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3 1833 01284 9433 

with England and American 


CG. Ne Sinnete 

acne tert 

SLaAnet te 6 WN 

Vathorn families of Maine and the 
west: with England and American 

fet. 525.2 


Se ee ee ee eal 


This Genealogy was prepared at the earnest request 
of many of the Hathorn Fanily in their widely-separated 
homes in the West. Though far from the old Pine Tree State 
Where their ancestors had fought so bravely in avery good 
cause, and where their honest dealings with neighbors and 
strangers had mada the Hathorn name shine brightly, they 
felt deeply grateful Por all these precious heritages which 

had been handed down to te them. With avers one of their 
successes in life , in the many VWesterh States where they had 
lived, they felt the inspiration of these lives that head 
been so grakdly lived on the recky coast of Maine, or 
under its whispering pines‘ Their great regret was that, 
because of their busy lives, they did not know more ahout 
their ancestors. They realized, too, that what had heen handed 
down to them from the past was not always to he relied upon. 
Whenever they had made even slight researches irtt the 
family history they had always found that their people had 
been even of a trner and sturdier type than they had 
been told. So the uppeal grew stronger each twelvenonth, 
"Out of your forty and nore not writing of history tall us 
all that vou can of onr Hathorn Line in 4jmerica, and 
across the seas.” 
andi when this matter wasput before the Hathoarns of 
Maine it was found trat many of them had the same dasira 

for a@Hathorn Histpyy as their Testern relatives, 

=f =. § pee oe 7 = = pS eee 4s ane 93 - 
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Manx, lLlibra-rians and genealogists joined in this plea, eas thay 
rea but scanty Hathorns data outside of the Line cf tre 
famous author , Nathaniel Hawthnorne.uven this which they had 
gleaned for old Town Kecords,&., was not elwags correct, 

The autror of thiS work very soon discovered that 
the task given to him waS not ean easy onée as the date , 
held by old families and Town records, werg es scanty as 
thas found in print. Liany records had béen destroyed in 
the burwing of old homes.Ctners ha-d been written down 
from tradition, which had always been striving to make ail 
of the Hithornes of Maine, and sometimes all of those in mercics, 
to be of the Nathaniel Hawthorne Line, 

One who was sSupposeed to be an authority on Eathonmne : 
datm simply stated,"It took many years for us to learn that 
our Hathorn ancestor was only a brother of the American ancestor 
of Nathaniel Hawthorne." Thede was evicently a Shadow of disaproint- 
ment in this discovery, tor naothing was clearly given in regar3 
to the ancestry of the dHathornés of iiaine, 

The Town Records of Woblwicn,lie.,wnich was the early 
home o? the most important branch of the Hathorne Family in 
Maine, were found to have been poorly kept. Then Kev.Dr. Ssnry 
Thayer of 373 WeIl6th St.,N.Y¥.City, was pointed ou<t as an 
authority on these importent matters. He had lived in fToolwich, 
Me., for many years, and had written much on the early hister 
of that tovwn.He promptly repliea, but explained that he was now 
a very old man and could not give much time to the HH thorn 
records.his enswer was briefly this:" The John Hthorne of 
Sheepscott(Boothbay) ,Maine, was a a Salem,Mass., merchant, who 
sterted intc the land business based on en old Indian deed--hut 
that was 70 years before the H-thornés came to Toolwich,..e, 
and there was no relationship that I cou.d ewer discover 

between these families. Leave this man,vohn Hathorn, and 

ares Ao 
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Willian Hathorn o? St. Georges River, out of the Woolwich 
data. These Hatohornes of woolwich,lie., came there fron 
Wilmington, iiass,y, but sean to have criginuted in Lynn, MISSES « 
four or more generations before. The Hathornes made 2 

numerous tribe inMaine,, seven men entering the voting list at 
Woolwichy,ile., between 1756 and I7°0. But I have studied them 
less than any of the other Woolwich families, because of their 
nunpers and the complexity of their historyesIn a word, a 
widow Hethorne and four or five sons came to Woolwich,i‘e., 
as ancestors of that Stromg old family there. To separate and 
unite these fanilies would require the @6f8 Study of every Tem 
Record for a hundred years.I have most of the marriage dates, 
and fewer of the death records.” 

This was all that could be secured from this which 
had always been reported. to be a “mine of trassures.”,But 
the author haa learned bevore this “to keep the.trail."” ine 
efter several years of hard work he discovered the dmpor- 
tant reserarches of ir.adsbury C.dathorn o+ DreSden,iie., amd 
aurora,Ilis., to which his son, Frank &.Hathorn, had acced much, 
Thus the ancestry of the WoolLwich,iie., Hathornés was clearly 
established. With the nelp of many other kind friends the work 
has peen pushed forward into its present form. 

In the Line of the Woolwich,lie., Hathorns the name is 
Spelled,Hathorn, the way that most of these people prefer ed. 


The nuzbering of their generations from the orslish ancestor 
is given because they preferred that method. It is very 
easy for any one to count down his generation from the 
anerican Ancestor, if he preferrs that method, 

In reply to many queries about the snelling of this 
family name the author presents the forms found in old 
documents , thoush the spellings in angland as seen in that Lirs 
of ancestor, woul? seen to be correct. dAnciert and mnofern roms 
of the name} Hawthorne---Hauthorne--- Harthorne--- Hathorne--- 

and dathorn,. The Ethorns of sine Claim that their ancestors 


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eranged the Spelling of the name to H-thern, so that their 
tetters Pram their “riends in England would be sure to 
reach then.ividently that Form of spellins did not lore 

uch has been eiven in this work regarding the | 
aescendints of the female dathorne Lines, as some of tne Stroneset 
fanily characteristics hate thus besn nanded down throuch | 
long generations, and because such linss are almost whelly 
ignored by many cenealocists. 

Thou n Wathaniel dawthernsé's sreat love for the hilis 

and streas of Maine, anda Yor Bowdoin Collese where he Spent so 

man, happy deys, are well know, Scace has not been given to 
his records, pecaugse they are so well preserved.tThe fatecs tc .otece 
interest of this work is centered on a Line equeily noble 

and faithful in ail walks of life. 

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eK > aS ee le sy 
(Ist Generation as traced in inelend) C4045 HATHORN oF 
Bray, County oY” Berkshire, Angland; born abo.t I4f. 
@he name of his wife is not given. 

chil cren were oO 
2nd Ceneration) Thoma 
2nd generation) J 

( 2na ) Rebert dathorn, 
( ena us Jone Hathorn. 

(ena Hi ) Alice H-thorn. 

(2na Wes Jom #tnorn. 

(ena " ) Willian Hathorn. 

(2n4 Is ) denry Hathorn. 
(ena iy ) Hlizsbeth dathorn. 

BR SE FRE OL AE a pS A fe 2k Ke a Oc a ok OK am Dr OY Oe 

4 er apes ees ; a es AAP 
(2nd gsacravion ) THOMAS HATHRORY of Bray, County Berkshire,=ns lan 
born about 1520 . 
Married irs. Jone Pcwrey, wiiov of estimahle character, 

(Za genoration) William Hathorn .(See data below this list) 

(Za " ) Christopher d:thorn, 
- (34 no) Thora Hathorn, 
3a ) Thomas Hathorn. 

(3a " ) John dHataorn. 

(3a i ) vene Hathorne 
ee EE Se i i Lae 
(¢ od generation) Willian dathorn of Bray & Bintield, snsl 
Zorn acout 1545; died eune 22, 1626, 

ilarried June 25, I570 Annie Perkins, who was born at Sintield, 
argland, cna died Peb.I2,1027, 

(4th generation! Jone Hatnorn. 

(4th n  ) Willier H2thorn ( See deste next vace) 
(4th "  ) Hathiniel iethorn. 
( 4tn " ) Slizsbeth Hathorn, 

(4th " )  ifary Hathorn. 

(4th 1 ) anne gat-orn. 

4$n generation) ‘ilitam Sather of Bintield,inslené: harn 
1g75; dieé Oct-18, 1650; Wife Sarah------.- 
He came to america with Governor Vithrop in the ship 4-> 
, g (5th neneration) Wy: tiie: mathorh,Besove™ to Sale-,iasr, 
See p-4 Lhe asmeestor of the famous eutheA,Jatteniel Hasiherss, 

th  gererstion) 
eth W ) Joane 
Bt ) 


(5th Wy } Rebert Hatorn. 4c 
(oth we ) John dathorn 0 Iéez (See pelos this list} 
(5th re 
(oth ’ 
(5th W 
> a as Me oe ee st pa OS RAR 
(Sth generation) eohn dathorn born isl at Binfield, Count: 
of Berkshire,inglani, ; baptized iich 20, I62I. in LIesn came to 
anerica with . his brevher Williem Hathorn in the Ship arsbella 
with Governor Winthrop. ae first settled at Selen,kess, In [54: 
he w@S a tavern keener at lialéen,wass; in I650 roved to LY DR. 
. there he died vec 12,1/76.ai8 Nill sworn to Jan eo, Gn. 
named Sargh------- - 
Tol 2: \ Qa = 2 , 
(6th generation Sarah Zathorrbopticea at Saler,iese.,Jys 
2 T6445 4 Seo 2, I76E John Breed eof Lan; acess, 
(S05 generationg) John hathorn; died young, 

> (6th " ) Priscilia Rathorn; baptized July 22,7649, 
odseaccoccaooococobe i Jan Id, I669 Jonathan Shore, 
(6th generation) Willian Hathorn ve:-iiced at Lynn,liass., 
I65I; died Sept I4, I676, 

Joth generation) Mary Hathorn baptized at tynn ,Mass.,cviy, 
I653; died Dee GI, 1676, 

(6th generation) Ebenezer Hathorn bartized at Lynn,lass., 
ch, 1656. (See records next page) 

(6th generation) Phoebe Hatkorn baptized lch.,Is65, 
(6th " ) Nathaniel Hathorn;; Kh Mary Gott, 
(7th generation) Blizabeth Hathrn bd Oct., 1691. 

(7th us ) Mary Hathorn b Nov 5,16¢2; - 

, died vune 0, I693, 

(7th generation) liathaniel Hathorn o 1698, 
(7th) Eleazar Hathorn bp Jan 20, 1705; 

died in infancy, 

(7th ) Zleazer Hatrorn b Jan I9, 1706. 

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RST RSS KS aH Re SAK RI Rk AR A Akt woke 
(6th generation) Gbhenezer Hathorn of Lynn, Mass.; born Mea., 
I65¢é; baptized at Lynn, Mass., I656. Made a9 Frewan apr 18 hoor. 

Married Dee 26, 1683 Esther Witt. The chilcren, 

» (7th generation) Sarah Hathorn born Oct 26,1684, 

(7th " ) Mary Hethorn ob lien 14, 1687; 4 at I month, 
(7th " ) John Hathorn b Jans 5, 1688, 
(7th n ) Samuel H-thorn ob Apr I7,I69I. 

See his records below this list, 

(7th generation) Mary Hathorn bd May I, 1694, 

(7th w ) Hepsibeth Hathorn b aor 5,1697, 
(7th " ) Ebenezer Hathorn 0b July 17,1765, 
FR AR Ae Ra KO OO 2 AK OK 2c 2 2K OK 2 a OK kK 2K 2k 
(7th generation) Samuel Hathron ob Iymn, Mass., apr 17,1691; 

Baptized at Lynn, liass., aug I7, I69I; died before I760, 
Removed to Wilmington,Mess., where ke was a fine farmer, 
M(Ist) May 13, 1714 Susannah Gillje 
M(2nd) Feb II, I74Il Grate Tay Walker, who married next,Celeb Zames, 
The children were of the Ist marriage: 
(Sth generetion} Elizabeth Hgthorn b Dee II, I7I6. 

M Dec.,i742 Edward Kendall, 

)8th " ) Jemime Hathorn b Meh 12,1715, 
(8ta " ) John Hathorn b Oct 2I, I7I19; a June 2.1720: 
(8th a | John Hathorn b Dec 28, I720. 

See data below this , 
ee eS ee eee a ee ee ee ef 

(8th generation) Jom Hethern b Dee 24, 1720; "Died in 1777.” 
Resided st Lynn & Wilmington,iiass:, 
Married ebout I742 &Sther Wyman, daughter of Captain tiyman. 
She waS a woman of great executive ability; of g fine Panily. 
7 "Soon after her husband's death ehe renoved to Woolwich,iie.;, 
| with her sons, John, Seth, James and Jacob; the son Nathaniel later 
: ‘on moving to Dresden,lie." 
Registry of Deeds, Canbridce,lass., May I4, I779.isther Hathorn 
to Daniel Going , Deed.isther Hathorn , Widow; children,dgohn, Villian, 
Seta, James, yeomen; Jacob & Lemuel , minor children; and Ssrah, 
Spinster;; all of Woolwich, iie., & Nathaniel Hathorn or Oétia 

Wilmington,Mass. Receive? and enterea in the peooks, aug If,i7&s. 


Tre children of John dsatrorn & Esther Wyman were born at 

WALMiNEtON, was Sey of the 9th generation from the English Ane«stcr 
and of the 4th generation from the dmerican ancestor ,conn 

The Line of descent from the English ancestor has usually be=n 
followed dy the descendants and is tns marked here. 
List of John Hethorn's children from the Wilmington,Mass,.,fecords, 
BR PERE A A RO EO IR OK OR OE OOK ok ke ok ah ake 
(9th generation) Jom Hathorn born Jan 19,1744; died at 

Woolwich,ie., apr I (II), 1815, eged 7I years.Removed ‘rom 

wilmington,ifess., to Woolwich,me., with his widow mothea and brotrers. 

Married Nov 27, I766 Tabitha Coing of Wilmington,Mass., born, 
culy Ié,1737; died at Woolwich,Me., Apr 27, 1826, aged 89 years; 
the daughter of Daniel Going & Egther----- 

Data of the Yanily and descendants nages 6--SZ $f. 
FRR OK AL SE OK OK AO 2 RO Oke OE OK OK Fe aK ok 2K oe 

(9th generation) Samuel Hathern bp May 7, 1746, 
Removed to Woolwich,ve. No further data found. 

I me OK RK 2 OK om ek OK 3 BK OK a 2k ae 

(9th generstion) Willie: Hathorn a) Meh II, 1749, 

Died at oolwicnh,lie., gan 31, 182I, aged 69 years. 
Renoved tc Woolwich,mwe., Witno widowed mother & brothers, 


Li Meh 30, I7S0 ary Jenkins b Wilmington,Mass., Nov 29, 
G6 $I75I ; died UMay 22, 1829, 

See data of fanily page 32:7 

Dh af ak a Hk OK SO ak ke ke a ak ac ak 

(9th generation) Seth Hathorn born Nov &,I75I; died 
at Voolwich,iis.,where he had removed witn his mother and 
brothers,cune 2,1804. a Revoluticnary soldier. 

Married 1779 Saran Thwing born Boston,liass., Jan I2,1753 

died at Woolwich,le., June 2,1804; the davghter of Judge 
Nathaniel Thving of Woolwicnh,iie. 
(I0th  eeneration) Seth Hathorn,er. 
_ (10th " ) Betsy Hathorn. 
Married June 20, I814 Jom G,Gould, 

Write R.Gould,Canton,Chio, 

— rn 

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eee ee ee Set” 

(tot) foawra }f then, 

Married moh 7, Isis W,eHiscock, 

(10th) <abiseil Eathorn. 

Married Robert Maxwell of Bowdoinnam,ice, 
i Testa pese® SER-TM 

de OO 2k ko DK OK Me RK ee Ee OK 

(9th generation) Sarah Hathorn b eh Is, 1754, 

x I781 Ebenezer Hasey,or 

HK Ra KK EC EN aR SR oO 2 OE OK OK OK Ob a Oe 
(9th ceneretion) Nathaniel Hathorn »b dan 19,1757, 
Removed to Maine atter his mother 18S, and located at 
Pownsalborou:hb, now Dresden,iie.,"Jyune I4qm 1788 Nathaniel 
Hathorn was one to assist in taking the Inventory of 

the © estate of George Couch of Pwonalsboroug h,iie." 

Headed de was @ Revolutioyary soldier. 

uM. Dee 20, 1782 Mary Reed of Wiscassett,ile."Her father reneved 
from Cembridge,iass. to Woolwich, Me., sbout 1754; had 4 Zine 

(I0th generation) ames Hathorn 

(I0th " ) Lemuel Rathorn, 

(I0th " ) Catherine Hathorn. 

(loth " ) amy Hethorn. 

(Iota " ) Nathaniel Hathorn. 

(IOTH " ) Jude Hathorn. 

(I0th " ) Matilda.Hathorn. : 

* (Ioth =") Lucinda Hatborn. i 

(I0th n  ) Woman Hathorn. ; 

(10th " ) Hannah datnorn. i 

( IOtn " ) Mehitable Hathern. F 
BK OK 2k de ok ee ook as ae i ho ke te te bag OR a OR Kak SK yr oR AE ‘ 

(9th generation) Janes Hathorn b dune £, 1760; died at 
Palerno,iie. July 21, 1844; to Voolwich,iie., with mother, 

MoMary Thine of \woolwicn,hie. 
Dat or the faiily pages a HO-F1. 

PE ee ea 


(9th generation) Sacoth Hathorn Mey I,1753; 4 : 
Dec 31, I838. Resided at Bovwdoinham,iie, for many years, : 
Married Chloe Shaw born at Wilmington,iiass.I762, of a sturcy 
ola tamily; died at “Noolwich,ie., Jan 15,185, 

Data of tre tamily pages 53 ~777, 
(74) ee Pathan. b.  wRlly 1706; Lc Urabe 


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ee. 2 oe. oo ee ee. 

(9th generation) Jonn Hathorn ob Wilmington,uass., Jan 19 


‘1744; a@ at Woolwich, lie., Apr II, I8Ib , eged 71 years, 

"He livecd at Georgetown, he., On the Kennebec River, nesr 
where the city of sath now StancS, and was there at an 
early date. In I75¢° what is now ‘Woolwich,Mve., was set of 
from Georgetown,le." 

Sketch from the Bath, lie., Independent, Sept 25,I%II1: 

"One of the oldest, largest, and best known , Yamilies ot 
all Woolwich,lie., bears the name otf Hathorne., end all are 
well--tédo people who Wave worked hard and won success in 
their labors, Many of the family have remained at Woolwich, 
end are reckoned snong the most propperous citizens o? the 
towneSome have held Town offices, and have always held then in 
a creditable Manner, The name of Hathorne is a good one 
wherever cone may go in the town. Cne of the earliest 
Settlers at Woolwich, Mee, waS Lt. John Hathorne, who 
WwaS anotticer in the Revoiutionary War, and whose body lies 
buried in the little cemetery at WNegquassett, along with tnose 
of many good men and true of that period, From him tEave 
agescended many Hathornes. His son, Daniel H2thorne, wes born 
in Woolwich and lived there all of ois life. Something over 
fifty years ago he passed on to the great Beyond. Daniel 
Hathorne took the farm on which his son, albert Hatrorne, nov 
lives, anda wrested it trom the wilderness, cutting of 
the trees, tearing out the sturps, and maxing from the 
forest fertile fields end garden patches. Later on, he sold 
the place to his son, Hsrtley Hathorne, and went to a point near 

Day's Ferry, and built the large, old--fsashioned, Square, 

- a 
a oe =, Cal eee ee We stay Sai 
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: rOcN | Beer) ee ee | oe eeseti 
PS Che ik ek eae ay ees eon 
= : Ranks, Ie cae Tre eet dit eae 
—— z (oe Bey Lore 2 eee Cee Setias 
SA etl bere = : bo S60 Teepe 
odo off elias mae. FF. 2. 
= a te po | eas S etencse «ivete. 
7 - 
= a eae Caney ae ont eae b>) ee es 
7 ra : ey fi : ee fe a ee) a 2A 6 eee 
- a 
—— 7 a es ol) oS aati be ne 4 2 
; we , net. S@@erisea teeth ie soe 
_ —— oe 
ae A eho». . he 1 Eee et 

: 7 ; a iy OO : abe —_ el pie Age a iene 

a , 7 35 er ee ee ee 
: = ae Poe tess ee eva 
7 a Pos ; ee ee re Se = aad 
: hey - ne eee iT wee 7 re 
the eS ee 
a 7 ad ee re oe a or it atts14s 29; 
oe 7 =e) > ah > yom Sta OF awe. 

Ss = 737438 =a it 5 wr S1t1n She | ato. 


house wnien ali admire so much. It is one 

neuseSs in the town, navinge 

of over one hundred years, ana is 

preserevation and repair, It was built of 

material, which wes then more easily 

could be nowe Tc see some of the 

would make some builders of to-day envious; 

boards, which, thougn they may have be=n 

a century, ere still as sound as a nut. 

was one of those sturdy old characters, 

the tives in which he lived. He was 

and alweys surmounting every obstacle 

de wes a ‘farmer, and yet he 

in the right season, He cut many 

end, to add to his 

conducted a saw mill at ‘Toolwich,iMe., 

sawed much af the lumber whica is fouwmda 

of the town. liany kmow the Hathorne Parm 

fact that the late Capt. Guy C.Goss, for 

Bath, Maine's leadins citizens, and prominent 

owned this farm, which thus became knovn 

Yarm.come years this property was sold 

‘of the 


Howard, who is one most prosperous 

woolwich,ie.,y He is getting large crops from 

of over one hundred acres.Daniei Hathorne still 
lerge number or erandchildren and also many 
grandchildren. <Amone these are the 

hooiwich,ve,----- iirs,Tucker, Wiscassett, 

Goss, who lives in the West--- 

D.J.Hathorne, Woolvich,ie,---- 
Rachel Thompson, Bet hyue.--- 

withstood the storms and eurs 

Still in 



so well identifieé 

which presented itself, 
dial something at 
trees, 2nd hauled 
occupatiors, he 

and at 


Yollowing: Albert Hathorne, 
White, Fittsfield,iie.--- Katherine Trott, 
Clara Haskell, 
L.G.Hatzorne, Elendive,iontsana--- 

Emily Mareh, Wakefielé, 

the oldest 


a good state 
good old 
than it 
in this house 
great, wida 
in service for over 

Ta th 



at work, 


out Many 
for many years 
these miils was 
in the old houses 

best from the 

years one of 
shipbuilders , 

as Goss 

to Isaac 3, 

tarmers of 
this farm 
has living a 



Massoe -- = 

ae : : : ss - PS er 
= : 7 ary =e a Rok of a4 
; ah re °T faye oe coy se Sg 
7 os Sertitem ~ettee ose- 549@ co Slleh tut - odie 
~~ ahas a sibeom eas Yo 45% <n. a® for =4 Aros 
pe ahie=abistitnds Miveef Go ered sate ez a Sine 
iS ri BEE es “atts “skeen i wom 
lesan Ge 40 ie 1 oon) cman - Deir S te =? ey ei 
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nl van, rote Se PEM Sint e204 i ae 2 =) ae 
St 2 1 et isizy BAtar sdaed = Oe ia) Briann: ar 
mals PAPE ihe or ie! eT Pectin oe ; “3 
ee Coe ee ee ee ae 
. - : aiid ae a a a mr: 
eet ees E+ i RD (ee = - 4 * . Baines 

7 ary hie oagies ele Ole ahh eat sl) a = 

: oT 5 Giaken Grae ONE Gre ares Sano) ea 
al deeds 7 ee 
— p= y 7 7. c cee oa : — - a 
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= 7 — 2 f ey Vy : -_ os ye" 
LO fall eriy ae a ms — y a is oe She a ae) i) 
ae aa ue te 25 S40 - fu oe re 7 af ‘ 
Pe ah — evel iy + : (O68 eT ra oes te ia ra 

comers rae Tes —— Fei 4 on sy Cc > seca 
a 0 a 7 - 7 on 
- @ —— 7 7 — a -—~ = P= a ~ Ls — 



annie Yarren, waketield, Mass--- Henry J,Haskeall, Clemdive, 
wontena-- a.Pus haw, Pittsfield, Me,-=-- ayre Haskell, 
Hartlend, lie. " 
Job: Hatherne iM. at Wilmington,lass., Nov -27, I76 

Tabitha Going b Wilmington, iiass., duly I6.1737; 4 

y 0 avr £7,193264 
aced 8S years; the daushter of Daniel Going and 
BStnher-=- = S53 222k 
Their hildren were ot the 
(I0th generation} vchn Hat -orne 2eTe,b Georgetomyiie., 

(a few sey »Wilméneton,Lass), Sept 22,1767; d at Richmond,jue., Cot 

ol, I848, 4 succes 


sful tavern keeper, 

ii June 2, I790 Elizabeth Goodwin Gray b Leh 2,1769; 

M(2nd)  aug., I80g Elizabeth Bickford ob 
died. Sex 22, I856. 
Full data of the tanily paces T2--M.A% 
TR A ma a ae ae eae Lak a a 
(Ioth generation} Daniei Hathorne ob Meh 4,1769; 
died May I6, 1859, 

M Nov &, @006 1796 Hannah Gould, who died Oct £e 

Full data or the tarily peres 2ds-- 52.57. 

OK > 3 3K ok ook eH ok ot x 
(loth generation) Hgther Hatsorn pb 

Jan 27, I77I3 ad cet 6, 

M Feb 6, I80I David (Some say Janes) Gilmore, who 


June 2, 1829, No record of children round. 

EL Ro a ook ae oe OE 

(loth generation Joanna tharn »b Feb II, 1775; 

ad June 8, I87c. 

ai Dee I8, 1796 Thomas Kimball of Beth, Me, 

FEE DOR aR aR a RR kak 
(10th) Samuel Hathorn b M 

M May I8,1806 Abigail Whitten, who died Mey €, I857. 

Co ee ee ee ee 

: = o/—“> 
7 a a ic 
wy 09 
2) Ue ee O 
a ota - 
- C 
9 wo 
7 7 
1 fe, 
by maey ae i 
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i] eno 
7 = 
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: ; 
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eo 2a. 
7 ’ v7 fa 

eC eae == — =~ =—~ 
v7 oes) 2D LIS 3s ee PS eee cl? ee 
' oe a - 
A demt jd y tewid he Ve _ Sie as, 
an CR - E onk 
TARAS ce oars ehtee ee ae 


Se ae = S ~ 

S32 ies ee ee 
i _ 3420s nn fet ad 
ee yi eo - an 
ae a OER StS Fat} 
5 a — —_ 7 ar a = = ra 
9) Pian 2S a shang ee Phat Se ey 
a) a 7 a - 
eT ‘ ent r Per - 
7 ie Ea . sto ee ee aes ‘ea 
m ow isn 7 ee ee 
: Se ee Roics = "485 : 
ence + ee 
7 5 1 7 = ine : _ 
a0 a ee iyvee (eae ts ret ‘ae 
a 7 - % ee a 7 pa a 
oe- = = == 
~—olt po : = ary 
: : Sa (Se fe sete  — 
ee a) Nl uel ae 
7 a -- 
r3 oy = 
ps d 7 = eee an . ot ones 7 
wal? 7 
= —— > — = Pan 7 - 
=f ME ee Oe as 
rT 7 - - : 7 
7 a =. —- - o 7 
a Dhaene 5 i ote ae * 
- ia 
7 4 - a Cy: _ as 7 pow 
: : 
Pec (Ores ae : ae 5 
- a 7 - _ : 
“se noo ; 
pi (a » 4 a Da aoe 3) 
a a 
et ee es ee 
ms - a* 
= can - Aa 
7 : D 

(IIth generation: Maria Hxthorn b Feo 18,1807; 

(IIth  eenerstion) Sacueil Xinball Setnorn b Cet 
ad at Riciniond,iie., Oct 28, I845, 

M liza Gilmoré who died at Hichrond,lie. 

Geom (Ieth ) James Hathorn. 
(I2th) Abbie Hathorn. 

(IIth generation) Charles Whittier Hethorn b Jan 10, c82 

Isii; da lich 26, 1855% a farmer in the We. torns, Voolrvicz 
and Niscassett. He and his wife members of the Free 
Baptist nurch. : 
M Clarissa walker b Woolwich,iie., ; the dauchter of 

Bargiiiei Walker & Mis Me Kenney. 

(I2tn generation) Sarah Maria Hathorn b May 14,1835, 

i Sanuel Bo&érdman Reed. Divorced, 
(I2th/ Charles Te Hatnorn b Wiseassett, Me., 

Nov 28, 1826; trarmer; Republican, 

M Mary S.Preble; daughter of Ceptain Harvey Preble, 
(ISth generation) Harvey Freble Zathorn o Jan 
4,1865; Post Master at Woolwicn,lie., Gexersl store, 

Selectman for % yearS.rrogressive in politics, 

. He and his wife members of the Baptist 
M  aAnnie Leonard of Boston,Mass; educated at 

Chelsea, Mass. daughter of Joseph B,Leonerd 
® end Charlotte 4A4.------ 
(14th ) UDOO L.dathorn born July 


re 2 ape! ? {2 
: 7 _ 
7 + 24 ses* \ <iendihemd 
a : = ee ss - 
_ OO 
a 7 mie aa nw = eS 
oe a a So oe tots) se fae aad =~ 5 
_ = 7 a 
- - e 7 io= Oe ig hae Ltow) Co t= 2 
Ve pel eee Re Skene ge ete ee 

: ceo eee PUT) Gop” 
uy cgee. Sian) 

ee ween - 

aL <0) es nn Ce, oe oor 

ee ent) a’ oe io 
so a a ite +3 eer wees 
ess 2a & 
a4 7 1) ae th @ Pee . 6 a mu ony ea 
: Sum Ls Se ee: eee) a 
ora » .4 " io a i ae v ae ee ey Hes cd ; 
+ 5 6 a = - = t — - — = = We - 
Dore ea oes Se 
- 7 - et) oy 5 aie ee ie (= a% 0 Weary 
7 7 -— 
ee st ok pe a-ere  ) 
er de Ps O71 Ser ( 
= : a6 . 7 
ON Sn Lee = \echevae ss 
: OO 
ne es ee 7 
i _ Pree oer a : esa | : 
7 : S 7 
a _ a a ay Eb 7 a we = 
7 - 7 




(I2th generation) Barzillai Hathern b iscassett,ie., 
aug 28, 1839. 
il liza iorse of Bath, We. 
(Ieth ) Willerd Hatforn b Wiseassett, e., ji- 

28,1841; i at Seattle , Washington, but name of fis 

te not given. 

(12th) Gilbert Hethorn b Dec SI, 1843; died Feb £7,606 
1265. Lived in the iie. townS Woolwich & Bath, Bock. 
Keeper & Surveyor; Republican; he and his wife 
members of the Baptist Church.Free llason; Ke. of F, 

al May 3, I860 Sarah 2.n.0urtis b Bath,lie., 

may 65,1946 

echools of Bath, Ne; ea writer of mény stories ena 

historical articles in Kaine journsls. The dauchter 
of Jom F,xu.Curtis « uydia M.l.Goslin of 
" ‘arrowsic & Gardiner, iie. 
(I5th generation) anna G,dathorn b Jan 3 

ko July 2, 1892 Fyanx d.snipe, 

(15th) derry E,Hathorn b Nov I, gece 

(12th ) Hewry H.Hathorn ob ag 23,1845, 

(12th) Clara A.Hathorn b Dee I? 1B5C, 

Hut horn ) Dee 20, I8I3; 

» woo died liay I, I900. 

