man. 

Thz  bntdz  li  a  gAxduatz  oi$  thz  StJ>6eton  High  School  In  thz  clai&  o^  '21  altzA  which 
ihz  hoJi  taught  iijoo  teAmi  o^  school  In  a  cAzdAjtablz  manneA.     Shz  l&  the  izcond  youngz&t 
daughtzA  o^  H.  M.   Fettbaum,   ?A.zildent  o^  the  VoAmeAi  State  Bank  o{i  HammeA,  and  gfiown  to 
womanhood  In  RobeAt6  County,  wheAz  heA  amiable  disposition  and  sunny  natuAz  pKocIaims  hen. 
a  iavonltz  with  all. 

Thz  gfLOom  Is  a  son  of,  Wi.   and  Mw.   John  Vavzk,   pAogfizsslvz  ioPjneAJ,  o{^  }^^lnneySota 
Township,   and  Is  noted  ^ofi  his  honesty  and  high  choAacteA. 

A{,teA  a  honzymoon  tAip  to  Vfilcz,   Utah,  thz  couplz  will  commzncz  hou&zkzeplng  on 
thz  gKoom's  hali-sectlon  ianm  In  Ulnnziota  Town&hlp  wheAz  thzy  will  be  at  home  to  ^ec-     • 
ztvz  theJA  fieZatlvzs  and  intends.  Wck'  EUlngton  RzcoKd 

HAWnWSOW  MEWS  ************  Vzcembzn.  27,    J923 



L(Ut  Taz&day  a  vtfty  nicz  wzdcUng  wa6  heZd  -in  thz  Lidge/woood  Catholic  ChuAch,   bij 
Rev.   FoutheA  Fafiick,  whzn  Mc44  CzceZia.  HzZzy  became  thz  bfUde.  0^1^.  Anton  ViMznhozggzA. 
Tht  woi  dKti&td  in  wfvUz  iWi.  amton  cAtpz  tKumtd  volth  white.  hWi  moifiz  fiibbon 
and  lacz,  coMizd  a  bouquet  o^  white,  and  yeZlow  Koi,ti>  and  ieAni>  while  the.  gfwom  woie.  a 
navy  bluz  &eAge  luit.    They  wexe.  attendzd  by  the.  g/Loom*6  ^i&teA,  Emma,  who  uxu  dAej,6ed 
in  a-fvoiit  toloKzd  dJieM  tAimmzd  with  liZveJi  fUbbon  and  coMied  pink  hxneA  and  {,?>. 

Jomei  HeZty  acted  aj>  bzit  man  and  aJUo  wofie  a  bhit  ieJvge  &uit.     HteK  thz  ceAejnony 
a  nice  wzdding  dlnneA  wai  6eAyzd  at  thz  bAidz'i  home  and  in  thz  zvzning  thz  young  dolki 
gatheAzd  and  a  nicz  time  waj,  znjoyzd  by  aZt  pfizhznt,     Thz  zvzning  woi  6pznt  dancing. 

m&6  Czcztia  Hzizy  il>  thz  oldest  daughter  o^  Wi.  and  t^JU,.  WiUiam  Hztzy  o^  lidgzfi- 
wood  and  knton  VuwznhozggeA  i6  thz  6zcond  oldz&t  ion  o^  Uk.  and  Hnj,.  Thzo.  VuwznhozggeA 
0^  nzan  HantadoK.     Thzy  both  havz  a  ho6t  o^  ^Hizndi  who  extend  congfmtuLatJ.onk.     Thz 
nzwtywzdi  tz^t  ^oJi  thz  Twin  Citizd  ^ofi  a  honzymoon  wheJiz  they  wiiZ  viiit  ioK  a  week 
with  xeZativzi.     Mt.  and  HKi.  Anton  VuwznhozggeA.  witL  makz  thzOi  ^utwiz  homz  wz&t  o^ 
UantadoK.  .....  ContAibutzd. 

HMKJNSON  mm  ************  JanuoAy  TO,    1924 

A  wi6z  zditoA  turn  thz  {,oliowing  in  a  ^ncnt  pagz  zditoniat T^  thz  buiineM  man 

who  hoM  bzzn  hugging  his  itenogfuipheA  6o  a^zctionateZy  doz6  not  quit,  we  will  publish 
hi&  namz.     Thz  nzxt  day  ionty  buMine-ii  mzn  caZZzd,  singly,  at  thz  o^^{^cz,  paid  thzin. 
6ub6cniption  in  advance  ioK  a  yzoA,  tz^  contnxicti  {oA  f^oAty  coluimu  o^  adveAtiiing  to 
tz  fum  ion.  an  indz{tinitz  length  o^  timz,  iupplizd  thz  zditol  with  {^ohty  boxzi  o{i  good 
cigoAk  and  told  him  not  to  pay  any  attention  to  any  ^ool  fumoKit. 
HANKWSON  WEWS ;    .  January  24,    T924 

How  well  do  I  fizmzmbzA,  It  wa^  latz  in  la6t  VzczinbeA, 
I  wal>  walking  down  thz  itAzzt  in  manly  phldz. . . . 
My  heoAt  bzgan  to  lluiteA,  And  I  {^zll  into  thz  gutteA, 
A  pig  carr,z  up  and  laid  down  by  my  iidz. 

Aj>  T  lay  theAz  in  thz  gutteA,  With  my  hzant  ititl  all  a  iluttzA, 

A  lady  poMing  by  did  chancz  to  iay 

"Vcu  can  tell  a  man  that  boozz&,   By  the  company  he  choo6eA." 
And,  thz  pig  got  up  and  i>lowly  walked  away. 
HAhlKTNSON  MEWS  ************  JanuoAy  24,    1924 

The  moAfUagz  o^  Uikz  EidheA  and  Uiki  Habzl  Hztland  well  known  young  people  oi 
iouth  0^  thi6  city,  was.    solemnized  at  St.   Vhilip' 6  ChuAch,  Monday,   Feb.   4th,   Rev. 
J 06.   F.  Stujdnicka  oxidating. 

**********  FebKuoAy  1,    1924 

Tkz  moAAiage  o(^  Hi&i  Elizabeth  Rettig  to  Ma..  John  FiiheA  wa&,  solemnized  at  St. 


VhLtip' i  ChuAdh  JaoJidajj  monnlng  at  nine.  o'cZodz,   Rev.   Joi.    F.  Stu.dyu.cka  o^f^ciattng. 
Hany  iJ-^cencis  o^  tkz  young  couptz  weAz  pAt&erX  at  the.  wedding. 

The  bAtde  woa  boAn  tn  tkii  nelghbo^ood  and  ha&  fLeJ>tded  heAe  aJUi  heA  It^e,  being 
a  daughteA  o^  Hu.  Joitph  Rzttig.  Thz  gfioom  aj>  a  &on  o^  Ma.  and  Maa.  Jacob  TZiheA  and 
hxi&  tikeuii&e.  lived  in  HanlUnion  ^.oice  boyhood. 

Thz  bfUdz  Moi  attended  by  UangoAet  JatgeJi  ai,  maid  of,  honoA,  wkiZe  the.  oKoom  woi, 
attended  by  Nick  SchlZtz.     Uu.   C.  H.  Mc  VoneZZ  played  thz  Mzddlng  moAch.     Thz  ceAemony 
wa6   followed  by  a  5  o'clock  dlnnzA  ^oA  thz  bfildal     paAty  at  thz  homz  o{,  thz  gAoom. 

Thz  young  couplz  viilZ  makz  Hanklnion  thzlA  homz,  thz  gAoom  being  einplayzd  In  thz 
Soo  Aoundhoa&z. 

HANKJNSOM  MEWS    .  **********  FEBRUAW  U,    1924 


Ui&i  Rzglnz  BAoun  and  Waldon  J.  GAzzn,  HoAAlzd  Feb.   29th 

Wzddlng  Took  Place  In  Hinnzapolli  La6t  pAlday  In  thz  PAe6zncz  o^  Tnlendi,  and 


The  maAAlagz  o^  Ul&i  Rzglnz  H.   BAaun,  daughteA  oi  Ua.  and  Wn>.  Math  SAaun  o^  Wah- 
peton  and  WaldAon  J.  GAzzn,  ion  ojj  Wi.  and  Mw.  John  GAzzn  o^  Hanklmon,  woi  iolemnlzzd 
FAlday  moAnlng,   Feb.   29th,  at  thz  VAo-CathzdAal  o^  St.  MaAy'6  In  thz  pAz&zncz  oi  a  imall 
gAoup  oi  ^Alzndi  and  AeZatlvzi.     Thz  czAzmony  wa&  pzAloAmzd  by  Rev.   Ca&zy,  one  o{,  the 
pastoAS  0^  thz  chuAch. 

Thz  bAldz  uioAz  a  govwi  o^  dank  bluz  choAmzzn,  a  hat  o^  black  mltan,  tAamzd  In 
whltz  and  a  coAiagz  o^  uohltz  4,u)zzt  pzas,  lltlzi>  oi  thz  valZzy  and  pAlmAoizi.     hii6A  UoAy 
PopplzA  oi  HinnzapotU,  coa&ln  oi  thz  gAoom,  wa6  thz  maid  oi  honoA  and  only  bAldxxJL 
attendznt.     Shz  imu>  gownzd  In  dank  bluz  canton  cAepe  and  Spanlih  lacz  vxLth  hjit  to  match. 
HeA  ilowzAi  weAz  whltz  iwzet  pza6  and  pink  Ao-izbudi. 

Ha.  GAzen  wa4  attendzd  by  EduxiAd  PopplzA  oi  f^lnnzapotd, ,  aii>o  a  coailn  oi  thz  gAoom, 
OM  bz&t  man. 

Following  thz  ceAzmony  a  wzdding  bAzakiait  wa&  ieAvzd  In  thz  Gold  Aoom  at  thz  Rad- 
li>ion  Hotzl.     Thz  table  wa-s  bzautliuUiy  dzcoAotzd  with  pink  and  whltz  bAldzi  Aoizi  and 
puMy  mJJioiM.     FouAtezn  guz&ti  wzaz  pAz&ent.     kitzA  a  ihoAt  wzddlng  tAlp  eM,t,  h'A.  and 
Maa.   GAzzn  will  be  homz  at  59     -    TSth  St.   HoAth,  lUnneapolli. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  ^^^  ^^    7924 


MoAi/  Angela  fJ<cVonald  and  Otto  HznAy  KahleA  oi  liinnzapolii, ,  wzAz  moAAizd  In  that 
cltij  on  SatuAday,  MaAch  22nd,   at  S:30  o'clock  In  thz  zvzning.     The  czAemony  woi  peAioAm- 
ed  by  Rev.   JeAemlah  HoAAlngton,   poitoA  oi  thz  ChuAch  oi  thz  Aicznilon.     Thz  aXtendant& 
weAz  Ma.,   and  Ua&.    L.   E.  Woliz. 

The  wedding  wa/>  loAgzly  attendzd  by  admiAing  iAlzndi  and  at  thz  conclusion  oi  the 
ImpAziilvz  czAzmony  thz  wzddlng  panty  AzpalAzd  to  thz  homz  oi  \^A.   and  M^.   C.   A.    ChlnbeAg 
wheAz  a  ioclaZ  zvzning  wa6  ipznt  and  a  bountliul  Azpadt  wai,  izAvzd  at  midnight. 

The  bAldz  li  a  daughteA  oi  W^.   and  Ma4.   A.   M.  h\cVonaZd  and  ioA  many  yzoAi  loai  zmp- 


Zoytd  04  boofefeeepeA  and  itznoQKaphtn.  {^ofi  thz  Hankiyiion  WuAAeAi/  Company.     She.  -li  a  kigh- 
iLj  tducattd  and  accomptL6he.d  young  lady  and  counti  ai  inliyidi  all  who  knew  hzA  heAe. 
whdAe.  6hz  hoi  gKcMn  to  womanhood. 

Thz  gKoom  aJUo  hoi  a.  ZaXge.  numbeA  o£  iAyiejidl,  heAJL,  having  v^ited  In  Hankln&on 
^Ke.qaently.     He  li  ^oleman  and  tnQlnz  tzMtzA  {^ok  the.  NoKtheAn  TViz  AppoAatoi  Company. 

Ma.  and  Wu,.  KaJiteA  oM.  at  pJizieyvt  making  theAM.  home  at  1827  Bfiyant  Ave.  W. ,  Mp^., 
and  zxpect  to  go  to  hoii&tkeeplng  lateA  in  the. 

TheAM.  many  {^znds  join,  with  thz  NEWS,  i,n  extending  congnatulatLoni. 

HANKWSOM  HEDIS  .  .  *  *  *  MoAc/i  20,    1924 


The.  moAAiagt  o^  UUiTxeA-da  Uedenwaldt  and  Choi.  Ja&meA,  Jfi. ,  wai  solemnized  at 
thz  LutheAan  ChuAch  in  tkU  city  tku  a^eAnoon,  the.  ceAemony  beting  peAionrntd  by  Reu. 
J.  P.  KZaa6leA.     The  gnoom.wa&  attended  by  Rudolph  Uzdenwaldt,  a  bfiotheA  oi  the, 
and  thz  uxu,  attendzd  by  Ui6i  Mathilda  Ja^meA,  a  6i6teA  0){  thz  gfwom.     Following 
thz  ceAzmony  a  wedding  Kzczptlon  and.^vz  P.M.  dinneA  woA  izAved  to  neoA  Kzlativzi>  and 
iAiendi  0^  thz  contAacting  paAtizi>  at  thz  homz  o^  thz  bKidzi'  paAent6  in  MoKan  Towmhip. 

Thz  bnidz  ij>  a  daaghteA  o^  Ma.   and, Ma4.  Wm.  J.  Uzdznwaldt  and  thz  gnxjom  Ld  a  ion 
OjJ  Va.  and  Um>.  Chrn^.  Ja&mzn,  SR. ,  o^  BeJiiond.     Both  bnZdz  and  gfioom  havz  livzd  heAz  all 
theiA  ILvzi  and  oAz  weXl  known  ioK  thziA  zxzzllent  tAoitJ,  of^  cJioAacteA  and  likzablz 
quaZiti.eJ>  and  havz  a  holt  o^  ^Aiends  who  join  in  zxtznding  congKatulationA  and  bz6t  wiihzii. 

Thz  gfwom  hoi  pufLzha&zd  thz  Maa.  SchzlZeA  houiz  on  thz  nofith  &idz  and  the  happy 
couplz  well  makz  thziA  lutuAz  homz  in  thiM  city. 
HkUnUSOH  HEm  **********  ^^y^  27,    7924 

\ilalteA  Zladow  and  bKidjz,  nee  Mina  Sladow,  oAAlvzd  homz  Za&t  wzzk  and  oAz  making 
thziA  homz  at  thz  KlheAt  Zladow  homz  no  nth  oi  town.     Thzy  weAz  moAAizd  fizzzntZy  at 
Winnipeg,   Canada,  and  spent  thziA  honzymoon  in  thz  Canadian  noAthozit. 

Thz  Qfioom  i6  a  son  o^  Ma.  and  MAi.  MbeAt  Bladow  and  thz  bnldz  Is  a  daaghteA 
0^  M/L.  and  Ma4.   Chas.  Bladow.     Both  weAz  bofin  in  this  neighborhood,  the  iamlLies  being 
pAominznt  mzmbeAS  o^  thz  pionzeA  colony  noKth  o^  town,   and  a  host  o{,  dnlends  oAe 
pleased  to  extend  congnatulattons  and  best  wlshzs  to  thz  young  couplz. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  ^p^j_^  j^,^    jg24 


Hiss  Elsiz  HUbKondt,   daaghteA  o{i  M/l.   and  Wis.   HeAman  Hilhfiandt,  Sk.,o^  this  city, 
and  Ma.  Samuel  Hantman,   o^  Uilvoauiizz,  WI.,   weAe  qaiztly  manAied  at.  Uinneapotis  Tazsday 
moAning.     Thzy  aJuUvzd  in  Hankinson  in  thz  zvzning  and  irnnzdlately  went  to  thz  Kiilbfiandt 
home  wheAz  a  well  oAMongzd  fizception  had  bzzn  planned  and  a  sumptuous  suppeA  was  served 
to  nzoA  Kzlativzs  and  {jhlznds. 

Thz  bfitdz  Mas  boAn  and  Aalszd  heAz  and  Is  well  and  {^avona.bly  known.     The  gAoom  -l6 
also  a  young  man  o^  good  habits  and  AeJ>pzctzd  cha/iacteA  ts  employed  in  f-UIwaukze  wheAe 
they  will  makz  thziA  {^utuAz  homz.     A  host  o^  ^nlends  join  in  wishing  them  a  long  Hie, 


kappinui  and  pnopzAAJLtj  uuMiOLUt  meixiuAe. 

HANKINSOM  NEWS  **********  Mat/  7,    1924 


The,  maJifUage.  o^  C.  W,  ScMamm  o^  tku  cJMj  to  Mt^A  MoAt/  MoAgucAi^e  Pakl  oi  Lidge.K- 
wood  occuM-zd  at  FoAgo  at  S:30  o'clock  ThuA&day  mofuung,  Hay  lit,  tht  ceJiejnony  b^ng  peA- 
^oKincd  by  Rev.   Fk.   Ryan.     The  czAzmony  mi&  uiitnz&izd  by  -urmzdiatz  AzZatlvzi  and  admoUng 
^^znd6  and  at  thz  concJiu6ton  o^  thz  -unpfieJiJi-ivz  cztzmony  thz  wzddlng  poAty  fizpaJjizd  to 
tkz  GoMdnzA.  Hotzi  whzAz  a  bountiful  {^vz  coauz  wzdding  bAzjakia^t  n'oi  izAvzd.     Ihz  dtn- 
^nQ.  haJUi  {MM  bzawtL{,uZiy  dzcofuxtzd  iox  thz  occa&ton,  and  iixu,  gtvzn  In  hanon.    oi  thz  nzwly 
wzd6  by  thz  bAtdz'6  mothzfi.     Thz  bnXdz  vooA  attOizd  In  a  gown  o^  cocoa  tan  zjrhAoldzAzd 
chznttiz  gzoAgzttz  ovza  Canton  cnzpz  and  coAfiizd  a  bouquet  o^  iwezt:  pza6, 

Thz  bntdz  ti  a  daughtzA.  o^  Mw.   CAthzAlnz  PahJL  oi  LidgzAwood,  and  16  an  accomplZih- 
zd  young  Zady,  a{^£ablz  and  choAmcng,   and  counti  a&   ^Alzndi  aJLL  who  know  hzA. 

Thz  gfioom  ti  a  ion  0|{  M^t.   and  M/iA.   I^,ath  Schnarn  and  -6s  onz  of,  thz  itzAtaig  young  mzn 
ojj  Hankaiion  and  hai  Zivzd  -In  thti>  conmunAXy  pAactlcaZZy  att  ha>  tiiz.     Ton  thz  poit  ^ew 
yzau  hz  hai  bzzn  tn  bai>tnz&6  hzAz  tn  poAtnzA&hlp  with  kU  bAothzA  Van,   conductxng  thz 
CoimzActaZ  Hotzt. 

Thz  happy  young  couplz  wWi  ipznd  thzOi  honzymoon  at  Vututh,  l-^nnzapol^Jji  and  othzA 
potnt&j     and  wiZZ  bz  at  homz  tn  Hanklnion  o.{^tzA  Jane  ISth. 

Out  o£  town  guz&t6  who  wzAz  pKziznt  at  thz  wzddlng  wzAc  Ma.  and  1^aj>.   W.   F.   Ekzi, 
}.Ui6.   CathzAinz  Pahl,  Ak.  and  Ufa.   F.  J.   PahZ,  f.ii66  CathzAinz  Vahl,  HUi  Vuzaa  and  Poy 
Van  Vynz. 

HANKINSOM  NEWS  May  T,    1924 

Kim  -  KASA 

A  vzAy  pAztty  wzddtng  occuAAzd  at  St.   PkULLp' i,  ChuAch  Tuz&day  monnlng,  wfien  MX64 
ELizabzth  Klnn  o^  Hankin6on  bzcamz  thz  bfvidz  oi  GzoAgz  L.    Ka6a  o^  StAzztzA,   IL.     Thz 
czAzsnony  wai  pzA{fOnxnzd  by  Rzv.   Jo6.   F.  Studnlcka. 

Thz  bAldz  wai,  attended  by  hzA  i-UtzA  h'Jj,6  KathAyn  Ktnn.     Thz  bnldz'i  bAothzA 
Nicholai)  Klnn  detzd  ai,  bzAt  man. 

M-C44  lAenz  Klnn,   oi  Wahpeton  and  a  coa^tn  oi  the  bAldz,   playzd  the  wzddlng  moAch. 
Thz  bAide  wofie  a  wkltz  choAmza&e  gown  and  a  vzlt  which  wai  aAtl&tlcalZy  aAAangzd.     She 
coAAlzd  a  bouquzt  o{,  tULLzi  o{,  the  valZzy  and  whltz  Ao-izA. 

Thz  bfudz&mald  wai  gowned  In  a  lavendeJi  6llk  cAzpz  dAeM>  and  hat.  of^  the  iomz  cotoK. 
Shz  coHAled  a  bouquet  o^  iweet  pzoi. 

AjJ-tcA  thz  wzddlng  ceAemony  the  young  couple  AepalAed  to  the  home  oi  the  bnlde' i 
mothzA,  Mw.PeteA  Klnn  iouth  o{i  town,  wheAe  a  bountiful  wedding  dlnnzA  wai  ieAved  to 
about  onz  hundAed  n.elatlvei  and  guziti. 

The  houie  a-oA  beautliuUy  decoAoted  {,oA  thz  occailon.     Thz  bfildz  li  a  daughtzA  o< 
h'Ai.    PetzA  Klnn  o{,  Hanklnion.      She  g-^cw  to  womanhood  heAz  and  li   one  o{j  the  popuIoA  young 
women  o{,  the  community,  well  tikzd  and  admlned  by  all  who  know  hex. 


Thz  gAX)om  l&  a  6on  0)$  M^.   Geo-^ge  Kcu>a  o(,  Cfiookiton,  MN.     Hz  -i6  a  young  man  o^ 
^Inz  dWiacteA  and  ipZzndld  quatctiu. 

Jhz  happy  couplz  tz^t  thz  Aomz  zveyUng  ioK  Cfiook^ion  and  othzA  f^A,nnz6ota  poirUi, 
wheAz  tkzy  vxltt  Apznd  ihzAA  honzymoon. 

Thz  out-oi-toim.  gazits  vozAz  thz  gnoom'i  iaihzA,  GzoJigz  Ka6a,  o^  Cfiookiton,  thz 
Wm.   Kinn  and  Max  BoAthzti  ^amitizi  o£  Wahpzton. 

HMKIMSON  MElilS  **********  fJiay  S,    1924 


Echa  Wippznman,  daagkttfi  o^  MyoK  and  Wii>.  Max  WlppzAJtmi  wa4  maxtczd  lai,t  SoXvJvday 
to  Jtutin  McCanthy  o^  HUwaukzz,  WI. 

Thz  wzddcng  wa4  hztd  at  thz  homz  oi  thz'&  Kant,  M&&  Anna  Wlppzfumn,  and  wai 
attzndzd  by  Azlativzi  KuldJjng  in  HUuxmkzz.     Hx.  and  Uu.  McCafithy  wltt  bz  at  homz  at 
255  -   13^  StAzzt,  iWbmikzz,  WI. 

Thz  bKidz  uxad  bofin  'in  Hankinion  and  Apznt  hzA.  giAJUiood  hzAz,  gfiaxluating  {lAam  ouJi 
HoQjaZ  high  school  a&  an  honon.  itudznt.     LateA  6hz  i,pznt  izvzAoZ  yzau  in  tAaining  ai  a 
nu/u>z  in  a  ZoAgz  ho^pitaZ  in  MiMixmkzz,  bzcoming  a  fizgiJitzAzd  nafiiz.     Toft  4ome  timz 
6hz  hai,  bzzn  nuA&z  in  chafigz  o^  a  lafigz  mana^actuAing  plant  in  Hiiwaukzz.     Thz  gfioom  ij> 
a  pJLOminznt  HUiMukzz  ba6inzi,6  man. 

HANKZNSON  NEWS  **********  May  15,    7924 

ThAzz  Coupl.^^  Takz  UafUiiagz  Vom.... 
Wztt  Knoim  Hanki.n6on  Pzoplz  Join  thz  Junz  NzwlywzdA . . . , 


Thz  homz  o^  Mt..   and  Mw.  WilZiam  Budgz,   417  Vou/ith  Ave.  wai,  thz  4cene  oi  a  qaizt. 
and  iiimptz  wzdding  izAvicz  Za&t  zvzning  whzn  Ui&i  Etia  WippzAman,  dxiaghtzA  o^  Ufi.   and 
Aiw.   HznAy  Wippznman  o^  Hanklnion,   bzcamz  thz  bfbidz  oi  Ennz&t  Jamz6  Budge,  ion  oi  Ma. 
and  Ufii,.   Budgz. 

SpAing  bZoiiomi  and  tightzd  candZzS  dzcoAotzd  thz  Living  hoom  u}  um  thz  izznz 
o{,  thz  ieAvicz.     Rev.   EdwoAd  F.   BoiwoAth  o^  thz  P-tymouth  CongKzgatlonaZ  ChuAch  o^^iciatzd. 

Thz  bfvidz  iwfiz  a  bzi.gz  cotoKzd  iait  with  accziioKizi  to  hanir.onizz,  and  hzA  {^ZowzAi 
wzAz  a  dOKdagz  oAAangzmznt  oi  iwzzthzoAt  Aoizbudi. 

Totlouiing  thz  wzdding  KziKUhmzjtiti  wzAz  izAvzd  in  thz  dining  Koom  whzAc.  KiiAi  Uadofux 
Know  and  Mti4  GzntAudz  Ski,nnzA  pfiziidzd.     Fink  KoizM  and  moAqazAitzi  and  amdlzi  wzAz 
ottAacXlvzLy  aAAongzd  in  thz  dining  Aoom. 

Ma.,   and  ^tw.   Budgz  Izit  SatuAday  zvzning  {,0^1  Gfiand  Canyon,  kl.,   and  San  Tfiancxico 
on  thziA  honzymoon,   and  upon  thzJA  fiztuAn,  thzy  zxpzcX.  to  bz  at  homz  tejnpofioAity  in 
Pzsnbina,  UV. 

Uaj,.   Budgz  ii  a  gtiaduatz  oi  thz  Univ.   oi  flinnziota  and  Ma.   Burfge  oi  thz  Univ.   oi 
UohXh  Vakota  whzAz  hz  ij>  a  membzA  oi  AZpha  Taa  Omzga  ifiatzAnity . 

Cut  oi  town  guziti  hzAz  iol  thz  wzdding  wzAz  it&tZAJ,  oi  thz  bni-dzgoom,   Clvfiliiz  E. 


Badge  o{j  BXimoAcfe,  Jtii-lz  M.   Badgz  o^  HinnzapotU  and  BeAnA.ce.  E.   Badge  o{^  CyilbeA,  UN 

GAjmd  Fofiiu,  HeAaZd,  June  2nd 

The  wcls  emptoye.d  -in  thz  HankAjnon  HZgh.  School  ^OA.  izveAoZ  yzau  and  duAing 
thz  pait  had  a  partition  In  thz  Elimanxik  High  School.     Shz  ha^  a  ho6t  oi$  £nlend^  In 
Hankuuon  who  oAe.  ple.a^zd  to  extend  congfuvtulaiAMnl,  and  be^t  u)i&heJ>. 

?0?P  -  KRAUSE 

Thii  a{^eAnoon  [Thauday] ,  Zn  tht  phJivatt  paAZoh^  o^  ike.  Coimtock  HoteZ  at  Moo^e- 
fiead,  a  qwiet.  uoeddlng  occuM.zd,  thz  pfu.ncA.palj>  beJjig  Hl^i  HazeZ  Popp  and  EdinoJid  H.  Kfumi,e, 
both  o(,  Hanktn&on.     The.  ceAejnonij  iiXii>  peA^ofmed  by  Reu.   F.  C.  Ahfteni,  and  the.  only  atJiend- 
ant  u)a^  Hci>6  Edith  Kfuui&z  o^  Fotgo,  a  i-ikteA  o^  the.  gfioom,  ujho  acted  oi  maZd  o^  ho  no  a.. 

The.  wzddtng  aj>  tkz  culmination  o^  a  pfietty  fwmance.  that  be.gan  in  the.  childhood  o^ 
the.  pfu.ncA.pali,  both  having  be.eji  bofin  hi  Zichland  County.     The.  U,  the.  only  dajxghteA 
0^  M^.   and  Mw.  Wm.  ?opp  o^  thci  city,  and  well  known  among  oufi  plonzeA  cJXizzm.     She. 
l&  a  gfiaduatz  o^  the  f/anfe-oiAon  High  School  and  hoi  a  ho&t  o£  {,fu.end6  and  weZl  wliheM. 

Thz  gfioom  l&  the.  only  6on  o^  Hfi&.   Ffizd  lOiaiue.  o^  this  city  and  -ii  employzd  a&  fwAoZ 
mall  cafOiieX  on  fwute.  mmbeA  two  ^fiom  tJuJ>  city.     Hz  l&  a  f^aJjthluZ  and  conl>CA.zntiou^ 
mejnbeA.  o{,  thz  local  po^to^^cz  {^oficz  and  li  highly  fiz&pzctzd  {^oK  hii  iteAting  Quatit-iej>. 

k{^tzfi  a  bfUzi  honzymoon,  Mt.  and  Mti.  lOiau^z  wiZl  go  to  hoaiekzzplng  in  apoAtmentJi 
In  thz  Cunningham  ^lati  whzfiz  thzy  wiZl  bz  "at  homz"  to  thziA  ifu.znd&  a^tzfi  July  Ut. 


Uonday,  June  2nd,  at  11  AM,  a  quA.eX  wzdding  took  at  thz  homz  o^  thz' i> 
llitzfi,  WU).   0.   F.  CauLkiyU),  when  J.   lAznz  UovJieA  0({  Gfizzndalz  bzcamz  the  bfildz  o{,  Hfi. 
Tfizd  A.  ULLizfL  0^  HuU,  ^W.     Thz  Rev.   F.  W.  StolZ,  o^  Whitz  Hock  peAiofmzd  thz  cef.emony. 

Thz  bfvidat  paAty  itood  undeA  a  wfizath  o^  applz  bloaom,  with  Ufa.  Floyd  Wz&t  of, 
St.   Cloud,  MW. ,  iliteA  0^  thz  gfioom,   acting  aj>  matfwn  o^  honofi  and  AndAZM)  t^ouAzA,  Jfi. , 
bfiothzfi  o{,  thz  bfildz,  and  ElZa  MouAeA,   cou&in  o^  thz  bfiidz,  cus  thz  othzfi  attendants. 
Both  thz  bfiidz  and  thz  matAon  o^  honofi  wofiz  dfiz66z^  oi  tan  litk  cfizpz,  and  thz  bfiidzsmald 
wofiz  pink  voilz,   and  all  cafOiizd  laAgz  bouquzti  of,  violets.     A{,teA.  thz  ceAemony  a  bountl- 
ial  dinnzA  was  izfivzd  to  thz  irmzdiatz  AeZativzi ,  who  numbeAzd  about  thifity .  Among  those 
pfizsznt  wzfiz  Wii>.   I.  A.  Tyson,  Ma4.   P.  W.  IhouAzfi  and  iainily,  and  Ufi.  and  Wu,.  AfithuA 
VeteAMon  and  {^amily. 

Thz  bfildz  is  a  gftaduatz  o^  thz  local  High  School,  and  attendzd  thz  Vallzy  City 
noftmal.     Sincz  that  time  shz  has  bzzn  tzaching,   juit  {linishing  heA  last  tzfm  oi  ichool 
south  0(5  Handan,  hlV. 

Thz  gfioom  Is  an  employ zz  oi  thz  UofitheAn  Pacific  at  Hu{,{,,  wheAz  he  has  seAvzd  as 
station  agznt  ^OK  szveAal  yza/is. 

Thz  happy  couplz  Iz^t  on  thz  zvznlng  tAain  iofi  Idaho  whzfiz  thzy  will  visit  thz 
gfioom' s  mothzfi.     A^teA  iouA  wzzks  honzymoon  thzy  will  bz  at  homz  at  Hu^i,  NV. 

HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  jt^^e  5,    1924 



A'  qaieX.  Me.ddLng  occuAAzd  cut  FeJigiu  TaZti  SaiuAxlay,  when  Rev.  A.   BecizeA  pdA^^ofmud 
tkt  ceJiesnony  that  imitzd  ion.  JLi^z  McA4  VzoaZ  Johnson  and  Ma..  i}llfZaim  F.   landti.     Only 
the.  nect&^aty  iuctnei4e4  weAt  -ai  attendance,  and  ismedjjateZy  ait&A  the  ceAemony  the 
neuttywedi,  le^t  ion.  VteAivJie.  TaAk  on  OtteAtalL  lake.  wheAt  they  one.  Spending  theln.  honey- 

-    The  bKide  -ti  a  populaA  (ilahpeton  young  tody  who  wltt  be  welcomed  at  HankJjUiOni,' 
ioclat  CyOuite&  oi  the  yoimgeA  iet.     The  gnoom  li  a  ion  oi  Wi.  and  Un&.  CaJil  landeJi  oi 
thi&  city  and  hai  been  a  fiei>ident  oi  HankAJUiOn  all  hii  UL^e.     He  li  employed  a6  a  mech- 
anic in  the  Nohth  Stan.  Ganage,  In  cJiange  oi  the  baitenif  depantment,  and  li>  welZ  known 
and  highly  neipected. 

hOu  and  Un&.  landen  will  n.etuAn  to  Hanlun&on  Satunday  and  Immediately  go  to  hotue- 
keeping  -in  the  John  Odenbach  cottage. 
HANKJNSON  NBilS  **********  j^^  26,    7924 

fnlendi  oi  lMi>i>  Chnl&tlne  HaimenLick  oi  Wahpeton,  who  taught  In  thli  v-iclncty 

a  (Jew  yeaA6  ago,  wJiZJL  be  pleaded  to  hean  oi  hen  mannlage  to  WlZtlam  V.o-it  oi  Tango. 

The  wedding  ceAemony  wat,  penionmed  at  St.   Many' 6  Cathednal  at  Tango,  Tuesday,  July  Ut, 

by  Reu.  TatheA  Eagen.     They  will  make  thein  iutune  home  at  Fango.     ^^n.  RoAt  wa6  employed 

by  the  flnit  National  Bank  oi  this  place  ion  ievenaZ  yeaA&.     Unj,.  Voit  ha/,  been  employed 

ai  a  statistician  in  the  ioAm  management  oi  the  Nonth  Dakota  Agnicultanal  College  ion 

the  past  thnee  yeans. 

**********.  j^^  TQ^   J924 

A  manniage  license  was  Issued  on  July  10th  to  Hiss  Ida  M.  Hinck,  daughten  oi 

Rev.  T.  Hlnck  oi  Gneat  Zend  and  Otto  I.  liZl  oi  Ann  Anbon,  MI. 

**********  j^y  j7^    ,024 

SOON    TO    WEV  ■  ■ 

Announcements  have  been  necelved  heAe  oi  the  ionthcoming  manniage  oi  Fnedenlck 
William  Gnawe,  oldest  son  oi  Hn.  and  Has.  film.   Gnawe  oi  this  city,   but  ion  seveAol  yeaxs 
past  a  nesldent  oi  Tlentywood,  Montana. 

The  bnlde  to  be  is  Hiss  Hildned  Vinglnla  Hlmes,  daughten  oi  Vn.  and  Hns.   Edioand 
W.  H.ur\es  oi  HLssoula,  MT. ,  at  whose  house  the  wedding  will  take  place  on  Wednesday, 
August  6th. 

The  gnoom  gnew  to  manhood  in  Hanklnson  and  has  a  host  oi  intends  hene.     He  has 
made  good  in  Vlentywood  whene  he  senved  ion  sevenal  yeoAS  as  Hayon  and  has  hel-d  oth.en 
positions  oi  honon  and  tnust. 

Following  the  wedding  the  newlyweds  will  leave  on  an  extended  honeymoon,   Hankln- 
son being  included  in  thein  itlnenany. 

.     **********  j(^y  37^    ,924 

H1HES    -     GRAWE 

Hissoula  [Montana]  lUssoullan: One  oi  the  pnettlest  home  weddings  oi  the 

season  occunned  last  Wednesday  aitennoon  at  4:30  o'clock  when  Hiss  Hildned  V.   HimeA 


anu  r/ie.Qe/>i  w.   u/iawe  weAe  im-cxea  ^n  maAA^ag&  cuC  the  homz  of^  tkz  brvLdz' i>  poJinnXi  on 
Sovutk  fooAth  StAZi^t. 

The  hoiLiz  woi  oAJtUticjoZZy  dzcoHcutzd  vuMi  fioiU  and  iwzeX  ptca,  ca/ifuf-lng  out  a 
colon.  6chzjnz  0^  pink  and  wHaXz. 

Tht  bfUde.,  bexuitl^ulZy  goumtd  .in  lanvin  g/teen  madatlm  cAtpz  and  caAAylng  a  ihowzA 
bouquzX:  0^  tabz  and  ophzLLa  A06ZJ>,   trvtoAtd  to  the.  ifia^ni  o^  Mzndzt6iohn' 6  Wzddlng  MoAcA 
playzd  by  M^.  0.  H.  Vlxon,  3k.     Thz  bnldz  wa4  attzndzd  by  hzA  ^l&tfi,  Hc&6  VtoKzncz  M. 
H-LmeJ>-,  uko  was  daJjvtiiy  gownzd  -in  mLdni.Qkt  6atAJi  cAzpz  and  caAAltd  a  bnldz^mald' A  boa- 
qazt  o{,  pink  AO&Z&  and  iweei  peoi.     Thzy  pfwctzdzd  thAoagh  an  aiitt  ioninzd  by  thz  aZum- 
naz  mzmbeAA  o^  thz  Alpha  ?ki  TKotzAnUu],  to  an  attoK  0)J  iZjowzM  and  izAM. 

Thz  czAzmony  wa6  pzKiofmzd  by  Rev.  Je64e  lacklzn  o^  thz  t^zthodut  EpUcopal  ChuAch 
In  thz  pAz6zncz  o^  Azlativzi  and  Zrvtimatz  ^Alzndi.     Thz  coloK  ichzmz  oi  pink  and  wkitz 
woi  alMo  coAnZzd  oat  in  thz  dcuinty  Az^Azihrnznti  which  wzAz  izAvzd  limzdlatzZy  a^tzA  thz 

Thz  bfu-dz  li>  thz  daughtzA  o^  Va.   and  UA6.   E.  W.  Hlmzi  and  a  populaA  mzmbzA  0|$  thz 
youngzA  &zt  o^  Hi&ioula  uihzAz  6hz  haj>  Apznt  hzA  gVilhood.     Shz  gAaduatzd  {tlom  thz  hUj>i- 
oala  County  High  School  In  J9IS  and  {^Aom  thz  Univ.   of,  Montana  In  thz  cla&6  of,   T^22.  Shz 
Ia  a  mzjnbzA  oi  thz  klpha.  Phi  VnatzArUty.     VuAlng  thz  poit  yzoA  6hz  hoi  been  thz  llbAaAyian 
o(,  thz  Hi66oula  County  High  School. 

Thz  gAoom  l6  a  pAominznt  bailnz^6  man  o^  Vlzntywood.  kftzA  an  zxtzndzd  wzddlng  tnlp 
to  UlnnzapolMt  and  St.  Paul  thz  young  couplz  vxilZ  makz  thzlA  homz  In  Vlzntywood. 


A  pAztty  homz  wzddlng  occuAAzd  at  Zona,  UN.,  on  Tuesday  of  Ijut  wzzk,  whzn  Hi6A 
Joizphlnz  TAlzdman  bzcamz  thz  bnldz  o^  Wi.   ThzodoAz  VuwznhozggzA,  3a.     Thz  wzddlng  u'a6 
attzndzd  by  Azlatlvz&  o^  thz  contAactlng  paAtlz6,  Including  M^.  ThzodoKz  VwMznhozggzA, 
Sa.,   and  daughtzA  Ellzabztk  oi  UantadoA.     Thz  young  couplz  wzAZ  attzndzd  duAing  thz  czAz- 
mony    by  thz  bAidz'6  b/wthzA,    PztzA,  and  thz  gAoom'i  ilitzA,   Elizabzth.     LatzA  a  dzllc- 
looi  bAzakia&t  wai  AZAvzd  at  thz  homz  oi  thz  bAidz' &  mothzA.     All.  thz  AzZatlvzA  wzAz 
pAz/>znt  and  In  thz  zvznlng  thz  izJitlvltlz^  took  thz  ionjn  oi  a  big  dancz  In  which  many 
iAizjid^  oi  thz  nzuilywzdi  poAtlclpatzd. 

Thz  gfioom'&  poAznti  Az^ldz  nzoA  MantadoA  and  hz  ha.i  many  iAizndi  In  .that  vicinity 
who  oJiz  plzxuzd  to  zxtznd  congAotulxutioni  and  bzi>t  wl6hz^. 

Ma.  and  Ma4.  VuwznhozggzA  w-iZt  makz  thzlA  iutuAz  homz  In  lU.nnzapolli>  whzAz  the 
QAoom  ha^  a  po6ltion  oi  condactoA  with  thz  itAzzt  AoUIway  company. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  *»««*«»**»  Augait  21,    7924 

VEWER     -     ROEVER 

Only  Immzdiatz  AzIatl\)Zyl>  wzAz  pAZMZnt  at  thz  wzddlng  oi  l>Li>l^  EithzA  VzddzA  to  Ma. 
ThzodoAz  RozdzA,  which  happy  zvznt  woi  i,olejnnlzzd  Wzdnudxiy  aitzAnoon  at  1  VW  aX  thz 
LuthzAan  ChuAch,   Rev.   3.   P.   Klau^lzA  oiilclatlng. 

Thz  maid  oi  honoA  woi  Ulii  StzZta  Godzjohn  oi  GAzat  Bend,  and  thz  gfwom  woA  attzndzd 
by  ki&   bAothzA  WaltzA  PozdzA.     A  Azczptton  at  thz  homz  oi  thz  bAidz  iollowzd  thz  czAzmony. 


The,  contnaciting  pa/vtioj,  weAe  both  boAn  and  fuil&zd  In  ZLchland  County.     The  bfvidz 
Li>  a.  daughteA  o^  Hn..  and  Ww.   HobzAt  VzddeA  o^  EJbna  and  ^i  a  dioAmcng  young  lady  uxiXh 
many  ^nltndi.     The.  gnoom  li>  a  6on  o^  Wt.   and  Hx&.  August  RoedeA  o^  MoAon  and  Z&  votlZ 
knouon  04  an  lndibi>t>iLoa&  young  {^axmtn.. 

The.  newZywedi  uUjU.  ieXttz  on  the.  Godejohn  ^afun  iouthwt&t  o^  tkii  CAJty. 

**********  SeptembeA  IS,   1924 

'Ga&tav  Wlne^eldt  and  Mci4  Anna  HathgzbeA  d/iovz  oveA  to  Wahpeton  Monday  wheAe.  they 
weAe  qaietZy  waJUiLed  with  only  iyvtanatz  iKiendh  -6t  attendance.     The  young  couple  ate  weZZ 
and  {^avonjabtey  known  and  have  a.  ko6t  o^  f^fu.e.nd&  and  welZ  Ml&heA&.     The  ha&  gAown 
to  womanhood  In  oafi  city  and  -U  a  chaining  young  lady  and  hZghZjy  fiegoAded.     The  gA.oom  i& 
an  Znduktxioali  young  man  and  ha6  the  fiz&pect  and  ei-teem  of,  the  entOie  communitij. 

Ufi.  and  Uhi,.  WlnedeZdt  oAe  now  staying  at.  the  J.  J.  Jone6  home  ju&t  weji>t  o{,  the  cJXy 
wheKz  the  QKoom  ti  emptoyed  on  thz  3onzi>  VoaJuj  Tafm. 

»»»«»»»««*  Oc;tx}beA  2,   1924 

UoMAjige  Zlcen^eJi  weAe  Z66ued  {^Kom  County  Judge  fan  knnam'i  oiilce  the  pa&t  ^ew 
dayi  to  CaAl  A.  {UtHpAtcht  and  ULiA  CZoAa  W.   Hoe{^,   both  o^  LidgeMwood;  HoAold  E.  Sam- 
uzJUon  and  Hiii  €va  Schmltt,   both  o^  Wahpeton  and  RobeAt:  C.  HaAk&  and  Wc44  lAene  M.  Tfu.- 
tten,   both  o^  GAeat  Bend. 


UobeAt  EoaZ  CauHilni,  o^  WahpeXon  and  Hi66  Cona  StoKey  oi  BAeckenfudge  weAz  united 

In  maAAiage  lait  Thu/u>day  a{^eAnoon  at  the.  home  o^  the  bAide'6  poAenti.  Vfi.   H.  W.  Knowlzi, 

PaitoA  0^  the  M.   E.  ChuAch  o^  BAeckenftidge,  o^fiZclated. 

»♦»»«»*»*«  Q^^l^^  9^    J924 

The  mafiAiage  o{i  HLii  MaAgoAet  M.   Budack  to  Ma.   LZoyd  L.  Schultz  wai  iolemntzed  at 
the  LutheAan  ChuAch  tn  thli  cLty  Wednesday  a{^teAnoon  at  2  Vi\  in  the.  pAeMence  oi  AeZativzi 
and  a  ^eMj  i.ntAJi\ate  {jAZends. 

The  U,  a  daughteA  o^  Ma.  and  MA6.  HeAman  Badack,  AziZding  iouthweAt  o^  ^^ank- 
tmon,  and  ha&  gAown  to  womanhood  Zn  thii>  vtclnlty.  She  -c-s  a  chaAirA-ng  young  lady  uiith 
many  j^Atendi.  The  gAoom  -i6  a  6on  o^  Ma.  and  Maa.  Augu&t  Schultz,  who  ioAmeAly  Azitded 
-in  the  iamz  nz^ghb'oAhood  but  who  oAz  now  Azitdznti  o^  Hinnz&ota.  Hz  -ii  an  tndu6tAtou.i> 
young  man,  highly  AzgaAdzd  by  all  who  him.  A  laAgz  cLacIz  oi  iAtzndi  zxtznd  bz6t 
wuhzi  to  thz  young  coaplz. 

**********    .  OcXobzA  16,    1924 

A  qulzt  wzddZng  wai>  iolzmnlzed  at  thz  Catholic  poA&onagz  at  5  ?l^  ThuAiday  aitzA- 
noon,   Oct.    16th,  when  Rev.   Fa.  Studnlcka  pAonounczd  the  woAd&  that  unacted  ioA  liiz 
Mi44  VoAothy  Wltte  and  Ma.   E^ca  P.  Uzlby.     Only  Immzdlatz  AeZatlvzi,  oi  the  bAlde  weAe 


Tht  young  couple,  culz  widely  known  thKouQhout  thli,  pant  oi  ihz  county.     Jhz  bildz 
-U  a.  daaghtzt  o^  Un..  and  M^.   PauZ  WZtte.  and  hxu  gKoim  to  mmanhood  in  ouA  city.     A 
gKaduatz  o{,  ihz  Hankln&on  H^gh  Schoot,  ihz  engaged  in  teaching  {,01  a  numbeA  o{j  yeau 
and  uxu>  numbered  among  the  moit  6ucct66^ut  o^  the  many  exceZLejnt  teacheM  tuAned  out  by 
the.  local  high  school.     She  po6&zl>&eJt  a  chafming  pe/uonality  and  ha&  many  ifu.endj>  uheAt- 
eucA  known. 

.    The  gkoom  Zi  ai6l6tant  caiikieM.  o^  the  TatmeM  S  HeAchanti  Bank  oi  thti  city  and 
duJilng  the  time  he  hai,  Aeitded  hfie  ha&  won  the.  n.e/>pect  and  esteem  0(J  the  entOie  comm- 
unity.    The  congiatuZationi)  and  be^t  wciheJ^  o^  all  oJie.  extended  to  the  worthy  young 

Ma.  and  Mw.  Mc£fct/  have  gone  to  hou&ekeeping  in  apantmenti  in  the  Cunningham  ^lat&. 

»,*»,**«»,  OctobeA  23,    7924 


St.   Philip' 6  ChuAch  wai  the  icene  o^  a  veJiy  pKetty  wedding  at  10  AM  Wednesday 
Tfio fining,  when  \Uj>l  Elizabeth  Hentz  became  the  bnide.  o^  hVi.  Uathiai  Wintz.     The  wedding 
ceremony  wai  peA^oHmed  by  Rev.  3o&.   F.  Studnicka. 

MXi4  Anna  Wintz,  6i6teA  o^  thz  gAoom,  acted  04  bnide^maid  and  Nick  Hentz,   bAotheA 
0({  thz  bAide  wai  beit  man.     A^teA  the  ceAemony  a  wedding  dlnneA  wai  ieAved  at  the  home 
o£  the  gfwom'i  pafientd  in  Waldo. 

HL&&  Hentz  wai,  the  daughteA  o^  Ma.  and  Wi6.  Matt  Hentz,  and  iince  thelA  death, 
i>he  had  made  heA  home  with  the  Hick  WaweAA  family  in  GKeendaZe.  She  ii  widely  known 
and  highly  KeMpected  thAoughout  this  community. 

The  gAoom  i6  a  6on  o^  Ma.   and  Maa.  Mike  liliAtz  o{,  Watdo.     He  al&o  i&  well  and 
^avoAably  known  and  hai  gained  the  Aeputation  o^  being  one  od  ouA  pnogAeJihive  young 

The  happy  young  couple  will  leave  Fniday  on  theiA  wedding  tnip  to  vaAioui  points 
in  Minnesota.     They  have  a  hoit  o^  ^Aiendi  who  wi4ih  them  a  happy  and  pA06peAou/>  mofiAied 
tiie.  ********** 

OctobeA  30,    1924 

Miiiii  Mafiy  lee  and  Ma.   Mike  WojweAi  mxe  united  in  moAAiage  at  St.   Philip' i  ChuAch 
at  9  AM  Tuesday  moAning,   Rev.   Joi.    F.   Stadnicka  peA^oAming  the  ceAemony.     Mar.y  Aelatlvzi 
and  {^Aiendi  o^  the  contAacting  pantizi  weAe  pAz&ent.     The  bAide  txa&  gowned  in  a  cAeation 
o{,  white  cAepe  de  chine  tnimmed  in  white  i>ilk,  Spani&h  lace  and  peanZi.     She  wa&  attend- 
ed by  Mil,&  VoAothy  Wintz  o{,  Hankin6on  ai>  bAide&maid,  the  latteA  being  a  second  couiin 
0^  the  bAide.     The  gAoom  wa4  attended  by  John  Lee,  a  bAotheA  oi  the  bAide.     Following 
the  ceAemony  the  wedding  poAty  AepaiAed  to  the  home  oi  the  bAide  whzAe  a  bounteous  wedd- 
ing bAeak^^aiit  wa&  ieAved,  with  immediate  Aetativei  pAe&ent. 

The  bAide  ii  a  daughteA  oi  Ma.   and  Ma6.   Julian  Lee  oi  BeI{,oAd  and  ha6  a  ho6t  oi 
iAA,end6  and  admiAeAi>.     The  gAoom  i&  a  ion  o^  MA6.   Mick  UaweAi  o^  thij>  city  and  ii>  known 
04  an  induafiioui  young  ianmeA.     Both  weAe  boAn  in  thit  neighboAhood  and  have  lived  heAe 


oJUi  theJji  ■PJ.veJ).     Tke.y  havz  many  ^fUe,nd6  who  exiend  congfuutLLtcutiom  and  but  uiLiku. 

A^teA  a  motox  tKvp  to  thz  cities  a6  a  wzddlng  toot,  thz  young  couple.  mZZ  go  to 
hou6zke.e.pA,ng  on  tkt  ianm  o^  thz  g/ioom  Zn  GKztndaZt  Touiniklp. 

Among  moMAAge.  tLczmu  Ziiuzd  thz  pa^t  weefe  uxu  onz  to  Mathiai  S.   Kinn  and  MuA 
Anna  A.  KuhZuizln,  both  o^  Hankin&on. 

**********  OctobeA  50.    1924 


Thz  nwuUagz  o^  HUi  Anna.  KuhZwzA.n  to  MathAMJ>  Klnn  uxu  iotvmlzzd  at  St.  VhiUp'A 
ChuAch  on  Nov.   5th,  at  8  AM  ^h  thz  pfizizncz  o^  fizZativzi  and  {,fu.znd&.     Rev.  Jo4.   F. 
Stwdnlaka  oi{/.(iiatzd.     Thz  bHA,dz  woA  attzndzd  by  Mafiy  ICLnn,  a  i-Utz^  o^  thz  gnaom  and 
LawKantz  KA.nn,  zouiln  o^  thz  gfioom  actzd  xU)  bz6t  man.  thz  cz>iejnony,  a  wexfcicng  bAjzakiait  woi  izKvzd  at  thz  Uatt  Kinn  homz, 
Aziatlvzi  0(J  thz  confiacXZng  pa/itizA  bzing  p^z&znt. 

Thz  young  coupZz  havz  gfiom.  up  In  thJU  lozaZJity  and  havz  a  hoi>t  oi  inA.(indti.     Thz 
bhZdz  Xa  a  daughtzfi  o^  hifu  and  M/l4.  GzoKgz  KuhZiozln  and  thz  gfuoom  aj>  a  ion  oi  \fJi.   and 
Ma4.   Maii  KJ.nn,   both  bzlng  pZonzzA.  ^amitizA.     Thz  gfioom  aj,  a  Hankln&on  High  School 
gnaduatz  and  Zi  now  zngagzd  Zn  ^anming  zait  o^  tkii,  city  vchznz  thz  nwly  wzdi,  have 
alAzady  gonz  to  hoaizkzzpZng. 


hUj>6  Ch/uJitxnz  UzyeJi  and  Hn..  VztzA  Taint  weAe  quiztly  moMlzd  at  St.  VhiZip'6 
ChuAch  Wzdnz&day,  Uov.   5th,  Rev.  Jo-i.   F.  StadnZcka  oUZclating.     Hztativzl)  and  irvtanatz 
inyizndui,  mitnz&izd  thz  czKzmony.     Thz  b>  wai  attzndzd  by  Ui&-i>  Cathzfiinz  MeyeA,  hzfi 
iAjitzn.,  and  Jatua  Wvitz  actzd  oi  bzit  man. 

A  wzddZng-  dlnnzfi  wai  izAvzd  at  thz  bnldz'i  homz  -in  Waldo  mth  a  jolly  poAty  o^ 
guz&t&  in  attzndancz. 

Thz  bfUdz  -a  a  daughtzA  o^  Ma.  and  Ma6.  John  MzyzA  o^  WaZdo  and  thz  gfvoom  a  6on 
o(,  Mas.  Joi.  ToMt.  Thz  young  pzoplz  havz  tivzd  in  thii  locality  alZ  thzin.  tivzi  and 
havz  many  ^fUzndi  loho  zxtznd' bzi>t  uxL&hz6. 

A($teA  a  wzdding  nip  to  CKyital,  HV.,  thz  young  couplz  mil  Kztufin  to  Hankin&on 
to  fiziidz. 


Hanklnkon  fizlativzh  attzndzd  thz  wzdding  at  LidgoJuxaod  Wzdnzkday  oi  Uii>i>  Olga 
WillpA.zcht  to  Wl.  ALbznt  WuzhZzh..     Thz  czn.vnony  wai,  pzn.lohjnzd  by  Rev.   CloeteA  mth 
izZativzi  o£  thz  conttacting  pantizi  in  attzndancz.     A  wzdding  panty  iollowzd  thz 
cz/temony  at  which  theAz  wa6  much  mzM.y  making. 

Thz  bnidz  wai,  boAn  at  LLdgznmod  and  hai,  many  Inizndi  thztzabouti.     Thz  g/ioom 
i6  a  &on  oi  Wi.   and  Hu.  Gu6t  Muzhlzt  o^  BAightwood  and  ii  an  indaifiioui  young   {^aAjnzx. 
Thz  young  couplz  will  lattlz  on  a  {^ajm  nzan.  Cayuga  which  Ma.  MueWeA  hai,  fizntzd  {,oK 

nzxt  ioiion.  ♦»»*»*»*«»  MovmbeA  6,    1924 


La&t  Sunday  a^teAnoon  at  thz  home.  o£  thz  bnldz'i  poAzntS  neoA  LidgeAwood  Reu. 
CZoeXzA.  itcuid  the.  woKdud  that  ioKzvtH.  urUted  In  wedZock,  HUi  L.  StAzge  o^  LidgeMuwod 
and  Theo  SedlzA,  one  o^  oafi  pAominent  young  {^oArneM,. 

T/ie  bfuAe  li  one  o^  the.  pfwmlnent  young  Jiadie/>  o{,  LLdgeAuxjod,  wheAe  ihe  li 
empZoytd  on,  bookkeepeA  in  the.  o^  the  Home  Oit  Co.     The  gKoom  hot,  ipent  his 
entiAe  ti^e  in  thi&  communiXy  ■  and  ij>  heZd  in  veAy  high  eJ>teejn  by  alUi. 
We  aZZ  join  in  vxUkbiQ  them  a  Long  and  happy  moAfvied  tiit. 

**********  NovesnbeA  20,    1924 


The  moAAiage  o^  HI&6  Erma  UuehZeA  to  Wi.  Auguit  Medenwaldt  uxu  solemnized  at  the 
LutheAon  ChuAch  on  ThuAiday,   Nov.   20th.   •  Rev.  J.   P.  Ktaa&leA  peA-iofmed  the  ceAesnony  in 
the  pn.zi>enc.e  o^  a  ZoAge  gatheAing  o^  fieZajtiveJi  and  ifiiend&.     The  bAideJ>maidi>  weJie  Ella 
MuehleA,  iiiteA  o^  the  and  TiZLLz  Hedenwatdt,  nince  o^  the.  gloom,  white  the  ghjoom 
wa6  attended  by  AtbeAt  MaehteA,   bAotheA  o^  the  b>  and  HenAy  Uedenuxiidt,   bAotheA  o^ 
the  gAoom.     Amanda  MaehZeA  and  AdeZlne  MedenwaZdt  acted  a&  ^ZoweA  giAt&. 

A  &ix  o'clock  dinneA  wa&  6eAved  at  the' ■&  home  to  a  ZaAge  gatheAing  o{,  KeZ- 
ative^  and  iAlends  and  the  ^e^tiviXle^  continued  untiZ  a  late  houA. 

The  contAacting  paAtieJ,  have  lived  in  this  neighborhood  since  childhood  and  both 
one  weZl  and  ^avoAably  known.     The.  bnide  is  a  daughteA  0({  M'l.  and  l^AS,.  Wm.  hkiehleA 
and  the  gAoom  a  son  o^  Ha.  and  fAu.   TeAdlnand  Medenimtdt. 

Congnatulations  and  bzst  vilsheA  oAe  extended  by  many  iOiends  to  the  wonthy 
young  couple. 

HANKINSON  hlEWS  NovembeA  21,    1924 

LEAV1TT    -     SAUER 

A  veAy  pKetty  wedding  took  place  at  the.  home  o{,  M.  V.  LeaviM:  in  GAeendale  on 
Thanksgiving  Day  at  3  ?U  when  theJA.  daughteA  hiiss  FeAn  M.  too*  urujted  in  moAAlage  to 
ChAistian  SaueA,  3a.,  o{,  Java,  SV. 

The  ceAesnony  was  peAiofmed  by  Rev.  Loach  o^  TaiAmount.  They  stood  undeA  an  oAch- 
deconated  withAed,  white  and  pink  AoseJ,  and  pink  and  white  nlbbon  stAeameAS.  The  bnlde 
vxjKe  a  gown  o^  white  canton  cAepe  and  coAAled  a  bouquet  o^  Aoses.  The  bnide^mald,  l^lss 
Katie  SaueA,  siAteA  o^  thk.  gfwom,  aZso  was  gowned  in  white  canton  cuepe.  The  gn.oom  was 
attended  by  the' s  bfiotheA,  EofiZ  Leavitt.  following  the  ceAemony  a  delicious  {ouA 
o'clock  dinneA  was  seAved  at  the' s  home  to  the  tmmediate  fielatlves. 

The  bfiide  Is  well  and  iavofuxbly  known  in  this  community  having  attended  the  Hankln- 
son  High  School  iofi  the  past  {,ouA  yeoAS.  The  gfwom  Is  a  pfiospeAoas  young  ianmefi  o{,  Java, 
SV. ,   at  which  place  the  happy  young  couple  will  make  thelA  ^utuAe  home. 

ThelA  many  ifilends  extend  hexsAty  cjongfiatulatlons  to  the  wonthy  young  couple. 

MOURER     -     OLSON 
A  quiet  wedding  was  solemnized  at  the  home  o^  hin.   and  Uns.   P.  W.  Uounen  oi  Gneen- 


Woxd  wcu,  Ke.czlvzd  hzJiz  thii  weefe  o^  iht  moAA^gt  o^  HUi  StzWi  Jo6t  OfJ  San  Juan 
CapUiAono,  CA.,  to  IM..  Clyde.  HawihoAnt  oi  Long  Beac/i,  CA. 

T/ie  weddcng  ceAvnony  uocu,  peA^oAme-d  by  Rev.  John  0' Sullivan  at  thz  hiliilon  tn  San 

Juan  Capl6tAano  on  Sat.  Jan.  5th.     Thz  l6  a  dcLoghtzfi  o^  Hfi.  and  Hu.  t^att  Joit  o{, 

thZi  city  and  gxei*}  to  womanhood  In  HankJjiion.     Fox  a  numbtn.  o^  yexiA/^  4,he.  AeAved  oa  ckLz^ 

teZzphonz  opeAatoK  in  the.  locjxL  txckangz  and  hai>  a  hoi,t  oi  iAltndi  heAe.  who  e.xtejid  ton- 

gjuvtulationi.     The.  newlywzdi,  will  make,  thein.  ^otuAe  homz  at  Long  Bzach,  CA.,  wheAz  Ha. 

HawthoAnz  -ii)  employ zd. 

HAMKWSOM  NEWS  **********  JanuaAJj  t,    J925 


Hi&6  Hlltiz  Talk,   dcuxghteJi  o^  M^.   FAzd  Talk  o{,  tkii  cJUty,  and  HoAAy  Boldt,  Aon  o^ 
Ha.   and  Ua6,   HeArnxn  Boldt,  who  Az&ldz  iouth  oi  tkil,  city,  weA-Z  unitzd  In  maAAiagz  at 
HaymoAz,  Sa&k. ,  Canada,  on  Wzdne^day,  Vzc.    5Ut,   Rev.   FheZpi  peAf^oAming  thz  czAzmony. 

HUi  Nancy  ?hzlpi>  waj,  bAldz&matd  and  ChoAtiz  Vozltz  woi  bzi>t  man.     Tmmzdlately  a{,teA 
thz  czAemony  thz  happy  coaplz  lz£t  on  thziA  wzdding  tAip  to  Wtnnipzg  and  oAfiivzd  In  thJj, 
city  la&t  week.     Upon  thziA  oAAlval  a  bountzoai  wzdding  dinnzn.  wa&  6eAvzd  at  thz  homz  o£ 
thz  gAoom'i  paAznti. 

Both  thz  bAldz  and  thz  gnoom  oAz  wzll  and  {^avoAobly  known  throughout  this  community, 

having  tivzd  hzAz  all  tkeJA.  tivzl> .     Ha.  and  Uaj>  .   Boldt  will  makz  thziA.  homz  on  thz  iafm 

oi  thz  gAjoom'h  poAznti. 

'    Thz  woAthy  couplz  have  a  hoAt  o{,  iKizndi  who  wa>h  them  a  long  and  happy  moAAizd  li^z. 


JanuoAy  IS,    J925 

BAI5LEV     -     BEEBE 
Hankln6on  {,AA.znd6  will  fee  InteAzitzd  In  thz  maAAiagz  o{,  HJjii>  Jeiazll  Bai&lzy  to  Gzo- 
^z  A.    Bzzbz,  which  happy  zvznt  wai  iolemnizzd  thz  pat,t  wzzk.     Thz  MEWS  ha6  bzzn  unablz 
to  obtain  any  dztalts  bzyond  thz  iazt  that  thz  maAAiagz  took  placz,   but  nzveAtheleM>  we 
join  with  many  iKiendit  OfJ  thz  Couplz  In  zxtznding  congAatuLatlonS  and  bzit  wlihzi,. 

Thz  bAldz  li  a  daughteA  ol  Ha.  and  Ha6.  W.   F.   Bal6lzy  of^  Elma  Towmhlp  and  l6  a 
gAaduatz  oiJ  thz  Hankliv!>on  High  School.     Shz  gAevJ  to  womanhood  In  tki&  nzlghboAhood,  and 
hoi  many  {^nlznd&  and  wtti  wiiheAi.     Thz  gAoom  l6  a  tAavzLing  ialziman  who  madz  Hankln&on 
hl6  hzadquoAtzu  ^OA  izvzAol  yzau  bat  l&  now  locatzd  In  BAzckzuUiidgz  wheAz  thz  neuilywzdf, 
will  makz  thelA  homz. 

**********  JanuoAy  IS,    192S 

LIEW     -     GREEW 
Thz  maAAiagz  oi  Hl6i   Lylah  Lizn  and  Ha.    TAzd  H.    V.  GAzzn  wai  iolzmnlzzd  In  hiinnzapoliA 
on  Jan.    7th,    ioUMzd  by  a  wzdding  dinnzA  at  thz  bAldz' i  homz.     Thz  bnldz  li  a  daughteA 
o{,  hin..  and  Haa.  S.  K.Lizn  oi  Hinnzapoll6  and  thz  gAoom  l6  a  ion  o{,  Ha.  and  Ham.   John  GAzzn 
oi  thl&  city.     Ha.   GAzzn  l&  In  thz  dAug  ba&lnz&i  with  hl6  bAotheA  E.    L.   GAzzn  at  South  St. 
Paul,   and  thz  newlywzdi,  oAz  now  nicely  Azttlzd  In  that  city. 


daZz  on  Sunday,  Uov.   30th,  cut  2  PM,   when  thzJji  daughteA  Etta.  Uaudz,  wai  moAJUzd  to  Ma.. 
Walt&fi  Othon,  Rev.   CoKfi  oi  thli  cJXy  o^^CAXuUng.     OnZjj  Jbmtdlatt  fitiatlvts  o^  tht 
contAcicting  poAtieJi  weAe  pA.eJ)tnt  at  thz  ceAesnony.     ToZZoiaing  tka  czAonony  a  iumptaooi 
ujzdding  dinnz'i  vxu>  iZAvzd.     Thz  happy  young  coupZz  Izit  in  thz  zvznLng  ^oA  thziA  new 
homz  in  Uanchz&tzA,   Iowa. 

••••*•***•  PecembeA  4,   1924 


Ui66  LUtian  TzZgnzfi  and  Wi.  Augiut  Vozltz  weAz  qalztZy  moAAizd  at  Uahpzton  on 
l^onday  oi  Znit  wzak,  thz  ceAzsnony  bzing  pzAionmzd  by  County  Judge  VanKMnam. 

Thz  bKidz  ti  a  daughtzA  o^  M^.  and  Uu.  Gui,t  fztgnzA,  wzlZ  known  in  tkli  comm- 
unity, and  i&  a  choAming  young  lady. 

Thz  gfioom  ii  a  pAolpzAouM  young  {^afimzA  juit  acAc.1,6  thz  Atatz  linz  in  South  Vakota 
whztz  thz  young  coupZz  mIZ  mafee  thziA  homz. 

tkmy  piizndi  oAz  plzjUz  to  zxtznd  congAatuZaticni,  and  b^^t  Muhz6. 

«»««»»»»«,  VzczjnbzA  n,    1924 

MARTIN    -     KUBm 
Hl6i,  Ffiancli  IkoAtin,  gAondaaghtzA  o^  Mt.  and  Hfu>.  John  Buddack  o{,  thij>  city  and 
Wu   Otto  Kaehn  0(J  LLdgzfaoood  weAe  unitzd  in  moAAiagz  at  thz  homz  o^  thz  gfvoom' 6  bKotkzK 
at.  SAzckznAidgz  Zait  iilzdnziiday,  Vzc.   Shd. 

Thz  bAidz  hoi  madz  hzA  homz  with  hzt  ghandpafizntk ,  Ua.  and  Wu,.  John  Buddack  o^ 
thii,     city    6incz  thz  dzath  o^  hzA  mothzA  a  numbzt  o^  yzau  ago.     Shz  ii  a  choAming 
young  lady  and  ij,  wzU.  and  ^avofiabZy  known  hzAz. 

Thz  gnoom  ii>  a  hon  o^  Ua.  and  Uai,.  Choi.  Kuzhn  who  Aziidz  nzoA  LidgzAf}ood,  and  ii> 
aZitO  {^avoKobty  known.     Thz  happy  young  couptz  wiZt  makz  thziA  iutiiAz  homz  in  LidgznsDood. 
ThziA  many  {^Aizndi,  zxtznd  congAatuZation6. 

»«»««»»»»*  Vzcdjnbzfi  11,    7924 

POHL    -  KinTER 
Mw.  Vaulinz  ?ohZ.  and  HahAy  Kuttzt  weAe  uniXzd  in  moMiagz  SatuAday  at  thz  CouAt 
Hou6z  in  {)lahpzton,  Judgz  Van  Annam  peA{^ofming  thz  czAzmony.     OnZy  thz  nzczitiaAy  witnzii- 
zi,  wz/iz  in  attzndancz. 

Thz  contAacting  pantizJi  oaz  populoA  n.zl>idznt6  o^  thz  EJbna  neighborhood  and  have 
many  Inlzndi,  who  oaz  plzoizd  to  zxtznd  congAotuZationi  and  bzl>t  Ml(>hzi>. 

»«««*«**»»  VzcembeA  18,    1924 


The.  s^oom'A  many  (^Axencfi  ^  Hankxn&on  aJie.  pttoizd  to  zxtznd  congAatuZcutlom  and 

HANKJUSON  MEWS  »»•»»*,«»»  JanuaAy  29,    1925 

McA4  f^yAtte.  Copfxin,  daixQhtaA  oi  Hfi.  and  Hu.   TKtd  Coppin  o^  BKigktwood  Towmhlp 
and  M^.   PtWi  VauJUon,  &on  o^  Ma.,  and  Ufu,.  ?aat&on  o^  New  E^^gton,  SV.,  voeAt  unite.d 
i.n  majoviage  -in  Sl6ieX.on,  SV. ,   on  TKiday,  Jan.    16th.     Mt44  Ma/iy  V.ofiick  o^  Wew  E{i{/.ngton 
wa6  bfiideMnaZd  and  WaZteA  HofUck  uxa  btitman.     La6t  ble.dne^da.y  evening  a  wzdding  dancz 
woi  held  at  Mac'4  HaLt  at  Wew  E^^gton  wkidi  woi  attendtd  by  ahout  thAzt  handfied  gae^ti. 

The.  bfudz  Ls,  weJUL  and  ^avonxibty  knoMi  Jin  thi&  city  having  atttndzd  the.  iocat  High 
School,  and  ha6  a  ho6t  oi  ^fLie.nd6  heJit  u)ho  oAe  glad  to  exte.nd  congnatM.ationl> .     PfLe.vloii6 
to  heA  maMAjage  hhe  woA  ejmployzd  a6  bookkeepe/i  ^ofi  W.  J.  KuAtz  S  Co.   o^  Mew  E^lngton. 

The  gAoom  Z&  a  pfw^peAoiu,  young  {,aAmeA  o^  Ueui  E{f^ngton  neoA  which  place  the.  happy 
couple  will  make  theln.  ^utuAz  home. 

**********  Jonuo^  29,    1925 

GERESEK     -     MOTIS 
Steve.  Moiti  oi  Wew  E^^ngton  and  Ui66  Clana  GeAe^ek  o£  Hankin&on  voeAe.  maMA.e.d  at 
Si&seXon,   Ttviday,  Jan.   30th.     The.  NEWS  haA  been  unable  to  &e.cuA.t  any  dttcut6  beyond  thz 
{^acti)  given  above.     Thz  contAacting  poAtiti  aAe.  weJUi  known  heAz  and  have  thz  congAotiiZ- 
ationi)  and  bz^t  wl6he.i  o^  many  ^Aizndi. 

**********  VzbhaaAy  5.    T925 

GzoAgz  WioA  0^  VzVitlo  Towmhip  woA  gfiantzd  a  divofice  by  dziault  la6t  wzzk  {iKom 
hi.6  wi^z  Rianchz  WioA.     VeJ>zAtion  wa&  choAgzd.     WiaA  ioid  that  kii  wi{iZ  fiziuizd  to  movz 
to  FaiAmoant  to  livz  and  that  two  yzaA6  ago  Ahz  AztuAnzd  to  heA  old  home  in  thz  za6t. 
hiKi.  WiaA  waJi  a  tnainzd  nuAiz.     The  couplz  wzAz  maHKizd  duAing  thz  woA. 
HMKINSON  NEWS  **********  Fzb/iuaAy  12,    1925 

Hii-ii  Lucy  AlZzn,  daughtzA  oi  Ua.  and  Mti.  J.  klZzn  o^  thii  place  wai  uniXzd  ijfi  moA- 
niagz  to  Ma..  MJLton  Holiday  o£  Edgzly,  NV.     Thz  ceAzmony  wa6  pzA^ofimzd  by  Rev.    Tathz^ 
Mc  Donald  at  ki6  xziidzncz  at  9  AM  lait  Taz&day  moAning.     Uii6  Allen  il>  a  highly  Ke^pzct- 
zd  young  lady.     A^tzn.  gJiaduating  ^m  thz  TaJjmount  High  School  ihz  attzndzd  thz  Baiinz/ii 
Collzgz  at  Tafigo  and  {^oA  thz  pa&t  yzoA  ha&  bzzn  zmployzd  with  Gambzl  Vobinion  Co.   at 
Vallzy  City.     Ma.   Holiday  i&  managzA  o{i  thz  BuAni-IimneAjmn  UeAcantAJiz  itofiz  at  EdgeZy, 
NV.,   and  i.i>  well,  likzd  by  all  who  know  him.     Af^teA  a  ihoAt  wzdding  flip  to  thz  Twin  Citizi 
and  othzA  pointi  in  Uinnziota,  thzy  wilZ  makz  thziA  homz  in  Edgzly  wheAz  thzy  will  izczive 
thziA  {^ntzndi,.  who  extend  to  them  congAotulationi  and  beMt  uiU,hzi. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  EaiAmount  Coluim. . .  rzb/iuaAyl9,    7  925 

WARP     -     ENKERS 
Wednziday  evening,   Feb.    ISth,  Hi&i  June  WoAd  bzcamz  thz  wi^z  o^  Eduiin  Enkzu  at  thz 
homz  ol  thz  bhidz' i  paAenti,   nzaA  V.o6holt. 


Aj^-teA  thz  ceAzmny  a  &a.x  o'cZoak  dinneA  wa&  idAvtd.     CoveAd  weAe  laid  {^ofi  in^znty. 
Tfie  bKidt  -Li  the.  cfioAmtng  daaglttfi  o^  Ma.,  and  Mw.  CZcuf  WoAd  o^  Roiho-U:.     Tht  qfwom  Ij,  a. 
voeZt  knoim  young  man  oi  tkU  vZcUnlty,  6on  o{t  Mt.   and  Mw.  b)m.   Enkzfii. 

A^tzA  dinmA  Reu.  and  MA.A.   Nyhai  enttnXuLnzd  tht  gat&ti>  tuiXh  mui^c.     Eue/u/one  ieemerf 
to  znjoy  thz  zvznlng  and  dtpaxZzd  ioK  tktVi  hermit  In  the,  wee  houAi,  oi  mo  fining. 
HAMKWSON  NEOJS  **********  TtbAucuiy  26,    1925 

Tfwm  a  JameMown  papzA  we  gtzanzd  that  Mt44  Joizpkint  Vutnzy,  daughteA  o{,  W.   C. 

Putnzy,  woi  moA/Uzd  to  Loull,  fiatzla.^^  o^  Jamz&toim..     Hi&6  Vatnzy  hai  gfiadimtzd  a&  a  nuAiz 

{^fwm  TfiLnity  Ho6pZtal  at  Jamzitown.    Mfi.   Ratzial^  It,  a  &on  oi  Wi.  and  Uu.  J.   H.   RatzZa{^^ 

0^  Ttngfizz,  MV. ,  and  hoi  bzzn  In  thz  zmptoy  o^  thz  UoHthz^  Automob-lZz  Company  0({  Jamzi- 

toum  {fOA.  6omz  timz.     k{^tz>i  a  i>hofvt  tAip,  thz  cjOupZz  Mitt  be  at  homz  to  thzoi  {^nLzndi,  at 

Jamzitotm..         TaVunount  Cotumn 

**********  H^^y^  5^    jg25 

Wt.  Aug,  Saulzn.  and  Hi66  Coha.  Spfiaguz,  wztz  moMlzd  at  thz  Cathotic  poAlih,   by  thz 
Reu.    Tathzfi  hicVonatd,  la6t  weefe.     ********** 

HANONSOM  WEWS  FaxAmount  Column  MoAc/i  5,    1925 


Uli6  UaXtxz  Gu&tman,  daugktuA  o£  Mt.  and  Mw.  Vfiank  Cu&tman  o^  {JJaZdo  ToMnikip,  and 
Ma.  ^iZJUam  Kath,  ion  o^  Ma.,  and  Ufii.  John  Kath  0(J  HanJvuu,on,  wzAz  unctzd  in  moAfUagz  by 
Judgz  Van  AAnam  in  \)lahpzton  on  Wzdnziday,  MatcA  4th. 

Mc64  RatUz  Gaitman  and  HaAAy  Guitmm  actzd  aM  bfiLdzi>mald  and  bz&t  man.     Thz  bfiidz 
wonz  a  dAzi>6  o^  old  Aoi>z  colokzd  iotZn,  and  coAAczd  a  loAgz  bouquzt  o^  Aoi>zi>,  coAnatloni 
and  {^znm.     Thz  bAldzimatd  woAz  a  dank  bluz  dAz&i  0(5  canton  cAzpz.     A^-teA  thz  ujzddlng  a 
6  o'clock  dlnnzA  wa6  6zn.\>zd  at  thz  homz  o^  Ma.,  and  Mw.  IKUUizfi.     Thz  young  couplz  oAz 
wztL  and  ^avoAably  known  and  havz  a  o{,  ^fUzndi  who  uicifi  them  lots  o£  luck  and  happinzii 

**********  ^^^  j2,    J9Z5 


m&i  Tanniz  Evzn&on,  daughtzA  o^  Ma.   and  Ma4.  T.   L.   EveMon  o^  thi&  city,  woa  moA- 
fUzd  to  M.   C.   Lee  o{,  WateAtoiun,  SV. ,   on  Wed.   ApfuZ  Ut.     Thz  cztzmony  wai  pzAionmzd  In 
hilnnzapolU  In  thz  pKz&zncz  o{)  Immzdiatz  izlatJ.vzi>  and  inizndi.     Thz  happy  couplz  Iz^t 
thz  iomz  nZght  ioK  WateAtom.,  SV. ,  wheAz  thzy  will  makz  theJji  iutuAz  homz. 

Mc44   Evznkon  woi  a  ioAmzt  Hanklnion  giAl.     Shz  wa^  employzd  by  thz  TaAmzu  £  ^feA- 
chantA  Bank  0(J  thii  city  ^ofi  iomz  timz.     Bzionz  hzfi  moAnlagz  ihz  was  employzd  by  thz 
Bztt  TeZzphonz  Company  o^  UlnnzapolU.     Shz  ha^  a  hoit  o^  {^niendi  heAz  who  expend  con- 
gfiatulatiom, .     Ma.   Lee  ii  a  tAaveZing  iaZuman,   making  hti,  hzadquoAteAi  at  WateAtown,  SV. 

^  t  *******  *  ^p,^  9^    J925 


OicoA  F.  KAamz  and  Hi&i  RoAotinda  Tizgi  peApztnatzd  a  happy  6uApAij>z  on  thziA 

{,fu.zndi>  by  a  quiet  wzdding  Sunday  zvznlng.     Unbeknown  to  even  thziA  immzdiatz  {,amilizi>, 


-Oiet/  axovz  zo  zne.  nomz  of^  Keu.  ana  aVla.   lokox.  ana  wtut  moA/Lcta  uuxn  onzy  ihz  mce^6aAy 

The.  young  couple.  aJie.  weZt  and  ^avoAJxbZy  known.     The  bfiide  Li  a  daughteA  o^  Uk.  and 

Aki.    FAonfe  T^eg4  and  ike  gfioom,   a.  6on  oiJ  W'l.  and  M^.  HenAy  Kfiaa&e.     Both  weAz  boin  in 

ike  nelghbofihood  and  have  Lived  ikeJie  oJUi  ikeJji  tlve^.     The  Li  a  ckoAmjig  and  pop- 

uloA  young  lady  and  ike  gncom  -u  an  LndaiiALoui  and  wofiiky  young  ^anmeA. 

The.  congfiaiulailonA  oi  a  ho6i  o^  ^Jviendi  aJie  exiended. 

»««»«»,»«»  ^p,^  3(,^    ,925 


The  moAAlagz  o{,  UUi  Helen  E.  HCl6t  and  Mixed  W.   Lafaenow  wa6  solemnized  at  ike 
LuXkeAan  paAionage.  Tuesday  a^izAnoon,  Hay  26ik,  at  4  o'clock,  In  ike  pKt&znce  o{,  xelnXlvzi 
and  Ajmedlaie  ^fUendi.     Rev.  J.  ?.  Klmi&leA  peA^oAmed  ike  ceAzmony. 

Thz  bfiidz  uxju>  aiiAAzd  in  a  gown  o^  Ao&ewood  {,lai.  cfiepz  mlik  hoi  io  match  and  waj, 
attzndzd  by  heA  i-i&ieA,  Hii,6  Lulu  Hoist,  as  bAtdz&mald.     Thz  latieA  woxz  a  ion  znieirhlzd 
suit  Mlih  hat  io  match.     Thz  gfioom  was  attzndzd  by  RobeAt  BeJUng  oi  Gxzat  Bend. 

Thz  ceAzmony  was  dolZowzd  by  a  wzdding  dlnneA  at  thz  homz  o^  thz  bfiidz,  ikz  gueMis 
bzing  hzA  irmzdiaiz  iamijjy  and  intimatz  ifitznds.     Thz  coljofi  schenz  was  pink  and  whiiz. 

Thz  nzwlywzds  oajl  welZ  and  ^avofuibly  known  ikfioaghout  this  szciion.     Thz  bfiidz  is  a 
daughteA  o{,  H>i.  and  Rw.  John  C.   Hoist  o^  ikis  city  and  has  a  host  o^  £fiiznds  and  well 
wishzAS.     Thz  gfwom  is  a  son  o^  M^.  and  Mfis.   H.  A.   Lubznow  o^  lilhitz  EaAtk,  W.,  and  Ls 
employ zd  in  SizveAt's  Vfuig  Stofiz  at  Gfizat  Bend.     Hz  has  gfwwn  to  ma/^ood  in  Gfizat  Bend 
and  is  highly  fuzgoAdzd  by  all. 

I'A.  and  Wis.   lubznow  Izii  Tuzsday  loK  a  wzdding  tAip,  ikzAA  iiineAOfiy  including 
Hinnzapolis,  and  thz  lakz  fizgions  oi  nofithznn  Hinnzsota,  Wkctz  EaAtk,  WW.,  to  visit  ihz 
gfioom' s  poAents,  AztuAning  ihnough  thz  Bad  Lands. 

Thzy  will  makz  ihziA  homz  at  Gfvzat  Bznd. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ********** 


St.  PkiZLp's  ChuAck  was  ikz  scene  o^  a  pAzity  wedding  Tuzsday  mofming  when  Hiss 
UolZy  {>lzlnkau{i  became  ihz  bfiidz  o^  Tfuxnk  ScheZieA.  Rev.  Jos.  F.  Siudnlcka  peAiofmed 
ikz  nu.piA.aZ  ceAejnony. 

Thz  wzdding  rrwich  waji  playzd  by  hifis.   V.   E.   Ryan.     The  bfiidz  was  gownzd  in  a  dfizss 
oi  tan  canton  cAepe  wiik  hat  to  match  and  caAAizd  a  bouquet  o^  coAnations  and  LiLizs  o{,        yj  0:1 

ikz  ValZzy.     Shz  was  attzndzd  by  Hiss  HaAgaAet  BzckeA  who  woaz  a  Ausi  coloAzd  canton  ji-  - 

— ^  ?~ 

cfizpz  gown.     Thz  gAoom  was  attzndzd  by  FeteA  MouAeA.  t—  ~ 

Thz  bfiidz  is  ike  chafiming  daaghtzA  o^  Ma.,   and  Ufis.   RobeAi  l^lzinkaai  o^  HammzA,   SV. 
EoA  ikz  past  i^ew  yzaAS  shz  has  bzzn  employed  in  ikis  city.     VuAing  that  time  she  won  ,JJ  ^ 

ikz  high  zsizzm  o^  all  who  kneifO  heA.     Thz  gfwom  Zs  a  son  o^  Wi.   and  Maa.   John  P.   SchelZzA 
0(5  ikis  city.     He  g^ew  io  manhood  heAe  and  ij,  a  man  o^  splendid  chaAacieA. 

Thzy  liavz  a  host  o^  ^fiiends  who  extend  congfiatulations.     A^teA  ikz  ceAzmony  a  wzdding 

dinnzA  was  seAved  at  ike  homz  o^  ikz  gfwom' s  paAznis,  Ma,   and  Has.  John  P.  SchztteA,  io 
immzdiate  KeZativzs  and  ^fUends.     The  happy  couple  will  makz  ikexA.  homz  witk  the  gfioom' s         _ 
poAzntS.  *  *  *   *(5*i)*  *    *  *  *  Hay  2S.    7925  g 


Mab£e  Agnei  HO(Ji$man  and  Hath  Hovxuid  weAe  unltzd  Zn  moAAAjigz  at  Wahptton  on  Wzd. 
Jum  lid.     Thz  attzndanti>  we/te  Mt/A^e  Ho^^^man  oi  tka,  city  and  A.  St/tain  o^  iilyndjmzAz. 

Thz  bfUdz  lit  a  daaghtzA  oi  Wi.   and  Uu.   H.   C.   Ho£{,man  and  qKzw  to  vDomankood  In 
HaniU.niiOn.     Sht  hai>  many  {/Uznd6  and  woUL  uxiiheAi. 

The.  gAX!om  li>  in  the.  hotoZ  boixnei^  ai  WyndmeAt  and  Zi  wM.  and  {^avofiabty  known. 
A^teA  thz  wzddlng  tjwp  to  thz  ti*xin  cltizi  thz  young  couptz  uiilZ  be  at  homz  In  iilyndrnztz. 


Announczmznt6  havz  bzzn  Kzzzivzd  hzAz  oi  thz  mvoujagz  oi  Mc64  Joiie  Ee/4  to  Leo 
Eugene  Black,  which  happy  zvzrvt  woA  6olzjnnlzzd  at  O^hkoih,  [(/I,,  on  Satafiday,  Mat/  23Kd. 

Thz  gnoom  Mi6  onz  o^  thz  Talnmount  bpyi  who  zntiitzd  In  Hanklnion'l  old  Co.    L. , 
and  hz  ha6  many  ^fu.znd&  hznz  who  atz  plzoizd  to  zxtznd  congfiatulatloni,  and  bz&t  wiihzi. 

Lzo  zvZdzntZy  will  makz  Oihkcih  hii   ^utuAz  homz  a&  thz  announczjr.znti  6tatz  that 
thz  nzwlywzdA  wiJUL  be  at  homz  in  that  city  a{^eA  July  15th. 


Thz  mafiiagz  o^  His-i  Anna  BzZtin  and  Uk.  ChanZzi  landzt  was  iolzmnlzzd  at  thz  Bzl- 
(,ofid  ChuAch  Ijut  Sunday  a^tzAnoon  at  2  o'clock,  Reu.  W.  H.  Cofidtl,  oifyicLatlng.     Hiii 
Adztlz  Bzltin,  llltzl  o{,  thz  bAidz  wai  bfUdz6mald  and  Emll  Zandzfi,   bKothzi  oi  thz  gfioom 
wai,  bz&t  man.     Thz  wzdding  wa6  attzndzd  by  only  AzZativzi  and  nzoA  ifilzndi  o{i  thz  con- 
t/iacting  poAtizi. 

Thz  bftldz  tA  a  daaghtzA  o^  Mt.  and  M^.  Chanlz^  Bzltin  oi  BzZioKd  Towmkip.     Thz 
gloom  Aj>  a  6on  o^  Wt.  and  f^.  CaAl  landzA  o^  tki&  city  and  ^OK  a  numbzt  of,  yzoAi  hoi 
bzzn  zjnployzd  ai>  mzchanlc  at  thz  hlofith  StaA  Gajvagz.     Both  bnldz  and  gfioom  havz  Livzd  In 
tkii,  communtty  all  thzJji  tivzi  and  ate  well  known  ion  thzJji  zxcztlznt  VuuX&  o^  choA- 
actzfi  and  tikzablz  quatctizi,  and  havz  a  ho6t  o^  dAlzndi  who  jo-in  In  zxtzndtng  congfuit- 
alatiatii,  and  bzit  wi&hzi. 

ToUiowing  thzJUi  konzymoon  o^  a  wzzk6  6tay  tn  thz  tinin  citizi,  thz  yoimg  coaplz  wiZt 
be    at  homz  -in  Hankin&on  to  thziA  many  ^Alzndi  In  thz  Hzuman  houiz. 
HANKJNSON  MEOJS  **********  j^^^  ,j^    ,925 


hliii  Anna  Lznz,  daaghtci  o^  M/t.   and  M^.   Guit  Lznz,    ioHjnzAZy  o^  Elma  but  now  n.zi,id- 

■ing  -in  St.   Vaiil,  wai,  mafOilzd  on  June  75-th  to  Vzfmon  Smith  o(,  KJiddzA,  SV.     Thz  bfiidz  wai> 

bohn  and  fializd  in  Elma  and  haj>  many  inlzndi  and  well  wl&hzu  in  tkL&  vicinity  who  oaz 

plzoizd  to  zxtznd  congKotalcutiom,  and  bzit  wl6hz6. 


Thz  wzdding  o{,  Ki&6  BzAtha  SzUinzfi  oi  tkii  city  and  Wi.  Jamzi  Codiizy  oi  ElimoAck, 
wa6  iolzmnizzd  at  St.  Many' 6  ChuAch  at  BlimaAck  Taziday  Junz  Uth.     Thz  wzdding  waj>  a 
quizt  aiiain,  only  a  izjw  Intimatz  inlzndi  and  fizlatlvzi  oi  tiiz  contAactlng  poAtizk  weAZ 
in  attzndancz. 



The.  bnldt  woAji  a.  QOA^tom,  dfitii  o^  powdtfi  bZuz  qtonj^ttto.  and  coAAltd  a  bouquet 
0^  K06t6.     Mc44  SckzbZeA  Mii  bfiideJimoiid  and  wa6  gowned  Zn  a  dxui  o^  oAcKld  c/iepe  dz 
chint  vnWi  hat  to  match.     The.  gfioom  uxu,  attended  by  Vjl.  Stantey  Caven&kz. 

Tht  bfildt  l6  a  daaghteA  oi  hit.  and  Uu.  John  SeZbieA  oi  tkU  caXij,  and  l6  a  mo6t 
ej>tunabtt  young  lady.     She  hcu,  been  employed  at  KL&maAck  ioft  the  past  thiee  yeoM,.  The 
Qfwom  U,  a  young  mm  o^  6teAZing  cJioAadeA  and  wo-tt/t  and  Zi  engaged  In  the.  goAage  bu6- 
'Lne^A  at  BcimoAcfe. 

Ha.,  and  Hu.  Godlfiey  oMZve-d  Jin  HanfUmon  ye^teAday  and  a^eA  a  ^ew  dayi  vLkiX  at 
the  home  0)J  the  bKide'i  parents  and  otheA  fieZativti  and  {^nlendi  uiilt  fietunn  to  KismoAck 
wheAe  they  uiiZZ  make  theZt  ^utuAe  home. 

The.  NEWS  join&  -in  iMth  theJA.  many  piiendi  in  extending  cjongfwtuZationi, . 
HMKZNSON  NEUIS  **********  j^^  jj^    ,0^5 



M/L6.  TUdiand  fKl&ckoMzn  dizd  cut  htn.  homz  in  St.  VauZ,  MN. ,  on  Wtdnziday  evening 
oi  lajbt  weefe,  ciQ<ui  IS  yzau,  a^te/i  4>meMng  ioK  two  and  one  haZ^  yzau  {^Kom  tubtuca- 
lo4>li  which  iollovozd  an  aiioick  oi  tkz  ibx. 

Vzcza/tzd  wai  a  daughtz/i  o^  Ma.,  and  Ufu>.  GzofiQZ  Kuhhvzin  o^  Waldo  and  was  wzii 
known  in  tJuJ,  vicUniiy.     La^t  iaJU.  thz  iamiZy  moved  to  St.  VaiiZ  wkzfiz  4fie  toatd  fae  undzn. 
COM.  oi  ApzcyialUti ,  but  iitttz  cjould  fae  donz  to  4>top  thz  Ka.vagz&  o^  thz  di6za&z.     Shz 
g/tew  itzjodity  wzakzK,  paiiing  auay  ixiit  Wzdnz&day. 

Shz  -04  />ufL\jivzd  by  thz  ioMcuiing  haiband  and  onz  tittlz  daughtzn.,  6  yzau  old. 
Thz  Ajzmainlt  wz/iz  ^hippzd  to  Hankinion  Tfiiday  and  ^unzfial  6zfivicz6  wznz  hzld  at  thz  Imm- 
anujzl  Eu.  ChuAch  Sunday  a^zAnoon,  Rev.  C.  Obz^dozitzn.  zonduxiting  thz  hzAvizz. 

Intznmznt  vxu  mode  at  thz  EvangtLical  Czmztzfiy. 
HANKJUSON  WEWS  ************  J^^^  j^    j922 


O/tmand  Szvzntion,    70  yzoAi  old,   ToAmzn.  nzoA  ¥z/tga&  Tall&,  wa6  killzd  by  a. 
bull  whilz  attempting  to  dKivz  cattlz  homz  ifiom  pa&tuA.z.     Mli  body  6hou)zd  zvidzncz 
0(J  a  haJid  itnugglz  in  which  hz  had  uizd  a.  pockzX.  knl^z  in  a  vain  attempt  to  dz{,znd 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  ^^^  J5_    jg22 

ChoAlzi  FaAnell,   {athzn.  o^  Bob  T^aAAzll  who  had  a  paint  ihop  hzAZ  lait 
4>ummeA,   commiXtzd  &ulcldz  at  Cayuga  la&t  weefe  by  dtinking  caAboZlc  add.     Hz  had 
bzzn  at  Cayuga  ^OK  about  6ix  wzzki,  making  hi&  homz  with  hU  6on  Bob  who  li  cond- 
ucting a  KZitauAant  thzAZ.     HI&  health  had  bzzn  pool  loA  &omz  -tone  and  thli  li  thz 
only  motlvz  known  ioK  hli  fui&h  act, 
HANKJUSON  NE)1S  ************  j^^^^  J5^    J922 

Qaitz  a  numbzfi  0(J  Hankaiion  xelativzi  and  ^Aiendi  attended  thz  ^unznal 
oi  Thomai,  GeAZ&zed  on  Wednesday  oi  loit  wzzk  at  Lldgznuiood.     Vzcza&zd  wa&  S4  yeau 
oi  agz  and  had  bzzn  a  KZildznt  oi  thz  LldgeAwood  vicinity  6incz  1S82.     Rev.  Jo4.   F. 
Studnicka  oi  thl6  city,  ai,4l6tzd  in  thz  iuneAol  6eA.vlcz&. 

Among  the  6UAvlvlng  childnzn  an.z;  Ua&.  Jo4  .  GKuha,   oi  thli  city:  M^4.  Aag- 
uit  Bztgman,   oi  Wahpzton,  and  UA/t.   Thomai  Manikomkl  oi  t^ooxeton. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  jj^^  22,    J  922 


John  TAxmdt,  SH. ,  dizd  out  thz  Wahpzton  Ho-ifU^tat  cut  tzn  o'clock  tkc6    (  Thuuday] 
monyujig  £Aom  compticatLoM  ^oLLouilng  the.  acddtyut  that  KU>aJittd  in  ^fiactwUng  kii  tzg 
a.  coaplz  oi  weefei  ago. 

Mewi  oi  kU  dzath  cornea  cu>  a  gA.eAt  6hock  to  hundAzd/>  o^  ^fiiondi,  thAoaghout  thi& 
4,e.ctlon,   bzcaaiz  it  li  io  uyizxpzcte.d.     At  lent  xcpoKti  hz  wen  doing  tiLcttij  and  even  thii, 
mofuiing  wot,  cAeetjJad  and  ojte.  a  hejvity  b^zak^a&t.     A  coUbvpiiO.  ioZZowzd,  howzv^,  and  hz 
4>ank  6tZ£idiZy  vntiZ.  daxxth  came,  at  ten  o'cJiock. 

About  tao  weefei  ago  he.  uxls  thAauin  ){Aom  a  toad  oi  ZumbeA  when  kii>  team  fcecame 
^fvLghtenzd  by  a  pairing  auto.     Thz  wagon  wheeJU  pa&ied  oveA  hl6  leg,  Kziulting  in  a 

bad  {AactuAz  o^  both  6onea  ja&t  ahovz  thz  night  anb/,z.     He  f/tld  in  the  Koad  {^oK  an  houA 
and  a  haZ^  until  a  pairing  can.  picked  him  up  and  bfiought  him  to  town.     HeAz  ^iMt  aid 
wait  given  and  hz  wa6  taken  to  thz  Wahpzton  Hoipital. 

Peceoied  wai  a  pionzzn.  izttleA  o^  Gnzendalz  towmhlp,  locating  thzfiz  in  thz  zoAly 
'806.     In  thz  gKzat  blLzzaxd  oi  Jan.   12th,   188S,  kis  wif^z  wa&  inczen  to  death,  leaving 
him  with  a  laAgz  ^amiZy  o^  imaJUi  childnzn,  now  gnown  to  manhood  and  womanhood  and  num- 
bznjzd  among    ouA  mo6t  highly  n£j>pzctzd  pzoplz. 

Thz  {tUneAal  wUZ  bz  held  SatuAday  at  1:30  ?U  at  thz  Congnzgational  Chjitch. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  jj^g^  22,    1922 


John  Joizph  Ludtaig  TfumdZ  waj>  bonn  in  SchweAzin  ViZtagz,  l^zcklznbuAg ,  Germany, 
on  July  6th,   1849,  whzAz  thz  liJil>t  lixtzen  yeoAi  oi  hli  li^e  wa&  4,pznt.     In  1865  thz 
family  immigAotzd  to  AmeAica,  izttting  ^iut  at  Vontagz,  Columbia  County,  WI.,  w^eAe 
^e  iu^jzct  0^  ouK  ikztck  ipzYvt  thz  yzoAi  oi  kU  young  manhood  and  woi  moMlzd  in 
ms  to  Lena  Eottkz. 

In  1885,  Mt.   Fnundt  made.  ki&  ^Ifut  vli^  to  Richland  County,  then  a  new  counfiy 
and  &paueZy  ^eXtZzd.     He.  {fUied  on  a  kome^tzad  In  what  ll>  now  GAzejidaZe  Towmkip. 
ReMinning  to  Wl6coni,ln,  he.  ipent  the.  wintex  tkexe  and  xeXuAned  to  WahpeXon  with  hZi 
{amiti/  AJi  the  ialZ  o^  1886.     The  ^oZZowlng  ipfujig  the  ianity  moved  to  theAJi  pnaVUe 
^a/un  and  it  wai  in  JanwoAy  o{  1888  that  Ufi.  ffumdt  wa&  depfu.ved  o^  the  a66L&tance  and 
com^oAJt  0^  hli  wl{^z  who  peA^Uhed  in  the.  gKtate^t  btizzand  oi  Jan.    12th. 

Le^  with  a  toAge  iamity  o^  imaZZ.  ckiZdAzn,  Ma..   Tnimdt  endafied  moKe  than  thz  muaZ 
hajidihlpi  oi  the  pioneeM.     He  kept  the.  ^amiZy  togetheJi,  howeveA,  and  tived  to  4ee  hl& 
oiffipfujig  take  theAM.  places  amoung  thz  Zzading  citizem  o^  thz  towmhip  and  become  a 
cAzdit  to  thz  paAznti  and  community.     He  tu/inzd  thz  iafm  oveA.  to  thz  boy&  many  yzafu, 
ago  and  6pent  hZi  dzcZlning  yzafi&  in  com^oAt  making  kii,  komz  with  kli  6on4>.     Hz  wa&  a 
wzZZ  known  iiguAz  in  Hankin&on  and  enjoyed  thz  {^hiendiitklp  and  eitzzjn  o^  hundAzd^  o^  pecpZz. 
JoviaZ  by  natuAz,  fee  wa&  a  wzZcome  vZsiton.  in  ouA.  tittZz  city  and  aZvoayi  had.  a  pZea&ant 
gKzetZng  iofi  zveAyonz.     Hz  uilZZ  bz  gxzatZy  ml&6ed  by  aZZ. 

