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[i.e.  Vol.  30] 

August  13,  1995 


May  3,  1996 


•  ^ 

Building  name  dedications  approved 


Spring  !995  EoifoMoChiet 

After  decades  of  talk, 
the  Harper  Collt»j;i» 
Board  of  TrusUvs 
us«\1  thi«.  past  siimmtr 
approve  a  program  d«\1h  i 
mg  buildings  and  prograiK) 
to  major  cantributors  o<  the 

l)n  luly  27.  the  board 
adcipted  a  policy  to  allow  tht? 
names  donors  of  money, 
materials,  or  time  tti  be 
placerl  on  buildings  .r-  '  -' 
>;r<imN  Atcoriimg  t 
\-  - 1  the  Dirii  it  't 
:  'Tient  A  !  \tfrnal 
\fr,iir^  tor  H.irper  Coljfg**' 
what  donor-  .md  what  facili- 
ties match  up  will  be  deter- 
mined by  three  ditferent 
committees,  the  last  of  which 
being  the  Boanl  of  Trustivs 

For  example,  a  Si  million 
donation  w»>uld  moan  the 
renaming  of  .1  ■-tni.ture  ,i~ 
large  and  hii;hlv  tr.uelfd  .i-~ 
Buildings  A  or  M,  while  a 
donation  of  between 
HM)  and  S74**,(KK>  would 

.,;  a  donor  s  name  to  a 
structure  like  Building  V 
(Park  Management  and 
Horticulture)  or  S 

(Puhluadons  and 

t  ommunjt.ition  ^e^^  ices) 

Actordini;  to  AviU,  both 
the  donor   ,iitd    the   tollri;. 

■        1  ;   ren.iming 

the  <  urrent 

-upn.i  ;itrii!,i* 
"You  need 
careful  ivho  ■. . 
buildHn;-  -It),  r 
-The  .' 
their  n. 


■  ■n 

L    iiLirviN,'    (hc' 

Av.l.i  -,,i.d 

niH   want 

building  '■ 

I'ach  diMhir,  it  approved 
see  NAMES  on  page  2 


How  low  can  you  go? 

C  an  two  comp'tinj;  bcHtkslores  cofvisi  in 
peace'   Biith  s,iv  thc\  cuv   But  duos  it 
mean  to  sludi-nts?  Is  this  (inalK  the  chitice  in 
btHikstcws  M>  many  people  haw  longwl  for  or 
|ust  a  bunch  of  nuid  slinging'  Page  4 

[he  ph\sicai  plant  and  puhh.  sait-n  eniplovc-s 
battle  It  out  in  the  greatest  t  ,rteK  tradition. 
Read  all  abciut  one  of  Harper's  greal  f\ents, 
the  Physical  Plant  Olvrnpii  s    Page  6 


Tr\ing  to  track  smir  lavorile  Harper  sports 
teams'"  [>.»>  the  call  ot  the  bleachers  ha\e 
your  number?  '  won  t  want  to  miss  the 
schedute  lor  the  fall  athletic  teams!   Page  12 

I'ages  ;-5     C  ampus  News 
Page  6  Features 

Pg  7  Arts  tk  Entertauunent 

Page  (*•  V 
Page  11 
Page  12 


L  l,is?»itieds 


Harper's  Narr^e  Game 

By  donating  mon*i  to  HoqMf  Coltog*,  irtdividuati  w«  now  b* 
obte  to  hove  ItMlf  nanm  ptac*d  on  or  in  corpus  buiklngL 
B«k)w  w«  HsJ  wtxH  montlory  amounts  •am  wtKil  tocoMoni: 

$  1  million  or  more       j     BuUdings  A,  D,  P.  I.  M.  or  the  northeast  Centec   f 

$750,000  to  $999,999 

$500,000  to  $749,999 

$250,000  to  $499,999 

Buildin^C,  G,  Ha.  r,or  P. 

Building  J  theaiet;  Buildings  y  orS. 

Building  B,  E,  O,  IfaeCoDege  > 
the  cafeteria. 

'Je  <5enter,  or 

$100,000  to  $249,999 

The  Center  (or  Students  with  Di.sabibties,  gymnasium,  vari- 
ous programs  or  endowed  chairs. 


t«ture  halls,  large  labratories,  the  drama  lab,  the  thiee- 
diraentional  stuclio  or  the  technology/mulhmedia  lab';. 

$25,000  to  WV.999  The  Women's  Centeiiboaixl  room. 

swunming  pool.  Human  Performance  Center,  teiSnis  courts, 
conference  rooms  or  das-srooms 

Paul  Thompson  speaks 
about  Harper's  future 



O'  ■  i[i,-  pa'-t  vear,  Harjier  has  under- 
,  M  -.nnc  ot  the  most  dramatic 
chaiif;!-.  in  Its  historv  In  order  to  find 
out  what  thcMi'  chang.s  mean  and  what  to 
.  ■(■•e.t  tor  the  future,  we  went  strait  to  the 
l-'f  the  following  is  I)r  F'aul  N  Thtimpsiin, 
President  ol  Karjier  C  ollege,  explaining  the 
plans  in  hi--  own  words 

The  position  Harper  is  trying  to  get  into 
to  meet  the  needs  of  the  community  tor  the 

"I  think  one  ot  ttie  key  things  that  we're 
doing  i>  trvmg  to  implemem  .=  ■     '^ 
plan    It  vvasdeielo[-«ed  about  t 
anil  undergiung  updates contmuaiiv  -itice,  ii 
ius|  i;o(  approval  fn>iii  ttie  board  for  the  next 
five  years 

"Thev  \e  funded  this  signituantlv  for 
the  hrst  crar,  o\ er  iw  o  niillicm  dollars  un est- 
ed.  111  bringing  our  technokigy  up  to  dale. 
We  find  a  ntvd  to  wia-  with  fiber  optic  cable 
all  erf  the  facilities  c»n  campus,  which  were  in 
the  process  of  completing  lor  this  fall  .. 

■.All  offices  will  bi'  netivorked  vchere  we 
can  have  a  common  database  lor  students. 
lor  n,-gustration.  tor  information  they  mav 
need  tor  programming  areas,  so  that  we  mav 
provide  advisors  an<i  founs«'lors  mforma 
Oon  at  their  tingerlip>  .Another  compiinent 
of  that  technology  plan  would  K'  to  reach 
outside  of  the  campus  to  link  with  high 
schcn.)l.s  and  local  in  our  commu- 
nity We're  now  on  a  two-way  mteractne 
network  with  colleges  that  are  m  our  region. 

Dr.  Paul  TTiompton,  Piesldsnt  of  Hopcr 

which  ive  plan  to  expand.  That  will  be 
nother  future  departure  that  will  make  sig- 
liiticant  access  to  our  lashtution  not  onlv  to 
students  who  are  currently  here,  but  to 
poteiitiai  students  of  ttie  future." 

How  would  the  two-way  communica- 
tion with  other  colleges  be  beneficial  to 
students  and/or  faculty? 

"If  there  are  programs  that  we  can't  offer 
because  of  low  enrollment,  we  can  match  up 
with  other  low -enrollment  colleges  so  com- 
bintni,  via  network,  we  can  link  with  Oakton. 
the  College  of  bike  (  ounl\  and  Harper 
together  and  havf  a  class  of  25.  where  nor- 
mally we'd  ha\e  a  class  of  s,-ven  or  eight 
separateK,  whuh  would  prohibit  us  from 
offering  the  course.  Other  opportunities 
would  K'  if  somebcxly  needed  to  take,  say,  a 
Chinc-se  language  course,  and  we  didn't 
offer  It,  It  might  be  av  ailable  elsewhere  and 

see  THOMPSON  on  page  2 

RMKb  m  at  397^000,  m.  246 1 

NAMES:  State 
funding  cuts  a 

for  thif  naming  program,  will 
have  a  !Miy  m  the  Uxation  to 
t»ke  their  name,  attordmg  li> 
Avila.  who  ejplaini-d  that 
sometine  donating  mont'v 
who  IS  involv<?d  with  the 
performing  arts  departitiCTit 
would  most  likely  have  Ihetr 
name  attached  to  that 

IMortunateiy,  the  name 
dumges  may  not  alwavs 
leave  the  best  taste  m  peiv 
pie's  mouths.  Mid  Avila.  One 
0*  the  possible  conflicts  may 
be  corporations,  who  are 
weicamed  as  much  as  indi- 
viduals to  enter  the  name 

"People  will  always  be 
•ort  erf  uiKomfortable  with 
change,'  accoiding  to  Avila. 
"...  There  will  always  be  that 
chance  that  people  wont 
want  the  name  that  is  cho- 

If  there  is  a  problem,  how- 
ever, changing  names  a  sec- 
ond time  should  not  cause 
any  controversy.  The  pro- 
gram approved  by  the  Board 

ii(  Tnisli'i-K  in  lulv  ■it.itt's 
thfro  IN  ni>  owntTship 
involved  ami  there  is  no  timi- 
ret|uirement  for  the  colle^jo 
to  ktvp  Anv  donor  n.ime  on  a 
buildmg  or  program 

Harper  College  President 
l)r  I'aul  Thompson  s.Md  ht>  us 
ver\  much  in  tavor  of  the 
naming  progr<im. 

"I  suppiirt  It,"  Thompson 
stated  "I  think  it's  a  go».>d 
idea.  I  think  there  will  be 
some  advantages  in  our 
fundraising  tor  people  to 
thmk  aKxit  tJiving  money  to 
the  colleges  as  a  wav  of  being 
recogm/ed  in  the  tutute  . . 

"(However)  1  think  we 
ought  to  be  careful  how  we 
vifw  that  so  It's  not  abused, 
but  I  thirik  It  can  be  very, 
very  positive."- 

Avila  said  she  sees  the 
buikJing  and  pnigram  name 
changes  having  a  very  posi- 
tive affect  on  Harper  College 
m  the  years  to  come. 

"1  think  It  will  put  us  in 
the  ftwefront  of  many  com- 
munity colleges,"  said  Avila, 
wfio  explained  the  concept  of 

n  k  cunvntly  unkrwwn  how  tong  baton  signs  Ik*  IMi  ott  BuMktg  C  am  f«pkic«d  wWt  noma*  ol 
conlitMtoi*  to  Haip«i'tn«w  naming  pmgRim.  Jim  Walaitis  photo 

pnvate  fundmg  may  be  a  ed  as  hme  passes  and  gov-  more  and  more  important," 

new  at  public  twtvyear  col-  emment  funding  for  institu-  said  Avila.  "People  are  realiz- 

leges,    but    will    probably  tions  Uke  Harper  decreases.  uig  we  need  pnvate  funding 

become  more  widely-accept-  "The  fundmg  is  becoming  to  compete." 

THOMPSON:  Harper  President  explains  parking  lot  walk 

Itom  pops' 

they  couki  take  it  here  for 
credit,  even  though  it  would 
be  at  another  site  ...  Some 
other  kinds  of  things  that 
we're  looking  at  is  using  the 
itelwork  for  our  Nursmg 

"We  could  have  a  setup 
for  a  laboratory  experitmce 
in  the  ho^ital  but  students 
can  be  here  on  campus  domg 
that  experiment,  asking 
questions  while  it's  being 
conducted.  Travel  time 
would  be  limited  yet  they 
would  have  the  same  kmd  of 
leammg  tipportunity  they'd 
have  if  they  were  at  the  hos- 

On  future  building  pn- 
jects  and  mvovations: 

"We  have  appnwed.  at 
the  Illinois  Communiiv 
College  board,  a  multipur 
pose  facility  which  would  be 
include  a  performing  arts 
center,  conlerence  rooms, 
mtiltlmedia  facilities,  some 
ofike  space  and  classrooms- 
tttal  will  be  the  next  facility 
to  come  cmline.  We  wen- 
hoping  the  legislatuie  would 
approve  fxinding  for  it  dur- 
ing this  legislative  Msiuon. 
but  they  did  not.  so  we're 

gt>mg  to  have  to  work  with 
our  legislators  and  the  gov- 
ernor to  see  if  we  can  get  the 
funding  in  the  next  seasian. 

Are  there  any  major 
projects  that  will  be  started 
during  this  next  school  year 
or  mainly  finishing  up 
existing  projects? 

"Next  spnng  or  summer, 
we  re  gcnng  to  be  working 
on  Buildmg  I  to  consolidate 
the  computer  labs  into  tme 
long  space  on  the  second 
fltxjT  ,  It's  easier  to  monitor 
that  way.  moiv  cost-effective 
and  should  provick"  students 
with  more  open  lab  time. 

"There's  addihonol  road 
work  off  of  Algonquin  Road 
and  Farkmg  lot  Two  that 
will  also  be  started  Dunng 
the  s«:hix>l  year,  we  will  be 
finishing  up  of  Kuilding  F. 

Are  there  any  function- 
al changes  in  the  upgrading 
of  Building  F  or  is  it  strictly 

"There  are  certainly 
functional  changes.  We're 
tTMng  to  take  advantage  of 
computer  capabikties  more 
than  m  the  past,  we'ie  recog- 
nizing changes  in  instruc- 
tional design  and  the  future 

support  that  media  semces 
IS  trying  to  pnmde  for  stu- 
dents and  faculty." 

A  lot  of  people  have 
commented  that  the  school 
seems  to  be  trying  to  cater 
more  towards  transfer  stu- 
dents, leaving  continuing 
education  and/or  certificate 
programs  lacking.  How  do 
you  see  this? 

"I  don't  thmk  we  do  1 
think  we  certainly  have  (o 
roci>gni/c  that  the  communi- 
ty uf  sc'r\  i»  a  lot  of  inter- 
est m  thf  tour war  graduate 
degret-  I  think  we  do  have  a 
focus  on  that  hut  I  dt>n  t 
think  it's  out  of  proptirtion  (o 
our  interest  in  providing 
technical  career  programs  or 
continuing  education  pro- 

"We'ie  not  trying  to  play 
any  one  program  down.  In 
fact,  with  the  development 
of  our  health  services  divi- 
sion four  years  ago.  we  real- 
ly put  more  emphasis  on 
continuing  educahon,  non- 
credit  oppt>rtunities  for  the 
corporate  swctor  We  recog- 
nize that  we  don't  imly  serve 
the  18.  14  and  20  year-old 
student,  that  we  serve  a  wide 
variety  of  ages  and  mterests 

m  higher  education. 

Is  there  a  plan  to  con- 
nect the  buildings? 

"The  master  plan 
designed  by  the  primary 
architect  that  started  the 
campus  showed  some  of  the 
buildings  connected  but  if 
vva.s  nev  er  intended  for  all  of 
thorn  to  be 

"When  Building  I  was 
to  be  done,  the  architect  was 
very  creative  in  seeing  a  v.a\ 
to  connect  the  library  and 
Building  P  Whether  we'll  be 
able  to  go  further  with  it.  1  do 
not  know  Its  a  possibility 
but  It  would  be  several  years 
off  " 

Is  there  any  reason  the 
parking  lots  are  built  so  far 
away  from  the  buildings? 

"I  think  a  little  green- 
space  IS  appreciated  when 
you're  sithng  in  a  classroom. 
You  don't  want  to  kxik  out  a 
wmdow  and  see  the  glare  off 
a  windshield.  Secondly,  I 
think  Its  all  m  the  perspec- 
tive of  where  you're  parking. 
If  yi>u  go  to  a  university, 
parking  is  miles  from  the 
center  of  campus  But  it  is  a 

In  closin(t  another  hot 
topic  is  the  rising  price  of 
tuition.  Is  this  something 
the  school  anticipated  or 
that  the  government  decid- 
ed on? 

"It's  been  a  gradual 
change  The  school  board 
divided  about  five  years  ago 
that,  as  a  target,  they  would 
like  to  see  student  tuition 
represent  about  20^.  of  the 
school's  operating  costs. 
We've  been  under  that,  at 
about  17*>o,  but  the  mcreases 
will  bring  us  up  to  our  target 
r.uige.  In  terms  of  a  long- 
range  plan  in  how  we're 
going  to  fund  this  institu- 
tion, I  don't  thmk  the 
increase  has  been  that  exor- 
bitant. We've  seen  the  state 
government  cut  back  it's  per- 
centage on  higher  educabon 
fundmg-  that  trend  is  clear 
In  order  to  make  that  up,  you 
cut  costs  wherever  you  can, 
you  look  at  what  n-venue 
you  can  generate  from  your 
Icxal  tax  base,  and  you  need 
to  Kxjk  at  tuition  as  ttie  other 
piece.  I  think  we're  trymg  to 
be  reasonable  in  what  we  do. 
what  we  expect  from  our 
Uxal  taxpayers,  as  well  as 
what  we  expect  from  our 
local  students. 

ML,      % 




Each  monilt  Huper 
College  otfers  infomui- 
tian  aoriora  far  individ- 
uab  inteRsled  in  the  RN 
or  UN  programs  and 
ibr  LFNs  inleiested  in 
the  completion  program 
to  prepare  for  RN  lioen- 

For  infatmation,  caU 






Wea.  at  ChiUrena 
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In  tia  eaufWy.  Waawlar  pait 

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amaaMa  M  aur  CaiMiHXMf 
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■paaniwaliia  j>  aaaiaaita  a< 

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Woodfteia  vuiage  (aroen 
1362  E«t  Golf  Bd. 
SchaoxBburi,  n.  60173 




Bookstore  wars?  Not  here 

On-campus  bookstore  and  newly  opened  competitor  agree  peace  is  possible 

SP^M,  W  £(*tor:in:Chiet 

Can  two  col!i>gp  h    - 
•ttorfs   peacefully   co- 
I'xsi'it  while  sen-icing 
one  c.unpus '  It  UhiIc-  like  the 
.in-wtT  I-  vi>. 

t'aj'if  TextbtM'k,  .1  buMiifss 
ht'jjun  bv  entn-prenfur  itank 
tiilvinii  ui  New  York,  opt-neil 
ii  new  ttim-  m  Harpor  Plaza 
(on  Algonquin  Kd.  lust  west 
of  Rosetiv)  m  Apnl  this  year. 
Busin4~»s  has  btwn  slow 
since  the  slore'*  opening, 
according  to  i.,\^k'  Vice 
Prwidenl  Andy  Calatte. 
However,  there  is  litle  fear 
simplv  because  Eagle  has  no 
plans  to  t.ike  over  the  market 
"We  don't  need  a  lot  of 
lustomers,™  Galatte  •^aid 
"We  re  |ust  happy  to  gel  500 
or  1,()IK)  students." 

(iagle  Texttxxik's  focus  is 
selling  used  Ixxiks  at  the  low- 
est possible  price,  which, 
because  of  low  overhead — 
the  store  layout  UkiLs  more 
warehouse-like  than  the  on- 
campus  location  and  only 
employs  five  people  at  peak 
wiling  season— IS  often  the 
case.  Eagle's  policy  is  to  meet 
or  beat  any  price  from 
Harper  s  bookstore  on  the 
pnxlucts  they  carry. 

Calatte  said  if  each  Harper 
student  purchases  )ust  one 
book  fn>m  his  store  each 
semester.  Eagle  can  continue 
to  operate,  all  the  while  keep- 
ing Harper's  bookstore  man- 
agement eyes  open. 

"As  long  as  we're  there, 
well  ahvays  keep  the  campus 
bookstore  m  check,"  Calatte 

Kim  Wabh,  The  Harper 
Plaza  store's  manager,  said 
personal  service,  convement 
parking  (about  10  feet  from 
the  front  door)  and  year- 
round,    high-volume    book 

Hoipw  (iudwtt  D*bM«  laonhoRff  shops  at  Eogla  Textbook  In  Horpor  Pkiza  The  n«w  booktkm  b 
tocotod  00  Algonquin  Rd.  Just  wast  ot  Ros«lto  Rd.  Jim  Walatis  photo 

buy  back  are  all  reasons  Eagle 
has  plans  to  stick  around  for 
years  to  come. 

'At  Harper,  they'll  only 
buy  back  so  manv  copies." 
WaLsh  explameti.  "There  are 
some  books  we  buy  30() 
copies  of  (where)  they  only 
buy  back  20  " 

Rich  Seller,  manager  of 
Harper's  on<ampus  book- 
store, said  he  is  not  concerned 
about  Eagle  Textbook's  pre- 

"A  competitive  bookstore 
never  hurts  the  situation," 
said  Seller.  "We  operate  m  the 
same  manner  as  we  did 
before  they  got  here." 

Seller  said  tfiere  is  little 
Harper's  bookstore  can  do  to 
lower  pnces,  explammg  that 
an  mdependent  survey 
showed  Harper's  prices  to  be 
lower  than  approximately 
three-fourths  of  campus 
bookstores  on  both  state  and 
national  levels. 

You  want  HOW  much?!?!? 

A  M«(  look  c*  book  p(lc«$  bMwMn  EogI*  textbook  and 
Ih*  HoqMi  bookilor*  t«nd«r*d  tti*  folowing  rwuHc 

(Used  copy  prtcas  listed  Prices  ore  from  August  10.) 

Class  rule 

Harper  Price 

Eagle  Price 


not  available 


as  101 

$55  JO 


ING  101 



MGT  111 

not  available 








"I  don't  know  what  they 
pay  for  their  books  ...  but  if 
they're  paying  the  same 
prices  we  are,  they  can't  stay 
in  business  too  long,"  Seller 
explamed.  "They  can't  keep 
their  stockholders  too 

Both  Galatte  and  Seller 
encourage  students  to  shop 
around  for  the  best  price. 
However,  Seller  points  out 
money   sfient   at    Harper's 

bookstore  gc>es  directly  back 
into  die  college. 

Seller  said  he  truly 
believes  the  two  bookstores 
can  both  operate  ...  if  they 
stay  honest. 

"As  long  as  business  is 
straight  up  and  as  long  as 
they  follow  general  ethical 
procedures,  (we  can  both 
exist),"  he  coiKluded.  "In 
turn,  they  should  expect  the 
same  of  us." 



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laarow  ica  maoN  id  may  br  wjouiiied  oma  expikes 

I    VISA 




Noontime  concert  planned 

Teresa,  <i  !anger/songwnti?r  from 
Nashville,  will  perform  a  f»e  nocwi- 
time  concert  Sept  7  m  Harper's 
Quad  »Kii  (near  Building  L). 

Teresa  has  performed  on  cotlege 
campuses  nationwide  and  even 
opened  for  Huey  Lewis.  Teiwa  plays 
her  own  songs  as  well  as  the  music 

oi  such  stars  as  Hi>rmif  Raitt,  Stev'ie 
Nicks.  l.mda  Konstadt.  Pat  Beiiatar 
and  Madonna.  Her  style  vanes  from 
aick  and  blues  to  folk  and  new  coun- 

For  more  mfonnatkin,  call  the 
Harper  College  Student  Activity 
tXfice  at  (7D8)  '»25-<>242 

Be  a  Harper  College 
Student  Senator 

If  You: 

•  Have  a  cumulative  GPA  of  2.0  and  can  main- 
tain that  GP-A  during  the  fall  and  spring  semes- 

•  Have  three  credit  hours  in  a  particular  division 
of  your  choice, 

•  Can  attend  the  following  meeting  dates — 
Sept  22  (1225c) 
CX-t.  13  (A315) 

Oct.  27  (A315) 
Nov.  17  (A315) 
Dec.  1  (A315) 

and  at  least  eight  more  meetings  during  the 
spring  semester  and 

•  Are  vyilling  to  make  a  difference  ... 

Stop  by  A336  for  a  Student  Senate  application 



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Members  FDIC 

Hie  Haifainger 

Physical  Plant  Olympics  brings  co-workers  together 


A  group   that  plays   logt-thor 
works    better    tojjethfr.    at 
least   according  to   Harper 
ColkT^c's  Physical  Plant. 

On  Aug  7,  men*ers  of  Harper's 
custodial  and  public  s,ifetv  staffs 
>  ame  together  tor  the  second  annual 
"l-^ysical  riant  CUvmpics."  a  set  of 
competitions  desigiwd  to  not  onlv 
provide  bragging  nghts  tor  the  win 
ners,  but  alst)  show  the  diea  commu 

nity  the  kind  of  work,  the  itltcn 
seen  college  employees  do  on  a  dailv 

Ion  Delonkcr.  m<in.ii;cr  tor 
Harper '■>  cu'-lodial  .iiii)  t.,nKi  -enice 
departments  and  an  organuuT  of  the 
day's  activities,  said  the  ganies  were 
desij^ned  to  help  employees  gam  the 
recognition  they  deserve  on 
Harper  s  campus. 

"All  these  guys  work  third  shift 
and  noLxxlv  sees  them.  (This  day) 
brings  them  into  focus,"  IX'Kmker 
s.iid.  In  addition,  he  added,  "It  gives 

Horpar  Co««gt  PuMc  SoMy  Ctnat  K«vm  King  lokw  a  swing  (faring  a  "Phyiical 
Plan»0»ymp(ct"io«xi«gam«Aug.  7.  Jim  Wotaife  ptv3»o 

.1  ch.iiuf  tor  the  other  departments 
to  work  together  ' 

The  skill-related  custodial  event 
included  lonti-sts  like"C'lass  Act" 
where  Ihrtv  participants  must 
a  mock-cl.v  'iH'm  tving  lareful  to 
watch  for  car}>et  spcits  and  incorrect- 
ly placed  equipment  and 
"Kecvclone"  in  which  a  pile  of 
recyclable  debris  is  y;ufn  to  two  par- 
ticipants who  compete  tor  time  to 
place  all  material-  in  the  proper 
necN'cling  bin 

Public  satetv  competitions 
mcluded  adnities  such  as  finding 
safety  violations  in  a  make-believe 
campus  parking  lot 

Public  Sifetv  t  hict  Kevin  King, 
who  became  one  of  the  event's  orga- 
nizers thi-s  year  when  his  depart- 
ment started  participating,  said  he 
originally  had  concerns  aKiut  taking 
part  m  the  e\ cut  Iviause  public  s,ile- 
tv  has  always  had  a  lertain  image  to 
uphold  a-  a  M-ciirilv  outlet,  but  those 
colli  ITU-  were  forgotten  as  the  day 
nii>\cd  along 

V\c  wanted  this  to  be  a  positive 
thing  fi'r  us  '  King  -aul  'It  worked 
out  realK  nut'K  ' 

Charlie  llearii,  set  L'p Supers i.sor 
for  Harper,  ai-rced 

'.At  lir-f,  cvervbodc  -  iiercoiis, 
but  as  It  i;>-|s  ^;oing  its  a  great  day," 

Heam  explained  'Thev  have  the 
bragging  rights  VVc  have  the  first 
place  teaml'  Iiir  the  nevt  six  months, 
that's  all  thev  talk  ab<iul. 

.■\fter  the  moming-long  skill  com- 
petition, the  physical  plant  employ- 
ees were  given  the  chance  to  n-lax 
and  pla\-  other  sporting  actn  ities  of 
their  own  chixising. 

Bob  Ck'tls,  director  of  the  physical 
plant,  said  he  hopes  to  see  the  day's 
activities  make  a  difference  in  the 
work  place  year-round. 

Hopefully,  it  will  help  them  on  a 
dav-lo-day  basis  and  they  can  learn 
to  work  together  as  a  team,  to  sup- 
port each  other,'  Cietts  said 

The  ph\sical  plant  and  public 
safetv  employees  said  they  enioyed 
the  change  of  pace,  and  are  kx>king 
forward  to  next  year's  Olympics,  ui 
which  more  Harper  work  staffs  will 
Ix'  invited  to  participate. 

"When  we  work  (normalK  ),  were 
isolated."  s.iid  custodial  employee 
IXwv  Cross  "We  don't  i;et  to  see 
each  other," 

While  Harper  College  is  believed 
to  be'  the  onlv  communitv  college  in 
the  area  currenth  hiilding  such 
activities.  c)rgani/>'rs  of  this  year's 
games  say  other  campuses  will  be 
contacted  in  the  near  future  for  a 
possible  he.ul-to-head  competition. 

Back  to  School  Means 

Back  to  Fun! 

Weekly  Videos 

A336  Lounfl* 

•fntarvJvw  mill  a  Vmm^rm 

Outdoor  Concerts 


Campus  Quad 


Tom  Acousti 

Wa4nes<lay,  Saptamtoar  20 


Performance  !!! 

National  Poatry  Slam  Champ,  Liaa 


Ona  Woman  Show  —  Animala  Camhraia 

7:30  pm 

Tliursdav,  Saptambar  21 
Black  Bos  Thaatra,  Building  L 
Tin  on  sala  NOW!! 

Way  Cool 
Concert !!! 

Pulp  Fiction's 

Guitar  Legend 

Dick  Dale 

Wadnasday,  Saptambar  27 

7:30  pm 

Building  J  Thaatra 

Tix  on  sale  NOW!! 

For  more  information,  call  Studont  Actlwltios, 
708/925424  2. 

Local  artist  reviews:  Minnow  Buckets,  Schwa  pass  with  flying  colors 


Arts  »  Entertoinrinent  Editoi 

Summer  is  the  timt*  for  local 
bands  and  festivals  galort* 
which  showcase  ttw  lotal  musk- 
scene.  Here  are  a  couple  of  baiwl>  ic 
check  out 

Minnow  BuciMli 

Diatom  lam 
Pfmvibe  Records 

The  Minnow  Buckets'  Diatom  Irnn 

IS  a  p(.>w«Tful  disc  that  il.'m.iiuls 
attention,  from  the  Ramones-fMjuo 
opening  riffs  of  'Brother  HiUv  " 
throuRh  th«?  «:-nd  of  "Tu  hf 
Highlights  of  the  disc  included 
"Brother  Billy",  which  MUind<>d  like 
something  the  Ramones  might  have 
conjured  up.  Another  highlight  was 
the  all-powerful  "Met  A  Chic  Selling 
Tricks",  the  kind  of  song  that  seems  to 
foicibly  take  you  by  the  nostrils  and 
propel  you  headfirst  into  your  speak- 
ere.  "Someday"  is  slightly  reminis- 


'Bennigans\r\  Schaumburg  is 

now  accepting  applications  for 

Wait  staff/Host  Earn  extra  cash  to 

.tielp  get  you  ttirough  college. 

P|yi^ft  opniv  in  person  ot 

770  E,  Hfggins  Rd 


cent  of  REM'--  '<■  ..irdfrnng  .it  \ipht' 
while  "Thus   K   Not   .-V   H.ilf  Sonj;" 
sounded    a    lot    likf    the    Violent 
Femmes  with  ,i  twist  ot  Nirvana 

The  Mmmivv  Buckets  have  put 
together  a  phi'  punk-sound- 
mg  disc,  di-tncTing  punk  the  way  it 
should  be  dcliverrti  Tlieir  music  ls 
well  wntten,  their  lyrics  are  well 
versed,  .ind  they  manage  to  deliver 
an  e^-HMiti.*!  mi\  ot  vitality  and  intelb- 
gence  that  many  other  wanna-be 
punk  bands  could  laki'  their  lesson 


twoflight  Records 

Schwa  has  lust  put  forth  an  excel- 
Irtit  debut  fV,  Verthiit,  available  in  CD 
format  onlv  Their  Ciimbination  of 
radically  different  musical  back- 
grounds rangini;  from  classical  to 
techno-industrul  results  m  Schwa's 
unique  sound  which  is  also  evident  in 
the enbre  If 

The  II*  beftin-  with  the  haunting 
"Bread",  which  grabs  vour  attention 
right  off  the  bat.  "Sncvi-"  i--  an  excel- 
lent song,  managing  to  >oiind  a  bit 
hke  Smashing  Pumpkins  with  Jane 
Siberry  doing  the  lead  vocals 
"Gone"  IS  another  «»ng  which  is  fair- 
ly emotional prettv  much  everyone 

has  expenenced  not  being  able  to  or 
not  wanting  to  let  go  v>t  someone  thai 
tliev  care  about,  and  v«Kali>t  15everl\ 
(.ihson  add>  |u>t  the  right  touch  of 

melancholv  to  the  song  to  make  it 
take  flight  '  I  le  dif  1  u/'  i>  one  more 
example  of  their  unusual  sound  -the 
energebc  breath  of  fresh  air  tliat  could 
make  them  the  next  big  national  act 
out  of  Chicago  The  last  two  tracks  on 
the  VV  had  moa'  of  a  bluesy  feel  to 
them,  but  were  excellent  nonetheless. 

Gibson  is  an  extremely  talented 
vocaUst.  and  her  versatility  combined 
with  the  musical  talents  ot  ba.-^s  play- 
er Doug  Johnson,  guitarist  lohn 
Meyer,  and  Drummer  Michael  .\ieta 
makes  for  an  unbelievable,  not  to 
mention  unforgettable,  listening 
expenence.  Schwa  is  on  the  way 
up — go  add  tln>  ear  candy  to  your 
CD  collection  It  you  like  cuttmg 
edge  alternative  wMth  a  twist  of  lech- 
no  and  blues,  tins  is  tlie  band  to  check 

The  album  appears  to  be  doing 
well  saleswLse.  although  fmal  counts 
on  sales  can  be  a  month  or  more 
behind,  even  with  the  Miphisticated 
SoundScan  computer--  The  band  has 
betMi  getting  some  hea\  v  college  air- 
play, and  they  have  .\Uo  had  sonie  on- 
air  appearances  at  --ctiools  around  the 
area,  ITieir  rtvord  release  party  at  the 
Double  Door  v\'as  hugely  succi"s>ful, 
as  have  been  tlieir  recent  shows.  They 
plan  on  doing  a  college  tour  some- 
time m  the  relatiyelv  near  future.  In 
the  meantime.  \ou  can  check  Ihem 
out  at  the  Cubbc  ttear  (across  from 
VVrigley  1  leld  and  i1own  tlie  stn-^.i 
from  the  Metro)  on  .Aug.  M  at  '♦p.m. 


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Our  View        j  Time  to  say  'good-bye' 

Another  new  semester  is  before 
us,  and  with  it,  all  the  ups, 
downs,  anxiety  attacks  and 
homework  that  goes  with  it. 

Whether  you're  a  new  student  trying 
to  find  your  way  to  your  classes  or  a 
returning  student  trying  to  figure  out 
where  the  perimeter  road  went,  you're 
be  pleased  to  know  that  you  are  at  one 
of  the  finest  community  colleges  in  the 
state,  if  not  the  country.  This  is  a  school 
that  is  rich  with  excitement,  diversity 
and  action.  A  highly-trained  faculty  and 
staff  are  here  to  instruct  and  assist  you. 
Clubs  and  organizations  meeting  dozens 
of  interest.'^  provide  an  intinito  amount 
of  activities.  A  150,000-plus  \  olume 
library  offers  row  upon  row  of  informa- 
tion. And  a  food  ser\  iti>  crew  is  work- 
ing to  make  the  cafeteria  the  best  it's 
ever  been. 

Several  projects  were  completed 
throughout  campus  over  the  summer  A 
new,  remodeled  library  will  open  in 
Building  F.  Parking  Lots  I  and  12  were 
repaved  and  re-striped  for  easier  access 
to  the  buildings.  The  perimeter  road  bv 
Lot  1  has  been  moved  in  for  the  upcom- 
ing widening  of  Algonquin  Road. 

For  those  of  you  with  Internet  access, 
Harper  can  t>e  reached  via 

The  only  constant  here  is  change. 
New  things  are  happening  every  day, 
and  the  only  way  to  find  out  about  it  is 
to  become  involved  in  your  school.  Take 
some  time  to  explore  all  of  the  options 
available  to  you  at  the  various  student 
centers.  The  Student  Activities  office  in 
Building  A  is  a  good  place  to  start. 

Get  involved.  It's  vour  school! 


Se\en  mtmths  ago,  I 
>;ave  Tlit-  //urditrx'cr's 
faculfv  advLsiir, 
Susanrv"  Haviic.  a  phone  >  all 
In  sw  how  the  paper  I  spent 
line  year  ai>  Sports  Editor  on 

I  was  shtxkttl  to  hear  the 
Spnng  1995  semester  was 
about  to  begin  without  an 
Edltor-in-Chirf.  I  was  upset 

I  w.i-.  innuTntii.  But  little 
did  I  kiiov\  I  vva,s  atniut  to  till 
the  piisition 

1  admit  It  didn't  take 
muth  of  Su.sanne's  pashing 
me  to  do  the  job,  but  1  had 
no  clue  of  the  le\el  of  dedica- 
tion I  would  end  up  putting 
into  it  I  had  fun.  though, 
and  I  bkc  to  thmk  1  was  able 
to  use  my  own  past  evpen- 
ences  to  hnng  Tlw  Harhiiisfi-r 
to  a  level  mt»t  people  have 
never  seen  before. 

I  was  lucky,  though,  and 
liad  a  crack  staff  rvady  to 
stay  on  campus  all  night 
long  on  numerous  ixcasions 
|ust  to  get  the  prtxluct  out  to 

our  readers  on  time. 

A-s  this  orieiilatKin  issue 
IS  complete<l,  however,  my 
time  will  be  up  Ion  "Make 
Sure  You  Spell  Mv  Name 
Right"  O'Hnen,  C  Graphics 
and  Layout  tditor  (or  some 
variation  of  the  two)  for  the 
past  two  years.  wiU  be  taking 
the  editorial  baton  and  run- 
ning full- force  with  it. 

(  know  Jon,  and  I  know 
Ion  will  do  his  best  to  make 
this  semester  (Which  |ujst 
happens  to  be  Susanne 
Havlics  last  semester)  one  of 
the  best  ever 

Ixwk  out  Harper  Here  he 


NOW  THAT    you'RE.     A 
HAV£    YOU  LEARKfE.^_i£ 

»  THKT  K  NEW 
OF  £t.efi^eNTS  ? 


OlM  *m:  T"  tl    :  - 

1  rf  *im  ntmiti 

Editorui  Board 

Fall  IW.*;  [-diior  mthiel 

Jon  ( )'Bncn 

Spnng  I'W^  lulilor  in  {'hict 

iini  Walmiis 

Business  Manager 

.Alexiindni  .Siicalis 

Managing  Editor 

Dave  Pump 

News  Ell  it  or 


Ijiyoul  Editor 

.Iraccy  Sokolskj 

Arfi  &  Enicnuinnieni  Editiv 


Feaiures  Editor 

Jason  Retula 

Sports  Editor 

.'M)^an  Radenucher 

PlKito  Editor 


Faculty  Advisor 

SusjiniK  Havlic 


General  Information 

The  Harbinger  is  the  student  publication  lor  the  Harjier  Ci'llegc  campus  communitv,  pub- 
lishetl  biweekly  throughout  the  s<.hiKil  except  during  holidays  and  hnal  exams.  The 
paper  is  di-stobuted  fnv  to  all  studi'iils,  iaculty  and  administration.  Thf  Hiirl<inf;iT'!,  .solt 
purp<is«'  IS  to  pnivide  the  Harper  community  with  information  pertainmg  to  the  campus 
and  Its  sumuinding  communitv 

Letters  Policy 
The  Harbmger  wekmnes  letters  to  the  editor  and  a-plies  to  our  editorials.  Letters  must  be 
signed  and  mctude  a  sixial  security  number  Signatures  will  he  withheld  upttn  request. 
.All  letters  are  subiect  to  editing. 

Products  and  services  advertised  m  Tlir  HarHnjfer  ate  not  necessanlv  endorsed  bv  the  edi- 
tors of  this  paper.  n<->r  bv  the  ctillege  admmistration  or  fl.  >ard  of  lArectors.  Inquiru-s  should 
be  forwarded  directly  to  the  advertiser,  and  all  purchases  arv  at  the  discretion  of  the  con- 

Copyright  1W5,  The  Harbinger,  All  rights  reserved 


Just  who  does  this  kid  belong  to,  anyway? 


Late  one  •ftemoon  k»t  week,  while  surfing  (he 
Internet, ««  »o  many  erf  us  trendy  ectilor-typws 
do.  I  happen  to  come  acmm  some  rather  dis- 
turbing mh.)rm<»tion  Apfiiivntly.  J  family  b  tiling  a 
UwNuit  with  Prixligy,  iwie  i><  the  ctnintn,  %  most 
popular  onlme  serviti's.  Nx aiiM-  one  ot  ttit-ir  chil- 
dren found  Mime  <iexuaJlv  oH.'nsive  content  cm  ttie 
VViirld  Widi'  V\i;b  1  would  bf  happy  to  vent  my 
apuiKm  of  &i<!-  t.jmjy  but  nsking  a  libel  suit  an't 
my  cup  of  tea-  besides,  1  would  like  to  talk  about  a 
far  more  important  topic 

Tha  family  is  »umg  because  Prodigy  let  unsuil- 
Me  infonnahon  fall  into  the  wronR  hands  Can  I 
mk  something  here-  Why  is  it  I'nxligy's  fault  that 
these  paranis  weren't  pn->perly  supervismg  their 
chiU  7  To  put  ttn*  <|UR»lion  in  a  bioader  XDfM- that 

affects  us  .ill.  whv  .in-n't  par«'nt>  t<ikii\K  can'  ot  thfir 
child  mi' 

l-\.TVil<H,  i\  .•  M'l-  stonis  of  the  moral  fibt'iv  of 
the  bis  -I'-'ty-y  m^  called  the  United  Stati-s  vmravfl 
Childrtii  killmg  childim  for  a  piece  of  candy 
Fourteen  year-dd  gang  memK-r*  gettmg  shot.  And 
now,  children  getting  into  llie  wronfi  information 
on  the  Internet.  VNIien;  are  the  parents  to  take  care 
of  these  childi*"n?  They're  not  aaiund  to  supervise 
their  ottspnng,  but  wlien  something  goes  wrong, 
bov.  they  can  sure  get  to  a  lawyer  m  j  hurry! 

Ne<<d  I  remind  e\ery'  parml  out  tlifre  that  the 
secoiul  you  achieved  orgasm,  vou  agri>ed  to  the 
iMponsibilitK-s  of  paa-nth<Hxl^  That  musi  Ic  spti^ni 
was «'t  unbridled  pleasun-  tt-aching every  mrvr 
ending  in  yimr  b<xly,  it  wa-  vour  brain  reali/mg 
what  It  |ust  got  Itself  mlo  Vou  aga-ed  to  nurture  a 
child,  to  bring  it  up  to  he  a  pillar  of  stKiety,  not  a 
drainpipe  of  it. 

A«  for  casting  off  the  responsibility,  why  is  it  my 
|ob  to  watch  your  kid?  Not  to  sjmnd  to  heartless, 
but  I  got  more  important  things  to  do.  I  personally 
belong  Id  America  Online,  another  online  service.  I 
know  fm  a  fact  that  the  word  "baby-sitter."  or  any 

rcasoiiablo  facsimilf  tf>frfot.  Jih"^  not  oxist  ui  the 
r>Tms of  Stvuv  agrivmonl  e\ orv  A( '1  suliscriber 
abides  by.  I'm  prctt\-  sun-  that  the  saiiit-  can  be  said 
i>f  rnKtigy  Win  dulii  ( tile's*'  parent-  watch  what 
their  child  was  doing.'  Pnxligy  prox'idcs  vvaniint;s 
about  the  content  that  can  be  access^!,  as  well  as 
parental  control--  Tlio  parents  sjH'nied  to  have  o\or- 
iiKikrti  all  of  Has.  I  wonder  if  a  court  ot  law  will  as 

Mommv  and  Daddy  llie  only  ones  who  can 
decide  it  your  children  are  going  to  be  little  dar- 
lings or  hell-spawn  are  you  Taking  tlu-  iuvi>s,iry 
time  and  pulhng  forth  the  necessan  effort  ls  stime- 
thing  you  owe  to  your  child,  to  sixietv,  .vid  to 
\-oiii>flf.  rtily  llien  can  we  start  to  build  a  bc-tter 
siViety  for  our  childn-n  and  for  oursiK es 

And  communicate  online  hapj^iK  c\  er  after 

Ion  O'Bnen  is.  among  other  Ihmgs.  tlw  EJitiir  iii-Ouef 
o/The  Harbinger.  He  cm  be  reacM  via  The 
Harbinger  m  Buihlmg  A.  Room  367,  or  lu  <■  mail  at 


Student  Activities  Director  welcomes  you 


wyecow  to  Harper  CoUege!  You  have  made 
•  goad  dM3k»  to  Muich  jrour  life  by  taking 
■dvantaf*  of  our  aiceUait  acadeink  ofiedng*. 
WlMilHr  jn«  aae  ha*  far  ju*t  a  few  couaes  or 
advanligvolall  fta  cducabanal  oppoctunitwi 
afived  to  you.  CaOcge  i*  mote  than  just  books, 
•nd  I  «>o(Mini|«  you  to  devtiop  ]POttr  whoi« 
poanttal  «vhfl*  ho*.  Ncvar  again  wf  n  you  be 
pawoitod  witfi  *o  many  options  at  an  affordable 
price:  coMxrtih  Icctuns.  ptays,  ait  exhiMs,  6hM, 
and  aav  otftcr  cullual  events  are  picMnled 
fight  hae  at  HaipcE.  Ute  (he  oulalandtog  stu- 
4m  acthrtties  peap«nh  oeiMBunity  »Hvioe 

optiOM,  and  Ihe  acoR!)  of  dub*  and  or^niza- 
liora  as  your  opportunity  to  do  something 
cnfoyable,  meaningful  and  worthwhile. 

Students  are  faced  witfi  many  demands  on 
llwir  tone,  including  school,  family,  and  )ob 
RspOwMKties.  So  why  shouid  they  make  time 
for  inwohMnenI  in  student  activities?  It  is 
iewarding,  futv  and  graiifyvigl  Sti  get  mvalvedl 
^Kfc  Roacaich  ihoHft  thai  people  who  get 
knrohred  witfi  tttcdaasroaa  aie  more  likely  to 
stay  enrolled.  So  jcf  tttcofnetf.' Pact  In  a  study 
publiahed  in  May,  Harper  alumni  report  a  «g- 
nificant  lasting  benefioal  efiect  from  their 
Harper  student  activities  involvement  with 
tt$»ai  to  Oieir  inter-perssn^  skills,  career  and 

family  lives.  So  get  involved!  Fact:  ATiT,  the  cor- 
porate giant,  needed  to  know  which  college 
graduates  had  the  best  oianagement  potential 
for  fteir  company.  They  conducted  a  study  and 
k>oked  at  GPA,  choice  of  majors  class  rank,  etc., 
and  learned  tftat  the  second-best  predictor  of 
managemoit  ability  was  involvement  in  student 
activities  in  college.  So  get  involved!  If  you  want 
to  make  £rieivls,  challenge  yourself,  and  fdl  part 
of  the  college  community  life,  dien  make  a  ded- 
sion  now  to  partiapate  full  in  all  the  opportuni- 
ties offered  at  Harper  College.  Contact  the 
Student  Activities  Office,  Buikling  A,  Room  336, 
at  (708)  925-6242  for  further  information. 
fivm  Jaoine  Pdnkanirt,  Dkector  (^Student  AcHoities 

Make  memories — ^Join  The  Harbinger  today! 


AAE  EditOf 

One  thing  I  have  wanted 
lo  do  IS  to  come  up  with  a 
mission  statement  for  what  I 
would  like  to  see  m  the  Arts 
and  Entertainment  sechon 
this  semester  coming  up. 

I  was  the  AAt  editor  last 
semester,  am)  what  a  semes- 
ter It  was!  I  t«>k  on  the  ptwi- 
tiiTo  with  little  hands-on 
experience  (1  had  written 
cvactlv  one  artwle  for  the 
paper  up  to  that  pcimt),  and 
It  has  been  a  phenomenal 
experience  for  me 

In  one  semester  1«\t 
how  to  make  publicists  listen 
to  me  (that  »n't  alwavs  easv. 
either),  how  to  btxik  mter 
Views  and  even  get  to  meet 
with  people  such  as  James 
Young  and  They  Might  Be 
Giants,  how  to  conduct  the 
mterviews.  how  to  write 
about  music  and  muMCiaivs, 
how  to  review  a  concert,  and 

finally  how  to  lay  out  the 
paper.  Our  layout  night 
gives  new  meaning  to  the 
Sidney  Sheldon  title 

.VlfrriiTri-s  <•»  .Vluinij^'ll — how 
quickly  midnight  comes  and 
goes  when  we  spend  hours 
on  end  trying  to  come  out 
with  a  finished  paper  for 
your  reading  pleasure- 
Not  only  have  1  gotten  a 
lot  of  practical  experience, 
but  also  much  personal 
growth  I  h<ivt'  gaintxl  confi- 
dence in  my  work,  which  is 
not  easv  to  do  somctunes 
There  i>  nothing  like  the  tee! 
ing  of  getting  a  call  tnim  a 
band's  publicist  saymg 
"thanks  for  the  article^  the 
band  loved  ii;"  That  fivling 
IS  especially  strong  when  1 
n-cetve  a  phiwe  call  from  the 
.(:•    ■  -aving 

I!.  '.to  them 

!.  ,ue  pub- 

Ir-  -.dc 

aftet-siiow  passes  i 

Writing  lor  The  ffiirfintjriT 
has  als*,)  been  an  invaluable 
profeitsiDnal  expenence  for 
me— because  of  my  experi- 

ence here  1  have  developed  a 
workmg  relatK>nship  with 
ShmiKafe  Chicujtu  maga/me 
as  a  contributing  wnler  (1 
usually  try  to  Slav  away 
from  shameless  plugs,  but 
the  August  Lssue  featuies 
Zippcthead,  a  really  cool 
local  band,  and  it's  free!) 

Oiu-  thing  1  would  like  to 
do  in  the  semester  to  come  is 
feature  some  music  reviews 
of  kxal  bands  .\nvone  who 
has  a  CD  or  cassette  they 
would  like  tv>  submit  may 
drop  it  off  m  my  mailbox  at 
the  Hiirtw^c!  olfice  I  wi-^ulil 
like  to  trv  >iiui  run  as  many 
rev  lews  .is  I   I  would  bke 
to  continue  to  bnng  inter 
views  and  concert  rev  lews  to 
our  campus,  but 
there  is  s>'  milk; 
that  we  can't  possibiv  sov  er 
everything.  Suggestions  are 
alwavs  welcome  as  to  what 
vou  woulil  like  to  see  tov- 
erevl  in  ;\  ■-  ilwavs 

welcoini  :  I  ihmk 

VI  HI  mav  be  interested  in 
contributing  to  The  Hiirinnf;tT 
in  any  way,  shape,  or  form, 
stop  by  the  Harbinger  office 
and  tell  someone. 

Mn  Tho  Hort)ingaf  cod  you  too  con  moat  supontacs  Vke  tomwt 
Slyx  BUioiW  Jomei  "JY"  Voung.  whose  most  recent  toto  pio- 
ioct,  *BalMdt>y  Wotvos."  wot  ratoosod  kut  spring. 

Louia  Gofrtson  photo 

«h  ^ 

P.O.  BOX  190968 



Millions  of  dollars  in  scholarships,  fellowships,  grants,  internships,  work  study  programs 
and  special  student  aid  funds  go  unused  every  year  because  students  simply  don't 
know  where  to  apply  or  how  to  get  their  share. 

The  secret  in  locating  money  for  college,  lies  in  your  strategy.  You  need  step4>y-step 
Information  on  what  aid  is  available  and  how  you  can  get  it.  The  time  to  apply  is  now! 
You  can  apply  as  early  as  your  junior  year  in  high  school,  or  during  your  undergraduate 
or  graduate  study.  Aid  can  be  used  at  any  accredited  college  or  trade  school. 

This  Directory  will  provide  information  for  Students  or  Individuals  wishing  or  attending 
high  schools,  business  schools,  technical  schools,  graduate  schools,  law  schools, 
medkal  schools,  vocational  institutions,  undergraduate  schools,  research  programs, 
and  leadership  programs. 

Corporations,  Trusts.  Foundations.  Religious  Groups  and  other  Organizations  offer 
Scholarships.  Fellowships.  Grants.  Internships,  and  Work  Study  Programs  to  students 
annually,  regardless  of  grades  or  parents  income  levels. 


Please  send  me  a  copy  of  the  Scholarship  Directory  -  Enclosed  is  $25.00 







kfoM  mean  I  ce^l^i  have  gotten 


for  less  than  these? 
New  ijoM  tell  me. 

I  Now  vou  know  Monet  Polo.  Perry  Ellis 
}  Anne  Klein,  Lli  Qalbome  Gant.  Buqle  Boy. 
'Guess  BUI  Bla«(  Ray-B«n  BoUe.  Nautlca 
and  more  They're  all  here  All  priced  lower 
Ihan  anywhere  elie  In  lown.  Becauae  we 
alwayi  Include  The  WorW  CUaa  or  plastic 
alnqle  vi»on  len»e»  Timed  or  phologray   Even 
overaUed  After  all   whal  good  are  designer  frames 
without  lenses''  You'll  alwa-yt  pay  less  at  For  Eyes 

€oR  Eves 

Look  Smort' 


€  Oft  f  yes 


Now  tavw  $20  on  ChtttgrHW 

from  S 10*  M  inc'ueiofl  Ar*n»  I 

Khmn    Psmry  Ethl  »r*c*  mor»'  | 

SHuglw  wgton  imn*m*  incluehKl  | 


2  PAIR 

€oR  Ives 


(ram  our  Fsahtan  Coflsctton  iwih  1 

sm^  nkion  tonus  Fsitain  or  I 

IMI^SSS  IjM  M  no  MUS  <IWfg«  | 

Our  am  (mr  i»<<a  I4a  Se  ■ 

700  E   HJggms  Rd.  C708J  884-0S60 
■t  134-138  E   RandRd    (708J  670-7565 

i.l-\\MHII>'>  MtS    ft': 



Shopping  Cntr. 
(7M)  731-1664 



Back  to  School  SPECIAL 

\  r 

Back  to  School  SPECIAL 


B.ick  »o  Sc/100/  SPECIAL 

i  r 

Sacfc  fo  Scftoo/  SPf CMf 

Help  Wanted 

Help  wanted /Tart  tmu' 
Filini;  ck-rk  .ind  Satun1.iv 
v,i>hiiT  nei'dod  20->ii 
hours  dunnj;  the  week. 
57<K)  per  liovir  Cill  Carol 
Adams  at  SS2-«4iXI  M-F  tor 

Wanted— reliable  men  and 
women  to  work  as  person- 
al assistants  for  pt-oplo 
with  disabilities  in  their 
homes.  Full  or  part  time 
Hours  lleKihle  For  more 
information  call  (708)  S24- 
IWX)  or  (7(18)  .'>2-l-(16W  TFY, 
The  I'rogress  Center  for 
Independent  Living 

For  Rent 

lX"[X'ndablf  female 
ed  to  rent  family  room, 
(-■edroom  and  hath  in  my 
ijuiet  family  home  Kitchen 
and  laundry  f.iciHties  priv 
\ided.  "Vorv  clean  and  pri- 
vate. Call  Harriet  at  (708) 

FOR  RENT— Office  desks, 
pens,  paper,  friends,  and 
attention  from  the  college 
commuiiitv  T(ie  Harbinger 
IS  Icwking  for  editors  and 
writers  tor  the  1^4.=;-% 
schiH>l  vear  For  informa- 
tion, call  (70S)  .W7-30(K),  ex. 
24M  or  stopby  A367. 

Elaine  Dobra's 
Temporary  Jissociates" 


Besume  Pfeporation  also  avoHQble. 

The  24  hour,  full  service 
temporary  help  company. 

Let  The  Harbinger 

meet  all  your 

advertising  r^eeds. 

Call  (708)  925-6460  to 

place  your 

display  or  classified 

ads.  In-district 

businesses  are 

eligible  to  receive  a 

■  0%  discount  on 

display  ads.  Certain 

restrictions  apply. 

^^jHarper  Sports 


Sept.  4 














Bt'thdny  Lutheran 

College  oi  DuPage 

fud!K>n  JV 

Lake  County 


College  of  DuPage 




|uds<»n  JV 

Lincoln  Land 


Sugar  Grove 








RivtT  C.nn  f 

Glen  fcUyn 







4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
1  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
9  a.m. 
4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
4  p.m 

3  p.m. 

4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 

4  p.m. 
4  p.m. 
1  p.m. 







Sept.  1 

Colli"               -"'..iKe 


2  p.m. 










R(xk  Valkv 








Mi)rame  Vallev 






9  a.m. 






College  of  Dupage 

Glen  Ellyn 



IllmoiN  \'<;ill»'\ 




McHenn  Countv 




RtKk  Vallev 


2:30p  ni 


NAC  Conf  Toiirn 


>*  a.m- 

Oct.  3 


Glen  Ellyn 



NSCAA  Region  IV 

Glen  Ellyn 






Sept.  1 

Highland  '36 


8  a.m. 


Parkland  ln\  ite 


10  am 


College  of  DuPage 

Clt-n  Ellvn 



Rock  Vallev  Invite 




DuPage  Classic 

Glen  Ell\n 



College  of  IXiPage 

Poplar  Creek 


Rock  Vallev 

Hoffman  Es. 


Rock  Vallev 




Lincoln  Invite 




Lincoln  Invite 



Oct.  2 









Sept.  2 

Iowa  Central 


1  p.m. 


Illinois  Vallev 


1  p.m. 


t;rand  Rapids 


1  p.m. 


St.  Ambrose  Univ.  JV 


1  p.m. 


North  Iowa  Area  CC 

Masmi  Citv 

1  p.m. 

Oct.  7 





Illinois  Wesleyan 


2  p.m. 


Rock  Vallev 


1  p.m. 


College  ot  DuPage 


1  p.m. 





Sept.  5 



5  p  m. 


Moraine  \'alle\ 

Palos  Hills 

6  p.m. 


South  Suburban 


9  a.m. 




6  p.m. 



Des  Plaines 

5  p.m. 


COD  Toum. 

Glen  Ellyn 

9  a.m. 


College  i^f  DuPage 

Glen  ElK  n 

5  p.m. 




S  p.m. 


Stnith  Suburhdn 

South  Holland 





5  p.m. 

2'-»  -  .'^O 

Mii^kegi>ii  Tourn. 

Muskegon,  Ml 


Ck:t.  5 

R(xk  Vallev 


5  p.m. 


1 11  mo  IS  Valley 


.S  p.m 

13-  14 

COD  Toum. 

Glen  Ellvn 



lake  County 


.5  p.m. 




9  a.m. 





Do  you  like  to  write? 

Do  you  like  sports?? 

Would  you  like  to 

write  sports??? 

Then  you  are  perfect  for  The 

Harbingerl  We  are  always 
looking  for  writers,  especially 

in  our  sports  department,  so 

I         stop  by  A367  or  call 

(708)  397-3000,  ex.  2461  for 

more  details! 

\hv    voi«'e   of   harper   colleg 

lege  V-^      vrf.xxviii.110.2 

Learning  Resource  Center  reopens 

Newly  revamped  center  prepares  for  the  demands  of  the  21st  century 

^^^  ■■Ill  11^  II ^n~n  JuHa Thonwon  everyday,  Dumisio  >...d  a  bifi 

JuHa  Thompion 

Hofbingef  Slotf 

n  thf  l.isl  25  yrar?.  while 
ll.irprr  (  olli'>;i'  h.i>  K-on 
fxp-uulmg.  and   nunuig     mtvk 

toward  the  21'.l  lontun  the     threi'      new 

livirnin>;  Kesoiin  i-s  Cfntor. 

othi-rwisf     knov\n     .!•■     llu' 

!i!'-  i;\    ti.iN  hi-.'n  li'tl  behind 

!  ;,;■:,('!■.  .1  ijuarler  '.'»  •! 
■  iler.   the   I: 

concern   w<i.s   updatinj;  the 
ompuler  systems 

Diirothv  MeCabe, 

oordin.itor      I'f      reference 

aid    there   will   be 

multi -media 

renters       ev|Uipped       with 

.lalabaves  t.>  i'tvhne  >er\  n  es 

Thi-  new 

!. ill, MIS    will    be 

Hoftoiogw  Manoging  EdHo.  Dav»  Pump  and  Wwtogiaphet  MitxJy  Be.enzweig  browse  through 
^S^rtWmoSewte  o(  voluir*. maiabi*  to  rtudwth.  The  improved  Leamnng  Resource 
CenJw  w«  o«W  improved  Jhidy  «oci»lf«  and  ttctwologicot  impiwemeoh 

WUli        ihe 



f I . ' ni       \ r  t 

in        instruction 

it  mi've  MHilJ  you 

!  \  en    the    nasty    job    of 

deinj;  research  paper's  will 

be   iMsier   due    Ici    the    new 

iirmlalion    desk,        Kathi'r 

'B^?A/?V  on  page  2. 

Vital  work  experience 
for  tomorrow's  careers 


Hotbing*-'  •V'O'.j'fi  tilitC': 


Uiclenl^    ■nten 


Way  to  go.  Hawks! 

HarptT's  t(H>tbjlI  team  is  cek+ratinfi  their  25th 
sea^m  With  thorn,  Ctwch  )ohn  EliaMC 

celehr.itfN  bfinj;  the  wmninsest  iiuch  in 
NiCCA  histi)r\   Rt\id  .iKnit  it  m  Sports.  Page  8 


August  26th  marked  the  75th  anniversary  of 

the  Suffrage  Amendment  Harper  celebrated 
with  a  flashb.u  k  i. '  I-'  ;e  ,a  hen  I  .race  Wilbur 
Trout  spoke  ot  the  mki,  ess  rh»>leis  on  Page  2. 

The  Harbinger  welcomes  "Dear  Tonv  "  our 
very  own  advice  cttlumnist!  Tony  s  words  of 
wisdom  can  be  tound  in  Features.  Page  3 

F^jgiw  2 

. ..      Featiuc* 


Arb  k  fnkftmmwta 


frr  specialist,  m  some 
capa.  it\  i>i  aiii'lli.  I 

'The  cooperative  and  internship 
programs  provides  students  with  in\alnable 
work  experiemc  tor  studenls,"  she  said 

Kris  has  been  at  Harper  for  the  past  five 
years,  and  m  lune  was  elected  the  President 
ot  this  \  ear's  Illinois  Association  for 
t  ooperative  Fduiation  and  Internships, 

t  ooperati\e  education  and  internships, 
which  allows  students  to  aam  valuable  on- 
the-job  training;  e\pc:  i^c  o( 
discussion  every  in.-  '••'■^i^  '"-' 
C  i.nrov,  the  lACElP,  which  consists  ol  both 
lommunity  colleges  and  four-year 
institutions,  meets  at  various  colleges, 
anmnd  Illinois  to  enhance  the  quality  of 
internship  and  cooperative  edutatjon 

"The  association  enhances  the  need  and 
enrichment  tor  lareer  programs  to  ci'liej;es," 
Conroy  said  It  spreads  word  to  prospech\e 
employers  and  inlorms  students  to  the 
importance  ot  internships  and  cix>p<-rati\e 
education.  Gaining  state  support  and 
funding  is  also  a  vital  (unction  of  the 

One  of  the  first  items  on  her  agenda. 

Rfach  us  at  3973000,  ex.  2461 

t  oiiToi  said  thai  -he  wants  lo  spread  the 
word  on  the  inipoit.iiii  e  ol  ianous  >,ireer 
programs  sljlewide  and  locally  here  ,il 

"As  president,  1  lui(ie  '  'i"'s 

and  intt-rns  more  Msibilii,  '■" 

programs,  the  evposure  will  vieliiiiiely 
atlrai  1  more  ernplovers,"  C'onrov  said 

As  botli  [nesiilent  ot  the  I  At  FIT  and 
.areer  sjH-cialisl  at  Harper,  she  said  tliat  she 
IS  concerned  with  the  career  choites  students 

1  w  ant  lo  stress  the  importance  of  our  co- 
op and  uilernship  programs  here,  Conroy 
explained-  "It  you  are  planning  a  si-nous 
career  change,  then  joining  a  career  program 
is  a  must  It  used  to  be  that  empUners  hired 
people  with  )ust  a  degree  a  few  years 
Ku  k    not  anymore." 

Although  Harpers  career  programs  are 
only  three  years  old,  there  are  still  many 
opportunities  Conroy  said,  "rhere  are  a 
wide  range  of  choices  including  business, 
chemistry  computers,  pharmacy  political 
science,  psychology.,  and  more  Work  can 
be  found  both  full  and  part  time," 

Students  have  the  opportunity  to  earn  up 
to  two  to  five  credit  hours  per  semester 
through  co-op  education.  Internships  are 
usually  held  in  the  summer 

For  more  information  call  the  Career 
Center  at  >)25-6220,  or  stop  by  the  office 


LIBRARY:  remodeled  and 
ready  for  the  21st  century 

Itompage  1 

than  searching  for  the 
periodicals  and  microfilm 
amongst  rows  of  shelves, 
simply  Hrinj;  the  vohime 
number  or  issue  to  the  de^ 
and  the  librarian  will  gel  it 
for  you. 

Not  only  has  Harper 
improved  the  library's 
resources  kn  students  from 
the  neck  up,  but  also  from 
the  neck  down  with  new 
study  carrels.  "The  new 
carrels  are  more  attractive, 
peaceful,  and  conducive  to 
the  learning  environment," 


The  library  renovation 
has  been  a  massive 
undertaking  I>an  of  tfie 
Learning  Resource  Center, 
Le*  Vogel  said  the  biggesi 
hurdle  was  to  plan  for  foda\ 
while  thinking  ahead 
toward  the  future 

So  don't  let  tht 
construction  intimidate  you 
the  library  is  up  and 
running  Just  go  to  the  fir>t 
flotir  circulation  desk  witti 
identification  and  get 
yourself  a  library  card 

Drama  Lab  show 
try-outs  coming 
up  next  week 

The  Harper  College 
Theater  will  be 
holding  auditions  for 
their  first  play  of  the  season, 
"The  Dinmg  Room  "  by  A  R 
Gurney,  on  Wednesday 
SeplemN'r  13  at  7  EM  in  th«" 
Drama  Lab  IL109)  and  on 
Thursday  September  14  at  7 
P.M  in  the  Rehearsal  Hall 
(L109d)  The  Auditions  are 
open  to  all  interested  Harper 
students  and  staff  Callback 
will  be  on  Fnday,  September 
15  at  7  p.m.  in  the  Drama 

"The  Dining  Room"  has  a 
cast  of  three  or  four  men  and 
thiw-  or  four  women.  It  is  a 
funny  and  touching  play 
tfiat  takes  place  m  the  dining 
room  of  a  well-to-do 
American  family    The  actor 






WeU.  al  Chlldren-t 
World  Yoa  Caal 

II  veu  *•  MoUng  lor  ■  MnM* 
paunn  VMI  ••  mu  row  hac 
lie  fchcdul*  m*n  thait 
Mfhat't  waiting  for  you  al 
CNMranvWorM,  Vm  mif<« 
iv^Mt  piw^da*  0*  cfwa  oa#a 
n  Ka  cawoy  RaoHlar  pan 
and  M  Mm  puftlina  an 
anaHaWi  M  aar  Ca—aalW 
CanMa  aM  aw  talaia  •  » 
■r  «ah»a»j»ayaia»_aa^»aa  aa 

am  M  uaaiiMOWir  eaMan 

nmgjwM  MkwtanCMcaga. 
iWa  atat  uamiali'i  »»r.  »*■ 

plaf  anioai  paM  laMjatMaa 
a*  aar  MicMHi  ai  (TM)  trs- 

must  he  willing  to  changt- 
roles,  personalities  and  ages 
as  they  portray  a  wide 
variety  of  characters  fron 
little  boys  to  sterr' 
grandfjthers  and  from 
teenage  girls  to  Irish 

Pitx^uction  dates  are 
Novembers  10, 11, 12;  17, 18 
and  19  in  tile  Drama  Lab 
Copies  of  the  script  will  be 
available  on  reserve  in  the 
Library.  The  audition  will 
consist  of  a  cold  reading 
from  Ihescnpt 

Auditions  for  the  othCT 
two  plays  of  the  season, 
"Crimes  of  the  Heart"  by 
Beth  Heniey  and  "The  Glass 
Menagerie"  by  Tennessee 
Williams  will  he  held  in  tho 
second  semester 

For  any  additional 
information,  contact  Mary  (o 
Willis,  92SM4S,  or  stop  bv 
her  office  {L 115). 



A  celebration  of  the  right 
for  women  to  vote 

Th*  19K  ScnUay 



Gtocs  \Mbur  Tioui.  pottrdyed  by 
Mcvy  Aim  FPOucBtick,  Mb  wonMn 
•vwywtMW  to  conflniM  IM  ilnigol* 
tof  Kiuaily . 

August  26. 1995,  marks 
the  75th  anniversary  of  the 
Suffrage  Amendment    The 
amendment  gave  women  in 
Illinois  the  right  to  vote. 

On  August  23rd, 
Harper  celebrated  a  re- 
enactment  of  Grace  Wilbur- 
Trout's  speech  infonning 
women  of  their  newly 
established  freedom  and 
that  they  must  continue  to 
achieve  equality. 




(iu«r  foura  or  csKivAL  low) 


(Xn- fOUra  OF  LOB  OOQK  HOMO) 





UMTOIC  na  nBlONLO  MAY  K  IBQUnED  OFTEK  EXntBS  ■ms.iffs 



■Iliiniii I'm • t liiiiiili 





i^e^^^l'^'cotu^-  Tony's  Veil  of  Tears 



Welcome  to  The  Harbinger's  rww  Lkivicc 

columnist,  "Dear  Tonv".  Tony  will  tit  tempt  to 

fielp  readers  deal  with  prohlenn:  of  all  kmd<'. 

Leave  him  a  letter  in  BiaLlin^  A,  Rmm  367. 

Dear  Tony, 

Last  semester  I  met  Ihis 

gn-at  guv  in  my  FH-nch  cUss 
Hf  was  everything  I  tould 
hope  (or  in  d  man,  tun, 
handsome,  generous  .ind 
lovins  As  our  rel.itioa>»hip 
blossomed,  we  pLinrwd  lo 
marry  this  past  |uly.  Time 
drew  nearer  to  our  wedding 
date,  when  only  one  week 
before,  he  announced  that 
we  should  Jt'i.n  the  date. 
Mv  mother  and  1  had 
.ilready  sent  out  the 
Mlions  and  I've  t>een 
nmg  (or  our  new  home 
M)  (larKe  ilaims  that  <i(ter 
he  graduati-s  ne\(  yen.  we  II 
he     in     .1  '■-ifK'uil^"n  :.>Jo' 

flail'  ; 

Ho!.!  -.11. 

Dear  Plans  De»tr«»yed. 

If  we  can  get  through  the 

landmine"!  of  engagement. 
well  ^Ut.  h  tliis  weddmg  up 
with  .1  U'.id  f"i[H'  The  fH>ni)  of 

two         iiulu  iilsiaU,         the 

marriage,  is  a  total  package 
and  lifetime  commitment 
which  must  he  scrutmiz*'*:! 
S«>metimes     the     best-laid 

plan.s  go  awrj'  for  better 
reasons  Bt'st  to  hold  off  on 
the  weddmg  until  kwerboy 

graduates.  This  will  give  (he 
both  of  you  time  lo  save 
money  to  support  the  pxv- 
nuptial  love  nest 

Dew  Tony, 

A»  a  single  father,  I  worry 
jibtHIt  mv  tne-v«;ar  i>ld  son  1 
cast  doubts  on  my  baby- 
sitter, thinking  that  slie  l.s  not 
hving  up  to  her 
responsihilitifs-  I  often  caJ! 
home  '  :  .'n  niv  -<'n 

HI  K'l'i'.  -iriii  i-\.T\ 

>'las-  1  lii'ii  Jt(dnl  It'  (r.i.  h 
him  to  nde  a  brke  lot  Irar  fl 
him  tailing  and  hiirtmg 
hims«>lf  How  can  I  calm'  my 
fears '"■■ 

Confused  Parent 
[\ila(ine,  II 

Deaf  ConfuMid  Panmt, 

You  are  not  lonlused,  you 
are  ovcrproleitive  of  your 
child    There  are  concerns 

with  evervday  dangers  of 
t)ur  children  but  heri'  are 
sMne  thoughts  to  lessen 
your  worry-wart  burdens: 
Encourage  independent 
play  Resist  getting  involved 
Encourage  skill  acquisition 
Your  son  needs  a  sease  of 
self-esteem  and 

accomplishment,  if  you  can't 
h«?ar  to  see  your  child  fall, 
have  the  baby-sitter  or 
.somri  'I'.r  •■\-.i-  teach  hmi  to 
nde  a  bike  Be  aware  t>t  how 
much  your  own  past  is 
inOuencing  you  Wen:-  your 
pa  ren  ts  o  verp  rotec  1 1  ve  ■" 
Recognize  your  limits  in 
controlling  your  child. 

IX'ar  lony, 

Mv  bov'tiirnd   IS  .1  wild 
one    Me  >>flen  i;ih'".  out  with 
his  male  triends  ,ind  lOt; 
home  drunk    He  drive-  ; 
1  ,ir  recklessly    He  now  )i  ii.  l.-f-  for  sptt'diri,, 
Hr  :  ,i\    llie  tlikels 

anil  ,  ..1.1.  .i;..ik!  he  will  *■■■■ 
arrested   one  dav    H-- 
that  all  this  mess  m  his  lite  is 
due  to  his  astrological  sign 
(I  think  that  h.  -  \;m 

cheap   and   ir:  -■< 

this  month,  he  has  taken  up 

the  position   (hat   his  main 
planet.      Mercury,      is      in 
retrograde  Help! 
Elgin,  IL 

r>ar  Susan, 

You  bet   Uranus' 

feelings  are  a  dead  ringer. 
After  your  reckless  K>au  has 
finished  his  driving  lessoas, 
he  can  brush  away  the 
cobwebs  on  his  checkbook 
and  pay  for  his  outstanding 
moving  violations 


Elaine  Dobra's 
Temporary  Jlssociates " 


Resume  Preparation  also  avQiloble. 

The  24  hour,  full  service 
temporary  help  company. 

vou  cant  beol 

our  book  buy 

txjck  progran-r 

We  Buy  Back 

New  &  Used 

We  carry  all  books 
tor  scheduled 
classes!       -- 

Special  orders  taken 



We're  open  Evenings  8c  Weekends— Convenient  for  you! 

Eagle  Textbook  Warehouse 

1502  Algonquin  Rd.,  Palatine  IL  60067 
Located  in  Harper  Plaza  next  to  Mobil  Gas  Station  on  Roselle  Rd. 





Our  View 

$3.5  million:  It's 
money  well  spent! 

There  was  a  lot  of  things  Harper  could 
have  done  with  $3.5  million.  How  would  a 
cut  in  the  bookstore  prices  sound?  Maybe 
less  expensive  cafeteria  food.  Or  maybe  a 
tuition  rebate!  Valet  parking  in  Parking  Lot 
One  nught  not  be  so  bad,  either. 

How  about  a  renovated  Learning 
Resource  Center? 

That  place  that  is  known  to  commonfolk 
as  the  library  underwent  a  significant  reno- 
vation over  the  summer.  What  used  to  be 
worn-out  carpet  and  bad  lighting  is  now  a 
state-of-the-art  learning  facility  New  fea- 
tures, such  as  multimedia-capable  comput- 
ers, a  bibliographic  instruction  Rx)m, 
expanded  circulation,  and  more  space 
enable  the  L.R.C.  to  meet  the  needs  of  stu- 
dents and  faculty  for  the  next  several  years. 

If  you  haven't  visited  the  L  R.C.  lately 
stop  by  and  take  a  Icwk.  You'll  find  a  styl- 
ish facility  and  professional  staff  read\'  to 
cater  to  your  learning  needs.  This  is  your 
tuition  and  taxes  working  for  you—  stop  by 
and  check  it  out! 

Not  a  bad  return  on  a  sizable  investment, 
is  it? 

THE  ED'S  VIEW     /on  O'Bru-r,.  Uitor-m-Chiff 

Same  to  you,  ya'  idiot!! 

The  ottiCT  day  my  girl- 
fiimd  was  telling  me  of  an 
mcideni  she  had  at  work 
that  made  me  think  hand 
alxnit  how  we  treat  some 

A  young  family  walked 
out  on  a  sizable  check  at 
Ruby  Tuesday  restaurant  at 
Woodfield  Mall  The  catch 
was  they  forgot  their  keys  at 
the  Uble  They  had  the 
nerve  to  go  back  to  get  their 
keys  and  still  not  pay  the 
ct>eck!  They  claimed  that 
they  waited  45  minutes  for 
their  check.  The  manage- 
ment apologized  and  let 
them  go  (and,  no,  they  did- 
n't leave  a  tip). 

I  was  outraged.  Why 
would  a  manager  let  a  herd 
of  white  trash  scum  bags 
walk  out  on  a  check?  I 
would  have  been  dangling 
those  keys  over  their  heads 
on  a  stick  until  the  mill 
.security  team  came  to  haul 
them  away  had  I  been  that 

Contnm'  to  some  peo- 
ple's opinions.  [  beliovo  that 

we  sh<iuld  try  to  be  fxjiite 
and  courteous  lo  those  who 
deserve  it  I  also  believe  that 
those  who  annoy  me 
deserx'e  whatever  hell  I 
unleash  upon  them  (Yes, 
this  is  a  rather  twisted  inter- 
pretation of  the  "Golden 

You  could  say  that  it's 
bad  public  relations  for  an 
establishment —  be  it  restau- 
rant or  otherwise—  to  treat 
customers  poorly,  even  if 
Ihey  deserve  it.  Well,  what 
makes  the  treatment  poor? 
I  wouldn't  want  a  clan  of 
dishonest  pec^le  coming 
back  to  my  business  if  I 
caught  them  once.  Don't  get 
me  wrong—  I  believe  every- 
one should  get  a  fair  chance. 
But  if  they're  going  out  of 
their  way  to  screw  you  over, 
that  treatment  that  was  con- 
sidered poor  is  now,  in  my 
humble  opinion,  jastified. 

Are  you  one  of  those 
people  who  feel  that  you  are 
entitled  to  special  treatment 
at  the  expense  of  others? 
Do  you  feel  that  yelling, 
screaming  and  walking  on 
people  is  the  best  way  to  gel 
what  you  want?  I've  got  a 
question  for  you:  why? 
VVhtTf  do  you  gel  off  rais- 

ing hell  and  making  my  life 
miserable?  I've  got  news 
for  you:  threatening  a  law- 
suit every  time  you  spill 
your  coffee  isn't  the  way  to 
expedite  service!  If  you'd 
take  tfie  time  to  rest  your 
vocal  chords  between  your 
wild  bursts  of  unbridled 
bitching  and  attempt  to 
work  with  this  hell-spawn 
in  front  of  you,  knovtm  to 
most  as  the  clerk,  you  might 
actually  get  something  done 
without  raising  your  blood 
pressure  to  new  highs. 

The  next  time  you're  in  a 
sitiiation  ttiat  goes  awry, 
take  some  time  to  bite  your 
lip  (and  think  things  out). 
Not  everyone  is  out  to  con 
you.  And  if  you're  thinking 
of  corming  someone  else, 
don't  expect  them  to  t>e  nice 
you.  Feel  free  to  take  my 
verbal  counter  assault  per- 

/on  O'Brien  i.<,  or  so  he  thinks, 
the  t'dilcirin  chief  of  The 
Harbmger    Drop  him  a  line 
at  his  office  in  Building  A, 
Room  367,  or  via  internet  at 
loruobrien&anl com    /f yiijj're 
the  family  lie  i/<m  nfifj  above, 
he'd  like  lo  /k/*  tn  vou  about 
hia  ^irlfrienJ  s  nii>!,in-,^  lip 

ILST  PLAIN  WRONG  (  /  / .  ■  K, 

..A-'C'aT     ^yB*J''i'Ji    -»-<«**.lT». 

The  Hg^binger 

II!  n  \m   To  at  rmrHH.t.  ^a  i  sut  ami  mi  n  u 

Editorial  Board 

f-(titor  in  Chief 
Business  .\tiinjgcr 

Managing  Ldiioi 

Arts  &  Entenamment  f-iljtor 
Features  Ed  nor 

.   Jon  O'Bncn 

.\lc\andru  Sacalis 

Dave  Pump 

Laura  Garristw 
Ja.son  Reluia 

Spom  Editor Susan  Radcmacher 

Faculty  Advisor Susanne  Havlic 


Paul  FliKlen,  T  VV  Fuller,  Julio  Thompson,  Kathy  Betls,  Jim  Kopeny,  Mindy  Berenzweig, 

General  Information 

The  Harfimxcr  is  the  student  publi<.,<tion  for  thf  Harper  College  campus  community,  pub- 
lished biweekly  throu>;hout  thf  school  i-uv pt  Jiiruig  holidays  and  final  i-xams.  The 
p.ijsT  IS  ,.iistnhut,\i  rrir  to  .til  stuilfnts,  Ko  ult\  .md  .iciministration  The  Harbinxer't,  sole 
piirpoM-  IS  u  p:\n  lAc  !li<-  Harper  cornrnunity  ivilh  iniortnation  ^vrlaining  to  the  campus 
and  Its  surrounding;  .:ommunitv 

Letters  Policy 
The  Hurbm\;er  wekimK>s  leltcrs  ti<  t\;.:  fdiior  .md  replifs  lo  our  editorials.  Letters  mast  be 
signed  and  include  a  scx-ial  sccuritv  numK-i  Sijjnaturos  will  be  withheld  upon  request. 
All  letters  are  ■.uhjecl  to  editing 

frcxlucts  and  .services  advertised  in  The  Harbinger  are  not  necessarily  endorsed  by  the  edi- 
tors of  this  paper,  nor  by  the  college  administration  or  Board  of  Directors  Inquiries  should 
be  forwarded  directly  to  the  advertiser,  and  all  purchases  are  at  the  discretion  of  the  con- 

Copyrighl  1W5,  TTie  Hariringer,  All  rights  reserved 

A.   * 

SI.  I 

Arts  ft  Entertamment 



Cleaning  Ladys:  'We  want  the  airwaves' 

LouiQ  Gontoon 

Arts  4  Entefti3«nmeot  Edrtcx 

It  sounds  liluF  Spinal  Tip 
revisited,  a  party  gone 
completely  crazy.  The 
theme  song  ends,  and  sud- 
denly the  four  hosts  are  all 
yammering  at  once. 

"Another  Who  reissue!" 
Art  screams  out  of  nowhere 
"1  swear,  there  are  ten  tunes 
as  many  Who  compilations 
out  there  as  there  were  origi- 
nal albums!" 

"Oh,  God,  he's  ragging 
on  Townshend  again!'  says 
Dan.  "Give  Pete  a  break!  His 
ears  are  still  ringing;  he 
needs  the  money  for  an  oper- 

The  Cleaning  Ladys,  four 
Chicago  music  scene  \feter- 
ans,  are  about  to  pull  off 
what  they  have  more  or  less 
avoided  doing  for  nearly  two 
decades,  they're  going  to  get 
in  your  face! 

The  band  contisis  of  fohn 
Anderson,  vocals,  Scott 
Brewer,  bass.  Art  Collins, 
Kuitjr.  dnd  Dan  Laino  (a.k.a. 
Djniel  T  Stix),  drums  As 
with  any  long  stdnding  rela- 
tionship. th«»  tnemhers  each 
brin>;  thi-ir  own  f>tTS(»n.iliru's 

into  the  party — sometimes 
harmoniously,  sometimes 
not.  ("And  sometimes  the 
police  show  up,"  adds  Scott.) 

Their  music-talk  radio 
show,  Ntfdle  Dmp,  is  part 
Spinal  Tap  nin  amok  (except 
that  the  hosts  are  in  on  the 
joke),  and  part  Steve  Dahl- 
meets-Sisket  and  Ebert. 
Much  Uke  in  Woynr's  WorU, 
four  frustrated  artists  get  to 
hurl  their  mayhem  over  an 
unsuspecting  Chicago  area— 
their  own  way. 

"First  and  fbinmnt,  we're 
rock  musk  fans,"  explains 
John.  "Wr  came  up  in  the 
daaiic  era,  which  our  critical 
penpective  reflects,  in  that 
we  like  our  songs  well-struc- 
tured and  imaginative  and 
energetic  and  rebellious." 

Vital  Stats 

The  show  is  set  in  an 
abandoned  warehouse,  and 
the  Cleaning  Ladys  take  over 
the  airwaves  on  WCBR-FM 
(92.7)  each  and  every 
Monday  night  from  9p  m  *  ■ 
midnight  As  tor  the  shi'  • 
musical  variety,  it's  an  .la 
inclusive  hodgepodge  Dan's 
a  metalhead  (hence,  the  reg- 
ular       segment        "Metal 


(OUECI  siuKins 


w  Jbos  (MiinM  far  urNMubn,  Kxidbn,  dbdi  dbto  1^ 

•  to  wl  bioMt  k  mi  0  nnri  hbrjtk 





— 1 






This  is  the  only  show  that 

promises  you  music  but 

delivers  conversation! 

Scoii  Brewer 

Illness").  John's  heroes 
include  (but  are  not  limited 
to)  Dylan,  Springsteen,  and 
Elvis  Costello  Art  tends  to 
veer  toward  the  bizarre — 
Zappa,  The  Residents,  and 
Laurie  Anderson  Scott  is  an 
art  rock  fan  with  a  particular 
fondness  for  XTC. 

"We  aren't  quite  as  well 
versed  in  Ws  music,"  Art 
admits,  "but  that's  where 
our  young,  fresh,  happening 
stalf  comes  in." 

The  Ladys'  supporting 
cast  iiKludes  music  trivia 
mogul  Shawn  Campbell, 
"Token  Teenage 

Correspondent"  lef  Vemeuil, 
and  the  "Cracked 

Production  Staff",  loasisting 
of  studio  produier  lina 
';frj^s<"r.  who  handles  the 
^  mam  promotions 
<».ni  giveaways,  aiul  produc- 
er/music news  correspon- 
dent Laura  Lee  All  have. 
among  other  things,  an\e  knowledge  of 
allerruitne  nuisK-. 

It's  greal  when  they  tan 
talk  with  a  laller  about 
someone  we  h.iven't  heard 
of  "  ■.,!■, '.  S  iitt  li  Kivps  the 
>'onvi  HI    hecoiTi- 

mg.    1  ■    What'    1 

don  1  kiunv' 

On  the  air  ... 

One  can  only  begin  to 
fathom  the  hosts'  amuse- 
ment over  their  own  show 
topics  During  a  past  seg- 
ment, entitled  'Dare  to 
Compare",  they  invited 
callers  to  banter  about  the 
obvious  goings-on  at  other 
statioas  (Pearl  Jam  on  QlOl, 
The  Real  McCoy  on  B%), 
cheek  out  their  forecasts,  and 

then  call  back  to  gloat  about 
how  correct  they  were. 
Another  show,  dubbed 
"Beatles  vs  Cleaning 
Ladys",  was  an  all-out  battle 
of  the  bands:  one  Beatles 
song  (usually  a  weak  song) 
played,  followed  by  one 
Ladys  number  The  listeners 
called  and  voted,  sometimes 
yielding  to  and  sometimes 
resisting,  intimidation  by  the 
hosts  (The  Cleaning  Ladys 
won  by  one  vote — never 
mind  that  the  janitor  wan- 
dering through  the  aban- 
doned warehouse  was 
prompted  to  vote  "Cleaning 
Ladys"  in  a  not-so-subtle 

Sometimes  they  do  live 
interviews  on  the  show. 
During  a  phone-in  segment 
with  Dweezil  and  Ahmet 
Zappa,  lallers  won  ft«;  con- 
cert tickets  by  suggesting 
names  for  Dweezil's  kids. 
(Among  the  more  notable 
names  suggested  by  callers 
were  "/arCiANthropod"  and 
I  ifm\l\'slogram"  )  Other 
letenl  interviewees  ha\e 
included  members  of  The 
Droveis,  James  "JY"  Young 
( lormerly  of  Styx),  Jason  and 
Allison.  and  Matthew 

"This  is  the  only  show 
that  promises  vou  miisir  but 
delivers  conversation," 

quips  Scott  at  the  bt>ginning 
of  every  show  They 
announce  the  evening's  con- 
test— lislaiers  are  mvited  to 
call  in  and  contribute  to  the 
topic,  and  their  names  will 
be  entered  into  a  drawing  for 
one  of  two  free  compact 
discs  to  be  given  away  every 
show.  Tonight's  theme,   in 

Expand  Your 

observance  of  Independence 
Day,  IS  "Americans  vs 
British'— riHk  artists,  that  is 

"Irish,"  says  the  first 
caller,  obviously  aware  of  the 
show's  irreverent  anarchy 
She  then  supports  her  posi- 
tion by  citmg  The  Drovers, 
The  Chieftains,  and  Van 

"Great."  John  changes  the 
flow  of  conversation.  "So, 
what  are  your  plans  this 
evening — fireworks??" 

"I  could  tell  you,  but  then 
I'd  have  to  kill  you,"  the  girl 
responds,  and  the  hosts 
crack  up 

Then  &  Now 

The  Cleaning  Ladys' 
radio  show  is  just  the  latest 
in  a  string  of  triumphs 
stretching  back  to  the  band's 
evolution  in  1978,  when  they 
first  began  gigging  and 
recording  together  When 
M"rV  came  along,  the  video 
for  "She  Won  t  French  Kiss" 
received  prominent  airing, 
winning  a  Monitor  award 
over  the  likes  of  Dire  Straits, 
Yes,  and  Don  Henley. 

"So  we  sat  down  one 
day,"  explains  Dan,  "and 
decided  that  if  you  can  have 
two  /illion  24-hour-j-dayall- 
spcirts  talk  shows,  there's  got 
to  be  an  audience  for  good 
music  talk  as  well  " 

Withour  a  doubt-  the 
NefJte  Drop  caller  response 
provides  plenty  of  affirma- 
tion. For  the  duration  of  the 
show,  the  phone  lines  stay 
iammed  with  callers  ranging 
from  fifteen  year-old  mosh- 
mongers  to  fifty-year-old 
Elvis  fans. 

John  shrugs  "We  thought 
that  the  reason  we  hadn't 
made  it  was  that  we  needed 
better  hair,  when  all  we  real- 
ly needed  was  a  transmitter 
and  3500  watts!" 

Who  would  have  known? 

Sprcifll  thanks  to  Art  Collins 

Rend  The  Harbinger. 
Your  complete  source  for  Hnrper  news. 

^^ '. 




Hie  Harbinger 

«k  % 





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CUissifiod  Ad  costs: 

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riea>e  call  (70S)  '^23-t)4(T()  for  more  information. 



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Satunlay  -  9  00a(n  -  12  00  noon 
(Pfcis  exiended  Hours  lor  first  2  i»eefcs  off  classes) 

m*  ^ 

■  Harper  Sports 

i(r  ,.       „  J.  AuLTixlil.  1995  -M-  Willi.n.  H..iuey  HarfMT  ColkiSB 

Football  team  begins  25th  season 

Sman  Rodamochw 

Sports  Editof 

H.jrp>T  \  football 
team  will  bo^in  its 
25th  season  this 
Saturday  (Sept  2)  with  a  1 
p.m.  home  g.imf  .ig.iin^t 
Iowa  Central  Comrnu' 

Alsti  celebrating  his  25th 


htriUi    uH'u' 

history  of  H. 

MC..\A     ii>/ 
IP'       ■  •■U'h.lii..!  ! 




!'*ms  MM^ 
Ihf  ' 


[:ii.i,>;k    V\.: 
thi*  ttvim  ccr' 

rieni'fd  pl.n 
that,  "st.irr 
>in  thi 

'.hr    H,n\k- 
ti;.     V.,; will   !''f  M\, 

vear  quarterback  Kevin 
\aw.iraca|  \,>vv,irac.;i|  has 
been  dubbed  a>  a  ijuarter- 
back  to  watch"  on  the  list  of 

\^>5  N'ICAA  rre-S*Msini  All 

Eliasik  teels  that  "a  qiiar- 

H-rbflck  with  expfrtcru'e  is  a 


■  'iTH't'  bv 

.vks  ti'  .1  IV  in 


:!!    pO'sitions 

Two  Howk  looltwill  pkjv«r*  tok«  o  br«ak  (torn  procties.  in  ptepafotion  tor  Saturday$  opetMt,  lo 

if  lintMWfds    t>'r 

oo«>  In'  tvo  comofo. 

,nd  Phillip 

V  i-i-ini„.i.,T,  <f<-\  2^t('> 

The    Hawk    dftiTiso    is 
.i1m'  .)  mi\fd  b.i);  ot  putcn- 



I    -fMHlJ 

•.ihlf    >-!.irUTv 
week's      t;arne 



the  14^i--  season 
rebuilding  (lie 
oe  this  but 

ivattii    on    the 

l;,'    ir-Kiudr   Will 

de  Chris  !  .i^iolio  ifi  1 

l.arrv  \eelv  ((>-4 
Hawks  ■!-.  i^  -  • 

EhaMN  - 
pointtnent  ii 
i\.\\\  k  kicking,  ,;i:' 
V  iMr     \\  e     li.n  e     .1 
mipri'ved      kukiiii; 
with  thriv  kukers 
Kohn.  Kob  McLallimi,  and 
Tat  DaMto  will  attempt  to 

('nwi'    upon    .1    kukinj; 
.,.':iu'  that  blijsik  teels  cost 

Photo  bv  Miridy  Berenzweig 
2.S(1),  The     the    Hawks    a    couple    of 
iwo  men     games  last  year 


;  til'. 

,\lthoii>;h  the  Hawks  are 
pre  season  picks  by  the 
\K,  A.S  to  finish  third  in  the 
lonteieiKc.  the  NICAA  has 
listed  Harper  as  one  of  tin 
teams  to  watch  in  the  nation 
li>i  I'"'-'  1  he  Hawks  vvtli 
trv  to  return  to  a  post  sea- 
son howl  game  lollowin^ 
tlieir  (list  absence  in  ten 

Upcoming  Harper  sporting  events 

Sept.  1  Wijnwn'i  Imnm  Ht»»' 

Srpi  :f%iallMll  Heme 

Sept.  4S(in«r  El||in 

5cp(  ■;\A>tlFyiiiiU  Hiaav 

Women's  TcmUs  Htm* 

Sept  6  W«'>m«n'»  Ivrmo  Horn* 

Colltfe  0I  DupjiRf 
Fnicport  Highland  '% 

lowi  Cmiral 


niinoi*  Vatky 


2  p.m. 

1  p.m 

4  pm. 


2:30  pm 

Sept.  70)11 

Womsn'*  Tunnn 

Stpt.  f  l>i»ilwH 


Sugar  Grove 
Pak»  tlilla 


SifW-lO  Sonar 

Sept  12   GcM 

Women'*  Tennii 


Glen  Eltyn 

ParUand  Invite 

10  am. 


4  p.m 

Mwame  Valley 
tUick  Valley 

2;X1  p  m 


Smith  !Ub«nt>an 

1  p.m. 




1:30  p.m 
4  pm. 



Student  competes  in 
Chicago  Triathlon 

Susan  Rodomochst 

Sf:<<r*s  f  aitoi 

On  August  27.  b«5  Harper 
Ciillege  track  team  member 
joe  Ueluca  u>mpeti'd  m  the 
Chica^',i>  triathlon  tinishinft  with  a 
lime  c'l  .^  hiuirs.  H  minutes,  and  40 

S|.-t  Oluls 

this  was  IVkuas  lirst  attempt 
at  competing  in  a  triathlon  "It  was 
a  lot  of  fun  and  the  heat  didn't 
bother  me  until  the  run,  I  plan  on 
training  tor  next  \'far's  event  by 
using  other  triathloa--  tor  practice." 
Deluca  said 

Deluca  completed  a  grueling 
course  that  began  with  a  1.5  km 
swim  in  Lake  Michigan  with  a 
water  temperature  of  75  degrees. 
The  triathleles  continued  the  race 
with  a  40km  bike  that  went  north 
on  Lake  Forest  Drive  before  tum- 
irtg  south  toward  McCormick 

For  the  hardy  competitors  who 
survived  the  first  two  legs  ol  the 
event  there  was  a  lOkm  run  to  the 
finish-hue.  Dehydration  and 
fatigue  were  her  son's  enemies,  but 
Amilia  Deluca  said.  "1  was  as 
proud  as  a  mother  could  tie  when 
joe  crossed  that  fmish-line  I  just 

Deluca  will  be  graduahng  at  the 
end  of  this  semester,  but  he  does 
not  plan  to  run  track  at  his  four 
year  schcwl.  "1  just  want  to  concen- 
trate on  competing  in  triathlons," 
Deluca  said 

Come  and  See  Harper 

Celebrate  25  years  of 

Football  Sept.  16  vs. 

Grar\d  Rapids  at  7 

p.m.  at  Mt.  Prospect 

High  School. 

Women's  group  sponsors  gun  control  forum 


Gun  violence  can  hap- 
fH-n  anywhere,  and 
the  village  of 
Patattneisnoexccptkm  For 
this  ttmon.  Harpers 
Wtmien'*  Program  and  the 
Vkmnen*  Leadership 

'       ■■  ■'    sponsored   a   gun 
lorum  held  on  cam- 
pus St'pt.  7. 

The  forum  addnsscd  Ific 
issues  surruundinj;  tnme, 
guns,  and  violence  in  our 

Mixlerated  hv  Arlington 
Heights  Mayor  Arkne 
Mulder,  A  panel  of  eighr 
community  leaders  dis- 
custied  the  alfecls  o*  violence 
in  their  live*. 

A  family  survivor  al  gun 
violence  herself,  Carolyn 
McCarthy  told  of  the  day  her 

husband,  l^mnis  was  shot 
and  kilted  by  CoUm 
Fergusmwi  on  a  l^ong  Island 
lommuter  train  mneleen 
months  ago.  "That  day 
changed  my  lite  forever," 
McCarthy  said.  "I  am  no 
longer  a  hou!*wife,  t  am 
simply  a  miUher  taring  for 
my  stwi  Kevin  whi>  was  also 
shot  by  Ferguajon.  " 
Mttarthy's  focii*  is  lo  edu- 
cate people  about  (he  amse- 
quences  resulting  from  gun 
violence  "It  is  to 
teach  children,  and  young 
adults  the  iniportanie  nf 
stilving  problems  without 
th«'  us*'  of  violence."  she 
said.  "I  don't  want  to  take 
every  ones  guns  away,  I  just 
want  better  regulation,  and 
traiTung  pri>grams  for  gun 

McCarthy     succcaafully 
bbtned  for  the  1<)94  assault 

weapons  ban.  She  urges  oth- 
ers to  get  mvoived  by  writ 
mg  letters  lo  your  iepn>sen- 
tatives  in  Congress.  "We 
have  to  do  something,  we 
have  to  take  back  control," 
she  said. 

Panelwt,  Palatine  Mayor 
Rita  Mullins  delivereil  .1 
chilling  address  shoutiin; 
"WAKF  ir  .Wll  KIC  \, 
WAKF  Li-"  she  retounScI 
the  I'vents  ..(  the  hornbii- 
night  when  seven  people 
were  shot  in  the  Hrowns 
Chicken  ma-ssacw,  and  mcire 
recently  the  postal  sht-niting 
m  Palatine  "There  is  n.  >  safe 
place  lo  live,  it  It  could  hap- 
pen in  Palatine  it  could  hap- 
pen anywhere,  "  Mullins 

Someone  is  shot  every  20 
seconds  in  Amenca  and 
38,000  people  are  killed  each 
year  with  hand  guns.    For 

Shooting  victim  and  gun  conhol  oclivW  PhH  Andrews  speaks 
onimotedly  at  a  tonim  on  gun  cooftol,  os  olher  guest  speakers 

"  "*    ~    "  ^^otc  Dv  jul-e  Thompson 

Isten  intently. 

youns  adults  15  to  24  vears 
of  a^e.  t;un  shot  deaths  an' 
number  two 

The  attraction  to  violence 
in  our  stxietv,  especially  by 
our   youth    is    frightening. 

Panel  member.  Clerk  of  the 
Circuit  Court,  Aurelia 
Pucinski  said  that  gun  con- 
trol is  only  a  small  part,  'we 
need  to  look  at  the  reasons 

see  GUNS  on  page  3 

Harper's  Board  of  Trustees  apptunts  mtenm  board 
member  Bram  Heuse.    Page  Two 

Arts  A  Lntertaimnent 

Not  sure  what  movies  to  see  in  the  upcoming 
weeks,  check  out  our  previews  for  movies 
being  released  by  20th  Century  Fox  m  the  next 
few  weeks  in  Arts  &  Entertainment     Page  7 


Be  sure  to  read  the  contnwersial  articles  by  our 
very  own  commentary  staff:  Paul  Floden 
"down  the  river",  and  T.  W.  Fuller,  the 
"American  Independent".    Page  9 

The  Hawk  tooflaoll  team  ak>ng  wHh 
I96S  Region  IV  Chompioni 

head  coach  John  EHosik  cetobKHe  after  bemg  crowned  me 

HorCingef  Photo  Afchive  /  Pionaer  Press 

Football  team  honors  25th  anniversaiy 

Everyone  invited  to  attend  Hawks'  historic  night  game 

Campus  News 

P"ge6 Features 

Pg  7  Alls  &  Entertainment 

Page  8-9        Commentary 
P»gelO  Classifieds 

Page  11-12  Sports 

David  Pump 

Monaging  Editor 

Under  the  lights 
Saturday  night  at 
Prospect  High 

School,  the  Hawks  will  cele- 
brate their  25th  anniversary. 
During  half-hme  two 
Harper  football  greats  will; 
be  mducted  into  the  NJCAA 
Hall  of  Fame.  They  are  coach 
John  Eliasik,  the  wmningest 
active  coach  (162-86-3)  m  the 
N}CAA  and  former  Flarper 
Alumnus  and  Atlanta  Falcon 

defensive  back  Tim  TwU. 

Flia.sik.  now  in  his  25th 
season  with  the  Hawks,  said 
that  all  alumni  and  students 
are  encouraged  to  attend  this 
pivotal  game.  Not  only  is 
this  a  historic  game  for  the 
Hawks,  but  this  is  also 
Grand  Rapids  first  confer- 
ence game. 

"This  IS  the  featured 
game  this  week  in  our 
region,  and  might  go  a  long 
way  in  determining  were  we 
stand  in  the  region  at  the  end 
of  the  year,"  he  said. 

Fliasik  said  that  a  big 
turnout  from  the  fans  would 
be  greatly  appreciated  by 
both  the  alumni  and  the  cur- 
rent Hawk  team. 

Kickoff  IS  scheduled  for  7 
p.m.  Admission  is  free  for 
all  Harper  students,  and 
there  is  a  social  event  sched- 
uled after  the  game  for  the 

Anyone  needing  more 
informahon  please  contact 
Bill  Pemstein  m  the  well- 
ness/athlehc  offices  397- 
3000  ex.  6466. 

Retch  n»  at  :W7-3(«0,  «.  2461 

■■By-  ' 





Opcii  AUUMHk  MwwRK 


OMhMmL  HDl.  LDt 

DMMklkck  SkMta*  ir  HMh 



G«  dM  FkM:  Fal  li  OMtaMml 


ludy  Schiomwl 


Hcailk  S«»kt  Oixn  H««k 


Fm  hnring  k  vision  jaca«% 
biood  pnnuR.  htight  ii  weight 

tixnt  iwwwtobiB  Miing  sun 

Interim  board  member  named 

The  WiUidrti  Rainey 
Harper  Collt-gc  Biiard 
ot  Tnistfe>  appointed 
Palatine  residfnt  Brain  Heise 
to  the  intenm  position  that 
became  available  when 
Board  member  Molly 
Norwcxxi  resigned  m  |une- 

Heusc  IS  ,1  p.irtr>(T  in  the 
law  firm  ot  Rush  and  Hci>»" 
in  Barrin^ton.  a  general 
practice  law  firm.   His  asscv 

ciation  with  the  college  st.irt- 
ed  with  his  instructing  of 
EstaK'  riannung  from  1985  to 

"I  siiw  first  hand  the 
importance  of  H.irptr  to  the 
students  and  to  this  commu- 
nity. 1  am  ver\'  interested  in 
the  growth  of  Harper 
College  and  1  am  very  anx- 
ious to  ensure  that  those  stu- 
dents  eager   to   learn   can 

afford  a  college  education  in 
light  of  increasing  costs  and 
cutbacks  in  financial  aid," 
commented  Board  member 
Heise  who  plans  on  running 
for  one  of  the  two  six -year 
open  Board  seats  in 

Heise  tpceived  hus  BA  at 
Valparaiso  University  and 
).D.  at  the  Valparaiso 
University  Schixil  of 

Phi  Hwo  lUpp«  nw«ing»  have  b««i  «5labbJ»i  for  the  Wl 
taaum  nmy  atmt  »i»ek,  alterruling  b*fw««.  S»tur<l«yi.  »l 
llOOMn,  Mid  Fridayi.  »f  3:»pTn.  m  A:4!a 

hkU^Sn>Ll3  FfHUy,N«.17 

Sauniay.Oct7  SWmilay.  Ok.  2 

mu*  no*  th»t  Ihu  mmam't  two  orttntation  m»«!tiivg»  wdl  b« 
in  A236  on  Siturday,  S«pl  23fd  «  11  Ottam  ind  Monday,  Sept 
25«>  at  5:45pm 

Another  new  building? 

Plans  in  the  works  for  building  W 





Uoat   cars 

The  Harper  Hoard  of 
Trustees  called  a  spe- 
cial meehng  on  Sept. 
13  to  discuss  the  proposed 
Building  W  facilit\ 

To  that  point,  the  build- 
ing had  onl\  been  spcvu  la- 
lion.  However,  the  idea  had 
been  bmughl  up  at  pu-\  lous 
board  nK-etings  The  schixil 
already  inter  viewed  archi- 
tects and  conlraclors  tor  the 
proposed  new  building 
which  will  K-  the  perform- 
ing arts  building 

At  a  spinal  boani  mwt- 
ing  on  Aug.  t^,  the  biwrd 
interviewed  three  archittx- 








Plum  Grove 

Auto  Repair 

375  W. 

Euclid  in 



ture  firms;  Bumidge,  Cassell 
&  Associates,  Legal  & 
Assoaates  and  Holabird  t 


Stime  of  the  questions 
asked  concerned  heating 
and  air  conditioning,  vvheit 
would  the  building  be  Uxat- 
ed,  and  how  easih  it  c<'uld 
he  ci-niu'iti-d  to  another 
building.  Along  with  the 
quesbons  of  hc^w  long  will  it 
take  and  how  much  will  it 

C>ne  of  the  bivird  mem- 
ber's asked  if  the  school  was 
limited  to  the  $6.5  million,  or 
if  more  monev  is  available  in 

GUNS:  One  person 
every  20  seconds  in 

cooftnued  from  page  one 

whv  our  children  are  so  fas- 
cinated by  violence."  she 

Programs  such  as 
DA  Kl  are  addressing  the 
issues  of  guns  and  violence 
in  our  schiwls  I.)eputv  Chief 
of  ['olice  for  Rolling 
Meadows  and  former 
Harper  shident  lX.iug  Ursen 
commented  on  the  changing 
culture  of  our  community 

and  the  need  for  gun  safetv 


l-arsen  as  well  as  other 
panelist  are  not  asking  us  to 
reUni^uish  our  second 
amendment  rights  and  turn 
m  all  our  guns.  Howev  er,  if 
you  listened  to  members 
from  the  National  Rifle 
.•\vsociation  seated  m  the 
audience  you  would  thmk 
quite  differently 

(eff  Peeler,  a  Palatine  lesi- 

the  future  for  special  pur-  to  improve  the  build- 
ing's facihties. 

Presidmt  Thompson  stat- 
ed such  questions  as  these 
should  be  built  into  the  bid 
as  alternates. 

Board  member  Kris 
Howard  reminded  the  mem- 
bers  that  the  architects  had 
recommended  building  in 
phasc-s  rather  than  cutting 
impv'rtant  thmgs  out  m  the 

The  Wednesday  meeting 
w  as  expected  to  detenmine  if 
this  pn>posal  is  a  go  or  not 

is  shot 

dent  listened  to  the  panel 
and  could  not  believe  his 
ears  "2  million  people  are 
saved  each  year  with  guns," 
he  said,  "my  brother  Jed 
even  prevented  a  possible 

Peeler  said  the  forum  was 
very  unequal  and  only  pre- 
sented one  side  of  the 
story— the  liberal  one! 

Help  Wanted  $11  to  start 

Replacing  Summer 


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What  do  you  like 

most  about 

Harper  College? 

-Tl»  pwpit,  ewrybody  la 
naStf  friendly  here  and  ttc 
leachen  ate  really  gieaL' 
Owiyl  Brandt 
BoaksMwc     Gfcetot     Grad 

*nM  wdy  place  anmnd  here 
that  offen  sign  language.- 
that's  the  only  reason  why  I 
am  here.' 
Contuning  Ed  student 

The  divenily  of  what  the 
school  offers...  The  fadUlim 
here  arc  tremendous.' 

nulip  Soosloff 
Ceramic  Instructor 

'Diversity   of   the   student 

Sarwat  Choudhry 

The  fltCSl  trend  in  , 

«u^^  childhood : 


r  prnt/tmrnalk 

Creativity  in  Cyberspace? 

Writing  Center  starts  electronic  publication 

September  11  th  marked  the  inaugural 
issue  of  Harper  College's  first  electronic 
pubbcation.  Harper  Online. 

The  title  of  the  inagural  issue  will  be  "1 
Can  Say  Whatever  I  Want':  The  Umils  of 
Public  Expression. '  All  stones  will  be  based 
on  this  central  topic. 

Harper  Online  is  a  bi-weekly  publication 
that  is  part  electrorac  newspaper,  part  elec- 
tronic bulletin  board.  It  is  prtxluced  by 
English  students  and  maintained  by  ttte 
Wnting  Center  staff.  Each  biweekly  issue 
will  feature  articles  written  on  a  single  topic. 

Most  importantly,  Harper  Online  is  an 

interactive  publication.  Readers  are  encc«ir- 
aged  to  contribute  their  feelings  about  a 
story  they  have  read.  Harper  Online  is  an 
online  forum  dedicated  to  free  expresBion, 
and  the  free  and  uninhibited  interplay  of 
ideas  about  issues  that  afieci  tlie  daily  lives 
of  Harper  students. 

Students  interested  m  writing  for  Hartper 
Onlme  or  reading  what  others  have  pub- 
lished can  access  the  system  through  tiie 
computers  in  Building  F,  Rooms  303.  343,  or 
345.  Questions  should  be  directed  to  Oie 
Wnting  Center  in  Building  F,  Room  303. 

l^^^j^lJ^^HJIi ,.  111.    I  .  §.}fM ■!  «ll|»lil!iJllliyil»'  ! 


fey  incidents  reported  to  Public  Safety 

'"*t.iiii.iii|.i.i.i.-.. , ..—■—■I. i.. ■■»— Ill  I    ,    |l  ...  Ill"" MIP'MI— II    —Wl— ■ 

A  tonale.  jogging  on  Oie  bicycle  p«th 
aorti  of  lot  7  reported  an  unkiKnwn/ 
unidentified  male,  which  allegedly  e»»- 
«d  his  vehicle  and  macturbated  inftont 



A  visitor  Ml  weak  while  bnit 
)  Buikttng  M  and  went  ooisidt 
While  s^atAe,  he  pi 
Meadoies  Fitv 
,  mtjamttd,  a(«d  VMM  Meen 
^C'ottiflcunit'  ''       ' ''■' 

Sept  11  '     ••• 

A  ouie  student' '  Stporled 
unknowta  person(s)  damaged  the  igni- 
tion of  his  Vehide  by  jamming  »  screw 
into  it  while  Ihe  car  was  parked  in  lot  t 
Between  die  hou0  of  9a.m.  arvd  1  p.m. 


A  fKulty  member  reported  that  his 

white    1991    Chevrolet    Blazer    with 

late  «  OL  5268  was  stoien  fron^ 

K  1  in  ■'<  ■'■'  1'  i-'s 

th  iDioaf^f 



Live  &  Loud:  Local  musicians 

^'i^     ^^ 

Laura  Gonten 

Here's  what's  happening  in  the 
world  of  onter(.iinment  thew 
next  few  weeks  or  so... 
Around  campus,  Dick  Dale  (guitar 
legCT»d  who  IS  prt*.>bty  lx~tt  known  for 
his  wtwk  on  the  Pulp  Fiction  store)  will 
be  commg  to  Harper  on  Wednestlav 
September  :Hlth. 

WHCM,  Harper's  student-run  radio 
station,  has  rvtumed  to  the  airwaves  after 
a  summer  hiatus.  They  are  shll  Uwking  to 
fill  a  few  posihons,  so  stop  by  the  VVHC  M 
office  (near  the  Building  A  lounge  pix>l 
tables)  to  find  out  about  what  is  available. 
If  you  have  an  mterest  in  local  music, 
there  are  a  few  time  slots  to  hear  what  is 
going  on  around  the  Chicago  music 
scene.  On  Mondays  from  6- 7p.m.  my 
show,  "Chicago  Homegrown",  brings 
Chi-town  rockers  to  the  airwaves— from 
Smashing  Pumpkins  to  Sphinx  to  the 
Voodoo  Kmgs  to  Schwa,  and  everythmg 
m  between  I  will  also  be  announcmg 
(and  somehmes  reviewing)  local  concerts 
and  bands  to  check  out,  and  possibly 
even  conducting  in-sludio  inter\'iews 
with  some  local  musicians. 

On  Wednesdays  from  Ham  to  Ip.m  , 
WHCM  Program  Director  TJ  McDermtitt. 
whose  musical  taste  runs  on  a  slightly 
harder  slant,  serves  Chtcago-styie 
metal/hardcore  for  lunch  Finally,  on 
Wednesdays  from  5-7p.m.  Ken  lagmm 
serves  as  your  guide  to  a  musical  |oumey 
which  includes  Ralph  Covert  and  the  Bad 
Examples  Jagmin,  who  himself  is  a  musi- 

cian, credits  Covert  with  inspinng  mutti 
of  hLS  own  musical  style. 

On  the  local  music  front,  the  Drovers 
are  planning  a  new  album  release  some 
time  m  earlv  to  mid-(\n.>ber  l^itt-r  m 
tXtober.  Mystery  Dnier.  which  ls  the  pt-t 
prtiject  of  former  Bad  K vamples  guitanst 
Steve  t^Tlath,  i.s  exfx-cted  to  release  an 
album  \iK  Irankel.  a  kxal  smger/song- 
uTit.T,  comes  out  witli  .i  new  .ilbum  alxi 
in  dctober  Lixal  guitar  whi/  Dave 
Uhnch  has  been  opening  for  a  fiew  Bon 
Jovi  tour  dates. 

Local  bands  s<x»n  to  be  caught  m  the 
act...  Birds  At  The  End  Of  The  Rtiad, 
IXirly  Nellies,  this  Sahirday  (September 
16)  aretund  <»p.m.  Also  thus  Sahirdav; 
Schwa  at  Thurston's,  Poi  Dog  Pondermg 
at  the  Vic,  and  Kansas  at  Toto's  On 
Fnday,  September  22,  Warrant  plays 
Toto's.  Mike  and  Joe  from  the  Voodtx) 
Kings  will  be  domg  a  live  acoustic  show 
on  Saturday,  September  23rd  at  Gmger's 
AJe  House.  Also  on  the  23rd,  the  Bad 
Examples  rock  The  Playhouse  m  Foiest 
Park.  Muzloh  pla^s  the  Gallery  on 
Fnday,  September  29,  and  The  Squids 
play  Thurston's  on  Saturday.  September 
30.  The  Drovers  will  make  their  last 
Chicago  appearance  for  awhile"  on 
Octtjber  7  at  the  Metro— it's  an  all  ages 
show  and  hckets  are  availabk^  through 
Ticketmaster.  Sponsored  by  WCBR-FTvl. 

Highly  recommended  shows  from  the 
abtwe  list:  The  Drovers  (the  same  band 
featured  in  the  movie  Blink)  at  the  MetK), 
Mike  and  Joe's  acoushc  Voodiw  Kmgs  set 
(rock/blues  influence)  at  Gingers, 
Warrant  at  Toto's. 

Ralph  HMMtM  as  Lwmy  Nwo  and  Angato  BCHMH  «  Mac*  nnd  ttMm- 
MlvM  tanatod  in  a  daodly  mow  of  betrayal  In  Strang*  Days 

photo  by  M*it*W(]lac* 

"Dear  Tony"  is  on  vacation  this  week. 

He  will  return  next  week  to  answer 

your  questions  and  dilemmas!   Send 

your  questions  to  the  Harbinger 

office.  Building  A,  Room  367. 

fxplore  a  career 
in  banking  at  Harris  Bank 

Full  a  Part-Tinte  Opportunities  Available  At  Local  Harris  Banks 

Harrij  Bank  <s  one  of  Chicago's  leading  financial  institutions  with  more  than  a  century  of  success. 
As  we  continue  to  grow  we  need  more  quality  talent  for  a  variety  of  banking  oppoaunities  —  and 
your  training  at  Harper  College  could  be  your  ticket  to  landing  one  of  these  high  potential  positions. 

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Please  stop  by  to  discuss  scheduling  a  personal  interview. 


Monday,  September  2S 

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Across  From  The  Information  Booth 

^  BANKS. 


MiinK  rau  nuiii  nma  cimcn 
We  jre  in  equal  opportunity  »mployer 

Arts  Sl  Entertainment 

Page  7 

Jofm  trovoflo  «  Vic  Oaokint  makM  o  pomi  to  ChrMion  SMm  «  Bl*y  Hot*  In 
iMkan  Anow.  di*  in  D«c«mb«»,  photo  tsy  Richard  Faeman 

Come  Join  Our 


Job  Fair 

Saturday,  September  16 
10:00  a.m. — 4:00  p.m. 

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Robert  Morris 



IN  60  WEEKS 

BachiliT  o\  F^usiru>-  AJrnini'-tr.itum  IVi^rcc 
( ;.  inccmration>  m: 


rmnsttr  Sehclanhip)  up  i 

mmtemnii  in  Ss  Quartn  .,  <. 
6. /•  -1  it  at 


ai'oilablr- tir  ^tuclcnh 


Fox  fall  movie  explosion 

mltTw.n.    .irul 

Laura  Gatison 

Arts  &  Entertoinoient  Editor 

hi'  i<ill  iTKHif  t\irr.i^;t,'  is  now 
,i[i  -t,  iiun" 
-lori'  lor 
l,)jys  i-  li'  iv  rrii.iM'.i  ■>!!  (\"tot-'iT 
13.  UillnwriJ  b\  Wailing  To  Kxhale 
\o\  embt'r-ish,  and  Broken  Arrow 
sumi'tmu'  in  DocrmlxT 

Strange  Pays  pl.icf  in 
L.A.  on  the  edgf  nt'  ihv  renturv, 
whi*n  humanity  vv(>ntU'rs  whcthor 

thfv  are  <ippro,uhini-,  ■•.!,  or 

crrtain  death    The  i  '  ~'i^" 

(>(  choke  IN  "clips",  human  experi- 
ence captured  in  a  di|;ital  record- 
ing. Lenny  ,\'ero  (Kalpli  !  lennes) 
sells  clips,  and  someone  is  ■•ettin^ 
him  up  to  lake  a  tall. 

A  girl  who  used  to  do  "wire 
work  '  tor  him  is  suddenly  mur- 
dered while  on  the  run.  and  some- 
one anonymously  slips  Lenny  the 
clip  oi  her  murder,  forcing  him  to 
t.iste  her  pain,  hear  her  screams, 
see  her  anguish,  teel  her  fear,  and 
smell  her  terror.  The  clip  lx>comes 
the  window  into  a  ma/e  of  decep- 
tion and  endless  pursuit,  climaxing 
on  New  \ear  s  tAe.  I'-'W. 

lennv  linds  himself  running  for 
his  lite,  in  a  world  where  he  can 
trust  hut  two  pi-ople,,  and  even 
(hey  can't  fully  prcitect  him.  Mace 
(Angela  Bassett),  a  woman  who 
makes  her  living  as  a  security 
guard  for  the  rich  and  fearful,  is 
the  one  he  turns  to  for  help  and 
transportation  Even  though  she 
disapproves  of  his  ktvping  "wire- 
heacis"  addicted,  tfieir  friendship 
was  forged  Ix'fore  he  started,  and 
she's  the  only  one  who  knows 
l.enn\  lor  himself  Max  (Tom 
Si/emi>re)  is  the  person  he  turns  to 
for  spiritual  consolation,  and  Max 
offers  hLs  own  outkxik  on  the  edge 
of  the  miUenium:  "Everything's 
already  tven  done.  Every  kinda 
music,  everv  government,  every 
hairstyle.  How  we  gonna  make  it 
another  thousand  vi'ars,  for 

After  the  execution-style  mur- 
der of  rap  star  Jeriko  Oie  (Glenn 
riummer),  U-nny  also  has  reason 
to  Ix-lieve  that  Iris's  murderer  may 

nt)w  be  after  Faith  (Juliette  1  owis 
the  woman  he  has  loved  relentless- 
ly even  though  she  seems  to  ha\e 
put  her  love  for  liini  on  ice  The 
past  mixes  with  I'.-w  ;>resent  and 
now    I'veryoiii  >    deadly 

whir!p(«>!  ol  in:,  ..,'■■■    .-.  i  lering  the 
line  fieuvei'n  lite  and  death. 

\ov\  Its  lip  to  lennv.  Mace,  and 
Max  to  pick  up  the  pieces  of  the 
shattered  future  heloii'  its  loo  late. 
U'linv  has  oih'  l.isi  ni;i;ht  to  try  and 
make  a  nev\  start — the  woman 
who  loves  him  must  now  try  to 
help  him  sa\  e  the  woman  he  loves, 
all  v\ith  the  knov\lei1ge  that  there 
might  never  bi-  another  dawn. 
(Schedule:  Octolx'r  13.  IWS) 

S*5metime  in  No\i'niLx-r  we  can 
look  forward  to  Wailing  To 
Exhale,  with  Hassi-tt  as  just  oiu' 
memlxT  ot  a  star-studded  cast. 
Other  cast  members  include 
Wliitney  Houston,  Loretta  Devine, 
Lela  Rochon,  Gregory  Hines,  and 
Michael  Beach. 

Waiting  To  Exhale  is  the 
poignant  story  ot  feinak'  bonding 
so  strong  that  a  li>ur-way  friend- 
ship leads  the  women  through  the 
monster-ridden  labyrinth  of  mtxi- 
ern  life  The  friends  weather  the 
worst  together,  waiting  for  the  men 
who  will  "take  tfieir  breath  away". 

.Next,  sometime  in  December 
we  can  expect  another  Ti-avolta 
revi\al  vehicle  in  Broken  Arrow, 
also  with  Christian  Slater.  Travolta 
,ind  Slater  become  empassioned  in 
a  battle  against  each  other  .md  time 
is  running  out—they  must  find  a 
stolen  nuclear  weapon  before  a 
major  American  city  pavs  the 
price.  Samantha  Mathis.  best 
known  for  her  critically  acclaimed 
role  in  Little  Women,  plays 
Slater's  love  interest  in  what  may 
turn  out  to  be  the  Top  Gun  of  the 

There  seem  to  be  some  I'vcellent 
films  in  store  for  moviegoers 
everywhere  this  tall — also  due  out 
are  the  usual  crop  of  teen  angst 
flicks,  and  probably  one  of  the 
most  eagerly  awaited  is  Tie-Dyed, 
a  post-humous  Gratetul  Dead  trib- 
ute. Why  not  go  to  the  movies — 
there  seems  to  be  something  for 
everyone  on  the  way  this  fall. 

Horizons...   ^ 

Rend  The  Harbinger. 
Your  complete  source  for  Harper  neivs. 




Sixty-five  cents 
for  pop?  Are 
you  crazy?! 

It  seems  that  Astro  Vending,  Inc.,  in  its 
infinite  wisdom,  decided  that  screwing 
over  students  and  faculty  by  charging 
them  $.60  for  pop  wasn't  enough.  Nope, 
they  had  to  bump  the  price  another 
nickel  to  $.65.  And  to  add  insult  to 
injury,  service  is  not  expected  to 

This  leaves  a  bad  taste  in  my  mouth. 
Why  must  Astro  continue  to  charge  its 
rip-off  prices  to  students  and  get  away 
with  it?  Everyone  know  that  a  can  of 
soda  should  be  $.50,  and  not  a  penny  (or 
three  nickels)  more. 

Has  the  forces  that  be  at  Harper  ever 
corviidered  allowing  more  than  one 
vending  company  to  serve  us?  Two 
companies  competing  for  your  pocket 
change  would  get  that  price  down  real 

For  more  immediate  results,  protest 
the  increase  by  bringing  your  own  pop 
from  home.  If  you  have  access  to  a 
refridgerator,  chill  a  24-pack.  Chances 
are  it  will  be  colder  and  more  refreshing 
than  the  vending  machines  anyway. 
And  think  of  all  that  change  you'll  be 

For  an  institution  representing  over 
25,000  people,  there  is  no  excuse  for 
Harper  not  having  some  leverage  in  the 
prices  for  pop. 

We  now  return  you  to  your  regularly 
scheduled  thirst-querKhing. 

Parents:  Turn  the  channel 

Jon  0'M«n,  The  Ed  s  View 

I've  received  several  mes- 
•Miges  in  vanous  fomw  from 
people  all  over  campus  about 
my  column  on  parents  watch- 
ing their  children 
Unfortunately  the  battle 
doesn't  stop  at  the  Internet 
Television  and  radio  have 
been  under  fire  for  a  lot 
longer  What  I  find  amusing 
IS  the  reasoas  for  it  .ire  so  are 
utterly  stupid 

It's  mere  couKideive  that 
this  iust  happens  to  concern 
another  lawsuit  where  a  fami- 
ly is  fUmg  suit  with  another 
information  provider —  in 
this  case,  a  family  vs  MTV  It 
seems  that  Beavis  and  Butt- 
head  taught  their  children 
about  fire  fire'  FIRE"  (oh, 
excuse  me)  Or  so  they  claim 
What  I  find  funny  is  how 
they  failed  to  demonstrate 
how  this  learning  expenence 
took  place  The  mtelligence 
uaed  lo  arrive  at  this  corKlu- 

sion  makes  the  O  J  Simpson 
tnal  look  appealing  agam 

Why  is  the  current  genera- 
tion of  children  so  susceptive 
of  becoming  corrupted  by 
television  than  pre%nou8  gen- 
erations' My  childhood  car- 
toon days  ended  m  the  early 
■80s  and  somehow  I  came  out 
normal  1  didn't  hear  about 
any  kids  who  hit  each  with 
hammers  to  see  if  little 
birdies  flew  m  circles  around 
their  heads  like  on  Woody 
Wotxlpecker  1  didn't  fwl  anv 
urges  to  run  my  cat  over  to 
see  if  he  magically  re-inflatet1 
like  on  Tom  and  Jerry  To  this 
day,  Beavis  and  Butt-head 
don't  give  me  an  unam- 
troUed  desire  to  suck  on  a 
toad  to  get  a  bun  or  inarch 
around  school  l«iking  for 
"teepee  for  my  bimghole" 

Comedian  Oorge  Carlin 
once  talked  about  a  priest  in 
the  south  that  tned  to  get  the 
government  to  place  further 
restrictions  on  television  and 
radio  conunurucation  Even 
today,  James  Exon  (remember 
my  first  article?)  seems  to 

think  the  words  "unless  you 
use  a  computer"  come  after 
the  First  Amendment 
Carlin's  suggestion  to  the 
priest  was  simple  change  the 
channel!  I  don't  need  some- 
body else's  parents  telling  me 
what  I  can  and  cannot  watch 
Carlin  may  be  a  comedian 
but  his  routine  held  a  kit  of 
truth  in  it 

As  Americans,  we  have 
more  choices  than  any  other 
people  on  earth  Don't  try  to 
limit  those  choices  for  e\  eT\ 
one.  show  those  who  are 
uiienlishtened  how  to  use 
those  choices  to  their  advan- 
tage Quit  't(Hilproofing" 
everything  and  let  them  fig- 
ure It  out 

Joti  O  Brim  is  the  Eiiifur-in- 
Chufoftlie  Hartnnjfcr  (that'i 
tehat  he  keeps  telling  us,  at 
kast).  He  mvitei  peupk  lo 
exprr$'y  their  i^ptmom  of  his 
commentary  lia  a  letter  to  the 
editor,  wkich  can  be  dropped  off 
m  the  Harbinger  office,  or  e-mail 

Something  worth  writing 

Dov*  himp.  Managing  Editor 

There  is  a  diverse  stu- 
dent body  her*  at 
Harper,  each  of  us 
travebng  different  toads  on 
OUT  way  to  achieving  per- 
sona] success. 

Some  have  achieved 
success  m  some  capaaty  or 

Others  have  overcome 
great  odds  just  lo  be  here 
studying  at  Harper. 

What  we  all  liave  in  com- 
mon IS  that  we  are  here  now, 
dealing  with  new  issues, 
attempting  to  enhance  our 
knowledge,  learning  from 
our  nustakes. 

The  Harbmger  m  the  past 
has  tecogmued  student  and 
staff  achievements  or  accom- 
pilishments,  and  that  will 


The  Harbmger  is  interest- 
ed m  recoginizing  the 
accompiUshments  of  staff, 
students  and  clubs  trying  to 
make  a  difference. 

Recently,  a  parent  called 
to  tell  a  story  of  her  son's 
parbapahon  m  the  Chicago 
Triathlon,  August  31,1995 
back  pagejor  more  details. 

And  the  dedication  of  a 
student  attending  an  Ivy 
league  schcxil  after  being 
severly  miured  m  an  indus- 
trial acadent,  April  fools  day 

For  any  additional  infor- 
mation, contact  me  m  build- 
mg  A,  room  367.  Or  feel  free 
lo  can  397-3000  ex.  2906. 


In  our  August  31st  issue, 
we  mistakenly  used  the 
terms  "Cihipcratwe 

Education"  and  "Harper 
Caner  Program"  mter- 
changably  These  are 
both  two  mdtpidual  pro- 
grams that  arc  unrelated 
to  oru-  another  and  are 
handled  tn/  different 
departments  Kris 

Conroy  is  m  charge  of  the 
Cooperative  Education 
Program  and  can  be 
reached  at  (708)  625- 
6220  or  in  the  Career 
Center  in  Building  A. 
Room  367.  We  appolo- 
gize  for  any  misunder- 


OM  aw.  To  M  nvmrvL.  acriaun  awo  mcti/ai 

Editorial  Board 

Editor  in  Chief Ion  O'Brien 

Business  Manager Alexandru  Sacatis 

Managing  Editor Dave  Pump 

News  Editor Julie  Tlwmpson 

Arts  k.  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

Sports  Editor Susan  Rademacher 

Faculty  Advisor Susanne  Havlic 


Paul  Roden,  T.W.  Fuller,  K.ithy  Belts,  Jim  Kopeny,  Mindy  Berwutweig,  Rich  Taylor 

General  Information 

The  Harbinger  is  the  student  publication  for  the  Harper  College  campus  community,  pub- 
lished biw(?ekly  throughout  the  school  year  except  dunng  holidays  and  final  exams  The 
paper  is  distnbuted  free  to  all  students,  faculty  and  adrmnistration^  The  Harbingers  sole 
purpose  is  to  provide  the  Harper  community  with  mformahon  pertamuig  to  the  campus 
and  its  surrounding  coounumty 

Letter«  Policy 
TTr  Harbmger  welcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  rephes  to  our  editorials.  Letters  must  be 
signed  and  mclude  a  social  security  number.  Signatures  will  be  withheld  upon  request. 
All  letters  are  subject  to  edituig. 

Products  and  services  advertised  m  The  Harbinger  are  not  necessarily  endorsed  by  the  edi- 
tors of  this  paper,  nor  by  the  college  administration  or  Boanj  of  Directors.  Inquuies  should 
be  forwarded  directly  (o  the  advertiser,  and  all  purchases  are  at  the  discretion  of  the  con- 

Copyright  19»S,  The  Harbinger;  All  righto  rwerved 

Where  there's  smoke ... 


Rodan,  Down  the  River 

Smokers  have  long 
been  »  nuisance  in  this 
country',  and  it's  about 
time  the  government 
stepped  in  to  make  manda- 
tory the  safety  artd  cumfort 
we've  demanded  for  «.o 

In  tiKt.  if  vou're  like  me, 
you  relv  on  the  govern- 
ment tii  protect  you  from 
all  the  stupid  things  vmi 
could  do  to  hurt  yoursell 

I  was  filled  with  utti-r 
relief  when  I  watched  The 
Pr«'SKii-nt  of  The  United 
state*  jiinounce  his  loosely 
phra^oi     1  vtvvih w  (Ifder" 
prohibiting  kib.ivU)  compa- 
nies from  advertising  near 
.schools  and  parks  and  in 
sports  such  as  auto  racing 
And  with  soRW  luck, 
they'll  be  replaced  with 
pctures  of  half  naked 
chic  S.I  mean      blue  jean 
■ds.  Those  are  much  more 

And  you  know  that  if 

the  President  is  taking  it 
on  as  a  personal  agenda,  it 
must  be  a  VERY  dangerous 

Faster  than  the  spread 
of  AIDS  and  more  poiso 
nous  than  plutonium  .Able 
to  reach  children  without 
the  help  of  cinema  glorifi 

It's  a  word. 

It's  a 

It  s  advertising 

And  It's  a  freed<;>m  of 
speech  that  the  pet:>ple  ot 
Amenca  would  gladly 
relinquish  for  such  a  lUSt 
and  nghteous  cause, 
because  unlimited  freedom 
IS  a  bad  thing 

At  that'N  who  tht 
President  believ  > 
need  the  Presides ;  .     ... 
us  what  to  do 

Because  we  are  a  collec- 
tive bunch  of  impressiim 
able  imbeciles,  who  do  ,k 
we  at*:'  commanded  b\  all 
that  we  see  and  read. 

And  I'd  like  to  add  that 
I  think  churches  who  have 
marquees  are  an  enemv  of 
the  people,  selling  the 
promi,s«'  of  salvation, 
instructing  me  to  go  inside 
and  worship  I  can  hardly 
get  to  my  destination  on 
any  given  day  because  Im 
an  idiot  and  have  to  do 
what  all  the  signs  tell  me. 

Its  s.i  stressful 

Ive  >;.•(  to  phone  tirst, 
lust  do  It,  «ft  m  my 
I'ontiai  and  ride  mde, 
Pontiac,  nde).  have  a  coke 
and  a  smile,  watch  em  iig 
gle,  s«'e  em  wiggle  (oh, 
what  a  toflmgt,  oK'V  my 
thirst  fall  into  the  Cap, 
.uui  (1!  while  slammin' .r> 

tn't  help  but  leave 
,.,  ;...   ..  jthout  It! 

lis  nist  n.'t  f.isv  being  a 
gullible  moron  am  more 
Hut  with  a  little  luck,  Billy 
bov  will  make  gobs  ot 
cM'cuIn  e  orders  banning 
all  sorts  of  malevolent 



,^OUaHT  TO  Do 

ABOUT  THWr  siaA/. 

.idvertiMng,  Then,  finally, 
ruerage  \niericans  like 
nuself  will  be  prolocted 
(rom  the  •■verw helming 
demands  ol  unscrupulous 

Hut  1  hope  he  diH'sn't 
ban  pohliial  ads  dike  his 
mvn)   I'olitKs  ,irv'  so  pure 
and  virgin  white  They  re 

no  where  near  being  as 
underhanded,  conniving, 
lorrupt,  .Hid  misleading  as 
those  evil  cigarette  ads 
\<ipr   HilK's  a  «ood 
bov    He  11  ^ave  us   IVcauSe 
he  knows  how  hard  it  is  to 
run  with  your  head  in  the 
cKnids.  and  continually 
deny  inhaling. 

Shannon  Faulkner's  out — I'm  elated! 

T.WMtor,  Amettcon  Independent 

//  T"  know  manv  of  vou      all  *«e  stn-nuous    pre 


will  be  disappoint- 
„)  .  ,.  .,  bate 
mc  And  ■■  1  will 

be  elated 

That's  what  Shannon 
Faulkner  said  m  her  going 
awav  spetxh  It  seems  she 
no  longer  wants  to  be  a 
meinber  of  the  all-niale 
Citadel  Kvau!*  after  only 
one  day  of  the  infarmnis 
"Hell  Week",  exhausticm 
overcame  the  ptxw  unlcirtvi- 
nato  wtwch— as  if  we 
aliould  feel  sorr\'  for  her 
(How  manv  c>f  vou  caught 
the  pathetic  displav  of  emo 
Ikais  she  pouted  out  for  the 
camera''  If  vou  didn  t,  don't 
worry,  the  nvetlia  will  keep 
on  replayuig  it  lor  -^^me 
time  tci  come  After  all,  this 
IS  the  media  of  the  **)•-  i 

The  n-ason  tor  leav  mg 
according  to  Faulkner,  was 
exhausucm.  But  m  a»ahry, 
which  IS  quite  obvioii-.  she 
"iiuit"  due  to  tile  embarrass 
t  she  suffered  as  a  result 

.  ^hau«tlon  on  the  first 
day,  withm  a  tew  hours 
knowmg  the  whoU-  o,'ut>try. 
or  at  least  the  manv  sie.i/v 
tabloids,  were  paying  close 
attention  The  second>n 
for  leaving  was  the  lealiM- 
bon  of  what  it  actually  takes 
to  be  a  member  of  the 
Citadel— it  isn't  |ust  going 
lo  class  and  taking  tests 

And  after  all  that  time 
she  put  in  — the  exaras.  the 
court  battles,  not  lo  mention 



ready  to  thn>w  in  the  ton  •■] 

Ch,  th«'  a*."<"V    m,>n\        It 

not  all tel:  ■:ii- 

mste)  must  I*  ►.•.^.■.►, 
llutiugh  in  pnvBte  (and  I 
know  you  awl  Shannon 
was  thetr  one  hope  for 
gloiy;  to  destn>y  one  ot  the 
laai  inrwiming  all  male  insti- 
tutions m  America  *  >f 
course,  anv  male  wanting  to 
enter  \ 

fe'imle  •        -..dlv 

labeled  a  [yr^ert  >>  it  is 
only  fitting  r.julkjier  be 
labeied  a  pervert'  as  well 

The  whol*"  "I  the  ari-i; 

ment  corner 

gationof  the  >i ,.  ,, 

there  is  absolutely  notlvr-., 
um-on.stituti.:-"  -!■'--•■ 
Spe<iking  V. , 

rectiV's"   '  .in 

abomi!  ,.;elo 

separate  temak-s  !r'>n',  all- 
male  mstitutioas  tKparatmg 
males  from  all-female  msn 
tutions.  though,  IS  still 
iicc«"ptable  (figuit'  that  out 
without  K'ing  a  hvixKnte) 
(.tnce  there  were  manv 
all-maie  institutions  and  the 
feim-idiois  cned  foul  and 

tir,-  n,::^     r,  rfx>  pnKe^S  Of 

-^ing  that  trend, 
th.  ..  ii..i.-.. .  rsnng  only  cme 
rrvirc  bnck  in  ttv  wall  ,-\itd 
at  the  sairk'  time,  all-feriMle 
institutions  are  txiommg 
more  and  moiv  popular 
because  wften  little  girls 

rais«'  their  haiid>  in  i  lass 
thev  .'f.  ,1s  1  ;•.■.•. 'r,,!  ti-n 
dfi'  ■■>rK>ys: 

thr  -"•■•■lie 

Ot  ,, 

teauKTs  ^- 1_  ■.:i,i.ii'  .m- 
vM, >mt,'n     figure  that  out 

When  it  wa.s  fc>und  out 
that  Faulkner  was  female, 
she  should  have  been 
turned  around,  bent  over. 
and  given  a  swift,  vet  harsh, 
kick  to  the  backsicle  and 
sent  on  her  way  She  had  no 
business,  and  no  nght.  a.s  of 
vet,  to  even  enter  the 

Is  It  asking  tis>  much  that 
males  have  the  nght  to  seek 
an  educabon  awav  from 

female--''  If  it  is,  and  the 
Citadel  lo.'s.s  ,K.,nirt  bat- 
tle, it  shot;:  :iv 
me.ip-  '■••              .    .  -.  ,.  vic- 
ti>r\'  ■                      -.  ri,i;;il~   II 
theCn.iui-i  ii.ses_  tlieiv  s>>  too 
must  any  and  all  female 
inshiutioas.  For  if  females 
want  an  end  lo  gender  si-g- 
regation,  then  they  too  will 
ha\  e  to  s<icnf'ice.  And  that 
m  layman's  terms  means  an 
end  to  all-female  lastitu- 

Well,  FaulkncVdid  enter 
the  Citadel  and  now  the 
controversy  rages  on 
whether  or  trot  to  aUow 
other  females  to  fcdlow  m 
her  footsteps.  Perhaps 

Faulkner's  performance  will 
be  scrutini/cd  in  the  deci- 
sion to  allow  other  temales 
to  |Oin    To  their  credit,  that 
would  K  unfair  Faulkner 
was  not  m  very  gooti  shape 
to  begin  with,  and  even 
though  the  physical  training 
exercises  were  mixiihed  tor 
her  benefit,  .md  even 
though  she  did  not  have  to 
di'  as  manv  as  the 
males,  (Where's  the  equality 
in  that?  Isn't  that  proof  of 
male  supenontv?)  It  must 
alsii  tx-  noted  that  laulknei 
IS  not  represi-iitative  of  all 
females,  Theri>  are  many 
females  who  could  out-p«'r- 
fiirm  Faulkner  and  perhaps 
a  numbei  ol  the  mail's  Rut 
please,  not  at  the  a  11  male 
Cit.-di';.  1  ct'-.  hope  it  never 
conies  lo  that. 

But  il  alloweil,  they'll  not 
have  Shannon  lo  thank  [X-r- 
sonallv-  tor  the  mighty 
Shannon  I  aulkner,  champi- 
on of  the  temi-idiot —  struck  out  Hell,  she 
swung  at  a  very  bad  pitch 

i  et's  hope  instead  that 
these  females  will  up 
and  form  their  own  all- 
female  Citadel,  witli  the 
exception  of  course  that 
there  will  be  no  crv  ing  or 
complaming  when  a  male 
wants  to  enmll     that  would 
be  hvpiKTisy.  But  >  ou  femi- 
idiots  already  knew  that, 
didn't  you 

Anyway,  Shannon 
Faulkner  is  out  and  I'm  one 
of  the  elated  bunch. 




Let  Tlic  Harbinger  meet  all 
your  advertising  needs.  .\le\jndru  Sjcjlis  at  (70»)  925-b4«)0  for  intornvi 

on  on  how  vou  or  vour  ori>jni/ation  tan  reach  the  slu- 

di-nls  ot  (larpt-r  College. 

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temporary  J^^sociates 


Resume  Preparation  also  ovQiloble. 

The  24  hour,  full  service 
temporary  help  company. 

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Inventory  takers.   RCilS  is 

U>olan>5  for  students  lo  work 
in  the  north  ^uhurhs  Likini; 
inventorv  \o  cvpri  u'li.  i- 
ncct^Stirv.  i  lexible  schedule. 
>«i  23  pt-T  hour.  Must  have 
traaspiirtatum .  2S3- 1 1 7'^ 

Wanted  immediately 

Shampcxi  pers.)n  to  work  in 
busy  downtown  .Arlinftton 
Heights  ht-auty  salon 
Expt-nence  a  definite  plus. 
Call  tcnlay  for  immediate 
consideration.  I'ay  starts  at 
$5.(KI  per  hour,  lour  days 
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CruLse  Ships  Hirmg^Travel 
the  world  while  earning  an 
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time  employment  available 
No  exp.  necessary.  For  info 
call  l-206-634-04feB 

Fnthusiastic  reporters  need- 
ed! Contact  the  Harbin>;iT, 
A3h7,  at,W7-:MM,ll)x2.tfil 

Holp  VVantod 

ASSE.MBLERS:  Excellent 
income  to  assemble  prod- 
ucts at  home 

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FfMlay  -   7  45am  -  4  30pm 

Saliirrlay  -   9  00am  ■   12  00  noon 

(Plus  extended  Hours  tor  first  2  weeks  off  classes) 

IV  u 

Wanted:  Roaring,  cheering 
crowds  at  Harper  sports 

Sunn  Bodamocfwr 

Spofts  Editor 

The  Harper  College  lootbiill 
team  will  b«;  celebrating  ils 
25th  Anniversary'  with  a 
special  ceremony  during  the 
Seph»mb«?r  16  game  against  Grand 
Ki,    '-  Harper  College  history 
will  be  made  that  night  and  it 
would  spectacular  to  have  a 
standing  loom  only  crowd  for  the 

Coach  J(jhn  Eliasik  created  the 
football  program  during  the  sum- 
mer of  1971  and  has  buil  it  into  .ui 
outstanding  program.  Eliasik  s 
teams  have  produced  39  AU- 
Amehcans.  In  1973,  only  the  third 
season,  Ervin  Kimbrough  became 
liie  Hatvks'  first  All-American. 

Eliaalk  is  now  the  winningest 
active  commurut\-  college  head 
coach  in  the  country  Harper's 
football  teams  have  won  numer- 
ous conference  titks  with  trips  to 
several  bcnwl  games. 

Harper's  football  team  has 
brought  a  great  deal  of  honor  and 

glory  to  our  school  over  the  paSl 
quarter  of  a  centuiy.  1  believe  that 
ttw  students,  of  Harper  College 
have  a  responsibility  to  show  their 
appreciation  to  ail  of  those  who 
ha%'e  worked  aiul  played  for  the 
football  program  in  the  last  25 

Last  week  a  friend  of  mine 
questMined  me  as  to  why  commu- 
nity college  sp<irts  aren't  as  big  as 
they  are  in  the  high  schools  and 
universities.  I  couldn't  aaswer 
him.  Where  I  come  from  in 
California,  community  college 
sports  draw  big  crowds. 
California's  community  colleges 
are  commuter  colleges  ju-st  like 

Change  is  the  battlecry  of  the 
'90i.  I  think  that  it  is  time  that  we 
change  the  face  of  Harper  College 
sports  by  filling  the  seals  at  every 
sporting  event  As  a  great  person 
once  said  (I  can't  remember 
who)"Theie  is  no  time  like  the 

Work  that  student  id  card  and 
gel  on  out  to  the  fixuball  game 

We  are  looking  for  part  time  help 

1  to  5  days  a  week 

Monday  thru  Friday 

Flexible  Lunchtime  hours 

Other  days  and  xhifts  available 

Submakers  and  cashiers 

$5.00  to  $7.00  per  hour 

Vacation  Bonus  Pay 

3  Locations 

600  East  Golf  Road 

Schaumburg,  IL 

Phone:  882-0005  Joe  or  Tom 

Schaumburg  &  Barrington  Road 

Phone:  390-8064  Mike 

Golf  &Algonquin  Road 

Rolling  Meadows 
Phone:  290-8552  Jim 


Harper  (2)  V*.  Illinois  Val]ey(7) 
Harper(<>)  vs.  WsbonacefCQ 
Haiper(7)  vs.  Rock  Valkyfil) 
Record;  2-2 


Haiperd)  vs.  Hgin<0) 
Harper(0)  vs.  Wabcw»see<2) 
Ha»pei<2)  vs.  Uncoln(l) 
Harper(0)  v.s.  IWton(l) 
Record;  2-2 

Volleyball  team  has  a 
rocky  start  in  N4C 

Susan  Rodamochw 

,  .SpomEdrtor 

The   Volleyball   team   opened 
confen-ncf    play    St-plcmber 
12th    against    Jolift    in    the 
Harper  gymnasium. 

Haipcr  started  nut  strv»ng  by  tak- 
ing the  first  game,  but  lost  the  next 
three.  'We  were  close  in  the  second 
and  third  games,"  Shannon  Hill 
said.  "The  last  game  we  weren't  real- 
ly focused,' she  said. 

The  loss  followed  a  successful 
weekend  as  the  volleyball  team 
defeated  fudsiw  and  South 
Suburban  They  also  have  fallen  in 
matches  at  home  against  Highland 
and  on  the  road  against  Morame 

Valley  and  St.  FrancLs. 

Coach  fudy  Steinbeck  is  opti- 
mi.<.tic  aK)ut  this  year's  team  and 
hopes  that  the  team  can  improve 
upon  the  gotxl  record  that  ttiev  had 
in  1994. 

"Last  season  we  were  living  on 
the  edge  because  we  only  had  six 
players,"  Steinbeck  said.  Six  players 
are  required  to  play  m  onler  to  pre- 
vent a  forfeit, 

"If  one  girl  was  in|ured  or  got 
sick,  we  were  in  trtnible,"  Steinbeck 
recounted.  'Thank  gixKlness  we 
have  eight  players  thus  year." 

Hill  observes,  "We  need  to  come  ■ 
together  as  a  team  and  push  for  a 

Athlete  of  the  Week 

Each  week  the  W^Uness  and 
Human  PerformaiKe  Division 
names  an  AAlete  of  tfte  Week. 
The  Harbmger  is  proud  to  fea- 
ture the  talented  athletes  of 
Harper  College. 

Muhammcd  returned  a  fourth 
quarter  punt  70  yards  for  a  touch- 
down that  led  Harper  to  a  14-0 
lead  over  Iowa  Central. 

WEEK:  Aug.  30  -  Sept.  6, 1995 

SPORT:  Football 

POSmON:D8/Speaal  Teams 

HEIGHT:  5-9' 

WEIGHT:  181  lbs. 

HIGH  SCHOOL:  Undblom 

YEAR:  2nd 

Harper  vs.  Grand  Rapids 

September  16th,  7:00pm 

Prospect  High  School 


^^arper  Sports 

Football  team  looking  to  go  3-0 

Suian  Rad*macli«r 


The  football  tfiim  fjot-s 
off  St-pt  [h  a>;.iinNr 
Grand  Rdpiiis  in  a 
game  that  has  a  lot  of  mean- 
ing for  both  teams. 

The  Hawks  are  tookmg 
fof  a  vn  n-cord  on  the  sea- 
son. folUivving  victones  over 
Iowa  (1 1-0)  ami 
Diinois  Valley  ( 2 1  - 1 7;  C  oat  h 
John  Eliasik  said.  "It  would 
go  a  lung  way  m  «~ilablishing 
our  sea.<9on,  but  we  still  have 
a  lough  schixiule  ahead  ' 

Crand  Kapids  will  be 
kx>kinK  to  avenge  list  «•- 
son's  he.irl  hrtMking  loss  to 
the  H.iwk'H  The  loss 
knocked  t.r,in<i  K<ipic1s  ,,>ul 
of  the  \'alli'v  ot  thf  Suri  Iktwi 
in  Ari/ima 

HiaMk  team  started  oH 
their  s«:'.ixin  with  a  210  vii> 
ttiry  .It  H.irfXT  agaiavt  Iowa 
Central  S'pt.  2.  A  scoieless 
first  halt  was  highlighttxl  by 
a  draw  play  on  third  down 
with  21  yards  to  ^o 

Although  H.irfvr  taiM 
lo  iMpit.iii/t-  on  the  new  set 
of  di'wns,  the  succesi  of  the 
play  <iht>wed  the  respttt  that 
ilef^iies  have  tor  quarter 
back  Kevin  N'awana) 
Narwarrai  passed  for  128 
\.(rds  and  a  touchdown  in 

Punt  returner  Haroun 
Muhammad  broke  the  game 
wide  open  when  he  relunwd 

an  Iowa  Central  punt  70 
yards  for  a  touchdown  to 
put  harper  up  14-0.  It  was 
Harper  s  first  punt  return  lor 
a  touchdown  since  IWl. 

Running  back  Tory 
Watson  put  the  game  away 
hy  crossing  the  goal  line 
with  7  14  left  m  the  game. 
Kicker  Pat  Devito  put 
thrtnigh  his  third  kick  of  the 
iliv  to  give  the  Hawks  a  21-0 
V  ictO'ry. 

