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i. II. l.-. KMSOO. 


Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1883, by 


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 

All Rights Reserved. 






Origin and Character of the Conqueror The Triumvirate Copartnership 
of Pizarro, Friar Liupie, ami Diego de Almagro for Continuing the 
Dis . of Andagoya Departure Attitude of Pedrarias Slow 

Di -vehement of their Plans Ileturn and Reembarkation Pers 
enee of 1 i/ar dlo Island Fate Defied Discovery 

of Tumhex and the Coast Beyond Return to Panama Pizarro Y 
its Spain A New lition Aboriginal History of Peru T 

Rival In , -tablishment of the Spaniards at San Miguel At- 

hualpa at < axamalca --The Spaniards Visit Him there Seizure of 
the I nea -Pacification of Tern Arrival of Almagro Death of 
!i i- I. tuple Judicial Murder of the Inca A Ring s Ransom 
Downfall of the Peruvian Monarchy Disputes and Violent Deaths 
of the Almagros and Pizarros ................................... 1 



JT i r,:;;. 

Administration of Pedro de los Rios He is Superseded l>y the Licen- 
be Antonio do la Gama Barrionu- \\ A Provinee in 

Xueva. Andalucia (Jranted to iV-dr. . dfl h 
tagena ( \ with th.- N.-iti arthed- 1 

U l Bohio . of the Settleii! .lonsol. 

to Rebuild B -ian Is ( 1 by .Julian (ivr 

ture of Tlu- pie of Dabaiva Onre 

:-ch of the < Hittering Phantom, Francisco (Y-sar 
and Others Audi I at Panam 

tion Complaint! of the Co) in th- e 

ihopcoi da del Oro Miraculoii- .n JJihli- 

1 .................................................... 







The Dukes of Veragua Maria de Toledo Claims the Territory for her 
Son Luis Colon Felipe Gutierrez Appointed to the Command- 
Lauding on the Coast of Veragua Sickness and Famine The 
Cacique Dururua Enslaved He Promises to Unearth his Buried 
Treasures Messengers Sent in Search of It They Return Empty- 
handed But Warn the Chief s Followers He Guides the Spaniards 
to the Spot They are Surrounded by Indians Rescue of the 
Cacique Cannibalism among the Christians Sufferings of the Few 
Survivors The Colony Abandoned C3 




Alvarado Sets forth to Honduras to Join Cortes Mutiny among his 
Men Gonzalo de Alvarado Appointed Lieutenant-governor His 
Meeting with Marin and his Party The Second Revolt of the 
Cakchiquels Gonzalo the Cause of the Insurrection Massacre of 
the Spaniards Alvarado Returns to Guatemala He Captures the 
Penol of Xalpatlahua He Marches on Patinamit His Return to 
Mexico His Meeting with Corte"s 74 




Puertocarrero in Charge of Affairs Revolt at Zacatepec Escape of the 
Spanish Garrison The Place Recaptured Execution of the High 
Priest Panaguali Sinacam s Stronghold Its Siege and Capture 
Jorge de Alvarado Appointed Governor The City of Santiago 
Founded in the Almolonga Valley Prosperity of the new Settle 
ment . . . 87 




Alvarado Returns to Spain He is Arraigned before the Council of the 
Indies His Acquittal His Marriage He Returns to Mexico 
His Trial before the Audiencia Francisco de Orduna Arrives at 
Santiago And Takes the Residencia of Jorge de Alvarado The 
nfedcrated Nations in Revolt Juan Perez Dardon s Expedition 
to the Valley of Xumay-^The Spaniards Attack the Stronghold of 


i . r . 

and J The Tlaee Ar . .p. 

tuic.l us of ( "pan 

l.y HenUUido de Ghavet < iallant Condu* valry - - 

Ah Condition of I 




in Guatemala Alvarado Prepares an to the 

nds Hut Turns liis Attention toward Per u < )ppo-ition of 
th , ury Ollicials The I ll 1 1 rings News < 

luialpa s Hansom Strength of Alv; Armament \\> 1-. 

rto Vie jo Failure of his Kxpeditinn His lli-turu to < 
mala Native lit -\.>lt3 during his Alisence The Visitadur Maldonado 
Ar .- Jit- l- ind.s No J- ault in the Adelaiitado lint is 

Aft is Ordered to Take his lU sidcncia Alvarado in Honduras. 122 


THE F.CCI. irs IN cr ATI .MALA. 


Franeisoo Marroquin Arrives at Santiago He is Appointed p 

lie Colonists- Tin- I n-lat.- Invites Las Casas to Join 
Him Marro<iuin s Consecration in Mexico The Church at Santi; 
vat -d -liedral Hank I illiculty in Collecting the Clunvh 

The Merced Order in Guatemala Miraculous Image of Our 
Lady of Men ! ................................ 133 



Diego Mendez de TTinostrosa A]>pointod Lieutenant-governor Salcedo 

Tmjillo His Offic-> ]-.ed ly \ asco d 11- : . ! ath 

-Thi for the Go\ di- 

o and Juti^aljia Valleys l>iego Mem! 

ation of tlu: i . i- 

"iispirator Arrival of ( lovernor All 

jilhj Iiisl>eath- Aii : .it the Head or s 

-s of t ..111 Trujillo- 

1 "li iiy in the Pi of Xula C 

; to 1 , dro de Alvarado -H, d liy : 

lowers Alvando . in Honduras- Ih FOOD 

- 1 i ai;ture fur ............................... 344 






iMalefeasance of Castaneda Diego Alvarez Osorio the First Bishop of 
Nicaragua A Convent Founded at Leon Las Casas Arrives Cas- 
taneda s Flight Arrival of Contreras Proposed Expedition to El 
Pesaguadero Opposition of Las Casas Departure with All the 
Dominicans The Volcano of El Infierno de Masaya Fray Bias Be 
lieves the Lava to be Molten Treasure His Descent into the Burn 
ing Pit Exploration of the Desaguadero Dodtor Robles Attempts 
to Seize the New Territory Contreras Leaves for Spain His Arrest, 
Trial, and Return His Son-in-law Meanwhile Usurps the Govern 
mentAntonio de Valdivieso Appointed Bishop Feud between the 
Ecclesiastics and the Governor Alonzo Lopez de Cerrato Takes the 
Eesidencia of Contreras Missionary Labors in Nicaragua 1G6 




Diego Gutierrez Appointed Governor Desertion of his Soldiers He Pro 
ceeds to Nicaragua The Advice of Contreras The Expedition Sails 
for the Rio San Juan Friendly Reception by the Natives His Men 
Desert a Second Time Reinforcements from Nicaragua and Nom- 
bre de Dios The Historian Benzoni Joins the Party Gutierrez as 
an Evangelist He Inveigles Camachire and Cocori into his Camp 
He Demands Gold under Pain of Death Noble Conduct of the Ca 
cique Cocori The Spaniards March into the Interior Their Suffer 
ings from Hunger They are Attacked and Massacred Benzoni and 
Five Other Survivors Rescued by Alonzo de Pisa 187 




The Adelantado s Match-making Venture Its Failure Alvarado s Com 
mission from the Crown He Lands at Puerto de Caballos And 
Thence Proceeds to Iztapa His Armament He Sails for Mexico 
His Defeat at Nochistlan His Penitence, Death, and Last Will 
< uiracter of the Conqueror Comparison of Traits with Those of 
( :<n-t<5s While above Pizarro He was far beneath Sandoval His De 
light in Bloodshed for its own Sake The Resting-place and Epi 
taph Alvarado s Progeny 201 

rs. u 

rilAl TKI! XIII. 


1020 1529. 

Origin of the Chiapanecs They Submit to the Spani the M 

--liu; !i,-n Required i<> I a \ Tribute 

Marin I nd t of th ince ! 

-with: I > The Panie->t!-i< kenArt: -Capti 

!i ld.i . hamulans lli^- in Jjevilt-- ! !. 

rnal Diax. in Peril 

I- li^ht and Surrender of the Chamulan> Marin Retun. itu 

of the ( hiapanees- Their Subjiu by 

go de M jos Third Rebellion -T!. -netion 

lw Pi; o in t M llis Disoomfitare Founding of 

Villa Jleal-.laan Knritjre .:man Takes the Rettdeada of 

s Hi> Maleadministration -Jl. i 



l.vjii- 1.143. 

Decrease of Indian Population at the Isthmus And in Honduras Treat- 

nt of Spanish Allies in Guatemala Torture and Uutehny of 

11- stile Native TiTmr Iii>j>ired hy Alvarado Karl y I tion 

n-observano :, ( ;ia of Panam;l 

Abolished The Andiencia of J,- Keyei and Los Coniin .al>- 

lishcd- Dugoit \v Code- Ti ! of 
H An i 1 1.- Tak. > < 1 Treasure Acquired 
by Slave LaU>r Liberates a Number of Indians 




Adininisti-ation of I .1,1, - s Int. ronnnunication Pro- 

of the Site nf Panam, !o Dios and 

ineree i ; ,ii- 

Vela Lands in Peru Con/al.. I i/an-oat ; 
H ad ol Uion hissoli. ; ;l ,,f i. . s and 

he Vi \\\^ 1; al ,d l) ( . a th a: . 

(juit-. ||. |- 

Panama ] ,t of t 


with the i 






Cause of the Revolt Preparations of the Conspirators Assassination of 
Bishop Valdivieso The Rebels Defeat the Men of Granada Their 
Plan of Operations The Expedition Sails for Natd Gasca Arrives 
at the Isthmus with the King s Treasure Capture of Panama Blun 
ders of the Rebel Leaders Hernando de Contreras Marches to 
Capira He is Followed by his Lieutenant Bermejo Gasca s Arrival 
at Nombre de Dios Uprising of the Inhabitants of Panama Ber- 
mejo s Attack on the City His Repulse His Forces Annihilated 
Fate of Hernando and his Followers 274 




Francisco de Montejo Appointed Governor Revolt of the Cacique Lem- 
pira Dastardly Artifice of the Spaniards Establishment of New 
Colonies Condition of the Settlements Mining in Honduras 
Return of Pedro de Alvarado Montejo Deposed from Office Alonso 
de Maldonado the First President of the Audiencia of the Confines 
Maltreatment of the Natives Rival Prelates in Honduras Their 
Disputes Las Casas Presents a Memorial to the Audiencia He is 
Insulted by the Oidores His Departure for Chiapas Maldonado s 
Greed He is Superseded by Alonso Lopez de Cerrato The Seat of 
the Audiencia Moved to Santiago de Guatemala. ...... 289 




Mourning for Alvarado Grief of Dona Beatriz An Anomalous Govern 
mentA Female Ruler A Beautiful but Treacherous Mountain 

A Night of Horrors Death of Dona Beatriz Destruction of Santi 
agoA Ruined City Burial of the Dead Gloom of Conscience- 
stricken Survivors Joint Governors Removal of the City Resolved 
upon A New Site Discussed Another Santiago Founded Maldo 
nado Appointed Governor Action of the Audiencia Relative to 
Encomiendas Controversies and Recriminations Removal of the 
Audiencia to Santiago President Cerrato Offends the Settlers His 
Mode of Action o ^ 


THE i:rci. : vi AS. 



A Convent Founded by the Mere.-d Order riudad Real Appointed a 

; force the 

lution dr.! ontro- 

\vith the Audieneia of the Confines He ] i 

::t i with Septilyeda Hifl Appeal to the Con- of 

1 liilip The Audieneia Transferred from Panama. I uaJa 

;tli of the Apostle of the Indies r The Domi 

in Chiapas .................................................... 




A ^ 1 Wanted A Poor Pivlnte and Unwilling Titlio-pay- 

ers Two Contentious Bishops Charitable Institutions rounded 
Dominican ( on vent. Or > --TYanciscans Arrive Their l.alsors 

Mtlinia, Founds a Custodia Disputes l<-r ::iid 

poininicans La Tierra de ("Jucrra Las Cu^ -tern His ]" 

in Veni I ../ He Goes to Spain Decrees Obtained by Him 
and an Indignant Cabildo llcturns 1 - in \"era 
-ubmission and Heavy Tributes Cam Expedi 
tion to Florida Ominous Opinions An Indifferent Captain A 
Dominican Martyr 341 




Quesada s Administration The Oidor Zorita .lives into 

Towns Kxpedi; lure- ! 


tiate lirixeno Fami!! . I 1 . rthipiake iu < 

Tlie Ami: of the Confii. And 

iala < 
! l>y Vi; .. of 

; he I k>mil and Fran 

Villalpando and ( Idrdol 

\dinin; .it Valverde, Ku- da, r 

an ilia Indi. 




Revolt of the Cimarrones Pedro de Ursua Sent against Them A 
Second Revolt Bayana Caught and Sent to Spain Regulations 
concerning Negroes Commercial Decadence Restrictions on Trade 
Home Industries Pearl Fisheries Mining Decay of Settle 
mentsProposed Change in the Port of Entry Its Removal from 
Nombre de Dios to Portobello Changes in the Seat of the Audien- 
cia Tierra Firme Made Subject to the Viceroy of Peru Defalca 
tions in the Royal Treasury Preparations for Defence against Cor 
sairs and Foreign Powers 386 




Drake s Attack on Nombre de Dios Panic among the Inhabitants 
Stores of Treasure Retreat of the English They Sail for Carta 
gena And Thence for the Gulf of Uraba Visit to the Isle of Pinos 
The Ships Moved to the Cabezas Islands Second Expedition to Carta 
gena March to the Isthmus Drake s First Glimpse of the South 
Sea Ambuscade Posted near Cruces The Bells of Approaching 
Treasure Trains The Prize Missed through the Folly of a Drunken 
Soldier Capture of Cruces Thirty Tons of Gold and Silver Taken 
near Nombre de Dios Voyage on a Raft The Expedition Returns 
to England Oxenham s Raid Drake s Circumnavigation of the 
Globe His Second Voyage to the West Indies His Final Expedi 
tion His Death and Burial off Portobello . , , 404 




Revolt of Juan Gaitan His Defeat by the Licentiate Juan de Caballon 
Expedition of Caballon and Juan de Estrada Rdbago to Costa Rica- 
Settlements Founded Distress of the Spaniards Juan Vazquez 
Coronado Comes to their Relief Further Expeditions Flight of 
the Natives Capture of the Stronghold of Cotu Administration of 
Diego de Artiego Cherino The Franciscans in Costa Rica Martyr 
dom of Juan Pizarro The Ecclesiastics in Nicaragua Fray Juan 
de Torres Condition of the Settlements Slow Growth of Trade. 424 



1 Col -1700. 


Leon Abandoned D iptionof the 

TheSaerii Mouse T nudii- >oters i 

aragua Church Matt.-r- vince 

. ijeet t j> of Lima 

sion of I j-uption of J-il Intierno <! Ma-a assacre of 

tiiiards in Costa Rica Maid iitioii to Talamanea 

[iaaion to Tologalpa Its Failure His Forfchar Attempts 

to Christianize the Natives Ma- >f SoUdien and Eocleeui 439 




Buccaneers at Santo Domingo Tortuga the Head-quartan of the Pirates 
Their Modes of Life -Francois L Olonnoi : ililnisr es- 

sel Cast on the Shore of ( !! , J ort \ml 

Re:. i the 1 Honduras -II.- GaptlU i J edro- 

I lans a Kaid on iiuateinala His Coin: i >esert Hiin- 

s a Dios II ilition to I<--a_rua- 

And to Costa III - IFaei. ult 
the Island of Santa ( atari; id At; lago 
atariua Itetaken l>y th-: Spaniards 451 


PANAMA, PoKTolil.l.i.o, AM) I IKACr. 

1601- ItiTO. 

An Audiencia again .lisTied in Panainii Its Presidents Captain 

1 a 1 i on I ortoU-llo Growth of PortoU-Ho and i 

Otlirials In .minunicatiou 

; land Trading Cliureh M Q I anain;i I 1 

:iid the Oidon-s Ti i lv\:l l;.pute De- 
etrueti ratitu: Adini: -His Downfall and 
iuse The Annual J:"air at Panama 4 





Morgan s!: to A Tl-.e ( astle 

.ana lUuwn into t. are uf ti .ies 



Committed by the Buccaneers The President of Panamd Marches 
against Them He is Driven Back Morgan Sends Him a Specimen 
of his Weapons Ransom of the City and Return to Jamaica The 
Buccaneers Prepare Another Armament, and Resolve to Attack Pa 
namaCapture of Fort San Lorenzo March across the Isthmus- 
Morgan Arrives in Sight of Panamd Cowardice of the Governor- 
Battle with the Spaniards Burning of the City Torture of Prison 
ersBravery of a Captive Gentlewoman The Buccaneers Recross, 
the IsthmusDivision of the Booty 482 




The New City of Panamd Portobello Sacked by Pirates A Buccaneer 
Fleet Assembles at Boca del Toro The Corsairs Plan a Raid on Pa 
namaThey Capture Santa Maria And Thence Sail for Plantain 
Island Massacre of their Captives Desperate Conflict in Panama 
Bay Some of the Marauders Return across the Isthmus The Re 
mainder Proceed to the Island of Taboga And there Capture Sev 
eral Prizes They are Asked to Show their Commissions The An 
swerThey Sail for the Coast of Veragua Their Repulse at Pueblo 
Nuevo Then: Operations on the Coast of South America Some of 
Them Return to England They are Tried and Acquitted 517 



Dampier and his Comrades on the Santa Maria River They Meet with 
Spanish War Vessels Their March to the North Sea They Fall in 
with a French Ship And Sail round Cape Horn to the South Sea 
They Attack Realejp They Sail for the Island of La Plata Here 
They are Reenforced They Proceed to the Coast of South Amer 
ica Where they Gain Intelligence of the Treasure-fleet The 
Pirates Sail for the Pearl Islands Their Defeat in the Bay of Pa 
namd rRaids on Leon, Realejo, and Granada Piety of the Filibus 
ters Further Operations of the Pirates 543 




The Scots Colony They Propose to Establish Settlements in Darien 
Subscriptions for the Enterprise Departure of the Expedition Its 
Arrival at Acla Sickness and Famine among the Colonists They 

CONTF. xv 


lure Cartag Ts Indian Out 1 >n- 

;i;un;i Pearl Fisheries Mini: 

.ing into the II:. ure of HmUi V ml 

Maltr- t of their Crews I ora D <>n of War 

u s Operations on the I>thmus Alison s Voyage round t 
rldVernon s Second Expedition 1 .0113 Result 



The Sambos of Mosquitia Their Territory A Mosquito Chieftain 
CroMiud King Treaties between Spain and England The 1 
Occupy Mosquitia Galvez Captures an Kn.lish Settlement on the 
Black River An Armament Despatched from Jamaica to Mosqui 
tia Surrender of the Spaniards Colonists Ordered to Leave the 
Coast The Governors of Nicaragua The British Defeated at Fort 
San Carlos Th- >ture Fort San Juan But are Compelled to 
] [t-treat Church Matters Missionary Expeditious to Talamanca 
Affairs in Costa Rica .- 595 




Buccaneer Settlements in Yucatan The Pirates Engage in Wood-cut 
ting Governor Figueroa Ordered to Expel them Raid of the Wood 
cutters on Ascension Bay They are Driven Back by th> rnor 
Their Settlement in Belize D< d by Elgin roa Th< urn in 
Stronger Force Further 1. ; ditions against Them The Wood 
cutters under British Protection Th< Attacked by Governor 
Rivas The Boundaries of BelL/o Defined by the Treaty of A 
sailles Stipulations of a Eater Treaty Further Encroachments of 
the English 




Piratical Raids on Trujillo and Puerto de >s Condition of the 

,ts Church Matters > .pedition to 1 

-Martyrdom of th- >ors of the Fran I in 

Honduras 1 e of the 1 Trujillo 1 ihe 

Ihitcli Fort San Fernando de Duma 1 d Its Capture 1 

English And l! <:dvez- ues 

.cd by Bu- s Their Fin 





President Castilla Port Santo Tomds Founded Factions A Gambling 
President Condition of the Colonists Grievances Patronage of 
the Crown, the Audiencia, and the Cabildo Disputes Defensive 
Measures Rule of President Caldas Reorganization of the Audien- 
cia President Barrios and Bishop Navas Political Dissensions A 
Troublesome Visitador The Berropistas and Tequelies A Line of 
Bishops Wealth of the Regular Orders A Prelate Bewitched The 
Bethlehemites Royal Order concerning Curacies The New Cathe 
dral and Festivities Succession The Progress of Chiapas 649 




Early Efforts at Pacification Priests and Soldiers Sacrificed Massacre 
of Mirones and his Party El Prospero Expedition Indifference of 
the Orders Bishop Navas in the Field A Tripartite Campaign 
Determined upon Expedition of President Barrios Meeting with 
Mazariegos Velasco s Operations The Expeditions Return Fur 
ther Expeditions Fate of Velasco and his Command Failure 
Ursua s Enterprise Progress of Paredes Negotiations with the 
Canek Opposition of Soberanis Ursua Takes Command Treacher 
ous AHurements The Itzas Conquered Peten Garrisoned Jealousy 
of Soberanis Unsatisfactory Operations Questionable Possession. 672 



The Tzendal Rebellion A New Miracle Atrocities A Novel Hier 
archyThe Tzendales Repulsed Segovia s Operations President 
Cosio Assumes Command Fall of Cancuc Spread of the Rebel 
lionIts Suppression Decadence of Chiapas Earthquakes Riots 
-Venality of the Clergy Establishment of the Archbishopric 
. Heresy Boundaries of Provinces Abolition of Corregimientos 
Another Great Earthquake Quarrels over Removal Expulsion of 
the Jesuits 








1:11 hi- , OF AM . DEI- : OP 


v PEL I ix UEUtO 5 .LL<> 

J>I.\M> FATK Ih:i n.i I KRYOFTi 

J;^ PANAMA i Vans >r\i^\^ i KDixioN- 

\L Hi>i.-i;v Of l i.i:r- Tin; RIVAL 


TII EtDfl \ I<IT HIM Tn. 

PLKT Ai Ai. MACRO PKATH 0] :n:u J. 

Mri:i- INCA A KIM. - 1 i DOWMWI.L OP 

ini: I ll, ;:rnv DISPUTES A.M. \ IDI.I.NT DI.AIIIS OP THE 


IN a socit-ty liki- that of Panama, \vluTc 

so unjust and morality SO dial)lical, \\v 
- -t nothing than that tli i worst niun should 
]>rv. the ninst >iu-M-<stul. Alii \vlio cai 

ly to J )ari-n. ami \vlioni \vc ha\v iVnju. nt ly . 
countered in the wars upon tin- natives, was one \vh<> 
n<>\v the ai-eiia as tin 1 r<>n<]ueror of Peru. 11 

origin was of tin 4 !<>v Brn in la>tardy, he \\ , 

laid hy his m r <>n the diuivli steps, whence ho 

VOL. II. i ( l ) 


was taken by a swine-herd to be suckled by a sow. 
Escaping this master he fled to Seville and lived no 
one knows how, until he took ship to Santo Domingo, 
no one knows when. Thenceforward to the day of his 
assassination, his merciless courage found congenial 
occupation; neither his ignorance nor his beastly in 
stincts nor his infamous cruelty and treachery stand 
ing in the way of fame and fortune. 

He was now not far from fifty-three, having been 
born at Trujillo, in Estremadura, about 1471. After 
both had become famous a distant kinship was traced 
between Pizarro and Hernan Cortes. The develop 
ment had been, in every respect, in keeping with the 
origin and environment. Except Pedrarias there 
was not a man in all the Indies more detestable. 
Innately he was the coarsest of all the conquerors. 
I have not seen of his a single noble sentiment ex 
pressed or a single noble action recorded. The Chris 
tianity which as a Spaniard he was obliged to wear 
had in it not the slightest tincture of piety or pity, 
and the civilization under which his genius grew 
developed in him only the savage cunning which he 
afterward displayed when in pursuit of human prey. 
Under this same influence Cortes and other captains 
of a generous, lordly nature might wade through hor 
rors to a determined goal, while appalling tragedies 
and blood -reeking treacheries were not what their 
souls delighted in. But incarnate vulgarity was 
Francisco Pizarro, and a devouring sea of iniquity, 
beside whom beasts were heavenly beings; for when 
man sinks to his lowest, we must enter the domain 
of hideous fancy to find his prototype. 

Up to this time Pizarro had displayed little of that 
signal ability, that marvellous determination and readi 
ness of resource which carried through one of the 
most remarkable undertakings of any age. Soldier of 
fortune arid petty farmer were the only distinctions 
he could boast. No talents of a higher order than 
those exhibited by the other captains in Darien had 

01. [ZATION 01 riOX. 3 

appeared. , perhap ill liis 

tr aatives, and a m 

j in his intercourse with his comrade J I 

:ade of adlilirahle >t llll l< >r . Hi til inner. 1.; 

ohedient, merciless, remorseless; and as In- had n 

manif <mhition to excite tin- j* 

.ell of JVdl al ias he h;i(l heel) a Useful tool of li 

vernnr. (ireat deeds do not always spring fi 

3 nf soul. It may have heeit mnvly o 
drclinc of pliy>ical ; ;i h advai. 

that Pi/.-in-n s mind \\- a > Ird ious refle 

^hat at various times he had heard >f tin- 

uthward of th- ! thmus, >f wliat Panciaco had 
kid, and ;1 [slanders, and Tumaco, and la 

all of what Andaimya had reportx d concerning J>iru. 

It was known what Cork s had done in tin- north; 
might not the same feat be accomplished in the souti 

Whencesoever sprang the purpose, on the return of 

A nda_L unsuccessful from I l\ru, IM/an-n determined 

undertake an expedition in that direction. 
Fot withstanding a Inn^- careerof BUC< ul rnhl 

lie had little to venture, except that wortl lo 

his life. Two requirements were necessary, nmn 

;d the const -nt ..ft lie <jovernnr, hoth of which ini^lit 

be obtained through Fernando de Luque, acting n- 

Panama, and fnrmerly school-master of the cathe 
dral of Darien. leather LiKjin-, or Loco as he Wl 
la illed fur this lolly, had inlhiciice with JVdra- 

r\u<, ami the pi-oceeds of his piety thus fir amounted 
t> twenty thousand C !lam lie joined with him- 
!f a cuiiirade. I )ie- o de Alma^ri . and winn r 

the priest and the governor l>y a promise of OB :rth 
each, the company was eonip! Alma^i-o \\ ,-i ^ a few 

>lder than IM/.aiTo. and with an : n perh.q 

lie was likewise a foiindliii lll-fa\ 

I y natui e. tin- loss of an hut increased a sinister 

n that had played from intai OV6T h: 
it i> hut faint praise to of him that his 


impulses were nobler than those of Pizarro. Though 
fiery he was frank, and abhorred treachery ; nor could 
he nurse a wrong more easily than his colleague. 
Pizarro was to command the expedition; Ahnagro 
to take charge of the ships; the vicar, besides his 
money, was to contribute his prayers, while the gov 
ernor was to have an eye watchful for himself. 

In a small caravel with about a hundred men and 
four horses/ Pizarro sailed from Panama November 
14, 1524, leaving Almagro to follow as soon as he 
could equip another vessel. After touching at Toboga 
and at the Pearl Islands, Pizarro coasted southward 
past Puerto de Pinas where terminated the voyages 
of Vasco Nunez and Andagoya, and entered the 
river Biru in search of provisions, but finding none 
put to sea, and after buffeting a storm for ten days 
again landed, and again failed to procure food. The 
ground was soft, and the foragers suffered severely. 
At a place subsequently called El Puerto del 
Hambre he waited for six weeks with part of the 
men, all on the verge of starvation, while the ship, in 
command of Gil de Montenegro, went back to the 
Pearl Islands for supplies. When his forces were 
again united he put to sea and landing at various 
points found food and gold abundant. Presently the 
vessel required repairs, and fearful lest if he should 
return the expedition would be broken up, Pizarro 
caused himself and all his followers, save only those 
needed to manage the ship, to be put ashore, while 
Nicolas de Ribera, the treasurer, went with the vessel 
and the gold collected to Panama". 

Three months after the departure of Pizarro from 
Panama, Almagro followed with seventy men, and 

1 Herrera, dec. iii. lib. viii. cap. xiii.-xiv., says 80 men. Francisco de 
Jerez. Pizarro s secretary, Conq. del Peru y in Barcia, iii. 179, places the 
number at 112 Spaniards, besides Indians; Zurate, Hist, del Perv, in Id., at 
114 men. For minor statements and discrepancies compare Gomara, Hist. 
I i d., ]41; Garcilaso de la Vega, Com. fical, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. vii.; Benzoin, 
Jhst. Hondo Nvovo, 118; Oviedo, iii. 382-90; Quintana, Vidas, Pizarro, 50. 


ome <-h. Mini the loss of ;ni eye in fi<Jitii 

. he found liis colleague, left \\ i i ] i liim h 
plus men, and returned \vitli his ! to the 

iuhera. By this time Pedrarias, although i 

had in (1 Miid Milieu n\ 

th It. The ships were wanted for Xicara 

he sa; -id halt Iho men emharked in thi id 

it hern venture were dead. Alma-To \vas finally 
ad to i;vt rid oi liini hy paying iiini a thousand 
p< J izarro was ohh-vd tn return, and the tin 

oiatea hound themselves l>y oath. mnized 1 
ih irament, that the entire retui-n> and emoh: 

of the expedition should be equally divided; Falh 
LiKjue dividing the wafer into t! parts and eadi 

ldn one. 

Nearly two years were thus oreupied when the t\ 
ptai; [e iMjiial hy tlie new eoiiti , md eaeh in 

niniand of a ship, einharked a -ond time with 
Hartoloine liiii/ as pilot and one hundred and >i\ 
men. landing well out sailed directly to the I, 

n Juan, the fartlx >t point y< t di red. ^leetii 

here with fair sue . Aln ; to Panan 

with the plunder; Ti/arro with i: of the nuii 

i on shore; while J uiz with the oth el 

ntinued the discovery aid th juater. and 

5 reported .- more o[)iilent people with a 

hi cu! than any \< t f. iuid in the [ndi< 

Am- : \\-onderftil ohj. which he had seen 

n l:i idin^ 1 1>.I r raft. ma<le hy lashil 

\vith vines porous tiinhers, which \ 

laid with a tlM,r .f ]-. . and na\ hy lateen 

ils. r rh le of the r, isj.laved >pun 

wool, and scales lor \\* i-hiiiL 

those upon the shore ran IM and fro leaping and shout- 

J, the hairy exiles, chil- 

d) T the .M-a-foam. t ndants of the Mm. 

called th 
envenom r land. 

* M D 8 rd All; a} j el. ] 1 id 


been successful. Pedrarias was deposed; and with 
Pedro de los Bios, the new governor, had come fresh 
aspirants for adventure and a grave, eighty of whom 
were soon launched with Father Luque s blessing in 
the Peruvian expedition. 

During the absence of the vessels death had taken 
fourteen of Pizarro s men, and the remainder now 
clamored loudly to be carried to Panama. But this 
was not to be considered. Refreshed by Almagro s 
stores and cheered by Ruiz tale hope revived, the 
phantom of despair took flight, and joyous expectation 
thrilled the hearts .of those who had so lately dreamed 
of death. 

How happy was Pizarro as he went to prove the 
golden report of good Ruiz! A storm which drove 
him under the lee of Gallo Island, and obliged him 
to repair at San Mateo Bay, only made the populous 
cities and cultivated fields of maize and cacao the 
more beautiful to behold. And the gems and precious 
metals that glistened everywhere, how they made the 
black blood of the pirate to tingle! But little could 
be done with such a force as his against ten thousand 
warriors that opposed his landing; for with increase 
of wealth and intelligence was increased power to de 
fend possession. The soldiers were not pleased to have 
the ships go back to Panama without them, and the 
leaders came almost to blows over the quarrel; but it 
was finally arranged that Pizarro should remain with 
the men on Gallo Island, while Almagro with one of 

7 O 

the ships should seek a stronger force. Some sent 
letters denouncing the commanders, and begging that 
the governor might be informed of the miserable con 
dition of the men; which letters, of course, were not 
delivered, none save one which Juan cle Sarabia in 
closed in a ball of cotton which was to be presented 
to the wife of the governor as a specimen of native 
industry. 2 


2 This letter picturing the horrors of the situation, and begging from the 
governor relief, was signed by the writer and his comrades; after which 


fill lest tin- men iiii^lit seize tli- i 

Yip. ! i/.arro <!< ihed it fco] anana 

himself \\ith onl 1 Jin 

missile proj, -cted 1)\- ili nek horn 

Tli- mor indignant that tin- kin ulj< 

should IK I held in continued j .f their liv- 

li\ i heir unprincipled 1 ;i<! ed tl -diiiou. 

!. ;:ii<l >* iit tin- licenl T;il ur with t hips 

l.rin-- the wanderers \m\\\ Father Luque, how- 

er, Pi/.an-o not to abandon iln- enterprifi 

Tlir iiTi-ival of Tai ur at tii- island j>l, in a 

in* it ion. And \ m al; 

hidcoi il the man s natuiv, which 

darker deformity as we j>r< I, \vlicn liu rises und 

iraiion of liis rgy in delia of destiny. 

r rii impudence of his obstinacy commands our 

miration. What is the situation. H 

iai d. \ onder are the organized arm 
of 1 ,-i-ii with tlirir tens of thousands of {i--liiin^ men. 
r rhu ru[)turo between the ruling ]x>v, preliminary 

re dire convulsions, lias not yet occurred. 
Humanly i d it as in- lolly for Pi/.ai-ro 

to dream of sei/.i, tis powerful realm, or any 
oi it, with his handful of ,hou, \vou his 

ipt to drink the ocean dry, or to po< 1 ar- 

na \" iiat shall ay in \ icw of th<- j-oiilt? 

And sui c I am it is no upright dei .y tint aids him. 
When Tai ur landed and toll the i "n 

l">ard the; ships, .Pi/arro ci ied u St"].;" Drawing 1 

rs tin" in the 1. which ran aa 



And ni.;y l>r 


In ll t : l,>,<t, ] ! rujians Lrivcs . ^ag 

in : 



sword he marked a line from west to east. Then 
pointing toward the south he said : " Countrymen and 
comrades ! Yonder lurk hunger, hardships, and death; 
but for those who win, fame and wealth untold. This 
way- is Panama, with ease, poverty, and disgrace. 
Let each man choose for himself. As for me, sooner 
will I hang my body from some sun-smitten cliff 
for vultures to feed on, than turn my back to the 
glories God has here revealed to me I" Thus saying 
he stepped across the line, and bade those who would 
to follow. The pilot Ruiz was the first; then Pedro 
de Candia; and finally eleven others. All the rest 
went back with Tafur to Panama". Ruiz was ordered 
to accompany him and lend the associates his assist 
ance. Pizarro then crossed his army of twelve on a 
raft to the small island of Gorgona, at a safer distance 
from the main shore, and there awaited Almagro. 
Alone, anchored on a cloud-curtained sea, near a fear 
fully fascinating shore, they waited five months. 

This rash act of the now thoroughly inspired Pi 
zarro was viewed differently by different persons at 
Panamd. The governor was angry at what he deemed 
suicidal obstinacy. Father Luque was enthusiastic, 
and Almagro was not idle. The general sentiment 
was that in any event these Spaniards, so chivalrous in 
the service of their king, should not be abandoned to 
certain destruction. To permit it would be infamous 
on the part of the governor, and a disgrace to every 
man in Panama. Thus forcibly persuaded, Pedro de 
los Rios permitted Luque and Almagro to despatch 
a vessel to their relief, lout stipulated that unless it 
returned within six months they should be subject to 
heavy penalties. 

We may well imagine that Pizarro was glad to see 
the faithful Ruiz, although his force was not greatly 
increased thereby. And now he would go forward; 
with an army of ten thousand or alone he would 
match his destiny against that of Peru. Passing 



o SanOuund. 


Gallo, Tacames, and tl;e=Cabo Pasado, the limits of 
former discovery, twenty days after leaving Gorgona 
they anchored off an island sacred to sacrificial pur 
poses, opposite the town of Turnbez. More brilliant 
than had been their wildest hopes was the scene sur 
rounding them. Stretching seaward were the bright 
waters of Guayaquil, while from the grand cordillera 
of the Andes, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi lifted their 
fiery front into the regions of frozen white. Tame 
enough, however, were a new earth and a new heaven 
to these souls of saffron hue, without the evidences of 
wealth that here met their greedy gaze, of wealth 
weakly guarded by the unbaptized. All along the 
shore by which they had sailed were verdant fields 
and populous villages, while upon the persons and 
among the utensils of the inhabitants, seen principally 
in the trading balsas that plied those strange waters, 
were emeralds, gold, and silver in profusion. 

Two natives captured in the former voyage and 
kindly treated for obvious reasons, were put on shore 
to pave the way, and soon maize, bananas, plantains, 
cocoa-nuts, pineapples, as well as fish, game, and 
llamas were presented to the strangers by the people 
of Tumbez. Shortly afterward a Peruvian nobleman, 
or orejon, as the Spaniards called him, from the large 
golden pendants which ornamented his ears, visited the 
ship with a retinue of attendants. Pizarro gave him 
a hatchet and some trinkets, and invited him to dine. 
Next day Alonso de Molina and a negro were sent on 
shore to the cacique with a present of two swine 
and some poultry. A crowd of wonder-stricken spec 
tators surrounded them on landing. The women were 


shy at first, but presently could not sufficiently admire 
the fair complexion and flowing beard of the Euro 
pean, and the crisp hair of the ebony African, whose 
laugh made them dance with delight. Never were 
pigs so scrutinized; and when the cock crew they 
asked what it said. Molina was promised a beautiful 
bride if he would remain, and he was half inclined to 

iVAL AT Tl MI -KZ. 11 

I 1 . Til cacifjlle of Tlimhez jlially 

jle and I Ie lived i 

his (! >!d ;md silver amon._>- liis 

utei. C is among the buildings of Tom* 

he/ \ -inple hllilt, <f roll^h Then- \ 

a fe surrounded l>y a triple row of tfall In 

the valley without the, town \ IIILC 

toll i ( apac, ih p wliich v 

a temple with it- sacred vip/i: (!>(<, 

ti< iiitilVil gardens ilr<lirati-<l to th; sun. 

\viin iidi facts as these must l>" nl>- 

before leaving this plac 8 ^t day IVdro 

( andia wa ! ] . irmitted to M-O aslioi-.- -I-IIKM! caj)-a-] 
Candia was a < /alicrofc ordinal :!id 

strcnii tli; and when lie presented himsrli in hn^ht 
mail, \vith liis clattering steel \vra]> and ar(|U<-K 
vomiting lir* 1 and smoke, ilin little wonder th 

j>coj)l< should tulvo him ioi 1 on<- of tlx-ir child, 

the sun. Returning t<> t!u- ship Candia 1 

the truth of all Molina had said, and more. ] L 

I as a heavenly guest, and eondueted tlirm: 
the temple which he affirmed was laid with |lat 
u old; \vlic the SjKiniards were wild with deli u -lit, 

vs an ancient chronicler. Pizarro thanked God that 


it had been permitted him to mak- this -^i-ear discovery, 

and he cursed the luckless fortune which ]>r 

his landing and taking immediate j>< n. l>ut 

God did lor Pizarro r than .Pizarro could do for 

liimself. Jlad the ji\- ( - hundred he then BO desi] 
n 1i\e thousand, the jn-ohahilitv dl would h, 
n lo soon as vent uivd. 

Continuing southward some di-tance I \ ( ] tl 

site of Trujillo, a city subsequently founded ly him, 
the evidences <>f wealth and intelli^vnee i \\hile 
diminishing, and the i-e; n imperial city \\h 

dwelt the ruler of all that region 1 

Pi/.ai . Panama, carrvin_r hack with him 


two native youths, one of whom, called by th. m- 

Felipillo, hecame notorious during tl 


The men had been ordered to treat gold with indiffer 
ence, that the future harvest might be greater. 3 

The pirate s paradise was found; it next remained to 
enter it. Pizarro reached Panama late in 1527, and 
instantly the town was wild with excitement. Father 
Luque wept tears of joy. But although Pedro de 
los Rios forgot his threats of punishment he did not 
regard with favor another expedition, which would 
tend to depopulate his own government and establish 
a rival colony. This selfish policy of the governor 
hastened the defeat of its own aims. Unable to do 
more at Panama, early in 1528 Pizarro set out for 
Spain. Through the aid of Father Luque fifteen hun 
dred ducats had been raised to defray his expenses. 
It was not without misgivings that Alamagro saw 
him go, and the ecclesiastic himself was not without 
his suspicions that foul play might come of it. "God 
grant, my sons," he said at parting, "that you do not 
defraud yourselves of his blessing." Pedro de Can- 
clia accompanied Pizarro, and they took with them 
specimens of the natives, llamas, cloth, and gold and 
silver untensils of Peru. 

Two notable characters were encountered by Pizarro 
immediately on his arrival in Spain. One was Her- 
nan Cortes, revelling in the renown of an overthrown 
northern empire as Pizarro was about to revel in the 
overthrow of a southern. Cortes told Pizarro how he 
had conquered Mexico and gave him many valuable 
hints in empire-snatching. 4 The other w T as no less a 

3 Garci!aso de la Vega, Com. Real, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. xi., tells the most 
extravagant stories concerning Tumbez. Avia gran numero cle Plateros, que 
bacian Cantaros cle Oro, y Plata, con otras muchas maneras de Joias, asi para 
el .servicio, y ornameiito del Templo, que ellos tenian por Sacrosanto, como 
p;ira servicio del mismo Inga, y para chapar las planchas deste Metal, por las 
paredes de los Templos, y Palacios. See also, Xerez, Conq. del Peru, Barda, 
iii. 1G9-81 ; Zdrate, Hint, del Perv, Barcia, iii. 2, 3; Gomara, Hist. Ind., 143; 
Pizarro y Orellana, Farones Ilvstres, 138; Benzoni, Hist. Mundo Nvovo, 120; 
fferrera, dec. iii. lib. viii. cap. xii. ; Oviedo, iii. 

4 Some affirm that, while in Spain, Cortes and Pizarro became great 
friends ; that much fatherly advice was given by the former to the latter. 
Cortes, they say, although the younger, could teach his brother-conqueror 

THK 1:; 

!i;m the Uaehiili-r Enciso, who, -1 ill m 
ii: ize 1 the i famous di- 

Peru and imprisoned him <>n the old di; of in- 
juri - ia. I!. -I. . I order, Pi/.ai 

j>; d himself before the emperor at Toledo with 

nil the impudence <>f ui. 1 m< rit, and 

tl. pointnient of -j nor, r;i j it a i 1 1 general, and 

;d : _|-ua/il >r of all lands which lie had discov. 

ini- lit discover i nr a distance of two liundn I 

mill lVi;i Saul Hi rnnieiit \\ 

independent iVom that of .Paiianut, witli tho 
lit fco eixict for: . niaintain i orces, ^rnnt en- 

miendaSj and enjoy the rights and j)i-. I of 

al)sol;r itlioi-it. Hi- sal.iry \vas to le 7-jr>,000 
maravedis, to he drawn from tho resources of h 
<>\ vci iuncnt and without cost to the crown. Jn 


lor these privil. he was to enlisl and equip 
for a Peruvian- Q t wo hundred and fifty men, 

hundrs. d of wlioin In- t- lilx i draw fro- 

s. r his a he v. -tied with 

inucli ; though it ha<l hoen stipulated that for 

A!n hoiild he asked tlio office of adelantad , 

thus dividing tlie honors. As it was, he ohtained for 
ro only the post of captain of tl: - of 

.. \\ith an income of 300,000 maravedis, and 
lor Father Liiquo the bishopric of Tunihc/, with a 
,0 thousand -!lan Pai lolum- lluix. 

i and pilot of the South Sea: .Pedro de 

( andia, eominander of artillery, and the hrave tliir- 
tc n wli< dlantly stood hy their captain at tl 

! de of ( inr;^ 1 to the ra 1 1 k of kni^h: 

an- rs. 

Pi/.ai i mnission \\ . I o]. -do July 

. 152 r riiencc IK- pi-. led to Trujillo, his nath 

pi where he W&B j lined hy lour hrot : i- 

do, Juan, and Gronzalo Pi/arr d I- rai rtiu 

de Alcantara, all except the first like himself ill* 

a sh; 

. which ail 


imate, all poor, ignorant, and avaricious. Fernando, 
however, possessed some superiorities, and played a 
conspicuous part in the conquest. He was a man of 
fine form, repulsive features, and infamous character. 
As arrogant, jealous, and revengeful as he was capa 
ble, he soon acquired unbounded influence over his 
brother, and was the scourge of the expedition. 

Small as was the force required by his capitulation 
with the crown, Pizarro was unable to raise it. With 
the assistance of Cortes he managed to make ready 
for sea three small vessels, in one of which, by eluding 
the authorities, he embarked, and awaited his brothers 
at the Canary Islands. By liberal bribery and the 
solemn assurance of Fernando that all requirements 
of the king had been complied with, and that the 
specified number of men were with his brother who 
had gone before, the other two ships were allowed to 
depart, and the three vessels arrived at Nombre de 
Dios in January 1530. There Pizarro was met by 
Almagro and Father Luque, who when they learned 
how the royal honors had been distributed, and saw 
the insolent bearing of the vulgar brothers, upbraided 
him for his perfidy; and it was with difficulty that 
Almagro was prevented by fresh promises from with 
drawing from the partnership and engaging in con 
quest on his own account. 

Crossing to Panama, an expedition was organized 
with one hundred and eighty men, thirty horses, and 
three ships, though all had been procured with no 
small difficulty. On the day of St John the evangelist 
imposing ceremonies were held in the cathedral; the 
royal banner and the standard of the expedition were 
unfurled and consecrated; a sermon was preached, 
and to every one of the pirates the holy sacrament 
was administered, thus giving this marauding expe 
dition the color of a religious crusade. The Pizarros 
set sail early in January 1531, leaving Almagro, as 
in the first instance, to follow with reinforcements. 
Tumbez was their objective point; but turned from 

: I.\ : ].-, 

their pur by ad for a trial 

of their I, the Spaniard.^ landed at a v.hich 

ailed Sail Mat urpri>- < 1 a village in t! 

provin t Goalie, and secured, besides pi 

ilver, and emeralds fco tin- vali; thou 

sand j> , which enabled them nd hack i 

\icara_ and the oils* r to Panama, 

for reinforcements. 

The Spaniards then continued their com ard 

Tumbez l>y land; and burdened as they v 

\\ and armor, marching over hot. sands und. 

an equatorial sun, tin- journey soon ! aint ul in 

the extrem< To add to their torment 
epidemic broke out among them, from which mar 
died, with curses on their commander. Hut their 
hearts w ;laddened om> day by the approach < 
ship from Panama having on hoard tl 1 oili- 

appointed to accompany the expedition, who: a J i/arro 

in his lia : had left in Spain, and soon they \\-ci 
joined by thirty men under ( aptain ] >;izar. 
Meeting with no resistance from the nativ. j, 1 i/ai-ro 
continued his march until lie arrived at the ;jfnlf of 
(Juayaijuil, opposite the i>le of Puma. I ion 
of this island was deemed desirable pvp- >ry t 

the attack on Tumbez. \\liile meditating >n the 1>< 

method *{ capturing the inland, J.^xai-ro d 

by a \i-ii from i who invited the Spaniards 

to ta up their al>ode with him. It ajp< that 

then- reditary felld between tll( k ](. pi.- 

of lAuna and those of tlie mainland: and although 
forced to submission by the powerful incas, t! 
anders never cedsed t< intlict such injuri lay in 

ir power on the town of Timlin 1 /. The friendship 
of the strangers would ^ive them i^n dvanta- 

hence 1hr invitation. I i/arro ^ladl\ 

]>rotrer-d hospitality, and ] M^- over to the i>land 

ith his ai iny he awaited the arrival of 

before attacking Tumb, 
.1 >y tluir an ;i.d ap[!aivnt intimacy with 


the people of Tumbez, the strangers soon became 
intolerable to the islanders, who caught in a con 
spiracy were attacked and driven to hiding-places by 
their guests. Nevertheless, but for the opportune 
arrival of Fernando de Soto with one hundred men 
and some horses it would have gone hard with the 
Spaniards. Pizarro now resolved to cross at once to 
the mainland and set the ball in motion. 

Not least among the speculations that stirred the 
breast of the Spanish commander was the rumor that 
from time to time had reached his ear of discord 
between the rival candidates for the throne of the 
monarch lately deceased. Civil war would be a prov 
idence indeed at this juncture, not less kind than that 
which gave Montezuma s throne to Cortes. 

Tradition refers the aborigines of Peru to a time 
when the entire land was divided into petty chief- 
doms, composed of wild men who like wild beasts 
roamed primeval forests. After the lapse of ages, 
time marking no improvement, there appeared one 
day on the bank of Lake Titicaca two personages, 
male and female, Manco Capac and Mama Ocollo, of 
majestic mien and clad in glistening whiteness. They 
declared themselves children of the sun, sent by the 
parent of light to enlighten the human race. From 
Lake Titicaca they went northward a few leagues 
and founded the city of Cuzco, whither the chiefs 
throughout that region assembled and acknowledged 
the sovereignty of the celestial visitants. Under the 
instruction of Manco Capac the men became skilled 
in agriculture; Mama Ocollo taught the women do 
mestic arts, and the migratory clans of the western 
slope of the cordillera thus became cemented under 
the beneficent rule of the heavenly teachers. Orig 
inally the dominion of Manco Capac extended no 
more than eight leagues from Cuzco, but in the 
twelve succeeding reigns, which formed the epoch 
prior to the advent of the Spaniards, the empire 


of the incus, or lor< f Peru, was gr< ex- 


1 1 naturally fMlowed from their celestial origin and 

si ace that the inca- \v 

diviiii well 1 as so\ s. Not alone 

tlu-ir >n, but e _f coming beneath their 

touch (I. Their Mood was never contami 

nated by inert,-;! internii\ 8, and their dr it 
was unlawful for to assume. The empire under 

lluayna Capuc, twelfth monarch from the Foundation 
of tin; dynasty, emb; re than five hundred 

lea^ ie- of w< :-n sea-coast, and extended to II 
summit of the And< Tins politic arid wailike 
jirince died about the beginni f the I .VJG. 

Jlis father, Tupac IncaYupanqui, during whose rei^-n 
tlie imperial domain had been enlarged by the addi 
tion of Quito on the one side and of Chile on tl 
oth( .hibited martial and administrative talents < 
a hi- h ord This vast inheritance, together with 
the wisdom and virtue s of the father, descended : 
the BO In addition to a wife, who was also I 
sister, ,1 Fnayna Capac had many concubini Tl 
lawful heir to the throne, son of h r-wife, w, 

named Iluascar, next to whoi heir apparent stood 
Manco Capac, son of another wife who was his c in. 
Hut his favorite son was Atahualpa, wliose mother 
was the beautiful daughter of the last reigning mon 
arch of Quito, and concubine of Kuayna C 
l- rom boyhood Atahualpa had been the constant 
companion of 1. . who on his , h-bed, con 

trary to custom, divided the ivahn, or ord< i 1 

that, < ( Hiito, the ancient kingdom of his vun<|i:isli. 
ance , slioiild be given to Atahualpa. while all 
-t should be! > lluascui 1 . Four 

of tranquillity elapsed, and the impolitic m of 

Huayna Capac bid fS > prove si d. lluascur 

Land his brother app< ! content. l>ut 

now a martial spirit was manifest in Atahualpa. 

( : radti to his standard the ilo\\xr uf the 

.. AM. VOL. II. 2 


Peruvian army, he marched against Huascar, over 
threw him near the base of Chimborazo, and pressing 
forward again defeated the Peruvians before Cuzco, 
captured his brother, and took possession of the im 
perial city of the incas. 

It was in the midst of this struggle that the Span 
iards gathered before Tumbez bent on plunder. We 
see clearly now, that had they attempted invasion 
before the opening of the war between the rival 
brothers, their effort would have been what it ap 
peared to be, chimerical and absurd. But these few 
swift years had ripened this land for hellish purposes, 
and the demons were already knocking at the door. 
Crossing to the mainland, not without some slight 
opposition, Pizarro found Tuinbez deserted. Gone 
were the gold of the temple and the rich ornaments 
of the merry wives. " And is this your boasted Tum 
bez?" exclaimed the disappointed cavaliers. "Better 
far and richer are the elysian fields of Nicaragua; 
better have remained at home than to come so far for 
so barren a conquest." After some search the cacique 
was found. He charged the destruction of the town 
to the islanders of Puma. As he professed willing 
ness to submit to the Spaniards, and as Pizarro 
deemed it prudent to hold Tumbez peaceably, he 
gave the cacique his liberty. This was in May 1532. 
Keeping a watchful e}^e on his disaffected soldiers, 
Pizarro set about planting a colony. He selected for 
his operations the valley of Tangarala, some thirty 
leagues south of Tumbez and near the sea, and thither 
repairing with his men erected a fortress, church, and 
other buildings, partitioned the adjacent lands, dis 
tributed repartimientos, organized a municipality, and 
called the place San Miguel. So thoroughly had the 
work of devastation been carried on by the islanders 
on one side, and the soldiery of Atahualpa on the other r 
that the Spaniards met with little opposition. 

But these were not the men to waste time in estab 
lishing friendship upon a devastated seaboard when 

TAL DI.-RlTTIo } .) 

tl --Id of wealth somewhere th< out. 

( )lie tli: rollhled I . ho\\< I )y I . ri ivals 

h 11 informed that Alm;i!4T<> still i- 

al)li>hi: >r liiin J. i/arro 

IP 1 Alni.-i :nl h ! no rival tl. 

SM drawing in hi KS he WTOJ ro bi 

liiin for tlir l<)\- ( - <>f (J.d and the king, if .-uch \ 
his plans to change them and < 

;old COIL , liu 

shi[> 1 

Meanwhile tlic rumors of ! t \vccn the rival 

priii- (vonir more dc-iinrd. It io\vn that A 

tin- Spaniards landed at San Platen the war v 
in hile ri;-:arro \ .larchin :ith\v;:i 

Fin nl >cz with one hundred and e; ., At I pa 

was also marching southward to I (. u;; itli 140,- 

000 men to i lluascar with a i oiv 1 :;0,00 

And Atahualpa the victor now in the val 

Caxamalca, heyond the cordillera, hut not more than 
twelve days journey hen< J izarro it 

liiin: perad to thr .ich is to 

mine many 1;. 

5 Hhlurinns of the ]\-nivi;in ooiifjncst point with emphasis to pol: 
m ; country tot 

:i und r conditions. As it Imp . I : . . . .^ow th 

of success, or that wit ;- 

.M ii . 1 1 tin ii- \tahun! 

illll ill: 

v ! 

2 7: /, 

n, in / i, in / 

/ /. . ]. 

. . 
. . 

secj. : . 


BU} . Oil, 


It is the 24th of September when Pizarro sets out 
from San Miguel with one hundred and ten foot- 
soldiers, sixty-seven horsemen, and two Indian inter 
preters. Atahualpa is well aware of the presence ^of 
the Spaniards, of their works within Peruvian domain, 
and of their approach. And he is curious to behold 
them. There is nothing to fear, unless indeed they 
be gods, in which case it were useless to oppose them. 
Along the way the natives cheerfully provide every 
requirement for the courteous strangers. 

Arrived at the western base of the cordillera the 
sixth day, permission is given to all who may choose to 
withdraw from the hazardous venture beyond. Nine, 
four foot and five horsemen, avail themselves of the 
opportunity and return to San Miguel. On the 
march next day Pizarro is informed that the general 
in charge of Atahualpa s forces garrisoned at Caxas, 
a village lying directly on the route to Caxamalca, 
is prepared to question his progress should he attempt 
to pass that way. Hernanclo de Soto, with a small 
detachment, is sent forward, while the main body of 
the little army await results at Zaran. Proceeding 
wonderingly by the great upper road or causeway 
of the incas, which extends along the rugged Andes 
the entire length of the empire from Quito to Cuzco, 
and so wide that six horsemen can ride there abreast, 

sented the strangers as exceedingly fierce and powerful, to conquer whom 
would be difficult and dangerous. Viios querian, que fuesse vn capitan a 
ello con cxercito, otros dezian, que aunque los estrangeros no eran muchos, 
eran valientes, y que la ferocidad de sus rostros, y personas, la terribilidad de 
sus armas, la ligereza, y brabura de aquellos sus cauallos pedian mayor 
fuerca. Jlerrera, dec. v. lib. ii. cap. ix. According to Balboa the arrival of 
the Spaniards caused some anxiety among the Peruvians at Cuzco. Cette 
nouvello inquieta tout le monde. Atahualpa essaya de tranquilliser ses sujets 
en leur disant que ces etrangcrs 6taient probablement des envoyes de Vira- 
cocha, et depuis cette e"poque ce nom est rest6 aux Espagnols. Hist, du 
Pcrou, Ternaux-Compans, Voy., s<5rie ii. torn. iv. 309. Benzoni affirms that 
Atahualpa who was at Caxamalca, sent messengers to Pizarro threatening to 
make him repent if he did not leave his vassals unmolested and return to 
his own country. In questo tempo Attabaliba Re del Peru si trouaua in 
Cassiamalca, e inteso com era entrato nel suo paese gente con la barba, con 
certi animali terribili e scorreuano i luoghi, ammazzando, e depredanclo il 
tutto, mando vn ambasciatore a Francesco Pizzarro, minacciandolo, che se 
non lasciaua i suci vassalli, e se ne fosse ito al suo paese, che lo farebbe mal 
eontento. Hist. Alondo Nvovo, 121. 


Soto finds the Peruvian gv 

ory of i he worl monarch v. 