About  thxzz  wzzk&  ago,  whiZz  AztuAning  home  ifvom  town  with  a  Zoad  o^  ZumbeA,  hli 
team  fum  away,  thfwwing  him  o^^,  and  thz  wheeZi  o^  thz  wagon  pa&Aed  oveA  hij,  Aight  Zeg 
cmi&ing  a  bad  ^fiactuAz  juit  abovz  thz  ankZz.     He  wa&  taken  to  thz  Wahpzton  HohpitaZ  and 
woi  iuppoAzd  to  bz  KecoveAing  niceZy  untiZ  Thuuday  monning,  June  22nd,  when  hz  iuddznZy 
coZZap/,zd  and  pob&zd  away  at  10  o'cJiock  AM,     beioA.z  thz  boy6  couZd  Kzach  kU  bzdMdz. 

Hz  Zi  AuAvivzd  by  thz  ioZZowing  chZZdAzn:  Ha6.  CampbeZZ,  SeattZz,  WA. ,  Hu.  CoaaLz 
Tyion  oi  KenmoAz,  tW.,  Wm.  J.   fnundt  and  J.   E.   Tfumdt  o^  GKzzndaZz  Township;  Mw.  Hlnniz 
JoAdan  oi  KaZl&peZZ,  MT. ,  and  Uu.  Annie  AmbAoie  o^  UlnnzapoZLi.     TheAz  oAz  aZ&o  thAzz 
AuAvZving  iZ&teAi,....Wi6.  MoAW  Hayden  o^  this  city,  Hfu.  J.  M  finZzy  oi  Uaion  City,  lA., 

and  M^.  H.  A.  Stzen  oi  ICOUzhoven,  UN.  Two  chiZdAzn  oAz  dzad Mamlz,  who  dlzd  20  yeau 

ago,  and  ChanZzy,  who  died  at  thz  agz  oi  two  yeaxit  back  in  Wisconsin. 

VuAlng  thz  yeaA&  hz  Zlvzd  In  WZ6con6in,  Ma.   FAundt  waj>  zngagzd  at  time^  in  "Aaiting" 
down  the  Hii>6Z&6ippi  TliveA,  making  &zveAaZ  tAlpi>  to  St.   LouZ6  and  othzA  nZvzA  cltiej). 
Audz  iAom  thli  Zine  ojj  woAk  mo&t  o^  ku  Zi^z  wai,  6pent  in  ioAming. 

Thz  high  z&teem  in  wkich  dzczoizd  wai,  heZd  wai  evident  ^Aom  thz  ZoAge  attendance 
at  thz  ianzAaZ,  which.  wa6  heZd  SatuAday  a^teAnoon  at  the  CongAzgatlonaZ  ChuAch.     Thz 
edi^icz  wa^  ^iZZzd  to  capacity  with  oZd  ^Alendi  and  nelghboAs,  gathzAed  to  pay  thziA 
£inaZ    tAlbutz  o^  Az&pect.     Thz  ca&kzt  wa&  aZmo6t  conczaZzd  beneath  thz  gAeat  bank  oi 
iZoweA&  and  thz  izAvicz,  which  woi  conductzd  by  Rev.  CZoAznce  Coaa,  wai  bzoiVtliaZ  and 
comioAtuig  to  the  bzAeaved  onei.     Thz  Aemalm  wzAz    ZaJid  at  Azit  in  HiZiiidz  CemetzAy, 
{oZZowed  to  thz  iinaZ  Ae^ting  pZacz  by  a  ZoAge  concouAiz  oi  ioAAowlng  iAlzndi. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  j^^  29,    1922 


TouJvUn.  oi  July  {utLv.Ctit&  wzAt  dmnge-d  to  moaftyilng  at  the.  Ancf^ew  Oldi  home. 
In  GKe.e.ndaJiz  Tutiday  wkeyi  theJji  titttz  ion  VcunieJL  (OLoppe.d  o^  hzant  ^cuZuAe.  wkcZz    ■ 
ptajyinq  about  the.  yand. 

Thz  lad  had  nzveA  been  &t^wng  but  uxu  pZmjJinQ  oA  oiood,  when  hz  iuMejiiij  colZap- 
4>e.d  and  pa^ed  away  uiithin  a  ^ew  moments. 

The.  tUtiz  ieJLlow  woa  thnze.  yesJUt  old  on  KpiuJL  14th  and  beiZdeJ>  the.  itAlckzn 
paA.ejnts>  he.  iM  iuAvi.ved  by  a  ^>Z&teA  18  montki  oZd. 

The.  iuneAoZ.  li  being  heZd  tha>  a^teAnoon  at  thz  M.  V.  ChuAch  Zn  GKzendaZe. 
HAWnWSON  hlEWS  ************  j^^  ^^    j92Z 


Mo4e4  FeAgu44on,   1%,  a  Kjuident  oi  tki&  itctlon  moKz  Hum  SO  yea/u,,  dizd  at  a. 
Wahpeton  Ho&pital.     He  woi  bonn  nzan.  Sheboygan,  WI.     About  the  time  o^  thz  ClvU.  Wax 
ht  came,  to  Dakota,  tvovitjony  and  engagzd  In  ifieyightLng  by  muZz  tzam  betwzzn  ¥ofU  AbeA- 
CAjOmblz  and  ElinaAck. 

In  1882  hz  maAAlzd  Uiii  Hinnlz  PleZkz  o^  Wahpzton.     Thzy  tivzd  about  10  yzau 
on  a  ^oAm  60uth  o^  kbeAcAjonhiz,  then  moved  tjo  a  ^a/im  6lx  mU.z&  nofithzoit  o^  BAzckzn- 
Kidgz,  wheJvz  thzy  Az&ldzd  about  15  yzafu,,  untiZ  coming  to  Wahpeton  about  (J^ve  yzaM 
ago.     Tzn  ckiZxiAzn  iuAvlvz. 
HAWKINSON  NEWS  ************  j^^  J3^    j92Z 


M'lA.  ChofdLeJi  HKuby,  uii^z  o^  a  wzZZ  known  LibeAty  Ghjovz  {oAmzA,  dizd  Tuziday 
altzA  a  bfiizi  -cLtneM.     Shz  li  iuAvZvzd  by  thz  hu&band  and  ^ouA  imaZZ  ckiZdAen,  thz 
eZdz&t  10  yzau  old  and  thz  youngz&t  a  babz  o^  onz  yzoA. 
HAMKINSON  MEUIS  ************  j^^^  J3^    J922 

A  notz  lAom  h\  0,  Saxv.Ui,   ionmeA  iupznlntzndznt  oi  thz  HanfuMon  (uty  ickoolM. 
announces  thz  death  oi  hZs.  iathzA  at  FcuAv^ew  Ho^plXal.  Unneapotis,  on  Tnlday  mofining. 
Hz  urn  opeAotzd  on  ioK  thAeatznzd  canceA  thz  pfievlouj,  SatuAday  and  thz  -sfiocfe  woi  too 
gAzat  ioA  hli  itAength  to  lalth&tand. 

Vzcejoizd  vl&lXzd  In  HanfUn&on  ^oA  izveJuxJL  dayi  thz  pa^t  ipfUng  and  made  the 
acquaZntancz  oimany  o^  ouA  pzoplz,   aU  oi  whom  oAe  gAZJxtty  zhockzd  to  leoAn  o^  hli 
unexpected  death.     Hz  wa£  a  plonzeA  o^  Iowa,  his  iatheA  fuiv^  ieXXlzd  nzax  Vzconah  oveA 
mty  ijeoA^  ago.     Thz  iunZAol  woi  fie£d  at  VzcoKoh. 
HAUKWSON  MBJS  ************  juLj  20 ,    1922 


Tke.  (JoAm  home,  ojj  Mt.  and  Hu.  Svzmiz  OvZnd,   ^ouA.  mJizi  iouthwz6t  oi  Wt/ndmeAe, 
wait  ihe.  icene  oi  a  veAy  tmiofitujnai.e.  acddtnt  on  Tuesday  a^eAnoon,  uiken  a  ttam  fian 
away  and  fatally  JjijuJitd  HoAoZd,  tkzJji  ^ouA  yzan.  old  6on. 

It  woi  an  unavaidabZe.  accZdznt.     Thzy  had  been  unloading  hay  at.  the.  boAn  when 
om  0(J  the  itoAted  on  tht  /um.     Little  HoAold  woj  unawa/ie  0(J  the  appAoachlng 
dangeA,  OA  he  aooi  pZayZng  />omz  distance  aioay  and  the.  team  knocked  kim  down,  Zn^tict- 
ing  injuAA.eJt  wkick  pJioved  iataZ.     He  died  a  £ew  hoau  lateA. 
HANKIMSON  WEWS  ************  j^^^  27,    792Z 

The.  (iJlppeAjman  auto  hexiue  woi  called  Into  a6e.  at  LidgeAwood  Wednesday  ^oA 
the.  ^oneAol  o^  HeAbeAt,    19  yeAA  old  ion  ojj  Ua.  and  Hu.   LaA&  ZingilangeA,  who  died  at 
a  St.  Paul  Hospital  the  ilA6t  o^  the.  week  ^Kom  compllcatlon&  following  a  ieveAe  attack 
o£  Influenza  a  ^eui  yeoAi  ago. 

Vecejued  wa&  boAn  and Muj>zd  In  the  LidgeAu^ood  neighborhood,  the  poAenti  being 
well  known  {oAmefU,  ioath  oi  that  cLty. 
HMKJNSON  NEWS  ************  j^  27,    1922 

A     MAW 

A  woman  employee  o^  a  papeA  manu^actuAlng  company,  ti/ied  o{  heanlng  men  booit  o£ 
thelt  InpoAtance  dag  up  the  ^axit  that,  according  to  6clentiilc  Investigation  the  IngKed- 
lenti  oi  a  man  plal>  watzA  oAz  oi  ^oltow^; 

Tat  enough  ^OA.  &even  baA6  o^  ioap. 
lAon  enough  ioK  a  medium  /tlzed  nail. 
SugaA  enough  to  {fill  a  ihakeA. 
.  Lime  enough  to  whitewash  a  chlckencoop. 
PhoiphoAoui  enough  to  make  2,000  match  tlpi. 
Ikigneilum  enough  ^oA  a  dole  oi  magneila. 
VotaJiilum  enough  to  explode  a  toy  cannon. 
SulphuA  enough  to  fU.d  a  dog  o^  ^leei. 
Thli  whole  collection  li  worth  98  centi  and  that  In  a  day  when  thlngi 

OAZ  three  tlmei  a&  high  ai  they  u&ed  to  be 


HMKWSON     MEWS  ************  j^  27,    1922 


The,  body  oi  Htti  HeJUon,  pAo6pzAoui>  ^oAmeA.  o^  tka,  dUttAlct,  mho  dliappzoAzd 
JuZy  15th,  iMU  ^ound  Zn  ikz  Shzyenne.  RlvzA,  about  izvzn  mlLu  nofithjMUt  o^  LuveAne. 
zanZy  Sunday  moaning. 

The.  CoAoneA'4  jany  that  trivet tlgatzd  hii  dexath  heZd  that  Wi.  Uetion  had  dLe.d 
by  dAamrUng,  maktng  no  attempt  at  ({-cxtng  tJie  monncA  tn  which  he  came  to  dxown. 

Wl.  UeJUon  woi  i/u,t  &e.en  at  a  meeXtng  o^  a  chuAch  ioctety  ntan.  ha,  home.     He 
Ze{^t  the.  meeting,  complaining  at  the  time  that  he.  uioi  6u^eAAJiq  {jwm  a  6 eveAe  head- 
ache.    HAjt  automobttz.  he  teit  i.n  the  gaAage  on  kis  ^anm.     The  poZnt  voheAe.  Haj,  body 
woi  ijotmd  -a  about  ioan  mitzi>  inom  kU  homz. 

Txizndi  beJLievz  that  Wi.  NeZion  woa  oveAcomz  by  thz  hent  and  wandeAzd  about 
the  country  not  knowing  what  hz  woi  dotng  and  that  hz  wznt  into  thz  fUvzA  uihiZz  In 
that  condLution. 

A  thoftjough  izanxih  6^  thz  tzAAltoxy  had  bzzn  ofiganizzd  hzvzfwJi  dayh.     Wi.  HeJUon 
wai  not  ma/uiied.     Thz  iunzAat  wai,  hztd  Honday. 
HAMKJNSON  NEWS  »««««»«»»«««  j^^^  27,    1922 

Young    UatAcn,     TonmeA    Hankln&on    Rzi'ident,     WWi    Be    BuAizd    Hzfiz 

A  mei^age  woi  Kzcelvzd  hzfiz  Uondojj  mohning  announcing  the  death  o^  Ufiit.  Vavtd 
Remptz,  nee  Tu664,  at  heJi  homz  -in  Vutton,  MT.  Thz  J>ajd  new4  camz  ai>  a  gxeat  &hock  to 
tht  KeZativei,  and  {^ejidit  heAz  a&  no  pAzvtoui,  wofid  oi  heJi  tttnzSii  had  bzzn  Azczlvzd 
and  60  ion.  at,  knomi  ihz  mat,  In  thz  bzi,t  oi  health. 

Vzczaizd  wai  boAn  at  South  Rcdge,  WI  on  May  29th,   U92,  and  mo4,t  o^  hzA  ti{,z 
wai  ipent  Zn  Hanklmon.     Hzfi  poAznti,  Mt.  and  Uti.  W.  G.  Tubbi,  tocated  In  thii  CAJty 
when  ihz  wai  about  ^vz  yeafii  old  and  ihz  attzndzd  ouA  pubtic  ichooti  ^Aom  thz    pfii- 
moAy  gAade^i  until  graduation  ^m  Htgh  School.     LateA  ihe  attended  CoAtzton  Collzgz 
at  HoAth^eZd,  MW. ,  gAaduating  ^m  that  tnititutlon  with  honoAi.     Thii  wai   ^ollowzd 
by  a  EuAopzan  touA  o^  izveAaZ  monthi  a^tzA  which  ihz  taught  in  thz  Hankinion  High 
School  up  to  thz  timz  o^  hzA  moAAlage  i.n  kphJil  oi  1917  to  Vavld  Remplz.     Thz  young 
huiband  engaged  in  the  banking  baii.nzii  at.  Vutton,  MT.,  and  they  havz  Aziidzd  in  that 
vtllagz  up  to  thz  pAziznt  timz. 

Ufa.  Tubbi,  motheA.  oi  Hazel  dizd  In  JanuaAy,   1903,  and  thz  motheAlzii  little 
ilitzAi,  Hazel  and  Helen,  made  thziA  homz  wiXh  thelA  aunt,  lAfii.    Lola  E.   JCinnzy.     It 
can  bz  tAuly  iaid  that  thz  dzczoizd  wai  laved  by  all  who  biew  hzA.     She  wai  blziizd 
with  a  kindly  dlipoiitlon  that  madz  ^Aizndi  o^  all  with  whom  ihz  aiiociatzd  and  hzA 
untimzly  dzath  comzi  ai  a  peAional  bzAzavemznt  to  icoKsJ,  oi  ihlendi  OM  well  04  thz 
KeXatJivzi.     Shz  wai  active  In  thz  iocial  liiz  oi  ouA  littlz  city  and  wai  Voit  f^atAon 
oi  ZuAah  ChapteA  0.  V.  S.     Shz  alio  took  a  dzzp  inteAzit  in  thz  young  people  in  heA 
choAgz  when  ihz  taught  in  ouA  high  ichool  and  heA  dzath  Li  mouAned  ai  a  peAional  loii 
by  heA  ionmeA  pupili. 

Shz  Z&  6LLfivZ\Jzd  by  the.  ha&band  and  iwo  hmxZZ.  ckitdKzn l)lZlLi(m  HeAbeAt,  aged 

4,  and  CatheAlne.  BzZZe.,  agzd  2. 

The.  iaXkeX,  W.  G.  Tubbi>  -U  expeC/Ced  ionight  iKom  Tltlman,   FL.     OthzA  neZaXJiveJ^ 
Ajt&Zduig,    -en  HanfUn&on  oAe:  MA4.    LauAa  E.   Klnnzy,  an  Aunt;  H.  A.  MeMl{^eZd  and  W.   G. 
HeAAA.iieZd,  UncZe^;  Uu.  HaAAiet  A,  UeAAi^eZd,  G^umdmotheA;  Mc44  Helen  Tubb.1,,  i/J>teA. 

The  fLemainii  ofiAivzd  Taziday  ifvom  Montana,  accompanied  by  tht  ifUcken  haiband. 
The.  iuneAoZ.  wlU,  be.  heXd  Fnlday  a^teAnoon  iMith  ieAVA.ceJ>  by  Rev,  H.  C.  JtieZZ  at  thz 
CongA.egatL]naJi  ChuAch.  InteAment  mWL  be  made  In  thz  ^amiZy  lot  at  HJUUUA,dz  CemeteAy. 


J.  C.  VkLcz,   iatheA  oi  Ufii>.  Kate  Spott6wood  and  Hiii  Adelaide  Vfiicz  o^  tkU  city, 
ditd  at  the  SotdleA&  Home  -en  UinnzapoZAJt  on  Friday  Augoit  Sfid,  at  the  advanced  age.  oi 
88  yeoAd.     He  had  been  ^OAjLing  6teadiZy  ^ofi  i>ome.  time  paitt  and  the  end  wai  viot  unexpected. 

Vecea&e.d  woi  oi  Engtl&h  poAentage,  bo  fin  in  WaZzi,  but  came,  to  AmeAica  when  a  young 
man  and  Jtocated  tn  Hinnt&ota  wheAe.  he.  u)a&  one  of,  the  veAy  eoAly  iettleAM.     He  Ke^ided  In 
the.  vicinity  oi  the  pfieJ>ent  town  oi  EuHato,  AW.,  and  at  the  outbreak  oi  the  Civil  Wan 
walkzd  to  FoAt  SnelZLng  wheAe.  fee  entci-ted  In  the  ¥iA6t  Him..  Regiment,     Taken  pAl&oneA 
at  the.  battle  oi  UuAphyibofw ,  he.  wai  In  a  ioutheAn  pnlion  ion.  a  ^hont  tlmz  but  woi  pa- 
fwllzd  and  fmtuAnzd  to  Minneio-Ca.     TheAe.  he  again  zntzAzd  mlHtoAiy  ieAvlcz  and  took  an 
actlvz  paAt  In  KzpeMlng  the  Indian  upnli,lng6.  In  that  6tatz.     Hz  was  alio  itatlanzd  at 
Font  AbeAcAomblz  [tkii  county)   ion  a  time  daning  the  '606  and  to  thz  wnLteA  hoi  mlatzd 
ma/ty  Intznzitlng  neminiicenczi  oi  Indian  ilghtlng. 

LateA  thz  iamily  located  In  Hinnejapolii  whzne  they  njzzldzd  ion  monz  than  ility 
yearn,  mth  the  exception  oi  a  4>hont  tlmz  6pznt  In  Flonida.     Mw.  Pnlcz  died  a  tittlz 
oveA  a  yean.  ago.     Thenz  anz  ilvz  iunvlvlng  chlldAm-  Capt.  AnthuA  C.  Vnicz,   ilne  man&hal 
oi  Uinnzapolii;  Hn&.  T.  K.  WiZion  oi  Hinnzapolit, ,  Hli,i>  Geongla  Vnlce  oi  Izpyh/ihllt^ ,  FL. , 
and  Ui&4,  Adelaldz  Vnlce  oi  thli  city. 

Vzceoizd  wai  a  kindly  old  gentleman  and  daning  vl&lti  to  hli  daughten&  henz  made 
thz  acquaintance,  oi  many  oi  ouA  people.     Thz  sympathy  oi  all  goe&  out  to  the  beAeavzd 
one&  In  thein  ionnow. 


On  Wzdnz&day,  August  2nd,  6hontly  aiten  mon,  Jame4  S.  Hannington,  a  Hamlin  iaAmzn 
died  suddenly.     Hz  had  been  at  wonk  at,  u^ual  dunlng  the  ionenoon  and  at  noon  went  to  the 
home  ion  dlnnzn  and  aiten  thz  mzal,  lajy  on  thz  ponch  ion  a  4,hont    nz6t  bzionz  netuAning 
to  hli>  hanveMt.     Aitzn  a  iew  minuter  he  got  up  inom  thz  ponch  and  itoAted  towalk  acnoi>i> 
th.e  yoAd  and  ieJil  to  the  gnound,   dying  a  minute  on  two  latzn,  beione  anything  could  be 
cfone  to  aid  him. 

Thz  dzczoizd  was  bonn  In  New  Vonk  on  Nov.  9th,   1873  and  came  to  Vaizota.  when  a 
6malZ  boy  with  hli  poAznti.     Hz  hai>  ilncz  ne&ldzd  at  Hamtln  and  hai,  bzzn  engaged  In 

The.  deceoiecf  woi  nuvovizd  in  1909  to  HU-i  Agnei  Wzgznex,  uko  4u/iU/t.ue4  him.     Thvit 
weJLZ  tiuo  6oni,  bom  to  thU  imion,   Eafit  age.  15,  and  ktvln  age  10,  who  iuJivlve.. 

The.  iuneAoZ.  AeAv-cce  wai  heZd  on  SatuAday,  Aagai>t  5th,  at  the  ^amlZy  KeMidencz  and 
at  the  Bohemian    Hatt  at  2  o' cZodi  and  was  conducted  by  Rev.   EKooki>  o^  iWbion  and  Rev. 

E.F.  Moviui  oi  thii>  city LidgeAwood  UotuJjofi. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  kaguJ>t  10,    1922 


CafiZ  LaAJiOn,   16  yeoA.  old  i>on  o^  Ux.  and  Wu>.  Net&  Lation  o^  Tonman,  wa&  dAowned 
on  Sunday  af^tcAnoon  In  the  immning  hote  below  the.  dam  at  Toht  Han&om  in  wateA  30  ieet 
dzep  be^oAe.  at  Zeoit  25  6pectatoAi,. 

CoaZ,  with  hi&   ^oiki  woi  in  a  gAoup  oi  25  FoAman  pZcnickeAA  who  had  come  to  ToAt 
Han&om  to  spend  the  day.     They  had  aZZ  gone  i.n  6wimming  a^teA  dinneA,  when  AuddenZy 
CoaZ  ihouted  ^OA  heZp.     H-ci  youngeA  bAotheA,  age  13,  6wam  to  hid  Ae^cae.     CoaZ  Zn  the 
act  0(5  dAownZng  caught  hZi,  bAotheA.  60  de^peAoteZy  and  itoAted  to  puZZ  him  down  with 
hZm,  that  it  wai>  onZy  a^eA  a  sevejie  itAuggZe  that  he  wai  able  to  bAeak  away  {/torn  hi6 
cZutch  ja&t  in  time  to  6ave  hZmieZ^  {^m  goZng  undeA.  aZio. 

AppaAeyitZy  theAe  maiit  have  been  weeds  oA  jagged  Aocki  whZch  heZd  the.  cZothing  OjJ 
CanZ  ioA  hZi  body  did  not  come  to  the  6uA{iace  once  a^teA  sinking.     It  was  an  houA  be- 
ioAe.  Zt  was  AecoveAed  and  aZthough  AcsuscZtation  was  apptied  aZZ  e{,{,ofUs  to  AzstoAe  ti£e 
weAe.  o£  no  avail. 

The  boy  had  but  one  ye/xA  le^t  Zn  the  high  school  at  Vonman.     He  was  weZZ  known 
in  the  community  and  the  ncMii  oi  his  death  cornea  as  a  shock  to  him  many  iAiends.     He 
Ze.ave^  his  paAentS  and  one  bAotheA  and  one.  sisteA.     TuneAoZ  seAvices  weAe  held  Wednes- 
day at  the  LutheAon  ChuAch  in  ToAman, 



Lee  Olson  o^  RydeA,  NV. ,  was  instantly  killed  and  a  woman  whose  name,  has  not  been 
lexAned  was  injuAcd  when  an  automobile  in  which  the.y  weAe  Aiding  with  seveAoZ  otheAS 
oveAtuAned  on  a  Aoad  neoA  SZsseXon  last  FnZday.     The  otheAs  escaped  unhuAt. 

The  machine  was  tAaveZing  at  a  high  Aate  o^  speed  it  is  said,  when  it  stAuck  a 
caZi  in  the  Aoad. 

HANKINSON    NEWS                               ************  August  10,    1922 


One.  oi  the.  saddest  ieatvAes  oi  the  Boo  wAeck  at  Annandale,  MN. ,  SatuAday  was  the 
death  oi  Raymond  and  EduooAd  UlAich,   bnotheAS,  aged  18  and  20  yeoAS  AespectZveZij ,   oi 
Honlcon,  Wl. 

The  boys  weAe  sitting  togetheA  in  the  ilZ-iatdd  smoking  coA  in  which  most  oi 
the  iataZcties  occuAed.     Both  weAe  instantly  kiZZed,  the  beZng  teAAibly  cAushed 

^n  the.  ma&6  o{  tangtzd  itzeZ  and  wood. 

Thz  Zadi  weJiz  bound  ioK  Hankyin&on  wheAt  thzy  expected  to  woAk  (^on.  Tfumk 
dafUng  thz  tivieMking  ^eoion.     ThzVi  paAznti  wete  oZd  (JJ^&con6Zn  {/Uznd6  o^  the.  TZzgi 
^amlty  and  Mt.  Tcegi  had  Ke.czA.vzd  a  meMage.  the  day  be^oxz  the  w/iecfe  to  be  -in  town 
and  meet  the  boyi>.     Wu  and  Mw.  Tieg4  vZi-cted  thz  UZulck  home  Im.  bl-Ucom^n  last  uilnteA. 

ffiitz  SchweA-zeA,  an  old  pUend  o^  thz  UVUck  boy^,  was  ieated  a  ihont  dlitance. 
behind  them  but  escaped  valth  a.  ^ew  coti  and  b>uuj>ej>.     A  pyizce  of,  gtaj,^  penztKoted  kUi 
iCjotp  and  had  to  be  fuunovzd  by  a  phy&i.clan.     Hz  woi  aZ&o  bound  {^oA.  HankirU>on  and 
continazd  Haj,  JouAnzy  on  the  ^Oi&t  t/uiLn  uiz&t  aitzn.  the  wxzck.     He  laiZZ  6pznd  thz 
^ecLion  thfiz&king  -in  tkii  vicinity. 

Thz  bodieA  o£  thz  UVilch  bKothzfiM  weA.z  shipped  to  WonJicon  uiheAz  thz  funeAoZ  wai 
heZd  yz&teAday.     Hfu  and  Mw.   Ffiank  Tlzgi  tzit  Monday  ^ox  WZ&ccmtn  to  attend  thz 
ob.izquZeJi.     'Thzy  oM.  zxpectzd  homz  fniday  ok  SatuKday. 


OIZ  TKuck  VKivzK  Rzipon&lblz  foK  Many  Vzathi  and  JnjwUzi  In  TkoJji  Sma&h 

Onz  0^  thz  uoKit  WKzcki,  that  zvzK  occuAKzd  on  thz  main  tinz  of  thz  Soo,  took  place 
at  Annandale  la&t  SatuKday  aftzKnoon  when  tKaln  No.  107  wa6  wKzckzd  by  colZiilon  with  an 
oil  tKuck.     Tzn  wzKz  liiZled  and  thiKy-flvz  InjuKzd  In  thz  colLi&lon. 

fKzd  LamoK  of  Haplz  Lakz,  who  wai,  dKlvlng  thz  oil  tKuck,  aXtemptzd  to  chJ0i>6  thz 
tKock  In  fKont  of  thz  tKoin.     Thz  engine  pa&hzd  thz  tKuck  agaln&t  thz  switch,  opening  It 
io  that  thz  coachzi  following  thz  baggage  wzKz  6wltchzd  on  thz  hldz  tKack  and  Into 
colllitlon  with  a.  fKelght  tKoln  standing  on  thz  elding. 

LamaA  and  ki&  companion  wzkz  klZlzd.     A  baggagz  caK  and  a  wooden  6mokzK  which 
led  thz  thiKtzen  coachzi  Into  thz  coZtii,lon  with  thz  fKelght  engine,  wzkz  tzlz&copzd. 
Hoit  of  thz  InjuKzd  and  dead  weAe  occupants  of  thz  smoking  coK.     ChKli,  Wallace,  znglnzeK 
of  thz  fKzlglvt  tKoln  was  kiZlzd. 

Thz  pai,4,zngzK  tKaln  was  tKaveZing  about  thlAty  miZzi  an  houA  on  a  down_gKadz  when 
thz  colZl&lon  occjunjzd.     VacaXlonlsts  bound  foK  Annandalz  wzkz  In  thz  vzitlbulzs  pKzpaAjzd 
to  Izavz  thz  tKOin. 

G.   H.  Hdhm,   bKakemm  on  thz  fKzlght  tKoln  which  was,  on  thz  siding,  iau)  lamzK 
appKoach  with  thz  tKuck  and  wannzd  Irujn  not  to  cAoss.     "If  a  man  zvzK  had  sufficient 
wanning  not  to  cKoss  thz  tKacks,  thz  dnlvzK  of  that  oU.  tAuck  did!'  4>tatzd  Rahm.     "I  was 
4>tatlonzd  at  thz  cKosslng  within  a  few  fezt  fKom  thz  switch,  knowing  that  thz  passzngzK 
tKoln  was  duuz.     Thz  tKuck  dnlvzK  appKoachzd,  honking  kls  hoKn,  and  I  wavzd  wildly  to  kirn 
to  itop.     But  fee  mzKeZy  lookzd  towand  thz  fKelght  tAaln  4)tandlng  on  thz  sldz  tKacks,  and 
nzvzK  slackzd  his  4 peed." 

Thz  pas4,zngzK  tKoln  cKashzd  Into  thz  tKuck,  which  In  toKn  was  thnown  against  thz 
switch  toKgzt.     This  thKew  thz  switch  open  and  thz  pasizngzK  znglnz  and  mall  coK  pKo- 
ceeded  on  thz  main  llnz  tKack  but  thz  switch  split  the  tKoln,  so  that  the  Kzst  of  -O- 
went  on  thz  siding,   cKoshing  Into  thz  fKzight  engine,  and  mall  ccA. 

The.  {fOUtt  iouJi  ccuii  Jadznl^zd,  />omz  o^  tkejn  teZ<u>copzd,  whiZe.  thoie.  In  thz 
KejUfL  weAe  ^hcdizn  bat  not  thAjown  o^i  thz  tAock. 

CAjOWcU,  0(5  ptopZe.  i>oon  Auihzd  to  thz  fiztie.^  oi  tkz  InjuAzd.     Uany  occupanti  0|J 
thz  imokZng  cox  wzAZ  plnzd  bzntcUh  thz  wiecfeage,     Thz  diAZ  dzpoAtmznt  ^oaght  thz  £lamz6 
u)kidi  vozAz  ipizadinQ  thncagh  thz  uvie.ckagz  towafid.  thz  -injuAzd. 

AnnandaZz  hai  a  nzw  watzA  wofiki  4>y6tzm  uihLck  fuu  jait  been  complz^zd.     Thzfiz  wcut 
coni'LdzAa.btz  oppo^fitLon  to  thz  biUZding  oj{  thz  uccutzAwoAJu ,   but  u)hzn  thz  {/A.zjnzn  had 
&wc.c.zzdzd  In  putting  out  thz  {JLamzii,  saving  thz  tiiz  oi  tuoo  Annandatz  boy6  and  po66lbly 
othzA.  poMzngzfii,  thz  Uayon  6tatzd  that  thzfiz  wouZd  bz  no  moKz  oppoi-ition  to  thz  watzfi 
uJoAk,  it  had  p>u}\)zd  aZuzady  that  it  woi  woKth  moKz  than  it  cjoi>t. 

Among  thz  thlAty~^vz  inJuAzd  axz  &ix  who  ofiz  in  izAioai  dangzft.     ChafiLzi  H.   Math- 
em,  vztzfuxn  paJi6znQZ>i  condactoA.  on  thz  Soo  Linz  was  among     thz  injuAzd.     It  woi  at  liMt 
bzZizvzd  that  hz  had  ^uHzAzd  intzAnaZ  inJuAiz^.     LatzK  Kzpofvtk  indicatz  that  kL&  cond- 
ition ij>  not  izAioa&. 

TKitz  Schuizizz'i  OjJ  VaJdington,  WZ.,  who  woi  on  hi6  way  to  Hankinson,  wai  cut  abovz 
thz  zyzi>,   bfimJitd  and  otheAuxliz  injufitd.     Hz  wa6  fitting  in  thz  imokzn.  whzn  thz  cottuion 
occuAAzd,  Hz  fenew  both  Edmund  and  Vaymond  UViich  o^  HoKicon,  WI.,  who  wzfiz  kiZtzd.     Thzy 
wz/iz  &tzzping  in  a  izat  nzoA  SdrwzizzA..     SchMZyUzA  madz  ka,  z&capz  ^fwrn  thz  tAoin  by 
cAouZing  thAough  a  uUndow. 

Thz  tiit  oi  dzad  Kzachzd  tzn  Uonday  with  thz  poiiibitity  that  othzA  bodiz6  might 
bz  ^ound  whzn  aZZ  oi  thz  w/izchagz  had  been  cZzoAzd  away.     Onty  onz  o{  thz  bodiz&  had 
not  been  idznti^zd.     Thz  tU>t  oi  thz  injuAzd  may  fizach  ionty,  izvzAoZ  o^  whom  oAz 
^zniouily  inj'uAzd  and  may  not  AzcovzA. 

Many  o{,  thz  dzad  and  injuAzd  wzAz  mzn  in  thz  imokzA.  on  thziA  way  to  thz  Dakota 
haAvz6t  ^zldi.     ThzAz  wai  not  a  6zcond'6  wanning  (^on.  any  oi  thzm  to  makz  thziA  zi,capz. 

HAMKJNSON     NWS  *     ***********  Augu&t  77,    J92Z 


HoMiblz  TAogzdy  Tiz&uLU  Whzn  ChiZdAzn  VZaying  With  Matchzi 
Afiz  T^jOppzd    In    BuAning     BaAn 

Onz  0^  thz  mo-it  shocking  tAagzdizi  that  hoi  zvzt  takzn  pZacz  in  thii  vicinity 
occuAzd  at  Campbz/Z  Zait  ThuA^day  a{^zAnoon  whzn  f^ouA  chiZdAzn  met  death  in  thz  Zo^ 
o{,  a    bann  which  thzy  had  izt  iiAz  to  whiZz  pZaying  with  matchzi. 

When  thz  {,iAz  had  bzzn     extingut&hzd  by  thz  CainpbzZJL  TiAz  VzpoAtmznt,  thz  chiZd- 
A.en  WZAZ  iound  huddZzd  togetheA  undeA  thz  hay  in  onz  connzn.  oi  thz  hay  Zo{t  viheAz  thzy   . 
had  taken  fvziugz  inxim  thz  ipn.zading  ^Zamzi.     None  o^  thz  chiZdAzn  wzAz  badZy  buAnzd 
and  it  wai  appaAznt  that  they  had  died  ifiom  haf^^ocatlon  ^nom  thz  imokz  and  itzam. 
Thz  dzad  weAz  John  Stzvzm,  age  9  yzau;  RaZph  Stzvzn&,  age  7  yzau;  and  AZbeAt  Stzveni, 
agz  3  yzoM,  aZZ  6oni>  o^  Ma.  and  Mu.   RaZph  Stzvens  0({  Campbztt;  and  EdwoAd  Wfiay,  age 
7  yeoA^,  only  ion  oi  Vfi.  and  Mfii,.  W.   E.   Wnay  oi  Campbeti. 

A  AzpoHt  woM  /izceived  hzAz  that  thz  chiZdAzn  had  bzzn  izzn  pZaying  nzoA  thz  baAn 

ihonXtij  bzioKe.  tkz  -fuxgedt/  occuAAzd  and  thaX.  ihe.u  wzAz  Zn  poii>Ui>Zon  oi  ^omz  mcUchej> 

uiLth  iohlcJi  thzy  u)£AZ  playing.     ShofutZy  a^teJi  a  poiiZAby  &aw  imokz  coming  {^fwm  thz  Zo{t 
0^  thz  Hznfiy  Hiuie  bam.     An  aZoAm  wa4  tuAnzd  in  and  ihz  flfiz  VzpaAJtmznt  Kzipondzd  at 
oncz.     That  thz  boAn  wa&  not  zntOitZy  dzit/ioyzd  by  {^Ifiz  li  a  cAzdit  to  thz  zxzzttznt 
wank  donz  by  thz  voluntzzA.  ^Vizmzn  who  wofdzzd  uxLth  thz  knoujZzdgz  that  upon  thzm  might 
dzpznd  thz  tlvzi  o^  thz  chiZdAzn  who  had  bzzn  4een  playing  nzoA  thz  boAn. 

Whzn  zntAancz  could  fae  madz  to  thz  boAn,   ^lAzmzn  Kzpofitzd  that  thzfie.  u)ai  no  onz 
In  thz  lo{^.     Bat  whzn  thz  ^lAZ  wai  zjntlAzly  zxtlngulihzd  thz  iouA  llttZz  bodlzi>  wzAz 
^ound  huddlzd  togzthzA  In  thz  hay.     Thz  bodlzi  uizAz  Kzmovzd  at  oncz  and  zvzAy  zHoKt 
uxU)  madz  to  Kzitoxz  V-iz,   bat  to  no  avail. 

kt  thz  tbnz  o^  thz  accidznt,  Va.  WAay  uxl&  at  Vonan  whzAz  hz  had  bztn  callzd.     Vk. 
and  Hfn,.  lilAoy  havz  onz  othzt  child,  a  tittlz  glAl.     Uk.  and  Uai,.  Stzvznl,  uizAz  on  an 
auto  tAip  to  Uinnzapolii.     Thz  nzm  o^  thz  tzAAlblz  tAagzdy  AzacJizd  thzjn  thzAZ  and  thzy 
AztuAnzd  at  oncz  to  CarrpbeXZ  by  tAoin.     ThzAz  oAz  tMO  chlldAzn  In  thz  Stzvzns  family 
oldzA  than  thoiz  who  mzt.    dzath  In  thz  ilAz  loit  wzzk. 


M^.  Math  KathzAinz  Sckittz,  a  Az&ldznt  oi  Zickiand  County  {^OA.  ^oAty  yzaA6,  dizd 
at  hzA  homz  in  tkil>  city  Sunday  zvzning,    Aagu&t  13th,  at  10  o'clock,   ai,  thz  A.zi>ult  oi 
ihock  following  an  accyidznt  a  wzzk  ago  In  which  hzA  hip  was  ^KactuAzd.     Shz  had  bzzn 
In  ^alLing  hzoLth  ^OA  about  ^ouA  yzoAi  and  lackzd  tkz  4>tAzngth  to  KzcupzAotz  iKom  thz 

VzczoJtzd  wait  bonn  In  LuxzmbuAg,  Gzfmany,  Nov.   15th,   1S40,  and  wouZd  havz  bzzn 
S2  yzafu,  of^  agz  thz  coming  iall.     HzA  maldzn  namz  wai>  Kathznlnz  HzXtingzA.     Shz  gAZJw 
to  womanhood  In  thz  {^athzAland  and  wait  maMlzd  In  Vzc.  o^  1S60  to  Uatk  Schlltz.     Thz 
family  camz  to  kmAlca  In  IS 80,  loccuUng  {/JUtt  In  iKinnzapotU  whzfiz  thzy  Azildzd  £oK 
Xuio  yzoAi,.     In  1882  thzy   camz  to  Uoith  Dakota,   lULing  on  a  homz6tzad  In  what  Zi  now 
Elma  Townihlp,  a  iJew  mllzi  6outh  o^  Hankln6on,  whzAz  thzy  Azildzd  ion  16  yzjvu,.     TouA- 
tzzn  yzaA&  ago  thzy  camz  to  Hankln^on  and  havz  Azildzd  hzAz  zvzA  ilncz. 

Thz  husband  dlzd  In  MoAch  o^  thz  pAZiznt  yzoA.  Thz  i,uAvlvlng  childAzn  oAz-  John 
Schlltz,   Elma  town&hlp;  Ma4.  TheAz66la  Sand,  Ho^hoZt,  SV.;  UoAy  Schlltz,  who  Azmalnzd 
at  homz,  caning  ion.  thz  agzd  paAznt6  In  thzlA  dzclinlng  yzanj,;  and  two  couilm,,  John  P. 
HzttingzA  and  Ro4e  HzttlngeA  who  Azildz  In  fiinnzapolii. 

Vzczaizd  wai  a  dzvout  mzmbzn.  o^  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  and  thz  {unznal  wai  held  Wzd- 
nziday  monnlng  at  nlnz  o'clock  at  St.   Vhitlp'i  ChuAch  with  Rev.   Joi,.   F.  Stadnlcka  In 
chaAgz  0(J  thz  iznvlczi.     A  langz  gathznlng  oi  old  tlmz  ^nlzndi  o^  thz  family  attzndzd 
thz  izAvlczi  and  Intznmznt  wai  madz  In  thz  Catholic  CzmztzAy.     Thz  palZbzoAzAi  wzn.z  all 
gAandchlZdAzn;  Hath  Schlltz,  John  Schlltz,  Hath  Sand,  Bznnlz  Sand,  GzoKgz  Sand  and 
EduoAd  Sand. 
HMKIHSON    MEWS  ************  August  17,    1922 


Hu.  GzoKgz  A.  Beefce  pa66zd  pzact^uZly  to  kzn.  ^naZ  izMt  at  the.  Gzofiga  Hubzn. 
homz  -Ln  thti  city  Uondaij  z^ejiing.     Shz  had  been  a  ^u^^zAeM.  ifwm  amczfi  ioi  about 
iwo  yzoL/Ui,  and  aZthoagh  zveAythtng  that  mzdlcat  i>bJJUL  couZd  do  {^ofi  htfi  had  bzzn 
done.,  iihe.  gxejjo  gAaduxMy  weafeeA  untit  death  camz  oi  a  weJicomt  fieJU.e.i 

Ve.cea&e.d  wai  bofin  MaAck  l6t,    1SB5,  at  Alta.,   Vzonta.  County,   Zttino-u,  and  waj> 
■in  tht  SSth  yzjxA  oi  heA  tiit.  Shz  Ma6  moMled  to  GtoKge.  A.  Beefae  at  St.   Paul,  Mf/. , 
on  Pec.   23,    1918,  and  the  iamUbj  locatzd  -in  Hankindon  on  MaAcJi  12th,    1920.     VuAtng 
thz  two  yexiU  Kziidencz  -en  oan.  city  Ufi&.  made,  many  uaAjn  ^/u.endi>  and  heJi  untimt- 
Zy  death  Xm  6ZnceAeZy  mou/mzd  by  the.  entUie.  communtty. 

Shz  -C4  iuAvZvzd  by  thz  &tntckzn  husband,  Gzofigz  A.  Bzzbz;  hzfi  mothzfi,  Wa.  M. 
A.  Vi-ckoJiOn,  oi  Vzofiia.,  IL.,   onz  bhotheJi,  Hoajuj  A.  V-idicL&on,  o^  Ea&t  Vzofu/L,   IL.; 
tuoo  lliitzfU,  HfL6.   Bzntha.  TomiJUon  o^  Hood  VtveA,  OR.,  and  fAu.  CoAo.  o^  WhzeZ-,  W.  V-ULgiruxL. 

TuneJuaZ  6eAvZceJt  weAz  held  Wzdnziday  a^teAnoon,  mth  luAoh  ChapteA,  OAdzA  o^ 
thz  EaJitzAn  StoA,  In  chaAgz.     InteAmznt  woi  made  -in  Htttltldz  CzmztzKy. 

Thz  sympathy  o^  aJUL  gozi>  out  to  thz  bzn.zavzd  onzi  in  tkeJji  gAzat  iofinjow. 

HANKlhiSOhl    NEWS  ************  Aagu&t  17,    1922 

•         .       Jar^U  Hetgmanck.  agz  4  yzoA,,  .on  o^  Ua.  and  m.'cha..  Hztgmanck  oi  UbeAty 
GA^ve  To^r^htp,   dizd  on  f^onday  oi  con.uUlom. .     Thz  ianzAol  m,  held  Tae^day. 

************  Au.guJ>t     24j   1922 


SmaJUL  Rui.  In  Road  BtLczvzd  to  Havz  Oxtuzd  Spze.dlng  Auto  to  Somt/uaaUt 

GiZhzAt  Schmitt,   31  yzoA  old  Wahpeton  iaJmzK,  wca  kitizd  &hofitly  ^tzA.  5  o^ clock 
SatuAday  a^tzAnoon  whzn  ku,  cuitomob-ilz  d/u,vzn  napyidly,  oveAtuAnzd  on  tht  Wakpzton- 
UoonjeXon  Koad  at  a  point  ea^t  oi  thz  bAldgz  nzaJi  thz  PeteA  Ruddy  {^afm. 

The.  accident  mu  wttnei^ed  by  a  15  yean,  old  {lOAm  glnZ,  hil&i  VeAnlz  Nold,  daugh- 
teJi  oi  Ua.  and  Hfu>.  G.  Mold  oi  thU  city. 

HU&  hlold  UXL&  dnlvlng  a  iofm  tfuick  inom  Wahpe.ton  to  heA  ianm  harm.     HeA  veAilon 
oi  the.  accident  li,  oi  ioUom: 

"Ma.  Schmltt  uxu  dAlvlng  veAy  ia&t,  jait  how  ia^t  I  cannot  iay.  He  wxi&  aZonz 
In  thz  can.  He  pa6.6ed  me  and  had  gone  a  dl&tance  oi  about  2  city  blocki  akexid  uihen 
thz  accident   gccuAAed," 

"1  could  not  4ee  jait  what  happened  becaxue  oi  the  da&t  that  wom  thAown  up  ai 
thz  cjtxA  paired,  but  the  automoblZz  tuAnzd  a  complete  iomeAiouZt." 

Hi66  Nold  Aeached  thz  '6cznz  oi  thz  accident  In  a  iew  seconds  time.     Mt.  Schnitt 
uxu,  uncon6clou6,  coveAzd  with  blood  and  onz  Izg  caught  beneath  thz  whzzli  oi  thz 
poAtlally  wAeckzd  coA. 

AnotheA  coA  dnlven  up  btuoaght  othzAi  to  old.     A  teZephone  caJUi  woi  4ent  ifvom 
thz  Roddy  iofm  to  Wahpzton  ioA  a  doctoA  but  thz  tAagzdy  victim  k«u  dejad  £e4.6  than 
ten  mlnutzi  aiteA  thz  accidzrvt  occuAAzd. 

A  6mall  fiut  In  thz  Aoad  li  beZlevzd  to  havz  cau&zd  thz  accident,  coaplzd  with 
thz  ipzzd  at  which  thz  cox  wai  dAlvzn.  Thz  young  ia/meA  had  bzen  obliged  to  makz  a 
tAlp  to  thz  city  and  wa&  hastening  homz  to  iupeAvlie  thfizihlng  activltlz&. 

FunzAol  6eAvlcz6  weAz  held  at  St.  John'i  Chwich  In  WahpeXon  on  Wzdnz&day  monning. 
Knlghti  oi  Columbai  weAz  In  choAgz. 

Mt.  Schmltt  wa6  boAn  and  AzoAzd  In  thU  community.  With  hl6  dzath  7  cKildAen 
oAz  Izit  iatheAleM>.     The  oldest  li  10  thz  youngz&t  Ik  yzoAi. 

Bzildzi  hli  widow  and  thz  chlZdAzn,  M/i.  Schnitt  li  iuAvlvzd  by  hli  paAznti  and 
onz  il&tzn.,  M/L.  and  iAAi.  Joizph  Schmltt  and  Hju.  Edwand  KnlieZ  oi  BAzckenAidge.     ScoAzi 

oi  iAlzndi  AzgAzt  hli  untimeZy  death.  Wahpeton  Globz 

HANKINSON    NEWS  ************  Augait  11,    1922 


MA4.  Vavld  Labznow  dlzd  iuddenty  Tuziday  moAning  at  heA  home  In  GAeat  Bend  iAX)m 
an  attack  oi  heant  ialluAz.     Thz  end  woi  unzxpzcted  oi  ihz  had  been  In  appoAznt  good 
health  up  to  the  time  oi  the  attack. 

Vzczaizd  wai  onz  oi  thz  plonzeAi  oi  thli  izctlon.     BoAn  In  CeAmany,  ihz  camz  to 
thli  cjountAiy  In  thz  zanZy  dayi,  iettlzd  In  Elma  towmhlp.     She  woi  maAftlzd,  the 
ilAit  huiband  [Paul  Klugz]  dying  many  yeafu  ago.     About  ilvz  yeoAi  ago  ihz  maAAlzd 
Vavld  Lubenow,  one  oi  thz  ilfnt  iettZeAi  In  BnandenbuAg  towmhlp  and  ilncz  that  time 
hai  nzildzd  In  GAeat  Bend  vlllagz.     She  attained  thz  nlpz  old  age  oi  65  yzaAi  and  7 

Bt&lddM  the.  huiband  ihz  aj>  6uAv-ivzd  by  iwo  Qfiown  6on&,   Tfizd  KZugz  and  ChanZz^ 
Khigz,   both  o^  idiom  KU^de.  -in  tkii,  v^cUruXy. 

The.  ^umAoZ  l6  beJ-ng  heZd  ai.  GJizat  Bznd  tkii  a^eAnoon. 

HANKJNSON  WHt/S  ************  Aaguit  51,    1922 


TkfLZ&hAyig  BtovizA  In  Contact  With  EtzctAlc  High  LLnz  Eltcfiocutzi 
SatuAday^    tvejUng,  S^pt.   2nd,  about  ii.x  o'clock,   Loaii  Hommce,  single.,   about  35, 
Mc  CauZlzyviZlz,  WW.,  imu,  zZzctfioaxtdd,  and  Ed  PeAAy  i^avzAdiy  buAntd.     The.  accJAeyvt 
occu/Lzd  on  tkz  Me/Ud^jon  fioad,  about  3  nUI.z&  noKth  oi  Vuilght,  neoA  the.  H.C.N.  Uyhna 
({oAm.     Thz  pofvtiti  wcAe  moving  a  thfieMking  ejngtne.  and  ivpafuxtoK  belonging  to  Byfion 
WoodbuAy  o^  that  vlcAJuty,  when  the  6teeZ  welgheA  on  the.  ie.paAJVton.  came  -in  contact 
with  the.  eZecOvLc  tAai,ml6iton  llnz,  which,  cnci&zd  thz  Aoad  at  that  point.     VeAAy  who 
wa6  opeAotlng  the  engine,  obietved  the  neaji  appficximlty  o{  the  wlh.e  to  the  weighen. 
and  stopped  the  engine.  HoweveA,  the  lepaJuvtoK  Kotted  ahead  untiZ  the  weighed  came  in 
contact,  with  the  live  wlJie.     PeAAy  then  attempted  to  cZimb  up  on  the  i,epanatoK,   but 
deceived  a  ievexe  ihock  when  he  came  in  contact  with  metaJi  patti  on  i,ame.     HIj>  cAle^ 
0^  pain  attracted  Hormle,  a  membeJi  o^  the  cAew,  who  wai  dfilvlng  a  team  a  ({ew  Kodi) 
di&tant.     Hommie  came  ovet  with  the  bZoweA-  pulZey  and  wai>  InitantZy  kHJied.     VeAfiy, 
pfie&tmabty  white  attempting  to  aiiiit  Honmle,  deceived  at  Zea&t  one  on.  two  moKe  Ahocki. 
PeAAy  wa6  ^Alght^uily  banned  on  the  ajimd  and  ieet,  and  Monday  It  became  neces&oAy  to 
amputate  hi&  night  anm  and  pontlom  o{  both  ^eet.     He  died  the  6ame  night.     Penny  wa& 
a  iingtt  man  about  40  yeam  o^  age,  and  made  hit,  home  with  hii  iliten,  Ma4.   UpviaAjd. 
who  llvei  within  a  ^ew  nodi  o^  the  6cene  o^  the  accident.     Hommie  wai,  atio  a  &ingZe 
man,  about  35.     Penny  wai  taken  to  the  Wahpeton  HoipltaZ  by  a  pairing  auto  within  an 
houn  ^m  the  time  the  accident  happened.      Cononen  NeM  wai  caJULed,  vlemjig  the 
situation  and  decided  that  no  Inqueit  wai  neceiiony. 


Find  Made  Joit  Ea&t  o^  Red  Inon  Lake  by  the  Gnavetlng  Cneu)  o^  Road  WonkeJU 

Lait  Taeiday  white  excavating  gnavet  ^nom  a  hiZt  neon,  the  Siiieton-Bnlttcn  State 
Highway,  jait  thii  ilde  o^  Red  Jnon  Lake,  the  cAew  ojj  wonkmen  dug  up  the  iketetoni  o^ 
£lve  iuZZ.  gnown  peniom.  The  bonei  one  In  a  iain  itate  o{,  pneienvatlon  and  have  attracted 
much  attention.     It  -ci  contended  by  iome  that  the  iketetoni  one  oi  white  pemom,  othem 
contend  they  one  Indlam,  white  othem  Imlit  they  one  bonej>  o{,  a  tong  ^ongotten  nace  o^ 
men  who  Inhabited  the  Dakota^  begone  the  ned  men. 

So  ^an  no  expenti  have  viewed  the  nemaim  and  untJJt  iome  man,  ikltted  In  the  itady 
0^  the  human  iname,  makei  iuch  an  examination,  iX'i  anybody' i  gae^ii  ai  to  wkethzA  the 
bonei  one  thoie  oi  white,  ned  on  otheAwiie. 

The  Jndiani  In  yeoAi  gone  by  buAied  thein  dead  In  moundi  on  hliZi,  and  the  gnavet 
knoZt  whene  the  tait  nemmanti  o^  theie  ilve  men  wene  ^ound,  ii  a  high  comir.andlng  ilght. 
HANKJNSON    NEWS  SISSETON  COURIER  Septemben  7,    1922 


knaikzn  o{  ike.  plone.eA.  wormn  who  hzZpzd  to  makz  UonXk  Vakota  ujhat  It  It,  todaif, 
pcii>6e.d  on  w/ien  Hfu,.  Auguita  lldQuZman  oi  tJili  city  hexvid  thz  ilnal  i,ummofU>  IcL&t  TkL- 
day  mofining  at  9:30  AM. 

M/L4.  Auga&ta.  Uafilz  Johanna  ZizgeJbmn  (nee  Baimann]  woi  boAn  In  Vnui^Za,  Gzfimany 
on  Feb.   2nd,   1861.     Whzn  onJbj  4 even  t/eow  old  hfi  pafiznti  IrmigKOitzd  to  AmzAlca,   cfwi,^- 
Zng  In  a  waiting  ikip  that  wai  to66zd  about  on  thz  Atlantic  ion  nlm  weefei.     HaAdlij 
had  thzy  a/oiivzd  In  Vodgt  County,  WI.,  nzafi  l^ayvlZiz,  whzn  thz  {•cutiizfi  died.     ThzAz  thz 
6ubjzct  oi  ouK  ikztch  gxeiti  to  womanhood  and  on  ApfuZ  3nd,    1S81,  wai,  moAAlzd  to  Wm. 
lUzgeZman.     IrmzdiatzZy  a^tzK  thz  wzdduig  ihz  ioULowzd  hzn.  ha&band  to  Hichland  County, 
NV.,  6zttllng  on  a  ianm  noAtkzoMt  oi  Hanklmon. .  .wkicJi  thzn,  oi  coufaz,  uas  not  yzt  In 

TkOvtzzn  cJuldAzn  weAe  bo/ut  to  thzsn,  oi  whom  thz  iolZouiing  oajz  itUZ  Living:  tAu. 
Amanda  IzJitlovu  oi  Hanklmon,  Wa.   Emlliz  W-cmeA,   GJiand  fonki,  RobzAt  oi  Ofiangz,  CA., 
Emit,  Hulda  and  Lawia,  itlll  at  homz;  MA4.  Hilda  HUZzA.,  on  thz  old  iamlly  homz&tzad. 
In  addition  to  hzn.  agzd  hu&band,  nlnz  gfiandcIilldAzn  and  tvumzfioai,  othzn.  fizlatlxjoj:  movJin 
hzn.  dzath. 

La&t  iall,  aitzA.  thz  majinlagz  oi  tkzlfi  daugktzA.  HuZda  to  Enuno  lUZlzA,  thzy  Kz- 
tlAtd  indm  thz  ianm  and  ipznt  thz  wlntzn  In  CaZlioAnla,  nztuAnlng  In  Ap/ilZ  to  thz 
homz  thzy  had  bought  In  Hanklmon  uihzAz  thzy  expected  to  ipznd  thzln.  dzcllnlng  yzau  In 
zaiz  and  comiofit.     A  izw  wzeJi&  ago  Hu.  llzgzlman  izll  HZ  oi  dAop6y  with  nz&ultlng 
hzoAt  ialZuAz,  to  wkick  come  an  attack  oi  Inilaznza.     Shz  deed,  ai  itatzd  abovz,  on 
Fnlday  manning,  Szpt.   itk,  agzd  61  yzani,,   7  monthi  and  6  dayi. 

Thz  iunznal,  which  wai  po&tponzd  to  Wzdnz&day  oi  thli  wzzk  to  glvz  hzn.  &on  Robznt 
oi  Callionnla  an  opponXimity  to  attznd,  wai  condactzd  inom  thz  LuthzAon  ChuAch  by  Reu. 
J.   P.   KZauilzn  In  thz  pn-zizncz  oi  a  langz  numbzA  oi  ionnowlng  inlzndi  and  acqualntanczi . 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  Szptmbzn.  14,   1922 

Old  inlzndi  oi  thz  Gzongz  H.  HamULton  iamlty  who  ionmznZy  llvzd  on  thz  ioAm 
known  Oi  thz  HamUJjon  ianm  In  Elma  Towmhlp  wUUi  fee  gnlzvzd  to  Izann  oi  thz  dzath  oi 
Unit.  HzUU-Z  Bnophy  Hamilton  wkith  occuAzd  on  Aug.   22nd. 

Vzath  wai  daz  to  acutz  Enlght'i  dlizaiz  bnought  on  by  Inizctzd  tomlli .     Uu. 
Hamilton  wai  ilck  only  11  dayi.     Shz  li  iunvivzd  by  hzn.  huiband,   ilvz  ioni,  thnzz  daugh- 
tznjt> ,  tmo  bnothzu  and  iouJi  ilitzm . 
HANKJhlSOhl  NEWS  ************  SzptembzA  14,    1922 

Thz  iunznal  oi  thz  9  yzan  old  ion  oi  Un.  and  t^m.  Ham  Vzdzmon  who  dlzd  oi 
blood  polionlng  loit  Salanday  night  at  St.   Tnancli  HoipltnZ,  wai  hzZd  at  Tyion  Chunch 
Monday,  Szpt.   11th.     Many  inlzndi'  attended  thz  lait  iad  nitzi .     Hz  wai  laxd  to  nzit 
In  Tyion  Cemztzny.     Thz  panznti  havz  oun  dzzpzit  iympathy.     Reu.  Gnant  Moonz  wai  In 
changz  oi  thz  iunznal, 
HANKTNSON  MEWS  Gnzznialz  Column  SzptambzA  14,    1922 

VzAAij  Vztexion,   9,   New  E^dlngton,  woi  woAfUng  Zn  hli   Fcu(JizA6'   ^ZeJid  uxcth  a  pZtak- 
£oA.k.     He  accldzyUatLf  i,iAu.di  ha,   f^oot  uiaMi  It,  the.  imaZl  wound  bzcamz  aiitctzd,   and 
whzn  hz  UKU  bnxjaght  to  a.  tocaJL  hoip^taZ  loan.  dcaj&  latZA,   fuLi  Zzg  was  ^wzZlzd  moKz 
than  tiaLcz  Iti,  nofmaZ  4^ze  itiom  thz  anktz  to  tht  fUp  and  hz  duizd  ihoxtZy  thzfiza^tzA. 

HANKJNSOhJ  WEWS  **********  Szptzmbzt  21,    J9ZZ 


Thz  lamlZi/  o^  Jamzi  IOu.z  o^  Gznz6Z0  Ls>  6u.ll&filng  uUth  hoAKJLzt  ^zvzA,  tzn  chU.dA.zn 
bzAMQ  -ill  at  once.     In  ipcCe  o^  aZJi  o£  thz  dLii,tnja.ctzd  iathzfi'i  zHoKti,  to  hztp  hii 
lamlLy  uUth  thz  ihitt  o^  thfizz  phyilclam  and  tuio  nuAj>z6,  onz  o^  thz  dUZdxzn,   a  boy 
about  7  yzoAi  o£  agz,  hen  iuccimbzd  to  thz  dJj>zaJiZ. 

S-cnce  tkz  dzath  o^  hu  wZjJe  nzafiZy  tkfizz  yzoM  ago,  M/l.  KjUz  ha.&  kzpt  hii  pAomliz 
to  hzn.  to  kzzp  thz  ianuZy  togzthzA.     In  taking  cofiz  o^  them  and  bfUng-ing  up  thz  baby 
ihom  Infancy,  hz  hai,  iullzn.zd  inrumznabtz  hand^hLp^.     Thz  ztdzit  duZd  li  a  glnZ  oi 
13  yzau  ol  agz. 

HANKWSOM  MEWS  **********  Szptembzfi  2S,    1921 


Ma4.  Emztia  P/UhbzAnoui  fa&izd  AMoy  T)uAay  A^tzA  A  Long  JlZnz&6 

Thz  dzath  o^  M/ls.  Emztia  VfUbbzAnow,  which  occwuizd  at  hzn.  homz  -in  tkii  city 
Tniday  zvzrUng  at  S  o'cZoch,  n.movz&   ^Kom  zoAthZy  activity  anothzn.  o^  thz  pionzzn^ 
oi  thlb  ^zction.    Vzczoizd  4>ullznzd  a  itAjokz  o^  panaZy.&Zl>  iomz  timz  ago  and  nzvzn. 
Kzcovznzd,  QKodimZJUj  Raiting  untiZ  thz  GnJbn  Rzapzn.  took  hi&  toll. 

Vzczoizd  woi  bonn  in  Gznmany,  Aug.  5th,   1853,  and  pa66zd  hzn.  69th  binthday  Zmt 
month.     Hzn.  maidzn  namz  woi  EmzZLa  IzitZow  and  at  an  zanZy  agz  ihz  camz  to  Amznica, 
6zttZing  iiMt  in  WZ&coniin.     ThzJiz  6hz  woi  manAizd  to  Fn.zd  VnUhbznjnow  who  dizd  11 
yoAKh  ago.     Thz  coupZz  camz  to  RichZand  County  11  yzan^  ago  and  izttZzd  on  a  lanm 
nzan.  thii  city  whznz  thzy  Kziidzd  ^on...  many  yzani>.     A^tzn.  thz  dzath  o^  hzn  hu&band 
thz  widow  bzcamz  a  n.z&idznt  OjJ  Hankin&on  whznz  ihz  n.ziidzd  up  to  thz  timz  ol  hzn  dzath. 

Shz  i6  iun.\ji\jzd  by  tkz  following  chiZdnzn:  Un/i .  Ida  filaM.  o^  BainvilZz,  MT,, 
AZbznX  Vnibbznnow  0(J  ;tJuj>  city;  CanZ  Pnibbznnow  o^  Gn.zzndatz,  M/l4  .  Mulda  Hals  o(, 
Albznta,  Canada;  M^4  Emma  who  Zivzi  at  homz;  ¥nzd  Pnilibznnow  6^  HiZZhzad,  SV.     Onz 
bnothzn.  and  onz  6ii,tzA  livz  in  Wi6coniin. 

Thz  ianznat  was,  hzZd  Monday  a^tznnoon,  &znviczi,  bzing  condactzd  by  Reu.  J.  P. 
KZauilzn  at  thz  Luthznan  ChuAjch  at  2  o'clock.     A  loJigz  gathznZng  oi  old  nzZghbonj>  and 
inizndi  wznz  in  attzndancz  to  pay  thzin.  linaZ  tnZbutz  oi  Kz&pzct  to  thz  dzpanXzd. 

Jntznmznt  woi  madz  in  thz  Luthznan  CmztzAy. 
HAMKINSON  NEWS  **********  SzptzmbzA  2%,    1922 

WeAe  thz  RemUni  oi  a.  UkCtz  fcunvUbj  KJJUitd  In  ike.  EoAZy  Vayi 

Tuezdcuf  monjfiing  oi  tkU  ujzzk  wonhjnzn  In  thz  new  gxavel.  piZ  j'a&X:  zut  oi  Pzd  Inan 
Lake.  tuAnzd  up  uhat  pfwvzd  to  bz  human  fizmaini  and  iuAXkzt  zxjcavaiZon  In  tkz  g/uzvzt  piX. 
bJLOuqhX.  to  Z^xiht  thz  paAtLat>  o^  ^ouA  ikzZztom,. 

Wkitz  thz  ploiM  had  bnokzn  and  icattzizd  thz  bonzi  it  wai  po4>6lblz  to  tzU  coruldzn.- 
abtz  about  thzm  and  thzy  appzan.  to  bz  a.  man  and  a  woman,  a  iwiUZ  chiZd  and  anothzn.  pz/uon 
pKobabtij  iuJUL  gAoun.     Thz  6kzZzton&  uiznz  unqazitLonahly  o^  uikitzi,  oi  thz  J^kuZli,  ployinly 
ihou).     Onz  had  a  ^ziO  tight  colofizd  hcuM,  nzanby  and  old  ^oihionzd  bKaJ>i  6hoz  tipi  and  a 
gla^i  button  uias  ^ound  uxlth  thz  ^kztzton  o^  thz  chiZd,  and  a  ijew  i,hnjzdi>  o^  vohat  appzoAzd 
to  bz  biuz  cloth  uiith  anothzA. 

Thz  bodLzi  had  bzzn  buAlzd  at  a  ihoAt  diitanzz  piom  onz  anothzA  and  onZy  a  tittZz 
woi/a  bzZouo  thz  iuA^azz. 

Ja&t  uiho  thzy  vizfiz  and  why  tkzy  J>houZd  bz  bafUzd  on  that  Zonzly,  uu.nd6u<zpt  hilZ 
mJUL  pfiobabZy  Kzmaln  a  myiteAy.  ..onz  oi  thz  umoZvzd  onz6  o^  thz  zoAZy  pZonzzA  dajji. 

Onz  pAobabZz  ^oZution  might  bz  in  a  itonjj  Tom  Evalng,   a  fizsidznt  o^  thid  town, 
Kzcaltli     having  hzaJid  A/ithuA  SckznZ,  dzczoizd,  KzZatz.     AS  hz  KzmzjnbzM  thz  itoKy,  an 
Irmignant  ^amiZy  woi  iuApxUzd  and  iZxiin  by  thz  indianM  and  bwUzd  uihzxz  thzy  {,zti. 
Ma..  SckznZ  W(X4  an  oZd  timzK  hzAz  and  a  ioZdizft  at  Tofit  Sl66zton  in  thz  '70'i  and  i^  hz 
MUt  tiving  today  it  iJ>  kighZy  pnxibabtz  hz  uiouZd  bz  ablz  to  cJLzoA.  up  thz  myi>tzfia. 

Zi  thiM  ii>  thz  t/ULZ  lohiti-on  it  iJ>  no  guzat  zHofit  to  fizconit/iact  thz  taZz 

Thz  tonzly  fiaveZzM  in  a  tAadiizi>4)  countAy;  thz  quick  &uA.pAiJ>z;  thz  gnJ.m  dziemz;  and 
^naZ  zxtxnction  by  thz  ovzAwhzZming  numbzu  oi  a  mzA.cilzi6   ^oz. 

Tho6z  dayi  afiz  gonz  and  iofigottzn,   but  it  li  to  4>uch  OM  thz&z,  who  liz  in  unmoAkzd 

gAavzii,  unuozpt,  un&ung,  that  we  owe  ouJi  pKzi>zjnt  gAzatzit  oi  aZZ  natiom Thz  VauntZza 

VionzeM lakz  CiXy  JouAnaZ 

HMKJhlSON  NEWS  ************  Szptvnbzn.  14,    1922 

6.  J,  KozhZzA,  tJiavzLing  /iaZz&man  ioA.  TaJiuzU.,   Ozmun  Kx/dz  Company,   dJioppzd 
dzad  oi  hzoAt  iaJJUviz  at  Wahpzton  on  Wzdnz&day,     He  woi  wet^  fenown  i.n  Hankin&on,   having 
vLbiXzd  ouA  haitdwoAZ  dzaZzti  at  AzguZaA  intzHvaZtt  ioA  many  yzau,  making  hL&  hzad- 
quoAtzfU  with  thz  Wippznman  MzAcantiZz  Company  whiZz  in  qua  city. 

Ha.  and  t^Al,.  HznAy  Wippznman  motoKzd  to  Wahpzton  todays  to  pay  thziA  KZipzcti 
to  thz  dzpoAtzd. 

HANKZNSON  NEWS  ************  SzptzmbzA  21,    1922 


BZood  poiJtoning  cau&zd  thfizz  dzathi  in  thii  vZctnity  within  a  wzzki  pzAiod. 
AitzA  ^uiizfilng  ioK  zight  dayi,   LzZand  Lee,   21,   FaiJmouYVt,  dizd  ai  a  AZiutt  oi  inizct- 
ion  in  a  imaZZ  iOAz  on  hii  iacz. 

LynaZ  O^coA&on,   6  CoZiax,  i,ZightZy  bnulizd  hli  knzz&  whzn  hz  izZZ  in  a  wagon 
box.     Jnizction  ieX  in,  in  onz  ioot,  and  hz  dizd  thAzz  dayi>  ZatzA. 


The.  body  o£  a  iwo  wzdi6  old  child,  -in  a  dzcompoie.d  itatz  woi   ^ound  by  thz 
daaghtzA.  o^  AJUofvt  HeAAld,   ^ouA.  mlieJi  uizit  0({  Summit,  undeA.  a.  yzZZoMi>tonz  tfuUZ 
bfildgz,  onz  day  lent  weefe.     Thz  zoKpiz  woA  tanappzd  -in  an  old  blanket  and  Inclaizd  In 
a  big  coAdbooKd  box  oK  canton,   containing  thz  addAzi^,  o^  E.  R.   HolmbzAg,  a  meAchant 
0^  BfU&tol,  SV.,  and  o^^czu  axz  attempting  to  ajiczntain  who  fizczlvzd  thz  box  ^fwm 
htm,   which  mJLl  Izad  to  thz    Idzntity  o^  thz  guilty  pzuon  who  pnobahly  mundzAzd 
thz  baby. 

Juiticz  Vftlndlvlllz,  States  kttonnzy  Uc  Kznna  and  ShzAl^,^  BakzA,   vZ&ltzd  thz 
iiceyiz  o{i  thz  cntmz  and  oAz  to  lolvz  thz  my^teAy,  but  4o  ^oa  no  headway 
ha&  been  made  iofi  outildz  oi  thz  aAd/ieM  upon  thz  canton,  no  cZuzi  havz  bzzn  obtatnzd 
and  Ma-  Holmiulit  cannot  A.emzmbz>i  who  got  thz  box  ai>  many  AlmllaA.  onzi  poM,  through 
hii  hand6. 

Thz  Summit  Zndzpzndont  i>ay&:     It  appzau  to  bz  thz  gzneAal  opinion  o^  tko6z  who 
havz  iollowzd  thz  cakz  that  a  cJumz  hoi  bzzn  committed.     Thz  bonzi  oi  thz  ikuJil  and 
otheA  phy&lcal  condition^  go  to  ihow  that  thz  child  wai  quttz  young  and  thz  ^act  that 
It  woi  dAeJ)6zd  Im  good  zvldzncz  that  It  had  llvzd  a^tzA.  blnth.     Unlzii  thzAz  wai>  a 
6lnli>teA  motive  no  onz  would  havz  dzpoiltzd  a  dead  child  In  6ach  a  place  io  It  li 
zvldznt  that  iomzonz  wantzd  to  gzt  Aid  o{,  thz  child  without  thz  publicity  o^  a  buAial. 
WhetheA  the  child  wai>  dead  when  Iz^t  at  thz  hntdgz  oA  whethzn.  It  wa&  Iz^t  to  diz  wilZ 
pAobably    nzvzA  bz  known,   unlzi>&  thz  mothzA  ox  lathzA    oi  thz  child,  makz     a  coniz-iilon. 
Sujch  aAticlzi  a&  may  bz  nzzdzd  ioA  Identification  wzAz  kzpt  and  thz  Aemalm,  weAZ  entzAzd 
In  thz  cemzteAy. 

LATER. ..  .Holmqutit  hoi  fiaczd  thz  coAton.     Hz  gavz  It  to  an  unknown  touAi&t  pall- 
ing thAouugh  BAl&tol. 
HAMKWSON  NEWS  ************  5^p_^^   28,    7922 


knothzA  bAeak  In  thz  Aank6  o^  Hankln6on' i  old  company  "L"  occuAAzd  la&t  wzzk 
whzn  HichoAd  PeteA     Roimuiion  o^  Ro&holt  pai&zd  away  at  thz  South  Dakota  tubeAculO'il& 
6anltaAium  on  Szpt.    17th,   at  Ca&teA,  SV. 

Vzcza6zd  woi  bonn  Nov.   6th,    1S93,  at  St.   Paul,  UM.     He  ipznt  hli  boyhood  In  that 
city,  Kemovlng  with  ki6  paAent6  to  Ro&holt  In  1915.     At  thz  outbAzak  oi  thz  Wo  Aid  WoA 
hz  znLOitzd  In  Hanklnion'i  Company  L,  lateA  mzAgzd  Into  thz  163Ad  Ambulance  CoAp6,  and 
6eAvzd  oveA&zai>  with  ki&  comAodzi  oi  Hanklmon  and  vicinity  until  thz  znd  oi  ho&tilitizi. 
He  WOA  honoAobly  di&choAgzd  May  22,    1979. 

RztuAning  to  Roiholt  hz  waj>  happUbj  moAAizd  to  Alicz  Sa'ojtion  on  Oct.  8th  oi  thz 
iamz  yzaA.  A  izw  monthi  ago  hz  wai,  i,tAlckzn  with  tubeAculo^li ,  and  although  hz  wagzd 
a  heAolc  ilght  wl^th  thz  dtiza&z    hz  gAadually  ialZzd,  pa^&ilng  away  on  SzptzmbzA  17th. 

He  Izavzi  to  mouAn  hii  lo66,  thz  itAicken  widow;  hti  iathzA,  A.  J.  Roimaiion  oi 
St.  Paul,  a  bfwthzA  Wm.  RaJ>imuMion  oi  Tacoma,  WA. ,  and  two  ilitzAi,  Hw.  ComIz  PzAAy 
and  Wii>.  VagmoA  FlihzA  oi  St.   Paul.     Ai>  a  membe/t  oi  thz  littlz  company  oi  Hanbln^on 

faot/4  wfio  dAAlZzd  hzAz  duAlng  the.  iummeA  0($  19 1 7  hz  made,  manif  ^hlejidii  in  ouA  caMj  who 
zxX.ejn.d  itA.nceA.t  i,ympaxhy  to  the.  beAzavzd  one.&  in  tkeJji  lo6i> 

Comb-Lne.d  with  a.  plexLilng  and  tUieablz  peMonatity  he  po66e.6.&zd  con&ideAabte. 
aiuJLity  oi  an  athlete  and  woi  onz  o^  the.  itandbij&  o^  thz  company  L  boiebaJUi  pitching 
6ta^i  both  htfiz  and  oveMcoi.     He  u}a6  one  o^  ^eveAaZ  Roihott  boyi  who  ieAvzd  oi  mejnbtu 
oi  company  L. 

The.  iuneAoZ  wom  heZd  at  Ro^ihott  (iile.dnt6daij,  the.  Roiholt  po4>t  o^  the.  kme.fu.cayi  le.gion 
having  choAgz  o^  thz  6eJi\jiceA>  at  the.  gxavz.     Howand  Cox  and  Ha/uiy  WonneA,  ol  thli  city, 
weM.  among  hi&  ^ofmeA  comfuxdej^  in  attendance. 

SuAvived  TeMiblz  lnjuAieJ>  ion.  Ten  Vayi  But  tht  End  Camz  Satafiday 

InjuAieJi  KexLeyivcd  in  a  pccuZian.  manneA  te.n  dayi  ago  AeJ)uJited  in  thz  dzath  heAt  o^ 
Aagtiit  Andzuon,   4S  yzoA.  old  Vvoight  (^afmeA,  on  Saturday  at:  thz  Wahpeton  Ho4,piXat. 

Voctou  and  Hospital  attendants  maAvzZ  that  Andzuon  tivzd  ^oK  inch  a  length  oi 
timz  uiith  thz  injuAizi  hz  had.     Hz  wa6  bAought  to  thz  hospital  Szpt,16th...ka,  Aibs 
CAushzd  f^nont  and  back,  hii  coUoAbonz  bAoken,   onz  zaA  nzaAly  izvzAzd  ^Aom  ki&  hzad,  hi6 
iaxLZ,   hofinibly  mutilatzd,  tuio  j'aggzd  holz6  in  onz  aJm  and  bfuiUzi  about  thz  body  geneAolZy. 

AndzAion's  injuAlzi  KZduJLtzd  thAough  {aiZuAz  o^  thz  tAactoA  hz  was  opeJtating  to 
Stop  as  hz  had  gaugzd  it  whzn  hz  bacJizd  it  against  a  szpaAotoA  machinz  in  an  attempt  to 
connzct  thz  two.     Standing  on  thz  tfiactoA,  hz  was  caught  bztvozen  thz  ;ftuo  machines  and 
ioAczd  into  a  position  wheJvz  thz  big  whzzl  oi  thz  enginz  bzat  against  him,  inflicting 
thz  injuAizs  which  bAought  his  dzath  six.  days  latzn.. 

FuneAol  seAviczs  ioA  Ma.  AndzASon  wzAz  held  Tuzsday  at  Vwigkt.     Thz  dzczaszd  was 
boAn  in  Suizdzn,  but  camz  to  AmzAica  at  thz  agz  o^  20  and  to  Uichland  County  szvzn  yeoAS 
ago.     Hz  is  suAvivzd  by  kis  uiidow,  tujo  sons,   2  7  and  17  yzoAS     old,  and  a  daaghtzA  14. 


At  Coilzgzvillz,  W.,  thz  placz  iiom  which  hz  was  sent  loAth  as  a  young  pniest, 
thz  V.z\)ZAznd  Alois  J.  Gayduszk  was  yzstzfiday  laid  to  Azst.     Thz  weZl  lovzd  pastoK,  who 
spent  ten  yzans  oA  moAz  oi  his  li£z  in  this  city  and  szveAal  at  LidgeMJWood,  dizd  Tfiiday 
af^tzAnoon  in  a  Uochzstzn.  Hospital. 

FdtheA  Alois,  as  hz  was  a^^zctionatfly  callzd  by  his  paAishionzAS  and  ^Atznds, 
camz  to  Wahpzton  whzn  haAdly  mo Az  than  a  boy  to  makz  his  homz  wiXh  kis  bAothzA,  thz  Rev. 
Joszph  Gayduszk  oi  St.  AdeZbzAt's  ChuAch,  whosz  dzath  occuAAzd  in  thz  iall  o^  7915.     He 
Iz^  this  city  only  to  complztz  his  studizi  at  St.  John's  Collzgz  at  Collzgzvillz,  UH., 
and  on  admission  to  thz  pAizsthood,  AetuAned  hzAz.     Hz  czlzbAatzd  kis  ^iAst  mass  in  St. 
AdzZbeAt's  ChuAch. 

Thz  local  pastoAotz  was  not  in  thz  chaAgz  o{  FathzA  Alois,   but  aitzA  thz  dzath 
0^  his  bfwthzA  hz  szA\Jzd  as  pastoA  hzAz  until  a  succzssoA  was  szcuAzd.     Hz  then  went 
to  LidgzAuood.     TheAz  hz  ministeAed  to  thz  congAzgation  oi  St.  John's  hizpomuck  ChuAch 
iiOA  nzoAly  zlzMzn  yeoAS. 

FcuOizA  AZoZi  wcii,  hoAdly  mofiz  than  mlddlz,   but  ion.  mom  than  thfie.z  yza^u,  hz 
had  been  4U|$)$eA^g  vxLth  iJUL  kzaJitk.     He  woi  ;t'uut6f$eAAe(f  ^nom  LidgeAwood  to  knnajnooitz, 
but  kli>  hzjcULth  continuzd  to  iaiZ  and  tixio  months  ago  he.  znteAzd  the.  hoipttaZ  at  RockeMteA. 
Thz  hopeJt  oi  kit,  {filzndi>  ioi  hti>  nzcoveAy,  bAtghtenad  u)hen  he.  6howed  ^Zgru,  of,  fiapZd  fizc- 
oveMf  tn  the  peat  ^euJ  weeki,  uieAz  i>uddenZij  6hatteAe.d  when  hit,  death  cxune  abfuiptZy  Tnldaij. 

Hem  0^  the  young  pnte^t' 6  death.  wai>  ^oKKowiuZJiy  fiecetved  by  ku  ^Alendi  heAe. 
They  KecaJULed  the  bntiLaxncy  oi  hti  ■inteZZect  when  he  ^tut  enteAed  upon  hli,  caAeeA.  oi  a 
cZeAgyman,  hc6  taZent  <w  a  palnteA,  kii,  love  ion.  the  {^neA  things  o^  Hie,  and  the  choAm 
oi  kii  peA&onatity.     Uany  expfieMied  beLiei  that  hti  body  ihouZd  be  bAoaght  heAz  and  laid 
to  AeM  bejitde  that  oi  hi&  bAotheA.     Uai,i,eJ>  ioK  kii  Aepo6e  wiZZ  be  ioid  at  St.  AdeZbeAt'i 

Thz  decea&ed  t&  iuAvZved  by  a  bAotheA  who  tivoM  in  Kan6a&  and  a  niece,  Wc4-4 
UoAtha  Gaydu&ek,  who  wa&  with  kirn  at  the  time  oi  hZi  death Wahpe^n  GZobz 


ThAze.  acjcZdenti  in  which  one  chiZd  met  death  and  two  otheAi  weAe  ^eAiou&Zy  injuAed 
occuM.ed  nAOA  Ulahpctan  the  same  day.  The  vicjtani,  oAe  Eduxin  Vaied,  yeoA  oZd  ion  oi 
Un..  and  Mw.  AZiAed  L.   Vaied,   TlichZand  County  iofm  Az&identi,  who  wai,  40  badZy  injuAed 
that  he  died  wkiZe  being  Aoihed  to  a  hoipitaZ  18  miZei  away, 

WoodAow  HiZeA,   9,  gfiandion  oi  UA.and  Wu>.  A.  0.  Hanion  oi  dlahpeXOn.     AuAetia  HoZ- 
ecek,  6  daaghteA  oi  hifi.  and  Ma6.   EdwoAd  HoZecek,   iafm  Ae&Zdenti  oi  EAaihvaZe,  MM. 

EdLOin  Vaied  wai  Aiding  to  town  with  hZi   iatheA  in  an  aatoiwbiZe  t/uick.     Stepping 
piom  the  ieat  ai  the  tAuck  ikidded  on  a  high  gAade,  he  ieZZ  to  the  gAound  in  6uch  a 
manneA  that  he  wai  itAucJi  by  the  tAudi  and  hii  ikuZZ  woa  iAactuAed. 

The  Iflahpeton  boy,  WoodAow  HiZen.,  had  gone  with  imaZZ  iAiendi  to  the  I'JiZkin  County 
¥aiA.     ToZd  by  the  gatekeepeA  to  keep  away  iAom  the  Aoad,  the  boyi  weAe  obeying  but 
cZoudi  oi  duJit  obicJUAed  the  boy'i  view  oi  an  appAoaching  automobiZe  dtiven  by  E.  G. 
EngitAom  oi  TeAgui  TaZti.     The  boy  ii  in  a  hoipitaZ,  a  gAeat  gaih  acAoii  hii  iace,  but 
ieoA  at  icAit  ieZt  that  he  had  ^uHeAed  inteAnaZ  injuAiei  ii  now  poiied. 

The  HoZecek  giAZ  wai  AetuAning  iAom  tixe  iaiA  with  hzA  poAenti.     Sitting  atone  in 
the  back  ieat  oi  the  automobile,  ihe  ielZ  to  the  gAound.     One  eoA  wai  neoAly  cut  iAom 
hcA  head  and  the  otheA  hoAAibZy  laceAated. 
HANKINSON    NEWS  ************  5^p^_   ^S,    1922 


Six  itaZwaAt  iom  acted  ai  palZbeoAeAi  at  the  iunejuxZ  oi  theiA  motheA,  HAi.  A.  E. 
Adami,  which  wai  held  at  the  ioAm  home  noAthweit  oi  EoAney  lait  Sunday.     Aiw.  Adami 
died  ThuAiday,  a  iew  dayi  aiteA  iuHeAing  a  itAoke  oi  apoplexy.     The  Ajjtei  weAe  conduct- 
ed on  the  lawn  neoA  the  home. 

Mw,  Adami  wai  neanZy  65  yeaAi  old,   having  been  boAn  Oct.   5th,    1S57.     HeA  biAth- 
place  woj,  White  Oak  SpAlngi.   WI.,  and  ihe  wai  the  daaghteA  oi  Wi.  and  Wii.  Thomoi 
White.     When  a  imaZZ  child,  ihe  Aemoved  with  hzA  poAenti  to  Jowa,   and  wai  moAAied 

at  Ofuuigo.  City,   louia,   JuJbj  ZStk,    18S4. 

BzioA.z  oomlng  vilth.  heA  huiband  and  ^amiZy  to  HichZand  County  18  yzofUi  ago,  Wi&. 
Kdamii  ti\Jzd  viltk  thzm  at  OKonge.  City,  McUteA  and  Ifizton,   Jowa;  Moawaqaz,   Jttino-U, 
and  HomeA,  Ttnm6i,tz. 

M^.  Adam  li  i>aK.\il\je.d  by  kzA  hiUtband,  onz  daughteA,   tight  ion6,   htn.  {^atht/i, 
4  hiMtzAJ:,  and  4  bnotktu.     HeA  daughteA,   f'iu.   GKact  Thompion  o^  KinswoKth,  MB.,  Li 
heAz;  hzA  ^atheA  ^Aom  Ifizton,   Ik)  keA  bxotkeA,  John  Whitz,   ificm  HaywoAdzn,   lA. ,   and 
otheA  fi2JiaXl\}QJ>. 

Thz  J>aA\ji.\3lng  cIUZdAzn,  othzfi  than  onz  daughteA,  att  tivz  in  TUchZand  County. 
Thzy  oAz:  Clliiofid,  Ito,  RuAl,  Halph,  CtLde.,  AaoI,  MybuAt,  and  HidiaAd  Wkctz.  Thz 
youngzit  4on  aj>   11  yzau  old. 

HAHKIUSOU  NEWS  »»«»«»«»»«»«  OUobzA  5,    1922 

M/Li.  VougZoii  Evani,   TofmeA  RziLdznt  o^  LidgeAWood,  VLzi  at  Homz  o^  VaaghtzK 

In  TkU  City 

Again  tkz  angzt  oi  dzath  has  itAztckzd  ^oKth  itl>  handi  and  takzn  {^om  ouA  midi,t 
anotkzfi  Loving  wiiz,  mothzn.  and  Aiitzn..     On  SatuAdajj  Szp.   30th,  Cafinlz  Jzanztt  Bannum 
Evani),  uicije  o^  Vougtai  Evan&  oi  Lucky  Lakz,  Sa&k,  Canada,  and  mothzA  o(  hUa.  T.  A. 
Pznnock  oi  thii  city  dizd  at  thz  Zattzt's  homz  a^tzA  an  iZtnzi6  o^  thutz  vozzki>,  ga&t- 
Aitii  bzing  thz  caaiz  o^  hzA  dzath. 

CoAAiz  Jzanztt  Ba'inum  woi  fcoAn  in  TaAmington,  MW. ,  on  Nov.   28th,    1866,  bzing 
55  yzau,    10  months  and  2  days  o^  agz  at  thz  timz  oi  hzn  dzath.     On  Uojj  12th,    1886, 
6hz  wai,  unctzd  in  maAAiagz  to  VougZas  Evani  at  FzAga&  FaiZi,  MW. ,  and  madz  thzxA 
homz  thzAz  ^OK  thfizz  yzoAi,. 

In  1889  thzy  moved  to  LLdgznujood  at  wkich  placz  thzy  fiziidzd  ^oft  14  yzaA&. 
Vfwm  thzAz  thzy  voznt  to  BaZiouA  and  in  1910  thzy  movzd  to  Lucky  Lakz,  Soik,  CAn.,  whzAz 
thzy  MzAz  zngagzd  in  gauming  up  to  thz  pAzsznt  timz. 

CoAAiz  Jzanztt  Bannum  Evans  was  a  ^alth^uZ  mzmbzA  o^  thz  chuAch  o^  England,  oi 
Lucky  Lakz,  Sask,  Chn. ,  and  was  always  activz  in  chuAch  and  public  a^ialAS.     Shz  was  a 
happy  wi^z  and  mothzn.  and  a  thofioughly  good  ChAlstian  woman.     WhznzveA  thzAz  was  an 
oppofttunity  to  do  a  kindnzsi  shz  was  always  among    thz  ^iASt  to  Kzspond,  and  shz  dzlight- 
zd.  in  maJiing  othzAs  happy. 

Shz  Izavzs  to  mouAn  hzA  dzath:  hzA  husband,  thfizz  sons,  Claudz,  Jack  and  Waynz, 
0^  Lucky  Lakz,  and  Hu.  T.  A.   Pznnock  o^  Hankinson;  also  onz  bhJOthzA,   E.   M.  Zannum  oi 
WichUxL,  KS.,  and  onz  sistzA,  Hfis.  J.  V.  Bain  o^  Tomkawa,  OK.     All  wzAz  pn.zsznt  at 
thz  iunzAal  with  thz  zxczption  o^  E.  A.   BaAnum  who  was  unablz  to  attznd. 

Funznal  szAviczS  wzAz  hzZd  at  thz  T.  A.   Pznnock  homz  on  Wzdnzsday  moAning  at 
tzn  o'clock.   Rev.  CloAzncz  Coaa,   PastoK  oi  thz  Congfvzgational  ChuAch  conducting  thz 
s zAviczs . 

Thz  Avnains  wzAz  takzn  to  TzAgus  Tolls,  MW. ,  and  laLd  to  fizst  bzsidz  hzA  mothzA 
and  ^athzA  in  Mount  Taith  CzmztzAy,  and  wzAz     hzld  hzAz  until  noon  that  thz  thAzz  AonS 

CZaudz,  Jack  and  Waynz,  who  afifUvzd  on  iAoin  No.    lOS  might  hxvjz  a  Zait  took  at  the. 
motkex  bcionje,  the.  /Lemiini,  wzAz  taid  In  thz  g/uiue. 

T/ie  pcuUbejoKeM  we^e  L.  E.  KUxick,  Van  S.  lliZztj,  \ii.  J.  Chopin,  ffianh  Uaoi, 
0.  V.   Gi^iofid  and  Ed.   Rathz. 

Thz  bztzavzd  AziatiMUJi  havz  thz  hzaAt{,zlt  sympathy  o^  many  iAlzndi>  in  thzin. 


"¥oK  nonz  fiztunn  ifiom  tho&z  ipVilt  ihofvii>, 
iiJho  cA064>  with  thz  boatman  cold  and  paZe.; 
lilz  hzAK  thz  dip  oi  thz  goldzn  oafa, 
And  catch  a  glzam  o^  thz  i>nowy  6alZ." 

"Wz  only  knou)  that  theJJi  baAquz&  no  moKz 
Uay  hoJUi  viith  ai  o'eAXciJe'4  itofmy  4ea; 
Vzt  AomeutfieAe,  I  know,  on  thz  umzzn  ihoKz, 
Thzy  watch  and  bzckon  and  wait  iox  me." 

HkUnUSOH  NEWS  ,*,**,,»*•»*  Oct.    5,    7922 

WoA.d  woi  fie.c<uxzd  out  thz  turn  0|$  going  to  pKZi6  oiJ  thz  iuddzn  dexUh  of,  MA4  . 
W.   E.  Adami,  fiuixLing  ^ouA  mltu   nofUh  o{^  BaKnzy,     MA4 .  Adami  had  not  compZcUnzd  of 
any  and  hzA.  iuddzn  dzaih  biAjngi  4,oaaow  to  fAyizndi  and  nZA^hbonj)  Living  many 
miZzM  dlbtant.     MA4.  Adami  had  bzzn  In  attzndancz  at  thz  HoyaZ  Nzlghboxi  Convzn^on 
at  Hankimon    on  thz  pKzczzdLng  evening  and  was  In  hzA  ti&uaZ  j'otty  and  kappy  mood  and 
duAlng  thz  zvznlng,  SatUAday,  wai  at  GnavzA  Thomp&on'i.  AppoAzntZy  a6  uzZt  and  happy 
a&   ZMZA,  A-ztOujig  at,  u6aaZ  SatuAday  zvzninQ  pairing  q^alztly  and  pzaczfuL^f  away  In 
that  Zait,  long  ilzzp,  ffvom  which  ihz  nzvzA  Azgalnzd  con&cloa&nzii^),  though  dzatk  did 
not  come  untlZ  thz  foiZoMlng  Wzdnz&day. 

Thz  fanzAoZ  iZAvlcz  was  hzZd  on  Sunday,  at  thz  CongAzgatlonaZ  ChjuAch  In  Ant- 

ztop,   5  mltzi>  nofithzoit  of  BoAnzy,  at  2  PM  In  cIuiAgz  of  J?ev.   L,  E.  Vlnklnson  oi  thz 
WyndmzAz  M.   E,  ChuAch;  thz  RoyaZ  NzlghboAi,  of  BoAnzy  aJUo  attzndzd  In  a  body. 

HANKJNSON  WEWS  ttyndrnzAZ    Column  Octobzn.  5,    1922 

We  ate  gAlzvzd  to  Kzpofit  thz  dzath  of  V.alph  Caulklm,  of  Wahpzton,  Kzczntly 
of  tkli  townihlp.     Hz  wai   16  yzau  old  ja&t  a  fzuo  day&  bzfoAZ  hl6  dzath,  which  occnAAzd 
loit  Vnlday,  Oct,   13th,  about  noon.     He  dlzd  of  hzoAt  tAoublz  fKom  which  hz  had  iuffzAzd 
/>zvzJmZ  yzoAi).     Ralph  woi  of  a  £unny  and  plza&ant  dl&poiltlon  and  had  many  ffUzndi , 

Thz  funzAol  wai  hzld  In  thz  Mzthodl6t  ChuAch  In  Wahpzton  nzxui  thz  Caulklm 
homz.     JntzAmznt  wa&  madz  In  thz  Whltz  Rock  CzsneXzAy  bzsldz  hL&  bfvothzA  CtoAzncz  who 
dlzd  about  nlnz  yzaAi>  ago.     Thz  family  havz  thz  mo£t  ^Incztz  sympathy  of  all  thzlA 
f.fUznd6  In  thzln.  &ad  lo6i . 



lrfu.zndi>  of  thz  0.  H.  CauZiUni>   family,  plonzzA  Azildznti  of  GfizzndaZz  iympathizz 
dzzply  with  thzm  In  thz  lo66  of  thzlA  ion  Ralph,  who  dlzd  at  thzAJi  homz  In  Wahpzton 
loit  Thldajy. 

A  AzmoAkablz  Cjolncidzncz  li  thz  fact  that  two  yzoAS  ago  thzy  wzAZ  bzAzavzd  by 
thz  dzath  of  anothzn.  ion,  agzd  16  yzoAi  and  5  dayi.     Ralph  wai  zxa.ctZy  thz  iomz  age 
to  a  day  at  thz  tlmz  of  hl6  dzath.     Both  dzathi  nz&uttzd  fKom  hzant  tAoublz  iupzA- 
Induczd  by  Ahzumatlim. 

Ralph  wa&  a  mzmbzA  of  thz  WaJipzton  Boy  Scoots  and  populaA  with  thzm  and  at 
ichool.     i<lhzn  funzAal  izAvlczi  wzAz  conductzd  foA  him  at  thz  Hzthodlit  ChuAch  In 
Wahpzton  Honday,  thz  Scoutmaitz^,   F.   H.   BeAgmon,  Azad  thz  iZAvlcz  and  companion 
icouti  In  unlfoAm  boAz  thz  body.     Among  thz  floAol  plzczi  gioupzd  about  thz  coffin 
woi  a  bzautlful  offznlng  fJiom  hli  ichool  matzi. 

^aZph  MU,  boAn  cut  MQona,  lA. ,  Oct.    Zih,    1906.     WWi  ka>  paA.zntl,  he.  caim  to 
NoAth  VcdioicL  12  yeoM  ago,  living  viiXk  ikvn  ntoA  Hanklmon  antiZ  thzy  Aejnovzd  to 
Wahpzton  two  yzoAi  ago. 

SuAvZvZng  the.  youth  oAe.  hit,  pa/ieji^ti,  one.  4Jj>teJi  and  ^ouA.  bn.otheJii>.     The.  6-UteA 
tivzM  at  VaZejvUne,  WT.;  ont  bxothzA.,  FeAn,  hi  GAzejidalz;  the.  otheMM,  EoaZ,  HeJibeAt 
and  KznneXh  oJiz  at  home. 

HANKWSOhl    WEWS  ************  OctobeA  19,    1922 

kdotph  Ha^neA.,  69,  a  fiz&^dent  o^  HixMand  County  ioK  mo  fie.  than  40  yejOM,  died 
at  kii  fiome  -in  WahpeXan  oi  blood  poliorung  KtiuZting  ^Axim  on  a  nalt  {^\ie. 
wzeiiM  ago.     Hl6  death  had  teen  momtntoAAJiy  expzcXzd  ioK  mofiz  than  a  uizek.     H.a>  laldow, 
thAzz  daughtzAi  and  ^ve  6on6  iuAv-lvz. 
HMKJNSON    NEWS  ************  HpvzjpbeA  16,    1922 

On  Vnldajy  manning,  a^teA  an  UlneMh  oi  a  ,Jew  dajji,  RuA4e£  BuUM.,  a  J,on  oi 
Ua.  andWu>.  F/izmfe  i.  BuUaj>  o^  VuzAA  toiMn&hip  dlzd.     He  w<ls  takeji  UZ  on  thz  pKzvlou^ 
SatuAday  and  hU  dzath  um  caaizd  by    acxvtz  appzndicutU.     Had  thz  boy  tivzd  untU 
Sunda^j  hz  muld  havz  bzzn  />lx  yzoAi  old. 

Thz  iunzAol  izAvlczi  wzAe.  held  on  Sunday  a^tznnoon,  hU  i-UXh  bvithdajj,  at  thz 
M.  E.  ChuAch,  Rev.  3zWm  deUvznJjig  thz  iunznaZ  dlicoauz. 
H'ANKINSON  NBilS  LIVGERWOOV  COLUMW  NovzmbeA  16,    1922 

Jamzi,  UUtcheU  oi  KlddeA,  dlzd  on  SatuAday  and  thz  body  urn  ihlppzd  to  this  city 
ioA  buAial,  oAAivlng  on  t^onday  evening.     Thz  dzzeMzd  mi  moMlzd  to  a  daughteA  oi  thz 
latz  WUUam  and  TKoncli  Coolibzy,  who  dlzd  lomz  yeoM  ago  and  weAz  buAizd  at  HamUn. 
Thz  dzczoizd  uiai.  lUd  to  AzMt  bzildz  kU  uiiiz  at  HamUn  on  Tuesday. 

m.  Thomoi  ?olda,  a  iomzA  xzildznt  oi  thli  city,  and  ioK  izvzAol  yeoA^  pait  a 
Kz^ldznt  oi  GzoKgz,  m.,  dlzd  thli  weefe  and  thz  body  U  being  brought  to  tka  cUy  ioK 
buAlal  according  to  wond  xzcelvzd  hzAz  today. 


LcLit  Monday  cU  aboiU  noon,   FoAAmoan^  um  dumbfounded  whan  U  faecame  known  that 
T.  A.  BoAdilay  wtu  dzad,  bzzn  oveAcome.  by  coJibon  monoUdz  inom  tho.  znglnz  exhaoit 
o^a  ¥oKd  coJi.     M/i.  BoAcklty,  Zn  pKzpvuUlon  ioK  a  cold  &pzU,  took  hot  wcutzA  to  hli 
goAoae.  to  6tajvt  tht  angZnz.     He.  had  thz  tnglnz  Juinnlng,  hz  tuJmzd  tht  cAonk  and  wcw  down 
on  kU  knzu  opznlng  up  thz  vaZvzi  to  6  zz  that  zvzAytking  was  aU  A^ht  bz^oKZ  puXUng  thz 
coA.  on  jack!,  ioK  thz  uUivtzA.     In  thi6  position  hz  was,   iotxnd  by  hi6  wl^z  about  12  o'Uock 
who  wznt  to  look  aitzA  kun,   aitzji  an  ab&znzz  0^  abocut  tloo  howa,  Hz  may  havz  bzzn  dzad 
ioK  an  hoan.  on.  moA.z  bz^oKz  hz  woi  duaovzAzd. 