Th««  Harper  defense  kept 
Iowa  Central  scorless  by 
holding  them  to  .''2  yards 
passing  They  also  got  (he 
Hawk.s  out  ot  a  jam  folk:>w- 
ing  the  hl>,Hk  of  a  Harper 
punt  liiw.i  got  the 
ball  on  Harper's  21  yard  line 
but  failtij  to  put  points  on 
the  board 

It  was  off  to  (.'ttawa  as 
Harper  hit  tfie  road  ti>  play 
lUmois  Valley  ^wpt.  4. 
Although  the  Apaches  put 
up  a  betl«-r  fight,  the  n-sult 
VV.1S  ihi-  ■•ame. 

lliasik  Mid  "Poor  tock- 
Ung  anil  had  .ilignment  hurt 
us  in  the  first  half,  but  we 
were  better  m  the  setond 
half  '  Ik'tter  indeed,  as  tran- 
fer  Will  t  ord  led  the  defease 
with  three  s,Kks 

Two  of  those  sacks  came 
on  Uluiois  Valley's  final 
drive  of  the  game-  With  the 
Kill  on  the  Apache  H  \,ird 
line  Illinois  Valley  went  g.u  t- 
It  one  last  shot  on  fourth 

»«(K|uii  Moittt  •votlw  Iowa  Cwifiol  d6««ndart  duiitig  Harper's  21 -0  win  on  Sept.  2  . 

photo  Dy  Susan  BodefToclief 

I  ord  sacked  the  quarter- 
back fon-mg  the  -Xp.uhi's  lo 
give  the  gam<>and  ih.:'  Kill  to 
Harper  with  \  ?H  to  go  in  the 


'Their  otteiis*-  was  trickv 
and  we  tailed  to  read  and 
align  ourselves,  especwIK 
on  the  41  v.=ird  toiichd>nvn 
run,"  I-v>rd  s.ini 

I-or  dlso  s,ihl,  I  icali/ed 
that  ui-  vvere  Hat  at  llu'  end 
of  the  first  hall,  but  we  t.ime 
out  fired  up  to  s«'t  the  tone 
tor  the  M'coiid  halt 

Illinois  Valley  lunip'il  out 

to  an  early  7-0  lead  m  the 
first  quarter  fullback  I  yan 
Kcgopoulos  ran  in  from  the  I 
to  put  the  Hawks  on  the 
bo.ird  7  h  lXvit<>'s  I'AT 
was  bliKked  keeping  the 
store  at  7-h, 

'  ti'ams  plavor 
Ariroii  Butler  blLickeil  a  (Hint 
"n  Illinois  \  allev's  nevt  piiss 
ision.  S'l/ing  the  opportuni- 
t\  Wris  lory  Watson,  who 
stored  the  first  ot  his  two 
tovithdovvns  when  the  offen- 
sive line  opened  a  wide  ofx'n 
path  to  the  end  /one  thnv 

plays  later. 

Watson  Stored  hi>  setond 
touchdown  ot  the  tlav  in  the 
third  nuarler  to  put  the 
H.nvks  up  bv  six,  Deyito 
kuked  tlu-  I'vtr.i  point  for 
HarfHTs  points  of  the 

lh<'  Hawks  vscrr  tired  up 
tor  the  rest  ot  Ihf  game  as 
they  held  thf  until  the 
final  gun  "Coiulitioning  is 
the  kev  Oui  guvs  .irt-  still 
going  strong  in  the  fourth 
quarter  vyhen  the  others 
an'n't."  Tliasik  saitl. 


Iowa  Central  at  Harper 

Harper  at  Illinois  Valley 

SCORE  BY  QUARTERS    12          3          4         TOTAL 

SCORE  BY  QUARTERS    12          3          4          TOTAL 


0          0          7          14        21 

Harper                                0          14        7          0          21 

Iowa  Cimtral 

0          0          0           0         0 

Illinois  Vallev                       7          7          0          3          17 


HARPER                  ILLINOIS  VALLEY 

First  Downs 

11                             13 

First  Downs              18                                         11 

Rushing  yd*. 

94                             135 

Rushing  yds.            154                                       174 

Passing  yda. 

128                            32 

Passing  yds.            152                                      44 


222                            167 

TOTAL  YDS.           306                                      218 

Pass  Ratio 

9-20                          3-13 

Pass  Ratio                12-25                                   4-13 


I                                3 

Tumoven                1                                         1 


6-50                           4-30 

Penalties                  8-55                                     442 

President  Thompson  elected  to  community  college  board 



Harper's  Presidenl 
Paul  Thompson 
recently  was  elected 
to  th<?  American  Association 
of  Community  College  Board 
of  Directors. 

President  of  the  United 
States  Bill  Clinton,  the  fea- 
tured speaker  at  the  75th 
AACC  convention  in 
Minneapolis,  Minnesota, 
congratulated  all  of  the 
newly  elected  board  mem- 

Clinton  spoke  to  a  crowd 
t>t  nearly  22tX)  participants 
involved  in  the  community 
college  movement. 

Organized  in  1920,  the 
AACC  IS  a  natioful  organiza- 
tion that  consists  of  1100  two- 
year  institutions. 

"One  of  the  AACC's 
goals  IS  to  get  a  better  under- 
standing of  public  contribu- 
tions and  where  those  contri- 
butions go,"  Thompson  said. 

Hofp«r  pTMktont  Paul  Thompion  shakes  hcmdi  with  PtMklMit  Clinton  of  me  75m  Amertcon 
AMOCloHon  ot  CommmunWy  College  ConvenMon.  Pnoto  courtsey  of  Mcxper  College 

Dr.  Thompson,  now  in  his 
seventh  vear  as  president, 
will    serve  on    the 

Committee  on  Public  Policy/ 
Crt-ivem-ment  RclatiofLs  Tho 
committee  meets  and  works 

along  with  the  AACC  and 
the  ACCT  (American 
Association  for  Community 

Colleges  Trustees  ,  and  the 
Joint  Commis.sion  on  Federal 

"We  have  an  interest  in  all 
community  colleges  to  get 
help  from  Federal 
Legislation,  and  maybe  that 
will  be  effected  close  to 
homo,  here  at  Harper," 
Thompson  said. 

Thompson  will  also  be  a 
contact  for  the  Instructional 
Telecommunications  Council. 
The  Instructional  Telecom- 
munications Council  is 
important  to  Thompson  since 
Harper  has  joined  with  other 
regional  colleges  to  provide 
distance  learning. 

"Here  we  need  better 
research.  It  will  help  stu- 
dents, in  the  placement  jobs 
and  m  the  placement  of  other 
schools,  when  they  go  to 
transfer,"  Thompson  said. 

He  emphaised  that  not 
too  many  things  have  been 
well  documented  to  this 
point,  but  a  change  is 

Haqjer  just  might  be  closer  to  managing 
the  ongoing  geese  problem.  Some  of  the 
proposals  aren't  what  you'd  call  typical 
but  two  other  possibilities  are  already 
swimming  in  the  pond.      Page  3 

Check  out  two  of  the  Harbinger's  hottest 
and  newest  features:  Scott  Adams' 
"Dilbert"  and  by  popular  demand  "Your 
Real  Horoscope"  from  the  Onion.  Page  4 

Head  F(x>tball  Coach  John  Eliasik  recieves 
his  Hall  of  Fame  plaque.  Page  11 

Pigi»4-5  Ffdluftt     I%t0 

<  (>iniii«ntity 


Professor  Hull  attends  U.N.  World 
Conference  on  Women  in  China 

Julie  ThoinpMn 


Professor  Elizabeth  Hull 
recently  returned  from 
the  U.N.  World 
Conference  on  Women  in 
Beijing,  China. 

Coincidentally,  an  invita- 
tion to  speak  at  the  People  to 
People  Ambassador  Program 
for  a  US  joint  confereiwe  on 
women's  issues  brought  Hull 
to  China  a  week  before  the 
UN  c<mference. 

"This  is  my  fourth  trip  to 
China,  and  each  time  1  go 
somethmg  gmxl  comes  out  of 
-!  i  iiili  -..iij  "1  like  to  think 
-tit  as  .1  tondiiie  tor 
people  to  meet  (H-.iple  ' 

■■VVomcn  around  the 
'•■.  :  - '  i  are  nenerallv  the 
-.iiru  >he  said,  "we  all  say 
we  are  tor  equalitv,  vet  we 
don't  have  it 

One  of  the  high  points  of 
Hull's  trip  was  listening  to 
Hillarv  Rodham-Clinton 

"It  was  wonderful.  She 
spoke  about  things  any  gcHxi 
willed  person  vvould  agree 
with,  like  caring  (or  the 
young  and  the  elderly." 

Hull  listened  as  women 
spoke  about  how  they  are 

Piolessoi  Hull's  highlight  of  her  trip  was  to  attend  a  speoctt 
gh/en  by  flrtt  tody  HHtory  Rodhofn-CHnton. 

Pnoto  t'-v  Soson  Rodamocher 

regarded  as  property  in  main 
countries-  She  heard  ^t.iru's 
of  violence  and  abuse 

"One  woman  was  raped 
in  Bosnia  hv  soldiers  while 
her  husband  and  children 
watched  "  she  said  "Too 
often  women  are  treated  as 
sex  objects." 

Hull  is  an  advocate  of 
educahng  women,  ^w  wants 

women  to  read  about  other 
vv.ns  to  live  hopefully  induc- 
ing changes  for  the  better 

"The  most  important 
thing  to  come  out  of  the  con- 
ference for  me  was  the 
opportunity  to  network  with 
people  from  all  over  the 
world."  Hull  said.  "I'm  get- 
ting e-mail  from  as  far  away 
as  New  Zealand." 

.'  ll..-  Ilirt.. 

1.H   (TuKl'/J'tHH!    .mai 

ii'Tson-  Hiiiiilin"  \.  HiMim  !(> 


Harper  News 

The  Harinnger 


^      • 


Harper  News 

What  is  the  answer  to  controlling  the  geese  count 


PfiofcD  Oy  Jon  O'flnen 

H«  How  can  I  get  my  education 
•focused  fast? 

•  IVansfer  to  DeVry 

•  to  complete  your  degree. 

a^mn  uottni  Iw  •  tat.  tmimt «)  w  giiiulm  ym  iKMtv « de|nr.  IW[> 

)W'imiil<dinliilcl>nyMH*|«ii'ilt|a«'«Kll).  liidfmttKntimartktm 
w  lit  iMl  «MM  taaw  <■«  liM'tai  (MfaMn  in*  piaaal  liMiai  opcmx 
DMy  •Mm  lncWw't  *|W  |N|niai«  Batmn  tillwnil  IkMiv. 
C«i>lii'  lifcnii—ii  »»m».  luMaMairaiMiMt.  taaMia|.ail1*aa«Miia- 
iMa  Maqpaai*  a  «•■' ••  ■  iKMaf ''<  4itn*  ciMfiMka  fMff«B  a 'hilMKil. 

DsV^y^  higher  degree  of  success. 

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(7W)  MS-2WM    a ,  3H 


Robert  Morris 



IN  60  WEEKS 

Bachelor  nf  Busirus-  Administration  IViiroe 
(.Ainccntrations  in: 

tUllNlSf   *>i^  ACCOUNTINC 

rmiiittrr  Schemmup*  up  1  '  amulable  fcr  stuaenls 

tmiutemns  M  Sg  snanrr  ncun  y 7  nemMtr  DeunJ  mth  a 

6.P.A  etatktui%e 

:  ^ai^  an  it  u  <\tf/r /Vvw*" 

m  a*  unw  .J '  60  1 



A  recent  Friday 
afternoon  head 
count  revealed 
thai  (here  are  more 
geese  on  campus  than 
students.  So  how  do 
we  control  the  growing 
gaggle  of  geese? 

Director  of  Physical 
Plant,  Bob  Geotz  said, 
"The  geese  are  definite- 
ly becoming  a  problem 
because  moie  and  more 
of  them  come  back 
every  year  to  breed 
where  they  are  bom." 

Coetz  said  the 
Harper  board  of 
trustees  has  been  dis- 
cussing ways  to  control 
the  geese. 

"One  idea  men- 
tioned was  to  trap  the 
geese,  send  them  to  a 
food  processing  plant 
and  offer  them  as  an 
alternative  fixxi  source 

to  food  pantries,"  he 

Stressing  that  it  was- 
n't  his  idea  to  eat  the 
geese,  Goetz  explained, 
"I  don't  think  there's 
anything  wrong  with  it, 
just  compare  it  to  eating 

If  eating  the  geese 
doesn't  appeal  to  you, 
the  board  of  trustees 
has  considered  another 
alternative:  swan 

For  under  a  mere 
$4000  Harper  college 
could  purchase  a  pair  of 
geese  wrangling  swans. 
Midge  Flemmmg-lhrig, 
swan  care  project  man- 
ager at  Dr.  Churches 
landscaping  said  they 
have  been  selling  and 
leasing  swans  since 

Ihrig  sdid  swans  are 
very  territorial,  espe- 
cially when  they  are 
nesting.   They  will  pro- 

tect their  offspring  from 
any  predators  by  chas- 
ing them  away. 

"Even  though  swans 
are  a  good  way  to  con- 
trol the  geese,  we  use 
them  for  other  reasons 
too"  Ihrig  said.  "They 
can  be  used  to  eat 
aquatic  algae,  lessening 
the  need  for  pesticides." 

Although  swans 
could  do  a  lot  of  good 
for  the  campus,  Ckietz  is 
still  hesitant  about  tak- 
ing the  money  out  of 
his  budget.  "There's  no 
guarantee  that  the 
swans  will  work,"  he 

As  tar  as  guarantees 
go,  notiiing  is  for  sure. 
We  plant  trees  and  can 
only  hope  they  grow. 
Lets  buy  some  swans, 
and  hope  we've  all 
been  chased  by  our  last 
nasty  goose. 

1995-96  Student  Senator  Election  Results 

AELS  Divi-sion: 
Caroline  L  Sarcomanno  (12  votes) 

BUS /SS  Division: 
Paull.Wyer  (9  voles) 

LS/HS  Division: 
Neal  R.  Domre*  (10  vole*) 

TMPS  Division: 
Ryan  McCraw  (9  votes) 




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Tlie  HaiWager 

Tony's  Veil  of  Tears 

Thank  ffou  all  for  the  mtm^wmmmltmd 
kUm  IM  NHrf  to  bt  answrred  Thmtgh 

Dear  Tony, 

My  girtfricnd  and  I  have  been 
together  for  three  yean.  We  have 
been  living  together  for  two  years 
and  still  >hc  asks  that  I  wear  a  con- 
dom. I  don't  want  to  wear  it  each 
and  every  time.  Ifs  nol  the  NMnc. 
Please  answer. 
Rub  Herman 
Cliicago,  IL 

Dear  Rub  Bermon, 
Always  wear  your  gakMhes!  The 
temptation  to  go  au  natural  may  be 
there  but  remember  that  mort-  is  at 
risk  than  a  gixid  teelinft,  like  .iny 
venereal  diseast>  and  AIDS    Men  who 
are  nol  willing  to  wear  thetr  rubbers 
will  have  to  beat  it 

Dear  Tony, 

Sometimes,  when  I  try  to  kiss  my 

girlfriend,  she  turns  away  from  me. 

I  don't  understand  this? 

Feeling  Hopeless 

Arlington  Heights,  IL 

Ctear  I'celms  Hopeksft, 

You  really  didn't  give  me  enough 

information    Maybe  it's  ttmc  to  inv f-t 

in  somi*  Certs  or  breatb-treNbening 

I'l  \I\  \\IU)\C. 

Dear  Tony, 

Last  year  two  of  my  very  good 
Mends  were  married.  I  bought  them 
a  beautiful  Steuben  Vase  from 
Tiffany's.  Last  month,  it  was 
returned  to  me  in  the  mail  and  a 
short  note  accompanying  it,  explain- 
ing that  they  received  double  of  this 
gift.  Also,  they  instructed  me  to 
exchange  it.  Isn't  this  unethical? 
Palatine,  IL 

tVar  Bet  ky. 

It  IS  shiKking,  especially  added  to  the 

fact  that  your  offenng  wjmi  t  .i  turn- 
mon  tiMster  fn»m  Sejrs    L'nethi>:.iP 
you  ask.  ThedispLu  ot  di^imtent- 
ment  of  vour  gifl  w  j>  not  pri'pvr  eti- 
quette jcciirdmn  u>  (.,K*ru  Vanderbilt 
The  blushinf;  bride  and  the  (»rimjcing 
grtxim  'ihould  hjve  kept  their  dilem- 
ma of  twin  (^itts  ,1  secret  and  returned 
it  IhemwU  es   Since  they  jre  too  U^y 
to  exthan^e  model  #2  then  1  suRftesl 
thai  you  return  it  lor  the  cash  or  credit 
at  Tiffany  s  and  purchase  them  a  try- 
ing pan  at  H>me  liK-al  tin  dealer 

If  iMMi  hn* a ifaefHtm  that  Tonv  could 
hdp  !'■ 

Harf',.  ,  .  'N 

''.'  or  ^-nJt-nuil  l.i 
ititKitbnenidaol  mm 


1«  Rem.  RCAsepk 

OWK.  Pl>MTS  &RPb> 
V>P  Ct6  AMD  Vntot&fr. 

■SrfK*   BDtui««C>'i:»  '    Af^ti 

«uti  ani«n*™i»D4s 

tutu.  hVO^ 



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IT  HM,  TO  Bt 
tITMtMOu  0« 


"MSTAHt.    l'«  NO 
OMHKAH.Y  «00»t   t» 
■On  HISS  «t  lU  ri*M 
twTo  A  »MI»a.'"' 

010  I  i*v  "rnntf?  \ 
:  nvmj  IX)  m.Oti 

<u«}UN  AS 

/AlNtl    MA  HA 

HAH  GCT  n' 


vou»t  wwt 

i^Wn,  you 








yoii  asked  for  it,  Harper,  and  now  you've 
got  It!  The  Harbinger  welcomes  our 
newest  feature.  Your  Real  Horoscope! 

Aries:  (Mar  21 -Apr  19) 
The  stars  say  you'll  receive  a  mid- 
night visit  from  Laugh-In  regular  |o 
Anne  Worley     Ask  her  to  do  her 
hilarious  yell. 

Taurus:  (Apr  20- May  20) 
While  vacationing  in  romantic  Paris, 
you  will  ch*)ke  to  death  on  a  whole 
wheat  baguette 

Gemini;  (May  21-Iune  21) 

Impress  your  buddies  at  the 
Zxxilogical  Society  by  memori/ing  all 
facets  of  binomial  nomenclature. 

Cancer.  (June  2;-|uly  22) 

A  crafty  A\qudrius  will  win  your 

heart  this  week     Before  you  have  a 

chaixi'  lo  protest,  your  heart  will  be 

ripped  from  your  chest  and  eaten 


Leo:0uly23-Aug  22) 

You'll  become  the  town  martyr  when 

you  die  in  a  treak  paneling  incident. 

Virgo:(Aug,  2<-Sepl.  22) 
The  color  that  suits  Virgos  l>est  is 
red     That  s  because  Virgos  are  fre- 
quently torn  to  pieces  by  Bengal 

Libra:  (Sept.  23-Oct.  23) 
Concentrate  on  emotions  this  week. 
Bawl  like  an  infant  at  the  slightest 

Scorpio:  (Oct.  24-Nov.  21) 
Take  money  problems  into  your  own 
hands.       Stop    having    random 
strangers  deposit  your  weekly  pay- 

Sagittarius:  (Nov.  22-Dk.  21) 
Your  spouses  suggestion  that  you 
try  a  little  "experiment"  in  the  bed- 
room results  in  an  unwanted  preg- 
nancy Worse  yet.  the  baby  is  half 

Capricorn:  (Dec  22-Jan  19) 
An  increase  in  your  feelings  of  para- 
noia will  guard  you  against  sneak 
attacks  by  Eskimos. 

Aquarius:  Qan  2t)-Feb.  18) 
Call  a  friend  just  to  say  hello,  then 
hang  up    Call  another  friend,  say 
hello,  then  hang  up.  Repeat. 

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Are  you  graduating? 

Students  who  qualify  for  a  degree  or  certificate  for 
the  Fall,  1995  semester  need  to  petition  for  ;^radu- 
ation  by  October  14,  1995.  Graduation  petitions 
can  be  obtained  in  the  Registrar's  Office,  Building 
A,  Room  213. 

c«  SB 

Wed  10/4  Free  Movie: 
"Outbreak "  1.00pm  by 

Thu  10/5  -  Mini- 
Concert  William 
Terwillmger  and 
Andrew  Cooperstock. 
12:15pm  in  P205 

Wed  10/11  -  Free 
Comedy  Show:  Chris 
"Crazy  Legs"  Fonseca. 
12  noon  in  Lounge 

Wed  10/11  -  Free 
Movie:  "Fresh" 


Stop  fry  Ike  Student  Activities  Office  far  infarmatiun 

VrMT'DC  OT7Th*  You  ve  worked  hard.  You've  done  well 
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h4h(l  ,\m\  osk  for 

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Attention  all  Phi  Theta 
Kappans,  we  encx>urage 
all  active,  provisional, 
and  alumni  members  to 
participate  in  our  pur- 
suit of  scholarship,  lead- 
ership, service,  and  fel- 

Phi  Theta  Kappa 
meetings  have  l)een 
established  for  fall 
semester  in  room  A241a 
on  the  following  dates: 
Sat,  Oct  7  llrOOam 
Fri.,Oct.27   3:30pm 
Sat,  Nov.  4  lIKMam 
Fri.,  Nov.  12  3-30pm 
Sat,  Dec.  2  llKWam 

All  able-bodied  men 
and  women  are  request- 
ed to  lend  their  hands 
on  October  29,  at 
10:00am,  for  project 
Adopt-a-Highway!  The 
Honors  Society  has 
adopted  Algonquin 
Road  between  Roselle 
and  Quentin  Roads. 
Donate  an  hour  of  your 
Sunday  morning  to  help 
remove  litter,  keeping 
our  main  enterance 
clean  and  beautiful. 

The  Honors  Society 
nwetings  and  discussion 
topics  have  been  estab- 
lished for  this  semester. 
We  will  meet  on 
Wednesdays,  at  4:0()pm, 
in  Building  L,  Room 

Does  your  club  err  orgaiH- 
zation  have  a  meeting 
coming  up  that  you  want 
eivryone  to  know  about? 
Spread  the  word  in  The 
Harbinger  Club  Corner. 
Contact  us  ina  the  meth- 
ods or:  page  one. 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

IW  Huiriiifgr 

Warrant:  "We're  still  alive...we're  still  playing  music! 


Laura  Gorriion 

A,rf!,  &  Er!er^ai:irT>en-  Editor 


u'.int  roikeJ 
'-  ii.iumburg  on 
I  riddv  Septembfr 
33nd,  d  sold-out  show  Jt 
Totos.  The  scene  outside  the 
tour  bus  while  waiting  for 
the  band  to  arrive  typi- 
cal lit  many  rock  shows-  a 
mix  of  groupies,  media,  and 
lust  J  few  people  who  didn't 
really  tit  either  category  A 
couple  tit  girls  came  in  from 
Detroit  and  have  been  fol- 
lowing the  band  tor  awhile 
now,  then  there  was  the 








She  i  thii  year  s 

deadoo  lock 

for  an  Oscor 





Van  SanI  deMy 

fa/ends  him, 

video  interviews 

and  headlines 














ll  li  her  best 












8.11  D.rkI 



All  she  wanted  was  a  little  attention. 

woman  wh.j  :ivvjy  Irom 
home  Jf  age  12  to  follow 
bands  Mich  as  Warrant  .ind 

rhf  scene  outside  the 
door  waiting  lo  get  in  was 
something  else  entirely- 
Jame-  '"  '  -ing  (former 
Styx  ,,  .ra-ntly  pur- 

suing othe:  [■•ro|ects  includ- 
ing the  lames  Young  Croup) 
was  there  along  with  a  few 
other         people  from 

Whitehouse  Records  to  see 
7th  Heaven,  one  of  the  open- 
ing bands,  perform. 

Warrant  has  been  on  the 
road  for  about  the  past  rune 
months  and  they  have  a  new 
album.  (JItraphobic,  now 
available  in  record  stores 

Jerry  Dixon  gave  a  brief 
rundown  of  the  band:  "Did 
three  records,  )ani  quit  the 
band,  and  then  our  manager 
died,  and  then  we  filed  for 
bankruptcy,  and  then  Jani 
came  back  into  the  band,  we 
got  with  the  new  label  CMC, 
and  then  our  fourth  record, 
(JItraphobic-  we've  been 
together  about  ten  years 

Warrant  has  gone  through 
a  lot  of  changes  over  the  past 
few  years  with  lineup  and 
everything  else-  musically 
they  have  progressed  a  long 
way  to  a  more  mature  men- 
tality, evident  on  their  last 
two  albums.  '1993  was  a 
black  year  for  the  band.  . 
Dog  Eat  Dog  was  a  pretty 
dark  record",  said  Dixon. 
"When  we  first  started  out, 
all  we  know  hmv  to  do  was 
screw  girls  and  drink  1  was 
still  in  high  schiHil,  I'd  never 
been  out  of  California 
before...  I  think  the  records 
kind  of  got  a  lot  more 
mature,  they've  not  only  pro- 
gressed Ivrically,  but  also 
rniisicallv  We  lixik  back-  we 
had  a  bell  i>t  a  lime,  but  we 
progressed  As  you  get 
older  vou  toou>  more  on  why 
you're  here,  why  you're 
doing  this,  and  you  come  out 
of  that  little  rock  star  haze... 
you  come  back  to  reality  and 
at  this  point  you  have  to  be 
in  it  for  the  music,  not  the 
rrtoneN' " 

Dixon  expressed  regret  at 
the  fact  that  people  seem  to 
not  buy  as  many  of  their 
records  these  days:  "I  don't 
think  we're  that  far  off  from 
what  everyone  else  is  doing... 
1  think  if  more  people  had 
heard  the  last  record  (Dog 
Eat  Dog)  they  might  under- 
stand the  new  one  a  little  bit 
better."  Jani  Lane  was  a  guest 
on  Mancow  Muller's  morn- 
ing show  the  morning  that 
they  played  at  Toto's,  and 
Mancow  definitely  felt  the 
heat  (and  spent  some  time 
dissing  them)  after  Jani  Lane 

hung  up  on  him.  "Mancow 
|u-.t  went,  'we're  goin^  to 
play  some  grunge  now  and 
not  Warrant  so  listen  to  this.' 
and  Jani  went  'hey,  lislen  to 
this  and  hung  up  on  him  on 
the  air'"  Dixon  said  of  shixk 
radio,  "pt»ople  get  an  the  air 
and  say  stuff,  and  you're 
expected  to  go  '1  can't  believe 
they  said  that!'" 

l-ane  got  into  the  Mancow 
war  onstage  later  that 
evening  as  well-  in  between 
songs  he  (deservingly,  and  to 
the  cheering  of  the  crowd) 
called  Mancow  some  things 
which  are  unfit  for  print. 
Warrant  put  on  an  excellent 
show  at  Toto's.  From  their 
new  songs  such  as  "J-iigh", 
"Stronger  Now",  and 
"Family  Picnic"  to  old 
favorites  such  as  "Cherry 
Pie",  "D.R.FS.R', and  "Unck 
Tom's  Cabin",  the  audience 
was  in  for  one  hell  of  a  good 

Lane  puts  on  not  just  a 
show,  but  a  party  for  his  fans: 
as  he  put  it  onstage,  "You  all 
paid  fifteen  bucks  for  your 
hckets,  so  for  all  of  you  that 
paid,  you're  not  leaving  and 
we're  not  leaving  until  you 
get  every  penny's  worth!" 
Many  rcxrk  bands  play  for  as 
little  time  as  possible  (who 
cares,  we  \e  got  your 
money),  but  for  Warrant,  per- 
forming brings  such  a  high 
that  the\  have  been  known 
to  play  three  or  four  hour 
shows  of  late 

The  band  interacts  pro- 
fusely with  the  audience. 
Lane  has  been  known  to  dive 
into  the  audience  with  no 
warning  whatsoever,  and 
occasionally  he  douses  the 
audience  with  beer.  They 
also  encouraged  a  sing-along 
with  audience  members  dur- 
ing a  cover  of  "Tequila" 
(which  they  also  declared  the 
national  anthem-  hell,  it's  a 
lot  easier  to  remember  all  the 

They  later  played  an 
acoustic  --et  which  included 
"Blind  Faith  ■.  "Heaven",  and 
"1  Saw  Red"  Warrant  puts 
on  one  of  the  best  acoustic 
sets  1  have  ever  seen  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  the  whole 
.show  totally  rocked.  As  for 
the  guys,  they  want  their 
fans  to  know  that  they're  still 
out  there  working  and  play- 
ing music,  and  they  should 
have  another  album  out 
before  very  long  In  the 
meantime,  check  out 
Ultraphobic-  now  available 
as  a  domestic  in  most  record 
stores.  And  check  out 
Warrant  live  the  next  time 
they  come  to  town.  Even  if 
you're  not  a  big  Warrant  fan, 
this  is  one  live  show  that  you 
won't  want  to  miss! 


Arts  &  Entertainment 


Acousti,  Buscani  perform  at  Harper;  Local  music  spotlight 


The  Harper  College 
Studet>l  Activitu'> 
office  and  pro);ram 
bojrd  (i'.im  up  li>  bnn^ 
Harper  >(iulint'.  a  diverse 
assortinvnt  ot  art^  and  enler- 
tairvmeni  Here  are  a  tew  i>( 
the  programs  which  havf 
taken  place  on  Harper '*  cam- 
.  HIS  so  far  this  •emcstn' 

Tom  Acouiti  was  sched- 
iled  to  play  m  the  Quad  (by 
lie  head  ot  William  Rainey 
Harper)  on  Wednesday, 
-•epfember  20th  Acousti's 
most  recent  claim  to  iame  is 
hii  participation  in  Star 
■search  '94,  when  he  broke 
the  male  vix-alist  revord  for 
consecutive  wins  (7)  wilh 
original  music  He  also  was 
the  first  contestant  to  ever 
present  a  song  au  naturel- 
last  a  man  and  his  i^uitar.  He 
ts  a  current  favorite  ol  slu- 
Jents  on  college  campuses 

Unfortunately  Mother 
Nature  was  not  very  kind  in 
her  choosing  of  the  weather 
that  day  Acousti  came  to 
Harper,  but  in  the  spmt  of  a 
true  performer  the  show 
went  on  as  planned  with  a 
slight  change  in  venue 
Acousti  rocked  the  main 
floor  area  in  Bld^  \  ivith  his 
soultul  blend  ol  eruolional 
jcoustK  .idull  cimlemfHirary 
niusic  Highlights  of  the 
,how  included  originals  such 
IS  Ihis  Maine  Stream"  as 
ivell  as  covers  ot  music  fr»)m 
Les  Miserables  and  Cat 
Steven-.  He  performed  live 
m-siudio  on  V\  Hi.  M  before 
his  show  then  pcrtormed 
tlawlesslv  for  approxirnatelv 
•in  hour  and  a  halt  ". '-  ' 
needs  sunshine  v\  h- 
.an  rot",  the  noon  hour  in 
Building  \' 

Then,  I  isa  Buscani  per- 

led  in  the  I    111-'  Hrama 

e  pi  ember 
■  tT  st.itus 


last  area 

:  i.''  11(1  Thufsi.l.i 
il  Hest  k, 
js  a  pot  ' 
this  was  one  ■-■: 
appearances  as  she  will  be 
mo\  in>:  Ti '  \evs  'ii»rk  siuin 
The  shovs  us«-d  .i  im-(  .>t  p.  vt- 
rv  and  prose  to  describe 
"big"  moments  m  her  {or 
someone  else^i  lite  I'he 
show  starti»d  oft  with  tier  sit- 
tir\f;  on  a  chair  .ind  taking  her 
cat  to  ttie  vet  I.'')  course  the 
cat  wanted  to  ...«me  ..nt  of  the 
earner,  and  v>!  course  they 
crashed  Typical  day  in  the 

She  also  went  on  to 
descnbe  "the  most  expensive 
day  of  her  life  and  all  of  the 
hormrs  that  went  along  with 
getting  married  A  few  hor- 
rors cited  were  jealousy 
Invalry')  from  her  cousin.s. 
and  the  tatt  that  her 
boyfriend  was  addicted  to 
ESPN,  /ima  C^'id.  and 
Howard  Stern",  but  that  he 
loved  her.  and  >il  iour>4.-  the 
thread  hanging  from  her 
maid  of  honor's  dress 

Buscani  put  on  an  excel- 
lent show,  and  she  wished  to 
thank  th--  ■■■■"■■"lunity  and 
Harper  '  '  support- 

ing the  arts  in.'!  u>  mention 
buying  every  single  topv  of 
her  book  "Jangle"  that  she 
had  bn.ught  along), 

{ >n  ^iiiidav  S-ptei)iher  21, 
the  Kiev  ChamlxT  Or.,  hestra 
played  the  Building  I 
Theatre  Approximately  21X1 
people  atleniievi  the  perfor- 
mance .Jt  whiih  the  ail-stnng 
orchestra  proceeded  to  woo 
the  audience  with  several 
classical  piise--  r.niging  from 
Simi.H-i  H.-rh..-  ..  \dagKi  tor 
^trii'i,.:,  Dmitny 

-'■      •  ...     h.ninling 

■  la -lis  ill  and 
v\ar  Hu-  utctiesira  "tvas  sci 
well  received  that  the\  per- 
formed two  enciire  pieces  as 


The  musician-,  in  itp 
orchestra  were  all  verv 
ented-  nearU  e\  ci\  single 
musician  was  featured  at  one 
point  or  another  during  the 
fxTformance  The  music  was 
\iT\  .,'\pn-ssi\e  .i!id  emotion- 
al, especiallv  the 
Shostakovich  piece,  which 
was  .1  haunting  tribute  to 
the  tragedv  of  a  generation 
whost'  lite  had  come  abrupt- 
ly to  an  end  under  cruel  cir- 
cumstances". The  tme  low 
point  of  the  show  came  not 
from  the  orchestra  but  from 
the  loudmouthed  individual 
who  would  not  stop  talking 
through  the  lirst  part  of  the 
program  (Believe  it  or  not, 
some  people  actually  go  to 
hear  music  at  concerts!) 

Bv  the  hme  this  issue  hits 
the  newsstand.  Harper  will 
have  also  heard  from  the 
likes  of  Dick  Dale  (best 
known  tor  his  work  on  the 
Pulp  Fiction  score)  on  the 
27(h  (we  regret  the  error 
from  last  issue,  when  we 
mistakenly  printed  that  the 
Dick  Dale  show  would  be  the 
.Mth.  Apparently  we  nxeived 
several  phone  calls  and  let- 
ters to  that  regard  )  Peter 
Dennis  will  have  also  per- 
formed in  "Bother",  which  (I 
Jill  under  the  impression)  is 
b.iscii  on  some  of  the 
A  A  Milne  "Winnie  the 
I'ooh  ■  stones  We  plan  on 
bringing  \ou  more  informa- 
tion on  these  and  other 
Harper  events  as  it  becomes 
available  to  us  One  major 
event  coming  up  is  "Unity 
through  Diversity  week, 
whuh  will  be  in  October 
with  more  details  to  follow 

HomegtC'wn  '  a  li\al  music 
sh.n\  airs  \1i'ndii\s  from 
tip  m  to  7p  w  '  ■"  ''''  '"  ^' 

■with  bits  Crt  hi' 

airing  on  Wediu-so.i_>.  s  uoin 

Tom  Acousti  pettoims  in  Building  A  on  WednMday 


Ua  m  to  Ip.m  afid  again 
from  5p.m  to  7p  m  If  any- 
one knows  of  any  local  bands 
that  are  looking  for  exposure, 
let  me  know  I  don't  keep 
office  hours,  but  I  do  have  a 
mailbox  at  tlie  Harbinger 
office  Please  put  a  note  to 
my  attention  and  1  would  be 
happy  to  get  in  touch  with 
you.  As  an  added  note. 
WHCM  can  now  be  heard  in 
the  Harper  cafeteria 

On  the  lixal  front,  Birds  at 
the  End  of  the  Road  on  the 
30th  at  the  Vic,  The  Drovers 
on  October  7th  at  the  Metro, 
and  Harper  student  Ken 
lagmin  will  be  performing 
music  at  I  yncs  Coffeehouse 
on  Priday  September  29th  at 
(I  think)  '♦pm.  Questions  or 
comments  on  anything, 
please  leave  a  note  in  my 

On  a  few  more  interesting 
notes  from  the  standpoint  of 
local  music,  Steve  Cerlach 
(formerly  with  the  Bad 
Examples)  expects  his  cur- 
rent project  (Mystery  Driver) 
to  a'lease  an  album  later  this 
fall  .'Vlso  this  fall  we  can 
expect  to  hear  new  music 

photo  Susan  Rodemacher 

from  The  Drovers  and  possi- 
bly Birds  At  The  End  Of  The 

An  eagerly  anticipated 
Styx  reunion  may  happen  as 
early  as  next  year.  We  still 
don't  know  for  sure  if  it  will 
happen,  but  band  members 
Dennis  DeYoung  and  )ames 
Young  have  sounded  fairly 
confident  that  it  Is  a  real  pos- 
sibility. Earlier  tlus  summer, 
DeYoung  and  Young  joined 
their    former    bandmates 
Tommy  Shaw  and  John  & 
Chuck  Panozzo  to  re-record 
"lady"  for  a  new  greatest 
hits  album  Shaw  has  been 
doing  some  fairly  heavy 
songwriting     (with     Jack 
Blades)  for  Damn  Yankees, 
who  also  expect  to  put  anoth- 
er album  out  scxm,  but  there 
is  a  possibility  that  Styx  will 
reunite  "sometime  before  the 
edge  of  the  centurv",  said 
Young  in  an  earlier  interv  lew 
DeYoung  is  quoted  in  the 
album  liner  notes  as  saying 
"Don't     let     It     End"     in 
response  to  the  question.  We 
respond  with  "hey  every- 
body, lis  Music  Time!". 

BALLBREAKER:  Bon  Scott  would  role  in  his  grave 


Staff  Writer 

Bi.n  Soft  It  lie  were  still 
dhv  e,  he  v\  mild  hai  e 
sang  this  album  and 
made  it  tc-n  times  tetter  than 
It  is  with  Brian  Johnson 

Ballbreaker  AC  DC  s 
long  anticipated  epiKigue  to 
Razor's  Edge,  is  anything  but 
hard  as  a  rock  lastead,  it  is  j 
return  to  the  days  of 
"Soulslripper"  and  "Sin 
(  ;•>,       .\itiT  two  decades  of 

>.  e  drunkenness  and 

.irug  use.  It  seems  the  awe- 
some Aussies  have  finally 
learned  to  play. 

There  are  more  harmo- 
nious scale-style  riffs  sprin- 
kled all  over  Ballbreaker, 
and  a  very  dedicated  down- 
home  blues  overtone.  There 

are  many  contrasts  between 
Razor's  Edge         and 

Ballbreaker,  among  the  most 
signlfKant  is  Ballbreakers 
obviiuis  Luk  of  a  good  mix 

Tlie  guitars  are  lost  in  the 
drums,  the  guitars  have  no 
sustain,  solo's  are  picked 
with  all  downstrums,  remi- 
niscent of  Angus  early  scilos 
(while  intoxicated),  and  the 
ommitance  of  reverb,  which 
to  most  recording  musiciaiw 
IS  mandatory,  even  if  only  on 
the  vocals. 

However,  Brian  Johnson's 
clarity  and  overall  vocal  pre- 
sentation has  improved  500"-<. 
over  both  Razor  and  Live. 
Most  songs  can  be  under- 
stood now  without  having  to 
read  the  Lyrics.  Alttiough,  he 
deviates  NOT  from  the  com- 

fortable confines  of  cliche's, 
songs  such  as  "The  Furor"," 
Hail  Caesar",  And  even 
"1  ove  Bomb"  have  nooo, 
this  cant  be'  .  IXILITICAL 
MESSAGES!!  Definitely  new 
ground  for  AC /DC 

But  don't  be  discouraged 
Ballbreaker  is  a  fine  example 
of  "what  might've  been"  had 
Bon  Scott  known  when  to  say 
when  Not  what  you'd 
expect  from  the  down-under, 
thunderstruck,  multi-plat- 
inum icons,  but  it'll  do. 

Flo's  Faves:  "Boogie 
Man",  and  "Whiskey  on  the 
Rixks "  (an  instant  pub  fave). 

Ballbreaker  will  also  be  fea- 
tured in  an  upcoming 
Harbinger  special  "The  worst 
10  albums  cf  1995". 

<k  ^ 




Our  View 

This  apathy  thing 
is  contageous! 

What  else  is  new.  The  Student  Senate 
Elections  passed  with  another  poor  turn 
out  at  the  ballot  box.  Only  a  total  of  13 
ballots  were  tallied. 

The  election  needs  to  be  publicized 
extensively  to  get  voters  out.  If  a  quick 
poll  on  campus  was  taken,  most  students 
would  say,  "When  was  this  so  called  elec- 

Another  draw  back  is  that  nobody  tells 
prospective  voters  that  they  need  their 
student  activity  cards  to  vote.  Believe  it  or 
not  the  school  is  afraid  that  students  may 
vote  more  than  once. 

This  is  one  case  where  it  really  doesn't 
appear  to  be  a  cause  for  concern. 

However,  recently  this  t>  pe  of  turn  out 
isn't  only  at  the  ballot  box  for  Student 

Da\  s  pass  before  anyone  is  seen  going 
in  and  out  of  the  Senate  office.  Are  they 
required  to  post  office  hours? 

Mi'st  all  organizations  here  are  required 
to  ha\  f  them  posted  outside  their  dix>r, 
what's  with  the  special  treatment. 

The  answers  to  some  of  these  problems 
could  be  answered  closer  to  home,  it  any- 
one was  home. 

To  be  a  strong  organization  they  must 
have  some  form  of  unity,  be  willing  to 
spend  time  at  it  and  take  pride  in  what 
they  do  and  what  they  stand  for. 

If  Student  Senate  wants  students  to  care 
about  them,  maybe  they  should  care 
about  Student  Senate  first.  Believe  it  or 
not  being  in  the  office  during  the  week  is 
a  good  start. 

Could  there  problems  on  the  horizon 
for  this  student  activitv? 

The  Harbinger 

Out  Aim    To  M  TMlIHfUL.  MCUH/tn  l{ND  lAcruAL 

Editorial  Board 

Edihir  in  Chiff 
Business  Manager 
Managing  tLliti^r 

N«ws  Editor 

Arts  &  [■'ntiTt.iinnifnt  Fiiitu 
Sports  ^dit.'! 
Fjcultv  Ad\  i.s<ir 

Ion  O  Bnen 

."Nlewndru  Sacalis 

Dave  Pump 

lulie  rhompst>n 

.  Ljura  Garnson 

i-ian  Radenuiher 

Susanne  Ha\  In. 

Election:  Powell  deserves  the  Presidency... 
but  does  the  Presidency  deserve  him? 

JonOlrt«n  Editor-m-CNef 

Unless  youTw  been  living 
under  a  rock  lately  or  com- 
pletely engrcwsing  yourself  in 
the  O  I-  Simpson  trial,  you're 
prettv  aware  of  Colin  Powell's 
mfluence  on  the  presidential 
election  nent  year  His  media 
image  is  glammg  (witness  this 
article),  he  tus  a  distinguished 
past,  and  mosl  importantly, 
got  there  through  hard  work. 
As  any  candidate  in  either 
party  can  tell  you,  he's  a  force 
to  be  reckoned  with 

Think  for  a  moment  about 
why  he's  so  popular.  Amenca 
wants  the  government  off  of 
Its  back—  witness  the 

Republicans  seizing  control  of 
both  the  House  and  Senate  last 
year  Waiting  as  long  as  he  has 
to  declair  which  party  he 
wants  to  represent  is  the  next 
logical  step.  Why  do  you  think 
Ross  Perot  was  so  popular  in 

While  iioine  would  argue 
that  he  has  very  little  political 
experience,  I  would  call  rising 
through  the  rank.s  of  the  mili- 
tary more  than  a  grueling  les- 
son in  politics.  His  lack  of 
experience  on  Capitol  Hill 
means  there  are  few  bad 
habits  to  undo  Nobody  would 
dare  cross  his  path  for  a  wfiile 
tiecause  his  bulliHproof  media 
image  would  crush  *em  like  a 

Another  interesting  con- 
cept he  bnngs  to  the  (able  is 
credilability  He  isn't  your  typ- 

ical fast-talking  politician  who 
promises  the  world  when  he 
knows  he  can't  deliver  His 
past  speaks  for  itself.  He 
posesses  a  strong  sease  of  fam- 
ily values  and  is  fiscally  con- 
servative. Unlike  Jesse 
Jackson,  he  doesn't  use  his 
skin  color  to  get  votes  or  raise 
a  fuss  over  meaixingless  issues 
in  order  to  get  a  tele\'ision 
camera  to  look  at  him.  What  a 
nice  change  of  pace  it  would 
be  to  have  a  president  who 
actually  earned  his  position! 
With  his  defense  experience, 
we'll  have  tlie  most  experi- 
enced finger  on  the  trigger  in 

Colin,  you  joined  the  ser- 
vice to  serve  your  country 
Take  the  next  logical  step  and 
take  your  seal  in  the  Oval 

ftrar  Editor 

When  1  arrived  to  attend 
the  lunch  time  Tom  Acimsti 

concert,  I  wj^  relit-vi'd  lu  tjnd 
it  wjs  bfinK  held  in  Building 
A  I  oungc  rather  than  the 
Cateterui  w  here  the  fnt:-  riin- 

ting,    I  though!,    no  cilm^ 
noises    fV-oplr  will  be  here  to 
listen  ' 

Not  sti    Hjltway  throu^ 
the  set  1  (fit  compelled  to 
approach  a  predominantly 
male  group  which  was  seated 
at  one  of  the  nearby  tables   To 
converse  over  the  music,  a 
standing  man  had  been  shout- 
ing to  his  seated  counterpart 
across  the  tabletop   At  my 
ret^uest  for  less  volume  or 
rekxation,  the  gentleman  clos- 
est to  me,  who  could  not  avoid 
the  undesired  interaction, 
informed  me  that  he  would  try 
to  get  the  others  to  quiet 
down    His  action  helped,  as 
the  background  noise  settled 
down  to  a  dull  roar 

I  hate  to  think  that  we  are 

disruptinj;  students'  social 
time  by  Ihe  placement  of  uur 
concerts    I'erhaps  change  of 
venue  lo  a  more  enclosed 
spate  would  be  of  benefit 

Oh,  by  the  way,  based 
upon  i  wa'.  able  to  hear. 
Turn  AoHj-fi  '.\  .I's  viTV  f,cnMi    I 
wish  I'd  bfiii  .ihk-  to  make  out 
the  lyrics 


I J  net  K  f Tver 

Dear  Editor: 

,^^  I  wandered  about  cam- 
pu.s  last  Thursday.  I  picked  up 
a  copy  of  nu"  Harbinger  At  thie 
bottom  of  page  one.  1  noticed 
something —  the  two  words 
that  caught  my  eye  in  this  little 
blurb  were  "commentary"  and 
"controversial  "  "Ah,  perhaps 
an  interesting  discourse"  on 
national  politics,"  I  thought. 

The  only  clear  point  of  Mr. 
Floden  s  article  was  that  he 
wanted  an  excuse  to  engage  in 
a  little  Clinton-basiling. 
Through  his  use  of  the  demon 
Clinton,  Mr  Floden  somehow 

manages  to  unify  smoking, 
blue  lean  ads,  AIDS,  adverhs- 
ing  and  its  effects  on  the 
young  and  the  fiH>lish,  church- 
es, and  politics  and  tJien  leaves 
us  with  the  impression  that  he 
(cvls  Mr  Clinton  is  responsible 
tor  the  bad  side  of  all  these 
things   What  exactly  was  Mr. 
I  loden  s  point? 

T.W.  Fuller's  point  is  quite 
clear  and  left  me  asking  only 
one  question  What  is  Mr 
Fuller  so  scared  of  That  mix- 
ing females  and  males  in  acad- 
emic settings  will  the 
males  to  become  distracted 
and  abandon  their  studies? 
Perhaps  the  Little  Rascals  will 
even  take  the  'No  gurls 
allowed"  sign  off  the  dub- 

In  closing,  1  would  like  to 
say  that  1  was  happy  to  see  the 
commentary  page  was  not 
covered  with  the  standard  lib- 
eral PC  crud  that  college 
newspapers  are  occasionally 
prone  to.  At  the  same  time, 
though,  I  was  disappointed  to 
find  a  pair  of  Rush  Limbaugh 
clones  spouting  tired  right- 
wing  rlieloric 
Robert  Bun\s 


Paul  Floden,  T.W.  Fuller,  Kathy  Betts,  Jim  Kopeny,  Mindy  Berenzweig. 
Rich  Taylor,  Shannon  Hill 

General  Information 

r/ii-  HDrhm)frr  is  the  student  publication  tor  the  Harper  College  campus  community,  published 
biwei'kh  throughout  the  school  year  except  during  holidays  and  final  exams.  The  paper  is  dis- 
tributed tr«'  to  all  students,  faculty  and  administration.  The  Harbinger's  sole  purpose  is  to  pro- 
V  kit'  thf  Harper  communit\  ivilh  intormation  pertaining  to  the  campus  and  its  surrounding 

Letten  Policy 
The  Harbmner  wekomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  replies  to  our  editorials.  U'tters  must  be  signed 
and  include  a  stxial  sevurity  number  Signatures  will  be  withheld  upon  request  All  letters  are 
subjt\"t  to  editing 

Products  and  services  advertised  in  The  Harhmxer  are  not  ncsressarilv  endorsed  by  the  editors  of 
this  paper,  nor  by  the  college  administration  or  IViard  ot  l.>  Inquiries  should  be  forward- 
ed directly  to  the  advertiser,  and  <til  purchases  are  at  the  divretuin  ot  the  consumer 

Cupyrighl  1995.  The  Harbinger,  All  rights  reserved 



Page  9 

Declare  war  on  China  or  butt  out 

I  T.W.  futaf ,  AiTwitcar)  MKMndtnt 

T Ken's  no  denying  that  human 
rights  in  China  »  not  what  we 
in  Ammca  would  consideT 
I  |un-djndy,  thai  when  it  comes  to  the 
treatment  of  men  and  women  ((oitcd 
abortions  and  stenlization).  China 
won't  win  a  Ntjbel  Peace  prize,  that 
%  hen  It  comes  to  child  labor  and  the 
i-*.  or  misuse.  i>t  children,  China 
iiakes  the  Puntans  out  to  be  Kix>d 
kind  hearted  stmU    there  is  no  deny  - 
I  mg  China  has  a  kmg  way  to  «o  by 
our  standards,  in  the  area  oi  human 
nghts   But — bv  what  riRht  does  th*- 
United  State*  have  m  telling  China 
what  It  can  and  cannot  do  wittiin  ttw 
•'orders  ot  its  own  c<iuntr\  ' 

Truthtullv,  .-Xm.TK.i  h.l^  .)b«li.ti'lv 
no  nght    No  tn-aty  svnonvniou^  ti- 
the "Magna  Carta'  or '  I'-n  Kvim.m.i 
was  ever  agreed  upon,  n<'r  w  j*  .iny 
•  tdtement  written  ot  any  kind  sp<\  itj 
.  jIIv  designed  to  prolivl  thv  C  htnest- 
■.xvpic  h-om  suth  wron^Lloinnsby  its 

China  IS  an  independent  country 
ivogni/.i'd  b\  Ihc  ri'st  ot  thf  world. 
.ind  as  such  !•.  iTititlt\l  ti>  ^ovfrn  itsi-ll 
withiiut  interti'ri-ncc 

Amend,  though  it  would  prefer 
ibly  admit  otherwise,  ha-  its  h.m.i 

*    And  unless  Americi  was  to  ^;. 

i>  to  declari-  wjr  on  China 
.inu  winl,  lhi>se  hands  must  remain 
tied,  tor  the  sake  and  s.ini:tit\  ot 

.■how«v*r  certain 

avenue*  that  may  be  taken  by 
Americans  directly 

1    Attempt  to  set  up  meetings 
with  China  and  America  by  pressur- 
ing congniM. 

2.  Pressure  Warren  Christopher  / 
President  Clinton  direttlv  throuj;h 
While  House  proteste. 

1   Ctmtac-t  the  ambassador  to 

4   Call  oi  wnti'  \our  senator  or 

5.  Ask  celebrities  to  get  involved 
Above  all,  keep  the  activities  (mis- 
doings) of  China  at  the  lon'tronl  of 
di<>cwi»ion    Never  allow  the  failure 
to  normal i/c  relations  between  their 
own  ptsipl.'  to  i-ncumtHT  the  pliRhl 
tor  demisT.iiA  .>r  allow  the  ideas  that 
communis-;  ■  predominate 

thch>;hl  toi  :,,>.. 

There  are  perhaps  million--  <>l  peo- 
ple worklw'ide  who  hj\  >•  strong;  teel- 
in^;s  towards  C  hma  n  handling  I't  its 
people    C  ertamlv  there  are  man\ 
women  s  groups,  child  adMva..-\ 
griHips.  ,ind  human  n>;hts  watch 
groups  who  iontinu.illv  monitor 
China    C.iH<d'  tndeavor  to  show  the 
world  what  china  is  up  to    [.k-dicate 
it  \  tiur  ow n  time  to  endorsi-  a 
.  n  racv  like  the  one  w  i-  know  and 
cherish    l\<  what  \ou  cm  to  per 
suade  China  to  i-nd  the  war  I'n  its 
people,  lor  this  is  all  that  ^^n  be 

Bu-  ■  i\K:k  China 


WE  ATtE".  .  .  we  ■poA/*X 

into  a  comer,  never  st-nd  forth  an 
ultimatum  by  America  dinvlly    This 
would  set  a  lerv  dangerous  prtxe- 
dent,  as  it  suggests  .-Xmenca  ha-  over- 
riding power  on  t  hma  simplv 
b*"cause  Amerii  .1  is  .i    sujx-rpower" 

We  are  a  counlrv  (hat  pndes  il.selt 
upon  peace,  trivdom  and  human 
rights  so  much  so,  that  we  hate  to  see 
other  countries  take  advantage  of  or 
abuse  the  rights  we  coasider  basic 
We  ache  to  go  Into  ev  er\  country  ot 
the  w  orld  and  make  the  hurl  go 
awav,  but  we  cant,  realistically 

We  (America)  hear  the  hormr  sto- 
ries ot  women  K'lng  forced  to  h.ive 

abortions  because  of  the  one  child 
per  family  law;  small  childn?n 
packed  together  for  many  hours  at 
hme  with  little  consolation  tor  their 
efforts.  We  (America)  yearn  to  do 
something  to  stop  it  all,  but  have  no 

It  is  a  dangerous  situation  indeed 
when  another  counlrv-  divs  have  the 
nghl  to  dictate  the  laws  of  another 
counlrv.  And  we  certainly  would  not 
want  China  telling  us  how  to  run  our 
lives,  so  we  must  agree  with  China's 
right  to  govern  itself,  even  though  we 
mav  not  respect  the  way  in  which 
they  do  It    Or  commit  ourselves  to 
war  and  hope  we  win 

Harbinger  prints  Unabonger's  Manifesto 

Fkxton  Down  the  rwer 

We  the  non-violent, 
ale-wielding,  lager- 
iovmg  alcoholics  oi 
the  world  will  be  herein 
referred  to  as  BM.  as  that  is 
how  We  have  always  ini- 
tialed OUT  garh,ii;e  b,>L:s  ol 
.rushed  Kst  i.ins  ,>-  ,is  tn  W 
known  bv  all  as  B«*r 

First  on  Our  ageivia  is  to 
be  published  1  mean,  pub- 
lished m  a  major  newspaper 
(unlike  some  othter  sub- 
terfuged  political  groups 
who  will  settle  for  the  likes  of 
Poiffcousf ). 

Once  some  big  group  a 
pnnlers  says  they'll  publish 
our  manuscript  in  precise 
detail, VVi'  will  write  one 

Then,  a  nev-,  .ie,e  will  com- 
mence    VVi-    are  \ur  a  sin- 
gular lunatic     VVe    represent 
the  last  bastion  ot  solid.  gcHjd 
old-tashioned  beer  drinkers 
and  have  come  to  the  conclu- 
su>n  that  now  is  the  time  the 
global  communilv  tiigether 
Is  .1  whole,  collectively   must 
rethink  our  postmodern  tav- 
ernical  inadei)uaiies  and  con- 
templ.ite  th<-  ris-toratuin  of 
antiijuated  s.s  milnnis  and 
V  enues  such  as  "le  Old 
Salixm,  thus  averting  the 
benign  conundrum  of  men.> 

exislentjaf  pawmg  and  refalv 

ricatiori  of  sivial  standards 
and  orders  m  form  of  curv  - 
ing  structured  tlaliilent 
response  opinion  to  thai  of 

All  to  often  a  group  such 
as  ours  w  ill  be  labeled  a»  a 
"left  w  ing  radical  '  mov  e- 
ment  and  given  no  st-nous 
consultation  (or  non-safirical 
salutation),  but  We  an-  cer- 
tain thai  publication  in 
niaior  metrop«>litan  tabloids 
(excluding  such  trash  rags  as 
The  Harbinger)  should  cause 
public  opinion  to  address  us 
inthe  serious  tone  We  tfunk  is 
rightfully  due  any  group 
whose  philofiophical  goals 
inherently  enhance  personal 
and  or  social  enlightenment, 
whether  through  constant 
meditition  or  consistant  me- 

,-\s  part  of  our  movement. 
\i>u  need  not  speak  Fnglish 
Iransl.i'  -il  onlc 


VVe  suggest  coil  rnocr 
back  where  voii  came  trom 
and  avoid  this  turbulent 
transitional  state  .America  is 
about  to  undertake 

Heed  our  collective 
groups  i<f  alphabetic  leHeis. 
We  will  prevail 

We  onh  ask  that  people 
who  read  this  do  so  while 
drinking  a  Iver  tor  that  is  the 
onlv  wj\  to  advantagcs>-iisK 
inhibit  bio-cranial 
stimulation  and  allow  the 
processing  of  this  monolithic 
netvfarcity  to  truly  induce 

If  any  respectable  news- 
paper would  care  ti'  under- 
take the  further  significance 
of  hrst  publication.  We 
expect  not  tfiat  We  be  paid, 
but  that  any  and  all  overdue 
bar  tabs  We  submit  to  said 
new  spaper  be  assumed  as 
llie  «>le  responsibility  ot  said 

We  further  suggest  a 
round  be  bought  for  employ- 
ees ot  said  newspaper  inlcv 
forsomuchas  thev  K"  shot 

When  all  these  accomoda- 
tions have  been  adequitly 
satisfied,  Wi-  hope  our  mis- 
s.ige  will  be  clearly  under- 
sl.sid    itul  niil  merely 
empathi/ed  with 

Beer  is  host  to  pmtein  and 
other  nutrients  as  well  as  a 
blcHxl-thinner  which  has 
been  prov  en  to  lengthen  the 
lite  of  some  obscure  German 
men  who  claim  to  be  tfie 

Ingested  daily,  Ixvr  can 
open  minds,  raise  ones  spir- 
its, and  enhance  the  fluvua 
tu'  properties  inherent  to 
center  of  gravity  applica- 
tions, specifically  when  bi- 
[X'dal  acceleralive  motion 
proceeds  or  commences 

And  the  list  goes  on 
There  are  tiHi  many  advan- 
tages to  drinking  bix'r  to  be 
listed  in  such  a  short  psy- 
joumalistic  tirade 

However,  once  our  voices 

can  be  heard  via  media.  We 
will  cease  inane  jovious 
meandering  as  well  as  recy- 
c  le  our  liL|uor  waste  prtxl- 
ucts,  not  |ust  thniw  them  out 
car  windows. 

We,  BM,  dream  that  one 
day  there  will  be  peace  on 
earth.  And  We  vow  to 
cleanse  this,  our  global  scxi- 
ety,  through  anti -sobriety. 


1 10 



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Catalog  Sales  Center 




Double  Victory  for  Hawks  :  Eliasik  and 
Tyrrell  inducted  into  NJCAA  Hall  of  Fame 


Head  Football  Coach 
lohn  Eliasik  and  for- 
mer Hawk  qujrter- 

■'.ick  Tim  Tyrrell  w.-ri'  hiin- 
Tfd  in  a  >.-friTiuin\  prior  H> 
Harper's  vulory  against 
t.rand  Rapids  on  St-pU-rober 

Fliasik  and  Tyrrell 
.  iiMvfd  their  awards  as  ini- 
,al  inductetw  to  the  Nalumal 
I  amor      Collge      Athk'tic 

Asoociation's  Footh.ill  H.ill  oC 


The  IW!?  cUss  u! 
nductecs  included  only  15 
•  ther  coaches,  players,  or 

team  assistants  from  the 

On  hand  to  present  the 
awards  were  HarptT  Col  lent' 
['resident  Dr  P-iiil  rhompson 
.ind  Dean  ot  the  Wellness 
jnd  Human  I't-rtormance 
Di\  iMi'ii  lerry  liotham 

Following  hiM  two  years  at 
Harper  Tyrrell  went  on  to 
pldv  fiH>tball  at  Northern 
Illm»»is  Lnivfrsity 

Tyrrell  entered  the 
Natumal  Football  I  cj>;ue  in 
l«JH4  TVrrell  saw  a,.tit)n  with 
the  Allanta  lalcons,  I  os 
\ri>;.-i,,-.  Rams.  Buffalo  Bills, 
.ind  I'lttsbiirjth  Sttvlers 

IVrrell^  i-nJed  (ol- 
lowing  a  knee  in|iir\  vvluli" 

working  out  in  1990 

Eliasik  has  accumuljted  a 

record    of    lh4-Sf>-1ias    of 


years  at  i  i.i.f  ■  ■ ■     ■  ' 

program  ha^  produ,  ■  ,i 


Fliasik  IS  also  .1  six  time 

recipient  of  the  Region  IV 

C  oach  of  the  Year  award. 
His  teams  have  garnered  vic- 
tories in  the  Royal  Crown 

Cola  Btjwl  and  the  Midwest 

Eliasik  was  pleased  to  see 
his  team  gain  a  victory  on  the 
special  occasion,  I  think  that 
they  might  have  v^anted  to 
win  for  me,  but  I  ask  them  to 
win  for  themselves." 

nn  Tyrrell  cetebrofes  hi*  wel  earned  ItkIucBoo  Info  the 
NJCAA  Hall  of  Feme  Sept.  1 6.       Pnoto  bv  Suson  RademcKtier 

Harper  volleys  to  win 

Shannon  Hil 


Thevolleybal]  leam  impnned 
their  record  by  defeating 
Morton  S-l-;.  IS- :i,  l"^-?  l'i-10 
Scj^mber  21 

"The  first  game  was  really  slow 
We  incre.ised  our  intensity,  pulled 
together  and  sthved  for  a  win,"  Co- 
I.  aptam  Valerie  Price  said. 

"We  pulled  together  and  pushed 
for  a  win  that  we  really  needed," 
added  another  Harper  player 

Coach  ludy  Steinbeck  believes  the 
loMes  were  due  to  the  teams  errors 
"We  need  to  put  everything  together 
,jnd  become  mofe  consistent  with  our 
play, "  Steinh«rk  added 

Upcoming  opponents  for  Harper 
are  Rtxk  Valley  Illinois  Valley,  and 
College  of  DuPage 

Don 't  Miss  it ! 
Hawks  vs.  North  Iowa 
Sept.  30 
Mason  City   

Athletes  of  the  Week 

^-r .,. 


^  li 


NAME;  Bill  Buelow 
WEEK  OF;  Sept  fc-13 
SPORT   Soccer 
POSmON  ;  Goalie 
YEAR ;  1st 

HIGH  SCHOOL ;  Prospect 
REASON  :  Recent  Shut-out 

NAME :  Dan  Dwyer 

WEEK  OF:  Sept  14-20 

SPORT :  Soccer 

POSmON .  Forward 

YEAR  :2nd 

HIGH  SCHOOL     :     Rolling 


REASON   2  goals  in  2  games. 

I-.ich  wwk  th 
athlete  of  the 
athletes  o(  Harper  College 

Wellness  .ind  Human  Performance  Division  names  an 
w eek    Ihe  Harbinger  is  proud  to  feature  the  talented 

Football  team  hits  the  road;  now  4-0 

Howfc  Tight  sod  John  Lowtor  Irtes  to  avoKl  tt>e  St  Ambrose  detonM  oftef  making  anotner  catch  look  easy.  Tlw  Howk  defense  dominated  the  game 
oMowtng  negoltve  32  yards  in  total  offense.  Prioto  by  Susan  Paci3macher 

Spo»tl  Editor 

The  Hawks  are  4-0  as 
they  hit  th*-  road  for 
four  ganws  Niginning 
with  a  SeptembtT  30  game 
against  North  lovva  Art'j 
Conunumt>  College  (2-2). 

"We  want  to  come  back 
5-0,  but  they  are  a  good 
team  that  is  well  coached," 
Coach  John  Etiasik  said. 
Harper  is  coming  off  of  a  big 
17-3  win  against  Grand 
Rapids  on  September  16 

The  Hawks  increased 
their  reconi  to  4-0  with  a  58- 
0  victory  over  St.  Ambrose 
JV  at  Harper  on  September 
25.  Eliasik  said,  "We  got  to 
play  a  lot  of  kids  wh<i  have 
worked  real  hard  all  sea- 
son."    * 

Eliasiks  team  is  4-0  for 
the  first  time  since  the  1987 

The  Hawks  are  currently 
ranked  24th  in  the  |C  find 
Wirt-  Unlike  the  NICAA 
rankings,  the  C.rid  Wire  is 

Defense  has  been  a  ke\ 
part  of  the  Hawks'  victorus 
l-inebackfr  Will  lord  IfjJs 
the  team  with  sn  sacks  in 
four  games 

Ford  made  a  key  play  in 
the  game  against  Grand 
Kapids  with  a  sack  that 
caused  a  fumble. 
Haroun  Muhammad  picked 
up  the  fumble  and  returned 
it  35  yards  to  seal  the  Hawk 

Ford  said,  "When  you've 
got  the  secondary  covering 
the  wall  and  you've  got  petv 
pie  pass  rushing,  it  gives 
you  lime  to  get  sacks  and 
cause  turnovers." 

Punter  Robert 

McCaullum  kept  his  cool  as 
he    prevented    a    costly 

turnover  when  the  ball  was 
snapped  over  his  head  dur- 
ing the  Grand  Rapids  game. 

McCaullum  was  able  to 
get  the  punt  off  cleanly  "We 
out-plaved  themlGrand 
R.ipidsi.  ■  I'.lijsik  s.ud 

(ormvr  \I.'\<.  C.  pldver 
Mike  Brown  earned  the  ball 
eighteen  hmes  for  128  yards 
agairvst  St  Ambrose. 

Brown,  an  Oak  Park 
native,  was  a  back  up  to  an 
All-American  while  he  was 
at  NIACC  m  1993 

The  Hawks  dominated 
the  game  by  holding  St. 
Ambrose  to  a  negative  32 
yards  offense  on  the  day 

Both  of  St.  Ambrose's 
first  downs  resulted  from 
Harper  penalties.  Harper 
had  21  total  first  dowtvs. 

The  next  home  game  will 
be  October  28  against  rival 
DuPage  in  the  final  regular 
season  game. 

Numbers  Game 

SCOM  lY  QUAireiS                1                1                3 




Ml          n 





0               0 















Till— wMi 

Team  Leaders 


Kmltrnt  Tory  WMcm  (123  yank) 

Tauchanwn*  TflC 

Waaon  0) /OiM«  IMW  0  n.  SL  Anliniw  JV) 

S«4i>  Will  Fotd  (l>l 

Women's  tennis  team  nets  rising  stars 

Sufton  BodiiTKicJWii' 


record  S 

1  ht 

hiT  111 
-.inglfs  v:,,i:,ii 

'^epifiiiber  !'■■  .J^ 
H.irptT  went  i>n  h-i 
defeat  \KHenr\  i^-tu 
at  Hari'fi  t  i<llf);i- 

'  U'^^K  J  «  J--  ^o 
happy  that  she  tame 
off  of  the  court  with 
the  biggest  grin," 
Coach  Martha  Boh 

The  Hawks  added 
anothier  victory  to  their 

I- res  h  men 
iinpri'vfi)  (hii 

in  t 

h  1 

,-,.,  ...K.-:'ht,y 
'.  V .'i-irv  >  i  m 
t  K.  si  ford 


>..*  -J  T 

player  this  year  is  Utie 
Valassis,"  Bolt  said 
Valassis   li   also   the 
team'>  captain 

September  29  -30 
will  be  important  for 
the  Hawl(>  as  Ihey 
compete  in  the  NAC 
Conference    tourna- 

ment m  C>glesby 
Coach  Boll'i- 

.  "•:'  :',L'i  ;i:i.ii  ■■•  i;..i''  at 
HSrper  College  Holt 
V.  .!>  inducted  iiit<,<  the 
Ml  A  A  Hall  of  Tame 
'.■nnis  in  1M94. 

I  uUowing  the  con- 
terence  tournament  is 
the  \ AC /Skyway 
Challenge  on  CVtober  3 
atClen  Ellyn. 

The  NSCAA  Region 
IV  tournament  will  be 
held  October  5-7  in 
Glen  Ellvn.  Times  will 
be  announced  later 

Itamile  CopHo  (Ml)  and  Jenica  Jabcon  (rioM)  vicloiloiN  duimg  a 

match  In  wliteh  McHeroy  got  pummeled  9-0. 

Photo  tiy  Susan  RocJamochot 

Dick  Dale  rides  wave  to  Harper 


the  thicker  ones  can  almost  hold  up 
the  Golden  Cat«  Bridge,"  he  said  with 

▼■^^ick  Dale,    the   King   oi   th*; 
1      iDeadi  guitar  rode  his  nxenl 

JL^' ■-'-•ncert    wave    ">'"    H.irpt'r 
'H  Septemb.'                   sold 

a  chuckle. 

The  band  con^j^t-,  .«!  D.ilo  on  j;ui- 
tar,     Ron  l'.f,U\                 -   fxrn  with 

Oa!f  t,-,  1-  ..                    ,  .,r,a  i>jn 

out  sintv. 

Dale  ts  bt-si  '                 '  "ting  the 

theme  sotig  to  (^ijcntir    i arantimi's 
newly   reletscd   honxv   video   Pulp 

tant  theme  to  it.    RanciriL 
the  t.     .■■ 
let-  ■ 

'tin,  Hndit  the  r:.. 
then  nuliM  the  movie  fit  aruuiid  liiv 
music."  CMe  said- 
He  opened  thi-  lOmert  ' 

Ilw  (hm^;   Dale  should  be 
.iring  per- 

In  the  nii^'i'if  11.111. 

ni..;      ■■■•,,.,•  :lr..-'       Willi    -.:. 

'.ileieemed  *' 

ol  pain  or 

IHT   \fV»> 

Xrc  \  iiu  mil'  <  it  Hi 

vvitnt'ss  thf  wrdict  oi  thf  (>.|,  Simpson 
tnal!"  St-e  huvv  other  students  reacted  to 
the  verdict.  Page  2 

Tuesday,  October  3 1  through  Saturday, 
NovembtT  4  is  Hiirper's  third  annual 
Deat  Aw.ireiifss  Week.  Find  out  how  you 
can  participate!  Page  3 

\rt.-  A  r,nt<Tt.iirmn"nl 

Program  Board  and  Student  ALti\  ities 
always  has  a  kniKkout  show  around  the 
comer.  Check  out  more  information  on 
Dick  Dale,  as  well  as  information  on  a 
Brazillian  band  named  Chizil.  Page  6 

Our  commentary  team,  along  with 
Harbinger  legend  Ken  Dillard,  debate  the 
many  facets  of  the  O.J.  Simpson  trail. 
Page  9 

Campus  New*  PagnZ-3     Co— itnlary Pigp»8-9 

Featuns  Pages  4-5     Claiiifiids P»f/t  10 

Arb  4  Entertainment  Pagn  6-7     Sports  Pa((es  tM2 

Dick  Date  p«rtorm«cl  in  front  ot  a  s 
Wednvsdoy  S«pt.  27. 

rio  J  Building 
Ptxjto  coutlsey  of  D»ck  Dole 

Student  Senate  president  resigns 

New  semester  leaves  open  positions  and  unanswered  questions 

Jull«  Thompion 

Thf  H.irptT  l  ,>tli'go 
Student  S<''<;'  presi- 
dent .itivi  vice-presi- 
dent resigned,  leaving;  thfir 
(ellow  senators  fruslrated 
An  unidentified  source 
Mid  that  the  otticer'.  would 
either  have  to  step  down  or 
face  possible  impodchmenl 
for  not  attending  meetmi^s 

\ewl\  elftted  student 
senator  Caroline  SaccoinarK> 
said  the  actitwis  of  her  paxie- 
I'essors  make  the  new  senate 

■.'ppt'd  the  ball, 
th. ;  ii'd  m  last  /\(-»nl, 

and  actiHl  very  irrespiinsibK 
l>y  leaving  us  in  this  posi- 
tion." Saccomano  said. 

The  senator*  now  have  the 
task  of  reorganizing,  and 
appointing  a  new  e*ecuhve 

Faculty  advisor  for  tfie 
H.C.S.S..  Professor  Sharon 
Alter  said,  "we  are  at  ground 

The  af^intment  process 
will  begin  Oct.  13,  wf>en  a 
new  president  is  chosen  from 
among  lf\c  remaining  offi- 

"We're  getting  off  to  a  late 
and  difficult  start,  but  I  think 

Student  S«ncit«  wW  t>egin  retxjfldlng  otter  me  kMs  of  their 
Piesideni  and  Vlce-PrMident  In  the  past  few  weeki. 

Pnoto  Dy  Jon  O  Bnen 

of  it  as  a  leanung  prixess, 
and  I  am  exated  about  the 
semester,"  Saccomano  said. 

Student  senator  Paul 
Wyer  said  tfiere's  no  doubt 
that  tlie  senate  is  in  turmoil. 

However,  fie  also  has  con- 
fidence tfiat  the  problems  that 
face  the  H.C.S.S.  will  resolve 
and  the  senate  will  move  for- 

Wth  two  of  the  senators 
moving  into  the  executive 
office,  there  wiU  be  openings 

available  for  students  to  join 
the  H.C.S.S. 

Any  one  interested  in 
applying  for  a  Student  Senate 
office  can  contact  Sharon 
Alter  for  more  details  on  Ific 
posihons  available  and  their 
job  descripHons. 

The  Former  President 
Stefan  Paulson  and  Vice- 
President  Victor  Morales 
were  unavailable  for  com- 


Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 

Students  give  numerous  reactions  to  Simpson  verdict 



The  vtidkt  m  in,  O.J^ 
SimpMin  IS  hce,  and  the 
faUH>tit  beRms  «o  wttle. 
A  cimpus  questiiinrvjire 
tes«ed  the  winds  o(  this  p«»t- 
Simpson  tnal -world  to  set? 
whef«  the  fdll-out  would 

How  do  students  at 
Harper  College  twl  about  the 
verdict?  Do  they  now  hold  a 
different  view  of  the 
American  judtcial  system? 
These  were  some  of  the  ques- 
tions that  the  poll  endeavored 
to  answer. 

Of  the  28  ivspondents,  64 
percent  aj^reed  with  the  ver- 
dict Sevcnt-two  percent  of 
those  who  agreed  reasaned 
that  there  was  a  lack  of  evi- 
dence and/or  reasonable 

"1  felt  that  they  didn't 
have  enough  physical  evi- 
dence," Marlene  Zabaneh  of 
I>es  Plaines  said  "It  was  all 

There  were  also  thus*-  who 
agreed  with  the  verdict,  yet 
believed  Simpson  to  be 

An  anonymi»u<  -.tudent 
expressed  his  opininn, 
"Eventhough  he  ts  guilty  as 
hell,  the  defense  proved  that 
there  was  a  reasonable 

And  surely  there  ate  thsjse 
who  agree  with  one  nutrition 
major  who  believes,  "he 
was  framed." 

Of  the  2^  percent  who  dis- 
agree with  the  verdict,  three 
quarters  of  those  found  tfiat 
the  evidence  was  substantial. 

"There  was  overwhelmmg 
evidence  pointing  to  O  I  s 
guilt,"  Sara  Weill  ot  Rolling 

Meadows  said. 

Seven  pera'nt  of  the 
respondents  werf  unsure  of 
their  opinion  because  the 
complexit\  of  the  case  ai»d 
unanswered  ijuestions 

Another  anonymous  stu- 
dent said.  "1  dont  know  how 
O I  could  take  his  denwanor 
on  the  plane  ride  to  Chicago 
But  on  the  other  hand,  who 
else  would  di>  it'" 

Not  surpnsinglv,  most  of 
those  who  agrifd  with  the 
veidict  do  not  hold  a  dittea'nt 
view  of  the  judicial  system. 
Succinctly  put,  "It  worked," 
David  Olsen  of  Schaumburg 

But  one  respondent  of  Mt. 
Pn>sptvt  who  agreed  with  the 
not  guilty  verdict  said  that  his 
view  of  the  ludicial  system 
changed  because,  "If  you  got 
money,  you  can  do  whatever 
you   want    lyou   tan   even] 

1h»  pioi»ction-scr»en  television  outside  of  Ifw  Student 
Activitiei  Office  dbpkiy«d  the  verdict  to  the  OJ.  Simpson  trtal 
to  tnoro  man  300  anxious  students.         Photo  by  Jon  O'Brien 
buy  a  law"  of  the  judicial  system.  Greta 

On  the  other  hand,  less     Sanenes    of    Hanover    Park 
than  half  of  those  who  dis-     explains'   "The   system   has 
agreed  with   the  not  guilty     never  been  fair" 
verdict  held  a  ditten-nt  view 

Expand  Your 
Horizons!    — 

Kviui  I  he  Harbinger^ 
re c  for  Harper  neu^s  and  events. 

Are  you  graduating 
this  fall? 

Students  who  qualify  for  a  degree  or  certificate  for  the 

Fall  1995  semester  need  to  petition  for  graduation  by 

October  14, 1995.  Graduation  petitions  can  be  obtained  in 

the  Registrar's  office,  Building  A,  Room  213. 


Robert  Morris 



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Would  you  like  to 
write  for  an  award- 
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Stop  by  The  Harbinger 
office  in  Building  A, 
Room  367  to  find  out 
how  you  can  be  part  of 
our  staff! 


Students  in  the  Honors  Program  are  encour- 
aged to  attend  the  weekly  Honon  Society 
nweting^  /  diicuasions.  AU  meetings  are 
held  on  Wedne«lays  at  4p.m.  in  Building  L 
Room  239. 

Vtounteen  are  needed  for  the  Adopt-a- 
Highway  pro)ect  on  Sunday,  October  29,  at 
10a.m.,  on  Algonquin  Road,  between 
Roaelle  and  Quentin  Roads. 


All  members  are  encouraged  to  attend 
meetings  which  will  be  held  in  Building  A, 
Room  241.  on  the  following  dates: 

Friday,  October  27  al  3;30p.m. 

Sattuday,  November  4  at  HiOOa  m. 

Friday,  November  12  at  3:30pm 

Saturday,  December  2  at  UWa  m 


Program  Board  schedules  social  events  of 
Harper  campa't  and  is  an  «cellent  experi- 
ence for  students  who  are  mti'nsted  in  tht; 
entertamment  field  Students  may  volunteer 
(ushers,  security,  hospitality,  etc  )  for  differ- 
ent events  Weekly  meetings  are  on 
IWsdjys  at  3 :.V)p  m.  in  Building  A,  Room 
336b  All  students  welcome  and  meetings 
are  not  mandatory. 


A  series  of  of  cvems  are  sechuled  for  World 
AIDS  Day,  Friday  Dec  1  A  guest  speaker  is 
invited  for  Dec.  2  to  speak  on  "Wcrmen  anbd 
AIDS  ■■  Members  of  Stop  AIDS  generally 
meet  on  the  third  Wednesday  of  each 
month.  Interested  students  may  contact 
Becky  Santeler  at  Health  Service  e»t.  6M9. 


Five  Senator  positions  are  »ttH  open  The 
division  include  Center  for  Students  with 
Disabilities.  Continuing  Education.  Liberal 
Arts,  Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
and  Student  Development  Student  repre- 
sentatives positions  are  also  available 
Students  who  are  interested  may  pick  up 
applications  at  the  Student  Activities  Office. 

Gender  Groups 

The  Harper  College  Personal 
Counseling  office  will  be  sponsor- 
ing a  men's  group  and  a  women's 
group  in  conjuction  with  the 
Gender  Issues  office  and  the 
Women  s  Program 

Discussion  topics  will  be  deter- 
mined by  &ie  members  of  each 
group.  The  groups  meet  separately 
and  are  designed  to  a-ssist  students 
with  gender  related  issues. 

Topics  for  the  men's  group  may 
include:  How  to  get  along  uith  your 
family,  km'  to  talk  to  people,  how  to 
build  rrtatumships,  differences 
hetteeen  men  and  teomen's  communi- 
cation styles,  and  male  roles. 

Topics  for  the  women's  group 
may  include:  Talking  with  your  fam- 
ily, non-tradtlionat  aged  returning 
itudents.  divorce,  parenting,  getting 
organized,  money  management,  and 
general  support. 

The  men's  group  di-scussions 
will  be  facilitated  by  Frank  Bastile 
and  Jim  Fastlick.  For  more  infor- 
mation call  (706)925-<)577. 

The  group  discussions  for 
women  will  be  facilitated  by 
Mardel  Gavnel  and  Jolyn  Depriest 
For  more  information  call  (70«)925- 

Electricity  Course 

The  Harper  College  Electronics 
lechnology  and  ."Xutomation 
Department  offers  an  eight-wet-k 
course,  Basic  Electricity,  ELTU;, 
on  Tuesday  jnd  Thursday 
t-M-nings,  ^3^l-'*:10  p.m.,  (.Tctober 
lt»-t)ecember  9  in  Building  H  room 
122d.  For  more  course  information 
regarding  the  electronics  depart- 
ment call  (708)925-6374. 

Disability  Director 

Tom  Thompst>n,  Director  of  the 
Center  for  Students  With 
Disabilities  at  Harper  College,  will 
serve  as  the  community  college 
representative  of  a  panel  address- 
ing Educating  Students  with 
Disabilities:  A  Shared  Responsibility 
to  be  broadcast  via  satellite  on 
Wed.Oti.  25. 

Communication  Workshop 

Let's  Talk:  Understanding 
Communication  Between  Men  and 
Women  m  the  Workplace,  is  a  new 
workshop  to  be  held  here  on  Wed., 
Oct.  18  6:30  -  9:30  p.m. 

Sometimes  it  is  all  too  clear  that 
men  and  women  communicate  dif- 
ferently. The  workshop  will  cover 
strategies  and  techniques  for  effec- 
tive listening  and  speaking  with 
the  opposite  sex. 

The  registration  fee  is  $30.  Call 
the  Career  Transition  Center  to  reg- 
ister or  to  obtain  moie  information, 
(708)  459-8233. 

Career  Counseling 

The  Harper  College  Career 
Transition  Center  offers  individu- 
alized career  counseling  to  focus 
on  career  direction  and  job  search 

During  hourly  appointments 
clients  may  discuss  present  work 
status,  address  specific  cariH.T  alter- 
natives or  develop  a  focused  career 
direction  The  following  individual 
career  counseling  packages  are 
now  available: 

•  Career  Exploring  and  Planning 
helps  explore  career  options. 

•  Career  Asses^mnit  uses  a  variety 
of  assessments  including  the 
Myers-Briggs  and  Strong  Interest 


•  Ciirrrr  Action  Planning  devetops 
an  action  plan  to  achieve  goals. 

•  Resume  Seroice  provides  a  targed 

•  Interviewing  Skills  provides  mock 
videotaped  interviewing  practice. 

•  job  Search  Strategies  develops  a 
directed  job  search  campaign. 

Clients  may  choose  the  counsel- 
ing service  that  best  meets  their 

Call  the  Career  Transition 
Center,  (708)459-8233,  for  an 
appointment  or  additional  infor- 

The  Ageless  Exploration  Lecture 
Series  at  Haiper  College  offers  sev- 
eral different  sessions  to  stimulate 
thinking  and  provide  opporhmi- 
ties  to  discuss  a  variety  of  issues 
tor  the  50-plus  learners. 

Fall  1995  topics  include 
Discoiffy-MoMrt's  Lost  Symphony; 
Therapeutic  Touch-Science  or  Scam; 
Freud  and  Modem  Society;  and 
Temples  of  the  Ck<ds-Reaching  for  the 
Light.  Spring  offerings  include: 
Variations  on  a  Box  Design-The 
World  of  Frank  Lloyd  Wright; 
Impressiomsts-Daring  to  be  Different, 
and  Tabloid  Journalism  will  also  pro- 
vide li»ely  discussions. 

Entitlements:  Do  You  Know  What 
Is  Your  Due?  is  being  offered 
October  20.  Elder  Abuse  will  be  dis- 
cussed on  March  22, 19%. 

Call  the  Office  of  Community 
and  Program  Services  at  (708)  925- 
6591  and  request  a  schedule  of 

Mark  Nizer  returns  to  scramble  students 

champion  Mark 
Nizer  will  proba- 
bly burn  down  Harper 
College  on  Fn.,  Oct  20  at  7:00 
pm  in  the  Building  J  Theatre, 
1200  W  Algonquin  Road. 

Nizer,  who  has  appeared 
on  Entertainment  Tonight 
and  MTV',  combines  satire, 
wit  and  comi-dy  with  his  jug- 
gling of  everything  from 
bowling  balls  to  electric 
kniv  es  to  lit  torches  He  has 
performed  his  one  man  show 

"My  Brain  is  Full"  at  the 
Lincoln  Cenu  r  for  the 
Performing  .■\rts  and  has 
opened  shows  for  entertain- 
ers such  as  Bob  Hope.  Crfjorge 
Bums,  Ray  Charles,  and  ott>- 

Tickets  ior  Nui-r's  sht'w 
are  S3  for  children  12  and 
under,  $7  for  children  13  and 
over  with  discounts  for  dar- 
ing students  and  senior  citi- 
zens. For  tickets  call  Patty 
Roberts  at  the  Harper  College 
Box  Office.  (70B)  925-6100  cxt 

Annual  deaf  awareness  week  hits  Harper  College  community 

Harper  will  ho^t  iN  'rj 
annual  (Kjf 

Awareness  Week 
Tues  Oct,  31  thnough  Sat 
\o\  4  The  purpose  of  this 
event  is  to  educate  hearing 
people  about  the  lives,  cul- 
ture and  language  of  the  Deaf 
communitv  and  to  increase 
Deaf  peoples  knowledge  l>f 
the  issues  of  empowerment 
and  self-advoccacy. 

Some       main       evcnls 

planned  ane: 


•  The  showing  of  two  popu-  horror  movii's  with  cap- 
tions ,,.nl\',  so  that  viewers 
will  oxpvnence  them  the  way 
Di-at  fXMpk'  do. 

•  In  Building  A  fnim  12  n<»n- 
7  p.m.,  Exhibits  of  products 
and  services  of  interest  to  the 
Deaf  community  will  be  on 

•  In  the  afternoon  "Deal 

Town",  a  simulation  activity, 
will  allow  hearmg  people  an 
opportunity  to  expenena;  the 
world  of  the  l>af 

•  At  7;i»  p  m  M  (  Bienvenu, 
Director  of  the  L^inguage  and 
Culture  Center,  Gaithersburg. 
Maryland,  will  present 
■'American  Deaf  Culture:  The 
Overlooked  Culture  in 


•  "High  School  Day"  will 
provide  an  opportunity  for 

the  Deaf  and  Hard  of  Hearing 
high  school  students  to  come 
to  the  Palatine  campus  and 
learn  about  ophons  for  col- 
lege life. 

Various  panels,  actiMties, 
films,  and  presentations  are 
scheduled  tor  both  hearing 
and  deaf  audiences  through- 
out the  week  including  a  one- 
man  show  by  Deaf  actor  Peter 
Cook.  There  will  also  be  an 
ASL  storytelling  contest. 

Co-sponsors  for  the  event 

include  the  Harper  College 
Educational  Foundation,  tfie 
Illinois  Department  of 
Rehabilitation  Services, 

Harper's  Collegiate  Illinois 
Association  of  the  Deaf,  and 
the  Harper  College  Sign 
l,anguage  Club. 

Most  events  are  free.  For  a 
detailed  schedule  of  events 
call  Kim  Gibson-Harmon  or 
Debby  Sampson  at  (70R>925- 
6266(voice)  or  (70K)397- 




Hie  Hariunger 

JOtlK  i[ffl^  HOROSCOPE 

by  luby  WyiM^lo 

AABP-cftWed  Mtatoo&i 

The  Stan  uy  the  denund  for  dolls  fashioned 
from  empty  detergent  bottle*  will  skyrocket 
Start  making  them  now! 

Your  siblings  reach  out  for  your  help  this 
week.  They  iwed  you  to  bump  off  Grandpa. 

Scotpto  (Octabw  24-Nov«mb«t  21)- 
The  pejK  of  wedding  bells  will  ring  loudly  in 
your  ears  when  a  makeshift  church  is  built  on 
your  nightstand. 

tam((Apil2fr-May20)-  SagMariw  (Nowwittw  22-OK«ntMt  21)- 
Get  a  head  start  on  chores  by  doing  your  pevote  your  life  to  the  pursuit  of  beauty 
Uundry  today  After  all,  chronic  bedwetters  Start  by  stalking  attractive  local  news  person- 
like  you  should  be  changing  the  sheets  at  aUHgu 
least  oiKe  a  week. 

Your  buzzword  for  this  week  is  "Ol*!"  when 
Cliico  the  Quhuahua  impiegmies  your  bas- 
set hound. 

Cancw  ikaw  22-Juty  22)- 

A  tumble  m  the  autumn  leaves  leads  to 
tragedy  when  a  rake  pierces  your\bdomen. 

IM  (My  2»-AM0t«t  22)- 

You  may  lose  your  )ob,  spouae  and  home  this 
week,  but  ymi  can  always  drown  your  sor- 
rows in  rotgut 

Vkgo  (Augurt  23-S«p*Hnbtr  22)- 

Tongue  depressors  figure  prominenrlv  in 
your  week.  They  will  be  uaed  to  gouge  out 

Ubo  (Stotambw  23-Oc*otw  23)- 

Copitcom  (DccambM  22-Janiianr  19)- 

The  stars  are  arguing  abtiut  what  will  happen 
to  you  this  week  Right  now,  it's  between  a 
tumor  and  painful  gastrointestiiul  rupture 

Aquartw  (Januay  20-F«i)niary  18)- 

The  underside  of  your  mattress  reveals  many 

hidden  truths. 

HiCM  (Ftbniory  19-Mach  20)- 

Use  computer  skills  to  jump-start  your  career. 
Offer  high-priced  goal  pom  to  surfers  of  the 


Because  of  htr  unranny  ahihtv  to  predicl  the 

fvlurt,  mamf  ptapk  beluix  \U  W^ner-lo  is  a 

nntefi     Sfir  wiaJirs  to  .•  'amors  and 

rrptace  fftrm  with  mi.i^  .,<.,-  .7'  her  sexual 

-CMA«t.lK'»    *"«*»1.S" 

ouK  oraouML  moTEa 

»^0NTM5      MTSINCt 

xoo  nrcMto  iH  TO 

nnt  THAT  TMt  SON 
OF  >rooR 





AS  DIRECTOR  Of  Murwi 
RtSOvJNCiS  I  tV¥t 
OCVELOfTD  A  roLcr 

fOn  MWXIN6  Tht 
ErtWYtES  u>HD 

IT^   A  DI6  HOtE 


INTO  semNG  IN  n 


THEn  unM  SAND 



T>«I«.S  A     \ 
OCTAILED       ^ 


cATotrr  iMt  Kit  Dintcroi^ 


COUNStLlMG  mocEss- 

A    DIG  hOLE  AND 

If  TMis  n 

rv(  oftLY 









1      . 



Observatory  now  open 

The  Observatory  at  Harper  College,  located  on  the  north 
side  of  the  campus  across  the  lake  from  Building  E,  will  be 
open  on  the  following  Friday  tughts  730  -  9:30  pm,  for  public 
viewing  of  astronomical  objects: 
°  October  1 3      (raindale  October  14) 
°  October  27      (raindate  October  28) 
°  November  10  (raindate  November  11) 
°  November  17  (raindate  November  18) 

The  viewing  events  are  free  and  no  reservations  are  nec- 
easory.  If  the  weather  is  cloudy  or  rainy,  the  sessions  will  be 
caiicelled.  For  further  information  regarding  the  observatory 
or  the  viewing  program,  please  call  Professor  Paul  Sipiera  of 
the  Technology,  Mathematics  and  Physical  Science  Division  of 
Harper  CoUege  at  (708)925-6726. 

WEEK  -  OCTOBER  15-21 

The  goal  of  Naboivil  Collegitate  Alcohol  Awareness  Week 
is  to  help  students  make  healthy  lifestyle  choices,  encour- 
age resporisible  driiiking,  prevent  alcohol  misuse  and  oKer 
alcohol  treatment  options.  If  you  or  a  friend  would  like 
any  alcohol  related  information,  stop  in  Health  Service, 
Building  A,  Room  362,  to  pick  up  pamphlets  or  speak  with 

FLU  VACaNES  -  S8.00 

Flu  vaccines  will  be  administered  by  members  of  the  staff 
at  Northwest  Community  Hospital  on  Tuesday,  October 
17lh,  from  9:00am  to  2flOpm  and  again  on  Wednesday, 
October  18fh,  from  12:00pm  to  4:00pm  in  Building  A, 
Room  241a.  Schedule  an  appointment  by  calling  Health 
Service  at  (708)  397-3000  x6268.  Please  check  with  your 
doctor  if  you  have  any  questions  about  infliKnza  or 
influenza  vaccination. 


CK'ereaters  Anonymous  meets  every  Wednesday  at 
12:00pm  for  one  hour  m  Building  J,  Room  167  from  luiw 
until  December  20,  1995.  Please  call  (708)  397-3000  x6626 
for  more  ii^rmation. 

If  You  Need  Te 



Stephen  Sumcraj 

Bl  1 1  know  I  need  to  move  on  with 
my  education,  but  where  do  I  go? 

El ;  DeVry  is  the  right  move, 
*  right  now. 

II  It « the  rt|tR  twne  u»  inovc  m  w«|ii  yam  atocntKH).  DeVry  n  tbr  ngbt  pfice  WKb 
rvVPi  s  yuT  nwui  wtedutc.  >ou  an  ccMnqpleie  ymr  BiKittUrr's  dcficc  fum  than  «  a 
irjHJilKinil  oillefir  wiltii  nnty  two  itrtm  »  year  And  11  D(Vr>.  v<ki  leam  htm  mmucttyn 
wicti  pTKticaJ  tHtsinrM  t%pcneoce.  »(>  yuur  oiuLatHin  is  Ttk\m  to  ttic  real  work! 

tMVr>  offrn.  Bachtlcir^  «legrot  furnfmm  in  Bectromoi  Eitginecnni  Techmtlogy, 
ContfHtt-T  MimnatMin  Synam,  BuiMnii  OfKniiaiH.  Aavtiunimi  uid  TetecammuniL.^ 
nam  MMDigeinciir*  d>  w«EI «» «  4egm  ciwlfhiicM  prDgnuii  m  r«-hruca)  Mirufrmm 
llivv  .rvcnngiod  weekend  ownct  art  avaJUbte.  Dan'i  riwietioaskahMt^Hr  Kdh)l«nt)ip> 

DSw\J^^  higher  degree  of  success. 



addiMn.  H.  Mnei-«ia« 
(7M)  •S3-: 

September  29. 199S 



Harper  offers  two  tours 
out  in  the  "country" 

Local  country  music  fans  will  have 
two  opportunities  to  "Experienci;  the 
Bntof  Country"  by  joining  the  colorful 
fall  tours  to  Branson  jnd  Nashville 
being  sponsored  by  Harper 

On  their  trip  to  Branson,  October 
26-30,  visitors  will  experience  the  gen- 
tly rolling  counfri'side  of  Missouri^ 
They  will  spend  five  days  and  four 
nights  at  tfie  Brat»on  Towers.  Some  of 
the  activities  irwlude  a  dinner  show  fea- 
turing Russian  comedian  Yakov 
Smirnoff  and  a  matinee  performance  by 
the  Osmonds.  An  evening  of  darwing  at 
Pure  Country,  one  of  the  largest  dance 
floors  in  Bran.son.  will  top  oft  a  trip  that 

Are  you  Pursuing  a 

Career  in  Business, 

PR  or  Health? 

Put  your  skills  and  interest 

to  work  part-time  bulkUng 

your  own  business. 


Call  708-639-6459 

includes  transportation,  four  break- 
fasts, three  dinners  and  admission  to 
seven  shows.  The  cost  of  the  trip 
(LPro5O-005)  and  dance  lessons  in 

The  Christmas  season  at 
Nashville  s  incredible  Oprytand  Hotel, 
with  its  bnghtlv  tnlored  gingerbread 
tuHjse  and  towering  141-fixit  Southern 
Lights,  will  be  part  of  the  experience  in 
the  country  music  capital  of  the  world, 
November  17-20.  1<W5  The  tour 
include:  the  Grand  Ole  Opry;  a 
Country  Christman  Dinner  and 
Musaal  Revue,  a  luncheon  cruise  on 
the  General  (ackson,  the  world  s  largest 
showboat,  and  a  trip  to  Christmas  in 
the  Park  at  Opryland  Theme  Park.  The 
cost  of  the  trip  (LPPaSO-OOt.)  is  M59 

Dance  lessons  for  participants  of 
these  tours  will  be  held  on  Saturday. 
October  21  in  Building  M  Une  dancing 
lessons  are  scheduled  from  1:00  to 
2 :40p.m  and  and  couples  daiKing  from 

Call  (708)  397-3377  to  register  and 
speafy  the  correct  registration  number 

Elaine  Dobra's 
temporary  ilssociates 


Resume  Preparation  also  ovairoble. 

The  24  hour,  full  service 
temporary  help  company. 



I  have  *>  positions  open  in  my  MUSIC  company. 
Earn  $450-$6(K>  per  week:  Full  or  Part-time.  Must: 

•  Like  Rock  &  Roll  .Atmosphere 

•  Be  Wild  &  Crazy  ^=^ 

•  Love  to  Party  /     / 

•  Love  Money  $$$  ^^ 

If  ynu  qualify  call  Mr.  Bills  (7(Wt  253-()520 

Upcoming  Harper  events 

LoufO  Garrison 

Arts  &  Entertoinment  E(J*Of 

A  number  of  e\ents  held  on 
campus  are  made  possible  by 
Program  Board  working  in 
conjunction  with  the  Student 
Activities  Office  Theiv  are  several 
events  in  the  next  couple  of  weeks 
which  students  may  want  to  be  aware 
of:  stop  by  the  Program  Board  office 
for  further  details. 

Commg  up  on  Friday  October  13, 
Chizil  plays  with  Alejo  Poveda  in  the 
Building  j  Theatre  at  7.30p.m.  They 
have  performed  at  Taste  of  Chicago 
and  the  Chicago  Jazz  Festival,  and 
their  music  has  roots  in  Latin  salsa 
and  Jazz,  makmg  for  a  very  unique 
sound.  Tickets  are  available  in  the 
Box  Office. 

Friday,  October  20  brings  a  couple 
of  choices  to  our  campus. 
Juggler/comedian  Mark  Nizer  will 
perform  m  the  Building  J  Theatre  at 
7«>p.m.,  and  they  are  offering  a  spe- 
cial deal  for  Harper  students,  staff. 

and  faculty  who  buy  their  tickets  in 
advance:  buy  one.  get  erne  free.  Also 
on  October  20,  "An  Evening  of  Ghost 
Stones  Under  The  Harvest  Moon, 
Part  11"  will  be  taking  place  in  the 
Building  L  Drama  Lab  at  8:00p.m. 
Tickets  for  both  events  ate  available 
at  the  Box  Office. 

Movies  over  the  next  couple  of 
weeks  will  be  getting  into  the 
Halloween  spirit  as  well.  "The  Crow" 
will  be  shown  outside  A-336  on 
Wednesday  October  18  at  1:00p.m., 
and  again  on  Thursday  October  19  at 
1:00p.m.  "The  Exorcist"  will  be 
shown  on  Wednesday  October  25  and 
Thursday  October  26,  both  at 

Fiiully,  on  Thursday  October  26, 
Bamboo  Harvest  with  Steve  Pollitt 
will  put  on  a  fret  mini-concert  in  P- 
205  at  12:15pm.  This  acoustic  perfor- 
mance will  feature  music  from  old 
hymns  to  modem  favorites,  with 
some  original  material  besides.  For 
more  informahon  on  this  event,  call 
the  Music  Department  at  ext.6568. 

Wednesday,  October  18- 

Fi«e  video  by  A336:  "The  Crow"  at 


Thursday,  October  19- 

Lecture   in  A238:   'Tai  Chi"   at 


Friday,  Ocober  20- 
Halloween  Theatre  in  L109:  'Ghost 
Stories  Under  the  Harvest  Moon, 
Part  2"  at  8«)pm.  $3 

In  J143;  Juggler/Comedian  Mark 
Nizer,  at  7:00pm 

Wednesday,  October  25- 
MotivatioTuI    Speaker    in   A242: 
Patrick  Combs,  at  12«)nooa  Free. 

Thursday,  October  26- 
Mini-coiwert  in   P205: 
Harvest"  at  12:15pm 


Film    in    J143:    "The    Wedding 
BanqueT  at  7:30pin.  $2-$3. 

Tony's  Veil  of  Tears 

Tony  instills  wisdom  in  thosf  who  ask. 
Drop  off  a  letter  for  him  at  the 
Harbmger  office.  Thejbllounng  is  from 
Tbnys  mai^ag. 

Dear  Tony, 

You  probably  won't  print  this  but  I 
have  a  mother  that  whines  all  the 
time  if  she  doesn't  get  her  way. 
She  constantly  complains  to  me  of 
her  loneliness  and  uses  the  tele- 
phone as  her  crutch.  How  can  1  tell 
her  to  find  another  outlet? 
Palatine.  II 

Dear  Sarah, 

I  am  sure  that  many  of  our  readers 
have  a  relative  or  friend  such  as 
your  mother,  but  when  that  annoy- 
ing teakettle  whistles,  who  doesn't 
want  to  pull  It  off  the  stove.  You  are 
correct  in  stating  that  your  mother 
needs  another  outlet  Since  you  arc 
the  one  that  she  is  turning  to  in  her 
time  of  need,  it  is  important  that 
you  be  direct,  state  your  message  to 
her  clearly,  and  do  it  in  a  non-pun- 
ishing way.  Good  luck. 

Dear  Tony, 

My  neighbor  i»  a  pig  and  has  a  d  is- 

gusting  habit  of   chain-smoking 

cigarettes.  1  live  directly  above 
him  and  all  the  smoke  from  his 
apartment  constantly  flows  into 
my  living  room.  All  my  upholstery 
is  white  and  I  am  sure  that  his 
smoke  has  turned  it  a  greyish 
color.  I've  complained  to  the  man- 
aging agent  but  he  tells  me  that 
there  isn't  anything  that  they  can 
do.  Can  you  stop  this? 
Up  in  Smoke 
Naperville,  IL 

Don't  just  shut  your  eyes  when 
smoke  gets  m  them.  The  staining  of 
your  furnishings  and  the  wafts  of 
smoke  clouding  your  domain  are 
enough  to  take  action!  New  York 
City  and  Los  Angeles  set  prece- 
dence for  the  rest  of  the  Uiuted 
States  by  abolishing  cigarette 
smoke  in  public  areas,  as  well  as 
restaurants.  Your  neighbor  has  the 
right  to  smoke  in  the  privacy  of  his 
own  cave  but  doesn't  have  the  right 
to  pollute  yours.  You  can  write  to  R. 
Woods,  Consumer  information 
Center  -  5B,  P.O.  Box  IW,  Pueblo, 
Colorado  81002,  and  retjiiesl  a  copy 
of  VV'(V  Dt>  You  Smoke^  and  h.ind  it 
to  the  chimney,  your  neigh- 

Page  6 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

Hw  HaibfaigBr 

Dick  Dale  still  can  wail! 

Surf  music  is  alive  and  well  in 
America,  midwest  and  elsewhere 

Spies  Who  Surf  hang  loose  on  Campus 


MonoQino  Editof 

David  J.  Mh 

Guest  www 

Not  much  can  be 
Mid  about  the 
recent  Dick  Dole 
conceit  except  this : 
With  his  trusty  guitar 
in  tow,  he  rocked  the  the- 
ater so  hard  this  poor  stu- 
dent walked  out  shaking 
plaster  out  o^  his  hau  Dick 
Dale  is  NOT  the  king  of  the 
surf  guitar...  He  is  the  Cod. 
Opening  with  Ezekiel  25: 17 
(the  dialog  from  Pulp 
Fiction)  he  blazed  through 
an  adienaline  and  testos- 
terone version  of  Misrihu. 

Dale  performed  from 
a  variety  of  his  of  hits 
including  one  of  whKh  he 
dedicated  to  a  nine  year-old 
fan  thai  approached  Dalt?  in 
the  past  That  young  boy 
turned  out  to  be  |imi 

Dale  won  over  his 

Harper  "tribe"  by  playing 
requests  Upon  hearing 
this,  the  audience  respond- 
ed asking  to  hear 
'Rpeline,"  from  the  mo¥ie 
Back  to  the  Beach. 

Throughout  the  con- 
cert. Dale's  three  and  a  half 
year  old  son  participated  in 
the  show,  playing  his  small 
drum  kit.  His  wife,  Jill  also 
joined  him  for  a  song  play- 
ing a  mean  drum  that 
would  make  Tommy  Lee 

The  classiest  part  of 
the  evening  took  place  after 
the  show  Dick  Dale  signed 
every  autograph  and  was 
in  no  hurry  to  leave  until 
Public  Safety  loM  fans  that 
It  was  time  to  leave. 

Dick  Dale  is  a  classy 
guv  and  a  great  on  stage 
performer.  He  left  the 
crowd  with  these  three 
words  of  advice.  "Keep  on 
smiling  " 

Trying  to  make  a  name 
tor  yourself  is  some- 
thing that  all  bands  fry 
ver)  hard  to  do  Spies  who 
Surf  are  no  different 

The  group  started  eight 
years  ago  in  a  basement  and 
are  now  kxiking  to  be  a  head- 
line group  themsflves 
Bassist  Marty  Busca,  said  he 
believes  that  good  things 
could  be  on  the  horizon. 

"Right  now,  all  we  need 
are  some  business  smarts  and 
some  morwy",  Busca  said. 

Playing  new  and  bigger 
venues  are  something  that 
Guitarist  Tommy  Klein  said 

To  play  Vegas  and  have  our  own 

sitcom-  those  are  some  of  the 
thing  I  have  always  wanted  to  do. 

Tommy  Klein,  guitarist 
Spies  Who  Surf 

the  band  has  been  working 
on  recenlty. 

"We  have  played  the 
Riveria  and  West  Coast 
Academy  in  New  York.", 
Klein  said. 

"We  have  a  show 
Friday,  Oct.  13  at  the  Elbow 
Room  in  Chicago.  The  Exotics 
will  be  opening  for  us." 

Coals  from  members  in 
the  group  vary,  but  Klein  and 
Busca  both  agreed  that  tiieir 
type  of  music  is  catching  on 

and  may  lead  to  a  west  coast 

"To  play  Vegas,  and 
have  our  own  sitcom,  those 
are  some  of  the  things  1  have 
always  wanted  to  do,"  Klein 

Klein  said  he  believed 
being  the  opening  act  for 
Dick  Dale  was  an  hotuir  and 
he  would  love  to  do  it  again. 

"I'm  excited  to  be  play- 
ing on  the  same  stage  as  Dick 
Dale,"  Klein  said. 

Yipper-Ooo!  Peter  Dennis 
tucks  audience  in  for  a  night 

loura  Goniton 


Peter  Dennis  was  on  campus  recently, 
performing  in  "Oh,  Bother!",  the  show 
based  on  dramatic  readings  from  the 
work  of  Winnie  tfw  Pooh  creator  A.A.Milne 

Best  known  as  the  voice  of  Wirmie  the 
Pooh,  Dennis  delighted  the  audience  by  tak- 
ing requests  on  what  thev  wanted  to  hear 

At  first  the  audience  \v  js  slightly  on  the 
shy  side,  but  they  warmed  up  pretty  quickly 
when  Dennis  asked  if  they  wanted  to  hear  In 
Which  Tigger  is  Unboutuxd  from  "The  House 
At  Pooh  Comer".  Suddenly,  suggestion.s 
rained  in  from  everv  din-ction. 

In  addition,  he  also  read  two  other  sto- 
ries from  Pooh  Comer  :  In  Which  Pooh  Invents 
a  New  Came  and  Eeyore  loins  In,  and  In  Which  It 
Is  Shown  That  Tiggers  Don't  Climb  Trees.  He 
also  read  several  works  from  "When  We  Were 
Very  Young"  and  "Now  We  Are  Six",  two 
books  of  his  own  poetry. 

Not  only  did  the  audience  receive  a 
good  share  of  bedtime  stories  and  a  welcome 
return  to  childhood's  innocence,  they  also 
learned  a  little  bit  about  Milne's  life 

Reading  from  an  easy  chair  to  an  all- 
ages  audience,  Peter  Dennis  managed  to 
Si'cure  sweet  dreams  that  evening  to  each  and 
ever}  attendet. 

Dazzlingl  (1  visionorq  rnumph. 

■fl  pulse-pounding,  fasf-foruiard  info  our  verii  near  fufure. 

s  [  r  0  n  g  e   days 

fli  ffieaifes  evefyaifiefe  ffiday,  ociodef  ]W 

riiii-liiii^:  \uiii  ill  i';!!-!-'   \aliiiii.'il-l  JMii^ 
I  iiiviT'-ju  li.i- iwn  >.li(iliii^lii|i  |iiiii:r;im.H 
«;iiinii:  iin  mhi  * 

Traasfar  K*c»fiilllMi  Awoitb 

>■!■■■«■  KkatanMpi  ml  t*0»-f  1,S0S 
p^lat  MwrMf  mi  S.0  mr  I 

Til*  B«ii*fac4or'>  Sckol«rsliip 

■•«i|»(Mrts  mt  ffliU  c«mr*tM**  $S,500-9B,OOe 

■■ii«lfilil|i  ■Hwl  Inn*  •  wrmdm  ylwi  'if >■§■  •!  3.S  wr 


S00/44J.5522,  exf.  5151. 

October  13,  1995 

Arts  &  Entertaimnent 


A  'Sweet'  performance 

iChizil  cuts  a  bossa  nova 
groove  through  Harper 

The  Chicago  septet 
Chizil  will  per- 
form their  Latin 
liazz  sounds  at  Harper 
ICoUege  in  the  Building  J 
I  Theatre  on  Friday,  Oct. 
1 13, 7:30  pm. 

Their  peiformaivre 
Icuhninales  the  college's 

■  Unity  Through 
[raversity  Week  October 

■-  -  13. 

Recently    perform- 
ing   at    the    Taste    of 
I  Chicago        and        the 
I  Chicago  Jazz  Festival, 
I  the  baiul  takes  its  name 

■  from      Chicago      and 

Brazil,  hence  Chiztl. 
The  group  members  are: 
Dick  RejTiolds  -  electric 
and  acoustic  piano,  syn- 
thesizers, and  back- 
ground vocals;  Steve 
Esien  -  flute,  congas, 
and  percxtssion;  Rusty 
Taylor  -  bass;  Jo  Belle 
Yonely  -  vocals;  Aleio 
Pocveda  -  drums  and 
percussion,  and  John 
Negus  -  alto  .sax,  flute, 
and  background  vtxral.s. 
Though  several 
Chizil  musicians  are  of 
Cost.i  Ricjn  and 
MexiLjn   Je--.i.i"nt,   their 

focus  is  on  the  rhythm 
of  the  bossa  nova. 

"It's  syncopated, 
but  in  Brazilian  music 
you  feel  like  you're  on 
top  of  the  beat;  like 
you're  on  the  edge  of  a 
hill.  Whereas  with  jazz 
you're  laying  back 
behind  the  beat," 
Reynolds  said. 

Tickets  for  Chizil's 
Harper  concert  are  $9 
with  discounts  available 
for  students.  Call  the 
Harper  Box  Office  at 
(70«|'J&«100  or  go  to 

emaa^!  emia^! 



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North  Shore  &  Chicago  Subuttis  Northwest  &  Western  Subuifes 


Comerica  Bank  -  Illinois 

An  Equal  Opportunity  Employnr 


A&E  Editof 

Matthew  Sweet  recently 
rtx:ked  a  sold-oul  crowd  at 
the  Vic  Theatre  in  Chicago. 
The  show  got  underway  artiund  7:30 
p.m ,  with  a  band  called  Dog's  Eye 
View  opening  for  Sweet. 

Dog's  Eye  View  played  a  smok- 
ing 45-minutc  set  as  a  preview  to 
their  brand  new  finit-t-ver  CD. 

It  their  album  is  anywhere  near 
as  good  as  their  live  performance  was 
on  Sunday,  they  will  be  huge  within 
six  months. 

Dog's  Eye  View  s<:iunded  a  great 
deal  like  the  Black  Crowes,  with  a 
hint  of  a  harder  influence. 

Not  many  opening  acts  can  claim 
that  they  would  be  worth  the  price  of 
admission  if  some  natural  disastCT 
occurred  just  before  the  headliner 
came  on  -  this  is  one  of  the  select  few. 

When  Dog's  Eye  View  finished 
their  set,  the  crowd  roared  in 
approval  and  then  quieted  down  in 
anticipahon  of  Sweet  making  the  lat- 
est in  a  string  of  several  recent 
Chicago  appearances. 

He  kicked  off  his  set  with  a  rol- 
licking version  of  an  earlier  tune,  then 

proceeded  to  blast  through  many  of 
his  better  known  songs,  including 
Girlfriend.  Sick  of  Myself,  and  his  most 
recx-nt,  Wc'nf  the  Same. 

During  onstage  banter.  Sweet 
took  a  couple  of  minutes  to  follow  in 
the  footsteps  of  Eddie  Vcdder  knock- 
ing certain  radio  stations  (without 
naming  names)  for  not  promotiong 
him.  Musically,  he  touched  on  a  bit  of 
everything  he's  done,  from  his  earlier 
songs  to  his  latest  album,  lOOX)  Fun. 

A  couple  of  the  highlights  were 
from  the  latest  album;  a  rocking  ver- 
sion of  Not  When  I  Need  It  and  the 
moving  /  Almost  Forgot. 

If  his  latest  album  is  being  hailed 
as  his  best  yet  and  given  rave 
reviews,  there  aren't  words  strong 
enough  to  describe  his  refreshingly 
exhilarating  on-stage  performance. 

Not  present  at  the  show  were  the 
lighters  so  often  seen  during  slow 
songs,  but  the  crowd  did  one  better. 

They  sang  along  with  every 
word,  from  the  beginning  to  the  end 
of  the  encores,  and  for  two  hours  the 
Vic  Theatre  rocked  in  unison. 

Sweet  is  a  phenon\enal  bundle  of 
energy  ruiuung  rampant  onstage.  On 
a  scale  of  1  to  10,  his  live  performance 
would  rate  a  500! 

Wildside  re-emerges  with 
new  label  and  new  music 

l.J.  McDermoH 

WHCMProgian  r '■■■-•  ■• 

Ninciet-n    nineiy-ri\c   has   seen 
mati)  kiiid-s  Irom  ttir  lak*  eighl- 
ll.■^  h;ir.l  r. vk   stcric  dUempI  to 
ri.-lucl  !tu-;'  I  •iniKte  in  l<xla>  \ 

dlifmatnf  , 

'\nti  tho  Kind  v^liich  mjv  i-vt-m- 
plitv  the  ihonp'  of  loJas  s  musu:, 
more  viearly  than  .inv  other,  is 

The  !■  ,.!>■- 

thelnflui-'i  "int 

of  airplay  m  ChK,j^;i'  on  Ixith  the 
I  (:h>p  and  th^'  Bli.'.  --umxirting  sm- 
>;les  iikr  ^  '.l.irw  t  u-\, 

anvi  lu>l  ,:,.:.  '..,.:.  VVildside 
toured  heavy  throuj;h  \^'^2  and 
headlined  a  show  at  t!i<'  VIC  Theater 
in  January 

But  the  sutcesv  of  the  hand  was 
halted  when  the  band  »\-j>  unexpect- 
edly dropped  from  Capitol  rivords 
Vocalist  Drew  Hannah  e\plained  the 

"Capitol  |ust  pulled  the  plug.  It 
was  like  beinj;  hit  Ix'hmd  the  head 
with  a  bat.  .\o  explanations,  no  noth- 

As  if  that  wasn't  enough,  inner 
turmoil  bamghl  about  many  lineup 

changes  During  a  louple  o(  shows 
last  summer,  Dnw  promised  crowds 
a  new  album  by  January  '9.s 

Then  record  company  problems 
and  distribuhon  problems  pushed 
back  the  album's  releasi'  nearly  ten 
months,  but  Wildside  fans  will  be 
pleased  to  hear  that  Wildslde's  self 
titled  .second  album  was  rele.ised  on 
TNT  ri'iorjs  "I  think  this  ni'vv  record 
has  a  lot  of  suhstance, '  said  Hannah. 

"With  each  record  you  II  find 
s^>meth:ng  \  er\  different  ,-\nd  if  we 
continue  to  do  this,  which  I'm  sure 
we  will,  people  will  understand  that 
the  nest  record  is  going  to  be  differ- 

Wildside  played  four  shows  on 
September  24  and  30,  the  latter  show 
being  the  last  of  the  tour.  They  now 
plan  to  pick  up  recognition  tor  the 
album,  and  said  tfiey  would  be  hit- 
ting the  road  in  early  %  . 

Tiu'  new  album  should  be  avail- 
able everywhere  shortly,  but  it  you 
can  t  hnd  it  and  want  to  hear  some 
Wildside,  tune  into  The  New  World 
Order  on  Harper's  own  WHCM  or 
Harper's  cable  channel  publit  access 
2h.  Wednesday  at  12:S(1  when 
Concert  Girl  will  give  the  weekly 
Wildside  update. 



Our  View 

OJ  trial  brings  out 
the  bad  apples 

The  News  Media  has  been  on  a  feeding 
frenzy  of  sensationalism  since  the  begin- 
ing  of  the  O)  trial.  At  first  it  was  just  big 
news,  but  it  swiftly  became  a  national 
past-hme,  with  all  the  blood,  love  trian- 
gles, and  fingerpointing  of  a  superior 
soap  opera. 

But  just  when  you  thought  the  dust  had 
settled,  the  news  media  got  it's  second 
helping  from  glory-seekers  a.k.a.  anyone 
who  says  they  kirow  O.J.  Simpson. 
And  boy  does  it  bite. 
Aside  from  all  the  super  computer  tech- 
nologies and  fancy  literary  schemes,  the 
resurgence  of  O.J.  media  hype  has  illumi- 
nated the  trashy  ambulance-chasers, 
seperating  them  from  the  real  journalists 
who  pride  themselves  on  informing  with 
a  bit  of  entertainment,  not  the  other  way 

For  the  past  474  days  the  world  has 
been  bombarded  by  anything  O.  J.  From 
white  Bronco's  to  designer  shoes. 

After  a  total  of  approximately  16  mil- 
lion dollars  was  spent  on  the  "biggest 
waste  of  the  century,". 

The  murderer  is  still  out  there. 

But  there  still  one  question  loft  to  be 
answtTt'd   VVhjt  is  t'\N  >;(nn,i;  to  covtT 
for  the  next  vear  now  that  Ihi  tii<il  is 

Gimmentary  iheHaAinger 

An  addicts  confession 

Jon  O'Brien.  The  Ed's  View 

I  admit  it  I  ifx\  lousy  and 
immature  aK>ut  it  but  I  have 
to  come  clean  I  I  am  1  am 
an  OJ  junkie  I  UxA  in  even, 
single  bit  oi  mformation  I 
could  on  what  was  regardt\l 
m  the  Inal  ot  the  centun,' 
Now  that  it's  o\er.  I've  got  to 
accifpt  that  I  have  a  problem 
and  leam  to  o\  ercome  it 

In  order  to  east'  rnvselt 
out  ot  mv  lull,  I've  accumu- 
lated a  plethora  ot  mtorma- 
tion  regarding  the  trial.  The 
media,  in  its  infinite  (lack  of) 
wisdom,  has  expUnted  the 
subject  far  beyond  what  it 
should  have  tieen,  Ted 
Turner,  Gtxl  bles.s  his  heart, 
has  provided  all  W.CXX)  pages 
of  testimony  to  be  down- 
loaded from  Cable  News 
Network's  Internet  site 
rdkt/mdexhtml  in  case  you'ne 
wondering)  I've  got  both 
audio  and  video  nx'ordings 
on  tape.  I've  got  my  scrap- 

btx>ks  o(  newspaper  articles. 
And  of  course,  my  prized  col- 
lection of  Naked  Gun 
laserdiscs.  It  will  last...  for 

I  could  also  partake  in  the 
racial  controversy  that  seems 
to  be  swivpmg  the  nahon 
Not  that  the  defensi'  hasn't 
tanned  the  flames  by  bring- 
ing race  into  the  closing  argu- 
ments and  involving  mem- 
t>t>rs  of  the  Nation  of  Islam,  a 
group  accused  of  racial  dis- 
crimination, or  anything  As  a 
member  of  the  media.  I  know 
just  how  well  we  can  endless- 
ly beat  a  dead  horse. 

Even  after  the  verdict  of 
the  debate  dies  off,  we  11  shll 
hear  about  it.  I  can  laugh  at 
Tom  Brokaw  ponder  over 
why  there  aren't  more 
African-American  country 
mu.sic  stars  I  could  also  pon- 
der on  why  there  aren't  any 
African-Americans  in  hockey. 
Or  I  could  ponder  why  there 
are  so  few  Caucasians  in  foot- 
ball and  rap  music. 

Does  anyone  rememtaer 
what  else  is  on  tele\'ision  or 
the  radio?  I'm  sure  there  was 
something  to  watch  before 

the  trial.  What  did  people 
talk  about  before  the  Simpson 
trial?  Did  our  forefathers  just 
walk  around  all  the  time?  I 
turned  on  the  radio  and 
heard  about  some  ballplayer 
named  Dennis  Rodoian  join- 
ing a  professional  sports  team 
called  the  Chicago  Bulls. 
People  tell  me  they  won  three 
World  Championships  in  a 
row  once  but  I  can't  remem- 
ber that  far  back.  What  are  all 
of  the  talk  shows  going  to 
comment  on'  We'll  never 
know  what  David 

Letterman's  Top  Ten  List  is 
going  to  l>e,  either.  The  jokes 
are  going  to  slowly  die  off, 
the  repetitive  running  of  the 
Bronco  chase  will  stop,  and 
everyone  will  go  on  with 
their  hves. 

I  admit  I  have  a  problem. 
I  admit  that  I  need  help.  I  am 
coping  with  my  problem  and 
I  hope  you  can  all  find  it  in 
your  hearts  to  forgive  me  tor 
my  disease.  I  could  only 
dream  for  so  much. 

And  now  back  to  my  reg- 
ularly scheduled  life. 

The  Harbinger 

Fdltor   i 


1  I'hii'f 



'  "  ■ '. ''  Knen 

\  1  . 1 . 


Dave  Pump 
litlif  Thumpstm 

Arts  iV 


•nt  Ki 


!  ,:^!!'.i  (".arnson 

.  .'den 


■  ivlur 


T.VV  Fuller,  Kathy  Belts,  |im  Kopony,  Mindy  Berenzwcig, 
Rich  Taylor,  Shannon  Hill 

General  Information  , 

:;,:,  >',,,i.;..,i,  r  IS  111,-  stuJi-nt  piiblic.itn>n  tor  Ihc  Harfvr  (.'ollege  campus  communitv,  published 
^lv^,•,■kl\.  thri.u^hout  the  sihwl  yfar  exti-pl  during  holidays  and  final  exams.  The  paper  is  dis- 
tribulfd  rrt-e  to  all  studi>nls,  (acuity  and  administration.  The  Harhmi,vr\  sole  purpost-  is  to  provide 
the-  H.irp^T  communitv  with  information  pertaining  to  the  campus  .ind  its  surrounding  commu- 

tetteis  Policy 
riw  Hurhnjter  welcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  rvplies  to  our  editorials.  Letters  must  bi'  signed 
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Copyright  1W5,  Th*  Harbinger.  .'Ml  rights  reserved 

October  13.  I99S 



Aftermath  trials  of  Simpson  verdict 


lochran  may  be  the  true  racist 

.  fUMv,  wnwiccvi  naspvrmfn 

kn  June  12,  1994  NkoW  Brown  Simpson  and  Ronikl  Goidman  were  mur- 
Idered  Yet  by  UsMnuig  to  Johnnie  Codaan  one  would  never  be  privy  lo 
thu  LnJormadon. 
Thie,  he  wa»  interaely  preoccupied,  entertaining  a  noneustant  possibility 
f  racist  LA  policemen,  Mark  Fuhrman  in  particular  Notwithstanding  Furhmans 
'  on  blacks,  they  are  nonethelcM  irrelevant  Two  people  were  murdered  well 
I  advance  of  any  such  name  calling  and  questionable  evidence  umpering 

Throughout,  Cochran  has  used  the  "race  card"  in  a  tackluslenng  attempt 
mortify  the  jury's  perception  of  leahty    Paraphrasing,  "Fuhrman  is  a  racist, 
erefore  Simpson  is  innocent." 

Is  he  so  overly  confident  in  an  ignorant  jury  to  even  suggest  such  a  pre- 
8  statement'  Or  is  it  their  (ear  of  another  riot  such  as  the  one  witnessed 
r  the  Rodney  King  trial,  (or  which  he  subtly  slipped  in  during  his  closing  state- 

It  isn't  that  what  he  did  was  wrong  because  it  wasn't   He  has  every  right  to 
etend  his  client  in  the  manner  he  chtmses 

But  what  Cochran  has  proven  is  his 
.  W  of  skills  as  a  moral  and  ethKal  lawyer 

He  shows  himself  a  procrastinaliw    He 

It  or  believes  he  does  ncrt  need  to  go  any 

•  than  to  play  the  race  card  because  the 

'  is  mostly  black  and  so  therefore  will  (eel 

empathetic  towards  Simspon  rather 

I  lo  Nicole  or  Ron 

He  shows  he  is  willing  to  do  anything 

■  money;  lo  divert  the  real  jam*  of  murder 
>  a  non  related  topic  becauar  he  knows  ot  its 

lalile  ajwl  emotional  effect  on  the  |urv 
fvas  It  a  coinodence  when  he  brought  up 
nd  quoted  from  Frederick  Douglas?! 

He  shows  himself  a  man  wh»>  cares 
ng  for  the  integrity  of  the  kgal  system 
is  an  iMth  which  is  taken  by  Illim^is 
kwyers  that  states  he  shall  "apph  his  knowl- 
'  skillfully  and  ethi.  .ill',  .in, I  r,.  ni,<in(.iin 
>  respect  due  to  th< 

This  oath  mj>       ;v  Mmilar  m  its  meaning 

ationwiJc    Cuchran  tixik  an  oath  something  like  the  one  jhove  written    Either 
forgot  u  tir  was  distracted  from  it  wfien  he  brought  race  to  thp  forefront 
nything  "ethical "  about  his  defense  was  pushed  aside   And  .my    rt«sp«\-t  due  to 
fw  courts"  he  preferred  to  mock  rather  thin  maintam 

Cochran  repeatedly  called  the  LAPD  racist,  without  any  proof  other  than 

■  lone  policeman    Vet  he  allowed  himself  t<j  he  escorted  to  and  from  the  court 
'  bodyguards  associated  with  the  nation  of  u»Ijm.  wht»se  members  as  well  as  its 

^ader  Louis  Fankafm  are  known  for  their  own  racist,  ot  at  leant,  anti- white  and 
'<-|ewish  views 

His  caplery  (to  the  |urM  r>>  the  right  thmg."  in  respetl  to  setting  Simps<in 
-■  as  a  mesaage  againM  racism  m.n  be  rephrased  lo  say,  'Dun  i  convict  iwu-  of 
jr  own" 

Principally,  he  has  demonstrated  th.r  iv  in  which  he  is  able  (o 

li  actice  his  pmtessKm  is  lo  degr.^.."!.- '- »^-  ■         i ,  ,u,twe  and  the  judical  sys- 

>m  stand  tor    Is  it  anv  surpris,-  :,  liewltdiWM  from  a  lawyer  in 

his  tfie  ■*  s   ■ 

Simpson  verdict  in;  live  with  it 

Kwwwtt  DHofd.  GuMt  CokjmnM 



Nsr  A 



t's  startling  to  hear  how  many  people  think  O.J.  Simpson  is  guilty.  Most  of 
them  ramble  off  some  vague  comment  about  evidence  painting  clearly  and 
how  they  would  vote  were  they  jurors 
No  matter 

The  e\'idence  acquits  Simpson.  And  witlKnil  benefit  of  hearing  the  most 
damnmg  piece  of  evidencv,  the  jury  still  made  the  conect  decision  and  found 
Simpson  innocent  because  there  was  reasonable  doubt 

That  overwhelming,  yet  unintroduced  piece  of  evidence  was  made  by  Mark 
Fuhrman.  Los  Angeles  pi>lice  officer  and  racist-at-large 

Without  the  courage  to  talk  in  front  of  the  jurors,  Fuhrman  took  the  fifth  ameivd- 
ment  repeatedly,  shruggmg  off  answenng  questions  that  everyone  had  a  right  to 

And,  paraphrasing  Simpson  attorney  fohnnie  Cochran,  it  was  the  biggest 
shock  in  the  biggest  trial  F^specially  when  Fuhrman  uttered  in  full  view  of  the 
camera,  when  asked  if  he  had  planted  evidence  involving  this  case,  his  right 

against  self-incrimination. 

Where  were  the  families  of  Goldman 
and  Brown  when  Fuhrman  said  this? 

Why  were  they  not  questioning  police 
tactics  and  asking  if,  after  all,  there  was  rea- 
sonable doubt? 

Where  were  the  millions  of  armchair 
lurists  after  the  revelation  that  a  knowingly 
racist  cop  hinted  that  he  planted  evidence? 

Instead  ol  asking,  and  probmg  the  inci- 
dent further,  everyone  chose  to  bury  it  and 
keep  laying  blame  on  Simpson 

Who  were  the  real  monsters  then;  the 
Fuhmians,  the  Simpsons,  or  the  families  and 
supporters  of  tfie  murder  victims'  families? 

There  is  just  as  much  responsibility  to 
consider  all  the  evidence.  Minuscule  drops 
of  bltHxl,  tampered  with  at  best,  untraced 
gloves  and  a  yelping  dog  do  not  a  court  deci- 
sion make 

For  J  vear  and  ti)ur  months  SimpMxi  had  his  right  to  be  considered  inno- 
cent until  proven  guilty  taken  jwj\ 

Seemingly  weekly  beratings  trom  Goldman's  dad  and  Brown's  sister  did 
the  )i*t  and  made  Simpson  a  murderer  without  direct  pnxif 
That  was  wnmg. 

Without  a  doubt,  the  families  of  Goldman  and  Brown  have  suffered  great 
losses  And  they  deserve  to  find  out  the  truth 

But  that  gives  them  no  right  to  convict  Simpson  in  the  public,  with  no  proof 
of  a  direct  link  to  the  murders 

A  vvife-K'atet  Simpson  is  And  his  guilt  m  that  aspect  is  not  arguable.  But  that 
shouldn  t  cloud  the  issue  of  a  murder 

l>icf  M.ircKi  Clark  and  her  band  of  merrv  lawyers  attempted  to  make  his 
past  a  motivjiiDiul  ijctor  it  was  Cochran  s  right  and  privilege  to  find  racial 
issu.^  that  were  pertinent  to  the  tnal.  One  hand  washes  the  other,  wouldn't  you 
■"'> ' 

And  finally,  maybe  after  a  few  decades  of  coffe-house  chit<hat  and 
water  cixiler  debating  will  relieve  us  of  this  armoying  sidetrack  Then  agam, 
mavbt-  not 

'ou  too  can  profit  from  enviro-destruction 

I  Flodan.  Down  lh«  ilvw 

Ihe  year  w  js  1"^)  A  hBt 
summer  A  i(>ld  wmlier 
An    act    ot    Congress 
itssed.  The  commencement 
I  death  sentence 

The  1990  Clam  Air  Act 
.  only  be  known  bccauw 
I  pmhibits  smoking  in  pbcM 
fee  malls,  and  also  consttuct- 
.ish  for  Clunkers 
Cash  tor  Clunkers  is  a 
togram  designed  to  pur- 
[i,ise  from  people  their  old 
newj  cars  wfuch  caruiol 
itss  emissions  regulations 
■any  people  have  already 

taktn  advm.tagt'  ot  this  lucra- 
tive system,  getting  Ix'twtvn 
$50  and  S.500  m  what  they 
thought  was  a  governmental 
effort  to  clean  up  the  air  and 
the  roads. 

But  hiding  deep  within 
the  bowels  of  the  Clean  .Air 
.'Vet  IS  the  real  reason  which 
isn't  ,is  optomistic  or  pretty 

let  stollovv  V  our  clunk- 
er. First  you  sell  it  by  calling 
an  MO  numK'r  whi.  h  m  lum 

calk  a  wrc 
get  vour 

Ihi-    Vfc     !';;ii;;!H>r    .t.vs 
this  as  a  ser\  k,  c   ■    •       ■  ■  i  ■  n 
utility  companies 
callv  purchase  your  cir  and 
then  sell  it  to  a  wrecking  yard 

Oru-e  ttus  happens  the 
car  must  be  cnuhed  attd  can- 

not be  partwl  out. 

The  utility  company 
dofsn  t  get  monev  tor  vour 
car  when  the\'  set!  it  though, 
they  get  what  is  rettered  to  in 
the  Clean  ,Air  Act  as  an 
■'Fmission  Credit",  a.k.a. 
■  Pollutum  Excust- " 

In  I'M),  utihty  compa- 
nies were  only  allowed  to  dis- 
charge twenty  billion  tons  of 
SC^l sodium  dioxide)  into  the 
.itmosphere  and  were  told  to 
Jl  that  down  incrimently 
aiUil  ls»<W,  when  it  would  go 
K>  nine  billion  toas 

However,  if  a  utility 
goes  over  its  alloted  billions, 
It  must  pay  for  such  sloppi- 
ness  in  the  form  of  hefty 


Submit  to  the  EPA  an 
Emission  Credit  tor  every  ton 
over  the  limit  Every  car  pur- 
chased under  the  Cash  For 
Clunkers  Program  is  not  only 
turned  into  unusable  landfill, 
but  in  essence  becomes  one 
ton  of  sodium  dioxide  gas  (in 
liquid  form  SO^is  commonly 
used  as  film  developer) 

Now,  how  much  of  an 
impact  do  you  thmk  recy- 
cling one  aluminum  can  has 
when  battling  standards  pro- 
duced by  our  protector,  imr 
big  brother,  our  friend  the 

As  well,  old  car  restor- 
ers are  finding  a  mysterios 
phenomenon  has  befallen 
junkyards  everywhere,  the 
disappearance  of  viable  old 

car  parts  that  they  were  once 
able  to  salvage  from  rotting 
heapts  at  junkyards. 

In  fact  it  has  caused 
more  than  a  few  automotive 
enthusiasts  to  "scrap"  the 
whole  idea  of  restoration.  It's 
hard  to  have  a  hobby  wfwn 
the  toy  s  of  the  trade  are  being 
systematically  eliminated 

Soon  we  will  all  be 
forced  to  drive  sporty,  sleek 
new  cars,  and  pay  out  the 
nose  for  it. 

But  that's  OK  Those 
cars  will  most  likely  be  better 
equiped  to  protet-t  us  from 
the  poisonous  emviroment 
being  designed  by  govern- 
ment agencies. 




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Completing  your  degree  at  Roosevelt  is 
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Our  Albert  A  Robin  Campus  is  ideally 
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Roads  in  Arlington  Heights.  And  next 
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from  Woodfieki  MaD  in  Schaumburg. 

Classes  are  offered  to  fit  your  schedule, 
days,  evenings  or  weekends.  And  with 
more  than  80  undergraduate  and  41 
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What's  more,  Roosevelf  s  tuition  is  among  the 
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Contact  us  at  (708)  925-6460  during  nonnal 

office  hours  for  information  on  how  you  or 

your  organization  can  reach  the  students  of 

Harper  College 

BAD  CLOSE  FOR  NEXT  ISSUE:  OCT.  20, 1995 

Just  kidding 

Here  are  some  programs  of  events  with  a  focus  on  you 
adult  ennchment  and  exploration! 

DEEP  BLUE  SEAS:  (ages  9-13) 

Deep  Blue  Seas  is  a  four  Sunday  program  running  fror 
October  28  to  November  18  to  explore  both  the  mystery  ol 
underwater  life  and  the  equipment  and  the  procedures  wtf 
use  to  discover  more  wonders  of  the  seas.  Parents  are  well 
come  to  join  their  child  while  they  learn.  Many  parent; 
have  participated  in  the  past,  with  their  child,  for  free^ 
Tuition  and  fees  are  for  the  child  only. 

There  is  a  Level  1  and  Level  II  class.  There  are  not  based 
on  attending  one  before  the  other,  but  instead  offer  two  dif-l 
ferent  programs  since  there  is  so  much  to  cover  on  this 
topic  En)ov  both!  An  instructor  who  is  a  specialist 
Oci-annj^rjph)  tiMches  the  sessions. 

Register  tor  Fall:  LSP024-005,  Building  D,  Room  104^ 
Saturdays,  October  28  to  November  18, 1995,  l-3p.m. 

LASER  BEAMS:  (ages  7-11) 

Laser  beams  offers  a  one  day  session  on  three  different 
dates  to  choose  from.  It  is  designed  to  explore  what  laserJ 
can  do  and  how  they  are  created.  The  instructor  is  a  spc-l 
cialist  in  teaching  youngsters  about  lasers  and  holography! 
Be  a  part  of  this  exciting  new  scientific  technique!! 

Register  for  one:  LSP026-001  on  Saturday  October  281 
LSP026-002  on  Saturday  November  18,  or  LSP026-003  oif 
Saturday,  December  16.  All  classes  are  in  Building  Dj 
Room  115,  and  run  from  l-.'^p.m. 


Galaxies.  Nebulae  and  Exploding  Stars  is  taught  using  thd 
inflatable  Stariab  which  recreates  the  nighttime  sky  for  stui 
dents  to  observe,  regardless  of  the  weather  outsidel 
Register  for  the  following:  LKDOOl-005,  Building  A,  OctI 
20,  7-8p.m.  (ages  5-8)  or  LKDOOl-006,  Building  A,  Oct.  20| 
8-9p.m.  (ages  9-12). 

Call  (708)  397-3377  to  register  for  any  LKD  or  LSP  classes.! 


Designed  for  children  ages  3  to  5,  this  class  offers  aij 
opportunitj'  to  learn  Spanish,  French,  or  German  througn 
games  and  songs.  Call  925-6593  for  more  information. 


This  class  offers  both  preschool  music  lessons  for  age 
4  to  5,  preparatory  piano  lessons  for  children  ages 
through  high  school,  plus  private  instruchon  for  childred 
of  all  ages.  Call  (708)  925-6659  for  detailed  information. 


Holiday  sports  camps  offer  a  four  day  session  targeting 
basketball  for  both  boys  and  girls.  Call  (708)  925-6479  fo| 
more  information. 

Make  sure  you  call  early  because  space  is  limited. 

Octaber  13, 1995 



Women's  Tennis  wraps  it  up 

Susan  Radvtnadwr — Sports 
!>op— lO/n/1995 
vVomm'*  Tennis 

The  Women's  Tennis 
team  ended  its  iwison  by  fin- 
ishing well  in  the  confeicnce 
and  region. 

Coach  Martha  Bull  was 

pleased  with  Harper's  third 

-Ijce  standing  in  thf   \4C 

We    finished    Above    Ust 

y«ar.*  Boll  said. 

Fffie  Vabssis  led  the  team 
as  lis  only  sophomore  and 
team  captain.  V^alassis 
teceived  the  N4C  Coaches' 
Sportsmarvship  Award  along 
with  Rock  Valley's  Kelly 

Harper's  succtss  at  the 
NMC  tournament  Oct.  29-30 

did  .not  end  with.  Valasais. 
Ffisbman  Ramile  Capito 
earned  the  N4C 

Champiims.h!f>  in  Number 
One  Singk-.. 

Jennifer  CumprecKt 
placed  second  at  Number 
Three  Singles  as  well  as  tak- 
ing second  place  m  the 
Number  Two  Doubles  with 
(essica  Underwood  who 
«umed  a  second  place  hmsh 
f«ir  Number  Fivf  Singles 

VaUsMs  and  h«T  partner, 
(essie  Albritton,  finished  sec- 
ond for  Number  Three 
Doubles  for  the  N4C. 

The  Hawks  rode  their 
successes  into  the  Oct  y 
N4C/Slcyway  Challenge  at 
H.irpiT     C  olle>;f      .is      tht>v 

helped  to  defeat  the  Skyway 

"It's  a  great  opportunity 
to  play  with  conferences 
rivals  for  the  pride  of  the 
\4     & 'II  said. 

It  was  on  to  the  Regi<in  IV 
toumamtmt  Oct  S-7  The  top 
two  teams  in  the  tournament 
go  on  to  the  national  tourna- 
ment Harper  finished  in 
sixth  place 

"I  am  very  proud  of  the 
team  this  year  They  have 
been  strong  from  the  first 
player  to  the  sixth."  Bolt  said. 

UnderwcKid  pla<'ed  third 
in  the  Number  Five  Singles 
and  also  placed  fourth  in 
Number  Two  Doubli-s  with 

Hawk  tonis  player 
in  a  racani  home 

CapMD  gvh  tet  to  ratum  Iha  twva 
nM«l.  1h«  team  flnishad  third  In  ttw 

Pnoto  by  Susan  Rodemocne> 




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Athletes  of  the  Week 

NAME:  Ramille  Capito 
WEEK  OF:  September  20-27 
SPORT:  Tennis 
YEAR:  first 

HIGH  SCHOOL:  Hoffman  Folates 
REASON:  Victories  against 
McHeruy,  Rock  Valley,  and  Illinois 
Valley  in  No.  1  Singles 

NAME:  Effie  Vala.ssi 

WEEK  OF:  September  27-October  4 

SPOKT:  Tennis 

YEAR:  second 

HIGH  SCHOOL  Elk  Grove 

REASON:  Co-recipient  of  the  N4C 

Sportsmanship  Award  and  second 

place  for  No.  3  doubles  in  the  N4C. 

Each  week  the  Wellness  and  Human  Performance  DivisioH 

names  an  athlete  of  the  week.  The  Harbinger  is  proud  to 

feature  the  talented  athletes  of  Harper  College. 

Sports  Deck 


n  2pin 

Dupage  M 


Harper  4pm 


Ellyn 9ani 


Oct.  28-31 


Oct  21  vs 

Harper  Ipm 


Oct.2l  vs 


Oct.  17vs 

at  Harper 


'VI    15  \s 

Rock  Valley 

(Xt   I6V.S. 


Oct.  13-14 



Region  IV 




Elgin  at 

Land  in 

College  of 

County  at 

Oct.  26 




Oct.  14  vs. 

Harper  4piu 



Harper  5pm 




Oct.  28  vs. 


Oct.  19  vs. 



Oct.  21 

y  Challenge 



College  of 


Judson  JV  at 

in  Glen 




Harper  Sports 

Pag,  12  A  OotDber  13, 1995  -■-       WiUkm  Rainey  Hwper  CoBege 

Defense  steps  up  to  lead  football  team 

Sunn  Rodemochef 


Despite    suffenng    some    «t 
backs,  the  Hawks  are  taking  a 
S-1    rsMird   mto  (heir  gamt- 
,!iast  l!lmt>i>  Weileyan'i  |iinu:>r  \  .ir 

Miy  Sean-  ■  '  ■    ■  -  -  "'■■■■'mngton. 

'  Co;i.  ■  snd  his  star' 

have  betn   a-.i|U'-iini;   Uvr   offrr--f     ' 
..■.riicT  to  compfOMte  lor  Iht- 
quarterl-         "■ 
broke  h  i  - 

VH'  b.u.K  m  tuiii-  k,'t  tt'i. 
plji  ...I    Naw.TO-,»(,   wh(i  »U"- 

taif«^  thf  m(urv  "^i    ■    ■         ■tie  sec- 
ond iiuarter  of  Hari  ,:v;ainst 
Iowa      Area      Cixni-    ' 

pptHi  hy  Harpt'i 
th..'.    llw  Hawks  till 

It-iss  ot  thf  M'.iMin 

I"h, •.,■    .,    .-    ':'  I     ,it    1';,,     i-T.   ;   lit 

th.  -1 

41  tpuchtlowr.  irler 

bv    dt:. 
Municipai  MjJiiir- 

■■m-Hjwkd.''-  >l 

the  gai;  '■■i-" 

Th.-  '.'t 

tumtn''  '' 

lumpi'i;  "<■ 

Kur.: 'I- 

rii-d  thf  ball  34  (irm-s  tur  j  gam  ot  IS** 

yards  lo  lead  Harper  s  oftetise. 

"Brown  rum  harder  than  anyone 

(I've  seen),"  E1iasi.k  said. 

Nawarcaj's  absence  was  apparent 
as  the  Hawks  were  held  to  negatiM- 

six  vards  tor  the  passing  game. 

"1  UA.A  'he  team  that  we  didn't  li 

iMi  iriisf  to  U»i'  thi-  i,Mme," 

I'.  • 

>ik  als>  ■-latnt    "l:ach  ptaver 
•nlti.'l.!  n.i^  Mving  his  first 

,,,    ;. ,    ..    firm  up  the 
position  bv  tlio  (Vt   21 

.\  ntTils 

. ^rr  mav  iv  i}eivm\]nt\i  by  ttw 

.it  Harpt-i 

J  page. 

I'ntlv  undfeated  in 

,;i inference  games 

.i>n  game  will 
..i!  (.,  .,>ltef;e  nf 

Numbers  Game 


iing  yds. 
P'ossing  yds, 






Rushing:  Mike  Bfown  (324 


Receiving:  MofQuis  Morttn 

(290  yards) 

Socks:  Wi  ford  (8) 

Hoipw  D«t«lh«  linwiKin  UKty  NTOly  dtoh«  out  lomo  punimwrt  to  Joaot-i 


Ptx>to  by  Susan  Bcic»mtx*ie( 

NFL  players  with  Harper  roots 





Attania  FalooiM 


WkahlngUNi  ftodsUns 

Volume  XXVIII    •    Number  6    •    October  27.  1 995 

Forum  sets  pace  for  trustee  election 

Julie  Thompson 

^  Neics  Editor 

Candidates    (or       the 
Harper  Collegif  Board 
'(■es  met  with 
^•"'  -  lUitiiie  Libr<ir\' 

Oct.  1 7-  The  lorum,  >pon- 
sored  hv  the  League  t>t 
Women  Voters,  gave  the  com- 
munity 4i  chance  to  meet  tht 
^ix  candidates  and  to  hear 
iheir  positions  un  some  key 

Running  for  the  two 
open  board  seats  arr.  John  E 
Coste  (incumbent).  Richard  F 
Gillette,  Brian  L  Heise 
(incumbent),  ludith  A  Hes», 
Richard  M  Hefner  and  BJ 

The  candidates  pro- 
posed their  ideas  on  how 
Harper  could  best  meet  the 
demands  of  the  community 
«ik1  successfully  move  into 
(he  next  cenhiry.  First  and 
foremost,  the  need  for  up- 
dated computers  in  the  tabs. 

All    cattdidates   agree 

Adding  to  an  enormous  campus  of  1 7  buildings  and  12  parking  lots,  the  proposed 
Building  W  will  accompany  the  anticipated  Associates  in  Fine  Arts  degree. 

Photo  by  Jon  O'Brien 

that  Harper  is  lagging  behind 
in  the  field  of  lechnokv 

"We  have  lo 
catch  up  The-  eomput- 
en  aie  out  -dated"  said 
Richard  Hetxer. 

But  upgrading 
will  cost  mor>ey 

Ricard     Cillelte 
propcksed    getting    j// 
new  computers.   "W'e  to 
keep  up  with  at  hat^t  w  hat  the 
bu^iw9B  world  has". 

Harper  does  have     a 

technology   committee      to 

"it  rots  my  socks  that 

people  don't  realize  what 

a  high  caliber  school 

Harper  is." 

Judith  A.  Hess 
Board  of  Trustees  Candidate 


assess  the  best  way  to 
date  the  computer  labs. 

The  .second  issue  dis- 
cumed    was   the   declining 

enrollment         at     Harper. 

Without  speculating  on 
win,  the  candidates 
proposed  ways  in 
which  the  schtKil  could 
attract  more  students. 

Heise  sug- 
gested "We  need  lo  do 
more  marketing  direct- 
ed toward  young  peo- 
ple on  the  radio  sta- 
tions that  they  listen  to. 
Petiple  need  to  be  told  about 
all  the  excellent  programs  at 

Judith  Hess  added  "It 

rots  my  siKks  that  people 
don't  realize  what  a  high  cal- 
iber schtKil  Harper  is." 

John  Coste  added  that 
"The  programs  need  to  he 
evalualed  to  keep  up  with  the 
changing  community.  ' 

The  proposed  Building 
VV  "  was  also  talked  about  at 
the  torum.  B.J.  Taylor  said 
"There  is  money  allocated  by 
the  state  for  a  fine  arts  build- 
ing and  Harper  needs  a  Ae- 
ater  facility  to  catch  up  with 
other  colleges." 

Most  candidates  agree 
that  a  fine  arts  building  at 
Harper  would  be  somewhat 
of  a  coup  -  attracting  addi- 
Honal  income  from  renting 
the  theater  and  proposed 
conference  center 

Students  do  have  a 
voice  on  who  will  serve  on 
ttie  Board  by  voting  m  the 
local  election  Nov.  7. 

Inside  this  issue 

Harper  News 

Musical  satyrists  The  Capital  Steps  will  be 
at  Harper  for  a  one  night  show.  Page  3 


Harper's  Study  Abroad  program  offers 
students  the  oppwrtunity  to  leam  in  far- 
away lands.  Page  6 

Gettin  ready  for  Halloween?  Some 
specters  and  poltergeists  at  campuse* 
around  the  country  sure  are.  Page  5 


T.W.  Fuller  discusses  the  "unimportance" 
of  the  Million  Man  March.  Page  9 


Athletes  of  the  week.  Page  11 

Harper's  football  team  continues  to  leave 
a  trail  of  victory  wherever  it  goes.  Page  12 


Canput  News RigMl-l 

Pi««m -_„f%»M 

AlfctEWMtMWMW IV7     SptM 

P»Be  10 

.  rtf^  11-12 










^  ' 


1  poA  1                       


Infographic  by  Jon  O'Brien 

'Peeping  Tom'  sets  sights 
on  women's  locker  room 

Oave  Pump 

Managing  Edilor_ 

A  female  student  reported  seeing  a 
white  male  fiiding  inside  a  custodial 
closet  of  the  Woinen's  Locker  room  in 
Building  M.  The  male  was  filming  women  in 
the  locker  room  with  a  video  recorder  and 
fled  after  being  discovered. 

Chief  of  Public  Safety  Kevin  King  said, 
"The  female  observed  a  red  bght  comirtg  from 
the  closet,  as  site  approached  the  light  she 
noticed  a  lero  arul  opened  the  door,  that  is 
when  the  male  fled  from  the  room.' 

Inside  the  women's  lodcer  room  a  grate 

on  tfie  door  was  bent  to  accomadate  a  camera 

A  sign  on  tfte  men's  locker  room  closet 
door  reads;  "Eto  Not  Prop  Open  Door.  Door 
Must  Remained  Closed  and  Locked  at  AU 
Tunes.  This  is  For  Your  Security." 

But  no  such  sign  was  found  on  the  clos- 
et door  inside  tfie  Female  Locker  room. 