11. : informal ion of the mak< univ and 

II. :rtir- iour, and n be! 

the Sj h captain to proceed on his In i I 

] . hie errand. At this juncture . 

ri .vith an invitation from the inea for t! :i- 

iards to visit him. While mi the way ] 
.changed of the res 

paniards draw near the Peruvian mpment, 
another m< iger from the inca \\ ^ to know < 
what day the siraiiu .vill enter ( axanudea, that a 
suitaM .{ion may he jnvpaivd. 

At length Iron i the t- ! liei^his a 1 Cax 

inalca, through oju-nings of tin; foliage, the vrhi 
t nts of the Peruvian host are se< iiing I or 

miles along the fertile vail; It is a sight at which 
the heart of the stoutest cavalier might heat despond- 
,nd that without prejudice. lut t auda- 
cious Spaniards halt only to don their brightest armor, 
and unfurling their banner they maivh down tl 

untain. Next day, the 15th of November, Tiza: 
divides his force into three companies and enters tl 

.vn about the hour of \ Some two th- id 

houses sui-round a triangular pla. raordina 

i in by solid masonry and low 

an<l entered from the streets through gat From a 
large ; .ad B > tin 

on one , while on the otlr 

t. Without the now d 

ilie temple of the sun, and on an emii. r by 

another and more 1 ormidal brtreea of hewn 

iral wall, which thrice 

the place imp Jdiery, while i 

iVom tin- plain i< made by a winding stair 1 

n the vill;, ,n,l the lYruvi;. 

1 ague distant . iway runs, form! ;d 

er tl i iiiierveiiii: 

-A ill h. 1 tb. miards march throiiL. 


the silent streets in which no living thing is visible 
save a few knots of ancient, witch-like crones who 
predict in low mournful regrets the destruction of the 
strangers, the adventure at this point assumes ghostly 
shape, like the confused manceuvrings of a dream and 
Caxamalca a phantom city. Quartering his troops in 
the plaza, Pizarro sends Hernando de Soto with fifteen 
horsemen, 6 and the interpreter Felipillo, to ask the 
inca the time and place of the approaching inter 
view; and lest accident should befall the embassy 
Hernando Pizarro is ordered to follow and assist as 
occasion requires. Over the causeway toward the 
imperial camp rushes first one cavalcade and then the 
other, past manly men and modest women who gaze 
in mute astonishment as the apparitions emerge from 
the murky twilight and sweep by and disappear midst 
clatter of hoofs and clang of arms never before heard 
in this quarter of the earth. Presently is encoun 
tered the Inca s army drawn up in distinct battalions, 
archers, slingers, clubmen, and spearmen, standing 
expectantly. 7 The royal pavilion occupies an open 
space near the centre of the encampment. Within 
a short distance are the bath-houses, and a rustic 
dwelling, with plastered walls colored in various tints 
and surrounded by corridors. On one side is a stone 
fountain, and a reservoir into which flows water, 
both hot and cold, from rivulets and springs through 
aqueducts which intersect the valley in every direc 
tion. On the other side are the royal gardens and 

As the horsemen draw up before the royal quarters 

G Herrera says 24 ; others 20. In the narratives of these early adventurers 
rarely two arc exactly alike concerning any occurrence. Among them all, 
however, we can usually arrive near the truth. 

7 There were in reality, according to the Spanish Captain/ 80,000 war 
riors in the encampment of the inca, but the cavaliers reported to their 
comrades only 40,000 in order not to dishearten them! Li Capitani ritor- 
norno al signor gourenator, e li disseno quel che era seguito del cacique, e 
cbe li parea che la gente ch egli haueua portriano esser da quaranta mila 
huomini da guerra. Et questo dissono per dar animo alia gente, perche 
erano piu di ottanta mila, e dissono ancora quello che li haueua detto il 
cacique. Rdatlone d vn Capitauo Spagnvolo, in Ramusio, iii. 373. 


the in ! on an lit 

of liis tent and surround- d 1 >\ of C 

while beautiful da Miani ire ilif about tl 

Around i ] discipline, and t 1 JUIM! 

i tin- nobles toward their chief ar 

at the iirst glai The irica, although arr 

mdily tlian liis at f ily distil! 

the iai. imperial In-ad-dr or borla, v, 11- 

vian monarchs in place of a crown. . a 

crimson woollen fringe, which Ovic.lo <! 


tassel of the width of the hand, and about < . n in 

length, gai I upon the crown in the form of a il 
ln-usli, tin; frilly; v .11 

to the eyes, and partially covering tli ^o tliat tl. 
wearer can scarcely se< \\out n\\> \ r ]>art 

of it with hi-; hand. Flic Christians \vlio 
many tales of liis rraft and irrocity, look in vain lor 

tary jKission or ciinnii The 1-i.rla, 
according to Jei lirov, duot i >ver 

the features of Atahualpa; aside from this. 1 r, 

his face is grave, ]>assi<>nl ;nd cold. Witli a 
h an on either { llernando de Soto rid 

forwai-d a i w p, . and witliont dismounting ] 
ll ully addresses the inea through l- .-lipillo, tl 
interpreter. * I come, n v [)rinc-i^ fr 

tl: of the Christians, who through \ 

now rests at Caxani, ardently loii^in 

ki.-s your royal hand, and deliver you ; ssage iV^m 
his ],: >ii i r, tlie kin^- of Spain." 

with ej lowneast, the inea as if listenii. 

not. as if unaware uf any extraordii oc- 
rurreix A liai rassin^ par i noitlem; 

-t the au^u.-t monarch an Lt 

Ifi Well/ 
At this juncture Hernan do Pi/ai-ro ri- id 
joins in the parl When informed that a broth 

nish captain has ai-rived. Atalinal; 

hi and Bpea&S: " Say i ;ir COmmi at 

I last, bui tO-BD w i will \ , ; I axa- 


malca." Hereupon the ambassadors turn to depart; 
but the inca, slow to speak, is slower still to cease 
speaking, and the Spaniards are motioned to pause. 
" My cacique Mayzabilica informs me," continues 
Atahualpa, "that the Christians are cowards, and 
not invincible as they would make us believe; for on 
the banks of the Turicara he himself had killed three 
Spaniards and a horse in revenge for outrages on his 
people." Checking his rising choler with the thought 
of the stake for which he played, Hernando Pizarro 
explains: " Your chieftain tells you false when he says 
that the Christians dare not fight, or even that they 
can be overcome. Ten horsemen are enough to put 
to flight ten thousand of the men of Mayzabilica. My 
brother comes to offer terms of amity. If you have 
enemies to be subdued direct us to them, and we will 
prove the truth of this I say." With an incredulous 
smile Atahualpa drops the subject and offers refresh 
ments to his visitors. But at this moment the atten 
tion of all is directed to another scene. 

Hernando de Soto is an expert horseman and 
superbly mounted. He marks the smile of incredu 
lity with which the broad boast of his comrade had 
been received by the Peruvians, and in order to 
inspire a more healthful terror, he drives his iron heel 
into the flanks of his impatient steed, and darting off 
at full speed, sweeps round in graceful curves, pranc 
ing, leaping, running; then riding off a little distance 
he wheels and dashes straight toward the royal pavil 
ion. The nobles throw up their hands to shield the 
sacred person of the inca; a moment after they fly in 
terror. But when with one more bound the horse 
would be upon the monarch, the rider reins back the 
animal to a dead stop. Not the twitching of a muscle 
is discernible in the features of the inca; though for 
their cowardice in the presence of strangers, we are 
told that the nobles next day suffered death. The 
cavaliers decline food, saying that they, too, are hold 
ing a fast; but chicha, or wine of maize, being offered 


tl. in g ;uid 

Atahualpa brooking no i ,il,thc Spaniards without 

(I. inting drink it oil , and lowly rid. k to 


-A it wears a\v;iy, while Atahu lies 

dreaini of th ilight apparition, Fran< rizar- 

ro matures liis plai 1/n s there v in t: 

brief -y of lliu in .up to in 

in attempting here the rare trick, fche .^j aniards 
nevertheless determine i it. Tli of 

tin- pr "d perfidy and butch, ry are an, d with 
nmat idacity and < :;t<-d \vitl; indif- 

10 hunian rights and human sufierin^ which 
would do honor to the chief of anacoi In issuing to 
his oil !irir instructions i\,r thu day, which 

nothing l.-ss than to seize the ii ffld murder I 
attendants, I i/.arro : "Tin- project is ; i- 

:i at first glance one mi ^ht ima^i: "J oadmi. 
; to us the rites of h , tlui Indians will 

not arrayed in hostile humor. Xo more ran 1 

Imitted to the plaza than . he ca-ily vaiKjiiishud; 
id with the inca, whom his soldiers N bip ; 
>d, \vithin our gras]>, we may dictate terms to tl. 
Farther than this our 

Atahualpa has permitl ir in:-i;4-ni, -h 

he could crush at ] to advance a to the 

border of his sacred pn- ; he will scai er 
us to <! t, in peace, did we wi>h it. 

make r lli in n; r, 

God will never who liu lit 1 

tended l,y pi :l rly 

clari ill tin- loth of November, i- 

hi: n soon clears the atmospl. ,y 

i oi Arms and ai put in o 

burnished; the h- d with hells ami 

jingling trappings, that 1 tnajpr 

A stimptii 1 in one . 

1he I M u m^ into the pla/.a in which tlic in.- io 

Ti liy is divided into thn Had- 


rons under Hernando de Soto, H-ernando Pizarro, and 
Sebastian de Benalcazar, and stationed within the 
halls on the three sides of the plaza, The foot-sol 
diers, with the exception of twenty men reserved by 
Pizarro as his body-guard, occupy rooms adjoining 
the court, but few being visible. Two small field- 
pieces are planted opposite the avenue by which 
the Peruvians approach. Near the artillerymen are 
stationed the cross-bowmen, and in the tower of the 
fortress a few musketeers are placed. Thus the Span 
iards await their victim till late in the afternoon, when 
from the tower they behold that which causes trepi 
dation not less than courage-cooling delay. Three 
hundred warriors in gay uniforms clear the way of 
sticks or stones or other obstruction for the royal pro 
cession, which is headed by Atahualpa, seated on a 
throne of gold, in a plumed palanquin garnished with 
precious stones, and borne on the shoulders of his 
vassals. On either side and behind the royal litter 
walk the counsellors of the realm, and behind it fol 
lows battalion after battalion of the forces of the inca 
until thirty thousand soldiers in martial array occupy 
the causeway from the Peruvian camp half way to 
Caxamalca. Surely the projected seizure in the midst 
of such a host were madness, and without a miracle it 


would seem that the Christians must abandon their 
pious purpose. The miracle, however, is not wanting. 
Just before reaching the entrance in the city, Ata- 
.hualpa pitches his tents with the intention of passing 
there the night and entering Caxamalca the next 
morning. This, the death-blow to the high hopes of 
the day, Pizarro determines if possible to prevent. 
Despatching a messenger to the inca, he beseeches 
him to change his purpose, and to sup with him that 
night. The inca assents, saying that in view of the 
lateness of the hour he will bring only a few unarmed 
attendants. And to his subjects he remarks, "Arms 
are unnecessary in our intercourse with those 
in so holy a mission." Hence the miracle. 

o o 

IT 01 

Tl. r in com] ith 1 

up the in, 

!i the (hi! 
X ^>n of he 

styled t ;an i. 

I with armor and 
and >ih walking, others in lit: 

IT several i -. Around his iie<-k o-. 
t, the inea ^ ears 1 of 

* o 

under the 1 magic l>r; 11, cold. 

k (jf the ] :i pi 

:<>n of enkin 

d procession 

diualp: Ion in the 

1 th< 1 ruvian sold the reiuain- 

in Profound quiet fills the j 

hidden hehind tlie l<>nns of his o\v; 


ut descei :e litter, 

an iiKjuiri; . "Have t 

At this moment a \ 

\ al\ hy the int< :, cm 

: n on the ] hand he i 

and i Ap[ 

ho inea, : 
\vith tL trines of the trinity, 

8 T as there arc 1 

unnueror, others as falling ii. 

:i lie 

and i 

i 1 1 

]K)CO3 tSp- 

!, Ill 

i Jose h #rfMi 


i oss and a b 


and delegation of authority, and ending with faith, 
hope, and charity, as manifest in the person of the 
pirate Pizarro. 

The contemptuous smile which mounts the features 
of the inca at the opening of the address, changes 
to looks of dark resentment as he is told to renounce 
his faith and to acknowledge the sovereignty of the 
king of Spain. "Your sovereign may be great," he 
exclaims, fire flashing from his eye, "but none is 
greater than the inca. I will be tributary to no man. 11 
As for your faith, you say your god was slain and by 
men whom he had made. Mine lives," pointing 
proudly to the setting sun, "omnipotent in the heav 
ens. 1 2 Your pope must be a fool to talk of giving away 
the property of others." 13 Then after a moment s pause 
he demands, "By \vhat authority do you speak thus 
to me?" The priest places in his hand the bible. "In 
this," he says, "is given all that is requisite for man 
to know." The inca takes the book and turns the 
leaves. "It tells me nothing," he exclaims. Then 
exasperated by what he deems intentional insult he 
throws the book upon the ground, 14 saying, "You 
shall dearly pay for this indignity, and for all the in 
juries you have done in my dominions." It is enough. 

10 Lui exposa longuement les mysteres cle notre sainte religion, en citant 
son discours plusieurs passages des 6 vangiles, comme si Atalmaipa avait su ce 
que c e" tait que les e" vangiles, ou eut 6t6 oblige" de le savoir. Balboa, Hist, du 
Perou, in Ternaux-Compans, Voy., sorie ii. torn. iv. 315. 

11 Respondio Atabaliba muy enojado, que no queria tributar siedo libre. 
Gomara, Hist. Ind., 149. Ma che non gli pareua come He libero di dar tri 
bute a chi non haueua mai ve duto. Benzoni, Hist. Mondo Nuovo, 123. Soi 
libre, no debo tributo & nadie, ni pienso pagarlo, que no reconozco por superior 
a ningun Rei. Garcilaso de la Vega, Com. Reales, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. xxv. 

12 Y que Christo murio, y el sol, y la luna nunca morian. Gomara, Hist. 
Ind., 150. , 

13 Et che il Pontefice doueua essere vn qualche gran pazzo, poi che daua 
cosi liberamente quello d altri. Benzoni, Hit. Mondo Nuovo, 123. Que no 
obedeceria al Papa porque daua lo ageno, y por no dexar aquien nunca vio el 
reyno, que fue de su padre. Gomara, Hist. Ind., 149-50. 

Poi gli dimandb, come sapeua, che l Dio de Cristiani di niente haueua 
fatto il mondo, e che fosse morto in Croce. II frate rispose, che quel libro lo 
diceua, e lo porse ad Attabaliba, ilquale lo prese, e guardatoui sopra, ridendo 
disse; ^a me non dice niente questo libro; e gettatolo per terra, il frate lo 
ripiglio. Benzoin, Hist. Mondo Nuovo, 123. Le moine en fut si irrite" qu il 
re"clama & grands cris vengeance pour 1 offense faite a Dieu et a sa sainte loi. 
Balboa, Hist, du Per on, 315. 


( Ml !( kin I the h"ly 

"XYhy (! cri 

II In- pick- Up tl Tl I 

vohim "In ( J d s na: Kill the impious 

c! ia 

Th MS commander needs IM second exhorta 

tion, rnfurhn; bite banner, tl ill "; ! t, 

In- springs from I:!- rei real : th .t in-l in the 
disdia Li- m t, and l"ii<l rings the v. 

jantiagol ry Sii.-mi.-ird rushes t tin- c 

To their brutal instinct \v;is nddrd a spiritnnl drunk- 
cniH-ss which iok thnii out oCtlic y of manhood 

and made them human i u-nds. AV- wonder how u 
could BO In-li l.iit g] r still is our v. how 

iiK-ii so l)( li>-\ in-_C could so lichax r rii -mis iill tl 


place w nh reverberating noise and smoke; with shrill 
! >t trumpets and jin^lin^ <>! lel!> the ho] n 
ride upon the panic-stricken crowd; the infantry with 
clan;j; of arms appeal 1 and all unite in <juick sue >n 

in sheathing their sharp swords in the uiij 
* bodies of the n .s. At first they tun y. hut 

. point they are met l>y a blood-thirsl 
nearest tli. . hut soon the ja 

"ke<l l>y hea[>s of deaa hodi The car: 
ul. And al-o\-e all 1hc din of i 3 In ard 

the shrill voice of the man of (lod crying to t! 
diers, "I hni^t! thrtisl! thrust with the point of your 
s\ t ly striking you l-r ak your 

lildly aflinns that the incn threw th. 
in ii, th;il 

cpin vit 



!, 11 i i, iso 

: s it tl. 

,-, ii. lil>. i. 

t tint > 



When the first fierce charge is made, Pizarro, who 
with twenty chosen men had assumed the task of 
capturing the inca, rushes for the royal litter, but 
quick as are their movements the devoted followers of 
Atahualpa are before him, -and crowding round their 
imperilled sovereign, struggle to shield his person. 
As one drops dead another hastens to take his place. 
Each one of Pizarro s guard strives for the honor of 
the capture; but for a time they are prevented by 
the surges of the crowd which carry the monarch 
hither and thither and by the desperate defence made 
by the Peruvians. 

Fearful lest in the darkness which is now coming 
on the victims should escape, one of the Spaniards 
strikes with his sword at the inca. In warding off 
the blow, Pizarro receives a slight wound in the hand; 
then threatening death to any who offer violence to 
Atahualpa, he hews his way through the fortress 
of faithful hearts which guard the royal person, and 
thrusting his sword into the bearers of the litter 
brings down the monarch, whom he eatches in his 
arms. The borla is torn from Atahualpa s forehead 
and he is led away to the fortress, \vhere he is mana 
cled and placed under a strong guard. 18 Meanwhile 
the butchery continues in and beyond the plaza, And 
in the slaughter of about five thousand men which 
occupied not more than half an hour it is said that no 
Spanish blood was spilled save that drawn from the 
hand of Pizarro by one of his own men. 1D Following 

bewaren, dat sy niet braecken, mits sy de Degens in nacomende moorderyen 
souden van noode hebben. West-Indische Spicyhel, 362. 

18 Cargaua todos sobre Atabaliba, que todauia estaua en sn litera, por 
prendeiie, desseando cada vno el prez y gloria de su prision. Gomara, 150. 
Ses gardes prirent la fuite de tous les cote s, et les Espagnols, ayaiit entrain^ 
1 Inga dans leur camp, 1 vi mirent les f ers aux pieds. Balboa, Hist, du Pcrou, 

1<J The Spanish Captain places the number at over seven thousand be 
sides many -who had their limbs cut off and were in other ways mutilated. 
Rima sero in quel giorno morti da sei ouer sette mila Indiani, oltra molti che 
haueano tagliate le braccia, e molte altre ferite. Relatione cV vn Cap itano 
Spagnvclo; llamusio, iii. 374. Decimos, que pasaron de cinco mil Indies 
los que murieron aquel dia. Los tres mil y quinientos fueron a hierro, y 
los demaa fueron viejos invtiles, nrugeres, muchachos, y nifios, porque de 

AT TI 31 

their instill nd UK- ni^ht 

in rioi!!)-- ;ind drunh r .riius during tli il t 

tropical twilight, ihe com) U 

mplished; the sun of the IE i lurid, blood- 

Ij tr ir ei, t , 1 izarro and At 

hualpa sup together that ni-ht!" 1 

\\V have seen how tin; opulent empire of P 

mid; lm\v its powerful chieftain was t rously 

taken captive ly a crew ! Spanish invade. : D 
witness for a moim-nt how pi-arc- was inadu liyainlxt- 

the Prince of P( 

S<> suddenly 1 rll the blow that Atalmalpa failed to 
-it nation. It was but an aliVay of the 
liour; the idea of his subjugation 1 not yet i-vcii 
him. At tin- banquet he pi-aisc-d th- .-kill 
with which the bloody work was dour, and to 1; 
lamenting followers he said, "Such are ih 
of war, to conquer and to be conquered. By 1 izarro 
and his comrades the an prisoner \\ 

a di.-li iit Ibr the gods. Jlis women and his ii 
W permitted to attend him, and fur his life or 

prolonged imprisonment he waa t<>!<l to have no fear. 

ia renido innumerable 

1 los (]iic trnian ] 

. ii. lib. i. cap. 1T>. Thifl l :utal nuis.-nen 

tku Uie moet important battles of hi 

so litt! < 


1 la liiano ; i inii . Kar 

" ( ;utu la : ia di 

infrli o tutt : in Ijal 

MI. i <l > A 

!.-k, lit 1.1. n BV ili 1: 


p iiininnnciit of l>lin<l adulation is found i: 
lii . the l 

nt, hilt tit. 


iT>r. This ; i in the autl, rso 

. and i 


Meanwhile the Spaniards were exhorted to watch 
fulness; they were reminded that they were but a 
handful of men surrounded by millions of foes. "Our 
success/ said Pizarro, "was miraculous, for which God 
who gave it us should be devoutly praised." The 
Peruvians made no effort to rescue their chief; and 
while the sacred person of their inca was a prisoner 
they were powerless and purposeless.. Thirty horse 
men were sufficient to scatter the imperial army and 
rifle the encampment. And while Pizarro preached 2 
Christianity to his chained captive, his soldiers were 
out gold-gathering, desecrating the Peruvian temples, 
killing the men, and outraging the women. 23 It was 
quickly discovered that the wealth of the country far 
exceeded the wildest dreams of the conquerors, and 
soon gold and silver ornaments and utensils to the 
value of one hundred thousand castellanos were heaped 
up in the plaza. 24 

Atahualpa was not slow to perceive that neither 
loyalty nor their vaunted piety was the ruling passion 
of his captors, but the love of gold. And herein was 
a ray of hope; for as the clays went by a dark sus 
picion of their perfidy and evil intention concerning 
him had filled his mind. Calling Pizarro to him he 
said: "The affairs of my kingdom demand my atten 
tion. Already my brother Huascar, having heard of 
my misfortune, is planning his escape. If gold will 
satisfy you, I will cover this floor with vessels of 
solid gold, so you but grant me my freedom." Pizar 
ro made no reply. The Spaniards present threw an 
incredulous glance around the apartment. The room 

C Y se fue enterando de ellos del discurso de su venida, y de la F6 
Catolica, que oia muy bien: como hombre que tenia nruy bien entendi- 
miento. Pizarro y Qrellana, Varones Ilvstres, 156. 

_ a Hallaron en el baiio, y Real, de Atabaliba cinco mil mugeres, que aunque 
tristes, y desamparadas, holgaron con los Christianos, muchas y buenas tienclas, 
infinite ropa de vestir. Garcilaso de la Vega, Com. Reales, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. 


<Vali6 en fin la bajilla sola de Atabaliba, cien mil ducados. Garcilaso 
de la Vega, Com. Real, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. xxvii. Los Soldados no se descui- 
daron en visitar los quarteles del exercito del Inga, donde hallaron grandissimas 
riqueza de oro, y plata. Pizarro y Orellana, Varones Ilvstres, 156. 

A KlXii S T. 33 

in length hy ;i in width. 

Inferring from their silcMc.- that tin* <><> 


small and <li the |>r of IMM-- confine 

ment,!; laimed: "Nay, I will fill tl 

! i with ^ old, if you will let i 

And to make the offer the m< Mtin^-h ppedto 

the wall and on tip I shing out h: mm 

mark nine feei iVom the; iloor. Still li >nitt 

were silent. At last he hurst out c " And it 

that is MI >t en< >u<_di/ pointing to a smaller a par 
joining, I will iiil that room twice full with silver." 
The }>n.]><al was accepted. It w;is safv i^ h to <lo 

BO, although the infemous Pizarro never for ; -nt 

intcMdfd his royal prisoiuT should leave his hands 
alive; lor hy this nn-ans mi^ht th<3 \ 

riMjiii-t- 1>r mosl speedily collected, and if sticvessiul 

a j)ivtc\t lor hrcukiii ^ tin- promise <>t liherat imi ini^ht 
-ily he found. Two months were allowed th j>- 

tive in which to Bather this enormous treasure. Hol 
low vessels and all utensils were to 1, itrihiited in 

manufactured form, not melted down. V;d- eh 

were to enrich the collection, and the friend-hip of 
the inca was t< <-rown the visionary ransom. 

Jniniedia: the recording of this stipulation 

hy the notary. Atahualpa sent out in every direction 

\\ith instructions to gatlier and hri 
inalca .with tin- ! ihlc delay, the r> 

articles i oi- tlie IVIMSOMI. The t < of the hi 

PC cli; l!y ].. I in the royal palaces of Cux.c. ; nid 
(Juito and in the temples of the sun t hr- >u--]iout t 
empii-e. All - rnors and suit; : to 

he ir dacrity in t! utiou of tlii^ on! 

Meanwhile the pir were i: 

Mach 1 of them w lord v. I on hy 

male and female attendant Tliey di-ank iVom \ 

gran < !c oro, quo 

l i . <k: 

:. ii. 
Ill-, i. 

r. Aic. VOL. II. 3 


of gold and shod their horses with silver. Their cap 
tain was king of kings; one king his prisoner, another 
his prisoner s prisoner. One of the chroniclers states 
that shortly after his capture Atahualpa received 
intelligence of an important battle won by his army 
on the day of his fall. "Such are the mysteries of 
fate," exclaimed the unhappy monarch, "at the same 
moment conquered and a conqueror." Huascar who 
was at this time confined at Andamarca not far distant 
from Caxamalca hearing of the capture of Atahualpa 
and of the immense ransom offered for his release sent 
to Pizarro offering a much larger amount for his own 
liberation. Pizarro saw at once the advantage to be 
derived in acting the part of umpire between these 
rival claimants to the throne, and consequently the 
overtures of Huascar were encouraged. But Atahu 
alpa although closely confined was kept fully informed 
of the events transpiring throughout the empire, and 
his word was yet law. Pizarro imprudently remarked 
to him one clay, "I wait with impatience the arrival 
of your brother in order that I may judge between 
you and render justice where it may be due." 26 Shortly 
afterward Huascar was secretly put to death; and 
Pizarro had the mortification of finding himself out 
witted by a manacled barbarian. 

While waiting the gathering of the gold, Hernando 
Pizarro with twenty horsemen raided the country 
with rich results. Three soldiers, it is said, were sent 
by Pizarro under the inca s protection to Cuzco, where 
after desecrating the temples and violating the sacred 
virgins they returned to Caxamalca with two hundred 
cargas of gold and twenty-five of silver, the transpor 
tation of which required no less than nine hundred 

Time passed wearily with the imprisoned monarch.. 
The influx of gold at first rapid, soon fell off, and un- 

25 * J attends avec impatience 1 arrive e de votre frere. pour savoir quelssont 
ses droits, rendre justice a chacun et tacher de vousmettre d accord. Halboa, 
Hist, du Ptrou, 317. 

.rni:i:ix<; TH LD. 
fortunately for Atahualpa much of it was in Hal p 1 

which incr- I the hulk hut slowly. N the! 
j the matter went Pizarro felt jib 1 in ^ranti; 

the prisoner an ion of time. In February 15; 

AlmagTO arrived at ( axamalca \vith twohundie 1 men, 
fifty oi wliojn were mounted, and demanded f<>r him- 

elr and company e<niital>le participation in the spoil, a 

cording to compact. This Pi/arro ref . l!it agfl 
to divide what should he then-after taken. Th dlS- 

]>ute \ finally settled by allowing All 

-one hundred thousand pesos, and for his men 
twenty thousand. 

Y-t more slowly came in the gold; the people 
now hiding it; the Spaniards d 1 the death > 

Atahualpa with the liberty to devastate and pillage 
after the old maniiei 1 . 1 hey determined the, ii: 
should die; : hut first they would melt down and 
divide the gold; they determined to kill the inea, hut 
iirst he should have a fair trial. It was no diilieult 
matter to frame an indictment. Hua 
pretended in-ii; delay in the ran.-om, j ,d 

acec-pt haptism ; these ehar-vg, or any oi thein, we! 

amply sufficient. Then l^elipillo , ., .hvd one of At- 

ahualpa s wives, and did what he could to h; 


The native artisans to whom the task was allotted 

weW occupied mere than a month in running in 
the unm of .u old and silv< r Coll 1. 

It was in value 1. .539 castellanos, in pur- 

17 1 ; that 1 ir.l fmui thp ! of 

A tain: M l.y ; 


tli Ifu.-. 

it, dit-.n. (rune <lr.s fciniiifs d Al :te 

fpi iulrei\ se c.xninii. 

inu^cr ivit-s>. 

iir. !e los ; s, cscri 

1 i Valverde < 1 lin .le im\> I 

w> os, Agustin ^arat. . \ I -o 

[>CZ clc CJOIIKI: .c.s do aqucll lUtua del 


chasing power to over twenty millions of dollars at 
the present day. " It is the most solemn responsi 
bility of my life," exclaimed Pizarro, as he seated 
himself in the golden chair of the inca, to act as 
umpire in the partition, " and may God help me to 
deal justly by every man;" after which prayer the 
pirate s dealings might well be watched. And first 
he gave himself the golden chair in which he sat, 
valued at 20,000 castellanos, golden bars, 57,222 cas- 
tellanos, and 2,350 marks of silver. Next his brother 
Hernando received 31,080 castellanos of gold, and 
2,350 marks of silver, nearly twice as much as was 
given to Hernando de Soto, his equal in rank and 
talent. Horsemen received 8,880 castellanos in gold 
and 362 marks of silver. Some of the infantry received 
, half that amount, others less. To the church of San 
Francisco was given 2,220 castellanos of gold. 30 Father 
Luque had died shortly before the departure of Al- 
magro from Panama; no mention is made of him or 
of his legal representative, Gaspar de Espinosa, in the 

Hernando Pizarro and Hernando de Soto were 
both opposed to harsh measures with regard to the 
inca, treating with the contempt they deserved the 
thickening rumors of revolt. But Pizarro and Al- 
magro, impatient to pursue their ambitious schemes, 
had long since determined Atahualpa s fate. The ac- 

molde: pondre aqui algimas dellas, para que se vean mejor. Gardlaso de la 
Vega, Com. Beetles, pt. ii. lib. i. cap. xxxviii. I have taken the lowest estimate 
of this treasure as being in all probability as near the truth as any. Many 
different amounts are given, some of them as high as four millions. Hallarou 
cinque ta y dos mil marcos de buena plata, y vn millon, y trezientos, y veynte 
y seys mil y quinietos pesos de oro, suma, y riqza, nunca vista en viio. 
Gomara, Hist. Ind., 154-5. 

5 The Spanish Captain says that every foot-soldier received 4,800 ducats, 
equal to 7,208 castellanos, while horsemen received double. Those who were 
left at San Miguel received 200 pesos each. II signor gouernatore fece le 
parti, e tocc6 a ciscuno fante a pie, qtiattro mila e ottocento pesi d oro, che 
sono ducati. 7208, e a gli huomini a cauallo il doppio, senza altri vantaggi che 
gli furon fatti. . .A quelli Christian! che erano restati in quel luogo doue ha- 
ueua fondato il ridotto de San Michele, dette dua mila pesi d oro, accioche lo 
partissero, che ne tocc6 dugento pesi a ciascuno. Relation e d vn Capitano 
8pa0nvolo, Ramusio, iii. 377. Chaque cavalier recut neuf cents pesos d or 
et trois cent soixante marcs d argent. Chaque fantassin cut la moitie" de cette 
stxmine. Hist, du Ptrou, 327-8. 


CU>ati UK! t lid both I 

they not so diabolical Pizarro and AJ d 

\ jud-es. A moi i<_r the eh, ted in- 

BU ion, u.Mirpation and putting to death the 1 

i ul sovereign, idolatry, wagin !ul- 

ry, polygamy, and tin- embe//.!.-ment of the pub! 
revenues since the Spaniards had taken poaa 

11. iintry! \Vhat more cut tin-- irony could \\ 
])i csciit of the Christian and civilized idea of human- 
ity and i lits of man tin n n1 <Ttain<-d than t! 

do^uo of crimes by which this barbarian mi; 
unjustly die, every one ot whieh the Spaniard m- 

3 had committed in a tenfold d. 

in-- these dominions. The opinion of th< 

ien. w It is unnecessary to say that the p; 
was I ounil guilty. lie was condemned to be burn 
alive in the plaza. 

At the appointed hour the royal captive, heavily 
chained, was led forth. It v, nightfall, and t 

rch-lights threw a dismal glare upon the 
1 y the i: ide walked the ini a: Vi- 

nte, \\ho ii I pouring into the umvillii 

ear of his victim his hateful consolatioi I ^^n t 

funeral pile, Atahualpa ^ ^formed thai ifi id 

ccjit baptism he 1 mi^ht be kindly >t rankled i. id 
cf b d. "A cheap escape from much Mill 
it the monarch, and permitted it to 1-e 
The name of Juan de Atahual[ia w \vn hi: 
iron collar of th< rroto was then ti 
( brisl iac the new coin 

81 1 .v that th h w;is < 

: to the soUlit-rs, \\hiic liy . c o <lci to th 

tin- oiliuia \\hii him. 

I killinu tli 


D : 

i SOlul 
:i los 1 



and the spirit of the inca hied away to the sun. Thus 
one more jewel was added to the immortal crown of 
Father Vicente de Valverde! 32 

With the death, of Atahualpa the empire of the 
incas fell to pieces, and the Spaniards were not slow 
to seize upon the distracted country. It is said that 
the gold and silver obtained by the conquerors at 
Cuzco equalled that furnished by the inca. Official 
statements place the amount at 580,200 castellanos of 
gold, and 215,000 marks of silver. 83 After another 
distribution government was organized by the Span 
iards with Manco Capac crowned inca of Peru for a 
figure-head, behind whom and in whose name the 
grim conquerors might unblushingly pursue their work 
of destruction. Sebastian Benalcazar took possession 
of Quito, where he was shortly afterward confronted 
by Pedro de Alvarado, one of the conquerors of Mex 
ico and governor of Guatemala. 

It appears that Alvarado, having fitted out a fleet 
of twelve ships for a voyage to the Spice Islands, was 
turned from his purpose as will be hereafter related, 
by the reported marvellous successes of the Peruvian 
adventures. Believing or affecting to believe that 
the province of Quito was without the jurisdiction 
of Pizarro, he determined to conquer that country for 
himself. His army on landing presented the strongest 
front of any in Peru, but the march across the snowy 
sierra was one of the most disastrous in Spanish colo 
nial history. 34 Although the distance was short the en- 

J The philosophy as well as the religion of the early writers is ever found 
equal to the emergency. Y aunque parecio sin causa, y como tal lo pagaron 
los quo intervinieron en ella, no sin culpa; pues tan sin ella avia sido fratricida 
del Guaxcar, como queda dicho. Pizarro y Orellana, Varones Ilvstres, 1G6-7. 
33 Comencaron vnos a desentablar las paredes del templo, que de oro, y 
plata eran: otros & desenterrar las joias, y Vasos de oro, que con los Muertos 
estavan: otros a tomar idolos que de lo mesmo eran. Garcllaso de la Vega, 
Com. Reales, pt. ii. lib. ii. cap. vii. 

Acerca de los quinientos hombres, que estos autores dicen, que llevb 
consigo D. Pedro de Alvarado, se me ofrece decir, que & muchos de los que 
fueron con el, les oi, que f ueron ochocientos Espafloles. Garcilaso de la Vega, 
Com. Beaks, pt. ii. lib. ii. cap. ii. 


ti: ii with tin- dead; n liaii hun 

dred Spaniar. ;id t v. . . t hou>and Indians j bed 
i Inoiigh how* -urvived to enable A! inal. 

blearra aente with Almagroand Benalc&zar. 

A portion oi tin- ve&& ml the entire t t Al 

rado were transferred totheassoci for o; ^divd 
thousand castellan* Alvaradotben vi l ; i.:arro 

at J achacamac, wh< the latter was . the 

dt vrlnpinrnt of d C^tiii r which Alv, 

i-adn tool; hisdcjiartui-e. Benalc&zar remain 

and uveiitiially became -overnor of that 

After this in the history of Peru conies the i-ud 
between tlie associate coiKjuurors; for here as el 

no BOOner are Hie savages slain than their 
( all to fighting among theinsi 1 Alma- 

and I i/.arro are old men, old irieiids, i-ojmrtii 
t instead of dividing their iinnn-n-.- acquisition and 
devoting the brief remainder of their da pea 
fid pursuits, so deadly becomes their hatred that 

icli seems unable to rest while the other li\ 
Hernando Pizarro reports proceedings in Sj ,-md 
Almagro is placed in command of Cuzco, while IMzan 

founds his capital at Lima, The kin^ c-onlinns J i- 
xai ro in his conquest and makes him MarjU los 

Atavillos, and grants AlmagTO two hundred leagues 
along the sea-sin Commencing i rom the 

limit of Pizarro 1 ritoiy. Hernando Pizarro tai 

Almagro s place at Cuzco. AYhilo J>t-nal is 

( v hiito, Ah; > in Chile, and th -s of Pizari 

di\ided be1 n CllZCO and Lima, the inca, ]\Ian<- 

With two hundred tin, 1 men 

he I 3 Cuxco, Lima, and San Migurl >imulta- 

neonsly. and ma>sacre> tl h rs on plantation 

The Spaniards are reduced to the g mity. 

Cu/co is laid in a>hes. and IM/arro. unable to G 5p6T- 

witli liis bi-other Sernando, despatches >hi[s i 

.1 anama and Nicaragua for aid. 


r J he. chief poinl of dispute IM t\\ 


is the partition line dividing their respective govern 
ments. Each claims the ancient capital of Cuzco as 
lying within his territory. Almagro, returning from 
a disastrous expedition into Chile, makes overtures to 
gain the friendship of Manco Capac; failing in this 
he defeats the inca in a pitched battle, takes posses 
sion of Cuzco, makes Hernando Pizarro his prisoner, 
and captures his army. Instead of striking off his 
head as urged to do by Orgonez, and marching at 
once on Lima, Almagro falters and thereby falls. 

Meanwhile Hernan Cortes sends his imperilled 
brother-conqueror a vessel laden with provisons; a 
kingly gift. Gaspar de Espinosa, Father Luque s suc 
cessor, presents himself about this time in Peru, and 
is sent to Almagro by Pizarro to effect a settlement 
of their difficulties, but the latter remains firm, and 
the sudden death of Espinosa terminates the present 
overtures. Finally by many solemnly sworn promises, 
which are broken immediately, his point is gained, 
Francisco Pizarro obtains the release of his brother; 
then with seven hundred men, on the plain before 
Cuzco, he engages and defeats Almagro s force of five 
hundred men under Orgonez, captures Almagro, whom 
he places in chains, and after a mock trial puts him to 
death. Hernando Pizarro is afterward arrested in 
Spain for the murder of Almagro, kept confined a 
prisoner for twenty years, is liberated, and dies at the 
age of one hundred years. 

And now appears on the scene, as heir to the feud, 
Almagro s illegitimate son Diego, who henceforth 
lives but to avenge his father s death. There are 
those who will not serve the murderer of their master, 
men of Chile, they are called, and so they see distress 
and carry thin visages and -tattered garments about 
the streets of Cuzco. These to the number of twenty, 
with Juan de Rada their leader, meet at the house of 
young Almagro, and bind themselves by oath to kill 
Francisco Pizarro on the following Sunday the 26th 
of June 1541. Almagro s house adjoins the church, 

of>I>Y T; \ATIe 41 

while Pizarro on the oil he pi They 

liini as he ).-. church after n. 

But t!i- governor does not attend church that 

TOSS tin- s<ju;ii< and through an oj.cii 

tlic court-van!, from which e I to 

i upper room, win TO Pizarro is at dinner with 

nil friends. Suddenly the diners hear a shout 

in below, ".Long live the king! Death to tyrant 

A.CC med to danger I i/.arro acts on tin- instant, 
directs his chief office i- Francisco de Chaves to make 
last the door, and steps into an adjoining room with 
his half-brother, Martinez de Alcanta: > arm him- 
If. ( ihavefi -prints forward and closes the door, hut 
in [ of securing it he parleys with the assailants 
who are now at the top oi th- . A sword thru 

into the of 3 breast cuts short theconf -e, and 

the body is tiling helo\V. 1 < vin^ hlood, lno>t of 

the 14- 1 i ily, climbing over a corridor and droppin 

ound; two or three who had come forward 
with Chaves an* quickly despatched by the conspir 
ators. Although his armor is ill-adjusted Pizarro 
springs forward sword in hand. "How now. villaii. 
would you minder me?" cries this v m >f a hun 
dred ii-lr r riien to Alcantara, "Let us hold 1- ly 

traitors, for I swear to God we two are 

<>u-h to slay them all." men of Chile i all hack 

re him, but only fora moment; a^ain crowdin 

rward one after another of th- uspirators i- 
stretched <>n tin; ground. The coiKjiiest how 
too unequal to continue; yet after Alcdnt two 

]>. nor, and every p t 

th u](>n the iloor. Pizai i o still li^lr. 

on. At length Ivai! :aep !, gn 

conn I, named Xarvae/., and hui ls him a 
Pi, *8 s\\-<rd. It i Xarvaez, but it i- 

victory for Almagro; for while the swor*l of Pizarro 
i> sheatlh-d in the body of the luekl- >n>pirat(.: 

th ! .>f another stri him in the throat, 

and brings him totheil<>or. "Jvill him! kill him!" cry 


the assailants as they close round the fallen chieftain, 
thrusting into his body their swords. 3 * True to his 
religious instincts, the expiring hero raises himself on 
his arm, traces with his own blood upon the floor the 
sacred emblem of his faith, sighing "Jesu Cristo!" 
then while he bows his head to kiss the cross which 
he had made, a blow more dastardly than all the rest 
terminates his eventful life. Thus perish in sanguinary 
brawl, each by the hand of the other, these renowned 
chieftains, whose persistent steadfastness of purpose 
and manly courage under difficulties were equalled only 
by their avarice, treachery, and infamous cruelty. 

The bloody work accomplished, the conspirators 
rush forward and cry, " Long live the king ! The tyrant 
is dead! Long live our lawful governor Almagro!" 
The Almagroists continue in power till the latter part 
of 1 5 42, < when they are exterminated by Vaca de 
Castro, sent as commissioner by the crown to quiet the 
country. Almagro is executed, and the name becomes 
extinct. Juan Pizarro is killed by the Indians while 
capturing the fortress of Cuzco, and after the defeat 
of Vasco Nunez Vela at Anaquito had been avenged 
by the execution of Gonzalo Pizarro at Xaquixa- 

guana, the affairs of Peru lapse into the hands of the 


viceroys/ 1 

35 His relative, Pizarro y Orellana, says he was at this time nearly 80 
years of age, and that he killed five persons and wounded others before he 
was stricken down. Como eran tatos los que les ayudavan, aunque avia 
muerto a cinco, y otros muchos heridos, y como la edad llegava acerca de 
ochenta anos, no pudo defense tanto, que no le diessen una estocada en la gar- 
ganta, con que se desalet6, y desangrb, y vino a arrodillar. Varones Ilvstres, 

36 It is scarcely necessary to say that the best history of the Peruvian 
conquest, indeed the only one that can lay claims to fairness and complete 
ness, is Mr Prescott s. The chief original authorities have already been 
given. Pizarro forms a leading figure in Quintana, Yidas de Espaiioles Cele 
bris, published at Madrid in 1807, 1830, 1833, in three volumes, reprinted 
at Paris in 1845. Celebrated as a poet and dramatist since 1801, Quintana 
intended to produce a lengthy series of biographies of the national heroes who 
had already entered into his song ; but the demands of other studies and Of 
his public duties as censor, director de estudios, and as senator, interfered 
with his work, and nine lives are all that have been recorded. While declar 
ing his intention to be impartial and instructive he is often led by his innate 

predilection for hero and word painting, to mingle poetic fancy with biographic 
facts. The list may be greatly swollen by si 

*^ JL. \J \J -L 

such works as Acosta, Hist. Ind.; 

Ai ;;iTir 43 

La A 
h Sea, i. 

. ii. 1..1 -, Z/oAorpe, I 
dl i:;i 67; / y., iv. : 

1C, iv. n;i 512, v. 1-21 dri.l, 1788, i. 

ii. rj:; 

, r<V"x, 71-171 ; 


rip. (/ .-I///.. ; /My/* ,s />r- - , 7 ., iii. 4 

, 141-7 /., xv.. 

, SI KM; //// ni. 7 

lo ; Unrir\i M<"t., xi -aw, in 7>o^. // ,1. 

J-(> . 51: K, in Pacheco and Col. Doc. t x. : 

Tr<i"< mada, i. Gil; and the many royal ccdulaa and letters of the 1 
and otl. 




MENTION has already been made of the appointment 
of Pedro de los Rios as governor of Castilla del Oro 
in place of Pedrarias Ddvila, of the arrival of his fleet 
at Nombre de Dios in 1526, and of the death of Pe- 
clrarias at Leon in 1530. The new governor was 
instructed that the conversion of the natives rather 
than their conquest should be his main purpose; they 
were to be treated indeed as vassals of the crown but 
not as slaves; and his Majesty the emperor Charles 
V. was pleased to declare that in the foundation of 
new colonies he had less recrard for his own awran- 

- . Oo 

chzement than for the spread of the holy Catholic 
faith. Pedro de los Kios was a man unfit to govern a 
community of wild and turbulent adventurers in a 
strange and half -settled territory. Instead of pur 
suing the right course at the right moment, he seemed 
to go out of his way to commit blunders. As occurred 

4. , 

at liis I* - in 

im h 

be was often i >\\\i(l \ ; in ; hour of 

trial. H: -k <>f amhition and ever-p .rd 

>wn ] nal i .nd sa iniiii- 
i-t mt i<>ii in prve taint- and m. itful. 

Th i fames \\ nt a- 

the rulers of ( a-tilla del Oro that it is lnita t 

i5n to allude to it; hut 1 inir>t 
bes iar >urj> d tliu ^ <>f all his j 

lli> avarice was only i <! ly that of his \vl 

Avli ( )vi-!n fcella us, held him under complete con- 

1 and governed th province through the^nvt-rn 
He appropriated all that he could lay hands on,wh< 
public or private jimpcrty, and his m.iL in oil. 

jo notorious 

of the cmjxTnr. Hc^ \v, .-joined from cro.- 
boundaries of his province, ord<T- >urr- rtol 
royal t irer the l^earl Islands, the r uies of 
, it will her uhered, \\ 1 under his 

hy the crown, and !l needful aid 

Pizarroand J)5e-" <!< Alma^ro in thepros- 
itinn of ih-ir exploring expeditions. 
lUit it was no part of the policy of Rios to huill 
\\\\ other ierritories at. the r\p of his own, and his 

fled <>f these instructions, uni with the mal 
inlluence of the crafty Pedrai whom the : 
\vitted lu<>< n , per 

his downfall. 1 Such, finally, v, the C 
before t! uncil of the Ti j, that :ue 

n of his three \ term of oil; 

IO d- la ( 

his r and the governor, d 

-ult. ] i Spain and denial, 

{ h. fore tl. ineil of the Indit-s. ( )v u 

iif\- for the city nf Panama, and .1 

1 // . iv. 111.. i< 


the iu-stig;. 


de los Bios was fined, despoiled of office, ordered home, 
and forbidden ever to return to the Indies. 2 His wife, 
whom he had left behind, refused to make the jour 
ney to Spain without the company of her husband, 
and as he declined to return for her, she remained at 
Panama to the day of her death. 

After the condemnation of Rios in 1529, the licen 
tiate refused to surrender his badge of office, retain 
ing his post as governor for about five years. 
Notwithstanding some complaints of his summary 
method of dealing with judicial matters, a few even 
going so far as to say that if Rios chose to return he 
might do so with impunity, the general verdict of the 
colonists was in his favor, and during his administra 
tion many public improvements were made. An 
inordinate craving for wealth was, as usual, the cause 
of his removal, 3 and in the spring of 1534 he was 
superseded by Captain Francisco de Barrionuevo, a 
soldier who had gained some distinction at Cartagena. 
Barrionuevo had received his commission nearly two 
years before, and set sail from Spain in command of a 
force of two hundred men, furnished at the expense 
of the crown. He was ordered to touch at Espanola, 
where the governor was instructed to furnish all 
needed supplies; and the expedition arrived at Nombre 
cle Dios with ranks somewhat thinned by disease, and 
by casualties incurred through rendering assistance 
in quelling an Indian revolt in Santo Domingo. 

Amidst the throng of adventurers who, dazzled by 
marvellous reports of the wealth of the incas and of 
the fabled treasures of Dabaiba, petitioned the emperor 
for grants of territory south of Castilla del Oro was 
Pedro de Heredia, who had already done good service 
at the settlement of Santa Marta and elsewhere in 
the Indies. To him was assigned in Nueva Anda- 

2 He died at Cdrdova. Oviedo, iii. 123-4. 

3 Of his subsequent career it is known that he served under Pizarro in Peru 
and afterward retired to his estates in Cuzco. Cartas de Indicts, 761-2. 

NUEVA AX1>AU < IA. 47 

hicia ;i province whose limits id. <l I M. in 1: 
River Atratatothe .Ma^dalena, and from th- \rth 
Sea to thu equator. Sailing from Spain in 1532 with 
thr -Is and ahont one hundred men. In- landed 

a port then called ( alainari, hut to which he ^a\ 
tin- name of Cartagena. 4 It \ ahout th 

( )jeda s command was annihilated in 1509, and hi -re 
that Xicuesa a ed the defeat of his latu rival hy 

] tutting to the sword the people. 

Aitefr a brief rest the Spaniards inarched inland and 
iinc ere Lui^ to a town where they met with >tmt 
resistance. The natives made good use of their 
poisoned aiTOWS and clubs of hard wood, man, matron, 
and maid li^litin^ side hy side, and though all desti 
tute of clothing or any defensive arm<>r, confronted 
the lire-arms and swords of the Europeans without 
flinching. A few prisoners were taken (luring the 
skirmish, one of whom, on the return of the party i 
Cartagena, offered to act as guide to some of the 
la. towns in that vicinity , thinking that hi 
mn>t Mirely he there overpowered and exterminated. 
On the way they were attacked hy a 1. lody of 

natives wh, alter a sharp cont* driven into a 

neighboring stronghold, enclosed with several thick! 
planted rows of ti In hot pursuit the Spaniar 

l ll.. . and forced their way into the enclosure nde 
l>y >ide with the fii /niv. lYesh hands of Indiai 
ori arriVed and, turning the scale, dr Mit th 
vadei-s, and in the]>lain beyond, whe] is room for 
6 use of artillery and ,,lrv. n here pre--ed 
-m so hard that they held their ground with difti- 

culty. During the fight Heredia, b 

from his men. \\ -irroundejl. and would surely ha\ 
heeu killed had not one of his sol \\av 

thrU _;h the enemy s i-anks, and tin his >w..rd 

thi-oii- h the hody of one, and cir howstrin 

of another, held tl in check till others could com 

*0n aoeoun; .ncc to the harbor of Cartagena in Spaiu. 

11 //-. rO| HI), ii. cap. iii. 


to his assistance. Finally the savages were driven 
back, leaving their town in the hands of the captors, 
who found there provisions and a little gold. 

Returning to Cartagena, Heredia fell in with a 
vessel newly arrived from Espafiola with troops on 
board that raised his command to one hundred foot 
and as many horse. Thus reen forced, he penetrated 
the province as far as the town of Cenu, in the valley of 
a river which still bears that name. Here was found 
in two boxes or chests gold to the value of 20,000 
pesos, and in a place which went by the name of " El 
bohfo del.diablo," 5 a pit with three compartments, 
each about two hundred and fifty feet in length, was 
a hammock supported by four human figures, and 
containing gold to the value of 15,000 pesos, amid 
which, according to Indian tradition, his sable majesty 
was wont to repose. In a sepulchre near by, gold- 
dust was unearthed to the amount of 10,000 pesos. 

Well satisfied with the results of his expedition 
Heredia returned to head-quarters, and was soon after 
ward joined by a fresh reenforcement of three hun 
dred men. The tidings of his success soon attracted 
numbers of dissatisfied colonists from Castilla del Oro, 
and toward the close of the sixteenth century Carta 
gena became a place of considerable note, 6 the fleet 
that supplied the New World with the merchandise 
of Spain touching there on the way to Portobello. 
The latter was but a small village, tenante d chiefly 
by negroes, and possessing, next to Nombre de Dios, 
the most sickly climate of all the settlements in Tierra 
Firme. So deadly were the exhalations from its rank 
and steaming soil that a small garrison maintained 
there to guard the fleet was changed four times a 
year. Notwithstanding its unwholesome atmosphere 

5 Ilerrcra, dec. v. lib. ii. cap. iii. This is the Spanish translation for the 
tthrase applied to it by the natives. The word bohio belongs to the dialect 
cf the country. 

6 In JJerrera, dec. v. lib. ii. cap. iv. , it is stated that the city was then very 
populous, had a considerable commerce, and contained two castles heavily 
mounted with artillery, a cathedral, a custom-house, a government-house, and 
other public buildings. 


an annual fair was held there lasting forty < 

3 streets we] d wit !i mere] 

;u every <j I r <>! 1 1n- Indi< \.,t m 
aft rd the Peruvian herd limb! mountain 

side iii <ji! ray llama, disco 

mi. and tin- ]>la<-. I ecame, l<>ra few \ 

iii til-- \ redundant mart of commerce in 

11, rid. A flee! . freighted \viih all that \ 

(juii-ed t.i he I - -al and artificial wants of an 

opulent community, called tin- 


CASTILLA i>. o. 

if a])])caiv;! in si^ lii lln- tiva^ui 1 

and pearl-fisheri< conveyed ly land from J > anam;i 

to C} md thence down the Ki)( ha to I or- 

-t and c\]) : ; oll nf }l\< trl l i- 

li;id .lly - ted, 1 rdro dr I li;i 

lied l\\^ I lMtln r Alnnso t<> t! ill of Trabii 

.KM-IUTIM! in i Acost J )G-10. 



to rebuild there the town of San Sebastian. 8 The site 
selected was some leagues south of the ruins of the 
settlement which Ojeda had founded, and where his 
lieutenant Francisco Pizarro and his band suffered 
from hunger and pestilence before Vasco Nunez led 
them to the South Sea. On a spot distant about 
half a league from the eastern shore of the gulf, among 
some hillocks near which were groves of tall cocoa- 
nut palms, 9 the settlement was founded, sorely against 
the will of Julian Gutierrez, who, having married 
the sister of the cacique Uraba, had accumulated a 
fortune by bartering for gold such cheap baubles as 
the natives most preferred. 10 Inciting the natives to 
harass Heredia s party at every opportunity, Gutierrez 
proceeded to build a fort on the banks of the Rio 
Caiman, at no great distance from San Sebastian. In 
this enterprise he was joined by a number of male- 
contents from Castilla del Oro, who had been on the 
point of embarking for Peru, but were persuaded to 
take service under Gutierrez. Chief among them 
was one Francisco Cesar, who soon afterward figures 
prominently in the history of Cartagena. 

Heredia at once marched with all his forces against 
Gutierrez, and bid him withdraw from the limits of 
his province. The latter replied that he was acting 
under instructions from the governor of Castilla del 
Oro and could not neglect his orders. Heredia pre 
tended to be satisfied with this answer and withdrew 
his troops, but returning after nightfall stormed the 
enemy s camp and put most of the garrison to the 
sword. Gutierrez and his Indian wife were carried 

8 According to Herrcra, dec. v. lib. ii. cap. iv., the new town was named 
San Sebastian de Buena Vista. 

9 In JJerrera, dec. v. lib. ii. cap. iv., we have the somewhat remarkable 
statement that the nuts were of such size that two of them were often a 
sufficient burden for a man. He probably adheres to fact, however, when- 
he states that on such food the Spaniards subsisted many days, at the first 
discovery of the country, alluding perhaps to Pizarro s fifty days sojourn in 
that neighborhood when waiting for the return of Ojeda. 

9 And paved the way for large bands of adventurers who afterward 
carried on a lucrative traffic with the natives. Acosta, Compend. Hist. Nueva 
Granada, 133. 

[E G< JBA. 

Cc -ar v, i* h ir- 

and i ward 

vice und, r 1 1 redia. N >[ \ h >n reach* 

. whereupon Barrionuevo immediai d 

over t ombre do J)i<>>, took ship for ( 
j rocured t! of his lieutena: nd 

an arran; lit with LVdr- which 

A ,iade thu southern l>.undary of ( !a 

1 ( )i 

In the vicinity of a temple in the vail v < 
( Eliver the coloni f San Sebastian di d 

nu i Dinl ; f them oi .t da; 

;ird tin- lajjx- of cenl nri( 

I! tlio natives hurled their raei<jiies in i 

])ostur hy Mile with their i;iv<>rit best 

rvants, and dearest friends; and in t! 
van! "iitained th mains were placed all 

their i^ old, ovms, and arnmr. This, pei ehance, n> 
li;, ;olden U lllple of J )auaiia. 1 . 

\\l\\c\\. had already <<(, thr lives <>f so many Sj 

id was yet to cost the lives of hund. 
they pur this glittering phantom far south toward 

th -f the province. South 

I y the t ory of the <-aci<|Ue J )ahail>a. \\ 

nan; ;1 applied to ti >kirt- the l,a;ik 

of t forming a \ n\ >[)iir of t! 

llera. \veen the ^ulf and the town of th- 

was a Fo tt-n or fcwelv) a in length, d< 

with] , and matted with tropical TON h, 

t! liich ilowed to 1 h- i mountain 

ith fallen t . and 
neighborhood wit of la- d m, 


:d. r fl. i the natives, with th 

li^lit | . their \ 

th- d with his h< 

I it lay an I .d bi 

unknown and whore ti 


tortuous bed of a mountain torrent afforded for a 
brief space during the dry season the only means of 
access to the realms of the Indian chief. The sierra 
of Dabaiba had for many years barred the progress 
of Spanish exploration and conquest, but there, if 
report were true, lay hidden stores of gold that out 
shone even the riches of an Atahualpa or a Monte- 
zuma. Closely guarded indeed must be the treasure 
that could escape the keen scent of the Spaniard, and 
great the obstacles that could stay his path when in 
search of his much loved wealth. 