(12th) Leward A.Hatkorn b 

(I2th) Horace H.dathorn b Jan 20 I846; St 

Said to heve much Hathorn data. 

(I2th) Edward Hathorn b Sént I7, 1849; 4 Aug SI,i@51. 

(I2tr} David Ernest Hathorn b Feb I5,1856, 



- we 7 7 
Pia oa ao pave nos AS32h ae, s45T 
hc is 
oan ra - 

SSI. Gath 

ea pai a 



na cas aA a eeeraye 
ee es oe 

pep wae ane Verde aie 
- Ts >) oy -_ 
7 oo S 
- y af ye a - 
a a 
ae ee 
is 3 : en anne 
7 ete ey - _ 
== -- -— = 
7 a a = oc. Oe Io a 
ss “SS 7 

a _ : 
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- 7 _ 

sat ae ; at er z= — 7 
¥ : 7 ; 7 - - = al 
vi Pal i es : Q Ca _ =) 

; - ae 
ae a Aye sc jeath 


(IIT: generution) Gilbert Hathorn b Feb I4,18i¢; 4 
LOGAWLCH 26 0., Jan It, ISGe. 
uw aanna ann Carlton of Dresden,ile., die Sey 
Tne chiltren were born at woolwich,e. 
(I£th zaneration) Ximbelifcathorn d DENG Lo, l8ol. Sz S 
1869. ! 
(124) Sama dane Hathorn b ov 14,1852. 
(IZth) Asa G,Hathorn ob June 14,1854, 
(12th) George G.Hathorn b Jan 25,1856. 

(12th) Hattie Ann Hathorn b Meh 8,1859, 
(12th) Samuel Hathorn b May 25,1856. 
(Ifth) Francis E,.mthorn bd Dec 22, 1870. 

Be aK ak af ak ak aL a A AAR I SIO ak a 2k ak a ak ake fe ak ak ae ake ak ake ake 
Bh Nee ok ak a Ak ae ake Sk ae ak ake ak oe ake ake af ok ak 

The sixth child of John Hathorn ana Tabithe Going, 

(I0th generation) Seth Hathorn bh Mch 8(14),178C; dieé 
at Woolwich,hie., Aug I8, I856. . 

M dune 12,1806 his cousin, Mary ("Polly") H3thorn torn 

Toolwich,e., liay I5, 1781; the daughter of tm.Hethorn & Mary 

oe Pesss 
(IIth gereration) William Hathorn b ‘Woolwich,Me., 

lich 27,1807; ad Sept 6, I8I9. 

"The children all died young. 

Fer sketek—otSeta ththren se GH + ets — arpendix; ress 




aad | 
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oe ' a ro 
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- Tien 
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<S 5 ee end ‘oe @ | a 





(I0th gencretioz) John Hathorn, dr., d 


“cy eeEreer termes 

Georgetovn,lie., Sept 

» L767; died at Richmond,iie., Oct ZI, 1848, 

i (Ist) June 33,1790 Zlizebeth Goodwin Gray b Lich ,2,1769; 
d June I5, T8002. 
M( 2nd} aug 7, I843  Zlizabeth Lickford b apr 28, 1782; 


a@ Sept 22, 1856, 

Be PD A A a Ea HR HO aS a ER SL aR ok a ak oR a a af of a 3 ak f 
(IIth generation} Three children ied in infancy, 
FR AK KG Sh ao A OK 
(IIth ) Jot Hathorn ob June I0, I792; a Feb 2,18¢8, | 
Lived at Dresden,Me. where he was born. 
M(Ist) July £,18I5 Susameah Alerender born guna 50, 
I796; died Sept 8, Is22, 
M(2nd) Oct 12,1822 Sarah H.prey vb liov 22,1802; dis 

lich 2, 1877, The chilaren of the Ist marriage, | 
(I2th generation) Seth Hathorn b Liay 9,I8I6; | 
a Feb 15, 1844; resided at Dresden,uaine, ) 
M Oct 27,1858 Hannah a Colburn, | 

(I3th) John G.Hethor b gan 32,1840, 

(I3th) Susie E.Hathorn b Dee 2,184I. 
Resided at Boston,liass, 
M Jan 15,I86° Francis jm. Flytner. 
(IZth) Seth Hathorn bd 4pr I8,1844; died 
4ug 12, 1847, 
(12th) John Hethorn b Nov 2,1817; 4 June ,Ieec, 
M(Ist) Jan 21, 1e45 lary T.Johnson, who died 
apr 21, 1843, : 
ps M(2na) Apr 9, 1848 Hannah White, who died : 
hen I, 1880. No children, ; 
(Ifts) Trin » Zaccharish dathorn b Cet 24,I8IS; a 

Mev 25, 582, : 
M Sept 29, Ig44 Mary Lilly b Jan I8,i820. : 

(I3th} Chas. L.Hathorn 4b Dec 14,18 
ad Sept Ié, I87I. 

ae ee ei Eeuage sg te 
ae Cae 
Fy ae = 

ee a ee 
| sa = im - re 

ae >) oF a 

ot) ass roe aa Ve thes - ons 

; + - a 
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io Faw e rer caer enn 
a eles ae vamEye cten | Tpen}e 

an es arr ow, vi 
OS: cy te Nie o a * Lene ast an | re. ips 7 

ee ee 


- a - _ a 
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WN tea é Ss =) - : - 7 
= 4s a - Ai = ae caer — i 
7 » he el ae wees) Oe a Dee ce - 
tan, Le SCR ei 2 me 
en ae Se — an 

a 7 7 7 4 (2 = a a > 

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OO ; 7 
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7 7 nn ae. ee eee - oO 
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= ? 6s a 7 en 7 
ee ; oe _ 
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- _ 7 >in yas ) g — oe 
7 = 0 0 wGia mT ies 1 ie Riu - 
- : : 7 a a ; 
_ oT son 
- - 
ee eee 2 ee 

: — ; . “Fed _ as 

(I5ta generation) 


(Loéth Eencretion) Lydia C.hatoorn db sune Io, 
I8s5I, Mio Apr «66,1994 Henry Grant, 

(I4th) Neilio 4 Gpant b culy 5,z695, 

(I4th) GChas.i.Grant -& June OT 1S? 

ad aus 17,1998, 

(I4th) Carrie L.Grant pb Feb I9,I879, 

(I4th) Wilbur H.Grant db ov in, 7376 

Leuisa aA.Hathorn b aug 24,1353; 

i liartin Pesrson, 
Lilly F.Hathorn »b 

Oct 3,1864; resides 


ki Sept II,- xzes9 James S,Ward. 

(I2th generation) rin, Eligabe+h hathorn b Oct 24,1819; 
died duly 6, 1895; another Says ,licov 25,1382, 
i aug SI, 1342 Morton Jonson 0b Dec 12,1815; died 
Feb I3,. I907, 
| (13ta) Willian Jomson pb Hov 20, 1842, 
(I3th) Lizzie Johnson ob Deo 38,1847, 
(I3Zth) willie Jomson b Oct 5, 1849, 
x Nov 5, 1870 Katie Bostwick, 
(I4th) Ruth Johnson » July I8, 1894, 
(I4tn! Kathleen Johnson, 

Te children of 

(12th) Lydia 

(I2th) Laura 

Angeles ,Celiforsia., x 

(I2th) Sarah 

(12th) Hattie 
(I2th) Asbury 
He was 

the 2na Merriase of John Hathernen; with 
(I2th generation) 

arah Drer, 

Susannan Hathorn b dpr 7, 1825; a 


C ,Hathorn b 

Meh 4,1827; 4 Oet 5,1822, 

as Hathorn b lay 4, 1930; resides at Los 

May 2,1857 alexander wee@.,No children, 

a.Hathorn June 5. 1834; June 22,1838, 

“.Hathorn Db Jyne In, 1857; a aug 5,ISOI. 

C.dathorn pb Nov 25,1839; a Oct ol, I967, 
born at Dresden,ve. 

In 1826 he 

Oct 9,1826 

Gets ee, 

eee ey) 
7 - 7 a 7 co 
: baal 7 - ms 
i } — 7 j 
- = —<—t ~p 7 i) o 
oe = 7 : a -_ _ 
oe Seon S a) 7 ‘eo 
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Va o- th Seoes ee ot 
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- is 
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12 == f ease - ne ia fied — 

ee mat een 

on a? ary ~~ 


removed with nis parents to iianie Ferk, 
In Ie he wen= to aurore,Ilis. 1870----187e 
he worked in the Qhovs of the Chicago, Burlinsion 

and Quincy KEailrosad. In I872 was made General Time 
Keeper of the Car Deparimert; later was mace 
assistant Chie? Clerk of the Motive Fgwer departrent, 
In July, mgeseGco I883 he removed to Cedisax 
Repids,Iove, and becarie Chief Clerk of the Liotive 
Power Department of the Cedar Rapids & N6tnecvaoc 
Northern Railways Died at Cedsr Rapids,Icwe, and interred 
in Cak Hill Cemetery of that City. 

M oat Rockforé,Il1ls., Meh I5,18¢6 Clara 5S,Roct Lorn 

Lodi,Ilis., cune IO, 1849; a Aug 2°, Ise5. 
M( End) Oct 29, Is97 Kate OC,.Brown. 

Children otf the Ist iis 
(IZth generation) Lionel J Hathorn t Cet 7,1863; 
d July <0, 1897, 
(I3th ) Frank Eaue Claire Hathorn b at 4urora, 
Ills., Sept 9, 1872.; resides 2922 Brattleboro 
Ave.Des Moines, lowa.Fror guty, L883 to Feb.,1S8¢8 
lived at Ceder Rapidse,Iova; Fgo.,1898---lov., Teck 
lived at San Francisco & Berkeley, Californie. 
at Cedar Rapids,tiowa, until May I, I906; since 
then at Des Moines,Iowa..Clerk in the auditor's 
O7fice, Cedar Rapids,Iowa, Burlington, Cedar Rapids 
& Northern Railway& ,18eI---1e9Z.Special agent for the 
Parmers' Insurance Co,, Cedar Rapids,Iowa, 
From 1893 to the present Ipwa State 

agent of the Hsnover Fire Insugz2nce Co. 

OS 7 tS 
oa rs ee ee 
ier Pant fF 3 afm 2h 
a I> cass == t= 6 “+ ee 
eS Ce 
Ai Sr 5 it ee ea ae ea ew 

Na er beets Ser ea acee ae 

a 7 a - : = 

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ED Ve ey Aten ie eee eg 
an ait 7 7 = a 

Ss +7 Ae : 7 9 ee - 5 
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| v; 7 cy : pk) a 5 a irr, - et = fun 

a oe a ee 

rsa —? ee 

io ak Te 7 i i pel 

ST a Sie OR ie) ee a 

eo a or 7 
ey F eT een: 
S a 
ee ee ae ee cs 

— S44 7 a : = = 
° tee ze 7 aaa ees case Rare: = Oe ae - 
7  . 7 = oes - < * 6 
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7 a oe a > Paar! 7 aa] + 7 
poe fe) hte ces: gaat ocd 
ee - ee ae er So 
: = ee " 
7 . — 7 ee ee 
| Ss nate ee ae Ot as 
a Sa Se tS eS vies i eae, 
7 7. ae ra oe 7 tee! grt a7 
ati 7 rr ae a a dg ve 
o a y - _ ao 
ae on! / _ he - Bz 550 a 





tele he 




Republican on nationsl issues, Very active 

member of Grace KMetrodist Church, Des ioines,ilowa., 
and leader of a fine choir. Free Liason, 
A manof sterling worth and of great executive 
re Dee 9, 1896 Lida Mary Smith db onésr 
Newport,ky., Oct I7, I876; graduated from 
Cedar Rapids,Iowa, Business College, I854; the 
daughter of Benjacin Franklin Smith and 
Sarah ¥,Gardiner, 
(I4th) Jerome Benjamin Hathorn b Cesdar 
Rapids,Iowe, Dec §, I857; graduated 
from the Dentistry Department of Iova 
State University, June I919; from Vest 

high echool, Des iioines,Iowa, I°16. 

(I4th’ Clarence iiillard Hathorn t 
Cedar Rapids,Iowa, Feb 13,1899. 
A fine student inthe Vest kigh school, 

Des lMioines ,Iowa, 

oe Hee eee os Pert 

(I4th) Paul asbury Hathorn b Cedar harids, | 

Iowa, Dec I5,190I; schocls of Des ioines, 

(14th) dJares Smith Hathorn b Des isin 
Moines ,lova, ich 14,i9II. 
(I3th generation) Glen ii,dathorn b aurora,Ills., aug 19, 
I876; resides I1£06 Fifth Ave.Cedar Rapids,Iowa., huavire 
been in that City since I8sss, 
Graduated from Cedéar Rapids, 10wa, high school, 1895, 
Machinist & Dreuzhtsman,C.R.l & F Railway. 
Foreman of Cedar Raziis Foundry & Machine Ce, 
Republican, He and his wife taithful members of the 


Methodist Church, Member Liotran Toodmen of arerice,. 

M Wov 20, I90i Hsude i.LU0s.y b Fairfax,Iovs, 

aug 53,1879, 

a wee 
. b 
7 mV 
a 9 
9 7 
; ; 

a _ 
a een ad 7 

7 i oe 

7 a +i se re. 
_ _ — 7 : 


: J 
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- A 4 OY 
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= ys 
7 a - 
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so” 4 , 9 i 
1a TIAL a 
i 7 
o @ 

: Oo S th > -so 
od 7 7 
f p - Ana = 4° $9 7 : 



(I4tr generation) Bieanor R,Hathorn 
(14th) J2unre Blicebeth Hatho b 

(IZtn ceneration) Hatherine i..Hithesn b 

generation) Mary T.J.Hathorn b Oct 

Pep 24 

1868 Oscar F.Sheldon b iicn 17,1 

(IZth) Label Sheldon b Jan 21 .. 3e72; 

ke 3K ae ke 3 Sk Nese ok 

PEW EP ee ok ORK 

Tis child of John Hathorn ,ory & alizabeth Bickdéor 

(IIth generation) Dlizabeth Gowing Hathorn ob 

lov Io, 

msier's t 

store Keeper 

17, I85I. 

822 Samuel Ford Blair b BEOA AWS 4,1785; died 

at ail years to Bath,kie., and learned the skee- 

rade; then a sailor;tren to Nantucket Farm. 

at Ricmond,iie; the son of John Blai 

(I2th generation) Zine Hyde Bleir »b Rt 

1822; a Feb 9, 1894; Ketkodist Minister ,Bath,iic. 

6, I857 Charlotta F,Hitchcock, 

Tye children born at Bath,ite. 

(I3th) Sgmuel Ford Blair, 2nd. bd KE 



Jan 31, 1881; sraduated from Weslyan College; um. 

Ii5th) ctha Hyde Blair, Jr., bd May 29,1859, 

duly I2,1896. 

in Florida Jane, Ifk6 iema lLumdden, 

(14th) Benjanin Sutler Bleir 
Florida, Sept 20, I387. 
(14th) iiaurice Yarren Blair 

City, .d., Sept I7, 13889. 

(Isth) Squuel Ferkins Blair b July I 

d Nov 14,1902; Dentist at Minneapolis ,ii 




Buecksrort,iie., Cet 19, I886 Alice 
(14th) Frederick Howes Blsir bd 

Floride, Dee 5, I887; iiethodist 

21, 1845; 


@ Nov 24,1591, 


Jan 17,1808; 



ov 16,1857; 

b Jacksorviile, 

b Atlantic 

O, 1862, 




iz 7 
= oY Wa eg a ena Nt 
eee / ke 
pe? tet 
a : = et ieee | 
a 2 ee OC ey 
: ee ET 7 oak ie a Da Meal yoces. 933. weisg, > tts nl 
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_ hie ees ery: . fit ait ore nee ti 75s) 
Pee ee 7 _ - 
‘i> | Tin et Be aaa roe care iad So Zan 

om tT 7 

a = 1 cer 2 eee 7 se be meee ae | kes 4 = 
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Pee ae eee enters ce re? es 
oes Wai Saree a7 +4 io 5) ee 

7 = 64 a Sa 2. ‘- - a _ 
om a : Do-s,. a= po aes aan. pe ans i Ted 

ae > a _ 


m Jose hine Dayton of wyrneapolis,iiinn, 
(I5th eeneretion) 2 children, 

(I4th generation) Charlotte Swazey Blair bd 


epolis,iinn., icn 5, I89G, 
li Jan 25, I9I5 Maurice Varney Jenness 

(I5th! Blair Jenness b Jan 4,19I4, 

(IZth generation) Twins, Ossian Hitekeock Blair & Tesso 
Chapmam Blairs b apr 24, I866; the Ist died Dec I4,186°, 
The nd died Jan 25, I876. 

(12th) Intent daughter d day of birth, Nov 4,187i, 

(I3th) Charlotta Hlizabeth Elair  b Dee 

Zina Hyde Blair 4&.(2néa) Dee 20, 1888 ary igubard of Bath,liec. 
No children, 

(I2th generation) Martha Carlton Bleir b lch 9,1825; died July 
C; . 

IZ,1I856. li Oct 22,1348 , Parker merrill Whitmore b <AvrowSic,ize., 

liov 22, 1825; 2 Dec 18,1895; lived at Fichuiond,iie., I867; at 

Bath,Me., 1870. 4 sea Captain from the age of 21 years, Ship 

builder; ship broker; Danocrat; Free iason, “In early life he 

followed the sea; after the Civil War he settled at Richzonéd, 

Me; in I870 removed to sath,iie., where he built several Ships; 

then a ship broker; Commar:dea the pak Globe; ship Lllem Meria; 

Ship kartha Whitmore; ship Constitution;; Ship atlanta; ship Zougre; 

followed the sea until I&69; carried more than 100 

across the Atlantic, and never ha=d a loss of any kind." 

The son of Tilliam Whitmore & Charlotte Parker, 
(I3th) Elizabeth Blair Whitmore de at I year, 

(I2th generetion) Leuuel Carlton Blair b dang 29, 1827 ; aic3 

—— -_— F 
a i 
=e a 
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- - 
ee Sel ee ae , aT 
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Le 4 yoo 4D a 4, 7 wes eee 
rd 7 ae = & 

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es 1s 2F- 
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wee! a 9 q im ee a 
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7 & . 

es pao So ne 33° fare oom 
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© hi t VU IG S _ loae 2 
7 : 


7 : ae : _ 
a te eee eo rr er Chae 
— ae en ee, 
ae rn 2 Toe 
a - a ang weit a oars - a 
bars: or ee oe 
—- 7 7 7 - — - 
6 a Pe a 7 =>, ie q oy 7 - TOs: y : - Ss 
= os ah (9 Grey we ui _ q ee ATC cy van TS j 
ot Clap i ieee er enn re Pe a ere f 
4 o _ in Wy : a i 77 4 nn © ves 
= P Lo lane MO eee ae te = tee 
7 A a | of 7 ch aoa . Z 
: ete Es oe Otic. a 2 
—— s =y * See fe an 7 =i ear 2 us” aioe 
° a a coe on fl =Tf, eee 
oe : ee ee ee | 


Apr I6, I899; munmarried. 
meee eee TERRE 

(I2th) Harriet Lonise Blair b Sept 15, nee; 4 Oct 28,1862. 

M Dec 14, I8d5I Abial Lihny who a gan 33,1897, 

(I3th) Harriet Hlizabetn Lihhy db apr 9,1854, 
kh in Richmond,'!a., Sent 2,1884 Hodine Auten hb at Ovia, TY, 
(I4th.) Madelain Anten bh Caro,Nieh., July 20, 
I887. M Jan 2, 1917 Clark 5.Mc Kenzie. 

7 (Icth) beredith Bodine Anten b Caro,Nich., Apr 
j HM I8, I89I; graduated from Bowdoin Collere,I9Ie. 
Ho odime 6, I880 Virginia Wiley of Cass “ity, 

fs! (I5th} Charlotte Rlizabeth anten bh Hay 7, 

Hs 9a, 
(Iathj Marths Cariton Lihby b Dae 26,7856 3 a anily 21,I8h, 
ei (IZth) Joseph Blair itthy b aug I, I859; a duly 16,1860. 

(T2th) Georgianna Knox Libby » Sept 6,786I; a ane IT, Gan 

' *** the abial Libhy if and iirs.Joseph Hathorn, mee Rings wo 
v 1 a) 

**"* died Jee 12,1906; their chiliren Vera: Alicea Mibhy-- 
(***** Frederick Libby - -Francia Libby. 


(I2th generation) Mary Mlizabeth Blair h Oat IS,182I; da dune I, 

BeooDec J, 1857 Capt.Parker Berrill Whitmore b Arrowsis, lie, Nov. 
22, 1824; a Deo 18,1895; see page I7. 
(12th) Hucenia Antoinette Whitmore b Richmond,wie., 
dune 28, I85S; r-sides 70 How8lnd St., Roxbury ,asse 
Removed to Bavh,Ma., in I870; graduated from Bath,tie., 
Grammar School & fron Hallowell, Mae., Classical 6CAG 
Sohool; attends the Unitarian Church, 
MooApr 15, 1885 Chas.Aucnstus Rowell b Sntton,N.#., vay 
2%, I85I a ISfl; eradnated from Medford,Mass., hich 
school; Custom Tatlor; Free Mason; son of Gaorgea A.Rawell 
& Hepsy Cnuttine Bean of Sutton & Tarren NH. 

- (14th) Parker “~Mtmora Rowell b ea 20,1887; 

oh ew inyeley 


. it ral Sythe 7 


ah" tear reumey abel toa 

er ee Cee ess: a eae” 
: 7 q? 
’ ae aaa | as - rt } 
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- a - — - ~~ 7 
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Soy ee, vs, 2 ry ne Caciiy tai) Winaagth " os va 
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w itis 5, ue ™ ay 7 aR en re ee) ae as 
grit ba pe kaioas Ue hd Forest 
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Get Rees —— ro) a rn oe 
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ae oi or rs TD SS17 Set gee 
bt va ce in) ee aT iis st fete? 
= : a. 
Ot Sal 7 ahs a Te 5 ql - Tae ifes 
7 a ea hig 3aeah 
nae i 6 ne —— em, pireate i ai Al ay ie =k t 
_— _ = ane 7 AO ms, 7 en - oF 7 Ta _ 
Bey rey Gan ee ee ns eae + wen te Do ASN 
heey % ? en) oe a ae i= 21 7 suki pe > fae, etm iA 
a a Oo 7 7 us a4 
oe ans iF 0 ead =, artes: ye 
a _ a 7 re .) - 7 - a | 

a Iv < = ee = 
a Le 
Graluat24 rom Doxwbury, Mass., Learn Schoo, TUGes 
from Bovdoin Collesg:, I9i2; no with the aterbury, 
Ctr odl Company’. 
’ HemucCy | s5 I91S Janet Chesley vaterbury, Ct. 
(15th) Zilzebeth Chesley tovell ob Aloan;, 
N.Y, Pah - 7, L915. 
(5tr) Jean wnittlese; Rowell bd enanés,N.¥., 
Jury — 26,-—19L7. 
(I5tn) iiarths Waitmore Rowell bo Waterbury,ct., 

Feb &5, Isic. 
(I4t: seneration) dHepssy Rowell b jwy 8, 1892; 
graduated from alo dill School, I9Z0; and from iiss 
hie Allister's Scheol, I9II. In i921 Erivate sscretery to 
a snecialist in dentistry. | 
(ISth eeneration) mary barker Whitmore b June,I863; died 
alu 4, IS86d. 
(15th) Harriet Louise Whitmere  »b Jan IS, 18663 resites 
in Bostoen,Zass. Craduated from Bath, Le., high school, ISci. 
bi John Baxter Hoover of Philadelnphia,?a., draughtsman in wns 
(14th) Catherine Shaw Hoover b Miay I,  I892. 
(14th) iierrill Whitmore Hoover b aug 25,1599; 
ad kay 24, I¢g02. 
(14th) Slizaveth Hoover bd Jan II, I9G1; 4 
dime 4, IS08. 
(ta Gendeaticnl — John Fora Elair ob Zeb I, 1855; a 
Jan 4, 1852. | 
"(T2tn) caila D Dec 9, 1850; 4d tho same day. 
“(i2th) Lucy 4m Slair b Dee SI, I955. 
il in Richioni,sa., June 15,1869 andrew lic Donough of PNG Lends. 
(Z3th| Raimond Zagar lie Donough b San Dreneisco,csl*-y, 
Sapt 14,1871. 
(15th) Sarlova Blair iic Donough b Gun Franei=so, 
ne ee eee beer rat Leen Cee | Z omen 

C7 : 
@ “4 
a oa 
= o> 
> = ce 
- Pana 
lo = eae 

- : - 
_ 7 7 _ 
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-_—"  . —-s 2 3° —_ i 
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6 oy a i core ae i . ; 
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= 7 as 7 
: = a 7 nef 
— _ a ye > 
Ves : oe i 
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7 Ly: A = = _ _ ae =) = 
_ b 72 a = _ 7 
ie - 
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St ees . 
- Oo % 
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- ad th oy mere ss ps —s zy Pa 
7 _ 1 o 
7 7 
ee ere 
Y . ‘ - i oe _ i 
- me Ce mee : 
y = - y a eI ¥ 
ee a 
ee os os _ 7 cof 7 ’ 

(I2th generation/ Chila bd Dee £2, 1845; 
“(I2th) Sarehuusterd Blair b apr. 1649: 
~ Se ot Se ee oe err Se 

(IIth ¢enerations ol. warren Hathorn 


d Juap Io, I89i; lived st Dreeden,ite, 

wu «ov od, 1825 Lam Bicktord. . b vune I, 
Is90; dasuchter of Rober Bickford & ary 

(I2th) Laria dathorn b June 14,1823; 
(12th) Esther Gilman Hathera bd Hov 14,1829; 4 nov ¢4,i912. 

i iiay 4, 1856 Charles 2.Bailey,. 
(IS+h)} Nellie Bailey sii Parker Fowers, 
(I4th) Chester A.Fowers. 
(IZth Jacob Bailey :il lary Eryant. 
(IS5th\ sry SBailer;;  Horstio Larrenee, 

(I4th) Grace Lavrence, 

(I3tn) Lenora Bailey ;; wm. Loulton, 

(Ith; Charles Bailey. 

(r2tz\ weary Anseline Hathorn Cm wich 41ST 7. 
wi «Herrick Huntinston. io 
(I2th Nancy Jane Hathorn b June 7, I8G4; @ Jan IZ,I919. 

(I2th) iiartin Yan Buren Hetzern b Dee 25,1859; 4 ican 12, 1912< 
Harmer at South Pittsten,le. 
Wouch 6, I864 Joanna Bottle. 

(I3th) Avesta li,kathorn b liay 9,1883. 
ii Free Gouwld, 

(ISth) Jeannette Ai. Hithorn 0b July ¥, 1870. 

Ki oLir. see 

-_— = | a —— I 
: So 9 eo 
7 = =— _ 
= sl - on tae FA Se 
be I 3 a 1 =. Shap 
7 - 
: 7 a i os 72° ian i 



a == —— 
4 - _ ae ES = aia a ‘aD 78s 
- =a = 7 : ' ; 
, J iow psy t te nc ht a 

a ae 
- vise: 
a us a ae 02 * i 
a ia 
SD - Oy Weis eee! fe 3S a 7 : 
‘ . - * (is? . 
ce 7 TAL 
owaye. ¢ 
ae y= Se ed 
y a 7 pe Li how i 
c+ o 
- ee : 
-_ ; ve ; peed 
poe Os ee 7 2 7 ae he ed, 
a ae 
- } _ a - ac : 
7 = 7 - 
5 = q i aan te: =e ain a a + 
7 = - a 
7 5 — 
= el : - - 
6 | Z a 1 Pia 
Be ” 
‘6 : Pe ae rn cae aL os ee oe as ee os 
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7 : iah rr ee ee oe | 2s he ee 
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50 - = = — 
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SA oe ae = 
a a ey cae | 


a re 




2 Wes 


and farm 




3th) warren Co 


now Laple Park, 



bi Li 

Grand Forks «& 
1888; at Byron 
high school; 18386 
University of 

2SS . 


July 12,1870; 


(I4th) Joseph Wyman dathorne b 



Cornelia Jane Sith tb 

her marriase; 

ne county, 



who li‘ 

Feb 14,192 





; craduatei from Vaeaten 
, =) 



daughter of ie 

iris ° 
leman Hathorne b Lodi, 

h 26,1868; residss 

ved at Richmond,we., 

Fenbina Counties, u.eDakota,: 0 


Pe aa 




ved at Sauk Center ,iinn 


elrose Park, I]is. 




nope Leroy dathorne b iilay 9,2900. 

eacher at Burbank,Celifornia. 

(I4thg Coruelia Tlizabati 
Cai- 2 oUSs 

(15th aman C,Huthorn b Lodi, Iils., eh 25, 1e7%u, 
kiarine enginesr; onsign in the Navy in the Srenizc. 
anerican War; Lt. -in the Navy in the Torli War; a 
in the erchant liorine, 
lu Doe 9, 1903 auvelyn atwood. 

(I4thi Virginia dethnorne b Sept 50, I905; 2isi 

28th, It07. 

; aanutrorne 

Chas yf Gseworns dD Lodi... Livs.., Jan 3, 

I872;4n a tist of Pap aner es: al re;utation.stuaies in ths 

Chase School of art and in the Qldétateliers 

aaa : 7 : “ cal 

venice, Rome. Full deseribed in sho's Who in a-evics?” 

wooJuly 21,1903 Ethel Campbell of Lacon,Iils, 

(T4tnf Jo Canpbell Hawtrorun » abot Ics, 

I874 at Richnond,iis. 

tta Harthorn b aug I8, 

(I3th) Vale 
In IS2I 2in a broxen 
brilliant, artistic mind; a pe 
in the art Stucents' Leasue,u.¥.City & Chicaro; 

Sanatarium with 
inter and sculptor. 

in ths Chase School of art in Paris,¥rance, 
@ lawyer of 

gom Bissell , 

i L903 
(Iéth! Joh dawthorn Bissell b Iv04, 
(Iat:¥ Havthorn Sigscsl1l nb 07, 
(IZth ) Lena lianel Hewinorn b Leh 21, 1876; die? 
apr I’, 1876. (win, Lillie May Hevthorne b lich 21, 
I876; Soon died.Surie2 with the parents in Chestnut 
St., cenctery, Richmond,ie, 
(Ith) Janes Warren Hathorn b Cet 24, 1859; d Jan 7,I9£I; 
lived at Richnond,iie. 
a Louisa Thomas; the daughter of James Thomas and asisail 

of Dov doinhan jie. 