Thomas  A.  BoAxiilzy  wa&  boKn  In  Vanz  County,  ft/T.,  Jan.   30th,    1849,  whzAz  hz  g/iew 
to  manhood  and  was  moMZzd.     In  1S75,   hz  camz  to  Au^-tin,  MN.,  whzAz  hz  Uvzd  untU  1 S79 
thzn  hz  camz  to  Vakota  TzAA^oAy  and  bAokz  thz  i^t  i>od  ^outh  oi  TaUmoayut.     In  ISSl  hz 
movzd  hU  iamlly  hzAz  onto  KU  homz&tzad  and  thz  iiMt  MzXhodiit  ChuAch  ^zAvZczi  eveA  hzZd 
^  thM   community  wzAz  hzld  In  kU  un^ini^hzd  ihack  and  6incz  that  timz,   hz  was  a  dzvouX 
mzmbzn.  and  wonkzA  oi  tha;t  dznomlmXlon. 

In  1902  hz  (mtZAzd  thz  mcUZ  ^zJivZct  and  wca  tht  ^Zut  avuiloJi  oat  o£  TcuAmount 
uhyLch  uicUi  among  the.  i-iut  -in  thz  itate.,  and  ^o/i  IS  t/eaw  he.  ieAvzd  hJjt  patAom,  to  thz  but 
oi  hii  abiLitij  and  hii  patAom  become  attackzd  to  him  and  hz  wai  thz  JizcupZznt  O)}  many 
pAZiZnti,  06  a  6zn.vant  to  thz  pzoptz.     In  1920,  whzn  nza/iZy  11  ijznju>  oi  age  hz  woi  n.ztUAzd 
mJJfi  a  pzmZon. 

In  Li^z  M/i,  "EaAd&Zzy  heZd  many  o{i{)Zczi  o{  tnmt  aji  ha>  commu.n.ity,  aZwayi   ^aJMi- 
luZ  to  thz  loit  and  by  hZ&  up^ghtnz&i  hz  had  no  znemZzi,  and  tcoi  zonCsldzfizd  onz  0(J  ouji 
bzit  and  mo6t  bzZovzd  cXtczeni  and  wa4  a  £Znz  zxamptz  ei  an  AmznA.can  cJJu.zzn  and  by  u.n- 
timzZy  pa44-cng  out  cUty  wcw  pZaczd.  In  deep  lonAovo  and  ouJi  pzopZz  gfhizMZ  viith  thz  nzan. 
>izZatX.vz&  h.z  tzit  bzhJjfid,  oofUch  afiz  kis  mI^Z,  and  ^oua.  chZZdxzn:  AJ.£xzd  o^  01-ing,   UD., 
M^,  Ci/m.  Viitnzjy  o^  ^InnZpzg,  Canada.,  WA^ZLam  oi  UlnnzapotL&,  and  Mw,   Laztta  Lopzutzad 
0(5  San  VZzgo,   CA. 

Thz  {anz/ial  iZAv.icz&  wzfiz  hzZd  ta&t  ThuA6day  at  zZzvzn  o'ctock  AW.,   £Viit  at  thz 
fLZ6tdzncz  uhzfiz  thz  Odd  FelZom  had  choAgz  and  condaztzd  thz  to  thz  Methodiit 
ChuAch  whzAZ  REv.  Hynzi,   ^ofimzuly  o^  FaZnmoant,   now  at  St.  VdtzK,  MM.,  dztivzAzd  a  vzfiy 
iZnz  6ZAjnon,     k^tzn.  wfUch  thz  Masonic  oKdzfi  took  choAgz  and  z&cofitzd  thz  fizmaZm  to  thz 
czmztzAy,  whzAz  thz  tait  filter  u)zn.z  hzid.     Thz  Z6tzzm  Zn  whyich  thz  dzczoizd  woi  hztd  wai, 
told  by  thz  beaixtyiiuJi  iZxjfmZ  t/Ubutzi,     Thz  patxom  oiJ  RufuiZ  Routz  Wo.   1  ,iiofu.di  thz  dzczaizd 
tzndzd  {^ofL  40  many  yzaJie,  had  a  wKzaXh  wZXk  "Routz  No,   1"  wofikzd  Zn  uilth  {^Zawzn^,  thz 
Mo^OKLS  and  Odd  fzZZom  t/Ubutz  wzAz  iZowzn  pZIZom  wZth  embZem/)  o^  thz  oKdzu  wonkzd  -in. 
Thzn.z^wajt  a  bzautZ^uZ  bouqazt  {i^omthz  po6t  o^^Zcz  ^o^cz  and  many  othzfu,  ^Kom  dZ^zKznt 
ofiganZzatZoni .     kZtkoagh  thz  fioads  wzfiz  aZmoit  Zmpa&iabZz  thz  chuAch  W(i4  thfiongzd  uxcth 
dfLizndjs  who  camz  a  Zong  way  to  pay  thzZfi  Zadt  Aeapecta  to  thz  dzpajitzd  onz  who  had  by 
kii  ckindnzii  and  good  tAoZti  won  thzOi  Zovz  and  z&tzem. 

Thz  AzZatZvzi   ^fiom  a  dJjitanzz  wzftz:  kZf^Kzd  EoAdiZzy  and  daughtzn.  o^  WZng,   htV., 
Wm.   BoJidiZzy  and  wZ^z,  MZnnzapoZA^;  Ma&  .  W.  C.  Putnzy  o^  bJZnnZpzg,   Can.;  Joe  BatdiZzy 
and  6on,  Gay,  Uk6.   T.  0.  HuZl  and  ^,on,  GZzn  0({  HZnnzapoZi&,  Ma.  and  Ma4.  F-tanfe  OZZvzn.  o^ 
HinnzapoZyii, ,  Ha&  .  iazJZZa  lopzfi-Stzad  o^  CaZZdoAnAji  wai  anabZz  to  bz  kzfiz. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  Talnmoant  Nzm  Novzmbzn.  23,   1922 

Ma.  and  Mnj>.  UeZd  BxoZandzn.  Zz{,t  on  Taziday  ^on.  Pankzu   VkoaJlLz,  MN.,   to  aXtznd 
thz  ianznjJiZ  o{^  Mw.   Bn.oZa.ndzn.* i>   {^athzn.,  Mk.  John&on,  who  dJ,zd  iaddznZy  on  Sanday. 
HANKJNSON  WEWS  LZdgznwood  CoZumn  NovembzA  30,    1922 

CormuyUty  Shoditd  by  Suddzn  Vzatk  oi  (Uv-UL  WoA.  VvteJum  and  VlontzA.  CLtizzn 

ImU  A.  TyiiOn,  (Ux-UL  WaA.  VzXleAon  and  Rlcktand  County  plontzA,  ditd  iuddznly 
cut  hii  home,  yin  tkii  city  zoAty  thyii  moAjfUns.     He.  poi^zd  amy  pzacziutiy  and  hli  dtath 
woi  dc&coveAzd  when  kii,  uiL^z  ejidzjavoAe.d  to  aAoaiz  him  Ion  tkz  day.     blhJite.  hz  wcLd  veAy 
u)zak  {oA  thz  pait  (Jew  montki  thz  znd  woi  zntOizty  unzxpzctzd  and  come  04  a  gxzat 
ihock  to  hoiti)  0^  iAizndi  thAoughout  tkU  poAt  o^  thz  county. 

Vzczaizd  um  onz  oi  thz  bctt  known  0^  ouA.  pionzzn.  izttZzU.     Boaji  in  Vznntytvania 
kpfuJL  22nd,   1843,  hz  uxu,    in  hi&  zightA.zth  yzaJi.     At  thz  outhtzak  o^  thz  civiL  wok  hz 
znZiitzd  and  ^iZAvzd  ai  a  UrUon  6otdlzA.  thAoaghoat  thz  wan.     Hz  i>aw  much  activz  izAvicz 
and  a  (Jew  yza>u  ago  WAotz  a  4>zfu.z&  0^  antictzi  ioK  thz  WEWS  KeJLating  ku  zxpznizncz6 
duAing  thz  KzbzZLion. 

Hz  iM  iafivivzd  by  hii  wi^z  and  &zvzAat  chiZdxzn,  but  we  hopz  to  pAjziznt  a  moAz 
complztz    obituaJiy  in  ouA.  nzxt  i&iuz. 

Hz  hztttzd  -at  ZidnZand  county  in  thz  zaJiZy  80*4  viith  izvzKol  bnothznj,,  all  oi 
whom  took  Zand  in  what  ii  now  GKzzndaZz  Toun&hip.     Ufi.  Tyion  was  UizlZ  zducatzd  and 
ioK  many  yzoM  taught  Aufuxl  ichooZM  in  tka>  pant  oi  thz  county  and  many  oi  hZi  ioAmzn. 
pupiZi  a/iz  now  nujnbzn.zd\among    ou/l  wztt  known  ioAmzu  oi  middZz  liiz.     Hz  woi  aZio 
onz  oi  thz  iiut  fujJuxZ  mail  caVu-ZU  i^om  Hankin&on.     Strong  in  hi&  potcticaZ  convict- 
ion&,  hz  wai  ainuayi  to  be  iound  battling  ioK  what  hz  coniidzAzd  thz  night  in  civil 
Ziiz  valiantJiy  04  hz  ioaght  ion.  human  tihznty  iwm  '61  to  '65. 

AAAangzmznti  ion.  thz  iunznaZ  havz  not  yzt  been  comptztzd,  but  it  ii  thz  pnziznt 
plan  to  hold  6z>i\iicz&  in  thz  Congnzgational  ChuAch  in  Hankin&on  Saturday  monning 
aitzn.  which  thz  nzmaZnl,  will  be  laid  at  Az&t  in  thz  Ty6on  Czjmtzfuj  in  GKzzndalz  Town&kip. 

HANKWSOM  MEWS  ************  WovemfaeA  30,    1922 

Jmpnzi^iivz  Funztal  Hzld  at  Congfizgational  ChuAch  Laj>t  SatuAday  Aitztnoon 

Thz  iunznal  oi  leiaU,  A.  Ty&on,  vztzAan  oi  thz  Civil  WoA  and  a  Az&idznt  oi  PU.chiand 
County  ioA  moAz  than  35  yexiAS,  wa6  hzld  SatuAday  aitzAnoon  at  thz  CongAzgational  ChuAch, 
conducted  by  Reu.   C.  CaAA. 

Thz  &zAvicz&  wzAz  in  choAgz  oi  Hankin^on  ?04>t  oi  thz  AmzAlcan  Lzgion  togzthoA  with 
thz  Civil  Won.  and  Spani6h  WoA  VzX.zAan6.     Thz  caikzt  waj,  almost  hiddzn  bznzath  iloAol 
oiizAlng^,  and  thz  AmzAican  Flag  wa6  pAominn/itly  dc&playzd.  Thz  chuAch  woi   iillzd  with 
old  tunz  iAiznd6  and  nzighboAi,  gathzAzd  to  pay  thzAA.  iinal  tnibutz  oi  Azipzct  to  onz 
oi  thz  nation'i  dzizndzu. 

HonoAOAy  pall  bzaAzAi  wzAZ  W.  T.  SpznczA,  Cha&.  H.  CiboAn,  R.  T.  EniXtzn,  S.  Himi, 
T.   I.   Evzni>on  and  John  lilickman.     Thz  activz  palZbzoAzAi,  wzaz  mzmbzAi,  oi  thz  lzgion  poit. 

At  thz  conclaiion  oi  thz  chuAch  ^zAvicz  thz  Aemaim,  wzAz  takzn  to  thz  Tyion  Cejn- 
ztzAy  in  GAzzndalz,  nzoA  thz  icznzii  oi  thz  zoAly  pionzzA  itAugglzi  oi  thz  dzczoAzd, 
undzA  militafuj  zicoAt.     A  mLlitaAy  iolutz  waj,  iiAzd  oi  thz  body  wai  lowzAzd  to  it6 

^nat  KeJ>ting,  tap6  weA.z  ioundzd  and  the.  gath&fUng  of,  {,nA.e.ndi  dli>pz/u>e.d  uxLth 
tkt  finatizcutLon  that  thz  cormayiUy  had  toit  a.  tAue.  ChAA^tlan  man  who  had  ioaght  tlr.z 
good  {tight  and  ^Iniihtd  the.  couA^t. 

LeiMa>  Mien  Ty4>on  wm  bofin  at  VoAk,  PA.,  ApJvil  22nd,   1843;  died  Nov.  29th,   1922. 
He  came  voe^t  to  Indiana,  then  a  iKontleJi  itatt,  whejn.  a  imatt  boy.     TheAz  he  g^ew  to 
numhood  and  at  the  outbreak  oi  the.  Clvlt  WoA  znLii>tejd  In  thz  i>eA\Jlce  oi  hZi,  coantAy  at 
St.   Looci  In  kpnlt  0^  1S61.     He  6eAvzd  thAzz  yzjou  and  eleven  monthi,  poMtlcA-pajting  in 
izveAoL  oi  tkz  tmpofitant  battlzi  o^  that  sangiLiaoM^i itAuggle  beXwzzn  nonth.  and  iouth. 

He  uias  mannlzd  to  EmiZy  HiZman,  Zn  Vzc.   oi  1S67,  and  wznt  to   ianmlng  In  JZtinoZi,. 
LateA  on  hz  taught  school  Zn  IL.   imtlt  U86  whzn  hz  b/waght  hAJ,   iamity  to  Vakota  teAJii- 
toKy,  6zttLing  on  a  homz^tzad  In  what  Ik  now  Gxezndalz  Townihip,  about  ten  mlZzh  ioutk 
oi  Haydzlnion.     TheAZ  hz  undznwent  tkz  6tAuggle^  and  txiaZi>  oi  thz  plonzeA&,  teaching 
count/iy  ichool  thz  wlntzAM.     Thz  iamity  removed  to  Hankln&on  In  1899  and  dzceoM- 
zd  wau>  a  iamillafi  ilguAz  In  ouA.  city  up  to  thz  day  oi  kit,  death. 

He  lJ>  luJwlvzd  by  hid  widow;  thfizz  i>on6,  KobeAt,  ChaAtz6  and  HeJibeAt,  and  two 
daughteA^,  Annlz  and  Hay.     Two  bAotheA6  alio  iuxvlvz  him,  HobeAt.  A.   oi  Catiitoga,  CA. 
and  Rev.   E.   E.  oi  Atlantic  CiXy,  UJ.     AU.  oi  thz  ioni>  and  daughtzAi,  wzAz  heAz     ioA  thz 
HANKIMSOM    NEWS  *************  VzcembeA  7,    1922 


EAooki,  UndeAwood,  Soo  AallAoad  man  known  to  many  oi  thz  company'^  employzzs  at 
Hankln&on,  wai  In&tantZy  iuILzd  when  hz  ieZt  beneath  thz  whzeZi  oi  a  iAzlght  tAoln  at 
Litton  ladt  SatuAday.  He  wai  woAklng  ai>  a  bAakeman  at  thz  time,  (ilthough  he.  had  iZAvzd  ai> 
condactoA  on  iAelghti  In  thz  pait. 

Ju^t  how  thz  accldznt  occuAJizd  li  not  known  a&  thzAz  wzAZ  no  zyz  wltnz&6e.i.  Thz 
ipot  li,   known  ai  an  exczptlonalZy  dangeAoui  one  to  tAalnmzn  and  anothzA  bAakeman  wai>  killed 
thzAz  a  iew  yzoAi  ago. 

UndzAuiood  has,  made  occoilonal  tAlpi  to  HanLinion  on  extAa  ixelghtb  duAlng 
thz  poit  yeax  and  wai>  well  known  to  many  pzoplz  hztz.  He  leaver  a  wliz  and  iamlly. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  VzcembzA  14,    7922 

MAi.  ChaAlzy  Vlck  hoi  AeXuAnzd  iKom  AboAdzzn  wheAZ  ihz  hoi  bzzn  to  attend 
thz  iu-nzAal  oi  Geo  Age  Steman,   ionmenZy  oi  Ealnmoant. 

*     ***********  VecembeA  14,   1922 

Ua.  and  tUi.  BzAt  EutleA  have  thz  sympathy  oi  thz  commaniXy  In  the  death  oi 
thelA.  Iniant  daughXeA  which  occuAA.zd  Wzdne&day  aitzAnoon,  aiteA  living  tuio  dayi  aitzA 

************  VzcembeA  14.    7922 

Ma..   Lewci  A.  Tyion  who  dlzd  at  kli  home.  In  Hank<yu>on  on  Hov.   19th,  waj>  laid 
to  fizMt  In  Tyion  CzmeteAy  on  ScUuAday,  Vtc  2nd.     Hli>  {(mJUbj  and  izveAJtt  otheji 
KzlativeJt  and  ^fUzndi,  iotiowzd  the.  Azmalm  to  tkz  loit  Keating  place,  tzn  inLle.6 
ioutk  oi  HardUmon.     Thz  dzepe^t  iympathy  l&  extzndzd  to  tkz  iamily  by  aZl  theJji 
iKiendi>.     M/L,  Jyion  wot,  an  UncZz  o^  M/l4.  A.  MowieA. 


(UoAd  wai  Jie.c.zivzd  heAz  thli  wzzk  oi  thz  death  o^  Hznxy  Hittag  at  FeAgui  FalZi>, 
MW. ,   on  Tuesday  moKning,  Vzc.    12th.     Vzczaizd  uxu>  onz  oi  thz  veAy  zoAZy  izttZzA6  In 
tkU  Kzglon  hli  iatkzA.,  KoaZ  UUtag  having  homz&tejidzd  paAt  o^  thz  pKziznt  i>ltz  oi 
Mankind  on  mofiz  than  io/vty  yejiu  ago. 

Hen/uj  UUtag  uxu,  boKn  at  Hz&heZ,  GeAmany,  77  yeoM  ago,  and  whllz  a  young  man 
camz  to  AmeAican  uxith  kUi  poAznti,  M/t.  and  Uu.  KoaZ  Uittag.     About  40  yzoM  ago  thz 
tkz  iamilsj  loaxtzd  on  a  homzitejid  uhlck  Inzludzd  tkz  land  on  which  thz  iouth  panJt  oi  thz 
CAXy  oi  HanfUnion  new  standi.     Vzczaizd  Izit  hzfiz  ten  yzoM  latzfi,  leJMlng  on  a  ianm 
noAth  oi  UantadoK,  wheAz  hz  lived  ion  iivz  yzaM.     Hz  iold  tkiii  placz  and  bought 
anotkzA  iaAm  nofitk  oi  GAzat  Bend,  but  a  yzan.  lateA  iold  out  theAz  and  moved  to  a  ioAm 
which  hz  bought  nzan.  Etizabzth,  MW.     He  Ke^AJizd  about  zight  yzau  ago  and  fiziidzd  in 
Fe/tgtti  faZJU>  up  to  tkz  timz  oi  hli  dzath. 

He  li>  iuAvivzd  by  thz  widow  and  a  laAgz  iamiZy  oi  ckltdtzn,  aZl  ghown.     TheJiz 
ojlz  alio  thAzz  iuAviving    bhotkeju,;  Thzd,  who  livz&  In  Montana,  Canl  oi  GKzat  Bend 
and  Hzfman  oi  thli,  city;  two  ilitzu,  EAnzitlnz  UUtag  oi  Chicago  and  M/la.  Caxl  La- 
boda  who  llvz&  iouthzait  oi  Hanklnion. 

Vzczoizd  wait  a  dzvout  membzn.  oi  thz  GeAman  EvangzlLcat  ChuAch  and  thz  iunzAol 
will  be  held  undeA  thz  aaipiczi  oi  that  oKganlzatlon  at  ^zKgui  Falli  on  SatuAday, 
Vzc.    16th.     HeAman  UUtag  and  Ma.,   and  Uk&.  CaAl  Laboda  wiZl  aXtend  tkz  lait  iad  fUXzi. 

Vzczoizd  woi  a  good  nelghboA,  a  loyal  i^znd  and  a  good  hmband  and 

/n^QOAd  by  all  who  fenew  him,  and  newi  oi  hl&  dzatk 

WW  Izannzd  with  Azgiet  by  old  taneAi  in  thli  vicinity. 

HAHHUSOM  hlBJS  •»««««»»»»«»  VzczsnbeA  14,    1922 


BAooki  ilndzmood,  Soo  KallAoad  man  known  to  many  oi  thz  company'i  employzzi  at 
Hanklmoi(i,  wai  instantly  klUzd  whzn  hz  iell  beneath  tkz  whzeli  oi  a  iA.zlght  tAoln  at 
Wltton  loit  Saturday.  Hz  wai  woAklng  ai  a  bAakeman  at  thz  timz,  although  hz  had  iZAvzd  ai 
conductoA  on  ixelghti  In  thz  pait, 

Juit  how  tkz  accident  occjuAAzd  li  not  known  ai  tkzAz  weAz  no  zyz  witnziizi.  Thz 
ipot  li  known  ai  an  zxczptionalty  dangzAoui  onz  to  tAolnmzn  and  anotheA  bAakeman  wai  killzd 
thzAz  a  iew  yean,  ago. 


Beji  He  UofiAoii)  Me-Zti  Tfta.Qlc.  Vzath  \)lhzn  AuXo  Oiaihu  Into  Eng^Jiz:  Otkvi  Occupanti 

Aji  Can.  Eicapz  InjuAy 
HcuilUyUton'A   (tut  {ataZ  cfwiJjjfiQ  accidznt  occvJiHtd  SatuAday  zm^yujiq  wkzn  Btn 
Mc  MoAAow,  dnlv-big  ku  fond  fumahoat,  cAoihzd  Znto  tkz  Zocomotivz  putting  thz  Soo'i 
Hanktmon-ELimcLndi  pcUt/tzngeA  fuun  and  urn,  aJbno6t  ImtantZy  luZZzd.     H^jt  bfiothzA  Izn 
and  "Shonty"  tOiaaliZ,  the.  otlmA  occivpantl  o(  tkz.  am.,   zicapzd  with  minoK  InjuAlzi. 
Ben,  bzttzn.  knom.  cu,  "Bunny,"  wca  thuiion  ovzn.  tkz  Mind^kizZd  and  ifmxik  tkz  hnow  plow 
0^  tkz  znglnz  viitk  tzfuU^c  (oficz,   i^actuAing  ha>  ikuJU.,  bAzaking  one  oAm  In  izvzAoZ 
placzi,   onz  Izg  and  izvzAoZ  Kibi.     Hz  dizd  whilz  bzing  takzn  to  Vk.  McVonzli'i  oH-lct. 

Without  mincing  woKdb  it  may  04  weZZ  be  plainly  itatzd  tkat  tkz  accldznt  uxl6  thz 
xziult  o(  too  muck  moonAkinz.     Thz  boyi  we^e  dhlvlug  in  injom  tkz  loutk  and  at  thz  CcutkoHic 
ChuAck  zotinzn.  Izn  and  "ShoKtxj"  zndznvofizd  to  ilaakzn  tkz  ipzzd  oi  tkz  coA.     But  Ben 
itubbofmty  KzMlktzd  tkzOi  z^oAti  and  opznzd  tkz  goi  wide,  tzoAing  down  thz  htAzzt  at.  tkz 
hpzzd  limit  o(  tkz  coA.     Thz  Soo  bAjjjick  fuUn  woi  moving  slowly  ovzn.  thz  cAoi/iing  on  Main 
4>tAzzt  with  EnginzzA  Ga&t  Olion  at. thz  tkAottlz.     Thz  ipzzding  auto  itAvudi  tkz  itncw  plow 
and  wai>  tuAnzd  aZmoit  completzly  about,  coming  to  a  itop  JuAt  za^t  o(  thz  iidesmlk  and 
jtiithln  a  dozzn  (Jeet  o(  thz  main  fiadi.     Thz  coA  woi  not  ovzAtuAnzd,  but  thz  {,Aont  znd  wjoa 
complztzly  wKzckzd.    Lzn  and  "Shontif"  wzAz  not  :Ui'iown  out  but  we/ie  (ound  hal(  dazzd  and 
huddZzd  in  thz  izat  wfien  by  6tandzAi  fuuhzd  to  tkz  6cznz.     Ben  had  bzzn  tkAown  out  with 
tznAl^c  iJoAce  against  thz  ^,now  plow  and  wai  pickzd  ap  with  hli>  hzad  onlif  a  loot  iKom 
tkz  fialti.     Hz  waj,  unconcclouj^  and  dlzd  within  a  (ew  momznts . 

Thz  cAoi4>ing  hoi  aliM.y4>  bzzn  coKi,ideAzd  a  dangzfiouA  onz  with  dozzm  0|J  tfiaim  pair- 
ing thAough  thz  hzoAt  o^  town  daily.     Thz  Soo  maintains  a  flagman  but  even  gatzi  would 
not  ha\jz  pKz\Jzntzd  tkil>  accidznt,  whick  wai,  due  ZJvUfizly  to  thz  fizckZziinzii  o{t  thz  dAlvzA. 
Thli  lb  i>hown  by  tkz  (act  tkat  thz  auto  did  not  even  Kzack  tkz  AaiJU>,  Kunnlng  hzad  on 
into  thz  bnow  plow  imtzad.     Thz  dzad  boy  hoi  a  Azputatlon  ion.  Kzcklztb  dniving  and  ha6 
bzzn  fizpzatzdly  woAnzd  o^  tkz  dangzn.  o^  ipzzdlng.     Thz  accidznt  ejmpha^izti-  thz  iact  that 
thz  KadiatoK  li  thz  only  placz  alcohol  l6  o^  any  uie  about  an  automobilz. 

Thz  tAagzdy  -t/tAew  a.  paZt  o^  hofOvoK  oveA  tkt  hotiday  {,ti,tiv.i;Uu  AjnmziiiaieZy  iollovy 
Ajig.     Happening  at  nint  o' dock  am.  thz  tvznlng.  It  woi  witnui>zd  by  i>t\JZ/iaJi  pzAAOYH,  and 
thoAJi  accounts  oi  the.  dcdidzjot  axt  atikz  In  aU.  U6zntiaZ  poJvticjuJiaJii .     Scoku  oi  Hoti- 
day AzvzZeMA  weAt  at  thz  icznz  uiWUn  a  ^ew  mlnutzi,  and  thz  wn.zc.ktd  axA  imj,  vlmd  by 
hundAzdi  duAing  thz  ioZZouxbig  48  houu. 

Thz  body  0(J  thz  victim  wxi  takzn  {Kom  Vx.  MC  VonzJU'i  oHlzz  to  Gn.zzn' 6  UndzAtaklng 
fioom  whzAz  JuMtizz  E.  A.  ULng,  actxng  a^  zofwnzA.,  zmpanelzd  a  ja/iy  zotu>li>tLng  o^  Vfi. 
Mc  ConzZJL,   L.   K.   Vlck,  T.  M.  GjeAitnum  and  0.  V.  GA-^ond.     Thz  vzndcct  oi  thz  coH.onzA'i 
jUJiy  utti  In  aczofidancz  mth  thz  {acti  itatzd  abovz,  but  no  attzmpt  woi  madz  to  plazz  thz 
A.e^poni-ib'iUty  ^OA.  thz  azcidznt. 

FunzAot  izn.VA.czM  weAe  hzZd  Wzdnziday  a^tz/inoon,   bz^ing  condactzd  by  Hanklmon  Voit 
0^  thz  AmzAlcan  Lzg-ion  at  thz  Gnzzn  undzAtahing  poAZonj,. 

Vzcz^zd,  onz  oi  a  iamWj  oi  13  ckUdAzji,  wal,  bonn  hi  Gnzzyidalz  Township,  June  8th, 
IS94,  and  wcu  28  yzxua  o{,  age.     Hli  zntUz  Uiz  m2>  ipe^  ^  UcMmd  County  mth  thz 
zxczptAj^n  oi  thz  tanzhzum  Aji  izAvlcz  duAlng  thz  i)lonld  Woa.     He  ipznt  izvzmZ  months 
In  thz  tAoirlng  campi  and  m^  ovzMza^  ion  about  ZA.ght  morth,.     ShontZzy  aitzA  kU  nztuAn 
hz  woi  thz  vZcthn  oi  an  accUznt  that  cxLpplzd  hhn,   iaZUng  undzA  a  Soo  tn^  and  loUng 
thz  gnzatzA.  pant  oi  onz  ioot.     Oddly  znoagh,  thU.  accidznt  ha.ppznzd  mthLn  a  handnzd  izzX 
vi  whznz  hz  tatzK  loi>t  hli  tliz. 

He  U,  iuAvlvzd  by  iAX  bnothzJU,  and  thnzz  ^l6tzM,  aZZ  oi  whom  nzMdz  am  thA^  vA.CA.ruty 
mXh  thz  zxczptlon  oi  F^fe  Mc  Moaa^w,  w/io^e  homz  U  In  Chicago,  and  Joe  Mc  Uonnow.  who 
UvzM  In  St,  Paul.     AU  wzAZ  hzAz  ion  thz  ianzAoZ  with  thz  zxczpticn  oi  Joe.     Thz  poJvintM 
dizd  many  yzaJii,  ago. 

U  U  to  be  hopzd  that  thli  tzMlbtz  tAagzdy,  which  might  zaiily  havz  nz^uUzd 
AM  thAzz  iataJUttzJ>  Imtzml  oi  onz,  waJUL  havz  a  tzndency  to  chzck  thz  6pzzd  bugi  oi 
thli  locatUy.     But  thz  dlUlcuUy  in  nzanly  zvzny  dnxvzn.  nuAJ>zJ>  thz  Uza  that  hz  It. 
thz  onz  motonlit  who  can  dAivz  at  bnzaknzck  ipzzd  and  nun  no  nL^k  oi  accidznt.     Why 
not  enact  a  Zaw  tijrUting  thz  gzxu  oi  plzaiuAz  cjoaj,  to  about  thinty  mitz2>  an  houA,  on 
even  twzrvty-ilvz?    ThiAty  miZzA  an  houA  li  iait  znough  ion  anyonz  to  dAivz  undzA  any 


HAMHMSON  NEW5  ************  VzcmbzA  U,    mi 


JOHN    J.     CROOKS     VIES     OF     PWEUMOWTA 
P^oinuZng  GKZZndaJit  Votuth  Poi^ei  Away  Zn  Vliuh  o^  Young  Manhood, .. , 

Thz  ddoXh  oi  John  J.  CA.ook&,   18  yzoK  old  i,on  o^  Wi.  and  Mw.  John  Cxookt,  loit 
F/Lcday  aX  the.  {^airuZy  homz  -in.  GfizzndaZz  Touimhip  Kzmovu   {^/lom  ouJi  nu.d6t  one  o^  ouJi  moit 
pAom-dlng  young  mzn.     HZ&  untunzZy  dzath  was  a  g/izat  ^hock,   not  only  to  thz  pzoplz  o£ 
G^zzndaZz  but  to  thz  many  ^^zndi  o^  thz  dainily  Zn  thl&  cJjty  whzAz  dzczxuzd  attzndzd 
high  ichool  and  bzcxmz  wzll  known.     Hz  woi  takzn  Wi  ualth  pnzumonAM.  and  madz  a  gallant 
i^jght  agaln&t  thz  dAMzaiz,   but  iuccumbzd  a{^tzA  tzn  dayi  0|J  iuf^f^zAlng . 

John  J.  Cfiook&  woi  boA.n  on  thz  iofm  whzn.z  hz  dlzd,   on  MoKch  24,    li94,   and  woi  thzfiz- 
ioKZ  In  hilt   19  yzoA.     Amb-itioui,  to  izauJiz  bzttzn.  school  advantjigzi,  than  thz  country  school 
oi£zfizd,   hz  zntzAzd  thz  Hanklmon  High  School  and  gfux.djuatzd  with  hononj,  ajt  a  mmbzfi  oi  thz 
cZa&6  0^  1921.     VuAyLng  hli>  high  ichool  cafizzfi  hz  won  thz  high  z&tzzm  o^  thz  {^acuity  bzcauiz 
0^  hl&  itudloui  kablti  and  dzpzndablLity  In  zvzfiy  way,  and  wo*  alio  poputan.  with  hi&  cloAi- 
matz& .     Hz  took  a  kzzn  IntzAZ&t  In  thz  ichool  papzK,    "Gxzzn  and  Gold,"  pfU.ntzd  duAlng  hi& 
itznion.  ifzoA,  and  wai  onz  o^  thz  zdltofu,  0({  that  publication. 

Not  contznt  wlXh  a  high  ichool  zducatlon,  hz  6pznt  thz  {^olZowlng  yzoA  at  luZhzA. 
CoZlzgz,  Vzconah,   Ik,,  diiplaylng  thz  6amz  znzAgy  and  ambition  that  had  mankzd  hlM  high 
iichool  coAeeA. 

Rzczntltj  hz  madz  application  jJoa.  admLbilon  to  Annapolli  Naval  Academy  and  thzAZ  wa& 
a  pAJsbablllty  oi  hll,  4>zcuAlng  thz  covztzd  appolntmznt,  having  bzzn  highly  Kzcommznd- 
zd  to  Congn.z&iman  Eu/itnz&i .     Vunlng  thz  poit  ^eu!  months  hz  had  bzzn  tzachlng  count/iy  school 
wZth  zxczllznt  iuccz&i. 

Hz  l&  iufivlvzd  by  thz  paAznt&,  Ma.,  and  MfU,.  John  Oiook6;  a  hall  bfiothzfi,   Cllliond 
UaJiiejM  ol  Callxco,  CA.,  onz  6l&tzA,  MaAgoAzt  Oiooki,  and  onz  bKothzfi,   EAvln  E.  Cxooki, 
both  0(5  whom  afiz  at  homz.     Hz  wad  a  dzvout  mzmbzn.  o^  thz  Mzthodl&t  ChuAch  and  livzd  a 
con&litznt  ChnZ&tljan  li^z,   zndzavoAlng  In  hli  qulzt  way  to  makz  thz  wonZd  bzttzn.  and  thoiz 
with  whom  hz  had  adioclatzd  happlzfi, 

Thz  lunzAal  wai  held  SatuAday  a£teAnoon,  Jan,  6th,  with  iztvlczi  conducted  by  Rev. 
Anmi  In  Gn.zzndaJiz,  ThzAZ  weAZ  many  llofial  oUzfUngi,  Including  a  wKeath  iKom  membzu  o^ 
kit)  high  school  ghjxduatlng  clem.  Thz  text  o^  thz  6eAmon  wai  "Be  Vz  Alio  Ready"  and  wai 
a  dzieJivlng  tnlbutz  to  thz  dzpafitzd.  The  paJUbzoAZfii  weJiz  ^onmeA  ichool  matzi;  VeXeA 
Hzntz,  Kznnzth  OllveA,  LoweZl  Vznnitzdt,  Raymond  SchuitzA,  Allen  Popp,  CtiHoKd  Hickman. 
Jntznmznt  wai  madz  In  Tyion  Cemztzny. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  Jamuviy  11,    1923 

A  ion  0^  Ma.,  and  MA£  ,   John  Rzttlg  o^  Hanklmon,  died  at  thz  home  o^  Ma.  and  Maj,  . 

WllJUjom  Luzck,  poAznti  o^  Ma4.  ReXtig,   on  Sunday  evening,  agzd  1  yzoA.     Thz  cooie  od  the 

dzath.  wai  pneumonlxL.     Thz  ^unzAaZ  wai  held  on  Tueiday  at  thz  Holy  CAoii   LutheAan  ChuAch. 


M-w.   Philip  Wolwend  AzceZvzd  a  teZzgAom  lait  wzzk  In^oAmlng  hzA  oi  the  iudden  death 

0(5  heA.  {jCUthzA  Zn  Wcahington.     She.  Iz^t  on  the.  ^Xxit  tAcuin  btut  did  not  Kzach  theAe.  -in 
tlrnz  {^oA  the  {^aneAoZ. 

HAWKIWSON  NEWS  ************  JanuaAtj  11,    1923 

We  cuiz  att  deepZy  grieved  oveJi  the.  untimeZy  dzcuth  o{^  John  Oiooki,,   Jn.,     He  ujca  a 
ipZendid  young  man  and  woi  6taAZing  on  a  LL^e  of,  m e{;uZneA^) .     A  young  man  of^  ChfuMtMin 
pAA.ncu.pZeJt ,  we  deepZy  mowin  hU  Zo6i .     Though  eveAythZng  uioi  done  to  iave  hi&  Ziie  and 
KeMtofie  kli  health,  the.  dUexue  uiai,  oiJ  iuch  a  i>ejU.oui,  nutuAe  thaX  human  old  woa  o{^  no 
avalZ.     We  aZZ  extend  to  oufi  {,fu.e.nd&  and  neZghbou,  Ma.  and  Ufu>.  John  Oiook&  and  lamiZij 
oun.  hejWt^eZX  iympatJiy,   and  mail  God  com^oKt  and  bZe^i,  them  Zn  thZlt  iad  time.     The.  {^uneAoZ 
woi  heZd  SatuAday,  Jan.   6th,  wZth  i,eA.\iZce^  Zn  Tyion  ChuAch,   conducjted  by  ouJi  ionmen.  Paiton. 
Rev.  Gnant  UooA.e  and  oun  pxeJiejit  ?a&toA  Rev.  A/imi.     TheAe  weAZ  many  beavjUif^uZ  {^ZoMeJU, . 
Ma4  .  John  WZckman  and  Ha.     EdgoA  Lee.  ^ang.     The  paZZ  beoAZAi  we/te  ichooZ  mate^  o^  thz 
deczoMzd.     InteAmznt  wai,  made  Zn  Ty^on  CemetzAy. 

HAWKIMSOW  NEtilS  GAezndaZz  CoZumn  JamioAy  11,    1923 


A.    L.   PZzckaAd,   chz^  at  thz  Soo  Rz^stauAant  ^oA  thz  pa&t  tuio  monthi  and  a  haZ^,  woi 
{^ound  dzad  {,Aom  hzoAt  IoaJLuaz  Zn  thz  ba&emznt  o^  thz  AZi tanAont  at  a  quoAtzA  poit  the  noon 
hooA  on  SatuAdojj',   Jan.    13th.     Hz  had  gone  to  thz  baizmznt  ^oA.  aookZng  iuppZZzi,   and  {aZZ- 
Zng  to  KztuAn  pKomptZy  an  ZnveJ>tZgatZon  wad  madz  vnithin  ten  mZruxtzi  and  hz  u}a&   {^ound  Zn  a 
knezZZng  poituAz  uxith  IZ^z  zxtZnct.     Ja&t  thz  pKzvZous,  day  hz  had  expAZi^zd  a  uiZih  {ton.  a 
quZck  dzath  whey.  hZj>  tZmz  came  and  Zn  vZew  0|{  hZA  iudden  demZjiZ  thz  uiiih  wai,  aZmoit  a 

Veceaizd  woi  6S  yeoAi  o{^  age  and  wai  a  naZivz  o^  Germany.     Hz  had  been  empZoyzd  Zn 
thz  LzsZzy  chaZn  o{^  Soo  ReMtaiiAafnti   ioA  thz  pa&t  14  yejxAi  and  came  to  HankZn&on  aboujt  thAzz 
monthi  ago.     HZi  laZ^z  dZed  about  {^Zvz  yeoAi,  ago  but  hz  Z&  luA\jZ\Jzd  by  two  daaghtexi  and  one 
6on,  aZZ  0^  whom  Az&Zdz  Zn  Wz6t  SupeAcoA,  WI.       Thz  body  wai,  ihZpped  to  that  pZaaz  Sunday 
a^teA  bzZng  coAzd  {^on.  at  thz  GAZZn  undeAtakZng  panZoAi . 

Vzcza&ed  waj,  a  man  o^  iomz  pAopzAty,  aZZ  Zocatzd  Zn  ^z&t  SupzfiZoA  wfieAe  hz  {^oAmzAZy 
madz  hZj>  homz.     Hz  wai  o^  a  quZzt  dZ^po&ZtZon  and  wai  hzZd  Zn  hZgh  Aegofid  by  hZj>  ai^ocUaXei 
06  weZZ  a&  thz  patAom  oi  thz  AZitojuAont. 
HANKWSON  hlBJS  ************  JaymxxAy  U,    1923 

E.  H.  JoAA,   70,  wa&   {^ound  dead  Zn  kii  homz  neoA  lWinx)A,   dzath  havZng  AZiuttzd  ^Aom 
a&phyxMLtZon  by  coaZ  gai,     HZj,  wZ^z,   lb,  wa6  ZZvZng  when  nzZghboAk  Znvz6tZgatzd,   but  dZed 
wZXhouX  AzgaZnZng  con&cZou&nz66.     Thz  aged  aouplz  had  AZiZdzd  Zn  MZZnoA  jJoa.  about  twenty 
yeoAi . 
HANKJNSOhl  NEWS  ************  JanaaAy  It,    1923 

Wa..   and  Ma4.   NZck  Ktzin  KiXiinmd  homz  toj,t  weefe  iKom,  WJ . ,  wkzAt  thzy 
we^e  catttd  by  ihz  dzcuth  o^  Hu.   KZzA.n'i   {^cuthzA.     Thzy  6pznt  Ayo  weefe^  thzAz  vZi^UyLng 

KzlaX^vzi  and  old  ^AA.znd6  .  ...HobzAti  CoarUy  Rzcoxd 

HANKINSON  MEWS  »»»»»«**«««»  JaniuzAi/  IS,    1923 

Ma4  .  AJinold  P.   Layton  and  tLttlz  daughtzn.  and  hzn.  iZitzn.  Hc&/>  hIzZLiz  Joknion,  who 
hoi,  bzzn  vAJiltinQ  hzn.z  £oK  thz  pa&t  wzzk,  Zz^t  Wzdnz&day  loK  fofman,   bujig  callzd  by  thz 
d&aXh  0){  thz^A.  tUtttz  yujicz  ,  IhoKQaKzt  Johmon.     Thz  titttz  qaJlL  wai,  buX  ^ollh  yzau  o{^  agz 
at  thz  tanz  o{^  hzK  dzath,  uihLcJi  Kzi>aZtzd  iKom  a  6Z\JZfiz  coie  o£  dlphthzfUa.     UK.  and  Ma4  . 
Johnkon  and  titttz  ion  aJiz  att>o  \jzajj  iZX.  uiZth  dZphthzfUa,   but  according  to  KzpoKtii  Kzzzi- 
vzd  hzKz  thtii  moKnlng  thz  tidz  has  tuAnzd  ^OK  thz  bzttzn.  and  It  Zi>  thought  thzy  wttt  all 
Kzcovzn..     Thii  Zi  thz  tkOid  dzath  that  hai,  oczwizd  Jin  thz  pait  iouA  wzzki,  two   oi  whom 
oAz  cJLoiz  fizlativzi  o^  Mw.   Layton. 

HANKIt^ON  NEWS  ************  JanuMJuj  U,    1923 


Ma4 .   Tfizd  ItzgzJbnan,   a  fiz&^dznt  ojj  Gfizat  Bend  nzlghboKhood  loK  40  yzoM,   dizd  at  hzn. 
homz  -in  Gxzat  Bend  vWbxgz  Wzdnziday  A^tz/inoon  a{,tzn  an  iZJinUi  oi  about  a  coupZz  of,  dayi. 
Shz  had  bzzn  J,n  Raiting  hzatth  ^oh.  iomztimz    but  wa6  not  comZdz/izd  cfiiticaZZy  UJ.  untit 
a  |$ew  houu  6ei$oA.e  thz  end. 

Pececued  uiai,  a  nativz  o^  Gzfmany,   6S  yzau  old  and  gKew  to  voomanhood  i.n  thz  iatkeA- 
tand.     ShoAtly  a£tz>i  hzn.  maJinAMgz  to  Fn.zd  ZZzgeZman  thzy  iimignjxtzd  to  AmzAlca,  izttting 
ilnMt  at  ln.on  Zidgz,  WT.,  and  a  ^ew  yzoAi,  latzn.  locating  nzaJi  Gn.zat  Bend  uUth  thz  Tnjyn 
Hidgz  Colony  that  camz  to  ZichZand  County  ^Kom  that  locaZtty.     Thz  iamiLy  xzitdzd  on  a 
^anm  In  Bnjandznbung  until  a  (Jew  yzanj,  ago  whzn  thuj  moved  to  Gn.zat  Bend  to  ipznd  thzVi 
dzcLbiLYvg  yzoMM. 

Vzczoizd  iM  iWivZvzd  by  thz  hxi&band  and  a  langz  ^amtly  Oi$  gnown  ckil.dn.zn,  moit  of^ 
thzm  KZd-idz  Zn  thZi  nzZghbonhood. 

AAAangejnznti   ^ox  thz  ^unznjxl  havz  not  bzzn  madz  at  thz  timz  Thz  MEWS  gozi  to  pKZii . 
HANKJMSOM  MEWS  ************  JanuaAy  25,    I9Z3 

Ma6  .  Auguit  Langz,  uii{^z  o^  Hznfiy  Langz,  tivZng  a  ijew  mZlzi  iouth    oi$  thZi  city,   dizd 
on  Uondojj  a{^tzn.YWon  a^tzA  an  -ilZnz&6  that  loitzd  £ox  moKz  than  a  yzaJi,   aged  57   yzoJiM  .     Thz 
dzczaizd  had  nz&Zdzd  tn  thJj,  vtcinity  ^on.  many  yzaxi,  and  Xm  6un.vtvzd  by  hzn.  husband  and 
onz  6on.     Thz  {^unznjxL  ieAu-ccei  weAe  fie^d  on  Wzdnz&day  a{itzKnoon  at  thz  Holy  Oioi-i,  LathzAan 
ChuAch  -in  thi&  city. 
HAMKJMSOM  MEWS  Lidgznwood  UonZton.  Column  JanuaAy  Z5,    1923 

ObizAvZng  hzn.  huiband  Izanlng  again&t  a  dzncz  and  appoAzntly  playing  uxith  hi&  boALing 
dog  jumping  about  nzoA  hJjn^   Uju,    M.   B.   S-Cone  tlroughJ:  nothing  o{,  it  untit  a  hal(^  houn.  lattn 
ihz  {jOund  kirn  Zn  thz  iamz  poi-itZon,  dzad,     Vzath  uku,  duz  to  hzoAt  dZiza&z.     EziZdzs  thz 
wZdovj,   tiZvznjol  small  chZldAzn  i>uAvZ\}Z.  Stonz  wai,  a  pnomZnznt  {^oAmzA  AZiZdZng  nzoA  Shzldon. 

**********  TzbnnoAy  1,    1923 


We  uil&h  to  zxtznd  oan.  hejaAt{^Qjit  ihanki  to  zveAyone.  c.fio  io  gzneAxniily  heZpzd  ai> 
ckifUng  tkz  WbizMi  and  dzath  oi  ovJi  mothaA  and  wc^e. 

Wi.  and  Mnj>,   Thank  "Litgdbnajn 
Hudotph  KJWLtQtfi 
Otto  Lizgzlsnan 
Adotph  lizgeZman 
AaguLit  LtegeZnvm 
Hfman  ZZtgelman 
ffitd  lA.tgdbnan,  JR. 
F.  W.  HoAks, 
fKzd  Va&ienhzin 
ffitd  Hingzt 
Wm.  mUeA  Ttbfuwjuj  1,    7923 

ti'm.  Schuttt  wznt  to  dJahpzton  lent  we.e.k  {^on.  a.  cowptz  o^  daiji  itny.     Txom  theAz  hz 
Mzrvt  to  ToAgo  to  attznd  thz  {^uneAaZ  o^  F/ianfe  L.   Tatcott,  wktch  wcu,  hzZd  tkzAZ  Wzdnz6day 
a^tzAnoon.     Ma.  Sdiattt  aL&o  ipznt  a  couple.  o£  dcLy6  attzndyLng  thz  (UA.cuJX  couAt  dotngi 
idhLch  AJ>  <.n  iZi^Zon  cut  Voaqo, 


A  KejpoKt  KzoLchzd  hexz  Monday  oi  thz  dzcuth  0(J  Vk,  V,  C.  StzeZz,  pAomLnznt  FcuAmount 
phfiZcMin  and  bankzA,  cut  ka>  homz  Zn  that  cCty  a^tzA  an  Wbiz&i  o{^  tMo  wzzki,.     Vzczoizd 
iMU,  uU-dzZy  known  and  onz  o^  FaUAmount'i,  mo&t  pKomlnznt  caJxzzm  .     Thz  {^anznnJi  wait  kzld  TulZI)  . 

Wu:  Canjuiz  Smofit,  an  zoAJbj  Kz&A-dznt  o^  thz  UantadoK  nzlghboAhood,  dLizd  at  la/uimoKz, 
WP.,   iojit  wzek  and  thz  body  uuu  ihippzd  to  WyndmzAZ  io>i  bujUaZ.     Vzcza&zd  woi  at  onz  timz 
poitmiktAZiiii  at  MantadoK  and  waa  wzZZ  known  th/ioughout  thli  izctcon.     Shz  ti>  iuJiM-ivzd  by 
tuio  ioni .E.  J.  Smafut  oi  UantadoK  and  EanZ  Smajut  o^  lanAjnoKz.>on  hiem  FzbAuoAy  1,    1925 

Uu .   Txzd  T^bttti,  a  iofimzn  fiz&Zdznt  o^  Mankinion,   dLizd  at  thz  ZikmoAck  HoipltaZ. 
tojit  wzzk.     Thz  iamUbj  fiziidzd  hejiz  ioK  a  ihofut  timz  6ZvzAat  yzaja  ago.     Un.,  Ttbb-it6  woi 
zjmployzd  by  thz  Uofuthoz&tzAn  Tztzphonz  Co.     Vzcza&zd  uxi&  a  i>i^tzA  oi  IfJU,.  F.  B.  SchnzttdA 
oi  Wahpzton  and  thz  mmairn,  wzfiz  &iu.ppzd  ixom  thz  homz  at  WiZton,   MP.,  to  that  city  ioK 
bu/uaZ.  »*»««*»*»»«* 

HANKINSON  NEWS  TzbmoKy  S,    7923 

UoKth  Dakota.  Swzpt  by  Old  TZmz  Stofm  Taziday  and  blzdnz&day. . .  .ALt  TfiaH-ic  Vanalijzzd 


Eyvtixz  FamiZy  HanJiovily  E&capzi  Death  by  TfizzzZng  Ten  lWieJ>  South  oi  HanLin&on. ,  .FoAjrtzn. 

PeAZihzi  MeoA.  WhzaXan;         Eoy  Hiiitng  at  VzbZzn;       Uany  UaMJiow  Eicapzi 

Tnaii^c  and  bu&tneM  oi  alt  kind6  woi  pAactiaxlly  6u&pzndzd  thnxiughout  Hofith  Dakota 

on  Tuz&day  and  {JJzdnziday  ai  a  fiziult  oi  thz  woA&t  bZtzzafid  that  hai  bzzn  zxpeAZznczd  in 

twznty  yzoAi, . 

THE    KUOWhl     CASUAL  in  ES.... 

Known  cai,uaZtiz6  oi  thz  6tofim  IncJbxdz  thz  &zvzn.z  ifizzzZng  oi  John  P.  Woli,  Ua^ .  Woli 
and  thzAJi  7  yeofi  old  ion  iouth  oi  Hankiniion,   nzaJi  thz  itautz  tinz.     Ma.  Woti'-i  condiXion 
beZng  6uch  that  Zt  -a  izafizd  hz  wilZ  not  iuAvZvz,  whiZz  Uu.  Woli'6  anm  wa6   iA.ozzn  ioZld 
and  thz  izzt  oi  thz  tittZz  boy  wzfiz  badZy  inozzn,  thz  3  yzafi  old  LitXZz  glnZ  in  thz  paruty 
Zicapzd  Znj'wiy  ixom  thz  itoAm.     Thz  ifizzzZng  to  death  oi  a  iafuneA,   HznAy  Honnzn,   nzaJi 
Whzaton;   an  OxneM  boy  nzan.  \Jzblzn,   lo6t  on  hli  way  to  ichool,   hai   not  yzt  bzzn  iound. 
OthzfLi  had  nafiow  zicapzi  but  thz  abovz  covzti  thz  onZij  iznZoui  fiziutti  KzponXzd  and 


Thz  itofun  bAvkz  wtth  tenZHZc  iuddznnz&i .     At  7:30  Tuziday  moKning  iX.  wai  minting, 
but.  miZd;  inow  bzgan  iaZZZng  heavZZy  a  iziX  miniLtzi  Zatzn.;  about  S  AM,   a  60  nUZz  gaZz  Koa/izd 

down  j$  thz  noAXhweJit,    (^JJLinQ  thz  cuA  mMi  ilnt  pcuuticlu  o^  6nou:  and  making  AJt 
ijnpo6&i.bZ(i  to  -izz  moA.z  than  a  ^ojc  ie.eX;   thz  mzAcoKi]  {^eXZ  AapZdiy  and  icon  toachzd  ZO 
bztow.     Tht  ijac-t  that  thz  btlzzafid  bfiokz  ojiKtij  woa  moit  ^o^itanatt,   06   {,ew  pzoplz  had 
tz^t  thzAJi  homu  at  that  houJi.     Had  iX  i>taAtzd  tu^o  hoivii  ZatzA  thz  dzath  tLkt  uioaZd 
andoubtzdZy  havz  Kzachzd  Zafigz  pA.opofction6 . 


AlZ  t/ux^(iA.c  ha6  bzzn  imipzndzd  6A.ncz  za^iZy  Taz&daii  moaning.     Thz  la/it  tAnJ.n  to 
fizacii  HanivLn&on  uiai  Soo  pa6izngzn.  105,   and  othzfi  tAOAJK,  uifiz  ioon  tZzd  up  at  HoAvzy, 
EndznJiln,   Hantujiion,   Talnmount,   BJiootzn  and  GZznwood,     Thz  Gxzat  HoKthzAn  podizngzn.  wot, 
inow-boand  at.  KZddzfi,  SV,,    zofiiif  Zn  thz  ^oAZnoon.  Thz  Hanklyi&on-Eli,maAck  tfialn  and  thz 
Hanking on-GZzmcood  ZozaZ  dJid  not  Zzavz  tkz  HankLnion  yoAjdit .     Not  a  whzzJi  tafinzd  on  zithzn.  duAtng  TazidoLf  and  i}!zdnz6day,     Thz  itofm  zxtzndzd  wzit  cZzaji  to  thz  ?acA.i-ic  Coa&t. 


Thz  HanfUnion  ichooZs  and  aZZ  country  izhooZi  Kzmatnzd  cZoizd  divilng  both  dayi. 
ThzAZ  wzfiz  izvzAoZ  cZoiz  caZZi  ^oK  tzachzfu,  and  cKUidfizn  who  attzmptzd  to  ^aaz  thz  itoAjn. 
Thz  Mc  Gnjxy  chZZdAzn  Zzit  thz  ioAm  a  mlZz  and  a  haZi  zait  o^  town  with  a  hotiMZ  and  iZzlgh 
ja&t  bz^oAZ  thz  iitonm  bKokz.       Ufi.  Mc  Gfuuy  nzatizzd  thz  dangzt  ioon  a(^tzn  thzlt  dzpantuJiz 
and  ha^tznzd  a{^tzK  them.     Hz  ^oand  thz  houz  standing  qutztZy  In  thz  load  and  thz  chtZd- 
Kzn  wzzplng  hzZpZzsiZy  Zn  thz  nZg.     Hz  succeeded  Zn  gztting  thz  ZZttZz  onzi  back  to  thz 
{^oAjm  wZth  con&ZdzAobZz  dZ^f^ZcuZty . 


John  P.  l}JoZ{,  and  iamZlii,  KZ&ZdZng  Zn  EZma  Town&hZp,  Zzit  Ja&t  bz{,0KZ  thz  itoAm 
b/Lokz  iofi  thz  homz  o£  Atw .  (flo£z'.S  poAznti ,  Un..  and  Mm,  Wm.   KZan.,  who  KuZdz  jLU,t  acioii 
thz  South  Vakota  ZZnz.     Thzy  become  Zo6t  and  naM.owZy  zlcapzd  pzAtihtng.     Ma.  WoZ^  an- 
hZtchzd  thz  tzam  iKom  thz  fiZg  and  did  hZe>  bzit  to  pAotzct  hZ6  wZ^z  and  two  imaZZ  chZtdAzn 
iAom  thz  itonm.     Thzy  wzAZ  dZicovzAzd  by  thz  KZoA  men  ioZkj,  at  noon,   havZng  bzzn  out  Zn 
thz  i)tonm  iZncz  bz^oxz  S  AM.     M/t.  WoZ^z  wa6  uncomtcZoui  and  6o  badZy  ^fiozzn  that  hZi 
KzzovzAy  Z&  haAdZy  zxpzctzd.     Hz  Zl>  bzZng  bKoaght  to  HankZnion  thZ6  a^tzAnoon  and  wZZZ  be 
Auihzd  to  a  hoipZtaZ  on  thz  ^Zut  tfuUn.     Ma& .  WoZ{,'6  afm  woi   ^Aozzn  loZJd  thz  zntZAZ 
Zzngtli,  and  ihz  may  Zo4,z  thz  tunb,     ThzJji  ZtXtZz  7  yeflA  oZd  6on  i,uiizAzd  tuo  badZy  ^Aozzn 
izzt.     Thz  3  yzoA  oZd  daughtzA  wot,  unhanrnzd. . 


HznAy  Hznnzn,    lafmzA  nzoA  Whzaton,  wa&   {,ound  {^Aozzn  to  dzath  Zn  hZ6  zoAn^ZzZd.  Thz 
ho  Adz  hz  wad  dfilvZng  wa&  at&o  dead. 


A  boy  najnzd  Oxnz&i  Zi  mZiiZng  at  VzbZzn.     Hz  itoAtzd  ioA  ihcooZ  Tuziday  moAnZng 
on  ioot  and  had  not  bzzn  izzn  dZncz.     That  hz  ha6  pzAidhzd  Zn  thz  itofun  Zd  aZmoit  a 


A  idiooZ  bvu>   {^Ztizd  uxlili  chUZdAejn  uoandzAzd  about  tkz  pfijauifu.u  mjoji  LA.dgzAwood 
thtoughout  Tauday,   btit  {^ZncUZy  fitache.d  ^a^ziy  towajidi,   zvznlng  mXh  nom  oi  tho.  yoang- 
itzAj,  4tu.(i{,tfUng  zxazpt  {,an.  a.  &zvtn.z  ckitLing. 

AsZdz  ^fiom  tht  tzMlblz  zxpeAlzncz  o^  thz  Wol^  {^amlLij,  tkzAz  fuu  bz^yi  no  6u^£zA- 
Xng  ^  thAJ>  ZocatUy.     VzopZz  gznz>uitty  had  ampZz  j{ae^  and  pfiovZiZoni,  and  fieinalnzd  Zni-idz, 
kzzp-ing  thz  homz  ^ZfiZ£  buArujng.     ?a&4>zngz/U  who  camz  -in  Tuz&day  moKnlng  on  Soo  tAoZn  105, 
znAoatz  {jOK  po-inti,  on  thz  HankZn&on  and  EZi,  Zlnz,  havz  bzzn  manoonzd  hzAZ  6^ncz 
that  tJjnz  and  havz  bzzn  gi\jzn  accormoda;tLom>  Zn  thz  iZzzpZng  can..     A&Zdz  ifvom  thz  dzZay 
tJizy  havz  ia{i{tzn.zd  tUtZz  Znconvzyiizncz. 


ChJJLdKzn  namzd  Guitalion,   nzoA.  Whzaton,  uizAZ  badZy  ^fwzzn  wkiZz  on  thz  way  to 
6chooZ,   but  wzKz  ioand  bz^oKz  It  wa6  too  tatz. 


Thz  itofim  blew  itizZ-i  out  Zxi&t  night  and  thz  fuulAX3ad6  oAz  ba&y  today 
thz  tfiacki  {lOK  a  fLZiumption  of^  tnaln  &ZAvZcz.     Rotany  pZowi,  anz  at  wonk  on  att  dlv-u- 
Zoni,  0^  thz  Soo  and  thz  GA.zat  NoKthznn  aZ&o  has  pZow6  going.     Vzi-Lnatz  inionmation  ai> 
to  tAainS  -ii)  iitUiZ  unobtairtabZz,   but  it  Lk  pKobabZz  no  tnaink  muX£  fiexich  Hankimon  untiZ 
60mz  -tone  FAA,day, . 
HANKJNSON  NEi>JS  ************  FdbfiaaAjf  15,    1923 

^^A.,  and  (.Ou.  CZliiond  DlzathzKbzz  havz  thz  dzzpzit  sympathy  o^  aZZ  zxtzndzd  to  thzm. 
Thzifi  happinzii,  which  wa&  at  its   zznith  ovzA  thz  new  aJOiivaJL  in  thzin.  homz  was  tuAnzd  to 
QKA.zi,   ioK  thz  Zlttlz  onz  dizd  at  its  binth.     It  woi  bafUzd  Monday,  and  Mks.  Ix'zathzAbzz 
has  bzzn  vzajj  sick.     Hzn  many  iftiznds  hopz  (^on  hzfi  spzzdy  kzcovzhjj. 


Thz  dzath  oi  Louaj,  H.  Bohn,  onz  oi  thz  most  pKominznt  ^atrnzti  o^  thz  GKzat  Bend 
nzighbonhood,  was  a  gfizat  shock  to  hZs  many  (^Kiznds  in  this  pant  o{,  thz  county,     Hz  had 
bzzn  iZZ  {^on.  somz  tunz  with  asthma  and  pnzumonia.  znsuzd,  thz  compZications  n.zsaZting 
in  dzjoth. 

Vzczaszd  was  boAn  nzaJi  Gfizat  Bend  and  was   3S  yzoAS  o^  agz.     Hij,  {^anm,   onz-haZ{, 
miZz  wzst  and  onz-haZ(^  milz  sooth  0({  GKzat  Bend  vlZZn.gz,  wa^  onz  oi  thz  {^inzst  in  that 
szctZon,  and  hz  had  aZways  takzn  a  ZJjvz  intznjit  in  community  a(^laJjis  and  township  and 
county  poZitics.     Hz  was  hzZd  in  high  zstzzm  by  his  nzighbonj,  and  his  taking  o{,{,,   just 
in  thz  pnAjnz  o^  manhood,  was  indzzd  a  sad  a^^OAA. 

Vzczaszd  iA  suAvivzd  by  his  ui^z,   who  is  just  JiZCOvzAZng  ixom  an  opzAotion  {^oK 
appzndicitis  at  thz  Wahpzton  Hospital,   and  iouJi  chlZdAzn Znvin,  UabzZ,    Iva  and  WlZbeAt. 

Thz  ^ULneAaZ  ujcu>  hzZd  Monday  and  uwa  attzndtd  by  a  Zcuigz  numbzA  o{^  60fiAow- 
Ing  A.zZcutLveJ>  and  ^/iczndi . 

HANKlNSOtJ  hlEWS  ************  TzhnuoAy   15,    /923 

Etizzaxd  VX-Ctun  LoiU  TZght  {^oK  Liiz;     Maa  .  ^oti  itUUi  in  CaaM-CoZ  Condition 

John  P.  UoZi,  i&vzAzZy  ^Kozzn  -en  an  z^^oAt  to  pKotzcX  kii  uii^z  and  {^amlZy  duAing  a 
36  houA  v-igiZ  on  tkz  pfiaAJu.z  dafUng  la&t  u)zdz'6  bLizza/id,  dizd  ^fiom  kii  Znju/u.z6  at  thz 
EKZck.znnJ.dgz  Ho-ipitaZ  at  8  O'clock  Taz&day  moAnlng. 

MA4.  WoZ^  ti  itiZL  in  a  cxiticaZ  condction  at  thz  iomz  hoipttcUL,  and  a  tzZzphonz 
mz&iagz  ihtl,  manning  6tatz&  that  amputation  o^  both  hand&  mXH  be  nzczLhoKij  Ji^  htn  ti^z 
-C4  to  fee  4>avzd.     Hzx  n.zcovznjj,  in  any  zvznt,  ti  a  mattzn.  0)5  gnavz  doubt. 

Thz  7  yzoK  old  ion,  EZdn.zd,  ti  6a{,  ^Kom  {^nxiit  bitz&  on  tkz  i>otz^>  oi  hli,  £zzt 
but  mJiZ.  6ui,taijri  no  pznmanznt  injLUiy.  He  t&  pnacticalZy  wzZt  now  a&idz  ^nom  thz  tzndzn.- 
ne-S4  Kzi,uZting  ^njim    tkz  in.06t  bttd. 

Thz  2  yzoA  oZd  bahy  ginZ,   Ha/itzjy,  pa&4tzd  thioagh  thz  oKdzaZ  ahiolutzZy  uninjuAzd 
and  t6  nonz  thz  wonj,z  ion.  tkz  tznjuhtz  zxpzAizncz. 


So  many  wiZd  nsmoKl^  fiave  bzzn  a^toat  that  Thz  Nzjm  hoi  takzn  paini,  to  gzt  thz  "i>tnju.- 
ght"  0(5  it,  and  thz  ^acti  givzn  bzZow  OAZ  oi  nzZatzd  by  VztzA  Kuttzn.,  a 
oi  tkz  Woli6,  uAo  woi  Mith  thzm  day  and  night  thz  timz  thzy  wzn.z  iound  hzZptz^t  on  thz 
pnaJjiiz  tkz  izcond  day  oi  tkz  itonm  untit  Mn..  Woti  poMizd  away. 

Thz  Woli  iamiiy  had  i,pznt  Monday  night  at  tkz  homz  oi  Mw .   liloli'.&  poJiznti,   Un..  and 

Mw.  Wm.   KloA,    12  miXzii  loutk  oi  Hankinion  and  4li  miJizi,  thzin.  homz.     Thz  tittlz  Woti 

boy  wa6  anxious  to  gzt  homz  to  attznd  ichooZ  Taz&day  [Monday  having  bzzn  a  Zzgal  holiday] 

a&  hz  uiantzd  to  ivin  a  pKizz  oUzAzd  by  thz  tzachzn.  ion.  thz  bz&t  n.zcon.d  oi  attzndancz. 

Tuesday  monning  f/Ji.  Woti  hitchzd  up  hJj,  tzam  to  thz  bob4,,  which  wa&  paAtiaLty  iiZlzd 

with  coal,  and  tkz  iamiiy  itantzd  ion.  tSriZAJi  homz,  Izaving  thz  KloA  placz  ju6t  a  izw  minatzi, 

bzion.z  thz  itonm  bn.okz.     It  wa  knowing  thzn  bat  thzAz  wa6  no  wind.     Thzn  camz  tkz  tznjUblz 

bla^t  oi  wind  iKom  tkz  nonthwzit,  and  Ma.  iUoli  ^°^  ^^  attzntion  thz  linzi   ion.  a 

momznt  to  wna.p  hJj,   iamiiy  up  in  thz  nobzi.     VuAing  tkii  bnizi  timz  tkz  tzam  Izit  thz  n.oad 

and  in  a  izw  momznti  Woli  knzw  tkat  tkzy  had  lo4,t  tkzin  bzaxingi .     Thzy  dAovz  oAound  ion 

a  ihonX  timz',   but  hz  izlt  tkat  it  wai,  bzttzA  to   ^top  a&  hz  knew  thzy  wzAz  but  a  vzjvy  ihont 

dUtancz  iKom  thz  KlaA  placz.     He  thzn  unkitchzd  tkz  honj,z&,  planning  to  kzzp  thz  iamiiy 

in  thz  nig  antiZ  latzK  in  tkz  day  ai  hz  wai  coniidznt  thz  ionm  would  bnzak  up  towandi, 

zvzntng  and  hz  would  bz  ablz  to  £ZZ  thz  Klan.  buildings  and  could  tkzn  walk  to  thz  houJ>z 

ion.  hzlp.     Thz  wiiz  and  tkz  childAzn  nzmainzd  in  tkz  hlzigh  tkAamghout  tkz  day,  M/l.  \s!oli 

walfUng  about  in  thz  inow  nzan.  by  to  kzzp  wanm.     Onz  oi  thz  honj>e^  had  Kzioizd  to  Izavz 

thz  nJ.g  and  nzmainzd  clo6Z  at  hand  all  day.     Thz  othzA  would  go  ion  a  ihont  dtitancz  and 

thzn  n.ztan.n, 


Bat  an  aX  qx&m  dank  and  the.  itohm  covvtiyuxad  In  ivJUL  iuMj,  Ux.  Uol^  dzcldzd  that 
6omztkinQ  mujit  be  dom.     He.  had  p/izvZoaiZy  attempte.d  to  remove,  the.  iZetgh.  box  ^nom  the 
niLnrUng  geoA  uiiXh  the.  Idea  o{  getting  thz  family  andeJineath  and  thai,  pKotzct  them  £Kom 
the  itonm.     He  had  6ucczedzd  in  getting  thz  ^AMnt  end  to  thz  gJwund,  but  thz  wzlght  o^ 
thz  coaZ  wa6  too  gxeat  to  pzfunlt  hl&   ^Inlihing  thz  job.     In  thz  zvznlng  he  zndza\JOH.zd  to 
QZt  thz  iKont  end  o^  thz  box  back  on  thz  nxmneAi,   but  In  thz  attempt  hl&  mlttzm,  and  hat 
camz  oiJ){  and  ku  hands  u)zn.z  too  badZy  {^fiozzn  to  get  them  back  In  place.     He  wai,   loKczd  to 
abandon  thz  Idea  o^  hitching  up  thz  team  again  and  thz  family  iztttzd  doion  ion.  a  night  In 
thz  Atelgh.     t^nj,.  Wo£($'4  hands  aJUo  bzcamz  6o  badZy  inozzn  that  hzn.  rnUtzns  ^ell  o^i  and 
ihz  uoi  unabZz  to  get  them  back  In  place.     Thz  tittZz  oneJt  wznz  wnappzd  up  at,  weZZ  a& 
possible  In  thz  bottom  o£  thz  sleigh.     Uks  .  Wol^  Kemalnzd  with  them  whllz  f-ln..  Wol^fbanz- 
handzd  and  banz-headzd  kzpt  moving  anound  thz  nig  an  long  an  posslblz.     Vanlng  thz  night 
thz  paxznts  conchidzd  that  thz  bablzs  had  succumbzd  to  thz  cold  an  nothing  was  hean.d  o^ 
them.     As  a  mattzn.  o^  iact  IX  Is  pAobablz  that:  both  thz  boy  and  glAl  slzpt  thnough  moit 
OjJ  thz  night.     Daylight  ccune  but  with  It  no  censatlon  o^  thz  stonm.     Mo  longzn  ablz  to 
movz  about,  f^.  Wol^  took  a  position  with  his  back  to  thz  slzigh  and  facing  thz  stonm, 
kin  Idea  appanzntly  being  that  his  body  wovJid  In  a  mzasunz  pKotzct  his  lovzd  onzs   ^nom 
tliz  cold  wind.     Thz  ^oKznoon  woKz  aiMoy  and  about  2:30  PM  iflzdnenday  t!iz  stonm  abatzd  slightly, 
Thz  KJLann  meantlmz  wznz  unzasy  as  to  thz  sa{,ety  o^  thz  Wol^  family.     Thz  Wolffs  had  no  phonz 
at  thzln.  homz  but  thz  Klans  thought  thzy  had  nzachzd  thz  A.  M.   Lanson  ^afm,  a  mllz  up  thz 
Koad,  and  had  taken  nz^ugz  thznz.     At  3  o'clock  Wzdnzsday  Rudolph  KZoA,  a  bncthex  oi  Wis. 
bloli,  stantzd  out  on  honnz  back  to  look  ^oK  them  and  had  handZy  Izit  thz  house  when  hz 
i>lghted  them.     Vunlng  thz  zntlnz  36  hounn  thz  Wol^s  had  bzzn  within  a    stonz's  thAow  0(J  thz 
Klan.  homz.     Onz  0(J  thz  hon.szs  had  ^nozzn  and  was  dead  bzsldz  thz  slzlgh. 


Rudolph  KloA  neaZlzzd  thz  szAJioun   condition  o^  things  and  nushzd  homz  ^on  help.     On 
n.etannlng  to  thz  nJjg  thzy  ^ound  h\n..  Wol^  standing  upnlghX,   his  hands  extended    abovz  his 
head  and  thz  otheM  In  thz  slzlgh.     Thz  body  was  compleXzly  banlzd  undzn  thz  snow.     All 
wzn.z  taken  to  thz  Klan.  homz  and  mzdlcal  old  summonzd.     l^Oi.  Woli  was  still  conscious  as  was 
also  Wis.  Wol^.     Local  Physicians  advlszd  noshing  them  to  thz  hospital  at  oncz  but  owing 
to  thz  blockjadz  thin  wan  Impossible  and  It  was  not  untlZ  Fnlday  that  thz  Wol^^s  wzxe  bought 
to  Hanklnson.     Thzy  wzn.z  takzn  to  thz  Adam  Roth  homz  and  thz  following  day  {Satanday]   con- 
veyed to  thz  En.zckznnA.dgz  Hospital  on  thz  ilnnt  Cneat  Monthznn  tnaln  that  neachzd  hznz. 

hln..  Wol{,'s  condition  was  pitiable.     Both  izzt  wznz  ^nozzn  hal{  way  to  thz  knzzs; 
both  hands   ^nozen  solid  to  thz  wnl3t,  his  £acz  was  szvznely  ^nozzn  and  It  was  nzallzzd 
that  hln  condition  was  vzny  gnavz.     Petzn  Kuttzn  nemalnzd  with  him.  night  and  day  {,nom  the 
tlmz  thzy  wznz  ^ound  until  Mn..  Wol^  panszd  away  Tuzsday  monnlng,   exactly  a  week  af^tzn  hz 
had  Izit  thz  Klan  homz  on  thz  iatal  dnlvz.     Hz  nemalnzd  conscious  to  thz  end  and  at  onz 
tlmz  It  wan  thought  thznz  wan  a  possibility  oi  his  nzcoveAy.     But  i/ie  inzezlng  and  shock 
to  his  system  had  bzzn  too  gneat.     Hz  nealizzd  that,  death  wan  appnoachlng   16  hcunn  bzionz 

the.  znd  and  (L&ke.d  to  itz  fvi&  uic^e,     Bz^ofiz  IzjivIyiq  thz  KZaX  homz  hz  had  ie.e.n  both  tkz 
chCZdAzn  and  i,cutci£Ze.d  h-unizZ^  that  tJizy  weAe  oLt  titght, 

IA/L&.  WoZ{t'6  condition  wai  not  60  ifLcoLU,  and  tt  uxii  hopzd  to  ia\JZ  hzn.  timbi, .     Bo/t 
aj)  itatzd  A.n  thz  i-Oiit  panjiQAaph  oi  thii  itoKy,   adv-iczi  thU    {Thaudaif]  moKninq  anz  to  thz 
zi£zct  that  both  hands  uUZi  havz  to  bz  ampatatzd  t{,  hzn.  ti^z  -u  to  bz  i>pajizd. 

FUNERAL  FHIVAV,    10  A.  M. 

Thz  body  o^  Hfi.  WoZ^  wai  bfioaght  to  Hankin&on  Wzdnz&day  moKntng  and  takzn  to  thz 
WtppzAman  Undz/italUng  VanJiofU,.     Thz  ^iinzfuit  uiiZt  bz  hzZd  T)U.daij  at  10  o'cZock 
with  itZfiMZczk  at  St.   ?hXLLp'4>  ChuJich. 

Vzcejuzd  Mii  a  natUvz  oi  GzAmany,    37  uzani,  oi  agz,  and  camz  to  thZi  countxy  whzn 
a  6malZ  boy  uicth  kU  poKznti,,  Wi.  and  Mw .   Tfuinz  J.  WoZ^.     Hztz  hz  gA.ew  to  manhood  and 
about  ZA.ght  yzau  ago  wai,  maMJ.zd  to  Ro6Z  KZoJi.     0^  thili  unZon  tMo  chiZdAzn  ujZKZ  bofm, 
and  both  OAZ  Zz{,t  to  mouAn  thz  Zoii  o{,  a  loJihzn.  who  gavz  up  hl6  tiiz  In  a  hzAoZa  z£iont 
to  pfiotzzt  hli  Zovzd  onzi  ^Kom  thz  ztzmznti,.     Thz  iathzJi,   Fnanz  J.  WoZ^,  Zi,  aZio  ZZvZng, 
and  hoi,  madz  hZi  homz  uxUh  thz  WoZ^  ^amZZy  ^OK  izveJiaZ  yzoA^.     M^.   F^anz  WoZ{,  dlzd  about 
tMO  yzaJa>  ago. 

TWO  VEAV  w  SARGEMT  couhrry 

Two  lataZZtZzi  KZiuZtzd  {/lom  thz  itofun  Zn  SaAgznt  County.     GjaZmZA  AndzMon,   a  bach- 
zZofi  KziiZdZng  1\  mZZzi,  nofithwz&t  o^  Fonman,  wa&   ^ound  {^Jiozzn  to  dzath  on  thz  pnxLZnZz  by  a 
iZjOfichZng  pafity  tuo  dayi  a^tzA.  thz  6tonm.     Hz  had  appoAzntZy  bzzn  out  oi  coaZ  and  pKovZj>- 
Zon^ .     LzjavZng  homz  a^oot,  hz  Koamzd  abound  thz  pfuuAZz  ioK  a  -tone  £ZnaZZy  ^ZndZng  hZi,  way 
back  to  hZi  gfiRYUWy.     Hz  wznt  Zn&Zdz  and  ZaZd  down  Zn  a  bZn  o^  oati.     EvZdzntZy  hz  nzmainzd 
thzAZ  antZZ  a^tzn.  thz  itonm  wa6  ovzA  ai,  thz  ZmpKZJi&Zon  oi  hZi,  body  wai>  Zzit  Zn  thz  oati 
and  Zt  wai  itZZZ  bafiz  oi  inow.     Zut  hz  was,  too  badZy  iKozzn  to  makz  hZi>  way  to  thz  nzoAZit 
nzZghboK  and  coZZapizd  on  thz  pfiaZjiZz  whzAZ  thz  body  wai  iound. 

Wm.  KZckhoieZ,  a  pZonzzK  oi  thz  Havana  n&Zghbonhood,  wai,  iound  iAozzn  to  dzath  Zn  a 
gofiagz  nzafi  that  town  whzAZ  hz  had  takzn  AeiJuge  ixom  thz  />toAm. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ««»*««»«»«««  FebmoAy  11,    1923 

J.  ?.   EhA  xzczZvzd  a  mzMagz  tout  Thu/uday  announcZng  thz  dzath  oi  hZi  gnxindmothzn. 
at  hzfi  homz  at  WatznJioo,   lA.     Vzczai,zd  czZzbfi£tXzd  hzA  nZnzty-iZxth  bZnthday  Zoit  month 
and  wai  appanzntZy  Zn  good  hzaZth  untZZ  AzczntZy.     Ma.,  and  Wu,.   Ehn.  wzAz  um.bZz  to  attznd 
thz  ianzAoZ  bzcaaiz  gi  unczttaZn  dzZay  oi  thz  tnaZni  daz  to  thz  itofun. 

MARTHA     M.     AU( 
AgaZn  thz  Angzt  oi  Vzath  haj,  itKztchzd  iofuth  Zti  hand  and  takzn  i^om  oux  mZdit 
anothzA  ZovZng  wZiz,  mothzfi  and  iZitzfi.     Hni.  John  Mziion,  iZitzA  oi  H.  A.  AZm,   oi  thZi 
cJJjy,   dZzd  at  hzn  homz  at  AmbfioiZ.   On  Sunday  Feb.    nth,  thz  ZimzdZatz  camz  oi  hzn.  dzath 
wa4  daz  to  compZZcatZoni  ioZZowZng  a  iaZZ  whZch  KZiuZXzd  Zn  iZvzAZ  ZnjuAZu  to  hzn  ipZnz. 
.  MA4  .   UzZion  wai  appafizntZy  Zn  good  hzaZth  up  to  Zait  ipfUng  whzn  thJj,  paZniaZ 

iteM.d{,cU)t  and  tuaz  to  hii>  ij^endi.     He  wcls  a  memfceA  o£  thz  Ctnman  LuMieAan  Cha/ich  o^ 
ZzZ{^oKd  ilncz  -cti  o/iQcufiizaZion  and  -en  alZ  A.tipzcti>  woi  a  typZcaZ  fizpAZientativz  od  ihz 
ituJidy  iztttzAJ)  who  came  hzAz  and  gavz  the.  coantAy  Zti  growth  and  choAactzA. 

Hz  Izavzi  to  moafM  iuj>  dzjoth  onz  bfiothzK,   CoaZ  W^Xt  o^  thl&  dXy,  and  a  loAgz 
numbzA  0(J  chiidKzn:  Wu,.   L.  C.  Jz/vtz,  Wm.  H.  WZtt,   C.  H.  W.Ut,   EAnz&t  (flitt,   Ffiank  WUt, 
Mw.   Emma  LoA.znz,  Mw.  BzAtha  Ko6/>ou}  and  Ufiz.   Lata.  ScluoanhZ  oi  Bn.zckznnA.dgz.     He  -65  aZ&o 
iuAv-cued  by  25  gKandckiZdA.zn  and  11  gn.zat-gARncklZdA.zn. 

Mou/Lrt  not  thz  dzad  who  caJbnty  .Liz 
Zy  God'i  own  hand  compos zd  to  Az&t; 
Fan,   hank',  a  vo-icz  £nom  yondzA  iky 
PnocZaim6  them  bZz&t. . .  .iapnzmzZy  btzst. 
OIaMi  them  thz  iJiJUi  and  itAZiz  anz  o'za; 
Thzln  tabom  znd,  thzlA  &onAow6  cza^z; 
ToA  thzy  havz  gainzd  thz  btiii^uZ  ihonz 
WhzAz  dwzZti,  izAznz  ztznnaZ, 

FuneJiaZ  iznvX.czs  wznz  hzZd  at  thz  Gznman  LathzAan  ChuAch  Zn  tkii  city,   on  Wzdnz&day 
a{,tzAnoon,  Rev.  J.  P.  KZaaiZzA  conducting  thz  iZAvZczi  hzAZ  and  Reu.  R.  HZ^zndoA^  concactzd 
iZAvZczi  at  St.  John'i  CzmzZzAy  Zn  Bzl^ond  whzA  thz  AzmaZm  wznz  zntzAAzd.     Thz  paZZbzoAzu 
wzAz:  Augu&t  Hoz^i,  ChaAZz6  Ja&mzA,   Choi.  Liznman,   F.  fizdznwaZdt,   E,  StzZmizhA  and  Wm. 

Out  0^  town  Azlatlvzi  and  ^Alznd&  who  wzAZ  pAZiznt  at:  th.z  {lUnzAal  wznz:  Choi.  Stlzn. 
Enn.z&t  StizA  and  Fnzd  StZzA  o^  BzZJiz  VlaZnz,  MW.,  Ua.  and  M/la.  VAzd  KnlckzlbzAg  o{;     CZjxaz- 
mont,  MW.,  Mw .  B.  Bafeen  O)}  GuilnnzA  and  Ma.  and  MA-a.   L.  Jzntz  o{,  MantadoA. 
HANKlNSOhl  MEWS  ************  fJ^^^^  J5^    jg^S 

BOY    VROFS     VEkV     lU    SCHOOL     VARI? 

EdwanxL  Bowman,    7  yzjxA  otd  oAphan  boy,  gAandion  o^  Mt.   and  hOu>.   VztzA  Bojiiuh,    zait 
oi  HLZnoA,   dAoppzd  dzad  whZZz  pZayZng  Zn  thz  ickoot  yand  Uonday  a^tznnoon.     Thz  tzachzn 
waj,  ahoat  to  caZZ  thz  chZtdAzn  Zn  ^Aom  play  a^tZA  thz  noon  houA  whzn  young  Edwand  toppZzd 
ovzA  unconi>cZou£,  Zn  whZch  condZtZon  hz  AzmaZnzd  untZZ  dzath  whZch  occuAAzd  ihonZZy 
afitzAwoAdi . 

CoAonzA  SteZmkz  wa&  caZZzd  ^Aom  FoAman  and  hz  pAonounczd  dznth  duz  to  apopZzxy. 
Thz  ZZttZz  (^zZZow  izzmzd  to  bz  Zn  thz  bz^t  o^  hzaJith  and  atz  hZc  dZnnZA  thz  iasnz  ai  u&uaZ 
and  had  at  no  tZmz  compZaZnzd  o^  bzing  ZZt.     Hz  wai,  an  oAphan  boy,   both  panznti  having 

dZzd  piom  thz  ^Zu  ^ouA  yzoAi  ago.  UZZnoA  TeZZzA 

HAMKINSON  NEWS  ************  ^^^^  J5^    ,,23 


Maa.  Anton  GcuickZeA.  o{,  VazAA  Towmlvip,    55  yzoAj,  o^  age  and  thz  motkex  o^   J5  dvild- 
A.zn,  oJUL  o{  uihom  JiuZdz  at  homz,  dltd  loit  TfU.da.ij,     The.  GauckZeA  {^aiiuJUj  wtte.  among  the. 
fxiontsA^  oi  VuzAA  ToMnihLp  and  dzcexued  wa6  weZt  and  lavofuablij  knoujn  thioaghout  that 

The  imneJuaZ  wai>  hzid  {^fiom  St.  'Boniiac.t  Chafich  Zn  LLdgznwood,  Tauday  moKnZng,   cond- 
ucte.d  by  Rev.     TatheAi  Viiz/ifi,  Twiefe  and  Stadnlcka.     The.  latteA  deJUvextd  the  luneAjoZ 

The  itfU-cken  huiband  and  ZoAge.  ianiZy  oi  dUZdAzn  have  the  iZnczfiz  sympathy  0(J  aJU. 
Zn  theUJi  QKejit  ton , 

HANKJ^JSON    NEWS  ************  f^^^  22,    1923 


The  body  o^  a  man  beZieved  to  be  T,  J.  Touin&znd,  a  tnjaveJUjng  KzpKeJtentatLve  £oA. 
thz  NofLthuiz&t  Sheet:  and  iKon  WoKk&  at  Wahpeton,  was   ^ound  dea.d  Tae&dajj  besZdz  thz  GKeat 
HoKtheJvn.  hjiWrnd  tnack  a  miZz  east  oi  Hinot,  by  a.  swZtcfUng  cJieu). 

SzxjefwJL  bfuUsts  about  thz  head,   neck  and  feneei  Zndicatzd  that  he  may  have  ^aZZen 
o^i  a  speeding  tAoZn  and  KolZzd  down  the  embankmznt, 

LettzfLS  ioand  on  his  pzfuon  indicate  that  hz  i£  a  membzn.  o^  thz  Vzvils  Lakz  EZks 

Lodgz  and  that  hz  has  a  tutije  ayid  iamiZy  at  ViZZofid,  MW, 


JAMES  MARSH,   EaJiZy  SeXtZzn.  Hzfiz',   Victim  oi  Pneimonia  Attack^ .... 
-     James  MoA^fi,  a  Kzsidznt  oi  GfizzndaZz  Township  iofi  19  yeoAS,   died  at  his  homz  in 
Vattzy  City,  Match  16th,   ioZZowing  an  iZZnzss  oi  shoKt  duAotion.     Pneumonia  was  thz 
caiisz  oi  Kis  dzmisz. 

Jamzs  MoAsh  was  boA.n  in  JZLinoij,  in  1SS3,  and  was  69  yzoAS  oi  agz  at  -Cfie  timz  oi 
his  dzath.     He  gteui  to  manhood  in  that  statz  and  was  maJifiizd  to  Rhoda  Richofids.     Oi  this 
union  iivz  ckitdKzn  weAZ  bofm,   ioafi  oi  whom  OAZ  living.     In  1S90  thz  iamiZy  movzd  to 
Zocatz  in  the  then  booming  Vakota  countAy  and  sztttzd  in  GKzzndaZz  Township  wheAz  thzy 
A.esidzd  untiZ  191,9,     Tailing  health  madz  it  nzczssaAy  ion.  Ma..  MoAsh  to  Zzavz  thz  iatm 
and  thz  iamiZy  movzd  to  VaZlzy  City  wheAZ  thzy  havz  sincz  Kzsidzd, 

Whzn  his  fizcznt  iLbizss  bzcamz  cnitical,  thz  chiZdAzn  weAZ  summonzd  and  all  wzaz 
wiMi  him  whzn  thz  znd  camz.     Ezsidzs  thz  stAickzn  widow,  oAZ  ioux  surviving  childxzn: 
Ufis.   Chas.  Gfiasswick  oi  CalgoAy,  AlbzAta,   Can.,  UfiS.  CoajI  G/iasswick  oi  Valley  Cijty,   NV., 
Ma4.  a.  RommeAeim  oi  Roslyn,  SV.,  and  AfithuA  Uaxsh  oi  Lacomba,   Canada,     One  daughtzfi, 
PzoaZ,   dizd  in  1904  at  thz  agz  oi  ninz  yzoAS,     ThzAZ  oAz  also  thAzz  suAviving  bKothzu, 
San  hioAsh  oi  VaZzntinz,  MT.,   EdirnAd  and  WiZzy  oi  Pomona,   CA,,  and  ^o  sisteAS,   LoKa  and 
Bztlz,   both  oi  Pomona,   CA, 

His  death  is  sinceAzly  mouAnzd  by  old  ifiiznds  oi  thz  GAZzndalz  nzighboAhood  whzfiz 
hz  lived  ion.  so  many  yeoAS,  and  Andneuj  f^ouAzn,  and  Can!  Pnibbznnow  madz  a  tnip  to  VaZlzy 

Ccty  to  4ee  fUm.     Jhzjj  a/uUvzd  tkzAt  SaXuAdcu/  tvznlng,  one.  day  too  latz  to  4ee  hMn  aJLivz. 

"JZm"  Mtviiih,  all  he.  uja&  be^t  known  heAejxbouti,   had  a  inidz  caAcZz  o£  acquxu.ntanczi>  -in 
thii,  pofU  oi  tRz  coantfuf  and  had  the.  AZipzct  and  z&tzem  0(J  zveAyonz,     Hz  andzAwznt  thz 
t/ujoZi  and  vZciiiAXadzi  o^  pZonzeA.  LL^z,  and  by  Znda6tJiy  and  can.z{(it  managemznt  accumuZatzd 
itU^^Zdznt  mzan£  to  znabZz  him  to  pa&i  hZi  dzcLingZng  yzoJii  xjt  zaiz  and  (Lom{^oKt. 

Thz  Kemalm,  mZt  be  bfwught  to  HanlUnion  and  tcuid  to  n.zi,t  -in  thz  Ty&on  CemztzAy  -in 
GKZzndaJiz.     SzAvlczi  uxCZl  bz  hzld  at  thz  Ty&on  ChuAch,  Wzdnziday  wcta  ^-cxed  oi  thz  datz  {^oK 
thz  ianzfiaJL  bat  ^oK  iomz  Kza&on,  pfiobabZy  thz  caaJxcoZ  WLne^i  oi  Mw.  RormeAZAjn,  who  -ii> 
aJUiO  hu.ii^znJing  £  pnzumonZa,  contAO-ctzd  whiZz  6hz  wa&  v^-cting  cut  ValZzy  City,  thz  datz 
0^  AMtznmznt  /ia4  been  pa&tponzd.     FAlznd&  wzAZ  hzAZ  to  mzzt  thz  {^amllUj  whzn  Soo  tAJxln  lOS 
anjilvzd  bJzdnziday,   but  thzy  did  not  omJjjz  and  no  wofid  hoi  4ince  bzzn  AZCzZvzd  ^  them. 

Ma.,  and  Hu.  John  KZemak  mou/in  thz  dzath  o^  theJji  baby  glftt,  Hlzfionla,  who  dizd 
Sunday.     Thz  LittZz  daughtzA  wa6  only  a  ^ew  months  old  but  oczuplzd  a  loAgz  placz  In  thz 
hzoAXi  0^  hzA  ^ond  poAznti.     Thz  luneJuaZ.  wai  hzld  Tuz&day,  szAvZcej,  bzlng  conductzd  -en 
St.   Fhitip'6  ChuAch  by  Reu.  Jo4.  F.  Studnicka.     Thz  ioAJiowlng  patznti  havz  thz  i>ympathy 
0(J  theJji  neZghboA&  and  ^Alzndi. 
HANKWSON     NWS  ************  ^^^  22,    T9?3 

Mw.  Vavz  l)Jatznhou£Z  AZCzZvzd  a  tzlzgfum  Sunday  zvenZng  announcing  thz  dzath  OjJ  hzfi 
hal{^  iljttz/i,  WU).  Choi.  H.  Smith.     Hu.  Smith  AZildzd  In  ChlcRgo . 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  f^^^^  22,    7923 


August  Vozltz  Vlzi  o^  HeoAt  TalZuAz  At  Advanczd  Age  o^  80  VeoAi.... 

Anothzn.  o{^  thz  stuJidy  old  plonzzu  o^  thlA  section  passzd  to  hlz  ^InaZ  A.ewaA.d  tkis 
wzzk  whzn  August  foeZtz,   agzd  80  yzaA.6,  dlzd  o^  hzoAt  ^alluAz  whULz  visiting  at  thz  homz 
0)J  his  daughtzA,  t-ifis.   fKzd  Folk,  In  this  city,     Thz  znd  camz  on  TfiZday,  Hatch  fifid,  a  )$ew 
koufis  a^tzA  an  attack  o{^  hzofct  ^aUiu/LZ  which  hz  lackzd  thz  vitality  to  oveAcomz. 

Vzczaszd  was  a  natlvz  o£  VommzAn,  GzAmany,   boAn  Pec.    15th,    1842,  and  hz  gAZw  to 
manhood  In  thz  TathznZand,     Hz  took  as  kis  ll^z  matz  Otllda  Nusz  and  thz  couplz  ImmlgAjotzd 
to  Amzfilca,  settling  iljist  In  Wisconsin  and  latzA.  moving  to  Richland  County,  NV.     Thz  wl{^z 
dlzd  In  1915. 

Mji.   Vozltz  zngagzd  In  ^oAmlng  bat  AeXlAzd  ^Aom  actlvz  wofik  with  advancing  yzoAS  and 
^oA  some  tunz  has  madz  his  homz  with  thz  John  Hzntz  ^amlZy  ^)0uXh  o^  town,     Thz  {^ollowlng 
chlldAzn  suAvlvz  him:  M/l4 .  Emma  ShzAman,  Upls.,  MAS.  R.  H.  TAank^uAt,  SupzAloA,  Wl . ,  Mas. 
EAzd  Talk,   Hankinson;  MAS.  Joz  Nelson,  Mllzs  ClXy,  MT.,  M^.  John  Hzntz,  Hanklnson,  WlUlam, 
Otto  and  August,  all  oi  Hanklnson,     ThAzz  bAothzAs  aAZ  also  living;   Louis  Vozltz  o£  FaOi- 
mount,   CoAl  Vozltz  In  Canada  and  EAne/>t  Voeltz  In  Gznmany. 

Hz  was  highly  AzgaAdzd  by  old  neA.ghboAS  and  ^Alznds  and  a  loAgz  numbeA  attznded  thz 
^unzAal  szAvlczs  which  H/eA,e  h,eld  at  thz  TmmanueZ  Ev.   ChuAch  Tuzsday  a£teAnoon.     Rev.   0. 
ObzAdozstzA  conductzd  thz  szAvlczs  and  thz  pallbeoAZAS  wzAz:  Wm.  Wzstphal,  Hznman  EAuimond, 

Tofmtn.  CoiirUy  OHlcuaJL  Vzad  cut  WahpeXon  k^tzA  BfUzi  TlZnUi 

ChanZtii  G.  Bade.,  anditoK  oi  ZiaPiZand  Coanty  {^oi  tzn  yexuis  back  -tn  thz  'SOi  and 
'90a,   and  Midttij  known  among  thz  old  Kui.dtnti  ojj  iJuj,  vZcUnlty^  dZzd  at  Wahpzton  Tazi- 
dajj  a^tzA  an  iZZnUi  o^  onZy  a  ijew  ftoota. 

Vzczoizd  cairn  to  RlchZand  Coantif  wiUZt  £tUZ  a  yoang  man  and  took  a  pKorrUnznt  pajct 
A.n  potiticaZ  aK^aJjiti  £oK  many  yzau,   bzZng  a^^ZlZatzd  uUth  thz  DzmocAotic  poAty.     He  aca- 
vzd  £oA  tzn  yzafii  a6  county  audltoA.,   bzLng  iucczzdzd  hi  1896  by  M.  A.  Wlppztman  o^  tkU 

Sho fitly  bzioKz  thz  outbn.zak  of,  thz  WofiZd  Woa  hz  madz  a  t>U.p  to  Gznmany  to  vamJJ: 
fizZatA.\JZi>  and  MOi  tlnzAz  ujhzn  hoi,titLtizM   bzgan.     He  wai,  dztatnzd  thzKz  ^oK  many  month&, 
bzAJig  kzpt  andzt  cZoiz  iuAvzUjancz  by  thz  mXLitoAy  aathoAittzi.  A  dajughtzA  iM  now  in 
thz  RuhA.  dii,tAJ.ct,   occtxptzd  by  thz  FKznch  mJLLitaAjy  authofUtiz& ,  and  vooHAjy  ovzn.  thyU   ^act 
pfiobabZy  haitznzd  hli  dzatk. 

Sincz  thz  KztuAn  o£  thz  iamlty  to  Wahpzton  a  {zw  yzau  a^o,  Ma..  Bade  has  been  zngagzd 
-en  thz  i.n6uAjancz  and  tnvz6tmznt  biuinzii,  having  hi&  oi{,icz  uuXh  WoZ{i  S  SchnzZZzA.     He  wa& 
about  60  yzoAJi  oi{  age. 

He  i^  iuAvivzd  by  thz  wi^z  and  izvzfuxZ  gfwwn  ckiZdAzn.     Cnz  4on  woi  moAAizd  a  coupZz 
0(J  yzafu,  ago  to  Uii-i  Gladys,   daughtzn.  0(J  M/i.  and  Hn£.  Thzo.  ktbKzdnt,  who  woi 
boKn  Zn  Hankin&on. 
HMKIMSOM  NEWS  ************  ^^^f^  ,5^    J923 

L,   J.   C.  WITT  VIEV  SATimAV 
VZonzzA  SzttlzfL,  Succzi^iuZ  Man  oi  Stzfiting  Wonth,  A  Good  FathzA  and 

Kind  Nzighbon. 

AnothzA  itufidy  pionzzn.  and  onz  o^  thz  county '6  zjvdy  i,zXtZz>ii>  ha6  bzzn  caJUizd  ^nom 
labox  to  Kewafid.     Louii  John  ChhUtian  Witt  onz  o^  thz  zanZy  izttlzu  in  BztioKd  Towmhip 
dtzd  at.  thz  homz  oi  hU  daughtzt,  MA4.   L.   C.Jzntz,  in  thU  city  on  SatuAday,  MaAcfi  lOtk, 
at  7:30  PM.     He  ^a^iJeAed  a  itnokz  oi  paAoZyiZi  on  Monday  o^  last  wzzk  and  uxu  uncon6cioui 
until  thz  znd  which  come  {ivz  dayi  latzfi.     Ua..  Witt  hai  always,  znjoyzd  thz  bz&t  o{,  hzalth 
through  ti^z  but  owing  to  thz  advanczd  age  o^  81  yzoAi  hz  wa&  gwwing  {^zzblz  and  could 
Kot  withstand  thz  iuddzn  it/iokz. 

LouZi  John  ChfUitian  Witt  wa&  bofin  in  f^zcklznbuAg  SchwzAAJi,  Gzfmany  on  Feb.   18th, 
1S42,   and  was  maMA.zd  -en  kij,  nativz  land  in  1866  to  HUs  WiZhzlmtna  StizA.     Eight  yzaxs 
tatzK,  i.n  1874  thzy  migAotzd  to  AmzA^ca  and  szttlzd  in  Wew  Vonk  statz  whzAz  thzy  madz 
thziA  homz  ^OK  thAzz  yzoAi .     TAom  thzAZ  thzy  moved  to  Bzllz  VlxUnz,  Scott  County,   MN., 
and  in  1891  thzy  camz  to  Zichland  County  puAchastng  a  ia/m  in  Bzl{,0Ad  Township.     HeAe 
Ma.  Witt  and  family  tivzd  untU  {^i^tzzn  yzoAS  ago,  whzn  his  wi^z  dizd  and  slncz  that 
tbnz  hz  has  madz  his  homz  with  his  childAzn.     foA  thz  past  ^ew  yzoAS  hz  has  madz  his 
homz  with  his  son-in-law  L.  C.  Jentz,   o^  this  city. 

Ua.  Witt  woM  a  man  oi  stfu.ctzst  intzglZty  and  honzsty;   itnm  tn  his  convzctions  and 

f^uj>6  BeAXhcL  H-inck  Zt^t  ioK  Havfiz,  MT. ,  Zai>t  weefe  to  aXtznd  tho.  {,aneAaZ  o^  hzA 
YU.ZCQ.,    EitkzK,  Jthe.  iix  yzoA  old  dcujLQhttn.  o^  UK.   and  M-w .  AtbzAt  HZnck. 