"Wljen  a  situation  like  this  occurs, 
coaches  of  female  attiletes  should  be  notified, 
so  tfiey  can  tell  their  athletes,"  said  womens 
swimming  coach  Geiw  Aukerman,  who  said 
he  only  knows  about  the  iiKident  throu^ 

sec  INTRUDER  on  page  2 


Page  2 

Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 

College  happenings  around  the  country 

Supreme  Court 
rejects  Citadel  Case 

WASHINOTON  ■  rh«  Supr 
Coaat  icfuHd  IM>  nonttt  to  Iwar 
an  appeal  by  Shinnon  Faulkim. 
who  had  wughl  to  be  the  fmt 
woman  cadet  to  be  admiltid  The 

Faulkner'!  attorneys  had 
hoped  the  Supicmr  Court  would 
take  up  the  highly  publicized 
caae,  which  pitted  (he  South 
Carolina  mideni  againU  the  all- 
bmIc.  Male-hindcd  oiiUlaiy  col- 

Tht  h«h  cnift  Hid  thai 
Ftiiliwr't  lawtuii  is  Ifwiwm 
batHiw  riw  no  lonfcr  attesida  *!■ 

In  August.  Faulkner 
became  the  first  female  to  be 
admitted  to  the  achool't  Corpi  at 
Cadeti  program  m  its  152-year 
MMory  She  was  admitted  to  (he 
cadet  training  program  under 
court  order  but  dropped  out  o<  the 
after  km  than  a  wotk, 

lilt  ioMta*  alio  denied  N- 
lii«  NMicy  McBctle.  a  h^  idiaai 
tmlm  fem  Soulh  Cainlina,  inM^ 

LaM  week.  District  ludge  C 
WtHon  Houck  dropped  Faulkner 
horn  the  lawsuit  against  the 
ichaal  and  icplaced  her  with  dw 
17  yew  oM  Mellette 

Houck.  who  wili  heat  the 
cae  Nov  13.  will  decide  whether 
a  leparate.  parallel  program  at 
Converse    College,    a    priwaM 

women  I  actioo)  in  Spartanbuig. 
S.C,  often  women  comparable 
military-  eapcrience  lo  The 

Faulkner  first  sued  The 
Citadel  m  1«S  lor  sex  discrunnu- 
tion  after  school  officials  accepted 
her  application,  then  rejected  her 
when  Ihey  disoovend  she  was  a 

UK  Fan  Braves 
Elements  For 
Season  Opener 

LEXINGTON  Ky  Wally  Clark 
knows  he  might  miss  a  few  hot 
meals,  his  favocile  TV  shows  and 
an  occasional  phone  call,  but  the 
45-year-Dld  University  of 
Kentucky  basketball  tan  ha*  his 

After  aU.  Clark  wants  lo 
make  sure  he  sees  the  Wildcats 
bcgm  the  new  season  with  their 
annua]  midnight  practice  Oct  IS. 
and  he's  not  about  to  let  anyone 
beat  him  to  the  fRwit  of  the  line 

Since  Sept  29,  Clark  has 
been  spending  his  days  and 
nights  outside  UK's  Memorial 
Coliseum,  patiently  wailing  for 
the  doois  to  open  and  the  1995-% 
basketball  season  lo  begin.  With 
his  van  parked  nearby,  Clark  sits 
on  a  lawiKhair  during  the  day, 
talking  to  students  or  leading  a 
book.  At  night,  he  zips  himself  up 
in  his  sleeping  bag  and  drifts  oft  to 

Clark,  who's  followed  UK 

athletics  fvls  entire  liie,  sutfered  a 
stroke  m  1990  and  has  been 
unable  to  work  since  then  When 
the  end  of  September  rolled 
around,  he  figured  he  might  as 
well  head  down  to  the  Coliseum 
to  stake  out  his  place  in  line 

"It's  something  lo  do  with 
my  time  while  the  weather's  still 
nice'  "  Clark  told  The  Kentucky 
Kernel,  the  UK  student  newspa- 
per. 'U  I'm  going  to  be  sithng 
around,  I  may  as  well  be  silting 

Clark's  family  relieves  him 
lor  a  couple  of  hours  each  day  so 
the  UK  fanatic  can  head  home  and 
dean  himself  up.  "Now  if  I  didn't 
have  a  shower  every  day.  that 
would  upset  me  n»I  bad  "  Clark 
toU  the  Kernel. 

The  former  Marine  says  he 
braves  the  rain  and  wind  all  for 
Kentucky  Blue.  "U  you  catch  a 
cold,  you'll  gel  over  it,"  Clark 
said.  "1  don't  worry  about  that" 

Sen.  Simon  Leaves 
Politics  For 

CARBONDALE.  Ill  -  Sen.  Paul 
Simon  (D-Ill.)  may  be  leaving 
Congress  when  his  current  term 
expires,  but  that  doesn't  mean 
he'll  give  up  lectuiing 

Instead  of  trying  to  per- 
suade fellow  poUticians  with  his 
unique  oratory  style,  Simon  will 
spend  his  tune  in  the  classroom. 

After  Simon,  66,  voluntari- 

ly leaves  the  Senate  once  his  sec- 
ond term  is  complete  in  January 
1997,  he  wiU  head  a  new  SIU 
department  on  public  policy, 
teaching  classes  in  ioumalisn  and 
political  science. 

"This  will  give  me  an 
opportunity  to  continue  to  focus 
on  the  iweds  of  my  home  region 
as  well  as  Illinois,  the  nation  and 
the  international  community," 
said  Simon,  who  resides  in  nearby 

SIU  officials  say  the  new 
Paul  Simon  Chair  in  Public  Policy 
will  focus  on  the  ways  policies 
affect  and  are  affected  by  govern- 
ment leaders,  journalists  and 
members  of  society 

"We  belie\'e  this  scholarly 
effort  can  not  only  help  make  pub- 
lic policy  more  effective  but  ele- 
vate the  level  of  public  political 
discourse  in  this  country"  said 
SIU  Chancelkir  Ted  Sanders. 

Before  being  elected  to  the 
US.  Senate  in  19M,  Simon  served 
in  the  House,  as  well  as  in  stale 
government  in  Illinois.  Pnor  to 
entering  politics,  Simon  served  as 
the  editor  of  the  Troy  (111.) 

Nobel  Prize- 
Winners  On  Net 

CHAPEL  HILL.  N  C  -II  youie  hav- 
ing a  lough  time  sorting  out  the 
latest  Nobel  Prize  %vituiers,  sleer 
your  browser  to  the  Nobel  web 
site  for  the  latest  lowdowiL 

"It's  a  way  to  keep  people 

up  to  date  with  everyttiing  that's 
happening,"  says         Jane 

Rauckhoist,  spokesperson  for  Sun 
Systems,  the  company  that  pro- 
vides the  server.  There  are  so 
many  questions  about  who's  win- 
ning what  thai  it  makes  sense  to 
have  one  definite  point  for  all  the 

The  Nobel  site  on  the 
Internet  not  only  provides  infor- 
matian  on  ihe  latest  winners,  but 
it  also  takes  a  look  at  past  victors, 
the  nomination  and  selection 
process,  Nobel  publications  and 
the  history  of  the  prize  itself.  The 
site  will  also  be  used  to  explain 
the  latest  discoveries  in  Ihe  med- 
ical and  natural  sciences  Belds. 

In  cax  ypu'rr  wondering,  the 
Nobel  prize  is  named  after  Alfred 
NobeL  a  German  engineer  who 
helped  invent  dynamite  and  made 
a  fortune  from  the  explosive. 
Nobel,  whom  Victor  Hugo  once 
described  as  "Europe's  richest 
vagabond,"  had  a  variety  of  inter- 
ests, including  poetry.  literaluR 
and  social  issues. 

When  he  died  in  1896. 
friends  and  family  members  were 
surprised  to  learn  that  he  had  left 
the  majority  of  his  fortune  to  be 
used  for  prizes  in  physics,  chem- 
istry, physiology,  medicine,  litera- 
ture and  peace 

In  a  way,  the  prizes  became 
an  extension  of  Nobel's  greatest 

The  Nobel  site  can  be 
accessed  at  http://tvww.  sunsite 

Public  Safety  serves  the  community 

Dave  Pump 

Manaainq  Editw 

Public  Saftey  has 
responded  lo  some 
of  the  most  unusu- 
al calls  this  semester : 

9/U/9S.  a  female 
reported  that  a  mate 
allegedly  exited  his  car 
and  masturbated  m  front 
of  her. 

10/10/95,  a  female 
student  reported  that  sh« 
observed  a  while  male 
videotaping  inside  the 
iemale  locker  wora. 

10/5/95,  two  stu- 
dent/Whcm  staff  mem- 

bers were  fouitd  to  be 
allegedly  engaged  in  sex- 
ual intercourse  in  Room 
A339C  {the  WHOM 

Kevin  King,  Cheif 
of  Public  saftey,  said 
"Both  of  them  were  over 
the  age  of  18,  and  it 
appeared  to  be  consentu- 
ai;  there  was  no  force 
involved  ' 

The  two  students 
(a  male  and  a  female) 
were  as  a  result  relieved 
of  their  WHCM  staft 
responsibilities  by  leanne 
rankanm.  Director  ot 
Student  Activities 

PanLinin  wiii  that 

she  could  not  reveal  their 
identities  because  it  was 
a  student  conduct  case, 
and  that  she  had  to 
respect  the  privacy  rights 
of  the  students. 

The  students  were 
referred  to  Bonnie  Henry, 
Vice  President  of  Student 
Affairs,  on  student  con- 
duct charges 

Henry  said  she 
wouldn't  comment  on 
the  extent  of  the  punish- 
ment, but  did  punish 
Ihem  to  some  extent 

"The  students 

recie\'ed  the  appropn.ite 
desciplinar\'       Jitmns, 
Henrv  s,3id 

INTRUDER:  trespasser  caught  in  locker  room 

continued  from  page  1 

"The  facilit)'  manager  told  me 
about  It  in  passing,  almost  like  specu- 
lation," Aukerman  said.  "There 
should  be  some  form  of  formal  com- 
municatiart  between  people  in  oIlKes. 
coachc-;  jnd  .ilhletes,"  he  s»»k1 

Kin^  s.nj  thai  public  satety  did 
some  follow  up  and  referred  to  a  cast' 

that  txcurred  in  Jvine  of  19<M  That 
case  led  lo  the  arrest  of  a  student  on 
!>imitar  charges  Public  Safety 
showed  the  female  the  picture  of  that 
as«>ailan(  but  no  comparison  was 
made  betwi-en  the  two  perpetrators. 
King  said,  "There  were  no  addi- 
tional security  measures  taken  .md 
for  now  the  case  is  closed  " 


Why  hunt  all  over  for  information  on  colleges  when  the 

Harper  Student  Development  Center  will  bring  them  to 

you?  Over  90  colleges  and  universities  will  be 

represented.  In  Building  A-  no  appointment  needed. 

Ntwtaitr  a.  1995  -  19:99a.B.  -  2:99i.H. 



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October  27,  1995 

Harper  News 

Page  3 

Study  Abroad  program  offers  opportunities 

Tracey  SokoUki 

Guest  Writer 

'arper  College  ofieis 
fall      and      spring 
..semester  Study 

Abroad  programs  lo  its  stu- 
dents for  the  1995- 1«»% 
year  The  program  is 
by  Dr.  Jar>et  Fnend- 
Vestney,  Student 


The    program    allows 
Students  and  faculty  to  chose 
four  trips  .  Canterbury. 
Zosta    Rica,    Hollaiud    and 



Salzburg  are  .1  une  s«>mester 
trip  Costa  Rita  is  j  ti\  e  week, 
program  that  runs  only  in  the 

The  Canterbury  trip 
allows  exchange  studentt  to 
learn  in  a  univtrsity  with 
other  Bntish  students.  The 
students  take  12  credit  hours 
which  are  all  transferable 

"The  kid*  really  get 
involved,  there  is  a  lot  of 
interaction,"  says  Friend - 
Westney,  "One  student 
worked  at  a  radio  station, 
anollier  was  on  student  sen- 
ate and  another  was  involved 
in  sports. ' 

Anybody  can  go  The 
pnce  tag  on  the  trip  is  about 
as  much  tme  semester  of  a 
state  college.  Students  don't 
have  to  study  a  foreign  lan- 
guage or  have  an  exceptional- 
ly high  grade  point  average 
lo  qualify. 

Money  is  a  central 
pmblem  There  is  not  enough 
funding  for  the  program  or 
lor  the  students  themselves. 
However,  over  100  students 
have  been  exchangt\J 

Parents  and  students 
can  meet  with  f-riend- 
Westney  in  Build mg  I,  Rixim 
117  or  bv  telephone  at  .W7- 

3000  ex.  2522  and  discuss 
plans  of  studying  abroad. 
Parents  of  the  exchange  stu- 
dents have  been  perspective 
and  confident  in  the  pro- 
gram. Trust  Ls  the  big  thing 

In  the  future,  hopefully, 
more  programs  will  be 
offered.  Jahan  may  be  an 
opbon  not  to  Lir  off. 

HarptT  is  one  of  aK>ut 
three  in  the  slate  (that  offer 
study  abroad  programs)" 
Iriend -Westney  said,  "If 
Harper  didn't  offer  it,  then 
we  would  be  denied  of  the 
whole  experience  " 

Capital  Steps  to  strut 
their  stuff  Nov.  17 



|Musical  Comedy  group  The  Capital  Steps  will  walk  all 
over  Harper  students  Friday,  Nov.  1 7  in  Building  M. 

A  troupe  of  former 
C"  o  n  g  r  0  s  s  i  o  n  a  1 
stattcTs,  The  Capihtl 
<tii><.  satiri/e  the  vcr\'  people 
who  oncwl  employed  them! 
And  why  not'  After 
all.  thev  learned  comedy 
irom  the  best  leai  hers 
around  -  Congress'  ITie  tri- 
als, tribulations,  scandals 
and  siTev\  ups  of  our  elected 
officials  provide  a  i(Yji//^T  of 
humorous  material. 

Regularly  featured  on 

(  \\  s    Inside  I'olitics,"  'nie 

Capitol  .S((7's  have  also 
appeared  on  "Gotxl 
Morning,  America", 

"Kntertainment  Tonight", 
"Nighlline",  "The  Tcxlay 
Show"  and  "20/2U." 

And  they'll  ad  "Hardier 
College"  to  that  list  l-nday, 
Nov  17,  a  I  7  10  pm  in 
Building  M  In  kets  are  only 
$10  For  tickets  and  informa- 
tion, call  (708)925-6100. 

How  Shewini 

Ha*T3er't  free'  ma^iet-  ottb-  ihcnon/       j 
outade'AiSB  wedt'keufuJLtkur.'yat 

'TDaris  is  2Juming" 

___Nov.  1  &  2 

"3  Cue" 
Nov.  8  &  9 
"Tank  Girl" 

Nov.  15  &  16 

'breakfast  Club" 


Nov.  29  &  30 


Comedian  in  Building  A 
Brad  Stine 

Wednesday,  November 
1,  12:00  noon 

Children's  Musical 
Theater  In  J 143: 
"Great  Corn  Dance- 
Friday,  November  3, 
10:00  a.m.  and  7:00 
p.m.   $2  /  $4 

Free  Lecture 
"Looks  Can  Kill" 
Thursday,  November  9, 
12  00  noon  in  F3 10 

Mini  concert 
David  Richter,  guitarist 
Thursday,  November  9, 
12:15  p.m.  in  P205 

Harper  Theatre  presents 

"The  Dining  Room" 

in  LI  09 

Nov.  9,10,1 1.17,18  at 


Nov.  12.19  at  2pm 

Listen  to  yourself 
and  maybe  you'll 
learn  something 

The  Harper  College 
Women's  Program  will  be 
offering  Vocal  First 
Impressions  (LWA046- 
001)  Tuesday,  November 
7,  from  6  30-9:30  p.m.  at 
the  Northeast  Center, 
1375  S.  Wolf  Road,  Room 
211,  Prospect  Heights. 

Participants  will 
have  thier  positive  and 
negative  speech  patterns 
evaluated  as  well  as  the 
Impact  of  their  non-ver- 
bal signals.  Vocal  and 
nonverbal  techniques  as 
well  as  practical  tips  give 
this  interactive  session 
the  tools  you  need  to 
make  a  strong  and  last- 
ing vocal  first  impres- 

The  cost  of  the 
workshop  is  $49.  To  reg- 
ister, call  (708)397-3377 
and  indicate  the  correct 
workshop  number.  For 
further  information 

about  the  Harper  College 
Women's  Program,  call 


llUVa    fflll 

Brian  Heise  BJ.  Taylor 

Harper  Board  of  Trustoos 

Page  4 


The  Harbinger 

Ghoulies  and  other  things 

Nationwide,  ghostly  legends  thrive  on 

By  Marco  Buscaglia 
Cotie^g  Pr^ss  Service 

Kory  plan.  )us<  ask  fresh- 
men before  their  first  final 
exam.  But  few  ddlegr  student;*  would 
say  their  feare  have  anything  to  do 
with  monsters  under  the  bed  or  gob- 
lins in  the  closet. 

Maybe  they  should 

Nationwide,  ghostly  kgends  thrive 
on  campuses. 

"There's  |usl  .so  much  ijoing  on 
in  college  buiidmgs  when  vou  think 
about  their  history,  not  to  mention 
some  of  the  high  emotions  that  peo- 
ple have  when  they're  m  school," 
says  Richard  Crowe,  j  ■•upematural 
ftmnomensk  expert  who's  based  in 
Chicago  "Ghosts  can  thrive  on  those 
emotians.  They  can  tap  into  the  anxi- 
eties that  people  havr  '* 

Crowe  says 
most  ghosts 
fust  want  to  be 
noticed  "If 
people  pay 
attention  to 
them  and  let 
them  co-exisl, 
they'iw  usually 

fine,"  he  says  "The  problems  some- 
hmes  start  when  people  try  to  deny 
that  they  exist.' 

For  many  students  acruw  tht^' 
nation,  the  question  about  whether 
ghosts  exist  has  been  answered  by 
Iheir  campus  experiences 

For  years,  students  at  Manaiieid 
University  in  Mansfield,  Pa.  have 
maintained  that  North  Hall  is  haunt- 
ed by  Sarah  Sarah,  according  to  cam- 
pus legend,  is  the  ghost  of  a  studiml 
who  committed  suicide  by  leaping 
over  a  railing  through  an  open  atrium 
in  the  building 

The  building,  which  was  built 
in  1874,  has  been  vacant  for  many 
years,  giving  Sarah  plenty  of  room  to 
roam.  Mansfield  students  say  they 

that  go  bump  in  the  night 

college  campuses  and  dormatories 

sometimes  see  Sarah  m  the  windows 
ot  the  building's  top  fl<x)r.  supposed- 
ly lookif^  few  her  former  lover 

But  Sarah's  days  ot  solitude 
may  be  numbered.  This  fall,  the  uni- 
versity began  extensive  renovations 
on  North  Hall  and  has  plans  to  (urn 
the  old  building  into  a  state-of-the-art 
library  and  academic  center  It  the 
ghost  liked  the  peace  and  quiet  of  her 
abandoned  building,  it  soon  will  be 
bustling  with  students 

At  the  University  ot  Illinois. 
students  tell  atxiut  "The  Blue  Man  " 
The  Blue  Man  is  supposed  to  be  the 
gfiost  of  a  man  who  allegedly  hung 
himself  from  a  trcv  m  a  cemetery  just 
outside  ot  campus  Students  swear  on 
nights  with  a  full  moon,  they  often 
see  a  ghost  emitting  an  errie  blue 

Several  siudent.s  livmg  in  North 

Spencer     residence 

If  people  pay  attention  to 

them  and  let  them  co- 
exist, they're  usually  fine." 

Richard  Crowe. 
Phenomena  Expert 


hall  at  the 
University  of 
Carolina  at 
say  they've 
had  the  oppor- 
tunity to  meet 
Annabelle  — 
whether  they 
wanted   to  or 

l.egend  has  it  that  Annabelle  is 
the  ghost  of  a  student  who  committed 
>UKide  in  line  uj  ihe  building's  tvll 
lowers  And  while  they  don't  know 
what  she's  looking  tor,  students  say 
they  sometimes  hear  her  walking  the 
hails  of  the  dorm. 

Dorm  residents  have  reported 
spotting  a  blue  haze  passing  through 
the  hall  at  times.  The  ghost  apparent- 
ly gets  antsy  when  the  students  are 
gone  for  the  summer,  since  most 
occurrences  have  taken  place  when 
the  dorm  is  occupied  by  sumnwr 
school  students 

The  Joe  E  Brown  and  Eva 
Mane  Saint  Theater  at  Btmling  Green 
State  University  in  C'>hio  is  haunted 

UMXf  mo  I  MME  A 
MT  MOUTum  tOu 
AOStGWD  ««  TO-n« 


1  eauvt  tn  *  atvea 

nin  TO  CM.ATE  HIAfWV 

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by  Alice,  an  actress  who  reportedly 
was  killed  onstage  while  playing 
Desdemona  in  Shakespeare's  Othello. 
.Mice  often  interferes  with  the 
theater  department's  performances 
by  shorting  out  the  lighting  and  scat- 
tering the  props,  but  only  if  she  isn't 
personally  invited  to  the  perfor- 
mance So  after  the  final  dress 
rehearsal  of  e-ich  production,  the 
director  heads  to  the  stage,  where  he 
or  she  mvites  the  spirit  to  be  the 
department's  guest  II  .isked,  the 
actress  always  obliges,  and  ihe  shows 
run  without  any  pn'blems 

Musical  mysteries  are  reported 
at  Hood  College  in  Fredenck,  Md.,  as 
well  Bnxibeck  Hall,  once  a  social 
meeting  place  for  German  immi- 
grants, is  now  home  of  the  music 

Students  say  they  sometimes 
hear  footsteps,  laughter  and  someone 
tooling  around  with  a  trumpet  or 
flute,  even  though  no  one  is  in  sight 

At  Pacific  University  in  Forest 
Grove,  Ore.,  a  musically  gifted  ghost, 
named  Vera,  enjoys  giving  late  night 
piano  concerts  Students  and  faculty 
see  CHOULIES  on  page  10 

BJ  1 1  know  I  need  to  move  on  with 
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GeSing  started  is  easy.  Our  admisaaDscoiaielm 
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October  27.  1995 


Page  5 

Iixpand  W 

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Ingrain  Micro,  the  world's  largest  wholesale 

distributor  of  micro  computer  hardware  and 

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Distribution  Center  for. 



We  can  work  an  afternoon  or  evening  work 

schedule  around  your  school  hours,  for  20 

hours  a  week. 

Interested?  Come  in  to  Ingram  Micro  at  151 

Hastings  Drive  in  Buffalo  Grove,  North  of 

Lake  Cook  Rd.  between  8a.m.  and  4p.m.  to 

fill  out  an  application.  Call  Ms.  Brown  at 

(708)537-0414  with  any  questions. 

■•¥•101*1  NEW  PACINC  nCNNOlOGY 

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By  Rul>y  Wyncr-lo 

AJV.B.P.  certified  Astroloaer 

Acin  (March  21-ApTil  19) 
O'ighten  a  co-worker 's  morning.  Lean  over  his 
or  her  cubicle  and  remark  ironically,  "Are  we 
having  fun  yet?"  Brace  yourself  for  a  hearty 
chuckle  of  recognition, 

'DiurustApril  20-May  20) 

Don't  be  glum  about  foul  weather.  Stay  indoors 

and  make  gravy  with  your  bodily  fluids. 

CeminilMay  21-)une  21) 
A  miscalculation  with  a  radial  arm  saw  results 
in  the  violent  death  of  the  neighborhood  paper- 
boy Now  you'll  have  to  walk  to  rt>e  comer  for 
your  paper 

Canccr(]une  22-}uly  22) 

The  arc  of  Pluto's  current  trajectory  indicates 

one  sure  thing-you're  a  drooling  imbecile, 

Lca4Jaly  23-Augusl  22) 

Let  Mom  and  Dad  know  you  appreciate  U\em 
after  all  these  years.  Send  a  Strip-O-Gram  to 
their  respective  rooms  at  the  old  folks  home 

VirgolAugust  23-Sept«mber  22) 

Failurt'  to  apply  sunblock  to  your  face  results  in 
sheets  of  your  epidermis  pe<fling  off  like  dried 

LibrafSeptcmber  23-Oc<abcr  23) 

A  sexy  supermodel  with  a  200 IQ  and  a  hanker- 
ing for  kinky  lovemaking  will  steal  your  loveji 
forcing  you  to  devour  a  pouiui  of  chocolate. 

ScorpMOctobcr  24-Novcinber  21) 

Congratulations!  You  will  magically  inherit  the 
skill  of  glassblowing.  Please  use  it  for  good,  not 

SagittariustNovemba  22-Dccembcr  21) 

Worry  no  more  about  your  health.  Now  that 
you've  contracted  Black  Death,  you're  a  hope- 
less case  anyway. 

Opricom(Deccmbcr  22-January  19) 

Your  associates  will  be  so  impressed  with  your 
work  that  they'll  treat  you  to  lunch. 
Unfortunately,  they'll  also  make  unflattering 
comments  about  your  butt. 

AquariusQanuary  20-Februaty  IB) 

Your  gums  will  recede  into  your  brain,  giving 
you  an  aneurysm. 

PiscesfFebruary  19-Maich  20) 
Cooking  at  home  can  be  great  hm,  especially 
when  yi>u  slop  cutting  off  you  own  fingers  with 
the  paring  kni(e. 




Because  it's  an  exceUent  place  to 
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call  31I-S44-8800  or  800-888-67*8. 

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n  d  i  V  i  d  u  a 

*»  « 

Page  6 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 

Harper  presents 
Transfer  Week  '95 

Are  you  planning  on  tranafemng  to  a 
four-year  school  after  your  stay  at 
Harper?  Do  you  need  to  get  inionrn- 
Uon  on  colleges  but  don't  have  the 
time  to  search  for  it  all?  Do  you  wish 
you  could  find  ail  of  the  information 
you  needin  on*  place?You  won't 
want  to  miss  Harper's  annual 
Transfer  VWeek. 

Transfer  Week  is  four  days  of 
activities  and  information  about 
transferring  to  a  four-year  college  or 
university  Events  are  planned  all 
week  to  help  you  make  an  informed 

Several  workshops  have  been 
St  you  in  the  transfer 

"Computerized  School  Searches  and 
Oecupahonal  Information"  demon- 
strates a  quick  and  easy  computer 
program  that  helps  you  make  a  list  of 
transfer  scfi«x)ls  tlut  meet  your  needs. 
Another  pn>gram  also  assists  in  pro- 
viding you  with  salary  and  job 
opportunity  data  for  a  aprticular 
field.  Held  in  the  Buildrng  L  and 
Building  I  lounge  areas 

Not  sure  of  what  your  major  is' 
'Career  Interest  Testing  and 
Interpretation"  can  help  you  decide 
on  one. 

Are  you  learning  disabled? 
Discover  the  questions  to  ask  in  order 
to  find  out  if  a  particluar  schixil  has 

the  services  you  need 

"For  Adults  Only!"  talks  about 
batchlor  degree  options  designed 
especially  for  the  adult  student. 
Programs  include  credit  for  life  expe- 
rience, accelerated  degree  completion 
times  and  tlexable  course  scheduling. 
Representatives  will  be  on  hand  to 
answer  questions 

If  you  are  working  toward  or 
already  have  an  A  A.S  degree  and  are 
interested  in  earning  a  batchlor 's 
degree,  '■2+2 '  transfer  agreements 
and  other  opti<jns  aredesi^ied  espe- 
cially for  you.  (Zheck  out  "Transfer 
Options  for  A.A.S.  Degree  Students" 
in  Building  A,  Room  242 

The  biggest  event  is  the  Four- 
Year  College  Fair  on  Wednesday. 
November  8th,  from  10:00a  m  to 
2;tX)p.m.  Here  is  where  you  will  have 
the  chance  to  speak  with  representa- 
tives from  more  than  100  colleges  and 
universities  from  around  the  countr>'. 

A  complete  list  of  schcxils  is 
posted  outside  of  the  Student 
Development  Center  in  Building  D, 
Rix>m  117,  or  Building  I,  RcKim  142 

For  more  information  on  the 
activities  and  events  planned  for 
Transfer  Week,  as  well  as  times  and 
dates  for  the  events  h-.ted  above, 
plea.**'  ca; 


The  last  day  for  dropping  classes  is  Saturday.  November  I  Ifh 
Contact  the  Registrar's  Office  for  forms  or  for  more  information. 


Robert  Morris 



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October  27,  1995 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

Page  7 

Mysterious  Lee  family  'curse'  still  unsolved 

Laura  Garrison 
Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor 

Bruce  Lee  and  his  son  Brandon 
both  passed  away  More  their 
tune.  Some  say  that  there  waua 
curse  on  the  tamily,  lasting  tor  three 
generations  Coincidenoe?  Perhaps, 
but  not  likely 

The  curee  theory  originated 
when  Lee  purchased  a  home  in 
crhina,  possibly  mvoking  the  anger  of 
the  neighborhixxi  resident  demons. 
Many  Chines  believe  that  \(  a  home 
IS  not  in  alignment  with  the  spirihial 
worid  and  the  natural  environment. 
bad  things  will  happen  lo  the  inhabi- 
tant. The  inhabitant  can  take  one  oi 
several  paths  toward  preventing  the 
cune  from  taking  effect.  The  hoow 
can  be  torn  down  and  completriy 

rebuilt  or  the  owner  can  consult  a  spe- 
ciaUi.1  who  can  make  necessary 
adjustments  to  accomniodate  for  the 

The  former  owner  had  consult- 
ed such  a  specialist.  wh«  placed  a 
mirror  on  an  outside  wall  to  compen- 
sate and  protect  the  inhabitants  The 
day  before  Bruce  Lee  died,  there  had 
been  a  typhoon  which  blew  the  mir- 
ror off  the  house  Lee  took  a  painkiller 
for  a  headache,  went  to  sleep,  and 
never  wok*  up.  The  cause  o<  death 
according  to  the  comner's  report  was 
a  brain  edema  (swelling)  Lee  was  in 
top  physical  condition,  and  there  was 
no  explanation  for  any  swelling 
which  was  found 

Like  Father  Like  Son 

The  death  of  Brandon  Lee  has 
also  been  called  accidental  Lee  was 

killed  on  March  31,  l^^  dunng  film- 
ing of  nil-  Cmu\  There  were  some 
fairly  bizarre  cisrumstances  leading 
up  to  his  death 

The  shoot  was  plagued  by  acci- 
dents A  carpenter  wa^  -.everely 
burned  in  a  freak  accident,  a  disgrun- 
tled sculptor  drove  his  car  through 
the  plaster  shop,  and  another  crew 
member  drove  a  screwdriver  tfirough 
his  own  hand. 

The  scene  during  which  Lee 
died  was  a  flashback  and  called  for  a 
closeup  on  the  weapon  used,  so  the 
props  people  were  compelled  to  use  a 
real  gim  loaded  with  harmless  blanks. 
The  police  have  now  theorized  that 
somehow  a  lead  tip  had  been  lodged 
inside  the  barrel  of  the  gun  When  the 
blank  engaged,  it  was  the  equivalent 
of  live  ammunition.   When  the  actor 

pulled  the  trigger,  the  gunpowder 
created  a  bang,  <md  the  bullet  which 
had  been  lodged  in  the  barrel  pro- 
pelled itself  out  of  the  gun  and  mto 
Lee's  abdomen. 

The  Crow  was  Brandon  Lee's 
last  motion  picture  before  his 
suspiciously  untimely  death. 

Chicago  Homegrown:  Sights  and  sounds  from 

Laura  Garrison  •  Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor 

)oe  Yost,  one  of  the  collabora- 
tors on  a  local  special  peo- 
ple's musical  pn;)iect  spon- 
sored by  the  Chicago  Park 
[>istnct  Keep  listening  to 
WHCM  and  read- 

Local  music  rules  the  air-  ,„^  ,his  column 
waves  at  WHCM  on  f^„  furth.T  mfor- 
"    C    h    I    c    .1    g    o     mation   on    local 

the  diverse  local  music  scene 

ocal  music  rules  the  air- 
waves at  WHCM  on 
I"  C  h  I  c  .1  g  o 
Homegrown",  Mondays 
fnm  6p.m.  to  7  p.m.  Some 
bands  expected  to  be  featured 
on  "Chicago  Homegrown"  in 
the  near  future  aiv  the 
Cleaning  Ladvs.  Birds  At  the 
End  of  the  Road,  and  Al  Rose 
Other  guesto  who  will 
be  making  appearances  al 
WHCM  in  the  uptommg 
weeks  are  Sean  O'Grady  cilf 
Typhoid  Mary  Records,  and 


It  vtHi  or 
anyone  you  know 
i»  a  musician  who 
would  he  interest- 
ed in  considera- 
tion for  possible  .lirplav  on 
the  local  music  shows  we Vi 
tove  to  hear  fwm  you.  Send 
any  information  and /or 
music  to  P.O.Boi  '^W. 
Pronpect,  IL60056-'J142 


The  Cleaning  Ladys, 
stars  of  the  radio  show 
"Needledrop",  will  be  rock- 
ing at  two  upcoming 
shows — Nov  2  al  Otis's. 
Nov9  at  tfie  Beat 

Highly      recom- 
mended       local 
band     CD's     to 
check  out 
The  Time  Beings 
TV  Time  Beiwys 
Red   Dog   Music 
Finally  a  combination 
ot  emotions  and  guitar  riffs 
that  manages  to  rock,  not  to 
whine!  The  lyrics  are  intelli- 
gent  and   vou  can   actuallv 
understand  them  Oka),  there 

was  more  to  this  CD  than 
intelligent  lyrics-  the  guys  are 
all  great  musicians  Vocals 
alternate  between  bassist 
Steve  Granstrom  and  gui- 
tarist Jon 
Raleigh  — they 
along  with 
drummer  Caetto 
manage  to  bring 
a  fn-sh  Hound  to 
the  listener 
tracks  the  whole 
CD.  including  a 
track  which  is  unaccounted 
for  on  the  album's  liner  notes. 
J  Wheeler 
Typhoid  Mar>'  Records 

Starch    released    their 




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Equal  Opportunity  Employer 

debut  CD  this  past  August. 
Starch  has  their  own  unique 
style  not  recommended  for 
the  weak  of  heart  If  you  like 
bands  such  as  Rancid  and 
earlier  Nirvana, 
this  is  a  Chicago 
band  with  an 
updated  modem 
rock  sound.  This  is 
evident  from  the 
beginning  of 

"Cringe"  through 
the  end  of  "Above 
The  Ground". 
Composed  of  Lloyd  Puckitt 
and  brothers  Rob  and  Mike 
Gondar,  Starch  is  one  3 
Wheeler'  that  -iS  bt>und  for 

Rock  on,  Chicago  style! 

Ghost  writ- 
ers tell  their 
wicked  tales 

]'ciin  three  ghostwrif- 
ers,  and  radio  psychic 
Joe  Who,  the  night 
fore  All  Haliow.s  Eve, 
Monday,  October  30,  7-10 
pm,  in  the  Building  J 
Theater.  As  they  hold 
their  Ghostwriter's 

Conference,  they  will 
relate  bone  chilling  sto- 
ries of  phantoms,  appari- 
tions, poltergeists,  and 
dopplegangers  they 

"encountered '  while 
researching  their  book  on 
hauntings.  They  will 
highlight  their  presenta- 
tions with  slides  of  the 
actual  haunted  sites 

The  cost  of  the  con- 
ference is  $3'i.  Call 
(708)925-6593  for  regis- 
tration information. 

Page  8 


The  Harbinger 

Our  View 

Another  example  of  the 
school's  leaders  looking 
out  for  our  interests 

As  you  stand  outside  Building  A  during  the 
•ariy  ntomii^  hours  of  Halloween  waiting  for 
your  registration  appoirttment  cards,  may  we 
suggest  that  you  gaze  upon  the  proposed  sight  of 
Building  W.  The  new  building  would  occupy  the 
grassy  area  to  the  west  of  Buildings  L  and  P. 

Is  this  a  Halloween  nightnuire  come  true,  or 
are  you  really  waiting  in  the  freezing  cold  in 
order  to  get  one  of  the  scarce  lab-science  classes  at 

Have  your  registration  prayers  been 
answered?  Is  Harper  College  iiwreasing  the  num- 
ber of  math  and  sdeiKe  classes  available  to  stu- 
dents? Of  course  not.  It's  the  same  old  story  each 
semester.  We  (the  students)  start  lining  up  as 
early  as  10:00  p.m.  the  night  before  the  registra- 
tion cards  are  issued. 

Students  are  forced  into  this  ritual  as  a  result 
of  the  lack  of  math  and  science  classes  offered  at 
Harper.  Each  semester  we  hope  the  Harper 
adniinistration,  in  all  it's  infinate  wisdom,  will 
hear  our  plees. 

But  no,  the  powers  that  be  at  Harper  College 
have  decided  that  Building  W,  will  house  a  per- 
forming arts  theater,  art  gallery,  and  conference 

The  performing  arts  theater  is  expected  to 
attract  a  higher  caliber  of  artists  to  Harper 
College.  It  is  hoped  that  these  performances 
would  bring  increased  revenue  to  the  college. 

The  conference  rooms  will  be  equipf>ed  with 
state  of  the  art  techiwlogy  in  hc^>es  of  attracting 
corporate  dollars  for  Harper's  coffers.  What  will 
Harper  do  with  all  of  the  money?  Candidates  for 
the  Board  of  Trustees  were  unable  to  answer  that 

Each  member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 
should  be  required  to  experience  the  registration 
process  first  hand.  They  just  might  catch  a  clue  as 
to  whose  interests  are  the  most  vital  on  a  college 

Who  benfits  the  most  from  Building  W?  Is  it 
the  students  of  Harper  College?  NOT!  Is  it  for 
Harper's  power  elite?  You've  hit  the  jackpot. or 
have  they? 

Racism:  You  can't  fix  it  alone 

Jon  O'Brien  •  The  Ed's 

Racism  tia!>  been  a  pretty  hot 
topic  lately,  especially  after 
the  Simpson  trial,  and  more 
recently,  the  Milhon  Man 
March  What's  worse,  far  tcx> 
many  people  seem  to  inter- 
ested in  pomtmg  fingers  and 
accusing  everyone  else  of  the 
pixiblem  instead  of  actually 
working  to  correct  it.  I'm  sure 
that  other  countries  ravaged 
by  poverty  and  disease  are 
absolutely  sick  with  us  and 
the  way  we  complain  about 
our  happy  little  nation  not 
being  happy  enough. 

Contrary  to  a  lot  of 
opinions,  whites  are  not  the 
most  racist  people  in 
Amenca,  and  the  infamous 
march  only  goes  to  prove  it.  If 
the  intent  of  the  March  was 
exactly  wliat  the  organizers 
stated  it  to  be,  most  people 
would  be  in  favor  o(  it — I 
know  I  would  But  when  the 
organizers  restrict  the  march 
to  one  ethnic  group  and  one 
sex,  s<->mething  doesn't  sound 

When  the  oraturs  blab 
the   racist   remarks   through 

our  nation's  capital,  the  good 
is  overshadowed  by  the  hate 
lihat  is  blatantly  present.  This 
doesn't  sound  like  a  message 
of  peace  and  unity  to  me. 

Let  me  make  one  thing 
perfectly  clear:  I  am  for 
America.  I  am  not  pro- white 
or  pro-black,  pro-this  or  pro- 
that  I've  heard  far  too  many 
people  in  the  last  couple 
weeks  tell  me  that  I'm  a 
racist,  both  in  person  and  in 
the  media.  Hypocrites  like 
Louis  Farrakhan  and  Al 
Sharpton  are  telling  attendees 
of  the  March  that  "the  white 
man"  has  to  be  pulled  out  of 
government  before  any 
change  is  to  occur,  and  thai 
call  mra  racist?! 

The  hypocrisy  of  this 
whole  march  is  amazing.  I've 
heard  an  awful  lot  of  obnox- 
ious rumors  about  it:  whites 
are  afraid  of  black  power, 
whites  are  afraid  of  too  many 
black  people  in  one  area,  and 
blacks  think  that  white 
supremacy  is  the  root  of  all 
evil.  Tell  me,  if  whites  are  so 
afraid  of  blacks  and  so  para- 
noid of  black  power,  then 
why  are  blacks  the  ones  who 
are  fearing  "the  white 

It  gets  worse  If  I  hear 
another  idii't  JNk  for  their  40 
acres  and  a  mule,  I'm  going 

to  scream.  Hey,  luibody  gave 
me  40  acres  and  a  mule, 
either!  I  live  in  a  house  on  a 
quarter  acre  in  Schaumburg. 
And  furthermore,  don't 
expect  me  to  apologize  to 
anyone  for  injustices  commit- 
ted a  hundred  years  ago.  Just 
because  most  slave  drivers 
were  white  doesn't  mean  that 
I  am  one  of  them.  I  wasn't 
around  for  it  and  neither 
were  you. 

The  fact  is  controlling 
racism,  much  less  ending  it, 
will  only  happen  if  everyone 
works  towards  it. 

WE  need  to  work  to 
tame  this  beast.  WE  must 
work,  as  an  undivided  whole, 
to  bring  an  end  (or  at  least 
some  control)  to  racism.  Yet 
with  the  way  my  race  has 
been  slandered  lately,  I'm  cer- 
tainly not  any  more  inclined 
to  help  out  now  than  I  was  a 
month  ago. 

Above  all  else,  keep  in 
mind  that  reverse  discrimina- 
tion is  still  discrimination. 
The  only  difference  between 
Mark  Fuhrman  lying  on  the 
stand  and  Louis  Farrakhan 
lying  to  the  masses  is  that 
Farrakhan  is  more  popular. 
They  are  both  bigots,  they  are 
both  racists,  and  they  are  cer- 
tainly both  dangerous.  And 
that's  a  real  shame. 

'(Mm m sums. NO  ruuH  tarkmrnrnjot im Kim-iw  mm  oanitY  ciit-ofe 
WK  itmm.  OLD  CMEi  ami  Kim\' 

The  Harbinger 

Otm  AIM:  To  W  TKU.'Hi,.^..  ALi.UR.m  ANP  MCTU/lt 

Editorial  Board 

Acting  Editor  in  Chief 

Business  Manager 

Managing  Editor  . 

News  Editor 

Arts  k  Entertainment  tditnr 

Sports   Editor 

Layout  Editor 

Faculty  .Advisor 

Jon  O'Brien 

Valerie  Wcvers 

Dave  Pump 

[ulte  ThompMin 

Laura  Garrison 

Susan    Rtidomacher 

Paul  Fkxlen 

Susanne  Havlic 


Kathy  Betts,  Tim  Braut-r,  T  W  Fuller,  Jim  Kopeny, 
T )  MctX-rmott.  Rich  Taylor 

General  Information 

The  Utirbmgn  is  tht-  student  publication  ior  the  Harper  College  campus  community,  published  biweek- 
ly throughout  the  schtx)l  year  except  dunng  holidays  and  final  exams  Ttw  paper  is  distributed  free  to 
all  students,  faculty  and  ddministrjtion  T*ic  Hiirf-mvcr's  suit  purpose  is  to  provide  the  Harper  com- 
munity with  mtorm.5tii>n  pt-rtdining  to  thi-  campus  anJ  its  surrnunding  community. 

Letters  Policy 
The  Harhmfcr  uilcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  rvplit-s  to  our  editorials  Letters  must  be  signed  and 
include  a  social  secunty  number  Signatures  will  bt-  withheld  upon  request.  All  letters  are  sub)ect  to 

Pnxlucts  and  services  advertised  in  The  Harhmgrr  ate  not  necessarily  endorsixl  by  tfw  editors  of  llus 
paper,  nor  t>y  the  cx>llege  administratum  or  Board  cit  Directors  Inquiries  should  be  forwarded  directly 
It)  the  advertiser,  and  all  punrfuses  arv  at  the  discietian  of  ttte  consumer 

Mailing  Address:  Phone  Numbers: 

fhe  Hartiingei    Harper  Collegi!  business  office:  (708)  925-M60 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road  g«!neral  offits  (708)  jm-yXO  x2461 

Palatine  IL  MXXiy.TtW  fax  (7081  025.4033 

copyrigtit  1 99S.  The  Harbinger,  all  right  reserved. _^_^_ 


October  27.  1995 


Page  9 

Farrakhan's  Million  racist,  bigoted  man  march? 

JM.  Fuller  •  American  Independent 

In  1%9  Maitin  Luther  King  )r  atgi- 
ni/ed  a  inarch  on  Washington-  His 
goal  w»»  a  nonvioUmt  ptotesi  for 
civil  nghts 

Whjt  he  accomptished  that  day 
IS  »tiU  impacting  American  «H.>t'ty 
today  more  favorably  than  U>uis 
Farrakhan  and  his  tupforKn  would 
bother  to  admit. 

It  is  lwcau«e  of  this  failure  that 
Farrakhan  orgaiuzed  hi»  own  'Million 
Man  March." 

The  goal  he  staled  is  one  of 
atonement,  reconciliation  and  a  com- 
ing together  of  all  black  men. 

This  from  a  man  who  has  a  hi»- 
lory  of  bigotry  and  racism;  anti-semi- 
shsm;  wh«>  shows  no  indication  of 
utefdit^  these  views  any  hme  noon. 

And  it  i»  the  fact  that  many  black 
men,  for  whatever  rea«>n.  Iistwied  to 
him;  marched  at  his  beckoning,  know- 
ing he  is  a  racist,  thai  frustratn  and 
bewilders  whiles 

How  is  it  a  man  like  Farrakhan  is 
able  to  gather  such  a  quantity  of  men, 

why  IS  It  they  would  dare  to  come  at 
the  beckoning  of  this  lunatic;  is  this 
just  the  beginning  of  Farrakhan's  cru- 
sade, and  will  others  Mwn  follow? 

It  is  questions  like  these  that  an- 
on the  minds  of  many  Ameriuns 

This  man-h  has  created  a  spark 
for  Farrakhan  and  now  he  believes  he 
is  a  'dream  come  true,"  a  savior  of 


He  lavor^  himself  a  n»le  model 
for  black  men  Will  they  oblige  him. 
what  would  tlie  consiquences  be' 

There  has  been  much  debate  on 
the  validity  of  the  march,  what  it 
meant,  if  anything,  whether  or  not  it 
was  significant 

It  may  he  that  the  only  signifi- 
cance was  the  number  of  black  men 
whoattendrd  Regardless  of  the  actu- 
al size.  It  wa.s  the  largest  gathering  of 
black  men  recorded  in  American  hislo- 

And  how  many  of  them  were- 
»i«e-in»pired  when  Farrakhan  totik  the 
Mage  for  thi.'i  'nio»i  important  of 
events"  and  without  wanung,  though 
unsurpnsingly,  ranted  and  raved 
about  the  number  nineteen? 

Those  that  did  show  a  pmlDUnd 
interest  in  his  nonsensical  speech  were 
perhaps  tlie  same  ones  that  displayed  a 

poster  depicting  a  black  figure  kicking 
a  white  figure  in  the  backside,  with 
words  on  top  reading,  "Now  it's  our 
turn".    Our  turn  for  what? 

Farrakhan  would  be  most  proud 
ot  tbfse  black  racists  had  he  seen  their 

But  with  all  the  many  lackeys  he 
used  for  bodyguards,  ttiey  may  have 
obscured  his  view. 

But  if  not.  the  hilarious  bullet 
proof  ilwild  he  hid  behind  mav  have 

Is  it  not  mtereshng  to  noti-  this 
Louis  Farrakhan  who  pttifesv'^'s  »uch 
great  love  and  joyfulness  to  the  men 
who  came;  expresses  the  urgent  need 
for  unity  and  oneness;  to  not  be  afraid 
to  stand  together  as  brotfiers-all  from 
beflind  a  Injllet  proof  shield 

Irony  certainly  does  come  in  all 
shapes  and  si^es  and  colors 

And  what  other  dn\  fling  [argon 
did  vomit  from  his  per\  erted  mouth' 

"My  people  havi-  validated  me," 
Farrakhan  said  triumphantly  from 
behind  his  safety  sheild. 

If  true,  then  this  march  may  be 
reinterpreted  to  be  the  million  racist, 
bigoted  man  march. 

"God  spoke  through  me," 
Farrakhan  said  pointing  uncontrolably 
to  himself.  Didn't  Hitler  say  something 
of  the  like  in  the  beginnmg  of  his 

"super  race"  crusade?  And  what 
about  Saddam  Hussein? 

"The  root  of  the  nation's  suffer- 
ing is  white  supremacy,"  Farrakhan 

What  about  his  goal  of  bladi 
supremacy'  Will  that  solve  the 
nation's  problems? 

Is  it  white  supremacists  who  put 
guns  in  the  hands  of  blacks  and  order 
them  to  kill  as  many  "brothers"  and 
"sisliTs"  as  possible?  Is  it  white 
supa'macists  who  order  blacks  to  sell 
drugs  and  beat  their  wives  and  chil- 
dren? Is  it  the  fauh  of  white  suprema- 
cists that  has  kept  LA  blacks  from 
moving  up,  or  is  it  their  own  procrasti- 

Now  the  match  is  over  No  mote 
idle  speeches  from  meaningless 
lunahcs.  No  more  blame  displacing 
or  frivolous  name  calling. 

The  men  have  treked  home 
thinking  they  have  somehow  been 
changed  by  all  this;  thinking  that  tfiis 
march  has  somehow^  made  a  differ- 
ence; that  things  will  now  be 

And  has  it?  Or  is  it  a  case  of 
"oidy  time  wHl  tell?"  If  so,  how  much 
hme  does  it  take  in  order  to  dissuade 
murder,  rape  and  drug  dealing?  That's 
the  64,000  dollar  question. 

Wham  bam,  a 
baseball  slam ... 

David  Pump  •  Managing  Edttor 

The  stnke  is  o\er  and  thes  could  poaaiMy  be  the  best 
World  Series  ever  and  you're  still  not  watching. 
It  is  uivlerstandable  it  you  are  still  upset,  but  the  regu- 
lar season  is  over  and  you  should  be  happ>  that  you  didn't 
Spend  a  single  dime  at  Wrigley  Field  or  Comiskey  Park 

This  LS  the  hme  for  the  greatest  teams  to  perform  some 
magic  Along  with  Budweiser  to  cnHiTtain  us  all  with  anoth- 
er ant  or  frog  commercial. 

Baseball  really  hurt  its  reputation  with  all  the  bickenng 
between  players  and  owrw^  if  it  wasn't  for  C al  ■Inwiman" 
Ripken  there  would  have  been  no  reason  to  be  interested  unhl 
playoff  time  anyway 

Do  you  realue  the  Ust  World  Senes  Champion  is  from 
Canada  So  much  tor  the  great  American  pastime  -  or  is  it  pnst- 

Society  will  never  forget  the  year  that  mighty  Casry  did- 
n't even  have  a  chance  to  pick  up  hia  heralded  bat.  much  less 
strike  out 

The  Cubs  didn't  have  to  waste  their  fans  tim*-  going  to 
the  best  ballpark  m  the  world  Or  a  chance  for  the  White  Swh 
to  blow  it  in  the  playof6»  again. 

Forget  all  of  that  The  players  are  trying  their  damnedest 
to  win  back  fans  The  playoff  series  between  the  Yankees  and 
Mariners  proved  to  be  a  battle  to  the  very  end.  pitting  Donny 
"Baseball '  Mattingly  against  the  best  ol  the  new  generation  - 
KenGnffey  )r 

That  brought  some  fans  back  to  rmit  tor  the  underdog, 

In  this  World  Sent~.  the  Atlanta  Braves  and  the 
Clevelatvi  Indians  deserve  respect  from  the  farts  for  turning 
their  respect  It*  (if  that  is  the  nght  word)  organiiations  around 
after  bcmg  the  doormats  o*  pi  Sessional  baseball  during  the 
mid  80' i. 

Tlwse  two  le«nis  have  gone  through  as  long  a  drought 
as  our  verv  own  Cubbies. 

RoalisiKallv  the  World  Series  should  have  been  played 
by  Donald  (.hr  (union  representative)  and  Bud  Selig  (the 
interun  commissioner)  within  a  hoxmg  ring. 

Regardless  of  what  happens  in  the  World  Series  and  the 
montfis  to  follow,  the  only  real  winners  here  are  the  fans  that 
have  remamed  faithful  to  the  game  that  left  them. 

Phone  cops  a  real  joke 

absence  of  smokeys  on  info-superhighway 
allow  for  greater  freedom  as  well  as  crime 

Paul  Floden  •  Down  the  river 

When  Ed  O'Neil  parades  around  in  a 
beater      with      "Phone      Patrol" 
scrawled  on  tfie  sides,  we  laugh  at 
its  satirical  ludicricy 

But  should  we? 

After  years  of  having  no  controls  or 
standards,  and  several  deaths  as  well,  the 
government  finally  set  legal  guidelines  for 

At  about  the  same  hme,  the  Di-partmcni 
of  Defense  releas«-d  The  Internet  to  the  public 

They  gave  open,  twcvway  tmpersonable 
communication  to  America,  bowed,  turned 
and  walked  away,  without  a  thought  as  to  not 
only  the  possible  but  very  probable  marufesta- 
ticin  oi  a  worst  case  scenario. 

And  now  it  is  beyond  control. 

In  the  movie  Time  Cop,  the  first  thing  the 
government  did  when  time  travel  was  invent- 
ed was  implement  a  ptilice  force  to  patrol  the 
time  stream;  they  set  up  controls  V\T\y  is  it 
the  LVpt.  of  Del  couldn  t  or  didn't  en*  ision 
the  dangers  of  something  called  cyberspace' 

Did  they  think  that  on  an  informahon 
superhighway  with  nii  speed  limits,  in  a 
county  without  law  enforcement,  the  general 
public  (or  any  moron  with  a  computer)  would 
behave  and  act  responsibly? 

If  they  think  the  public  is  that  honest, 
maybe  they  should  reevaluate  the  purpose  of 

the  IRS 

The  heart  is  naturally  wicked,  as  both 
leUgion  and  Darwin  would  agree. 

Getting  away  with  murder  is  just  anoth- 
er challenge  for  a  modem  man,  and  now  it's 
been  made  even  easier,  not  only  by  unprofes^ 
sional  activihes  of  the  LAPD,  but  by  the  blind- 
ers on  the  rich  bitch  known  as  justice. 

In  most  cases  it  is  easy  to  trace  where 
things  have  come  from  on-line,  but  with  the 
furtfier  development  of  service  providers  and 
other  little  nooks  and  crannies,  it's  only  a  mat- 
ter of  time  before  transmission  is  untraceable 
and  things  like  pornography  become  more 
than  just  conunonplace,  they  become  screen 

Not  that  I'm  against  all  that,  but  tiwn,  1 
don't  have  kids  But  I  do  have  privacy.  At 
least  at  the  moment. 

However,  someday  I'll  be  on-line  every- 
day with  the  rest  of  the  world  -  Going  to 
work,  paying  the  bills,  even  dating  from  the 
comfort  of  a  Mac. 

Entire  cyberdbes  will  be  built  within 
tlie  confines  of  a  hard  drive,  complete  with 
churches,  arcades,  banks  and  brothels. 

Every  step  taken  -  unmonilored. 

Every  action  -  anonymous. 

An  uncontrollable  domicile  where 
I'very  resident  is  a  nowhere  man,  and  every 
mmutc  is  spent  experwively 

But  balance  is  universal.  And  although 
every  step  may  be  obsfucated,  the  trail  will 
remain  for  open  view,  and  your  past  will  be 
accessible  to  any  person  or  group  to  use  for 
their  own  purposes,  ethical  or  not. 

And  that's  the  price  you  pay  for 
Anarchy  in  a  cyberstate. 

Page  10 


The  Harbinger 


Ruby  Tuesday  Apply  Now'  Fun 
environment  hiring  FT/PT 
Servers  PT  Host(ess)  Day  1 
Insurance,  flexible  hours  330- 

Receptionist*  Clark  Refining  and 
Marketing,  Inc  is  a  rapidly 
expanding  and  progressive 
gasoline/convenience  store 
chain.  To  keep  pace  with  this 
exciting  growth,  we  are  current- 
ly interviewing  for  a  receptionist 
at  our  new  location  in  Clen  Ellyn. 
Duties  include  answering 
phones  and  direct  calls:  greet 
and  announce  visitors;  transmit, 
distribute,  and  receive  faxes; 
and  some  additional  light 
administrative  duties  for  the 
facility's  manager  and  con- 
troller. To  qualify  you  must  have 
at  least  1  year  experience  in  a 
similar  job,  have  a  possitive  atti 
tude,  be  detail  oriented  with 
excellent  communication  skills 
and  able  to  handle  multiple 
tasks  at  the  same  time  In  return 
for  your  time  and  talents,  we 
offer  a  competitive  salary,  gener 
'  ous  benefits  and  opportunities 
for  advancement.  For  Immediate 
consideration,  send  your  resume 
and  salary  history  to  Clark 
Refining  &  Marketing,  Inc  Attn 
Lois  Alsip  ,  760  Pasquinelti 
Drive,  Suite  352,  Westmont,  IL 
60559;  Fax   708-572  1896. 

Secretary  wanted,  S5.00  an 
hour.  The  Student  Senate  is 
looking  for  a  secretary  to  take 
and  type  the  minutes  to  our 
meetings.  Student  Senate  meet- 
ings are  held  on  Friday  after 
noons,  twice  a  month.  For  more 
information,  please  stop  by  the 
Student  Senate  office  during 
office  hours  or  call  925-6244. 


Make  up  to  S10  per  hourl  Must 
be  neat  and  personable.  Call 
Judy  381  3550. 

Site  Coordinator'  Energetic  per 
son  to  supervise  and  do  daily 
planning  for  sfter  school  pro- 
gram. Must  enjoy  outdoor  activi- 
ties, games  and  have  knowledge 
of  working  with  school  age  chil- 
dren. PT  1  5/20hrs.  weekly  M  F. 
For  information  call  Linda  Novak 

Assemblers  Excellent  income  to 
assemble  products  at  home. 
Info:  (504)646  1700  Depl  IL 

Wanted  Reliable  men  and 
women  to  work  as  personal 
assistants  for  people  with  dis 
abilities  in  their  homes.  Full/part 
time  flexible  hours.  Call  524- 
0600  or  524-0690  TTY.  The 
Progress  Center  for  Independent 


Attention  Students'  Winter  is 
here!  It's  time  to  go  to  Bally 
Total  Fitness  and  get  in  shape! 
No  enrollment  fee.  Mention  this 
ad  and  receive  I  free  week!  Stop 
thinking  about  it  and  DO  IT!!  Ask 
for  Chris  (708)619-0800. 

••Spring      Break**      Mazatlan. 

Mexico!  Best  prices.  Best  Parties. 

Organize    &    earn    free    Spring 

Break  Trip  and/or  cash.  Call  Ron 

at  800  288  0328 

(Trip  not  sponsored  by  Harper 



Yo,  Dave!   Happy  2^ni<  binv.Jay' 
Arr  oooooooo! 

GHOULIES:  Supernatural 
happenings  in  academia 

'  AD  CLOSE  FOR  11/9/95  ISSUE:    11/2/95* 

Contact  Valerie  Wevers  at  (708)  925-6460  for  information. 

continued  from  Page  4 
niembfrs  in   Knight   Hall   s.iv   thev 
often   hi'jr   Verj   w-ilking   .irdund   or 
tickling  thf  ivorie>  .it  night 

Morton  Collt-gf  in  C'icerii,  111  ,  is 
hauntcil  by  a  girl  namod  Emily  who 
was  murdtTcd  on  the  site  befort-  the 
campus  was  built 

At  night.  Morton  security 
guards  say  th<?y  often  hear  lot)tsteps 
on  top  of  the  r«it  of  the  gymnasium, 
even  though  the\  .ire  sitting  m  Iront  of 
the  onK  slairway  to  the  riH>t  When 
thev  go  up  to  check  on  the  noi-e,  ihev 
stt-  nothing  and  the  ttnitsteps  -top 
Howeier.  once  thev  head  h.ick  down 
th<?  stairs,  the  footsteps  start  again. 

Memhersot  the  Delta  Srgma  I'hi 
house  on  the  Kansas  State  LJniversity 
campus  often  get  a  sample  of  "the 
final  frontier  from  their  Star  Trt-k-lov- 
ing  ghost 

The  building,  which  was  a  li<<s- 
pitjl  l"t>torf  ihi'  tratemity  took  o\  er,  is 
honi.  •  the  ghost  oi  an  elder- 

ly  ..d  .liter  tailing  oft  his 


Ck'orge  was  a  big  "Star  Trek" 
(an.  a  fondness  that  ol'  tin- 

ues  even  after  his  de.iti .  ;niti 

members.  In  Itn,  an  ice  storm 
knix-ked  out  power  on  the  entire  KSL 
campus  for  s€-veral  days  But  at  the 
Di-lta  Sigma  I'hi  house,  electricity  was 
nn-tenouslv  restored  i'\erv  da\  tmm 

4-5  p  m.,  just  long  enough  for  George 
and  the  men  of  Delta  Sigma  Phi  to 
catch  the  'Star  Trek"  rvrun  on  the 
kxral  station. 

lames  Whitcomb.  an  Indiana 
governor  in  the  180()s,  donated  his  col- 
lection of  books  to  the  DePauw 
University  library  m  Creencastle, 
Ind  ,  w  ith  the  understanding  that  they 
never  leave  the  building. 

Although  they  are  listed  as  ref- 
erence books  that  are  supposed  to  stay 
in  the  librar),  student.s  have  occasion- 
ally taken  a  Ixwk  or  two  home  with 
them  Many  of  those  students  have 
reported  a  visiting  ghost  that  night, 
possibly  Whitcomb,  telling  them  to 
brmg  the  htxiks  back  to  the  library. 

When  a  new  library  was  built, 
Whitcomb's  books  were  transferred  to 
the  site  Students  and  library  staff 
have  since  reported  seeing  books  from 
the  collection  floating  near  their 

A  1 444  dormitory  fire  at  Kenyon 
<  ollege  in  t.ambier,  Ohio,  resulted  in 
the  death  ot  nine  men  due  to  lire. 
Since  that  time,  students  in  the  dorm 
rebuilt  on  the  fire's  site  have  reported 
seeing  legless  torsos  floating  through 
the  air  Also,  students  are  <x:casionally 
woken  up  in  Ihe  middle  of  the  night 
hy  a  shadows'  figure  who  shakes 
them,  yelling  "Wake  me  up!  Wake  me 

AmcriPogc,  Inc. 



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October  27.  1995 


Page  1 1 

Tom  Strzewski  named  new  diving  coach 

Susan  Radcmachir 

Spoms  Editor 

Tom  Stncwski  hwbMn 
named  the  new  diving 
coach  for  the  Harper 
College  swimming  and  div- 
ing team. 

Strsewski  spent  three 
years  as  a  diving  coach  at 

Hinsdale  South  high  sjchool 
wheiv  he  placed  all  but  one 
•cnior  diver  at  a  National 
Collegiate  Athletic 
Association  Division  I  school. 
"Diving  is  a  very  relaxing 
sport  to  coach,"  Strzewski 

"I  got  into  diving  when 
my  five  year  old  son  took  up 

the  sport.  I  took  the  time  to 
learn  about  it,'  Strzewski 
stated.  In  an  effort  to  increase 
his  knowledge  of  the  sport, 
Strzewski  has  received 
videos  from  diving  coaches 
acn»s  the  nation. 

"1  came  to  Harper 
because  I  wanted  to  devote 
my   time   to  diving  only," 

Strzewski  said.  "Harper  has  a 
good  program  and  hard 
working  athletes." 

Strzewski  also  wanted 
to  spend  more  time  with  his 
wife  and  thn?t?  children.  "I've 
been  able  to  some  of  my  kids' 
games  and  it's  been  great," 
Strzewski  stated. 

Strzewski  goes  to  work 

in  his  Wood  Dale  auto  shc^  at 
four  o'clock  in  the/noming. 
He  follows  a  day's  work  by 
bringing  his  One  Percent 
Theory  to  the  diving  pool  in 
Building  M.  "My  tfieory  is 
that  if  you  come  to  practice 
every  day,  that  you'U 
improve  one  per  cent  each 
day,"  Strzewski  said. 

The  Bears  of  '95  not  the  Super  Bowl  Bears  of  '85 

Jeff  Newton 

This  past  Sunday  the 
reunion  tour  of  the 
1985  Superbowl 
Champion  Chicago  Bean 
made  a  stop  at  Soklier  Field 

for  a  half-time  celebration. 
Long  before  this  e%'ent  the 
comparisons  between  the  "85 
team  and  this  years  Bear 
team  have  been  frequent  but 
mostly  unfair. 

The  1985  Chicago 
t  dominalcd  the  NFL 

each  and  every  week,  except 
for  the  embarrassn>ent  in 
Miami.  The  1995  Bears  can't 
stop  any  of  their  opporfents 
on  defense  and  are  scoring 
points  at  an  unbelievable 

When  the  game 

ended  the  Bears  had  won 
and  fans  were  raving  about 
the  half-time  celebration. 
"Sweetness"  Walter  Payton 
spoke  of  how  much  fun  it 
was  to  perform  for  the  fans 
and  represented  the  champi- 
onship trophy  to  the  Bear's 

faitfiful  fans. 

From  now  until  ti\e 
next  championship,  every 
Bear  team  will  be  compared 
to  the  champions  of  1985. 

Fair  or  not,  being 
critical  is  part  of  being  a 
Bears  fan. 

Sports  Deck 


Oct.  28 
Oct. 28-31 
Nov.  3-4 
Nov.  4 
Nov.  11 








College  of  Dupage 
Region  IV  Playoff 
Region  IV  Tourn. 
Region  IV  Playoff 
Region  IV  Finals 


Glen  Ellyn 






1  pm 
1  pm 

Watch  for  the  Harbinger 

Winter  Sports  Preview  in 

the  November  10th  issue 

Men's  Basketball 

Women's  Basketball 

Swimming  and  Diving 



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.  74Bmt  1 
7««n  4  30|im 
>aOini  -  I200no 

Athletes  of  the  Week 

NAME:  Amy  Habercom 
WEEK  OF:  Oct  4-11 
SPORT:  Volleyball 
YEAR:  Second 
REASON:  Led  Harper  to  a 
win  over  Illinois  Valley  with 
10  aces  and  3  kills 

NAME:  Larry  Neely 
WEEK  OF:  Oct.  11-18 
SPORT:  Football 
YEAR:  Second 
REASON:  3  sacks  in 
Harper's  27-0  victory 
over  Illinois  Wesleyan. 

Each  week  the  Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
Division  names  an  athlete  of  ttte  week.  The  Harbinger  is 
proud  feature  the  talented  athletes  of  Harper  College. 

.*.  ^ 

arper  oports 

Page  12  •  William  Ramey  Harper  College  •  October  27,  1995 

Harper  to  battle  Dupage  for  title 

Susan  Radcmacher 

Sports  Editor 


Harper  Ci>llege  and  tht-  ' 
will       hjttlf       l.>r       fh. 
title  at  Harper  on  S.iti , . 

The    ~'  I    M.iv^'ks   vv] 
Dul'age's  M  gaine  winnuit;  -^iuMf,  m 
the  conteivnce  title 

The  Hawks  secured  home-field  adv  antage  for 
the  tirsl  round  of  the  Region  iV  playolts  by  defeat- 
ing Rock  Valley  »-S  in  Rockford  Oct  21  ^ 

A  victory  against  DuPage  would  give  Harper 
a  home  Rame  tor  the  second  round  of  the  playoffs, 
which  IS  the  Region  IV  champioaship  game 

Harper  will  be  relying  on  its  nationallv 
ranked  defense  when  il  meets  DuPage's  Ike  Porter 
Porter  was  recently  featured  in  "Sports  Illustraled" 
and  averages  \3t>  rushing  yardsper  game 

"A  lot  of  what  happens  is  caused  by  our  num- 
ber one  defense,"  Harper  running  back  Mike 
Bfotvn  stated.  HAiper  opponents  average  less  than 
■tvcn  points  a  game  this  sttason. 

The  defense  is  led  by  defensive  end  Will  Ford 
who  has  nine  and  a  half  sacks  on  ifie  season  despite 
a  broken  finger  ttiat  he  sustained  in  Harper's  Oct  7 
victory  over  |oliet. 

Dfensive  Coordinator  Tim  Hatfield  gave  the 
defense  the  nickname  "Bad  to  the  Btine." 

In  addition  to  Fold,  the  "Bad  to  the  Done" 
defense  includes  Lany  Neely.  Bill  Eskridge,  aiwl 
Fred  Boston  on  the  line.  The  tinebacking  corps 
includes  Pat  izzo,  Aaron  Thooias,  Eric  Siegai  Josh 
Lettiere,  and  Sfvane  Goss. 

The  defensive  backs  made  interceptions  at 
dilkal  points  in  Harper's  victory  over  Rock  Valley. 
Hannin  Mufiammad  had  a  first  quaila>r  intercep- 
tion with  Rock  Valley  on  Harper's  24  yard  line 

Shannon  Callahan  intercepted  tfw  ball  on 
consecutive  Rock  Valley  posessions  in  the  final  six 
minutes  of  tfw  game. 

The  only  touchdown  in  the  game  came  in  the 
ttlird  quarter  as  quarterback  Robert  Montgomery 
carried  the  ball  into  the  eiKJ  zcxie  from  the  two  yard 

Numbers  Game 

Season   Averages 

Harper        Oppoiitlaa 

Quarterback  Robert  Montgomery  crosses  the  goal  line  against  Rock  Valley  Ocl28. 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademacher 
line  to  put  Harper  up  8-3. 

Montgomery  and  K.C.  Church  have  been 
sharing  tfiethe  quarterback  spot  snce  the  injury  to 
Kevin  Nawarcaj  Sept.30.  Nawarcaj  is  not  expected 
to  plav  until  the  second  round  of  the  Regional  play- 

The  Hawks  defeated  Illinois  Wesleyan's 
junior  varsity  team  27-0  in  Bloomington  Oct.  14. 

Onece  again  Harper's  defense  collected  its 
third  shutout  of  the  season  as  Larry  Neely  sacked 
the  quarteitiack  three  times. 

Punter  Jayson  Kohn  narrowly  missed  tying 
the  school  record  of  76  yards  for  a  punt  by  two 
yards  wlien  he  booted  a  74  yard  punt  Oct.  14. 

Hitt  Donna 
Rudilng  yd*. 






Tht  Mime  Is  avenging  4.M  nds  per  game. 



NJCAA   Raakiags 

R»li«d  nimiber  2  in  Taaia  Pa»iiig 

Riikcd  iiiiiiber  II  overill  u  of  10/24/I99S 

Harper^s  Football  Team  Leaders 


LMdbio  Riwhef 


Win  Ford 

Most  9>ctw 

PThe  Harbm^er 
t  he   V(»  i  (  ♦!   o  t    Ija  r  per   col  lege  C_^  ; 

a ■     1 1  j^^  .  .      ■    '  '-lii'llJUBII 

Volume  XXVni    .    Number  7    •    November  9.  1 995 

Hess  and  Gillette  win  election 

Want  to  make  Harper  better  for  the  faculty  and  students 

Julie  TItompson 

Mews  fditor 

rru>U-«»       in 


I  rifctt-ti 
ward      of 

\  ill. 

dtfnt  i»r  f'alatiiif  jr>d  nr.KluJt- 
•d  from  HjrptT  in  b'H-t 
"When  I  went  lt>  ^4:hiH>i  at 
Harper  1  made  a  commit- 
ment to  mvs*ll  to  run  for  the 
bodrd  nt  trus(e»«s  to  Mp  stu- 
dents and  faculty "  She 
believer  m  ttic  hij;h  ijlilwr 
education  that  Harptr  ha-,  to 
offer,  '  I  want  I  larfHi  t>>  sljv 
on  (he  Icadini;  eil^f,  she 
44iid         Vision    arui    balance 

t"r    tO^i-Un-i        v'vr    iLr<\»    If    be 

.iss«ssaWe  t4»  students,  this  i* 
the  students  college,"  she 

-^■•mc  ol  H«'ss  p.als  are 

■rk    So    ki\-p    Harper's 

technolo^v  lurri-rit  h\  rt?plac- 

inx     oii(n,i.iU'!,l    i  ompijters. 

:.  ■     ■■  lal 

r-'\  I'M,"  known  as 

Kichard  I  (.illelte  is  a 
il  year  risident  ot  th«-  Harper 
school  district  He  said  he 
plans  to  be  as  available  to  stu- 
dents as  possible  "I  am  an 
individual  that  anvbtxiy  can 
i:all  about  anv  issue  regard- 
ing Harp»-r.  |ust  pick  up  the 
phone.  I'm  here,'  Cillette 
■:ef  ELECTION  on  page  2 

Miss  Sais(Oii  returns  to  the  Auditorium 
ThtMtrf  ti)r  .1  limited  return  engagement. 
Page  6 


jon  O'Brien  gives  his  note  of  approval  to 
all  of  you  who  chose  not  to  \  ote  last 
Tuesday.  Page  8 

CjmpusNrus  r'j((is2-4     Ci:iinfwmar\' 

Features  p«ge  S     Classifieds 

Arts  &  Entertainment  , ,   Page?     Sp.rt> 

Pa)te  10 
Pages  11-12 

Richard  Hetzer 
S.957votes    , 

B.J.  Tavlor 
4,491  votes 

Judith  Hess 
14,608  votes 

Brian  Heise 
7,879  votes 

John  Coste 
7,803  votes 

Richard  Gillette 
8,444  votes 

infographic  by  Jon  O'Brien 

Dining  Room  set  to  open 

l.irpiT  College 


■  ■!       M.UV      jo 




jhii  lo  ill.  Shis 

-\pff.inn.i;  i" 

Kiv'ii    .Mf    I'.n  iti 

IVhor.ih      \>.ihn.: 

KosiTi,    Sarah    1).    > 


Muh.icl     Stailev,     jn 

1     C.uv 

Si,i!is\  .jn 

'-■-    -Eiui.vits   h.:i 

<■   roii-s 



.ill.:  ^     ■  • 

Noi.emb»>r  12  and  1**,  m  the 
Building  I,  Drama  Laboratory, 
R«)m  UN 

Michael  Stailey  and  Sharon  Roseri  rehearse  their 
roles  for  The  Dining  Room. 

What  the  march  meant  to  a  Harper  student 

Booker  T.  Jones 

Special  to  the  Harbinger 

Yts,  racism  is  a  prett\ 
hot  topic  but  nol  |ust 
Ijtflv'  Mavbe  tor  those 
of  vou  IV ho  don  t  ha\f  to 
encoiintiT  its  uglv  Lice  everv- 
day.  it  has  become  a  rivent 
i-ssue    Being  born  and  raised 
on  the  southwest  side  of 
Chicago  where  hope  is  mini- 
mal and  opportunities  are 

el  en  loss  I  fncountcr  racial 
issues  fMTNd.iv    As  s<H>n  as  I 
walk  into  a  rcHini  I  .im  not 
acknowledged  as  .i  man,  or  as 
being  educated,  triondlv  or 
asreptue    t  irst.  I  am  noticed 
jsbein^  Bljik,'  Atrican- 
.Vmerican,  then  it  is  deter- 
mined it  my  intent  is  negatne, 
atter  that  I  may  or  may  not  be 
acknowledgtxl  at  all 

It  1.S  this  type  of  treat- 
ment that  continues  to  evoke 

racial  tcn.sions,  li  not  racial 
tendencies    \o.  1  tan  not  and 
vmII  not  point  my  finger,  nor 
will  I  allow  a  finger  to  be 
pointed  at  me  or  my  people. 

What  we  as  a  nation,  we 
as  pecvple,  we  as  Americans 
must  do  is  go  beyond  our  coil- 
tural  cells  and  venture  4>ut 
L,eam  and  get  to  know  your 
African- American,  Arab- 
Amencan.  Asian-Amencan, 

see  MARCtI  on  page  2 

Page  2 

Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 

MARCH:  Hope  from  an  attendant 

oon^nu0<l  kom  page  t 
Europfdn- AmefK  an 
brothtTs  dnd  sisters 
Learn  and  know  whert- 
we  all  fome  from,  rVict- 
the  realit>-  of  tinlay  jnd 
work  towards  a  pi>siti\f 
universal  solution  for 

The  Million  Man 
March  was  not  and  ls 
not  aKiut  Louis 
Farrahkan    The  "maah 
was  not  about  racism 
and  division    The 
"march"  was  a  call  to 
African- AmtTK an  along 
with  men  of  j  i  olor  to 
wjke-up.  stop  pointin|i( 
thf  fin({er  and  Riving 
excuMN  to  make  African- 
American  men  >pt-ofi- 
caUy  kxik  m  the  mirror 
at  ourselves  and  not  at 
what  white  America  has 
done  or  may  be  di>inf; 
The  goal  was  to  hrinx  us 
together  on  common 
ground  111  an  eHorl  to 
reduce  single  parent 
homes,  participation  in 
gang  activities,  drug  use, 
trafficking  and  other 
abuses  in  nur  >  nmniuni- 
ties   Other 

increase  education,  pn>- 
vide  gainful  employ- 
ment and  to  encourage  a 
willmgness  to  nork 
together  (o  ohtjii!  pvM  c 
unity  and  is.ju.ilir\ 

All  fvcs  wtTf  on 
Minister  f-arrahkan,  but 
what  about  the  other 
speakers,  other  African- 
Amencan  leaders,  other 
ministers,  doctors, 
garbagenwn.  fathers, 
uncles,  bnitht-rs    What 
about  them  .ind  ihi'ir 

The  Milhon  Man 
March  tan  be  compared 
to  the  Biill.ih.S.lJters 
callmi  ;>iin 

fight  I.-  -ry.  or 

the  Tuskegee  Airman 
who  flew  cover  support 
and  mi-ssions  during 
World  War  II  in  order  to 
reach  victory  and  (x-ace 
of  th«'  millions  of  slaves 
bnmght  omt  to  this  Ijnd 
against  their  v.  til  to 
build  and  strengthen  this 
land  into  Uxoming  a 
nation    Tfiis  i>  what  Ihe 
'maa-fi"  was  and  is 
about:  ci>ming  together 
to  finish  the  works  that 
have  be»M  left  and 

undone  for  far  too  many 
years    To  build  upon 
and  iM>rk  towards  unity, 
eiiin.ition.  peace  and 
liu  f  (or  all  pet.ple  nl 

The  problems  in 
this  country  did  not 
occur  overnight,  so  no 
there  is  overnight  solu- 
tion to  this  change  we  all 
must  make 

1  do  belies (■  with 
ill  mv  heart  .ind  soul 
that  as  an  African 
•Xmerkdn  male  that  we 
tan  work  towards  and 
reach  greatness.  b\ 
working  together,  not  bv 
compromising  our  ethnic 
background,  but  blend- 
ing together  in  a  cultural 
salad  of  st>rts:  with  our 
many  different  ethnic 
backgrounds  and  walks 
we  strive  to  liecome  one 
culture,  to  become  one 
ptHiple,  to  bt>come  one 
natiim  under  God' 

Know  where  vi>u 
cuirio  from,  in  knowing 
where  we  ha\  e  tome 
tnim,  reali/e  vshere  we 
arc  so  that  together  we 
can  and  will  know 
where  we  are  going 

ELECTION:  Technology,  avail- 
ability key  issues  to  be  addressed 

contin'.""^  *'""!  oage  I 

Uette  s  plans  for  the 
upiohidi^  \e,i;.  he  said  ht>  wants  to 
look  into  the  student  registration 
process  He  said.  Nobody  should 
have  to  wail  m  line  for  himrs  to  k%- 
ister  for  classes 

Gillette  believi-s  education  is 
the  best  investment  a  person  can 
make  He  realizes  some  of  Harper  s 
computers  are  out-dated,  but  said 
that  the  board  should  look  at  each  sil 
uation  diHerenlh  Up-dating  the 
computers  should  Iv  on  an  as  ntvd 
basis.    He  said  putting  new  compui- 

ers  it  ,.ni  of  every  building 

wou,  l  etticient 

*.'n  .1  lighter  note,  both  newK 
elected  biurd  memK'rs  support  some 
type  of  friendly  g«->e  cimlrol  Thev 
are  aware  of  the  fact  that  the  gtvsi  are 
slivwlv  taking  over  the  campus 
t-.illette  s.iid  he  wt.uld  br  in  favor  ot 
some  public  expenditures.  but 
believes  most  ot  the  monev  tor  sw  jns 
(used  to  chas,  the  geese  av\av)  should 
come  from  a  pnv  ,ite  fund  Hess  said 
she  will  !(K>k  into  all  the  available 
option  to  make  a  decision  on  the  N-st 
w  av  to  remtnlv  the  situation 

-^    Health  Corner 

Mammogram      Unit 
Palatine  Village  Hall 


The  Cook  County  Departmc'nt 
of  Public  Health  s  Mobile  Adult  Health 
Clinic,  the  Wellness  on  Whtvls(WOVV) 
van.  together  with  Ctiok  County 
Hospitals  Mobile  Mammography 
Unit,  an-  sirhedufel  lo  v  isit  the  i'jlalinc 
ViUagi'  Hall,  2M  hast  Wootl.  on 
Wixinesday,  IXtember  1.1,  1445, 
Eligible  suburban  CiKik  CViuntv  resi- 
dents can  receiv e  phvsical  examinalion 
and/or  mammograms  Appointments 
can  be  made  by  calling  the  CtKik 
County  Department  of  Public  Health 
at  (7I.WH4V25.V),  8:45  a,m.-4:15  p.m. 
Monday  through  Friday 

"Residents  should  take'  advan- 
tage of  these  services  to  determine  it 
they  an-  at  risk  (tir  any  senous  health 
pnvblcms.  including  many  forms  of 
cancer"  said  Cook  Couniv  Board 
I'resideni  |ohn  Siroger  Services 
ottered  through  the  WlHV  van  include 
health  counseling,  tests  lor  anemia  and 
diabetes,  blltxl  pressure  and  chiilis-- 
teml  screening,  tuber>iilt>sis  (TH)  test 
ing,  immunisations.  urinaKsis.  self 
brvasi  exam  instruction,  pelvic  exams 
and  pap  smears  tor  women,  and 
pnKtate  and  testicular  exams  fivr  men 
AdditionalK,  mammtjgrams  will  .be 
pnniiltsl  tor  women  H)  years  of  age 
and  older  II  a  health  problem  is  found. 
the  client  will  be  referred  to  available 

servict*s  < "  >»™r-nt 

WC'.                     .reav.nlable  to  sub- 
" I..    ;-...-[d,-i,t..   vvhe 

qualify  hnanciall)  jie.  schiwl  lunch; 
Women,  Infants  and  Children(WIC)). 
Appomtments  are  necessary  and  can 
be  scheduled  by  calling  (708)445-2530, 
8.45  a.m.  -  4:15  p.m.,  Monday  through 
Friday  At  the  time  an  appointment  is 
scheduled,  financial  sawning  will  be 
done.  Persons  needing  accomodation 
for  a  disability  should  contact 
(708)445-2530  or  TDD  for  the  hearing 
and  speech  impaired  at  (708)445-2406. 

Smoke  Out  dart  throwing 

A  dart  throwing  contest  will  be 
held  on  Thursday,  November  Ih  in 
Building  A,  Student  Center  from  11:00 
am.  to  \m  p.m.  in  conjunction  with 
the  -American  CaiKer  Society's  Great 
American  Smoke-Chit.  "This  is  your 
chana-  to  poke  holes  m  that  false  idol 
of  the  savy  smoker,  Joe  Camel!  Why 
pick  on  Joe?  Since  the  inception  of  the 
Joe  Camel  advertising  campaign,  the 
number  of  teens  beginning  the  smok- 
ing habit  has  increased  from  three  per- 
cent to  33%.  Besides,  you  can  also  win 
free  hckets  to  a  smofce-fnee  rock  con- 

For  smokers  who  want  to  kick 
the  habit  there  will  be  plenty  of  smok- 
ing cessation  materiaLs,  quittmg  aids 
and  informaliim  about  stop  smoking 
programs  to  help  you  Students  and 
stall  are  welctime  lo  stop  in  Health 
Ser\ ice,  .\Mt2,  anjtime  u>  obtain  pam- 
phleLs  and   iir  coun.selinK  to  help  t)uit 




We  are  a  happily  married  couple  seeking 

to  adopt  a  baby  sister  or  brother  for  o  irr 

adopted  son  Mathew. 

Legal  details  and  fees  arranged  and  paid 

Your  child  will  have  a  wonderful  life.  All 

needs  met-  a  large  family  opportunity 

and  lots  and  lote  of  love. 

Please  consider  us. 
Susan  and  Stuart 

(708)  202-8786 

November  9,  1 995 


Page  3 

U  of  C  cracks  down  on  relationships,  students  turn  down  grant 

Colorado  Gets 
Tough  on  Student- 


BOULDER,  Colo-If  profe- 
sori  at  the  Universitv  of 
Color.ido  want  tu  Jjtc  ^tu- 
denLs  in  their  cld>st>,  ihev  II 
have  to  Ift  thfir  suptTiDr?- 
know  about  it. 

Colorado  becoRus  the 
latest  Mhixil  to  set  up  guide- 
line?, lor  ■-tudent-teacher  rela- 
tionships, hoping  to  avoid 
any  liability  in  future  sevual 
harassment  lasi-i  The  new 
policy  covers  the  potential 
student  relationships  .4  statf 
members  as  well 

"This  i.s  a  w.n  to  pro- 
tect the  student,  the  protestor 
and  the  school"  ^avs  uni'.er- 
sitv  spoke?.per>on  I'auline 
Hale  '  n-.i^  (sn  t  about  moral 
|ud>;nH-nts  it  (orbiddin^  rela- 
tionships It's  -,mipU  a  way 
to  ei\sure  that  students  are 
not  taken  advantage  ot 

Instructors  who  are 
found  in  violation  of  the 
guidelines  will  be  reviewed 
by  a  school  committee  and 
could  face  punishment 

LC  s  policv  is  similar  to 
policies  at  other  universities 
Some  Kh«x>l<t,  such  as  the 
Lniversitv  I't  Virginia,  have 
placed  .11-  iulrij»ht  ban  I'li 
reUtionships  betwtxn  profes- 
sors and  students  in  their 
ctdsses  At  the  Umversitv  of 

Iowa,  "amorous"  relation- 
ships tvetwtvn  faculty  mem- 
bers and  students  are  forbid- 
den when  the  instructor  has 
any  role  of  dirtvt  responsibil- 
ity to  the  student  outside  the 

Some  schwils,  like 
Vermont  State  College,  have 
guidelines  spi-jlmg  out  the 
administration  s  disapproval 
of  student-teacher  relation- 
ships, though  there  are  no 
provisions  that  directly  ban 

Oklahoma  Students 
Take  a  Pass  on 
Grant  from  Former 
KKK  Member 

NOKVl'W  (ikla- 

Thfres  .1  i41.tHK)  research 
grant  available  to  graduate 
students  at  the  University  of 
Oklahoma  But  despite  a 
constant  need  tor  acadt-mic 
dollars,  the  money  has  gone 
untouched  because  of  the 
donor  s  ties  to  the  Ku  Klux 

Ihi-  lAlvviri  ^  i:>eHarr 
grant,  named  atler  one  of  the 
univf-rsitv  s  lust  taciiltv 
members,  wj^  given  to  the 
school  m  IWl  and  has 
remained  in  a  bank  account 

since.  The  original  award  of 
$14,714  has  nearly  tripled, 
but  students  and  faculty 
members  say  the  stigma  of 
the  award  is  reason  enough 
to  stay  awjv 

"Mr.  tJeBarr  had  obvi- 
ous ties  to  the  Klan,  and  for 
many  students,  that  is  reason 
enough  not  to  take  the 
money"  says  Malik  ri-,-\i-nin, 
a        university        historian. 

"Students  have  suggested 
different  uses  for  the  fund, 
such  as  cultural  awareness 
programs,  but  so  far  nothing 
has  been  done  because  ot  the 
award's  guidelines  ' 

DeBarr's  family  has 
stipulated  that  the  award  be 
presented  in  his  name  and  be 
used  for  research  in  tfie  phys- 
ical .sciences. 

DeBarr,  who  joined 
OL"s  faculty  as  a  chemistry 
professor  in  IH'^2,  served  as 
V  ice  president  of  the  universi- 
ty   from    HfW    until    1423. 

DeBarr  helped  organize  OV 

schools  in  chemistry,  physics, 
pharmacy  and  petroleum 
engineenng.  He  was  fired  by 
the  Board  of  Regents  for  his 
continued  participation  in  the 
KKK.  where  he  served  as  the 
grand  dragon  of  Clklahoma. 

Chemistry  Hall,  on  the 
Norman  campus,  was  named 
after  DeBarr  until  1988,  when 
OU's  faculty  senate  voted  to 
remove  the  name. 

all    stones 

by   College    Press 

Occurances  at  WHCM,  goose  injury,  and  theft 
keep  Public  Safety  on  the  call 


Unauthorized     Posession 

of  Alcohol 

.'V  student  manager  of 
Radio  Station  VVHCM 
found  five  bottles  of  beer  in 
the  station  office  (A.W9c). 
The  beer  was  disposed  of 
by  a  Public  Safety  Officer 
An  investigation  by  fearme 
Pankanin,  Director  of 
Student  Activities,  deter- 
mined the  pi'rson  responsi- 
ble for  having  the  beer  in 
the  office  She  t<H)k  internal 
disciniplinarv  action  by 
removing  the  offending 
student  (radio  staff  asscxi- 
ate)  from  VVHCM  staff 
Jeanne  ParJianin  may  file 
student  conduct  charges. 


A  student  reported  that 
person(sJ  unknown 

removed  a  Motorola  cellu- 
lar phone  from  her  school 
bag.  She  had  left  it  unat- 
tended in  H237  while  par- 
hcipating  in  a  group  dis- 
cussion activity  during 

Injured  Goose 

A  passing  motorist 
informed  an  olticer  on 
patrol  of  an  injured  goose 
in  lot  #11.  Officer  verified 

the  mjury  but  he  and  Roads 
it  Grounds  were  unable  to 
capture  the  animal. 

Unauthorized  Person 

A  station  manager  from 
VVHCM  Radio  reported  an 
unauthorized  male  in  the 
VVHCM  office;  the  subject 
had  previously  been 
banned  from  those  offices 
because  of  student  conduct 
violations.  He  was  gone 
prior  to  arrival  of  officers. 


A  faculty  member  from 
liiHS  Division  reported  a 
balance  scale  stolen  from 
Building  D,  Room  295a. 
Value  estimated  at  S495. 




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Page  4 


The  Harbinger 


Non-trads''  not  so  uncommon 

Do  you 
think  the 
student  is 
years  old 
and  looks 
like  a 
in  Beverly 


ly  Sunni  DcNicola 

College  Press  Service 

Pulurv  thf  typical  American  col- 
k'jjf  >tudfnl  nfwly  out  of  hij^h 
schcKil,  outfitted  in  )fans,  3  T- 
shirt  and  Timb«Tland>,  and  calling  a 
cramp»?d  dorm  nx»m  "home' 

Ndi  ijtiite  The  typical  American 
colleKi-  student  these  days  mav  Uxik 
mope  like  Mom  or  Dad. 

lake  Sheila  Donhiie  (or  exam- 
ple Donhiie  left  hi^h  sihcHil  ti> 
marrv  and  quicklv  had  two  chil- 
dren. Later  divorced,  llonhue  real- 
iinl  her  employment  prospects 
were  limited  After  taking  classes  at 
a  communily  college,  she  i'\ tTitujlh 
went  on  to  earn  a  degree  trom 
Com«U  Law  Schix>l  Today  she  is  j 
senior  attorney  for  IBM  Corp 
in  New  'lork. 

This  vear.  (-nH  20"-  "t  full 
time  tolle}4e  students  who  li\e  i>n 
campus  are  between  the  ages  ot  IK 
and  21  -  a  record  low,  according  to  a  _ 
twent  "Trends  in  Adult  I  earning  ' 
report  Meanwhile.  42  '■■  .it  college  stu- 
dents are  over  age  2? 

From  I'^Tl)  lo  1»»^I .  college  enmll- 
ment  ot  students  o\  er  age  V  has  more 
than  doubled   That  trend  is  expected  to 
continue  into  the  21>t  centun,,  at., 
ing     to     the     I"  S      Department 

In  additi.m,   ^'*' ^  ot  .iduli  stu- 

dents aiv  women  Their  enrollment  has 
K-en  increasing  since  the  '7t)s.  when  the 
Women  s  Movement  challenged  the 
notion  that  "housewife"  was  the  only 
career  a  woman  needed 

"Females  an.-  doing  later  what 
some  males  were  able  to  do  earlier  m 
their  lives,  reflecting  a  true  difference  m 
their  lite  schedules."  savs  Carol  B 
AsUnian.  diR-ctor  of  the  Othce  ot  Adult 
1  earning  Services  of  The  College  Board 

"What  we're  learning  now 
they've  already  experinced  . . . 
for  them  it  explains  why 
things  happened  ...  for  us, 
we're  like  blank  slates  learn- 
ing about  things  we'll  eventu- 
ally experience." 

Came  Field 
Student  whose  mother  also  attends  college 

in  \ew  York. 

Colleges  have  encouraged  older 
students  to  continue  their  education  by 
aggressively  tailoring  and  marketing 
new  programs  for  thes».  students  Since 
■■  -  iif  older  students  work  tull-tmie, 
rdmg  to  studies  by  The  Ciiliege 
oo.ud,  a  variety  ot  evening  pnigrams 
have    been    designed    to    meet    their 

Red  is  the  hair  color  to  have 
in  todays  fashion  markets 


__  Pre^s  Wire 

CHlCAGCV-lXi  vou  have  the  natural 
coloring— and  temperament— to  pull 
off  being  'red-hot?" 

Red  rules'  as  the  »eason's  hottest 
hair  color,  with  Chicago's  own  Uannv 
Bonaduce,  who  nfcenlly  launched  hi-- 
own  nationally  syndicatevf  television 
variety  talk  show  on  VVM.AlJ- 
TV'tNBC),  loppmg  the  list  of  celebrat- 
ed ivdhead.s 

"Sara  Ferguson  mav  be  the  reign- 
ing re-headed  royalty,  but  (In- 
Partridge  Family^  Hoi- 
Windy  City  royalty  todav 
Ann  Ratner,  national  style  director  ot 
Hair  Cultery'.  the  nahon  s  largest  pn- 
vatelv-held  chain  .-t  lull-M-rvice  hair 
care  vilons 

Ked  IS  not  only  todav  ^  great  fash- 

.ilor.  It's  .ilso  the  boldest  vou  can 

n    hair    ..olor — it    t>egs    to    be 

n.>ti,.i'J         observes     Ratner      "Ked 

embt.Kcs  so  main  shades  that  most 

■■'en  ^an  we,ir  some  shade  .'i  »! 

.■.nding  on  their  natural  coloring 
and   personality   (a   recent   f.ishn.n- 
magajtine  article  st.ited  that    it  tike^ 
an  inner  fire  t. 
tain  llambov.ti 
demure    ' 
diverse  shades  vt_-\.'n 



Give  blood. 

Give  blood  this  summer  Call 
LifeSource  Blood  Service*  for 

an  oppointmem.  (706)  298-9660. 

Or  visit  a  donor  center  near  you. 

needs.  Thesw  students  typically  leave 
the  office,  do  a  drive-thru  McDinner 
and  arrive  on  campus  as  the  sun  sets. 

"The  majority  of  adult  learning  is 
work-related,"  says  Aslanian  "The 
loss  ot  (obs,  the  changing  of  |obs  and 
the  creation  of  new  ones  aa-  the  prima- 
ry tnggers  that  send  adults  back  to  col- 
lege " 

Usually  the  full-time  undergrad- 
uate crowd  is  only  aware  of  those  n>K- 
tumal  intruders  when  they  capture 
~  valuable  parking  places  But  on 
some  campuses,  returning  students 
are  not  only  going  to  class  full  time, 
but  also  trying  out  dorm  living 

At  Mount  Holyoke  College  in 

Massachusetts,    about    160    older 

women  join  the  under-21  set  each 

year  thrtmgh  the  Frances  Perkins 

Program       The    program,    which 

began    in    1980,    is    designed    for 

women     who     interrupted     their 

undergraduate  study  and  want  to 

return  tor  a  bachelor  s  degree. 

Typical  full-time  students  have 

"~  complete  access  to  all  college  ser- 

V  ices   This  year  50  women  have  even 

chosen  to  live  in  a  designated  dorm. 

"For  many  students,  coming  to 
college  immediately  after  high  schcxil  is 
not  possible,"  savs  Kate  Althoff.  direc- 
tor ot  the  Frances  Perkins  Program. 
"Fither  tor  economic  or  personal  rea- 
siins,  more  and  more  women  are  corn- 
see  NON-TRADS  on  page  1 1 

red  lulia  Roberts,  bright-red  Bette 
Midler,  anil  the  indescribable  Wesley 
Snififs  a^  \ii\tvma  in  To  Wong  Fixv" 
Ratner  rtvalls  that  red  hair  w  .)s  not 
esttvmed  until  the  advent  n! 
Iechnuoli>r  mov  u-s,  when  audienn'^ 
btvanif  enthrallc\l  by  Rita  Hav worth, 
I')eborah  Kerr,  Su/v  Parker,  Rhonda 
Hemming,  and  luciHe  Ball  later, 
films  as  well  as  television  and  sports 
gave  rise  to  Shirley  Macl.aine,  Ann- 
Margret  C  .iro!  Burnett.  Red  Skelton, 
Ked  Buttons,  and  )ohnny  'Red'  kerr  ' 
Despite  Its  popularity  and  how 
easy  it  is  to  gc'  red,  says  the  hair-care 
expert,  "redheads  are  still  reletivelv 
rare  though  invanblv  striking  l,<Hik 
how  Laura  l.eighton  stands  out  on 
Melrose  Place- -and  the  recently 
cnnvned  Shavvntel  Smith  is  the  first 
redhead  to  win  the  coveted  Miss 
.■\menca  totle,"  Ratner  als<<  suggests 
that  the  color  retl  has  made  a  tremen- 
dous impact  on  the  career  ot  super 
nnxjel  Meghan  Douglas,  who  became 
a  success  after  dveing  her  blonde 
l.sks  bright  red 

We'd  like  to 
ask  a  pint- 
sized  favor. 

You've  worked  hard.  You've  done  wel 

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Give  us  a  call  See  how  easy  and  rewarding  it 
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November  9,  1995 

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Call  Today: 


Ruby  Wyner-lo 

A.A.B.P.  certified  Astroloqw 

Arie«(Mu  21-Api:  19) 

Help  out  a  lonely  old  lady.  Send  her  the 
address  of  Matt  "Joey "  LeBlanc,  star  of 
TV's  Friends. 

TaunislApr.  20-May  20) 

While  watching  this  week's  episode  of 
Triends"  you  suddenly  get  an  urge  to 
call  Matt  LeBlanc's  press  agent  for  fan 
club  information. 

CcminifMay  21-|une  21) 
Despite   your    attraction   to   Joey    on 
Friends,  you  will  direct  your  lust  toward 
one  of  the  show's  other  two  hunks.  (That 
Joey  is  mine!) 

CanceKJune  22-July  22) 

Is  it  just  me,  or  is  that  witch  Courtney 
Cox  trying  to  move  in  on  my  Joey?  Start 
a  wri(e-m  campaign  to  have  her  booted 
from  the  show. 

Uo(July  23-Aug.  22) 
Isn't  it  cute  the  way  Matt  LeBlanc  opens 
his  umbrella  in  Fnends'  opening  credits? 
I  could  just  (at  him  up\ 

star  Matt  LeBlanc?  I'll  trade  you  for  three 
Leif  Garrett  posters  and  a  Bobby 
Sherman  lunchbox! 

LibrafSepL  23-Oct  23) 

Fax  this  message  to  IMBC:  Give  Matt 

LeBlanc  his  own  series.  PLEASE 

ScotpioiOct.  24-Nov.  21) 

Rumor  has  it  that  Friends  star  Matt 
LeBlanc  is  in  need  of  seme  serious  astral 
guidance.  Won't  you  direct  him  to  your 
favorite  astrologer? 

SagitUrius(Nov.  22-Dcc^) 

Joey!  Joey!  Joey!  1  could  kiss  you  a  million 

times!  Smooch!  Smooch! 

Capricom(I>ec  22-Jan.  19) 
The  stars  command  you  to  carve  a  heart 
on  a  nearby  tree  and  insert  this  message. 
Matt  L  +  Ruby  VV-I  =  True  Love  Always. 

Aquarius(Jan.  20-  Feb.  18) 

Let  Matt  LeBlanc  know  a  certain  Star 
Lady  longs  to  run  her  fingers  through  his 
dreamv  new  'do. 

Virgo<Aug.23-Sept  22)  Ksce»(Feb.  19-Mar.  20) 

Got  an  autographed  picture  of  Friends     Screw  the  predictions.  I  want  Joey  now! 






^NTI-6IN»Ry  LEA.5T- 


(look!  actual  coot') 

T*K.E  TD  FU  AW 



AS  A 



/^b— S" 

UWY  r«  601N6  TO 








U«  nAMt^i  COMPLEX 







Page  6 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 

Birds,Ladys  to  per- 
form this  weekend 

Laura  Garrison 

It's  Kvii  .1  bu-v  ^l■^'> 
wrrk>  m  thi;  li\.ii 
muMc  Mi'n*.'  There  is 
much  vet  h>  happen  over 
the  next  few  days  .is  well 

Cominj^  up  on 
Friday  night,  th«!  Cleaning 
l-jdys  will  pUy  at  the  Beat 
Kitchen,  akmg  witli  the 
Elvi»  Brothers  antl  Cool 
Beans.  In  addition  to  mak- 
ing numerous  appear- 
amxs  cm  Jonathan 
Brandmeier's  show,  the 
aeamng  Ladys  abo  have 
their  own  show, 
"Needledn>p ",  on  WCBR- 

Ladys  played 
an  excellent 
show  last 
Thursday  at 
Otis's.  They 
played  about  a 
two  hour  set  o* 
their  own  music,  ini:iuJ 
iqg  "She  Won't  Fiench 
KiM' and 'nVhen  The 
Cvtm  Win  The  World 
Series".  One  interesting 
thmg  about  'Cubs'  is  that 
the  lyrics  have  been 
changed  several  times  to 
acconunodale  for  the 
Ryno  revolving  door— 
they  could  even  be  differ- 
ent for  this  week. 

Cleaning  I^ys 
shirts  will  be  sold  at  the 
event,  and  there  will  also 
be  a  few  free  WCBR  pav 
motional  items  available 
Go  lor  the  Cleaning  Ladys 
(and  the  reincarnation  of 
Freddie  Mercury,  one 
mght  think  I.  st.iv  tor  the 
Hvis  Brother;,     it  should 
be  a  good  time  for  alt. 
If  by  the  time  the 
Cleanir^g  Ladys  are  done 
playmg  on  Friday  you  still 
want  moie,  check  out  the 
Jexebelles'  n>cord  relsaw 
party  at  Thurston's.  The 
band  will  play  around 
midnight— if  you're  a 
Stone*  fan  thjs  is  a  aust- 
see  event, 

Saturday  night  will 
bring  Birds  At  the  End  of 
the  Road  to  nearby  Durty 
Nellie's.  'Da  Buds  plan  on 
taking  the  stage  around 
Up  m.,  and  histoncalty 
Ihey  have  be«i  known  to 
pby  until  last  call  They 
do  most  of  then  own 
music,  with  the  exception 
of  a  few  VERY  strong  cov- 

Chicago  Music  Focus 

ers  ("Sweet  .lane", 
"Raspberry  Beret",  to 
name  .1  couple)  They  put 
on  a  -.pectai  ular  live 
show — the  guy-,  .in-  jll 
phi'nomeoal  musicians 
and  thev  j  rap- 
ptirt  with  the  auttifiKe, 
part  of  what  ha*  €'am«?d 
them  the  huge  follinvirw 
they  have 

'Da  Birds  v\f ;-..:. 
release  aiw>t)-ier  album 
soon — they  haw  hwn 
domg  a  lot  ot  w<irk  in  the 
studio  for  their  follnvv-up 
to  ChiTU'dcrhix    In  the 
ineantime,  catch  them  live 
and/or  hnd  ChDwderka- 
somepUce  that  sells  local 
music.  Tower 
(Schaumburg)  keeps  sell- 
ing out  of  It,  but  Rolling 
Stone  is  anoth- 
er good  place 
to  find  local 
music,  so  they 
may  have  it. 
For  those 
who  don't 
already  own  it, 
vou  are  miss- 
!«(;  uut  ChouHierbox  con- 
tains several  studio  track* 
as  well  as  several  live 
tracks.  Their  souttd  is  iKrt 
unlike  the  Red  Hot  Chili 
Peppers,  but  'Da  Birds  are 
much  stronger  musicians. 
(Sorry  Flea — a  good  bass 
player  does  not  a  band 

Highlights  of 
Chowdnbox  include  "Eye 
Your  Stml",  "Hothouse", 
and  a  blistering  live  ver- 
sion of  Lou  Reed's    Sweet 
lane".  Their  neM  album 
should  include  plenty 
more  new  music  and  per- 
haps one  or  two  more  old 
favorites  In  the  mean- 
lim*-,  catch  th«'m  live 
wherever  and  whenever 
possibkf — they  really 
know  how  to  bring  the 
house  down,  (fust  a  sug- 
gestion: they  have  a 
HUGE  IbUowmg,  so  show 
up  early.) 

Coming  up  on  the 
kxal  music  show 
(Mondays  bom  5-7pm  on 
WHCM)  ov«r  the  next 
couple  of  weeks 
The  Time  Beings  will  be 
in-studio  on  Monday 
November  13th  and  Birds 
at  the  End  of  the  Road 
will  be  in-studio  on 
Monday  November  20th 
Keep  your  eyes  and  ears 
op««n  for  more  details  on 
what's  happtTitnn  in  the 
local  n^  RcKk 

on,  Ch,i( ,  ,  ^^ 

Miss  Saigon  returns  to  Chicago 

Kim,  played  by  Christina  Paras,  promises 
even  if  it  means  her  life. 

jon  O'Brien 

Acting  Editor  in-Chief 

It  you  mi.s.sed  it  the  first  time,  you  don  t 
want  it  to  f;el  awav  again  Cameron 
Mackintosh  s  highly  acclaimed  national 
production  ot  AIjss  SiH-^iv:  reopened  on 
Wednesday.  November  l>t  tor  its  second 
engagement  at  the  Auditorium  Theatre  in 

Mis.s  Saigon,  a  masical  by  Alain  Boublil 
and  Claude-Michel  Schcmherg,  is  the  emo- 
tional story  of  love  and  sacritice  involving;  a 
young  Vietnamese  girl  and  an  American  sol- 
dier around  the  time  of  the  fall  of  Saigon  in 

The  show  first  opened  in  the  fall  of  1989 

her  son  Tad  of  the  life  he  wilt  lead- 
Photo  by  Joan  Marcus 

at  the  Theatre  Royal,  Drury  Lane  in  London 
Nlov\  in  its  seventh  year  ot  production,  it  has 
gone  on  to  become  the  theatre's  biggest  musi- 
cal success,  displacing  the  former  titleholder, 
.V!v  fan  hiJu. 

The  Broadway  pnxiuction,  now  in  its 
fifth  )ear,  opened  at  the  Broadway  Theatre, 
with  the  largest  advance  sale  in  Broadway 
history,  more  than  double  the  previous  title- 
holder,  The  I'tmntimi  of  the  Opera- 

Tickets  are  on  sale  now  at  all 
Ticketmaster  outlets,  at  the  Auditonum 
Theatre  box  office,  or  by  calling  the  Miss 
Saij^oii  Hotline  at  (312)  559-2900.  Ticket  prices 
range  from  $30.00  to  S65.00,  depending  on  the 
night  of  the  performance  and  the  location  of 
the  si'atmg 

November  9,  1 995 

Arts  &  Entertaininent 

Page  7 

fezebelles  to  release  record 

Laura  Garrison 
Arts  &  Entenainment  tditot 

|«eK'llt--  to  relea**  ttwr 
debut  Mnslo  siK.r  P-  — "  "-■■ 
'Vou  Cot  Mf  Iiui 
ti-ntly  pJiJ  d  » i>it  ti'  ••>■  ^'>*"-  '^'  --lu.ii.i 
I  promote  Iht-  rt-corJ  relfase  extraxj^^dn- 
I  to  bf  hfld  this  tTi.,1,i\  Nov.-mKT  10  .it 
hurstons  in  t  hyi.-ig>' 

Sin>;fr   guil.iriHt     |.>hnn\      I  ngli-»h 
^r"t^>    .ihiiut  sfvcral  ol  llu-  (miiUn  inllu- 
iich  include  Muddv    VVatiTs    Al 
-Jiuck    Ut'rr\.   and    thf    \l..tuwn 
Tht  |fwb«'lles   ihfmsfKo  brinj; 
rth   ..   ^nin.i   n,.t   unlikf  varlv    Rolling 
thfv  do  not  V  rcdit  thr 

..1 11-^  ..-.-«  -lit, Mil.-,.   ir.fUi.n,  ,•■, 

The  b.ind  niin 

"Tiin>;   livi'  jnd   j.'M.i,   -.,.!.. - 

iin.1in)(  lo  guiLiri-.!  h.Kkup  ^n\^<-T  I.  tt 
JJ.ichmH'k  (J  WHtM  .ilum>,  oiu  ..t  thr  hfn 
letit>  ot  studio  work  i>  j  l.if^>'  nuriibiT 
lot  people  gel  to  hejr  the  musii  rathor  than 
■just  the  signiJicantly  smaller  number  ot 
I  people  present  at  a  lise  [lerlormjnce 

The  band  also  hrouftht  a  film  cri'w  to 
Ithe  .studK>— they  are  currently  working;  on 
Ifilmmg  a  music  video  They  did  shool 
■  some  footage  of  the  inter\iew— VVHCM 
I  could  wind  up  being  on  MTV'  at  some 

The  Jezebelles  did  a   live  interview 
in  the  WHCM  studios 

Photo  by  Jon  O'Brien 

point  in  thr  tuturi-  Ihi-  band  i^  also  vvurk- 
mi;  on  a  d.xunu'ntarv  a>  wt'l!  as  doin^;  nIu 
In,  ,i..rL  iin  thvir  lollow-up  -.inj;!!;,  duo 
,;it  |f/fbellw'  rtvord  rflca>-r  parts 
IS  sthfdiilfd  to  kick  oti  at  Thurston\ 
Indav  with  tret-  bttT  from  'M'Opm  lo 
10iK>pm^  The  band  will  ptTtorm  at  mid- 
night, and  Ihev  plan  to  gm-  jwav  7>-l(K1 
frtf  copio  ot  'SilviT  Rings  ■  sptvial  guest 
passes  are  available  at  \  arious  record 
stores  around  Chicago 

I  Programs  &  Activities  on  campus 

The  Harper  College  Theatre  Department  presents  The  Dining  Room  on  November 
1 10,  11,  12,  17,18  and  l**    Friday  and  S.iturday  shows  are  at  8pm  and  Sunday  shows,  are 

at  3pm  All  shows  will  take  place  in  the  Theatre  (BIdg.  J),  call  the  Box  Office  tor  more 
I  irxformation. 

The  Capitol  Steps  will  bring  their  insider  s  view  of  political  satire  to  the  Harper 
I  gymnasium  (Bldg  M)  on  f  ridav  November  17th  They  have  been  featured  many  times 

on  television,  and  the  shv'w  promises  to  be  an  enjoyable  lime  for  all. 
I  Movies  (or  the  next  couple  ot  weeks  -, 

Taitk  Girl  will  be  shown  on  November  15  and  \b.  while  The  Breakfast  Club  will  be 

shown  on  November  22.  AU  showtunes  an?  1pm.  by  the  big  TV  in  the  upstairs  lounge  of 

Building  A 


We  have  a  great  'alternative''  to  the  typical  college  job. 

As  one  al  the  nation's  mmt  dviunuc  dislnlnitor'v  of  .Altcnuuvr  Music.  BMG  DiMnbulion 
(RCA  Rrcorib,  Arisu  Records,  Zoo  [mcoiinment)  n  experiencing  rrinark«i>)c  growth 
Therefore  we  are  Keklng  full-time  college  siudrnis  lu  |ain  our  nMionwide  Allenuuive 
Marketing  progrun  before  they  gtaduste 

\%  an  1  company  thai  reaches  oui  lo  get  ihc  bes  stuck-nti  irivflicJ  m  i-.s  ; 
graduate  TTmiS if« wfwle ihintung befitnd BMG Disttibuiion's ruiionwide Aiiirnjiivf 
Marketing  pnigram.  and  BMG  [-nienjinmcni  makes  surt  the  dooii  remain  open  once  msidc 

rhf  :a  '  .fir  iniemship  involves  working  wiih  Allcrnaivt  reuil,  college  radio,  press  and  txher 
inaikeiiiig  outlets  lo  promoie  and  develop  BMGS  new  anisis  thtoughoui  Chicago  Wr'tr 
seeking  djTamic.  full-tune  college  Sophomores  of  Juniors  wh«)  knav  ihc)  wan!  i  career  in  ihc 
music  industry,  and  know  ihc  houest  tiends  in  aitemalive  musK  today  You  must  also  have  a 
car  and  rcccnr  a  BA  ai  iime  of  gtaduation 

The  peman  ioures  20  hour  wotk  weeks.  S5  00  hourty  |^y  lues.  1220  monlU)'  cicpmr 
rctmbursniKnl  aid  the  opportunity  la  dcmonstwe  whai  you  oin  do  for  nniiKdiate 
coasideraiion.  send  your  lesume  to  BMG  EiUcTUinnKiil.  Debra  Uoom.  \5M)  boadway. 
Mlh  Fl..  NV.  NY  10036,  at  faa;  212-9W4861.  We  m  »n  equal  oppnumsy  empbyet 

EIsiXEHIAItslMl-N  1 

Din  and  a  movie  with 
Bond...  James  Bond 

Susan  Rademacher    ■    Dinner  with  Suz 

Why  not  sample 
each  of  the  three 
must  famous  men  to 
play  the  martini 
drinking,  ladies' 
man  who  works  for 
the  British  govern- 
ment between,  dur- 
ing, and  after  dates? 

A  restaurant  park  has 
sprung  up  cm  the 
southcMst  corncT  of  the 
intersectuin  ot  Barnngton  Rd. 
.md  HigRins  Rd  .  )ust  tiehind 
station  t>ne  of  the 
.ints  to  ivcupy  space  is 
the  l.uiif  Star  '^ti'jkhou-se  and 

When  you  step  inside 
the  tront  dcmr,  vou  are  tr.ins- 
ported  from  Illinois  to  I'l-xas 
The  first  thmj;  lo  cjtdi  my 

attention  was       . 

the  thousands 
ot  peanul 
shells  on  the 
floor  Buckets 
ot  peanuts  are 
available  to 
customers  who 
can  discard  the 
shells  right 
onto  the  tlcx>r 
The  wait 
at  7:00  pm  on  a 
Thursday  night 
was  estimated 

at  W-15  mmutes.  My  party  of 
four  was  seated  within  five 
minutes.  Quick  seating  is  fan- 
tastic when  you  have  small 
children  with  you,  which  I 
did.  Lone  Star  has  enough 
excitement  lo  keep  everyone 
entertained  for  the  evening.  At 
one  point,  the  manager  turned 
up  the  volume  on  the  constant 
flow  of  country  music.  With 
that,  the  waiters  and  waitress- 
es gathered  in  rows  through- 
out the  establishment  to  do 
some  line  dancing. 

The  service  was  very 
gcxxJ.  I  ordered  the  steak  and 
ribs  which  is  priced  at  $15. 
The  steak  was  big  enough  to 
stand  alone  as  an  entree  and 
was  served  with  nine  baby 
back  ribs  in  a  delicious  barbe- 
cue sauce 

Do>;>;ie  b.igs  irv  the 
norm  at  I  one  Star  1  could 
only  eat  m\  -.teak,  having 
filled  up  on  their  appetizers 
and  salad  beforehand  I  rec- 
ommend the  Amarillo  fries  as 
an  appetizer  L.irge,  seasoned 
steak  trie's  are  covercxi  with 
melted  cheese  and  real  bacon 
The  mountain  of  fru's  is 
enough  as  its  own  meal  1  also 
tried  Lone  Star's  Texas  Ranch 
dressmg  on  my  salad  It  is  not 
for  the  faint  of  heart.  A  cross 
betwt»en  ranch  and  Thousand 
Island  dressings,  it  also  con- 
tains chill  powder 

The  prices  are  in  the 
medium  to  high  range,  but  the 
portions  of  fixid  served  are 
huge.  The  seri  ice  is  courteous, 
prompt  and  friendly  C>n  a 
scale  of  1-1(1,  l-one  Star 
Steakhouse  and  Sakxin  is  an  S 

•  Look  out  bad  guys  of 
the  world,  James  Bond  will  be 

returmng  to  a  theater  near  you 
November  17.  Pierce  Brosnan 
debuts  as  the  fifth  actor  to 
play  Ian  Remming's  dashing 
secret  agent.  Brosnan  will  be 
following  in  l!  '    '  ps  of 

S-an  Conner-. 

La/anb\,  Roger  .Mi'orr. ,  and 
most  recently  Timothv  Dalton. 
The  newest  (X)7  flick  is 
"(ioldeneve"  and  yes,  it  has  a 
new  edition  ol  Bond  Girls. 
Whether  you  re  .1  liond 
fan,  or  a  first 
timer,  now  is  the 
time  to  stop  by 
your  lavc>rite 
video  rental 
store  and  check 
out  Bond 
movies  of  the 
past.  Why  not 
sample  each  of 
the  three  most 
famous  men  (o 
play  the  martini 
not  stirred), 
ladies'  man  who  works  for  the 
British  goverrunent  between, 
during,  and  after  dales? 

There  is  the  ultimate 
James  Bcmd  movie  that  is 
credited  as  being  the  movies 
that  really  put  Bond  on  the 
HoUywotxi  map: 
"Goldfinger '  Sean  Connery  is 
magnificent  as  the  secret  agent 
who  tries  to  prevent  the  evil 
Mr  Goldfinger  from  breaking 
into  Fori  Knox.  Not  to  be 
missed  is  Goldfinger's  diaboli- 
cal man  servant  CWd  Job. 

"Spy"  is  where  Bond 
first  meets  the  most  orthodon- 
tic of  his  adversaries.  Jaws  can 
cut  through  just  about  every 
substance  with  his  metal  teeth. 
Ringo  Starr's  wife,  Barbara 
Bach,  is  (X)7's  gal  pal  in  this 
imderwater  thriller  Keep  your 
eye  out  for  the  Lotus  sports 
car  that  agent  Q  "lends"  to 

Finally,  there  is  the  most 
recent  man  to  ooze  Bond's 
charm.  Acior  Timothy  Dalton 
debuted  as  Bond  in  "The 
Living  Daylights"  m  1987. 
Weapons  dealers  and  corrupt 
Soviet  officials  tangle  with 
Bond  as  the  scenery  spans  the 
former  Czechoslovakia, 
Austria,  Tangiers,  imd 
Afghanistan.  Opium,  dia- 
monds, and  assassinations  add 
to  the  thnll  of  this  tlick. 
If  these  titles  don't  interest 
you,  there  are  plenty  more  to 
choose  from.  James  Bond  can 
usually  l»e  found  in  the  Action 
.\d  venture  section  of  most 
video  rental  stores  Some 
stores  even  gi>  e  Bond  his  own 
si-c-ti(<n  within  the  .Adventure 
section  so  customers  don't 
have  to  seek  out  each  title. 

Page  8 


The  Harbinger 

Our  View 

Wanted:  Some 
creditability  from 
school  officials 

Might  a  suggestion  be  made  for  the 
next  election-  will  the  voters  please  actu- 
ally find  out  the  candidates  \  iews 
are  on  major  issues. 

Those  of  you  who  were  at  the  student 
forum  where  attendants  could  ask  the 
candidates  of  their  opinions  on  various 
issues  might  recall  some  of  the  answers 
given    You  might  recall  Mr.  Co>te  doz- 
ing off.  But  the  one  thing  vou  won't 
remember  is  a  stellar  pertormance  gi\  en 
by  either  of  the  two  trustees  fortunate 
enough  to  be  elected-  Judith  Hess  and 
Richard  Gillette    Contrary  to  some  opin- 
ions, accessibility  of  administrators  is 
not  a  personal  problem.  Come  to  think 
of  it,  you  won't  remember  ani/thm:^ 
about  Gillette  because  he  didn't  e\  en 
show  up.  Yet  you'll  find  a  shining 
endi>rsement  in  The  Daili/  Herald  for  both 
of  them. 

Of  course,  that's  just  life  at  Harper 
We  won  t  even  mention  any  examples  ot 
questionable  outcomes  from  student 
conduct  cases  or  the  lack  of  administra- 
tor accessibility 

It's  time  some  people  around  here 
start  to  naii/e  the  imp(>rtance  of  their 
jobs  and  how  they  affect  the  community 

This  isn't  a  game. 

The  Harbinger 

OmAim:  To  H  muTHruL.  .^icun/iri  asp  iactual 

Editorial  Board 

Acting  Editor  in  Chief Jon  O'Brien 

Business  Manager  .  Valerie  VVe\  crs 

Managing  Editor Dave  Pump 

News  Editor  Julie  Thompson 

Arts  St  Entertainment  Editor    Laura  Garrison 

Sports  Editor  Susan  Rademacher 

Layout  Editor  Paul  Hoden 

Faculty  Advisor Susanne  Havlic 

Another  vote,  another  joke 

Jon  O'Brien  •  The  Ed's  View 

As  I  am  writing  this. 
I.  .ilong  w  ith 
tfllow  crnplnvwN 
.ir»'  jnvnvu>,l\  ,nvditin^  tho 
rt'Milt!.  lit  the  Sthaumhurj; 
Township  DislrK't  Divtm,  t 
libriirv's  ri'tercnduni  i,  nu- 
ll the  loti'rfniluni  is 
.ippuHi'd,  ttif  tDvvnslup  lit 
S.hiaumburn  f;ets  j  brand 
new  librarv  in  j  muple 
yt'.irs.   It  It  diif>n'i,  it 
makt-s  liuf  with  the 
cramped  quarters  it  has 

Being  that  thi>  is  ek\- 
tiiin  lime,  I  would  like  to 
\  iHie  mv  thanks  to  (hose  ot 
v>iu  who  did  niit  \ole    Vou 
kriDW  V,  ho  \  ou  are  the 
ones  who  didn't  take  ihe 
time  to  register,  sole,  or 
e\  in  v\  atch  the  news  or 
ri-jj  .1  newspaper  long 
enough  to  find  out  what'-, 
going  on  in  vnur  Iik.iI  gov- 
ernment   The  ones  «ho 
like  to  sit  back  and  com- 
plain ab<iut  giHcrnment  vet 
not  mosi-  a  i;  ;'ln 

out    Vou  ni.ik-. 

tor  people  like  me  to  get 

things  done 

It  vou  think  I'm  trving 
to  be  •.arcastic.  serve  your- 
-elt  another  piece  of  pie  at 
dessert  tonight  because 
vou're  right.  It's  a  a-al 
sh.ime  that  ttie  titi/ensot 
the  land  when-  treedom 
was  born  are  tixi  la/y  to 
evercise  the  nghts  a  tot  of 
other<  hav  e  died  tor.   But 
given  the  stale  ot  this  coun- 
try s  wilues  todav.  I  can 
think  ot  an  avvtul  lot  of 
people  whose  views  I  don't 
tare  to  se€'  represented  in 
the  polls 

I  Used  to  get  mad  at 
people  who  chost'  nut  to 
vote    I  ranted  and  raved 
about  how  It  was  their  dutj' 
lo  take  the  time  to  resean.-h 
the  decisions  to  be  made 
and  actually  go  out  and 
punch  holeh  in  that  little 
voting  slip,    riiey  arguc\J 
that  thi'v  would  rather  not 
M'te  than  vote  without 
know  ing  w  hat  their  voting 
tor    I  think  I  in  starting  to 
stv  things  from  their  angle. 

Could  vou  imagine 
who  would  be  in  office  it 
everviine  was  rec)uired  to 
vote""  I  don't  Mew  Irent 
Resnor  or  of  Nine  Inch 

Nails  or  Luke  Perr>'  of 

Bci'erly  Hi/i.s,  9V2lt)  tame  to 
K>  worthy  candidates  to  be 
m  command  of  anything. 
Maybe  we  could  put 
Sir  Mixalot  or  Ihe  Beastie 
Boys  into  the  White  House. 
There'd  he  a  dance  party  orj 
the  White  House  front  lawn 
every  night.  Why?  Because 
ltd  be  really  cooV.  What  are 
you,  gi.x>fy  wimething?! 

Not  to  say  that  the 
current  bunch  of  meatheads 
i.s  a  notable  improvement 
With  people  like  Bob 
Packwixx),  some  would 
argue  that  any  change  is 
better  than  none. 

So,  from  me,  and 
everyone  else  who  actually 
cares  about  our  scKiety,  I 
thank  you.  I  thank  you  for 
your  apathy  I  thank  you 
for  having  the  gcKKi  sense 
to  let  people  like  me  make 
the  decisions  around  here. 

Of  course",  if  vou 
don't  like  the  divisions  I'm 
making,  you  could  always 
attempt  to  vote  during  the 
next  election  But  it's  just  a 

Now  It  wf  can  )ust 
keep  the  Clinton  backers  in 
thjiir  easy  chairs  next  year. 

•■*-'•""  ^^  ^^  -■•"".  t't».M  nitrii  v.iuiirs  next  year 


idonv  have 
time  td  run 
for  president 
with  all  these 

Kathy  Belts,  Tim  Braucr.  TW.  Fuller,  Jim  Kopeny 

General  Information 

The  Harbinger  t»  the  studmt  publication  for  the  Harper  Cellegc  campus  communily,  published  biweek- 
ly thRiu^hout  the  sctinol  year  encept  dunng  holidays  and  final  exams.  The  paper  is  distnbuted  free  to 
all  students  faculty  and  administration  The  Hurhinxrr's  stile  purpose  is  to  provide  the  Harper  com- 
munity with  infornulion  pertaining  lo  the  campus  and  its  surrounding  community. 

Letters  Policy 
Thr  Harhnjffr  welcomes  letters  lo  the  edik.r  and  replies  to  our  editorials  Letters  must  be  signed  and 
include  a  social  security  number  Signatures  will  be  witfxheld  upon  request  All  letleis  are  subject  to 

Products  and  serv  ices  advertised  in  The  Harbinger  are  not  necessarily  endorsed  by  the  editore  of  this 
paper,  nor  by  the  college  administration  or  Boand  of  t)irectors  Inquines  should  be  forwarded  directly 
to  the  advertiser,  and  all  purchases  ate  at  the  discretion  of  the  consumer 

Mailing  Address:  Phone  Numbers: 

The  Harbinger    Harper  College  business  office  (708)  925-6«0 

1 200  West  Algonqum  Road  general  office:  (7ce)  397-3000  x246I 

Palatine,  IL  6O067-70W  f»x  (708)  925.4033 

copyright  I99S.  The  Harbinger,  all  right  reserved. 

November  9,  199S 


Page  9 

The  nation's  capital  is  full  of  what? 

I  David  Pump  Managing  Editor 

Our  lutiixi's  capital  is  not  all 
that  It  is  made  out  to  bv 
Sitting  tn  on  a  reffrendum  in 
Ithe  Hous*-  ot  R»'presentatives,  mm 
lean  iee  why  this  nation  is  full  of 
[beKgjrs,  whiners  and  p«ddl<fTS. 

HouM?  Speaker,  Newt  Gtnftnch 
■was  selling  WiKonsin  Rep 
ICund«rson'»  idea  of  how  t»  allocate 
I  mote  money  to  District  oi  C  olumbu 
jelementarv  whinil  siudi-nl-.  to  >«*nii 
I  them  to  pru  ate  si.hools 

The  idea  called  tor  j  reduction 
I  in  the  amounts  that  each  student 
I  receives  in  the  form  ot  national 
I  funding    Instead  the  amount  would 
I  he  spread  out  to  a  larger  number  of 
[students  who  have  academicallv 
I  earned  a  scholarship 

An  interesting  point  that 
I  Gingrich  brought  up  in  his  peddling 
I  was  how  many  ot  the  representa- 
I  live*'  own  children  were  in  public 
I  schools  and  how  many  were  in  pri- 
I  vate  schools 

"The  President's  daughter  is  in 
I  a  prn  ate  school,  the  Vice-President's 
I  luds  are  in  private  schools    Why  i» 
tfut'  Becauiie  these  public  schools 
are  lemble,"  Gingnch  said. 

A  Urge  mafority  of  DMMKTatic 

*{>ealien  bciS^  l^*  ^l^v  should 
be  no  changes  and  the  Republicaas 
don't  know  what  is  best  for  the  chil- 
dnm  in  the  pathetic  WMhinglflli 
DC-  school*. 

The  woman  in  charge  of  the 
public  schtHils  was  whining  that  the 
public  s<.htxils  education  is  terrible 
and  the  new  proptwal  are  not  poing 
to  help  all  that  much  She  tcit  oblig 
ated  to  keep  in  touch  with  the  nego- 
tiating p,utie%  ■tskinj;  for  nmrt-.  not 
realizing  how  bad  pubhc  schools 
around  the  nation  an?  becoming 

Are  the  Democrats  afraid  of 
underprivileged  children  attending 
the  same  schixils  as  their  children'' 
Are  the  Republicans  trying  to  find 
ways  to  cut  more  money  m  the 

Only  time  will  tell  it  the  edu- 
cation system  in  the  Wstrict  of 
Columbia  will  end  up  like  the 
mdjority  o(  the  citv  s  populatitm. 

Selling  imitation  watches,  jew- 
elry on  street  comers  or  out  on  the 
streets  begging  for  monf\ 

Feeling  sorry  for  these  people 
is  a  waste  of  time  and  monej  on  the 
part  of  this  natiaiv>'  citi/ens  and  it 
kioks  bad  to  the  foreign  tourists    LX> 

Hit  by  a  train  is  a  terrible  shame 

Now  that  it's  happened  who're  we  going  to  blame? 
Paul  Fioden    -    Down  the  river 


Jrvmntd  Mf  tht 

■  ve/.' 

\\h,r  he  said  'Hev  there  lady,  you're 

cnissing  the  tr '  ■ 

She  iifumeJ  j!  Now  hem 

are  the  tat  ts 

This  bu>  IS  lis,'  iiviij;  Ui  be  vKi'tv  stwel- 


The  signals  arc  to.'  slow  to  be  salely 

iliven  - 

In  time  for  a  dm  cr  to  make  the  d«:t- 


■ '  back  up,  use  caunun.  and  aviuiJ  a 

ne  gales  gave  a  m aming  but  ga\ r  ii 
too  late 

And  «  hen  tbev  came  down  on  the 
:  It  tale 

.  M:n-wed  up  in  the  insane 

Of  this  mtersection  The  (.lult  isn  I 

It's  rtHTvime  dm  on  the  n,iad  around 
Th,".  !■  in  i-H  me  across  'fon?  1  even 

ll'c  ■■.-I!'-  ^.i  US'  List,  Ibrv  should 

slow  tk* .!  '.r  jvvl. 

Or  |ust  up  and  stop  -  that's  the  safest 

of  all* 

Theres  wd\  tm>  much  trartic  to  pav 

full  ift.-ntion 

:  ■  ■  •.  .TS  art-  anxious  -  a  mtjor  dis- 

It's  too  cold  outskif,  thev  should  make 

The  kK!  -  !i  f  s€-at  belts  and 

safety  group- leaders 
The  school  hoard  should  vole  that 
schis>l  start  at  eleven. 
( Us  iini  hard  to  be  up  and  at  'em  b)' 

M:'ir!i ) 

The  sky  is  too  cloudw  th.'  vv.iter  s  ^h> 


Th*'  smoLi-r  \oii  dnnk,  tfie player  ycwi 


N>  lall  out  tl"!  nut  the 

.     -    r  i)()  T  Ix-tore  It  s  tiH>  Lite 
Call  out  lectiniciam,  electncians  -  the 

Call  out  th.'  union,  get  nsadv  to  strike' 
Call  the  kings  horses,  and  all  the  g- 

Call  the  dome-makers,  contractors. 
and  then  - 

The  sun  is  uni  bright  here,  &ten 
shiiuld  be  a  d(^me 

I  he  road  is  tcx>  short,  thev  shoui  J  all 
lead  to  Rome 

we  want  tourists  to  perceive  that 
every  citv  m  .America  is  full  ot  beg- 
gars, whiners  and  peddlers' 

Our  nation  s  capital  is  a  xerv 
beautiful  place,  with  landmarks, 
museums,  the  theaters  and  home- 
less.   Are  thosi'  the  things  that  it  is 
known  for' 

■^ou  bet,  take  a  walk  through  a 
park  in  the  middle  of  the  afternoon, 
ccvunt  how  many  homeless  people 
are  sleeping  on  btmches,  begging 
and  whining  (or  money,  annoying 
people  as  the\  walk  bv'   hw  many 

That  is  just  like  trying  to  walk 
down  the  street,  watching  pei>ple 
bumping  into  tables  that  the  comer 
peddlers  set  up 

Its  ga-at  that  they  have  jobs 
and  are  trying  to  succeed,  butdo 
you  have  to  be  right  in  the  middle  of 
the  sidewalk.  That  reminds  me;  NO, 
I  don't  want  to  buy  a  plastic 
Cham.  Leave  me  the  hell  alone! 

All  the  more  iieason  our 
nation's  capital  is  full  of  beggars, 
whiners  and  peddlers. 

Lfetters  to  the  Editor 

Was  Halloween  in  the  last  Harbinger  issue? 

Dear  Editor 

■^our  Halloween  issue  was 
really  scar)'.  Your  article 
"Farrakhan  s  Millicm  racist,  bigot- 
ed man  march'"  was  wonderfully 
fnghterung,  even  if  one  discounts 
the  punctuation  and  spelling.  One 
can  just  imagine  the  costume 
worn  while  if  was  being  written— 
white  sheet,  burning  cross.  SiiKe 

the  march  generates  such  intelli- 
gent discussion,  raises  such  cen- 
tral concerns,  and  confronts  many 
of  us  with  personal  and  political 
confusion,  the  presence  of  tfiis 
pitxe  in  our  college  paper  reminds 
me  of  the  warnings  about  tainted 
candy  prevalent  at  this  tune  of 

Karen  Keres 

Professor  of  English 

Please  don't  eat  Harper's  geese  for  Thanksgiving 

To  Whom  it  May  Concern: 

I  am  very  disturbed  about  a 
recent  article  printed  in  the 
Harper  News,  "What  is  the 
answer  to  controlling  the  geese 

What  ever  happened  to  liv- 
ing m  Harmony  w  itii  nature  and 
all  Its  living  creatures'  'iou  put  a 
pond  on  your  property,  what  did 
you  expect  to  see??  Surely  not  an 
empty  pond! 

Why  does  it  seem  that  all 
our  answers  to  so-called  "animal " 
problems  is  to  eat  them,  kill  them, 
wear  them  or  relcK'ate  them 
"Man"  has  completely  destroyed 
much  of  nature  and  ils  creatures, 
because  we  continue  to  do  these 
thmgs.  Therefore  because  '  nian" 

continues  to  do  these  tilings,  ani- 
nmls,  birds  and  other  living  crea- 
tures have  no  chaiKe  but  to  find 
sources  of  food,  water  and  shel- 

The  aaswer  to  your  so- 
called  problem  is  very  simple,  fill 
in  your  pond  or  learn  to  under- 
stand ,  accept  and  appreciate 
natun?  and  its  species. 

I  will  continue  to  follow 
what  your  decision  will  be  on  this 
topic  and  if  it's  one  of  harsh 
judgement  or  cruelty -you  will 
have  a  fight  on  your  hands.  1 
belong  to  Chicago  -Animal  Rights 
Coalition  and  will  not  allow  those 
things  to  happen  so  close  to  my 
home  or  anywhere 

Amy  Green 

(/i.'T„'s  i'.'ii'  kx>king  K'fh  vvav's  til  it'; 
•Kite  til  priKeed 

Page  10 


The  Harbinger 


Part  lime  Warehouse  Help 
Wanted.  An  internatonal  logis- 
tics company  is  lookmg  for 
part  time  help  in  our  ware- 
house. We  are  looking  for 
someone  who  can  work 
Monday  mornmgs  and 
Saturdays  and  is  very  reliable. 
The  starting  pay  is  J9.00/hr. 
If  you  are  interested,  contact 
Mike  Collins  at  (708)350 

Wanted  Outstanding  Transfer 
Students!  Roosevelt  University 
offers  a  generous  transfer 
scholarship  program.  For 
more  info,  contact  Karuna 
Maddava  at  (708)437 

Assemblers  Excellent  income 
to  assemble  products  at 
home.  Info  1(504)646  1700 
Dept.  IL-3796. 

Sarah's  Secretarial  Service. 
Specializing  in  the  needs  of 
college  students.  Term 
papers,  resumes,  letters  of 
introduction.  Reasonable 
rates.  Pickup  and  delivery 
available.  Prompt  service. 
Please  call  Sarah  at  (708)924 

Ruby    Tuesday.    Apply    Now! 
Fun      environment      hiring 
FT/PT   Servers    PT   Host(ess) 
Day    1     insurance.    Flexible 
hours  330  1433. 

Student  help  wanted  in  book 
store.  Immediate  possitlons 
available.  Hours  varied 
depending  on  school.  Duties 
include  receiving  and  shelving 
books,  delivering  supplies 
around  campus,  and  cus 
tomer  service.  Retail  experi 
ence  helpful  but  not  required. 
$5.00/hr  Contact  Marie 
Downing,  ex.  6275. 

An  adventure  in  style! 
Abercrombie  &  Fitch  Co.  PT  & 
Mgmt  sales  positions. 
Woodfield  Mall,  Schaumburg. 
Call  Kelli  708-619-6271 

Opportunities  available  for 
any  students  interested  in 
executive  possitions  on  the 
Harper  College  Program 
Board.  New  Members  also 
wanted  for  the  Spring  semes- 


The  Martians  are  coming! 
Little  orange  ones  on  the  IR 
#2  pencils!  Have  a  perfect 
day!  Love  Bob! 


Guitar  For  Sale!   Ultra  spiffyl 
black   Charvelle   by  Jackson. 
Also    included:    Crate    amp 
tuner      and      morel      Only| 
$400.00!    Call    Chris     398 
6757,  Leave  message. 


"Spring    Break**    Mazatlan.l 
Mexico.    Best    prices.    Best 
Parties.  Organize  &  earn  free 
Spring  Break  trip  and/or  cash,  f 
Call  Ron  at  (800)288-0328. 
(Trip  not  sponsored  by  Harper  | 



Contact  Valerie  Wavers  at  (708)  925-6460  for  details. 

AD  CLOSE  FOR  NEXT  ISSUE:   November  16.  1995 

NON-TRADS:  Students  of  all  ages  are  going  to  school 

Continued  from  page  4 

-in){  t(i  loik'^t'  .liter  j  tii.itus 
lit  siirlv  Irom  (he  wi»rlil  ot 

A  low  i  raiui'h  Ptfrk-iiii. 
•tudents  (Fr-.)  aren'r  fust  the 
same  .i^f  ,i>  the  vounKiT  <itii- 
d»Tits'  mum.s  -  thfv  jtv  Mum 
Ian  and  Cirnor  field  ,iri'  both 
full-tirnf  ps\,h.'ki>;i 
ma|or«.  v.  ho  live  separately 
on  tampus 

|jn    I  ■  -.v; 

n^hl  ,Hl!  .-:  lid 

tht'ii,  liki'  iikinv  111  tin-  ml> 
did  .1  slinl  m  th>'  l'r.;Kf  C  orps 
She  marru-d  r.Mjfd  tiiree 
children  and  uvri-nt  .i  \.iri- 
fti.  of  s«' 
ultmuitflv  '.'ill' 
wurli  "hot 

advanti'  m  1,. .  ...  ,.,,,.  ,..,,,_. . 
without  a  dt'grtv 

Then  it  came  time  tor 

Came     to     fto     tii     mlkge 

V\iieri  ue  urie  tounng  the 

'.i'''ip'''-     '■■'•     .^iiide   pointed 

put  Ihe  trLinM->  IVrkins  r*--- 

ilc-nc«?  hall."  explain*  Jan 
Came  leaned  over  to  nie 
and  s.iid,  Mvim,  miu  >;hould 
appiv  We  could  K-  .i  mother- 
daughter  team  1  would  not 
bt"  here  it  she  didn't  Mipptirt 
me  \V,'  h.ii.i  .1  re.illv  special 

this  term,  Ian  and 
t  .irne  .ite  e\  en  taking  a  class 
together  However,  they  do 
not  study  together  In  lact,  (an 
admits,  thev  pride  them- 
selves on  beini;  sottvevvhat 
lonipetitue-  Ian  s,n  s  she  has 
to  speru.)  in,-i.-  :!:ii,'  -tu.Jimc, 
than  (  . 
■.he   i...-. 

(;  -'II 

ith  as  1  ,f, 
'('•oris,  and  i  m 
the  lime-' 

t  arn>'  20  lomrdes  her 

■Mom        deliniteh       studies 

harder    She  dm-s  everv  little 

•hinx  to  the  T  1  hace  had  edu- 

'    straight    vears 

But  tor  someone  coming  back 
atter  so  man\  vears  -  slu'  s  so 
ev,.ited  and  wants  li«  do 
everv  thing.  I  m  like.  OK. 
veah,  I  m  still  here 

iVi  weekends,  )an  usu- 
al 1\  (ravels  home  to  Vermont 
to  spend  time  with  her  hus- 
band, who  ha.s  fully  support- 
ed her  adventure.  "It's  a 
wonderful  opportunitv  for 
me  to  be  able  to  t.ilo-  advan- 
tage of  .1  !'ication  at 

this    IHIU  :,il         "I    did 

not  have  ttu-  opportunitv 
when  I  was  the 
ige  due  to  financial  reaso 

\ow  Ian  savs  she  . . 
surfrisod  bv  what  .1  bonus 
her  iite  evperience  is  in  the 
vl.issroom  and  how  the 
vounger  students  make  her 
feel  included 

"I  Ihink  manv  F'Ps  i  ome 
in  firling  like  there  s  some- 
thing wrong  with  us  that  we 
didn't  complete  our  e,.luca- 
tion  earlier,"  sfie  savs        But 

as  we  get  into  the  classes,  we 
find  we  really  have  a  lot  to 

We  draw  more  from 
our  personal  experiences, 
whereas  traditional  students 
come  in  .ind  are  so  incredibly 
.uticulate,  and  ,ire  probably 
much  better  prepared  tor  the 
work,  coming  out  of  high 
school   " 

t  arne  says  having  her 
Mom  in  a  developmental 
psvchologv  course  has  been 
great,  Shi'  s.ivs  Lm  brings  up 
interesting  bits  ot  familv  his- 
■ind  adds  a  new  perspc- 
:...  lo  things 

I  like  It  because  ill's) 
otter  a  lot,  she  savs  'V\hat 
we  are  leaming,  thev  have 
alreadv  experienced  in  their 
lives  tcir  them,  it  explains 
whv  things  happened,  and 
thev  \:,ir\  understand  it  so 
much  better     i  in- 

like    blank    si,;;,  ,,-i^ 

.ibout    things    we    will 



The  Harbinger  is  accept- 
ing applications  for  staff 
writers  for  the  Spring 
semester,  as  well  as  the 
rest  of  the  Fall. 

CALL  (708)  397  3000 

The  Harbinger 

With  only  a  small  time  commitment'  you  can  earn  BIG  money 
n^ile  helping  deserving  couples  become  parents. 

Become  a  semen  donor!! 

Participation  in  this  Drogram  is  strictly  confidential. 
Donors  urill  be  paid  M60  for  the  initial  semen  donation. 

Get  started!!  Call  today!! 
<708>    394-5437 

Qreat  Lakes  Cripbank 

Advanced  Ir^titute  of  FertiStij 

eventually  experience,' 

The  program  wa.s  one 
of  the  hrst  of  its  type  m  thi 
nation.  Now  similar  pro- 
grams are  under  wav  at  sev 
eral  other  colleges,  iruluding 
Smith,  Hlms,  Wells  and 

"These    students    lake 
their  studies  verv  senouslv, 
says  .Mthoft    "I'hev  feel  now 
IS  mv  chance,  now  my  time 
has  VI 'me 

While  ,'\lhott  iaughinglv 
admits  some  of  the  tradition- 
al students  mav  feel  "uh-oh. 
here  comes  another  curve 
breaker"  when  they  see  the 
non-traditiimal  students  in 
cla,ss,  "most  students  love  to 
have  them  in  their  studv 




'  CompctiTivc  \x*tunq  P^ 

November  9, 1 995 


Page  1 1 

Harper  Sports  News  Briefs 

Coach  Norm  Lovelace 


Haip«T  College  wrestling  coach 
Nonn  Lovelace  was  elected  into  the 
MJCAA's  WresUing  Kail  of  Fame  by 
the  National  Wrestling  Codches 

LoveUce  (left)  will  be  inducted 
mto  the  hall  of  fame  in  a  ceremony 
tfvit  will  he  held  Saturday,  Feb  24, 
19%.  The  cei«mony  will  take  place 
at  tt>e  NjCAA  Championships  in 
Bismarck.  North  Dakota. 


Harper  College  tennis  player  Kevin 
Howard  has  been  awarded  a  te\'vis 
scholarship  to  the  University  of 
Wisconsin  at  Madison. 

Howard  will  return  to  the  Harper 
termis  team  for  the  Spring  19%  sea- 
son and  will  traasier  to  the 
University  of  Wisconsin  in  the  Fall. 

Howard  qualified  for  the  national 
tournament  at  the  end  of  the  1995 

Athletic  sUff 

The  Harper  College  Division  of 
Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
has  named  Sue  CX-erland  to  the 
position  of  Assistant  Athletic 
Coordinator  starting  in  the  sum- 
merof  19%. 

Overland  will  be  spending  the 
spring  semester  working  with  retir- 
ing Assistant  Athletic  Coordinator 
Martha  Lyim  Bolt.  They  will  be 
working  on  special  recruiting  and 
student  athlete  tracking  projects. 

ihoots  for  the  stars 

ISophmores  John  Nikoloaros  (left)  and  Andre  Anthony  (right)  are 
|cxpccted  to  lead  the  men's  basketball  team  for  the  1995-96  season. 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademacher 

■continued  from  page  1 2 

Itributes  the  ball  to  set  people  up  VVeve 

Iconverted  hun  to  a  pomt  guard  and  he 

■  has  accepted  the  sole  very  well, "  Ciegier 

"One  of  our  stmigtKs  is  our  ability  to 
Iput  pleasure  on  the  ball  from  tht"  pt-rimt'- 
|ter,"  Ctegier  said. 

Six-  foot-two  inch  Charl*-*  Faiithild  i> 
Ittrong  on'  uis  b«-n 

■  wtirWin.'      Ili:.!      in  ■  i^irn      to 

he  was  two  or  thtee  inches  taller,"  stated 


Darryl  Baker  (6*0")  will  play  the  point 
along  with  Anthony  The  Oak  Park  fresh- 
man is  considered  a  well  disiiplined 
player  with  a  gtxxl  head  for  basketball 
Cregier  refers  to  Baker  as  a,  "gwxl  set  up 
man. " 

Also  hitting  the  court  for  Harper  will 
be  (reshman  K  C  Church  Church  is  »m11 
(oin  (he  team  following  the  end  of  the 
iix.>th.ill  stMstm. 

Harper  Sporting  Events 

Nov.  11 

Nov.  14 

Nov.  ll> 
Nov.  18 

Nov.  19 



Men's  Baiketball 

Glcii  Ellyn 



3  p.m. 

Women's  Basketball     HARPER 
Men's  Basketball         Chicago 

Men's  Basketball         Chicago 

Judson  JV  5  p.m. 

St  Xavier  JV       5:15  p.m. 


Men's  Basketball  Sugar  Grove     Waubonsee 

Women's  Basketball     Sugar  Crove     Waubonsee 


■RC  Cola  Bowl       TBA 


5  p.m. 
7  p.m. 


Nov.  22  Football  'Miliwettl  Bowl      TBA  TBA 

'Check  with  the  WIeness  and  Human  Performance  Division  office  on  which 
■event  Harper  will  participate  in. 

There  will  be  a  preseason  meeting 

for  all  Harper  College  Track  and 

Field  Athletes  Nov.  29  at  2:30  p.m. 

in  Building  M,  Room  244. 

For  information,  call  Renee  Zellner 

at  (708)925-6464 

.hi  kiit^ivv 

Kt'.id  th 

-.  iiward-w'ihnin«  sourtf 

lor  Harper  news  and  information. 

Harper  College 
Athletes  of  the  Week 

NAME:  Shannon  Callahan 
WEEK  OF:  Oct.  18-25 
SPORT:  Football 
YEAR;  First 

REASON:  2  interceptions 
in  Harper's  victory  over 
Rock  Valley  to  secure  a 
playoff  home  game. 

NAME:  Ed  Uhrik 
WEEK  OF:Oct.25-Nov.1 
SPORT:  Soccer 
YEAR:  First 
REASON:  Scored  a 
goal  during  Harper's 
appearance  in  the 
Dh/ison  II  playoffs.  Fresh 

Each  week  the  Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
Division  names  an  athlete  of  the  week.  The  Harbinger  is 
proud  to  feature  the  talented  athletes  of  Harper  College. 

Harper  Sports 

Page  12  •  William  Rainey  Harper  College  •  November  9,  1995 

It's  a  rematch  for  the  Region  IV  football  titl 

Susan  Rademacher 

Sports  Editor 

The  Ibttks  uill  bf  Mvk- 
inj;  thf  NjCAA  Region 
IV  tirk'  anil  revenge 
against  the  Cotlege  of 
DuPage  Sarurday,  Nov  11  in 
a  t:(X)  p  m  K-ime  at  DuPage 

Harper  College  defeat- 
ed JtJliet  '*-7  at  Harper  on 
Nov,  4  to  earn  a  stvond  shot 
at  the  Chapparals  following  a 
31-0  loss  .11  Harper  IX  t  2S 
That  game  was  for  (he  N-Jt" 
confea-ncf  title  The  Hawks 
arnl  Chapparals  w  ill  be  play- 
ing for  the  Region  IV  champi- 
onship and  ,1  chance  to  play 
in  the  Midwest  Bowl  on 
Thanksgivmg  Day 

The  second  place  team  in 
the  region  will  travel  to 
Cedar  Falls.  Iowa  to  play  in 
the  Royal  Crown  Cola  Bowl 
cm  Sunday,  Nov  1<»  Should 
DuPage  win.  they  would  be 
facing  the  ptissibility  of  play- 
ing for  the  NJCAA  national 

V\ith  names  like 
Northwestern  and  the 
University  of  Virginia  in  their 
minds,  the  b.ittlr  ..t\  heard 
following    I  '  ,  ti)r\ 

over  Joliel  ■    giH 

DuPage!"  The  Hawks  will  try 
to  stiip  Oul'age's  winning 
^(rr.ik  .it    :■  ; 

K-  l)ul'.ige.  Har]:>er 
will    h,\\i-    tt>   dc   siimrlhin^ 

that  It  didn't  do  in  the  teams' 
first  mtTting  this  year 

'We  lan't  turn  tlie  Kill 
uM-r  til  Dili 'age  -.■»  ■  -  ■■■>i..^ 
like  we  did  last  tiir. 
running  b.ick   Duuf,   i.,.iiii~ 

"VVe'a-  a  hard-nose  team 
not  a  flambmant  team." 
Bamej.  said  .is  he  descnheil 
the  Hawks'  style  nt  plav 
The  offense  has  managed 
only  two  touchdowns  in 
Harper's  last  three  games 
The  rest  of  the  scoring  fur 
those  games  was  provided  bv 
the  defense  with  a  safety 
against  Rock  Valley,  and  .i  22 
yard  field  goal  by  Pat  [>eV  ito 
in  the  loliet  game. 