(IZth) Jennies Gertrude duthorn b 1890, 

M cnarlan a,merson, 

(i4th) Son. 

a f 
_- = 
c ih 
a cos 

re 2 
i o 
an 7h a 
oat A 
_ a 
7 a 




_ ; 
a od re oe _ 
- 7 - > 
oe a 
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5 = —_ is 
ogee Uo ee 
See - - 
7 a ey 
ee | 
i Os =Oaa a 
i ; pS - 
7 fi as 
: 7 Su 
t ae 7 a =+4 ayaa 
_ > = = a 
ses Le, cea 7 
- - =) - 
7 0 FS 3 - Cd a : 
71 boa he oe 7 . 
p aaa - 
—— fet 
ere 7 ao 
=> - 
: 7 
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WX ea ke 
- 7 2 aN & Ze - 
5 Tis @ f-4 Hin 
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7 a) =k 
on 5 2, ee ee 
- . Sa 
ae = ee Pe = = = 
De 4 7 = - w« 7 
ee a, 
a — 
a nC. Eee 
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° 7 _ - 
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ove / 
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: 7 ’ Te - 
7 7 a 7 
TK Se on > on) a ifs 


(1th censraticn) ee nat iorn n Ja BA TSA di 5 Sos 
(1gtha Betsy Bickford Hatmern b Dec IS, Isaé; 4 dune II, Iei: 
i Jume 25,1868 Willian S.C0ai1 bd Lehn 17, 1346, 
(ISth) arthur E.Csll Bb ov 7, 13869. 
(13th) alice M.Call b gan I12,IS87I. 
* Rh June 429, 18¢2 Charles Parsons. 
(14th) artimr W.Parsons . 8 
(15th) PHoddeus F.Call b lich 24,1873. 
(ISth) Bessie i.Call -b- Feb II, - 1880. 
(ISth\ Mond L.Call b Dec 10, 61, 
(IIth generation) Jefferson Hathorn bd Sept #,I€c8; A Feb 5,000; 
188d; was lost at sea, 
M Feb Io, 1822 Sally Small b Feb 2,1812; 4 apr 10, 1874; 
ui( 2nda) leh $, i878 imma  lLioore. 
Children of the Ist marriage: 
(I2th generation) Joseph S.Hathorn b Dee 14,1832; ates 
May 8, 1856. 
li Sept 20, 1854 Susan Lennon. 
(ISth) Jdosech Hathorn b Tov 20, 1855. 

(12th) Sallie Hathorn ob 
KE Oct II, I853 

(13th) Benecia 

Resides in l].Y,City. 


ii Dr. Fercusone 

(I4th) Son. 

(I5th ) Joseph Brown b cule 6,1858; 4 arg 3,1588. 
ii Susan Lennon(Sfe (2nd) Dr abial Liboy) 
(13th) Isabella Brown b Oct 28,1861; 4 dume 3,1302. j{ 
(Istn) Weary «ABrowmm b Oct 25,1865; resiies at ; 
sortland,sic. | 
(Isth) Lemuel Brown b July 14,1875; d Cet 3,1%%c. } 


Valego 2rown 

I4,1854; a 

Lenuel Prown. 


b ov 


Oct 18,18 


ont aiiess 


_ = ——<—— am ny an ee 
= oo - 
at 7 7 7 "| hi » 3 : - a 
- 7 7 a 
roe . : 
A i oY 
i- a = ys Se - - ee | 

7 Ss ae oo se: ase vo 
oo i 
; rr eo 
7 - vee - r a 
se - F a ~ = ng ?P ‘of 

Ss. ettiss oe SoS j 

Geese soe el | 

- - = oo >. 7 - @ | i 
ee a SO 1 
3 a _ 7 [ 
7 Se ed | cr a 
a 7 - eo - a 
t¢ j= ms uA ae 1 a A ee 

7 i) - 
re ere) Ae 
pes cn Thr Pee ; 

a 5 + — 
— > a ee = a 
a TB ceed wat oe =- =< 
i ' 
=n ge 
an + 

a r Car ; 
° _ , 
Se v = : =a tie 

oa ou Sot 5 - Cine 7 
aan an} 

as an = he : 7 ] 7 } f 
7 eo ae cae 

7 = 7 
— Tt a —_ i 
7 a - i i 
ay er 7 7 7 7 

ast a0orn acr IG, I84C; 
(Ilith b Sept 26,1810; 
aw «Seb Sloot Joan W.avery of Sacrene-to,Calizcrnia; 
‘ Jaly 29,1508. 

U2tn) Sarah i.avery b duly 22,1849; ad I875. 
(I2th) Fpanklin avery b dev I, 1842. 
li -Alice daskell, who was adopted by her tncie, 

(43th) albert avery . 
(I3th) Professor Sina avery, the State College, 

(I2th) Liccie Teavery b ich 17,1853. 

hie ORev.soss, a Baptist minister. 
meme, op FS EK OR RK OK 

(IIth generation) iuary J.dathorn b May 6,1814; d Jen 4 I865 
"She kept house for the father of Lirs,Rowell ater her 
musband's deeth,” d676es=1S8600 
li June,I838 Josevh Dinslow whe died Oct 7,1867. 
(I2th) dJcseph W.Dinsiow Db aug ¢,1839; dG June 1,187C.u2,. 

(I2th\ Garres Dinslow July 13,1841; wmarried. 

(IIth generation) JoSeph Jackson Hathorn b Mov I, I8i8; 4 

lich 18,1854. 

(I2th) ngbecc Hathorn b Meh 23,1841; d Sept 7,18<c. 
(Ifth) lary B.Hathern b June II, 1842; 4 Fov 10, I&45. 
(I2th) Fhilena %.S.Hathorn b Sept 25,1844. 
M May I, I8ol Henry o,s2wyer. 
(I3th) Ida L.Sawer b Sept 20, 1¢64. 
(13th) Hattie C.Sawyer b Oct 21, 1867. 
(15th) Josech J.,Sawer bd May 2I, 1871. 
(13th) Henry H.Sawyer b Koh 20, 1876. 

(Igtht Jefferson Sawyer bd duly 21, 1883. 

Sau 0p wre zy 
aa : ; 
ie anaes 

oe St ob ae | 

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en _ 


(I2th generation) Liary F,dathorn b Sept 29,1843; 
(12t2) Frances Bedathorn Db Cet II, I1849. 
M Jan 20, 1a70 Zac. neus Allen. 

(I5th) Joseph a.allen b Oct 10,1871. 

(15th) Thomas R.Allen b 


(13th) Charles H.adllen b iley 7, I8766 

_ : [= = z= > = — as 
7 7 : _ oe 7 
= ye Lats aang = 

oe ent aes 

S Biyia fy V1 = at Si). 

ec tl, A lLicbe sd EES sete eet 

Oo eyo, yan See a Gag tenes 

*: A wt Ke Ok 
(10th generaticn) Daniel Hsthorn b Woolwich, iie., lich 4, 
[769; Gd at ‘ve liay 16, Iss¢. aman of sterling quslities, 

ano of great nelp in the town in which he lived.Ses 

sketcz of him pages 6 and 76 

x Tov o, I796 Hannah Gould who d Oct 24,1858.Sh6 

was descended tron sone of the strongest old uiaine Sariiicc, 
Her father's name not sent; her mother was Miary Warren. 


(IIth generation Gould Hathorn ob Oct 25,1798; 

died dan 6, I862. M Mary Lenox of ‘Wiscassett,iaine. 

(12th) Francis liarion Hathorn b lay 20,1826; wmmarricc. 
(I2th) Clarissa Eathorn b Sept 15,1827; @ Cet 9, 182% 

(I2th}) Rachel Hatuorn b sug 31, 1829. 
EZ Capt,Joserh Thompson cf Southvort,lie. 

(13th) albert Thompson.ii Kate Morse.No childrer, 

. (13th) Fanny Rachel Thompson 
hk Mark Sevall of Bath, Me. 

(lath! Donald Sewall. 
(14th) adward Sewall Li Madeline 
Gli Froud 
{I5th) Daughter. 
(14th) Joseph Sewall. 
(l2th) Harriet Hathorn -b aug 10, 1855; d aug I6,18CC. 

(I2th! Sareh Ellen Hathorn b July 4,1925; urmarrics. 

(12th) Joseph Warren Hawthorn b Jan 2°, 1837; urmarried. 
FEO RO LR OI RO Ro a OK afc OK ae ato 2k 
(lith generation Joanna Hathorn 0b May I9, I80e; diss 
at Lodi, Iils., Sept 26, 1859; # woman of very strong end 

helpful character. 
Li at Woolwich,lie., June 5, 1825 Solomcn White born 
YWiseassett, BlGey, June 2, I80I; 4 at Lodi, Ilis,, 

apr.e, 1879; a farmer; a successful dry--gcods merchante 

- = 
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He was Town assessor. Ee was a sturdy nepuplican, 

end a man beloved by all who mew him.tnis family 

lived in the ligine town, ‘ooiwich, and Viseasce end TOVed 
to Lodi, Ilkis. ir, and kKrs . white were faithful Methodists, 

Their ecnildren: 

(I2th generation) Twin, Hannah White, born 
Yoolwich, ile., Feb 20, 1825; 4 at Garnett, 

Kersas, lich Ist, 1880. 
il at Wiscassett, ie., May 9, 1848 John Hathorn 
No chiloren,. 
(Ieth) twin, Mary White, b Feb 20, 1826; 

d at WViscassett, Me., Feb 28, I826, 

(I2th\ Wary Hathorn Thite b Wiscassett, le, 
arg II, 1827; resides iiarSland, Nebraska. 

She helped grendly with this Family History, 

5 ard is a woman of egreat executive ability, 
and her mind is clear and bright at her 
adbvanced ase. She Lived in the Ills. toxns, 

Bloomindale and Hanesville and at Bradshav ,uesb. 
A faithful aitend=nt at the Baptist and 
Liethodist Churches where she has resided, 
Min Chicago,Ilis., Cct €¢, 1849 Hezekiah Ford 
born Fortland,N.Y., dan 9, 1822; disd July SI, 1°06, 
tock buyer; e¢rain dealer; and a Yine business 
mans a strong Republican; a member of the Congrs- 

Bational Chur=ch; the son of Eben Ford and 

(IZgth geteration) Edvin Eugene foré 

b Jan 9, 1853; pronrietor of @ 


iu Oct 5 iIssl Bhamens B= i= O= Ripon, Wiscensin, 

(I4th) Lawrence pora; Pharmacist, 

(I4tk) Geneveve Ford; teacher, 

(Isthy Alinorsm Judson Ford ob meh 29, I855, 

A stock buyer and the ovmer of s “ine ranche, 
al at matta, Ills., apr 28, reed Hilla Smith, 
No children, 
(I2tn) Carrie Ella Ford bd nich 25, 1857 died 

foom diphtheria Dec 5, 1864, 

(I3th) La Forrest Ford b July £3,1859; ad June 

i, Weer. 
(I3th) Everett Mlleworth Fora ob kiay 25, I862; diss 
from diphtheria Dec I2, 1864, | 
, (13th) Florence Elizabeth Ford ob Liar 2,1865. 

i at)=—s Marwocd, lebraska, anericus Galloway. 

(14th) Three daughters and one son, 
(IZbh generation) Twin, BPachel Stinson white, b Jan I5,1836 
died at Vashta, Towa, at an advanced ace, 
Mi at Gary's Mills,Ii1s., Dee .3, 1854 Ranson ZNoble Soper 
of Vt; this tanily livec at Quasqueton, Iowa, for 
Some years, 
M(2nd) at Quesqueton,Iowa, Hon .H.C.Xelloge, 
Children of the Ist Marriace: 
(I3th ) dimeda Joanne Sopsre & 
4 wonan of noble qualities and great executire 
ability. In I919 She died at Vasate,Iowa, where 

She had lived Yor many years, 



vames Rebertsorn,cr., born 

64 oe 
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rovince of Quebec, Cansds, Cet 


I, iss4; & banker at bashta,Iowa; son of Janas 
nobertson, and Catherine Curria, who lived Zor mary 

years at Cherokes,Iovwa. 
(I4th) Mirie: S.Robertton , 
(I4th) Janes C.Robertson. 
(I4th, Rachel C,Robertson,. 
(I4th) Malcolm Driwmond Roberstson. 
These children wuaers finely educated, 
and tne sons served faithfully in the 

Vorld Tale 

(13th ) Carrie Adelaide Soper Vinee Ue 

hig: heen cae 

— ° Lee 
A nr eT , 

angeles, California. a woman of supericr qualities; she 

June 8, 1864; resides Ink unt 

and her husband are members of the Ba 
M Oct 14, I85 Louis adsiti b Decoreh, Iows, 
aug 8, I&62; book-xeeper; travelling salesman; and Shee 
merchant; wes in business at Cherokes, Iowa, for 
many years; then removed to Los angeles, Calif.; 
(14th) Lawrence Ransom Adsitt b Cherokes,Iotwte 
Proprietor of the Adsitt Clothing Co., at 
Cherokee, Iowa. 
Mo aug II, I909 Lela Maud Gillett, 
(Ith) wtargorie Hollis Adsitt 
b Oct SO, I910. 
(Ioth! Cerolyn adelaide adsitt born 
Dec 5, I9II. 


(14th) Louis Hymmines Adsitt pd apr 

I888; ixember o* Yirm of Adsitt Clothing 


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Compan Cheroxee, Iova. 
la June £2, I1917 Vira Glicsbeth Brainerd, 

(15th) Thecio cs srainerd <Adsitt born 

(14th) Willian Carroll aasitt b Sept 18, 1997. 
Gradu-ted Yrom Los anseles, Calif, high sehool I%1i7; 
and from College there.aniisted in the Students! 
Training Corps at Loe angels, Sept., I9I8; honorat 1; 

discharged Dec., I918., 
(Izgth{ Gene Soper; resides at Washta,lowa. 

(I2th generation) Twin, Elizabeth Thite, b ‘Wiscassett, les, ean Iv, 

I830; ad at Wheaton,Iils., July 6, I916; for many years live® 
at 204 Franylin St., VWheaton,Ilis. She had a fine education in 
Maine and was a very successful teacher Hast and West, 

She and her husband were faithful members of the Lethodict 
Mooduns Id, Igol Willian Lewis Gary b Pomfret ,Ct., 
ouly 7, %I828; a aug 29, I°C5; lived at Gary's iiills Settlenent, 

Tiis., I8s4~———1874; after that resided at Wheaton,Iils, 

Farmer ani banker; City Ireasurer of Vheaton,Ii1ls.,ies7-- 
Tues & IsOI---1902. Eresident of the Villege of iwheator, 
I1lisy, when it was incorporated as a City. Rerublican. 

(IZth) John Edson Gary b Oct If, 1852; died 
Aus Io, 1886. 
M Mich 8, I876 Kulia os, Mattice , who now 
resices at 4719 6th ave., Brooklyn,i.Y. 
(I4th) Relph Leroy Cary »b Jan 25,1877. 
(IZth) William Everett Gary » Gary's Mills,iIils., 

€uz I5, 1868; resides 204 Franklin Stree {t, 




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Wheato%, Ilis. lioved from the Yrarm te yneaten, Ills 
in 1874; Clergz; assistant Bank Cashier; Bank Cashier; 

now a Benker. City Treasurer of tjheaton,Ilis., I8¢6--1 

F and I900---1903--IS04.0epubiican, de and his wife 
are members of the Gary Lemorisl Methodist Cmirch 
& Oct 2c, Icel Jennie Lucy rude b Wheaton,Il's., 
luay II, 1370; daughter ct Williem Church iuad ans. 

Elisa ‘Saker Orcutt » who, after their marriagc 

live’ at Wheaton,Ills and Marion, Kansas, 
(14th} Robert Gusene Gary b Wheaton,Ills., 

June IO, I1904. 

the 6th child of Joanna Hsthorn & Soloron “hite. 

(I2th generation) Sophia Ann White 0b aug 13,1824; 
resides at <Aususta,cxansas. 
li at Kanesville,ills., Ward Norris, 

, (I3th } Three daughters. 

fhe ‘7th child of doanna dathorn & Solomon ‘hite. 

(I2th generation) Solonon White Jr., b Tiseassett jue., dune 
€ r) a ’ , 

I833; resides Lynnhaven,Floriday serchant; Daccrat; -ree 380n 

a Os 

. Lived at Vittum,Iovwa, I870--IS1C; Soidier in the 8th Ilis, 

Cavalry, enlistei Sept 26,1861; honorably discharged witar 

Mat Geneva,Ilis. Sept 26,1861 allen F,Bacter b 
, ’ om ’ 

Oswero Olds.) wY¥.; daughter of Richard Baxter and misie 

Barry, who lived at St. Cnaries,Ilis. 

(Igthi Son that diei in infancy. 

(Iz uh | alsie White; resides Wheaton,I1l1s, 

Mio «Cherles Gary. No chil¢ren, 
Tre Sth child of Jcanre Hathorn & Solomon white, 
(Ifth eeneration) Frances avenste White b Oct 5,184G;4ecexsecd. 
ii irsiem&ie, and live? at Berton,xansas, at 

(ISth) Hueline aenfie. 

(IZth} Lottie neni 


, a 

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_— A Hi Re an 
ot cywiid a ery Os ite, 
(I2tkh eeneraticn! San White utigetotese ra 
[82443 «ad at Wisesssett j2:4.; Seb LT, A45. 
(Igth) al IOS@A2 “Vmrte. -p niscessett, ies, Nov 2,185; 
. residss wavle Varr,Il1s; went cst in her childnocd, 
re at Chicaco,Ilis., Zet 42,1869 Cullen Kes fe, 
(I3thi Frank Keefe b Jan 27, I87L; ad May 2, I¢ce. 
nase of wife not cent. 
j (I4tnh ullea  Keeve; dsceaseda, | 
5 _ . : 
(I4th) Fencis Les2e; deceased. « 
(Igth) Preston a.keefe bd Sept 7, 1878. 
(I5th JaneS R.Keefe b Oct 14,1880; d dan 20, Issa, 
BRS ne a ee ee ee me Fok ok ke ke me OK 
The 3 ehild of Daniel Hethorn & Hannah Gould. 
(IIth  sereration} Nancy gathorn b lich 2°,18C4 
wee 7 FORTE a A a ke OK KK 

(IIth generation) Goimg (Gowan) Hathorn b ok I7,Ie806; 
Livec & died at Pittsfield,ue, ai Marr Haskell 

(léth) Letorest 

(ISth\ Releh Hethorn, 

(I2th) Floren@e Hatesrn, 
- M(Ist) Gserse Thompson, brother of Josenh Thomecsone 
u( 2nd) Dr.orune of Pittsfield,iie. 
» we Se ie ke Se ON oe ee eK OK 
(IIth generetion) Hartley Hathorn b woclwich,iie., Zen fe, 
T8086; d May 6, I898, All of his life was spent at 

woOlwich,3ie.; schools of that torn; a very successful tamer 
aA sturdy Revublican$ of ersat help. in his native town 

he ard his wife very helpful members 

in tht Baptist Church, 
(Ist) Gct 22,1832 nary Gilmore Dennett Db. Cla FOTN gy | 

Jan 7, I809; d at “Nociwich, iie., Dee 9, 1849; schools cf 

wOOlwich,wc.; the daughter of Joh Dennett and anna Gilmore 
of Woolwich,iie, 
i (2na) Slizabeth I,vhite b DreSien,lie., ey I, IBE2; 
Zhe children all thorn at woolwich,we, 

Children of the Ist nerriage: 

ns oo 

ae ae ton 

Sa deinen + eee ae 
ad o rites ttera: e siOV be i9lo.att?e Lezviy 
’ ’ 5 
& fe eat ahaa c 4 + ano + 
wOOLWICI Ae, Se a Siig at 
>: a5 4 5 Beer re 
2, , andthen at fa) Lortz 

was educated in the sehools of Yoolwicr 

and She and &sr husband were memberS o7 the 


Ghuirech, but in their later years ther 

Universalist Church, Chituary:" ire. ann Vo ucetig 

STS, at the POMe vr Ler oaughter yrs uar: Paster, 

somerset ave, She had been ili for 4a Yew Wee:s. 
Sas hac bean «8 resident oF Ditistield for \ mar 
years, heingz the widow of Freenen vite, whose dcath 

were with her at the time of her Ceavh., and 
also wwe 06fsens, aiton ‘Jhite of aususta, Me and 
arthur White of lwontana, rho has been with his 
for a week, The funeral ServiecS were helt +ror tt 
home o the adauchter irs, Frank 4 ef2lmer, iio 

’ a-- He —-- tl TOV ene 

~e sel == 9 

bearers wera Ceoueratian, aecetitan, VeuwelO8S, and 

brother ,idwin meinorn, Sne by ner haif sis 

Luetta Hathorn of Glendive ,wontane,", 

: . 7 
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a ole 
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b presd6ényuec., 

an tHe Senoolks 
Bree iieson; C44 
a Bef 
Séran Leman o2 
pe So “ ‘a 
Lows cLeMe iy L6 Wek 

> : ‘ se = uw 7 mols oop See 
(I%th ceneraticns Mary Hannan fWnite ie) lOOUmL On aay 
van I14, ESD? s resides citusfield i.e. Sencecis of 

uu gan 2iI, 1878 Frank allen Palmer corn 
Troy ,we., lich I0, 1854 
tcwns, Droyv, Leviston, Ve 
of Broy ,iie. Liérc hant .nepub 


Juiy 25, 1985; schools cf ii,Dizmont,iie. & Bancor, 

lieey SuSinese Collece. a cabinet maker and heok- 

(Isth generation) Feimer Chase Linbsli 

b aug 7, ISI. 

Cnsett, or ware hes 
wl =ISCS at wedford,iiass., walter Henry Lailee 
Rockland,iie., uch GDL II, 1864 

, aCrKS2 
4 car a 
med Man ,&c, 43663 4 

(IZth) alton ie Forest Ynite b Pitts ?ield,~e 

saymond allan 00& Ta-lor & ullen Vaite Dantorth of 

the lie. towns, 2reedon, Unity and Pittsfield 

(I3th) adna Iva White b keh  B5 

at Glendive, vontana; schools of Dittsfield,iie, 

(IZth) ansie liaude Vhite pb Dresden,lie., June 3, 
1876; resides 5 George St., Pittsficld,iie, 

Sant much data for this Hathorn Aystory, 
A member of the Universalist Church, 

lilo May 4, I8s8 Willian Leander Percival born 

at augista,lMe., Oct 2, I674; lived alba 

Tacervilse, e<, 102 Pitts en years; 2 
Rpublie-n; Enirnt of Syhtias; attends the 
: (I4th “allace Goddard Persival 
ehools -of Fittsfield, Le, 
Central Institute, vittsfield,.ie. 
(Iti) wir Denver Yhite b Ang 17,1878; 4 
at alcusta,e., apr 22, I°16. Lived for -=7 
Medicin. Lake, liontana; camé nome at tie tin 
Vest to augusta, ife., 

mother's i1°%st illness. 7 
treatmant. The funera 

his sister, Mrs. Percival, acr 25th; the 

home. of 
A.a.arigat of the Universslist Church,The bearers: 
Pesenlayo, and Ha 

Phillips, Harold Fhillips, 

Interment at the Village cemetery.“ Hys hom 
1d Lie until nis thirtieth year; then he 

reSsidei at Scoby,uontan2, and in other Montana towns.%s living 
on his homestead at Scoby,ontana , When he was Called to iuc., 
by the illness of ais mother, Ferner; Republican; 2ttended 

the Universalist Church; not 

(Ith eeneration) tWe 2nd child of Hartley; Hethorn, 
Hannah Gould Heatherna b Oct £2,1880; died Oct 12,1856. 
(12th ceneration) waney Lennox Hathorn b Jan 9,1378; deceased, 
(IEth) Havin Yorace Hathorn b June 21, I840; resizes at 
4 Woolwich, liaine,. 
(I2th ) Wlizabeth Gilmore dathnorn b Sent 7 Is42; residai 
woolwich,ue; now at Nerriméck,wass, 
Moat) Voolwich,ue., Jans 29571867 Séwaerd H,Carlion 

SOLENT wo wicd,sié., aa HO ISS; tlacksmit = 
aepnbiican; u and 8is wire utcvend wre Ser. Seo 
Batloned Giurecne 
(ISstz ) ) “WOoLnicn, 2s. . 
Sct T6858; resides ilerrinsck wists. Scheul 
oF Noo lwich,se,. 
al acrge S.Preble of OOLwich,ine. 
Children....born at ierrinaci:,iiass. 
(I4th) Harold E,Preble b sy £7, 18o.:60 
(14th) E.Preble b July I2,18CS. 

sila acai meat 

il an 1, 1867 Waldian Gray Trott b Noolwiehis. 
July 3i, Lesh: d Sext 83, I905; schools of Weolwich,ie.; 

Derocrat; een of David Trott andi Lehitable ---- of 



(Idth generation) ehitable Trott b July 14,1869; 
ditch 28, I8¢S. 
(Isth generation) hVerestt we Trott D Oct 22,1570; 


Resides Vashingston,).G. Inspecter of U.S. bichthouses; 

Schools of Woolwieh,we; unmerried, 

(ISth) Carlton Ue Trott b auc 2C, 1878; fisheruan 

at Woolwich,iie; schools of thet town, 

(I3th) Wary H.Prott bd Dec 28, 1873; 4 Lay 25,1374. 
(15th) Ivla EB .frott b duly 20, 1878; resides SC 
Shepla, St., ancurn,ie.. Sehools of “Yoolwich,ife. 
i Oet 19, Iso04 Heroi§ G, Bruce, 
Childrsn of the 2na marrisce of Hartley Hathern, with 


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= ~aniat gue n 
(sub eINIlSl vital 
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raciliaed a AOC AVWICN pe 
9+} masa \ au 
(2th -feneration; w~« et 
Pos ..\ - Bo: . oe ae 
(T2th) Guervs (Ge vaorn o 
nontena. das lived in ientana 
Clerk of the State board of 
work, attends the Doiscopal 
ae ae a ena Be eae oe 
(Iith~ censraticn) albert fat? 

the me Sr a a RR Ee oh Oe on oie ee eo te ok akc oe ak ae 

The 6th child of Daniel da 

(IIth generation) alnpert duthorn b 

"He removed to Bath, is.y and 

uo «6CMary. augusta datrorn Deen 

ihe darsnter of Seth datnorn 

(72th) Flora Ustelfadethorn b May 22,1849; wmmarrted. 

(12x) iiverett Lielville Eathorn bv JdJwly 8,1850; ummavrisd. 

writs cirs Nellie E.Werren, iecolwies,..¢ 

(IItn generation) vary dathorn b June I6, I8I4. 

- s 

(Ith feneration) Son; UL. Nellie K.----W,Woolwis ye.56 | 
De ee SR OK OK Se 

(Ilth generation! Sonhia Hathorn o Liay 7, I817; died 

at Sale 






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<6 A Nor NI tt Ca ee 


f, S2G0n0S Of JaiucS albhGas Os Ta WINTA 
= ax Bad ~ 
(Cth gensration) Janes Hathern ob Juno 
: +. AA 
£ we - rete 27 ¢ 
2 EGLSTTIO parte, vk 1; LIo“e 
as the birtas of nis® children clearl, 
So DOwWdOInNhay yuse, at quits an early date 
marriase; ana as then located at Dresden,ic 
torms his sturiy ana honest qualities made 

itizen, dis renovais did not Show the spirit 

lends and »rospects in mew tovns as carefully 
« os ~ 

ancestors nad dons wnen they left their 
tas coat towns of uaine. de prospered ar 

whose @onStant song, vwas,"ZThis home place is £0 

He was very practical in all of his plans and dealings. 
e had a quaint vein of htmor, which would surely have 
nim the opportunity for a ringing laugh that voull have mare 
vic ucine weoas echo joreuslr if he could haves read wht 

2 mixture of abcurdities one made in writing of his 

Hathnorn Lyne. It is tme expressed, Javes dathorn vas of Gein 

Extraction, anda nis children. dropped the e and w in their 
Harwthorne neme, so that people would not mow thier Dutch 
origin," sis pure Saplish origin is clearly seen in the 

Fonily History, and he walways siznei his nane Hathorn, 
James Hethorn Married at Woolwich,iie., “Tov @ °°, 1785 

mary Thing, born at Toolwich,tie., duly 31, 1764; and died in 

That town, «apr 4, 1805; a woman oF sterling qualities; tne 

and Abigail Gresnousne 


daughter of Judge Nathaniel Thi 


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Co 5.8 
—_— a 

se a i im as ae sre oe se a | on ne a 
=i \ 
3 reo qrgereds: two Ver’ enternrising 42 
intelectual * rei_hers of whica earl; OVE 
ae Eamoe! 2 . eee eee 
to the Piue Tres State. Ch: cididren; 
t ne 
~ a> MEAS S's He Se eae - a J 
“+ 1 a - \ =F cg + “7 re et a Ta 3 
(I0th eeneration) vanes Hathera b Woolwich,iic., June I, 
a maint nt wien al woe 2 a aes - 
I786 ; died at 3cwdcinhan,sie., Jan i, Isc, are 59 veers i 

oS. he vas 2 very Successful cabinet aker at 

bowdoinhas,.¢., and his homa was--near._the. Villase.,"His old Fanity 
S3ibdle, containins the dete of his merriace, anz other intor- 

tant records, is packed away at Denver,Zolorado, amons the Fcois 

Howard, whe is now in Daris, 

Tor some tins." 

d2948 gathorn Lie Isabella Toodcside born Brunsvick,iie., Dec 
I787; tne family sev, Bsc 17,1788; disi at sowdoinn-m,lie.,, 

apr IG, I8535.S5he w@as @QeScendant of the celebrated Rev.evilliaz 

wooeéside of SBrunswick,ie. 

a — 

(IIth gsneration) Robert Spear Hathorn b duly 28,1310; 

died inthe Winter of I855.,i2 *ollowed the sea er 
Many ysars, and finally settled dorn at Wilmington,i... 

de was a2 very fficient stevedore, 

Married Suse Mary Wray , a noble lsdy of Huguenot 

"No records cf the children have been Found, 
and the relatives feRl sure that thete were none 

in this hspry home," 

(IIth) Mary ann Hethorn b Meh 25,1e12; 4 ame 4, 



Isi2, aved 

(IIth) iiary Thwings Hathorn pb July 3, I8is. 


seis Sieben » tO ae ails he BA aes ot 

ST Oe ee eae 


tome © oes 

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te Fob 

she resides 2 E2LSTAO Sey for a tise, and the 
raturnca to Bovdeinhar ,ju4., where fhe diet. 
‘ “a James Franklin wutter » who Live at Leer, 
atter her decease, 
(ISth generation! "Their only child, alons 
utter, Merriei a lady from Wevmort pices 
time they hao a reStanrant at Eoone,Iows; 
that they had the larsest rectaurant at 
Lioines ,lowa” (lo replies +o letters asking dat 
(IIth generation} Capt. alonzo James Hathorn b aus 
T8is. “He was Lost at sea shou the time 
New OCrleans,ia., was captured by , ae Notthern 
"Ze saw that his shin haa wWelearec from New 
for Quueenstorn,freland, and no further news from 
ever came to wus. Ue merried in Liverpool, Aigland, 
tne Isle of lian, Blicsabeth Whorpney; they livec for; but she remained in anglanda when 

on his last voyaze in the bark California.atter 

never heard fron ner. -iney had no children," 
(IIth gencration\ wartha dane EHatiorn b aor 
ad. Mebr «23, 1844, aced 26 (years, 
M May 20, 1845 Biward Cseeod. No children, 
(1224) Rlicabeth Hathorn b Neh 18,1820; a in Denver#, 
Colorada, Jan oO SoD. 
M in Lewiston,ie., E10Ve,LS0D Joseph Collins, who died 

at Salem,i.css. 
(I2th) The only child, Isabella Collins. 
bi Chas.e.xy doward; from whom she was diverced, 

"She and her mot ner then went to 

Janve y ~oLorado, ar pal rata ad her heaita, 
been considsrabl: impsired. sn foniy;. S09, 
te) | 06the cetenrate xciposition in Paris,France, 
* yet returned. She is an expert bookkeeper 
Ographer, and one of the Exvosition Commissioners 
sot her a fins position with the anerican Byoyele correrr, 
with whom She worked unti the close o2 the ax posstaan. 
Sne then obtained a xrosition with a ccnmercial fir: 
in Paris, and She enjoys her work very much." 
(ISth generation) Her only enila lived but a 
a Tew months, 
(IIth generation) Harriet t.Hathorn b Jan 4, 1823; a at Tops— 
Ham ,fie., Jan 26, 1896, 
Ki gee 26, I84I Leousra WRllington “Ledford wn died dan. , 1321, 
(I2th) "There were many children in the femily.The édaughe 
ter,urs,dames Tarr, lives on the old Tedford homestecd, 
BOY P~.C.50x No 2,Topshan,iie. 
(IIth) William Woodside Hoathorn pb July 4, 1826; d@ in Bcston, 
Liass., Dee 3C, 1862, aged 37 years, 

li Feb 24,1853 Susan Crilla Higgins b lich 9, I830; 4a Dac 27 
I90I; daughter of Cant.Willian Hiscins and Susan T. Blanchard, 
(She il (2nd) Jan 25, 1868 gurtis Sawyer of Lisven,ve., who 
(§Diced 1894; no ohiieren, of this second marriace.) 