HANKWSON  NEWS  BRAWPEWBURG       COLUMW     *  *  UlaAch  I,    7923 

LcL6i  SatuAjdcuf,  Uk6.  WWi  HilZtn.  and  iZiteA,  FAxincea  TweeieA  KeXuAnzd  (J/ujm  ^zqdaM., 
MW.,  and  Uondaij  NzZ&  TwzztsA  and  tLtiZz  gZnZ  KoXiuinzd  ^Kom  thz  larnz  placz.     Thzy  aXZ.  had 
been  to  WzgdaM  to  attend  thz  ^anzAoZ  of,  Mw .   TwzztzA'i  mothzA,  who  dlzd  on  Feb.    T9th, 
£Kom  6tomach  ^Zu.     Uu ,  JwzttzA  did  not  fLZtuAn  homz  ai  hzn.  {,atheA  -U,  i-Lck  with  ih&  ^cwic 
CA^znt  and  4fie  Kzmalnzd  to  takz  daAz  o^  kan.  UfL6,  TwzztzA'6  mothzfi  wai>   84  yzafu  old. 
HAMKJhlSOhl  NEWS  FAIRMOUWT    COLUMW  Mcw.c/i  S,    1923 


CoZ.  C.  H.   Tofman,   ^oundzn.  o£  thz  Sa/igznt  County  town  that  bzau  kL6  namz,   dlzd  at 
thz  homz  0^  ka,  4>on  Hannij  W.  FoAman  In  that  vlZZagz  Monday  a^tzAnoon  at  thz  advanczd  age 
0^  94  yzaju,.     Hz  wai  an  ZnvaZld  {^oK  thz  pait  two  yzoAi  bat  fiztalnzd  hi&  mzntaZ     ^acuZtizi 
ap  to  within  a  ijew  houu  o^  hZi  dzaXh. 

Peceosed  watt  a  natlvz  OjJ  Canada,   but  camz  to  thz  Amzfilcan  ildz  o^  thz  Zlnz  In  kl& 
zaJiZy  manhood,  Zocatlng  In  Lakz  County,  MI.,  whzKZ  hz  zngagzd  In  thz  ZumbzA  builnzi^, 
ama&^lng  a  comfiOfctabZz  {)Ofutunz.     In  ISSl  hz  madz  hti  ilM>t  tKlp  to  Dakota,  and  two  yzau 
ZatzA  bKoughX.  a  good  ilzzd  coZony  o^  £zttZzU   ^Kom  Michigan,   founding    thz  town  o^  FoA- 
man  In  thz  exact  gzogAjaphlcaZ  czntzn.  0|J  Sanjgznt  County.     Thzn  ^oZZowzd  onz  o^  thz  mo6t  mem' 
ofuxhZz       county  £zat  contzit^  In  thz  hlitoA.y  o^  Dakota  tzAAltoKy,   FoAman  ^InaLZy  being 
dzcZoAzd  thz  ZzgaZ  county  6zat  a^tzn.  an  zZzctlon  ilght  that  wai  blXtznJby  contz&tzd  and 
woi   loZZowzd  by  appzaJU  to  thz  iupKemz  count.     Ma..   Fonman  zxhau6tzd  pfiCLcticaZZy  aZZ  o^ 
hlj>   {^ofutanz  In  tkii  contzit  but  had  thz  iatl^{)actl.on  o^  winning  out  agoAnit  heavy  oddi, 
HIj,  wl{,z  dlzd  In  1595,  and  {^oi  thz  pait  ^ew  yejvu,  hai  madz  hlM  homz  wlXh  hU  ion. 

Thz  luneAoZ  l&  being  held  today  and  InteJmznt  wULZ  be  madz  In  thz  iamlZy  Zot  at 
Fofunan  CemzteAy. 

Dzcza&zd  li  iuAvlvzd  by  tknzz  daughtzu  and  two  i,oni,  M/t4 .  W.  H.  Gao^^  and  Hu . 
F.   H.   Pwidy  0^  CaZl^.,  MAi.  G.  S.  GlZboAne  0(J  Wyoming,   HoAAy  FoMian  o^  FoAman  and  C.   W. 
FoKman  oi  DuZuth.     Onz  bAothzA,  Wm.  C.  FoAman  o^  Hankln&on  Zi  aZ&o  Zlvlng. 

Wm.  C.  Fonman  Zz^t  HanklYiStOn  Monday  moAnlng  and  Azachzd  thz  bzd&ldz  o^  hlJ>  bAothzA 
a  ihoAt  tlmz  bz^oAZ  thz  znd.     Thz  death  oi  C.  H.   Fofman  ZeaveM  hJjn  thz  loZz  iuAvlvoA  0|J 
a  ZoAgz  (tamlZy. 
HANKTNSON  NEWS  ************  ^^^  J5^    ,923 

ac(  ha.ppzmd.     HeA  paXh  thAjoagh  tl£t  -C4  moAkzd  uuXh  dzzdi  oi  kA.ndneM  and  ckzeA; 
i,hz  iccuttSAzd  dloMtU,   not  thoKni,,  mmhinz  not  ihoidouo,     Tfuith  wa6  tkz  ^nkplfuvLLon  o£ 
hzn.  tL{,e.,   and  by  IUndneJ>6  ihz  zxeinpLL{tA.zd  -it6  gxzat  Monjth.     HzA  homz  in&tZncJti  wzAz 
^tAong;   hzA  aHiicXA.on  {^oK  {^fLiojndit  and  kA.ndM.zd  wait  tzndtfi  and  abiding.     Skz  wai  a  woman 
o£  hzAoZc  mouZd,   bfULvzZy  mzzting  thz  6tzn.n  A-zquZfLzmznti  and  o^tzn  thz  dZiappoZntmznts 
oi  tiiz. 

MaAtha.  M.  A^  wai  bofin  Zn  Na6  HzdznmaAkzn,   Honway,  In  HSI  and  woi  72  yzajii  of,  age 
at  thz  -tone  o{  hzfi  dzath,     Shz  camz  to  AmzAZca  52  yzoA^  ago  and  madz  hzn.  homz  -in  t-lLnn- 
exipoUj,   £oA.  tzvzxsJ.  yzoJUi .     In  1877,  4,hz  wa&  urvitzd  in  moMLiagz  to  John  Mzt6on  and  moxjzd 
to  En.zckzn/u.dgz,  and  latzn.  Kmovzd  to  itlahpzton  whzAz  M/l.  Nztion  condacXzd  a  gznzAot  itoKz 
antiZ  tujzZvz  yzoAi  ago.     SZncz  thzn  tkzy  hcvz  madz  thzJji  homz  In  AmbKoiZ. 

Vzczjuzd  Zi  6uA.vZ\JZd  by  hzK  haiband  and  tInAzz  ckLZdAzjij  M^4   Cona  and  John  T.   NzZion 
who  afiz  lZ\)Zng  at  homz  and  M/l4.  C.  Gordon  o^  HinnzapolZi.     Shz  Z&  aZ&o  lofivZvzd  by  onz 
^Z&tzA  and  two  bwthzMA,H.  A.  Aim  o^  thZi  cZty,   Ffizd  Kbn  oi  HichZgan  and  Mw.  SoZbztg 
who  Kzitidzit  Zn  UoHwasj. 

On  accoanZ  o^  thz  ittoAm  thz  dzZayzd  ianzAoZ  wai  hzld  at  thz  LathzAa.n  ChuJich,   VwZght, 
Rev.  VahZ  oiilclaZZiiQ.     Thz  fizmaZni  wzfiz  laZd  to  KZkt  bz&-idz  tkoiz  o^  hoA  ion  whoiz  dzaXk 
occuAzd  izvznnZ.  yzau  ago, 

HAWnWSOM     NEWS  ************  TehfmaAy  11,    7923 

Ma4.  AnnZz  EnZck&on  dZzd  at  thz  homz  o^  hzn.  daughtzA,  HfU.  OZz  Hagzn  In  thZi  cZty, 
SaZuAday,   Feb.   14th,   agzd  76  yzau,     Vzcza^zd  AUjJiJeAed  a  iZghZ  itAokz  oi  poARlijiZi  about 
iZvz  wzzki  ago  and  thZi  combZnzd  wZth  old  agz  wai  thz  caaiz  oi  dzath. 

M/L4.  Aimce  EAldi&on  wai  boAn  Zn  Sygdal,   hlonway,  Aagait  IZnd,    1846.     Shz  tamz  to 
AmzAZca  11  yzoAi  ago,  izttlZng  Zn  SpAZng  Gaovz,  MW.     Shz  wai  anZtzd  Zn  majinZagz  to  Vztzn. 
EAZckion  on  Nov.    15,    1876  and  two  yzoAi  latzA  thzy  movzd  to  Gfiant  County,  izZtZZng  on  a 
homzitzad  nzoK  WzndztZ,  MW.     AitzA  thz  dzath  oi  hzA  huiband,  hUu .   EAZcfuon  movzd  to  Uzn- 
dzti.  and  IZvzd  thzfiz  untZt  about  thfizz  yzxvn  ago  whzn  ihz  camz  to  HanJzZmon  and  hoi  iZnzz 
madz  kzA  homz  wZth  hzn.  daaghtzt,  MAi .  OZz  Hagzn. 

M/Li.   EALckion  wai  a  woman  whoiz  wanmth  oi  gznuZnz  hoipZtaZZty,  tzndzAnzii,   chzztiuZ- 
nzii  and  gznzAOiZty  zndzoAzd  hzA  to  aZZ  wZthZn  thz  cJjicZz  oi  hzA  acquaZntancz .     VZizoiz 
dZd  not  dzitAoy  thz  chanm  oi  a  kZnd,  ZnduZgznt  dZipoiZtZon,   noA  oZd  agz  dlmZnZih  hzA  un- 
izZiZih  ioZZcUtudz  ioA  hzn.  inZzndi  and  tovzd  onzi . 

Shz  Zi  iuAvZvzd  by  iZx.  chZZdAZYi'-  AndAzw  E.  Johmon,  UAi .  OZz  LcLZzbo,  M^i .  OZz  Hagzn, 
Ed.  P.  EnZckion,  VzZzA  P.  EAZckion,  JR.,  AZbzfit  P.  EAcckion;  aZio  two  bAothzu  and  two  iZi- 
tzAi;  UAi.  C.  C.  GAindzA  oi  Elbow  Lakz,  Mw.  A.  E,  VybdaZ,  EZZzn  and  Hani  EZZZngion,  all  oi 
WzndztZ,  MW. 

FunzAaZ  iZAvlczi  wzAz  hzZd  aZ  thz  Hagzn  homz  Zn  thZi  cOty  Wzdnziday  aitzAnoon,   Rev. 
Lundz  oi  WzndzZZ,   oUZcZatzd.     Thz  patZ  bzoAZAi  wzAZ  W.  R.  V.obZnion,  W.  J.  Chap-in,   0.  A. 
OZZvzn.,   W.   H.  Hich,   0.  V.  GlUoAd  and  L.   K.   VZck.     Thz  AzmaZni  wzAz  takzn  to  WzndzZZ  Wzd- 
nziday zvznlng  and  iZAvZczi  wzAz  hzZd  at  thz  Luthzfuxn  ChuAch  Zn  that  vZZZagz  thli  aitzA- 
noon.     IntzAmznt  wai  madz  In  thz  chuAch  czmztzAy . 
HANJINSCN  NEWS  ************  j^^^  j^    ,023 

Aagait  KsJJi,   Fxzd  EbzZ,   CoaZ  Backhcuu  and  HeAman  Botdt.     Jnte/unznt  wa6  madz  Zn  ikz 

ZmmaLVWiZZ  Ev.  CejneXzMj  ioiith  oi  town, 

HANKJNSOU  MEWS  ************  fJ^^^^  ^g  ^    jg^3 

NzoA  Cznt&ruifUan  Pa&6zd  Auay  at  HZ&  Home  Zn  Wahpzton  on  MoA.nlng  o^  EaitzA  Sanday.. 

Wzitej/  Tattzuon  JU  dza.d  at  tkt  age  o^  94  yzjou,   3  months  and  IS  dayi.     On  Ea&teA 
Sunday,  ihomtZq  bz^oKZ  7T  AM.,   hz  pai6zd  away  at  kit>  homz  on  Eighth  StAZZt  and  Hichigan 
Avenue  whzAZ  hz  liad  tLvzd  iZncz  coming  to  WaJipzt.on  monz  than  30  yzafu>  ago, 

Thz  dZfizct  caiuz  o^  Ma..  Pattz/iion'-i  dzath  wab  pnzumonla,  wIvLch  had  dzvzLopzd  {^Kom 
a  cold  hz  contfuictzd  a  month  ago. 

Ma..  Vattzfiton  was  boAn  on  a  £aAm  Zn  Ohio  o£  Scotch-Engll&h  poAzntagz.     Thz  datz  oiJ 
hie,  blAth  woi  Oec.   13th,   ISZS.     He  hxu  KzaJizd  to  young  manhood  on  thli  ^anm  and  woA  living 
thzAZ  whzn  hli  moAAlagz  to  Hil>e>  Luck  Shuman  took  pZacz.     ToZZouilng  hl6  manAlagz  hz  wznt 
with  kU)  witje  to  Clayton  County,   lA.,  taking  up  jJoAm  /iz&ldzncz  nzoA  EZkadz/i.     Hzfiz  wzAz 
bofin  thz  i>lx  chlldAzm 

Jo6tph  ?attz>u,on,   ?KZl>ldznt  o^  thz  National  Bank  o^  WahpztonyVznJiy  Pattzuon, 
bJahpzton;  MKi.  W.  S.  Cafitzfi,  who  dlzd  about  thfizz  yzafil,  ago,  af^tzn.  having  Zlvzd  hzAz  ^OA. 
izvznjiZ  yzoM;  Wz&lzy  Pattzuon,  JR.,   oi  Cany,  OH.,  Vk.  Hznuy  Pattzuon,   Elkadzn.,   lA; 
VanlzZ  PattzA&on,  ULnot. 

Thz  {jOmlZy  camz  to  thl&  city  In  thz  zanZy  zlghtlzi,  thz  paAznti,  puAcha&lng  ioon 
a^tzA  ojifUval  hzAz  thz  hou&z  on  Eighth  &tAzzt  whzAz  thz  mothzn.  dlzd  In  1975,  aX.  thz  age 
OjJ  ?7,   and  thz  ^athzA,  Sunday,  lacking  onZy  &lx  yzau  o^  bzlng  a  czntznofUxm. 

Ma.  Pattzuon  wa&  onz  o^  thz  ^oundzu  o^  thz  National  Bank  o^  Wahpzton  and  Kztalnzd 
IntzAz&t  In  It  up  to  hli  dzath.     Hz  alio  had  lntzAz&t6  In  a  bank  at  HlIZiboAo  and  thz 
¥l/L6t  Statz  Bank  at  WaZcott,  o^  which  P.  0.  Wold,   {^ofvmzfi  county  tAzaj>uAzfi  lt>  ca&hlzA..     Hz 
hoi  &zfivzd  ai  dlxzcton.  0(J  tfie  local  bank. 

Ma.  Pattzuon  znjoyzd  iplzndld  hzalth  throughout  hli  ll£z  and  wai  actlvz  until  hz 
become  III  a  month  ago.     Up  to  that  tbnz,   dzipltz  hli  agz,   kii  phyilcal  condition  had 
been  ihowtng  only  itight  dzcJLinz. 

Hli  activity  of^tzn  cauizd  pzoplz  to  fizmoAk.     Only  a  yzafi  ago  hz  pxovzd  fu.6  itxzngth 
by  chopping  down  tAzzi  about  hli  homz.     Thz  langz  gafidzn  that  hz  nalizd  zach  iuimzn.  wai 
A-zputzd  onz  0^  thz  ^Inzit  In  thz  city. 

FunzAol  iz/ivlczi  wznz  hzld  at  To^ii  M.  V.   ChuAch  at  1:30  PM  on  Wzdnziday  a^^tzAnoon. 
Thz  P.ZV.   Edwin  A.   Follzy  oiilcAjvtlng.     PallbzoAZAi  wzAz  old  ^fUzndi  o^  thz  iamlty. 
HAUKIUSOU  NEWS  ************  ^p,^  5^    j923 

MRS.     A.     B.     WORNER 

MA4  .  A.  8.  Wofinzn.,  a  {^ohmzn.  izildznt  o{,  thli  county  and  who  wai  boAn  and  fizoAzd 
nzjoA  Tylzn.,  dlzd  at  hzA  homz  In  Whzaton  Zait  Thufuday  mofininQ  a^tzA  an  IZlnzii  o{^  two 
wzzki.     FunzAal  iZAvlczi  wzAZ  hztd  at  thz  PKZibytzulan  chuAch  o^  Whzaton  lait  SatuAday 


The.  Whzcuton-CazeXit  TizpoKtzn.  gZvu  thz  {^olZowlnq  account  oi$  Mnj>.  WoKnoA'i  iad 

"Thz  pzoplz  0|$  ikU  conmayuXy  weAe  qkzoXZjj  ihockzd  ThuAiday  whe.n  the. 
neiM  ipfiejxd  that  Wu> .  khyioid  WoKneA  had  poMzd  away  at  5  ?U. 

Mw .  WoAnzn.  be^o^e.  htn.  moAfUagz  wa&  Hui   Evelyn  Lzihoviky.     She  wcw   boKn  neoA 
WahpeXon,   W.,   on  Juty  12th,    1897,  and  gfim  to  womanhood  theJit.     She.  woi  ma/uUed 
Nov.    2Znd,    1915,  to  kfinold  WoAneA. 

Ma4  .  Wo^neA  woi  take.n  iZck  iome.  tJ/io  weefei  ago  uuJJi  pnejumonLa.  and  wo*  thought 
i,a{^ely  pa6t  thz  dangzA  poZrvt  when  iht  had  a  KeJjap&e,  which  ihe  wai,  unablz  to  oueAccme. 
A  happy  manAJjxge,  a  chZid,  and  a  good  homz  we/ce  thz  bZeMZng  In  Zl^z  that  had  come 
to  heA,   and  then  ihz  wa6  takzn  away.     Why  thii  hoi  come  to  paii  the  human  undeAitand- 
■ing  cannot  fathom,   but  we  havz  thz  a&^uAance  that  God  Zn  hLi>  goodnzii  and  meAcy  doetk 
aZZ  tkingi  light. 

Veceoied  ZeaveA  a  heoAt-bfLokzn  huiband  and  a  thAzz-yeoA-otd  dajughteA,   now  beAz{^t 
o{i  a  motheA'ii  Loving  and  tzndzt  coAZ. 


Tfizd  Knaack,   77  yzoAi  old,  and  a  Kz&ldznt  o^  Hardilnion  ^oK  thz  pait  31 
yzax&,   dlzd  at  hli  home  In  tka  city  Wzdnz6day  a{,teAnoon,  kpnlZ  11th,  at  3  o' 
clock  {^fLom  dxop^y,  a  dl&za&z  with  which  hz  hai,  bzzn  a^{,lictzd  ^oK  thz  pa&t  two 
.yzaAl>.     Elzvzn  day6  ago  thz  allmznt  took  an  acutz  ioAm  and  hz  gfiaduaUy  weakzn- 
zd  unlit  Keleavzd  oi  hls>  luHeAlngi . 

Veceaj^zd  W(W  boKn  In  UzngoAd,  Gzhmany,  Sep.   6th,    1845,  and  Kzachzd  thz 
Atpz  old  agz  o{,  77  yeau,    7  monihi  and  4  dayi.     He  gA.ew  to  manhood  In  GeAmany, 
wheAe  hz  wcw  manAlzd  on  Uay  13th,   1885,   to  BzntJia  Hoz{,6,  who  iuAvlvzi,  him. 

Thz  couplz  mlgAotzd  to  AmeAlca  ^n  1892  afiAlvlng  In  Hankln&on  In  May  oi 
that  yzoA,  and  they  havz  Kz&ldzd  hzAz  eveA  llncz.     Thli  maJoUagz  wai  wWiout 
1&6UZ,   bul:  dzceoizd  l&  luAvlvzd  by  thz  widow  and  thz  ioZZowlng  itzp-chlldAzn: 
TKzd  RadloU,   ^^nk  RadtoU.  UckaAd  RadZoU,  M^-  MaAlha  Kahn,  all  oi  Hanhln- 
ion:  HznKy  Radlo^,  Gui,tavz  RadloU,    HobeAt  RadloU  a.nd  Mu .   Emma  RameA,   all  oi 
whom  Kzbldz  In  GeAmany.     Onz  bfiotkzn.,  kuguit  Knaak,  Uvzi  with  hli  ion  klbeAl 
Knaak,  iouth  oi  thli  dUby. 

Vzczoizd  woi  wzll  known  among  thz  plonzeAi  and  wltnziizd  thz  dzvelop- 
mznt  oi  Hanklmon  and  thz  iuAKoundlng  countAy  iKom  a  wild  plonzzn.  countAy  to 
thz  pKziznt  pKOipzfioui  community. 

Thz  iunznal  will  bz  held  SatuAday,  kpnll  14,  at  2  TU.,  wXXh  iztvlczi  by 
Reu.  ObeAdoziteA  at  thz  Jmmanuel  Ev.   ChuAch.     Thz  pallbzoAeAi  will  bz  CoaI 
Zandz^,  Jullm  Vfiazgzt,   Hznman  Boldt,   Ffizd  Ebel,   CoaZ  Backhaui  and  Auguit  Kuhl. 
HAMKINSON     NEWS  Ap^  12th,    1923 

Mn..  and  fiw .   E.  A.   Lea  Ze-^i  Monday  {^on.  Eajuwn,   WJ . ,  In  fiuponkz  to  a  mzJi^aQZ 
ayinou.n<uji.Q  thz  dzcuth  o^  Ma..   Izol'i  cotLi-cn'i  ion.     Pecea6ed  woi  aboujt  79  yzaxi  o{^  age, 
buJ:  thz  mtiiagz  gave  no  paJiticvJiaxs,  a6  <o  tfie  cau^e  o^  hM>  mntunzZy  dzaih. 
HANKWSON  MmS  ************  ^p^^  j2,   79Z3 

Vzath  Ofi  Rev.  RadoZph  fUZgzndo^^  MouAnzd  by  LzgZoni  o^  OuA.  PzopZe. 

Vfiobabty  no  zvznt  ajo.  KztZYit  yzcvu>  hai  lo  p/LoioundZy  movzd  thz  pzopZz  o£  HankyLmon 
and  thz  coantxy  noAth  o{i  tkC&  cJjty  as  tiiz  laddzn  dzath  o^  Rev.  RadoZph  HiZgzndofi{^  uihcch 
ozojJinzd  FfUday  evening.  StAlckzn  by  hzanX  IoaJjuaz,  hz  pa&Azd  away  -en  thz  iuilnkZLng  oi$ 
aw  eye,  hii  £AA.zndi  unaujofiz  that  hz  was  not  -in  hii  maaZ  hzjoZth. 

Vzczajizd  wcii  uiidzXy  known  thfioaghout  tkii,  izctlon,  having  bzzn  pastoK  o{,  St.  John'i 
ChuAck  Zn  EzZf^ofid  Townihlp  {^oK  nzafUy  25  yzoM,  and  woi  uyu.veA6atiy  z&tzzinzd.  Cat  down 
In.  thz  pKimz  oi  ZZ^z,  at  thz  age  o^  47  yzanj,,  hz  Zzxivzi  a  g/Uz^  itAZzhzn  uil^z  and  ZJjttZz 
dmughtzn.  to  mouAn  hZ&  imtAjnzZjy  dzath. 

FoA.  lomz  tUmz  pait  hi&  hzaZth  ha&  not  bzzn  o^  thz  bz6t,   but  thzAZ  wai  nothing  about 
hJj,  condition  that  occaiiionzd  any  conczAn  to  ki&   ^fUzndi .  A  ihonX  timz  ago  hz  Zz{,t  ^oA 
Omaha,   MB.,  to  coniuZt  an  ociuZist  and  oAfUvzd  homz  SatuAday  zvzuing  on  Soo  t/uxln  107  at 
6  PM.     He  was  mzt  by  Cka& .  BzZLin,  onz  o^  hiM  poAiihonzAi, ,  who  by  pAzvZoui  oAAangzmznt 
wa&  to  dAAvz  him  to  thz  poA&onagz,   ({-eve  rac^es  noAth  o^  town.     Thzy  waZkzd  to  thz  GAZzn 
HaAdwoAZ  itoAZ,   dUjnbzd  into  thz  buggy  standing  thzAZ  and  AtoAtzd  {^OA  homz.     Ma.   EzZZin 
addAz&izd  6zvz/uxZ  KesnoAki  to  kid  pa&izngzA  and  {^inaZZy  noticzd  that  thzAz  wai  no  Azipomz. 
A  gZancz  ihowzd  that  lomzthing  was  WAong  and  hz  tuAnzd  thz  tzam  and  dkovz  to  thz  LuthzAa.n 
PoAionagz,   a  ihoAt  di&tancz.     Rev.   KZaaiZzA  a&6ii,tzd  in  canAying  thz  ItAickzn  man  in  thz 
hoa&z  and  mzdicaZ  aid  wa&  lummonzd  but  it  i&  thought  thz  ipaJik  o^  Zi{^z  had  ipzd  even  bei^oA-e 
this  timz.     An  azutz  attack  o^  hzaAt  {^aiZuAZ  wai,  thz  irmzdiatz  cauiz  o{)  hii  dzath. 


RudoZph  ChoAlzs  HiZgzndoAi  was   bo  An  June  30,    7^75,   at  Omaha,   MB.,   and  wad  thzAZ^OAZ 
47  yzoAi,   9  months  and  14  days  oZd  at  thz  timz  o{,  his  dzath.     His   {^athzA,  Rev.  3ohn  Hilgzn- 
doA£  uxLS  a  pionzzA  pastoA  o^  Nzbfiaska  whzAz  hz  had  changz  o^  onz  chuAch  loA  (^ilty  yzoAS. 
He  a£so  did  ^izZd  wonk  ^OA  thz  LuthzAan  chuAch  thAoughout  NzbAoska  and  in  nzighboAing 
statzs;  was  in  iact,  thz  pionzzA  o^  luthzAan  woAkzAS  in  NzbAoska.     tuhzn  thz  subjzct  o^ 
this  skztch  was  onz  yzoA  oZd  thz  poAznts  movzd  to  AAtington.     ThzAz  his  boyhood  was  spznt 
and  hz  was  con^inmzd.     He  enteAed  ConcoAdia  CoZZzgz,  U-Ubjoaukzz,in  thz  ^aZZ  o{^   1SS9  and 
gnaduatzd  in  H9S;   zntZAzd  Concofidia  ThzoZogicaZ  SzminoAy,  St.   Louis,  in  thz  iaZZ  oi  1S95 
gAoduating  in  Jane,    189S. 

He  was  imnzdiatzZy  assignzd  a  caZZ  to  St.  John's  ChuAch  in  Bzi^oAd  Township,   Richland 
County,  and  thz  ioZZowing  twznty  ^ivz  yzaAS  o^  his  Zi^z  wzAZ  intzAwovzn  with    thz^  dzvzZop- 
mznt  0)5  that  nzlghboAhood.     Bz^oKz  that  timz  thz  chuAch  had  bzzn  SZAvzd  by  Rev.  J.   Hinck 
oi  GAzat  Eznd,   and  thz  ZattZA  oHiciatzd  at  thz  oAdination  and  instaZZation  oi  Rev,   HU.gzn- 
doAi  as  pastoA  on  Szpt.    11,    1S98.     IzaZous  in  thz  iaith  oi  thz  GAzat  MastzA,   hz  onganizzd 

a  chiUick  at  Ea/inty  a  ytaA  oK  iujo  ZateA.     At  that  turn,  fie  aZ6o  iZAvzd  iomz  {^cwiitiu  ioath 
and  iouthexi&t  o{t  HankZn&on  uihlch  ma^zd  thz  be.gZnnLng  o{;  the.  LuXheAan  congn.zgatton  tn 
thJj)  (uXij.     He  cJUo  izfivzd  tkz  congxtgatU.on  hznt  whtn  tmpo^ianZty  without  iXM  poMtoK, 
onct  ion.  ntanJUj  a  t/eo/i  bzioKt  thz  pKH&zvit  Ta^tofi  KZau&leA  ai,6umtd  thz  oidlcz, 

Hz  had  aZ&o  iztvzd  ^on.  tzn  yzafii  ai  a  mzmbzA  o{,  thz  Hi&iton  BooAd  ion  thz  Montana- 
hlonXh  Vakota.  coniztzncz  oi  thz  IIL64>ouaa.  Synod  and  u)a&  cJjkhuX  v-iiZton.  -en  thz  nofLthwziitzn.n 
panJioi  -"^2.  htatz  ion  that  ofiganczatxon. 

He  woA  ma/wizd  Janz  19th,    1901 ,  to  Mc54  Sophia  Laappz  oi  HzbtoMka,  who  uiith  one 
daughtzA,   EAona,  luAvZvzi  fUm.     OthzA  £uA.\JA.vZng  Kzlatlvzi  aJiz  thz  agzd  paAznt&  In  VonXtand, 
OAzgon;  an  armoAAZzd  i-iitzA,  kmzLia,   a  nu/UiZ  uxcth  hzA  poAznts;  UoaLz,  iw-iz  oi  Reu.    E.   T. 
Otto,   Omaha;   VauJL,  pastofi  Zn  Hood  ZCvzA,   OR.;   John,  poAocklal  ichooZ  tzaahzA,   nou;  a6iZit- 
ant  -LmtAuctoK  of,  muiZc  at  thz  LuthzAan  HoAmaJL  School  In  Szwafid ,   NB.     A  bfiothzn.,  itlattzA, 
dizd  06  pa&toh.  oi  thz  LathzAan  cong/LZgatlon  -en  EdgzZzy,   W.,   duAlng  thz  iZu  zpldzmlc. 
Thz  only  fizlativz  pAz&znt  ioA.  thz  imnZAoZ  hzAZ  wai  Rzv.   E.   T.   Otto  oi  Omaha;   othzK.  fiztativzk 
iKom  thz  ioA  wzit  mlZ  mzzt  thz  body  at  SamAd,  NB.,  MhzAZ  thz  buAlal  uuM  takz  placz  F-u- 

Imp/iZiiZvz  and  bzjautciaZ  woi  thz  iunzAoZ  izAvlzz  hzld  at  St.  John'i  ChuAch  at  2  PM 
Tuz^day  a{,tzfinoon.     ThzAz  wzfiz  (Jew  dAy  zyzM  In  thz  thfiong  that  oiizjnbtzd  to  pay  i-inal 
tAibutz  to  thzJji  bziovzd  paitoA,     Many  Zn  thz  a&6zmblagz  hz  had  chAiitznzd,  and  hz  had 
oiitztatzd  at  thz  moAAiagz  czAzmony  oi  a  majoAJXy  oi  thz  adult  mzmbz>L&  oi  thz  congKzgat- 
ion,  thz  kindly  Inihizncz  oi  hli  &  ChAl&tZan  choAactzA  had  bzzn  an  untold  poMZA  ioA. 
good  tn  thz  community  hz  had  iZAvzd  6o  iaZthiutty  ioK  nzoAly  a  quoAtzA  o{,  a  czntuAy . 

VZjtZting  paitoAi,  pAz&znt  inlzndi  and  iofmzn.  cZoi-imatzii  wzAz  also  pKzszvvt.     Tfiom  thz 
pulpit  uihzAZ  dzceaszd  had  bzzn  a  iamtLLoA  iZguAZ  ioA  40  manij  yzoAd,   Reu.   T.Htnc.k  dzLivzAzd 
an  Zmpfiz&ilvz  iZAmon,  paying  a  dz&ZAvzd  zulogy  to  hli  izllow  u}on.kzA  In  thz  ialth;  Rev.   E. 
G.   Nacht&zhzun  oi  HinnzapotU ,   cloiz  ^Alznd  and  cla&imatz,   dzLivzfizd  an  addnz&i  -in  thz 
namz  oi  hli  cZom,   oi  whom  iowi  vozAZ  pfiziznt;  Rev.   E.   G.   Nachtsckzlm  oi  Mpli,   Rev.   H. 
Fazdtka,  kpplzton,  MW.,   Rev.   H.  V..Klzink,   Ouzo,  MW;   and  Rev.   0.   C.  WolU,  Uontzvldzo.  MW. 
Thzy  had  bzzn  cZa&smatzs  at  coUzgz  ioK  9  yzoAt,  and  togzXhzA  In  thz  mlnlitAy  ion.  25  yzaxi, . 
OthzA  poitonj,  pAZiznt  wzAZ  Rev.  C.   Ed.  Hex,  Kzn&al,  aj,  n.zpn.z&zntatl\jz  oi  thz  Uppzn  Soo 
ConizAzncz;  Rev.   J.   C.Nau66,   ToAgo,   Rev.   C.   A.  Szhultz,   Li&bon;  Rev.   0.   C.   Taege,   Anomoo^e; 
Rev.   C.  HzjuchzAt,  Stinum;  Rev.  H.  W.   Eggzu,  CvxinnZA;  Rev.   E.  P.  Gei^eA-^ng,  Wahpztcn; 
Rev.   T.   Hinck,  GKZjxt  Bend;   Rev.  Jul.  CloztzA,    Udgznwood;  Rev.   J.   P.   Klau6lZA,   Hankliiion; 
Rev,   W.   Rohz,  SimmiX.     Many  WZAZ  al&o  pAZ6znt  iAom  GAzat  Bend,  Summit,  Wahpeton  and  Udgzn.- 
mod.     Thz  mzn'i  choln.  oi  thz  Gfizat  Bend  and  thz  ckitdAzn  oi  thz  paAlih  school  sang  duAing 
thz  iZAvtcz.     Thz  caskzt  imi  almost  kiddzn  by  thz  many  ilonal  oUzAings.     Thz  pall  bzoAznt, 
wzAz  thz  ztdzAi  oi  thz  BzZion.d  and  BaAnzy  congn.zgationi;  Wm.   KAuzgzA,  Wm.   NzUzzt  and  Thank 
Tlzgs  oi  BzZiond,  John  Thlzl,   Louli  HindzAmann  and  CanZ  WlXtkop  oi  BaAnzy. 

At  thz  conclusion  oi  thz  iZA\jclz  In  St.  John's  ChuAch,  thz  caskzt  was  convzyzd  to 
thz  Hanklnson  Luthzhn  ChuAch  whzAZ  anothzA  thAong  oi  old  inlznds  gatlr.zAzd  to  pay  thzln. 

{^Znat  tAyibuJit  o^  lovz  and  /lupzct.     An  eZoqatnt  6eAmon  uxM  doLLvzAzd  by  Rev.  JuZ.   CtoteA. 
^  German  and  fie  woi  {lOZZowtd  by  Reu.  J.   P.   Klau^lzn.  ujho6Z  long  and  cZoiz  ^fUzndhiZ.p 
with  tKz  dzcza&zd  poitoK  madz  ka>  add/LZi,^  touchying  and  ^pA.e64x.ue.     MuiZc  imj,  ^uAybi&kzd 
by  the.  LuiheAon  Cholx. 

WhyiZz  thz  ZoM  o{^  tiizlfi  pattoK  comes  a6  a  pzA&onaZ  bzAza\Jzmznt  to  zvzAy  membzA  o^ 
St.  John'^  congKzgation,  (vU  ccAc-te  o{,  ^^znd6  wai  by  no>  con^Znzd  to  thz  luthzAjan 
mzmbzAifUp.     ScoKZi  o^  ouA.  pzopZz,  o^  aZZ  ^a-Lth&  and  vafu.oti&  waZki  o^  tiiz,  zoiintzd  tkejn- 
^e^vci  oi  fu4  ifu-znd  and  6Znczn.zZy  mouAn  kii  £o44. 

Thz  Kvnaln&  wzAZ  ifiLppzjd  to  Seuiafid,  WB.,  Taz&day   zvznZng  whzAz  thz  bufUaZ  uuIZ  takz 
pZacz  tomoAAouj  [Vfujday) . 
HAMKJNSOM  NEWS  ************  ^p^^  j^^    J923 


Wofid  Kzjxchzd  hzfiZ  tkli  weefe  ol  thz  dzath  o^  Hxi,.  C.  C.  Rouitand,  nee  Vuiyzfi,  Mhlch 
occvAAzd  cut  hzfi  homz  Zn  Spokanz,  WA.,  thz  pait  weefe.     Vzczji&zd  uja6  a  daaghtzfi  o^  M/t.  and 
M/L4.   Tfiank  L.  Vivyzfi,  who  itttZzd  Be^tween  HankAJii>on  and  GKzat  Bznd  Zn  thz  zaAhf  '90i  on 
thz  ^anm  now  ozcapZzd  by  Hzfman  VKochnow,  JR.     On  thZ&  ^afim  thz  iuio  ckiZdnzn,  Claudz  and 
Qfia,  wznz  bofin,     Thzy  dZ&po&zd  0(J  thz  ^anm  about  10  yzoAM  ago  and  movzd  to  HankZn6on  and  . 
about  two  yzafit)  latzK  movzd  to  Spokanz,  WA.,  whzAZ  M^.  "DwyzA  dZzd  izvzAoZ  yzoAJk  ago. 

Onn,  thz  onZy  daughtzA,  attzndzd  HZgh  SchooZ  hztz  and  af^tzu  movZng  to  Spokanz  was 
mafoUzd  to  C.  C.  Rouiland  about  20  yzoAC  ago.     A  yzan.  ago  6hz  uooi  i>tfu.zktn  wZth  apopZzxy, 
iZncz  whZch  tZmz  i,hz  ha6  bzzn  con£Znzd  to  hzn.  bed.     BzitZdzit  thz  iOAAowZng  ha&band,  6hz 
Zzavzi  ^ouA  &maZZ  chZZdAzn. 

Thz  ^athzA  was  pfLomlnznt  Zn  ZichZand  County  a^^aZfU,  duAZng  hZd  KZiZdzncz  hzfiz  and 
izAvzd  onz  tzAm  Zn  thz  IzgZ&latuAz  duAZng  thz  mZddZz  '906.     HZ&  uiZ^z,  mothzA  o^  U>u>. 
RowZand,  Zi  6tiZZ  tZvZng  and  alio  thzZn.  onZy  ion  Claudz,   both  of^  whom  makz  thzZn.  homz  Zn 
Spokanz.  »»»»«««««««« 


Jamzi  Mc  Cafutzn  pAomZnznt  ^anmzA  nzoA  CogiwzZZ,  was  buAnzd  to  dzath  on  (Monday  a{,tzA- 
noon  oi  la&t  wzek  whzn  hz  zntzfizd  hZ&  buAnZng  ^a/urn  homz  Zn  quz&t  o^  iomz  vaZuablz  papzu 
Zn  a  dz&k  whZch  hz  dziZuzd  to  KZicixz  {Aom  dz&tnjictZon.     Vzcza&zd  wai,  a  bachzZofi,   b/iothzn. 
0(J  Hon.  RZchofid  Mc  CoAtzn  OjJ  CogiwzZZ,  and  IZvzd  aZonz  on  hZ&  ^anm.     kppoAzntZy  hz  had 
itoAtzd  to  dfUvz  to  town  and  whzn  a  ihoAt  dZ&tancz  away,  dZ&covzAzd  that  thz  hoaiz  wai 
a^Zn.z.     VfuvZng  back,  hz  hZtchzd  hZi  tzam  and  zntzAzd  thz  hou&z,     A  nzZghboA.  atio  noticzd 
thz  IZfLZ  and  haitznzd  to  thz  icznz.     Hz  madz  a  hzAoZc  zHofit  to  KZizuz  Mc  CanXzn  but  bz^oKZ 
hz  could  tizach  thz  uncomaZoui  man  thz  iloofi  colZapizd  and  thz  body  {^zZZ  to  thz  baizmznt 
whzfiz  Zt  woi  buAnzd  to  a  cAZip.     Thz  body  wai  /izmovzd  latzA  Zn  thz  day  and  takzn  to  Cogi- 
wzlt  whzAz  it  wai  pAzpoAzd  {oh.  bufiZaZ. 

Vzczaizd  wai  58  yzoAi  old  and  had  fiz&Zdzd  Zn  SaAgznt  County  £oA  {^o>Uy  yzani. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  ^p^^  j^^    jg^^ 

Uk&.   Bob  BelLin  ajifu.\jzd  homz  ^Aom  St.   VaaJL  ThuAiday  wheAZ  ihe.  had  gone,  to  attznd 
thz  (,a.neAaJL  o^  htn.  mothsA,  HKi .   Vfitd  WcZi^eA. 

Jack  Roblniton  Iz^t  Monday  {^ox  BoKzy,  MW.,  Zn  Ae^ponit  to  a  muiagz  announcing  the. 
dzjotk  o{,  kill  aged  ^otheA.     The.  bnJ.zi  meJiiagt  d^d  not  itatz  the  came,  o^  hit  deaXh. 

Two  South  Vakota.  Indian  Boyi  WandzAzd  ^Ka  40  IWLeJ,,   BodZt6  Found  A^teA  S-lx  Wzeki  Szaxch 

Thz  bodlzi  0^  thz  tuo  Indian  boyt,  ion&  o^  VaJbnzn.  HoA&z&hoz,  pfLominznt  Indian  o{;  thz 
Chzyznnz  Agency,  who  nan  away  ^Ajom  thz  Indian  School  and  wexz  caught  In  the  btizzand  o^ 
FzbAaaAy  13th,  whzfiz  thzy  Zolt  thexA  llvzi ,  havz  been  ^ound  a^tzn.  a  continued  ieaxck  {^oK 
tlx  wzeki  by  KeZjjJUsjejt  and  othzAi . 

Thz  tMO  boyi  oikzd  peAml6tlon  o^  thz  SupeAlntzndznt  o^  thz  school,  to  tzt  them  ojttznd 
thz  £uneAaZ  oi  a  ^Aiznd.     Thz  lait  that  woi  &zzn  oi  thz  two  ladi  they  weAZ  heading  towoAd 
thzAA  homz  40  milzi  away.     V.ztjuAn  o^  thz  two  boy6  wai,   expected  untiZ  thz  btizzoAd  itAuck 
that  tzction  o^  thz  countAy.     Thzn  anxZoai  poAzntt  and  iKlzndii,  bzcamz  aZafmzd  a&  to  thzVi 
wheAzabouti.     SzoAching  poAtizi  weAZ  onganlzzd  and  thz  teoAch  covzAzd  zvzAy  nook  and 
AavZnz  {^OK  miZzi  oAoand  but  thz  z^^oAti  o^  thz  tiAztz&6  tzoAchzAi)  weAe  ^KuuXlz&i . 

Thz  two  boy6  weAZ  ^ound  MaAch  23/id,  onz  nuZz  apafit.     Thz  youngz&t  boy,   zvtdzntZy 
Intended  to  Kzach  a  hayitack  juit  beyond  thz  {^zncz.     Hz  nzveA  fizachzd  thz  hayttack,   bujt 
Initzad  lAozz  to  death  a  jjew;  izzt  {^Kom  thz  £zncz.     Thz  oZdzit  bAothzA,  agz  12,  uiandeAzd 
anotheA  miZz  and  attemptzd  to  do  thz  tamz  thing.     He  AoZZzd  undeA  thz  ^encz  and  laZd 
theAz  untiZ  inxizzn  to  death.     Bz{,on.z  pAoczzdlng  thz  otdzA  bfwthzn.  tAied  to  make  hit 
bAothzn  gzt  up  but  hit  z^^oAtt  weAe  O)}  no  avalZ. 

Thz  bodlzi  weAZ  buAizd  In  thz  {^amlZy  cemzteAy  at    Hot-iman  thlt  wzzk  neoA  thz  homz 
thz  tUttZz  boyi  toaght  In  thz  ttoAm. 

That  tuch  youngttzAt  would  have  bzzn  able  to  coveA  to  many  mlZzt  oi  walking  at  tAackt 
they  ha\jz  le^t  wouZd  Indlcatz,  It  mutz  tzttimony  to  thzln.  IndomiXable  pluck  and  dztznmln- 
atlon  to  ilnd  tomz  thzltzn.  iKom  thz  ttoAm.     Thzln.  ^ootttzpi  havz  bzzn  tAaczd  {,on.  a 
d-lttancz  o^  bztwzzn  35  and  40  mltzi . 

ThAough  alZ  thz  teAfUbZz  hoAdthlpt  and  tu^^zAlng  o^  thz  awf^uZ  j'ouAney  thetz  two 
tittle  boyt  clung  togeXheA  In  andznt  hzlp^ulnztt  to  each  othzA. 

Thz  iatt  they  weAZ  tzzn  wot  when  thzy  wznt  oveA  thz  hltt  ^Aom  thz  Agzncy  hand  In 
hand  thAough  the  tunthlnz  o(^  thz  baZmy  a^tzAnoon  hzadzd  joy{,ully  In  thz  dlAzctlon  o^ 
thzlA  homz,  thelA  {^zzt  uAgzd  on  upon  thz  loAblddzn  advzntuAZ  by  thz  pangt  0|J  homztlck- 
nztt .     Thzy  wzAz  tuch  llttZz  ^zZZowt . 

VaAknztt  had  no  tzAAoA  ^oA  them  that  wot  gAzat  znough  to  dAivz  them  back  to  thz 
tchool  agalntt  tiizlA  zagzAnztt  to  Aeach  homz.     Joyoutly  thzy  pAZitzd  on.     At  thz  ilAtt 
iluAAy  oif  thz  ttoAm  iatt  bz^oAz  midnight,  pznhapt  thzy  thought  o£  theZtzA,  thelA  heoAtt 
to  bz  thAown  Into  a  panic  to  toon  a{^tzA  by  thz  iuZZ  £uAAy  of^  thz  btizzoAd  Aaglng  about 
them.     Clutching  each  otheA  In  the  ^acz  o^  the  whJXz  death  that  gAayed  the  blacknztt  o(, 

ihz  nlghX,  the.  cunning  o^  theAJi  Jlclcz  -en  m&eXing.     NcUuAz'i  mood6  uAge.d  them  on  to  iiyid. 
4ome  \u.nd.  Of$  iikzZtVi. 

Thzy  begem  {^Aantiz  itohb^ng,  itumbZZng  izanch  ^ofi  onz  o^  the.  hay4,tack6  thzy  knew 
weAe  aboat,  ok  pe/ihapi  the.  lotitojuj  home,  oi  an  Indian  {^amlZy. 

CheeAing  each  othen.  a&  be^t  thzij  might,  the.  bJiavz  otdeA.  bKothtn.  mui&t  have  been  o(, 
heAoZc  4,ta^{^  {^ofi  he  httped  the.  tittle.  ieJilow  along  all  tho^z  weafiy,  hopele^i,  miZzi  until 
thz  tittztit  chap  could  go  no  ^uAthzn. 

Lying  down  to  KoZl  undeA  a  wlAz  izncz  thz  tittle  boy  couldn't  get  to  hit  {^zzt 
again.  UtteAly  exhamtzd  thz  fieJbxxation  o^  kis  contact  with  thz  eoKth,  mait  havz 
lulZzd  hJjn  Into  thz  ilzzp  o^  death. 

How  thz  oldzn.  bKothzn.  mait  havz  callzd  and  tuggzd  and  pleadzd  wtth  thz  llttlz  tad 
to  tJuj  again,  to  go  on,  to  an&wzfi  him  In  thz  wind. 

What  a  tnagedy  o^  childhood  was  uvcoaght  thzAz  upon  thz  pfvalnlz,   only  a  £ew  ^zzt  {^fiom 
thz  ihelteM.  thz  boyi  iought  bat  did  not  know  and  could  not  izz  OK  ^Ind. 

Finally  hz  mait  havz  glvzn  up  anaJilz  to  wakzn  oK  ll^t  thz  boy.     Ok  pzKhapi  hz  woA 
blown  0|{i{  Into  thz  itoKm  by  thz  galz,  and  dKl^tlng  bzfiOKz  thz  wind  took  poAtlng  oi  hl& 
llttlz  bKothzK  uncon&cloai  In  thz  inow. 

Hz  wandzKzd  on  ioK  anothzK  mlZz  whzKz  hz  ^ound  anothzK  {^zncz  zncloilng  hay  and  hz 
met  hi&  znd  Indzntlcally  a6  hl£  bnothzK  had  donz  hli,  body  being  ^ound  In  thz  open  bztwzzn 
thz  {,zncz  and  thz  neoKby  ^,tack&  o^  hay,  a^tzK  hz  had  KoUzd  andzK  thz  itKand  o^  wIkz. 

Thz  homz  o^  thz  boy£  wa&  neoK  La  Plant,   noKthuz&t  o^  Chzyznnz  Agency,  which  Im 
locat.zd  on  thz  IM&aouaI  RIvzk  acKo&i  thz  FoKzit  City. 

Thz  bodlzi  WZKZ  ^ound  In  thz  opzn  KZizKvatlon  countKy  almoi>t  due  we^t  o^  thz  Agzncy 
and  nzaKZK  Mo6iman,  than  thzlK  home  town  o^  La  Plant.     Upon  thz  windblown  pKolAlz  thz 
wind  dKi^tzd  thelK  {^ootpKlrvU  Into  tKack&  that  Kzmalnzd  cleoA  enough  to  havz  bzzn  plckzd 
up  cut  many  points  they  tKavzK&zd  on  thzlK  almlz6&  way.     Bloodhounds  which  wzKZ  bKought 
to  go  upon  thz  ^>cznt,  wzKZ  unablz  to  follow  In  thz  snow  a  £ejw  dags  a^tzK  thz  stoKm  and 
since  thzn  thz  SZOKch  has  bzzn  contlnuzd  undzK  thz  dljizction  o£  SupzKlntzndant  Mu.n/1.0  until 

thz  bodlzs  WZKZ  ^oand.  Slsszton  CooKizK. 

HANKWSON  NEWS     .  «»««««»»♦««»  ^p^^  ,9^    ,923 


?9  YzoK  Old  Boy  Sulcidz  at  HcumeK,   4  YzoK  Old  VKownzd  In  Czsspool  At  Neui  Ef^^lngton 

Theo,  R.  Vahl  Takzs  Own  Li^z... 
TheodoKz  Rooszvelt  Vahl,   nineteen  yzaK  old  son  o^  ChoAlzs  Vahl  o^  HammeK,  was 
killed  by  thz  dlschoKgz  OiJ  a  shotgun  In  his  own  hands  Tuesday  just  a^tzK  noon.     Hz  was 
In  thz  habit  o^  slzzplng  latz  moKnlngs  and  had  axiszn  at  about  hZs  usual  houK,   elzvzn 
o'clock.     Hz  woKkzd  about  thz  yoKd  until  dlnneK  tlmz  when  hz  atz  a  heoKty  meal,  got  up 
{)Kom  thz  table,  whistled  a  ^ew  baKS  {^Kom  a  populoK  tune,  and  went  down  In  thz  baszmznt. 
A  ijew  minutes  txtzK  thz  Kzst  o£  thz  iamULy  who  had  not  {^Inishzd  eating  heoKd  thz  mu^^^lzd 
KzpoKt  0^  a  shotgun,  and  going  down  {^oand  his  body  stKztchzd  out  on  thz  ilooK  with  his 

iJeC/t  agcuinit  the.  imlt  oi  the,  coat  fvoom,   and  tiiz  gan,   a  ilngZe.  boAAeJi  twelve,  gauge  tying 
bztwze.n  hJj>  cAOMe,d  {^zet.     Evidently  hz  had  placzd  thz  mazzZz  o^  thz  gun  In  hJj>  mouth, 
and  thz  choAgz  toKZ  out  thz  fLOO^  oi  hJjt  mouth,  and  thz  czntzn.  of,  hii   {^oiehzixd,   and  thz 
iKont  paAt  0)5  thz  ikuZZ.     Thz  County  AuthofuXlzi  at  Stiizton  uieAz  notl{i-Lzd  and  upon  thz 
aAAAxaZ  oi  Vfi.   Loni>tKzth,  Vzputy  SheA^{i^  HlndzA  and  Ju^ticz  ?fu.ndl\;UJiz,  a  coKonzn't, 
juAy  constating  0(J  6.  A.  Rud,   IvzJi  SkjzZ&tad  and  Cai>pex  Holman  waj,  impaneZtzd,   and  dzcldzd 
that  kli  dzath  woi  izi{t  tn^Ztctzd  and  Zntznttonat. 

Tzddy,  a&  hz  wai  commonly  knouin,  woA  a  vzAy  dhzzAlut,  alwayi  a  jotty  loht  o^  a  boy, 
uitXh  a  happy-go-lucky  diipoilXion  and  appoAzntly  mXhout  a  coAz  In  thz  wofild.     By  thoiz 
who  knzw  htm  well,  4>ach  an  act  a6  taking  hii  own  ll{,z  wa6  con6ldeAzd  onz  ol  thz  molt  un- 
likely things  posilblz.     T){  hz  had  any  KZjoson  {^oK  being  dupondznt  hz  czfitalnly  nzvzA. 
ihowzd  tX,  and  thz  night  bz^oKZ  hli  dzath  wai  with  a  company  o^  {^AlzndA .     Hz  was  vzAy  pop- 
aloA  among  hli  young  ^^endi,  and  unlz&s  hz  Izi^t  i,omz  mziiagz  which  has   not  yet  bzzn 
^ound  to  explain  his  tuash  action,  It  valtl  be  hoAd  to  bellzvz  that  hz  Kzaliy  Intzndzd  to 
takz  his  own  ll^z. 

Thz  lunzAol  was  held  last  Thufisday  ^Aom  thz  UldoAOS  ChuKch  and  thz  Kzmalns  laid  to 
Azst  bzsldz  his  mothzA  who  pKZCzzdzd  him  to  thz  gAavz  o^  a  couplz  Oj$  months. 

A  tZMAlblz  t/iagzdy  vlsltzd  this  community  Monday  a{^teMnoon,  whzn  GeJuild  Vahl,  thz 

{^ouA  yzoA  old  son  o^  Ma.,  and  Mas.  Anton  Vahl  met  dzath  by  falling  Into  a  pooAly  covzAzd 

czjSS  pool.     Mas.  Vahl  mlsszd  thz  child  about  I   PM  and  Inmzdlatzly  madz  szaAch  {,0A  him  as 

hz  was  nzvzA  known  to  wandzA  ioA  {^Aom  hzA  sldz.     About  thz  f^lASt  placz  shz  lookzd  (^oA  him 

was  thz  czss  pool,   but  as  thz  covzA  had  ^allzn  back  Into  placz  It  szemzd  ImpAobablz  that  hz 

was  thzAz,  so  thz  szoAch  was  extended  thAough  the  nelghboAhood,   and  as  thz  aloAm  spAzad 

moAZ  and  moAz  pzoplz  joined  In  thz  seoAch.     About  6  PM  thz  ilAZ  ala/m  was  soundzd  and 

callzd  out  to  help  to  ^Ind  the  llXtle  {^ellow  and  evzAy  f^oot  o^  gAound  {^oa  mites  In  zvzAy 

dlAzcXlon  wai  combzd.     Mzantlmz  szvzAal  peASons  had  Zl^ted  up  thz  covzA  on  thz  cesspool, 

but  no  thoAough  szoAch  o^  Hi  twelve  ^oot  dzpth  had  bzzn  madz  until  about  eight  o'clock  PM 

whzn  H.   M.   Kleven  pAocuAed  a  long  booAd  and  bAought  thz  body  of^  littlz  GzAald  to  thz  suA{acz. 

It  was  a  tzAAlble  moment  ioA  the  {,amlly  a{^teA  the  long  a^tzAnoon  o^  stAoln  and  woAAy 
to  have  thelA  woASt  ^eoAS  so  tzAAlbly  con^lAmzd.     lliz  was  zxtlnct  bzyond  hopz  0($  Aesu&clt- 
atlon  whzn  thz  boy  was   ^ound.     Thz  Indications  axe  thai  the  child  In  wandeAlng  about  the 
yaxd  saw  the  boaAd  coveA  oH  thz  pool  and  tipping  -it  upon  zdgz  walkzd  undzA  It  Into  thz 
holz,  thz  COVZA  again  falling  back  Into  placz  covenlng  all  tAaczs  oi  thz  accldznt. 

Hz  was  thz  youngzit,  thz  doAllng  of,  thz  zntlAZ  {,amlty,  and  his  untimely  dzath  Is  thz 
cause  o{,  most  polngent  gAlef^.     The  shocked  community  Is  anxious  to  AendzA  whatzvZA  aid  and 
sympathy  posslblz.     It  Is  anothex  oi  those  tzAAlblz  and  uszlzss  sacAi^lczs  oi  human  lliz  to 
human  coAzlessness .     A  couple  o£  nails  In  the  top  of^  that  death  tAap  would  have  saved  thz 
U-iz  oi  GzAold  Vahl.     Let  us  look  and  watch  {,oA  thjj,  soAt  oi  mznacz  and  txy  to  avzAt  any 
iuAthzA  such  hoAAlblz  accldznts. 

The.  ianeAol  wcu  hald  FfUday    af^teAnoon  {\  Hon  ChuAck  at  one.  o'diocb.     TnteAment 
Mill  be  made  at  the  cemeteAy  two  mU.ej>  voeJit  oi  HaJLvoK  Olen'i>. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ...New  EUington  Recofid;  kpfUl  26,    1923 

M^.  and  hiKi.  F/vank  ZimmeAman  Ze.^t  TueJiday  moAntng  (,ofL  Tfitepofit,  MW.,  tn  n.eJ>pon&e  to 
a  meMage  annoanCAJig  the  death  o{j  tiie  latteA'6  motheA,  Wil>.  Stelnke.     Ufu>.  Stelnke  had 
tiexizhed  the  Atpe  old  age  o^  74  yeoAi  and  thz  Zmmzdlate  came  o^  heA  death  wom  due  to  heoAt 


One  0({  the  ladde^t  e.\jev\tj>  tn  the  hUtoAy  0)$  Gxeat  Bend  uxu  the  death  0($  Mw .  A.  C. 
Lubznow  which  occuAAzd  manning,  kpnJUL  27th,  at  haZ^  poMt  4 even  o'clock  a{^teA  many 
month6  o{i  ia{i{,eAing  and  a  bfiavz  battle,  to  oveAcome  the  inAoadi  od  the  atlment.     HzoAt 
tAoable  Mat,  the  immediate  couie  0){  death,  and  ihe  had  been  steadily  Raizing  ion.  the  pa&t 
iix  weefei . 

Veceoied  was  bonn  at  BloomiviZlz,  WT.,  Moi/  24th,    1S93,  vohene  &he  to  womanhood. 
On  ApAil  17,    1912,  ihe  wa4  manAied  to  A.   C.   Luhtnow  0($  Gneat  Bend,  and  o{i  tkli  anion  tA)o 
ckildAen  iuAvive. .  .Vincent,  agzd  9  and  Nonton,  aged  5.     HeA  moAAied  tiie  o^  eleven  yeoAi 
woi  ipent  in  Gneat  Bend  and  ifie  endeoAzd  heAiel^  to  evenyone  by  heA  many  womanly  vintixeM. 
Not  a  neiident  oi$  the  village  but.  ^elt  heA  untimely  death  to  be  a  peAionaZ  beAeavement. 
She  took  an  active  inteAtit  in  all  school,   chuAch  and  6ocial  a^aiAS  and  wilt  be  iadty 

Bej,ide  the  itnicken  hu.6band  and  tittle  ckildAen  leit  moth.eAleM ,  deceoied  iA  iun- 
vived  two  bnotheAi  and  two  6i£teA&:     Entck  BoAtell  oi  Gneat  Bend,  Max  Bantell  oi  Oiko^h, 
WI.,  Mw.  Albent  Kemp{^  o{t  Uonnlion  City,  Wl . ,  and  Ulki,  Lonle  UilleA  oi  Ctintjonville,  WI. 

TuneAJxl  4>eAvicz&  weAe.  held  Monday,  Apnil  30th,  at  the.  Evangelical  ChuAch  o^  which 
deceased  wa&  a  devout  membeA.     The.  tdllice.  wa6  iilled  oveAilowing  with  {^nlendi  a&iembled 
to  pay  theln  {^inal  tnlbute  to  one.  who  wa6  univen&aZZy  beloved.     The  ieAvicu  wene  conducted 
by  Rev.  Bnewz  0|$  (UyndmeAe  and  the.  pall  beoAeAi  weAe  Elnoy  WonneA,   H.  A.  Gollnick,  Adolph 
Beting,   Fned  Gellz,  Simon  Vo^ch  and  Joih  Bechtel.     Intenment  was  made  in  the  Evangelical 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  May  3,    1923 

VoAing  ley  WateAi  oi  Red  Riven  Von  FiA&t  Swim  0({  VeoA  ....Wiltiam  Vucept  Vnowm 
The  tnechzAoui  wateAi  o{,  the  Red  Riven  claimed  a  victim  hene  Sunday  when  William 
Vucept,   boy  itudent  o{i  the  Government  Indian  School,  lank  within  it6  depths. 

Vucept  died  a&  the  ne^ult  o($  disobeying  ondeAi>.     He  had  gone  to  the  niveA  with 
otheA  boyi  oi  the  ichool  with  peAmiM>ion  ojj  thz  dt&ciptinanlan  to  do  so,  but  had  been 
admontihed  not  to  go  in  swimming.     Unable  to  ne£i&t  the  tuAe  oi  the  wateA  on  the  wanm 
a^teAnoon,  Vucept  itnlpped  kimield  0|J  ht&  clothti  and  plungzd  in.  Mca  a  good  iMimmzfi,   but  tht  coZd  mattfi  {^tiom  wklch  the.  Zcz  had  gone  onZif  a 
£ew  dayii  beiJoAe,   combZnzd  uuXh  the.  hejVLty  zvznZng  mzaZ  he  had  eaX.e.n  and  the  txe/ution 
hz  had  undzAgone  on  ka>  way  to  the  ^iwnming  ptacz,  uvioaght  havoc.  Ovztcomz  by  cAamp^ 
hz  4anfe  iKom  iZght.  a&  fu4   comparU.on& ,   poMeAZzi>6  to  cud  hAjn,  watchzd, 

Vaczpt  woi  not  the  only  boy  who  had  gonz  Znio  thz  watzA,   bat  thz  othzu  wzAZ  too 
Ian.  away  to  comz  to  kii  a66<J>tancz.     Thz  boyi,  on  thz  bank  wzfiz  anabtz  to  -iuion.     Thziy 
WZA.Z  {^Z&kLng  when  Vuczpt  had  gonz  Into  thz  wateA,  and  thzy  had  caZtzd  to  htm  to  kzzp 
6hy  OjJ  thzAJi  iiih  hook&,  £0  hz  had  gonz  loJitkeJi  oat.     Hz  wai>  not  i>o  iari,   howzvzA,  that 
thzy  ^aiZzd  to  hean.  htm  gfwan  ai  thz  cAump^  ovztcamz  klm  and  thzy  calZzd  out  to  htm, 
oi  ktng  him  t^  hz  waj,  tn  tfioabZz. 

"let  me  alonz,"  Vuczpt  aniwztzd  back,   "I'm  att  Klght."     Izii,  than  a  mtnatz  laJtzA, 
without  havtng  Cilzd  oat  {^on.  heZp,   hz  iank. 

Whzn  Vuczpt  ^attzd  to  appzoA  again  kU,  companion!)  became  ^fitghtenzd,  tz^t  thziA 
{itihtng  and  hjxn  back  to  thz  ichoot,  a  diitancz  o^  about  a  quoAtzA  o£  a  mtiz.     Thz 
dliciptinoAijan,   EmiZ  Zznion,  wai,  on  hZi,  way  to  town  and  spying  him,  thzy  hufiAtzd  a^toA 
him  to  tzZZ  0^  thz  tAagzdy. 

SupeAA.ntzndznt  Smith  wai  at  thz  F066  M.   E.  ChuAch  and  had  ja&t  completed  giving  a 
talk  to  mzmbeM  o{i  thz  Epuiofith  lza.gaz  ai  a  poAt  oi{  thziA  Sunday  pfiogfiam  whzn  Ma.   Benion 
cuune  into  thz  chafich  and  appAotizd  him  0^  what  happznzd. 

SupeAintzndznt  Smtth  hoitznzd  back  to  thz  ichoot,  oAgantzzd  a  izoAchtng  poAty  o^ 
thz  mzn  empZoyzd  and  oZdeA  boy!,,  and  oikzd  thz  Wahpeton  VzpoAtmznt  to  Zznd 
a&ititancz  in  izoAcKing  ^OA  thz  boy' 6  body. 

Young  Vuczpt  had  bzzn  a  itudznt  0^  thz  school  ioA  about  thAzz  yzoAi, .     He  wai,  a 
quiet,  AzkzAvzd  ^eZZow,  popaZnA  with  htl,  companion^  and  wzZZ  thought  of^  by  tho.iz  who 
knew  him.     He  had  woAkzd  himieZ^  up  to  thz  captaincy  0^  one  o{,  thz  compantzi  into 
which  thz  boy  itadznti  0^  thz  ichooZ  OAZ  oAqanlzzd  and  wai,  hoZdlng  that  poittlon  whzn 
thz  tAagzdy  occuAAzd. 

Thz  Zad  wai,     about  T5  yzoAi,  oZd.     He  woi  oi  Cazz  and  TAznch  descent  and  had  comz 
hzAz  {^Aom  thz  TuAtZz  Mountain  Azs,eAvatlon  in  noAthzAn  Month  Vakota.     Hli,  paAznti  oAz 
dzad,   but  hz  hoi  ititzAi  and  bAothzAi  living. 

HAWfCIWSOW  WEWS  Wa/ipe^on  G^obe f^ay  3,    T9Z3 


BzAnoAd  MoueA,  a  Az&ldznt  oi  Hankln&on  ^OA  21  yzoAi,,   died  at  hli  homz  In  tha,  city 
at  10:35  Wzd.  moAnlng,  ai  thz  Az&ult  of,  a  itAokz  oi  poAolyili,  agzd  60  yzoAi .     Vzcexiizd 
wai  {^lAit  itAlckzn  thz  day  following  ChAlitmai  but  naZZlzd  and  wai  abZz  to  be  aboat 
town  up  to  about  a  coupZz  oi  dayi  bz^oAZ  thz  znd.   He  madz  a  bAavz  iight  to  livz  bat  in  vain. 

Vzcea^zd  wai  a  natlvz  oi  KuJitAJua,   boAn  Aug.    15th,    1S63.     ThzAz  hz  gAew  to  manhood 
and  wai  moAAlzd  to  EUzahzXh  SchellzA  who  iuAvivzi  him.     In  company  with  a  ZoAgz  colony 
lAom  thz  iomz  nzighbonhood  In  Aai tnta,  thz  family  ImmlgAatzd  to  Amznlca  in  1S92,  locat- 
ing In  Hanklnion,  whzAz  M^.  MaaeA  ioUowzd  hlz  tAjxdz  o^  a  ihoemakzA,   ^oA  many  yzaAi. 

Thz  following  chlZdAzn  iunvlvz  him:  f.{Ai.  John  BomrnzAibach  o^  thii  city;  Wii.   Kath- 

eAlm  Mc  CaUjuun  o{,  St.   Paul;     Ufi&.   Ro6Z  SchelleA  o{,  thii   cJXy;  John  MoueA,   St.   Paul; 
Ladlbloiii  UaueA  OjJ  thii,  cJMj)   Ffiank  MoueA  0($  St.   LoluU,  MO;  VztzA  MaueA  o{,  tJiZi  cJMj . 
kit  uJZAt  homz  duJU/iQ  tkz  lent  daij&  oi  thziA  icithtu,   exctpt  Tfuxnk  and  Uu .  Mc  CaZlum. 

fecezLiecf  waj>  a  qultt  man  OjJ  &xceLie.nt  KZ.pataXA.on  and  hit  ton  wWi  be  kzznly  {^elt 
by  many  old  {^AA.md6 .     He  loai  a  dzvoat  mzmbzA.  0)$  the.  CatkotLc  ChuAch  and  alio  bzlongzd 
to  thz  Cathotic  OxdeA  o^  ToKeJ>tznj>.     Tkz  {,anz>mZ  (mJU.  be  hzld  Friday  at  10  AM 
w-lth  izAvtczi  at  St.  PkLllp'6  ChoAck.     JntzAmznt  mJUi  be  madz  In  thz  Catholic  CzmztzAy. 
HANKTNSON  NEWS  ************  fj{ay  TO,    J923 

Paiizd  Away  at  EfLZchznAldgz     HoiplXaZ     Thii     ^^onJ^lng     PolZowtng     OpzAotxon 

HankAn&on  pzoplz  vozAz  ihockzd  tkU,  moining  whzn  woKd  came  that  Un.l> .   Pfuank  Witt 
had  dtzd  at  thz  BAzckznAA.dgz  Hospital  ^oZtoMtng  an  opzAatlon.  Shz  woi  takzn  to  thz  Hoip- 
IXal  j'ait  a  wzzk  ago,  iappoizd  to  be  iui^^^z'  {^Kom  galZitonzs .     That  hzA  condition  Mai, 
euen  caaXIcoI  wo*  unknown  to  hzJi  {^fu-znde,  hzAz  antlZ  wofid  camz  that  ihz  had  paiizd  avoay. 
Ufi.  Witt  wa&  ujlth  kzA  at  thz  hospital. 

Owing  to  abizncz  o{,  mzjmbzA6  o^  thz  family  Thz  NEWS  hjtl,   been  unablz  to  izcuJiz  data 
don.  an  ob/MuUiy.     Vzczxuzd  wai>  about  40  yzau  0)$  age,  thz  only  child  o^  John  Stopplzman, 
and  hzA  ll{,z  up  to  thz  -time  od  hzA  maAAlagz  ilx  yzxvUi  ago,  to  UJi.  Witt  wai  ipznt  In  ULnn- 
Z6ota.     Shz  l6  iuA.\jlvzd  by  hzfi  husband  and  onz  itzp-daughtzA,    Lydla  and  thz  agzd  ^athzA. 

Shz  wai  a  mothz/iLy  woman  and  a  kind  nzlghboA,   bzZovzd  by  alt  who  znjoyzd  hzA  acqu- 

Thz  body  li  bzlng  brought  ovzn.  (^Aom  BnzckznAldgz  In  thz  Wlppzjman  HzaA&z  today, 
and  nothing  will  be  known  ai  to  thz  {^unzAot  ariAangzmznti  until.  M^.  WlXt  oAAlvzi  hoAZ. 
HANKINSOH  NEWS  ************  Uay  ]0,    1923 

Thz  body  o^  WltUam  Vuczpt,  thz  tzzn  ichool  itadznt  dAownzd  In  thz  Red  RlvzA  at 
Wahpzton  a  wzzk  ago  Sunday,  wai  dcicovzAzd  toit  Pnlday  haZ^  a  mlZz  down    thz  nlvzA  ^nom 
whzAz  thz  drowning  occufizd.     Thli   zndzd  a  ^Ivz  day  izoAch  (,0A  thz  body,  which  wai  latzA 
ihlppzd  to  thz  homz  OjJ  hli  poAznti  at  RolZa,   NV.,    ^on.  buAlal. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  lAay  10,    1923 


Thz  (^unzAoZ  izAvlcz^  ^OA  Hu .   PAank  Witt,  who  dlzd  vzAy  iaddznly  at  thz  Bnzckzn- 
nldgz  HoipltaZ  Ixut  weefe,  wai  hzld  at  thz  LuthzAan  ChuAch  In  Hanklmon  lait  Sunday  a^^tzA- 
noon,   Rzv,   J.   P.   KlauilzA  oxidating.     Thz  chuAch  wai  wzlZ  {,llZzd  with  ioAAowlng  inlzndi 
and  nzlghboAi  who  camz  to  pay  thzlt  lait  tAlbutz  o{^  honoK  and  fizipzct.     Thz  pallbzoAZAi 
wzAZ  Ennzit  StzlnwzlA,  Guit  SchuZtz,  RobzAt  Ilztlow,   PAank  IlzXlow,  WlZtlam  Knaaak  and 
WllLiam  PzlpzA. 

Louliz  ChAlitlnz  Auguita  Witt,  nee  Stoplzman,  whoiz  ikztch  wai  bfilz^ly  chAonlclzd 
In  lait  wzzk'i  NEWS,  wai   boAn  In  BzlZz  Plalnz,  UN.,   on  Oct.    12th,    1SB3,  and  wai  thz  only 
dajxghtzA  o^  John  Stoplzman.     HzA  ll{^z  up  to  thz  tlmz  o{,  hzA  maAhJjagz  about  ilx  yzjXAi  ago 

to  Thjank  WZtt  woi  iptnt  In  lUnnuota.. 

M/Li .  Witt  had  btQ.n  aZting  {^ofi  iomt  timz  and  on  Uay  2nd,  ihz  woi  takzn  to  th? 
BA.zckznMj,dgt  Ho^pZtal  and  a.  {^ew  dayi  Zntt/i  andznwe.nt  an  opzuatlon.     On  Uay  10th,  jtut 
thfizz.  dauji  a^tzA  the,  opeAotion,  the.  ^ZnaZ  summons  wai  ioundiid  and  thz  znd  ccunz,     HeA 
tAjan^itlon  woi  pzaaz^ul  and  quitt.     Like.  the.  6o{,t  mu/umuA  o£  a  ipfiing  ztphijK  htn.  paKZ 
ipiAAX  oAoiz  ($  thz  t/Jizd,  woKn  moKtaZ.  hoiL6z  that  had  bzzn  iX&  abiding  placz  {^01 
iofitij  yzofii,   and  anothzA  biAth  i.nta  thz  highzA  tL^z  wa6  izzondzd. 

M^ .   Tfiank  WiXt  wa&  a  g^umd  good  woman,  who6Z  gzntZznz&s ,   nobility  and  puAiXy  od 
ckohjactzA  wzJiz  moit  {^uUbj  andzutood  by  thoiz  who  fenew  hzA  bz6t.     HzA.  hand6  wzAZ  ^iZtzd 
wiXh  gi{iti,   hzA  hzjOAt  aboundzd  -ui  gKaczi,;  hzfi  gzntZz  pfizdzntz  and  hzn.  kindly  miniAtAati.on& 
wiZt  be  ioAzZy  ml&^zd  by  many  but  moKZ  ZipzciaZty  by  thoiz  with  whom  6hz  camz  in   pzAionat 
contact.  Hzn.  tL^z  i>aggz^t6  Tznnyion'^  bzauutif^uZ  poem: 

Sunizt  and  zvzni-ng  itoK,   And  onz  cZzoA  caJX  £oK  mz, 

And  may  thzAz  be  no  moaning  o{i  thz  bat,  Whzn  I  put  out  to  AZa, 

TwiLight  and  zvznZng  bzll,   And  a{^tzfi  that  thz  dafik, 
And  may  thzAz  be  no  6adnZ66  o^  {^oAzwelZ,  Whzn  I  zmbaAk, 

Bat  iuch  a  ttdz  ai  moving  izzm&  a&tzzp,   Too  iulZ  {^oK  iound  and  {^oam. 

Whzn  that  which  dJiew  inom  out  thz  boundlzii  dzzp,  TuAn&  again  homz. 
FoA.  though  ^A-om  out  ouA  OfJ  timz  and  placz,   Thz  ilood   may  bzoA  me  {^ax, 
I  hope  to  4ee  my  pilot  ^acz  to  ({ace,  Whzn  I  havz  cAoiizd  thz  ban.. 

MAi.   Fnank  Witt  ij,  iuJivivzd  by  hzn.  huiband  and  itzp-daughtzn.  and  hzn  agzd  {^otheA, 
Thz  ionAowing  hu&band  and  AzZativzi  havz  thz  iinczAZ&t  sympathy  o^  theJji  many  {^Aiznd^ . 
HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  May  17,    I9Z3 

Ma..   C.   E.  Dick  ha&  AzceA.vzd  woKd  oi  thz  death  ApniZ  11th  o{,  an  Unclz,  M^.  RobzAt 
Vick  0()  SanboAn,   TA.     Ha.'6  Unclz,  who  wai   76  yzaA6  old,   had  bzzn  a  nztiidznt  0|$ 
SanboAn  ^on  37  yzaA6, 

HAmiNSON  NEWS  ************  Hay  17,    1923 

?Aomlnznt  GAzzndalz  Fanmzn  VoMzd  Away  Tuesday  UoAnlng  A^tzA  ShonX  lllnzi,i> 

Fnank  Hzdznuoaldt,  a  natlvz  o{,  Richland  County,   died  at  hli  homz  in  CAzzndale  Town- 
ihi.p  at  5  M^  Tuziday  {^Aom  tubzn.culo6iJ>  of^  thz  ki.dnzyi>  a^tzA  an  illnzii  oi  two  wzzki ,   agz 
45  yejoAi,    5  montki  and  30  dayi  .     WhiZz  hz  had  iu{,{iZAzd  {^Aom  thz  dZiza&z  ioA  iomz  tanz. 
It  woA   not  gznzAolly  known  that  hii  condition  wa6  cnltlcal  and  neioi  oi  hi^  dzatix  wot  a 
izvznz  ihock  to  ki&  wZdz  ciAclz  0($  (^nltndt,  thAoughout  tha>  izctZon  o{,  thz  countny. 

VzceoAzd  woi  a  6on  o^  Ha,  and  Ma^.   FzAdinand  Hzdznwaldt  o^  tha>  city  and  wai  bonn 
in  ?>zZioAd  Townihip  on  Vzc.    50th,    1879.     ThzAZ  hz  gAZJW  to  manhood  and  on  HoAch   10th,    1904, 
hz  wai,  moAALzd  to  BzAXha  Pankow,  who  iUAvivzi  him.     Shontly  a{^tzA  thz  manAiagz,  thz  young 
couplz  movzd  to  a  {^oJm  which  thz  gAoom  puAcha&zd  In  GAZzndalz  Towmhip  and  thznz  thzy 
AZiidzd  up  to  thz  timz  o^  hli  death . 

Be^^dei  the.  agzd  pcLn.e.nti,  and  the.  ^tA^ckzn  uxif^z,   deceoied  -ci  iuAu-cved  by  thAdz  child- 
Keji:  ktf^Kzd  and  Thzodoxz,  ionl,;  and  Efma,   daughtzA.     Thtn.t  OAZ  alio  e^ight  bfiotkeAi  and 
^-UttU:  AJLbzfut  oi  la  Mau,  WittLam  o^  MoAan,  UfU.  John  Bacfe  of.  La  Uau ,  Otto  o{i  Mo-tan, 
Gu6tav  0^  BzZ^ofid,  Htfman  o^  EJiightuJood,  Augait  and  Harouj,   Txtd  o^  Siee£man,  Soife. 

Vzcza^zd  ujas  on  ZnduLit^u.oa&  and  thAX^ty  doAmzA,  a  ZovAjig  husband  and  a  \u.nd  and  induJL- 
gent  iatheA.  Hli>  untumZy  dojatk  Zi  mouAnzd  by  ^coKZ6  oi  lfu.zndi>  thuoaghouX  tfvi&  panX  o^  thz 

Thz  ^unzKoZ  wUJi  bz  hztd  today,  with  bfu.zi  4eAv-c.ce4  at  thz  homz  in  GlzzrdaZz  ioZZowzd 
by  AZAvZczi)  at:  thz  LuXhznjin  ChuAck  o^  uikLch  dzczoizd  uxu  a  dzvout  and  JLi{,z-long  membz^. 
Rev.  J.   P.  KZaiulzA  uxilZ  bz  -in  chajigz  and  thz  patt  bzoxzuit  voUJi  bz  Robzfct  Vumkz,  Txzd  \Jzdd- 
Zfi,   Cka&.  Etadow,  JR.,  AZ^Azd  ?Kochnou},   HzAman  Mzdznuialdt,  and  Eduiin  PankoM.     Jnte/mznt 
mZt  bz  in  thz  LuthzAon  CzmztzAy. 

HAmWSOM  NEWS  ************  Hay  31,    1923 


Wm.  H.  Mc  Gfiay  Azazivzd  a  mzi-6agz  Sunday  announcing  thz  dzath  of,  ku  mothzA,  h{A& . 
F.   F.  McGKoy,  at  hzA  homz  in  St.  VojuJi  at  10  AM  that  moAning.     Thz  iad  newi  come  aj,  a 
complztz  iufipHA^z  04  it  woi  known  hzAZ  that  ihz  wai  cAiticatiy  iZZ  although  hzn.  hzoLth 
had  not  been  oi  thz  bz&t  ion.  thz  pai,t  couplz  oi  yzxuit, . 

VzczoMzd  wai  boKn  in  Ohio  72  yzoAi  ago  but  thz  zoAZy  yzoAi  o^  hzA  moA/iizd  tl^z  wzAz 
/tpznt  at  ?Kz&cott,  WT.     Thz  iamlty  camz  to  Hankin&on  ^fiom  that  pZacz  on  ApfuZ  25th, 1S95, 
and  Ion.  li^tzzn  yzjvU)  occapizd  thz  ia/im  two  miZz&  zait  o^  town.     In  1910  thzy  movzd  back 
to  ?AZ6cott  and  thAzz  yzoAi  latzA  Wi.  Mc  Gnmf  acquiAzd  a  gAoczAy  buj,inzi,i,  in  St,  Paul  and 
thzy  movzd  to  that  city  whzfie.  thzy  havz  iZncz  Az&idzd. 

Vzcza&zd  wa6  wzZZ.  known  among  thz  zanZy  iztttzn/,  hzAz  and  thz  sympathy  o^  thz  comm- 
unity gozi  out  to  thz  bzAzavzd  ontl, .     Ez&idz^  thz  huiband,  dzczcazd  -ci  6uAvi.vzd  by  thtzz 
gAown  childAzn;  Wm.  H.  Mc  Gnay  o^  thl&  placz,  MA4  .  J.   C.  Woodhouiz  o{,  St.  Paul  and  Ua&  . 
Jo&.  J.  GAzzn,  who  ha&  made  hzA  homz  with  hzA  poAznti  ^incz  thz  dzath  o^  hzA  huiband  a 
coupZz  oi  yzoAS,  ago. 

Wm.  Mc  Gnjxy  Iz^t  on  lOS  Tuziday  to  attznd  thz  iunzAoZ.  which,  was  hzM  at  PAZicott, 
WJ.,  on  fjJzdnz&day  at  10  AM. 
HANKWSON  MEWS  ************  j^^^  j4^    ,923 


Pionzzn.  Rziidznt  Pa&6zd  Away  A^tzA  Tttnz&^>  o^  LziJ>  Than    Two  H0UA6.... 

Thz  iuddzn  and  unzxpzctzd  dzath  o^  M/l4  .  Wm.  Wz&tpahZ,  which  occJUAAzd  ^Aom  hzant 
iailuAz  at  thz  family  homz  Juit  nonth  o^  town,  at  1:05  AM  Tuz&day,  camz  oa  a  gnzat 
ihock  to  hzA  many  inlzndi  thtoughout  thJj,  pant  o^  thz  county.     Shz  wai)  In  appoAznt  good 
hzalth  upon  nztlAlng  but  aAouizd  hzA  huiband  at  11   Pf^  and  a  doctoA  wai  iuimonzd.     LittZz 
couZd  bz  donz  to  Azlizvz  hzA  condition,   howzvzA,  and  4hz  pa&izd  away  pzacz^ulZy  at  1:05, 
joit  two  houxi  tatzA.     Shz  had  bzzn  iu^^ZAtng  iZlghtty  ^nom  hzaAt  tAoubtz  ilncz  fzbnuaAy 

but  hzA  condition  wai  not  conildzAzd  iznloui  and  lait  Sunday  ihz  joinzd  mmbzu  o(,  thz 

{^amllij  on  an  outing  to  OntonviZZt,  appoAtntty  ^njoy-Lng  thz  outing. 

MathiZda  Ttibtlkofin  wai  boA.n  in  GeAmany,   Feb.    12th,    1863,   and  czlzbn.ate.d  /icA 
iixtlttk  biAthday  the.  pa&t  m.ntzA.     Sfie  g^ew  to  womanhood  in  thz  {^atkufdjind,  ijvmigAoting 
to  AmeAica  ujhzn  6hz  u)ai   IS  ytafii  old.     Sfte  fizmaimd  at  Baltimore.,  MP.,    (^OK  thAzz  monthi,, 
tktn  itoAtzd  ^on.  thz  u)Ut,  4>zttZing  at  B/izckznAidge.,  MN,  wkeAz  hhz  wa6  osnptoyzd  Ion.  two 
yzaA6 .     Mzantimz,   hzfi  pafiznti  had  {^ottowtd  hzK  to  AmeAtca  and  tocatzd  on  a  homutzad  in 
EAA.ghtiAiood  Townihtp,  in  the.  iandhtZJLi,  nztghbonkood,     Thz  daughtzA  joinzd  thz  (^cunily  and 
on  UoAch  9th,    1S83,  wai  ma/ifiizd  to  WiZtlam  WzitphaZ.     Thz  tattzA  had  puAchoizd,    ^ 
ChaAZzi  Hzin,   a  tAzz  cZaim  fiztinqutihmznt  and  ^iZzd  on  a  homzitzad  on  thz  qaantzn.  0!$  land  nofith  oi  Haniztnion  whzAZ  thz  ^anily  hai  KZiidzd  zvzA  iZncz. 

TkOitzzn  dkiZdJizn  blziizd  thz  union,   tzn  0|$  whom  OAZ  living:  Juliu.1,   E.   0(5  PaZzAjno, 
W.,    Hznman  C,   o^  Wahpzton,  Uu .  hnzLia.  Stzin  and  Mw .   Thzo  Tizgi  ol  thli  city;  lUiZtiam 
who  ii  on  a  {^aAm  6outh  o^  EAzckzinAtdgz,   M/l4.   Etiiz  Bladow  and  Uu .  Uinntz  Stach,  who 
AZiidzi,  in  thti  vizinitij.     AAthuA,   Ida  and  lAvin,   at  homz,     Shz  Izavzi  no  nzoA  Kzlativzi 
with  thz  zxczption  of,  thz  haiband  and  chiI.dA.zn. 

All.  0^  thz  chiZdAzn  anz  homz  don  thz  lunznaZ.     A  6on-in-law  o^  dzczaizd.   Taut 
Itzgzlman,   and  two  chil.dn.zn  afiz  hzKZ,   aJU>o,    {tiom  Anajmoo6Z,   WP. 

M-w .  Wzitphal  wot  a  thoroughly  good  woman  and  a  iplzndtd  chAt&tlan  chaAactzfi.     HzK 
chnt&ttaniJtif  woi  a  paAt  o{,  hzA  daHij  ti^z  and  ihz  wai,  a  ktndty  nzighboK,  a  {^aithdal  wi{,z 
and  an  idzaZ  mothzA.     HzA  dzath  ij,  a  distinct  lo6i  not  only  to  thz  iamiZy  but  to  thz 
zntiAz  community  and  thz  iympathjy  oi  all  gozi,  out  to  thz  bzAzavzd  onzi. 

Thz  {^unzAol  will  be  hzZd  Tntday  a{itzAnoon  with  tZAvlczk   by  V.zv.   C.   ObzAdoz&tzA  at 
thz  home  at  1:30  and  at  thz  chuAch  at  2  o'clock.     Thz  palZbzaAZAi,  aAZ  Hznjnan  Kzmkz,    Frank 
Tizgi, ,   Wm,   VzddzA,   CoaZ  Tiggz,   FAzd  WohnzA  and  Caul  Buckhou.6z.     IntzAmzrvt  will  bz  madz  in 
thz  Evangelical  CzmztzAy. 

HAhlKWSON  NEWS  ************  j^^^^  74^    J923 


One  0(J  thz  tzn  yzoA  old  twin  iom  o{i  G.  A.   UlAtch,   prominent  {^ajmzA  neoA  Whzaton, 
was  dragged  to  dzath  whzn  hz  ieJil  oH  a  hone  and  hU  ioot  wai,  caught.     The  lad  wai  riding 
thz  hone  in  drom  thz  iizld,  and  on  dtimounting,   hti   loot  became  znmej,hzd  in  thz  harnzii . 
He  ieZl  and  {^rtghtened  thz  honz  which  Ajxn  away,  Thz  boy  dtzd  a  ^ew  houAA  a{,ter  the  accident. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ********     *  *   *  *  j^„^  74^    79^3 

l-lLii  Grace  JaegeA  Iz^t  Tuziday  {,or  St.  Cloud  where  ihe  went  to  attend  the  ^unzral 
o{,  her  aunt.     She  wiZl  alio  viiiX  at  the  home  oi  her  ilitzr,  Hn.  J.   Lemen. 

************  j^^^^  21,    1923 

Vera  Mead,    1  yenr  old  Liibon  girl,  wai  imtantly  killed  when  thz  Podge  can.  in 
ihz  wai  a  paiizngzr  turned  turtle  near  EnglevaZe  on  Sunday,   June  17th.     A  {,ront  tire  blew 
out  and  the  car  ikidded  on  a  imooth  road  with  iu{i{iictznt  ^orcz  to  turn  it  over,   pinning 

the  un^ortunatz  girl  bznzath. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ************  j^^^  ^j      ^^^^ 

Se.n&CLtionoiZ  KaILuiq  0){  Abe/uieen  Odd-LceA  by  Voiith^ial  Gfiand  Fofik&  Tough,.,. 

Edu}^n  Runt,    20,   oi{  E<M^  GAjdnd  FoAki ,  abovut  10  PM  Sunday  night,  ihot  and  filLizd 
SheAA.{ii  L.  C.   TutkzA  0(5  AbcAdeen,  SV.,   on  tfuUn  Mo,   10,   nzan.  Tlnklz'6  aiding,   {^ouA 
rrUZu  iouXh  0|$  y^ooKdntad, 

FuZktA  wa6  taking  Ruit  to  AbcAdeen  to  £acz  ckoKgz^  o{,  ioAX  deZiveAy,   highway 
Kobbtfiy  and  itcond  dtgfitt  ioKgzAy, 

Ruu>t,   ha.ndciiil(Ld,  itfiuck  TuZkufi  ovsA  tho.  back  oiJ  thz  hzad,   (^fw.cMjJu.Y\g  hJj>  ikull, 
wheyi  thz  iheAlf^f^  and  Ra6t  weAe  izate-d  on  thz  tdgz  o{,  a  bzAXh  In  thz  AbzAdzzn  ilzzpzt. 
He  thzn  took  two  AzvolvzAi   ^fvom  ¥aZkzA  and  ihot  km  twicz,   oncz  thAough    thz  hand  and 
once  tkfLOugh  thz  bKza&t. 

W-Uh  hU  ikaZl  ifvactuAzd,  VuZkzn.  iought  Ru&t  aacoKdcng  to  Lloyd  G.  Bucholz,  35 
An&onla  ApaAXmznti,  Tango,  Mho  waj,  In  thz  ilzzpzJi.  Alt  othzfi  paHiZngzu  weAe  in  thz 
imoklng  Koom  o{,  thz  can. 


Hzanlng  thz  icuHlz,   Bucholz  itantzd  ion  thz  i>cznz  vohzn  hz  hzand  thz  6hot&,   hz 
told  auuJthonAjtiu  at  Wahpzton.     Ru6t  thzn  hzZd  Bucholz  at  bag  uxLth  thz  two  gum  and 
ondzAzd  him  to  takz  thz  kzyi>   ihom  fuZkzA'i,  pockztt  and  unlock  thz  handcul{^6. 

A{^tzA  tMjlng  two  izti  o{t  kzyi,  rnZthzA   o{,  which  wonkzd,  Bucholz  woi  wonking  with 
thz  night  kzy  luhzn  Ru6t  l6  nzpontzd  to  havz  a&kzd  l(^  Bucholz  didn't   "think  IX  ad\ili,ablz 
to  gzt  In  a  lz66  con&plcloul,  placz."     At  thii  timz  thz  tnoyin  woi  llovilnQ  up  {,on  thz 
ilding,  whznz  It  wa4  to  dztivzK  i,upplJ.zJ>  to  a  wonk  tn.aln. 

Covznlng  Bucholz,  and  Fnank  Gofman,   bnakzman,   but  tahing  thz  kzy  to  thz  bnaczlztk 
which  Mznz  itull  lockzd,   Ruit  walked  to  thz  nzan  plat{,onm  and  Izapzd  of,^  thz  tnatn. 

OiilcJjoli,  latzn  tnxJuZzd  Ru&t  acnoii  a  ilzld  oi  gn^Un  {,on  about  a  thtnd  o^  a  mU.z, 
whznz  hz  doublzd  back  to  a  noad  nannlng  zjx&t  and  wz&t. 

He  tnjxvzZzd  thai>  to  thz  main  highway  going  Into  Moonzhzad,  whznz  hz  hzld  up  Tnzd 
Olion,  Moonzhzad,  managzn  o^  thz  Vlllwonth  ValAymzn'6  AiAoclation,  tnavzting  by  auto,  at 
thz  point  0(5  a  gun,   to  takz  him  to  Hoonhzad,  Ruit  Iz^t  thz  can  at  thz  conntn  oi  Ut  Avzn. 
Nonth  and  4th  St..,   Olkon  told  oHlctaJiii. 


By  thli  tlmz  thz  nzpont  had  come  bacfe  to  Moonzhzad  {^nom  FlnkZz,  po-iizi  wznz  ongan- 
Izzd  and  all  availablz  ithznlHl,   dzputlzi  and  poticz  oif^ldalk  oi  Tango  and  Hoonzhzad 
wznz  6coanlng  thz  (^Izldi  iouth  0|$  Hoonhzad, 

Olion  iald  Ruit  took  {nom  him  about  $1.50  In  change  and  hli  hat,  Ruit'i  having  been 
loit  on  thz  tnain. 

Shzni{^i  Tulkzn  dizd  bz^onz  nzaching  Bnzckznnidgz. 


SfieAX|$)J  Tnzd  Knazmzn  o{,  Can  County  and  Vzputizi,  Shznii{i  Pztzn  Uzlvzy  o{,  Clay 
County  and  nzaly  50  dzputlzi  whom  hz  iwonz  in  and  Tango  and  Moonzhzad  policz  joinzd  in 
an  all  night  izoKch  that  nzvzalzd  no  tnacz  o{i  Ruit, 

EvtfiL)  tfLCbln  ZzavZng  thz  tuo  caXIu  weAe  izoAchzd.     kuto&  wzAz  6znt  oat  ovzA  zvznjj 
fu-gkujcuf  to  makz  a  i,ij6tmcutic  i,taAch  o{,  Cciii,  CZaij  and  boxdzAlng  cou.ntLz& .     SheAA.^^^  Robzn^t 
Mc  hLlckazZ  o^  Wahpzton  oKgarUztd  poiiU  wfUcJi  woKke.d  alt  night,   to  no  avalt. 

A  KzpoAt  that  a  man  had  been  izzn  boafuilng  No.   2  on  the.  G^zat.  hloAthznn  zoaJUj  Monday 
A.n  UooKzhzad  woi  vilfizd  to  Wahpzton  and  15  men  ^zaAchzd  thz  tAain  on  Zt!>  afOiZvat  thzAz. 


Ez^oKz  noon  dzpatZz6  A.zpon;tzd  back  ^Aom  EKzckznnZdgz,  DztfiOAX,   BoAnzivZZtz  and 
HJUUUbofw  that  no  o^  Rait  had  bzzn  {^ound  and  thzn  KztuAnzd    to  Fofigo  and  UooAzhzad 
ovzK  di^{zKznt  fioatzi. 

Rait,  who  -C4  aZ60  known  a&  B,  Jamzi,,  was  bo  An  -en  Ea&t  Gland  FoaJu  and  ZAvzd  thzAz 
mach  0^  hl&  ti^z.     Hz  hoi  a  pfuJ>on  KZCoKd  In  hzvznaJi  htatZM.     kl,  fie  cZbnbzd  ijnto  Olion'i 
can.  6outh  o{,  Mooxzhead,  Rait  &aJjd,   "I  won't  hanX  yoa"  Ol6on  Kzpofitzd  to  poticz. 

"How  mach  goi  havz  yoa  got^"  hz  a&kzd  06  thzy  itoAtzd  oat.     Ot&on  had  ptizizncz  o{, 
mind  to  lay  that  hz  had  ontij  a  tUtZz  gai  Iz^t.     Thti  pKzcZiuLzd  thz  poiilbltLtij  o{  making 
a  tAA.p  to  a  point  (JoA  auay  and  Rait  ofidz/izd  Otion  to  dfiLvz  back  to  Uoonhzad. 

Rait  anAJivzd  Zn  Uoonkzad  75  mlnutzi  a^tzn.  thz  poiizi  had  takzn  to  thz  highways.  Thz 
town  wai  cZzoAzd  oi  aZZ  bat  onz  oK  two  poZlcmzn  and  Lt  madz  thing/,   zoiy  ion.  Rait.     Whzn 
thzy  Kzachzd  St.  Joizph'6  Chanch  hz  on.dzn.zd  Otion  to  ttop  thz  can.  and  a^tzn.  taking  what 
monzy  hz  had.  Rait  diiappza/izd. 


Rait  woi  oAAZitzd  moKnlng  by  Chiz^  o^  Poticz  HanAy  Gfizgg  and  Vatnotman  Gzongz 
KzJiZzn.  In  Eoit  Gnand  Tonki  on  noticz  ^nxim  Abzndzzn  that  hz  wai  wantzd  thzn.z  -in  connzctlon 
wZth  i-i\iz  nobbzAA-Zi  and  jcUt  bAzaking. 

Hz  had  bzzn  tn  Eoit  Gfiand  Tofiki  two  wzeJii  vlilXing  hli  mothzA,  Ma^  .   L.  Rait.     Thz 
Azcond  oi  hii  eoAZy  ti^z  Inctaded    Azildzncz  In  eoit  Gnand  foAki  diiAlng  thz  -tune  hz  attznd- 
zd  ichcot  antit  hz  wai   14  yzam  otd,     Hz  thzn  went  to  wonk  ai   zZzvatoA  boy  In  a  Gnand 
Tonki  HotzZ  and  a{^tzA  a  ihoAt  tlmz  thzAz  hz  wznt  wzit. 

It  wai  thzn  that  hz  itoAtzd  hJii  coAeeA  aj,  a  cnMninat,  accoAding  to  poticz  AzcoAdi , 
having  bzzn  izntznczd  to  {Aom  7  to  14  yzaAJ>  in  thz  Idaho  Statz  PAlion  {^Aom  Elngham  Coanty, 
Idaho,  and  tatzn  In  thz  Cati^oAnia  Statz  Pnlion  at  Totiom,   iJoA  6tzaLing  an  automobltz. 

Hz  WCL4  poAotzd  bat  bAokz  hli  AzZzaiZ  ogAzmznt  by  Aztannlng  to  CaJLiioAnla  whznz  hz 
aldzd  a  convict  In  eicop-cng.     He  thzn  got  away  by  itzallng  an  automobltz  at  Rzddlng,   CA., 
and  dAlvlng  with  it  ai  ^oA  oj,  AbzAdzzn.     Rait  ii  mannlzd,   hli  wi^z,  Maa  .   Vaagh  Joit  Rait, 
tiving  in  t^iinnzapotii .     Hz  hoi  a  ilitzA,  Mas.  J.  J.  Haazy  tiving  at  Lakota,  MP, 


Thz  itzzpzA  in  which  thz  kllLing  occaAAzd  li  thz  onz  that  num  {^Aom  Fango  to  Abzxdtzn, 
bzing  tAomizAAzd  at  EAZckznnldgz  ^Aom  tnaln  10  to  thz  Abzndzzn  tAoin.  Thz  itzzpzA  paiizd 
thAoagh  Hankimon  Uonday  moAning  attached  to  thz  AzgaZoA  tAoin  and  boAz  matz  zvidzncz  o{, 
thz  tnagzdy . . .  .thz  ihot  that  kiZlzd  thz  ihznlU  ^d  poi&zd  thncagh  thz  window  o^  thz  coach. 

Thz  body  o{i  thz  mandzAzd  man  pai6zd  thJwagh  hznz  Taziday  moAning  ^oa  AbzAdzzn  accom- 
panied by  a  bAothzA  who  haitznzd  to  Wahpzton  at  {^lAit  nem  o^  thz  tAagzdy. 


Two  MemfaeAi  0|$  MacfecXion  VairUZy  as  Re^oW  0|J  C'toii^ng  a-f  5AecfeefvU.dg e . . . . 

MA4.   CoaX  Macfee^ion  and  hzK  8  monthi  old  daaghttn.  wzAZ  kJJiLzd  and  Ma.  Macfeei^on 
had  one  £eg  4o  6aci^  -cnjuAerf  ;tfi(tC  cwipu^cLtion  neoA  ^e  hZp  wai  ne.cu6a/iy  uihzn  th.zVi. 
automobAJie.,   dfu.vzn  by  Ha..  UackeZ&on,   cAa&h^d  Zrvto  a  itoc^c/ixng  tAjJbin  i.n  tkz  fwJJifioad 
yoAdi  at  B/tecfeen/Luige  Sunday. 

Thz  accUdznt  occuAAzd  at  10:30  PM,  whXZz  Mt..  MackzZ6on,  tAiitk  fvii  w^^e  and  {^ouJi 
daaghtsM,  was  dfUvZng  to  ki6  ^anm  harm  nzoA.  CampbeZZ,  a^tzn.  a  tfUp  to  fJJahpzton  to 
^ecxiAe  mecitccne  ^OK  Hu.  HackzZion. 

It  ^Zut  woi  Ktpoitzd  that  tkeJiz  weJiz  no  KzaJi  tights  on  the.  t/uUn,  which  woi  back- 
ing up,   but  It  woi  laid  ZatzK  that  imXchmzn  iaw  the.  HackeZ&on  cat  appAoadUng  and 
waxned  thz  dnlvzA..     It  Xm  beLitvzd  that  hli  bHjxke/>  dJid  not  hoZd. 

Thz  auto  itfuick  thz  movZng  tAxuji  head  on  and  was  coA/Uzd  about  15  {,zet.  M-w. 
Macfee£ion  was  kiZZzd  Zn6tantZy,  and  thz  baby  dlzd  on  thz  way  to  thz  hoipXXat.  Thz 
mothzfi'i  body  wai  badly  mutyULatzd. 