As  has  been  the  case  this 
season,  the  defens€-  has  been 
there  for  Harper  Will  Ford 
and  Bill  Hskridge  each  had  a 
sack  in  the  game  against 
loliet.  Joliel  was  held  to  just 
76  yards  of  total  offense 

Barnes  carried  the  ball  36 
time  for  a  total  of  IW  yards 
against  the  Joliet  defense 
Mike  Brov\n  .,ilrrni-.t  had 
Harper's  second  l(*l  yards  in 
rushing.  Brown  left  the  game 
with  an  in|ury  after  carrying 
the  ball  12  hmes  tor  %  yards 
1  ull  b.u:k  F)oug  MIeiiberget 
caught  the  two  n'mpleted 
passj's    ilir.iviM    ill,     Harper 

qi.  Kobert 

\i  I.  .1  ,1  .„  1.) 

The  football  team  prepares  for  its  Nov.  1 1  rematch  against  DuPage. 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademachel 

tied  the  ball  five  limes  for  21 

"We  controlled  the  line  of 
scrimmage  and  I  was  proud 
of  our  offensive  line  in  the 
fourth  quarter,"  Harper  Head 
1  ixitball  Coach  |ohn  Fliasik 
said  Barnes  ran  hard  and 
made  stime  cuts  that  added 
yardage,  "  lihasik  added. 

When  dski'd  about  the 
upcoming  game  against 
DuPage.  I  liasik  stated. 
"Their  longest  Jrivc  tor  a 
touchdown  was  2'*  yards 
(Oct-28),    V\e    |ust    can't    be 

turning  the  ball  over" 

Following  the  No\'.  4  vic- 
tory over  loliet,  Hliasik  told 

his  team,  "You  make  ul 
proud  of  you  wfierever  yod 
are  ' 

Numbers  Game 

Tmn  Statmna" 

First  Downs 
Rustling  Yards 
Passing  Yards 
Total  Yanis 






Score  by  Quarters 

1  2  3 
Harpw  0  6  3 
Joliet       D      7      0 



Doug  Barnes  3£  carries  1 59yds  I 

Mika  Brown  12  earns:   96yds  f 

Doug  Eilenberger      Scarries   21yds 
RoMrt  Monigomeiy  6  carnas   2tyds 

[>oug  Eltenburgef      2  catches  Uyas 

Will  Ford 
Bill  EsKndge 
Josn  Lettiere 

1  tor  a  10yd  loss  | 
1  tor  a  5yd  loss 
1  lor  A  4yd,  M:i5S 

Women's  basket- 
ball season  starts 

Susan  Rademacher 

Sports  Editor 

The  H.I  -j^e  women's 

baskethaii  ttani  will  open  its 
s*'ason  at  Harper  I'uesday, 
\o\  !4  at  7  pm  .igainst  Jiidson 
C  uUege's  luiikir  varsity  te.iiTi 

Ihe  lf.iv\  k^  w  il!  showcase  some 
experience  this  wm  with  three 
siiphomori'  pi.ners  l  enter  Lhrisi.i 
Kommel(S  I  r  I,  who  came  on 
strong  St  thi'  end  of  last  season,  is 
^^X'lted  to  be  .i  curing  threat  this 

"We  told  her  that  she  needs  t.. 
score  this  year,"  Coach  Jennifer 
Jense-n  said  lensen  also  stated  that 
s«iphomore  Denise  HengelsfS'lO") 
will  be  looking  to  crash  the  boards 
as  one  of  the  Flawk.s  rebounders 

Nicole  Ron/io  is  Harjwr's  third 
returning  sophomore  at  five  feel 
eight  inches  tall.  'She  always  finds 
a  bixly  to  box  out  and  is  at  getting 
rebounds,"  Jensen  said.lh  overall 
and  5-5  m  the  N4C. 

Basketball  Previews 

Harper  freshman  Colleen  Kyrychenko  (Lake  Zurich)  gears  up 
for  the  1 995-96  basketball  season. 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademacher 

Men's  basketball  I 
team  gears  up 

Susan  Rademacher 

Sports  Editor 

The  Harper  College  men  s  bas| 
kelball  team  kicks  off  the  I 
SI6   basketball   season   on   thtj 
road  Nov  IMS 

The  Hawks  will  play  their  hisl 
home  game  Saturday,  Nov  18  againsi 
(  Vikton  The  men's  team  will  play  thu 
second  half  of  a  Harper  basketball 
diiuble  header  with  Ihe  women'; 
team  playing  at  5  p.m.  and  the  mer 
will  lip  off  at  7  p  m 

Head  Coach  Ron  Cregier  is  e\citei 
about  his  freshmen  players  along 
with  Ihe  depth  and  leadership  of  hiJ 
sophomores.  "With  every  lu-w  seas 
there  are  new  rays  of  hope,"  Cregieij 

Leading  the  squad  will  be  sopha 
mores    John    Nikolaros    (6'2')    anfl 
Andre   Anthony   (6'0").    'John   ha^ 
f>een  gtxxl  at  getting  to  the  basket  in 
the  past.  Now  he's  fiiushing,  and  his  J 
shot  is  better,"  Cregier  stated.  "  , 

"Andre's  quick  and  now  he  dis-  H 

see  BASKETBALL  on  page  1 1 

Volume  XXVIII    •    Numbers    •    November  22.  1995 

Teachers  asking  students  for  help 

OavM  Pump 

_M*fi»ft">g  Edtto' 

The  decline  in  enroll- 
ment .1  cause  for  conofm  ji 
Harper  Colkj;i>,  has  allowed 
three  courses  to  combine  to 
find  the  problem  and  offer 
•uggestions  on  how  to 
inawase  enrollrm-nl  in  nish< 
COime»  tdU)4ht  jt  Hjrper 

Tom  luhnMm,  (k'jnof 
Business  and  Svul  Sjeno"-- 
I"he  idea  came  trum 
Lisoy  the  Coorduiatur 
of  tfie  Marketing  proRram 
md  a  member  of  the  sihiKil's 
Marketing  Cumniittev  The 
committee  came  up  with  the 
idcA  of  putting  classes  togeth- 
er lo  work  on  this  as  a  pro- 

The  that-  courw-     - 
Joun\ali*m    232    t-iugi 
ProiiMor Susanne  Havlit  .mj 
Professor     Donald     Sedik, 
Journalism    23.1    taught   by 
Havlic   and   M.uketinn  217 

Journalism  Professor  Susanne  Havlic  helps  Eralda 
Montaiti,  a  Journalism  232  student  with  a  question. 

Photo  by  Jon  O'Brien 

taught  h\  Cns  Panos. 

from  the  thrtv 

com- -.       .....   ((Kus  groups, 

inferi.  ifWN        did       market 

--- '-    ■■■"i^rtN.    re\'iewed 

t'HK'l-i  market- 
ing   SffnnKiues    and    qi.. 
honed  past,  present  and  ;- 
aible  future  students  b»!twfen 
the  ages  2''^ i'^  in   hopes  lo 

find  an  answer 

■  [ust    liki-    in    the 
world.    Ha\  lie  said 

The  morning  of  Dec.  6, 
Ihev  will  report  >•'  ^ 
Edmund  Dolan.  th 
^''".  ^  " ^  of  Ai.*uit-inK 
>iig  with  all  depart- 
nu-nt.ii  Deans  and  the 
school's  Marketing 

Committee  to  report  their 
findings  and  gi\e  their  sug- 
gestioas  on  ways  to  irKrease 
the  I'nroUment 

"The  students  project 
IS  to  help  package  l-iiisiness 
and  |ounijlisrn  ^oursi-s,  use 
Ihcm  together  to  do  the  mar- 
ket resiMrch  and  to  utili/e  the 
media  within  reason  to  get  an 
end  result,"  St-dik  said. 

S«,ime  i.>t  the  proposals 
the  class  w  ill  be  pa-senting  to 
the  board  range  from 
brochures  to  television  adver- 

Braida  Montaiti  a  stu- 
dent working  on  the  project 
said.  "One  proposal  is  to 
hang  posters  v\ilh  brochures 
at  local  biisinesM-s  " 

The  theme  X.ive  Is  I  >ne 
s.  ;•'-•  '.\t'ek  '  eniourages 
.^t  lival  business 
to  g!Ci'  up  one  night  a  wtvk 
tor  themselves,  come  to 
Harper  and  chose  Irom  one  of 
manv  courses  ottered,  to  bet- 

ter their  education 

For  people  who  pick  up 
the  brochure,  the  group  pro- 
poses a  mail  in  request  for  a 
packet  that  contains  more 
information  about  Harper 
The  packet  will  contain  a  map 
and  information  about  cours- 
es, and  a  vidiHi  that  contains 
inter\  iews  with  students  .uid 
highlights  of  programs 

"We  want  to  give 
Harper  a  theme  song,  and  to 
use  the  schools  logo  more 
often,"  Montaiti  said. 

Previous  Harjier  cours- 
es ha\e  done  protects  similar 
to  this  for  local  businesses. 
but  this  is  the  tirst  time  stu- 
dents have  done  this  for  the 

"The  goal  is  to  have 
students  who  are  the  recipi- 
ents of  the  college's  advertis- 
ing and  marketing,  as  a 
project,  evaluate  and  priKess 
their  findings,"  |ohnson  said 

Harper  News 

Spider  takes  a  bite  out  of  Harper. 

Jazz/  Bhiis  singer  Spicier  Sahift  shows  off 
his  pipes  with  holiday  ta\  orites      Page  2 


I  am  the  Walrus,  coo  coo  ka-choo 

Beatlemanici  overwhelms  nation,  aj^ain. 
Page  4 

lust  Plain  Wrong 

Cartoon  bv  |im  Kopenv  leads  masses  to 
enlightenment-    Page  5 


Floden  down  the  river  just  a  ramblin'man. 
Page  9 

New  Feature  :  Faculty  Spottight 

■  ii—iiM... i.i. ■n.i.iii. ■ \ p * Jk »— — Mi 

This  weeks  victim  -  history  teacher  Micluiel 
Harkin.    Page  3 

I  ti  d  e  X 

CamfmsNrw-            Caps  2-3  Ccwnumtarv  r4gis.H-M 

Features                        Page  4  Classifieds  Vnp;  10 

Fun  Page.. .                   Tase?  Sports  I'ages  11-12 
Arts  k  Enlertainnuinl  I'ages  tv7 

Hawks  team  up  for  R.C.  Cola  Bowl 

Team  leaders:  (left  to  right)  Pat  Izzo,  Aaron  Butler.  Haroun  Muhammad, 
Kevin  Nawarcaj,  (back)  Marquis  Martin,  lead  the  team  on  the  field  In  an 
inspirational  walk  at  the  R.C.  Cola  Bowl.  The  Hawk  lost  In  a  valiant  effort  to 
the  end  27-21.  Photo  bv  Susan  Rademacher 

Student  Senate  undergoes  changes 

Julie  Thompson 

News  Editor 

irven  though  the  Harp»'r 
Col:lege  Student  Senate  >;■■!  i>lt  w 
a  slow  start  this  s,-mestei  iicvn  I-, 
appoinlisi  Prmidiml  Paul  VVver 
and  Vice-President  Caroline 
Saccomano  arc  contideni  that 
the  senate  can  mov  e  forward  in  a 
pi»itive  W.IV 

VVyer  and  Saccomano 
were  appttinled.  rather  than 
rlectiNl,    because    earlier    this 

semester  Ifie  HC.S.S'  two  top 
exreutive  officers  «"signed,  leav. 
ing  the  M-nate  in  di.-sirrav 

HC  Ss  t.Hultv  advi>«ir, 
Professor  Sharon  .Mter  said, 
"Tfien?  seems  to  bt-  .i  commit- 
ment to  Ifie  M'nate  h\  iht>s«-  who 
wen'  appointed  lo  ivitice  ' 

Si*  new  >*irs  were 
.ilso  .hos.'n,  ic.nmj;  tvvo  spots 
on  the  !  1  C  S  S  still  open 

Wyer  s,iid  he  was  thrilled 
at  heiiig  selected  president  "I 
want  lo  use  the  senate  to  work  as 

a  team  to  accomplish  certain 
goals;  like  hemg  noticed  on 
campus,"  he  said. 

The  HC.S.S  is  working 
hard  to  prioritize  their  goals 
■There  is  so  much  to  do," 
Saccomano  said  One  of  tfieir 
ob)ectives  is  to  gel  the  student 
body  mon-  invoKed  in  college 
activities  Apathy  is  contagious 
in  n-gards  lo  community  col- 
lege," Saccomano  said  In 
Harper's    last    student    senate 

see  CHANCES  on  page  2 

flbl  % 

Page  2 

Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 

T/T  Registration  to  begin  Nov.  27     if s  not  who  you  know,  ifs  who  knows  you 

Students  continuing  or  retuming 
for  cndit  cUiees  in  the  Spring  *%  senws- 
ter  will  be  able  to  register  through  the 
Touch-tone  Regutration  Syst«n  (TRS)  or 
the  Operator-  Assisted  Telephone 
Regismtion  System  (ORS). 

The  TRS  will  be  operative  Nov.  27 
-  Dec,  21  and  Ian  4  - 18.  Mon  -  Thurs  9 
a.m.  -  8  p.m.,  Fn  1  am  -  4  p  m.,  and  Sat. 
9  a.m.  - 12  noon.  The  touch-tone  number 
i«  708/925 -1515 

Before  calling  the  touch-lone  line, 
registrants  should  review  the 
InfomutKin  and  Dirwtion  sheets  m  the 
Harper    College    Spnnj;     newspaper 

schedule.  The  ORS,  708/397-1100,  will 
be  operative  Dec  4  -  7  and  11  -  14,  and 
|an  4  and  8,  10  a.m.  -  8  p  m  each  day. 
and  also  on  fan.  $.  10  am  -  4  p  m. 

All  new  students  who  are  taking 
college  credit  courses  must  tile  an 
admisswn  application  with  the  college 
and  are  requested  to  contact  thi-  Center 
for  New  Student.*  at  708/925-6208. 
There  is  a  non  rehindable  application  (ee 

For  additional  copies  of  the  sched- 
ule, please  amtact  the  Admissions  office 
at  708/925-65(5. 

Harper  offers  new  Volunteer  Cert. 

Harper  students  may  now  apply 
for  inclusion  in  the  1995-%  "Whos 
Who  Among  Students  in  American 
lunior  Colleges"  program 

SiiKe  1968,  Harper  College  has 
participated  in  the  "Who's  Who"  pro- 
gram This  program  provides  recogni- 
tion tor  outstanding  students  in  junior 
and  community  colleges  across  the 
country.  Each  student  selected  for  this 
recognition  is  listed  in  a  biographical 
volume  which  has  become  a  respected 
reference  source  for  colleges  and  busi- 
nesses, and  as  a  life  long  service,  they 
may  use  the  "Who's  Who"  office  as  a 
permanent  reference  source /file  for 
prospective  employers. 

This  recognition  means  a  great 

deal  to  the  students  selected. 

At  Harper,  the  selection  commit- 
tee IS  comprised  of  students,  faculty,  I 
and  staff.  A  three-fold  criterion  is  used  I 
for  evaluating  applicants.   1 )  Academic  I 
standing,  2.)  Partiapation  and  leader- 
ship in  curricular  and   co-curricular  j 
activities,  and  3 )  Community  service. 
In  addition,  candidates  must  have  com- 
pleted at  least  24  semester  hours  by  the  I 
time  they  are  considered. 

If  students  feel  they  may  possibly  I 
he  qualified,  they  should  apply  directly  I 
in  the  Shjdent  Activities  Office,  A336, 1 
immediately,  since  the  deadline  fori 
applying  is  early  January.  Forms  are] 
available  for  this  purpose. 

A  Volunteer  Management 
Certificate  is  now  bemg  offered 
Individuals  can  take  classes  indepen- 
dently or  combine  basic  and  advanced 
dmes  to  achieve  a  professional  certifi- 
cate from  the  Office  of  Community  and 
Program  services. 

The  year>«ld  program  provides 
opportunities  for  managers  of  volunteer 
groups  to  acquire  new  skills,  receive  cre- 
dentials, recognition  and  valuable  infor- 
mation. The  certificate  program  includes 
lix  foundation  courses  such  as  market- 
ing, volunteer  evaluahon.  motivation  of 
volunteers,  conflict  management  and  at 
I  two  enrichment  classes. 

The       Association       Volunteer 

Administrators  has  evaluated  and 
eiHlorsed  the  new  program.  Recently,  a 
representative  from  the  Illinois 
Lieutenant  Governors  Office  praised 
Harper's  efforts  tor  establishing  such  an 
important  pit>gram. 

The  scope  of  the  program  covers  a 
need  far  beyond  the  reach  of  Harper's 
boundaries  and  has  distinct  implications 
for  not-for-profit  boards  and  major  cor- 
porations needing  speafic  framing  in 
Ifie  area  of  volunteerism 

For  mote  info  please  call  the 
Office  of  Community  and  Program 
Services  at  708/925-6591. 

Spider  sings  the  blues 

Spider  Saloff,  an  award  winning 
singer  from  New  York  now  living  in 
Chicago,  will  sing  traditional  jazz  and 
holiday  standarcb  at  Harper  College, 
on  Wed  Dec  6  at  noon,  for  the  annual 
tree-trimming  party  in  the  Student 
Center  Lounge,  Building  A. 

Accompanied  by  pianist  Brad 
Williams.  Saloff  has  been  acclaimed  by 
music  critics  and  according  to  Howard 
Reich,  Chicago  Tribune  Arts  Critic, 

"establishing  herself  among  the  city's  I 
most  effective  vocalists." 

The  jazz-scat  singer  has  recently  I 
recorded  an  albulm  called  "Spider  I 
Saloff:  Seztet,"  by  Kpoaesttietics,  with| 
trumpeter  Tom  Harrell 

Her  Harper  performance  is  free  I 
and  the  public  is  welcome.  For  morel 
information,  call  the  Student  Activities| 
Office,  708/925-6242 

Student  writers  get  a  CHANGES:  Senate  sets  new  agenda 

shot  at  publication 

Holly  Rushakoff 
Harbinger  Guest  Writer 

Pokit  of  View,  Harper's  student  literature 
•nd  art  magazine,  is  currently  acceptmg 
tubmiasions  Full  and  part-time  stu- 
dents, faculty,  staff,  administration,  board 
members,  and  ottwr  people  associated 
with  Harper  college  ate  eligible  appli- 

Poetry,  short  fiction,  essays,  dra- 
mas, and  screen  plays  are  several  types  of 
cicalive  material  generally  submitted  lor 
lileraluie  Literature  submissions  must 
be  presented  m  a  clean  typed  or  pnnled 
copy  and  should  be  delivered  to  L3Z4 

Two-dimensional  art,  Ihree-dimen- 

SKmal  art,  and  photop,iphv  .m-  >.-\  cm! 
types  of  general  submissions  lor  art  The 
artwork  may  be  created  in  any  medium 
Art  submuaions  must  be  turned  in  to  the 
Visual-Art  OjpartmenI  office,  P2lV> 

All  submissions  must  be  accompa- 
nied bv  .1  Creative  Material  Release  Form, 
which  IS  available  in  L124,  P20b,  and 
L203,  the  Liberal  Arts  division  uffice.  The 
first  deadline  for  submissmns  is  Fn  .  Dec 

There  are  three  mdividual  SlOO 
cash  awards  that  are  given  to  a  selected 
submissiim  The  Point  of  View  and  tfie 
Vivian  Steward  awards  go  to  literary  sub- 
missions, whik-  the  Ray  Mills  award  goes 
to  an  artwork  submi-vsion 

continued  from  page  1 

election  only  IS  students  voted 

The  senate  plans  to  meet  with 
Dean  William  R  Howard  from  the  Office 
of  Strategit  Planning  lo  set  goals  tor  the 
rest  of  this  semester  and  next 

Despite  all  the  difficulties  the  I 
H.C.S.S  has  had  this  semester.  Alter  said  I 
the  new  executive  officers  and  senators! 
are  very  enthusiastic,  "there  is  greati 
[Xilential  with  the  senate,"  she  said 


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inn  we  U  Mind  you  a  check  tor  SSOm 


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November  22,  1995 

Harper  News 

Page  3 

ludolf  flies  into  Harper 

Children's  entertainer 

)jve   Rudolf  will   perform 

Dliday  wnjp  for  the  entire 

lamily  at  Harper  College  on 

at.  Dec.  2, 7  p.m.,  in  Building 

I  Theatre 

Recently  seen  cm  "The 
ozo  Show " .  Rudolf  has  writ- 
en   a   song,    for   the   new 
sney    Winnie    the    Pooh 
Ubum,  "Songs  from  the  100- 
Vcre   Wood  "      Rudolf   hjis 
corded      five     children's 
lilbums  and  has  written  a 
n's  book.  "Pleate  Oanl 
!  the  Dragon" 
His  holJd«y  show  will 
aif^-a-long  vcniom 

of  traditional  and  non- 
denominational  holiday 
songs  A  non-perishable 
foixl  drive  will  be  held  in 
conjunction  with  the 
Rudolph  concert.  Canned  or 
boxed  foods  may  be  brought 
to  the  show  and  deposited  in 
bins  outside  the  Building  | 

Tickets  (it  "Christmas 
with  RudoU"  are  $3  for  chil- 
dren 12  years  old  and  under, 
$5  for  general  admission  and 
$4  for  students  and  seniors 
For  tickets  and  informahon, 
call  the  Harper  College  Box 
oak*.  706/925-6100. 


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place  10  tmi\h  vottr  cjui  .uion 
l( you ri-  likr  nu>M  i>l  >mr  irmtfar 
siudrms.  >tm  w«iQi  tnsr  jny  (unr 
lini>lung  t(i«i  ilripct  Wit* 
i.»mmitt«l  10  ihr  rUuk  tahirt 
of  ihc  lihcril  iiii  jikI  sticncrs. 

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yonrvlf  t,nf» 



CwMWMiMIMIr        -^     % 

1»0    r»0$flCI    .AVtMH.    UUIItUSI      IILISOIS    ftUlJl. 


Public  Saftey  "safes"  the  day 

•  11/8  UNSECURED  SAFE- 
A  Public  safety  officer  per- 
ibnntng  a  routine  security 
check,  found  the  safe  in  ttw 
student  activities  office 
unsecured.  The  cash  box  in 
the  safe  was  brought  to  the 
public  safety  o^ce. 

•  11/9  MVA-  A  parked  vehi- 
cle rolled  from  a  parking 
space  in  lot  #9  and  struck 
another  parked  vehicle. 

•  U/n  tNIURY-  A  female 
visilor  fainted  and  fell  on  the 
floor  by  L109,  sustaining  an 
injury  to  her  head.  Rolling 
Meodowrs  Fire  Department 
paramedics   responded    to 

our  request  for  service.  The 
victim  was  transported  to 
Northwest  Community 

•  11/13  THEFT-  A 
Panasonic  camcorder  valued 
at  $735  was  reported  stolen 
by  the  audio  visual  depart- 
ment. It  was  not  known 
who  last  checked  it  out. 

•  U/13  SUSnClOUS  PER- 
SONS- Suspicious  persons 
were  reported  by  building  M 

facilities  manager.  Three 
white  males  were  on  the 
observation  deck  of  the 
swimming  pool.  As  they 
were  not  causing  a  problem, 
no  contact  was  made. 
•  n/14  THEFT-  A  female 
student  reported  person(s) 
urJcnown  stole  her  purse 
from  kxker  in  the  women's 
locker  room.  Her  purse  was 
leoovered  but  $80  in  cash, 
credit  cards  and  a  checkbook 
were  missing. 

•11/16  MVA-  Twovehkles 
were  involved  in  a  property 
damage  motor  vehide  acci- 
dent in  k>t  •2. 

Faculty  Spotlight:  Michael  Harkins 

Anyone  who  has  History  112  or  Western  civi- 
lization may  know  Mr  Michael  J  Harkins 
Always  well  dressed  in  a  suit  and  tie,  Harkins 
lectures  enthusiastically  to  his  history 

The  "cold  war"  lecture  can  be  very  bor- 
ing, but  when  Harkins  tells  of  his  own  experi- 
etKC  as  a  child,  hiding  under  a  desk  during  an 
air  raid  drill,  students  can  experience  real  life 
history  in  the  classroom. 

From  digging  up  artifacts  all  around  the 
workl  to  researching  govertunent  documents, 
Hatkins  actually  "practices  what  he  preach- 

Talking  about  his  personal  experiervres 
and  researching  the  things  that  he  speaks 
■bout,  are  two  of  the  reasons  why  we  have 
chosen  to  put  Harkins  in  our  faculty  spotlight. 

The  following  is  an  interview  done  with  Mt. 

Occupation:  Instructor  of  history 
Birth  date:  a  long  time  ago 
Birthplace:  Omaha,  Nebraska 
Marital  status:  married 
Type  of  car.  an  old  one 
Favorite  "pig  out  "  food:   peaches  in  the 

Last  good  movie  you  saw:  "Nicholas  and 

Last  good  book  you  read:  Writing  for 

Your  most  vivid  childhood  memory: 
doing  archedogical  field  work,  digging  up 
habitation  sites 

A  phrase  that  best  describes  yourself: 
A  creator  ot  new  knowledge  in  the  field  of  his- 

What  do  you  like  most  about  yourself: 
the  great  interest  1  have  in  primary  source  his- 
tory material 

What  do  you  like  least  about  yourself:  I 
don  t  allow  mvsf  If  enough  leisure  time 
Most  irrational  ace   Hanging  from  posts, 
way  in  the  air.  trying  to  take  pictures  of  sport- 
ing events  at  the  University  of  Nebraska 
Prized  possession:  my  family 
Personal  hero:  William  Jennings  Bryant 
Worst  advice  you  ever  got:    Don't  ever 
ask  for  diiecti<ws  when  traveling  in  foreign 
countnes,  it  just  doesn't  work 
I  knew  I  was  grown  up  when:    I  went 
away  to  college 

Nobody  knows  I'm:  really  interested  in 
English  history 

If  I  wasn't  a  teacher  I'd  be:  doing  histori- 
cal research 

Students  think  I'm:  Fair 
If  I've  learned  one  thing  in  life  it's: 
When  your  in  school,  whether  it's  undergrad- 
uate or  graduate,  attach  yourself  to  an 
instructor  that  is  knowledgeable  in  the  field 
you  plan  to  go  onto.  Have  contact  with  them 
other  then  just  in  class,  because  that  is  where 
the  real  learning  ccmtes  from 

Do  you  know  when  your  finals  are? 

Final  Exams 

Dec  11 

Dec  12 

Dec.  13 

Dec  14 

Dec  15 

Dec.  16 


All  Eng  101 
b   EnKia2 


Math  060, 
086, 087,103 






Class  Time 




















12:00- UJO 











Page  4 


The  Harbinger 

Sergeant  Pepper  drafts 
Fab  Three  for  2nd  tour 

Ian  SpdlliHI 

_Cpllea«  Press  Senrtct 

Tham  ttuc*  liMr  word*  - 1*  sung  by 
Jotm  Lcnnon.  Paul  McC»reiey,  (ieorge 
Hanian  and  Hingo  Surr  -  «U  thaw  ye«n 
afo,  wm  (he  axnmtone  ly-no  a(  >n  en 
that  will  nevrr  be  ivpMtrd  At  Ihr  hright 
of  thett  pofiuUhty,  the  Beatles  w«iv  moie 
than  men.  more  than  muanciana,  thry  were. 
ki  a  Mnt,  kgowlt. 

Hyimtnte?  Not  maliy.  No  group 
haa  cvw  captured  the  imaginalkin  of  the 
puNk  a»  did  the  Fab  Foui.  No  group's 
■nunc  has  been  as  olt  played  or  rr-nvade 
No  group's  work  remain  as  vital  today  as  it 
was  30  -  mmtthing  y«an  back.  Though 
Mm  Lenran's  munler  forever  iquekhid 
tmm'  fervent  hopes  for  a  Beatles  reunicav 
interest  in  the  orw-liaw  tads  from 
Uvwpooi  rtins  as  high  aa  ever 

Now.  for  the  ftrsl  time,  the  Bcalln 
aic  telling  their  own  story.  Come  Nov.  19. 
22  and  23,  ABC-TV  will  air  "The  Beatleii 
Anthology'  During  the  sn-hour  special. 
Beatks  tans  will  hear  from  the  surviving 
Beatkn.  see  previously  private  tmme 
mwia,  aid  hear  aknnalive  takes  of  daa- 

The  highlighls  of  'Antholaisy'  " 
however,  are  destined  to  be  a  group  inter- 
view with  McCartney.  Harrison  and  Starr. 
and  footage  of  the  trio  adding  music  and 
vocab  to  two  unfinished  Lennon  tunes 
piovided  by  Unnon's  widow.  Yokci  l)no 

Geoff  Wonfor.  a  Brit  who  directed 
'AMhofogy,"  can  barely  hide  both  his 
•Mhuataaoi  for  the  project  and  his  senw  of 
Itlief  that  it's  finally.  a<  U>iig  ;U»t.  iuiuht-d. 

Thenr's  some  heauhfoi  new  mater- 
ial," notes  Wontor  during  a  phone  caU 
ban  the  Umdim  editing  studio  wheie  he's 
putting  some  final  touches  on 
"Antlwlogy  "  The  ifpcdal  will  soon  be  spun 
off  Into  a  10-hour  video  and  three  double 
Clk  'The  honit  mowlai  aic  ttw  thing  I 
toved  best.  It's  them  in  a  playful  mood 
Vou  nralizr  how  much  they  needed  it  when 
you  see  the  pna»urr  thry  all  went  thi«>ugh. 
i's  tovdy  to  aeem  them  ott-guaid    * 

The  diiectot  says  that  McCartney, 
Hamson  and  Starr  put  lew  linulations  on 
ham.  that  tiivy  wanted  the  whole  saga  of 
Hie  Beatles  to  be  icvcaled.  So  there  it  talk 
of  dn^  uae,  of  the  inpaci  of  Chw  and 
Untta  McCartnay  on  tile  hand  and  its  nasty 
bi«ak-tip  25  yaacs  afo.  and  of  the  maaahw 

strain  ot  never  even  being  able  to  go  to  the 
bathroom  without  a  camera  being  trained 
cin  them 

According  to  Wondor,  the  surviving 
Beatles  drifted  in  and  out  of  tiie  pn))cct 
siftcie  it  was  initialed  m  I<W1.  "During  the 
tune  we  were  domg  it.  Paul  had  his  world 
tour.  Ringo  was  touring,  and  George 
Harrison  was  either  in  Austratu  or  Los 
Angeles.  So,'  he  notes,  "they  were  very 
hard  to  pm  down  at  times  But  one  was 
always  available  to  interview.  For  me  it 
was  four  years  and  two  months  of  my  life, 
work-wise.  For  them,  they're  talking  about 
things  that  happened  a  kmg  tune  ago. 
They  were  amazingly  cooperabvc.  I  inter- 
viewed each  of  them  eight  tunes  " 

As  much  as  he  en|oycd  interviewing 
each  of  the  men,  no  moment  earned  with  it 
more  history -in-the-making  power  than 
the  first  day  Wmfor  waa  able  to  capture 
McCartney,  Hanisan  and  Starr  transform- 
ing Lennon's  "Free  As  a  Bird"  and  "Real 
Love"  info  Beatles  songs. 

"It  waa  very  emotional,''  he  recalls. 
'If  you  hear  the  track,  it's  actually  the 
Beatks.  That's  the  iiKredible  thing  That's 
what  Ringo  said  when  he  listened  to  the 
playback.  He  said.  'My  Cjod.  it's  the 
Beatles!'  When  you've  heaid  all  the  styles 
that  have  gone  since  and  hear  a  Beatles 
track  now  ttvat  no  one's  ever  heard,  it's 
amazing. " 

Wonfor  reports  that  he  is  both  liter- 
ally and  figuratively  ready  to  let  go  of 
"Anthofogy,'  and  that  he's  doing  x>  with 
the  belief  that  audieiKes  of  all  ages  and  of 
varymg  degices  of  Beatles  awareneaa  will 
appreciati-  it 

"There  s  A  thing,  CAlU*d  'Child's 
Play  ui  England,  with  kids  aged  8  to  12. 
One  of  the  questions  askad  of  Itiem  was 
'Can  you  name  any  Beatles  track'  F\ery 
one  of  them  named  a  Beatles  track, "  attests 
Wfenfot  ~l  think  a  lot  of  people  know 
ttiem  lt'»  (it>vKHisly  handed  down  by  par- 
ents And  I  think  kid^  who  know  bands  of 
the  minuU*  will  mv  t  band  that  was  really, 
really  famiHis  They're  going  to  ice  a  band 
that  all  the  bands  they  support  could  never 
even  come  close  to  What  band  now  could 
ever  have  the  number  «ne.  two,  three,  four 
and  five  songs  in  the  country,  and  seven 
ioogs  in  the  top  20'  That  can  never  hap 
pen  again.* 

'The  Bcatle*  wcve  tfie  biggest  band 
in  the  world.* 


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November  22,  1995 

Fun  page 

Page  5 

Touch-tone  registration 
to  begin  November  27 

\1\  \\1U)\(.  />i,  lull  lx,'i' 

Students  continuing  or  tctum- 
ling  for  credit  classes  in  the  Spring  '% 
Isemester  will  be  able  to  register 
Ithrough  the  Touch-tone  Registration 
■System  (TRS)  or  the  Operator- 
lAssisted  Telephone  Registration 
|System  (ORS) 

The  TRS  will  be  operative  Nov 
|27  -  Dec,  21  and  Jan.  4  -  18,  Mon  - 
iThurs.  9  a.m.  -  8  p.m.,  Fri.  9  a.m.  -  4 
Ip.m  ,  and  Sat.  9  a.m.  -  12  noon.  The 
|touch-tone  number  is  708/925  -1515. 
Before  calling  the  touch-tone 
June,  registrants  should  review  the 
llnformataon  and  Direction  sheets  in 
Ithe  Harper  College  Spring  newspa- 

per schedule  The  ORS,  71)8/397-1100, 
will  be  operative  Dec.  4  -  7  and  11  - 14, 
and  Jan.  4  and  8, 10  am.  -  8  p.m.  each 
day,  and  also  on  Jan.  5,  10  a.m.  -  4 

All  new  students  who  are  tak- 
ing college  credit  courses  must  file  an 
admission  application  with  the  col- 
lege and  are  requested  to  contact  the 
Center  for  New  Students  at  708/925- 

There  is  a  non  refundable  appli- 
cation fee  of  $15 

For  additional  copies  of  the 
schedule,  please  contact  the 
Admissions  office  at  708/925-6505. 

r>~>u.«,  •  v<x>.<u.  li,  n>d<v 

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Dont  Judge  your  mote  too  hofsNy 
He  or  she  won1  owoys 
be  a  moutfibraalNng  simp. 

ToiuaCApr.  X-*Aaf  20)  Everyone 
Kaf  lov«s  you  Judge  Ito  Impres- 
ikxw.  Cont  get  enough  of  em. 
CJh.  yeah,  and  fm  the  Queen  of 

G«T*t(Mciy  ZKJune  20 

You  will  enjoy  gardening  much 
more  when  you  puichose  teftlllzet 
rolhet  ttwn  mohe  It  yonelf. 

Concert  June  2^  July  22) 

A  trip  to  the  Nofth  wtoods  1$  ttie 
ticket  to  relaxation,  That  (s.  until 
you  and  your  family  are  txfled  In  a 
tocomte  landslide. 

teooCJuly  23-AU9  22) 

Protest  injustice  ot  the  workplace. 
Gun  down  tt«  errand  boy  wtien  he 
messes  up  you  donuf  order. 

ViPQaCAug.  23-Sept.  22) 
Time  to  put  you  |ob  on  the  bock 
buner  so  you  can  begin  worv  on 
you  cyctops  trap. 

Forget  trying   to  find  a  mate 
througfi  normal  avenues.     Moil 
order  1$  you  only  hope. 

Sooipia(Oct24-Mov.  2D 

Don^  waste  Hme  dHlydolling  this 
week,  for  you  will  be  struck  mute 
by  a  Norse  god  on  Frkloy 

SaglttanuE(^lav.  22-Oea  20 

While  refimshlng  an  ontk^ie  chok 
you  will  fainf  from  varnish  funes. 
you  wW  awofcen  at  the  Ibronto 
Jazz  Festival 

Caprtcain(Pec  22nI9X  19) 
A  footwrdy  business  enterprise 
hjms  a  surprise  profit,  but  youH 
never  see  o  pemy  because  you 
traded  you  shares  for  herolrv 

AquonuKCJon  20fatx  V) 

As  a  water  sign,  you  must  leam 

stay  hydrated.     Eat  plenty  of 

viwter-rtch  foods  and  suck  on  tee 



The  stars  say  to  tub  wf^pped  pota- 
toes on  any  tntlamed  oreos,  par- 
ticularly those  in  the  nether 


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Michigan  Avenue  Campus.  430  &  Michigan  Ave. 
Chicago,  IL  60605  (312)  341-2000 

Page  6 

Arts  ft  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 

Queen:  Mercury's  spirit  lives  on 

Laura  Garrison 

>y«_4  fntcrtainment  Editor 

Rumor  has  it  that  befonr  Ficddk 
Mercury  sucxumtMKi  to  AIDS 
im  Niwcmber  24.  Wl,  he  had 
sf>ent  much  time  creating  iww 
musK— several  albums  worth.  H«t 
even  got  around  to  i«c«Niiin(t  much 
of  ii  befof*  he  paMfd  away.  It  is 
now  available  in  slon».  iu«t  intimi- 
for  the  hi>ltdays. 


Mndt  tn  Hrm'tn 

HoUywcxxl  Kecunls 

AiWr  ttt  Hflftvn  m 
the  newest  (and  pratiably 
last)  ivtease  fitnn  Queen 
There  appears  to  be  a 
thematic  examination  of  Mercury's 
lost  few  years  I°h»  is  evident  m  moit 
ol  the  lyrics  ol  the  aJbuni,  hut  most 
obvious  in  the  liner  notes: 
"Dedicated  to  the  immottit  sptril  of 
Freddie  Mercury". 

The  disc  opens  with  a 
poignantly  emotional  "It's  a  Beautiful 
Day" — appearing  to  be  Itie  words  of 
a  man  who  does  not  want  his  immi- 
nent death  to  interfere  with  the  short 
time  he  knows  he  has  left. 
Conhnuing  with  the  title  track. 
Mercury  seems  to  be  exploring  the 
mie  of  fale  in  causing  hts  condition- 
he  seems  to  feel  that  his  predicament 
was  somehow  meant  to  be. 

"Mother  Love"  is  pertiaps  the 

most  significant  in  its  exploration  of 
death — Mercury  seems  to  have 
accepted  that  death  is  coming  for 
him  and  he  wilt  no  longer  be  alone. 
The  mixing;  pruduclion  in  particular 
are  significant  in  this  scmg 
(Mercury's  last) — there  are  bits  and 
pieces  of  earlier  songs  interspersed 
with  the  s<iund  of  scanning  back- 
wards Ihitmgh  a  CD.  culminating  in 
llw  erica  of  a  baby. 

"A  Waller's  Tate" 
seems  almost  like  an  end- 
ing— in  the  winter  of  his 
life  a  man  remembers  ail 
of  tfie  things  he  loved  in 
life.  This  would  have  been 
a  fitting  ending,  but  in  the 
typical  Queen  style,  there 
has  to  be  a  reprise.  That 
in  the  replay  of  "It's  a 
Beautiful  Day"  The  reprise  almost 
gives  the  impression  of  a  man  accept- 
ing hts  death  and  going  to  heaven, 
recalling  llie  theme  fn>m  the  first 
song  and  expanding  on  it. 

Made  In  Heaven  is  a  must-have 
for  any  Queen  fan.  This  represents 
Mercury  at  his  best — if  he  had  been 
around  tn  see  the  release  of  this 
album  its  un)ilu-ly  that  there  would 
have  been  much  done  differently. 
The  vocals  probably  weren't  finished 
beftrrv  he  passed  away — it  would  not 
have  changed  the  (act  that  this  is  an 
unbelievable  finale  to  top  off 
Mercury's  many  musical  achieve- 

Din  and  a  movie  for  the  holidays 

Susan  Rademachcr  •  Dinner  with  Suz 

Take  time  out  from  sliopping 
this  holiday  season  and  treat 
yourself  to  dinner  and  a 
movie.  There  are  two  ways  of 
acccnnplishing  ycmr  goal,  depend- 
ing upon  your  finances  and  your 
energy  level. 

The  first  option  is  to  dine  at  a 
restaurant  and  follow  up  dinner 
with  a  movie  at  your  favorite  the- 
ater. After  pounding  tfie  walk- 
ways of  the  Woodfield  shopping 
mall,  you  can  choose  from  the 
many  eateries  in  tlie  Woodfield 
area.  Ovnces  range  from  the 
newly  opened  Hooters  to  the  jun- 
gle adventure  that  awaits  you  at 
The  Rainforest  Cafe.  Whatever 
your  taste  in  food,  and  financial 
capabilities,  there's  a  place  for 
you.  Top  the  evening  off  witti 
James  Bond's  newest  flick  or 
director  Jodi  Foster's  "Home  for 
the  Holidays." 

If  you've  got  something  cozier  in 
mind,  there  is  a  second  option 
available.  Try  getting  lake  out 
from  one  of  die  Woodfidd  area 
restaurants  and  rent  a  movie  from 
your  favorite  video  rental  store. 
Denzel  Washington  and  Gene 
Hackman  star  in  the  newly 
released  "Crimson  Tide."  It's 
right  up  your  alley  if  you  liked 
"Hunt  for  Red  October."  Last 
year's  remake  of  the  classic 
"Miracle  on  34*  Street,"  is  also 
available  for  family  viewing. 

Take  some  time  to  relax  and 
cr^y  the  Holidays  by  treating 
yourself  to  dinner  and  a  movie. 
As  a  reminder,  discount  movie 
tickets  are  available  at  the 
Building  J  Box  Office  for  anyone 
with  a  Harper  College  student 
identification  card.  Happy 
Holidays  and  happy  eating. 

all  over  campus! 





December  11-16 

Buyback  Hours-  Building  L 

Mon-Thurs  8:15-3  +  4-7:30 

Fri  8:15-3:30     Sat  9-1 

Building  J: 

Mon-Thurs  9:30-3  4-6:30 

Harper  College  Bookstore 

Building  L  Room  260 

November  22.  1995 

Alts  &  Entertainmeiit 

Page  7 

Special  presentation  of  Ladybird,  Ladybird 

Newcomer  Chrissy  Rock  stars  as  RAaggie  in  Ken 
Loach's  'Ladybird,  Ladybird". 

Photo  courtsey  of  Samuel  Cotdwin  Company. 

Special  to  the  Harbinger 

Press  Release 

The  winner  of  the  inter- 
national Critics  Award  at  the 
19«>4  Berlin  Film  Fi-stival, 
"Ladybird,  Ladybird"  will  he 
shown  Jt  7:30  Thursday,  Nov 
W  m  the  Building  I  Theatnv 

Inspired  by  rmI  events, 
"Ladybird,  Ladybird"  is  a 
love  story  set  against  the 
bleak  and  often  violent  world 
ot  modern  urban  life. 
Mafy5ie,  played  by  Liverp<x)l 
comedienne  Chrissy  Rock,  is 
a  mother  of  four  who  is 
trapped  in  an  abusive  rela- 

tionship and  has  her  children 
taken  away  from  her  because 
of  the  violence  at  home. 

lorge,  a  Paraguayan 
refugee  playeii  by  Vladimir 
Vega,  offers  Maggie  a  glim 
mer  of  hope  and  happiness, 
but  he  has  his  own  conflicts 
with  immigration  authorities 

Diretteil  by  Ken  Loach 
"ladybird.  Ladybird"  Ls  a 
British  film  lasting  102  min- 
utes and  is  unrated. 

Tickets  tor  students  are 
S2  and  tickets  tor  adults  are 
$3  For  tickets  and  informa- 
tion call  the  Harper  College 
Box  Office  at  708/925-6100. 

A  visit  to  'Dining  Room' 

Catherine  Griffith 

Guest  Writer 

Friday  evening's  per- 
fbmunce  of  'HThe  Dining 
Room"  prov'ided  wonderful 
family  entertainment.  The 
entire  play  takes  place  in  a 
dining  loom  and  features 
the  lives  of  family  members 
from  many  different  time 
periods  over  the  past  100 

Earty  scenes  showed 
life  of  the  typical  aristocrat- 
ic bmily  with  simple  prob- 
lems such  as  a  housewife's 
bofcdom  and  a  child's 
inability  to  express  himself 
to  his  parents. 

As  the  "Dining 
Room"  moves  through  time 

the  complex  problems  of 
modem  families  are 
explored.  These  scenes  deal 
with  issues  like  extramarital 
affairs,  drug  use  and  illness. 

Througfu>ut  the  play 
one  thing  remains  constant 
-  the  families  use  the  dining 
nx)m  as  the  focal  point  for 
all  ttieir  activities 

Cast  members)  David 
Gonzalez,  Deborah 

Norling,  Sharon  Rosen, 
Sara  Schwartz,  Michael 
Stailey  and  Cuy  Sullivan 
had  the  challenging  task  ol 
playing  many  diverse  char- 
acters. The  efforts  of  Diis 
cast  and  the  production 
crew  under  tlie  direction  of 
Associate  Professor  Mary  Jo 
Willis  must  be  commended! 

'Steps'  sweet  success  story 

David  Leith 

Guest  Writer 



The  "Capitol  Steps" 
performers  included  Brad 
Van  Grack,  Bill  Strauss,  Janet 
Cordon,  Ann  Johnson  and 
Jamie  Zemarel.  They  do  to 
Congress  what  Monty 
PytlKin  did  to  Parliament 

There  was  a  spin  on 
Beauty  and  the  Beast's  "Be 
our  guest"  called  "Euro 
Pest".  It  was  a  commentary 
on  How  the  French  respoiul 
to  visitors  coming  to  Euro 

In  the  second  act, 
there  was  a  biting  sitirv  of 
the  Rolling  Stones  featuring 
V.m  Grack  and  Zemaa>l  as 
the  aging  rtKkers   On  the 


Because  it's  an  excellent  place  to 
complete  my  bachelors  degree. 

North     Park 

ConjMlonlly  ronkad  by  U  S  Nbw5  iS  Wottd  Report  among  "ihe 
MKkuvtfi  top  liberal  oris  coleges.'  Norlh  Pork  serv«  ifw  spe- 
cial nwdi  and  mtoresn  of  Iramfer  sludenh  mpaooly  wel.  Al 

Nortfi  Pork  Colhgc,  you'i  find  a  weoMi  of  acodBniic  optiora. 

•  EcMy  Cfvdif  transfer  assessment  of  credili  from  commu- 
nity    colages  and  hut  ytat  institultorti 

•  Thirty- six  mojon  in  such  onsos  o*  libofoi  ortj,  sci««Ke 
buvness.  education,  ond  nursing  Preprofeuional 
programs  in  dentistry;  low  medKine  p^mocy,  and 
vitarinary  medicine  Grodoott  program*  m  busi- 
ness, nursing,  education,  and  reiigian. 

•  Generoos  finoncio/  oicf 

•  Cbsses  commuentiy  ictiediiiad  in  ihe  avwiing 
ond  during  the  day 

•  Superior  personal  oMinlion  (hot  comes  bom  smol 
ckmas  and  faculty  that  core  about  you  as  on  indi- 
vidual (NPC  snreHi  about  1 700  slodenHl 

Id  gel  o  quick  ossessment  of  your  cfedtl*  ond 
chol  wiffi  an  admission/financial  aid  counselor, 
coll  Slt-««4-SB00orS00-«aS-«7SS. 

NORTH  Park 


A<h>>Hwi&F>nnoalAidO<<«*3775WH>FiiMrAi>*ni»*aMiaB,lln>n«0625  489S  email  cAioOnpcK edi. 

rum-verbal  side,  there  was  a 
great  parody  of  "Hamlet"  re- 
named "Shamlet"  featuring 
Hillary  Clinton  and  a  cow 
The  crowd  erupted  with 
laughter^the  show  was  a 
not!  Even  though  there  was 
an  old  joke  used  about  the 
Biibbit  family,  it  shil  seemed 

Around  9:30  tfie 
show  ended  and  the  crowd 
slowly  filtered  out.  One 
audieiKe  member  said  that 
this  was  one  of  the  funniest 
shows  that  they  had  ever 

Cofntol  Sfrps  arf  coming  back 
on  March  M),  !•»%  to  Center 
East  m  Sla)kte. 

Upcoming  Events 

•  Nov.  23  26 
Happy  Turkey  Day 
Thanksgiving  Break 

•  Nov.  27 
Classes  Resume 

•  Nov.  29.30 
Free  movie:  "Fame" 
(1p.m.  3rd  floor  lounge, 
Bldg  A) 

•  Nov.  30 

(7:30p.m.,  J143) 

•  Dec.  1 
Worid  AIDS  Day 

•  Dec.   2 

Christmas  with  Dave 
Rudolf  (7-JO  p.m.J143) 

•  Dec.   3 

Harper  Community 
Festival  Chorus  (3p.m., 

•  Dec.  6 

Holiday  Gathering  II 
Tree  Trimming  Party 
(noon,  Bldg  A  Lounge) 
Free  lecture  "Stress 
Techniques"  (noon, 
LI  33) 

Harper  Jazz  Band  (7p.m., 

•  Dec.  6.7 

Free  movie  (Title  not 

available  at  press  time) 

(1p.m.,  3rd  floor  lounge, 


for  more  information,  ccm- 

tact  Program  Board  at  ext. 



t^irK  C . 

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liltDiood  J 



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EPIIMlliOH  rMm  MfBfffCS* 

Page  8 


The  Harbinger 

Our  View 

Lookin'  way 

Upon  us  once  again  is  the  cold,  brisk 
chills  of  winter,  which  bring  with  them  the 
omen  of  colds,  flus,  and  even  pneumonia. 
Its  simply  amazing  to  see  how  many  peo- 
ple think  they're  invincible,  walking 
around  ouldiwrs  with  their  coats  open,  no 
hats  or  scarves  -  and  all  in  the  name  of 
"cool".  Gotta  be  "cool".  Not  caring 
whether  they  get  a  cold  or  not  because 
they  know  if  they  do  get  sick,  they'll  just 
see  a  doctor  and  go  on  with  life  as  usual, 
which  most  likely  involves  spreading  it  to 
others  in  the  process. 

How  arrogant!  If  these  select  idiots 
choose  to  gamble  their  health  to  germs 
which,  unhl  this  century,  could  wipe  out 
classrooms  full  of  kids  in  just  one  cozy 
afternoon  then  should  at  least  show  a  little 
more  common  sense  and  responsibility 
then,  say,  Congress. 

When  petiple  go  to  school  or  work 
coughing,  hacking  and  sneezing  (and  wip- 
ing their  nose  on  the  back  oi  their  hand 
when  no  one's  looking),  it's  nn  mjusHce  to 
those  of  us  who  give  a  damn  about  our 
health  and  are  taking  measures  to  a\  oid 
getting  sick. 

Why  dress  warm?  Why  pay  for  car 
heater  repairs?  Why  even  shower  in  the 
morning?  It  seems  like  no  matter  where 
you  go  these  days,  there's  always  someone 
two  tacos  short  of  a  combination  plate 
who'll  sit  right  by  ya  carrying  upon  their 
breath  the  means  by  which  to  make  you 
miserable  for  at  least  a  week  or  two. 

It's  hard  enough  to  avoid  catching 
something,  especially  if  you  have  children 
who  cough  and  sneeze  all  day  without  any 
courtesy  for  others  around  them. 

So  please,  if  you  don't  feel  good,  stay 
home,  and  don't  be  the  obnoxious  moron 
who,  just  this  once,  has  to  bring  enough 
for  the  whole  class. 

Who  taught  you  how  to  drive,  anyway?? 

Jon  O'Brien  •  Tt»e  Ed's  View 

It  s«?ems  that  in  response  to 
James  Band's  new  movif 
■  Golden  Eve,"  an  awful 
lot  of  pei>ple  feel  thai  their 
license  to  drive  is  a  tu 
kill  While  Agent  007  is  not  a 
real  person,  you  would  think 
he's  working  at  a  liKal  dri- 
ving school  if  you've  been  on 
the  Illinois  53  Autobahn  late- 

I've  got  nothing  against 
one  wanting  to  partake  ui 
some  spirited  driving.  I've 
got  the  pi>lice  record  to  prove 
my  love  of  speed  What  both- 
ers me  IS  the  number  of  peo- 
ple who  simply  don't  know 
how  to  drive  sensibly  I'm 
young  enough  to  remember 
what  a  blow  -ott  m\  driver's 
education  class  in  high  sch«)l 
was  It  appears  that  most  of 
us  have  either  hritied  the 
Department  of  Transportation 
road  test  offioals  or  have  for- 
gotten what  we  were  taught 
C>ne  r«?eds  only  to  look 
out  a  classrtxim  window  to 
se«'  what  1  mean  Harper's 

Public  Safety  Office's  Daily 
Incident  Report  is  clogged 
with  accidents  that  occur  in 
Harper's  parking  lots.  On 
numerous  vxrcasions  the 
Public  Safety  officers  have 
assisted  the  Palatine  Police 
with  accidents  near  the  cam- 

Ask  the  student  who 
pulled  another  out  of  his  car 
because  he  misjudged  a  turn 
Or  any  of  the  people  who  feel 
it's  their  god-given  nght  to 
hog  a  30-minute  parking 
place  all  day  (will  the  owner 
of  the  silver  late-model  Ford 
Probe  who  stayed  there  for 
over  nine  hours  strait  please 
move  their  vehicle?). 

Let's  think  about  the 
awesome  responsibility  that 
we  casually  lefer  to  as  dri- 
ving. Whether  you  drive  a 
brown  Ford  Pinto  with  an 
orange  d(H)r  that  is  worth 
more  m  parts  than  as  a  whole 
or  a  $150,000+  Mercedes  Benz 
S600  coupe,  you  are  m  charge 
of  moving  a  couple  thousand 
pounds  of  steel  and  glass  at 
high  speeds.  While  many  of 
us  pnde  ourselves  on  getting 
a  five  foot  vehicle  through  a 
four  foot  space  with  a  couple 
inches  to  clear  on  Inith  sides, 

a  necessary  skill  if  you  ever 
venture  into  Chicago,  we 
seem  to  forget  that  these  are 
public  streets  that  we  need  to 
share  with  others — not  the 
Indianapolis  Motor 

A  large  number  erf 
senior  citizens  can  be  blamed 
for  poor  driving.  You  know 
the  ones,  the  land  yacht  of  an 
automobile  merrily  rolling  at 
40  miles  per  hour  down  the 
toUway  or  the  car  that  swings 
out  into  traffic  without  any 
regard  to  the  other  cars.  Ask 
The  Harbinger's  Business 
Manager,  who's  Firebird  was 
the  victim  of  an  elderly  bdy 
who  failed  to  get  her  late- 
model  Lincoln  Continental 
into  the  proper  lane  of  traffic 
while  turning,  and  caused 
over  $400  in  damage.  What 
bothers  me  is  that  the  old 
lady  was  so  clueless  she  did- 
n't even  know  she  did  any- 

The  next  time  you  plan 
on  cutting  somebody  off 
because  you're  running  late, 
think  twice  and  act  properly. 
If  you  don't  know  how  to 
drive,  get  off  the  road  and 
quit  risking  the  safety  of  care- 
ful drivers  like  me. 




Om  aim:  To  §t  rtuTMruL.  ACcuiuri  and  mctuiM. 

Editorial  Board 

Acting  Editor  in  Chief Jon  O'Brien 

Business  Manager 
Managing  Editor 

News  Editor 

Arts  k  Entertatnnient  I  Jit. 
Sports   Fdttor 
l.avuut  Fditor 
Faculty  Advisor 

Valerie  Wevers 

Dave  Pump 

lulie  Thompson 

Laura  Garrison 

susjn    Rademacher 

Paul  Flodin 

Susannc  Havlk 


Kathy  Betls,  Tim  Brauer,  T.W  Fuller,  Jim  Itopeny. 

Central  Information 

TV  HtrUnger  i*  the  student  publication  far  the  Harper  College  campus  community,  published  biweek- 
ly throughout  ifw  school  year  except  during  holidays  and  final  exams.  The  paper  is  distributed  free  to 
all  students,  faculty  and  administration  The  Harbmgn's  sole  purpose  is  to  provide  the  Harper  com- 
munity with  mlurmahon  pertaining  to  the  campus  and  its  surrounding  community. 

Letters  Policy 
The  Harbingtr  welcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  replies  to  our  editorials.  Letters  must  be  signed  and 
include  a  social  seointy  number  Signanires  will  be  withheld  upon  request.  All  letters  are  subject  to 

Pnxlucts  and  si'rMces  advertised  in  Tlv  Harbtnger  are  not  necessarily  endorsed  bv  the  editors  of  this 
paper,  nor  by  the  college  administration  or  Board  of  Directors  Inquines  should  be  forwarded  directly 
(D  the  advertiser,  and  all  purchases  are  at  the  distn-tion  of  the  consumer 

Mailing  Address:  Phone  Numbers: 

The  Hait-mger    Harper  College  business  otiice  (7i»l  "iZS-MeO 

1100  West  Algonquin  Road  general  office  (708)  W-.WOO  x2461 

I'alatm,-.  II,  h(KV-7--WS  fax.  (7D8)  92S-6(B3 

copyright  1 995,  The  Harbinger,  all  right  reserved. ^^ 


November  22.  1995 


Page  9 

Rock  'n'  Roll 
never  forgets 

•  Cutst  coJumni&t 

garni.  wHalwM  k»  iwr 

BibyiHi,  yiMlian  X-ar»  wiilr  off  The 
Bote  «  dd  fD«iii^  IhtJF  riiMiid  tike  • 
knk  back  Md  nrite  tt»  inpiMttnot  ollht 

M>  folic 

No  numben  or  duitt  need  lo 
omUm  why  Ihc  Uds  trom  Uvapoal  ue  ttie 
lifc£MlH|;  MXk  oMMc  WM  dying,  it  had 
M>  iMRMk  no  wiginaiit)^  xd  no  artist  who 
w«  to  oanOol  of  Mt/her  own  work.  At 
beM.  |Ml  biioM  nw  BMdH  one  lo 
AMtriet  tha*  wM  The  Fbot  SeMona,  a- 
,«y.Buch««aM«iMied  Elvia  or  maybca 
a(ic«iwaiila  put  lo«ether  and  packased 


E««f]*«ii«  clMi«ed  on  B>  carty 
Fateuafyannkvin'M.  Tlie  Bcadn  «»«• 
t»  tat  poup  to  write  itwir  own  matniai 
Md  Ih¥«  Input  on  Ihc  production  of  Iheii 
afeia»  lli^  uatd  anydiing  at  their  diar 
poaal  ndtcMea  Indudcd  (check  out  their 
vMten  of  "Mmli  Of  tovc' far  that  one)  to 

Ike  Bcalki  owde  the  fliit  teal  con- 
__.  JfcoM  whM  Aey  laconfad  Sgt. 
Pepper*  Lonely  H««lf  Oub  Band,  ■niey 
made  U  acceptable  to  put  lyrics  wirttin  an 
akm'a  package  At  one  point  they  even 
heU  Ote  lop.Svc  ipola  on  the  hot  too  sin- 
gles diait*  aimullaneoualy. 

b  ttMt  enough?  Conaldcf  tiw  ovoaU 
impcBtaMe  of  their  music.  A  lialen  to  (heir 
album*  ie*eda  a  defining  maturity  that 
continued  through  their  sevcn-ytfar  record- 
ii^  history.  Can  anyone  not  »y  that 
■ntotleiday- is  much  more  dewdoped  than 
-Ptaise  PlBMe  Me-,  or  "You  Never  Give 
Me  Your  Money*  mow  than  "Yesterday"? 

That's  dw  significance  that  is  what 
makes  The  Beatles  m  viiMe  today  as  they 
wcM  31  yens  ago.  Aa  they  gnw  older,  their 
tans  giew  okieT  They  diiecdy  influenced 
the  times  anxind  them  with  their  words. 

It's  a  really  important  group  that  CHi 
gel  away  with  saying  they  were  "bigger 
Aan  lenaa"  and  surviving  the  bru-ha  o«-er 


Wlwn  jdl  is  said  and  <kme.  no  one 
CM  «y  whether  the  Fab  Four  will  be 
ippndaled  by  continuing  generatian*. 

If  Eddie  VWder,  Whitney  Houston, 
Snoop  Doggy  D°gg>  *nd  numeious  othen 
of  the  more  "upper-crest*  music  stan  ctnne 
00  their  high  torses  dwy  can  take  a  bwk 
over  their  shoulder.  That  giant  shadow 
bca«  cast  iMy  have  a  Livopool  accent 
with  it. 

With  Rabin  gone,  what  price  peace? 

T.W.  Fuller.  American  Independent 

It  may  not  be  a  total  shock  to 
hear  that  Yitzhak  Rabin  was 
ajoassinaled    It  may  not  e\'en  be 
a  total  shock  to  hear  that  many  peo- 
ple, outraged  by  his  actions  to  give 
up  control  of  the  Gaza  Strip.  Golan 
Heights,  and  West  Bank,  cheered 
tor  the  gunman  and  praised  him  for 
his  murderous  deed.  After  all, 
what  can  one  say,  or  thudc,  about  a 
man  who  <ugns  away  Urge  portions 
of  land  to  his  and  his  people's 

Certainly  no  American  president 
couW  get  away  with  such  traitorous 

But  it  may  well  be  that  very 
tact  which  was  overlooked.  What 
conWctioas  if  must  have  taken  lo 
endeavor  upon  such  a  task,  know- 
ing how  unpopular  it  would  be. 

For  years  Rabin  fought 
agaiast  the  Palestinians  with  one 
mtcntion  -  keep  them  out  of  Israel. 
Now  in  his  later  years,  and  as 
Israel's  Prime  Minister,  his  desire 
for  peace  outweighed  anything  else. 
He  mellowed. 

Suddenly,  land  became  incon- 
sequential. Why?  Perhaps  it  was 

the  many  suicide  bombings,  duvals 
to  kill  and  rekindle  war,  and  the 
many  casualties  that  he  must  have 
seen  on  television  and  in  the  news- 
papers on  a  regular  basis. 

This  infectious  and  continues 
disease  that  plagued  his  mind  daily 
and  nightly,  causing  him  many 
sleepless  nights   One,  of  course, 
may  only  surmise  diese  scattered 
details   But  how  far  from  truth  are 

The  alacrity  in  his  manner  to 
fwgotiate  land  for  peace,  under- 
standing speed's  necessity,  and  his 
humble  nature,  (though  not  neces- 
sarily eager  one),  that  allowed  him 
to  shake  the  hand  of  former  enemy 
Yasser  Arrafat,  for  whom  he  once 
haibored  full  animosity  for,  and 
which  later  won  them  both  a  Nobel 
Peace  Prize,  marked  Rabin  with 
intrepidity  on  one  side,  wfiile  one 
the  other  caused  much  paroxysm 
and  discontent  among  many  of  his 
own  people.  Some  may  go  so  far  as 
to  refer  to  his  conducts  as  aberrant. 
Was  it? 

War  can  sometimes  be  a 
headache,  and  if  it  persists  long 
etKiugh  may  develop  into  a 

And  while  divvying  up  lands 
to  compensate  for  peace  might  not 
have  been  the  best  of  plans,  (for  it  is 
opinionated  now  and  forever),  it 
was  his  vision  of  a  peace  accord 
between  Israel  and  the  middle  east 

and  the  rest  of  the  world  that  drove 
him  to  do  it. 

He  knew  full  well  the  bitter 
resentment  and  the  hostility  that 
bore  down  on  him  each  and  every 
day  he  lived;  probably  knew  he  was 
putting  his  own  life  in  jeopardy. 

Yet  he  retiuined  constant  in 
his  efforts  to  promote  peace;  never 
backed  down,  for  what  other  alter- 
native could  there  be  than  war. 
And  how  many  more  decades  or 
even  centuries  would  it  take;  how 
may  lives  would  be  called  to  die  for 
this  cause  known  as  rightful  owner- 
ship that  dates  back  ttvyusands  of 
years;  too  long  even  to  put  an  accu- 
rate date  on. 

Now  he's  dead.  No  longer 
can  he  personally  be  an  inspiration, 
a  catalyst  for  peace.  His  dream  will 
(Of  should)  survive  for  others  to 
embrace.  But  there  will  be  a  price 

Rabin  was  Rabin.  There  can 
be  no  replacement  for  the  real  man. 

He  had  his  own  agenda,  oth- 
ers will  surely  have  theirs,  and  they 
may  not  comcide  with  his. 

At  what  price  will  his  succes- 
sor(s)  put  peace? 

Will  they  execute  prudeiKe; 
remain  on  the  same  course  as 

How  will  these  decisions 
affect  the  middle  east  (peace  talks) 
and  the  rest  of  the  world? 

How  long  must  it  take  for  all 
the  answers  to  be  given? 


ftCWvf  .t?"*^^ 

Congress  threw  overpriced  hammer  in  the  works  again 

Paul  Flodcn  •  Down  the  river 

As  of  this  writing,  the 
government  shutdown 
has  iu.4t  been  lifted, 
and  'unnecessary  "  govern- 
ment workers  hjve  returned 
to  work 

Whew'  That  was ckiae. 
II  was  bad  enough  I  had  to 
caiKel  my  Grand  Canyon  don- 
key ride  lo  the  bottom  camp 

sites  (Bobby?!  Cindy?!) 
lust  imagine  if  it  had  to 
drag  out  any  longer, 
what  with  all  that  vaca- 
tion ■  I  mean  -  back  pay 
to  ftovfrnment  work- 
ers, and.  tor  thf  first 
time  in  history,  the  Post 
tUhce  provingmore 
efficient  then  the  rov- 
emment,  any  pn> 
kmged  shut  down  could  bf 

Consider  what  would  bv 
emit  Tlie  IRS?  The  DEA'  The 
armed  fonres?  Maybe  even  so 
far  as  the  NEA'  Or,  no  -  perish 
the  thought  -  the  dolts  who 

"...  No  matter  how 
Newtered  Congress  is  in 

their  thinking,  they 

should  m  no  way  be  held 

accountable  for  their  own 


tdased  II  in  the  first  place! 

After  all,  no  matter  how 
Ntii'ti-rid  Congress  is  in  their 
thinking,  they  should  m  no 
awy  be  held  accountable  for 
their  own  delinquency.  They 
can't  very  likely  send  tliem- 
selves  home  without  pay,  now 

can  they? 

And  diey  can't  just 
send  themselves  home 
with  .. .  um  .    .  oh  ya  . . 
back  pay,  lest  they  have 
insufficient  funds  for 
their  bar  tabs  and  their 
daughters'  Corvette 

However,  working 
without  pay  is  an 
ophon,  but  It  would  set  a 
precedent  of  —  dare  1  say  — 
responsibility  of  which  the 
likes  this  land  has  never  seen, 
causing  all  the  restaurants  on 
Capital  Hill  to  slowly  fold, 
causing  hunger  amongst  the 

Congress  making  them  irrita- 
ble enough  to  back  the  EECX 
in  forcing  Hooters  Restaurants 
nationwide  to  hire  nule  staff 
members  just  to  spite  the  "lit- 
tle people  "  who  voted  them 
into  an  office  where  they  get 
paid  for  voting  their  own  rais- 
es, but  would  now  have  to  go 
out  of  their  way  to  a  nearby 
town  for  their  after-session 
milk  and  cookies. 

Yep,  we're  sure  lucky 
we've  got  Congress  on  our 
side.  And  hopefully  in  seven 
years,  we'll  have  a  balanced 
budget  to  deal  with  the  rising 
cost  of  hypocrisy. 

Page  10 


The  Harbinger 

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DECEMBER  9,  1995  AT  10:00A.M. 



November  22.  1995 

Harper  Sports 

Page  II 

Cola  Bowl  loss  ends  Harper's  eventful  season 

continued  from  page  1 2 
line,  the  Hawlu.  manhed  up  the  field 
to  the  Iowa  48  yard  line  before  fum- 
bling the  ball. 

The  Harper  defense  held  the  line 
and  forced  Iowa  to  punt.  With  the 
ball  on  his  own  It,  yard  line,  Church 
thww  his  second  interception  of  the 
game  on  first  down. 

A  personal  foul  was  called  against 
Harper,  giving  the  taken  the  ball  on 
the  Hawks'  13  yard  line  with  seven 
nunutes  remaining  m  the  game. 

It  was  the  fourth  personal  foul  call 
on  Harper.  An  earlier  call  in  the  quar- 
«er  resulted  in  the  election  oi  defen- 
sive lineman  Larry  Neely 

"The  referee  thought  that  I  slugged 
an  Iowa  guy  in  the  groin,  so  he  threw 
me  out,"  Neely  said 

Iowa  scored  with  4.36  left  in  the 
game  to  make  it  a  27-14  game. 
However,  they  failed  the  extra  point 

With  1.05  lemaiiiing  in  the  game, 
Church  was  sacked  on  a  second 
down  play  that  would  have  been  a 
serious  blow  to  the  Hawk  offense 

However,  Iowa  was  hit  with  two 
separate  flags  on  the 

play.Unsportsmart-Iike  conduct  and  a 
personal  foul  were  caUed  against  the 

After  the  ball  was  moved  half  of 
the  distance  to  the  goal.  Harper  had 
the  ball  first-  and-  ten  at  the  Iowa  \5 
yard  line 

FoUowing  an  incomplete  pHS  Ht 

Martm,  Church  connected  in  tht'  end 
zone  with  l.jwlor  to  pull  Harper 
within  si.\  points  With  47  seconds  left 
in  the  game,  DeVito  put  one  through 
the  uprights  to  put  the  score  at  27-21. 
Harper  failed  to  recover  the  onside 
kick,  and  Iowa  altowed  the  clock  to 
run  out. 

"It  was  a  real  expenence  to  be  in 
the  UNI  dome,  but  1  really  wish  that 
we  had  won,"  defisisive  back  Haroun 
Muhammad  stated. 

There  were  se\  eral  occasions  in  Hhe 
season  when  Harper  appeared  on 
verge  of  kjsing.  But  the  Hawks  never 
gave  up. 

It  was  the  same  at  the  Cola  Bowl. 
Each  member  of  the  team  played  the 
last  down  of  the  game  as  hard  as  the 
first  down. 

Eliasik  has  a  picture  on  tile  wall  of 
his  office  that  says,  "Don't  ever  give 

The  team  didn't  give  up  in 
September  when  Nawarcaj  was 

They  didn't  give  up  following  a  31- 
0  beatmg  by  the  College  of  DuPage. 

The  Hawks  didn't  give  up  when 
they  were  down  two  touchdowns  in 
an  unfriendly  stadium  with  very  few 

The  Hawks  football  team  will  cel- 
ebrate the  end  of  the  season  with  a 
team  banquet  Wednesday,  Nov  2<> 
Team  awards  as  well  as  NJCAA 
awards  will  be  given  to  sUnd  outs  at 
the  event. 

Congratulations,  Wrestlers! 

Tombstone  Open  Results 

Ron  Stonitisch 

Second  Place  in  the  Gold  Division  at  ISO  pounds 

Brad  Schnoske 

Third  Place  in  the  Gold  Division  at  150  pounds 

Don  Wendt 

Second  Place  Silver  Division  at  158  pounds 

Mrm/vrs  of  the  Harper  Cdk^  mmlmjf;  team,  mdmuimlly  campeU  in  open  ttmr- 
mmenls  on  their  mm  time  in  tmkr  to  prepart  Ihemsehm  ftir  the  79%  avestlim 

Harper  Sports  Schedule 

Qatt      inpn 

MOV.J4    MM 

H&».  n 

Hw   It 



TlMnl(t9it«ni)  Tourn, 
MilM  Teth  .5  aC 
Harper  rt  MclHenry 

McM»n»vvs,  Mtit*   Tech 
H«rp«r  »t,  CIC 

Tlwnkiaivtng  Tourn 
Jrd  Hict 
t  H  Hac» 
3rd  PtM( 


Olive  Harvey 




Nov    )0    MM 



Ok   I      MU 

Si.  Franctt 


Dec   S      M(H 



Ok    7     ««m 



•MM  dmotM  Mm's  fas kctbaH 


S  JO  p.r 




5  p.m. 

7  p.m 

?  p.m. 

S  p  m. 
1  p.m. 

S  }Opm 

Head  Coach  John  Eliasik  and  his  staff  keep  an  eye  on  the  game  at 
the  R.C  Cola  Bowl. 

f^oto  by  Susan  Radetnacher 

Numbers  Game 

First  Downs  1 4 

Rushing        125  yards 

Passing         1  5-28  for  1  58  yards 



Will  Ford 
Aaron  Thomas 
Shannon  Callahan 

Touchdowns  K.C.  Church  (2  yard  run) 

Doug  Barnes  (22  yard  pass  from  Church) 
John  Lawlor  (1  5  yard  pass  from  Church) 

Kicking         Pat  DeVito  (3  PATs) 

Harper  College 
Athletes  of  the  Week 

Name:  Doug  Baxna 

Week  of  Nav.1-8 

Spnt:  Foottnll 

Position  Running  Back 

Year  Rret 

High  S<hoal  Staftg 

KejMn:  Ran  (or  1,S9  yards  on  3«  carries 

in  llatper's  playoff  rktory 

over  Joliet. 

Name:  Pat  DeVilo 
Week  of:  Nov.g-15 
Sport:  Football 
Position:  Kicluir 
Year  First 
HiShSchool:  UkeZunch 

11  Kicked  a  30  yaid  field 
goal  against  DuPage. 

Eat*  HKC*  tAr  VVrflwi*  mi  Human  Prrprmcm  Onaim  mma  mut  athlete  cf  the 
"lineHMrimgrritpimJtefeetuTt  the  Uknltdtaiila(^  Harper. 

I    Harper  Sports 


Men's  Basketball  gets  off  to  a  slow  start 

Susan  Radcmacher 

Sports  Ediior 

Th»  Hatpet  CotJege  men's  bas- 
ketball team  will  take  an  0-4 
record  intc>  its  Nov  21  home 
upener  against  Oakton  College. 

The  Hawks  dropped  their  sea- 
ion  opener  with  a  70-84  kiss  to 
Morton  Collfge  Nov  1 1 

St.  Xjvut  s  lunior  v.irsilv 
smalched  victorv  ironi  ILirfxr  s 
hands  Nov  14  with  an  eiRht 
point  overtinH'  vulorv  (SH-HO). 

HarptT  tost  vi>t  .mother  clow 
road  game  to  Truman  C(»llf>;f 
Thursday,  Nov  16  I  he  final 
score  in  that  game  wjs  h>71 

"We  lost  one  ot  our  best  play- 
ers in  the  begmning  the 
Waubonsee  game  He  spraint-d 
his  ankle  It  quite  a  loss  for 
us  because  Rremv  averaged  21) 
points  a  game  tor  our  first  three 
games."    Assistant    Coach    iim 

Lund  Mid. 

Harper  lost  its  Satuniay,  Nov 
18  game  in  Sugar  Grove  to  start 
the  season  0-4. 

"We've  had  some  injuries  and 
elq^bility  problems  si>  tar  this 
season."  Lund  added  "When  we 
get  the  whole  team  going,  well 
have  a  great  opportunitv  " 

The  men's  team  will  open  its 
home  season  Nov  21  in  a  double 
header  with  the  women's  basket- 
ball team  The  nii-n  will  tjce 
tXiklon  C  ollegf  with  the  tip  oH 
M-t  lor  7pm 

Thi-.  vvrvki'iui  nil!  siv  the  men 
co-ho>lm>;  (hf  Harper  College 
Thanksgning  ToumamenI  with 
the  women's  team  McHenry 
(.  olle>;e,  Collosc  of  I..ikf  County. 
and  Milw.iuktv  Technical 
College  will  participate  in  the 

Fridav,  \o\  2-1  will  see  Harper 

taking  on  McHenry  with  the 
other  two  teams  going  head  to 
head  in  the  first  game  The  men 
will  play  at  1pm  and  3pm.  with 
the  women  playing  in  the 

The  first  and  third  place 
games  will  take  place  Saturday, 
Nov  25  with  the  times  to  be 

The  Hawks  will  host  five 
homt-  games  before  heading  to 
Wisconsin  to  take  part  in  ,i 
Holiday  Tournament  IXc  2K-2'' 

Harper  will  begm  conieri-nce 
plav  at  home  Saturday,  Jan  b  at 
7  p  m. 

Admission  to  Harper  basket- 
ball games  is  tn-e    Most  home 

games  tor  the  men  follow  a  ^^^  ^^^,,  basketball  team  prepares  for  its 
women's  game  that  takes  place  at  ^^^  ^J  home  opener. 
5  p  m  .  with  the  men  playing  at  /  «._. 

p  m 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademacher 

Women's  basketball  breaks  even  to  start  the  season 









Susan  Rademacher 

Sports  tditor 


started  Its 
with  a  75-35  victory  over 
)udson  College's  junior  varsi- 
ty team 

nie  Lad\  Hawks  opened 
their  siMNOii  Iiifstljy,  Nov.  14 
w  ith  a  game  at  Harper 

Harper  .ittempted  to  p.'! 
out  ol  the  gates  to  a  i!-0  start 
when  they  faced  oVVaubonsee 
Saturddv,  Ni'v  1^  m  Sugar 
tinive  The  H.uvk-.  n,nc  it  all 
they  had  and  ii>st  the  game 

This  we«'krnd  will  ».v  the 
women's  team  (o-hi>-.t  the 
Harper  Thanksgiving  touma- 

Saturdav.  Nov    ."!'^ 

Participating  in  the  tour- 
nament will  be  McHi-nrv, 
College  of  Uke  County,  .uul 
Milwaukee  Area  Technical 

McHenrv  .ind  Milwjukiv 
lech  will  square  ofl  on 
Tridav.  Nov  24  with  the 
Hawks     taking     on      Lake 

Two  garni--  will  be  plaved 
on  Sat,  Nov  2?  Then'  will  be 
J  game  to  determine  the  first 
place  learn  and  a  game  to 
I'stablish  the  thrid  place  team 
The  women's  games  will 
alternate  starting  times 
against  those  games  of  the  the 
men's  tournament 

All     games     of     both 

Harper      in      Building      M 


Harper  will  play  three 
home  games  twfore  the  start 
of  the  Holiday  break.  Those 

games  will  be  held  on  Nov. 
2K,  Dec  '^and  Dec.  19. 

Loach  lennifer  Jensen  and 
Lady  Hawks  hope  to 
improve  on  their  15-lh  record 

ment  Fridav  Nov  24  Ihrough     Countv 

touraments   will   be  held   at     from  the  season  a  year  age 

wiin  a  game  Ji  niu^'ei  u.^. .«.■.**-. *  -..'-.    - -r---      ---.-.. 

Football  team  makes  a  grab  for  a  bowl  ring 

K.C.  Church  steps  back  for  a  pass  in 
the  R.C  Cola  Bowl  Nov.  19. 

Ptioto  by  Susan  Rademacher 

Susan  Rademacher 

Sports  tditor 

riie  Harper  College  football 
team  dosed  out  the  1<W5  season 
with  a  2!  2"  loss  to  Iowa  lakes 
College  m  tile  Kovjl  (.  n^wn  Cola 
Bowl  in  Cedar  Falls,  Iowa 

The  Hawks  returned  to  the  R  C 
Cola  Bviwl  for  the  first  time  since 
I9<*3  The  Haw  ks  missed  the  bi>wl 
m  l'*44  with  a  record  of  4-5-1. 

Although  Harfx-r  lost  the  game 
to  end  w ith  a  record  of  H-4.  it  was 
an  impnnement  from  last  s<Ms<>n  s 
losing  nx  i»rd 

It  vva.s  a  tough  loss  for  the 
Hawks,  whose  appearance  in  a 
btiwl  was  queshonable  after  their 
first  loss  in  Si-plember  The  Hawks 
lost  UV7  to  North  Iowa  Area 
Community  College  Sept  30. 

Worse  than  that,  Harper  lost  its 
starting  quarterback,  Kevin 
Nawarcai,  to  a  broken  collar  bone 
Nawarcaj  was  unable  to  return  this 
season  because  the  injury  did  not 
heal  as  quickly  as  hoped. 

"!f  the  dtK-tor  would  have 

cleared  me,  I  would  have  played," 
Nawarca)  s.ud 

This  vejr  marked  Harpers 
ninth  in  the  K  C  Cola 
H«iwl  The  Hawks'  only  victory 
t.:ime  ir.  IWl  against  NJACC 

Tailc\i  scoring  opportunities 
plagued  Harper  in  the  game  begin- 
ning with  .in  opening  drive  that 
stalled  at  the  Iowa  Lakes  2  yard 

Iowa  put  one  through  the  posts 
to  go  up  34)  with  1  31  remainmg  in 
the  first  quarter 

T'he  Hawks  were  down  fr-O  in 
the  second  quarter  when  quarter- 
back K  C  Church  threw  the  first  of 
his  two  interceptions  With  the  ball 
on  their  own  32  yard  line  Iowa 
fumblcil  the  ball  on  the  play  from 

Tfu-  Haw  ks  recovered  the  ball  at 
the  five  yard  line,  only  to  be 
pushed  back  to  the  25  yard  line 
Kicker  Pat  DeVito  missed  from  43 

yards  out . 

Church  put  the  H.iwks  on  the 

board  with  a  two  yard  run  into  the 
end  zone  w  ith  2  28  left  in  the  first 

half    Center  Chris  Lagioia  open. 
a  hole  that  allowed  Church  to  cro- 
the  goal  line. 

IXA'itos  r.M  was  giKid,  putting 
HarjuT  up  7-ri  at  the  half. 

Iowa  scored  early  in  the  third 
quarter  to  go  up  by  five  points.  A 
successful  two  point  conversion 
made  the  score  14-7  in  Iowa's 

Down  a  touchdown,  Coach  John 
Tliasik  opened  up  his  passing 

Church  kept  receivers  John 
Lawlor,  Robert  Montgomery,  and 
Marquis  Martin  busy  as  he  com- 
pleted 15  of  28  passes  for  a  career 
high  of  158  yards 

Doug  Barnes  caught  a  22  yard 
pass  from  Church  with  35  seconds 
left  in  the  third  quarter  to  pull  tile 
Hawks  within  eight  points  of 
Iowa  DeVito's  PAT  put  the  score  at 
21-14  in  favor  of  Iowa. 

Defensive   back   Shannon 
Callalian  intercepted  the  ball  on 
Iowa's  next  possession  to  keep  the 
Lakers  from  increasing  their  lead, 
see  COLA  BOWL  on  page  1 1 

oica  ofHia 

Volume  XXVm    •    Number  9    •    Winter.  1996 


Registration  controversy 

Julie  Thompson 


Tlw  Wfgirtim  llffict  did  an  .ippuuitmcnt 
Old  distiibulion  nuwy  to  determine  if  Ihr  current 
mcttMK)  of  m|;iMnlkin  i*  satisfactory  for  Harper 

U  your  wondering  why  you  didn't  see  one  of 
thoe  surveys,  it's  because  only  300  of  the  4011  stu- 
dents waitint;  m  the  wee  hours  of  the  morning  in 
building  A  for  an  jppoinlmeni  card  were  »ur\'eyed 

Registration  and  Information  Cixirdinator 
Midud  C  Held  said  the  ie|;i!>trar>  office  was  inler- 
cMnl  in  learning  what  the  hrst  200  penple  in  line 
for  appoinlinent  caids  thought  alwul  the  rcgistra- 
lion  process. 

flccently  Harper's  registration  prixtdun- 
has  come  under  fire  because  of  the  diiticult;,  •■In 
dent's  have  enrjitlinj;  m  Uh  science  clasM~>  "I 
lovm  the  app«iintment  card  process  is  by  no  me.inf. 
easy,  but  it  s  the  best  of  the  worst, "  Held  said 

Prelimmary  lesute  fmm  the  survey  indicjtr 
that  of  the  223  surveys  retumeif.  171  studfnl's 
were  there  to  gel  cards  to  register  for  biology 

Held  said  that  m(»l  tab  biology  classes  fill 
up  quickly  '  Biology  is  certainly  an  issue  with  !<lu 
dents."  Held  said  "but  that  must  be  taken  up  with 
the  biology  department,  we  register  students  Ibc 
the  fliKiiiin  thai  are  availabic." 

A*  of  DKcmber  5,  miat  Mologr  daste*  w«fc 
fuU.    Harper  student,  Tom  KowaUk  can  aMett  to 

that  He  tried  U*  ra|pster  lor  BIO  101  thri>ugh  optT- 
alor  assisted  registration  with  no  luck  1  guess  I'll 
|ust  have  to  get  an  override  at  the  beginning  of  the 
semesteT,"  he  said. 

As  far  as  using  the  appointment  card  process 
as  a  way  of  legistering.  the  survey  stated  that  70°<> 
of  the  students  who  were  in  line  at  7  a.m.  found  the 
regictratian  process  to  be  fair  But,  the  survey  did 
not  ask  for  the  age  or  any  personal  mformation 
about  the  student,  so  the  results  may  tie  somewhat 

The  manner  in  which  the  suri-ey  was  distrib- 
uteti,  given  to  TOl)  students,  which  is  approximate- 
ly l"o  of  HarptTs  student  body  doesn  t  tairly 
n"lle»t  HarptT  »  iiirullment  A  random  sample 
survt'V  n'tltvting  day.  night  and  part-time  students 
may  vicid  mofv  dependable  rtfsults 

The  registrars  office  i.s  looking;  tor  ways  in 
wtmh  to  improve  the  111  'ncfss     I  don't 

liniiiv  what  the  alti'm.r  Held  said  "  In 

tfi4'  tuture  wf  hope  to  use  rww  technology  to  help 
student  s  rejjister  computers  and  use  of  the  inter- 
net an'  options  thai  we  jrc  lootunR  into  for  the 
future- ■ 

In  response  to  the  ivgistrais  survey,  we  ai  the 
Harbinger  have  decided  to  do  our  own  registtiition 
survey,  and  compare  our  findings  vsith  thvirs 
Look  lor  the  results  m  the  nent  issue,  fanudry  I'i 

Tis  the  season... 

Critically  acclaimed  vocalist  Spider  Saloff, 
accotnpanied  by  pianist  Brad  Williams,  enter- 
tained attendees  of  the  annual  Holiday  Tree 
Trimming  Party.  Photo  by  Jon  O'Brien 

Harper  News 

Public  Safety  offers  tips  to  protect  yourself 
from  theft  during  the  holiday  season. 
Page  2 


Could  the  school  president  not  care  about 
the  schcKil  newspaper?  Read  a  reprint  of 
his  commentary  from  the  Schaumburg 
Page  6 

Dr.  William  Jedlicka  is  the  subject  of  this 

issue's  Faculty  Spotlight. 



Retiring  Professor  of  Journalism  Susanne 
Havlic  offers  ad  vice  for  the  Harper  com- 
Page  11 


Ctmpmfiewt Pagn2-5  Ctassiheds  Page  12 

Features Page*  6-7  FimPa^e  Page  13 

Am*EnMTlainiiwntP^(t»J)  Sports  Pages  14-16 

Comumtiary Pages  10-11 

Art      student      awarded 
Harper  Scholarship 

Ex  Physical  Education  teacher  Joan 
Allen  sports  some  of  the  ceramics 
that  won  her  the  $500  Craft  Sho«v 
Promotions  Art  Scholarship  from  the 
Harper  College  Educational 

Photo  courtesy  of  Harper  Public 

Joan  Allen  of  Palatine  discover  she 
"wheeled"  into  the  next  phase  of  her  devel- 
opment as  a  ceramic  artist  when  she  recent- 
ly received  a  $500  Craft  Show  Promotions 
Art  Scholarship  through  the  Harper 
College  Educational  foundation.  The 
Scholarship  was  made  possible  through 
Craft  Show  Promotions  Inc. 

Joan,  who  has  be-en  a  Harper 
College  art  student  for  10  years,  says  "1 
onginally  began  taking  classes  for  fun  and 
enjoyed  the  creative  process  so  much,  1  con- 
tinued to  enroll  in  courses  here." 

loan  specializes  in  functional  pieces 
such  as  howls,  jars,  mugs,  and  vases  made 
on  the  wheel  as  opposed  to  works  made 
through  the  hand-building  method. 
"I  am  grateful  for  this  scholarship  which 
gives  me  an  opportunity  to  move  into  a 
new  dimension  of  my  work  ...  an  opportu- 
nity to  sec  if  others  will  enjoy  my  works." 

The  former  Minnesotan  and  physi- 
cal education  teacher  turned  dedicated 
ceramic  artist,  will  join  200  other  artists 
from  a  seven  state  area  who  will  be  dis- 
playing their  wide  variety  of  handmade 
crafts  at  the  "Wonderland  of  Christmas 
Craft  and  Art  Show"  Friday,  December  8 
from  5  p.m.  to  9  p.m.,  Saturday  10  a.m.. to  5 
p.m.,  and  Simday  11  a.m.  to  4  p.m.  in 
Building  M. 

General  admission  is  $3.50,  children 
under  12,  $1.00.  For  more  info  call  708/231- 

Page  2 

Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 

Shopping  bonanza  in 
your  own  back  yard 

Sara  Wetii 

Guest  wmer 

In  Ihis  busy  time  oi  firat  paper*. 
hna\  r\am>  and  hnat  |>r.3(J«.  there 
looms  dmong  the  lists  of  tact*  and  tij; 
ufBS  (and  (ears  of  forgetting  them)  the 
Hsrrifymg  thought  o(  the  iK>r-yet-bef;un 
Christmas  shopping  list 

But  there  is  a  store  ri^t  here  on 
cmnpus  that  offers  one-stop  shopping 
for  everyone.on  your  holiday  gift  lisl 
Well,  iiuybe  not  emnpne. 

Thal  place  is,  of  all  places,  the 
Haiper  College  bookstote,  and  it's  not 
just  for  the  studious  and  nerdy  on  your 
list.  Gift  possibilities  range  from  stuffed 
animals  to  computer  software.  Greeting 
cofds  and  gift  wrap  are  also  available 

A  recent  investigative  shopping 
Irtp  by  this  reporter  found  a  "Bar);ain 
Books"  fable  offering  3(ri>  to  70"'»  off 
The  selection  was  mostly  children's 
books  and  cookbooks  with  prices  rang- 
ing from  $1"W  to  $12  98 

Another  "special  price"  table  was 
heaped  with  Harper  College  sweat- 
fhins  and  T-shirts.  If  there's  someoTR- 
on  your  list  who  would  enjoy  wearing 
■  T-4hirt  decorated  with  dogs  and  the 
Option  "Hot  Dogs  Harper, "  you've  dis- 
coveivd  a  bargam  at  only  $14  'IS 

Bigger  ticket  item*  include  cas- 
i«lle  recorders,  calculators,  Criws  pens 
and  pencils,  backpacks  and  briefcases. 

all  m  the  MO  to  HO  range.  The  General 
BooLs  area  offers  something  of  interest 
to  almost  everyone 

For  example,  one  selection  tor  the 
eccentric  or  lonely  person  on  vour  list 
IS,  How  lo  Talk  T<i  ^our  ''ir."  by 
Patricia  Moyers  It's  o:^  -^ilo  lor  $f>>*9 
"The  Beatles  ^  miuote,"  by 
Arthur  Davis  might  make  the  Beatle 
maniac  on  your  list  absolutely  ecstattc. 
rhet«  IS  also  a  selection  of  paperbacks, 
dictionaries,  thewuruses  and  more 

Pnesenis  for  those  sfwcial  little 
ones  were  harder  to  find,  but  thtre  is  a 
nice  selection  of  computer  games  for 
around  S5  and  lots  of  art  supplies  such 
as  walm-  colors,  markers,  colored  chalk 
and  mn^'sprint  tablets  There's  also  an 
array  of  stuffed  animals  if  your  kids 
don  t  already  own  do^ens  and  dozens 

The  bookstore,  kKated  in 
Building  L,  doesn't  offer  mall  hours, 
but  they  will  be  c»pen  for  extended 
hours  during  finals  wivk  'Km  van  take 
vour  bixiks  In  tor  buvback  and  itoss  a 
few  names  oft  vour  list  this  Saturday 
front  9  am  until  1  p  m  and  next  wwk 
Monday  through  Thursday  tmm  7  45 
a.m.  to  7:30  p.m  If  you  re  unlucky 
enough  to  be  around  on  Friday  or  dur- 
ing (he  totlowtng  week  the  hours  are 
7  4?  am.  until  4:30  p  in 

Happy  shopping. 

Public  Safety  offers  hints  for 
safety  during  holiday  season 

Safety  for  the  Harper 
Communitv  is  a  priority!  The 
Environmental  Health  and  Safety 
Conunittee,  alcmg  with  Public  Safety 
reminds  and  encourages  you  to 
"think  safe"  at  all  times,  espvcially 
when  weather  coiulitians  ate  hajt- 

The  fotlowitig  are  suggestions 
for  you  if  and /or  when  you  are  on 
campus  late  at  night  when  the  cam- 
pus id  sparsely  populated,  or  if  you 
are  having  problems  with  your  car 

If  It  is  late  and  you  are  alone, 
contact  Public  Siifety  at  extension 
6330.  Emergency  calls  should  go  to 
extension  6211  (<>25-(>2U  cellular 
phone.  3^-8551  TDD)  and  let  them 
know  you  are  on  campus  When 
ready  to  leave,  contact  them  agam  to 
let  them  know  you  are  leaving  your 
office.  If  concerned  about  walking  to 
the  parking  lot  by  yourself,  F\iblic 

Safety  will  provide  jn  escort 

We  entourage  you  to  use  the 
buddy  system  at  all  times  and  not  to 
stay  when  the  campus  is  declared 
closed  due  to  inclement  weather  or 
other  emergency  conditions. 

Should  you  have  car  problems, 
we  strongly  encourage  vou  to  come 
to  Public  Safety,  Building  B.  Room 
101,  to  telephone  for  assistance,  etc. 
This  prevents  being  alone  in  an  isolat- 
ed parking  lot  and  allows  you  to 
remain  warm  and  safe  until  help 
arnves  Public  Safety  Office  is  open 
24  hours  a  day. 

Because  of  insurance  and  liabil- 
ity issues.  Public  Safety  personnel 
miiv  not  "lump  start"  yehicles,  pr^v 
vide  mechanical  repairs,  push  vefu- 
des  from  snow /ice,  etc.  They  will 
however  provide  a  telephone  to  use 
and  a  warm,  safe  place  to  wait  for 

The  following  are  suggestions  from  the  Chicago  Motor 
Club  for  vehicle  operation  in  the  winter: 

•  Always  keep  the  vehicle  gas  tank  more  than  half  full. 

•  Keep  an  emergency  road  kit  in  the  trunk,  which  should 
include  jumper  cables,  flares,  blanket  and  some  non-per- 
ishable food,  such  as  cookies,  crackers,  etc. 

•  Keep  your  vehicle  well  tuned  and  winterized,  which 
includes  an  adequate  level  of  antifreeze  to  protect  the 
vehicle  to  -40'  F. 

•  Always  lower  your  speed  to  compensate  for  winter  dri- 
ving conditions. 

•  A  cellular  telephone  in  your  vehicle  is  useful  to  summon 

Expand  Your  ^, 
Horizons!      i* 



Kcnii  I  lie  Harbinger, 
re  for  Harper  ueir<  iDui  eveiitt^. 

Prepare  now  to  be  a  party 
to  'Crimes'  next  spring 

Tryouts  for  Spring  play 
being  held  in  January 

The  Harper  Theater  depart- 
ment aimounccs  trv  out  dates  for  their 
upcoming  play  Crimes  of  the  Heart " 
by  Beth  Henly  Auditions  for  the  per- 
formance will  be  held  in  the  drama 
lab  (LUNI  on  Thursday  January  25, 
l-ridav  January  2ti  at  7  p.m.  and  on 
Saturday  January  27  at  1  p.m. 

Auditions  will  consLSt  of  cold 
readings  fn)m  the  script.  Please  be 
familiar  with  the  script.  Copies  will 
be  available  on  Heserve  in  the 
Learning  Rt-sourte  Center  Auditions 
are  open  to  Harper  students,  faculty 
and  statt.  Any  cjuestions  contact 
Uura  Pulio  1708')  ':»25-«i77». 

The  performances  will  take 
place  on  Man:h  15.  16.  17,  22  and  23 

Unlock  your  potential  at 
open  house 

Analysts  predict  tn-nds  in  the 
job  marketplace  will  lean  toward 
skilled   workers       Employees  with 

skills  tailored  to  individual  business 
needs  are  in  demand. 

In  respc^nse  to  the  demands  on 
busmesses  generated  from  a  globally 
competitive  scK-iety,  Harper  College 
offers  certificate  and  two-year  degree 
career  prograins. 

Harper  connects  with  the  com- 
munity to  meet  its  learning  needs  by 
providing  excellence  in  education. 
Find  out  how  you  can  connect  with 
the  educational  needs  of  businesses 
in  your  community  at  Harper's 
"Careers  in  Business  and 
Communications"  Open  House. 

New  or  upgraded  skills  may  be 
the  the  difference  between  a  "so-so" 
job  and  a  fulfilling  career!  You  owe  it 
to  yourself  to  explore  the  possibilihes 
and  opportunities  for  satisfying 

Make  it  a  priority  to  attend 
Harper's  open  house  on  Tuesday, 
January  9,  19%  f>-9  p  m  ,  Building  A, 


1502  Algonquin  Road 
(Harper  Plaza) 
Palatine,  Illinois 
f708)  776-8398 

Why  Wait  In  Long  Lines 
For  Your  Biiybaclcs? 

•  Parking  within  10  ft  of  tiM  front  door 

•  Personal  Ssrvica 

•  Unlimited  Buybadcs 

•  Higher  Cash  Return  for  your  Buybadcs 

•  Special  Orders  Taken 

for  Harper  College  Courses 





Decembers,  1995 

Harper  News 

Page  3 

Sex  partners,  false  suicides,  tragedy  in  daycare  center 

CoHcgc  frtii  S«fvtct . 

Heterosexuals  have  tess 
monogamous  relation- 
ships than  gays 

game  of  sexual  Russian 
Rouletle  is  being  pUyed  by 
more  hetermexuak.  accord- 
ing to  a  University  of 
Califomid-San  Francisco 
study  published  in  the 
November  American  |oumaI 
of  Public  Health 

The  study  surveyed  the 
mating  habits  4,7<K)  hetero- 
sexuals ages  18-49  in  23  cities 
scattered  throughout  the  U  S . 
and  found  that  the  number  of 
people  who  had  multiple  sen 
ual  partners  increased  from 
153  pereent  m  19W  to  193 
percent  in  1992.  The  majority 
of  people  with  multiple  part- 
ners did  not  use  on  a  condom 
on  a  conststeni  basis. 

According  to  the  sur- 
vey author.  Joseph  Catania, 
Ihc  study  demoixslrales  that 
the  safe-sex  messages  we  see 
Tnp  not  sumwMBd 

and  hear  m  the  media  are  not 
being  taken  senously. 

"The  messages  are  not 
heard,  because  people  are 
getting  mixed  messages'  " 
said  Catania  "Something 
like  Cosmo  will  come  out  and 
say  therv  is  no  risk  for  hetenv 
sexuals. " 

The  survey  also  sug- 
geals  that  liie  dating-phase. 
adolesceiK-e  through  the  late 
20b.  is  a  partKularly  vulnera- 
ble time,  said  Catania.  Before 
marriage,  heterosexuals  are 
more  likely  to  have  miJtiple 
sex  partners  and  engage  m 
more  rtsky  behavior,  he  said 

So.  how  do  you  protect 
yourself  trom  becoming  a 
inlected  with  the  HIV  virus"" 
It  you're  going  to  have  sex, 
Catania  said,  "condoms  are 
still  your  best  protetlion  ' 

Appeals  Court  UM 


Child  Thrives  In  Dayutre 

ANN  ARBOR.  Mich  -A 

By  Harpar  Coney 

Ski  trip  to  Winter  Park,  CO.,  January 
29  to  February  4, 1996.  Air,  transfers, 
6  nights  accomidations,  5-day  lift  tick- 
et, $645.00.  Call  Heidi,  at  Hemisphere 
Travel,  Inc.,  708-541-7575  for  more 


lias  Its 

University  of  Michigan  stu- 
dent took  a  crucial  step 
toward  gaming  back  custody 
of  her  4-year-old  daughter. 

The  Michigan  Court  of 
Appeals  decided  to  reverse 
(udge  Raymond  Cashen's 
1994  decision  to  award  cus- 
tody of  Maranda  Ireland- 
Smi^  to  her  father,  Steven 
Smith.  Cashen  said  the  child 
would  be  better  off  with 
Smith  because  his  mother-not 
a  daycare  employee-would 
look  after  her  during  the  day 
while  he  attended  classes  at  a 
local  i.ommumt\:  college. 

lenniier  Ireland,  who 
had  custiKlv  ot  M.irjnda  dur- 
ing the  appeals  process, 
brought  her  daughter  to  a 
daycare  facility  on  the  UM 
campus  while  she  attended 
class.  The  Court  of  Appeals 
decided  that  Maranda  had 
"thrived"  in  the  care  prov  id- 
ed  by  staff  members  at  the 
campus  facilitv 

.After  the  divisum  v%as 
announced,  Ireland  held  a 
press  conference  v^ith  lulie 
Field,  her  attorney,  to  express 
her  happiness  with  the  deci- 
sion   "I  feel  like  it  is  a  huge 

burden  that  has  been  lifted 
off  of  my  shoulders'  "  said 
Ireland,  who  is  finishing  the 
first  semester  of  her  juiiior 
year.  "There's  a  lot  of  hope 
and  a  lot  of  joy  and  a  lot  of 
love  that  I  feel  right  now." 

Although  Maranda  will 
continue  to  stay  with  Ireland, 
the  court  ordered  a  new  trial 
to  decidtxl  whether  Ireland  or 
Smith  offers  the  most  perma- 
nent family  unit. 

Maranda  was  bom  in 
1991  while  Ireland  and  Smith 
were  students  at  Mt. 
Clemens  High  School,  Smith 
now  has  visitation  rights  on 
every  other  weekend 

Ul  Student  Faces  Charges 
After  Aiding  Roommate 

IOWA  CITY.  lowa-A 
University  of  !owa  junior 
who  helped  cover  tor  his 
rcKimmate  during  a  faked  sui- 
cide attempt  has  been 
charged  with  making  false 
reports  to  a  law  enforcement 

It  all  started  when 
Robert  Kcwtma,  2  1.  reported 
to   police  Oct    2(1   that   his 

roommate,  Kevin  Michael 
Joyce,  Jr.  was  missing. 

Later  that  day.  Kooima 
gave  police  a  sujdde  iu)te, 
which  indicated  Joyce  had 
jumped  into  the  iwarby  Iowa 
River,  said  Capl.  Pepke  of  Ul 
Public  Safety.  Joyce's  wallet 
and  bag  had  been  found 
along  the  river's  banks. 

Two  days  later,  Joyce 
telephoned  Iiis  parents  that 
he  was  alive.  The  phone  call 
ended  a  search  of  the  river  for 
Joyce's  body,  but  launched 
problems  for  Kooima. 

Joyce,  who  faces  no 
criminal  charges,  told  police 
about  his  phony  suicide 
scheme  and  that  Kooima 
played  a  part  in  it. 

Police  said  that  Kooima 
admitted  that  he  knew  all 
along  that  Joyce  was  alive. 
Kooima  said  that  although 
Joyce  had  told  him  about  the 
plan  for  the  faked  suicide  the 
morning  of  his  disappear- 
ance, he  did  not  believe  he 
would  actually  go  thmugh 
with  it 

The  two  have  not  spo- 
ken since  the  incident 

"We  were  best  friends," 
Kooima  said 

Kooima  faces  trial  on 
Ian  19.,  19%. 

Semester  finals  schedule  fall  '95 

Final  Exams 

Dec  U 

Dec  12 

Dec.  13 

Dec  14 

Dec  IS 

Dec  16 


All  Eng  101 
&    EnglOa 


Math  OHO, 
086,  087,103 






Class  Tune 

♦55- 11  40 




























»ymom!  t  know  what  I  want  for  Christmas! 



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Campus  reps:   Org.nmze  a  small  group 
and  travel  free  witti  lots  of  cash 

Package  includes:  Round  trip  airfare  (Cfiic/KC  add  $20)  /  nigtits  hotel  accommodations 
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party.  FREE  pool,  tieach  and  hottest  night  clut)  parties,  24  hour  American  staff 
on-site;  service  charges,  gratuities  and  hotel  taxes.  Call  for  full  details. 
Thia  Is  llw  bMt  spring  brsak  deal  anywttats! 

Don't  be  left  In  the  cold... 
Call  now.  Ottier  spring 
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1632  E.  Algonquin 
Schaumburg,  IL  6i 
(Just  East  of  Harper) 
Mon-Fri  9:00  -  5:30 


Page  4 

Haiper  NefWB 

The  Harbinger 

Thompson  asks  for  support  on 
Lights  on  for  Life"  Day 

Wheieas  last  year,  16,W0  Amenciivs 
were  killed  And  almost  half  a  milliorv  were 
iniuivd  in  impaired  dnving  crashes  7>>at's 
one  death  about  every  30  minutes.  Many  ivetc 
innocent  victims,  not  the  impciivd  driveis 

Whereas  in  rei-wit  years.  «Kiety  has 
experienced  a  dramatic  shift  in  altirude 
regarding?  impaired  driving,  thanks  to  the 
combir»!d  eWorts  irf  law  enforcement  and 
community  groups.  Society  no  lonjjer  toler- 
ates thone  who  can  choose  to  dnnk  and  drive. 
Whereas  Amencaas  will  not  tolerate  the 
senseless  death  aiKl  injury  on  our  nation's 
roadways.  Drivers  arrested  for  dnving  under 
the  influence  can  expect  no  sympathy  from 
the  police,  employers  or  neighbofs.  Driving 
under  the  influence  is  unacceptable 

Whereas  during  the  holidays.  Harper 
College  shidents  and  employees  can  take  a 
stand  against  impaired  drivers  by  joining  taw 
enforcement,  businesses,  government  agen- 
cies and  private  citizens  in  keeping  their  vehi- 
cle headlights  on  an  they  drive  during  the  day 
on  Fnday,  l>ecember  15,  1 W5,  to  participate  in 
"Lights  on  for  Life,"  an  observance  designed 
to  remember  persons  killed  and  injured  in 
alcohol- related  crashes  and  as  a  reminder  of 
law  enforcement's  watchful  eye  on  drunk  dri- 
vers 'Lights  on  for  life  Day"  is  the  showcase 
event  for  National  Drunk  and  Drugged 
Driving  (3D)  Prevention  Month,  held  in 

"Git  Noticed." 

The  Harbinger  is  looking  for  talented 

staff  writers  for  the  Spring  semester. 

Stop  by  A367for  more  details! 

The  Hiuri)in2er 

Elaine  Dobra's 

Temporary  Associates 

Now,  therefore,  1,  Paul  Thompson, 
President  of  Haqjer  College,  do  hereby  pit>- 
claim  Friday,  December  15,  as  "Lights  on  for 
Ufe  Day"  at  Harper  College  I  call  upon  all 
those  associated  with  Harper  College  to  join 
other  mofonsts  and  dnve  with  their  vehicle 
headlights  on  throughout  the  dd>  (»n  Fnday, 
December  IS,  as  a  memnnal  (or  the  victims  of 
impaired  driving  and  as  a  reminder  oJ  the 
dangers  of  dmnk  and  drugged  driving 

Paul  N  ThompiKm 


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Page  5 




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Page  6 


The  Harbinger 

President  Thompson,  where  do  we  rate? 

The  following  is  a  reprint  from  the  November 
30th  Schaumburg  Review: 

I  would  like  to  respond  to  and  expand 
upon  an  editohai  printed  in  the  William 
Rainey  Haipcr  Cotkge  atudcnt  newspaper, 
Vu  llrnHmm,  which  was  icptinied  in  the 
nammi  Rmm  on  Thimday,  Nov.  16. 

the  HaiMnger  writer  oommunicaMl 
that  a  better  uae  of  the  prapoMd  Building  W 
at  Harper  would  be  lo  house  noie  naih 
and  idence  daiM*  laiher  than  performing 
arts  and  confcrencet  fadlitiei.  While  admin- 
istralora  from  both  the  lilt  Sdtncts  and 
Human  Servi<:c»  Division  and  the 
Technology,  Mathematics  and  Physical 
Sdcnoe  DMaion  wish  that  all  needs  of  aU 
students  could  be  met  at  aD  times,  the  ical 
world  ptcdudes  the  aocooi^UiffleMs  al 
this  goal. 

Both  divisions  have  the  reputation  of 
providing  excellent  education  thrcni^  the 
math  and  idcnce  courses  they  offer.  The 
departments  schedule,  class  offerings  to 
maximize  the  opportunity  for  the  pmtiM 
number  of  sitidents  to  be  able  to  ri'gistlt 
and  take  advantage  of  the  course  oUttklg^. 

The  schedule  is  arranged  to  maximixe 
the  fullness  of  the  classes,  and  times  and 
wibers  of  sections  and  scats  aic  adjusted 
on  a  semaMm  bisas  to  mintmixe  the  number 
of  open  scats  indaasesat  the  end  of  legis- 
traUon.  Titia  method  of  departmental  man- 
igsinrnt  inn— ata  adocalienal  opportunity, 
exceiknee  and  financial  leaponsihiiity. 

The  coUegt?  applied  to  the  sate  of 
nhnois  through  the  dlinais  Oxiununity 
College  Board  for  $6.5  miUiun  in  funding 
for  a  new  multipurpose  buikhng.  The  pro- 
posed facility  wjH  cncoapaaa  basacaHy  two 
hinctiorw  A  pet  iottpiiig  Mti  fadlUtf  and  an 
instructional  conferefwe  center.  The  S6.5 
million  would  be  funded  from  sate  funds 
based  upon  credit  that  was  owed  to  Harper 
from  previously  locally  funded  prpiects. 

The  original  request  for  this  funding 
was  made  to  the  Illinois  Community 
College  Board  in  199],  That  request  was 
baaed  on  the  master  plan  of  the  college  and 
included  a  performing  arts/ teaching  facility 
and  an  art  gallery 

After  considefing  the  aiiMiunt  of  cred- 
it owed  to  Harper  by  the  slate,  we  were 
encouraged  by  the  Ulinois  Community 
College  Board  to  revise  our  proposal.  The 
cuneni  48,18fr4quaie-foot  Building  W  pro- 
posal was  approved  by  ICCB  in  1993  and 
the  art  gaUery  was  refdaced  by  an  instruc- 
tional  confeiciKe  center. 

This  change  responded  to  the  success 
of  the  corporate  services  division,  whose 
billings  have  doubled  each  year  since  it  was 
formed.  Funds  from  corporate  services  aie 
RinveMed  in  the  college  in  order  to  expand 
the  oficrings  and  capabilities  of  that  divi- 

The  ICCB-approved  ptoiect  proposal 
resulted  in  the  release  of  S3SO,000  in  plan- 
ning money  to  the  college.  The  Capital 
Development  Board  directed  the  college  to 
begin  the  architect-selection  process,  which 
was  completed  at  the  August  1995  special 
Board  of  Trustees  OMieting. 

The  funding  request  is  now  in  the 
hands  of  state  Le^slature.  It  is  our  hope  that 
funds  will  be  made  available  for  capital  pro- 
iects  this  spring  so  that  we  can  continue  to 
plan  for  the  educational  needs  of  this  com- 

The  registrabon  staff  continues  to  try 
creative  and  effective  procedures  to  mini- 
mize registration  lines. 

Other  than  making  sure  students  in 
line  are  physically  comfortable  (by  allowing 
access  to  the  buildings  and  providing  secu- 
rity), the  first-come,  first-served  policy  of 
picking  up  registration  cards  continues  to 
be  pevoeived  as  the  fairest  method,  accord- 
ing to  a  recent  survey  of  current  students. 

The  William  Rainey  Harper  College 
Board  of  Trustees,  with  ongoing  input  frcnn 
the  faculty  and  staff  of  the  college,  is  com- 
mitted to  carrying  out  the  mission  of  the 
ooUege —  to  provide  excellent  education  at  a 
reasonable  cost,  promoting  personal 
growth,  enriching  the  community  and 
meeting  Ae  needs  of  a  changing  world — 
while  maintaiiung  excellence  and  fiscal 

Dave  Pump  /  Julie  Thompson 
Managing  Editor  /  News  Editor 

When  the  president  of  a  school  disagrees  with  points 
made  in  their  institution's  student  publication,  why  would 
that  president  bring  his  side  of  the  story  to  an  outside  source 

In  recent  weeks,  there  have  been  conflicting  viewpoints 
between  the  Harbinger  and  Harper  College  President  Paul  N 
Thompson,  alonj;  with  the  parties  involved  in  the  construc- 
tion of  Buildmg  W,  concerning  ways  in  which  Harper  College 
should  spend  funds  for  campus  expansion.  The  battle  ol 
words,  in  part,  has  been  made  public  in  local  issues  of  The 
Pioneer  Press. 

The  Harbinger  editorial  staff  wrote  an  "Our  View"  con- 
demiung  the  registration  process  and  the  practicality  of 
Building  W  in  the  Nov.  27  issue.  The  main  points  touched  on 
in  the  article  were  the  need  for  math  and  science  space  on 

Thompson  responded  to  the  editorial,  not  to  The 
HarbingcT  directly,  but  to  Pioneer  Press  in  the  form  of  an  essay 
(see  related  story  below). 

Patty  Roberts,  Community  Relations  Manager  to  the 
president,  said,  "We  used  The  Harbinger  editohai  to  send  a 
message  to  the  community  about  Building  W  and  registration. 
It  was  a  good  opportunity  to  set  the  record  straight." 

Roberts  acknowledged  that  a  response  should  have 
been  sent  to  The  Harbinger ;  however,  she  said,  it  was  her  over- 
sight that  The  Harbinger  was  never  contacted. 

"It's  all  my  fault,"  Roberts  said,  "  He  (Thompson) 
planned  to  respond  to  The  Harbinger,  but  due  to  the  Pioneer 
Press  deadline  I  sCTit  his  response  to  them  first." 

Even  the  Managing  Editor  of  Pioneer  Press's 
Schaumburg  Review  Robert  Loerzel  said  "We  were  curious  a.s 
to  why  Thompson  would  want  to  publish  a  response  to  a 
Harbinger  editorial  in  our  paper,  rather  than  in  his  own  col- 
leges  publicahon  ■■ 

Thomps«>n  tailed  to  respond  to  requests  by  Harbinger 
representatives  for  an  mterview.  Therefore,  his  responses  to 
the  Oct.  27  editorial  are  being  reprinted  with  permission  from 
the  Thursday,  November  30th  Pioneer  Press. 

In  Thompson's  response,  he  quoted  the  results  of  an 
appointment  card  distribution  survey  given  by  the  Registrar's 
Office  He  insisted  the  survey  results  showed  the  current 
method  of  registration  increases  the  educational  opportunity, 
excellence  and  finaiKial  responsibility  for  Harper's  students. 

However,  it  appears  Thomfjson  quoted  a  biased  survey. 
The  survey  was  only  given  to  300  out  of  Harper's  17,000  stu- 
dents. Also,  the  survey  forms  were  handed  out  at  7  a.m., 
which  doesn't  take  into  account  those  who  can't  get  to  school 
that  early. 

Apart  from  the  debate  about  registration  and  the  justifi- 
cation of  building  W,  the  question  retnains  the  same.  Hey, 
President  Thompson,  where  does  The  Harbinger  rate? 

Attention  all  shoppers:  Which  mall  is  the  best  of  all? 

Dawt  Pump  /  Julie  Thompson 

_M*?'*1'I'9  Editor  /  News  Editor 

With  the  hohday  season  upon 
us.  It's  tune  to  thmk  about  getting 
our  Christinas  shoppmg  done  oir^ 
this  year  Actu>g  as  guinea  pigs,  die 
Harbinger  staff  braved  the  crowds  at 
local  malls  to  rate  each  one  on  shop- 
pmg convetuences. 

Some  of  the  important  factors 
we  look  into  account  were 

Can  you  find  a  place  to  pjrk' 
WMl  if  your  at  Woodfield,  probably 
not.  Can  you  find  your  car  after  a 
shoppmg  marathon?  Definitely  not! 

On  the  other  hand,  parkir\g  at 
Stratford  Square  and  Spring  Hill  was 
a  littk-  more  accessible  Randhunit 
has  a  fairly  small  parking  lot  that  fills 
up  quKkly .  so  get  there  early  Spring 
Hill  Mall  had  adequate  parking. 
allowing  for  easy  access  without  a 
long  walk. 

Shoppmg  and  eatmg  go  hand  in 
hand.  So  which  mall  has  the  best 
eats?  Wocxifield  was  the  undisputed 
winner,  ranging  from  sit-down  dining 
to  fast  food  Stratford's.  Randhurst 
and  Spnng  Hill  all  have  food  courts 
that  place  ab<wt  half  a  dozen  mini- 
restaurants  in  one  place  Stratford's 
selection  of  food't  |udged  the 
best  but  it  had  ample  seahng  that  bet- 
ter than  Randhurst  and  Spring  Hill 

Which  mall  is  the  K-st  it  you 
havf  children?  Those  of  us  on  staff 
with  children  thought  Stratford  was 
the  best  It  has  some  of  the  same 
stores  as  Woodfield  without  all  the 
hassles.  Spring  Hill  is  nice  because, 
with  the  exception  of  the  anchor 
stores,  it's  all  on  one  level,  not  two  or 
three  like  most  malts. 

Stratford  is  also  much  smaller 
than  Wcxxj  field  making  it  easier  to 
maneuver  a  stroller  Besides,  for  the 
holidays  the  mall  is  ofienng  $1.00 

ChooChoo  rides  for  the  kids 

The  bottom  line  is,  Woodfield 
seemed  to  come  out  on  top  over  all. 
Even  though  parking  isn't  the  great- 
est (unless  you  spring  for  the  valet) 
atvi  people  are  everywhere  you  turn, 
Woodfield  had  the  biggest  diversity 
of  stores  making  it  easy  to  do  all  your 
shoppmg  at  the  same  place    Just  be 

sure  to  go  during  the  week  because 
busses  from  other  states  ship  shop- 
pers in  on  weekends. 

While  your  at  Woodfield  shop- 
ping don't  forget  to  check  out  the  new 
addition,  featuring  Noidstrom  and  a 
redesigned  Lord  &  Taylor,  and  die 
recently -opened  Rain  Forest  Cafe. 

Tm<ii     VMM      on 
m       mm     nitapM 


OoitaiKkllodBi     IHHIMilO 
AaMlif?  ttoar 

































1              1 



Decembers,  199S 


Page  7 

When  does  weekend  drinking  become  a  problem? 

I  Almost  half  the 
college  students  in 
the  United  States 
are  binge  drinkers, 
according  to  a 
1995  Harvard 
School  of  Public 
Health  survey  of 
17,592  college  stu- 
dents from  140 
colleges  nation- 
wide. Here  is  the 
story  of  one  week- 
end binger.  Her 
name  is  Katie. 

By  Jennifer  Smith 

College  Press  Service      

Huddled  in  tfie  comer  of  a 
small  apartment,  oblivious  to 
the  chaos  around  her  is 
"Katie,"  a  University  of 
Kentucky  nursing  student. 
Psychedelic  lights  surround 
her,  adding  a  tripping  effect 
to  the  room.  Gyrating  bodies 
crash  agaiiwt  each  other 
seemingly  al  lightiung  speed. 
The  smell  of  beer  and  sweat 
intertwine  with  cigarette 
smoke  and  fog  from  a  huffing 
smoke  machine  in  the  back  of 
the  room. 

Every  once  in  a  while, 
people  come  over  to  "Katie's 
Corner"  to  make  sure  the 
petile  brunette  is  breathing. 
She  has  already  had  eight 
beers.  A  friend  offers  Katie 
another  swig  of  his  mixed 
drink— called  a  suicide. 

Katie  is  not  alone. 

Almost  half  of  the  col- 
lege students  in  the  United 
States  are  binge  drinkers, 
according  to  a  1995  Harvard 
School  of  Public  Health  sur- 
vey of  17,542  college  students 
from  140  colleges  nationwide 

After  20  minutes  in  the 
comer,  Katie  opens  her  eyes 
and  wonders  how  she  can  get 

more  alcohol.  Grinning  slow- 
ly, she  goes  to  greet  the  guy 
she  thinks  brought  her  to  the 
party.  A  few  stumbles  later, 
Katie  bumps  into  an  old 
friend  from  high  school  who 
she  hasn't  seen  in  two  years. 

He  asks  f>er  to  dance, 
and  they  stroll  silently 
toward  the  gyrating  masses. 
After  a  few  twists  and  turns, 
Katie,  who  will  turn  21  next 
year,  manages  to  maneuver  a 
plastic  cup  of  Killian's  Red 
from  his  hands  and  into  her 

A  few  more  swallows, 
and  her  dancing  becomes  less 
rigid.  The  girl  who  origiruiUy 
sat  in  the  comer  because  she 
doesn't  dance  very  well 
becomes  the  grunge  music 
ballerina.  As  the  beat 
changes,  her  partner's  body 
moves  closer  to  Katie's.  His 
hands  slide  from  her  waist  to 
her  butt.  He  tightly  presses 
f>er  body  to  his.  She  doesn't 
seem  to  mind.  After  the  song 
ends,  their  danang  doesn't. 
Their  dancing  turns  to  kiss- 
mg-slowly  at  first  and  gradu- 
ally more  intense. 

At  her  request,  he  gets 
her  another  beer  In  the 
amount  of  time  he's  gone,  she 
finds  another  "old  fru-nd  ' 
Like  an  instant  replay,  the 

scene  happens  again  with  the 
next  guy  Except,  when  the 
song  ends,  they  leave  the 
party  together. 

Battle  Of  The  Binge 

Katie  said  she  is  far 
from  the  average  alcoholic. 
She  has  a  3.78  grade-point 
average,  a  boyfriend  and  a 
stable  family  liife. 

But  Katie  is  a  binge 
drinker.  She  can  even  recite 
the  definition  of  her  affliction. 

"The  consumption  of 
five  or  more  drinks  in  a  row 
on  at  least  one  or  more  occa- 
sions," she  reads  from  one  of 
her  health  textbooks.  "That's 
pretty  accurate.  Five  [drinks] 
get  me  a  good  buzz  going.  1 
can  relax  then." 

According  to  the 
nahonwide  Core  Alcohol  and 
Drug  survey  of  56,000  college 
students,  binge  drinking  con- 
tributes to  a  broad  range  of 
problems  tor  college  students 
including  memor)'  loss,  trau- 
ma, date  rape,  vandalism  and 

The  study  says  drink- 
ing is  the  No.  I  health  concern 
on  college  campuses. 

Dr  Tim  Nolan,  director 
of  student  mental  health  for 
the       University       Health 

Service,  said  student  drink- 
ing is  a  complicated  issue. 

"\'es,  one  person  may 
experiment  with  alcohol-and 
this  is  perfectly  natural  in  a 
college  environment-but  this 
experimentation  often  can 
lead  that  person  into  negative 
thii%s  like  hurting  them- 
selves and  others  or  having 
unprotected  sex." 

Alcohol  also  has  been 
associated  with  missed  class- 
es and  poor  performaiKe  rat- 
ings on  tests  and  projects.  In 
the  Core  group's  survey,  col- 
lege students  who  reported 
the  lowest  grade-point  aver- 
ages consumed  an  average  of 
I  1  alcoholic  beverages  a 
week,  while  those  who 
reported  mostly  Ns  had  less 
than  three  drinks  per  week. 

Nolan  said  most  sur- 
veys he  has  read  on  binge 
drinking  show  that  bingers 
are  not  just  hurting  them- 

"They  show  very  dear- 
ly that  non-bingers  are  affect- 
ed-they  are  harassed,  abused 
to  some  extent,"  he  said. 

What  Is  Being  Done? 

University  officiab  say 
they  believe  the  ruitional 
see  DRINKING  on  page  12 

Exploring  Careers  in 
Business  &  Communications 

more  than 
you  ever 
possible ! 

■  •  tHifclm  m4  fmrntm  •  CiipiiHiii  I«Iii»mImi  irwumm  •  Cdtmmr 

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'  llailnllm  •  OffiM  COTMn/lBMMlM/Ut^  ».€tWI«l/OWk»  !». 

•  ^M.-f  ^.111. 

Wiilicnn  tBinay  Moryr  Collaga 

•  •rtr«/«»«in 

Dr.  William  Jedlicka 

Occupation:  Professor     of 

Management  and  Psychok>gy 
Birth  date:     February  27 
Birthplace:   Chicago,  Illinois 
Marital  status:    Manried,  with  2 

Type  of  car  1995  Acura  Legend 
Favorite   "pigouf   food:   Red 

Last  good  movie:     Shawshank 

Last  good  book:  DracuU 
Vivid      childhood      memory: 
Living  in  Norway  and  Greece 
Phrase  to  describe  yourself: 
"Always  wanting  to  do  my  best" 
What  do  you  liite  about  your- 
self: A  good  frietui  and  1  try  hard 
What  do  you  like  least  about 
yourself:    Holds  too  high  of  stan- 
Most  irrational  thing:    Landing 

Dt.  William  ]edlicka  has  the 
unique  responsibility  of  being  a  profes- 
sor of  both  Ps)fchology  and  Business. 
Teaching  Introductions  to  Business 
and  Psychology,  Educational 
Psychology,  Principles  of  Manage- 
ment, and  Statistics,  he  has  been  an 
instructor  at  Harper  for  20  years.  A 
lift-long  Green  Bay  Packers  fim.  Dr. 
fedlicka  is  also  the  faculty  advisor  of 
Formulator,  Harper's  student-run 
company,  and  an  advisor  to  Harper's 
Cooperative  Education  program.  ■ 

in  C<^>eiUiagen,  Denmark  with 
$30  and  staying  there  for  three  days 
Most  prized  possession: 

Hero:  John  Mayneid  Keynes,  econ- 

Worst  advice:  'School  isn't 

I  knew  I  was  grown  up  when:  I 
bought  my  first  car 
Nobody  knows  that     I  am  a 
World  War  U  historian 
If  I  wasn't  teaching  I  would  be 
an  actuary  (business  statistics) 
Favorite  sports  team:  Green  Bay 
Packers...  "the  best  team  in  football" 
Students  think  I'm:    Interesting, 
challenging,  fair 

I  think:  People  should  trust  people 
the  way  that  you  would  want  to  be 
trusted.  Many  times,  what  pec^le 
tell  you  may  iu>t  be  what  they  meoa 


Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 

Saturday  'toons  revisited  with  musical  tribute  album 

Laura  Carrisim 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor 

Cttristmos  is  on  the  wav.  And 
Us  hm*  for  that  jU-ijnpirt45i 
shopping  traditkm  oo<» 
agam.  For  the  music  k»ver/twent>' 
sonielhing  on  your  Oiriataus  list, 
the  pwriect  gift  has  imt  sufiKcd  M 
your  Uxal  record  slote 

SalunJay  Morning  (Cannons' 
Cmatrsl  Hits)  is  r»c>w  available  on 
MCA  wcoid*,  caaaene*.  and  cwii'pact 
cMk*  Artisis  featured    _^______ 

include  such  alterna- 
tive hedvy-hjtters  as 
Matthew  Sweet. 
Cotlective  Soul,  the 
Butthole  Sur<er»  and 
Tnppmg  Daay.  For  the 
local  music  guru,  tht-re 
is  music  by  lu  fhatr 
(along  with  Material 
iauie)  and  Sfongr  Tlie 
Ramoncs,  Hetmet  and 
the  Violent  Fetnmn 
add  spic-e  with  their 
more  hardcore  style  ' 

one  might  even  venture-  (o  classify  as 

The  aftwin  starts  oir  Willi  an 
energetK-  rendititw  o<  "The  Tra  La  La 
Song"  (ftx>m  the  Banana  Sf>lits 
Adventure  Hour),  performed  by 
local  artists  Lu  Phair  and  Material 
bsue  This  parhcvtldr  song,  as  per- 
formed by  the  cast  oi  the  tale  sinties 

Hve-iK-tiof>  show,  actually  broke  into 
the  (fill  UK)  songs  back  in  1%4  The 
vibrant  r«'m.ike  of  this*  classic  theme 
song  1  omes  alive  once  again,  with 
the  votal  talent!*  of  Phair  backed  by 
the  strong  musical  talents  cif  Material 
Issue  memliers.  This  Siinjt  oould  be  a 
monster  hit,  c^specialK  vMth  thox.-  so- 
called  Baby  Busters  whu  would  like 
nothing  better  than  an  iM.isumal 
journey  back  to  the da\ s  ,>!  thiir 

Another  highlight  of  the  album 

is  a  blistenng  \erMon 

I  >f  thti  theme  from 
"Underdog",  per- 
formed by  the 
Butthole  Sut*ers.  The 
bass  line  as  inlerprt-t 
«i  b\  Paul  Icarv'  reai- 
Iv  k.irnes  thf  ifst  oi 
the  soM^  Tl>  k)ut>tf  Ihf 
show  (111  sumf  extent), 
"have  no  ten. 
Underdog  is  heref"  (in 
the  form  of  the 
_________  Butthole  Surtors,  thai 

is).  This  song  is  arm  of 
the  better  renditions  contained  her*- 

Other  good  Itaclts  include  the 
theme  from  "Speed  Racer"  (per- 
formed by  Sponge),  'Spider-man 
(performed  by  The  Ramones),  "The 
Bugaloos '  (performed  by  Ctillective 
S.ul)  and  "Seooby-Doo.  Where  Are 
Vou'   (performed  by  Matthew 

The  alternative  to 


Saturday  morning 

fever  revisited, 

with  a  little  help 

from  some  of 
today's  top  musi- 

Return  of  the  Grinch 

Laura  Garrison 

Arts**  Entertainment  Editor 

For  a  taste  of  childhood 
Christmas  h-aditions  right  in 
the  comfcirt  of  ytnir  own  living 
room.  Polygram  Records  has  just  the 
thing     How  th*'  lirinch  Stole 
Christmas",  the  timeless  Dr.  Seuss 
classic  as 
narrated  by 
Boris  Karloff 
is  row  avail- 
able on  com- 
pact disc 
tale  of  the 
Grinch.  fus 
heart  (two 
sizes  two 
small)  and 
his  dog  Max 
has  been 
enu'ved  by 
children  of 
all  ages  tor 
\  ears.  The 
Clrinch,  moh- 
vated  by  his 
hatred  tor  the 



The  timeless  Dr.  Seuss  holiday  classic. 
'Hoiw  the  Grinch  Stole  Christmas"  as 
narrated  by  Boris  Karloff.  is  available 
in  stores  now. 

Christmas  spint.  decides  that  after 
fifty-three  years  of  listenmg  to  the 
happy  and  joyhil  sounds,  enough  is 
enough.  His  misBian:  to  alcal 

With  the  help  of  his  dog  Max 
(in  the  absence  of  a  real  reindeer  to 
pull  his  sleigh),  the  Gnnch  sets  out 
to  till  his  sacks  with  the  Who's' 

C  hristmas  jov,  .-\s  t^e  s«x>n  discovers, 
L  )o\  tan't  be  stolen.  In  the 
words  of  IhtHxlore  Seuss  Chisel  (aka 
Dr  Seitts),  "Chrtstmas  day  is  m  our 
grasp  as  long  as  we  have  liands  to 

Once  the  Grinch  has  stolen 
everything  from  the  Wht>s,  he  waits 
to  hear  their  cTies  of  pain  Instead, 
he  hears  the 
hope  and  joy 
of  a  special 
day  expressed 
in  two  hun- 
dred Who 
voices,  gath- 
ered around 
the  Christmas 
tree  singing 
Suddenly,  the 
Grinch  is  over- 
come with 
kindness  in 
the  wake  of 
the  Christmas 
spint,  and 
feels  com- 

pcUcd  to  glVf 

Chrislmas  back 
to  the  Who \, 

Ihis  poignant 
favorite  as  interpreted  by  Bons 
Karloff  is  available  in  your  local 
record  store.  The  book  is  also  avail- 
able, as  IS  the  video  Children  and 
adults  alike  still  enjoy  this  hmeless 
classic  year  after  year,  and  now  it's 
available  in  the  converxient  take- 
along  format  of  a  compact  disc,  for 
about  S12.00, 

narraMd  by 
Boris  Kaphtrr 

"Saturday  Morning",  a  musical  tribute  to  the  Saturday  morning 
canoons  of  the  past,  is  now  available  in  record  stores  just  in 
time  for  holiday  gift-giving. 


With  any  compilation,  then-  are 
usually  a  couple  of  songs  om-  cv>uld 
do  without    There  is  only  one  track 
on  this  album  thai  really  would  have 
been  better  oil  untouchi'd.  and  that 
was  the  \"u>li-n(  1  fmmcs  perfor- 
mance >'t    I  i-p  C>pp  tVk  ,Ah-Ah 
(Meaas  1  Low  \i>u)  ,  from  the 

Jetsoas  In  the  words  ot  a  fellow  lis- 
teiuT,  'the  original  sounded  nothmg 

For  those  twenty-somethings 
who  like  to  reminisce  about  the 
olden  davs  of  waking  up  early  on 
Saturday  mornings  in  anticipation  of 
one's  favorite  cartoon,  this  is  one 
album  they  wont  want  to  miss! 

What  is 

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Arts  &  Entertainment 

Page  9 





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Vinny  &  007  big  winners 

Susan  Rademacher  •  Oin  and  a  movie  with  Suz 

Vinny 's  and 

"Goldeneye"  each 

get  two  thumbs  up 

from  our  Harbinger 


Wooiifield  Mall  needed  a  iresh 
new  Italian  restaurant — Vinnys 
Family  Style  Italian  Resaurant 
is  just  that.  The  portions  are  large  enough 
to  nuke  any  Italian  grandmother  proud 
Fresh  is  the  word  at  Virmy's  For  all  of 
you  garlic  lovers,  Viiin\  \  uses  the  real 
thing.  Powden>d  garlu:  is  nowhere  to  be 
found.  Vinny's  al.s<.>  Lx-lieves  that  )OU 
can't  put  enough  cheese  in  a  dish 

Our  meal  began  with  a  basket  of 

Vinny's  freshly  baked 

bi«ad.  the  basket  was 
overflowing  with  three 
different  types  of  bread. 
It  c<xisisted  of  Italian 
sourdough,  Focaccia,  and 
garlic  bread. 

The  bread  was  fol- 
lowed by  Vinny's  dinner 
salad  with  Virmy's  house 
dressing.  The  salad  was 
brimming  with  red 
onions,  tomatoes,  and 

At  ttlis  point,  we 
were  completely  stuffed,  and  we  hadn't 
even  gotten  to  the  main  course.  The 
main  course  was  well  worth  the  wait.  My 
Managing  Editor  and  I  had  ordered  from 
the  lunch  menu,  and  specified  t}\e  regular 
size  entrees.  Vinny's  also  has  a  humon- 
gous  siie  From  what  I've  seen  of  the  reg- 
ular lunch  size,  the  humongous  dinner 
size  must  be  enough  to  feed  a  ftxvtbaU 
team!  Just  to  give  you  an  indication  of  the 
size  diffeterues,  the  spaghetti  and  meat- 
balls is  $7.75  for  the  regular  portion  on 
the  luiKh  menu  ($8.95  for  the  dinner 
menu)  and  humongous  is  $15.95  for 
lunch  (same  for  dinner). 

We  sampled  the  spaghetti  and 
meatballs  along  with  the  baked  ziti  and 
sausage.  Both  meals  were  outstanding. 
[X>ggie  bags  are  the  norm  at  Vinny's, 

where  the  service  is  friendly  and  prompt. 
The  atmosphere  consists  of  the  traditional 
red  and  white  checkered  table  cloths,  and 
the  feeling  of  a  sidewalk  cafe  in  a  small 
Italian  village.  In  the  background  there's 
the  music  of  Tony  Bennett,  Frank  Sinatra, 
and  other  easy  listening  favorites. 

This  week's  movie  selection  is  none 
other  than  Bond,  James  Bond. 
"Goldeneye"  is  definitely  a  Bond  movie 
for  the  90's.  Pierce  Brosnan  is  as  close  as 

you  can  get  to  Sean  Connery 

as  the  martini  drinking 
British  secret  agent. 
Brosnan's  007  energizes  ttie 
Ian  Fleming  hero  following 
Tunothy  Dalton's  lackluster 
portrayal  of  the  man  who  is 
licensed  to  kill. 

"Goldeneye"  has  all  of  the 
trademarks  of  a  Bond 
movie.  It  has  Bond  girls, 
gadgets,  and  bad  guys  who 
want  to  rule  the  world.  The 
Russian  computer  analyst 
who  helps  Bond  is  a  typical 
Bond  babe  with  or>e  exception.  This  Bond 
babe  is  allowed  to  show  off  her  brain  as 
well  as  her  body. 

The  chick  to  look  out  for  is  the  for- 
mer Russian  Army  pilot.  This  gal  is  every 
man's  nightmare— she  crushes  men  with 
her  thighs.  There's  a  scene  where  she 
shoots  up  a  room  full  of  people.  She 
appeared  to  be  having  a  sexual  experi- 
ence as  she  emptied  the  rounds  from  her 
gun.  Her  last  name  is  Onatop,  which  rep- 
resents another  Bond  tradition.  At  lease 
one  character  has  a  rather  unique  name, 
although  "Goldiinger"'s  Pussy  Galore 
still  tops  the  list. 

Brosnan  has  recently  signed  a  eon- 
tract  to  play  Bond  in  at  least  two  more 
films.  On  a  scale  of  1  to  10,  "Goldeneye" 
gets  an  8. 

How  about  a  nice  meal  of  salmon  mousse  and  SPAM? 


go  to  med  school. 


go  to  Hcirrinyton 


f'.,  f 

The  only 


m  the 

(.  'liii,i«o  .ir<.-.i 



,-\nJ  trjiistiTntiw 


require  a 

nwjor  operation. 

Call  (or  more 

Hiformation  ami 

a  catalog. 


Page  10 


The  Harbinger 

Our  View 

'Tis  the  season  to 
be  fortunate 

As  the  semester  draws  to  a  close, 
there's  a  certain  feeling  in  the  air  around 
campus.  Festivities  to  celebrate  the  holi- 
day season  are  ail  around.  The  brisk 
north  wind  has  replaced  shorts  and 
shirts  with  overcoats  and  boots.  And 
students  everywhere  are  gearing  up  for 
the  mother  of  all  tests,  the  final  exam. 

As  you  breathe  that  sigh  of  relief 
after  walking  out  of  your  last  final, 
think  about  what  you've  accomplished 
this  year.  Did  you  do  everything  you've 
set  out  to  take  care  of?  Hd\  e  vou  set 
goals  for  19%?  Take  some  time  to  give 
thanks  for  your  good  fortime.  Things 
that  we  take  for  granted,  such  as  as  the 
right  to  vote  or  sleeping  in  a  warm  bed 
are  little  more  than  dreams  for  far  too 
many  people  around  the  world. 

19%  brings  several  events  to  UK)k 
forward  to:  the  Summer  Olympics  in 
Atlanta,  February  29th,  presidential 
elections,  and  much  more.  Some  of  us, 
including  Harper,  even  get  a  new  tele- 
phone area  code. 

Take  care.  Harper.  From  everyone 
at  the  Harbinger,  have  a  festive  holiday 
season  and  a  prosperous  new  year.  We 
look  forward  to  seeing  you  in  1996! 

The  Harbinger 

til*  •««c»  «l  iiffmt  T,^  %^ 

Ou»  AIM    To  Bt  rHUTHfUL.  AC^UKAIl  AND  f ACTUAL 

Editorial  Board 

Acting  Edilar  in  Chief |onO'Bri«i 

Business  Manager Valene  Wevers 

Managing  Editor  Eteve  Pump 

News  Editor )ulie  Thompson 

Arts  k  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

Sports  Editor  Susan   Rademacher 

Layout  Editor Paul  Roden 

Faculty  Advisor  Susanne  Havlic 

Holiday  shopping  nightmares 

Jon  O'Brien    •   The  Ed's  View 

It's  that  time  of  year  that 
power-shoppers  love  and 
[  dread — holiday  shop- 
ping. Ever>-where  you  go, 
hoards  of  people  buy  up 
everything  in  sight.  Yet  lurk- 
ing in  the  shadows,  a  shifty 
lowlife  kx>ks  to  lighten  some- 
one's load  arid  lower  their 
spirits.  A  few  simple  direc- 
tions can  make  the  difference 
between  a  memorable  hiili- 
day  st'ason  and  a  montfi  of 
frayed  nerves,  overdrawn 
bai\k  accounts  and  police 

Protect  yourself  from 
theft  Hide  valuables,  such  as 
purses,  cellular  phones,  radar 
detectors,  and  radio  face 
plates  IXin't  leave  presents 
wht"iv  shiftv  eyes  can  see 
them  Be  sure  to  arm  your 
car  s  alarm  svitem  if  vou 
have  iinr  And  for  (.<«J  sakes, 
lixk  vtiur  car  whrn  vou  leave 
it'  Keep  your  purs<-  or  wallet 
concealed  from  pick  poikets 
Don't  carry  any  mon?  cash 
than  vou  have  to 

A  v(UK  k  note  tor  thosi' 
of  you  who  have  a  keyless 
entry  feature  on  your  auto- 
mobiles tf\ieves  ha\i'  devices 
that  can  mtercept  your  kev 

fob's  signal  when  you  use  it. 
It  might  be  a  good  idea  to 
lock  and  unlock  your  car 
doors  with  a  key  whenever 
you  so  to  a  crowded  store  or 

Be  prepared  to  show 
identification  for  credit  pur- 
chases. I  wasn't  in  Sears  for 
two  minutes  on  November 
24th  t>efore  I  found  someone 
attempting  credit  fraud 
Credit  authorization  centers 
are  keeping  a  tighter  grip 
than  ever  on  fraud.  Be  ready 
to  show  a  driver's  license  or 
state  identification  card  if 
requested  Using  somebody 
else's  card  is  a  reallv  bad  idea 
at  this  time  of  year  as  stores 
tend  to  tackle/handcuff/ 
arrest  first,  ask  questions 

Don't  f>e  so  hard  on 
sales  clerks.  No  matter  how 
much  holiday  shopping  you 
do,  solespeople  are  going 
through  mon>  Just  like  you 
and  me,  these  pisiple  can 
only  take  so  many  rude  and 
grouchy  customers  before 
going  postal. 

Drive  respoasiblv 
rheres  not  a  sh4)pping  mall 
on  the  planet  designed  to 
handle  the  traffic  of  the  holi- 
djv  xMson  There's  no  need 
to  tut  sonu-om'  ott  it  they  just 
tiM>k  the  parking;  spjce  you 
were  vv.iuing  tor  tvcu  van 
alw.i\s  slash  their  tires  later) 

When  at  ht)me,  do  not 

keep  gifts  in  areas  that  are 
visible  from  the  outside. 
They  inay  look  pretty  sitting 
under  tfie  tree  but  you  don't 
want  Public  Enemy  Number 
One,  standing  outside  your 
living  room  window,  to  think 
the  same.  Lights  are  visible 
through  curtains.  Report 
suspicious  activity  in  your 

Make  a  list  of  svhat  you 
need  to  accomplish.  A  little 
planning  goes  a  long  way. 
Have  an  idea  who  you  want 
to  buy  for  and  what  they 
would  like  I  personally  feel 
that  shopping  is  one  of  the 
world's  biggest  wastes  of 
time.  A  well-written  list 
allowed  me  to  survive  shop- 
ping at  the  Mall  of  America 
in  Minneapolis,  Miimesota. 
the  day  after  TfiaiOssgiving 
last  year  It  also  lets  you  track 
what  you've  purchased  and 
avoid  overpurchasing. 

Watch  your  spending 
carefully  While  a  S3000  limit 
MasterCard  may  sound  nice 
on  December  i'^rd,  as  you  do 
your  last  minute  shopping. 
It's  not  going  to  seem  like  a 
giHid  idea  in  January  when 
all  of  your  bills  arrive.  Be 
sure  to  check  your  bills  tor 
any  questionable  activ  ity 
Keep  your  receipts  in  case  of 
a  dispute 

A  little  patience  and 
common  will  go  a  long 
way  in  the  malls.  Gixxj  luck! 


Kathy  Betts,  Tim  Brauer,  T  W  Fuller,  Jim  Kopeny 

General  Information 

Thr'  Harbinger  b  the  student  publication  tor  the  Harper  College  campus  community,  published  biweek- 
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^   ^ 

December  8,  1995 


Page  T 1 

Don't  let  any  excuses  stand  in  your  way 

SuMnnc  Havlic 

Cuesi  Commenury 

my  son,  befon?  II  yfar>  in  Ihe 
tctuml  uf  hard  knin  k> 

I  tud  no  tdvia  that  26 
v<f«r»  later,  rijth*  amunJ  my 
NrthtlJV.  I  would  niav  tram 

wuchini^  caravt.  'Kivtng  bwn 
by  my  pcen  aiwl  ttve 
taikm  file  rank  of  full 

At  I  wind  down  my  latt 
MMnesMT  of  leKMng 
(ouinaliMn  counc* 
hcK  M  HMpm  and  knfc  for- 
w«d  to  4  new  cHMr  in  thr 
mkiMry.  I've  bwn  raflccting 
on  ttw  wofd  ■!»«■■  and  it» 
•iyriflcancc  in  my  lite  thnr 
pal  23  ywn  a*  a  Hadwr  and 
m  Inv  Hw  flf  wy  ittklwito- 

I  NBMMbv  whHi  I  ftrst 
came  to  lite  Haiper  PaUtinr 
camput.  The  dale  was  January 
25. 1970.  and  •  WM  my  32Mi 
bitihday  I  had  tahen  tmif 
three  cotlcgr  cndit  couph^ 
wav  back  in  1957,  brlotv  1  wa» 
marned,  Mote  the  birth  or 

li|>ity  can  be  tike 

In  'lome  ways  my  Mary 
ian'l  mticli  diffmnt  fmrn  the 
•lories  of  moat  of  my  students, 
or  perhaps  even  lome  tarutty 
Most  of  us  d<:>n  t  linow  at  any 
partKular  pixnt  in  our  lives 
where  we  II  be  26  year*  m  the 
future  Thai  s  mit  tf»e  problem 
It  can  be  endhng  to  antiapale 
an  unknown  future,  as  k)f«ga» 
along,  the  way  we've  made 
every  efcrt  to  smcceed  in  wfvit 
we  do  No.  the  ptublem  seems 
to  be  that  many  of  those'  who 
eumt  tmm  to  leam  leave  tlwa 
WMXMK  as  leimiet»  to  chance, 
and  chancc'  can  be  wrendipi- 

ItnjB  or  disastrous. 

One  of  the  ttiings  I've 
rHHiced  about  students  in 

tf»«e  pist  few  years  is  Ihe 
increased  prvxalerKe of  excus- 
e»  ttudent-v  give  for  not  suc- 
ceedrnf;  More  and  mtin?  stu- 
dents rationalize  away  success 
in  their  studies  for  a  mynad  of 
apoteuetic  lustihcahons. 

"Its  not  my  fault  I    .* 
students  ptnir  out,  defending 
their  choice  lo  avoid  succcs,< 
Today  tital  unsuccesisful  effort 
might  be  merely  a  missed 
chapter  s  readmit,  a  late 
assifcnment, .)  haU-fimsiwd 
protect,  a  lailed  exam,  a  slop- 
py presentation  ot  other  minor 
academic  infraction. 

Today  it  may  be  only  tfie 
iiculty  member  who  hears 
and  accepts  or  rejects  tfie 
eicuses.  But  26  years  from 
now.  who  will  listen  to  tfie 
e»cuses  and  apologies  tor  the 
missed  moiTWnts  tfw  neglect- 
ed opportunities  Perhaps  it 
will  be  only  tfw  face  m  ttw 


Students  could  say.  I 
suppose,  tlvat  I  don't  under - 
startd  the  pn«}ures  and  prob- 
lems of  work.,  familv,  studies, 
etc.  But,  let  me  shjrv  wiih  vou 
that  tor  ttie  last  niru*  years,  in 
order  to  prepare  for  my  career 
tiMwe  mto  the  mim.stry,  I 
attended  Lutheran  Sch«x>l  <>t 
Theology,  takiixj;  3«i  courses, 
Greeii  and  Hebrew  included, 
domg  a  three- month  summer 
hospital  stmt  as  a  chaplain, 
working  W  hcvurs  a  week  in  a 
chuah  tor  14  months  as  part 
of  a  work  study  requirement. 
and  fulfillmg  an  18-month, 
part-time  internship  At  the 
same  time  I  taught  loumalism 
classes,  coordinated  the 
(oumalism  l'rt>gram  and 
advised  tfie  student  newspa- 

I  don  t  share  this  to  brag 
about  beinK  a  super  woman 
I'm  not  1  sihare  it  because  it's 
what  1  had  to  do  smce  I  too 
made  excuses  and  mis,seif  an 

opportunity  years  ago. 

To  admit  this  doesn't 
mean  I  regret  one  mmute  of 
my  wonderful  career  here  at 
Harper  I  have  memories  and 
mementos  frtim  my  vears  here 
that  I  will  hold  in  my  fieart 
until  I  go  into  my  final  career. 

I  have  cared  for  my  stu- 
dents, and  abciut  mv  teacfung. 
I've  done  my  best  to  t>e  suc- 
cessful and  to  hefp  students  be 

But,  111  always  wonder 
about  what  might  have  been. 