(I2th) William Hissins Hathorn Bied aug 8,852, ,r 


(I2th) Child died at eleven months, 
(I2thg Susan Hathorn bb Dec I4, I855 ; resides 
Bovdoinhan,-2. Care of W.V.Chopnan, 

al Nov 6, I879 George L, Quint of Topshan,veaine, 



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o a 

oe an 

born Oct 95, 1855; stable xeeper, Tops her pe. ; the 
son of Senuel Quint & Lary Goud. 
(Ith) nary Isabel Quint b May I, I881; 

Resides TIcpsham, ie. 

M Jan I, I9o0l Fred Will Jack ob TOPS RAM s20, 

Jan 25, 1876; lumber merchant; son of Albion Jack, 
(I3th) Wallace GeLe Guint b apr 27, 1885. 
(I2th  seneration) Herriet Isabel Hathorn 0b June 6, I858, 

Resides Sowioin, ile. 
Mio Men 2, 1879 George Henry Staples b Feb I7, I887; 
farmer; son of Alden Staples. 

(ISth/ Lida Orilla Staples bd May 4, I833. 
(ISth) Bertha Susan Staples b Feb 27, 1887, 
(Izth) Albert AvStaples b June 2, 1891. 
(13th) Virgil Henry Staples b Sept 8, 1900. 

(12th ) Willian Hiegins Hathorn b Jan 6, 1861; died 

Nov 29, Issi; unmarried. 

(12thi George Mertin Hathorn b ch 6, 1862; da at & monthy! 
de oe a KOK OE a RO KOR 

Tye 9th child of Janes Hathorn. 
(IIth generation) ‘Vinerva Susan dathorn b Meh I8,1828; 
ad at 481 Halsey St., Broollyn, NeYe "She haa sufrerea 
much from rheumatism, and hsad ned a paralytic shock; 
but was very prave and cheerfil at all times.Gave tine 
help with this history, Dublidy & private schools of 
Bowdoinhanyiice, and in Rachel Owen's famous school, as well 
as in. a Bo@erding School at Tonshan ,uiee 
Mat Newton, ilass., July 16,1858 Charles Francis Kerris 
born Frovidence,2.1., » and lived in Newton, liass., 

until tne Civil ale He then removed to 

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TOES Ha te gS 
a truss manufacturer. «6 was bora pec If,18eI; 1 
in H.Y.City uay 7, %I898; - tke son of dohn werris , 
woo movea to xansas pefore the birth “of this: Son C¥as, 
His mother died ac Providence,x.I. and his father 

married a second time. so tnat iir.cCnas. Lerriss 

head half brothers and sisters living out west, 

(I2th) annie Isabel LMerris 6 Newton,ifass., 

May 6, I859; 4d trom consumption Sept I0, 
I883; and is buried in Lount Hope cemetery, 
Boston, lass. She went to Boston, Mass., 28 
the close cf the Civil ‘Var and attendei the 

Lotrrop School for Girls, ‘from whicrk she grad 

vated, the youngest girl in her cless, and took 
the first Giploma.The liaster cof this Schocil was 
Robert Swan; scholars under 15 years were not 
then admitted to the “Boston high school, 2n¢ 
she was then only I4 years old. when sne 
graduated frori that hign school she was tof 
enter the Normal School and prepare herseif or 
a teacher.When she was through witn the advancec 
Clas work she secured a fine nosition as a Ddook-Ke -pere 

After a time her health failed. 

(I2thy Williem Ellery Werris »b MNevton,lass., 
a I4, 186I.nesides o46 Stuyvesant Ave., 


Breckiyn,heY. aAttenéged the Brimmer School for 

Boys at Boston, MEESS, y but did net eraduete, 
as, just before his sreduatins time, he 

WaS offered a Pine position inven. Ofsice. 
after a year he wes employed by andther 

firm, where he remgineé LOT seven years. 

aA «6 7 ees 

Ree alee C. i ts 

Dh a “x 
. i 7 —_ 


a al A = out 10 a _ 
- - os ar 

ab Soe 

He hecana n expert hookkesrper, En. Aor, 
a chance to ego to Coloredic on nN adv 
end he remained with that Colcrudo Sirm 
He was then emcolorea oy another excellent 
which in a yew montns sent hin to 
where he rengine for two years. Then 

appointed him auditer of all their wW 
heaiquarters in This Co, owns 

Smelting & Refining Works. Lir nerris 
Church of the Good Shepherd, and ids 

truly sterling qualities, 

M Sept £2, I882 may Lincoln Buckland born 
Buffalo, N.Y. lay 6; Tees; tre daughter of 

Andrew Buckland; a leday of superior au 




(ISthf Waricn Hathorne Lerris t apir 17,15¢0; 
although the youngest boy in his el 

at school, he aivays led ther all.,iIs gra 
devoted to his studies, and to music, with 

the promise of making e wonderful musivien, 

(ISth) Margaret Grace erris bd Jan 2°,1895 
i= > 

a brilliant scholar, 


The l0th child of dames Hathorn, 

(1Ith generaticn) Sanuel Tying dathorn D Bowdoinhar ,ite 

apr 20, I820; a at Boston,mess., sey 27,1894, For many 
years he nad been a very successful Dr. , in Boston 

and also held an important position in the Public Library. 
M Eliza Haskell of Lisbon, or Webster, iMe.,; daugnter 
of Cyrus Haskell, 
(I2th) Gecrge Haskell Hathorn 0b Apr. ,I862, 
(Ith) Clara Haskell Hathorn, 
(Ifth) Daughter, 


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thorn bd Serio ixyher. ie, 


She end child of gémes Hathorn & Wary Thwing. 
(I0th sceneraztion) iary Willians Hathorh b  Zowdceinha, 
me., wov I9, 1788, 
hi Hov 2¢€, 1807 dcseph T.Wwheeler. 
(IIth) amende wheeler. 

Mi John Adams Rhoades, 

(2th) Alice 4asRhoads resides Eueblo, Coloreéo. 
hi Michsel L.Fitch, 

(IOth genoration) Susarne Hathorn ob Bowdoinhan, iie., 

Nove 26, 1789; 4 at Winthrop, we., Nov 29,1822, 

Mi in wooiwich,lie., Sept II, I8it Jonathan Vhitine of 
Winthrop, ile., born Nov 7, I7865-4 at winthrop, WMe., 
Nov &5, 1850. A 

the children were born at Winthrop, Use. 

(IIth) Hlvira Whiting b are 16,1812 
(IIth) Lysander Osmond Whitine b May 10, I8I4; dies 
dor 18, I815. 
(IIth) Susen Flaville Whiting 0 Jan II* 1Igié; 
died Feb 2&8, I817. 
(IIth) Urania Merritt Whitirg b apr 17, I8I8. 

The 4th ehiid of .dJames Eathorn & Mary Thing . 

(l0tnh generation) Uartha Thwing Hathorn » Dresden,ne., Sept 


ie: LOS? 

il June I, I810 Fhilip Tarbox b Saco,iie., eh 5, 1788; 

@ at Bowdoinhan,iic., June 2&5, 1859 ased 50 years. G6 


He came tc 25rdeinhar, Me., from his nativ tern 
of Saco,, or rossibly Biddeford,iie., end was a ma 02 
excellent characteris was the sen of Rufus Tarbox a 
pwarttha Goldthwaite » @enda eprandson of eoseph Tabsaux, 
french Hnsnenot, who merried in Boston, ,»2ss., about L732 , 
Liary Belcher, and settled near Biddeford,ize.; where ha 
reared a large and fine family. 
(IIth) Philip Hill Tarbox fe) aor I, I8iI; 
d Sept £9, I85s, 
MoOct 25, 1836 Laria Rogers , whose fend hustand 

was Capt.Lincoln Patten, 

(Ifth) Edwin Tarbox b dan II, rece; 

ad euly 14, I86iI. 

(I2tk) Josevh Tarbox b Nov 12,1840; 
@ Merchant . dune 7, I866 
Mary Larned b Dudley, Uass., 

d Apr I68, I88C; daughter of 

and Luey Holmes, 

(I3th) Florence Tarbox 

b Oct 27, 
I8673;-d Jan 28, I868, 
(Ith) Philip Sidney farvox pb June 3, I8 
ad Sept I4, 1849, 
(I2th) Sydney Tarbox b ov Le, Lesicand 
Feb 24, 1876, 
(IIth) Cyrus Tarbox. 
(IIth) Svander Terbdox ; name of wife not sent, 
No children, 
(IIth) Dlbridge farbox b Lived at Auburn,iie, 
Name of his wife not sent. Hei children, 
(Ith) liary lisa arbox , 

kis Dee of Hewburyrort,i: 


Thomas Lar 


June 2,1S4¢; 

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(12th) Neiss of children not sent. 
(IIth Caroline Tarbox. 
. (IIthn) Llewellyn Tartor. 
The 5th child of Janes deatromn & ary Toving. 
(loth generation) Eider, or eve, Saruel Hathorn ¢ 

Sept 14,1794; died at 2 Gardiner,tie.,  =se LOpLOoSles 

aged 64 years, Euriead in Bawccinkan sidge, Me., cemetery. 

He was ordained at Bowdcinhany, ucey as a #ree Baptist 
minister von 2, 1326, anda soon after this be came aol] 
regular and very efficient Pastor of the Bovdoinhanyg.c., $TeE 
Baptist Church, and preacheed there about I3 years. For secre 
time the services were held in the Ferry scenool house. Chis 

Frez Baptist cChurenh was organized Oct 22, 1825, al 
anong the charter members were the following from the metrorn 
fanily, Samuel Hathorn, the first name in the 1ist--- sabella 

Hathorn---- James T,Hathorn--- all of whom were very Taits-ut 

in the work of this Church, Rev.samnel Hathorn and Rev.gosiih 

Ferwella O-caniaed in 1825 the Free Baptist Church at Lytenti a 
Maine.There were but 16 chartem members, but fror thet 

jime until I820 this Church has kert up its organization an 
increased in its influence for good. Rav.ceruel Hathery also 

helped in relizious work in many other ieine torns, and was 

pesiae her husband in the Bowdoinhamiidce,ble., cemetery. 

hi( Ena) in iygtchfield,we., suy 14, I855 Cordelig Cioush fh 

Litenfield,iis., eb 4, Isisé. 

b Dresdenjync., 
Hov I, 795; 4 in Bovécinhsiyt ee, Zeb 9, I865. azei 65 
years, Z months & 6 days Bowsoinghannices sme, cemetery. 
H CGharles Kewell born I777; 4 at Bewioinha,ie., sco% 
ered 7 years. ae eame to Bowrdeinham,.¢. Troms OD .prec- 
MiaSs wnen 2 youn> man and was an excallent echoci 

teacher at obowdoinhan, ie., for a nunber of 

pought the Jostan Sandford farm at Bowdoinhsm,i.e. 

(1Ith) Henry C.wewell busy f,1822; d ais 3, 
1865, ared 45 years & 5S months. 
li largaret Speer bd Bowdoinhar,jwe., Fer 5, 1345, 

deceased; daughter of Thomas Spear and 

ousan andros. No children. 
(IIth) lary Blizebeth Newell dD wap Iz,18cv; die? 

Dee IO, I825 ween 1 months. 

The [th chila of J2ames Hethorn & Mary Thwing. 

(ICth generation) Charles Hatnorn _b esden,me., Aue 25,279 
Gied at Falervo yee, hay ¢, 1860; 2 suecessful armer,. 

li Apr Ic, I826 largaret liustard bd May 17,1792; the 
daughter ef Joserh lirstard & Agnes Fulten. 
(IIth} Sarah am dathorn o° apr 4,1827; 4 Jan £1,i5<1- | 
(lith) Laryjiinstara Hathorn bd Oct 27,1850; died k 
van II, i842, : 

(ZIth) Sliza G.Hathorn b - Sed 90,1852; died ivcv BO Is5Se 

(1It™) Otis Zeuathorn »b ay 27,1806; died July &:, 

= - fae base a 

Cp srad) Aas S <EEISE NS SG HE tent esate = oak 
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pp Latins CF J AGOB Haratnda OF PHA aed Gana tes. 
(9th generation) daceb dathorn 6b “ilningtan, 

Kakse, Ray I, I765; &@ at Feclwioh, H@., Ofc SI, 1903. 

Re ramoved from silmington,:is88., to Gaorgatownsgide, 

with his widewed mother and brothers.724at part cf 

Georgatoen,:ie@e, wKeare tray lesatei was outeff and 

made into the tomn of Yoolwich,iiee He was a 

resident ef Bowdeinhan,ie., in I8(8, and 4t 48 said 

that hia children were bern in that town.dacod 

Hathorn Woe @& man of aterling qnatities, andi a 

very suocessfnl farmer, asp he was at work early 

and late. aa was Alvaye reaty te help in all things 

for the betterment of the towns where he reeided, — 

There was no lo king backrard to the towns where 

he had lived, ner repinings beocanse of tha friends 

lef behind him.iiv face was turned amilingly to 

the work and duties araiting him in a new sattlenent. 

Hie words rang out cheerily,” “e are here to help 

build Wp honor and truth , and God is with ue.” 

dacos aathorn HM. Ghlee haw > res ob. in 

®ilmingtan,tase., I757, and a at oclwioh, wee, cane 

I6, 1825; of a sturdy old family; and a true help- 

meet in her hone and inall tha neltshberhoods 

where ner lot was cart. 

fhe oehildren. 

St CV gene FORA Bee ae nae sORAeR 

{IOth generation) rgv. Jacoh Hathorn,dr., > 
at Rowdoinhan,tie., Sept 15,1780; Aiat at Athana,va., 
Hoh 2&4, I867, 
EHoat Brighton,e., Jan t, Ate TyAda kthittier; 

& noble woman, ready to holp friend and naizhber, 

7 7 
= 6 
— 7 
a. a 
7 5 
= A 
_ o 
S i C 
Ros ay 
- Oo 
5 p 




RRO. 1795 ; 

1, . 
sere egal = 
tor cn 



al : 7 7 ss 
e i 7 Sa - Ws ees 
_— wae =< 
et. a Ban ate 
> ” 7 - a a 
rr es 
= sod fe & 
7 - 5 - 7 _ 
a ms os - 
Sn 2e _ 
met: “As oe _ 

"The home 4 066f 6this | ohappy souple was leosted 

at sthens,<4., tro milea below the nome of ir. 
dathorn'a brother Senas.Jt wes ane ef great 
neighborhoods hospitality and chaer.dasoh Sathorn 
Was a farmer of great energy And peraevaranaée 

In the fino grove near his home he hela 
services which were @ great biessing to 
many people, as he was an able preacher of 
the clear truthe of the Bible. this grove being 
on tha road hetwam Athena and Solon, Ka., TAR 
easily reaohod by the pecple af bheth neighbhor- 
hoofs. Ha , an&é all the other Hatherns ,were fine 
Singers. very werd eof warning, eheer, and 
exhortation from dasob Hathorn wan strenzthened 
hy hie daily walk with God." 

(IIth generation) Sedney Rarselaa Hathorn 
db at Athens,ve., 5e0 I6,r9%6; A in 
that town, Fab II,IS76.He was a fine 
Bcholar and held many public offices. ie 
wee ai farmer and eabinet maker; a 
sturdy Fepubliean, and he and his wifa 
wore earnest nmembera of the Christian 
Baptiat Charch.#e waa ai fine singer, and 
ll of his fanily inherited hia nmusinal 
qnalities, Ha apant several vaars in the 
Gold mines of California, and ia asia to 
‘have helped in the "staking ent” of Craha, 
Rebrasxa.ifter his return from tha “ant 

his home was eentinnucusly st Athans, 

hie., where his homa was a eantar of 
chasr and hospitality. 

Hin 1842 Mary Brewater Xinaman b 
at Athene,e., iiny 7,I8'9; efdneated in 

- 7 : a ° at - = _ 3 
=a _ Sx oe 
_ > _ - 7 : a : 
7 a a i a 4 i 
— hs - a 
S o U o y 5 

ie tesieisl A Atos a hati. wn iae 
ne eee 
f ieee, (3 : y a 
: J aaa Pad » Gan 
—) 4 7 fH. 19 i ; ne 
= vers is PS ee 
aa; iy a7 7 
B OT 7 3 
a ee ee oe wc 
om 9 = af © 4 a 7 
i eo ae f= 244 
i ce” a y 2 7 - _ i 5 
. —'*t Thee i 7 
> i= ene a 
A eel Od ad on el 2 
_ ~— 7 Fs a aR es a ae 
er ty eo aa ; cpa =e i a 
i babi F Do oes 
: ec ee oe a2 tae a 
6 ioe ot 7% i aa rd Feel Ti 
=~, : eae 
7 i. Siete sie i 7 7 
: - a ti et 
mt o- ar Oe 7 -~ 
7 7 = a = 7 

thse tewn sohsola; the Aanehter of Jehn 
Burnham cinessn and ann Sedvell = of 

Bomerswerth, Ne te A worn of etarling 

THe children were horn at “Athens, 
. Kainee 

{Tfth generation: lara san 
ERatiorn h sh 7, FAAdE Aisa 
Feb 7,2aG7; aducated in tae 
Somerset acadany ef Athane,-43 
tancht with aiceesa for & 
yeara in the 4a. towns,Ajthang 
and dadiaon, 
{4th} John Burnhan Hathern bb 
aug 93, 4848. aA at Isiand Fall Bg: Ge, 
Hoh 32,7598. Attar hia father's 
Gesth he moved to dover,sa.; 
after hia marriage he ranavad 
to UslanA Palin, Xa; ai farner, 
HR Raney Carpenter WA Foxereft,Za., 
ZH6RZ A At Cover, he., Apr 2,T39985 
& teacher after graduating from 
FOXEFO LE sNA., anadany. 
(12th generation} 
‘fenaviave Hathorn & Dover,e., 
Sept 37, {380; a mesber of 
the Baptiat Chiroh, 
BK herid L.cgreron born at 
hewkston.fa., Veh 6, T9883 
Station isent ef the K6.Santral 
R.z.Ganpar at Ganta:.,tiee 

The fon of Jaraa Canaron, 


bern at natherglen,ccetiand, ily 
Ie, 3848; d at Lewisten,i-a., 
Heh 15,1815; & 4enea Laird bern 
at Glasgow, S50thand Cot To, fda; 
Q@ &t Lawlatonyige, Hay F2,78043 
there paranta were menbera of the 
Baptint Caurch. 
{X44 eeneration) agnaa 2, 
Ganaron b ISO," a brilidant 
Frome laty; varz musical; 
esnestej in Colby collage; 

& neiber of the Baptiat gimreh? 

(k2th generation) Jenry Kortimer dathorn b ang 2, 
3848; dfed Gos 19,1960. 
(22th) Abigail Fodwell Aathorn b fant 22,1855; 
& Sept 28,7910; an axealiant traina. nuraa; 

@iployed for 7 years af the kereaster, 

Kasse, hoepitald 
H 6883) «6Burnhs Thema Fox. 
(I3th} Lawrence fsrke Fox bat 
Atheng ,tie., Kay i, I9863 ad dune 
15, 1814. 
(1Zth} Della Bartlett Fex ob at 
Athens ,tia., iiapt 2, I826; employed in 
en oftios at ABUT, Ge 
{2&th) Carolyn inguata Hathern b Athens,so., 
aor {6,38663 resides Yprer Lare St., whurn,e. 
Gradiste’ at Somerset acateny; a successtri 
teacher fin ths Ke. towns, Kadisan & Dever. 
EK acy 8¢, Tash Kew.F.2onest Han bh Sarbriage, 
Kee, Cat 16,1958; finaly adneated; a anparior 

BetSlar; fanght aahool fer pnavaral yeara while 

i S v | a v 7 
a 7 She 
a an ae 
- ana f a a > 7 — He = 
Se ee ean) 


boa fon, < aeLee TT 

a ae OF _ on a iver: Tete 


j ea oa ar 

P= 7 : i | 
7 i OD 7 =~ 

arabe: 7 sf» scl 5a 
—_ rue 7 
ep ee Dee de 
cant 7-112 
ae es 7 =k oom pis | "45 °t 
i aiveeare, v4 urs ; ae 
Shwe i Ue a , 2 cee a 
nae eae ae 
is ebae 
27h - oy re 
oo y 5 ty Sy oy coe t 
. - = ea ¥ > 
a , to — 22° eee 
oy abo fee 
: - wie oe a we) 
Toe od a 7A mo 2? 7 
oe a : yy te ‘ 
S 7 7 a oF ve ah a on : - 
: 7 oO — = nn ee 
a >* Pecoi _ ah 7 — 7 
oe : 7 se . — 

a 7 Ds 7s. i — - ~ a 
Fartd a ee 
“ee ee > ar : = 7 ote a Rr 
7 7 _ Ff _ 

a _ oe ¥ - - ie Ss, ” 7 

- - oe a —_ 
7 Ss oe, ea =, £94.08. 

fitting or the niniastrys taster of Raptiat 

Cimranns in the He. towna,cambriden &  enson. 
In I@°8 Fastor of tha Faderated Churahas of 
Lisbon *alls,tea.; an eloquent speakar and 
mneh seught after for spest{sl saervicas, 

fhe Gon of Timethy an and -nl4da Fackard, 

(lgth generation! Twink, Ghicles Jewett HZathorn b 

at athens,ea., Imm TP, TeSe 3 a Feb 8,146. 

(i2vh} Twin ,cdgar George Uatiwrn Db athons,Hees 
anne 28,2853; a farmer at cover,ca. Binge 18743 
& iwaberasa, ani has 8 aaw 11135 4pnblican 
attenda the Baptist Omroh. 
Bfxe%} Xsov 2, I9a2 Fennie Sllen Nandall, 
Hen) Get 8%, 1895 dattie Laf0z6 bh Feb 16, 
S67Iggraciatead from Garlend, ew, Aigh Bonel, 1458, 
Ghiliren ef the Tat marrdase: 
{13th generation) dima dane isthern b&b 
Sept J2, T8850. sides Sambridge de 
KR 396 &9,1804 Cra Niaby b&b at Cambrifce, 
KOe, Tae RI, TaTey A Fah E,ISIS, 
Hfend) sek 12,I98t Bart J,Feleon af 
“ Harwe ny EG 
Gaildren of tha let i: 
(24th) iefla Clymena ceimby > 
Deo IS, ESCH; a student in 
Foxare ft Ae, Acadamy, I9FR, 
(14th) Horton datenrn cntaby b 
Cambridge siea, Rapt 22,180? 
Ghlld of the Frnd xs 
(I4th) Harlan 3.Fclsem bh Rarmony, 
Re., Xow If,I98I, 

-_ —— ots 
7 Ty oe 
Se ne Ws ct 
a 7 voy 7 7 - - > i ae <i 
wee — a ‘eH abe Tia ra = - Won 
7 D Pens al oe a 7 1. hi High ord 

— _ oo jo - Z ; 
es Siam re Yee Sal ae. aa 

2 oe ie + 
a a yt ‘ie wa) - = ~ 
Ls r - ¢ : - ae 
; | 58a & Seen Ue 
: ; : : 7. _ 

Fas RD cad! 5 ny war cae 5 Loans are 8 
7 J0) a 7 7 
f 7 f =: 
oP a3 tr ‘sc6t- eras) 
7 7 y Vv 
Ae ea ee oe 
ee 7 ~~ 7 7 
7 to 7 7 q re - 
7 7 vs a — 
of. .! 7 A id 7 {> 
- = Para oS ox 
; a : . hee | 
J < - o* Sa) oe 
7 — = = 1 ¥i ae tise Ss =) 
oOo” = “ks 7 
a) ro] ™ = = 
wy 7 C 9 4 
: . 5 
reir ay YY ; 
7 0 i i 
te - dens 
a =) 
y vy 
y Dil] _ a7 o 
7 a 
et oe 
1 a LY per a 
— 2) Ds 7 a 
oo uo SY ba 7 a 
ah 0 p 7 ww Aare 
7 7 > — _ 
7 an o - 
= 7 | fe! on 

(lath) saleolm G.iatnorn b Fab £2,785? 
BK lLella Gkillinga af demmcnz 46, 
(ISth)  Rewena iaricn Hathornm Bb Hay IA, T8598, 
K dune 28, IEis Yarnen Eridges, 
(14th) “lara Teulae Bridges & 
fwy S,If18. 
(X4th) Yhilip dchn Bridges OB Feb AT,TEAC- 
(14th) Pax atcar Bridges b duly 12,2852) 

@sildrer of the Ffné marriase ef Sigar George Hathorn, 
(loth) Li mvood Kilten dathern & at cover, 
He., euiy 82, FStd Ios4. 
BR opi £, FERC Dorie ¢nunnalta, 

{I4tnl rrdaciita t,thorn bh reb 12,%¢er. 

(IZty) dohn kortimer Hathern ob How 9,16C6. 

(13th) Sewten Clarence dsathorn b Yeb 22,1912. 

Newman nee ween ee meme 

(11th generation) dannah anenstea Hathern bat 
Athens ,iie., Sept S, Taka; é at&t Coanpton,“alifornia, 
dant, t3@6.5hs «as a taflerass at Sansor,“6., for 
36 yeara; in the Bia ‘KOrk as Lowell, Hans., for 
8 vesre; «ent te Falizernia with othsrs nmemhera ef 

the feciirv; a fattatad ant earnest wonan. 

THe tered 6ntld af New dasah Hathorn & iydin Shittier 
flétn censration) Slarinda Hathorn bo at Athensye., 
dan 13, sth; & at Garlant,un., AWy fa, TAs. 
K desesh Conk who waa barn in 43.H. dan Th, 
TeIG; & daly 6, TAR; «a Seemer in the Ke. tayns, 
Corinna, Garlani #& Dever; Sselectrany Repubiieans member 

of the Baptint cimroh; tha aon of conaph Cook, 





(32th generation! Laantar took} Keh 132, 

TesC3 a apr 2, F928. illwright. 

% in Gove, Hee, Helli9 5,Nagoon. 

{iSth) ada Becook, etenosravher, 

(2th; Harry 1,ceek; hechanie, 

(22th) James Frecvan Cook > apr 83,2862, 

Angeles Gali fornia, 
KH at aAnburn,ka phie 

A publisher at Loa 

{I34h} wana BeS00R, BN artiet, 

{x2tn) Chas.eAdvin Cook b Fee 14,3884; a 

Sruis grower in Calivernia. 

a& An Gsiif, Balle *hitaan of anburn, ie, 

{12th} Gertrude Syb4l sack 3 tenchar, 

(Isth? Fhilena coek apr 81%, IRS63 ranides 

&£ Xechanies Falls, Nee 

Eat Rover, Nee, Korea Bittle tettle, 

(25th) Rthel Clarinis rettie b cet 5, 

L676 WE ORAr 88, 912 Hermam A.cordan, 

(Isthl sertia Emily Pottle oh 

cat IS, 

Ko@ot 8,812 Gras, SAward Herrill. 

OO Oe re oe ee Oe en Ot on ce oe es wa ge oe en oe 

wR On Oem me ee 

Site 4th ehila of Sev, dsooh Hathorn & igdda Falttier, 
(lth gensration}) Jasoh Sanseloe Hathorn } 

Aug 5G, 2aRa; 

a at Kodonic ,Feaah, Cals fornia, Fab I7,7T5 x7, 

Patter tha ésath of hig father and hia = brother 

fo Galifornta with dita 
fasily, hie sister Aamah Augnata Rathorn, 
people, * 

Rasolag todney, he resnoved 

and his wifete 

Hw ORey 6&, 856 Ksrths 3reneh 

Wir’ e210 of Solon ve. 

ae a> Sena © > 
7 ae. : a 7 ie 
7 mas. ae 
ed so ANE yee ihe see 

sy Ar iu y Fa Bene ere 

> oe 7 Je 


opbarenh ia ely deneey) Oe 

> ee 1 “<SA\1 iA feats 

- a & <n ak i, pune op - 

- - - as ; i mane 
5 7 ie - a 159 oy -° U; ai z paren 
7 > - —s 7 Pore 
- :_ - G e - 7 
Prete et, a 
: ; ne nh 
° 7 ish 0 or ie : oP : 

‘ive 7 ee 
a nin os 
7 - A x a ‘J pi> fo - 
- 7 i yebenn’ q a aI - 
ack nh weer ia : Mele? ae 
o 7G 7 7 ‘ ; : 
Whereas be A ise Pie : am fo) aie te 
a : a ¥ as ; > 
= a i 16 ’ = ae 
he er) are 
- =. ay tee eh et l= en ee : 
- ates - - 

0 1) 

7 3 
7 Ss 



(letn  gansrasion) dennia Ol-ransa Hathern & ar &, 

Ias73 4 al Gerpton, california, uly 3,Ia7I. 

(1Rth} oor. Sanial Haserva Hathorn bo cRly TA, T96% 

& at Gompten,Saiifornia Sav 27, TSI6, 


KR Kar 29, in S Zargarat Johnscne 

(l3th) Hey Z.Hathorn & Compten, 

Cald?., vig 7,786. 
- KR Sept 14,3915 Sands Long 
(Ikth}] Rena S.iathern Conpten,Galite, Ae 27, 

I873; finely sineatet; for years has iss a shir 

at Gempton,Gaiif; Librarian of hs Fabia Library. 

