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Hendricks    County    schools, 

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§^itfo.d  Do^ndip  JJi^torlcat  aUon 

=— -PLA'NFIELD.  INDIANA         -= --^-^ 


Hendricks  County  Schools 


(Now  abandoned) 

906- 1907-  1908 







The  HAND  points  the  direction  of  progress  for  Country  Children, 
from  poor  one*roomed  schools  to  modern  graded  schools 



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A  Teacher's  Creed. 

I  believe  in  boys  and  girls,  the  men  and  women  of  a 
great  to-morrow ;  that  whatsoever  the  boy  sowclh  the 
man  shall  reap.  I  believe  in  the  curse  of  ignorance,  in  the 
efficacy  of  schools,  in  the  dignity  of  teaching,  and  the  joy 
of  serving  another.  I  believe  in  wisdom  as  revealed  in 
human  lives  as  well  as  in  the  pages  of  a  printed  book;  in 
lessons  taught  not  so  much  by  precept  as  by  example;  in 
ability  to  work  with  the  hands  as  well  as  to  think  with  the 
head ;  in  everything  that  makes  life  large  and  lovely. 
I  believe  in  beauty  in  the  school-room,  in  the  home,  in  daily 
life  and  out-of-doors.  I  believe  in  laughter,  in  love,  in  all 
ideals  and  distant  hopes  that  lure  us  on.  I  believe  that 
every  hour  of  every  day  we  receive  a  just  reward  fur  all  we 
are  and  all  we  do.  I  believe  in  the  present  and  its  oppor- 
tunities, in  the  future  and  its  promises,  and  in  the  divine 

joy  of  living.     Amen. 

Edwin  Osgood  Grover. 




School  Plans,  1907-8 : 5 

General  Regulations 10 

History  of  Education  in  the  County) 12 

Pedagogical 14 

Township  Statistics 14 

The  Growth  of  Our  High  Schools 18 

The  High  School  Course  of  Study 22 

High  School  Athletics  and  Oratory 27 

High  School  Graduates,  1903-7 31 

Bulletins 33 

Beginning  Teachers 50 

The  Teacher's  Visiting  Day 51 

Corn  Contests  and  Agriculture 53 

Improved  Buildings  and  Consolidation 66 

Parents  and  the  Schools 73 

The  State  Teachers'  Association 75 

Schedule  of  Success  Items 75 

Important  Resolutions  of  Interest  to  Teachers 77 

Compulsory  Education  Law 77 

New  School  Laws 78 

In   Conclusion 79 

School  Calendar , 3d  cover 

CJforJl  Vou,n5kip   JJidoricJ  Colleclti^ 



1907-1908  School  Plans. 

Hendricks  County  Public  Schools 

Office  Phone  No.  236—2  G.    M.    WILSON,    Supt.     Residence  Phone  No.  236-3 

Office  Day— Monday. 

Preliminary  lustitutes — 

September    4 — Eel  River. 

September    6 — Clay  and  Marion  at  Amo. 

September     7 — Liberty. 

September   12 — Union   and   Middle  at   Lizton. 

Scptenibcr  13 — Franklin. 

September  14 — Center. 

September  18 — Brown. 

September  19 — Guilford. 

September  20 — Lincoln. 

September   21 — Wasliington. 

Schools  Begin — 

September  2 — Liberty. 

September  9 — Clay  and  Eel  River. 

September   16 — Center,   Franklin,   Marion,  Middle,  and   Union. 

September  23— Brown,  Guilford,  Lincoln,  and  Washington. 

Regular   Tozvnship  Institutes — 

First    Saturday — Center,    Guilford,    Lincoln,    Washington. 
Second  Saturday — Brown,  Franklin,  Middle,  Union. 
Third   Saturday — Clay,   Eel   River,   Liberty,   Marion. 

Bi-Monthly  Examination  Dates — 
First — November  8,   1907. 
Second — January  17,  1908. 
'I'hird— On  iwiday,  one  week  before  flie  close  of  school.     The  date  should  be  uniform 

throughout  the  township.     It  may  be  agreed  upon  at  the  township  institute,  and  the 

county   superintendent  informed. 

Reports — 

First— At  the  close  of  the  first  week. 

Second— Grades   of   sixth,   seventh    and    eighth   year   pupils   after   the    first   bi-niontlily 

Third— Y.   P.  R.  C.  and  final  report  at  the  close  of  school. 

Promotions— The  prol)lem  of  promotions   is   not   an   easy  one.     The  Comity   Board   of 

















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IIkndkicks   GniNTY   Schools.  7 

Education  at  the  meeting  in  May,  1906,  passed  a  resolution  witli  reference  to  promotions 
in  the  upper  grades.  It  is  self-explanatory  and  is  as  follows:  "Resolved,  that  promotions 
from  tile  si.xtli,  seventh  and  eighth  years  sliall  he  made  hy  the  teachers  of  a  township,  the 
township  principal,  the  trustee  and  the  county  superintendent  acting  jointly;  that  the  bi- 
monthly examination  manuscripts  for  the  sixth,  seventh  and  eighth  grades  shall  be  sub- 
mitted regularly  to  the  township  principal  for  inspection  by  himself,  the  trustee  and  the 
county  superintendent,  and  that  any  pupil  who  has  maintained  an  average  of  85  per  cent. 
throughout  the  sixth,  seventh  and  eighth  years,  may,  by  unanimous  judgment  of  teacher, 
township  principal,  trustee  and  county  superintendent,  be  promoted  from  the  eighth  year 
to  the  high  school  and  such  promotion  will  entitle  such  pupil  to  enter  any  high  school  ot 
the  county.  Provided,  that  nothing  herein  contained  shall  in  any  manner  abridge  the 
rights  of  pupil--  under  the  law  providing  for  the  examinations  for  graduation  from  the 
common  branches." 

The  plan  attaches  more  importance  to  a  pupil's  regular  work.  If  his  work  is  strong 
enough  as  shown  by  examinations  and  daily  recitations,  he  may  pass  directly  into  high 
school  without  having  to  take  the  diploma  examination.  'J  his  i-;  a  wise  measure  and  will 
do  some  good  if  we  can  administer  it  wiselw 

Just  before  the  schools  close  in  the  spring,  I  will  meet  witli  the  trustee,  principal,  and 
teachers  of  each  townsliij)  to  carry  out  the  details  of  this  plan. 

BiKi)  .\Ni)  Aiuiou  l).\v— The  fourth  Friday  in  October,  October  25,  should  be  observed 
as  Bird  and  Arbor  Day.  Arrange  a  little  program  of  songs,  reailings  and  recitations.  In- 
vite the  patrons.  Plant  a  tree  or  a  vine,  or  several.  But  do  your  work  well.  If  you 
haven't  a  recent  Bird  and  Arbor  Day  Annual,  write  me  for  one.  Make  the  day  an  oc- 
casion for  meeting  your  patrons  and  interesting  them  in  the  success  of  your  work,  and 
in  the  appearance  of  the  school  grounds. 

ljr.i<.\kn:s — Get  the  Young  Peoi)le's  Reading  Circle  books  for  your  library.  If  the 
books  have  not  been  catalogued  and  recorded,  you  should  do  it.  Apply  to  the  Public  Li- 
brary Conuuission,  Room  58,  State  House,  indianapolis.  for  a  six  months  free  loan  ot 
a   fortj-volume  library  on   almost   any   hue. 

Honor  Rolls — The  honor  rolls  and  Y.  P.  R.  C.  diplomas  for  last  year  have  been  filled 
out  and  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  trustees  for  distribution.  The  pupils'  names  arc  taken 
from  the  reports  of  the  teachers,  ar.d  if  a  pupil  has  failed  to  gtt  an  honor  roll  or  a 
diploma  when  entitled  to  the  same,  it  is  because  his  teacher's  report  failed  to  reach  me.  It 
is   never   too   lale   to   look   after   these   matters   for   the   pupils. 

'liiE   CouKsi-:  OK   SrisDv      (See   opi)osite   page.) 

Ward's  Manual  of  tin.'  Rational  Method  in  Reading  shoulil  be  in  the  hands  of  all 
teachers  having  work   in   the  lower  grades    (Silver,   15urdett  &  Co.,  Chicago,  3()c). 

The  supplementary  rea<lcrs  are:  (i)  Ward's  Primer  for  the  first  year  (Silver,  Bur- 
dctt  &  Co.,  Chicago,  36c,  with  1-6  off  tj  dealers).  (2)  Progressive  Course  in  Reading, 
Book  Two,  for  the  second  year  (American  Book  Co.,  Cincinnati,  30c,  with  lo  per  cent.,  or 
20  per  cent,  off  to  dealers,  according  to  terms  of  sale).  (3)  Progressive  Course  in  Read- 
ing,  Book  'I'hree,  for   the   third   year    (.American   Book   Co.,  40c,   with   discount   ti>   dealers). 

Stud\  the  plan  of  the  new  Si'KLLi'Ui.  You  will  see  that  it  is  a  vocabulary  book,  and 
that  new  words  should  be  assigned  only  as  they  can  be  understood  and  used  intelligently 
in  sentences. 

Every  pupil  in  school  above  the  second  year  should  own  a  small  hictionaky.  A  fair 
dictionary  can  be  secured  for  25c.  It  should  be  taught  systematically.  In  the  third  year 
teach  pupils  to  use  the  dictionary  to  i-konounce  for  them.  In  the  fourth  year,  begin  to 
teach  pupils  how  to  find  the  meaning  of  a  word.  Gradually  teach  the  use  of  derivations, 
and   the   more   dilTicult   points. 

•8  Manual 

Teach  Wkiting  by  giving  pupils,  especially  in  the  lower  grades,  a  copy  and  a  definite 
amount  of  work  to  do  well.  Do  not  have  pupils  write  without  copy  and  in  a  careless, 
rapid  manner,  merely  to  use  up  time.  This  is  an  important  subject  and  you  should  take 
the  time  to  teach  it. 

Positively,  no  Number  work  should  be  done  in  the  first  year  and  little  should  be 
done  in  the  second  year.  Spend  time  on  Reading,  and  the  related  subjects, — Spelling, 
Writing  and  Language.  In  the  third  and  fourth  years,  teach  the  tables,  the  addition  table, 
the  subtraction  table,  the  multiplication  table,  the  division  table.  The  addition  table  en- 
ables pupils  to  add  by  endings.  In  the  seventh  year,  enough  work  should  be  done  in  AI- 
gel)ra  to  enable  pupils  to  use  the  algebraic  mclhods  in  ijercentage  and  some  of  its  ap- 

The  lower  grade  History  work  and  Language  work  can  i)e  easily  and  advantageously 
correlated.  The  history  stories  must  be  worked  over  orally  until  they  can  be  reproduced 
orally  and  in  written  form  by  the  pupils,  and  this  is  the  best  kind  of  language  work.  A 
day  may  be  taken  occasionally  for  more  formal  language  work,  such  as  the  use  of  diflicult 
common  verbs  or  pronouns. 

Teaching  tlie  rudiments  of  Music  is  expected  only  in  the  graded  schools.  But  there 
should  be  singing  in  every  scliool.  Our  10,000  eilition  of  "Songs  for  Home  and  School" 
is   luit  exhausted,  and   if  your   scliool   is   lujt   supplied,   send   to  my   office   fur   a   su|)ply. 

Renieini)er  Dr.  Moran's  excellent  work  on  History.  (let  Fisk's  Critical  Period  or 
Stanwootl's  History  of  the  Presidency,  or  Woodlmrn's  Johnston's  American  Orations.  Con- 
centrate  upon   some   period. 

The  Physiology  work  for  the  sixth  and  eighth  years  will  be  divided  as  follows: 

Sixth  Year — Small  Physiology.  First  bi-monthly,'  pages  1-56.  Second  bi-monthly, 
pages  57-135.     Third  bi-monthly,  pages  136-201. 

Eighth  Year — Large  Physiology.  First  bi-monthly,  pages  1-79  and  283-295.  Second 
bi-monthly,  pages  Xo-f(>7.     Third  bi-monthly,  pages   19S-306. 

Make  the  Cieograpliy  work  real.  Last  year's  suggestions  on  excursions  and  the  cor- 
respondence method  of  studying  some  section  of  the  United  States  brought  good  results 
where  carried  out. 

.\gkicultuke — Our  work  in  Agriculture  has  received  favorable  comment  at  home  and 
throughout  the  State.  We  have  all  pulled  together  to  secure  the  results.  The  latest  under- 
taking, the  Purdue  excursion,  was  entirely  successful  and  highly  profitable.  We  will  do 
better  work  because  of  it.  St;ite  Superintendent  F.  A.  Cotton  is  very  favorable  to  the 
work  in  Agriculture.  In  a  recent  letter  to  county  superintendents  he  said:  "I  am  very 
anxious  to  have  you  urge  the  teachers  to  introduce  the  course  in  Agriculture,  pp.  114-121, 
State  Manual,  in  the  township  and  town  high  schools,  the  township  consolidated  schools, 
and  the  graded  schools  in  your  respective  counties.  'J  he  work  for  the  grades  in  this 
subject  may  be  used  in  the  district  schools,  especially  when  the  teachers  are  well  qualified 
to  do  the  work.  The  suggestions  in  this  course  will  help  the  teachers  to  direct  the  boys 
and  girls  in  an  intelligent  study  of  agriculture,  to  inspire  in  them  a  respect  for  honest 
labor,   and   to   show    them   that   there   is   a    demand    for   brains   on    the   farm." 

The  township  trustees  at  their  meeting  in  August,  1906,  passed  a  resolution  conclud- 
ing as  follows:  "and  that  we,  therefore,  direct  that  the  subject  of  Agriculture  may  re- 
place the  subject  of  Botany  in  the  township  high  schools  for  half  the  school  year,  or  for 
the  full  school  year  if  the  teacher  is  prepared."  The  present  law  indirectly  recjuires  the 
teaching  of  Agriculture  in  the  high  school,  and  provision  has  been  made  for  it  in  the 
Jiigh  scliool  course  of  study  for  the  county. 

It  seems  now  generally  conceded  by  educators  and  small,  that  fi>r  agricultural 
iCoinmunities  like  Hendricks  Cnunty,  the  subject  of  ;i  .;rieiillnre  is  not  e.xcelled  for  mental 
training  nor  equalled  for  utility  \aluc  by- any  other  sui)jeet  in  the  entire  Held  of  knowl- 


IIk.nduicks  CnUNiy  Schools.  9 

The    PuotiUAM    (a    suggestion,   gr;uk",    i,   J,   .?,   5,   7.)— npi-iiiiig    15    minutos. 

r  /til  Arithmotic.  I   7tli  Geography. 

I    5tli  Aritlinutic.  j    5tli   Gcog.   (3)   Phys.   (i). 

I    ]    I  St   Reading.  IV  -{    1st    Reading. 

I   ^d    Numbers.  j   2d    History  and  Language 

L  3d    Numbers.  I  3^    History  and  Language. 

f  7th  Reading.  I   7tli  Grammar. 

j   5th  Reading.  {   Sth  Grammar. 

II  -j    ist   Reading.  V   '    ^^^    ^^^^'^^'''g  ^^'^^  Stories. 

j    2d    Reading.  |    -'d    Reading. 

I   3d    Reading.  I   3^1    Reading. 

^  5  and  7  Spelling. 

I   71I1  Ilibtory. 
I    5th  History. 

1st    Writing  and  Spelling. 

2il     Spelling. 

i   3d     Spelling    (3)    (ieograpliy   antl    .Agriculture    (1). 
I  All,  renmanship. 

Monday,  I,   II.   Ill,   IV.  1  ['  Monday,   I,   II,  111,   IV, 

Tuesday,  V,  1,  H,  HL  j  \  Tuesday,  1,  H,  HI,  V. 

W^edncsdav,  IV,  V,  I,  H.  1  or     \  Wednesday,  I,  H,  V,  IV. 

Thursday,  III,  IV,  V,  I.  |  |  Thursday,  I,  V,  HI,   IV. 

Friday,  II,  HI,  IV,  V.  J  I  Lriday,  V,  H,  III,  IV. 

Cover  the  held.  Divide  the  time  equally  among  the  grades.  Reduce  the  number  of 
recitations  per  day. 

In  Conclusion — These  plans  are  issued  not  for  the  purpose  of  confining  you  with- 
in narrow  limits,  but  to  stimulate  you  to  mure  positive  and  definite  notions  of  your  work 
for  the  year.  Our  work  together  at  the  prcliminar>  institutes  has  further  defined  and 
explained   our  year's  work. 

A  word  as  to  my  visiting  your  school.  Please  hand  me  your  register  when  I  enter, 
but  do  not  interrupt  your  work.  I  will  make  myself  at  home.  I  hope  to  make  many 
favorable  criticisms.  But  I  come  to  help  you  and  some  of  my  criticisms  may  be  unfavor- 
able, but  in  such  eases  they  arc  for  you  alone  and  become  known  to  others  only  when 
itold  by  you.  May  the  year  be  a  good  one  and  may  we  at  all  times  be  mutually  helpful 
in   the  interests  of   t'.'e  child. 

10  Manual 

General  Regulations. 

1.  The  teacher  should  arrive  at  the  school  house  not  later  than  8:00  a.  m.  daily. 

2.  The  teacher  should  remain  on  the  school  premises  at  noon,  except  that  when  there 
are  several  teachers  in  a  building  they  may  arrange  to  alternately  go  for  dinner. 

3.  School  should  begin  at  8:30  a.  m.,  and  close  at  4:00  p.m.,  with  two  iifteen-minute 
intermissions,  and  an  hour  for  noon. 

4.  In  the  pleasant  fall  weather  the  intermissions  may  be  extended  to  twenty  minutes 
for  play  purposes,  provided  they  arc  shortened  to  ten  minutes  when  the  weather  becomes 

5.  Ventilation — During  weather  that  requires  the  closing  of  doors  and  windows,  the 
teacher  should  at  the  middle  of  each  of  the  four  quarters  of  the  day,  Hush  the  room  with 
fresli  air.  This  is  tlone  by  opening  iloors  and  wimlows  for  one  or  two  minutes,  during 
which  time  the  pupils  should  marcii  about  the  room  or  enga;Ae  in  sonic  form  of  physical 
exercise  to  prevent   them   from   taking  cold. 

6.  Records  and  Reports — The  teacher  should  properly  keep  each  pupil's  record  of  work 
and  attendance,  and  should  promptly  make  the  bi-monthly  reports  to  parents,  the  final  re- 
port to  successor,  and  the  reports  called  for  by  the  county   superintendent. 

7.  High  School  Records — In  each  high  school  there  should  be  a  permanent  record, 
showing  in  detail  the  work  completed  by  each  pupil.  This  record  beci)mes  invaluable  in 
case  a  pupil  goes  to  another  high   school   or  to  college. 

8.  Vacations— Teachers  will  observe  the  Thanksgiving  vacation,  dismissing  on  Wednes- 
day evening  until  the  following  Monday,  in  order  to  attend  the  County  Teachers'  As- 

Schools  shouUl  be  dismissed  during  Christmas  week  in  order  that  teachers  may  at- 
tend the   State  Teachers'  Association. 

9.  Dismissions — The  teacher  is  not  permitted  to  dismiss  school  at  pleasure,  and  in  case 
of  sickness  or  inal)ility  to  attend  to  duties,  the  trustee  should  be  promptly  notified.  It  is 
the  trustee's  duty  to  provide  a  substitute. 

ID.  Use  of  Te.Kt  During  Recitation — No  teacher,  while  conducting  a  recitation  in  geo- 
graphy, grammar,  arithmetic,  physiology,  or  history,  shall  use  a  text-book.  Teacliers  may 
make  an  abstract  of  the  lesson,  to  be  used  during  recitation.  A  thorough  mastery  of 
the  matter  contained  in  each  lesson,  as  well  as  a  detinitc  method  of  presenting  it,  is  ex- 
pected of  each  teacher.  To  be  able  to  do  the  work  in  this  manner  a  thorough  preparation 
of  the  work   for  each  day  will  be  necessary.      (Richmond  rule). 

11.  Authority — There  is  no  appeal  by  the  pupil  from  the  reasonable  rules  of  the 
teacher.  Obedience  is  necessary  to  the  life  of  the  school,  and  the  teacher  may  punish  to 
secure  obedience. 

Questions  relating  to  the  transportation  of  pupils,  the  school  to  which  a  pupil  is  at- 
tached, transfers,  buildings,  supplies,  grounds,  etc.,  should  be  referred  to  the  township 

Questions  relating  to  the  course  of  study,  methods  of  instruction,  discipline  and  the 
conduct   of   the   school,   should   be    referred   direct   to    the   county   superintendent. 

12.  Appeals — An  appeal  may  be  taken  from  the  decision  of  a  t(jwnship  trustee  to 
the  county  superintendent,  exceid  that  a  trustee's  decision  is  final  on  the  suspension  or  ex- 
pulsion of  a  pupil. 

Questions  may  be  furliier  appealed  from  the  county  superintendent  to  the  State  super- 
intendent,   e.\cei)t    that    the    connls    superintendent's    <lecisi(in    is    final    on    all    local    questions 





relating  to  tlie  legality  of  school  meetings,  establishment  of  schools,  and  the  location,  build- 
ing, repair,  or  removal  of  schoolhouses,  or  transfer  of  persons  for  school  purposes,  and 
resignation  and  dismissal  of  teachers. 

13.  Pupils  not  six  years  old  before  Christmas,  and  under-age  pupils  who  do  not  ex- 
pect to  attend  regularly,  should  be  excluded.  Pupils  not  six  years  old  at  the  beginning  of 
school  may  be  excluded. 

14.  Pupils  between  the  ages  of  seven  and  fourteen,  inclusive,  may  not  be  excluded 
from  school  by  the  teacher,  but  may  be  proceeded  against  by  the  truant  officer  for  habitual 
tardiness  or  absence,  or  by  the  probation  officer  of  the  juvenile  court  for  incorrigibility, 
vulgarity,  or  misconduct  of  any  nature. 

15.  No  lesson  for  home  study  should  be  assigned  to  pupils  in  the  first  and  second 
grades.  Lessons  in  spelling  may  be  assigned  to  pupils  in  third,  fourth,  and  fifth  grades. 
To  pupils  in  grades  six  and  seven,  one  lesson  only  may  be  assigned  in  addition  to  spelling, 
but  arithmetic  lessons  should  not  be  prepared  at  home.  Eighth  grade  pupils  should  not  be 
required  to  study  more  than  one  hour  at  home.     (Indianapolis  rule.) 

16.  The  principal  of  a  graded  school  shall  have  the  general  management  and  discipline 
of  the  school  under  his  control,  and  especially  shall  he  have  control  of  playgrounds  and 
halls.  The  teachers  in  such  graded  school  shall  follow  his  directions  and  cooperate  with 
him  in  all  matters  relating  to  the  welfare  of  the  school. 

17.  In  case  it  becomes  necessary  to  change  the  date  of  a  township  institute  or  to  close 
the  school   temporarily,  the  county  superintendent  should  be   informed. 

Wllll'l':   I. UK. 
As  bi'uutlful  as  tin-  Ivluiit',  l)\ii  ill  HeiutrlckH  County. 

12  Manual 

Education  in  Hendricks  County* 


When  I  came  upon  the  educational  stage  of  life,  the  log  schoolhouse,  the  puncheon 
floor,  and  "the  educational  timbur  of  the  teacher,"  were  being  rapidly  relegated  to  the 
past.  My  school  life  began  in  the  old,  but  noted,  Belleville  Academy,  which  was  erected 
during  the  fifties  of  the  nineteenth  century.  This  was  the  second  academy  constructed  in 
Hendricks  County,  the  old  Danville  Scunnary  having  been  established  a  few  years  pre- 
viously. The  Belleville  Academy  was  my  Alma  Mater,  and,  also,  the  building  where  I  be- 
gan my  career  as  a  teacher  in  the  public  schools  of  Hendricks  County.  My  hrst  teaching 
was  in  the  primary  department  of  the  Belleville  schools,  then  under  the  supervision  of 
Prof.  A.  J.  Johnson,  who  was  also  what  was  then  termed  county  examiner  of  Hendricks 
County.  Our  work  began  in  September,  i8()6,  and  contiiuied  eleven  weeks,  that  being  the 
length  of  a  public  school  term  at  that  time.  The  daily  compensation  was  one  dollar  and 
fifty  cents  for  one  holding  a  second  grade  or  eighteen  nmntlis'  license,  and  two  dollars 
per  day  for  a  first  grade  or  twenty-four  months'  license.  Third  and  fourth  grades  called 
for  less  compensation.  Examinations  were  in  the  main  oral.  No  one  had  ever  dreamed 
of  written  examinations  for  primary  and  intermediate  pupils.  1  he  length  of  term,  how- 
ever, increased  every  year  until  in  1871  the  incorporated  towns,  especially,  could  boast  a 
five-months  term,  country  districts  still  having  shorter  terms.  But  the  compensation  ot 
teachers  hardly  kept  pace  with  length  of  term,  yet  there  was  a  growing  demand  for  a 
higher  standard  of  excellence  among  the  teachers.  And  a  few  energetic  and  consciencious 
instructors,  feeling  that  the  individual  is  strong  in  proportion  as  he  takes  to  himself  the 
experience  of  all,  organized  the  earlier,  occasional  township  institutes;  in  Washington  town- 
ship as  early  as  1864.  But  Hendricks  County  was  not  slow  to  imbibe  the  growing  prm- 
ciple  being  disseminated  by  Horace  Mann,  that  a  more  centralized  administration  of  schools 
would  conduce  to  their  efficiency.  Hence,  county  control  was  the  next  step  in  the  develop- 
ment of  its  school  system.  And  in  accordance  with  this  belief  in  1873  James  A.  C.  Dobson 
was  elected  county  superintendent  for  a  term  of  two  years.  During  the  same  year  town- 
ship institutes  were  introduced  into  our  school  system,  and  attendance  at  the  meetings  made 
compulsory,  and  they  soon  became  an  important  factor  in  Hendricks  County.  The  county 
institute  had  been  organized  and  county  examiners  appointed  as  early  as  1862.  Soon 
county  manuals  were  issued  and  the  standard  of  requirements  for  securing  teachers'  li- 
censes were  increased.  The  interests  of  education  all  along  the  line  were  so  well  cared 
for  that  in  1878  the  number  of  school  buildings  was  105.  Number  of  teachers  employed 
130;  90  males  and  40  fem.-iles. 