The first to attempt the conquest of this territory 
was Francisco Cesar, now a captain of infantry, and 
one whose skill and gallantry had gained for him the 
confidence of his men. Starting from San Sebastian 
in 1536, in command of eighty foot and twenty horse, 
he travelled southward through a pathless wilderness. 
Ten months the party journeyed, and arriving at 
length at the Guaca 11 Valley were suddenly attacked 
by an army of twenty thousand natives. While thus 
surrounded and cut off from all hope of retreat, there 
appeared above them in the heavens the image of 
Spain s patron saint. Three hours thereafter the 
enemy was routed, and the Spaniards proceeded at 
once to look for gold. After much tedious search, 
a crumbling sepulchre was discovered, wherein was 
hidden treasure to the value of thirty thousand cas- 
tellanos. The remnant of Cesar s band then returned 
to San Sebastian, accomplishing their homeward 
journey in seventeen days. 

Less fortunate was Pedro de Heredia, who in the 
same year organized an expedition to invade the 
realms of the cacique Dabaiba and to gain possession of 
his treasures. At the head of two hundred and ten 
mail-clad men, Heredia set out from San Sebastian, 
and directed his course along the banks of the Atrato. 

11 Es tierra del Guaca que se derrama 

Por rico mineral a cada lado. 
Castellanos, Varones Jllustres lud., 394. 

in;REi>iAs i;xri:DiTio v 

ived ai the verg ><. tl h 

\vliicli lie- 1111; :t his \\ ^t In- could, with IV 

<j and vexatious delays lor the felling of 

and tl (ruction <>! rafi hrid^v UK 

round, impassable else f "i u or lea>t. Kain fell 

in toirei -nous snakes an<l of v. 

and nicsijui haunted t! my >olitud > 

fires could be kindled, and famine and ilence -n 

familiar guests in the Spanish camp. Son 
natives v, ho served as guides \\ used oi* liavin^ 

])ur|)oscly led them a>i They answered : "A\ 

from the river to the mountains in three days, v/lii! 
you and your horses iv<{iiire as many moiil! 

Wh. 11 the storm cleared away a detachment of 

SjKinia \vas sent in advance to reconnoitre, tl -t 
remaining in camp to await their report. After ;i 
few d, march they arrived at a spot \vheiv the 
smol pirini^ emhers and Ilie skins of anil 

indi--.: 1 a recent encamjiment of savages. After 
diligent search huts \vere discovered huilt amidst tl. 
Ixm-! is of the forest-trees, the natives thus securii 
th Ives from venomous reptiL After a slight 
.ncc two of the natives were captured, and from 
their information the party brought hack news to fch< ir 
comra liat they were travelling in a wronij direc 
tion. IIc>redi;i and his men, too much dispirited to 
make any further effort, turned their laces homeward 

and arrived at San Sehastiun empty-handed and in 

sorry j b, the return journey occupying forty s, 

and the ent : .j-edition ahoiit three 

The survivors of the t\v< Spanish companies soon 

came clamorous f<>r fre>h ad\ cntui-e, and in 1538 

Franci co ( :, with Heredia s permission, < d 

a I oivr aboui * ((Ual in numhcr fco his lirst command, 
resolved this til at all hazard tin i- 

of the mystei-ioiis sici ra. A leaving San 

an, ( marched alon^ the coast in the dir 

Bio V rde, thence turning eastward t d 


the corclillera. The party suffered severely, and on 
arriving at the Guaca Valley mustered but sixty-three 
men capable of bearing arms. Nevertheless Cesar ad 
vanced boldly on the first town which fell in his way 
after ascending the sierra. The inhabitants, assured 
by interpreters that the invaders had no hostile in 
tent, brought forth an abundant supply of roots, corn, 
fruit, and such other provisions as they possessed. 
The horses were treated with special care, and hom 
age was paid to them as to superior beings. 

While the Spaniards were enjoying here a few days 
of repose the chief of the district, Nutibara by name, 
quietly assembled an army of two thousand men, 
thinking to crush, this presumptuous little band, for 
no tidings had yet reached him of the dread prowess 
of the strangers. A stubborn conflict ensued, termi 
nated only by the death of Quinunchu, brother of 
Nutibara, who fell by the hand of Csar. Santiago 
on his white horse again appeared in behalf of his 
followers, and to him was ascribed the glory of the 
carnage that followed. The conquerors soon ascer 
tained that the country for many leagues around was 
rising in arms against them, and having now secured 
treasure to the value of forty thousand ducats they 
returned by forced marches to San Sebastian. 12 

News of Cesar s expedition was soon carried to 
Cartagena, whence in December 1537 the licentiate 
Juan de Badillo set forth to explore further the 
region south of the gulf of Uraba. A force of three 
hundred and fifty men was collected, with five hun 
dred and twelve horses, a number of Indians and 
negroes, and ample stores of provisions and munitions 
of war. Francisco Cesar was second in command, and 
the treasurer Saavedra one of the captains. Starting 
from the port of Santa Maria near the mouth of the. 
Atrato they arrived, with no adventure worthy of 

12 In Acosta, Compend. Hist. Nueva Granada, 142, it is stated that during 
this expedition Cdsar reached the town of the cacique Dabaiba, but 110 men 
tion is made of his finding any gold there. 


ii ie v;ill rt 

Mid at the head of Sixl 

ten, \\ a i ! n !>.; p- 

pe-rl ahout nightfall, DOSted his nidi in ivadi: 

ilt at (! !v. The (! ]MT- 

heir (! i, determined atici] pa, 

aii;l iMl en the Spaniards una\ lut 

itiii 4 were repulsed. 

ii continued his march through theGc 
Val! rrivi: : i lie ddinai (JuiniM-lii. 

Jt\\:i> IKTC that CVsar, oil liis \\r>\ < i. liad 

in hcd treasure to the value of thirty thousand 

ca MHO-. ! hence one reason t <>r - .this 

rout In June the expedition arri\< t the \al! 
N ori . 11 with i-iinks somewhat tliinnrl ly laini: 
and rless enronnters with tlie nativi ]\! 

iiiLC \vitli a i riendly cacique they <|iie>lioned liini 8 
the \v :l)outs of the great ti IT6 of 1 )ahaih 

lie replietl: " There is no treasure, for they have i 
nerd of any; Imt wlien they want ^old to ])iire] 

od or -in a caj.iive, they jiirlc it up in di 

ather i roin under the i-o<-ks in the river-beds." 

\ploi-ini;- parties w .-nt in all directions, luit with 

little Stic- r riiey COllld Hot scale tip siel I 

or e idierous in. and they \\ ,-on- 

ntly hai-assed ly l>ands of India Acosta ivl 

that one d inent sent out toward the inotintai! 

in a woterly direction passed underneath a \ii! 
lnilr amidst the overt ing hoii^l 

bence the natives plied them \\ith arrows, 
hot wa 1 iiid 15-hted fagota 

T!ie caciqu i Xoi-f. anxious to be rid of tl. 
Spaniards, pi I ! Jadillo wiili ^ld to the valu 

of two thm-and ] . and oll .-rrd to conduct him 

i auriferou n. then known as the .IJuriti. 

. t of the swarms of troublcsom* * in it <or- 

hool. / /.. -J.vj. 

., JG4. 


Valley. After a six days march they came to a 
native stronghold, which was captured after a sharp 
struggle, the chieftain, with his young wife, being 
taken captive. The latter was released on payment 
of a large ransom, accompanied with a promise from 
her husband to act as guide to a spot where rich 
mines were known to exist. With a heavy iron col 
lar round his neck, and fastened by chains between 
four stalwart soldiers, the cacique led the way till he 
came to the verge of a precipice, whence he threw 
himself headlong, dragging with him his guards. Un 
happily the fall did not prove fatal, and the Span 
iards, though sorely hurt, had yet life enough left to 
drag their bruised victim into the presence of Badillo, 
who at once ordered his slaves to burn him alive. 

Want, sickness, and the ceaseless hostility of the 
natives had now spread havoc in the Spanish ranks. 
Many who had come in search of wealth had found 
a grave; and the survivors, worn with hardship and 
disgusted, with the meagre results of their long- 
protracted toil, threatened to abandon the expedition 
and set their faces homeward. The discontent was 
greatly increased by the death of Francisco Cesar, a 
much loved and well trusted officer, and one who, had 
fortune cast his lot in a wider or nobler sphere of ac 
tion, might have become one of the foremost captains 
of his age. Nevertheless, the march was continued, 
and on Christmas-eve, after a journey lasting one 
year and three days, the expedition arrived at the 
province of Call, in the valley of the Cauca River. 
Here the soldiers well nigh broke out into open mu 
tiny. Badillo confronted them with drawn sword, 
exclaiming: "Let him return who chooses; I will go 
forward alone till fortune favors me." Nevertheless 
the men crowded around him still clamoring to be led 
back to Uraba, whereupon he ordered a division to be 
made of the spoil, hoping thus to put them in better 
heart. To complete his discomfiture it was found that 
the treasure-chest had disappeared. This last was a 

\ri i; i OF r 

! tin- worthy licentiate v. 

I of the tin-, Aloin- and broken-h< d In- 
. to 3 opayan, some t\\ the 

nth in t ! Thence lie mad his \\ 

au, \ there arr< I, ami , U-in :it 

a pri JOB ( ar :i;i. the city i mm whicli he ha I 

(! ! in pursuit of fame and ricli 

at Suvillr, ! 1 rial was concluded, i 

and a pauper. 

The eh, of peculation against Badillopn 

be unfounded, for the chest containing two th- i^aiid 

lill!. ; It-llano- :({ di d: 

r J"hc share of each foot-soldier was ascertained 
1>- llanos, from whi<-h it would a]>pear that 

t!. niards lost about h;,lf thr-ir uum!>< r 1> 

arriving at Calf. The remainder of the band follow -d 
the course of theCauca KMver northward 
Indian province of Umbra, where most of them took 
under one Jorge Robledo, who made furtli>T 
ex] itionson the ri^lit bank of the C auca in 11. 
mountainous region which now bears the name <>f 

In iri. js 11 the audiencia real y chancillerfa of t 

of Panama was established, th h 

included a presid four oidorc s, a fiscal, a r r, 
two secretaries, and for local government tl 
and three mini.- ofjii>tico. r Fhe territory und- 
Ihe jurisdiction ol the aiulii-ncia original! d 

Peru with the exc >nof the port of B ntur.- 

lut ftcrv.ard bounded by ( 

;d Ih OC . and was di\id. tl into tin- t! 

"\ ii: lla del ( )n>. 1 )ai-i<-n. and \ - 11 

of which i included under tl te nai -f Ti- 

-I^ irmc. 1 hiring the administration of j ) . 

we ha\ ii intcrdi. 1 forbidding law- 

:i<l magistr ide in < ilia del Oro, 

15 In 1 535, / , C w/. D(jc. t viii. Jo, coiilinucd by ( km< ntc, 

To! _,j4. 


and the minions of the governor decided civil cases 
always in favor of the party who paid the heaviest 
bribe. There was no appeal but to the governor him 
self except in cases where the amount exceeded five 
hundred pesos. A transcript of proceedings might in 
such cases be sent to the audiencia of Espanola, which 
at that time held jurisdiction over the inferior courts 
of Castilla del Oro. Some few years after the demise 
of Pedrarias the prohibition was removed, when 
there fell upon the fated land an avalanche of lawyers. 
"A magistrate," writes Oviedo to the emperor, "is 
worse than a pestilence, for if the latter took your 
life it at least left your estate intact." After the 
establishment of the ~audiencia of Panamd certain 
changes were made, but they were of little benefit to 
the community, for in 1537 we find the alcalde mayor 
holding the threefold office of presiding judge and 
attorney both for plaintiff and defendant, "passing 
sentence/ as Oviedo says, "on him. whom he least 
favored." 16 The government of the three provinces 
was in fact little else than a legalized despotism. Com 
plaint was sometimes made to the emperor, but the 
colonists soon found that the complainant was only 
made to suffer the more for his presumption. "Only 
that an ocean lay between Charles and his down 
trodden subjects," exclaims Vazquez, "nineteen out 
of twenty would have thrown themselves at his feet 
to pray for justice." 

The corruption extended to the municipal officers, 
and the provinces became rapidly impoverished. To 
make matters worse, multitudes of vagrants, the scum 
of the Spanish population, had for years been swarm 
ing into the New World settlements. At one time 
the hospitals and churches of Panamd were insuffi 
cient to shelter the hordes of poverty-stricken and 
houseless vagabonds that crowded the city. As they 
would not work, many were near starving. 

Charles knew little of all this, if indeed he cared. 

u Carta al JEmperador, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 64-82. 


"f liis i rue condi- 

tion of allairs in Tierra J- irme. it may be tnenti 
that n the appointment of IVav Vicefll aza 

ond bishop of ( ilia del Oro, h 

joined by the monarch to render aid to the faithful 
JVdr 1 );ivila in securing tin- com nd 

i reatnmnt -if the n;it i\ It is prol 

tin (1 l)5sliop worked a little tn<> con tioii-ly in 

the cau.-e oft! to suit tli.e 

S it has already IMM-II stated, he dird nf j. 
supposed to have been adniinisi , hy 


Of Tomds dc Berlanga, who filled the epis 

copal chair a ie\v years niter IVrn/a s decease, 17 it is 
stated that during his return voyage to Spain, in 

7. l. eiii;^- overtaken l>y a lienvy >tonn, h 
himself in J >ntiiical rol>es, and kneeling with the 

t <>f the company chanted a litany t<> the virgin. 
Jn response th red ontliewax- - what 

at iir -mall hoat, hut proved to he a ]. >\ c. .utain- 
inir. as was supposed, merdiandi T\: !e niodei 1 - 

d and the captain readily assented to the l)i>h< 
proposition that it the l><>x contained a >aint s ini; 
01- nther saci-ed thin^, it should become the property 
of the prelate, but if it held anything of monetary 
value it should br claimed by the former. Soon t 

S calm; the box was opened, and t : ire 

enniio-h, was the ima^v of Oui- j.ady of the Immacu- 

( oncej)tion. On his arrival in Spain In-rl 
]laced the ima;_re in the convent ol Medina de Ivio- 

> where hear ard founded a simitar institute . 

17 In ]I-rn-r:i, d.-.-. iv. HI. 

uiliv t fath i t tin- luUrr in I .">."!. 

Midi tout . uthorr, 

(K- \v;> 


I I jm.-nn;! in 
;il !y t uthority in elm j; to 

a into thu 
ilK-t uf 1 : 


chanting his first mass there on the 19th of January 
1543. 18 

18 So says Gonzalez Davila, Berlanga died August 8, 1551. Teatro Ecles., 
ii. 57-8. 

With the trio of travellers and observers, Benzoni, Acosta, and Thevet, 
may be classed Juan de Castellanos, whose Ehgias de Varones I lustres de 
Indlas recount not only the glories of the military, ecclesiastic, and civil 
conquerors who figured in the early annals of the region extending over the 
Antilles, the Isthmus, and the northern part of South America, but give 
special histories of the New* Granada provinces. Himself one of the horde 
which came over from Spain for glory and plunder, he had as cavalry soldier 
taken active part in a number of the expeditions so graphically described. 
With the acquisition of a fortune came a sense of the injustice exercised in its 
accumulation, and remorse perhaps for ill-treatment of the Indians, mingled 
largely with discontent at the poor recognition of his services, caused him to 
join the church. He received the appointment of candnigo tesorero at Carta 
gena, but resigned it after a brief tenure for the curacy of Tunja, erroneously 
assumed by some writers to be his birthplace. Here he found ample time to 
seek solace by unlocking the gates of a natural eloquence, and letting forth the 
remembrances of glorious deeds and events. The gown is forgotten, and 
the old soldier dons again in fancy the rusty armor, though he modestly, too 
modestly, refrains from intruding himself. It is in prose that he first relates 
his story, but finding this too quiet for his theme of heroes and battles, he 
transposes the whole into verse, a work of ten years. 

His is not the artificial refinement of the epic writer, whose form he follows 
from a love of rhythm, but merely versified narrative, with a generally honest 
adherence to fact, though form and metre suffer: 

Ire con pasos algo presurosos, 
Sin orla do porticos cabcllos 
Quo haccn versos dulccs, sonorosoa 
A los ejercitados en Iccllos ; 
Pues como canto casos doloros&s, 
Cuales los padccieron muchos dcllos, 
PareciGmc decir la vcrdad pxira 
>in usar do ficion ni compostura. 

The ease and variety of the lines indicate the natural poet, howerer, and 
even when form departs the sentences retain a certain elegance. The first 
part was published as Primera Parte de las Elegias, etc., Madrid, 1589, 4, 
used by De Bry in his eighth part on America, and given in the fourth volume 
of BiUioleca de Autores Espanoles, 1850. The second and third parts, pro 
vided with maps and plans, and dedicated, like the first, to King Philip, 
remained in manuscript in the library of the Marque s del Carpio Pinelo, 
Epitome, ii. 590 till issued by Ariban, together with the first part,, in 
1857, as a special volume of the above Biblioteca. A fourth part, perhaps 
thq best and most important, as it must have recorded the latest and freshest 
recollections of Castellanos, was used by Bishop Piedrahita for his history, 
and has since disappeared. He found the original with Consejero Prado, 
and refers to "las otras tres partes impressas." Hist. Conq. Granada, preface. 

LAN< v, ri! : HTA. ci 

Tin- : 1 i>:ir into (}> tones, 

acconlii! int to 

si:bjects under tip 
h of .- :a. i 

.c rhy: 

. itli ;i lini.>]iiii;.r couplet. Toward tl. B continu- 

blank verse i The facili: 

Jon than these hi: , triplets of cloi:i 

rl. n hicli i 

n. \ ". .il faults, of v, liurs of Li course, to 

iiul; i: id contradiction, y due to t dineSS 

tli which he . from chroniclers and f. iu 

the e\ei, : . His own versions may, Mufioz slui 

faithful recitals, so far, at .ry 

i, while everywhere are to be found clear, vivid <ns 

tee, and peopl 

i \vith the monks and missionaries who assistc< tlio 

; to become chroniclers of general history, of * <>ns, or of 

:id as brethren of the hood abounded nan re numerous 

en.H; ; .;h to form tlic most perfect record of events that could !; but 

>!o fact remains that so few lia\ D preserved, i:: :ui- 

script. I lanada, which includes the southei-u part of the Lsthmus, A\ 

loi. tout a public chronicle. The coiKpieror Quesada. had p 

> had left a history just begun, whi ) com; in 

two -\ ither saw the li^ht, and Castellanos jK>etical roc- 

part. They < ! in manuscript, ho\ i. with 

t!i .1 > Simon \. d to uml \v. 

i;i I.">7Hie had .irly joined the Franciscan - 

iranada I! as tea :id mi 3 to 

th . in.-ial. Tiie . thchisti . ..hichl. 

;athering material and Three stout folio 

lily completed, <MC!I divided into seven histo; 

1 las ( 

to Vea< . ucla, came to bo published; t 
>, on Sa:ita Marta, and on 1 D adjoining Darien, remain. 

ilemy. i !ume<\ on geograph; . 1- 

i on tiie origin of the Indians, and proceeds with 
th id namin-, of . a. I iimio r >t coosid- 

, as one of 1 1 . 
ti\ : i >on the conquest an 

i and condition of : 

y litt 1 . :y tiie :it 

for ti. faih;ri 

.!y to 1 The 

ii to the co:i niclers of the !y 

f.m It <; to sta .ts. 

.nk of leai.; of 


the province to Bishop Lucas Fernandez Piedrahita, who wrote 50 years later. 
A creole of Bogota by birth, his whole career as priest and prelate is bound 
up with his native country. While yet a student he gave evidence of a lit 
erary taste by writing comedies, of which no traces remain however. His 
ability procured rapid advancement in the church. While governor of the 
archdiocese, till 1661, he incurred the enmity of a visitador and was obliged 
to appear in Spain for trial, but passed the ordeal, and received in compen 
sation the bishopric of Santa Marta. It was while waiting the slow progress 
of the trial that he found time to write the Historia General de las Conqvistas 
del Nvevo Hey no de Granada, 1688. In 1676 he was promoted to the see of 
Panama, where he died, 1688, at an age of over 70 years, revered for his 
extreme benevolence and sanctity. In the preface to the volume, just then 
passing through the press, Piedrahita admits that it is merely a reproduction 
of Quesada s Compendia, and of the fourth part of Castellanos Eleyias, both 
now lost, and the text shows indeed but little of the research, speculation, and 
variety manifest in Simon, whom he excels however in beauty and clear 
ness of style. He confines himself more to the special history of New 
Granada than Simon, and instead of learned dissertations on America in 
general, he devotes the first two of the 12 books to an account of native customs 
and ancient history. He then takes up the conquest and settlement of the 
provinces in question and carries the history to 1563. The first title is bor 
dered with cuts of Indian battle scenes, and the portraits of seven leading 
kings and caciques, while that of the first libro has 12 minor chiefs in medal 
lions. The title-page of the third libro, again, which begins the conquest, 
bears the likenesses of 12 Spanish captains. At the close of the work is 
promised a continuation, but this never appeared. 

A modern publication covering the same field and period as the preceding is 
Joaquin Acosta s Compendia Ilistdrico del Descubrimiento y Colonizacion de la 
Nueva Granada en elsiglo decimo sexto. Paris, 1843. Lacking in critique it 
nevertheless fills the want of a popular chronologic review, and exhibits con 
siderable labor. Acosta was an officer of engineers in the Colombian service 
who had taken an active part in scientific investigations, and written several 
archceologic essays. 






MAND L Q ON Till: < 01 \ i. MINE 

TIIK CACIQUE Druuni \ : Hi: 1 . s TO 1 

,- Tin 

Tin: Cm. iLLOWZBS H] 




Tiirs far in North America we liavo foil 
Spaniards in their pacification and s- tllcinnit of ( : 
tilla dd ()ro, Nicaragua, ami Honduras. ]> 
1] -.Titorius is situated tli<> province of A 

subsequently called Xm-va ( aria^o. Tlmu-h i-irli iii 

metals and r to ])aiien. !i was tlie indomitable 

fierceness of tin- natives, and the ruggedness and ster 
ility of the count ry. that this, the spot on Tirrra Kiri: 
^ here the fir- u-ni] ii lenient was made, wa 

the la>t pn>\ in ntral America that heeanie 

snhject t<> I Jii-njM-an domination. The Xe\v \\ oi 
was informed l>y the council of the Jndies, in I ."> I 
that permission was granted ly the crown to liirt>lom 

Ion to plant a nt upon the coa>t of \ " ra- 

^ua, if he were so inclined. But this i nition 

1 1: tinent of t! lelantado in that r 

me too I; 1 \\;is then pro- d ly an ill;. 

from which he never recovered. 

In 1 .VJG the admiral Uie^o Colon died in Spain, 


and was succeeded by. his son Luis in those hereditary 
rights which had been granted by Ferdinand and Isa 
bella to the first admiral. In 1 5 3 8, being then eighteen 
years of age, Luis Colon brought suit before the 
tribunal of the Indies to establish his right to his 
father s titles and dignities unjustly withheld by the 
emperor. Wearied with the interminable litigation 
received as an inheritance from his father and grand- 
sire, Luis abandoned, in 1540, all claims to the vice- 
royalty of the Indies, receiving therefor the title of 
duke of Veragua and marquis of Jamaica. 1 Not 

Ion of after Don Luis died, leaving two daughters and 

-i-i . 

an illegitimate son. From this time the lineal de 
scendants of the great admiral were denominated 
dukes of Veragua, and after passing through several 
genealogical stages, the honors and emoluments of 
Columbus fell to the Portuguese house of Braganza, 
a branch of which was established in Spain. The 
heirs of this house are entitled De Portugallo, Colon, 
duke de Veragua, marques de la Jamaica, y almirante 
de las Indias. 

Maria de Toledo, vice -queen of the Indies and 
mother of the young admiral Luis Colon, after the 
death of her husband, Diego Colon, demanded from 
the royal audiencia of Espanola a license to colonize 
the province of Veragua. 2 The audiencia referred 
the application to the emperor who ordered that the 
matter be held in abeyance until after the arbitration 
of the claim of Luis then pending before the crown. 
But the high-spirited vice-queen would not brook the 
delay. The right of her son to govern that land was 
beyond question; it was his by inheritance from his 
grandfather, confirmed by royal decree to his father. 

1 Cliripst6bal Colom, declar6 a este almirante, su nieto, por duque de 
Veragua y marque s de la isla de Sanctiago, alias Jamayca, 6 almirante per- 
p6tuo clestas Indias, e le hizo merged de lo uno y de lo otro por titulo de 
mayorazgo, 6 con ello le con9edi6 otras me^edes. Oviedo, ii. 498-9. See 
also Charlevoix, Hist. San Domingo, i. 447. 

2 In Herrera, dec. iv. lib. ii. cap. vi., it is stated that the vireina asked 
permission of the Consejo de Indias to arm vessels for the purpose of subju 
gating the natives, but that her request was refused because the fisco had 
not as yet decided the question of privilege. 


1 Jut tin 1 I- :ed l r- 

and equip ; 

ii and without money was i:;, 
Th , lio\. equal to the 

Amoi: the red of Santo Dornii! 

o o 

tin the glory of ( JIM! ail<l tin- !>: 

e true i aith liad left tin; cloi 
and embarked in a mission to th< w Y\ 
our Juan do Sosa. "I knew him," 
era! ; , when liu was a poor man in f i 

Pirn But being more solicitous for gold than for 

souls, he went to Peru and after r Pi- 

/ar :me in for a share at the distribution of the 

.Caxamalco, r< ing as his portion 
enormous sum of ten thousand castellan* Thei. 
tlio worthy j)r u-st returned to Spain, and Bel in 

Seville, where he resolved to spend the remainder of 
his life in 01 did luxury. But alas for constancy 
of purpose in cavalier or cle rigo when women a 
eupidhy unite to undermine his resol\ The vi< 
queen soon gained for herself the sympathy of t 

iastic, and for her enterprise i 

and cooperation. ] fe advanced the n< Is, 

and though prevented l>y the character of I lling 

king control of the expedition, he sail iih 
the t, which was placed under the conn of 

a wealthy and honorable young man nan: Vlipo 

, 3 son of the i iror Alonso Guti 
The chi :ptain of the dition under ( 

3 one Pedro de Kneina>ola who had in 

r ri.-i-]-a i or about t v. H s. " And wlmi 

. " I also knew, for he had grown rich 1 
iiiLj a public: house lialf way between X- 

i;i." ^ ith a lin ^uadrou 4 manned by 

7. ol)tuvo con> conqiv 

. ( . 1 

of ; 



four hundred well armed men, Gutierrez embarked 
from Santo Domingo in September 1535. 5 The pilot, 
whose name was Liaiio, held a southerly course, and 
on approaching Tierra Firme turned to the westward 
and passed by Veragua without recognizing the coast. 
Continuing their search along Honduras, the vessels 
sailed around Cape Gracias d Dios and proceeded 
westward as far as Punta de Caxinas. 

At length the pilot became aware that he was out 
of his course. The ships were put about, but soon 
encountered a heavy gale, during which they became 
separated. The fleet, once more united off the island 
of Escudo, cast anchor near the spot where Diego 
de Nicuesa suffered shipwreck. Gutierrez sent a 
boat s crew to reconnoitre. They returned in eight 
days, bringing hammocks, earthen pots, and other 
utensils. The exploring party affirmed that accord 
ing to their belief the land was Veragua, but the 
pilot Liano insisted that they had not yet reached 
that province. Another party went in boats to the 
Cerebaro Islands, where meeting an Indian they in 
quired by signs the direction toward Veragua. He 
pointed toward the west, thus indicating that they had 
again sailed past the ill-fated coast. The pilot treated 
the assertion of the Indian with contempt. In good 
Castilian he swore that the savage was a liar, and 
insisted on continuing an easterly course. Arriving 
off Nombre de Dios he confessed his error, and 
acknowledged that they had left Veragua far behind. 
Turning again toward the west they at length discov 
ered a large river, which some said was the Belen; 
others declared it to be a stream west of the Belen. 6 
At the mouth of this river was a small island where 
Gutierrez disembarked his men, built some huts, and 

5 Felipe Gutierrez set out in 1535, though some authorities make it 1553. 
The former date is probably correct, for in a letter addressed to the emperor 
in 1534 Andagoya states that he has been advised of his Majesty s orders to 
the governor of Veragua to recruit men in Panama, and begs him to recon 
sider his command. Andagoyd, Carta al Key, Oct. 22, 1534. 

"This stream was the river Conccpcion, about two leagues west of the 
river Veragua and four leagues west of the Belen. 

CO 67 

landed i 1 portion of tin- <; On 

inland n a favorable sit r a 1"\vn \ 

I and mm 
foi and Imild lion- A large and coin! !< 

aliin was er I For t be goi ernor, and thi 

llowed by stoivhou- nd dwcllm-. r the 


-A isters followed this i bird Mipf 

plant lement upon the coast of V< milar 

those which had attended. Columbus and Xi< 

Th <>t the colonists were damaged l>y i 

: tli(^ sudduii swelling of tliu 
away tln-ir ho . drowning some of tlu- ui n<l 

cultivation of the soil A\as juvvi-nicd l>v 1 n qu 
inundatioi Their supply of provisions grew daily 

men, unaccustomed to the dim;. 
and died, and soon the four hundred were reduc 
o hundred and eighty. To add to th-ir di.- 

Spaniards drank copiously from a poisonous spri 

omin^ aware of the deadly nature <i 
: in cons.-ijueiice of which th<-ir lij^ 1" 
ir ^ums disuasel, and the <:t }). 
liital in many instances. 

The colonists i elt greatly the necessity i in- 

. and the clcrigo Juan de Sosa with 01 
-els coasted as tar as Xomhre de Dios in 

ivlurned iinsin- il. Felij .- ( 
n- d the town Vvhidi lie had luiilt Conc-p- "hut 

from the sufferings of the pe< j l- . ^)\\ 

to ha\v called it Allieion/ 7 It soon becam ut 

thai to remain in that locality was death >n- 

cerned, and ( Jutid r< :: determined i 

more favorahle sj>. :rth -r iVom lh- i. 
land.- of the coast. Fora 

out in :-al directio; r the . le purj 

f.od and (\aminin-- the coin 


la ]itnliT.i ll:ii::ar lie 1:. 
todos toiiiau ti. ,ulo. Uclnlo, ii. 


In one of these excursions the Spaniards encoun 
tered a cacique named Dururua who received them 
courteously, and entertained them, after his rude 
fashion, with bounteous hospitality. But the follow 
ers of Felipe Gutierrez proved no exception to the 
rule in their treatment of the natives. One of two 
evils was open to the heathen, either to submit and 
suffer wrong and robbery, or to resist and be slain 
or enslaved. Dururua placed at the disposal of the 
Spaniards his entire wealth, but even this was insuffi 
cient to satisfy their cupidity. After his resources 
were exhausted their demands did not cease, but heap 
ing up the measure of their iniquity they invaded the 
homes of the natives, compelled them to search for 
gold,, and after infamously burning their cornfields 
returned to the settlement. Open, hostilities having 
broken out, the governor sent against Dururua a force 
of one hundred and fifty men under Alonso de Pisa, 8 
who captured the chief with many of his followers. 
The Spaniards demanded gold. Dururua answered 
that if they would give him liberty he would bring 
them four baskets of gold each containing 2,000 pesos. 
The cacique however was held a prisoner, while an Ind 
ian was sent under his direction to bring in the treas 
ure. At the expiration of four days the messenger 
returned empty-handed. Others were despatched on 
the same errand, but all returned unsuccessful. The 
wily Dururua affected great indignation against his 
followers. He called them traitors, and requested that 
he might be allowed to go himself upon the mission, 
bound and attended, when he would not only make 
good his w^ord respecting the gold, but secure to the 
Spaniards the friendship and service of all his people. 

In chains and guarded by a band of thirty men 

8 An expedition must be fitted out. The governor being sick delegated the 
command to his lieutenant Alonso de Pisa, who was to be accompanied by 
the priest Juan de Sosa. This latter knew that Pisa was not a favorite with 
the men, and the cl6rigo was ambitious to represent the church militant as 
general of the expedition; but Governor Gutierrez reproved him severely, 
stating that it was unseemly for a priest to carry arms. Many profane words 

PJ V. C9 

Dururua set forth to 


a hand ; village, \vh- 
dig in a cert ah >t. T! 

were I d): 1, hut only about lialf an ounce of gold 
A\ . jola, wh 

then struck tli -ique in the face, calling lii; 
impostor, and other vile ephj Dururua s< 

aiiinned that he liad 1 !UTC a large id tl, 

his people must liavo i - ed it on th 

f ) -Di n the vill He hogged for one i : 

Encinasola, hliuded by cupidity, gave 1 :it. 

All this while the slnvwd cacique had not 1 
idle. Each messenger had heen d tchcd v a 
mission to a certain quarter of his d<miini:i to rally 
i orces for liis rescue, and an attack, v/hich had been 
planned for the very night when the last 
iind the gold to be made, was ca 
tion. r .J1ie Spaniards were surrounded hy a force 
>ix hundred liostile Indians, their cani[> hurn it 

of their nuinher killed, and in the confusion 

flowed th(^ cliief was rescued. The natives then dis 
appeared ironi the vicinity, removing all pro\ 
and l-aving behind a wasted country. 

On iheir march homeward many of t 
died of starvation. Some dropped by the \ 

:d were left to perish; others, notw: -Hiding tin- 
horror with which the act was regarded 1 heir 
countrymen, led upon the b( f th .diai: 

One Diego L . Davalos in a fit of choK r div\v hi 
s\\urd an<l sle\v a nati\ i-vant. r .l wo S[>an! 
who were following at s tee hchii. 11 

coming up to the b< cut olf some p< ii 

th -I for their >u]>]M-r, their c. .injKinioil 

partaking of the lat :i the day ; 

lowi uother native i killed for fo i it is 

language 1 

, brother of Alt-:. 


related that even one of their own countrymen was 
slaughtered and devoured. 9 

When the survivors arrived at Concepcion and pre 
sented themselves before the governor, but nine ema 
ciated and haggard wretches could be counted, and 
these must ever be regarded as infamous from having 
so preserved their lives. The governor on being 
informed of their conduct placed every man of them 
except the informer under arrest, and tried and con 
demned them all. Two who were considered most 
culpable were burned. The others were branded 
with a hot iron in the face with the letter C, this 
being the initial of his Csesarean majesty s name, and 
the mark used in branding criminals doomed to per 
petual slavery in his service. 

Thus we see in every attempt made by the Span 
iards upon the coast of Veragua only a series of 
horrors, each fresh trial proving more calamitous 
if possible than the one preceding. Yet further the 
company of Felipe Gutierrez diminished. Oppressed 
by famine, forty at length revolted and set out for 
Nombre de Dios, the greater part of them perishing 
by the way. The governor finding it necessary to 
give employment to those who remained or else to 
abandon the settlement, sent Pedro de Encinasola 
with a few men eastward in search of food. Fortu 
nately they found several fields of maize which had 
not yet been destroyed, and hearing of a great quan 
tity of gold in that vicinity, started in quest of it. 
As soon as their hunger was appeased they sent a 
messenger to notify the governor of the proposed 
excursion. As life was more endurable while pillag 
ing the natives, the governor and the remainder of 
the men also sallied in quest of adventure. They 
passed through several villages, but the inhabitants 
fled at their approach. Following an Indian guide, 
they arrived on the fourth day at a certain high hill 

Huuo algunos que mataron vn Christano enfermo, y se le comieron. Her- 
rera, dec. v. lib. ix. cap. xi. 


where they had 1 >ld were I mines of sur- 

S. ( ll 

informed tli;i ; In.n i .tain p! .1111- 

danee of o-old could 1 Tliu Spania. lid 

directed, but found onl\ id turn 
ing iierccly upon the guide, ac I liim of tri/iii 

witli tin-in or of ti The poor {-.- ly 

a 1. hither to turn for relief, at 1> 

upon a rock which overhung the brow of a j o, 

threw himself headlong into the c .1, and tin r- 

minated his miserable exist* 

Meanwhile the famlshi under Ei: la, 

despairing of life if they remained loi in i 

country, broke their r . many of tin 
oil* to Xombre do DioS. The governor determine 

to make one more attempt i lieve his pe< Jle 

patched Father Juan de S 

alcaldi; Sanabria with six soldiers, four negro. . 1 
two natives for Nombre de Dios, to obtain recruits ai 
suppli< In three days this party reached the ri\ 
IJelen, and then, unable to cross, followed its coin^ 
southward, cutting their way throu^li id 

liii" % throii di morasses until id;, 

c? O ^5 O* v 

they succeeded in reaching the opposil 

tinning their joui ney they encoun I aln^ their 

s of their former compai, 
ho had j)erisljed while attempting to r< 
de Dios. A little stale food which had d 

ii some wre<-k or di I shij :u 

I roin starvation. At length they C8 ;i- 

nant of those who had d< :i Cui. 

.-live men, and these .t,ha d, 

and naked as tin- nativ Their pr d 

by hostile band d th l\es reduced 

y. Unable to proceed i arther, tl >rtif; 

11 the s of tli 

they v. ami aw- topment< 

Meanwhile fc] -uffei ot I 

A ;ia, if possible, in<-i 1. "I 1 


Marcos de Sanabria, one of the survivors," says 
Oviedo, "that the mortality at- Veragua was at one 
time so great that dead bodies lay unburjed within 
and around the huts, and that the stench arising from 
putrefaction was intolerable." He relates of one 
Diego de Campo, a native of Toledo, who seized with 
illness became convinced that death was near and 
that soon his own corpse would be added to those 
which lay strewn before him rotting in the sun, that he 
determined, if possible, to escape that horror. Wrap 
ping himself in a cloak, he resorted to a spot where a 
grave had been prepared for another of those who 
were to die, and stretching himself within it soon 
breathed his last. Not long afterward the owner of the 
grave, being obliged himself to seek his last resting- 
place, found there another; but leaving the occupant 
undisturbed, he directed that his own body should be 
placed in the same grave, and thus the two found burial. 
Failing of relief from any quarter, and receiving no 
tidings from Father de Sosa and his companions, 
Gutierrez was at last obliged to abandon the coast 
of Veragua. This of all others appeared the most 
difficult act for a Spaniard of those days to perform; 
he could die with less regret than he could give up 
a favorite enterprise. Taking ship for Nombre de 
-Dios, he there obtained some intimation of the where 
abouts and condition of Father de Sosa and the 
remnant of the Veragua colonists. A vessel was im 
mediately sent to their relief with a supply of food 
and other necessaries which were contributed by the 
people of Nombre de Dios. The survivors, twenty- 
seven in number, were thus rescued, and the govern 
ment of Felipe Gutierrez in the province of Veragua 
was at an end. 10 He crossed over to Panama, and 

10 In ITerrera, dec. v. lib. ix. cap. xi., there is a severe and somewhat unjust 
stricture on the conduct of Gutierrez. He says that when the sufferings of 
the party became intolerable, their leader, being too cowardly to risk a final 
and desperate effort, deserted his men, thus forfeiting his former good name, 
and embarked secretly with a few friends for Nombre de Dios; but it does not 
appear what he would have gained by attempting any further enterprise with 
the remnant of his starving band. 


shortly at I>ar1 I, win- 

ernor l>y rro, 1 

(jii. with that ; 

Tlio worthy her .Ju:m in d- 

<lis"-ust a! I his t tow; : i, vowing 

that il rain i dl hrir to the spoils of an 

Avalth -houLl n<>t he squandered in ambi- 
ti >ua Bch< 3 of colonization. 





IT will be remembered that of all the native tribes 
of Guatemala the Cakchiquels offered the stoutest re 
sistance to the forces of Pedro de Alvarado. When 
the Spaniards took possession of Patinamit they pre 
ferred to abandon their capital rather than submit to 
the domination of the conqueror. 1 Sinacam, their 
chief, was still uncaptured, having taken refuge in the 
mountain fastnesses of Comalapa, and it may safely 
be concluded that he never ceased from his efforts to 
harass the Spaniards. The unsettled condition of 
affairs at this period may be inferred from the fact 
that there is no record of any session of the cabildo 
from May 6, 1525, to October 4th of the same year. 2 
The numbers of the colonists were, however, being 
continually reenforced. The trouble which occurred 
in Mexico during the absence of Cortes, caused many 
of the settlers in Anahuac to turn their faces toward 

1 Hist. Cent. Am., i. 683 et seq., this series. 

2 At the former of the above-named sessions, a fresh enrolment of citizens 
took place, and it is worthy of note that Alvarado first became one himself on 
that date, as el Sr Capitan General heads the list which contains more 
than forty names. Remesal erroneously gives August 23, 1526, as the date of 
the enrolment. Hist. Chyapa, 8. 


A I S IX < \A. 

Cn wliilf i newly arrived E in or 

the V. Ind: joined tin; followers of Ah 

!o, who now considering i!i;it his hold upon 1 
country was secure , informed the munieipal r m- 

tia _r< that he intended to depart at once for fi >. 

Reports had ivaehed Guatemala of th !i of 

Co; in Jlondura d if this were t rue h< 
;i j <. \\.-i-ful patron and friend, and inn>t i. 
hack io protect his own interest His ]>ur; 
to proceed afterward to Spain and >rt hi 
to his sovereign from whom he hoped to obtain 
nition and reward. 1 1 

liis brother Jorge and many other Span 
iards of the Cortes party had secretly info: him 
of tli urpation by the factor Salazar of the g 

of Mexico, urging him not to absent nim- 

f 1- ngur, and promising to establish him asg nor 

in pla</o of the former, until positive in -iiiou 

should 1 coived whether Cortes \v< 

Th that the mantle of his great i! ; ht 

/ha] is i all upon his own shoulders, made him 
ions not to miss this opportunity, and he lost no time 
in beginning the journey. But it was already i 
portt-d in y -o that he would arrive i >re 

Ion d he had ])r<H but a short distance wl 

veil an intimation from the factor that he 1 
better ap] h no further. ]f, 1 r, lie 

to revil ie capital, Salazar infoi iued him th 

would gladly nu- t him on the way, ; I the 

tion of ]>utting him t d*-ath. 1 Ee soon after- 
it this was no idle t: 

of fifty h. >ot had air Q de- 

him, an<l he could not nient 

c.\] .all band of sold 

oni>ts had bt-cn able t<> >j !iim , 
1>. able to compete with th S. A cntu: 

Le parccio . 


: so iju; rly, he had a 

tine n\ _ .nJ a handsome count u. , 7. 


as he was,, Alvarado was not the one to encounter 
almost certain death, and though sorely mortified he 
was compelled to retrace his steps. 

About the close of 1525 he was informed of the 
safety of Cortes, and received from him despatches 
with instructions to join him in Honduras with all 
his available forces. At that time, it will be remem 
bered, the latter proposed to return to Mexico by 
way of Guatemala, but afterward resolved to make 
the journey by sea, landing at Yera Cruz in May 
1526. 4 Alvarado at once prepared to obey his orders, 
but his purpose was resolutely opposed by the col 
onists. Municipal and military officers, citizens and 
common soldiers all alike objected to his entering 
upon a campaign which would strip the province of 
most of its defenders. Even his own brothers en 
deavored to dissuade him. But remonstrance was of 
no avail. .The alcaldes and regidores he addressed 
in intemperate and abusive language, 5 while to his 
brothers he hotly exclaimed: " Offer me no advice; all 
I possess was given me by Hernan Cortes, and with 
him will I die." 6 Discontent was, however, widely 
spread, and Alvarado s personal safety appears to have 
been in danger, for the cabildo requested him to enroll 
a body-guard for his own protection, as the stability 
of the colonies would be endangered should any harm 
happen to him. 7 

With great difficulty the adelantado levied troops 
for his expedition. His men were discontented, and 
utterly averse to engage in an enterprise which 

*Nist. Cent. Am., i. 581-2, this series. 

5 In the charges subsequently brought against Alvarado it was alleged that 
he had deposed the officers of the cabildo on account of their opposition. To 
this he replied that he had merely appointed a new cabildo at the beginning 
of the year, according to the usual custom. Ramirez, Proctso contra Alvarado, 
12, 00, 83. 

G liamirez, Proceso contra Alvarado, 12. 

7 Arevalo, Actas Ayunt. Guat., 16, 17. Eemesal is of opinion that Alva 
rado himself petitioned for a body-guard to go with him to Mexico; but a more 
probable explanation of the matter is that the political disturbances in Mexico 
had extended to Guatemala, and that seditious movements were on foot. 
Consult fiamirez, Proceso contra Alvarado, S3; and Eemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 7. 


. be 

th 1 hip nn<l risk <>f ]1 Wln-n 
be point df -ef tin;.;- forth, fifty 

thnii iniif inied, MIK! set1 ing 61 !it " 

mad while tlr f the soldier 

u< ! in preventing the conflagration from 

spreading. It was a and riillian h 

! ii<-h js>urd forth from Patmamit under th- 1 f 
night and shrouded by th <>ftl 

J5 f]v their departure 1h-y slrijpcd the 

all it- ornanients and jc\v-li-y, and f<>n-il,]y c< ll<-d 

i t to accompany them. Taking tiio road 

fehey sacked the villages which L ir 

mutr, and on their an-ival in tliat j)rov5iK-e, co; p- 

in^ 1]icinscl\ -ai e fi-om ]>nrsuit, displ; ir 

liafivd of Alvarado l>y lioldin^ a ]: 1 an I 

lian^in^ in cfH^y tlioir commander and tliose wln> 

Lad remained laitliful to liiin. Tli<-n th< *u 

to ^Mexico plundering and destroying on their \ 

withstanding this defection, the adelantado soon 

aftri-ward E rth to join Corti s, 9 leaving his brother 
Gonzalo to take command (hirin< liis al)sen- Of 1 


journey, which was probably an uneventful one, fr\\- 

ineie .- narrated, lie ; d tln-on^li tlie pro\ - 

tnces of CuZCatlan and ( ai-ri and ent 

CLolir in Honduras, where, at a pla< 
Choluteca Malal;. narrated by Bernal J)iax, 10 he 

8 Alv;ir;!(1o i v the ,,, ami also tin 

in: -,,,! t(. 1,. :. I 

liit|Ui-l in;iniiMTi|)(. 

of Limit; wli. MI, 



tl IX 

: wlii!. I , :rg 

> as tli 

, until 

: hLs o\ 



heard for the first time of the return of Cortes to 

It has already been mentioned that in 1525 the 
settlement of Natividad de Nuestra Senora was aban 
doned on account of the unhealthiness of its site and 
the refusal of the natives to furnish provisions, and 
that Cortes granted permission to the Spaniards 
to remove to Naco. 11 Captain Luis Marin left in 
charge of the latter colony, after remaining for some 
time in doubt as to the fate of his commander, de 
spatched thence a small band of horsemen to Trujillo 
to ascertain whether he yet survived, and, if that 
were so, to gather information as to his intended 
movements. 12 Bernal Diaz, who was one of the troop, 
relates that on reaching the Olancho Valley they 
learned that Cortes had already embarked from Tru 
jillo, leaving Saavedra in command. Marin s brief 
sojourn in Honduras had already made him impatient 
to return to Mexico, 13 and he at once decided to re 
turn to that province by way of Guatemala. Thus 
it chanced that at Choluteca Malalaca, his party met 
with Alvarado, who expressed unbounded delight on 
hearing of the safety of his old comrade in arms, and 
felt much inward satisfaction that now his superior 
could not interfere with his own schemes of conquest 
and aggrandizement. 

The lieutenant-general then commenced his home 
ward march, accompanied by Marin a nd about eighty 
of the colonists of Naco. Returning through the 
territory at present known as the province of San 
Miguel, they arrived at the Rio Lempa at a season of 
the year when the current was so greatly swollen by 

teca Paver which bears the name of Malalaja, and the similarity of names lead? 
to the conjecture that Alvarado reached the neighborhood of Tegucigalpa as 
the Malalaja flows into the main stream just above that town. Brasseur de 
Bourbourg calls the town Malacatan. 
11 Hist. Cent. Am., i. 571, this series. 

2 Both Sandoval and Cort6s had written to Marin, but neither letter 
reached its destination. Bernal Diaz, Hist. Vcrdad., 21$. 

Y acuerdome que tiramos piedras a la tierra que dexauamos atras, y 
.con el ayuda de Dios iremos a Mexico. Bernal Diaz, Hist. Verdad., 219. 

I: . LO Dl >0. 

l ins iliat to ford it In this 

y thry felled a hu;_;-e ceiba-tree, out of whieh, 
with infinite labor, tln-y fashioned an innnen 
and after t->ilin-j; for 1 ! with rain and 

ravenous with hunger, thus made r d tli .\ tf . 

O O 

They had n<>\ province of Cuzcatlan, 11 

wh Te Alvarad<> I mind th. it during liis d- lay in (1m- 
]ut--c;i tlic whole country had risen in rebdli 

i al 1 attics were 11 resulting lavorahly to 

tin- Spaniai. nd on the Gth of August ]~) 2^ ; 
a final and <! rate conflict, the Indians were mui 
M illi tn-rihle carnage and soon afterward tcndn 
their submission. 18 The Spani then contini; 

their journey by forced man-lies and reached (iua 
mala without further adventure. As they drew n 

lalj iia 17 they were met with the un\veleonie 
tidings of the revolt of the < hiqu ,nd oil 
iiativ, nations. 13 

During the absence of Pedro do Alvarado in Hon 

duras,, his brother Gonzalo, left in charge as his lien- 

.ant, had made good use of the <>pj t<> 

;i himself, imposing excessive tribute and rd- 

14 E era do tal gordor, l i^ r) on, quc c: s otra 

>. // . Tli- i is the 


15 J)enia! iiicinory li;is hcru failed him. lie Rt: -assing 

f. Ml[ ;i till V CIlttTrd the 

ml that IHTO the Indians ki 
:idi d thu c .th( rs of 1 ag for 

I jia.s.~-cd through the MCC \\ . 

it was cithrr 
r \vhich Alvaradu .- i>as- 

/ . ii. 


1 S 77. i : 

: did i. 1 in r- 

ig to c 


;: .M Ml thr 

18 , 

.r aviso 

& I .,71. 


ing neither age nor condition in his inordinate craving 
for wealth. To him must be attributed the great and 
general uprising of the natives which occurred at this 
time. 19 His crowning act of oppression was to com 
pel a large number of Indian boys to work in certain 
gold-washings near Patinamit, 20 requiring of them to 
procure daily a certain quantity of the precious metal. 21 
For a few weeks the amount was punctually furnished, 
but on account of the tender age of the children, who 
were but from nine to twelve years old, the measure 
fell short, whereupon Gonzalo insisted that the defi 
ciency should be made up by contribution, and threat 
ened the natives with death, exclaiming with angry 
gesticulations : " Think not that I have come to this 
coast to dwell among a pack of hounds for any other 
purpose than to gather gold to take with me to Spain." 
This outrageous demand was also compiled with, but 
the bitter hate of their oppressors, which had long 
smouldered in the hearts of the natives, was now about 
to break forth into a flame. 

Among: the nations of Central America the name of 


the supreme being was represented by a word that 
signifies ( deceiver/ or in the Cakchiquel language 
demon. 22 In time of need or peril this personage 
appeared to them, as Oviedo and Vazquez would have 
us believe, and until the Christian Spaniard made firm 
his footing in the land was consulted and obeyed in all 

19 Fuentes states that it was either Pedro de Alvarado or the ordinary 
alcaldes to whom the disturbance was to be attributed. Recordadon Florida, 
MS., 20. Escamilla is of opinion that the lieutenant, Jorge de Alvarado, 
was the one to blame, Succ&ion Chronologica., 12, while the former author 
remarks that Jorge was in Mexico at the time, and was confounded with Gon 
zalo. He also states that the latter was ordinary alcalde, but this was not 
the case, for as may be seen in Artvalo, Adas Ayunt. Guat., 16, 17, the 
alcaldes were Diego Becerra and Baltasar de Mendoza. 

20 Vazquez says 400 girls and as many boys. Chronica de Gvat., 69. Fuen 
tes y Guzman, 200 boys. Recordacion Florida, MS., 21. The gold-washings 
were those of Chahbal and Punakil, the former word meaning, according to 
Vazquez, the washing-place, and the latter, plateado 6 dorado. 

21 One castellano of tequio according to Fuentes. Vn canutillo de oro 
lavado del tamauo del dedo menique, according to Vazquez, Id. 

22 In the nati ve dialect Caxtok. J 


\Vliy \\ I 

./ hid hi > votaries >i rih<- mi- 

(l>in. " iuli has gniii in ( a>t i!< 

What iearyou? lam the thunderbolt 
11 in, and ash< I toi !i th< Hi and ymi 

will I di-sti-uy it you ]>i ards, Live, n 

sl; ; indon the laws of your forefi ; con- 

>ke the nation and termina .urwor Tli al 

was not in vain. Fn>m ( ]ia[)an-;: Oli 

a ( n[ one hundred anl thirty-nine 1 

UK; Indians rose in revolt. 2 An army oflliirt \ u- 
sand \varriors v ;iiickly and -nd 

UK. Spaniards now sea 1 . d anxui^ the dil: 
lli iJK-uts \VCTC taken <-<>ni}>k f rly hy >ui-j-ri~ T. 

ralcd trihcs divided thcii 1 fo] 
divisions, one of which occii}i ie nnmntain j 

n- P Tor 11 ic jiurjjose of holding Ah. 

hand in check, while tlx- other i ell on the un 

^ colon i daughtering the | -portion of th 

together with a number of their .Indian alii 
who d iled to Quezaltei o and Olintep 

n Juaivos, dm ., ii. 2SD. Tho whole Innd from Cu^ontlan to Olint\;. 

; the ! < i, . in-l Xiucas, 

ueti ariaiu c \\ith the ( akrlii^iu l n ami with \ . 

., iv. i il MUiiiiK iit -1 1-y th 

ing tri i nt ami 

I Xin; 
\ iiiu at 1 

>Ul uf \ is aut: 

4 of t; 


ads to 

as aba -.<[ ar.L- 


J ith of swasnotaw: 

f a municipality 

in tl; 
i at thi;i \i: 

. AM. VUL. II. G 



The Indians were now in possession of the country 
from its southern boundary to the district of Quez- 
altenango, but a swift and terrible vengeance was 
about to overtake them. Alvarado was already with 
in their borders. Having crushed the rebellion in 
Cuzcatlan he swept northward with the fury of a 

A^\] ^oCerquin 

, u ,. . ^f | ,* i n . - ,-- MSS^ 

g Teguoigalp.ii- ^ ^ l ^1m ^, 


tempest. Scattering like sheep the bands that first 
offered him resistance, he met with no serious opposi 
tion till he arrived at the pefiol of Xalpatlahua, sit 
uated about three leagues from the present village of 

ment were abandoned, and energetic measures adopted for a vigorous 
defence; that Gonzalo with GO Spanish horse and foot and 400 Mexican and 
Tlascalan allies took up a position at Olintepec, while Baltasar de Mendoza 
with the rest of the army remained for the protection of the city of Santiago, 
Gonzalo de Ovalle, with his companions, being stationed in the valley of Pan- 
choy ^nd Hernando de Chaves in that of Alotenango; that the troops were 
quartered in the open plains during the months of June, July, and August, 
and suffered much from the heavy rains; and that the detachment under 
Chaves sustained four attacks from the forces of Sinacam, while Ovalle 
engaged twice with Sequechul who had fortified his camp with earthworks 
and ditches. Recordadon Florida, MS., 22; Juarros, Guat., ii. 291. I cannot 
accept this version of Fuentes. Bernal Diaz makes no mention of Alvarado s 
being joined by any Spaniards in the series of engagements that took place 
during his march through to Olintepec. On the contrary he says fuimos por 
nuestras jornadas largas, sin parar hasta donde Pedro de Alvarado auia dexado 
su exercito, porque estaua todo de gtierra, y estaua en el por Capitan vn 
hermano que se dezia Gonzalo de Alvarado; llamauase aquella poblacion donde 
los hallamos, Olintepeque. Hist. Verdad., 220. From this it is evident that 
Vazquez account is correct and that the Spaniards had been completely driven 
out of the Cakchiquel district. 


At this ])()!! 

ii nlui impregnable fortress, com- 

not only tin. lii-li I, litir al-<> tli 

II nountain drlilrs, and ln-re ll: id 

! in 1 orcr. For fchreedaysthe Spaniard 

(1 i lon-ii M- tin- approach* 

Two furioi, -anils <li; it 

1> light in hope of it 1 irpri 

v. Ised, and it only h-. : fchai "a 

the third day A Kara do sue in hi 

])ividing liiv men into two parties, 1 ilcd t 

] i.< i :vnt points MI 1 h< inoinciit. In 

of the contest the adelantado, f ingr( t, 

ill id row the corps und<T his con in IMIK!; tl 

ord(. ivd meanwhile to pi ;lt 

more . The ruse was BUCC il. r Jlic d 

fend ted at the point . and Alva- 

r.-ifio, ]vj])idly wheeling i-oiind h: unin, crossed 1! 
ditch .cl the hei^hi The Jnd iMi. I 

in . (hr<wn into <lisor<ler, driven <l<wn t! 

height . ly pursued by tl Only 

dit closc d upon their llying coluini r- 

rnage < . 2G 

The am >w continued its march uni until 

it arrived at the plains ! Cai. H 1 

ohstii:: I l>h i >attlc was fought with a Lti ^o 

3 collected iVoin t! iri i Hindil: 

The contest was Ion-- maintained v nht- 

lul result, but w ival of 

the 1 IVi i(jin i ( lazhualan, \. , r- 

!:a ! ! all 11 

Innin ! 

on t 

1 l;ill<ls nil l or,; -0 


i hrrii! 