Ma.  UackeJUon' i  tzg  was  4o  badljy  bfuti&zd  that  it  had  to  bz  amputated  AjnmzdJjiteZy . 
Vztna,  a  5  yzoA.  old  daaghtzx,  had  onz  aim  badly  cJiiahzd  but  phy4,Z(uayii  bztizvz  thzy 
mlZ  bz  ablz  to  iavz  It.     kgnzi>,   3  yzaA^  old  and  Myntlz,   2  yejvu,  old,  weAZ  itightly 

A  KzpoKt  wai  cuAAznt  in  Hankyiviiton  Monday  that  Uackzlion  had  dlzd  £Kom  kd  injufUzi 
but  thJj>  pfiovzd  untniLZ  ae,  a  mei^oge  iiom  thz  hoipitat  itatzd  that  hz  had  KzzoveAzd  jjAom 
thz  iiut  i>hoz\i  0|{  thz  amputation  and  wa&  doing  a&  wzlZ  ad  couZd  bz  zxpzctzd. 


Thz  Mackel&on  iamity  lonmznJby  Kz&idzd  on  a  ^oAm  ownzd  by  Vfi.  H.  Ti^^iJizh  oi  Hank- 
inion,  locatzd  ^ouA  miZzi  daz  noAth  o^  Vz  ViJilo.     Thzy  Iz^t  thejiz  two  yzofii  ago  lait 
iatl,  locating  on  a  {a/m  noKthza/>t  o^  Vaifunount,   on  thz  Hinnz&ota  lidz,   ownzd  by  L. 
N.  Abbo^  oi  Faifmount.     Thzy  wzKZ  quitz  weZl  known  hzn.z  and  did  iomz  o^  theifi  trading 
at  this  place . 


k^tzA  thz  abo\JZ  wa6  put  into  typz  a  mziiagz  woi  fiZceivzd  hzKZ  iKom  Ha.  Abbott, 
Tuziday  mofming,  that  HackeZion  had  paired  away  zanZy  that  day.     Thii  Zzavz&  two  ZittZz 
childfizn  oAphani,  and  thz  t/iagzdy  empha&izzi  thz  wiidom  o{,  "itop,  look,  tutzn"  when 
appAoaching  AjxiZfioad  cAoi6ingi. 

HAhlKWSON  NEWS  July  5,    1923 

A  teJlegAjm  wai  Azczived  yz&teAday  by  Maj>.  A.  6.  EkZand  announcing  thz  death  0(5 
hzA  iathzA,  C.  Lc6fe  on  Hondjay,  JuZy  Uth,  at  hli  homz  in  Yakima,  WA.     Hz  had  bzzn  ailing 
ioA  iomz  month&  with  hzoAt  tAoubZz  but  up  to  thz  timz  o^  death  hz  wa&  abZz  to  bz  up  and 
oAoand.     bJhiZz  thz  news  i&  not  an  zntJjiz  iuApAiiz  to  AeZativzi  hzAZ,  thzAZ  i&  itiZZ  thz 
ihock  0^  a  Zovzd  onz'i  pairing.     A  compZetz  account  oi  hZ&  death  wiZZ  bz  given  nzxt  wzzk, 
HAmWSON  NEWS  ************  j^  j9^    j923 


A  murage,  woi  /lecc^ved  fieAe  Tfudouj  annoancx-ng  th.z  iaddoji  dexiXh  o^  Ole.  ChinbeAg, 
cut  Lak^  CaXlj,  UH.     Peceoied  woa  thz.  (,aXheA  o^  Mu  .  G.   E.   Racfeow  ojj  lAa.nta.dofi  and  an 
Unctz  Oj)  C.  A.  ChlnbzAg  o^  -tfixi  c-t/ty.     He  woi  zmploije.d  at  onz  time,  by  tkz  Hanfe-i.R4on 
NuA&eAy  Company  and  Ma6  well,  krwion  keAe., 

Mw .  Rackoui  had  jiut  home.  a  t>u.p  to  Lakz  City  when  a  me^diage  aarne 

announcing  heA.  (^atheA'i  dejxth.     He  dAoppe.d  dtad  o^  hexint  lalHuJie.. 

».,»,«*»*,,»  ^^g^^  2,    1923 


Ma/o/l  McLaugWx-Ki,  an  accotuii  oiJ  wfio4e  deo^  aj>  g-tven  below,  wai  the  {^otheA  o^ 
M^4  McLaughZln  who  taught  hi  the  Hanktmon  ichooli  i^veAal  yeaA6  ago.     latex  ihe 
wad  moAAtzd  to  F.  W.  Ckowz  and  dted  at  the  {^airUZy   homz  Jin  ?le.ntywood,  MT. ,   a  coapZz 
o{,  yeau  ago.     HeA  ckildAzn  weAz  occaj,jiorwJi    vZi/XoA^  heAz  at  the  home  o{,  theJji  gAand- 
poAenti,,  M/L.   and  Uu .  O'm.  CKouie,  -in  tkli   city. 

Handan,   WP.,   JuZy  31  ^t Thouiandi  o^  Indtani  and  eanly  lettZeJik  among  the 

Cyitlzeni  0($  we^teAn  Uohth  Dakota  and  South  Vakota  waJU.  congKzgate  at  UdaughLin,  SP., 
on  Tfuday  to  pay  a  Za&t  tAlbatz  to  UajoK  Jarmi  H.  (>\cLaughtln,    ?7,   ckie{i  -in&pectofi  c{, 
the  Bateau  o^  Indian  K{,{,aJji6,  who  died  In  Woihtngton  la&t  SatuAday  a{^teA  but  a  bnA.e.{, 

Thz  body  Ae.ache.d  McLaughZtn  {lAom  Wa&htngton  on  (i!e.dne.&day  and  {^uneAaZ  &eAvtceJi 
wHZ  be.  held  Ttblday,  to  tn(iOAn\atton 

UajoA  UcLaaghLin  pAobabty  wa&  known  to  a  gKeateA  nsmboA  o^  lndJ.anl>  tixan  any  otheA 
Ztvtng  man,   and  hZ&  lt(,e  itoKy  Zn  the  htdtoAy  oiJ  Jndtan  aK^alAi,  tn  the  Vakotoi   {^OA  tiie 
loit  52  yeoAJb.     He  woi  known  to  the  Sioux  eMpcclolZy  ah  the  "little  {^atheA"  and  civll- 
tzatlon  In  the.  two  itatzi,  pAobably  oweA  htm  the.  moit  {^ofi  htd  handling  of,  the  Sitting 
Bull  upnJj,lnQ  In  U90. 


HajoA  lAcLaagktln  wah  maAAle.d  Jan.  28,  H64,  at  Hendota,  MW.,  to  ht&  pAc&cnt  widow, 
SI,  who  iuAvivcb  htm.  Sht  il>  oi  onc-louAth  blood  Mdewankanton  Sioux,  heA  {^otheA  being 
a  noted  membeA  o^  the.  Euihion  ^amiZy  o()  zoAZy  VAznch  tAadzAi  and  patli{)indeA.& ,  employees 
o{,  the  AmeAican  Fua  Company  at  Hendota,  MW.  HeA.  Indian  name.  i&  Tationakwoiteicln,  mean- 
ing "PAetty  HoKicileepeA."  HeA  mateXnaZ  gAand^atheA  wa&  Capt.  Vancan  GAaham  of,  the. 
EAltiih  fiAmy,  who  oAAived  at  VcAk  Factory,  Hud&on'6  Bay,  and  founded  tiie.  SelkiAk  Colony 
neoA  Winnipeg  Lake  in  1 Sll . 

In  July  U74,  accohding  to  the  hlhtoKlcal  date  gleaned  by  Uaj'oA  A.  B.  Welch  of 
t^.andan,  l',ajon.  UcLaughlln  went  to  the  Vevitt,   Lake  Agency,  Vakota  TenxltoAy ,   ai   Indian 
Agent  among  the  Sioux,  in  ISSl  he  wa6  tAanh^eAAed  to  the  Standing  Rock  AeieAvation  on 
the  t'll660uAl  RlveA  with.  headquoAteAt.  at  Font  Vatek,  which  at  the  time  wai  in  the  midit 
o{,  the  Sioux  people  and  wai  itAongly  goAAlsoned  with  United  Stated  ioldleJib.     They  had 
then  but  recently  duAAendeAed  to  the  authonltlcd  following  the  {flight  into  Canada  a{,teA 
the  teAAlble  aUaiA  with  CuiteA  on  the  Little  Slg  Hohn  and  weAe  itlZZ  viltd  and  wahlike. 


Mc  LaaghZin' -i  pAoblem  wai  a.  bZg  and  impoKtant  one.  but  he.  handZtd  It  iplendldty. 
KnoMlnQ  the.  Indian  ai>  welt  on.  bettex  than  any  man  In  the  ieAvlce,  he  made  i^lendi  with 
tkz  poweAiuJL  ckieii,  John  Gnru,^    [Mato  Watakpz);  GaLL   [Vlzl];  Red  Cloud  [Uakplya  luta); 
Black  Moon;  Tujo  Beau    [Uato  Napa);  Running  hiteljope,  Rain  In  the.  face,  Cajdm  King,  Had 
Bull,  Hujnp,  Cottonwood,   Flue  HeoAt,  BeoAi  Ghosts,  ai  well  ai  the.  gA-tat  and  poweAiul 
medicine  man  oK  pnle^t  Sitting  Bull  iTatonkalyo tonka)  and  the  otheA  head  wafixlou  and 
oAcutofii,  oi  the  Sioux. 


It  wait  the  WC6C  council  o^  thz  Uajofi  which  iaved  thz  gaMl6on  at  Tofit  Vate^ 
{^m  exteAminatlon  when  Sitting  Bull  {,lM.e.d  the  A.e^tlti6  Sioux  with  the  ghoit  dance 
cAaxe.  In  1890.     UndeA  ka>  direction  the  ^alth^ul  Indian  police.  entzAed  the  hostile 
camp  on  the.  Gnande  RiveA  i,outk  o{^  the  pKe^ent  ILttZe  citij  oi  Mc  Laaghlln  wUJn.  ofvdeAi, 
to  In  Sitting  Bull  dead  oK  all\je.     In  the  iieAce  ilght  which,  followed  tlie  dli- 
coveAy  0^  the  medicine  man  In  the  hand^  o^  the  police,  many  o^  the  ho6titeJ>  and  ilx 
oi  the  police  weAe  killed.     The  policz  and  Sitting  Bull  weAe  bhcughZ  to  Tofit  Vat.eJ> 
whzAe.  thty  weAe  buAled  and  today  a  talZ  monument  moAki  the  ipot  wheAz  the  Mc  Laaghlln'i 
^alXh^ul  police  weAz  buAled,  whlZe  the.  gtwMc  oi  Sitting  Bull  may  be  6een  on  a  hillside 
neoAby  but  outilde  the  chuAch  buAial  gnoundi. 

Majon.  f^cLau^hlln  6eAved  a&  {^atheA  ai  well  ai  Xepfie^ented  the  goveAnmejfit  In  Ind- 
ian a^£alu  and  was  one  oi  the  gieatei>t  ^Alends  the  Sioux  eveA  had  standing  a&  a  bu^^eA 
between  thz  itowly  evolving  wild  Sioux  and.  a  latheA  xentleMt  goveAnment. 


Mc  Laughlln  wai,  the  authon.  o^  "My  FAlend,  the  Indian,"  a  volume,  which  deat& 
tnutk^ully  with  the  many  comple.x  pkaieJi  o^  Indian  ckoAacteA,  tAadltlom  and  cu&tomit, 
a  valuable  addition  to  the  hlitomj  o{  Hofitk  and  South  Dakota.   He  Apoke  the  Sioux  dla- 
le.cti>  peA{^ectly  and  undeAitood  the  Sioux  mind.     Although  In  absolute  authoAlty  while 
Indian  agent  at  yatzi,  the.  Ked  men  tookzd  upon  him  ai  a  gieat  and  frnth^ul  ^nlend. 

It  wai  hli  ofideAi  that  camed  the  "Holy  Stone,"  the  Standing  Rock,  to  be  re- 
moved {,Aom  the  location  wheAe  It  had  long  been  the  object  o^  lellglouji  ceAemonlzi 
among  the  vanloui  tAibej,,  to  a  pedestal  In  {^fiont  o^  the  United  States  Agency  Hexid- 
quaAteAi  at  font  Vatzi  ion  pn.cieAvation,  wheAe  It  itandi  to  thli  day. 

SeveAal  o^  hli  iom  live  In  Sioux  county,   Chanlzi  Mc  Laughlln,  pnominent  nanch- 
eA,   having  been  the  ^lAit  SheAl^i  o^  that  county,  Sid  Mc  Laughlln  and  Ray  Lyoni  o^ 
Sioux  County,  gnandiom,  weAe  volunteeAi  In  the  gnzat  wan  ieAvlng  with  fAajon  WelcJi'i 
company  I  and  the  majon  pontlon  oi  the  time  In  Tnance  with  the  Tlmt  Vlvlilon. 

TnlbeAmen  and  whiter  alike  ane  poAtlclpating  In  the  plom  ion  the  iuneAol  nltzi 
which  will  be  eZabonately  caAAied  out  cw  the  body  li  laid  to  ncit  In  nzieAvation  ioll, 
hli  home  ion  many  yearn. 

************  Augoit  2,   1923 

PRESWENT  WoAAen  6.   Handing  died  at  Palace  Hotel  In  San  fnanclico,   CA.  ■ 

Vk.   GtoKQz  E.   Benion,    ei/e  ipzciaJUjit  o^  hilnnejapoti6  and  woM.  known  to  many  pzopZz  ditd  at  ki6  home.  TueJiday,  af^zA.  an  WineJ>i>  oi  thAzz  montli&.     Hz 
wa6  46  yzoAi  old,     Ux.   Bzn6on  hai  lax  yzoM  madz  AzguZoA  v-ci-c^  to  HankJ^nion  zvzAy 
^aZt  duJiing  hunting  izoMon  and  U,  vizlL  and  iavonabZy  known  hzAz. 

Thz  iunzJuxt  wa^  heZd  Wzdnzidojj.     Hz  li  6uAv-ivzd  by  hli  wliz  and  4>on  RobzAt, 
kii>  poAejvti,  hifi.  and  Ufii.  kancn  Bzn^on,   and  a  bfiothzA,  aZZ  o^  fiinnzapotii 

************  AuguM  2,    1923 


Maa.  John  J.  JoAifei,  who  ha^  bzzn  Au^^eAA-ng  ^Aom  a  cximpZA,catLon  o^  di&zaizi  loK 
thz  poit  tioo  yzau,  dlzd  Taz&day  moAning  at  3:25  AH  in  thJj,  city.  Shz  had  bzzn  Atzadiiy 
ialting  iol  6omz  tlmz  and  thz  znd  woi  not  unzxpzctzd. 

Vzcexiizd,  whoiz  maidzn  namz  wai  Kathznlnz  Bommzubadi,  wan  bofm  Fzb.  2nd,  1883, 
in  KiLbtJvia,  hzA.  pafiznti  bzing  M/t..  and  Hw.  PztzA  Bommzubach.  Shz  gfizw  to  womanhood  in 
thz  old  dountny  and  wai>  mafwizd  on  fzb.  27,  1902,  to  John  J.  JoMki.  Thzy  camz  to 
kmzfiiza  about  20  yzau  ago  and  ion  itZ\JZAat  yzaJU>  Kziidzd  in  thii  city.  FouA  yzaM  ago 
thzy  6ztttzd  on  thz  JzAZ6zzk  {^anm  in  Honan  Townihip  whzAz  thzy  hzdidzd  up  to  thz  pfizi- 
znt  timz.  Thz  coupZz  wzKz  chiZdlz&i  but  thKzz-  ijzaju>  ago  thzy  adoptzd  Jo6zph  SchzZZzA. 
who  had  bzzn  Zzit  mothzAZeJ>i. 

Bzjiidz  thz  itnickzn  huiband  and  ZJjttZz  Joizph,  dzczoizd  ii  iufivivzd  by  thz  agzd 
mothzA  and  {^vz  bKothzAl,:  Joe,   o^  Lakzi,  tW.,   Tfuxnk  oi  fonman,  HV. ,  Anton,   Lzo  and  MoA- 
tin,  att  on  ^anms  in  HichZand  County.     A  iiitzt,  Wu>.  John  R.  SchzMzA,   dizd  in  Szpt- 
zmbzA  0(5  Z/iit  yzafi. 

VzczaJiZd  ZzavzJ)  a  ZaAgz  cJJidiz  ol  ifiizndM  to  moann  hzA  untimzZy  dzath.     Thz 
iunzJuxZ  won,  hzZd  thii    [ThuA^day]   manning,  with  i>zAviczs>  at  St.   FhiZLip'i  ChuAch,   con- 
dactzd  by  Rev.  Jo4.    F.  Studnicka.     ZntzAmznt  wa&  madz  in  thz  CathoZia  CzmztzAij.     ToZZow- 
ing  aAz  thz  paZZbiuwzu:  John  L.   BommzAi>bach,   Tnank  BommzA&bach,  VztzA.  Bommzubach, 
UoAtin  JaA6ki,  John  J.   BommzAibach  and  John  ?.   Bommzubaah. 

************  Auguit  9,    1923 


Mi44  IkLAgaAzt  Kanz,   BAzckznAldgz  young  woman,   oncz  a  ittznogftaphzA.  to  thz  Zaw 
o^^czi)  0(5  Fo^bei,   LoaniibuAif  S  ¥onbzi,  ZxxtzA.  in  WoZ^z  6  SzhnzZZzn.' i  had  a  pAzmonition 
that  ihz  wa6  to  bz  kAJiZzd  by  an  automobiZz,  which  tfuigzdy  occuAAzd  a  ijew  weefe^  ago,  a 
ifiiznd  0^  hzfii  hoi,  KZMzaZzd. 

Thz  day  bzioKz  hzA  dzath  oczuAAzd,  Mm>  Kanz  and  thii   ^fiiznd,   both  oi  whom  wzAz 
zjnpZoyzd  in  VuZuth,  wzAz  with  a  paAty  oi  young  pzAionl,  in  a  boat  on  Lakz  Supzuiofi.     A 
i,tofun  camz  up  whzn  thzy  wzfiz  iaA  out  ifwm  i>hoKz  and  aZt  but  hiii-i  Kanz  wzAz  ifuintic. 
with  izoA.     "I  am  not  aiAaid,"  &hz  ^aid. 

Though  ihz  wai  not  ai^aid  oi  dzath-  in  thz  i>tonm,  ZatzA  day,  whzn  thz  panty 
had  laizZy  Azackzd  ihoAz,  Aia4  Kanz  coniidzd  to  hzA  ihiznd  a  Zong  izZt  unzjaMinzi>& 
about  automobiZzi. 

"Thz  COM  come.  Ao  qtLickZy  and  they  come  4o  cloiz  to  me,"  ihz  zxcZcUmed,   "Some 
day  I  am  goZng  to  be  4,tAack  by  one.." 

The.  next  moAjujig,   bound  ioK  heA  uJOAk,  the.  pAophziy  the  young  uxjman  had  madz 
camz  tnue.     Stepping  iham  the  cufib  on  the  itfiezt.  In  ^fwnt  o^  a  wagon  ihe  voai  knocked 
down  by  an  automobile  and  died  teM  than  an  houA.  lateA  -in  a  Vuluth  HoitpltoJL,  vxithoat 

having  Azgained  comcioaineM .  GZobe 

************:  Augu6t  9,    7923 

Jauiei  L.  Web-iteA,   EaAZy  SettleA.  NoHth  o^  Stilzi  Vizd  Sunday  UonyUng.... 
KnotheA  ploneeA  o^  RichZand  County  and  a  veteAan  o^  the  Civit  Wan.  pa64ed  awojy  Sunday 
manning  at  S  AM,  when  JameJ>  Linui,  Web^teJi  aniweAzd  the  (sinaJL  iujmon.1,  oi  hii  UakeA. 

Vecexuzd  uia^  a  native  o^  Ohio,  having  bzeji  bonn  at  Pont&mouth  in  that  itatz. 
He  wa&  77  yeoAM,  9  monXhk  and  4  dayi  old  at  thz  time  o^  hJj,  death.     A  gzneAaZ  bfieak- 
down  lAith  advancing  yzoAi  um  the  cau&z  o{  death. 

Thz  iasniMj  iztttzd  a  i>hofit  dutancz  noKth  oi  thz  viZtage  oi  StileJ>  in  zanZy 
day^  and  weA-Z  wztt  known.     Vzczaizd  wa6  highty  fLZ&pzctzd  ^ox  hi&  6teAling  honzity  and 
ipZzndcd  AmeAican  ciXizznihip  and  hi&  death  i6  6inceAeZy  mounnzd  by  a  hoit  o^  ^nizndi 
throughout  thi&  pant  o{t  thz  county.     He  i^  iuAvivzd  by  thz  itnlcken  wi^z,  two  />oni, 
lAvin  0^  Woihington  Itatz  and  E.  H.    [who  has  bzzn  nimning  thz  homz  {^oAm  {^on.  thz  pa&t 
tjjoo  yeoAi)  and  one  daughteA.     Iftvin  ii,  expected  home  inom  thz  wz&t  today. 

Thz  ^unzAot  wiZZ  be  heZd  today  with  ^eAviczi  at  lidgznuood,  and  intzAmznt  wiZZ 
be  made  in  thz  Mou-uti  CemeXzAy  neoA  that  pZacz. 

************  Auguit  16,    1923 


Mw.  Vzna  MachzeZ  poj^ied  away  at  1  o'cZock  Wzdnz&day  a^^tzAnoon  at  hzn.  homz  in  loi> 
AngeZz6,  CA.  Vzath  wa6  not  unexpzctzd  ai,  ^hz  had  bzzn  a  iuf^izAzn.  ^xom  Enightd  ViAzoiz 
{^on.  many  monthi,  and  no  hopzi  {^ofi  hzn.  nzcovznjy  havz  bzzn  zntzntainzd  £oA  iomz  tUjnz. 

Thz  dzcejuzd  Zz^t  HiZnon.  thAzz  yzoAk  ago  ion.  Loi,  AngeZzi,  in  company  with  hzn. 
mothzn  and  ZZttZe  daughtzn,   and  6hz  hoi  6incz  madz  heA  homz  in  that  city.     Veath  occuA- 
zd  at  the  home,  o^  hzn.  mothzn. 

Vena  To&tzn  woa  bon.n  in  hiiZnon.  about  11  yzanjt  ago  and  gnew  to  womanhood  heAz.     In 
7915  4 fie  wot,  uvuXzd  in  moAAZagz  to  Thzo.  f-iachzeZ  and  hoi  nziidzd  hzAZ  4-cnce  ken.  depaAt- 
uAz  ion.  CaZZionnia  thnze  yeau  ago. 

She  ii  iuAvivzd  by  heA  husband  and  ZittZz  daughtzn,  AZythz,  agzd  6zvzn;  aZ6o  hzn 
mo:(hzn,  Mw .   Laana  Tostzn.  and  tMo  bnothzAi,  UuAzZ  and  LoweZZ,   hzn.  gnandmothzA,  Ma4. 
HendeA6on  and  iconz6  o^  othzn.  neon.  n.zZatZvzi.     Hen.  many  inizndit  hzAZ  wiZZ  be  gnzatZy 

gnZzvzd  to  Zzann  oi  hzn.  death.  HiZnon  TzZZzn. 

HANKJNSON  MEWS  ««««««»»««««  Auguit  16,    7923 

Gunman  Had  Changed  Namz  and  Dyed  Hain  Sincz  KiZZing  Abzndzzn  Shzni^i 

Eduiln  Ra&t,  6layeA.  o{,  ShzAU.i{t  I.  C.   FtilkeA  oi  AbeAdze.n  SV,,  uicu  ihot  to  dzxUh 
Zn  a  gun  battZe.  with  St.  Foul  Votico.  thzAd  zoJxJbj  FfUday  mofinlng  whe.n  thzy  auttejvpttd 
to  oAAUt  him, 

Rtiit,   {^oK  whom  an>Zvz  ie/ifick  hai,  fceen  madz  6Zncz  JuZy  Ut,  whzn  hz  ihot 
and  kiJUizd  thz  ShzfiZH  on  a  fialn  nzaJi  UooKzhzad,  MW.,  was  \uZZzd  a  im  hoau  aitzfi 
hz  had  z&capzd  {^n-om  o^^-LczAi  who  had  oAAZitzd  lum  on  a  choAgz  o{,  itzaLing  an  aato. 

Thz  oiilzzm,,  unawoAZ  oi  Riiit'6  Zdzntity,   had  oAAZitzd  han  whzn  hz  dxavz  up  to 
a  goAagz  Zn  a  itoZzn  autamobZlz,  with  a  woman  companion  to  whom,  lay,  hz  had 
bzzn  payZng  attzntZon.     On  thz  way  to  thz  potZcz  station,  Rait,  handcuif^zd,  dovz  {jAom 
thz  automobZZz,  dafitzd  Znto  thz  aZZzjy  and  dZ&appzoAzd . 

Thz  dztzctZvzs,  a&.iZitzd  by  thz  woman,  thzn  locatzd  Ra&t'i  Kz&Zdzncz  at  2111  Day- 
ton Ave.  and  oi  tu)o  o{^  thzm  zn^tzAzd  hZi  Acom  thz  ^ugZtZvz  opznzd'.^ZAZ. 

SHOTS     GO     WILV 

Two  i>hot/i  wen/t  wZZd,  and  Zn  thz  KzMiAn  iZfiz  oi  thz  dztzctZvzi  Ra&t  wai  &t>uick  Zn 
thz  nzck,-thz  chz6t  and  thz  hZp.     Hz  aumplzd  to  thz  ilooK  and  woi  dzjod  whzn  dztzct- 
Zvzi  Kzachzd  hZj,  iZdz, 

Thz  kZZZZng  o{,  Rait  bfUngi  to  an  znd  a  oij  two  monthi  Zn  whZch  zvzuy  6tatz, 
county  and  cZXy  oUZczt  oi  thz  nofuthwz&t  had  paJitZcZpatzd,   ioiZowZng  hi&  z^capz  iub-izq- 
aznt  to  ihootZng  ShzfiZH  Tulkzn.  who  wai  takZng  hZm  iAom  Ea&t  GAxind  Tofiki,  MW.,  to 
AbzAjdzzn  to  iacz  a  Aobbz/iy  choJigz. 

kitzn.  kZZZZng  thz  ihz/iZH,  Ra&t  jumpzd  ^Aom  thz  txjiZn,  Kobbzd  a  motcKZ&t  o{,  hZ& 
hat  and  $1.10  and  thzn  vanZAhzd.     Hz  wai,  Kzpontzd  &zzn  at  vanZoai  placzi  Zn  thz  noKth- 
wzit  and  at  LZttlz  falU,  MW. ,  an  oUZczA  nzpofttzd  hz  had  zngagzd  Zn  a  gan  iZght  wZXh 
a  man  thought  to  bz  thz  iugXMxJZ.     Thz  man  z&capzd. 


A  fizjjoand  oi  $500  ioti  thz  aJOiz&t  oi  Ra&t,   dzad  on.  aZZvz,  wa&  at  oncz  oUzfizd  by 
cormZj>&ZonzA&  oi  Zfiown  County,  SV.,  and  &Zncz  thzn  oiiZczA&  oi  thz  nofithuiz&t  havz 
bzzn  on  thz  lookout  ion.  thz  man.     Ru&t  Z&  laZd  to  havz  had  a  long  oiZmZnal  KzcoKd  Zn 
CaZZioKnZ&  and  to  havz  bbzjn.  andzK  panxjlz  iKom  Tol&om  pnZ&on,   nzjon.  Sacfiamznto. 

Whzn  thz  ShznZii'&  &layzn.  jampzd  ifiom  thz  polZcz  automobZlz  ThuA&day  nZght  hz  wa& 
handcaiizd.     Poticz  havz  bzzn  anablz  to  IzoAn  what  mzthod  hz  a&zd  to  nemovz  thz  man- 

Ra&t  had  bzzn  IZvZng  at  thz  Vayton  kvz,,  addfiz&&  &Zncz  Aaga&t  Ut,   undzn.  thz 
atLa&  oi  VztzK  Thofi&on,  polZcz  laZd,  and  had  dyzd  hZ&  blondz  haZn.  black  to  z&capz 
dztzctZon.     Thz  oUZczAi  dZd  not  IzoAn  oi  thz  AzaZ  ZdzntZty  oi  thz  ilaZn  man  untZt 
aitzA  thz  gun  iZght,  quz&tZonZng  oi  thz  woman  by  ChZzi  oi  PolZcz  Sommzu  Zn  thz  Znt'    ■ 
znZm  havZng  zticZtzd  thz  ZnionmatZon. 

Whzn  hz  was   iZx&t  oAKZ&tzd  Thauday  nZght  oUZczam  who  izaxchzd  Ra&t  iound  a 
Kzvolvzn.  and  a  cAacZiZx.  Zn  thz  &amz  pockzt. 

Whzn  Ra&t  wai  oAAz&tzd  ThuA&day  night  on  a  chaJigz  oi  automobZlz  thzit,   hz  aJXzjnp- 
tzd  a  coup  &lnUjVL  to  tkaJi  whZch  zndzd  Zn  thz  dzath  oi  ShzAZH  TalkzA. 

Ra&t  wcu,  becng  tatzn  to  tkz  Cejitfiat  Votico.  Station,  fiicLing  beMtiz^n  tuio  deXzctZvu 
-en  -t/ie  poLicz  caA,     At  that  tunz  Ki6  Zdzntity  woi  not  known.     Rait  dn.oppzd  hZ&  cap  to 
the.  IZaoK  0(J  the.  cot  aufid  oiked  an  o££ZceA  to  p-ccfe  -ot  up. 

When  the  oK^-icex  itooped  oven,  to  pZck  up  the  cap,  Ru&t  made  a  move  to  4£ug  Ivan 
uilth  hli  manacZed  handi  but  stopped  oi  the  otheA  detective  pAe^^ed  a  Kevotven.  agaZmt 
h/Jt  neck.     Ru&t  ihot  SkeAZ^^  TuZken.  ac>  the  tattefi  stooped  oven,  to  adjust  manacte^  on 
Ru^t't  ankle.6  at  the  &lac[eA'6  Kequezt, 

It  taai  when  the  poticesnen  reached  the  cent/iat  station  that  they  JiemoAked  on  thelt 
pfLl&oneA'6  attempt  to  bfiain  the  detective,   and  noted  the  iimUiafuXij  to  the  kJULinq  oi 
Tutkefi.  ThZ&  KZMutted  on  the  man'i  Identif^Zcation,   ^on  plctxuieji  oi  Ru&t  taken  {^fiom 
Police  {^U.e^  weAe  identified  by  the  detective&  and  by  the  woman  who  wa&  with  Rait  when 
he  woi  taken  on  the  automobile  the^t  chaAge. 

A^teA  Ruit  dove  {^nom  the  automobile,  police  believe  he  communicated  with  a  comp- 
anion who  lowed  o{^i  the  manaclzi.     Police  beZieve  thii  ^fUend  i&  Owen  LetteAman,  escaped 
convict  and  Ru6t'i,  pal, 

LetteAman  and  Ru&t  escaped  ^fiom  pAcion  at  fol&om,   CA.,  May  18,   T923,  itole  an 
automobile  and  came  to  Hinneiota,     LetteAman  lateA  wa&  ofiAeited  at  AbeAdeen  and  lowed 
hi6  way  out  o{  jail  theAe.     Police  oAe  leoAching  ^ofi  LetteAman. 


Ruit'i  end  wa&  ai  ipectaculaA  a6  hti  deedi,  o^  the  la&t  ^ew  months  which  made  him 
the  quafiAy  o^  police  ^xom  the  Pacific  coa&t  to  the  Hiiiiiiippi  valley. 

A  ^ew  monthi  ago  Rait  wai  pKoiecuted  in  Caliiofinid.: (^ox  fiobbeAy  and  automobile  the^ti. 
Re.  and  two  companiom  escaped  £Kom  Foliom  pni&on  May  ISth  and  ^led  east  in  a  stolen 
automobile.     Ru&t  wai  olio  undeA  poAole.  in  Idaho  and  wai  wanted  in  MowbAidge,  SV.,   f^oA 

He  dxove  the  automobile  itolen  in  Loi  Angelei  to  AbeAdeen,  SV,     TheAe  it  ii  alleged 
Ruit  Kobbed  {live  eitabliihmenti .     He  wai  oAAzited  and  bfioke  jail  {^ive  dayi  lateA.     He 
wai  oAACited  in  Eait  Gfiand  Pofiki,  MN.,  and  SheAi{i{,  PulkeA  o^  AbeAdeen  went  theAe  to 
get  him.     RetuAning  on  a  Gneat  NoAtiieAn  t/iain  ^Aom  GKand  Tonki,  SheAif^f^  FuUieA  had  Ruit 
manacled  and  ihackZed  in  a  pullman  coA.     The  only  otheA  paaengeA  wai  a  tAaveling  man. 
ShoAiii  TulkeA  pKepoAed  to  letifie  to  hii  beAth,     Ruit  bfiought  hii  manacled  w/iiiti  down 
on  the  iheAi^i'i  head,  gnabbzd  the  iheAi^'i  gun  and  ihot  him  twice.     He  ofideAed  the 
tAaveltng  man  to  unlock  hii  handcu££i,   but  the  latteA  pretended  to  be  neAvoui  and  Ruit 
ihaking  likz  a  lea(^  leaped  {^xom  the  tfuxin  ^ouA  milei  iouth  o^  Moonehead  when  it  itopped 
to  diJiChoAge  a  load  o^  laboxeAi  at  a  little  itation,   escaped.     He  commandeeAed  an  auto- 
mobile and  ^oficed  the  dAiveA  to  take  him  oveA  the  couiitAxj  Aoadi  ieveAol  miZzi,   {finally 
dAiving  back  into  Moofiehead  whzfie  Ruit  diizmboAked  ^  the  coa  a  block  {^Kom  the  police 


Hz  pfiobably  le^t  MooKehead  on  a  {^fieight  tAoin  and  lateA  engaged  in  a  gun  duel  with 

ajjufhoJiitizi  at  Little  Falli.     Stealing  anotixzA  automobile  hz  zicaped  (^Aom  Little  FalZi 

and  made,  hii  waij  to  St.   VauZ.     The.  cox  waj>   ^oand  but  no  t/iace.  o^  Runt  wai  £ound  antit 
tatz  ThuAAdag, 

ThAze.  detzctxvzi  ofiAZitzd  Ru&t,  who  gavz  thz  namz  o^  VeXzn.  CoJUion,   on  4taipZ(u.on 
that  thz  coA  Zn  wkLdi  hz  and  HLi6  S^gifu-d  Lauon  wznz  KidZng  wai>  itoZzn.     Vetzctxvzi 
Ed.   HoAtnzi-i,   Putnam  Smith  and  ChanJizi,  TZzunzy  madz  thz  oAAZit.     TZzfinzy  took  thz  glfit 
to  thz  station  -en  thz  itoZzn  com.,  and  othzfi  dztzcJU.vz6   ^oZZowzd  with  "Cauon"  hand- 
cu£^zd  -en  thz  potizz  coA. 

At  PZzaiant  and  Chzitmit  Aue.,  Ruit  hwiZzd  kbn^zti  ^Aom  thz  mazhlnz  uUth  ivit>  hand- 
cu.({ij4  on  and  by  thz  timz  thz  dztzctivzi  could  6top  thz  machinz  hz  had  di&appzoAzd. 
Thz  g-OiZ  at  zzntfiaJi  itaXZon  Zdznti^tzd  pZctuAZi  o{i  Rust  ai,  hzx  companion. 


Gun  6quad&  iimzdiatzty  wznt  in  AzoAch.     Thz  qinZ  uoznt  in  onz  machinz  to  took  ^OA 
thz  hoiibz  whzAZ  Ruit  Hjoomzd.     Shz  admittzd  ihz  had  bzzn  thzfiz  oncz  bat  didn't  AzmzmbzA 
thz  placz.     Thz  houiz  ujoi  ^inaZZy  Zocatzd  at:  6  fiM  ThuA6day.     It  wa&  thz  homt  o^  J.  Tfuack, 
Vayton  Ave.     Tfuack  toZd  dztzc^Uvzi  that  thz  man  known  to  him  ai  CoAion  had  bzzn  living 
thzAz  iincz  Aug.    Ut  and  ^on.  a  timz  wa&  vnployzd  in  a  nzoAby  Catholic  OAphanagz. 

Vztzctivz  Austin  UcUzZZy  wac>  itationzd  outiidz  thz  hou&z  to  pAzvznt  z&capz  £ 
thz  windom.     VeXzctivzi  Tom  EAoivn  and  Van  Ca&iidy  wznt  upitaifu  to  Ru&t' 6  Aoom,     Thz 
dooA  opznzd  inwoAd.     EAown  itzppzd  into  thz  fioom  ^iut  and  Au&hzd  to  a  cZo&zd  dooK  in 
thz  waZl  to  thz  flight.     Caaidy  ^olZowzd  and  took  thz  czntzA  o^  thz  Aoom,     Rait  itzppzd 
£Aom  bzhind  thz  dooA  and  into  thz  hall  and  ^iAzd  tu)o  ihoti,   onz  at  zach  o^^iczA.     Both 
mii^>zd.     Thz  datzctivzi  iiAzd  almoit  iimuZtanzou&ly  at  thz  cAiminaZ.     He  £eZZ  to  thz 
^ZooA  and  dizd  aZmoit  initantZy.     ThAzz  ihoti  itAuck  him,   onz  poiizd  thAough  hZi  nzck 
and  anothzA  hit  him  in  thz  hzoAt.     Thz  thixd  itAuck  in  thz  Iz^t  thigh.     Thz  body  uxii 
takzn  to  thz  moAguz. 

Ruit'i  mothzA  li\)ii^  in  Eait  GAand  FoAki,  and  hii  wi^z  M^.   Vaughn  Joit  Ruit,  tivzd 
at.  645  ShoAt  St.,  St.   VauZ. 

FolZowing  thz  ihootin  o{^  thz  AbzAdzzn  ShzAi££,  UAi.  Rait  movzd  to  Eait  GAand  foAki 
to  Zivz  Mlth  hzA  mothzA-in-law . 

HANKWSON  WEWS.  ««*«»»»«««««  Auguit  23,    I9f3 


FAank  Motii,  weZZ  known  thAoughoat  thii  paAt  o^  thz  countAy,  dizd  at  thz  homz  o£ 
ft/Ci  poAznti  at  AlzxandAia,  MW.,   on  ThuAiday,  Aug.    16th,  at  5:75  PM,   a^tZA  an  iZlnZii 
o£  zightzzn  monthi.     ExopthaZmic  goitzA  with  complicationi  was  thz  caxiiz  oi  dzath. 

Vzczoizd  woi  boAn  in  Wiiconiin  on  ApAiZ  13th,    1S72,  and  wai   51  yzoAi   ,   4  monthi 
and  3  dayi  old  at  thz  timz  oi  hii  dzath.     At  thz  agz     o^  onz  yzoA  hz  movzd  with  hii 
poAznti  to  AlzxandAia  whzAz  hz  Aziidzd  untiZ  hii  moAAiagz  to  Agnzi  Chznmak,    27  yeoAi 
ago,     Thz  young  coaplz  movzd  ^Aom  thzAZ  to  PoAkzAi  PAaiAiz,  MW.,   and  12  yzoAi  ago  movzd 
to  New  Eiiington,   SV.     LatZA  hz  AZiidzd  on  a  ^oAm  noAth  oi  Hankinion  until  thz  dzath 
oi  hii  wiiz  iouA  yzoAi  ago,  and  iincz  that  timz  hai  livzd  on  a  iaAm  in  GAzzndaZz. 

SuAvA-vlng  KttcuUvti  oAe  th^  aged  poAenti,  Ht.  and  Wu> .  Anton  Mo^tci,   0({  ktzxand- 
fujx,  MM;   {^Zve. -iiom  and  thAzz  daugktZAi ..  ..Jo^zph,   Lotili,   F/iank,  Anton,   Hznfiy,   Roiz, 
Agnej,  and  Emma',   loan.  bAxithtu, . ..  ,R.  J.  o^  AtexandJuja,  S^feue  oi  New  E^f^-Lngton,  J.  A. 
0^  HankZn&on,   a  haJL^  bfiothzfi  at  Camfw&zl  A£^.,   Caiwudoi;   ono.  £lsteA.,  Mti .   Cha& .  Rhoadu 
oiJ  St.  CZoAJi,  MI..'  Vzcza&zd  woa  a  {^anmzfi  by  occupation  and  was  wldzly  known  tfuioaghout 
tkU  ZocaLity, 

FimeAoZ  iZfwZcu  weAZ  httd  at  AtexandfUa,  UN.,  Satu/iday,  and  at  thz  homz  In  Gfitzn- 
daZz  Sunday.     Rev.  C.  Com.  conductzd  thz  at  thz  home,  and  many  nzlghbou  and 
ifu-cnxh,  ai,i(mbJizjd  to  pay  thzlfi  £ZnaZ  tfUbutz  to  thz  dzpoAtzd.     Thz  paZZbzoAZU  vozAz 
Joe  ChzAmak,  W.  TKoui,lt,  Cha6.  Ki&zk,  J.  P.  Een&on,   Louu  VfiochaZ  and  Lee  NavatZt. 
Intzninznt  uxu>  madz  -in  HXM^-idz  CzmztzAy  bz&Zdz  thz  gfuxvz  o^  h^&  uU-^z. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  Auguit  23,    7923. 


IfifUi.  MofUici  E.   LaA&on  dLizd  at  thz  homz  oi  hzn.  iZ&tZA,  M/l4.   L.  E.  VzVan,  Zn  tku 
ccty,   Thufi&day,  Augu&t  13fid,  a^tzA  an  zxtzndzd  .UZnz!>6.     Timzfioai,  cajiczA' wai  thz  caa6Z 
0)J  hzA  dzath. 

Jznniz  Gzfitniidz  HLZZz/vmom  boKn  at  Uayv/JUiz,  NV.,  hzA  paAznti,  bzing  Wi.  and  UfUi. 
Ifia  HittzfL.     Shz  uiai  35  yza/u,   11  monthi,  and  77  dayi  old  at  thz  tbnz  o^  hzn.  dzath. 
Shz  gfizw  to  womanhood  Zn  tiayvZlZz  and  woi,  thKzz  timzi,  mafuu.zd.     Two  yzaJtb  ago  i>hz 
mafUu.zd  NoMAJt   E.   LaJUton  and  iZncz  that  timz  hzfi  homz  ha&  been  Zn  Fafigo. 

Whzn  It  wai>  dZicovzAzd  that  ihz  wa&  af^^tictzd  with  canczfi  aJUL  that  mzdtcat  icizncz 
and  tovtng  ^fUzndi  could  do  wa6  donz  but  thz  -in/Loadi  o^  thz  dl&za&z  wzAZ  too  much  to 
6vzn.comz  and  &hz  gfuxduaZZy  ^aZtzd  until  dzath  camz  ai  a  A-ztiz^  to  hzn.  iuHzAAjigi . 

VzczAizd  t&  iipLvlvcd  by  hzn.  ha&band,  onz  daughtzA,  agzd  7  7  yzaA&;  thz  agzd  panzyiti, 
who  AziZdz  at  UaijvUlz,   NO.,   onz  bn.otheA  Alton  HUZzn,   o^  Sounl&,  NV.,  two  i-iitzn£, 
Ma4.   L.   E.  VzVan  o^  thU  city  and  Uu.   FlzZdi  o^  Oiagz^  TA.     Thz  la&t  {,X.vz  wzzk&  o^  hzn. 
tiiz  wznz  ipznt  at  thz  homz  o£  hzn  6li,tzn  M/la.  VzVan  o^  tkU  city. 

Funznal  6znvlcz&  wznz  hzld  at  thz  VzVan  homz  Tnlday  zvzning,  Reu.  Coma  conducting 
thz  &amz,  and  thz  nznuLln&  wzn.z  AkLppzd  to  Galchutt,  NV.,  whznz  thz  lunznaZ  waj,  hzZd 
and  Intznmznt  wa&  madz  Monday,  Augu&t  27th,  at  1  ?U. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  Augu&t  30,    7923 


M/L6.   Tfitd/Lidz  Hoktrntdfin  Vcuizd  Away  cut  BtizckznAJ-dQZ  Ho6p.ltaZ  Sunday 

Mw.   ¥  Hohzni)tQAn,  izvzAzZy  bafimd  i.n  a.  bonfi-Oie.  cut  thd  home,  o^  hzA  JiOn 
nofuth  0(5  Hanklmon  tA)o  wzzki  ago,   deed  |$/U3m  heA  JjijuJiZz^  cut  the.  BAzckenfuidge.  HoipLtat 
Sunday  moAjilng,  Auguit  26th,  cut  4  AM,     Shz  had  6een  {^ayiting  itzadZtij  ^fiom  thz  buAni 
and  ihock,   and  hzA.  advanczd  agz  madz  Azcovzty  impoi>i'ibZz.     Vzath  camz  ai,  a  Kztizi  iKom 
gnzat  6u{i^z/, 

ErrULiz  CoAotinz  (UWizlmlna  Hohzn&tzAn,   nee  EAJiun,  wai  boAn  Uay  4th,    1S4S,   at 
¥fu.zdJu.ckli(^lzM,   nzan.  Stzttln,   Vommzftanla,  GzAmany.     Thzfiz  i>hz  gKzui  to  womanhood  and 
wai,  moMJizd  to  TKzdnldi  Hohzmtznji  In  1866.     Szvzn  yzau  latzA,  in  187 3,  thz  family 
irmlgiatzd  to  Amz/Uai^    toccuting  at  UayvWiz,  WJ.,  whzAZ  4,0    many  o^  oun  HankZnion 
pzoptz  oi  Gznman  hiAth  filut  iztttzd.     In  1880,  thz  ianUZy  movzd  to  Dakota  TznJuXofoj, 
toccuting  nofuth  oi  thz  pxzizjnt  ittz  o^  HankAJiion,  wfieAe  thzy  contlnuzd  to  MZiZdz  up  to 
thz  pn.z6Znt  timz,     Thz  huiband  dizd  Szpt.   8;tii,    1909,  iZncz  which  timz  thz  iubjzct  oi 
thii  ikztch  hoi  madz  hzn.  homz  with  hzA  chitdAzn. 

Vzcza&zd  ii  luAviMzd  by  zight  chitdxzn,  oLt  oi$  whom  fiuidz  in  tkii  vicinity, 
Thzy  oAz:    [EzAtha]  Ma&.   EhnzMt  Stzirwdnx,   Hankimon;    (Anna)  M/u.   Fnank  T-ceg4,   Zztlofid; 
Otto,  who  Zivzi  with  hi&  bfiothzn.  ¥>vxnk  on  thz  old  homz&tzad  nofith  o^  town;    (Mcnnie) 
M^.  W.   H.   ^Ut;   Fnank,   on  thz  old  homz&tzad;    [Emma]   HfU.   Ffiank  W.   F.  W,   EzckzA,   Wah- 
pzton;    WaJitha]  SchAozdzn.  o^  Hanlvin&on;    [Alma]  Ma4     AfuthuJi  Efio&wiikz,   BoAnzy,     One 
daaghtzfi,   Ida,   cU.zd  at  thz  agoz  o^  14  in  Hanki.mon,   and  anothzn  daughtzA  Malvinz,  dizd 
hzfLZ  i.n  1906.     Bziidzi  thz  diiZdAzn  namzd  abovz,  thzfiz  oAZ  29  gAandchiZdAzn  and  27 
gKzat-g  AandchiZdAzn. 

Ufa,  Hohzn&tzfin  wai  a  woman  o^  high  chafvactzfi,   beZovzd  and  z&tzemzd  by  all  who 
knzsa  hzfi.     Shz  wcu,  wzZt  known,   zipzcixilly  among  thz  zanZy  pionzzfii  along  thz  i)Jild  Ricz, 
and  wa&   iofi  many  yzoAi  a  {^aiXhiuZ  and  dzvotzd  mzmbzfi  o^  St,  John'i  Luthzfian  Chufick 
congfLZgation  in  BzZiofid.     Thz  ^unzfial  wai  hzld  Wzdnziday  wiXh  izfwiczi  by  Rev.  J.  P. 
KJUuuiilzfi,  and  thz  St.  John' 6  Chufich  wai  ^illzd  to  capacity  wiMi  {^fuizndi  oi&zjnblzd  to 
pay  a  ^inaJi  tfuibutz  to  thz  dzpoAtzd.     Intzfmznt  wai  madz  in  thz  ^amiZy  lot  in  St.  John'i 

HANKWSOM  NEWS  ************  Auguit  30,    1923 


NziZ  C.  Mc  Donald,   47,  itatz  iupzAintzndznt  oi  public  initfuictioni    1917-1918  and 
wzJUL  known  ai  an  zducatofi,   dizd  iuddznly  at  Gloigow,  MT.,  Satufiday  af^tznnoon.     He  wai 
znfioutz  to  Szattlz,  Wa.,  whzfiz  hz  wai  to  havz  takzn  up  kli  dutizi  as  Vzan  0)$  thz  Libzfial 
AAJti  Dzpt.  0^  thz  SzattZz  ?aci.{,ic  ColZzgz. 

Dfi.  and  fAfii.  McDonald  lz{,t  Gfiand  fofiki,   on  a  Gfizat  Nofuthzfin  tfiain  Ffiiday  zvznLng, 
Hz  wai  takzn  ill  on  thz  tfiain  and  dizd  a  {^zw  howii  laXzA.     Although  hz  had  bzzn  in  poofi 
hzalXh  ^ofi  6omz  timz  hij,  condiXion  wai  not  comidzfizd  6Zfiioui,  and  dzath  wa^  wholly  un- 

Vfi,  Mac  VonaZd  woi  bofui  at  HichaZait  Bay,   Ont.  MoAch  17ih,    1S76.     He  came  to 
NoAth  Dakota,  viitk  hii  paAe.nti  Zn  ptomex  day^  and  thzy  Zocatzd  on  a  ^anm  nzafi  Hannah 
-en  CavatLsA  County.     We  QAadaatzd  iKom  UayvZZiz  CoZZzgt  tn  1S96  and  hz  wai,  aZ&o  a  gfuid- 
uatz  OjJ  thz  UnZ\j.  o^  NoKth  Dakota.. 

Dtczoizd  was  wzLt  known  Zn  ZLchZand  County  and  4eAued  oi  the.  SupzAyintindtnt  OjJ 
Schooti  at  LidgzAwood  £oA  &zvznxtt  yzoAi. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  «»«««»*««*»«  SzptmbzA  73,    1923 


Lza  itlaUiace.,  young  {^aJmzA  o^  nzoA.  Lidgtnusood  wom   f^ataJULy  ZnjuAzd  wh&n  Aun  ovzA  by 
a  coAn  bZndtA  oi  ht  attzmpttd  to  Atop  the.  Aunaway  texm  dAouxlng  thz  Ajnptdjmznt.     He  had 
itoppzd  thz  tejom  to  Azmovz  qacuji  bundtu  tha;t  wete  In  thz  way,     Thz  halt  whzzt  o^  thz 
bZndzA  pa&Azd  ovzA  kit,  chzit,  ZnjuAing  him  ZntzAnaZty  and  hz  dlzd  about  two  houAS  ZatzA. 


FuneAo^  iZAvZczi  wzAZ  hztd  at  Wahpzton  Tuz6day  a{^tzAnoon  at  thz  SchniLtt  6  Otkon 
ChapzZ.  on  fouAth  StAZZt,  {^oA  F.  W.  HuAnbzAgzA,  CZvlt  WaA  VztzAan  and  G.  A.  R.  mzmbzA, 
who  Az&Zdzd  A.n  ZlchZand  County  ^OA  many  yzoAi,,  until  1904  whzn  hz  movzd  to  louia. 

Ha.  NuAnbzAgzA  was  boAn  A.n  Gzfmany  Zn  1838,   bzlng  zZghty  i-ivz  yzoAS  o^  agz  at  thz 
tunz  Oj{  hli  dzath.     He  camz  to  Zn  1853,  and  izttlzd  tn  Ohio.     In  7861  hz  znLtitzd 
tn  thz  UnZon  AAmny,  6ZAvzd  thAough  thz  zntiAz  pzAiod  0(J  thz  CLvUL  WaA  and  woa  honoAably 
diichoAgzd.     In  1864  hz  was  maAAlzd  and  Zn  1881  thz  ^amZZy  movzd  to  Wahpzton,  vohzAZ  thzy 
ZZvzd  ^OA  a  ijew  yzoAi,  and  thzn  movzd  to  a  ^anm  nzoA  LidgzAMOod,  whzAZ  thzy  Ztvzd  until 
WOO  whzn  Ma&.  HuAnbzAgzA  pa&izd  away.     Thzy  AztuAnzd  to  Wahpzton  at  that  -tone  and  Azmaln- 
zd  until  1904,  whzn  Ua.  MuAnbzAgzA  was  again  moAAizd  to  an  Ohio  lady  and  AztuAnzd  to  that 
6tatz  vohzAz  hz  hai,  Az&ldzd  zvzA  ^>lnaz. 

SzAvlcz&  wete  conductzd  by  Rev.   E.  AUln,   PoitoA  o^  thz  CongAzgatlonal  ChuAch. 
JntzAmznt  ^oUowzd  at  thz  Wild  Rlcz  CzmdtzAy,  vozMt  oi  Wahpzton  J.n  thz  family  plot.     Thz, 
Wahpzton  ?0£t  o^  thz  AmzAlcan  Lzglon  had  chaAgz  o^  thz  mltitaAy  honoA&  which  wzAZ  atcoAd- 
zd  to  thz  G.A.R.   VztzAan. 

Ha,  NuAnbz^igzA  camz  Into  pAomlnzncz  a  good  many  yzaAt>  ago  thAough  a  pAOizcatlon 
In&tltatzd  by  {,zdzAal  authofUtlz&  choAglng  him  with  iuboAnation  o^  pzAJuAy  In  connzctlon 
with  thz  puAcha&z  of^  homzttzadzA' i  clcum6.     Thz  ca&z,   bzcaa&z  O)}  thz  ^act  that  hz  was  a 
highly  Az^pzctzd  Civil  WaA  VztzAan,  ottAactzd  wldz  attzntion,  and  wa&  hoAd  fought  In  thz 
couAtit.     Thz  {,lAit  tAxal  In  U.  S.  Dl&tAlct  CouAt  at  Tango  Az&ultzd  In  a  conviction,   but 
an  appzal  wa4  -Cafeen  to  thz  U.  S.   ClAcult  CouAt.  of^  Appzali  and  thz  dzcl&lon  oi  thz  lowzA 
count  wai  Azvzuzd.     kbldz  inom  thz  publicity  glvzn  to  thz  Xwo  tnlali  thz  caiz  bzcamz 
a  iont  oi  pZltlcal  Iji&uz  In  thli  county  ion  a  tlmz,  with  thz  Az&ult  that  thz  namz  OjJ 
MuAnbzAgzA  will  bz  callzd  Instantly  to  mind  by  mo4t  o^  thz  old  tlmzA&  hzAzahouti . 
HANfCINSON  NEWS  ************  SzptembzA  13,    1923 


The.  u.ndeA£Zgne.d  laC&k  to  expA.e64  thzZ/i  hzaJit{^eJUi  gAJLtctade.  to  aJU.  who  fLzndtn.zd  aid 
and  cu^iiZtitance.  dafUng  thz  da.if&  o^  Au^^eAlng  o^  oun.  dzpcuvtoA  mothzx,  Ufu>.   EmiLLz  Hohzn- 
itznn.     We  extznd  qua  thanki  to  the.  donzu  o^  £Zowz/u  and  to  the.  cko-iu  oi  Manlunion 
and  BeZ^ofid  ^on.  theln., 

Ufu.  UoAtha  EA.o.&0M6kz  Hu.  BeAtha  SteJjwehJi 

HfL& .  Anna  Tlegi  Ma^  .  HinrUz  Witt 

Ma4  .  Emma  SahnozdeA  ■.  Mw .  Aima  BecfeeA 

Ttvank  Hohen&teAn  Otto  Hohej^&teAn 

A  ^ZumbeA  I  know  Zn  JeMU '  name,  A  Ke&t  {^Kom  alZ  toiZ  and  lonxow; 

ZaAth  tendeAZy  takz6  my  wea/iy  ^nxiine,     To  4£eep  tiZZ  the  btli^^ut  moKfuow; 

In  Heaven  my  60uZ  with  God  abides,   Forgotten  a/ie  canei  and  tAlaZ6. 

HMKTNSON  MEifJS  ************  September.  13,    1923 

WeZZ  Known  ReiZdervt  o^  Oafi  City  Paired  Auay  Sunday  A^teA  Bttiei  TlZnz&i 

Hankln&on  peopZe  wefiz  Znzxpfizi&Zbty  ^hockzd  and  gAievzd  whzn  wond  wznt  aAound 
Sunday  evening  that  Ma4.  W.  T.  Spenczt  had  pa&^zd  away  at  4  ?M  that  a^teJinoon  a^tzn. 
an  lZZne66  oi$  but  a  ^ew  houu .     Acute  itomacJn.  tAoubtz  wai  ttz  caa&z  o^  hefi  demliz  and 
6hz  wait  lit  but  a  (Jew  houu. 

Sofiah  Janz  0^{,Zczn.  Spznczn.  wai  bofi.n  Jane  7th,    1847,  Z.n  ChandteAivtllz,   OH,  and 
wai  tn  hen.  77th  yzan.  o^  age:     She  movzd  to  SpnJ.ngvWiz,  WJ.,  with  hex  poAznti  and  two 
bAotheA&  In  1S57  and  attended  thz  Univ.  OjJ  Wi6con&ln  ion.  two  yeoAi,  at  thz  cZoiz  o^  thz 
CLvtt  WoA.     Soon  a^teA  thz  iamiZy  movza  to  Auitln,  MM.,  wheAe,  on  June  14th,    1873,  ihz 
urn  maAAied  to  W.  T.  SpenaeA  who  6uAvivz6  hen..     TheiA  GoZdzn  Wzddlng  AnntveAiany  wai 
qutztZy  obieAved  at  theiA  home  In  thti,  city  In  Junz  o^  tiiz  pne&ent  yeoA.     Thz  young  touplz 
Zivzd  two  yeofUtZn  New  Hampton,   Jowa,  ten  yeoAi,  in  NoKthwood,   Jovea,  about  20  yeoAi,  In 
HinnejapotU ,   and  ^on  thz  past  twenty  ye/vu  have  fceen  n.zi>Zdenti  o^  Hanklmon. 

AZZ  hen  chiZdnen,  one  bnothex,  and  thAee  gAandchZldnen  iuAvlve  hen.,     Thz  dfuJ.dnzn 
oAz:  Wm,W.  SpenceA,   Tnz&no,   CA.,   Fnank  C.  SpznceA,  GAand  Canyon,  AZ.,   Lynn  0  SpenceA, 
KlilZ&,   New  Mexico;  Nettie  C.  SpenceA  and  Many  E.  SpenceA  o^  Hanklmon.     Thz  bnothen, 
W.  W.   Oiilczn,  Zlvei.  In  MyntZe,  MN,     With  thz  exception  oi  thz  two  iom  ^lA&t  named, 
aZZ  ane  hzne  ion  the  iuneAaZ  which  wlZZ  be  heZd  at  2  VU  thl6  aitennoon  with  6eAvlcz&  by 
Rev.  C.   CanA  at  thz  CongnzgatlonaZ  ChuAch.     IntzAmznt  wlZZ  bz  madz  In  HlZZdldz  CemeteAy. 

Thz  death  oi  Ma4.  Spznczn.  nemovz&   inom    oun  community  a  woman  who  wai,  beZoved  by 
aZZ  who  enjoyed  the  pnlvlZzgz  oi  hzn  acquaintance.     HzA  AptendldchAl&tlan  chanacteA 
&honz  thnoughout  thz  noutlnz  oi  hzn.  zvzAy  day  Zliz,  and  6hz  wa&  a  dzvotzd  wliz,  a  kind 
and  Indulgent  mothen  and  a  tnuz  inlznd. 

Thz  4tympcLthy  o^  the.  zntOiz  communcty  gou  oat  to  thz  ioAAouxing  hu&bcind  and 
otkeji  membzAi,  o^  the.  {^amiZy  Zn  theAA  gfitat  £o44. 
HANKIMSON  NEWS  ************  SeptemfceA  20,    79f3 

Ma.,  and  M/L6.  kfitiiuA.  El6en  o^  Gfiejit  Bend  mouJin  thz  dexuth  o{t  theJji  baby  boy,  Uonnoz 
AcAXoZ,  who  dZed  at  tht  Wahpeton  Ho&pZtaZ.  ejvtZy  Tuesday  mo  Anting .     Thz  LLtttz  {^eZZow  mai, 
onJLy  a  yexVL  old  but  occupied  a  LoAgz  pZacz  ^  thz  hzoAti  of^  hU  ^ond  paA.znt& .     Thz 
^anzAoZ  mJtZ  be  heJid  ffUday  ^Kom  thz  UzthodJjtt  ChuAch  -in  Cxzat  Bend.     Thz  60M.ouilng 
poAznti  havz  thz  hzoAt^eZt  4>ympathy  o^  theJji  many  ^AJ.zndi  and  nzighboxi, 

************  SzptembzA  10,    1923 

,,,Wifcte/l  Kozppz^  .14  yzaA6  Old,   VZdtbn  oi  AccUdzntal  Shooting  Sunday  Evzning.,. 

OJaZtzA  Kozppz,   14,  ^on  Oq  Ma.,  and  iVl/wV  TAanz  Kozppz  o{,  thz  Hamman.  nzighboAhood, 
dLizd  Taz&day  at  6  AM  ^  thz  z^^zct6  o^  a  6 hooting  azdidznt  Sunday  zvzn-ing, 

Vounjg  Kozppz,  -in  company  (uZth  a  tad  vumzd  Evznl>on  and  ZlLt  GloinzK,  had  bzzn 
hunting  dwUng  thz  a^tzAnoon.     About  ihc  o'cZozk  Zn  thz  zvznZng,  wfien  uxithin  a  mltz 
iAom  thz  Kozppz  homz,   young  Kozppz  itzppzd  out  oi  thz  can.  and  Azachzd  ^oAhil>  ten  gatigz 
ihot  gun  which  lay  on  thz  ^Zat  tAuck  Kzax  znd  o^  thz  VoAd  coA.     Hz  gAobbzd  thz  gun  by 
thz  muzztz  and  putted,  tt  towajidu>  hAjnizt^,     Onz  o^  thz  hammZAi  caught  on  i,omz  ob^tAuction 
and  thz  weapon  tuoi  dt&choAgzd,  thz  entcAz  choAgz  taktng  z^^zct  in  hl6  Alght  Aidz,  tzoA- 
tng  away  thz  ^tzih  and  bonz  and  expoA-ing  thz  -intz&tinz&.     Hti  companlom  ti^tzd  him  Into 
thz  COA  and  Au&hed  to  thz  Kozppz  homz  and  mzdicat  aid  wa&  immzdiatzty  6ummonzd.     Vk,  V.yan 
6ewzd  up  thz  gaping  wouyCdd  but  thz  injuAy  wa6  ^uch  that  thzAz  wa6  no  hopz  oi  AzcoveAy, 
and  thz  tad  poi/tzd  away  Tuziday  moAning  a^tzA  ^a^^zAing  gKzat  agony  ^oA  36  houA&. 

Thz  icznz  0(5  thz  accident  t6  about  16  miZzi  6outJvAJZ6t  o£  Hardztmon.     Thz  Kozppz 
^amity  oAz  pionzeAi  o'^  thz  nzighboAhood  and  oAz  wztt  known.     Thz  tad  wa6  a  ^avoAitz 
with  ht&  young  ^Ayiendi,  and  thz  tzAAibtz  accident  ha&  coit  a  gtoom  ovzn.  thz  HammeA 
countAy,     Thz  paAznt£  havz  thz  sympathy  o£  att  in  thelA  gAzat  tx)il. 

Thz  ^unzAot  Zi  being  hztd  thts>  a{^tzAnoon  with  ^zAviczi  at  thz  chuAck  neoA  thz 

Kozppz  homz,   condactzd  by  Rev.  CtoztzA. 



Uaj,.   EteanoA  Woodi,   76,  a  widow,   dLizd  at  hzA  homz  in  FoAgo  Sunday  o^  czAzbAot 
hzmoAAhagz.     Vzcza&zd  wa6  a  pionzeA  Az&idznt  o^  Hichtand  County,  having  iztttzd  with 
hzA  hu6band  nzoA  Lidgznwood  nzanty  40  yeaA&  ago.     Thz  {,amity  movzd  to  ToAgo  about 
20  yeoAd  ago.     Ua.  Wood&  ha&  hincz  dizd.     Vzcza6zd  i6  iuAvivzd  by  onz  daughteA,  Mw. 
VeXta  Wilion  of,  EndeAttn. 

HANKZhlSON  HEWS  ************  OctobzA  4,    1923 


Joizph,   4  yzoA  otd  ion  0|J  Ua..  and  Hai>.  KoaJL  Wot'i,  dizd  at  thz  family  homz  in 
thti  ctty  Tuesday  zvzning  o^  hemoAAhagz  o^  thz  tivzA  af^tZA  onz  wzzk  o^  ittnz&i. 

?Ktv-ioai  to  that  tirnz  the.  LittZz  izttou)  had  been  zxczptionoLbf  hzaZthy  and  kL&  i^uuddzn 
dzatk  woi  anexpecied  and  a  4>ad  bZoui  to  the.  6tAA.ckzn  iamUiij. 

The.  £aneMxit  woi  keZd  thU  mofinlng,    [ThuM,day] ,  -at  thz  St,   VhiLip^i  ChuAch. 
Jntfunzrvt  woi  madz  Zn  the.  Cathotic  CemztzAy, 

HANKTNSOU  WEWS  «»«««»»*»«««  OctobeA  IS,    7923 

FJizd  Gfumanz,   VAomintnt  RziZdznt  o^  Bannzy  VXJUiaqt,  Vfioppzd  Vzad  Wzdnzidaif,), 

TKzd  Gfumanz,  weZt  known  o^  BoKnzy  VWLclqz'.   dAoppzd  dzad  Wzdnziday 
a^tzAnoon  o^  hzofit  ^aZtuAz.     HZd  iaddzn  and  anzxpzctzd  dzatJi  woi  a  gAzat  6hock  to  thz 
communAJty  whzAZ  hz  woi  a  pZonzzA. 

VzcexUizd  wa&  65  yzau  oi  age  and  Zi  luAvZvzd  by  thz  wc(Je  and  a  Iojiqz  {^amULj  oi 
cJuJLdKzn.     MAi .  Gfumanz  voat,  a  daaghtzA  o^  Mt.  and  Mfi&.  Wm.  Jakfi,  who  weAe  among  Hank- 
Zmon'i  vzfty  ^Zfiit  6zttZzfU.     MfU.  H.  C.     Ho^^man  o^  thZi  <Uty  Zi  a  iZitzfi. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  OctobzA  U,    1923 

Ufa.  CoaI  Efidman,  Wl^z  o^  WzZt  Known  Fanmzfi,  Vlzd  La&t  Night  Ffiom  ZnjafUzi.. .. 

Uu.  CofiZ  Efidman,  ZnjuAzd  whzn  thz  {^amihj  auto  tufmzd  ovzA  on  thz  fuiad  bztwzzn 
MoofLZton  and  Wa};ton  Taz&day,   dZzd  la^t  zvznlng  at  thz  Wahpzton  Ho&pZtaJi  ^Aom  ZnjuAZzi 
6iii>tai.nzd  Zn  thz  ima^h-up, 

Thz  EAdman  ^amiZy,  wzZZ  known  ^afimzAi  fiZ&ZdZng  wz6t  o^  Wahpzton  WZAZ  fiztuAnZng 
^fwm  a  tfUp  to  FoAgo.     Thz  coA,  a  UaxwzZZ,   had  a6  pa&i,zngzA6,  MfU,.  EAdman  and  thz  cKiZd- 
Azn  with  M/L.  EAdman  at  thz  whzzl.     A  ^Aont  whzzZ  bAokz  o^i,  cau&Zng  thz  coA  to  tuAn 
tuAtZz.     fAfUi.  Endman  ioitainzd  a  bfiokzn  cottoA  bonz  and  wa&  takzn  to  thz  Wahpzton  Hoip- 
ZtaZ.       HzA  ZniuAlzi,  wzAZ  not  thought  to  be  izfiioad,  but  Zt  Zi,  pfiobahtz  that  ZntzAnaZ 
ZnjuAZzi  fiz6uZtzd  which  wzAZ  not  known  at  ^Zut.     M^.  EAdman  took  a  tuAn  iofi  thz  wofiMt 
yzitzAday  and  poiizd  away  ta&t  zvznZng. 

MfL6.   EAdman  waa  thz  onJby  mzmbzA  OjJ  thz  paAty  to  be  ZnjuAzd. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ************  OctobzA  25,    1923 

AnZznz,  thz  6zvzn  day  old  daughtzA  o^  Ua.  and  Uu.  A.  Kuzhl  o^  Waldo  Towmhlp, 

paii&zd  away  zoAZy  Tuesday  zvznZng,  thz  caxuz  o^  hzA  dznth  wai,  due  to  acutz  zonvul&Zonii . 

FunzAol  6ZAvZcz6  wzfiz  conductzd  at  thz  homz  today.  Rev.  Klaailzn.  o^^ZcZatZng.     Thz 

bzAzavzd  poAznti  havz  thz  hzafitiztt  sympathy  o{,  thzZfi  ^fiZzndi. 



Ma.  and  MfU>.  Van  S.  RZlzy  motoAzd  to  VZ^IoAd,  MN.,  thz  {^Zut  oi{  thz  wzzk  whzAZ 
on  Tuziday  thzy  attzndzd  thz  {^unzAol  oi  P.  V.  MZtchztt,   CoihizA  of,  thz  FZut  Statz  Bank 
oi  EAdahl,  UN,,  who  wai  azcZdzntaUbj' ■  kZZJLzd  whZlz  hunting  FfiZday  af^tzAnoon.     Vzcza^zd 
wai,  an  old  ^fiZznd  o^  thz  RZZzy  {^amZly. 

Juit  how  thz  accZdznt  oczufiAzd  that  Az&uZtzd  Zn  Ufi.  HitchzlZ'i  dzath  wZll  nzvzA 
bz  known  a&  hz  wa&  alonz  at  thz  timz.     Hz  had  Iz^t  town  Zn  hZi  auto,  takZng  hZi,  gun  along. 

EvZdzntZy  hz  ^toppzd  thz  coA  bat  Zz^t  thz  zngZnz,  and  -in  dtightinQ  tht  gtm 
waa   di&choAgzd,  tkz  toad  taking  zfiizct  andzA  hit,  chin  and  hanging  wpuoand.     Vzath  woi 
pjwbabZy  l.nitantanzoa6 . 

VzczoMzd  wofi  about  40  yzoAi  old  and  tzavzM  a  vxilz  and  f^amUbj, 
HMKinSOH  NEWS  ************  OctobeA  25,    1923 


Hick  Rabl&h,  ViontzK  o^  That  City  VaUizd  In  Attempt  at  Szlf,  Vz&tAuctlon, . . 

Hick  Rablih,  60,  plonzzA  Kz&ldznt  o^  Falnmount,  madz  an  amucczi-i) ^uZ  attempt  to 
commit  iulcldz  Taziday  monning,  Hz  gaihzd  kilt  tknxjat  and  U3fuj,ti  with  a  pockzt  knl^z',' 
and  vzfixj  neafihj  iuucczzdzd  In  thz  attempt  to  znd  hl6  Zl^z. 

Ruhlih,  uiho  ouin6  a  ^Inz  ^OAm  a  coapZz  ojj  mlZz6  wzit  o^  Talfvmoant  on  thz  Hanklnx 
6 on  fixjad,  wa^  zvldzntZy  waZklng  £/u}m  town  to  thz  iaAm,     Stepping  jtut  o^^  thz  highway 
fee  goihzd  hli  thfioat  and  uifil&ti  In  a  hoMlbZz  mannzA.  with  a  kzzn-zdgzd  pockzt  knl^z. 
(Uhzn  ^oand  by  a  pairing  motofUj>t  a  lew  mlniitzi  Zatzn.,   hz  vooi,  wzak  ^Kom  Zo66  ojj  bZood. 
Hz  woi  takzn  to  FalAmoant  whzfiz  ^lAit  old  wot,  glvzn,  then  kuJintzd  to  thz  Zfizck.znnA.dgz 
HoApltaZ  whzfiz  Zatz  Kzpoftti  Indlcatz  that  hz  volZZ  Kzcovzfi,     Thz  a-niofituyiatz  man  fea6  been 
i>a{i{^zfilng  ^fiom  canceA  ^oK  ^omz  tlmz  and  thl&  coupZzd  with  btU)lnzi>.l,  fizvzfuzi  In  hl&  ^afm- 
Ing  opzfuitlonii ,  li,  thought  to  havz  bzzn  thz  caa&z  o£  hlj,  attempt  at  izZ^  de^tAiictlxn. 

Hz  hoM  a  wl^z  and  lamUUj  o{^  gfvown  chlZdfizn  and  l&  numbeAzd  among  thz  htghZy 
fLZipzctzd  cltlzzni  o^  Falnmount. 

HANKWSON  MEWS  *************  OctobeA  25,    7923 

NlchoZa6  Retiblih,   Falnmount  Man,  Vlz&  Szl^-ln^Zlctzd  Woundi, 

NlchoZa6  Rzuhzn,  well  known  Falnmount  Az6ldznt    whoiz  attempt  at  iulcldz  by  cutting 
hi&  thnoat  and  w>Ui,t&  with  a  jackni^z  woi  chnonlcZzd  In  thz  WEWS  Za&t  wzzk,  dlzd  at  thz 
Bfizckznfildge  Ho-ipltaZ  Monday . 

Thz  ^anznjaZ  was  heJZd  Wzdnziday  £  thz  Mzthodl&t  Chunch  at  Falnmount, 
Thz  deceased  wai  66  yzanjt  oZd  at  thz  tlmz  o^  hli  death,  and  wai  bon.n  In  CzzchoySZovakla. 
Hz  l6  6an.vlvzd  by  hli,  widow,  Mfii.  CZana  Rubl&h,   eight  chlZdn.zn  and  two  bxotkznjt.     Thz 
bnothzni,  a/cz:   Fna.nk  o^  FaAgo  and  John  o{,  Spznczn.,   TA.     Thz  widow  and  ^Ivz  chlZdnzn  Zlvz 
at  Falnmount.     They  anz:  MAi,  H.  S,  Szavzn.,  MAi.  S.W.Leathant,  Hi&&  EtheJL,  HznAy  and 
EdimAd  G.     OtheA  chlZdAzn  aAZ  Rudolph  of;  VetAolt,  MI.,   EJbnzn  J.  o^  Zn.zckznfu.dgz  and 
Benjamin  o^  SoutheAn  Iowa,     Thz  dlnzct  cau&z  0|5  dzath  wa&  pneumonia  which  let  In  ioZZow- 
Ing  hli  InjuAlzi. 
HMIKWSON  NEWS  ************  NovembeA  I,    J923 

John  ThomcU),  Soo  T/LcU-nman  {^oK  ¥onty  VejOAM,    End&  Own  Li^z  cut  Ki&maAck . . . , 

John  ThomcU),  Soo  Conductor  known  to  zvzAyone.  Zn  Hankiniton,   commuttzd  by 
ihooting  kirmeJil  tlvwagh  thz  head  at  Ivti  homz  Zn  EcfimoAcfe  Hondmj  evening.     IIZ  hzaZtk 
AJt  thz  pKobabZz  fizoion  ion.  hlit  AxUth  act. 

Vzczaizd  UKU)  thz  oZdz&t  condactoA.  Jin  poZnt  ojj  iZAv^icz  on  thz  zntOiZ  Soo  iyitem. 
Hz  n/in  thz  ^Zut  tAjoln  ovzn.  thz  maA.n  tinz  injom  hzfiz  to  VoKtaZ.     Vofi  many  yza/a  hz  had 
thz  Hankyin&on'EZimaAck  fuin  and  ipznt  a  gKzat  dzat  OjJ  kl&  timz  in  tkti  cxXy.     Hz  had 
"fuaWioadzd"  a£Z  kii  ti^z  and  u)a6  Zdzntl£i.zd  uilth  thz  Soo  6y6tm  ^Aom  thz  datz  oi  lti> 
oAganlzatUjon.     Hid  tAa.g-ic  dzath  woi  a  gAzat  ihock  to  hoiti  o^  HardUmon  {^Aa-ZyuLi,,     Hz 
andzAwznt  an  opzAotlon  iomztunz  ago  ^OA  canazA  0(J  tkz  mouth,  and  ^zoA.  that  thz  dJizad 
dlizaiz  woA  AztuAning  doubtZui  azcoixntlt   ioA  hZ&  izZ^  dz&tAuctlon. 

Vzcza&zd  woi  ovc/l  75  yzoJii,  o^  agz  but  Az^uizd  to  AztiAZ  untit  long  ago  hz  had 
Azachzd  thz  agz  ioA  AztJjilng  on  a  pzn&Zon.     Hz  continuzd  on  hli  Aun  bztMZzn  hzAZ  and 
EiimaAck  antiZ  a  ^ew  monthi  ago  whzn  hz  votuntoAHy  AztlAzd. 

Hz  Z&  iuAvZvzd  by  hU  uii^z  and  onz  maAJvizd  daiightzA,   both  Az&ZdA,ng  in  Ki&maAck. 
Thz  iunzAoZ  -65  bzing  heZd  today  at  Bij,maAck  undzA  thz  aa&piczi  OjJ  thz  MaionZc  Lodgz 
0^  that  (uXy  o^  which  hz  wa&  a  mzmbzA  ^oA  many  yzoAJt , 


Augait  EAnzit  Kozppz,  a  AZiZdznt  o^  thz  HammZA  nzighboAhood  ^OA  moAZ  than  20  yzxiAJt, 
dlzd  at  hii  homz  -in  lUnnuota.  town&hip  on  SatuAday,  Nov.   3Ad,  a^tzA  an  ZlZnz&i  o^  iix 

Vzczoizd  wad  boAn  in  GzAmany  on  MaAch  I6tk,    ISSS,  and  camz  to  AmzJiica  whitz  a 
young  mcun.     Hz  wa&  a  pionzzA  o^  RobzAti  County  and  i^  iuAvZvzd  by  thz  wZf^z  and  a  taAgz 
^amiZy  o£  chUZdAzn.     A  bAothzA,  Kozppz,  tivz6  in  thz  6amz  nzi.ghboAhood.     ThzAZ 
OKZ  at&o  t»io  iuAviving  iiitzAi.     Vzczaizd  wai>  an  indu&tAioui,  and  thAi^ty  )$a/une/i  and 
had  thz  zitzem  and  Az&pzct  o{,  aZZ  who  fenew  kim. 

Thz  ^unzfud.  wai,  hzZd  Wzdnz&day,  Nov.   7th,  Rev.  C.  ObzAdozdtzA  conducting  thz 
&ZAvi.czi>  at  thz  Wzinkaui  ChoAch.     Thz  paZtbzoAZAi  wzAz  W.  F.  Wzinkaa^,  RobzAt  Wzinkau^, 
MaAtin  HzyzA,  HzAman  Schaltz,  and  Al^Azd  WztzZg.     Thz  iZAviczi  wzAz  attzndzd  by  a  loAgz 
nwnbzA  o£  oZd  ^Aizndi  and  nzighboAi . 

HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  NovzmbzA  8,    1923 


Maj,.  WiZhzimina  StzAn,  who  hoi  tivzd  in  Wahpzton  ^OA  thz  la&t  10  yzoJU,  with  hzA 
ion  RobzAt  StzAn,  and  who  hot,  bzzn  a  Az&idznt  o^  Richland  County  ^OA  thz  ta&t  40  yzoAi, 
dizd  at  hzA  ion'i  homz  laj>t  Thufu,day,   dzath  wai  cauizd  by  myocaAditij, . 

Shz  wai,  boAn  Zn  Gznmany  79  yzaAi,  ago  and  camz  to  thii  countAy  41  yzau  ago  izttZ- 
Zng  nzoA  FzAgui  Tatt6,     A^tzA  Living  thzAz  about  18  monthi  thz  iamiZy  moved  to  a  £afm 
nzoA  Hankimon.     Thz  dzczoizd  tivzd  thzAZ  untiZ  1913  whzn  &hz  camz  to  Wahpzton  to  tivz 

with  hoA.  6on,  Robe/ut. 

She  haii  jj^ve  cKUidAzn  tiv^g.     Thzy  (W.e:  RobeAt  and  Gait  oi  dlahptton,  Augait  o^ 
UooKdizad,   Ffiank  o^  Idaho  and  f^.  WZZhoIniLna  HoZtz  o^  TzAgiu,  TaZJU,.     Shz  alio  had 

32  gJumdckiZdAtn  and  13  gfLZat-gAandc}uZdA.ejfi,  )Globz 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  "  HovmbzA  8,   T923 

Nell,  Andzuon  \fUZtzd  by  Uad  BuH.  In  Attempt  to  VfUvz  Anbnal  Aviaij 

UeJU  Andtuon^  age     about  65  yzau,  who  has  be.zn  with  his  6Z6teA.,  Hfii .  BonA- 
ion,   3^  mltu  6oath  wt&t  o^  Ve.  LameAz  was  fUZted  by  a  mad  bulZ  SatuAdaij  tvejiing. 

The.  ajfumaZ  beZongcd  to  a  nexg/tfco-t.  and  had  6een  bothe/Ling  ofwand  the.  BoAd&on  ^anm 
dufUng  tkz  day.     In  thz  evejiing  Ufi.  AndeJiion  took  a  pAXch^ofdz  and  6tafitzd  to  d/ixve  him 
home..     When  a  ^hofut  dl&tancz  ^Kom  the.  boAn  the.  en/iage-d  animal  tuJinzd  on  Ma..  AndeJiion, 
knocking  kirn  to  the  ground,   cnmhlng  In  hl&  che/tt  and  one  ilde.  o^  hi&  body  wa6  teAAlbly 
tann,  by  thz  vlcloai,  anlmat'^)  hon.n&, 

hUi.  AndeA^on  manage.d  to  cAowZ  to  the  hoii&e.,  wheAe  ha>  sliteA  came,  to  hli>  ftt&cae.. 
Thz  ZMjage.d  arumaZ  ^oZZowed  lt&  victim  to  the  dooK-itep  otJ  the  hoaie,  and  had  to  fee 
dAlven  away  by  the.  AliteA.     Ha.  AndeA&on  Lived  {ouA  houA&  a^teA  the  attack. 

Peceoied  wai,  a  bacheZoK  and  hli>  only  6uAvlvlng  fieJiatlve.  li  the  ildteA,  Wu.  Bofid- 

ion.  WyndmeAZ  HeAaJtd 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  NovembeA  13,    1923 


Hankln6on  ^iLendi  oi  Geo.   E.  Philips  extejnd  sympathy  to  him  In  the.  toll  oi  hl& 
wl^e,  Uyfuttz  E.,  who  died  at  EJULendate  on  Sept.   30th,  {otlowlng  a  it/toke.  o^  apoplexy 
on  the  pKevloait  day.     The  PhlUpA  family  paiied  tJiKoagh  Hankln&on  the  day  bef,ofLe  6he 
wa&  itAlckejn,  being  enAoate  to  thelA  home  at  Ellendale  a{,teA  an  auto  tnlp  to  Valath. 

Ma.,  and  Ma&,   Vhltipi  fie^lded  In  Mankind  on  ^oA.  about  th/iez  yeau.     They  came  hsAe 
£Aom  Jamzitown  and  Initallzd  Hankln6on'&  zlzctAlc  light  plant,  thz  bai,lnz66  being  con- 
ducted undeA  thz  vwme  oi  thz  PhlZlpi-CoAlzton  Co.,  until  thzy  6old  out  to  thz  OttzA- 
Tall  PoweA  Company.     Vfwm  heAz  thzy  wznt  to  ElZzndalz  whzAz  Mt.  Phltipi  In&tallzd  a 
lighting  and  powzn.  plant  whlcJi  hz  itllZ  own&.     Uu.  Phlllpi  wa&  a  membeA  oi  thz  Hank- 
ion  Camp  0)5  tliz  Woodmzn  Clficlz  and  coAAlzd  ll^z  In&uAancz  In  tha.t  ofiden.. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  ************  November  22,    T923 



Pfiomlnent  BtaxLneii  Mn,   Klllzd  by  Vl&choAgz  o^  Own  Gun 

Choi.  W.  Cohen,  pfiomlnent  clothing  man  o^  HiZnoK,  wai  accidentally  ihot  and  killed 
white  poAtlclpatlng  In  the  annual  Ullnofi  midnight  Aabblt  dfilve  at  1:15  Al^  Sunday, 

With  ievetal  gKoupi  o^  HiZnoA  hunteAi,  Ua.   Cohen  wai  out  In  the  ^letdi  about  a 
mile  and  a  half,  {iKom  UllnoA..     Hz  had  a  doublz  boAAzled  ihot  gun,  and  had  dlichafiged  one 
boAAel,  wounding  the  fvabblt.     He  went  to  kill  It,  uilng  the  butt  0(J  the  gun  ai  a  club 
and  thz  otiizn  boAAzl  oq  tlie  gun  wai  dlichanged  Into  lili  body  above  tliz  heoAt,   killing 

hun  aZmo6t  Znitantty. 

In  thz  immzxiuite.  pcvUy  with  Wi,   Cohen  wfiz  the.  ioZZowlnQ  HiinoA.  cctczeni:  Judy 
Fang^Kud,  lilUMvid  Tcujzn.  and  HzaJ.  PzteA&on. 

CofioneA  LouAj,  SteJjnkz  oi  FoAjnan    held  an  -inquest  oveA  the  body,   £^dZng  dexuth 
uxLi  ac(u.dejntal, 

Uk.  Cohzn  u}a&  {^ofaneJity  In  thz  clotJUng  buiZne^^  at  LUbon  In  paAtneAihip  uiZth 
HoMjj  FZihbeAg.     Theif  xemovzd  to  HCZnofi  ievoAoZ  ye.aA&  ago,  ^^A..   FZihbeAg  tzav^ng  the 
iZnm  about  iwo  yeaA&  ago  to  go  Into  builne&i  at  Ba£{^alo,  MW. 

Choi,  W.  Cohen  wai  a  ion  oi  C.  W.   Cohen  oi  St.  Paul,  who  ou)n&  a  big  cJLothlng 
ba&lneJii  theAz.     Hz  JU,  iunvlved  by  kc&  uit^z  and  tuo  chUdxen. 

Thz  body  ooai  taken  to  WyndmeAz  and  ihippzd  to  St.  VauZ  £ofi  buAZaZ.     FunznnZ  iZA- 
vZczi  wznz  heZd  at  HiZnol,  undeA  thz  au&piczi  o^  thz  f^ia&ontc  oAdz/i  thzfiz,  0(J  whA-dk  M/i. 
Cohzn  wait  a  mzjmbzA.     Ua.  Cohzn  coAAlzd  ^Zl ,000  Zn  tL^z  .iniuAancz. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  »»»»«»*«»,    •    ,  Vzcembzn.  6,    1922 

Joe  ReZnkz  AzzeAvzd  a  meMOQZ  SatuAday  monnln^  announcing  thz  dzath  o^  hli  Unctz, 
Thomai,  Rzlnkz,  at  kii  old  homz  in  EZimiood,  WI.     Joe  Iz^t  thz  lamz  day  accompanizd  by 
hl&  mothzA,  Ha&.  Hikz  CZn&bach,  to  attend  thz  lunzAat  which  wai,  held  on  Tuz&day  oi  thli, 
wzzk.     Ma..  Relnkz  wa£  engaged  In  thz  hoAduoaAZ  bu/>lnz&6  with  hl6  A  on  ^OA  many  yeoAi  and 
wai   76  yeoM  o{t  oge  at  thz  tunz  o^  hl6  dejoth. 

Although  Ma.  Relnkz  had  nzvzA  madz  hl6  homz  In  Plchland  County,   hz  hoi   ^ofi  yzau 
made  ^Aeqaznt  vlilti  to  Hanklnion  and  wai  well  known  hzAz.     Hz  li  iuAvlved  by  j$ouA  ioni, 
tujo  daughtzUfOnz  iliteA  and  two  bAothzAi. 

HANKWSOhl  NEWS  ************  VzcejnbzA  6,    1923 


Ua&.  Anton  TAapp  died  zoAly  Sunday  moAnlng  at  hzA  homz  In  LibeAty  Gaovz  Towmhlp, 
thz  caoiz  0(5  hzA  dzath  being  compllcjotloni  o^  pneumonia  and  kldnzy  tAoublz. 

hOii.  TAapp  wai  appoAzntly  ^zzilng  well  at  S  o'clock  SatuAday  evening  when  a  ihoAp 
pain  wai  ^eZt  In  hzA  ildz.  Shz  became  uncomcloui  ihontly  af^teA  and  xzmalned  io  until 
dexith  camz  about  eight  AM  Sunday  moAnlng. 

Thz  TAapp  family  movzd  to  thelA  LibeAty  Caovz  ^anm  about  ^ouA  yzoAi  ago,  coming 
^Aom  Ada,  HN.  Veczaizd  wai  33  yzoAi  o^  agz  and  Izavzi  to  moufm  heA  untimely  death  a 
huiband  and  izvzn  imaZl  chlldAzn. 

FuneAoZ  izAvlczi  weAZ  held  at  St.   Pztzn.  and  Pauli  ChuAch  In  MantadoA,  Wzdnziday 
moKnlng,  Rev.  FatheA  Wllkzi  o^^clatlng.     Thz  iOAAowZng  huiband  hoi  thz  heaAt{^zlt 
iympathy  o{,  thz  entltz  community. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  ***********     *  VecembeA  6,    T923 



Rzildzd  In  Hanklnion  {,oA  39  YzaAi  and  li  SuAvlvzd  by  LaAgz  Family  o£  ChlldAzn 


AnotheA  plonzzA  AZildznt  a^  Hanklnion  amweAzd  thz  ^Inal  iummom  on  Tuziday    Pec. 
11th,    1923,  at  4  PU,  whzn  MAi .  GeoAgz  Machezl  paazd  away  at  heA  home  In  thli  city. 

ErtiLtLz  Tftizdhlaka.  Cajiotim  UachzzZ  wa4   boKn  at  CoKdz&hagzn,  GeJunarvj,   on  hioAch  3Kd, 
1854,   hzn  pa/Lznti  bexng  LudujZg  and  WXJihzLnina  R&6ZneA,   both  now  deceoied,     Shz  gfiew  to 
mativUtij  Aji  Gtnmany  and  woi  mafuU-zd  on  Jan.   7,    1S73,  to  Tzfidiniuvd  Razkow  at  kzfi  bAAtk- 
placz.     Thz  coaplz  migfuxtzd  to  AmeA^ca  In  H84,  oMAvZng  in  HarJUn&an  on  Manzh  IZftd  oi 
that  ijzaJi.     Two  yzoA^  ZatzA.  thz  Im&band  dtzd.     In  1888  ^hz  uxu  moAAtzd  to  Gzofigz  Hackzzt 
oi  LidgzAwood,  HV.,  who  dZzd  Zatzfi. 

Thz  iUAvtving  chitdfizn  aAz:  MA4.  Uathltda.  Rahn,   TzfidJjiand  Rackow,   Emma  KanzAt, 
Bzntha  Z/uxdiond,  G.E.  Rackow  o^  Uajntadofi,   ThzodoKz  UachzzZ  o^  (UZnofi,  WP.,  WiZUam 
MackzeZ  and  CZanxi  AZbzu .     Ww .  CanZ  landzt  i/,  a  i>i^tzn.. 

About  zlgfitzzn  months  ago  UfU.  Mackzzt  bzcamz  a^^tCctzd  with  zanzzn.  o^  thz  Up 
and  tkit,  wai,  thz  tittanatz  cause  o^  hzA  dzath.     Shz  wa&  a  JLi{^z  long  and  dzvout  membzn. 
0^  thz  Gznman  EyiangzticaZ.  ChuAch  and  dizd  iinm  Zn  thz  ChnZitian  ^aith.     Hzn.  dzath  -Ll, 
lAjizzfizZy  mouAnzd  bif  a  ZaJigz  numbzn.  o^  ^fUznds,   zspzcAjoZty  among  thz  ptonzzfu  o^  thl& 

Thz  iunzKaZ  wUZ  be  hztd  tomoKHow,    [FAJ,day]  with  ■izn.vtzz&  at  thz  homz  at  1:30  PM 
and  at  ^z  EvangzU.zal  Chxoick  at  2  ?^.     Rev.  C.  ObzAdoz&tzA  wUJL  fee  In  choAgz  and  thz 
pattbzaAZU  wiJUi  bz  HzAman  WZnth,  Cha6.  Hzln,  Sa.,  Hznman  EAimmond,  CaAJi  Eazkhoa&z, 
JuZLoi  VfULzgzn  and  H.  C.  HoU^an.     Tntznmznt  waJUL  bz  madz  In  thz  EvangzLicaZ  CmztzAy. 
HAmWSON  NEWS  ««»»»«»,»»**  Vzcembzn.  13,   1923 


Thz  community  wa&  shocked  Sunday  to  IzoAn  o^  thz  saddzn  dzath  oi  Othztla  Lucltiz, 
daaghtzA  o^  UK.  and  WUi.  Olz  Evznson  o^  Nm  E^^lngton.     Thz  glfiZ  swaZLowzd  a  small 
Stonz  whlZz  on  hzA  way  homz  i-tom  school  ThuAsday  zvznlng     It  bzcamz  lodgzd  In  thz  aln. 
passagz  and  mzdlcal  aid  was  summoned  ^Aom  Hanklnson.     Shz  was  takzn  to  thz  EAZckzn/ildgz 
Hospital  whexz  an  opzHjotlon  was  nzczssafiy  to  Avnovz  thz  obstAuctlon.     Hzfi  condition  was 
consldzAzd  vzfiy  szfilous  and  thz  ^amlty  was  summonzd  to  hzA  bzdsldz.     Hzn.  last  woKdLs 
wzAZ  "Uy  God  HdLp  Me,"  and  thzn  szzlng  hzn.  paAznts  wzzplng,  shz  askzd  "What's  thz  mattzfi 
with  Papa?"  wavzd  hzfi  hand  good-byz.     Thz  dlAzct  causz  o^  hzn.  dzath  was  pnzumonla. 

Othella  Lucillz  was  zlght  yzoAS,  tu]o  months  and  twznty  nlnz  days  old.     A  vejiy 
bfilght  lovablz  child,  always  smiting,  shz  was  thz  Idol  oi  thz  houszhold  In  a  family  o^ 

Thz  ianzKal  occunAzd  last  Thiiuday  {^Aom  thz  hom.,  and  thz  llttlz  ioAm  laid  to  Azst 
In  thz  czmztzAy  nzoA.  by. 

VzaXh  Is  a  hand  mastzA.     Hz  would  takz  ^Aom  us  ouA  bAlghtzst  and  bzst,   but  hz 
cannot  zvzA  moA  mzmony.     It  will  szKvz  as  a  balm  to  ouA  woundzd  hzoAts . 

HANKINSON  NEWS  *,«  hnNGWN  RECORV*  '  ^^'^^^^  '' '    '''' 

"UouAn  not  thz  lost  In  Azalms  o£  changzlzss  gladnzss, 
WhzAZ  ^Alzndshlp's  tlzs  oAz  nzvzK  cAushzd  and  bAokzn. 
We  still  may  mzzt;  Hz  who  holds  ouA  sadnzss. 
Hath  to  thz  tAustlng  hzoAt  assuAancz  gl\)Zn  oi  that  blzsszd  land, 

Whzfiz  iAzz  ^Aom  coAz  and  pain, 

Fond  {lAlznds  and  lovzd  onzs  will  unltz  again."    wH(/  eTFJNGTON  RECORD 


KifUi.   CoJdi  ?cu,btu.Q  AnAwcAA   {^-LvwiZ  nmmora> 
A  Ru-Ldtnt  0^  ZichZiind  County  ion.  NzoAZy  45  Vio/u  and  Highly  E&tzme.d. . . 

IfJU,.  CoaZ  PtLibfUg,  MidzZy  known  thAoughout  thJj,  6zction  and  a  pionzzA  iztXtoJi, 
dZe.d  at  hzfi  homz  In  EMjanddnbafig  Town&hyLp  la&t  Tkuuday  a{,tzn.  an  -ilZnzi&  zxttnding  ovax 
a  numbzA  o^  yavui .  WfUlz  han.  ittAzngth  had  been  laJJUing  ioK  iomz  timz,  thz  i-inaZ  Aummoni 
(uamz  OJ)  a  gfizat  ihozk  to  thz  ^amiZy  as  it  wait  not  thought  i/ie  wai,  in  any  irmzdAjxtz  dang- 
Vi  0(5  pa64^g  (mojy.     PeAntciooi  ajtizsnia.  waa  Hiz  caose  o^  dzath. 

Vzczdizd  wai  bofin  in  Gznmany,  Aug.   Htk,    1854,  and  camz  to  Amznica  wKitz  itiZt  a 
young  womajn.     Shz  hoi  fiz&idzd  in  PJ.ckla.nd  County  6incz  ISSO,  and  thz  Poibfiig  iamiZy  afiz 
wztl  known  thAoughout  thiM  vicinity,     Vzcza&zd  wai  a  dzvout  ChAiitian  and  tivzd  up  to 
hz/L  pfioizi>i>ijan  in  zyzfiy  day  Zi^z. 

Shz  i&  6uAvivzd  by  thz  itfiickzn  hu&band,  two  ionl,,  Waltzn.  Pa&bfiig  and  PobzAt  Hatz- 
hauLZfi  and  two  daughtzu,  Ww.  tf!m.  Bohn  and  Has.  AAt  GfiizjpzntAog ,  aZZ  o{,  whom  AZJ>iAz  in 
this  vicinity. 

Thz  lunzAoJi  wad  hztd  at  GAzat  Bend  and  wa6  attzndzd  by  a  loAgz  numbzA  o^  iofiAowing 
{^fiizndt,  a64zjnblzd  to  pay  thziA  ^inaZ  tnibutz  to  one  who  bzlovzd  aZt. 


A  mzii&agz  Azczivzd  hzAz  thz  lattzA  pant  o^  latt  wzzk  announczd  thz  dzath  o^  HzAman, 
StnnbzZ,  agzd  86,  at  PonXland,  OP.     Vzcza&zd  wa&  onz  oi  thz  iiAit  izttlzAi  in  PicMand 
Caunty^  locating  a  homzitzad  on  thz  WiZd  nzoA  GAzat  Bznd  in  1874,  nzjmJLy  50  yzau 

Vzcza6zd  wai  bonn  in  Gznmany  and  waj,  in  thz  87th  yzoA  o^  hii  age.     He  maAnizd  in 
thz  old  countAy  and  thz  family  camz  to  AmznicR  in  1874,  going  diAzct  to  thz  GAzat  Bznd 
nzighbonhood.     Thzy  tivzd  thzAz  ^OA  many  yzoAS,  latzA  moving  to  Hankimon,  and  about 
tzn  yzoAi  ago  Iz^t  ion  Pontland,   OP.,  to  makz  thzln  homz.     Thz  iin&t  wi^z  dizd  duAing 
thz  tmz  thzy  livzd  nzoA  GAzat  Bznd  and  Ua.  StAubzZ  maAnizd  again,  bzing  iunvivzd  by 
thz  i>zcond  wi^z.     He  wai  ill  but  a  izw  day.i,  having  bzzn  takzn  to  a  hospital  about  a 
wzzk  bzioAz  thz  znd  camz.     He  wai  a  kindZy  old  gzntlzman  and  had  many  inizndi  among  thz 
pionzzAi  oi  thz  Wild  Picz  nzighbonhood. 

Hz  ii  iuAvivzd  by  thAzz  4on6  and  two  dojughtzu:  Wm.  StAubzl  oi  tkii  city,  Hznman 
StnubeZ  oi  Poiadzna,  CA.,  Albznt  StAsibzJL  oi  hlinnzapolLi ,  lAAi .  UoAij  PzAickbakzA  oi  Fango 
but  who  ii  6pznding  thz  wintzn  in  CaliioAnia,  and  UAi.  HI.  A.  Bnjxndzl  oi  Chilton,  WJ. 

VztaiZi  0(J  thz  iunznal  which  wai  hzld  at  Pontland  havz  not  bzzn  Azczivzd  hznz. 
HANKJUSOM  NEWS  »«**•**««»««  VzczmbzA  27,    1923 


Mti.  Jcanu  Tamckox,  KZiXxUng  nofitk  o{  StZiu ,   cU,e.d  Monday  night  oi  Gfuivu' 
Vlizoiz  a{^izA  an  iZZneJ>6  o^  but  a  {^eu)  houAJ>. 

Ve.czai>zd  was  33  yzaA&  o^  age.  and  Xa  6u/LvZvzd  by  thz  ha&band  and  £ouA.  ^maZZ.  ckiZd- 
fizn.     The.  sympathy  oi  aZZ  goe4  to  tke.  6oM.ovoZng  ^amlZy  aji  theAA.  gxeat  beAeAvemznt. 