BR anmaeerneraen2enn eae ene 

@ Pen S82 ee eee wee ew 

2 «5th enila of tev daceh dathorn & ipdia Hhittier. 
(JIth generation) hile na Dgiindsa Hathera bat 
At5ang,ia., Koh 25, I8ko5 & at Los angelea, 
Californias, feb 7, 1886; hear home in ios sigales 
Wes a% 244 sast sth Gt. 
Hin Skownagan 4, Feb 22,3858 dosian #,7arrell 
®tBin fanily resovet to Callfornis in 19583 
Lived 64 ia Torte, calif, II yaara, with the exaeption 
ef one year when they vinited their o14 Katne M4. 
In 1849 removed to Flerenca,(alif., on a farsa , 8 
emrt distance from ioe Angaleas in f887 ta Ler 
Angeiss, where trey erested the Somerset Heuse, 
4n water ther alwaya afkerwards iived, ra. 
Durrell becacs a Fira Christin in early life, sand 
A. eh wuntet with ths Kethodiat Crurch, Fierence, 
Galifernia.ders was a nohie life in a hea@pitable 
hone. Zhe funsral services Fore condnatzei bY nae 
GeaeBetidlseen, eMfoistes BY RAaVerAcris deve and 
Profsassor demi Jickinson. Kurta im avergrasn Cemetery, 

oe Aanselss,califzeornia.” Ho ehildran. 

od) ee eee 

Oo a 7 ; ; 
7 “Ss -_ 7 i —— vi ve —_ +f 
7 J ae a - coe 7 = oF _ 
THI: _ = val ow ae cot A) i aiken 
rs er ee eee. ae 2 
oF yt o= - oe <- t ae _ 
ai) a ay aN Doe 
7 - re oe ory ian a : 
7 7 a9 - Saas 7 Sime ; o bay-ct 
ee ee en 
i — r _ 
XY be Uy , en 7 : 


7 ‘ =e 7 
a om b 
a a > 
iT an) 7 
= - c 
_ 7 —" od _ 
or a 7 i) a 
7 - a a a 
iis a y o 
ny 7 it > oe 
on a a 1 
aA .o a 
a _ a 

eae nie AT ee A 
_ _ eae | 
at Ren as re 
i >< a at | - oa M 
7 af ot - _ , 
_? > 7 ke 
7 fs 7 
cS a - i 
oy e : vi i 
D - a 7 _ 
a) = Hr 

[eS ee —s 
hosts ee ol 49 4 
11 Sik eel ee 
a - ay ‘ ve hres ra 
- 7% 9 + 7 sale.” a 
i a ar > - 
= “ a 
Ao _ a ; 
- soe ; 
- a = 
_ ~ oo Tt At 7 
Sie 2. a) a) 
yon > Tae oe - we 
—any agi. ) we: a _ - 
vi i. ell _ \Reln | te a 

aah 6 nd ta ate Pee oe _ 
Ri. 4 
witn > 7 7 ae oe 
7 P as d 77 =e 
Le ia) 

- a a 7 an az rc 
Stg= une 


© Pe nm em wm Oe eee me en ee 

tha 6th eo ila of av. dacoh Hathorn 4 Leads Tuttiler, 

(Iith generation) Sovensh f iowens by soma) Hat rn 

Kelvina Hsathorn »b ATRENB iGo Hor 6&,iaAao3 Arad 
at Los) angelss,Callf,, e 
# duly 4,2686° in Salifornia Radelphne H.Rusreell. 

Ca oe ee ee a ee 2 ee te 

MRCS BeaHe ei sl si acne sg rgm row 

He ena enila ef davoh Hattern & Chloe Shaw, 

(IOth faneratican) Zonag ist hore hk Rawdeinhay,4., fen 24, 
1792; & at Solon, Hae, Sort 17, 28768, eset 82 Fears, 

6 pmonths & 35 £daya. 

K{Iat) Keh 84,2874 3srah lore bh ALONE pide, 

May 27, £799; 4 Get 5, IBSR, Agei 4° yee 3 6 moentha, 

Klena) Her 4, 84s Almira g,Fhittier b&b hav Is, 

XI767; 6 feb Is, t644, aed 88 CBS 36 yra & 8 nontha, 

B(24} are 82, Lead Kary s4ton db Bt athena,se. 
ond 4 apr od, i886], sarad 823 gra., 4 BGSEE Hontha 
aed 12 cave.Shis wils had na ohildren but teok 
fins care of her husband's ohildren, 

Mala data of Sense Havaorn & Fantly pages 63-7/ 


BO PITH WSS HPSEC Le Heer rv woecace 

the 24 e@hild of danoh Hathorn & ahloa Shar. 

(l0th generation! funtes Esthrn ob Rowdeinhan tae, 
Bak uchGycccrseg gcc tanecce@iad COSC ORHAN RRA AR REC CRAPS 
eb 30, I7k4; A at Solon, He.,te+ AI, TREC? buried at 
Athens es eng néver nmarrie&® and lived fer many 
yesre with der brother,caceh Rathorn, 

Ser detveynaawse e+ rerun 

tha 4th entig ef cacoh Eathern & Chios Sksw, 
(XYOth geaoration) Cusanmna Aathern b BeveAoL NA gGe yp, 

Hen IG, 786: “ehs Aded as Re Years; unmarried; iske 

— i 4 — a aa tm, 
Pea AT eee ee — 
ete: n : D S 6 Xs OLE SF 7 yy 
7 29 ' a 7 = yah 7 
—w x aaa! i eoheed (2h: In ett) 
ar fos to Pn ae 4 ‘Sn..4h 2 aw 
= y : - 
VOW ft Parco dnote gars 
° ana as we aes ee 
Pe htt i trune ities re . 
- tee yeie : 7 
7 7 B has 7 7 ae cd 
pt? e -_ é 7“ ao aes es 
- : _ ; ; P sey en 
ee ee a 
- [= 7 7 - 
a 7 ~ omy tee ee 7 
oy a Serie 
“eC - oa - 7 Ag ° a = 71 
Sa od cS ay) 7 = : 7 _ - 
: - a a Te a 
SP ae 4 oY Ts er Oe — - race, “-* - 

_ 5 2 aan) A. ae _ — i 7 a wis 7 Mat 7. 

eo bea =) we = . 7 ° ea. 
» Tage ee o i nee a) en 
J : © Sei , 7 py) 7 oo 7 i. 0, | ia 
7 is — -£ oa uv : 7 ni 7 60 ‘a a _ s ba 
or re (At Fr p iy ae e a " Aer : 
a = 
Peet: omit 4) au a ee oe 
a ciety a ¥ f wee re ae ee ve ae 
eee fav) : =*3 _ o 
ede | i *t Petebee > ot a 
a 7 ° 7 Pe 7 
eee ee 
= - _ 3 y i 
mm a = : : ny 7 - aay . : aoe : - ow y 
7 7 —*?) oe > 
( 7 < 7 4 - 7 7 = eee a= 
a. 7 ere : 
ie Fae 2 Gaff aan Laat) Tt ooh aT 
: 7 a - 
—— - ; » : 
0 wae yey : - wn a , . - 
Te oe air reee: 
BS a => 
tte bie beet 
7 7 am 7 _ Only ay a ee = 
~ ae 
a a ne peat. ay ne eit a yr -t ane 
7 _ - a 


her eigter Sunios ens ys a noble and helpful vencn.” 

Bese veep enc sctnnnimatr aeae 

CP ee ee ee ee 

She = BRR auIld of dacod Hatworn & Shlee Shaw 

(10th censration) Benfanin Hatwrn b& Fowdeinhan,s en, 
Sept 3, 789, 

"do married Kre. Harriet Libby and resided at, 

PAttelials tie; thera were no eniidren.” 

@Pecr Hoe ep cts tiunnre 

fha 6th sAltld ef gaedh Hathorn & CAloe Shaw, 
(Oth gensration) Joniah Hathorn b&b at Rondeinhas,%4e, 
dune I8,Th52,; A at AthonA,iae "da waa Clark of ‘tha 
Eras Baptieat Charoh,Rewsainnem “idee.ta.” 

BR at athens,:¢.,inth Faasalay, the daughter af Daniel 

Pesesiey ani Aise = =6lana, 

(lish generation) Santos Hathern born as 
athend,-9., Asad from Bilfoua feyer at Fanehad, lias, 
Bept 16,2866, aged 37 years,fc monthe & 4 dare, 

H at Exewhegan,-e., Banjanin Aicard Crnunmett 
b Skewhagan,-6. Fad 4,584 : Adod ISTO. 
(22th) “Acar Grumett b Feb §,2865, 
R See RA,ths7 Agnen Yaxoomh b culy Ih, 
(25¢h} Kabel Grommett. 
Mrs “aifter S.Gtratten, 762 
6th St. Hiemarck, 3, Daketa. 

(2ith} Iulia Hathern asad at Haddecn,xa., abort 

T636,."Ghe wae a fine wemanga teachers; had 

@srq eyas ant hair, sn4 an eval fane; eduaated 
at Pitcatielata; She marrie%, as hin second wife, 

Samuel Harding of Torridgawoaksife, Thalr only ohild 
Aie4 at pirth." 

(ith) oenge sathorn, 

- i 7 

aac te 97 
ai on, Taare 

Le dent 


= Ad om - - ie ao ge! 

at an = ro 7 
5 ee ; 


5 oat ae 1} 
u DAY oes 
- 9 @: 
Ma | sett 
7 eal q aan 
f Weian el 
s 7 - 
> 2 
1 oe sn 
: ° 
a. a 
Va ve! 

cS _— $e @0 » > oe 
a aii iy 
7 = 7 
Sy ne. fe fof” i 
7 5 
+ ue ae 
ie a 
iT La 7 - -_ U 

oe! 7 see 
oT oo rT 
5  - 
es, a nS 
Ix b a 
0 - 7 7 
oa a — )< 
- 7 ; 7 
a ee 

boca es 
ate S 
7 7 
7 7 7 S - 
, ee ae 
7 - a 7 




(IIth} Gaina, Aldsabath & Gaargianna Tathorn, 

{Ilth) a4epte’ Bon, Joaiah Ailldava; ths con of his 
wife's alater, sho fBA marrdad sretilliane, 

aa Live? at Ataens ee 

Sean eetenceseecereane 

{I0th foneration) Tenaa Hathora bh  Rewdeinhan wae, 
Ben £4,7792; A at <atrans Ne, cept I7,T878, azed a2 
yoars, 6& months and TS 8 86&ara, wa was ons af the 
Sturdiest pionesra «ff Xaina. a4 had inherited in 
Large measure the grest spirit ef enterprisn fren 
his anoeastors, end taronughert his isns and ussfui 
life he cultivated tite. "Gmsard and fpward" wag 
surely tha glowing motte of his 1573 , a sturdy 
youns MsaA of 83 yoara, he removed from Howdednhan, 
Hee, te SOLON Ze ae  beught ar séeotion ef Goverment 
qJané of Ié aurea.ce hat a friend take up the section 
of 16 acres naxt fo hides, and later on ha borght 
this fine seotion ef land. Taie land 3 was terght of 
Hif8e, 88 sine 444 not hesome aA State until IBEG. 
fhe capited of Sanan dsthorn was a yokes of exen ., and 
the 3100.00, whieh ha had aarned ty verr herd, honest 
work. iné he had grit aenengh fer iva erdinsr: men, 
chase Hathorn saations of Land ere  abeat ene rile 
fren tha town line of sthana,te., ant half way dhetweshnr 

ths villacea of athasa and Solem, KeeThare were no 


en ce 

— 7 
5 bot eect a 1 12a, gfe? @ 
~ . a _ 
: se aare. 
ee) ore Ah Me A MEEE pl 
7 7 : a i a 
ry - rm _ « <7 c 2 S a 7 AS cs rt - = any 
- *on8 ee Paes 
7 cae _ ; ff ian = 7 Ae i eiay rap ai 
- 7 - ie 
re ae ots 7 7 oe m biter” a 
_ = a mas Daa oo, te A gota 
5 0 => > 
- ni re 5 : 7 ae 3) a7 a 4 i+ oe 
ou 6 _ TS A re af o> iia » - 
7 : 
Tae RUA EX oa OD a oe ae 
io " 7 . 
v =) eh a 2% ) ie 7 a : if ~ i 
on : a % uN 12 _ a 7 2 ss i -. rey 
- q 
< 7 7 S ia : 

' - cf ; 7 as alae 
iG = p 7 ee : 4 aT pains 
a 7 6 a 7 a a _ a -s sue . th reacey 
: Tefen! = Pie vet 

j - — : >. 
7 - a , 4 _ 1 = - era i re aan el 
‘ - 
: ae aS \atiget - + = fe 
y a om ear al ys tna a 
OS aan, od 
g woo F: : ee a re : 
ere BL ee eae ‘5 4? Ver 
a ae [o.. ae ay no : 
' - 7 - 7 " te re : We 
_ — 



TOad@ al thst time, and people went en horseback @lonz 
the reigh patha threu-h the woeds. IR the nearaat 
opening in the foreat to tha east cenas lathorn's 
brother gacob located. It was about ene ana ai hal? 
Biles to ths opening te the weut, where lived tha 
Satons, from whom that nelgiterheed tock ite name, 
Senss Astmorn butlt ea cory hone, bat not ef loge, 
8% was the oustom cf those asys, and he Rad {t 
Reatly clophoarasd.thsra were four yrecma, and before 
jong other rooms era adter to these. +6 sohnol of 
the neicthorhood pag fomeftines held in one ef these 

roomBe Tn [659 Kr.Hatheorn Ballt quite alarze trae 

en the eastern section of his land, and this awelling 

fa still in ¢goo8 condition, whe first herne Fas moved 

to the other aide of the road. In T8S0 Zenas Rathorn built 
® barn , ico) fect in Jength, shich ia still in fina 
eondition. Ha was ag energetic ant skilled farmer as 
ever iives in Hew Zngland. de was nMever found tdling away 
his tise, oar peddling the 40.6 newa C2 a ecsé his 
66timation, ary man who @pent his time in 2ishing , *as 
He goed. Llof hia bills were paid = very promptly, 

a8 @ mors thorershly honest msn never lived in the 
Fine freo State. cenas dathorn has besn doscrihed as 
tall and straight, with dark 6rese and brawn hair, and 
fire, whit te testh, aa he hed never used tohance in 
any form. Sten ho was advanced in life he atil haa 

no use for clasees, and ar wonder ful ly wallprenarvea 

in sll other vara. He "a5 8 fCreat reader, a & 
thorough Christian of the Old=- faehionad type, alsave 
reading daily from tha Bihle 4n hia homa, and having 
fastly pravera, ze gave long anf halp fad exhortatiang 

whansver Fliberty was Eiven® at tha prasont g serviocas, 


iam. 7 7 a 7 Vo 
7 = > 

i Cie 

- ——— 7 -_ 
- a 
“=: in ieee 

Pay Kia cost” 

a - ¢ ae _ - 
er een ec. ey ods OES CC neg ede OF selina 
- Pe, |. ; iE ‘''*s 7 a 7 ae ae 
2st Bevett raver nay 9 Sika cates mie tok 
; : oe Loe, ces gs Bots Be 
er, ee 2 a 
SS Tad ae oe es ME ar ag 
a * 7 7 a 
pe oe A cy ANE “G5 OP 2 
oe _ > ° a Tm ae io 7 vn 
jig EL << eS AGAIN ear wag Py sles 
7 7 7 _ 7 7 Oo — 
reed Vase wee eee ee Ae ani ate oe 
- an 
: a 7 
*3}! 7 a> = a “s sa) ea” 
on pv 
<, * x c i o 7 a “y 7 a 
7 : “ar =< bBo ee Troe 7 
ann anlee i , win +45 ow 
ee a ; ; ee oe re 
7 ee 
= nae, : ; : nb 3h 
Ot a 
S a _ oh 
Ee = 5 140 7 a yA 7 7 9 7 ve, 7) 
— 7 
2 > ra) _ 
u ia 
7 a yo fi : - 7Y a a 7 
ee | a ee 7 ” Tes} 19 ¥ = a sie 7 
2 a a we tc ae Ore Ae (VG ‘ a : : 
od _ 5 7 Sa _ ee ed 
- 0 0 7 -—% ah - 7 a> ae z 7 + 
a Foe 1, ie _ an 
a 5 _ 4 es se 7 
oe 7 ore a ; iad ~— 
Pee Se ce oe a 
7 a4 eo 7 7 _ 
J) _ 7 oe a — = 
a 7 a - 7 - =— 
aol : 5 a 
i An os : he An 
2 eK” H, a 
na a ae re a 
or a ide : > 7 
er * = a 7 7 7 = 
7 - et. er - a. fan : oe 


ae ae 

4a Bad & erent love for hile toma and chtléren, and 
beped that ell of hits voye night eettle near hin, 
He brensht thew Bp to Werk faiths con ths farm. 
He alwaya es{é,""y onildren cen Learn adiftion, brut 
not division,” Fuees children use: to ce to 
eshock at the honae ef a neighher nased raton,sad 
they followed a path throuzh ths woe dBeThuy carried « 
cow bell which thar wera te ving din case that they 
met heara, cr any xing of trouble. The mother, 
Withsat thatr knowine (6, often fcllosaa then. and 
alwaya went out te neat ther ovhen the eohool waa 
Over. The traiition has besn carefully handed @osn 
that " mo ono ever ontzitted =9n98 Hathorn.” At ena 
time hea wished te bw oa ten--acre 2of of Land.cant. 
Baton, why owe this land, bluntly $014 hin that 
he would never hava one inen of 41¢. Before tha am set 
that night fe-as dathern foma aman wha quiekly heught 
this land, an4 it Was econ & part af the tig Rathary 
farm. It 48 gaia that he weet to drive a wonderfnl 
horse, 6 buckskin; @he vas atron:, and eernla & 

like the win4. the neighbors constantly gala,"2athorn 

will get his neck broken, or hig hes Bxashed,* 
But mething of tha ixint aver tava fa pans, 
Ths roada were very rouch a that time, but he 
Would daeh up and @oven the hilis a& itensh only 
& long strip of praria wae before hin, cuen @ life ag 
Ais gangs inzyiration for work, riety, and honsst living, 
dewn tha long generations of the doscondante,land tha 
recorde of the facily of *0nas& Hathorn,and those ef tha 
Lins to the present auy., and every: ana mast fe5k that 
&® ite dike hia vas inteed W6ll worth living, is 
wives were noble Gheietdan wanen, whore half ant ahaer 

was known” far and wide, 

> _ - 

7 a Ss. _ Vas % *. ? rer 7 
‘ae = ve). Uh Pe ee 

mt _ - ue nn LL , ad fowsiae 
ee Le 

4p .. eae roe — iT aoc 7 

7 a os 

ee oe er a Ieee a 
- _—s - : 7 : : 
.> > ‘ oS a Wy — : f a Silos onan Oe — 


7 we. 7 a ite =e nN D " ca pent 

> Women eC. ae 

7 = Pee th ses i 
cis Pp) Stl eiet ta hacd «lites Gnu ern nee 
= : =~ a vs ae | Te 
+ hand we Ve ~ an e's Fe eT 

eo _— ear a 7 a = - 

a pn 7 - ) = ro | ‘s, 7 / 
- hos 1c 7 a f oi or 7 = 

= how seis aoe Te eros Yee 

7 P _ : 
7 AS me ico” 
. : : - 
he ae =a it. a - pS hie iti 
7 Sat 7S - 7 a 
ee - rp a a 1° 
a ‘qe i 3 w Sry esa a ae 
im — = , ah a 2 7 3 yt the hie _ 
- Por. i ; ae oa 7 ne 
ramen a vv oe ele eat a 
- 7 > : 7 
arenes Aer. SG Pa | Wee OT tt bas 7 
- 7 4 0 _ i 
(- ¢ 77 p ~ d 1 a 
Te call ail 
7 7 So os - at ee 
4 ie aa on ey? Zs > nt, as 2 
- = 
7 o 7 On oat 66 a 5 Oty ‘A a _ es 
- = 6 7 7 on ee 
a er © care ; ote 
oe ie - 
—— 7 a i 7 - 2 > 6F on ~ I 2 a 


ORAS Rathorn MlIat) och 4.7616 Sarah tere bern at 
Athens ,+., May I7, 75983 4 Cet I6, 185%, aged 42 Yeare, 
and & months, 

ulena) Feb 4,3840 Almira ach ttder bern Now tq 

T787; 4 Feb IS, 1944 aged ga yre & @ months, 

¥{3a) ang R28, 1844 Mare aaton, bern at Athane Ae, 

and died apr S,Ih5I, aved 62 years, 4 months eS Aaya, 

The children af the tet Barriage of cenas Hathorn, 
Oven soe aste me Re Reese ee EROe 

(218h = generation) Harta Bathora bh Selon.Me., dan 
IS,iel? a4 at SKOWMACENZ6., Gane RETS6A.Soheots af 
Bolon,ne. Keres rag a trke =o home, where all doved toe 
60 and enjoy its Econsrons hospitality, and tha jolig 
company of the ohilaron.Sha and bar Imaban’ were 
members of tha Christian Ghursh, and iive’ a happy, 
helpfal Life together. 

Hodily 7, 1842 — Sa.Mdambarian, born SOLON Ae, 
an 35,1917 3 @ at SKOWDOEAN Ke. Dan 48,2892: sohecia 
of Solon, ia; & SGorshs an industriang farmar, ent a 
€008 neliehborsresidad at Bolen,o.) until TATA; after that 
8f Szowhecan NeeThe eon 2 Davitt Fariaan and Chiea 
Fratt of Solon,ie. Chiléren bern at SOlonesee AG 
Zalthfal attendants af Crmreh, thzeh net Rany of they 
were ohuirch serhars, 

(12th generation} Bevel Parkman bh May 28, 19433 
Hilied in the Union Arny, where he wR a fsithfnl 

Seldier, Cet ft, i464. ZFAYvBer before tha Fa~-. 

(L4th) FAlitan aenry farmasn b apr RG,IS4h; ated 
Qt Skowhegan, fe, ea Fa ISG: a FOFtiy Gitiaen ef 

Selena & Skowhegan, he. Rinkag & Farningele.ubliean , 

- = 
a - SG 7 ee a a 7 > _ 
4 oA) a v : “4 a . en as = oS ! bee “lad 
SS tS hast oer 5 
= ts 5 5 
- — : : 
S 7 _ 
: - = a ! pre , 3 
<n! me 8 AAS an) iy - hor St aro 
~ a Do 5 oy p= to 7 s)% 
oe er oe tes 6 is 
7 : 7 oa a 
ese, Oe Se 
> oe 7 7 2 — a” - 
- 7 7 on - ~ _— rie Nie fe aa re 
Oo - 
7 vu ae 7 2) re 
i pe be Gn Pu oe ee aS) 
: ee ns 7 7 
es S - o<4 7 a ha ; mere : a 
ci bg >) Ae ‘ee 7e- = h * a a oe ; 
=A Aa w= wr 5 i 
at AL- = are p= a an 7 a - es a 
7 a 7 ke = ; ; 
4 . _ : = an : 
a a Oo = = 
S005 °° eer SS - PAL = +. ae ae - 
7 = ‘ = 5 a 9g 
; a ae > =~ «Oe os ees 
“of Soe mee D : : “oP tn 
Venernne? Pry) t-C n,  Canae 2 Pe ere 
7 — soy 4 = Po 
a 7 7 2 : > Mee 
> => aia a) *2 eres wigs at siet k 
- - a = _ 7 a - 
x = a vu i ae aes z. 
aaa © ( a2 > -_ op ; 7 rt Ser: 7. . as 
ee pe an 7 eS Le ee ia 
- - » a bh. ite re 
i) Oe) Pe aod ae 7 ari 
ava 5 a 4 aa) -_ : oc ri 
eta O aay Oe ey an a ee a ee ae etl” 
a — v= 2 nr ° | tab ine 
- G ie Gey ee 7 y 7 
e pais vty te. 
a 7 >> a Gene TW a . i 59 'RL yt : 
—— = a 7 7 : - 
ie ee 7 ee ee ee 
- 7 oe 7 
oo oa = as a ar — = : note 

a eel 


Hltst]  abbfe Hichar4s, b  anly Ta, ta7?; 
diat Auge $, THEI. 

H(Sna) way I, 1994 abbie Snow, who ated 

Bay 22, I9lI. 

(13th geroration) z94 Farman b cune to, 

Y5kO¢ Larmar, painter anit nerenan® at 
SLcwWHe aan = Ge 
H dan1i7, iSt6 Iwah Rowe. 
(Ihth generation) Charles Bdein Parkman wb dune 4,18473 
& Sov &, 28753 Berools of Solon & Akevhegan,ua.e 

Farmer and miller: urmarriadg, 

(x3th} Swin, iovina Tlisaheth Farman kb dang 6, 
2848; & Cot 86, sac. 

ik Feb &, I87? Betedanitt. S0 ehildren, 

(12th) twin,  ivenia aria Parkman, bd Ang 516493 
a Boy 4. 2850; unmarried, 

(rath) Franklin Fierce Tarkxman hb duly &F,7T36R3 
aGet If, IAM; erraduated from Ker§'s ALL, Hae, 
Besinary 4 teachers, Demeorate 
(Ikth} Turner Zarkman bh Seh PP,TAKAy Afed 

How fe, Take, 
(rath) Sydn, “see Parkman b&b Cet 32,0887; A ar 

(I2th) Twin, Bugene Farman b Get IS,7887; Asad 
at Skowhegan,44., Beh £6,1ohIsrasidet in the He., 
towna, Sclon 4 Sxowheganj at Haverhill, Sasa. & 
Beater, c.i.e Solocle ef Solon & Skowhegan, Ne. 

& faithfal worman and &@n upright eitinen.scenaker 
and farmer; cxocrat; Granzers he and his wife mesbers 

of the @aptiat Charen. 

Ho ALP 35,1554 hone I. Goodwin Wrairsseld sae, veh IR, 

_ = 
; : 
6 a 7 ie Te: 
_ a al 
Ne o bt i 7 : : 7 a 
: ae. 
en ee ee 7 
te ee 
fw) . sv? Je . 5 
eee ee 
Sie en) oe ae La] ‘eh hk. 

7 - - re 
| iD GS ai esa 

- bod 7 var o= - } f eh 
3 7 — i a 7 
S oy) Sgt : _ = Senet 
5 : ft as a ea 7 
_? 4 a 7 7 1 o A “ay 1 soe 
= o oa 
- a _ a - ; - 7 ooh -T 7 a 
= Amie - ae Rae © 2 os 
- 7 
0 5 0 _ ie soe i ia? 
5 Dae be 7 4 
i S - — y\.4 
feta tiene ¥ . Sess teas) 
7 ape a 
a 7 Oo - 7 7 
= Jaa. i fe = ‘Sa +4 
site pliant here) ere VC cht Ae Oe Jeary ‘a 
— oe tee ee 
cy cin: Anil tall Maie! be stat tetar 
ee en ald 
rita. en Pa eet ar 
Paes A a 1% a 
- oa oe mee - - ar 2.” >: 
a SS 7 a si * 





Ieee; rFeeidse i928 at 6° F,3t. gvaowharan, @.;5 
tne daughter ef Allen &.€ecdwin and Sarah 4,41 74i8 of 
the as. torns, airxield and Sskawhegany a faithial 
hone baler. 
(l2th pfanarstion! fera Kay Faviman % OxeK= 
hegan i4., cane 52-45 yresides at Srowheran, 
Beg Schools ef Saveraili sarReg A tanchsr. 
KB duns €, I%9 Teragrine Fhite b Sxone 
AOBANSKGe, vune 27,6883; gradwateé from Skewhacgan, 
He. , nigh setent, Woe: cCenecrat; Granser;¢ 72 
Selles; farmmar ani apple = srewar, 

(I4th) Barela Farkran Seite b Sept 

(4th) Bthelen Hay THte b& nna aI, 

{ASth generation) Gladive ?arknan & Sapt 6,T°0R; 
BS6O18 of Buowhesaa, Hee 
(12th gansration) korace Zarksan b&b Aug I8,THGOy readdes 
Sxoehegsn PeeiGheols ef Sslon & Skowhaean, eet Sammers 
eemoret;s worthy oltisen; unmarriad, 
(18tm genoration) iuey Stta ‘tarkman b dan F5,78643 
&kK6R Ir, ese. 


Tye knA child of Senas Hathorn. 

(J%tn censration! Yhosbe dathorn wb Salon,¥e., cnly 72, 
IIe 5 at Brdghtenjue., June I2,5867%] Belwele of Solon, 
H63 a faisatul wife rcther, friend & naicnhor, 

BK orch &6,i838 Charlea Rewell bB Sclen, He.,Hov S,28763 
& Sept fo, T865; & suscessfel farmer af Brighton,Kee3 
Galonel 4{u the nildtis, [s4c--Isintg Selestuans sturdy 
Republican; a g@oo48 oeltizen, 
{Leth} Sarah Hekewall ho gaa AF, TASS 4 Asad 
Fgh 48, 7842. 
(28th) willtan hewelk ob feb 7, 18483 A at Eureka, 

ef wend) 


He oat ; 
a* .v 
Tt Se ED. ote 


a f 
conn ened Pies 
S - 
; eae n 
oernh a 
7 s ash 
Cee es 
an) _- a 7 oo 
Cee ce Peart oe © 
ee a 
- co 7 
eae: 7 5 


Salivernia, son tf, S2le; ote Taiz, ian tHA3y 
rfiner and hotel keaparg voinei fae Homa Guards 
KR «alien Dineen of Snglani. Se ansildren, 
(Ieth} Suansr Rowell bh Hen fe, TAd4: € 
ang 27, 19883 Zarnor at brighton xe. 
Ho4Y8?5 0 ary Fa ShAttier Of ATLOBR Ess 
Bre taught 4 vorms of sohecl, 
{ZSthl Aykel Gelowald ® Han 6, I38TS 
iaeises sf xsover, Bae 
KM Ferley Yard. 
(24th) Sen. 
{Isth) Allen ZovelR db Row 28,0646; A at Skewhezan, 
¥s., 2eh 7, 1278, 
#% Kary Snow, we resides at Gkewhsean, ie. 
éroth) “rnest Aljen Kewekl ¢ readies 12% Kafdean - 
Ste. Gxewhenan. Tife'a nae not sort, 
(16h) fleanor Rewell. 
{24th} thal Tews. 
(t2th)  Hareid Sdwin Rowell? ob  Cornvdlle,tie., 
ang &, é59.Raatmanter af her scadeny, Pranecenia, 
Bele Ah edatfrar, Rails, J&II5 at Frideten, 
Ma., ekh--L8le: af Cellinavilite , ct., I9T6-- 
IRC; et Franeon-ta aBines Ihe t Graanatead from 
BROWNE FAN Hae y high @rcheel, (I8C6; frem Zowdein 
Sollece,J&i@; has dens S4n8 work at Colmbia 
Untvereity Zeachers" Gollege. Teanhergzrinoipal 
@f aohooleg teatnaster. Rapubliaan cad Fellow. 
hesexahecatea res Fraternity of 3.anericas, 
aa and hie wifs attend the Gonvregational 
KE duna 88, IGis Hattie Dlancha “Vallard b 
Bolang ike, wr 7, ISAS; erasnated from 

* Serisveet Asadexp, If0C3 from Parcineten, sae, 

. > 59h 
? 1.’ 
aes 7 
ae eee 
a aie 

O 2 ' a 
a om tt) 
as on 
Ly eal” 
eet noms 
Sao : 
cae. a” - 
to = : 
*, roniee. a ’ _ 

oe 6 y ae 
LBQ _ 

- -_ Sg. 
tes van? ee | 
i. Poe 
a - a = 

Bors. fehowk, I9t03; tarch’ of twmtordyivne, . 
40adey ant at srideton,iie. ReIBEAAR at 
BlsAlli, Mae, sadenzeinnehter of Marow 
Pollard S “ava donss of tn Kee towns, 

Scion & Sornrille, 

(34th) Gordon Alien Howell boo duly f0,7874, 
{lath} Yarhara Mary Rerell hb fnir £7,067R, 

{12th generation] Siien howsll & Hew BS, TRAA; Liver 
at bridgton,ce. Chscreas Renta I, ox 81, ithenrie. 
4 aithfni helper ef imma and in tha nélehhormed, 
Zanzht I668--~1805; attends the hetaodiat Omran ,colongve. 
Ro Get 2G, 1867 eonard =, Garaen b At DATA 5 40g , 
Apr ‘18,2546; farmer, carpenter & Jachanie;deleotman of | 
Brightanedaey Town Sreuurer; member ef the Granze and | 
United forkmon; sonef sAcses Gorsen & Mata Kartha  fidbheta 
ef Afhons,tie. 
Z3th } Burt G.corgon ® can Te TRéR; 

resides brighton ia. : atdresa ADTANA ite g Houta I, 

fchools of Brighton, KGe ) farmer: kepublican, 

Hoang f, 89% Bree KeTRenpeen ob Athans, 

Bree dane #, 1675; Amenter of eoln Thompson 

aid Katilia imery, 
(zach Enéene Coreen bo ang 2B, TRMa: 

Karrfied Kay I?) mie, 
Rifze's nave sat sant, 
(25th) Gartruts ceracn b 396 4, 
fl4tn entintie 3.coraon bh  fays Ivrea, 
& Feb BS, IerA charler Zeaten, 
(i5ta) séiver iuuteg, db «ag 
(X5G5)} “Fgllase Renta b Dee 2, 

(54h) Raretl Zaaion bh Hay fa,le7a, 

: §X5th)  Stanlay sexnell xeaten h 

Sept 2G, L9%k, 

(35ta) Hoeroart Aciarnon Bb apr Rl, IK70% 
reeidaa Srigntonyite Qisreta Abuant, former; 
Republican; “Golleater & Sressurer o2 Brighton; 
H apr 42, s8G9 sdith Lawrence WY Brighten, 
Gas Apr it, SHY teacher § menher of 
the ashanB,i5., Ynien Omrahy datignter ef Lawla 

H,Lawrencs & Uptir dans kard. 