In  1970,  the  same  year  I 
registered  for  classes,  tf>e  first 
woman  was  ordained  mio  tfw 
Lutlieran  denominahon  to 
wfiich  I  belong  Even  though 
the  way  was  opened.  I  made 
excuses  as  to  why  I  couldn  t 
study  for  the  mimstry  at  abtjut 
the  same  hme  I  began  my 
career  at  Harper    If  I  had  not 
made  excuses  today  you 
might  be  .iddressmg  me  as 
Bishop  H.ivIk:  irvstead  of 
Profesi>i>r  Ha v  lie 

The  cure  for  AIDS  is  common  sense 

T.W.  Fuller  •  American  Independent 

Would  It  be  prudent  to  •iigg|f»l 
that  ii  orw  knew  tfw*  formula 
tor  acquiring  AIDS,  then  that 
"one"  would  alst>  knc»w  tlie  formula 
tor  not  acquinng  it,  for  isn  i  it  suiiplk 
tile  opposite  of  ac«|uinng  AIDS  m  the 
fint  place' 

And  b\  knowing  how.  in  fact. 
,\id»  IS  It  would  be  thought 
that  logK  and  a>mmon  Mtmc  would 
surely  dictate  "doom  and  glooni''  for 
ir.'.  -u  ^    nsUughl  tlie  viru»  had  m 

'     'ingwith 
■«Tis<-  n.i^  utin'  i>r  no  t-nni  pertaining 
lo  this  schenw   That  leaves  AIDS  one 

It's  not  that  we  haven't  been 
ed'ucated  about  Al'DS.  we've  Wfu  eJu- 
CTiled  to  de.iih    We  kniiw  hou  AIOS  is 
spre.i  Its  Jcjii 

I'v  at'.  ,     ■        '.I  ^.iif    yir 

at  Irast  'some  of  us"  Jori'tcair.  That 
leaves  AI1.)S  two  up 

And  It  IS  th«"s*-  "some  - 

are propellmg  the  virus  lo  in^ :;  .  ,  .: 

higliier  statistics  day  m  and  out 

With  word  constTUCtitms  sut:h  as 
individual,  perstmal,  or  private  choice, 
constitulioTuil  or  American  right,  my 
body,  my  life,  freedom  to.  to  do,  or  of; 
make  k>ve  not  »-.;»'•  •■'.■■    'i>.~'  ■  s.ime  of 
as' helpcontrihi.  't 

Aire   Th,i'  >- ' 

Is  it  :  .1 

Us"  dem.aiii. -,  .-;  ,...  ,.'.-,-„,atKin 

dt>id.'  b\  their  tndiv  idual  ctKMces,  yet 
whtrn  they  tinally  become  infet  ted 
with  AIDS  they  run  to  the  "rest  of  ttve 
population"  and  bt-g  for  svmpathv  and 
of  trautse  'morvey  to^  find  a  cure  so  ttijl 
they  may  hve  aiHjtiwr  day  to  bully  the 

"nst  of  the  popublkwi"  with  tiieir 

indiv  iiiudl  c  hoicfs"    Tluil  leaves  AIDS 
tour  up 

liiev,  "  some  ot  u>  '   act  js  if 
.■\llr>  is  s<.>mcthing  we  all  >hould  be 
wary  of    With  inarve  and  reMiunding 
rfietonc  ttiey  attempt  to  frighten  the 
rest  ol  ttu-  population  " 

A1I5S  vsill  not  wipt?  out  human 
civilization  as    Mime  of  us"  believe 
The  "rest  ot  the  fxipulation"  will  sur- 
vive the  ordeal - 

AIDS  IS  not  an  epidemic 
Though  It  spreads  worldwide  it  is 
nonetheless  ahsolutelv  controllable, 
and  theri'ton  ■  j^v  Up  contain 

.■Vll)S  IS  r.oi  J  homosexual  virus. 
nor  is  it  white  man  s  revenge "  on  the 
black  population  This  is  categoncallv 
dismissed  as  blathering  drivel,  and  is 
something  in  which  to  laugh  at  hvster- 

C  Ij.ssitvmn  .-XIIIS  as  a  homosexu- 
al virus  inters  only  homosexuals 
acquire  it,  tttere  is  substanha)  evidence 

to  point  out  flaws  in  this  theory 

Is  AIDS  realK  "white  man's 
revenge"  on  the  black  populahon?  It 
is  a  hne  joke  on  the  many  whites  who 
have  It    "Cietting  caught  m  your  own 
trap"  so  lo  speak 

Perfiaps  one  of  tfiese  days  we 
will  accept  AIDS  for  what  it  really  is;  a 
promiscuous  and  discnminahng  virus 
that  has  the  af>solutc  potential  of  being 
eradicjted  worldwide  without  ever 
finding  a  medicinal  cure  or  spending 
one  cent  of  money,  bo  it  tax  payers  or 
anyone  else  s 

Perhaps  we  all  may  he  spared 
the  threat  of  losing  a  lov  e»i  one  to 
AIDS,  of  agonizing  year  in  and  out  as 
the  statistics  mount  and  prolong  its  life 
span,  of  wondermg  if  this  will  be  tfie 
year  in  which  the  long  awaited  "quick 
fix    will  be  tound,  of  wondering  when 
the  climax  will  txcur  and  finally  taper 

It's  highly  unlikely  though   That 
leaves  AIDS  five  up 

Economic  reality  of  childcare  in  the  1990's 

Susan  Radcmacher  •  Guest  Columnist 

■i!.-.»s,5  day 


•  thlO^   IS    dS    V  .11 

hikj   ,A  pan-nl 
(mi  Itleir  rh\l..> 

the  i\orK>mic  realities  oi  tSi. 
have  made  it  difficult,  it  not  i 
ble  tor  familitsMHirvivt  »i\ 
source  of  income. 

As  a  result,  parents  are  faced 
with  the  need  to  pul  iheir  children  into 
daycare   Tfie  ptiocww  ol  aeiectrng  the 
right  d.i  V I  are  provider  is  one  of  tfie 
III    -•  ■  ■•.  -i-iveand  fru.sfratmg  exp«.>n- 
ci!.  I-  1  ,  .uent  will  ever  lace 

There  are  many  concerns  to  be 
addressed  wfien  searching  for  tlie  day- 
cait'  situation  that  is  nghl  tor  your 
child.  Supnsingly  enou^,  futdmg  IS  good  far  (he  diiid  is  ict- 
.  .(■•le  when  compared  to 
■;ut  tan' 
'.Quality  da\>..irr  .osts  an  average 
: '  K)  per  child  pt-r  rue  day  a  week 
jm    I  hat  ^omes  to  Ss2i)(l  a  year 
.-ist  one  child    I  .iiiiihes  with  irrnre 
than  one  chiLi  will  spi'nd  miire  than 
SlO,tK.K)  J  year  in  day  care  evfviisc-s 
Parents  used  to  be  able  to  get 
s».>me  relief  at  lax  time  bv  deductin>; 
the  cost  of  daycare  from  their  taxable 
income  Tfianks  to  Bill  L  Imton's  'lax 
the  nch  and  save  the  potir "  programs, 
parents  can  only  deduct  a  portion  ot 
their  daycare  expenses  After  applymg 
a  complicated  formula,  only  a  portion 
of  daycare  expenses  may  he  deducted 
The  middle  class  and  the  poor 

end  up  with  the  short  end  of  the  sfick. 
Bill  Clinton  won't  have  to  worry  about 
unemployment  rates  sk\  rocketing, 

becaiis*'  rr'anv  workers  wilt  have  to 

quit  their  jobs.  A  family  can't  afford  to 
have  b«:>lh  parents  in  the  work  lorce  if 
the  added  income  is  depleted  by  day- 
care costs 

HoiMA,y^  you  Looi^     i-iKc 

HCV/    LBT^S  WATCH  % 



Page  12 


The  Harbinger 


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The  Harbinger  is  always 
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A  life  full  of  love  &  won- 
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awaits  your  newborn!  A 
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Please  consider  us. 
Susan  and  Stuart 

DRINKING:  Knowing  when  to  say  when 

continued  from  page  7 

studies     reflect     campus 

"We've  carefully 

iwirwed  studies  from  big 
Khools,  aiKi  we  have  copies 
of  them,"  UK  Dean  of 
Shidents  David  Stockham 
said.  "We  use  them  as  our 
sources  of  information.  We 
believe  the  pattern  lassodal- 
ed  with  drinkmg)  are  simi- 

UK  has  made  ^teveral 
attempts  to  address  these 

In  1988,  the  UK  nrviacd 
portions  of  its  Alcohol  Policy. 

The  policies  became 
more  speciin  as  to  where  and 
when  drinking  on  campus  ts 
appropnale  Alcoholic  bev- 
erages are  not  permitted  in 
dawfooins,  laboratories. 
offices,  resideiKe  halls,  athlet- 
ics events  and  all  outdoor 
areas  on  campus 

Also,  the  policy  sjys 
housing  corporations  that 
supervise  on-campus  greek 
chapter  houses  are  supposed 
to  establish  rules  that  are  con- 
sistent with  local  laws  and 
icgulations.  Those  house  cor- 
porations also  are  respoiMiM* 
for  ensuring  compiiance  by 

In  confunction  with  the 
policy's  opening  statements 
to  "promote  akohd  educa- 
tion   and    counseling    pro- 

grams," Stockham  said  the 
university  has  encouraged 
student  groups  to  create 
forums  cm  related  issues 

Also,  the  university 
offers  a  new  short  course 
with  workshops  and  sp«.idl 
speakers  describing  jlcohol 
and  its  consequences  The 
program  is  called  On- 
Campus  Talk  About  Alcohol 

For  students  who 
believe  they  may  have  a 
drinking  problem,  Nolan 
suggested  several  options  for 
seeking  help  on  cjmpus  He 
said  students  may  gc  u>  the 
University  Health  Vrvices  m 
either  the  student  mental 
health  wing  or  m  the  primary 
care       facilitv  L  K  s 

Counselmg  and  Testing 
Center  also  can  help  Nolan 
added  that  the  community 
has  several  sources,  including 
help  groups  such  as 
Alcoholics  Anonymous,  Ala- 
noo  and  Ala-teen. 

The  Morning  After 

Katie  wakes  up  in  a  fi>r- 
eign  bed  m  a  dark  room.  The 
only  sign  of  morning  she  can 
discern  is  the  blmking  red 
9-.4S  on  the  alarm  clock  next 
to  her.  Katie's  head  pounds, 
her  mouth  feels  dry.  She 
leaves  the  steeping  man  next 
to  her  with  as  mudh  silence  as 

she  can  muster  in  her  present 

"I  know  I  didn't  have 
sex  with  him,"  Katie  says  a 
few  hours  later.  "I  shll  had 
all  of  mv  clothes  on  when  I 
woke  up  and  he  did,  too  We 
must  have  |ust  passed  out 
together  " 

Katie  still  dix-s  not 
know  who  the  man  she  woke 
up  with  is  or  what  happened 
between  them. 

After  someone 

descnbes  her  state  the  night 
befori"  lo  Katie,  she  says  this 
is  not  the  first  time  She  even 
admits  that  it  ^'rob.ibly  is  a 
problem,"  but  it  will  "proba- 
bly happen  .igain 

Two  weeks  later.  Katie 
is  seeking  help  at  j  regional 
rehabilitation  center  follow- 
ing an  overdose  of  sleeping 
pills  and  muscle  relaxants. 

She  acknowledges  that 
the  drugs  were  definitely  a 

But  she  still  doesn't 
think  that  drinking  on  the 
weekend  is  "that  big  of  a 
problem"  for  her 

"Drinking  is  just  an 
easy  way  to  forget  all  of  tfie 
stuff  that  has  happei^  in  ttie 
course  of  the  week-you  know, 
grades  and  classes  and  family 
and  stuff,"  she  said.  "It's  rK>t 
like  I  drink  all  of  the  tinie.  I 
do  it  on  tf>e  weeketwls  only." 



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On  WwlUbioot  nan 
S  »rym  IMw.  Salic  >SS 
Wofttbiaot.  n.  tMC2 
TtHa^tm  FAX:  tM-1871 

am  W.  W«la>  »mi 

■tm  WS  »»  KAX- 



CMcago,  B.  CMM 

srawaaa  nx:  «i>.iwt 

OlMOillhffwik  Tcrrvc 


O^tnok  Ttmcc  1.  Will 

7WI.MI.MM  nut  iii«a» 

EOe/Sindv  Cik  HMKncl) 

Decembers,  1995 

Fun  Page 

Calling  all  able  writers 

Page  13 

•  Ihi-   Brunswick   National 

HfwIiiY  hna!s  VXervon  bowled 
.1  I'oupli,'  t;itr,,-s  ,,.i,rsol\'fs. 

•  Th.  1  Xinin  Ht.naduce  con- 
ctTt  lasl  March,  Ask  the  editor 
with  .1  pictun-  oi  himself  sitting 
on  Htinjducc's  Onlge  Viper. 

•  Board  of  Trustt-e  meetings 
diMhng  with  the  progress  and 
hiturt  pldnnln^;  of  the  schtKiL 

All  It  t.ikes  IS  a  couple 
hours  d  vvct'k.  You  write  when 
vou  an'  Mi'  to  and  do  only  as 
"  ■    '■    ■■  \oij  want 

!'  b\  the  Harbinger 
orria:,  buUdmg  A,  Room  367  for 
mor.'  information  Well  be  kx)k- 
mg  for  you  next  year! 



Com©  to  our  Grmnd  Op0nmg  Celebration ,« 

by  Ruby  Wyne-lo 

A.A.B.P.   Cenified   Actrr,lr 


imnitan  lapioo? 

em>m..  ktytKwilif.  tM  mllt,;^  i 

We  buy,  sell,  trade        _ 
itSMi  antf  new  computer  equipment 

Aries;    (Mjtil— Apr 

deflected  this  w«4.  b\ 
Taurus.  (Apr.20— M.n 

^1  ..-.I.,...,       'M  , 


*n4  Wi, 

Wtfm  smmmif  Our  'Mall «  rtacty  i  •  ,. 
mjng*  aM  mm  MP'  you  ««  •  upi 


m  if 



DO«Ni«t  iMovt  mum   tCHMmmma 





PRINT  t-     •  ■      ■, 


VGAMi.  ■, 


(,.*n(er:  (futie 

Leo;  l|uly  23 — Ab 

fanc>-free  this  weekend.  Delight  houseguests 
with  a  one-man  performance  of  Show  Boat 

whik-  wearing  vour  trousers  on  your  head 
<^  .  t:  ;,  f(lct.24-NovJl)  At  the  supermarket, 
1  shopping  cart  with  a  bum  wheel, 
Hi-irig  viHi  to  topple  a  kielbasa  display. 
'-aggilarius:  (Nov.22— Dec.21)  Office  politics 
I'iay  a  key  role  tn  the  w«vk  ahead  when  you  pro- 
claim voiirsell  Divme  Magistrate  of  the 
■'.'.■anintuig  r>i\isi,in 

jpricom:  (D.-C.22  -|an.l9)  Treat  your  partner 
to  a  night  jt  (hi-  mo\ies  Offer  to  spring  for  the 
first  roll  i>t  tokens, 

Vui.o  u.     lan.2(>— Feb.18)  An  afternoon  fobt- 

<rns  nasty  when  your  opponents 

'larterhack  mto  a  fine  paste. 

!*— Mar.201  Tragedy  strikt-s  your 

H"nic  vviicn  it  bums  to  the  ground  and  you're 

called  in  to  identify  the  charred  remains  of  the 

■•imily  budgir 

'"■'f"'' ""''■""  .    L>  nol  intvltvilin 

Itu:  rtxrm  ton>!,4i,-;,.c  ,«y„j.,  M:aiulal. 

<K    IICHNK  I\\ 


so.  YOy  lONOdE-D  i^Y 

WORK . . 


SAVrtNKi  (AONEY.    riL 

•"  mtmtknttp***  nfm'ifm 

«5«"M*NY  B0U6KT  imj 

UPG^Oti'l  I  CALL 
THt  SHOTS,  you 

SIhPLE  tool!! 


Nation  ^taj:  ^ 
ff      Phxlucts 


^AT  LEAST  we 

I  300  VOO  SCEns  TO 
BE  WOEfuaY  UNDtR- 


OR  YOU  CAN  Pay  ny 



1  A^\T 




J^^  ** 

Page  14 

Harper  Sports 

The  Harbinger 

Spring  1996  semester 
registration  information 

Operator  Assisted  Phone-In  Registration: 

December  4, 5, 6,  7.  11, 12, 13, 14,  January  4,  6: 

10  a.m.  -  8  p.m. 

January  5: 

10  a.m.  -4  p.m. 

Dial  (708)  397-1100 

Touch-tone  registration: 

November  27  -  Dt?cember  21,  January  4  - 18: 

Monday  -  Thursday:  9  a.m.  -  8  p.m. 

Friday:  9  a.m.  -  4  p.m. 

January  13: 

9  a.m.  - 12  noon 

Dial  (708)  925-1515 

Tuition  fees 

are  due... 

For  registration  done  by. 

December  5 

November  6  -  EJecemtier  1 

January  4 

December  4  -  Decembter  21 

January  8 

January  3  -  January  5 

January  18 

January  8  -  January  18 

Harper  College 
Athletes  of  the  Week 

Name:  K  C  Chuidi 

W*ek  of  Nov.  15-22 


High  School  Eaton  Rapids 

ReasoniPaissed  for  158  yards  in  the 

R.C.  Cola  Bowl  and  completed  a 

career  high  15  of  28  passes. 

Name;  Chhsta  Ronunel 
Week  of:  Nov.  22-29 
Spoit  Women's  Basketball 
Year 2nd 

High  School:Hoi}man  Estates 
Reason:Scored  25  points  and  10 
rebounds  in  a  63-58  win  over 

Lack  week  the  Wellness  and  Human  Performan  Diinsion 

names  and  athlete  of  the  iveek  .  The  Harbinger  is  proud  to 

feature  the  talented  athletes  of  Harper. 



December  11-16 

Buyback  hHours-  Building  L 

Mon-Thur$  8:15-3  +  4-7:30 

Fri  8:15-3:30     Sat  9-1 

Building  J: 

Mon-Thurs  9:30-3  4-6:30 

Harper  College  Bookstore 

Building  L  Room  260 

Decembers.  1995 

Harper  Sports 

Page  15 

Harper  College  All-Stars 

Fred  Boston 

2nd  Team  All  Conferena; 

Doug  Bames 

Running  Back 

Otfenmve  FrasKnun 
of  the  Year 

Ryan  Buchanan 

Defensive  Back 

2nd  Team  All  Conference 

Isl  Team  All  Regjtm 

Shannon  Callahan 

Defeasive  Back 

Defcnsivi?  Freshman 

of  the  Year 

K.C.  Church 


Most  Improved  Player 


Will  Ford 

1st  Team  All  Conference 

1st  Team  All  Region 
All-Amerkan  Nominw 

Shane  Goss 

Sp«ul  Tieamii  I'layer 
of  IhcYear 

Pat  Izzo 


2nd  Team  All  Conference 
1st  Team  All  Region 

Robert  Kelly 

Defensive  Back 

Most  Improved  llayer 


Donnell  King 

Offensive  Lineman 
2nd  Team  All  Conference 

Jason  Krivis 
Offensive  Lineman 
l»l  Team  All  Conference 

Isl  Team  All  Region 
All-Am«>ncan  Nominee 

josh  Lettiere 


Most  Valuable  llayer 

1st  Team  All  Conference 

I  at  Team  AU  Region 
Ail-American  Nominee 

Ben  Look 

Offensive  Lineman 

Harpei"  Football 

Spirit  Award 

Marquis  Martin 

Wide  Receiver 
1st  Team  AU  Region 

Haroun  Muhammed 

Defenisve  Back 
Breaks  and  Takes  Award 
1st  Team  All  ConfeterKC 

1st  Team  All  Region 
Ail-American  Nominee 

'       •       ^ 


>"  ^ 

Larry  Nccly 

Defensive  Linen\an 

2nd  Team  All  Conference 

Eric  Siegal 

2nd  Team  All  Conference 

•    >  .  %       ^ 

1995  Harper  Hawks  Football  Team 

John  Eliasik  named  Coach  of  the  Year 

Susan  lUdcnuchcr 

Sports  Edilor 

Harper  College  footiMll 
coach  lohn  Eliasik  was  voted 
Foortwll  Coach  cif  the  Year  for 
•he  North  Central 

Community  College 


Eliasik  led  his  learn  to  a 
successful  <<ea.s«n  folKnving 
last  year's  disappointing  4-5- 
1  record. 

"I  did  not  win  this 
award  by  myself  I  had  an 
outstanding  coaching  staff 
that  worked  hard  all  season," 
Eliasik  said  at  the  team's 
annual  end  of  the  season  ban- 

First  year  coach,  and 
former  Harper  football  play- 
er. Paul  VVeissenstein  was  sur- 
prised when  Eliasik  present- 
ed ejch  member  of  the  ciiach- 
ing  staff  with  a  ivpiica  of  the 
award  with  their  name  on  tt 
"This  IS  really  nice.  Its  just 
like  Ell  to  this."  Weissenslein 

"Our  record  doesn't 
reflect  the  quality  of  this 
year  s  team."  Eliasik  added, 
referring  to  Harpers  6-6 
record.  A  low  pcnnt  m  the 
Hawks'  successful  season 
occuied  when  Harper  was 
forced  to  forfeit  two  of  its 

Due  to  the  participation 
of  an  ineligible  player 
Harper  was  forced  to  forfeit 
its  17-3  victory  over  Grand 

Th«  1995  Harper  Hawks  Football  Coaching  Team  (left  to  right):  Al  Eck,  Offensive  Backs,  Paul  Weissenstein. 
Defensive  Backs.  Randy  Cashmore.  Offensive  Line.  Eliseo  Saldivar,  Defensive  Line.  Tim  Hatfield,  Defensive 
Coordinator,  and  (sitting)  Head  Coach  John  Eliasik. 

Rapids  and  its  58-0  romp 
over  St.  Ambrose 

University's  junior  varsity 
team.  The  Grand  Rapids  vic- 
tory was  a  conference  match 

Eliasik  managed  to 
steer  the  Hawks  to  the  Royal 
Crown  Cola  Bowl  despite  the 
setback  and  the  mid-season 
loss  of  quarterback   Kevin 


What  do  his  players 
think  of  Eliasik?  The  most  fre- 
quently heard  comments 
were,  "He's  tough,  but  he's 

good.     I'm  proud  to  have 
played  for  him." 

Stay  tuned  to  The 
Harbinger  for  info  on  the  des- 
tinations of  the  sophmores. 

Classes  are  over  but  Basketball  continues  the  drive 

John  Nikoiarof  tries  to  find  a  Hawk  to  pass  the  ball  to  in  Harper's  96-80  victory 
over  CLC  Dec  S. 

Photo  by  Susan  Rademacher 

Susan  Rademacher 


The  men's  basketball 
team  will  host  two  more 
home  games  Dec  12  and  Dec 
16  before  hitting  the  road 
during  the  semester  break 

The  Hawks  will  host 
Triton  Ian.  6  to  open  confer- 
ence play  for  the  1995-%  sea- 
son Fiillowing  the  Triton 
game  will  be  back-to-back 
home  games  Jan.  9  and  Jan. 
13  against  confereiKe  rivals 
College  of  DuPage  and  Joliet. 

College  of  Lake  County 
fell  to  the  Hawks  Dec  5  in  a 
game  here  at  Harper.  The 
score  was  96-80  with  six-  foot 
-two-  inch  sophomore  John 
Nikolaros  leading  the  way 
with  28  points. 

Freshnun  Jeremy 

Roach  scored  24  points  as  he 
used  his  six-foot-nine  frame 

to  limit  Lake  County's 
rebounding  opportunites. 

Freshman  Wayne  Cook, 
who  is  also  a  member  of  the 
Harper  football  team,  joined 
the  team  in  mid-season.  Cook 
added  19  points  to  the 
Hawks'  total. 

Six  footer  Andre 
Anthony  shot  for  12  points  in 
the  game  against  Lake 

Numbers  Game 

Hawks  vs.  CLC 

John  Nikolaros 


Jeremy  Roach 


Wayne  Cook 


Andre  Anthony 



VolHM  XXVW  .  NMiib«r  10  •  Jamwy  19, 1W6 

Man  seen  In  women's  washroom 

second  reported  incident  this  school  year  at  Harper 

'Here  we  go  again' 

Julie  Thompson 


Rosemarte  Hy  Hon 


On  lanuarv  ^'Ih,  Puhli. 
>alety  officrrs  rt-sfHrndoil  ti>  j 
report  thjt  j  m.ili-  subject  w  j> 
looking  m  !h.-  '.t.ilK  »i  !h.- 

rd.  thiTO  !•-  n<»  cvidiTHi- 

t:-\ciitN    .ire    rflilttrd 

■lu.ulil   W  aw  art-   of 

i\!ijt  ■.  happfni-c!  I'n  campus. 

but  shiiuid  not  S-  i>'.  itIv  ..niv 

Hnwi-'ver,      the 

H.jrptT'>  stuiivnt  ,11'it!  unuii', 

,^     ,1     ri'.-r..,>:i     ti'-i     I'l'in.'frn 

,-lv  in 

.  '.'i  two 

.ituJ    an 

ampus.  I'spt'iiallv   at 


vidtti  tjpir 

iockfr  roimi  la-t  Mihr-:.! 
kinj;  said,  This  partunlar 
'.ncidfntf  stfm-.  (t>  Vv  i^olat- 

In  This  Issue 

Campus  News: 

Haqxjr's  Public  Safety  office 
offers  helpful  suggestions  for 
safety  during  tfie  winter  sea- 
Page  2 

Nationwide  News: 

influen/d  ctintinues  to  spread 
across  tfie  nation.  For  manv 
students,  tfiis  is  their  first  time 
getting  sick  awav  from  home. 
Find  out  what  you  tan  do. 
Page  3 


The  Wrestling  team  explodes 
out  of  the  gates  with  a  new  sea- 
son and  a  win  record  that 
would  make  any  team  jealous! 

Don't  forget:  Harper's  tele- 
phone number  changes  to 
847/925-6000  as  of  January  20. 

Pig0  2 

Page  3 

Pace  4 


—  Page  6 

Page  6 



,l>>nl  maki'-  h.-r  mtv 
I'dgy  "I  didn  t  kniHv  jhout 
the  btejt  inodfnt."  shf  --aui 
"tht-rt-  should  W  mon-  MXiuri- 

tv  on 
nij^ht  '■ 

Danovvski  didn't  know 
.ibout  .in\  of  thf  irKidrnce  "1 
still  ttvl  sato  though,'  he 
said.  '  but  intorming  stu- 
dt-nts  thr.iuf;h  the  newspaper 
and     the    radio    station    is 


.^esvor,  Man 
111  Wilhs  said  she  jdvixates 
tormrii;    a    i-ampus    watch 

order  d'  ;  ■-  -Js 

well  as  withers,"  she  s.ikI 

-\nv    siispkuiu-    heii.ivior 
>.hoLj!d  S-  reportft!  to  rublic 

>Hl.-es  HI  nuilOin^;  u 


Many  students  got  to  know  the  cafeteria 
pretty  well  after  waiting  in  lines  like  these  to 
register  for  classes. 

Cafe  opens  for  lunch  in  Building 

Adam  G.  Weeks 


The  ne«  K  ..pened  It-  .ito  gives  Harper  students 
a  convi-nu'nt  jlternatue  to  the  usual  college  cafeteria 
dining  experience-  The  cate  is  I,k  ated  on  the  middle 
le\el  of  Building  1  near  the  stairwav  with  a  view  that 
o\erlcHilcs  the  schixil's  court\ard 

Tuesday  marked  th.'  grand  opening  of  the  cate. 
which  serves  a  variety  of  tcu'ds  and  drinks  tnvm 
Warn.  -  Ipm 

With  the  nciv  bookstore  and  the  newly  renovated 
1  e.irnmg  Resource  C  enter,  the  corridor  near  the  book- 

store  becoiTO'  a  place  (or  the  students  to  hang  out 
and  relax  on  the  new  couches. 
The  area  around  building  1.  was  in  need  of  food  sei- 
c  ice  acconiadations  Kvause  some  people  have  schi-d- 
ules  that  prev  ent  thini  trom  venturing  into  the  build- 
ing A  cafeteria.  s,iid  Ceorge  Sipp,  FiX)d  St-rvice 

The  cnfe  is  similar  to  the  already  existent  tacil- 
itv  located  in  Building  I  Both  taciliti-s  have  fewer 
menu  options  compared  to  the  slightly  larger  A  build- 
ing cafeteria  Work  on  a  facility  in  Building  U  is  cur- 
[vnllv  under  way  for  the  convience  of  people  in  that 
area  Sipp  said 

List  of  overused  cliches  Is  "out" 




s..\L  1  r SIF  MARIl.  Mich  Be i.are- 
ful  ot  v\liat  vou  --.n  11"'  I'.inned 
ivi*rds  list  is  out 

Computer-speak  ~ij.h  .is    ,.  vKt 

and'     topped    tfie 

,1  list  of  tivtTUsed  iliches  that 

deserve  to  N-   ■unplugged. '  accord- 

mg      to      Lake      Superior      State 

I  niversitv 

The  university  s  public  relahons 
drpartment,  who  compiled  the  2l)lh 
annual  list,  aimed  tabs  .it  a  colUvtion 
of  words  and  phrases  that  it  found 
objectionable.,  including  revisit. 
touch  bme.  done  deal  and  on  the 
same  pagfi. 

The  word  "online'  nas  near  the 
lop  of  the  umversilv  s  list  ot  otien- 
sive  largon  Where  is  the  line  that 
everyone i> on '  nominator  Vlithflle 
8aM«riM!e  aAM.      "It  wunds  Ute 

■tome  place  a  fish  should  be  " 

The  O.)  murder  trial  also 
spawned  banned  words  and  phrases 
tor  the  list  They  included  "the  r.i,  e 
i.ird     and  those  ubiquitous  initials. 


.■\nd  such  MTV  terms  as  "alterna- 
tive music '  and  "unplugged"  wea> 
(argeled  for  being  overused. 

News  reports  about  the  civil  war 
in  Bosnia  vcere  criticized  for  using 
the  euphemism  "ethnic  cleansing' 
tor  genwide.  and  referring  to  foreign 
inKips  with  the  oxymoron  '  peacr 
kceping  force." 

Pigs  Die  In  UW  Fire 

MAIMS*  '\  Wis  -.-Mmosl  "ltd  pigs 
died  in  .1  tire  last  month  at  a 
Unnersitv  ot  Wisconsin  research 

The  blaie  at  the  Swine  Research 

and  Teaching  Center  also  destroyed 
more  than  20  years  of  research  at  the 
n  year-old   fac-ilitv      "The  animals 

destroyed  in  the  tire  were  very 
im(-Hirtant  animals,"  explained  Terry 
Devitt  spokes[-H  rs,.n  tor  Liniversity 
of  VVisamsin  '  Thi-  pigs  were  gi-net- 
K-allv  predisposed  to  athen.sJerosis. 
a  dis(.'asi'  lit  the  bUnHf  v  essels 

Kesi-arch  involving  the  pigs  had 
din>ct   implications  in   learning  to 
belter   understand   the   disease   in 
humans."  l\-vitt  addc-d 

The  cause  of  the  fire  remains 
under  investigation  Meanwhile, 
university  officials  have  not  vet 
determined  whether  to  rebuild  at  the 
Arlington  Research  Station  The 
origmal  facility  cost  $1.5  million  to 

To  the  surprise  of  fire  investiga- 
tors  luur  pigs  were  found  alive  in 

see  NATIONAL  NEWS  on  page  2 

ed  Ifi  Butrntne  4.  Roam 

ik  ^ 


Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 
Januuy  19, 19% 

Public  Safety  offers  suggestions  for  student  safety 

Safety  for  the  Harper  Comnv,"  tv  -  i  priority! 
The  Envifonnifntal  Hcaith  oin>l  iTimitlee, 

akmg  with  Cublk  Sjterv',  f<*nui.u>  .!i».  ..  i ..  tmragi-s 
you  to  "think  s.i*i'"  .it  -ill  timt>,  rsptvuilly  when 
weather  amditkins  .ire  hazardous  rhf  »ol lowing 
aresungestioi*  for  you  if /when  y..ii  .irf  on .  .impu:. 
late  Jl  nil-'  ;  .."  iinpus  is  sparsely  p<.>pul4t- 

ed  or  It  .  i>blems  with  your  car 

Lf  it  ii»  Utv  aiKl  you  are  akme.  cont^tt  Public 
Safety  at  etWiwitsn  6330.  EmergwKV  v.i\\>  sh»mia 
go  to  extension  6211  (*»25-*»211  celliiUr  phone,  w:*- 
8551  TDD)  and  let  thftr  knmv  \:>u  ,ir.-  on  r.impus 
When  ready  to  le.i  let 

them  know  yini  ai'  "n 

cemed  about  wdlkin^  to  thi-  parking  k»t  by  your- 

self, Publk  Safety  will  provide  an  escort. 

We  encourage  voy  to  uise  the  budJy  system  at 
.ill  times  and  not  to  stay  when  the  campus  is 
declared  cla«d  due  to  inclement  weather  or  other 
emergenc\'  conditions 

Should  vou  hje  pniblenis,  we  strongh 
encourage  you  to  come  lo  I'i;'-'-  *-  '  *■.  Buildin»;  H. 
Ra«iiin  101,  to  telephone  tor  1  i   This  fire- 

vents  btnng  alone  in  an  isoi.iieo  p.irking  k>t  and 
allows  vou  to  n-inain  warm  and  s.ife  until  help 
arnv fs  I'ublic  Safety  Office  is  open  24  hours  a  day 

Bt^.auM'  ot  insurance  and  liability  issues,  Public 
S.ilety  [X-rsonnel  mav  not  "jump  start"  vehicles, 
provide  mechanical  repairs,  push  vehicles  from 
SI1..V,    he   vU     rhe\  will  however  provide  a  tele- 

phone to  use  and  a  warm,  safe  place  to  wait  for  | 

The  following  are  suggestions  from  the  Chicago 
Motor  Club  for  vehicle  operation  in  the  winter: 

•  Always  keep  the  vefiicie  gas  tank  more  than  | 
half  lull, 

•  Keep  an  emergency  road  kit  In  the  trunk 
which  should  include  jumper  cables,  flan's,  blanket 
and  some  non-peridiable  food,  such  as  ccxikiis, 
crackers,  etc 

•  Keep  your  vehicle  well  tunt^J  and  winterized, 
which  includes  ,jii  .idequate  level  of  anh-tiee/e  to 
proti>ct  the  vehicle  to  -40°  F. 

•  Always  lower  your  speed  lo  compensate  for 
winter  driving  conditioi«. 

National  News:  it's  better  to  ioolt  good  tlian  to  feei  good 

continued  from  page  1 

The  original  facihty  cost  $1,5  million  to  con- 

To  the  wrpriiie  of  fire  investigatun,  ftmr 
pigs  were  found  ahve  in  the  rubble  several 
days  after  the  Dec  21  blaze,  said  Devitt  "The 
fire  occurred  |ust  before  the  holiday  and 
inveshgators  checked  the  facility  over  best 
they  could  Nobody  at  (hat  time  had  any 
hope  that  the  animab  would  survive. 

Do  Lool(s  Matter?  Maybe 

AUSTIN,  levasliK-ks  matter-or  at  least 
they  might  if  you  are  a  law  studi-nt  who 
wants  to  bnng  home  a  big  p.iv  •  hev  k  someday 
or  make  partner,  a  university  study  has 

Male  attorneys  who  are  attractive  earn 
more  rtKMiey  than  their  counterparts  who  are 
plain-l(x>kmg  according  to  a  lecently  releaswl 

study  The  study,  co-authored  by  pn>fe<i«irs 
Daniel  Hamermesh  of  the  University  of  Texas 
and  leff  Biddle  of  Michigan  State  Universitv-- 
concluded  better-looking  lawyers  who  gradu- 
ated m  the  1970>*  earned  more  and  made  part- 
ner more  quickly  than  their  homely  class- 
males,  with  other  tfungs  being  equal 

However,  tfw  same  is  not  true  for  attrac- 
tive female  attorneys,  who  did  not  earn  any 
more  than  their  less  attractive  female  counter- 

The  researchers  used  more  than  4,400  photos 
of  attorneys  who  had  graduated  from  one  law 
schixil  Photos  were  rated  on  a  scale  of  strik- 
ingly handsome  or  beautiful,  above-average 
attractiveness,  plain.  K-low-average  attrac- 
tiveness or  homely 

VVh\  bi'juty  stvmed  to  plav  a  role  in  the 
legal  tielil  is  unclear  viu)  restMrchers  But 
thev   -urn  [Teter  gooii 

kx)kmg|j..    ■  ■  ■    -  perceived  to 

be  better  communnalors. 

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Page  3 

Teacher  of  the  Week 




Occupation:    Math  Instructor  and 
Aanslant  Wrestling  CcMKh 
Birth  datK  |uly  18 
Birthplace:  Chicago,  Dlinoiii 

Marital  rtataK     Married,  with  2 

1>pcofcar:  19S9ChevyZ24 

Favorite  'pigoul'  food:     White 
Castle  "Sliders" 

Laal  good  movie:  12  Monkeys 

Vivid  childhood  awoMlfy:  Playing 

golf  with  dad 

Phraae  to  deticribe  3roanelf.  "Take 
everything  in  stride" 

What  do  you  like  about  yourMlf: 
Easy  to  get  along  with 

What  do  you  like  least  about 
jroonelf:  procrastinatas 

Most  irrational  thing;  I  pleed  the 

Most  prized  posaetsion:  My  chil- 

Hero:  My  father 

Best  advice   Go  get  second  mas- 
I  knew  I  was  a  grown  up  when: 

One  of  my  high  school  classmates 
took  my  class 

Nobody  knows  that  I've  been  on 
"One  life  to  Live"  twice 

If  I  wasn't  teaching  I  would  be: 

I've  nevt-r  really  thought  about  it 

Favorite   sports   team:      Harper 
Hawks  Wrestling 

I  think:   Haper  is  a  good  place  to 
be  because  I've  been  both  a  student 

and  steadier 



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fcUsy  -  rt6mn  ■  4  3a|im 
jg"^  -  aOOf  ^  I^OOnoon 

Flu  bug  continues  to  spread 

By  Liza  Roclw 


Forget  the  socks  and  the  under- 
wear This  holiday  season's  number 
one  must  unwanted  gift  is  one  that 
kot'ps  en  giving —  influenza. 

The  C  fntors  h*r  Ui-rfMst-  Control  in 
Atlanta  said  that  b\  mid-Dt»CpmK"r 
Influenza  type  A  virus -more  com- 
monly known  as  "the  Ifu'-has 
reached  epidemic  proportions  in  the 
nation.  Twent\-nme  stales  n-ported 
regional  or  widespread  influenza-like 
illness  (ILI)  in  mid-December  and  the 
virus'  strength  remained  constant  as 
of  the  first  week  in  January. 

Nancy  Arden.  the  CDC's  chief  of 
innuen/aepidemmlogy.  said  states  in 
all  areas  of  the  nation  have  been  hit 
hard  by  the  flu  and  there  is  no  way  to 
tell  when  Americans  will  see  relief 
from  the  virus,  which  is  characterized 
by  fever  headache,  body  aches  and 
throat  soreness 

Dr.  Marv  Gardner  of  the  student 
health  center  at  Northwestern 
Universit\-  said  students  came  pour- 
ing into  the  office  as  soon  as  they 
came  back  from  break  on  )an.  3. 

Gardner  said  he  noticed  a  consid- 
erable rise  m  flu  cases  ever  since  stu- 
dents returned  back  to  the  university 
from  Thanksgivmg  break. 

But  things  could  be  worse,  said 
Gardner,  who  added  that  the  flu  epi- 
demic has  not  yet  led  to  "standing 

room  only"  in  the  waiting  room. 

"When  it  kxiks  like  a  rock  concert 
in  here,  you  know  you  have  a  prob- 
lem," he  said. 

Doctors  say  that  the  flu  soastm 
seems  to  have  had  an  early  peak  this 
year,  starting  sometime  in  mid 
December,  rather  than  the  later  part 
of  lanuary  But,  they  caution,  two 
more  straircs  of  influenza  will  most 
likely  .show  up  before  the  flu  season 
ends  in  Apnl. 

College  campuses  are  breeding 
grounds  for  many  illnesses  because  of 
the  close  quarters  associated  with  a>l- 
lege  life.  Plus,  said  Gardner,  college 
students  tend  to  travel  fwavily  during 
the  holiday  seas<;)n  and  bring  back  ill- 
nesses to  the  campus  from  all  over  the 

While  the  CDC  recommends  that 
people  get  an  influenza  vaccination 
each  October  or  November,  Gardner 
said  that  it's  not  too  late  to  get  a  flu 
shot  and  spare  yourself  from  the 
remaining  strains  of  the  virus.  The 
shot  takes  a  lew  weeks  to  become 
active  in  the  body,  but  Arden  said  the 
vacnne  has  been  shown  to  prevent 
illness  in  about  70-90  percent  of 
healthy  adults  younger  than  65  years 
of  age. 

Without  the  shot,  the  only  way  to 

avoid  catching  the  flu  is  to  stay  away 

from  everyone,  Gardner  said.    Also, 

the  immune  system  oju-rates  better  if 

see  INRJUENZA  on  page  6 


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Advofvccd  Ir^itute  of  Fcrtilitij 


Ji'ts  ^^^nteitiinment 

The  Harbinger  j 
J«iHMuyl9, 1996| 

Mighty  Blues  Kings  strut  tlieir  stuff 

The  Mighty  Blue  Kings,  a 
seven  piece  band  based  in  the 
Chicago  area,  will  perform  a 
free  noon  concert  in  the 
Building  A  Student  Center 
Lounge  on  Wednesday, 
January  24.  Their  style  of  SO's 
tinged  pimp  rhythm  differs 
from  much  of  what  can  be 
heard  on  the  radio,  but  they 
continue  to  attract  overflow 
audietKes  each  week  at  the 
Green  Mill  Jazz  Club 
The  public  is  welcome  at  this 
free  event,  which  will  ihow- 

such  numbers  as  "Big 
Mamou".  "The  House  Will 
Rock  .  "Rock  My  Blues 
Away",  and  "Take  Your  Fine 
Frame  Home"  Band  mem- 
bers include  Rswa  Bon,  Sam 
The  Man"  Burckhardt,  lerry 
DeVivo,  Careth  Best,  (immy 
Sutton,  Joe  Brawka.  and  Bob 

According  to  Howarcl  Reich 
of  the  Chicago  Tribune. 
"They  play  an  uninhibited 
mixture  o(  Ws  |ump  tunes. 
pulpy  Southern  Blues  songs. 

slightly  corny  country  bal- 
lads and  free-wheeling,  free- 
flymg  boogie." 
Harper  students  can  experi- 
ence (or  themselves  the 
M>und  which  has  earned 
them  an  enormous  following 
on  VVedr>esday  at  noon.  Tlw 
free  concert  is  sponsored  by 
Program  Bi:>ard  More  infor- 
mahon  on  the  performance 
can  tie  obtained  by  calling  the 
Student  Activitie-.  office  at 
(847)925-6242.  or  dial  6242 
from  any  campus  phone. 

Spring  semester  play  schedule 

CriniM  of  the  Heart,  by  Beth  Hmley 

PerformaiKes;  March  15,  16, 17,  22,  23  m  Building  J, 

Room  143 

Audition  Dates:  January  25, 26  at  7«)pm  in  Drama  Lab 

with  callbacks  on  January  27  at  IflOpm,  open  only  to 

Harper  students  and  staff 

For  informatioa  call  Laura  Pulio  at  847/925-6778 

The  Glass  Menagerie,  by  Tennessee  Williams 

Performances:  Apnl  24,  25,  26,  27,  28  in  the  Drama  Lab 
Audition  Dates:  February  7, 8, 9  at  7:00pm  in  the 
Drama  Lab,  open  to  community  residents  as  well  as 
Harper  students  and  staff 
For  information,  call  Todd  Ballantyne  at  847/925-6743 

Director  Terry  Gilliam  juggles  present  and  future,  the  sane  and  insane  In  ''la  Monlceys' 

By  Ian  Spelling 


NKW  YORK  It-rrv  (..illiam 
doesn  t  make  i  imventional 
movies.  neMT  ha>  jnd,  bless 
this  mjveruk  soul  hopefully 
never  will  TTiink  "Time 
Bandits,"  "Bra/i!,"  "The 
Adventures  of  Ban>n 
Munchausen"  and  'The 
Fish« T  Kirii!  "  .ill  of  which  he 
dirt\  ■  the     Monty 

rvt!'  -r..rT,      "'.And 


whtch  he  was  involved,  vari- 

twsly,  as  an  animator,  actor, 
director  and  wnter 

His  latest  movu-,  tho  M'l-ti 
thnller  "12  Monki-v?.,"  is  ni^ 
eiceptitin.  It's  2035  and  the 
world's  few  inhabitants  must 
live  underground  thanks  to  a 
deadly  virus  that  killed  99 
percent  of  the  population 
upon  itv  rii'leasf  in  IW^ 

Enter  the  nij^htni. ire- 
plagued  Cole  (Bruce  Willi>i.  a 
pnwiner  who.  lured  by  the 
promiM-  i>t  J  full  pardon, 
aH.rtx's  to  rr.'  -   ■■'  time 

to   lW«i  to  :.,  .1,,,.  ,jt 

the  viral  hokxaust  Once  in 
our  era.  Cole  encounters 
leffrev  Gomes  (Brad  Pitt),  the 

I To-.>-t'ycd,  somewhat  insane 
Mm  of  a  major  scu-ntis! 
(Chnstopher  PlummtT),  and 
Dr  Kathrvn  K.iillv 

(.Madelemc  Stowo).  a  psychi- 
atrist and  writer  who  special- 

i/«~i  in  insanity  /  prophecy 

As  the  film  progresses. 
Cole  convimi's  the  doubtful 
dtx-tor  Raillv  that  the  future  i> 
mdeed  endanj;ered  and  th*- 
two  race  against  the  cUxk  to 
ItMrn     more    jboul    Coif's 

childhood  nightmares,  an 
ominous  terrorist  threat 
called  the  Army  of  the  12 
Monkeys,  and  Cannes'  rolo  in 

The  trim,  like  virtually  all 
(. .illi,jm  t.tre,  swivps  movie- 
fjiHTs  into  Its  ov\n  forebixi- 
ing,  cLiustrophobic  ,ind  dis- 
pinted  world.  The  imd);es 
come  fast,  then  faster,  are  ni^ 
laposed  in  such  a  way  that 
nothing  m.ikos  mtis..-  until  the 
>.i  and  eyen  tlien 
.>m  aplenty  to  argue 
liver  CiiUiam  vyas  really 
trying  ti>  sjy. 

There  are  flashbacks, 
quick  edits,  non-sequiturs, 
and  antiqiu-ish  machines  on 
display  in  the  futuristic 
sequences.  The  music  blares, 
and  Its  the  madmen  who 
utter  the  truth.  As  if  all  of 
that  weaMi'l  enough,  Frank 
(iorshin  a  ka  The  Riddler 
trom  thecariipy  "Batman"  TV' 
series,  pla\>  ,i  shrink 

'I  like  creating  incon- 
gruities and  juxtapositions 
that  force  vou  to  use  your 
brain  in  ways  not  normally 
expected  to  use  it  .  '  (niliam 

■  fiei  a  fresji  prnpectin  fliis  semester!  See  seme  shews  spenseretf 


I  by  iHM  Activities  and  Presram  Beard! 

Poi  Dog 


TickMB  go  on  sale  Mcmiay. 
January  22.  at  to  am.  All 
ticKM*  aro  mmrwa  waitng 
TicKel*  ar«  ft  5  on  ttw  day  oi 
*m  ilMMr.  to  taw  S5  anct  buy 
your  ttckMt  na«t 

For  IRIiM*  or  wIciniMKin.  can 
m»  Mmpm  CoHtga  Boa  OMc* 
m  •xienttan  liS4T  or 


Musical  twam  tor  tamlia*  » 


Sunday,  fttniaey  It 
im  pm 

The  Mighty  Blue  Kings<e'i  o»  juinp  turx's  :<.nn  '■!>•> 
%vig  Ixxigia  in  a  free  i::<ri..i-..-! 

IfillH  Cenc»r  lAunfc 

Free  VMttos 

Between  ctaataa,  you 
may  want  to  lake  in  a 
video  on  car  large 
screen  teiovialon,  tocal- 
ed  in  Itie  thud  lloor^ 
lounge  of  Biiitding  A.  Ttia 
new  semester  starts  oB 
with)  Oaratf  and 
Confuaetf  on  January 
'  H  and  Natural  Born 
Killers  on  Janij.iry  24 
.1'-":;  .''S  All  videos  ato 
■,i-,.'wri  at  1  00  pm   For 
more  intormation.  call 
ttie  StutJent  Activities 
CWice  at  925-6242  or 

your  Student 
Activities  calendar 

Atmuid  Thm  WorU 
m  Stghty  Days 

A  musical  .-e  feiling  of 
ttie  Jules  Verne  clas- 
sic about  an  inoredi- 
t>ie  loumey  by  traiit. 
stiip.  hot  Mr  balloon 
and  laftl 

For  tickets  or  infomia- 
tion,  can  the  Haiper 
Collage  Box  Office. 

PRi  DfiX  posaerin 


tacuty  am]  tlatt 
$3  CMHan  under  t2 

The  Harbinger 
January  19, 19W 

Comment  a  ry 

Our  VJevs 

Look  beyond  New 
Year's  resolutions 
for  success 

Making  New  Year's  resolu- 
tion's year  after  year  seem  to  get 
old  extremely  quick.  Most  peo- 
ple use  these  to  try  to  make  him- 
self/herself a  better  person,  by 
trying  to  lose  weight,  do  away 
with  drinking,  trying  to  quit 
smoking  or  to  do  more  in  less 

Being  a  student,  don't  get  all 
caught  up  in  these  resolutions,  by 
making  one  to  do  better  in  school 
this  semester.  The  average  per- 
son holds  to  their  resolution  for 
about  three  weeks  That  would 
be  hmm..  about  the  hme  of  the 
first  quiz  or  test. 

Not  passing  a  test  or  quiz 
could  get  you  caught  right  back 
into  that  rut.  LcK>king  in  the  mir- 
ror, seeing  yourself  going  in  that 
downward  spiral    L'suallv  lea\  - 
ing  you  nvure  frustrated  than 

Pass  or  tail,  that  once  set  reso- 
lufK>n  will  be  forgotten  through- 
out the  semester   But  don't  for- 
get about  all  of  the  great  pro- 
grams the  sch<.K)l  offers  to  help 
vou  succeed.  Use  them  through- 
out the  M-mester.  the\  will  pro\f 
to  be  more  prcHiiicfiv  e  and  reli- 
ablf  then  a  ri>Milution  that  was 
shouted  out  after  a  couple  o( 
glasses  of  champagne. 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Acting  Editor  in  Oiief  jon  O'Brien 

Business  Manager  Valerie  VWevers 

Man^mgEditof DavePunp 

•^^^  Editor jui,e  Thompson 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

Spots  Editor Susan  Rademactier 

CopyEditor open 

Features  Editor Qp^, 

Layout  Editor PauJFkxJen 

Faculty  Advisor Howard  SdHossterg 


Page  5      - 

Progress?  Or  just  another  wrong  number? 

jon  O'Brien 

L  uick  quiz;  what's  your 
larea  ccxle?  Ameritech  tvas 
begn  blowing  its  horn 
Utely'3bi)ut  the  handful  of  area 
codes  that  wv  will  be  forced  to 
deal  with  in  the  coming  months. 
Those  of  you  in  the  northwest 
suburi>s,  including  dear  ol' 
Harper,  will  be  in  area  code  847, 
while  anyone  in  DuPage  county 
wUl  be  in  aim  code  tM  starting 
later  this  year 

But  wait.  It  gets  better' 
Chicagoans  who  aren't  in  the 
downtown  area  will  also  be  get- 
ting a  new  code  next  year'  And  to 
top  It  all  tiff,  anyone  in  Cook 
County  who  is  served  by  the 
Roaeile  switching  station  (parts  of 
Schaumburx,  Elk  Gro\  e,  and  oth- 
ers) get  a  whole  new  telephone 
number  to  deal  with' 

A  more  logical  approach 
would  have  been  to  switch  all  of 

this  equipment  to  its  own  cixle(s) 
but  noooDoo,  that  would  make  too 
much  serwe-  We  can  thank  the 
many  pager  and  cellular  phone 
service  providers  for  lobbying  for 
this  hodgepodge  of  numljers. 
For  some  reason  tlwy  felt  that 
placing  cell  phones,  pagers, 
modems  and  fax  machines  in  a 
dedicated  area  code  was  discnm- 
inahng  against  them,  nevermind 
that  it's  already  done  this  way  in 
New  Yt>rk  Cit\ 

Or  maybe  converting  to  an  8- 
digit  number  by  tacking  a  zero 
onto  existing  telephone  numbers, 
though  this  would  be  a  hassle  to 
the  phone  company  (parish  the 

Or  how  about  Ameritech 
working  with  the  various  sub- 
urbs to  lay  down  a  ID-year  plan 
to  accommodate  for  the  need  for 
phone  numbers'  If  Ameritech 
had  thought  this  whole  thing  out 
correctly  we  would  have  known 
alx)ut  the  impending  contusion 
years  ago  and  would  have  had 
more  time  to  ad|ust  lor  it.  !V1y 
home  phone  number  is  changing 
in  a  matter  of  davs  and  I  didnt 
know  what  it  was  until  a  couple 

weeks  ago — hardly  enough  time 
to  get  the  word  out 

I  predict  that  by  the  year  2000 
we'll  go  by  lO^ligit  phone  num- 
bers— automatically  including 
the  area  code  will  be  a  necessity 
it  anyone  wants  to  get  through. 

What  I  really  love  is  all  of  the 
money,  our  money,  being  used 
for  the  phone  company  to  blow 
off  on  pet  projects  like  television 
and  radio  commercials,  and  cable 
television  service.  But  where  else 
can  we  go  to  get  telephone  ser- 
vice? If  Ameritech  makes  a  mis- 
take, we  suffer  the  con-sequences. 
We  aren't  completely  helpless, 
though.  The  Citizen's  Utility 
Board,  affectionately  known  as 
C.U.B.,  has  been  fighting  for  the 
rights  of  consumers  for  years 

Another  inten-sting  prospect 
IS  that  AT&T  is  hying  to  get  its 
fcxit  m  the  local  phoiw  .service 
dixir.  It's  too  early  to  say  if  this 
will  improve  things  but 
Ameritech  has  been  balkmg 
about  it  from  the  start.  Some 
change  would  be  better  than 

Where's  my  phone  book... 



staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Kathy  Betts,  Frank  J.  Biga.  Tim  Brauer.  TW.  Fuller.  Adam  Greea 
Veronica  Gonzalez.  Rosemane  Hy  Hon,  Jim  Kopeny 

General  Policies 

illlfSEl'Sri!^  PuWicatiwi  (or  tne  Harper  College  campus  corrv 
n«jntt».  M««eO  bl.»«ewy  inroughout  tr»  sctxwi  year  except  during  holidays 
■ndrinaHMras.  Vm  paper  is  rtstritiuted  (ree  to  all  stuaerrts,  faculty  and 
aamii»sira;io«i  The  Martrnger'a  sole  purpose  >s  to  provide  tfie  Harper  cormiu. 
ruty  wim  ntoimation  pertanr«  to  the  catnpus  and  its  surroundir«  camnii*i|. 

The  Hartrngtr  iMXcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  m0m.  to  our  editorals. 
Letters  most  tie  s«gr»M  and  include  a  social  security  nuT*er,  Signatures  Mil 
be  wittfienj  upon  lequest.  All  letters  are  sJotea  to  editing 

2S^!?l!!^*  adwrtised  m  nie  HMiif«erarenot  rwcessariiy 
SSS^^iSL!?  '^}^  °*  "»»  "**'•  >»">»"»  college  admin.str«ion  or 
Board  of  EUteetors.  mqutnes  slWtM  tie  torwanMd  directly  to  the  advertiser 
and  all  purchases  are  at  trie  dlicretion  of  the  consuner. 


The  Harbinger   William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine,  1  60067-7098 

Ptwne  Numbers: 

business  office:  (847)  925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  397-6000  x2461 

fax:  (847)  925-6033 

copyright  1996.  The  Hart»«er. 
All  rights  reservfld. 


Classifieds  /  Fun 

The  Harbinger 
January  19, 1996 

MFLUENZA:  A  sickening  thought 

continued  from  page  2 

a  person  avoids  heavy  alco- 
hol conitumpticm  and  ftels 
pienty  oi  sleep  and  eats  a 
htwHhy  diet,  he  said 

A  receni  Roper  Surch 
Sur\-ey  kmnd  that  mfttlCflia 
can  linger  for  an  average  of 
seven  day*,  while  the  aver- 
age aduti  sufferer  mistM*  two 
days  oi  work  or  ckna  hteaui* 
at  (he  (hi 

"I'd  rather  be  «ick  (he  Mt- 
ond  week  of  school  than  dur- 

ing midterms  or  linaiit,''  he 

Nancy  Aivderson,  the 
head  nurse  at  The  College  of 
Wotwter*  fiealth  center,  said 
tfial  visiting  a  physician  can't 

"ThoMt  9tudenl!<  who  aiv 
away  fittn  home  tor  the  first 
time  may  have  always  relied 
on  a  parent  to  tell  them  it  i> 
time  to  see  the  doctor." 
Anderson  said  "Now  that 
decision  will  be  up  to  them. 

It's  almost 
like  Cheating 

iMtart  MM '^M  iriMir  «  GMwilH 


W8  buy,  Mil,  trade  ^^ 
*    MMIaMlmw 
computer  etioipmeiit  P 

etiV*.  CXI  nOMS.  ciMM.  iMytxMRlK.  MM' 








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tion nfieeting .  Learn,  per- 
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AbercromtJie  &  Fitch  Co. 
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tions. Woodfield  Mall, 
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Must  have  credits  in  edu- 
cation or  early  childhood. 
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Experience  working  with 
children  is  necessary. 
Responsible  for  lesson 
plar»  and  supervision  of 
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Site  Coordinator. 
Energetic  person  to 
supervise  and  do  daily 
planning  for  after  school 
program.  Must  enjoy  out- 
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and  have  knowledge  of 
working  with  school  age 
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hrs/wkly  MR  For  infor- 
mation call  Linda  Novak, 


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Room  for  rent.  2  nwle 
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Pizza  Guy!  Urn  Bom  Bom 
Bowww,  Dm  Bom  Bom 

Look  out  Hula  Girl! 
Gomer  Pyles  coming! 

What  was  the  comedy 

Farooq  -♦•  Shabanana-  we 
missed  you  at  the  con- 
ference. -  Madarr»e 

Did  you  know  what  naca 
spelled  backwards  is?  A 
can.  A  can  of  wrtiat? 


DILBERT     by  Scott  Adams 


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A567  or  call  847/397-6000  x2461  for  details! 

The  Harbiiiger 

The  HafWnger 


Page?   , 

Athlete  of  the  Week  (from  Nov.  28  to  Jan 

John  Nikolaros 

SPORT:  Mens  BmIwUmU 

WEEK  OF:  Nov.  28-  Dtc.  6, 1995 

REASON:  He  scored  »  poinls  in  Haqjer's  %-aO 
victory  over  College  of  Uke  County  Nine  of  those 
points  came  from  three-point  range 

Wayne  Cook 

SPORT:  Mem  Basketball 

WEEK  OF:  Dec.  6-13, 1995 

REASON:  Scored  22  points  on  1 4  rebounds  to  lead 
Harper  to  a  76-71  victory  over  Concordia's  junior 

Sports  Shorts 

•  TheWOmens 
Basketball  team  is  col- 
lecting canned  goods 
for  a  local  food  snelter. 
Donations  will  tie 
accepted  until  Feb.  16 
and  can  be  dropped  off 
in  the  Wellness  and 
Hunan  Performance 
office  in  Building  M. 

•  The  Womens  Tennis 
team  Is  looking  for  play- 
ers for  the  Fall  1996 
season.  For  more  infor- 
tnatioa  contact  Martha 
Bott  in  the  Wellness  and 
Hunan  Rerformance 
Otviston  located  in 
Building  M. 


Tim  Ellis 

SPORT:  Wrestling 


REASON:  He  tcK>lt  the  championship  in  the  190 
pound  weight  with  score-s  of  16-0,  16-2,  11-0. 
His  victor)'  helptxi  Harper  to  win  the  Harper 

Basketball  team  keeps  going... 

continued  from  page  12 

HarptTs  Ian  1.T  game  agaiast 
luli.'t  to  >;r\.>  tho  Hawk.s  a  52- 
4'»  Ifdd  at  tht-  h.ilf 

Joliet  K'd  b\  nine  with  less 
than  five  minutm  to  plav  in  the 
game  Harper  pulled  to  within 
three  fioints  M  H-t-Hl  as  King 
and  Kojih  sparked  the  Hawks 
with  back-to-back  baskets. 
Harper  went  on  to  lose  the 
game  90-83. 

"With  only  two  guys  on  the 
bench,  your  defense  in  limit- 
ed." said  assistant  coach  Mike 


"You  cant  gamble  out  there 
because  you  cant  afford  for 
anybody  to  get  into  foul  dou- 
ble." added  Hirsch. 

Martin  hasn't  played  bas- 
ketball in  two  years  His  last 
season  was  as  a  senior  at 
Waukegan  Wayne  Cook 
necruited  Martin  when  Coach 
Cregier  sounded  the  alarm. 

Cook  and  Martin  had 
played  together  at  Waukegan 
and  were  teammates  on 
Harper's  lotrfball  team. 

Harper  college  Fitness  Center    jgQ 
Student  Membership  Special       ^-^^ 

For  intnn 

January  16  ■ 
June  3 

For  information,  cafi  Jim  Ryan  at  vG963 


Fortun*  100  Sodware  Company 
w»ki  20  Mariei  Seiearchefs  to 
work,  Mci»Fri  7om-llora,  II  om- 
3pm  or  3pm-7pni  Tlicie  oulgn- 
m»mj  involve  conducting  buij- 
nesi  »urv«v»  by  telephone.  PC 
Windowi  aicperwnce  a  required. 
and  dolobose  knowledse  is  a 
plus.  Snjoy  a  poiitive,  plea«jnt 
working  environment  and  casual 
Convenjemly  locoled  m  Lfsle  m 
1-88  and  Rt  53  Perfect  |ob  lor 
studeniji  These  a-r  long  term 



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Harper  Sports 

P»g»  t  »  wmmm  KMkmf  Hwyf  Coii>g«  »  1— wry  19. 1W6 

Opponents  fail  to  wrestlers  one  by  one 

Susan  Radamacher 


Harper's  wrestling  team 
hj>  been  sending  opponents 
r.>  the  mat  ion  their  tjuest  to 
tdplure  a  second  nationj! 
champuiaship  in  thnv  vrars, 

llif  Hjw  K.S  vvTi-stk'd  thfir 
wjv  to  first  pUcif  in  the 
ii,r,i,.|-  |,n  itf  Ian  h  iij;ainsl 
1  rixcv'  (St-  I  t'H.iisl, 

i>iu-ki-(4on  iMich  i  Tritf'n 
Ctillege  of  l.jkf  I.  ount\ 
WauhoHMc    O.iktiin,  and  thf 

Meramec  tiniihed  +4 
points  behind  HarfXT  with 
Muskfyon  finishinK  in  third 
pUiLf  "Intivn  has  improved 
this  year  S'hev  would  have 
scored  more  points  at  the 
tournament  if  thv\  had  not 
been  missing  ti.v ,  >  .  it  their  top 
wrestler's,"  said  Harper 
wrestling  coach  Norm 

Harper  posted  five  cham- 
pions and  four  medal  win- 
ners on  its  way  to  racking  up 
113,5  pvtints.  Hawk  v\resller 

Ron  Stonitsch  led  Hi,-  w.n  ui 
the  1IH,)- pound  wi  , 

Stonitsch  colli,. 1- 

tails  m  the  tounument  on  hi> 
wav  to  .1  championship  and 
the  award  (>ir  the  lourna- 
rnenl's  m^>^>t  outstanding 

The  lour  other  ctiampions 
were  ;\rm.uidii  t'alderon 
(H!SK    !an... 

Brad   sTm.  •  ; 

Tim  !■'! 

inch,idi\,l   ),|     Kuiiedm'  i,2r-i 
Tonv     /ent/     il*^"',     '  h'-'- 
Villareai    1142),    and    Mike 
Iriolo  ( 1  M'i- 

'The  Haw  ks  went  on  to  the 
I'niversitv  ot  Wisconsm- 
CKhkosh  [an  ID  where  they 
took  seven  out  of  ten  match- 
es Haqx-r  won  by  a  scort-  of 


Victory  again  belonged  to 
the  Hawks  as  they  defeated 
nationally  ranked  Muskegon 
and  \iagra  (N,V.),  along  with 
tMivel  Na/arene  m  Mu>i- 
Michigan  Ian  13, 

Muskegon  il2lhj  was  ■ 
defeated  25-15  and  will  be 
returning  to  Harper  Ian  -I' 
for  the  Harper  Duals  \iagra 
fell  41-10  to  the  ninth  ranked 
Hawks  in  their  tirst  meeting 
cif  the  MM-.on  ('>lnet  went 
down  42- 12 

Villareai  was  mjureil  dur- 
ing one  of  the  matches  when 
hi-  .iiiii  .mother  wrestler  col- 
.m  Due  til 
iicumstanies  in 
,Miclug,in,  \illareal  was 
forced  to  wait  until  his  return 
to  the  Chicago  area  before 
recen  iiig  eight  stitches  in  his 


Ron  Stonitsch  flips  Ryan  Casey. 

Harper's  cagers  open  '96  conference  play 

Susan  Radamacher 


Harper's  women  s  basketball  team 
dropped  to  1-2  m  the  \4C  conference  with  a 
heartbreaking  S>>4  loss  to  |oliet  Ian.  13, 

Jotiet  sank  two  free-thniws  in  the  final  sec- 
onds to  defeat  the  lady  Hawks  lor  their  sec- 
ond straight  loss 

Denise  Hengelsfl'*)  and  thnsla 
Rciminel(U)  teamed  up  to  grab  25  rebtmnds, 

Rommel  put  Harper  up  54  53  by  sinking 
two  frw-throws  with  IH  N«vonds  left  in  the 
game,  (oliet  failed  to  Miori',  giv  ing  the  bail  to 
Harper  with  11  seconds  left  on  the  clock. 

jolief'-  Misti  Temple  stole  Hengels  pass 
torting  Harj^T  to  foul  her  Temple  made  both 
free-throws  ti>  dash  Harper's  hof>es  of  a  2-1 
HBCord  in  the  conference 

Ficshman  Nicole  Herring  had  a  hot  hand 
as  she  sank  four  field  goals  ti:>r  12  of  her  14 
pciints  in  the  game  f-'ellow  freshman 
ChnshrH"  Bianchm  alst>  scored  in  double  dig- 
its with  1 1  points  and  h  rebounds. 

The  Women's  basketball  team  opened  its 
19%  conference  plav  with  a  75-54  blowout 
over  Triton  at  Harfx-r  Saturday.  |an> 

Led  by   Rommel's  game  high  33  points. 
the  lady  Hawks  easily  defeated  the  ladv 
Troians  Rommel  als*>  shot  75  percent  at  the 
free-throw  line.  Hengels  also  scored  in  dou- 
ble digits  with  16  points 

Th*'  DuPage  game  featured  a  Hawk  team 
that  head  coach  Jennifer  Jensen  did  nttt  rec- 
ognize. "We  made  mistakes  and  didn't  use 
our  heads,"  Jensen  added 

Harper  was  held  to  lusl  1 3  points  in  each 
half  The  hnal  score  w  as  5*,-2h 

Th<?  Hawks  will  return  to  ffarper  to  lak«? 
on  Illinois  Valie>-  Jan  23,  at  5:00  p.m. 

Susan  Rademacher 




Chrlsta  Rommel  eyes  the  layup. 

Hawks'  basketball  team  and  the 
Hunny  have  one  thing  in  common 
a;  they  keep  going,  going  and 
gomg.  .. 

With  only  seven  players  on  the  team,  each 
man  sees  an  average  of  38  minutes  of  action 
in  each  game.  Leading  the  way  is  freshman 
center  |eremy  Roach(6'9"),  who  is  averaging 
14  points  and  12  rebounds  a  night. 

After  losing  a  handful  of  players  to  grades 
and  transfer,  head  basketball  coach  Ron 
Cregier  put  the  call  out  for  basketball  players. 
Answering  the  call  were  Tony  llurd,  Chris 
King,  Marquis  Martin,  and  frank  Piersanti. 

Tlie  Hawk.s  opened  conference  play  Jan.  b 
with  a  new  limk,  but  not  a  whole  lot  of  luck. 
Thev\  e  dropped  three  games  to  go  0-3  in  the 
conference  and  3-13  overall. 

Triton  w.i'.  the  opponent  for  the  first  game 
of  conference  play.  The  Hawks  lost  the  game 
Ht>-77  at  h(>me  despite  leading  46-31  at  the 
half  on  Chris  Kings  three  3-pointers. 

With  13;  11  left  in  the  second  half  Chris 
King  fouled  out  forcing  Harper  to  play  with  a 
one  man  bench  to  Triton's  eight 

Eight  lo  six  was  a  cake  walk  compared  to 
the  l^^  man  roster  of  the  College  of  Hupage 
Once  again.  Roach  led  the  Hawks  with  22 

Harper  made  the  Chaparrals  work  for  the 
72-*6  victories  despite  being  short  a  man. 
Sophomon'  John  Nikolaros  sat  out  a  one 
game  suspension  due  to  an  incident  in  the 
Triton  game. 

Nikolaros'  came  back  fired-up,  lighting  up 

the  scoreboard  for  16  points  in  the  first  half  of 

see  BASKETBAU.  on  page  7 

Palatine,  Illinois 

fiharper   cptleg* 


11  .  February  2, 1996 

Telephone  number  change  disrupts  service 

Ameritech  switches  school's  phone  number,  asks  for  assistance 

Jutit  ThompsM 


HarfXT  NWtWillwird  o|!*rat*it»  got 
an  uiwxpfcted  tnvdk  on  Mrmtliiy,  Ian 

I  72  wh»ti  (hf  i-.impt»  phi'tm"  nuntht-r 

■  'T  the'  attrmiwn 
.ti  the  phonf  «.\-v 
.■H-rmjl  num.b»T  ot  citls 
■    -11    IH.tlX)   fX'T   ttjy    to 
I  atowKt  none. 

Th.-  n«fw  fhomr  numlwf  (W7-'*;'> 
■>  tufipuiwd  to  tiiki'  er!: 
. ,  Ian.  20  to  crnnadv  »m  ; 
>ti?  dmnges      But  ArrnTitrrh 
,.,.,1,,™,.,,^.  ft,,,.  .-h.ingt~»  until 

illixll.1   irl.llU,Hl%   n-jT*'- 

:  Kim  «»iid  th»,'  riMM>n  tt,>r 

■•,  w»  b«XdU!>(>  th«-  nt'lwork  is 

:nd  llw  p't«KW»  ot  ihan^inn 

In  This  Issue 

"'B»-twtfn  thf  M7  .mJ  eW  jn'j  ci.h1i> 
wf\'*-  4h.:>nf;fd  i>\  fr  1  ^  millmn  nuni- 
tii-r>  f  vfn  rn»\  jnd  th«'n  the  ss^tem 
get>  J  (;liiih,    -.hf  sjid 

VVht'n  p«»f>le  tAlW  thf  a»llt*);f  jt 
31 7  •••■If  10(1  bftwtfn  (he  huur>  «•* 
!l  MU.m.  ami  ■ti.lOpm,,  a  rvi^ivrding 
*4id  th*'  numlwr  was  disi:i>nra,i:ti,i.t 
and  rei  turHit-r  nil'ormatum  was  avail- 

'  rhf  rtwrdiiif;  •^■nt  the  pei>- 

fj..    .    , it, .••!,•     .r.h.      1     n  111.,  Mar(XT 

I 'If  111 M" 

xi.<;'.Li<,-i.  ^,11  -..  u'  calling; 

*nvwher«'  tin  r  indiraialiori 

on  what  ,h4pp*n«:'u  tn  tm-  st-htxil,  thf 
daycaw  center  i>n  campus,  the  cinn- 
munttv  founst'liri);  uTitrr  .irut 
Harpi-r's  Northva-.!  I  enter  in 
tVo^fH'ct  Htn){ht!., " 

s  hcidi-n  sjid  she  knt'w  "stifnpthmK 
ing  when  the  f+    ■■■■  '  -^^ 





ga        O'Hara 




ly  )?ot  rt'ally  quite  Nut  f\  i-n  the  op«T- 
aliir  or  411  kni-w  .iN'ut  llir  swiuti 
OMT  oi  thf  f^litth  m  till-  ■•\  ^li-ni 

Thf  kmmiftlni-  of  a  cri»hloni  m 
thi-  s\sli'ni  w.i^.if  n.ivi'nitort  li>  Hft--\' 

I  evinMin.  soi-relary  at  Harper's 
\^l^t^H'.lst  Cfiitei  1 1'\  lOMin  s.nd 
alMuil  UK)  (xvpli;  lalli-d  the  uMitt-r 
asking  il  HarpiT  had  ilusixl  dinvn.  .1  disaster,  '  shi'  said   "it  was 

see  TELEPHONE  oo  page  2 

The  Mighty  Blue  Kings  rocit  Harper 

I  sports: 

a  J  .ibcut  Chrb  King's,  heroic 

\»ge  12 


'  ,      ■  t 




iiul  Director  of 

iu'alre  M 


lo  VVil 


age  4 


>•'  \oii  think  that  the  first 
iiu-ndnieiit  >;uarantees  vour 
lights  to  tree  »>pei\h  on  the 
tetni  t^    the  I  .ov  ernment 
kiot'sn  t  seem  to  think  so. 
Page  4 


Fun  Page 

I  Arts  A  Entertainment .~ 

IC0MMMIItSfy    iiiiiiiii ii|iu.miiiiimm.»i 

Iciaulfled*  .. — 

.  Paget  2-3 
—  Page  4 

.  Pages  6-7 

Page  10 

.  Pages  1112 

I  llMtenwctier 


The  Mighty  Blue  KiriRs  had  people  dancinj;  tn  the 
aisles  when  thf\  pertormevl  in  the  Harf>er  (  tillej;e 
student  Center  Wednesday,  |an,24 

Ihe  Vtinhtv  Blue  Km^s  are  known  tor  (heir  ^il's 
s(vle  ot  musH  tinged  with  a  |ump  rhythm.  The  mu^ 
lure  ot  musii  played  >;ot  the  joint  jumping. 

An  enthusiastic  crowd  ot  ahout  100  people  came 
during  (he  lunch  hour  to  li'.(en  to  the  Chicago  baM*d 
band  whiise  members  iniludiv  Kos^  Bvin,  Sam  "The 
man"  BuR"k,hardl  |err\  l)eino,  (..areth  Best,  |iminv 
SutttMl,  }t»!  Braw  ka,  and  Bob  Carter 


Durmg  the  concert  open  vpau-s  in  the  student  cen- 
ter were  turned  into  a  d^nn  I'.ior  students 
danced  to  crowd  favorites  hkr  "loose  1  ips  '  and 
"Oinning  Like  a  Cheshire  Cat 

Sutton,  the  bands  bass  plaver  -..ud  he  likes  lo  play 
at  lolleges  becaus*'  it  givfs  the  band  a  chance  to 
I'xpose  their  st\  le  ot  music  to  ,i  wide  audienie  He 
>aid,  "I  realU  like  playing  the  ballads  bet.iuse  tliey 
grab  vour  emotioits  and  are  tilled  with  the  blues," 

TTie  Mighty  Blue  Kings  attract  o\  ertlow  audiences 
every  Tuesdav  at  the  Cin-t-n  Mill  ]di/  club  in  Chicago. 

The  gaiup  plans  to  a-lease  their  first  album  in 

Contact  the  Hiirbinncr  Lowtecl  m  Buiimt.  A,  Room  367   Business  Ptionc:  847  S25-6460  News  Phone:  8'17  '925^6000  x2461 

^  ^ 

Page  2 

Harper  News 

Multicultural  center  helps  students 

Health  Corner 

Resmnarl*  Hylton 


Iho  Multicultural  Studt-nts  CentiT  i^  i 
pidcf  thjt  shouli)  bt-  to  most  studint> 
I  viT  vvi.iidtTfv)  vvh.ii  the  orsJni/.itnHi  v\j^ 
dbimt,  hut   nvvft  stopped  b\  to  cluxk  ' 

Thf  Multicultural  Stuclfnis  Center  i%  an 
organu.ition  set  up  to  advise  students  .>! 
racial,  ethnic  and  cultural  diversity  There  are 
several  pmgranus  and  services  .u  a  liable  t»> 
African-Amfrican,  Asian  and  Hispanic  stu- 
dents, Including  scholarship  intormatioii 

They  also  try  to  help  minorities  in  the  soci- 
ety as  well,  not  only  in  the  college  There  are 
some  1  jlino  students  who  go  to  the  Rolling 

\lejdov\s  \ci«hborhiHid  Resource  Center 
once  a  wivk  and  help  middle  sihc>olers  with 
their  homework 

Srank  St>larno,  Din-clor  ot  the 
Multicultural  Students  C  enter  said  that  l-eb  is 
,-\tricdn-,-\mencan  Hislorv  month 

In  honor  ol  Ihis  occasion  various  acln  i' 
have  bivn  plannitt      Kor  more  intormativ.. 
teel  (rtr  to  stop  by  the  Multicultural  Students 

TELEPHONE:  Lack  of  warning  caused  hassles 

continued  from  page  1 
)ust  terrible. " 

Levinson  said  a  lot  of  the 
phone  calls  she  r«>€eive»J  were 
from  irate  petiple  wondering 
why  thev  were  never  told 
about  the  number  change 
"All   I  could  tell  thetn  was 

that  we  were  sorry.  Wedidnt  4  30pm. 
know  what  was  wnmR either.  Contrary     to     levinson, 

Ameritech  was  even  calling  Blacker  said  "IHer  all  we  ve 

as  tor  intormation,"  she  said  had    no    complaints    about 

Harpers    Chief    switch-  changing  our  phone  number 

board  operator  Paula  Blacker  or  area  ctxie     It  was  a  very 

said  the  calls  started  coming  smiXJth  priKCSs." 
back   in    VIondav   at   about 

We'd  like  to 
ask  a  pint- 
sized  favor. 

due  blood 

Your  .iw.trd-uinrjifi  :  soim,- 
?(>r  H.irpiT  iii-v\-s  .iikI  intorm.iliiin. 

Gfve  titoodtfM  Mtminar.  CaH 
UfeSouree  Blood  Senmm  for 

•n  appomtmom.  (706)  296-9660. 

Or  vtst  I  tlonor  oanlar  near  you. 


Disabled  and  elderly 
clients  in  health  caiv  lacili- 
ties  have  the  right  to  receive 
safe,  competent  and  quality 
care  learn  from  J  nursing 
Mew  point  what  you  need  to 
know  about  ta'JtmenI,  caa-. 
abuse,  neglect  and  staffing 
■-Mies  in  lodav's  health  care 

-.rem  l>ebra  Karas,  RN , 
soordinator  of  Harpers 
Basic  Nursing  Assistant 
Training  Program,  will  pre- 
sent Quality  Elder  Care"  on 
Tuesday,  Feb  20,  h-om  121 
p  m.,  Building  A,  room  241a 

WEEK  FEB.13-1S 

Safe  Sex  Information 
Table  in  the  Bookstore 
entrance  in  Building  L 

Literature,  pamphlets 
and  other  materials. 
Contests,  T-shirt  drawing, 
condoms  and  more. 


Options  for  the  "^O's 
Wednesday  Feb  14,  10-11 
am..  Building  A,  Room  242. 
Learn  the  safest,  most  effec- 
hve  methods  of  birth  con- 
trol. Enjoy  Free  Refresh- 
ments and  CD  door  prizes! 


Tuesday,    Feb     13.    12-1 

The  Harbinger  I 
February  2, 19961 

p.m,,  Building  A,  Board 
Rix)m  315c  Find  out 
what  constitutes  sexual 
harassment  and  the  steps 
you  can  take  to  protect  your- 


Chlamydia,  Condyloma 
and  Hepatitis  B — multiple 
choice  answers  on  a  biology 
test  or  sexually  transmit- 
ted diseases  you  can  get 
from  your  partner ;• 

An  information  session 
on  Care  and  Maintenance  of 
a  Healthy  Relationship  is  on 
Wednesday,  Feb  14,  12-1 
pm..  Building  A,  Room  242. 

Discover  what  steps  you 
can  take  to  keep  your  rela- 
tionships running  smoothly 
on  Thursday,  Feb. 15,  12-1 
p.m..  Building  A,  Room  242. 


loosing  weight  is  one 
thing.  Ijjsing  perspective  is 
another  Gain  hack  a  sense 
of  who  you  were  K'fore  food 
look       control  Free 

Information  and  screening 
tor  eating  disorders  will  K' 
held  on  Tuesday,  Feb.  6,  **- 
2p.m  in  building  A,  room 



Celebrate  the  Heritage  in  Print 

African  American 
History  Month 

Visrl  US  today  and  see  tttese 

Uttes  and  more 

Rece  .  ^  ~ 'memorative  tote 

bag  •■'.  -ise  of  $20  00  or 

more  on  selected  titles 

Wt  carry  thft  f  ULL  selection  of  Tenlbooks  you  need  foLgJaSS 

HwiMf  CoMigNi  E 

,,jT,..;day      ft  00am       1 2  W  noon 

What  is 

Valuable  |»ald  worK  experience  in  the  area  of  your  cho- 
sen majorl 

Earn  college  credits  while  you  worki 

Great  for  your  resume 

Set  yourself  apart  from  all  of  those  other  college 

You  can  be  eligible  to  win  a  $500  scholarship  If 

you  are  enrolled  In  a  co-op  work  experience  in  the 

Spring  '96  semester.  Co-ops  are  available  In  a 

variety  of  majors.   To  find  out  more  call  Kris 

Conroy  at  925-6720  or  stop  by  the  Career  Center 

in  A347. 

Win  a  S500  scholarship  while  you  work  In  a  Co-op! 


The  HdrbingR 
February  2, 1996 

Harper  News 

National  News  from  around  the  country 

Baby  Death  Stuns 
U  of  Georgia 


ATHENS.  Ga  -The  bruUl 
murder  of  a  newlKim  bjbv  • 
found  in  the  a  dormilorv 
mtroom  and  stabbed  tn  the 
heart-has  "niit  a  chill  thnnieh 
thv  L'niNtTsitv  ot  C»tMr^iJ 
\  custodidn  clfdning  ttw 
women's  restrtx>m  ut 
I  )RlethorfH'  House  dontiilory 
Ian  H  found  thf  7pound  baby 
hoy  stiittfvt  insido  a  trash  can 
Ihf  inbnt  had  stab  wounds 
h'  ih.'  heart  and  other  parts  ot 
tiis  body 

L'(.  C  .impu^  Pohce  Cjpt 
limtny  V\ilham>on  >aid  no 
>u,%(->i'ct  has  b«fn  named  vel 
m  th.'  tjs«-  "We  h.ivf  all  the 
M  our  unit  VM>fk- 
■■'■■•.^  .....  -...^  ,.i-,i-  .11  this  (ime  ,  ■ 
he  said 

Crime  lab  results  indicate 
the  infant  was  delivered  lull 
lerm,  apparenlK  in  the  bath 
r'H>m.  then  kiUeil 

0(;lelhi>rp«?  House  is  a  co- 
ed residence  hall  accessible  to 
students  with  card  kevs 
I  )etectives  are  not  ruling;  out 
the  possibilitv  that  someoin; 
other  than  a  student  not 
inside,  WilliarrLson  s.iid 

"We're  talking  to  any«>ne 
we  can,  asking  for  informa- 
tion," he  said,  adding  that 
dormitory  residents  arc  bemg 

"It's  probablv  one  of  tht» 
worst  things  ivc  seen." 
VVillumsc.n  sjid 

Ciass  Project 
Tal(es  Students 
to  Ghana 

It's  ran?  that  class  projetts 
r<~iult  in  sendinj^  students  to 
anywhere  more  interestinj; 
than  the  campus  librarv  I'r 
computer  lab 

Put  three  lames  Mddis..n 
I  not-rsitv  students  are  tr,n  ■ 
elmj;  to  Cibana  js  part  of  an 
mtenidlional  business  cours*- 
thai  tixus«-s  on  giving  stu- 
denLs  practical,  handson 
cxpenence  abio.ul 

rhe  students  will  irav el  to 
the  African  nation  and  spend 
two  wwks  collecting  data  tor 
a  pnt(sosed  ice  and  cold  stor- 
age facility  that  a  liKal  husi- 
nessnian  hof»es  to  operate 

IMl"  marketing  protess>.r 
Hatold  li^T  said  the  course 
was  developed   thrt-e   years 

ago  at  the  univcrsifv  to 
address  the  criticism  that 
business  schcHils  lack  fix-us 
on  international  business 

"The  goal,"  said  Jeer. 
"was  to  develop  a  team- 
taught,  proiect-orientfd, 
interdisciplinar\,  internation- 
al business  ct>urse  Contacts 
were  made  with  local  basi- 
tiesses  who  had  products  that 
could  be  sold  intemationalh, 
and  two  firms  were  identified 
that  wanted  a  fnt-e'  business 
plan  developed  for  interna- 
tional venture  " 

Texas  A&M  Prof 
Arrested  For 
Tailing  Student 

KINtiSVILLF.  Texas-An 
art  professor  at  Texas  A  &  M 
Unnersilv  resigned  in 
IXtemt-H-r  after  police  said  he 
ottered  to  give  a  student  an  A 
in  exchange  tor  $1(XI. 

lose  Martinet,  on  faculty 
with  the  university  for  more 
than  IS  vears,  was  arrested 
atter  he  accepted  money  from 
freshman  Christopher  Cm/, 
who  was   wired   to  campus 






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The  incident  started  a 
week  before  when  Martinez 
announced  to  his  i  lass  that  he 
was  collecting  art  piirttolios 
tor  a  final  grade  Cru/,  v,ho 
could  not  fimt  his  portfolio, 
said  his  professor  offered  to 
ovcrkmk  that  fact  in 
excftange  tor  S  1  (K) 

According  to  Texas  A&M 
Campus  Police  It  Sandra 
[effersiin,  t  ru/  was  atraid  no 
one  M.'ould  believe  his  story 
Acting  on  the  advice  of 
(riends  he  approached  the 
prolessor  again,  this  time 
with  a  hidden  tape  recorder. 

"He  told  I  Martinez  1  he 
didn't  have  the  money" 
Jefferson  s.iid  "The  pnites- 
sor  lowered  the  price  to  SsO  '" 

The  two  agavd  to  mi*ei  at 
a  later  date  After  hearing  the 
recording,  the  campus  police 
called  the  Stiuth  Texas  Drug 
I  orcc,  who  wired  Cruz  before 
the  next  meeting. 

lelterson  arrested 

Martinez  alter  he  accepted  an 
envelope  containing  $50  from 
Cruz  "He  acted  like  he  had 
no  idea  what  was  going  on," 
sfie  said . 

Martinez  was  charged 
with  bribcTv,  a  seconddegrve 
felony,  and  has  pleaded  inno- 
cent If  convicted,  he  faces  a 
maximum  lO-year  sentence 

Page  3 

Career  Center 
offers  coun- 
seling service 

The  Harper  College 
Career  Transition  Center 
offers  individualized 

career  counselmg  to  ftKus 
on  career  direction  and  job 
search  organizahon. 

During  hourly 

appointments  clients  may  present  work  sta- 
tus, address  specific  career 
alternatives  or  develop  a 
focused  career  direchon. 

The  following  individ- 
ual career  counst»ling 
packages  are  now  avail- 
able: Career  i-xploring 
and  Planning  helps 
explore  career  options; 
Career  As.sessmenl  uses  a 
variety  of  assessments 
including  the  Myers- 
Bnggs  and  Strong  Interest 
Inventor,;  Career  Action 
Planning  develops  an 
action  plan  to  achieve 
goals.  Resume  Service 
provides  a  targeted 
resume;  Interviewing 
Skills  provides  mock 
videotaped  interviewing 
practice;  and  Job  Search 
Strategies  develops  a 
directed  job  search  cam- 

Call  the  Career 
Transition  Center,  847/ 
459-H233,  for  informahon. 

Harper's  new  phone  number:  (847)  925-6(X)0 



I VI I 'dirk 

I- ^ t"^"-  li 

\,il».ii.i!  I  ..111- I   lin.l-silT'te 
Iwi.  s.'[i..lar-lii|.  |>f'',-,;nmis 
wailllli!  I..1'  \".ll  '" 

Tranifar  Racagnition  Awani* 
■■♦■■■Hi  ■il>»l»riMpi  ■!  •4««- 

$i,aep  ar«  ■■■i<»<  ••  mfami  •< 

!••*•  •  HilMiBHiHt  «f  90  WmmMmtwikla 

■•■■•■■•^  MmIW  9w   r  31  ^MIVW  S(PWV 


■l»lawh  UmUmmttHf  ••. 

Til*  B««efaclDr"f  Scbalanhip 

■H%l««>l  •<  Hril  HM»lllltH 

$3.SO»-tS,ee«  irtiil.Hlilp  iMnt  tam 

S  fpV4l90  jjB^MM  Wtt4^fll|[^  4B«  9«S  4MP  V4WW 

NcitioiKi  -  .oiiis 



The  Harbinger 
February  2, 1996 

Free  speech  advocates  fear 
Internet  legislation 

Jamaica:  An  ideal  spring  break  getaway 


WASHINGTON  What    J., 

RenJHssance  pjintuif;  o»  a  i\ud'  :  ^ 
iii«  aind  a  college  nt-wspaptT  .irtjck- 
cortUuung  lour-Mtpr  words  tuvc  in 

W   btrth    '^   ■  •■'      n    (he 

Inlemet,  ttw\  teritl 

liulccvni.  jwiy  M>iT«-  till-  >p«'ih 
jdvcKalH.  who  worr>  k-Kisla- 
lifin  deiigncd  to  curb  ponui^rdphtc 
iMMtriais  on  the  Net  may  mtrkt 
(in«»  speech  Krund.irii-s 

Recently  .is  part  ui  bill  to  rerfiirtn 
l*lei:omniwnicatittfie  laws,  negotia- 
tors with  the  Houw  of 
Kepresentatives  agreed  with  the 
Seruh"  to  us»-  the  term  "indecent"  to 
drMrnbe  materul  that  should  be 
banned  M,inv  reptesentatives  h.»d 
been  pushin>;  tor  j  less  r«'!itrictivf 
standard  that  vvmild  have  outlawed 
material  was  "harmtui  to 

SH'n.    ,1111,  licit-    who    publishes 
iiMl«>nal  de»ined  indecent  loiJ  : 
puniilwd  by  a  fail  term  or  a  it 

Thai        IS        i(        !hi- 

^riimi.  alH'n-  Ketorm 

1  •  .  .>rk,ed  on  hv 

f*iw»  Law  Center,  the  growuiR  num- 

h,.,  „(  foH«rj;e  new'spapt»rs  on  the 

t-  would  be  hit  hard  bv  suih  a 

l-l  vv 

"■C'olleji;e  newspapers  are  a  little 
more  adventua-siime  in  their  con- 
lent."  he  said,  Riving  examples  that 
ranged  tram  the  use  o*  tour-letter 
words  to  s^H  education  features 
"They're  likely  to  be  the  hrst  people 
wiected  for  proseoition." 

Student  |Ouma)ists  mi^ht  also  bt* 
hmden-d  m  their  attempts  to  gather 
onliTK'  n~iearrh  tor  storws  on  AlfS, 
atiortion  and  other  imfHirtant  is>ucs 
It  the  laiv  passes,  somi-  Inti-nu't 
providers  might  n*striil  jvifss  to 
(wopk-  over  IH.  and  possibU'  to  pecv 
ple  over  21.  (l<M)dman  saul 

While  measures  as  the 
tommunu'.itions  IXfeniA'  \ct  were 
mtroduttsl  lin-urb  pv)rm>graphv,  the 
vanuene^s  ul  what  indeii-nt  '  mate- 
riai  !■-  lonn-niN  tris'  spiis  h  aJvo- 

The         Fle^-tronir         Fnmtier 

•  IV  il  liber- 

.111  online 
■.111-  paikctl  with  I'diton, 
the  t.  omnniniiations  (X-.. 
■|t  wiHild  reduce  disiusNton  aiul 
oiihli,  .ih.>Ti  ..11  •!■!,•  \i-t  to  uhal  IS 
'■  irJ-);radi-  l  lass- 
see  Intwnet  on  pagp  & 





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Sprmj;  Hn-ak  is  |ust  around  the 
comer  lor  those  ol  vou  who  would 
like  to  get  .iwav  lor  a  t ouplo  of  days, 
but  havi'  no  iJt-.i  where  tti  go  here  is 
a  suggfsiioii 

Did  Villi  know  it  Is  sometimes 
cheaper  h>  travel  outsido  ol  the  lonli- 
nrnfal  V  S  thai-i  it  is  to  travel  vMthm'" 
Not  only  in  liriiis  ot  tmanual  disposi- 
tion, traveling  outside  ot  the  U.S  will 
give  one  enposure  to  other  countries 
and  cultures 

{amaica  is  one  such  couiitrv  that 
may  cost  less  to  travel  to  and  still 
offer  a  wide  range  oi  entertainment 
packages  as  well  as  a  cultural  e-«per! 

If  you  art-  into  non-stop  partying, 
Negril  IS  the  pertcci  place  tor  vou 
From  clift  diving  at  Rick's  cafe  to  wild 
paiama  .ind  toga  parties  at  Hedonism 
11  on  Tuesday  and  Thursday  nights 
resfxvtiveh  then-  is  something  tor 
everyone  There  .iri'  .-vi-ii  nude 
l-it-aches  it  thai  is  your  spet-d 

VVali-r  lovers  ma\  eniov  such 
things  as  climbing  the  lAinn  s  Kiver 
Falls  in  CVho  Rios,  rafting  on  the 
Martha  Hrje  m  Falmouth,  Tielawnv 
■  If  the  Kio  Grande  in  Portland,  St 
Thomas  t>ne  tan  i-ng.ige  in  such 
water  sports  ,is  skimg,  parasaiiiiig.  jet 
skjing,  surfing,  snorkelmg  and  the 
most  popular  of  all  ,  scuba  diving    It 

Teacher  of  the  Week 

Occupation:     Asscxiate  Professor 

and  Director  of  Theater 

Birth  date:    January  3 

Birth  place:  Peoria,  IL 

Marital  status:  Single 

Type  of  car  1994  Hiwda  Civic 

Favorite  "pigout"  food:  pizza 

Last  good  movie:  Schindlers  List 

Last  good  book  you  read:    Ek-ach 


Most  vivid  childhood  memory: 

The  holidays,  because  I   have  a 

large  family  and  1  always  felt  loved 

What  do  you  like  about  yourself: 

I'm  a  good  listener  and  a  good 


What  do  you   like   least  about 

yourself:   1  have  a  tendency  to  be 


I  stay  home  to  watch:  ER  and  ITie 

McNeil  Lel\rvr  News  Hour 

Students  think  I'm:  Energetic  and 

IS  possible  to  become  a  certiHed  scuba 
diver  in  (ust  tour  days.  It  you  would 
)ust  like  to  di\  f,  night  diving  should 
be  considea-d  to  i-\pi-nence  the  seren- 
ity of  the  water  w  ivrld  at  night.  If  you 
love  to  ride  horses  and  love  the  wali»r 
as  well  you  might  consider  ridmg  on 
the  beach 

Cultural  tours  consist  ot  exploring 
the  (.nvn  Gmtto  Cave  in  Runaway 
Bay,  St  Ann.  and  a  visit  to  the 
Kosehall  C.reat  House  in  Montego 
Bay,  to  get  an  idea  of  how  an  18th  cen- 
hiry  plantahon  was  run 

After  thai,  take  a  lour  of  the 
.^ppleton  listati-s  in  St  Flizabeth,  to 
st"e  how  a  mixJem  day  plantation  is 
run.  If  you're  up  to  the  challenge, 
consider  climbing  the  Blue  Mountain 
Peaks  in  Portland 

II  vou  stay  at  an  all-  inclusive 
hotel,  thi're  is  mghtiv  entertainment, 
golt,  tennis  racquetball,  squash,  cro- 
Ljuet  among  other  activities  The 
Super  Clubs  hotels  otter  a  Ini-  wed- 
ding package  along  with  your  stay. 

II  you  go  to  lamaica,  go  with  an 
open  mind  He  prepared  for  anything 
and  everything  Relax,  have  tun  and 
remember  no  one  knows  vou  You 
lan  act  like  an  idiot  without  leelmg 

For  travel  information  check 
IX-bbie  at  Nutty  \',ications,  (847)  53^*- 
nitl),  .1  real  Jamaican  who  truly 
know  s  the  area  .As  we  sav  in  jam. in  .i 
"Ine  Mon  " 

Professor  and 
Director  of 

Mary  Jo 

caring,  but  also  that  I'll  kill  them  il 
they  don't  do  their  work 
Pet  peeve:  Excuses  like:  1  was  late 
to  class  because.  .  or  I'm  not  pre- 

Worst  advice:  A  teacfier  told  me  to 
go  to  business  school 
I  knew  I  was  a  grown  up  when: 
My  mother  died 

Nobody  knows  that:  I'm  a  foottiall 

If  I  wasn't  a  teacher  I'd  be:  There's 
notlung  else  I'd  rather  be.  Being  a 
teacher  is  a  wonderful  way  to 
spend  your  lite 

If  I've  learned  oiw  thing  in  life 

it's:  Tomorrow  isn't  guaranteed, 
today  is  what  counts 
People  who  knew  me  in  high- 
school  thought  1  was:  organized 
Three  words  that  best  describe 
yourself:  Enthusiastic,  generous, 
and  inlense 


Fun  Page 


Dilbeft   by  Scott  Adams 

Harper  Heck 


TO    SLT  TO  CL^SS... 

Scarlett  O'Harascope  by  Kathy  Betts 

kattnf  Betts  IS  a/tiaoys  iteing  stars.  But  thani^Uy  her  new  medication  ts  ckanng  thai  up. 

AricK  You  ate  about  to  be  stabbed  in  the  back  by  a  co-worker — watch  out  and  stab  tiiut^ 
If  you  get  caught  go  directly  to  jail  and  do  not  a»llect  $200.  Or  plead  guilty  and  cUim 
abuse  and  collect  $S  milUon.  Other  Aries:  Eric  Menendez. 

TauroK  Remember  a  bird  in  (he  hand  is  worth  two  in  the  bush,  but  make  sure  it's  not 
one  of  thoae  pesky  geese  or  else  you  will  have  a  messy  hand. 

Gemini:  Your  sign  is  moving  into  vitgo,  so  me  your  (um  signal.  You  will  feel  hot, 
moody,  and  different.  It  is  either  menopause  or  a  multiple  personality  surfacing. 

Cancer  Today  is  a  slow  day.  You  will  have  nothing  to  do.  tn  fact,  even  your  hotcscope 
IS  boring. 

Leo:  If  you  name  is  Leo  then  either  it  is  a  coincidence  or  your  patents  are  morons.  Yelling 
obscenities  at  the  elderly  won't  win  you  "Mr/Mts/Miss/Sr/Sra/Ms.  Popular"  so  it's 
best  if  you  stop 

Vtfgo:  If  your  mate  treats  you  badly  drop  them  like  a  hot  potato  and  hope  they  land  but- 
ter side  down. 

Libra:  Don't  follow  your  first  hunch,  follow  tht-  16th  Not  thai  your  16lh  hunch  will  be 
a  good  one  but  follow  it  anyway.  Trust  nw. 

Scorpio:  You  are  filled  with  poison  and  are  leady  to  strike  the  person  of  your  dn-ams. 
VVear  a  condom. 

Sagittarius:  Soeneone  is  stalking  you.  Don't  look  now.  but  make  a  quick  right,  then  a  left, 
thm  2  more  rights,  and  lose  them.  If  they  are  still  on  your  trail  let  them  catch  up.  It's  true 


Capricorn:  Have  a  fantasy  and  tell  your  best  friend.  The  rest  of  you  friends  know.  In 
fact  they  are  telepathic  and  know  what  you  did  last  weekend  in  the  Jacuzzi.  How  did 
you  do  that  anyway? 

A<|vaiiaK  If  it  ain't  broke  don't  fix  it.  If  il  is  broke,  still  don't  fix  it,  because  you  are  a 
khitz  aT«d  might  bum  the  house  down. 

riaccK  Your  soulmate  is  Cancer,  so  quit  smoking  or  you  will  be  swimming  with  the  flsh- 

Katfiy  BtUs  mmfs  to  know  your  $ign.  and  yes  tlm  is  a  pick  up  line.  For  a  personal  Horoscope  call 
the  Harbinger  office  at  ex.  6460.  Each  caO  n  15  per  Mcond,  ^you're  under  18,  you  must  kavi 
yomr  pmtnH  ptrmmiOH. 

Ill  1  ■■•  1 

1  *  *|*Bii  II* 

*ll   1  oil 

1  II  ali|«  1  ••  " 



□Don  anna 

■  t  a  1  *  ■till  o  «l»lila  ■  1 

■  •  a  «  I  ■■i  a  o'MC'  o  3 

1  1  0  <  1  ilala  i  ■■tli  1  » 

□a  DDD  anDnno 

naaoDa  DnnnnnDD 

□□ao  nnnna  □□□□ 
ponn  DDDon  nopg 







Don't  Get  Cut  Stiort! 

all  over  campus! 

INTERNET:  at  what  price  freedom? 

continued  from  page  4 
room."  reads  one  editorial 

"Our  government  is 
proposing  to  regulate  the  free 
exchange  of  ideas,"  reads 
another  "If  is  as  if  librarians 
could  be  sent  to  jail  simply 
because  a  child  might  come 
across  the  King  )ames  Bible, 
or  works  by  Norman  Mailer 
or  J.D  Salinger  on  the 
library's  shelves." 

The  ACLU  cor«ideis  the 
Telecommunications  Bill 
utKonstitulional  and  has 
threatened  to  sue  Congress  if 
it  becomes  law.  "Congress  is 

making  it  ever  more  clear 
that  we  will  have  to  turn  to 
the  courts  to  uphold  free 
speech  in  the  promising  new 
medium  of  cyberspace," 
ACLU  Associate  Director 
Barry  Steinfiardt  said. 

Goodman  agrees.  "The 
bottom  liiw  is  within  a  matter 
of  days  after  this  law  is 
passed...  it  will  be  constitu- 
tionally challenged  in  the 
courts,"  possibly  even  by  a 
college  newspaper,  he  said. 
The  final  committee  voted  is 
expected  in  late  January. 



Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger  i 
February  2,  1996 

Downey  stars  in  Restoration   Around  the  World  in  Eighty  days  lands 

Ian  Spelling 


Rt*ert  Di)wm-v  Jr ,  is  one  oJ  those  actors  who  turns  in  d 
unique  perfunPdnce  virtually  every  lime  out  think  Hiime 
tor  the  Hi>lKijv> ,"  'Nalur.ll  Bom  Killers,"  "Hearts  an.)  Snils." 
jnil  ol  iiiurM-  t  hjplin,  lor  which  he  earned  jn  tK«  ar  noni- 
uidtion  ds  t))e  tide  character  There's  [usl  one  pniblem  people, 
in  drov fs,  are  mis»mg  out  on  his  perfomiances  because  few  of 
(Xiv%  n.v  s  dims  make  much  of  a  dent  at  the  cineplex 

I  n<  starting  to  think  Ini  box  office  (X'lson, "  -.ays  tXm  ne\, 
laughing.  "It  you  want  vour  dim  to  have  a  lousl  opening 
weckerui  just  throw  me  in  it  I  \c  nmer  Kvn  rn  a  film  that 
wa»  a  big  hit    I  );uess  then   ^  ,i  rr.ison  lor  thai    It  s  |u^t  not  m\ 

linw  yet     If  I  he.  ome  Im.  i    i M«ht   I  might  really  get 

out  ot  lontrol  an.i  ihink  I  u  il 

It  jmbitiousness  ot  -ROfii  ■.uo^i.iiue  ot  materia!,  v*rv 
humor  and  involving  drama  mean  anvthing  ti>  audieiiies 
then  perhaps  Ddwm-y  s  latest  I'ttorts.  "Restoration,  and 
"Rkhard  HI*  now  m  limitwi  n-lease  might  make  the  leap 
from  art  house  to  numiitiMm  crinvd  pleasers  IXjvvney  is  at 
the  hcirt  of  "Resloration"  as  Mennvel,  a  17fh -century 
tngksh  medical  student  whtwe  lite  is  transfomu-d  when  he 
encounters  King  C  hard's  II  (Sam  Neilll.  marnes  the  King's 
mLstress.  Celia  (Polly  Walker)  and  is  rewarded  with  a  country 
estate  Then,  after  a  p»TnK)  ot  drinking  and  debauchery, 
Mehvel  makes  the  mc»st  ci  mistakes   He  falls  for 

Celia.  Banished  frvwn  the  Kjr  Menvellitvomes>wept 

up  in  a  rush  of  chdn);e-he  leleams  his  ability  tc>  heal. 
romances  a  mental  patient  (Mefi  Ryanl,  fathers  ,i  ,  hild  and 
deals  with  bcith  the  fearsome  DaKue  ot  lh<i"-<  and  the  ( 
Fire  of  I  ondon  a  year  later 

It  s  pointed  out  to  Downev  that  Merivel  marks  vet  another 
gutsy  character  m  his  resume  L)«iwnev.  talking  during  an 
interview  at  a  Manhattan  hotel,  downplays  the  issue  1  don  t 
know  it  it's  gutsv  or  hr ,  '  it's  |usl  tluit  Im  >;ame.'    tie 

■~avs      It  scimettunv,  u-.  ,uld  he  a  disaster  or  it  could 

tly,  lei  s  ir'i    :    '  ;■,  m,.d.",t  ,il> 

what  I'm  111  iH-  filmi\l  and  B 

I  like  high  slakes    lli,.;:  ,k.  i!  in. irr  exciting  " 

Din-s  he  think  thos.  .,  p.iv  ott  lor  'Kesior.jlion'  ' 

Downey  tht-ics  replies,    What  e\.  hap- 

p«m!i     I'm  (ust  glad  that,  pnmanlv,  peof>l.-  ..  c.  thr 

film  and  tit  MmI's  ail  rvee\er' 

Downe\  ikes  j;,imhl.' in  "Kichar.; 

a  moderni/ed  tilm  rendenng  Shakesfje.  i  t  .ile  ot  pol- 

itic*, sibling  rivalry,  s<'x  and  death    The  ..  .cruited  by 

Sir  Ian  MiKeilen.  who  plavs  \tiTn..-rs  .^-lAjut  .mJ  .. 
in  "Restoration'  McKellen,  who  wr.ii.  iii.  k',,  t,  ,,.)  Ill" 
scTipt,  pniduci-d  ttw  film  and  stars  .is  fli.  i  ,,,| 

Downey  as  Earl  Rivers    .h,.  i.r,,||^j  ,..  ^.,„^,,  ;  ,,,.,iH;th 

see  DOWNEY  oti  page  10 

It's  almost 
like  Cheating 

We  buy,  sell,  trade  ^^ 
-^    used  and  new 
^    computer  equipment  ■ 

HwiAawr*.  •onH«t.  tiaM  *>»•>,  pnntam,  manton  IMops  nwrny 

<**•,  CO  BOMS,  catilm.  tayboank,  and  much  more' 

ant  mm  wm> «  Xli%'  ttmtmin-' 



'Around  the  World  in  Highly  Days'  a 
musical  plav  tor  families,  will  be  performed  at 
Harper  on  Sunday,  February  1 K  at  2  p  m  in  the 
tiuildmg  I  Theatre 

An  educational  adaptation  ot  the  lules 
Verne  claSuSic  pntduced  b\  Iheatreworks  L.'SA, 
il  takes  families  on  tlie  |Oume\  ol  I'hileas  Togj; 
and  his  companion  Passepartout,  who  embark 
on  a  idurnev  usin^  anliquati-d  m.Kies  ot  travel 
to  ciriuiTina\  t^ale  th.*  ^lok'  I'  ili..  p.ur  tannol 
compli'li'  the  |i>unie\  in  i  i  ^l^;g  w  ill 

lose  his  enlire  lortune  on  .i  ..  ,,,,i .  .  .i  he  arrest- 
ed by  the  detective  lollou  inj;  them 

The  t«o  travel  bv  train,  ship  ..imi'K  olf- 
phants,  hot  air  lialliHuis  and  ral:^  .ih  tli.-  uhile 
V  isiting  cxolii  places,  envounleriiif;  unlon-si'en 
delays,  and  even  n's».uin>;  a  pnri.,i'ss  ilon^;  the 

Ik  k.  '  ncral  admission  and  S"*  lor 

children  iMifi  oisiounts  fi>r  ■~ludi'nl~  and 
senior  citi/ens  for  information  ..ill  tlie  Harper 
Box  Office  at  .^47  'w2^-*l(X). 

Poi  Dog  show  sells  out  in  record  time 

Lwra  Ganison 

F'oi  Dog  Pondenns  will  be  playing  in  the 
Building  1  Theaire  on  I  rida\.  lebruar\  2^  at 
tip  m  The  .Ist)  st'ats  tor  the  show  sold  oiil  in 
4s  minutes  ,'\ccordin);  to  Mich.iel  Neim.m, 
Student  ALtivitii's  C Hordinator  this  v^.is  tin- 
fastest  si'llin^  shov\  ever  on  the  hisior\  ol 
Harper  College 

For  those  who  weren't  lucky  enough  to  gi't 
a  tkket.  waiting  at  the  disir  trving  to  get  in 
isn  t  tl>i,'  .inswer  either  [here  will  br  so  m.iny 
people  al  the  s|u.u  trving  u>  f;et  in  llial 
scalpers  pn<babl\  wont  K-  able  to  gel  cIom' 
enough  to  the  doors  to  sell  their  tickets 

1  or  those  who  actualK  >;ot  tickets,  yourel 
in  for  an  ama/in>;  show,  it  their  latest  album  isl 
any  indication  "Pomegranate",  available  onl 
Pomegranate  (Pi'i  Ooj;  s  own  lafiel)  is 
incrt'dible  listening  evperience  A  pomegran-l 
ale  is  a  bittersweet  Iruit.  and  tlie  K  ncs  to  the 
songs  are  .ilso  bittersweet  while  tinged  withl 
emotion  MusicalK,  Poi  l)o«'s  sound  is  unlikel 
.inv  other  band  I  hai.e  eier  heard^thi>| 
meloilies  are  swts't,  \i'l  haunting 

The   album    is    available   at    most    recordl 
slon's  111  till'  area,  and  liM>k  tor  two  ditferentl 
limited  I'dilion  n'leases  ot   'Pomegranate  " 
Ihen'  are   ISlKK)  limil.-tl  edition  (.Us,  eachl 
numfiered     There  is  also  a  n'gular  issue  dis- 
tributed bv  bar,' None 

,  TAAT  T»r»  T^  /^T?r?  Y""'^  worked  hard.  You've  done  well 

YOU  RE  Urr 



But  where  do  you  go  from  here? 
RigJit  doyvn  the  road — ^lo  Roosevelt 
University,  serving  tlie  northwest  subuits 
with  more  than  8()  undergraduate 
and  41  graduate  prugrdms,  including 
business,  psychology,  computer 
scienoe,  education,  biology  and  history 

\r/lTI/  f^  C^  "P^f^T?    ^°  ^^  ^^^  ^!^^''  ^'^'^'^  transfer,  meet 
lyUW  yjyj  JL  Vylv  wWi  an  admissions  counselor  early. 

Then,  do  what  hundreds  of  cofnmunily 
college  students  do  each  year  take 

adviintitge  of  Roosevelt's  2+2  programs. 
Even  befort;  you  are  admitted  to 
Roosevelt,  we'll  provide  personal 
transcript  evaluation  and  program 
planning,  and  an  early  estimation 
of  your  financial  aid. 

You  can  be  rewarded  for  your  good  start  ■with 
a  Roosevelt  transfer  scholarsliip,  if  your  GPA 
is  no  or  higher. 

Give  us  a  call.  See  how  easy  and  rewarding  it 
is  to  go  for  a  great  finish  at  Roosevelt  University. 



Roosevelt  UniversilY 

The  difference  between  where  you  are  and 

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Albert  A.  Robin  Campus,  2121  S.  G<x-bbert  Rd. 
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Moving  to  SchaumbuTg  for  faU  of  19% 

Mkhigan  Avenue  Campus,  430  S.  Michigan  Ave. 
Chicago.  IL  60605  (312)  341-20O0 


The  Harbinj^t-r 
February  2.  1996 

Arts  &  Entertainment 
Student  Activities  Card:  your  pass-     'Boys  for  Pele' 


port  to  activities  and  recreation 

Gloria  Faiber 


We  have  what  you  wjiit,  i(  smi  knon  v^ 
that  IS  VVt-  provide  what  \ciu  n«\i,  it  \ou  kn. 
when-  to  timi  it  Anything;  vou  u.iiii  i^  lur,  .:. 
Harper:  onlv  vou  to  tli.  mixI 

tX'Pr     VV.>n,l..r     V,  I,  ,.      .1:  .1      i.|i'.         •,•...-,■       ..'    I 

whitf  ij! 

your  tuit:.-. . .  .,  ,  .,.;., ,. , ,,  .,,..,  ,,.„; 

third  iLi>N  (-.irkirvg  stukt-r  1  ni  talking  about 
fhr  '-"li.Tit  Aitivitifs  I'.ird    OK.  mi  now   that 
■  'und  it  t>Hir   rtivks   into  thf  spring 
s^ii.-  sis.  f    \  do  vou  d\^  with  It' 

fl«>lif\i-  i:  or  not,  this  ^ard  uan  bv  useful  in 
any  nuitibt'r  ol  way*.  CM  itmrM-,  it's  up  to  vt>u 
to  Uke  advantage  o*  its  pt»sibilitifs 

B,»s!i.allv,  this  card  pro\rN  that  vou  n  ,i  bona 
tidi'  HarpiT  studt-nt  fnn>llfd  in  ircdit  tourst-s 
and  that  \ou  ri'  eligiblf  tor  a  numbpr  ot  practi- 
cal servici-s  sports  activities,  dental  st-rvlcfs 
diiMrounted  movie  tickets  <ind  other  kinds  ot 

Youvf  seen  the  Harper  couptm  btx>k,  right^ 
It  all  vou  studs  would  swallow  vour  pndf 
enough  to  look  for  a  bargain,  vou  might  tind 
that  you  could  learn  a  tew  things  and  a 
few  bucks  in  the  ptocejis  (which  you  can  pump 

into  an  arcad*-  game  in  Harper  s  game  riKjm) 

n,,,..  ..„..  r, ..„„  1^  ,n  ^^y^.  (n-artot  theSmdent 

Tient    riiis  Is  a  great  place  to 

.-li   ^''   !UM  and  i'\\  itenient    Inv  movies 

liiesdav  and  Thursdav  on  a  hi>;  screen 

I  V    .ind  billiards  -with  a     sii  cents  ott  vour 

next  g.inie    iinipon  i,it  vou  can  tind  it) 

■'so     in     the     .-Vctivities    department     is 
M     the    student    run    radio    stjtion    ot 
iiar^HT  a  lawver  tor  legal  .uh  ice  and  dcKtors 
who  donate  their  time  in  Health  SiTMces 

It  you  think  youa-  all  that  and  a  bag  ol 
chips,  then  Program  board  and  Student  Senate 
are  linking  tor  vou  .And  n-member.  big  uni- 
versities )ust  love  student  activities  so  it  vou 
dtm'l  join  one.  then  start  vour  own  It  s  a  great 
way  to  hang  out  and  mavbe  even  make  a  few- 
friends.  .-N  wise  man  once  said,  ",\  smart 
Harper  student  will  take  advantage  ot  their 
student  activities  card  '  Hev,  vou  paid  lor  it' 
Vou  deserve  to  reap  the  benefits 

Ves.  It  takes  a  little  time  to  evplore,  but  vou 
may  find  its  worth  the  trouble  When  you  r' 
nv>t  soakiJ\g  up  knowledge  or  working  viiur 
buns  •>tl  at  a  part-time  |ob,  or  it  you  |ust  need  a 
break  from  the  rigmarole,  Student  Activities 
has  soitiething  tor  you. 

IMuntu  celebrates  Blacl(  History  Month 
with  dance  and  music  at  Harper 

The  Munlu  Dance  TlMMtiB  will  perform  at 
fUfper  College  in  celebration  of  Black  History 
Month  on  Friday.  February  16.  at  7  3C»  p.m.  m  the 
building  I  Theatre. 

A  Chicago-based  company  that  (wrforms 
authentic  and  inlerpret.itivi-  Mruan  and 
Atrican-.American  dance  musK  and  rolkltire.  the 
enwrmble  tends  to  bring  audiciKes  to  their  teet 

In  operation  since  1972,  (he  troupe  has  pet- 

tormed  troni  New  York  to  lexas,  fengland  to 
Ghana.  Their  concert  program  will  include  song.s 
and  dances  from  the  Sene-Cambia  and  Sengal 
regions  of  West  Africa  m  well  as  dances  from 
Mah  to  Guinea 

Tickets  are  $7  for  general  admi.s.sion  and  i3 
tor  children.  Discounts  are  available  for  students 
and  senior  citizens.  For  into  call  the  Harper  Bos 
Office  at  847/925-6100. 




T  h  •  r« 

one    in 

every    family. 



sheds  'lite'  on 
Amos'  darker  side 

Veronica  Gonzalez 


At  first.  "Boys  For  Pele" 

is  not  a  v«TV  giKKl  album 
Ton  Amos'  Ivrics  ,iri-  verv 
difficult  to  comprehend  Jiul 
she  plays  a  harpsichord 
which  is  not  usuallv  the 
instrument  of  choice  for 
chart  topping  material 
However,  alter  the  4th  or 
Sth  listen,  Hovs  1  .u  IVIe 
turns  out  lo  bf  a  verv  .  oni- 
plev  .ilbum 

Ion  ,*\mos  began  placing 
pi.ino  .It  .1  wrv  voung  age 
lod.n  she  IS  one  ol  the  only 
retordirig  .utists  who  usrs  a 
piano  as  her  mam  aciomp.i- 
niment  'little 

Karlhviuakes ',  tier  debut 
album,  gained  a  lot  ot  .itten- 
lion  and  established  her  as  a 
talented  pianist,  singer,  and 
st,ingwriter  Her  vi,K:als  and 
piano  comphmenl  eaih 
other  to  bring  out  her  poetu 
lyrics  tnder  the  i'lnk' .  her 
2nd  album,  pnned  she  had 
stavuig  [lower  with  the  hit 
song  "( >otl 

'Boys  li>r  I'ele  ,  her  Vd 
release,  is  a  step  .iw.rv  from 
her  earlier  wort  l  aught  a 
1  ."  IS  tile  lirst  sin- 

Ihe     album 
.■Mtliougl!    It    IS   c.itihv.    It's 

unlike  the  a-st  of  the  album. 

"Btiys  For  Pele "  is  wry 
raw  and  natural  Songs 
range  from  being  serious 
and  emotional,  to  Ix'ing  a 
minute  long  and  somewhat 
sillv.  In  Doughnut  Song," 
she  laments,  "\oii  told  me 
last  night./you  were  a  sun 
now  ,'  with  your  verv 
own ,'  dev( ited  sa tel I i te, 

"I'ufting  the  IXimage 
On'  IS  .iboul  .lealing  with 
separ.ilion  anil  loss  Ihere 
are  also  more  disturbing 
songs  like  "1  ittle 

Amsterdam'  and 

"Muhammad  My  friend" 
v^  liiTe  she  .says,  "I'm  getting 
wry  svareiJ/teach  me  how 
to  love  mv  brothers" 

The  sillv,  minute  long 
songs,  \Ir  /ebra  ,ind 
"Agent  ( irangt  '  almost 
seem  to  be  put  in  to  lilt  the 
mood  in  between  songs. 
1  liere  are  manv  things 
going  on  in  this  album  but 
alter  several  spins  in  the 
plaver  it  all  makes  sense  It 
IS  an  evcellent  album  tor  anv 
musk  junkie  (even  if  she 
divs  play  the  harpsichord), 
so  don't  let  tile  shotgun 
intimidate  vou  -  Hoys  lur 
I'ele  IS  .Is  interesting  as  its 

Tnp  not  s«)Onsor»tf  by  H«tr>ei  ColM 

Party  On  The  Beach    Spring  Break  '96 

Cancun  Mexico  from  $399 
Panama  City  Beach  from  $129 

Includes  dally  beach  parties,  evening  club  par 
ties  and  great  discounts!  '  I  (800)  998-TOUR 

Get  a  group  of  1 4  together  and 



The  Harbinger 
February  1, 1996 

Our  View 

Who's  going  to  be 
paying  for  the 
Bears  to  stay? 

Governor  Edgar,  Mayor  Daley  and 
Michael  McCaskey,  you  are  not  getting 
our  vote  or  money  for  the  proposed 
.Chicago  "McDome "  Stadium 

There  is  no  logic  behind  raiiing 
taxes  for  a  spoiled  rotten  immature 
brat  like  McCaskey,  who  or\ly  wants  to 
make  his  wallet  fatter,  and  raising 
taxes  in  the  suburbs  to  help  Chicago 
cope  with  the  burden. 

Mayor  Daley,  you  need  to  look  no 
further  for  the  money  because  it's 
right  under  your  nose— in  your  cor- 
rupt school  system.  Who's  this 
month's  superintendent? 

Within  the  last  five  years  the  city  of 
Chicago  has  seen  the  rise  of  the  "new  " 
Comiskey  Park  and  the  UnitiHi  Center 
and  the  fall  of  two  of  the  most  historic 
buildings  in  sports:  Comiskey  Park 
and  the  ChitJgu  Stadium. 

Yes.  it  did  take  the  threat  of  moving 
to  hlorida  to  keep  the  White  Sox,  but 
the  home  of  the  Bulls  and  Blackhawks 
was  built  using  sntart  business  tactics 
and  corporjtf  'iponMT-.hip  from 
United  Airlmt-v 

McCaskey,  take  your  Bears  to 
Chicagoland,  IN  or  to  the  merry  land 
L)i  OZ.  But  don't  come  back  crying  to 
m  when  you  realize  you're  losing 
money  because  you  still  |u>tit\ 
raising  our  taxes. 


Viv  mtornvtiv  namt-d  tht-  f  Jiuitv  SpuHight 
in  Ihr  114  »>h  Lssue  The  tumvt  n.imf  i> 
Dui  Loprieno 

Price  of  class  or  school  of  hard  knocks? 

Urn  O'Brkn 

The  EJ\  View 

II  dtH^.n  t  tjk.e  much  to  get  a 
s>.hiH>l  jdministrator  iir  other 
hi^h-rankiii);  ottn  ul  to  t.ilk 
Jbfiut  the  measures  being  taken  to 
cjrrv  the  ^ihixil  into  the  next  cen- 
tury New  building!.,  tuition 
jdjustments.  U\  thanges,  corptv 
rate  programs,  building  n<>ming- 
you'll  hear  them  dll  What  is 
strangely  absent  from  the  list  is 
attention  to  its  users. 

You  dtm'l  have  to  kx>k  hard 
for  some  examples  ot  this  schcnil's 
reputation  for  stellar  sen  ice  not 
being  lived  up  to  It  seems  all  ttK 
easy  for  the  college  to  forget  that 
its  nothing  without  its  students 
!^\er>one  runs  into  what  they  teel 
i>  mure  than  their  fair  share  ot 
brick  walls  here 

Stxjner  or  later,  everyone 
encounters  Public  Satetv  What's 
alarming  is  the  attitude  ton  many 
of  the  officers  take  with  students 
Even  trying  to  help  them  doesn  t 
guarantee  a  vacation  from  their 
usual  anti-chippemess 

Ask  the  Harbinger  start  mem- 
bers who  got  yelled  at  bv  ( Hficer 
Susan  L,  Witt  for  running  through 
the  hallways  when  they  tried  to 
report  suspicious  aitiv  itv  While 
nobody  was  actually  ninning 
through  dMv  hallwavs.  it  seemed 
the  night  custodians  in  Building  L 
didn  t  like  it  when  the  accused 
st.itt  iiienibrrs  ciught  a  numtier  of 

them  smoking  in  the  liallway  out- 
side of  the  bookstore  at  3  am 
At  the  College  of  DuPage. 

members  ot  the  school  s  commu- 
nit\  can  the  computer  labs  on 
campus,  regardless  ol  it  they're 
students  Do  you  think  Harper 
would  be  aiurteous  enough  to 
extend  this  help  to  its  communi- 
ty '  Not  a  chance 

To  make  the  computer  situa- 
tion here  worse,  lab  aides  here  aie 
not  required  to  know  the  software 
on  the  available  systems  Their 
sole  job  is  to  make  sure  the  lab 
rules  are  being  enforced.  You  have 
to  hunt  down  a  teacher  if  you 
need  help  using  a  program 

There's  no  question  that  the 
rules  need  to  be  enforced,  but 
lnfc>rmjtion  Svstems  /  User 
Serv  ues  should  take  a  long  hard 
look  at  the  lex  el  ol  a-sviurces  it 
pours  into  its  own  agenda  \  ersus 
meeting  the  needs  of  the  users. 

IX>  I  a'alh  need  to  even  men- 
tion the  registration  fiasco'  Or  are 
students  supposed  to  line  up  from 
the  night  before:"  ^oud  think 
Rolling  Stones  tukets  were  going 
on  sale  tn)m  the  look  of  it  Is  it 
fair  for  the  students  who  aren't 
able  to  endure  the  line  sitting, 
such  as  mothers,  the  handi- 
capped, or  the  |ust-plain-tired' 
And  of  course  the  ultimate 
kick  in  the  lace,  the  administra- 
tion's lack  ot  action  to  relieve  the 
lack  of  silence  and  math  classes 
T>ie\  s..rni  to  feel  that  a  stnmger 

tine  arts  program  is  more  justified 
financially  than  addmg  classes 
with  a  pr«>vi»n  need. 

How  many  companic>s  aban- 
don money  -waving  customers  for 
a  non-evistent  client  base'  Many 
of  these  forgotten  students  will 
simply  go  eisew  here  lor  the  need- 
ed classes,  taking  their  cash  with 

I  witness  effective  customer 
service  from  a  tax  funded  inshtu- 
tion  se\  eral  limes  a  week.  My 
employer,  the  Schaumburg 
Township  District  Library,  prides 
itM'lf  on  being  a  service-driven 
organization  It's  not  unusual  for 
us  to  hear  atxiut  out-of-distnct 
pafnins  who  prefer  to  use  our 
facility  over  their  local  facility 
because  ot  our  lev  el  of  si-rvice.  We 
stnmgiy  believe  that  our  attention 
to  customer  sere  ice  was  what 
helped  us  win  a  lax  referendum 
for  a  new  building  in 
November's  elections  Do  you 
think  Harper  could  rel\  on  its 
people  skills  in  a  similar  situa- 

As  with  any  government-fund- 
ed organization,  and  profitable 
business  tor  that  matter,  this 
schiH)l  is  a  serv  ice-driven  cirgani- 
/.ation   It  has  to  reali/e  that  it 
needs  us  a  lot  more  than  we  mvd 
it  and  start  to  show  it  If  our 
beloved/behated  college  is  to 
compete  in  the  future,  as  its  lead- 
ers keep  talking  about,  it  had  bet- 
ter learn  some  manners  and  fast 



.>wa,xnaicowwttep,  PBPwicfts  ApgounfekY  ^  shm^. 


Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Acting  Editor  m  Chief Jon  O'Brien 

^ajsmess  Manager Valene  Wevers 

Managing  Editor DavePump 

Ne*s  Editor Julie  Thompson 

Arts  4  Enteftammem  Editor Laura  Gamson 

Sports  Editor SusariRademactwr 

CopyEditor open 

Features  Editor open 

.FacUtyAdWsor Howard  ScTttossberg 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Kattiy  Betts.  Frank  J.  Biga  Tim  Brauer.  TW.  Fuller,  Adam  Weeks, 
Veronica  Gonzalez,  Rosemarte  Hylton.  Jim  Kopeny 

General  Policies 

fltrmil  McNiiMion 

Tfiemntmm  » ttm  Sluuent  puChcation  tw  ttie  Ha«pef  College  c*npu5  com- 
•WUty.  IXMMIKI  H-MMMy  tntoufhout  tilt  school  year  e.cept  during  twiKlays 
•KJ  final  nans,  nwpapans  distrKxited  free  to  aii  students,  faculty  *id 
«>m.™stralion.  The  MartMnger-i  sole  purpose  is  to  provide  tlie  Harper  coimiu 
rety  wnn  ntomiatwfi  per  tainuig  to  tne  campus  »« its  surroinding  cormiuni- 

n»  Hanmgm  mkm»s  letters  lo  tne  editor  and  fepltes  to  ow  editorials 
Letters  met  be  signed  and  rcluot  a  social  security  nuntjer.  Signatures  will 
be  wtrtiM  upon  rtquest.  M  letters  are  subiect  to  edille^ 

Products  aid servces  advertised  «  The  Hartm^rtnnot  necessarily 
endorsed  t)y  the  editors  of  this  paper  nor  by  the  colle(e  attnimstfaiion  or 
Board  or  Directors.  Inqur les  sftouM  be  forwanlM  direcily  lo  the  advertiser, 
and  HI  purctiBws  are  at  We  dacietnn  of  the  consmw. 

MaiHr«  Address: 

Tt»  Harbinger    William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  RoaO 

Palatine.  L  60067  7098 

Ptiorw  Numtiers: 

business  Office:  (847)925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  397-6000  x2461 

fax;  (847)  925-6033 

copyrl^  1996^  Dw  Hart*«er. 
Al  rights  reaarvvil 


The  Hdrbinger 
February  2,  W** 


Page  9 

Putting  certainty  back  into  American  law 

thf  I  mil 

lum  rn,,trk  and 



bf  u'lid 


rin  fhf  p*'si- 
i!  rhf 

TTl  I-,  r..t  rl-.i-  1 

..:.■'    r,.",s  .'.t  .J 

'  !hf  2>i 
:tns  l;,n  c-  thi 


! ;  V  id  ■ 


torn  nil'' 

If  -.Lihilslv 

It  IS  in  Kti  \  V.  :  .. 

tjinlv  Khmil  l! 


vuhilitN.  and  crtiitbili!\  o( 

•,!'!l..f%    to 

tht'  l.ivs  that  mjk.«s  (hi'  Ijw 

fn  thf  l.ixpj\ 

Ttjintv  out 




-K  tllHl  K' 

lv\hKh  hjs  jII  ► 

nit  V .ini^hisl 

w  Uws)  d»»s  noth- 

fn>m  thr  irinm 

Ull  s\stf  IK   n! 

1  I'll.  ;,    1- 


•  "iide'ri 

1  nH''.3nin^l*'s.s 

thf  pj>t  (hirtv  1 

,f,irsi  \  i>*  iiij-' 

.  nt  1  i  f  1 


«*p^th»*ti«"  ' niTii  niuiiifi! 

Is  Lf  rt, 

iinfv  ^   It  IS 

■'  Irff  h> 

takini^  Ih 



:-if  V 

out  >  oni} 


111;  Lu  kN, 


dlftu,  u 

ll   !.,■  f  ■.flilM- 

'  pn'Vrnf 

^  rrt.,iint\ 

11-  fhr 

prf'si'nt  V  ii- 

!•;■■,.,      I,   ■-     .: 

"i  >..i« 

jnJ  vififr   1  >  ■  ' 


N-l-i''  ■  !.■  ill.J[> 

!..1,1I,       -.K    v.. 


i  tif  rv  IS  III • 



irr  nn(.\ 

(.lil\l    Wlltl   J 

;  !iir  1 

!njr..liT    \X\ 

dili-mma  in  (' 



■.tRf  th.ll. 

Ihl*  priMMl  pv; 


but  i 

It    It   IS 

tfii  dittf rfiil  fH'iiple  in  ihf 

■sjsvif  ,,  :t\  „in.1  \fi  ail  ton 

'ita',  rfvf:\t- 
.  s  1.  )|R'  in, IV 
V  .irrii'unt  ot 

y   1    „,.,    -    f     .  n   -I    .,i, LH'l    ailM.'    hf    IS 

J  |u\fnilf,  motluT  n\d\  !"■! 
sfntfnifd  to  ton  yvMy  whilf 

what  would  happfP  il  a 
polavnun  or  child  wfio  to  W 
murdfivd,  suih  homhc 
cnnics  carry  a  groater  ptTultv 
(  that  ot  kilhiiR  thf  mm- 
mon  man  or  woman 

laws  arf  lomplf  \  fnoufth 
,,1,1  .,11..,-,  ,  ..nt.iin  tar  Iihi 

r  ,>ifs      I  hf  VV,]\    in 

nii.^,,  M,  with  thlA  luiw- 

It  is  certainty,  not  toughness, 
that  is  the  true  deterrent." 

his  Irteml  receives  twCTity 

hv e,  still  another  may  rtwne 
lilv  imprisonment  without 
pjn»le,  another  mav  he  sen 
teficed  to  dfdth.  and  mi  lorth 
jind  M,>  on  until  all  combma- 
ticifis  have  been  exhausted 
Therein  lies  (hemnhision 
and  the  bn-akdown  ol  cer- 

That  IS  not  to  mention 

cv  14  bv  simplifviP}?  the  law 

alliit;fthfi    I  e    murder 

Ir  an  uiduidiial  commits 
murder,  allow  the  least 
.invHiii!  "t  ,.h,,  ttir  piinish- 
r;       ■  .!  l,nv  that 

~i  ,  ,  ,ini  u  tfd  ot  mur- 

der shall  either  he  sent  to 
priMin  tor  the  rest  ot  their 
natural  lite  without  the  fHissi- 
hility  ot  parole,  or  to  he  sen- 

tenced to  dfath 

Itv  suciessjullv  condemn- 
ing; cc>n\  Kled  murderers  to 
one  punishment  or  the  other 
IIKT',,  of  the  lime,  certainty 
will  ha\e  btvn  tr.ins.icted 
into  the  law,  those  who 
would  otherwiM-  murder  will 
know  hevond  a  shadow  of  a 
doubt  v\  hat  they  are  up 
.i>;ainsl  it  cauj»ht  and  convicl- 


It  IS  certaint\.  not 
toughness,  that  is  the  true 
deterrent,  and  as  certainty  is 
used  to  the  tullest  evtent  pos- 
sible the  murder  rate  will  nice 
il  Ihe  chts-rleaders  would 
decrease,  slowlv  at  first,  but 
siKin  there  will  be  a  rapid 

But  it  there  are  still  those 
who  would  dare  lo  take  their 
chances  anyhow,  will  they 
know  the  ultimate  price  paid 
when  caught  and  convicted— 

Still  living  off  the 
1at'  of  Reagan's 
tax  rate  reductions 

Harper  cheerleaders 
kidnapped— mistaken 
as  college  mascot 




:\  h,).  t. 

•k  ,it  h.iw 

.1  !'>oi,i>r  u  ith  .1  piir- 



Vcirdii,^  ;..„  ■•.:.;,..,,:    , 

r  )l.irp»'r  Colle);e  has  a  chwr 


,sed  b\  ,1  (rdii,  hon  in  in. it 
j;m,ii  ;  .  '        '■ 

ed  an  • 
lt\  iiii; 

lo  i  ,kini;  Ihe  o.ith  .>1 

ottiie   Kea^aii  deinanvleci  reduc 
tions  in  the  marginal  l.i\  lates, 
vc  hk  h  VN  .IS  "r    '    I  his  w  .1-  lovvertil 
lo  :s 

■\tter  about  .1  \,  Ihe  elttvts 
ot  the  extra  cash  in  th,.-  eioiioiiiv 
wen'  lelt     20  million  |ot>s  were  ire 
■rpi>rate  profits  so. ired   rf.i! 
alues  sk\rivketi\),  the 
siiKk  n>drkel  more  than  doubJcd. 

Iiirn-s  were  y;ixid    I \ en  the 
tederai  -,t  tx-netiled  as 

the  lar.v  ■  L,uis<-d  bv  the 

expansion  m,  rcised  lederal  tJ« 

I  know  tt 
cept  hard  tin  tfM-  i,,,,  ,  i,s  t,.  ,.,!(of! 
stand —  lower  rates  .ictiuli".  brin;.; 
inj;  in  more  ta\  revenue  tor  the 
>;ovemment,  makes  vou  wonder 
what  the  liK'r.ils  motives  realK    ne 
w  hen  the-,    raise  taves 

;    real  estate  values 
'    while  mortf^ages  up 
homes  and  properties  remaincvi 

Thus,   people   |!l.)..l   !!l,,rr  f,.|UltV    in 

their  homes 

lor  example,  in   ]»7H,  the 

Hei.iuse  II-:-  '  -  in   ^''' 

were  ilcuvil  t  'o  "n'tl 

ri,!,nce>,l  ,  :a^e 

Hot  1    ,  ,se  the  witw 

htvaus*'  ol  Ihe  lower  rat«->    This 
rt>eans  thev  have  an  extra  S+tl.lXK' 
m  cash  to  plav  w  ith 

Thev  bv  a  new  car,  tnd);e,  take 
,1  V  ai  ation  and  put  some  money  in 
the  stiK'k  market 

lake  this  example  and  dupli- 
cate it  dcri:»>  ,Amenc.i  and  vou 
hive  sume  fuel  tor  the  econoniv  to 
run  on 

But  this  luel  runs  out.  as  it 
diK's  tiHlav     ^ou  can  I  turn  fxjuity 
into  liabilities  indefinitelv  and 
expect  to  >;et  .ivvav  v\  ith  it 

I  ilH^als  like  to  sav  that 
\mericans  rung  up  hij;h  chsbis 
duriiij;  the  '.SOs  so  called  "Dtvade 
ol  I.  ,reed      iv  hicii  w  e  ,ire  f\i\  in|t 
|,.>r  It  Kiel. IV 

II";  :<•  [litv    the  .ippusite  is  true 
,\nicr  ,  •!  the 

lOn,  rr,t-,  ,   ,''s 

cau.sed  h\  'tie  Ke.,i|;an  evp.insum 
1, [■..■.  ,'-   !h,  „|.i;h,  mav  w,int  to  t.ike 
t(-  iin).;in>;  up  Ihe  llui;e 

f;o\eni,iiieoi  deficits  during  tile 

■  last  tall 

■'-,  that  Harper  cheer- 
.,osed  to  ihtsT  tor 

hall  g.mif 


Harpt  i  s  ,,,,,,1  ,,i  [fanis 

Silly   me.  I  must  have  been  thmk 
ing  about  Harrier's  other  i  heerleaders 
Thcv  rnust  he  the  ,.>nes  who  showed 
up  to  HarfHT  s  |an    i  '•  iMsketball  game 
against  loliel 

The  game  was  at  Harper,  so  who 
were  those  people  that  weri'  dressed  in 
sthiH)!  colors  and  yelling  lor  their 

NIK  me  thi'V  ueren  t  Irom  Harper 
Ihev  were  Irom  ioliet   That  was 
embarrassing  to  have  anottver  .schixjl 
come  into  our  gvm  and  treat  it  as 
though  It  was  tln'irs 

The  Harper  t  ollegf  cheer  leading 
sijuad  has  an  advisor  w  hi>  is  paid 
through  funds  from  the  Student 
Activities  othce. 

That  money  i ernes  Irom  the  stu 
dent  avtiv  il\  tee  that  e.ich  student  ot 
Harfvr  p.n  s  when  thev  register  tor 

Il  the  advisi>r  do«'s  not  «  ish  to  do 
her  tob  by  reijuiring  the  cheerleading 
squad  to  fulfill  Its  obligations  as  a 
I  larper  college  organi/ation,   then  she 
has  thus-  ophi'iis  t,'  i  hcs'sf  trom 

Slif  L  jn  make  the  sijuad  .show  up  to 
cv  flits  shf  tan  giv  f  the  money  back  to 
siudenl  ,\ctivities  Or  Student 
.■Vctiv  itifs  can  fmJ  a  new  cheer  leading 

i  -,  ,r    The  third's  the  charm' 

I  lie  mens  basketball  te.irn  has  Vvon 
two  out  of  their  last  thns'  gaiters    1  lu' 
tirst  <il  thoM'  wills  broke  a  4*-,  ■-  .,n'-i 
ence  game  losing  streak-  Bo,' 

w  ent  dow  n  lo  the  wire  and  i' 
w  Ith  heroic  shots 

Ihe  mens  fiasketball  team  isn't  the 
onlv  team  at  Harper  that  deserves  lo 
have  cheerleaders  attend  their  games. 

The  vMiinen  s  baskettiall  team  plays 
their  home  games  as  the  lirsi  hall  of  a 
double  header  with  the  mens  team. 

VNhen  the  cheerleaders  bothered  lo 
show  up  lor  basketball  games,  they 
would  vinly  chcvr  at  the  mens  game. 

Our  women  athletes  deserve  |ust  as 
much  attention  as  the  men 

fleck,  It  would  be  nice  if  the  cheer- 
leaders would  cheer  for  anv  Harper 

■Attempts  were  made  to  contact  the 
advisor  lor  the  chcvrleaders,  hut  she 
was  uiiavailafile  tor  comment — lead- 
ing to  a  theory  that  she  has  bivn  kid- 
napped alsc> 

Call  411' Call  the  TBI!  Call 
Covemor  L^dgar  so  that  he  can  call  out 
the  National  Guard!  H  T  I.  P' 

II  vou  have  anv  information  lead- 
ing to  the  sate  return  ol  these  abused 
and  neglecled  girls,  assuming  they  are 
alive,  don  t  fiesitalf  to  call    A  reward 
isobviouslv  out  ol  the  question,  that 
would  interfere  with  faculty  raises. 

Reali/mg  all  invenhve  tor  finding 
these  girls  has  been  renuneil.  The 
Harbinger  ,isks  that  vou  respond  with 
vour  c>wn  idcis  as  to  where  these  mis- 
K-gotten  girls  arc    I'leasf  sfnd  all  let- 
ters to  .\"»^7 

ik  ^ 

Pag«  10 

Attn:  Transfer  students! 
Roosevelt  university  is  seeking 
talented  &  dedicated  students 
for  generous  transfer  scholar 
shtps.  Call  Karuna  Maddava  at 
(847)437-9200  ext  213  for 
more  info. 

Over  $6  t)illion  in  public  and  pri- 
vate sector  grants  &  scholar- 
ships IS  now  available.  All  stu- 
dents are  eligible.  Let  us  help. 
for  more  info,  call  1-800-263- 
6495  ext.F56992 

Career  opportunity  with  fortune 
500  CO.  We  are  looking  for  a 
marketing  /office  representa- 


The  Harbinger 
Febniarv  2, 1996 

tive.  No  exp  nee.  State  Farm  Ins 
call  Hugh  Masterson  358-5059 
for  an  appt. 

Delivery/  Helper.  Part-time  no 
exp.  nee.  Flexitde  schedule,  good 
with  hands,  non-smoking  office, 
heavy  lifting,  must  have  excel- 
lent driving  record.  Kathy  (847) 

ALASKA  JOBS-  Fishing  Industry. 
Earn  up  to  $3,000  SG.OOOi-  per 
month.  Room  &  Board! 
Transportation!  Male /Female. 
No  experience  necessary! 
(206)971-3510ext  A56991 

Delivery  Driver.  Florist  Helper. 
Good  pay.  Call  Elegant  Touch 
Flowers  991-8571 1742W 
Algonquin  Rd.  Hoffman  Estates. 
IL  60195 


Unlimited  Financial  Aid!  No 
Paybacks!  Guaranteed!  Send 
Large  SASE:  CBA  Resources. 
Box  8366.  Rolling  Meadows,  IL 
60008  HC 

How  long  have  you  been  diet- 
ing? Hyacinth  Counselling 
Services  offers  individual  coun- 
selling, support  groups.  &  work- 
shops for  eating  &  weight  prob- 
lems. For  info,  call  382-6740 

"Spring  Break**  To  Mazatlan. 
Mexico  from  $399.00.  Air/7 
nights  hotel.  Free  nightly 
Parties /discounts.  Call  Ron  at 

DOWNEY:  survives  plague  and  fire  in  Restoration 

continued  from  page  6 
(.Annt'tti-  HrninKl  "It  vv.i-.  ^riMt  .ind  I 
dill  il  with  ,111  .Ktcnl' 
enthuM-^  l)<.vvrii'\  ' Ihf  thinking 
Itehmd  thjl  i>  Kmrs  i>  thf  iVmfrk.>n 
ciiusin.  thf  11(11  Clinti-m  ot  Ihf 
(.imil\  Hi- s  miiri'  intitfsti'if  m 
br.uulv  .jiid  .  ig.irs  (  ^^h■!l  ^  n  jilv^  (in,  but  hi-'s  th."--  •  ■  ••■■>r  his 
sistiT     hor   nif   Sh.ik  i>n  t 

Ihjt  htttd  I'hl.'  »iird>  nrrr  |iist  .1  li(- 
fle  ditficulr  ThiTe  are  no  wigs,  n«i 
running  antund,  no  plagw  ' 

Away  from  thf  s»'t,  IXmncy 
usually  be  tound  spend  in  j;  time  with 
his  wife,  iUtress  Debitrah  Falconer. 
and  their  2-yi-dr-old  son,  Indio 
latherhiH'd,  he  n-ports,  has  htrn  a 
loyhil  exfXTience  that  .ils*)  has  oiel- 
Knved"  him  .1  bit  Still,  [Xivi  ni-\  s  ore- 
dtne  iTiMlue  \iiwv^  are  alvvavs  fluvv- 
inj;  SI.  ir  s  baik  to  work  he  s  goin^ 
Me  retendy  tiHik  J  supporting  role  as 
a  leiian  CIA  a>:enl  -I  |usl  used 
Holh  Hunter-,  voue  trom  "Home 
from   the   Holidays,"   he   |okes     m 

dr\J  Aa*x^  «|>  real  /^a»/. 

InaiMlucmg  lelrFilr  from  the  IRS.  H  you  arr  tingle  and  Bled 

Form  KMOEZ  t«u  yenr.  yau  cm  file  your  Utx  return  in  U;n  nunuu^ 

by  phone.  Anytune.  Check  your  lax  booklet  fe«r  Infonnation, 

<■*-•«'•» /ta'f»W 


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1  months  airtime 

"IXingi-r'  ,  as  j  tawr  for  his  pal  Blllv 
/ens,  (or  w  hoin  "DangiT'  repn-senls 
his  first  staring  role  Heyond  that. 
IXuNTiey  hopes  lo  direct  a  film  based 
on  his  own  .script 

Its  called  'Dan's  IVst  Iriend' 
.ind  Its  about  a  guy  who  w.jlks  dogs 
for  the  rich  and  famous  in 
Manhattan  He  s  in  Centeral  Park 
with  all  these  dogs  has  an  oul-«f- 
bixi\  experience  .inJ  loses  ail  the 
dogs,"  reveals  (lownev,  the  son  of 
Kobvrt  Downev  s  char.icter 


Part-Time  in  my  Barr.  home  2 
kids-  9mos.  &3yrs.  Approx.  15 
hrs/week.  Flex  days/hrs.  Phone 


Wheeling  Male  seeks  Female  to 
share  2BR  apt.  $350 /mo.  & 
phone,  dep.  Close  to  Northeast 
Center.  (847)520-1036 

Let  the  Harbinger  meet  all  of 
your  advertising  needs.  To 
place  a  display  or  classified  ad, 
please  contact  Valerie  Wevers 
at  847/925-6460  for  details. 


I*  far  Jim  oiioR  niut;(t»in  «  nM  as  lijw « ««  wli  dir 

Unm  Nitnal  GumI  Tuilan  .^VMnliip 

I  iriil  wtti  vinii  lm\  ijiard  nit  I  iliyt  >  mmUi  wd  15  ihj? 
•--«  h  <<uiT>mrr  in^  mil  pDi  yvm  tiii6m  u  nqr  Malt 
•unnnH  olhf  « •UKUIIK  far  taw  ^m:  f»1l 

iki  ein  S)l»  1  omit !«  utndaii;  mv  iBitt  (Mill  u  II 

l!  »«i><- k>:Jan((for»»i»Ki)wtyi)iindf'!mll»ro«(ii„ 
vu , .-»  M  ,i«a  Ino)  OiniK  .Amy  Nmal  Gun)  R<,™i« 

tw"  WW'  sw**' 

'" '"  ''■■^ '—'  '"'•  *■"'  r  I  -in  -I  r  li'  I  III  iftlilif  I 
INO I  aiiMii  jun  far  |im|  to  clw' 

CaB:  '''■'"*' 

niiiiois        l-«00-OK-GlI,\RD 

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Eauai  OcmonwKv  Emuioyw 
Equal  Opportunity  Employer 

The  Harbinger 
Frbniary  2, 19% 


Page  11, 

Wrestling  team  hosts  tough  opponents 


Tht-    wrt'Stlitij;    (t-am     hoshvl 
ndtumallv    ranked   Iowa 
.^rd)  .ind  l.mioln  ColWw  (^l''^   '- 
rjrt  lit  the  Harpt-r  Dh 
pl.ur  Ian  211 

K  C  and  I  incoln  ckalt  Harper 
itv  nrst  team  knses  of  the  wascm  in 
^pito  {.it  winning  p«>rlornMnii'-.  bv 

Arnvindo  Older-     ""  ■ ' 

and  Lance  ['.irsii 

"We  knew  thai  inf\  u.uiia  nf 
tou^h  Thjl  ■.  why  lhe\  art'  r.inked 
as  hi>;h  as  fhe\  '  Harper 

wrestling  caiKh  '  iace 

I  alderon  gave  i  larper  j  3-0  Wad 
mer  ICC  when  he  defeated  his 

Parkins  )(ained  an  extra  ptimt 
for  (he  Hawks  when  he  out-stored 
his  opp*>r»Tit  by  six  points.  Rivmg 


continued  from  page  12 

s«\'(»ntK  left  in  the  game 

•  i-alled  limi-  i>ils 

,'  ckx-k.  ITi.  -ksl 

thi-  ball  tn  start  the  uloi k  kir»f;  >;ot  hi- 
harKti>  on  the  hall  and  let  Ioom-  Iruni  three 
point  range  with  two  se\:ontls  lell  in  th*' 

Kmu  ~  shot  tell  threw  the  nvl  and  hit  the 
fliHtr  with  ofM'  Mi-ond  leil  '"i  the  i  l.s'k  The 
cIcKk  ran  i>ut  as  st  Iran.  ih  mh.'iiriril  the 
u .  i  I 

ri'iger   lompliniented    Km^  ■»   .if.^;i>"~ 

u-ss  nil  the  vDurt  b\   slating,      llial  s 

he  W'a\  he  pl;u  ^ 

lneHava>  !>.  (rilcn  lU-^:  |ari  25 

wh.-n  (tie,  iv.Ti   |,T., id  til  tinish  with  unlv 

IiHir  pl.nrrs  on  the  .(•wrl      '  Ii>in  (Huriil 

wjsn  t  fivling  well,  and  we  nnK   had  m\ 

guy!>  with  us,"  stiid  I  iH'k 

Harper  w  ill  travel  to  Dul'age  Saturdav, 
fi*  '  The  List  ret^larly  stheduUxl  home 
game  will  be  a)(ainst  Rock  Valley 
Saturday,  l-'eb  III    Tip-otf  w  ill  he  at  H  p,m 

histeair  ,id 

Brad  Vhnowske  (IW  pound,* I 
fwnc.i  111.'  '-^.ow  tor  Harper  at  10- 
i  'i|',  his  .ipptment  "  2 

-t  the  last  tour  matth- 
!i  '(,    the  victory  at  23- 

C'aldenm  and  Parsons  .i1m>  gar- 
nered victories  against  thier 
I  incoln  opponents 

(.  .ilderon  won  in  sudden  death 

■^ht  seconds  into  double-overtime 

-1-3     Calderon's    toughness    has 

earned  him  the  title  of  a  "tiger  in  a 

tank"  thanks  to  Unelace 

Parsons  dominated  his  match- 
up by  racking  up  twice  as  many 
fxiints  as  his  oppor\ent. 

[Itepite  the  early  victories  oi 
Calderon  and  I'arsons,  Harper 
dn>pp«!d  lh«  match  lo  Linaitn  22- 


Brad  Schnowske's  teaminates  look  on  as  he  contends  with  Ms 
opponent  from  Lincoln  College  at  the  Harper  Duals  Jan.  20. 

Cagers  keep  opponents  on  their  toes 


Th*  Lady  Hawks  in  action. 

Susan  Rademacher 


The  womens  basketball 
team  began  the  second  halt  of 
their  conterence  schedule 
with  a  bang  as  Ihev  defeated 
Triton  K(l  70  Ian,  2S 

The  1  ad\  Hawks  have  a 
tough  road  ahead,  as  the\ 
prepare  ti>  pKn  the  College  ol 
Dul'age,  loliel,  Rock  V'allev, 
and  Illinois  Vallev 

Sophomores  Christj 

Komnu'l  and  IX'nise  Hengels 
lead  the  Hawks  in  scoring 
and  rebounds.  The  sopho- 
mores have  been  a-tea-d  to  as 
twin  players. 

Rommel  plavs  the  inside 
shot  while  Hengels  prefers  to 
play  the  outside.  In  their  sec- 

ond year  together,  Hengels 
and  Rommel  feel  comfortable 
w  ith  each  other  on  and  off  of 

the  court. 

"We've  has  a  great  experi-' 
ence  here  becausi-  we've  got- 
ten attention  from  our  coach. 
It's  really  helped   us  a  lot," 
said  Rommel  and  Hengels 

Both  are  still  unsure  about 
where  they  will  end  up  next 
vear  "It's  hard  to  find  a 
school  you  like  that  has  a 
good  womens  team,"  said 

Both  ladies  agree  that  they 
have  learned  a  lot  at  Harper 
in  and  out  of  the  classrcxnn 

You  can  catch  Hengels  and 
Rommel  in  Harper's  tinal 
home  game  Feb  10,  at  6  p.m. 