Of  the  number  of  schools,  14  were  graded  schools,  where  provisions  were  made  for 
thorough  instruction  in  all  the  elementary  and  many  higher  branches;  and  there  was  an 
oppDrtunity   for  pursuing  the  higher  branches   in   some  of   the   district   schools. 

Aliunt  this  time  the  Central  Normal  College  was  removed  from  Ladoga  lo  Danville, 
and  ostalili.^iied  upon  a  permanent  basis,  and  furnished  excelK-nt  opportunities  for  a  scien- 
tilie,  classical,  or    business  education. 

Superintendent  Dolison,  during  his  ten  years  active  service,  gave  to  education  an  im- 
petus and  inspiration  which  set  a  high  standard  for  ail  the  succeeding  superintendents,  and, 
year  by  year,  a  degree  of  proficiency  and  advancement  has  crowned  their  efforts.  Dur- 
ing the  last  twt)  decades  through  the  inllucnce  and  under  the  direction  of  A.  E.  Rodgers, 
T.  A.  Gossett,  J.  D.  Hostetter,  and  (i  M.  Wilson,  education  in  Hendricks  County  has 
J-ccpl  ,pace    with   ail    the    reforms   and   movenu-nls    for   llu'   betterment    of    its    school    system. 

IkNDKKKs  County  Schools. 


Thruugh  the  intluence  and  earnest  work  of  U.  J.  Biller,  the  teachers'  association  was  or- 
ganized and  incorporated  into  our  school  system  on  December  19,  1884.  Durins,'  the  same 
year  the  course  of  study  for  the  Teachers'  Reading  Circle  was  welcomed  by  both  it  iichcrs 
and  superintendent.  In  1887  Hendricks  County  was  among  the  first  to  orr;ani/.e  a  young 
people's  reading  circle.  Township  outlines  had  grown  out  of  the  demand  for  uniformity  in 
our  schools  and  was  adopted  in  1896.  Trior  to  that  the  same  demand  made  possible  a 
uniform  course  of  study  for  the  common  schools,  and  in  1891  a  system  of  iM-moithly  ex- 
aminations, based  on  that  course  was  inaugurated. 

This  same  principle  evolved  uniform  text-books  for  the  common  schools,  and  ?n  May, 
1902,  uniform  high  scliool  text-books  and  course  of  study  were  adopted  by  the  County 
Board  of  Education. 

So  we  trust  forces  arc  now  shaping  themselves  to  enable  us  in  '.he  near  future  to  hail 
the  advent  of  centralized  schools  and  a  maximum  term  and  wage  law. 

In  the  last  three  decades  the  educational  interests  of  llendricks  County  have  moved  on- 
waid  until  today  it  may  be  said  that  our  school  system  is  the  gre.ites:  si.cccss  of  any  public 

James  A.  C.  Dobson,  the  first  county  superintendent,  was  elected  in  1873  and  served 
until  1883,  five  terms. 

A.   E.   Rodgers,  from   1883  to  1887,  two  terms. 

T.  A.  Gossett,  from  1887  to   1893,  three  terms. 

J.   D.   Ilostetter,   from   1893  to  1903,  four  terms. 

G.  M.  Wilson,  since  1903. 

("HA  1,1;  F.vr.LS. 

Not  ill  tlio  Alps,  liiit  111  llciuh-lck.s  County. 




1.  A  teacher  cannot  teach  correctly  what  he  does  not  know  thoroughly. 

2.  In  conducting  a  recitation  do  you  follow  with  the  book,  reading  and  asking  ques- 
tions— or  do  you  prepare  your  lessons? 

3.  Have  you  been  doing  the  dissecting  suggested  in  the  physiologies,  or  have  you  been 
foolishly  pleading  lack  of  time?     Time  misspent  is  worse  than  wasted. 

4.  Do  you  figure  at  the  board  doing  most  of  the  reciting  in  arithmetic,  or  do  you  give 
the  pupils  the  full  advantage  of  this  best  opportunity   fur   self-expression? 

5.  Do  you   repeat   answers,   improving  them   as   you  do   so?     A   telling  teacher   trains 
pupils  for  beggars. 

6.  Are  unused  seats  full  of  paper  and  apple  cores?     You  cannot  thus  build  character. 

7.  Do   your   decorations    consist   of    twenty   or    forty   cheap    pictures    tacked    upon    the 
Better   have   none   than    such.     We  wish   to   make   voters,   not   floaters. 

Take  time  to  correct  improper  language. 

Dismiss  your  school  with  system. 

Be  simple,  honest,  direct. 

The   great  lessons   of   the   schools   are   found   not   in    text-books,   but   in    teachers — 



sympathetic,    scholarly,   honest,   hard-working  teachers. 

Township  Statistics^  1906-7* 
















^^  C  S 




Eel  River 








W'ashinfrton  .. 

Totals '.'811 




















































111  10 











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UAHK.MKN'I'  I'l.AN,  NOUTll  SAI.KM    ilUiii  SCHOOI 





•  I..  j». .„.  „  ;....„.,  ..!._"  .. :nr.. ■■^.. ...r~~". ........ . 


iH  Manual 

The  Growth  of  Our  High  Schools* 

The  high  school  is  the  people's  college.  Its  growth  among  agricultural  communities 
contains  the  farmer's  best  promises  for  the  future.  It  has  caused  the  tlicrmometer  of  gen- 
eral intelligence  to  rise  several  degrees.  It  gives  the  country  boy  or  girl  equal  advantages 
with  the  city  boy  or  girl.     It  is  here  to  stay  and  to  get  better  each  year. 

The  growth  of  the  high  schools  of  the  county  under  the  present  administration  is  ex- 
ceedingly gratifying  to  all  concerned.  This  growth  is  closely  associated  with  the  intro- 
duction of  a  uniform  course  of  study  for  the  high  schools  and  competitive  contests  in  ora- 
tory and  athletics.  The  relation  may  be  casual,  or,  more  probably,  a  new  spirit  has  brought 
all  of  these  things  to  pass  at  the  same  time. 

The  fourth  year  of  high  school  work  in  a  township  high  school  was  first  added  at  North 
Salem  in  iQor,  while  the  writer  was  in  charge  of  the  schools  there.  The  first  uniform  high 
school  course  of  study  for  the  county  was  prepared  the  next  year  l)y  a  connnittee  of  three 
(T.  J.  Kirby,  J.  U.  Jones  and  C.  M.  Wilson),  and  th--  II.  C.  II.  S.  A.  and  O.  A.  was  or- 
ganized. In  the  fall  of  1904,  the  fourth  year  was  added  at  Amo,  Clayton,  Plainfield  and 
Brownsburg.  The  fourth  year  was  added  at  Avon  in  i(jo6,  and  at  Lizton  this  fall  (1907). 
The  next  move  was  to  secure  conunissions  from  tlie  State  Board  of  Education  for  some 
of  these  schools.  The  North  Salem  high  school  was  commissioned  in  the  spring  of  1905, 
Plainfield  in  1906,  Amo  and  Cla\ton  in  1907.  The  graduates  of  these  schools  enter  any 
college  or  university  of  the  State  without  examinations  or  conditions.  They  are  placed  on 
an  cciuality  with  the  graduates  of  city  schools.  Our  children  are  no  longer  comi)elled  to 
endure  pioneer  hardshii)s  in  order  to  secure  a  good  secondary  education. 

The  remarkable  thing  about  all  this  forward  movement  is  tliat  the  people  were  more 
willing  and  anxious  for  the  most  part  than  the  authorities.  The  people  are  prosperous 
and  they  are  willing  to  pay  for  the  best  for  their  children.  And  in  PittsI)oro,  Brownsburg, 
and  Stilesville,  for  example,  where  progress  along  some  of  these  lines  has  been  slower, 
the  people  are  clamoring  to  have  their  schools  brought  up  to  the  standard  of  the  best. 

'I  he  high  school  enrollment  of  the  county  (outside  Danville)  has  increased  from  191,  in 
1898,  to  262  in  1903,  and  372  in  1907.  Present  indications  are  that  this  year  the  enroll- 
ment will  exceed  400,  the  figure  now  reached,  and  this  does  not  tell  the  whole  story,  for 
there  are  15  country  pupils  in  the  first  year  at  Danville,  and  several  in  Indianapolis.  Less 
than  40  per  cent,  of  the  common  school  graduates  of  the  United  States  enter  high  school, 
and  only  47  per  cent,  of  the  township  connnon  school  graduates  of  the  State  of  Indiana 
enter  high  school,  as  shown  by  last  year's  record.  But  in  this  county  86.4  per  cent,  of 
the  common  school  graduates  zvere  in  first  year  high  school  last  year,  or  179  out  of  207. 
While  if  the  corporation  of  Danville  is  excluded  from  the  count,  83  per  cent,  of  the 
township  graduates  were  in  first  year  high  school  last  year.  This  year  will  almost  surely 
show   a   bcKer  ri'cord  than   the  high   record  of  last  year. 

The  exi)ense  per  pupil  last  year  was  less  in  the  commissioned  schools  of  the  county 
than   iu  the  non-commissioned   schools,  and  was  as  follows: 

Commissioned,   per   pupil $26.79 

Non-connnissioned,    per     pupil $36.00 

This  does  not  mean  that  one  of  the  commissioned  schools  is  maintained  at  less  total 
cost  than  a  non-conmiissioned  school.  But  the  larger  number  of  pupils  in  attendance  re- 
duces the  per  pupil  cost.  Our  i)urpos&,  however,  is  to  educate  as  many  as  possible,  as 
well  as  possible,  and  since  the  cf)nnnissioned  school  in  this  county  is  giving  a  longer  term 
for   less   money   per   pupil,   we  may   truly   say  that   it   is   the   better   investment. 

J  ll'.NDKICK.S    CdUNTy    S('ll<)(il..S. 




































.  (1 

























Hijrh  school  cxti-ndiMl  to  four  years. 



North  Center,  one  year 

New  Winchester,  three  years 

I'ittsboro,  three  years 

Stilesville,  three  years 

Avon,  four  years 

BrownsburR.  certified  1908 

Lizton,  certilied  1908    

Amo,  coininissioned  1907 

Clayton,  coininissioned  1907 

Plainlield,  coininissioned  1906 

Nortli  Salem,  commissioned  1905.... 

Totals 191 








269       257 







7  2 



Every  boy  and  ^ir\  in  the  county  is  entitled  bo  four  years  of  hi^'h  school  work  free  of  tuition. 
best  is  not  too  good  for  ouk  boys  and  girls. 




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SKCONI)   FLOOR   I'LAN,  L1//I'()N    111(111   .SCMIOOL 



High  School  Course  of  Study* 

This  course  of  study  was  worked  out  by  the  high  school  teachers  of  the  county  dur- 
ing the  school  year  1906-7,  the  details  being  arranged  by  a  committee  composed  of  Messrs. 
O'Mara,  Keeney,  and  Linke.  It  was  adopted  by  the  County  Board  of  Education  on  May 
I,  1907,  for  a  period  of  five  years,  subject  to  revision.  There  are  many  advantages  re- 
sulting from  a  uniform  course  of  study  and  uniform  texts  throughout  the  county.  These 
advantages  will  not  be  argued  here,  but  it  is  undoubtedly  true  that  the  uniform  course,  the 
uniform  texts,  and  the  uniform  bi-monthly  questions  have  had  much  to  do  in  bringing  all 
the  high  schools  up  to  the  standard  of  the  best.     The  course  follows: 


Second  Year. 

TiiiKD  Year. 

Fourth  Year. 

Latin  iir  (lerimin 
Ani-iciilture  or  Uotany 

Latin  or  (iernian 
Physical  (ieot^rapliy  am} 
lieiieral  History 
AlKt'bra  and  Geometry 

Latin  or  (ierman 
(ienoral  History 

U.  S.  History  and 

Oniiiiiicreiul  Arith. 

The  Latin  is  not  to  be  discontinued  until  the  Latin  for  entrance  to  college  is  completed. 

Preference  is  to  be  given  Agriculture  over  Botany  in  the  first  year.  Five  months  of 
the  second  year  are  to  be  devoted  to  Physical  Geography,  and  the  balance  to  Ancient 
History.     This  should  be  done  even   if  some  portions  of  the   text  are  omitted. 

The  English  work  is  to  consist  of  English  Classics  and  English  Composition.  The 
Classics  are  to  be  read  three  days  a  week  in  both  first  and  second  years,  and  English 
Composition  twice  each  week.  In  the  third  and  fourth  years  the  Classics  are  to  be  taught 
four  (lays,  and  Composition  one  day. 


Latin — 

lUunlett  &  Co. 

Beginner's  Latin  Book,  Gunnison  &  Harley.     Silver, 
Caesar,  Gumiison  &  Ilarley.     Silver,  Burdctt  &  Co. 
Cicero,  D'Ooge.     Benjamin  H.  Sanborn  &  Co. 
Vergil,  no  adoption. 

Mathematics — 

Algebra,  Wells.    D.  C.  Heath. 

Geometry,  Wells.     D.  C.  Heath. 

Conuncrcial  Arithmetic,  Moore.     American  Book  Co. 

Science — 

Agriculture,  Bailey.     The  Macmillan  Co. 
Botany,   Bailey's   l'".lementar_\ .     The   Macmillan   Co. 
Physics,  lloadley.     American  Book  Co. 
Physical  Geography,  Dryer.     American  Book  Co. 

History — 

Ancient  History,  Myers.     Giim. 

Modern  and  Medieval,  Myers.     Ginn.    .  , 

U.  S.  History,  Hart.     Anurican  Book  Co. 

Civics,  Ashley — "The  American   Government."     The   Macmillan   Co. 

1  Ikniiuu  KS    CoUNlV    SCIKIDI.S.  23 


Composition,  Brooks  and  Hubbard.     American  Book  Co. 

lui^^lisli    Clas.sics,    no   text   adopted    except    Swan    Kdition    of    Sliakespearc    (Longsman, 
(Ireen  «.^  Co.  )>   Howe's   I'rimer  of  I''n^;lisb  Literature,  1),  C.   I  leatb  &  Co. 


Commercial   Geography,  Adams.     Appletons. 


(A    term   herein    means    two    school    months.) 


First  Year. 

FiKST  Term — Emphasis  on   forms  throughout.     Sounds  should  be  learned  from  board, 

and  text  should  be  used  as  reference  merely.     More  declining  and   conjugating  should  be 

insisted  upon  than  is  required  in  the  text.     Cover  pages   i  to  56. 

Second  Term — The  declension  of  Qui  and  its  agreement,  and  the  form  of  the  present 
subjunctive  are  to  receive  special  attention.     Cover  pages  56  to  96. 

riHRi)  Term — The  perfect  system  is  to  be  emphasized.     Cover  pages  96  to   136. 
FoiKTii  Term — Pages  136  to  182. 

Second   Year. 
First  Term — Complete  text,  including  Caesar,  Book  I   to  Chapter  30. 
Second   Term — Caesar,    Book    IT,    and    such    composition    as    is    found    in    Gunnison    & 
Harley,  based  on  the  Latin  read. 

I'HiRi)   Term — Book   HI,   including   daily   composition   as   above. 
I""uURTH   Term — Complete   Book    IV,   composition   as   before. 

Third  Year. 
First  Ter.m — Cicero,  tirst  oration  against  Catiline.     Composition  based  on   Latin   read. 
Second    Ierm — Second  oration  and   ct)mposition. 

TiiiRD  Ter.m — Cicero,  orations    111   and    IV,   and   such   conii)i)sition   as   can   be   done. 
Imihrtii    Ter.m — Two   short   orations   of   Cicero   or   one   of   the   longer. 

Text — Bailey's   Principles  of  Agriculture. 

Siippleinentary   Text — Streeter's  Fat  of  the  Land    (The   Macmillan   Co.). 
Reference.'i — i.    Brook's    Agricultiu'e    (The    Home    Correspondencv    Sciiool,    5  pringtield, 
Mass. ).     3   volumes,  !f3.o(). 

2.  Agriculture   for    Beginners    (Ginn   &  Co.).   75c. 

3.  I"'irst   Principles  of  Agriculture    (American    Book  Co.).  80c. 

4.  Winslow's    Principles   of   Agriculture    (American    Book    Co.). 

5.  James'  Practical  Agriculture   (I).  .Appleton  &  Co.).  8oc. 

6.  Bessey's     New     Elementary    Agriculture     (University     Publishing     Co.,     Lincoln, 

Nebraska).  60c. 

7.  King's  The  Soil    (The  Macmillan  Co.).  75c. 

8.  Roberts'    bVrlility   of   the    Land    Clhe    Macnnllan    Co.).    $1.23. 

9.  Voorhees'    l'\'rtili/ers    (The    Macmillan   Co.).   $1.00. 

10.  i'^isher's    Practical    Studies    in    .Agriculture    (Purdue),      h'ree. 

11.  I'^armer's    Bulletins   from    Purdue    University,      h'ree. 

12.  h'armer's  Bulletins  from  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  Washington,  D.  C,  Free. 

13.  Bulletins    may   be   obtained   free   from   any   State   agriculture   eNpuiment   station. 

14.  See   State   Course  of   Study    for   further   references.  Term — Text,  pp.  1-105.  'he  meaning  of  agriculture.  'I  he  soil.  Soil  texture 
Preservation  of  soil  moisture.  Tiliane.  Tlu'  soil  nudch.  Drainage.  Maintaining  soil 
fertility.     I'erliii/ers.     (See  pp.  77  <)i>  of  Winslow's  Principles  of  Agriculture,  on   l'\rtiii/.ers. ) 

.t>&vi  uiJii^i   rto  b3?r.*\ 



Send   for   the  bulletins   to   which   references  are   made   at   the  close   of  chapters. 

Second  Term — Text,  pp.  io(>200.  Four  or  five  days  may  be  profitably  spent  on  a 
brief  general  view  of  the  plant  kingdom  from  the  simple  t)ne-celled  Pleurococcus  of  the 
Thallophytes  to  the  hii4hly  developed  composites  of  the  Spcrmatophytes  (Coulter's  Plant 
Studies,  pp.  221-2S2).  lUit  this  work  should  not  be  attempted  unless  the  teaclier  is  sufficiently 
prepared  that  he  can  do  it  without  nnich  effort. 

Structure  and  function  of  leaves,  pp.  28+.  Coulter's  Plant  Studies. 

Structure  and  function  of  roots,  pp.  Sg-f-,  Coulter's  Plant  Studies.  The  seed  bed. 
Tillage  and  plant  growth.     Pruning  and  spraying.     Pastures,  meadows,  and   forage. 

Some  special  work  should  be  done  upon  seed  selection,  and  the  work  of  Prof.  Holden 
on  corn.  (See  harmer's  Bulletin  No.  yj,  from  Ames,  Iowa;  bulletins  on  corn-breeding 
from  Urbana,  Illinois;  bulletins  No.  199  and  272,  from  Washington,  D.  C. ;  and  Bulletin 
No.  no,  and  Circular  No.  2,  from  Purdue). 

Special  bulletins  from  the  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  Washington,  D.  C. : 

No.  215 — Alfalfa  Growing. 

No.     (;6 — Meadows  and  Pastures.  ■ 

No.  24() — Sorghums  for  Forage. 

.\'().    i()4--l\ape  as  a  I'orage  C"ri)(). 

Xii.    iSi  —  I'runing. 

No.   i()i — Suggestions  for  Fruit  Growers. 

No.   146 — Insecticides  and  Fungicides. 

No.   171— The  Codling  Moth. 

Thiku  Term — Text,  pp.  201-279,  omitting  pp.  259-263  in  mixed  classes.  The  farm 
animal.  Animal  life.  Feeding.  Composition  of  foods.  The  balanced  ration.  The  feed 
lot.     The  stock  barn. 

Before  this  part  of  the  work  is  reached,  St'reeter's  Fat  of  the  Land  should  be  read  (ex- 
cept m  commissioned  schools).  It  will  aid  greatly  in  the  discussion  of  poultry,  the  dairy, 
and  hog-raising. 

l'\)ll()wing  are  some  special  bulletins  from  Washington,  D.  C. : 

.\o.  205 — Pig  Management. 

Xo.    J72 — Hogs   and    Corn. 

No.    141 — Poultry   Raising. 

No.    170 — Principles  of   Horse  Feeding. 

No.    143 — Conformation  of  Beef  and   Dairy  Cattle. 

No.     71 — Beef   Production. 

No.     49 — Sheep   b'eeding. 

No.     96 — Raising  Sheep  for  Mutton. 

Note — If  time  remains  after  the  completion  of  the  work  outlined  above,  special  subjects 
should  be  assigned   for   investigations   and   reports. 

FouKiH  Term — (Conmiissioned  schools)  Streeter's  Fat  of  the  Land,  and  special  sub- 

First   Year. 

T'lK-ST  Ti:uM — Well's  .-Mgebra  to  page  75.  It  is  assumed  that  all  pupils  entering  high 
school  lea\e  the  gradis  with  the  elements  of  .Algebra  and,  therefore,  have  need  only  of  a  re- 
view of  the  fundamental  processes.  However,  Chapter  \'H  should  receive  special  em- 

Second  Teum — This  term  is  the  most  important  in  the  .Vlgebra  course.  Emphasis  on 
factoring  and  fractions.     Pages  75  to  127. 

Tmiud  Tek.m — Pages    127   lo    iSo. 

i'MHiKTii    Teum-   l'age>>    iSo   in    .'4S. 

Hendricks  County  Schools.  25 

Second  Year. 
First  Term — A  brief  review  of  previous  four  chapters.     Pages  248  to  2S6. 
Second  Term — Complete  text  to  page  321. 
Third  Term — Well's  Geometry,  Book  I. 
Fourth   Teum^ — Books  II  and   III. 

Third   Year. 

First  Term — Books  IV  and  V. 

Second  Term — Review    Plane   Geometry.     Some   teachers   will   prefer   to   devote   more 
time  in  doing  the  work  of  the  past  terms. 

TiiiKiJ    Term — Complete    Books   VI    and    VII    of   y/ells'    Solid    Geometry. 
Fourth  Term — Complete  text. 

Fourth  Year. 
Commercial  Arithmetic,  first  two  terms  of  fourth  year,  if  needed.     The  amount  covered 
is  left  to  instructor, 


First  Term — Chapters  I,  II,  III  to  page  108. 

Second  Term — Chapters  IV,  V,  VI  to  page   190. 

Third  Term — Chapter  VII   and   X.     This  includes  heat  and  light  in  the  same  term's, 
work,  and  is  preferable  to  separating  these  topics  by  other  unrelated  subjects.     Heat,  sound 
and  light  are  all  forms  of  wave  motion  and  should  be  studied  consecutively. 

Fourth  Term — Chapters  VIII  and  IX.     Electricity  and  Magnetism. 

First  Year. 
For   class   study,   one   book   each   term;    Sketch    Book,    Mosses    from    an    Old    ]\Ianse, 
Twice  Told   Talcs,   Evangeline,   to   be   studied   in   order   named.     Outside   reading:     Vicar 
of   Wakefield,   Treasure    Island,   Last   of    Mohicans,    Bunyan's    Pilgrims    Progress. 

Second  Year. 
First  Term — Pope's  Iliad. 

Second  Term — Lays  of  Ancient  Rome   and  Ivanhoc. 
Third  Term — The  De  Coverlcy  Papers,  and  Essay  on  Addison. 
Fourth   Term — Julius   Caesar,   As   You   Like   It. 
Ontsidc   reading:     ('ranfortl,   Sil;is   Marner,  Talisman. 

Third  Year. 
First  Term — Merchant  of  Venice  and  Twelfth   Night. 
Second  Term — Macbeth. 
Third  Term — Idylls  of  the  King,  Tennyson. 
Fourth  Term — Emerson's  Essays. 
Outside   reading:     Henry   Esmond,    She   Stoops  to   Conquer,   Tale  of  Two   Cities. 

Fourth  Year. 
First  Term — Chaucer's  Prologue  and  Knight's  Tale. 
Second  Term — Milion's  Minor   J'oonis  or   Books  I-II  of  Paradise  Lost. 
TiUKD  Term — Macaulay's  Essay  on  Milton, 
Fourth    Term — Burke's    Conciliation. 
Outside    reading;      Franklin's   Autobiography,   The   Ancient    Mariner, 

First   Year. 
Two  days  each   week.     Dcscripliou   and   Narration.      I'ollow    text. 

26  Manuaf, 


Second    Year. 
Two  days  each  week.     A  review  of   Description   and  Narration ;    also   Exposition  and 
Arginncntation.     Follow   and   complete  text. 

Third   Year. 
One  day  each  week.     Complete  text  if  not  previously  completed.     Longer  themes  should 
now  be   attempted.     The  Short   Story. 

Fourth   Year. 
One   day   each    week.      Work   on   longer    themes,    investigating   topics    for   original   pre- 
sentation, leading  up  to  the  graduating  thesis. 


Dryer's   Physical   Geography. 

Fn<ST  Term — To  Lakes  and  Lake  Basins,  page  135. 

Second  Term — To  Chapter  XXII,  page  27^. 

Third  Term — (First  half)  Complete  as  much  as  is  deemed  essential  of  Book  IV. 
Omit  Book  V.  These  should  l)e  covered  in  Botan\-  or  Agriculture,  and  in  the  Commercial 
Geography  work. 

Work  should  cease  at  the  end  of  the  fifth  month. 


Since  the  history  course  is  confined  to  less  than  two  and  one-half  years,  and  must 
cover  a  great  field  of  history,  the  teacher  should  very  carefully  organize  the  work  so  as 
to  put  the  emphasis  upon  the  important  movements  and  phases.  Completion  of  the  work 
outlined  in  the  course  requires  the  class  to  take  long  lessons,  but  the  skillful  teacher  can, 
by  directing  the  attention  to  threads  of  thought  and  movements  of  importance,  lead  them 
to  do  the  work   with   a   considerable   degree  of   thoroughness. 

The  work  should  begin  with  .\neient  History,  not  later  than  the  middle  of  the  third 
term  of  the  second   vvav. 