HAUKWSON  NEWS  VzcembeA  27,    1923 


Joe.  Kadzchka.,  onz  o^  the.  pZonzeM.  lettZeAA  oi  Lidgtnwood  dle.d  taj>t  ffUday  moKyujig 
a^tzfi  an  IttneMi  o^  4e.veAaI.  wecfei.     Oeceoied,  who  uia&  77  yejan&  o^  age  at  the.  turn  o{ 
hli,  death,  ha&  been  pnacZicaZZy  heZpteii  ioK  tivUittzn  yeaJU>,  {,ottouiLng  a  4>tMkz  o^ 

He.  had  been  a  KeMlde.nt  o^  LidgeM)ood  ^oK  22  yea/u, .     He.  leaver  to  mouAti  hU  dzpofit- 
uA.e  thAzz  daughtzu,  M^.  Adolph  Honl,  Ma4.  Joe  Fac/ia  and  Hu.  AlbzAt  HeZzy,  att  o^ 
Lidgznwood.     FanzAaZ.  AeA.vZzz6  weAZ  heZd  at  thz  Bohemian  CathoZA.c  ChuAck  at  LLdgznuood 
on  Sunday.  •••»»,,•«»•« 

HANKINSON  NEi^S  ^^^^„    ^^^^     ^^^^  JanmAy  3,    1924 


Aaguit  Stnx^z,  Rzildznt  o^  GAzzndaZz  ioA  30  yzau,  Vlzi,  UnexpzctzdZy 

August  St/iachz,  a  Az&ldznt  o^  GAzzndaZz  Towmklp  ion.  mofiz  than  30  yzam,,   dtzd 
a^tzA  an  lZZnz&6  o^  but  onz  day.     HZ6  hzaZth  had  been  {^OAJLlng  ^ofi  iomz  timz  but  thz 
6uddeji  ejid  came  aZmo&t  without  woAntng  and  uxii  a  gKzat  ihock  to  /tC0A.z&  OjJ  oZd  i^znd6 
among  thz  plonzeAi  o^  thz  nzlghbo/ihood. 

Vzcea&ed  uiai,  bofin,  Hay  23hd,   H5S,   neaA  BzAJtln,   EfuindznbuAg ,  GeAmany,  and  woi  In 
hi&  ilxty-^ouAth  yeoA  at  thz  tlmz  oi  kli,  death.     Hz  mlgAotzd  to  thz  Unltzd  Statzi  In 
1S87,  izttZlng  {,lA.i>t  at  Oconouilc,  WI.,  In  that  yzan.     TouA  yeau  iatzt.  In  1891 ,  fee 
camz  to  RlchZand  County  and  loK  a  timz  woxkzd  a&  a  ^oAm  laboKZA.     Hz  was  maAAZed  UoA- 
c/i  20;Cfe,   1893  to  UaAZz  JaAdcJiz^ki  who,  with  iouA  chlZdAzn,  6UAvlvz6  him.     Uu.  Stnackz 
wai  at  onz  tlmz  emptoyzd  ai,  a  domzitlc  In  thz  homz  o^  SamueZ  Gompzu,  thz  gKzat  iaboA. 
Zzadzfi,  and  a  coupZz  o^  yzau  ago  madz  a  tAlp  to  Nejjo  Vonii  wheAz  ihz  hxw  a  guzst  In  thz 
GompeAJ)  homz  ion  i,omz  timz. 

ShontZy  a^tzn.  theln  moAAlagz  thz  couplz  6zttZzd  on  a  ^anm  In  GfizzndaZz  Towmhlp 
wheAz  they  havz  llncz  fiz&ldzd,     Voun  chlZdAzn  OAZ  at  homz:   ¥Kzd,  Hattlz,  Auguit,  JR., 
and  Emma. 

Thz  ^uneAoZ  wai,  hztd  Monday,  Jan.  14th,  6eAvlcz&  being  conducted  at  thz  LuthzAon 
ChuAch  by  Rev.  J.  P.  KZauiZeA.  Many  0(J  ifee  plonzzu  o^  tkii  ZocaJLity  weAZ  In  attznd- 
ancz  to  pay  thzlA  llnaZ  tAJJbutz  oi  xzipzct  to  thz  ituAdy  old  plonzeA  who  waj,  unlvzu- 
aZZy  Az&pzctzd  and  z&tzemzd.     Intzftment  wai  madz  In  thz  LuthzAan  CemztZAy. 

UaAjy,  6lx  yzoA  otd  daughtzA  oi  Ma.,  and  Uu,  John  KZlmek,  dlzd  at  heA  homz  In  thci 

CAJty  loJtit  Sunday  ijAom  chAoncc  appzndlcLtci .     HeA  condition  tecome  io  cUtlcjiZ  that  a 
4>zcond  opzfuLtion  wcl&  pzKf^ofimtd  tht  day  o£  hzn.  dejith  ^AMin  uhlch  6he.  lalZtd  to  AzcoveA. 
EvzAythlng  po&iibZt  uoai,  donz  to  i,avz  thz  tittte.  6u^^tn.eA,   but  to  no  avail, 

Uafiy  u}a&  boAJi  In  thii  city  and  heA.  dzath  li  ilnczfioZy  mounnzd  by  hzn.  tiXtZe.  play- 
mate/, ai  wzU.  ai,  thz  it/Uckeji  paA.znt&  and  £ouA.    tittZz  bfiotheM  and  il&tsM^. 

Thz  ^uneAol  woi  keZd  Wzdnt&day  voltk  izamIcu  at  St.  PhiZip'^  ChuAcSi  by  Rev.  Jo6. 

F.  Studnlcka. 



CafiZton  BA.emtz/L,  a  plonzoji  ftutdent  of^  Uofuan  Townihip,  tkli  county,  died  at  hli 
homz  In  Sll>£e;ton,  SV.,  on  Monday  Jan.   7th,    1924. 

CanZton  ZfiesMtex  voat>  bofm  In  Suimzutt  County,  Maine,  Dec.   27,    1846,  and  lived 
theln.  uilth  hli  poAznti  until  he  had  Kzachzd  the  agz  o^  21  yeoM,  when  he  movzd  to  Hinn- 
uptcL.     In  7879  hz  camz  to  Uofutjn.  Dakota,  settling  on  a  homestead  In  MoAa.n  Twp,  neafi. 

On  Nov.  29,   1880,  hz  was  unltzd  In  maxfUagz  to  Hii6  CloAxi  A.  Stllzi  and  to  thl& 
union  mzAZ  boftn  tujo  chlldfizn ,Emma,  who  dlzd  In  glulhood,  and  HznbzAt  who  now  fizsldzi 
In  Sli^eton.     Hli  wl^e  dlzd  Feb.  7th,   1890.     On  Oct.   18th,   1892,  Uk.  Zfiemtzn.  wa& 
moAAlzd  to  AZJicz  HlbboAd  and  to  thli  union  wai  fco/tn  onz  daaghtzA,  Hazel. 

In  1904  the  family  fiemovzd  to  Sl&&zton,  SO.,  whzAZ  thzy  havz  ilnce  madz  thzlfi  home. 

UfL.   EAeuitzA  had  been  ixcfe  only  a  (Jew  howu,  bz{^oh.z  death  camz  and  although  hl& 
health  had  been  falling  {^ofi  lomz  tlmz  hl&  death  camz  as  a  4>hock  to  all.     Hz  was   78  yeaJU 
otd.     Hz  leavzi  to  mouAn  hli  lo&6  a  wl{iZ,  onz  ion  Henhefit  BKZiMtzn.  oi  Slazton  and  one 
daughtzfi,  Maj,.  Hazel  Fllggz,   o^  SpAlng  Vallzy,  MM.,  and  thAzz  gfumdioni. 

FuneAol  6eAvlczi  weAZ  held  at  the  M.  E.  ChuAch  In  Sliizton  lait  Wzdnziday  a^tzA- 

naon,  Reu.  Gouth  officiating. 



John  HeAman,  one  oi  the  ^lut  whltz  AettlzAi  In  SaAgznt  County,  dlzd  at  hli  homz 
In  Hamlin  Twp.,  j'uit  acAoii>  thz  Richland  County  tlnz,  lait  wzzk.     Hz  woi  well  known  to 
many  o^  thz  plonzzu  along  thz  Wild  Rice  RLveA  In  thli  county,  having  {^ollowzd  thz  tine 
oi  6zttlzmznt  wzit  o^  Hamlin  on  thz  Alvz/.  In  1880,  wheAe  hz  locatzd  a  homzitead  and  hai 
ilnce  fizildzd.     Hz  was  a  veteAon  o^  thz  CIvaX  Woa  and  had  fieached  the  agz  o^  78  yzam . 

Hz  woi  onz  oi  thz  zanly  County  Commli^lonZAi  and  hz  took  an  active  pant  In  thz 
zoAly  political  hlitofiy  o^  thz  county.     Hz  li  i>uAvlvzd  by  a  laJigz  family  oi  gfiown  chlld- 
HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  Jamxafiy  14,    1924 

(  Thz  heading  on  the  abovz  anXlcle  stated  two  Sa/igent  County 
Vlonzzm  but  only  onz  obltuoAy  wai  given] 

SAP     VEATH     OF     JUROR 
E.  C.   7UJU.QAJX  oi  ToAJmoant  CaZZzd  Saddznty.,, 
VZtS  TAom  HzoAt  FcuZuAz  a  Few  Hoau  A{teA  SeA.v/.ng  in  John  Ehn.  Ca&z. . . . 

EnUZ  C.   'LUZQltt,  a.  A.e/,Zdznt  o£  fcujmount  MWLolqz  and  a  membzA  o^  tht  diitfu-ct 
CLoafct  ju/iy  {^OK  ihe.  ttnm  now  -en  4>U6-ion  cut  Wahpzton,  dizd  Sundaif  mofuiLng  at  tko.  homz 
oi  hli>  bfUJthdA,  ChoAZu  LUZgAXt,  412  W.   5th  St.,  WahpzXon,     Vzath  occ.uM.zd  ImttantZij 
and  woA  daz  to  hzafit  ioAjjuxz. 

E.  C.   liZZqitt  woi  onz  oi  thz  juAoA^  in  thz  aiiz  0(J  thz  Statz  u4.  John  EhA,  who 
uoa6  choAgzd  mitk  boo-tdegg-cng .     Thz  ca&z  uiznt  to  thz  j'tviy  SatuAxkuf  about  5  o'ctock  and 
thz  juAy  KztoAnzd  a  vzAdLct  o£  giUZty  ihoKtJbj  a^tzn.  8  o'clock  thz  6ainz  evening . 

Thz  vzfidict  uxu  Kzachzd  too  latz,   howzvzn.,  to  atiovo  hlK.   liZZgitt  to  go  to  hu  homz 
at  Taifmownt  on  thz  HLZwauhzz  tAoin  which  Zzavz6  Wahpzton  ihoKtZy  a^tzn.  zlgkt  PM  4o  hz 
Kemainzd  with  hii  bfiothzA.  ChajiUzjb  antiZ  Sunday  mofining. 

About  haZ^  pa&t  ninz  Sunday  moaning  thz  bfiothzfu  wznt  out  to  thz  goAagz  at  thz 
Kzan.  oi  thz  ZiJLtgitt  homz,  ai  it  had  bzzn  dzcidzd  that  ChaAZz&  wouZd  takz  hit,  bfijothzn. 
to  Faifunount  by  Fond.     ChanZzs  attzmptzd  to  i^tajit  thz  znginz,   but  bzcaa&z  o^  thz  cold 
it  wouZd  not  titaJdt.     Hz  thzn  wznt  into  thz  hou&z  to  gzt  hot  watzn.  to  pouA  ovzn.  thz  coAb- 
uAztoA,  woi  gonz  pznhap&  tMO  on.  thfizz  minutzi,  and  upon  hii  AztuAn  to  thz  gaAogz  kz 
dLUtCOVzAzd  hi&  bAothzA  Zyir^  upon  thz  ^ZooA,  aZAzady  dzad.     Thz  two  mzn  had  bzzn  in  con- 
vzMation  whzn  ChoAtzi,  wznt  into  thz  hou&z,  and  thz  un^oAtunatz  man  had  bzzn  in  pzA- 
jjec-t  hzaZth  up  to  thz  imtant  oi  ku  dzath. 

Vzczoizd  was  boAn  in  GzAmany.     At  thz  agz  o^  ^ouA  hz  camz  with  hii  paAznti  to 
AmzfUca,  and  Apznt  kii  youngzA  Zi^z  nzoA.  Lakz  City,  MW.,  at  thz  ^amiZy  homz.     He  camz 
to  ZichZand  County  about  thiAty-£ivz  yzoAi,  ago,  moit  o^  thz  timz  iincz  thzn  bzing  &pznt 
on  a  £aAm  in  VzViZZo  Townihip,  a  {ew  miZz&  noAthuz&t  o^  Fainmount.     FouA  yzafu,  ago  hz 
and  hi&  wi^z  movzd  into  FaJjmount  ViZZagz,  whzAz  thzy  havz  Az&idzd  &incz.     Hz  wai  ii^ty- 
iix  yzau  0^  agz. 

Hz  had  4>zAvzd  as  townihip  cZzAk  in  VzViZZo  Towmhip  ^OA  izvzAoZ  yzoA^,  and  znjoyzd 
thz  ^Aiznd&hip  o{^  aZZ  who  knew  him.     Hz  was  zZzctzd  ^oAcman  o^  thz  juAy  on  which  hz 
iZAvzd  juit  bzfiOAZ  hii  dzath. 

Ua.  and  Mw.  ZilZgitt  had  no  chiZdAzn.     Hz  -os  iuAvivzd  by  ki&  wi^z,  thAzz  bAothzu 
and  a  i>i/>tzA.     A  ^ouAth  bAothzA  dizd  a  (Jew  yzoAi,  ago.     Thz  bAothzAi  and  6i6tzA  aAZ'.   . 
ChoAJtzs  liZZgitt  0(5  Wahpaton,  GzoAgz  at  VztAoit,  MM.,  AdoZph  at  FaiAmount  and  M-cii 
Emma  Wi&z  at  Lakz  CZty,  MM. 

Thz  lunzAxit  wai  hztd  at  FaiAmount  at  2  o'clock  Tuz&day  a^tzAnoon.     A  committzz 
0^  ^ivz  ^Aom  thz  juAy  dAa^tzd  appAopAiatz  Az&oZutiom,  which  wzAZ  iznt  to  thz  bzAzavzd 
^amiZy,  and  iimiloA  AZl>oZution&  wzAZ  pAzpoAzd  by  a  committzz  AzpAz&znting  thz  baA  o^ 
thz  county. 

Ua.   liZZgitt  woi  thz  izcond  juAoA  to  bz  caZZzd  by  dzath  iincz  thz  j'uAy  wai  dAmcn 
zaAZy  in  VzczmbzA.     J.  J.  HuZZ  o^  Wahpzton  dizd  unzxpzctzdZy  a  (Jew  dayi  bz^oAZ  count 
convened.  «••*«,««», 


AbeACAombiz,  Jan,   7g^ Tfi.e  wfiolz  cormanLty  wcu>  i,addznz.d  lcLi,t  Saturday  on  accoiint 

0^  X^z  iuddtn  dzcutk  o^  Azzt  T.  QaoAfum,  6on  o^  Ma.,  and  Maj,.  ThoKvatd  Oujxfinum. 

Axzt  waj)  a&^Ziting  StanZzy  HcMan^gtz  iasu  wood  vxith  a  clfidiz  i>auo  fum  by  an  8  hofi&z 
powzA  ga&  eng-cne  Zn  thz  UanZLn  Wold  yand  wkzn  thz  bzLt  itippzd  o^^^  and  In  tfiyZng  to  adj- 
oit  Zt,  wai,  caught  by  thz  loot  and  whltZzd  oAound,  itopp-ing  thz  powzA{^uZ  eng-ine  ^n&tantly, 
HZi  body  woa  hoMA.bly  toAn  zxpo^Zng  hU  stomach  and  Zntz&tinzi>  and  hz  aJUo  had  a  bad 
goih  In  hJj,  hzad.     Hz  u>a&  at  oncz  caftJu.zd  to    hi&  homz  only  a  ihont  d^tancz  away  and 
Vk.  W.  E.  G.   lancjoJitQX  turmonzd.     Wahpz^on  docto/u,  wz/iz  aZ&o  cjoZZzd  but  Axzt  wai  bzyond 
thz  OA-d  o{^  mzdicai  iiuJUi.     Thz  accldznt  ozaufuizd  at  3:50  Zn  thz  a^tzAnoon  and  hz  dCzd 
at  6:30  An  thz  zvzning.^Hz  wai  con&cioui  nzafiZy  oJ^  thz  -time  and  lOAjd  hz  did  not  iu{^£zfL. 

Axzt  wa&  boAn  in  AbzficAombZz  on  Jan.   18th,    1904,  and  attzndzd  thz  pubtic  ichoot 
thzAz  and  wa&  a  mzmbzn.  o^  thz  M.  W.  A.     Hz  wai,  a  young  man  o^  zxzmptoAy  habZti,  vzfoj 
quizt  and  homz  tovZng,     "HZl,   {^aXkzu'i  fUght  hand  man"  iM  thz  common  laying.     Haj,  ^athzA 
and  mothzn.  and  ^oufi  iZitzu,  and  onz  bfiothzA  afiz  tz^t  to  mounn  hJj>  ton,  at&o  hJU  agzd 
gKandmothzA  and  gftand^athzA,  KUl.  and  Uu .  Otz  QuaMim,  who  AZiZdz  in  Ghand  Tonki> .  Thzy 
WZA.Z  pAz&znt  tait  Wed.,  to  attznd  thz  iunZAat.     Rev.  CoAt&on  o^  Wotvztton  conducted 
thz  izn.vZcz&  at  thz  AZ&idzncz  and  Rev.   V.   L.   VztzAbon  at  thz  cJuiAch,     ThzAz  wai  ipzclat 
mu&ic  by  a  matz  quoAtzttz.     Thz  QuoAALun  family  havz  thz  sympathy  o^  thz  zntiAz  community 
in  thzAA.  bzAzavemznt. 

Va.  V.  E.  Ryan  Aztufinzd  Sunday  ^Aom  St.  PaiiZ,  whzAz  hz  wai  cattzd  by  thz  dzath 
0^  hii  ^athzA,     Ua.  Ryan  had  Azachzd  thz  Aipz  age  o^  87  yzaAi  and  dzath  wai  duz  to 
a  itAckz  o{)  appoptzxy.     Funzfiat  iZAviczi  wzAz  hztd  tait  ThuAiday, 

HANKINSON  NEWS  »»«««»»*««  JamioAy  24,    1924 


HAi.   Louda  GAomznz,   63,   dizd  at  hzA  homz  in  BaAnzy  tait  ThuAiday  zvzning  at  iix 
o'ctock  oi  dAopiy  ^Aom  which  dlizjuz  ihz  had  tong  bzzn  a  iu^ZAzn.. 

Vzczoizd  wai  boAn  in  Gznmany  and  camz  to  thci  countAy  wiXh  hzA  ^ixit  huiband,   TAzd 
JahA,  many  yzaAi  ago.     Somz  timz  a^tzA  hZi  dzath  ihz  maAAczd  a  izcond  timz,  hzA  izcond 
huiband  dying  in  Oct.  o^  1923.     ToA  thz  pait  ninz  yzoAi  ihz  hai  Aziidzd  at  BaAnzy. 

Shz  ii  iuAvivzd  by  ^ivz  gAown  chiZdAzn,  two  ioni  and  thAzz  daughtZAi,  thz  youngzit 
o{i  whom  ii   16  ifZOAi  0|{  agz.     Vzcza^zd  wai  known  to  iomz  o{i  ouA  pionzzAi  o^  Hankimon. 

Thz  £unzAat  wai  hztd  Monday  at  BaAnzy  and  intzAmznt  wai  madz  in  thz  czmztzAy  nzoA 
that  ptacz. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  JanuoAy  31,    1924 


Hzfiman  HeAmamzn,   (^ofmzx  6iAvZczman,  6on  o^  Ma.,  and  ^^AJ> ,  Ham  HeAmarUion  of,  nzoA. 
EZtzndaZe.,   comniitte.d  &  by  shooting  kim&oZi  Z.n  the.  hz/id  with  a  ihotgan.     It  -ci 
bzZLvJtd  tht  acJt  wa&  corrmitte.d  dwUng  a  tempo AOAif  act  o^  i.n&anLtif.     It  ^  thought  that 
the.  tht^t  oi  hU,  Kzcejvtly  puAchaizd  onto  may  have.  contfUbatexi  to  hL&  mcrvtaZ  coruLitLon. 

Hilt  motheJi,  seeing  hAm  handLing  thz  ihotgun  tAA.zd  va^nty  to  get  the.  gun  awaij  f^fiom 
Lun,  and  thz  £a;(heA.  woi  caZZe.d,  Thz  young  man  ihot  hun^zZ^  j'a&t  a&  thz  ^athzA  wai  tfuy- 
Zng  to  &eA.zz  thz  gun, 
HANKJNSOhl  NEWS  **********  JammAy  31,   1924 


WzZZ  Known  RziZdznt  CaJULzd  'By  Thz  GnMn  RzapeA, . .  .Poiizd  hoay  Sunday  k^teJi  Many 
Months  0(5  SuHzfUng  Fnxjm  Canczn.  o^  thz  Stomach.,,. 

Gaitav  f^zdenwaZdt,  a  fizsZdznt  o^  HankZn&on  ^OA.  20  yzaju,  dLLzd  Sunday,   Feb.   Ifid, 
a^tzn.  iu^^eAxng  many  monthi  (^hjom  canzeA  o{^  thz  itomach. 

Vzzzoizd  wai  bonn  Szpt,  Sfid,   1873,  Jin  NzuzndofL^,   ?ommzAa.YUJJi,  Gzfmany,  and  woi 
ma/aUzd  to  Emltiz  WZtkz  on  Nov.   Ht,   1901 .     Two  yeoju,  latzn.,  -tn  1903  thz  young  coupZz 
zmlghjotzd  to  Amz/Uca,   coming  dJjizztZy  to  Hanfvimon  whzAz  thzy  havz  &i.nzz  fLZ&Zdzd.     Hz 
was  empZoyzd  ai,  a  ZaboxeA.  Zn  town  and  on  ^afm6  ^on  izvznaZ  yzoAj,  and  zngagzd  Zn  ^afm- 
Zng  on  hZ&  own  account  about  12  yzau  ago.     Hz  wa&  a  con&cizntioai  and  AJidae,tnA.oa&  cJX- 
i.zzn  and  had  thz  Kz&pzct  and  z&tzzm  o^  aZZ  who  knew  hhn. 

Hz  U>  6uAvZvzd  by  thz  wl^z,  but  no  dfuZdJizn,   onz  bfiothzfi,   FKank  F.  HzdznwaJUt  o{ 
Sohofua,   bziZdzi  iouA  6-iitzfU>  and  hii  agzd  moth.zA.  ^n  Gznmany. 

Thz  {lUnznaZ  wai  heZd  Wzdnz&day  at  thz  Luthzfian  ChuAch,  Rzv.  J.  P.  KLaasZeA.  conduct- 
ing thz  £eAvl.cz6,  and  wai  attended  by  a  Zafigz  numbzA  OjJ  60M.owZng  ^Klznd&.     InteMmznt 
wa&  madz  Zn  thz  Lutheran  Cemztzfiy. 

**********  Vebfwuofw  7     1924 

HANKWSOhl  NEiilS  teonua^  i, 


Vfuank  SchneZZeA,  weJiZ  known  WahpeXon  tctczen,  and  ^otheA.  oi  B.  F.  SchneZZeA,  wztt 
known  Wahpzton  aJJjoKney,   dJizd  at  St.  ¥fLancl&  HoipltaZ  In  BAZckzn/Udgz  Tuziday  o^  Zoit 
weefe,  at  noon,   ioZZowlng  an  IZZnzM  oi  about  thfizz  wzzki.     Vzath  wa6  caa&zd  by  pnzumonLa. 

Ufi.  SchnztZzn.  was   79  yeaAi>  oZd,  JanuoAy  7th.     Hz  wai  boAn  In  Gzfmany  and  came  to 
thii   coantAy  when  onZy  12  yeaA&  o{,  age.     He  had  been  a  fLZ&Zdznt  o^  Wahpeton  £oA  mnay 
yeoAii ,     H-C4  ^on,  GzoAgz  woi  kZZZzd  Zn  battZz  duAZng  thz  SpaKiih-AmeAican  WaA. 

VunzAaZ  l,eAvtczi  weAz  hzZd  at  thz  St.  John'6  CathoZtc  ChuAch  In  Wahpzton,  Zoit  ThuAi- 
day  moAnlng  by  Rzv.   FatheA  Rlddzn,  and  -inteAmznt  wai>  madz  Zn  thz  CathoZtc  CemeteAy  wz&t 
o£  Wahpeton.  ********** 

WeZZ  Known  Rzi tdznt  VZzi  Suddznly 
SuAvlvzd  by  Huiband,   Two  ChZZdAzn  and  NumeAoui,  OtheA  RzZativz& 

tAu.  Auguit  FoeZtz,  bofLn  -in  HcLnkln&on,  dlzd  at  hex  home,  iouuthejut  o^  thii  caMj 
SiLnday  moAning,  Feb.  24th,  a^tzn.  an  -LilnU4,  0(J  many  months.  The.  tnd  came  iuddznZy, 
Ww.  VoeZtz  beting  iejoute.d  Zn  a  chain  doZng  iomz  ^ancy  nzzdZz  woKk,  when  the  AngeZ  o^ 
Vzath  gavz  thz  ^ZnaZ  i,ummoni . 

Vzczaizd  iMJ)  bonn  In  tkii  (uty  on  Oct.   12th,   1890,  hzn.  maZdzn  namz  faexng  EZiZz 
SchAozdeJi.     HeAz  4ihz  g/tew  to  womanhood  and  uiai>  maA/u.zd  to  Aagu&t  Tozttz.     Oi  tku  anton 
tuo  chiZd/izn  iuAvZvz,  Uonman  and  EvzZyn.     Vzczaizd  had  bzzn  Zn  pooK  hzalth  ^ox  a  tong 
-tune  and  was  a  patiznt  and  chzzA^uZ  6u^^zA.zfL, 

Bzi,'idzi>  thz  4>t/Uckzn  hmband  and  AoAAoiaing  chitdfizn  ihz  Z&  iofLvZvzd  by  hzn.  panznti,, 
Cite,  and  Bzntha  Vozltz;   £oun  bnothzu,   Cafit,  Gzongz,   Eduiln  and  Otto;  hzn  gnandpanznti , 
Hn.  and  Mn&.  Aaga&t  GoZZnZck;  unctzs,  Aagait,  WZtUxm  and  Max  Gottnick;  aiinti,  Wit, 
Goitav  fztgnzn,  M-w.  SchrUdt,  M/l4  .  Jenien  and  Ma6,  Wkltz;  6^tzn&--Ln-lau),   Emma,   Ida  and 
Mathilda  [aZt  bonn  Fozttz) ;  aant6,  Hn& .  Cha&.  Hzln,  Sn.,  Mm.  Pztzn  Lznzzn,  Mn6.  E.  A. 
King,  Mw.  R.  Bztiin;  anctz& ,  John,   EmU.  and  AZbznt  E,  Scknazdzn.     At  thz  timz  o^  hzn 
dzath  &hz  wai,  33  yzan&,   4  months  and  9  dayt  oZd.     EzsZdzi  thz  many  nzZativzi,  hzn  an- 
timzty  demit  z  it  moannzd  by  a  Zangz  clncZz  o£  ^nizndi. 

FanznaZ  tznviczt  wznz  hztd  at  ImmanaeJi  Eu.   ChuAck  on  Sunday,   Feb.   24th,  Rzv.  C. 
Obzndozttzn  conducting  thz  tznviczt.     Thz  pall  bzanzm  wznz  Chat.  Hexn,  Jn.,  AZ^nzd 
Hzin,  Robznt  EztLin,  Anton  Lznzzn  and  CanZ  FaZk. 

HANKJHSON  WEWS  FzbnuaAy  2S,    1924 

Wm.  F.  GWi  Endi  Li^z  In  Kzyttonz  Gnovz.... 
Jit  Health  Suppotzd  to  Havz  Bzzn  Caaiz  o^  Hit  Szlf,  Dzttnuction. . . . 

WZttlam  F.  Gill,   41  yzoKt  old,   committzd  tujCcidz  by  hanging  kim&zli  Inom  a  tnzz  in 
thz  g/u7ve  on  thz  Fnitz  Smidt  ^anm  nzan  Mantadon,   bzttzn  known  at  thz  Kzyttonz  Gnovz, 
tomz  timz  duning  lait  Thauday  night.     Zll  hzalth  wot  thought  to  havz  bzzn  thz  motivz. 

Gill,  with  hit  wiiz,  annivzd  in  Mantadon  about  iix  wzzkt  ago  ion  a  vitit  with  kit 
iittzn.  Mm.  Joe  Bizgzl,  and  family.     Hz  had  bzzn  dztpondznt  ion  tomz  timz,   following 
a  long  iZlnztt,  and  kit  nathzn  incohznznt  taZk  had  cautzd  thz  iamity  contidznablz  un- 
eatinzti.     Hz  got  up  about  10  o'clock,  in  thz  zvznZng,  thontZij  a^tzn  netining,  and  when 
hz  iaiZed  to  nztann  in  a  thont  timz,  thz  aloAm  wot  givzn  and  tzanching  pantizt  ttantzd 
out  to  look  ion  him.     A  panty  wat  in  pnognztt  at  thz  Wm.  Knuzgzn  homz  and  a  phonz  call 
thznz  ttoAtzd  many  out  on  thz  teanch.     Thz  hunt  continuzd  all  night,  and  at  7  o'clock 
thz  following  monning  a  panty,  contitting  oi  Jot.  Vvonak,   EmiZ  PeZzeZ  and  H.   C.  Rzzd 
iound  thz  uniontunatz  man  hanging  inom  thz  timb  oi  a  tnzz  in  a  knzeZing  petition.     A 
cZothzt  linz  hid  bzzn  utzd  by  Gill,  and  a  hatty  zxamination  thowzd  that  liiz  wat  extinct. 

Vn.  Mc  VoneZl  wat  tummonzd,   but  oi  countz  nothing  could  bz  donz,   bzyond  taking  thz 
body  to  thz  BizgeZ  homz.     John  Gnzzn  pnzpanzd  thz  body  ion  thipmznt  and  thz  nemaZnt  wznz 
takzn  to  thz  old  homz  at  BunZington,  bJl.,  Satimday,   on  Soo  tnain  108. 

GiZZ  woM  ionmznly  zngagzd  in  thz  aatomobiZz  butinztt  at  BunZington,  WT.,   but  told 

out  a  couplz  oi  yearn  ago  and  ion  tomz  timz  wat  in  a  tanitojUum  at  MiZwaakzz.     Hz  alto 

wznt  to  thz  PaociJ-cc  cocut  but  did  not  Like,  it  thtfit  and  KdtuAnzd  to  BuALLngton,  whzAe. 
he.  attemptzd  to  buy  back  hu>  goAogz  bai,Znej,6  but  the.  oMneA/t  xz^u&zd  to  i>eJUL,     Thz  tAA.p 
to  MantadoA.  loZJboMzd,   ejidjuiQ  with  thz  tKiiQiz  dzath  cu  abovz  ftzZatzd. 


fonmeJi  Rz&idznt  EZzct/waitzd  At  Nzznah,  Wl 

VztaiZ6  0^  Accidznt  Aaz  La.cki.n3,   ^"^  Victim  Camz  to  HZ&  Vzath  by  Touching  Livz  WiAz 

A  mz&^agz  wa&  xzczivzd  hzAz  Sunday  moA.ning  announcing  thz  accidzntaZ  dzath  o{t  Wiit- 
ijm  Vznnhandt,  wztZ  known  iofmzK  A.zi>idznt  o^  t}U6  city,  at  Nzznah,  WI.,  thz  pn.z\)iou&  day. 
No  dztait6  wzfiZ  givzn,   but  tatzfi  it  wai,  tzoAnzd  that  dzath  wa&  thz  A.Z6uZt  0(J  coming  in 
contact  with  a  livz  wiAZ. . .  .whzthzn.  at  hZi  komz  on.  whzfiz  hz  i6  empZoijzd  i&  not  known.     In 
^act  ^ufitheA    dztaiZs  oJiz  zntifieZy  tacking. 

Vzcza&zd  wa6  ^onmzAly  empZoyzd  a6  znginzzn.  in  thz  J.  J.  Jonz&   £lauA.  milt,   coming 
hzfiz  about  20  yzau  ago  with  fii&   ^amcty  ihjom  Nzznah,  Wl.     Hz  wofikzd  hzAz  ioK  izvznaZ 
yz£tJii  and  a^tzK  thz  mitt  bufmzd  hz  madz  a  t/Up  to  thz  Pacini  Coa6t.     A  ^ew  months  tatzA 
hz  A.ztuA.nzd  to  Nzznah  and  ha&  bzzn  zmptoyzd  cw   znginzeA  in  onz  o^  thz  tang z  papzfi  mittd 
thzAZ.     He  viiitzd  Hankimon  about  a  yzan.  ago. 

Vzcza&zd  waa  in  thz  zanZy  60'6  but  wztt'pKZAZMzd  and  ititt  activz.     Hz  ii  AuAvivzd 
by  thz  wi^z  and  thfizz  gxown  &oni, . . .  .CzoAgz  Vznnha/idt  0^  Gtzmoood,  UN.,  Wilti6,  who  i&  in 
Utah  and  a  yoangzn.  />on  at  homz,     New&  0^  hi.6  untimzty  dzath  wai  a  ihock  to  many  ^Aizndi, 

Uu.  C.  H.  tOiau&z  tzit  Sunday  on  108  ^on.  Gtzmood  to  cjVvz  {ok  thz  Geo.  VznnhaAdt 
chiZdfLZn  whitz  Wi.  and  f^.  VznnhaAdt  attzndzd  thz  iunzAot.  Wu.  Gzo.  VznnhaAdt  i6  a 
iiitzA.  to  M/L4.    KAaUiiZ. 


Axnz  Kjzi&tAjup  aAAi-vzd  homz  thz  ^iAit  o{,  thz  wzzk  a^tzA  attznding  thz  iunznat  oi 
hie,  bAothzA  NoAman  Kjet&tAjup  who  pai&zd  away  in  hUnnzjapotii  ta&t  ThuAiday  night. 

Vzcza&zd  wa&  a  victim  0^  tabzAcuZoiii ,  thz  dKzad  diizaiz  bziyiQ  contAjactzd  whiZz 
in  4eAv-ice  at  Camp  GAant  duAing  thz  woAJtd  woA. 

NoAman  KjztitAjup  wa&  boAJi  at  Kensington,  MM.,  and  was  29  yzoAS  o^  age.     Hz  gAeu) 
to  manhood  in  that  vicijiUy  and  szAvzd  in  thz  WoAtd  Wan.  at  Camp  GAjont.     A^tzn  his  dis- 
choAjgz  inom  thz  aAmy  hz  hztd  a  position  as  assistant  cashizA  o{,  thz  Capitol  Statz  Bank 
at  EismaAck  ^OA  3k  yeoAS,   until  ^aiZing  hzalth  ^oAczd  him  to  Azsign. 

Vzczaszd  was  nzvzA  moAAied.     Hz  was  quitz  well  known  hznz,   having  visitizd  his  bAo- 
thzA,  Annz  on  szvzfuxt  occasions.     Hz  is  suAvivzd  by  thz  mothzA,   iouA  bnothzAS  and  two 


Thz  iunzAaZ  was  hztd  at  Hodman,  UN.,  on  Uonday. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  ^^^^^^  ^^^    ,^24 



TofmeA  Hanklni>on  Ru-idznt  mzzti,  Vejitii  cu,  RtiuZt  o^  Shock  Tfiom  EZzcXfUcal  CuAAznt... 

Ouilng  to  dztcLcii>  that  weAe  ZacfUng  at  tho.  tUmz  tkz.  HEWS  wznt  to  pKZ£6  teat  weefe  we 
weAe  unabtz  to  g-ivz  a.  {^idZ  accoant  o{  thz  accldzntaZ  dzath  oi  blWUxm  VznnhjoAdt,  wlvick 
oc.cufiA.zd  luhitz  hz  uiai,  aX  wo^di  ca   zngtnzzA  at  thz  plant  oi  thz  HaJiduJOod  VAoducti  Company 
at  Nzznah.  WT. 

Thz  ^oZZowtng  KzpoKt  Zi  takzn  {^njom  thz  Nzznah  VaUZy  Nmi  undzA.  datz  o^  MoAch  Sftd: 

W-iZtiam  VzrmhoAdt,   111  Workington  Avenue,  agzd  64  tjZjOAj,  and  bKothzA  o^  UayeA  Vznn- 
hoAdt,  dlzd  Satwuiaij  a{^tzfun.oon,  MoAch  Ut,   ai  thz  AZMitt  o^  a  rhock  ^Aom  an  ztzctAccat 
cuAAznt  at  thz  pZant  oi  thz  HaAduiood  ?Aoducti>  Co.,  whzAz.  ht  waa  zmployzd  at,  a&iZitant 
znglnzzA.     Thz  accidznt  uihich  caiuzd  Wl.  VznnhaAdt'6  dzath  occuAAzd  at  about  U30  PM. 

VznnhaAdt,  It  Zi  &tatzd,  attzmptzd  to  changz  thz  {u&z  Zn  a  panzZ  which  -d,  thz  main 
dC&t>Uhution  poZnt  {lAom  thz  4,wZtchboaAd  on  thz  second  £looA  o£  thz  {actofiy.  To  do  Ao 
hz  mountzd  a  p/Jiz  oi  fuuZl,  dZfizctZy  bznzath  thz  panzl  zncto6-ing  thz  ijtuei.  Ai  nzoA  a6 
caji  6e  dztznminzd  hz  6uung  back  thz  dooK  o£  thz  mztaZ  box  w-ith  kii  Zz^t  hand  and  Kzach- 
zd.  ^oA  thz  {,u&z  uilth  hJj>  Klght]  It  appzoAi  that  hz  had  a  iaf^zty  iju^e  puZtzA  Xn  hU  hand 
but  bzcauiz  hz  rtood  on  thz  fuUZ6  Zn&tza.d  oi  uiZng  a  ZaddzA  a6  Z&  oAdinaAAjZy  thz  cu&tom 
hz  woi  too  cio6z  to  thz  watt  to  u&z  thz  puZtzA. 


A&  hz  gfuupzd  thz  iuiz,   at  thz  iamz  tunz  kzzpZng  hi6  othzA  hand  on  thz  mztaJi  box, 
a  contact  war  madz  thAough  ki6  body  and  hz  AZCzZvzd  thz  iutt  ioAcz  oi  thz  440  votti 
coAAZzd  in  thz  ciAciLct.     Thz  choAgz  pAzvzntzd  kirn  iAom  AzZinquZiking  ki&  hotd,  and  it 
Lt>  bztizvzd  hz  itood  ioA  a  iutZ  mituitz  with  thz  cuAAznt  pariing  thAough  ki&  oAmt,  and  body. 

S.  W.  UaAty,  tocat  aJbdzAman  and  znginzzA  at  thz  ptant,  law  VznnhaAdt  standing  on  thz 
AaiZ&  but  did  not  immzdiatzZy  ddczAn  that  anything  wa&  wAong.     Ai  VznnhaAdt' 6  hzad  rtump- 
zd  ionwaAd,  howzvzA,  Monty  Auihzd  to  hii  oilistancz  and  puZtzd  him  away.     VznnhaAdt  woi 
not  dzad  whzn  puttzd  down  iKom  thz  iuiz  box  but  poiizd  away  about  20  minutzi  totzA  dzMpitz 
ziioAti,  oi  phyiiciani  to  Kzvivz  him. 

Vas>.  HonaZd  B.  TiogzAi  and  C.  C.  VzZ  HoAczZZz  wzAZ  ha&tity  iuirmonzd  and  wonhzd  ovzA 
thz  victim  ioA  about  kati  on  houA  but  without  rucczil.     Thz  phyiidjoni  uizd  thz  putmotoA 
and  admini&tzAzd  injzctionr  oi  adAznaZin  without  AzruZti , 


Ma.  VznnhaAdt  Zt,  6un.vivzd  by  a  widow  and  iouA  ranr.     Thz  tattzA  oAz  Gzofigz  M.  Vznn- 
haAdt oi  Gtzmood,  m.,  WiZZii,  E.  VznnhaAdt  oi  Salt  lakz  City,   Utah;   EoaZ  F.  VznnhaAdt, 
oi  mtwaukzz.     Hz  alio  tzo\JZ&  one  bAothzA,  UayoA  J.  H.  VznnhaAdt  oi  thZs,  ciXy,  and  two 
rirtzA&,  UAi .  GzoAgz  Paynz  oi  thij,  city,  and  Mai>  .  Anna  KzZZzA  oi  VofitZand,  OR. 

WitZiam  VznnhaAdt  moved  to  Hankin&on,  ND.  iAom  Nzznah  in  1900.  He  tZvzd  thzAZ  ioA 
n  yzoAi,  AztuAning  to  Nzznah  in  1911 .  Hz  hoi  woAkzd  ioA  thz  HaAjdwood  Pfioductr  Company 
ai,  ajtiiitant  znginzzA  ioA  thz  part  iivz  yzoAT  and  ninz  monthr. 

TancAoZ  i^Wjlcu  woJiz  held  la^t  Oilzdmidcuf  cut  tkz  Uvnofvuit  Eaptl&t  ChuAch,  Reu. 
U.   E.  GZhion  oii-LcAjcutLng.     BuaJmZ  took  place.  aX.  Oakhltt  CemzteAy. 


Anoihtn.  pAjOYizzfL  Oj{  ZCchZand  County  hoi  ant>wzA.e.d  the.  ^Znat  '&ummon&  and  gone  to  hen. 
Keuoand.     Mk&.  Uafuj  Bfiej,nahan,  wiije  o^  HldiaeZ  BA.e£nahan  died  at  the.  home  o^  heA  daughteA. 
UfL& .  JcmeJi  T/iaay  at  Cannon  TaJULt>,  UH.,   on  ffUday,   Fe6.   29tfi,  thz  caa&z  oj}  h&n.  death  wai 
compLicatZoni  fieMitting  ^Kom  oZd  age. 

Ma.,  ajvi  Wi&.  B>LeJ>nctJian  camz  to  ZichZand  County  Xjn.  the  pZoneeM.  dajyi  and  {^OK  the.  pai,t 
27  yeoju  have  made  tkeAA.  home  on  a  {anm  ioath  o^  Hanklmon,     In  tateA.  yeoM  they  tivzd 
vxith  theAA  ioni  and  daughteA6  Zn  tkU  nelghbofikood  untiZ  tait  kpfUt  whzn  they  moved  to 
Cannon  TaJLtd  to  make  theAA  home  with  thelfi  daughteA. 

Veceased  Zi  &uAvi.ved  by  heft  huiband  and  eZeven  chiZdn.en,  6evzn  6oni  and  £ouA  daugh- 
teAi.  UfU>.  Jetton  oi  New  E^f^Zngton,  Uu.  0.  H.  Gowan  and  G.  BAe^nahMn.  le^t  lait  week  to 
attend  the  ^unenaZ  which  was  heM  iAom  the  Cathotic  ChvAch  at  Cannon  faZJU  toit  Monday. 

Ma.  BAeJ,nahan  AztuAned  with  hiM  chZtdAZn  and  wltt  makz  hil,  ^u^tufiz  homz  with  kU 
Aon  G.  BAZinakan  6outh  o^  thZj,  cZty. 

Thz  beAeavzd  fLzZatX.vzi>  havz  thz  heoAt^ztt  sympathy  o^  theZn.  many  nzlghboAi  and  ^Acendi. 

HMKWSON  NEWS  MoAch  13,    1924 



LCvzd  Zn  faZAmount  NeZghbofihood  ^oA  foAty  Vejvu,  and  Wat,  HZjghty  E&tzemzd 

Augu&t  ?Aopp,  pAomZnznt  ^a/mzA  KZ^ZdZng  ju&t  za^t  oi  FaZnmount,   commZttzd  luZcZdz 
taitt  TkZday  a^tzAnoon  by  hangZng  and  t,hootZng.     WoAfiy  ovzA  {^nancZaJi  mattzu  Z&  lappo&zd 
to  havz  unizttZed  hZ&  mZnd. 

?Aopp  wai  known  a&  a  thAZ^ty  {^oAmzA  and  a&zd  chaAacteAZitic  thoAoughnz&i  Zn  hZt 
iZnat  act.     CZZmbZng  to  thz  AadZatoA  o^  kit,  aatomobZtz,  hz  thAzw  a  Aopz  ovzA  a  pAojzct- 
Zng  Aa^eA  o^  hZ&  ganagz,  tZzd  thz  othzA  znd  aAound  hZj,  nzck,  thzn  placed  a  32  calZbzA, 
fui.vot.vzA  at  hZe,  /iZght  eoA  and  i>hot  hZm&zli  iquoAeZy  thAough  thz  head.     Hz  wa6  lait  6zzn 
at  4:30  Zn  thz  a^tzAnoon  and  thz  body  wai,  dZ&covzAzd  by  membzu  o^  thz  ^amZZy  t^o  houU 

Vzcza6zd  wal,  onz  o^  thz  bzit  known  loAmzfU,  o^  that  vZcZnZty.     He  wai  boAn  Zn  GeA- 
many  on  Vzc,  6ih,   1866,  and  Zn  1884,   ju&t  £oAty  yeoAd  ago,   camz  to  AmzAZca  and  tocatzd 
on  a  ^oAm  nzoA  CampbeZl.     He  was  moAfiZzd  on  MaAch  IStfi,    1896  to  LettZz  ?utz  o^  Stzvzm 
PoZnt,  WI.,  who  6UAvZvz&  hZm.     TheAz  aAZ  no  chZldAzn.     In  1920  thz  iamZJLj  moved  to  a 
iaAm  neoA  ChZMU  Station  whzAZ  they  havz  iZncz  Az&Zded.     He  wai  thz  owneA  o{  a  izctZon 
o£  good  land  wZth  ZKceZZznt  buZZdZngi  and  impAovemznti  and  wa&  Azputzd  to  bz  woAth  $60, 
000.     HZ&  a{^{^aZA&  weAZ  Zn  good  ihapz  but  hz  wai  o^  a  woAfu^Zng  dZipoiZtZon  and  let  tAivaZ. 
mattzu  bothzA  hZm  gAeatly.     Hz  wai  a  itockholdzA  Zn  thz  bank  at  ChZlds  ai  weZZ  a&  havZng 
othzA  baiZnzi,&  ZnteAZiti.     One  bAothzA,  JuZZui,  AZiZdzi  Zn  FaZAmount, 

fecaoiecf  tcoi  a  ncuti\JZ  mejnbzA  0|5  the.  M.   E.  ChuAch  at  FcuAmount  and  wai>  a  tibeAJxt 
iapponX-Zt  0^  the.  diuAch.     The  lixneAjot,  uihlch  woi  heZd  at  faOmoant,  woi  attended  bif  a 
ZoAge  congJiegatZon  oi  old  ^fu.end&  and  neA.ghbou . 

HANKWSON  MEQ/S  **********  ^^^^  20,    19Z4 

Tai6zd  kfiodj  Wednesday  Mon.nlng  A^te/i  a  LcngeJUng  JUbie^A  o^ 

TubexcixZoit^ . , 
White  not  unexpected,  woKd  that  HftM.  George  CoppZn  had  died  ejvdbj  Wednesday  moA.n- 
Zng  coit  a  patt  o^  iOKfiow  th/LOughout  Hankin6on  and  nelghbofUng  tefuUJjOfuj.     She  had  fceen 
a  patient  ^u^^eAeA  ifiom  tubeAcuZoiX.6 ,  gAaduaZly  ^attifag  {^tvom  day  to  day,  and  heA  untime- 
ly death  Aemove^   ^Aom  among  u&  one  who  wai  univeAboZty  esteemed  and  whoie  beautif^ut 
ChAiitian  choAacteA  wai  a  poweA  £oA  good. 

Jutia  (Tew)   Coppln  wab  boAn  on  Feb.   IStk,   7875,  at  Jluih^oAd,  MM.     VaAing  eoAty 
gZnXkood  the  {family  moved  to  Wahptton  and  lateA  to  Vu}igkt,  and  It  wa&  at  the  ZatteA  place 
11  yexiA&  ago  that  4 fee  was  ujuXed  i.n  manAiage  to  Geofige  Copp-in.     The  husband  wai  a  pfuoi,- 
peAou&  young  ^cvmeA  At&Zding  neon.  BAlghtwood  Town&hip  and  heA  entlAe  mafiAizd  Zi£e.  has 
6een  spejit  on  thziA  beasiti{^uJi  ianm  two  nUles  we/,t  o^  tku  city.     Two  cKildAzn  weAz  bofui 
to  tki&  unton,  one  daaghteA,   Ita,  and  one  6on,   ElmeA,  who  with  thz  itAidien  hu&band  oAe 
tz^t  to  mouAn. 

TheAZ  one  at&o  6uAvi.ving  two  6ZlitZA&  and  two  bAotkzfU, . . .  .Wii  .  WaJJL  CoppZn,  WaJipzton; 
Ww.  C.  V.  Sijnoni,  who  Ztvzi  In  Idaho;   Ola^  Tew,  Wahpzton;  UeZvZn  Tew  whose  home  li>  In 

VzczoMzd  wai,  an  activz  and  dzvout  mzmbzA  oi  the  Congh.egationaZ  ChuAch,  the  Ladizi 
Aid  and  the  OAdeA  o^  Ea&teAn  StOA,  always  doing  heA  iuZl  shoAe  In  chuAch  and  social 
activities  and  always  doing  hzA  ^ull  duty  as  a  wl£z,  motheA  and  membeA  o^  the  chuAch. 

FoA  die  past  two  yeoAS  shz  had  bzzn  gnadaatly  falling  and  shz  ^aczd  the  Inzvltablz 
calmly  and  with  tAuz  Ckfustian  ^oAtitudz,     In  heA  passing,  ouA  community  loses  a  tfuiz 
woman  In  the  best  sense  o^  the  teAm. 

Thz  iunzfml  wilZ  bz  heZd  SatuAday,  UoAch  22nd,  with  seAvlczi  at  the  home  at  1  PM 
and  at  the  Congfizgatlondl  ChuAch  at  two.       Rev.   C.   CafiA  wilZ  bz  In  choAgz  o^  thz  seAvlces. 
Thz  poll  beoAzns  will  bz  old  ncighbons  and  iKiznds....A.  C.  VettzASon,  Roy  Nelson,   Ivan 
SpAingeA,  Silas  Nlms,  John  Wlckman  and  Wm.  Vznnstzdt.     InteAment  will  bz  In  Hlllsldz 

Two  moKe  hands  afiz  gently  folded.  On  a  {^aith(^uJi  UothzA's  bAzast; 

Two  moAZ  ^zet  havz  ceased  to  wandeA,  Thnough  ll^z's  stoAmy   wlldzKnzkS ; 

Onz  moAz  heant  has  czaszd  to  beat.  One  moAe  soul  has  Izf^t  its  casket... 

Gonz  to  Heaven's  so^t  fietAeat,  One  deoA  ^ace  no  mone  appeantng. 

When  thz  bAzak^ast  tablz's  spAead; 

Onz  moAe  volcz  no  mofiz  will  answeA,  When  thz  kind  goodnight  l&  said. 

And  we  Liitzn,   {lOndZy  LUtzn,   Ton.  a.  lovind  we  cnnot  kzofi, 
¥oA.  thd  moi^c  o{^  hex  ^o o, ,  Nzv&n.  moKz  &haLi  QKztt  ouJl  zaJi, 
kiZ  hzA  ZjCLfithZy  tabofUi  ovzA,  Gonz,  laiXk  coAZi  no  motiz  oppAZJ,&zd, 
WhzAZ  thz  uiickzd  azoiz  ^Axim  tAoubJiinQ,  And  thz  wzoAy  afiz  at  Kz^t. 
Hzjlz  on  ztvuth  no  moKz  wz'ZZ  mzzt,  A^t  thz  £anzAaZ  bzJUUi  havz  Aung, 
WoAn  by  toiZ  and  iunk  by  yzoju,,  Soon  wz'tL  quit  thii  vatz  o{  tzau. 
But,  uihzAZ  6cu.nt6  and  angzZ&  Kzlgn,  Wz  aZZ.  hopz  to  mzzt  hzA.  again." 
HANKWSON  NEWS  ***,,,,,,,  ^^^  20,    1924 

Wm.  H.  UcGhaij  Kzzzlvzd  a  mojiiagz  la&t  uizzk  thz  dzath  ai  hZ&  bfiothzA- 
Zn-law,  John  C.  Wea-tfiowe,  at  hii  homz  In  St.  PauZ.     Vzcza&zd  uoai,  48  yzau  o^  agz  and 
hJj>  widow  wilZ  bz  fizmzmbzAzd  by  4ome  o^  ouJi  plonzzu  as  Hii6  Anna  UzG/uiy,  daugktzA  o^ 
Ma.  and  Mw.   F.  F.  UcGAay.     Hz  iu^^zAzd  ^Aom  a  wzak  hzoAt  and  dizd  a^tzA  an  lZZnz&4>  o^ 
two  day&  ^Aom  pnzumonAXi.     Bz&ldz^  thz  widow,  two  .ioni  OAZ  tz^t  to  mouJvn.  hJU,  Zjoii, 

HANKWSON  NEWS  MoAch  20,    1924 

VAank  KnzcJitZ  who  has  AZildzd  In  Lldgznwood  ^oA  thz  pa&t  4 even  yzau  dlzd  at  hlJ, 
homz  In  that  city  on  Monday  o{  tait  wzzk.     Vzcza6zd  had  Azachzd  thz  Alpz  old  agz  o^ 
93  yzau,  and  hai,  bzzn  In  ^zzblz  hzalth  ^OA  6omz  tunz.     A  wl^z  and  ioixA  daughtzA6  6uA- 
vlvz  him.     FanzAol  iZAvlczi  wzAz  hzZd  at  St.  John'6  ChuAch  o^  Lldgznwood  toit  Thuuday, 
Rzv.  TuAzy  oif^CAjsutlng.  *»«»*«««»« 

Ma.  and  Mac.  E.  A.  Lza.  and  family  AztuAnzd  SatuAday  ^Aom  Tomah,  Wl.,  whzAz  thzy 
WZAZ  caitzd  by  thz  dzath  o^  M^.   Lza'i  mothzA,  Mai,.  A.  E.  Vzwzy.     Ma4.  Vzwzy'6  dzath 
wai,  duz  to  old  agz  togzthzA  with  compZlcatlon&  which  ^olZowzd  a  izvzAz  attack  o^  pneu- 
monia about  a  yzoA  ago.     M/r..  Vewzjj  zxpzctd  to  oaaIvz  In  HardUmon  ioon  and  will  makz 
his,  ^utuAZ  homz  at  thz  Lza  homz. 


Lloyd  J.  CoAzy,  6on  o£  M^.  NzJUlz  CoAzij  oi  VzxtzA  Towmhlp,  dlzd  on  Wzdnz&day 
a^tzAnoon,  MoAch  19th,  a^tzA  a  long  lIZnzi,6.     Hli,  condition  Za&t  {^aJtZ  wai,  ^zAloai  and 
ZatzA  hz  ImpAovzd  and  hli  ^Alzndl,  hopzd  ^OA  hl&  AzcovzAy.     About  two  weefei  ago,  hz  bz- 
gan  to  gAow  wzakzA  and  tka,  contlnuzd  untlZ  thz  znd  camz. 

Thz  dzczoizd  woi  a  ion  oi  thz  tatz  Euqznz  W.  CoAzy  and  wai,  boAn  In  Vzxtzn.  Township 
on  Pec.   23Ad,   1905.     Hz  attzndzd  thz  Lldgznwood  High  School  ioA  a  tunz  and  ZatzA  attznd- 
zd  A.   C,  at  TaJigo .     Hl6  caAzzA  znded  Juit  at  a  tunz  whzn  hz  ihould  havz  takzn  ku  ptacz 
among  thz  woAkzAi,  o^  thz  woAld. 

Hz  Zi  iuAvlvzd  by  hit,  mothzA  and  two  youngzA  bnothzAi,  and  aZbo  by  hli,  gAandpoAznti , 
Mt.  and  Ma4.  A.  F.  CoAzy,  who  oAZ  ipzndlng  thz  wlntzA  at  Hot  Spnlngi,  AAkan&a&. 

Thz  ianzAot  iznvlczi  wzAZ  hzld  la&t  Tnlday. 
HANKTNSON  NEWS  **********  ^^^.^^  £7,    1924 



ft'a6  Cue  oi  Coarvty'i  VZonzzn.  RuZdzntit;   Pnejumonin.  Caa&e.  o^  Vzcuth.... 

AnothzA  iiiufidy  pZomeA,  and  onz  o(,  thz  county '■&  {^Vu>t  izttZeAJ>  hcu,  been  (laZZtd 
^Aom  ZaboA.  to  KOJOafid.     Aagultt  Fttdlnand  LLtgttinann  dZtd  cut  tht  homt  oi  hit, 
ion,   TKtd,  Zn  Gxtat  Bend,   on  f^onday,  Ap^UZ  14th,  at  tht  agt  o{i  75  yta/U) ,    U  monthi, 
and  14  day6.     Vtctaitd  wa4,  taktn  -iiZ  uiith  pntumonla  about  two  wttfii  pfiioK  to  hu  death 
and  bt^ofit  thii  attack  ht  seemed  to  bt  Zn  good  Axjbuit  htaZth. 

Auguit  FfLtdtfUck  TtAdinand  HtgtJbnann  wat,   bofin  In  Gtnmany  on  ApfuZ  lilt,    1848. 
He  wa6  unittd  -en  manjujagt  to  Bfitha  Z/mndt,   on  JanuoAy  ISth,   1811,  and  i,hoKtZy  a{^ttfi 
thtAA.  moAAAXigt  thty  camt  to  AmfU-ca,   i-iut  6tttting  Zn  tht  itatt  o^  W<j,coni,Zn  whtAt 
thty  fiuldtd  about  4euen  ytoju,,  and  {^fwm  tht/ie.  camt  to  PJ.dnZa.nd  County  and  itttZtd  on 
a  homtittad  Zn  BxandtnbuAg  town6hip.     Tht  KtuooAd  oi  thtAA.  ZnduitAy  and  ^Augatity  wai, 
a  comptttnct  that  In&ufitd  thtOi  tvtfiy  want,  and  Zn  1910  thty  movtd  to  tht  vltZjogt  oi 
GfLtat  Bend  to  tnjoy  tht  ihwLtt,  oi  thtln.  jotnt  Zabofi&.     SZnct  tht  dtath  oi  hii  uxLit, 
which  occufifitd  a  ytax  ago  lait  Januafiy,  dtctastd  madt  hii  homt  wZth  hil,  6on  F/ted. 

Vtcta&td  Zl>  lufLvZvtd  by  6-cx.  6oni  and  i-Lvt  daughtfii ,   Pfiank  and  Ht/man  IZtgtlmann 
oi  GafiiZtZd,  UN.;   F/itd,   Auga&t,  Adolph  and  Otto  ZitgtJbnann  oi  Gfitat  Bend;  Mw.   HZngit 
and  M/L6,   KAxitgtA.  oi  Tyttn.,  Uki>.  hianXZn  oi  StattZt,  WA.;  Mw.  Pa&i,tnhtZm  oi  Hufion,  SV.; 
and  Mfu,.  HuthZtn  oi  Hankln&on.     He  -ci  aZ&o  6u/LvZvtd  by  ont  AZ&ttA,  M^ .  John  Wofintx  oi 
WhtJiton,  MW.;  and  two  bfiothtu  F/iank  IZtgtJbnann  oi  GKtcut  Ztnd  and  WtZtcam  ZitgtJbnann  oi 

TuntfuxZ  AtAvZcti  wfit  htZd  Zn  Gfitat  Bend  on  Wtdnt&day  at  tht  homt  oi  VKtd  ZZtgelmann, 
JfL.,   Rev.  T.  HZnck  oUZcMitZng. 

Tht  paZt  boxuitfUi  wtAt  Chxii.  TfiZtttn,  Htnfiy  Koppttman,   Ca/di  PaibfUg,   ¥fuink  Knupptt, 
Thto  Bohn  and  Htnfiy  Bohn,     Jnttnmtnt  woi  madt  Zn  tht  St.  John&   LuthtAjan  Chwich  CamtXtny . 
HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  ApnJUi  17,    1914 


HoJwld  WtbitfL,   29  tmptoytd  ai  ttttphont  IZntman,  wai,   tltctwcuttd  whZZt  tngagtd 
Zn  hZi  occjupatZon  ntafi  Loi  Angtlt&,   CA.,  lait  wttk.     Vtctaitd  wai  welZ  known  Zn  Hank- 
Znion,   havZng  KtlZtvtd  Jack  PobZmon  ioK  two  mondii  lait  iall  pfvioK  to  that  had  bttn 
htn.t  onct  ok  twZct  ion.  ihoKt  itayi, 

HZi  boyhood  homt  wai  at  LZlbon,   NO.,  and  ht  wai  majifiZtd  lait  NovtmbtA,  ItavZng 
at  onct  wZth  hii  bfUdt  ion.  CalZiofinZa  to  makt  thtZA  homt.     WhZZt  at  woxk  on  a  polt 
which  caMJ,td  both  tltctAZc  and  ttltphont  wZjit,   ht  accZdtntaZlif  touchtd  a  htavZZy 
tltctAZc  wZAt  and  dZtd  Zmtantly, 

Vtct£iitd  wai  a  mtmbtn.  oi  th  NatZonal  GuoAd  and  itAvtd  on  tht  Mexican  bondzA  pfuon. 
to  tht  WonZd  Wat.     Lattfi  ht  ifwtd  Zn  Pfianct  ai  a  mtmbfi  oi  tht  1 64th  IniantAy  Band, 
and  wai  dZichangtd  Mofich  lltlr.,    1919.     Edmond  GKttn  oi  thZi  cZXy  itAvtd  Zn  tht  iamt 
company  and  atttndtd  tht  iuntAol  which  wai  htld  Zn  Liibon  Tutiday,  tht  AmaZni  btZng 
accoAdtd  iail  mZlZXoAy  honoAi. 

Thz  poAzrvti  AtiZdz  at  LUbon  and  de.czMzd  Zs  aZio  4,uA.vZvzd  by  thz  young  m.iz,  tjoo 
iZiteJU  and  ont  bKoihtn., 
HANKJNSON  NBilS  **********  ^p^^^^  J7^    J924 


Thz  uncvitaZnty  o^  ti^z  wa&  mani^Zitzd  la&t  SatuAday  moKning  whzn  a  young  ti£z, 
KadLatLng  uuMi  hzaZth.  and  hapfiinz&6,  onz  momznX.  taxj  ktJUUL  Jin  dzaXk  thz  nzxt. 
Thz  tzfuUhtz  tAogzdy  wkich  ihockzd  thz  zntOiz  community  occwoizd  at  10  AM  ijo^t  SatuA- 
day  moKnlng.     Oicjvi  GAontiz,  ion  o^  Ma.  and  Ma&.  Nzl&  C.  GfiordLiz  oi  HitnoA,   bzlng  thz 
vZctim.     A  ioot  caught  Zn  a  itOuiup  and  a  fmnawa^  hoAiz  wzfiz  thz  £actoK&  ujhJ.di  tznmtn- 
atzd  thz  tiiz  oi  thz  young  man. 

"Bud"  LoMon  woi  an  zyz  «ictne44  to  pant  o^  thz  aw^uZ  6cznz.     It  izzmi  that  a  num- 
bzA  oi  boy4>  had  bzzn  Zn  thz  habZt  o^  AidZng  an  oZd  hofU>z  bzZongZng  to  UaAtZn  Au^JUd. 
Thz  hoA&z  wa£  con&ZdzAzd  pznizctty  gzntZz  and  iia^z  ioK  any  tittZz  boy  to  ftZdz.     On  Sat- 
urday mofinZng  OicoA  GAxinZZz,  agz  t^zZvz  yzofu,   coAfUzd  hZi  iaddZz  ovzx  to  thz  AaitZd 
pa^tuAZ  and  laddZzd  thz  hoAiz    hZmizti.     Hz  iaZtzd  to  tZghtzn  thz  cZnchzn.  iiui^ZcZzntZy 
to  kzzp  thz  iaddZz  Zn  pZacz,    uZth  thz  fLZ&uZt  that  thz  iaddZz  tuAnzd  uihzn  hz  mounted . 
HZ6  ioot  caught  Zn  thz  itZnJwjp  and  hz  woi  unablz  to  zxtAZcatz  hZjnizZi.     Thz  hofiiz  bz- 
camz  {fiZghtznzd  and  bottzd,  goZng  Aoand  and  Aound  thz  imaZJi  pa&tuAz.     "Bad"  Lauon  hzafid 
thz  Oiy  oi  thz  CAonZZz  boy  whzn  thz  hoAiz  &tafutzd  and  Kan  to  thz  /tescue.     Hz  nan  Zn  the. 
path  oi  thz  hoK&z  and  6ucczzdzd  Zn  itoppZng  hZm.  Whzn  thz  homz  itoppzd  /thz  boy'-i  ioot 
izZZ  inom  thz  iitZnjWLp,   but  ijnz  aj>iZi>tancz  annZvzd  to  latz  to  iavz  thz  boy '6  ZZiz.     HZi 
ikuZt  woA   inactanzd  and  onz  Zzg  bAokzn  Zn  a  numbzA  oi  pZacz6.     An  anm  waa  aZio  bnokzn. 
A  phy^ZcZan  uioi  at  oncz  calZzd  and  thz  uniontunatz  boy  uxa  takzn  to  hl&  homz  whzAZ  hz 
paazd  OLoay  a  ivfi  momznti,  ZatzA. 

O-icoA  GnonZZz  uia&  boAn  Zn  HaZZ  Town&hZp  Zn  I97f  and  AZiZdzd  thznz  wZth  poAznti 
untZZ  a  iew  yzau  ago,  whzn  thzy  movzd  to  HiZnoA.     Bz&Zdzi  hZ6  poAznti  hz  Zzavu  tujo 
bnothzAi  to  monn  hZi  untZmzZy  dzath.  ....HiJinoA  TzLizA. 

HAUKIUSOU  NEWS  **********  ^p^^^  2?.    T924 

Thz  Rzvznznd  Fathzn  Anthony  J.  ScheimzZ,  who  pnZoA  to  Junz  1921 ,   ion  zight  yzaA6,  wa& 
a£6Zi,tant  to  Fathzn  StudnZcka  at  St.  PhZZZp'6  ChuAch,  qaZztZiy  pa&/)Zd  away  at  St.  JoAzph'6 
HoipZtat  Zn  Hinot  Zaj,t  FnZday  moAnlng.     Thz  ZmmzdZatz  cajui,z  oi  hZi  dzath  wai  compticat- 
Zonit,  nziuZtZng  inom  a  Zong  tZzgz  oi  dZabztzi.     Thz  itAznuoui  wonk  oi  thz  ChAUtmoi  HolZ- 
day6,   caLU>zd  a  compZztz  bnzakdown,  whZch  compzZZzd  hZm  to  6zdi  ho&pZtat  nzZZzi.     On  Vzc- 
embzA  2Sth,   hz  wa&  coniZnzd  to  thz  bzd  whZch  hz  was  not  dz&tZnzd  to  Zzavz  aZZvz. 

At  thz  tZmz  oi  hZ6  dzath  hz  was  poiton  oi  St.  HathJju,'  CatholZc  ChuAch  at  OnnZn,  NV. 
La&t  6umnzn  hZi  chuAch  wa&  dz&tnoyzd  by  iZnz.     Thz  itnznuoai,  wonk  oi  nzbuZZdZng,  Zmpoizd 
upon  hZm,  wa&tzd  hZl,  zbbZng  vZtaZZty,  and  haitznzd  thz  znd  oi  hZ6  ZZiz  oi  iacnZiZcz. 

VuAZng  thz  zZght  yzaA&  oi  hZi  nziZdzncz  Zn  HankZnion  Fathzn  Schmmzt  zndzoAzd  hZm- 
izZi,   not  onZy  with  thz  Zangz  mzmbzAdhZp  oi  St.  VhZZZp'6  ChuAch,   but  with  zvznyonz  who 
had  thz  pZzaiuAZ  oi  makZng  hZi  pzuonaZ  acquaZntancz .     HZ&  unoitzntatZoai  chanZty,   hZi 

amicLble.  di&po^-Ltion  and  iympauthztic.  ^aaUf^lcz,  CL^ayi  pAompttd  by  hli  p/Ue^tty  duJU.U , 
MiZZ  fae  cheAl&kzd  voith  bZe^6e.d  memofu.z6  by  tht  many  who  came  -in  contact  uuJJi  him.  May 
fuj,  iiOuJL  fie^t  In  pzace.. 

Anthony  J.  SchmmzZ  wai  boKn  in  Neu  Viznna,   Ik,,   64  yzau  ago  ^Kom  wzZt-to-do  pafi- 
znti.     In  1S72  he.  bzgan  hli  6tu.dLt&,  pfL^paJiatofu]  ^oK  kCi  zntfiy -to  thz  pfUt&thood,  with 
thz  CapackLn  FathzM  Zn  CaZvoAif,  WI,     Thuz  6tadZz&  hz  contlnazd  at  St.  UZncznt'i  UnZv. 
Zn  Bzatty,   PznmyZvanZa,  and  compZztzd  Zn  St.  T/umcJji  SzmZmMj,  HiZwaukzz,  WT.,  whzftz 
hz  woi     ofidaZnzd  to  thz  ?AZz6thood  Zn  June  o^  18S6,  thai  izAvZng  nzoAZy  thZnty-zZght 
yzau  Zn  kU,  &acn.zd  caZZZng. 

A^tZA.  hZi  oAjdZnatZon  hz  6ZAvzd  a&  a&^Z&tant  at  St,  UoAy'i  Chinch,  Vubuquz,   lA. 
FathzA  Schzmmzi'^i  nzxt  appoZntmznt  woa  to  thz  pa6toKatz  o^  thz  Chufich  o^  St.  John,  thz 
BaptZit,   EancJio{,t,   TA.     HeAe  hz  iznvzd  {^on.  a  long  tznm  o^  yzoju,  mzztZng  uxZth  gfizat 
4u.cce44.     Among  hZji  manZ^oZd  ZahoafiM  Zn  Bancno^t  itand^  a  PanxichZaZ  SchooZ,  uihZch, 
andzfi  Tathzfi  SchommzZ'i  6u.pzA.vZi>Zon,  won  many  covztzd  Statz  Honom>  and  dZ&tZnctZonl> . 
ThZ&  /tcJiooZ  voZJUi  aZuiayi  pnoctaZm  hZ&  memory. 

Tatkzx  Sckzjmzt'l  newaZn&  wzfiz  tAant, izM.zd  to  Wew  l/^enna,   TA.,  wheAe  thzjy  uizAZ 'Zntzn.- 
Kzd  Zn  thz  iarnZly  plot  nzxt  to  hZi,  dzczoAzd  pafiznt& ,  Zn  thz  CathoZZc  Czmztzfiy.     Thz 
^unzAoZ  £ZAvZcz&  uizAz  hzJLd  on  Taz&day. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  «•»«»«»*««  Hay  1 ,    T924 

M/16.  Edga/i  Iza.  nzczZvzd  a  tzZzgfum  {Aom  Ma.   Lzja  Sunday  thz  tad  nesM  o^ 
thz  dzath  o^  hZt,  mothzA  at  BeacA,  thZ&  htxtz.     MA.   Lea  wai  at  hZ^  mothzA'i  bzdiZdz  at 
thz  tZmz  0^  hzA  dzath  and  accompanZzd  thz  KemaZn/>  to  Tomah,  WT,,  at  whZch  pZacz  buAZaZ 
uxitt  takz  placz.    Ma4.   Lza  tz^t  Sunday  nZght  iJoA  Tomah  to  attznd  thz  iunzKcdi.     PanXZc- 
uZjOU  oaz  lackZng  ^OA  thii  wzzk'6  Z&iuz  o^  thz  WECi'S. 



Ma4.  Sob^n  MoueA,  who  hai,  KZJ>Zdzd  Zn  thZi  cZty  iZncz  1903,  dZzd  at  hzA.  homz  Monday 
evening,  ApAt£  2Sth,   ^oZZowZng  a  itfiokz  o^  poAaJLyhZM.     Shz  had  not  bzzn  Zn  thz  but  oi 
hzaZth  ioK  izvzfmZ  yzoAi  but  hzn.  condZtion  wa&  not  thought  izfuMuk. 

EanZy  Satundaif  monnZng  6hz  iu^^zAzd  jjAom  a  pafiaZztZc  i,tAokz  and  ^Kom  thzn  on  ihz 
neJJhzA.  movzd  a  ZZmb  noK  ipokz  untZZ  dzath  caZZzd  hzA  Monday  zvznZng  ihoitZy  bz^oAZ  9  PM. 

EZZzabzth   (Go^tttjAced)  MoueA  wae,  6oAn  Zn  BnudiznthfuiZ,  Au&tnZa,   on  Oct,   20th,    1963. 
Shz  gfizw  to  womanhood  Zn  hzn.  ^ofizZgn  Zand  and  wai  manxizd  to  SabZn  Moufizn.  Zn  ZmickznthAoZ 
on  Tzb,    16th,    1SS7.     On  May  10th,    1903  thzy  movzd  to  HankZmon  and  havz  madz  thzZt  homz  Zn 
thZ&  cZty  zvzn.  iZncz,     Vzcza&zd  wa&  a  dzvout  Cathotic  and  wai>  a  mzmbzA.  oij  thz  ChJhUtian 
MothzA' 6  SocZzty  ({oA  many  yzau  pait.     Shz  wai,  a  kZnd  and  ZovZng  wZ^z,  mothzfi  and  ifiZzrvi 
and  wait  zndzoAzd  by  aZZ  who  fenew  hzA.. 

TZvz  chZZdA-zn  wzn.z  boKn  to  thJj>  unZon  but  unf^oAtunatzly  aZZ  dZzd  Zn  Zn^ancy,  thzZt 
oZdz&t  chZZd  ZZvzd  untU.  iJouA  yzau  old.     Bz&Zdzi,  thz  />tfUckzn  kuiband  and  a  holt  o^ 
{,fu.znd&  who  OAZ  tzit  to  mouAn  hzn.  dzjouth  ihz  Zl>  6uAvZvzd  by  onz  &Zj>tz/i  who  ZZvzi>  Zn  Aukt/Lia. 

Thz  ^omAciZ  wau>  hoXd  tkis>  Thxiuday  moKnlng  at  St.  VkiU.p'6  ChuAdh,  Rzv.  Joi .   F. 
StudnLcka  oft^-LcAXuting.     IntzAmzyvt  woi  madz  in  CaJLvoAy  Czmztztiy, 

HANKJMSON  NEWS  May  1,    1924 

1  VEAV;   2  IWJUREP 

A.  6.  SoftLiz  0(J  GfuavvL  FoKks,  NonpoJvtuan  Zzagaz  ln.dofize>zz  ioK  thz  gubz/LnatofUaZ 
nomination,  and  Roy  FfiazlzA  o^  CAo&by,  mzmbzfi  o^  tkz  Izaguz  Statz  Exzcativz  Committzz, 
ofLZ  ittWi  Zn  a  vz>iy  cJujticaJi  condition  In  thz  ElimoAck  Evangztlcal  Hospital  ^fiom  InjufUzi, 
i>a6talnzd  In  an  automohltz  actldznt  noKth  o^  Stzztz,  Klddzfi  Coaty,  Ziitz  SatuAday,  In 
which  B.  F.  BofeeA  Statz  SznatoK  and  tzagaz  candldatz  ^oA.  Corml&^lonzn.  o^  AgKlcuZtuAZ 
was  klttzd. 

FAazlzn.  haj,  /tzcovzAzd  laK^clzntZy  to  Zzavz  thz  hoipltaJL,  bat  Un,  SonZlz'i  cxjndltlon 
Zi  6tlZt  cAltlcaZ,  though  phyi>lclani>  hotd  out  hopz6  iJoA.  hli  Azcovzfuf, 

Thz  accldznt  may  havz  ^ax  nzaching  potitlcxit  eiJiJec^,  owing  to  thz  pKomlnzncz  o^ 
thz6z  thfLZZ  mzn  In  thz  InnzJi  clucZzi  o^  thz  Nonpaxtlian  Lzaguz. 

Whzthzn.  Ufi.  SoAllz  wlIZ  contlnaz  a6  thz  Lzaguz  aindldatz  ^OK  govznnon.  wULt  dzpznd 
upon  thz  dzvzlopmznt6  o^  kii  condition  duAlng  thz  nzxt  ^ew  day/,, 
HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  (Jiay  S,    1924 

AttoA.nzy  J.  A.  Vwyzfi  xztuJmzd  on  ThuA&day  ^Aom  VuZuth  whzAz  hz  wai  caZZzd  by  thz 
dzath  0(5  hl&  bnothoji,  Tom.      HI&  bAothzfi'^  body  wa&  takzn  to  Wisconsin  ^oK  buAlaJi. 
WhJJiz  In  Vuhith,  Mk.  VwyzK  vl&ltzd  at  thz  Voton  Young  homz.     Va.  Young  was  ^oAmzAly  a 
pARctlclng  phy&lclcLn  hzAz. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  May  15,   1924 

Maa.  GzoAgz  Thomas  and  chlZdAzn  wznt  to  LunzipAlng-i ,   Towa,   VAlday  In  AZipon&z  to 
a  mz66agz  announcing  thz  iZAlous  IZtnz&s  o^  thz  ^oAmzA'i  ^athzA.     HzA  ^athzA  dlzd  Sat- 
uAday night  a^tzA  an  ILtnzis  o^  szvzfiaZ  yzaA&. 

**********  May  22,   1924 


Thz  poUatzd    watzA.  system  at  FalAmount  with  Its  Azsuttant  typhoid  zpldemlc 
continued  to  takz  toti.     A  Scha^{iZA  boy,  AzczntZy  Azmovzd  with  his  poAznts  ^Aom  ValA- 
mount  to  LidgzAwood  dlzd  last  wzzk. 

Emit  Eo&,   ioAmzA  Hanklnson  boy  llzs  at  thz  point  o^  dzath  In  thz  EAZckznAldgz 
Hospital  with  typhoid  and  Majs.   Lynnz  wlf^z  o^  onz  o£  thz  FalAmount  bankzAS  Is  not  expzct- 
zd  to  iuAvlvz. 

A  numbzA  o^  othzA  typhoid  coiiZS  ajiz  AzpoAtzd  thzAZ  but  thz  tost  taoo  mzntlonzd  OAZ 

thz  most  cAxtlcaZ. 

***********  May  29,    1924 


Nzls  and  VztzK  Qstby,  stufidy  plonzzA  NoAsemzn  o^  thz  GAzzndaZz  nzlghboAhood,  Azc- 

zlvzd  wo  Ad  this  wzzk  0^  thz  dzath  0)J  thzlA  mothzA  In  No  Away  at  thz  advanczd  agz  o^ 

100  yzau,   2  morvthi  and  6  day/> .     Vzcztiizd  wen  ^n  good  hejxtth  ayvtiZ  uuXhin  a  ihonJ:  timt 
oi  tkz  end.     He/i  hmband  dle.d  55  yeow  ago  Zast  ClifLii,tma& , 

VzceR6e.d  l&  6UA.vlvzd  by  6Zx  dnJXdxtn. . .  .UdU  and  Vztan.  o£  thi6  placz,   Otz  In 
Kzjfioitha,  WI.,  and  CanZ  Zn  Salt  Lakz  (UXij,  bz6Zdz&  iuo  dajuughtzfil>  'in  Noftuay. 
HANKINSON  NBJS  **********  Mot/  29,    1924 

B.  A.  FoeAticA  VZcXxm  o{,  fatal  Accldznt... 
Wai  Wzll  Known  MooA.zton  Township  FofmzA.  With  a  LaAgz  f amity... 

Baldai,  A.  FozAtich,  pAomlnznt  UooKzian  Town&hlp  ^afimZA,  uiai  fullzd  ihoKtly  af^tzfi 
noon  lajit  SatuAday  whzn  hz  wai  tlnAown  ^fiom  a  baggy,  iu&talnzd  InjunleJi  to  thz  back  o^ 
thz  hzad  and  ^Idz.     Hz  llvzd  about  tuiznty  mlnutzi  a^tzn.  thz  acaldznt. 

Ma..  FozfuUdi  and  6on  HznAy  wzfiz  dfuving  {^tiom  homz  In  a  buggy,  tzadlng  koA£Z6  which 
WQJLZ  to  bz  placzd  In  a  poituAz  iouth  o^  Hanklnson,     Wfizn  nzoA  thz  AlhzAt  Eladow  (^anm 
onz  0({  thz  houz6'  blti  hnxikz^  ifid  thz  tzam  bzcamz  unmanagzablz .     Hznfuj  waj>  d/ilvlng 
and  bfiougfvt  thz  tzam  to  a  itanditltt  wltkbi  a  (Jew  fiodi,  but  In  going  Into  thz  ditch 
to  thz  adjoining  (^Iztd  thz  {athzA  wa6  thiown  {^Kom  thz  Alg. 

Hz  oAo&z  and  walkzd  a  ^zw  6tzp.l,  but  compZalnzd  o^  ^zzllng  quzzA.     Hzn/iy  ipfizad  a 
bZankzt  ^ox  him  to  tiz  on  and  huAAlzd  to  thz  Eladow  {^anm.     An  auto  wai  izciwzjd  and  thz 
and  thz  Injwizd  man  takzn  to  thz  homz  ojj  hli,  daughtzn.,  Hfii .  Knump,   but  dlzd  within  Zz&6 
than  hall  an  hoan.. 

VzczjJJiZd  wai,  bofun.  In  Wlicon&ln  62  yzxuu  ago  and  Aalizd  a  iaJigz  family.     Ton.  thz 
paj^t  22  yzau  thzy  havz  occuplzd  a  ^anm  12  nUJtz&  noKth  oi  Hankln&on.     Hz  wa6  a  hajid 
woAkzA  arid  highly  fizgofidzd  by  hli>  nzlghboKk .     0^  a  kindly  dlipo6'itlon,   hz  wai  always 
onz  oi  thz  ilut  to  zxtznd  a  hzlplng  hand  to  thz  un^oAtunatz.     Hli  untimely  dzath  li 
ilnczAzty  mounnzd. 

Ez&ldzi  thz  it/ilckzn  wl^z,   dzczjxizd  li  iuAvlvzd  by  thz  following  chlldAzn:     MA4. 
Hay  KAump,  ULnnzapolli ,  Ww.     John  lOump,  MAi.   VztzA.  J.  Knump,  U^i.  John  Tlzl,  all  o^ 
thli  vicinity;  hlu.  Mick  LambzAty  o^  Hlncklzy,  MW.;  John,  Joe,  Hznxy  and  EAvln,  all  o^ 
thz  homz  nzlghbonhood.     Onz  daughter,  hiu.  Joe  Schultz,  dlzd  izvzAol  yzAU  ago. 

Vunzfuxl  izAvlczi  wzAz  held  Tuziday  mofinlng  at  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  In  hiantadon.  and 
wzAz  attzndzd  by  a  Zoaqz  gathzAlng  OjJ  inlzndi  and  nzlghboAi ,     Rev.   Fa.  Wllkzi  wai  In 
choAgz  oi  thz  iZAvlczi,  aalitzd  by  Fa.  Thlzl  and  hiuloik.     TntzAmznt  wai  madz  In  thz 
hiantadoA  CzmztzAy. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  j^^^^  5^   9j^4 

Man  Found  Vzad  In  Auto  UzoA  Cayuga... 
John  Folkowikl,   FanmzA,  Vlzd  Whllz  Atonz  In  Can.... 
John  FoZkowikl,  pAomlnznt  jJoAmeA  oi  thz  Gznzizo  nzlghbonhood,  wai   iound  dzad  In 
hli  aiitomobliz  on  thz  highway  juit  wzit  oi  Cayuga  at  an  zanly  houn  Satunday  moAnlng. 
Thz  znglnz  wai  itill  njxnnlng  but  thz  lonz  dnlvzA  wai  cold  In  dzatk  whzn  iound. 

Thz  tAoqzdy  wcu,  cLL&covzAzd  by  a  boy  KeMiArUng  harm  {,  a.  dancz  cut  BaHaZo  Lafee 
zoJihj  SaJuuLfidcuj  monyujig.     Hz  notZczd  thz  cat.  standing  iitiiZ  w-uth  thz  zng^nz  running  and 
ittoppzd  to  Zywzi)t<.gaU:z.     HoAAl^Zzd  to  ^nd  thz  dzad  body  of^  a  man  Zn  thz  d/vcvzA'^  hzjit 
fie  huAAA.zd  to  Cayuga  and  notZ^zd  aathoAyitizi .     lnvz6tZ.gatZjon  ptiovzd  thz  un^oJitunatz 
man  to  6e  John  folkoM&kl^   30  yzoAi  old,  wztt  known  ^anmzA.  oi  thz  Gznz&zo  nzlghbo/diood. 

ThzAz  -C6  con&ZdeAabtz  myitzfuj  AuAAoundlng  thz  tKOjgzdy.     Ho  onz  ha/,  bzzn  ^oand  who 
fenew  whzAz  FoikomlU  had  bzzn  ox  wj^hzfi.  hz  woi  {^ou.nd.     He  was  aHHctzd  with  a  wzak  hzxifit 
but  SoAgznt  County  authoAZtiti  ajiz  not  zntlfizZy  &atZ^ii.zd  that  dzjoth  wai,  due  to  natuAjaZ 
caa&zi,  and  aAZ  Znvz&tZgatZng  tkz  mattzu  cZo6zZy.     MzanwhLZz  thzy  anz  giving  out  no  iniofi- 
matZon  at,  to  thziA  tiUApicioni . 

Thz  dzad  man  Z&  /iun.vZ\Jzd  by  a  wi^z  and  ^ve.  i,maJUi  cJUZd/Lzn. 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  j^  3^    jg24 

Uu.  John  SzZZnzn.  fizc.ZA.vzd  a  meA4age  Wzdnz^day,  announcing  thz  dzcuth  oi  hzJi  bKothzA, 

Tfvank  Vapton,  at  thz  6anltaAMm  at  Pinz  City.     Hz  haj,  bzzn  a  patient  thzAZ  £oK  &omz  tirm, 

Thz  body  wlZZ  bz  ihlppzd  to  hi6  homz  in  LidgzAwood. 

**********  j^  3^    jg24 

Hu.  A.  K.  Thomp&on  tz^t  Sunday  jJoA.  Bidaht,  MM.,  iji  aniiWZA  to  a  mea^oge  announcing 
thz  &Z/U.OUI,  iZZnzi6  o^  hzA  ^athzA,  Wi.  GiZhzAt&on,  who  fiZiidzd  in  that  cXty.     Hz  dizd 
bz^oKZ  6hz  fizachzd  thzxz  and  thz  ^unzAoZ  wai,  hzZd  Monday.     Wi.  Thomp6on  and  f^amiZy 
wznt  to  EAdaht  Sunday. 

*********        *  jj^     3^      jg24 

fAfii .  Hzfman  ScMttz  Vizi  ¥>iom  VataZy^ii 
WzIZ  Known  Rziidznt  0(J  Lizn  Towmhip  f^oti  25     Vza/u,... 

UfLk.  HzMman  Schuitz,  49  yzau  oZd,  a  KzdidznZ  o{^  Lizn  Township,  SV.,  ^oK  thz  pa&t 
25  yzoAi,  dizd  Wzdnz&day  mofiing  {fOZZowing  a  itfiokz  ojj  paAaZy6i&.  Shz  had  bzzn  in  pooti 
hzaLth,  6u^£zning  ijAom  hzoAt:  tKoubtz,   ioR.  thz  pa&t  thfizz  yzafu,. 

Vzczaizd  wai,  boftn  Pec.  4th,   1S75,  at  SuZLivan,  WJ.,  whznz  ihz  gftew  to  womanhood 
and  wai,  mafOiLzd  30  yzau  ago  to  HzAJnan  SchuLtz  who  4>un.vivzi  hzA.     Vivz  yzaju,  a^tzA  hzfi 
moAAiagz  thz  iamlly  ftzmovzd  to  RobzAti  County,  SV.,  locating  on  a  homz&tzad  in  Lizn 
Towmhip  whzAz  thzy  havz  fiziidzd  zvzn.  i,incz.     Six  chitdfizn  lu/ivivz'-  Uu.  Txzd  Lackzy 
0^  EJbna  Towmkip,  AZbzAt  SchuLtz  o^  Robzfuti,  County,  and  CaJit,  Uabtz,   Viola  and  HaJiold 
who  livz  at  homz.     Onz  biwthzA  oi  thz  dzcza&zd  al&o  makz&  hi&  homz  with  thz  Schuitz 
family,  anothzfi  bKothzn  livzi  in  Saikatchzwan,   Canada,  and  two  6i&tzM  KZiidz  in  Wiicon&in, 

Vzcza^zd  wai  a  dzvout  mzjnbzA  0^  thz  Gznman  ChuAch  and  had  thz  zitzzm  o£  alZ  who  knm 
hzfi.     Shz  wok  a  {^aith^ul  wi£z  and  an  indulgznt  motkzn.  and  thz  it/Uckzn  mzmbzu  o£  thz 
family  havz  thz  dzzp  sympathy  oi  many  ^Aiznds. 

Thz  iunznal  will  bz  hzld  Sunday  with  izKviczs  at  thz  homz  at  2:30  PM  and  at  thz 
Gzfunan  Ev.  C/iuAc/i  nzoA  by  at  3:30  PM,  Reu.  ObzAdozstzn.  wilt  conduct  thz  szAviczi  and 
intzAmznt  will  bz  madz  in  thz  Chufich  yaxd. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  j^  j7^    jg24 

M/L.  and  WA4  .   Lzo  EJilnkman,   accompanlzd     by  Ufi.  and  Ufib .   I.  W.   BaJJiejj  and  Hii,6 
Hazzl  EaiZty  dJiovo.  to  Gzntizo  Monday.     Thzy  uiznt  to  atttnd  thz  {^anViaZ  o^  LiXtlt  UaAy 
KnZzzn  BoaJLzjj  who  dizd  at  tht  Lidqznwood  HoipZtaJi.     Thz  couie  of,  hsA  dtath  was  pz/uXon- 
-ctci  wkich  {^oiZoMzd  an  attack  o^  pmumonZa.     Ma.,  and  M^.  EfUnkman  KztuAmd  to  theJA 
homz  hzAZ  that  iomz  evening. 

Um .  Wm.  UaAqujxndt  VZz&  kt  \gz  o^  67.... 
SzttZzd  on  ToJm  Wai-t  o{^  Hanklmon  45  Vexvu  Ago.... 

Among  thz  bzit  knoun  o^  thz  zanZy  pi.onzz>iit  o^  tkU  izction  wzfiz  tkz  ^AJUUxm  Mo/l- 
quoAdt  {^airuMj,  who  izttZzd  on  a  homzitzad  foufi  nUZzi  wz&t  0(J  thz  pAZiznt  town  o^  Hank- 
Zru>on  In  1S79,  45  yzjvu,  ago.     In  1910  thzy  iold  tkzlfi  ianm  [locatzd  on  thz  Koad  to  Lid- 
gzAwood,   nzoA.  what  Zi  6tZtZ  known  ai  thz  MoAquoAdt  ichooZ  hou6z]   and  bought  a  ^ofm  nzafi 
LidgzAwood.     Thzy  iioon  6otd  thAJ>  placz  and  movzd  to  Shuman  Towm>Lip,  SaAgznt  County, 
whzAz  HfL.  UoAquoAdt  dZzd  i.n  1914. 

At  thz  tAjnz  thzy  izttZzd  Zn  what  Z&  now  EfUghtuood  Town&hZp  thzAz  wzAz  many  Jndaini, 
itlZZ  -en  tkz  zounthjy,  and  Ufi.  MaAquoAdt  won  thz  high  fizgoAd  0(J  hJib  A-zdikln  nzlghbou . 
Hz  was  a  cZa-iz  {nZznd  o^  ChZzf  Mohan,  a^tzA  whom  MoAan  Townihlp  and  MoAan  Lakz  wzfiz 
namzd,   and  who-iz  gAavz  now  ovzAZooki  thz  takz  on  thz  hIzZi  Mamon  {,afm.     Thz  govzAnmznt 
maZntaZnzd  a  imaZZ  tAoop  of  ioZdizu  on  thz  zait  znd  of  thz  lakz  fon.  6omz  -tune,  and  up 
to  a  fzw  yzau  ago  thz  ipot  on  which  thz  fuxdz  boAnacki  wai  tocatzd  couZd  ittZt  bz  ^>zzn. 
Mfi.  MoAquoAdt  had  izvzAoZ  th/uZZing  zxpzAlzncz6  with  thz  IndZani,   but  hit,  iznJiZ  of  faZn. 
play  actzd  a6  a  6afzty  vaZvz  bztwzzn  thz  xzdi  and  thzZfi  whitz  nzZghbou  on  moKz  than 
onz  occa&ton. 

Mfu, .  MoAquoAdt,  aftzA  thz  dzath  of  hzA  husband,  movzd  to  Spokanz,  WA.,  whzAZ  ^hz 
dlzd  on  Wzdnziday  mofinZng  JuZy  9th.     Thz  foZlowlng  obitwiAy  -64  taken  ftwm  thz  Zait 
AJiiuz  of  thz  SoAgznt  County  NesM: 

Ma&.  WZZLiam  MoAquoAdt  pai,6zd  away  on  Wzdnziday  of  lait  wzzk  at  Spokanz,  WA.,  at 
thz  agz  of  73  yzoAi  and  3  monthi . 

Vzczaizd  wa6  boxn  May  14th,    1S51 ,  at  PeZZa,  MoAZon  County,   Iowa;  moAAZzd  to  WZZZZam 
MoAquoAdt  ,  MoAch  27th,   1879,  at  PoAtagz,  WT .     Unto  thZi  unZjon  wzfiz  bofin  nZnz  chZZdAzn, 
zZght  of  whom  oAz  LLvZng  to  mouAn  thz  Zjou  of  thzZA  bzZovzd  mothzA.     Thzy  oAz  JznnZz 
Stach,   HankZn&on,   W.;   T/izd  MoAquoAdt,   VoAkzA,  SV.;  Jo6ZphZnz  CoAu&o,   OakZand,   CA.; 
FAank  MoAquaAdt,  VavZ^,  SV.;   RaZph  MoAqua/idt,  HawaZZan  JiZand&;  Va\jZA  UoAqwoAdt,   Rutland, 
WO.;   WZlZZam  MoAquoAdt,  Wew  EffZngton,   and  GzAtAudz  BzAgquZitt  at  Spokanz,   WA.,  wZth  whom 
thz  mothzA  IZvzd  at  thz  tZmz  of  hzA  dzath.     Thz  bAX)theAi  and  iZitz^a  oAz  Janz  Kalkman, 
VznvzA,   CO.;  Vxzd  EotzAman,  VavZi ,  SV.;  John  Botznman,   Exczl&Zox  SpfiZngi,  MO.,  and  GAacz 
EotzAman  o  f  MZnnzapolZ&  . 

AftzA  thzZn.  moAfuagz,  Ma.  and  MAt,.  WZZZZam  MoAquoAdt  KZiZdzd  nzoA  ChZppewa  TaZZi, 
WT.,   foh  about  fouA  yzoM.     fAom  thzAS.  thzy  movzd  to  nofithuozMt  Iowa,  and  thzncz  to  TuA- 
nzA  County,  SV.,  movZng  ffiom  thzAz  to  Nofuth  Vakota  Zn  1879,  whzAz  thzy  i,pznt.  thz  KzmaZn- 
dzA  of  a  happy  union  until  thz  dzath  of  Mx.  MaAquoAdt  whZch  occufiAzd  Zn  Octobzn.  of  1914. 

SA.nce.  ikaX  date.  the.  motkeA  had  JLvjed  uiith  hzA  younge/,t  daugkteA  arvtiZ  de.ath  6UTmone.d 
heA.  Thz  body  wcut  bnoaght  back  to  SoAgejit  County  and  loA-d  be^-idz  that  o{,  heA.  ia^th- 
iuZ  httiband  Zn  Shuman  CemeteAtf. 

We  fizpJujat  a  (Jew  -tuiw  oi  the.  obltuaJiy  oi  ^UJLiam  UaAxiaoAdt  uikich  wa4  pabtLi>he.d 
Jbi  1914. 

"In  1879  the.  ^amity  moved  to  Hofvth  Vakota  and  ieXtle.d  on  a  ^anm  neafi  HaniUn&on, 
Wahpe^n  beting  the  ne/vie^t  town.  HeAz  thejy  Kej>^zd  up  to  about  ^ouA.  yeaJUt  ago,  whzn 
U/L.  UoAquoAdt  iold  out  and  puAchcazd  the.  old  M.  A.  Ro6b-cni  £aftjn  Zn  Shuman  Touinihip,  wheAZ 
thexj  tivzd  doK  a  numbeA.  0(J  yzoAi,,  thzn  AzntZng  the.  place,  they  movzd  to  HiZnoA.  Thejy 
onJbj  KemoAJied  Zn  HUbioA  about  onz  yeoA,  when  thejy  again  took  up  theln.  Ae^-idzncz  upon 
thz  ^aAm.     In  thz  zaAly  day^i  Ua.  MoAquoAdt  uxu,  a  ^AeZghteA  ^ftom  Wahpeton  to  VoKt  SZ&ieton" 

"Vzczcuzd  woA  a  iplendid  ^oAmeA  and  cJXizzn,  and  kl&  good  counCAJt  and  good  ti^z 
Zzavzi  much  o^  com^oAt  and  coniolatLon  to  hii  beAzaved  ^arUZy  and  ^fUzndit.     Hz  wait  an  old 
4>oldleA  having  ieAvzd  hii,  countAy  wzZt  dtvUng  thz  zntifiz  pzfUod  oi  thz  Civit  WoA.     Hz 
woA  a  membeA  o^  thz  nth  lllinoil,  CavalAy ." 

FuneAol  ieAviczi  weAz  heZd  Tuziday  a^teAnoon  o^  thli  wzeh.  ^Aom  thz  V.  V.  t^aAquoAdt 
Aziidzncz  in  Shuman  Towmhip.     Thz  ^ottouiing  ^Aom  out  o^  thz  county  attzndzd  thz  iZAviczi 
M/L.  and  MA4 .  CanZ  Stach,  Hankin^an,  GzAtAudz  BeAgquiit,  Spokane,  lilA.;   FAank  HoAquoAdt, 
Vavii,  SV.;  TAzd  Botznman,  Vavii,  SV.;  WiZtum  UoAquoAdt,   Uew  E^iington,  SV.;  Ma.,  and  Ua&. 
HeAman  FAochnow,  Ua.  and  Ma4.  Al^Azd  VAochnow,  tW) .  UoAy  Stach,  Mw.  Gzo.  Stach,  WaZtzA, 
Thzo,   Ediioin  and  KAthuA  Stack,  aZl  o£  Hankimon. 
HMKINSON  NEWS  ««»»»•*♦»«  j^  24,    1924 


lilhilz  stacking  hay  on  hid  ^anm  two  mileJi  wzit  o^  Vzblzn  loit  FAiday,  Anton  TylzA, 
weZl  known  and  highly  AZipzctzd  ioAmzA,  wai,  initantly  kiZZzd  by  a  bolt  o^  lightning. 

Ma.  TyleA  wai  juit  finishing  a  itack  and  was  a&ii&tzd  in  thz  woAk  by  Ma.  Donald, 
a  ntighboA,     TyleA  wai  on  thz  Attack  and  had  j'uit  told  Vonald  to  takz  thz  tzam  away  and 
thzy  would  ^iniih  thz  itack  a^tzA  dinnzA,  when  thz  (laih  camz.     Ma.  Donald  wai  knockzd 
down  in  thz  Aack  and  whzn  hz  AzcovzAzd  and  looked  ^OA  TyleA,  hz  wai  unahlz  to  izz  him. 
Hz  Aan  oAound  thz  itack  and  thzn  noticzd  imokz  coming  up  ^Aom  thz  hay.     Hz  climbzd  up 
on  the  itack  and  ^ound  Ma..  TyleA  dead  with  thz  hay  on  f^iAZ  bziidz  him.     VuiZing  thz 
body  iAom  thz  itack,  hz  Aan  to  thz  houiz  and  iznt  in  a  caiZ  ioK  thz  doctoA. 

Whzn  Pa.  SznzicaJll    oAAivzd  hz  ^ound  that  death  had  been  ^n6-6in^neoa6  thz  bolt 
having  itAuck  Ma.  TyleA  in  thz  head  and  tAavelzd  down  thz  Aight  iidz,   bunning  thz  body 

quitz  ieAiouily.  Vzblzn  Advance 

HAMKINSON  MEWS  **********  j^^  24,    7924 

CountAy  MeAchant  Dzati  Out  Right  Mzdicinz 
RobbzA  Killzd  Whzn  Attempting  to  Hold  Up  StoAz  at  StAaubvilZz 
StAaubviJUz,  a  hamlet  on  thz  GAzat  NoAthzAn  linz  in.  SoAgznt  County,  wai  the  icenz 

oi  an  attempted  AobbzAy  that  AZiuZtzd  in  thz  iatal  ihooting  oi  onz  oi  the  banditi. 

HZ^  tu)o  companiotii   uctxpeA  -in  a.  uxtLting  aijJjomob-iZ.z  and  havz  not  been  appA.e}izndzd. 