Athletes  of  the  Week 

\;\MT'   '•:-,.   ".irsons 

Sl^iKI    k\r.-s[H!ig 

V\UKl>l'   Ian,  IMS 

-■;  ■  -ON:  He  had  thnv 
■,..!•  ■lies  at  the  Ian  1.3 
nwrt  m  Mu5lu!|;0n.  Mkh. 

\'.\Mf  Tony  Hurd 
M'DRl    Mens  Itasketball 

WEEKOIMan.  18-2,5 

Ri:,A,S<,1\     Hufd    -cored 
''•2    point-,    m    liirprr's 

Each  week  the  Wellenss  and  Human  Performance 

Division  names  an  athlete  of  the  week.  The  Harbinger  Is 

proud  to  feature  the  talented  athletes  of  Haipei. 

Swim  Team  lacks  depth 

Oavid  Pump 


IK,..  i...r^  ll.viL-  womens  swim 
ii  -oniething  llial 

lujsn  i  ii.scj'iiii ...  ii;n..  >cars,  lluMrlii'st 
loss  in  a  dual  meet 

The  Hawks  started  the  s»msoii  w  illi  a 
vim  .iix.iinst  Iriton,  but  lost  to  College  of 

.   III'!!    I'ut    l\,i;llt'.' 

IIh'V  ilidn'l  in,H 

iust   niikel   .irid   '.ttir, 

points  \uklTIH   ! 

ha\e  that  lourlli 

but  llu-\ 

di-.ith   op 

help  us  measurably  in  rela\s  ' 

,\ukerman  .said  he  is  still  looking  at 
getting  s»ime  swimmers  to  Nationals. 
1  eading  the  vv.r  -•  ^  'n  Day  m  dis- 
l.ince  events.  .\  I'eery  in  the 

2lK)-nieter,  -lOO-nu  in  iiiaiv  idual  medlev 
and  the  200-meter  breaststroke. 
Melissa  Wilson  i  hances  m  the  2(KI- 
niftiT  treest\le,  KHl-metir  and  20ll- 
■:■[  biittertlv  and  the  1-  -xt 

ni'tiT  backstroke 

.All  three  girls  are  .)ualit\  sw  mimers 
■ind  v\ith  some  unlnti'sei'n  problem 
thev  should  all  qualitv  tor  nationals  But ^ 
uithoul  a  fourth  swimmer  tliey  won't 
,  a  relav  team  and  that's  a 
,;..;!,:;  ,  :  i  iiig  shame."  .Aukerman  said. 

Womens  Basketball 
Food  Drive 

Donations  can  be 

dropped  off  at  the 

Wellness  &  Human 

Performance  Division 

offices  in  Building  M 

until  February  16th. 

Harper  Sports 

P»tt  il  .  Wltllam  ftalney  Hmpw  feollege  .  f  rimiiry  2. 19U 

Hawks  first  N4C  win  since  '92 

Susan  RadMiMdiM 


The  mens  baskctb-ill  team  has 
cooked  up  a  couplf  nt  wins  m  tht-ir 
\aM  few  j;i>mes  by  triiwinj;  lllimiis 
Valley  and  the  junmr  varMtv  tfjm 
from  St  Franiis 

The     Mjwk-.     dfk'.ilt-d      llhn.M 
Vallev  •^»■^  on  W,nm-  "iiw  I.  h.  • 
CVxik's  basket  rn  the  !M  s»vi.t  ■ 
i>t  tho  name  C  inik  had  ?-»  p«>ints  and 
n  reKiunds  m  Ihe  );atrir 

"We'vi-  iiriK'  hti-n  l(;>|^-ther  as  a 
team  fur  a  tew  wiTks  A«i  a  result, 
we're  plavinj; 
would  tiave  b.  ■ 
Chnslma>  break 
thliugh  "•■  ■■■  ^l.irtini 


•         le.,.,i , 

Havi  ks  w  J-.  \<tn'. 

field  j^juls  111  ri'utr  t>-  .1 

Cmik  and  Huni  weren 

bk-  di(;il  lerntiiry  a-s  |onn's 

Mtirn-I    I"  points,  alcwi);  with  (.  hrj- 

kin>;  s  1^  p.Hnts 

Kill);   »\rr>l  I  in   In  tie  lilt*  hero  ct 
Hjrp<  ■  ^''n 

30  rt>.  -ah 

tllrtt'   :■  '^'ll- 

th.  I        until 

St  Irani  is  tied  the  -*nre  at  72  with  12 

see  BASKETBALL  on  page  11    we 
■■.or     Ihe 
It  !•    almost 

ttnh'reiut*  l-i 

Roach  does  his  Michael  Jordan  impression  in  warm-ups. 

Susan  Rademacher 


It's  taken   three  years  between 

conference   \  ictories  tor   Harper's 
mens  basketball  team. 

The  Hawks  came  close  in  pami^s 
against  conference  leader  Rock 
Valley,  )oliet  and  College  ol  Uul'age 

i-ach  time,  ihe  Hawks  came  clos- 
er and  closer  to  that  elusive  win 
I  ,ach  time  they  wea»  denieil 

Illinois  Valley  came  tor  a  \  isil  Jan 
23  and  li'tt  with  one  more  game  m 
the  loss  iiilumn 

ITus  win  meant  many  things  to 
the  mens  basketball  program  at 

Harper's  (irst  conlerence  win 
since  Ian  !'■',  1W2  when  the\ 
downed  Rikk  Vallev  "V1-S2-  That 
g.ime  was  also  Harpn  -  l.i-t  conter- 
enci'  wm  at  home 

C  oach  Ron  C  reiger  s  iirst  confer- 
ence \4'in  as  Harpc!  s  head  coach 

Creiger's  lirst  \  ictorv  against 
Illinois  Valley  He  carried  an  l)-H 
record  against  Illinois  Vallev  mtji  the 

Illinois  \alle\'s  first  loss  to 
Harper  since  I fb  2.H,  I'WI.  It  was 
also  Illinois  Valle\  s  first  loss  at 
ll.irper  since  Jan.  27.  H87. 

Harper  honors  its  women  in  sports 

Bolt  first  woman  elected 
to  Region  IV  Hall  of  Fame 



1  l.irper  I.  . 

lii'^:e  vet 


ttiei  11. 

ill  ..t 


ill  ot  t-ame  was  »'l»-eled  to  th.- 


\  \   (. 


t  1  anu 


\  11 



-■-■.V  mclud 



•    Iha 



ayed  in  tl' 

'  This   IS 


,  if     * 

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Ikilt  has 

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Sue  ro 

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She  IS  th, 

.  :..!  She  IS 

first  W'Cimcn  to 

the  tornu  !  ;  i.  - 



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women  in  Region  1\  tor  Zi'  ve.irs 

Bolt's  elet-tion   into  Ihe   Hallot   lame 

highlights      Harper's      celebr.ition      of 

•  ^.  :•    .nal  Women  and  girls  m  Sports  da\ 

iHill  IS  the  coach  tor  HarfH-i  s  womens 

tennis  team.  -Xnvone  who  is  interested  in 

plavmg  tennis  next  fall  can  contact  Holt  m 

the  offices  of  the  Wellness   Division   in 

'Building  M. 


Hall  of  Famer  Martha  Lynn  Bolt 

Susan  Rademacher 

&P!")R's  :.LjITi>R 

There  was  a  time  w hen  the  onK  women  associ- 
.ited  with  sp.  'rts  w  ore  skirts  and  carried  pom  pons. 

1  hanks  to  women  like  Ho  Hvman.  and  Harper 
I  olleges  own  Martha  Bolt,  women  are  no  Ioi'l'it 
kept  on  tile  sidelines 

.K-.i;.;n.ited  as  \atk>nal  (.iirls  A  Womi'n 

,  I  \n      Ihe  purpose  of  this  ohserv. inn- IS 

to  honor  the  women  who  have  stepped  out  of  the 

'I  •  tiiional  role  ot  being  a  -peclator,     si.iied  Sue 


I V  iTian  helped  bring  eijualitv  to  w omens  sports 

;  result  ot  her  internationally  su,,csstul  careci 
in  \ollevball  Hvman  led  the  Umted  States  to  its 
first  vollevball  mesial  m  Olvmpic  competiton. 

1  K  man  died  ot  .i  sudden  heart  attack  at  the  age 
ot  ""C  I  ai  h  vear,  .i  wcmian  athlete  is  chosen  who 
best  represents  llvmans  "dignity,  spirit  and  com- 
mitment to  excellence,"  as  stated  m  thi'  informa- 
tion guide  provided  by  the  event's  sponsors. 

National  Girls  &  Women  in  Sports  Day  i-s  spon- 
son-d  b\  such  corporate  entities  ,is  It  IVnnv  .ind 
Reebok,  last  vear  s  honoree  was  CMvmpic  i.  .old 
Medalist  Mary  l.ou  Ketton 

(,)yerland  will  be  Harper's  Assifant  .Athletic 
Driector  lollowing  Bolt's  retirement  this  summer. 
"We  are  celebrating  the  achievements  of  the 
wom»'n  who  have  succeeded  just  by  going  out 
there  to  play.  '  added  Civerland. 

The  Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
Division  will  honor  its  female  athletes  with  a 



PalatiM,  Illinois 

Paintings  donated  to  Women's 
lenter  in  honor  of  Chapman 

family  wd  dealt  heavily  with  worm-n 
and  children  issues. 

As  a  woman,  she  overcaim-  nvany 
c>dslai-li».  Chapman  was  the  first 
woman  appointed  to  the  House 
Demtxratic  Leadership  and  was  the 
only  woman  ever  to  chair  an 
Appropriations  Committee  in  the 
General  As«"mbly.  She  is  recognized 
as  an  overall  teminisl  leader  in  the 
Slate  of  lUituHs. 

"She  tauf(ht  me  what  it  is  to  be  a 
demiKTat-  ev|uality  (or  all,"  said  Sue 
Walton.  Women's  Center  committee 
member  and  candidate  for  lef^islative 
board.  "She  was  an  inspiration  to  all 
of  lis,"  she  added. 

In  1927,  Chapman  was  named 
'Illinois  Woman  of  the  Year,"  by  the 
National  Organization  for  Women. 

see  CHAPMAN  on  page  5 

As  the  Women  N  Center  prepares 

|o  celebrate  it  >.  J'^th  anniversan^. 

ximmittee  members  wanted  to  plan 

iimething  special. 

Director  Rerui  Trevor  and  other 

bommittee  members  raised  money  to 

]>urchase  three  walertolor  paintings 

be  displayed   in   the  Women's 

fttet  in  Building  V  On  SUnh  4  the 

nter  will  ftirmally  dedicate  tJiese 

hamtmgs  to  Eugenia  Chapman    The 

irt  works  are  displayed  to  hotwt  her 

aid  work  and  dedication  to  all  peo- 

.lung  and  old.     The  paintings 

,lify  tier  life  and  what  she  stood 

The  committee  couldn't  have  cho- 
a  better  individual  to  iicknowl- 
Ige    tugenia  Chapman  was  a  noble 
liumanitarim.    She  believed  in  Hw 


Secretary  for  the  Women's  Program  Cathy  LIndstrom  Is 
overlooked  by  some  of  the  paintings  as  she  en]oys  a  book  In  the 
newly  dedicated  Eugenia  Chapman  room. 

In  This  Issue 

rhris  King  tries  to  break  the 
sress  during  a  recent  game. 
Page  12 


reacher  of  the  Week,  History 
iind  Polihcal  Science  Professor 
sharon  Alter. 
'age  4 

Vrtt  and  Entertalnmwit 

i^n  interview  with  the  hottest 
^ct  to  hit  Harper  this  year.  Poi 

ig  Pondering. 
'age  8 

k  A  EirteftalraiMiit  • 

.  Pages  2-3 

.Page  4 


.Pages  6-7 


. Page  9 

.  Pages  10-12 

Professor  tries  to  raise  funds  for  planetarium 

President  Thompson  says  project  is  'too  expensive-costiy" 

Mie  TbompstMi 


Professor  of  Flanetarv 
Sciences  Paul  Sipier.j 
vjiiito  .1  challenge  to  mift, 
to  raise  six  million  dollars 
to  build  J  planetarium  on 

The  netxl  for  more  sci- 
ence space,  fueled  by  his 
Uwe  for  aslnmomy,  has 
put  Sipifr.1  m  the  precari- 
ous position  of  trying  to 
negotiate  plans  for  a 
physical   science   center 

that   will   also   house  a 

In  1W2  Harper 
I'resident  Paul  N 
Thompson  jj^reed  to 
Junate  land  on  the  north- 
west side  of  the  campus 
for  the  center  if  Sipiera 
could  i>btain  the  money 

"All  the  rattles  in  the 
world  can't  raisi-  that 
kind  of  money,"  Sipiera 
said  "so  I  decided  to  start 
my  own  group,  not  only 
for  tfie  planetarium,  but 
to  raise  public  awareness 

on  how  important  sci- 
ence is  in  our  lives  " 

With  his  ideas  in 
mind,  Sipiera  founded 
the  Planetary  Studies 
lourutdtion,  a  not-for- 
protit  educational  organi- 
zation that  promotes 
studying  the  planets. 

Cin  leb  10  the  PSF 
held  its  annual  dinner 
and  charity  auction. 
Among  the  guests 
attending  the  event  was 
Kl-  Vici'  President  James 
Plaxo    who    said,    "The 

long  term  goal  of  the 
foundahon  is  to  build  a 
world  class  planetarium 
and  science  tacility  at 
Harper  to  heighten 
awareness  and  advanc-e 
the  public's  knowledge 
of  the  universe." 

The  keynote  presenta- 
tion "Science  in  the  24th 
centurj,"  was  delivered 
by  Andre  Bomiarus  who 
is  the  science  and  techni- 
cal adviser  to  the  televi- 
sion programs  "Star  Trek: 

see  SCIENCE  on  page  2 

Sexual  Awareness  Week  offers  alternatives 


Over  SOO  curious  onlookers  stopped  by  the  safe  sex 
Inforawtlon  taMe  In  Building  L. 

Julie  Thompson 


The  safe  sex  intormation  table 
in  Building  L  drew  a  crowd  of  over 
SOO  people  interested  in  the  mate- 
rials and  information  displayed. 

The  event  was  sponsored  by 
Wellness  and  Health  Services.  It 
was  held  as  part  of  Sexual 
Awareness  Week  Feb.  13-15. 

Students  visited  the  table  for 
free  advice  and  referrals. 

Volunteer  Jennifer  Brabec  said, 
"I  am  pleased  with  the  over- 
whelmmg  response  and  interest  in 
the  program.  Students  an"  really 
aware  of  the  information  available 
to  tfiem." 

Contact  the  Hartjinecr,  Lotated  in  Buildiiiii  A.  Room  367   Business  Phone:  847. ■  925-6460  News  Phone;  847/'925-6000  x2461 


Harper  News 

Febniaiy  16,  M 

AASA  and  Latinos  United  to       Graduating? 

sponsor  concert  in  Building  A 


In  commmioration  with  Black  History 
Month,  the  African  Aim>ncan  Students 
Association  (AASA)  will  be  having  a  concert 
on  Tuesday.  Feb  27  at  12pm  in  the  Student 
Lounge  ot  Buildin;;  A  AASA  Presidi-nt 
Bui)ker  T.  tones  said  that  the  concert  will  pro- 
vide entertainment  as  well  as  being  an  eye 
opener  to  all  who  don't  know  tho  struRjifle 
that  the  "black  man"  has  beun  throufib  Mnit- 
the  t>egmning  of  time. 

"This  concert  will  help  to  shed  lij^ht  on  all 
who  have  contributed  positively  to  the 
African  American  culture  but  haw  never 
been  recognized  for  ttwir  contribution,"  he 

Tlw   concert    will    address    unification 

between  minorities,  since  the  Latinos  United 
will  be  joining  forces  with  the  AASA  to  make 
this  concert  a  success.  The  concert  will  fiea- 
ture  various  talents  from  both  groups 
Selections  include  songs,  dances  and  poems 
from  the  cultural  aspect  of  African  influeture 
on  blacks  in  today's  sixriety. 

When  asked  the  aim  and  obfectivt-  of  the 
AASA.  Jones  said  that  his  teaching  to  the 
group  IS  'I  can,  1  am."  With  this  view  he 
believes  that  when  one  knows  where  he 
comes  from,  and  where*  he  is.  it  is  inevitable 
that  he  will  know  where  he  will  lie 

"We  all  need  to  be  aware  o(  our  history  so 
that  we  can  get  rid  ot  all  the  bitterness,  that 
embraces  today's  siKiety  and  this  organiza- 
tion for  the  African- American  students  helps 
us  to  addn>ss  this  issue." 

St.  Josepli  Hospital  to  offer 
mammogram  screening 

If  you  are  a  healthy  woman  over  35  who 
never  has  had  a  mammogram.  The  American 
Cancer  SocicU-  recommends  that  you  have 
thLs  simple  lite  saving  procedure  now  Since 
one  woman  m  nine  develops  breast  cancer  at 
some  pomt  in  her  lifetime,  the  urgency  is  real. 

Screenmg  mammt>graphy  involves  taking 
two  low-radidtion  x-rays  ot  each  bitvist  These 
images  are  then  interpreted  b>  a  trained  radi- 
ologist, and  a  report  is  sent  to  you  It  takes 
ortly  a  few  minutes,  and  can  detect  breast  can- 
cer as  small  as  the  period  at  the  end  ot  this 

Early  detection  (18  mtmths  sooner  than  a 

lump  can  be  felt)  not  only  permits  treatment 
before  the  prtiblem  becomes  .serious,  but  the 
cure  rate  is  95  percent.  Mammography  can 
not  only  S4\e  your  life,  but  help  you  avoid  the 
need  for  disfiguring  surgery,  too. 

You  don't  need  to  have  been  a  previous 
patient  of  ours  to  receive  this  scnvning,  but 
you  do  need  to  make  an  .ippointment  at  a 
tiinf  convenient  to  you 

The  St.  Joseph  Mobile  Diagnostic  Services 
Vehicle  will  U>  at  Building  .-\  (at  the  south 
entrance)  on  March  11-14,  l'*96  The  feeis$65. 

Call  (»47)  91S-b268  to  schedule  an  appoint- 
ment or  if  you  have  any  questions. 

SCIENCE:  Planetarium  a  long  shot 

continued  from  page  1 

Deep  Space  Nine  and  "Star  Trek:  Vo\  ager  " 

The  master  of  ceremonies  for  the  dinner 
was  Mike  Caplan,  thif  evening  wiMthorman 
on  WI5-TV  Channel  7. 

AI«1  attending  the  dinner  was  Adjunct 
facnilty  member  Diane  Sipiera.  She  teaches 
Space  Shuttle  living  for  children  through 
Harpers  Continuing  Education  Dept 
Sipiera  said  a  planetarium  would  be  an  asset 
to  the  Harper  Communitv'  "What  better  way 
to  let  young  people  know  what  a  tine  college 
Harper  is  than  having  them  take  field  trit>s  to 
a  planetarium  here  on  campus^" 

Thompson  said  th«-  college  can  not  lund 
the  building  of  a  science  center  nght  now 
because  it's  |ust  tini  expensive  "The  plani-- 
tarium  IS  low  on  our  list  oi  priorities, "  he 

There  is  a  piopowal  pending  now  for  the 
reiwvation  of  exi.sting  building  spaces  on 
campus.  But  Sipiera  said,  '  ,\thletics  got 
building  M,  Liberal  arts  got  builduig  1  ^ 
when  do  the  httle  guys  get  something^" 

The  current  plans  include  an  auditorium 
that  would  seat  200,01M  people  "It  would  be 
tremendous  what  we  could  do  with  a  build- 


WLS  WMttMmwn  MiM  Caplan  looks 
on  as  Hoffman  Estatas  Manacar  Petar 
Burchard  spaaks  at  tha  dinnar. 

mg  with  so  much  potential. "  Sipiera  said  "but 
we  need  the  support  of  the  community  and 
the  college  to  make  it  work" 

Sipiera  hopes  that  even  though  the  plane- 
tarium project  fell  on  fiard  times  in  recent 
vears,  the  energy  to  move  ahead  will  be 
revived  with  The  new  Dean  of  Technology, 
Math  and  Physical  Sciences  Bill  Punka\ 

Harper's  new  main  telephone  number 
(847)  925-6000. 

William  Rainey  Harper  College 

Students  who  qualigy  for  a  degree  or  certificate  at 
the  end  of  the  Spring,  19%  semester  need  to  peti- 
tion for  Graduation  by  March  9, 19%. 

Summer  1996  graduates  needing  to  receive  gradu- 
ation ceremony  infoimation  should  file  a  Petition 
for  Graduation  indicating  Summer  completion. 

Graduation  Petitions  can  be  obtained  in  the 
Registrar's  Office  in  Building  A,  Room  213.  If  you 
have  any  questions,  please  contact  the  Registrar's 
Office  at  (847)  925-6600. 


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!  100/4+;-: 

'C>12  ,-\[.^12:> 




Harper  Hews 

Page  3 

Eat  to  your  heart's  content 

What  would  you  do  if  aoowone  told  you  that  you  could  eat 
10  your  heart's  content  for  the  rest  of  your  life? 

Would  you  bury  yourseli  in  an  avaUnche  of  ice  cimmT 

Pnhapa  you  would  sink  younelf  into  a  vat  of  chocolale? 

N4aybc  a  thick,  juicy  steak  is  what  would  nvake  your  heart 
leap  for  joy? 

The  truth  is,  thcae  choke*  satisfy  your  mind.  But  the  april 
discontent  for  your  heart  and  blood  vessels. 

Such  foods  aiv  high  in  saturated  fat  and  cholesterol.  They 
ai*  alM>  high  in  calorie*,  whKh  can  cause  weight  gain  if  you 
aic  not  active.  Together,  saturated  fat  and  excess  calories  can 
raise  your  bkxid  cholesten>l.  which  can  clog  your  arteries.  A 
hiart  attack  or  stroke  could  be  the  next  step. 

The  way  you  can  trxiely  make  your  heart  happy  is  lo  cat  a 
diet  that  includes  plenty  of  whole-grain  breads,  ceicab  or 
grains.  Include  a  variety  of  fruits  and  vegetables  each  day. 
Choose  low-fat  dairy  products  and  lean  meats,  poultry  and 
fiaK  Aitd  use  spreads,  dressing?  and  sauces  in  moderation. 
This  low-fat.  low -cholesterol  and  high-fiber  lifestyle  will 
make  your  heart  smile. 

To  find  oui  more,  attend  American  Heart  Month  Heart 
Healthy  Information  Table  on  February  20, at  11:00 am.  - 1:00 
p.m.  in  the  Cafeteria  in  Building  A. 
(wriitm  b^  thr  Ammcttn  Heart  As$ociMim,  mtd'  Ay  prrm Js*ioH> 

1/-,  Jd.^.  Ca//  fields 

iryj  h^'j  «.p  rent   fUff, 


Robert  Morris 

AND  £Ai<i\  YOUR 


IN  60  WEEKS 

Biichelot  of  BustrKss  AiimmMtnticn  Degree 
Concenmaiiim  in: 


It— 1^  y«l.ifaiv«iw  ira>  WOaw  mmaM/»r.H>Jlmb 
mmn^  fiatmti  ^mmrttr  tmm  (M  Mmm/ttr  kmtr*)  mitt  m 



180  North  LiDjllc  Sticei 

m  m  iMk  M  60  mmU 


noise  It  outsMe 
of  BulMlnes  A 
and  C7  Through 
bitter  COM  md 
frozen  earth, 

Dept.  has  been 
In  the  process 
of  naming  a 
2500ft.  nai  of 



LSU  athletes  score  a  victory  off  field 


BATON  ROUGE-Female  athletes  have 
won  a  victory  at  Louisiana  State  University, 
although  it's  not  cm  the  playing  field. 

US  Distnct  Court  )udge  Rebecca  Doherty 
ruled  Jan  12  that  LSU  sexually  discriminates 
agamst  its  female  athletes  by  not  supporting 
tntercoUegute  teams  such  as  women's  soccer 
and  fast -pitch  s<:)ftt>all 

The  school,  found  m  liolation  of  Title  IX  of 
the  Education  Amendments  of  1972  that  pn:>- 
hibits  sex  discrimination  at  federally  funded 
institutes,  was  given  20  days  to  come  up  with 
a  plan  tfut  complies  with  the  law. 

University  spokesman  Jim  Crain  said  the 
athletic  department  is  "working  their  butts 
off"  to  come  up  with  a  plan  to  present  to  the 

judge.  The  department  has  already  hired  a 
Softball  coach  and  plans  to  start  a  team  in 

The  lawsuit  was  started  by  five  female  stu- 
dents in  1994.  Doherty  did  not  order  the 
school  to  pay  monetary  damages  to  the  stu- 
dents  the  discrimination  was  negli- 
gent, not  intentional.  In  her  decision,  she 
wrote  that  the  violation  resulted  from  a>nhi- 
sicm  about  the  law,  "arrogant  ignorance ...  and 
a  remarkably  outdated  view  of  women  and 
athletes  " 

Doherty  also  wrote  that  the  university 
"remains  unaware  that  females  who  partici- 
pate in  varsity  sport  are  athletes  who  happen 
to  be  female  and  not  females  who  happen  to 
wish  to  be  athletes." 

Students  go  as  cave  men  for  a  day 


CANTON,  N.Y— In  a 
throwback  to  ancient  times, 
St.  L.awrence  University 
anthitfpotogy  students  fash- 
toned  stone  toots  then  carved 
up  a  deer  for  a  clasa  feast. 

Associate  Prof  lofui 
Barthelme  said  the  idea 
behind  his  course 

"Neanderthal;  Fact,  Fiction 
and  Fantasy"  is  to  teach  stu- 
dents about  the  origins  of 
modem  pec^le  and  clear  up 
"caveman"  stereotypes. 

"More  and  more  wc  know 

now  that  [Neanderthals] 
were  very,  very  intelligent 
and  very  human-Uke  he  said, 
not  stooped  hairy  men  that 
grabbed  women  by  the  hair 
and  pulled  them  into  a  cave." 
Students  learned  the  intri- 
cacies of  stone  toolmaking, 
then  used  their  new  tools  to 
dehide  a  deer  and  remove  its 
mafor  joints.  The  deer  had 
been  killed  by  poachers  and 
given  to  Barthelme,  a  sea- 
soned toolmaker,  by  wildlife 
But  instead  of  cooking  the 

meat  over  an  open  hre,  stu- 
dents turned  it  over  to  the 
school's  food  service. 

"It  was  about  23  degrees 
outside  so  we  decided  not  to 
do  that,"  Barthelme  said. 
All  but  one  student,  a  vege- 
tarian who  also  did  not  take 
part  in  the  butchering, 
enjoyed  the  venison  meal. 
Barthelme  said  other  stu- 
dents have  carved  goats,  and 
a  professor  he  knows  at 
Indiaru  University  cut  up  an 
elephant  using  homemade 
stone  tools. 

UC  delays  Affirmative  Action  ban 


OAKLAND-Days  after  the  University  of 
California's  controversial  decision  to  keep  its 
affirmative-action  ban,  school  officials 
anrumnced  that  the  new  admission  guidelines 
will  not  start  until  the  1998  school  year. 

The  policy  that  prohibits  the  use  of  race 
aitd  geiMJer  preferences  in  hiring  and  admis- 
sions was  to  take  effect  in  school  year  1997. 
But  according  to  UC  President  Richard 
Atkinson,  that  wasn't  enough  time  to  prepare 
new  admission  guidelines  on  CaUfomia's 
nine  campuses. 

"Given  the  length  and  phasing  of  the 
jdmi.ssioas  process,  [the  ban)  will  taJce  effect 
for  students  seeking  admission  to  the  fall  1998 
entering  class,"  Atkinson  said  in  a  Jan.  23  let- 
ter to  the  nine  UC  chanceUors. 

Students  apply  a  year  aivi  a  half  before 

starting  classes,  so  students  applying  this 
spring  for  the  fall  of  1997  will  not  be  affected 
by  the  ban,  he  said. 

Atkinson's  decision  angered  many  UC 
regents,  who  voted  last  July  to  drop  affirma- 
tive-action policies.  Gov.  Pete  Wils<M\,  who  is 
a  regent  by  virtue  of  his  office,  accused  the  UC 
administration  of  "dragging  its  feet"  with  its 
latest  decision 

Regent  Ward  Connerly,  who  sponsored  the 
ban,  told  reporters  he  was  "furious"  and  that 
the  delay  was  unacceptable. 

But  UC  Spokesman  Mike  Lassiter  said 
Atkinson's  decision  "does  not  constitute  a 
change  in  policy."  The  ban  will  start  Jan.  1, 
1997,  as  planned,  but  by  that  time  the  admis- 
sions proc^ess  for  the  class  of  fall  1997  would 
be  over,  he  said. 

The  delay  would  not  apply  to  graduate  or 
professional  programs. 


The  Harbinger 
Frtwimy  16, 19% 

Federal  budget  crisis  puts  wrench  in  student  aid  awards 

CoUmii  DvBsIm 
couege  press  servkx 

WASHINGTON- With  ever-pre- 
wnt  government  shutdowns  and 
btidget  talks,  it's  been  a  tough  year 
for  students  and  educators  to  deter- 
mine the  fate  of  federal  financial  aid 

Direct      loans  Ptoll      Grants, 

AmenCorps.  At  various  times  in  the 
last  lew  months,  the  maior  players  on 
Capitol  Hill  have  debated  whether  to 
cancel  funding  for  these  and  other 
programs  or  to  expand  them  Some 
legislators  have  wanted  to  cut  back 
on  hinding;  others  have  argued  to 
leave  it  as  is. 

But  with  the  temporary  budget 
deal  reached  Jan  25  by  the  White 
House  and  Republican  Cxngressional 
leaders,  government  ollicials  have 
laid  out  a  somewhat  grim  blueprint 
for  education  m  the  commg  year 
Provisions  in  the  House-approved 
measurv  that  keeps  the  government 
running  through  March  15  mcludt- 

Cutting  the  funding  tor 
AmenCorps.  the  national  serkice  pro- 
gram in  which  students  earn  college 
money  by  working  m  their  communi- 
ty, to  75  percent  of  its  I'm  budget 

Operating  the  Department  of 
Education,  whose  budget  for  1'*% 
still  has  not  been  approved,  at  75  per- 
cent of  Its  1M95  budget,  expanding 
Pell  Grants  by  $100  to  $2,.mi  for  fiscal 

Teacher  of  the  Week 

Occupation:  History  and  Political 

•iithilatt:   Nov  29 
Birthplace:  Chicago,  IL 
Marital  tiatuK  single 
Favoiil* 'pigour  food:   chocolate 

t^i  good  movie:  Sense  and 

Laal  good  book:  lincotn  by  Dtvid 

If  jron  could  live  anywhere,  where 
would  it  be:     Boston,  MA 
Ma«t  vivid  childhood  memory: 
JFK  election 

What  do  you  like  about  younelf: 
enthustLK  J  gi-Kid  fnend,  a  gt*id 

What  do  you  like  least  about  your- 
•elf:  impatient  toward  people  who 
■mist  upon  being  politically  apa- 
i  atay  home  to  walch:    Nightline, 

The  Senate,  which  approved  the 
House  version  of  the  provision  on 
Jan.  26.  rejected  an  amendment  spon- 
sored by  Democrats  to  restore  $3.1 
billion  in  education  spending  to  the 
budget  deal 

David  Merkowitz.  director  of  pub- 
lic affairs  at  the  American  Council  of 
Education,  said  politically,  it's  diffi- 
cult to  gauge  whether  the 
Department  of  Education  will  be 
funded  at  or  above  1W5  levels. 

"With  the  resistaiK-e  on  the  level  of 
spending  we  don't  know  if  that's 
going  to  happen,"  he  said 

He  said  the  lack  of  a  budget  agree- 
ment has  left  financial  aid  offices  at 
universities  around  the  nation  up  in 
tfie  air  when  it  comes  to  developing 
financial  aid  packages.  Without  an 
approved  budget,  the  Educahon 
Department  has  been  unable  to  deter- 
mine funds  tor  Pell  Grants  and  other 
programs.  such  as  College 
WorkStudy.  Perkins  loans  and 
Supplemental  Educational 

Opportunity  Grants. 

That  is  having  a  serious  impact  on 
student  linancial  aid,  according  to 
Judith  Harper,  interim  director  of  the 
financial  aid  office  at  the  Umversity 
of  Michigan- Ann  Arbor 

"It's  sti  hard  to  get-up-lo-the- 
minute  news  out  of  Washington."  she 
said  "The  ctmtmumg  budget  resolu- 
titMis  ..  (ai^l  making  us  very  ner\  ous 
as  we  get  close  to  informing  students 
of  their  financial  eligibility   for  the 

Professor  of 
History  and 
Political  Science 

Sharon  Alter 

MacNiel/  Leber.  Washington  Week 
in  Review 

Students  think   I'm:   A   political 

Petpccvt:  When  on  breakdown 
Worst  advice:    Don't  get  involv  t-d 
in  politics 

Most  interesting  person  you've 

ever  met:  Ruth  Bader  Ginsberg 

Nobody  know*  lli«l:     I  can  get 

hooked  on  st»p  operas 

If  i  wasn't  a  teacher  I'd  be:  I'd  be  a 

senior  member  of  Congresv-to  help 

the  fresihmen  reprwsenatives  learn 

to  compromise 

if  I've  learned  one  thing  in  life  it's: 

to  roll  with  the  punches 

People  who  knew  me  in  high- 

tcliaol  thought  I:    would  love  to 


Phrase  that  best  dctcribct  jmwr- 

•elf:  She's  enthusiastic 

Yotu  favorite  vacaton  spot:   Paris, 


coming  year 

Schools  tradihonally  give  students 
a  financial  aid  package  by  March. 
"It's  very  important  for  students  to 
know  what  their  financial  award  will 
be  so  they  can  make  a  decision"  on 
whether  they  can  afford  to  attend 
school  in  the  tall.  Harper  said.  But 
this  year,  the  budget  crisis  is  making 
it  difficult  to  estimate  grant  and  loan 

Some  finaiKial  aid  officers  might 
still  give  out  student  aid  packages  in 
March  but  will  emphasize  that  the 
final  award  depends  on  pending  leg- 
islation. Harper  said. 

Forty  percent  of  Michigan's  36.000 
students  receive  financial  aid.  With 
the  government  shutdowns,  some 
students  never  received  their  Free 
Application  for  Federal  Student  Aid. 
Others  have  sent  in  the  forms,  but 
processing  has  been  delayed  for  sev- 
eral weeks. 

Sid  HoUoway,  associate  director  of 

the  financial  aid  office  at  North 
Carolina  State  University,  said  his 
office  has  had  "some  trepidation"  in 
plannmg  financial  aid  packages.  Like 
Michigan,  about  40  percent  of  the 
school's  30,000  students  receive  finan- 
cial aid. 

He  hopes  the  budget  crisis  will  be 
resolved  enough  so  that  the 
Education  Department  will  at  least  be 
able  to  operate  at  its  1995  budget. 

The  uncertainty  of  what's  happen- 
ing next  m  this  "topsy-turvy"  year 
frustrates  him.  "It's  the  craziest  thing 
I've  ever  seen,"  he  said. 

"It's  all  a  lot  moK  tenuous  this 
year'  "  Harper  agrees.  "We  need  to 
let  the  Congress  know  that  its 
extremely  important  to  have  the  bud- 
get settled  for  the  sake  of  the  students 
of  this  country." 

Many  students  and  families  are 
unaware  of  the  impact  the  budget 
impasse  is  fiaving  on  financial  aid 
offices,  she  added. 


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«k  « 

February  16,  liM 

Fan  Patfa 

Dilbert    by  Scott  Adams 

>C*f5  nc  WVIStD 

YOO  )  AND  YDU  (HCM.- 



A  BIT  Of 



US.  I  iuifta 





corpAHv's  wwtinY  ih 
sowRisEO  -na  ookt 




iil°255lli  WEW  HAKE  AN 

TO  SKN.   they  CLAU^T>^E 
VfUfiU  EVER  t«kS 









Scarlett  0  Harascope 

K^  Bern  m»lwmitmemgsmn.Bmlmthmgmmlkn  goat  knodcm  the  hmiwouUn't  curt. 

AriCK  You  can  acraldi  ttie  word  "dry"  into  your  skin.  So  wet  your  hair  and  genUy  mas- 

iage  shampoo  through.  Riae  Ihoioughly  and  repeat  if  necessary.  Nii»e  out  oHO  times  you 
will  rtill  b«  aWe  to  KMlch  "dry"  on  your  skin,  buj  at  least  your  hair  is  deaa 

TauniK  Muric  la  llie  faod  dUfc.  So  dance,  dance,  dam*.  Get  he^  for  your  anofwda. 

Gemini:  You  will  find  friendship  and  maybe  mart  with  an  Aries  that  you  found  unde- 
sirable and  smelly  before  CompUmenl  them  on  their  dean  hair  (and  you're  welcome). 

Cancer  You  will  fc«l  jumpy  today  and  it  has  nothing  to  do  wift  the  new  trampoline  you 
just  bought. 

UwOftr  a  friend  a  Umie  but  make  suie  it's  not  used,  cause  otherwise,  that's  just  plain 

VirgorK  you  must  pose  for  a  pictune,  say  cheese.  But  make  sure  there  is  no  cheese  in 
your  teeth  or  saying  cheese  won't  help  y«>u  any 

Libra:  Uteiy,  life  has  been  all  fon  and  games.  If  you  work  at  Toys  "R'  Us  this  can  easily 
be  explained. 

ScorpuK  Suddenly,  pickles  and  ice  cieam  sound  like  a  great  main  course.  You  may  be 
pregnant.  If  you  are  a  man  this  mm*  you  aie  a  freak  o*  nature  and  should  caU  the 
trjquirer  (sony,  or  congratulatians,  depandit^. 

SagittariaK  Your  mind  has  developed  a  sponge-like  quality.  Good  news:  you  are  soak- 
ing up  knowledge  ewily  and  quickly  Bad  news;  if  someone  squeezes  your  head  a  bunch 
of  goo  comes  out. 

Capriconi:  Suddenly.  Aries'  seem  more  appealing.  But  you  will  have  more  competitore. 
Contrary  to  Mom,  try  to  put  an  eye  out! 

AquariuK  lime  to  buy  new  school  supplies,  for  a  bully  has  stolen  your  current  ones.  If 
you  have  no  idea  what  this  means,  it  is  metaphoric,  take  ENGlOl  again 

Places:  Recreation  must  be  fought  for.  Use  a  Nerf  gun,  it  will  help  your  plight. 

Kathf  Beta  wmH  to  kncm  your  sign,  md  yes,  this  isapkkup  line.  For  a  primte  howstope  stop 
by  the  Hmtmger  effke.  Even  ^you'n  IS,  you  must  km  your  parents  permissum. 

K.  Bern  2/i6m 

rage  5 

Harper  Heck 

YOU  T)0lN6i?| 


,    HARFER  *  , 
pON*r  EVEN 
[t>0  THKT/ 

Crossword  Puzzle 

1  BiMin 
S  FrwrnSy  tanm- 


14  AecampintMd 

IS  BfMMnc  sound 
IS  Fwnci)  itnt 
22  8«lrK-(  land 
24  Sup 


X  nwaanpum 


37  CcunnjoiTi 

3B  Comwirnk) 


3>  ComnjM  MD-      If 


as  ClMnt  nwr       2iCatna,wf 

6S  S#t  of  vooiM  26  En^nv 

»09t  27S«r 

67C«Miiigniol  2ila^ 

MUpty*  2tSliMkM 

M  C4PM  tHMt  31  I 


1  Scan) 

2  SnoniMMt 

5  MunvnMng 


anna  onnna  nnoo 
ODon  Donnn  nnnn 
nnoo  nnonn  nnon 
□nnoann  nDonana 

„ nno  nnnno 

gnnnnEinn  annnon 
oaan  aoan  aaaan 
ODD  aanoDDD  ana 
gnono  noDn  nnnn 
DDDDnD  ODnaoDnn 

„„  nODOD  ODD 

Dnnanon  nnDnnnn 


nonp  nnoDn  dddd 
nnnn  nnnoB  nnnn 






43  Along  m  yam 

4$  UM4onMomi. 


S3  Funny  no>v 

Si  Qora.  0.0. 



CHAPMAN:  a  generous  woman 

continued  from  page  1 

Her  main  goal  was  to  protect 

women  and  children. 

Chapman  shared  her 
intelligence  as  a  certified  edu- 
cator as  she  served  seven 
years  as  an  elementary  school 
teacher.  Most  importantly  to 
us,  she  sponsored  and  enact- 
ed the  bill  that  started  com- 
munity colleges  in  this  state. 
These  are  only  a  few  of  her 
dozens  of  acccomplishments. 

Chapman  died  last 
September,  but  her  life  will  be 

far  from  forgotten.  She  has 
helped  to  change  tf>e  lives  of 
many  people.  She  managed 
to  leave  an  impression  on 
everyone  she  met.  Chapman 
will  always  be  remembered 
as  a  kind  and  generous 
woman  who  would  reach  out 
her  hand  to  anyone  in  need. 

"Nice  guys  finish  last,"  is 
an  imparative  cliche,  because 
It  usually  is  the  person  with 
the  most  admirable  traits  that 
stands  out  above  the  rest-that 
person  was  Eugenia  S. 



The  Harbinge 
February  16, 19 

Our  View 

Addressing  a 
very  delicate 

Harper  had  sex  on  the  brain  Feb.  13- 
16  thanks  to  Hwlth  Servias'  Sexual 
Awareness  Week.  Controversy  has  sur- 
rounded the  Health  Center's  practice 
of  making  free  condoms  available  to 
students.  As  part  of  Sexual  Awareness 
Week,  the  center  set  up  a  table  filletl 
with  information  ic|saiding  condoms 
and  their  use. 

Many  opponents  of  the  condom 
giveaway  believe  that  this  practice  pro- 
motes sexual  activity.  These  people 
ignore  the  fact  that  the  Health  Center  is 
is  attempting  to  make  sure  that  people 
who  chooae  to  be  sexually  active  are 
protected  from  disancs  and  unwanted 

Tlir  llari*iiij(fr  appbuds  the  inciu- 
sion  of  an  abstinence  table  next  to  the 
condom  display;  Information  was 
made  available  to  people  who  art- 
interested  in  making  abstinence  their 
choice  for  protection  from  diseases  and 
pregTuncy  Sexual  inactivity  is  quickly 
becoming  a  popular  choice  with  young 
people  in  America. 

The  maintenance  of  a  healthy  rela- 
tionship was  another  topic  of  Sexual 
Awareness  Week  alao  showing  that  sex 
is  not  the  most  important  part  of  a  rela- 
tior\&hip.  Health  Services  does  an  excel- 
lent job  of  helping  the  whole  person. 

A  Cufivtlioii'.. 

A   closing    piragraph    m    Ow    2/2/%    issue'i 

Amehian    Indrpendenl   column    was   printed 

wrong    It  •khould  have  mad: 

"It  tt  certainty,  not  luughnes*,  that  m  Uie  true 

cMerrant.  and  a>  certainty  is  used  to  the  hilhsl 

cxtenl  pOMible  the  murder  rate  wiiuld  nicely 

dKntwe— «lowly  at  taut.  Init  Mian  at  a  rapid 


See  no  evil,  hear  no  evil 

Ion  O  Brien 
The  Ed'»  View 

William  |efferson  Clin  tun. 
appealing  to  teiecommunKa- 
tions  businesses  everywhere 
while  throwing  our  first  amend- 
ment nghts  to  the  wind,  signed 
the  Communications  Act  of  19% 
into  law  two  weeks  ago.  The 
main  task  the  bill  was  to  accom- 
plish was  to  spur  telecommimi- 
cations  development  and  knock 
down  several  regulatory  walb. 

Unfortimately,  a  lot  of  other 
legislation  had  gotten  tacked  on 
dunng  Its  long  red  tape-saturat- 
ed journey  to  the  lawlxtoks,  not 
all  ot  which  is  in  the  general 
public's  interest 

To  address  the  issues  raised 
by  concerned  parents  about  sex 
and  violence  on  television.  Bill 
and  Co.  have  given  us  the  V- 
Chip,  an  electronic  chip  that  will 
be  installed  in  all  televisions 
built  for  the  U.S.  markit  This 
chip  will  let  parents  decide  what 
their  children  can  and  cannot 
view  The  beauty  of  this  device  is 
that  it  will  let  each  household  set 
its  own  limits  as  to  how  much 
seedy  material  can  get  through 
without  interfering  with  other 


This  IS  an  ideal  stilution 
because  parents  can  decide  on 
what  they  want  their  children  to 
view  without  hindering  the 
viewing  of  anyone  else.  This  is 
an  excellent  example  of  prob- 
lem-M>lving  technology 

Unfortunately  the  same  can- 
not be  said  for  the  Internet.  The 
main  building  blcKks  of  the 
Communicahons  Decency  Art, 
which  was  tacked  on  to  the  main 
Communications  Act  several 
months  ago.  have  survived  to 
become  law.  Any  content  of 
questionable  nature,  such  as 
profanity  or  adult-oriented 
graphics  can  carry  criminal 

It  seems  that  the  same 
Congress  and  House  of 
Representatives  that  thought  the 
V-Chip  was  the  solution  to  top- 
less bimbos  with  machine  guns 
on  "the  tube"  didn't  feel  the 
Internet  was  worthy  enough  for 
Its  own  version  of  this  tecfinokv 

Why  this  lop-sided  legisla- 
tion came  to  be  is  a  question  I 
cannot  answer.  It  would  seem 
logical  that  the  same  approach 
could  be  used  in  txith  mediums. 
It  would  probably  be  more  use- 
ful on  a  computer  anyway,  since 

most  computers  get   replacec 
every  couple  years  to  keep  up 
with  ttxhnology.  Most  televisioii 
sets   are    heavily    used    for 
decade  or  so. 

Whatever  you  may  view  orl 
the  Internet,  blocking  the 
flow  of  information  is  more  tharl 
stopping  some  perverts  fron 
distributing  child  pomographyl 
It's  about  the  free  exchange  ol 
ideas  It's  the  freedom  to  say  oi 
show  what's  on  your  mindl 
without  the  threat  of  the  govem-j 
ment  telling  you  what  they  thin 
you  should  or  should  not  say. 

Why  some  ignorant  individuJ 
als  feel  that  communication 
mediums  made  possible  within 
the  last  several  years  are  exemp^ 
is  a  mystery  to  me.  Wasn't 
dom  of  speech  one  of  the  basicj 
ideas  our  country  was  founde 

When  are  the  powers  in 
Washington  going  to  realize  thai 
the  Constitution  is  not  a  passiv^ 
document  and  that  it  must 
upheld  in  all  situations?  Several 
of  these  freedom-robbing  publi<| 
servants  are  up  for  election 
fall.  If  they  don't  think  fred 
speech  is  important,  who  knows 
how    they'll   deal   with   othei 


\  GgT  SoMfcToP<^V-Wy  HCfT  B£  AVA'lAgU  AFtkR  *v*AltV^  »C9b  |  | 

Editorial  Board 




Acting  EditornCWef JonO'Brien 

Business  Manager  Vaterie\We»efS 

Managing  Editor  .     .  DawePump 

News  Editor Julie  Tfxinpson 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Gamsoo 

Sports  Editor Susan  Rademacher 

Copy  Editor open 

Features  Editor open 

Faculty  Advisor Howard  Schtosstiefg 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Kathy  Belts.  Frank  J.  Biga.  Tammy  Bogea  T.W.  Fuller, 
Veronica  GonzalezKosemarie  Hylton,  Adam  Weeks 

General  Policies 

ftm  mren^tf  » tne  stud«ni  publication  to*  the  Harpei  College  catinos  com 
muwt*  pu«ill«l»d  t»-i»eetay  «t»oug^ou(  the  sctwol  yeac  eicept  Outing  nolnJays 
ma  UnM  mams.  The  pafw  is  dMtrilxited  tree  to  all  students,  faculty  ana 
aOministration.  Tfte  HBrt>>ng0r's  sole  purpose  is  lo  prewiOe  the  Harpef  commu- 
nity with  rtomnatwn  pertamif*  to  the  campus  anj  its  surrounfling  communi- 


TtK  HaH)ine»  welcomes  letters  to  tne  edit ot  ana  replies  to  our  editorials. 
Letters  mnl  He  stgnM  ant  include  a  social  security  nunoer.  Signatures  will 
t»  wtthiield  upon  reouesl  *tl  letters  are  suli»Bct  to  edrtmg. 


ftoducts  araJ  services  a*«rtised  m  Tfw  HmOintm  are  not  necessarily 
erWorsed  Oy  tne  editors  o»  this  paper,  nor  By  tne  college  admin<stration  or 
BoarO  ot  Directori.  Inquiries  should  be  forwarded  directly  to  tne  advert  iser. 
ant  all  pufcrmes  are  at  tne  dnaetion  of  the  consuner. 

Mailing  Address: 

The  Harbinger   Wiiiiani  Rainey  Harper  Colleg| 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine,  IL  60067  7098 

Phone  Nunbers: 

business  office;  (847)  925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  397-6000  x2461 

fax:  (847)  925-6033 

copyright  1996,  The  Haft*iger. 
AM  rights  reserved. 

FcbnMry  16, 19% 



A  few  paranoid  thoughts  on  Political  Correctness 

rW.  Fuller 
American  Independent 

Often,  in  our  struggle  for  a 
more  idyll  society;  to  right 
wrongs  of  Ifw  past;  endeavor 
to  correct  mistakes  deemed  harmful 
or  ttut  have  retarded  groups  of  peo- 
ple, we  take  measures  to  ensure  im- 
tory  does  itot  repeat  itself. 

Wt  may  pass  laws  or  amend  the 
constitution  to  satisfy  ttiis  necessity. 
Sometiines,  however,  we  invent  new 

Political  Concctness  has  gripped 
the  90's  into  a  decade  of  rnm-perpen- 
dicular  paroxysm  and  if  an  eiKl  is 
near  it  looms  within  ihe  center  of  a 
dense  London  fog  slKnjldered  and 
protected  by  all  tfte  catastrophes 
nature  has  to  offer;  quick  tempered, 
hot  headed,  aiKl  not  easily  swayed. 
Still,  many  believe  if  will  tiecome 
passe  by  the  end  of  the  century. 

But  while  it  lasts.  Political 
Correctness  plagues  everyone  it 
touches  with  its  lank  and  sticky  poi- 

son; try  rubbing  it  otf  and  it  works 
its  way  under  your  skin  causing  hell- 
ish itching  and  burning  as  it  grinds 
into  every  f>ore  in  your  body,  also, 
no  orifice  is  left  undamaged. 

Why  tfien  does  Pobhcal 
Correctness  persist  in  our  society?  If 
it  is  such  a  nightmare,  why  not  aban- 
don it? 

Because  in  its  infancy  it  was 
laughed  at;  not  taken  as  a  threat;  not 
scrutinized  over  closely. 

Because  back  then  people 
believed  it  so  ridiculous  they 
tfuiught  it  could  not  possibly  last. 

Now  IT  has  become  so  powerful 
thai  very  few  challenge  ITs  authority, 
especially  when  high-powered  politi- 
cians arvd  media  moguls  swear  by  IT 
and  eiKourage  ITs  survival. 

IT  has  ensconced  America  and 
refuses  to  let  up    And  also  because 
most  of  us  are  blind  to  ITs  danger. 

"IT'S  still  somethung  to  laugh  at," 
we  say,  under  our  breath,  paymg 
particular  attention  to  where  the  air 
carries  those  words.  It  would  not  do 

to  utter  such  blasphemies  where 
there  are  high  winds  present. 

"IT'S  not  really  a  threat  to  our  civ- 
ilization," we  say,  behind  closed 
doors,  triple  checking  to  make  sure 
all  ninety-nine  and  a  half  locks  are 
securely  in  place,  knowing  it  is  never 
enough,  wondering  how  many  are. 

"The  day  will  come  when  people 
take  a  stand  against  this  scourge," 
we  say,  twiddling  our  thumtis  in  the 
meantime,  casting  an  uneven  eye  on 
our  neighbor,  who  may  be  that  per- 
son, who  may  be  one  of  them. 

"I  could  be  that  person  who  orKe 
and  for  all  slaughters  IT,"  you  trum- 
pet as  loud  as  you  can  atop  tfie  f\igh- 
esf  mountain  peak,  only  then  realiz- 
ing your  folly,  realizing  your  fate  has 
been  sealed,  realizing  what  now 
must  be  done,  so  you  throw  yourself 
off,  laughing  sadistically  at  your  new 
found  freedom.  For  tliere  is  but  one 
escape  from  IT. 

So  you  succumb  to  IT,  knowing 
tf»e  demonic  realms  from  whence  IT 
came.  You  cherish  IT  none-the-less. 

regardless  of  how  religious 

You  allow  IT  to  brainwash  you, 
control  your  mind,  feed  you 
thoughts  you  never  dreamed. 

Because  anj^ing  IT  has  to  offer  is 
1000  times  better  than  death,  you 
convince  yourself. 

IT.  That  is  what  you  recite,  taking 
special  care  not  to  speak  ITs  real 
name.  Take  an  oath  and  sign  your 
initials  in  blood  to  never  stammer 
out  any  word  close  in  proximity.. 
You  know  the  word;  political  correct- 

There  now,  you've  gone  and  said 
IT,  after  promising  never  to  say  it 
again    IT  senses  that;  you  know  the 

No  super  glue  is  strong  enough  to 
hold  you  from  ITs  grip;  no  govern- 
ment relocation  program  is  cuiuiing 
enough  to  hide  you  from  ITs  all  see- 
ing eyes;  no  underground  railroad 
deep  enough  to  harbor  you  from  TTk 
long  elastic  arms. 

You  are  doomed  for  knowing  IT 
exists.  You  know  what  must  be  done! 

Once  upon  a  time  the  white  man  counted 

Chns  Batermm 

The  Very  Right  Retf'd 

Listen  lo  me  now,  good 
cfuklren  of  the  faith, 
we  Caucasians  are 
rapidly  becoming  the  minor- 
ity m  America.  Is  there  any 
reason  to  be  scared? 

Of  course  there  isn't,  but  I 
believe  in  this  day  aivl  age  of 
political  correctness,  the 
nghts  of  the  average  white 
male  are  overlooked. 

The  white  man  today  is 
viewed  as  a  cold  apathetic, 
devil  slave  master,  who 
could  give  two  cents  about 
the  needs  and  wants  of 
minorities,  cariitg  only  for 
himself  and  his  bank 

Many  white  men  are  just 
the  opposite   They  are  very 
caring  people,  with  a  sense 
of  accomplishment  ai>d 

understanding  and  a  love  for 
human  life. 

It's  just  that  some  people 
like  their  cliildish  labels  and 
don't  care  to  fiiHj  out  about  a 
persons  past,  their  skin  color 
or  statishcal  standing    It 
makes  you  wonder  who's  a 
racist  sometimes. 

The  average  white  male  is 
usually  the  one  that  takes  tlie 
blunt  of  these  biased  opin- 
ions and  imfair  status  quos. 

My  good  white  brother, 
have  you  tried  to  find  a  job 
lately?  It's  tough,  isn't  it? 
Federal  law  demands  that 
every  place  of  business 
should  have  it's  "fair"  share 
of  minorities  and  women. 

So  if  you  have  the  qualifi- 
cations that  the  job  icquiies, 
if  their  status  quo  is  low  on 
minorities  or  women,  sorry 
Charlie,  that  person  who 
may  or  may  not  have  the 

qualifications  ls  getting  the 

What  about  government 
assistance?  There's  r>o  luck 
tfiere  for  the  white  man, 

My  older  brother's  wife 
recently  had  a  child    My 
brother  didn't  have  ii«ur- 
aiKe,  so  they  applied  for 
assistance.  They  still  had  to 
pay  a  good  lick  of  money  for 
what  uncle  Sam  didn't  pick 

I  also  read  an  article  in 
tfie  Chicago  Tribune  last 
Saturday  about  an  African- 
American  woman  who  has 
13  children  and  no  visible 
sign  of  employin«it. 

Our  Great  White  Fathers 
footed  the  bill  for  this 
woman  to  sit  around  and 
have  babies  who  don't  even 
bother  going  to  school  half  of 
the  time.  Sounds  fair  to  me. 

Why  is  it  when  a  racial 
topic  comes  up,  you  ate  told 
"not  to  go  there" 

Why  not?  Sure,  the 
comedians  on  Def  Comedy 
Jam  take  pot  shots  at  us  all 
the  time,  but  if  the  shoe  is  on 
the  other  foot,  it's  called  an 
ethnic  or  raaal  slur. 

You  could  possibly  lose 
your  job  for  that.  Why  is  it 
taboo  to  say  the  word  nig- 
ger? I'm  often  called  Forrest 
Gump,  or  redneck,  because 
of  my  thick  accent—  both  are 
just  as  degrading. 

That's  OK  though, 
because  I'm  white.  God  for- 
bid you  say  the  "N"  word 
within  an  earshot  of  an 
African-American,  chaiKes 
are  you  just  started  an  alter- 
cation with  someone  you 
don't  even  know,  and  of 
course  you  are  labeled  a 

1  believe  it  all  comes 
down  to  this;  we  ate  all  bom 
into  this  world  with  the 
same  chances  and  opportuni- 
ties as  the  next  person,  so 
why  put  labels  on  ourselves 
and  expect  a  larger  piece  of 
the  American  Pie? 

We  need  to  stop  looking 
at  each  other  like  it's  a  com- 
petition on  who's  better  ttian 
the  other.  That  is  not  what 
this  country  is  based  on. 

The  best  way  to  sum  it  up 
is  with  a  quote  from  Neil 
Peart:  "So  tfie  Maples 
formed  a  union  and 
demanded  equal  rights,  the 
oaks  are  just  too  lofty,  we 
will  nuke  them  give  us  light 

Now  there's  ik)  mote  oak 
oppression,  for  they  passed  a 
noble  law  and  the  trees  were 
kept  all  equal  with  hatchet, 
ax  and  saw." 


Conspirator  in  plot  to  kidnap  cheerleaders  responds 


"Tn  mpuwM  to  the  arlick  on  the 
I  Harper  cfieerleiadcn  being  kid- 
^(upped  in  tfie  February  2  edi- 
tion <k  your  newspaper.  I  otkr  the 
foUowing.  This  is  my  second  year 
at  Harper.  LaM  year  1  was  part  of 
the  Hufcr  Pom  Pon  squad.  We 
practiced  with,  and  sometimes 
chMted  wtth,  the  chMrleoders-  So, 
When  I  was  part  of  the  squad,  we 
did  show  up  to  ttie  garnet,  but  it  is 
not  like  there  was  mijf  iaocntive  to 
do  so.  We  would  practiot  twice  a 
week  for  two  hours,  that  is,  whMi 
we  fifMlly  found  a  place  to  practice. 

The  school  does  iK>t  consider  us 
athletes,  therefore  we  get  the  space 
Uiat  is  left  over  when  all  of  the 
other  sports  have  been  accommo- 
dated. Then  we  would  go  to  the 
games  and  cheer  for  a  crowd  that 
never  cheered  back  or  showed  any 
enthusiasm  what  so  ever.  The  adi- 
leiw  allowed  tto  appreciation  for 
Ol«  MnK  ttiete  or  that  wr  put  in 
our  timr  to  cheer  them  on.  We 
leoeived  little  if  any  lecognitian  fur 

our  eSorts;  we  didn't  receive  the 
complimentary  jackets  that  all  ott«er 
that  all  athletes  receive  when  they 
join  a  sport,  nor  did  we  get  our 
names  in  the  athletic  programs.  We 
also  did  not  get  any  lecogrution  for 
sittittg  at  wet,  rainy,  cold  football 
games  except  maybe  a  push  or 
shove  from  a  player  to  get  out  of 
their  way.  As  far  as  our  sponsor 
goes  it  takes  a  lot  to  give  your  time 
to  an  activity  that  takes  this  much 

work  when  you  aren't  given  as 
much  as  a  thank-you.  As  to  this 
year's  squad  missing  in  action.  weO 
I'm  not  too  sure  of  ttteir  where- 
abouts but  I  can't  say  I  blame  them. 
After  all,  who  wants  to  work  their 
butts  oB  and  not  be  appreciated? 
Your  newspaper  jumps  at  the 
chance  to  chastise  the  cheerleaders. 
If  you'd  dedicated  as  much  news- 
paper space  to  praise  as  you  do 
criticism  then  maybe  the  cheerlead- 
ers self  inflicted  Iddnapping  would 
not  have  been  necessary. 

MoUee  Harp 
Pom  MIA 

^  % 


Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 
February  16, 19% 

Poi  Dog  Pondering's  Frank  Orrall  speaks 



P(>i  Oog  Pondering  will  br  per- 
forming in  the  Building  |  Theatre  on 
Friday.  February  23  For  thone  of  you 
who  can't  wait  for  the  show,  here's  it 
little  something  to  tide  you  over 

Tlie  latest  CD  "Pomegranate"  has 
sold  2(H  copies  at  the  Schaumburg 
location  of  Tower  Records  according 
'  to  Nuno  Schmidt,  who  works  at 
Towcr-Schaumburg  When  the 
signed  limited  edition  pressings 
came  out  last  fall,  those  sold  extreme- 
ly quickly  as  well.  Poi  Dog  Pondering 
also  receives  pfomincfit  airplay  on 
Chicago  area  radio  stations,  includ- 
ing WXRT  and  WCBR  They  are 
doing  well  in  other  areas  such  as 
Texas,  Seattle,  and  Columbia,  MO. 

Frank  Orrall  the  band 
founder/singer/sungwriter  was 
kind  eiWHigh  to  have  a  few  words 
with  The  Harbmgtr  to  let  Harper 
know  what  to  expect  from  the  show. 

"We're  sort  of  all  over  the  map 
musK-ally."  said  OrralJ.  Their  instru- 
mental repertoire  includes  (but  is  not 
-  limited  to)  guitars,  trumpets,  organs, 
pianos,  saxophones,  flutes,  clarinets, 
drums,  and  basses.  Orrall  goes  into 
the  studio  with  sort  of  a  ban>-baned 
version  of  the  song,  and  the  test  of 
the  band  "fleshes  the  song  out"  This 
type  of  approach  is  unusual,  but 
allo«vs  for  much  more  musical  cie- 
aiivily.  as  is  evident  m  the  music  on 

"Pomcgnuiate'  wm  wcoided  on 
the  bartd's  own  label,  in  a  basketball 
gym.  Orrall  said  that  this  type  of 

'imt^  4  V 

Pol  Dog  PtMMiafIng  will  play  to  a  soM-out  crowd  In  th«  Building 
J  Thoatre  on  Friday,  February  23.  The  concert  sold  out  In  under 
an  hour,  an  all  time  Harper  box  office  record. 

recording  environment  gave  the 
band  the  freedom  to  reccxrd  at  all 
hours  of  the  night,  wWch  helped  bol- 
ster the  spontaneity  and  creativity 
they  are  known  for  They  experiment- 
ed with  different  sounds  because 
they  had  the  complete  freedom, 
being  able  to  record 
whatever,  whenev 

If  we  were  living  In 

the  Garden  of  Eden,  it 

Jiwt  wouldn't  liave  tfie 

•ame  poignancy  and 

deptli  of  living  on 


•Frank  Orrall 

Orrall  got  the 
thematic  ideas  for 
while  in  New  York. 
There  is  a  painting 
m  the  Museum  of 
Modem  Art  called 
"The  Expulsion 
from  the  Garden  of  Eden".  In  the 
painting,  Adam  and  Eve  had  just 
been  banished  from  the  Garden  for 
tasting  the  forbidden  fruit,  and  they 
were  being  sent  into  the  dark 
unknown.  The  painting  touched 
Orrall  in  a  very  big  way. 

"If  we  were  living  in  the  Garden 
of  Eden,  it  just  wouldn't  have  the 

same  poignancy  and  depth  of  living 
on  Earth— with  heaven  and  hell  on 
earth,  I  think  that's  sort  of  a  neat  com- 
bmation",  said  Orrall, 

"All  of  the  things  that  have  hap- 
pened to  me  in  my  life  thai  may  have 
caused  strife  were  all  thuigs  that 
pushed  me  to  another 
pLii-e..  1  look  at  these  as 
giits  because  they 
helped  me  to  learn 
along  the  way",  said 

rhis  outlook  and  the 
ability  to  learn  and 
grow  from  stressful 
events  has  definitely 
shaped  this  latest  CD. 
For  example,  not  long  ago  saxophon- 
ist (and  Orrall 's  partner)  Brigid 
Murphy  was  diagnosed  with  cancer. 
She  is  in  remission  now,  and  (thank- 
fully) doing  very  well,  according  to 
Orrall-  "God's  Gallipoli",  on 
Pomegranate,  was  named  after  the 
World  War  1  standoff  on  the  Turkish 
peninsula,  and  thematically  repre- 

sents the  band's  way  of  dealing  with 
that  situation 

Poi  Dug  Pondering  considers 
Chicago  to  be  its  home,  Orrall,  origi- 
nally from  Hawaii,  says  he  really 
likfs  the  peoplf  her«>  and  he  feels 
a'allv  ((iintortablt'.  not  to  mention  he 
('rtttTs  the  cold  to  the  lexas  sum- 
miTs  When  thfy  an'  playing  in  town, 
their  stage  show  can  include  as  many 
as  twelve  people 

Orrall  enjoys  playing  live,  partly 
because  ot  the  fact  that  they  are 
required  to  recreate  live  what  they 
treated  in  the  studio.  Because  this 
reproduction  is  so  integral  to  the 
bands  live  show,  showgoers  can 
expect  the  unexpected,  and  the  show 
promises  to  be  an  aural  spectacle, 

Orrall  takes  the  audience  through 
at  least  three  facets  of  the  band's  per- 
sonality—the playful  side,  the  spiri- 
tual side,  and  the  sensual  side. 
Sometimes  a  visual  artist  is  also  pre- 
sent at  the  performances  to  enhance 
the  aural  experience  The  show 
promises  to  be  an  incredible  show- 
case of  musical  skill  and  experimen- 
tabon,  if  "Pomegranate"  is  any  indi- 

Musically,  "Pomegranate"  encom- 
passes many  genres,  from  the  dance- 
able  '"The  Chain"  to  the  Doors-esque 
"The  Shake  of  Big  Hands",  from  the 
emotional  "God's  Gallipoli"  to  the 
extremely  mellow  title  track.  Even  if 
you've  already  spent  money  on  a 
ticket  for  the  show,  check  between 
your  sofa  cushions  and  find  money  to 
buy  "Pomegranate",  (You  won't  be 
disappointed — cm  a  scale  of  1  to  10  it 
deserves  an  II!) 

Tour  through  Dar  Williams'  "Mortal  City' 


STAFF  (NnriR 

-Morul  City",  Dar  WiUiams'  fol- 
U)w  up  album  to  "Honesty  Room",  is 
an  excellent  new  release.  Her  simplis- 
tic yet  strong  songwriting  makes  her 
CD  an  appealing  listen,  Williams' 
voice,  although  not  anything  extraor- 
dinary, goes  along  perfectly  with  the 
soft  accompaniment  of  her  acoustic 
guitar.  The  music  itself  ranges  from  a 
few  upbeat  songs  to  some  sknver, 
moodier  inelodies. 

Her  strongest  ability  lies  in  her 
witty  lyncs  in  songs  like  "Christians 
and  Pagans"  artd  "The  Pointless,  Yet 
Poignant  Crisis  of  Co-Ed"  Dar's 
songs  are  stories  that  paint  a  picture 
from  different  aspects  of  life.  She 

lings  about  everything  from  a  past 
relationship  to  "mortal  cities".  The 
titte  track  "Mortal  City"  is  a  disturb- 
ing epic  about  a  crisis  in  a  dty:  "She 
said  what  kind  of  people  make  a  city 
where  you  can't  see  the  sky  and  you 
can't  feel  the  ground?"  It  starts  off 
with  her  voice  and  a  piano  and  then 
builds  up  dramatically  as  the  story  is 

She  also  incorporates  instruments 
on  this  album  such  as  the  digeridixi, 
cello  aiKl  mandolin  Folk  musicians 
Lucy  Kaplansky,  John  Prine  and 
Eileen  Ivets  also  contribute  to  this 
album.  This  album  is  not  for  every- 
one, but  if  anyone  is  willing  to  listen, 
"Mortal  City"  has  a  story  to  tell  that 
is  worth  exploring. 

Fixpand  Your  ,-. 
Horizons!       ^'  ^ 


Kciitl  I  In  Hiiihiii}^'!. 
( (■  /()(  lliiini-i  iifti's  mill  iiH-iit->. 

Upcoming  Harper  Events 

Author  Aakoid  Melnyczuk  will  read  firom  his  novel,  'What  la 
Told",  at  Harper  College  on  Wednesday,  Feb.  21,  at  7:30  pjn.,  in  the 
Building  J  Theatre. 

"What  Is  Told"  was  chosen  as  a  'New 
York  Times  Notable  Book"  for  1994.  Bom  to 
Ukrainian  immigrants  in  New  jersey  in 
1954,  Melnyczuk  visited  his  parents'  birth- 
place for  the  first  time  in  1991. 

Melnyczuk  has  published  enays,  stones 
I  and  reviews  in  The  Boston  Globe.  The  New 
York  Times,  The  Antiodi  Review  and  TV 
Soulhxvest  Review,  which  awarded  him  the 
McGinnis  Prize  for  Fiction  in  1992.  Educated 
at  Antioch  College  and  Rutgers  University, 
he  now  teaches  at  Boston  University  where 
he  also  edits  "Agi^,"  •  journal  of  arts  and 

He  is  currently  working  on  another  novel  called  "Neceisity". 
Ikkels  for  his  readings  and  lecture  are  $8  for  general  admission  with  dis- 
counts for  students  and  seniors.  For  tickets  and  information,  call  the 
Harper  College  Box  Office  at  (847)925-6100. 

Piaiust  Ralph  Votapek  will  perform  a  concert  at  Harper  College, 
Sunday,  Feb,  25,  at  3  p.m.,  in  the  BuiUing  J  Theatre. 

A  winner  of  the  Cold  Medal.  First  Van  Clibum  Intemabonal 
Piano  Competition,  1962,  Votapek  began  his  musical  studies  at  the  age  of 
nine  at  the  Wisconsin  Conservatory  of  Music.  He  has  been  a  guest  on 
chamber  concerts  of  the  Juilliard,  Fine  Arts,  New  World  and  Chester 
String  Quartets, 

The  Milwaukee  native  has  also  studied  at  Northwestern 
University,  the  Manhattan  School  of  Music  and  at  the  Juilliard  School.  He 
has  served  as  judge  for  many  international  piano  competitioru,  including 
the  Eighth  and  Ninth  \'an  Clibum  Competitions  and  the  lirhaokovsky 
International  Piano  Competition  in  Moscow. 

Tickets  for  Votapek's  concert  are  $8  for  general  admissiwi  with 
discounts  for  students  and  seniors.  Call  the  Harper  College  Box  Office  at 



:  Harbinger 
Fdmuiy  16,  IWt 

-^KiXi^Bi  aR-^y.*     I  T  jKii3^ 

Page  9 

help  wanted 

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6495  ext.  F56992 

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for  generous  transfer  scholar- 
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The  Haibingerl 

Big  three  give  it  their  aii  on  the  way  to  nationais 

You  can  call  them  "The  Big  Three."  Harper's 
women's  swimming  team  will  approach  the  Region 
rv  Meet  in  early  March  with  confidence 

"We  will  have  the  three  dominant  womfiv  --Jid 
Harper  coach  Gordon  Aukerman.  "I  think  they  will 
qualify  lor  nationals  in  the  ma^mtum  number  o< 

Susan  Day  {Clenbnx>li  South)  ls  a  returning  All- 
American.  "She's  already  broken  her  school  record 
in  the  1,6!!0  by  14  secondji,"  he  said  "And  in  the 
500,  she's  swimming  better  now  than  she  did  at 
nationals  She's  a  month  and  a  halt  ahead  ot  her 
pace  liom  last  year" 

Aukerman  predicts  Day  could  make  the  finab 

of  the  1,650  at  nationals.  Ann  Marie  Peery  (Elk 
Grove)  is  a  transfer  from  West  Point  Aukerman 
claims  the  freshman  could  swim  the  400 IM  and  200 

"She's  a  talent  number  om;"  he  sjid    "We  have 
a  month  to  figure  out  where  she  fits  in 

Melissa  Wilson  (Fremd)  is  back  in  the  ptnil  after 
two  years  off  from  the  sport 

"Shf  swam  for  me  as  an  age-grouper." 
Aukerman  noted  A  lot  depends  on  her  resiliency 
She  always  had  a  superb  iMuk  ethk  I'm  ver\'  con- 
fident she  can  quality  tor  nationals. 

Aukerman  probably  will  use  Wilson  m  the  UX) 
butterfly  ai>d  100  breaststroke 

"We  just  don't  have  that  fourth  woman,"  hel 
said.  "Even  if  we  had  an  average  swimmer,  wel 
could  get  into  the  finals  in  all  five  relays.  You  cani 
etch  that  in  stone  " 

On  the  men's  team,  Mike  Ru/hm  may  qualify  inl 
the  200  breaststroke  Diver  Jamey  McWilliamsl 
(Hersev)  has  already  qualified  in  the  Im  and  3m| 

Hi-s  far  ahead  o(  when'  he  was  year,' 
Aukerman  said 

The  team  has  meets  coming  up  against  Triton  I 
on  February  17  .ind  Wheaton  on  February  23  and  I 
24,  as  well  as  Kegionals  on  March  1  and  2  at  College  I 
of  1  hi  Page 

Howard  nets  top  five  rank 

KMin  HowanI  In 

Avlnf  tlM  1998 


•wlnc  of  things 

SuMn  RadMiacher 


The  men's  tennis  team  earned  three  top 
ten  rankings  in  the  recentiv  relivised  pre-aea- 
sori  piills- 

1  'homoa-  Kevin  How.ird  n-mains  in  the 
;.:,  :.ic  following  his  I'J^S  (ourthpljcf  finish, 
Howard  remains  (he  number  four  pick  in  the 
ptvlls  on  the  heels  ot  his  li*95  rword  ot  23-1  in 
singles  and  18-2  in  doubles 

Howard  and  his  doubles  partner  Rom 
tlutierre/  occupy  the  number  eight  slot  tor 
doubles  teams 

Rolling  Meadows'  Tom  Igric  traasferred 
from  Southw«>st  Missouri  Uni\ersit\  and  is 
ranked  31  in  the  pre-season  [H'II 

Harper  s  team  is  ranked  eighth  in  the 
nation  and  is  coasidered  by  coach  Roger  King 
to  have  exct^Uent  depth  "The  team  l(K>ks 
stamger  than  1995,"  said  King  The  Hawks 
will  play  their  toughest  schedule  ever  in  19%. 

Football  players  move  on 

Shmh  RadwinciMr 


Several  Harper  football  players  took  a  step 
forward  in  their  careers  last  week  by  signing 
letters  o*  intent  lo  play  at  the  four-year  school 

leading  the  way  was  quarterback  Kevin 
Nawaaai  who  signed  to  pby  at  West  Carolina 
In  the  fall. 

Nawarcai's  football  cancf  was  in  limbo 
following  a  collar  bone  injimy  early  in  the 
1995  MMon. 

Prior  lo  his  injury,  Nawancaf  led  the  Hawks 
lo  a  4-0  nKtnd  with  confeiwnce  victories  over 
niinois  Valley  and  Grand  Rapids. 

Nawarcaj's  injury  healed  slower  than 
expected  forcing  hun  to  miss  the  rest  of  the 
season.  He  had  hoped  to  at  least  be  cleaied  to 
play  in  the  Royal  Crown  Cola  Bowl,  but  the 
doctors  woukin  t  clear  him  to  play 

Defensive  lineman  Will  Ford  will  play  for 
Northem  Illinois  University  this  fall  NIU  is  a 
DivisHm  I  scInioI  m  the  NCAA  aivl  plays 
Miaina  such  as  the  University  ot  Fkinda  and 
Pcnn  State  Umversity. 

Ford  was  known  at  Harper  for  his  siie  and 
■peed  on  the  defensive  line  He  sack  the  quar- 
terback lor  Ulinois  Valley  twice  m  the  fiiul 
three  plays  in  Harper's  victory 

Other  Harper  players  lo  sign  letters  of 
intent  were;  Jason  Krivis  (Southern  lllirKns). 
Pat  1//0  (Southern  llliiu>i»).  Grant  lent/ 
(Winona  State,  Minn),  Aaron  Butler  (St. 


QuarttriMck  Kevin  NawarcaJ 

|os*-ph,  Ind  ),  Rob  Kelly  (Western  Michigan), 
•nd  Haioun  Mufummad  (Western  Illinois). 

It  was  also  annoimced  that  two  members 
of  coach  lohn  Eliasik's  staff  will  not  be  retum- 
ing  for  the  19%  season. 

Al  Eck  spent  three  years  at  Harper  as  an 
offeasive  backs  coach  Eck  is  also  a  member  of 
the  NIU  Hall  of  Fame. 

Randy  Cashmoie  also  spent  tfiree  years  as 
a  Harper  coach  Cashmore  instructed  the 
offensive  line  for  Elia.sik  and  is  a  former 
Harper  fcHitball  player. 

Returning  for  the  19%  season  will  be 
coaches  Eliseo  Saldivar,  Tim  Hatfield,  and 
Paul  VWeissenstein. 

Athletes  of  the  Week 

Name:  Chris  King 
Sport:  Basketball 
Week  of:  January  24-31 

Name:  Demse  Hengels 
Sport:  Basketball 

Week   of:      January   31    - 

February  7 
Reason:      King   sank   the 

winnmg  basket  for  a  75-72     Reason:  Hengels  averaged 
wm  over  St  Francis.  14  points  and  I.S  a-bounds 

and  is  the  leading  scorer  in 

the  conference. 

The  Cost  Of  Continuing 

Your  Higher  Education 

Just  Went 

Vf'plu.ith'n  ijt.i(jiuu  lot  SI  hi'Litships  amJ  nct-d-hased 
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/'»•  mni^soimtlmghn: 

Do  M««iK<.  u  visii 
FariMniidwmtuii.all-aOIM4-aMIIE(irSISZ71  31BI 




Page  11 

Women's  soccer  comes  to  Harper 

Hwp«r'«  iMw  toccw  practic*  fIsM. 


SuMn  Rademacher 


Harper's  athletic  program  will  kick 
into  high  gear  with  the  addition  of  a 
women's  soccer  team  that  begins  com- 
petition this  fall. 

"There  have  been  numerous 
inquiries  ab*»ut  siKcer  from  the  student 
body,"  said  athletics  ctxirdirutor  Ri>ger 
Bechtold.  "We  alsti  wanted  to  increase 
the  participation  in  women's  sports." 

Bechtold  wants  to  begin  with  a 
team  of  approximately  15  players  that 
will  practice  on  Harper's  newly  creat- 
ed soccer  practice  field. 

The  women's  team  will  comjiete  on 
the  stadium  field  that  is  also  used  by 
the  men's  stKcer  team  and  the  ftxjtball 

Assistant  athletics  director  Martha 

Lynn  Bolt  contacted  sdKX>ls  around 
the  country  to  get  feedback  on  the  pos- 
sibility of  adding  the  fast  paced  sport 
to  the  women's  atfUetic  program. 

Bolt  said  that  everyone  she  talked  to 
was  enthusiastic  about  the  growing 
popularity  of  women's  soccer.  Harper 
will  have  s<ime  very  familiar  competi- 
tion with  teams  from  College  of 
IXiPdgo,  College  of  l^e  County,  and 
Moraine  Valley.  " 

Bechtold  said,  "More  schools  are 
thinking  of  adding  it.  There  are  also  a 
number  of  four-year  schcwls  in  the  area 
that  we  could  play" 

The  search  is  on  for  Harper's  first 
women's  soccer  coach.  Bechtold  is 
looking  for  oxp«?rience,  an  ability  to 
work  with  student-athletes,  and  the 
time  to  spend  on  campus  to  make  a  dif- 

Hengels  rolls  in  win  over  Rock  Valley 

Susan  Ratfamachaf 


The  Hawks  head  into  the  final 
stretch  of  the  regular  season  with 
momentum  and  the  conference's  kadr 
mg  scorer 

Ctenisv  Hengels  leads  the  N4C  con- 
ference in  scoring  and  showed  Rack 
Valley  the  reason  why  in  Harper's  67- 
62  victory  Feb  10 

Hengels  tied  with  Christa  Rommi-l 
for  a  game  high  17  points  m  Harper's 
final  regular  season  home  game. 

Sophomores  Hengels  and  Rommel 
were  honored  for  their  commitment  lo 
Harper's  basketball  program  before 
the  start  of  the  game. 

"It  was  a  really  nice  experience," 
said  Rommel  of  the  pre-game  ceremo- 

Hengeb  alio  earned  Athhcle  of  the 
Week  honors  for  her  conference  lead- 

ing average  of  14  points  and  15 
rebounds  per  game 

The  Hawks  will  join  their  confer- 
ence rivals  against  teams  from  the 
Skyway  conference  in  the  annual 
Skyway  Challenge  Tunes  and  loca- 
tions are  available  by  contacting  the 
Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
DiviSK)n  offices  at  (847)  <»25-64<J6. 

Harper  dioppt-d  bt>th  of  its  games 
against  Joiiet  this  season.  As  a  result 
the  Hawks  may  be  forced  to  play  Joliet 
in  order  to  determine  which  team  gets 
into  the  K'gional  tournament. 

Rommel  and  Hengels  have  been 
supported  by  a  talented  group  of  fresh- 
men players  led  by  Christine 
Jedd(Conant)  and  Christine  Bianchin 
(Schaumburg)  Nicole  Herring 
(Palatine)  is  Harper's  three-point 
shooter  as  well  as  a  strong  defensive 
player  with  several  steels  each  game. 


JMsrca  Hunter  stwots  for  the  hoop  against  Rock  Valley. 

Bears  to  play  at  Harper 

Susan  Rademacher 


Nobody  knows  where  the 
Chicago  Bears  will  be  a  few 
years  from  now,  but  we  do 
know  where  they  will  be  this 

The  Good  News  Bears,  the 
Beans'  charity  basketball  team, 
will  be  at  Harper  College 
Sunday,  Feb.18  at  2pm  for  a 
charity  fundraiser. 

Tickets  are  $10  and  can  be 
purchased  by  contacting  the 
Development  Oepartment  of  the 
Central  DuPage  Health  System 
at  (708)529-2871  They  will  aLs«i 
be  available  at  the  door  the  day 
of  the  event. 

The  moni'v  that  Is  raised  will 
benefit  the  Markiund,  a  network 
for  children  and  adults  with 
dovi'lopmental  disabilities 

The  Crtxxl  News  Bears  will 
take         on  the         Sports 

Authority/Marklund  All-Stars 
as  part  of  a  long  list  of  festivities. 

The  team  is  comprised  of  cur- 
rent Bears'  players. 

Benny  the  Bull  will  roam  the 
sidelines  along  with  an  auto- 
graph session  at  half-time  fea- 
tunng  the  Bears  and  the  Sports 
Authority/Marklund  All-Stars. 

Raffles  will  be  conducted  to 
give  away  a  host  of  prizes  that 
include  :  a  color  television, 
wolves  tickets,  and  signed 

The  doors  will  open  at  1:15 
p.m.  with  the  start  of  the  game 
set  for  2  p.m.  in  Building  M. 

The  Bears  won't  be  the  only 
professional  athletes  to  visit 
Harper  The  Professional 
Bowlers  Tour  will  return  to  ' 
Harper  April  27  for  the  finals  in 
that  week's  PB.A  lournament. 

The  event  will  be  li'k'\  ised 
live  on  ABC.  Uist  year  s  winner, 
Mike  Alby,  won  the  tournament. 

**  I 


Harper  Sports 

^•12  '  WiJitMi  Rrtiwy  Hwyw  C«iWh«  *  F«»>nwty  18. 1»W 

Six  wrestlers  head  to  national  finals 

SMHit  Radamaclwr 


Sw  wrestlers  finished  second,  or  bt-t- 
ler,  in  the  Region  IV  fin.iLs  at  Harptr 
College  to  qualify  for  the  NJC  A  A  nation- 
al tournament  Feb.  23-24. 

"We're  proud  of  our  champions,  but 
all  of  our  guys  did  a  gnMt  |ob  ^.lut 
Harper  wrestling  coach  Norm  Lovelavf 

Armando  Calderon  (118 )  led  the  way 
with  an  overtime  wm  in  the  champi- 
onship match.  Calderon  trailed  3-1  in  the 
ck>sing  ."seconds  of  the  match  when  he 
racked  up  two  ptiints  with  time  running 
out  to  send  the  match  into  overtime 

Caldeion  took  the  championship  24 
Mconds  into  sudden  death  overtime  to 
become  the  first  of  six  Harper  wrestlers 
to  qualify  lor  the  national  tournament  in 
Bisfnarck.  South  Dakota. 

The  Hawks  walked  away  with  three 
championships  and  four  second  place 
finishes  on  tfieir  way  to  taking  second 
place  in  the  region. 

Lincoln  College  took  first  place  by 
de<eahng  Harper  104-95.5.  The  tourna- 
ment was  a  close  one  with  three  matches 

determining  the  out-come 

"We  lost  three  matches  by  one  point 
each-  The  winner  ot  those  matches  was 
going  to  be  thi'  winner  of  the  tourna- 
ment," said  Lo\elace  Lovelace 
also  pointed  out  that  Harper  is  a 
Division  11  ntm-scholarship  schixil  and 
Lincoln  is  a  Division  1  scholarship 

Lance  Parsons  tinik  the  title  at  126 
pounds  with  a  1-0  vietory.  Harper's  third 
champion,  Tim  Ellis,  placixl  first  in  the 
190  pound  weight  class  with  a  V2  victtv 

C  hu\  V'illareal  (142)  narrowly  miss*>d 
a  trip  to  the  national  tournament  despite 
winning;  his  last  match  6-2.  Villareal  was 
kncK'ked  init  of  a  qualifying  slot  when 
Lincoln's  entry  defeated  College  of  Lake 
County's  142  pounder. 

Ron  Slonitsth  took  second  at  150 
piiunds  to  earn  at  trip  to  Bismarck  with 
Brad  Schnowske  (158  ),  and  Mike  Triolo 

Tony  Zentz  placed  third  at  167  when 
he  pinned  his  opponent  }.]  Rutledge 
also  took  third  place  in  the  275  pound 


Harper's  188  pound  champion  Armando  Calderon  (right). 

Changes  in  store  for  the  men's  basketball  program 

Sinan  Rademacher 


An  already  rough  season  got 
rougher  last  wi-ek  for  the  men's  bas- 
ketball team  when  the  reister  shrank 
lo  just  SIX  players  and  their  coach 
turned  in  his  resignation. 

Coach  Ron  Creiger  turned  his  rt-s- 
ignation  into  athletics  director  Roger 
Bechtold  Feb.  2.  Creiger  will  finish 
out  the  season 

"He  certainly  will  be  missed  as 
oui  basketball  coach  He  is  a  true 
professional  He  s  a  man  of  integrity 
and  character  He  represented 
Harper  with  dignity  and  pride," 
Bechtold  said  of  Creiger. 

Creiger  recently  earned  his  first 
N4C  victory  in  five  season  as 
Harper's  head  coach  "We  weren't 
competitive  for  the  first  few  years- 
This  year,  we  are  competitive,  but  we 
don't  have  the  bench, "  said  Creiger 

Creiger  s  tenure  at  Harper  has 
not  been  what  he  had  fujped.  but  he 
leaves  with  a  ptisilive  attitude,  1  >  er 
taWy  had  some  good  relation-ships 
with  some  of  the  players.  They  are 
people  I'm  pn>ud  I  coached  " 

Creiger  is  l<x>king  forward  to 
spending  more  time  with  his  three 
children  and  hopes  to  catch  more  of 
their  games. 

Creiger '»  last  mtmm  has  been 
hlled  with  turmoil  as  his  team  dw m- 
dled  to  onlv  seven  players.  Now  his 
,  team  is  down  lo  onK  six  players  fol- 
lowing   the    departure   of    Frank 

Marquis  l«artln  handles  Rock  Valley's  douWe-team  defense. 


Ihe  l.ick  of  bodies  on  the  bench 
was  in  Harper's  84-6"  loss  to 
Rixk  \A\i-\  rhe  Hawks  were  torted 
to  play  the  final  six  minutes  of  the 
game  without  a  bench  when  fresh- 
man center  )eremy  Roach  fouled  out 
of  the  game 

Diiuble  di^it  efforts  by  John 
\ikolaros(lti>.  Roach(15),  Tony 
Hurd(1.3),  and  Wayne  Cix)k(16)  were 
not  enough  for  the  Hawks 

The   loss   to   RcK-k   Valley    was 


The  Hawks  wrap  up  conference 
play  at  Illinois  Valley  this  week  as 
they  await  their  post-season  fate 

'rhe  16  and  17  seeds  in  the  region 
face  off  to  see  who  gets  a  trip  to  the 
regional  tournament  Harper  figures 
to  be  one  of  the  teams  in  the  shovv 

Creiger's  team  can  play  the  press 
and  the  run.  What  they  can't  afford  is 
to  play  a  team  that  mixes  up  their 
defense  with  the  press  and  the  run. 

Harper's  last  regular  season  home  Rock  Valley  was  successful  in 


handing  the  Hawks  a  full  court  press 
in  the  first  half  When  Roach  fouled 
out  Rock  Valley  put  Harper  on  the 

The  run  wore  out  the  Hawks  who 
were  left  with  an  empty  bench.  It 
also  forced  Harper  to  be  conser\'a- 
live  on  defense- 
Harper  has  already  launched  a 
MMrch  tor  a  new  basketball  coach. 
There  is  a  possibility  that  Creiger's 
replacement  would  jom  the  faculty 
as  a  Health  instructor  in  oreler  to  be 
more  available  on  campus. 

Harper  Board  approves  to  increase  the  lab  fee 

The  board  also  approves  to  donate  land  to  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation 



Susan  RadWMdMf 


\i  stud«its  teri  Ihtnr  ».illft>  j»('t- 

■'%   lif'hUT  when   thfv   reftister   for 

..)!»ses  m.'vt  •.citu'-.tiT,  diin't  hf  maJ  .»( 

Lhe  ddmmistrjtion,  hu^  .it  the  tht-m- 


n  hu.iril  .ippnn  i\l 
un.ininuHisi\  w  Tame  Iditi  kts,  insti- 
tute <)  Rtfjistratum  fee  and  abolnh  thv 
p.irkini;  l<'t  and  (hf  traast  ript  ttx. 

With  no  iippHMtKin  or  appriwal 
fawi  lh«-  studfnts 

Thp  hoard  Mso  approved  (odiawle 
land  t<>  Illinois  Departmt-nt  uf 
Transpurlation.  for  future  usf  in 
widi-nin^  Algonquin  Rtiad.  In  ri-tum 
IDOT  will  nxonligun-  the  Harper 
entrance  addin((  a  turn  Uiw  for 

In  This  Issue 

Thf  lab  111*  arc  U'lng  increased  for 
the  st'cund  time  m  thr«'  y€'ar> 

Board  menil)er  Kris  Howard  said 
"The  fee  inta-ases  are  modest  and 
refk-ct  Ihe  higher  cost  of  materials  " 

T"he  hardi-sl  hit  ati-  .mirv-  unJor 
the  Plant  Sit-in  i;  lot  hni'l.'>;', 
fcpartment  The  larne>t  increaw  oi 
M«l  will  h'  in  IM  AI6,  up  1(X)  perLciil 
trom  thrcf  \t\iri  ago 

^liKlfiU  I't'.ifd  member.  Mansol 
S>lart.-  -..ud,  Ihf  dc'partment  bu\s 
all  v't  the  malcnaK  them>elvfs,  .md 
the  students  Liki-  home  their  [HO|c\t> 
at  the  fnd  ol  thi-  M-niestiT  " 

In  an  ettort  to  nukt-  ti-es  ruorL- 
eiiuitablc.  the  Btiard  approved  the 
elimination  of  (he  S5  parking  fee 
along  with  the  te*-s  for  transcripts  that 
are  mailed  ($3)  or  sent  by  fax  (S?) 
while  instituting  a  S4  registration  fee 

The  SIS  application  for  admission 


tif  was  itKreasis.!  lo$31  Am'rding  to  In  addition  to  the  higher  tuition 

(.  oninuinitv  Kelalioiis  \1ana>',ei  -\m\  and    fees,    the    Board     \oted    last 

Hauenstein  it  is  the  nrst  appiuation  I>cember   to   incroase   its   revenues 

increase  in  Is  vears  through    took    County's    property 

The  Board  also  raised  Ihe  tuition  taxes. 

trom$.%  to  SS**  and  added  a  SI  tech-  The  Board  approved  a  motion  to 
nology   fee  for   the   l'^'Js-%  sch(H)l 

FEES  continued  on  page  2 

AASA  celebrates  Black  History  Month 

Arts  and  Entertainment: 

Pi)i  Do^  rtKki'd  Htirpir  all  night 
loiij;  at  a  stilcl  on  conUTt. 
Page  6 

Harper  News: 

March  4-10  is  VVon\cn's  Historv 
Week,  what  festi\  ities  dt>t> 
Harper  ha\f  111  sture^ 
Page  2 


Harper  has  their  first  AIl- 
Anierkans  two  wrestlers 
achieve  this  distinctive  htmor 
Page  12 

Rosenurie  Hylton 

STAf  F  WRtTEft 

The  African  Amencan  Student's  Associadon  orga- 
nized a  short  program  in  ulebration  of  .African 
American  History-  Month  in  the  student  livunge  in 
building  A  on  rebruar\  ;7,  l>^ti  Thea  were  s.n eral 
poetry  readings  as  w>'ll  as  songs  and  dancing  "tatts 
lit  Ihe  World     J  store  in.inagetl  bv   Pauline  kennel 

whith  st-lls  > TJtts  Ir. '■-     I!  over  the  world  was 

here  showing  Arts  ai  <  .ited  bv  pe.  .pie  of  the 

■•Vtrican  culture 

T  he  program  opened  up  with  Akai  singing  '  I  Hav  .■ 
Nothing"  by  WTiitney  Houston  Akai  did  an  evcel- 
lenl,  excetlenl  )fit>,  I  am  sure  m  the  minds  of  some  she 
>  Her  Akai  received  a 
luincf  Ihe  program 
■iisbv  Vr  lttt.:inev,  fik.i. 

blew  VV'hi:' 
"ritmu.ed  with  p»n-ti  v  -<[i 

'■ nica,  I'lorilj  ,»nd  I  rn  ^ 

littari. - 
w«Te  the  i 
riiis  M-le.  ■ 
vaiight  (hi _     - 

ika,  \eronica  and  lohnnie 
women  s  Hip-Hop  dance 
ide  the  tellovvs  happv  and 
<'rsbv     There  was  a  hislor- 


icil  reading  about  |C.'  Matthews,  w  hich  followed  with 
the  all  male  dance  group.  Thev  did  a  mixture  of  step- 
ping .is  well  .is  throwing  in  their  own  style  to  keep  the 
audience  s  attention  and  getting  them  all  wrapped  up 
in  their  dance. 

AASA  Continued  on  page  3 

Senate  changes  election  procedures 

Harper  News Pages  3-  4 


Arts  &  EntertalMiwnt . 

.  Page  6-7 


- Page  10 

.PagM  11-12 

Swan  Rademacher 


Hie   Harper  College  Student 

revamping  elfclion  pro- 

1  .m  attempt  to  inkR'ase 

!!.•     I.ickluster    liirnoul   of   rtvent 

N"['Ki!e  efeiL  [jcns 

i  ,,t 

ie.  tions 

■     .-..  ■  .-■.,  i-    •. ■ 'r  I'lei- 

tions  have  n-stricled  the  qualifua- 
tiwi!.   for  candidacy    to   current 

Senate  members  only. 

The  IWS-^t)  S«»nate  has  experi- 
enced ta-mendous  turnn'i!  and  a 
shortage  of  Senators  resulting  in 
pressure  from  the  s^hiKil  adminis- 
tration to  improvL-  or  change  vot- 
ing paxeduns 

Board  ot  Irusiees  President 
Ijrry  Moales  v\as  encouraged  by 
the  Senate  willingness  to  spark 
higher  voter  participation.  It  is 
gratifying  that  students  want  to 
adda-ss  the  challenge.  tX'miKracv 
should   thrive  on   a   college 


Si-nate  Vice  President  Carolme 
Saccamano  is  skeptical  atxiut  the 
changes,  "We  risk  electing  petiple 
(hat  wont  have  any  idea  of  what 
they 'a- getting  thems»-lves  into  " 

Applicahons  for  th»'  elcvtion  of 
Senate  officers  and  the  Student 
Trustee"  will  fu-  available  in  the 
Student  .\ctiv  ities  Office.  Building 
A,  Room  336  t>eginning  Friday, 
March  1 

Senators  hope  to  attain  a  voter 
turnout  ot  over  S(X(. 

Ptinm  817  925  6160  News  Phonr  S 17  925  6000  t2161 

I    •  l-l  I  '  1 11 

Women's  Week  Special 

Match  1,1996 

Hanging  out  the  emotions  of  violence 

The  Clothesline  Project,  a  display 
erf  embellished  shirts  to  nwtnohali/i' 
violence  dj^ainst  women,  will  be 
exhibited  on  WtH.infsday,  March  11, 
10  a  m  -7  p  m  a(  Harper  Cotle^i' 
Student  Centci  lounj^e,  Building  A 
A  keynote  speaker  will  be  <eatur«\l  at 
12  p.m  The  display  and  presentation 
are  free  and  open  to  the  public 

In  l¥iO,  a  clothesline  was  hung  in 
Hyanms,  MdMuichusettii.  either  by  the 
survivor  or  bv  triifnds  and  relatives 
with  shirts  dtvorjtixi  to  represent  a 
particular  woman  s  experience.  Now 
a  nationwide  ptio)ect.  the  shirts  are 
decorated  with  specific  cobrs  sym- 
bolizing the  violeiKe  experienced  Mid 
usually  have  wniten  meaaau^  and 
illustrations  graphically  demoMtral- 
ing;  the  impact  of  the  violence. 

The  purpose  ot  the  Northwest 
Action  \f;ainst  Rape  and  Harper 
College  m  displaying  The  Clothesline 
Project  is  to  educate  people  on  the 
violence  against  women,  to  mourn 

those  who  has  t'  Jit-d  a-  a  result  of  this 
violence,  and  to  bear  vvitnt's--  to 
women's  courage  to  sur\  u  v  and  heal 
FBI  statistics  jndicato  that  a 
woman  is  raped  e\  ery  hvv  minutes  in 

the  United  States;  that  one  in  three 
women  will  be  sexually  assaulted  in 
their  lifetime,  and  one  in  three  girls 
will  be  \utims  ol  sexual  abuse. 
Ogani/ers  ot  the  C  lothesline  Project 
bt'lie\  e  that  hanging  their  shirts  out  in 
the  iipen  is  an  imp»>rtant  step  in 
"breaking  the  silence"  and  leaving 
behind  some  of  the  pain  and  sutter- 

I-shirts  and  art  supplies  will  be 
available  at  the  March  13  exhibit  lor 
those  women  who  would  like  to 
design  a  shirt  to  be  included  in  the 

For  more  inlbrmation  regardmg 
the  Clothesline  Project,  call  the 
Harper  College  Student  Activities 
Office,  847/925-6242,  or  the 
Northwest  Action  Against  Rape, 

Harper  offers  a  variety  of  activities  for  Women's  Weel( 

Women  ''Cops''  patrol  tlie  Harper  beat    Harriet  Woods  tells  stories  at  dinner 

The  role  of  wooicn  in  law 
enforcement  will  be  addressed 
during  Women's  History  Week, 
March  4-10,  at  Harper  College. 
BuiUing  A,  Room  315. 

Bflting  and  Entering:  WtMnen 
Cops  Talk  About  Life  in  the 
IJItimaie  Men's  Club  will  be  pn^ 
sented  on  Thursday,  March  7  at  9 
a.m.  Connie  Fletcher,  Pwlemot  of 
loumalism  at  U>yola  University 
and  bestselling  author  ot  What 
Cop»  Know,  will  present  an  histor- 
ical overview  combined  with  an 
oral  historv  of  women's  police 
work  based  on  tier  latest  bix>k. 
Breaking  and  Entering. 

A  panel  discussion  featuring 
Women  Leaders  in  Law 
Enforcement  will  follow  at  lOW 
a.m.  Offering  their  perspectives 
and  wealth  o'  experiences  as 
women  in  law  enforcement  will  be 
Karla  Osantowski,  Chief  of  Police 
of  Chicago  Heights;  Lt.  loan 
Kopanitsanos.  Head  of  Support 
Services  in  Bartlett;  and  Carol 
Lusky.  Sergeant  in  charge  ot 
Investigations  in  Hanover  Park 

During  the  afternoon,  the  topic 
of  how  the  law  safeguards  the 
rights  of  women  will  be  addressed. 
Mary  Becker,  Professor  of  Criminal 
JuMice,  University  of  Chicago,  will 
open  the  afternoon  session  at  1 
p.m.  with  an  historical  overview  of 
Women.  Violence  and  the  Law 

The  realities  of  women  and  the 
Law  will  be  further  explored  at  Z'15 
p.m.  in  a  panel  discussion.  Women 
Confronting  Violence 

Participating  in  the  panel  will  be 
Assistant  Professor  of  Criminal 
Jushce  and  Women's  Studies 
Shelly  Banister,  Northeastern 
Illinois  Lnnersity;  Leslie  Landis, 
Executive  Uirector  of  LifeSpan,  a 
women's  shelter  and  legal  assis- 
tance agency;  and  Denise 
Szymc^yk  from  Sara's  Inn,  Oak 

All  sessions  are  held  in  Building 
A  and  are  free  and  open  to  the  pub- 
lic For  addiliorul  information 
about  the  17th  annual  Women's 
History  Week  activities  at  Harper, 
contact  the  Harper  College 
Women's  Program. 

Harriet  Woods,  former 
Lieutenant  Governor  of  Missouri 
and  Immediate  Past  President  of 
the  National  Women's  Political 
Caucus,  will  give  the  keynote 
address  at  the  opening  of  Women's 
History  Week  at  Harper  College  on 
Monday,  March  4,  7  p.m.,  in  the 
Building  A  Dining  Hall- 
Woods  served  as  President  of 
the  NWPC  from  1991-95.  During 
her  tenure  at  the  NWPC,  she 
played  a  key  role  m  electing  hun- 
dreds of  women  to  public  office. 
She  also  headed  the  Coalition  for 
Women's  Appointments  which 
worked  with  the  Clinton 
Administration  to  achieve  a  record 
number  of  appointments  of  women 
to  senior  policy  posititMts,  includ- 
ing Attorney  G«>eral  Jaiwt  Reno 
and  Supreme  Court  Justice  Ruth 
Bader  Ginsburg- 

Her  public  service  iiKludes 
eight  years  as  a  city  council  mem- 
ber in  University  City,  Missouri; 
eight  years  as  a  Missouri  State 
Senator;  aiKl  two  years  as  State 
Transportation     and     Highway 

Commissioner.  In  1982  and  1986, 
she  was  the  Democratic  nominee 
for  the  U.S.  Senate  in  Missouri. 

Before  beginning  her  career  in 
public  office.  Woods  was  a  journal- 
ist, both  as  a  newspaper  editor  and 
then  as  a  television  moderator  and 
public  affairs  director  She  then  ran 
her  own  small  basiness  as  an  inde- 
pendent film  producer. 

Woods  attended  the  University 
of  Chicago  and  graduated  from  the 
University  of  Michigan-  She  is  a 
former  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 
Politics  at  the  John  F-  Keimedy 
School  of  Government  at  Harvard 

Cost  of  the  keynote  diiuier  ses- 
sion, which  begins  at  6  p.m.  and  is 
preceded  by  a  5:30  p.m.  reception, 
is  $25-  Reservations  may  be  made 
by  telephoning  the  Harjjer  College 
Box  Office,  847/925-6100.  For  hir- 
ther  information  and  a  detailed 
schedule  of  the  17th  annual 
Women's  History  Week  events, 
contact  the  Harper  College 
Women's  Program  Office,  847/925- 

Opportunity  knoclcs  at 
Women's  Program  workshops 

Worksliops  at  Nortlieast  Center 

The  Harper  College  Women's 
Program  offers  the  following  work- 
shops on  work-life  opportunities 
during  the  month  of  March- 
Starting  Nour  Own  Business, 
Ll.W(WO-001,  meets  on  Saturday, 
March  16,  from  9  a.m. -3  p.m..  in 
Building  A  Room  n7c  Have  you 
often  thought  about  laurKhmg  your 
own  business''  1  earn  .ifioul  business 
loans,  fevleral  assistance  accounting 
and  legal  n^iuirements  as  well  as 
marketing,  sales  .inJ  jjvertismg 
techniques  The  mst  ot  this  wnrk- 
shop  IS  S40  which  includes  lunch 
Career   Developnwnt,   LLWlXU- 

OOZ,  meets  on  Mondays,  March  18 
through  May  13,  from  6:30-9:30  p.m., 
locahon  to  be  announced.  This  is  a 
comprehensive  course  designed  for 
the  woman  who  wants  to  discover 
what  her  skills,  competencies  and 
potentials  are  It  will  focus  on  deter- 
mining a  career  direction,  options 
for  returning  to  school,  occupational 
and  interest  testing,  job-search  tech- 
niques and  creative  resume  writing 
The  cost  ol  this  class  is  $63. 

To  tt-gisler,  call  847/397-3377  and 
speafy  the  correct  workshop  num- 

The  Harper  College  Women's 
Program  offers  the  following  work- 
shops this  spring  semester  at  the 
Northeast  Center,  1375  S.  Wolf  Road, 
Prospect  Heights. 

Risk  Taking:  Are  'Vou  Ready?, 
LWA052-O01,  meets  on  Thursdays, 
March  14  and  March  21,  6:30-9:30 
p.m..  Room  211.  Risk  taking  can  elicit 
excitement,  fear  or  a  range  of  other 
responses.  This  workshop  will  help 
participants  move  out  of  their  com- 
fort zone  to  venture  toward  achieving 
life  and  career  goals.  Participants  will 
learn   to  manage  their   lives  and 

careers  more  successfully  by  learning 
risk  taking  techniques  using  experi- 
ential exercises.  The  cost  of  this  work- 
shop is$59- 

Vocal  First  Impressions,  LWA046- 
001,  meets  on  Thursday,  April  11, 
6:30-9:30  pm.,  in  Room  211- 
Participants  will  evaluate  both  posi- 
tive and  negative  speech  patterns  and 
examirte  nonverbal  signals  and  learn 
positive  verbal  and  nonverbal  tech- 
niques. The  cost  of  this  workshop  is 

To  register,  call  397-3377  and  spec- 
ify the  correct  workshop  number. 


— -• —  ■- — -^ 

The  Haibinger 
MaKh  1, 19W 

Harper  Hews 


Hungry?  Food  service  offers  alternatives 

uminy  Bogon 
I  Staff  Writer 

Are  you  Hungry? 

Harper  Has  recently  added  a  rww 

uliiition  to  its  sn<ick  areas,  It  is  locaf- 

.  d  c>n  the  main  (hot  of  Building  L 

.;ht  ground  thi>  corntT  trom  the  cap- 

|i.'uccino  stand     The  <iet-up  is  nicer 

I  than  the  cairtena  and  has  a  great 

vww  ttx).    There  is  a  wide  range  of 

electable  tnrats.    You  can  sr«dck  on 

■lips  and  a  hot  dog  or  go  gourmet 

A  ith  the  new  low-tat  muffins  or  deli- 

Mus  scones  and  a  warm  frothy  cup 

'  cappuccino      It  will  be  running 

Itrom  6:30  am   to  IV  p  m.,  Monday 

|tfux>ugh  Friday 

The  ftxxi  service  committee  decid- 
I  to  add  this  new  area  in  'L'  because 
'the  success  of  the  other  new  eating 
ireas  around  campus. 

The  snackbar  m  Building  J  has  had 
1  great  turnout  of  business  within  th*- 

pact  few  months,  so  they  have  decid- 
ed to  extetKl  it's  business  hours  to 
8:30  a.m.  to6;30pm 

One  other  dining  extra  at  Harper 
is  the  new  breakfast  buffet  that  hap- 
pens in  a  desigruled  area  in  the  cafe- 
teria on  Wednesday  mornings  from  7- 
10  am.  It's  Harper  ding  at  its  best 
The  tables  are  lirwd  with  cloths,  tJiey 
use  ceramic  dishes,  real  silverware, 
glasses  and  a  cheery  floral  centerpiece 
on  each  Uble.  The  buffet  has  an 
assortment  of  Usty  bn-akfast  dishes 
that  could  tempt  anyone'>  taste  buds 
Its  kind  of  like  eating  in  a  hotel 
restaurant  but  without  the  hotel 

Harper  has  made  many  improve- 
ments in  its  eating  arrangements 
around  campus,  and  it  will  continue 
to  do  so  as  long  as  the  .sales  look 
promising  So  check  out  the  new 
snack  bar  in  Building  L  It's  really  a 
neat  little  place  to  eat.  Bon  Appetit! 

— .      ^  ..^,  .  .  .  PHOTO  BY  aiSAI.hAWMACfCR 

The  Building  L  cafeteria  serving  station  offers  a  wide  variety  of 
food  ranging  from  muffins  In  the  morning  to  Hot  Dogs  In  the 
afternoon  five  days  a  week. 

AASA:  ''A  celebration  of  blackness" 

ntitxjed  from  page  1 

.Akai  agam  took  iKe  *tage 

p>mgmg  the  "Negro  National 

nthem."  after  which  some 

|rrifmbers  of  the  Association 

rnt  on  stage  to  sing  and  to 

Jclose     the     program     out. 

|Booker  T  Jom-s,  president  of 

African       American 

elation,  closed  the  prcv 

yam     fully     by     thanking 

everyone  for  coming  out  He 
said,  "That  tfw  pn>gram  was 
a  celebration  of  blackness 
We  have  been  through  the 
'Legacy  of  Royalty  and 
through  the  Drudgery  of 
Slavery.'  and  we  need  to  real- 
ize that  nothing  is  possible  if 
we  do  not  stick  together,  and 
support  each  other." 

After  the  program.  Booker 

T  said,  "Praise  and  credit  is 
due  to  everyone  who  took 
part  m  llw  program  especial- 
ly Tiffaney,  Tika  and  Dorita, 
who  did  an  outstanding  )ob 
in  c(x>rdinating  the  program 
The  level  of  performance 
made  me  proud  not  onK  to 
be  the  President  of  the 
African  American  Student's 
AsMXiation,  but  to  be  a  black 

man.  Props  should  always  be 
given  to  people  who  are 
keeping  it  real,  and  frying  to 
make  it.    .Marquis  and  Ore  1 

thank  tor  this  ..  tor  ki-eping  it 

I  am  sure  that  for  most 
petiple  who  altendtil  the  pro- 
gram can  say  it  was 
entertaining,  as  well  being 
well  organized. 


Students  who  ijualify  for  a 
degree  or  certificate  at  the 
end  of  the  spring  1996 
semester  need  to  petition 
(or  graduation  by  March  9, 

Graduation  Petitions  can 
be  obtained  in  the 
Registrar's  office  in 
Building  A,  Rtiom  213.  If 
you  have  any  questions, 
please  contact  the 
Registrars  Office  at  (847) 


Robert  Morris 



60  WEEKS 

B«ichcloi  of  Buttness  Administmttcm  Depec 
CotKentrations  in: 


nmuitii  .l>i»ii<«w>ipi  af  m  «<.  Jan  art 
&.fA  t<atmu$» 

mm^mtfrnm  m Iiliiii'*  Mpw 


IK  N.«ti<  liSmUt  Sim. 
I  Clac«»,U.IDKI| 

sank  jffiika  periirr     trie  Kkaefftr     rllt  macplmMn 


A  (MM^V  fM  tkf  ro«Mtic«lly  ciMlirttfW 

ffi|ntai|n«m  mam 



'«-  iirsmiriiuKiunv    ru± 



Harper  W«wa 

"Ttie  Harbinger 
Febniary  16, 1996 

Crimes  of  the  Heart  set  to  open 

Haiper  CoUcgt  Theatw  pictwits 
Crimes  of  the  Heari,  the  Pulitzer 
Prize  winning  first  play  by  Ammcan 
dfamatut  Beth  Henley 

The  scene  is  Ha/lehurst. 
Mississippi,  where  the  three  Magrath 
sisters  hav  e  gathered  to  awaif  news  ot 
the  family  patriarch,  their  grandfa 
•her,  who  is  living  out  his  last  hours 
in  the  local  hospital   In  the  end  the 

play  IS  the  story  o(  how  these  three 
^any  and  ineverwnt  sisters  escape  the 
past  to  seize  their  future.  Crimes  of 
the  Heart  runs  March  15-17,  and 
March  22-23  in  J143 

Tickets  are  S«5  for  Harper  students, 
$7  for  other  students,  and  general 
admission  is  $».  Dinner  theatre  pack- 
ages are  also  available.  For  more 
information  contact  Harper  Box 
CWice  at  92S-6iar 

Legal  tech  class  offered  spring  semester 

Three  information  sessions  (" 
prospective  legal  Tecnokjgy  students 
will  be  held  during  the  spring  semes- 
ter at  Harper  College.  The  sesnitms 
1  scheduled  on  Tuesdays  at  5  p  m  . 
Ma;i.-h  S.  .April  !h.  ,ind  Mr  ^  ^ 
Building  n.  RiHini  I!^"- 

Thi-  session  is  one  hour  in  lengm 
and  IS  open  to  anyone  interested  in 
exploring  a  career  in  the  paralegal 
field  jnd  leamin«  about  Harper's 
Legal  Tech:  .  -sociate  Degrw 

"^^  '-  programs 

Registration  is  not  necessary  toatlmd 
the  orientation  session 

The  Legal  Ttvhnology  F.\am  (117 
isn>quircd  ','n.<:  i,>  reuistivitiiin  to;  •ii- 

Asses--  .:ing  Centt-:   -..,, 

he  offering  the  entrance  exam  (the 
Watson-Glaser  Cntical  Thinkmg  Test 
jnd  Reading  Comprehension  Test)  on 
Man-h  S.  April  16,  and  .May  7  at  6  p.m. 
m  Building  A.  T  ■•;   a  resume 

and  statement  j|j  be  sub- 

mitted to  the  k-sting  Lcnter  at  the 
time  of  the  entrance  exam. 

Legal  Technology  courses  jre 
offered  at  Rtx-k  Valley  Communit> 
College,  Rtx-kford,  College  of 
IXiP.ip.;  am  Flh-n,  and  College  of 
^■■■^^*  -rj\slako     Hoi\e\  er. 

'*''"  ■  ■  ~,  ■  iinology  Program  is 
administerwl  only  througli  Harper 

For  additional  informatu'n  aliout 
•h.-      Harper      Legal      Technolog> 

-:,'.im.  .all  Paul  D  C.uymnn,  ci>or- 
■■■-it'T.  at«*25-6*)7. 

Are  Von  Tired  ef: 


eheek  Thii  Out! 

$8  -  $9  PER  HOUR! 

nonm  •  friohv 

I  -  S  NOURS  PER  MY 





•n  HMmiROOK 

IStl)  «M    WM 



tm  i.  lieu  tM* 

(Mil  m  m$ 


Equal  Opfx»tumiy  Empkiyar 


Breast  cancer.  In  her  lifetime,  one 
out  of  every  eight  women  wUl  get  it. 
b  there  any  thing  a  woman  can  do 
to  prevent  it?  Perhaps  Recent 
research  indicates  that  diet,  alcohol 
and  other  lifestyle  choices  may  be 
linked  to  breast  cancer.  So  making 
healthy  lifestyle  changes  may 
reduce  a  woman's  risk.  However, 
thses  studies  are  inconclusive  and 
the  cause  of  breast  cancer  is  not 
known  What  is  known  is  that  cer- 
tain factors  such  as  a  family  history 
of  breast  cancer,  increasing  age  and 
never  having  a  child  can  put  one  at 
greater  risk. 

So  what  is  a  woman  to  do?  She 
can  do  monthly  self-breast  exams 
and  have  her  physician  examine  her 
I  breasts  regularly  And  if  she  is  over 
35,  she  can  get  a  mammogram. 
Mammograms  can  dectect  a  lump 
two  years  before  it  can  even  be  felt. 
If  breast  cancer  is  detected  early, 
W?o  of  cases  can  be  treated  success- 
fully. While  it  is  not  prosentuin, 
mammography  can  save  a  woman's 
life  and  maybe  even  her  breast. 

On  March  IM4,  Harper  College 
Health  Service  and  St  Joseph 
HospiUl  will  bring  their  Mobile 
Diagnostic  Services  unit  to  campus 
and  provide  mammogranxs  to  stu- 
dents, employees,  and  aimm unity 
members.  The  mobile  unit  is  staffed 
by  paifessionals  from  St  Joseph  and 
will  be  kxrated  in  front  of  Building 
A.  The  service  will  be  offered 
Monday  through  Thursday 
Advanced  scheduling  is  requii«l, 
call  MT/'iiZS-eOO  ext.b268  for  an 

appointment.  The  cost  of  the  mam- 
ntogram  is  $65. 

The  American  Cancer  Society's 
breast  cancer  screening  guidelines 
are  as  follows: 

Women  35-40  yeais  of  age 
Baseline  mammogram 

Women  40-49  years  of  age 
Mammogram  every  1-2  years 

Women  50  and  over 
Mammogram  every  year 

If  you  fuve  any  possible  signs  of 
breast  cancer  such  as  a  lump,  con- 
tact your  doctor  immediately 
Women  who  have  had  breast  cancer 
or  are  at  high  risk  for  the  disease 
may  need  more  frequent  exams  and 


On  Monday,  March  11  from  12-1 
p.m.  Caryn  Levington,  Psy.  D 
Harper  psychologist  wUI  present  the 
program,  "Quality  of  Life  and 
Spiritual  Issues"  in  Building  A, 
Board  Room  315.  She  will  address 
quality  of  life  and  spiritual  issues 
that  emerge  in  an  aging  population 


Students  and  staff  who  partici- 
pated in  the  Wellness  Diagnostic 
Check-up  on  Feb.  7-8  can  get  tfieir 
results  at  these  follow-up  sessions- 
Tuesday  March  12, 8  a.m.,  A315 

Wednesday,  March  13.  3  p.m., 

A  meeting  is  set  for  (GLB)  students 

Many  students  at  Harper  College 

have  expressed  irrtort-st  in  developing 
a  prognim  tm  g,iy,  Ifsbun,  and  hi.seK"- 
ual  (GLB)  students  A  social  gathering 
of  GLB  students  has  been  arranged 
lor  March  14, 5-6  p.m.  Pizza  and  other 
refreshments     will     be     provided 

During  the  meeting,  students  will 
have  the  opportunity  to  gel  to  know 
other  GLB  students  on  campus  as 
well  as  discuss  possibilities  for  future 

For  more  information  and  meeting 
place,  please  call  Student 
IX-velopment{ni7)  at  847/925-(5522 


Famoui  US.  Woamit  Alptiw  SU  Ttam  OM 

During  tfve  non-snow  o«  season  ttie  U-S  Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team 
memtwrs  used  the  "SKi  Team"  diet  to  lose  20  pounds  in  two  weeks.  That's  nght 
-  20  pounds  in  14  days'  The  basts  of  the  diet  is  chemical  food  action  and  was 
devised  by  a  famous  Colorado  physician  especially  for  the  U.S  Ski  Team 
Normal  energy  is  maintained  (very  important)  while  reducing.  You  keep  lull"  - 
no  slan/ation  -  because  the  diet  is  designed  that  way.  It's  a  diet  that  is  easy  to 
folkjw  whether  you  work,  travel  or  stay  at  home 

This  is,  honestly,  a  fantastically  successful  diet  If  it  weren't,  the  U  S 
Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team  wouldn't  be  permitted  to  use  it'  Righf  So  give 
yourself  the  same  break  the  U  S,  Ski  Team  gets  Lose  weight  the  scientific 
proven  way  Even  if  you  ve  tried  all  the  other  diets,  you  ^we  it  to  yourself  to  fry 
the  US-  Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team  Diet  That  is.  if  you  really  do  want  to  lose 
20  pounds  in  two  mroeks    Order  todayi  Tear  ttiis  out  as  a  reminder 

Send  only  $8M  {S9.60  in  Calif,)-  add  50  cents  RUSH  service  to 
American  Institute,  721  E  l^am  Street.  Dept.  254.  Santa  Mana.  CA  93454- 
4507  Don't  order  unless  you  expect  to  lose  20  pounds  in  two  weeks' 
Because  that's  what  the  Ski  Team  Diet  will  do.  01 995 

<^    % 

The  Harbinger 
Febnufy  It,  1W> 

Fun  Page 


Dilbert    by  Scott  Adams 

Harper  Heck 

MM  TASK  M>  TtmU 

3USr  DUf^etR  T>«AN  THt 
WtlkAO.  CAUiaOUltR 

IT  Loons  an.  aonteow^ 

SUt  OF  KI5  COBlCLt 


HtW."5  A 
RAISt  1 


(PSSST  15 

[  Ht  sense 


Scarlett  0  Harascope 

Kothy  Bcttt  twOf  ttr  to  tkM  s>ir  iMNM  «nii0|gy.  She  lion  b^ 
to  Mni  10i%  kMOT  Mtroiitxy,  sbo' 

Aiits:  ProUeiM  will  arite.  Don't  (i«ar<oat  everything  or  things  wUl  get  sticky. 

"bunia:  It  mi^  behaid  to  pay  the  bills  today  and  the  next  day  and  the  day  after 
that  especially  after  the  superbowl.  Change  youi  identity,  even  your  zodiac  sign  and 
leave  town! 

Gemini:  You  wUl  raoehre  a  suprise  in  a  box  today  If  you  have  enemies  and  the  box 
» ticking  it  may  not  be  a  good  suprise.  Get  wdl  soon. 

Cancer  If  you  are  having  trouble  with  spousal  abuse,  remember  the  saying,  "If  you 
can't  beat  em.  join  em  "  Beat  the  heck  out  of  yourself. 

Leo:  You  have  a  love/hate  lefctionship.  You  must  choose  one,  or  you  will  lead  an 
entire  life  of  mymoroRS 

Virgo:  You  could  mwi  a  person  of  your  divams  at  class  tonight  If  you  don't  have 
clasa.  you  will  die  lonely. 

Libra:  Make  your  move  this  mi>ming,  but  do  not  move  again.  Test  to  see  if  rigor- 
mortis  IS  possible  in  someom-  still  alive  Make  sure  someone  feeds  you  or  the  exper- 
iment will  fail. 

Scorpio:  If  someone  offeni  you  a  penny  for  your  thoughts,  call  them  a  cheap  bastard 
and  kick  them  in  the  shin. 

St^ltarins:  An  older  person's  advice  cmiW  make  a  big  diBerence.  If  it  is  to  bum 
your  house  down,  the  older  person  is  senile  but  your  horoscope  stUI  stands  (but  not 
the  house). 

Capricorn  It's  time  to  prepare  a  budget.  Live  on  next  to  nothing  and  save  at  least 
95%  You  will  be  rich  50-60  years  ficwn  now. 

A^Mdaa:  Don't  make  promises  you  can't  keep.  Don't  make  promises  you  can  keep. 
Eat  Promise  with  toast.  Yum! 

Ftacea:  Don't  argue.  Don't  even  ulk.  Enroll  in  Mime  school  TONIGHT!  You  may 
meet  a  lucky  (or  deaparate)  Voga 

Kaf/by  Betta  wants  to  know  your  sign,  and  YES  this  is  a  pick-up  line.  For  a  private 
Hoimopt  Mil  the  HarMnger  office  at  ext.2461.  Each  call  isSSptr  second.  Even  if  you  rt 
18.  yom  wmtt  hcmr  your  parents'  pemussitm. 

1    Crossword  Puzzle                                                   | 












«T«iy                 ^\ 







15  J* - 















■   liU 

■  ___     .._ 



24  Sri 




41     U 






32  TniMid  m«Hr 



■■  i 



40  Skunk 















44  THrob 









47  Rim  l*)^ 
4S  Tan  emit 







St  SKW 


64  TV 

(7  Tom  Him 


70  Sm)  (Kiowir) 

71  Lain 

72  U* 

t  BoMtMai  — 

2  Pititosn 





12  r 


21  TtwPManval 

23  Aiwrtiund 




2«  Poor  gradH 

31  smuiMi 



onnn  nana  ann 


nnano  noon 





41  YMt>.  M  land 


7  Magle  lanip  man   it  ChhaHan 
t  Wailain  Data       49  WMa 

10  OMnsakad 

51  Acaaany 


60  Sowspainltr 

61  OiKi  - 

62  QwaoH 
S3  Panoda 
66  SUcky  Dun 

FEES:  IDOT  to  add  lanes 

continued  from  page  1 

authorize  Harpt-r  to  ^ontr.Kt 
with  ltX")T  to  improM'  .uccs-. 
from  Algonquin 

The  propost'd  road  work 
would  cost  an  estimated 
$200,000  of  which  Harper 
cannot  afford  to  p.i\  alont- 
ItXlT  will  fund  the  projtvt  in 
exchange  for  a  small  stvtion 
of  property  located  east  of  the 
pond  that  parallels 


"We've  done  very  well 
with  it,"  said  President  Paul 

IDOT  plans  to  widen 
Algonquin  sometime  in  the 
future  and  is  willing  to  work 
out  a  trade  with  the  college. 

Harper  students  will  be 
able  to  enjoy  an  abundance  of 
mm  lanes  once  the  project  is 


Board  mtmber  Richard 
Gillette  described  the 
changes  lo  the  Btard,  "When 
eventhing  is  done  there  will 
be  two  turn  lanes  in  each 

The  first  week  of  each 
semester  tests  the  patience  of 
Harper  students  as  traffic 
waiting  to  turn  left  from 
Algonquin  backs  up  onto 
Roselle  Road. 

The  planned  construction 
would  alieviate  the  problem 
by  creating  an  extra  left  tum 
lane  and  an  extra  right  tum 
lane  going  into  the  college. 

Board  members  Richard 
Kolze  and  Gillette  have  been 
a  part  of  the  team  that  is  con- 
ducting the  negotiations  with 


Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Haiinnger 
Maich  1, 19% 

Poi  Dog  Pondering  rocks  Harper  in  sold-out  concert 


Poi  Dog  Pondering  rocktnl  the 
soid-out  Building  I  ThedtM  on  Friday, 
February  23  Thrir  liv«;  swt  sizzled 
with  musical  talent,  m  among  the 
members  most  played  at  least  2  or  3 
diffen^t  instrument's  Pen  Dog  was 
one  of  the  only  banil>  I  havt-  fv  or  stvn 
put  on  a  live  show  where  the  Nound  is 
more  than  comparable  with  lh*?ir  stu- 
dio -iound 

For  thoM-  ntjt  s*i  familiar  with  Poi 
Do^  >  souixJ  It  ■•  very  liiKuult  ti> 
describe  Frank  tVrall  writes  (hi- 
words  and  the  basic  parts  oi  the 
sang»,  and  the  rest  of  the  b<>nd  fills  in 
what  thry  feel  that  the  Ming  ra!ed> 
The  nesull:  a  daivceable  brand  of  funkv 
pop/nKk  not  unlike  the  mon  experi- 
mental nwterial  of  the  Talking  Heads. 

WCBR  afternoon  personality  Paul 
Mo[);an  was  on  hand  to  mtruduoe  the 
barwl,  and  other  WCBR  people  wen? 
also  there—  Promotion  Director  Tony 
Molinaro  had  WCBR  stickers  to  hand 
out.  The  show  was  co-sponsored  by 
WCBR.  The  advaiKe  promotion  both 
by  WCBR  and  Program  Board  helped 
to  contribute  to  a  45-minutc  complete 
sellout  oi  the  theaiie,  a  Harper  Box 
office  record! 

Dave  Foumier  (concert  director 
from  Program  Board)  laid  dawn  the 

gn>und  rules:  "Dancmg  in  the  aisles 
and  in  front  of  your  seats  will  be  per- 
mitted, just  keep  the  center  aisles 
clear!"  Then  the  party  started 

Poi  Dog  opened  the  show  with 
several  danceable  numbers,  jnd  by 
about  the  fourth  Ming  thov  had  every- 
one in  the  tht-atre  dancin>;  tvcrvone, 
that  IS.  except  Iho  ten  or  twflvf  p.irt\  ■ 
ptxipers  in  front  ct  us.  whi*  ^.it  thcro 
all  nighl  S>mf  fxtiple  |ust  don  t  km>w 
how  ti>  li.m'  tun 

IVif  thing  that  ama/o  nic  .iKiut 
I'oi  1  S'g  IS  their  sh,  .-r  ..  -..  I,.n  nn'nv 
tiers  partKip.iti'.i  -  ,i!iHiTt 

Absent  wen*  thf  *  i>ii,ii  ,jitist  iwhn 
had  ti>  wurk)  and  saxophtinist  Brigid 
Murptii  (vvhi)  spent  the  evening  in 
tilm  siluHili  Ttii  Dog's  ensemble  has 
been  known  to  approach  twelve  or 
thirteen  members  while  performing 
live  in  the  Chicago  area,  because  this 
is  now  their  htmietown. 

Another  thing  that  really  a.ston- 
ished  me  on  Friday  was  the  talent  and 
versatiUty  of  all  the  musiaans  within 
the  band.  Poi  Dog  began  Ifwir  set  with 
Frank  Orrall  on  lead  vocals,  three 
backup  vocalists/daiKers,  two  per- 
cuaaionists,  a  keyboardist,  a  \  lolmist. 
a  saxophonist,  a  guitarist  and  a 
bassist.  By  the  end  of  the  evening  the 
keyboardist  had  a  chance  to  show  his 
trumpet  talents,  Orrall  played  an 
acoustic  guitar  and  the  saxophonist 

Melnyczuk  reveals  the  beau- 
ty of  his  work  to  Harper 

¥M«itca  6onzal«z 


The  best  way  to  begin  writing  is  to 
just  write  Thai  is  what  Askotd 
Meinyc/uk  and  many  t>ther  writers 
believe.  That  is  how  slowly,  over  the 
course  of  twelve  years,  Melnvc/uk 
wrote  his  first  novel.  What  Is  lold  It 
is  about  many  geruT.t*' •"-  ■' 
Ukrainian  immigrants  > 
tivrough  war,  hopmg  to  k\n<  tnni 
country  and  make  a  decent  home  in 
AmeriL.i    It  d<  aU  with  the  ijib«*«>n 


Poi  Doe  Pondering  gets  the  crowd  on  Its  feet  during  its  soid- 
out  Feb.  23  concert  at  Harper. 

produced  a  flute,  piccoUi  and  clarinet 
The  band  interacted  extremely 
well  with  ttie  audience,  seeming  to  be 
on  the  same  level  the  entin'  night 
Orrall  took  technical  difficulties  that 
arose  during  the  show  in  stndt^at 
one  point,  Orrall  slopped  the  band 
cold  mid-song  because  the  bass  was 
providing  a  "distracting"  feedback. 
He  was  honest  with  the  audience, 
who  applauded  wildly 

"Thanks  for  your  feedback!"  C>rTall 
yelled  enthusiastically  to  the  audience 
while  the  problem  was  being  reme- 

When  the  feedback  was  resolved 
and  the  band  was  ready  to  begin 
again,  Orrall  showed  a  sense  of 
humor  about  the  entire  incident:  "Pick 
it  up — bass  breakdown,  top  of  the  sec- 
ond verse!" 

The  amazing  part  was  that  the 
musicians  were  so  pohshed  tfut  they 
all  began  at  exactly  tfie  same  place, 
exactly  the  same  time.  The  band  inter- 
acted extremely  well  with  each  other 
throughout  the  show.  There  seemed  to 
be  an  unspoken  communication 
between  members,  which  kept  every- 
one on-slage  on  the  same  wavelength. 

family  and  their  evperienn^  It  is 
very  well  written  and  the  story  is 
descnptive  and  addictive  to  read 

Melnyc/uk  was  invited  to  HarjXT 
to  read  Irom  his  nmol  by  Cireg 
HemgfH  .1  pr.>ti"-,iir  jt  Harper  He 
does  riMilings  m  urder  to  h.m-  .in 
opportunity  lor  this  kind  of 
txihange  You  get  to  sec  how  a  live 
,  ■  ■r^[»onds  " 

.l-si/i-  V Town  gathered  in 
t>uildiii>;  J,  room  14."?,  some  with 
bi»>ks  in  fund,  to  see  Melnyczuk  He 
began  by  saymg  thai  his  goal  was  to 
"channel  surf"  through  tfie  Usik  in 
'  '   -    ■      inlri'dun;  sjimi-  tharjcters 

He  started  with  tt>e  first  chapter 
and  read  passages  that  best  told  the 
slorv  ui  a  slwrt  amount  of  time  I  or 
pet>ple  who  did  not  know  the  stor\  it 
proved  to  be  worthwhile  becjuse 
people  seemevi  to  en|uv  what  thcv 

Afhrr  th*?  iv-ading,  Melnvc/uk  l>H>k 
linie  to  answer  questions  (roni  the 
.uidience  He  talked  .ibout  things 
ranging  from  the  bcK>k  itselt  to  prob- 
lems that  writers  often  t.ui;  \lanv 
people  waited  after  the  reading  to 
speak  to  Askold  Melnvc/uk  .iiid  i;et 
their  books  signed.  He  v\a>  .i  verv 
understandini;  patient  man  vvhii 
took  the  time  to  mnverse  with  ewrv- 
.  .  in  both  Fnglish  and  Ukrairu-  H»' 
■  ► .  'f'v  ofvniv  and  encouraged  fvo(Mi' 
lo  vvrilf  His  fnthiisiasm  lor  people 
was  a  retreshing  qualitv  to  sif  in  ,i 
person  who  is  prai-^xl  bv  man\ 





FAA  Airframe  &  Powerplant  Training 

2  Year  Degree  Program 

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Fmancial  Aid/VA  Available 

CALL  (815)  397-6795 


tMt fUCOH IO«D  •  UUUI  lOdlFOlO  UlirOII •  lOCKFMD.  II  illM 



The  Harbinger 
March  1. 1996 

Arts  &  Entertairtmetit 


Muntu  Dance  adds  spice  to  Black  History  IVIonth 

Vwwilca  aonialw 


Drums.  Eiwrgy  Colors  Muntu  All  ot  tho;.f  Ihin^!.  combine  to  form 
Muntu,  "the  essence  of  humdmty."'  Whjt  better  way  to  hav  e  lelfbrated  BIjck 
History  Month,  than  to  have  seen  African  American  bisforv  tonu-  jli\e 

I  through  music  and  dance?  Under  lhi»  artistic  direction  ot  AminiyiM  I'.iv  no,  the 
Muntu  Dance  Company  has  been  doinp  ^u  sini.e  l'»72  through  their  rh\  thm> 
jnd  love  for  their  culture.  Their  "mission"  is  to  inform  and  express  the  beautv 
.>t  \lrican  history. 

I>ie  performance  bttan  with  three  drummers  on-stage  A  picture  of  .•Mric.i 
vvas  projected  on  to  a  screen  in  the  background  Bells,  whistles  and  gourde 
with  fHMiK  were  fieard  in  the  distance  Thri>e  men  and  tour  women  danced 
and  playtxl  African  rhythms.  The-  sound  ot  the  l))emb<>  drum  carried  through 
the  entire  auditorium  and  beyt>nd  It  was  like  entering  another  place;  another 
continent.  The  rhythm  was  especially  entrancing   The  dancers  gathered  on- 

I  stage  with  commanding  presence  Fheir  costumi-s  were  hrightK  decorated 
with  different  greens,  reds,  yellows,  and  purples  Shells  and  beads  adorned 
their  wrists  and  waists  The  audience  wa^  captivated  The  Djembe  drummers 
hit  with  such  force,  it  Muinded  as  it  thev  had  palms  of  stone 

Next  came  a  l.iberian  dance  called  the  f  unga  in  which  the  daiKers  also 
sang.  The  DuiuJunt^i  dance  followed.  In  tfus  dance,  the  women  entered  the 
stage  with  baskets  of  beaded  necklaces  and  daivced  around  the  drummers.  The 
Lamban/Dombah  dance  was  last  It  is  a  combination  of  two  dances  The 
Lamban  originated  in  Mali,  Guinea  and  Senegal  It  is  a  traditional  dance  The 
Dombah  is  from  Mali  and  it  means  "Big  Dance  ' 

Among  these  dances,  the  performance  was  intertwined  with  insight  about 
the  Muntu  DarKe  Company  The  Djembe  drummers  explained  the  drum  and 
its  background  They  wanted  to  break  the  notion  that  they  "beat  on  drums". 
They  said  that  it  took  a  lot  of  skill  to  play  the  Djembe  drum.  The  dancers  also 
told  about  the  research  goes  into  puttmg  on  a  performaiKe.  They  try  to 
learn  all  they  can  about  African  culture. 

Audience  participation  also  played  a  part  in  the  performance.  The  audience 
was  asked  to  sing  and  resporid  to  some  phrases  It  was  entertaining  and 
insightful  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  Afncan-American  history. 


Muntu  Dan  Th«atre  In  action. 

However,  it  was  only  a  glimpse;  the  performance  lasted  for  an  hour  which 
was  disappointing  because  it  built  up  a  lot  of  energy  and  it  ended  rather 

Overall,  people  liked  the  performance.  Adeline  Back,  a  teacher  from  school 
distnct  21  said,  "It  was  excellent,  they  have  so  much  respect  for  their  culture." 
loseph  Ward,  a  student  at  Harper  College  said,  "It  was  on  a  scale  of  one  to  ten, 
a  nine  It  was  one  of  the  best  performances  at  Harper  in  months."  Charles  and 
Ted  Danylak,  alsc5  students  at  Harper  called  it  a  "superb"  performance. 

The  Muntu  Dance  Company  did  an  excellent  job  of  cducahng  and  portray- 
ing African-Amencan  culture. 


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You  are  getting  sleepy.... 

Hypnotist  Jim  Wand  to  visit  Harper 

Hypnotist  Jim  Wand  will  use  his 
style  ot  suggestion  to  mesmeri/.e  his 
audience  at  a  free  noontime  fx'rfor- 
mance  at  Harp»>r  College,  Thursday, 
March  7,  Student  Center  Lounge, 
Building  A 

Wand,  who  has  appeared  with  |av 
1  eno,  Miami  Siiund  Machine  and  The 
iudds,  uses  hypnosis  and  comedy 
with  unpredictable  audience  resuHs. 
Wands  holds  pi-M-graduate  degrees 
in  psychology  and  counsi-ling.  He 
also  pertornis  n.ilionysidr  at  special 
events,  orienlatiiin  pr(>i;r.ims  and 
selt-help  seminars 

His  12  p.m.  performance  is  free 
and  open  to  the  public    For  more 

Hypnotist  Jim  Wand 

intormation,      call      the      Student 
Activitii>s  Office,  847/'»25/6242. 


CCCr  INTC  TtiC  rtlUKC 


Nf>*  ^111  II  I  iri#>  r  j»lr  rii  r  iiy 

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If  yc  1  1 1  ilil>,  «  III  i)icl  (S47)21J-€<52€ 


The  Harbinger  I 
Mafch  1,19961 

Ouf  View 

Justify  a  need  to 
increase  lab  fees 

For  the  second  time  in  three  yean,  the 
Harper  Board  of  Trustees  unanimously 
approved  to  increase  lab  fees.  These  lab 
feen  tvill  already  accompany  the  new  one 
dollar  technology  fee,  the  three  dollar 
increase  in  tuitian,  and  the  property  tax 
increase  that  CocA  County  will  be  hit  with. 

Also  the  board  deoded  to  abolish  the 
piflting  fee  and  the  transcript  Ices,  but 
added  a  registration  fee.  TMfticgiMration 
fee  will  take  the  place  of  the  o0wr  two 
Ims,  but  will  not  be  used  to  fix  die  prob- 
lems concerning  the  registration  piocess. 

How  much  mof\ey  does  Harper  need 
goii^  into  the  next  century^ 

It  appears  that  one  can  never  have  too 
much  money.  Even  when  it  comes  to 

The  propawd  ConJerence  Center  may 
take  the  place  of  the  current  racquetball 
courts  in  Building  M,  and  will  be  bringing 
in  truck  k>ad8  of  money. 

Has  anyone  bottiered  to  check  out  the 
going  rate  of  a  confeicnce  loom  at  the 
kxal  hotels?  The  money  won't  be  coming 
as  (aiit  as  the  school  thinks  it  will. 
Conlerenc*  rooms  are  only  full  on  week- 

Could  there  be  a  problem  there  with 
weekend  cralt  shows?  Only  time  will  tell. 
lustify  the  increase  in  fef*  betausf  we 

liist  Jon  t  buy  your  reasons. 

One  student  •<^\ii.  "My  art  <:las«*  has  a 
S20  lab  fee  and  <il!  I  ^ui  was  two  pencils 
and  an  eraser.  Where  is  my  mont-y 

Good  qm-siiiTi    Ask  Ihi' biMril     V\V  .ill 
know  they  have  the  answers. 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Acting  Edit  Of  in  Chief Jon  0"BrJen 

Business  Manager Valerie  Wevers 

Managing  Editor    Dave  Pump 

News  Editor JuUe  Thompson 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

Sports  Editor Susan Rademacher 

Copy  Edftor open 

Features  Editor open 

Faculty  Advisor HomardSchtossberg 

Is  the  flat  tax  slanted  to  the  rich? 

The  Ed's  View 

It  one  day  is  dreaded  by  more 
Americans  than  any  o^r  it's 
April  15th,  better  known  as 
the  last  day  to  turn  in  taxes.  After 
our  initial  fits  of  cursing  the 
heartless  rrunions  of  the  Internal 
Revenue  Service  and  paying 
huge  fees  to  companies  like  H.  tc 
R.  Block  or  Jackson  Hewitt,  we 
wonder  if  there  is  a  better  way  to 
handle  tfie  whole  fiasco. 

With  the  presidential  elections 
coming  up  later  this  year,  the  tax 
system  is  undm  aUAoi  fire  by 
several  candidates.  Most  notably. 
Steve  Forbes,  son  of  the  late  pub- 
lishing mogul  Malcolm  Forbes 
St.,  Yias  been  touting  a  tax  concept 
called  the  flat  tax,  and  garnering 
a  huge  amount  of  press  in  the 

The  flat  lax  concept  has  been 
kicked  around  for  years.  Studies 
have  been  cocHlucted  by  both  pri- 
vate individuals  and  various 
organizations.  It  attempts  to  sim- 
plify our  current  taxation  system 
by  taxing  everyone  at  one  flat 
rate  (17%  m  Forbes'  version), 
while  eliminating  most  deduc- 
tums  and  exemptions.  In  its 
puicsl  form  il  t.s  d  fair  approach 
because  everyone  pays  the  same 
peKentj^  of  their  income  to  the 

Forbes  adds  a  fiew  twists. 
First  ot  all,  kiss  all  of  those 
deductions  you  may  currently  be 
using  good-bye,  including  deduc- 

tion for  charitable  offerings  or 
mortgage  interest  You  get  a  flat 
deduction  for  the  number  of  peo- 
ple in  your  household  and  lots  of 
leniency  for  investment  income, 
tfie  latter  of  which  will  cater 
especially  to  tht>se  living  off  of 
investment  plans  like  insurance 
or  retirement. 

It's  been  working  for  him 
quite  mcely  He's  doing  lietter 
than  most  people  ever  thought  he 
would.  Once  wntten  off  for  dead, 
he's  now  a  force  to  be  reckoned 
with.  He's  made  waves  to  die 
point  that  other  candidates  have 
proposed  flat  tax  plans  of  their 

Families  with  a  pre-tax 
income  in  the  mid  6-digit  range 
or  atx)ve  tend  to  save  a  heap  of 
money.  Individuals  who  depend 
on  investments  for  a  large  chunk 
of  tfieir  income  will  also  come 
out  smelting  like  a  rose. 
You  kiiow  that  old  adage  of  the 
top  5%  of  the  people  controlling 
90%  of  the  wealth?  This  is  it. 

There's  a  tiny  s'itch  to  all  of 
this —  where  does  the  govern- 
ment reclaim  all  of  the  tax  dollars 
that  the  upper  class  will  no 
longer  pnnide'  1  think  we  all 
know  who's  going  to  pick  up  the 
bill  on  that  one. 

The  funny  thing  with  taxes  is 
that  fairness  is  hardly  "fair"  It 
would  only  seem  fair  that  every- 
one pay  the  same  percentage  of 
their  income  to  the  government. 
After  all,  why  should  someone 
else  get  away  with  paying  less 

taxes  than  someone  else?  But  in 
order  for  taxes  to  be  fair  for 
everyone,  the  middle  and  lower 
classes  must  make  up  for  the 
huge  amounts  of  money  no 
longer  being  supplied  by  the  rich, 
ai\d  that's  where  the  problem  is. 
the  current  bias  is  alreadv 
towards  the  middle  and  lower 

Far  too  many  people  are  con- 
fusing a  flat  tax  with  a  simple 
tax.  Cutting  the  number  of 
deductions  does  not  take  Oie 
Mallox  out  of  slapping  your  John 
HaiKOck  onto  a  Form  1040.  The 
fact  thai  most  people  need  a  full- 
time  tax  speaalist  to  help  them 
understand  the  plethora  of  tax 
laws  is  ludicrous. 

It  is  just  as  possible  to  have  a 
complex  flat  tax  as  it  is  to  have  a 
simple  structured  tax.  It  would 
probably  even  encourage  people 
to  learn  more  about  how  to  make 
their  money  work  for  them 
through  investments  since  a  great 
deal  of  difficulty  would  be  elimi- 
nated. Aside  from  those  obvious 
benefits,  a  simple  tax  system 
would  free  the  $80  billion  we 
spend  each  year  in  tax  prepara- 
tion costs  for  more  useful  purpos- 

Before  Election  Day  gets  here, 
let  the  candidates  know  what 
America  really  needs.  Ctmtrary  to 
what  many  of  us  believe,  it  can 
get  worse  if  left  unchecked.  The 
current  system  is  overstressed, 
outmoded,  and  inefficient.  But  it 
can  be  changed 

Cvfc'Wl»fe-F>KTY  gflgTfeN^    I 




staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Chris  Batemaa  Kathy  Betts.  Frank  J.  Biga, 

Tammy  Bogea  T.W.  Fuller.  Veronica  Gonzalez. 

Rosemarie  Hyltoa  Adam  Weeks 

General. Policies 

Ganaral  Information 

The  Hartmge'  is  the  student  puWcation  fw  tne  Harper  College  campus  com- 
nxnly.  pMl>lisried  bi  weexiy  tnroughout  cne  scnooi  y«ar  except  during  nolKla^ 
and  fmal  eiams.  Trw  paper  is  distntiuted  free  to  all  students,  (acuity  and 
aitniniitfSlioa  The  Hartnnger's  sole  purpose  li  to  provide  the  Harper  comnxi- 
nity  witn  mfonnation  pectaming  to  tne  campus  and  its  suromling  corrmuni- 


The  HarOnger  oelcomes  letters  to  the  eaiioi  and  replies  to  our  editorials 
Letters  tixisl  t»  signed  and  include  a  social  security  number.  Signatures  will 
be  wittfiM  upon  request  All  letters  are  sut)|ect  to  editing. 


Products  and  services  advertised  m  The  Harbinger  are  not  necessarlty 
endorsed  by  the  editors  of  this  paper,  nor  Oy  the  college  administration  or 
Board  ot  Directors.  Inquiries  snouM  be  forwarded  directly  to  the  advertiser, 
and  aw  purctiases  ore  at  the  discretion  of  tne  consuner. 

Mailing  Address; 

The  Hartunger  ■  William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine.  IL  60067-7098 

ffionft  NunpiDGrsc 

tXJSiness  office;  (847)  925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  925-6000  x2461 

fax:  (847)925-6033 

copyright  1996.  The  Harbinger. 
All  ri0tu  reservad. 


The  Harbinger 



Louis  Farrakhan  a  racist;  bigot; 
betrayer  of  blacl(  Americans 

TW  Fuller 
Amrnctm  Intkptntent 

Obviously  thf  Millii>n  Mjn 
Mjrch  was  nul  mndui  n  {.■ 
erK'unh  tor  I  arrjkhjn 
lh«*  bulU't  prixii  shifld  ht-  s.>  tow- 
ardlv  ■shrunk  and  i|uivfri-d 
behind  ti'  sptMk  hl^  wi'rds  i>( 
trpason  kvorc  ^rcJlK  w.ilfrvxl 
down  even  Kir  Kini  d*y,  he 
felt  hf  must  ^Kl^  ithti'  j^dinsl 

St)  doing  the  onl>  thin|[  a  nun 
o»  his  char.icter  knt>w  how  k)  do, 
he  ran  away,  far,  far  away  fnim 
America  lo  denounce  it   Sobrav- 
elest.  IS  he,  so  gutle*^  i-.  '►"^  Tiiin 
(if  he  may  be  t-oasi 
•hat  he  must  flee  ii-  .n  ^  m i i.-i  .  ,iun- 
'.  an  eruTn^  ot  AtT-.crica  no  les»*. 
!■.'  rant  and  ravr  liki-  thf  lunadt 
hf  i5 

.■\nd  what  h.i>  hf  said  m  the 
Middle  East  that  he  wa-.  ttM 


-<.'  >ure  ,,>t  ;■ 
■  >rnpanv  i.)  ,.. 
wIwj  acv  as  decadent  as  him 
"TTus  IS  an  honor  C-\l  i\  il! 
beslow  upon 

He  wanttxl  s,)  (,.n,^  d.  -.;-,  .)>. 
thesi'  words,  but  Jjrt>d  ;i,  •■.'.■ 
it  the  march  for  he  kneu  .     ■ 
the  bullet  pr«>t  shie'  •  "  ,» 

ardiv  shrunk  .md  ■; 
behind  would  not  U'  frmeution 

Only  m  the  satetv  and  seclu- 

■inn  of  minilles»  dictators  could 
he  feel  at  ease  to  use  his  ttwdom 
of.  speech.  How  iamic  America 
ccwxiones  this  freedom,  yet  how 
many  countries  did  he  visit 
where  such  a  luxury  existed' 

Farrakhan  is  still  a  bigot,  shll 
J  racist,  but  now  hf  is  even  more 
Farrakhan  is  j  K-tr.nfr  ot  black 
Americans    He  states  .America 
will  bf  destrnvfd  bv  Muslims, 
but  how  manv  blacka  in  America 
are  Muslim  or  pracficx-  the  faith' 
How  manv  unsuspecting 
marchers  wen-  Muslim'  How 
manv  Muslims  will  rallv  to  the 

Be  warned  thai  F)rr.ikh,in 
means  more  than  lo  just  declare 
war  on  America  with  wwrds.  he 
will  do  much  more.  He  has 
shocik  the  hand  of  Saddam 
HussK-in.  .1  m,dn  who  has  sent 
lhousan<.ls  lit  his  own  people  to 
deatli    ,'\r. 

II  .America  is  to  Ix"  destroyed 
by  Muslims  as  he  believes,  then 
by  that  verv  .iscertammenf  peo- 
pli?  V-  iv  manv'  Huw 

mai!-  ■ '    finv  rn.inv 

the  n. 