In  the  third  year  the  remainder  of  .Ancient,  the  Mediaeval  and  Modern  History  should 
be  covered,  and   in   the   fourth   year   United    States   Hist(iry,   followed   by   Civics. 

Second    Year. 

Third  Term— (Last  half)    Pages  1-107. 

Introduction.     Races   and   Groups   of    People,    Part   L 

An    attenii)t    should    be    made    to    show    the    relation    of    the    eastern    nations    to    each, 
other   in   time,   space  and  progress   in   civili/ati')n. 

lM)L!KTa  Term — Pages  107-350,  Part  II.  This  covers  one  of  the  most  important  periods 
and  countries  of  the  world  and   should   l)e  carefully   done. 

Tliird  Year. 

Imrst  Term — Pages  350-571,    Part   HI. 

Second  Term — Pages  571,  Book  I  to  Chapter  XVII,  page  198,  Book  II. 

TjiiuD  Term — Pages   198-454. 

This   completes   the   work   to   Chapter   XXIX,  The   Rise   of   Russia. 

Imuuth    Term  —  Pages  454   to  end. 

Fourth   Year. 

bikST    Term — United    States    History,    pages    13-303. 

Second  Term — Lhiitcd  States  History,  pages  303  to  end. 

Third  Term — Civics,  pages  1-147.  The  plan  of  this  work  is  to  begin  at  home  and 
learn  just  iiow  our  town  and  township  governments  are  carried  on  bcfuro  the  state  and 
national  governments  are  considered.  This,  gives  life  and  interest  to  tlie  work,  and  leads 
the  pupil   to   feel   llial   there  is  suniething  real   in   Civics. 

Imhiriii     Term — Civics,   pages    147   to  end. 

Hknukicks  County  Schools.  27 

High  School  Athletics  and  Oratory* 

At  the  county  institute  in  August,  1902,  steps  were  taken  looking  toward  a  permanent 
organization  to  control  and  direct  athletics  and  oratory  in  the  high  schools  of  the  county. 
A  committee  was  appointed  to  draft  a  constitution.  This  committee  consisted  of  G.  M. 
Wilson,  Chairman,  C.  O.  Free,  and  O.  C.  Pratt,  and  a  report  was  made  on  the  following 
dav.  The  constitution  remains  today  almost  as  drawn,  but  is  here  given  with  all  changes 
and  additions. 

Cciislitution  of^he  Hendricks  County  High  School  Athletic  and  Oratorical  Association. 

1.  The  voting  members  shall  consist  of  the  high  school  teachers  of  the  county.  The 
officers   shall   be  a  president,   a  vice-president,   and   a  secretary-treasurer. 

2.  The  purpose  of  the  association  shall  be  to  manage  a  football  league,  a  basketball 
league,   an   athletic   meet,   and   an   oratorical   contest. 

3.  The  president  shall  be  the  executive  officer,  presiding  at  meetings;  and  he  with  the 
other  two  officers  shall  constitute  an  executive  committee  on  the  management  of  details. 
But  all  matters  of  policy,  and  so  far  as  possible  all  details,  shall  be  submitted  to  the  as- 
sociation  for   vote,   by   letter   if  the   association   can   not  be   called   together   conveniently. 

The  secretary-treasurer  shall  receive  and  keep  funds,  disbursing  them  only  on  an 
order   from   the   executive  committee.      He   shall   keep   a   permanent   record. 

The  vice-president,  in  addition  to  the  usual  duties  of  a  vice-president  shall  be  yell- 
captain  for  the  evening  of  the  oratorical   contest,   with   duties  implied  by   the  term. 

4.  Football   or  basketball  league. 

a.  Thirty-live  per  cent,  of  the  gross  receipts  of  each  game  shall  go  to  the  visit- 

ing team,  five  per  cent,  to  the  secretary-trcasurt-r,  and  si.xty  per  cent,  to 
the  homo  team.     The  visiting  team  shall  00  luruLshed  a  dressing  room. 

b.  The  International  League  rules  shall  govern,  and  umpire  and  referee  shall  be 

chosen  from  other  towns  when  possible.  VVIien  not,  the  \isiting  team  shall 
have  choice  of  umpire  or  referee.  But  disputed  rlecisions  nuist  be  proven 
by  the  rules. 

c.  The   score  shall  be  based   upon  the  number  of  games  won  out  of  all  played, 

ties  not  counted,  standard  1,000.  A  team  shall  not  win  the  pennant  unless 
it  siiall  have  played  live  or  more  games,  shall  have  played  return  games 
lairly  antl  when  possible,  and  shall  have  had  a  game  each  with  the  second 
and  third  teams.  The  executive  committee  shall  nave  power  to  change  the 
schedule  to  secure  these  points. 

d.  Only  pupils  of  the  school  shall  play,  and  a  team  violating  this  rule  shall   for- 

feit a  game  if  won. 
Before  a  game  principals  must  certify  as  follows : 

(i)     '1  hat   the    following  persons,   to-wit :    are  members   of 

the    team  of  the school. 

(j)      That   each   of   the   above  persons   has   been   in   actual   attendance  at   the 
school    since  within   two   weeks   of   the   present   school   year. 

(3)  'I  hat  each  has  carried  during  this  time  four  regular  school  studies  and 

lias  maintained  a  passing  grade  in  each. 

(4)  That   each  during  his  last  year  in   school  made  promotion  or  at   least 

three  credits   under  a   credit   system. 

(5)  'I  hal   none  of   tluiu   is  a   graduate  of   this  or  any  other   school   of   four 

years'  work. 
(<>)       I  hal    none    has    received    reinuneralion    for    playing    or    inslrnctiii';    in 

H'-i  .iiU) 

28  Manual 

(7)     Tliat  cacli  of  tlitin  aKr*-t.s  lo  forfeit  his   (or  licr)   place  on  the  team  if 
he  indulges  in   smoking  or  intoxicants  or  improper  language  or  con- 
duct, on  the  practice  field,  during  any  athletic  contest,  or  while  away 
from  home  as  a  member  of  the  team  representing  the  school. 
(S)      That   r.o   one   of   them   has   represented   this   school   in   athletic   contests 
more  than  three  previous  years. 
c.     A  pennant  shall  be  bought  with  the  five  per  cent,  by  the  secretary-treasurer. 
The  same  shall  be  in  the  colors  of  the  winning  school  and  contain,  "Hen- 
dricks   County    High    School    championship,    iQO..."      The 

pennant  shall  be  presented  to  the  winning  school  by  the  officers  of  the 

5.  Athletic   meet. 

a.  Held  at  Danville  in  the  spring  at  the  convenience  of  the  weather,  the  execu- 

tive committee  managing  the  same. 

b.  Events  and  details  to  be  announced  by  the  executive  committee  at  the  Thanks- 

giving meeting  of  the  teachers  of  the  county. 
The  events  last  spring  (1907)  were: 
(i)     One-hundred-yards  dash. 

(2)  Running  broad  jump. 

(3)  One-hundred-twenty-yards,   hurdles. 

(4)  Shot  put. 

(5)  Running  high  jump. 

(6)  Mile  run. 

(7)  Pole  vault. 

(8)  Baseball  throw, 
(g)     Quarter-mile  run. 

(10)  Running  hop-step  or  hop-hop  and  jump. 

(11)  Half-mile   relay   by   team   of   four. 

c.  Proceeds  to  go  into  the  association   fimds. 

6.  Oratorical  contest. 

a.  The  oratorical  contest  shall  be  held  in  Danville  on  the  first  Friday  evening  in 


b.  Each    high    school    shall     have    one    representative,    whose    name    shall    be 

filed  with  the  president  of  the  association  at  least  three  weeks  prior  to  the 
contest.  This  contestant  must  be  doing  regular  and  ^creditable  work  in  the 
high  school  which  he  or  she  represents. 

c.  No   contestant   shall   be  permitted   to   deliver   any  oration,   part   of   which   has 

ever  previously  been  delivered  in  public  or  appeared  in  print,  unless  due 
credit  is  given.     The  length  of  an  oration  shall  not  exceed  ten  minutes. 

d.  Appropriate  gold  and  silver  medals  shall  be  awarded  to  the  winners  of  first 

and  second  places  respectively. 

€.  There  shall  be  tliree  judges  on  composition  and  three  judges  on  de- 
livery. Composition  and  delivery  shall  each  count  50  per  cent.  The  judges 
shall  be  chosen  by  the  executive  counnittee,  and  no  one  shall  be  eligible 
who  is  comu'cted  with  any  contesting  school.  Tin-  names  of  the  judges 
sli.ill  be  aimouneeil  at  least  two  weeks  prior  to  the  contest  and  changes 
sh.ill  be  made  if  reasonable  objections  are  offered  against  any  of  them. 

/.  No  till  horns  or  unruly  conduct  allowed.  The  vice-president  shall  direct  the 

g.     The  order  in  which   schools  speak  shall   rotate,  the   first  one  year  being  last 
the  next  year,  except  new  schools  enti'ring  lake  last  pkiee  always. 
Scliools   spoke   in    11)07   as   follows; 

Brownsburg,  Plainlield,  Amo,  Clayton,  DanvilK',   Pittsboro,  .\von,   New   Win- 
chester, North   Salem. 

Pauline  White,  lt)04 

Forrest  KUis,  10(i6 

Kstliur  Ward,  11)05. 

Kay  Whytf,  1007. 

i»l<.\  lOKM^AL  WlNNKUs. 

Wull.T  KallllT  won   llrst  luniors  In   IliiKi  fui-  North  Salem,  hut  he  in  in  Ciillfornia  ami 
lilidtoi^raph  was  not  seeured. 



Koot-Ha  1,1.. 


Kii;i,i)  Meet. 


North  Salciii. 

Nortli  Salcin. 
(Walter  HiitlifT.» 


North  .Salem. 

A 1110. 
U'auliiie  White.) 

North  Salem. 
(04  points  out  of  lOS. ) 


A  mo. 

(Esther  Ward  ) 

(3J  poiiit.s  out  oflOS.) 



(Forre^jt  KUis.) 


(48  points  out  of  lf;8.) 



(Ray  Whyte.) 



(42  points  out  of  99.) 


New  Wiiu-lie.stor  boys. 

The  value  of  athletics  and  oratorj'  in  a  high  school  depends  entirely  upon  how  it  is 
used  and  controlled  by  the  teacher.  It  is  impossible  to  calculate  the  harm  done  by  a  teacher 
who  will  scheme  to  play  a  boy  not  eligible  under  the  rules.  The  rules  should  be  enforced 
strictly,  and  to  my  knowledge  there  has  been  no  exception  in  this  county.  The  highest 
standard  lias  been  maintained,  so  that  it  is  an  honor  to  be  on  one  of  the  athletic  teams. 
Athklics  properly  puided  and  conlrolleil  is  a  great  power  for  good,  and  iovms  the  best 
-sort  of  a  lever   for   holding  the  boys   in*  school   and   dt)ing  creditable   work. 

IIkndkicks   County   Sciioms.  31 

High  School  Graduates,  1903-1907.    ' 


1904 — Course   extended   to   four   years. 

1905  — Jessie  Varley,  Wett  Varley,  (lurn  Cooprider,  Charles  Osborii,  Ora  Phillips,  Ross 
Trester,    Adolpluis    Cooprider,   Ruth    Cates,    Charles   Lambert. 

ic;o() — Lena  Phillips,  Pansy  Creenlee,  Clarence  Masten,  Will  iMcAninch,  Orpha  Masten, 
Edith  Owen,  Fred   McAninch,   Kstella   Phillips. 

1907 — Henry  H.  Vickrey,  Jilsie  M.  Ciarrison,  Frank  H.  O'Neal,  Thomas  O.  Masters, 
Edith  E.   Atkins,  Merwyn   Hunt,   ICarle  W.  Record,  Lou  Etta   Davis,  Forest   Kelley. 


1904 — ^Minter  Bailey,  Stella  Hadley,  Earl  Eerree,  Irene  Barker,  Herman  Barker,  Kate 
Long,  Grace  Carter,  Grace  Hollingsworth. 

1905 — (Four  years  course)    Kate  Long,  Irene  Barker. 
1907— Sarah   B.    Watt,  Ada  Reed,  Orion   S.   Merritt. 


1904 — Course  extended  to   four  years. 

1905 — Arlo  Walker,  Kate  Walsh,  I'rank  Davison,  Clara  Arbuckle,  Ernest  Gray,  Nella 
Carter,   Blain   Gilbert. 

ujof) — Laurel  Lingeman,  Vance  Mugg,  Inirrest  Hughes,  Margaret  Greeley. 

1907 — I'lorenee  Griner,  {'"orrest  Leonard,  lM)rrest  Ellis,  Saluda  Kildow,  Lawrence 
Synunonds,   llarrv  Hughes. 


1904— Course  extended  to   four  years. 

1905 — Alljert  Hayworth,  Grace  Baron,  Frank  Edmonson,  Osie  Overman,  Benjamin  Ed- 

1906 — Esther  E.  Ward,  Nelle  L  Peck. 

1907— i'.thel  Mae  Peck,  Osie  I'-ula  Scott,  Beulah  May  Trester,  Nettie  b'.llen  Harper, 
Wiilard  iuwin  Worrell,  Maurice  luigene  Worrell,  I'^lossie  Eunice  Craven,  Pearl  Amanda 
Richardson,  Ralph  Wallace  Edmondson. 

1904 — I'^thel  Wilson,  Alvin  Hall. 

1905 — Orphic  Graham,  George  Dungan. 

1906 — Artie   Bailey,   Walter   Shartle,  John   Dungan,   Nitis  Hall,  Clco   Higgins. 

1907 — Course  extended  to  four  years. 


1904 — Everett  Kurtz,  Murle  Davidson,  Vera  Noland,  Walter  RatlilT,  George  Tucker, 
Asa  Kurtz,  Charley  Montgomery,  Jessie  Lamb. 

1905 — Clay  Pickett,  Albert  Ratliff,  Francis  Hypes,  Eugenia  Wren,  Edith  Cook,  Logan 
Owen,  Harry  Ennnons,  Mabclle  Kendall,  Vesta  Robbins,  Otha   Duckworth. 

1906 — .Angelina  Mary  Miles,  James  Henry  Clay,  Emma  Catharine  Martin,  Clarence 
Edmund  Sparks,  Irene  Maurine  Snnnnerville,  Ralph  J'jnerson  Jones,  Laura  Jane  Smith, 
Daniel  Sonnm-r  Robinson,  h'lva  bmc  Shockles. 

1907— l-nla  Miller,  Lottie  Davis,  I'erne  Chapman,  Coldie  Davidson,  Retta  Henry,  Lora 
Hypes,  Agnes  Tucker. 

32  ,  Manuai, 


1904— Grant  Martin,  Clayr  Alexander,  Esther  Wells,  Carl  McDaniel,  Ernest  Brumfield, 
Grace   Ilott,   Maude   Worrell,   Blaine   Brumfield,   Chester   Pike,   Bertha   Thompson. 

^905 — l^'red  Abnfer  Parker,  Charles  Ginn,  Loyal  Monroe  Schenck,  Emma  Viola  Goodson, 
Cora  Edna  Taylor. 

1906 — Ruth  Wells  Janes,  Ernest  Ross  Walter,  Letha  Ethel  Booker,  William  Ernest 

1907 — Jennie  Keenan,  Nellie   Neaville,  Edna  Duncan,  Ruth  Ridgeway,   Edna  McDaniel. 


1904— Albert  P.  Barlow,  Ralph  J.  Bly,  Harry  S.  Havens,  Lola  Blaine  Kelley,  Grace 
Hortense  Mattcrn,  Bessie  Sulvay  Westlake. 

i90S^(Four  years  course).  Hattic  Mae  Calbert,  Mary  Irma  Ragan,  Vance  C.  Smith, 
Artelia  Tomlinson,  Georgiana  Vickrey. 

1905 — William  Herringiake,  Joseph  Morgan,  Edith  Ellis,  Helen  Havens,  Letina  Blair, 
Minnie   Sims,  Joyce  Bridges. 

1907 — Minnie   Carter,    Nancy   Hadley,   Eva   B.    Hiatt,   Chester    A.   Tilghman. 


1904 — Arthur  Woods,  Hugh  Crawford. 

1905— Callie  M.  Shields,  Ralph  Martin,  Stella  A.  Shields,  Ivan  F.  Ruark,  Hallie  Merle 
York,  ALnry  J.   Dyer,  Dorus  T.   Macy,  Hazel   Gladys  Gibbons. 
l9o6--I-jnmctt   Staggs,   Melville   McHaffie,   Austin   Terril. 
1907— Lesta  Buis,  Hurley  Rector,  Ruth  Coble. 

A — fjfK.f 

I  IkNDKK  KS    CoUNl'Y     ScilDiil.S.  33 


During  the  last  four  years,  bulletins  have  been  sent  out  from  time  to  time  dealing  with 
various  phases  of  the  school  work,  as  follows : 

Bulletin,  Ocloljcr  2,   1904. 

Bulletin,  February  22,  1904. 

School  Plans,  County  Institute,  1905. 

Bulletin  No.  2,   1905-6. 

School  Plans,  First  Township  Institute,  1906. 

Bulletin  No.  2,   1906-7. 

Special   Corn  Show  Bulletins,   1905,  '06,  '07. 

Special    bulletins    on    composition    contests    and    Louisiana    Exposition    work. 

Many  requests  for  the  early  bulletins  can  not  be  complied  with,  as  the  supply  has  been 
long  since  exhausted.  'I'o  meet  this  demand  and  to  enable  patrons  and  pupils  to  have  an 
opportunity  to  ryad  them,  they  arc  included  in  this  manual.  The  material  has  been  re-ar- 
ranged and  all  matter  is  omitted  which  is  not  of  a  more  or  less  permanent  nature. 


Danville,  Inu.,  October  2,  1904. 

Fellow  Teachers:  We  are  beginning  a  new  year  with  its  many  and  new  opportuni- 
ties. Let  us  improve  them.  Our  advantages  are  also  increased.  Let  us  appreciate  and  use 
them.  The  success  of  your  school  will  depend  upon  YOU,  however.  The  new  course  of 
study  may  assist.  The  new  wall  paper,  the  oiled  floors,  the  supplementary  reading,  the 
primary  supplies  and  other  assistance  furnished  by  the  trustee  will  make  your  work  easier. 
My  suggestions,  t'xample  and  elTorts  may  mean  something  to  you.  But,  in  tlie  last  instance, 
the  success  or  failure  of  your  school  depends  upon  you,  the  teacher.  I  shall  iiold  you  re- 
sponsible for  success,  and  I  shall  give  you  full  credit  fur  the  measure  of  success  attained. 
Have  courage,  show  decision,  work  hard.  Make  your  school  work  in  its  various  phases  the 
one  object  for  your   strength  and  ability. 

Danville,  Ind,  February  22,   1904. 

Fellow  TKAriii'K.s;  Tlie  hearty  responses  to  my  last  lelter  indicate  that  it  rc- 
ceiveil  ill  the  siiirit  of  good  fellowsliii)  ami  helpfulness  in  which  it  was  sent.  'I  he  county 
superinteutlent  of  a  neighboring  county  is  attempting  a  close  sui)ervision  of  his  schools.  He 
sends  out  a  letter  (.ach  week  making  the  assignments  in  each  subject  for  the  following  week. 
I  doubt  the  advisability  of  such  a  course  and  I  shall  not  imitate  it.  My  purpose  in  this 
letter,  as  in  the  last,  is : 

first — To  answer  many  questions  which  naturally  arise  with  the  conscientious  teacher. 

SciOiid — To  give  suggestions  the  need  of  which  has  been  indicated  i)y  experience  or 

Third — To  join  favorable  criticism  with  unfavorable  in  such  manner  as  to  bring  the 
poorir   scIkxjIs   nearer  the  standards  of  the  best.     Let  us   ivork   to<^cllur. 

January  25,   1906. 

Fellow  1'eacheus:  There  are  less  than  a  dozen  teachers  under  my  jurisdiction  that 
I  have  not  visited  at  least  once  this  school  year.  My  observation  convinces  me  that  my 
"School  Plans"  issued  last  fall  has  done  some  good;  and  leads  me  to  reinforce  it  with 
this  mid-wiiiler  bulletin.  Mucli  that  is  contained  in  this  bulletin  has  been  taken  from  my 
observations  of  the  work  of  the  best  teachers.  Strangely  enough  the  best  teachers  will  be 
most  helped  by  liiis  bulletin.  To  him  hath  shall  be  given;  from  him  liiat  hath  not 
shall  fMi.illy  be  taken  away  even  that  which  he  h.lth.  Let  us  usi-  our  talents,  fellow  teachers, 
and  so  iueieasi-  them.  Let  us  strive  constantly  to  become  better  teachers,  more  earnest, 
more  honest,  more  progressive. 



Niivi'iiiIk'i-  j.i,   i';<)<'> 

1'"ki,i.()\v  'I'kaciikus  :  In  coming  to  you  vvilli  this  stcoinl  I)ulk'liu  lliu^  caily  in  llie 
year,  1  assure  you  that  I  coiuc  in  the  host  of  .si)irits.  '1  ho  visiting  thiy  for  each  teacher  ui 
the  county,  tlie  large  attendance  at  the  State  'leacliers'  Association,  the  beginning  teachers' 
meetings  followed  by  an  early  visit  to  each  beginner,  the  work  ni  agriculture  culniinatnig 
in  the  corn  contest  and  the  Purdue  excursion,  the  raising  of  the  high  school  course  from  a 
three  to  a  four-year  course  and  the  systematic  effort  to  build  up  the  high  schools  by 
getting  all  common  school  graduates  into  high  school  and  by  pushing  to  the  standard  of 
the  commissioned  school,  the  effort  to  plan  and  supervise  the  work  a  littk-  mc^re  closely  than 
lieretofore,  these  things,  together  with  the  fme  spirit  of  helpfulness  and  co-operation  among 
the  teachers  and  trustees,  have  made  it  possible  to  raise  the  standard  of  our  schools  and 
to  secure   results  not  possible  without  much  effort  and  sacril'ice. 

The  notion  once  prevailed  that  a  beginning  teacher  should  not  be  expected  to  accomplish 
anything  the  first  year,  that  a  year  was  necessary  in  which  to  learn.  But  this  is  a  great 
economic  loss  when  one-fifth  of  the  teachers  are  beginners  each  year.  The  work  with  be- 
gimiers  proves  that  the  first  year  may  be  a  year  of  real  results,  and  that  a  beginning  teacher 
for  a  school  need  not  mean  much  loss  to  the  pupils.  The  situation  is  helped  by  the  fact 
that  the  high  school  course  is  now  four  years.  All  beginners  are  high  school  graduates  and 
some  secure  a  year  of  normal  training  before  teaching.  The  trustees  help  secure  this 
standard  by  paying  more  to  those  meeting  certain  educational  requirements.  But  the  visit- 
ing day  has  been  the  greatest  single  aid  in  raising  the  standard  of  our  school  work,  and 
the  attitude  of  the  trustees  when  the  subject  of  a  visiting  day  for  this  year  was  brought  up 
at  their  November  meeting,  shows  that  it  has  come  to  stay.  The  visiting  day  tends  to 
bring  all  wOrk  up  to  the  standard  of  the  best  by  passing  the  good  things  around.  Ivach 
of  these  advance  steps  is  small  in  itself,  and  its  effect  alone  can  scarcely  be  noticed  in  a 
single  year.  But  taken  together  in  the  course  of  a  few  years,  their  effects  are  very  ap- 
parent, it  is  like  the  five  per  cent,  saved  on  the  book  business  during  the  last  three  years. 
In  a  single  year  it  amounts  to  only  about  $200.  But  in  three  years  it  is  $600,  or  in  ten 
years  $2,000,   and   $2,000  saved   to   the   taxpayers   of   the   county   is   worth   considering. 

The  successes  of  the  past  need  not  receive  further  comment  at  this  time,  but  they  are 
sufficient  to  give  us  courage  for  the  future.  The  future  will  see  $3.00  a  day  paid  to  our  best 
grade  and  district  teachers.  The  future  will  sec  the  rural  population  demanding  that  their 
children  be  placed  on  an  educational  footing  equal  to  the  best  in  towns  and  cities,  and  this 
will  mean  sclu)ol  consolidation,  longer  terms,  and  the  best  teachers  for  their  children.  The 
future  will  see  the  farm  reinforced  by  the  school  through  more  industrial  and  agricultural 
education.  The  future  will  see  the  township  prmcipal  doing  more  supervision  in  co-opera- 
tion with  the  county  superintendent.  But  the  future  will  see  none  of  these  things  except 
as  we,  the  teachers,  prepare  for  them,  work  up  to  them,  and  carve  them  out.  Let  us  up- 
ward then  and  onward. 


Tmk  Tkacukk. — Schools  are  supported  that  the  child  may  be  trained  in  politeness, 
disciplined  into  strong  character,  and  refined  and  cultured  by  knowledge.  The  teacher  is 
the  important  factor  in  securing  these  results.  The  child  is  the  ol)ject  but  the  teacher  is 
the  means.  A  teacher  should  remember  this  and  neglect  nothing  that  will  make  her  a  more 
effective  means.  A  strong  personality  can  be  developed.  Politeness  and  general  refinement 
are  taught  bv  example  or  not  at  all.  In  securing  work,  order,  and  obedience,  the  teacher 
does  more  to  develop  character  than  in  hearing  lessons.  A  school  should  be  dismissed 
with  system  for  this  reason.  The  spirit  of  the  teacher  should  fill  the  scliot)l-room,  making 
pupils  more  orderly,  more  polite,  more  tasteful  in  dress,  more  considerate  of  others.  1 
was  with  a  teacher  recently  at  the  close  of  school.  The  pupils  were  merely  "excused."  At 
the  word,  they  leaped  from  their  seats,  ran,  jumped,  scrambled,  shouted,  stamped.  They 
snatched  their  wraps  and  dinner-buckets.  A  few  started  home.  The  rest  lingered,  shuffled 
noisily  about,  beat  the  stove  and  desks  with  "shinney"  clubs,  or  crowded  around  the  teacher 
refusing  to  "run  on  home"  or  "go  away"  at  her  bidding.  Poor  teacher!  What  could  slie 
do?  One  thing  is  certain — she  can  accomplish  nothing  until  those  pupils  are  disciplined. 
I  (ioubt  if  whipping  or  scolding  will  meet  the  requirements  of  this  case.  When  a  house 
is  made  clean  by  whipping  out  one  evil  spirit,  immediately  seven  more  will  enter.  A  teacher 
should  he  large  minded,  should  understand  herself  and  should  know  from  the  beginning 
what  to  require  from  her  pupils  Many  teachers  enter  the  profession  witlunit  adequate 
preparation  rmd  are  so  overcome  with  routine  work  and  minor  details,  that  they  fail  m  the 
larger  things  of  the  profess-on  instilling  |itiliteness  and  respect  for  others,  building  up  good 
liabits  and  strong  character,  seeming  refinement  ami  true  culture,  and  establishing  high 
ideals  of  manhood  and  citizenship. 