(lew OFlers Selorvon b® Sept 24,7970) reeddes 

Feet Athans se. SM cheater <sntecrth, 

{I#th generation) Sarah Aewali b Feb 20, 1680; 4 at 
Skewheecun,<e@., apr is, F9rTa. 

 arren Lecmfa; ‘farmerj ke  ehildran, 
{eth} charles F Rewell B day Kk, L657; A at Sureka, 
Galifternisa , Heb 6, IEC&. Tent to Salizernta in IA793 
waiter ina hetel. 

Berrisé in Saiifornia. 

(X3th) Afonted ohtld. 

She Sh oentléd of Sense Hathorn. 
(31th gensration) ‘Senas Franklin Hathrn & dune 26,782073 
& Apr 22, JAE. tivave ranidet at Selem, 4. Fe wat & 
harde-working, fatthrnd , honer } farmer. i# he war the 
olasat eon of the fastly ha was eiven great tasks 
tea @o, and never ehirzat than in tha leaat, ati that 
was plase’ before Bin be Alef father Kas regarae* 
as wisalir and levirely planned. Phen he as bat 14 
Yeara cli fs drove a isargs liewi of hay np te the 
Porks of the niver, ss Aietanna of EC niles, ever rcadr 
that were anything but easyeds 414 thie earsfully. Tails 

vwa8 & fanple of thinga watenh ke naderteok all aicng 

nel a ae ne Ee A ET 

Pees 7 oe > & 27588 
an yo — ) cs 6 ” Fl = oy 
>t) ota re as 

“+ >vt ieee: _ eats po ce +b ‘ rts 
pane « 7 =) 4 - ae Aer a ¢ 
i= op es a6 (Mah? ane 

-_ a 
on AS vor OG) i 

- ae : ; aed i q 7 . bas Tans a) ry 

- aey 7 J qat™, gets! = 

2 =o S —_ oe 
=) 6604 Ga 7 ane : 187° 
: a > 7 — 
i ir oT ori 
a _— 0 > 6 y - pa - a 

- a 
eer ey ee en ee: 
_ 7 : a _ 7 De) %e i vs ? eer | a om e « > 2 - 
- $ €ic : 7 : 
- : Ba i a 7 -_ 
a a ~ 7 : 7 t 5 j sp itt. kOyvee v res 
a ee S os ; eet” 
ft : G - le Sa ae ee te 
Bs, - nee 2 ee eel DA ey WA 
- _ a 
~ ; 26 y 7 Oo 
= 2c; S Webel - _ ; eh WORE Or 
co} .7 
- - on Fey ce Ta oe ax? 
ns ee - os 7 a as ee oe - 
- 7 _ 
i erase an | 
— : S 4) an ; ayevld 57s 9 4s 
7 a 
: _ ' 5 _ a - - 7 ee : 7 eniey 
: o a 5 
~ 7 7 SY wr - 7 * “ i 
77> 7 Sop £ he _ - eo 9 _ 




RE pee aetipaeeanse 

ut 2 

/ . 72 \ 

bis falthaiil war of lifesiixa Ban cthara ef hiss 


tise he sua osten told ef “great apportantsiea,” 
in new states » and in many other place®. 2h he wel? 
knsaa that 15 w3as his father's winh that hie sena 
Btonlé «tay by ths c14 Somewtoad whieh he And Garved 
, Out ef tis forest. ani ha Btaid ab ome, time giving 
creat jey to ois paranta, and in these faitntud 
fects lait tha grant foundations of s truly noble life. 
‘and he handat down $0 Bia osildran an exacple which 
pate that of Ala own stardy, noble type.Hin hone xas 
_/ ons whera the Hible wee alsaye onered and rhare dally 
‘prayera were never put asida, no mattar haf Erfant 
‘taska or hard triale weighed mpon She dayB. 44 AaB 
a Meith sender of the Soisr, “Bey HatmAist Gaursh, 
Sha Pastor of tsst Chnren every four weaxR held Gunfiay 
‘Servises in the saten saheok mouse near EreHathorn's heme, 
‘ @@ always teek charge ef tha sugie af teena Garvicecs, 
a6 4 Qh ali merbecra of hin father's family were fine 
‘ BRsieians. soon ate daachter had learned to play the 
(BelOs<@R that inasrusent was texan fe the 6Ghoe1 house 
to  Belp in tse esyvices, wiles, larsely heusves of the 
oj Yze and eheer ef tade nebie man, werd always Laryely 
attende:, and tarcugh tham many ere pauidei te a 
{ etter live. U@ 2enaa Franklin datwrn breaghs ap Ate 
eAildren te taoroanes obedience, and dearly Zoved tres, 
buving thet backa, jsausioal fasirwments, and daing 312 
2 in his power to masks then hasps and agafil. cia dear 
at Gi" of eduesatian were far in advanca Cn tin timas in whatah hea 
Liveé, and he forex presak patina fo have erory 
masber of his large Yfarilg wid Anétrneted, sanding han 
fo Someargat academy, vuiie several ef tas ermatinata’ fron 
Yant'a Hili, Hee, Atad-ry, with a2 {ne standine in al? 

ef thsir elarses.aith honeat priie he aenk4 esy , xt 


7 {? fone sa 

oa - > yeh * ; 

= 7 
a HL. Fy 

oa “ Tae 

pou = = = so 
ay “a -* -_ _ 

- : 4 : 7 
oo i 9 9 = 


V0) Fee aaa 

- 7 . oe: 
ee ee 
7 - 

7 Sh 
— sé - a 
7 - 7 
mite YY era 
a > : 
~ 7 wa 7 

Oy kee ees 
; my 7 at) 4 
G ain > or 

ae he ot Sh Si iet. 

aero, jel oe 

my Pd phe 

tha entire nadehhorse ld know te ha a gras’ truth, 
“Sot s Blaex SBhsen in my fhooke* sothing plessed rin 
more tian fo hava hha eniidran abent him, with a 
house Thief a@cepinw, aniali Joininy in ene a? the 
“Sings”, weitek ware known far ant wide, Ss Fas abpoine 
tei duatics ef tha Saaca by Cevarnor Gehurn, sant aftar 
that wag aiscys Secken of as "TAqtare Sathorn.” Though 
Weary with Ade dapa ef Lene, arinouB bork, he 
Slware Sound $19 tc: read san geet bhocke, ard ne 
kept toorcigaly paeted fn the eventa of the djayeonring the 
Gayil tar he whtid eaeh da: drive five milea& to oclon, 
Kee, for the H3i2, and would return with si] the lettare 
and payere fer tus .aten neighborhood share ha Litad, sen 
ths mesa eata ef t5:5 468th of ibrahan iinooln, nae 
heart kas almogs brexun, and he nearned fer aim as 
fer a brothar. Hs fava up Ain Acar Bon, franklin 
ANGEHERS » fo the Serving of Ale countryeRin prayers Zor 
aserics ia 47986 timer of Rorrew were Bttonh that Many, 
ywno nad last faith in taely eountry and Sea's esre, are 
*le te oa Pra belie® 42 the righteous anding ef the 
ereat civil “ar etrnesle tensa Fatiorn fas HOt BRAA Ever 
five fect in hedent, but Ate bey ‘ae Btrong and 
hardy, ané ha was very quick and active {Rn ald 
of Ale movesante.cven in his old Sea the Raping was 
wiasly echoed, "Squire EZstsern will aldava be a8 Arre aR ! 
& est. "ini8 Jad dia te be prosptly en Rand at avar¥ 
placs where BA fal an enzacesnent, er where he felt 
that ne cond te of are Reip in the naighhbertonde 
Fhean he was te teks am smenher of fhe farily to 
Somel, or fe say ether plana, “a axpactet then to ha 
ready whan the woarra var at the acoretnan be Tonnd 

then fcllasine hie awn fins exs-pls of pronpinasa mia 



ee ee 


a) . 
want Bile piunosuality meant, for thair Pature Suc eared 

in life. i. won a wan of few words, and this teinkle 

fina derk ogse Classi with tride sa he Shotiehs ef 

fn ale eyes feant sueh te thene war knew hin Kali, 
fa boucht Ais father's old noun and tha 16h scram af 
4ani. S23 new iens shen ha oudlt in raid, 
with {te ccey Preork, snd graray iawn, 4a sill standing, 
ont dé et!1i pednied ont aa ai eenter ef ereas helprule 
Reas fa tin old Says, wille meas from ecasd te Aeass 
thank Ged Ser ita Fanily altar and ehaer. hve tatheora was 
& Granger, and Sor meny yaare Sreasurer of the 
Crganisatioa of which ho use s cecher, 
aenss Frarchin datmwera K (dit)  uahiy senttpale , born 
HES Ik,iGL0; do Geos f, S044 44 the Birth af har 
Firazt child. G49 waa a very fstthhul Girhetlams 
K (end) -Ovire korea born at Tarrddgensok,cee, Sah 45 
Tee7s a SGV 8, F550; the daughter of Simeon norse and 
fade ee st 
Bayes Go vorridgasocx,c6, and a etater ef té480 and 
Bineon berhee, #4 Horrisd inte thie Hatvern faatly. 
One fruiy saya ef Sivire (erase) dathorn,* She sae a 
BSeset lady ant a remarkahan weorote™ 4nathar who knew her 
Woll writss,t© Sie had dark blue eyes, dark Mair, anda 
Vight, Bsceth sstnethe was vary quiok of ypereaption, 
anf tsé a fine Clirissins epirit; was ealnaya ready to help 
4m every glaze where thera vas gar-ew or nsadi and 
eayeelaiiy “assy obs ovarleak t55 uheatakes ef others. 
Ske never theugit 3-97 pecrle ueon$ fea be xean er 
bade@ha wan 60 fill a? Pympathy thas - evary ana in 
tke nalztherincad sought ner Fwsip and edvios en the 
Preble rs ef Li legue Littened Pailenkiy, aad Aelpal ehaerfly, 
AA Batesr hae trivil ware the matters that sere brenest 
ts here Earnoet and Sot snk, ANA aleayes reaniy te have 

a good foka, and & barrhege bh 9 ef fans. eonda 

ee ae tp eee ee ee 

be @tern when an ¢ocarion denanded it, and 
when her pind had been Bpexen efi xKnaw that if 
was wisely guided, and that mtning conld g@hange 
ite---eand her ohtitren = loved her drarlvedix could 

tura her hend tc almost anc xindi of work; te 

@sin the wedl and flex gas har aglignt, ani during 

the Givil Far Bho kad ereat pleakure in weiringe 
Blankets, ‘towels, or wWhaterer sia Hastad; and G@he nate 
the cloth far the nens' auits ani for the 
ehilsrens' drenses. Sha ware never ddle; 42 Bhe Rat 
4ewn the knitting was airwave at hand. Her hatr 
was always Rmeasir eembeé, andi no esiler aver Gama 
ena fonndi her untidy. sheraver sha vent aha locked 

tha true lady that she vas8e%8 cond speak in pubiie 
withent tha least bit of cenfusion, and often took 
part in the Cransa me-tinge at Golen,#e., where ehs 
end her hushand were vwery falthtii manbersesis often 
wrets papers fer the Granse, and thay had great 
Glearnasss and helpfalnesa on whatever anhieags nacdad 
@4@oussion. She wea alwave cheerful and hopeful. usr 
ereat faith in God gave her HO yYeahean to 
eomplain ar find fanlt with her lot. Fy,ouen Rha 
Bey have kMOWN that she wag othe prettiest weman 
in the fown, aha never eave a int of prife or 
wanity over hig, &36 wishad only fo he thnsht of 

as sa tras heiper at hous fant in every neighbor's 
Bouse whore she wae needed, no& metter how hwetla 
the torsa might he where Sha wae alled.She cared 
es tenderly for thea oehfi138 of hear hughand'e firat 
Marriaza ap if he hat be«n her own, and it ceria 
be truly gaid of all in her hose,"uer ohtiéran 

Fiss up anf cali har bdblessed.' * 

_ a ae Eee 
6 i 
Se OR ea taig [eae * 2 te 
7 7. 
7 bis oo 6 nt ae er | , a ae 7 
2 She sawke “eas 
ee 3 : Tt oa - to swey heer P 

OE mae | te “= ood 4 
‘ +6? Sang D 
ee Cee 

hada bt. 

- iy te _ a, 

oa > 
= 5500 GAIN en CO ase 
7 a : aay - = es a nT A ie 
a > y i xD 4 . 
on 9-2 i e a = 4 7 
: 7 aw — ‘Sama a es 7 re an 
- = 
7 fre = 4 7 ; - ar an r a at - ye 7 
7 : _ 
a! 5 “ eee 9 a > . iy ee 
a 7 ” = Oe o als o = 
k a _ : i oi p i “unt =i | 
7 So o 7 
eae — 1 - 4 a 7 7 , Set in ” 7 
mls hot: ECA ss eriguss 
a _ _ ‘ b 5 - 7 ie 7 S35 met ra 
eo vn s-- “7 
Velo a ae 7 5 one : Stet iia 
a a a 7 0 an ~ Oo 
7 any By oo a 7 Pa a 
os é - 3 7 7 a ‘- ewe rT 
- _ =. oe = wh 
—_ s.CUS 7 7 7 a an 
a. 5 7 i : a oS: a ve a, . 
= F 7 7 ee f 3 ry a een 
5 _ Vitis - — 
wus - dle 7 a 
iv : : io anaer we ee oer 
: _ if of a 7 5 ie ve 74004 fl : 
- = : _ 7 
re Ce 
ae = 0 _ 
pe J — 7 on : ; 7 #6 eeu. A: 

te ba 

ae — 7, ee 

7 —— - 

Tne child of the et narriaga of “ensé Zranklin 
dathorn, with aiily G.5hirple. 


een Deen mmm ne = em mm ee 

(Teth cenerafion) Franklin Qbart Hathern db at 

Bolen,iice, Aug 8, I844; eniietead early in the 
Civil Yar; asLead an donne Carria, Jae, after a 
nobles cervices for hile country. Gns ef the fine, 

eturd: sans ef a rand eld fanmtly, 

The otildren cf the fnd marriage of fenes Prantiin 
Haticrne , with lvira sorse,. 

(I2th generation! Joseph Horse Aatmrn b&b Selen, 
HO., jan Sth, 2948; a Sept 28, IgTsg; He 
boaght ai farms at Detroit, sae: he waa a very 
Stren: Chrietian man, oftan ieading relicicoua mectings, 
presehing in seh-cl hongas, attending funerals, and 
Qisayé doing goed. Hea was a faltntn farmer, and 
beoane quite weli-—Bede, 

% Glenentina Filley. 

(stn Raforeant dathorn 2: raaides Fittafiala, sa, 
$bh¢ mans of his wife not ent, 
(Tat; feo ohildren, 
(23th) = Zeeaeh Hathorn Aiea at FAttetiald,ia., 
in 3926. 

Bia widow if now Ere.Lula Gatehali, af 

vattarssela, ia. 

(X4th} Sa children; Aseeaaed, 

{{£th  gensration) omniiy &.dathorn oh Selen,ke., 
aor 5, T8505 rebides ISht at 208 Flaasant St,, 

KRaldsn,-s26, 4 "cman ef sturdy piety and ef eraat 

Relpfalnasa in ths many place® where she has lived, 

heginw ent Oh et ae 

Bnei ae asl sti. SVEN Sve 5 Shy 

i i 

ee ee, ee 

ch a me 
7 ie a thee - 
mies Cle E 

Seen Juri danitatil 
0 ne } — 7 ps 
ae ie o 
7 iv, wel 
_ —_ hank 
er 1 
- oc 
Dalian sande 
( ie Th 
y* 5 od aT, nie ee 
. i 
a ’ ety al Of Lae 

ae . 


Shea grsadnated from Semoraet acadeny, -thens,ie., and 
from Hont's Hill, Kee, Sevinary in 1574. 4 puncnan tl 
in Zalins and in the fris@Ge torns, opringfielé,iyna, 
Sercestor, Ganbridge, &c. 4 very faithful memhor of 
the Hetmdaist Chiron, if great help in the writing 
of this dattorn AiBvory. 

H at Solon, Hee, June 12,1877 Fev, Devi Thite 
Staples, Phe De, born Terple,iee, AT 15, 1949; Aled 

at the hema of kis aon, Bre Slarenca H. Staples, 
Malden, Waste, Hay I6, I921. Coituarys" Ha worke’t his 
way through = sehool et Zent's Fill, wee, hy teaching 
@¢n001; grafrated at Veflyan dSenimary, “iddlebury,ct., 
ons I877, the while building a oemreh at K. Berlin, 
and caring for his fesble parents. Of his IG 
pastorates in the Sew isngland Kethodist Conference, % 
were in eities, several of which ha rajoiead to sen 
turn from license to no-license.In vacations he 
found tine to YFnlld a beate a howe dy the soaside, 
ené to take oxtanded travele abroad. In T9275 he 
retired to a large fruit farm at Bowdoinhan,re. 
dr. Staples was a preacher cf the evangelical type. 
He aimed to hste gome one join his omrch, or he 
baptised, at every Gomvunion. Ze was a fine illns- 
tratnon of what a pocr bey from a log cabin, 
Startins cut alone, with a 4oc-e4& persistency, a 
Sailing face, a faithfulness to aeta’in, andi a reli-g 
gious ambition, HH may, under Sod, accomplish in our 
fres sseri¢an life and inthe ministry ef the Kethodist 
Friscopal Crurch.dis Fastorata oovered 4P yesrs,ie 

was the sen of James Staples and Careline “hitea of 
tho “sine terns, Tenple,Selen and Clinten,” Onilarens 

(ISth fgeneration) Mm. Clarence Hathorne 

Stavles +b at iunenburg, Nahe, duly 9, I873; residen 

_—— - 7 7 - ra 7 — - 
Dem tt Fee thew nn res tegggnbig Paes. 
> a OO 

: Bs | D -_ spe , i> _ 

. ee be Oa . ee 5 ai 7 a 6 6bes Xe, 1 

Rarer 0730 ee A aig ches gaat tn rye 

i Ls 

: ei ies) 
Re a 2 

oA ie 
0 0 
_ o 1] 
a _ 7 
p eves 
a0 a 
alan Ve 
= % 
7 a) 
li: of 
a Oo 
y a et 
a or 

3 -_ 


Stee nan 

viel Ls Wd tae 
esABEeer ae 
se v, 

ae - IG: ssa 
Oa a 
; - 

os a 4 _ » ™ 
then) NE SiH 
ete eens 

ees a) toives int sdg tring 
vy a igs ee ay” a 

5:8 8’ tj itt ns Pe 
“4 Dies Pp) i hen ants ~ 

- ee ba es ee ee * eee 
q oe nie rine cre es il 
APE aera a Prine): 
— nasi ees ee 3 
ee et eee ee 
eee ee Ws 7 
ge) 4 ual Teo Nee aus a 
a EAT oes p= Rant uae 
eed 7 we sed isd ero on 
ns _ — cre — t _ a 
Helis ee Vs anat? 
| 4 8 ad 
Seer se ea > 



S634 Fisasbant She Malasn, ams. 4 Rary suareatal 
pryreieian ant eurreon. for tha Saléan Baard of Health. 
Eradasted from ihe Roaten Hasse, Latin Seheod, 
I8$6; from Eidiletewn colleca, 180°7; from 
darvard ediesh cellere, yeo4; from the Feston 
Sity dosrital, 7605. Sree Hason,e He and Ale wife 
exceilent manbera ef tha Ketnoiiet Charen, selden 
Cester, Hasee 
BR duns 78, i8cs Liasie inte Clarke SepsZield, 
HAIRe, Sept FS, ISkGR eradmated from Kaldon,iaan., 
high é@ehee], 696; fren Seaton tutversity, wita ales 
ISOks & Brocessfiul teachsr at Rerthfield, 
Rasee, sSorihary, JECk-nIRCh; & Reblea and helpful 
wonsh; fhe dauenter of keveSecrga Eenry Glarke , 
Ketvindiet sinleter, and of Lissie Isabel tackard, 
these parents fave Fresifed in the Xare, torn, 
Topsfield, Tansord, Halden, Sinthrop, Lewei?, and 
Scrarville; alae at Ghieare, tila; in Isse 
reside at Sudbury, Bass. 
(14th generation! Glarke Starplea bb 
eRiy 14, Iec?; Graduated from Haltan, 
Ease., Grammar Saheod, eel. 
(14th) Sarhare Staples ob Cet 4, T8633 
é Say 74, 1909, 
(4th) Aathrypn Staylek b Get 37 ISOS, 
(34th) Janet Staples b Sune GIZA, 
(13th feensration) arold Glifton Staplas ob Seringfield, 
Kase, IS8G 4} 4 from dphtherda, at lynn Jake., 
Got B, (Aa. 
(XGth) Sanss Garleton Staples ob Ghteopag Falla, 
Rane. o, atg &, 1893 Graduated from Lowell, anwe, 
Alek eatyal, IG; from Seaton Univeraity, 804. 

Ha G1A fine e@nrvios as Ghaplain in Francesa during 

79 7 nA) ate SONG hi» 
ies E ony YU Bos ie S70 fe 

: iF 
maaan e YS ao Saye » TRAMs? %, 
ls Gude =| it Vivier. sas VERDEMPC 
i ee ae mt Ey the 
c = Cietntpeeadtl iy 29 Din ee ial i hee lz eax ford 
coe er ee ee 2 | 
4 _ 7 a 7 ve a : a 
eB i a 5 atta 9 DEY bd keaw Al wEia 
; Le) ook J el xc oerey wi 5) Na fradiown {ite tied Be 
: ets? eset? 
a 7 Fis eT ng na é oa ies “enti, _ 
wc 2 1) gael brane saneseel, LO Riae) aerate Wilk 
Teta a,, Sue dent Vind pik galt 
£2 = ar] rh, ; 5a vee ane : a eei> 
Punt Seton boa ue i Wait ner a 
Yiiry of ted en fatsaltt. 96 BA cee 
Ao Oe —— AE =iauve .° 54 ae A 
ew Sheets etre > tol ipt (ah Tear. ghews THune 
S ties ar Piisn0 b Fe Ok fare free 
alii, dre RRT RY 
i Pi F ae esay 
_ Wi Labaotae) 7) TOTe ieee 
EKG 2 lle. secre aa 
TT = Ls) AS ware pe? ut rT 
Vt eee. 
epLie | Nit! aL Wee MD (read 

TAG #) 

ST SAGhia 7. 

— a : : i v4 if) & x 1 s7) * 
i = Ss > 
7 i 31 te) 
cr 7, Ce ae if nine eern’ To. 
ee ee oC 
= a = ae a paves, apy? 7 ree a wy. ha 


f$5a Forks -ary now e@espleved in very iInportant 
wre Of the Yelieledscuperintandant of the 
Hetnmdiat Guiday Gehool. Has published a 
Popular value, “Tlerieal Praetiae.” 
# {Tes} Dee &5, IST! Gail Hoyt, wm died 
Rev,, iI&la while her redband was Ovar Sans, 
Hignag) Sev 85, 1820 any Baker. 
The 28 ohiid of the @nd marriage of fenan 
Fransiin dathorn, tr nis Prd marrlaree 
({Ieth generation) Fillard Simean Hattern b&b Belen tee, 
Boy S2,1d61; resides 1972 <Ashburnhan St., Taat 
Fitohiurg, ase. Dasided at veepringfielagnaate, WTR -TA KY 
at Coloopes Falla, “awe, IsG8--is6e; at Fitchburg, Hssee, 
@ince then. carpanter and rcdlleright; Xs.wbliean; he and 
Bie wife senders of the #&:h Sden = Bantist Charoh, 
®. Fitenburgetase. A san of aturdy and wWalpsul qualities, 
BH duly 26, 131 ary Alisaheth baittanere b Fitchburg, 
Hasee,, Gig 26, IEE; tanght in the Fitehberg schools 
With fine SRecsBa  FhI7ERnTHAIL A noble halpar-e Dangenter 
@f Henry Francia Jhittenere bh Titahburs, Kasee, var 7, 
W658 & ef knvy Ghareh bo siguata nee, culy of, 
T6465 thee parente resided at Pitenburg, hans. 
(I3th generation) Halen Wareuarite Ratherne 
B Ghicopss Falis,kasae, Hah it, T3883 
6raiuate’ from Fitchburg, £asse, high gohool, 
TEO4; from Fitchburg, sasa., Sormel Setwol, 1658; 
fenght at Eoohenter, see, Daphes ECGan-Fah, IGT, 
A Brees fal texcher at Fitelhurg,.ase., ainee 
Fad 1, i926, 

a - - 7 7 48 a ates a el 7 
ee siete 
ae 2) Dr a = ay a ae a iF - 
fe - tictiane a ihaw Laie «* Or aes 
7 cass 
7 a 7 a 3 : 1 
ae a7 a he sh el a oe i Ls 
ete). (Go Vestal at ruin Oy geen 
ae = a : 7 7 7 
Tos) Saath fal c= in Chern 
canta ae ee eS and eae 
=o ct rane) eee: i ao 
+ a a gat e. = : 
cS 5 vA} BUS 7 Pe i] *}t Vela 
aie? ob MONE, Were Liggk enters i 
= : esnveh eree. a fe om we .2" 7 
= erie & ; SEIT San tin — 

a =] 7 _ 
: - 7 7 co 
_ 7 i =a he 3 aay 7S 0 3 te - 7 rit o 
7 - a 
: ae x ome « - ; ve a ic a Lit i 
- - ao & 5 om ae woo Pai 5 1) na ae 
a 7 7 i ; 
ioc - oe 7 7 a 
2 oo : 7 — - _ Vee ek } te tT J se a 
a 7 oa | - eet 
ag” ran = PA cd 5 alte 4 tn ae 
= = c i * a yr 
ier ae? on b a ter, 
> a 2 7 et 
= 5 6 _ = 
- 7 a Vy 7 ce _ " s - 1 Want. 7 
a — = 5 Me Vi rs 4 e : 
7 , a Dai a, are 
7 7 i .- 7 
Oa r ae 2) 7 ff esta de 
- = 
ao. 0 i vi SS 4 cS nL r . 7 - ae 
- _ _ OO 
Vee _ 7 Folia 0 Fo 7 = 
a —_ oo = o 
A) 7 7 ae 
Ss JUTE PKS he 7 ae - Ad 
= : H pains : 
i? : a . 


3.9 4th o3tld of the fad marringe of Sonam Franklin 

(32th sencrati ‘on} Ehesnor cd Sstiorn b Belen vee, 
Yeo 19, IG055 rebide® @t athenfynee, since ewly Fogth7Be 
Eradustei from Somerset anndany,abaenBgite, & SPOR 
Kent's dill, de.,ceninsys: targht with fine snseree 75 
tema of ‘toen acmols; eo an& her *naband Feit Pal 
pexbars of the Atanns t¢., Matheaiat Chureh, a weean ef 
true fait und halpAinsits. 
KR duna cc, ZB78 dohn Fairfield Holman b DixfielA, 
Nee, Sav 2A, 1G4G3 well etuaated: o2 great hardithead 
snd perseverance; Atty -- st -Laws fecteter ef the 
frebate ceurt: [af Ssalectman ef Athens, ae, Ser If Feara; 
Fres Keston; udi Fellew; <“siteted in the Civil tar, 
Sept fa, 498%, SSA Ha Heztez Coe Fe, Laine Volante srs3 
benorsbly daiseharged eniy 10, sided; the anon of Kerrilh 
Holman and i.iyrdam Enter, af Dixtiala,ace 
(35845 penerstion) Hsrasat Kathern Eelnan b , 
Eay SI, J87G: ai Arugeiet at Filten,“e. 
GradRateda fon Kent's #412, Hae, Seminary, 
BH Sapt 7, Ske Marg vaAavay, 
{x5th } Flerens4 Hnna Holman Bb gan @, 
X86I3 & dune &, 1886. 
(X24h) Lavrs Alvdra Helman bb Fab 27, rkasy 
resides IG ‘Yoodereat Ava., Waite riaing,c.¥. 
Graduated from Lewali, Faseey Righ sabeol in 
@ Huainesa Couree.She and her fieband 
Renbera af tha Kathodiset cGhurek, 
RH oenme ES,UStTe Frederiok Hathera cudl b 
cringfielé,fsas.e, cine £,18633; in ahd ta 
ifanespdtia,cinne, with Ris parents.crsduated 
from TAte Fla ns, 7eXes ‘Blgh @erocl, leek; 
eivil unginesr, Grand Cantral Terninal,%.7,City, 

Sas Seon of Cneodone Frelingiwaen dri 

oe =< 
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ah Rags 

a ay Lone» 

Oo _ 7 

Pere et CHad 
: ares ie Bias 
ded Seg nt. NEY A tasiaeeiting ney” 

os iratage? a hhte BPE 

ee) elas wep Sie nates) 
7 : ; - ; - 7 OS 
Cai oe et. x vie re: A, om WE #0 Retr 
th yy yted ore 
9 ae ed 
Do he 7 7 2 ; ‘2 ry a 7 +, oo “ah - 
7 ee 
heal G - 7 O a a 
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- . a ae we ye) ; 
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a4 a i i 9 ian a — ae Bes = rae 
7 = ' 
25 AL eae ee aoa toe “ie 
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- 7 Le i. 
: t : 
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- a oe 7 
1 _ oo 4 3 
see er 
: : pa = 


62 a 

ani fiera ve the dangntear of Sanaa Prarkiin Sathern 

& c“ilvira sores. 
(34th generution} Florence ALizabath 
gud: ob Ka ZI, ers, 
{I6th) hargaret Holman dudi ob Jane 27 
(14th) Holman frelinghugaan dataob 
Bow If, Fart. 