'.ltd  a 
!"ch    Karen 

Keres,  a  Pnifessor  of  English  hea* 
at  Harper,  writers.  "One  can  just 
imagine  the  costume  worn  while 
It  (the  article)  was  btnng  writ- 
ten— white  sheet,  burning 
cn>ss  " 

Just  as  that  article  was  written 
without  the  usi>  ot  "white  shtvl, 
burning  iToss,"  neither  is  this    A 
racist  I  am  not;  the  ICKK  1  openly 
repudiate    But  you  Keres,  what 
can  be  deduced  by  your  a\nwed 
allegiance  to  Farrakhan'  Perhaps 
tfie  State  IX'partment  would  do 
well  to  liHik  into  vour  tiles  as 
well  as  farrakhan  s 

It  wasn't  enough  tor  m\  pre- 
vious article  to  show  the  man 
Farrakhan  truly  is,  he  has  blatant- 
ly done  s<>  by  his  uw  n  admission 
Very-  well    The  unrld  nov\ 
understands  evactiv  who 
Farrakhan  is,  the  same  ont-  who 
so  cowardly  .shrunk  ancf  ■ 

behind  a  bullet  proof  ^^•i^ 
■■"■     ■  ■       ■  which 

' '   ■  ,;fnl  di>- 

cuHsinn,  ■  says  Keres, 

Who  will  stand  with 
Farrakhan  in  his  attempt  to 
destrov  America,  hovv  manv  trai- 
tors has  he  ala'jd\  seduced^ 
Vla\  \\f  heheve  keres  has  |Oint\i 
this  tf  rri.rixl  organisation  that 
•  ■  ■•    • -•  iK'hery  and  vindictive- 

•  ■"  iinif  Farrakhjn  mil  let  us 
kni>u   the  oni\  u.n  he  cm— Irom 
behind  that  ot  a  bullet  prfKif 

American  government  a  role  model 
for  tlie  world,  despite  its  flaws 

"it  Biya 

Staff  col umriii)! 

There  is  much  to  be  laid 
about  the  excesses  of  pn> 
feasiona)  politician-,  in 
Washington  today   Senators  like 
Bob  Packwood  have  federaltv 
funded  pensions  worth  more 
than  two  million  dollars    Ex- 
Speaker  Foley  tripled  his  money 
m  a  matter  of  (our  hours  on  the 
stiK'k  market  bev:ause  of  an  insid 
er  tip    ,-Vnd.  of  course,  how  couid 
1  leave  out  our  President,  her 
husband,  .and  tht'ir  admimstra- 
■'  Remember  wh. 
would  be  "the  most  ■,  ■ 
hist,  TV       With  H  >•■ 

»i  '\  eii  to  oi'  uif  mosi  currurn 

sin.-f  Pr»«i,,4en»  Grant. 

the  itforenumtioned 

■  ■'■••;■l.1n5andoursv.s- 
•■  :u  Ls  the  best  in 
ti.v  vv  L  .1 1 J     VI  •!  trie  bureaucratic 
elements  like  HUD,  the  EPA. 
OSH  A,  or  Czar  David  Kessler  s 
Foixi  and  Drug  .Adminisfrahon. 
Rather,  the  chtvLs  and  balances 
between,  our  thav  branches  ot 
the  gpvemment  have  been 
guamllans  to  the  evervday  free- 
dom* and  pleasures  which  we 
talu>  for  granted. 

Americans  don  t  realize  how 
fflwid  Ihry  have  it   That's  w  hy 
A  hen  i  hear  reports  on  the  news 
-ibout  peopte  who aie  ■■i:-i.s,»...,...-i 
with  politics  ajt  usual" 

ven  the  Ihiwf 
iTdrti  nes  is  r\.iti.i,rai   Laws  are  not 

supposed  to  be  passed  easily. 
This  IS  what  j  "republk  '  is  all 
aU'ut    ["  ;  siimetimes 

opposiiiL  ugging  It  oiif 

verbally  ip  the  pviiitical  torum, 
rather  tfian  slu(.;ging  it  out  on  the 
battlefield  ma  civi!  war 

A  coup  d'etat  has  not 
ixcurred  here  for  a  reason,  and 
thai  IS  v>ur  elaborate  demwratic 
system  and  tradition 

Also,  our  form  ot  gov  emmcnt 
and  our  |ury  system  have 
allowed  us  to  keep  our  political 
treedon\>  outlined  in  the  Bill  of 
Riphu  h.  ..:,,.  .,„,.,,(,ng  father^ 

hange  them 
'■"■  ;iiii-.u'i,iie    •.  i^tei  disgust 

uld  be detnmental  to  out  vv,i\ 
oi  me 

So  be  wary  of  people  who 
propose  such  reforms  Tiiey  are 
either  extremely  nearsighted  or 
have  political  motives. 


St»4Ml  StMti  tftkm  ui  SfiMUal 

Trgittt  ilMliMt  ir*  «aaia|  tf  m  HftO 

9th.  im  Slaint  Ae4M«T  Cvd  it  Hfrinl 


Ihttet^^g^e  Alitor . 


Cheerleader  escapes  brutal 
torture;  tallts  candidly  about 
ciieerleading  dilemma 

I  am  writing  to  respond  to  your  article 
about  the  "Kidnapfied  Cheerleaders."  I 
t(H)  was  once  a  Lady  Hawk  chtvrleader, 
and  let  me  tell  you  sometfung,  it  was  awful. 
In  high  schiHil,  I  cheered  lor  tour  years,  and 
was  voted  the  "Most  Spirited  ' 

I  came  to  Harper  in  1W4  and  )oined  the 
cheerleading  squad    1  thought  it  would  be 
fun  and  a  great  way  to  meet  people,  but  I 
was  wrong    All  of  the  girls  were  rude, 
includmg  the  coach. 

No  one  had  any  kind  of  spirit.  We  prac- 
ticed only  two  times  a  week,  and  then  had 

We  would  never  go  lo  any  "away" 
games,  because  the  coach  didn't  want  to 
drive,  and  it  was  ttxi  mconvenient    The 
ciiach  >aid  we  didn't  have  to  go  to  games 
either,  so  no  one  went. 

I  Ix'lieve  that  they  should  tell  this  coach 
to  get  her  act  together,  or  they  should  find  a 
new  one. 

Whv  should  tlarper  even  bother  to  have 
.1  squad  il  then-  is  no  commitment  or  spirit^ 
I  think  it  is  an  embarr,issment  to  the  team 
and  the  schtxil. 


CouU  Ir 
Hiirbiriy,     . 


'M(flrt  the 

White  race  look  out! 

In  ti.  the  article  "Chice  upon  a 
time  She  white  man  counted,",  i  have  this 
to  sa>.    Chris  Bateman.  you  commented 
that  then^  are  manv  white  men  that  are  car- 
ing people,  i  agree  with  vou,  but  exactly 
how  manv  ol  those    white  men"  are  out 
there''  There  aa*  manv  white  people  that 
VM.uld  "-.ither  take  are  ol  a  I~XX,,  liefore  they 
ever  help  .)  black  person    Looking  from  this 
angle  how  are  we  as    minorities'  supposed 
to  view  'whiles  ■  as  caring,  understanding 
.  .ind  loving  people^    In  case  you  did  not 
R-ali/e,  most  of  the  heads  of  government  in 
this  ci)untr\  are  white.  How  then  are  vou 
endangered  of  tiecommg  a  minonty'  How 
long  did  it  take  for  a  black  person  to  hold  a 
seat  in  Congress'  How  long  will  it  take  for 
most  of  the  seats  in  Congress  to  be  filled  by 
"minorities,"  not  just  black'  The  way  this 
country  is  run.  not  even  our  great,  great, 
great  grandchilda'n  will  not  see  that 
Therefore  at  this  time,  you  have  nothing  to 
worry  alx>ut-  Unless  vou  were  a-fernng  to 
genocide.  Are  you  afraid  that  minorities  will 
kill  your  race  off?    Why  do  you  think  that 
Afhrmative  Achon  was  implemented'  There 
was  a  time  when  "minorities"  were  given  a 
job  apart  from  cleaning  houses  and  taking 
care  ot  kids,  and  all  the  other  jobs  that 
nobodv  else  wanted     How  do  you  thmk 
that  a  black  person  who  graduated  from  col- 
lege feels  when  he  goes  on  a  job  and  is 
turned  down  because  of  the  color  ol  his  skm, 
and  further  hnds  out,  that  a  high  school 
graduate  got  the  job,  who  just  happeas  to  be 
white''  Put  yourself  m  tlut  position  and 
ponder  it  for  a  moment. 



(Not  lelated  to  "I'rimary  Colors")  " 

Page  10 


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IChicago  Bears  appear  in  charity  game  at  Harper 

vontwued  from  pate  12 

Cart  Reeves  sees  the  ^Ame  •*  an 
nity  to  test  his  oft-seaMin  »la- 
"You  can  ride  the  bike  and  run 
the  treadmill,  but  it  takes  thi» 
I  of  activitv  to  know  whefe  you 
Runnmj;  up  dnd  down  the 
rt  really  works  you  out  " 
At  a  time  when  profemonal  alh- 
iies  are  being  cniui/ed  fc»r  their 
Ihigh  salaries  and  lack  of  respect  for 
Ifans,  the<te  professkmal  football 
Iplayers  took  every  opportunity  to 
Ifulfill  the  requests  of  the  fans  that 

were  in  aMendance. 

The  kids  begged  for  fouls  to  be 
called  because  the  team;*  would 
choow  kids  from  the  audience  to 
»hot>t  the  free  throws. 

Talent  wasn't  niquired  as  pla\  ■ 
offereti  assistance  wfien  it  was  neti 

(cnningspul  the  afternoon  m  p«'r 
!«pectivt>,  "It's  not  important  to  win 
We're  ht'tv  to  do  what  we  don  t  get  a 
chance  to  do  during  the  football  M-a- 
son,  and  that's  to  spend  lime  with 
tlu*  kids  " 


B«fmle  the  Bull  ^ets  caught  trying  to  "steal  the  ball." 

Athleteb  of  the  Week 

NaoM:  Armano  Caldeitm 
Spntt:  WieMling 
Week  of  Feb  7  14 

:  Kegional  champion 
at  118  {MMindft  arid  tieaded 

lor  naiicinalK- 

Naaw:  Sutan  Dajr 
Spoft:  SwintninK 
Mttfcoi::  Feb- 14-71 

Rea»«»n  Broke  the  school 

r«"i:ord  lor  ttw  itiS,' 

Elaine  Dobras 

Temporary  Associates 


Resume  Preparation  also  available. 

The  24  hour,  full  service 
temporary  help  company. 



Ki'dd  tin   H.irhin'^it-r. 
Your  award-winning  source 
for  Harper  news  and  information. 

A  question  of  etiiics  or  finances? 


ANN  ARBOR.  Mich -The 
black,  military  style  vehicle 
adorrwd  with  a  white  Nike 
swDOiih  logo  has  becomt-  a 
familiar  site  at  some  ot  the 
nation  >  larj;t>t  collrgi-  toot- 
ball  stadiums. 

Shoe  and  athletic  wear 
companies  long  ago  n\ili/-ed 
the  value  of  conni»cting  their 
products  to  premii-r  athletes 
and  teams  Professional  teams 
and  players  have  picked  up 
big  money  from  endorsement 

Now  many  others  ot  the 
nation's  college  athletic  pow- 
erhouses have  entered  the 
marketplace  and  found  it  just 
as  profitable  Tlie  new  form  of 
corporate  involvement  has 
caused  college  presidents  to 
become  concerned  about 
whether  schi>ols  jre  ceding 
contnil  of  their  athletic  pro- 
grams to  companies  such  as 

Last  year,  tfw  Umversity  ol 
Michigan's  Athletic 

Department  signed  a  six-year, 
$7  2  million  contract  w  ith 
Nike,  which  provides  appan-l 
and  sv:hi>larship  money  to  all 
of  the  universitv  s  2^  varsity 

Such  deals  loster  an  envi- 
ronment in  which  athletes 
might  be  more  tempted  to 
accept  money  or  gifts  from 
player  agents  or  boosters  in 
violation  of  National 
Collegiate  Athletic  Assoc- 
iation rules,  or  leave  school 
well  before  their  scheduled 
graduation  dates,  said  Tom 
Hansen,  commissioner  of  the 
Pacihc-lO  Conference. 

Today  it  takes  a  lot  of 
money  to  mamtain  a  lifestyle 
on  a  college  campus,"  said 
Hansen,  whose  league  has 
had  to  cope  this  fall  with 
investigations  of  NCAA  rules 
violations  by  UCLA  and  USC 
football  players. 

Because  of  the  NCAA's 
amateurism  rules,  college  ath- 
letes can  receive  only  tuition, 
room,  board  and  books  from  a 
university  In  addition.  sch«>l- 
jrship  athletes  cannot  hold 
paving  |obs  Junn^  schmil 

In  a  recent  interview  with 
The    Michigan    Daily,    UM 

Athletic  I>iriftor  Jcx-  RoK-rson 

defended  the  University's 
contract  and  said  a  numtier  of 
things  people  point  to  in 
attacking  it  are  not  true 

"The  student-athletes  ben- 
efit from  our  contract  with 
Nike.  No  one  nets  a  penny.  " 
Rc->berson  said  "We  );et  a  vou- 
pte  of  s<-holarships,  a  general 
residciKe  program  that 
tfiey'rc  sponsoring,  equip- 
ment tor  ail  our  teams-not  |ust 
the  two  high— profile  ones 
that  are  on  television  all  the 
liiru- — and  every  penny  of  it 
goes  back  into  the  support  of 

"To  pretend  we're 

not  commercial  is 

absolutely  silly." 

-  Joe  Roberton 

University  of  Michigan 

Athletic  Director 

the  student  athletes,  and  I  con- 
sider that  a  big  step  forward." 

The  nation's  colleges  gen- 
erated $2.5  billion  in  retail 
sales  of  products  bearing  their 
names,  logos  and  mascots  last 
year— more  than  was  generat- 
ed by  the  National  Hockey 
League  or  Major  League 
Baseball.  Unlike  professional 
teams,  the  colleges  make  indi- 
vidual arrangements  with 
manufacturers  of  products 
such  as  sweatshirts,  pennants, 
stickers  and  mugs. 

Some  schook  fiave  deals 
witfi  as  many  as  500  compa- 
nies, each  of  which  may  make 
a  different  item  and  many  of 
those  businesses  are  relatively 

Nike  and  other  large  shoe 
and  apparel  makers,  such  as 
Reebok,  have  the  national  ori- 

entation, advertising  budgets 
and  marketing  savvy  to  help 
colleges  sell  more  gixnis  in 
more  places  Nike  posted  sjles 
of  about  S5.2  billion  during 
the  12  months  ending  Sept,  31), 
1995  and  iS)  million  ol  that 
came  from  its  two-year  effort 
to  sell  authentic  college  team 
apparel-the  items  worn  by 
players  and  coaches  during 
games  that  have  become 
increasingly  popular  with 

UM  Classical  Studies  Prof. 
David  Ross  s.iid  he  opposes 
the  Nik('  conlrjit  and  the 
commerLiah/.ing  ot  ciiUegiatc 
athletics  in  general.  "1  think  it 
stinks,  I  think  it's  crass  com- 
mercialism. It's  .itxsolutely 
crass.  Why  dix's  .i  university 
want  to  get  inviilved  in  this 
kind  of  money'  The  entire 
athletic  department  is  far  too 
big.  It's  all  about  money  and 
commercialism,"  Ross  said. 

"To  pretend  we're  not  com- 
mercial is  absolutely  silly," 
Roberson  said  "We  charge 
100,000  people  roughly  25 
bucks  a  head  to  get  into  the 
stadium  and  we  sell  them 
everyttung  we  can  possibly 
sell  them,  and  then  we  try  to 
pretend  we're  not  commer- 

School  officials  say  these 
arrangements  are  matters  of 
necessity.  In  a  time  of  increas- 
ing costs,  they  are  attempting 
to  add  programs  for  women 
without  cutting  programs  for 
Seven  of  the  10  schools  that 
have  all-sports  pacts  with 
Nike  or  Reebok  are  ranked 
among  the  top  2.S  in  the 
Associated  Press  fcKitball  poll; 
two  others  are  ranked  among 
the  top  20  in  AP's  mens  bas- 
ketball poll. 



Harper  Sports 

Hat  la  •  Wilm  Rihwy  FtopiTCollii*  »  Mwch  1. 1W6  

Wrestling  Ail-Americans  and  a  Hall  of  Famer 

Susan  RadenwdMr 

SPORTS  ED  low 

VVrestliTs  Ldnre  Parsons  and 
AimamJo  Caldenm  bttame  Hjrp«»r 
CtJIegc's  first  All-Amfncan.>  in  1*«<). 

Parsoas  liiok  swond  pixe  at  thf 
NICAA  national  tourn.inifnf  i 
Btsmarck,  South  Dakota 

Pdrs*»as  finished  on« 
2)  ot  iht'  national  drnmi  m 

126  fKuiHils  on  a  ct>ntn>\  ■ 

'  rhtTi-  v\.i>  a  takfdi'V  .at 

shoutdn  I  havr  hti-ncalJtii  .imj  it  init 
Ijincf  thw  national  championship," 
said   H.irp.  r  wiwstling  coach  Norm 


■  that  he  came  cl»>M>  in 
gfi  .;  when  he  argut-d 

the  lall  .i^amst  I'arstjns. 

CaldtTon  muttered  a  broken  nost: 
on  his  way  to  finishing  sfventh  in  thf 
natk>n  at  118  pound.s^ 

"Both  nuys  crash(<d  head-on  and 
Armando  had  blood  gushini;  every- 
whcn*. "  said  toveiacc 

"We  had  to  hold  Armando  havk 
for  fh«'  rwt  oi  the  toumanwnl  K  ..  iiisc 
he  was  rrally  hiirtinn.  '  Imrlatf 

Four  other  Harper  wrestlers  didn  t 
fair  as  well  as  Parsons  and  Calderon 
"It  was  a  really  lough  tcnimanient  this 
vi'ar.  ■"rhere  was  only  one  n-tuming 
champion  at  nationals  and  he  didn't 
even  place,"  said  Lovelace 

Lovelace  alsi>  said  that.  Pins  wtTt- 
few  and  far  between  this 

Ron  Slonitsch  drew  an  unlucky 
m.itch-up  Sit  the  first  round  as  he 
fac'ed  the  national  chaiTipion 

Mike  Irioln  vva>  forced  to  with- 
draw from  the  tournament  when  h»- 
Kn.,i.,.  two  ribs- 

^iries  and  little  bad  luck  hurt 
u-^ .!-«  J  team,"  saat  I  oveKuv 

The  Haw  k%  tinisht;i.i  sf\  i-nth  in  the 
nation  on  thr  strength  of  the  six 
wrestlers  that  lompeted  m  the  tour- 

The  top  two  finishers  qualified 
Ihfir  rntin:  trams  ti>r  the  national 
tourtunienl  Its  hard  to  rack  up 
points  against  tivims  that  bring  ten 
guys.  You  ha\e  tuo  ihoKt~.  I'lther 
you  plate  all  ot  your  wnxlfrs  iii  ihc 
top  n'un.K  ,.r  I  .vu  come  away  with  at 
leaal  or  he  national  champi- 

t>n."s.iu,.  ......  ,.,.i' 

1  ovelace  is  positive  about  next 
vear  s  team  with  Calderon  slated  to 
return  along  with  national  ijualifiers 
Iim  Ellis  (190)  and  Brad  Schnowske 

'  1  he  great  thing  about  the 
wrtstling  program  here  at  Harper  is 
that  we  just  reload  each  year  with 
kinds  like  Byron  Chandler  and  Perrv 
Bigalow,"  said  Lovelace. 

The  national  tournament  also  pro- 
vided Lovelace  with  om-  of  the  best 
riKiinents  of  his  career  Lovelace  was 


*.    >1 

/  '^ 


(From  left)Mlke  Clark,  Armando  Calderon,  Lance  Parsons,  Tim 
Ellis  and  (back)  Tony  Zentz. 

honored  at  a  cen-mony  that  celebrat- 
ed his  induction  into  the  NJCAA 
Wrestling  Hall  of  l-ame. 

Lovelace's  career  at  Harper 
includes  I'WS's  second  place  finish  in 
the-  nation  and  the  1494  N)CAA 
L)i\  ision  III  National  C  hampionship 

High  s<h(Kil  coaches  Jim  Custer 
and  Jack  Stout  are  gi\en  credit  as 
being  major  mfluences  on  a  career 
that  ttxik  him  from  high  schoi>l  to 

Western  Illinois  University.  Lovelaca 
served  as  captain  of  the  wrestling 
team  and  was  voted  Mosl 
Outstanding  Wrestler  in  the  confer-l 
ence  on  his  way  to  becoming  an  All-j 

Lovelace  s<iid,   "The  great  thing 
about  nationals  is  that  you  regain 
perspective  for  how  tough  the  spor 
of  wn'stling  really  is  " 

Chicago  Bears  play  for  charity  at  Harper 

Jack  Jaeks4M  takM  Ms 


tiM  B««rs. 

Susan  Rademacher 


H.isketbali  isn't  their  specialtv,  but 

lidn't   stop   members   ot   the 

i-ii;wij;t>  Hears   trom   l.iiving   up  the 

sporl  m  .in.  rllcrt  to  raise  money  for 

;ound  you  Ihe  kids  are 
what  It  s  ail  aUnjt,"  s.iid  the  Bears' 
Keith  lennings 

The  t  .ood  \ev\  s  Ik'.irs,  the  team  s 
name,  look  on  the  Sports 
\uthi>nt\  Marklund  .Ml  Stars  .it 
Harptr  (  ollege  Sunda\  leb  IN  I  he 
chariK  r\fnt  set  up  to  r.iise 
mone\  tor  the  M.irklund,  ,i  service 
that  pro\  kles  sfr\  ui's  to  develop- 
mentlv  dis.jbled  children  .ind  adults. 

Lans  in  atlend.mie  witnessi'd  the 
comic  .ittenipts  of  Bears  such  as 
Keith  Jackson,  |ohn  Lheiry,  Barry 
Minter.  Carl  Reeves,  Jack  Jackson. 
Mark  Baker,  and  Super  bowl  team 
menit>er  Ron  Rivera. 

Rivera  had  been  scheduled  to  call 
the  game  with  WGN  announcer  and 
former  Bear  Glen  Koslowski  who 
kept  the  crowd  entertained  with  his 
nontraditicmal  style  of  calling  the 

lennings  v\  as  the  star  ot  the  showl 
with  his  .inlic  on  the  court.  It  wa^ 
feared  that  Jennings  would  break  th^ 
world  record  for  most  three-poinll 
attempts  in  a  single  game.  HoweverJ 
tile  ri\.)rd  lor  most  three-pomtersf 
made  was  .is  sate  as  Fort  Kn.ix 

Koslowski  gave  lennings  the| 
nickname  of  ".'Xir  Ball  lennings. 

Jennings  lamented  Michael 
Jordan  shi)ots  50  times  and  everv- 
biKlv  calls  him  the  gr»-alest." 

Ihe  main  attraction  ol  the  dayl 
v\.is  Ihe  half-time  autograph  sfssioni 
teatunng  the  Bears  Ihe  internussionl 
was  extended  m  order  to  give  everv-l 
one  a  chance  to  get  as  many  signa-f 
tures  as  possible. 

The  Bears  were  willing  to  signl 
autographs  at  any  given  momenti 
throughout  the  day  Fans  v\ere  even! 
allowed  to  approach  players  while! 
Ihev  sat  on  the  bench  during  thel 

The  C.lenbard  West  cheerleaders! 
earn  the  privledge  of  performing  at' 
half-time  by  selling  the  most  ticketsff 
prior  to  the  game.  Also  performing"  . 
during      the      intermission      ""^^^Jj 
Harper's  steel  band.  ^' 

BEARS  continued  on  page  11 

*»  « 

Professional  bowlers  to  strike  Harper,  again 

Mte  ThompMM 

I  NewstaroR 

Television    viewers    acrrtsi    the 

njtmri  will  K-  w.)t..hin>;    \pril  27  .i^ 

I  Harper      ixko      .i>;.iin      l-iosts      ihf 

Brunswick  Inurn.unenl  nt 

I  CKampiims. 

For  the  second  ctmiiecutive  w. 
I  tiv  g\  miidsium  in  building  M  will  bi- 
transformed  into  a  bowling  center  for 

The  Tournament 

When:  Sjturday,  April  27 
RMchart  Cup  Finals 
12  fKHin  to  1  p.m. 
Tournament  of 
2  to  3:.T0  p.m 

Whtte:  Building  M  g>  n-tmsium 

Cost  Jl  S  per  ticket  at  Building  J 

boK  office(ex.  6547) 

Sfimmon  mmt  be  In 
BuiUing  M  fry  H  a.m.  far  amtmg 

the  "World  S»:-ries  ot  Bowling  " 

Last  years  tournjment  held 
in  fnmt  of  a  s«ld  out  cnnvd  of  (ner 
2,4(X)  S.1  many  people  thai  M>me  had 
ti'  be  turned  away  at  the  d>Hir 

lor    the   upcoming    tournament, 

HninsvMck.  officials  have  revi.sed  the 

flan  to  dicommodate  more 

■■i>    Randv  Wagner  iliri',  t,.rnf 

marketing      and      pron 

Brunsvvii  k    viid  there  v\..,  ,-.   ,- ;», 

KWKi  murr  M-.:its  available 

I  I-*  ■  .  T  w,!-.  kind  of  an  experi- 
niv  :need  to  str  how  things 

wi.'-....  ,.,-    .ii  an  arena  type  setting, 
Wagner  sjivt,  ' We  wer<'  pleased  with 
Har|>er  as  the  site  tor  the  tournament 
and  that's  why  we  decided  to  come 

I. ike  Uwt  jwi;r,  Brunswick  will  con- 
struct four  specially  desigmxi  lanes 
complete  with  ball  returas  and  pin- 

A  stage  will  be  constructed  and 
■\BC- TV'  will  be  televising  the  event 
live,  which  will  cost  %\5  to  attend  in 

Mike  Aulby.  winner  of  the  1995  Tournament  of  Champions 
celebrated  the  victory  with  his  family  after  a  difficult  season. 

person.  Special  lighting  will  bo 
installed  and  television  cameras  s«*t 
up  (Her  sued  screens  will  be  hung 
so  the  audience  on  hand  will  be  able 
to  see  everything  the  home  viewers 

The  field  of  bowlers  vying  for  one 

In  This  Issi; 

ol  (he  top  five  positions  include  many 
of  the  pro's  that  com[x>ted  in  last 
\ears  competition  such  as:  Parker 
Bohn  111,  Bob  Spaulding  and 
Brunswick  Tournament  Of 

Champions  winner.  Mike  Aulby. 

see  Bowling  on  Page  2 

Arts  and  Entertainment: 

Al  Rose  and  Mike  McDermott 
scheduled  to  play  Harper 
Auditorium  on  April  17. 
I  Page  3 

I  Commentary:  vou  ever  stepped  into  jn 
lenvironnu-nt  completely 
junfamiliartoyou?  Read  one 
I  person's  experience. 
■  Page  5 

I  Elections  are  growing  closer 
land  closer  The  Republican  pri- 
jmaries  are  the  big  deal  right 
Inow,  with  Bob  Dole  in  com- 
Imand.  Frank  Biga  looks  at  a 
Ipossible  running  mate 
jPage  5 


jSpnng  sptirts  are  on  their  way! 

ind  out  about  st>ttl\ill  and 

aseball  previews 

"1  loved  it...  it  was  mucli  better  than  'Cats'...' 

Jim  Wand  controls  a  few  student  minds  and  entertains  aii 

Susan  Rademacher 


iulle  Thompson 

WW'S  EDI  T0« 

Men  were  turned  into  women  and  earthlings  into 
Martiaas  when  hypmitist  Jim  Wand  cam.-  to  Harper 
on  Maah  7 

The  lunch  time  perh»rmance  paclani  the  Student 
i  enter  in  Building  ,-\  as  about  -KH)  students  gathered 
to  see  their  friends  exhibit  many  buam-  behaviors. 

Wand  had  21)  men  belie\  ing  that  they  wen?  final- 
ists i,n  the  Miss  ,\menca  f'ageant 

Harbinger  staft  w  riter  Chris  Batemean  was  one  of 
Ihf  volunteers  to  lie  'put  under  " 

I  woke  up  and  had  a  giant  set  of  breasts  and  I  felt 
mighty  womanly  "he  said  Bateman  thought  he  was  a 
finalist  in  the  pageant. 

A  lot  of  people  may  have  been  skepticle  about 
hypnotism  before  seeing  Wands  performance  "But 
N-  made  believers  out  of  all  of  us."  Bateman  said  '1 
simply  stepped  on  the  stage  to  try  and  t]uit  smokmg 
The  next  thing  I  knew,  I  was  a  woman  " 

Another  contestant,   we'll  call   "Miss  Texas— 


Hypnotist  Jim  Wand  (far  right)  hosts  the  all 
male  version  of  the  Miss  America  peagent. 

Tammy  )o,"  was  goosing  Wand  at  one  point  in  the 
performance  Although  the  contestant  claims  that 
Wand  backed  into  him 

Uughs  filled  the  building  as  hypnotized  students 
dropped  all  their  inhibitioas 

Washington  &  Lee  U.  students 
picl(  Dole  as  Republican  winner 

Arts  «  Entertainment . 

lasslf  Ms 

ISpofts «_«. 

Pages  1-2 

—  Page  3 

.  Pages  4-f 
.Pages  8-7 

—  Paget 

■y  Celleea  OeBaise 


I  f\\\i.n>\.  Va-The  real 
'■■■  \.,itic>nal  Convention, 

"'  ■•  1  until  August  in  San 


But  that  hasn't  stoppcxl  students 
at  Wjsliiiigton  and  lee  Lniversity 
in  Virginia  from  nominatmu  Sen. 

Bob  Dole  for  pa~,ident  m  a  mcnk 
national  convention  that  has  a  long- 
time tradition  i>f  picking  winners, 

"As  far  as  I'm  concerned,  there  is 
no  reason  to  go  to  San  Diego," 
Virginia  Ciov.  C,;eorge  Allen  told  the 
22m  students  who  gathered  March 
2  and  picked  Dole  on  the  first  ballot. 

Since  1908.  the  schtHils  student 
delegates  have  corrtvtly  picked  the 


presidential  nonnnef  tor  the  party 
not  in  the  White  House  15  out  ot  20 
times  The  convention  has  erred 
only  once  since  1948,  when  the  del- 
egates chose  Edward  Kenned) 
rather  than  Georg»>  VUtiovem  as 
the  1972  Democratic  candidate. 

Five  minutes  after  the  roll-call 

vote  and  balloon  dn)p,  all  held  in 

see  WU  Primary  on  Page  2 

847/925-6000  x2461 


Harpar  News 

The  Harbinger 
Mmh  15, 1996 

WU  Primary 

continued  from  page  1 

the  (chool's  fieldhou««.  Sen. 
Bob  Dole  thanked  the  stu- 
dents in  a  telephone  call.  "I 
accept  the  luxninatton.  <nd  i 
a|ipraciale  it  very  much,"  he 
aaid,  via  t  cellular  phone  iTom 
his  plane  on  a  N*vt  England 

After  Dole,  Pal  Buchanan 
won  the  most  detegales,  with 
Lamar  Alexander  and  Sieve 


continued  from  page  1 

Wagner  Mid  speoibtion 
on  this  year's  favorite  for  the 
top  spot  isn't  easy  "They' ri- 
al! contender>.  but  Aulby 
could  certamly  br  in  thrrt-  ' 

Auttjy's  1*»5  Vicror\ 
an  emotiotval  ont-  His  lather 
passed  away  prior  In  tho 
tournament.  After  his  win 
Aulby  sal  crying  and  said. 

Health  Corner 

Forties  trailing  far  b<^ind. 

Ronnie  Brown,  a  senior 
who  served  as  treasurer  on  the 
convention's  executive  com- 
mittee, said  the  student-run 
convention  is  "exactly  like  the 
teal  thing." 

Student  delegates  each 
represent  a  particular  state 
arid  .spend  more  than  six 
monllu  reading  m-w^papers. 
tracking  polls  and  corre- 
spimding  with  political  pro- 
teMors,  repi)rters  and  party 
leader*  rn  the  states  they  rep- 

■■Dad-thi>  l^  tnr  vcu  ' 

Last  vijf~  lournament 
requirtxl  .i  Im  ul  audience 
pa  rtici  pat  ion  Everyone, 

including  lh«'  bowlers  felt  the 
electricity  fill  the  gymnasi- 

but,  ther«'  wasn't  )ust 
bowling  Then-  was  dancing 
and  signing  to  the  music  priv 
vided  by  the  Rob  Fulks  Band 
during  conunercial  breaks.  It 
was  one  of  the  most  exciting 


Earlier  this  year,  the  stu- 
deiUs  correctly  predicted  that 
Buchanan  would  win 
Louisiana,  and  Dole  would 
take  Iowa.  The  accuracy  of  the 
students'  front-runner  fore- 
casts has  led  to  a  fair  share  of 
media  attenti(5n.  This  year,  the 
conventKin  was  broadcast  live 
on  C-SPAN,  and  profiled  on 
the  jim  Lefuer  Newshour  The 
event  also  drew  speakers  such 
as  former  Vice-President  Dan 

events  to  come  to  Harper 

We'd  like  to 
asU  a  pint- 
sized  favor. 

Gna  tteod  Ms  lunHnar.  Gal 
L«»Sou(o*  Bkxxl  S«v«oas  tor 

•n  •oponlmenl.  (706)  296-9660. 

Of  vMit  t  donof  carter  naar  you. 

Diabetes  Support  Group  Meeting 

On  March  2i>,  2:30-4  p  m..  Building  M, 
Room  213a  there  will  be  an  Adult  Diabetes 
Support  Group  meeting.  Tlus  meeting  is 
sponsored  by  the  American  Diabetes 
Aasociation  in  cooperation  with  Northwest 
Cardiac  Rehabilitation  Center  at  Harper 
College.  For  more  mformation  call  847/'*25- 

HMiltiiy  Eatinc  on  the  Run 

^tou  want  to  eat  right  atKl  you  know  what 

you  should  be  eating,  but  it  takes  too  much 
time  Or  does  it?  Not  if  you  follow  the  easy- 
ttvuse  guideliites  presented  in  "Healthy 
Eating  on  the  Run,"  Wednesday,  March  20, 
12  p.m.,  1315  In  this  program,  Judy 
Schimmel,  RD.  wUl  show  you  how  to  com- 
bine healthy  eating  aiKl  fast-paced  living 
into  an  eating  plan  that  is  quick  without 
compromismg  health.  You'll  discover  how 
to  prepare  nutrihous  meals  and  snacks  that 
take  only  minutes  to  fix.  So  forget  the  soda 
and  candy  bar  meals  Healthy  eating  can  be 
yours  without  sacrificing  time,  taste  or 

WHY        NORTH        PARK? 

KMsanse  it's  an  exceUent  place  to 
".^SJrtiiy  bachelor's  decree. 


ComalBnlly  ranked  by  us  News  «  WbWty  fi«»»rt among  ■#» 
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It  I  I  IK  M 

iknon  Donfay  umI  oisii  yam  canpu: 
Matti  It.  10  o.m.  ID  1  p.m..  twMing  J 
April  9,  10  o.m.  K)  1  p.n.,  luiUing  I 

Upcoming  Entertainment  Events 

Free  Concert  Mike  Raybum 
April  10  in  Building  A 

Free  Video:  "dockers" 
March  20  m  Buildmg  A  by 
Student  Activities  office. 

Alt  Exhibit:  "The  Ceramks  of 
Jeremy  Fryman"  April  3 
through  2h.  Building  L,  first 
fltwt  Free 

Alt  Exhibib  "Evan  Lindquist: 
Recent  Engravings."  April  4 
tiuough  20.  Buildings  C  and  P. 

Theatre:  Marcia  MIkie  in  "Are 
You  Happy?"  April  11, 
7:30p.m.  Building       J 

Auditorium.  $5  students,  fac- 
ulty, senior  citizer^,  $7  general 

ntrraa^MOk*  BZiM>'<iV 

•  ChKV- ba  <a62»4M  axil' Ao»i<i»i< 


Fimous  US  Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team  Diet 

During  Ihe  nor^-snow  off  season  the  US  Women's  Alpine  S*ii  TeaT! 
members  used  tue  "Ski  Team'  diet  to  lose  20  pounds  in  Nwo  weeks  Thais 
right  •  20  pounds  in  14  days'  The  basis  ol  me  diet  is  chemical  tood 
action  and  was  devised  by  a  famous  Colorado  physician  especially  for 
the  U  S  Ski  Team  Normal  energy  is  maintained  (very  impoftanti)  while 
reducing  You  keep  luir  -  no  stan/ation  •  because  the  diet  is  designed 
that  way  Its  a  diet  that  is  easy  to  follow  whether  you  work,  travel  or  stay 
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This  is,  honestly,  a  fantaslically  successful  diet  If  it  weren  t.  the  U  S 
Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team  wouldn't  be  permitted  to  use  it'  Right'>  So. 
gr»e  yourself  the  same  break  the  US  Ski  Team  gets.  Lose  weight  the 
scientific .  proven  way  Even  if  you've  tried  all  the  other  diets  you  owe  it  to 
yourself  to  try  the  U.S.  Women's  Alpine  Ski  Team  Diet  That  is.  if  you 
really  do  want  10  lose  20  pounds  in  two  weeks  Order  today'  Tear  this  out 
as  a  reminder 

Send  only  $8  95  ($9.60  in  Calif. )-add  .50  cents  RUSH  service  to 
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93422  Don't  order  unless  you  expect  to  tose  20  pooncis  tn  two  waaksl 
Because  that's  what  ttw  Ski  Team  Diet  will  do.  ^,  995 


Robert  Morris 



IN  60  WEEKS 

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Trmiuftr  StkoUrMiu  mp  M  HMOmn  WHuUtUftr  ttmiattt 

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GJ>A.  of  at  UaM  i.0. 


WEDNESDAY,  APRIL  10,  1996 

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'/'  y..>ij  4iiiii'  AH  A"!Wtati-  .' 
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L-,<m('Utf  \fiHtr  Ha>.Mirr.'  I 


LSO  Norlh  USiUli:  Sirecl 
Chicgo.  IL  fMOt 

March  IS,  19W 

Arts  &  Entertali^hient 

Page  3 

Rose,  McDermott  to 
play  at  Harper  April  17 

Cleaning  Ladys,  local  reviews 


Kfichacl  McDmuM  will 
Kradlinc,  with  Al  Row  a* 
ttit  optntT  far  the  fiiMl  csn- 
£«rt  of  Spring  19%,  The  cwv 
cert  will  take  place  on 
Wednesday,  Apnl  17  in  the 
Building  J  Theatrr  al  7:30 
p  m.  Here's  the  lowdtjwn. 

Michael  McDrrmott 
sounds  a  hit  tiJte  Cony  Halt 
vocally,  but  his  musicai  style 
ia  more  like  that  of  Bruce 
Homsby  or  Don  Henley  For 
the  most  part,  the  tracks  are 
fairly  melkiw,  with  the  occa- 
sional rocker  mixed  in  for  a 
perfect  blend  ol  csr-pleat- 
ing  music. 

Highlights  -Bells-. 

"Forever",  Su/ie's  Co*  a 
Brand  New  Hat",  and  a  hid- 
den track  (#45)  that  my 
computer  found.  (I  think 
irs  caikd  "It's  KiUing  Me~, 
but  since  it  was  hidden  it 
wasn't  listed  on  the  liner 
notes.)  "Bells"  has  a  killer 
piano  part  which  blends 
perfectly  with  the  test  of  the 
song,  and  the  result  is  a 
poignantly  emotional  feel 
'bdt  carries  thmugh  much  of 
rse  record. 

McDrrmott  played  mmt 
of  his  own  instruments,  but 

got  tielp  from  some  other 
musicians  on  a  couple  of 
tracks.  John  Carpender  of 
Mystery  Driver  played 
drums  for  "Suzie's  Col  a 
Brand  New  Hal".  One  par- 
ticularly interesting  sound 
is  the  bagpipes  (Bruce 
Erskine)  on  "Legendary" 
The  bass  made  it  sound 
almost  Bowie-esque.  All  in 
all.  the  disc  represents  a 
very  strong  effort  from 

Al  Rose  has  been  getting 
a  considerable  amount  of 
airplay  on  stations  tike 
WCBR-FM  His  style  is 
mostly  jazz,  with  a  hint  of 
rock  1e  toll-  "Watermark" 
mntndcd  me  musically  of 
the  Red  Hot  Chili  Peppers, 
with  a  draslKally  dift^ienl 
vocal  styte.  A  icinale  singer 
came  in  toward  the  end.  and 
her  voice  had  an  almost 
goapel-iike  (|ua]ity. 

Rose's  entire  CD  is  an 
eclectic  blend  of  folk  iazz. 
with  a  touch  of  rock  and  the 
slighlcsl  hint  of  the  blues. 
Other  highlights:  "We  re 
Ck>ing  Down", 

"  Destination;  Lost", 
"Rodeodeo".  It  was  aesthet- 
ically  pleasing  to  the  ear;  a 
very  enioyaMe  Usltn. 

(•4T>  •as-Mxw 

ARTS  A  mrBtrtMrnm  eotor 

No,  I  haven't  been  ignoring  the  local  music 
scene  this  semester...  just  hoarding  a  whole 
btinch  of  CD's  until  1  got  time  to  sit  down  and 
go  through  them  all.  Before  the  reviews,  1 
would  like  to  mention  that  the  Cleaning 
Ladys  and  Fishy  Motion  will  be  performing 
at  Matty's  in  Wheeling  on  March  X,  $300 
cover.  Under  21  will  be  allowed  in  for  the 
show  if  they  are  accompaiued  by  a  parent 
Also  look  for  a  7"  single  of  "She  Won't  French 
Kiss"  in  bcal  record  stores.  Now  away  we 

Cathy  Richardson 
Fooh  on  a  Tandem 

Jessica  Records 

Local  songsticas  Cathy  Richanison's  sec- 
oi¥J  effort  aimes  fortfi  with  a  vengeaiKe.  The 
firat  smgle,  "Down  for  the  Count"  has  been 
getting  some  fairly  heavy  airplay  locally,  and 
it  was  also  mentioned  in  the  entertainment 
industry's  Billboard  Magaziiw  a  couple  of 
weeks  ago  as  a  ht>t  up-and-coming  single. 
Rumor  has  it  that  Richardstm  has  attractixi 
attention  from  some  major  bbels  with  her  lat- 
est disc. 

Other  highlights  of  the  disc  include 
"Twisted  Arrow",  "Not  the  Only  One", 
"Running  Out  of  Time"  and  the  live  version 
of  "O  Starry  Night,  Sorry  Night"  Richardson 
ntanages  to  sound  tough  yet  sUghtly  vulnera- 
ble on  most  tracks,  a  f<>at  that  few  female  per- 
formers maruge  with  such  poise. 

Richardson  has  a  long  and  prosperous 
career  ahead  of  her  With  a  sound  that's  sort 
of  in  between  mafor-label  artists  the  Indigo 
Girls  and  Melissa  Etheridge.  Richard'-on  is 
sure  to  keep  putting  out  quality  music  for 
many  years  to  come. 

Joel  Frankel 

If  Petrr  Pans  Out 

Waterdog  Records 

With  a  sound  that's  part  Counting  Crows, 
part  Mellencamp  and  a  big  part  folk,  Joel 
Frankel  has  put  out  a  very  enjoyable  disc. 
Much  of  his  career  in  Chicago  has  been  for 
fans  under  three  feet  tall— now  comes  some- 
thing fans  of  all  ages  can  enjoy. 

Highlights:  "tk>d,  I  Need  Coffee"  (some- 
thing any  college  student  can  relate  to), 
"Eastern  Standard  Time",  "So  Much  To  Do" 
and  "Second  Best".  The  result:  an  excellent 
way  of  proving  himself  as  a  serious  song- 
writer, iwt  just  a  songwriter  for  kids 

Frankel's  first  serious  album  is  well  worth 
taking  for  a  spin  (or  ten  or  a  hundred) — he 
proves  with  this  album  that  he  is  not  only  a 
great  songwriter  but  a  songwriter  who  can  be 
enjoyed  by  many  a  generation,  and  a  musi- 
cian who  will  be  around  for  many  more  years 

Mystery  Driver 

Getting  Awat/  With  Munkr 

Whitehouse  Records 

Stevi-  llcrbch,  fdrmfrly  of  the  Bad 
Examples,  heads  up  thks  trio  ot  local  musi- 
cians Mystery  Driver  sits  somt^where  on  the 
musical  spectrum  between  rock  and  blues, 
giving  them  a  unique  sound  that  has  been 
taking  off  in  Chicago.  The  Fabulous 
Thunderbirds  came  to  mind  while  listening  to 
this  disc. 

Highlights  of  the  disc  included  "Sideways 
Bix>gie",  "Ijeavc  My  Woman  Alone"  and 
"Don't  Tell  Motel"  Tfie  eck-ctir  mix  of  electric 
blues  with  rock  and  mil  makes  for  a  killer 
i)iu"-two  punch  reminiscenl  of  times  when 
rock  musii  n^allv  meant  something. 



St  make  aiTaif  to  air  transfer, 
in  order  to  save  400  lives 






The  Harbinger 
Match  15, 1996 

Our  view 

Quit  complaining 
and  vote  already! 

The  Harbinger  urges  each  and 
every  voter  to  get  to  the  polls  and 
vote.  The  right  to  vote  has  been 
fought  on  many  fronts  in  the  histo- 
ry of  the  United  States    Women  and 
blacks  fought  with  their  hearts, 
minds  and  sometimes  lives  in  order 
to  guarantee  this  freedom  in  our 

Compalints  about  elected  offi- 
cials are  heard  at  every  level  of 
government,  including  student 
government.  However,  when  elec- 
tion time  rolls  around,  voter  partic- 
ipation IS  frighteninj»ly  low   The 
city  of  Chicago  has  announcfd  that 
voter  registration  is  at  an  all-time 
low  for  the  March  19  primary. 

Low  voter  participation  leads  to 
a  small  minority  determining  the 
future  make-up  of  our  government. 
Those  who  refuse  to  exercise  their 
right  to  vote  will  have  no  one  to 
blame  but  themselves. 
Unfortunately,  bad  elected  officials 
do  things  that  affect  us  all. 

The  Harper  College  Student 
Senate  for  1995-96  is  a  prime  exam- 
ple of  what  happens  when  people 
refuse  to  vote    Less  thiin  fifty  votes 
per  election  has  beci>me  the  norm 
tor  Senate  elections    Last  spring 
the  Sen.ite  I'reMdent  jnd  Vice 
President  were  elected.  By 
November,  they  had  quit  on  the 
heels  of  impeachment    Their  depar- 
ture left  a  void  thai  needed  to  be 
tilled    The  situation  improved 
slightly  with  the  appointment  of 
Paul  Wyer  as  president  and 
Caroline  Saccomanno  as  vice  presi- 

Wyer  ha.«.  shown  almost  no  lead- 
ership skills  as  the  Senate  presi- 
dent. He  has  allowed  others  to  ful- 
fill his  duties  and  is  quick  to  pass 
on  blame  Only  you,  the  voters  of 
Harper  College,  can  recti fv  the  sit- 
uation   Bring  vour  green  and  white 
Student  Actvity  card  with  \  ou  to 
school  April  s»-10  and  your 
ballot  m  the  Student  Senate  elec- 

Are  we  really  getting  serious 
about  children  In  violent  crimes? 

Ion  O'Brien 
The  Eli's  View 

Child  violence  is  something 
that  has  grabt>ed  (he  emo- 
tional side  ot  our  country 
for  some  time  now  Stones  like 
children  setting  tir<'  'o  their  hous- 
es, robbing  other  kid'-  tor  their 
shoos  i>r  dropping  voung  ones 
out  !.>!  high-rise  windows  for 
candy  are  on  the  news  in  griiwing 
numbers  At  the  source  of  all  ol 
the  incidents  is  an  inniKent  person 
getting  hurt,  sometimes  latally 
It  seems  like  everv'  expert  in 
the  country  has  a  new  angle  on 
how  to  curb  the  problem.  While 
man\  ot  these  ideas  hold  ment, 
the  law  has  not  been  so  able  or 
willing  as  to  actually  trv"  some  of 

Amenca  as  a  whole  has  started 
showing  felons,  rapists,  criminals, 
drug  lords,  and  killers  a  lot  more 
mercy  than  they  should  e\  er 
receive.  The  tact  that  so  many  chil- 
dren involved  in  violent  crimes 
the  onj-s  who  are  perfectK  sani' 
and  can  differentiate  right  and 
wrong,  get  out  because  they're 
under  18  is  disgusting. 

Most  of  the  kxal  area  news- 
casts haie  shown  the  infamous 
video  of  a  group  ol  l.os  Angeles 
teens  attacking  innocent 
bystanders  with  paintballs  and 
baseball  bats  Thev  knew  what 
they  Here  doing-  they  were 
laughing  the  whole  time' 

If  convicted  as  adults,  and 
there  is  no  guarantee  that  this  will 
happen,  these  kids  will  face  up  to 
17  years  in  the  slammer  But  why 
stop  there?  If  1  was  one  of  the 
beaten  or  pelted,  I'd  want  a  cou- 
ple minutes  alone  with  a  pellet 
gun  at  these  young  ones. 

What  bothers  me  even  more  is 
the  people  who  claim  that  chil- 
dren like  these  need  psychological 
help  For  what,  so  a  highlv-paid 
doctor  can  tell  us  that  these  kids. 
an?  missing  a  few  chips? 

Resources  like  this  would  t>e 
better  spent  on  children  who 
could  benefit  fmm  the  treatment, 
such  as  the  chi  Id  who  was  ordered 
by  his  lather  to  kill  him.  Because 
of  one  man's  inability  to  cope 
with  everyday  life,  this  pot>r  ihild 
IS  going  to  have  to  live  with  that 
terrible  thought  for  the  ri'st  of  his 
life  If  the  father  did  not  die  from 
the  wound,  I  can  think  of  several 
people  who  would  have  liked  to 
finish  the  n^b 

Where  are  the  parents  in  all  of 
this'  A  mother  of  one  ot  the  chil- 
dren in  the  Los  Angeles  |ovride 
claimed  that  her  child  would 
ni»ver  do  such  a  violent  act, 
despite  the  group's  own  Mdoo 
liad  this  lady  had  a  clue  as  to 
what  her  child  was  doing,  could 
something  ha\e  btvn  done'  It 
ma\  not  ha\  e  stopped  the  dnve- 
by  but  it  might  have  spared  one 
young  life  from  tx'commg  a  possi- 
ble felon 

Knowing  the  difference 
between  right  and  wrong  can  be  a 
difficult  thing  when  you're  a 
teenager.  But  knowing  not  to  do 
something  if  you  don't  fully 
understand  it  is  something  you 
leam  the  first  time  you  tried  to 
touch  fire  or  a  pot  of  hot  water 

As  I've  rattled  off  a  million 
times  before,  raising  our  children 
correctly  begins  in  the  home.  If 
you  don't  know  how  to  raise  a 
child  or  are  unfit  to  be  a  parent, 
you  never  should  have  attempted 
to  conceive  one.  Today's  delin- 
quent children  are  tomorrow's 
junkies  and  burdens  on  society. 

A  crime  is  a  crime,  regardless 
of  the  age  of  the  person  commit- 
ting it.  Anytme  who  commits  one 
des»Tvcs  nothing  less  than  prose- 
cution to  the  fullest  extent  of  the 
law.  If  someone  keys  my  car,  robs 
me  of  my  shoes,  or  attempts  to 
brfak  info  my  home,  none  of  the 
usual,  such  as  "lousy 
childhLK>d,"  or  my  personal 
favorite,  "Ini  a  victim  of  society,", 
is  going  to  s,n  e  them.  They're 
"goin'  downtown." 

I'm  not  asking  for  a  total  o\  er 
throw  of  the  American  justice  sys- 
tem I  )ust  don't  feel  like  bivoming 
a  statistic  because  of  another  per- 
si>n's  negligence  or  bci.iusi'  some 
kid  decides  that  the  l.iv\  does  not 
apply  to  him/her  I  don't  think 
anybody  else  does,  either. 

This  kind  of  scum  deserves  no 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Actmg  Editor  m  Chief JonO*Brien 

Business  Manager  Valerie  Wevers 

Managing  Editor  .    Dave  Punp 

News  Editor  kine  Thompson 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

SportsEditor Susan  RaOemacher 

Copy  Editor  . .  open 

Features  Edit  01  open 

Faculty  Advisor Howard  ScWossberg 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Chris  Bateman  Kathy  Betts.  Frank  J.  Biga, 

Tammy  Bogon,  TW.  Fuller,  Veronica  Gonzalez, 

Rosemarie  Hyltoa  Adam  weeks 

General  Policies 

Qarwrsi  InfoimMtlon 

The  HmOmter « the  sJuowit  uuWication  to  trie  Harpet  College  cameus  com- 

muMty.  putAshea  tn-weekly  througtiout  ttw  scmoi  yem  eicept  during  holidays 

and  fmal  manK.  the  (Mper  is  distnouted  free  to  all  students,  tacutty  and 

aamnslration.  The  Hmtmger's  sole  purpose  is  to  provide  the  Harper  connmu- 

ntty  wrth  information  pertaining  to  ine  campus  and  its  surromUng  coinmunl- 


The  Hmtungm  wucomes  letters  to  th«  sditor  and  replies  to  out  editonals. 
Ltttcrs  must  M  signed  and  mclude  a  sociM  security  nunlier.  Signatures  wtt 
tie  witrvwid  upon  request.  AH  letters  are  sUDecl  to  editing. 

Products  and  servKes  aOnerttsed  m  The  Harbinger  are  not  necessarily 
endorsed  tiy  the  editors  of  this  paper,  nor  By  the  college  aanwiistration  or 
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and  an  purcfiases  are  at  the  dtscietwn  ot  the  consuner 

MaUir«  Address: 

The  Hartiinger  -  William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine.  IL  60067  7098 

Phone  Nunbers: 

business  office;  (847)  925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  925-6000  x2461 

fax:  (847)  925-6033 

copyright  1996,  The  Hart)Jr%er. 
All  rights  reserved. 


The  Harbinger 
March  15,  19% 



No  green  card?  Better  get  Royko 

TW  Fulhrr 
American  Independent 

When  Mike  Royko  sat  down 
J  few  weeks  ago  and  began 
writing  his  Feb  27th  col- 
umn for  the  Chicaifo  Tribune,  little  did 
he  know  then  that  the  finished  prcxl- 
uct  would  spark  a  new  Mexican- 
American  War 

Actually  it  wasn't  much  of  a  wjr 
It  was  over  before  it  started  R<ivk.(> 
was  not  fired,  nor  did  hf  n-tiri' 

The  temper  tantrum  nut'^ide  the 
Tribune  building,  led  bv  J  li'w  dis- 
gruntled and  vulgdr-moulhfd 
Americans  with  Mexican  htrita^e 
fizzled  rapidly  and  the  day  returned 
to  Its  natural  decorum 

Except  for  iww  last  attack  from  a 
very  desperate  and  unqualified 
twwiy  elected  p<.)liticidn  ot  Mfxican 
heritage,  whose  first  act  to 
demand  the  rt^signatum  it  tiring  ot 
Royko.  the  world  tontinui-s  to  turn 

Still,  It  would  b»'  thouKhlle>s  nol 
to  acknowledge  the  murage  <>l  lhi> 

politician    With  all  the  far  greater 
and  mort'  important  problems  premis- 
ing the  citv  of  ChKago  he  took  it 
upon  himsfll  to  make  Royko  his 
number  one  pnority. 

It  isn't  every  politician  that  would 
show  their  inaptitude  on  the  first 

To  the  issue  at  hand  -  it  may  be 
painful  to  repnnt  what  Royko  has 
said  about  Mexico  and  Mexicans 
But  lets  do  It  anyway' 

"Besides  doing  nothing  to  prevent 
Its  surplus  citizens  fn>m  sneaking 
into  this  country,  it  is  a  corrupt 
narci>state  that  pumps  tons  ot  drugs 
into  this  countv, "  writes  Royko 

He  continues  with,  "It  s  police 
and  pi'liticians    a  real  slea/v  crowd  - 
are  owned  b\  the  drug  t>oss«.'s  ' 

Such  n'marks  have  angered  many 
.Americans  with  Mexican  heritage, 
who  have  labeled  them  as  racist 
But  by  examining  them,  the  truth  is 
e\  idem 

Mexico  does  not  do  anything  to 
prevent  its  citi/ens  fn>m  crossing  the 

Good  'ol  Boys  in  the 
concrete  jungle 

Chri^  Hiitrmiin 

Grtvtmgs  and  s.ilutations  gixxl 
children  ot  ttie  faith.  Now 
Itial  I  w  thrown  ,i  tire  up  the 
collevlne  tMck^ides  ot  i>ur  esteemed 
Multicultural  I>partment.  it  s  time 
to  take  J  ride  in  m\  literary  '''7  l-ord 
pickup  down  the  twisting  bai  kroads 
ot  my  mind 

My  humble  beginnings  began  in 
rural  North  Texa>.  some  «wenty-id<f 
years  .igo 

I  lived  a  men?  hour  s.>u|tiv».'^'  ■>! 
Dallas,  but  as  tar  as  1  louk! 
might  as  well  lived  j  iiioi.^....v, 
mile-,  troni  nowhtri- 

One  J.iv  "lit  ol  the  blue.  I  packixl 
nu  slufl   kissi'd  my  nionimj  on  the 
iheek   p.  '  ■'       ■  i:i.l  tiigh  tailed  it 

to  thi-  bi^  ■  ..Hi  .Mmighty, 

did  this  plate  v.iMi  me  ott  guardi 

My  first  week  up  here  I  though  1 
would  be  rolling  in  the  cash 

Everywhere  1  U«>ked.  empk>y- 
ment  beckoned  li>  me  iS  an  hour 
delivering  pi//a.  or  hosting  at  a 
-■    '      ■  !"(  tor  $7  an  hour 

.H.n  I  learned  that  the  cold 
re.iliiv  up  here  likes  to  bite  folks  in 
the  butt 

This  r,  ■    ■  ^  name  and  its 

name  is  .   ■■  .; 

The  nexi  KiJ  m-ws  sm.ukett 
my  poinie.i  wen-  !(»■ 
bistros  .Kid  I'.irs 

At  h. .nK-  vou  went  in  to  vour 
■I.   ■:  ■     .\  .itering  hole   s.ii  J..U  ri   .,:  ,! 
-   .  .    ,     ..,.f 

■■'.  these  establisment* 
'!  .     ,,        fi-ti  '  ,1-.  ii-nient   They  want 
threi  !.••  ,1  vour  mother  s 

work  lii>;      ,    ,      .    ::iplKate       Hus 
ot  loursi-  tjkt-^  ,ill  ot  the  tun  out  ot 
going  i>ul  with  the  hombn-s,  Ksaus«' 
momma  hasn  t  taken  ilie  tune  out  ot 
her  square  datKing  Wsmuu  to  buy  a 

border.  It  is  glad  to  be  rid  of  them 
because  those  who  do  cross  are  most- 
ly poor,  uneducated  and  of  no  use  to 

As  for  Royko  calling  Mexico's 
police  and  politicians  a  sleazy  crowd- 
Havcn't  we  lixiked  upon  our  own 
legislators  w  ith  disgust  and  called 
them  every  name  in  the  book? 

"A  corrupt  narco-state  thai  pumps 
tons  of  drugs  into  this  country  "  The 
truth  IS  that  Mexico  supplies  drugs  to 

In  the  Chicago  Tribune  article, 
"U.S.  pressure  in  drug  war  angers 
Mexico'  (front  page),  it  states  that, 
"The  United  Stales  may  stxm  declare 
that  Mexico  has  been  insufficiently 
diligent  in  fighting  the  hde  of  drugs 
flowing  into  the  t.S  " 

It  goes  on  to  read  (on  page  13), 
"Mexico  remains  a  major  transship- 
ment point  for  ciKaine  and  other  ille- 
gal drugs  destined  tor  the  US    Drug 
smuggling  across  the  long  US  - 
Mexican  border  is  rampant." 

If  the  Mexicans  weren't  so  over- 

tax machine 

Then  the  next  item  up  to  bid  is 
the  northern  woman,  which  I  could 
write  an  I'niirv  conmient.irv  about 

I  will  keep  It  briet  though,  as  sex- 
ual harassment  law  suits  up  here  are 
quite  chii 

For  the  most  part,  the  northern 
woman  is  the  most  KmuIiIuI,  intelli- 
gent person  1  have  ever  met. 

They  .in-  definitely  a  step  up  from 
the  Tammy  lo  Killing's  ot  my  native 

All  in  all  though,  tnv  traasition 
into  northeni  lite  has  bwn  a  blast. 

The  pet>ple  and  plates  tt-iat  I've 
mH  and  M.x'n  since  mov  mg  here  has 
btTn  .1  le.irning  experience 

Mv  friends  are  gL»d.  supportive 
peopit-  that  have  seen  me  through 
my  s4"ttling  in 

In  the  past  eight  or  so  months,  the 
term  'frienti  '  has  quukly  gone  out 
the  window  with  them 

Thev   1-    -  -    ' '  •■■ibres 
l:vervthi!  ;neaning  ot  lite 

to  the  tine  .in  ...  -.1  Irans  Am  rep.iir 
has  been  ne.itlv  webbed  into  nu  .on 

V'*ll  aw  the  cvxilest  lolks  I  know. 
and  Ws  article  is  dedicated  to  every- 
one at  "the  Knoll" 

So  to  top  It  otf,  northern  adjusl- 
nient  and  the  cowboy  tnim  hell  are 
doing  quite  nicely,  right  now 

Life  up  here  is  (ull  of  twists  and 
turns  some  gtxxl,  some  not  so  good 

Hut  hev.  that's  life  anywhere.  So 
!'-.    :  ,  .;  tirii.  don  t  get  that  pi//.i 
.u-':.'-      ,  .f-    i--.,}  V  oo  re  sitting  m  a 
1m-  *  liking  to  a 

gi! '  -'..  time  ot 

day,  |u>l  sti.Hv  ttie  wfu'ie  iinK'tl  ot 
vipers  vour  butt 

-\nd  think  of  you  re  giKxl  bnvther 
Tex.  and  |ust  laugh  all  the  way  out 
the  dtxT 

whelmingly  apathetic,and  had  as 
much  gumption  as  their  relatives 
who  legally  immigrated  here,  some- 
thing might  be  accomplished. 

Ironically,  the  country,  wnich  is 
something  of  a  safe  zone  for  legal 
Mexicans  and  which  is  becoming 
increasingly  intolerant  of  illegal 
Mexicaas  might  have  to  intercede  cm 
behalf  of  Mexico  by  investing  heavily 
in  individual  businesses  that  have  a 
chance  to  succeed. 

It  is  not  something  America  ought 
lo  do,  but  it  is  because  the  Mexicans 
refuse  to  take  any  initiative  them- 
selves, aside  from  fleemg  across  the 
border  legally  or  not,  that  the  U.S. 
may  be  forced  into  it. 

And  If  is  because  of  this  influx  of 
immigrants  that  the  U.S.  must  do 
something  in  the  immediate  future  to 
protect  its  own  interests,  even  if  it 
means  acting  as  a  parent  or  guardian 
to  Mexico  unhl  the  people  there 
grow  up  and  learn  responsibility  for 

Dole's  VP  a  mystery;  few 
notable  names  surface 

Frank  Bt\'fl 
Staff  lolumnist 


th  Bob  Dole  as  the  virtual 
preMdential  nominee  for 
the  n'publican  party  this 
year,  it  is  about  time  to  start  speculat- 
ing .>n  who  his  potential  running 
mate  coulii  he 

Most  people  involved  in 
Republican  circles  teel  that  Lkile  will 
be  forced  to  pick  someone  more  ct>n- 
servative  than  himself  to  appease  a 
ma|or  voting  block  oi  his  party,  much 
like  C>orge  Bush  pii  ked  Llan  Quale 
m  N88 

A  short  list  ot  possible  candidates 
of  this  type  would  include  Covemor 
lohn  Engler  of  Michigan  and 
Governor  Tommy  Thompson  of 
Wisconsin.  As  consi-rv  ative  as  these 
two  are.  they  bi.)th  have  their  weak- 
nesses    rhompsi>n  comes  triim  a 
small  state  with  only  eleven  electoral 
voles  and  Kngler  did  not  endorse 
LX'le  early  enough  in  the  pnvess, 

Colin  Powell  would  be  the  smart 
choice  politically  because  ot  his  cur- 
rent populantx   but  I'hil  t^ramm  toltl 
Dole  the  only  w.i\  he  would  entiorse 
Dole  IS  It  he  promised  nol  to  pick 

Senator  Kick  Santoaim  is  a 
strong  possibility,  he  comes  from  a 
large  state  Pennsylvania,  is  young 
(about  IT-vears  old),  and  he  is 
appeasing  to  the  conservalu  •">. 

The  only  pniblem  with  him 

IS  that  he  would  get  mercilessly  cru- 
cified bv  the  liberal  media  over  his 
age  and  positions  on  the  issues. 

This  brings  us  lo  Gtwemor  Edgar. 
Right  now,  he  would  be  the  perfect 
choice  He  is  a  gixid  seasoned  cam- 
paigner, ready  to  move  up  m  the 
political  world 

He  just  won  a  landslide  re-4'ks:- 
titvn  victory  in  l'W4  and  could  easily 
deliver  Illinois  22  electoral  votes, 
which  would  take  away  a  state 
Clinton  won  in  '92  and  would  proba- 
bly win  m  'th  it  l-dgar  were  not  on 
this  ticket. 

This  pn-sents  an  interestmg  prob- 
lem for  our  stale  if  a  Dole-Edgar  tick- 
el  wins  and  Ll  Governor  Bob  Kustra 
wins  Paul  Simon's  vacant  Senate 

The  next  in  line  is  Attomey- 
CrfTieral  )im  Ryan  He  would  become 
Governor,  but  would  nol  be  able  to 
pick  a  l.t  Governor,  as  the  Illinois 
Constilulum  calls  for  no  replacement 
lo  be  picked  until  the  next  regular 

So.  don't  be  tiHi  surpnsed  if  the 
above  scenario  takes  place  In  faci,  1 
think  Edgar  has  the  inside  track  on 
getting  the  VP.  nomination  despite 
his  pro-atxirtion  stance  because  of  his 
earlv  support  of  Dole  and  the  fat  t 
that  he  campaigned  personally  for 
him  in  Iowa 

And  ,  of  course,  Edgar  wants  this 
promohon  to  the  nahonal  spotlight— 

March  19th  - 
Illinois  Republican  Primary  Elections 

April  9th- 
Student  Senate  /  Trustee  Elections 



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KAPPA  News 

Phi  Theta  Kappa,  Phi 
Phi  Chapter,  is  conducting 
a  camps-wide  ccxitest  dur- 
ing the  Spring  of  1996 
semester.  The  topic  is  tlus 
year's  Hu  Theta  Kappa 
National  Honors  Study 
Topic:  "Rights  Privileges 
and  responsibilities  -An 
Indelicate  Balance." 
Purpose:  To  bring  att<»ition 
to  and  begin  campus  wide 
dialogue  on  Phi  Theta 
Kappa's  Honor  Topic. 
Eligibility:  All  Spring  19% 
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tered students  except  Phi 
Phi  Chapter  Officers. 
Dates:  Entries  accepted: 
Monday  February  19, 19% 
Entries  deadline:  Friday 
March  22,  1996  Winner 
announced:  Monday,  April 
12.19%orAprU19, 19%. 
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Entry  Fee:  None 
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tificate for  the  Harper 

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^'wiHarper  Sports 

Put  8  »  William  Ralney  Harper  College  «  March  15, 1996" 

Hawks  pick  up  bats  for  1996  season 


S|>rin>(  rt>  than  |ust  flow 

cm  and  ttw  Mstt-r  Bunm, 
twsiliatt  back  to  Harpt-r  C 

Crwch  Norm  <"vii  !• 
try  t>"  hriHf»  t\umr  .- 
■cctkiiul  title  in  1*" 

Gdinvtt  dfsrifH--  h.ird 

working  and  t  S 

adautv  thev  i:  ■'.  i-'t 

to  be  htr 
hours  a  d.i 

The  Hdwks  will  try  to  impriive  on 
last  fieason's  2f>-2()  r,\  orJ  that  ItM 
them  to  HaqxT  s  i:  !  titli' 

bekmf  beinj;  kiHxkw;  ,.i..  i-,  loliui. 
who  went  twi  to  finish  aectmd  in  the 

'Joliet  Icmk  the  national  title  in 
1994  and  is  ttnigh  agi^in  this  year 
along  with  Tnion  lilimtb  Valley  has 
impnwed  and  Rock  Vallev"  is  carrying 
30  guy*  on  their  re>  this  yt-ar, "  said 
Garrett.  • 

The  Hawts  won't  be  tacking  at  the 
ptale  accardmg  to  Canvit,  'They  all 
hjt  the  ball  well  with  weryonr  show- 
ing  gixMi  h<>ivj  and  eye  aiordinatiori  " 

Cdrrett  said  that  his  pitchers  have 
told  him  that  they  are  glad  that  they 
don't  have  to  pilch  against  Harper's 


Tlw  iMsetMll  team  wanns-up  for  the  1996  season. 

Sophomort-  tir>t  basoman  DommK 
Sjv  ino  (Elk  Grove)  hit  .333  last  year 
as  .in  All-Region  selwtion  Outfielder 
Aaron  Bnissett  (Elk  C  .rove)  had  an  on- 
base  percentage  of  4^5  and  led  m 
walk*  as  a  freshman 

Sophomore  Josh  Lettiert-  (St 
Charles)  brings  S4ime  p<wer  to  tht' 

"He  has  the  mt»t  pt>wer  of  anyone 

I  \f  had.  ■  ^aid  I. .arrett.  "When  he  hits 

It.  wow," 

1  cttnTc  (mished  the  IWS  fixitball 
stMson  as  .111  All-Rf);ion  player  at  line- 

The  pitching;  stall  is  packed  with 
rifjhl  handers  such  as  sopliomon- 
Heniminger  (Hoffman  Istates)  v\hi' 
went  "'-I  last  st-ason  Irank  l'ieis<inte 
(Barrin>;tonl  moves  into  the  starting 

rotation    folUnvin);  last   >eason's   2-1 

record  with  lour  sa\  es  m  the  Inill-pm. 

Rob  Thompson  (Hotfnian  l„statfs)   1  strun);  shinvm^;  in  1'*^''  with  a 

:  lor  the  Hawks  will  le 
>ophoiiiori'  Xiitl  Har(>ru'  (1  Ik  (.rove) 
who  ^unm-Li  down  7o  privenl  of 
potential  basi'  runners  m  1^5  while 
hittinfi  :**()  at  the  plate  with  24  RIJIs 

Suino  uill  Ix-  Kii  ked  at  tirst  by 
\l.ilt  \aidiello  and  Douj;  Ma\  it\ 

Kob  rro\osl  irrospcitt  will  con 
lend  uith  Mailv  Muhalisko 
(C.lenbard  North)  to  stv  who  gets  the 
|ob  at  sfci>nd  base 

I.. Peg  llaut  (I'rospect)  will  play 
shortstop  tor  t.arn-lt  "He  makes  the 
routine  plav,  l.arrett  said  "Plus,  he 
makes  contact  at  the  plate" 

Third  base  will  be  a  group  effort 
by  Mike  Nisi  (HIk  lirove),  Christian 
Hoch  (Conant)  and  Matt  Jonas 
(Buffalo  C.rove) 

"All  three  hit  the  ball  well.  That 
job  IS  up  for  grabs.""  said  Garrett 

Brossett  and  and  Dan  Adorjan  (Elk 
( .rove)  will  see  action  m  left  field  with 
LX'n'k  Genlhner  (Schaumburg)  and 
Nick  hninelli  (Hottman  Estates)  in 

I  eltiere  will  be  backed  by  Curt 
IVttinger  (Hoffman  l-statesi  in  right 

Softball  Pre-view  for  1996 

SMan  RademaclMf 


Softtall  coach  (enniler  femen  is  set 
to  field  a  patchwork  team  tor  the  l*** 

The  team  is  a  mix  of  returning 
players,  freshmen  and  transfers 
Jensen  commented  on  the  number  ot 
players  who  have  transfem-d  fn>m 
four-year  schools.  "These  are  all  girls 
that  I  tried  to  recruit  out  o(  high 
school.  They  just  came  to  us  a  year 

Leading  the  way  on  the  mound  is 
Laura  LyiKh  (Fremd)  who  transferred 
from  Northeastern  "It's  great  to  have 
a  pifcfier  that  actually  has  pitch.'s  to 
chose  fnim.'  said  leriM-n 

LyfKh"s  bag  of  tncks  includes  a 
drop-curve,  fast  ball,  change-up  and 
five  other  pitches  Jensen  added,  "She 
even  calls  Hit  i<wn  pilches  " 

The  n'tation  also  includes  Lindsey 
Vitha  (C  onant)  as  itie  1  law  ks'  numK-r 
two  pitcher.  "She's  very  ,1.  kurate,' 
said  lensen. 

Palatine's  Melissa  M -s,  !  ,  id  the 
numlvr  two  slot  until  she  in|iii.   '.  ' 
ankle    in    volleyball    class     !■- 
'  describes  Moss  a  being  day  -ti>-via', 

S<'phomore  Christa  Rommel 
(Hoffman  Estates)  will  take  the  bag  at 
first  Sfie's  a  gixid  fielder  and  we"re 
working  on  her  bat."  said  Jensen 

Rommel  also  playt>d  for  lensen  on 
the  women's  basketball  team 

Vitha  may  take  the  duties  at  sei.- 
ond  base  lollowmg  the  loss  of  her 
prt-decessor  to  grades,  "lindsey's  a 
good  athlete,"  said  Jensen 

Pam  Millorui  (Prospect)  is  a  trans- 
fer from  Iowa  "She  was  cut  as  a 
walk-on  and  she  wants  to  play, 
"noted  Jensen 

Millon/i  vmU  start  at  shortstop  as 
well  as  pitching  in  necessary  situa- 
tions. She  will  bat  clean-up  for  the 

Ihird  base  will  Ix*  statted  bv  kini 
Kwasniewski  llremd)  who  trans- 
ferred from  Illinois  State  Innersily 
Kwasniewski  piaved  shortstop  in 
high  schiHil  and  will  probably  lake 
the  second  or  thud  spot  in  the  batting 

■  I  indsev    will   lead-off  and   steal 

her     uay      home."     said     Jensen. 

"tXerall,  we  have  a  gixtd  team  this 

.  ir    Ue  |ust  have  to  pray  that  we 

\  t  suffer  any  in|uries " 

Athletes  of  the  Week 

Name;  leremy  Roach 

Sport  Basketball 

Week  of:  Feb  21-28 

Reason:  Scored  2*^  points  in 
final  game  of  the  season  as  i 

Name:  Melissa  WiLson 
Sport  Swimming 
Week  of  Feb  2«-Maa-h  6 

Reason:  Regional  victories  in  100 
Freestyle  andlOO  Backstroke. 

Hawks  swim  to  nationals 

Susan  Rademacher 


The  swimming  and  diving  teams 

are  in  Florida  this  vve<>k  competing 
ior  national  titii's 

leading  the  way  is  sophomore 
Susan  Ua\  (Glenbrook  South)who 
qualifievi  in  the  400  meter  medley, 
16S()  meter  and  SX)  meter  Day  fin- 
ished first  in  the  re-gion  for  the  400 
meter  medley  and  secon.l  in  the  1650 
meter  and  st)0  meter, 

Melissa  Wilson  qualified  for 
nationals  m  the  100  meter  backstroke, 
100  meter  freestyle  and  2lX)  meter 
medley  Wilson  grabbed  regional 
championships    m    the    100    meter 

freestyle  and  1(X)  meter  backstroke. 
She  also  finished  second  in  the  21X) 
meter  mi'dley 

Isuneko  Harada  (Sakafa,  Japan) 
and  Mike  Ruzhin  (Russia)  qualified 
for  nationals  in  the  UK)  meter  and  2(X) 
meter  breastslroke  as  well  as  the  50 
meter  freestyle 

Diver  lamey  McWilliams  (Hersey) 
placed  third  in  the  region  in  the  one 
meter  dive  and  fourth  in  the  three 
meter  dive  on  his  way  to  qualifying 
for  nahonals 

McWilliams  is  the  only  diver  tor 
thi-  Hawks  this  season.  He  entered 
the  season  ranked  second  in  the 

Board  approves  tuition  increase 

Ml*  TlioniiiMN 


Hdqwr  Boanl  of  Truiitees  votcil 
unanimously  Fiif  a  U  per  cnxlit  hour 
luihnn  tncii-ase  at  their  Maah  21 
meeting.  TIh?  increase  f«im  $40  to  $42 
will  take  effect  the  summer  IWty 

BiNifd  member  Richoid  F  Gillette 
motioned  first  ^or  the  increase.  He 
said  he  didn  t  want  to  raise  tuition, 
but  the  CMt  of  runnmg  th*»  tollfg«" 
ailing  with  growing  amount  of 
salaries  paid  by  the  college  ho*  left 
him  no  cfwice. 

Agreemg  with  Gillette  was  board 
member  iCris  Howard  who  Mid,  "A 
tuition  inavase  is  the  last  thing  we 
want  to  do  ..but  we  are  between  a 
riKk  and  .i  hard  place  " 

President  I'aul  N  Th*impson  said, 
"The  incivaae  is  needtxl  to  move  tech- 

nology ahfjd,"  The  S2  imrfase  con- 
stitutes SI  for  technolog\  jnd  SI  tor 
instructional  operation  c(>sts  the  dav 
to  day  operations  of  the  iollt>;o 

Many  students  were  unhapp\ 
about  the  increase  and  attended  the 
meeting  in  protest.  Student  Trustee 
Mart  Si>larte  voiced  fwr  opinion  to 
bturd  members  She  s.iid,  "I  am 
against  this  incrt-ase,  ospeiially 
because  it's  coming  on  iho  htfls  of  an 
increase  we  |ust  had  '  The  Board 
intreaM?d  tuition  from  $36  to  $40  per 
cn>dit  hour  m  I'hwm'W*. 

Caroline  Sac.Mmano,  Vice- 
President  ot  the  Harper  College 
Student  Senate  said  the  mcn-ase  will 
aifect  many  student's  and  their  abili- 
ty to  continue  to  go  to  schvHil  She 
asked  the  board  to  reconsider  the 

tarry  Moats  expressed  his 
ambivalence  about  raising  the  tuition. 


President  Paul  N.  Thompson  and  Chairman  of  the  Board 
Lawrence  Moats  anguish  over  tuition  increase 

Moats  said  he  was  concerned  aNiut 
the  dropping  enrollment  at  Harper 

"I'loplf  don't  get  an  education 

because  they  can't  afford  it,"  he  said 
"It's  a  tough  issue." 

see  Tuition  on  Page  5 

In  This  Issue 

Harper  News: 

Wellness  VVtvk  is  here! 
Page  3 

Student  Election  Special: 

We  want  YOU  to  get  out  and 
V  ote!  Find  out  the  view  s  i >t  the 
>tiident  election  candidates. 
Pages  6-7 


How  many  things  can  yi>u  do 
w  hile  driving?  O'Brien  wants 
you  to  stop  it. 
Page  8 

Chris  Bateman,  the  Vei^'  Right 
Rev'd,  finds  yet  another  angle 
on  Harper's  feathered 
Page  9 


Track  and  Field  pa>gram  opens  at 
Wheaton  Open. 
Page  15 

— — — —  Pages  1-S 
Student  Election  Special ..  Pages  6-7 

CawniiUwy Pages  8-9 

Arte  and  Entertainment  Pages  10-12 

««  Page  Page  13 

Classified Page  14 

Spans Pages  is-lt 

Clothesline  a  dramatic  reminder  of 
the  violence  that  affects  women 

Julie  Thompson 


The  sound  of  a  somber  gong 
dragged  the  air  across  shrrts  sus- 
pended from  a  clothesline 
usually  displayed  how  \  lolence 
affects  women  Hanging  on  the 
clotfH'sline  in  building  A  on  March 
13  was  America's  dirty  iaundr\ 

The  gong,  as  well  as  whistles 
and  bells  were  audible  temmders 
of  the  level  of  violence  against 
women  that  is  happening  in  our 
country  and  in  our  own  communi- 

Women  are  battered  even,'  ten 
to  twelve  sfconjs  m  the  L'  S 
Every  minute  ot  f\rr\  da\  more 
than  one  woman  is  rapfd  in  this 
country  And  3  to  4  v%omen  are 
killed  daily  by  their  Iwtterers 

for     the     second     year     The 


Athletic  Academic  Counselor  Lisa  Brady  reads  one  of  the 
most  descriptive  shirts  at  the  day  long  event. 

Clothesline  Project  was  brought  to 
Harper  by  the  Northwest  Action 

-Agaiast  Rape,  a  sexual  assault  cri- 
ses Clothesline  on  page  5 

Scholarship  presented  in  memory  of  IVIariiyn  Coste 

Julie  Thompson 


John  Coste.  former  Harper 
College  trustee,  has  donated 
*ll,(Xm  to  the  Harper  College 
Educational  Foundation  in  memcv 
ry  of  his  late  wife,  Marilyn  Shiely 
Coste.  The  gilt  will  provide  schol- 

arships for  Libt>ral  Arts  students 
in  fashion  dt-sign  and  students 
enrolled  in  literature  courses. 

Coste  presented   the  Marilyn 
Shiely  Coste  Endowed 


to  President  Paul  N.  Thompson  at 
the  March  21  Board  Of  Trustees 
meeting.     Wth  tears  in  his  eyes. 

C  oste  spoke  briefly  about  his  wife, 
who  was  a  student  at  Harper  She 
passed  away  in  Dec.  1995. 

In  Mrs.  Cosle's  memory  the 
board  presented  the  Coste  family 
with  a  tree  to  be  planted  in  the  sil- 
ver aruiiversary  grove  located  by 
building  I. 

see  Scholarship  on  page  3 


^  « 

Page  2 

Harper  Mews 

The  Harbinger  I 
Aprils,  19%  I 

GLB  ''group"  bars  Harbinger  reporter  from  meeting 

Final  Exam  Schedule 

Ml*  ThompMH 


A  Harbinger  reporter  was  bartned  from  th« 
Harper  College  Gay,  Lesbian,  aiHl  Bisexual 
meeting  March  14.  The  gathering  was  pre- 
sented by  Student  Development  who  provid- 
ed the  meeting  place  in  building  1  nxim  117. 

This  was  the  first  meeting  in  recent  years 
by  a  college  sponsored  group  that  has  not 
allowed  the  Harbinger  to  attend  their  meet- 

Signs  posted  around  the  campus  and  an  ad 
that  ran  in  the  Feb.  lb  issue  of  the  Harbinger 
prompted  statt  writer  Rose  Marie  Hylton  to 
cover  the  GLB  meeting  like  she  would  any 
other  club  on  campus.  "I  wanted  to  inform 
the  students  about  the  meeting  the  same  way 
1  cover  multicultural  events." 

Hylton  said  her  exclusion  from  the  meet- 
ing came  after  Student  Development 
Couitielor  and  GLB  advisor  Andy  Howe 
questioned  her  about  her  sexuality.  After 
finding  out  she  wasn't  gay,  lesbian  or  bisexu- 
al and  that  she  was  a  reporter  for  the 
Harbinger  he  said  she  couldn't  attend  the 

"I'm  glad  I  made  the  decision  not  to  let  her 
(Hylton)  into  the  meeting. "Howe  said  "If 
Hyltcm  would  have  said  she  was  gay  I  may 
have  let  her  m,  but  not  to  report  the  stor)- " 

Howe  MuJ,  "Stnce  it  was  our  first  meeting, 
niy  concern  was  to  provide  a  safe  and  secure 
environment  ft>r  the  stiadcnia." 

Mark  G<x)dman,  fmam  liiir  Sludcfil  Pwsm 
Law  Center  in  Washingtcm  DC ,  said  if  the 
group  IS  sponsored  by  the  college  and  is  hav- 
ing a  publicized  me«*ting  on  the  campus  them 
the  meeting  should  be  open  to  all  students. 

Goodman  said.  "The  gn>up  discnmmated 
against  the  reporter  based  on  her  sexualitv' 
and  her  status  as  a  journalist." 

Harper  Communications  Oiivclor  Amy 
Hautnitmn  Mid  it  surpriges  her  somewhat  to 

hear  that  a  reporter  was  banned  from  attend- 
ing a  meeting  that  was  hdd  on  campus.  She 
said  the  best  place  to  look  for  answers  as  to 
what  the  policies  are  is  Student  Activities 
Director  Jeanne  Pankanin. 

Pankanm  said  the  students  that  met  on 
campus  were  not  an  official  Harper  club. 
She  said  the  group  has  not  been  given  any 
funding  by  student  activities  yet. 

Pankanin  said.  "They  (the  GLB)  are  not 
officially  a  club  until  they  file  the  necessary 
paper  woi  k.  so  there's  really  no  way  to  eval- 
uate the  situation." 

Caroline  Saccomano,  Student  Senate  V'lte- 
Presidcnt,  said  there  are  two  kinds  of  clubs  on 
campus:  an  open  club  which  gets  funding 
from  the  college,  therefore  it's  open  to  all  stu- 
dents, and  a  restncted  club  which  gets  no 
funding  from  the  college,  therefore  the  mem- 
bership is  closed. 

Student  Activities  Cix>rdinator,  Michael 
Neiman  said  the  college  should  allow  for  a 
safe  environment  for  the  students  to  meet  in 
"Thev  have  the  right  to  a  confidential  setting. 
We  live  in  a  violent  society  where  the  public 
feels  its  O.K.  to  bash  gays,"  he  said 

Neiman  said  that  because  the  group  was 
meetii^  to  discuss  gay,  lesbian  and  bisexual 
issues,  they  should  be  treated  in  a  different 
way  than  other  clubs  on  campus 

Roderick  Brown,  a  student  development 
counselor  who  attended  the  meeting,  said  he 
thinks  the  reporter  wasn't  let  in  because  of 
privacy  issues.  But  he  has  no  comment  as  to 
what  happened  between  Howe  and  the 
Harbinger  n*ptirt«!r. 

Howe  -Hiid  the  status  of  continuing  the 
GLB  IS  undedTmined  He  plans  to  have 
another  meeting  on  campus  to  decidf 
whether  or  not  to  apply  for  college  binding 
He  said,  "The  next  time  we  meet  1  see  no 
pn>blem  with  letting  the  Harbinger  in;  as 
kmg  as  it's  O.K.  with  the  students." 


















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Harper  News 

Health  Corner 

Wellness  Week  offers  a  variety  of  alternative  programs  in  April 

MtrniT    ("(Jl»«i'*'     April     Ih-        h**-1i]4i  Ht'       n'i< 

•  ■  's     p,'ph:s  :i!trr--  ■' 

:>rot»r.,in'i-  wi-' 

\i  -AumII.,]!!,;  Ciir-    ;■■ 

1  '^Ir'.-fl  (.iniri'.iiii;  Mrjiini;     -•!:-.■ 

!    ■  ;'.   I    ■.  :  '    '.'11.  -11111  In\'  ot  Ihv  I'xhihitors 

fsvi-hic      I'athu.H'      li<  i\'r  $2'^  .i  C 'horn  SiTiM'n  2/<  i.s 

:!1K 'TiiKht  K.' ">f  intcri'st  ,.i\  .nl.iiisr  rVniv,     \\irli!\.\.'-l 

1  .ilso  K-           ih\  VVfdncsd.U',  .Xpnl    T  r 

.1(11'   ,-\t   I'Zi^' 

Wellness  Vtfeek  Schedule  of  Events 

3m:  scJay   April  17 

day    (Vpril  18 

B  JOani     10  00^ 

It   OO.lin       12  OOp 

l:15p(n-2  45p. 

J  00pm     4  30p< 

.'   ISpm      9  15p: 



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,  -   -„    _rMC»v,  W1.D  Ann 


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continued  from  page  1 

I.  .'^u-  w.i'.  a  Harper 
tni-t..v  trom  1'>S3-9S 
VVhiii.'  on  thf  Bnard,  lu- 
ihaircil  till-  )iiiance, 
Buiklmf;v  ,irui  l.riHirid.s. 
and  Biidf^et  Ki'vifw 
Ciimmitti'os  Hi'  alsii 
served  on  tin-  H'chnolonv 
Ki-i  K'w  CV'mmitlfi  and 
wa>  liaison  tii  ttn'  lllitu>is 
I  iimmiuiiK  t  olli'gf 

IriistiT  A^^ 

In  it\i'j;intii>n  of 
I  .'-It  ^  riianv  vt'ars  of 
MT\ki'  U'  HarpiT  tho 
bi>ard  pr«".fiitfd  turn 
with  .1  l.>m  lAnch  vvatiT- 
.  I'lor  ot  tin;  cainpu> 
For  Information  on  thi> 
and  othor  schiilarships 
pitMM'  contact  ttii'  (ifficr 
ol  Student  Financial 
AssiNtance,  S47  /'i25-ht».S6 

We'd  like  to 
ask  a  pint- 
sized  favor. 

Cive  blood. 

Give  Uood  ttiis  summer  Call 
LiieSource  Bkxxl  Sentces  for 

an  ippoinlment,  (708)  298-9660. 

Or  visit  a  donor  center  near  you 





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Harper News 

The  Harbinger 
April  5, 19% 

Career  Fair  to  be  held  April  9     President  of  (Motorola  U  to  kick  off  Career  Expo 

Harper  Co]li>ge  and  High 
Schcx.l  Distntts  211,  214  and 
220  will  host  Carver  Expo  %. 
April  8-10,  an  the  Palatim- 
campus  C>n  Tuesday',  April  ^. 
Career  Expo  '%  Career  Fair 
will  present  career  options 
and  opportunities  lo  help 
iitudents  wlect  a  career  and 
adults  transition  to  a  new 

Keynote  speaker  Peggy 
Simonsen,  president  of 
Career  Directions,  will  pre- 
sent The  Changing  Nature  i>l 
Careers  at  6;30  pm.  in 
Building  A  She  will  address 
the  importance  of  career 
planning,  taking  responsibili- 
ty for  one's  own  employ  abili- 
ty, lifelong  learning,  and  ttie 
new  definition  of  "success" 
within  an  organization.  She 
will  shan-  real  life  examples 
ol  individuals  who  have 
responded  positively  to  these 


contini>ed  from 

Harper  Communications 
Director  Amy  Hauenstein 
said,  "Raising  tuition  will 
help  the  college  acquire 
more  technology  to  help 
student>  Without  the 
added  money,  there  would 
have  to  be  cuts  m  student 
services,"  she  said 

Remember  to 
vote  In  the 
April  9  &  10 

Senate  and 
Trustee  elec- 

.*  BOu  WnfArlmgltm  W<.  fU. 
I  m  S  „/ Sorthwrsi  Hyn 



lur^  UirJ.  t-t,  -  U^t> 


sm  ton 

Jrwtln.  Wkfir. 

career  challenges  and  illus- 
trate the  steps  they've  taken 
lo  achieve  their  goals 

Two  M-'ries  of  panel  pre- 
sentation>  b\  career  profes- 
sionals will  overview  "hot" 
and  traditional  careers  The 
first  si'ries  will  begin  at  7:15 
pm  and  the  >econd  will 
begin  at  8  p  m  in  Building  A 
Thw  will  describe  a  typical 
day  on  the  (o''.  important 
aptitudes  and  interests,  edu- 
cation arui  training  require- 
ment^,  and  the  future  of  the 

Professional  carer  associa- 
tions and  career  professionals 
representing  tradtional 

careers  will  t>e  on  exhibit 
from  5-'J  p  m  in  Building  M 
Ass<xiatiuns  from  a  wkIo 
variety  of  industries  and 
occupations  will  answer  the 
specific  questions  of  partici- 

Nationally-renowned  speaker  William 
Wiggenhorn,  Senior  Vice  President  of 
Training  and  Education  and  Pa^ident  of 
Motorola  University,  kicks  off  Career  Expo 
'<*t,  on  Monday,  April  8,  7;30  p,m.,  m  the 
Harper  College  Building  |  Theatre  Me  will 
address  the  challenges  oi  our  changing 
workplace  and  bring  a  broad  mtemational 
perspective  to  his  view  of  the  challenges  fac- 
ing orkers  in   today's  high   performance 

workplace  Motorola  is  one  of  the  world's 
leading  providers  of  wireless  communica- 
tions, semiconductors  and  advanced  elec- 
tronic systems  and  services. 

Career  Expo  %,  April  8-10,  will  be  pre- 
sented to  the  community  by  Harper  and 
High  Schixil  District  211,  214  and  220.  The 
three-day  event  will  include  Career  Fair  on 
Apnl  9  and  Employment  Fair  on  April  10. 

All  events  are  tree  and  open  to  the  public. 

Career  Expo  '96  to  feature  150  employers 

Career  Ivpo  %  Employment  Fair  pre- 
senLs  an  excellent  opportunitv  to  meet  more 
than  150  major  employers  who  will  recruit 
employees  on  Wednesday,  April  10, 10  am- 
2  pm  at  Harper  College,  Building  M 

Here  are  a  few  tips  that  will  help 
Employment  Fair  participants  gain  the 
greatest  advantage  from  the  opportunity. 

•  Prepare  basic  qusetions  for  recruiters 
regarding  their  company  and  the  positions 
which  are  available. 

•  Bring  copies  of  your  resume. 

•  Be  positive,  enthusiashc.  Dcm't  be  intimi- 
dated by  the     compehtion    Compete  only 

with  yourself 

•  EKm't  re-qualify  or  prejudge  an  employ- 
er Talk  to  as  many  recruiters  as  time  will 

•  Most  probably  you  will  not  be  hired  on 
the  spot.  Your  goal  is  to  make  a  favorable 
impression  so  that  you  might  be  invited  to 
the  company  for  an  interview 

•  Collect  business  cards  throughout  the 

•  If  you  have  a  particularly  pnxluctive  con- 
versation with  a  recruiter,  send  a 
thank  you  note  immediately  after  the 
Employment  Fair 

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Apnl  5,  m» 

III ""Siilfi^ini  ii*M^        ^ 


A  victim's  reaction  to  the  Clothesline 


It  was  14  years  ago  in  California,  but  on  March  13  in  build- 
ing A  it  was  only  a  clothesline  away. 

1  thought  that  1  had  put  the  memories  of  that  frightening  day 
in  an  unreachable  part  of  my  memory.  The  terror  and  anger 
were  supposed  to  be  gone. 

I'd  heard  about  the  life-long  affects  of  violent  acts.  1  thought 
that  I  was  different.  He  never  got  a  chance  to  hurt  me  physical- 
ly. I  was  spared  by  a  voice  in  a  crowd. 

The  police  came  and  1  told  them  my  story.  Months  later,  a 
judge  would  not  give  me  the  same  opportunity,  because  my 
attacker's  lawyer  had  cut  a  deal. 

Some  deal.  He  received  two  years  of  probation  because  the 
judge  said,  "he's  only  a  kid." 

Five  years  ago  he  shot  his  girlfriend  in  the  head,  "by  acci- 
dent." She's  alive  and  now  he's  in  jail. 

I  had  put  all  of  this  behind  me  until  I  saw  the  shirts  hanging 
from  the  clothesline.  Tears  rolled  down  my  face  as  1  read  each 
and  every  one. 

I  was  compelled  to  make  a  shirt  too.  1  let  all  of  my  emotions 
pour  out  of  the  paint  bottles  and  onto  the  shirt  as  I  boldly 
painted  the  words  that  had  been  locked  away  for  so  long: 

"NO!  Take  back  your  life!  Justice  is  blind  but  1  am  a  survivor! 
It's  my  body  and  my  life!" 

I  am  one  of  the  lucky  ones  who  survived.  The  Clothesline 
reminded  me  of  that.  Those  memories  are  no  longer  locked 
away,  because  I'm  not  afraid  of  them  anymore. 
— An  anonymous  victim 


Clothesline:  Helps  the  healing  process 

Continued  from  Page  1 

iiis  inteTVffntion  ccntor     Th*'  tent«>r's 

d  im-tor  B  )  lav  1  or  fi.n  f  tlw 


ivlor  sdiii  the  t lolhfsline  ht-lps  to 

.V  piopio  that  sfxiwl  abuse  can 

II.. I  bv  tiemeti        'Thi'  vinli-ncf  oti 

thi's4*  >.hut>  rt't'U'Cl.s  who  vv»'  are  and  il 

will  bo  the  inip.-tu'~  tor  chjiiKf,"  shf 

^,iu)    "Sum'    lhiiii'.s   I  han^;e,    Mime 

M\  thf  ■-.inif,  thf  iippre>sion 

,  ;  ,-    ■■•  .-n  IN  sliU  the  sartif  " 

Ihroughoul  thf  dav.  apprini- 
mently  <iOO  peiipU-  vanu-  h'  M-t-  thf 
clothesline  Michatl  Nqman,  Miidtnt 
activities  coordindtor  said  hf  was 
pleas<^d  to  see  that  many  men  came  to 
see  the  display.  It  s  important  for 
men  to  deal  with  the  violence  that  is 
happening  to  women  " 

Neiman  said  Professor  George 
Evans  brought  hi.s  criminal  justice 
students  to  see  the  shirts. 

"I  applaud  the  efforts  of  the 
instructors  who  brought  their  stu- 

dents lo  »•<•  thf  t'ttvi  ts  I't  vhpIitho  i>n 
our  MKii'tv."  he  - 1'  I 

As  women  '  ..kI  reading 

Ih.:- .hilling  ni. ,t;.-n  oTieach 

ot     till'    shirts     ^omc    cxporierufd 
moments  I't  iK'tui-ablf  fmotion. 

r.irl  ot  the  ,t;.vii  .>I  The  (  liXhosiine 
!'ro).st  i--  to  help  with  the  heal:n>; 
pr.xess  tor  people  who  ha\<'  k'^l  a 
Lived  one  or  are  sun.'ivors  i>t  vio- 

For  that  rea.son  NWAAR  was 
often nn  free  toua<eling  services  and 
the  opportunitv  for  survivors  of  vuv 
i.-nce  to  expn»ss  their  fwlings  hy  dec- 
orating a  shirt 

ITesuJent  Paul  N,  Thompson 
said,  '■  Bringing  the  clothesline  to 
Harper  is  a  dramatic  way  to  display 
tfie  value  of  human  Iwings  "  He  said 
the  process  ot  healing  and  helping 
survivors  of  violence  is  ongoing  at 
Harper  through  the  Student 
Development  Center,  Student 
Committees  and  other  special  pro- 
grams like  Women's  History  Week. 


Pag*  6 

StudeniSfnate  Elections 

The  Harbinger  I 
April  5, 19%  I 

Why  should  I  vote  for  you? 

Position  applied  for 

Studcmt  Trustee 

Name  Calcjeran},  Matthew 

CandicUlc  (tatement:  I  am  inter- 
ested in  leadership  and  it 
lakes  to  be  j  leader  I  have  taken  the 
new  leadership  class  given  by  Mike 
Vi)uk  iind  1  am  airious  to  see  how 
much  I  h.)Vf  leamevi 

I  served  three  year*  in  the  mili- 
tary and  1  plan  on  becoming  a  police 
officer  while  in  the  militarv  I 
ser\ed  as  s<|uad  leader  at  times. 

Position  applied  f«: 
Student  Trustee 

Name  Staivk,  Anloine 

Candidate  «latemcnt  I  would  likf 
to  become  a  member  ot  the  Harper 
College  Board  of  Trustees  because  I 
f«*l  that  I  can  make  a  differt»ncf 

As  soon  as  1  announced  mv 
interest  in  the  position,  several  stu- 
dents started  telling  me  their  con- 
cerns and  the  issues  that  they  wouki 
like  brought  before  the  Board. 

I  am  currently  president  of  the 
Inlernatiimal  Students'  Club  whos*- 
membership  is  apprt»dmalely  125 

I  also  tutor  French  in  tfie  col- 
Ifje's  tutoring  center  In  high 
■chool.  I  was  elected  claM  piesideni 
and  served  fwt»  years 

In  the  past,  I  have  taken  the 
responsibilities  ol  my  officul  pwi- 
tions  very  seriously,  therefore,  I 
would  like  to  keep  on  being  part  of 
the  decision-making  pnKess  so  that 
the  voices  of  the  students  can,  and 
will,  beheaid. 

Position  applied  for 

Student  Trustee 

Name:  Velez,  Lavelle 

Candidate  statement:  I  would  love 
tu  be  the  next  Harper  College  stu- 
dent trustee  I  feel  in  my  three  years 
at  Harp*"r,  I  have  gained  the  knowl- 
edge, experience,  leadership  and 
passion  to  b«'  a  grojt  tnj>ttv  ,\nd  1 
am  willing  and  able  to  put  myself  to 
tht:  lest  Past  positums  held  include: 
Htmors  Sivietv  President,  Phi  Theta 

Vice-Ptestdent,  American   Assivia- 
tion    for    Women    in   Community 
Colleges  Bivard  Member. 
Stud«mt  Ambassiidor 
"Excel   Leadership   participant. 
Who's  Who 

1  am  .iKo  tamiliar  with  parliamen- 
tary procedure 

Position  applied  for 

Student  Trustee 


Widder,  Pamela  Dawn 

Candidate  Statement:  I  am  inter- 
ested m  this  position  because  I  teel  I 
would  be  good  at  it.  I  am  good  with 
understanding  people 

1  have  worked  at  the  Harper 
BcKvkstore  and  currenll\'  work  at  the 
Registrar's  VHtice  as  a  student  aide. 
In  thew  two  pla^ o  I  ha\  e  s<vn  a  lot 
of  students  and  their  concerns. 

As  a  result,  1  teel  i  have  a  good- 

see  Elections  on  page  7 

An  Yiu  J\ni  if: 


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A  Roosevelt  counselor  will  visit 
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Chicago,  IL  60605  (312)  341-2000 

'  Harbinger 

Student  Senate  Elections  pager 

Elections:  Who's  running  for  what? 


Robert  Morris 



IN  60  WEEKS 





cOMrurm  iNfoiuMATiOM  systims 

I>Mn.^i>  StMrnrM/K  iv  l»  t4*l»mfr  atmilmUt ,fiir  ^ImimtJ 
(i.KA  tfmt  Imtt  l.<t 


WEDNESDAY,  APRIL  10,  1996 
9:OOAM  ~  1•00PA^ 


continued  from  page  6 

sttist*  of  thf  studt'nt's  (ipin- 

I  would  jW>'  Iil.1'  !'>  bv 

studfiit   tru-.i>  I'    ( 

fifl  th>-  .'x(''.-ri.  ■     •     ■       .    I  !■¥ 

'  .inl\    in  mv 

;■.  i      ..  ■•   Nvoming  a 

fr«-ld  l>H>li<};i>t,  but  alNo  .1-  .1 


fd  ui  >.,...,,..,.^  -,.,..i.!n 
tmslM-  lx"caus«-  it  has  Kvn 
mv  liffhmo  Koal  to  make  .1 
positni*  liitttTcncf  in  pw- 
ple's  livfh 

Bfing  a  student  trusttf 
would  hf  a  perfect  way 
to  make  a  difference  on  a 
large  scale 

I  am  currently  a  member 
of  the  f-Umors  SHiet\  I'hi 
rheta  Kappa,  a  \iilunterr  .it 
the  Harper  CX^mtv  .iti  h  and 
tor  the  Starlab  hai.'hng 
Planelarium  and  I  also  help 
tutor  tellow  students  in  mv 

In  the  past  I  have  served 
on  the  student  C(>uncil  m  mv 
high  schtxil  in  VViscori-sin 

Position  applied  for 
Student  Senate  fresidwit 


S<iccomannii.  Caroline 

C  andidate  Statement:  I  feel 

iliat  I  am  not  onlv  v)ualtfi(ti 

but  alM>  the  K>t  candidate 

for  the  president  of  the 
Harper     I  ollege     Student 


While  serving  o     11 

tfie  Harper  t  ollfi!.'  studen! 
Senah  '''nt   1 

have  ,il>out 

respnnsibilitv  .md  leader- 
ship I  have  also  proven 
rivvselt  to  Ix'  .1  leader  and 
or^^ani/ed  activities  lo 
irnprov  e  relationships 

among  the  H*  SS  members 
,'\rnon>;  otht-r  thin»;s,  1  havi- 
leail  a  voters  re);istration 
drive  thai  benefited  She 
whole  class  bodv. 

Throughout  the  (all  and 
spring  semester,  1  have  also 
learned  the  policits  and  pro- 
cedures ,»f  the  senate  and 
the  college  1  knou  1  can 
serve  mv  t.  -mates 

in    a     moi.  ,.  i^uate 

Position  applied  fur: 
Student  Senate  Ireasurer 

IxHjnard,  Tim 

Candidate  !>tatemenl:   1 

would  like  to  serve  as  trea- 
surer ot  the  senate  mainlv 
because  I  wish  to  contribute 
to  the  student  body  in  a 
ptsitive  wav  1  tivl  I  lan  do 
this  for  manv  reasons 

First  I  understand  the 
functions  ,i(  the  treasurer  1 
am  able  to  keep  accurate 
and  limelv  records  and  in 
doiiri'.  so,  will  he  ai'le  to 
report  the  l'iKli;et  status  at 
any  given  moment 

Si-cond,  I  am  motiv  ated 
and  am  disciplined  enough 
lo  maintain  a  continuous 
involvemenl  thmughout  the 

Third,  I  fwl  able  to  par- 
ticipate in  senate  meetings 
m  a  special  capacity,  as  1 
en|ov  working  with  others 
lo  solve  problems 

Knirth,  I  feel  obligate  to 
contribute  to  the  student 
gcnenimenl  It  is  my  |ob  to 
participate  in  government  at 
all  levels  and  I  see  a  govnf 
opportunity  here 

Fiiully,  I  think  that  I  can 
be  a  valuable  mi'mber  of  the 
senate  I  am  able  to  main- 
tain a  positive  attitude, 
esptviallv  when  evervthing 
seems  negative 

I  wani  to  K'  a  part  of  the 
team,  and  share  my  best  to 
enhance  our  inv nlvemenl 

The  above  candidates  are 
running  for  the  described 
positions.  The  elections  will 

he  held  on  luesday,  April  9 
and  VVedntsdav,  April  10. 
The  canidatt>s  urge  students 
to  get  out  and  vnte  'Vbur 
student  activities  card  is 
required  to  vcte 

Summer  At  Loyola 

Eakiy  SesstoN 

Six  wrtks  btpnmnf  Majr  17  fft  pm) 

LATt  Smssion 

>L(  Mwob  teiuuMV  futm  2$  («  fanj 

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•  Ciwrara  M  iMuMat.  ivtt  Mid  uwnen. 
tdmnnm,  nunm$. 

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mSimimil  I'MUnwiw,!  emmpma. 

■  CmmmmaTrndt-JtmnpitimmH 

fTTK)  trMm- 

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Ml  Ites,  canwim  to^,:>ng  lumm^ 

taunt « «t»  fork-Nor* P*»l  Cafcg*  c4  Ch<ogo 

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ilWiMni«M  t  f woncKil  A«dl  Oftcv  •  J7?5vWntfoMK  AwpnM>  •  CKcoqo  IR»'<«»^  M>67S  *8fi  '  wmaA  olodgnprti  w*i» 

*»  " 

Pag.  8 


The  Harbinger 
April  5, 1996 

Our  view 

They  can  do  it, 
why  can't  we? 

V\rith  everyone  asking  tor  more 
money,  we  at  the  Harbinger  think 
that  maybe  we  should  be  given 
more  also. 

Recently  the  board  approved 
to  raise  tuition  two  dollars,  which 
means  it  you  take  15  credit  hours 
you  will  be  charged  an  extra  $30 
per  semester.  That  two  dollars 
adds  up  after  a  while  doesn't  it? 

So  with  raising  fees,  and 
tuihon,  we  believe  that  we  can 
charge  students  $.25  for  each 
issue  of  the  newspaper  Yes,  it 
has  been  brought  to  our  attention 
that  nobody  will  read  the  news- 
paper, but  that's  the  price  we 
have  to  pay  to  make  more  money 
(no  pun  intended). 

We  also  realize  that  with  initi- 
ahng  this  new  $.25  charge  the 
news  will  need  to  sell  itself.  So 
attention  all  students  go  out  and 
make  news  for  ii>  to  use.   lump 
off  a  building,  otfe  nd  tach  and 
lAery  public  safto\  olticer.  Do 
what  ever  it  takes  to  get  your 
name  in  print.  Believe  us  it's 
worth  it. 

Then  again  we  at  the 
Harbinger  don't  need  to  sell  our 
newspaper,  we  don't  need  for 
you  to  jump  off  of  buildings  or 
do  Mv  of  thi>se  cra/y  antics 
because  we  aren't  going  to  ask 
students  to  buy  our  newspaper 
Maybe  the  board  could  use  s«)me 
of  our  common  sense  thinking  to 
better  themselves  in  the  future 

Road  warriors  are  driving  me  nuts 

Ion  O'Brien 
ThelJ'-.  lu-w 

Americas  lo\c  for  the 
dulomobile  is  a  phenomi-- 
na  that  has  been  around 
kir  geruTJtionN    from  Fords 
Mixlei  T  to  the  state-ol-the-art 
Ferrari  1  =)(1,  we  ha\o  been  blessed 
with  automobiles  of  all  shapes 
and  sizes,  as  well  as  some  of  the 
cheapt»st  KJs  pnces  on  the  planet 
Its  something  we  \e  |ust  come  to 

III  ddmil  that  I  am  an  auto- 
motive enlhu-siast    I've  driven 
s«Mne  fine  machines  in  my  time 
and  I'll  hiappily  lower  my  side 
window  to  hear  the  roar  of  a 
ferran  or  Porsche  drive  by  I  am 
a  sutwcriber  in  good  standing 
with  most  of  the  major  automo- 
tive publications  and  will  thmk 
nothing  of  taking  a  tnp  to  a  book 
store  to  pick  up  one  of  the  many 
hne  European  jourruls    Maybe 
that's  why  the  slate  of  the 
American  t)river  makes  me  so 

lust  how  much  can  we  expect 
out  there?  What  do  we  do  when 
the  unexpected  happens?  Sooner 
or  later,  ev  er\'  drix  er  on  tfie  road 
will  come  in  contact  with  pixir 
judf^ment.  be  it  their  ow  n  or 
swer\  ing  to  a\  old  somebody 
el.s("  s    S'  why  must  woiontinu 
.illv  put  up  with  pis-vple  who  can- 
not sit'ni  to  .Kcept  this  responsi- 

No  matter  how  much  we  pre- 
fer the  unbndleii  |oy  of  picking 
OUT  noses  in  our  own  \  ehicltrs 
(with  the  false>  that  nobody 
can  see  us)  oxer  public  trans- 
portation, we  need  to  remember 
that  driving  is  a  nght  and  not  a 
privilege^-  a  right  that  can  l>e 
anoked  with  the  swing  of  a 

Inter  one  ITiomas  Redlin  of 
Bertsenville,  who  a-cenlly  was 
awarded  $(>  75  million  from  the 
village  of  Hanover  Park  for 
crashing  his  motorcycle  into  a 
median    Redlin.  unfamiliar  with 
his  surroundings  and  driving  an 
unfamiliar  vehicle  (without  a 
motorcycle  license),  dumped  his 
motorcycle  upon  colliding  with  a 
median  while  trying  to  activate 
his  high-beam  headlights 
Despite  a  child  witness  claiming 
that  he  ran  down  a  sign  warning 
motorists  of  the  median  during 
his  mishap,  Redlin  insisted  that 
the  sign  was  not  present    Kedlm 
is  now  paralyzed  frcim  the  waist 
down  due  to  his  tragic  mishap. 

There  is  ni»  reason  fcir  any 
decent  person  to  w  ish  this  kind 
of  horrible  accident  upon  anoth- 
er   But  there  is  no  reason  for  that 
decent  person  to  pav  for  the  vic- 
hm's  mistake 

Why  is  It  the  fault  of  the  vil- 
lage that  Redlin  could  not  see  the 
road  turn —  did  he  really  mvd  a 
sign  to  tell  hini  !hat>  Whx  must 
the  taxpayers  of  the  \  illage  infuse 

a  huge  amount  ol  mtrney  into  his 
personal  c»)ffer  because-  he  was 
driving  to«T  fast  for  conditions? 
Why  must  John  and  Jane  Q. 
I'ublic  compensate  this  man  for 
his  lack  of  tH'tter  judgment' 

It  diH-sn't  take  much  to  find 
an  accident  waiting  to  happen. 
How  often  do  you  meet  someone 
in  traffic  doing  their  makeup  or 
reading  a  newspaper?  What 
aKiut  the  guy  with  a  car  phone 
in  one  hand  and  a  cigarette  in  the 
other-  how  does  this  guy  steer" 
t>  colliding  with  someone 
pulling  out  from  a  blind  intersec- 
tion and  claiming  tlie  accident  is 
your  fault  someone  left 
them  room  to  get  out?  And  of 
courae,  the  ultimate  idiot,  the  one 
who  left  his  brain  in  its  jar  that 
monung,  the  uninsured  motonst 

I  am  a  strong  believer  of 
Darwinian  theory  being  applied 
to  the  road.  By  operating  a 
motorcycle,  you  assume  a  greater 
deal  of  of  the 
reduced  safety.  If  one  cannot 
accept  this  risk,  then  they  should 
board  a  bus  or  get  a  giKid  pair  of 
walking  shix-s    Lawsuits  like 
Redlin  s  are  the  reason  why  I 
cannot  get  a  hot  cup  of  coffee 
from  McDonalds  anymore 

The  dav  that  we  start  taking 
the  ritual  <if  driving  as  seriously 
as  It  should  is  the  day  a  lot  more 
lives  get  savetl,  making  the  roads 
ol  .Amenta  .1  s.ifer  and  more 
enjoyable  place. 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Acting  Editor  in  Chief ion  O'Brien 

Business  Manager Valerie  Wevers 

Managing  Editor DavePunp 

News  Editor Julte  Thompson 

Arts  &  Entertainment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

SportsEditOf Susan  Rademacher 

Copy  Editor open 

Features  Editor open 

Faculty  Advisor Howard  SchlossOerg 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Chris  Bateman,  Kathy  Setts. 
Frank  J.  Biga,  Tammy  Bogoa  TW,  Fuller. 
Veronica  (jonzalez,  Rosemane  Hyltoa 

General  Policies 

uMnsm  inlafiwtloo 

The  Hartmegr  is  tne  student  putKcation  fof  the  Harper  College  catipus  com- 

mnxi).  puUisned  tn-imeekly  irroughout  the  scfwol  year  except  aurmg  lx)lidays 

and  f<nai  eianw.  The  paper  is  distritxrted  tree  to  all  students,  faculty  mx) 

adnwustration  The  HartxngerS  so*  purpose  is  to  proi/ide  the  Harper  cormm- 

nrty  with  information  pertaining  to  the  campus  and  its  surrounding  con»tx«. 



Ttm  HartKnger  welcomes  letters  to  the  editor  and  replies  to  our  editorials 
Letters  nxjsl  tie  signed  and  include  a  social  sect»ity  numtsf.  Signatures  will 
Be  withfieia  upon  request.  All  letters  are  subiect  to  editii«. 


Products  and  sennces  advertised  m  Tne  Harbtnger  are  not  necessarily 
endorsed  by  the  editors  o(  this  paper,  nor  by  the  college  admirretrationor 
Board  of  Direciors^  inquM-ies  should  be  tofwarded  directly  to  the  adverttter. 

land  ail  purcnases  are  at  the  discretion  of  the  coosimer. 

Mailing  Address: 

The  Harbinger   William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine,  IL  60067  7098 

Phone  Nunbers: 

twsiness  office:  (847)  925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  925-6000  x2461 

tax:  (847)  925-6033 

copyright  1996,  The  Hart)k«er. 
All  rights  reserved 



The  HarbingCT 
April  5,  1996 


Page  9 

Will  you  please  call  off  your  goose?   The  I'S  have  it— 

Forget  the  NRA 

Thi-  :iTu  t. . 

Alljh  Ak  Kn  ;4--'>Hi  -  hiMrrn  of  *«• 
l.iith    ( > 

another  lf>.soii  ■  in  thi"  gr*s.>. 

bareuH>t  tHnvi.';,  'idiirgerftj" 

Cjn.)dian  );ooe«  has  b«*n  proclaimni 
nature  s  UruWaprr  anil  fc-rtili/iT  teihni- 
iian     rhi-x'  damnddl  o  bfinj; 

proti-cti'd  whilf  thon  ^ :i.  rt'aM'. 

and  in  the  moan  tiriu'  tin-..'  nidi'  .ind  viil 
Rar  animal,".  terri>ri/f  the  ^hi>i-  mpIi-s  hi  ^uh 
urhan^l^•^  i'ver\v\'hen' 

>oriou>lv.  why  all  thr  tus*^  I  sav  rt\ 
iinir  we  takf  pur  lawrts  back  and  hfd  our 
lamtlii's  m  one  lalal  swin>;  TlvL-st*  i  rcaturm* 
havr  been  >poiii-d  a  tilet-dinj;  hfart  >tKu'tv- 
that  feeds  these  honery  varminls  and  rums 
th^ir  in&tiiu'ts  (i->  MIGRATE  I  say  we  start 
i:  them  oft  make  them  fiear  us  to  the 
•hat  thi-v  mm  >•  to  where  the  came 
■ir  leet  a  piece  of  mind 
■   thinking,  "  Chris,  you 
bramless  hick!  We  |uj.t  dont  do  thing  like 
that  up  here  "  Well  it  s  high  time  vou  do 
Maybe  a  miiplf  .i|  small  nt  houM'hold  pels 
may  lose  their  lite  in  the  iri'>shre,  but  the 
holocausi  of  the  goose  mu«.t  begin  Im 
tired  of  having  to  stop  in  the  middle  ot  the 
road  |usl  so  these  rat-birds  i  an  .rap  on  the 


that  >.iu: 
what  di-; 

:'iie  walking  to  mv  humbre's 
"'^^K    I  saw  a  sn;n  m  i  park 


-<  fv,  rvta   's,,  HI  otluT 
^"ing  to  t;el  a  tu  ket  when 
."sparky  takes  the  bifi  trip,  but  it's  i^K  to  tor 
thes*' THINGS  ti>  deposit  their  b\  -produ.  I-- 
every  three  sijuari'  inches  on  Ihi-  M 
AuRustine,  Once  again,  it  makes  sense  to 

!  1.  ,1.  I  ,...1  n„-  ivronfi.  I  like  animals, 
''!>'  >•   Hut  he\   we  train  ^lth^-r 

ani[h.)i>  ^y  M  neve  themNeKes  m  the  prtip*»r 
plaees.  but  it  we  try  !(•  domestu ate  these 
animals,  we  re    dt^slrov  their  enviri>ment  ' 
Well  what  about  mv  enviroment'  Don  t   1 
have  the  right  to  walk  treel".  amongst 
nature  without  defiling  my  M'lt  with 
this  lesser  onimaLs  stench' 

Theae  geese  have  actually  attacked  peo- 
ple for  walking  into  their    ferntorv  "    Well 
it  one  them  attacks  me,  the\  re  head  is 
going  to  put  up  thev  re  \-iiu  know  w    s.. 
bring  on  the  animals  rights  a.  tnist   lets 
see  how  empathetK  thev  are  .itler  one  ot 
these  turd  mongers  bite  them 

Well  It  I  made  anyone  mad.  again, 
tough   The  Canadian  (.exise  has  no  plate 
in  the  Ke\  s  \eiv  World  Crder  So  the  ne»t 
time  wm  see  these  animals  vandalizing 
i.our  spjee,  [list  shool  them  the  bird 

"Freelosers"  are  making 
good  officers  lool<  bad 


A.  ii.i, 


their  belon>{ings  and  saving  >;ihs,1  bve  to 
lf>e  thankful  reMdents  of  the  area 

That  should  He  f\app«-ning— but  it  s  not 
somewhat  fearful  of 
rier  Waco-style  incid«-nt. 
•le  more  than  standing  w.iii  h 

'■      '  piece  of  1.111,1  li,,,.i>;  a  cou- 
ple dozen  or  so  ira^ed 

I.evri^imate  »,.,..,, 

ms  t.j  idnd  to 

The  i;roup  lias  posted  bounties  on  Itnal 
•ave  armed  themselves  m 

"e,  as  Freeman  fXimel 

■uki  (>e  aOl.'  !••  >; 

;als  involved  .ini;  . 

ihargmg  them 

,\tfe.rnev  (lem-ral  fanet  Reno  over  vau- 
'  incident   .oiitiiiues  to 

■'   I. ■■->■"-•-, ..,,,:..  ..vho 

il  mter- 
>-  .■;;i4«u  kL>oii(.'iiuiiii^>ii,  no sieice 
'  penmelec*  is  her  order  for 

■  in",  sjid 


ieiii  Togle 

.;h  ti 

i'ersii.ule  Reno 



'  ■--., 

1  r\  piKsible 

It  ..l.'4-sf.  I  matter  that  locals  want  L„_ 
to  intervene  and  nd  Uus  nuisance  from 
their  land     From  what  I  know,  their  minds 
aim  t  whM  they  used  to  be  If  they  don't 

give  up,  I 


lo  1.:- 

,»n',i  V  onie 

sienano  b.iM'd  on  past  known  actions  oj 

tiie  I  rwmen 

Thev  are  willing  to  sacrifue  themselves 
lo  make  .-.Kid  igents  ItH.k  bad    Thev  are 
anyone  who  would  stand 

-■■  ■■-  '  ;> '  power  They  need  to  be 

stopped  now,  before  teitsions 

The  best  actio!"  ■        ••■.■.]  lOtirse 
•he  federal  vi  ■  .e.irvli 

■^■■'  rants  and  walk,  un.irmed  'e  ': 
diHir  A'tk  them  to  surn-nder  As  .=  . 

limed,  should 
■  harm  ,in  ai;ent 

.i  .ind  now 
:■.  Ii'.illou 

■'-'■       •      .         .  ,,,,,,e  to  boss 

1  federal  .igenis,  trving  ti>  sulh  a 
!L;ed  n'putation 
\o  more  (sptiHMng  lot  tear  ot  loss  of  human 
life,  riidl  criteria  ended  the  day  agenLs  were 
first  fired  on  back  m  I'W:  in  Kubv  Ridge 

CHiestionmg  authoritv  is  tine 
["•■manvlint;  ■  h.inge  is  tine    Ihat  s  why 
''■  s  the  form  ot  government  tor 

''  ■  vvroiii;  ueelett  i.ur 

otiiuais  to  run  the  eountrv  state  and  kxal 
governments  for  us 

Scheming  money  and  harassing  l.xal 
officials  IS  not  an  answer  ft  should  be  a 
ticket  to  a  )ai  I  term 

T  W  fuller 
American  Indqtendent 

There  is  a  vinous  and 
somewhat  synoptic 
debate  brewing  in  con- 
gress over  whether  to  lilt  the 
ban  on  assault  weapons  or 
kec'p  It  m  place 

While  groups  like  ttu' 
NRA  insist  the  law  is  uncon- 
stitutional, polls  indicate  the 
vast  majonty  of  Americarvs 
want  to  keep  tfie  law  mtact. 

1 1  IS  a  common  scene, 
played  over  and  over  witfiin 
the  halls  of  congressional 
legislation:  one  person  (sav,  a 
relative  of  slain  President 
lofui  F 


voices  con- 
cerns that  lilt- 
ing the  ban 
will  do  more 
to  promote 
crime  than  to 
prevent  il  in 
the  long  run 
Another  per- 
son (say,  a 
politician  con- 
cemi'd  al-Kiut 
his  wile  King  left  alone) 
argues  that  she  ought  to 
have  the  right  to  protect  her- 
sell  from  intruders,  maybe 
v^ith  a  t»n  Icsil  ba/iHika  on 
her  shoulders  or  a  fifty 
pound  Ak  47  strapfx\i  to 
her  person,  i  omplele  with 
one  hundred  niunds  ot 

While  thev  are  equallv 
impassioned  tor  a  certain 
point  ot  V  lew,  their  use  ol 
pleonasm  does  them  both  a 
discredit,  and  shows  wh\  a 
r»MMiiiable  settlement  has 
not  and  cm  not.  Iv  reachevl 

Il  Is  either  a  constitutional 
right  to  bear  arms  (including 
any  ass.iull  weapon  on  the 
market)  Or.  if  certain 
weapons  are  banned,  il  may 
lead  down  a  path  banning 

This  kind  of  prattle  has 
btvn  st.iied  to  the  point  of 

IVe  neeil  tresh  ideas  th,it 
combat  old  conjtYtures  if  the 
NRA  s  grass"roots"  organi- 
zations aniund  the  countrv 
are  to  be  extirpated 

What  hasn  t  tx^en  heard, 
or  mentioned  or  even  sp*.vu- 
lated  upon  is  common  sj-nse 
Such  virluositv.  it  si-ems,  is 
never  prevalent  at  nmgn-s- 
sional  debates,  perhaps 
thought  ol  as  tixi  sacrile- 

It,  in  lad.  common  sease 
was  ever  to  be  interjected,  it 
would  be  learned  that  no 
person  suggests  for  all 
weapons  to  be  banned,  only 
those  that  have  no  purpose 
other  than  to  kill  indiscrimi- 

nVe  need  fresh 
ideas  that  combat 
old  conjectures  if 

the  NRA's  grass 
"roots"  organiza- 
tions around  the 
country  are  to  be 

nately   A  hand  gun,  shot- 
gun, or  rifle  is  sufficient  and 
protection  enough  to  get  the 
job  done 

The  NRA  will  argue  that 
It  Ls  a  matter  of  rights    TTus 
IS  a  gniss  prevaricahon    The 
second  amendment,  while  it 
states  ttu-  right  to  bare  arms, 
does  not  provide  descTip- 
lions  of  particular  weapons. 
Therefore,  we  are  free  to 
mterpret  just  what    arms 
may  be  suitable. 

Who  can  claim  the  right 
to  own  a  nuclear,  or  even  an 
atomic  weapon? 

It  IS  a  simple  matter  ot 
cvimmon  sense.  Our  forefa- 
thers intended 
for  us  to  have 
the  right  to 
defend  our 
home  from 
those  vN-ho 
would  wish  to 
lake  It  away  or 
do  harm  upon 
the  land,  they 
realized  the 
importance  of 
self  defense  and 
made  provi- 
siOTB  under  fhi'  stvond 

But  to  think  thev  would 
have  agreed  and  stood  by 
the  NRA  in  their  claim  to 
owning  weapons  that  serve 
no  purpcise  other  than  to  kill 
amither  human  bemg^ 
I  >bviously  they  would  not 
have  concurred 

M<isl  importantl)-,  what 
nivds  lo  be  addressed  is  the 
rea.son  behind  wanting  to 
own  such  a  weapon 
.-M'ter  all,  there  is  very  little 
An  assault  v\eapi>n  <au  b..- 
usee'  (or 

lo  s,n  that  it  makes  a 
"prettv  ■    decoration  over  the 
m.inlle  is  an  inadei)uale 
rebuttal    To  sav  that  it 
makes  killing  an  intruder 
simpler  and  mon-  fun  may 
have  Its  merits,  but  nowhere 
near  enough  to  claim  legiti- 
mac\    A  hand  gun  can  kill 
an  intruder  dead,  (ust  as  well 
.Is  anv  assault  weapon 

If  a  senator  tcvis  Ihat 
stronglv  towards  his  wile 
Ix-mg  unprotivted,  perhaps 
he  would  better  serve  his 
country-  by  her  side,  instead 
of  up  iin  capital  hill  where 
he  can  ilo  no  gcxxl 

I  inally,  ask  yourself  this 
cjueslRin    How  safe  and 
secure  would  you  feel  living 
in  a  neighborhcKxl  wheie 
you  knew  for  fact  every  citi- 
zen owned  a  gun' 

Then  ask  yourself  this 
queshon    How  sate  would 
you  feel  livirig  in  a  neigiibor- 
hood  where  you  knew  for  a 
fact  tliat  no  citizen  owned  a 

Page  10 

Arts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 
Aprils.  19% 

Audience  enjoyed  the  antics  in  'Crimes' 

Vwonica  Qonulcz 


"Cnmw  of  the  Heart"  opt-nt'd  ■"• 
Mjrih  15,  .11  S  p  m,,  in  the  Buildin.;, 
rhf.itrc  It  vv.i^  •.Urfited  by  lauii 
Tulu'  'A  li..  ,ii.l  .1  ^  |i>h  lastuif,  thf 
pfrtormi'r>  It  tiffiitii  up  with  j  htv 
deprejiMxl  chatacltT,  l.t'nnv  M.igrath 
(plavfJ  hv  Mi>l>K<>ni  trying  to  liRht  j 
cimtlo  tor  h«T  <mn  birthil.iv  thick 
•fila\fvl  bv  Melisj~i  HaastTi) 
i'ti-d  th»-  M-lt-mdulgent  >iTe- 
miinv  I  '1  hff  ripfX'd  [i<int\ 

hitst-   li  :.!  beKinninj;  to  .1 

pUy  that  wiHikl  1.1 »  i:^  (>■  j-o 

thraugh    thf    livr-.  :'.     Meg 

\ldj;r.nh  (played  by  BndRrttv  Sh.iw) 
and  Babt'  Boln-ll.-  irl.ivi^l  hv  H.,'lly 
l\>stl«'u,l|tr!  ,'i-.   ton- 

tus«'d    hvibl'K    ma .....     .hut  bfr 

abuM\  f  hu>barni  Ihrpl.n  ba'-u,  .illy 
deal*  with  lilf  and  how  to  Inf 
through  It   It  touches  upon  suI^i-cIn 

such  as  iwUlitmships,  abu>t>,  •.uicide 
and  <*»lf-riespe>cf.  Thcst'  topics  were 
portravt'd  m  a  lij^ht-hearted  manner 

"if  audience  respcindeti  to  all  the 
md  ott-the-wall  actions  ot  the 
p».  tliTmers  rhere  was  even  a  point  in 
the  ptav  uheff  an  inept  Babe  is 
unable  to  commit  suicide  The  audi- 
ence laughecJ  when  she  stuck  her 
head  in  the  oven  as  a  last-ditch  ettort 
to  kill  herselt 

DtK-  Ptwler  (l,',uv  Sullnan)  and 
B,irnette  l.lovd  (Sean  0'\eill,  as 
Hahi'  s  lawyer,  added  their  i  harm  and 
talent  to  the  play. 

ITie  m<X)d  was  bittersweet  In  the 
end,,  there  was  no  definite  solution, 
onlv  acceptance  between  the  three 

dls^.n  said  that  the  cast  began 
preparmg  tor  the  play  during  the  first 
week  of  February  It  certainly  paid  ott 
lirad  Stoecher  s.iid  that  the  plav  had 
a,    ;i:,iHKi  ending  "  Dorian  Thompson 


Mo  Olson,  Bridgette  Shaw  and  Holly  Posttewalte,  play  their 
sisterly  roles  as  they  sit  at  the  kitchen  table. 

Old  th.if  thr  ,  .whng  was  done  vvelj. 

I!  likeable  kitchen  tri'm 

the  ei..  >.; !c  siK  jnd  early  NK 

All  in  all,  the  play  got  better  .is  it 
progressed  There  was  a  bit  ot  tension 
in  the  audience  during  the  first  act 

Mike  Rayburn  to  perform  free  concert  on  April  10 

Singi  r-s,inj;nriter  Mike  Rayburn 
will  peri.irm  in  a  tree  ntHvntime  con- 
cert at  Harper  C  ollege  on  Wednesday, 
April  U),  m  the  Mudent  t  t-nt.'r 
lounj;f  .>t  Building  A  Itiyhurn  was 
receniK        na.mMl       "Coffeehouse 

I '"    ■■•  by    the 

I,  ampus 

Rayburn,   who  sings  everything 

trom  Indigo  C.irls  to  BilK  l.iel  and 
from  hmmy  Buftel  lo  the  Beatles, 
tracels  the  college  concert  circuit 
throughout  the  year  with  his  pel  fer- 
ret,  Ty('kally  Ka\  burn's 
concert  injuiies  fiis  acoustic  version 
ot  the  C  harlie  Daniels  Band  classic, 
"The  IVv  il  Went  Down  to  Oorgia." 
L'sing  vvliat  he  calls  "cri.i>soyer  ci>me- 
dy.  '  Rayburn  portrays  tw>>  very   dif- 

ferent groups  singing  the  other's 
songs  Tor  example,  Rayburn  pn:'- 
tends  he  is  Randv  Trav  is  singing  Pink 
Floyd  or  AC/ IX  performing  Dan 

Kavbum  s  concert  is  five  and  open 
to  the  public. 

For  more  information,  call  the 
Harper  College  Student  Attivities 
Office,  M7/'>25hi>242 

However  by  the  second  act  had 
the  audience  was  laughing  comfort- 

l  ongiatulations  to  everyone  vvho 
put  their  tinu'  into  the  play  It  was  an 
excellent  show 

Harper  College's  new  phorw 
number  is  (847)  925-6000 

^2^    Al"   TIME   AS  LOW  AS 
^^^H    $S.9S    petmmn 
^^^1        RIU.UNE  Of 
^^H     (847)438-6411 




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The  Harbinger 
April  5, 1996 

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A  Christian  Brothers  University 

*omt  S3  •  RMncoWlic.  lUinou  •  6(I44« 

Styx  reuniting  tliis  summer 

Laura  Garrison 


"Styx  it  is  in  '96!" 
-James  "JY"  Young 

"If  the  Eagles  said  hell  would 
freeze  over  and  Ihey  got  back  togeth- 
er, anything  is  pt>ssible  I  believe  in 
my  heart  that  there  will  be  a  Styx 
reunion  before  the  end  of  the  centu- 
ry, but  only  fools  are  surv" 

These  were  the  words  lames  "JY" 
Young  sf><ike  about  a  vf>ir  ago  We  as 
St\ A  tans  won't  have  to  wait  until  the 
tdge  of  the  Century  In  what  can 
only  be  called  the  prophesy  of  the 
decade  for  any  Sty  x  fan,  there  will  be 
a  reunion  tour  this  summer 

The  reunion  has  been  something 
that  has  been  in  the  works  for  quite 
some  time.  The  last  studio  album 
with  the  whole  band  intact.  "Kilroy 
Was  Here",   was  recorded   over  a 
decade   ago.    After   the   release   of 
"Kilroy",    members 
decided  to  go  their 
separate  ways  due 
to    creative    differ- 
ences. Since 
"Kilroy",    members 
of  Styv  have  moved 
in   diflerent    circles 
(and       kept      their 
hometown  ties  heri'  in  Chicago)  only 
to  wind  up  with  their  paths  crossing 
almost  coastantlv. 

Dennis  l> Young,  Young,  Chuck 
Pano/zo  and  John  Panoz/o  teamed 
up  With  C.len  Burtnick  and  i>ther 
musicians  to  record  "Edge  of  the 
Century",  but  that  mini-reuni>in 
lacked  one  kev  plaver  Tommv  Shaw 
Shaw  had  been  working  on  several 
musical  projects  with  the  likes  of 
"Terrible  Tt"d'  Nugent  and  also  with 
Jack  Blades  (formerly  of  Night 
Ranger),  perhaps  the  most  notable 
was  Damn  Yankees 

Youngs  most  recent  project,  The 
lames  Young  tiroup,  included  much 
collaboration  from  Glen  Burtnick  in 
the  Mingwriting  department  Tven 
while  recording  his  own  projects. 
Young  seemed  to  feel  that  his  great- 
est musical  achievements  came  dur- 
ing the  times  he  spent  with  Styx.  "A 
part  of  me  will  alwavs  be  there,"  he 
told  The  Harbinger  last  viar 

Then  a  very  interi-stmg  thing  hap- 
pened. A&M  Records  which  had 
released  a  compilation  ot  Styv'  great- 
est hits  a  few  years  back,  was  unable 

to  place  one  of  their  earlier  hits 
("Lady")  on  the  compilation  This 
was  because  when  Sty  x  first  began  as 
a  band,  they  recorded  for  a  label 
called  Wooden  Nickel  When 
approached,  Wix)den  Nickel  refused 
to  give  up  the  nghts  to  the  song  so 
that  it  could  be  included  on  the  com- 

A&M  released  the  compilation 
without  "l-ady",  and  it  went  on  to 
sell  quite  impressively.  However, 
Mimething  was  missing.  Then,  a  cou- 
ple of  years  ago  someone  at  A&M 
came  up  with  a  brilliant  plan:  have 
the  original  members  rereiord  the 
song  to  be  iiu  ludcxl  on  another  com- 
pilation of  their  greatest  hits. 

I  ast  spring,  the  plan  became  real- 
ity The  original  members  got  togeth- 
er In  the  studio  to  rerecord  "l.ady"  as 
"Lady  '45",  The  new  compilation 
would        not       only 
include  "Udy  '95 ',  it 
would    also    include 
"l.oreler',  which  was 
overlooked         when 
they  issued   the  first 
When  the  record  was 
released,       it       was 
expected  to  have  mixiest  sales,  so 
most  record  stores  didn't  stock  many 
copies.  The  result:  it  quu  klv  became 
verv   hard  to  come  by — stores  sold 
out  of  It  almost  as  last  as  it  came  in, 
according      to      Rob      Gillis      of 
Whitehouse  Records 

With  an  album  that  exceeded 
sales  evpivtalions  and  the  knowl- 
edge that  they  could  all  wt.rk  togeth- 
er once  again,  the  members  of  Styx 
recently  decided  that  they  wanttxi  to 
play  together  once  again  Currently, 
their  only  plan  is  to  plav  together 
and  see  how  it  goes. 

Styx  will  indi-ed  tour  the  United 
States  this  summer,  and  they  may 
also  tour  |apan.  Ihey  will  be  releas- 
ing a  new  album  of  mostly  i  ild  songs,  • 
"Greatest  Hits  Part  2"  w  ithin  the  next 
couple  of  months.  The  new  compila- 
tion will  include  three  brand-new 
>ongs— two  Dennis  DeYbung  songs 
which  are  more  pop-oriented,  and 
one  rock  song  written  by  Tommy 

According  to  lames  Young,  'Styx 
m  %  It  is...  it  will  be  Styx  in  '%." 

Styx  announces  Chicago  date 

Stw  will  be  playing  at  the  New 
World  Music  Theatre  on  Friday,  June 
14  Opening  for  Sty  «  w  ill  be  very  spe- 
cial guest  Kansas  This  will  be  the 
first  tour  with  the  original  lineup  in 
13  vears 

No  hcket  informahon  was  avail- 
able at  press  time.  This  Is  the  only 
Chicago  show  planned  so  far  though 
they  do  have  plaas  to  play  other 
Midwest  cities  such  as  Minneapolis, 
Indianapolis,  and  Milwaukiv 

Marcia  Wilkie  to  perform  April  11 

Mareia  Wilkie  will  bring  her  one- 
woman  show  of  comedic  mono- 
k>gues  called,  "Are  You  Happy!'  to 
Harper  College,  Thursday,  April  11. 
7  30  p.m.,  m  the  Building  j  Theatre. 

Her  most  recent  work,  'Are  You 
Happy?"  premiered  at  the  Live  Bail 
Theater  in  Chicago  last  August  to 
cnhcs'  acclaim  and  six  weeks  of  sold 
out  performances.  Four  of  Wilkes 
pieces  are  autobiographical  mono- 

logues and  three  are  character  sketch- 

A  veteran  of  Second  City  and 
other  area  comedy  clubs  such  as  the 
lmpro\.  Catch  a  Rising  Star,  and 
Funny  Bone,  Wilkie  has  performed  in 
the  original  one-woman  show  since 

Tickets  for  Wilkie's  show  are  $7 
with  discounts  for  students  and 



The  Harbinger 
April  5.  19% 

Styx:  crossing  the  river  again      Rose  to  Open  for  McDermott  Apriri? 

Laura  aaniMn 


s.)  Hist  what  have 


■,    I'  (h*ir  apparent 

di-miM?  m'Cife  tki«  a  «lK.»df 

IVioung  has 
n-ietiMti  ^fvenil  «»k>  dlt>um» 
(m«Mt  of  which  may  w:tii4n> 
K-  mil  i>f  pnni)  "Deseil 
VtixMi  .  'B,i<  k  It-  The  World" 
ami  "BtxjmchiW  (all  e«cel- 
k-nl)  Jtw  Ihe  nn-k  alhums  hi- 
retoriiiHl,  (hen  ^ 
mhfresl  m  Br<>*i. 
He  }un  dppcjred  .!>  Ciintmi 
T'lir,'  in  "  IfMi^  Christ 
su[i.T>*iar".  and  he  a  currt-nt- 
K  writrnj?  ii  miiMivil  n»rsion 
o(    '  Ihr  Hii  \otTr 

Uanu-'     X'    :.; .  Anltrn 

m  thf  spirit  iif  Andrew  lioyd 
Weh<T  i>  sifted  iot  a  St  Louis 
opi'iunn  '"  IViemhtT 

(.imf>    "lY"    YiHinfi    has 
done  i  coiv*id<T.tblf  .imiuint 
of  TV/iTKivit»  nctite  woi'^ 
well  js  recorded  a  cou; 
solo  pmn-cts  Hi',  most  rect'iu 
»olo     pri>)f.  I        Rjiiaeti     Bv 
Wolv.-.-  h.i-.K.t..- 
Hinhli^^hc      ,'i 
"H<M'-<,-n     m     >,tui     lli'.K! 
"Ania.'in>;  ( .r.K.-     .iini     ;  iH 
ol  1  lolv   Faith"    Abt),  YouiiK 
puts  on  an  unbclievdhle  live 
pertormance  which  (usiully) 

include-  ,  » 

M  well  A  HIS  I'wn  nuirrul. 

Tp»my  Sh*w  h««  been 
involved  tn  many  diHeienl 
musiCiil  pr«>fi-ct*   In  aildtlion 

■     '  ■  ilbums,  ht"  w.» 

t  'limn  Yaiiiffs 
(>ith  ffj  Nugent  and  Night{er's  I*-k  Bl*!!-^'!  Dairtn 
Yjiikct-s    hidhtt);!i' 
Enout^h",  "!-■ 

"Comiinc   tn 

AgAin",    .1(1.1  "i.'ii 

iii»m'   \ 
Shiiw  di 
mote  a> 
(.ippf'>-  ' 

fii'v  *,-. .  I,  ..  IV  I,  ii  '.1  1 1,  >.  .  >f  ,ii  1 1  '1.1  \ 
but  It  was  ctimplftrlv  under- 

■^tuiw  s  -„,ili>  .ilhiirnv  wsil 
Ix"  m.sMied  lhi>  spnn>;  bv 
WhitfhouM-  Shaw  plans  to 
wm.iNter  'Lifts  With  Ciuas". 
«liui    VV'hal  If"  i¥ill  he  remas- 

tmxi  and  n-sei|tienied— lixik 

lor  thorn  ••oniotrr;;!-  ;ri  April  or 


•  .iioth- 
er  album  n.-vi  v.-.u  somt-time 
The  lame-.  '!>>ui>>;  i  ,roup  also 
plans  ot\  role.i--ii:ii;  anolliri 
rri  ord  in   ['■"-''"    in  "h,.  rn.-  -■ 

.i!i',>  .iiu^HavC  vou  i...u 
rwiwds,  and  Itwk  for  Styx, 
ci'mirig  this  MimmiT  to  a  th»- 
atrr  near  Mm 

Lam  Garrison 


-M  Kiise  will  bf  ttpt'iiinj; 
tor  Muh.iel  M.  I  lernioti 
when  he  per!,  ■nii--  .il  Harpei 
on    .April     17     Rose    l^.l^    ,i 

iiniil:io  niiiM.  .il  -.tvle  vvhn,  h 
\  iTi    hfttet 

or^anu    pro<es.. 

!st     an 

iiid    aiiv 

thin^  i.s  worthy  oi  bein>; 
tried,"  explained  Rom'  Hi.s 
anvthmg  ^ovs  approach  has 
.iltrarted  a  .  on.siderahle 
.iinouni  ot  attention  on  loial 
t.idio  ■-(.ilions  WXKT  .md 
VVl  HK,  .1-,  well  as  with  local 
iiuisK  .  ntks 

Kos».  is  ,)  dynamic  live 
ptrrtormer  His  live  shows 
range  from  being  by  him.self 
with  his  >;uilar  ti>  hav  mg  his 

band  (The  Whole 

Trans.eniios)  along.  His 
show  at  Harper  will  proba- 
bly lonsist  ot  himself  and 
perhaps  his  female  hack- 
ground  singer 

He    will     have    a    new 

album  tortln.'ni;!  

pie  ot  months 

"Information  Overload" 
is  available  now  in  local 
record  stores 

Jugglers  will  have  their  hands  full  on  April  26th 


■'peul  show  lor 
p  m  ,  Friday  Aprii 
I  oiint;.-   Building  r\ 

1  suii;  popular  musi, 
and   Koberto   the   M.ii'jiificent  dcHli;i-   pins 
knives  .iiid  tonhes,  nttci'  \>  liii.- i  i.img  scM-n 
and  ten  toot  unu\cl<-s  .ntertam 

then    audienies   with    ii:.,.,. Iironi/iii 

■swimming  routines  and  ballnina  ini)>erson 

or'ii    !r.    .1  Tile   dm-    has    opened    tor    .u  (».    s,k  Ii    .is 

.»  JV   Ivvitty  and  t'K  in  Bishop  and  '  .n 

i;j.,ir>\l    with    Keba    McEntire  .'n    IW  s 

Statler   Kmthers   television   show    .mil   on   a 

Man  lohn     M-ginenl  ot  Northern  lAposure 

rickets  tor  the  (.■entlenien  Jugglers  show 

-'  '■'    idiills    s;  tor  children  under  12 

,'  S>  lo!  siudents  .md  senior  .ilt- 
/ni-~  V  .111  the  Harper  to  I  lege  Box  Clflue, 
.S47' !:■;-*,  I  (H), 

Harper's  new  main  telephone  number 

(847)  925-6000. 

William  Rainey  Harper  College 



m    Ge«  Real! 



$5  weekend  Pass 

Purchase  on  the  train  or  at 
:lowntown  stations. 

For  schedule  information 
caii  836-7000. 

WM>  Site-  Mtp-y/ 




'^"I'W  Belli  rant  h..l.  ^^^^^^^^^W 

'^- ""«../ s;.  J: ';:;/^^* -..any  .^ 

I  Aries:   Vou  hd\ ..  h... 

"«  there.    Tell      lou^^'^V^'"*^^  '^-^  ■"« 
I  V7q,„.  ^<'"  may  m«..  a  lonely 

Taurus:     Srudv  harrf  .   j  I 

■7-t-S  sut- td'':t>';'Hani-'  I.  ,J 

I  "ttwhon  .tdes^rv,-*        '     '  '^"^•^"''  Set  the 

I  *;""'"'■•    "Thfs  w..,uld  he  ,  ,  ,    , 
^'■U  .n  KhJ,  ,„  „  ™  ;  '■'bulous  day  ,„ 

si)  we  dont  h;..„. .    J  "^  ■*'  'east  a  w«t  I 

ll    I  'or  bed  L^'^"' '°  '^-'  -"^  you.  ^aSt 

'^i.e trurof^'rtt  r-  '"•  '^--^ 



Libra:    This  ,s  a  tre,.  -i  I 

*'"■'  go  further  than   ..t\  Tu  "'^"''"^  ''"' 
(  to  get  ;«t.  ^ ""'  "^"^her,,  you  tend  | 



I  Sagittarius:  Money  K  h.,rr, 
^■"rrencv  on  tn.  J^  tsK  ^^^  ''«''""«  U.S. 
Capricorn:    Tii  K,-,,r„         .  I 

Aquarius:    [,».<,»   - 

I  "^es:     Name  taRs  «,,,  k 


""--'r.^iw'"::""""^^^^" 'vkJ 

%*o  <(,  "%■  *<> 

't'  *»  ^O  ^6^    ^ 


^^  •'Ck'^ 


Page  14 

Prospect  Airport 
Services,  Irx;.  is  looking 
to  fill  positions  in  the 
Aviation  Services 
Industry  at  O'Hare 
International  Airport.  We 
have  full  and  part  time 
positions  open  in  fields 
ranging  from  BAGGAGE 
We  also  have  positions 
availatJie  for  ELECTRIC 
LEVEL  LEADS.  The  wages 
associated  with  most  of 
the  positions  are:  mmi 
mum  wage  plus  tips.  Tips 
will  average  txjtween 
$35  &  $90  per  day.  On 
average  you  will  earn  the 
equivalerx;e  of  $9- 
$12 /hour  During  some 
periods  of  the  year  it  is 
easy  to  earn  more  than 
this.  If  a  service  job  in 
the  airline  industry 
sounds  appealing, 
please  conie  in  or  c^l  us 
to  set  up  an  interview. 
Prospect  Airport 
Services,  Inc.  Chicago's 
O'Hare  International 
Airport  EEOC.  Telephone: 

research /survey  only  no 
exp.  reqd.  Ideal  for  stu- 
dents &  homemakers 

Pool  Director,  organize 
instruction  &  free  swim 
in  summer  day  camp. 
Wheeling.  Supervise  5 
guards.  Must  be  21yrs■^, 
have  WSI.  6/14-8/16. 
$2700+.  Call(84  7)537- 

Secretary  Part  Time.  10- 
20  hrs/wk.  General 
office,  data  entry  for 
summer  day  camp. 
Wheeling.  Could  be  full 
time  in  Summer. 
Immediate  $6/hr  Call 
(847)537  9700. 

College  Pro  Painters  is 
looking  for  painter /fore- 
man job  positions  in  your 
home  town.  $5-$10/hr. 
No  exp.  nee.  1-800-544- 

Mom  seeking  responsi- 
We  part  time  help  with 
her  2  young  children  (1  & 
3)  in  her  Barrington 
home.  FlexiWe  hours, 
good  pay.  Call  Nancy 


Fishing  Industry.  Earn  up 
to  $3.000-$6.000+  per 
month.  Room  &  Board! 
Male /Female.  No  experi- 
ence necessary! 
(206)971-3510  ext 

The  Harbinger 
April  5, 19% 

Telemarketing  no  setting.    ALASKA  EMPLOYMENT- 


DENTS! Roosevelt 
University  is  seeking  tal- 
ented &  dedicated  stu- 
dents for  generous 
transfer  scholarships. 
Call  Karuna  Maddava  at 
(847)437-9200  ext.  213 
for  more  info. 

want  a  Harper  HILLEL! 
Call  ILISA  (847)577- 
8224  and  we  can  get 
started  HILLEL-  a  Jewish 
Student  Association. 

HILLa  Hiaa  HiLa 

AID!  No  pay  backs! 
Guaranteed!  Send  large 
SASE:  CBA  Resources. 
Box  8366,  Rolling 
Meadows.  IL  60008  HC 

DENTS! Over  $6  Billion  in 
puWic  and  private  sector 

grants  &  scholarships  is 
now  available.  All  stu- 
dents are  eligible.  Let  us 
help.  For  more  info,  call: 
1-800-263-6495  ext. 


How  long  have  you  been 
dieting?  Hyacinth 
Counseling  Services 
offers  individual  counsel- 
ing, support  groups,  & 
workshops  for  eating  & 
weight  problems.  For 
info,  call  382-6740 

I  can  do  your  taxes,  pay 
your  bills  (your$),  balance 
your  chkbk.  Also  typing, 
resumes,  w/p,  etc.  call 
Shamrock  577-0473. 

Superior  Secretarial 
Services  can  be  your 
"off-site"  office  at  rea- 
sonable rates!  Resumes, 
repetitive  letters, 
spreadsheets,  thesis 
and  term  papers,  etc. 
Pick-up  &  delivery  avail- 
able. Call  Sarah  Reilly 


Babysitter  for  children  in 
my  home  thursdays 

8:30-5:30  call  359-6790 

Adoption.  Abundance  of 
love  awaits  your  new- 
born. We're  ready  now! 
Tomorrow  wouldn't  be 
too  soon  to  have  a  baby 
to  cherish.  Teacher 
(future  "at  home"  mom) 
and  Husband  long  to 
share  laughter,  security, 
stability,  nice  home  and  a 
lifetime  of  love  with  your 
baby.  1-800-565-5635 


Dr.  Si«c«ltB  Stop 
Smoking  Systom 

»•%  Smccoss  Rato 
100%  MoMoy  Back 

Suporior  Product 


For  noro  Information 
call  SOO-Hoioshelp 


The  last  day  to  drop 
classes  is  April  1 3th 



We  have  many  different  job  openings  available! 
Flexible  schedules,  great  for  students! 