1  ll-.NDKICKS     COUNIY     ScilOOI.S.  35 

Okukk. — 1  arrived  at  noon.  'I'hc  pnpils  had  finished  dinner  and  were  standing  aronnd 
in  knots.  I  spoke.  Most  of  the  pupils  looked  bashful,  until  the  leader  of  the  Ijig-boj-  knot 
said,  "liar — ye."  Then  the  others  laut^iied.  "Do  you  want  Bill,"  said  the  same  hoy.  "Who 
is  liill?"  "Our  teacher."  "I'll  go  in."  As  I  walked  in,  the  teacher  rose  from  his  chair. 
In  my  mind,  his  personal  appearance  justified  the  pupils  in  calling  him  "Bill."  If  he  had 
shaved,  changed  collars,  put  on  a  tie,  polished  his  shoes  and  brushed  up,  they  would  have 
called  him  "William"  or  possibly  "Air.  Smith.''  The  bell  was  rung  at  i  o'clock,  and  In 
came  the  pupils,  running,  stamping,  scraping,  pushing,  laughing  and  talking.  The  teacher 
finally  secured  quiet  and  said  "Books!"  Classes  were  called  without  any  system.  Pupils 
stood,  sat,  or  lounged  around  in  reciting.  Recitations  were  interrupted  by  snapping  fingers, 
whispering  and  general  confusion,  although  the  teacher  made  an  extra  effort  to  maintain 
order  while  the  county  superintendent  was  present.  At  rest  the  pupils  were  turned  out. 
(1  wo  schools  furnish  all  the  material  useil  in  the  above.) 

At  noon  1  arrived  at  school  No.  I,  Marion  Township.  The  teacher  was  in  the  yard  play- 
ing with  the  pupils.  She  recognized  me  as  I  drove  up  and  came  to  the  house.  .Shortly  be- 
fore bell-time,  she  called  in  her  eighth  year  pupils  and  introduced  them  to  me.  I  talked 
to  them  until  the  bell  rang.  The  pupils  came  in  quietly  and  orderly,  going  to  their  seats 
and  immediately  beginning  work.  There  was  no  whispering.  All  but  two  pupils  had  their 
names  on  the  "Honor  Roll."  There  was  no  snapping  of  fingers.  There  was  no  confusion, 
all  were  busy,  for  assignments  had  been  made  definite  and  the  teacher  expected  lessons 
prepared.    Classes  were  called  with  system  and  at  rest  the  school  was  dismissed  with  system. 

Remarks:  The  pupils  in  the  first  school  were  naturally  as  bright  and  as  governable  as 
ill  the  second.  The  second  teacher  projected  her  own  neatness,  politeness,  diligence  and 
order  into  the  school.  The  first  teacher  lacked  these  himself  and  the  pupils  would  not 
supply  them  of  their  own  accord.  The  teacher  makes  the  school.  Do  not  continue  work 
for  one  minute'while  confusion  reigns.  >|  Qi  01  ^S^ 

Teaching  vs.  Keeping  School. — Within  a  single  week  this  fall,  I  saw  three  shame- 
ful illustrations  of  school  keeping.  A  seventh  year  class  was  trying  to  recite  "Little  and 
Great,"  while  the  teacher  followed  with  open  book  to  see  if  the  pupils  were  saying  it 

In  another  school  there  was  what  was  supposed  to  be  a  recitation  on  the  participle. 
The  teacher  with  open  hook  asked  (|uestions;  the  pupils  with  open  books,  answered.  There 
was  no  leaching,  no  thinking,  no  understanding,  but   mere   formal   word   saying. 

In  another  school  a  teacher  was  conducting  a  Physiology  recitation  by  merely  asking 
the  questions  at  the  close  of  the  chapter,  when  she  had  not  so  much  as  read  the  chapter. 

Why  should  someone  be  paid  the  wages  due  to  expert  service  for  such  miserable  work. 
There  was  no  teaching.  An  ignorant  chaperon  or  guardian  might  be  secured  for  $i.oo  or 
$1.50  a  day  and  do  as  well,  h'or  a  member  of  the  class  could  follow  with  open  book  to 
see  if  lessons  were  learned.  Such  uni)rofessi()nal  service  is  what  keeps  teachers'  wages 
down,  and  it  should.  Such  teachers  should  be  heavily  fined  for  neglect  of  duty,  and  the 
proceeds   used   to   increase   the   salaries   of   true   teachers. 

The  true  teacher  works  early  and  late,  and  spares  no  sacrifice.  She  works  with  the 
pupils,  i)reeeding  them  and  guiding  them  in  the  thought  process.  If  a  poem  is  to  be  com- 
mitted, it  is  fust  thoroughly  understood,  and  then  committed  by  all,  including  the  teacher. 
Lessons  are  mastered  by  the  teacher  and  taught,  not  in  the  words  of  the  book,  parrot-like, 
but  in  the  realm  of  the  child's  experience.  The  new  truth  is  related  to  the  old  and  the 
thread  of  thought  is  kept  by  constant  review.  There  is  masterly,  scholarly,  organized  teach- 

Do  not  be  a  drone  in  the  profession,  a  dead  weight  upon  the  wheel  of  progress.  Do 
not  even  be  content  with  fairly  good  formal  text  work.  Be  a  true  teacher  in  the  broadest 
and  deepest  sense  of  the  term — a  giver  of  new  life  and  truth  and  inspiration. 

The  School  Yard. — In  connection  with  our  work  on  agriculture,  nature  study,  and 
geography,  the  school  yard  may  very  properly  receive  attention.  The  purpose  in  this  case 
is  beauty  rather  than  knowledge,  ^lany  school  yards  have  an  appearance  of  barrenness, 
desolation,  and  unatlractivencss.  At  least  one  school  yard  in  the  county  is  being  trans- 
formed. For  years  it  has  been  like  other  school  yards — littered  with  leaves,  scrap-paper, 
dead  grass,  weeds  and  chunks.  It  was  rough  and  uneven  in  a  corner  where  the  dirt  from 
the  well  had  been  dumped  when  the  well  was  dug.  The  teacher  has  divided  the  yard  into 
sections,  assigning  a  section  to  each  grade.  The  yard  is  now  taking  on  the  appearance  of 
a  public  park.  It  has  been  leveled  and  raked.  All  leaves,  chunks,  and  dead  grass  have 
disappeared.  Scrap-paper  is  not  thrown  on  it  -by  pupils,  as  formerly.  Trees,  roses,  shrub- 
bery, and  some  perennial  flowers  (like  chrysanthemums)  are  being  set  out.  The  pupils 
are  doing  the   work.     The   teacher   is   merely   planning   and    suggesting    (as    per    Farmers' 

36  Manual 

lUiUcliii  No.   185,  \Vasliiiij>toii,  1).  C),  ami  making  a  record  of  the  work  aiul  workers  to 
leave  ill  the   register   for  the  benefit  of  the  next  teacher. 

This  is  an  actual  case.  It  shows  the  leadership  of  a  true  teacher.  Does  it  contain  a 
suggeslion  for  you?  The  suggestion  is  more  easily  carried  out  in  a  graded  school,  hut  it 
may  be  carried  out  in  any  school. 

Decorations. — I  wish  to  commend  you,  teachers,  upon  the  high  standard  of  school-room 
decoration  now  prevalent  in  the  county.  A  Sistine  Madonna,  a  Transfiguration,  a  Sir  Gala- 
had, a  masterpiece  in  large  form  and  well  framed,  is  now  the  rule.  Klagazinc  covers  and 
cheap  unframed  pictures  should  not  be  tacked  up.  The  tacks  deface  the  walls  and  the  pic- 
tures are  no  credit.  A  school  house  should  rank  as  a  dwelling,  not  as  a  barn.  Scliool  olB- 
cials  realize  this,  and  are  improving  school  houses  accordingly.  Good  teachers  realize  this, 
and  are  decorating  accordingly.     Better  one  good  picture,  than  many  poor  ones. 

Gkaimng. — There  is  only  one  way  to  grade  a  manuscript,  and  that  is  to  give  just  what 
it  is  worth,  the  text  and  the  additional  material  brought  out  in  the  recitation  being  used  as 
the  standard.  Proper  forms  should  be  insisted  upon  at  all  times,  and  some  little  deductions 
made  for  improper  forms  or  misspelled  words.  Deductions  due  to  improper  forms,  absence 
of  capitals  or  periods,  and  misspelleil  words  should  never  exceed  say  10  per  cent.  0:1  ;my 
subject;   but  all   such   mistakes  should  be  indicated  by  the  teacher. 

1  h(j  grades  placed  in  the  register  and  sent  home  on  the  report  cards,  should  1k'  made 
up  from  the  pupil's  class  work  as  well  as  all  examinations  for  the  two  months.  The  bi- 
monthly examination  grades  should  not  count  more  than  half  in  determining  a  pupil's 

Pkomotions. — Your  school  will  soon  close.  Let  me  urge  you  to  be  faithful  unto  the 
last.  In  making  promotions,  do  not  try  to  curry  favor.  Do  the  best  thing  for  the  school 
and  for  the  pupils.  An  undeserved  promotion  injures  the  pupil,  injures  the  school,  and 
is  not  best  for  you.  If  you  are  in  doubt  about  a  pupil,  fail  him  conditionally  instead  ot 
promotmg  him  conditionally.  Such  a  course  will  make  it  fifty  per  cent,  bettor  for  your  suc- 
cessor, and  you  will  likely  be  some  one's  successor,  if  not  your  own. 

One  word  more  about  your  successor.  You  should  make  your  report  to  him  full  and 
complete.  Indicate  the  page  or  the  lesson  where  you  stopped  in  each  text.  Try  to  leave 
your  school  classified  into  five  grades   (if  a  country  scliool). 

FuKTHER  Schooling. — I'm  glad  to  note  that  many  of  the  teachers  expect  to  attend  a 
normal  school  or  college  during  tlie  spring  and  summer  vacation.  The  County  Board  of 
]ulucatit)ii  encourages  further  schooling  and  has  offered  to  pay  higher  wages  to  teachers 
who  meet  tlu-  now  generally  accepted  standard  (see  p.  82).  1  have  offered  to  consider  the 
same  in  determining  the  success  grade  (p.  82).  Thoroughly  trained  teachers  do  not  go  beg- 
ging for  a  position.  There  is  much  friendly  rivalry  among  trustees  and  school  boards  to 
secure  the  best  teachers. 

Arithmetic. — The  eighth  year  arithmetic  was  called.  'TJid  you  get  your  problem  to- 
day, Stella?"  "No,  I  don't  understand  it."  "Well,  you  may  try  it  at  the  board  again  to- 
day." The  other  members  of  the  class  were  assigned  problems  that  they  had  solved.  "Our 
Aime  is  about  up.  You  may  pass  to  j'our  seat,  Stella."  "1  didn't  get  it."  "Well,  I'll  try 
to  notice  that  one  to-night."  "John,  you  may  explain."  John  explained.  Time  was  up. 
The  next  ten  problems  were  assigned   for  the  next  day. 

In  a  graded  school,  the  fourth  grade  arithmetic  was  called.  Two  pages  of  problems 
were  explained  from  the  note  books.  Each  pupil  used  a  different  form  for  his  work  so 
there  was  much  disagreement  and  useless  discussion  even  when  results  were  uniform.  The 
teacher's  lack  of  decision  (or  preparation)  made  matters  worse.  1  he  work  was  finally  com- 
pleted and  the  next  lesson  assigned. 

It  was  the  first  recitation  on  the  G.  C.  D.  (in  algebra)  by  the  second  method,  p.  QI,  Milne. 
"How  many  didn't  understand  these  problems?"  All  but  two  raised  their  hands.  "Well, 
they  are  a  little  difficult,  but  you  ought  to  be  able  to  L^et  them.  J(»hn,  you  and  Emma  pass 
to  the  board  with  the  fourth  and  fifth  problems."  John  solved  his  problem  by  the  first 
method  (factoring),  securing  the  correct  result.  Emma  tried  to  solve  by  the  second  proc- 
ess, liut  missed  the  result  because  f)f  a  mistake  in  subtraction.  The  teacher  sat  on  a  stool 
at  the  side  of  the  room.  The  pupils  were  asked  to  notice  I'"mma's  problem.  Finally  one 
of  them  noticed  the  mistake  in  sui)traction.  ^  The  teacher  told  Emma  to  be  more  careful. 
John  was  asked  to  c»xplain  his  jjroblem.  Tie  did  so.  "How  do  you  know  your  result  is 
correct?"  The  pupil  was  disturbed  by  this  question,  but  said  they  had  been  securing  tlic 
answers   by   that    method.      .Attention    was    again    directed    to    h-mma's    problem,   but    It    was 

TIkNUUICKS    CnWNTY    Sl'lKHilS.  37 

ikjI  cnnc'clfd  ;iii(l  I'liiisliid.  '1  lie  loacluT  look  aiiollior  tack  ami  aski-il  liow  many  icincin- 
bcrccl  lincIiiiK  the  (i.  C.  I),  of  large  immbcrs  in  arithmetic,  nunil)ers  too  large  to  factor.  No 
one  remembered.  The  teacher  left  his  stool,  went  to  the  board  and  solved  a  problem.  But 
the  pupils  could  not  tell  which  number  was  the  G.  C.  D.,  the  last  cjuoticnt,  the  last  dividend, 
or  something  else.  Finally,  a  pupil  who  had  solved  the  problem  by  the  factoring  method, 
correctly  guessed,  "the  last  divisor."     The  class  was  sent  to  the  board — and  the  bell  rang. 

Remarks :  Not  one  of  the  above  cases  has  been  exaggerated.  Each  is  an  illustration 
in  a  different  way  of  wasted  energy  on  the  part  of  pupils,  of  lack  of  energy  on  the  part 
of  the  teacher.  At  the  hrst  school,  I  asked  for  a  book  and  glanced  through  Stella's  prob- 
lem. I  immediately  saw  the  mistake,  pointed  it  out  to  the  teacher  at  rest,  and  asked  him 
to  speak  to  Stella  about  it.  The  teacher  should  have  seen  the  mistake  the  day  before  and 
saved   Stella  two  days  of  worry  and   discotn-agcment. 

I  he  otiicr  instances  tell  their  own  stories  of  drudgery  and  lack  of  interest.  The 
teacher  who  is  simply  hearing  lessons  or  "putting  in  time"  is  a  thi(;f  and  a  robber.  He 
steals  public  money,     lie  robs  youth  of  the  joys  of  attainment  and  progress. 

Notice  a  brief  report  of  a  fifth  year  recitation  by  a  teacher  who  prepared  before  reci- 
tation and  zoorkcd  during  recitation.  "Any  difficulties  today?  Which  problem,  Mary?" 
"The  tenth."  "How  did  you  solve  it?"  Mary  told.  "Your  process  is  correct.  Let  me 
see  your  work."  "Your  mistake  is  liere.  Correct  it  at  once."  There  was  no  other  troulilc. 
The  class  was  sent  to  the  board  and  given  ten  minutes  practice  in  solving  problems  like 
those  assigned.  '1  he  teacher  followe<l  every  pupil  (eight  in  the  class)  and  as  soon  as  a  mis- 
take was  made,  the  attention  of  the  pupil  was  called  to  it.  The  last  five  nunutes  was  taken 
in  noticing  the  new  points  in  tomorrow's  lesson  and  in  solving  one  of  the  problems. 

READiNG.^S-eventh  year  reading.  "Attention!"  "Begin  reading,  Glen."  Glen  read 
a  paragraph  from  the  "Great  Stone  Face,"  spelling  two  words  and  mispronouncing  three. 
The  other  three  members  of  the  class  read  a  paragraph  each,  in  similar  fashion.  "Con- 
tinue  the   reading   for   tomorrow."     The   class   was   dismissed.     No   discussion. 

The  third  year  reading  class  read  four  pages  near  the  middle  of  "Washington  in  the 
Wilderness."  Pupils  stood  and  read  in  turn,  pupils  and  teacher  telling  unknown  words. 
One-half  to  one-fourth  of  the  words  wltc  unknown.  Assignment — "finish  the  reading  (4 
pages)    and  tell  all   about  the   story,   for   tomorrow." 

First  year  reading  (p.  88).  "You  may  read  first,  John."  John  read  the  entire  lesson, 
one  word  at  a  time.  Teacher  corrected  mistakes  as  made,  being  interrupted  by  a  third  year 
pupil  spelling  "Marathon"  to  be  pronoimced.  Sam  then  read  in  the  same  manner,  "never- 
theless" being  spelled  out  by  a  second  year  pupil.  When  Walter's  turn  came,  he  couldn't 
pronounce  words  and  was  excused.  John  was  praised  and  was  allowed  to  read  again  in 
the  same  monotonous  fashion.  The  teacher  made  a  capital  for  a  third  year  pupil.  Some 
discussion    followed.     Sam   played   with   his   pencil-box   after   he   had   read. 

Remarks:  The  teacher  in  the  first  case  above  was  simply  putting  in  time.  He  had 
no  other  purpose.  The  teacher  in  the  second  case  was  a  beginner.  He  was  doing  his  best. 
He  tf)nk  my  suggestions  gladly.  T  expect  to  visit  him  again  and  see  better  work.  The 
teaelier  in  the  third  case  had  as  his  itKal  of  reading,  the  correct  pronunciation  of  words. 
There  was  no  expression.  There  was  not  much  understanding.  There  was  no  team  work 
or  class  interest.  The  teacher  should  not  have  permitted  other  pupils  to  interrupt  the 

I  have  seen  some  good  recitations  in  reading.  The  new  words  were  mastered  as  to 
pronunciation  and  meanine,  and  the  thought  of  the  selection  was  mastered  before  oral 
reading  was  attempted.  The  energy  of  the  recitation  was  not  consumed  in  having  pupils 
correct  mistakes.  Phonics  were  properly  used  in  the  lower  grades.  The  theme  and  pm^pose 
were  properly  worked  out  in  higher  grades. 

Notice  a  brief  description  of  a  reading  recitation  in  the  first  year.  Tt  was  the  third 
lesson  on  "Jumbo  and  Baby."'  The  nine  new  words  of  the  lesson  were  reviewed  by  being 
again  spelled  phonetically  and  pronounced.  The  pupils  then  began  for  the  first  time  to 
read  the  lesson  orally.  The  excellent  results  justified  the  teacher  in  entirely  deferring  the 
oral  reading  until  the  third  lesson.  There  were  eight  in  the  class.  All  stood.  The  read- 
mg  proceeded  one  paragraph  at  a  time  around  the  class.  The  lesson  was  read  through  six 
times  so  that  each  pupil  should  read  each  paragraph.  One  pupil  stumbled  on  the  word 
"around,"  another  on  the  word  "dead."  Aside  from  these  two  errors,  there  was  no  mis- 
pronouncing, no  hesitating,  no  stopping  to  spell  words,  no  reading  monotonously  one  word 
at  a  time.  Periods,  interrogation  points  and  exclamation  points  were  properly  observed. 
There  was  good,  intelligent  exprcssicni. 

This  recitation  so  impressed  me  tliat  T  asked  the  teacher  for  the  plans  of  the  two  pre- 
ceding recitations.  The  nine  new  words  had  been  noted  as  follows  :  "Jumbo,  mother  (c.  f. 
mamma,  pp.  23,  45,  57),  dead,  care,  tnmk,  around,  harm,  hag.  peamits."  These  words  had 
l)con   placed   upon   the  board.     The  vowels,   consonants  and   silent   letters   h.ul   been   marked. 

38  •  Manual 

The  words  had  been  spelled  phonetically  and  pronounced.  The  pupils  were  then  asked  to 
"say  something"  and  use  each  word.  The  teacher  had  assisted  freely  in  this  part  of  the 
work.  The  following  old  words  had  been  noticed:  "Odd — p.  42;  takes — take,  p.  zi  \  keep 
— keeps,  p.  44  ;   puts — put,  p.  43  ;   candj'- — p.  44. 

The  work  on  this  lesson  is  not  recommended  as  ideal,  but  the  chances  are  favorable 
that  you  can  receive  help  by  a  careful  study  of  its  description.  If  you  are  a  higii  school 
teaclier,  the  description  will  apply  with  equal  ft)rce  to  an  attempt  at  translation  without 
knowing   forms   and   constructions. 

Advanced  Reading. — The  art  laws  of  purpose,  unity,  coherence  and  ''oi'siitency,  as  ap- 
plied to  literature  should  be  left  for  advanced  high  school  and  college  work.  The  critical 
study  of  the  adaptation  of  form  to  purpose  and  the  intensive  study  of  embodiment  and  pur- 
pose should  be  deferred  until  the  high  school  is  reached.  But  beginning  with  the  sixth 
year  a  little  work  can  be  done  in  the  grades  upon  the  central  thought  or  theme  of  the  se- 
lection. The  danger  is  that  this  point  shall  be  emphasized  too  early  in  the  reading  work. 
The  tirst  three  years  should  be  devoted  to  phonics  and  the  meclianics  of  reading;  tcaclnng 
the  ear-vocabulary  as  an  eye  vocabulary ;  getting  the  form  for  meaning  already  known ; 
learning  to  read,  so  tiiat  later  the  child  may  read  to  learn. 

IJuring  the  fourth,  fifth  and  sixth  years,  the  child  must  begin  to  read  to  learn,  and 
the  time  should  be  spent  chiefly  on  story  and  narrative  prose.  Hut  a  little  in  the  sixth  year 
and  more  in  the  seventh  and  eighth  years,  attention  should  be  given  to  literature  i)roper 
in  prose  and  poetic  form.  Tiie  llienie  of  a  poem  can  be  worked  out  mii>l  easily  for  the 
first  time,  by  the  use  of  one  of  tlie  simiile  picture-poems  of  our  American  authors.  I'.ach 
feature  of  tlnj  physical  picture  has  a  corresponding  siiirilnal  meaning.  The  theme  is  directly 
suggested  by  the  spiritual  meaning  of  the  central  physical  feature,  and  the  statement  of 
the  theme  becomes  merely  a  matter  of  stating  the  meaning  worked  out.  Let  us  take  Lcjiig- 
fellow's  Light  of   Stars  as  an   illustration  : 

LIGHT    OK     ST.VKS. 

Physical  picture.      ^  Spiritual   ineauiiti^. 

Night    Sorrow  in   Longfellow's  life,   as  the  death  of 

his  wife. 

Moon     Some  encouragement  or  hope. 

Light  of  stars Light  of  reason. 

Mars    Will    ("The  star  of  the  unconquered  will"). 

Chief  point   to   picture^='Mars   watching  Spiritual  Meaniugi=:The  will  should  control  the 

over  the  night.  passions   (sorrow,  grief,  etc.). 

And  so  the  theme  arrived  at  is — "The  will  should  control  the  passions."  It  has  not 
oeen  merely  stated  by  the  teacher  and  accepted  by  the  pupils.  It  has  been  worked  out  by 
the  pupils  one  step  at  a  time,  and  it  is  theirs,  their  ox^.'ii.  It  was  not  accomplished  in  a 
single  recitation.  If  this  is  the  first  time  a  theme  has  been  worked  out,  it  has  taken  a  week 
or  possibly  two  weeks,  for  the  pupils  have  done  the  work.  This  does  not  mean  that  the 
teacher  has  not  been  working.  He  has  been  working,  not  scolding,  not  (luestioning  coldly 
and  disinterestedly,  but  working  hard  and  sympathetically.  He  made  out  a  list  of  ques- 
tions before  he  began  the  study  of  the  selection,  but  he  has  changed  it  and  omitted  from 
it,  and  added  to  it  daily,  while  the  selection  has  been  before  the  class. 

Some  teachers  may  object  that  the  theme  of  "The  Light  of  Stars"  is  not  properly 
stated  above,  that  it  is  stated  by  Longfellow  in  the  last  stanza,  or  next  to  the  last  stanza. 
But  the  last  two  stanzas  arc  not  really  a  part  of  the  poeuL  They  contain  a  corollary  each 
:o  the  theme  of  the  poenv  The  poem  is  really  complete  without  them,  but  properly  used 
and  understood  they  re-enforce  the  theme. 

Not  every  selection  studied  in  the  sixth,  seventh  and  eighth  year  work  should  be  worked 
out  with  the  care  and  detail  here  indicated.  In  fact  very  few  should  be  so  studied,  and 
those  few  should  be  selected  with  great  care.  The  attempt  to  squeeze  a  theme  out  of  every 
selection  studied,  and  that,  too,  before  the  thought  of  tlie  selection  is  half  mastered,  re- 
sults in  all  sorts  of  abortive  results  An  eighth  year  pupil,  writing  on  the  diploma  exami- 
nation, gave  the  meaning  of  "The  Day  is  Done"  as  follows: 

"The  meaning  of  the  selection  'The  Day  is  Done.'  It  is  compared  to  the  end  of  your 
life.  When  the  day  is  done  is  compared  to  when  the  life  is  done,  and  you  are  in  darkness, 
but  when  the  judgment  day  comes  you  will  be  back  to  the  light  again,  and  when  the  sun 
goes  around  and  comes  back  to  light.^' 

This  sample  is  a  fair  average  of  the  answers  of  those  who  wrote  on  tiie  diploma  ex- 
amination last  spring.  It  is  true  that  all  the  best  pupils  were  eliminated  from  the  diplonLi 
examination   by   the   method   of  proinotioiL      But   the  poorest   piii)il   should   have   done   much 

I  ll.NUUIl   kS     C'oiNIV     S(   llDdl.S.  V) 

l)t;ttcr  willi  a  solccUon  so  simi)lc  as  "Tlic  Day  is  Done."  It  indicates  tluit  the  attempt  tu 
force  the  theme  lias  been  premature  and  witliout  ade(|uato  preparatory  work.  It  indicates 
tliat  mure  narrative  prose  should  l)e  read  in  the  sixth,  seventh  and  eighth  years  in  order 
to  a\oid    far-fetched,   unwarranted,   and    al)orti\e   interpretations. 