(IZth esnerotion! Karion Gisra Helman b Zev &, 
TBh7s resides 45 vextar St., Tit: an, Fane, 
Graduated from Serarset arcadaiy athens ra,, 

end from a Buainewe Collaca, Portland tae 
R Feb 88, xXS83 Henry anirers Tarnar, 

Det ed et eee 

che 5th ehila ef the 2nd marriage ef  “anss 
Frankiin dathern, 

(24th generation) Fiera S.Mathern & Sclan,Fe., “ly 
8.4857; revifas 18 Xcoderast ave., Vhita claina,7.7, 

4 woman o2 great exacntive ability ana nelnfaulnsea; of 
orand holp with thie Hatrorn SSaterg: graduated from 
the scmels of Selen, Hee, Sni  frem Kant's HALT Aicig 

Besinary, i eadfleld euccesfid teacher in the eeho- le 
e2 Leins and dasa; tansht for tro eearé at springy 

field iaeh. A satthl manber of the Hethedtat cinroh. 
After hor marriace live& for eanme time at Kinnee 
‘ epolis,cinng on the death ef her mother,in Info 
kest benee for her father at dclon eifas then 
to Site Flaine, S.¥., erty, r9e?, 
MH ef Ghleapes Falla,Nexa.e, Unly A, TAR 
Shacicrea srelingtirsen dnad hb Harkahira,neYe, 
KOh £4,1850. tha Snd ghild ant the eldent non af 
Fraderie 7.0044 & caanestea <Albar. Ee had 
eh-rea of thy Y¥eeesea, work at orring field “ate, 

MM FGGTg  ---3004: Then te Hinrneapolods,: inne, 

7 = a a Se 
- oh 
{> 6 - : a : - - +) 7 
- Ye 77 
- _ 
7 = _ > Gena « oe 
7 - =o “ Oo 
“ey =. ay 
a) i 
ee es 
a ox 
a 7 5 z 
Pi mae ais Lelie 
Pane Did : 
D a q _ - _ 
do i o a : 7 oie ° if nie V4 
Ps oe oF | ini. rn eee Bn tne 
: D pat Ai 7 re 7 WS : oie : ‘i te 
- o 
a MA- [eet tion Get et: 9 Geetianee 
a =_ on 
7 —_ s - OTe “5 at 
(ano Sees Seo 19 = 
7 6a, oe 7 = U 7 ) es — a 
= eee nits. yee - 
a 7 a) — aoe t= a4 ae - oS 
| =3 5 7 6 7 = K eee - on 7) a. 
a - 
a ; - ae _ bale 
A ood 1) (=n ee i 7 ie cn ears - : (val 7 
_ x ba6 7 : ia 7 a a fie : 
Tb 7 tea Ug en Ren ha ee 
0 aD > z -_ He ° bie 
ok we ole “Cie: tie WO Grete ene: are 
oy " i 7 la ple ote J o> § | - as a ™ ah 
- =o 5 ZF a a sa be 49) ; te we ae oe 
any co | oh ee a as aa at 
- - - 
es - ss al ey wet , ne ee a ahs ott 
— ~~, mui & ale sat 4nA 
7 7 - 
O 7%” ° oe 7 - yi -, vy pp eit 3c. - 
OD - 7 7 0 - i sal ue On 7 a 
1 - - of iu 7 
Teh es rn hh ae ee ie 
? s or : - pe ty te 
Pee eos Ln La ahd chee ee eee 
Pl — - 7 _ - ars oe Wd _ we 
oie ¥ awe) - 1 ee _ gir ine _ 
OS - 
7 1j- : 7 oy, _ an ik ” +766 
a 7 7 = ve 7 : 7 re a _ 
-_ = 7 e ww? 

jn charge of the Fae Naa SA RUPR, Temnalning 

thera onnti{) fra tars, hi-dng had grand suaneaa, 
da than tock ohirsn of the Yeonete te Hore at 
Glifton sorce,7a. In I8S7 be was Gallat to 
Rallraad Pranah of ths VorieGedewerk in A.Y.osty, 
With his ott{oa gt 363 Madtaon ave; changing 
in I¢22 to S08 Park Ava, MeV eSltz.4 man of great 
exeoutive shility, ant a fatthAr menher of 
the HathmoAtst Cmron, Sua oaktldren: 
(it: generation) ?Fredleriex Hathorn 
eadt ob Soringettuta, SARBegrinMA A, T5504, 
H Laura heHolman, 
Full data of him and his fanily 
rasese BC & 4%, 
fY8tn) Genoa v42har Inada} aniy 18, 
TRB g  vasiaes ha Far, Foligta, Sonth 
AAT Oke Graduated from Thite Flatng ; 
Rete, high Bon%ol; teek ai aourse in 

Library Uihars werk, and Was 4 librarian in 

du dan reir to La Par, Bolivia, a9 
& teanchar in the Rathedint Alasion Hoheely 
from early years 4 folthtal member ef the 
Kathoaist chareh, 

K Get 2 t, zraxt to a fteaoher in the above 

Blesion Foheet, dohn Ernaat Bashburn, whe 
Was born in &,2arota INT6? fn THOP Sapere 

Of the Ketrodtat Nidselenary Board 
Of South aAmardoa, The ehildran: 
pa (14 eoneration) Flora clair 
Fashburn b fPrelotA; a  zIaTs, 
(téhh} Rraest ¢ycannourn bh Tah, TRIS. 
(I##4)  341her Washburn ob IPTRy 
: & I9Is, 

(16th) cyte gathorn vanhibarn DIVER. 

eg MM 

a ae 7 

ou ae 4 re % 5 
7 cS — Cy 
Ss OF) dew ae nests 

Sue we hed are 

~~ “a5 
ua Des D ave’ it 
a , 
- : > < helt 
— Q On 

enna Wes 

Jone we Eee Tae 

- OT carne nen ait 
7] ° Ant ~ be 

a i i Aw es ee wr 

fic Toye ee Farol BE 
7 a vy > 

een Sin temic acting 

a 7 ane <i i} ne 7 wel alt Aivé 

> ec 0 eee 
aXe i oe eae hie 
: 7 ; ry Gi : 7% Ae 

ie a0 F. ji a) 
nt ae 

Ob fore SP 

_ c cart 
: Ve 
a) oF 4 hen re rie iW nal 
at Oo J. see + 
gee TE ee Oe OF te ae ae 
= = ss 7 _ 7 
ao 5 a 7 
7 iP, ee _ ~s 
: 50 on oh 7 
pws i Creare 18 
oe _ 
- cba ad I 7 — = 'e —_ tt 
o a _ rorm y a 
i Done aware pas ao 
a on ie or > Po, p 7 or : 
O oa - 7 
: 7) ae i a 7 a 7 ia ae 
oa 7 7 7 a - 
. a i 
oy) y a ea’ 
i ee 5 - a 2 | ioe * - 
ow 7 . a 
: - Tans a Ai 7 i, ~~ 
aD 7 
i ee ee 
7 - 
S sD 6 0 | - os 
— Aas = S 
ee Sele. ta with ie 
by _ 7 = 1 ie) ee uD i 
- 6S - - . an _ ae 
; ; “yr 
7 — »: 7 s* 7 
p 7 aed coh 0 7 6 1 i 
7 : = a 
a Oe : J S ; . 7 

‘& (46h) gsnsratien) Charlee Thawicre muda bh Rea 
£4, (36; drowned at Shite Flaine, 7e¥e, are fC 3583, 
Hs ‘et born at “dinrespelie, inns, ans eduna- 

ted inthe sbmola of Salen ree 

(2§sbi 0 kdwin Inceracll anda ob Kimmeapolse, 
4 Hine, Any fh, Z3AR8Z a Sivil engineer’ eraduated 

from i,¥ . tuivarsitys, IGity wpleyed in 5.Y, 

Gitye esisosnd Lt. tn the snginecring Asotion, 
Geiiate a fetshPil member af the Vathesiat 

(xgsn) oo Lonra Hlyirn daadé ob  Adnnenpette,¥inne, 
aig SF, 1880¢ resides Trinkdadslalorado, 
Cradisted from fhita FJaine.ieYe, nigh saree], 
T8C3; and from Hunter collucese¥e, IBITI 
& teacher at heslin,s.%.j then tangent in 
ths Ninsion Febinsen Fehool, Porte rea ths and 
her okushant nembare ef tha Keiko dist fimreh, 
Boat “tte Plaine,5.¥., cept 5, Ieis Tyndall +. 
fekensn ob Fotherliox, Vase, Suna I7, Tess 
an Oharee of tha effiae ef tha Yitese4e work, 
Srini4sa, colerada: dat heen a faith 
teacher £ the Uele Sehvel Bacrd at Farte fise. 
Sho Cléest fan ef Grantille Yakeran and 
PeaneltEnn------- Tey Ghildren, 
titen, veneration) sary Zeater Tekenan 
& Waive ining, %.¥e, ie IO, 674. 
(AbD) Vthea JeVakeman ho Seehingten, 
Beof., Dag B4,I878; & gt Brite 
PPALKE Tee e w*4 Th, TPTH, 
(1éfh} Virsinta Takesan ob white 
7 PIasrey5.Ye, ate O, BARD TEPC 

((&% gensrasion) wtlbar gaat} Himmeapolia, 

fo _ ra : 
i} a 7 - 426 
- = 7. th, rr y 7 aan 7 7 - af 
ns) 7 

ok Po orwe 7 $ 

ine hier a a 

7 rt) vy Bir 7 7 
sete ie lt wae an e 
uty vs s 
: 7 
7 5 oe _ ae, = 7 
; G c Oy 7 _ ; pie 
ay 7 py 7 - 5 
cor S _ q ve + bee ; 


1 ae 


o_o eS of m2 - 7 - 
io j coh aoa i : 
a ast 
at Pl eee Seren ence & 7 : 
an . S a 7 
fe ara a 
: =" sual: : ne > 
SP et eat aw 
aa) a) as ; 4 gees a 7 fi Vp S56 ate 
B aa aie oraPr “ Bd 1 = 
D ee) sl a 
- _ 
r - . oO on 7 ve 
Pan ae f ee bonny ae mis s * 
a) oo 
aoe : ii : : = 
0 o O SY v 7 7 
- 7 = ae 
- - 5 _ ee 
AS ae hei Lov ‘ 7 Puy i 7 7 
7 — te es 
gue ws wi 7 ¥ - "> — a 
- ; 
eae dam ea 
| Peer = 7 © at 
a : D : 
eA Fre ee 
ave eat oes ses= Te 
ar a 5DN | 
os |, a. 7 Uo F ny 
° roe figs Suse 
theo D - : ; 
Ore i 7 » 7 
: P a7 
= a ol a 7 
7 7 —_ 
a — ; 7 ner, f 0 
_ 7 - 
? o _ oy 
ns Vien + ee - 
= : f? 
arena nets ae Saree 
7 —— wee eo — = 
ay - v - 
= > - _ - 
i 7 - 0 7 
So *) 5 a To * oe : 

fa) eae 



== ae 
an 7 


a a 

Feb 6, LUSS; oo arceed fn Veke te ae ROPE at 
San Aranocisoo, california.cradiatai fren Thite 
PIaini ee 9 Bier Aaboed, T8203; snideted 
euna <, 3927 Sa the Esiteal Cerfsa af U.S. 
ary €igahareet en snacunf of trenhle 
witk kis eva. Tae drarteai sest, Beg th2S | 
Aivechargsé4 Fab 16, Ireis, A account of 
f&ssobilization of tha areye 
EK at atantcraé Univeredty, Galifarnia, cune 24, 
Tio = slen Frances Sapweedas the danchter of 
Bre 2 BTO. Hesdesrd Hepwacd. Silber dwat and 
his wife are nerbera of tha Presbyterian 

Gmreh, San *ranciaeo, California. 

(135% generation) Slera dudd ob BSnneapolis, 
Zinn., cat Si, 2894; a toanhar in Teintiad.deolae, 
high #cieslsradgata’ from Suite CYains, “7s, Aigh 

eshscl, I2ic; ant From Byranuse, eee university, 

T2ts . Sauer%% eebosk af Lenz Islang,%.¥. for 1 

year; $h4¢n teok up YerXeteas HOrE int 

BeYGity; {nm  xXET te Srintdad. $a lcrade. 

Anenhsar cf tha hethedd4et chareh, 

(tds) Eleanor Marte gukd ob  Thhte Fein, 

BeYes Sow TE, Levh: a stanographer in the 

SoarOdgie Bank, S.¥.CAty.Craduate? from Chite 
Hsing 8.70, I€I7; a neshar of the 
Kethodiet Csirch. 

Ser em ee me Oe RN Me ee mee en 

She 68h ohild of tha 2nd marriage of 
fenas franklin Hathorn, 

{12th generation) Laura Sivira Sathora b Solen,ve., 

oe6 1G, I3h?; a wonsn ot Rebls gualitiar, 

(leth generation) Abion GeHathorn bb  Gelon,ee, 

er nr ch ne. | 23 

ee) he 
ree le = “2 
TR san PRS un du 
SD grtaewens Ga W Tone aney 2eRet s2 
=i sags ; a re my Paes. ois ~ ai be 
eee Toes Min) we. “ss eagh® 
ny i : > Tas vi a 
— Dalia ane nit oe ker aa 
monte - viemets 41 STDs rn aS a 
AU ea ON ee ae: a 
ee os ea 
AS ee Swe ts: | 
Se ee 

a o 
i? ~) A) > 
eh is _ 7 ial q v 
f et + een 7 - 7 7 OOP 0 a 
= - a ame 1 a ela a 
i - Oe = ad 7 7 7 u 
ye? | - ye 7 
gy oa 7 ee 
0 a, = ; 
Be oe - 
goo wes et 
oe ae a. a a on woe 
oe 5 
ee De 
1 - eed 
Pe eae ie ie 
° "a a’ a 
la. zh | ae 
7 > 
7 7 7 ay , arn 
_ - ‘hes 2 
; % sh ae a fila 
- > ta, a 

Jet; elnes than at ranxegan,/llaecuverintanians 
of tae Cateaee Hardware beantifaoturing cenpany. 
Esieel Sireetor, Tipbeelspé ol publican; C5 
Yellow: maneor of sereseh ce and “his 
wife uembers of tha Iet ketiodiat Ghireh , 


K dune SO, Idea Garrie Angueta wade bt Eaddson, 

HOe, MIT £8, laos: exrvadvuated from Farmington, 
£6. domel sokeol, IAvsg eraduated from the 
Hotton General xoarkts) for Rursaw, Fah, io84; 
ftanrht in grade’ and othar sehola, ant tn 
Somrrast Acadesy, Athang,a. Kaaehter of Tlevelang 
Buek 2ade & mites Sieknell, wee Level in 
the He. terns, Mattison & Athans, 
{13th esreration] “ade Sharman Nathern 
Bay ©, L8eh; ereduatet frees Tsukegan, 
Zhlbe) hleh @oimel, i$f4: atndent in the 
iniveralty ef Illa. snlistat two days after 
ths U.S Cealsrad war with Germany; faith 
filly servet itn (4, better knoen 

ag "Riley's Ruska.” a& sertiose of Ig montha. 

(Zein) TERdolicanas Hathorn b) uch 26, 
LUCK, A Yon AT, LHI Argduated from 
BSAGSeen,21a., Risch BHIWGL,T216; tro 
years in fae University of Tiles enliste 

in the Heavy, the Yorid var, but add not sid 

(25th) Siwancr Karta Hathorn b Jan R7,TEC7; 

eracnated esRaGean, TU. hlen aehrod, IPF. 

Tho «Gtr ooftld ef the Ent we OF Nénsh Francidin Mathern 
(IlZth  goneratien) Seman c.ustiorn b lah 16,59573 

ene He Me ene ween me 

Pha TOtn ehild ef the 2na he. Ff Tanne FHathorn. 

{4F¢h sencretion! ines Baidg iatmorn bo Cat It, 

4 graftnete aurae Seom dreticothay ta deepital, 
Roaton, Arb, 

eee Tee ee een ne eer ees 

Geatingaticn af ths ehildéren ef tae Tat marriace 

of Tensa Asttern with Caras Dera, The 4th oentld, 

(IIth  gansration! Al?ret Hathorn b Cet IX, 38233 

& dune 17, Str, Revi 77 yeare, @ montha & & 4arR, 

46 Fas 8& Very ninineatrieus, Aard--ywerkine man, ané 

ists quite a Lit of money, whiek waa divided among 

his relatives. ia was aot marrhed, and lives with te 

Bister Jaran bathera. Surtei at athena, 
wees ee erp Fas een suein rag 

{Irth gesnaration) aantean Hahhern & Geb IG, 19843 
4 Apr I, ISCS; @ snoscusul farner at Athenee, s 
a YPsithl acldiler oc? the $ivil Tar, 

# Rartha an sateon., porn Selan, sj 4144 at Abnens,iee 

No ealldren. 
Bxtaw at asec rer vuswseereest 

(llth gwneration? Atbion #aPelathmorn & Sent Ir, T8263 
G@Hon Ri, 1908 agers Gf xeare & & senthsedA very bright 
&nd sapsble youns cane Hs died at mrt Enelling,iinne, 

from oa Yall by) eki{eh his kin Re breaker, 

EH comet Ce Salm 
JIth generation! Sersh siath: TAF 
pimeretion) jsrsh peiiattern b, Inky £4,1 rail, oS, 
dfeat at Rar~<doeek,: SA tha AA Lerke henestead. 
7. ager AY. * ates sed rs 
Be vente Z Thn® TSute AGPka, ' 

Hoek 2, /4 $20 
Wes ok Ear he yeiaane ae a Mase WAH 12, yp, 
3 S vivo en Meare Bory (ie Te amr 



: 7 an 
Sethe He ee nf al 5 Ae bm emma tem, 

7 oe te ae a rhs a - -_* 7 
Sa Sans ee te OT to) Ee Pe hes 

7 7 ss es 
eet : 8 ay Jt este ERE 

6 2 7 a eS = rs : - 
por N= _ Te | yers ss Sina es 

er ee ry 
We 4 7 7 7 getlty rh ee Tis i rail at 

a teehee Lie citst PATEL hee a ieee eaters eye 
a ri us 
: Same 7 
leo od 7 Shit: Fey ans 7 +o iaaareyl » 
mt 5 oD 
p Be ran Lae ae en ae 
on or © * 7 ae asi % 
ree 6 ; maa - - : 
- ee 
—_ _ A — _ 7 7 oo s - 
, 7 oe 7 ee - nT? ee Yt 'e@ 
is 3a8 of 7 ; a . rie. Sieve t tie 7 _ 

uF - a) ar ~ a y on ee avut? wir’ tae 
ot meee | : LAr - ana tok sas? 

6G ee a OO 
f 7 - ° - - 
oo A of 7 Nas EG | oi + 
eure ah ete eee ee 
7 74 i< . 4. 
- A} wae? : ae a Lore oe 

oN 9 7 : a 7 Reel 1 a ie A 7 1 Pe 

7 an a Oa, 

i ae ee ee 

° se 
Se 7 Z ae 7 
renee an a 7 
ca) 'h9 i inn 4 he ee ee 7 
cm o 
> » Af S 1 4 ti a 7 7 i : 
oo a < _ . 5 ee 
a i 7 : - 7 he _ iy Fi ; 
ore ao — en —_ : My ~~ | a we 
a” _ 7 ye - in ee = - 
~ 7 iN 7 a wal q te 
a _ 
a _ : 

am | 

Bu t. Rf 255 ISS 
(r24> ganeration) “iain OPE Aen 21S, 30 fh St Cees Ju, 


(724h) Pers vargas by &LLU3, ISS 

(T2¢%} anal Ae5,- PMNS AIRE Kp (707 
free Prank Serna, shete st St fopiherd: | 
(rAty) ple RUNS Vi na Vaan ace id 

{t?+h)} Letlai ores: restaas Hadden LAr eso Kr, 
8, Usxote, 

PS PERO HH ET OL HOR eLeoecisame 

SHe 9th chila of tho Tat Mmaryiage of “anes Kat? 


(IIth  eaneration) ary KeNathorn ob gan At, rez; 

Gied at Horridsorceky co. 

B apr G6, ase Sitneen Pores, a brother o2 Traian bersea 
(1?th) Ben a at dirth, 

(I2th) ¥-68 Bert AdaNB 4.7, ley lortland ile. 
ak ed ee ee 2 eT ttbke ere ge 

Calldren of the &n4 marriage of Fenes Hatlern, 
With Amira D,itnittiar, 

(Iith generation) clynena Whittier iathorn b Apr 6, 
19423 reaides Sterra Madre, California, Aamolta of Selon, ee 
Rer girlhnooé life es Spent at Zowell, Hara., where 
she was given fine work andi good payment by the 2,0, 
AaY6rF Hedicine Companvye; shea also vworxe Zor 8 yeare 
ina ostery department. she has alxaya been ai faithful 
attendant at the Goncréezational Grureh, Goon after har 
Marriage she renovad to Sierra Nadra ecalifornia, where ghe 
has led @ verz harry and useftl 14f6e.1n bpite of her many 
Years he 16 very brisht ani active. if-ving no otiléran 
of her cen fhe adonted a firl, and gava her a fine id 
education,s15 if now the wife of Pani Staples, has a 
6004 tore, and three noble ehlla-en, 

BH sug ie, [Ne Nathan Henrz Hosmer b Gonsord sabe, 

BAA dfiad = at Serra Katre,california, June 7,19%3, 

He was tha aon of #athan Hoaner, ecnd, who) ras horn 

ang Pf, IWiT; Adei hay IS, IAGl; nda wife waa = kuth 

L6¢@ Haysard »¥2D was horn Apr 2b, TROG § afad 

_ _ ane 
= we a 
7 Ae 7 
7 - 
te rae 
¥ we tah, Tepe et 
“1 ae eres > a a 
- i 
BAN ries Bin! iy eateries ie 
_ = a 7 —_ i 
oad aie 
7 25° ore ya t =.' 8 
A 7 7 7 cl 7 . —— 
; c 0 ir sD sale Ty rice oo wee bt. 
_ ; “ - - . 
7 5 ; a : —— a 
ah 7 im i> “s _ ease hay Ata 
; > ra 7 oo 
; Z if-ys 8 i) 
a a - 7 hk - ary Tor VG 
oC eon 7 ao) in) eae 
So 7 a = - 
in Pe 7 : er oer i : 
7 4 4 * s 9 
a , 7 aan ore 
oF ot = aD ipea@, Habl es Go cme 
- we -_ 1 ve i _— 
—s ‘e, - eS a = ioe 
- - Te 7 TS ‘ oh “ee 4 a ; 
6 oy tesa oe Pa a 5 | ee 
o - Oo 
uw = eat - a i : air 7 ory ‘. i _ - 
" ore wall 7 = 
5 Rae 7 Lys tS 7 = 
of po S Ub ae - "a ae . i 7 
- 7 = oe 2 aa ; 7 _ a 
ee) 7 - : - » 7 uy oe ane OF dy i oll £ b : ; 
7 7 ’ 
7 f : : ; 7 a : 
Se oe a ee Wo wy 8 BEY Bet, 
7 - ye " 7 
- a ~ aa i (re _ 
ao ae To eae Pt) epee ony Lephin's vibe > 
= _ > So ses 7 7 _ 
ae y oust i _— lew A a m =y vrs a. 7 a4 al a C ret 
5 = - D 7 ae 
: Wcehe See Lee ar mi 
7 o ? - or . -_ 
~ : Le ak a er Tyo +4 -_* 
: 7 7 7 a a 
- oa — 7 = of _ _ i 7 
: a 6 a 7 - 7 Sd 7 : * 7 7 
-) Ra 7 - 7 
ae y 7 : ae +. 
Son -_ _ 
oe _ eae fe gee Ol 
ey) ee an 7 toy: 

a 3) i 

eans 8&7, Fish. (bituarve” lr. 4d. d.toeser BAS tha 
Oldest resident of Slerra Latra, Cnlifornia.Nis aze was 
about 68 yeard.iie Battled at Fisrance,cnlif., and 
in tho Fall of Iaxz he purohagead 40 seras , whiten te 
nox the oentar of Sier-a Fatre, 4 at ona erected 
the rasidence near the aorner a2 Gantral and 
Baldwin 3ta., which tna ecentinonsly bean hin home, 
He W88 Olosely ddentifies with naarly every anter- 
prise sinnea tho foundation of Sierra Madre. Re ras 
one cf the arganicara, and for mang yaarg ona of 
the Sireaters, of the Sater company. Xs frarve: cantine % 
uously ag a Trnstea ef tha Sqeel Dietriot for 
about £5 yeare. aziftation for tha incorporation af 
Sierra Kadre found in hin an enthusuastio suzpertar. 
fio «= wWAB Blected «tc the) = first Kunicipal Board of 
Fruetes6, and was oontinaenely alested te that resition, 
fie held many other poistions with the sane 
faithfulnasa, ever werking ard for the eturdy wohnile 
ding of the topn.iIn politios he = FRR BH atinek Naepnrb. 
lican, and was alscoat invariably anenber of tha loaal 
(slegation to the county Conventions.3e was better posted 
on local Alatery that any other resident of the torn, 
@nd his tales of plonecr dave and oharacters wat a 
ner failing interest.t9 waS ganial ant Kindly in 
Mmaner, and was alwaya ready te lend a helping hand, 
Fer wany years the yonng pocple of the town loekad ta 
hin as the isading moving asirit ef the Feurth of 
dviz eslebraticnn, and he wag nver harpier than when 
ina@merry threns on suoh ococasions§ al the Roura ef 
frais picnies, when he vied with the younreat and 
68% active.ia had a large placs in the heartea ef all 
in the ecam=unity., He was alwayve’ Snole Hoener,'is was 

Very iberad ant bread in hie viawa on relitieal and 

= - > = -~ = 
: "f : 7 
7 7 
= ie sien . ' _ _ - 
7 7 3 = 7 
7 - — 7 7 a _ 6 4 - oe 
: a 77 a ; 
7 eran ae ote Le) ee : 
: : 
as ae Te ee 
: ; 
pat ey" Rell al: qe (neti te een ee 

at we a a = Me ce One 4 Paz - 

a i D fs a oe mae ty a a - ro) - ‘6 a neil 

ae D Py 
ye) are ee Ces ert ee 1 
a AT =e 7!) =a!) i. te oy 
It Pie 7 °¢ ee =e ‘on er i 7" .” 
7 _ - te . 5 a "Poe were maegeth. 2 
te i SELL 7 ay ‘ie a - _ He syilita 
ai > 7 ool a ee : 7 hte’ ‘qn? a” a 7 
ae - 7 : 7 _ 
Pi sq, “Seat bagel een erate 
Ap ge eT ad el 
- - - wel Le At ohn ba mh t _ 
= = 7 oy ms 7 " s a 
_ 7 se 7 « + 

Ta eet ls tow Wes > tt =F 
> ee ee ee ee 
= ee a ne. aS 7 

ee ee eee et. er 

pw ol wT RRs Bh Bas 

_— ay is ms yw Sea rn) a ale 7 = 

ot pd See area eae SePele el eee 

hai q 5 _ it ae ee : a 7 ae ee ~~ 

eee ee eee Oe 
ras or sir ena hee italdp- ‘2.0 ; 

— f a 5 OT ar - oS 74m1 
a . ; 0 _ : — ; ad es id ‘9 iv 
ee a se re 




Oane to any ope ng Glsaye did the werk of tea Ben, 

' Bwatehine by tha eiek nna @ying , and cemfortine the 


Shs Pmt chtld of tho ona marrisce ef Tanak Zathorn, 
With Alnira D. Rittder, 
(Ith generation! Mtn, deira Jetatern BW at Selon,ve., 
Feb &, 36443 4 at AthenB Aas, Sov tf, Loco Sha taugnt 
Several ‘terms ef very helpfil ackole in the Haine ® 
terns, Salem snd« pag a Woman of aterling qnalities, 
Hllet) sev iG, Isat Tohesh Fidley bern at Ainchem, 
Kee, Sept 5,852; 4 C65 IG, 872 , acat Bo Peare,f montha 
& if feye. In 667% he ranavanr from Atheans,un. , te 
Sclon,iee, 207 Yanging: there unyiid ata death, Stneatas 

in the somion femlisy 4 fing Farner; & gilat, very 

Ssart, hordeworking man, was never allewad himael? te he 
Beaten in anc kind of work, and literally worked 

Biafelf to asathea trns nan, 

Bland} = done «&, 1280 5s5nel Heald b Selon, vac, atant 
ZB42z, A T8C8p Lhe was ow miner and farmer: 
Gerve® faithtliy i the ctiyvtt Was 
Child ef the Tat Harrdacey 

(2th generation) foveph VavTilley b Bolen, Hae, 
Heh &2,1872 ¢ realdes at SKowheranede Tas at 
Bierra Kadre,fsid fornia, IS87-0T880 : at vope 

Gester 488., T2EC-ATaES: at SolengAees TESF-n19653 

at Sxowkssan e., ainoe tasn.e“or 2 yeare he 

werxkes in 4 machine Bop; andi fer ever 26 

years hak besn in tha idehatl Barvdes.cgprblinan. 

Attendee the Bastiat fareh, <6 aaa thy old 

Fenily bihls of nts Grane Lather, Cenas Hatrorn, 

°& Seinen o4iican, 

ab é b.<5 7 - ios ede ele MT OS cee ES Ce 
PARE IE EP ete lp MERA = SOL Sate ES BL rs Sidi So cps vehi n 

——— Seg a Beige acs ee ————_—__———— 
Teligiow qusetionseccvi\ im stature, bof he bad a 
Wonder Sully etrony constitution. inean sickness er trouble 


7 a - 
Gd — —- 
7 - 
- q 
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- al 7 
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1.) = 
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- a 
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ee hes tel 
io ; er : 7 
he FES AD 
= Pia eeieihie ci 
as » ey +4 —_—-" 
ares De leat @pseery 947; 
7 7 - 
; a —— _y The * = _ > 
Se ee en toe 
7 a oe _ 
ot? y Ye ia Te 
_ - a a — 
oy es Pat 
ale - as ; 7 fe: 
: 7 7 a — 
aa an Pe ene 
ms ne nN g 23: 
ae _—% a> ri. 
=P \ _ a sy ee 
aD, 7 : 
oO 7 -_ 
Pa 7 ~ i 
: ier 
es Rr Ag We? te F 
- vas Te 
_ : SG ° - J ¢, 
oti » _ : ra’ 
= = 
; — _ ate 
- _ 
7 , ake a 7 
a - 7 - tesn-7 7 
S 6 = _ 
5 as - 7 & 
: y : - 7 a 
: . 
- - 

IIA oe ne 


& 40 ©, 280i dotepaina B,Listlaftela oh St NEN ides 
apr TE, ic035; graduated from Harnony,lire? higa ®orecl, 
3368; was ai very effdictent Clerk} Malad ai fives 
Serriag peeition for If years: the Astebtar e2 
Gusil: Sewall 24ttlefleld & atta denls oF Hare ny i 4 

(Zstn) Lawrence V,-iling b dan at, IC2. 