., ii. 




on his countrymen with such forces as he could col 
lect and caused their overthrow. 

Alvarado now advanced rapidly toward Patinamit. 
Fierhtinsr his wav through numerous bodies of the 

o o / o 

enemy who sought to oppose his passage, he arrived 
in a few days at the plain in front of the city. Here 
the combined forces of the confederated kings and 
chiefs, mustering in all about thirty thousand war 
riors, were drawn up to give him battle and strike one 
more blow in defence of their native soil. In vain 
their effort. These Spanish veterans were invincible, 
and the Indian hosts were almost annihilated in 
sight of their capital. 28 The Spaniards following up 
their victory at once forced their way along the narrow 
causeway that formed the only means of approach to 
Patinamit, and putting to the sword the few defend 
ers left, took up their quarters there for the night. 23 

On thje following morning, however, they evacuated 
the city and occupied a position on the plain, where 
building for themselves a number of huts, so they re- 

tianos a predicar el Santo Evangelic. Gnat. , ii. 292. Cazhualan had been one 
of the first to give in his allegiance, an act which offended the greater part of 
liis subjects, who revolted against him, whereupon he resorted to arms. A 
fierce conflict ensued, which ended in the defeat of the insurgents, who fled 
to the woods. The rebels refusing to return to their allegiance, Cazhualan 
visited Alvarado, who promised him assistance. Thenceforward he remained 
a faithful ally of the Spaniards. Fuentes y Guzman, liecordacion Florida, MS., 
19, 20. According to Fuentes and Juarros Alvarado shortly afterward sent a 
force to his aid, and Petapa was soon reduced to obedience and made sub 
missive to its cacique. Fuentes states that the Guzman s of Petapa are 
descended from Cazhualan. liecordacion Florida, MS.. 24-5; Juarros, Guat., 
ii. 296. 

28 This great battle is simply but graphically made mention of by Bernal 
Diaz in the few words, Y les hizimos yr con la mala ventura. Fuentes, fol 
lowed by Juarros, locates the scene of this battle elsewhere. He states that 
on reaching the valley where Guatemala stands Alvarado attacked and carried 
the intrenched camp of Sequechul, and that on the same night the army 
arrived in Guatemala. Rccordacion Florida, 24. Vazquez correctly writes: 
En la vltima de las quales (batallas) entraron la Ciuclad do Patinamit, los 
Espaiioles, que. . .fuo hazafia muy memorable esta victoria. Chronica de Gvat. y 
73. This view corresponds with the account of Bernal Diaz. 

29 This capital had already been repaired, and the buildings elicit an ex 
pression of admiration from Bernal Diaz, who says : Y estauaa los aposentos 
y las casas con tan buenos edificios, y ricos, en fin como de Caciques que man- 
tlauan todas las Provincias comarcanas. Hist. Verdad. , 22ft 

3u Brasseur de Bourbourg suggests that the erection of these dwellings 
gave rise to the present-city of Tecpan-Guatemala, which is to-day inhabited 
by the descendants of the citizens of Patinamit. Hist. Nat. Civ., iv, 693. 


ma hied for d days, during \\ liidi Alvarado vainly 

induce tin- revolted ;ni 

lle^i.-me Twi -,- ! prop 

hnt no reply l>-ii iuchsaf .1. h< ned onward 

( )lintej here he arrived toward t ! id of 

1 526, I 1 - now at li urn to M< 

Although lie had not sure, her killing or 

capturing Hnaram and 8 lerhul, In- murdered that 

t h- rihle punishnieh 1 safety. 

Official I)ti.-i:i<-<s \vas promptly despatched. 
al<- and regidorea v, d. two of t In- former, 

named Hernan Carillo and Pt-dro I^P- 
nominated asAlvarado s lieutenantsduring hi>al- 

A !>; CUrador T one I )iegO B-<-<-rr;i, was appointed )>\ tlio 

caoildo to represent the inl ofth finMe 

and, liis ai-ran^- iiiuiils being <-oni]>lctrd, 1 t i o; 

journey accompanied l>y Marin, liis brotl 
< n<l more than eighty soldier II<- pa -l 

ihr<ui /]i SOCOHUSCO and Tehnain with 

sucli hreaihles- speed that two of his men. en !<-<l 

hy tin- hardships of the recent campaign, died <n the 

he drew m-ar io the <-apil;d lie 
( lori -, whose friendshi[> was soon to b 

31 !V l::c:< 000 that tills tin: 

nnl r tlir- city. M Hut B 


r<-<ln> <!< Alv:r. AS 

TS in i .. ( :: 

aii l in tli<- coiKji). : On 1 

from the books of the c:il>ildo that ]. 7 aul 1 

\vl a -/rant of 1 
utious th 

of 1<K) : 

him b of the conquest of < 

; ami 1-cc. 

\\ith ( rW. 
AVI i 

AVhcn Ah rn, tl: 

liim. (i, was ma/h- jir; 

was so li 
of t!; let that IP 

iuj>a^. !! di< 

1 m l.-.t-J. /./ ,/ , - H: Artvalo, 

/., U: . //,./.. 17 


and whose lofty pride was ere long to be humbled by 
the very man whom that great conqueror now wel 
comed with open arms and entertained with princely 
hospitality at his palace in Mexico. 33 

And here, for a time, we must leave him to tell of 
his great achievements; to gamble with old comrades, 
to cheat them and lie to them, just as he had done 
three years before. Then he will bid farewell to 
Cortes forever, as it will prove, and go on his voyage 
to Spain, where we shall hear of his reaping honor 
and distinction. We shall hear of him also, under 
the consciousness of broken faith and dishonorable 
conduct, shrinking from and glad to avoid a meeting 
with his old comrade to whom he owed all that he 
possessed on earth. 84 

33 Cortes nos Ileu6 a sus Palacios, adonde nos tenia aparejada vna muy 
solene comkla. >ernal Diaz, Hist. Vordad., 220. 

31 The Iiccordadon Florida de la Historia de Guatemala by Don Francisco 
Antonio de Fuentes y Guzman is a manuscript work in three volumes, two of 
which exist in the archives of the municipality of Guatemala city. They 
comprise seventeen books, the first of which relates to the history of the in 
digenous races, the substance of which is taken almost entirely from Torque- 
mada. The six following books treat consecutively of the conquest clown to 
the time of the Spaniards entering Guatemala; of its independence with respect 
to Mexico; of the destruction of old Santiago and Alvarado s life and career; of 
the founding of the second city of Santiago; of miraculous images existing in 
Guatemala; and of the privileges and ordinances of its capital city. The next 
nine contain descriptions of as many principal valleys of the province, among 
which may be mentioned those of Las Vacas, Mixco, Zacatepec, and Xilotepec. 
In these descriptions the author deals with all matters of interest connected 
with the valleys, including Indian games. The seventeenth book is devoted 
to the historiography of the spiritual administration of these valleys in the 
writer s time. According to Beristain the first volume was sent to Spain to 
be printed, but nothing more is known of it. Fuentes y Guzman was born in 
Antigua Guatemala, his family being descended from Bernal Diaz. Juarros 
states that he wrote in 1695. Guat. (ed. London, 1823), 309. He had at his 
command a large number of rare documents, but did not make such use of 
them as an unbiassed chronicler would have done. His admiration of the 
conquerors was too great to admit of his making mention of the cruelties 
which such documents must have exposed. The same feeling urged him to 
indulge in invective against Las Casas. Such were his prejudices in this respect, 
that as regards the conquest, he could not be considered a reliable historian 
were there no other evidence of his inaccuracies; but when I find that in 
many instances his narrative is at variance with that given in Alvarado s own 
letters, the necessity of receiving his statements with additional caution is 
apparent. Brasseur de Bourbourg is, perhaps, extreme in saying: Lemen- 
songe qui regne continuellement dans les re"cits de Fuentes, Hist. Nat. Civ., 
iv. 690; but this latter author was as ready to accept Indian versions of 
events, as the other was disposed to ignore them. The style of Fuentes, 
though not wanting in elegance and descriptive power, often becomes flowery 
and sometimes inflated. 




1527-1528. TV CIIAKCK OP Ai -Ki.voi/r AT . 

OF Tin: Si-AM.-ii CAUKISON Tin: PLA( OP 

Tin: II n;ii I : 




OF the two lieutenant mini s appointed ly 

Aharado on his departure from Olim 

was tht: on.- in whom In- had i r li.i 

Tin al ility which lie had displayed ldi r and 

a magistrate fully ju>tiiii-d tliis confidence. A a< 
to Alvarado, he was second only to ilia 1 

c.-iptain ill val id inilii skill: and the i. im 
portant posts in tin: !:!, I were usually a him, 

wliilf thu lact that he w; cted jidorofthefir 

Jil!). and iillud that office by ippointmenl till 
his jiromot uui io the r.-snk <! alcalde and li.-uteii;. 

:ur, is * \ idenc -ity I \--rnmcnt. 

Jn character he was in 01 Sped too like his coin- 

in beiB -nd ruthless in 1, 

the n;i -. l I I is hi-h hre.-diir^ \\as disjilayrd \>\ 
iinc deportment and court- mien. whil< i- 

]iaiiion he could 1- r most charinin-- 01 

1 ! inorial ns and Tlas. .in 


. iL iiin: 
4 i le nos* /, 

1 ) M .ii. 41. 



disagreeable; his flashes of wit and humor were as 
much enjoyed as the lash of his sarcasm was dreaded. 
With the assistance of his colleague Hernan Carrillo, 
he began vigorously to establish order throughout the 
province. His first care was to carry out the instruc 
tions of Alvarado relative to the suppression of a 
revolt in the town of Zacatepec, news *of which had 
arrived before the captain general s departure. Though 
a portion of the natives of the Zacatepec province had 
joined in the general insurrection, the garrison sta 
tioned in the town itself had hitherto been able to 

overawe the inhabitants : but toward the end of August 


1526, incited by their high priest, named Panaguali, 
one inspired by the presiding genius of the nation, 
they suddenly rose- upon the Spaniards. Threats of 
the displeasure of their god Camanelon outweighed 
with them even the dread of their conquerors ; and the 
chief priest, taking advantage of a violent earthquake 
which occurred a short time before, so wrought upon 
the fears of his countrymen that he prevailed on them 
to attempt the extermination of the foreigners. The 
garrison barely escaped a general massacre, being com 
pelled to make their escape from the town by cutting 
their way through a dense crowd of assailants, who 
attacked them one evening about sunset. In the 
struggle one of their number, together with three of 
the Tlascaltecs, were captured and sacrificed. Next 
day the fugitives were joined by one hundred friendly 
Zacatepecs, and by rapid marches reached Olintepec 
the 31st of August. 2 

At daybreak on the following morning Puertocar- 
rero marched against the insurgents. His force con 
sisted of sixty horse, eighty arquebusiers, five hundred 
and fifty Tlascaltecs and Mexicans, and one hundred 
Zacatepecs. He had also two pieces of artillery. 

2 Fuentes says they reached Santiago on this day. He also states that 
Diego de Alvarado was captain of the garrison; but I think that some other 
officer was then in command, as a Piego de Alvarado \vas regidor of Santiago 
.this same year. See Arevalo, Adas, Ayunt. Guat., 16-18. 

f>. 89 

( )?i arriving within lit of tin- town the arm\ 

camped ill Hey t Wo I- , 1 from the viili: 

of I cuhil, 3 to r< md reconnoit n>. Ihinando <!< 

( haves being seni forward with Hi valry capfui 
two natives, who information that IVuhil v, 

;i!ly deposed and that in Xa-at.-jn ,- ;) ].< ilion of 

tin- inhabitants had declared for the Spaniards, and 
having made their escape, ^ ain< i li- 

neirfiDoring corn land Puertocarrero now moved 

to U<-nl>il, and 1hr-n-c sent UK >f enc<>n 

inrnl h> the i rii-ndly nativ- 3, < Mit liundrcd <t wli- 
shortly afterward joined him. The Spanish army 
now nm<tnvd lii teni hundred and ninety ni n. and 
with this force the commander was (juite ready 
meet the opposing eight thousand. Jle a<lvanced, 

th- ard the town, and wlien about half a 

distant sent messengers to oifer j ion condi 
tion of sun-endc i-. They were received witli disdain, 
and when others Were despatched on a similar :id, 
they were on the point of being sei/.ed mid sacrificed, 

and only made their escape by trusting to th 

of their I 

The Spaniards now took up their i<>n on 

ing ground a quarter of a lea^ur from Za< iec. 
Iliere they were almost immediately iled b\ 

body of two thousand natives who, inning l r:m a 
.hoi-ing wood, attaekrd them In-iskly, but ;ii t r 

bri< u- - lr were fonvd to 1 arly n. 

laoi-nin^ three thousand warrior-, advancing tr -m the 
direction of t! * \\n. came down upon them, taking 

<>d aim with poisoned arrows, while tl, t the 

anjueb , T some time rendered almost harm- 

58 by , which drove the smoke i 

their r their weapons were u< <l with 

more eiled, and the Indians U^an to retire with 
1 3 . wh< i Spaniai ds incautiously advanced, 

thereby suff. riugdefeai r when the Spani>h I 

3 Quo hoy no sc cncuentra cl nicm ;io dc Cl. Jnarros, Gu<it., ii. 207. 


were in the center of the plain, the detachment from 
the town, suddenly wheeling round, attacked them 
in front, while those who remained under cover of 
the woods assailed their rear. Puertocarrero was 
compelled to withdraw from the field with all possible 
haste; but this could only be done by traversing the 
greater portion of the plain, and was attended with 
great loss, the troops becoming entangled during the 
hottest part of the engagement, in canebrakes and 
creepers. At length the retreating army reached a 
secure position between two converging eminences, 
and here the conflict ceased for the night. 

On the following day the Spanish commander,, 
drawing up his infantry in a hollow square with the 
artillery in front and the cavalry on the wings, gave 
the enemy battle on the plain. His lines were too 
strong to be broken by the Zacatepec warriors who 
rushed in a dense mass to the attack, but were driven 
back by a well directed fire of artillery and small 
arms. Forming into two columns, they next assailed 
both wings simultaneously, but with no better success. 
Again massing themselves in a single phalanx, they 
made a furious attack on the right of the Spanish 
army. The struggle was long but not doubtful. 
Volley after volley mowed down their ranks in front, 
while the horsemen charged repeatedly on either 
flank. At length they took to flight and were pur 
sued to the entrance of the town, where Panagfuali 


and two other priests with eight of the principal 
caciques were made prisoners. 

The campaign was now at an end. Puertocarrero, 
aware that the loss of their priests and their chief 
tains would assure the submission of the rebels, 
retired to Ucubil, whence one of the captives was sent 
to the town with a final summons to allegiance, and 
with strict injunctions to return as soon as possible. 
A submissive reply was returned, and on the fourth 
day after the battle the Spaniards entered the town 
with all necessary precautions against attack. Having 

x OF :.i. 


1 ill ird-hoi. ad piil 

! tin- caciques and 

aj>! f thu 

: f . T I in 1 !:< plaj 

and 1 - plar. d n trial ill 

promot : the 
inn. All that the poor wretch could ur 

: hat IK- had 
of his <jrocl; but Cain, .11 had im\v no j 




^^r <c^ 



As a matter <>! < be lii^-li ] 

i. and iniui. 1 in full 

\ i-\v .en nati\ . bu1 n<\v I 

ntly lin|n-d tu cap 16 Sj rds I 

MS., 4-12; J narrow . ii. 

J!7-. !i i>. ;ilios ;, 

in tl: 


(, astillos. 
o, ano: 


The suppression of the Zacatepec rebellion being 
completed Alvarado s lieutenant 5 next turned his 
attention to the stronghold of Sinacam. This fortress, 
built of stone and lime, was situated in an almost in 
accessible position in the Comalapa mountains. 6 In 
the fastnesses of this range, seamed with gloomy 
canons, numbers of the Cakchiquels had taken refuge. 
Far down in the sierra is a precipitous ravine through 
which flows the Rio Nimaya. 7 The stream when it 
reaches the valley below is of great depth, abounds 
in fish, and is fringed in places with beautiful glades 
and stretches of fertile land, which can be approached 
only by difficult and dangerous paths. 8 Here Sina- 
cam s followers planted and gathered their maize in 
safety, while river and forest supplied them with ad 
ditional food. No better place for a stronghold could 
have been selected than that to which the chief of the 
Cakchiquels had withdrawn the remnant of his once 
powerful nation. 9 

At the head of a numerous and well appointed 

who later took a prominent part in the conquest of Copan, is represented in 
the female line by the family of the Villacreces Cueba y Guzman. From 
Sancho de Baraona, who filled the offices of procurator, syndic, and ordinary 
alcalde, are descended the Baraona de Loaisa. The cavalry officer Hernando 
de Chaves was ever placed in command when dangerous enterprises were to 
be undertaken. His daughter Doiia Catarina de Chaves y Vargas married 
Rodrigo de Fuentes y Guzman, and a second one was wedded to Pedro de 
Aguilar. Juarros, Guat., i. 349-51. 

5 Vazquez commits a twofold error in stating that Alvarado not only 
conducted the campaign about to be narrated, but on his arrival at Olin- 
tepcc united his forces with those stationed there, and marched against 
Patinamit, which he took after a series of engagements, and then went in pur 
suit of the caciques who had escaped. Chronica de Gvat., 72-3. This is utterly 
at variance with the account given by Bernal Diaz, who took part in the cam 
paign. Nor did Alvarado after his arrival at Olintepec undertake any further 
operations before his departure for Mexico, according to this latter authority, 
who says: l y estuvimos descansando ciertos dias (that is at Olintepec), y 
luego fuimos a Soconusco. Hist, Verdad., 220. 

6 Called by Vazquez the Nimanche, a word meaning great tree, and 
derived from the enormous cedars which grew in -the ravines. The range is 
situated about eight leagues from Comalapa and ten to the east of Tecpan 
Guatemala, near the site of Huyaalxot. Chronica de Gvat., 70-71. 

7 Passa el rio grande, q se dize Nimaya, por sus muchas aguas. Id. 

8 For an account of a priest s descent into this ravine see Vazquez. Id. 
9 Brasseur de Bourbourg states that this fortification had been previously 

built, dans la provision d une guerre avec les Quiche s, and adds that accord 
ing to public rumor subterranean psssages connected it with Patinamit. Hist. 
Nat. Civ. , iv. G93-4. Vazquez, on the contrary, says that the Quiche s aided 

SI I TOLD. 93 

oc 10 Puerto- ro look up ,-i suitabl ion be 

fore it. 11 and for 1 \YO months pi d t!. in 

In. During this linn- he 

of : answered only \\-\\ h oonl 

while artinj r th< t th 

who felt secure; in his position and h;id no 

hunger, were r< I <-\ 

trunks of hurled < ; on them fr>m i 

overt y \vliile the harassed 

hy repeated BO iVoin the natives, who, \v! 

they perceived any want of vigilance in th- 
the Spapiards, s\ down from the mouni with 
inconceivable rapidii; I upon the weakest j of 
tlieirlii; 3 quickly] :ned the shelter of th 

ix.ld. 13 

.Hut iailure only mused the Spaniards to i 
termined effort. Tin ainon;.;- them many w] 

i part in the storming of Mexico, and had 
fought under Alvarado at Patinamit. The m 
oftli lantado a veterans had been t ny 

a doubtful I, and they were no\v ahoutto 
evidence of their valor. It may be that a itor rc- 

iled to the he.-ie- erS SOlllC SCCTCt _p-a t 1 1 , ] OT 

rtiide but the stormii i the i oitr 

in its crcctirin in order to prov * in case < 

. Its mil. 
i. 2 

10 1 -to V\: cron- 

nrti :.< .< i- 1 ;i.- ; -o clc I 


th;it t i to 200 

;_ . 

11 ;- 

tc to 1 t that 

liii;. of \:i /.<\ the e 

;at of t!ie M ( 

1 (!) t!lr Spot. \ 

that tip 
JOllos coi :i liast.. 

al t 

; eur d(. s of this c; 


was none the less a desperate undertaking. Its fate 
w#s sealed however. Puertocarrero divided his forces 
into four bodies and stationed them at the most favor 
able points ; but before ordering the assault sent in his 
last summons to surrender. The messengers who bore 
the letter to Sinacam narrowly escaped death. On 
receiviDg it the chieftain tore the paper to shreds, and 
throwing the pieces on the ground with many expres 
sions of scorn and contempt ordered the envoys to be 
put to death. At this moment, however, the attack 
was made. Puertocarrero who had observed all that 
was transpiring suddenly advanced his men. The 
ramparts were scaled, and a foothold won within the 
fortifications. No hope now for the garrison; the 
struggle which followed was severe but brief. The 


discolored ground was soon heaped with the dead and 
dying, on whose prostrate forms the triumphant Span 
iards trampled as they pressed on in pursuit of the 
panic-stricken natives. Sinacam and Sequechul, to 
gether with a larger number of their followers, were 
captured, and few of those who survived the massacre 
made good their escape to the mountains. 15 

15 Brasseur de Bcmrbourg states that Sinacam escaped by one of the subter 
ranean passages before mentioned, and after living a wretched life for several 
years, wandering about the mountains, surrendered to Alvarado in 1530. 
Hist. Nat. Civ., 095-702. Vazquez has copied an act of the cabildo dated 
May 19, 1540, in which Alvarado is requested either to take Sinacam and 
Sequechul with him on his proposed voyage to the Spice Islands on account 
of their rebellious proclivities, or to execute them. Alvarado replied that 
he would do what was most convenient. As a matter of fact Sinacam died 
in Jalisco before the sailing of the fleet. Vazquez is of opinion that as. they 
were not put to death in the heat of the moment, Alvarado would not be 
likely to execute them at the instigation of the cabildo. Chronica de Overt., 
30-2. The author of the Isagoge states that they lingered in prison for 14 
years, that they were put on board the fleet, and probably perished during 
the voyage, as nothing more is known of them. Pdaez, Mem. Ouat., i, 77. 
Brasseur de Bourbourg s account of the fate of -these princes is that Siuacam 
died in 1533, while Sequechul was put on board the fleet and perished miser 
ably off the coast of Jalisco. IJist. Nat. Civ., iv. 790, 800-1. Fuentes gives 
so different an account to that of Vazquez relative to the capture of the strong 
hold, that, as Juarros remarks, every one would suppose it to be the narra 
tion of an entirely distinct event. Guat., ii. 302-5. The capture of Sinacam 
was yearly celebrated by the festival of the volcano, at which a mimic 
representation of the event was performed. In the great plaza of Guatemala 
an artificial mound was thrown up and covered with branches of trees and 
rocks in imitation of a mountain, and on the top a miniature castle was built. 
Here the governor of Jocotenango stationed himself with the principal men 


The st< nisinir ; !iijin-l hold oc- 

curred on Saint (Vcili ! ay, the L -jd of N r 

\ 526, .-Hid : rward th nt v. rly eel - 

:i imp- -II. On annivt-r- 

f tli .hit find on ihu eve pr 
aiidard-h: displayed the r<>yal colors in tlio 

] } <>f the pr. :it, the royal audiencia, t : 

municipality, and noUes, while the .Mexicans and 
Tlax-altecs, who liad contributed to tin- vi<-t<>ryin no 
small degree, joined in the procession, d< 1 in 
bright colors and armed vvitli the weapons of their 

In the month of March 1527, anew governor arrived 
in Guatemala in the person of Jorge 
1. rot her of the great conqueror, and ,- a gift<-d witli 
ahilii f no common order. He had ah \voii 

repute in the conquest of ^Ie: and had n a 

prominent part in the political dissni>ioi! hich 

curred in the capital during the ; -ice of Cort 
in Honduras. During the military opera in 

Guatemala, more especially in the tir.-t cainpa in 
Salvador, he had proved himself possessed "t tm 
soldierly qualiti- Th<- ]reit-rment was 1> 
him ly i nor of Mexi -id that he should 

have been \- -rmitted to sir -de Puertocarrero u 

]rol>iiMy due to his 1>; i\<r and t!) the iVi 

ship of ( ort Nevertheless he was a man eminently 

fitted io rule. 1! ppointment was at 

nized 1)V tlie cal)ildo,and he w. led innnedh. 

f olli 

of hi lie r M-l in M> rm wr 

t iu 1 
.;itin_( , l !!t 

f Tlas- 



// ; iio 

, L ui. 
JJoc., ; 


Soon after his arrival the cabildo met to discuss a 
matter of general interest, which had long engaged 
the attention of the colonists. This was the selection 
of a permanent site for their hitherto unstable city. 
The choice lay between the valleys of Almolonga and 
Tianguecillo, 17 and after a long and wordy discussion 
the question was decided in favor of the former locality. 
A spot was chosen which had the advantages of a 
cool and healthful climate, a plentiful supply of wood, 
water, and pasture, and where the slope of the ground 
would allow the streets to be cleansed by the periodi 
cal rains. The governor then presented to the muni 
cipality a document, signed by his own hand, conveying 
his instructions as to the laying-out of the future 
city. The streets were to intersect at right angles, 
their direction corresponding with the cardinal points 
of the compass; space was to be reserved for a plaza; 
and ground adjoining the public square was set apart 
for the erection of a church to be dedicated to Santiago, 
who was chosen as the patron saint of the city which, 
was henceforth to bear his name,, and whose heart w T as 
to be gladdened in after years, when the day of his 
anniversary recurred, by religious ceremonies and 
.festivities, by tilting, and by bull-fights whenever a 
supply of bulls could be procured. 18 Locations were 

17 The session was held in the valley of Almolonga, and it is significant 
that this is the first meeting mentioned in the books of the cabildo as being 
held there. Of the instability of this so-called city there is sufficient proof. 
Sancho de Barahona, in arguing against the payment of tithes, says: Lo otro 
digo, que para se pagar los dichos diezmos. . .habia de haber pueblo fundado, 
donde los cspailoles tuviesen poblacion sentada. Arevalo, Actas Ayunt. Guat., 
27. The valley of Tianguecillo or Tianguez was the same as the present Chi- 
maltenango. Juarros, Guat., ii. 304. 

13 Rcmesal states that in July 1530 the cabildo ordered one bull to be 
bought for 25 pesos de oro, a price which indicates the scarcity of cattle at 
that date. In 1543 six were purchased. Hist. Chyapa, 27. This author is of 
opinion that Santiago was chosen as the patron saint only because of the 
devotion of the Spaniards to that apostle. Id., 4. Fuentes gives as the reason 
that the Spanish army entered the Cakchiquel capital on his anniversary day, 
and states that he personally took their city under his protection, by appear 
ing on horseback with sword in hand at the head of the army, while march 
ing along the valley of Panchoy. Juarros, Guat., ii. 273. For further 
opinions and information on this subject consult Vazquez, Chronica de Gvat., 
74-5; llemexal, Hist. Chyapa, 20-1; Juarros, Guat., ii. 275-7; Escamitta> 
Notldas Curiosas. de Guat., 12; and Pelaez, Mem. Guat. ii. 223-7. 

[AGO FO 07 

jned ior a ho-pital, a rhapcl and shrine,* a 

a fori : approprial adjoinin;. pla;-. to 

marked out for the municipal and civic huildi; 
and fora prison; and the ivniaindcr of UP 
then to he divided among prex-nt or futm 
according to the <-u>tms piv\ ailing in Xew Spain. 

Ai tcr this document had lr<-n puhhdy nad and 
entered 1 > y the notary in tin- books of the cahildo, all 
malitie completed -king j 

-ion of the future city as though it already < 
According to the usual formality a p<M \ -d. 

and the r, ]laciii^ his hand upon it. j 

with great solemnity, "1 take and hold p sion, in 
tin 1 name of his ilajesty, of the city and provii ,n<l 
of all other adjacent territory." 

Four days after the completion of this ceremony 
twenty-four persons enrolled themselves aa citbs 
and so prosperous, at first, were the affairs of the new 
tlement that within six months one hundred and 
fifty additional householders joined the community.* 
] hiring the remainder of the year 1.VJ7 and for many 
months ai terward the Spaniards were occupied with 
municipal atfairs, or busied th- with th- ej 

former i -1 the name of the hospital de mi n<l 

1 and shrine were to be d< - loe 


:1 l. .LN Saiiti:i _ " v. a.s made ; 1 "f the ] 

.-I iu l. i. l J v i anii^vi: 1 1< 

ribcd 1 K A 

Gules, the 

en 1 !, and l-niinli.-hiug a 6^ 

( >i\ Bfld, A] erest a 

other <i 

live ol 
and a v/nod-eut of it, f-uine\\ hat dillen-nt, is to l>e s.-i-u in 

a }.j>. l;!S and l. i 

21 1 that the names of the same persons of; 

nj] ;ir iu rnora 1 

itlmut j>rrjui. 

in l."J7, sin icrjui .cha 

( il)d i i. Ada - . ! . And .-iL-ain in 

<|ue | 


Mueho.s estau < - dos vc/.es, porqu- 

ad.juiri. :nduil,cstaral. la pi ii: 

IJiBT. -j. VOL. II. 7 


tion of dwellings and with dividing and putting under 
cultivation the rich lands of the adjoining valley. 

In March 1528 Jorge de Alvarado, in virtue of the 
authority granted to him by the governor of Mexico, 
claimed the right to appoint new members of the 
municipality. As no valid objection could be offered 
by the cabildo, the nominations w r ere immediately 
made, and eight regidores were elected in place of 
four. The most important measure adopted by the 
new corporation during the year was the redivision of 
lands and the adjustment of questions that would 
necessarily arise from such a change. The grants 
were so unfairly distributed that, while many citizens 
had far more than their share, others had none at all. 
The discontent of the latter made it imperative for 
the municipality to take action. On the 18th of 
April all previous regulations were revoked and all 
divisions of land cancelled. An order was then issued 
for the redivision of the valley into caballerias and 
peoriias, 22 and a committee appointed to redistribute 
the grants. 

A measure of this kind could not fail to meet with 
much opposition, and as will be seen later the division 
of lands and the system of repartimientos caused much 
dissension among the colonists; yet in the present 
instance the cabildo acted with all possible discretion 
and fairness in the matter. Those grants of land 
which were less fertile, were of greater extent than 
the more barren portions; men distinguished for 
their services received larger shares to correspond 
with the degree of their merit; growing crops were 
the property of those in possession at the time of 
the redistribution; and if any occupant had made 

2 - The caballeria was the amount of land granted to a cavalryman, and the 
peonia that bestowed on a foot-soldier, who was termed peon. 5 The former 
received COO by 1,400 pasos, or about 174 acres, and the latter half that 
quantity. Arevalo, Actas Ayunt. Gnat., 48. Remesal states that the caba 
lleria was GOO by 300 feet, and otherwise gives an account that is not in accord 
ance with the book of the cabildo. Hist. Chyapa, 39. Even the more accurate 
Juarros is in error in stating that the grant to a cavalryman was 1,000 by 
600 pasos. Guat., ii. 341. 


improvements and was rem< t, Iiis 

JSOr u; (iiired to inal-. no 

on the new land ned to him. Compl 

deeds T promised by the cabildo in the i;;i::i.- of 

; the citi. <j ordered to end- 

and kerp in good condition the portion of the sir 
corresponding with their allot n. i-bitant 

f artisans were regulated; and such was the 
thrift of the inhabitants that within little more than 
a year after its foundation the town \\ irround. d 

with eorniields and orchards, and the vail f Al- 
molonga soon became one of the most flourishing col 
onies throughout the breadth of Central Ameri< 

23 As these grants were considered as rewards for services ; >-d to tho 

kin _ r f<>r ;i ix-riml of liv- < .mlinnrd at u later date upon 

the bolder proving that ho had served fur that length of time. 





SOON after his meeting with Cortes in Mexico Pedro 
de Alvarado returned to Spain. Arriving early in 
1527, he soon learned, as we may well imagine, 
that charges of a serious nature were being preferred 
against him. Gonzalo Mejia, the colonial procurator, 
had accused him before the India Council of obtaining 
wealth by embezzling the royal dues, and by unfair 
appropriation of the spoils of war. The amount thus 
secured was estimated at one hundred thousand pesos. 
Many acts of injustice were also laid to his charge, 
all of which Mejia affirmed could be substantiated by 
documents which he laid before the council. The result 
was that an order was issued directing a formal inves 
tigation to be made both in Madrid and New Spain, 
and directing that his gold which amounted to fifteen 
thousand ducats be seized as security for any fine in 
which he might be mulcted. He was required more 
over to appear at .court, in person, without delay. 



Alvarado had IK\V n< i-k hefore liiin, Imt 

then/ was inudi in his favor. ]l it renown, his 

handsome presence, 1 and ivmarkaUo con .tioiial 

powers won for him many friends, anioii;^ o- 
Id I.- I Yam-isro de losCoboS,who personally 

interested himself in lu s defence, and \vitli such sn 
cess that the conqueror of Guatemala v. --quitted, 
liis o-,, Id restored, and ho soon had an opportunity to 
plead his own before the emperor. 

Once in the royal presence the cavalier docs not 
licsilatc to inj onn his Majesty of his many doughty 
deeds during the conquest of Mexico, and to mention 
that tlic subjugation of Guatemala was ach I at 
his own expense. 1 The king listens with marked at 
tention, particularly when he advances schemes f.r 
ship-building on the southern shore of Guatemala for 
the discovery of the coveted Spice Islands, and for 
the development of South Sea commerce . 3 The royal 
favor is won, and honors and appointments follow. 
The cross of Santiago is bestowed upon him, and ho 
is appointed a comendador.* lie is also made gov 
ernor and captain general, as Arcvalo tells us, of 
Guatemala, of Chiapas, Cinacantan, TequepampO, 
Oinatan, Acalan, and all other lerritori 

1 (larcilaso do l:i \" >crts that Charles in lr ns at Arnn- 

chaii sec Alvannlu pa uul stnu-k with oil -ance ask> 

who 1. .^ tulil that it was Alvurado lit- sai.l, 

:i\])rc talle do av. r li.-cho lo que tie el me han dicho, and onl ho 

- against him to In: dis; ?/, ii. 58. 

j.rtilioiu d the kin;, l-r the .LTt v.-ni: 

, \\ hi. h 1 t his 

own COSt. The ad lantado > !:.. l. Itii 

April l.VJ .i. that in n) D -f hi-. t did Alvarado speak the truth, 

which ion he Mud would be wrroborated in ill r-toft! at 

1 .idM]-, <. M . . . . . / .r., xi: A 

f-iinilar stat< in. ht was inailc:: sion of the cahildo of Mexico held -Tan. 

.: I id the chit f procurator v. 

to ! Alvaiv .Isc 8t;i -o 

1 i miino que ania- l)asta la mar del x 

conn . iv. lib. i iii. 

* 1; mcsal says that h" had l-cf- :i iron! hy 

the soldiers, U-en in the habit of wearing at to 

.: who held that title. HitL Chyapa, 1J. See also Ui*L 



and belonging to that province. In return he enters 
into an engagement with his royal master to send 
forth expeditions of discovery and thoroughly to ex 
plore the waters of the South Sea. 5 

The favors which he thus received from the emperor 
were due in part to his marriage with a ward of the 
secretary Cobos. It is true that he was already 
betrothed* to Cecilia Vazquez, a cousin of Cortes, but 
a mere vow could not be allowed to stand between 
him and high connection. Cortes had been a true 
friend; but Alvarado could now win stronger support 
than ever the conqueror of Mexico could bestow on 
him, and what mattered friendship when help 6 was 
no longer needed? A few months after his arrival in 
Spain, he had offered himself as a suitor for the hand 
of the accomplished Doiia Francisca de la Cueva, 
daughter of the conde de Bedmar, and niece of the 
duke of Alburquerque. Secretary Cobos received 
his offer approvingly, arranged the marriage, and at 
the ceremony gave the bride away. 7 

Alvarado was now prepared to return to the west 
ern world, and on the 26th of May 1528, 8 entered his 
appointments and despatches at the India House in 
Seville according to form. While he was there wait 
ing to embark Corte s arrived at Palos. But. the new 
adelantado was no longer so anxious to meet his for- 

5 Cortes was much displeased with this agreement, as he considered the 
search for the Spice Islands and the navigation of the South Sea to be his 
exclusive right, fiamirez, Proceso contra Alvarado, p. xvi. 

6 Corte s le embiaba siempre Espafioles, Caballos, Ilierro, y Ropa, y cosas 
de Rescate, y le favorecia mucho, porque le avia prometido do Casarse con 
vna su Prima-Hermana, yasi le 11190 su Teniente, en aquella Provincial Tor- 
quemada, i. 322. 

7 Dona Francisca lived but a short time after the marriage. Reniesal says 
that her death occurred a few days after marriage; Zamacois, Hist, Mej., iv. 
4C5, and Ramirez that she died on her arrival at Vera Cruz. Herrera only 
mentions that Alvarado became her suitor. He afterward married her sister 
Beatriz, and the first named author, pages 42, 49, imagines that this second 
marriage took place shortly after the first, whereas it was at least ten years 
later. Consult Arcvalo, Doc. Antig., 179, and Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. 
Doc., ii. 245, 252. Brasseur de Bourbourg makes the same mistake. Hist. 
Nat. Civ., iv. 701. 

8 Remesal correctly points out a mistake in the books of the cabildo, the 
year 1527 being carelessly copied for 1528. Hist. Chyapa, 39; Arevalo, Actas 
-Ayunt. Guat., 83. 

TRIAL OF AI. \DO. 103 

HUT commander aa he had limi when li. 

liis aid through tin- wilds of ilondur. JI<- Li. 
how deeply IK- had wounded his pride in the 

iiid In- rcceixvd with a fe< lil 

relief t! i that Cortes had gone direci to I ."id. 

Ju October l.VJS, the g nor of (Jr. 
accompanied hy a nuinhtT <>t nob iitlenien, iVid: 
and relative H arrived atY.-ra ( ru/, and h; 

niiu^ on to Mexico liojx d soon to reach the cap! 

of his own province. Hut the offi of th 

ii-y ini ornicd him that he in.-i d hi- in n< 1 
ive; f>r now the investigations were not to be lightly 

L It was a serious matter, that of accoui 

;ioii how much he owed his }/ 

And n- 1 hand were those immaculate men, 1 
oidoiv- of ^Fi-xiro s first audieneia, who were jeal< 

for the ri^lits <>f the kini; , and more jealous my 

other suhjects sliould he permitted to on: 1 tin 
1 *jMin tlie heels ofAlvarado lli--y en1 

loruinent in whieli was a c-1. wliieh r< 

thus; "You will also inform your>el\v.s whetlier i: 
true that, when Pedro de Alvarado was in Gu;; 
mala, there was not proper care in the collection 
the fifths, and that lie did not piv-.-nt him- If to l 
treasurer with the portion pertainin;: <>." Tl 

Guatemalan ^overnor was at once informed that 

mi dit answer to the charges on i-. him. 

The celebrated trial which followed was protraci I 

as loi 3 party fad ion, envy, and piT-onal eamity 

ild make it last. The more imp 
were thn embezzlement of royal iifths and soldie 

ty, cruelty, and illegal warfare; l)iit a; 

Alvarado s ].iv\i<>us life that could he used against 

him was pertinent, The total number of 
preferred, was thirty-four, and there were ten 

-ses for the prosecution. On April C>, I 
examination commenced; on the 4th of .Inn.- Ah 
rado jire-eiited his reply; and on the loth 1 

9 Jttrncsal, Ili*t. Chi/tijui, !_. 


examination of his witnesses who numbered thirty- 
two, the chaplain Juan Diaz being one. Eighty-four 
questions were submitted, and in addition to verbal 
evidence twelve documents were filed for the defence. 10 
On the 5th of July the defence was closed and the case 
submitted, but all efforts to obtain a speedy decision 
were unavailing. The oidores would have the gov 
ernor of Guatemala feel their power yet a little longer. 

Soon after Alvarado s arrival in Mexico, his brother 
Jorge, who had been left in charge of the province of 
Guatemala, received from him a copy of the former s 
appointment as governor and captain general. 11 At 
the same time the adelantado, being so empowered, 

10 Only two of these remain to our knowledge. For the discovery and 
preservation of the Proceso de Residencies contra Pedro de Alvarado, we are 
indebted to the licentiate Ignacio Rayon, oficial mayor in the Mexican 
archives. The confusion of the immense pile of documents in that office had 
become so great that in 1846 the government decided to reduce them to 
some order, and entrusted the work of so doing to the director Miguel Maria 
Arrioja, whose co-laborer was Rayon. In a bundle of old papers, marked 
useless, was the Proceso contra Alvarado, the historical value of which was 
at once recognized. The first intention of the finder was merely to copy and 
add it to his collection of manuscripts. His friends, however, advised him 
otherwise; and through their assistance Ignacio Trigueros generously offer 
ing to pay expenses, and Jose" Fernando Ramirez having obtained permission 
from the government he published it in Mexico in 1847. The is the 
official investigation into Alvarado s conduct in Mexico and Guatemala, and 
consists of the several charges, mainly bearing on his cruel treatment of the 
natives, his extortions, and embezzlement of royal dues, and the testimony of 
the witnesses on both sides. Though there is much conflicting evidence, it is 
of great value in establishing numerous historical points narrated by the early 
chroniclers. This volume contains, besides the Proceso, a biographical 
sketch of Alvarado s career by Ramirez; fragments of the Proceso contra, 
Nuno de Guzman, preceded by an account of his life by the same author; and 
notes explanatory of four copies of Aztec paintings, one of which represents 
the death of Alvarado. The account given by Ramirez of Alvarado s expedi 
tion to Peru is the same as that of Herrera and incorrect, as are also the rea 
sons he assigns for the Honduras campaign. It is well known that Ramirez 
was minister of state during the empire under Maximilian. 

11 There is a copy of this document in the Adas Ayunt* Guat., 80-4. 
Alvarado, his officers and lieutenants were to be subject to the audiencia and 
chancilleria real of the city of Mexico, appeal in civil and criminal causes to 
lie from Alvarado and his officers to the president and oidores of Mexico, 
with some exceptions in civil cases. He had power to appoint and remove 
officers of administration at will, and to try and decide all causes, civil and 
criminal, to make general laws, and particular ones for each pueblo ; to estab 
lish penalties, and enforce them; to order persons whom he might wish to 
send away from his province to appear before their Majesties, and in case of 
their refusal, to visit them with penalties which their Majesties in anticipa 
tion confirmed. His annual salary was to be 502,500 maravedis. 

constituted Jorge liis lieutn The 

1 1 ><! .. iv the < . w<-re duly i 

hy tluit hody; wln-p-upon Jor^e declared that 

-< th- powers In 4 had hitli<Tt h Id 

from tin 4 LTovernor of Mexico, 12 took the oath in tin; 

nil manner, and asMinu-d the duties laid upon him 

hy his ne\v appointment, 

The audiencia of Mexico was quickly notified of 
these proceedings, and in July 1 is known in 

Santiago that a judge and captain general had 1>< 

appointed to take the lieutenant-governor s resident 
A hold though unsuc al attempt was made to 
avoid the threatened in ition. Jorge compelled 

the procurator, syndic, and notary public to draw up 
a formal representation, urging, in the name of the 
cahildo, that JYdro de Alvarado and no other person 
should !" obeyed as captain general and governor. 
This adion had, liov i , no effect in averting his 
sp< fall from power. On the 14th of August Fran- 
Cisco de ( )rduna, the official appointed hy the oidor 
arrived at Santiago, and ] i it ing his credent! 
took the unary oath th- same day. 13 

The audiencia could not have selected a man more 
unfitted for this important oilice, or one less likely t 
jiromute the interests of the colony. 1 [e came at a 
time wh^n of all others prudence and dispassioni 
action ded. The redistribution of land- and 

the a>>i _niment of encomiendas in spite of all c-florts 
to the contrary had caused discont -m : t \\--coin- 

re jealously regarded hy the conquerors and t 

;dy di vided into factions. Torecon- 

13 And somewhat contomiituotisly : V- (jue no quicre usar ilellos, si 


13 1 oo <! >l was m 

. in. lil). v. cap. \ i. \vas 

ahililo of M xicu, and sh- 
:. \\ > liml him ico in 

in rej: 

in I.VJs. ri.,i;i this time h- 
iatorrn; !;*-n in I rhi u 

b conqueror, IB far from I In the MUM testimony 

also !iy to Alvurudu. 


cile differences was not Orduna s object. His policy 
was to be guided by self-interest, and by enmity to 
Alvarado and his party. A man of coarse nature, 
irascible and unscrupulous, he was often guilty of gross 
indecency in speech and of unseemly personal violence ; 
after acts of gross injustice he insulted all who claimed 

One of his first measures w r as to call in question 
the legality of Jorge s administration. The alcalde 
Gonzalo Dovalle, a creature of Orduna s, brought the 
matter before the cabildo, claiming that all reparti- 
mientos which he had assigned, and all suits which he 
had decided, from the time that he had received from 
his brother the appointment of lieutenant-governor, 
were annulled. The question was a delicate one, inas 
much as the cabildo had recognized the authority of 
Jorge, and their own powers and rights were thus 
endangered. Nevertheless they did not venture to 
oppose the jurisdiction of the audiencia, and within 
three months after Orduna s arrival he found himself 
in control of the ayuntaniiento. 


The natives were not slow to take advantage of 
the discord among the Spaniards, and during the lat 
ter portion of 1529 it became necessary to send out 
numerous expeditions to suppress .revolt or repel 
encroachments. 14 Several of the confederated nations 

14 In the minutes of the cabildo dated loth September, it is stated al pre- 
sente estan. los mas de los espanoles de guerra sobre el pueblo del Tuerto, 6 
sobre el pueblo de Xumaytepeque a donde han muerto ciertos espanoles, y 
estamos al presente de camino para la provincia de Uxpantlan, 6 Tesulutlan, 
Tequepanpo y Umatlan, que estan todas 6 otras muchas de guerra. Arevalo, 
Adas Ay wit, Guat., 128. The Libra deActas deAyuntamlento de la Ciudad de 
Santiago de Guatemala comprises the minutes of the cabildo of Santiago during 
the first six years of its existence, copied literally, by Rafael de Are"valo, sec 
retary of the municipality, from the original records in the archives of the 
city. The work was published in Guatemala in 1856. There can be no doubt 
that the records of many of the sessions are wanting in this work, owing to 
their loss or illegibility. It is to be regretted that the transcriber did not 
indicate in his publication where he considered the originals were defective, 
or remark upon the obliteration of different portions, the only instance of 
his doing so being on page 7. Ilemesal states that until the year 1530 the 
cabildo had no bound book of records, but simply loose sheets, many of which 
must have been lost, Hist. Chyapa, 33 ; and Juarros refers to minutes which 

Til MAY WAR. 107 

which had BUfil d d<-f<-at at the hands of Alv, 
on hi urn from Honduras 11 bewail to make inro;, 

on portions of the province which hit! had always 

n held in subjection. Th 11 of 

Xiiiiiay WBS the principal scat of the or, ak, a I 

point a foree of eighty foot, thirty hoi- 
and one thousand native auxiliaries was d 
under command of Juan Perez Dardon." 

Tin 4 march of the troops was uninterrupted until 

they reached the river Coaxini<juilapan. IT J 1 
found their pa 6 disputed hy a lar^e fore.- p.: 
(.n the <>pp hank. Not deeming it prudent to 

attempt the crossing in the face of the enemy, I)ard<m 
withdrew his troops, and making a rapid detour under 
cover of a range of hills, arrived unperceived at a 
point above on the stream. By the aid of a wooden 
bridge which he hastily threw across it he j 1 his 

army over, and marched into the vail f Xnm 
Jlere he encountered a strong body of the enemy, 

who, alter a spirited opposition, suddenly retr 

p eminence, 1 ^ hotly pursued by the Spaniards. 
The latter { ailed more than once in their attempts to 

1" n<>t appear in >\s cilition. I cannot, tlu-ivf -co with Brasscur 

that it oomprend tous 1< 

iniuial. .duraiit , pri-nuL-rcs anincs. 1,\ >. M !.">. i 

many of tla- ordinances aiv of minor interest, the work i lue, inasnnich 

.nd social state of 
-ts. while from others ; 

\vhich the Spaniards lived. A considerable muni" ma- 

ti Ui the holding i-f and >n to i 

. and the amount of land 
id oth< lations for th- 

mm ion uith regard :u. The K 

ndditimially vajual)!- u-lusi\-e in assi^niir, 00 

tanT ! .dso th: 

\.\\\\ & -.ilyinu a \ ivi>. 

lin;_ r s and \ ih-nt <! 


idcnti i the ( 

16 Dardun h: Alvara i was app^ in - 

him intia;_ro, founded in 1.VJI. that 

of a , aaasuba! 

in , 

1 lajini.jnil. : oin the 

18 Bn t .ourbourg assume-s that it was surmounted l.y a i\u treat. 


carry this position, but the natives falling short of 
provisions and becoming enfeebled through hunger 
were at length dislodged with great slaughter. 

The town of Xumay now lay at the mercy of the 
Spaniards; and the chief of the confederated tribes, 19 
finding himself unable to cope with the enemy, deter- 
mided on stratagem; but his astuteness could suggest 

nothing better than the oft-tried ruse of making 

-. ^ 

treacherous overtures of peace. Dardon was not to 
be imposed upon by so trite an artifice, and apprised 
him that he was thoroughly aware of his design, 
whereupon the cacique threw off the mask, and re 
solving to make one last effort, attacked the Spaniards 
with all the forces he could collect, but was routed 
with heavy loss. On entering the town Dardon found 
the place abandoned, and in vain sent a number of his 
prisoners with promises of pardon to their country 
men on condition of their return. They had even 
less confidence in the word of the Spanish commander 
than he himself had shown in the good faith of their 
chieftain. It was therefore ordered that the place 
should be burned, and parties were sent to hunt down 
the scattered fugitives, many of whom were captured, 
and among them a number of caciques. All were 
indiscriminately branded as slaves, and hence a village 
afterward built near the spot, as well as the Rio 
Coaxiniquilapan received the name of Los Esclavos. 20 

While the confederated tribes were thus again 
being brought under subjection, an expedition directed 
against the stronghold of Uspantan 21 met with signal 
failure. Shortly after Orduna s arrival the reduction 

19 Tonaltetl by name. 

20 Juarros, Guat., ii. 88-90. This author makes the rather doubtful asser 
tion that the place was called Los Esclavos from the fact that these were the 
first rebels whom the Spaniards branded. Brasseur de Bourbonrg more 
reasonably assigns the origin of the name to the great number branded. 

2i Brasseur de Bourbourg says: The town of this name situated between 
the lofty mountains of Bilabitz and Meawan preserved more than other places 
the ancient rites of Hunahpu and Exbalanque", and the temple of these gods 
annually received a certain number of human victims. Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 


of tliis place was derided on l>y the cabildo; and a 

for I sixty foot and three hundred experien* 

Indian auxiliaries 2 - was despatched fur that purpose 
under command of the alcalde (Jaspar Ari T 

mountainous district in whirh this fortress wassiti 

,- on the borders of tin- pn-s.-nt departments of V< 
Pa/ and Totonicapan, and was inhabited by fierce 
roaming Iribes that were continually ui J the c<n- 
qui-ivd (.Juifht s to revolt. Surrounded with d< 
ravines, and occupying one of those naturally fortil 
positions that were ever selected by the natives a> 
refuge a-ainst the Spaniards, Uspantan was d< cnied 
almost as impregnable as Patinamit and the moun 
tain stronghold <>f Sinacam. 

No sooner had Arias taken up his position in front 
of this fortress, after capturing several towns that 
lav on the line of his march, than he received ne\vs 

that Ordufta had deposed him from office and appoinl 

another alcalde in his place. 2 * Indignant at this pro- 

diiiLf, he resolved to return at once to Santi 
del ing his command to Pedro de Olmos, a man 
in whom he had confidence, but wl 1 the result 
proved, was unfitted for the post. Heeding not tin; 
instructions left him, or the advice of his fellow-sol- 
diers, he determined to carry the place 1 >y storm, hop! 

* 2 Brasseur de Bourbourg gives the number of Indian allies as three thou- 
. Nat. < to., iv. 700. 

alle.l l.y .Juarr.>s, < Arias Davila. Cunt., i. 3H. ,. Tliiso; 

1 \\ itli a certain < ;la or Davila, wht-ni Aha- 

uhilo in Honduras sent to confer with 1 cdraria.s at Panama. 1 hc nan 

: tiiu minutes of the cabildo of O 

u till Ma; b 18, 1528, v, h. a lie was nominated for tlu- Mi-. 

omission of his name for so lo; ; iod may bo explained l.y hia abs^ 

in Panan 

24 . 1 Diaz, Caspar Arias was a firm supporter of Alva- 

; >and hi.i party. 11 uco, probably, hi.s dismiss;il from . 
2i The reception which Arias ;th at Santiago is agoo<l illustration of 

;.p<-arinx 1 i> and petiti that 

itored to him, Ordufia past !y called him a 

turbcr of the peace, laid violent liands on him, and, while ordering him to bo 
carried oil to prison, struck him in the face. 1 >> 

miiento de su n li 

January 1 .">:;<) Arias a.^ain ) r reiln-ss, but though t ng was 

"i-, he does not seem to 1 ! it. as his n. 

appears no more as alcalde. Arivalo, Actas Ayant. (Jaat., ILi J 


thus to win for himself a reputation. The result was 
most disastrous. While the assault was being made 
at the single point where an entrance could be effected, 
his rear was assailed by two thousand of the enemy 
placed in ambush in anticipation of the attack. The 
surprise was complete. In the brief conflict which 
ensued a large portion of the Spaniards were wounded, 
Olmos himself among the number, while the slaughter 
of the auxiliaries was fearful. .To complete their dis 
comfiture a number of prisoners captured by the enemy 
were immediately stretched upon the altar in sacri 
fice. 26 Then the allies fled and made their way back 
to Santiago. 

Nothing now remained but retreat; and sullenly 
the small remnant of Olmos command, ill-provided 
with food and overladen with baggage, turned their 
backs upon the stronghold of Uspantan to fight their 
way homeward. Day by day they pressed onward, 
constantly assailed by the enemy posted in ambus 
cade along the route. The final struggle occurred on 
approaching the district of Chichicastenango.. Here 
three thousand of the enemy had collected to dispute 
with them a mountain pass through which lay their 
only line of retreat. No hope for the Spaniards now, 
unless they could cut their way through this dense 
throng of warriors. Provisions and baggage were 
cast aside and each soldier, grasping his weapons, 
prepared for the conflict which was to determine his 
destiny. The fight was obstinate and bloody, but 
sword and arquebuse prevailed as usual against the 
rude arms of the natives, and at length the Spaniards 
rested unopposed on the opposite side of the range, 
the survivors finally reaching Utatlan, haggard and 
gaunt with famine. 

Orduiia, recognizing that his indiscretion had been 
the cause of this disaster, hastened to repair his mis- 

20 Plusieurs Espagnols et surtout beaucoup d allids, ayant <td pris vivants, 
se virent emmene s dans la place et sacrifids solennellement a la divinitd bar- 
bare. Braswur de ttourbourg. Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 700. The name of the idol 
was Exbalanque". 

Vv AU AT i ,0. Ill 

ta! 1 1".- met. with much difficult 

cicnt in IK-- li.-id already i himself unpopular 

with nmst of the coloi . l>ut at tin- ln"jinnin _c of 

December he left the city accompanied l>y forty 

, tliirt\ horse, and four hu: 

and Tlascaltec allies, 87 tin- latter commanded l>y Span- 

i>h olli As Orduria IKK! little i ailli in his < 

aliilii leader, and his soldiers had none, i 

command of tl . intrusted to the tr irer 

Fran de ( a <t< -llanos, a man of spirit and ability. 

On arriving in C hiehic;: ,ango Ordui, 
to Uspantan with a summons to surrcnd The 

reply was of a practical nature: the emissaries w- 
immediately put to death. 

Th must now be brought under subjection 

by force <>f arms, and Ordufia sent forward ( ;; -tella- 
nos with the greater portion of the troops to undrr- 
take the fighting, while he himself i 
quarters at Chichicastenango. H The latt !i- 

1 his march against the important stro: I of 

Nebah. On arriving at the river Sacapulas he found 
for some time an impassable obstacle, <n account of 
the ] jiitous nature of the ravine down which it 
ilowed. J>y moving up stream, he discovered at I 

17 Ace tram the number of rds consisted of 31 horse and 

30 foot. tire. iv. HI), vii. cap. v. 

M In / drc. i. lib. vii. cap. xiv., is a copy of the rcqucrimiento 

ordered by the king to be deliver) i i<> t!iu nutivca \\hrn suinim-nr.l to allc- 

giai. inilarfun:: ->\ in the a: 

: s time. This r.nnal summons was fre(|iii -nt .y onii 

at th i tlio < 

in tin- \\ar \\hiie a 1 t\ man, tlir.s d- and lnu.. 

proceeding. At niirht one >i with sound of drum, ; 

Indi thi.s to\\ n ! ^\ :u yu that tl. ;md 

horn this IM,| 

.-aid tendrr yur to him and i 

tliuler the , 
i t then hi 

y could, in 

uehillo, r 

! J. 

unt ol 
$, 1-J-J-:: i \vliieh : 

.hot Juuuai\ aDd.Urduua oil 

l- .ii : uary. 


a spot where he could descend, and throwing a bridge 
over the river made good his crossing. Ascending 
the opposite slope, he encountered on the summit a 
body of five thousand warriors gathered there from 
Nebah and neighboring towns. They retired on his 
approach, and took up a position at a narrow moun 
tain pass, whence they were driven only after a 
sharp and protracted struggle. 