Pay  ranges  $6.00  -  $22.00 

depending  on  job  availability  and  skills 

Also:  Full  Time  Sales  positions  open 
Experience  helpful,  but  not  necessary 

$35,000+  /  per  year,  plus  many  benefits. 

Call  Today  to  schedule  your  interview 

First  come,  first  served! 
(708)  515-8300 

April  5, 19W 


%#pvi  %9  Page  15 

Track  and  Neld  team  springs  into  action 


The  19%  «dition  ai  Harper*  track  and  field  pro- 
gram opened  «he  season  last  week  at  the  Wheattm 

The  Hawks  wiwe  led  by  Adrian  AbboM  (Zk>n- 
Benton)  who  placed  second  in  the  100m  (116)  and 
the  200m  (22.4)  Abbott  is  one  trf  21  members  of  the 
mens  team.  KMie  Huinker  piiKcd  fifth  in  the 
women's  2IXIkn. 

"We  have  a  very  young  team.  We  have  only  two 
returners  But  we  should  be  strong  in  the  sprints 
and  mjddle  distance, "  said  coach  Rcnee  Zellncr 
"We  are  pretty  well-nninded.  We  will  have  our 
evenl»  covered  " 

BlU  Beckley  (Sttieamwood)  finished  first  in  the 
800m.  "We  will  be  hard  to  beat  in  the  f«»,"  Zellner 
Mid   "We  should  have  a  real  shot  at  nationals  " 

It  took  Andns.  Bolanos  (Hersey)  16:31  to  hmsh 
sixth  in  the  5000m.  Henry  Nuguid  threw  the  shot 
put  41-teet-three-inches  to  finish  sixth.The  Hawks 
came  away  with  third  lace  in  the  4x400m  relay  and 
eighth  in  the  4xl00m  relay. 

Three  Hawks  placed  in  the  top  10  for  Oie  javelin 
Thev  were  Brian  Bolton  (sixth).  Jessica  Ford  (ninth) 
and  Heather  Borzych  (10th) 

Zellner  says  that  the  women's  team  has  set  some 
goals  for  the  season.  They  tram  well  together  I 
think  they  will  respond  well  to  lompehtion." 

/-ellner  expects  Harper  to  be  stronger  in  the 
region  this  year 


•you   Jk.«.KKI>    *r01«    IT 
A»ir»  VOU   G'O'r   IT!t 

•WE.  MOW  c:ai«s«  Y  «>ovh: 

AMO  imORE:  list  -I'ME  MAIN 

LSO  B,EI1«I<3  SOI...D  IM 






famous  U  S  Women  s  ^pme  Ski  Team  Diet 

ngm    aj  pourxls  in  i*  clays'   Th«  tMcts  of  m#  *«  «  rhom^.i  iHZ 
^1    Y^o^;?*  "^.^^  l_^«a««  (very  .mporSlTl* 

Wonwn  s  A«i>w  Sk,  T«am  wouMnt  ba  pamMiM  to  use  ,t'  Rkiw?  So' 
'•^ISf^  «•  saina  twifc  Iha  US,  9ti  Ta«n  gets    L«M.3aw Z, 

S^  0OM8  95  ,»  90  .n  Calif  )-«M   50  cen-s  RUSH  se^ce  to 
Am^nc*.  Insww..  7343  El  Cam«5  RM.  Suit.  206.  AtlMadaro  CA 

BKaM*  ttMTt  wtvu  ttw  Ski  TMm  l3iM  wil  do. 


,. .    -^.  ..    ,     _  fW)™  BY  SUSAN  RADEMAC>€R 

(from  left)  Matt  Bell,  Bill  Beckley 
Michael  Cocroft  and  Sliawn  Phillips 

Tri-state  tennis  tournament 

On  Saturday,  April  1.1, 
Chicagoland  tennis  enthusiasts  will 
have  an  opportunity  to  see  some  of 
the  finest  junior  college  tennis  in  the 
country  as  four  of  the  top  I.S  ranked 
junior  colleges  square  off  at  harper 

At  9  am  Harper  (8)  will  take  on 
Vincennes,  Indiana  (12),  and  the 
College  of  DuPage  (It.)  will  face 
Sinclair  College  of  Dayton.  Ohio  (15). 
The  Illinois  schools  will  switch  oppo- 
nents for  a  second  match  scheduled 
for  1  p  m 

.Ml  matthfs  will  he  at  the  Harper 
C  oIleKf  tennis  complex 

Sports  Deck 

Highlighhng  the  singles  competi- 
tion will  be  a  match  between  Swedish 
star  Magnus  Grahn  of  Vmcennes  and 
Harper's  Kevin  Howard. 

Cirahn  is  currently  ranked  third  in 
the  nation  with  Howard  right  behind 
him  in  the  number  four  slot. 

Grahn  and  Howard  were  ITA  All- 
Amcricans  for  the  1995  seas*in. 

Tlte  four  teams  will  use  a  Division 
I  format  with  doubles  first,  followed 
by  the  six  singles  matcht>s 

For  more  mformahon  contact 
the  Wellness  and  Human 
Performance  Division. 

Date      Sport      Opponent    Location    Time 

April   6 


April  9    Baseball 

North  Central 





Rock  Valley 
Rock  Valley 

HOME  9  am 

HOME  noon 

Glen  Ellyn  noon 

Naperville  10  am 


2  pm 

3  pm 

April  10   Tennis  Rock  Valley        HOME  2:30  pm 

April  1 1    Baseball 

April  12    Baseball 


April  13   Tennis 




Warhawk  Inv. 

Harper  Tri-St. 
Warhawk  Inv. 

April  14   Baseball        Waukesha 

April  16   Softball 

April  18  Baseball 

April  19   Baseball 

Illinois  Valley 




II.  Benedict.jv 





River  Grv. 



2  pm 
2:30  pm 

3  pm 

2  pm 
2  pm 

9  am 

8  am 

1  pm 

2  pm 
2:30  pm 

Des  Plaines  2  pm 
Freeport  2  pm 
HOME  2:30  pm 


2  pm 
2:30  pm 

arper  Sports 

Page  16  »  Wllllain  Rilnty  Harpw  CoHec*  »  >^»  5. 1§S6" 

Baseball  team  warms  up  In  Florida  sunshine 


Spring  bwdk  in  Flondd  is  sup- 
posed to  be  d  tune  for  reldxation  ami 
fim  in  the  sun,  unless  you're  a  HarptT 
(  c-vUege  baseball  player 

The  Hawks  spent  their  time  .iw.iy 
tmm  scKuol  working  instead  of  n-Ux- 
ing  as  they  squared  off  .Jgainsl  some 
of  Floridd'v  top  lunior  college  tejms 

The  chilly  March  weather  in 
niinots  put  the  Hawks  at  a  disadvan- 
tage during  their  nine  day  stint.  Each 
of  the  Florida  teams  had  more  than  20 
games  under  their  bt»lt  by  the  time  tfw 
Hawks  hit  town 

Friday  March  22  was  the  first  time 
the  Hawks  had  the  opportunity  to 
play  outside  of  Harper's  Building  M 
"These  teams  are  very  much  ahead  of 
us,  right  now,"  said  coach  Norm 
Garrett  dunng  the  Florida  trip 

The  Fiawks  finished  the  mad  trip 
with  a  record  of  1-10  with  the  lone 
victory  coming  against  Iudson{Fla  ). 

Pitcher  Ji*  I.iiich  ga\e  up  two  runs 
on  (our  hil>  in  tivt"  innmg>  tor  the 
win  )juch  diJn  I  give  up  .inv  walLs 
which  was  an  improvi-ment  tor  the 
pitching  staff. 

Walks  plagued  Uw  Ivam  in  previ- 
tHis  outings  "Wf  weren't  getting  the 
hail  over  the  plate. '  said  C^arrett. 

Harper  pitchers  gave  up  3,'>  walks 
during  their  first  weekend  of  play  tor 
a  tt>tal  of  2'»  unearned  runs 

"ThcTes  )ust  no  defenx;  tor  a 
walk,"  s<iid  Garn»tt.  "VVV  ro  getting 
the  hits,  but  the  other  teams  aren't 
walking  petiple. " 

Sophomore  Josh  l^ettiere  kniKked 
one  out  of  the  park  to  bringing  in 
three  runs  against  Clouster  College 

Matt  lonas  knocked  in  three  runs 
on  two  hits  in  his  first  game. 

"We're  getting  the  fiits  we  need, 
and  we're  turning  double  plays. "  said 
GarR-tt  'I  don  t  think  that  we  turned 
that  many  .ill  last  season  " 

"I'm  very  happy  with  our  overall 
performance.  >aid  Garrett  I  ttvl  a 
lot  better  coming  back  from  Florida 
with  this  team  than  I  did  last  year  " 

"We  were  in  every  game  except 
one,"  added  Garr«tt.  "We  had  a 
chance  to  win  each  one  of  tfiem  " 

Harper  lost  a  cloM-  one  (6-°<)  to 
Seminofcf  junior  College  on  Mar  28. 

PitcfH'r  Rob  Thompstm  went  tour 
innings,  giving  up  only  five  walks. 
Garrett's  team  had  a  runner  on  third 
with  on*'  out  in  the  final  innmg,  but 
failed  tt>  bring  the  runner  home. 

Frank  Picrsante  pitched  the  mid- 
dle three  innings  Lettien-  kniKked 
one  out  of  the  park  for  a  twcvrun 


Nyrt  Pettinger  twatches  the  ball  as  it  flies  toward  the  parking  lot 

homer  that  tied  the  siore  dl  4-4 

"It  was  a  bomb,  again."  said 
(..arrett  '  F\erv  time  he  hits  the  ball  it 
gc»~*  a  long  w.n" 

The  Haw  ks  will  play  five  of 
tfieir  next  sev  en  games  at  home  with 
road  games  at  the  College  of  DuPage 

and  l-Igm  COD  will  host  the  Haw  ks 
Saturday,  April  6,  at  noon. 

The  Hawks  will  travel  to  Elgin  for 
a  2  p  m  game  on  Friday,  April  12. 

Check  the  Sports  Deck  on  page  1 5 
for  information  on  the  times  and  l<Ka- 
tion.s  for  Hawks  baseball. 

Nationally  ranked  tennis  team  currently  undefeated 



The  lennis  team  is  perfect  for  the  19%  season,  s,  > 

HarfHT  s  tirst  tour  opponents  have  failed  to 
defeat  coach  Rt>ger  King's  team 

The  team  opened  conference  play  April  2  with 
an(*-l  victory  over  Uhnuts  Valley. 

Sophomore  Kevin  Howard  kd  the  way  bv 
defeatmg  Shawn  Koehler  <>-2,  *»-] .  Howard  is  cur- 
rently ranked  fourth  m  the  nation. 

His  only  kiss  this  .season  came  in  his  first  match 
agamst  Elgin  at  the  Flanover  Park  Tennis  Club 
Elgin's  B<it)  Ftsliman  downed  Howard  tfA.  6-1  .it 
the  indoor  complex. 

"Nine  tnit  of  ten  times  Kevin  would  have  won," 
said  King 

Tom  Igric  led  the  Hawks  as  harper  went  on 
to  win  the  match  7-1.  Igric  defeated  Rob  I,euhnng 
(v.V  7.S, 

(otm  Amaio  won  6-0,  6-2  with  Mom  Gutierrr 
and  Brian  Bechtold  each  loniig  only  one  game  to 

The  kns  didii"t  stow  Howard  as  he  went  on  to  a 
IH),  6-1  victory  over  Waubonaee's  Aaron  Given. 

Craig  Ferengu!  and  Amaro  swept  their  singles 
opponents  without  dropping  a  game.  Harper 
swept  the  match  "M). 

King  took  his  team  on  the  road  to  Sipringfield  to 
compete  against  one  of  the  top  team  m  Illmois 

Parkland  College  came  into  the  match  having 
beaten  Harper  for  the  last  two  years.  That  didn"t 


Kevin  Howard 

stop  the  Hawks  who  won  ttie  match  7-Z 

"'They  beat  us  with  virtxially  the  same  people 

last  year."  said  King. 

Guitierez  defeated  Jeremy  Pettit  6-1,  6-4. 

Gutieiez  and  Joe  Hefferman  beat  Joey  Schaffer  and 

Jason  Bingman  6-2,  5-7,  6-0  as  the  Flawks  swept 

Parkland  in  doubles. 

Harper  will  host  the  Tri-State  tounument  April 


Craig  Ferengul 

1.")  Teams  from  Indiaiu  and  Ohio  will  compete 
against  Harper  and  confereiKe  rival  College  of 

Flarper  will  host  Joliet  April  18  aiwl  Oakton 
College  on  April  20. 

For  more  information  on  the  tennis  team's 
schedule  and  the  Tri-State  tournament. 

For  more  Temis  mfonnatlon  see  page  15 


the   voice   of  harper  college 


WIIHw  IUln«y  Umpw  Con^T 

mm  .  Numbf  16  .  April  IS.  I558~ 

Palailnd,  llflnoC 

Asbestos  found  above  daycare  during  construction 



Parents  of  children  m  day- 
care were  thrown  for  a  loop 
I'R  Thursday,  April  IV,  when 
jn  vtnergency  meeting  was 
held  to  explain  asbestos  was 
found  above  the  Child 
Learning  Center. 

Construcbon  is  currently 
underway  on  the  M-cond 
floor  in  building  I,  which  is 
scheduled  to  be  completed  in 
the  fall.  Asbestos  was  found 
in  the  glue  that  holds  the  tile 

Director  ol  the  Physical 
Plant  Bob  Otz  said.  "TTiat 
then  was  no  danger  there 
(CLC)  unless  the  asbestos 
was  left  and  then  disturbed  in 
the  futun-  ' 

Two  firms  will  do  ail  of  the 
work      Universal  Asbestos 

_  ^  PHOTO  BY  DAV»  PUMP 

TWO  RMmbsfs  from  the  ttoniolltion  crew  tear  down  the  celling  In  building  I 
during  the  constnictlon  project  that  lasts  until  the  fall. 

Removal  (UAR)  will  be  di*-  "The  work  will  be  done     taken  to  lasure  there  will  be 

posuig  the  contaminates  and     from  5  p.m  to  1  am.  starting     no  children  on  the  campus, " 
Maftson  Associates  will  mon-     on  Monday,  Apnl  1 5  and  will     Getz  said, 
itor  them      Both  companies     lake   two  lo   three  days  to  UAR       Vice       President 

complete  Prfcjutioas  will  be     Patrick  Connolly  said,  "Our 

are  employed  by  the  college. 

company  has  been  in  exis- 
tence for  nine  years,  with 
each  man  on  the  crew  having 
at  least  five  years  of  experi- 
ence. In  that  time  we  have 
probably  done  300  to  400 

The  area  will  be  blocked 
off  to  insure  total  safety 
Sandra  Maltson,  President  of 
Mattson  Associates  said. 
"The  area  will  t>e  sealed  off, 
put  under  negative  pressure, 
with  air  always  coming  in 
and  none  going  out  Before 
the  air  leaves  the  building,  it 
will  go  through  a  decontami- 
nating unit." 

Mike  Blow,  a  concerned 
parent  said,  "I  am  worried 
about  exposing  children  to 
any  kind  of  chemicals  espe- 
cially asbestos  and  the  clean- 
ing (materials)  the  companies 
will  use." 

In  This  Issue 

Student  Senate  buys  emergency 
phones  as  class  gift. 
Page  3 

Arts  and  Entertainimnt 
A  chat  session  with  VVLUP 
Program  Director  Matt  Bisbee. 
Page*  6 


Is  Rostenkovvski  years  behind 
his  time'  Fuller  thinks  >i» 

When  is  it  time  to  draw  the  line 
between  police  brutality  and 
resisting  arrest? 


">vv'im  team  dropped  despite 
uccessful  season  in  tavor  of 
Page  12 

Voting  over,  election  ethics  questioned 

Harper  Newt . 
Fen  Page 

Arts  and  Entertainment 
Commentary  __«___«». 


.  Pages  1-4 
_  Page  S 

.  Pages  6-7 

Starek  elected  to  trustee  position 

Page  10 

.Pages  1112 

Chrtttlne  ieckar 


The  winners  ot  this  years 
Harper  College  Studt-nt  Senate 
election  .ire  C  jroline 

Sactomannti.  rrciJent,  lim 
Ijfonard,  Treasim-r  ami  Antome 
Starek  fruslet-  A  total  of  1% 
students  votetl  this  vear  com- 
pared to  last  years  voter  turnout 

Sacannaraio  s.«d,  T  am  excit- 
ed about  the  number  of  students 
who  voted  I  am  excited  about 
th€'  opportunitv-  I  have  to  sene 
the  student  body.  I'm  kniking 
forward  to  being  IV-sident  I 
truly  feel  1  am  qualifieti  to  fulfill 
my  term." 

Leonard  Mid,  "  I'm  ltH>kmg 
forward  to  participating  in  the 
student  government  I  hope  I 
can  effectively  contribute  to  the 
Senate  and  the  student  body" 
Staxvk  said.  "1  feel  great  I  am 
ready  to  accomplish  whatever  it 
is  I  need  to  do.  1  have  a  lot  of 
confidence  " 

Students  had  a  choice  of  three 
pbces  to  vol*:  the  Information 
desk  in  building  A,  the  box  office 
in  building  I,  and  the  bcxikstore 
ui  building  L 

Then-  could  have  been  more 
votes  tallied,  but  many  voters 
did  not  have  their  student  activi- 
ty cards  available.  Christa  Kraft. 

Rtwptionisl  .it  Ihe  Information 
hoi>th  sjid,  Quite  .i  tew  stu- 
dents had  expired  activities 
cards  or  no  card  at  all  "  They 
wantevi  to  vote  but  could  not 

The  s.ime  Mtuation  true 
at  the  voting  hov  ,it  the  luKik- 
store,  jiiordmg  to  cashier  Ann 

Harper  student  Jason 
Huddlestun  s-ud.  "I  didn'l  vote' 
because  I  didn't  knoH'  there  was 
an  election  It  wasn  I  publici/iil 
very  well.  Hdr[>erdoes  not  real- 
ly h.ue  .1  I  lose  community  that 
cares.  Students  just  come  here 
for  class  and  then  go  home." 

Kraft  said,  "Some  who  did 
vote,  did  not  know  who  the  can- 
didates were 

Wades  s.iiii  Nime  students 
were  not  going  to  vole  tor  the 
President,  and  the  Treasurer. 
Thev  said  there  was  no  competi- 
tion. Hie  students  felt  it  was  a 
waist  of  time," 

Several  students  made  com- 
nwrnts  about  the  lack  of  cam- 
paigning, that  there  were  not 
any  posters  around  school. 

However,  each  voting  t>ooth 
was  equipped  with  a  TV  to  give 
each  candidate  a  chance  to  pre- 
sent their  platforms. 

Only  one  candidate,  Pamela 
Widder.  utilised  the  service  by 
giving  a  short  speech  on  video. 
see  ELECTION  on  page  3 

Candidate  accused 
of  possible  foul  play 

Julie  Thompsoa 


,\  compl.iint  tiled  with  the 
Sluilent  Activities  office,  alleging 
mud  slinging  in  this  year's 
Harper  College  Student  Senate 
election  was  found  to  be  unsub- 
stantiated by  The  colleges' 
I-lcHtion  Committee. 

The  formal  complaint  tiled  by 
Josetina  Campos-Ruera,  claimed 
that  nevvlv  fleeted  Student 
Trustee,  .Antoine  Stank  made  slan- 
derous remarks  about  his  oppo- 
nent, La\  elle  Velez  in  the  cafeteria 
on  campus 

Rivera  said  she  heard  Starek 
saying  sexual  comments  about 
Velez  with  his  friends. 

A  source  close  to  the  election 
committee  said,  "Saying  bad 
things  about  pt-ople  in  an  election 
doesn't  break  any  bi-laws,  so  the 
committee  couldn't  take  any 

Starek  said  he  had  no  knowl- 
edge that  a  formal  complaint  was 
filed,  or  that  if  went  in  fnjnt  of  the 
election  committee.  He  admitted 
to  being  in  the  cafeteria  with  his 
friends  talking  about  the  election, 
but  he  strongly  denied  saying  any- 
thing about  Valez,  "The  complaint 
is  ridiculous,"  he  said. 

see  ETHCS  on  page  2 

Cont.Kt  thi   H 


^     K 

Harper  News 

ETHICS:  Ballot  boxes  left  unattended 

Continued  from  page  1 

"It  was  a  dirty  campaign-" 
Velez  said  Tve  lust  a  lot  o( 
respect  for  Harper  becauae  erf 
the  election  ptxKess." 

Student  Acti  vines 

Director,  Jeanne  Pankanin 
said  several  complaints  were 
brought  to  her  attenhon,  but 
none  were  formally  filed 
within  the  required  24  hour 
period  after  the  polk  closed. 
Therefore,  no  administrative 
action  could  be  taken. 

Pankanin  said  she  takes 
ail  complaints  very  senoasly, 
"1  have  personally  checked 
out  each  one,"  she  said  "  But 
there>  no  way  to  verify  the 
complaints  because  they 
were  either  anonymous  or 
second  hand  " 

One  complaint  reported  to 
the  student  activities  office 
was  by  Harper  student, 
Tiffany  Faber  "I  went  to  vote 
on  April  10  and  there  was  no- 
body at  the  voter's  box  at  the 
information  booth  in  build- 
ing A."  She  said,  "All  the  bal- 

lots were  left  out,  so  1  didn  t 
vote  there  because  I  thought 
there  was  a  problem.  I  ended 
up  going  to  buildinjj  I  to 

Faber  wasn't  alone  in  her 
concern  about  the  unattend- 
ed ballot  box.  Phi  Theta 
Kappa  President,  Diane 
Novak  also  went  to  vote  in 
building  A  the  same  day,  and 
found  the  same  scenario  1 
went  to  the  information 
btwlh  to  vote  and  no  one  was 
there.  1  voted,  put  my  ballot 
in  the  box  and  left,  it  was 
very  strange,"  she  said 

A  source  close  to  the  elec- 
tion committee  said  no  ballot 
boxes  were  left  unattended 
Someone  was   there  at  all 
times  to  oversee  the  voting. 

Faber  said  she  didn't 
know  she  had  to  file  a  written 
complaint  about  the  ballot 
bo.v  m  order  to  have  student 
activities  investigate  the 
problem  "They  (the  student 
activities  office)  should  be 
skeptical    about    the    votes 

from  the  box  in  building  A," 
she  said. 

Speaking  on  condition  of 
anonvmily,  a  Harper  student 
said  she  received  a  student 
activities  card  at  the  business 
office  without  showing  any 
identification.  She  said,  "I 
told  the  person  my  social 
security  number  and  got  the 
card  She  said,  it  raised  ques- 
tions about  the  accuracy  of 
the  election  results 




M  at 

II  nm 

rl    wrri 

iMlilai  fir  writir* 

tar  nm  fM.  WM 

■■■■■fr.    IM*  fei 

AM?  fw  Ma. 


Robert  Morris 



IN  60  WEEKS 

Bachelor  of  Business  AdmmiMr;inon  Dcgice 
Gmcentrationb  in: 


Trtut^rr  SciUtrMfU  up  '•>  S4.SO0are  aimiUMt  far  Muimtl 

Iran^trrmf  m  If  fMrttr  ionr*  (  i  7  Mme^ttr  tioitrt)  trM  a 

CJM.  o/of  lout  XO. 


THURSDAY,  MAY  2,  1996 

9:00AM-  1:00PM 

ft  y-'«  ki"t  an  .'U-.mMt//  /Vy/--. 



■-  .lie  Strixt 

*  toliel})  ' 



IM»I«M  irf  !■■■■■■  « 



The  Hjubinigtr 
April  19, : 

Harper  News 


UCFs  student  government  ousted 
for  questionable  spending  practice 

By  CoIImh  OeBalM 


ORLANtXI.  Fb  -Tht>  studMit 
pn«iid«;nf  of  the  Universitv  of 
Centrjl  Honda  ^mits  "a  few 
bad  ludgmvnts"  were  made 
when  h*  and  olhef 
stutleni  >;.>vrrnmen(  leadlTS 
^\   :  ■  "W  sptmding 




»  mtd&t  fmmd  tlul  the 

leader>    h.ui    ^pint 

I'n     tickets     ti>     thr 

'■■I  State  Univefs-i 

.....iiTie  for  fhemseKi--: 

.md  thoir  tnt-nds,  S4I.311  on  a 
Jivt-n  l.iptiTf'  ii'mputem;  and 
^^■\•er.ll    huruir.'il   dollar*   k* 

" '  ■       '     ■       ;    Tils  BcNvl 

111  lend- 
ers Jf\il  IIU  itvvl  gUiMS, 

S«udfnl  leiMim  altm  asked 

■  <ah    to    apptovi- 

1  mmen  of  self  pru 

'  ^Tnentu  and 

:  (xploiw. but 

those  ret{U4.'!>t'>  were  refused 

before   payment   was   mjde. 

said   LeVester  Tubb*.   S  vice 

president  of  student  afl.iirN 

'V>  J  rvsull.  HI  prfsiJtTit 
"hn  Hitt  announced  in  that  to  k-nefil  and 
--itexujrd  the  interests  of  ail 
students,"  the  -itudenl  j^ovem 
!iiem  would  be  «uiipended 
■  niil  the  fali. 

Student-gpveminent  prrsi 
Jent  Miguel  F  rorr»->;n>s<i,  i  m- 
jTe-JidtTit  Frank  Amonvs  and 
■Me  i-nliri'  Mudcnt  Viiale  have 
iH-en  removed  from  office 
I  'ther  siudt-nf  leaders  liave 
^lepped  m  and  will  govern  the 
student  body  until  t-lt\  tions  m 
j  Seplemtvr. 

Torregro*d    a   24  vear-old 
graduate  student,  and  Amon», 
22-year-  old  undergraduate 
>    business    administration. 
I  defended  the  student  j;(nfm 
nent  puiichas«,  saying 
viTe  done  according  ti- 

Ihrm  a  tmty  ««w  asur  of  *t  Hurbrnger  rtmammg  thts  ttmtaer. 
CamiKt  \bltn€  Wnmfpr  oAwrtfiiiti;  ran  at  </25-(W<W) 


famous  US  Womens  Alpmt  Sfo  Team  Dmt 

-n-rSi^^ ^^TT '*.!!T" "^ " 2  'fto.rwr.i  Alpm. Sfc,  Team 
-nwnewa  lata  !h«-Sk.T*am-Oi«K)loM  20  pounds int(«3'««et<s  Thafs 
121,"  fl""'^'"  '*  *^'  "*  **"*•  a"h»  ««  a  cfiemcai  lotxi 
lS2Tr<!^rr  J*'2!^  *  "'™*'*  Cotoraoo  phy*c«n  esoecolly  (o. 

\Mf>^  ^^^  ^"  easy  to  toltow  wtwttw  ,t«i  ««%.  (raveToTstay 

This  «  rtonwfly.  atwitasucawy  tuccasshji  aet  it  .i  *e«,n  t  »*■  u  S 
'Vomen  s  Mpm  Ski  Team  woulOi't  b«  pwnMiM  to  use  .r'  ftoir  So 
'-1^^  "^  sam.  br-k  ih.  U  S  SW  Tii«,  b«,,  um  ZgM  m 

^"wittflc.piiovwiway  Evw>ilvou'v»»»a«l8i«oin»rci«i=  -.3,,,^, 

/our»«t  to  iry  ih«  US  MisTwn's  Alpm*  Sia  Taam  0:-      -  ' "  you 

"••Vdo  want  to  lose  20  pounds  inh«io»«wks  Order- ,  soui 

]«saf«mioc)»f  ■~' 

Swid  only  S8.9S  (S9a0  m  CM.)-aM  SO  cents  RUSH  jerves  to 
Amwtan  hwlkM.  7343  El  Cvnino  RmI.  Si*  208.  AtaKKtoro  CA 
»^.  Dont  onl»  unlM.  you  «i<ii«a  10  loM  SO  pound*  in  t*o  wwlal 

BMMolh«^.ii«MtwSH-ltamOM««tt).  «.^ 


ELECTION:  every  vote  counts 

Itshed  pnxedures.  They  said 
puicham--  such  a*  a  bus  to 

lake  studrntf  lo  a  road  football 
game  and  advertisements  for 
elettuins — benefited  the  entire 
atudenl  body,  as  required  by 

state  law  They  also  stressed 
that  L'CF  administrators 
signed  off  on  the  pun:  bases. 

But  .i.tordinR  to  a  draft 
report  bv  thf»'  Auditor 
Central  s  t.>ffice,  student  lead- 
ers cirvuiinentftl  normal  pur- 
t:.h.isir.  .J  spent 

they  shanf  s»)mf  ol  the  blame 

),„  1.........  .1,  .    .-,.nj;|,r,^  siiu.i- 

t'  Slid   Hut  tfn-v 

W.11*   .J    I  "*   •*  r  i,i,'"n  Ja  Ijw    „  •',. 
the  allotrnt-nt  o(  -.tudfi:' 
ty  («■»— usually  distritmtfil  t. 
inlTamtiral  athletics  and  stu 
dwit  groups— into  the  hands  ol 
studcnl'govemment  It^ders. 

That  means  the  university 
president  and  administrators 
have  no  contml  wer  how  stu 
dent  activity  tec*  are  spent,  as 
kmg  m  student  leaders  don  t 
do  anything  illegal  and  the 
sp.  nding  benefits  the  student 

.'•M  LCF  students  pay  a 
mand'atory  tet-  of  $♦>.«»<?  p«.r 
credit -ht>uf.  which  totals  .ihout 
$4  6  million  <  v..  .■■  ( 1(  th,^ 
more   than    -  ,  an  be 

spent  at  tht  ,,n.>ui„,rti  of  the 
student  governments  execu- 
tive branch 

Supporters  ol  the  universi- 
ty s  current  system  argue  tfut 
student  fees  are  paid  by  stu 
denis  and  should  be  spent  by 
students  But  university  offi- 
ciatssaid  thev  would  prefrr  j 
system  simiLir  to  th>.s,.-  aln-jdv 
in  place  in  oihcr  in 
which  the  studfnt  Kovcmmi-nl 
IS  ti«-ated  more  like  a  campus 
I  luh  anci  the  student  activitv 

ibuted  by  a  facul- 

'-I  staff  committee 

continued  from  page  1 

Anottier  voter,  Tracy  Endler  said,  1  met 
the  person  I  voted  for  She  explained  her- 
self ver\  w  ell  She  seemed  very  informed  of 
what  her  job  will  entail  ' 

Student  Senate  Advisor,  Sharon  Alter, 
said,  "With  Antoine  winning  by  one  vole, 

twie  should  never  say  cwies  vote  doesn't 
count  If  the  election  is  close,  one  vote  does 
count.  In  next  years  election,  the  candidates 
can  use  the  closeness  ot  this  years  election 
results,  to  try  and  get  a  larger  voter 

Student  Senate  purchases  class  gift 

Ctiristliw  Becktr 


The  Harper  CollcKe  Student  Senate  voted 
.It  lis  ,\pril  4  meeting  to  purchase  an  emer- 
gencv  phone  bo\  to  be  donated  to  the 
College  as  a  class  gift 

The  phone  box  contains  a  radio  iivude 
that  IS  directly  linked  with  public  safety  Jis 
patchers  and  officers.  When  the  phone  is 
picked-up,  the  dispatchers  and  oltiuTs  will 
immediately  be  able  to  fuar  what  is  ^omg 

The  phone  is  not  just  for  emcTgencies,  but 
can  be  used  lo  handle  routine  requests  such 
as  keys  kicked  in  a  car,  a  car  that  won't  start 
or  a  flat  tire 

[>ue  budget  constraints,  only  one  call 
box  w  js  able  lo  be  purchastni  The  call  box 
costs  $3,UXIH0  The  rt^maininj;  monev  \\-ill 
be  used  to  purchase  five  pann  benches, 
which  will  cost  around  S2.350,(.W. 

Student  Viiate  officials  arwi't  sure  when 
the  emergency  phone  box  and  the  picnit 
benches  will  arrive  or  where  thev  11  be 
placed  Tliese  divisions  will  be  diMussed  at 
their  next  meeting 

Richard  Gillette,  a  member  ol  the  Boards 
of  Trustee  said,  "I  think  its  a  verv  thought- 
ful and  practical  gilt  to  help  protect  the  safe- 
ty and  the  welfare  of  the  students," 

Tlie  Student  Senate  had  a  lot  of  enthusi- 
asm over  purch.ismg  the  phone  Caroline 
Saccuniannu,  ['resident  ot  the  Student 
Senale  staltsi  I  hope  that  the  schiH)l  board 
will  see  Ifvat  we  found  tfie  money  to  pur- 
chase a  phone.  I  hope  they  will  follow  our 
lead  and  budget  to  more  Safety  is 
our  main  concern  "  Saccomanno  hopes  that 
fundraising  campaigns  of  some  sort  will 

fMJir.'  '"AUB0XES0F*IW«C*.INC. 

The  Student  Senate  hopes  that 
more  caliboxes  like  this  one  will  be 
Installed  on  campus. 

htvome  an  issue  in  the  future  to  help  pur- 
cfiase  more  phone  boxes. 

Kevin  King,  Chief  of  Security  said,  "We 
are  budgeting  for  one  or  two  more  phones 
for  lWh/ci7  In  addihon  we  have  requested 
money  from  the  life  Safety  Fund  for  call 
boxes  lor  all  the  parking  lots,  possibly  ten 
more  These  phones  are  to  imreasi'  the  safe- 
ty for  stall  and  studenis  I  teel  this  will  have 
J  positive  response  " 

leanne  Pankanin,  Director  of  Student 
Actn  ihes  sjid,  "I  know  the  Student  Senate 
has  several  items  on  the  list  I'm  glad  they 
reached  a  conseasus  on  this  item,  which 
they  feel  will  result  in  improved  safety  for 
our  students.  I  am  curious  to  see  if  this  pit)- 
gram  is  successful." 

Harper  student  Allison  Kohn  said,  "1  feel 
every  college  should  fiave  safety  phones. 
Why  have  they  just  thought  about  it  now?" 


Page  4 

Harper  News 

The  Harbinger 
April  19,19% 

Health  Corner 

May  Is  National  High  Blood  Pressure  Month 

Get  your  bkxxl  pressure  checked  or  May  2,  at  llOO  ajm.  - 
l;flO  p Jn.  at  *e  foUotving  campus  locations: 

Buiiding  A  -  Heath  Service 

Building  )- Theater  Area 

Building  L-  Bookstore  Hallway 

Buildit^  M-  Humart  Performance  Lab 

Building  A- Caieteria 

If  you  get  your  blood  piessuie  checked  you  can  pick 
up  a  prize  in  Hetith  Service!  Also,  at  the  cafeteria  locaiton 
Health  Service  staff  and  Dietetic  Technician  students  will 
be  providing  educabonat  phjtnphlets,  recipes  and  low- 
salt  snacka  at  the  Blood  Pressure  Education  Table. 

Thcic't  a  killer  on  the  \oose  But  it  doe>n't  carry  a  gun 
or  a  knife.  This  one  is  a  silent  killer  called  high  blood  pres- 

High  blood  presmue  is  called  the  "silent  kiiier" 
becaiMe  you  can  have  it  for  years  without  any  symptoms. 
Tliat's  why  it's  important  to  have  your  blood  piessuiv 
checked  at  least  every  two  years. 

Blood  pressure  is  the  result  of  two  forces.  One  is  creat- 
ed by  your  heart  as  it  pumps  blood  into  the  arteries.  The 
other  is  created  by  the  arteries  as  they  resist  the  blood 
flow  from  the  heart.  Like  the  nozzle  on  a  water  hoze,  the 
arteries  can  contract  or  expand  and  change  the  flow  of 
blood  through  them  If  they  contract  or  press  too  much, 
the  heart  must  work  harder  and  blood  pressure  rises 

It's  important  to  control  high  blood  pressure  because  it 
can  lead  to  heart  attacks,  strokes  and  kidney  damage. 

In  most  cases  the  cause  of  high  bltxid  pressure  is 
unknown.  Tl»  tendency  toward  high  blood  pressure 
seems  to  run  in  some  families.  And  certain  groups  are 
more  at  risk  than  others. 

You  can  do  a  kit  to  prevent  and  cotttrol  mild  high 
bkwd  pressure  by  taking  self-help  measures  such  as: 

•  Losing  weight  (if  cwerwcight) 

•  Becoming  more  physically  active 

•  Moderating  alcohol  use 

•  Cuttuig  down  on  salt  intake. 

A  variety  of  new  drugs  may  be  prescribed  at  the 
upcoming  bkxid  pressure  screenmg  Together,  we  can  put 
a  stop  to  the  silent  killer. 

(Mtom  portion  €>  1993,  Amtriam  Heart  Association) 






May  14 

May  IS 

Mm  16 

May  17 

May  18 

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2:25-340  EXAMS 

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Stop  by  the  lounge  area  outside  the  Student  Activities  office  for 

a  game  of  pool,  free  movies,  the  video  arcade,  and  the  TV! 


Telephone  Numbw. 



Telephone  Number 




BttO  turtcntly  hju  Mrwrril 
Miuwirul  (K)St  t  wm$  av«i  little  kn 
»tu4eiHs  who  *tt  \mking  fur  jifi 
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ofiportunitv     St u  !•  :''•'•■ 

bright  pcrswnab^  j 

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——^  Then,  do  what  hundreds  of  community 
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Roosevelt  well  provide  personal 
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You  can  be  rewarded  for  your  good  start  with 
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Gwe  us  a  call  See  how  easj' and  rewarding  it 
is  to  go  for  a  great  finish  at  Rooaeveh  Univeraty. 

Koosevc'll  rniv(M'sil\' 



A  Roosevelt  amnselor  will  mit 
Harper  Cdltgt  on  Thunday, 
April  ISOifrom  5:30  pm  to 
8.-00PM  ami  Tuesday, 
April  30tk  from  9:00  am  to 
12:30  pm  in  building  1'. 

The  dJOeretice  between  when  you  are  caid 

where  you  want  to  be. 

Albert  A  Robin  Campus,  2121  a  Goebbert  Rd. 
Arlington  Heights,  IL  60005  (847)  437-9200  exL  0 
Moving  to  SdtaumburgfifrfiM  of  1996 

Midiigan  Avenue  Campus,  430  S  Michigan  Awe. 
Chicago,  IL  60605  (312)  341-2000 

April  19,  m> 

Fun  Page 


Harper  Heck 

by  Kathy  Betts 

UAlA^MBETt  /Trt> 

I-St  ^'     ^°<>»<     AT 
\tiO    HOOD,  MO  ^» 

X  GOTx'-        — 




1  Ha 
»  — 





24  J14 


27  LM* 


141  Mmta 






















r  ■■" 











































Scarlett  OHarascope 

Kiidiy  BcKs  has  ^en  many  slan.  Vbu  can  loo,  with  a  suk^cnptwn  to  HBO 

Aries:  Don'l  lake  shortcuts  It  vou  cut  in  line,  children  will  tease  vou  by  chanting,  "No 
cute,  no  butts,  no  cixonuts!"  This  is  worse  than  cmXies. 

Tjurus:  tXm  t  [udge  a  man  until  \t.u\f  walki-d  a  mile  in  his  shoes.  If  a  mile  is  too  far, 
|ust  ludpe  him  all  you  want 

Gemini:  I)ont  fifiht  «re  with  tin-  Ixciu-i-  the  lire  will  just  team  up  and  bum  you  Use 
a  dirterent  element  for  your  wacky  war 

Cancer  As  non-toxic  as  it  seems,  resist  the  temptaHon  to  eat  paste. 

Leo:  If  the  cat  has  your  tongue,  kindly  ask  lor  il  back  If  the  cat  replies,  "no,"  you  can 
make  millions  on  that  talking  cat    1  earn  how  to  sign. 

Virgo:  Fir  ling  down  in  the  dumps?  Feeling  blue?  Then  get  married,  at  least  you'll  have 
an  excuse  now. 

lilna:  A  watched  pot  never  boils,  but  a  watched  Pat  will  boil  if  angered. 

SanpUK  Dont  make  a  decision,  just  sit  on  the  fence.  But  don't  fall  off  or  you  may  not 
like  your  decision  nor  the  bn)ken  arm  you've  reached 

Sagiturius:  As  apple  today  will  keep  the  doctor  away  as  much  as  peaches  keep  away 
leaches.  Cut  back  on  your  reading  of  Dr.  Seuss. 

Capricorn:  Don't  aigue  with  the  boss  today,  especiaUy  if  you  are  involved  in  the  mafia. 
Aquarius:  You  have  an  old  soul  Buy  new  shoes. 

Pisces:  Do  not  take  medicines  today  Heal  thy  self  with  massage,  herbs,  and  medita- 
tion If  you  still  feel  like  crap,  double  dose  tomorrow. 

Kathy  Betts  wants  to  kmm^  ^ur  sign,  md  yfs  (his  ..■;  a  pickup  line.  For  a  private  Howsaype  call 
the  Harbinger  office  at  (347)  925  6000  x2461.  Exh  call  a  $5  per  stamd.  Even  if  y..u  re  IS. 
you  must  have  your  parents'  permission. 


MM  .. 

>—i— >  TlMa 






MOM  on 

21   -ti* 





onnn  nnnon  ooan 
anon  nnnnn  nnnn 
nnnn  nnnno  nqnn 

nnnn  nnnn 
nnnnnnnn  nnnnng 
nnn  nnnnn  nnnng 
nonn  nnnnn  nnnn 
nnnnn  nnnnn  nnn 
nnnnnn  nnnnnnnn 

nnnn  nnnn  

nnnnnnnn  nnnnnn 
nnnn  nnnnn  nnnn 
nnnn  nnnnn  nnnn 





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E  Mail:  admission@vax1.ais.iit.«du 

WWW:  httpy/www.iit.adu 


i^rts  &  Entertainment 

The  Harbinger 
April  19,19% 

On  indecent  broadcasts:  where  to  draw  the  line? 

LMfl  OWflMII 


One  mominft  in  the  not-MxliftUni 
piat.  radio  host  Howard  Slem  madtt  a 
penonal  attack  on  Evergivcn  Media's 
Larry  Wert  His  commentary  wa*  pitv 
vuked  by  his  own  failure  to  break  into 
ttw  Chica(p>  market  on  an  Evergnsm- 
dwned  station  Stem  alle]^  to  thit 
day  that  Wert  is  completely  ie»p<Hi»i- 
lil«  for  the  tack  of  interest  in  the 
Chicago  markt't 

Stem's  hrt'Kidcaai  that  moming 
cons»sted  ot  his  wiiWi^  that  Wert 
would  bv  raped  by  males  with  the 
A11)S  \iru^  btxome  inlected  with 
AIDS,  arwl  tut  his  tager  while  cmik- 
ing  meat,  hewby  pasftinj;  the  AIDS 
virus  tr  '*-•-  —  •  ot  hi*  iamily  this 
brut.i!  itiack  resulled  in 

Werfs  .:ni!i,irrn  bein(i(  harasjied  at 
whool.  e\on  a'minj?  htjme  in  tear* 
every  day  bwjuse  their  schtMJimal** 
insisted  iKit  tht>ir  father  had  AI06 
and  that  they  were  going  to  die 

The  sad  part  ut  that  Howard  Stem 
M  jUMt  one  oi  many  persoiwlities  who 
■ometiUMS  broadcasts  vulgar,  otfen- 
»lve.  or  otherwi.^e  inappropriate 
nnaterial  Mancow  MulWr  and  Rush 
Ltmbaugh  are  |ust  two  more  exam- 
ple* of  broadcaster*  who  tend  to 
step  over  the  line  o^  decetKy 

"When  it  hurts  people,  that'<  where 
1  hj\  c  J  pniblem  it  •H»m«-lhin>;  t 
be  !~»td  an»>ther  way  arul  it  s  fdui  j 

tianal  even  with  vulgarity,  then  some- 
times that's  okay, '  explains  WCBR's 
lay  Slem  (no  relation  to  Howard 
Stern  I  ]a\  Stem  then  stated  that 
wmetimes  broadcasters  have  to  use 
obscene  language  if  there  Ls  no  i>ther 
way  to  drive  the  point  across  For 
example,  in  the  Candleb<ix  song 
"You",  the  phrase  "f —  vou"  i>  used 
several  times,  but  in  tKat  pjrtuuUr 
case  it  has  been  deemed  appaipriate 
because  of  the  extremely  potent  anti- 
drug message 
ai^iociated  with 
the  song 

shouM  be  able  to 
entertain  and 
mjofm  without 
using  >>'lg<>r 

wO'tds,"  said 

WCBR's       Tony 
M  o  1  i  n  a  r  o 

that  tale-nighl  tntiadcaslen  are  often 
able  to  get  away  with  more  because 
most  kids  are  in  bed  and  they  don  t 
have  to  worry  as  much  about  who's 

WLLiP  program  director  M.itt 
Bisbee  agrees  "After  10PM  in  a  sjti- 
harbor'  for  bn»dcastcrs  in  that  they 
can  get  aw.iv  with  mote  However, 
juitl  bt\.ius<'  It  ^  --.itf  harlxrr  hours 
d«ii"*  not  mt'dii  that  it  >  nkjy  to  viy  the 
I  word  ■■  Bisbee  went  on  to  mjinlain 
that  indecent  broadcists  can  include 

personal  attacks,  graphic  descriptions 
o*  bodily  hinctions  and  body  parts 
and  putting  things  in  something. 
"Anytime  you  tell  someone  to  put 
stinwthing  IN  something  (i.e  stick  it 
up  your  butt)  even  without  graphic 
terminology  you're  asking  for  trou- 
ble " 

Often  the  nature  of  material  broad- 
cast dictates  whether  or  not  f>et>ple 
will  advertise  on   a   particular  pro- 
gram    'We  have  clients  who  won't 
advertise  on 

"Shows  that  run  wild 
are  the  ones  who  get 
fined  and  lose  advertis- 
ers and  ultimately  get 
fined  by  the  FCC 

WLUP-FM  Program  Director 
Matt  Bisbee 

Howard  Stem, 
Ru-.h  l-imbaugh, 
or  other  shows 
K-caus*'  of  the 
nature  of  the 
material,"  says 
Robert  Carrison 
of  Bender, 

Browning,  l\>lby 
&  Sanderson 
BistHt"  also  agrees 
that  inappropriate  broadcasts  can 
scare  away  advertisers:  "It's  not  gotxi 
entt!rtainment  Wrong— we  have  to 
have  advertisers  to  function  ' 

Not  only  do  shows  which  bnwd- 
cast  questu>nable  content  run  the  risk 
of  losing  advertisers,  they  also  run  ihf 
risk  of  the  station's  license  being 
revoked.  The  HCC  sometimes  cracks 
down  on  indecent  broadcasts.  In 
order  for  the  FCC  to  get  involved, 
sonu-one  has  to  flag  the  show^lape 
the  questionable  content  and  send  it 

to  the  KC  Then,  the  FCC  evaluates 
the  material  and  sends  notification  to 
the  radio  station/  personality  beii\g 
cited.  It  is  then  up  to  the  station  to 
decide  what  action  to  take  with  the 
broadcaster,  and  whether  or  not  to 
fight  the  FCC  actions 

Individual  stations  handle  their 
own  affairs  differently.  Depending  on 
the  seriousness  of  the  offense,  conse- 
quences handed  down  from  stations 
range  from  a  slap  on  the  wrist,  to  an 
on-air  apology,  to  fines,  even  dis- 
nussal  from  the  radio  station.  Als<i, 
the  FCC  reserves  the  right  to  revoke 
the  license  of  any  broadcaster  or  radio 
station  for  any  reason,  or  assess  fines 
or  cortsequences  ot  their  own  deter- 

Bisbee  explairted,  "Shows  tfvit  run 
wild  are  the  ones  who  get  fined  and 
lose  advertisers  and  ultimately  get 
flaggi>d  by  the  FCC  .  think 
about  what  you're  doing— if  you 
think  it's  funny  then  fine,  if  it's 
pandering  then  stay  away  or  you  run 
the  risk  of  gi'tting  in  trouble" 

However,  the  ultimate  dec-ision  on 
what  IS  inappropriate  can  truly  be  left 
up  to  the  listener  Many  programs 
such  as  Howard  Stem's  show  and 
Mancow  MuUer  >  show  are  carried  in 
syndication  and  doing  quite  well  in 
the  ratings.  Harper  employee  Ken 
Dillard  sums  it  up  best:  "If  someone  is 
offended  by  -sometfung  said  on  the 
radio,  they  can  always  turn  it  off." 



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Expand  Your 

Special  Musicians  Benefit  on  April  23 

npht,  soi/ri  »•  for^Hnrpt-r  ranc-> 

NortiiwcMcni  llnivcnity  Summer  Scinoa  '% 

Swimmin'  and  Swahili 

For  a  tree  copy  ot  the  SuninuT  Session   '*<> 

catalog,  call  1-800-FINDS-NU  or  c-nuil 

your  rtqiicsc  to  summcf^ 

Laura  Garrison 


The  Chicago  Park  District 
has  something  to  offer  for 
many  people  who  might  not 
otherwise  get  to  enjoy  the  gift 
of  music.  "Special  Music  By 
Special  People"  started  a  few 
years  back  when  Chicago 
musician  |oe  Yost,  who  had 
just  been  hired  by  the  park 
district  to  teach  music  classes, 
walked  in  the  door. 

"When  I  walked  in  to 
teach  the  first  i!as>,  1  was  ter- 
nfiev.1",  said  'iKst,  who  wasn't 
cjuite  sure  how  to  react  to  the 
peiiple  in  the  class,  most  of 
whom  are  physically  and /or 
mt-nlally  challenged  His  job 
was  to  teach  them  music 

Yost  lx'f;an  workmg  with 
the  musmans,  and  word 
began  \o  j;ft  around.  The 
classes  grew  in  populanty, 
and  thev  began  actually  com- 
p(»ing  s*ings 

"Sometimi-s  we  come  up 
with  new  stufi,  and  si>me- 
times  we  have  bad  days  and 
we  lust  sit  around  singing 
Beatles  stuff."  explained  Yost 
Original  songs  include  "The 
Donut  Song",  "Color  of 
love"  and  "Rocky". 

"Color  of  Love"  had  an 
interesting  story  behind  it 
The  class  started  coming  up 
with  lines,  and  I  would 
rhyme  them  It  was  a  collec- 
tive effort  on  the  part  of  the 
enhre  class,"  said  Yost. 

Once  the  musicians  began 

SfMClal  Musicians  perform 

composing  stmgs,  they  began 
to  put  on  performances  Past 
performance  credits  have 
included  the  "Taste  of 
Chicago"  tistoal,  as  well  as 
performing  at  their  own  ben- 
efit shows 

Yosts  project  recently 
received  a  grant  which 
enabled  the  park  districi  to 
build  its  own  studio  The  CD 
was  mostly  recorded  there. 
"What's  l-or  lunch"  is  the 
name  of  the  CD  that  has  been 
eagerly  awaited  by  the  musi- 
cians for  years. 

"When  1  got  the  CD's  back 
fn>m  the  sUidio,  1  ttxik  some 
of  them  in  to  show  the  kids 
This  one  guy  who  has  Down 
Syndrome  and  can  hardly 
speak  saw  the  CD  and  the 
pictures  and  he  somehow 
knew  thai  he  was  a  part  of  it. 
He  smiled  this  big  gnn  from 
ear  to  ear  and  hold  the  CD 
close  to  his  heart.  The  kids  ate 
all  so  proud  of  the  CD,"  said 

This   \ ear's  benefit   will 


at  the  Taste  of  Chicaeo 

take  place  at  Martyr's  (3855 
N  Lincoln,  Chicago)  on 
Tuesday  April  23  Dotirs  will 
open  at  7p.m.  The  CD  release 
partv  IS  a  major  part  of  this 
year  s  benefit,  which  will  alsti 
include  live  music  So  far  the 
Special  Musicians  are  slated 
to  perform  at  4pm..  with  the 
Voodoo  Kings  coming  on 
artiund  445  or  so  Other  fea- 
tured performers  will  include 
Cathy  Richardson,  Nicholas 
Tremulis,  and  The  Insiders. 
Ten  Hemmert  of  WXRT  radio 
will  be  hosting  this  year's 

For  more  information  tm 
the  benefit  or  the  CD,  contact 
Joe  Yost  at  Welles  Park, 
(312)742-7411.  Tickets  and 
CDs  are  both  priced  at 
$10.(X1,  which  is  tax 
deductible  Donations  (also 
tax  deductible)  are  also 
accepted— mail  contributions 
to  Welles  Speaal  Music  Fund, 
2333  W.  Sunnyside,  Chicago, 
IL  60625. 

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The  Harbinger 
April  19, 19% 

Our  View 

An  agenda  for 
Student  Senate: 

The  recent  Student  Senate  elections 
were  a  success  as  far  as  voter  participa- 
tion IS  concerned.  Over  190  voters  cast 
ttieir  ballots  for  the  1^6-1997  Student 
Senate  and  Student  Trustee.  It's  not 
spectacular,  but  it  sure  beats  last 
spring's  turnout  of  4.?  votes 

However,  the  controversv  surround- 
ing the  elections  has  cast  a  shadow 
over  the  small  gains  that  have  been 
made.  Are  we  in  for  more  trouble  with 
the  Student  Senate?  Will  personality 
clashes  and  bickering  among  senators 
remain  the  norm? 

The  Harbinger  challenges  newly 
elected  Senate  President  Caroline 
Saccomanno  to  take  control  over  the 
Senate  and  give  Harper  College  stu- 
dents the  representation  that  they 
deserve.  We  also  challenge  each  and 
every  student  to  hold  the  Senate 
accountable  for  their  actions,  or  lack 
thereof,  throughout  the  year. 

Remember  that  the  Senate,  and  the 
Student  Trustee,  represent  the  students' 
interests  to  the  administration.  It  is  the 
students'  responsibility  to  make  sure 
that  they  inform  the  Senate  as  to  what 
those  interests  are.  Representation  is  a 
two-way  street.  The  Harbinger 
pledges  to  assist  students  and  the 
Senate  in  their  efforts  to  attain  their 
goal  of  achieving  an  effective  form  of 
student  government. 

Is  the  Student  Senate  ivady  to  do  its 
part?  Are  you,  the  studtmts.  ready  to 
do  yours? 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Acting  EditOf  (nonet ionO'flnen 

Bwness  Manager . .  .  Valerie  Wevers 

Managing  Editor  DavePUnp 

NewsEdrtof Xilie  Thompson 

Arts  &  Emertamment  Editor Laura  Garrison 

Sports  Edrtor Sijsan  Rademacher 

CopyEditor open 

Features  Editor open 

Faculty  Advisor HmnanlSctitosslMrg 

Is  this  how  we're  winning  the  war  on  crime? 

The  Ed's  Vim 

Gone  are  the  days  when 
cnminab  paid  for  their 
crime  in  a  way  thai  could 
actually  be  called  punishment 
"Hard  time"  has  tjeen  replaced 
with  weight  rooms,  libraries  that 
put  many  local  examples  to 
shame,  cable  television,  health 
can?  coverage  that  t>eats  what 
many  iaw-abiding  citizens  have, 
and  lawsuits  over  ttie  portions  of 
fcKx)  served  Boy.  we  sure  are 
winning  the  war  on  crime 

By  now  you've  pri>bably 
heard  about  the  illegal  aliens  who 
got  clubi>ed  to  within  an  inch  of 
their  lives  in  Cahfomia  after 
attempting  to  evade  authorities. 
You've  probably  also  heard  of  the 
red  carpet  treatment  we've  given 
them  because  of  it.  Where  else 
but  in  America  can  people  speak 
out  about  being  so  determiived  to 
fight  crime  yet  be  so  compassion- 
ate to  those  who  cause  it? 

The  "victims"  were  illegal 
aliens  that  led  tfie  police  on  a 
high-speed  chase,  reaching 
speeds  in  excess  of  100  miles  per 
hour,  while  throwing  things  at 
the  police  cars  in  pursuit.  Thev 
caused  several  collisions  along 
their  drive.  Upon  being  caught, 
the  police  struck  the  two  passen- 
gers outside  of  the  cabin  of  their 
pickup  truck  several  times  with 
their  clubs  And  now,  instead  of 

rewarding  these  men  for  their 
actions,  we're  raking  them  over 
the  coaLs  as  if  they  are  the  bad 

A  lot  of  civil  rights  activists 
clamor  about  how  their  rights 
were  violated  Someone  should 
remind  these  ptMple  that  the 
"victims"  an?  not  United  States 
citizens,  so  they  are  not  covered 
by  the  same  rights  that  protect 
us  If  my  vehicle  and /or  perscin 

"This  incident  could 
have  sent  a  very  posi- 
tive message.  But 
nooo,  we  had  to  show 
unjust  pity. 

was  involved  in  one  of  the  acci- 
dents they  caused.  1  assure  you 
that  the  wrath  1  would  bring 
upon  them  would  make  a  club- 
bing seem  petty. 

Thousands  of  foreigners 
immigrate  into  the  Uruted  States 
each  year  (the  right  way)  and  go 
on  to  tiecome  responsible, 
respectful  citizens.  But  1  just  can't 
see  a  bunch  of  trouble  makers 
who  think  they're  better  than 
those  who  go  through  tfie  proper 
channels  for  citizenship  becom- 
mg  pillars  of  our  society.  What  I 
do  see  is  our  country's  over- 
stressed  welfare  system  and  other 

precious  resources  getting  taxed 
by  people  who  aren't  entitled  to 
them  They  create  trouble  for  us 
and  give  their  country  a  bad 

This  incident  could  have  sent 
a  very  positive  message.  It  could 
have  let  the  world  know  ttiat  we 
are  serious  at>out  slopping  the 
flow  of  illegal  aliens  pouring 
through  our  tiorders.  It  would 
have  shown  everyone  what  hap- 
pens when  you  break  the  law  in 
America.  But  no,  we  had  to  show 
unjust  pity. 

Of  course,  this  is  just  one 
example  of  the  slime  of  this  coun- 
try (and  continent)  getting  away 
with  every  crime  under  the  sky 
tiecause  we  are  so  easy  on  crimi- 
nals. If  you  want  another  exam- 
pW,  look  to  the  standoff  in 
Montana.  Or  the  Menendez 
brothers'  trial /fiasco. 

1  find  it  strangely  amusing 
how  so  many  people  can  com- 
plain about  crime  and  yet  be  so 
easy  on  the  criminals  that  are 
caught.  Until  we  start  getting 
tough  on  the  slime  we  manage  to 
catch,  it's  only  going  to  get 

To  the  officers  involved  in  the 
chase,  I  commend  you  for  your 
actions  while  in  the  line  of  duty. 
It's  officers  like  you  that  keep  our 
country  safe.  To  all  illegal  aliens 
or  anylx)dy  thinking  of  liecomiixg 
one,  enter  my  t>eloved  country 
the  right  way  or  stay  out 


nauocimu  am.*  news 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Chris  Bateman.  Christine  Becker,  Kathy  Betts. 

Tammy  Bogon.  IW.  Fuller. 

Veronica  Gon/alez,  Rosemane  Hylton 

General  Policies 

rim  Hartmg0r  a  m*  sludani  puOMation  for  ttw  Harper  College  campus  com. 
mwity.  putiltitMd  bt  weMtfy  ttnu^noul  ttw  sctwd  year  e<cept  durng  hotKlays 
and  tmm  enams.  n»  paper  m  distrtjuteu  free  to  all  itudenis.  faculty  and 
administratioa  The  Hmtmiger's  sole  purpose  is  to  provide  me  Harper  commu- 
nity iMtn  tnforrmtion  pertamr*  to  tne  campus  and  its  surrounding  comi««- 



TTm  NarM^fermclcames  letters  to  the  edttof  and  repnes  to  our  editonats. 
Letters  must  M  si|ned  arxi  nciude  a  social  security  nunBer.  Signatures  tuMI 
I*  mntrtield  upon  request.  Aii  letters  are  lulliect  to  editir«. 

Pnxkjcts  and  MTwcm  aOnenisad  n  7?Mi  HwHr««rare  not  n««s«aniy 
entorted  Dy  We  editors  of  tms  paper,  fw  by  me  college  aaTwHstrstlon  or 
Board  or  Deectors,  mquries  should  be  IbnMRtcd  diractly  to  the  MvwtlMr. 
««  M  pwshMM  an  ■(  tne  dncretlon  of  the  consuner. 

MaiHr«  Address: 

The  Harbinger   William  Rainey  Harper  College 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine,  1 60067-7098 


business  office:  (847)925-6460 

news  office:  (847)  925-6000  x2461 

fax:  (847)925-6033 

oopyrl^  1996;  The  Hvt*«er. 

ipril  19, 19W 


Page  9 

The  "Gilded  Age"  claims  Rostenkowski 

ITW.  FMiIrr 

1n>in  the  tune  he  entered  congrKW  aver  6uTty- 
\  five  years  tffo,  until  his  recent  indktment  for 
misusing  official  funds  and  stealing  money 
Ifroan  the  Hotue  Poai  Office,  Dan  Roslenlwwski 
■had  been  conndavd  a  hero  by  many  in  his.  the 
Ififth'districtof  Oiicago   A  man  to  look  up  to, 
I  want  to  shake  hands  with;  point  out  to  your  chil- 
Idien  and  hope  thev  grow  up  to  be  like. 

He  was  the  man,  and  as  chairman  of  the  House 
I  Ways  and  Means  Committee,  he  enjoyed  power 
I  and  prt^lige  equakKJ  to,  if  m>l  surpassed  by.  at 
I  tunes,  the  President  of  the  Unitcsi  Staliis. 

Now  he  is  just  another  corrupted  potitidan;  a 
I  statistic;  a  renmant  of  the  once  famous  Qlded 
I  Age. 

A  man  who  could  have  asked  for,  and 
obtained,  anything  he  wanted  by  way  of  legal  pto- 
I  cession,  in  his  insipidly  jeiune  betvavior  detracted 
I  from  his  responsibilities  (aruj  ivquirpments),  <inly 
to  find  lumself  on  the  front  steps  of  a  federal  cour- 
thouse, facmg  a  multitvide  of  reporters  wtule  a 
cold  rain  (symbolK-ally)  poured  down  on  him,  so 

he  could  explain  to  his  once  loyal  supporters  that 
even  though  he  made  some  irremissible,  monu- 
mental mistakes,    he  was  merely  being  "smgled 
out"  for  the  purpose  by  which  "to  be  held  up  by 
law  enforcement  as  an  example"  ot  what  happens 
to  those  who  do  wrong. 

The  most  provocative,  and  telling,  manifesta- 
tion provided  from  the  courtroom  where  he  had 
been  castigated  (and  whittled  down  to  size)  by  the 
judge  was  his  postulation  of  the  rules  and  regula- 
tions that  he  took  an  oath  to  uphold,  as  he 
•aw  it,  stealing,  defrauding,  and  ghost  payrolling 
were  merely  "A  practice  that  was  oiKe  common 
in  congress*. 

Not  only  has  he  admitted  to  corruption  being 
rampant  in  congress,  but  he  is  using  it  as  an 
excuse  to  abate  fus  demoralized  judgements. 

In  effect,  h*-  is  saying  that  because  it  (corrup- 
tion) is  "there",  why  should  he  be  to  blame  tf  he 
uses  is;  especially  when  everyone  else  around  him 
is  doing  the  same. 

It  is  as  If  the  Gilded  Age  had  never  wfiotly 
been  vanquished,  but  instead  thnved  and  became 
eiKulturated.  indoctrinated,  and  celebrated  in  our 
•ociety  and  within  all  walks  of  politics,  from  the 

local  tevel  to  the  federal  level  so  much  so  that  it 
was  unnecessary  for  corruption  to  travel  incogni- 
to. And  why  should  it;  for  if  the  voters  are  t¥)t  apt 
to  put  a  stop  to  it,  why  should  the  politicians. 

Perhaps  it's  a  stn>ke  of  irony  that  Dan 
Rostenkowski  should  be  the  one  who  is  headed  of 
to  jail  aivl  not  the  real  criminal  which  is  us;  we 
gave  politicians  free  access  to  corruption  and 
blindly  looked  the  other  way  when  we  knew  it 
was  occurring. 

And  although  he  may  never  enter  f>olitics 
again  lor  the  remainder  of  his  life,  Rostenkowski 
still  can  hold  up  high  his  head  and  look  to  the 
bright,  sun-filled  future  and  remind  himself  that 
not  all  is  obsolescent;  because  two  years  from  now 
while  we,  the  honest,  law-abiding  citizens  sweat 
and  labor  80  hours  a  week  at  two  separate  jobs  in 
the  hope  we  can  put  food  on  the  table  and  pay  oui 
bills,  Dan  Rostenkowski  (who  will  have  already 
paid  his  "debt"  to  society)  will  be  living  off  his 
S1(X),000  a  year  pension. 

Is  it  a  wonder  that  people  turn  to  politics  when 
all  else  fails.  It  us  the  one  true  institution  where 
even  if  you  don't  get  away  with  the  crime  you  still 
are  amply  rewarded 

The  truth  is  out  there- 
you  just  need  to  find  it 

student  supports  GLB  choice 
of  refusing  to  admit  reporter 

Kenneth  Dilknl 
Guest  Writer 

In  a  political «m of  coBipUining 
aiKl  whining  about  candidates, 
media  and  partisanship,  it's  ironic 
'hat  the  general  public  conhnues  to 
i-ly  on  sound  biles  and  polls  to  make 
:noat  of  its  decisiont. 

How  else  to  explain  72  perewit  of 
•he  r\ation  still  believing  the  economy 
^  in  either  only  fair  or  poor  condi- 

What  other  reason  could  there  be 
■or  President  Clinton  tt>  hold  a  dou- 
ble-digit lead  when 
little  u\'er  a  year  ago 
he  was  at  a  recont- 
■  iw  in  public 
jpproval  polls' 

What  otfHT  wjv 
could  15  percent  of 
the  voting  publh;  be 
duped  into  thinking; 
Ross  Perot  is  still  i 
viable  candidate  for 
the  presidency? 

The  television, 
that  great  messenger  of  information, 
has  become  our  main  source  for  infor- 
mation on  ptilitKs  and  candidates. 
Voters  now  rely  on  the  remote  control 
to  help  them  decide  w  hn  gets  in 
which  office. 

SiMne  unseen  pixel -like  continental 
divide  stole  library  cards  iiiid  mjj;a- 
zines  from  the  majontv  ai  AmerKans' 
lives,  replacing  them  with  lik--»ized. 
Holl^-wood  produced  mini-epics, 
kiK>wn  to  the  public  as  political  spots, 
engineered  to  win  Academy  awards. 

If  the  trend  continues,  1  look  for- 

If  s  kinda  ironic  that 
the  most  poignant 
line  describing  the 
search  for  answers 

conies  from  a  televi- 
sion shot 

ward  to  seeing  (insert  Seinfeld  cast 
member  here)  promoting  his  or  her 

Jerry  Seinfeld:  "Hi,  I'm  Jerry 
ScinMd  and  I'm  here  to  ask  you  to 
vote  for  (insert  candidate  rume  here  \ 
Not  thjl  there's  anything  wrong  with 

That  would  tit  perfectly  during  an 
episode  of  ER  m  which  the  doctors 
try  to  revive  the  flagging  candidate's 

A  great  tie-in.  And  it  jjujrjntit's  to 
generate  money  for  the  candidate  and 
more  useless  sound-bite  information 
for  the  general  elec- 

lUSt  a  bit,  politicians 
will  fventuallv  have 
iiiovif  tie-ins.  somf 
serious,  some  related 
only  in  geographical 

Now  playing: 
In  theater  one. 
Forrest  Gump  with  a 
L-airifn  ,ipfH\irance  bv 
Bill  Clinton,  in  thejter  twn,  i.nimpv 
Old  Men  starring  Bob  [Xiliv 

I'll  have  to  cut  this  short  a-  it  s 
hme  to  go  gather  more  informafRin 
on  the  candidates  How  else  am  I  sup- 
posed to  know  that  President  Clinton 
kept  his  promise  and.  under  his 
administration,  almost  eight  miUion 
jobs,  dout^le  what  he  promised  were 

It's  kinda  ironic  that  the  most 
poignant  line  describing  the  search 
for  answers  comes  from  a  television 
show  The  truth  is  out  there. 

I  applaud  the  Gay,  Ix-sbian, 
Bisexual  (CLB)  group  for  excluding 
a  heterosexual  Harbinger  reporter 
from  tfieir  meeting  (April  .S  issue) 
i  would  support  them  in  excludmg 
any  reporter  showing  up  unan- 
nounced to  cover  a  meeting  w  ith- 
out  prior  group  consent.  By  nature, 
certain  groups  require  the  option  of 
anonymity  for  participants 

For  a  reporter  to  show  up  at  the 
GLB  meeting  and  expect  co>.>pera- 
tion  is  naive.  Affectional  prefer- 
ence is  the  source  of  discrimination 
in  many  arenas,  including  in  hous- 
ing, hiring  and  general  ta-atment 
Until  this  changes,  gay,  lesbian  and 
bisexual  students  deserve  a  safe 
haven  for  airing  their  concerns 
without  the  threat  of  being  involun- 
tarily "outed  " 

Perhaps  if  Rose  Marie  Hylton 
approached  the  GLB  group  differ- 
ently, she  could  attend  and  report 
on  their  meeting.  If  no  one  attend- 
ing wanted  his  or  her  name  in 
print,  would  the  article  still  be  writ- 
ten? If,  in  addition,  Hylton  were 
not  allowed  to  describe  these  stu- 
dents with  any  specific  identifying 
details,  such  .is  age, 
description  or  an?a  of  study,  would 
the  meeting  still  be  covered''  If  the 
attendees  requested  right  of  refusal 
or  editing  nghts  on  the  final  piece 
to  assure  th 

e  pnvacy  of  members,  would  the 
Harbinger  editorial  staff  make 
changes  or  offer  to  kill  the  story? 

I  would  like  to  see  coverage  of 
GLB  group  meetings  if  the 
Harbinger  staff  can  meet  require- 
ments imposed  by  the  group.  I  ask 
that  the  GLB  group  meet  this  chal- 
lenge and  create  terms  under  which 
the  Harbinger  can  cover  their  meet- 
mg.  Perhaps  some  students  on 
campus  need  to  hear  about  this 
group  and  to  know  it  is  a  safe 
haven.  Perhaps  certain  students 

will  attend  meetings  and  say  they 
are  heterosexual  because  they  are 
afraid  to  say  the  words,  "I  think 
I'm  gay."  out  loud 

Further,  1  would  urge  fiarper 
Student  Activities  to  support  this 
group  financially  if  student  interest 
is  at  an  appropriate  level.  A 
Student  Activities  spokesperson 
confirmed  that  Harper  supports 
activities  which  cater  to  specific 
ethnic  or  raaal  groups.  "There  is  an 
Alcoholics  Anonymous  group 
sponsored  by  Health  Services 
which  has  closed  meetings. 
Although  most  Harper  groups  are 
open,  not  all  students  would  be 
comfortable  or  intercshng  in 
atteiviing.  In  addition  to  GLB, 
future  groups 

might  form  which  exclude  certain 
students,  such  as  a  support  group 
for  women  who  have  been  sexually 
assaulted.  Student  Activities  clari- 
fied that  since  Harper  activities  ane 
funded  through  student  fees  rather  the  government,  open  meet- 
ings are  not  k'gally  required.  And 
tfiis  is  fine  with  me. 

Down  the  line,  if  GLB  is  success- 
ful in  becoming  an  ongoing  student 
activity,  1  would  urge  them  to  do 
educatioiul  outreach  into  the  het- 
erosexual community.  This  might 
increase  awareness  of  the  issues 
homo-  and  bi-  sexuals  face,  especial 
ly  on<ampus,  and  create  a  more 
open  atmosphere    After  all,  some 
of  my  best  friends  live  in  closets, 
and  a  closet  is  a  suffocating  place  to 

Janet  R.  Fryer 

The  Harbinger  stands  behind  its 
reporter  and  story.  -Ed. 



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want  a  Harper  Hillel!  Call 
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The  Harbinger 
April  1»,  IWt 


Page  11, 

Athletes  of  the  Week 

:  Adrim  AMxAl 
SfmtTnckmtd  fUld 
V«Mka<:  March  20-27 

1V«t»  tcoond  place  fin- 
in  the  lOOm  and  200in 

NaMc:  RobThompwn 
Spelt  BaaetMll 
WMkef:  April  3-10 

:  Toated  a  1-0  ihulout 
Rock  Valley 

Neaic:john  Amaro 
Sport:  Men's  Tennis 
Wtackef :Much27-Apnl3 
K  b  unbeaten  at  No.  4 


Finalists  for  Athlete  of  the  Year 

Men:  Josh  Lettiere,  Jeremy 
Roach,  Lance  Parsons  and 
Kevin  Howard. 
Women:  Susan  Day,  Christa 
Rommel.  Denise  Hengels  and 
Ramile  Caputo. 

WANTED:  Entrepreneurs 

Be  in  Business  For  Yourself 

But  Not  By  Yourself 

Your  eckjcatlon  will  last  a  lifetime  but  team 
now  to  build  residual  income  full  time  or  part 
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spearheaded  by  Kevin  Trudeau,  as  an 
Executive  Distributor  today  and  take  charge 
of  your  future. 



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Track  and  Field  Results 
Chicagoland  Championships 


Dan  Anderson 

7th  place 


Louis  Garcia 
Brian  Bolton 

1st  place 
3rd  place 

200  m 

Louis  Garcia 

4th  place 

100  m 

Brian  Bolton 

6th  place 


Henry  Nuguid 

9th  place 

$300,000  Brunswick 
World  Toumament  of  Champions 

TV  Finals: 

Doors  Open: 
Reichert  Cup  Finals: 
General  Admission: 

Live  on  ABC-TV 

Saturday,  April  27, 19% 

2-3:30  pm  (CST) 

From  Harper  College  Athletic  Center 


12-1  pm 



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arper  Sports 

Hg»12»  William  Ralrwy  Harpw  CoMege  »  April  19, 1996 

Swimming  program  cancelled 

SHMA  RSdMUClMf  DuPaep  and  TnKin.  av^nv  fmm  njstinnAlc  3  *timAa.*ima  All.       r-^iA  C*.««..^L:   :- i^i :  . 


The  Harper  College  L>ivis)on  of 
Wrliness  and  Human  IVrtomiance 
has  annuunced  that  thi"  swimming 
and  diving  pn)grams  will  b«'  can- 
celled after  this  season. 

)erry  Cnilham.  the  Dean  of  the 
Division  ot  Welbess  and  Human  per- 
formance, Mid  that  a  lack  of  interet.! 
is  one  of  the  reasons  behind  the  can- 
ceUation  of  the  program 

"The  numbers  have  gone  down 
coaiistently  year  after  year  Plus,  we 
don't  have  any  competition,  said 

Harper  was  one  of  only  three 
schools  m  northern  Diinois  to  field  a 
team  for  lf»e  19%  seaMm.  The  otfwr 
two  schooLi  were  the  CtiUege  of 

DuPage  and  Tnton. 

Coaches  Gordon  Aukerman  and 
Tom  Strzewski  were  praised  tor  their 
"excellent  coaching."  Strzewski 
(<nned  the  paigram  just  this  year 

Ckitham  said,  "Gordon  had  some 
excellent  team-i  in  the  past." 

The  members  of  the  1 W5  women's 
swimming  team  were  named  as  the 
Athletes  of  the  Year  by  The  lUrhn,;n 

The  women's  team  went  undefeat- 
ed from  1'W2-1W.S  m  regular  seawn 

They  also  earned  a  regional  cham- 
pionship and  a  fourth  place  finish  at 

The  team  also  included  11  All- 
Americans  and  two  national  champi- 

Susan  Day  was  ihe  shining  star  for 
the  1996  women's  team.  Day  walked 

away  from  nationals  a  three-tinne  All- 

Amencan  in  the  -KKI  individual  med- 
ley, the  S(»  and  the  \bS(). 

Day  qualified  for  the  maximum 
number  of  events  at  nationals  (.1)  She 
finished  third  m  the  1650. 

It  w  .IS  the  highest  placement  of  an 
Illinois  swimmer,  male  or  female,  at 
the  national  champioaships 

Day  also  broke  her  nvvn  vIkwI 
records  m  the  IhSO  and  40I-)  individual 

Strzewski  joined  the  coaching  statt 
tor  the  19%  seast>n  following  a  suc- 
cessful career  at  the  high  schi>ol  le\'el 

Strzewski  spent  three  years  as  a 
diving  coach  at  Hinsdale  South  high 
school  wliere  he  placed  all  but  one 
seiuor  diver  at  an  NCAA  Division  I 

"Diving  is  a  very  relaxing  sport," 

said  Strzewski  in  an  interview  priorj 
to  the  start  of  the  19%  season. 

Strzewski  also  described  the  team| 
as  hard  working  while  compliment- 
ing the  quality  of  Harper's  program 

Harper's  atfjetic  program  will  not  I 
be  short  a  sport  for  the  l'Wv-97  acad- 
emic year 

Harper  will  be  adding  a  women  si 
SI  veer  team  in  the  fall.  The  Wellness  I 
[pulsion  is  currently  searching  for  a[ 
coach  tor  the  team. 

Mens   basketball,   football   and  I 
Softball   are   also   looking   for   new  I 
coaches  tor  next  season  The  tixitball  I 
team  is  searching  for  two  new  assis- 
tant coaches 

Harper  is  hoping  to  combine  one  I 
of  the  head  coiiclung  positions  with  I 
that  of  a  full-hme  lastructor  in  the  | 
Physical  Educahon  department. 

Hot  bats  keep  baseball  team  rolling 


Opposmg  pitcher**  tix>k  a  heating 
last  week  when  the  baseball  team  s 
bats  caught  hre 

The  Hawks  improved  their  Kcotd 
to  10-13  by  winning  eight  out  of  nine 
games  over  a  six  dav  period 

The  Ul-run  slaughter  ruU 
invoked  agamst  VVaubonxv,  ;.f,,.. 
and  Waukeshaw  The  rule  stales  that 
the  game  ends  when  one  team  a 
lead  *>f  10  runs  or  more  at  the  end  of 
the  htth  or  sixth  inning 

The  bats  were  hot  as  (he  Hawks 
scorett  in  double  figun-s  five  times 
Wauboastv  was  hit  the  hardest  k;iv - 
ing  up  IS  runs  in  10  innings  ol  i 

"The  wind  w.  s  blowing  out. 
coach  Norm  C.arretl    "Then  again,  it 
was      blowing      out      for      them 
(Wauboasee)  tiKi  " 

The  first  half  of  tfie  double  header 
against  Wauboasee  was  a  home  run 
derby  with  the  Hawks  knocking  in 
five  home  runs. 

Marty  Michalisko  ((^lenbard 
North)  i>ndt\f  the  game  with  a  grand 

"CXir  pitchers  kept  the  ball  on  the 


Right  fielder  Josh  Lettlere's  practice  swings  paid  off  when  he 
hit  a  three-run  triple  to  beat  Rock  Valley  8-6  on  April  9. 

ground  and  we  hit  the  ball  well, "  said 

Derek  Genther  (Schaumburg), 
i;reg  Haul  (Prospect),  Josh  Lettieie 
(St  Charles)  and  Siott  Barone  (Flk 
Gro\e)  each  dnlled  two-run  homers, 
leaving  Rob  Provost  (Prospect)  the 

odd  man  out  with  a  three-run  homer 
Haut  hit  two  doubles  in  the  sec- 
ond game  agamst  VVaubonM-e  and 
Harper's  only  home  nm  at  Elgin. 

Aaron  Brossett  (Elk  Grove),  Matt 
Nardiello  (Conant),  and  Provost 
pegged  doubles  on  the  road  at  Elgin. 

Baseball  scorecard 

Rock  Valley  0 

Harper  8 
Rock  Valley  6 

Harper  18 
Waubonsee  5 

Harper  17 
Waubonsee  6 

Harper  8 
Elgin  7 

Harper  12 
Elgin  1 

Harper  15 
Triton  10 

Triton  3 
Harper  2 

Triton  didn't  fair  anv  better  as  the 
Hawks  sent  their  first  (our  batters  lo  | 
the  plate  in  each  of  the  first  four 
innings  oi  game  one  TweK  e  men 
steppi'd  up  to  the  plate  m  the  second 
inning  as  Harper  defeated  the  Trojaas 

Harper's  only  loss  of  the  week 
came  against  Triton  in  the  second 
game  of  their  double  header  The 
Hawks  were  held  to  only  Iwn  runs  on 
twi>  hits  against  the  tonteience  s 
leading  pitcher  in  wias  and  strike- 

"He's  a  a-al  tough  pitcher,"  said 

Harper's  defense  Isn't  anything  to 
-nee/e  at,  either  Pitcher  Rob 
hompson  pitched  a  1-0  shutoii 
against  KcKk  Valley  as  well  being  the 
winning  pitcher  in  the  first  game  at 

Thrid  baseman  Matt  |onas 
(Buffalo  tirovel  started  a  crucial  dou- 
ble play  in  the  second  inning. 
Wauboastv  had  men  on  first  and  sec- 
ond with  no  outs  when  Jonas  grabbed 
a  line  drive,  stepped  on  third,  then 
threw  to  second  for  the  force  out. 

"They  never  threatened  again," 
said  Garrett. 

Harper  14 
Waukeshaw  4 



The  Harbinger 

the   voice   of   harper   college  V.^ 

rlT  »  mv*,MX' 


acuity  protest  contract  terms 


A  stall  in  ttmtnct  negpti- 

pTompted  ov«?r  tOO 

faculty  tTHfmbers  to 

cket  the  Boani  ot  Trustees 

.on  April  25 

Pietudent  ot  the  Facult\ 

'  Clorgc  E  Evdns  prp- 

nted  the  board  with  a  peti- 

signed  by  4lm«wt   tOO 

nt  ot  tocutty  mvmbers 

couraging  the  board   to 

ijdiy  m^jotjali'  a  new  corv- 

The  current  thret-  year 

niract  expires  m  Augu»it 

Negotiations  started   in 

Inuary,    but    reached    an 

over    the    salary 

t-dule.  Chief  negotiator, 

Keres  Mid,  the  boaid 

i  offering  on  uniust  pfOfXM- 

I  to  Haipv  faculty. 

PHOTO  BY  Sl&A.\  !iAi*.MACHER 

Faculty  m«inb«r*  unify  In  the  caf«rt«rla  b«fora  the 
Board  of  Truatoos  meeting 

The  terms  of  the  new 
Mlary  schedule  were  out- 
lined in  a  letter  by  Keres  and 
co-chief  negotiator,  Paul 
Holdaway  ai\d  given  to  the 

board.  The  letter  sbled  that 
there  would  be  a  zero  per- 
cent raise  to  the  schedule  the 
first  yew,  leas  than  one  per- 
cent the  second,  ind  slightly 

mor«^  than  one  percent  the 
third  vear 

Kires  said  the  faculty  is 
unified  and  committed 
about  the  issues  jt  hand 
"The  tacull\  would  never 
stnke  because  it  would  dam- 
age the  students  (but)  if  the 
board  doesn't  continue  t«i 
negotiate  in  gtxxl  taith—  It's 
their  ball —  if  they  thniw  it  to 
sfriki--    we  will 

In  ri-spoase  lo  the  faculty 
picket  line  that  wound 
throuph  the  board-nwm  and 
out  inli>  the  hallway, 
Lawrence  Moats.  Chairman 
of  the  said.  "Your 
message  is  very  clear." 

Moats  added  that  the 
board  has  fairly  bargained 
prior  agreements,  and  will 
continue  to  bargain  in  good 

rormer  Student  Trustee 

lari  Solarte 
kominated  to  the 
llinois  Board  of 

ligher  Education 
Page  2 

|Mr-ln-fte«i«w  SpMlal: 

list  of  the  top  ten 
tories  of  the  past 
chool  year,  1995/19% 
f ages  5 

and  EntartaiiNMnt: 
lael  McDermott 
formed  before  a  full 
luilding  J  theater 

yling  Feature: 

interview  with  the 
irst  Lady  of  the  state 
I  a-nda  Edgar 
[age  11 

'  News  —.  PagM  1-4 
loar  End  tfiBlel  —  Pago  8 

a  E  Pagoo  6-7 


I  Pago Pago  9 

Pago  10 

vllng  Spoeiai .  Pago  U 

Hrirhinref   li 

Senate  President 
quits  under  pressure 

Bili  Wennington  visits 
campus  for  bowiing 


Under  preasune  from  a  possible 
ia^achment  by  the  Harper  College 
Student  Senate,  President  Paul  Wyer 
fesigned  effective  April  30.  Treasurer 
Ryan  McGraw  said  an  impeachment 
hranng  was  to  be  held  on  Ute  same  day. 

Allegations  by  senate  officials  that 
Wyer  didn't  attend  board  meetit>gs.  prop- 
erly maintain  office  hours,  or  follow  up 
on  his  nnail,  are  all  grounds  for  impeach- 
ment as  outlined  by  the  senate  by-lines. 

Wyer  declined  to  comment  on  his  res- 
ignation or  the  alki^tions  made  by  the 

"He  (Wyer)  just  lost  interest"  Mc  Graw 
said.  "It's  unfortunate  we  had  to  go  this 

Pf«sident-elect  Caroline  Saccomanno 
will  assuiTw  the  duties  of  the  presidency 
effective  April  K,  due  to  Wyer's  resigna- 

McCraw  said  the  setule  was  unaware 
that  Wyer  was  neglecting  his  respotwibil- 
ities  until  Student  Activities  officials 
asked  them  to  begin  checking  Wyer's 
mail.  That's  the  icaaon  it  took  us  so  long 
lo  start  Ihe  impeadunent  process,"  he 

Wyer's  letiignatian  isn't  the  first  set 
hack  Miifered  by  the  Senate  this  year.  In 
October,  former  Senate  President. 
Stephan  Paulson  and  former  Vice- 
President,  Victor  Morales  both  resigned 
from  their  posts.  "None  of  us  realued 
what  tieing  on  the  senate  was  all  about," 
McCraw  said.  "But  now  we're  ready  to 
get  down  to  businesB.' 


What  does  a  Chicago  Bull  do  on  an  off 
day  dunng  the  NBA  playofls?  Some  play 
folf,  but  center  Bill  Wennington's  appro- 
oation  of  bowling  brought  him  to  Harper 
C<dlege  for  the  Brunswick  Work! 
Tournament  of  Champions  Saturday, 

'I  ei^oy  watching  it,"  said 
V^fennington.  111  stop  and  watch  it  if  it's 
on  TV.  I  juat  wish  that  1  could  bowl  bct- 

Bowtiitg  is  one  of  the  activities  tttat 
Wermington  and  his  teammates  ei^oy 
whtfe  traveling  during  a  season  that  can 
conceivabiy  laat  for  nine  months.  "You 
also  have  frieiwls  in  the  different  towns, 
so  you  sperKl  time  catching  up  with  peo- 
ple. We  try  to  relax  and  not  talk  about 
taaiotball,"  said  Wennington. 

"T^'ve  been  trying  to  treat  things  as 
busmess  as  usual  this  season,  but  the 
media  attention  1Mb  y«ar  has  been  ridicu- 
lous," he  added. 

'You  can't  look  ahead  or  overlook 
tams,*  added  WIennfatgton.  He  said  that 
an  attitude  like  that  can  get  teans  into 

WInnington  spent  his  college  career  at 
St  Johns  Uiuveraity  in  New  York  playing 
akraide  Chris  MuUins  and  against 
Patrick  Ewing.  He  spent  two  years  play- 
ii^  pfofessionally  in  Italy  before  joining 
the  Ddbs  Mavericks  for  five  seaaona. 
From  there,  Wennington  spent  a  year  on 
Om  -Wot  Coaat  playing  for  the 
see  BUU.  on  page  11 

Harper  hosts 
Tournament  of 

Julie  Thompson 


For  the  second  straight 
year.  Harper  s  Athletic 
Center  was  transformed  into 
a  bowling  arena  for  The 
Brunswick  Tournament  of 
Champions  on  April  27 

Crowd  favorite,  fifth 
seeded  Dave  D'Entremont, 
captured  the  title  defeating 
tirst  scvded  Dave  Arnold  in 
front  o(  a  crowd  of  4,140  peo- 

To  accommodate  the 
event,  which  was  televised 
live  on  ABC.  Brunswick  had 
to  construct  four  specially 
designed  lanes  complete 
with  ball  retun>s  and  pin  set- 

The  arena  setting  proved 
to  be  beneficial  for 
D'Entremont  who  said,  "1 
love  bowling  in  aretu's...the 
crowd  really  pumps  you  up." 

Among  the  spectators 
watching  the  tournament 
was  the  First  Lady  of  the 
State  of  Illinois,  Brenda 
Edgar.  "Bnmswick  has  been 
very  generous  by  giving  a 
large  donation  to  children 
who  are  in  protective  care," 
she  said.  "It's  very  exciting  to 
be  here  (at  Harper).  I  love 

Also  attending  the  tour- 
nament was  Chicago  Bulls' 
center.  Bill  Wermington  who 
took  time  out  of  the  NBA 
playoff  schedule.  He  said,  "I 
heard  the  tournament  was  at 
Harper  so  I  stopped  by.  I 
enjoy  watching  good  ath- 

After  D'Entremont's 

tournament  win,  Edgar, 
Wennington,  PBA  officials, 
bowlers  and  other  VIP's 
gathered  in  the  building  A 

The  dining  area  was 
turned  into  a  VIP  lounge, 
serving  a  much  different  fare 
than  usual  including:  a  wide 
variety  of  hordourves,  crab 
claws,  shrimp,  and  cham- 
pagne punch 

College  President,  Paul 
N.  Thompson  said,  the  team 
work  of  tfie  staff  was  excel- 
lent in  preparing  for  such  a 
big  event. 

"It's  just  amazing  how 
Brunswick  got  it  all  together 
in  less  than  three  days,"  he 

A  Room  3fi7    Business  Phone'  a47/925fi460   News  Phone  HM 

'S  fionn  »?4fii 


Harper  News 

The  Harbingd 
May  3, 19 

Experts  from  mass  communications  fields  discuss  how  to  get  starte( 

KbnbwiM  Wawak 


The  Journalism  Depar- 
tment hosted  a  Careers  in 
Communications  panel  on 
Tuesday,  April  9,  as  part  of  Ac 
Caner  Expo  %  The  panel 
included  professionals  from 
graphic  arts,  multimedia  |our- 
nalism  and  public  relations 

Harper  Happenings 


On  hand  were  Martin 
Krohne  a  computer  design 
director  who  designs  point  of 
purchase  displays  and  custom 
children  premiums.  Tom 
Valeo,  a  theater  cntic  for  the 
Daily  Herald,  Allen  Tatara, 
senior  audio  and  multimedia 
director         from  Lucin 

Technologies.  Tom 

Hernandez,  a  reporter  for  the 
Pioneer  Press,  and  Patricia 
Vandenanck,  a  public  relations 
representative  from  Braginaw 
Public  Relations  in  Palatine 
rounded  out  tht-  panel 

In  definmg  your  career 
choices  Krohne  said,  "Look  for 
what  you  really  like  doing, 
that  should  be  your  guide 
Don't  let  the  tools  guide  you. 

Solarte  earns  nomination 

In  an  unprecedented  move  by  the  Harper 
Board  of  Trustees.  l«»95-l'>%  Student  Trustee 
Man  Solarte  will  be  nominated  to  the  lllini>i> 
Board  of  Higher  Fdui.ition 

A  letter  commend mj;  S>lartc  tor  hur  I'wm- 
plary  service  to  the  board  over  the  past  year 
will  be  sent  to  Gov  Iim  Hdgar 

Surprised  by  the  letter,  S)Urte  said,  '  ft  •- 

J  an  honor  to  be  noinmateil 

I  unanimously      bv      the 

board,  but  it's  also  .i  huge 


Treasurer  tor  the 
Harper  Student  Senate, 
Ryan  McCraw  said, 
"Mari  did  an  excellent  job 

Marl  Sotarto        '^  trustee  and  the  board 
honored  her  well." 
As  for  her  year  of  service  as  a  student 
trustee,  Solarte  said,  "I've  gained  much  more 
than  I  ever  gave." 

Thorson  to  replace  IManke 

Harper  College  President  Paul  N 
Thompson  announced  the  selection  of  Judith 
A.  Thorson  as  the  Vice  President  of 
Administrative  Services.  Thorson  will  replace 
^fe^lon  Manke,  who  will  retire  from  Harper 

"During  the  interview 
process,  Judy's  credentials 
clearly  distinguished  her 
trom  the  field  of  candi- 
dates," said  Thompson. 
'V/e  are  pleased  to  have 
her  as  part  of  the  Harper 
Coiltge  team  " 

Harbinger  staff  rewarded 

The  Harbinger  earned  recognition  as 
the  second  best  new  spaper  in  the  state  by  the 


Editor-ln-Chief  Jon  O'Brein  (right) 
r«ci«ve*  ono  of  tho  award*  (above) 

Illinois  Community  College  Journalism 

The  ICCJA's  conference,  held  in 
Springfield  on  Sunday,  April  21  and  April  22, 
was  the  backdrop  of  an  award-filled  weekend 
for  The  Harbinger,  which  won  nine  total 
awards  including  second  and  third  for  edito- 

Editor-in-Chief,  Jon  O'Brien  received  first 
and  second  place  accolations  for  "Computer 
Graphics."  Sports  Editor  Susan  Rademacher 
had  the  best  "%>orts  News  Story",  and  a  sec- 
ond place  "Single  Photo",  respechvely 

Laura  Garrison,  Arts  &  Entertainment 
Editor,  finished  second  in  the  "Arts"  category, 
with  an  article  on  Poi  Dog.  Kathy  Setts  was 
recognized  as  a  second  place  recipient  for 
"Freehand  Cartoon". 

The  Harbinger  finished  tied  for  second 
with  The  Chronicle  (College  of  Uke  County), 
behind  co-winners  The  CourierfCollege  of 
DuPage)  and  The  Observer  (Moraiiv;  Valley 
College).  COD  was  the  recipient  of  the  most 
awards,  taking  home  11  respechvely. 

Judith  ThorMMi 

Mmtv  JSellie's; 

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have  a  strong  scmse  of  design." 
Hernandez  discussed  how 
to  get  involved  in  a  newspa- 

He  said,  "Have  clips,  (there 
is)  no  Hme  to  train  you  on  the 
job.  (there  is)  too  much  at 
stake  m  print  journalism,  (and 
one)  needs  a  journalism  or 
communication  dt»gree." 
Khrone  said  the  future  of 

the  graphics  profession, 
future  of  graphics  careers  is  i 
the  "Web"  design  for  tf 
Internet  and  multi-media  CI 
Rom,"  he  said. 

Despite  their  varied  bacM 
grounds,  the  panelists  ag 
all  around  that  the  key  to 
career  in  communicaHons 
early  experience  and  voli 
teering  when  you  can. 

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Hwner  News 

Page  3 

Blue  Bow  promotes  child  abuse  prevention 

KiMbwIy  Zank 


Think!  Wash  negahve  feel- 
ings away  as  you  scream  in 
the  shower.  Shout,  "I'm 
30O00O  angry."  Pound  on  a 
mattress.  These  are  just  some 
of  the  things  one  can  do 
instead  of  hitting  Of  scream- 
ing, according  to  Parents 
Anonymous,  a  child   abu.s«^ 

I  prevention  program 

Today's  children  are  grow- 
ing up  in  an  environment  that 
IS  overwhelmed  with  vio- 
lence; one  in  which  parents 
and  siblings  resort  to  physical 
or  verbal  abuse,  to  express 
their  emotions.  In  fact,  every 
13  seconds  a  child  IS  abused  or 
neglected  and  each  day  at 
least  three  childrt-n  die  from 
such  brutality,  »jys  Parents 

I  Arwnymous. 

To  address  this  national  cri- 

I  sis.     Parents     Anonymous. 

along  with  the  American 
AsscKuilion  for  Women  of 
Commuruty  Colleges 

(AAWCC)  is  .sponsoring  The 
Blue  Bow  Campaign.  Sue  A. 
Walton,  foundmg  member  of 
Parents  Anonymous,  and 
Jolyn  DePriest,  program  spt-- 
cialist  of  the  Women's 
Program,  are  the  organizers 
behind  the  campaign  at 

Each  Monday  dunng  the 
month  of  April,  from  12  p  m 
to  1  p  m  ,  tables  were  set  up 
around  campus  distributing 
blue  bows  and  fliers  that  give 
information  about  cfuld  abuse 
prevention.  The  Student 
Activities  office  also  has  male- 
rials  available  to  tfuwe  inter- 
ested in  the  cause. 

The  Blue  Bow  Campaign 
originated  in  I'W,  by  a  graiuJ- 
mother  in  Norfolk,  Virginia, 
whose  grandson  died  from 
abuse.    She  wore  a  blue  bow 

symboluing  the  hidden  bruis- 
es and  scars  that  abused  chil- 
dren must  carry. 

Harper  began  sponsoring 
this  national  campaign  last 
year,  but  "this  is  the  first  year 
Harper  has  really  got 
invol\e>.i,"  DePriest  said. 

Besides  wearing  blue 
bows,  DePriest  suggests  that 
students  who  want  to  pro- 
mote child  abuse  prevention 
should  get  fliers  to  distribute 
to  differvnt  communities  and 
learn  ways  to  protect  children 
Many  businesses,  craft  stores 
and  floral  shops  may  even 
donate  ribt>on  for  free  or  at  a 
minimal  charge  if  you  tell 
them  about  the  cause. 

"I  think  children  are  our 
most  important  commoditv,' 
said  DePriest.  "The  way  we 
treat  our  children  is  of  utmost 
importance.  C>f  all  the  con- 
cerns you  have  ab(mt  the 
fuhire  of  our  country,  one 
should  be  paramount  " 

Health  Corner 

tt'i  tilt  Hm  ifiii.  nMh  MNk  it  eiiM).  A  itraiif il  \im*  fi  m^  mI- 
\*ft  ttttott.  Hmmt,  ikm  m  w*p  ti  aMriu  tU  itTttt  if  fiMb 
m4  ftt  fM  mittf  «i  awl  fw  |M. 

1.  MT  WnL  MMfMHtwR,  fMrMfUifW  •ttMlai  mI 
■iMnh  MMturr  li  etf  •ild  ttnu.  »•  Mt  diif  Mih,  Mt  •  ht  «f 
Njir,  IT  Mil  tM  m*»i  tiHtmUi  Wmijtt. 

2.  MXMMCm.  If  1**  NrMtly  nwciM,  H  it  tafwtMrt  ti  Iwar  it  if 
Mil  llili  itnufil  tjM. 

3.  cm  nOUGH  BVT.  m  ■«•»  fir|««  tW  •tl-M«kt»ri.  Ym 
ciMil  iTMi  i  mImI*  tMMtMi  wrtb  (f  !«««■)  M«  m  lijkt. 

4.  raiAXAnOH  -Mil  W«tki  frm  Utifki.  MttW  it  it  fattf 
ii|  H  MMit,  (ilii*)  i  f HtMJ,  ir  ntelwj  i  fawy  til««iiiM  tliM. 

5.  PO/mVI  ATTrrUM.  Ciltl«iti<ij  t  rnilivt  ittltWt  ii  nt«t- 
ti«l  It  Nt  Mlf  Mij  Mil  it  telwtl,  bit  m  It  Mil.  VUt  ttkis)  « turn. 
fM|tl  fu\  lOmtt  M^  i%  Ml  fDcn  ••  ujilivt  tlitcjiiti. 


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i;  KliiifiiirM 


l!«)fl«W'E.<T  »VT-    UMHIKST,  ll.«l» 


The  Harbinger 
May  5, 19% 

Conflicts  arise  at  radio  station      Ninomiya  speaks  at  A.P.A.M.  conference 

Ewiy  gnat  radio  Italian  has  ils 
ihaiv  of  grievances.  WLUP  had  Li2 
Wilde  WCKG  hati  Howard  Stem 
Now  WHCM  has  some  of  its  own. 
The  music  rocks  on,  but  some  turbu- 
lence exist!  between  WHCM's  man- 
agement board,  led  by  Station 
Manager  Ron  Gaba,  and  station  advi- 
sor Tom  Schnecke. 

Some  of  the  problems  that  the  sta- 
tion's management  have  reported  art- 
stow  repair  turnarounds,  no  .wund- 
pnx>fir\g  installed  in  the  studio,  and 
that  Schnecke  does  not  return  phone 

Perhaps  their  greatest  complaint  is 
the  lack  of  communication 
According  to  the  staff,  Schnecke  doe» 
not  return  all  of  hi.s  pages.  To  this, 
Schnecke  replies,  "There  are  times 
when  I'm  in  the  middle  of  produchon 
work  at  my  main  job  and  it  will  take 
me  half  an  hour  to  call  back"  He 
iiMists  that  he  returns  ail  ol  his  pages. 

Another  pitiblem.  acconJing  to  the 
stahon's  management,  is  Schnecke's 
attendaiKe  record.  "He  s  known  .is 
'the  ghost'  an>und  hi-nv  >.>id  Jimm 
Polli,  the  station  Musn  Director 
Schnecke  says  that  he  tnes  to  do 
repairs  over  the  weekend  when  the 
downtime  won't  atfect  the  stud»>nls 
'There's  nothing  in  my  contract  that 
says  I  have  to  come  m  on  weekends" 

Repair  work  to  station  equipment 
and  studio  renovjtum  work  has  been 
progressing  slower  than  the  members 
of  the  station  would  like  Many  pieces 
of  et^uipment,  including  a  Panasonic 
contact  disc  player,  have  btvn  out  of 
commission  while  undergoing  repair. 

"The  Panasoruc  player  has  been  sent 
for  repair  four  tunes"  said  Schnecke 
Schneke  added  that  most  of  the  need- 
ed repairs  are  due  to  student-inflicted 
damage,  something  Jeanne  Pankanin, 
ttte  director  of  Student  Activities  and 
the  person  Schnecke  directly  reports 
to,  agrees  witti.  It  irritates  her  that  so 
much  money  has  to  be  spent  on 

Schnecke  says  "Ron  never  formal- 
ly afipniached  me  with  a  complauit" 
He  added  that  he  has  not  had  any 
conflicts  with  station  managers  in  the 
past  Pankanin  adds.  "I'm  happy 
with  what  Tom  has  done  " 

Schnecke  has  done  things  for  the 
station  that  WHCM  management  rec- 
ognizes and  IS  thankful  for,  including 
arranging  tor  the  purchase  of  a  state- 
of-the-art  instant  replay  and  compact 
disc  player 

Schnecke  said,  "There  was  a  six 
month  wailing  list  for  the  instant 
leplay  and  1  was  able  to  arrange  (or 
us  to  be  one  of  the  first  to  get  one  1 
do  everything  1  can  to  expedite  things 
for  the  college  " 

An  alternative  that  WHCM  man- 
agement has  come  up  with  is  alkxat- 
ing  enough  budget  money  for  a  full- 
time  advisor  Ciaba  said,  "We  have 
somebody  in  mind  and  she  hates 
what  is  going  on  " 

"I'll  address  everything  Gaba 
want%  to  talk  about,"  says  Schnecke. 
"Vvv  tx-en  a  very  loyal  employcv  and 
a  tnend  of  the  college"  Gaba  says 
that  Schnecke  has  done  the  station 
gcKH.1  but  that  Ins  presence  is  urgently 

Perhaps  Polli  sums  it  up  best  by 
calling  It.  "FrustratKm  Thai  sums  up 
the  entire  semester." 

Special  3  MONTH 



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Stiaan  Radamadwr 


When  Kent  Ninomiya  was  grow- 
ing up  in  southern  California  he 
knew  that  he  wanted  to  be  a  journal- 
ist because  he  spent  two  hours  a  day 
watching  the  news. 

Ninomiya  is  now  an  on<amera 
reporter  for  WIS-TV  in  Chicago  who 
specializes  in  live  reports.  His  career 
has  taken  him  from  CNN's  office  in 
Wa.shington,  DC  and  back  to 
California  before  leading  hmi  to  the 
Windy  City. 

Five  generations  ago.  Ninomiyas 
family  came  to  the  United  States 
from  japan,  but  Ninomiya  insists 
that,  I  am  an  .American.  In  fact,  I've 
never  even  been  to  Japan."  he  admit- 

It  was  Ninomiya 's  ancestry  that 
brought  him  to  Harper  College  on 
April  23  as  the  college  kicked  oft 
Asian  Pacific  American  Month.  He 
was  invited  to  speak  about  what  it's 
like  to  be  an  Asian  in  the  media. 

Ninomiya  admitted  that  he  was 
uncomfortable  talking  about  what 
it's  hke  being  Asian  because  consid- 
ers himself  an  American — period. 
Instead  of  viewmg  the  opportunity  to 
speak  as  a  burden,  he  saw  it  as  an 

He  informed  the  audience  of 
Harper  students  and  staff  about 
other  famous  A.sian- Americans  such 
as  Olympic  gold-medalist  Kristi 
Yamoguchi,  architect  Im  Pel  and  the 
lead  guitarist  tor  the  Smashing 

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rhkfml  scheel^tm  19W19%  hrre 

|a/  Harprr  sun  had  it*  up$  tmd  douma. 
Here  arr  fen  of  the  most  importanl  itones 
'  the  pmt  ^tm  m  reverse  ordtr. 

■_   _   On  Septifmber  27,   1995.  Dick 

1 1  V  ^^'  '^  "'  ^^  ^exh  Guitar 
rode   a    concert   wave    into 
Dale  best  known  for  writing  the 
son(?  to  Quentin  Tarantino's 
wvie  Pulp  Fiction  perfc>rmed  before 
sdd-out  building  J  theater.     Dale 
■formed  requests  from  the  crowd 
eluding  "Pipetine"  from  the  imwie 
«:k  to  the  Beadl. 

•  •  •  • 

Poi  Dag  Pondering  rocked  the 
«>ld-out  building  J  Theater  on 
Fnday,   Fobruary   23      Poi   Di>g 
I  the  show  with  several  dance- 
ble  numbers  and  by  about  the  fourth 
ng  they  had  everyone  in  the  theater 

The  band   interacted   extremely 
fll  with  the  audience,  seeming  to  he 
1  the  same  level  tlie  entire  night   Poi 
o«.  sold  out  the  350  seat  theater  in  a 
rd  45  minutes. 
According  to  Student  Activitim 
or,  Mkhael  Nejman  it  was  the 
stesi  selling  show  ever  in  the  im»a- 
i  of  Harper  College 
•  •  •  • 
Due  lo  ■  lack  of  inteiest  the 
swimming  ptogram  will  be  can- 
celed,   according    to    Athletic 
:tor  Roger  Bechtold. 
The  successful   swimming  pro- 
am  produced  multiple  record  set- 
|ing  swimmers  over  the  past  few 
and  should  be  recogniied  lor 
r  accomplishments. 
But  being  one  of  only  three  teams 
ainmg  in  the  aiea,  swimming  got 
"   I  by  the  munben  \ 

On  an  unrelated  note,  then-  will  bf 
a  women's  soccer  team  next  fall  tor 
the  first  time  in  school  history. 

•  •  •  • 

7  Under  the  lights  on  September 
15,  IWS  at  Prospect  High  Sthwil. 
the   HiiiAk.s   f(xitball   (earn  cele- 
brated their  25  year  anniversary  with 
a  victory  omt  Grand  Rapids 

During  a  half-time  ceremony, 
Head  Coach  |ohn  Eliasik,  the  win- 
ningesl  active  coach  in  the  National 
junior  College  Athletic  Association, 
and  former  Harper  Alumnus  and  for- 
mer Atlanta  Falcon  defensive  back 
Tim  Tyrell  were  inducted  into  the 
NJCAA  Hall  of  Fame. 

•  •  •  • 

•  The  Hawks  Men's  Basketball 
team  won  their  first  conference 
game  since  1992  with  a  99-98  vic- 
tory over  lllintris  Valley  on  January 

Wayne  Cix>k  hit  the  winnmg  shot 
with  18  seconds  remaining  in  the 
game.  This  was  the  first  conference 
victory  since  January  19,  1992  when 
they  downed  Rock  Valley  53-52. 

That  victory  was  Harper's  last 
conference  win  at  home  This  victory 
was  Coach  Ron  Creiger's  first  win  as 
Harpers  Head  Coach.  Creiger 
turned  his  resignation  in  a  week  later 
on  February  2  to  Bechtold,  but  fin- 
ished out  the  remainder  of  the  season. 
•  •  •  • 

5  In  the  last  25  years  while  Harper 
College  has  been  expanding  and 
mo\ing  toward  the  21  »t  century 
*e  Learning  Resource  Center  other- 
wise known  as  the  library,  has  been 
left  behind 

Finally,  a  quarter  of  a  century  later 
the  library  is  coming  info  its  own  with 
a  $3  5  million  renovation  pro)ect. 
Darothy  McCabe.  Coordinator  of 
Reference  Services  said,  lltere  will  be 
three  new  multi-media  centers 
equipped   with  database  to  on-line 



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1  Harper  Board  of  Trustees 
voted  unanimously  for  a  $2 
per  credit  hour  tuition 
iiurrease  at  their  March  21 
meeting.  The  increase  fn)m 
$40  to  $42  will  take  effec-t  the  sum- 
mer 19%  semester. 

President  Paul  N.  Thompson 
said,  "The  increase  is  needed  to 
move  technology  ahead."    The  $2 

such  as  Dialog. 

"The  new  lefetwKe  stations  will 
be  hooked  up  to  off-site  services  to 
access  informabon  on  anything  from 
Art  to  Zoology,"  she  said 
•  •  •  • 

4  The    somber    gong     lingered 
through  the  air  m  building  A,  as 
shirts  were  suspended   in  air 
across  a  clottiesline  that  visually  dis- 
played how  violence  affects  women. 

The  gong  as  well  as  whistles  and 
bells  were  audible  reminders  of  the 
level  of  violence  against  women  hap- 
pening in  our  country  an  in  our  own 

The  Clothesline  Project  was 
brought  to  Harper  by  the  Northwest 
Action  Against  Rape,  a  sexual  as.sault 
crisis  intervention  center 

Throughout  the  day,  approximately 
600  people  came  to  see  the 

Part  of  the  goal  of  the  Clothesline 
Project  is  to  help  with  the  healing 
process  for  people  who  have  lost  a 
loved  one  or  are  survivors  of  vio- 

•  •  •  • 

3  Judith   A.    Hess   and    Richard 
Gillette    were    elected    to    the 
Harper  Board  of  Trustees  tn  a 
November  7  election.    Hess  received 
14,531   votes  and  Gillette  received 
8,397  votes. 

As  a  board  member  Hess  hopes  to 
bring  students  and  the  board  mem- 

We'd  like  to 
ask  a  pint- 
sized  favor. 

Ciuc    t»loodl 

increase  constitutes  $1  for  technolo- 
gy and  $1  for  instructional  operation 
costs;  the  day  to  day  operations  of 
the  college  Former  Student  Trustee 
Man  Solarte  said,  "1  am  against  this 
increase,  especially  because  it's  com- 
ing on  tfw  heels  of  an  increase  we 
just  had."  The  board  increased 
tuition  from  $36  to  $40  per  credit 
hour  in  1995/19%. 

bers  closer  together  "We  need  to  be 
accessible  to  students,  this  is  the  stu- 
dents college.'  she  said 

As  far  as  Gillette's  plans  for  the 
upcoming  year,  he  said  he  wants  to 
look  into  the  students  registration 
pRKess  He  said,  "Nobody  should 
have  to  waif  m  line  for  hours  to  regis- 
ter for  classes." 

•  •  •  • 

2  At  the  Btxird  of  Trustees  meeting 
on    February    22,     1996    they 
approved  unanimously  to  raise 
lab  ti-es,   institute  a  registration  fee 
and  abolish  the  parking  fee  and  the 
transcript  fee 

The  K^rd  also  approved  to  donate 
land  to  Illinois  Department  of 
Transportation,  for  future  use  in 
widening  Algonquin  Rcud  In  return 
IDOT  will  n-  configure  the  Harper 
entrance  by  adding  a  turn  lane  for 
easier  access. 

In  an  effort  to  make  fees  more 
equitable,  the  board  approved  the 
elimination  of  the  $5  parking  fee 
along  with  the  fees  for  transcripts  that 
are  mailed  ($3)  or  sent  by  fax  ($5) 
while  instituting  a  ($4)  registration 



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Arts  &  Entarta  I  nment 

The  Harbinger  I 
May  3, 19%  I 

Marcia  Wilke:  Comedian  or  poet? 



To  can  her  a  cofiMNliait  would  tx;  limitiiig. 
To  call  her  a  poet  would  tie  accuivie,  but 

Martria  Wilke  is  both,  .and 
neither.  She  is  as  one  perceives 
her,  a  performer  who  (ells  her 
stories  to  those  who  will  listen. 
Add  a  little  humor  and  it  is 
Marcia  Wilkc's  Seven 
Vignettes,  M>ino  tragic,  and 
some  just  plain  humorous.  She 
look  the  stage  with  a  modest 
brown  backdrop,  a  stool,  a 
couch,  and  a  chair,  l-ier  perfor- 
marKe  began  with  the  ritual  Wilke  takes 
lighting  of  a  candle  and  a  joke  approach  to 
about  the  candle  and  how  it 
was  supposed  lo  be  for  good  luck  even 
though  she  burnt  her  hand  lighting  it 

For  an  hour  and  a  half,  !ihe  made  one 
laugh  and  regret  She  also  showed  a  glimpse 
into  our  lives.  Wilke  had  a  free  flowing  .<<ense 
of  humor  that  smmithly  worked  itself  mto  her 
stones.  She  also  had  a  vocabulary  that  was 
short  of  being  pure  poetry.  Her  descriptions 
drew  one  mto  her  life. 

Each  act  dealt  with  different  specific 
aspects  of  her  life,  although  they  were  not 
exactly  autobiographical  accounts.  Some  of 
Wtlke's  acts  were  bitter  and  tinged  with 
regret.   She  talked  about  loneliness  and  how 

it  feels  to  be  lost.  At  these  points  in  the  pwr- 
(brmance,  it  cast  a  darker  mocxJ  on  the  audi- 
ence and  it  was  discomforting  lo  hear  about. 
However,  she  pulled  out  and  managed  to  tell 
very  enlightening  and  hmny  stories 

Her  last  story  was 
about  her  father  who 
worked  in  an  office  job  and 
.It  night  but  he  loved  to  prac- 
tice playing  jazz  cm  his  trum- 
pet As  it  turned  out,  he  was 
a  bitter  man  who  was  not 
happy  with  his  life.  His  real 
dream  would  have  bi-en  lo 
play  jazz  for  a  living,  but  he 
chose  security  over  his 

Marcia  Wilke  chose  to 
be  happy  rather  than  to  be 
bed  down  to  a  nine  to  five  job.  She  is  doing 
what  she  wants.  Sie  said,  "I  have  a  double 
career  because  I  love  to  write  and  also  to  per- 
form." Wilke  also  said  that  when  she  writes, 
"Fifty  percent  comes  from  my  life,  tfie  rest  is 
invented  or  exaggerated." 

Her  style  of  writing  is  very  creative. 
Whatever  she  begins  by  saying  as  her  open- 
ing statement,  comes  out  in  the  end  and  con- 
nects the  entire  story. 

Anyone  who  will  see  her  perform  in  the  I 
future  should  be  aware  that  one  has  to  go  in 
with  an  open  mind  and  uncover  what  she  is  I 
all  about. 

a  humorous 
her  show 

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Ovnpiiei  MnnnaiMn  Syaems.  tmam  0|icnnau.  ^sxommt  mi  TUKaamuica- 
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The  Harbinger 
May  3,  IWt 

Arts  &  Entertainment 


CompU'tP  Your 
Bachelor's  Degree 


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Rose  &  McDermott  put  on  killer  show 

LaHra  QaiTiMii 

Ms  &  Entenanmmt  Edilix 

Al  Rose  and  Michael  Mti>nnott  ptT- 
formed  hen?  at  Harper  on  Wednt»s<lay.  April 
17  in  the  Building  J  Theater.  McDermntt 
came  in  fresh  off  a  performance  on  "Late 
Ni^t  with  Conan  O'Brien",  while  Rose 
comes  off  a  tour  of  Chicago  area  coffeehous- 

Rose  opemxl  the  >how  with  a  ^hort  set. 
Much  of  the  tinw  a  full  array  of  musicians 
accompanies  Rose,  but  only  backgrounii 
smger  Ijura  Blye  performed  with  him  this 
show.  They  launched  through  several  stings 
from  his  CD  "Information  Overload".  Rose 
has  a  new  CD  coming  out  somehme  over  the 
next  few  montlrs,  and  there  also  seemed  to  be 
some  music  that  may  be  from  the  new  CD. 

Rose's  tongue-in<heek  lyrics  and  bolh 
musicians'  dynamic  yet  easygoing  perfor- 
maiKe  styles  delighted  the  crowd  through- 
out their  set.  The  only  complaint;  their  half 
hour  set  was  far  too  short  to  showcase  their 
full  talent.  Nonetheless,  the  acoustic  humor 
was  a  perfect  offset  to  MelXTmotfs  sets. 

Mcl>mnott  took  the  stage  shortly  after 
Rose  fiiushed.  McDermott  has  been  active  in 
the  Chicago  music  scene  for  some  time  now, 
and  recently  put  out  a  new  self-titled  album 
on  EMI. 

Mclltermott  has  a  very  dark  stage  pres- 
eiKe.  His  lyrics  are  well-written  if  one  really 
listens  as  well  as  they  hear  Mcl>ermotfs 
songs  can  be  deep,  but  they  are  full  of  raw 
emotion.  Many  of  them  have  an  almost  -.pir- 
itual  quality  It's  highly  unusual  to  fimi  any 
kind  ot  deep  meaning  in  much  ot  today  s 
minimalisl  s<ing  writing,  but  McDermott's 


Michael  McDermott  performs  at 
Harper  with  his  band  on  April  17 

songs  are  a  definite  exception  to  that  rule. 
His  lyrics  make  it  sound  as  if  thea^  is  still 
hope  for  the  human  race 

McDermott  not  onU  --ings  songs  that 
make  people  think,  but  songs  that  are  melod- 
ically  superior  to  the  heavy  grunge  music  of 
today.  "Bells",  one  of  the  strongest  songs  on 
the  CD,  was  even  stronger  performed  hve. 
McDermott  not  only  sings  in  his  live  perfor- 
mance, but  he  also  plays  the  harmonica  and 
the  guitar.  He  played  with  a  horde  of  talent- 
ed musicians  for  the  show,  though  he  per- 
formed almost  all  of  his  own  instruments  on 
his  latest  CD 

Overall,  McDermott's  live  performance 
was  sublime.  Even  after  three  encores,  the 
audience  begged  for  more. 

Both  artists  were  kind  enough  to  interact 
with  fans  after  the  show,  signing  autographs 
and  posing  for  photographs.  For  many,  this 
was  a  special  treat,  since  many  performing 
artists  don't  interact  with  fans  at  all  if  they 
can  help  it.  While  the  show  was  incredible, 
the  friendliness  ot  both  performers  toward 
thoir  fans  made  for  the  perfect  ending  to  a 
perfect  night. 




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The  Harbinger 
May  3, 1996 

Our  VieM 

That's  the  news, 

Warmer  weather,  the  looming 
terror  of  final  exams,  baseball 
season  starting—  all  the  signs  of 

While  most  of  us  will  stay  at 
least  five  miles  away  from  the 
campus  at  all  times  this  summer, 
there  will  be  news  and  events  all 
around  us.  the  Olympic  Games, 
the  NBA  Finals  (do  1  really  need 
to  say  who's  going  to  walk  away 
with  it  this  year?),  and  of  course, 
the  Presidential  election  in 

With  the  change  in  seasons 
comes  changes  in  the  Harbinger's 
staff  After  serving  my  one  year 
sentence — ahem,  term—  as  the 
Editor-in-Chief,  I  am  officially 
stepping  down  as  of  this  issue 
Mr.  Dave  Pump  will  be  assuming 
the  position  this  fall,  with  Susan 
Rademacher  filling  his  current 
shoes  as  Managing  Editor.  The 
Orientation  Issue  will  be  on 
stands  in  time  for  the  start  of  the 
fall  semester. 

And  now  for  the  usual  "feel 
good"  stuff:  Don't  drink  and 
drive,  wear  a  condom,  remember 
your  please's  and  thank  you's, 
don't  cut  anyone  off  in  traffic, 
party  responsibly,  blah,  blah, 

Jon  O'Brien 

Good  luck  with  your  finals! 

Mitsubishi  ^bribes^  empioyees  witli  catcli  22 

Ammctm  Indq/mdenl 

P rousting  Ls  notliing  nev.    Many  motorists  may 
attMt  in  seeing  fH>ople  standing  along  road- 
sidt".,  waving  signs  th.«i  tcl!  thi-ir  plights,  and 
asking  they  (the  motorisls)  lo  juin  in  h\  honliing  their 
horn  in  support 

VVtuI  Lsn't  new.  or  wKal  isn  I  commonplace  is 
legally  bribing  emplov«-s  lo  protest  on  behalf  of  their 
company  Usually  it  i>.  the  goal  of  the  prctHsl  to 
demonstrate  axuirift  their  employers 

Bui  not  so  with  Mitsubishi  Motors,  which  shut 
down  its  plant  in  Normal  s«)  that  it  couid  give  the 
oppcirtunity  oi  a  litf  time  to  their  tellow  empki)'«es. 
And  what  an  opportunity  it  was  too,  as  if  the  heads  of 
Mitsubishi  stood  tiefofv  their  workers  and  spoke,  say- 

"It  is  sad  indeed  to  see  tile  day  arrive  when  people 
we  have  trusted  greatly  with  all  our  hearts  (they  sob  a 
little)  turn  so  violently  against  us,  accuse  us  of  such 
heiiKHis  cnmes,  for  which  we  are  at>solut«ly  unani- 
mous Jul  nt»l  cKcur  (winks  and  nudges,  a  few  titters 
resonate),  or  will  say  did  not  occur  in  a  court  of  law 
and  under  oath,  in  this  plant 

"For  all  those  who  have  remained  unc-onditionally 
loyal,  stood  by  us  throughout  regardless  even  it  if  did 
ocau,  or  who  are  completely  ignorant  to  what  did 
occur,  and  to  those  who  would  like  to  remain  ignorant 
lyfuimt  did  xcur,  we,  the  heads  of  MitsubiOii,  would 
like  to  celebrate  your  faith  in  us  by  giving  you  a  full 
one  day  holiday  with  pay  (Cheers  and  huzzahs  per- 
nwate  and  txha  off  the  concrete  walls) 

'Now,"  he  holds  up  his  hands  to  stop  the  annoy- 
ing conversation  and  votes,  to  himself,  to  dock  a  day's 
pay  as  purashment  tor  disnegarding  the  sign  of  no 
talhng  MliM<nl  m  this  roam  that  he  will  put  up  next 
week    "There  is  a  condition  for  this  holiday  Trifle 
stipulation  tttough,  nothing  out  of  the  ordinary;  notli- 
ing  ttiat  hasn't  been  dime  tietore    We  merely  want 

each  and  every  one  of  you  to  go  to  Chicago  and 
protest  on  our  behalf  at  the  offices  of  the  EEOC  Why, 
we  will  even  graciously  supply  the  transportation  for 
you    (People  begin  to  quiet:  heads  sense  hostility  to 
the  idea  may  arise) 

With  force  and  dictatorial  vindictiverwss,  "Because 
if  you  don't  -.idf  with  us  we'll  make  you  work.  And 
don  t  think  it  11  be  easy    You'll  be  doin^  the  work  of 
those  who  generously  iuhmillfd  themst-Kes  to  the 
pniti-st.  without  a  bonus  or  any  overtime  pay  it  it 
takes  you  longer  than  your  regular  work  day 

'.■Xnd  to  keep  you  on  the  up  and  up,  for  those  who 
ma\  lake  a  holiday  and  not  show  up  to  protest  at  our 
beckoning,  we  will  take  down  your  names  and  vital 

"Wfe  will  do  to  you  what  we  are  already  doing  to 
those  women  who  dared  speak  out  and  humiliate  us 
with  sexual  harassment  charges. 

"Let  us  make  it  very  clear  to  all  of  you.  Wtiat  hap- 
pened, that  IS  what  may  have  occurred  in  this  facility 
will  remain  here. 

"Because  if  the  public  took  serious  this  allegation, 
and  so  much  as  sided  with  llwse  (raifomus  women, 
(who  weren't  even  that  impressive,  he  states  to  him- 
self) by  refusing  to  buy  our  automobiles  -  we  will  fire 
as  many  of  you  as  we  think  necessary.  And  as  we 
have  afonesaid,  your  names  will  be  taken  down  for 
the  protest;  those  not  in  attendance  will  be  the  first  to 

"We  will  of  course  tell  the  media  we  are  downsiz- 
ing; all  ot  Corporate  America  is  doing  that  now-«- 
days  anyway  "  (To  himself  he  «flys.  Me  fWnfc  me  sees  a 
million  dollar  a  year  raise  in  this) 

And  so  concludeth  the  speech.  It  is  a  fine  speech 
too.  No  other  dictator  living  or  deceased  could  have 
rambled  on  any  better  and  spread  himself  with 

Mitsubishi  will  undoubtedly  go  doum  in  history 
as  being  the  epitome  of  big  business  and  thus  t>e  well 
received  within  the  realm  of  Corporate  America. 

Right  Rev.  discusses  thoughts  about  AIDS 

Chm  Bateman 


Every  year,  htindivds  of  ttvou- 
sanilf  of  folks  our  age  catch 
STDs  or  worse  Why? 
Because  sex  wttttuut  a  random 
'feels  better"    Well  let's  see  "how 
good  It  (eels"  wticn  you  have  to 
buy  Herpesol  once  a  month  (or  tlie 
rest  your  days 

ftow  much  do  v>>u  trust  ihat 
person  now? 

AIDS  is  Ifie  number  icmr  killer 
ol'  folks  hefween  lt^-7'^    If  unleash- 
esover  :W  Ji" 
your  immuiii' 

you.  a  'mangled,  lifrless  figure  of 
w'ht>  you  were  How  much  better 
does  Ihat  l.,>i-" 

Theonlv  Hun^;  that  disgusts  me 

more  than  the  apathy  for  our- 
selves, is  the  attitude  our  govern- 
ment takes  on  it.  If  they  would 
take  the  cash  they  spend  on  the 
military  and  drug  enforcement 
people  would  be  able  to  have  a 
bettifr  quality  of  life  But  to  our 
gov't,  anyone  with  AIDS  is  either  a 
bg  or  a  junkie. 

li  seems  that  people  have  such 
a  hard  Hme  enjoying  safe  sc-x  All  it 
takt-s  IS  prophylactic  of  your  choice 
and  Mup  and  water 

'ion  siiil  ha\f  >;i"K''d  sex,  and  not 
hive  1.1  VM>rr\  ,ib<>ul  mKTo-ory,an- 
V,.;  their  v\,H  into  vour 

I  would  have  more  resptvt  for 
mv  partner  if  she  took  these  prt- 
k.sutu>ns,  rather  than  one  who  did- 
n  t 

It's  a  lough  world  we  live  in, 
kids   We  need  to  take  care  of  our- 
selves a  heck  of  a  lot  better  tfian 
we  are. 

The  cure  for  AIDS  will  be 
found  eventuallv.  but  will  you  or  I 
live  to  see  it?  I  really  wouldn't 
want  to  take  the  nsk 

So  are  you  thinking  about  hav- 
ing sex  with  sonu*t»ne  who  is  pret- 
ty questionable ■"  If  so,  trv  mastur- 

'Jbu  can  have  her  when  ever 
you  want  as  many  times  as  vou 
want  her,  and  not  hj\  e  to  sweat 
it  out  in  the  doctors'  oftici'  a  month 

After  vou  ve  fantasued  alx>ut 
this  person  a  few  times,  you'll  usu- 
ally have  second  thoughts  before 
you  "do  ttie  nasty." 

Editorial  Board 

The  Harbinger 

Editor  m  Ouef  Jon  OWtrt 

. BusinessMiraiBr  :  ..WerHiIMMers 

Managing  Editor Dove  Punp 

News  Editor Julie  Thompson 

Arts  &EntertainTwnt  Editor        LauraGarlson 

-SportsEditof Susan  Rade»nacher 

CopyEditor Menonica  Gonzalez 

FMMinsCiitor open 

•Faculty  Advisor Howard  ScNosalHfg 

Staff  Writers  and  Assistants 

Chris  Batemaa  Kathy  Belts.  I W.  Fuller 

General  Policies 

r>ie  HMtint*'  IS  "•  student  puWeation  toe  the  Hatfler  CatM«e  campus  com. 
ixjrxty,  mtilisfwd  bi  oceMy  irwoucnoul  Uw  setwol  ivm  eiccpl  iJurmg  tioKdays 
ana  fin««un».  The(M(Kr  isttstriKutad  Int  to  altttuMnls.  faculty  and 
mmmtMimm.  rMeMwM«>r-s  sola  pwpoM  it  to  prnvide  the  Harper  commu. 

iMy  iMith  MMmialwn  ggitalniii  lo  ttw  camna  iM  its  sunxiii**  connn- 

n*  mrbma"  oateanws  letters  to  ina  eoitar  and  reptas  to  our  edKorlals. 
Letlm  miH  tit  ««iiO  mt  nduoa  a  social  sacurity  iuT«ier.  Signatures  will 
be  antttiM  upon  mtjnt.  All  letters  are  sufiject  to  sdltin(. 

C«iia«ts«idianim«MiwrtiMdn  ThvMrtiewararenotnacmsanly 
andorted  Hy  ll»  eiWart  of  tlH  paper.  fW  by  the  coilege  aimnistralian  or 

Bona  or  DNcMr&  MqMMm  sinia  l»  «or««ided  direclly  to  ine  advertiser, 

an>  alt  puvtasm  ■•  at  the  dIaoiMlon  of  the  consuner. 


The  Hartxnger   William  Ramey  Harper  Coltege 

1200  West  Algonquin  Road 

Palatine.  IL  60067-7098 

Pnom  NunHNMTK 

business  offee;  (847)  925*«60 

news  office;  (847)925^000x2461 

fax  (847)  925-6033 

copyrtght  1996^  The  Hirt>fe«er. 

The  Harbinger 
May  3, 1W> 

Fun  Page 

Page  9 

Scarlett  OHarabCope 

Kdtfcy  Beiti  n  not  only  an  astrglogat  fcul  »ho 
Dionne  Warwick's  psi/chottc  friendl 

AiicK  Get  serious  about  your  Snan(*»,'even 
if  it  continues  to  laugh  at  you  Money  Ukes  to 

ttanw  Don't  trick  a  bald  person  H  they  are 
standing  on  their  head,  if  may  be  tempting 
since  the  rug  can  easily  be  pulled  horn  under 

Gemini:  If  vou  are  always  ninnrng  late, 
either  set  your  clocks  1  hour  ahead,  or  skip 
all  your  appointments 

CaiKcr  Offer  advice  so  an  obvious  flaw 
doesn't  prove  fatal  For  example,  warn  others 
if  their  pancreas  is  hanging  out  of  a  wound 

Lmk  listen  to  a  wise  oW  owl  Mice  really  are 
good  eatingi 

VligiK  You  may  get  an  excellent  idea  frt>m  an 
unlikely  source  Don't  worry  when  you  are 
spoken  to  by  liquid  soap 

Libra:  A  penny  saved  is  a  lone  penny  that 
cant  buy  anything,  so  forget  ihu.  saving" 

Scorpio:  Ybu  are  what  you  mi  .'tt  ihf 
cashews,  unleiis  you  want  evervimc  to  cjll 
you  "cashew." 

SagittafhiK  dear  the  cobweb*  and  dust 
from  old  family  photos  But  you  may  not  rec- 
ognize them,  since  they  are  the  pictures  thjt 
c^me  with  the  frainck. 

Capricorn:  Vote  for  what  you  believe  in  If 
you  d<wt  helu-ve  in  anything,  vote  for  what 
i  believe  in  Mk ki\  Mouse  in  '%! 

Aquarius:  Freshen  the  air  anmnd  you  by 
planting  some  trees.  The  tret-i  must  be  alive 

Places:  Learn  a  new  language  Vou  II  emoy 
traveling  even  more  if  you  know  what  p-«> 
pif  are  saying,  unles.s  tht-y  have  always  been 
talking  behind  your  back- 

Kflfhy  Betu  wamH  to  kmm  your  fign.  md  YES, 
((its  is  a  pick-up  line  fur  u  prtt'iiti'  hkwscope  call 
the  HminngtT  at  m7)  925-6000  x2m  Each  call 
IS  iSperieamd.  tven  tf  you're  IS.  you  must  hmr 
viiur  pmmts  prrmiaition. 

aoj.  CLimvssTATirEcomim^ 

lOnO  Butw  Stirei 
iMk  Rack.  ArtMttsts  72206 

0»*r  Frimtd: 

«*•  imvw  the  diseinguiaimd  honor  of  beiao  an  the  rnmirr^ 

for  rasing  fi^  filUon  dolUrs  for  pZL  fst^e  of 

ThVs  co«itt«.  ««s  i„  a  qpandary  »  to  -here  to  place  the 
^  Z.?,'*^T"  "l"*  •  "'■   "«  ^'^^  Jesse  JacUon 

the  greatest  Democrat  ot  then  aU.   He  left  not  taowin, 
ww-in,  ,*wn  he  had  been,   and  did  it  all  on  borrotwd  noney. 

u'tU'^^ic^^rf  ^l'  T'  "°—  '•"'*  "  ^f«  children  ot 
S    win   i-Jf  ^    I  »*>«v«U,  .oTOt  your  asae.  and  canels 
md     WXU  lead  you  to  the  Ptonised  Land.-   Seatly  svk^ 
years  aqo  Roosevelt  said, -Lay  dmm  your  isbovel/   sit  L 

k-ck  \vur   t  '  '"..'"^  '"'■'^''  ''■■'  "'"^""^  -*™^  shovels, 

the  Pnmisfd  '  '■''"', ^''Z.''!,'iT^''f'    "^ '^"9'Ve 

Kho  hss  amTr  "  "^  ""  'o'-funafe  t»Cf>Je 


statue  Comnlttmr 

Rece«<ly  Found  in  t^ie 




41  Cul 

«4  5naaay 

45  Ttmwt 

46  f*a9tt 

so  Tie 
J4  PiUrw 
ss  Cox  Km  can 
S«  unkjmsxad 
SSMs  Dawtwre 
«0  OM  K«r*'t 

•t  OMoliat 



11  Owl 

17  P»lo-,CA 

mo  — not   " 

21  Mem 

Zi  AnnuneniaOy 




a  NaMy-ftorone 


30  TVi  ■-  Luc/ 

31  CMmpno 

OOOD    DODga 

□non  oSHon 





nnnniiEi  nOD 









37  UnM.  •<  *  wty 

40  War  OH 

41  SMugfi 
43  r 

Snnn  ongnn  nng 
DO  onnnn  anna 

onnnoa  onnonnn 
□non  ooDon  ddh 

44  SnpiMd 

47  nnyniocnanw 

48  MXand 


51  AiMUtim 


52  flNat  tnugn 



Page  10 


Barrington  Park  District  is 
seeMng  creative,  energettc 
people  to  be  summer  camp 
coursetors.  Must  enjoy  work- 
ing outdoors  with  chiWren. 
Experience  is  a  ptus  txit  not 
reqUred.  Flexible  hours  avatl- 
abte.  Please  contact  Linda 
Novak  at  Bamngton  Park 
District.  235  Lions  Drive 
Barrtngtorx  IL  60010  or  phone 
inquiries  to  (847)304-5278. 

Bairlngton  Park  District  is 
asefcing  creative,  responsible, 
energetic  people  to  coordi- 
nate various  sormer  camp 
activity  stations  The  avail- 
able stations  include;  arts  & 
crafts,  sports/games.  One 
ans.  outdoor  education,  sci- 
ence, and  initiative/  task 
proMem  solving.  Experience  a 
plus  but  not  required.  Please 
contact  Lmda  IStovak  at 
Bamngton  Park  Distrct,  235 
Lions  Drive  Barringtoa  IL 
60010  or  direct  phone 
inquires  to  (847)  304-5278. 

Mt  Prospect  family  doing  a 
batawioral  modificatioh  home 
program  (Lovaas  program) 
wflth  five.  Year  old  autistic  boy 
looking  for  loving,  enthusias- 
tic persorw  to  be  pan  of  the 
team  Education.  Special  Ed. 
Psychology  interest  a  plus 
but  not  necessary  Training 
will  be  provided.  Mimnum  6 
month  commitment.  8  10 
hours  per  week.  $7.00  per 
hour.  Call  Peg  847-437  2985 
after  5  or  847-825-2177 
before  5. 

TELEMARKETING  no  sellir^ 
research /Survey  only  no  exp. 
reqd.  I  deal  for  students  & 
homemakers  (847)342  7633 

X>BS!  X)BS!  JOBS!  Earn  sum- 
mer cash  now.  Careers  USA 
can  keep  you  busy  with  office 
and  warehouse  work  all  surrv 
mer  long!  Great  companies 
and  ccrwenient  k>catior».  Call 
Now!  (847)843-2222  in 
Schaunburg  (708)971  3333 
in  Lisle.  Carrers  USA  Staffing 
Services.  We  go  to  work  tor 


125  an  hour. 

CoHege  ^  Painters  is  cur- 
rently tooUng  for 
pairtter /foreman  job  posi 
tions  in  your  home  town.  $5- 
$10/hr.  No  exp.  nee.  1-800- 

WANTED:  Reliable  men  & 
women  to  work  as  personal 
assistants  for  people  with 
disabilities  in  it>eir  homes. 
Full  or  Part  time  flexible 
hours.  For  more  into,  call 
(708)524-0600  (708)524- 
0690  TTY.  The  Progress 
Center  for  Independent  Living 

Lifeguards  &  Swim 
Instructors  needed  at  the 
Arlington  Heights  Park 
District-  Frontier  Park.  Pay 
range:  $6.07  $9.17  per  hour 
based  on  experience.  Call 
Todd  at  577  3015  after  1 

Intemet  Sales /Mktg  Co. 
Seeking  aggressive  self 
starter  with  a  strong  desire 
for  income  potential.  For  con- 
sider atton  contact  Dawn  at 

Help  wanted  part  time.  Small 
office  in  AK  needs  someone 
for  3  days  a  week  9  4.  Phone 
skills  &  some  marketing  skills 
needed.  Please  call  847-255- 

Palatine  State  Farm  Agent 
needs  local,  friendly,  detail 
minded  take  charge  career 
person  to  help  manage  office. 
For  further  information  call 
847/358  5059.  (part-time 
work  availatMe) 


Reliable  bat>ysitter  wanted  in 
Palatine  area  for  2  yr  old. 
Flexible  hrs.  Summer  Tues.  & 
Thurs.  nghts.  934  5973  Linda 
Transportation  needed  from 
train  m  Palatine  to  Harper. 
Days  &  Evenings.  Linda  934- 

Babysitter  needed  Fridays 
7:30am-6:30pm  for  lyr  old  & 
7  yr  oW  in  Palatine  home.  Non- 
smoker.  Transportation  a 
plus.  Call  Sharon  at  (847)934- 


The  Harbinger 
April  5, 19% 

ADOPTION.  Abundance  of  love 
awaits  your  newbora  We're 
ready  now!  Tomorrow  wouldn't 
be  too  soon  to  have  a  baby  to 
CherisK  Teacher  (future  "at- 
home"  mom)  and  husband 
long  to  share  laughter,  securi- 
ty, stability,  nice  home  and 
lifetime  of  love  with  your 
baby.  1(800)565-5635 


88  Subaru  DL.  4DR.  5spd, 
95K.  new  battery  &  tires.  Very 
reliable.  Ruis  Great!  Only 
$1800. 259-4038  ask  for 

1988  Plymouth  Sundance 
4cy1inder.  4  door  hatchback. 
power  stearing,  runs  good- 
body  &  interior  in  good  cond. 
$2100  (847)352  6552 


Superior  Secretarial  Services 
can  tie  your  "off-site"  office 
at  reasonable  rates! 
Resumes,  repetitive  letters, 
spreadsheets,  thesis  &  term 
papers,  etc.  Pick-up  &  delivery 
available.  Call  Sarah  Reilly 

pay  Backs!  Guaranteed!  Serxl 
Large  SASE:  CBA  resources. 
box  8366.  Rolling  Meadows, 
«.  60008  HC 

Roosevelt  University  is  seek- 
ing talented  &dedicated  stu- 
dents for  generous  transfer 
scfwlarships.  Call  Karuna 
Maddava  at  847-437-9200 
ext  213  for  more  info. 

How  long  have  you  been  diet- 
ing? Hyacinth  Counseling 
Services  offers  individual 
counseling,  support  groups,  & 
workshops  for  eating  & 
weight  problems.  For  more 
into,  call  382-6740 

Sunmer'is  just  around  the  cor- 
ner! Thinking  about  fitting 
into  that  bathing  suit?  Have 
some  unsightly  pounds?  Let 
me  show  you  how  to  loose 
them.  Please  call:  708-837- 
0326  (between  9am-  2pm) 

If  you  want  to 
gamble,  go  to  Vegas. 

tf  yon  MM  the  «ppaMai|r  lo  OM  )wr  ow  tnitaHS  )■  aae  of 
tbt  buut  ywtn  iHiliMHi  i  la  *»  —rtd.  y  la  4e  fifcew.  We 
.  10  iawemary,  00  ddl«R>,  uaqm- 
t  dK  poMiW  ID  tua  kmg- 

noB.  Just  call  our 

llv  qpiporantf^  it  ita(  TtrTlmiiiHom. 
(312)  274-1307  (847)  635-6067 

The  Gathering 

http:  /  / 
scholarships,  academic  &  car- 
rer  resources,  internships, 
sports,  news,  entertainment, 
travel,  music,  detiates  & 
1000^  of  links! 


ROOMATE  WANTED.  2  bdrm 
1.5  btti.  2  miles  from  Harper. 
New  Appliances,  carpet,  pool 
etc.  $350/mo.-i-  utilities.  Call 

Hey  Honey!  Happy  21st 
Birthday!  Lots  of  love  from 
your  sweetie!! 

HtLLa  HILLa  HILLa!  We 
want  a  Harper  HILLa!  Call 
llisa  847-577-8224  and  vi« 
can  get  started.  Hiua-  a 
Jewish  student  association 

Did  you  lose  a  scientific  Tl 
calculator  a  few  weeks  ago  in 
building  D?  If  so,  contact  the 
Harbinger  at  x2461  and  verify 
the  type  of  Tl  and  the  specific 
location  you  believe  you  lost 
it  at. 


Happy  21st  Birthday!  Only 
SIX  more  days,  but  whoS 
-The  Staff 


Customized  Resumes 
(847)  970-5392 


$10.2S  TO  START 

Full  aimii  Part  time 


Scholarships  Awarded 

Great  Resume  Experience 

schaijmburg  office 


Barriivgtoim  Area  Office 




Does  the  name 
ring  a  bell? 

Of  course! 

One  of  the  top  50 
telemarketing  com- 
panies in  the  country. 
Seeks  telephone  rep- 
resentatives to  join 
our  winning  team! 

•salaries  up  to  $10.(X) 

•  paid  training 

•  Flexible  hours 
•401  K-i-  profit  sharing 

•no  cold  calling 

Don't  waste  time 
Call  this  line 

Prospect  (near  Randhurst) 


■■WfWMJiiinf  Mi 

1       2 

3       4 

5       6       7 


V         10 



86[lOS]l2S  153 

B5      215 




»1  38|  58  i  78 

ST]  U7|  147   174 

193     202 


A  part-tine  job.  , 
A  full  class  schedule. 
A  full  social  calendar. 

Where  dkl  Ke  find  time  for  *9.00  an  hour? 

t*  mmr  ««w»  *n  wi>  rmtmr  »■»»» »  *mm  *mi  am 
to*  ihaiMnt  kt  an*  ttf  di*m,  Mn 

itfNVlolMThlti  <Mlut  nwlUM  wi  MfCh  « 

^tffarinoMPMfidta|inr«H|fi|r-t*Ofr-S*MVhourwM^  SOran  hour  for  uinon  mMmI  iMCHr 

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Relchert  Cup  champions  prepare  before  their 
wlimlns  game  against  bowlers  from  around  the 

BULL:  Wennington  attends 
Tournament  of  Champions 

cofitinued  from  page  1 
Sacremento  Kings. 

"I've  been  with  the  Bulls 
for  three  seasons,"  said 
Wennington.  "I  came  right 
after  Michael  retired." 

Weru^ington  said  that  he 
also  likes  going  to  the 
movies  and  to  dinner  to 
relax.   "It's  difficult  to  go 

out,'  he  said.  "When  the 
crows  get  too  crazy,  I  just 

Wennington  spent  time 
in  the  VIP  lounge  signing 
his  autograph  on  napkiiLs. 
ticket  stubs  and  even  bowl- 
ing pins.  How  many  NBA 
stars  can  say  they've  signed 
a  bowling  pin? 

Brenda  Edgar 
takes  time  to 
help  charity 

Susan  Rademacher 


The  Brunswick  Tourn- 
ament of  Champions  drew 
the  First  lady  of  Illinois  to 
Harper  College  as  she  wit- 
nessed the  raising  of  $30,00 
for  the  Children's  Benefit* 

Brunswick  donated  $15 
for  every  pin  that  was 
kniK-ki'ii  down  in  tho  malch- 
0!.  that  look  pl.ivi'  in  the 
Harper  College  .Athletic 

■  The  tund  prin  idi~>  extras 
to  llie  'iO.OO  itiildren  under 
the  .are  ol  the  Di-partment  of 
Children  and  Family 
Services,"  said  Edgar  The 
state  doesn't  have  the  money 
to  pay  for  things  like  school 
tnps  and  music  instruments, 
SI)  the  Children's  Benefit 
Fund  provides  the  money,  or 
materials,  needed.  ■ 

DCFS  representative 
Martha  Allen  said  that  she  is 
pleased  that  Edgar  has  given 
her  time  to  the  fund.  "Before 
she  came,  the  most  we  raised 
in  a  year  was  $45jXI0,"  said 
Allen.  "Mrs.  Edgar  sat  down 
and  wrote  letters  to  over  150 
companies  in  Illinois  asfcii^ 
them  to  rranember  the  chil- 
dren in  DCFS." 


Robert  Morris 



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Pifie  »  wmmMmfHmrm Miimt  •  »Ki%SMt 

Athletes  of  the  Year 


Mm^, ^m^m^ISM 


■^      A^ 



,-.-   'xr.y^ 

—    t 







Susan  Day 

Susan  [>ay  is  the  Female             She  also  broiie  her  own  sch 
iele  of  the  Year  as  a  lesult  of         record  in  the  160  IM.  Her  rec 
•ceomplishments  with  the             will  not  be  broken  because  1 
n  learn.                                         was  the  last  year  that  Harper 
"he   three-time   All-American     field  a  swim  team, 
jhed   higher  than  any  trther         She  was  also  a  member  of 
ois  swimmer  at  natkimls  (male     year's  women's  swim  team  1 
tmale).                                           finistied  fourth  in  tfie  nation. 
>»y  qualified  for  the  title  of  All-         Day  can  also  be  seen  playing 
mean  m  the  400.  !iOO  and  ]«0    the  softhall  team  as  an  outfielde 
a  individual  medle)'. 






Josh  Lettiere 

This  year's  Male  Athlete 
of  the  year  is  Josh  Lettieie  for  his 
dedication,  leadership  and  excel- 
leiKe  as  a  member  of  the  football 
and  basebaU  teams. 

Lettiere  began  the  year  as  a 
linebacker  for  the  football  team.  By 
season's  end,  he  had  accumulated 
awards  from  his  team,  the  N4C 
conference  and  the  NJCAA's 
Region  IV. 

Lettiere  was  named  to  the  First 

Team  All-Conference  and  All- 
Region  as  well  as  qualifying  as  an 
All-Amencan  nominee.  His  team- 
mates on  the  football  team  voted 
Lettiere  their  Most  Valuable  Player 
for  the  season. 

Football  isn't  the  only  sport  that 
Lettiere  excels  in.  As  a  member  of 
this  year's  baseball  team,  he  was 
named  to  the  First  Team  All- 
Conference  as  an  outfielder 

EditOT'i  note:  Finalists  are  seh?cted  by  The  Harlnni^eT  based  upon  the  number  of  sports  played,  awards  earned,  and  comments  from  teammates  and  coaches. 
The  Athlete  of  the  Year  is  selected  by  The  Harbinger's  Editorial  Board  based  upon  the  above  criteria. 

End  of  the  year  wrap-up 



Warren  Peters  led  the  way  as  the 

Hawks  finished  fourth  at  the  Herb 

Hodges  Invitabonal  on  April  20. 
Peters  set  a  meet  record  in  tf>e  high 

jump  with  a  six-foot-eight  effort. 

Adrian  Abbott  finished  second  in  the 

200  meter  with  a  time  o*  23.02,  third 
^  in  tile  long  jump  and  second  as  a 
'member  of  the  4x100  meter  relay 

team  with   Brian  Bolton,   Michael 

Cocroft  and  marquis  Martin. 

Bill  Bekley  tm)k  third  in  the  800 

meter  with  Bolton  adding  a  fourth 
_  place  tmish  in  the  javelin.  Cocroft 

earned  also  placed  m  the  high  jump 

with  a  fifth  place  finish. 

Heather  Borzych  led  the  women's 

team  by  earrung  fourth  place  in  the 
.400  meter  aiwl  as  a  member  of  the 

women's  4x100  meter  relay  team 

along  with  Makyba  Lyons,  Aggie 
Tzortzos,  and  Katie  Huinkcr 

The  Hawks  competed  against  a 
field  of  four-year  schools  in  coM  and 
rainy  weather. 


The  men's  tennis  learn  has  swept 
its  competition  this  season.  The 
Hawks  have  not  kwt  a  match  in  the 
1996  season.  Leading  the  way  for  the 
Hawks  is  sophomore  Kevin  Howard 
and  John  Amaro.  Amaro  hasn't  lost  a 
sii>gles  match  all  season. 

The  Hawks  are  13-0  and  are  look- 
ing forward  to  the  Region  IV  meet 
"We  are  better  off  than  DuPage,"  said 
coach  Roger  King.  "All  of  our  kids 
should  be  seeded  No.l." 

are  waiting  for  regionals  to  start  May 

The  N4C  conference  released  its 
All-Conference  team  this  week  with 
seven  Hawks  on  the  list. 

First  baseman  Dominic  Savino, 
and  outfielders  Josh  Lettiere  and 
Aaron  Brossett  were  named  to  the 
first  team. 

Receiving  honorable  mentions 
were  pitchers  Rob  Thompson  and  Joe 
Jauch,  shortstop  Greg  Haut,  and  third 
baseman  Curt  Pettinger. 

The  Hawks  recently  wrapped-up 
confannce  play  wilha  S-5  record  and 

Coach  John  Eliasik  is  looking  for 
someone  to  serve  as  the  team  manag- 
er for  the  1996  season.  Experience  is 
preferred,  but  not  necessary.  The 
position  is  paid.  For  more  infonna- 
tiCKV  call  Eliasik  at  the  Division  of 
Wellness  and  Human  Performance 
office  in  Buikling  M.  The  number  is 

925-6000  ext.  6466. 
AthlatM  of  the  WMk 

Track  and  field  team  member 
Katie  Huinker  earned  Athlete  of  the 
Week  honors  for  the  week  of  April  10- 
17.  Huinker  finished  sectMid  in  the 
100  meters  against  competition  from 
four-year  schools  at  the  Cardinal 
Classi.  She  also  finished  sixth  in  the 
200  meters. 

Outfielder  Josh  Lettiere  took  Ihe 
honors  for  the  week  of  April  17-24  by 
knocking  four  home  runs  in  a  double- 
header.  Lettiere  hit  two  round-trip- 
pers in  each  game. 


The  Board  of  Trustees  approved 
the  naming  of  the  swimming  pool  in 
Building  M  at  its  April  25  meeting. 
The  pool  will  be  kiKiwn  as  the  Roy 
Keams  Aquatic  Center.