A BtW4asAt at Hoxton, NarAe} BASTAsR, 

& Glenecater Ste cater, ZARA GS 
SXKe tee ets era eenriieyrsscm 

(TIth generation) Tein, wlth Qvira eiathorn, tieira 3, 
Hathera & Fab & Wess a at Canbridse.cae, Sart fe, 

TSi4. Seated in Somerset isadny, Athana wee 

Eft) ARbart Te betta of athens,lie. 
Kfena} 3.G.cudnby af Cambritge-@. b&b Jan BA, ta4E 4 

(Z2th) Cra B.cnimby ob Sambriaca Nee, 
M60 FI, TET 5 a Neb e, IRI; erammatad 
from Ganbridge ite, high Botesl, a teaanhar3 
Sown Clerk & iraasnrer. 
BR faf 8),26C4 alna dvtstieran b BOVEY te, 
Sest If, t4e8: 

(Sho Kl and) Burt drole | eqe—sace 

(73th) 2eila Clemens winhy b 746 tz, 

TGS Bfadent in Yoxoreft baine, 

Aond any, 

a OO eo 
: 7 > OS ~~... _ 
7 7 - p of | - a a 7 
nu } ‘ ha a _ 7 - 
hae y™ : 7 ~~ y see : : 
i= =o ? Tee 7 a 2 , - 
a _ cs = a 
a a _ 
™ : aa, iS ys ayo es i rage be 
7 ao 
ee er Sc ee ies Lee 
eT ee LP 
o pa oe 64 7 - ‘. 
re ne ines 
7 5 er) ve? aD é - cs) far ty a 
25F te oa 
- - a ne 7 a y 
7 4) . h y ian Sane ie ’ - vie a fi 4a Lz) 
- a : U 7 . 
7 7 tus wy ae mi ei of), ae ihe 7 a ae 7 
7 a - — 7 
Be he eee gee Pe 
_ ; . 
7 7a 7 4 : S s (feat a 
cr. eee re Wee = ens, ie Se a 
ea Seth ts i a7 Te si ate ae 
ea ven : - 
_ > »b - Toiepar Lae 
oe Pe ee ee aa 
han te ioral 
ro ; ) an of a 7 + me 7 
- ae S — 
q i A A 
= - eh #) 
ie U : 0 ’ - a 
se a a 
ae 7 — ——_— > 5 , 
eee oe 7 
-_ La PS a; ras a i oa vi 1 



See his Family Line on Page 5, 


(€th generation) William Hathorn ob Wilmington, 
Mass., Mech II, I749; dad et Woolwich,iie., ,Jan 31, I82i, 
ased 69 years, He was aman of great industry 
end enterprize, He removed to Georgetown,ile., with his 
Widowed mother, brothers end Sister. That part of Georze- 
town was afterwards set off as Woolwich,ue. 

M Meh 30, 1780 Mary Jenkins b Wilmington,vass., 

Nov 29, I75I; 4 lay £5, 1829, The children: 

FB RR EK 2K OK 2K 2 ok Sook 2 ok oko a ae 
(I0th generation) Mary Hsthorn ob May I5, 

M hdune I2, 1806 » her cousin, Seth Hathorn, 
born Mech 8,1780; ad at Woolwich,ife., AU 

I5, I856; the son of John Hathorn and 
Tabitha Going, 

See data of femily pase II, 

ie + 

alra uy 

(IIth) Willigm Hathorn 0b | Woolwich, 
Me., lich 27, 1807; 4a Sept 6, I8T9, 

BR HS PR ak CB a SK ake ae aL 3h ee ae 

(I0th generation) William Heatwrn »b Oct 24, 

I782; a in youth, 

FR A 2k ook ok ok ok ook 

(I0th) Susannah Hethorn 0b June 3, 1784, 
M Joseph Blackburn of Woolwich 

A ak hak ke ai kook ak ak 

(Ioth) Rebecca Hathorn b Nov 14,1788, 
"Probably Married Mr, Gray." 


(= Se 
7 : 
re Sy of = afl 7 
‘- ae _ -_ 

Ramis -aeenae = ciain  “eateeemaes angi 

ate e site Sie Geir teat ase 

7 at . : ae <s oD a= ? om « pape a _ tase 

- — 7 - 7 
= oo ostwrie 4 ia, oe ee a - a 
- a re in 
=paajiity aan FEA ie ageienene Bee icin! 

= > SoS we a 
oe ace? Ei Te) Oa roe 
hs 7 i) ce - 7 
ra ye a ise cis ee a 
( = 2 =o ~ _ 7 
- oe 
Scie mold af t * _ ead 
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- 7 a S 
— - 
- ae wE oe 7 sts wr) 
7 7 - 
: - ran » 7 ae a - 7 
27 _ - 7 -_ 
. . ie 
eS ee ee 


— oy 




tate te Sem ne on a 
563 to es? pave HB. and har anoeatry,paces 4, &o. 
p] p21 

Qrs amr eenagu et oagge 
(2640 generation} Abigail G.aatiorn b Teclwden, 

Ge, dune 15, 7h: & Ab Bosdoinhwigine, Fah 35 i869, 
Gae wea finoly educated in the sabncls of Bathguee, 

4n4 wean g wary eusceBsPah tease Yor wany 

years, oman 62? mobin qualittes. 
BR ag 85, T8lé', Sehert Kaxwel] bo Bowdainnan, tee, g 

dan SI, r7eS; a Feb IG,%865.38 wae an knsign in 
the Isle “ar, ani a roble oftisen of Eoawioinhan,=a, 
where ke vas a farmer «snd lunberman: th wen of 

aptedaies KWaxwsli & clargearet Fatten. Ghildrent 
(llth generation! Sareh EHathorn Eaxwell bk 
Bay 86, I953; date of decenge nat Fivan, 
BK JASS Hebers renneli, ore ) b Say BS, Tarts 
& Seps 3%, 2877, apei 68 yearea. hia 
festiy reaiged inthe Se. terms, Rowdednnam & 
Brunswick and at Howton, Nass. EY. Feniell was 
the eon Of Robert zennel) & dane Simpson, 
(2th ceneration) !iitan Kaxwell sensel- 
bo Get 35, 2867; reat Bastar at braunswiek, 
BOe, for Boveral years; than Insurace 
Heat Rosten, Kesse, dune %, Tech ida Be 
atefson b  Danariaoctta,iae, June 28, 
3868: the €snehter af ahnar Steteon & 
(3th) Christine Lenox fehkell 
b Ray 24, 1884; resides 
at Banser, He,t =radnated 

frem W>haaten AR BAGETY » 

7 iS 
- o 6 1 
- 7 
a af : L 
_ 5 
ae a 
Pa <a - oF 
= aoe DB - 
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a Con Shaan 
7 oY I. 
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el eee ee 
a : _ 
ae 7 a 
-_ : a 
ee ae 

“ae 8 
es i 
‘ Dee 
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: Gar _ eh wo 
q — we rT. of 7 
_ ‘ : i, 
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oc 7 i 
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my > Aen 

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7 i 


- = 
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; Che 
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- a The 
q ao - et § 4 
a 7 — _ 
S a 7 a 
=) a 
i 145% 
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- os 
Se a 



Ho vot 3, €%:6 Jonnid 2FanetA Snow a 

Breminent lawyer at Janger,ce; a rraduate 
Of dowiola Colleca and the University of 

Hains iaw Selmol, 

(Techni Sarah Ratlorn Pennell b Apr 6 ,20R6, 
(15th) Hebert Raxwelirennali,ér.e, b Tee 76, 
T8872 3 eraduated from Bowdoin Sollese, 
Zece; and from Harvard ar Sehkool, IHITR,y 
séatttied ta the Har ZGIfZ Sines then a 

lanyer at Portland, ve. 

(Ifth gensration) AlAnabeth Harward Pannell b&b arr Tf, 
16864; deceased; urne~-4e4, 
(I2th) cyomas darward Penneli db Rey 7, Isé6o, 
4 Feb 2&, 1861, 

a hi. 2 ee ee 2 reo 
i (IIth generation) Hargiant  vaxwall b Foy Té, Tate; 
/ | & 3500 8, 1647; wimarrded. 

SPHe Re teeTAe tL ere ersesy 

“yy {zIth) Capt actor Kexpell bh ang 40, Isl: lest at 

eea, Septe, 1882 en the @hip arkansas, whieh sailed 

Hf 7 
‘\ from davanna, Guba, "aptes,i363; he waa the sormuander of 

y' manr Zinn sting; vweserrded, 

Psa ow euarsawecazgasy 

(21th) susan Xateht Maxwell b 

onne 16,2644: reeided 
) at Riokrend,ie. 

\\ . 4 at Bowdeinien,iie., Capt.edohn A.Goodwin bern 

&% Fitteton sae; Icet at sea in hia ehip, Anr.78é4; 

he saiict fron Philadciphia,fa. fer Key Feet, Aor, TRG4 

end sas never haard fromein TARR he GoRRAantiAl the 

Ship asmennons he wag 4 Man ¢@f fine aharacter and 

(Ith) andrew Gooawin & in infaney, 
BSetuaspei ssi ey Fetes ag 

(11th) *Adlias “ALbourna Raxwal) hb Set Oel8e8; Lived at 

SORton mass. In Sule Is04 ha was appointe’ Fest 

_- ———K—— ee 
a en 

~ & J - 

sas Se <6 - 

>) hari ren Waar OF 
i = -_ = 

ae v4 7 x , 7 | -ae wo 
ces fi Geis, WR taynwet a fo reo 
| 4 Sn a a a : wha 
a) $1 pa De wac Mbt» ail ae 
7 se 7 
Tihs WE ie i _ 7 
ee a ae 
4 bo & So 7° _ ane oy Oe fl h ne an ien:) - ' 
7 - co oo mys 
ak A ie ae yn. 
- p » of 7 
man 7 : me ce _ 7 a -_ —_ 7 iad ti) 
> - 
ee - 
OD exe OP ey te 0 Sey ena 
- wi >a a rr a _ _ 
oes ros we 
x aes -_ oS) Ose oO [oor eee 
7 } , oS 2 “s = 
ape] : 7 7 red O74 - : 7 aa! 
= _ oO 
— —_ qs - p tare + v- J -— & 
‘i a cf a ey 7 
5 - 7) 
7 _ : ‘ 
7 _ a a a ree. a 
= - 7 : - 
— : 7) ers 
5 ae 7 j q aay 3 wana at ion 7 

a oe) ae 
> 7) 
o oS en _ 
7 we 5 4 = 
7 - a 
o a a : 
a) 7 Los a 
7 ; 
7 : 

Pe a 
a — 4 = fa te Sa : 7 ae aula fesedas, (dy Aw 

a ’ # 
ie | ¥- t=oy 


* ie ah re 


ee atone} 

i 7 - = 7 
an - 4 ee 
- oe 
- i a : 
De) * : 
oo = . : 
7) a _ -_ 
: 0 7 . 
7 : 
es oe - 7 aan 
7 _ 
: 6 
7 - _ vr? Pe 
- a ' 
a an aan 



son ia —— 


Oo 7 


ee eee 
Baster at Lowdoinhan,le, 

Most Srooklyn,".¥., Jan 17,1856 Bligabeth Dean Leais 
bd Portland,iie., Sept., 1828; daughter of David Dean, and 
j the widow of David Leeds, fh. fuer, BAT SF 

Sod (Ieth) Lbert Aiiaxwell Biediov RI, 1658 

sed 4 months. 

(12th) alfred Skolfield waxwell b  Bowdoinham, 

3 Ke., July 5, I3h8, 

/ Mat Creenwood City, California, Feb I10f 
rs T1895 Grace Lake Williams, 
y : (13th) Ellen Aligabeth Kaxwell b 
ob | Oakland,Cali?., Deo 27, 1896, 
: ( 2 ih a S TOOT: 
ae, GLE IO 

(lath) Frances Ellen Maxwell db Brunswick,Fe., 
; ie Aug I4, 1860; resides Franinghan,vase, 
i(Zet) Sept 6, 1898 at Bowdoinham,Me., 
/ Herbert Philbrick Kendall, 
(13th) Kilbourne Haxwell Xendall 
b KXch 8, 1890. 
(2nd) Sept 12,1898 in Beston,ings., 
Chas.Clarence Barton, 
(I2th) Alice Clothilde iaxwell b Rowdoinhem, 
Hee, dune 15,1865; a Oot.,1878, 



(IIth generation) Janes Lerritt Liaxwell b Sept I, 1835 

G@ied in British Columbia, Apr I3,1875; unmarried, 


Oo a as 

_ —— ae 



7 = a oo ate ; 7 Shanty, ane | an = ~K 

= : 1 eit, = smut EY a : +f » ing URE =4 ~ 
ie Ee - dv nate Ble 

: Pa 
on Wer ty ted i¢ Wig et f 

aay nen it 

Vins 5 te pOREEOa = ©) pradin dagen). 4 
a Pe fore: " 

Sapna! wigisly (tbat hea Bae he Aaeaty . 
eRe aves — 1 

wy phatenatery, 2s ee 

“ee 7 m i 
- i. 7 
ue B a2 walt fae a 7 : 
Pee ae ee seas . ’ 
rpc am : 6 er aes a ia ok? : Ly 7 : : - - 
: . - o c 3 pe ae Oe a : 
ENA TPA ond sack sah bene Dag 
7. a a : 
Gaaser ess Sh t— ete ee 7 eer rey. std 
eo i 
Foes WG ier 'S rh AG) eis DEES? 
= ee ee eee 
Ce : WT 100 wae) (OY era Eo 
ee od ea or 

a, Ses ; 
Seias eR ad uottey TLS Ge 
os 7 ra ae cert e) 
: — : 

7 im vk) Gteter) 7 a 
ii ae | 7 
7 7 - = a 
Aol v i a? eer Lhe Toa 4 + : 
a L - a a = 7 J 
Sek ee a | 
—— 7 : —_ 
iy) aoa wig : ei ras , Geeahe 
oo Ne iS e4 6 th a a _ | 
-e a“ : : 
te —=¢¢ a he D ey 7 - q a 7 - fl i jetane - = > ay. ra — 
. - } 
2 - 5 : 7 ow he it } 


S03 S202 08 Che FAATH FARINA  BatsORAA. 


(let eeneration) S:« sasertean incerter af this Linn saa 
BRajer <4.14aea dathorne, whe wae born tn iMeciand about 

X6C7;, died at Sapien, Nabe, 768i, aged 74 yearn iia 

WG tis 6¢n GS Uillidan dalierno ®& hie wife Sarah, 

of cinlicld, Serkshnire, scglanée RisJer wi224an nathornets 

F442 wan published Jan 6th, 168k. He ama te .erica 7 
fn Yéee: with Governor Sintaray in the Hoiy Arabella, 

Re fires lived at rohester, <44a., wWiere hea had a 

erazd of landig owas very preninant in the affaires | 
of Kis tine, as ta sharn by otha Hata. Say Coteny 

Reearss it was Deputy te the Seneral court for 

terssediniitet & Frasisn ip 2644. Bayuty from Terehaater, 
HaGie, 1655 & ISS7, Ba reanwad te SSLeS HasGe, and WAR 
many fives Sspnty from shat town. In T1644 ha waa @lactead 
Syester of the Gansral conrt fer hie fivet tera, and 
he Gervad many other termsa. In If he Kap made dssietant 
and resdined in thet office until 578,468 eas ena ef 
tas Bost influential, Gnergetic, and able men in Jew 
Sngiand. dis military earser besenn at Heston, vara, in 1526, 
whan he 46 néatlenes ag geing present at “training.”* sa 

"8s Copisin of a SRLEN Lae, COD pany fron Mas etG46, and 
BH Kalor before Té0s His religious opinions ware 

Severs and bigatei, and he ‘aa arbiftrary and intel- 
@rant’ in fhe adiiniatraticn of af aire in she Gmreh 

Bhd “tate; vat hs was a Zesrleak advesate a2 the 

Personal rignt ef freedom acabnat the OVererdaching 

P-gp RAT 40 

autcority axhinited by the yaa eoinsariean 6nd acente 

GP anclant, Ba worth, and tha vslus ef sa oltirzanahip j 



ae es a 


$e the little wilisse of Sslen,caks,, Wich 48 Gallad 

"the orecoss of all the suritan (emmunitiag, 
indaced the Salen Sow anthrritiea tc ures Rim fo 
Bettie in their midst.7ha Weins of the people wae 
time expressed in Torn Hasting. a8 an indnoament for his 
eoming fc Ssiem the tevm granted him 8%: acres of 
Jand. sia faceus dagcendant.<athaniel dawthorne, seve 
ef hin," ha: ali ths ruritan ‘traita , oath the 
e008 and tha evil.” ia wife Ane ras a werthy woran, 
fhe cHiliren: ® 
(8nd generstion) A deuchter born abent 1625, 
(2x6 s } Sarah Hathorne b Heh I1, 2604--8, 
Ko dgeerh Goxor of Rewbury, Hane (Seorsed Shu ofnis bro Tom 
(Snd ss gsneration) ileany dstherna ob apr I, 1857. 
fend . ) sathanicl cathorma Bb ans It, ITh=9, 
(2n4 pat John datcorne ob ang 8, L642. 
. N Rush Gardner; Ganghter ef George Gardner, 
Ses data naxt pace and enward. 
(n& generation) ane Hathorne & D-@ I8, 1642, 

a eeph Tortear., 

‘(end generation) <42.iies Hathorna oh apr I, 2645, 

He WAS & &Kcldter inthe “ar against the 
Sarragamaett Indiana, and rnesasded Col. Jemaph 
Gardnet, whe oomuandad tha Company in whieh he 
ferved and ho fall én tre graas"’svarp Fight,* 
at & .Finseten,i.%., whore the Indtans were almost 

anmnihildatedetiant .. Hathorne @xgaged in Suhe 

Sequent Inilan “ar&, and ‘aa wafer ef hte 

Raginent:. Mta father survived Adm, 

R Barahe--~.-..ann 

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fine fenePasion) Sifganata aatherne bh Té4#, 
BH fTerasel Toa-tar. 

Be ne mmm we Oe em em eee 

ee BOO wm oO Oe ee ee 

(238 generation)  dohn Hstlerna ( aes preasAing pace) 
bb Grlen sees. wma 65, 1641 5 bantised at Salex. me 
Tex #iy IG, 777, =4 WAR Rade 
S&S Franuan ¢@n 877, in 1682 be was Dapnty fren 
Salem 20 ths Genersl Court ef ths Uasatare Toler. 
fm 3684 Gates Aeadeteont emA member of tia Governor's 
Connell, eid Gerved unt? 2778, except the yanre 
Chen aiires was Gowerres.=4 paa active and ner 
esasan in She 8 prescacnsieon of the se-endled 
witehss,” being exneectine wai Resinat thee, ? + 
euigs ef tha uprane Gomrt of tha Masestiay Galery, 
TMkenR 7G, k6 Datssel the neverest Jnérexrent 
allessd by tha Selene lame urcn wane of the 
unfertunmates viefixs of tha witbheral? bad netnation. 
He @terniy chareet them with the practice of riteh 
eraffi. f+ wor e@enelly eavere with othera Grarzed 
with heres y ant renecenfertiation, 
KR Yoth Gardner; @nugiter ef Caerce Gardner, 
he 6oghibtren. 

(Za geaeration) deassh iistoerne. Ze res | 

qifet  Sarmer af Salem,Faes., em) very unkiro | 
Me Lather ant epandtother.S« teek ng rert in | 
vibile affatve., “s and hin gene and Franda 
SCHs wpre Sishwnen snd ran-fering rene 
Sittsntel Havthorne sages c? his ansantora, | 
"A dreary ant wwrasperena aondition ef tha 
. rasa. 

f4t5 foneraston) faniel Hat*erne, 

Mancentor og the Modine Hathernsa.” 

mrisag the Revolutionary Tar he 

Sonvanion tha Frivateey, "Tha Fair 

=. * 
fl Girone 
7 aif 
LY om 
- At. 
- 0 
> 0 

Ps Xk eee 
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énoricen.” s« purchase? a farm of 250 

gerep at Neicclwich,“a., en the Fenrehec 
River, ateut 740. He walked all the way 
to Weolwien,6., rom <¢ha Land Cffice, Ho .6I, 
in Tilmington,i.ass., Bains switt of font ne 
deat ont arothor prosnective homesteaier, 
who ras on his way fron Wilrington,Mass. . 
to buy the eame land.In thie way Danirl Hat sorne 
Aoquired his land lawfully, The name of his wife 
de not given. 
(Sth semeration,)Seth Hstherne tb abent 
175-3; a at “oolwich,ie., “woh 2, 
782I , asad 69 yanrs, 
K 779 Sareh Thring b Koston, 
Mas3., dume T2,T7593 a Yoolwioh,\e., 
Jan 2, 3904; tha fanghter of Jnéga 
Nathaniel Thing, 
(6th generation) Seth d.Hathorne 
bd Ya0lwiah,ite,, June 6 T7233 
& at “eclwiech June 4, Ie@66, 
MK any Hathorne » Trs84en,v9., 
ant diod Hay It, Ia75, 
The History of Ha. by the 
Lewis Publishing Company Bsayfr , 
"da NK his cousin, Matniah 
("th genaration) ourise 
“Sopher Colmbns Aathorne 
b Deo 16, IAIO, 
(7th) Jaren wathorne b 
Oct 4, I8Ie, 
(7th) Mary avignsta Zathorne 
b Feb 26, TAT6, 
KM her oousin, albert 

Rawtrorne b Jan II, I8II. 


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(74h) “a@rren xatlorna hb sane T3,TR7? 
"For many Years hs ¥*as 28 fan hinonale 
tatlor at wath, Ha.” 

M friaciila zaton ef TODS Aan gO, 

(Sth gansration)  Jolonsl Prant: Rarron E:therne bh at 
Bath, Ha, eas FT, ISen; a at hontolaty, fede, Sav 2h, 
TSiz. Buriel ay Bathyaela graduated  frem the Rath,, 
sae) nisa semoly graduated fram Lowieim college, 7874 
Wibn ast. 49 Was Vauludietertan of hie high 
B8oa001l shins, ant durins Ag College oourse he | 
@®¥salied in litevars work, ani was an leader in 
COlless sat soeiets isfa, Of a Amorena turn of 
mia&, att wrilitsat ia rapartos, his prarence ras 
Benghs in all of the evefal gatherings ef the 
Coliere, as weil ao Bath, Fe, jie poms at 
tke Ssth, es, Usateccial Gelearation, was of & 
Very ohipsu orier, ke nae & Teroerst, and 
aceeried a plsee en fhe atal’ of Kalne'’sa Gevernor, 
Marris E.ijetatedie firet editerial work was 
GU enshionvilla,olorida, where ta Lived Tagan 
2430, Yavely blayiss tears Shrengh the 
native Fellosw fever opidaaia, und hivouga the 
pre’: raised aia fer Florida, as 44a tiie, 
though avery hoar of his estes thare neant 
the risk cf his Lise, wy ble meritert{one work 
he WA & placa ema jsourasl ef Fay echiz, 
Where ho Lived ¢e.d-.78.5, oo 88 wittr, faaila, 
erase? hd exusionse Bla Biory din the "Taler 
6f Scowdcin Goliege,” 18 thea bert in that volume. 
His place on the %y¥.commarcial aaa robly filled, 
From 2864 until ble Asath he Yivad at Sontelair, 
Bede PYh tha "dintery af valine,’ Ge ianel crank 

SS res HGVAeras bacace assecisiad in hdainess with 


Tet 6 7 Amy it 
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Icr ee : 
hie father . oon’ etter he loft Sollege., owing toa 

Bevere accident which @oprived his father of active 
pertioipsation in any business for some months. He 
took the entire charre of his father's business in 
Spite of the fact that his design _ on leaving College 
was to take up literature as his vVocation.,He wag 
kept fron tat perpose until 1885, Thus he gave 
@leven of what he econsiferei his best years to 
business pursuits. ie never gave up his purpose to 
take up Journalism, and he was strengthened in his 
purpose through the success of his contributions a 
to both the newspaper press 6nd the current nage 
a@gines, ‘iis various articles ware not only resdily 
accepted and published, but were widely read. Hia 
faith in hilself was made strony by the success 
of his poen at the Bath,ve., Centennial, Koh. ,I88I. 
It was so favorably raceived and comnedte’ on by 
the entire ppress ofke., that he impatiently awaited the 
opportunity to carry out his anbitious journalistie 
plans. His Democratic political faith , dinheritec from 
his father, and from both his grandfathers, made hin 
an active participant in the Ganpaign of 1876 & T880., 
se well as in the Maine Gubernational Campaien.On the 
@lection of ivrris Meilaisted as Governor of Haine he 
baned young Hathorne ®5 & menber of his military 
Btaff with the rank of It.Colonel, uve filled that 

rosition with dignity and henor until the close of 
his Chie?'s administration. In Isag. « in company with 
John £.Varnim, he established the Jacksonville, Florida, 
Kierning News, Yor two yeare he Successfully con 
ducted that psper wun der that pertnership, In I897 he 
Wes largely instrumental in erganizing the Florida 
frinting & Publishing Company. lith a Capital of 

$100.00.Hs wag Secretary and Sresurer, and the 

7 aor a 7 
=F 7 5 a) “=? : ce. gg - 
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7, a Jane a ie. ga Weel i rr <3 ¢ of pr: 
ee eet) ee eae eee ed 


© — i -— © : oa] o 4) rs ban "a “ns. 
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7 na o _ — a a an 
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LO cules anaes =e maidg 
Morning News and the nvening Hersid, two promising 
journals, were consclidated. iin, Hatrorne was made their 

editor. In the following May the Florida Printing 

& Publishing Compery , which had chaged its mame to the 
Florida Publishing Company, purchased for 365,000 the 
Florida Times---Union, whieh had been established in I8f0,, 
by Col. O68600 Chas. I.Jones, and which hed the 
largest newspaper circulation in Florida.The Publishing 
Co, retained its name, end the name News}Heralé became 
extinct.Col. Hathorne retdined his editorisl possess- 
ton under this consolidation, The yellow fever epidemic 
of 1888, which wrought such havoc in the city of 
JacksonvilleyFlorice, did not Spare the staff and force 
of the Times --Union, end during its reign of 66CRendho 
5 months he held his post and saw ewery member of 
his editoriel staff, andof tne business staff as well, 
stricken with the disease, the editor--in--chief and 
the city editor proving victims of the scourge, Many 
of the employess oF the publication department fled from 
the city, and, of those who stood at thie posts, 
over 30 had the fever, and 5 of them died.The death 
of Martin, the editor--in--chief, in Oct.,,1888, forced 
Colonel Hethorne to asswne the editorial charge, 
and, with the broken staff, he not only carried on 
the paper, but performed the add@itional duties of 

conducting the news service of the Associated Press 

for the entire State of Florica. In lich.,I890 he was 

formélly made Mianesing Rditor of the Times--Unicn, and 

he conducted the editorial department up to Dee I, 1893. 
He then resigned to ongage in newspaper end magazine 

work, but continued his residence in Jacksonville, 

EIs political views had meanwhile undergone a radical 

change. and, from a Southern point of view and local 

oe oeiag tb +t | > "ete 

> _ 
Pon * - ee re ee 
ry a) 7a ee ns aa z 
ses = : ne 7 aaa ay os : - 
Ae oy a Tee 
oo 3 onal : Deer aoe Gaba ‘a 

See = ane Setedonng — a os ter, a : 
a 6 <—S E 

Pak cP os ect nyath oa a ia Bamey aie 1288 

’ ave __ ie re ; peter ile ae oot bos wind Lo Be F 
ee ee es ot ee a 


“ affildated with the onl club of H.¥.Citzo Bath,ve. 

policy purened ty the Sonth, he deeace eenvinsced that 
that section vas maxing a mistake in holding to the relios 
of the past., espscialiy in their support ef the 
tiony of free ailvere in the autuin of I885 he 

“ Wwisited Bathie., sand that visit - resulted in hie renune 

etation of Drocracy as represented by these who cone 
trolled ths policy of the party, «and he sought con 
eenial companionship in thea Raprblican party.fe espoused 
the eandidacy of Spesker Rest, for tha office of Prasie 
dealt of the U.5., and, early in Jan., 1896, when about 

to take a journey to the Yar vest to gain political 
information to strenethen hs political candidate, he was 
offered the editership of the N.Y,orning Advertiser, 
- ond he aeaepted the position ana ‘continued ih charge 
ef that ereat netropoxitan journal up to the time of ita 
Bale to Hearst in I8S7.4-ter that he was Managing Rgitor 
ef the Seyark,%.J., Evening Hews, Thon, in Tine, I890, 
he had charge of the editorial Pase and e'‘iterial 
policy of tha N.Y¥.Gommeroial. colonel Rathorne was 
With the Jénincle nik Clnb of Jackeonvillea , Florida, 
Re wae a member of ths Lotus dlub of HY, city.In 
Florida he was armembor of the Her Bngland Society 
and the University <Asenciation of Florida. Ke was also 
& very efficient menber of the Board of Trade of 

Jacksonvilie, Florida. Colonel Frank Warren Hathorne 

Married cleaner Z.0we curner wro was born at Bath,ve., 
Sept 24, T8523; and resides at $ Bratford Py ace, 
Kontelair,X.J. The danchter of osran anenetns Tarner 
and Isabel Curtis, both of Bath, ve.she and Col, 
aathorne attended the Hplecopsl Cimrah, 
The gont 

(9th ga-eration) dayien Irving Hathorne 

b Jacksonvilie,Plorida, dur 3, 5890 .Cradusted 

7 c 
7 d54 

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from Stavers ' instituzea of TeQnne loc eli. 

@ washaniss® Engineer at Sua bead a? tha Pree 
gustion Department of the Standard CAL Cee, 

£4 Brostway, 5eYeSity 

REECE EM wee Keen ees tenes BR et eeneheaures 

She Sth obfld oF Stephen ¢ohavocrne. 
(7th generation) Andrew Sarhew Kathornes 
% fav G, tare, & Eeh &,2847. 
(isn) loxtsa dathorne b seh R487. 
(7%) taran datherna ob Bay Bl, 64. 
(7¢h} 0 Tikilan Hacry Gathorne b Boy 18,1026. 
(7¢h) dchn race Hattorna Bo apr 87, T8FS3 , 
& Sey IZ, I86t. 
(74) Zarrrie4 Greoker dsthorne b diy : 
I7, yeaa. e | 

Oo ee pe ws re es we ESR OES 

eg PARR es 

Tha mad enti4 of Gath Hatherne & Sarah Thringe 

(Sth generstion) Ghideail f"santgy oh Rasherne S4liy 
Hatterne = bb apr. I7Aa?. 

(6th) sbisall (tfabty") Uathorna bo dune 26,2780. 
H Rebort Haswell of Sowdei nha, {6.6 

{6th} Setty Hathorne ob apr FO, 1Fek, 

R dune £0, rai¢ fom GeGoula. 

(ath) Famy d.thorne ob Saps Wo, 1788. 

{6th} Joansa Sathorne hb Sout IS, 178b. 

K Heh de, IS%G Tilidaa diacoak. 


77 01794 

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