PuiMAKY  Reading. — Those  who  teach  primary  reading  properly,  easily  complete  the 
Primer,  and  the  T'^irst  Reader  during  the  lirst  year.  Some  cmnplete  a  supplementary  first 
reader  in  adilition  to  the  aiune.  'I  hey  complete  the  Second  Reader  and  one  or  two  supple- 
mentary second  readers  dming  the  second  year.  Their  pupils  have  "learned  to  read,"'  and 
are  prepared   to  begin  "reading  to  learn." 

If  you,  teacher,  meet  up  to  this  standard  of  elficicucy,  continue  your  method.  If  you 
do  not,   I   must  insist  tliat  you  attempt  to  improve. 

Send  36  cents  in  stamps  to  Silver,  Burdett  &  Co.,  Chicago,  for  a  "Teachers'  Manual 
i)f  Instruction,  Ward's  Rational  Method  in  Reading."  Get  this  manual  in  your  possession 
ind  study  it  some  before  the  preliminary  institute.  According  to  this  manual,  30U  should 
jo  the  following  work  in  the  first  year  during  the  first  eight  weeks  : 

First.     Do   i-,()t   use  the   Primer   in   the   hands  of  the  jjupils. 

SccoiuL  Teach  the  following  list  of  sight-words  comprising  the  full  vocabulary  of  the 
lirst  forty  pages  of  the  Primer : 

I,  see,  a,  kill\,  l)ali.  b.xik,  top,  ll  iwer,  yellow,  blue,  green,  red,  black,  whito,  my.  Is, 
I'md.  roll.  — s.  the.  eatcii,  si)in,  baby,  has,  little,  run,  and,  she,  can,  he,  dog,  cat,  big.  this, 
li;i\e.  }'ou.  it,  iidI,,  bird,  nest,  tree,  lly,  ci)W,  horse,  lish,  fan,  mouse,  one.  two,  three,  four 
live,  eggs,  bluebird,  in,  are,  to,  60,  come,  girl,  boy,  Fan,  Hen,  Prince,  Howard,  May,  like, 
— iug.  what,  am, 'me,  want,  swim,  here,  goldfish,  110,  yes.  doll,  an,  iiapa.  gives,  milk,  some, 
does,  catch,  niamiii;i.  mice,  them,  her,  scpiirrel,  nut,  rabbit,  apple,  umbrella,  tub,  ship,  iron, 
pig,  grass,   hay.  eat,   feed,  him,   away,  give,  too,  will,  you,  your. 

There  are  Tie  words  in  this  list.  As  rapidly  as  possible,  the  pupils  should  be  taught 
to  know  the  meaning  of  these  words  and  to  recognize  them  re.ulily.  Use  the  words  in 
sentences  from  the  beginning,  but  do  not  use  the  sentences  found  in  the  b.)ok.  Construct 
your  own  sentences  and  make  plenty  (;f  them,  but  make  them  very  short.  Never  alK)w  a 
pupil  to  read  a  sentence  until  he  is  ready  to  read  the  entire  sentence  without  a  break,  etc. 
Use  script  only  at  first.  Gradually  introduce  print.  Have  the  pupils  f.imiliar  with  print 
and  ready  for  the  book  by  the  end  of  eight  weeks. 

'I  liird.  Drill  on  phonograms,  as  preparation  for  phonetic  reading.  Begin  with  the 
following:  f,  1,  k,  t,  m,  n,  r,  s, — a.  o,  e,  i, — iug,  ings,  ight,  etc.  Gradually  teach  all  conso- 
nants, consonant  combinations,  vowels,  diphthongs,  and  common  phono;|rams.  Observe  the 
three  cautions  on  page  seven  of  Ward's  manu.d. 

Fourth.  Ear  training,  (i)  Train  pupils  to  have  sharp  ears  that  they  may  recog- 
nize words  pronounced  phonetically.  (2)  Each  pupil  will  take  an  interest  in  learning  its 
initial-letter  sound,  and  the   sounds  of  initial  letters  of  other  pupils. 

Each  day  during  the  first  eight  weeks,  attention  should  be  given  to  the  three  lines 
indicated  above — sight-words,  drill  on  phonograms,  and  ear  training.  These  three  lines 
constitute  the  reading  work.  Along  with  this  will  go  writing,  story  work,  and  some  busy 

.\t  the  beginning  of  the  ninth  week  (possibly  sooner,  or  later)  sight-reading  from  the 
Primer  should  begin.  And  if  the  preparatory  work  has  been  well  done,  the  first  forty 
pages  can  be  covered  in  about  two  weeks.  During  this  time  the  drill  on  phonograms  will 
continue,  but  the  ear  training  will   be  replaced  by  the  drill   on   the  "blend." 

Some  time  before  Christmas  the  a,  b,  c's  should  be  taught  by  means  of  the  a-b-c  song. 
Place  the  song  on  the  board,  and  see  who  can  follow  it  witb  the  pointer.  The  names  of 
the  letters  having  been   learned,   spelling  can  begin. 

T  cannot  follow  this  work  further.  The  Rational  Method  has  been  thoroughly  tested 
during  the  last  eleven  years,  ;iii(l  1  can  reasonably  expect  that  you  use  it,  unless  you  have 
a  better  method.     The  work  in  phonics  should  continue  through   ihe  fourth  year  at  least. 

Thk  Dictionary — In  the  third  year,  teach  pupils  to  use  the  dictionary  to  t>ronounce  for 

Tn  the  fourth  year,  begin  to  teach  them  how  to  find  the  meaning  of  a   word. 

Teach  the  inipils  how  to  use  the  dictionarv.  It  is  a  great  storehouse  of  knowledge.  Do 
not  expect  j)upils  to  get  a  thing  from  the  dictionary  until  you  ha\e  t.uight  them  how  to 
get  that  thing  from  it. 

Mouic  RtiAiHNC — There  is  a  diirerencp  in  the  wav  different  te.ichers  take  hold  of 
the  first  year  re:iding  work.  .Some  barely  touch  it,  permilting  the  "little  dears"  to  pl.iv  and 
idle  away  Iheir  time.  (Others  take  bold  with  .a  linn  gr.isp  and  do  work  from  the  sl.irt.  I 
can  refer  to  some  beginning  tciclurs  who  are  doing  more  work  with   lirst   year  pupils  th.'iu 



soiiic  teaclicTS  of  C(jiisi(lt;ral)le  (.•xpcriciice.  A  second  year  tcaclicr  svlio  niaiia^^c's  six  grades 
in  a  district  school  in  l.inculn  'lownship,  had,  on  November  u,  Uugiit  the  following  to  a 
class  of  beginners: 

(i)     Phonogratiis  -  a,    a,    a,    li,  e,    e,    i,    i,    o  6.  o,  6,    u,     u,    s,    s,    c,    c,    k,    1,  m,  n,  p, 

r,  qii,   t,   V,   w,   y,    v,   z,  ch,  sh,   th,  ow,  er,  oy,  ight,  ail,  an,   ink,  ook,  ing,   ings. 

(2)  Words — a,  again,  all,  am,  and,  any,  garden,  flower,  red,  white,  black,  yellow,  blue, 
little,  kitty,  pretty,  rabbit,  apple,  (.)Ut,  owl,  hay,  say,  da\-.  lay,  is,  liors.',  home,  the,  them,  they, 
1,  give,  has,  have,  milk,  mice,  mouse,  catch,  find,  roll,  spin,  fish,  fly,  my,  like,  make,  rake, 
bake,  lake,  take,  he,  she,  me,  ball,  come,  horn,  not,  man,  ran,  fan,  pan,  baby,  yt)u,  your,  let, 
blow,  sheep,  toad,  play,  to,  too,  two,  one,  three,  four,  Hour,  toe,  Ben,  right,  light,  bright, 
light,  sight,  fail,  nail,  rail,  quail,  pan,  can,  ran.  Fan,  sink,  think,  book,  look,  took,  nook,  and 
the  words  in  the  list  on  p.  4  of  Ward's  Manual. 

It  is  possible  that  pupils  should  not  start  to  school  until  they  are  seven  years  old,  but 
if  they  do   start  at   six,  they   should  not  be  permitted  to   form  habits  of  idleness. 

Mr.  Gray,  the  teacher  referred  to  above,  started  his  beginners  to  work.  In  eight  weeks 
they  not  only  mastered  the  no  words  of  the  first  forty  pages  of  the  Primer,  but  the  83 
words  given  on  p.  4  of  Ward's  Manual,  and  a  few  other  "family"  words. 

iMom  the  first  day  they  worked  on  the  three  lines : — sight  words,  phonograms,  and 
car-training,  ;is  explained  in  Ward's  Manual.  The  work  was  done  on  the  blackboard, 
etc.,  according  to  \Vard's  Manual.  On  November  12,  they  began  in  the  Primer.  They  will 
easily  read  the  first  forty  pages  in  less  than  two  weeks.  After  finishing  the  Primer,  they 
will  have  tiipe  for  the  supplementary  reader,  as  explained  in  "School   Plans." 

This  is  an  actual  case,  in  an  ordinary  country  school,  with  ordinary  pupils.  The  secret 
is  honest  work  and  systematic  planning  on  the  part  of  the  teacher. 

Glogkai'HY. — Geography,  properly  taught,  enables  the  pupils  to  come  in  touch  with  the 
earth  in  relation  to  man.  It  cannot  be  taught  satisfactorily  from  books  alone.  The  text 
should   be   supplemented   by   two   things   at   least — excursions   and   correspondence. 

-\s  to  excursions,  see  State  Manual. 

A  two-cent  stamp  will  carry  a  letter  of  inquiry  to  any  part  of  the  United  States  or 
Canada.  In  almost  any  school  there  is  a  pupil  who  has  a  relative  living  in  a  "distant 
region."  If  not,  a  letter  directed  to  a  teacher  or  princip.U  in  a  distant  region  will  receive 
prompt  attention ;  and  the  English-speaking  world  is  very  large.  A  reply  in  English  may 
be  expected  in  answer  to  a  letter  directed  to  any  part  of  the  United  States,  Canada,  Great 
Britain,  South  Africa,  India,  Australia,  or  the  Philippines. 

If  there  are  no  relatives  to  which  to  write,  or  if  teachers  do  not  reply,  railroads  and 
real  estate  men  may  be  relied  upon,  and  their  circulars  will  furnish  some  of  the  very  best 
material  upon  the  sections  in  which  they  are  interested.  For  information  on  Canada  and 
the   Northwest  write  one  of  the   following : 

1.  l\Iax  Bass,  General  Immigration  Agt.,  220  South  Clark  St.,  Chicago,  III. 

2.  W.  D.  Scott,  Supl.  of  Innnigration,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

.V     C.  W.   Mott,  General   Innnigration  Agt.,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 
For  information  on  the  South  and   Southwest,  write: 

1.  G.  A.   Park,  Immigration  and  Industrial  Agt.,  Louisville,  Ky. 

2.  J.   F.  Merry,  A.  G.  P.  A.,  Dubuque,  Iowa. 

3.  Frisco  System,  Immigration   Dept.,   St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Write  steamship  companies  for  illustrations  of  tours.  Take  some  particular  section  and 
confine  vonr  efforts  to  it,  working  it  up  thoroughly  and  making  an  illustr.ited  note  book. 

M:d<e  the  writing  of  these  letters  a  part  of  the  regular  work.  Direct  the  writing,  see 
that  it  is  well  done,  and  have  one  of  the  best  letters  sent. 

If  the  directions  of  the  St.ite  superintendent  on  excur?.ions,  and  my  directions  oncor- 
rcspondence,  are  c;irried  out,  your  pupils  will  begin  to  realize  that  they  are  actually  living 
in  the  world  about  which  they  are  studying.  And  the  spirit  of  these  suggestions  should 
be  present  in  all  your  Geography  work. 

.'Ks  last  year,  the  final  examination  in  Geography  will  be  given  at  the  close  of  the 
seventh  year  work. 

IIiSTouv — The  excellent  work  that  is  being  done  in  history  in  the  lower  grades,  is  most 
gr.itifying  to  one  who  didn't  have  the  advantages  of  such  work,  or  one  who  remembers  the 
op))osition  to  it  among  teachers,  when  it  CLune  into  our  course  of  study  a  few  ye;irs  ago. 
With  many  of  us  .'\dam  and  Coliunbus  were  coiUemporaries,  until  after  we  entered  a  normal 
school  f)r  a  university.  Tod.iy  ciuiUry  children  are  being  taught  as  well  and  as  systematic- 
ally as  city  children,  in   these   respt'cts. 

JIknukicks   County   Schools.  41 

Yet  there  is  a  clifTeieiice  in  the  way  tlic  work  is  being  presented.  I'^or  example,  notice 
two  recitations  which  1  heard  on  the  same  day  in  country  schools  in  the  same  township. 
Tiu!y  were  in  the  third  year,  and  dealt  with  Hebrew  life.  In  the  first,  the  teacher  read 
the  story  of  Jephthah,  pp.  50-56  of  lleerman's  Stories  from  the  Hebrew.  It  was  September 
27,  and  the  preceding  stories  of  the  book  had  been  read  since  school  began  on  September 
17.  This  story  was  read  by  the  teacher,  commented  upon  a  little,  and  the  next  story  indi- 
cated for  the  next  day. 

In  the  second  recitation,  the  story  of  Abraham  was  being  finished.  The  pupils  knew 
that  he  started  from  Ur,  that  he  went  north  and  west  to  Haran,  that  he  turned  south  and 
west  into  Canaan,  that  he  went  into  Egypt  seeking  pastures,  that  he  returned  into  Canaan, 
that  he  divided  the  country  with  Lot,  etc.,  that  he  was  called  of  God,  that  he  was  visited 
by  angels,  that  a  son  was  finally  born,  that  a  wife  was  selected  for  this  son  in  a  way  to 
keep  the  race-blood  pure,  and  that  a  nation  was  thus  fairly  started.  The  pupils  also  knew 
something  about  the  life  lived  by  Abraham,  and  something  about  his  tents,  his  servants,  and 
his  flocks.     They  had  made  the  acquaintance  of  one  Hebrew  character,  and  they  knew  hhn. 

I  think  all  will  agree  as  to  the  merits  of  the  two  recitations.  The  second  teacher  in- 
tended to  study  Moses  next,  then  David,  and  then  Christ,  making  the  connections  very 
briefly.  These  .are  the  four  great  historic  characters  in  Hebrew  history,  and  no  doubt 
enough  to  study  with  the  third  year  pupils  if  the  work  is  well  done. 

The  tendency  lo  merely  cover  territory  is  bad,  whet'.ier  in  lower  grade  history  work, 
or  reading,  or  advanced  history,  or  any  other  line.  A  little  work  upon  the  essentials,  well 
done,  is  much  better  than  a  great  deal  of  work  not  done  at  all.  The  essentials  should  be 
recognized  and  the  work  organized  accordingly.  This  is  illustrated  in  eighth  year  history 
work  by  a  suggestion  given  a  teacher  on  the  first  two  months  work.  To  a  teacher  who  was 
merely  teaching  "pages,"  I  suggested  that  she  organize  her  work  along  three  lines,  viz.: 
(i)  DevelopmeUt  of  a  strong  nationality.  (2)  l-^xpansion  of  territory.  (3)  Growth  of 
the  slavery  and  secession  sentiment.  The  first  point  is  shown  by  Hamilton's  financial  plans, 
the  assumption  of  the  state  debts,  domestic  and  foreign,  the  law  establishing  imposts  and 
excises,  the  national  bank,  the  government  mint,  the  suppression  of  the  whiskey  rebellion, 
the  neutrality  policy  of  Washington,  the  Jay  treaty,  the  defeat  of  the  Tripoli  pirates, 
the  war  of  1812,  the  protective  tariff,  the  work  of  John  Marshall  on  the  supreme  bench,  the 
Monroe  Doctrine,  etc.,  etc.  The  second  point,  the  expansion  of  the  national  domain,  is 
shown  not  only  by  Capt.  Gray's  discovery  of  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia  River,  the  Lou- 
isiana purchase,  the  Lewis  and  Clark  expedition,  the  Florida  purchase,  and  the  annexation 
of  the  Texan  and  Oregon  territories,  but  also  by  the  invention  of  the  steamboat,  the  open- 
ing of  the  Erie  Canal,  the  building  of  the  National  Road,  the  invention  of  the  telegraph, 
and  the  construction  of  railroads. 

.'\round  the  ideas  of  slavery  and  secession  may  be  organized  such  facts  as  the  invention 
of  the  cotton  gin,  the  prohibition  of  the  slave  trade  in  iSoS,  the  Hartford  coMvention,  the 
Missouri  Compromise,  tlie  Mexican  War,  the  Wilmot  Proviso,  the  Omnibus  Rill,  the  Kan- 
sas-Nebraska Rill,  the  Webstcr-Haynes  debate,  the  Lincoln-Douglas  debates,  the  work  of 
Garrison  and  other  aliolitionists,  Hnde  Tom's  Cabin,  John  Brown,  the  Knights  of  the  Golden 
Circle,  the  Cub.i   filibusters,  etc. 

Thus  it  is  seen  tiiat  pr.iclically  every  important  event  from  i/St)  to  i<S6o,  can  be  grouped 
about  three  great  organizing  ideas.  .'\nd  with  prop<"r  thoroughness  and  drill,  work  or- 
ganized in  this  manner  will  stick.  It  does  away  with  isolated  events  and  dates.  It  changes 
history  from  mere  memory  work  into  organized  thinking. 

I  have  tried  to  discuss  the  history  work  fully  enough  to  show  the  difference  between 
good  and  poor  work.  The  thoroughness  and  organization  here  insisted  upon  can  easily  be 
applied   to  any  grade  of  history  work   or  any  line  of  school   work. 

WKiiiNr.  AND  Si'Ki.i.iNG. — Ou  an  examination  manuscript,  writin.g  and  spoiling  arc 
closely  rel.'ited.  Many  applicants  make  11  for  ic,  /  for  /'  and  (/  for  c.  These  errors  may  be 
consideri'd  as  mistakes  in  spelling  or  Ihey  may  reduce  ihe  grade  on  writing,  bul  they  .should 
not  oeeur.     Tliev  are  largely  due  to  carelessness. 

A  mistake  in  spelling  that  is  easily  corrected  is  tlie  failure  to  use,  and  the  misuse  of 
capitals.  Some  applicants  will  write  an  entire  page  of  a  dozen  or  more  sentiences  and  use 
just  one  capital  (at  the  bcMimiing")  and  one  period  (at  the  closv  of  the  page).  .Any  teacher 
should  know  ih.'it  rarli  sciitrinu'  should  hrffiti  with  a  aif^ilnl  diiil  riosr  n'ilh  a  t^oiod.  Other 
aitplit'anls  eapilalize  nouns  eonlinu.illv  whether  i)ropi'r  or  comin(  n.  i'or  each  omission  or 
misuse  of  a  c.ii)i)ai,  the  state  reduces  vonr  yrade  on  snelling  one  per  cent.  I  follr.vv  the 
s.nne  practice,  and  I'm  safe  in  s.i\iii)^  two  thirds  of  the  misl.ikes  in  spelling  are  mis- 
takes in  ca|)it.alization. 

In  a  teacher's  program,  I  reeeulK  noticed  "writinu"  spelled  with  two  t's.  In  another 
school  room  1   noticed  proyr-'un  spelled   with  two  g's      He  careful.     Vse  the  dictionary. 

42  *  Manual 

I  iiK  CoKN  QjNTKsr. —  lln."  corn  selection,  corn  scoring,  ;incl  Ijread  contest,  for  coinnioii 
school  pupils  will  be  held  in  the  court  room  at  Danville,  December  7.  as  annouiicecl.  The 
work  in  preparation  for  these  contests  gives  a  teacher  an  excellent  opportunity  to  (l'si)lay  real 
leadership.  If  the  teacher  simply  asks  and  urges  her  pupils  to  participate,  witiiout  doing 
more,  the  pupils  will  be  less  likely  to  participate  than  if  the  teacher  had  said  nothing.  Such 
a  teacher  gives  a  stone  instead  of  bread.  The  teacher  who  gives  bread  must  be  interested, 
must  be  enthusiastic  (not  gushing),  must  knoiu.  She  will  have  some  corn  brought  to  school. 
She  will  teach  the  points  in  scoring.  She  will  have  ten  ears  brought  to  school.  She  will 
have  her  pupils  score  them.  She  will  score  them  herself.  She  may  not  know  as  much  as 
some  of  her  pupils  about  farm  work.  But  she  can  easily  know  something  about  corn.  Few 
pupils  know  anytliing  about  the  protein  content  of  corn,  or  the  marks  that  indicate  high 
feeding  value,  or  a  dozen  other  things  that  are  explained  in  Bulletin  No.  no  from  Purdue, 
Prof.  Holden's  bulletin  from  the  station  at  Ames,  Iowa,  and  the  bulletins  on  corn  breeiling 
from  the  station  at  Urbana,  111.     There  is  an  abundance  of  material  free  for  the  asking. 

Some  teachers  say  that  their  pupils  are  not  interested.  I  have  just  been  trying  to  say 
that  this  is  not  true.  The  truth  in  such  cases  is  that  the  teacher  is  not  interested.  Other 
teachers  plead  lack  of  time.  But  you  can  not  spend  a  little  time  to  better  advant.ige.  Such 
work  should  receive  .some  time,  for  it  is  not  excelled  in  mental  training  nor  e(iualled  in 
utility  value  by  any  other  work  at  which  you  can  employ  your  time   in   school. 

After  the  corn  contest  is  past,  continue  your  intlustrial  anil  agricultural  work.  Get 
your  school  in  touch  with  the  Department  of  Agriculture  at  Washington.  If  you  studied  the 
codling  moth  last  year,  as  suggested  (Farmers'  Bulletin  No.  171),  study  the  American  toad 
this  year  (Farmers'  Bulletin  No.  196).  There  are  a  dozen  other  lines  that  I  might  suggest, 
but  I  suggest  one  line  only,  preferring  that  you  work  it  thoroughly  than  to  skim  over  a 
large  territory  and  get  nothing.  If  you  get  the  idea  and  develo])  an  interest  you  will  fuid 
the  material   (and  the  time). 

Busv  Work. — If  you  have  pupils  below  the  fifth  year,  you  should  be  prepared  to  direct 
at  least  one  line  of  industrial  (or  Inisy)  work.  It  may  be  paper  folding,  paper  cutting,  weav- 
ing, moulding,  or  basket  making,  or  drawing.  If  you  are  not  prei)ared  to  do  at  least  ov.t^ 
of  the^i"  lines  of  work  smd  JS  cents  to  Thomas  CJiarles  Co.,  260  \Vat)ash  avenue,  Cliicago, 
for  either  "Illustraled  l.cssons  in  Paper  h'olding"  or  'T'aper  and  Scissors  in  tii-  School 
Room."     From  one  of  these  manuals  you  can  learn  enough  to  interest  your  pupils. 

Instruction  and  character-building  being  the  chief  aims  of  the  school,  teachers  should 
organize  their  work  with  a  deeper  purpose  than  merely  keeping  pupils  out  of  mischiet. 
Reading,  writing,  and  spelling  should  form  most  of  the  busy  work  of  the  first  year;  number 
work  is  added  in  the  second  year.  Writing  is  one  of  the  best  and  most  profitable  forms  ot 
busy  work.  Word,  sentence,  and  number  builders  will  aid  a  little.  The  teachers  of  a  town- 
ship can  get  together  and  ask  the  trustee  to  get  word  and  munber  builders  and  other  needed 
m.iterial.      Write   The   Thomas    Charles   Co.    for    a   catalogue. 

NiiMiii.KS.-  No  munber  work  should  be  done  in  the  first  year.  Spend  the  time  upon 
reading,  writing,  spelling,  and  the  storv.  Itut  e>pecially  upou   reading. 


1.  When  I  visit  your  school,  hand  me  your  register  at  once,  and  a  copy  of  your  pro- 
gram, if  the  same  is  not  in  sight.  I  come  to  study  the  sch  )ol  with  you  and  to  help  you. 
Supply  me  with  the  means. 

2.  The  list  of  books  required  for  the  various  grades  was  fiu'nished  you  and  the  pupils, 
through  the  county  pa[)ers.  RenaMuber  tliat  pupils  taking  up  a  study  or  a  text  for  the  first 
time,  must  have  the  new  books.  Others  are  not  re(|uired  to  have  the  new  books,  init  may 
choose  to  get  them.  For  example,  the  eighth  grade  pupils  may  use  the  old  arithmetic,  the 
fifth  grade  pujjils  nmst  have  the  new  arithmetic.  .\nd  seventh  grade  pupils  may  use  the  old 
geography,  but  sixth  grade  pupils  must   have  the  reviseil  geographw 

3,.  The  seventh  grade  arithmetic  for  the  first  two  months,  is  the  work  in  algebra.  Do 
not  falter  or  hesitate  to  do  this  work.  The  State  Course  of  Study  is  alright  on  this  point. 
The  l)i-monthly  examiration  questions  will  l)e  based  on  this  work.  I  expect  to  see  you  doing. 
it,  but  do  not  hesitate  to  help  the  pupils  all  they  need.     Work  slowly  and  symiiathetically 

4  T  am  glad  to  notice  that  the  llislory  work  for  the  lower  gr.ides  is  being  done  this 
year.  There  should  be  no  exeeiilioii  to  the  iiile.  The  history  work  for  the  firsl.  si'cond  and 
thii'tl  K'''ides  mav  b<'  made  ihe  b.i-is  of  the  oral  and  wrillen  lanKna>.;e  woi  k  of  these  giad<s. 