Castellanos then advanced without further opposi 
tion to Nebah, which like many other Indian towns 
he found to be a natural stronghold. Such reliance 
did the natives place on the protection of the preci 
pices which surrounded it, that they did not think it 
necessary to post sentinels, and all collected to defend 
its only entrance. This over-confidence wrought 
their destruction. While the assault was being made, 
a few Tlascaltecs and Mexicans succeeded, by cling 
ing to tendrils and creepers, in scaling the height in 
the rear of the town. Then approaching unobserved 
they set fire to some houses. The conflagration 
spread ; the defence was soon abandoned ; and the Span 
iards rushing through the narrow entrance were soon 
masters of the town. On the following day all the 
inhabitants were branded ; and such was the effect of 
the fall of this fortress, that the neighboring villages 
as well as the large town of Chahul surrendered with 
out opposition. 

The Spaniards then marched on Uspantan, where 
ten thousand warriors belonging to that district, aided 
by an equal number of allies, disdained submission. 
This place was also practically impregnable, and again 
but for excess of confidence the garrison might have 
remained in security. But when they saw the little 
army under Castellanos impudently sitting down before 
their door, the men of Uspantan resolved to go forth 
and sweep them from the earth. The Spaniards took 
up- their position, the infantry being divided into two 
equal bodies, and stationed on the wings, while the 
horsemen occupied the centre somewhat in advance. 


the was ni ami the 

I with he i 11 v 

;ht and left, fell up -n the 
hnul .-Hid overthrew them witli -T 

si r. So many prisoners <>t hi^h portion 

: that UK. submission of Uspa- id tlic all 

; /ns \ tired, and Castell 

and reduced to slavery a lar^e number of his r 
ret I to Santiago about the beginning of 15:30. 

During the same year the confusion CM ! by 
( ); rnaleadministration held out a 1 

stubborn Cuzcatecans of even yet winning back tl. 

independence, and once more they rose in iwolt. 
] )i !c Rojas was sent hy tlie captain general with 
a small force to aid the Spanish settlers in that p 
of the. province in suppressing the insurrection. i ! 

re successful; but when about to accept the 
surrender of a fortress that lay 1 :id the river Lemp:i 

heard the unwelcome news that a party of ! 
were approaching from the south. II ,-mini -d 

to inoitre in person, and his curiosity was >< 

gratified, for while doinjj so he w; prisiMier with 

Dumber of his follov. The intrinlejx ] 

; :iy of two hundred men d hed by IVdra- 

rias 1 \ivila, under ]\Fartin ] for tlie pin; of 

taking pnss n ol Salvador and making that pr 
iner .-in a] !a^c to X ieara -Mia. If a man of ability 

had been in oh of this expedition it is not im; 

abl pin-, lit have bee roni] 

but j lstetr, though by name a soldier, had ni 

nor military skill. In the hour of trial I 
deft men; ;md it has already been related that 

about halt of his foive joined the colon: 


At (he ; of a precipi mountain raii--e : 

Gr, ! tios 5- the cir< pan, where li- 

ruins of an .11 which are \xt an ob of 



interest to travellers. Fuentes, writing about the 
close of the seventeenth century, describes it as a space 
surrounded by pyramids of stone, eighteen feet in 
height, at the base of which were sculptured figures 
attired in Castilian costume. The place was garrisoned 
by thirty thousand troops well supplied with provisions, 
and was guarded, at the only point where approach 
was possible, by a deep fosse and a barricade of earth, 
pierced with loop-holes. To this stronghold Hernando 
de Chaves, who had been ordered to quell an uprising 
in the adjoining province of Chiquimula, now resolved 
to lay siege. Drawing up his forces in front of it he 
approached within bow-shot of the town at the head 
of a small band of horse and demanded its surrender. 
He was answered with flights of arrows directed 
with such good aim that he was glad to make his. 

On the following morning an assault was made 
upon the intrenchment, but without success; and 
though the attack was renewed again and again dur 
ing the day, and the arquebuses and cross-bows of 
the Spaniards spread havoc among the defenders, at 
nightfall no impression had been made, and Chaves 
was compelled to draw off his forces sorely discom 
fited. He had exceeded his orders and was acting 
on his own responsibility in attempting the subjuga 
tion of Copan. He was compelled to admit his rash 
ness; but the question was now which way should he 
turn in his present dilemma? To capture the strong 
hold with his slender force was all but impossible, 
while failure and retreat would bring disgrace upon 
the Spanish arms and dishonor on himself. When 
brooding over the difficulties of his position the wel 
come news was brought that a spot had been dis 
covered where the depth and width of the fosse were 
comparatively small, and on the following day he again 
led his men to the attack. The struggle was long 
and doubtful. The Spaniards obstinately refused to 
withdraw, though time after time, as they attempted 

nox OF co n.-, 

to scale the rampart, the\ re r< Celled hy la 
thn or crushed under fallh 

Tin- day was at lasi derided I .c desperate coiir- 

ilry soldier, one Juan Vazquez de < >- 

< d at the ivpulx- of hi arades, p! 1 

the spurs into liis horse and rode him -lit at ti 

ditch. The steed cleared the i rikingthe b 

de with his harhed cl The works could n 

withstand tin- shock: palisades and earth .^av- 
tin- frightened horse, ur-jvd on by his impetu< 

: ed through the dehris and plunged amidst tl 
in irriors, scattering them in every direction. 

Other horsemen camo to Osufia s support. The W hole 

Danish force fallowed, swarming through tin- 1 :i, 

and formed in line inside the del s. The < 
t -t which enMied was no e >tion 1<> the usual i 
of Spanish warfare in America. The horsemen >pi-ead 
terror ,-md death through the ranks of the n; s, 
vrhil Idiei-s l oll(.\ve(l u]) the work of earn. ] 

The caci(|iie rallied his scattered troops upon a .< 
lody of reserves ]>o>tcd in a favorable position, ai:d 
attempted to retrieve the day, hut the r. 
brief; their i-aiiks were soon broken, and ( opan 
in the hands of the victors. Not even yet, 1 
did the chieftain ahandon ho] Leaving h: d 

to the foe, he retreated to Sitald on the confin 

domain. I [ere he I allied ,-dl the men he could inr, 
and soon at the head of a formidable army he i; a 

desperate ell ort to win hack Copan. Twice he nssailed 

the Spaniards with desperate coii nd t\ 

driven hack, his hcst warriors l.rin-- lei i I on tl. 


field. At length, convinced of the useless! of fui 

ther r- . he tenden-d his suhmis>ion, and fro: 

his mountain retreal s,-nt the ti-ihutaiy oil* rin^( d 

and plumage, 1 lis Mirrender v. raciously acce] 
lv Chaves. who received him with the con ii 

and courtesy becoming a conquero 

.s G uat. (cd. London, IS 23), 300-7. J: , iv. 703-4. 


About the middle of 1530, Pedro de Alvarado 
returned to Guatemala, having at length extricated 
himself from the net spread by his adversaries. Com 
plaints that the audiencia was misinterpreting the 
king s instructions remained unheeded; representa 
tions that he was being unjustly deprived of oppor 
tunities to prosecute new conquests, and to reap some 
benefit from the great outlay he had incurred, had 
brought to his enemies a secret satisfaction. But 
later the political aspect of affairs had favored him. 
The audiencia and a strong party of their supporters 
were hostile to Cortes and spared no effort to prevent 
his return to Mexico. 

None of the enemies were more active than the 
king s factor, Gonzalo de Salazar, w r ho seized and im 
prisoned a number of the leading men of the opposite 
faction, and among them the brothers of Alvarado. 
Indignant at this proceeding the latter challenged 
Salazar to mortal combat/ 1 and insurrectionary move 
ments in the city excited the alarm of the oidores and 
their partisans. At this juncture information was re 
ceived that Cortes was already on his way to Mexico. 
A compromise was agreed upon, and Alvarado was 

31 JRemesrd, Hist. Chyapa, 48. Cavo makes this remark upon Remesal s 
account: It seems to me more probable that the disagreement was between 
an oidor and that conqueror, since it is certain that three years previously 
the emperor ordered the factor to leave Mexico. Tres Stylos, i. 104-5. A 
letter of Bishop Zumurraga to the king dated August 27, 1529, disproves 
Cavo s inference that the factor was not in Mexico at the time. The bishop 
also gives a different version of the challenge. He states that the president 
Guzman, Salazar, Alvarado, and others while out riding discussed the news 
lately received that Cortes had been highly favored by the king and was on 
his way back to Mexico. Guzman remarked that he believed he would soon 
return, whereupon the factor passionately exclaimed, El rey quea tal traidor 
como a Cortds embia es hereje y no cristiano. For a few days nothing was 
done to call the factor to account for such treasonable language, but on the 
18th of the month Alvarado appeared before the audiencia and requested per 
mission to send him a formal challenge. That body, however, defended Sal 
azar. and on the following day their president Guzman made reply to this 
effect: Pedro de Alvarado miente como muy ruin caballero, si lo es, que el 
Factor no dijo tal, porque es servidor de Vuestra Majestad y no habia de 
decir tal palabra, and Alvarado was ironed and thrown into prison. The 
bishop adds, y no s6 quo haran del, and that he has three witnesses worthy 
of all trust and of the order of Santiago, who heard the factor use the lan 
guage. Ztimdrraga, Carta, in Packeco and Cdrdenas, xiii. 17G-7. Zamacois 
gives almost the same account as the above. Hist. Mc j. , iv. 485-6. 


continue hi 

1<> Santiago. 83 

Such : ii given l>y !! 

m the in\ t it i 

h* waa c lied to disgi much < ( bis dl-;^<< 

in making so-< 

influential ]>< . and that he 

dust I. I when ho left LCO, str 

lii ilth. Alas Tonatiuh ! ] 1 

injured hi^ liv. .an \\-\io Jiad ial! 

.On the llih of April 15:jO th 
at ! and was 1. dy v. mod; i<;r to I 
a 1 e attributed all the ( light 1 
() i. On the Bam* r he presented to the cabil 
lii !nal appointment under the i 
The document v/as acknov, ! \viili bee 

y. It was j.. .;id, !. I and othc: 

IP . and finally enthroned in turn on the h 

;eh i di promising ta obey it , 

command. Then placing his ri-ht hand on tho < 
of the order granted to him l>y lii 

-toinary oath and took his seat 
i the ral.ild 

( I] ii \\-as no\v at an < 

hi.> i San; no time v., b in 

o ^ 

] ding him. H> 

tl Rter his nan no more in the ehr 

- Tliis rck-ast- must on 
that in ].">:;! the sccon 

Ziua;! 1 
!o of all the vuli; \\ hich 

his .n 

lent and : lores. Jl nsscr 

I h;iu ] > han sill-) ile c 



do u pic, y dc a cauullo. dec. iv. lii. 


of his age. But we may conclude that one who had 
shown such animosity toward the Alvarado party, 
and had been so successful in winning the hatred of a 
community, would not escape unharmed from the fire 
which he had built around him. Either this, or he 
had been doing that which best pleased those in 
power, in which case his punishment can scarcely be 

To wring redress from Orduna was, however, an 
easier matter than to correct the disorder which he 
had produced. The colonists were divided into nu 
merous cliques, entertaining bitter animosities toward 
each other. The unfair distribution of repartimientos 
had developed feuds which threatened bloodshed at 
any moment; and those who had taken part in the 
conquest of the country saw with anger new-comers 
preferred before them in election to public office. 

The independent spirit of the artisan and operative 
placed them in direct antagonism to the more aristo 
cratic orders, who hated them for the extortions they 
practised and the disrespectful indifference they dis 
played. Numbers of mechanics, having acquired re 
partimientos and wealth, charged what they pleased, 
in defiance of law, and worked only when they felt 
inclined. 84 But even this class was divided against 
itself, and year by year the religious processions were 
attended with disgraceful tumults caused by those 
engaged in rival trades being thus brought together. 
The community was even threatened with dissolution. 
Many had left the province in disgust to settle in 
Mexico or Nicaragua, or to engage in mining ventures, 
and others were preparing to depart. The sites 
allotted for residences were unoccupied by their own 
ers; the streets were almost impassable, and horses 

84 The cabildo frequently issued regulations with the object of correcting 
these abuses. The inconvenience caused by artisans closing their workshops 
was so serious that, on June 4, 1529, the cabildo passed an act ordering them 
to exercise their callings under penalty of having the service of their Indiana 
suspended. In 1534 a similar decree was passed, and again in April 153G. 
Adas Ayunt. Guat., 88, passim; Remesal, IJist. Chyapa, 171. 


and line s roamed ;tt lar^v, causing < n of 

crops, while blood-hounds were let loo 

hunt down the Unfortunate natives almost within 

:lit of Santiago. 

Such was the condition of a flairs when AJvarado 
returned, and there is no doubt that hi ar 

rival d the colony from destruction !!< recog 
nized at once that the ex ion required prompt 
and vigorous action, and struck at the root of t 
evil by prohibiting, under pain of death and con- 
ion, all serious quarrelling, whether by w<.nl or 
writing. Other measures for the correction of al>u 
and the reorganization of the affairs of the provii 
quickly followed. A new distribution of ivpartimien- 

was ordered, and the conditions of mil 
vice were regulated. Whoever had two th rid 
Indian^ 1-iicd to him must always 1 rovided 
with a double set of weapons and two ho: and be 
ready to take the field at an hour s notice, lie who 
had one thousand must posse- -in^l t arms 

and one horse. The encomendero of live hundred 
nativ. < must be provided with a cross-bow or ar<p. 

. and with sword and dagger, and must furni>h a 
horse if he could. 

The laws existing in Guatemala as to the* acquisi 
tion, tenure, and conveyance f land would, under a 
proper administration, and in a territory rich as v 

it province in natural resources, have aSSl }>ros- 
] rity to all but the unthrifty and inijirovi ld- 

miniii-- mel with fair return, and notwii 
ra\ - of wild 1 1 he industries of 

and a;j;n"ulture w> ->l ully conducted. 3 * 

35 Fucnm assos t * contimioe, y las dissc 

<! nri . phcar ciiica/i 

.;int;iilr>. . hro- 

\ so mi;/ aldo 

i ami Ma. xxl-inares 

ami iiiL-n-a.-e >1 tin- lu-nls was 1. 

by the ; : wild beust.s, which Ji iiials, and 


Though the settlers were few in number, 37 they 
were sufficient, when acting in concert, to hold the 
natives in subjection. The citizens were for the most 
part required to do duty as soldiers in time of need. 
None but citizens could obtain a title to land; nor was 
that title confirmed until after a long term of service ; 
nor could any acquire, even by purchase, more than 
his due share of the public domain. 33 But such was 
the mischief wrought by the maladministration of 
Orduna that most of the Spaniards were on the verge 
of destitution. 

On the 25th of September 1529 we find that the 
payment of debts was suspended for four months by 
order of the cabildo, on the ground that the horses 
and arms of the colonists would else be sold to others 
and the services of their owners lost to the province. 
Moreover the high price of all imported commodities 
added greatly to the distress of the more impoverished 
settlers. A dozen horseshoes sold for fifteen pesos, a 
common saddle for fifty, and a cloth coat could not be 
had for less than seventy pesos. The distance from 
the confines of Guatemala to Mexico, whence all such 
articles were obtained, was two hundred and seventy 
leagues. Two portions of the road, one of forty-five 
and the other of sixty leagues, led through a wilder- 

unfrequently cows and mares. In February 1532 great destruction was 
caused by an enormous lion, whose haunt was the densely wooded slopes of 
the Volcan de Agua. The loss of cattle was so great that the city offered a 
bounty of 25 pesos de oro or 100 bushels of corn to any one who killed the 
monster. In March a large party headed by Alvarado went forth to hunt 
for it, but their efforts were unsuccessful. He was finally killed by the herder 
of the mares. Itemcsal, Hist. Chyapa, 173; Album Hex., 417. Notwithstand 
ing the depredations of wild animals, live-stock increased so rapidly that in 
1540 beef sold for three cents a pound and mutton for four and five cents. 
Pelaez, Mem. Guat., i. 188. There are two competitors for the distinction of 
having first introduced horned cattle into Guatemala. According to Vaz 
quez, the auditor Francisco de Zorilla imported stock at his own expense, and 
had a feeding-ground for his herds assigned to him in 1530. Juarros ascribes 
to Hector de Barreda the honor of being the first importer, and to him was 
assigned in the distribution of lands a feeding-ground in the present Valle de 
las Vacas, which received its name from the fact that he there established a 
stock-farm. Chronica de Gvat., 162; Juarros, Guat., ii. 354. 

37 In 1529 the population of Santiago numbered only 150 according to the 
records of the cabildo, Remesal, Hint. Chyapa, 22 ; but in the neighborhood 
were many settlers who had not been enrolled as citizens. 

38 None were allowed to hold more than two caballerias. 


imp.. le during the rainy rea X>1 to 

Hen riv 

During tin. 1 remainder of tl; ar If) DO I i- 

of DOte occurred in tin- pr< Tl 

n;i; iitly in 

tv inMirrection would he hut tiresome i ition. 

Luis Moscoso wa 
and twenty men to the district hey.nd ; L 

and after pacifying the native s founded there, le 
nient which Juarros declares to have been the town 
of Sau Miguel. Diego de Alvarado, at tli ul of 

a liuudred and .^ y men, conducted ai. litioii 

to Hondui-as and ioundt-d in the northern part of tl 
riiory the town of San Jorge de Olancho/ but 
o\vin-- t< iamine and misfortune in April of t >llow- 
hi"- year In- was obliged to return with the si. 

O v 

.inant of his command in such sorry plight that 
was forced to ask the cabildo to receive and provide 
ibr them. 

rros entertains no doubt of this: in the first; .*a- 

.y onTr.-poiKU \vith that M lu-ru .V nilt hi :ul see- 

on the 

; ; l.. in[i;i ] .v\ Loi 1 is 

I U-t-n in 

in .Inn i .. ii. ; i by 

in ;i h-tii-r tO< 5 . . 7. 
40 Cullcl by .11 Jorge do Olunchito. 




ONE of the first matters which engaged Alvarado s 
attention on his return to Santiago was the discovery 
of a site adapted to ship-building, for he was now 
resolved to carry out his intended voyage in search of 
the Spice Islands. In accordance with the emperor s 
instructions, he sent parties to explore the seaboard 
for that purpose. At a distance of fifteen leagues 
from the city, near the modern port of Istapa, a suit 
able spot was found, in the vicinity of which was an 
abundant supply of excellent timber, and the work 
was at once begun. 

According to the terms of his commission from the 
crown, his discoveries and conquests were limited to 
the islands and mainland of that portion of the south 
sea bordering on New Spain, and thence in a westerly 
direction, and he was forbidden to form any settle 
ment on a territory already assigned to others. 1 He 

1 Vos damos licencia . . . para que por nos . . . podais descubrir, con- 
quistar e 1 poblar, cualesquier Islas que hay en la mar del Sur de la Nueva 
Kspafia, questan en su parage; 6 todas las que halldredes haeia el Poniente 



wa- appointed governor and alguacil n 

and until otherwise ordered was to le i 1 with 

iull civil, military, and judicial pov. \v 

lands which lit- might lind. During the royal -p 
lire ho was also to receive a twelfth of all pmli 
which might in the future result from his exploration 
Whether the ezpeditioD Was to !>< titt-d out entir 

or only in part at the adelantado s expense 

not easily determined; 1 lut in a letter to ( V. 

sent in lf)3 J, wherein he states his intention to Imild 
and equip a ileet of twelve vessels and rai>- a force < 
i our luindred men, he declares that the cost of 
armament will exceed forty thousand castellanos, and 
that this outlay will exhaust his private mea; lie 
claims of course that he is thus expending all h 
resomve.s solely with his usual desire of serving the 
emperor, and avers that he has information of rich 
islands near the coast from the discovery of which 
his Majesty must derive great benefit. 

While the construction of his ileet was yet in 
progress, rumors of Pizarro s conquest and of th. f 
idous wealth which had fallen to his lot were noi -< d 
throughout the province. Alvarado was not < 
scrupulous as to ways and means, as we well know. 
Already he had proved false to him through wl. 
friendship and favor he had been raised to his high 

it ion; could he not now replenish his d< 

and aKo win glory in the land of the inc; Was it 

la, no siendo en el par; hs tiornw en quo hoy hoy ; c 

<lo mi.smo. . . ; 1<: !: 

l;i dielia costa del Sur, 1 

T;I <|ii tt& dail.i < sonas. Ca f . . . , ~o 

aii l /. Dot-., xiv. 

H iv. 111 . "hat 

in these | (ions Alvar;. led \<\ ror with a c< 

luit tl. in his to tlx 

in Gar : lile dwelling on the lalx.>r 

! is 
!>], h | man of Alv.-iradoV aid h;. [ 

:ri\\ luyal in 

eont , of the coin; :on to be th of 

the i 


not better thus to employ liis armament than go on a 
wild-goose chase for islands no one had ever yet seen? 
And surely with a few ship-loads of Peruvian gold, 
which it would not take him long to gather, he could 
serve his sovereign as w r ell as with never a maravedi 
in his treasury. It was fortunate, it was indeed prov 
idential, that now, when the fleet was almost ready, 
and the men equipped and prepared to embark, this 
princely quarry should have been started to the south 
of him. 

On the return of a vessel despatched for supplies to 
Panamd the reports of the immense treasures discov 
ered in Peru w r ere confirmed, and the enthusiasm 
knew no bounds. "Come," said Alvarado to the colo 
nists, "come with me and I will make you so rich that 
you may walk on bars of gold." 

Among: Alvarado s numerous enemies the most 


powerful and active were the treasury officials of 
Guatemala, who, though frequently divided among 
themselves, were constant in their opposition to the 
governor. Already they had reported him to the 
home government, charging him with neglect of duty, 
with levying forced contributions, and with disobedi 
ence to the royal ordinances. They now addressed a 
letter to the emperor, informing him of Alvarado s 
designs, representing the evil consequences that must 
ensue from an invasion of Pizarro s territory, the dan 
ger of withdrawing from Guatemala so large a force 
of Spaniards, and requesting that there be sent out to 
the province some trustworthy person with power to 
prevent the departure of all who held repartimientos 
and to act as governor during the adelantado s ab 
sence. They also informed the audiencia of Mexico 
of his purpose, and of the strength of his armament. 
Though fully aware of these proceedings, Alvarado 
gave no heed to them. He calmly continued his 
preparations, informing the royal officials that Guate 
mala was too limited an area for his ambition, and that 

QOW Seek M of 

Meanwhile h i would insure thi the provii 

ing "H 1 oard his il 
whom he had already BOCUl 

At this juncture c ite which AI- 

varado did not dare to di.- !<!. It u ;i on 

from the aiidieiiei;i ( .f M- >rl>iddini him 

until he had received his final instruc; , the 

ipen Though sorely \ t thi 

\vhich he attributed to the machinations of Cortc-s, he 

theless submit to further dela; II iin 

addressed a letter to Charle ^n. -T permission to go 

ice of Pizarro, a^surinic him that, 
what he had learned of the dill ic 

that conqueror, he was convinced of his inal/i 
compl maided the conquest of Peru. In a p 
vius despatch, wherein he had a 1 for his fi 
instructions, he prayed that they he granted ; lily 

ihle. "For," he - . "alter exhausting 
private means, I have contracted lieavy a in order 
our Majesty all expen The fleet, he in 

forms him, is well provided with st< md provi 

the force of men almost complete, and. hetVr to 

insure the success of ti dition, he declai that 

he. will take command of it in perso; 
cieiit numher of Spaniards in the provii; 

tinst any possible n; rising of the nativ< li 

, lio-. r, that th is littl r of an ont- 

ak, "for," as he i -. -marks wi: 
" I have ever oh your M; 

the kind treatment of the Indians." 4 

niwhile Alvarado had found it in 

ileet ior shelter to the hay of 1 

whence h< bed Garcia Holguin with t\^ ip^ 

i- the }u! ot . tainin;_r the a 

s Hi IT-T.-I. dec. i\*. li 

that tin- ;UK , -1. 

* / ;v. lib. 


state of affairs and the nature of the country. 5 The 


adelantado soon learned to his cost that the bay of 
Fonseca was no secure haven, and after losing two 
of his vessels there during a heavy gale, sailed with 
the remainder for Puerto de la Posesion in Nicaragua, 
the modern Realejo. 6 While here awaiting the return 
of Holguin, he fell in with the pilot Juan Fernandez, 
one who had long been engaged in fitting out vessels 
for the trade between Nicaragua and Castilla del Oro. 
While transacting business in Panama", Fernandez 
had listened to the marvellous stories of Pizarro s 
conquest, and journeying thence to Peru had there 
conversed with men who had been present at the cap 
ture and ransom of Atahualpa. No wonder that the 
tidings which the pilot now brought from the land of 
the incas fired the imagination of these gold-loving 
adventurers. More than 1,300,000 castellanos! Not 
even the treasures of Montezuma had yielded such a 
harvest. If Pizarro, with his diminutive force, had 
secured such booty, what might not Alvarado now 
hope for with his powerful fleet and veteran army? 

Neither king nor audiencia should now thwart his 
purpose; nevertheless he must have ready some pre 
text for entering Pizarro s territory, if indeed he could 
not obtain permission. This was soon furnished by 
Fernandez, who informed him that the province of 
Quito, believed to be the principal depository of the 
treasures of the incas, had never yet been visited by 
Spaniards. It was no difficult matter for Alvarado 
to persuade himself that this region lay without the 
domain granted to Pizarro, and the self-interest of 
Fernandez, now appointed pilot of the expedition, 
prompted him to encourage such a delusion. 

5 Alvarado, Cartas, in Squier s MSS.,xix. 13-27; Herrera,dec. v. lib. vi. 
cap. i. Hen-era mentions but one ship. 

6 There is no information, or none of value, as to the first settlement of 
Realejo by the Spaniards. Herrera, dec. v. lib. vi. cap. i., states that Alva 
rado was compelled, through lack of ships, to leave 200 men there. This may 
have been the origin of the colony. Purchas, 1625, spells the word Real jo; 
Ogilby, 1671, Realejo; Dampier, 1699, Rialeja; Jefferys, 1776, Realejo, as bay 
and city. Cartog. Pac. Coatt, MS., ii. 204, a. 

Tin: rAnTici 

Soon after t rrival <>f the ileet in Xi<-ara 
ol- uin rejoined the adelantado at i la 

JV .11 and confirmed the gi ! t be pil 

A year had al 1 ipsed >iiiee Alv; 

a 1 p to the emperor iv<ju- linal 01 

hut still no a: r came, and liis pati well- 

nigh exhausted. J EC had 1 u compelled 

mori his privat ate in order to meet 1 

c.\j if maintaining his lari^u f ho cost 

nf liis ai iiiaincni had I MTU vastly incr-as.-d during all 
these weary months of waiting, the total outlay peach 
ing tl :n of 130,000 pesos de oro. 7 1 rovis KMis w 
oinin^ scarce; the vessels were th d with 

iction iVcm the teredo; and his followers, begin 
ning to lose i aith in the enterprise, were on the point 
of desertion. At last a m^>en<nrcr arrived hrin^i 
the lon^ L.oked for despatches. Tin 1 instructions made 

i the original capitulation pt in i- 
to rout ] [e was now authorized to explore the land 
lyin t ^ to the south of Pi/arro s territory, l>rtweeii 1 
thl :ith and twentieth degrees of latitude. 8 

The fleet now numbered twelve sail, ci^ht li-m-_r 

els of one hundred tons or more. 9 Three had i 
built on the shore of Guatemala; B d had 

pui i from the estate of Pedraria> I >;ivila; and 

.lainder were procured from the colo: of 

7 F,qu;il iii ; ^ing power to more than a million and a half of dollars 
at t 

8 Ah. mprror fi 

i : * Mi di 

\ . M. c la 

lim -3 los secretos 

conQaifftar^ y poblar^. In 

thai . in /. 

i.) hail any i sail in a southerly tli: 

- v. lil>. \ i. cat , i., I ( mi /. l < rn, ii. 1 1, ami others al: 

;itula! .-;:il t \\;inl : it is 

tliat they aid not 8< 

of vessels is variously < 1 1 : Re- 

!<); .luarros, 8, < 12. \ DUO I t : 

:i the i 

s the 

lleim M as of :KX> 
built by order o: 


Nicaragua. 10 His troops consisted chiefly of well 
tried soldiers. Many of them, weary of an inactive 
life, or of the now tame and bootless warfare of the 
conquered provinces, were enthusiastic over the pros 
pect of renewing their deeds of conquest in a new 
land of promise. 

Among the many distinguished persons who took 
part in the expedition were Gomez and Diego de 
Alvarado, brothers of the adelantado, and Captain 
Garcilaso de la Vega, father of the future historian 
of Peru. The total number was little short of three 
thousand. Of these two hundred and seventy were 
infantry, and two hundred and thirty cavalry, all well 
equipped. The ships were manned by one hundred 
and forty sailors, and on board the fleet were two 
hundred negro slaves, 11 and two thousand natives, 
male and female. Experienced pilots were engaged, 
the services of a bachiller were secured, and several 
friars were added to the expedition, "in order," says 
Alvarado, "that through the influence of these holy 
men our consciences may be cleared of guilt." Final 
preparations were then made for departure. 

During the absence of Alvarado his brother Jorge 
was again to be placed in charge of the province of 

10 Alvarado is charged with the seizure in Nicaragua of two vessels in 
which a force of 200 men was about to be sent to the aid of Pizarro. This, 
however, was most likely in the form of an appropriation with the consent of 
the owners of the vessels. The adelantado in Carta, in Squier s MSS., xix. 
13-27, denies this charge and forwards vouchers to prove, as he says, that 
they were bought at the request of the owners and paid for to their entire 
satisfaction. He adds however the saving clause, that, even had they been 
seized, such an act was justified by the importance of the undertaking. This 
letter also appears to have escaped Herrera s notice. 

11 In the estimate of the total Spanish force authors mainly agree, but the 
number of cavalry is variously stated, and even the official letters of Alvarado 
are contradictory on this point. Herrera, dec. v. lib. vi. cap. i. , gives 500 as 
the total, of whom 227 were cavalry. Oviedo, iv. 240, mentions 600, with 
240 cavalry. According to a legal investigation made in Guatemala in 1536 
his whole force was 500 and his cavalry 230, Information echa en Santiago 
Set. 15, 1536; and this is the estimate here adopted. Alvarado, Caria, 
Squier s MSS., xix. 1-4, writing to the emperor a few days before his de 
parture from Puerto de la Posesion, states that he had 450 men including 260 
horse, and, a few weeks later, writing from Puerto Viejo to the governor of 
Panama, says that he set sail from Nicaragua with 500 men of whom 220 
were cavalry. 

.ind the <-al>ildo of 3ned 

han. iiid t 

to the lieutenant I n a 

einpemr tl. In, while 

lion to the crown, d\. 

enormous exp< of t n; l>ui 

Majesty that it ]\:\> !"< 11 willii incurred in vi< 

i importance <>f the undertaking, t!. 

<f wliich he promises shall ecli; 

nieni " God willing," he writes, " I ^ dl th 

day, and my course shall be in accordance \ >ur 

^laj 3 wi-hcs." 

( )n the *j:Jd of January l."J34 the L; t. and i 
powerful arinainciit that had hitherto I" en e< 
nn the shores of the South Sea set sail from 

la Posesion, and the folio winff month en I the 

7 O 

fCaraques, proceedingthi ten leagues ilu-i! 

nth to Puei to Yirjo. The adrlantado B :<! 

I himself to the emi rforthustn on 

J i/airo s triritory by stating that contrary wimU and 
currents prevented his sailing further t<\\ a rd th i h, 

that the safety of his ileet we dangered, that his 
supply of water \ hnost exhausted, and that nin. 
his Imrs.-s h;ul perislied His inaivh 

tin- sierra, during which he lost a 1 p<>rti>n 

n, the transf.T of a part of his ships and his eiii 

force to Almagro and Benalcazar, the associ of 

.1 i/.arro. have nlivady IM-.-H nienti<>n d in tin- 

.IIi-liM ll dthat he would lead his army thr 
the province of Peru and drive Pizarro from 

o. 14 I I was now -lad to return to Gua 

after disposing of his armament fora MUM t! 

CO I the cost of the lli-et. To add to his m.-rti 
ion he ionnd on arriving at San in- 

o o o 

a full Ivanulo s i lie 

en: y i-j, 1 .".::."">, aftx i bit 

i.. this volir 
1 . . ; u . t j t j. . 

I to tl. 

., AM. VOL. II. 9 


ning of March 1535, that the silver bars given him in 
payment were one half copper. 

No sooner had Alvarado sailed for Peru than the 
natives in many portions of the province rose once 
more in revolt. Bands of Cakchiquels, thirsting for 
the blood of their oppressors, roamed over the central 
sierra; in the districts of Sacapulas and Uspantan 
seven Spaniards and numbers of their slaves and ser 
vants were murdered; the Indians on the southern 
seaboard both of Guatemala and Salvador were in 
open rebellion; and war and war s turmoil again pre 
vailed throughout the land. The struggle was brief 
but desperate. Crushed though they had often been, 
the dreadful sufferings of these unfortunate people 
drove them to madness, and they fought with sullen 
indifference to life, but with the usual result. In 
January 1535 Gonzalo Honquillo was sent with a 
sufficient force to quell the uprising in Salvador; in 
Guatemala the insurgents in district after district 
were again compelled to taste the bitterness of hope 
less bondage; and by the time of the adelantado s 
return resistance was well-nigh ended. 

Notwithstanding the ignominious failure of his ex 
pedition to Peru, the adelantado at once began prepa 
rations for further schemes of conquest and discovery. 
In a despatch to the India Council, dated November 
1535, 15 he states that he has three vessels ready for 

/ t/ 

sea and four others on the stocks, and that he has 
sufficient men both for his ships and for land service. 
" So many Spaniards," he says, " have returned from 
Peru in reduced circumstances that, if the expedition 
were only intended to furnish them with employment, 
it would be doing his Majesty a service." 

Meanwhile the representations made to the emper 
or by the treasury officials had not been without effect. 
On the 20th of February 1534 a royal cedula was 

15 Alvarado, Cart a, in Squier s MSS., xix. 21. 


hat ;i \ lor 1 once <! 
nala to examine into th :iditi<>n 
isury and the ailair- <>f ivernmenl 

church, and to hear minplai :nl rectifj :nwl. 
ry. J I is authority fell sboH ! 1 hat of a ju. 
of leiieia. He could not intrH .-r h tip li- 

nary jurisdiction <>t the governor <r hU lieutenant, 

nor "W veil the audieneia of J (> all(\ved 1 

eide iii matters of graver import, but must u\ i <r 
instructions to the Jndia CounciL 

r riius it was that about the middle of the 
1535 the oiclor, Alonso de Maldonado, arriv. 
Santiago, and publicly proclaiming in due form the 
ohjoet of his \i>it, . jied fifty d; EU9 the limit of 

the investigation. No complaints, however, eith 

a civil or criminal nature, were pn-ferre.1 against 
adelantado; and tlie visitador liavin^ rep I to t 
royal coun.-il to that effect, returned to Mexico, 
former remarking with much inward sati ion, not 
uiiM-a^nned with a litll.- venom, that the oidor had ac- 

implished nothing by his v lMt. 16 But tl: 
ministers were not satisfied that ju>tice had 1 

done; and Maldonado, being ord in the f<>llo\\ i 

16 ^ i la cil.dail dr Bfezioo rill haccr cosa ningrin 

rid, r.. .s M.^ S., xix. 17. This inv. ..K-l 

wit!; .-s JiiJicult of cxplanati"!!. Malaonjuio fl official 

re juioiiialinH, ami \\ ore strictly nritluT those of a 
a jr. n-sidfin-ia. Tin; k ini iitinnnl in t 

niutivc.s of liis visit; yet 1 :hr ol-jn-t of hi- 

Tlic (lit; 

at any tini- by .^] t of tho 

. . n, hut without susj>f:nlin^ r , in tlu; t of hi.- 1 duti. 

wliose con<ln> to be investigate i. I .. inijuiry was strictly so. 

ami th- had HO DOWer to DMt Mat lli-scfuty. init the 

:nal <h-])o>iti.)ns to thu India ( ouncil. Ity \vhi.-h trihunal ju.l^ii!- 
passed. T :icia, on the other haml. ;on of a 

per.- rm of office; the exuninati 

r, ( "I. Doc., ii. .viii. \\\. ] 

v itnessen and non-inter \\ith the authoiity of the penoawhoM 

1 \\cn- 
that to which Vi /awassul 

1 nml the names of witnesses disclo- 

It may l>e remark. ! that the elr 

: val in : .iala as jm-/ <lo ] 

fully s:. Alvara Oia- 

..rm resiJc-u. . , this bories. 


October to take Alvarado s residencia in strict form, 
returned to Santiago, and on the 10th of May 1536 
presented his credentials to the cabildo and took 
charge of the government. 

At the time of the oidor s arrival the adelantado 
was absent on an expedition to Honduras. The con 
dition of affairs in this province had now become so 
distressful that, as will hereafter be related, the set 
tlers were compelled to apply to him for aid. Nor 
was the appeal disregarded. He had for some time 
been in correspondence, as to an exchange of territory, 
with Francisco de Montejo, who, though already 
appointed governor of Honduras, was still residing in 
Mexico. Could he but gain a foothold there, his 
schemes for transcontinental commerce with the Spice 
Islands might yet be realized. Nothing definite had 
yet been determined; but now that he had an oppor 
tunity of rendering a service which would give him 
almost a claim to the king s consent to such an 
arrangement, he did not hesitate to go to the relief 
of the troubled province. There we shall hear of him 
again, founding new settlements and infusing fresh life 
into a community that was on the very verge of dis 




] . > MAiiroQriN Ai:; co ITi: is APPOINTED 





V\ iu;x Pedro do Alvarado was laving waste T 
fair jn-ovinco of Guatemala with iire and s \vm-d 
<!uriiiL .i*ly years of the con<|ii<->t, lie paid li 

I icc( I to the presence of the ]>ri >tly order. One of 
tin- Trial s, named J > < iitaz, of whom mention has I 
i<>iv been made, took up his abo^le at Our/.-d >, 

id there lived in security, instillin nd I. 

into the native In-art, 1 while aimthiT, Juan de Toi 
for a time at least, lal>ivd in the vineyard m 

less circumstances at Patinamit. The spiritual 

wants of the Spaniards themselves were mini 1 

ly i lie iji-my chaplains and j ai i>li pi But tl 

: i--;d >tall was. not lai iriul to tl 

welfare even <! the colonists. On tli 
N be cabildo of Guatemala repi d 

i-(.yal oilir.-rs tliat half the coloni>t>, 1" ii 
usualh ! in war, rfi|uin-d th> 9 of th 

el dnrin-- their cam; while the population 

of i t hat i idi that two i ri. it 

-t .ll-ht to l e-id- tin They 1 

1 s . i. CSS, this scries. 

I U3) . 


fore, that a suitable number of ecclesiastics and a 
sacristan be appointed with fixed salaries, and that the 
necessary church furniture and ornaments be supplied. 
This demand was made with some urgency, and the 
treasurer and auditor were given to understand that, 
if it were not complied with, the tithes would be 
retained and devoted to that purpose; whereupon his 
Majesty s officers declared that they were willing to 
grant the tithes for the year then current, but that 
future necessities must be provided for in accordance 
with the orders of the king. 

The spiritual needs of the community were partially 
relieved by the arrival, in 1530, of the licentiate 
Francisco Marroquin, who accompanied Alvarado on 
his return to Guatemala during that year. A few 
months later he was appointed to the benefice of 
Santiago, and after he had taken the customary oaths 
the cabildo assigned to him an annual salary of one 
hundred and fifty pesos de oro per annum. 

Of patrician birth, and possessing talents of no 
common order, the licentiate gave promise during his 
early manhood of a useful and honorable career, and 
not until in after years he had dwelt long among 
communities where lust of power and greed for wealth 
permeated all classes of society, did the darker phase 
of his character appear. After receiving an educa 
tion befitting his rank and ability, he graduated as 
professor of theology in the university of Osma, and 
\vas ordained a priest. Meeting with Alvarado at the 
court of Spain, he was so impressed with his glowing 
descriptions of the marvels of the New World that he 
requested permission to accompany him on his return 
to Guatemala. On arriving at Santiago he at once 
assiduously applied himself to the study of the native 
languages, and soon became especially proficient in the 
Quiche tongue. 2 Marroquin s appointment was con- 

2 Marroquin was a good Latin scholar and was the first to apply the system 
of studying that language to the Indian dialects. He translated the Catholic 
catechism into Quiche". Vazquez, Chronica de Gvat., 150. 

iii-d ly tin- hidiop of M-\i <, hy \vjnun ]) 

ie provi - :id vi neral of 1 he provic 

sin the /. ;il ;iltd rapacity \\ith which | 

th<> spiritual and material Deedfi k that in 

1533 llf v. ppoint.-d 1.;. of 

Guai !a. In 1 ). <-ciii ! follmvii. 

appointment was confirmed by his holiness Paul III. ; 

Th<> chid anxiety of the nc\\]y appoint .1 ] . 
\\as to provide ;i snllicicnl nninh.-r of eccl 

the requirements of his extensive dio<v J hr 

Jar prir.sts residing in (jluatcinal;i at this period , 

lia\ en \\ inadequate to il. ;-k of c<n- 

-i<n whidi IK.- contemplated, and lie i\At th 

. of aid from tlmsr of thu c.-tahli.-hcd 

widest] who first came, a few friars had, in< 
visited thv province, hut found thm- a< ;il>idiiii;--ila- 
Jn I. or possibly at an earlier d -onv 

i oundrd near Santiago l>y the Dominican friar, i 

mingode Betanzos/who navell. d on foot iVom ^1 

8 (, Ddvila, Tcalra ; i. 1 {-J. Tc .<la mentions that 

CO .Jimenez, one of the IL 1 t, an - ivcl in _\ 

,;<:d the fi; i. l.iit <!<-. -lined tlie position 

lo humildc. . .tic 

lula dated MuylM, 1. .at a bishop had 

;it that, dali . I 

cm] I o dc B< 

: 1 to accept t< T, tlic mitn- rwjuin 

of Alvarado. 1 [ * . ( 

MS., ii. ::.". 1 7 hull cunliniiin^ the \>. [>oiiitui 

jninti <l in I in. 

Vazquez rela&et thai Toribio Motolinia, n Torqr. 

.\th of the first 1 J I 
;ionso: . but this i ;1. Accor 

:- nick-r ho j,r I l>apti/< d ;.: 

namit in Ioth iron. 

that > in M- me during J. 

, ami was a! on tl 

same o ion. / . :i / /., K>4t-t .-<.( Ji tfno4 

:ia. Consult 

., i. ]>p. xlv.-eliii. Aco 
1 > louii . iii. -1 

6 In 1 \ lu g to (i \vho s a hos; \as 

i at the sa 

u in this in;. 1 in 

quc&t of Ah.. a hi.s i 

i in. 11 "<-!.. L hi/df 


with a single companion. At the beginning of the fol 
lowing year however he was recalled, and as there 
was no one of his order qualified by rank to take his 
place he locked up the building and intrusting the 
keys to the padre Juan Godinez retraced his steps. 

Thus Marroquin was left to contend almost alone 
with the idolatry of the natives and the godlessness 
of the colonists. The work was difficult and progress 
slow. The settlers were too absorbed in other matters, 
in house-building, gambling, and drinking, to give 
much heed to religion. The church was unattended, 
the church rates were unpaid, and the neglect became 
so general that eventually laws were passed to enforce 
due observance of religious rites. In May 1530 it 
was publicly cried in the streets of Santiago that, by 
order of the governor and the cabildo, all the artisans 
of the city must, on the day of Corpus Christi, walk 
in procession before the holy sacrament, as was cus 
tomary in Spain. The penalty for non-compliance was 
fixed at thirty pesos, one half of the amount being 
assigned to the church and the remainder to the city. 
In February 1533 a law was passed making attendance 
at divine service compulsory, every citizen being re 
quired to attend mass on Sunday, under penalty of 
three days imprisonment or the payment of three pesos 
de oro. This measure of course served but to widen 
the breach between the bishop and his flock, and in 
June of the same year we learn that the regidor 
Antonio de Salazar stated to the cabildo, that there 
were no means of paying Marroquin the stipend allot 
ted to him. Notwithstanding all discouragements, 
however, he resolved that the settlers should not lack 
for spiritual guidance. 

At the beginning of the year 1536 Bartolome de 
Las Casas was residing at Leon, there engaged in a 
controversy with Rodrigo de Contreras, the governor 
of Nicaragua, the story of which will hereafter be 
related. In 1531 he had passed through Santiago on 
his way to the South Sea ; and Marroquin had then 

1 A 137 

an i unit; of 1 

If of In< In eommo! ;h t! 

enlightened <>f the <-<>l<;n : would lain li; : 

d him iij) his abode in their midst. But I. 

bound on < 

! hoiiL^li liis -lined t> pn>ve I utilr. 

Jb journeying toward Peru, armed with 

!ul;i forbidding the conquerors in that land, and all 
their followers, to deprive tin- n;, 3 of their li! 
under any pr wh r. No entreaties could 

induce him to abandon his undertaking, and embark- 


ing at Realejo he reached his destination at the end 

of the year. There, what man could do, lie did; but 

h were the political disturbances then prevailing 

that his efforts were lost. Urged by memb 

own order, he reluctantly abandoned the iield and 

u n ied to Nicaragua. 

To him tin- prelate now applied for aid, represent! 

th< *, need of a larger force of -siastie<. and b 
^ m^ him to come to Santiago and ivopeu th 
convent. The invitation v. !. and Las ( 

with his fellow Dominicans established their order 
permanently in Guatemala. 

But Marroquin was not yet satisfied, Atthi ly 
period in hi reer he was an enthusiast in t 

^c, and he now resolved to <_:<> to S 

nice of the emperor. I>ut iirst lie nr 
> consecration, and on the 12th of January 
:7 he s.-t forth for Mexien, \\1 about t\ 

inonilis l;iier, th* 4 ceremony, the 1 n-st of the kind t 1 

d in the Indies, was conducted with due .solem 
nity and splendor. 8 

The hi- 3 labors were now directed to tli- 

\ of the parish church of San > to cathedral 

ik. 1 Ie therelbl e proceeded t Ul- 

tion and compl bablishmei diocese in 

su consagracion con ost rno aparato, ossi por ser la 

Erir: la ma^: 

5 C- 


accordance with the commission granted to him by 
Paul III. He prescribed that the dignitaries of the 
church should include a dean, an archdeacon, a pre 
centor, a chancellor, and a treasurer. He established 
ten canonries and six prebendaries. He defined the 
church revenues; ordained that preferment to minor 
benefices should be open to those born in the country, 
whether of Spanish or native race, and that the 
appointments to them should pertain to the bishop. 
Divine services were to be celebrated in the manner 
observed in the cathedral of Seville. Prebendaries 
were to have a vote in the chapters, and these were 
to be held on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays 
general church matters were to be discussed, and on 
Fridays internal discipline was to be considered. 7 

When on the point of departing for Spain, the 
bishop was advised by his friends that the journey 
would be attended with great risk; for already the 
North Sea was infested with pirates, and a large 
number of Spanish vessels had been captured by 
French corsairs. Moreover the expenses he had in 
curred in Mexico had drawn heavily on his slender 
purse, and he did not wish to return to his native 
country wholly destitute of means. Resolving there 
fore to abandon his voyage, he forwarded his power 
of attorney to Juan Galvarro, the procurador of San 
tiago at the court of Spain, instructing him to send to 
Guatemala a number of ecclesiastics and to pay their 
passage and outfit. He also addressed a letter to the 
emperor/ informing him of the great need of mis 
sionaries, and stating that he had asked aid both from 

7 R/emesal gives a copy of this constitution, which was signed, Episcopvs 

8 Ar6valo, Col, Doc. Antifj., 182-5; Marroquin al Emperador, in Cartas de 
Indicts, 413-14. The bishop s signature, in his letters addressed to the em 
peror from 1537 to 1547, is different in almost every letter. On May 10, 1537, 
he signs himself Episcopus Sancti Jacobi Huatemalensis; on August 15, 
1539, Episcopus Cuahvtemalensis; on August 10 and November 25, 1541, 
Episcopus Cuacvtemolensis; r and on June 4, 1545, and September 20, 1547, 
Episcopus Cuachutemallensis. Cartas de Indias, 425, 428, 431, 433, 443, 

ORGANIZATION or Tin: i>io, 

M< bo I )omh. ,ut li;td i 

although it had lioen promi-ed. 

.During ili. ly part of the Charles had al- 

ppointed th Ip-dml pi Mar 

quin remarks that his Maj !iatl in 

matter, and n- uffieientlv COL 


those who had so long shared with himself tin- la! 
of supporting the church at Santiago. Tl he <! 
da it would be unreasonable for him bo dism: 

UL; h he is at a loss to conje< whence the \\ 

port his diocese would le derived. ]! well 
the pcrvci .-o temper of the colmi>ts and tlieir 
antagonism to the cause of the church. N ln-1- 

he forwarded to the calnldo a pr<>\ i-in limn! him 
l>y viceroy Mnid<i/;i ordering the church titln < 

which were usually paid in kind to be delivered ly tin; 
s direct to the hishrp at places wh- lue 

In- ival and available. 9 His mind was lull i 
as to the manner in which this regulation w<>uld 
i ived ly the encomenderos. r Fhe tone "f ! 

indicates misgiving, united with a rare spi 

ion, and he appeal s rather as a pleader than 

a claimant for his ri^ln "Y"it will 

what is <lue in a ]>i <])er manner: if not, I com 
mand that no scandal he rai- d ahotitit." 

N-r were his apprehensions unfounded. 

in Guatemala \ a still-i; le. Tl. 

uld not go to church, and they did no1 iiil<-nd that 
delivery of the till, hotild cost them anythi 

if they could avoid it. Tl id no; spare 

Indian- to carry thei ice of many 

pjiointed. The hi>hop nm 

.em. ;iid not the ee . d 

the provi; .md they did not Bee tl (her i i>d or 

* The tit :.l in kind, \V<TP of lit unless --e<l at 

1 c I y the ; .in a 

co and 
. ii. l i 

Uiug of tl. :an con 

todo aiuui- y vuluuta.l. Ai 


the emperor had any claim upon it. The cabildo 
immediately appealed to the viceroy, and meeting 
with no sympathy in that quarter addressed them 
selves directly to the emperor. 11 Their representa 
tions gained for them some concessions, whereupon 
they pressed the matter further and protested against 
paying tithes at all. Though the bishop was now at 
a loss whither to turn to obtain the means for carry 
ing out his various plans, he none the less labored 
with unceasing perseverance, 12 and on his return to 
Guatemala, at the end of 1537, brought \vith him two 
friars of the order of Merced, Juan Zambrano and 
Marcos Perez Dardon. 13 

After the conquest of Mexico, certain members of 
this order obtained the royal permission to proceed to 
the newly discovered countries for certain charitable 
purposes. When the subjugation was completed many 
of them settled in towns built by the Spaniards, but 
no convent of their order existed in New Spain at 
a very early date. To Bishop Marroquin they are 
indebted for the establishment of their first monastery 
in North America. This was founded in 1537 14 at 
Ciudad Real in Chiapas, and in the following year 
frailes Zambrano and Dardon organized a similar 
institution in Santiago. 

When, as will be hereafter told, the city of San 
tiago was almost destroyed by inundation in 1541, 
the friars of La Merced, then six in number, were 

11 Arcvalo, Col. Doc. Anttg., 14. 

12 The bishop s humility and pardonable boastfulness are sometimes a little 
striking. Speaking of the provision for the delivery of the tithes, he says: 
Sino se pierde por mis deme ritos, que creo no pierde, pues trabajo mas que 
los demas perlados, que en estas indias al presente residen. Id., 184. 

13 During the earlier period of the Spanish conquests in America this order 
took no active part. A few individuals, however, found their way to the new 
world, among whom was Bartolom<5 de Olmeclo, who accompanied Cortes to 
Mexico. li&mesal, Hist. Clujapa., 148. 

14 On March 17, 1538, according to Gonzalez, Ddvlla, Tcatro Edes., i. 144. 
Remesal states that the convent was not formally organized until a year or 
two later, and quotes an entry in the books of the cabildo dated the 12th of 
August 1538, from which it appears that certain citizens wished to assist in 
the building and furnishing of a convent and church for the use of the order. 
Hist. Cliyapa, 148. There is some doubt as to the exact date. 


compelled for a time to remain . ruii; 

<I< (I city, for such was the indil 

tiers thai no land \ I to them in tl. 

I lm<rn. i inally, thror of t ! 

bishop, an all nt v> d, and in t! 11 

of their new convent they A <1 1 

the Dominicans who trai; 

tli -i. al of tiif Indian towns under th 

1 rom tliis time they inciva-ed in number, gradually 
extended the iield of their labors in < and 

having disti i :ird tln.-ni by the Lislmj) \, 

d in alter years to found convents in various 
pans of the country." 

In the church of their order at Santiago v <n 

in. "f Our Lady of La M< !, for which miracu 
lous properties \\ere claimed. The story tated 

in <ioeiinients in the archives of the oonvenl 

Hows: As a westward-bound \ ! was about to sail 
I roui the ]> rt of Sanla ^lai ia in S[)ain, a >n 

dt I in the ^arb of a traveller apj d the 

tt, and placing in his hands a closed box ehar^vd 
him t> deliver it unopened to the superior of the con- 
vi-nt in (Guatemala. r J l ~[x-ct and bearii 
man imjiressed the seaman, and he faithfully d: 

I the conimiion. On receiving tl 
tl. ipc-rior carri.-d it to the chuivli, accompanied by 

th- friars, and having opened it in their pr 

v was disclosed. Great v, j<>ic- 

ii: \pectcd boon; but their ha] 

mplete when they markecl the divin- ity - 

the conntenaiKv. and prre.-ived that an exquisite iVa- 

d from the holy im 
beir nnmbur notierd that I rom a wound in th- lit 

Md Inid oo/ed. Divine manifestation \. 

I cc ._.-! li/t-d, and many the atilicted W( 
their i\\ by the application of the ich 


I jleslaay to* dc . 

,</ ., i 


Domingo Juarros may be considered the leading Guatemalan historian of 
modern times. He was born in the old city of Guatemala in 1752, and died 
in 1820. He wrote very fully on the subjugation of his country by the con 
querors. Although his work is called the history of Guatemala city, it gives 
in reality the history of all Central America, and provides lists of all promi 
nent officials, civil and ecclesiastical, and biographical notices of leading men, 
whether soldiers, priests, or rulers. The first volume treats of geography, 
settlements, church matters, and the history of Guatemala city. The second 
is devoted to the ancient records of the country, its conquest and settlement. 
The author was a secular presbyter and synodal examiner, and quite an 
able and intelligent man. His connection with the clergy and his rank gave 
him access to both ecclesiastical documents and government records. His 
work is full and clear, and displays considerable research, but unfortunately 
he follows Fuentes too closely, and this latter author s partiality to the con 
querors renders him too biassed to be faithful as an historian. Yet Juarros 
frequently displays compassion for the Indians, is always ready to retract an 
error when he detects himself making one, and is ever cautious against dog 
matic assertion. He draws largely from Remesal and Vazquez, and quotes 
several other of the earlier authorities ; but strangely enough, while mention 
ing the manuscripts of Gonzalo de Alvarado and Bernal Diaz, and of writers 
in the Quiche^, Cakchiquel, and Pipil tongues, he does not allude to Alvarado s 
letters to Cort6s. This omission, and his numerous direct disagreements with 
Alvarado s own statements, lead to the inference that neither Juarros nor 
Fuentes consulted these despatches. Juarros work is remarkably free from 
church bias. Though a priest he censures undue zeal or carelessness on the 
part of friars. Miracles receive attention, however, and so do stories of 
giants and other marvels. His arrangement with regard to the order of 
events is bad, and the want of logical sequence gives the work an appear 
ance of incompleteness. The first edition was published in Guatemala by 
Don Ignacio Betela, and the two volumes appeared respectively in 1808 and 
1818. A later issue was published in the same city in 1857. J. Baily trans 
lated the first publication into English, in a slightly abridged form, which 
was issued in London \>y John Hearne in 1823. In this edition omissions and 
inaccuracies may be noticed. 

Francisco Vazquez, the author of the Chronica de la Provincia del Santis- 
simo Nobre de Jesvs de Gvatemala, was a friar of the Franciscan order, retired 
lecturer, calificador del Santo Oficio, and synodal examiner in the diocese of 
Guatemala. His work was published in the city of Guatemala in 1714, and 
according to the title-page and preface there was, or was to have been, a second 
volume, consisting of two books, the existing one containing three. This 
work, which is rare, although mainly devoted to chronicling petty details of the 
labors of obscure friars, throws much light upon the early history of Guate 
mala during the conquest and subsequently down to the end of the sixteenth 
century. The author, having had access to the city archives at the early 
date at which he wrote, was able to avail himself of documents which have 
since disappeared. Fortunately he quotes such evidence frequently, thus 
enabling the historian to establish historical facts which otherwise, in the face 
of conflicting assertions of chroniclers unsupported by evidence, he would be 


has Q] much material from 

him little or ; lit, \v! essly exposes his re 

Kiippos. The jeal u-hieh , between the Krai. and 

cause of th: . irness. In 1; 

;;h-T prot.-is that, when I ms of praise to any who 

.-lory, he i> but gi vis. 

will hardly apply to his adulation of Alvarado and other conquerors, and 
of their actions. It easy to find in the < lore, 

: or secular, an uneoniproinMng champion of t >nduct, in fa. 

the reliable and TI oof the erueltiMpimotiMdbj them. JM 

of the conquerors he a.sserts that the vices and <;n .fa few were at 1 . 