The.  kJUiinQ  woA  done,  by  W-itt  Schulde.,  membeA  o^  thz  ^-Om  o^  SchuZdz  ZJwtheJU>, 
and  kilt  \j.ictim  aA  tkougfvt  to  be  "Canadian  BZacJU-z"  a  dupufvado  valth  a  Zong  cAMninaJi 

Somztum  bz^oxe.  midnZght  ftu-drnj,  thz  me.n  cattzd  at  thz  ScMuZdz  ^ei-cdence  at  St/iaub- 
vlZZz,  uihich  hamZzt  Ik  about  10  mitzi  ioutkvzit  o^  Toyman,  with  a  Azqazit  ^ofi  automobltz 
oZZ.     GzoHjgz,  thz  ttdtn.  bfvothzA,  accompanlzd  thz  mzn  aZonz.     Oncz  oatitidz,  thz  Kobbzu 
(iOfizzd  him  to  gi\)Z  up  thz  feet/4  to  thz  itoxz.     WkiZz  onz  man  watchzd  outitdz  and  anotkeA 
went  Into  thz  itofiz  with  SchuZdz,  thz  tluAd  fiobbzn.  6at  in  thz  am.  ahout  a  haZ^  bZock 
^Aom  thz  ittoKZ. 

In  thz  mzantimz,  a  yoangzn.  bfwthzfi,  WiZZ-  SchuZdz,  bec^wie  ^tiip^c-cooi  and  itaxtzd 
otit  £Avm  thz  hoaiz  maMi  a  ihotgan.     Hz  wa6  6zzn  by  thz  gwofid  who  (^Vizd,  wounding  him 
in  thz  ^oot.     Young  SchuZdz  Kz^u&zd  to  bz  ^fiightznzd  away  by  thz  guoAd  and  xztuJinzd 
thz  ^iAz,  onz  chaxgz  ^Kom  thz  .ihotgun  i,hattzAing  thz  outZaw'i,  Zz^t  afim  and  anothzA 
zntzfiing  hid  chzit, 

Thz  man  dfioppzd  a^tzA  fuinning  about  a  bZock  and  wa&  dzad  whzn  pickzd  up  by  ShzAii^ 
OZa^  Engzfi,  Vzputy  Tladoi  and  CoKonzfi  LouZ&  Stzimkz,  alZ  o^  Tonman,  a  (Jew  houfu  Zatzn., 

Whzn  thz  iifiing  bzgan  thz  outZaw  in  thz  ktoA.z  bzat  a  haiti)  Kzt/izat  to  thz  wo-ctcng 
aiitomobil-Z  and  with  thz  dfiivzn  madz  a  ha&ty  gztaiwxj,  Zzaving  thziA.  woundzd  companion 
to  hii  iatz.     So  ^afi  thzy  havz  not  bzzn  appKzhzndzd , 

Thz  bandits  izcuAzd  onZy  a  (Jew  doZZoAi   {^ofi  thziA  nlght'i,  wofik. 


Safigznt  County  aathoAitizi>  havz  obtainzd  cix&tody  o^  "Cap"  EdwaAdi,  who  wai  captuAzd 
at  Houghton,  SV.,  and  who  Zl,  wantzd  in  connzction  with  thz  KobbzAy  at  StAoubviZZz,  in 
which  onz  o^  thfizz  bandits  wai,  4>hot  and  kiZZzd  by  WiZZiam  SchuZdz. 

Thz  iZain  man,  according  to  authoAitizi  wai,  T.  A.  Stabback,  aZiai,   "Canadian  EZackiz" 
Oii^icAjoZM  bztizvz  Stabback  wai  thz  Zzadzn.  oi  a  gang  oi  thizvzi  hzadquajUzAing  at  Houghton, 
and  4,a6pzctzd  o^  committing  izvzAoZ  fiobbzAJ.zt> .     A  com.  waa   (^ound  wiMi  thz  dziCiiption  oi 
thz  auto  u£,zd  by  thz  thfizz  StAmihvilZz  bandiXt, .     0(,{,i(u.aZ6  bzZizvz  EdwoAxU,  dKovz  thz  can.. 
HKHKlHSOn  HBilS  .  **********  Auguit  7,    19i4 


Uu.  C.   E.  Vick,   44,  wi^z  0^  a  {^ajmzfi  Ziving  nzoA  fainmount,  ii  dzad  o^  ptomainz 
poZ&oning  fiz&uZting,  attznding  phy6icia.n6  kaid,    {^Kom  eating  ^ood  izAvzd  at  a  hot  dog 
6tand  opzfiatzd  on  thz  ioAA  gfiound&  dafUng  thz  Richtand  County  Fain.. 

MAi.  Vick  wai  takzn  &zni.ouAZy  iZZ  thontZy  a^tzn.  exiting  a  Zunch  at  onz  0(J  thz  ^aln. 
Zunch  i,tandi  and  wa&  conitantZy  undzn.  thz  coAz  oi  a  phyiiclan  untiZ  hzn.  death  Wzdnz&day. 

TunznaZ  6eAvlcz&  wzn.z  heZd  Sunday  and  thz  body  wai  ihlppzd  to  hzn.  oZd  homz  at. 

Shz  Zlvzd  ^on.  iomz  timz  at  BaAnziviZZz  and  En.zckznni.dgz  and  Kzmovzd  to  FaiAmount 
^Ajom  Enzckznnidgz  in  7913.     Shz  ii  iunvlvzd  by  hzn.  haiband  and  two  daaghtzni,  M-w .   F.   L. 

Hci£&taZtzn.  and  Ilia  VicZa  Vick,   o{,  FaiAmount.  RichZand  County  Fanmzn. 

HAUKIUSOU  NEK'S  **********  August  7,    1924 

L.  C,  Jzntz  AeMifLmd  Wtdnudaif  {A-om  Hzndtuon,  hicnnuota,  wheAz  ho.  wcUi  cjxttzjd  by 
ihz  dzaXh  o^  kii  iZi-teA. 

St/uick  by  LZgktyUng  Zn  (Monday 'i  Stonm... 
Had  Livzd  In  HichZand  County  Toft  TZ^iy  yaeuuk  and  bJa&  W-idzZij  Known, . 

VfizdzfLizk.  Ueumann,  a  KuZdznt  o^  HichZand  County  ^OA.  thz  pait  i-iity  yexvil,,  woM 
ZmtantZy  ktZtzd  by  a  bolt  oi  tLghtnlnQ  volfuZe,  engaged  i.n  ^ZzZd  uiofik  on  lvi&  £aAm  £oufL 
nUZu  Aoutkcut  0^  Hankimon  Monday  a^tz/inoon. 

WZth  kii,  i,on  Hwman  hz.  woa  4-toc.fccjig  Qfucun  about  80  Kodd  iiom  thz  houiz.     Thzy  had 
hat{^  a  load  oi  gnain  on  thz  wagon  and  whzn  thz  4tofun  :^iA.zatznzd  thzy  6taAtzd  iJoA.  thz 
Atack,  Hzfman  dfUvZng  thz  tzam  and  h^ii,   ^athzA.  walking.     Ju6t  as  thzy  Kzachzd  thz  i,tack 
a  bolt  oi  tighning,  thz  unioftXanatz  man  thz  iull  iofucz  oi  thz  ztzct- 
fLicJMj.     He  woi  haZi  a  dozen  pazu  bzhind  thz  wagon  and  wai,  ^n&tantly  klllzd.     TarcX-    ■ 
Zcally  all  oi  hU  clothing  wai,  itA^ippzd  ihom  hi&  body  and  iomz  oi  iX  wai  itightly  buAnzd. 
Thz  Ahozi  WQJiz  tonn  oH  and  choAAzd.     Thz  body  ihowzd  iew  maAkl>  a&Zdz  iAom  a  ipot  on 
thz  cfLOwn  oi  thz  hzad.     Hli  watch,  plckzd  up  ifiom  thz  ground  latzA,  had  itoppzd  at  2:30 
exactly,  maAklng  thz  pxzcZ&z  timz  oi  thz  tAadzdy,     Thz  ion,  Hz/iman,  wai  dazed  by  thz 
ihock  but  Kzcovzn.zd  In  a  ihofit  timz  and  AuHzAzd  no  III  zHzct^ . 

ThfiZihing  wai  in  pKogxzZti  on  thz  JuLiai  B/iummand  ioAm  and  mejmbzu  oi  thz  cAew  Auih- 
zd  to  thz  ipot.  Thz  body  wai  A.zmovzd  to  thz  homz  and  a  doctoA.  iuimonzd.  HowzvzA,  noth- 
ing could  6e  donz  oa  dzath  had  bzzn  Zmtantanzoai . 

FAzdzAick  Mzjumann  wai  boAn  in  GzAmany  on  June  20th,   1864,  and  had  thzAzioAz  juit 
poiizd  hii  60th  yzaA.     AitzA  attznding  thz  local  poAlih  &chooli  until  thz  yzoA  1872, 
hz  with  hli  paAznti  and  iamiZy  zmigAjOtzd  to  AmzAica..     Thzy  locatzd  iiAit  in  Cincinnati, 
OH.,   ioA  a  izw  wzzki  thzn  moved  to  WZicomin  whzAz  thzy  livzd  ioA  about  two  yzoAi .     In 
1874,  j'uit  iiity  yzoA/^  ago,  thzy  camz  to  Dakota.,  thz  poAznti  locating  on  thz  homzitzad 
hali  a  miZz  wzit  oi  GAzat  Bend  now  ownzd  by  Otto  Nzumann. 

About  thz  timz  thz  iubjzct  oi  ouA  ikztch  Azachzd  hii  majoAity  hz  woi  maAJiizd  to  Ida 
Ponath,  who  died  many  yzoAi  ago.     At  thz  timz  oi  hii  moAAiagz  thz  poAznti  bought  and  gave 
to  him  thz  pAZiznt  F/ionfe  Popp  ianm  nzoA  GAzat  Bend.     AitzA  ianming  thzAZ  ioA  many  yzaJU, 
hz  diipoizd  oi  thz  placz  and  in  1896  bought  a  ioAm  iouA  miZzi  iouthwzit  oi  Hankinion, 
in  EAightwood  TowrnhZp,  which  hz  opzAatzd  up  to  thz  timz  oi  hZi  dzath. 

Hz  wai  moAAizd  a  izcond  timz  to  Emma  BzAq,  who  iuAvivzi  him.     Ci  thz  iiAit  moAAiagz 
&zvzn  childAzn  WZAZ  boAn,  thAZZ  oi  whom  oAz  living. ..  .FAank,   Hanna  and  John.     Foot  aAZ 
dzad:  RobzAt,  MoAy,  HznJuzAt  and  Paul.     Ninz  childAzn  wzAz  boAn  oi  thz  iZcond  union,  all 
oi  whom  ojlz  living  exczpt  LauAa,  thzy  aAz:  Anna,  Guitavz,  HzAman,   Eliiz,   Emila,  Poiiz, 
Lzna  and  EithzA. 

Hz  Zi  alio  iuAvivzd  by  two  bAothzAi,   ThzodoAz  oi  thii  city  and  Otto  oi  EAandznbuAg 

Townihip;  tMO  ii/ttzAi,  HAi.  Louiiz  Vumkz  and  Wn .  Anna.  VUZbAandt,  both  oi  thii  city; 

hill  motheA--ai-Zcujo,    LoocAe  Be/tg,   Xwo  iom-Zn-taw,   EiruZ  WatJbnan  and  kfiXkuA  Kohct. 

Rt.  Weumonn  wcu,  a  hcuid-wcfiUjig ,  God-^eoAing  man  and  did  luJ,   lull  ihoJiz  i.n  tkz 
dzvztopmznt  o^  ZLchZand  Countif  £Ajom  a  iKonZieA.  cormanyity  to  Zti  pKue.nt  nA.dvn.ZM.     He 
had  the.  t&tzem  and  Kupzct  o^  aJUi  and  kZi  tfuxgZc  dzath  amz  oa  a  QKZJit  4>hock  to  old 
nZA-QkbotUi  and  lJu.zndi . 

Hz  was  a  dzvoat  mzmbzA.  o^  tkz  IrmanuzJi  Eu.  ChuAch  and  Reu.  C,  ObzAdozMtzA  wai  -en 
duvigz  oi  thz  lanzAaZ  ^zAvZczi  which  wzfiz  hzZd  Zn  this  (uMf  on  Monday  altzAnoon  at  2:30. 
ScoA.^^  ol  old  iKizndi,  odizjnblzd  to  pay  thzJji  ^ZnaZ  tKlicutz  o^  Kz&pzct  to  thz  dzpoAtzd. 
IntzAmznt  wai  madz  i.n  thz  IrmanuzZ  CzmeXzAy, 

HANKINSON  NEWS  »*»«»«««««  AugiM-C  21,    1924 

TlonzzA.  ol  EJbna  Touinihip  An6u}ZA&  VZnaZ  SuTimoni>.. 
RziZdzd  -In  ZichZand  County  Fox  VoKty  Vzanj,  and  Was  Highly  Rzipzctzd 

ThtodoKz  ElAnbaum,  Sa..,  a  KZJ>ldznt  o^  Elma  Touin&hlp  ion.  ^onty  ifZoM,  dlzd  at  thz 
Bn.zckznnA.d3z  Hoipltal  on  Thunj,day,  Aug.    14th,  a^tzn.  a  tingzAlng  ltlnzi,i>.     Hz  was  a 
AuHzAZA.  inom  chAonlc  nzphnltU  and  had  bzzn  falling  6tzadUy  {on.  &omz  tlmz  bz^oKz 
dzath  zndzd  ku  i,uilzAlng6 . 

Vzctaizd  was  faoAJx  In  Gonnxlng,   LuxzjvbuAg,   on  Aug.   17th,   1S50,  and  JLackzd  bat  thn.zz 
day^  0)J  complz^ng  74  yz/iM  on  thli   zoAth.    Loofujig  ^on.  Mldzn.  oppon^tanltlzi  than  kil, 
natlvz  country  a^iondzd,   hz  zmlgnatzd  to  fijnznlca  at  thz  agz  o^  21  yzoAi,  locating  ilJiit 
at  Wew  Wbn,  MW.  hz  wznt  {,nom  thaJm  to  Wl&con6ln  whzAz  hz  nzMldzd  ^on.  izvzAol  yzaxb .     In 
1S83  hz  jolnzd  thz  niah  Vakotawand,  aAAlvlng  In  WahpzXon  whzAZ  hz  Kimalnzd  Ion.  onz  yzan.. 

In  1SS4  hz  bought  thz  ianm  In  Elma  Town&hcp  which  wai  to  6e  hZi  homz  ^on.  thz  n.ejnalnlrg 
ionty  yzau  ojj  hU  ti{,z.     On  Jan.   12th,    1B91 ,  hz  manjvizd  M^4  Ju£-ca  VzGuba  who  £an.vlvz6 
him.     01  thli  union  izvzn  chyiZdxzn  wzKZ  bon.n,  llx  ol  whom  oAz  Living;  John,  Thzodoxz, 
HlchazZ,  Joizph,  Mathilda  and  Clana. 

VzczoMzd  was  honzJit  and  lndLU,tAA.oiil>  and  by  hafid  won.k  acqulnzd  a  compzXzncy,  Izavlng 
hl&  iamlZy  wzlt  pnovldzd  ^on..  Hz  wai  a  good  CAXlzzn  and  hli,  dzath  It,  a  dlitlnct  lo-ii  to 
thz  community  In  which  hz  KZildzd  ^oA  60  many  yzoJii, . 

Thz  iunzAot  wai  hzld  Monday,  Aug.   ISth,  wlMi  iZAvlczi  at  St.  PhlZlp'i  Chanch  at  9  AM. 
Rev.  Joi .  F.  Stadnlcka  wai  In  changz  o^  thz  iZAvlcz^,  wkich  wzAz  attzndzd  by  a  tangz 
gathzAlng  o^  inlzndi  and  old  nzlghbon.&  who  thai  paid  thzlA  £lnal.  tnlbutz  oi  KZipzct  to  thz 
dzpajutzd.  ••»»,••*•, 

MIm  EZilz  KnzliaZ  o^  thli  city  lzf,t  OJzdnziday  £on.  En.zckznnMlgz  In  KZiponiz  to  a 
mzi4>agz  announcing  thz  dzath  oi  hzn.  ilitzn-ln-taw,  Mas.  EdwoAd  KAzliol.     Mjh  .  KJUzioZ 
poiizd  away  at  thz  St.   Francos  Hoipltal  zanJiy  Wzdnziday  mon.nlng,  thz  cauiz  o^  hzn.  dzath 
bzlng  hzanjt  ialZunz.     Ezildzi  hzn.  huiband  ihz  Izavzi  to  mounn  hzn.  dzath  hzn.  mothzn.  and 
a  hoit  oi  ionnowlng  £nA.zndi. 

HAWKIWSOW  WEWS  Auguit  21,    1924 

M/L4 .  OKlando  Bj'oKk  and  Baby  VZe.  Tfwm  Stovz  ExpZo/^A^n, , . . 
Ha&band  and  TatktU  Wai  A  MemfceA.  o^  Hankcmon'^  Otd  Company  L..., 
A  />hockA.n3  tAjdQzdij  occuJiAzd  a  (Jew  initU)  wut  o^  Ro^holt  t!uj>  weefe  uihzn  thz  exploi- 
Ajon  o£  a  ivitdizn  Kange.  Zn  thz  ^oAm  home.  Oj{  OnZajndo  Zjonk  KudLtad  Zn  thz  dexuth  o^  iuio 
oi  the.  {^ainUbj.     Thz  tuoo-yejaA-otd  cKLM  oi  Zjonk  waa  kiZtzd  by  the.  cxpZoiZon.    Wta.  Bjon.k 
woi  Atuhtd  to  a  ho^pZtaZ,  whafiz  6he.  dlzd  iuio  houA&  ZateA. 

Thz  hu&band  and  ^athzn.,  O/iZayvdo  Bjofdz,  voai  a  mojmbzn.  oi  HaniiLnSton^i>  oZd  Company  L, 
thz  mzmbzu  o^  uikcch  did  6o  much  to  uphoZd  tkz  patAlotiim  o^  tkii  pant  o^  thz  county 
dufUng  thz  IsloKtd  Wax.     Bjofdk.  wai,  one  oi  thz  mo&t  iaZthiul  mzmbzu  oi  thz  company  and 
uiltZ  bz  nzmzmbzA.zd  by  mo/>t  oi  ouA.  pzoptz  who  took  iuch  an  Zntztzit  in  thz  pAztuninoAy 
dnJJUUjnQ  Ajn.  ouA.  city  in  thz  zafity  monthi  oi  I9T7  whzn  thz  company  woA  quaJitzKzd  in  thz 
city  haJUi.     Thz  itnickzn  husband  hai,  thz  dzzpz&t  sympathy  oi  aJit  in  hii  shocking  bzAzavz- 

RztuAning  to  hi&  homz  nzoA.  Hoihott  at  thz  cZo6Z  oi  thz  wan.,  hz  wai  ihohtZy  aitzfi- 
waJidi,  moAAizd,  hii  bfiidz  being  a  daaghtzn  oi  AxzZ  W.  Pztzuon  oi  Ro^hott.     Thzy  wzKz 
Kz&iding  on  thz  old  homz  ianm  oi  Uk.  BjoA.k,  a  iew  miZz&  wz&t  oi  RoihaZt,  wheAZ  thz 
tzMibZz  tfiagzdy  occuAAzd. 

<«»»«,««»«  SzptembzA  4,   T924 


Authofiitiz&  OAZ  htiXt  izafLching  ion.  two  chaAactzu  known  only  ai   "Stim"  and  ^BZackiz" 
wantzd  in  connzction  with  thz  muAdzA  oi  Choi.  PZant,tnjan6iznt  haAvz6t  hand,  at  EZZzndaZz. 

Plant  wai  ihot  and  in&tantZy  kiZtzd  on  a  6idz  itAzet  in  EiZzndaZz  about  midnight 
onz  night  Za&t  wzzk.     Thz  night  moA&haZ  hextfid  thz  ihot^  but  Kzachzd  thz  ipot  too  tatz  to 
appAzhznd  thz  muAdzAZAM.     "Siim"  wa&  an  J .  W.  W.   oAganizzA,   but  it  i&  thought  thz  ihoot- 
ing  wa6  done  by  his,  paZ  "Blackiz."     Thz  cau6z  oi  thz  shooting  ii  unknown  but  i&  bought 
to  havz  AZiuZtzd  iAom  a  coAd  gamz. 

Plant,  an  ex-iexvicz  man,  who  wa&  woundzd  and  iuHzAzd  6hzll  &hock  in  FAancz,  wai 
about  35  yzoACi  oi  agz.     Hz  camz  to  Ellzndalz  with  hii,  young  wiiz  and  iniant  daughtzA,  who 
£uAvivz  him,  inom  Hinnzjapolii  about  two  yzanc  ago  and  hm,  bzzn  employed  on  vaniou&   ioAmi 
nzoAhy  eueA  iincz.     Hz  and  hii  iamiZy  took  Aoom6  in  Ellzndalz  a  iew  wzzkj>  ago  while  hz 
hiAzd  out  ioA  hoAvzit  and  thAZ&hing. 

»*««*»«»«»  Szptembzfi  4,   1924 

H.   L.  Jonzi  oi  WyndmeAz  In&tantly  KiM.zd 
Void  Can.  OvzntuAnzd  Wz&t  oi  Wahpzton. .  .Othzn  Occupant!,  UnhuAt... 
H.   L.  Jonz&,   54,  pionezn.  Az&idznt  oi  WyndmzAZ,  waj,  in&tantly  kiltzd  when  hilt  Fond 
touting  can.  tunnzd  tuntlz  on  thz  noad  a  couple  oi  milz6  wz6t  oi  Wahpeton  about  5  PM 
Tuziday  aitznnoon.     Thz  top  oi  thz  izat  pinned  him  to  thz  gAound  when  thz  can  tuAnzd 
ovzn.  and  hii  nzcJi  wai,  bnokzn.     Thz  othzn.  occupanti  oi  thz  can,  two  childAzn  about  thnzz 
yzoAi  old,  wznz  unhunt. 

Jonti  woi  homz  {^fwm  a  ba6Zn&66  tftip  to  WaJipzton.     Hz  w<x6  accompanizd  by 
kit)  titttz  gKandion,   3  yzcifii  old,  and  a  tittJiz  SpnA.nqzn.  qViZ  o^  thz  i>cmz  agz  wko  kant 
been  making  hex  homz  with  thz  Jonzi   ^ainUbj,     Ju&t  what  caiiizd  thz  acddznt  Zi  a  my^tzty. 
The.  Koad  Zi  good,  iX  woi  hKoad  daytight,   and  a  Zatzn.  zxaminajtlon  o^  thz  cun.  KzvzaJizd  noth- 
ing uviang  with  thz  itzzulng  appoJiaJui.     In  any  zvznt  thz  can.  tUJinzd  ihafiplij  f^Kom  tliz  xoad 
Into  thz  ditch  and  tuJinzd  tuAtlz.     It  wait  an  oZd  modzZ  Tond  with  no  top  and  thz  occupanti, 
wzAz  pinnzd  undeA  thz  cox,  Jonu  bzing  caught  andzA.  thz  back  o^  thz  izat.     Thz  ditch  wai, 
about  ^ou/L  ^zzt  dzzp. 

A  coA  {^fwm  thz  wz6t  wai  thz  ^iut  on  thz  6cznz,  and  a  momznt  latzA.  H.  A,   Lawion 
and  L.  R.  BuA^zning  A.zachzd  thz  ^pot.     Thz  ovzAtivinzd  can.  wa&  ti^tzd  up  and  thz  chiZdJizn 
Kztzantzd.     Thzjj  wznz  unhuAt  zxczpt  ion.  iZight  icjuitchzi, .  Jonz6  had  bzzn  ini>tantiK  kittzd, 

Thz  chiZdMzn  wzAz  takzn  to  Wahpzton  and  latzn.  thz  body  o^  thz  un^oxtunatz  man  wa6 
takzn  to  that  city.     YzitzAday  thz  n.zmain&  wzAZ  n.ejnovzd  to  WyndrnzAZ  whzn.z  thz  iunznaZ  witi 
be  heZd. 

M/i.  Jonz&  wa&  a  pionzzn.  n.ziidznt  ol  Nonth  Dakota,  having  Zocatzd  nzan.  thz  pAZiznt 
viiZagz  0)J  Mc  Lzod  wiXh  hi&  pan.zyvt&  whzn  bat  ^ivz  yzafUi  old.     Tftoi  ^oK  nzanJbj  SO  yeafU 
fee  hai  tivzd  in  Nonth  Dakota,  and  ^on.  tkz  Zait  30  yzoAi  in  HichZand  Cousvty .     Hz  wai   zn- 
gagzd  in  opznating  a  cnzam  station  and  con^zctionznjy  at  WyndmzAZ  and  wa&  at&o  a  dzputy 
ihznia  OjJ  thz  county.     Hz  -ci  6un.vivzd  by  a  widow  and  ^ivz  gnxjwn  chiZdAzn. .  .ioan.  manjiizd 
daaghtzAi  and  a  ion.     Hz  aZ&o  lzavz&  &ix  bnothzAi,  and  6i6tzn/). 
HAUKWSON  NEWS  **********  SzptzmbzA.  Tl,    1924 

Maa.   L.  C.  Jzntz  and  M^.  AZbzfut  LoKznz  and  ion  Inwin  n.ztuAJi.zd  Monday  ixorn  BzlZ 

Vtain,  UH.,  whzAz  thzy  wzKz  caiZzd  by  thz  dzath  o^  thzin  Aunt, 



John  Pick,  iathzA.  o^  M^.  Mtfee  Whitz,  onz  o^  thz  old  n.z&idznt&  o^  thz  Fainmount 
community,  but  who  ZatzA.  Azmoved  to  Canada,  dizd  Za6t  Tuziday  at  hid  homz  at  Hidatz, 
Soik,   Canada,   hzant  tAoubZz  bzing  thz  cauiz  o^  hid  dzath. 

Dzczaizd  wad  bonn  in  Gznmanjy,   66  yza/u  ago  and  camz  to  Amznica  wiXh  hi/,  poAznti 
whzn  S  yzau  o£  agz,  thz  iamiZjj  izttZing  at  St.  3oz,  MW.,  whzAZ  hz  gn.v»  to  manhood. 
Hz  Zatzn.  camz  to  Fainmount  and  ^anmzd  in  thxt  izction  untiZ  18  yzoAd  ago  whzn  hz  movzd 
to  Canada  and  took  up  a  homzitzad.     Hz  hju,  viiitzd  in  RichZand  County  izvznaZ  timzi, 
thz  Za&t  timz  bzing  Zait  wintzfi. 

Bziidzi  hii  widow  hz  Zzavzi  {,ivz  cktidnzn:  Unj,.   Fnank  EZakz  o{,  FaiMmount,  John 

Pick  and  Mw.  Anmi  KziiZzA.  o^  HLdaZz,   Canada,  Mw.  KaXz  VztzAion  o^  Waitz  Vank,  MM., 

and  M/L6.  Hikz  Whitz  o{,  thii  city. 


HANKZNSOM  NEWS  SzptzmbzA   IT,  1924 

Chai,.  UzjjtfiM,  Ulnnzioia.  U.  Studojit,   VZctim... 
Tnngzdy  Ocavuizd  Sanday  Evening:  ktbeAJt  TZzg&  Hcu,  HafOiow  Escape... 

Chou>.  MeyeAi,   2Z  yzan.  old  Hinnuota  Unlv&ft&lty  itudejint,  cttw  almo&t  In&tantly  hJJUizd 
and  kJLbzKt  TZzgi  6a&tcu.nzd  i^o  bfcokzn  Kibi,  fU&  Alight  fenee  badZy  cfia&hzd  and  icAotdiu 
about  tkz  iacz  and  hzad  wfien  thz  ToKd  Coapz  dAlvzn  by  TZzgi  was,  itfaick  by  a  Soo  iKzlght 
tfuUn  at  thz  Vioiii-t.m  about  {^oua  mltzi  noxthwzi>t  o£  thii  (Uty  at  about  6  ?H  Sunday  zvznlng. 
Thz  Qjxfi  wai  tkxown  moKZ  than  ^Z^ty  ^zzt  and  &mai>hzd  to  fujidLing  wood  and  ACiap  tfion.  Thz 
Zicapz  0)J  young  Ttzgi  taith  Kic  tl^z  wai  aJbnoit  mOtxicuZoui. 


Thz  boy&  had  dAlvzn  thz  can.  out  to  fLzpalfi  a  wifiz  {zncz  on  thz  Ttzgi  (JoAm.     Thz  Soo 
maZn  tinz  tuack  /tuns  thAough  thz  i<vm  and  In  KziuJinZng  thz  boyi  djiovz  noAth  ^on.  a  i,hofit 
dl&tancz  aJbnoi,t  pcuiaJUieJi  with  thz  t/uick,  thzn  tufinzd  za&t  at  thz  cJio.&6AJig.     Thzy  did  not 
hzan.  noK  izz  thz  apptvoacking  tnjcuin,  according  to  thz  itofuj  told  by  Tlzgh,  and  thz  tadt 
AzcoZZzction  hz  hai,  l&  that  o^  thz  ihock  o^  thz  coiLi&ton.     Thz  t/uUn  wai,  AunnZng  at  a 
high  fiatz  of^  ipzzd  to  kzzp  ahzad  0){  thz  zvznZng  pa66zngzA.  tAaJ.n,    107,  which  It,  duz  hzfiz 
at  about  thz  iome  houn..     Thz  can.  wa&  6tnack  bnxiad&ldz  and  thAown  about  ility  {^zet  Into 
thz  wovzn  wIaz  ^zncz,  hanging  pantZy  ovzA  thz  £zncz.     Uzyznj>  zvldzntly  wa&  thnown  ^Aom 
thz  can  and  ^tnuck  agaimt  a  ^zncz  poit.     Hz  wad   ^ound  tangzZzd  up  In  wovzn  wIaz  by  thz 
tAjJujn  CAZW  and  tivzd  about  20  mlnutzd.     AZbzAt  Tlzg6  wa6  ^ound  on  thz  gAound  aJbno&t  undzn 
thz  can  and  wa&  uncomcA-Oui.     Thz  InjuAzd  mzn  wznz  ptaczd  aboand  thz  tAoin  and  nu&hzd  to 
WyjidmzAZ.'   MzyzAS  dlzd  on  thz  tAaln,  about  20  mlnutzi  a^tzA  thz  accldznt.     Hz  had  bzzn 
Injunzd  about  thz  hzad,   onz  ofm  wad  bAokzn  In  thAZZ  placz&,  and  hz  doubttzi-i  6u&talnzd 
IntznnaZ  Injunlzi,.     Tlzg.6  Azcovznzd  comclou6nt&.i   ^oA  a  momznt  bz^onz  Azachlng  WyndmZAZ 
but  wznt  o^ft  again  {oA  iomz  timz.     Hz  wa6  bAought  back  to  HankAjUtOn  on  Soo  tAoin  Wo.   106 
thz  6amz  zvznlng  and  takzn  to  thz  homz  o{,  hl&  bAothzA  ThzodoAZ  TlzgA  In  thii  city,  whznz 
hz  ll>  now  Azcovznlng  ^Aom  hi&  InjUAlzi  and  thz  ihock  o^  thz  tAogzdy. 

Thz  automoblZz  wai,  a  total.  wAzck,..ait  £ouA  whzzts  toAn  o^^  and  zvzAy  ipokz  bAokzn, 
thz  body  6mai>hzd  Into  W0AthJiztt&nz6i>,  thz  znglnz  bAokzn  and  thz  top  aJbnoi>t  tonn  ojjij. 


MzyzAi '  paAznti  llvz  In  Iflatzntown,  SV.     Young  UzjyzAd  hoM  bzzn  making  hl&  homz  with 
hii,  moAAizd  iil&tzA  In.  Ulnnzapolli,  duAing  thz  two  yzoAi  hz  hai  bzzn  a  itudznt  at  thz  Hinn- 
ZJiota  UnlvzAilty.     With  a  pat,  Joe  Schuizlsii,  about  hli  own  agz,  hz  camz  to  thl&  vicinity 
zajiZy  In  thz  Aummzn  £oA  thz  puApo^z  o^  hzcoAing  woAk  on  a  ^anm  to  hzZp  dz^nay  hU  school, 
zxpznizi  ^oA  thz  coming  yzoA.     Thz  two  boyi  woAkzd  ^lut  ^OA  HznAy  Knauiz  duAlng  haying, 
and  tatzA  wznt  to  wonk  ^OA  Fnank  Tlzgi  duAing  haAvz&t  and  thnzihlng.     Mzyzu  had  ptannzd 
to  Zzavz  ioA  HinnzapoLii,  loit  SatuAday  but  dzcldzd  to  6tay  ovzA  a  iew  dayi,  and  hzLp  {^ILi 
thz  hUio  on  thz  Tlzgl  ^anm,     A  nzighboA  iznt  wo  Ad  ojj  thz  bAokzn  ^zncz  Sunday  and  thz  boyi 
dAovz  out  to  makz  thz  nzcz&6any  AzpaiAi .     UzyzAi,  wak  In  a  paAticulaAly  happy  {^namz  o{ 
mind  ai  hz  Iz^t  thz  ^anm.     Hz  wa6  a  {^inz  young  izUjow  and  highly  Azgandzd  In  thz  nzlghboA- 
hood  whzAz  hz  woAkzd  thz  pa&t  4ea4on4, 

That  MbeAJt  TZzg^i  wca  not  ZmtantZy  kAjittd  Ik  hoJid  to  andzfi&tand.     He.  li>  tkz  &on 
0)J  M^.  and  Wn,.  Tftank  TZzgk  and  woi  boKn  on  thz  ia/m  16  i/zau  ago.     We  -ci  itUJUi  4ai{|{eA- 
-cng  iKom  tkz  tnj'uAyizi  and  the  ihock  q({  thz  tfiagzdy. 


P.zlatU.vzi>  o{,  young  MzyeA^  Kzachzd  WyndrnzAz  Tuz&day  moinlng  and  compZztzd  oAAarvgz- 
rnznti   ioK  ihipmznt  o^  thz  fiemaini  to  thz  ^anuJiy  homz  at  lilatzfitown,  SV.     Thz  datz  {^OK  thz 
{^anznaJi  ha^  not  bzzn  annoanczd, 

Thz  automobZtz  that  ^guAzd  Zn  thz  tAagzdy  vooi  -in  a  bad  &mai,h-up  Jun.  (UnnzapoLii  a 
Zittlz  Zz&i  than  a  yzan  ago.     It  was  dAZvzn  at  that  -tone  by  thz  lamz  dfu.\)Zfi,  AZbzfit  TZzg-i, 
A  hzavy  can.  it/iuck  ^Aom  bzhZnd,  thAovoZng  ktbzfut  to  thz  cu/tb  and  caa&Zng  paln^uZ  bat  not 
iZAAMoi  ZnjuAA,z&,     Thz  can.  u:ai  4o  badZy  imcahzd  at  that  timz  that  an  zntOtz  new  body  wa6 
nzczSioAy.  ********** 

HANKWSON  NEWS  Szptzmbzn.  25,    1924 

M/L4.  Wm.  Schaztt  A.zcz<.vzd  a  mzi6agz  today  announcing  thz  dzath  o{,  hzn  nzpheu  Tfuink 

HzZchzAt:,  Jk.,  who  voai  killzd  In  thz  izvzAz  itofm  at  Evztzth,  MM.,  last  Sunday.     He  uku> 

kWizd  by  a  tivz  uuAz  that  had  bzzn  blown  down.     Hz  ll>  6UA.vZvzd  by  *co  ckildKzn. 


Szptzmbzn.  25,    7924 
Roy  Kozpnlck  KJJLtzd  In  Shooting  Accxdznt 
Companion  Zi  AZmoit  Cnazzd  wiXh  G>U.z{i  and  Rzjnon^z... 

Anothzn.  o^  thoiz  accA.dzntat  i,hooting  accA.dznt&  that  anz  a  &ad  £zatuAz  oi  eve/u/ 
huntxng  iza&on  occuAAzd  Sunday  whzn  Roy  Kozpnlck,    15  yzaAi  old,  wa&  ihot  and,tantly  kxlZzd  by  thz  accMizntaZ  di&zhoAgz  o^  a  shotgun  Jin  thz  hands  o^  his  hunting 
companion  Rudolph  Gu&tinan.     No  blamz  attachzs  to  anyonz  ioK  thz  dzploAablz  accldznt 
that  snufi^zd  out  thz  ti^z  o^  thz  un^oAXunatz  Roy. 

Thz  tAagzdy  occuAAzd  midway  bztuzzn  thz  Kozpnlck  and  Gastman  ^aJms,  about  ^oun. 
mlZzs  zast  oi$  town,  In  Waldo  bztwzzn  5  and  6  PH.     Voung  Kozpnlck  had  plannzd  a  hunting 
tnlp  with  a  son  o{.  Ben  Jone*  but  this  plan  was  abandonzd.     Thzn  onz  of,  thz  SalTwzdzl 
boys  {jAom  town  came  to  thz  GustJnan  placz.     Roy  and  Rudolph  onAangzd  to  go  out  with  him, 
{,ofi  chlckzns  and  watkzd  thz  Gustman  £anm  to  Kozpnlck' s  to  gzt  a  shotgun.     On  thz 
AztuAn  tfUp  thzy  shot  a  fiabblt  and  {^lushzd  a  covzy  oi  chlckzns,   bagging  onz  oi  thz  binds. 
A  littlz  {^anthzn  on  anothzn  covzy  o^  binds  stanXzd  up  and  young  Kozpnlck  fuin  ahzad  a 
&hont  dlstancz.     Rudolph  cockzd  both  hammznj>  o{,  his  doublz  baAAzt  shotgun  and  stoAtzd  to 
follow.     With  his  llngznji  on  thz  tnlggzAS  hz  was  watching  ioK  moKZ  binds  and  huAAylng 
£oAwand.     ToK  this  Kzason  hz  ^altzd  to  watch  his  stzp,  and  In  cZambznlng  up  an  embankment 
hz  slippzd  back  just  as  hz  had  nzaJity  Kzachzd  thz  top.     In  falling  hz  convulsively  pulled 
thz  tAlggzn.  and  thz  zntlnz  chaAgz  stniick  Roy  In  thz  back,     Le44  than  a  dozen  {^zzt  szpanated 

XJie.  boyi  and  thz  an^oAXunatt  \iZctm  of^  thz  accidznt  wcu,  dejxd  uuMUn  a  ({ew  mCnatz^ . 
HadoZph  AK&hzd  homz  and  mzdicat  aZd  wai  iummomd  buX.  dzaMi  had  be.e.n  aJbnoit,tarLtanzoui . 

Thz  t/iagzdy  woi  anothzfi  o^  tko&z.  an^oAtunajtz  a£{^aVui  In  wkcch  no  onz  Zi  to  bZamz 
and  itAjUi  mphaiZzu  the.  ^poxtancz  6{,  taking  eue'uf  pAzcawtion  wkitz  handJUnq  {^XAza/im . 
NzzdZ.ze,i  to  &atf,  Rudolph  -ci  aZmolt  cAazed  mXk  gfUz^  and  AemoASt,  and  the.  ihockZng  t/iag- 
zdy  4Ji  a  6ZVZAZ  blow  to  both  ^anULizi, 

Thz  vZctOn  oi  thz  accldznt  wa4  boKn  -in  Tafigo  on  New  VzaJi^&  Day  and  woatd  havz  bzzn 
16  yzoAM  old  on  JanuoAy  next.     He.  Zs>  thz  only  4ion  o^  Ma.,  and  Ww.  Cha/iZzi,  F.  KozpnZck, 
both  OjJ  whom  6uA.vZvz  kim.     Hz  alio  Izavzi  onz  &Z&tzfi  o^  15  to  moafui  thz  lo66  o^  hzfi 
bAothzA.     Thz  iamU.y  tivzd  hzAZ  yeoAi,  ago,  then  went  to  Canada  £oA  a  ihoAt  timz,  and 
£oA  thz  pa&t  ^vz  yeoAi  havz  Az&Zdzd  Zn  tJtu  vZcA.nZty.     At  pAZ&znt  thzy  oAz  onz 
oj{  thz  ^anm6  owned  by  VAank  Gu&tman,   ^athzA  oi  Rudolph.     Thz  laJXzA  Zi  aboui  11  yeoAi  old. 

Thz  lixneAJil  tvoa  held  Wzdnz&day  wJUh  &zAvlcej)  at  thz  IrmaniieZ  Ev.  ChuAch  at  1  PU. 
Rev.  EakzA  0(J  VeMii  Falli,  wai,  In  cJuvigz  o^  thz  iZAvZce/,  In  the  ahizncz  o^  Rav.  Obzndozitzn. 
who  Zi  vZ&ZtZng  Zn  {/JZiconiZn. 
HMIKZNSON  NEWS  **********  OctobeA  1,   1914 

CoaZ  W.  KAaa&z  Aztunzd  FAZday  zvenZng  £Aom  Hankato,  MW.,  whzAZ  he  went  to  attend 
thz  iunzAol  oi  hZ&  ^atheA,  UoAtZn  Kfiaa6Z. 

**********  OctobeA  11,   1914 


Ha&,  Ro6Z  T,  Shelley  paired  away  at  thz  homz  oi  hzA  daughteA,  Ha&.  V.  E.  Ryan,  Zn 
thtlt  cZty  on  FAZday,   Oct,   14th,  a^teA  two  yzaA6  o^  Zllne£i>.     FoA  £zveAal  daij6  6hz  had 
been  gAadudolZy  iZnkZng  and  ihz  pa&.&ed  away  peacz^uZly,   death  comZng  oi,  a  deep  tlzzp. 
FoA  two  yzau  ihz  had  bzzn  a  iuHeAZA  jjAom  a  complZcatZon  o^  dZabeteJ),  aAtzA06cZoA&Z 
and  hephAZtZ&  and  was  a  patZent  iu^^zAZA. 

Vzceoizd  was  a  ywJJjjz  oi  New  VoAk,  whzAZ  ihz  wai  boAn  Oct.  17th,  1S67.  ThzAz  ihz 
QAeui  to  womanhood  and  wai  moAAZzd  35  t/eaA4  ago  to  E.  A.  ShzZlzy,  who  iuAvZvzi  hzA.  Thz 
£ajnZly  movzd  to  HinnzapolZi  10  ye^oAi  ago  whzAz  thzy  havz  AZiZdzd  zveA  iZncz, 

EziZdzi  thz  itAZckzn  huiband,  tUio  chZldAzn  oAz  Iz^t  to  mouAn  thz  loii  o^  a  lovZng 
motkzA. . .  .HAi .  V.  E.  Ryan  OjJ  thZi  cZty  and  C.  W.  SheZtey  o^  HinneapolZi.     Both  wzAz 
wZth  hzA  duAZng  thz  iZnaZ  dayi  o^  hzA  ZlZnzii,  and  accompanZzd  thz  body  to  ULnneapolZi. 
SzAvZczi  WZAZ  held  hzAz  on  Oct.   15th  and  at  UZnnzapolZi  on  Monday,  Oct.   17th. 

Thz  pall  bzaAZfii  wzAz  Hugo  KAoutkAemzA,  kdam  HZpp,  Adam  Roth,   Paul  WZtte,  JeAAy 
Shea  and  Matt  Joit. 

**********  OctobzA  SO,    1924 

llleJil  known  RziZdznt  VZctZm  o^  Auto  Accident 

Tmtantly  KZlZzd  When  CoA  0\JeAtuAned  NeoA  Vall.zy  CZty 

HznAy  Faoit  of,  MZllzAvZllz,  MN.,   foAmeA  AZiZdent  of  HankZmon,  wai  kZllzd  Zn  an 
auto  accZdent  neoA  VaZZzy  CZty  Monday  evening. 

ThAough    iomz  ZAAOA  thz  mziiage  AzczZvzd  hzAz  gave  Willow  CZty  oi  thz  icenz  o{,  the 
accZdent,  and  thZi  AZ&ultzd  Zn  iomz  delay  Zn  izcuAZng  detaZli,     Not  untZl  tkZi  moAnZng 

UXI&  it  cLLicoveAzd  that  the.  acddznt  occuAAzd  nzoA  VaZZzy  City.     "OttauZd  oaz.  itUit  tack- 
Zng,   but  it  Zi  knouin  that  the.  imatZ  coupe,  in  which  fauit  and  a  companion,    Loui6  John&on, 
V3zn.z  KidinQ  W(X6  oveAtJUJine.d  in  Zoo^e.  gfuweZ  Uonday  eve.ning  thjizz  mitej,  za^t  o{i  VaZZzy  City, 
faa6t  was  initantZy  kiZZzd,  hii  i,kuZZ  and  chz&t  being  CAuihzd.     Johnion  zicapzd  pAactic- 
aZJLy  unhuAt. 

(iJhiZz  thz  fizZativzi  kzAZ  wzfiz  to  communicatz  uiith  WilZou  City,  thz 
authonitizi)  at  VaiZzy  City  had  bzzn  unabZz  to  Zocatz  hil,  fLzZativzi .     FinaZZy  thii  moan- 
ing thz  matteA  uia6  ctzaJizd  up  and  UndzAtakzA  M.  A.  Wippznman  ii>  novo  znAcutz  ^OA  VaZZzy 
City  and  wiZZ  KztuJun.  with  thz  body  tonight. 

HznAy  Fauit  wot,  boAji  in  HUZzAviZZz,  MW.,  and  uoai  36  yzaxi  o^  agz.     A  ijew  yzjvu 
Zatzn.  thz  ^amiZy  camz  to  Hankimon  and  hzjiz  fie  madz  hii  homz  don  a  numbzA  of,  yzaA6 . 
ffe  uUZZ  be  A-emcmbe/ied  by  many  o^  oun.  pzoplz,  and  nesM  of  hi&  untimely  death  ij>  Kzczivzd 
with  gznzfiaZ  ioM.ow.     Hz  was  an  indui>tfiioui,  man,   highZy  z&tzemed.     Hz  hoi  Kz&iAzd  at 
HitZzfiviZlz  ^OK  thz  pa&t  (Jew  yzafu>  and  it  ii>  pfiz&umzd  wai  znfioutz  ioK  that  pZacz  at  thz 
timz  0)J  thz  accidznt,   having  bzzn  working  in  thZi  Atatz  dufiZng  thz  ha/ivz&t  and  thAz&hing. 

Hz  Zzavzi,  iivz  ii&tzu  to  mouAn  hii  dzath. . .  .Wu> ,  JuZian  Lee  oi  BeZ^oAd  Towmhip, 
Mw.  Uikz  WiAtz  0^  itJaZdo,  UAi.  Joi.  Rzttig  and  HL&.i  EZizabzth  Tauit  both  of  this  city, 
and  Mw.  HzAman  ktiieAi  oi  AZexandAija,  MW. 

A  ^unzAoZ  wiZZ  be  hzZd  fAiday  moAning  iAjom  St.  VhiZip'6  ChuAch  and  intzAmznt  wiZZ 
be  madz  in  CaZvoAy  CemetzAy. 

»•*,»»*«*»  OctobzA  30,    1924 

UoAjOAiz  Whitz  Succumbs  AitzA  long  JZZnz66. 
Vzath  o{i  High  SchooZ  GiJiZ  ZAingi  SoAAow  to  HzA  SchooZmatz& . . . 

Thz  dzath  ol  UaAjoAiz  bJhitz,  which  occuAAzd  at  thz  EAZckznAidgz  Ho6pitaZ  on  Uonday, 
Oct,   nth,  at  12:30  PM,   come  ai,  no  6uApAii,z  to  ouA  community,  yzt  pAc^ound  ioAAow  wa& 
zxpAZi^>zd  on  zvzAy  hand  at  thz  pairing  c^  thi£  young  gitZ  j'u&t  budding  into  womanhood, 
ToA  nzanZy  a  yzoA  4fie  hoi  bzzn  undzA  mzdicaZ  coAZ,  and  zvejiything  poaibZz  wai,  donz  to 
pAoZong  hzA  Zifz,   but  to  no  avail.     HzA  illnzii  Az&uitzd  ^Aom  an  injafiy  to  hzA  fenee  whzn 
&hz  ieJUi  down  thz  ichooZ  hou&z  4>tzpi  a  coupZz  o^  yzaA&  ago,  6tAiking  thz  Zzft  knzzcap 
on  an  iAon  ^oot  icAapzA,     Samanco  o^  thz  bonz  ^oZZowzd,  gAaduaZZy  iapping  hex  vitaZZty 
untiZ  death  zniuzd.     Shz  woi  undzn.  tAzatmznt  at  Ho6pitaZ&  in  Bi6maAck,  HinnzapoZii , 
Rochz&teA  and  BAzckentidgz  ioA  long  pzAiodi  but  ZittZz  couZd  be  donz  to  6top  thz  ipAzad 
ol  thz  injiiAy. 

MaAj'oAiz  wai,  boAn  at  FZaxton,   W.,   on  Jan.   29th,   190S,  and  was  thzAz{,oAZ  16  yzau 
0|J  agz  at  thz  timz  oi  hzA  dzath,     Shz  wa&  thz  daughtzA    o£  Ua.  and  Wu>,  M.  M.  Wkltz  o^ 
thii  city  and  bziidzi  thz  itAJ.ckzn    paAznti>  ii  iuAvivzd  by  onz  ii&tzA,  UaAveZ,  and  tuo 
bAothzAt,  Jziinjy  and  John.     Shz  woi  an  exczptionaZ  gijd.  in  many  Az&pzcti,  po6.&&l,^ing  a 
choAm  o{i  mannzA  that  zndzaAzd  hzA  to  aZZ  within  thz  ciAcZz  o{,  hzA  acquaintancz.     Shz  wai 
aitudznt  in  thz  High  SchooZ  hzAz,   cZa!>6  o^  7925,  untiZ  {^oAczd  to  givz  up  hzA  woAk  by 

ZtZnU-i  and  onz  oi  thz  toachuig  itatuAzi)  o^  tfiz  weefe  haa  fceen  tht  gzmu.m  &0KK0W  tlicut 
pfLVJCuZzd  among  htfi  dbx^&maJLZM  In  tkz  high  idioot.     The.  6chooZ  ilag  hung  at  haZ£  ma/,t 
Tu.(Li,datj  duAZng  tht  houJU>  0($  thz  {^uneAoZ  6zn.\jlciM  which  wejiz  hzZd  aJi  ihz  old  ^ajnCty  homz 
^  VaJjmownt.     Th.z  4eAv-cce4  ivzAz  condacXzd  at  tkt  Catholic  Chafich  tn  that  vllZagz  with 
Reu.  Fa..  UcVonaZ-d  Zn  choAgt,  and  wfiz  attesidzd  by  a  Jbvige.  mmbeA  o£  £airUZy  ^fU.znd6, 

Thz  paiZhzoAeA^  wzAZ  c&a&4>matzs   inom  thz  Hanktmon  H^h  School:  HUton  Cox,   EduoAd 
GAanztl,  HoAAy  VKZagzA,  Hilz&  Lza.,  Kzfunlt  OtLvzA.  and  Raymond  Hol&t. 

Hanfumon  £fu.zyid&  jo-Ln  in  zxtznding  dzzpz&t  iympathy  to  thz  iofOiowlng  family  Zn 
thzAJi  QKzat  bzAzmizmznt.  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 

Thz  following  tAZbatz  Zt>  Kzpfujntzd  ^  Thz  CfUtzfu.on,  thz  High  School  papzfn 

"Hz  GZvzth  Ham  EeZovzd  Slzzp" 

Taziday  mofinZng  we  payzd  thz  Ixat  zafithly  tnlbatz  to  ouA.  cZai>6  matz  and  ^fUznd, 
UaAJonJ.z  WhLtz.     K^tzK  tzn  montkii  o^  con&tant  pain,  God  gfiantzd  thaJt  i,hz  might  comz 
Homz,  and  ihz  wtnt  to  llzzp. 

Thnu  alt  thz  yzau  o^  school  6hz  ha/,  captaZnzd  a&;   bzzn  ouA.  lzadz>i  In  woKk  and  In 
£an,     ki>  fKziihmzn  &hz  woe,  ouA  VAZildznt,  a6  SophmoAzi  ouJi  Vzll  Lzadzt  and  as  JanlofU, 
OUA  Vlcz-?AZ6ldznt;   ^Aom  hzA  &Zck  bzd  6hz  hzlpzd  to  dlfizct  ouA  JunioK  ?Kom  and  ^uAnl&hzd 
many  o^  thz  plane,,  and  a&  SznlofU  hzA  In^luzncz  and  ^pZnlt  ha£  zvzA  bzzn  with  oi.  NzvzA 
oncz  thAu  all  hzA  ^u^^znlng  did  hzA  znthu&loim  wanz, 

EzcatJLiz  ihz  lovzd  ll^z  It  wai>  hand  {oA  hzA  to  glvz  It  up  and  bzcau&z  we  lovzd  hzA 
It  wa6  hoAd  ^OA  06  to  glvz  hzA  up.     But  6hz  h/u,  glvzn  U6  iomzthlng  to  coAAy  thnu.  ll^z. . . 
couAagz  to  iacz  whatzvzA  comzi  with  a  imlZz.     Thz  memoAy  0^  hzA,  thz  bAovz,   happy, 
Smiling  UaAjOAlz  we  'knew,  we  wltZ  cojuuj  with  u4  aJb^ayi  and  &lncz  to  kzzp  hzA  hzAZ  with 
us  mzjont  only  pain  It  wa&  bz&t  that  God  6aw  {^It  to  hzA  by  giving  "Hid  Bzlovzd  Slzzp" 

Thz  SznloAj,. 

HANKWSOM  hIEWS  »«»»»««,»«  Octobzn  30,    1924 

fAAi.  G.  J.  GAl^^ln,    EnAoatz  To  Hankln&on     Klllzd, ... 

Hai,.  G.  J.  GAl^^ln,  wl^z  o£  MaA&hall  Tlztd'i  tAavztlng  iolz&man,  wa&.  Initant- 
ly  klllzd  whzn  thz  Bulck  cox  In  which  tiiz  couplz  we^e  dAlvlng  ovzAtuAnzd  onz  and  onz  haZ£ 
mlZzi,  noAth  o^  Vwlght  at  10:50  AM  Tuz6day.     Ma.  GAl^ln  wai  znAoutz  to  HanizlniiOn  to  />zz 
hu  local  ciiitomzu  and  was  accompanlzd  by  hl&  wl^z.     Thz  accldznt  happznzd  whzn  thz 
acczlzAotoA    ituck  OS  thz  Cjoa  appAoachzd  a  Autty  placz  In  thz  Aoad.     Thz  coA  was  tAjavzting 
at  a  ipzzd  o^  only  25  mc£es  an  houA  at  thz  tlmz.     Ha.  GAl^{^ln  was  unhuAt. 

(.'Ai.  GAlfi^ln,  wfi04e  huAti,  Included  a  4eueAe  InjuAy  to  hzA  back,  was  Aomovzd  to  a 
{^oAm  hoa&z  nzoA  by  and  a  doctoA  wai  Aummonzd  ^Aom  Wahpzton,     Thz  unioAtanatz  woman  dlzd 
bz^oAz  thz  doctoA  oAAlvzd,  howzvzA. 

Mai,.  GAl^ln,  wa&  moAAlzd  a  yzoA.  ago  la&t  Junz,  hzA  ioAmzA  homz  having  bzzn  at 
OkZahoma  City,  OK.     Ma.  GAlf^^ln  ha&  AzpAz&zntzd  MaAihaZl  Field  In  thl6  tzAAitoAy  ^oA  a 

nimbzA  0(J  yejxAM,  with  hzadqaaAtzAi  at  FaAQO.o-nd  ll,  well  known  In  Hankln&on. 

NovzmbeA  6,    1924 

l^'JUt .  Jamu  P.  P.  TuZiock  ^ece^ued  a  cablzgnam  ^Kom  EdlnbuAg,  ScotJbxnd,  annoancZng 
tkz  dzath  OjJ  heA  ^aXheA,     M^.  PcuUzAion  died  4>adde.nly  bat  no  ^uAtheA  deXcUZl,  WZAZ  gZvtn. 

J.  A.  Mo-tci  KeXuAnzd  Scutaxday  zvznlng  {^fiom  Si.  Ctouifit,  MI.',  wheAe.  he.  woA  caZttd  a. 
wzeJi  ago  by  thz  ianlouui  ZlZne^6  0)5  hU  bfioikzA-Jbi-taia.     He  pca^zd  auiay  i,hoftXZij  a^teA 
(•Vl.  Hoti&  ofouvtd. 
HANKWSOM  NEtUS  *********    *  MovombeA  6,    1924 


A  mziiage.  wcu  Aecexued  fieAe  hionday  announcing  thz  dtaih  oi  W.iZLiam  WZppznman,  bfio- 
thsA  0^  Max  and  HtnAy  WZppeAman  oi  thl6  city,  at  kit,  homz  Zn  Chltton,  WI.  t?eceix6ed  wa& 
abouut  70  yzani)  o^  agz  and  had  bzzn  a  />uiizn.zx  iAom  hzafut  tfwubtz  ioK  thz  pa&t  fyoo  yzoJU, . 

Hz  Zi  &uAvZvzd  by  a  locije  and  ^ouA  ckildAzn. . .  .thfizz  &onl>  and  onz  daughtzn..     Hl6  aj> 
thz  Azcond  dzath  Zn  a  iairUMj  o^  tzn,  &zvzn  ioni,  and  tlnAzz  daughtzu.  Thz  oZdzit  o^  thz 
tzn,  ktbzAt  iJZppzAman,   dJizd  about  thfizz  yzau  ago. 

Hznty  W^pznman  Zz^t  Monday  night  ioi  CkUiton  to  attznd  thz  ianzAaZ  which  wai>  hztd 
HMJKINSON  NEWS  **********  UovmbzA  13,    1924 

PEATH  OF  A  yOiim  GIRL 
TtoAzncz  GtandzA  Victim  o^  Appzndicltll, 

TloKzncz,    73  yzoA  old  daughtzn.  o^  hUi.  and  Mfii.   John  GZandzn.  o^  tkii  city,   deed  at. 
thz  EAZckznAidgz  Ho-ipltat  Friday  moKning,   Nov.   14th,  at  3  AM,   ^oZZowZng  an  opzKation 
ioK  acjitz  appzndlcJJJj, .     Shz  uiai  4>tAA.ckzn  thz  pn.zvlou&  Sunday  and  thz  appzndix  uiai  fuip- 
tuAzd  bzfiOfiZ  an  opvuitlon  cjouJid  be  pzA^onmzd. 

Vzczaizd  woi  bon.n  at  HanklnAon  May  17,    1911,  and  Zlvzd  hzfiz  aZZ  hzn  Zl^z.     Shz  woi 
an  zighth  gfwdz  6tudznt  Zn  thz  pubtic  Achool6  and  bzlovzd  by  att  who  knzu)  hzn.     Shz  -c6 
iuAvlvzd  by  thz  paAznt&,   ^ouA  bfwthznj,  and  tsjoo  Ali,tzKi> . . . .Wm .  o^  Sauk  Cznt/iz,  MM.,  Otto 
oi  En.zckzn/U.dgz,   HaAAy  and  HzAbznt  at  homz,  M-w.  Aagait  UagnzA  oi  Wahpzton  and  MA4.  M. 
UdDorwiZd  oi  St.  CZoud.     ALL  membzfU>  oi  thz  iamily  wzAz  pfiz&znt  at  thz  iimzAoZ.  which,  wait 
hztd  Sunday  at  thz  EvangztlcaZ  ChuAch  with  Pzv.  ObzAdoz&tzA  In  choAgz  oi  thz  iZAvlcu . 
Intznmznt  wai,  mode  In  ImmanueZ  CzmztzKy . 

Thz  paZlbzoAZU  wzAZ  Raymond  and  Afinold  Wzndt,   Otto  GAohnkz,   HoKAy  Pozdzt,    Edwin 
and  imiltiz  Stack.     Ethzl  Knaak,   EAna.  and  Alifizda  HaAtlzbzn,  Anna  Wz&tphal,   Etizabzth 
Buckhoa6z  and  MoAtha  Fait,  alt  ctoiimatzs  oi  thz  Gznman  School  coAAizd  thz  itotuxt 

Thz  mejvbzu  oi  thz  iamlly  havz  thz  sympathy  oi  all  In  thzlA  4>ad  bzfLzavzmznt. 

HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  Novzmbzn.  10,    1924 

THE    VEAVLY     11 

Che^tzA  Ra.^{,eAXy,    15  yzxvi  old  6on  o{t  Ma.,  and  M-w.  ^UJLLam  Ra^^eAXy  oi  EndeALLn, 
ac(u.dzntaZty  ihot  and  \uJUizd  lujn&eZ£  ui-ith  a  11  caLiban.  filitz  aX.  about  4  PM  loit  Sandauj. 

Thz  boy,  vxith  iouJi  oikexi,  bttuiztn  ihe.  agti  o^  T4    to   16,  vna&  hunting  njxbbZti,  about 
thAze.  mitu  nontk  0(J  EndeJitin,  jait  acA066  thz  Ca&A  County  tinz. 

Chz6tzfL  had  boKHowzd  thz  fitilz  {^Kom  onz  o^  thz  oldzn.  boy&  and  wai,  looktng  down  thz 
bafUieZ  to  6zz  t^  Zt  wai  cZzan,   not  knoMcng  that  tt  wai,  toadzd.     It  was  accldzntaZZy  dli,- 
dnajiQzd,  thz  buZZzt  zntzAtng  thz  tz{,t  zyz  and  todgZng  In  thz  bfuitn.     Thz  tad  tixjzd  about 
IS  niLnutz6  but  did  not  fizjgatn  cone,(UjOU&nz&.6. 

He  Zzavzi  hJj,  panzntd;  a  bKothzn.,   loMfizncz,  aged  4;  and  a  &Li>tzA,   EthzZ,  agzd  11. 

VEATH  OF  J.  5.   POWER 

J.  B.  Vowzn.,  uiAjizty  known  ovzt  thz  itatz  and  onz  o{,  ZichZand  County'6  tzadtng 
cttizzni,  di.zd  In  a  Tafiga  HoipitaZ.  on  Wzdnz&day  o^  la&t  weefe  £olZou)Zng  an  opzfavtion, 
Vzzza&zd  ujoi  53  yzoMj,  oZd,  pKopfu-Zton.  0)5  tkz  uiidzZy  known  HztzndaZz  Stock  Tanm  Zn  tkz 
towni,hA.p  0^  that  name,  and  Z&  lujvjhjzd  by  thz  taldow  and  thJizz  cSuZdAzn. 

Ua.  Vowzfi  Mali  pfiomtnznt  Zn    patLttcat  ti^z  and  was  onz  oi  thz  {ZA&t  iuppontznA  o^ 
Calvtn  Cootidgz  ion.  VfiZiZdznt  o^  thz  Unltzd  Statz& ,     Hz  uAgzd  Hofith  Dakota  dzZzgatzi  in 
thz  NatlonaZ  Convzntion  o^  1910  to  iuppont  Cootidgz  iofi  hzad  oi  thz  ticket.     Hz  wai  a 
candidate,  {^ol  dztzgatz    to  thz  RzpubLican  UattonaZ  Convzntion  at  thz  pfumanij  ztzction 
in  Junz. 

In  a  tztzgfum  o^  sympathy  to  thz  Powe/t,  ^amiZy,  VAZiidznt  Cootidgz  &atd:   "?tza6z 
acczpt  my  iinczfiz  sympathy  in  thz  60fLfww  whtch  hoi  comz  to  you.     I  hzJid  Ha.  Vowza  in  high 
z&tzem  a&  a  man  and  a  ^fiiznd." 

Ma.  Vowzn.  wai,  onz  o^  thz  big  mzn  0(J  thz  Statz  o^  UoAth  Dakota,  having  bzzn  {^oK  a 
nimbzA  oi  yzafUt  a  mzmbzA  o^  thz  EooAd  of,  Rzgznti .     Hz  wa&  aZ6o  con&idzAzd  ^oA  appoint- 
ment   to  thz  position  oi  thz  hzad  o^  thz  Hinnzapotii  TzdenaZ  Rz&eAvz  Bank  following  thz 
death  oi  John  Zich. 

Ma.  Vowza' I  ^atheA  was   Land  Coimiaionzn.  ion.  thz  HoithzAn  Pact^ic  Railway,  and  it 
wai  white  in  that  capacity  that  hz  iztzctzd  thz  ianm  Zandi  known  as  HzZzndaZz  Stock  Fanm 
and  upon  which  J.  A.  PoweA  madz  hti  homz  iincz  coming  to  thz  itatz,  and  which  hz  ha& 
opzAotzd  iincz  thz  death  oi  hii  iatheA.     Thz  zZdzA  VowzA  was  at  onz  time  PAZiidznt  oi  thz 
NoAth  Dakota  kgntcuZtuAoZ  Coilzgz. 

«»»,,»»««,  DzcembeA  4,   1914 

Maj,.  Jakz  GZoinzA  was  caZZed  to  St.  Pout  thz  ZatteA  pant  oi  Zait  week  by  thz 
iZAioui  i/Znz&6  oi  heA  mothzA,  M/ls.  Basi,     but  death  came  bz^oAz  ihz  Azachzd  hzA  motheA'i 
bzd&idz.     DztaiZi  ojj  hzn.  dzxith  aAZ  Zacking.     Ma.  GZa&nzn.  and  ion  Roy  Zzit  Monday  ioA  St. 
PauZ  by  auto  to  be  pAZiznt  at  thz  ianzAoZ. 

«,»»»»«»«»  DzcejnbzA  4,    1924 


lilzti  Known  ?lone.zn.  knt>weji&  TZrwUL  Simmom> . . . 


HeAman  Bladow,  a.  KUldznt  of^  iivU^  n^ghboKhood  ^ofi  29  yzafUi,   dlzd  cut  hli  home.  In 
WaZdo  ToiA)nilu.p  on  Uondcuf,  Pec.    15th,   ^Kom  canczA  wtvicJi  hz  had  bznn  a.  iu^(,eAeM.  ^on.  many 

Vzcza^zd  u]ai>  boKn  In  Stzttin,   PommzAxinZa,  Gzfmanjj,   Fefc.   IZfid,    1850,   hJj,  poAznti 
bzAMQ  ZahofizAJi.     ThzfiZ  hz  ipznt  hl&  boyhood  and  woi  coniifunzd  -en  thz  LaihzAan  Chafick 
o{^  which  hz  Kzmalnzd  a  ti^z-tong  membzn..     At  thz  age  o£  14^  yzau  hz  wznt  to  iza.  and 
mzt  uuXh  many  advzntwizi  and  znduAzd  many  handihlp.!)  on  thz  Attantic  Ocean  and  thz  Battle 
and  lAzdltzMjanian  Szxi&.     Onz  voyagz  la&tzd  two  yzafu,.     Hz  bzcamz  a  ^uZZ-^lzdgzd  6zaman 
and  come  to  Amz/Uza  ai  a  &aiJiofi  in  Janz  o^  1869, 

Hz  Atoppzd  iifi&t  at  Chicago  and  madz  izvzAoZ,  on  Lakz  Hichigan.     Hz  tivzd 
thzAz  ^ouA.  yzoAi  and  in  1872  wai,  moAfUzd  to  Hia  WiZhzlmina  Bztz.     Of^  thl&  anion  4euen 
chiZdKzn  WZH.Z  bofin,   {^ivz  of,  whom  6uAvivt..  ..Hu.   Etiiz  \Jan  Haizn,   Ebioy,  WI.,  WilLam, 
iiOatJuozit  0)5  Hanki-nion;  Gii&tavz,   nzafi  ClaiAz  City,  SV.;   Ffizd  in  Winnipzg,   Canada;  Maj>, 
Eva  UiZZzfi  in  VancouvzA,  BC. 

In  1873  thz  family  fimovzd  to  EVioy.  WT.,  whzAz  thz  hza.d  o^  thz  hoa&z  wonkzd  iofi 
many  yzau  in  thz  &hop&  o^  thz  NoAtkoz&tz/Ln  Railway.     Hij>  wi^z  dizd  in  1889  and  hz 
A-zmoAAizd  thz  6amz  yzaJi  to  Mi44  EmiJiiz  lzij>t  oi  EtfLoy,     Elzvzn  duJidKzn  wzAz  bonn.  oi 
thz  iizcond  mafuuiagz,  tzn  o^  whom  oJiz  tiving . . .  ,(AaJi  ,   Emma  BzAndt,  Radi&on,  Sa&k,;  HoAAy 
o^Tzny,  WJ.;  Uu.   LiZla  Oltby,  So.  St.  VojuZ)  ■  Ufik.  UanMia  BoZdt,  Hankin&on;   Edwin, 
Hankin6on;  Alw.  E&thzn.  K.ue}iZ,HanlUn&on;  Ww.  CZaJia  McMoaaow,  So.  St.  Paul;   LydiR,  Rudolph, 
Mzi,nhaAdt,  all  itill  at  homz, 

Thz  family  locatzd  in  Richland  County  in  1895,  6zttling  {^iut  on  a  {,anm  iouthioz&t 
o£  thiii  ciXy.     fi^tzzn  yzau  ago  thzy  movzd  to  thz  thzy  now  occupy  in  Waldo  Town 
i)kip,   juit  zait  0^  Lightning'6  hlz&t.     Vzczoizd  wai,  wzlt  known  and  had  many  ^nlzndl, 
among  thz  pionzzu  o^  tkci  izction. 

Bziidu  thz  abovz  mzntionzd  chitdAzn  dzczaizd  i&\izd  by  thz  wi^z,   47  gfiand- 
duZdJizn,   2  gKzat-gfijandchildJizn;  two  bKothzu,   ChoAlzi,  oi  Szattlzi  WA.,  and  GzoKgz  o^ 
HanJtimon,  thtzz  ii&tzu,  Uu.   Zizbzll  o^  NzbKoika,  hiu.  CoaI  Stack  o^  Hankimon,  UfU,. 
HLnni.z  Uzyzfi  o^  Hofu.con,  WJ. 

TunzAal  iztviczi  an.z  hzld  tkis,    iThwuday)  a^tzAnoon  at  thz  Lathzfian  ChuAch 
with  Rzv.  J.  P.  KlavJilzfi  in  choKgz,  and  thz  Azmaini  will  bz  ikippzd  to  ElAoy,  WT.  whzxz 
buAial  wili  takz  placz  Satixfiday. 
HAUKlliSOH  MEilS  **********  Vzcmbzn.  18,    1924 

Wond  wai>  fizcZAMzd  hzfiz  Taz&day  o^  thz  dzath  o^  Rev.  fathzn.  E.  Buhic,  who  ^OA  many 
yzoAi  wa&  pa&toK  o^  thz  Catholic  ChuAch  at  Half^,  W.     fatJiZA  Bubic  dizd  at  a  Ho&piXaJi 

in  BiMmoAck  Monday  zvzning  and  ^anznal  6ZAviczi  wzAZ  hzld  today   [ThuAiday] .  

ilitant  to  Rev,  Jo6.   F.  Sta.dni.cka  in  Hankimon  ^OA  6ZvzAal  yzaAi  and  hoi  a  o£  ^Aizndi  who  oAZ  gAizvzd  to  hzoA  oiJ  hil,  dzath. 

**********  VzczmbzA  18,    1924 

MRS.   E.   J.   COPPTW  PEAP 
WeM  Known  VlonzoA  Vzad  A£teA  ShonX  IlZnzi6 

The.  AnQzZ  o{^  VzaXk  v^Ztzd  om  oi  the.  p^onzeA  homu  0(J  EfvLghXwood  Town&hyip  on 
bJednz&dcLy,  Ve.c.   24,  taJUng  to  hzn.  hzavznly  Kewojid  Ufii>.   E.  J.  Coppln.     Tkd  dzaXh  oi  tkii, 

womoin  WCL6  a  gA-zat  4fiocfe  to  ^coA.z&  o^  {^fu-zndi,  thA.oughout  thz  communAMf  cu,  Zt 

UXL6  known  to  onZy  a  ){ew  that  hex  condition  was  even  &eAZoa6.     Shz  had  been  iZZ  ioK  mcuiLf 
two  weefei  but  the.  tnd  wcu>  unexpected  to  wiXhLn  a  vexy  &hoKt  timz  o^  hzA.  dzath.     She.  wait 
takejfi  JULt  -en  Oiz  ejmZij  mofinlng  o^  Pec.    12th  wZth  me.nZngkitZ6  and  aZZ  that  Zovlng  hand& 
couJtd  do  woA  donz,  but  ifie  6ank  into  the.  ^Znat  Kej,t  at  5:30  VH  o^  the  a^teAnoon  be^oA-e 
ChJLUtinai ,  luMjounded  bg  hex  Zoved  one/,.     PfizvZoul,  to  hex  ^inaZ  X/Zne£&  M/u.  Coppin  had 
enjoyed  the  be&t  o^  hejolXh,  and  hex  taking  o^^  wa&  thu6  atZ  the  mofie  o^  a  6hock  to  the 
many  £fu.end6  0)J  the  (^amiZy,     Ai  wa&  hex  natuxe,  6he  wa&  ba&y  planning  ^OK  hex  loved  one/, 
up  to  the  moment  o^  hex  iiruxl  illnz&&,  and  had  alxeady  pfiepafied  gi(it&  ^OK  the  Chni6t}nai 
holidays, . 

Uixiam  Wool&on  wa&  boKn  cut  Kzi&ex  Row,'  England,  Jan.   3fid,   H72.     Thexe.  ihe  gKew  to 
womanhood,   coming  to  this,  &tate  in  18S9,  stopping  ^iX6t  at  WahpeXon,  whexe  ^fie  Kej>ided 
at  the  time  o^  mohxiage  to  E.  J.  Coppin  on  Nov.    13th,    1890.     Since  1892,  oK  ^ox  a  pexJjod 
0^  32  yeaxi  the  family  have  fie^ided  on  the.  iaxm  thxee  mile^  we^t  o^  Hankin&on  in  Exight- 
wood  Town&hip. 

five  ckildxen  &uxvive  the  devoted  mothex..  ..hOu,.  Je^&ie  MaeJttex,  Be^iJoAd  Town&hZp; 
F.   E.  Coppin,  BAyLghtwood  Town&hip;   EanJL  J.;   Vexn  B.,   and  Cleve  W.  at  home.     Thexe  axe 
aHo  &even  gKanddiuXdxen.     five,  bfiothexi  and  6ij>texi,  aZio  iuxvive  hex.  ..Joseph,  John 
and  Earn  Wooliton,  Sanah  Wahn<:JUght  and  Ufn,.   Lamb,  aZl  ojj  London,   England. 

Vecejued  wa6  a  devout  membex  o{,  the  Congxegationat  Chuxch  and  made  hex  Chxl&tianity 
a  paxt  oi  hex  daiZy  li^e.     Be^idej,  hex  chuxcA  aaiLiation& ,  ihe  wa6  a  membex  OjJ  the  Royal 
hleA.ghboxii  and  o^  the  Voemen,  taking  a  deep  intexeJ>t  in  the^e  ixatexnal  oxganizatioLni , 
She  woi  xemaxkably  well  inioxmed  and  dij,cuMion&  o^  a^iaixi  o^  the  tme£  wexe  intexe^t- 
ing     and  in&txuctive.     She  woi  devoted  to  hex  family  and  the  itxicken  hu&band  and  chiZd- 
xen  have  the.  deepe&t  sympathy  o^  theix  neighboxi  and  ijA-cendi  in  theix  gxeat  loiA. 

The.  iunexaZ  wai,  held  on  Satuxday,  Pec.   21th,  at  the  home,  wiXh  Rev.  C.  Caxx  in 
chaxge.  o{t  the  6exvie6.     Vallbeaxexi,  wexe  Wm.  Knaak,  J.  J.  Jonei,  A.  C.  Pettex&on,  W,  J. 
Chapin,  H,  A.  Mexxif^eZd  and  R.  H.  Nelion.     Hany  ^loxal  txibutti   ^xom  iohxowing  ^xiendi 
wexe  a  mute  txibute  to  the  e&teem  in  which  6he  wai  univex6atiy  held.     Intexment  was  in 
HilZ&idz  Cemetexy. 
HANKINSON  MEWS  **********  Januaxy  1,    1925 


WoA.d  woi  A.zczivtd  hiAe.  today  by  Wm.  H.  UcGfvxy  oi  thz  dzcuth  o{,  E.   L.   TtUKam 
cut  Hzndota,  WI.,   on  Pec.   2Sth.     Vzazcuzd  mcu,  weZt  knou)n  heAz,   having  KU-ided  on  whaut 
Li  known  cU)  tJn.z.  UcGfuuj  ianm,   2  rrUZz&   exut  o£  town,   ^oK  itvojuxZ  yzoAi.     Ouxing  to  ^aUZ- 
AjiQ  hzaZth,  fie  Zz^t  tkz  ^afm  a  yeoA  ago  and  hai,  made.  hU  homz  mjtk  ha>  daaqhtzK  at 
Uzndota  iiZnct.     He  halt  6een  m^^f^tnJjxg  ^Aom  pajioZifi,^   {^OK  6omz  -time  and  the. 
znd  wai  not  anzxpzcte.d. 

No  poAJticuloAi  oAe  known  htfiz  bzyond  tin.z  wofid  oi  fvcA  dzath.     He  li  6an.\)Zvzd  by 
two  6om,  and  onz  daiiqktzA.,   bziZdzi  thz  wZdow.     Onz  6on,   E. —  -tz^t  hztz  onty  a  ^eui 
weefei  ago,  pfujofi  to  which  hz  had  bzzn  woAklng  thz  UcGkoij  lafm. 
HANKJNSON  MEWS  »»««««««««  Januafiy  I,    1925 

Thz  ^n^ant  daughtzn.  o^  Wi.  and  Ww .   JamZ6   FaZZzn  o^  EJbna,  poi&zd  away  Wzdnz&day 
mofufung,  Pec.  Itth.     Fanzfiat  ^ZA.v^cz6  wzxz  hztd  in  thz  af^tzfuvoon  o^  thz  lamz  day  at 
St.  PhyLtip'.l>  ChuAch.     IntzAmznt  wa6  madz  In  CaZvoAy  Czmztzfiy. 

»«»•»»*»»«  JanmAy  I,    1925 


Vlonzznj,  oi  tki&  vicUniXy  wlti  ZzoAn  with  fizgfieX.  oi  thz  dzath  oi  thz  youngz&t 
daughtzn.  oi  Ma.  and  M^.  A.   I.  WalkzA,   zoAZy  izttlzAS  hzAZ,  who  havz  AZ&Zdzd  in  NoAth- 
wzit  Canada  ioA  thz  pa6t  10  yzofu .     Thz  WalkzA  ianUy  ionmzAiy  AZiidzd  on  thz  placz 
now  occupZzd  by  ZzAt  UooAZ  and  aZio  ownzd  thz  BoZt  and  HztL  PzttzA&on  ioAmi  at  onz  timz. 

Thz  daughtzA  azcompanizd  hzA  poAznti  whzn  thzy  6zttZzd  in  AZbznta  and  ihoAtZy  bz- 

ioAz  woA  wa6  dzcZaAzd,wai  moAAizd  to  Captain  f^oankham  oi  Company  T,  Canadian  TAoopi . 

SRz  accompanizd  him  to  London,   England,  at  thz  oivtbAzak  oi  thz  wax,  Amaining  in  London 

ioA  a  yzoA  and  a  haZi.     Captain  Moankham  wai  killzd  in  FAancz,   and  thz  widow  AztuAnzd 

to  thz  Unitzd  Statzi,  settling  on  thz  Paclii  zoa&t.     Shz  wai  takzn  ill  about  thAZZ 

monthi  ago  and  wai  Amoved  to  thz  homz  oi  hzA  poAznti  at  LacLaBzachz,  MbzAta,  wheAz 

ihz  di.zd  on  Pec.    14th.     No  ioAthixA  paAti.culaAi  oaz  known  hzAz. 



HAi.  E.  H.MyhAa,  wliz  oi  PoitmoiteA  E.  H.  UyhAa  oi  tjJahpzton,  paiizd  away  at  thz 
iamily  homz  on  NoKth  7th  St.,  Monday  moAning  about  7  AM,   hzoAt  tAoablz  being  thz  cauiz 
oi  dzath. 

Shz  had  bzzn  aHlictzd  with  thZi  ailment  ioA  izvznaZ  yeoAi,  and  ioA  thz  pait  iew 
dayi  had  bzzn  iuHeAing  iAom  a  izvzAe  attack  iAom  which  thz  moit  gnavz  Azialti  wzAz  izoAzd. 

Tanznal  izAviczi  wzAz  hzld  Wzdnziday  aitzAnoon  at  thz  HethodiJit  ChuAch,  with  Rev. 
W.   L.  Bennett  dztivzAing  thz  iunznat  iznmon. 

Maa.  UyhAa  wai  a  mzmbzA  oi  thz  EaitzA  StaA  oAdzA,  and  mzmbzAi  oi  that  oAganization 
aiiiMtzd  by  membzAi  oi  thz  Masonic  oAdzAi,  wzAz  in  oi  iunZAol  oAAangzmznti . 

UfU.  MyhAa  ii  iuAvivzd  by  hzA  huiband  and  two  childAzn. . .HoAold  oi  Wahpeton  and 
fUii  Lacilz,  who  li  tzachtng  in  thz  High  Schooli  at  Chaika,  MM.     Hiii  UyhAa  wai  notiiizd 

oi  hzA  motheA'i   condition  SatuAday  and  oAAivzd  home  Sunday  moAning WaJipzton  Globz 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  JanuoAy  ?5,    1925 


Wond  wa&  Azczlve.d  hzAt  ihii,  weefe  o{,  the  dzaXh  on  Nov.   2&ik,   at  SagZmw,  Ml.,   0($ 
Hu.  A.  GfLdbouUikl,  Mtc({e  o^  a  ^oftmeM.  pa&toA  o£  the.  locaZ  Tmrnanue^  EvangzZlcaZ  ChuAch. 
Rev.  Gno-boiMlU  uxu  itcutcomd  hzfiz  loft  ^zveAoZ  ytofu  and  thz  ^ainLty  woi  highly  thought 
o£,     MKi .  GfLaboui&fU  bzAMQ  veM]  popuZoA.  uilth  the.  membeAi  o^  thz-congAtgaXZon. 

She  had  been  an  Znvatid  Ion.  levzfuxZ.  yeau  and  the  end  woa  not  unexpected.     The  hu4>- 
band  -ci  now  pa&tQii  o^  a  laxge  duuvdh  at  SagZmw  and  the  4 even  chltdfien  axe  att  employed 
Zn  that  poAt  o{^  the  country . 
HANKINSON  WEWS  **********  JanuaAy  11,   1925 

Mw.  The/ieia  HzAdLing  0(J  GfieendaZe  KeeeJ-ved  a  mei&Ojge  Tue&day  announcing  the  iad 
new6  0^  the  dejitk  oi  hen.  iiJ>ten.,  Un^.  Rennen,  at  AlexandnJjL,  UN.,  the  pnevioui  day, 
Vecejued  -c4  luMived  by  the  itnA.cken  ha&band  and  a  tange  family  o^  duZdnen.     Maa. 
HenxUng  i6  in  poon.  health  and  unable  to  attend  the  iunenaZ  which  wiZZ  be  held  at 
Klexa.ndnJja  Fniday. 

**********  JanuoAy  22,    7925 

Mw.  J.  J,  Jones  Ketunned  home  Monday  e\jeju,ng  inom  Good  ThundeA,  UN.,  whexe  ihe 
woi  caZZed  about  two  week^  ago  by  the  cniticaZ.  condition  0|{  hen.  mothen.,  M^ .  Tnank  Haai, . 
WtA.  Haai)  had  been  an  invalid  ^on.  the  pa&t  nine  on.  ten  yean.&  due  to  an  inj'uny  oi  the  hip 
which  Keitutted  inom  a  ^aZl.  She  died  ihontZy  a^ten.  Mta.  Jonea  oAAived  thene. 

**********  Jamuviy  22,    7925 

V  I  £V 

Ham  Veten6on,   bnothen.  o^  Unj,.  Chat.   Van  HiJlZi),and  inventon  o^  the  tinognjiph  type 
J>e;tting  machine,   died  at  hc6  home  in  Vavenpont,   TA.,  on  Vec.   25th,    1924,  age  53  ye/vu. 

VeczoMed  wai,  a  native  o^  VenmoAk  and  came  to  thJji  countny  with  hZl>  panenti  when 
ten  yeaJid  o^  age.     He  homeiteaded  what  i6  now  known  ai,  the  old  Knadion  ^anm,   ^ive  miZei 
nonXhweit  o^  Victon  and  it  wai>  at  thiA  place  that  he  neatly  invented  the  gneat  tinognaph 
machine,  the  manuiactane  o^  which  he  hoi  been  active  in  up  to  the  time  ojj  hii  death,  and 
which  hoi  now  gnown  to  be  a  tJiemendoui,  inda&tny.     He  wai  welZ  known  to  aZZ  the  old  tunem 
in  thi/i  pant  0(J  Zichland  County  and  veny  highly  n.e&pected  by  alZ  who  knew  him.     He  had 
paid  Aegutan.  viiiti  hene  up  to  a.  ^ew  yeaA&  ago  when  he  came  to  /tee  hit,  iiiten  and  ^amiZy, 
Un/,.  Ckai, ..  Van  flilti,  a  wetl  known  lady  nonth  o^  Voi,holt. 

He  leaver  a  wi^e,   ^athen  and  mothen,  tknee  chiZdneni  a  6on  and  tuio  daughteAi,,  tuo 
bnothenz  and  tuio  6i&teA£ . 

HZ&  invention  o^  the  Zinognaph  wai,  one  outstanding  invention  ojj  the  age  and  the 
thousands  o^  these  machines  now  in  use  wiZZ  keep  the  memony  o£  a  gneat  man  ^nesh  in  the 
minds  oi  aZZ  using  and  beneiited    by  them. 

**********  JanaoAy  29,    7925 


Otto,   7  3  yexLK  old  ion  oi$  M^,  and  hOu.  AnXhuA  fCtuegeA,  dlzd  at  the.  iamlZjj  homz  11 
nUZeJ>  iouth.  o£  LidQtmood,   on  thz  6tatz  tint,   zanJbj  Wedntiday  o^  a  compZlcatZon  0|J 
oLUnznti.     The.  tittZz.  {^zttoM  wa&  takzn  <ZJi  about  eA^ht  month&  ago  and  atthoagh  e.veAy- 
thlng  poi>i>lbtz  uxu,  donz  to  fiaJLitve.  kii  iu^^zAlngA ,  ht  gfiaduaJUbj  ^OAJLzd  antit  dzath  tnd- 
zd  thii,  iu^{iZfu.ng6 , 

Thz  lad' A  motkzn.,  a  daaghtzn.  o£  Mk.  and  f^.  Aguu6t  Hoz^,   dlzd  wfUlz  hz  wa6  a 
imaUL  cJfuZd  bat  hii  itzp-mothzfi,  Mw .  Enfee^,  wa&  a  6plzndid  motkex  and  thz  attachmznt 
bztMZZn  thz  tuio  um  vzAy  6t/iong.     Otto  was  an  zxzzptionaZly  good  boy  and  a  ^avonJXz  uuth 
all  uho  fenew  kirn, 

Bz&A.dz6  thz  pafLZnt6  hz  Z&  &afLvZvzd  by  onz  bfiothzn.,  onz  i-Utzn.  and  onz  haZ^-bfiothzn.. 
Thz  ianznjol  uxiZl  bz  hzld  Satu/uiay  uuMi  izuvZczi  at  thz  homz  at  11  AM  and  at  thz  JmmanaeZ 
Ev.  ChuAch  in  thi&  cuty  at  1:30  PM,     Rev.  C.  Obzndozitzt  mIZ  bz  Zn  choAgz  ojj  4>znvZzzi. 

HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  FzbAuoAy  5,    7925 


Donald  Vzyon,   baby  ion  o^  Ma.,  and  Wii.  H.  C.  Hoft^man,  deed  at  thz  LidgzAwood 
Ho&p-itaZ  F/Uday,   Feb.  6th,  at  5:20  AM,  a^tzt  a  tLngzuZng  iZlnz&i .     HZ6  condition  be- 
came cnJJxaxl.  a  vozzk  bz^oftz  and  hz  was  takzn  to  thz  hoipltal  accompanizd  by  thz  paKzntl> 
and  iZitzn.,  Miii  Mabzl  Ho^^man.     AJU.  that  loving  handi  could  do  iailzd  to  itay  thz 
dzctinz  0(5  thz  tittlz  onz. 

VorwJLd  Vzyon  Ho^^man  wa6  boAn  Aug.   27th,    1924,  and  wa&  5  monthi,  and  10  dayi  old, 
Tfiz  sympathy  o^  alZ  gozi,  oat  to  bhz  bzfizavzd  ^amiZy  in  thzin.  loa. 

Thz  {^unzfiaZ  wad  hzZd  Sunday  a^tzAnoon  at  thz  Jtmanazl  Ev.  ChuAch  voijtk  Reu.  C.  Obzfi- 
doz&tZA  in  choAgz. 

HAWKIWSON  NEWS  **********  VzbfmoAy  12,   7925 

-,   VzAnon  ThizZ,   3  yzoA  old  ion  o^  Ma.  and  MAi.  blilZJjm  Thizl,  oi  MantadoA,   deed 
la&t  ThuAiday  at  St.  TAancZi  HoipitaZ  of,  czAzbAo  ipinaZ  mzningitii.     Me  woi  itAZckzn 
at  hZi,  homz  thz  {,i>iit  of  thz  Mzzk.     Thz  caiz  Zi  thz  fiut  to  bz  KzpoAtzd  in  thZi  vZc- 
inZty  thZi  uiintzA.     PAivatz  funzruxZ  iZAvZczi  wzAZ  hzZd  at  10  AM  TfUday  at  MantadoA. 

Sympathy  Zm  gznz>iaZ  and  iZnczfiz  foA  thz  bzn.zavzd  poAznti. 



Raymond,   tioo  monthi  old  ion  of  Ma.  and  hiAi.  AZbzAt  GAob  of  thz  GAzat  Bznd  vZcZnZty 
paiizd  away  at  thz  St.   FAancZi  HoipZtaZ  Zn  Bn.zckznAldgz  Tuziday.     Thz  baby'i  dzath  wai 
due  to  pnzumonia. 

Hz  woi  takzn  to  thz  hoipZtaZ  on  Monday.     Funzfial  izuvZczi  wZll  bz  hzld  fKom  thz 
EvangzZZcaZ  ChuAch,   FfiZday,   Feb.   20th,  at  2  PM,  Pzv.  ObzAdozitzA  offZcZatZng. 

HANKINSCN  NEWS  **********  FzbmoAy  79,    7925 


UoAy  EduiaAdzna,  Qjidzi>t  daixjgktzA  o^  VanLtt  and  t^cuiy  CoAco^tan,  wa4  boAjfi  at  Ca&tte. 
Jitand, County  Ktfuiy,  InzLand,  Ua;ich  11th,  1845,  and  cxune.  to  AmeA^ca  with,  hzfi  paA.e.ntit 
A.n  the.  .ipAAJig  o^  1S4i. 

The.  ^amiJty  settled  Zn  Ithaca,  NY.,  wheAZ  thejj  Ion.  tzn  yzau.     In  1^58  ^t^ey 
move.d  to  M-c&youfeee,  WI.,  uia&  at  that  tarn  the.  "Few.  Out  We£t,"  and  woa  Kexichzd  by 
mzan6  0(J  a  "coveAzd  uiagon."     It  woi  Zn  M.c£waufeee  that  ihz  tateA  met  and  moKfiLed  ULchaeZ 
FAjancl&   Linehan,  on  JuZy  16th,   1865,  at  the.  cZo^z  o^  thz  CUvlZ  WoA. 

Wet  pan.znt6  again  moved  ^AMm  HdwauJiZZ  to  Vnzicott,  in  1869.  HzAZ  thzy  6pznt  thz 
KemoAjndzn.  oi  theln.  ZJbJZl>  with  thziA  cKitdAzn,  who  6ztttzd  on  nzafi-by  iofuni  and  vilLigzi. 

UfU,.  Lijizhan'6  dzath,  which  occxiAfizd  Fefc.  lit,  1925,  at  thz  ^amiZy  fiz&idzncz,  702 
South  Main  St.  in  RivzA  TaiZti,  WJ.,  motfei  thz  pa&iing  o^  onz  o^  oufi  oZdz&t,  bzit  Zovzd 
and  mat  highZy  fiZipzctzd  citizzni  and  pionzzJU . 

Shz  wai  a  good  ChnZitixm  motheA,  a  kind  and  bznzvoZznt  nzighbox,  and  an  honzit 
cttizzn.     Shz  cnzatzd  about  hzn  aiwayi  an  atmo.&pheA.z  oiJ  chaniXy  and  4,ympathy,  which  wai 
not  onZjj  ^eZt  in  thz  homz  citctzi,   but  wa&  lu^^icizntZy  ^oA-fizaching  to  emb^acz  alZ 
tho6z  wiXh  whom  ihz  camz  into  contact.     In  hzn.  Zoit  houn.  tnuJiif  couZd  it  bz  &aA,d,   "WeZZ 
donz,  thou  good  and  {,aith^uZ  iZAvant.     Entzn  thou  into  thz  joy6  oi  EteAnaZ  Eti&i, ." 

Mn^.  Linzhan  ii  tuJwivzd  by  ztzvzn  chiZdnzn,  t^o  bnothznjt,  a  iLktzn.,   27  gnand- 
duMxeyi  and  lix  gnzat-gnjandchAJidAzn.     Thz  bnothzKi,  an.z  VanizZ  Conconan  o^  ULnnzapoZiA , 
and  bl.  P.  Conconan  oi  ZLvzA  Fatti .     Thz  Aiitzn,  MAi.  FiXzpat/Uck,  oi  Eli&wonth,  WJ.,  ii> 
viiiting  iji  Spokanz,   WA.,  io  wa&  unabZz  to  bz  thzAZ, 

A(t4.   Linzhan' A  6zvzn  and  ioun.  lom  wznz  in  attzndancz  at  hzn.  iunznaZ  KitzM: 
J.  Vanlel,   Ed.  R.,  John  P.,   HeJULiz  Hunkz,  aU.  oi  Rivzn  Tatte,)  Moaxj  Hady,   Pinz  City,  MT., 
Han.gaA.zt  McEwen,  St.  Paul;  Hm,.  Jno.  Stzinman,  MonticeJUio ,  WJ.;  Anna  J.,  SexuttZz,  WA,; 
Lznonz  and  Agnz&,  St.  Paul;   Pnank  A.  oi  Hankin&on. 

Rzquizm  High  Ma66 ,  at  St.   EnA.gzt'6  ChuAch  in  RivzA  PaZti,   on  Feb.    5th,  wai  6ung 
by  Janz  HelZand  CameAon  oi  St.  PauZ,  accompantzd  by  Hiii  Abbiz  UiZneA,  alio  oi  ST.  Paul. 
JnteAmznt  wai,  madz  in  thz  Catholic  CemztzAy  at  Pnzicott. 
HANKINSON  NEWS  **********  fe.bnuaAy  19,    1925 

Pionzzn.  Pz&idznt  Pa6i,zd  Away  Eanly  Tkii  Manning... 


BzAnand  Pzitz,  onz  oi  thz  vzAy  zanZiz&t  6zttleA&  in  Hankin&on,  dizd  at  12:15  AM 
today,    [ThuA&day]  at  thz  homz  oi  hiM  dajughteA,  Mw .  Kathnyn  Gnzzn,   709  LauAzl  Avznaz, 
t.linnejapoli.ii . 

Mn.  Pzitz  had  bzzn  in  iaiZing  hzatth  ioK  &omz  timz  pa&t  and  was  ta.kzn  to  hlinnzapoZii 
a  iew  dayi  ago  in  thz  hope  that  iomz  nelizi  could  bz  iound  ion  hii  phy&ical  iXtk .     NeiM 
oi  hyis,  dzath  camz  oi  a  dlitinct  6unpni.i>z  at  it  wa&  not  th.ought  hi6  condxtA.on  was  cnitical. 
Mnj).  Piztz  iJi  expected  to  annivz  with  thz  nzmaini,  inom  thz  city  on  Sao  tnain  107 

tonLghX.     WkiZz  no  dz^lnitz  ptam  havz  been  made.,  iX  lt>  thougfU  the.  ^uneAoZ  Mill  be. 
heJid  SatuAday  moKyiing. 

Vzczcaed  wcu,   80  yejxu  old  on  Pec.   2Ut  la&t  and  Zi  4uAu-cved  by  the.  uxidow  arid  a 
ZaAgz  numbeA  o^  gnxiwn  ckUidn.e.n,  i>e.\)eJuxZ.  oi  whom  ne^lde.  in  thl&  (uXy.     It  li  impoJi&i,bte 
to  IZCUA.Z  data  {^ok  an  exte.ndzd  obiXaoAy  {^on  thU  l64,az,   but  we  -hope,  to  havz  it  ion  next 
weefe'4  new4. 

**********  TebfrnoM!  U,    1925 

MA4,  John  UeZland,   eojilij  Ke^  o^  the  New  E£{^ijigton  neighbonhood,   dA.ed  laddznty 
on  ThuAiday  evening  o^  la&t  week  Oti  hexvit  ^ailuAe.  and  a  compticatlon  o^  kidney  tAoubZe. 
Vzcejx^ed  wac  46  yzau  oZd  and  was  numSzAzd  among  thz  mo6t  hi.gRZy  Az&pzctzd  fLZ6i.denti,  o^ 
that  vicinity.     Shz  Is  swiviMzd  by  thz  stfUcJizn  ha&band  and  six  chUdAzn. 

Thz  ianzfuxZ  waa  held  Taz&day  luitk  szAvlczs  at  thz  VahZ  ChuAck  noKtk  oi  VlctoK. 
HundAzds  o{^  ^Aiznds  and  nzi^hboAS  vozAZ  pAzsznt  to  pay  thelA  ilnaZ  tJuhatz  to  one  who 
was  univeAsally  zstzemzd  and  thz  ^ZoAot  P)Ji{eA^ng4  LiteAalZy  covzAzd  thz  casket. 
TnteAmznt  was  madz  In  thz  Vaht  ChuAch  yoAd. 

**********  TzbrmoAy  U,    1925 

Va.  Hznfiy  TilZish  Azczlvzd  a  mzssagz  yzsteAday  announcing  thz  death  o(,  kis  agzd 
^athzA  at  thz  iamily  homz  In  (>iLnnejapoZi.s .     Vzczaszd  had  bzzn  an  invalid  ^OA  a  long  timz 
and  thz  znd  was  not  anexpzctzd,     Hz  Is  iuAvZvzd  by  thz  widow  and  a  ZoAgz  £amiZy  0){  gAown 
chiZdAzn.     Va.  TiZLCsch  tz^t  last  night  ^oA  thz  city. 

Thz  Azmalns  will  6e  takzn  to  thz  old  homz  at  Walnut  Gaovz,  MN,,  whzAz  thz  dzczaszd 
was  a  plonzzA  szttlzA,   and  thz  ^unzAol  will  fee  hzld  at  that  placz  FAiday. 

**********  FzbAuaAy  26,    1925 

BAB/     GROE 
Raymond,   baby  son  o^  fVi.  and  ^^/Li .  MbzAt  GAob  o^  thz  GAzat  Bend  nzighboAhood  dlzd 
at  thz  BAzckznAldgz  Hospital  on  Wzd.   Feb.    ISth,   o{,  pneumonia  a^tzA  an  illnzss  o^  a  {ew 
days.     Thz  little  onz  was  2  months  and  10  days  old  and  thz  youngzst  o{,  a  family  o{i  ^even 
dhiZdAzn.     FuneAol  seAvlczs  wzAZ  held  at  thz  Immanuzt  Ev.  Chafich  in  tkcs  cuXy  FAiday 
a^tzAnoon,  Reu.  C.  ObeAdozstzA  In  choAgz  and  intzAment  was  madz  In  thz  Ev ,   CemzteAy. 

**********  FzbAuoAy  26,    1925 

Thz  in{,ant  child  oi  hit.  and  Ma^  .  AlbeAt  UmbAlzt  passed  away  h\dnday  a{,tzAnoon. 
FanzAol  szAviczs  wzAZ  held  at  thz  Evangelical  ChuAch  Wzdnzsday  af^teAnoon.     Rev.  B/ieou 
0(5  WyndmeAZ  oxidating.     We  zxtznd  oua  sympathy  to  them  in  theJji  bzAzavemznt. 

GAzat  Eznd  Column FzbAuoAy  26,    1925 

TouA  IsltlZ  Kvwwn  Ru-idzntA  An&ueA  fZnat  Summoni 


It  ^  thz  iotzmn  duty  o^  tkz  NEbJS  thii  weefe  to  Kzcoid  thz  pa&&Zng  o£  loafi  pA-omtfi 
Ji&6A.dznt6  0^  tkii)  vZctruMf . . .  .EeAnaAd  VzJjtz,   bfU.zl  mnvvtion  oi  whoiz  dzath  wcu,  madz  -en 
ouA  Idit  ZiAaz;  W^LUam  Wzitpkat,   BAtghtujood  ToivnifUp  ptonzeJi,  who  dizd  ThuA^day  nlgkt; 
Mci4  Ella  Wttt,  who  succumb zd  ffUday  at  thz  family  homz  In  BzZf^ofvd  a^tzn.  a  long  Zllnzi-i; 
and  SZguA.d  O&tby,  wzll  known  young  ^anrnzn.  o^  GKzzndaJiz,  who  dlzd  at  thz  EKzckznnA.dgz 
Ho&pZtal  Sunday. 