5.  The  special  couqiosil  ion  work  lo  which  reference  was  made  at  Ihe  County  Iiisliliite 
may  be  li.iM'd  upon  Ihe  hisloi  \  or  .niy  line 'of  work  or  nia\'  deal  with  games  ,nid  exp.-riences. 
Us  aims  are  frindom  of  expiession  and  proper  form  in  written  work.  It  should  nroceed  ac- 
cording to  the  following  plan  in  any  instance:  (t)  Assign  a  subject  for  investn^ation  and 
thought      (2)      Thoroughly  discuss  the  subject  with   the  class.      (3)      Organize   the   subject 

I  Iknuuhks   Couniy   Schools.  .».i 

(possibly  by  onlliiic)  for  tlic  composition  ibc  next  clay.  (4)  Have  the  pupils  write  com- 
position in  rough  form,  read  in  class,  compare  and  correct.  (5)  Next  recitation,  have 
corrected  composition  put  in  i^ood  form  with  pen  and  ink,  read,  and  handed  in  for  the 
teacher's  suggcsti(Ji;s.      (6)      Have  linished  work  copied  into  a  i)crmanent  composition  book. 

7.  I  havf  constantly  urged  trustees  not  to  buy  just  anything  that  an  agent  may  briiig 
around,  but  to  ask  teachers  as  to  supplies  needed.  'I'he  chances  are  that  your  trustee  will 
buy  sui)plies  that  yoii  need   and   will   agree  to  use. 

8.  Plan  to  have  a  set  of  the  Young  People's  Reading  Circle  books  in  your  school  room 
at  an  early  date.  The  nineteen  bonks  will  cost  $11.85.  Get  the  trustee  to  pay  half,  and 
raise  the.  other  lialf. 

9.  In  the  matter  of  aiteniatmg  and  combining  recitations  in  order  to  reduce  tiie  num- 
ber, try  to  do  the  best  thing  for  the  school.  Ample  preparation  will  enable  you  to  accom- 
plish much  in  a  short  recitation. 

10.  Finally,  remember  that  order  is  the  first  law  of  the  school  room,  and  that  abundant 
work  properly  assigned  is  the  best  means  of  securing  good  order.  Character-building  is 
the  chief  purpose  of  the  school. 

Additional  Pointers. — Read  "School  Plans  1905-06"  again.  Are  jou  meeting  reasonable 
expectations  on  the  work  there  suggested? 

The  use  of  Ward's  Rational  Method  has  done  much  for  the  reading  wor'<.  Most 
teachers  h;,ve  iniislied  the  I'rimer  and  iiave  made  a  good  start  on  the  l-'irst  Reader.  Are 
you  doing  yov.}-  duty?  Are  you  teaching  phonics  in  a  comprehensive,  systematic  way?  Are 
you  doing  wo'k  in  phonics  witii  pupils  above  the  lirst  grade?  Are  you  teaching  the  diction- 
ary? Are  you  using  the  work  in  phonics  to  make  the  spelling  easier  and  better?  Do  your 
pupils  undcrsliind ^  a  reading  lesson  and  read  it  understandingly,  l)efore  you  assign  tlie  next 
lesson''  T  have  Seen  many  recitations  this  year  in  which  an  entire  lesson  of  two  or  tlirce 
pages  was  slumliled  through  and  the  next  lesson  assigned  for  the  ne.xt  day.  That  is  the 
poorest  kind  of  teaching.  If  you  have  i)een  guilty,  don't  be  guilty  again.  .And  don't  blame 
the  former  teacher.  Master  the  thougiit  and  expression  before  leaving  a  selection.  Spend 
a  week  0.1  it  if  necessary. 

In  your  (leography  work,  you  are  making  the  work  0:1  ilistant  regions  interesting  and 
real  by  the  use  of  my  su<4gestion  on  correspondence?  Read  it  again  in  "Sclir)ol  Plans." 
One  teacher  has  studied  the  Southern  States  in  this  way;  another  has  studied  river  and 
ocean  navigation;  another  has  studied  the  Pacific  States.  Are  you  imal)le  to  take  hold? 
Write  me  the  number  in  your  class  and  tiie  work  you  are  doing,  and  I  will  try  to  send  you 
specific  directions.  Write  me.  I  will  be  glad  to  hear  frotn  you.  I  may  not  be  able  to  meet 
evory  case,  but  I  am  willing  to  work  with  you.  Through  the  courtesy  of  the  Southern  R. 
R.,  1  am  sending  each  teaclier  in  the  county  a  copy  of  "The  Southern  Field,"  December 
number.  It  deals  chielly  with  cotton  raising  and  cotton  mantifacturing.  It  is  a  s.ample  of 
abundant  literature  that  you  can  get  for  the  asking,  on  almost  any  section  of  our  country. 

("live  yoiu"  i)upils  i)lenty  of   fresh  air  and   exercise. 

In  making  i)romotions  consider  the  child  first,  your  successor  next,  your  <luty  ever,  your 
popularity  never.  \'our  lr\istee  will  provide  promotion  cards.  In  your  register  leave  a  full 
report  to  your  successor. 

Some  of  the  lownsjnp  principals  are  doing  good  service  in  township  institutes  in  guiding 
the  work  along  practical  lines.  They  avoid  pitch-fork  debates,  and  theory  for  theory's  sake. 
1  hey  seek  to  apply  the  work   to  actual   school   conditions. 

Arc  you  using  McMurry  in  your  daily  school  work?  Are  you  finding  the  large  organ- 
izing ideas?  Arc  you  using  the  type?  Are  you  observing  the  five  formal  steps?  Are  you 
observing  the  laws  of  mental  activity? 

The  course  of  study  is  a  friendly  guide,  not  a  slave-master. 

There  are  many  good  school  libraries  in  the  county  that  are  not  catalogued.  A  teacher 
can  do  a  good  work  by  numbering  and  recording  books  and  properly  charging  them  when 
taken  out.     This  will  prevent  loss  and  enable  the  school  to  build  up  a  permanent  lil)rary. 

When  a  true  teacher  assigns  a  selection  to  be  committed,  she  commits  it  herself,  so 
that  she  can  hear  the  recitation  without  using  the  book.  This  plan  makes  her  more  sym- 
pathetic, and  makes  her  careful  about  assigning  only  the  best  selections  for  committing. 

Some  excellent  work  is  being  done  in  IVriting.  In  starting  the  first  year  pupils,  all 
Avriting  should  be  at  the  board  for  at  least  one  month.  The  board  should  be  lined  with 
lines  four  indies  apart  put  on  with  glued  crayon  or  an  indelible  pencil.  The  letters  and 
their  combin.ations  should  be  taught  one  at  a  time  and  systematically.  Motioning  in  the  air, 
tracing,  and  copying  shoidd  be  used.  The  crayon  should  not  be  held  like  a  pencil,  but  be- 
tween the  fore-finger  and  thumb  and  within  the  hand.  If  you  have  not  been  teaching  writ- 
ing, and  your  pupils  write  a  crumi)led  Iiand,  begin  at  the  beginning  «r>7t'  and  teach  it. 

Do  you  have  the  second  part  of  the  eighth  year  history  work  organized?  Send  for 
"Johnson's  American  Orations,"  Vol.  IV.  ($1.25,  Putnam's  Sons),  or  have  your  dealer  send 
for    it.      Read    the    speeches    upon    Re-constrnction,    by    Davis,    Pendleton,    Raymond    and 

•II  Manual 

SU'vciih.      Ri.-  cousliiu'liuii    i.s   Diic   of   tlio   large   oryaiii/iiig   iclcas   i»l    llu'    sccmiil   term's    woik. 
Master  it. 

I  recently  visited  tlie  boisterous  school  described  in  my  second  bulletin  of  last  year. 
'I'iie  same  pupils  were  present,  but  not  the  same  spirit.  'Jhere  was  a  different  teacher  and 
the  teacher  makes  the  school.  'The  pupils  were  quiet,  polite,  and  industrious.  I  expected 
a  change,  but  was  really  surprised  at  the  completeness  of  the  ch.inge.  i'upils  are  about  the 
same  everywhere,  in  this  county,  [f  1  liud  a  good  school,  a  school  where  the  pupils  are 
jiolite,  industrious  and  bright,   1   propose  to   give  the  teacher   most  of  the  credit. 

Some  teachers  are  bothered  by  pupils  asking  them  how  to  make  letters.  Much  time  may 
be  saved  by  keeping  the  alphabet  in  large  and  small  letters,  at  the  top  of  the  blackboard  at 
some  convenient  place  in  the  room. 

How  arc  you  teaching  the  third  year  pupils  to  use  the  dictionary  to  pronounce  for  them? 
Did  you  start  in  the  year  by  asking  them  to  look  up  every  word  they  didn't  know?  If  you 
started  in  that  way,  the  work  was  a  failure  and  you  are  by  this  time  neglecting  the  diction- 
ary entirely,  unless  you  have  learned  a  better  method.  The  best  teachers  (i)  first  teach 
the  pupils  iiow  to  find  a  word  in  the  dictionary.  (2)  They  take  from  two  weeks  to  a  month, 
drilling  pupils  on  how  to  find  words  in  the  dictionary.  This  takes  a  few  minutes  each  day. 
Pupils  race  to  find  words.  This  step  is  mastered.  (3)  After  the  second  step  is  mastered, 
two  or  three  words  are  assigned  each  day  to  be  pronounced  from  the  dictionary.  The 
teacher  is  careful  to  assign  easy  words,  and  not  difficult  words  with  several  pronunciations. 
The  other  hard  words  of  the  lesson  are  placed  on  the  board  by  the  teacher  and  marked,  as 
in  the  second  year.  (4)  The  list  of  words  to  pronounce  from  the  dictionary  may  be  grad- 
ually increased,  but  it  never  exceeds  six  or  eight  words  a   day  during  the  year. 

Teaching  fourth  year  pupils  to  find  the  meaning  of  a  v.>ord  from  the  dictionary,  should 
be  puusu;;u  in  the  same  systematic  manner.  Never  tell  a  fourth  year  pupil  (or  class)  to 
use  the  dictionary  for  all  words  he  can  not  pronounce  or  of  which  he  can  not  give  the 
meanin','.  Teach  them  how  the  dictionary  tells  the  meaning,  first  by  using  words  they  are 
familiar  with,  then  by  using  words  new  to  them.  After  this  point  is  mastered,  assign  a 
fe-iU  of  the  difficult  words  to  be  mastered  from  the  dictionary.  The  other  difficult  words 
should  be  placed  on  the  board,  marked  for  pronunciation,  and  the  meaning  worked  out  by 
pupils  and  teacher  from  the  context. 

Even  in  the  seventh  and  eighth  years,  pupils  should  not  be  referred  to  the  dictionary 
•for  every  difficult  word.  Many  words  should  be  worked  out  from  the  context  by  the  pupils 
and  teacher. 

A  few  teachers  may  object  that  they  are  not  paid  for  doing  some  of  the  things  men- 
tioned in  this  bulletin.  This  is  not  the  objection  of  a  true  teacher.  As  a  teacher  I  am 
paid  for  the  best  that  is  in  me.  Mine  is  a  life  of  service  and  sacrifice  for  my  pupils.  I  must 
build  their  ideals.  T  must  spiritualize  farm  life.  I  must  teach  citizenship,  and  train  law- 

Let  us  do  our  work  as  well. 

Whether   paid    for   it   or    not; 
And  so  by  extra  work  and  effort, 
Rise  above  the  common   lot. 

Honest  work  and  willing  labor 

Of  enjoyment  are  the  soul. 
They  who  profit  by  their  practice, 
Never  fail  to  reach  their  goal. 
The  above  may  not  be  good  poetry,  but  it  is  good  thought.     If  the  sentiment  is  not  uni- 
versal, it  ought  to  be. 

"H  ye   know   these   things,   happy  are 
'  ye  if  ye  do  them." 


G/vvvo.  -rvcM>/t^7  '/wiiur  /t{<r^' ;,,   4 

G/vvn  -K>aA  /ou  orvflMT  ^AmJi  * 

Ut'sults  of  TKA('iuN(i  Writing  to  beginiiiiiK  iJiipih 
(Aflor  tlinc  months  In  school.) 



-^i!reoJaf^-  McL^         ^\>^A^ 

i-[cv.d;v         Jtoxl        J-^A^^ 

;^^a^.  y^^riy^  yvxy-,vx^. 


•3ix/vA;<.  'v^--^  "(''•^^ 

Kfsiiltb  of  'rKACuiNG  U'ritiiiK  to  LeKiiuiiag  i)Uj)iU 

This  is  a  siieeimen  of  u  inipil's  work  at  the  close  of  the  piust  ybau  in  school,  with  a  i-uok  teacher. 

See  next  page. 



L/'  '    / 

/>  J       ;.-    /•■ 

f)  n     ■ 


/A^/-  x?aA(|  /i^H 



IlJ.^   yfUU^ 

li.V  llie  snino  iiii|)ll  mh  (lie  work  on  the  lust  imK<',  after  SKVKN  wkekh  jiohk  lii  ft-lioul  wnii  a  (i()oi>  tkacukk. 
OiU'  si-liuol  is  not  liftli'i-  tliiin  anollicr  licciuise  of  the  lillTorcnci'  In  pupils,  but  beouuseof  llir  liilTcri'iice 

in  tcae-licr!-.    TiiK   tkacmkii  .makks  a  sciidui 

v.^      ■^^^^•"       ■      J^: 

.■e.-T  ■  ^■'- "^■Ifc- * '^&^  ^». 

•■■  ^aJ^  uMji^^"'*^^.  ^  vv  ■ 






Mrs.  Ethel  Bell,  2S  years. 

J.  L.  Osborn,  21  years. 

Mrs.  M.  A.  Keeiiey,  2.')  years. 

Mrs.  r.ydia  Warner,  "27  years. 
J.  M.  Kellum,  28  years. 
Mrs.  M.  J.  Bland,  29  years. 

Mattle  A.  Cope,  40  years. 

Beginning  Teachers^ 

Nearly  ono-ritlli  of  tlic  teachers  each  year  arc  beginners.  This  has  l)eon  the  rule  for 
a  number  of  years.  It  is  apparent,  therefore,  that  unless  these  beginners  are  made  effective 
teaeiiers  .it  it\\K.\\  a  great  amount  of  time  is  wasted.  The  notion  once  ])revailed  that  a  lie- 
ginner  was  entitled  to  one  >ear  in  wdiich  to  learn  to  teach,  but  my  experience  ccMivinces  me 
that  iieginners  with  sulVicient  education  can  be  made  into  effective  teacliers  in  a  very  short 
time.  In  fact,  some  beginners  last  year  did  better  work  in  Reading,  in  Writi^ig,  in  History, 
and  in  character  building,  than  some  of  those  who  had  been  teaching  for  s.'veral  years.  In 
working  with  beginners,  I  have  done  the  following: 

First.     Met  them   in  special   sessions  at  the   County  Institute. 

Second.  Met  them  in  a  special  beginners'  meeting  before  the  opening  of  school.  This 
has  usually  been  an  all-day  sessif)n  at  my  office. 

Third.  Visited  beginners  early,  with  the  understanding  that  my  Hrst  visit  was  to  help 
them,  not  to  grade  their  work. 

I'Ourtli.  (liven  i)eginners  a  visiting  day  each,  early  and  with  special  directions  as  to 
what  to  observe. 

In  this  way  1  make  a  specialty  of  the  beginners,  and  take  upon  myself  a  measure  of 
the   responsibility    for   their   success.     The   results  have  justified   the   e.xtra   effort. 

JIkndkicks  CouNiv   Schools.  51 

The  Teacher^s  Visiting  Day* 

Since  the  autumn  of  1904,  the  teacliers  of  the  county  have  had  one  day  each,  early  in 
the  year,  to  observe  the  work  of  other  teachers.  Teachers  have  been  carefully  assigned  by 
the  county  superintendent  to  visit  work  which  in  his  judgment  wt)uld  be  especially  helpful. 
'I'lic  visiting  has  been  largely  coniined  to  tiie  county,  teacliers  with  little  cxi)erience  and 
schooling  being  assigiud  to  visit  teachers  of  wider  experience  and  more  training.  iUit  some 
of  the  best  grade  teachers  have  been  assigned  out  of  the  county,  in  this  way  visits  have 
been  made  to  Indianapolis,  Crawfordsville,  Greencastle,  Jamestown,  Roachdale,  Franklin, 
and  Terre  Haute.  Indianapolis  has  been  most  visited  outside  the  county,  because  of  its 
convenience  and  the  high  character  of  the  work.  The  superintendent  and  his  assistants  have 
shown  great  courtesy  and  helpfulness  in  directing  teachers  to  the  work  desired. 

1  believe  the  visiting  day  is  the  best  single  feature  of  the  work  and  policy  of  the  present 
management  of  the  schools  of  the  county.  It  tends  to  bring  the  poorer  schools  up  to  the 
standard  of  the  best.  It  passes  the  good  things  around.  Some  teachers  cannot  be  made  to 
understand  a  different  plan  by  merely  being  told,  but  they  can  hardly  fail  to  understand 
when  they  see  the  plan  iji  operation.  Beginning  .teachers  without  nuich  training  tend  to 
imitate  a  former  teaciier ;  the  visiting  day  enables  them  to  imitate  more  modern  methods. 
That  teaching  as  an  art  is  iiasetl  upon  imitation,  is  generally  conceded.  The  visiting  dav 
selects  the  object  for  imitation ;  it  sometimes  leads  the  teacher  to  sec  the  significance  of 
underlying  principles  and  starts  him  on  the  road  to  scientific  teaching.  The  scientific  teacher 
is  the  true  artist,  since  he  comprehends  the  principles  and  significance  of  his  art. 

For  three  years  tiie  blank  which  appears  l)elow  was  used  for  visiting  permit  and  re- 
port. This  year  a  slu)rter  form  of  report  has  been  substituted,  merely  calling  for  a  para- 
graph upon  each  of  the  following: 

1.  Grounds,  buildings,  ventilation,  lighting,  heating. 

2.  The   teacher — appearance,  personality,   disposition,  attitude  toward   work. 

3.  Order  and  how  secured. 

4.  The  recitation  and   school   work. 

5.  Mention   anything  that  will  be  especially  helpful   to  you    (or  to  mc). 

The  trustees  are  to  be  commended  for  their  progressive  spirit  in  assenting  to  the 
visiting  day  in  its  iiicei)tion.  They  have  never  wavered  in  its  support.  I'^ollowing  is  the 
form   used  for  three  j  ears  : 


\i.srn.V(;   i' 

Danvii.i.e,  Ini)., 1(^0. . 

M ; 

Dear  Teacher:     You  are  hereby  directed,  your  trustee  having  assented,  to  dismiss  your 
school  and  spend  a  day  in  visiting  other  schools  as  follows: 



Report  to  me  promptly  on  the  attached  form,  and  send  this  permit  to  your  trustee  after 
signing  the  statement  addressed  to  him.       Respectfully, 

(Signed)     ' County    Supt. 

52  ,  Manual 

To  the  Trustee: 

I  dismissed  my  school  on   ( date ) and 

spent  the  full  day  in  visiting  otluT  schools  as  directed  b}-  my  county  superintendent. 

(Signed) ,  Teacher. 

Report  lo  County  Superintendent. 

(Study  the  points  called  for  in  this  report  before  doing  the  visiting.  See  fully  and  report 
accurately.  Do  not  allow  this  report  to  worry  you.  I  am  anxious  that  the  day  shall  be 
profitable  to  you,  and  that  is  my  ciiief  purpose  in  calling  fur  a  report.) 

Report  by    on    work    observed 

in  visiting    on 19.  . . . 

1.  State   the  work   observed,   indicating  recitations 

2.  The  grounds  and  buildings. 

a.  General  appearance    

b.  Cleanliness    

c.  V^entilation    

d.  Lighting .' 

e.  Heating   

f.  Decorations.       What  ?    

g.  \Valls ,   black   boards,    .* ,   window    shades 

h.  Needed    improvements    

3.  Teacher. 

a.  Pleasing  and  attractive  in  appearance  or  not? 

b.  Voice     •  • 

c.  Honesty,  sincerity    

d.  Characterize,  giving  strong  and   weak  points 

4.  Government,    satisfactory   or    not? 

a.  Work  is  the  true  jireventive  of  disorder.     Are  pupils  busy? 

b.  Are  pupils  polite? Do  they   stare  at   visitors? 

Are  they  in  sympathy  with  their  teacher  ? 

c.  Is  teacher  indifferent,  or   full  of  enthusiasm  and   sympathy? 

d.  Do  voice  and  bearing  indicate  confidence  and   courage  ? 

c.     Is   there  scolding,  threatening  or  nagging  on  tlie   part  of  the  teacher? 

f .  What  school  virtues  arc  most  in  evidence  ? 

g.  Does  formalism  or  connnon  sense  govern  teacher's  directing  of  pupils? 

h.     As  to  the   formation   of  right  character,   is  the  atmosphere   of  tiie   school   positive, 

neutral   or    negative  ? 

5.  School  Work. 

a.  What  are  the  pupils'  incentives  to  work? 

b.  y\re  assignments  defmite  and   suited  to  ability   of  pu:)il>,? . 

c.  Is  lower  grade  J  listory  work  being  done  ?   

d.  Is  work  being  done  in   Music    (in  graded   schools)? , 

e.  Nature  of  opening  exercises 

f.  Preparation    .uid    spirit   of   teacher 

g.  I'reparalion  and  s|)irit  of  pui)ils 

().     The  l\ocitation. 

a.  (.haracteri/e   according  lo   Dutlon,   Chapters   Xi    and    XII 

b.  Briefly  describe  the  best   recitation  observed 

7.     Note  one  or  two  things  trained  by  the  day's  visiting 

Hendricks  County  Schools.  53 

The  Corn  Contests  and  Agricultural  Work. 

I  bcc;iino  convinced  some  years  ago  that  tliere  existed  a  prejudice  against  the  farm 
among  coninion  school  and  high  school  graduates.  After  considerable  study  and  research 
and  some  experimenting,  I  decided  that  agriculture  in  our  schools  would  overcome  this 
prejudice  and  would  also  do  for  our  country  boys  what  manual  training  is  doing  for  our 
city  boys. 

The  work  being  done  in  other  States  and  other  countries  was  cspi.-ciall\  encouraging  to 
me.  The  elements  of  agriculture  and  domestic  science  are  being  taught  throughout  the 
length  and  breadth  of  Italy,  in  rural  schools.  The  people  heartily  support  the  movement. 
Thousands  of  small  tracts  of  land  (valued  at  over  1,000,000  lire)  have  been  donated  as 
school  gardens  and  experiment  fields.  The  present  minister  of  education  says :  "Agricul- 
ture now  succeeds  where  manual  training  failed,  because  the  people  are  interested."  The 
course  in  agriculture  is  further  adapted  to  local  needs.  Silk-culture  is  emphasized  in  one 
district,  stock  raising  in  another ;  the  vineyard  in  one  part,  the  olive  and  orange  in  another. 

In  France,  in  Germany,  in  Scandinavia,  agriculture  is  thoroughly  established,  the  people's 
high  schools  of  Norway  being  a  special  feature  in  that  country.  Even  old  Spain  is  waking 
up  and  is  now  planning  for  half  a  dozen  agricultural  colleges,  after  the  American  pattern, 
these  to  form  the  apex  of  a  system  that  shall  reach  downward  and  outward  to  the  district 

To  come  nearer  home,  what  is  being  done  in  our  own  country?  I  had  long  known  of 
the  Hampton  and  Tuskeegee  schools.  I  was  a  little  surprised  to  find  agriculture  established 
in  the  district  schools  of  Illinois,  Minnesota,  Wisconsin  and  Tennessee,  and  in  the  high 
schools  of  Vermont  and  Alabama.  I  was  pleased  to  find  the  movement  encouraged  by  such 
able  men  as  Dean  Russell  of  the  New  York  Teachers'  College,  and  the  late  President  Harper 
of  Chicago  University. 

Most  cduialors  now  agree  witii  Ihe  1905  National  Educational  Association  rci)ort  on 
Industrial  Education — "that  the  mastery  of  such  parts  of  this  rapidly  developing  body  of 
industrial  knowledge  as  is  within  the  capabilities  of  elementary  and  secondary  school  pupils, 
furnishes  a  mental  training  unsurpassed  in  extent  and  quality  by  the  mastery  of  any  other 
body  of  knowledge  now  regarded  as  essential  in  our  common  school  courses  and  requiring 
an  equal  amount  of  time;  and  that  for  utility  value  it  is  not  equalled  by  any  other  body 
of  knowledge  at  present  acquired  through  the  expenditure  of  the  same  amount  of  time  and 

Agriculture  is  a  regular  part  of  the  high  school  course  of  study  since  the  last  legisla- 
ture passed  a  law  to  that  effect.  The  corn  shows  and  Purdue  excursions  of  tiie  last  three 
years  in  this  county  have  at  least  put  all  of  us  in  a  favoral)le  attitude  toward  this  work, 
and  have  emphasized  the  common  interests  of  the  farmers  and  the  schools. 

The  bulletin  and  views  following  tell  their  own  stories  of  effort  antl  progress. 


CoKN   Crowing  and   Siii.iiCTiON   CoNiKsr. 

I.  This  contest  is  open  to  any  school  pupil  in  the  county  (common  school  or  high 
)ol  pupil)  who  is  regularly  enrolled  and  doing  creditable  work.  I-'.ach  pupil  entering 
it  present  a  statement  from  his  teacher  certifying  that  the  above  conditions  are  fully  com- 
:1  with. 




2.  All  c<M-n  must  be  grown  upon  land  owned  or  Icabcd  by  the  pupil's  father.  No  land 
must  be  leased  especially  for  this  purpose. 

3.  Enough  pure  seed  corn  will  be  furnished  each  pupil  (or  the  pupils  of  one  family) 
to  plant  one  acre  of  corn.  But  if  pupils  prefer  they  may  pri)cure  their  own  seed.  Appli- 
cation for  seed  should  reach  the  county  superintendent  by   April   i. 

4.  Where  there  are  two  or  ukkc  pupils  in  one  family,  who  enter  this  contest,  tlu-y 
may  plant  just  one  acre  and  work  together  in  growing  the  corn. 

5.  Each  pupil  who  receives  seed  for  this  contest  must  exhibit  twenty  ears  in  the  corn 
siiow  at  Danville,  December  7,  1907. 