:id without one symptom for tlie natives, inaint 

that their refusal to receive the faith was the cause of the incessant v. 
On this subject h< s: " It causes me much pain, disgust, and aiilirtion to 

!>ooks which attempt, with artificial piety, to ; ;:s that the 

Indians M ere innocent and inoil*< I that the Christians A 

, it being certain that these races while in a condition of p;> 

iitehers than Llood-thirsty wolves, more cruel than lamia-, har- 
an-1 infernal furies, and, were it not for subjection and fear, t .ul<l 

ier have become Christians nor now remain so." 5 .-on- 

taint d in his work is badly arranged; the sentences drawn out 

:h, a fault which, in addition to a lack of proper punctuation, renders tho 
recital of facts frequently confusing. Information of the neighboring provi: 
can, in a less degree, be obtained from this volun. 




WHEN Salcedo set out for the Freshwater Sea, 
hoping to gain possession of the province of Nica 
ragua an expedition which, it will be remembered, 
resulted only in his humiliation and imprisonment 1 - -his 
lieutenant, Francisco de Cisneros, left in charge of the 
government with a force entirely insufficient to uphold 
his authority, was overpowered by his enemies, and 
for a time anarchy prevailed throughout Honduras. 
Captain Diego Mendez de Hinostrosa, despatched by 
Salcedo from Leon to quell the rebellion, succeeded in 
restoring order, but only for a time. Before many 
months had elapsed Diego Mendez was placed under 
arrest and the regidor Vasco de Herrera appointed in 
his stead. The new ruler, of whom it is related that, 
being guilty of sedition, he had fled from Spain to avoid 
punishment, soon gave the settlers cause to repent of 

1 See Hist. Cent. Am., i. 606, this series. 


I i M tiist tind 

! be ( Mancho Valley, \vl withoi; 1 
made war on !napp d and 

ir sul.j: Mini returned with tin-. ip- 


In i lary I.VJ;> ! , Trujillo. 

Before his departure i mm \i; i In; i it his 

to Spain, to just ify he fore (he emperor hi 
duct in the di- ith IVdrarias. hut 

only h\ >rimand tor his cruel 

Shattered in health and ! :i in 

:rit, lie did not ventu 6 tin- iisui ju-i 1 IV 

ntt-ntcd liiinsrli \vit ! 

of Diego ]\Icndt z, who at once J rinii- 

nal complaint against Ilcrivivi and his accompli - 

endeavoring to please > tli p.-n-t i-s p; 

arrest of tli<- aer ill-^-.-d, hut im pun- 

ishniciit on the wron^-dorr II 

Jed io the audit Micia of 1 \inaiiKi, and I ) 
a \vait i-d an opportunity tor ; 

liii: meanwhile to ho lui^-ly d\^ d with t 

rnor s pusillanimity. 
To app the popular discontent the 

promi-cd to conduct tin- Val! 

\\] -h gold-mines were lnTi* \-cd I t. r ! i 

c-xpfdition was d lon-j h- 1 

liotlii Tin hv 8Uch an und : hut at 1 

moved by the clamor of tl and th nin;^ 

, who intornicd liiin that th- p <>pl W 
in i for revolt, he or I pr. 1" 

. ( >in- hundred and twenty 

with a ntiniher of na :-nt l i>r \ he 

mines \. in readine w to emha It in 

tio: I^iei tod, ( ahallos. aii<l ? 

inland a di>: of t \v. 

u. I he journe\- was t" jomplished 

B in ord< f that the nati 

ith him t tliosi- 

d(.d in (1 

Ills AM. VOL. II. 10 


spared the fatigue of a long overland march, and, 
to create the impression that they were no longer to 
be maltreated, orders were given that the branding- 
irons be destroyed. But before Salcedo had time to 
give further proof of his humane intentions, his death 
occurred at Trujillo on the 3d of January 1530, 3 and 
the proposed expedition was deferred. 

There were now three rival claimants for the gov 
ernorship- -the treasurer Andres de Cereceda, who 
a few months before the governor s decease had been 
nominated as his successor, and also appointed guardian 
to his infant son; Herrera, who, though he held no 

/ / O 

valid claim to the office/ had the support of the regi- 
dores; and finally Diego Mendez, who urged that the 
authority conferred on him by Salcedo at Leon had 
never yet been legally revoked. Cereceda, knowing 
that he had the good wishes of all peaceably disposed 
colonists, demanded his recognition from the cabildo, 
but was strenuously opposed by Herrera and his 
faction. After much wrangling it was finally agreed 
to submit the matter to arbitration ; and it was decided 
that the two should rule conjointly, with the condition 
that the latter should hold the keys of the royal 
treasury. Arrangements were also made for a parti 
tion of the late governor s property; and each bound 
himself by oath not to lay his cause before the author 
ities in Spain. Meanwhile Diego Mendez was silenced 
with threats of death and confiscation of property. 5 
Thus for a time a truce w^as declared between the 
rival factions; but Cereceda had neither the firmness 
nor the capacity to oppose his colleague, and soon 

3 It is stated that Salcedo s death was caused by a sore on one of his legs, 
and by the rough treatment received while imprisoned at Leon; but his friends 
nspected that he had been poisoned. Herrera, dec. iv. lib. vii. cap. iii. 

4 The only document which Herrera could produce in support of his claim 
was a memorandum without date , signature, or witness. The appointment 
of Cereceda, on the other hand, was signed by Salcedo and attested by 12 
witnesses. Ccrezcda, Cart. a, in Pquier sMSS., xx. 3-5. See also Oviedo, iii. 192. 

5 Diego Mendez had already been waylaid during the night and severely 
wounded at the entrance of his house. He would have been killed had not 
e ome of his friends come to his assistance. Cerezcda, Carta, in Squier s MSS., 
xx. 4, 5; Oviedo, iii. 193. 

ffAttoa POI 

! in nil thin;> > to his will. i in fix- < 

i he slaves which belonged 
-n, 1 Herrera demanded for hims< IT the 

li(! impelled fin- child s guardian i 

only to couM-nt, hut t> ts -alii that he would not 
the matter to tin- empt-mi Ka.-h, h- r. 

red that the other mi;_dii Telly d< <-h 1< 

to Spain. A ship then happened to he lyin^ at Ti 
jillo ready for an<l( 1 ! ;. u-jirrtin^ tliat his 

rival \vmild >ciid dcspaldn s, onlm-d all h 

ihdrawn. il<- was outwitted, however, hy 

his inoiv a-tutc colleague^ ir a caravel which arri\ 

in port during the same ni^-ht w,-, unknown 

. and her sails transferred to the other vessel, 

Avhirli immediately set ,^ail for Sj>ain. ( . da, 

openly charged the trick upon Herrera, who of eon 

,ntly denied it. The event proved that tl 
ship earned letters from the cahildo, recommending 

Jlcrrera s appoini ineiit as sole ruler, together wit! 
missive iVoin Jlenvra himself, in which he claimed 
that he had rendered ^ood service to the crown and 
liad only admitted a rollea^ue in order to prevent dis 
cord and riot. Moreover he repres< I the allairs 
of tin- province in a most i-ivorahle li^ ht, Mating that 
the mines were din^ly i-i( h and aski -r ships 

and supplies with which to complete the \pl;ration 
oi the territory and inoiv 1 nlly develop its , 

The proposed expedition had meanwhile l>een < 
itched to the Xaco X alley, and a settlement iotmded 

there named Nne-tra Sefioradela Encarnaciort A 

jiar(y of sixty men, under the command of Captain 

>1 that 
i un!a\\ tally nl was 

ition. ird the boy died, and ..a.sdi\; 


<1 hiuisi If liy sayinu that ! -i\ en his con- 

in tin . Consent i < ^e lo 

<JU>- ;i si fi, , nd<> ID <J^ >r 8O8C- 

j_ .-i]li..s i ( |u.- no al- 

r^ sliDi: .,inc Upon 




Alonso Ortiz, had also taken possession of the valley 
of Jutigalpa,some twelve leagues distant from Trujillo, 
a region of which the governor remarks in his letter 
that " there is no river or ravine where gold does not 
abound." The natives of the latter district gathered 
their crops, and removing all their provisions fled to 
the mountains, there to await the effect of starva 
tion on the Spaniards. Ortiz, however, sent messen 
gers assuring them that he came not to make w^ar but 
to settle peaceably in their midst, and by kind treat 
ment induced them to return to their habitations, thus 


affording one of those rare instances where the com 
mander of a military expedition forbore to enslave or 
plunder the natives who fell into his power. 

Although Herrera and his partisans now held 
almost undisputed control at Trujillo, they were far 
from being satisfied with the situation. They well 
knew that their old enemy, Diego Mendez, was await 
ing revenge; while Cereceda, though quietly watching 
the course of events, was ready for action when the 
proper moment should arrive. Their greed for wealth 
and lust of power had brought them into disrepute 

8 Herrera, dec. iv. lib. vii. cap. iii. 

liLOODV ! 

all the C pt the 

>D, and i ceri iin im-mlnTs of 

ninii 1 amon^ their enemie Fearii 

ild Invak out into open 

pp abandon Trujillo and e-taMi.di in 

tin- province a new and indopeud< lony. ( 

knowing th; :ch a i. ire \v<uld he i atal to I 

-perity of th dement, strove to jn- ly 

enci lura^ in^ intermarriage I-t ween t ; milies </! \ 

rival (Tnjui ^ and divid i a ]><>rt;<>n of 

ihc slaves which had i alli-n to liis >}\i\ di\i- 

Salrrdo s pro} irri 

A revolt ^ hirh occurred ahout a ; d. 

am "f the <-aci([u.- Peyzacura, afford 

II ri an opportunity to carry out his intention. 
Th<- I ndians of this disii-ict were employed in working 

tain mines not iar distant i roin Trujillo, and I 
Ion-- endured their honda^v without murmur, l.ut t 

o o 

ot their taskmasters, who, "with one f Q the 

stiri U])," as Ovi-do tells us, "ready to ahandon the 
jn oviin-- iredonly to enrich themsd\ .-dily 

it length drove them to ivh.-llion. 
era! Spaniards were murdered, and as t! i 1 ec- 

tioi )ii spread thi ou-Ji tlie adj. inin ry, it 

became necessar) despatch i 

re order. An expedition was prepared of which 
I I trrera insi i taking i-\i: . inviting h: 

<-ia nd all others who .- inclined to join him, 

enroll themsel : md. r his command. A feelii, 
of discontent and umv>t ji-r\-adi <l th> inniuni: 
and many of the leading olni>ts -atherin^ t 
th in theii I- t \\ ith tlm go\ I >ut 

instead of marchi insi the hM i! !; I 

Ilowers to the territory of a fi iendl in. 

morality hat m 

!. In commenting on the rmli: 


ir l-.s i mport.. ;irte 

it-mas por cl :. o se 

,\. 7. 


and there for several months they wasted their time 
and substance in revelry and ostentatious display, 
leaving Trujillo unprotected and the rebels unpun 

Meanwhile Diego Mendez had not been idle. Soon 
after Herrera s departure it chanced that Cereceda 
was called away from Trujillo, and taking advantage 
of the absence of both governors he presented himself 
before the cabildo* and demanded that some means be 
devised for protecting the province against the evil 
effect of their divided authority. Both rulers were 
notified of this measure on their return to the settle 
ment. Cereceda gave no heed to the matter, knowing 
that it was not intended to affect himself, but Herrera 
at once accused his old adversary of plotting against 
him, and induced the cabildo to forbid him, under pain 
of death, to make a second appeal. But Diego Men 
dez had already won over many of the most powerful 
adherents of his opponent, and resolved on yet more 
decisive action. Having regained the certificate as 
lieutenant-governor, which had been given to him by 
Salcedo, and taken from him upon his arrest at Tru 
jillo, 10 he boldly appeared a second time before the 
cabildo, and claimed recognition of his office. Her 
rera now caused sentence of death to be pronounced 
against his rival, who thereupon took refuge in the 
church. After some attempt at negotiation, which 
terminated only in mutual abuse, the governor threat 
ened to disregard the right of sanctuary, and eject 
him by force. 

But the administration of Vasco de Herrera was 
drawing to a close. By promise of reward to those who 
should join his cause, Diego Mendez had secured the 
alliance of at least forty of the citizens of Trujillo, 
while the former could muster but twenty or thirty 
men, most of his followers being engaged in quelling 

10 The certificate was originally taken from Mendez by the cabildo, and 
deposited with the Notary Carrasco, who, being an enemy to Herrera, was 
easily induced to return it to its owner. Cerezeda, Carta, in Sguier s M$S. t 
xx. 15-18. See also Oviedo, iii. 198. 

n: T. 

in 1 he ( Haneho Yall 

l"ii;_ i alive, id tl 

ilvcd lo . him. \Yitliin tl 

nvh the conspir. m-i 1 >y ; 

:id on a Sunday . 1 ii<- Slli of < )( 

1 53 1 . ;d>out two hour-, into the 

puhlic s<juar<\ and In^aii >h< nit in^ t h 

la, who as yet liad no ini oi i he p 

at his own dwelling in consultation with certain < 

iVi: to the he>t mean- of harmony in 

the province and reuniting the 

i be noise th< ized i h< .-nid, h,-; 

to th<i plaxa, were met with cri< 

the kin;/ and his rliirf-just ir- who OOm< 

: a passage thron^li tlie ci-owd l-li- 

]!( i lyin- woimdod iroin a d r-thrn^t in liis 

side, while round his neck tin: ral>Ui h;nl fast : 
rojM/, ! ..! purpose of dragging him through th) 

The rnor and hi- COmp mioi - i> re i 
to a place of safety; but lie wa8 1" \ ond h.uin id, 
and in a few hours he lnvath-d hi.- la>t \\il.hin ; 
walls of the >anetuary from which h< t thr- ; 

a f lorth liis rival to execution. The nml) v. 


n oi\!cr"(l to disp. hut refused to < it- 

HIL;- "J^on;^ livr the kin- and the communif ; 
idiiiL; liim^elt unalile in eoiit i-.l t IK- ri. 

i to slioxv B of ho>(il .ward him^-lf, 

( !a made ]i\< escape, though wi inch d, 

cuhy, and aur-mpted to regain his lmus,. : hut was in- 

hy J )i Mende/. \\ ho, ai ined with la; 

r, di-manded his <\\ -j, lition as li- ul.-n- 

,<>\ rnor. 1 Ie refused bo listen to him. u h >n 

itt. i 1 , who was on borsebackj h;invd h: 
on explaining that he had CODE 

his luwt ul ruler, hut againsl a i\ rant, v, h 

oilier and d.Ti. d i he law. As h- 

V; ! [ez, : 

sin-rounded h\ >f ri 

a threatening attitude. Now, for the firsi time dur- 


ing his administration, Cereceda displayed a little 
firmness, and still refused to grant to the assassin the 
office which he claimed at the point of the dagger. 
Many of the by-standers then urged that Cereceda be 
at once put to death in order to avoid all future dan 
ger. Seeing that his life was in peril, he replied to 
Diego Mendez, "What I request of you, sir, and I ask 
it as a favor, is that you let the matter rest until to 
morrow, that it may be decided what is best to be 
done for the interests of his Majesty." He was then 
allowed to retire to his dwelling. 

The leader of the revolt construed this vague an 
swer into a full concession of his authority, and array 
ing himself in the habiliments of the man whose corpse 
lay yet warm in the church of Trujillo, he paraded the 
streets at the head of his ruffian gang, and on the fol 
lowing day, over the grave of his murdered victim, 
bid defiance to the governor, telling him to discharge 
the members of the cabildo and appoint reliable men 
in their place. Fearing to provoke an attack by 
gathering an armed force around him, Cereceda re 
turned to his house, accompanied by a single friend. 
During the night he sent a letter to Diego Diaz, a 
brother of Vasco de Herrera, then engaged in quell 
ing the insurrection in the Olancho Valley, informing 
him of what had transpired, but in language so care 
fully worded that, if his letter were intercepted by 
his enemies, they would find nothing on which to base 
a charge against him. The usurper meanwhile threat 
ened to hang all who refused to obey him, and summon 
ing into his presence the caciques of the tribes which 
had been enslaved by Herrera, demanded their sub 

On the following day Cereceda ordered the cabildo 
to assemble in secret at his own residence, in order 
to devise, if possible, some means of bridging over the 
present crisis. None could offer any practicable 
suggestion; but it was remarked by one of the 
regidores that, since Diego Mendez refused to obey 


the . uld be advisah! 

| I- the ollieo nj lid 

AVhil t in ion, tlic chief of the c 

informed l>y li; Juldo had been . 

veiled, presented himself at tin- In 

hand ;nil demand dmittano Tl 

not coura r refuse, and the meeting soon ; 


broh accomplished nothing. 

Die _>;o Aleudez now unfolded tin- royal stand in 

thr ]Hilli- MjiiMiv. and cnnqu llcd the ],. > s\v 

allegiance to liini as th</ir lawful nilr-i-. JI- 
a 1 ! tl licts issued by Hen-era and Cerec ico 

lli death <>[ Salcedo illeiral, and enjoined tli 
Iroin exercising authority. He dissolved the 
appointed new memlx r> iVm tin- i of liis o- 

rtisans, <>l>taincd j)os>c->ion of all the hooks and 
l, i]er< belonging to the municipality, and i.,k the 
>ath of office. He then sei/-d the r in \vhich 

tin- appointment of Salcedo and the nomination 
hi> successor had hren ivcnrded, iinpi isned thcro;. 
notai v. and hid him, undrr threat of tortui 
the I appointment invalid; hut to tlie civdit of 

that oilirial it is recorded that h< 

Qttplianc l- ii .-illy he ordeivd the an-e>t of the 

governor; l>ut through the int iitioii of Iri -i 
allowed him to ivmain a jii-i-oin-r at his own lion 
in whi-h, rdi.-ved of his shackles, 1 

niiiied. Such was the dread and an\ 
!a iliat, < luring his <-a])t ivity, which lasted thii 
en days, it i< related that his hair and heard turned 
from a glOSSy Mack to silxcry v. hi; 

I iorc the an-ival of Cereceda s n n 

emiary de>j, ;l t ched hy 1 )ie--o ^Imdex arrived at I 


era lo q 


: Reyaoi s^oos m.-.l ! f 

cseribuno, t^iic yu lo di_;o a^bi." U 


Olancho Valley and with little difficulty persuaded 
the followers of Diego Diaz, who were already disaf 
fected toward their commander, to join the standard 
of the usurper. Finding himself thus deserted by his 
men, the latter at once returned to Trujillo, intending 
to claim the right of sanctuary; but was arrested 
while dismounting at the church door, by six armed 
men stationed there for that purpose. . 

At length Cereceda and his officials, finding that 
their pusillanimity was bringing them into general 
disfavor, resolved to strike a decisive blow against 
their common enemy. Their partisans were secretly 
assembled, and among them were found eighteen loyal 
and resolute citizens, who swore to arrest the pretender 
or die in the attempt. It was resolved that the effort 
be made at once, before those of the opposite faction could 
be apprised of it, and on the same night, after a sharp 
struggle, in which half of the governor s men were 
wounded 1 and one of their opponents killed, Diego 
Mendez was captured, and on the following day sen 
tenced to be beheaded and quartered. Most of the 
conspirators were then induced by offer of pardon to 
return to their allegiance, but though their lives were 
spared, they were punished by loss of office, imprison 
ment, or confiscation of property. Two of the leading 
accomplices, who had been present at the assassina 
tion of Herrera, 13 fled from the city, and with the 
assistance of some of the natives made their escape to 
a small island near the coast; but returning to Tru 
jillo some two months later, on hearing of Cereceda s 
clemency, took refuge in the church, wdience they 
were dragged forth to execution by order of the gov 

On receiving news of the seditious tumults which 

12 Oerezcda, Carta, in Squier s MSS., xx. 39. Ovieclo, iii. 207, says that 
only seven were wounded. Herrera, dec. v. lib. i. cap. x. , mentions but four. 

13 Que eran aquel Pedro Vidal, alguacil, que did la pufialada al Vasco de 
Herrera 6 Ic echo la soga al cuello, con la que fiie" despues ahorcado el mal- 
fechor; y el otro Alonso Vazquez, alcalde 6 capitan de la guarda del tirano. 
Oviedo, iii. 208. 

had BO 1 I! 

ruler of tin- province ( .in 

) :i oilierr who had d ,d 

in many a hard-fought h,r with 
Th vrrnor arrived olf the . with 1 

on tin- 29th of ( October I 532, hut his -hi; 

driven on shore l.y a >torm, when six I. .111 

port, and tliirly of those on hoard \\ - d. 

Alhiti > win lining, but with the] -( all 

]ii A oon arrived from Trujill 

and on the following day he was received and dulv 

(COgnized hy the authorities amid 11 joici of 
the cii ho now lioped that ti-an<juillii uld 1 

.l>ut the jirovince was y< -t destined 

und a period of misrule; for nine davs ai t<-r liis 

arrival, the new governor, advan.-rtl in years, <li -d 
at Trujillo, leaving Ceivrrda still at the head of 


The feeling of dissatisfaction which had loi;-- ].: 
vailed was ii. iiied hy this m-w di r. \] 

g 1 reports of the ^-reat wraith of t lie iu-i-j;hhorii 

provinces had heen n i ahroail. and many of tl. 
now th: ahandon the fcerrit 

liopin-- to better their fortune wher For sev- 

they had horn living in extreme <h>eom- 

i oi i n bordering on destitnt ion. I h-y had neither 

Hour, oil, wine, nor any other f t! *nmoditi< 

n-nally iin])oi-te<l iVoin Spain. For th] - no 

Spanish \ 1 had an-i\-ed at Trnjiilo. The m- 

t without clothi nd the h. without 
sh . Many of the had neither shirt> nor 

IMM!S; and the BCai 

|uir-(l for the common needs of life, that a sh< 
]aj -old I oi- a | \\-orth 

. add to the di-t; of the Spani 

i.- nii >n-_r the Indian-, -[.read 

.1 ho house and from town to to\\n. and 

11 I .> aud - . 1 1 J 17. See 

also :. 2ia 


swept away at least one half of the native population. 15 
There was neither physician nor medicine ; and though 
the settlers escaped the visitation, so great was their 
loss in slaves that many were compelled to abandon 
their usual avocations. 

In order to distract the attention of the colonists 
from their forlorn condition, Cereceda set about estab 
lishing a settlement on the road to Nicaragua, with a 
view of opening communication between the two seas. 
He despatched into the interior a company of sixty 
men, with orders to halt, at a certain point, until joined 
by himself with an additional force. His departure 
was however delayed by the arrival of two messengers 
from Alonso de Avila, 16 contador of Yucatan, who was 
on his way to Trujillo, having been obliged to flee 
with the remnant of his band from a settlement 
which he had formed in the interior of that province. 
On the arrival of the party at Trujillo, Cereceda 
afforded them all the assistance in his power. He 
then set forth to join the expedition awaiting him on 
the road to Nicaragua. After proceeding but a short 
distance he was overtaken by a messenger bringing 
news of the arrival of two vessels from Cuba, and of 
the intention of Diego Diaz de Herrera to take this 
opportunity of making his escape in company with 
others at Trujillo. 17 

Cereceda returned in time to prevent the depopu 
lation of the city, but such was the general discontent 
that the question of removal was universally discussed 
and the governor was at length compelled to give up his 
settlement. After much deliberation it was resolved 
to depart for the Naco Valley, leaving at Trujillo a 
garrison of fifty men. The remainder of the citizens, 

J5 Murieron mas de la mitad dellos, assi de los qne Servian a los chripsti- 
anos en sus haciendas, como de las naborias de casa. Oviedo, iii. 213. 

16 Cerezeda, Carta, in Squier s MSS., xxii. 50; Oviedo, iii. 212. See also 
Hist. J\fex., ii., this series. 

17 Herrera endeavored to persuade Avila to accompany him, and proceed 
in quest ot new discoveries. The latter, however, declined, and on the 
return of Cereceda was sent on with his men, by sea, to Yucatan. Oviedo, iii. 

mustering in all about nn- hundred and tlm 

in- i them M l lv f In ! * > and li --k, 

forth <u their march through lli- wilder . ( )n 

ichih pot when- ;i river il<>w-> t linni"li 
defile, they found their pa jtrncted by a barri 

cade erected by t ici.jue ( i/imba. who thought 
thus to prevent the invasion of his territory. 

natives were routed at the first onset, and t ho 

taken captive suffered mutilation, their hands 

l)eil)-- Cllt oil , ;ui(l Were s! I -pel M j, M[ \vitl) Cord- iVoIU tl; 

neck The Spaniards then j)ressed forward, sutl eri: 
many ]riv;itiou-;. thouo-li always l.uoy. d up with the 
r of finding abundant stores of pn -h- 

their destination. .IJut- in this they \\ ;ed 

t . disappointment. Arriving at Xaco, waywoi-n and 

famished, they found the place, abandoned 

cept a few inlirm natives unaMe to escape l.\- on of 

illness. C -!a then put ott the mask, and changing 
his policy toward the natives, who throughoul all that 

<-ountry had lied at his ap| h, he 

in back by kindness, and at length sue -d in 

cau-in^ the ivturn of a nmnher BUfBcient to plant 
con-ideraMe tract of land. 1 3 The liar how 

led, and, l>ein^ reduced to the last < . the 

Spaniards were compel! >ve to the t . t the 

mountains, where they hoped to ohtain food 
the natives who had lied there for rei ir. 
their departure from Xaco, then-fore, they i 
to the province of Zula, where t Ebutraea B 

which t 1 -lined JJuena Etaperanzi 

i was the ] i of affairs when, in the - 

1535, (In >al de la Cueva \\ by Jorge 

Alvarado. feo di>- f a K)l > the nortil< m 

<f which c lunication mi^ht 1 

11 the proviD mala and ! .11. 

1F < . iii. 21 r. 

"Tin- ( v )uiin . litnon-a, an<l 7 

turnc.l. 1 

. illos. :? from ljuinl. 



passing through the province of Zula, Cueva s men 
were observed by a party of natives, who informed 
Cereceda of the presence of Spaniards in that vicinity. 
The latter thereupon despatched Juan Ruano, with a 
small band, to demand of the intruders whence they 
came, and by what authority they ventured within 
his territory. The messenger was first met by the 
advanced guard of twenty men under Juan de Arevalo, 
who informed him that his commander, with the main 
force, was but two leagues behind, and that their object 
was to search for the best route for a government road 
from Guatemala to Puerto de Caballos. 

When Cueva was informed of the condition of the 
colonists at Buena Esperanza, he requested an inter 
view with Cereceda, and proposed that the men of 
Honduras should cooperate with him in his explora 
tions, promising in return to assist them in their min 
ing enterprises, and to protect them from the natives. 
The governor gladly accepted this offer, and took com 
mand of a force composed of a portion of Cueva s troops 
together with all his own available men. 21 It was pro 
posed first to march against a powerful cacique, who 
had for ten years held captive a Spanish woman, 22 and 
after subduing him and demolishing his stockade, to 
explore the country in the neighborhood of Golfo 
Dulce, and examine the harbors of San Gil de Buena- 
vista and Puerto de Caballos, in conformity with his 

But the time had not yet come when harmony was 
to prevail in Honduras. Wars with the savages and 
contentions among themselves had been the fate of 
settlers in that territory from the beginning; and the 
quarrelsome followers of Cereceda were little disposed 
to join hands in peaceful fellowship with the members 

21 Cereceda was to be captain of all the other captains. Herrera, dec. v. 
lib. ix. cap. ix., estimates the strength of the combined forces at 80 soldiers, 
but this is manifestly an error. 

22 Herrera speaks of her as a native of Seville, and as having been cap 
tured by Cizimba, que auia diez auos " tenia por muger, at the time of the 
massacre at Puerto de Caballos. dec. v. lib. ix. cap. ix. 

Cu< va was ii 

the Go! 

J u l>ut li.- wi>h d to jil;i:it a cojo 

in tl: i- of Honduras, mid\vay 1 

T< > this p 

raised The ut IHT ] ,| IM- MJ-J 

I m m Hie alliai [ in 

land. Thereupon Gen i romplained Indi 

( ouncil, and l>e---vd ill.- ai and . ( n, 

ad violation of contract. H ti- 

tioned the emperor for men, arms, >lii; .ml 

wine i or .inn-nial ])Ui < })OSCS. !! allii-iu-d tl 

of liis men had not tasted sail forth 

and lay ill in conscMjiirii- }! reqiK I that 11 
kii; .ii tli of the product of the mi:. uld 

I to one tenth. He also asked that a hnunda 

lin<- 1 . and Honduras 1 M5.-h 

and that a road be op between the two i 

J^I.T: ( ahallos to th- l>:iy of Fmi^-r 

it would serve as well for the I 

and Nicaragua, the distance bcin^ only lilty 1 
and the --i-ound iavoi ahle. rejuirin-- only that 1 1 
he cut away and tlii- earth levelled in jtlaec.s. 

iiion of Cereceda Ihe em I his oo 

d \\ ith favur, and . the 

Meanwhile the remnant of the H" 

who remained at Trujillo also clanioi ed \ 

population, and for a gover&or. r fl 

the city |- od hai-hor, and a dry and \v 

son nation; th;, !i mines lay und< 

vicinity, and that tl. fruit ful and \\-ell I. 

13 Ho. . .sinificnuan 

licaua;/ mcnos 

us niinas IJIK 

vn liu.-rt.) laa 


They attributed their past misfortunes to bad govern 
ment, and charged Cereceda with abandoning the 
settlement without sufficient cause. They were now 
so few in number, being reduced to thirty capable of 
bearing arms, that they were in constant fear of attack 
from the natives. Their stock of weapons consisted 
of but twenty swords and fifteen pikes, the governor 
having taken with him all the cross-bows and arque 
buses. As they were not in communication with 
Mexico they requested to be placed under the juris 
diction of the audiencia of Espanola. They asked 
moreover for two brigantines for the purpose of trading 
with the Islands and also for one hundred negroes to 
work their mines, for all of which they promised to pay 
liberally. They promised that if a capable governor 
were sent out to them in command of two hundred 
men, they would establish a settlement near the 
Desaguadero and open the rich gold-mines which lay 
in that vicinity. Finally the municipal council de 
clared that unless relieved within a year they would 
disorganize the government and give the people liberty 
to go whithersoever they might desire. 

If the colonists of Honduras could barely sustain 
themselves when united and living at Trujillo, it was 
not to be expected that their condition would be im 
proved when divided and scattered throughout the 
country. One good man, who could have held in 
check the spirit of lawlessness, and have ruled the 
factious populace with a determined hand ; a man with 
the principles and temper even of a Pedrarias, would 
have given peace and prosperity to Honduras; but 
internal dissensions, and finally open disruption, had 
brought disaster upon all concerned, and had reduced 
the people, both of Trujillo and Buena Esperanza, to 
the verge of ruin and starvation. 

Humiliating as it must have been, Andres de Cere 
ceda was at last compelled to appeal for aid to Pedro 
de Alvarado. In the petition which he drew up, he 
craved protection from the natives, failing which, he 

APPEAL TO A;.\ :>0. Id 

depopulation <>i the whole provinc I H 
in; are the i. -1 th md th.- 

adelantado was besought "for tip- I of God and 
their Majesties," to come to tlx-ir >uecor. 2i Tl. 
treasurer, l)ie<_>-<> (ian-fa <!< ( - sent in com 

pany with Juan Unaim ; t< Saul . where Alvar; 

then resided. and representing to him the deplorable 

condition of the people of Honduras, j ui-- 

ance of relic! . As soon as ]HM],I,. ;m armed in: 
\va M-inUed, consisting of Spaniard- and friendly 
Indian-* and with the adelan at their h ad 

forth t tin- relief of ( Jereceda 

During tin- delay which occurred hetnre tlie arrival 
of Alvarado in Honduras, th tiers wlm rmiaii 

at]>ueiia Esperanza, being unable or unwilling t-> hear 
tin ir suffering uy louder, ^ ero on the point of 
abandoning the colony, and on the ."Hh ot ^lay I j3G 

J * Hcrrcr that ;if r -iirs in the province were in a s ht, for Ccre- 

i.-i;it<<l;i huni.-iii.-i ],ni-. i l".st ;ill 

dec. \i. lib. i. c;ip. viii. M< \\ho.-it; I been: 

; li<>n<lin;i .^{e;ik.s in very 

time 1: in Zulu and Nae<> he iu \ 

le, Ol the L 7 "i- L S towns in , lie 

did not le one. !! destro; hin^, even the . 

mares. ! ; _ r ht away in iroi. 

nit. Jle ;ind lii.s advi i Avihi and ;t 

had l:ii<l ion of Honduras. Pacheco 


soenrrer :i los DoUadonV chripstiaHOt, OQ6 est;iban n U >n- 
dur. rra, e dar <>td<-n .se acaba.s> los 

abaii. i. -14. 

to, iii. Jl J that ti irred in 1.~>. I. J. Celis liim.sclf st 

that ;it him to ( , 

and i "I. i 

- that ( , Us went of his o\\ : -tas coaaa 

ilega :ei-iniii ro 80S.- 

a iual mala a [iedir soerro a 
I si , i. cap. viii. 

: M /v-; 

jiiently J lit in :i elaim lor 800 cast 

horses employed durin 

mala. (}\i the -llh i ;i judicial ii. i was ! fore 

the, mayor, at 1 .tl.allo.s, to a*eert:iin \\ ! 

. as h- 

d that 


".nder no his supp!ie> 

otlii H)-oO. In Gr. 

e uiul 
in //., li. L H. 

iii;r. CLXT. Ax. VOL. II. 11 


a formal meeting was held before the notary Ber 
nardino de Cabrenas, 28 to take the matter under con 
sideration. Cereceda, addressing the alcalde and regi- 

CD C^) 

dores, stated that they were aware of the condition 
of affairs in the province, and of the impracticability 
of holding it much longer, on account of the small 
number of the Spanish colonists and the want of 
supplies. He had therefore, he said, despatched Diego 
Garcia de Celis, the royal treasurer, to solicit aid from 
the governor of Guatemala, and had also asked the 
assistance of the emperor and of the audieiicia of 
Mexico. Seven months had elapsed since the depar 
ture of Celis, and nothing had been heard from him. 
He demanded therefore, in the name of the crown, 
their opinion as to what should be done. All present 
recommended that the country be abandoned, and the 
Spaniards allowed by the governor to proceed whither 
soever they pleased. To this Cereceda assented, and 
orders were issued accordingly; the alcalde and regi- 
dores ratifying and confirming the governor s acts and 
their own, in the presence of the notary. 29 

The resolution was at once carried into effect;. but 
within four days after leaving Buena Esperanza the 
colonists were met by Celis with a letter from Alva- 
rado promising speedy relief. Had the envoy returned 
but a single day later it is not improbable that Cere- 

28 There were present, Andre s de Cereceda, the alcalde Alonso Ortiz, and 
the regiclores Bernardo de Cabranes, Juan Lopez de Gamboa, and Miguel 
Garcia de Lilian. Mendoza, Carta, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiv. 

2< *Mendoza, Carta, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiv. 301-4. The 
foregoing is the account given in Cereceda s official report to the viceroy of 
Mexico. Herrera, however, gives quite a different version of the matter. 
He states that the settlers, seeing that, after an absence of four months, the 
treasurer Celis did not return or send any message, agreed to abandon the 
place. Loading their Indian servants with what little effects they had left, 
they proceeded on their way, after tying Gereceda and two of his friends to 
trees, because he forbade them to take away their slaves on the ground that 
it was contrary to royal orders to carry them from one province to another, 
although he himself had done so and had allowed his friends the same privi 
lege. But after marching a few leagues they fell in with men coming from 
Guatemala, whereupon they returned to the settlement and made friends 
with the governor, dec. vi. lib. i. cap. viii. In a letter to Alvarado dated 
May 0, 1536, Cereceda says nothing about being tied to a tree, although lie 
complains of gross ill-treatment at the hands of the colonists. 


>;:M have lost liU life, for h-- had become 
t ivmely unpopular am i he men of 1 1 .;,.; ; 

1 indeed gone BO t;n- e liim from his lim. 

though 1 hroijM-h fear I)) tin- COD 
Jled him. 

I!; - thr adelantado 1 : i sho\\ 

del lion in which he was held by those whose duty 

it \v,-i g t<> obey him. "Th vpelled me," ] 
"from my house and from tin- settlement, although I 

in a condition to rise from my h d. to \\h 
J had heen confined lor days on account of a Imil that 
prevented my sitting down, ept in a chair which 
had been ma !< -pccially lor my i md tln-n only i 

-hort tim In spite of all this, tln-y hu 
out of my ahodc with the greated rderi 

m- unattended as I was, in tin- direction of i 

, whnv they would provide me with ;u. 

Trujillo. This was, however, only a j-i I in on! 

[ of me, their ohject heiii._>- to cairy off 
sla 11 the Indians who had served in the distri 

wliich they had attempted to do h. 

pel me from tin 4 village. Fearing they mi-lit kill 
me, I made a virtue of necessity, and ahandoii; 
f I had, DTOO N FlO 

-o they soon ivcalled me, and I returned on 

horse! ack, hut with great difficulty, suir.-rin^ so mi; 
IVom my enforced ride that it will, I fear, he .-it 
th< nths hel Miv my health i i>hed." 

( and ( YTis were fir f5rom beil i go< 

The t reasurer v. 

a desire to -ii]>plant him, and perhaps not without 

he had 1 appointed hy the em] nd 

.t in rank to ih \ eni In! to 

Alvarado, ( eda takes the oj 

his spleen the t r> asm 11 - hii. 

l.-avori produ<-e the imj-f 

had it in his jo\\ , r to proem 

lantado ^vemoiship oi 1 loud dxing 

him>elf the credit of being the on havi: 


heart the welfare of the country, and of being a faith 
ful servitor of his Majesty. "But," he continues, "in 
order that you may see that there are others who 
desire the welfare of the province, I resign in your 
favor the governorship with which I have been in 
trusted, believing that ? in so doing, I am performing 
a service to his Majesty." 

Alvarado,on his arrival, was well received by the set 
tlers, who were fain to believe that there were better 
days in store for them. The astute Cereceda, seeing 
himself virtually without authority, again pressed him 
to accept the governorship, so that the province might 
not go to ruin. By this artifice he hoped not only to 
escape punishment, but to confirm the impression in 
the adelantado s mind that it was to him and not to 
Celis that he was indebted for the offer. Alvarado 
accepted the governor s resignation, and assumed the 
reins of power, to the great joy of the colonists. He 
at once set about pacifying the country, sending out 
a strong force, stationing guards at the mines, and 
bringing the province into a condition of safety and 
prosperity. In the name of the crown, he assumed 
the title of captain-general and chief-justice, and with 
out loss of time proceeded to establish new colonies. 

He built at Puerto de Caballos the town of San 
Juan, and on the site of the village of Thaloma, seven 
leagues from this settlement, founded the city of San 

O - 

Pedro del Puerto de Caballos. He determined the 
limits of its jurisdiction and distributed among the 
Spaniards the natives and native villages in its vicin 
ity. 30 Captain Juan de Chaves was ordered to explore 
the province toward the south and west and to select 
a favorable site on the proposed line of intercommu 
nication between Honduras and Guatemala. After a 

30 It was intended to establish here a large settlement. The city was 
founded on the 26th of June 1536. The various officials were appointed, 
sworn, and inducted into office. Sites for dwellings were assigned to the 
alcaldes, regidores, and vecinos. The name of the town was not to be 
changed except by the emperor s orders; and it was decreed that none should 
reside elsewhere until the emperor s pleasure was known. Honduras, Funda- 
cion, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvi. 530-8. 


journey IK; arrival 11 

watered \ alley, \\ here 

namiii .: it in token of liis thankfuln 


I Jut while tin- adelantado was winnii: -l\ lam 

Mini u . iini !i _r new adherents in Honduras. In- was in- 
I that his residenria had heen < i l>y T i<|.,r 
Maldonado, and soon ai t<T\vai <| received an nnl.-r I IMIH 
the viiM-roy instructing him to proceed to Spain and 
appear lri .>iv the tlimn- Maj 

iill le tli< r-l,y adxanred. This wa& unl>okcd | . 
ll- had already petitioned tin- kii -a 

to return for the jnirp of iitlii. ;t an e\[M-dition 
on a lar- e scale for South S< 9Um- 

nioi appenr at court, whilr hi leiiria \ 

he taken during his ahsenee, made an intrieatr- n 
; of it. There was no alt<-ri; , ho\\ \ r. hut 
ol -y: and once more Alvarado -ut for Spain, fir 

<iii"- to the eahildo of Sant ia- o ;i 1 \vlu-n -in 


li- 3 the i-caxiiis for his departure, and reman 

that although he docs not return to his native land 
rich in -old. having spent all that he had -j-ain -d dur 
ing his career in Mexico and (ii; he has D 

that liis services will recommend him to th 

i avur of the rourt. 

31 Tin incut v Comayagua 3vS 1< I from Gna- 

i. II; / 1:1 . i. -aj). \ 


Ixiii^ to foiuhu-t B 

;.ui int .11 \\hich 1. land* 






THE sense of relief which was felt by all the colo 
nists of Nicaragua, when death at last put an end to 
the administration of Pedrarias Davila, was of brief 
duration. A new taskmaster soon held them in bond 
age almost as grievous as that of the great despot who 
now lay buried in the church-vaults at Leon. Fran 
cisco de Castaneda, who then held office as contador, 
and some months previous had been alcalde mayor/ 
claimed that he was legally entitled to the vacant 
governorship. 2 The cabildo knew of no valid objec 
tion, and upon Castaneda s promise to rule with mod- 

1 A quien se auia dado el oficio de contador, y depucstole del do alcalde 
mayor, por las diferecias que traia con Pedrarias. Hcrrera, dec. iv. lib. ix. 
cap. xv. Oviedo, iv. 112, still speaks of him as alcalde mayor e contador 
when he takes charge of the government. 

2 Que era de derecho, que quando dos personas que tenian poderes del 
Rey, moria el vno, el que quedaua sucedia al otro. Uerrcra, dec. iv. lib. ix. 

cap. xv. 


EDA <)R. 

>!i ;m<l fairne-s ] appointed and duly ivc. 

nized. 1 

Before ;i month had <-lap>-d the colon i.-t- found 
th -m -till d)(.ui,.d (on and miM-iil.-. 

Without regard to the rights of th< id with 

an eliVont. -jiudlrd only l.y tliat of liis pn-d 
tin- new tyrant ivfu>-d to convene the cahildo j.t 

IODM- intervals, and then only to di>cu-s : 

aMe to his d\vn wishes. * The deci-ion .( ji.-ndi 
]a\VMiils was nr-le.-t ed ; IMMII- d-niand-d. and 

those \\lio refused to rout rihllte \\ 
unniereii ully that they abandoned their ju-oju-rty and 
iled the country, leaving their enOOmienOJB 
\\> I. 4 Slave-hunting, \\ith its att.-ndant horr>: 

\\, ininon throughout the proxine N-;. 
i orhiddeii to kidnap, nor was any limit jilao-d .n 
their c:ij)tui-i the. only resti-iction was tl he 

nior should receive a >liare. The kind s tilh 

\\ere fraudulently rented." Castafieda \\. --n si 
d of inakin- fraudulent entries in the 1. 

the treasurer Tohilla, \vlio><- death had itly 

cunvd : nor had he even i/iven himself the trouM 
taking an inv-ntory of the contents of the ti 

At length certain of the regidores m, t i; 
council and petitiom-d the kin^ to send them a j 
of ieneia, statin&r that unle>< i-eli.-t \\ 


tin- province would soon l>e depopulated. Castafieda 

was pre.xeiitly informed of his dan^ei . hut g 
lieed fco (he \\amii 1 ! had 1ml aim in li 

* II -hat after th- Irnrias Sji 


}\-<: iliM-al 

i as hi- 
., in 71". 

ieccasc oc< 


I,; 10C. 

\ V. 

fraii.i s los auia dalo a 

^ liiK .s. // 


gather riches by whatever means, 6 and this object he 
pursued with unshaken purpose. The natives did not 
regard the Spaniards with greater dread than did the 
Spaniards their chief magistrate. Many of them 
departed for the newly conquered regions of Peru, 
and even the friars, who had faced the hardships of 
the wilderness, and the peril of torture and death at 
the hands of savages, were compelled to abandon their 
labors. 7 

Until 1531 the vicars of the church of Panama 
held ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the province of 
Nicaragua. 8 In that year Diego Alvarez Osorio, a 
precentor of the cathedral of Panama, holding the 
title of Protector of the Indians, was appointed the 
first bishop of Nicaragua. His elevation was due to 
his eminent services in the church and probably also 
to the fact of his being, as Kemesal remarks, "a 
noble cavalier of the house of Astorga, learned, vir 
tuous, and prudent, with much experience in whole 
some government measures." The prelate was or 
dered to found a Dominican convent at Leon, and 
the treasurer was commanded to furnish the necessary 
funds. The royal tithes which were formerly appro 
priated by the diocese of Panama, were now to be in- 

6 El qual se di6 todo el recabdo quel pudo a enriques^erse; 6 pudolobien 
ha9er, pues no le qiiedo quien le fuesse a la mano. Oviedo, iv. 112. 

7 Among those who left the province were Sebastian de Benalcazar and 
Juan Fernandez, who joined Pizarro on the Isthmus in March 1531. In their 
company went Francisco Bobadilla, Juan de las Varillas, and Gerunimo Pon- 
tevedra, friars of the order of Mercy, who figured in the conquest of Guate 
mala and Nicaragua. Navarro, lielacion, in Col. Doc. Ined., xxvi. 238. 

8 During the brief rule of Salcedo in Nicaragua, one Maestro Rojas, a 
patron of the church, imprisoned the ex-treasurer Castillo on a charge of 
heresy, but the former held no jurisdiction in the case, and Rojas remained 
in confinement until the arrival of Pedrarias, accompanied by Fray Francisco 
de Bobadilla, who was vested with the requisite authority by the bishop of 
Panama. His power was transferred to the bachiller Pedro Bravo, and from 
him to Pedrarias, who tried. the case, acquitted Castillo, and restored him 
to office. Squier s MSS., iv. 

9 Hist. Chyapa, 105. It appears that he was not a friar, being spoken of 
as muy magnifico 6 nruy reverendo senor D. Diego Alvarez Osorio. Pacheco 
and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 116; see also Alcedo, iii. 322, who adds that he 
was a native of America, though of what place is unknown; and Gonzalez 
Ddvila, Teatro Ecles., i. 235; Juarros, Hist. Guat., i. 49. 


creased, 1 and applied to the support of the 

and hospitals of Nicaragua. 

I nder tin- nil i of C !a it d difficult 

to collect tin- tithes, the greater port ion of them I 

!ni l>y his oilicia!>. lint a true friend to human 
ami ion was n<>\v mi his \\.-iv to the proviu 

1 Jartolome ({c IMS ( ^, n alter 1 i though in- 

effectual labors in Me\i< burned to Nica nthe 

ir L532, and was received with open arm- l.y () 

rio, wlio invited him to remain, and to aid liim ii ib- 

lishii!"- the Dominican convent, and also in his lal> 


on behalf of the natives; but above all to use bis au 

thority in putting an end to the mal< f ( 

!a. Las Casas cheerfully cone d. Ac<>n\- 

^as founded ; residences were huilt for the IVi 
arations w. iv made for the erection of M cathedral, 
and converts l>y the thousands w d into the 

fold. lint neither threat nor per-ua>ioii had the ! 
influence on ( astaneda, who had heen trained in t 
school of IVdrarias. and now hid i air to 1 r his 

instruction. llelief cam- Nc -m-ived 

L on that Elodrigo de Contreras had heen appoint 
governor of Nicaragua, and \ i . M>\\- on his \\-.- 
tiie pi-ovince. ( ieda then-n; gathered u| 

rains and il< d t J < ru: | d t !. 
paftola; wasth rrestedand Spain ;bu1 ith 

closed 1 reer In-fore any earthly trihunal awaiv 

him the i 

Contr \\-a-anoMeeavalier nd the 

son-in-law of iVdraria-, \\ dau-^h Maiia d- 

iVinl lormerlv 1 lied to \ asco Nun< z 


1 J.dl.oa. I o inpaiiieil him to the pn\ ; 

\\itli her infant children. 1 l.-rnando and P.-d 
Jlis administration m, .1 o| 

10 Xow tithe wax, anil lln 

odis, ft 
of the i M las igle- 

11 ! :IH utiouof LasCaaaase* .284,309. 


Ovieclo; a refreshing circumstance, as it is the first 
instance in which that historian speaks in praise of a 
governor in a Spanish province. 12 His conduct is at 
least in strong relief with that of his two predeces 
sors, and apart from certain accusations brought 
against him by the ecclesiastics, with whom he was 
ever at variance, the annals of his time portray him 
as a just and humane ruler. He at once began the 
task of establishing law and order in his territory, thus 
gaining the confidence of the settlers, and all traces 
of evil wrought by the absconder Castaneda were 
speedily effaced. 

The project for opening up communication with 
the North Sea by way of El Desaguadero, as the Rio 
San Juan was then termed, and of taking possession 
of the native towns on its banks, had long been dis 
cussed by the colonists. The new governor though 
averse to such an enterprise was anxious to retain the 
good-will of the people, and despatched to the court 
of Spain Juan de Perea to obtain the emperor s 
consent. 13 

But the subjugation of the natives was too often 
followed by their enslavement, and Las Casas was 
still in the province 14 laboring in his favorite cause. 
In the pulpit, in the confessional, and in places of 
public resort the padre denounced the expedition. He 
even threatened to refuse absolution to the vecinos 
and soldiers should they dare to take part in it. 15 The 

12 En tanto, desde que Rodrigo de Contreras iu6 a aquella tierra estuvo 
exer^itando su officio, como buen gobernador, 6 tuvo en paz e" buena jnsti9ia 
aquellas tierras e provin9ias, que por Su Majestad le fueron encomendadas, 6 
procurando la conversion e" buen tractamiento de los indios para que viniessen 
a conoseer a Dios. Oviedo, iv. 113. 

13 A provision was ratified by the emperor on the 20th of April 1537, and 
contained also permission to make the conquest of the islands in lakes Nica 
ragua and Managua. Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xxii. 515-34. 

11 Before the flight of Castaiieda Las Casas visited Espanola whither he was 
summoned to negotiate a treaty with the powerful chief Enrique. He returned 
once more to Realejo, and soon afterward attempted a second voyage to Peru, 
but was driven back to port by stress of weather. 

15 See the lengthy deposition taken in Leon by request of the governor before 
Bishop Osorio, and concluded after the prelate s death, before the lieutenant- 

IXTKIK ,ICCf> llox. 171 

ly perple\,-d. Las Casas undoul 
edly held din et ingl ructions from tli ! which 

justified his in nee, while th. r had ; 

1 the sanction of the cro^ n. hi<-h 

should tli. . ( )n the one hand \\ <>f 

e;ain, on the oilier the th n.-d han of tl ir<-h. 

Contreraa \\; < l\ed that tin- pi-. -hould not 
! ly tin- Intermeddling of a priesi : hut, nn 

out at the he;id oi a hand of liftv i he 

found that liis own ollir.-i-s \\<>uld not ohev hii. 
til- iorhiddcn to jtlunder 01- nial tin- ; 

Jle WBS <-ol])J)L lle<l thel efo]. ifl! to J.eoli and 

acknowledge hiniM-h dei. ated. L; ia QOW u-ed 

all tlio wc-i^ht of liis inilucnce to undennine t 

era authority, 1 " while ( ontivi 

to 1)- taki-n hei t-iv J>i>hop ()soi-io with regard to t 

condiici of the pad] At this juncture th d ! ! 

the prelate solved the ditlicult After ]. 

sujj)ort Las Casas i ound liinisdf unahlc in oppo 

single-handed, the authority of thr goi t-rimr, \vho >till 

had the tacit sympathy of B ofthecoi 1; 

therefore determined to abandon a field v, here his 
ions were; of little avail, and a in\ i 

! i whieh it has already heeii wa- 

him hy l^raneiseo de Sfarroquin, li>lmj ot (i 
mala, to of the eoi. ot San: 

departed from .Leon taking with him all the l)<>mini- 

08. M 


liil M: -cs he: 

who was . 

1 solili, 

peat- rt" nl conquest of the 1 , iu 

< *dre eaonda* 

< ia. // ;. hi , i. 

I as Casas. t 
sunl cro umvil: 

I witnesses tea; 


as jiinl liis ci iuj am i-e asked to remain 1 >y t lie reffi 


.it ll, ll 


In 1537 certain of the ecclesiastics are again con 
nected with the history of the province, but in a 
manner not altogether consistent with the dignity of 
their profession. While travelling through Nicara 
gua three years previously, Fray Bias del Castillo 
heard strange rumors concerning a volcano situated 
near Lake Nicaragua, and known as El Infierno de 
Masaya. In the crater at a depth of a hundred, 
fathoms was a molten lake incrusted with cinders, 
through which fountains of fire sometimes rose far 
above the surface, 18 lighting up the South Sea by 
night, and plainly visible to mariners twenty leagues 
from shore. Concerning this spot a legend was related 
to Oviedo during his residence in the province by the 
aged cacique Lenderi, who had several times visited 
the place in company with other chieftains of his 
tribe. From the depths of the crater came forth to 
commune with them in secret council a hag, 1 nude, 
wrinkled, and hideous, with long sharp teeth, and 
deep-sunken, flame-colored eyes. She was consulted 
on all important matters, determined the question of 
war or peace, and predicted the success or failure of 
every enterprise. Before and after these consulta 
tions, were hurled into the crater human victims who 
submitted to their fate without a murmur. 20 When 

macion, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 116-46. It is evident that 
this event occurred about the month of June 1538. Remcsal, who is not 
generally over-exact in dates, says that Las Casas arrived in Guatemala casi 
al fin del afio de treynta y cinco. Hist. Chyapa, 111. Why Helps, in his Life 
of Las Casas, 185, without venturing to give a correct date himself, should 
boldly assert Herrera makes him go to Spain, and though he gives a wrong 
date (1536) for this, yet the main statement may be true, 5 1 am at a loss to 

18 En medio dessa laguna 6 metal saltan 6 revientan dos borbollones 6 
manaderos muy grandes de aquel metal continuamente, sin ningun punto 
cessar, 6 siempre esta el metal 6 licor alii col orado e descubierto, siii escorias. 
On one occasion the lava rose to the top, creating such intense heat that 
within a league or more of the volcano all vegetation was destroyed. Oviedo, 
iv. 81-2. 

iy Oviedo was of the opinion that she must have been the devil; but 
whether the consort of his Satanic Majesty or the devil himself in female 
form he does not say. E segund en sus pinturas usan pintar al diablo, ques 
tan feo 6 tan llcno de colas e" cuernos e"bocas 6 otras visages, como nuestros 
pintores lo suelen pintar a los pis del arcangel Sanct Miguel 6 del apostol 
Sanct Bartolom6. Oviedo, iv. 75. 

20 E que antes 6 despues un dia 6 dos que aquesto se hi9iesse, echaban alii 

r.i. 173 

the Christians made their appearance ll 

hurnin^ pit denounced tin- intrude- 
nt to show herself again till they v. 

t IM- land, and as (In- Datives were not oii-di 


to expel them, she soon abandoned her \ 

The worthy friar concluded that tin- molten in 
in the depths of the crater must I 11, <r at le 
silver, in a f i usjon. He was then travelling 

toward IVru hy order of his superior.-, hut kept his 
own counsel until two years later, when we hear of 
his journeying on loot from Mexi< of 

more: than four hundred leagues, intent on exploring 
the niy>teri<>ns crater. He now took into his mnfi- 
denee a I Yaiiciscan friar, Juan cle Gandaho, and the 
two agreed to impart the ^n-at secret to a Pew <>f the 
wealthier Spanish settlers, in order to ohtain means 
for earrvin^ out their project. Rumor was soon i 
throughout the province. At Granada and Leon m- 
a --et n hied in the streets and plax disc the IB 

ter. Some! conceded that Pray Bias was probably 

in the ri-4 ht. Other- i-ted with a CTeduloUBshr 

that the molten mass consisted of inm <>r of sulphur, 
the latter theory lx in-- most in favor, from t 
that specimens of native sulphur were common in the 
\ ie mity. I hit while e\poun<lin_j-, in the realms of the 
Atahualpas and the Monte/umas. the doctrine- of him 
wh it forth his disciples without purse or scrip, the 

-tic could never hanish from his mind i 
viction that providence had n-sei-ved tl t oi- 

him and his fellow-laborers," and n<>w alter his 1. 
and toil-oiix. joui iiey, he was not t be turned 
from his pin po The in iry impleim-ni 

retly prepai-ed. ( hains, pulleys, iron ! id 

other appai; made ready in a villa 

lour leagues distant from the volcano. A In lire ]. 

uhre 6 dos 6 mds 6 algr, >s 6 

: . aijiu-lL.s .jii 
Ovit if. iv. 71. 

Ire: quc ] i .scubra: 

-s ni i ;inilla. 


rick and a cage were manufactured by the friar s 
own hands at a safe distance from the Spanish set 
tlements, 22 and dragged up by natives to the mouth 
of the volcano. Guides w r ere procured, and it was 
agreed that Fray Bias himself should first descend 
into the pit in order to avoid all dispute as to right 
of discovery. Should he return to the surface in 
safety, his comrades were to follow. Stipulations 
were made as to the division of the treasure, the 
friar claiming for himself the largest share, though 
contributing nothing to the expense. 

On the 13th of April 1538, 23 the ecclesiastic and 
his comrades rise betimes, and after confessing their 
sins, attending mass, and partaking of a substantial 
breakfast they climb the steep mountain side and stand 
on the verge of the crater. Grasping in his left hand 
a flask of wine, in his right a crucifix, and gathering 
up the skirts of his priestly robe, his head protected 
by an iron cask, the daring friar takes his seat in the 
cage, is suspended in mid-air, and slowly lowered into 
the burning pit. The natives who are present flee in 
terror, having no faith in his assertion that the evil 
genius of the fiery lake will vanish at the sight of 
the cross. As he lands on the floor of the crater a 
fragment of falling rock strikes his helmet, causing 
him to drop on his knees and plant his cross with 
trembling fingers in the haunted ground. Turning 
his eyes upward, after much groping and stumbling 
among shelves of rock, he beholds the cage in which 
he had descended swinging far overhead. Neverthe 
less his heart fails not. Catching the guide-rope he 
drags up his portly person to a spot from which he 
can give the appointed signal, and at length is brought 
unharmed to the surface. 