()JZlhelm  bJz^tphxLt  wa&  boA.n  MoAcA  16,    1860,  Zn  GzAmany,  whzAz  hz  gxeju  to  young  man- 
hood,  coming  to  AmeA-cca  at  thz  agz  oi  IS.     Hz  locatzd  {^lut  -en  W-c^con^-cn  and  a  yzan. 
tatzu  movzd  to  Hinnziota  and  af^tzx  A-zmauuMg  thzAZ  {^ofi  a  yzafi  bzcamz  onz  oi  thz  zoAly 
Vakotoj  pZonzzAJ).     Hz  izttlzd  on  thz  homz6tzad  a  tnllz  noxth  oi{  Hankln&on  45  yzaJU  ago, 
bzlng  at  that  timz  onz  o^  thz  i-iut  6zttleA&  to  bxzak  away  {,fLom  thz  Wild  Rlcz  Hivzn. 
6zttlmznt.     On  MoAth  9th,    1S84,   hz  wai,  moMA-zd  at  Gxzat  Eznd  to  Uatkilda  PlzbeZkoAn 
who  wa&  kU,  ialtkiuZ  hztpmatz  up  to  thz  timz  o^  hzA  dzath  on  July  12,   1923. 

To  tkU  wontky  couplz  a  iamlty  o£  13  ckiZdKZjn.  wznz  boin,   11  oi  whom  OAZ  tivZng: 
Jutius  A.  Wz&tphaZ  o^  Palznmo,  NV.;  H.  C.  Wz&tphal,  Ufa.   Ed.  Stzln,  UfU.  T.  0.  Tlzgi, 
Uu.  C.  Bladow,  all  oi  thli  vlclnyUy;  W.  R.  Wz^tphal  oi  Campbzil,  UN.;  UftM.  Gzo.  Stack 
0({  E/Ughtwood;   Ida,  Anthun.  and  EAMcn,  at  homz.     Two  daaghtzu  a/iz  dzad....UKi,.  UafUz 
Zizgzlman,  who  pa6izd  away  on  July  11 ,    1916,  and  LouZ&z  Wz&tpahl  who  dJizd  on  Junz  12th, 
1921 ,  thz  lattzn.'6  dzath  pfizczdlng  that  0($  thz  mothzA  by  exactly  two  yzau.     Ma4.  Wz&t- 
phal  dlzd  on  Junz  12,    1923.     ThzKZ  OAZ  alio  21  g/iandckcldtzn  living.     Vzcza&zd  Is  aZio 
SuAvlvzd  by  ttio  sl&tzu,  UfU,.  CoaZ  Knahn  o^  SanboKn,  UN.,  and  Uu.  CoaI  Ladiulg  In  Gzfi- 

Wt.  Wzitphal  wai,  a  man  ojj  aoaz  Intzgnlty,   hlghZy  fizgaftdzd  by  all  who  fenew  hJm.     Hz 
was  honz&t  and  posszi^zd  a  klndZy  4>plAlt,  qulzt  and  oi  a  JiztlAlng  dlipo-iltlon  but  zvZA. 
Kzadij  to  Iznd  a  hzlplng  hand  to  thz  un^oAtunatz.     Hz  was  a  dzvotzd  huiband  and  Indalgznt 
iathzfi,  and  nzvzn.  ^ulZy  AzcovzAzd  ^Kom  thz  thock  o^  hli,  wl^z'6  dzath  l<u,i>  than  tuo  yzafu, 
ago,     Hl6  gfU-Zi  undoubtzdly  had  much  to  do  with  thz  f,atal  lllnz&6  that  ^ollowzd  a  itzady 
dzcJLinz  In  hzalth  {^oUowlng  hU  wl{fZ'A  dzath.     Hz  was  takzn  vlolzntly  III  on  Feb.   23fid, 
and  wai,  takzn  to  thz  EAzckzn/ildgz  Hospital,  whzfiz  an  opzAatlon  doA  appzndlclMj,  wai  pzfi- 
£oAmzd.     Compllcatlonl,  zni,uzd  that  Az&ultzd  In  hli  dznth  on  Thu/nday,   Fefc.   26XJi. 

Thz  body  was  bA.ought  to  thz  homz  and  ^unzAal  iZAvlczi,  conductzd  thzAZ  and  at  thz 
GzAman  Tmmanuzl  Ev.  Chu/ich  on  Sunday,  UaAch  lit.     Rzv.  C.  ObzAdozitzA  wot.  In  ckangz, 
avid  thz  chuAch  wa&  iUJizd  with  old  {^Aizndi  and  nzlghboAi  who  paid  a  ^Inal  tAlbutz  to  onz 
who  wai  unlvzAioUiy  zitzzmzd.     Thz  pall  bzoAZAJi  wzAz  all  old  plonzzfi  ^Aizndi . . .  .HzAman 
Boldt,  Sa.,   Pfizd  l)JoAnzA,  HzAman  Kzmkz,   Robznt  Hantlzbzn,   CoaI  Stack,  JA.,  and  John  GlandzA, 
IntzAmznt  iwi6  madz  In  thz  Immanuzl  CzmztzAy  bzildz  hli  bzlovzd  uic^e. 



Ella.  lil/JX,   daaghteA  oi  f-Oi.  and  M/l4.   CoaI  Witt,   dltd  at  thz  {,ainlly  homz  In  B^(,ofLd 
Town&hlp  Tfildaij  a{,tZAnoon,   Feb.    27th,   a{^tzn  an  lllnUi>  oi  ilx  ok  tight  monthl,.     CanazA 
oi  the.  stomach  wai  the.  cjza&e.  o^  deAth,  and  tkz  znd  had  bzzn  expected  almost  dally  {^oK 
iiomz  tlmz. 

Ella  Witt  woi  boKn  In  LaAAy,   Wew  yoA.k,  and  wa6   50  yzau,   2  months  and  21  days  oi 
age.     Shz  camz  with  hzn.  paAznt&  to  ZLchland  County  about  46  yzoAS  ago,  thz  family  sett- 
ling on  a  homzstzad  In  Bzt^ond  Twp,,  which  thzy  ha\jz  occuplzd  zvzfvy  slnzz.     Thzfiz  shz 
QKZW  to  womanhood,  attzndzd  thz  count/iy  school,  was  a  dzvout  mzmbzA  o^  thz  iuthzKan 
Chufich,  and  By  hzfi  bzautlftul  choAactzn.  and  sunny  disposition  zndzoAzd  hzfu,zll  to  alt 
who  had  thz  pfilvlLzgz  oi  hzn  {^^zndshlp.     Shz  was     always  {^Ifist  at  thz  bzdsldz  o^  thz 
sick,  and  Kzady  In  hzn  quiet  z^^lclznt  way  to  nendzA  asslstancz  to  thosz  In  need.     HzA. 
untlmzly  znd  Is  moufinzd  by  a  ZoAgz  cJjlcIz  oi  ^filends  as  well  as  thz  Immzdlatz  Kzlatlvzs. 

Shz  Is  sufivlvzd  by  thz  poAznts,  Ma.,  and  Mu.   CoAl  Witt,  arid  thz  ^oilowlng  bAothzAS 
and  slsteAs:  Chas .  Witt,  HznAy  Witt,   Louis  Witt,  Uks  .  V.  S.  Ucllmln  and  Wis.  FAzd  Vlbb- 
ext,  all  0(5  thz  Hanklnson  vicinity;  (Au.  A.  G.  t^ltzel  o^  Yakima,  WA.,  and  Ida,  Wilhel- 
mlna  and  LUllan  at  homz. 

FunzAjol  szAvlczs  wzAZ  held  at  thz  homz  Uonday  at  10  AM,  and  at  St.  John's  ChuAch 
In  SeZiofud  at  2  ?H. 

■  A  szAmon  In  thz  GzAman  languagz  was  dzllveAzd  by  Rev.  CoAdt  and  an  English  szAmon 
by  Reu.   KlauslzA.     Rev.  Hlnck  ojj  GAzat  Bend,  who  had  known  thz  dzczaszd  slncz  hzn.  child- 
hood,  o^ieAzd  a  pfiayzA  at  thz  CemetzAy.     Thz  pallhzaAZAS  wzAz:  Robzfct  Kaoosz,  HeAman 
WzbzA,   EnUl  KlawlttzA,  Wm.   NzhneA,   Edwin  Gaedckz  and  RobeAt  Tlzg.s.     ScoAzs  o^  ^Alznds 
WZAZ  In  attzndancz  at  thz  szAvlczs.     Jntzmznt  was  madz  In  thz  St.  John's  ChuAch  yan.d, 


Slgufid  Ostby  of,  GAZzndalz  Township  died  at  thz  B/iecfeeffu.dge  Hospital  Sunday,  Mo/ic/i 
1st,   of  szptlcazmla  which  foltowzd  an  opeAatlon  foA  appzndlcltls .  Hz  Aalllzd  ^Aom  thz 
opzAotlon  but  complications  ensued  that  zndzd  his  zanthly  coazza  on  Sunday  moAnlng.     Hz 
had  bzzn  ill  about  six  weeks  and  pfiloA  to  that  had  znjoyzd  thz  bzst  of  health. 

Vzczaszd  was  boAn  at  TzAgus  Falls,  MW.,  on  Apfiil  9th,   1SS4,  and  was  40  yzoAS,   10 
months  and  19  dajys  of  agz.     In  1S91  hz  camz  with  his  poAznts  to  GAZzndalz  Township  wheAz 
thz  family  settled  on  a  homzstzad.     HzAz  hz  gAzw  to  manhood  and  was  moAAled  about  16  yzoAS 
ago  In  Hanklnson  to  Annlz  Hzzsch.     AfteA  five  yeoAS  of  moAnlzd  ll^z  thz  wlfz  dlzd,  Izavlng 
thz  stnlckzn  husband  to  caAz  ^OA  onz  son,  Williz.     A^tzA  thz  moAAlagz  thz.  young  coupZz 
livzd  In  Hanklnson  ^OA  a  whllz  w/ieAe  hOi.  Ostby  woAkzd  at  the  coApzntzA  tAadz,  and  ^Acm 
hzAz  thzy  Azmovzd  to  Canada  whzAz  thzy  Aemalned  foA  two  yeoAS .     Thzy  AztuAnzd  to  Hank- 
lnson and  slncz  thz  death  of  thz  wlfz  Ma.  Ostby  livzd  with  his  poAznts  In  GAzzndalz  up 
to  thz  timz  of  his  death. 

Bzsldzs  thz  oAphaned  son,   he  Is  suAvlvzd  by  thz  poAznts,  Ma.,  and  hlfis .  Nels  Ostby, 

tJ-cve  bKothzXb  and  ({-cue  6liteAJ,:  Olt  OStby,  Voaglcu>,   MV.,   CoaZ  Oitby,  Vouglcu,,   MV.,   Edw^n 
Oiiby,  Szatile.,  WA.,  and  VzteJi  and  Raymond  at  homz;  M/l4.  G-ilbeJU  Shock,  VeAonda,  WI., 
Unj>,  Gzo.  blaiby,   laHouAt,  W.,  Ufu,.  Wm.  KozlnZtn.,  Hankindon;  M/l<5.  George  KofdU,  Oklahoma, 
and  Wu,.  Hanjiy  KZng,   Hankyimon, 

The.  ^unzfLol  mJL  be  held  F/  MoAch  6ih,  at  the.  Ty^on  CfuvicJi  Zn  GAzendaZz  Mcth 
Rev.  8.  K.  kipzfi.  in  cKoaqz  oi  thz  ^eAvZcz6. 


Thz  ^unztat  iZAvZczi  o^  EzAnoAd  Pzltz,  who  dLizd  lait  Thu/adaif  at  thz  homz  o£  hU 
daughter,  Hk6,  Edm.n  Gxzenz  ojj  709  lawieZ  Ave,,  Mp-£<5,  wcw  hzZd  at  St,  PhZUp'6  ChuAck 
Za&t  SatuAday  moAnlng,  at  10  o'ctock. 

Rev.  Fathzn.  Studnlcka.  6ang  thz  Solemn  RejqiUem  and  wai  a&A-Utzd  by  Father  t^alaikl 
0^  Gznz.izo,  Tntzfmznt  wai>  made  Zn  thz  CathotLc  CzmzteAy,  Thz  paZZbzafizu  wzAz:  Adam 
Rotk,  Joz  Gmba,  Chai,.   LLznman,  John  Schittz,  Uafutin  Bommzubach,  and  FKzd  Wofinzn.. 

Vzczoizd  u)a&  onz  o^  thz  otganlze/u,  oi  St.  FhUUp'6  ChuAchj  and  o^  thz  11  chafoteA 
membzAi  onZy  thAzz  oAz  now  tivZng . . .  Matt  Joit,   John  Sckiltz  and  JzAfuj  Shza. 

M^.  VeZtz  had  bzzn  Zn  Raiting  hzaZXh  ioK  thz  pait  yzan.  bat  had  bzzn  ablz  to  bz 
about  at  oiuaZ.     Two  wzzki,  ago,  at  thz  advZcz  of,  hZi  phyiZzZan^  hz  dzcZdzd  to  go  to 
Shakopzz  to  thz  mad  batlii,   bat  hZi  condZtZon  wa6  6o  wzakznzd  by  thz  tZmz  hz  izachzd 
Hunnejxpotili  that  hz  wai  taken  to  thz  homz  o{^  hZj>  daaghtzA  and  gZvzn  mzdZcaZ  attzntZon. 
He  went  Zrtto  a  coma  thz  ioiZowZng  day  ^fiom  whZch  hz  nzvzn.  ^aZly  awakznzd,  though  at 
tZmzi  hz  mutmeAzd  wofidi,  to  tho&z  oi  hZ&  tovzd  onzi  who  weAz  at  kc6  bzdLiZdz  ^Aom  thz 
tZmz  bzgZnnZng.     HZi  end  camz  veAy  pzjazzf^aUjj  at  12tl5  ThuA&day  moKning,   hZ6  death  bzZng 
duz  to  UAzmZc  Coma  NzphAZtU.     HZ^  wZ^z,  thfizz  4on6,   Ffiank,   VhZLip  and  Lzo,  and  ^ouA 
daughtzAl,,   KathzfUnz,  Hayz,  ThzAZia,   and  Agnz6  wzfiz  out  hZj,  bzdiZdz  dantng  hZ6  ZZtnz66 
and  death. 

BeAnoAd  PeZtz  wai  bonn  Zn  VztbfUck,  GzAmany,  Pec.   79,    1844,  and  at  thz  tZmz  o^  hZj, 
death,  wa&   SO  yzau,   2  monthi  and  7  dajyi  old.     He  came  to  AmzfUca  Zn  1S65  and  tocatzd 
Zn  St.   ChaAleJ,,  UZ&^ouaZ.     LateA  hz  IZvzd  Zn  St.  Jamz&,  MN.,  and  lived  Zn  that  vZcZnZty 
untZl  hz  movzd  to  NoAth  Dakota.     In  1886  hz  moved  to  HankZmon  and  itaAtzd  a  gznznaZ 
itoAz,   now  occupZzd  by  I.  KutbzAg  S  Co.,   ^Aom  whZzh  hz  AztZfizd  about  25  yzau  ago,  Izad- 
Zng  a  qaZzt  and  law  abZdZng  lt{,z  antZZ  thz  -tone  oi  htt>  death.     He  was  a  man  o^  exzztlznt 
choAacteA  and  KzputatZon  and  wai  a  lovZng  and  dzvotzd  ha&band  and  ^otheA. 

Hz  wai  a  gKzat  loveA  o{,  natuAz  and  onz  could  aZwayi,  ^Znd  hZm  among  fuci  ^lowzAi, 
Thz  many  ^loAol  o^{iZ'u,ngi  wzAz  a  lovZng  and  £ZttZng  tAZbutz. 

He  Izavzi  to  mouAn  hZ&  lo&i  a  wZ£z  and  10  chZldAzn:  F/ianfe,  John  and  Joz  o{i  thc& 
cZty;  MAi.   Fnank  Vudlzy  oi  UcMZzn,   TX.;  and  Ma&.  EdwZn  GAzznz  o{,  Mpli,   by  ht&   ^ZA&t 
moAfUagz;  VhZLip  oi  New  England,   NV.,   Lee  o^  liiZJilow  lakz,  SV.,  Ww,  Roy  VZamond  oi{ 
VetAoZt,  MW.,  Mw.  kAthoA  OdeZ  oi  f-ipli.,  and  fliiA  Agnea,  tzachzn.    at  FoAgo.     All  oij  thz 
ckZJLdAzn  wzAz  Zn  attzndancz  at  thz  {^anzAol  wZth  thz  zxczptZon  oi  Atti.   FAank  Vudlzy  who 
wai,  anablz  to  attend,     Thz  sympathy  oi  thz  community  go zi  out  to  thz  iamZZy  Zn  theiA 
bzAzavemznt,  «*«««««««»  HaAch  5,    1925 

Rev.  A.   CAjxboMitU.  V-itd  At  SagA.naw,  Hich. 

WoA.d  uicii  Ke.c(uxtd  heAZ  tho.  {^vUit  ol  thz  wcefe  0|{  ihz  dzcuth  o^  Rev.  A.  CnjiboiMfU., 
iolmzn.  pcL&ton.  of^  ihz  Jmmanuzt  EvangzZccaZ  ChuAcJi  hzAz,  cut  l^u,  harm  -en  Sag-cnow,  UZchZgcLn. 

No  pcuvUcuLvu,  lue/ie  g-cuen  -en  thz  tditzn.  n.zceA.vzd. . .  .meAzZy  a.  cand  ^Aom>  onz  oi  thz 
ckLtdAzn  to  a.  ^AZznd  hzfiz  a.nnoan(  thz  iacX  that  "Tatkzfi  dZzd  Wzdnz&day  ZMzning,  MoAc/t 
5th"     It  Zi  phjobahtz  that  hid  znd  wai  6addzn  and  anzxpzctzd  as  mzmbzAS  ai  thz  {,amU.ij  -in 
coM-Zipondzncz  uUth  {iAA.znd&  hzfiz,  had  madz  no  pAz\jZoa&  mzntlon  o£' hU  ^UZnzii , 

Vzcza&zd  MAW  about  60  yzafu,  o^  agz  and  {^oK  izveJutl  yzoAi  wai,  Voitofi  o^  thz  Jrmanuzt 
Ev.  ChufLch  hzfiz.     Hli  tocije  (iced  -en  Novzmbzn.  0({  Za&t  yzan.'     Hz  -ci  duAvZvzd  by  a  £aniiZy 
0^  dzvzn  duZdfizn,   ij-cve  loni>  and  -ftyo  daaghtzAi,. 

Reu.  GnabowikJ.,  at  thz  tUmz  o^  hii  dzath,  woe,  Todtofi  ojj  a  ZoAgz  and  pAxiipzAotu 
congfizgation  o^  ISO  mzmbzu  at  SagZnaw,  MI. 

Newii  0^  hu  daddzn  dzath  amz  oi  a  dhock  to  hu  many  {^fu.zndj>  A.n  Hankimon  and  vZclnZty. 
,      :-  **»»»*,,*»  ^^^  j2,    1925 


Thz  {^otiouiing  obltiianij  o^  Jacob  T-iLLiich,   {^athzfi  oi  Vn.  H,  T.WLi&ch  o^  thM,  cJJy, 
-C4  takzn  iKom  thz  Walnut  Gkoxjz  Tfu-banz 

Thz  fiemaZn^  o^  Jacob  T.  TXZtUch  aJuUvzd  ^Aom  HinnzapoZZi  Sattviday  and  thz  ^anzfiaZ 
u)a6  hzJLd  Sunday  a^tzfinoon  ^Aom  thz  EngZl&h  Luthzfw.n  ChuAck  and  Zntzninznt  waj>  madz  tn 
thz  Walnut  Gaovz  CzmztzKy,     Rev.  NofigaoAd  o^  Mankato  conductzd  thz  ^unznal  iZfivZcz 
a&6-ii,tzd  by  Reu.   Chapman.     Rev.  NoAgaand  wai,  thz  loAmzA  PoitoA  o£  thz  £amMf  wkilz  thzy 
AZ6-idzd  at  MankaXo.     Ai  thz  dzczodzd  wa&  a  vztzAan  o^  thz  CJbjll  WoA,  mZLLtoAy  honoAi 
wzAZ  accoKdzd  thz  fLZmaZnd  by  thz  local  LzgZon  ?06t  wXJJn.  thz  caikzt  dAapzd  with  thz  {lag. 

ThzAz  wai,  a  loAgz  attzndancz  pAZ6znt,  and  thz  widow  and  all  thz  ckildAzn  wzAz 
pAz&znt  ioA  thz  {fUnzAol.  ' 

Hz  -06  duAvivzd  by  hi&  mI£z  and  tzn  ckildnzn,  dzvzn  ioni,  and  thAzz  daughtzu:  fzAd  J. 
0^  WaZmit  Gaovz,  VJitlzjy  and  O&caA  oi  VaJjmount,  NO.,   Edwtn  A.  oi  Wz&tbfwok,  A/tthuA  and 
SzlmZA  oi  l^ankato,  Wu,.   N.   H.  StAandj'oAd  and  Ufii,.  Szlma  TAZl>\jlg  oi  f^pli.,  UfU, .  J.  B. 
Moon  oi  ToAAmount,  NV.     One  don,  TAygvz  HznAy  di.zd  in  iniancy.     Hz  Z&  aZio  duAvivzd    by 
17  QAandckildAzn  and  thfizz  gKzat-gAandchiZdfizn.     Alio  William  TilLidch  oi  RznvilZz 
County  and  a  dij>tzA  MoAgAzthz  TiZliMch  in  Nofwoay  and  HznAy  TiZLidch  oi  HanlUmon. 

+  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  + 

Thz  ioUiowing  obitaoAy  Zi   iAom  thz  fUnnzapotii  Vaglig  Tidzndz: 

"Thz  Civil  WoA  vztzAan  and  pionzzA  Jacob  Thodz  TilLi&ch,  pa&dzd  away  lai>t  Wzdnz&day 
at  hij,  homz  iTl9  Snzlling  Ave.  So.  and  with  kid  padding  away  anotliZA  oi  thz  old  NoAwzgian 
pionzzAd  and  Civil  Woa  vztzAand  Ld  gone.     He  wad  boKn  in  Norway,   Feb.    nth,    1S42,  thz 
don  oi  TAzdzKik  Vitlzy  Tittidch,   Captain  oi  IniantAy",  and  kid  wiiz  Anne  ELizabzth,   boAn 
aJi  FyAdtznbzAg, 

"Hz  Izit  BzKgzn  and  came  to  Amznlca  in  1864,  He  znlldtzd  at  oncz  in  thz  moAinzd  and 

i>2Avzd  A.n  the.  wojl  antiZ  aJu,   cZo&z.     In  7^66  he.  wa6  moAAyied  to  Selma  A.    E.   ?eXteMJ>on 
(J/Lom  Oi)kjivaihai"n,   KalmoA  Lan,  Swe.dtn.      Latex  or  he.  waU)  zngaged  Zn  ^oAmlng  cut  St,   VeXeA. 
and  WaZnat  6/t.oue.     blken  he.  >ieJxn.zd  {^nxjtn  £,   the.y  tocJite.d  at  liankato  and  moved  £AMm 
that  pZacz  to  UtnnexipotiCi  about  ^ouA  yzoM  ago . 

HANKWSON  WEWS  **********  -  ^^j,^  J2,    I9Z5 


Hu,   E.  J.  HuJdiejj,  pHjomine.rvt  Tatnmount  Kz&tdent,  dtzd  at  St.  John'6  HoipttaZ  aji 

ToAQo  on  12th,  a^teA  an  -itZneJ,.&  o^  &ax  wzeiU).     A  izptlc.  condition  o^  long  6tand^ng 

bAought  about  heA  death.     Ve.ce£i&zd  wai,   54  ye.afu  old  and  Jik  6uxvZve.d  by  thz  hodband  and 

ij^ue  chUd/Lzn, 

**********  ^^^  jg^    jg^5 

Thu  cowmwfiity  woi  gfiejotJbj  &hockzd  Thxiudaif  mofining  when  XZ  was  fizpoKted  that 
MfL6.   E.  J.  HuAly  had  paM,zd  auoay  at  St.  John'.!,  Hospital  at  FoAgo. 

^■^nz.  HuAZey  leavu  to  mouAn  heA  Zx}&&,   heA  ha&band,   one  ion  and  {,ouA  daughteAi,. 
The  many  ionAowtng  {^fvLendi,   e.xtznd  theJji  dzzpe^t  sympathy  to  tJie.  beAejxvzd  {^anUly. 
HANKWSON  NEbJS  VoAJmount  Column Mo/lc/i  79,    7925 

Tfuink  Mooi  Ke.ceA.vzd  a  mzi,i,aQZ  Z/Ldt  I^KZday  announcing  the  death  o^  hll,  motkzfi, 
Mw.   VeAdinand  Maai,  who  AZitdzd  tn  GeAmany.     Shz  dtzd  Fzb.   26th  and  {^anetuiZ  6eAvl.czi) 
weAz  heZd  UoAch  Ht. 

**********  MoAc/i  26,    7925 

WeZt  Known  EofmeA  CCtlzzn  At  Fotnt  0{i  Veath 

Wofid  xzczlvzd  thi&  wzzk  inxim  Rzd  Wing,  MW.,  lj>  to  thz  ei{(j£ct  that  Sam  CfiandaZZ, 
{^ohmeA  GKzat  Bznd  Ktitdznt  and  wtdzty  known  thAoughout  ZlchZand  County,  tlz&  at  thz 
point  o{i  death  with  atZ.  hopz  o^  fizcovzfiy  abandonzd  by  thz  doctoAi.     Hz  huu  been  In 
pooK  heoLtk  ^oK  a  mmbzA  OjJ  yejvu,  and  ^OA  thz  pa6t  ^ew  months  ha6  iaJJied  Aaptdly, 
accoAdlng  to  thz  ZetteA  ^ecexuerf  hzAz. 

M^.  CAandatt  wai,  a  RlchZand  Countif  Az&tdznt  ^OA  moAZ  than  a  quoAtzA  oi  a  centuAy. 
FoA  many  yeoAi  fie  wom  a  whzat  buyzA  at  GAzat  Bznd  and  ZateA  ieAved  04  Vzputy  SheAl^{i. 
Hz  come  within  a  ^ew  votzi  oi  being  nomlnatzd  ^oA  SheAl^i  a  i$ew  yeoAi  ago. 

WhlZz  Az&ldlnQ    at  GAeat  Bznd  hz  wa&  moAAlzd  to  Luztta  Hunt,  a  school  tzachzA  at 
that  place,  and  who  li  aZ&o  widely  known.     Has.   CAandxM.  madz  an  uniucczi^iuZ  campaign 
{^oA  County  SupeAlntzndznt  {^ouA  yzoAS  ago,     Thz  couple  had  no  chlZdAzn. 

Ua,  CAandaZl  was  paAtlculoAly  weJil  known  In  Hanklnson.     Hz  Is  a  membeA  oi  thz  local 
Masonic  Lodge  and  was  a  ^Azquznt  vlsltoA  hzAz.     News  oi  his  condition  Is  Azczlvzd  with 
pAoiound  -'Leg-tet  by  many  iAlzndi  In  this  szctlon. 

Has.  CAondall  Is  teaching  school  at  Rzd  W-cng  at  thz  pAZSZnt  tlmz. 
HANKJNSON  MEWS  **********  ^j^^^  j9^    ;925 

UfUi .  CoaZ  Jahnkz  Succumb4>  To  Stfiokt 

Uu.  CoAt  Jahnkz,  a  KuldojnZ  ojj  Zicktand  CoarUy  ^OA.  {^ofity  yzau,   dizd  cut  hzfi  homz 
in  tkii  city  Monday  tvziUng  ^ottouxing  a  it^oke.  oi  poAolyili  which  KzndeJizd  hex  hzZpZtii 
ioK  a.  weefe  p/Uon.  to  htn  dzath.     EoAty  Za&t  weefc.  4/ie  ^ai^^zAzd  a.  ^-ttofee  -en  ikz  mofinlng  and 
anothzt  In  thz  a^teAnoon  o^  thz  4>amz  day.     Shz  lo&t  control  oi{  hzA  voZcz  and  thz  Alght 
iZdz  wa4  pa/uxlyzzd,     Vzcza^zd  wouZd  havz  bzzn  75  yzoAi  old  In  Janz  and  had  KZiidzd  -tn 
thii,  vicinity  ion  40  yzoAi . 

fAfu>.  CaJit  (Mo/u/)  Jahnkz  uxu,  boA.n  Janz  10,    1850,  in  Gzfmany,  whzKz  i,hz  qkqm  to 
womanhood.     Thviz  6hz  wa&  moA/iizd  oa  ApfuJi  16th,   46  yzaA&  ago,  to  Caxt  Jahnkz  who  iuA.- 
vivu  hzn..     Vofity  yzaJis  ago  thzy  emigAotzd  to  Amznlca  and  ^on.  izvzn  yzafu  woikzd  on  . 
thz  Kzyitonz  iafun  nzoA  Mantadox,     Latzfi  thzy  iiZzd  on  a  homzitzad  in  Vuzaa  TownihJ,p 
whzfiz  thzy  iivzd  until  1911.     Thzy  thzn  movzd  to  Hankin&on  and  havz  tivzd  hzfiz  li.ncz. 
Vzcza&zd  i&  ^uAvivzd  by  thz  husband  and  6zvzn  chiZdAzn:   LouZi,  Jahnkz,  Wyndrnzfiz;  Otto, 
WitUam,   CoAl,   Hvman,  AZboAX,  and  Mw.  Rob^At  Bladow,  all  o^,  thit,  city. 

VzczcLizd  wai,  a  mzmbzA  o{^  thz  Luthzfuan  ChuAch  and  tixz  ^imzAal  will  bz  condactzd  by 
Rzv.  J.   P.  KlaailzA  at  1:30  this    [ThuA&day]  a^tzAnoon.     Tntznmznt  will  bz  madz  in 
Sunny  HilZiidz  CzmoJizAy.     Thz  pall  bzoAZAS  will  bz  Otto  MoAohZ,  Hznman  Tnjxnz,  H.  MzZ- 
chzA,   fKzd  Vibbzfut,  AlbzAt  Stack  and  Cfuu.   LizAman. 

"We  mi&i  thzz  ^Aom  ouA  homz  dzoA  lAothzA,  Wz  mijii  thzz  ^fiom  thzy  placz; 
A  shadow  o'zfi  ouA  zyz  ii  C£L6t...liJz  mii,6  thz  ianihinz  o^  thy  ^acz. 
We.  mi66  thy  kind  and  willing  hand,   Thy  ^ond  and  zoAnzit  coAz; 
OuA  homz  i&  doAJi  without  thzz,  Wz  mi66  thzz  zvzAywhzKz." 
HANKTNSON  NEWS  **********  ^p^^^  2,    7925 


Thz  dzath  o^  OnXon  Gi^^oAd,  which  occuAfizd  at  Wahpzton  la^t  ThuAsday  zvzning 
iollowlng  a  poAalytlc  itAokz  a  month  ago,  Kzmovz&  one  o^  thz  bz6t  known  mzn  in  thz 
county.     Vzcza&zd  had  bzzn  a  KZiidznt  o£  Wahpzton  {^OK  ovzfi  40  yzoAS  and  iZAvzd  a& 
Vzputy  RzgiJitzA  o^  Vzzdi  undzn.  J,  M.  Rugglz6  and  latzt  izAvzd  tivo  zlzctivz  tzAm&  aj> 
RzglitAaA  {^fiom  1S98  to  1902.  A^tzA  fiztlAing  ^Aom  that  oHicz  hz  engaged  in  thz  abitfiact- 
ing  buiinzii  which  hz  continuzd  up  to  thz  tanz  oi  hit,  dzath.     Hz  was  a  wzLl  known  ^igu/iz 
oAound.  thz  coufit  hou&z  and  had  thz  zstzzm  and  Kzspzct  oi     zvztyonz. 

OAton  V.  GiiioKd  woM  boAn  at  Vunklxk,   NY,   on  Aug.  4th,    1S59.     Hz  camz  to  NoAth  Vak- 
ota  in  1&S4.     On  Oct.   22nd,    1SS5,  hz  moAAlzd  Jzssiz  Pfui&haw,  who  iuAvivzs  him.     Hz 
Izavzs  alio  his  daughtZAS,   Hazzl  Johnson,   and  Czcilz  Stall,   both  oi  thzm  mothzAS.     Hz 
was  a  mzmbzn.  oi  Wahpzton  Lodgz  No.    15,   A.   F.   S  A.  M.,   6etng  initatzd  thzA&ln  Vzc.   31st, 
1901 ,   and  madz  a  Uastzn.  h\ason  ApAiZ  13,    1906. 

funzAol  szAviczs  wzfLZ  conductzd    by  Wahpzton  Lodgz  No.   15,  A.   F.   S  A.  M.,  at  thz  homz 

on  Hofitk  &th  St.,   out  2:50  PM  Scutwidcuf  a£tz^noon,  wZth  lUouhlp  UoMtZA  R.   W.  GowZand 
coYidacXinQ  thz  U(Li,onic  SeA.vZce..     Reu.  W.   L.   Bene*C,  cu,  ChaptcUn  and  J.  WatteA.  GKzzn, 
06  StnloK  WoAdzn,  A.   PaaliAud  4ang  a  bzcaiti{^vJi  6olo,  accompanlzd  at  tJie.  by  Uki>. 
H.   ?{^ZiiteA..     lntzAme.nt  uni,  mode  -en  FcuAu-cew  Ceme-teAx/.     Tfie  iJuneAod  addA.Z66  wai  dzZLveAzd 
by  Judge  CfioA.  E.  Wol£t, 
HANKJNSON  NEWS  **********  ^p^^^  2,    7925 

M/L4,  ffeMAt/  An4«;eA4  F-cno^  Summofii 

Mt4,  f/ewAi/  Tfi.eede,  a  fLej>Zdent  o^  tfu/,  tocoLUu  lofi  41  yzaA&,  dizd  0)J  hzoJit  iaJMiAo. 
at  EzA  home.  Zn  tJuJ,  city  Monday  mo^inlng  at  Jff  o^cZock.     SEz  had  Been  anuzZt  ^oK  a  (Jew 
dayi,  bat  hzfi  condition  was  wot  con&^dzfLzd  AZAloui,     Thz  nuA£z  Zn  attzndancz  at  thz  bzd-  0^  hzA  huiband  woa  ab/,znt  ^njom  thz  twom  {^on.  a  ihofit  tanz  and  on  hzfi  A.ztuAn  ^ound 
that  HjU),  Thzzdz  had  pa66zd  away  pzacz^uUbj  In  bzd  dwUng  hzfi  ab&zncz,     Shz  had  bzzn 
Au^^ZAlng  {,  an  ^njofiy  to  hzfi  hip  which  con^lnzd  hzA.  to  bzd  buX  a&ldz  ^fiom  thli  was 
thought  to  bz  In  hzK  u&aaZ  hzoLth, 

Uany  Ann  (Mowftl  Thzzdz  wai  boKn  at  St.  Cloud,  WJ.,   on  kphJUi  Uth,    1S52  and  would 
havz  attalnzd  hzn.  73Kd  bVithday  tkc&  month.     ThzAz  6hz  qkzvh  to  womanhood  and  on  thz  Sth 
0^  Hay  0^  thtl>  yzoA  would  haxjz  cztzbAatzd  hzn.  gotdzn  wzddlng  annlvzAia/iy.     Thz  agzd 
coapZz  had  thu&  fioundzd  out  nzanJLy  hal^  a  czntuAy  o^  moMlzd  tiiz.     A  paXhztlc  ^zatuAZ 
0^  hzfi  iuddzn  dzath  li,  thz  phyilcaZ  condition  0(J  hzA.  hu6band  who  ha&  bzzn  an  Invalid  ^on. 
many  wzeJii  with  llttlz  hopz  hzld  out.  £oA.  fizcovzAy.     That  thz  kindly  wl^z  ihould  havz 
pKzczdzd  him  acfioM  thz  filvzfi  ll>  ont  o^  thz  unzxpzctzd  things  that  occuA  occa&lonally 
In  thli  ll^z. . 

ThzfLZ  oAz  thnzz  iun\)l\jlng  chlldAzn . . .  .Mfu, .   Lizzlz  Blzl  o^  thl&  city,  Alton  J.  Thzzdz 
OjJ  Sonona  and  Nick  Thzzdz  o^  Wahpzton.     Thzfiz  oAz  20  g/iandchlldAzn .     Vzcza^zd  l6  alio 
tuJivlvzd  by  t^}o  ilitzfii,  UJii.  CathzAlnz  Smith  oi  Wahpzton  and  Mk&.  Ulkz  lanzlngzA  o^ 
Wahpzton,  both  o{i  whom  WZAZ  hzAz  ^OA.  the.  (^unzfial. 

Vzczoizd  was  a  dzvout  mzmbzfi  o^  thz  Catholic  Chwich  and  wai  widely  known  th/ioaghout 
thli  izctlon.  She.  was  a  dzvotzd  wl^z,  a  ^ond  and  Indulgznt  mother  and  a  {^althf^ul  i>ilznd 
and  nzlghbon..     Hzn.  dzath  l6  ilnczAely  mounned. 

Thz  iunznal  was  fie^d  Tuesday,  Apnll  7th,  with  iZAvlczi  conducted  by  Rev.  Jo-i.   Lan^eA 
at  St.   Vhltip'l  ChuAch.     Many  ionAowlng  {^nlznd&  wznz  pnziznt  to  pay  thzlA  {^Inal  tnlbutz 
to  an  old  {^nlznd  and  nelghbon.     Thz  pall  beoAeXi  wznz  Mlkz  Isllntz,  Gzongz  Wlntz,  Jacob 
Hzntz,  John  JeageA,  Joi.  Ezng  and  John  Vnlckzi. 

Tnlzndi,  ^nom  out.  ojj  town  pnz&znt  weAz:   Lzo  Hitzkz  and  Un& .  Vaullnz  Waling  o^  Enzck- 

ZMldgz,  John  WalchzA,  Mn.  and  Mai,.  Mlkz  Smith  and  Mn.  and  hUa.  J.  Wesefe,  all  o^  Wahpzton. 

**********  ^p^j^  g^    ,925 

HainkAJ^ion  PZomzfi  P-cei  cut  AtzxandAZa. 

A  teJLojphont  mUiouQQ.  tiuj,    [ThuAiday]   moAwing  ^Kom  ktzxandfuji,  MM.,   bfujigi  neici   oi 
the.  dzath  OjJ  John  Bfiackln,   tcLfiZij  izttlzn.  maA  Sonofia,  cut  kl6  hdmz  Zn  that  (uXy,     No 
dztcUZi  WZK.Z  qZvzyi  and  tliz  caa&z  o^  dzath  -c4   not  known  at  thd  timz.     FAank  EKackln,   o{, 
thJj>  cttg,  a  ion  o^  thz  dzczcL&zd,  Z&  abiznt  -en  HUwaukzz,  WT.,  and  -6C  -65  impoii>lblz  to 
izciViz  data  ion.  an  obltwifuj. 

Thz  body  mJUi  6e  brought  to  HanfU.mon  by  auto  hzauz  and  ^tinznaJi  iZfivZczi  uUZi  bz 
conducXzd  Zn  thz  CongA-zgatLonaZ  ChuAch  Sanday  a£tzAnoon  cut  1  PM.  Intznmznt  uuLt  bz  -en 
thz  i^jnity  tot  In  HUJUtdz  CvnztzAy  whzfiz  a  &on  o^  thz  EAacfu.n  {^airuJiy  U>  buAlzd. 

Vzczoizd  wcu,  a  pZonzzM.  0(J  thu  izctZon,  havZng  ianmzd  a  ihofut  di&tancz  noxth  oi 
Sononjx.  £oA.  mant/  yzau.     Two  yzoAi  ago  thz  ^amLZy  movzd  to  ktzxandnXa.,  \KN.,  wheAz  thzy 
havz  4-cnce  AZi-idzd.     Vzcza&zd  wca  a  man  o^  iplzndZd  cJiaAactzn.,  thonoaghby  good  -en  zvznjj 
way,  and  had  thz  Zitzzm  and  Azipzct  o^  aZZ.  who  knzvo  kirn.     He  wai>  a  good  cZtizzn,  a  loving 
huiband  and  an  ZnduZgznt  {^aXhzfi.     Thz  sympathy  o^  edit  thz  old  iAlznd&  Zn  thU  vZclnity 
goz&  oat  to  thz  6tfu.ckzn  wZ^Z  and  qthzA  mzmbzu   o^  thz  {^amZly. 
HANKJNSON  WEWS  «,*««»«««»  ^p^^^  g^    J925 

M^.  W.  A.  Hzlzy  fizczZvzd  a  mz^iagz  FfiZday  announcing  thz  dzath  o^  hzn.  bfiothzfi, 
Hznman  0l6on,   o^  Loi  Angzlzi,   CA.     Small  pox  wcl6  thz  cau4e  o^  hZ&  dzath,  thz  znd  comZng 
a^tzA  an  ZMnzsi  o^  -ftvo  wzzk6.     Ma..  Ol6on  wa&  zngagzd  Zn  thz  HcJidwoAZ  bul>ZJ^Zlt^>  Zn  Lo6 
An^zlu,  havZng  gonz  thznz  ^Aom  tkii>  pant  o^  thz  zountMj  two  yzau  ago. 

Thz  nZnz  month&  old  4>on  oi  Ma.  and  (>0u,.  Bznt  GZjia  who  xz&Zdz  on  thz  Ryan  {^cum 
nonthwz&t  0^  thZi  cZty,  paj^&zd  away  (tJzdnz&day  kpnJJi  l6t.     Thz  caa&z  o^  dzath  wa6  pnza- 
monZa.     Thz  lanzAol  wcu,  hzld  SatuAday  ^Aom  thz  CatholZc  Chanch  at  Hantadon..     Reu.   Tathzn. 
WZZkz&  oiiZcZaJtzd.     EuAcal  wai,  madz  Zn  thz  MantadoA  Cmztzny.     Thz  sympathy  of^  all  goz6 
out  to  thz  bzAzavzd  paAznt&  and  {^amZty. 
HANKJNSON  WEWS  **********  ^p,^^^  9^    j925 

WzlZ  Known  Rz&Zdznt  VZz/>  Saddznly 

Thz  pzoplz  0^  HankZn&on  and  thz  iuAAoandZng  coantAy  wzAz  ihockzd  bzyond  mzoiuAz 
whzn  wond  pa&izd  ^Aom  onz  to  anothzn  that  FAzd  CoppZn,  a  AZ&Zdznt  o{,  thU  vZcZnZty  iZncz 
boyhood,  had  dZzd  at  hZ&  homz  on  thz,on  ianm  Zn  EnZghtwood  a^tzn.  an  ZZlnzi>6  0($  but 
a  couplz  oi  daiji.     VzaXh  wai>   caa&zd  by  tztanu&    [lockjaw]  nz&ultZng  piom  an  Znjany  to  hZ^ 
hand  whzn  plowing,     Vzczaszd,  a  man  o^  moAz  than  oAdZnaAy  nuggzdnz&i  and  itAzngth,  gavz 
thz  ZnjuAy  IZXtlz  attzntcon,   not  con&ZdznZng  Zt  6ZALoa6,   but  thz  dAzadzd  tztana&  gznm 
zntznzd  thz  wound  and  whzn  a  doctoA  wa&  callzd  Zt  wai  too  latz  to  iavz  hZj>  IZiz. 

F/ied  CoppZn  wcl&  boKn  Oct.   7th,    J 875,  cut  Hitch^Zt,  Canada,  and  wouZd  havz  6een 
^Zitij  LjQJViM  old  next  iall.     Hz  came,  to  Dakota  uuXh  hii  poAznti  In  1SS2  and  g^ew  to 
manliood  Zn  E^ghtwood  ToMn&hyLp.     Ht6   {^athzA,   Eduiafid  CoppZn,  wa£  a  weZt  known  ptonezn 
hzAz  and  dlzd  -in  England,   kcl>  native  countAy,   Jan,    2l6t,    1919.     The  motke/i,   Elizabeth 
cuddle  Coppln,  died  in  1SS9. 

Vecejued  woi  mannled  In  1904  at  SZi&eton,  SV.,  to  SoAah  Gxotte  who  4uAuXve4  klm. 
TheAz  oJiz  aLko  t>Xx  chJUAxen  Living:  M/u, .   P.   PauZ&on,   Edwin,   FloA.znce,  Ionian,   lofuuilnz 
and  Vofili,.     Vecejo&zd  wa6  a  lanrnzA  by  occupation  and  had  occupied  voAloui  A.zntzd  £a>m6 
at  dl{{^eAznt  tune/,.     In  Oct.  oiJ  1914  the  ^amllif  movzd  to  thz  Bfilghtuoood  [HankAyikon] 
lafm  whzfLZ  thzy  have  ilnce  Kz&ldzd.     Tfwm  190i  to  1917,  In  company  with  hl&  bfiotkzJt, 
WltZ,   kz  opeAotzd  thz  dno.y  llnz  In  Hankln6on,   now  ownzd  by  V.  S.  Ucllwaln,  and  {^ofi 
izveAol  c[zaA6  f^aAmzd  In  Elmo.  Town&hlp.     A&ldz  i^m  thz  pzAlodi  mzntlonzd,   hl&  zntlfiz 
ll^z  woi  ipent  In  Efilghtwood. 

Bzildzi,  thz  widow  and  chlldfizn^  thzJiz  ofie  ^Ivz  luJivlvlng  bKotkzu  and  two  il/>teJU>: 
E.  J,,  Gzofigz,  and  Phillip  o^  Enlghtuoood,  William  o^  Wahpzton,  Thomas  o^  BakeM.{,leZd,   CA., 
Mw.  A.  H.  BKown  o^  Hankln&on,  and  Mw .  6.  J.  BakzA  o^  bJahpzton. 

¥fied  Coppln  wai,  a  man  o£  itejiZlng  honz&ty  and  had  thz  KZdpzct  and  z&tzem  o{i  all  who 
knew  him.     He  wa^  dzvotzd  to  hl&  family  and  thz  sympathy  oi  aZZ  goei  to  thz  stAlckzn  wl^z 
and  cKiZdxzn  In  thelt  gfizoit  loss .     Jnda&tAloui,  to  an  unusual  dzgfizz,  hz  did  thz  bz&t  In 
zvzfiy  way  lot  his  dependents,  realizing  ^ully  his  fLZSponsUbULcty  along  this  tinz.     His 
antlmzly  death  Is  slnceAely  mowined  by  all. 

FuneAol  szfivlczs,   bhlzi  and  slmplz  so  would  havz  bzzn  his  wish,  weAe  conducted 
at'  thz  home  on  Monday,  kpfill  13th,     Rzv,  C.  CaJUi  was  In  choAgz  and  many  {^Klznds  and 
nzlghbofis  wzKz  pKzsetvt  to  pay  thelA  ^Inal  tribute  to  a  good  nelghbox  and  a  loyal  {Klznd. 
Thz  {^lofial  oiieKlngs  wefiz  numzAous  and  beautiful.     Thz  pall  bzoAzts  weAZ  choszn  ^Kom  his 
nzlghboKS....John  SchlZtz,  A.   C.  VeXzfison,   Tfizd  WUbn,  Wm.  Raddatz,   I.  R.  SpAlngzn.  and 
EzAt  Mooxz.     Intzfunznt  was  In  HlZtsldz  Cemzteny. 

Among  thosz  In  attendance  at  the  last  sad  nltzs  wzn.z  UK.  and  Wis,  Wm,  Coppln,   o{t 
Wahpzton,  M{,Kzd  Coppln,  Jzsslz  BakeM.,  Uju  .  J.  6.  Bakzn.  and  VlJiglnla  Eakzn.  o{,  Wahpzton, 
Olz  GAottz,  Wis,  Gtvottz,  Wis,   Paulson  and  Wi.  and  Wis.  Paul  Paulson  o^  New  Ef^^lngton. 
HANKINSCN  NEWS  **********  ^p^^^  g^    j925 

U'OMAM     VJEV     AT     AGE     OF     102     YEARS 
Mw.   Po-itcL  Go^{,.fUzd  Paired  Away  SaiuAday 

Mw.   ?06ta  Gott^fUzd,   RlzhZand  County'^,  oZdzit  peA&on  and  pKobably  the.  otdut  In 
NonXh  Dakota,  dizd  at  thz  John  VAA.cku  homz  Zn  th^ii  cuty  SatuAday  evznlng,  Apnlt  11  th, 
within  a.  (Jew  dayi  oi  hzfi  102nd  blnJkdjoy.     Thz  exact  datz  OjJ  heA.  blnth  l&  unknown  but 
It  um  ^ome  tine,  dunlng  thz  month  o^  ApAlZ,   1S23. 

Up  to  a  ($ew  monthi  ago  the  aged  woman  was  In  appofient  good  hzatth  and  vl6-cted 
among  thz  nelghbou  living  nextn.  the  VJilckzi  homz.     Shz  tiztalnzd  hzA  ^acuttlzs  to  a 
Kesnofikabtz  dzgKze,  dzalnui  being  heA  chlz^  physical.  dz{^zcX.     Uoit  o{  heA  waking  houu 
we^e.  Apznt  In  poking  oveA  heA  blbZz  and  pfiojyzA  book  which  ihz  xejod  without  gZoMZi . 
Shz  took  a  ZlveZy  IntzneJtt  In  nelghbonhood  a^^alAi  and  wa6  a  fizguZoA  KexidzA  oi  thz 
daily  newipapeAi  until  a  couplz  o^  yeau  ago.     VuAlng  thz  wlnteA  monthi  6hz  izemzd  to 
gAow  weakzn.  day  by  day  and  thz  end  camz  pzacz^ully  Saturday  zvznlng. 

funZAol  izAvlczi  weAe  hzld  Uonday  mofinlng  and  weAZ  attzndzd  by  pAactlcaZly  all  o^ 
thz.  nzlghbofU,  who  madz  up  thz  colony  that  izttlzd  In  Hankln&an  22  yzau  ago.     Ma64  wai 
condactzd  by  Reu.  Jo4 .  F.  Studnlcka  and  InteAmznt  wa&  madz  In  CaZvoAy  CzmzteAy.     Thz 
palZbzoAzu  weAZ  Vetzfi  VzTza,   Tfiank  VzFea,   FzteA  Roth,  UaAtln  Rlchzld,  John  SckzlZzA 
and  Loddy  UauAZA. 


Thz  agzd  woman,  who6Z  maldzn  namz  woi   VoJita,  wad  boKn  iomz  timz  duAlng  thz  month 
o£,ApfuJl,   HIS.     Thz  quz&tlon  oi  hzA  agz  woa  coAziully  Invz&tlgatzd  at  thz  tlmz  ihz 
tzit  ioA  AmzAlca  and  thz  chuAch  KzcoKdi  pKo\JZ  beyond  quz&tlon  that  4hz  wai  boAJi  In 

itlhctheA  ihz  wa&  bofin  In  thz  Rhlnzland  oi  GeAmany  on  In  AuitAla  li>  aZ&o  obicuAz. 
It  £zem6  that  at  about  thz  tlmz  oi  heA  blAth,  a  colony  oi  Rhlnzlandzu ,  among  whom 
weA.e  heA  poAznti,  moved  to  govzAnmznt  land  In  Galacla,  AuitAla,   but  whztheA  thz  iub- 
jzct  oi  this  ikztch  wa&  bofin  ihonXZy  bzioiz  ok  ioUowlng  thli  mlgfuttlon  Is  unceAtaln. 
In  any  zvznt  pnactlcalZy  heA  zntlAz  lliz  up  to  thz  tlmz  oi  coming  to  AmeAlca  In  1S95 
wa&  ipznt  In  thz  tiny  vllZagz  oi  BAuckznthat,  a  placz  oi  65  houMei  In  AuitAla,  wZthln 
thAzz  mlizi  oi  thz  Ruiilan  boKdzfi.     Thli  portion  oi  Galacla  wai  thz  icznz  oi  izvzAZ 
ilghtlng  In  thz  zafily  dayi  oi  thz  lilolld  WaA,  and  EKuckznthal  wai  takzn  by  thz  Invading 
Ruiilani  and  fiztaken  by  thz  GzAmam  haJLi  a  dozen  tlmzi .     Jncidzntatly  thz  Inhabitants 
oi  thz  vlUagz  iuHzAzd  all  thz  hoAAou  oi  woA  at:  ilut  hand. 

ONE  oi  FAWUy  01$  FOUR 

Uai,,  GottiHlzd  woi  onz  oi  a  iamlly  oi  iouA  chlldAzn,  two  boyi  and  two  glfiti .  Thz 
iathzA  lived  to  thz  filpz  old  agz  oi  S4,   but  thz  motheA  dlzd  In  eoAly  lliz.     Thz  two 
bAothzAi  and  onz  ilsteA  oAz  long  ilncz  dzad.     Whzn  a  young  woman,  oun.  iubjzct,  wai, 
moAAlzd  to  John  Gotti>ilzd,   and  oi  thli  union  twzlvz  dilldAzn  weAZ  boAn,   aXZ  oi  whom 
havz  poiizd  away,  iomz  oi  tl\zm  well  along  In  yzoAi ,     Onz  oi  hzA  ioni  woi  thz  ilAit 

ha&band  oi  Ma4  .   John  Vnlcku  Oj5  thAJ,  cJM],   and  the.  oZd  lady  hcu>  made  fieA  home  tuct'i  the 
VfLLckzit  £amiZy  evtfi  ilnce  the.  death  o^  hex  kuiband  25  yeau  ago  at  tko,  age  o^  79.   She. 
hai  Zn  thCi   coantAy  7  3  ^u-cng  gnandchAJidJien     33  Qfieat-gnM-nddhiJidAen  and  IS  gKeat-Qfiejat- 
QfumdckLtdfien.     KboaZ  an  equaZ  mmbeA  o^  hex  dti>cendent6  one  tiv-ing  -in  ku^t/ujx, 


ComZng  to  AmefUca  In  1S95  uUth  a  colony  o{^  about  75  peAion  ^Aom  EAticken^at,  aZZ. 
Oj{  whom  at  once  located  Zn  HankZn&on,  Mfci,  Cott^Aled  wa6  a  AZ&ZdeM.  oi  oun.  city  {^oA 
11  yeafu. 


The.  pZctuAZ  heAejALtk  pAinted  was  taken  j'u6t  a  yeoA  ago  thii  week.     She  woi  then 
101  yeaAi  old  and  wai  taken  to  the  HanapeZ  Studio  by  a  NEWS  AepAe&entative.     She  dii- 
tiked  awto  Aiding,  complaining  that  It  made  heA  dizzy,   bat  ieemed  to  ^uf^^eA  no  lit 
ei{(Jec*s  f^Kom  the  ihoAt  jouAney  to  the  goLieAy. 

On  the  otheA  hand  ihe  zvlnced  a  tiveZij  InteAe^t  In  the  pAoceedlngi  and  did  heA 
be/tt  to  "look  plea&ant"  when  ^acAjng  the  cameAa.     That  ^he.  wat,  6ucce-66^uZ  l&  amply  pAo- 
ven  by  the  exceZZent  lMienti>6  which  AzcuLted.     The  chle^  tAoable  wa6  In  keeping  heA 
quZet  long  enough  to  ^ecuAe  a  good  plctuAe,   but  PhotogfiapheA  HanapeZ  li  a  pa&t  ma&teA 
In  thil,  line  and  oveAcame.  the  flight  dl{,£lcuZtlz6  cncounteAzd. 


Thz  development  0|{  the  wonZd  duAlng  thz  lifetime  o^  thli  aged  woman  abnolt  itoQ'/^ 
geju  the  Imagination.     When  6hz  woi  boAn  theAz.  weJie  pfuacticaZZy  no  AoZtAoadi  In  the 
wonZd;  iteam  poweA  woi  aZmoit  unknown;  wheat  wot  iown  by  hand    and  thAe/thed  with  a 
iloAJi  alt  It  had  been  &lnce  'Bible  tlmt&;  aZZ  ^oAm  machlneAy  wa&  ojj  tJie  cAude^t  AOAt 
with  ^ew  ImpAovementi  £lnce  ancient  tlme£;  ihe  had  lived  to  iee  the  deveZopment  of^ 
eZect/Uty  and  Its,  many  Aaml^lcatlon& ,  Including  the  teZegiaph,  Aadlo,  telephone,  oAt- 
l^lcaZ  Lighting,   etc:  automobile^)  and  {flying  machines  Aeplaclng  anlmaZ&  as  mean&  o^ 
tAom,  pontatio  n . 

Tt  li  weZl  nigh  Impoi-ilble  {,oA  one  of,  the  pxe&ent  genenatlon  to  plctuAe  diem6elve/) 
Zivlng  undeJi  the  condltlom  that  exi&ted  at  the  time  o{i  heA  blAth,     And  thli  bAlng.&  to 
mind  the  queAy,  what  wlZl  the  Infant  o^  today,  who  Uive&  to  be  a  hundxed,  wltne^'l^  In 
the  way  o^  development?    OnZy  two  things,  we  can  be  6uAe  o^  In  1014 ...  .death  and  taxe^. 
HAMKINSOM  NEWS  **********  ^p^^^  j^^    jg25 


A  mu-iogz  wca  fizcelvzd  heAz  Uondaij  oi  thz  dzaXh  o£  Mc44  hlinnlt  UeAfLcilzZd ,    79, 
daughtzA  o£  Wi.  and  Wib .   E.  S.  UeJOUildid,   cut  thz  ^curuJLj  homz  in  VaJilzij  City.     Shz  uai 
Ztt  but  a.  ijeuf  daufi,  ZntztnaZ  aomp-tlccutio m  bzing  thz  zauudz  o{^  dzath. 

Thz  lAznAlilztd  {airulif  wznz  wzJit  known  zaAZy  /tz&Zdznti  o^  Hanklmon.     FoA.  a  mmbz/i 
0^  yzau  thzjj  havz  KZiZdzd  at  VaZizy  City  wkzAz  thz  dauQhtzn.  gjuiduatzd  {^Kom  High  School 
and  woi  dotng  hzA  izcond  yzoA'i  wank  at  thz  Hofunal  School.     Vzczoizd  w<x4  a  Qfuxnddaaghtzn. 
0)5  Hfii.  HofUilzt  A.  UzMA.iA.zld  oi  thii   city.     FfUznd&  oi  thz  iairuly  In  Hankln&on  zxtznd 
sympathy  to  thz  onz&  in  thzln.  Ion, 


Jacob  Zkoz,   70,  wzJU.  known  ianmzfi  fiz^AxLing  ja&t  acn.oi>i>  thz  itatz  tinz    In  South 
Vakota,  dlzd  at  hC&  homz  10  milz&  iouth  oi  Hanklnion,  Monday,  ApAXl  27th,  at 
10  o'clock.     Hz  iuiizitzd  a  itxokz  &omz  tumz  ago  and  ha&  bzzn  itzadlly  iaUUnQ  until 
dzath  zn&uzd. 

Vzcza6zd  wai,  a  ndtivz  oi  GaJLacla  and  wai,  an  zoaJLj  izttlzA  tn  thz  KeJ>ZAvatZon 

countfiy  louth  oi  thX^  city,     Hz  -ca  6un.vlvzd  by  thz  widow  and  izvznaZ  chiZdKzn.     Hz  wa& 

highly  KZipzctzd  and  thz  sympathy  oi  all  gozM  out  to  thz  bztzavzd  iamiZy. 

TunzJial  6ZAviczi  wzfiz  hzld  in  thz  chuAch  in  thz  WzA.nkaui  nzighbonhood  WzdnzJ>day. 

**********  ^p^^^  3^^    J925 

Thz  thAzz  day  old  iniant  &on  oi  Ma.  and  lifid ,  A.  H.  Hanson  oi  Sonofw.,  poi^&zd 
away  lait  Thuuday.     Thz  community  zxtznd&  sympathy  to  thz  bzAzavzd. 
Tainmourvt  Column  **********  ^p,^  3^^    ^^25 

Mu.  John  M.  Jazgzn  AztuAnzd  Monday  zvzning  i^om  Me^oae  whztz  ihz  wai  callzd  by 
thz  dzath  oi  hzn.  Aunt.     On  hzA  tiztjufun . ihz  viiitzd  with  AzLativzi  in  St.   Cloud,  MW. 

**********  ^^7^    ;925 

M/t4.  Al  Olion,  ju&t  aitzA  Aztwining  hzAZ  i^om  hzfi  mothzn'l  bzdiidz,  Azczivzd  thz 
6ad  nzm,  that  hzA  mothzA  had  pa&6zd  away  at  a  ho&piXaJi  in  Hinnzapolyi&  whzfiz  &hz  had 
long  bzzn  a  iuHzAZA.     Thz  zntiAZ  community  zxXzndi  sympathy  to  thz  bzAzavzd. 

**********  May  7,    1925 

Jonai,  EAick&on  Ludquiit,   99,  pionzzA.  oi  za/uLy  Richland  County  dayi ,   dizd  at  hii 
homz  nzoA  ChJvi&tinz  Friday.     Hz  wa6   boAn  Oct.   2Sth,    1825,  in  Swzdzn  and  camz  to  Rich- 
land County  in  thz  ipKing  oi  1S71 ,  homz&tzading  along  thz  Red  Rivzfi.     Hz  iM  6uAvivzd 
by  kii)  wiiz. 

HAUKimSU  MEWS  May  14,    1925 

Tonintn.  HanlUmon  Re/,Zd.eMt  CaZtzd 

EnUZ  8o4^om,  dizd  cut  TaJjmoant  out  1:20  PM  Tnlday  a^eAnoon,  a  vZctim  o^  thz  WoKld 
WoA.  04  tAuly  cu  -Li  hz  had  been  kZlZ^d  on  thz  {^Z^Zd  Oj{  bcutttz.     Expoivuie.  and  hanxiikip^ 
zncounteAzd  Zn  TKancz  made.  ZnAoadi  -into  hJj,  conitZtuutlon  and  a^teA  a  bfiavz  battZz  f^on. 
lhi&  tL{^z  he.  iuccumbed. 

Vecea&ed  moi,  a  {^onmtn  Jie^Zdent  o^  Hankln&on,  emptoyed  ai  a  cJLeJik  In  the.  Soti- 
fmd  Stole.  {^01  lome  tune,     kt  the  otutbfieak  o{  the.  wan.  he  enteAzd  the  ^eAu^ce  and  pa/utLcA.- 
pated  -in  lome  o^  the  hea.\jA.eJ>t  ^ZghtZng  0){  the  AmeAlain  tAoopi .     QiUzt  and  anai^tum-Lng , 
he  d-id  hU  duty  -in  the  A/my  wZth  ^e  iame  con&Zentloai,  coAe  that  he  aZwayi  aied  Zn  p/U- 
vate.  Liie.  He  woi  a  UoKth  Vakota  native  hav-inq  been  bo  fin  at  Rutland. 

RetatnAJig  home  a^teA.  the  woJl,  fee  wai,  mafau.ed  ^ouA  yea/u,  ago  next  month  to  Emma 
TkieZ,     The  Aximance  began  when  the  two  weAe  ^eZtow  cZeAki,  heAe  ptLion  to  the.  waA.     His 
wZ^e  AuAvZvzi  him  togetheA    vxitk  one  daaghteA,  MoAlyn,   not  yet  thAee  yenAj,  old.     SZnce 
kii  moAAZage  the  deceased  hai>  been  employed  Zn  hZj,  bAothtfi'^  6toKe  at  FaZftmoant,     bat 
ouiZng  to  {^aZting  health  he  6pent  the  poit  wZnteA  Zn  Anlzona,  AetuAnZng  to  FaZnmoLint  a 
(Jew  weeki  ago.     He  was  Zn  hZ&  eoAZy  30 '6  and  wa6  highly  esteemed  by  all  who  knew  him. 

He  Zs  iuAvZved  by  two  bAotheA&,  John  o^  FaZAmount  and  AndAew  o^  HinnejapoZZi ,   and 
two  6ZiteA&,  MA4.  John  Bloomdale  oi  HowaAd  Lake,  MW.,  and  Ua-6  .  Ted  HelbeAg  oi  Rutland- 
and  an  aged  ^atheA  OjJ  Rutland. 

FuneAol  ieAvZczi  wzAe  held  at  TaZAmount,  Monday,  Mow  H-tfe.     The  body  wai,  taken  by 
heoAiz  ^Kom  theAe  to  HoAAZi,  MW.,  the  home  o{,  Hu.  Bo6tAom,   jJoa  buAZal.     He  wa6  a  membeA 
0^  Company  L.,   beZng  one  oi  the  {^Zut  to  enlZ6t  Zn  the  company  oiganZzed  heAe  Zn  1917, 
and  the  ^uneAol  wai  undeA  the  am,pZc.e-s>  o^  the  AmeAican  LegZon.     The  pall  bejxAefU,  weAe 
all.  old  Co.  L.  comAadeM  HowaAd  Cox,  GeoAge  ScJiAoedeA,  Ha/tAy  WoKneA,  Alonzo  AJileJi,   Cha&. 
TempleXon  and  S.  WZl&on. 

HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  May  U,    1925 

Wai  VfwmZnent  FaZAmount  EuiZntii  Man 

GeoAge  BuicheA,  pA.omZnent  FaZAmount  buiZne.ii  man  and  wZdely  known  thAoughoat  the 
county,  dZed  iuddejJLy  o^  hejiAt  ^aZluAe  at  hZi  home  Zn  FaZAmount  eoAty  Sunday  moAnZng. 
HZj,  iudden  end  came  ai  a  g/ieat  ihock  ai  he  had  been  Zn  appanent  good  heaLth  up  to  the 
houA  0^  hZi  death. 

h\A.  BuicheA  KztZAed  at  about  the  uiual  houA  SatuAday  nZght  but  towafid  moaning 
oAouied  hZi  wZf^e  and  itatcd  that  he  wai  not  ^eelZng  well.     She  iummoned  a  doctoA  but 
the  latteA  could  {,Znd  nothing  wAong  and  le^t  af^tcA  cxamZnZng  hii  patient.     A  ihoAt 
time  a^tzA  Ma.  BuicheA  expZfied  £Aom  hexiAt  {fOZluAc. 

Veceoied  wai  a  pZoneeA  neJiZdent  0(5  the  county.  He  wai  at  one  tune  a  xziZdent  oi 
MooKeton,  lateA  Zn  buiZntii  at  Wahpeton,  and  ^oA  the  pait  ^Z^teen  yenAi  hai  been  engaged 

Zn  thi.  cuitomobAZz  and  XjrtpZamznt  biU>^6  at  foAAmoant,     He  wa&  mafiA/.e.d,   hii  w-L^e.  bZying 
a  meinfccA  oiJ  ihz  Lenzen  £aincty  and  thz  w^dow  &uAv-i\Jti>  him  tcQZthtn.  w-Cth  om  daaghteA, 
M/Li .   P.  A.  Smith,  who  xe^ZdeJ,  jtiit  noKth  oi  foAAmount  and  onz  ion.  Van.     He  wa6  about 
SO  yzoju,  oi  age. 

VzcejOizd  woi  a  AzaZ  man.  He.  woA  honzit  and  apfUght  Zn  hU  buitnzii  dzaZtngi,   cZoizZy 
£  thz  Goldzn  Rule.  Zn  hi&   eveAtf  day  ti^z,  and  hi&  death  KemoveJ>  a  man  £fLom  hii 
zoAthZy  exZ&tence  who  made  the  wofiZd  beXteji. 

H-C4  awtundbj  death  Zi  mouAned  by  alZ  who  hjud  the  pfiZvJXege  o^  hii>  acquaintance. 
The.  iuneMaZ  wa&  held  Wednesday  at  VaAAmoant  and  wa&  ZoAgeZy  attended. 
HANKWSON  WEO/S  **********  Hay  21 ,    7925 


M>w,     HoAJUzt    MeAAliZztd    WelZ    Known    Re^ldejnt    Vead 


Ha/uUet  A.  UeJuvii-LeZd,  weZZ  known  KOM-ident  oi  tivU>  city,  died  at  the  home  oi  hen. 
ion,  W.  G.  UeAAlileZd,  Monday  moAning  aite/i  an  IttneMi  oi  ievenaJL  weeki.     Death  woi  due 
to  thz  tni-Oimttiti  oi  otd  age,  ihe  having  Aounded  out  82  yeam,  oi  uieiuZneii  In  thjj,  wonJid. 

HoAAlet  Abbte  Lovett  wa&  boKn  kpnJUi  19th,    1843,  at  Lincoln,  Maine,  wheAe  ihe  gA.ew  to 
womanhood.     She  wai  moAAled  JuZy  13th,    1862  to  AtiAed  S.  MeAAlileld,  and  the  ioZZowlng 
yeoA  [1863]  the  young  couple  migrated  to  what  wai  then  the  wlldi  oi  Hinnezota.  They  locat- 
ed at  Elk  RlveA  wheAe  thelA  entlAz  moAAled  Hie  woi  ipent. 

Oi  thli  union  ieven  chlZdAen  weAe  boAn,   iouA  oi  whom  iuAvlve.. . .  .one  daughteA  lofua 
E.  Kinney  oi  Hanklmon,  and  thfiee  iom,   Elmln  S.  oi  Valley  City,  NV.,  Wziton  G.  and 
HekbeAt  A.  oi  Hanklmon.     The  huiband  and  iatheA  dle.d  In  VecembeA,    1899  and  In  1906  M/ci . 
UeAAlileld  came  to  Hankln&on  with  heA  ion  and  thli  city  hai  been  hex  home  pKactlcally 
zveA  ilnce.     She  li  alio  iuAvlved  by  one  il&teA,  MfU.   LauAa  Mable  oi  Loi  Gatoi,  CA,,  and 
nine  gnandchlldAen  and  ilve  gAeat-gAandchlldAen. 

In  the  ploneeA  dayi  oi  ULnneiotr.  the  deceased  went  thfiough  the  uiual  tAuili  oi  pAl- 
vatloni  oi  the  eoAly  izttleu,  ami  In  thoie  dayi  the  TndlaYii  weAe  a  conitant  menace.  She 
poiiziied  the  couAagz  and  gfvit  io  z&ientlal  to  ploneeA  Hie  and  thuoughout  heA  Hietlme 
took,  an  active  InteAZit  In  community  aHalAi.     She  wai  a  devout  membeA  oi  the  CongAegat- 
lonal  ChuAch.     HeA  deatli  li  ilnceAely  mouAned  by  icoAzi  oi  iAlzndi  In  thli  city. 

TunzAal  iZAvlczi  weAe  held  Tuziday  aitZAnoon  at  2:30,   Rev.  QlaAence  CaAA  oHlclatlng 
and  wai  attended  by  many  iAlendi.     All  oi  the  iuAvlvlng  chJldAzn  wzAZ  pAZiznt    and  In  the 
zvznlng  the  Aemalm  wzAz  ihlppzd  to  the  old  home  at  Elk  RlvzA,  MN.,  wheAe  the  Intznmznt 
waj>  madz  Wzdnz&day  In  the  iamlly  lot  whzAz  io  many  oi  hzA  old  tlmz  iAlzndi  OAZ  at  AZit. 
HAHKIUSOU  MEWS  **********  May  28,    7925 


EtkeZ,  Infant  daaghtzA.  o^  hUi.  and  HfU,.  T&d  BAummond  o^  thi&   cJMj,  pa66zd  away 
Sunday,  ^.ay  14th,  at  thz  H.  S.  Elgg6  homt.     She.  had  fceen  iai{,  ioK  thxzz  weefe^ . 
The.  cauitZ  0({  thz  baby'-&  dexvUi  wait  tubzAcntoA  Menotg-ctos.     Shz  wa&  a  Zl^ttZe.  ovza  a 
yexui  old  at  the.  time,  o^  hex  death. 

She.  tejavei  to  mouAn  hefi  Z.o&i  a  ^atheA,  motheA.  and  tUJO  iZliteJUt,  HeZen  and  Voaaj,. 
TaneAaZ  i>eA.vA.ceM  weA.e  conducted  at  the  Hen/ty  S.  EZggi  home  and  at  thz  EvangzticaZ 
LutheAan  ChuAch  Tuz&day  May  26th, 

Thz  4,ympathy  o^  thz  zntinz  commuyUty  goz&  out  to  the  beAzavzd  {,amliy. 
HAWnWSOW  NEWS  «*«*«»««««  Uay  2S,    1925 


ThzodoAZ  ShaAAZA,   68,  a  pAominznt  ^oAmeA  o^  Cayuga,  SaAgznt  County,   died  luddznty 
at  thz  Statz  PenitzntiaAy  at  KUmoAck  Zatz  TAlday  a^teAnoon. 

Ua.  ShoAAeA,  who  wai>  taktng  an  auto  touA  thtough  thz  pfiikon.     kt  hz  wai>  Zeavtng 
thz  pAl&on  Hoipltal.  hz  wok  Azlzzd  wM.  a  {^atntlng  ipeZt.     Hz  wa&  ca/uilzd  .into  thz  hos- 
pital but  dizd  Zn  a  (Jew  mlnutzi .     HZt,  £on  i,ai.d  hz  had  a  iAjnlioA  &peXt  a  (Jew  days  ago. 

The  body  waa  taken  to  Cayuga  ^OK  buAMiZ. 
HANKWSOhl  MEWS  **********  May  28,    1925 


Ww .  Adam  Gott^ftlzd  dizd  at  heA  home  In  thZi  city  at  haZ^  pa&t  eleven  SatuAday 
night,  May  30th,  a^tzA  an  UUnziS  that  extzndzd  ovzA  a  peAlod  oi  25  yeaAM .     She  was  a 
4,u{,{ieAeA  ^Aom  dAop&y  and  had  bzzn  con{iZnzd  to  hzA  bzd  ^OA  thz  pa&t  thtizz  months.     Shz 
madz  a  bAavz  ilght  ioA  ll^z  but  gAadaalZy  iatlzd  urvUZ  death  ended  hzA  su^^f^eAtngs . 

Anniz  HemmeAZing  was  boAn  In  BAuckenthaZ,  AustAia,   72  yeoAS  ago.     TheAz  shz  gAeu) 
to  womanhood  and  was  maAfited  to  Adam  Gott{^fu.zd  who  has  been  a  dzvotzd  husband,  giving 
hzA  thz  tzndztzst  coaz  thAough  the  long  yeoAS  of^  heA  Ittnzss.     His  one  thought  has  aZ- 
ways  bzzn  ^oA  hZs  Invalid  w^ije  and  his  ghZel  at  heA  passing  Is  pathetic.     Thz  couple 
had  no  chlZdAzn.     Thz  golden  wedding  o^  Ma.  and  Atw.  Gott^Aled  occuAAed  on  May  11th, 
less  than  a  month  be^oAz  hex  death.     Thzy  camz  to  Hanklnson  29  yzoAS  ago  on  ApAll  25th, 
and  havz  bzzn  AZildznts  o^  Hanklnson  zveA  slncz.     Vzczaszd  leaves  no  neon.  AeZatlves 
except  the  gfiZzi  stAlckzn  husband. 

Shz  was  a  dzvout  membzn.  o^  the  Catholic  ChuAch  and  one  o^  thz  ChaAtzA  MembeAS  oiJ 
thz  ChAZstian  MothzA's  Society.     FunzAaZ  szAvlczs  weAZ  held  In  St.  VhJZZp's  ChuAch 
Tuzsday  with  Reu.   F^.   WlZkzs  In  chaAgz.     Many  {,fUznds  o^  thz  family  wzAZ  In  attzndancz. 
Thz  ^alZ  bzoAZAS  weAZ  MaAtln  BommzAsbach,  MaAtln  HemmeAZlng,  Jos.  BauzA,   Vetex  VeFea, 
John  SchilZzA  and  MaAtln  EbznhaAdt.     JnteAment  was  madz  In  CalvoAy  CemzteAy. 
HANKJNSOM  NEWS  **********  j^^^  4';  7925 


ULii  Flon.zncz  Eannztt,   20,   0)$  rnoA  Clalfiz  CUy,  SV.,  il&tdfi  o^  Ha>6  Hyacinth  Etnmtt, 
{^onmeA    Hanklmon  tzachzt,  wcii,  dJwwnzd  Zn  th.e.  Shzyznm  Ramz/l  at  Chaivtauqaa  Vofib.  nexvi  VaZ- 
LzjLj  City  la^t  fnyiday,  uihiZz  tfiyZng  to  Kucuz  l.ii66  CloAo.  Gotte.nbzAg,  who  wai,  iavzd. 

Hi66  Be.nnztt,  who  wa6  a  tzachtn.  at  SanboKn,  W.,  Hii6  GotiznbzAg  and  (li66  Etizabzth 
HaJbn  wzfiz  batking  and  appoAzntty  Hii.&  CottznbzAg  wa&  ovzAcomz.  AttAactzd  by  cJiiZJi ,  Wat- 
tzfi  HottzA,  JfL.,  of,  ValZzy  Cctif,  who  wa&  bathing  nzaA  by,  Aiiihzd  up  and  iavzd  Hi&&  Gott- 
znbzAg,   bat  did  not  4ee  M-C64  Bznnztt,  who  had  gone  andzA  whiZz  attzmpting  fLZ&cuz, 

HLi)6  Bznnztt  wai   ^oand  a^tzA  izvzaclZ  nU.nutz&  izoAck  with  gAappting  hook&,  and  phy- 
6Z(UJini  wofikzd  valnty  loft  hat^  an  hoan.  tfiying  to  KzvZvz  hzn., 

Thz  body  wai,  ihtppzd  to  HarJilmon  Sunday  and  tfLom^zAAzd  {^fiom  hzAZ  to  LidgzAuiood. 
FunzAoZ  i,zA.\JA.czi  wzAZ  hzZd  Monday. 


KnXhuh.  Kouvtk,  AbzfLCAombZz,  VZzi  Tnom  Ryi^tz  Shot 


Anthun.  Kofuv-ik,  24  yza/u  old,  ion  0({  Atty.  G.  H.  Konivik  o^  AbzficAomb-iz,  wai  atcJ.d- 
zrtZZy  ihot  and  kxltzd  zaAJbj  Satafiday  a^tzxnoon  whZZz  hunting  cAowi  nzafi  thz  u-ct^ge. 

Anthun.  had  Zntzndzd  to  pZant  potatozi  duAtng  thz  a^tzftnoon  and  ipokz  to  hii   (^athzn. 
o{i  it.     Wi.  Konivik  thought  it  too  hot  {^on  that  kind  0(J  wo^  and  toZd  AnthuK  to  wait 
untiZ  euen-cng  and  hz  woutd  hztp  him. 

It  wai  thzn  that  AAthuA  madz  thz  dzcliion  that  pfvovzd  ^ataZ  to  him.     Hz  took  down 
hZi  22  caZibfiz  fiif^tz  and  wznt  out  to  tfiy  to  bag  a  ^ew  cAowi .     Hz  wai  waZking  aZong  in 
thz  woodi,  Zooking  up  into  thz  tK.z<ii   {^on.  gamz,  whzn  hz  walkzd  into  a  itimp  on  Zo$  and      i 
pitchzd  {^onwaxd.     Hii   {^oKzhzad  itAndz  againit  a  tfizz,  making  a  bad  bnuuiiz,  and  at  thz 
6amz  timz  thz  niitz  wai  accidzntaZZy  diidiafigzd,  thz  buZZzt  poi-iing  it/might  thwugh  thz 

Somzonz  iow  him  ^alZ  and  wznt  to  oi^Zit  him  to  hii  ^zzt,   but  it  wai  too  Zatz  ^oA.  hztp. 
AnthuA.  had  onz  bAothzA,  Joizph,   now  with  thz  UafUnzi  in  Cuba,  and  a  AiitzA,  Gznzvizvz, 
attending  thz  Statz  TzachzAJ,  CoZZzgz  at  Uinot. 
HANKTNSON  NEWS  »«•»»»*«*«  j^^  jj^    J925 


M/Li.  Uinnlz  Lotzzn,  who  ^OK  many  yzoAi  madz  hzfi  homz  in  Hankinion,   dizd  at  St. 
FAancli  HoipitaZ  in  BfizckznAidgz  Sunday  a^tzKnoon.     Vzczaizd  wai   6S  yzoAi  o^  agz  and 
thz  cauiz  oi  hzA  dzath  wai  duz  to  paAoZyiii  and  wai  lick  oinZy  a  ^zw  dayi  pKion.  to  hzA 

Uinnlz  Kahfi  wai  bofin  in  fOiZiz,   PZatow,   Gznmany  on  Vzc.   26th,    1S57 .     In  thz  yzoA 
7S79  ihz  wai  moAAizd  in  GzAmany  to  Un..   E.  KKamzA  and  Zivzd  thzfiz  ^on.  a  vnmbzn  o{,  yzoAi. 
ThfLZZ  cJJLdKzn  wzAz  boKn  to  thii  union.     ToZZowing  thz  dzath  oi  hzA  huiband,  M^4.  KAajTiZfi 
with  hzn.  thnzz  ckiZdnzn,  mignatzd  to  Arr,zni(ia  and  annZvzd  in  Hankinion  in  thz  {^aZZ  oi  thz 
yzan  18SS.     Thzy  madz  thziA.  homz  in  Hankinion  {^on  a  nwmbzA  o^  yzoAi  and  ^nom  hznz  nzmovzd 

to  E/LZckznAldge.  wht/iz  Ufid .  lOumzA.  u)a6  moAAltd  to  Ma..   John  LotzeA.  In  H91.     To  tkii  nnLon 
fyoo  daaghtOA  weAe  boKn. 

f-lAj, .   LotzeA  -ci  6uAvZve,d  by  jj^ue  cA^cken,   ^ouJi  ^JLhtzfUi  and  one  bA.othzA,  v-cz:   Paat 
KAjmeJi,   CeJitAoLicL,  WA.,  Mti.  Wm.  Godzjohn,   EAzc.kznAA.dgz;  Ralph  KAomzfi,   Hankln^on;  MA4  . 
E.  Polckuxiatz,   ElZznibuAg,  WA.;  M^.  UoAy  KuJXzA,  HichLgan;  Has.  BzAtha  Ho^znbzAAy, 
Wahpzton;  MAi .  MaAy  Wzlnkaa^,   HarmzA;  MAi,   Hd^^man,  Gladitonz,  MI.;  Ua&  .  H.   C,   Ho(,{iman, 
Hankimon  and  CanZ  KaJiA,  Bfvitibh  Cohmbia..     Alt  o£  thz  chidlAzn  vozAz  pAz&znt  to  attznd 
thz  {^anzAol  uxith  thz  zxtzption  o^  M^.   Polckwlatz  o^  EZZzn6baAg,  WA.,  who  woi  anabtz  to 
come  on  account  o^  XZtnzi>6.     funzAoZ  6eA.vZcz&  wzAZ  hztd  at  thz  GzAmajn.  EvangzLCcoit  ChoAch 
Zn  HanJUmon,  Wed.  af^tzAnoon  at  2  o'cZock,  Reu.  C.  ObzAdoz&tzA  o^^ZcMitZng.     IntzAmznt 
was  madz  Zn  thz  chuAch  czmzteAif. 
HANKWSON  NEWS  **********  j^^^  jj^    J925 

E/Lccfe  Tfiyittin,  WzJit  Known  GAzat  Bznd  Rz&Zdznt 

E/Ltcfe  TAlttin,   n ,  dizd  o^  hzoKt  {^aAMxAz  at  GAzat.  Bznd  Sunday  at  8:30  PM. 
WkUiz  ki&  hzatth  had  bzzn  pooA  ^oA  izvzfiaZ  yzaA&,  thz  iuddzn  znd  wai  zntUAzty  unzxpzct- 
zd  and  came  04  a  gAzat  ^hock  to  thz  community.     Hz  woi  atonz  at  thz  azoa  oi  thz  bZack- 
&mlth  ihop  ownzd  by  hii,  ^athzA  whzn  hz  cottap^zd  and  whzn  ^ound  a  ihoAt  tbnz  tatzA  thz 
ApoAk  0)5  JU^z  had  ^Izd. 

Vzczoizd  woi  a  4on  o^  Ua.  and  UAk.   Choi,.  TAittzn,  pAomlnejnt  GAzat  Bznd  AZiZdznti, 
and  wai,  boAn  and  AoZizd  Zn  that  community.     He  wai  a  mzchanlc  by  tAadz  and  Zn  paAtnzA- 
i>h>ip  Wyith  kill  lathzA  tn  thz  bZackimZtk  i,hop  and  gaAagz  at  GAzat  Bznd.     Hz  had  bzzn  i.n 
(^a^JLing  hzaZth  £oA  izvzAoZ  yzoAi  but  wai,  abZz  to  bz  about  and  attznd  to  hl&  dalty  dvutizi 
A.n  thz  ihop.     Hz  uxu,  highly  AzgoAdzd  by  aZZ  and  hli  untumely  dzath  ca&t  a  paJU.  oi  gtoom 
ovzA  thz  -LittZz  cJjty. 

Vzcza&zd  Zd  iiUAvtvzd  by  hZi  poAzntk,  onz  bAoth.zA,   fAzd  and  -iZ&tzA,   lAznz. 
Thz  iunZAol  vxitt  bz  hztd  today  with  iZAv-iczi  at  1  PH  at  thz  homz  and  1:30  at  thz  Ev. 
LuthzAan  ChuAch.     Reu.  T.  H-cncfe  wZZZ  conduct  thz  6ZAvtcz&. 
HAMKWSON  MEWS  **********  j^„^  jg^    7925 

TohmzA  Hanktnion  DzntZit  Shooti  HAjn6zt{, 
Da.   E.  V.  TZmmln^,  who  iold  hii  dzntdZ  pAactZcz  hzAz  to  Va.   A.  R.   TfiomoiOKi,    75 
yzoAi  ago,   cormtttzd  iuZctdz  at  CogiwzZZ  SatuJiday  by  shooting  kimizt^  thAough  thz  hzad. 
Vzipondzncy  and  Wi  hzatth  aAZ  glvzn  at  thz  Azoion. 

Va.  Tljnmtm  opznzd  an  o^iJ-cce  hzAZ  and  wai  a,on  Az&tdznt  ^OA  ttio  OA  thAzz 
yzaAj>.      In  190S  hz  iold  oat  to  Va.  A.   R.  Thoma&on  and  iZncz  that  timz  ha6  bzzn  Zocatzd 
at  voaZouj,  timzi  tn  CaLi^oAnla,   FaAgo,   Oakzi  and  Cog6wztt.     An  attack  ojj  imatZpox  and 
tnituznza  luif^zAzd  a  coupZz  0|J  yzaA&  ago  Iz^t  htm  -in  a  nzAvoui   condition. 

Vzcza&zd  had  ipznt  pAacttcaZty  hM>   zntZAZ  ti£z  In  NoAth  Vakota.     HI&   iathzA,  long 

sZnce.  dzad,  wcu>  om  o^  thz  {^ZfUt  m£AcJiayvtl>  Zn  thz  town  o^  Scuigznt  itihlcJi  wca  a^tsA- 
u<Vid6  movzd  iMO  nUZu  ioatk  and  the.  namz  changed  to  Cog&MelZ.     The.  eZdeA  T^anmim 
located  Zn  SoAgznt  mofie  than  ^onty  yeoAi  ago. 

Vecea&ed  Z&  iufivZved  by  hi&  aged  motken.  and  one  mafuu.ed  iZ&teji.     The  body  wad 
ihyipped  to  FoAgo  ^o^  bivujxZ. 
HMKWSON  MEWS  «««*»»«*»,  j^^^  jg^    J925 


WelZ  Known  Re&Zdent  Vz&d  K^teJi  long  lZJine&i> 


C.  W.  TuJUieA,   76  c/eow  old  and  a  heZplei-i  ^vatid  ^oK  the  pae>t  14  yeoAi,   died  at 
fuc6  home  Zn  tkU  Cyity  on  F^day  a{^teKnoon,  June  12th,  at  4:15  PM.     He  iu^^eAed  a  itnake 
oi  poAaZyiZt,   14  yeaxi,  ago  that  tef^t  him  a  heZpteii  ZnvaZid,  and  {^ofi  the  pa&t  i-ix  yeoAi 
he  was  bedAA-dden.     He  was  a  patient  4a({){e/i,   bat  he  weZcomed  the  approach  oi  the  end  and 
passed  peace^uJUbj  away,  suAAounded  by  the  members  o^  the  iamiZy. 

Deceased  was  bon.n  at  Exocktofit,  WT.,  on  Aug.   13th,   1848,  and  was   76  yeans  o^  age 
at  the  time  o^  hZs  death.     He  ZZved  ion  many  yeofis  at  Wa/isaw,  WT.,  and  was  ma/uiZed  the/ie 
to  UZj>s  Etizabeth  HenuUg  Zn  1884,     The  iamZty  came  to  HankZnsan  11  yeafis  ago  and  engaged 
Zn  the  meAcantiZe  busZness  ^OA  sevenaZ  yeoAs.     FZve  chZZdA.en  wexe  bofin  to  Ufi.  and  Hks. 
TuZZen,  thxee  oi  idiom  aJie  dead.     Deceased  Zs  saxvZved  by  the  wZdow,  one  son,  Mynon  and 
one  daughteA,  Mw.  H.  SoZsnud  oi  faZAmount.     He  was  a  kZndZy  man,   devoted  to  hZs  iamZZy, 
and  exhZbZted  AemoAkaLZe  tknough  the  long  yeoAS  oi  hZ>s  ZlZness. 

FuneAoZ  seAvZces  wete  held  at  the  home  SatuAday,  Rev.  C.  Coaa  Zn  choAge.     Wis. 
DahZen  sang  "SometZmes  We  WZIZ  UndeAStand"  and  "AbZde  WZth  Me."     The  body  was  skipped 
to  the  old  home  at  UeAAZlZ,  WT.,  Sunday  on  Soo  tAoZn  108.     Uaj,.  EuZJLeA  and  Has.  SolsAud 
accompanied  the  AemaZns  to  theZA  iZnal  AestZng  place  Zn  that  cZty. 
HAhlKTNSON  NEWS  **********  t*  j^^^^  jg^    j925 


Adams  T5>,76 

ALbrecht  97 

AlLain  29 

ALLen  49 

ALm 94 

Anderson  72,94,133 

Atkinson  ...9 

Baby 71 

Bade  97 

Bailey  154 

Baisley  48 

Baker  30,151 

Bandit  155 

Banish  98 

BardsLey  78 

Barnum  74 

BarteLL  109 

Bast  167 

Bauman  68 

Becfk 34 

Beebe 48,65 

BeLLin  52 

BenneLL  11,190 

Bensehoter  2 

Benson  120 

Berg  157 

BergLund  27 

Bernard  13 

Betz  168 

Birnbaum  158 

Bjork  159 

Black  52 

Bladow 9,19,31,37,168 

Bohn  91 

Boldt  48 

Bommersbach  28,120 

Bostrom  187 

Boterman  15^ 

to  Film  #  1576  -  HANKINSON 

Bottke  55 

Bowman  98 

Brackin  182 

Brandt  148 

Braun  36,126 

Bresnahan  145 

Brewster  138 

Brophy  68 

Broz  186 

Bryan  1,6,13 

Brummond  189 

Bubic  168 

Buchholz  115 

Buck  14 

Budack  31,43 

Budde  16 

Budge  39 

Buisson  118 

BuLLis  77 

Buscher  187 

Butler  81 

Campbell  22 

Carey  147 

Caulkins  43,76 

Chapin  19 

Chermak  124 

Chinberg  118 

Christiansen  23 

Clark  7,13,15 

Cohen  133 

Coppin  49,146,169,182 

Corcoran  173 

Crandall  179 

Crooks  85,86 

Dahl  11,12,107,108 

Deane  16 

De  Fea  26 


De  Guba .....158 

DeMuling  31 

Dennhardt  142,144 

De  Silva  1 

Dewey  147 

Diamond  30 

Dick  112,156 

Dickason  65 

Dondelinger  4,5 

Duba  28 

Ducept  109,111 

Durner  12 

Duwenhoegger  35,42 

Dwyer  105,151 

Eels  52 

Ehr  94 

Eklund  117 

Ellenbaum 20 

Ellingson  95 

Elsen  129 

Emmerson 18 

Enkers  18,49 

Erb  21 

Erdman  130 

Erickson  95 

Evans  74 

Evenson 50,135 

Falk  31,48 

Farrell  54 

Faust  45,163 

Feigner  47 

Fellbaum  33 

Felton  27 

Ferguson  57 

Fiebelkorn  114,175 

Fisher  35 

FUsram  170 


FoeLtz  1^1 

Foertsch. , ,]52 

FoLkowski  152 

Forman  96 

Foster  121 

Franz  17 

Freischeisen  54 

Friedman  42 

Frundt  55 

FuLker  115 

FuLLer 27,192 

Gabbert  31 

Gaukler  29,99 

Gaydusek  72 

Geonschaber  1 

Geresck  A9 

Gereszed  54 

Gewickey  7,13 

Gifford  180 

GiLbertson  153 

GiU 142 

GiLLes  10 

Ginsbach  134 

Gira  182 

Girodat  13 

GLander  166 

Glasner  167 

Godfrey  52 

Goeger  10 

GooLsbey  77 

Gottfried 150,184,189 

Grabowski  171,178 

Gramanz  130,140 

Grawe  41 

Gray  27 

Green  16,36,48 

Griffin  165 

Griffith  5 

Grob  172,174 

Gronlie  149 

Gronlund  ,,.,..,.. 5 

Grotte  183 

Gustman  50 

Haas  171 

Hafner  77 

Hamilton  68 

Hammerlick  41 

Hanson  186 

Harding  119 

Harrington 160 

Hartleben  33 

Hartman  37 

Hawthorne  48 

Heesch  176 

Hein  28 

Heise  31 

Heitkamp  22 

Heley  35,182 

HeLL  1,6,8,13 

Hemmerling  189 

Hemrig  192 

Henderson  121 

Hendrickson  11 

Henger  28 

Hentz  11,12,44 

Herman  138 

Hermanson  141 

Herzog  32 

Hetgmanck  65 

HetLand  35 

Hettinger  64 

HiLgendorf  103 

Mimes  41 

Hinck  41,96 

Hoefs  23,43,102 

Hoffman  52,172 

Hohenstern  126,128 

Holiday  49 

Hoist  51 


Hommie  67 

Honnen  ..,,,.,,.,..,,89,90 

Horseshoe  106 

Howard 52 

Hruby 57 

Huey  3 

Hunger  4 

Hunt  179 

Hurley  1,179 

Ingerson  23 

Jacobchick  22 

Jaeger 30,114,186 

Kahnke  180 

Jahr  130,140 

Jardchefski  137 

Harr  86 

Jarski  120 

Jasmer  37 

Jentz  10,157 

Johnson  41,79,87 

Jones  1,26,159,171 

Jorgenson  13 

Jost  48,124 

Kadechka  137 

Kahr  190 

Kahler  36 

Kaiser  17 

Kane  120 

Kasa  38 

Kath  10,12,50 

Kercher  27 

Kickhofel  94 

Kieffer  19 

Kinn  38,45 

Kitchner  12 

Kjelstrup  142 

Klar  92 

Klawitter 21,23,32,33 

Klein  87 

KLemak  100 

KLimak  137 

Kluge  66 

Knaack  102 

KnechtL  147 

KoehLer  70 

Koepnick  162 

Koeppe  129,132 

KoppeLman  25 

Korsvik  190 

Korth  4 

Kramer  190 

Krause 21,40,50,163 

KreiseL  158 

Kressin  28 

Kretchman  27 

Kriz  69 

Krueger  17,172 

Krump  4,5 

KuehL  130 

Kuehn 47 

KuhLwein  45,54 

Kutter  47 

Latnar  87 

Lambert  12 

Lange  87 

Larson  61,125 

Lauppe  104 

Lea  103,150 

Leavitt  20,21,46 

Lee  9,44,50,70 

Leist  168 

Lenz  52 

Lenzen  28,188 

Leshovsky  102 

Lien  48 

Linehan  31,173 

Lingen  22 

Lipovsky  10 

Lisk  117 

Lorenz 160 

Lotzen 190 

Lovett  188 

Lubenou 51,66,109 

Ludquist  186 

*  see  page  197 

Maas  3,179 

MacheeL  121,134 

MackeLson  117 

Marsh  99,181 

Marquardt   11,154 

Mathieson   10 

Martin   47 

Matejeck    12 

Mauer   40,110 

Mc   Carten   105 

Mc   earthy 39 

Mc   DonaLd 36,126 

Mc  Gray   113,147 

Mc  Hugh   2 

Mc  Kinnon    32 

Mc  Morrow   83 

Mead 114 

MedenwaLdt    18,31,37 


MeLby   143 

MeLchert   162 

MeLLand   174 

Merrifield 186,188 

Meyer 11,45,161 

Milbrandt    37 

Miller   40,125 

Milman    81 

Minnehan    22 

Mitchell    77,130 

Mittag    17,82 

Moanklam  170 

Metis  49,124,166 

Mourer  46,150 

Muehler  14,45,46 


Mueller  22 

Murray  30,34 

Myhra  1,170 

Nelson 18,59,94 

Neumann  4,157 

Nims  18 

Novetzke  30,34 

Nurnberger  127 

Nuse  100 

OdelL  20,23 

Officer  128 

Ogle  29 

Olds  57 

Olson 46,61,182,186 

Oscarson  70 

Ostby 151,175,176 

Ovind  58 

Oxness  89,90 

Pahl  38 

Pankow  112 

Pasbrig  136 

Patterson  ...2,26,101,166 

Paulson  49 

Pavek  33 

Pederson  68 

Peitz  20,23,30 

Pelzel  28 

Permontgen  17 

Perry  67 

Peterson   159,171 

Petrick    14 

Petterson  179 

Phillips  133 

Pick  160 

Pieckard  86 

Pielke  57 

Pierce  4 

Pietz  173,177 

Plant  159 

Poh  L  47 

Polda  28,77 

Polfuss  9,19 

Ponath  9,157 

Popp  40 

Posta  184 

Power  167 

Pn'bbernow  69 

Price  60 

Propp 145 

Prushaw  180 

Putney  50 

Putz  145 

Quarrum 140 

Rackow  118,135 

Radke  31 

RadLoff  10 

Rafferty  167 

Raming  17 

Rasmussen  71 

Rathgerber  43 

RatzLaff  50 

Reinke  134 

Reisdorfer  22 

RempLe  24,26,59 

Renner  171 

Resener  .....135 

Rettig   28,35,85 

Richards  99 

Ridderbush  28 

Riddle  183 

RirnelL  25 

Ringslanger  58 

Robinson  106 

Roeder  9,A2 

Rosenblum  26 

Rosnow  33 

Ross  25 

Rossow  21 

Rest  41 

Rowland 105 

Ruben  26 

Rubish  131 

Rust  115,121 

Ryan  140 

SagvoLd  9 

Sauer  ....46 

Saule  50 

Saxvik  57 

Schaffer 151 

Scheller 51,110 

Schemmel  149 

Schenck  11,20 

Schiltz  19,64 

Schlener  17 

Schmitt  66 

Schmitz  12 

Schneller  141 

Schramm  38 

Schroeder  142 

Schultz  25,43,153 

Sedler  46 

Seiner  52,153 

Severtson  54 

Sharper 189 

Shelley  163 

Shuman  101 

Siense  16 

Simmons  19 

Simpson  34 

Skeletons  67,70 

Smart  89 

Smith  52,100 

Spencer  128 

Sprague  50 

Stabback  156 

Stack  20 

Steele  89 


Stein  29 

Steman  81 

Stern  132 

Steyens  .•.v,,^ ,„,,,, ,53 

Stewart  28 

Stienke  109 

Stier  97 

Stiles  138 

Stone  87 

Stopelman  Ill 

Storey  43 

Strache  137 

Strege  46 

Strubel  16,136 

Success  32 

Swanson  71 

Talcott  89 

Taucher  137 

Terhaar  4 

Tew  146 

Theede 181 

Thiel  22,172,187 

Thomas  17,132,151 

Thompson  153 

Tibbitts  89 

Tiegs  31,50 

Tillisch  174,178 

Timmons  191 

Townsend  99 

Trapp  134 

Tritten  191 

Tubbs  22,24,59 

Tulloch  2 

Tweeter  96 

Tyler  155 

Tyson  33,80,82 

ULrich  61,114 

Umbreit  174 

Underwood  81,82 

Vafed 73 

Van  HiLLs  171 

VapLon  153 

Vedder  31,42 

Vick  2 

Voeltz  47,100 

WahLer  32 

Walker  170 

WaLLace  127 

WaLLoch  33 

Wanek  12 

Ward  49 

Wawers  44 

Weatherbee  91 

Webster 121,148 

Wegner  61 

Weis  10 

Weiser  106 

Westhouse  147 

Westlander  3 

WestphaL 9,113,175 

White  73,164 

Wiar  49 

Wienkauf  51 

Wilder  20,21 

Wilke  141 

Willprecht  43,45 

Wilson  1,29 

Winefeldt 43 

Winter  22 

Wipperman  39,166 

Wirtz  44 

Witt  1,2,97,175,176 

Witte  43,111 

Wolf  89,90,92,129 

Wolwend  85 

Woods  129 

WooLson  169 

Worner  18,101 

Wray  63 

Wrege  20 

Wurl  14 

Zander 41,52 

Ziegelman 68,87,148 

Zill  41 

Zillgitt  139 

Zimmerman  109 

*  Add  to  I page  195 

Lynch  . 