0.  'Ihe  corn  exhibited  at  the  corn  show  will  become  the  property  of  the  Trustees"  .As- 
sociation, and  may  be  sold  at  auction  or  otherwise  used  in  the  interests  of  corn  work  in  the 

7.  Boys  who  enter  this  contest  will  be  expected  to  do  their  own  work  of  grcnving  :ni 
acre  of  corn.  Girls  will  only  l)e  required  to  supervise  the  growing  of  the  corn.  Neither 
boys  nor  girls  will  be  allowed  to  receive  help  in  selecting  the  twenty  ears  for  the  corn  show. 

8.  All  entering  this  contest  must  make  a  special  study  of  the  corn  plant,  and  submit 
a  record  of  how  the  corn  was  grown. 

9.  The  contest  will  be  decided  according  to  the  following  conditions,  making  100  points 
in  all:  40  points  on  yield,  standard  being  80  bushels  or  more  per  acre;  50  points  for  tlie 
score  of  the  twenty  ears  entered  in  the  corn  show;   10  points  on  record  of  how  grown. 

10.  In  each  township  the  township  trustee  and  the  vice-president  of  the  farmers'  m- 
stitute  will  act  as  a  connuittee  to  determine  the  yield,  70  lbs.  being  considered  as  a  bushel. 

11.  All  entries  in  the  corn  show  should  be  in  Wilhite's  jewelry  store  or  the  county 
superintendent's  office  by  December  2,  but  entries  will  be  received  up  to  6:00  p.  nv,  Decem- 
ber 6,  1907. 

12.  The  prizes  are  as  follows:  ist  prize,  $20.00  cash;  2d  prize,  $10.00  cash,  jd  prize, 
$5.00  cash  or  equivalent ;  4th  prize,  $3.50  cash  or  equivalent ;  5th  prize,  $2.00  cash  or  equiv- 
alent;  next  ten  prizes,  $1.00  each,  cash  or  equivalent. 

Remarks:  If  it  becomes  necessary  to  limit  the  number  of  entries,  an  effort  will  be 
made  to  e(|ualizi'  the  numlier  in  each  township.  Teachers  having  jjupiis  desiring  to  enter, 
should  send  in  tiie  nanus  and  addresses  at  once,  so  that  arrangements  ma>  l)e  nnde  for 
enough  seed  corn. 

The  acre  selected  for  growing  the  corn  should  be  clover  sod,  separated  by  several  rods 
from  any  other  corn.  The  soil  should  be  fertile  and  well  drained.  A  moderately  heavy  coat 
of  barnyard  manure  should  be  spread  over  the  ground  and  tlisced  in  before  the  ground  is 
broken.  After  the  ground  has  been  broken  it  should  be  disced  and  cross-disced  and  har- 
rowed until  the  soil  is  thort)Ughly  pulverized.  A  thin  coat  of  barn-yard  manure  may  be 
applied  after  breaking  and  before  discing.  If  a  commercial  fertilizer  is  used  it  should  be 
drilled  in  with  a  large  wheat  drill  just  before  planting.  After  planting,  the  ground  should 
be  regularly  cultivated  each  week  and  after  every  rain  even  if  there  arc  no  weeds.  Culti- 
vation should  be   shallow  and  may  continue  with  profit  even  into  August. 

As  soon  as  the  tassels  appear  they  should  be  removed  from  all  barren,  weak  and 
smutted  stalks.  Your  seed  for  next  year  should  be  selected  between  October  10  and  Oc- 
tober 15,  and  should  be  preserved  according  to  Circular  No.  2  from  Purdue. 

References:     (l'>ee  for  the  asking  as  long  as  the  supply  lasts.) 

1.  Earmers'    lUdletin   No.    19'.),   Washington,   D.    C. 

2.  b'arniers'   Bulletin    No.  272,   Washington,  D.   C. 

3.  I'armers'    lUilietin   No.     81,  Washington,   1).   C. 

4.  Bulletin   No.   110,   Purdue    University. 

5.  Bulletin    No.   82,   University   of    Illinois,   Urbana,    111. 

().     r.ulletin  No.  ^^  (April,  1904),  Iowa  Agricultural  College,  .Ames.   la. 
7.     The    Kansas  Corn   I'lonk,   Stale    liorird  of   Agriculture,    TopeUa,   Kansas. 

Hkndkicks   Cdunty   ScHdoi.s.  55 

Corn  Scoring  Contest. 

1.  Open  to  common  school  pupils  (holow  the  high  school)  who  are  regularly  enrolled 
and  doing  creditable  work,  as  shown  by  llie  teacher's  certilVcate. 

2.  Prizes  will   be  announced  later. 

3.  The  folhnving  questit)ns  must  be  answered  !)}■  competitnrs  in  the  corn  scoring  con- 
test and  will  count  ten  points. 

(i.)     When  should  seed  corn  be  gathered  and  how? 

(2.)      How  should  it  be  kept  through  the  winter? 

(3.)      How  should   seed  be  tested  before  planting? 

(4.)     What  is  the  purpose  of  cultivation  wdien  corn  is  not  weedy? 

(5.)      Slumld  cultivation  be  deeii  or  shallow?     Why? 

(6.)      What  per  cent,  of  the  food  valui.-  of  corn  is  in  the  ear?     In  tho  fodder? 

(7.)      Wiiat   feeds  go  well   with  corn   to  make  a  balanced  ration   in   feeiiing   hogs 

or   cattle? 
(S. )      How  should  corn  land  be  handled  to  maintain  its  fertility? 
((). )      I'^xplain   the  corn  breetling  plot,  why  certain   rows  are   detassclled,  and   the 
seed   used   in   ilelasselleil    rows. 
(10.)      Tfi   your   name   on   the   mailing  list   of  the   Purdue  station? 
1  heso  questions  may  seem  a  little  dilVuult,  hut  after  reading   lUdletin   No.   no  on  "Corn 
Improvement"   from   Purdue,  you  should   answer  any  of  them. 

Whe.xt  Bke.m)  Contest. 

1.  Open  to  any  common  school  pupil  (below  the  high  school)  who  is  regularly  en- 
rolled and  doing  creditable  work,   as   shown   by  the  teacher's  certilicate. 

2.  An  entry  will  consist  of  one  loaf.  The  dough  should  weigh  one  pound,  and  should 
be  baked  in  a  single  pan,  4  in.  x  4  in.  x  J^  in. 

3.  See  b'armer's  liulletin  No.  112.  from  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

Corn  Score  Card — Truciiess  to  t>pe,  10;  shape  of  ears,  5;  color  of  grain  anil  cob,  10; 
vitality,  10;  tips  of  ears,  5;  butts  of  ears,  5;  kernel  uniformity,  10;  kernal  shape,  10;  length 
of  ears,  5;  circumference  of  ears,  5;  spaces  between  rows  and  kernels,  10;  proport  on  of 
corn,  15.     Total  100. 

Wheat  l?read  Score  Card — Flavor — nutty,  35.  Texture — even,  elastic,  but  breaking 
readily,  25.  Lightness — pores  medium,  uniform,  15.  Color  inside — creamy  white,  5,  Crust 
— color,  tliicknos.  texture,  10.  Si/e  and  sh.ipe — medium,  symmetrical,  5.  .Moisture — not 
dry,  not  sad,  5.     Total   100. 

RiceoKi)  OF  Corn   Crowing. 

1.  Name   and   address Age 


2.  Was  seed  tested   before  planting  and   how  ? 

3.  Source  of  seed   and   how   handled    from  gathering  to   planting   time? 

4.  Dimensions  of   jilat   in    feet 

5.  Character   of   soil 

6.  Ch.iracter   of    sub-soil 

7.  I  )rainage    

8.  Crop  grown  on   land   in    io<M ,   1905 i(;o'') 

9.  Manure  used   in    1904, ,    k^o.t ,    I'jo'i 

ID.     Manures   or    fertilizers   used    in    KJ07 

11.  Dale   of    breaking    ground 

12.  De[)lh   of  brval<iug    



Preparation   f»f   j^roiiiul   hcfoic   planting 

Date  of  plantini,' 

Variety    of    corn 


Any  replanting?    

Distance   between    rows    

Distance  between  hills    

Distance   apart,   if  drilled 

Date  of  cultivation — ist 2d 

4th ,  5th ;   Any  more  times. 

21.  Depth   of   cultivation   each   time  and   reason 

22.  Any  special   cultivation  or  work 

23.  Were   alternate    rows   detasselled  ? 

Were  weak,  barren  and  smutted  stalks  detasselled? 


Average  No.  of  stalks  per  hill 

Have  you  saved   seed  corn   for  next  year? 






NoTK. — The  school  excursion  to  Purdue  University  was  a  success  last  year  and  the  de- 
mand is  so  great  that  it  will,  of  course,  be  run  next  summer.  Special  amiouncement  will 
be  made  in  due  time,  but  the  date  will  be  about  the  last  of  August. 

RuFus  Wkight,         I  c       •  1  /- 

'        '  Special  Committee. 
Nathan  1  ucker,    ) 

A.   K.   Gilbert,   Pros.    Trustees'   Association. 

G.  M.  Wilson,  County  Superintendent. 

March  12,  1907. 

First  uiul'Thinl  I'ri/es  in  Hi-iiilriil;.-i  Comity  Clorii  (Contest,  DfcciulitT  it,  I'.io-"),  diaili-  I'lipild 


■iv •!■'■'..  ■>>!>■••;  I 

lOriirsl  'I'liomp'-ciii  iiikI  his  corn,  lli'sl    pii/c  wliiiici-  In   lUOO. 

Hendricks  County  School  Excursion  to  Purdue  University.    Bo;irdinf<  tlie 
Cars  for  Trip  to  liattleRrouud,  lUiHi. 

Ilciiiirloks  (U)unty  Hcliool   Kxeurslim   in  I'urdut;  liiiiver.Hity.    'I'lu;  l.iidles  "f 
Ihf   I'lirly   VlsltluK  HoiilfHtlf  ScitMic.'   Iliill,   ll'OH. 

IIknukicks   County   Schools.  6i 

The   corn    selection   contest    lias   been   the   chief   contest,   and    the   winners    for   the   past 
three  years  have  been,  in  order: 

1905 — Russell  Griffith  of  jMiiklle, 

Ernest  Thompson  of  Center, 
Russell  INIartin  of  Eel  River, 
Russell  Wills  of  Middle, 
Alta  Schenck  of  Middle, 
INlarie  Ousler  of  Clay, 
Chauncy  Phillips  of  Clay, 
Homer  Walls  of  Washington. 
1906 — Ernest  Thompson  of  Center, 
Hubert  Wear  of  Washington, 
Anna  Kcllum  of  Guilford, 
Corbett  Warren  of  IMiddle, 
Russell  Griffith  of  Middle, 
Urban  Greenlee  of  Marion, 
Herman  GritT^th  of  Middle, 
Horace  Parsons  of  Guilford, 
Chester  Walton  of  Marion. 
1907 — Harter  Greenlee  of  Marion, 
Worth  M  Buis  of  Franklin, 
Ena  Masten  of  Clay, 
Corliss  Ewing  of  Marion, 
Eddie  Blair,  Jr.,  of  Washington, 
Tom  Thompson  of  Libert)', 
Albert  Ramsey  of  Washington, 
Willie  Mcrritt  of  Washington, 
Harold  Walter  of  Union, 
Oscar  Bradford  of  Wasiiington, 
James  Wilson  of  Washington, 
Lester  McClain  of  Washington, 
James  Dinigan  of  Union. 
Floyd  Crews  of  Marion, 
Urban   Gri'(  nice  of   Marion. 

Tiiosc  contribr.ting  tinancial  support  to  the  1907  corn  contest  were:  From  .\von,  Smith 
and  iMigleman  :  from  Danville.  Iwrst  National  Bank,  Danville  State  Bank,  Joe  Hess.  C.  L. 
Thompson,  E.  M.  Williitc.  Reed  P.ros.,  James  McConn.  PL  H.  Mills,  Osborne  Hardware 
Co.,  Rcichard  &  Son,  Snyder  and  Newman,  A.  G.  Prentice,  Pierson  Bros.,  Swartz  Depart- 
ment Store,  ILulan  Ibos.,  C.  E.  Edwards.  Christie  Bros.,  C.  O.  Haines,  The  Indianapolis 
News,  Danville  Cash  Store,  Jasper  Tl'.ompson,  and  Shirley.  Showalter  &  Co. 

S  -  3 

?i    -^    a  -Z 























M    3 

C      9   -  -^ 

a,  5    a  >-  : 

M  if!    y.  j  a 

2  *!  y  i  5 

a^  -o    =  o  3 

-O  .c  -■''  -  y* 

s  s  **  ii  9 

2  S  o  ;^  S 

0,  -      .  ti  -• 

-S  -2  -  2  t3 

5  ^  ■  n  " 

S3  3-2  3 


IJiiiiuproved  and  Improved.     Which  Will  You  Raise? 
(From  (iiiin's  Af^rii-iilture  fur  IJegiiiners.) 

The  lust  few  years  have  witnessed  wonderful  iniprovein.iit  and  progress  on  the 
farm  The  farmer  owes  it  to  his  ehildren  to  demand  the  same  imi)rovemenl  and 
])ro;,'ress  in   the   sehonl. 

Improvement  of  Corn  by  Selection.    Boone  <;ounty  White  on  left  and  oii«inal  type 

from  whleh   It  was  develojied. 

(Krom  (iinn's  AKrieiilture  fi>r  HcKinners.) 

The  above  apiiK-s  were  not  sprayed  niul  tlio  result  i:=  plainly  visible. 
^Kindiii'ss  I'luvliic  I'liivcrsity.) 

These  apples  were  sprayed  tliree  times  at   intervals  u(  tea   days,    hc^rinninj,'  just  after  the 
blossoms  fell.     At  tweniy  eents  a  tree  It  was  a  jiayinn  pnipusition. 

(Kindness  I'nnlue  l'nlv«i>ily .) 

(Children,  likewise,  respond  lo  ^.'ood  ireatmenl.  <'an  we  alTord  to  do  lesB  for  tliem 
than  the  best  that  we  know?  I'an  we  alTord  lo  dwarf  tlic  ruture  manhoud  and  womanhood 
of  our  eommiinity  V     No.     'I  lie   hesl  is  none  too  ^ood  for  ouu  children. 

.-t   T* 

I  jfr 

s    3 

£  5 

a'  1- 

66  Manual 

Improved  Buildings  and  Consolidation  of  Schools^ 

No  trustee  in  this  count}'  has  made  much  of  an  effort  to  consolidate  his  schools.  The 
rule  has  been  to  aliandon  any  school  where  the  average  daily  attendance  has  fallen  below 
12,  and  to  abandon  other  schools  only  on  petition  of  the  patrons. 

Consolidation  is  coming  gradually,  however,  because  of  the  better  instruction  and  su- 
perior eiiuipnicnt  possible  in  a  graded  school,  'i  here  is  a  great  saving  in  money  also.  School- 
ing will  Cost  as  nnich  as  $50  per  pupil  this  year  in  several  of  our  small  country  schools.  The 
cost  in  graded  schools   rarely  exceeds  $10  or  $12  per  pupil. 

LaGrange  County  (this  State)  his  14  schools  receiving  428  conveyed  pupils.  Thirtv- 
eight  schools  have  been  abandoned.  Last  year  the  county  saved  $12,911.60  in  teachers'  sal- 
aries, fuel  and  repairs.  The  increased  expenditure  for  wagons  and  transportation  was 
$6,176.86,  or  a  net  saving  of  $6,734.74.  The  people  are  well  satisfied  and  do  not  desire  a 
return  to  the  "old  way." 

There  are  20  school  wagons  in  Hendricks  County.  Experience  has  shown  and  the  law 
now  provides  that  the  trustee  should  enter  into  a  written  contract  with  the  driver  of  a 
school  wagon,  specifying  the  route,  recpiiring  reasonable  speed  and  safety,  requiring  that 
pupils  shall  be  delivered  at  the  school  house  not  more  than  20  nor  less  than  10  minutes  be- 
fore the  beginning  of  school,  prohibiting  profane  or  obscene  language,  boisterous  conduct, 
or  the  use  of  tobacctj ;  and  specifjing  other  requirements.  The  driver  should  give  bond  to 
guarantee  the  full  performance  of  his  duties. 

Peoiile  are  gradually  demanding  consolidation  as  they  realize  that  it  is  belter  and 

The  University  of  Illinois  has  recently  made  an  exhaustive  study  of  the  consolidation 
of  country  schools  in  Illinois.  The  conditions  in  this  state  and  in  our  comity  are  very 
similar,  although  a  little  better  on  the  whole,  and  so  the  conclusions  of  the  Illinois  report 
are  given  herewith.    Study  them  carefully. 


Whatever  dilTerence  of  opinion  may  exist,  those  who  have  studied  it  must  agree  upon 
the  following  points  : 

1.  i  bat  many  country  school  districts  are  so  small  and  weak  that  no  school  is  con- 

2.  That  many  others  consist  of  i>ut  three  or  four  pui)ils  and  the  expense  for  elementary 
schooling  fre(|ueiitly  rises  to  more  thrm  $100.00  per  i)upil,  which  is  higher  than  the  tuition 
for  collegiate  instruction. 

3.  That  at  least  one-third  of  the  country  schools  are  too  small  to  be  even  fairly  suc- 

4.  That  when  the  school  is  of  fair  size,  consisting  of  many  classes  of  a  few  each,  with 
but  one  teacher  to  do  the  work,  the  time  is  frittered  away  in  a  large  number  of  short  recita- 
tions, often  but  five  minutes  each. 

5.  That  fully  one-third  of  all  the  teachers  have  had  less  than  one  year's  experience  and 
never  even  saw  a  really  good  school. 

6.  That  the  best  teachers  are  taken  for  the  graded  schools,  and  that  of  those  available 
for  count ry  schools,  from  fifty  to  seventy-five  per  cent,  are  "young  girls"  who  have  had 
no  more  (r.iining  than  is  given  in  the  school   they  are  to  attempt  to  teach. 

7.  '1  hat  when  schools  are  est.iblished  within  walking  distances  of  each  other,  the  above 
mentioned  conditions  are  certain  to  follow,  and  that  tlie  only  way  ever  tried  or  even  proposed 
by  which  these  schools  can  be  made  effective  is  to  combine  them  into  small  numbers  with 
fewer  and  better  teachers  whose   work   can   then  be  better   di\i(le<l   and   belter   supervised. 

8.  That  as  conditions  exist   today  little  children   walk   long  distances   :ind   suffer   much 





Coiist)litlated  Grade  Building  at  Hadley. 

Kloor  IMuii,  Hadley  Building. 

This  Inexpensive  buildtnt^  is  eiimil  to  the  fina  buildings  at  Amo  and  Clayton,  in 
UghtinR,  heatlnj?,  ventilation,  and  all  essentials  of  school  arcliitccturt'.  Tlie  best 
is  within  the  reach  of  all  and  is  none  too  Kood  for  ouk  chlhlrcn. 


The  picture  at  the  top  shows  a  survival  of  the  past,  still  used  as  a  home  in  Heiulrleks 
County.  The  bottom  pieture  shows  the  palacial  residence  of  County  (V)nimlssioner  K.  M. 
Murphy,  on  his  farm  in  Kel   Kiver  'J'ownshi]). 

Tliere  is  as  itiiich  dilTcrcncc  lielween  some  of  lhi>  ulil  and  ni'W  sehool  houses  of  the 
eounty.  Can  we  afford  to  train  our  children  for  lieg^ary  liy  sending  them  to  old  shaeks  of 
school  houses?    The  people  arc  answeriuf;  "no,"  l)y  jjuttiiif^  u\i  inoilern  l)iiildinKs. 



.  'iJMBb'.-jcjrrg.Tii  n.  .',iJLilft¥ '. 

IIknukicks   Oa'NTv   SiiKini.s.  C<) 

clisconiforl  and  ill-healtli  by  roasoii  i)f  exposure  to  storms  ami  from  sitting  all  day  uitii 
wet  feet  ami  damp  clothing  after  wading  snow  drifts,  slush,  and  mud  on  the  way  to  school. 
This  is  especially  true  of  young  girls. 

g.  That  the  only  humane  way  of  putting  children  of  all  ages  and  conditions  into 
school  through  all  kinds  of  weather  is  to  transport  them  in  wagons  that  are  covered,  and, 
when  necessary,  warmed. 

10.  That  consolidation  and  transportation  tend  greatly  to  lessen  expense  so  that  the 
same  grade  of  schools  can  be  had  much  cheaper,  or  a  far  better  grade  at  the  sanie  expense, 
as  patrons  may  desire,  or,  if  they  please,  a  full  equivalent  of  the  best  city  schools  may  be 
established  and  conducted  at  slightly  greater  cost  than  heretofore  and  at  a  much  lower 
rate  than  in  the  city. 

11.  That  as  things  are  today  without  consolidation,  country  people  not  only  pay  more 
for  elementary  instruction  alone  than  city  schools  cost,  including  the  high  school  course, 
but,  in  addition,  farmers  pay  out  vast  sums  for  tuition  and  other  expenses  of  their  older 
children   attending  city  schools   for  what  is  not  offered   at  home. 

12.  That  though  enormously  expensive,  these  schools  are  not  eflfective,  necessitating 
large  additional  outlay  in  sending  the  older  children  to  the  city  schools  at  excessive  cost  and 
with  nuK-h  inconvenience  because  done  entirely  as  private  enterprise  and  at  personal  cost. 

i,v  That  this  contlition  often  results  in  the  whole  family  "moving  to  town  to  educate 
the  children"  to  the  damage  of  the  school  left  behind,  to  the  disadvantage  of  the  business, 
at  the  expense  of  breaking  up  the  old  home  and  at  the  risk  of  giving  the  family  false  ideas 
of  both  city  and  country  life. 

14.  That  the  only  proper  way  to  educate  a  child  up  to  and  including  the  high  school 
is  to  do  it  without  disturbing  his  home  or  taking  him  out  of  it,  and  that  the  country  child  is 
entitled  to  as  good  an  education  as  the  city  child  and  at  no  more  risk  or  inconvenience  to 
him  or  his  family. 

15.  That  it  is  not  necessary  to  consolidate  about  a  village  school,  but  that  wherever 
it  is  done  the  result  should  be  a  country  and  not  a  city  school." 

16.  That  consolidation  is  the  only  way  of  securing  really  good  country  schools,  and  it 
is  the  only  means  of  introducing  the  study  of  agriculture  generally  into  the  public  schools. 

17.  No  one  can  avoid  the  conclusion  that  the  objections  offered  in  advance  of  trial 
arc  mostly  either  fanciful  or  sellish ;  that  they  are  not  realized  in  practice;  that  consoli- 
dation is  the  only  plan  tried  or  proposed  by  which  the  country  child  can  secure  such  an 
education  as  modern  conditions  demand,  and  such  as  is  already  afforded  the  city  child. 

iS.  It  lessens  the  expense  and  equalizes  the  cost;  it  protects  the  health  and  morals  of 
the  child  and  makes  the  introduction  of  agriculture  and  the  other  industries  possible;  it 
enhances  the  value  of  farm  property  as  a  whole;  it  brightens  and  broadens  country  life;  it 
preserves  ils  virility  unimpaired  and  rationalizes  the  movement  toward  population  centers. 
Such  difficulties  as  are  found  are  trivial  or  transient,  or  both,  and  are  such  as  would  not 
stand  in  the  way  of  any  commercial  enterprise  for  a  moment. 

19.  Consolidation  of  country  schools  is  the  solution  of  the  problem  of  agricultural  edu- 
cation  and  it  is  the  only  complete  solution  that  has  been  offered. 

Ihe  following  statistics  prepared  in  ]3ecember,  1907,  indicate  the  progress  of  consolida- 
tion in  Hendricks  County: 

1.  Aban(K)ned  .schools   in  countv 22 

2.  Schools    abandoned    this   year 4 

,r     Nundier  of   consolidated    schools 12 

4.  Nund)er  of  wagons 20 

5.  Pupils  transported   in   wagons ^jj 

6.  Total   cost  per   day $38.10 

7.  Cost  per  pupil   per   day r lo^c 

8.  1  ransported   by  cars   and   buggies  at    township   exi)ense 5S 

0.     'I  olal    Iransported    at    townsliip    expense 4_>i) 

tioiN<i  FitojM  Sciiooi.— riiK  oi.i)  Way 
U''ii>in  Kern's  ('ountry  Scliools.) 

Going  Home  Kkom  Sciiooi.— Tire  New  Way. 

"Consolidation  of  country  schools  is  tlie  solution  of  the  pn>blcni  of  rural  and 
agricultural  education,  and  it  is  the  only  eouiijlete  SDlutioii  that  lias  been  otl'ered." 
The  best  is  none  too  good  for  ouk  children. 

Si.'H(K)l.  Nu.  3,  MAKION  TOWNSHll',  l'JOO-7. 

It  cost  the  township  $45. (iu   pei^  pupil  to  run  tliis  .-^chool  last  year,  and  on  account 
of  the  small  numbers  and  poor  conditions   it  was  not  a  nood  school  at  that  price. 

4)   _ 

■a  -3. 

tC   P. 

a;     •=  >. 

c    c  i 


Hknukicks   Cchniv   Schools.  73 

Parents  and  the  Schools* 

The  parents  of  a  community  may  often  make  or  mar  the  success  of  a  school  by  their 
attitude  toward  tlie  teacher  and  his  purposes.  It  is  the  sincere  desire  of  school  officials  and 
teachers  that  a  school  in  any  community  may  do  its  full  measure  of  service  in  bringing  its 
boys  and  girls  to  their  highest  possibilities  of  intelligent  and  useful  citizenship.  But  no 
school  can  do  its  best  service  without  the  hearty  co-operation  and  support  of  the  parents. 

The  following,  clipped  from  the  manual  of  one  of  Indiana's  leading  school  systems,  is 
so  pertinent  that  it  is  given  space  here  in  the  hope  that  it  may  suggest  to  the  parents 
some  ways  in  which  tiiey  may  co-operate  and  help  in  the  work  of  the  schools: 

1.  Get  acquainted  with  the  teacher  of  your  child. 

2.  Be  free  to  talk  to  the  teacher  about  the  traits,  characteristics,  etc.,  of  your  child. 
The  better  the  teacher  understands  \our  child  the  better  she  will  be  able  to  teach  it. 