22 E porque faltaba tin cabrestante 6 no lo mandaban ha<?er por no ser 
descubiertos, el frayle lo hico por su mano en el lugar ques dicho que estaban 
todos los otros aparejos. Oviedo, iv. 78. 

23 Two unsuccessful attempts were made before this date, and some of the 
friar s associates, terrified by their first glimpse of the burning lake, abandoned 
the enterprise. Oviedo, iv. 78. 


A ; v. day 3 later ,-nmt mpt i- mad 

much difficulty a small quantity of the molten 1 

dit to the surface in an iron moi 1 

of th discovery spread through tin- oeighb 

\\\ jr set i lenient 1 1 undivds . r Bpectati 

nmnd the cr luit tin- ad\ p th 

1. They take formal possession <f tli> aind, 

move their machinery thai none may^haiv the i 


; y prixe, and for a time imagine themselves p 

d of wealth \vhieha thoii>and >hip- can: 

Soon ai trr the departure of the Momini-- ; !!- 

resolved t<> earry out tl plorat ion "{ i 

J > ladero. Captain l)ie- Maehue; 

14 In 1. "_ :. .luring: li: 

clui. n.liu t. 1 stand 

tlic caci^U thcchroiiU-k i avoloM 


officer and one whose humane disposition gave assur 
ance that the inhabitants of the native towns would 
not be maltreated, was placed in charge of the expedi 
tion. Two ships were fitted out on Lake Nicaragua 
and a force of two hundred men followed by land. The 
dangers encountered 25 during the voyage are not re 
corded by the chroniclers of the age; but we learn that 
the vessels were borne in safety down the stream, 
passed thence to the North Sea, and sailed for Nombre 
de Dios. 

News of their arrival was soon brought to Doctor 
Robles, then governor of Tierra Firme, and with his 
usual policy this covetous ruler attempted to gather 
for himself all the benefits of the enterprise. The 
rnen of Nicaragua were cast into prison, and an expe 
dition despatched under Francisco Gonzales de Bada- 
joz to take possession of the territory on the banks 
of the Desaguadero. After remaining in the province 
for six months, during which time a fort was built and 
treasure obtained to the value of 200,000 castellanos, 
the invaders were driven out by Contreras, and their 
leader sent back a prisoner to Panamd. 26 A second 
expedition, despatched by Doctor Robles under com 
mand of Andres Garavito, also failed of success. 27 

A brief period of comparative quiet now occurs in 
the history of Nicaragua, and for the first time the 
inhabitants of one province at least are satisfied 

crater of which was a warm-water lake, at about the same level as the lava 
which excited the cupidity of Fray Bias. The descent was difficult, but 
Indian women managed to pass up and down in obtaining water. With regard 
to the depth of the lake Oviedo remarks: Este lago, mi paresper (6 assi lo 
juzgan otros) estd en el pesso e" hondura que estd el fuego que dixe en el poco 
del momte de Massaya. . .110 le hallan suelo por su mucha hondura. Machuca, 
assisted by his friends, furnished the funds needed for exploring the Desa 

25 The principal rapids in the stream still bear the name of Machuca. 
Squier s Nicaragua (ed. 1856), i. 82. 

20 Mention is made of this expedition by Estrada Ravago, whose narrative 
of the affairs of the province, written in 1572, appears in Squier sMSS., xiii. 4. 

27 According to Oviedo, Garavito must have made friends with Contreras, 
for speaking of the former he says that one day, while engaged in a game of 
canas in the city of Leon, he suddenly fell dead from his horse. He was 
one of those who took part in the enterprise which cost Vasco Nunez de Bal- 

\\-\i\\ ir ml "N 

1 > v the 

on to interfere in (1, of i 

HP After t IK ]).: in 1542 of th 

of 1, of which lllent i,)j| v here ]]>; 

is placed under the jurisdiction of i 

of 1 ( oiiih: .ind nil who hoi. I offi 

11 arc ordered to surrender their enc 

Tl thereupon transfers 1 

\vile and children, and i 

at i ;h for Spain, to prevent, if , 

us results to his inl .r in 

most of his fellow-rulers his \\-ealih e ,ilv 

of human ei -Is. Ariivii. the Isthinr 

th. <lviees from Pedi-o de Menda\ i. 

dean of Leon, have hreii Panama i-eeoinnieinl- 

in^ his arrest, and he is compell, d fco 

a prisoner, The ehar n- 

not I natui-e; for although his old oj^K)- 

iient, Las ( ill in Spaii ity 

him, we learn that I; K>n i 

n;^ hoth oi and property he returns in eom- 
with V^asco Nunez vela, landing in : ra i ii, 

in January 1 .") I i. 

Meanwhile Pedro de losRios, 

, -in-law of ( out; u-urped t!. 

go\ erni . nd -onm: 

he 1, to he hostile to his o\Yll pOTtj, Vi 

knowing that he may be the one to suffer i 

the 1. of Ivle.^, detel lllil, lltlel, 

ur proc ; to ( Iranada, win-re h 


. .-UK! <; 


lli.vr. C; XT. AM. VOL. II. 12 


the support of the cabildo, imprisons Rios in the 
convent/ But the following morning the cabildo 
intimidated by the threats of Dona Maria, the gov 
ernor s wife, repent of their conduct and are prevailed 
upon to issue an edict calling upon all the settlers, 
under penalty of death and confiscation, to rise in 
arms and demand the liberation of Rios, or, in case 
of refusal, to tear down the convent. The warlike 
dean is not prepared for this sudden change, but 
nevertheless determines to resist, assuring his adher 
ents that all who may suffer death in this most Chris 
tian cause will surely be admitted into heaven. The 
people throng the convent, and the friars are soon 
engaged in deadly strife, during which two of them, 
together with four laymen, are mortally wounded. 
Unable to withstand the attack, Mendavia at last re 
lents and sues for peace. A compromise is effected, 
by which Rios binds himself not to injure the dean or 
any of his party, either then or at any future time, 
whereupon the treasurer is released. No sooner is he 
outside the convent walls, however, than he forgets 
his promise, and arrests, hangs, quarters, and exiles 
indiscriminately. The dean himself is put in irons 
and sent to Spain, w r here for several years he is 
kept a prisoner without trial. 80 

When the news of these proceedings reached the 
audiencia of Panama, Diego de Pineda was de 
spatched to Nicaragua as juez cle comision, and with 
such tact did he reconcile the disputes between the 
two parties that order was quickly restored, and the 
quarrel between Rios and Mendavia was soon for 
gotten. A few months later Contreras arrived in the 
province, 31 but his secret enemies w^ere still at work, 

29 It is somewhat remarkable that the dean of a church could imprison a 
royal treasurer, but such is the fact. Le vino a prender. . .pidi6 favor a la 
Ciudad de Granada donde el estava (Rios), lo prendio i meti6 en el monasterio 
de la Merced por ser casa cle piedra. . . .Squier s MSS., xxii. 144. 

30 On May 20, 1545, he wrote from his prison to the emperor: Dos anos 
que estoi preso, i mis bienes sin cuenta en manos de mis adversaries. Ha 
6 meses que me pusieron en esta carcel arzobispal, and asked to be tried at 
once, and punished or acquitted as the case might be. Squier s MSS., xxii. 148. 

31 It is probable that Rios continued to govern until the return of Contre- 

and of i ,,i the ni-ulv 

iirnria df 1. >nlin< 

] 1 kc 1. lenci M! al><> tli 

treasurer I Ii< Although the 1 . 

tin- governor and 

I Tlral i-i.-tinn, to li; 

nothing <>n \vhirli t> base an 

r <>f o officials, and BOOH al-and in- 

i ion. w 

A 1 riid nimv Mtt T llian Iliat \vhicli \\ d 

death of Uisliop ( )s>ri< and ; of 

I A \ ! \ iio\v arose lu-t\\ . \ be 1 nd o 
tical authoriti In 1.V14 leather Antonio de \ 
divie-so oint.-d t<> tin- vacanl 

His appointmen ie duly conlinuL-d 1- 
l.uill, and in X JM-I- ol ih.- following ; 

(<!. itcd at ( rracias ii ])ios ly li 

tlie c\ ring 

K>me i iitinii into tin- iii MS nolliiir 

\\licu bishop Valdivieso i:i one of hi.s 1 ttci-s 

I ; d . Lnifl de < In In 

l.y him ; 

/>.<. , \ \ M. I I P|>- 1<>. 

w One Pedro < .in a o innn n t<> \ \ 

Janu.ii-y In, I mpl ii; 

<! < . i licdi. i Lii . JITri :.i. h.-i iid< 

J/> s I wlu-:. in inn 1 tlt-ni. 

J Kt-iit li:i-k to Lto;i t 

;<lit nci;i ijuc ii" 

. / L > ;iinl < iii-il> a- 1 . \. 


nml the Antonio <\<- Valdi^ ieao and < 

a 1 )<)ininican in tin* coiivrnt of was 

an inin.-ttr \s \\< I him 

117: / 
lil. \ i. 

i, 1-ut J:i"S v...i.,M lid l.; ; 
him a ] ;.ain hal . Mivu-s 

M rnli i 

ka: Po 1 1 
la t M. ]: imppt 

.is ai>]> int-.l in ! 


teaga, " 

\\li- i 

!.",! I, ;.n,l. : i. Ktmtwl, li 


of Chiapas, Marroquin of Guatemala, and Peclraza of 
Honduras. The prelate, who professed to be an 
enthusiastic admirer of the great apostle of the 
Indies, insisted that the new code should be enforced, 
and spared no effort to rescue the natives from 
bondage, incurring by his policy such determined 
opposition from the governor and his officials that he 
deemed it best for his own personal safety to take up 
his residence at Granada rather than at Leon. 

From the day of Valdivieso s arrival to the down 
fall of the governor some three years later, the history 
of the province contains little else than a series of 
mutual recriminations and intrigues. The colonists 


with a few exceptions favored the cause of the gov 
ernor, declaring that "they wanted no prelate except 
to say mass, and preach to suit their fancy;" and when 
the bishop threatened to establish an inquisition in 
Nicaragua he was menaced with assassination. 34 

The complaints against Contreras appear to have 
been due mainly to the jealousy and self-interested 
motives of the ecclesiastical faction. His conduct had 
borne the scrutiny of the inquisition and of the audi- 
encia. Notwithstanding the provisions of the new 
code he had been allowed to retain his encomiendas. 
Even his enemies could not accuse him of maltreating 
his slaves. It was not to be expected that he should 
surrender to the bishop the power and property which 
higher authority had permitted him to retain; and yet 
this seems to have been his chief cause of offence. 
Though Valdivieso and the Dominican friars were 
loud in their denunciations of those who held the 
natives in bondage, they were themselves by no 

34 Inquisicion no se ha de mentar en esta tierra, i en entrando en elle me 
embiaron a decir que si entendia en cosa de Inquisicion o lo pensava, me 
darian de pufialadas. Squicr s MSS. , xxii. 146. On another occasion, when 
President Maldonado and the oidor Ramirez were at Granada preparing an 
expedition to Peru, the bishop refused to officiate in church because a person 
wr.s present whom he had excommunicated. Hereupon Ramirez vised insult 
ing language, causing him to retire from the church. Valdivieso s conduct 
caused, such ill-feeling that a mob afterward assembled in the street and threat 
ened to hang him. 

CO 181 

1 milling ] /in slav 

j-rop in 

"Niea: i, ;ii)d when tl; ^lii of c 

taken from them hy tl ;idiencia of 

nod to leave the provh . md c 
eir clam< r until their pn>j 
tin-in K\on the incmher> of the audiencia, w\ 

eial duty it w. ciiiurcc tin- ob& 
v laws, had caused 1 b< :jiic of A 

\vlio liad ivudrivd assistance t the Spani 

litioiis ast J^a-an<!<.ii and J rxul 

[>irit { il]. cod r J*Ii- j resident and 
n wi-ni so far a- to expl iln-ir ojiinion tli 

tin. Jndians under cnntrd of the jri in 

for tin- <T<)\VU was a nn mea 

constituted tlic pi-iiK-i;.;.! source <! iili 

tin idit tin- |)i-o\ i and without, slav r tin- 

co] ba would soon he rcdiict d to be y. 
HM\V th ;c privation and 

times th; ncd with actual i ainii Tl: 

collected from th hich h 1 Ibyrightto 

1 his oi n;_ r 

th -titulc l)iit was i uimd utterly in;. 

i for their maintenance 

The m. erioufi accusatinn ! ( 1 i>n- 

hut one that i on i 

,t he appropriated the est 

" their wives and children d< -tin, 

I his family 
than one third of the province, and that the B 

and territory of the entire di 

foi-inei lv divided anioiiiT iiuli- 

vi -, had ] ! into the hand- of h! 

ail ;rd even laid t hi- charge that he had 

B d 


so lo dcjamos. TcuUi 


polled the settlers to take part in enterprises which 
he himself had in fact only been led to sanction by 
the clamor of the colonists or the urgency of the 
occasion, as was the case in the exploration of the 
Desaguadero and the expeditions against the forces 
of Doctor Robles. 36 

Meanwhile the oidor, Herrera, was sparing no effort 
to insure the governor s downfall, and with that pur 
pose sent private reports to the emperor and the 
council of the Indies. In one of these 37 he recom 
mended that no one should be allowed to rule who 
possessed Indians, either in his own name or that of 
his wife, children, or servants, and that the govern 
ment be vested in the hands of a person whose duty 
it should be to visit, at frequent intervals, every set 
tlement in the province. He also recommended that 
the children of the caciques should be placed in con 
vents, there to be trained in the Christian faith, and 
that the adult Indians should remain in their towns 
for the same purpose. 88 In short his object, like that 
of Valdivieso, whose cause he never ceased to advocate, 
was to place the entire native population under the 
absolute control of the ecclesiastics. 

In the beginning of the year 1547 the bishop 
removed to Leon, and no sooner had he done so than 
the cabildo reported to the emperor "the great trouble 
they had in defending the royal jurisdiction on account 
of the opposition of the bishop, who insulted and 
maltreated the officers of justice, and held the laws 
in contempt." 89 It was even thought necessary to 
send to Spain one Antonio Zdrate to advocate their 

30 Y el Fiscal auia puesto acusacion contra Rodrigo de Contreras, porque 
siendo gouernador de aquella provincial, salio diuersas vezes de su Gouernacioii 
con gente de pie y de cauallo, y fue a la parte de Costa rica, y al desaguadero, 
y otras tierras comarcanas, adonde hizo grandes excesses, assi contra Caste- 
llanos, como contra Indios. Herrera, dec. vii. lib. vi. cap. vi. 

37 Dated at Gracias a Dios, December 24, 1543. Squier s HISS., xxii. 128. 

38 Herrera was actuated merely by selfish motives. He desired for himself 
the office of ruler, and it was fortunate for the province that he did not obtain 
it; for when in 1548 his residencia was taken by the licentiate Cerrato he was 
proved to have been the most rapacious of all his colleagues. 

39 Report, dated Granada, April 23, 1547. Squler s MSS., xxii. 40. 

Ti 183 

. whereupon Y-il<li in<-il 

of i be In<Ii< me i bree \ mmuni 

lion iii which In- accused him of being a i 


criminal, in order t<> desl roy bis mflu< 

J I< "p T 

am;i, informing him of 7A\ purp> .m- 

mending his arrest. The en mi-d 

(lan^-i-r, and mai make ^ ait 

it is not recorded that he i Ail in mpli 

in^ thu ohject of hi- mi ion. 

The simple whicli Contreras liad so Ion--- main- 

oo o 

the machinatio! 

dra\vin an cud. In UK- iiiin^ of tli 

1 548, the licentiate Alonso Loj>ry, <! ., fur: 

president of the audiencia in E^spanola, and D a}>- 

jio mtcd to tliat o! tlie Conlincs, ai-rivrd a1 ( 
J)i One of his lirst acts wa^ to fcake ti 
of the governor, wliereiipon iindin^ that the i 
f< r of his enconiiendas had !>< n i r tin- j 

;e ot th<- new code, tliou^li bei publication in 

the province, " lir diM-iaivd them con! 

treraa at once ivpaii-cd to Spain to seek 

for BOme time alter his departure his enemi 

ostant dread lest he should ] ahisauthoi .n<l 
ret urn to take vengeance on hi TL 

and regidores of Leon, having no\ with 

tin- bishop, nrdrivd llieir s v to pivpar lisl 

itiol! drp I 

16 of their nnmher liad the com 
each iffici -n-in^ that liis si- iiatinv mi-ht 
cost him his li J r wa en r d th 

tire family <! the fallen ruler he recalled to Spain, 

for of] n- Hernando and Pedro it was e 

ihev ha<l commit bed many i =n<l of hi \ in- 

law. Alias ( ion/alo, the al;., 

a 1)111)1 . mhliii"--h()ii> . 1 inallv i 

o *i 


; pobliflhed in Xi.-ar.-i r ua in 
41 This report 

ace. int-il tluT.-in of those already mei. 

\.\ii. JS-JOO. 


oidor was confirmed by the council of the Indies, and 
Roclrigo de Contreras returned no more to Nicaragua. 42 
His children, however, still remained in the province, 
soon to figure as the leaders of a revolt which threat 
ened, for a time, the very existence of Spain s do 
minion in the western world. 

Although the ecclesiastics were held in little respect 
by a majority of the Spaniards, there is sufficient 
evidence that they labored faithfully in their calling. 
When Fray Toribio de Motolinia came from Guate 
mala, in the year 1528, to join certain Flemish friars 
then resident in Nicaragua, he founded at Granada 
the convent of Concepcion, 43 and having a knowl 
edge of the native lansfuasfe, was successful in his 

o * o * 

efforts, giving special care to the baptism and conver 
sion of children. His stay was of short duration ; but 
by others the work of christianizing the natives was 
continued with vigor. Gil Gonzalez is said to have 
baptized thirty-two thousand. 44 Hernandez and Sal- 
cedo also baptized large numbers. Pedrarias, inasmuch 
as this great work had been accomplished without 
his intervention, affected contempt for such summary 
methods of conversion, and ordered an investigation to 
be made by Francisco de Bobadilla, a friar provincial 
of the order of Mercy, and by the public notary Bar- 
tolome Perez. Diligent search was made by these 
officials, but it was found that the barbarians had either 
forgotten or never understood the truths of Christi 
anity, and Bobadilla was obliged to perform this holy 

*- He probably remained in Spain till 1554, as nothing further is recorded 
of him until that year, when we hear of him as serving in Peru. He finally 
appears in the act of swearing allegiance to Philip II. in Lima on the 25th of 
July 1557. Datos Biog., in Cartas de Jndias, 742. 

43 This convent was subsequently occupied by Dominicans, as the Flemish 
friars abandoned it in 1531, travelling in company with Fray Marcos de Xiza 
to Costa Rica, Peru, Tierra Firme, Espanola, and Mexico. Vazquez, Chron. 
Gvat., 21-2. Juan de Gandabo, a Franciscan friar, and one of the first that 
came to Nicaragua, was still in Granada in 1536, where he labored in company 
with Fray Francisco de Aragon. The place and date of his death are unknown. 
Notas, Datos, Bioy., in Cartas de Indias, 762. 

44 Gonzalez Ddvila, in Teatro Ecles., i, 233. 

T!,i rbaj 

an in t! rovince 

duriii t nine <!,, and later, ! 

ptember 1 538 and 
fifty-two thousand live hundr> ad fiffc; 

baptized, though , ; l>y n ild 

they !< ealled converted." 

( )n 11 til of An >. I leriKindo de Al\. 

: 1 1-Yay Juan de 1 adill; da 

Solltll Sea l>y way of ( !< >i!>,i. ; and 

.\\lu-rr wc-ll n d. \\ "ln-ii CI d 

th ivc-s ado ]])(([ them with r<>s nd hmu^ht 

oilrri >f whatever t hey v,-du<-d m< 

l i\-jy Lorenzo de 1 ^ nvi-ni<l;i and thii 
It-It Yuraiim i or tin; jiroviin-c ot ( 
rontinnc th(^ work >i c ion in th>- j-i 

many may have fallen victims t<> their pim; d. I 

; ion th(5 sad fate <f the martyr 1 
PizaiT AVhile lahorin^ in one of the n. ivm. 

di.- a of Nicaragua, he \\ . d 1>\- dnmL 

dnriiiLT tin; <-elehratioii ol 

dr;i I over the rocks, 1" I till he was almost 1: 
. iiid then han-vd; his mu; 

rk ly burning (Town a church which he had 
own e.\[M 

During the infernal dissensions which have ju 

I, hands of hostile India: m- 

o]"jiortunity v. inually conimi 

depredations on the l>ord md . 

* !! 

H; in M,-^. 

, no e pueden 
ai ;0. 

<c named Xuee 

a 7\n, 


ing those of the natives who were at peace with 
the Spaniards, the cacique Lacandon being especially 
troublesome and refusing all overtures of peace. No 
progress could be made in forming new settlements 
or improving the condition of those already estab 
lished. After the explorations conducted by Captain 
Machuca, we read of no important enterprise until the 
year of the governor s departure. In 1548 the con- 
tador Diego de Castaneda organized an expedition for 
the conquest of the district of Tegucigalpa. 48 Through 
the treachery of the guides, his men were led into 
marshy arid difficult ground, where they soon found 
themselves surrounded by hordes of savages. Re 
pelling their attacks with much difficulty they made 
their way to the Desaguadero, and passing down that 
channel in barges landed on the shores of Costa Hica, 
where they founded the settlement of Nueva Jaen. 4 

48 Named Tabizgalpa by Arias Gonzalo Davila, who accompanied the expe 

49 In this chapter there have been consulted various documents in Pacheco 
and Cardenas, Col Doc., i. 536, 563; iii. 84-8, 511-13; vii. 110-46; Cartas 
de.Indias, 710, 762, 775; Datos Biog., in Cartas de Indias, 36, 742, 857; 
Col. Doc. Incd., xxvi. 238; xlix. 21-3; 1. 116; Squier s MSS., xiii. 3, 4; 
xxii. 34-149; Oviedo, iii. 176-9; iv. 76-92, 112-15; Herrera, dec. iv. lib. i. 
cap. ix.; lib. ix. cap. xv. ; lib. x. cap. v.; dec. v. lib. vii. cap. ii.; dec. vi. 
lib. i. cap. viii. ; dec. vii. lib. vi. cap. v. ; dec. viii. lib. i. cap. ix. ; Itcmesal, 
JJlst. Chyapa, 105-7, 193-9, 203-6; Andacjoya, Nar., 39; Vega, Hist. Descub. 
Am., ii. 244-6; Gonzalez Ddvila, Tcatro Edes., i. 234-5; Coyoltvdo, Hist. 
Yucathan, 345; Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 252; Juarros, Guat., i. 49; MoreHi, 
Fasti Novl Orbis, 112; Benzoni, Hist. Hondo Nvovo, 105; Pelaez, Mem. Guat., 
i. 135; Pineda, in Soc. Mex. Geog., iii. 347; Kerr s Col. Voy., v. 175; Levy s 
NIC., 67-73; Squier s States Cent. Am., i. 82. 





lh I \ir\i:\<:r.\ -Ti: 

:: Tin; Kio S \x Jr.\ : 

XATI\ MI.N JM.SKKT A - ;. TJ.MI:- ! 


Tin, PAKTY i.i-T-II. :;UK 


\TH Nnr.i.i: ( r OF ] , i-K Coco; 

MAl;i][ INTO THE I.MliKloK TllKIK . v , 

AR] OTIIK.. . iv- 


BETWEEN the l\i<> S;m Juan an-1 the ]m>vincv <f 
V( : ;;i l;iy a tci ir< ry w] I ;m<l - -ly 

oded sui-l-ifc had hitherto |>n\. t 

Sjiani.-li roiKjiiiist and coloni, :i. C- ! or 

Nil* \a Cartage, l>y both of whic.-h n; ion 

9 known, 1 yi-t ivmainol alii; i terra in- to 

prans. J hiring his la . in th- r 1 ."> 

< lumlms liad touched 1 p .ini its north 

ern shore. At the Golfo ])ul--. on s<m: 

ist, it \vill !>< remembered that (iil Gon 

liis hand wen- o-lad 1<> lind shelter in tlir i 

rni and ilood.- Vague ivj.orts of a s iiu-nt 

1 It is inc clir- iiifh-rs time of ( 

mainland \v.-is . 


<lr<l in strea: 

<\ Set- 

ducU of t 

., i. 4^1 .">, this scrica, 

( 187) 



named Cartago, founded early in the sixteenth cen 
tury by some band of roaming adventurers, are men 
tioned in several of the early chroniclers; but when 
and by whom it was established, is a question 3 on 
which there is no conclusive evidence. 

The exploration of the Rio San Juan, which had 
opened up a passage from the North Sea into the very 
heart of Nicaragua, awakened a more eager desire to 
possess this unknown region; and to the pride of con 
quest and discovery was added the all-pervading 



v^ ^>* ^ ^Vv^^PI^Si^ 


COSTA RICA, 1545. 

passion of the Spaniard, for it \vas believed that the 
armies of the great Montezuma had invaded the terri 
tory from a distance of more than six hundred leagues, 

3 1 am inclined to believe that the original founders of Cartago were set 
tlers from the colony established by Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba at Bru- 
selas, on the gulf of Nicoya in 1524, and abandoned three years later by order 
of Salcedo (see Hist. Cent. Am., i. 512, this series); more particularly as its 
first site was known to have been close to the harbor of Caldera, and therefore 
not far from the landing-place of Cordoba. It was next removed to a spot 
near the Rio Taras, and thence to its present location. It is even claimed by 
some that Cartago was the first city established in what was formerly called 
the kingdom of Guatemala. Juarros makes this statement, basing his asser 
tion on a report made in 1744 by Jose de Mier y Ceballos to the engineer Luis 

and had 1 lit thence n 
In L540 1) ;i ci; 

l>;-other t<> \-\ lip,- ( rutiem !)<> five y< 
coin! ! the ill-fai ion t., \ 

ajl>>int<-d ernor f lliis provin : 

I forth nil ;m \\hirh \ 

to prove even more than tin- on 

l>v lii - kinsman. 

< rutierrez ]: 1 first to IN; afiola, \ 

rai-ed a eompany <>f ahout t\vo hundred men at 
llu-iKv i or ,Iainai<-i, 1 ! M base i})}>li 
onies <>! Tit-i-i-a Mi-nn-. Here a mutiny 1- out 

anion^ liis men, tlir 1 ..f nil liis i n-v 

si. Arriving at Nombre de Dios he fell . ml 

\vliilr lyiu;^ at llu- jioint of death liis men 
and crossing over t<> Panama look sliij) I oi- \\-r\\. 
]\<- ring from liis il!i : . he I -und liimsclf \\ 
but five men and alm it means. He gathered 

courage. ]io\ i-, and lit; mall 

for the Rio San Juan, and so made his way tot] 

of Granada. Falling in with one .R-, a siic-e>>lul 

ITO. I\cfcn-ing to r continues : It appears 

lirt ] hat the 

:;H _ . I 


t!ic nil. ill rn I 
i further vhcn he .- 
I .jiKitri 

nlloil ; import. 

b lt lii 


1 }>y the fact that I : (as his r.: 

not a 

! ::i.-ly. in \.~>~~<. / 

>.">. .Molina, ii 

.Il lnl 
:<\ CM] Tiller ; I in reir. inl t> Coluilil 

V.I i. iiii. 


is 6: , the \> 


.-I th;i" 
In . vii. lii i. i\ 

inasinu ;onc of 


adventurer from Peru, he succeeded in borrowing from 
him three thousand castellanos with which he hoped 
to retrieve his fortunes. 

Gutierrez now endeavored to enlist men in Nicara 
gua, but disputes between himself and Rodrigo de 
Contreras, the governor of that province, caused a 
further delay of tw^o years. Contreras declared that 
his province extended to the border of Veragua and 
that there was no intervening territory for Gutierrez 
to colonize. Gutierrez on the other hand affirmed 
that the boundaries of Veragua and Castilla del Oro 
had been placed far south of those originally appointed, 
and that in consequence there existed a large domain 
of which he was appointed governor by a charter 
granted to him from the crown. Though the limits 4 
of Costa Rica as set forth in this document were 
somewhat indefinite, Contreras at length admitted 
that his opponent was duly authorized to take posses 
sion of the newly created province. He then endeav 
ored to dissuade him from his purpose, representing 
the country as rugged and his scheme as foolhardy 
and dangerous. "But if you persist in the occupa 
tion of that territory, take my advice," he said, 
"and keep one hundred well armed men upon the 
sea-shore, always ready to forage, sometimes in one 
direction and sometimes in another, for the people 

4 The first boundaries appointed for the province are those mentioned in 
the charter granted to Gutierrez, dated Madrid, November 29, 1540, wherein 
they are described as extending from sea to sea, and from the frontier of 
Veragua, running to the westward to the great river (Rio Grande), provided 
that the coast adjoining said river on the side of Honduras should remain 
under the government of Honduras, with power to Gutierrez to conquer and 
settle any island in said river which should not be previously located by 
Spaniards; and the right to the navigation, fisheries, and other advantages of 
said river; and provided that he (Gutierrez) should not approach to within 15 
leagues of the Lake of Nicaragua, because this territory of 15 leagues being 
reserved, as well as said lake, were to remain in the possession of the govern 
ment of Nicaragua; but the navigation and fisheries both in that part of the 
river granted to Gutierrez and in the 15 leagues reserved, and in the lake, 
should be possessed in common, conjointly with the inhabitants of Nica 
ragua. Molina, Costa 7?. and Nic. , 7. The author claims to possess a certified 
copy of unpublished documents stored in the archives of Spain, in which he 
states the conditions of the charter granted to Gutierrez. See also Oviedo, 
iii. 170, and Levy s Nic., C7-73. 


;m<l in tlii v onl 

i< > 

r n. 

law. hut it M -ueh al< 1-ad 

sue . .Hid the ewnt proved that i ! nd a 

politie. Iii a lof- : u that ill c <1 wiili 1 

bure conduct Gutierrez replied: "Tl mm- 

nl province v, I upon ni<- l.y tin- 

that I Illicit people and not pillage ! if 

D a<h to I trust in (i 

that to nif it may he more propitioua" Ii was 6 

doctrine, but doctrin* would Dot win. ( 

a force of H\ V men, h< with t 

ir the mouth of the KM Sun 1 - 

iidii!"- the liver f -r ahoiit three 1- ; 

O C3 

the ] came in sight <>f e deserted 

tli- ieani])in ( ^, were \ h< 

;<M to the value 11 hundred 

and i I in return some i 

;nk-t<, and an earnesi exhortation t<> j- 

the true faith. The native rli n-ftain- 
\vitli th< it- visit, and on returniii _ nt 

ii.-h, and the dried il f \vild I 

A gleam of BUCO ; hus at \\r>i { 

Inni/ation, hut he \ Doi 

.vliieh nied id: !le 

in tin- attempts of the Sjiau: d-li>h 

in the Xc-w World. 1 1 
I purji hut irascihl. 1 sin 

r of eonti-ol. A 
Tin; d: a: aihiv d- i tiofl tl; 

]Ji fn.m hun--er and t ! 

} i life, they ahandolied the 

5 It is st 




away to the sea- shore, where they fell in with two 
vessels from Nombre de Dios and so made their way 
back to Nicaragua. 

Left with only six followers, 8 his nephew Alonso de 
Pisa, one sailor, and four servants, Gutierrez had no 
alternative but to follow his recreant band. Digging 
a hole in the earth, he buried there several jars of 
salt, honey, and other stores not needed for his voy 
age, and embarking in a small river-boat descended 
to the sea. Soon he descried approaching the mouth 
of the river a brigantine, which proved to be in com 
mand of one Captain Bariento, with men, arms, am 
munition, and provisions from Nicaragua. Thereupon 
he turned back, conducted the vessel to his settle 
ment, and handing to his nephew all the gold that 
had been collected, amounting to eight hundred cas- 
tellanos, bade him return with the ship to Nombre 
de Dios and there purchase arms and procure re 
cruits. Girolomo Benzoni, the Italian chronicler of 
the New World, was at Nombre de Dios when Cap 
tain Pisa arrived early in 1545, and being, as he 
says, young and strong, filled with high aspirations, 
and desirous of enriching himself, he determined to 
return with the vessel to Nueva Cartago. 9 Other 
adventurers, lured by the promise of wealth, deter 
mined to join the expedition, and soon twenty-seven 
men were pledged for the new colony. 

On the return voyage the brigantine encountered 
a gale near the entrance of the river and was driven 
to the islands of Zorobaro, a short distance from the 
coast. There they remained for seventy-two days, 

8 E despues que alii estuvo un auo 6 mas, porque faltaron los bastimen- 
tos, se le amptin6 la gente 6 se le tornaron a Nicaragua ; 6 este gobernador 
se quedo con seys hombres solos . . . Pero aunque este gobernador estaba solo 6 
con tan pocos chripstianos ... no dexaban los indios naturales de les dar de 
comer 6 oro, sin hacer mal ni daiio d ninguno de los nuestros. Oviedo, iii. 180. 

9 ; E cosi fece vintisette soldati, e trouandomi io in questa Citt& volsi csser 
vno di que gli, ancora ch io fussi ripreso da vno Spagnuolo antiano, ilquale era 
andato nella prouincia di Cartagena, e santa Marta, e altri luoghi, per ispatio 
di quindici amii, dicentlomi, che in modo alcuno, mi lasciassi vincere di andare 
a tale impresa, e die non volesse dar credito alcuno alle parole del Capitano. 
Benzom, Mondo Nvovo, 84-5. 


i mins, i <>f tl: 

: killed ley 1 Such was tin- 1.1.-. of 

hat. during all tliis time i did 

:ir hours of sun-hiii 

hoi c mi the mainland dii pr- 

l)ii nvh midst nd 

untain, dnrin-- which time h< d Ol dls 

and berries, he r.-turned empty-handed FinalK 

heir way to tin- ncampmcnt of (Iuti< 
who, lieini; determined at all lia/.ard to people his 

ritory, immediately sent the ship lia- 
d 1 )in- I . .1- nmre recruil :i ri l - to t 

amount of ! n liumlrrtl llaiu r J lie nnm! 

ly increased to eighty m 

r riius r-- ; uforco(l he ! <>t hi> |>i nv- 

in< With foui- canoed ho ascended the 1 
and after uiakii distance of ahnnt ten 1 

landed at an Indian vill uli n-li I the 

of San Francisco in honor of the saint on wh< 
natal day the spot was reached. I leiv the j -irty 

waa met l>y c n eaciiiues, who ln-mi^ht ] 
<f fruit but no gold. The governor received them 
kindly, informing them throi r thai 

rs had in their JM> rel which v. 

nf the utmo thai they had oome a 

nd sonic of them for no other purj ihan 
rev< a! it. In return for thi C hri.Miaiis m 

have o-old. 

r rhc chiefs re then invited to a be \ 

consisting of f,\\l ami jM.i-k : hut d httl. 

relish for Mich fond, and merely hand- d it 

to their ndants to le . After the 

n exho .n in \vhi 

ms hai-an^ued h 

id hrothers, I am c> hither to f; 

m the chains of i<l>la ly wliich tin 
l>onn<l. I am com 

uh l (In-i-t. the 

HIST, i :., VOL. II. 


save you. With me I have brought holy men to 
teach you this faith, which to accept, and implicitly 
to obey our sovereign emperor Charles V., king of 
Spain and monarch of the world, and us his represent 
atives, comprises your whole duty." To these words 
the chieftains bowed their heads, but without making 


answer, neither assenting to nor rejecting the munifi 
cent and disinterested offer of the Christians, who for 
a little yellow earthly metal gave in return the ineffable 
joys of heaven. 

Nevertheless, the savages were slow to bring in 
their gold, and the governor, forgetting the lofty sen 
timents with which he had regaled Contreras prior to 
his departure from Nicaragua, looked about him for 
some means by which to enforce his injunctions. 
Being informed that two of the caciques, named Ca- 
machire and Cocori, 10 who had before presented him 
with treasure to the value of seven hundred ducats, 
were now encamped on the opposite side of the river, 
he summoned them into his presence, at the same 
time pledging his word for their safety. Reluctantly 
the chieftains came, and no sooner had they placed 
themselves in the power of the Spaniards than Guti 
errez ordered a strong iron collar to be fastened round 
their necks, and chaining them to a beam in his dwell 
ing, taxed them with stealing the buried jars of salt 
and honey, and demanded restitution, or, as an equiva 
lent, a large amount of gold. They answered that 
they knew nothing of the matter, and had no need to 

tj O 

pilfer articles of which they possessed an abundant 
store. Camachire procured gold to the value of two 
thousand ducats, which was greedily appropriated by 
the governor, but served only to whet his appetite. 
In place of thanks, baptism, and restoration to liberty, 
the cacique was dragged before a burning fire ; a large 
basket was placed beside him, and he was told that 

10 Oviedo names the two caciques Cama and Coco: E cada dia traian oro 
al gobernador, el qual, como hombre de ninguna espiriencia, prendio a uno 
de aquellos caciques, que estaban. de paz, que se decia el Cama (cl qual era 
muy rico), porque no le daba tanto oro como este gobernador le pedia. iii. 180. 


iliin lour (I, ,ld < nou^-li 

iill it six times be should be bun. :h. n T! 

i;iblin<_r native pnmi>ed m\\> . 

Ills sl;i to collect the I I 

Jndian to be t ;m<[ believing him 

comply in i^od faith with d, Guti 

milted him to be led every day tot 

J his daily h;dif. J It -t ui iiin-- on o 
in tli- liatli, tin- soldier having t he captive in dial 
;lected |o SeCUTC liiin pl o[" and tl 

ni- ht he made hi- 68Ca] 

Cocori, who i-ciiuiim-d ;t ]ii-iM(.T, had i 

tr the brunt of the g . ATtei- liein-^ 

quently importuned lor ^:ld, \vhich lir ahvays 

clarc<l himself unable to ohtain, 

spot \\-hci-e blood-hounds were chained; bid to ob 

\\ell their lin^e teeth and !_deaiiihi<_ ;id t! 

cued that unless ^old were soon 1 >rihe ( ,iiiiii-- beshoi 

he torn and devoured by tl, 

dithe indignation of th<- cliiel tain unc ; 

ir. "You lie. bad Christians." he 

en have you made the same threat and y t I li\ 

I would rather die than liye in bondage ainon-_r 

such vipers which I e |y wonder how 
:r." r I1ie noble iiatr. 
i pad; animal. Thus did Die^o Gut 
iil hi pn imise to people th, an<l i o pil- 

la-v it. 

It was soon noUed abroad that the ho 

1 brought to the shores < 

of i he M-ospel v, to be dreaded t! 

the evil spirits which they had COB 

the iiei_rlil)orii tciques, fearinj k th 

iards, laid waste their own land-. d> I tl. 

11 I:i i 


crops, burned their dwellings and withdrew to the 
mountains, until starvation should compel the intruders 
to abandon the territory. The governor soon found 
himself in evil plight; moreover he possessed a tem 
perament singularly adapted to inspire distrust, dis 
content, and melancholy among his followers. Again 
they threatened to desert him arid return to Nombre 
de Dios or Nicaragua, leaving him in sole possession 
of the boundless forests, sole ruler over naked and 
hostile natives. He had but one alternative to push 
on boldly into the heart of the province in the hope 
of finding gold or at least a store of provisions. After 
some persuasion the men agreed to accompany him. 
The sick and disabled were sent back to the sea-shore, 
where Alonso de Pisa was stationed with twenty-four 
men, bearing orders that he should march through the 
forest along a track which would be designated by 
placing crosses along the route. Dividing a scanty 
stock of grain among his soldiers, now mustering but 
forty capable of bearing arms, Gutierrez plunged 
blindly into the wilderness. 

On setting out upon this hazardous raid, Benzoni, 
who affirms that he realized fully the situation, re 
marked to a comrade, "We are going to the shambles." 
Whereupon the other, a man of more sanguine tem 
perament, made answer: "Thou art one of those who, 
we intend, shalt have a principality in spite of thy 
self/ 12 For six davs no human habitation was seen. 


Through dense woods they journeyed, climbing the 
mountain sides by clinging to the roots of trees, and 
making the descent by sliding down their steep de 
clivities. Leaves were their chief food, and some half- 
picked bones, which the wild beasts had abandoned, 
furnished them a rich repast. 

The temper of the governor was no more happy 

12 Et cosi partissimo, e & pena die fussimo saliti dalle case, io indiuinai 
qnello c haueua da essere cli noi altri, clicendo a vno Spagnuolo, noi andiamo 
alia beccheria; e rispondendomi lui queste parole disse. Tu sei vno di quegli, 
clie gli vogliamo far guadagnare vn Prencipato al suo dispetto. Benzoni, 
Mondo Nvovo, 89. 


than his sir Yrrivin 

divided. ( rutiero a of an I 

train which r. 

some native \ i! <>! which 

He replied that In- did not know; wheiviip, ,n t 

ernor taking it lor granted that tl)> 

1 his head to ! f l,y 

TJi me question was then put to ( 

\ vd tlie Spaniard- of lnrd< 

same reply was made. Ajjfuin t niel 
the order to kill. As tl r appr. d 

him the In-,-: [ue instantly laid down his hurd 

\\vd liead, and calmly it-d 

\v. ly ih - iiohlc ! [ th 

and his own infamous condtiei itierrez coiinl 

nian<ie<l th r>rdci-, and tlic chieftain s 111 -- v 
I nrthcr misery. OH the ^j.ot wh( re tl 

occurred thi .Idit-rs w- d fix>m exh 

I, whilu lli nipaiiy advanced. 

Boon afterward E - ! by the Indians. r i i 

re now killed and their < !i\id 

n, the- governor iviV, 

more \vhole-ome viands \ 
IT his own usr. 11 

l>ut the c; < of Diego Gut; .h 

: so a(T ri tluif n and 

In- \\i-rr lil . lirin.L, th- ^" . 

tutti n< iu pun 

_;;,, [,, 

con ; Idle su 1 ; si :r 

i jv 

.1 iiiin n. .th:: 
11 ! 

UD an. I cat ol 
inc l, 
with i: 

: he had t. 

a tr- 


closed. The party was now upon the southern slope 
of the cordillera, on the banks of a large stream which 
flows into the South Sea 15 and the time was July 1545. 
A small band of disaffected men miserably clad, and 
destitute of food, had thus wandered far into the in 
terior of a wilderness. Whither were they bound, and 
what the insane hope that urged them forward? Gu 
tierrez who had been twice abandoned by his soldiers, 
was now resolved that these men whom he had brought 


with so much labor and expense from Nicaragua and 
Nombre de Dios should not escape him. Alarmed by 
their loud murmuring at the place ca]led San Fran 
cisco, he had hastily departed, cutting off, as many 
other Spanish leaders had done before him, all hope 
of ever returning except as a successful man. Could 
he have pilfered from the natives and thereby obtained 
food and gold, thus keeping his men in heart until the 
arrival of Alonso de Pisa, all would have been well. 
But until reaching the southern declivity of the moun 
tains the country was everywhere deserted. So rugged 
had been their path, and so toilsome their march, that 
they were now exhausted, and the natives whom be 
fore they had so much longed to meet and make their 
prey were now congregating to prey upon them. 

A day or two later the Spaniards were approach 
ing the vero-e of a forest. An Indian hidden behind 

the trees to watch their movements was observed 

running off at full speed to give the alarm. Next 
morning at daybreak they were attacked by a horde 
of natives who "advanced," as Benzoni relates, "with 
horrid howls and screams and noises with the buc- 
cinus shells and drums all painted red and black, 
adorned with feathers, and golden trinkets round 
their necks." "In one half of a quarter of an hour," 
continues the chronicler, "during which we killed and 

* o 

wounded a great many Indians, we made them turn 
their shoulders." 16 They soon returned, however, and 

15 The Rio Grande. 

10 Et hauendo combatttito dall vna parte, e dalP altra per ispatio di mezo 
quarto d liora, e hauendo noi altri ammazzato, e ferito molti Indian!, e alia fine 

Th 5 pania ..11 

jiii -kly l)ut 

six v, -lain. ( !ly uonndr 1, a 

liis li.-ad, hands, and i rrt \ 

his hody and hon. llir the r< 

which he- had prop .-.<[ t, siihju. 

I : :nnl)l-d upon Hi i- 

hnt lor which circumstance no hi- of 1 

X<-\v World \vuuld i produced ly h 

11 l- r," "1 he stonrx iVnin tin- sa\ !! 

upon it with Mirh force tliat it look j if it h 
liannnrivd 1)\- a smith." After hair-1 

"ii which tin- hi>f >riaii l "in!ly lin 
d ti wiili his ii\v conn l.y i 

an-ival of Aln>o d- Pi . and 

ni-ut and day the Mirvivors niad.- tlidr \\ ay ! 1 . 

San Juan, ami th nharked 

fatf [tare le spaHe. /. " >ntanns states 

atire la:;lr . 

: tlorh, nn-t vrrs. 

be swaei 

i harsi SS. 

; the g 

:;ial s*u person ic amlalia tullido dc gota 6 


ron l >s in-l; .1 those 

H< ; that t were 8urpris 

c slain, s< escape, 

:!)! that ! h:nl so 1 1. iii. Lsl. 

! < elapsi ecn 

; t his i coDoeri 


;>t tha: 

-fHiu-is i lijni>< 

that u> tli<- ]> tlic c 

: >lc, aii l took jilua.sun: in 

to nit- ami never \\oiil-l \ 

1 of t . ainl I can 1 

i OS tO t 

M^O in 
L He i * to 

i >r aca 

> o niii dosagobi s cnscficn a roba: 

seqi; .-sto vi; 


pecho estaba callado, en poco tiempo manifiestan las obras el contrario de las 
palabras. iii. 178. 

Other authorities quoted in this chapter are Herrera, dec. vii. lib. iv. cap. 
xvii.; Denzoni, Hondo Nvovo, lib.ii. 83-92; Bejarano, Inform?; Haya, Inform?; 

StaCruz, Visita Apost., MS., 14; Rdchardt, Cent. Am., Ill, 112; Salv., Diar. 
Ofic. 30 Mar. 1876, C18. 

The time of Diego Gutierrez fight with the Indians and death, as given 
by Oviedo, is contradicted in an official manuscript extant that places it in 
December 1544. It is the investigation made in Leon, Nicaragua, on the 
25th of June, 1545, and the writer assures us he has an authenticated copy of 
it. Peralta s autograph note in Peralta, llio San Juan, 9. 





1 ..i\VN 111. I. \NIS AT 1 

\-Hls A i .8 FOB 



vnniTii WHII.I: Ar. ivr. I > IIi-:v. 

. I>oV.\L Ills 1 >LI.U:HT IN Kl.oul.~HL]> L..K ITS o\VN SvKL - 1 Hi; KE8T- 


OF tlie c-vciits in riuairni;il;i during the thrc( rs 

su<- .iu^ tli arrival of ]\la]<l< 

IH c So!!K \vliat silcllt. Jll 8 1* to tl; 

dated 1 tnber 10, L 537, the viceroy Mendoz 

that IK- Lad received from the oidor a report \vh 

the province is i I...- at j>- 

condition, and that other accounts 1 
ch- (1 him represent!: intry to he well ^ 

iied. ]f this wc-re so Maldonados cha soon 

cl;a!iu d i>r the worse, for later we shall lind in him 
much to his discredit. 

i.irlyin 1338 a royal decree w, rived in 1 

y of Santiago, ordering that all who held i-ncumi. 
to marry within three y. -m the d 

of their n t i(icatin, or to lori .-it their Indians in 
! married person This order met with | 

Cot. D law was BOOL 

. !_ , ! uiul Novembers, 

13 to n in tlii was to be at 

fcri i luduui>, ui. 

I Ml] 


approval, and the cabildo petitioned the king to re 
consider the matter. Eligible women, they said, could 
be found only in the city of Mexico, so remote from 
the province of Guatemala that the expense of the 
journey was beyond the means of most colonists. 
Many declined to marry because they would not link 
themselves with persons socially their inferiors, 2 while 
the small number of Indians assigned to some would 
prevent their supporting a family. 

On his return from Spain in the following year 
Alvarado reports to the cabildo that, in company 
with his wife, come twenty maidens, well bred, the 
daughters of gentlemen of good lineage, and he ex 
presses confidence that none of this merchandise will 
remain on his hands. But the venture does not meet 
with the success the adelantado anticipated. At one 
of the entertainments given in honor of his arrival, 
and at which, relates Vega, 3 many of the conquista 
dor es were present, these damsels, who, concealed 
behind a screen in an adjoining apartment, were wit 
nessing the festivities, commented on the appearance 
of their prospective husbands in the most disparaging 
terms. " They say," remarked one to her compan 
ions, "that these are to be our husbands." "What! 
marry those old fellows?" was the reply. " Let those 
wed them who choose; I will not; the devil take them! 
One would think by the way they are cut up that they 
just escaped from the infernal regions; for some are 
lame, some with but one hand, others without ears, 
others with only one eye, others with half their face 
gone, and the best of them have one or two cuts across 
the forehead." " We are not to marry them for their 
good looks," said a third, "but for the purpose of 
inheriting their Indians ; for they are so old and worn 
out that they will soon die, and then we can choose 
in place of these old men young fellows to our tastes, 

2 Y otros que antique haya mugeres en la tierra, y ellos est^n en edad que 
todavia se sufra casarse, no las querran por las enfermedades contagiosas que 
de la tierra se han pegado. Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 14. 

3 Commentaries lleales t it 58. 

TIILY WILL NOT M.\l:i:v. : , 

in tli manner ihaf im old hrob-n ] 

ch. 1 for and sound." 

NOW It chanced t lie of t lie nM fell 

! \vh;it \v;is s;iid and told 1, 

with them by all D 

>ok to himself tin- dau 

his residence in Spain Al 

u comm :i from t il 17, 

153 . the Lp-ant of the twciit y-litth }>;irf of :dl 
nnd lands \\liidi IK- ini^lit discov-r, with the ti 
count, and tli- ig&Or 1 j - 

ppointed governor and captain u 1 for 

r all such territories, and was au 
on tli<Mii ilir- t ri : 1: iiior, 

.uacil mayor in perpetuity, and 

ence ly judges or r offi 

] rtainin^ to the litting-out of liis il- Tl. 

dit ion was to 1 t liis own exj> ml li 

a \. . dii 

i nds. 4 From a 1 
also learn that ho was .- 

explorations northward, 1 and ror 

dii 1 all the principal of/ieial the \ 

aid in the anv>t and puni^lii: 

rdinates \vl ben disco\-eii 
ma . hould i ulfil missi >n - ini 

-, or di>olcy him undrr any j :n- 

>uld I ly the ei 

Tl: privi I in c 

j in the conqu d Qi 

llarly in ni 

ly his \\ il e 1 ). iz d- 

r , l0S-( . // . ! 

// vii. HI), ii. - 

rit-so, por I:i eost.a ! os 


> ttood 


and on the 4th of April landed in state at Puerto de 
Caballos, with three large vessels well filled with pro 
visions, materials of war, and all things needed to 
equip a second fleet on the shores of the South Sea. 
He was attended by a large retinue of cavaliers. 
Among his troops were three hundred arquebusiers 
all well armed and accoutred. 8 

Collecting a large number of natives he at once 
began the task of transporting his ponderous freight 
toward the coast of Guatemala. Anchors each weigh 
ing three or four hundred pounds, artillery and 
munitions, iron, chain cables, heavy ship tackle, and 
cases of merchandise were dragged along by Indians 
yoked together like draught-animals or carried on 
their naked shoulders, to be conveyed a distance of 
a hundred and thirty leagues across a mountainous 
and difficult country. Forty-three days were con 
sumed in making the journey to Gracias d, Dios. 9 
Numbers of the unfortunates succumbed and dropped 
senseless, only to receive the curses of the commander 
as he ordered their burdens to be placed on the backs 
of others, who were constantly arriving in fresh relays 

sister of his former wife, a special dispensation of the pope was required to 
legalize the marriage; and through the influence of Cobos and the power of 
the emperor a bull was granted. Such an authorization was rarely obtained. 
Oviedo, iii. 214-15; Alvarado, Carta, in Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antiy., 179; Ga- 
varrele, CopiasdeDoc., MS., 43-4; Gomara, Hint. Ind., 269; Torquemada, i. 
323. Ilemesal, who is in error as to the date of this marriage, has this remark 
respecting the dispensation. Licencia que se da raras vezes. . .Y entoiices 
parecio mayor liberalidad del Sumo Pontifice, por auer sido el primer matri- 
monio coiisumado. Hist. Chyapa, 17. See also Benzoni, Hist. Mondo Nuovo, 

8 Alvarado, Carta, in Artvalo, Col. Doc., Antig., 179; Herrera, dec. vi. 
lib. ii. cap. x. Oviedo says Alvarado brought 400 men; that he touched at 
Espanola and took in supplies, staying there 17 days and leaving on March 
12th. iii. 214-15. In Datos Bioy. the number of men is given as 250, including 
hijosdalgo and men-at-arms. The cargo included 300 arquebuses, 400 pikes, 
200 ballcstas, much artillery, and rich merchandise, valued at over 30,000 
ducats. Cartas de Indlas, 709. The date of his arrival is obtained from his 
own letter to the cabildo of Santiago above quoted. Remesal states -that 
there existed in the archives of San Salvador a letter of exactly the same 
tenor, but dated April 3d, and as he quotes the commencement, which is the 
same as that of the letter preserved by ArtSvalo, it was either a duplicate, or 
Ilemesal commits one of his careless errors. Gavarrete, in Copias de Doc. , 
MS., 43-4, gives the date as the 1st of April. 

9 Here, as will be hereafter related, Montejo surrendered to Alvarado his 
claim to the provinces of Honduras and Higueras. 

lair; Tn ilr In- ] 

port of 
ships li;id a! 

Alvarado -pared \\ > in < m- 

iif , not only using nil his o< !, n t, 

Trowing la; 

Ahoid-, Au;_ni>t I T M 

had lor SOUK- time past IM-CU i : in : 

])loivd regions lar to t >rth 
with UK- marvel] of th . citi 

nnd their \vondci-l\il wraith. T 

1h<- Itciiiciit beoai JIali 

(lain: :clnsive ri-!it that 

intry, and anioiiM- th.-m A! 

liurri i-\vard the JM-.-J).-; .r hi 

1 lef >re the middle of l.Viu h 

nioi-rcMl l>y iiuincrous rccrui id a ; 

had been c d, and equi 

"While nt Santo DominffO OH tnni v 



11 cns.-.s \vcre enormous. i oslosgastos 

quc liizo (JUG in ].- 1.;. 

. . .ni lo.s trili. 

v, ill, in v. 




. v .1. ii., this so: 
11 hips. 

K!UJ -S incluiling a ;: 

I : soak" 

QM l .small; . { : I8ta; 


ies. ! ,-<crts ; 

nt in 
lo as sailing : : 


with everything that foresight could suggest. Leav 
ing Don Francisco de la Cueva as his lieutenant- 
governor, the adelantado sailed from Iztapa, 15 and 
landing at Navidad in Jalisco proceeded to Mexico, 
where he entered into arrangements with Mendoza 
relative to the expedition, and their individual in 
terests in it. 16 The agreement was not concluded with 
out considerable wrangling as to terms, and Alvarado 
probably considered himself somewhat overreached 
by the viceroy. 

Having remained five or six months in Mexico he 
was now prepared to set forth on his expedition, 17 
when an insurrection having broken out in Jalisco his 
assistance in suppressing it was requested by the act 
ing governor Onate. Contrary to advice he entered 
the revolted province with his own troops, not waiting 
for other forces to join him, and attacking the peiiol 

is even more discrepancy with regard to the number of his men. Viceroy 
Mendoza states that the force consisted of 400 men and GO horses. Carta, in 
Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 507; Oviedo of 1,000 men, some of whom 
he brought from Spain, and others had seen service in the Indies ; Herrera 
that there were more than 800 soldiers and 50 horses ; Bernal Diaz, C50 sol 
diers besides officers, and many horses ; Tello, 300 Spaniards ; Beaumont, 800, 
and 150 horses, and Benzoni, 700 soldiers. 

15 Herrera states that Alvarado despatched his expedition to the coast of 
Jalisco, there to wait for him, and went overland to Mexico, and Oviedo, 
iv. 20, also entertains this view ; but Mendoza and Gomara, Hist. Ind. , 2G8--9, 
distinctly states that he sailed with his fleet, and the former s testimony is 
conclusive. Oviedo gives the additional information that Alvarado sent a 
messenger to the emperor with an account of his expedition and drawings of 
his fleet. Oviedo had an interview with the messenger and saw the draw 
ings. Vazquez wrongly asserts that on his voyage the adelantado discovered 
Acajutla. Chronica de Gvat., 159. He had already done so as early as 1524. 
See I fist. Cent. Am.,, i. 070, this series. Bernal Diaz wrongly gives 1538 as 
the date of his sailing. Hist. Verdad., 23G. The time of his departure was 
about the middle of 1540, for on the 19th of May of that year the cabildo 
requested him when on the point of departing with his fleets to take with him 
the imprisoned princes Sinacam and Sequechul. Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 30. 

16 In Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 351-G2, is a copy of the agree 
ment between Alvarado and the viceroy. Oviedo gives the copy of a letter 
addressed by Mendoza to himself, in which the viceroy states that the king, 
in his contract with Alvarado, was pleased to give him a share in the dis 
coveries without his knowledge or solicitation, iii. 540. Mendoza states that 
this share was one half. Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 507. Article 
20 of Alvarado s capitulation with the crown authorized him to give Men 
doza one third interest in his armament. Vazquez, Chronica- de Gvat., 159. 