3.  Visit  the  school  room  in  which  your  child  is  at  work  just  as  often  as  you  conven- 
iently can. 

4.  If  your  child  is  corrected  do  not  berate  the  teacher  and  say  all  manner  of  things 
about  her.  Remember  there  is  also  the  teacher's  side  to  the  case  which  your  child  may  not 
understand.  Never  say  anything  unkind  about  the  teacher  in  the  presence  of  your  child — 
you  harm  your  child  more  than  you  do  the  teacher  every  time  you  do  so. 

5.  Observe  good  training  and  discipline  in  your  own  home.  A  child  that  is  well  dis- 
ciplined and  well  trained  at  honie  rarely  needs  being  corrected  at  school.  It  is  too  often 
the  case  that  the  scliools  have  to  do  the  things  that  should  have  been  done  at  home.  Our 
schools  are  not  reformatories.  They  have  to  do  with  the  FORM.\TION  of  the  pupil,  not 
with  his  reformation.  Parental  authorities  and  responsibilities  do  not  cease  when  the  chil- 
dren are  sent  to  school.  ■"The  confession  of  many  parents  who  bring  their  children  to  our 
schools  and  ask  liie  teachers  to  take  charge  of  them  because  they  can  do  nothing  with  them, 
is  a  sad  comment  on  the  parental  authority  in  those  homes  from  which  the  children  come. 
If  the  children  are  beyond  the  control  of  parents,  what  may  be  expected  from  the  teacher, 
whose  authority  over  the  children   is  certainly  less   than  that  of  the  parents?" 

6.  See  to  il  that  your  child  always  gets  to  school  on  time.  There  is  no  better  lesson 
that  the  school   child  can   learn  than  the  lesson  of  punctuality. 

7.  Sec  to  it  that  your  child  is  regular  in  attendance.  Irregularity  in  attendance,  or 
absence  for  frivolous  reasons,  interferes  most  seriously  with  the  advancement  of  the  pupil. 

8.  See  to  it  that  your  child  makes  good  progress  and  does  satisfactory  work.  Encour- 
age him  to  take  an  interest  in  his  work.  See  to  it  that  you  know  what  your  boy  is  doing 
and  where  he  spends  his  lime  when  he  is  not  at  home. 

9.  Comply  cheerfull>-  with  all  the  recjuests  of  your  child's  teacher  as  well  as  those  of 
the  trustee  and  superintendent. 

10.  The  schools  are  not  working  your  children  to  death.  Much  of  the  fear  that  the 
public  schools  are  making  "nervous  wrecks"  of  pupils  has  foundation  only  in  the  imagination 
of  parents  ignorant  of  the  real  work  of  the  schools.  Late  hours,  social  dissipation,  unnutri- 
tious  food,  improper  clothing  and  other  similar  causes  produce  by  far  most  of  the  nervous- 
ness among  i)upils  and  lack  of  ability  to  keeji  u])  with  the  reasonable  demands  of  the  school. 
The  aver;ige  public  school  room  is  a  place  of  comfort  and  hai)])iness  where  the  children  are 
kept  busy  with  t.isks  that  are  wholesome  and  interesting.  .Serious  work  is  necessary  to 
the  normal  develoi)ment  of  the  cliild  and  the  proper  training  for  industry  and  right  livmg. 
Play  also  is  essential  :nid  both  work  and  play  have  their  i)lace  and  receix  e  tlieir  duo  attention 
in  the  modern  school.  A  visit  to  the  nearest  school  will  dispel  nian\  of  the  criticisms  that 
arise  in  the  minds  of  parents. 


aJ     2 

ITkndkicks  County  Schools.  75 

Hendricks  County  at  the  State  Teachers^  Association^ 

The  attoiiclancc  of  teachers  at  educational  meetings  is  a  fair  index  of  their  earnestness 
and  entliusiasm,  and,  therefore,  a  fair  index  of  the  educational  progress  of  the  county 
which  they  represent.     Notice  the  steady  advance  of  our  county  according  to  this  standard: 

1903. — Attendance  20,  rank  19th. 

1904. — Attendance  64,  rank  3d. 

1905. — Attendance  102,  rank  2d. 

1906. — Attendance  175.  rank  ist. 

I  am  willing  that  the  teachers  and  principals  shall  have  entire  credit  for  this  splendid 
showing.  We  all  pulled  together,  'lickels  were  secured  in  advance  and  distrihnled  through 
the  principals.  All  were  interested  and  wanted  to  go.  Our  many  connections  with  In- 
dianapolis enabled  all  to  go  last  year,  and  practically  every  teacher  was  present.  There  is 
no  doubt  that  the  inspiration  of  these  meetings  has  contributed  no  small  amount  to  the  In- 
crease of  the  excellence  of  our  school  work  in  all  of  its  departments  and  phases. 

December  26,  27,  28,  1907,  is  the  date  of  the  meeting  this  year.  Let  us  maintain  our 
standing  of  last  year.  Let  every  teacher  plan  to  attend.  /\rrangemei.ts  are  already  made 
for  Dr.  Gunsaulus  and  President  Woodrcnv  Wilson.  Other  educational  leatlers  will  be 
present.     You  cannot  afford  to  miss  them. 

Schedule  of  Success  Items* 

I.     The  Teacher. 

.\.      [Vrsonality,  20  per   cent. 

1.  I'hysical  :      babils,    health,    industry,    abiliis     to    do    things,    neatness    of 


2.  Mental  :     hal)its,   disposition,  attitude  towards  children,  use  of  sarcasm, 

sincerity  of  purpose,  ability  to  meet  people,  pcjwer  to  take  the  initia- 
tive, moral  worth. 

B.  Scholarship,   15  per  cent. 

1.  Educational  advantages. 

2.  l^resent  attitude  as  a  student. 

a.     Lines  of   study. 

C.  Professional   Training,    10   per   cent. 

1.  In  school. 

2.  Through  experience. 

3.  1  hrough  individual   study. 

4       .\tliliide  to\v:ii(l   tile  calling. 

a.  I'reNvni    lines  of  i)rofessiona|  >tnilv. 

b.  .Attendaiiei'  at   I'llncalional   nieelings. 

IJ-  JL 

76  Manual 

L).     As  All  JiislnutDr,  jo  pir  ciiil. 

1.  Prc'i);iratii)ii. 

a.  lUforc  coming  to  class. 

b.  Assignments. 

c.  Skill   in  bringing  tbe  pupils  into  tbc   rigbt   conscious  attitude   for 

tbc  new    trutii   to  be  presented. 

2.  Presentation. 

a.  Knowledge  of  tbe  mind  of  tbe  pupil.' 

b.  Knowledge  of  tbe  matter  to  be  presented. 

c.  Knowledge  of  tbe  ways  of  presentation. 

d.  Skill  in  presentation. 

3.  Comparison. 

a.  Skill  in  keeping  tbe  minds  of  all  tbe  pupils  centered  on  tbe  new 
trutb  being  presented,  and  upon  tlieir  own  experience  tbat  will 
belp   tbem   interpret   at   tbe   same   time. 

4.  Generalization. 

a.  Skill  in  leading  pupils  to  draw  correct  conclusions  and  to  state 
tbem  well. 

5.  Application. 

a.  Skill  in  making  pupils  realize  tbe  new  trutb  as  tbeir  own. 
Ability  in  leading  pupils  to  discover  tbat  scbool  problems  are 
life  problems. 

E.  Govermiient,  20  per  cent. 

1.  Two  ways. 

a.     Tbrougb  tbe  conscious  use  of  rewards  and  punisbments. 
1).     Tbrougb  tbe  inspiration  of  personality. 

2.  Two  types  of  order. 

a.  Constrained,   unnatural   and   dead. 

b.  l'>ee,  natural   and   alive   witb   tbe  busy   bum   of  industry   tbat   ac- 

companies tbe  understanding  tbat  eacli  pupil  is  to  do  bis  work 
witbout   disturbing   bis   iieigbbors. 

F.  Conununity   Interest,   15  per  cent. 

1.  Sbown  by — 

a.  I'art  taken  in  tbe  plans  and  affairs  of  tbe  conununity. 

b.  Care  of  scbool  jjroperty. 

c.  Co-operation    witb    teacbers,    supervisors    and    scbool    officials,    in 

scbool   plans,  exbil)its,   reports,   etc. 

2.  Sbown  by — 

a.     Ability  to  send  conuiion  scbool  graduates  to  bigb  scbool. 
I).     Ability  to  send  bigb   scbool   pu[)ils  to  iiiglier   institutions. 


See  State  Course  of  Studx-  for  tbe  State  Superintendent's  explanation. 

•  Some  of  tbe  items  entering  into  tbe  teacber's  grade  on  success  cannot  be  definitely  meas- 
ured in  any  particular  case.  On  sucb  items,  tbe  county  suiierintendent  luust  rely  on  bis 
own  judgment.  I  sball  very  carefullv  and  conscientiously  enileavor  to  do  justice  to  eacb 

Otber  iteius  of  success  (amounting  in  all  to  some  /uv/f/.v-^^'i"  /><'/■  cent.)  can  be  defi- 
nitely measured  ;md  are  imder  llu-  ruiitroi  uf  eacb  teacher,  Stliolarshii^  means  four  years 
of  study   in   adxance   of   tlie   work    the   teacher   is   doing.      A    strict    application   of   this   rule 

I  Iknuuh  Ks   C'ni'NTv    Siiionis.  77 

will  bi'  waivid  in  favor  of  tlioso  who  aii-  atUiidinn  soliool  v.n.-h  spring  or  siimnu'r,  llKTchy 
attaining  tlic  staiulanl  as  rapidly  as  posMlilc.  I'rofi'ssidiuil  Irdiniii^  means  al  least  one  year 
spent  in  a  repntal)le  training  school  for  teachers.  Under  l"".i  live  per  cent,  will  be  taken  as 
referring  to  the  township  and  connty  institutes.  Mere  attendance  at  townsliip  institute  is 
not  sufticient.  A  teacher  is  paid  for  attending.  Her  presence  should  be  marked  by  a  zeal 
and  a  preparation  which  are  unmistakable.  The  same  may  be  said  of  attendance  at  the 
county  institute. 

The  changes  suggested  b\'  the  new  success  schedule  are  generally  accepted  as  good 
and  wholesome  for  the  profession.  I'.very  true  teacher  welcomes  a  change  which  betters 
her  and  exhalts  her  profession.  If  the  change  lowers  your  success  grade,  before  living  to 
the  county  superintendent  with  a  complaint,  examine  your  schedule  carefully  to  see  if  the 
items  which  are  lowered  come  under  your  control  entirely.  If  the  change  gives  you  a 
higher  success  grade,  you  will  rejoice  and  I  will  rejoice  with  you. 

I  may  add  that  higii  school  teachers  are  placed  in  a  class  by  themselves  when  I  make 
out  the  success  grades.  In  the  matter  of  scholarship,  careful  daily  preparation,  and  skill  in 
conducting"  a  recitation,  the  high  school  teaclurs  should  be  sui)erior  to  the  grade  teachers. 
In  some  cases  I  have  found  them  inferior,  and  have  graded  accortlingiy.  In  general,  how- 
ever, high  school  teachers  should  not  compare  their  grades  in  success  with  gr.ide  teachers, 
nor  compare  them  at  all  for  that  matter,  but  rather  take  them  as  an  honest,  sympathetic 
effort  on  my  part  to  indicate  where  improvement  is  needed. 

Important  Resolutions  of  Interest  to  Teachers^ 

"Rcsolz'cd  (by  the  trustees),  That  applicants  for  teachers'  licenses  who  do  not  re- 
ceive the  same  prior  to  or  on  the  July  examination,  be  not  further  considered  by  the 
trustees  in  placing  teachers." 

"Ri'soii'tii  (by  the  County  [V)ard  of  lulucation,  1904).  That  the  mininunu  wage  law 
of  Indiana  for  teachers,  approved  March  n,  1903,  be  changed  by  inserting  2],  2^  and  3 
cents  instead  of  2I,  2V  and  s\  cents,  respectively,  the  change  being  m.ide  in  favor  of  such 
teachers  only  as  have  had  four  years  of  high  school  work  or  an  equivalent,  and  one  year 
of  normal  school  training;  Provided,  That  this  resolution  shall  go  into  effect  after  the 
present  school  year  of  1903-4." 

'' Rt'soli'cd  (by  the  Farmers'  Institute.  1907),  That  we  conunend  the  corn  show,  the 
Purdue  excursion,  and  the  sentiment  of  our  high  school  teachers  in  favor  of  placing  agri- 
culture in  the  township  high  schools  as  a  regular  course  and  that  we  tender  the  services 
of  our  president  anil  vice-president  to  co-operate  with  the  township  trustees  and  county 
superintendent  in   furthering  any  of  these  ends." 

Compulsory  Education  Law* 

Section  i.  Be  it  enacted  by  the  (General  Assembly  of  the  State  of  Indiana,  That  every 
parent,  guardian,  or  other  person  in  the  State  of  Indiana,  having  control  or  charge  of  any 
child  or  children  between  the  ages  of  seven  (7)  and  fourteen  (14)  years,  inclusive,  shall  be 
reciuired  to  send  such  child  or  children  to  a  public,  private  or  parochial  school  or  to  two 
or  all  (more)  of  these  schools,  each  school  year,  for  a  term  or  period  not  less  than  that  ot 
the  public  schools  of  the  school   corporation  where  the  children   reside. 

Si:c.  2.  The  truant  officer  shall  see  that  the  provisions  of  this  act  arc  complied  with, 
and  when  from  knowledge  or  by  report  or  compl.iint  from  .any  resident  or  teacher 
of  the  township  under  his  supervision,  he  believes  th;it  any  child  subject  to  the  provisions 
of  this  act  is  hiihiliially  turdy  or  tihscnt  from  school,  he  shall  imniedi;itely  give  written 
notice  to  the  parent,  guardian,  or  custodian  of  such  child  the  ;ittend;nice  of  such  child 
at  school  is  re(|uired,  and  if,  wilbin  live  (5)  d.ays  such  i)arent,  gu.ardian  or  custodian  of  said 
child  docs  not  comply  with  the  i)rovisions  of 'this  section,  then  such  truant  officer  sli.all  make 
complaint  ag.'iinst  such  p.irent,  gn.irdian  or  custodian  of  such  child  in  any  court  of  record 
for  violation   of   the   provisions   of   ihis   .act;    I'rovidcd,    oidy   one    ni>tice    fihall    be   re- 

yH  .  Manual 

(liiirid  for  any  diic  child  in  any  one  year.  Any  sncli  parent,  Knardian  or  cnslodian  of  the 
cliild  who  shall  violate  the  provisions  of  this  act  shall  he  adjudged  guilty  of  a  misdemeanor, 
and  upon  conviction  thereof  shall  he  fined  in  any  sum  not  less  than  five  dollars  ($5.00)  nor 
more  than  twenty-live  dollars  ($25.00),  to  which  may  he  adiled,  in  the  discretion  of  the  court, 
imprisonment  in  the  county  jail  not  less  than  two.  nor  more  than  ninety  days. 

Six.  6.  If  any  parent,  guardian  or  custodian  of  any  child  or  children  is  too  poor  to 
furnish  such  child  or  children  with  the  necessary  books  and  clothing  with  which  to  attend 
school,  then  the  scliool-trustec  of  the  township,  or  the  hoard  of  school  trustees  or  com- 
missioners of  the  city  or  incorporated  town  where  such  parent,  guardian  or  custodian  re- 
sides shall  furnish  temporary  aid  for  such  purpose  to  such  ciiild  or  children. 

Sk(  .  8.  Any  child  who  absents  itself  from  school  hahilually  may  he  adjudged  a  con- 
firmed truant  by  the  truant  officer  and  superintendent  of  the  schools  of  the  county  or  city. 
Such  confirmed  truant  may  be  sentenced  by  the  judge  of  the  Circuit  Court  to  the  Reform 
School  for  Ho>s,  if  a  boy,  or  the  Industrial  School  for  Girls,  if  a  girl,  provided  its  age  is 
within  tile  limits  set  for  admission  to  such  institution.  If  deemed  advisable  by  said  judge, 
such  incorrigilile  child  or  children  may  he  sent  to  such  other  custodial  institution  within 
the  State  as  may  be  designated  by  liim. 

Ora  Bryant,  AIai)lewood,  Ind.,  is  the  county  truant  officer,  whose  duty  it  is  to  en- 
force this  law.  The  teacher  should  promptly  notify  the  truant  officer  of  any  infraction  ot 
the  law  in  his  school   district.     Cases  of  habitual  tardiness   should   be  reported. 

The  New  School  Laws* 

1.  Janitors. — The  trustee  must  now  provide  janitor  service  in  all  schools.  The  teacher 
is  relieved   from  the  responsibility  of  janitor   service. 

2.  Consolidcil'uni  and  TransJ^orlalioii. — A  school  must  be  discontinued  when  the  aver- 
age daily  attendance  for  the  year  goes  to  twelve  (12)  pupils  or  fewer,  and  may  be  dis- 
continued at  the  trustee's  discretion  when  the  average  attendance  goes  as  low  as  fifteen  (15) 
pupils  or  fewer. 

Transportation  must  be  furnished  to  all  pupils  of  a  iliscontinued  school  >vho  live  over 
two  miles  from  another  school,  (irovided,  that  pujiils  less  than  twelve  (12)  years  old  must 
be  transportaled   if  more  than   one  mile   from   a  school. 

3.  Slate  Aid. — The  State  will  aid  a  corporation  to  maintain  a  seven  months  school,  it 
the  corporation  has  a  forty   (40)   cent   tuition  levy. 

4.  Minimum  Wage  Law. — Teachers  with  experience  will  not  be  required  to  have  the 
high  school  and  professional  training  required  by  this  law. 

To  be  eligible  to  a  teachers'  examination  henceforth  an  inexperienced  applicant  must  be 
a  graduate  from  a  commissioned  high  school  or  its  equivalent  (or  must  have  successfully 
passed  the  high  school  examination,  such  as  will  be  held  in  February  and  April  in  1908),  and 
must  have  had  twelve  weeks  of  professional  training. 

The  daily  wage  is  found  by  multiplying  2\,  3,  or  3J  cents  by  the  general  average.  (See 
Acts  of  1907,  p.  146.) 

5.^  Ii.remplii)ii  far  Bcf^inners. — It  is  now  possible  for  a  graduate  of  a  commissioned  or 
a  certified  high  school  to  begin  to  teach  ivithont  an  examination  for  a  teacher's  license.  He 
may  attend  a  normal  school  for  two  years  and  thereby  secure  a  permit  to  teach  for  three 
years  in  district  and  village  schools.  At  the  end  of  the  three  years,  he  may  have  completed 
the  work  for  a  State  Normal  diploma  by  attending  the  Normal  in  the  spring  and  summer, 
and  then  he  will  be  forever  exempt  from  examination.     (See  Acts  of  1907.  p.  452.) 


Life  State — one. 

Sixty  monllis— six. 

Exemptions  account  of  State  Normal   diploma — eight. 

F.xcmptions  under   law   of   iS8()  -seven. 

Thirty-six   months — eighteen. 

Twenty-four  months — fifty-fivc. 

Twelve  months-  seventy-six. 

Six   months — six. 

I  Ir.r.PKUKS  Ctii'NTv   Sell  ('(U.S.  T} 

In  Conclusion* 

The  (.'ciucatiDiial  creed  of  tlie  prestiit  school  managenient  ma}-  be  briefly  state(.l  as  follows: 

Country  boys  and  tiii'ls  are  fully  ecjual  to  the  best  city 
boys  and  girls  in  natural  al)ility  and  educational  possi- 
bilities ;  they  are.  therefore,  entitled  to  equal  advantages. 
'I  hi>  means  progressive  teachers,  modern  eciuipment, 
graiied  schools,  and  a  diversified  course  of  study. 

It  will  be  iielpful  in  the  ligiil  of  this  creed  to  bring  together  the  tlneads  of  our  <tory, 
luaUing  a  i)rief  statement  of  the  work  of  the  last  four  \ears,  the  present  w(jrk,  and  the 
plans  for  the  future. 

The  high  school  course  of  study  has  been  extended  to  four  j-ears  throughout  the  county, 
and  diplomas  are  not  given  for  a  shorter  course.  Formerl\'  two  and  three  \ears  was  the 
rule,  except  that  the  course  was  extended  at  North  Salem  in  u)02.  Four  township  high 
schools  ha\e  been  conuuissioned  by  the  State  Board  of  Kducation.  And,  on  Jan.  16,  190S, 
Lizton  and  lirt)wnsburg  were  placed  in  the  list  of  certified  high  schools,  b\-  the  State  Board 
of   Education. 

Five  modern  buildings  have  been  erected  at  Amo,  Nortii  Salem,  Lizton,  Iladlcy  and 
Clayton,  and   a  new   high  school   building  is  nearing  completion   at   Plainlield. 

Agricultural  education  has  been  somewhat  emphasized  through  the  corn  shows,  the 
Purdue  excursions,  .igricultural  work  in  tlie  grades,  until  finally  agriculture  has  been  made 
a  regular  subject  in  the  high   school  course  of  study. 

These  things  are  all  good  and  all  important,  but  not  the  most  important  work  that  has 
been  done.  The  most  important  work  and  the  most  efTcctive  has  been  the  attempt  to  reach 
the  teachers  and  improve  tlie  work  of  instruction.  This  work  secured  returns  for  the 
poorest  i)upil  in  llie  poorest  countr\  school.  It  has  gradually  developel  into  the  following 
lines  ol   elforl  ; 

1.  School  plans  for  the  year  have  been  printed,  distributed  to  the  teachers,  and  fully 
explained  at  the  preliminary  institutes.  This  sets  a  standard  toward  which  to  work. 
For  example,  four  years  ago,  the  primer  was  completed  during  the  first  year  and  the  first 
reader  during  the  second  year ;  while  now  the  primer,  the  first  reader  and  one  or  two  sup- 
plementary readers  are  all  completed  during  the  first  year,  and  pupils  are  ready  for  tlie 
second  reader  at  the  beginning  of  the  second  year. 

2.  .•Xt  the  close  of  the  first  week  of  school  a  report  is  required  froni  each  teacher.  This 
calls  for  the  names  of  pupils  and  enables  the  truancy  officer  to  know  from  my  ofifice  at 
the  close  of  the  first  week  of  school  what  pupils  are  not  in  school.  It  calls  for  the  program, 
and  helps  me  in  securing  music  in  the  graded  schools  and  the  lower  grade  history  work  in  all 
the  schools  where  formerly  little  of  this  work  was  done.  I  write  many  letters  to  teachers 
about  their  programs  as  soon  as  this  report  is  received.  This  report  also  calls  for  the  con- 
dition of  the  building  and  supplies  needed,  and  enables  me  to  bring  these  matters  to  the  at- 
tention of  trustees  at  the  beginning  of  the  school  year. 

3.  My  visits  are  not  mere  social  calls.  If  I  find  a  teacher  far  below  par  in  any  re- 
spect, I  tell  him  so  frankly  and  agree  to  see  him  again  within  a  month.  My  second  visit 
frequently  shows  such  improvement  that  it  does  not  seem  like  the  same  school.  On  the 
other  hand,  I  stand  for  the  teachers'  rights  and  interests  with  all  parties,  until  all  know  that 
T  am  always  for  the  frcirlirr.     Teachers  know   when    I    criticise   them   niost   s.'ven'ly,   I 

j^,,  Manl'.m. 

am  lln-ir  frii'iid  aii<l  ready  Id  lu'lp  iIumii  tn  any  prDiMDlioii  for  wliioli  ihoy  arc  prcpaicd.  'llioy 
arc  fiiondly,  tlicroforo,  and  will   Irccly  tell   mc  their  diriiculties. 

4.  The  towiisliip  iiislitiite  is  used  as  an  opportunity  to  follow  up  the  work  seen  in  visit- 
ing. 1  take  the  opportunity  to  talk  over  the  work  frankly,  especially  mentioning  examples 
of  superior   teaching  or   discipline. 

5.  The  visiting  day  (see  p.  54)  is  made  an  integral  part  of  the  school  work  and  teahcers 
are  assigned  with  especial   reference  to  tlieir  needs. 

6.  Promotions  from  the  sixlli,  seventh  and  eighth  gratlcs  are  now  made  by  the  prni- 
cipal,  trustee,  and  county  superintendent,  acting  with  the  teacher.  This  is  (U'signed  to  re- 
lieve the  teacher  (jf  some  of  the  responsibility  for  the  sixth  and  seventh  years,  to  prevent 
too  rapid  promotion,  and   to   recognize   faithful   work  on   the   part  of   pupils. 

7.  beginning  teachers  are   given   special   help  and   consideration   as   explained  on   p.  52. 
It  is  right  and  proper  that  a  leader  shouUl  have  in  mind  defmite  plans  for  the  future, 

but  it  is  seldom  tlie  part  of  wisdom  to  state  sucii  plans,  except  in  general  terms.  The  edu- 
cational creed  staled  above  recpiires  llic  hrst  far  our  hoys  and  skirls.  Hut  at  present  many 
of  our  boys  and  girls  are  [)OorIy  provided  for.  Some  are  hcnisetl  in  poorly  heated,  badly 
lighted,  and  unvenlilaled  buildings.  Many  are  not  in  graded  schools.  Some  do  not  have 
the  best  teachers.  There  is  nuicli  to  be  done.  It  is  possible  t(j  do  more.  Our  school  levies 
are  very  low.  Our  tuition  levy  averages  only  twenty-one  cents  (21c),  and  runs  as  low  as 
eight  cents  (8c).  Most  cities  carry  a  tuition  levy  of  forty  to  hfty  cents.  This  is  a  wealthy 
community.  There  is  practically  no  poverty.  With  good  roads,  rural  mail  delivery,  inter- 
urbans,  and  many  steam  roads,  we  are  in  close  touch  with  the  world  and  enjoy  almost 
every  convenience.  If  our  schools  were  made  the  equal  of  the  best  city  systems,  we  would 
give  our  children  an  eminence  and  a  leadership  which  wealth  alone  can  never  give.  IVIien 
it  comes  to  our  children  Irt  us  look  forward  and  nhieard.  .\'otIti)ig  is  too  good  for  them 
that  is  reasonahlv  x^'itliin  reacli. 




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pletedlby  Mayij 