17 Acordamos dcspachar dos armadas; una para descubrir la costa desta 
Nueva Kspaiia, 6 otra que fuesse al Poniente en demanda de los Lequios y 
Catayo. Mendoza, Carta, in Oviedo, iii. 540. 

ATI! 01 ADO. 

in met with the <1< which ] 1\- 

i. ls \Vhile coverin-j; the ; 

.<! .i tli i;ird, his i ry M . in 

Hi;/ 1 u j. 

1 that, tin- animal l>t i hold a ii<l roll: 

: ilck Alvarado. who W&S toil! 

ing liis horse, and crushed his <] ]j -1- 

ening to ] found him ; 

hie, and as BOOD Bfl he had somewhat r 

liiin on a litter to Guadalajara, !!< suffered j !v, 

: his f anxiety wa jn-ocin-r a \\\-l - wli 

lie could n-licvc his hunlriH-d M>U!. Borne al 
this lii t. joiii ih-y, his -ins weigh* een m- 

.ivily upon him than hodily fort un\ ;m<l it \\ ith 
ivli-f that he greeted tin- arrival of a i riar who had 

n sinninoncd iVoin a neighboring ti. him, 

und.-r BOme ])iiu- 9 <n tin- ra . the COIKJ 

of " iemala coin 1. and lin^eri: 
days ivrriv. :ch consolation as \ 

ild /\\ It was t f July l ."> 1 1 thai 

d hi 1, having ma h he 

a}>] Juan do Alvarado of i <i M, 

and MaiTo(jnin of San . his . 

Hi >n did not perinit lull details, hnt 

uctioiis that the will should 1 
with whom he had communic 

the ] tnance <r c< - f -r tl 

hi ;1. 1 !e oi dei-ed hi- body to 1 iii t 

adalajara, tlienee i 
;)iti o, and I !ly interred 
J Domingo, in th y of M 

of his funeral enough of hi- j 
"V. .1 \\li. sangre por la 1>oca dccia: 

: t-> T 



dalajara or Mexico was to be sold by auction; and he 
left strict injunctions that all his debts should be paid, 
subject to the discretion of Bishop Marroquin. 21 All 
his remaining property was bequeathed to his wife, 
and summoning before him the captains and officers 
of his vessels he ordered them to return to Guatemala 
and deliver them into her possession; but this injunc 
tion was never executed. After the adelantado s de 
cease, his men dispersed in different directions, some 
remaining in Mexico, others returning to Guatemala 
or making their way to Peru, while the fleet which 
had been constructed at so great an expense and at 
the cost of hundreds of lives, was appropriated by 
Mendoza. His estate was so encumbered that the 
viceroy did not suppose that any one would accept as 
a gift the inheritance with its liabilities, 22 and in 
another letter stated that no one cared to do so. 23 

Duly authorized by tFuan de Alvarado, his co- 
executor, to settle Alvarado s estate, Bishop Marro 
quin framed a will, bearing date of June 30, 1542, in 
accordance with what he represents were the wishes 
of Alvarado. It is quite voluminous and is, with the 
exception of the preamble, given in full by Remsal. 
Much is done for the relief of Alvarado s soul, which 

remains were still at Tiripitio, * dode esta- en ten-ado, que es en Tyrepati. 
The former left 200 ducats to the convent where Alvarado was buried. He 
also left 1,000 pesos de oro de minas to found a chaplaincy in the church at 
Guatemala, that masses might be there said for his soul. Some years after 
the death of the bishop the daughter of the adelantado had her father s remains 
transferred from Tiripitio to Guatemala, where they were interred with great 
solemnity in the cathedral, Rcmesal, Hist. Chyapa, 100. Gonzalez Davila says, 
1 En el ano 1542 el Obispo comeco h executar el testamento del Gouernador 
D. Pedro de Aluarado, and erroneously adds . . . y el Obispo traslad6 su cuerpo 
de Mexico & Santiago. Teatro Edes., li. 148. 

* Tello, Hist. N. Gal, 394-5; Beaumont, Cr6n. Midi., iv. 274-6; Remcsal, 
, Hist. Chyapa, 161-2; this last author, page 187, states that Marroquin in 
carrying out the intentions of Alvarado s will, ordered the payment to be 
made for a set of clerical vestments which the friar Betanzos ordered him to 
furnish as a penance in 1528. Bernal Diaz remarks, Some say a will was 
made, but none has appeared. Hist. Verdad., 236. 

22 The viceroy states that Alvarado s debts amounted to 50,000 pesos de 
minas, to which must be added 15,000 more expended by himself on his ac 
count. Carta, in Carias de Indias, 253-4, and fac-simile R. Bishop Marroquin, 
August 1541, gays that he left at his death debts to the amount of 50,000 
pesos. Id., 429, fac-simile V. 

23 Mendoza, Carta, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 507-8. 

Cl OF A 

at \\ 
rin-mn Tl; 

I ixl 
itid altar-. th ! his in; 

<!< I ih- bequ -f insigni 



I ii ,-i vault beneath tin- high altar 

< ilKlf clliala til lit* (I- Al 

iinally laid : him v. 

<>{ 1: 

. t lidii-h iii charac 
h - his <>|>jnit ( lorte s \> 

and nohilif y <! soul : Al\ara< 

herous, and dish* iVank<! 

r, and la\ .r.s liL a[)fd upon him \ 

31 In the v;il r S.-nr .l\-;inulo liad a !.: s \\irli 

n-icil sl;i\-c<, c .llccti-il in tho fl! 

i*-.l tin: ju iiu;i]>:d l>.nl> ;ui<; " 

without i: 
on. ] -lit- lii.-!i..p i 

1 (lui ll on tin- l;iinls tlii-y 1 

.ii!y in tin; .- 

and Iii- .11 altar in the 

mil . I. which tl < 3aid masses I 

i-l-inim s-t fi 

liis pla: . lio\\i-\.T. until I 

., <lurin;_: \vhii-h tiint- tin ir ; 

i Alvani 

hidi . , Ian. DCS, h It 

Was aj par. nt! 

\\ Inch -t ami in 

, l.uilt nil tin- as.- 

,H that all t; 

l.y tl 


thr .-. 

\\ i 1 1 1 

dimotii". in / 

Hl> . AM , V i . II. 14 


ingratitude. In the breast of Cortes beat an affection 
ate heart, stern though it was, and he seldom failed 
to win the true regard of his followers. The conqueror 
of Guatemala was void of affection even for women, 
and his choice of wife or mistress was inspired by am 
bition or lust. To govern by fear was his delight. 
Cortes was cautious and far-sighted; Alvarado im 
petuous, never anticipating other than favorable re 
sults. In versatility, as well as in mental and moral 
qualities, Cortes was far superior to the adelantado 
instance the mutiny at Patinamit. Cortes would have 
suppressed it, had such a thing ever occurred under 
his command. Alvarado s career hardly affords the 
means of fairly estimating his qualities as a commander, 
for he never met his countrymen in the field. Never 
theless, though his victories were chiefly owing to 
superiority in arms and discipline, he displayed on 
several occasions genuine military skill, and his quick 
perception, coolness, and presence of mind, which no 
extremity of danger disturbed, ever enabled him to 
act promptly and rightly in the most critical positions. 
That he never sustained a reverse in arms, from the 
time he left Mexico in 1523 until the disaster which 
caused his death, indicates generalship of no mean 
order. As a governor he was tyrannical, 25 and his 
capacity for ruling was inferior to his ability in the 
field. 26 

Judged even by the standard of his age it must be 
said of him that, while ever proclaiming disinterested 
ness and loyalty to the crown," 7 none of his contem 
poraries were inspired by a more restless ambition, and 
lew actuated by more thoroughly selfish motives. 
Success appears to have rendered him callous to any 
sense of shame, and in the last effort of his life he was 
prompted by boyish egotism and foolish pride, being 

l, Hist. Chyapa, 172. 

2G Fue mejor soldado, que Gouernador. Gomara, Hut. Tnd., 269. 

27 In a letter to the council of the Indies he says: Pues todo lo que yo 
estubicre sin ocuparme en algo en que sirba a Su Mag. lo tengo por muy mal 
gastado. Carta, in Squier^s MS., xix. 31. 

Till! \\TAT.n V. o n 

sji jeal o|)]>u>iii.,n to tl i throi; 

\\-\: : he had been i to his hi 

A perusal <>f the despatcl (luring- liis ],, 

:1<1 \\illiout other evid< >n- 

clil tllilt lie was 1 he victim of Q 

dir him hy his countrymen, who d< 

bo the emperor, misrepn 
and decried hia conduct. lint hi iier I 

dr< ! to Cortes during tlie days of their iri-nd 
reveal more e u Tuctly the true character of the 
Th \\ G see portrayed his and; 

mind in d . his eapaeil lie 

lit in bloodshed, hlendrd v.ith th 
tli- j-an^-ely }>revalent ;mi>ML, r his countrymeD, tb . 
Avh -viiiLj: th<- devil to the nitern . he v. 


glorifying God, and winning lor himself ial 


Alvarado loft no legitimate oflspring, for though 1 

28 lie wrote to the emperor requesting that ii t-lian n- 

had 1 tliat ( 

a-ditiitt il. ll i. lib. : 


29 1 give . ith a copy of Alvarado s . i: 


\ 1 : 


i Roma 1 ido 


. vunulu. 

", CoplaA de D< 


li was to serve uuiil no waa \ 

^ ; gusto, qti ara 

Yai :ig08tO 


i do.-,!a 

uplos, Lfyrs. 

. -- 1 
talidad (.; 



had two children by his second wife they both died in 
early childhood. 30 Numerous illegitimate children, 
however, survived him, among whom may be men 
tioned Dona Leon or, Pedro, and Diego de Alvarado, 
his offspring by a daughter of Xicotencatl, the lord 
of Tlascala. 31 

30 Juarros, Guat., i. 347. 

31 Dona Leonor married Pedro Puertocarrero and afterward Francisco de 
la Cueva, brother of Alvarado s wife. Pedro was legitimized by the em 
peror. This was, according to Bernal Diaz, Hist. Veraad. , 237, the natural 
son, mentioned also by Saavedra, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 
247-50, who went to the court of Spain to claim moneys due to his father, 
and whom Saavedra recommended urgently to Las Casas the councillor of 
state. Diego was slain in 1554 by Indians at the defeat at Chuquinga. Mar- 
roquin informs the emperor that Alvarado left six sons and daughters desnu- 
clos syn abrigo alguno. Cartas de Indicts, 429, 432-3, 709-10; Cromara, Hist. 
Ind. , 269. Another son named Gomez, by an Indian girl in Guatemala, is 
mentioned in the will afterward framed by Bishop Marroquin. Remesal, Hist. 
Chyapa, 185. For an account of the presentation of Xicotencatl s daughter 
to Alvarado, see Hist. Hex., i. 227-30, this series. 



1520 l. iU 



TKIKI M.\ KIN \ rs Tin 

His WITH ! | -Tin: 

ART n < .\rrri:K or THI: Sn LD OF < 

Mr: r- I ll l. ll: J I^E OF THK 

YRDS i<;irr J niK 

CHAMI -M\n ro Si; . OLTOF 

TiiKCiiiA; --TimuSuBJUOATi 


Firi.u--Hi>. ] i- OF Vi, 

\x TAKI:S THE ll \ OF MA/.A 

FOR many centuries ln-tniv tin- ! -innin-j- of t 
Christian era, and proliaUy for two OF three liuii l. 1 

! Jati-r. tli- 8 where nov. :il tli<- ruins oi 
tque in ( liiapas 1 was tin- cei of on 

i-l ul monarchies in tin- \\ rn wni-U. the - 
Maya empire of t:i. ( lianes. T. Votai e cull 

hero, who, acrc.nli; , .Mava traditio; .iinin;^ his 
descenl from ( han, tin- scrjn-nt, first intr-Mlnct-rl rivil- 

into Ann-rii-M, and 

aa a god, d the found, 

dyna.-ty altoiif three tliu>ainl \ ^o. a 

1 ( > a, aa appears from several 


passim. > iiifaui; 

Iso * sweet w:i 
i Mazariegofl ! from 

anecs furtilitJ ihemaclvesagaiii^t 

! _ . 

1 i v - : , this 



It is related in the oldest records obtained from 
the archives of Mexican history, that the Tzendales, 
a tribe dwelling in the neighborhood of Palenque, 
shared with the Zoques the northern part of Chiapas, 
while the southern and central portions were occupied 
by the Zotziles and Quelenes and also by the Chia- 
panecs, who, though at first confined to a narrow 
strip of territory, finally overran the entire region. 3 
Whether the Chiapanecs came originally from Nica 
ragua, or were a detachment from the great Toltec 
swarm that swept southward into Guatemala, or were 
descended from the mythic Chan, is a question that 
is yet involved in some mystery. We know, however, 
that after their arrival they built a stronghold which 
proved impregnable until the advent of the Spaniard 
with his superior skill and weapons, and that here, for 
centuries before the conquest, they maintained their 
independence and extended their possessions. 4 

It is probable that, as early as 1520, Spaniards pen 
etrated into this region under the auspices of Monte- 
zuma, while friendly relations were still maintained 
between that monarch and Cortes. After the fall of 
the Mexican capital, dismay at the achievements of 
the great conqueror was so widely spread that many 
independent tribes sent in their allegiance, and among 
them the Chiapanecs. 5 These different territories 
were soon portioned out in repartimientos, and Chiapas 
was assigned with other districts to the Spanish set 
tlers in Espiritu Santo. No sooner, however, was 
the attempt made to render these repartimientos prof 
itable by the exaction of tribute, than the natives rose 
in arms. Many settlers were killed, some offered in 
sacrifice, and all the efforts of the colonists to pacify 
the revolted districts were unavailing. 6 

3 Id., i. 681-2; v. 603-4. 

4 For the aboriginal history of these people I would refer the reader to my 
Native Races of the Pacific States, vol. v., passim. 

5 MazarieyoSi Mem. C/iiapa, 5, 6; Cortes, Diario, xix. 390; Jtiarros, Guat., 
i. 10; Id. (ed. London, 1823), 210; Larrainzar, Soconusco, 16; Ite-mesal, Hiat. 
Chyapa, 264. 

6 Mazariegos states that harsh treatment drove the Indians to revolt, citing 

Tn 1 ritn 

of ( aptuiii J . 

.(1 \vl. d ]) 

man ahutit thir 

id "I with i 

3 mark ith t iu 

tmanship and c >nal p<\\ 

di . and without ;n- 

iprudent t> mar inst t 

lender force at hi-; oinimand, Marin 

>m Co: 
witli an auxiliary hand of thi; d in- 

l to prorcd to Cliia[>as with all tl, 
uld inn ami rsfahlish tlu-r. a Spanish t \\ n. 

\l MrniiiL;- to Esplritu . v >, Marin lost i 

lit his ordr After soi l.y 

; a road through the in; 

lie arriv ik of the rivi-r ! 

;ii 7 and >]o\vly marched up th 

Id of the Chia] n to t 

rds i V tlie name of Chia ]) 

fortl i lie coi eld ; 

3. -\cmrdi: .1] .1 )iax, v 

ition, they co; I of i 

jiiehiisicrs, GO fo I with 

-7 hi . ahout 80 Mt and th< 

[rinci; -liiil, 

in ha<l al-o a field ; in rh; 

oni IK,- .sup; 

ra and un aa slaves at t 

i>eso8 fi 

.cse st;. 



regard to i : " tlic - 

! -. 


ll|> tli 

a thai 


The escribano Diego de Godoy was his second in 

The Spaniards now continued their march with 
much caution. As they approached the populated 
district, four soldiers, one of whom was Bernal Diaz, 
were sent to reconnoitre about half a league in advance 
of the main body, but were soon discovered by native 
hunters, who immediately spread the alarm by smoke 
signals. The army soon afterward reached cultivated 
lands with wide and well constructed roads. When 
within four leagues of Chiapas they entered the 
town of Iztapa, whence the natives had fled, leaving 
an abundant supply of provisions. While resting 
here the videttes reported the approach of a large 
body of warriors, 9 but the invaders being on the alert 
placed themselves in position before the enemy came 
up. The battle which ensued w^as indecisive. The 
Chiapanecs, deploying with much skill, almost sur 
rounded the small Spanish force, and at their first 
discharge killed two soldiers and four horses, and 
wounded Luis Marin and sixteen other Spaniards, 
besides many of the allies. The contest was main 
tained with great fury till nightfall, when the natives 
retired, leaving numbers of their men on the field so 

7 o 

severely injured as to be unable to follow their com 
rades. 10 Two of -the captives, who appeared to be 
chieftains, gave information that the confederated 

states that there were five other horsemen, who, however, could not be 
counted as lighting men. The artilleryman he describes as muy cobare, 
and informs iis that the natives of Cachula, Iba teblando de miedo, y por 
halagos los llevamos q nos aytidassen a abrir Camino, y llevar el fardaje. 
He also asserts that the levy was held in lent, 1524, adding Esto de los ailos 
no me acuerdo bien. His memory w r as correct, however, as is proved by 
Godoy s despatch to Cortes, which will be frequently quoted later. 

9 The Indians of Chiapas and its district were tlie terror of surrounding 
towns, and were incessantly at war with those of Cinacantlanandof the towns 
about Lake Quilenaj^as, robbing, killing, reducing to slavery, and sacrificing 
captives. They even waylaid merchant trains on the roads between Tehuan- 
tepec and other provinces. Bernal Diaz states that without exception they 
were the greatest warriors of all New Spain, superior even to the Tlascaltecs 
and Mexicans, 

10 The number of natives killed as related by Bernal Diaz is so dispropor 
tionately small that some error must have ci^ept into his text. He says, Ha- 
Lamos quinze dellos muertos 1 , y otros muchos heridos q no sepudiero ir. Hist. 
Vcrdad, 178. 

id- of all ti. 

new tin- attack mi t he follwiii"- ,1, 


All night \ .nt watch < Th- 

arms: and the IK ddled a 

died, v. <! within r 

There \\-as not one "f the Spani. did 

] ni^lit attack and divad j Xund if tli 

ivly wounded ; t heir 1- ad fnm 1 

of Mood: and the unllincliin;^ firmness of 

pa i had dulled their self-confidence; lut no call 
arms aroused them from theirfitful sluml><Ts, and 

sunrise they wearily l>uekled ..n th rmor and [< 

d to renetv th it. 
During the engagement of i!n jnwious 

lior>einen, di-re- ai-ili ii _;- the in-. F Ma 

,iis, had -ut! 

\i>in-- their lances too early in tlu; i 

: \\iv-ted Iroin their . and t 

tin Ord iK\ 

charge in s<jua:U of ii\ their 

out of i-each, and not to them until ti ny 

(airly 1 iddeii <lo\vn and their lrr :i ]>i eken. 
Tin- field-piece was loaded, and I 

ing now completed, the Spania -nl 


I, leforc the invad 1 in ,t of 

uphold, the enemy appra! iii C 

order, and advancing to 

They \ armed with javelins, \vlii 

they hurled fr.>in impl m -i. 

: witli lo\\-s and aiTOWS, and \veaj)ons siniil 
toothed swords; with slii. and 1. 

than th t the Spaniard^: 

api oi: ton r- .ichinLT from head : 

Mild P ll 

under ; MM in <ini< jut 1. in ai 

11 ] .. >as coull in tnith l>o call-.l a , 

s strongly built, . :- than 

.!. Braascur 


and ordered the artilleryman to open fire. But the 
gunner, who had entertained his comrades during a 
long inarch with stories of his brave deeds in Italy, 
blanched before the coming onset. His legs trembled, 
and grasping his piece to support himself, he was 
unable either to train or fire it. At length the loud 
execrations and angry shouts of his comrades, heard 
above the clamor of the foe, roused him from his help 
lessness, and with shaking hand he discharged his 
cannon. But his clumsy \vork was worse than his 
inaction, for the only result was the wounding of three 
of his companions. 13 

At this mishap Martin at once ordered his cavalry 
to charge, while the infantry were rapidly formed in 
column. After a long and obstinate contest the 
Chiapanecs were finally routed; but on account of the 
nature of the ground pursuit was impossible. Ad 
vancing toward the town the Spaniards unexpectedly 
discovered after ascending some hills on their line 
of march, a still larger host of the enemy awaiting 
them. The Indians had provided themselves with long 
ropes and deer-nets with which to entrammel and 
capture the horses. In the ensuing battle the invad 
ers sustained unusual casualties. Several of the horse 
men lost their lances; five horses and two cavaliers 
were slain; and so continuous and well directed were 
the discharges of javelins, arrows, and stones that ere 
long nearly all of Marin s command were wounded. 
At this juncture a hideous object appeared in the cen 
tre of the Chiapanec ranks. An Indian woman, nude, 
wrinkled, and obese, her body painted all over with 
ghastly designs rendered more effective by tufts of 
cotton, had arrived upon the battle-field. No Empusa 
could be more frightful. The creature so ran the 

de Bourbourg suggests that these aprons were made of india-rubber. Hist. 
Nat. Civ., iv. 574; but Bernal Diaz, 178, says, Co buenas annas de algodo, 
and Gomara, vnospaneses rodados de algodon hilado. 

13 Bernal Diaz contempt of this man is expressed by an epithet particu 
larly offensive to a Spaniard, nuestro negro Artillero que llevavavanios (sic) 
(c[ bien negro se podra llamar). Hist. Verdad., 179. 


t --was re l>y tli ir di- 

;<l her presel; 

insure thriii victory. 11 I Jut the nat: 

recognized tl ignificanee of h< rival, and \vn 

ii; ly ilieir 1- -s in a compact hody, dai:: 
their way Up to lid , "and h, 
I goddess/ 9 as I >< rnal I )iaz aliin 

Though disconcerted the natives do IK.; yield, rely 
ing on their numbers and th -ir con 

O O 

hard-pressed Spaniards, supported ly t nd 

lion of their priest, 1 " iHit wit!i r 
Tiie cavalry ngain and a- ain ride thr- 
criisliin^ ilirin <lo\vn and trampling t un<! 

until their ranks are broken and e d. A :th 

the Chipanecs seek safety, some on the neig! 

iiid others l>y swimming the (!<[ and ra; 
31 a/a ;>an. 

Vftcr devoutly thanking God f->r tlie \ id 

singing the salve iv-ina, the Spani Ivancr t-> a 

small villa^-t? n<t la;- from the city <-h 

tlirir camp lor the night, greal p 
to p .t snrp: A n< W con 

uncxp.-cf.-d ([uarter. Ahoiit midnight tea India: 

the rivrr in canoes, and allow them 
quietly captured. llrou^M hd or.- 3 j 
that they are natives <! Xaltepcc, and I. 
I jUered and ,-uslavcd ly the ( 

^ bcfoi They to aid tl 

Mipplvin-j; them with canoes to d ; he i 
pointing OUl a ford, and. mo inform Kfarin 

many of tli<- forces of the Cliiapain-.-s, haviu 

d into t anxious to tlirow nil 

yoke, and that, they will - o o\ > him in I 

eli _ :K lit. 

M;;rin at once accepts the oil . :id it 18 
that twenty can< ;ill J) hrou-ht earlj in t 

morning. The reinaimh r of th ;i- 

14 < \ 

14 V ili.v m -i I / /. 


out further interruption, though the enemy is heard 
mustering on the other side of the river with noise 
of drums and concha. At daylight the canoes arrive, 
and the army proceed to the ford. The crossing is 
effected with great difficulty, the water being breast- 
high and the stream rapid. As they approach the 
opposite bank, the enemy rains down upon them such 
showers of missiles that again hardly a man escapes 
unhurt. 16 For some time they are unable to effect a 
landing, and Marin s position is critical, when fortu 
nately their new allies cause a diversion by assailing 
the- Chiapanecs in the rear. The cavalry are thus 
enabled to gain a footing on the bank, and the in 
fantry soon follow; the natives are put to flight in all 
directions. This is their final struggle. The summons 
to surrender is immediately complied with, and the 
Spaniards enter the city without further opposition. 17 

All the neighboring towns were now ordered to send 
in their allegiance, and such an effect had the subjec 
tion of the hitherto invincible Chiapanecs upon the 
different tribes that resistance was not even thought 
of, Cinacantlan, Gopanaustla, Pinula, Huehueiztlan, 15 
Chamula, and other towns tendering their submis 
sion. The conquest of the country was now consid 
ered complete, and Marin had already apportioned 
out certain repartimientos when harmony was inter 
rupted by the conduct of one of the soldiers. 

While at Cinacantlan, whither the army had pro 
ceeded, Francisco de Medina left camp without per 
mission, and taking with him eight Mexicans went to 

16 Nos hiriero cesique d todos los mas, ya algunos d dos, y atresheridas. 
Id., ISO. 

17 Three prisons of latticed timbers were discovered in the city. These 
were filled with captives who had been seized on the roads. Among them 
some were from Tehuantepec, others were Zapotecs and Socontiscans. Many 
Indians also were found sacrificed, and in the temples were hideous idols, y 
hallamos muchas cosas malas de sodomias que vsavan. Id. , 180. 

18 Called by Bernal Diaz Gueyhuiztlan, also Guequiztlan, Gueguistitlan, 
and Guegustitlan, which are probably misprints. Hist. Verdad., 180-1. 
Godoy spells it Huegueyztean. Mel., in JJarcia, i. 168. The first author writes 
for Cinacantlan, Cinacatan; Godoy, Cenacantean; and Herrera, Canacantean. 
dec. iii. lib. v. cap. ix. 


. v, 1, nnnded --,,],! ,,f the I 

the name of Mann. A I v. triii n hi 

Lut not satisfied with these I, i/,-d th< 
the ex; ;tion ol tfting a n. T; ( hanni- 

lans, how man, and M.-dina v, 

t Lack to Cinacantlan, wh-iv In- \\ , u 

X<> \planation> on tin- part OJ riii 

illed to parity the indignant people <>f ( Ihamula, 
liad, moreover, indurudt! ,.( JIu< -hitri/tlan 
thnu in tin- revolt. Jlis in \ of 

d with driiaiir On tin- J .Mh <! Maivh ( , 
Ava nt into tlir dis.-tiii-i-tfd district with ;i BID 
. Lut found the attitude of th- 
jr tliat he drrnird it Lrst to avoid liostilil nd 

urned to report, ^[arin w,. bthisti 

in a beautiful valr surrounded Ly pinr ;j no 

eat distance iVoni Cinacantla Hr nw <-Mn>id- 

d it i ay to reduce ( hanmla Ly force of an . 

and demanded of the Chiapaiiers a conth] .\o 

hundred warriors, which \\ as at onre supplied. 

were ,-dso sent to thr friendly ;tiu of ( 

liritiiiLi an eijiial iiinnLer. 
On Hie :JUth of March, ahoiit ten o clork in : 

19 ( lojoy in his d i to C<- itos th; was released 

that on their ivtuin -"ii.-.l i 

.t him. 1 
him ^nanl ( a por I 


IS.M-H a M. i fpio ( 

.sftcur . 

.i. lil). ;ti"ii <if tii- 

/informs \\uaa8oldierofhi .ilinu . 

tiio >^ his h 

i it lat< T. which lu- doca on jwge I 
: d; he \\-as kill-.l 1 
.lars of Mhirh event set- 

:unn him x-s \vh 

:uluras expedition, i< 

who. s- 
them, mailc him walk ; ie groii 

is ae los Espaftoles, was foun^ 

:i Cliii4 >ut three leagues frv 

//., I 


morning, the troops arrived at the foot of the eminence 
on which Chamula 22 was situated. The ascent, at the 
only point where attack was possible, was impracti 
cable for horsemen. Marin therefore ordered the cav 
alry to take up a position on the level ground below, 
and to protect his rear while the assault was being 
made. 23 The infantry and allies then scaled the height 
and were soon in front of the fortifications, which they 
found to be of a formidable character. A palisade of 
strong cross-timbers let deep into the ground and 
firmly bound together was the first obstacle to their 
entrance, and behind it was a bulwark of stone and 
mud nearly twelve feet high and four feet in thick 
ness, into which were inserted strong beams. This 
again was surmounted, along its whole length, by a 
wall of heavy boards six feet high, supported by 
strong crossbars on both sides, all firmly lashed 
together, while at intervals loop-holed turrets had 
been erected commanding the approach. At the 
strongest part of this bulwark was the single entrance, 
which was approached by a narrow flight of steps 
leading to the top. 

Though astonished at the strength of these ram 
parts, the Spaniards did not hesitate to assault them; 
but during the whole of the day all they could effect 
was the destruction of the outer stockade. Repeated 
attempts were made to mount the steps, but at each 
effort the assailants were driven back by the long 
heavy spears of the defenders. Incessant volleys of 
missiles were directed against them; their ranks 
suffered severely; and it soon became evident that 
some other plan of attack must be adopted. 24 The 

22 Called Chamolla by Herrera, and also by Gomara. Conq. Hex. , 233; 
Chamolan by Ixtliloxchitl. Horribles Crueldades, 71. 

23 Godoy states that the horsemen were divided into three troops, which 
were stationed so as to form a cordon round the hill; Bernal Diaz that the 
cavalry attempted the steep, but were found to be useless, and that Marin 
therefore ordered them to retire, as he feared an attack from the towns of 
Quialmitlan (Huehueiztlan ?). 

24 Yno les podiamos hazer dano ninguno con los grandes mainparos que 
tcnian, y ellos a nosotros si, que siempre herian muchos de los nuestros. 
tiernal Jbiaz, Hist. Verdad., 181. Godoy on the contrary says that the 


only] ieahl which 

ii the wall with j)icks and s mi 

ls. Nativ 
im plum- > the valley \vl 

I had hern I. under the ] of t 

cavalry; and the 1. s now < rue; 
era! strong fram< ieli capable of holdin 

men. 25 Ti juished up t< t: 

<-o\vr of them the Spaniards I L tol 

it. The Indians poiuvd on them Idirnin-- pit 

inLC water, fir and hot eml> ;d lii 

died (hem with heavy rod .akin^ it I 

\vithdi\-iw them i<>r repail Then in mocker] 

they threw golden ornament > J " at th 
in;^ Spaniai ds, and with taunting word- m. 

"IS it gold you want? We -bundai. 

why come ye not in and take it?" 

But their sutv.-s \\.-is <>{ short duration. The i 

soon s; Aliened, and In the pick ; W- 

lar v. plied against th .11, n< Imost ] 
Al oiit the liour of vespers 2 - two 

de, and the assailants, ru.-diini; 1 thr in 

a hand to hand encounter \vilh ll. lamr. 
horc themsrh . ith such unyieldi; 
the eross-howmen placed their i 

! of the foe ami disc- . d them \\ithoin 

aim. The conte.-t wa 

sustained luavy loss from the cannon and cross-bows. 1. 
, i. It); 

; no montinn of the Iniildin^ of these sli. 

s also t 

doy K: ban 


account of tl 
3 las almcnas 
as, 6 ( 

vn ] o. 


k in tin- afternoon. 1 



of rain, and so murky became the sky that the com 
batants could barely distinguish one another. Marin 
withdrew his men under shelter, and, the storm abating 
in an hour, again advanced on the stronghold. No 
missiles were aimed at them as they approached the 
barricade, but a serried line of spears confronted them, 
and no orders were given to storm the position. At 
length Bernal Diaz with a single comrade crept up 
to one of the openings, and peering in found the place 
unprotected. Then mounting the ramparts he beheld 
the Indians in full retreat by a precipitous path leading 
to the valley below. The Chamulans had fled, but 
not all. The two Spaniards were soon attacked by a 
body of two hundred warriors still left within the 
enclosure, arid but for the timely arrival of the Cina- 
cantlan allies Bernal Diaz had never lived to write 
the True History of the Conquest of Mexico. 2 The 
retreating host was at once pursued, and a number of 
captives were made, principally women and children. 
No gold or other valuables fell to the lot of the 
Spaniards, but they found in the town what was of 
more benefit to them a store of provisions- -for, as 
Godoy relates, the men had not tasted food for two 
days. 30 

On the following day, the 1st of April, Marin re 
turned to his camp, whence he sent six of his prisoners 
to the Chamulans summoning them to allegiance, 
bidding them to return to their stronghold, and prom 
ising that all the captives should be released if they 
submitted. These inducements had their effect, and 
the deserted town was soon again repeopled. 31 

29 Bernal Diaz was slightly wounded by a spear- thrust in the contest which 
occurred before the rain-storm, and was only saved by the thickness of his 
cotton corslet. He claims to have discovered the ruse of the Chamulans in 
planting their spears in position, but on this point his narrative is doubtful. 
Godoy says, I hallamonos burlaclos . . . i subiendo el Albarrada, no Jiavia 
Horabre dentro. Rel., in Barcia. i. 168. 

30 Hallamos harto de comer, que bien lo haviamos menester, a causa que 
los dos Dias no haviamos comido, ni teniamos que ni aun los Caballos. Id, 
Ixchitlochitl, contrary to Bernal Diaz, Godoy, Gomara, and Herrera, states 
that they obtained much booty but few provisions. Horribles Crueldades, 71. 

31 Godoy states that 200 Indians had been killed on the first day of the 
siege; while on the second so many fell that they were not counted. The 

or THI: 

<ls now advanc< 

\vhei inhahitant <, <\\ JCOU1 

( hanmla, n. l.ut .-i feeble r A tli 

it. 8 .d of tin; towns in th> 

iinnioned rarrender, hut no answer 

turned, .MIX! Mann, not venturing to ni.Mivh 

> i 

tli- ith liis Blender force, returned to Li 

rinacanflan. I Im- I nn discii->i.n W.MS held 
ing the carrying-out oi ( or truct 

found a town. Opinion was divided; hut the final 

ion, supported l>y Marin, v, hat it \v> 
rotis to do so o\vii. the 

iiiiiii and the want of ncc< 

Ma riu no\, \ liis fare homeward. Man-li; 
jdon^ the hank of the .Ma/ajian h- ] 1 tin 

number of towns, in all of which he nn-t with a fri -mlly 

and was "; d with <>. ;l)iiii->ini. 

1 irsing a portion of Taha>e<> h- eno i 
hands <>f ivfi -y nati hut reached K-piritu 
into in safety at the beginni f April l.V_M. 

I ) n this date and the close >f ! 

known of the events which occurred in Cliiaj ml 

much eoni usion exists in the ments of 

chronicle; .Durin tin- \\\\ is litt 

1 l>y \A\\< Marin t<> ! is a ^c^ .ret 

ht yc;, 
i ula waatranst 

lad, 181. 

this opinion was \in:uiim<>us. In tl: 

nal I>: 
hiivin-, \vi.-!i.-,l t .in. ( 



( lii.-.ji ^ H On t 

:.ich v. a tlu- L 

h.irscs tli. 
follout .1, in wliirh < 

nt jar him ami (Jrailn in ir.ns a: 

M llt 

wa >leaed ly th- 

liapaa, aiv 
i. 1. 

HIST. CE>T. AM., V.-L. II. 15 


reason to doubt that the natives again rose in revolt, 
but we have no particulars as to this outbreak, except 
that Diego cle Mazariegos was sent against them from 
Mexico with a well appointed force, and quickly re 
duced them to submission. 83 

For a time the Chiapanees yielded to their fate, but 
the exactions and cruelties of Juan Enriquez de Guz 
man, who had been appointed captain of the province 
by Marcos de Aguilar, 84 drove them to desperation, 
and during the latter part of 1526 they once more 
broke out in rebellion. Again Mazariegos marched 
against them from Mexico, at the head of a powerful 
corps, 35 supplied with five pieces of artillery. Retiring 
to the stronghold of Chiapas the Indians made good 
their defence for several days; but at last the Span 
iards battered down their fortifications and advanced 
. to the assault. Still the Chiapanees flinched not, and 
fought until they could no longer wield their weapons. 30 
Then followed a tragedy as strange and appalling as 

3i>! Both Herrera and Hemesal state that this first expedition of Mazariegos 
was undertaken in 1524, and in this statement only, and in the number of 
the forces, do they agree. Herrera s account of the campaign of 1524 is copied 
almost word for word by Hemesal in his narration of the one in 152G; and 
the former author as lightly mentions Mazariegos second expedition as Re- 
mesal does his first. The latter may, however, in this instance, be relied upon, 
as he quotes from the archives of Mexico. The entrance of Pedro Puertocar- 
rero into Chiapas from Guatemala is mentioned by both authors, as an inci 
dent of the campaign which each describes, but it is impossible to believe that 
Alvarado could have spared that officer with a body of troops during the 
eventful year 1524, when fully occupied with the conqiiest of Guatemala. I 
have, therefore, adopted Remesal s chronology. It is strange that he does not 
seem to have had any knowledge of Mariii s expedition, as related by Herrera. 
This somewhat perplexes Juarros, who remarks that Bernal Diaz narration 
is circumstantially so different from the relation of Remesal as to induce a 
belief that the latter had been misled by false information. Ouat. (ed. Lon 
don, 1823), 210-11. 

^Bernal Diaz, Hist. Verdad., 221-2. Guzman was a near relative of the 
Duke of Medina Sidonia. Id. 

35 Mazariegos was cousin to Alonso de Estrado, then governor of Mexico. 
Eemesal gives the names of more than 80 officers and soldiers who accompanied 
the expedition. Noticeable among them is that of Juan Enriquez de Guzman, 
who appears to have returned to Mexico after the outbreak. In the -same 
list appear the names of two priests, Pedro de Castellanos and Pedro Gonza 
lez. Hist. Chyapa, 2G5. From Bernal Diaz we learn that Mazariegos was 
instructed to take Guzman s residencia. Hint. Verdad., 222. It was the 
performance of this duty, perhaps, which, at a later date, made Guzman so 
bitter an enemy of Mazariegos. 

30 Pelearon, hasta que pudieron leuantar los braos. Herrera, dec. iii. lib. 
v. cap. xiv. 


-led oil the p V. 

ion of tin- Tanehi Vm 1 

thi l.lanched 

Spaniard-, who>e business was hutcher\ . 
wh wen inethin>_r nn 

than lay within tin :i of ai !< : 

here w, dune ly alM.ri-inal A 

which in tin- way of chivalry, of lofty E 

-mined deliverance iVom ai at, ha> f. 

parallels. And what is moei significanl aboul it, 1. 

they known all, it was the l.e>t tin lid 1. 

oselves, to . from ( 

any cos This is whal they did: 

Scorning to yield them>el\ 
population of the town ru>he<l to the \, 
which overhung t; ! a/.ap:m, and th 
and wives. pareD :nl children, I 1 in cL 111- 

hrace, hurled lhem-el\ -e> headlong, thousands of t In-in, 

upon the n>cks In-low or into tin- swift-running ri\ 

Tl: aniards a ipted to inter! lut of a 1 ! t 

multitude only two thousand could d." : 

P6 removed to a plain a I down tin- ri\ nd 

;n tl. ttl. nn-nt >[>i un-- t :n- to\l n i 

1 Indies, which hecanie in tii. popul.. 

While ^Fa/ar: [Died a 4 

liold of the Chiapanees. ] , c.nij) 

liad ap] I on tin- tield. i < I 

invaded the province from tin 

87 Q in:i< .1 dclloa en *los ve/t-s cj- con- 

1 _ !, \\1. U* t 


ami JiM-.-t 

; t,, 1 us in all America, coir 


is aware that 

\\a.s in Spaiu at t: 


and Mazariegos regarding him as an encroacher, now 
marched against him. He found the interloper sta 
tioned at Comitlan, and his lamb-like followers would 
probably, by way of variety, have indulged in a con 
flict with their countrymen, had Puertocarrero been 
strong enough to meet them. But his forces were too 
few to hold out any prospect that it would terminate 
pleasantly to himself. Besides, Mazariegos was hu 
mane and prudent. He spoke the intruders smoothly 
and in a Christian spirit, represented to them how 
glad he would be to receive them as brothers, and 
generously offered them repartimientos in Chiapas. 
So no blood was shed. But many of Puertocarrero s 
men deserted him, and he retraced his steps in angry 
mood, having engaged in an expedition worse than 

The control over the province was a matter of dis 
pute on more than one occasion. That it was in 
cluded in the governorship of Guatemala is evident 
from the provision extended by the king to Alvarado 
in 1527, but the fact that he took no part in its con 
quest would seem to invalidate his claim. That nev 
ertheless he acquired a certain amount of control 
appears from a cedula issued April 14, 1531, and 
quoted by Kemesal, in which he grants permission 
to the settlers to deal with escaped slaves as if they 
were branded. Again in 1532 we find that the cabildo 
furnished him with two cannon for his South Sea ex 
pedition, though the members confessed that they did 
so only through fear of his causing them fresh trouble. 40 
The country, being now subjugated and free from out 
side interference, lay ready to be portioned out to the 
conquerors in repartimientos. This process occupied 
some time, and the rest of the year was passed in re- 

40 Hist. Chyapa, 279. The colonists of Espiritu Santo also laid claim to 
the territories of Chiapas and Cachula, as is seen in a royal ce"dula of 1538, in 
Puga, Cedulario, 115. Juarros says that Puertocarrero being informed of the 
disturbances in Chiapas considered it his duty to repair thither and endeavor 
to restore tranquillity. Guat. (ed. London, 1823), 214. 


aizing the province am! if- col >ni 

ii. It \ lienl to found 

and <>n the ! Maivh I 

of Ind! constructed ;i nuinl><. 

di>tant ;il)()Ul ;i le;i- i, .if tl 

town of Chiapas. A meeting was tin n h<-l<! .hieh 
the lieutenant-governor explained th;it tl. 

had .1 was not i. ily int 1 t<> !>< | 

main-lit . ;ni(l that if a limn 

, the cnlnny should 1 

time, in the nainr <>t his }. :,- 

municipal nilivrs. and a 1 ward 

incut nf citizens took }1 

lii-in nnlrd. The town was named Villa 1 
]\Iazaii native city, Ciudad Eleal of La !ia. 

The newly appointed cabildo then \\cnt im 
and the appointmeBts f J.uis d- \,\\\\ 
general, and ( i iin<> de ( , 

I and acc L 41 

But it \Vii 11 (liseo\ 

unfavorable. It was Imt, un 

the nei ;hhnriii _r swamps, and i; with u. 

and ha Tl. 

|)laili of Jlllev Zaeatlan, 4 - t \\cl\e 1 .t. 


1 Iei-e were rieh, arable, and 

\vii iverand ninm-mus >t ; .hun- 

dant >U}iji]y nf water. ^\ lown was I illy laid 


jiartinh. nte<|, and the territory ] iii 

nd peoni; It 

hildo held on the 17th of AT 
. that all who desired htain land Iron, 

-lintild do BO 1 V J>lirel: 

:d-d to them l>y i-. 
\ -Hi i lie approprial ion of their prodi, 

! ].\ .// rros, II 


tion by animals. Any Spaniard who sent his servant 
to gather maize from their fields was to forfeit ten 
pesos de oro for the first offence, and for the second to 
lose his servant, who was to be publicly flogged. Reg 
ulations passed during the early part of the following 
year required that all encomenderos should assemble 
the sons of the caciques at their residences to be 
instructed in the doctrines of the church. Christian 
ized natives were to receive Christian burial, and 
others were to be decently interred outside the city. 

The administration of Mazariegos appears to have 
been based on humane principles and to have had in 
view the welfare of the settlers. But this condition 
of affairs was of brief duration. In 1529 Juan Enri- 
quez de Guzman was ordered by the audiencia of 
Mexico to take his residencia, and appointed captain 
general and alcalde mayor of Chiapas. His investi 
gation was conducted in a spirit of vindictiveness 
which can be accounted for only by the fact that the 
latter had previously been his juez de residencia. He 
stripped him and his friends of their repartimientos, 
and gave them to his own creatures; he appropriated 
his dwelling and town allotments, and when the man 
whom he thus despoiled soon afterward set forth for 
Mexico, gave further proof of his enmity by changing 
the name of the town to Villa Viciosa. By a royal 
cedula of July 7, 1536, its name was again changed 
to Ciudad Eeal. 43 ; 

Guzman now exercised his power without restraint, 
and laid the foundation of permanent evils. All offi 
cial positions were filled by favorites of his own to the 
exclusion of those entitled to them; the encomiendas 

43 A coat of arms was granted to the town in 1535. It was as follows: 
A shield with two mountain ranges with a river flowing between them; above 
on the right a castle, Or with a lion rampant against it; on the left a palm 
Vert in fruit, and another lion rampant, all on a field, Gules. A decree of 
the state congress of July 27, 1829, again changed the name of the place to 
Ciudad de San Cristobal. Pineda, in Soc. Mcx. Geog., iii. 371-2. Consult 
also Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro Edes., i. 188-9, where will be found a wood-cut 
design of the arms; Itemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 271, 272-3; Mazariegos, Mem. 
Chiapa, 18-19; Juarros, Guat., i. 12; Pineda, Dencrip. Geog., 48. For mean 
ing of viciosa see Hist. Max., i. 145. 

LK 01 N . 

,ken from those to wh<>! 
iicd, ;ui<l distrihut. un<! 

and in ;i ii-w months t IK- wl 

in li Af ;i later d 

of tin- two alcaldes, the procurad< 1 the 

city majordomo hrcamu salahlr. 44 
divided info DUmerOUS ivparlin. and in 

principal town a lieutenant <! t In- alcalde ]; 
ned. " X<l. . < for t 

bion of justice, but ratli-r to .-upcrinlcnd ]T 
and scandalous repartimi - and t ilcct 
di r Tlii- rnmeni !; 

was o[)p;-cssi\- ,- ( n<l cxli ; to the c> 

it the i-iiin <f tlir towns of (lii. : tril- 

Tlf |>roviiic sul>j-ct to til ral ; 

tli- ic-ncia of ; hut their coiitn l 

cised with little att -nt! ini] nieiit of i 

in. This st 1 until 1 ! 

ludioncia of the Co: > wa 
C. hiapa \ included in its ju 

of ;il"uaril innyor Cgos; tho> 

.ch; tJ; 
!i:ilf a |K-S I ; 
and lat r i r 1,110 \n ----- . / 

pas ! -omit of ! I >ia/. has ! 

: t the . 

.ition, i.s also worthy .lit. I 

Mit of the proceedings, th< !i was 

t!an, has not yt t ;i; 



f July l")-:5. In IT 
1 it in Madrid, in his o>l!. 

ility of their sta 
in mind t! 

wrote fix- 

penrs t 

iii. lib. v 






THE old Milanese chronicler, Girolamo Benzoni, 
mentions that during a journey from Acla 1 to Nombre 
de Dios about the year 1541, his party entered some 
Indian huts to obtain a supply of provisions. The 
inmates thinking they were about to be enslaved 
attacked them savagely with hands and teeth, tearing 
their clothes, spitting in their faces, uttering doleful 
cries, and exclaiming guacci! guacci! which Benzoni 
translates as " the name of a quadruped that prowls 

1 Benzoni spells the word Aclila and states that the town was situated at 
a distance of about two bow-shots from the shore. Hondo Nuovo, 77. For a 
description of its site see Jlist. Cent. Am., i. 418, this series. Girolamo Beii- 
zoni, in 1541, joined the Spaniards in their forays for gold and slaves, and 
traversed the Central American provinces. Regarded doubtless as an inter 
loper he does not appear to have met with the success he expected, and in 
1556 returned to Italy determined to vent his spite by an expos6 of Spanish 
greed and cruelty. In 1565 he published the work entitled La Historia del 
Mondo Nvovo, dedicated to Pius IV., and containing 18 wood-cuts, withliis 
own portrait on the frontispiece. The second edition, somewhat amplified, 
appeared in 1572, followed by quite a number of reprints and translations, 
particularly in German and Latin. The well known version by Chauvet on, 
doctor and protestant preacher at Geneva, the Novce Novi Orbts Historice, 
Geneva, 1578, was frequently reissued. The dedication praises Benzoni for 
exactitude and impartiality, and notes by other writers are added to confirm 
and explain the text. De Bry gave further value to this version by means of 
maps and fancy plates. Purchas, among others, treated it with less respect 
in offering merely Brief e extracts translated out of lerom Benzo. Amends 


I) IN! 

,t in 

h fond, and f ll, 

nting to a med tl 

that (liciv \\ ere DO - -\ b< r Indian La! -n th -ir 

lin<- "! route, !<>r 1 Sp.-nr liad c-illiur killed <>r 

slaves of the entire 

In Honduras slaves w< ill kidnapped, and 

M-ht in ls.-,7, wlu-u t!ir i .nly full I was i- 

Iniiral Smyth, uml 
] < S..IHCU h;it l ;n:l-. 

li:. i| t \ I lflitly t. 

\v World, tli. thvindK-d int 

at Hi" 

..r to 1 

he all 
. .-nt.s 01 int iKi, 

d rumors current jimon^ gossips. lh: 

ho tr. iiato 

il suo j.iu li 

i hi., iii. I .il. ]_ >. 

a-liilad. .n juit ; 

Ollt hi 

the \v.ik, mu.-ii . f i s facts 

r by llu- rhronidcrs, ;i: s of a mail 

not iml)!i. d ui;h : 

II naturally 

nnl th :in. 

And . . u ii.. . 

and things, and who is . 



him i 

eras st- 

i ad 1 



by ship-loads among the islands or in Nicaragua, so 
that in the vicinity of Trujillo, where formerly were 
native towns with from six hundred to three thousand 
houses, there were in 1547 not more than a hundred 
and eighty Indians left, the remainder having fled to 
the mountains to avoid capture. At Naco, which a 
few years before contained a population of ten thou 
sand souls, there were, in 1536, only forty-five remain 
ing. At a coast town named La Haga, nine leagues 
from Trujillo, and containing nine hundred houses, 
there was but one inhabitant left, all having been sold 
into bondage save the young daughter of the cacique, 
who had contrived to elude the slave-hunters. 3 

Cruel as was the treatment of the natives in every 
part of the Spanish provinces, nowhere was oppres 
sion carried to such an extreme as in Guatemala. 
Here little distinction w T as made between the allies 
and the conquered races; even the faithful Tlascaltecs, 
who, after the conquest, had settled with the Mexi 
can and Cholultec auxiliaries at Almolonga, being 
enslaved, overworked, and otherwise maltreated, until 
in 1547 there were barely a hundred survivors. 4 The 
natives of Atitlan, who had never swerved in their 
allegiance to the Spaniards, were treated with equal 
severity. After sharing the hardships of their mili 
tary campaigns, they were compelled to supply every 
year four or five hundred male and female slaves and 
every fifteen days a number of tributary laborers, 

3 For the condition of the native settlements in Honduras, see Montejo, 
Carta*, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., ii. 223-4, 228, 240-1; and 
Squier s MSS., xxii. 24-6. 

4 By c<5dula, dated July 20, 1532, they were exempted from other than a 
nominal tribute of two reals, Juarros, Gtiat., i. 74; ii. 343; but this order 
was unheeded. In 1547 the survivors drew up a memorial to the emperor 
representing their past services and sufferings, and petitioning for their rights. 
The document was written by a friar and referred .to the licentiate Cerrato, 
who was instructed to see that justice was done to them. Memorial, 15J+7, 
MS., in Centro America, Extractos Sudtos, 41-2. An attempt was made at a 
later date to impose tribute upon their descendants; but the Mexican govern 
ment confirmed them in their rights in 1504: Fueron amparados en posesion 
de su libertad, y se Iibr6 en Tenuctitlan & 6 de noviembre de 15G4 real pro 
vision, que conservan los naturales de Almolonga en folios de pergamino 
encuadernados en forma de libro, empastado con tab las fiuas, y forrado en 
terciopelo carmesi, etc. Pelaez, Mem. Guat., i. 167. 


Mini fr->m 1 and pri". 

!i. They \\ ^mvd to furnish, l><--id 

(|(l;i!l! [ cloth, id poult n 

grievous were fche burdens laid upon tJH in t!i -en 
the caciques were impoverished, and their \vivt- eom- 

of bur* lull a lid till< . ! the 


Midi was the tr "lit to which the most faith- 

ful allie^ of tli- Spaniards were subjected, I fell 

err nay we n .pect to iind in(lirt-d on I 

who, undeterred by <! . du and 

their OppreSSOl No words can depict tli> 

of il, haploss rac> ^ holrsale ^lau^htrr, ha; 

, and burning, torturing, mutilatin d brand! 

l il]. .\vcd the suppression of a n-volt. Starv,-r ion, 
liai i, blows, iainting- uinlur intolerable lun 

18 of air, and untimely death, were their !<>t 

in time of peace. During Alva: hue th 

of life ^ aton and in ickenii In th 1 tield 

ing auxiliaries were I -d on human llesh 

belli"- but ibr food; childl ell Were kill* d ami 


d: nay, even where there was no want < f p 

i were slain ineivly l .r the 
hands, which Were este< ( <lelica-i -< by the anth 

3 races. Xor were tin- marital relal of 

tin- i: my mere considered than it they had b< 

nat.uix? the brutes \vhieh the Spaniards ii of 

i in ])ra<-iic JI holds wnv rendci .-d des 

>rn iVuni husbands and dan-lit 
]>areiii d among th< 

n. while the children \ . WO1 k at 

. and t here pTi>!n-d !<y t mds. 

Tim.- the \\ -juilation |>i 38ed, and it is 

I by Las Casas that during the lirst ti. or 

!i \ t the eon<|iie-t the d ;ieti"ii of 

5 Iu tli<> tim- trilnto of o;i. 1 . 400 xi.j\iipi!^, ;r 

W8 ].;ii.l until l->\ 2. /, 

\. *_ _ . 

I WllS tilt ! 1, Jl H. 


Indians in Guatemala alone amounted to four or five 
million souls. 6 

None of the conquerors of the New World, not even 
Pedrarias DaVila, were held in such dread as Pedro 
de Alvarado. When the news of his landing at Puerto 
de Caballos was noised abroad the natives abandoned 
their dwellings and fled to the forests. In a few days 
towns, villages, and farms were deserted, and it seemed 
as if the whole province of Guatemala had been de 
populated by enchantment. 7 The plantations were 
destroyed by cattle; the cattle were torn by wild 
beasts; and the sheep and lambs served as food for 
the blood-hounds, which had been trained to regard 
the Indians as their natural prey, but now found 
none to devour, 

6 Regio, Ind. Devastat., 38-40. How populous the country was may be 
imagined from the fact that Alvarado represented it as exceeding Mexico in 
the number of its inhabitants. Et ipsemet tyrannus scripsit majorem esse 
in hac provincia populi frequentiam, quam in Hegno Mexico, quod & verum 
est. Id. Las Casas also states that, when the Spaniards first entered the 
country, the towns and villages were so many and large and so densely popu 
lated that those who marched in advance not infrequently returned to the 
captain demanding a reward for having discovered another city equal in. size 
to Mexico. Hist. Apolog., MS., 28. 

7 It will be remembered, however, that Alvarade procured relays of Indians 
from Guatemala to pack his material and supplies from Trujillo to Iztapa. 
Enough were left, remarks Remesal, upon whom to wreak his vengeance, and 
the Cakchiquel and Quich6 princes, who appeared before him to do him hom 
age, became the first victims. They were reproached with the reforms brought 
about in their favor, during his absence, as of crimes worthy of capital pun 
ishment; for daring to complain to the governor they were accused of rebellion. 
Nameless adventurers, who had been unable to extort enough gold from them, 
or take from them their vassals to work in their fields and houses, pretended 
that the ill-will of these chiefs had caused their ruin, and loudly demanded 
that the adelantado should grant new repartimientos according to their ser 
vices. Alvarado, who was wounded to the quick by the appointment of 
Maldonado, listened to all these complaints, and now displayed his usual bru 
tality. Prince Cook, Ahtzib of the Cakchiquel crown, he ran through with 
a sword. Tepepul, king of Gumarcaah, or Utatlan, and the Ahpozotzil Cahi 
Lnox, together with a large number of lords, were cast into a prison on some 
frivolous pretext. When on the point of sailing from Iztapa, Alvarado being 
requested by the municipal council to determine their fate, settled the matter 
by hanging the latter and putting the former together with a number of the 
leading caciques on board his fleet. All of them perished miserably on the 
coast of Jalisco. Among his other victims was a lord called Chuwi-Tziquinu 
and 17 other Cakchiquel princes, whom he took with him from Santiago under 
pretence of conducting them to Mexico. When a short distance from the city 
he caused them all to be strangled. Remesal, Hist. Chj/apa, lib. iv. cap. iv. 
v. xx.; Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 797-801; Pelaez, Mem. 
Guat., i. 77. 


\ }\- as l 525 intelligence of t he ii-n-iMr i 

with \vliich depopulation was j 

iperor, and on the 17th of Xovemher he issued a, 
lula for protection of the fa>t < in^ i 

Jn I .) I .) In- ordered the council of the Indies to draw 
up regulations for the rmncnt of the provin. 

,-ind that Ixxly issued a decree regarding the treatment 

of nati\ -vhich, although the protection of tin.- in- 
of tlu. throne may he a so;ii \vhat ])roinincnt 
consideration, exhihhs sympathy and enjoins i ra 
tion toward the oppr< I ra<- Other ce*dula 

1 at brief intervals, 1 hut that all were inoperative 

*J > >> A .--,-. /. :>:, in 8oc. M >rj. t Doling v. . 

In t mible to this <lt !mt it 

re toil in mines and at other labor and the want of fo"<l ami ]>! 
clot hi m.; hail caused the d> ;it h of such numbers that sonic parts of the country 
hail In-come depopulated, while whole ili-tri abaiuloiie-l by the n;.l! 

A , ho had ; the mountains ami forests t j><- This 

,-ipply to the!. dominions in the. west t n mi l ;inam;i 

iorida. inquiry to be made relative to the killing, robb. 

and i!l -L;d lu-amliii;. 1 that the ] .tors shoul 1 be de- 

r to the council of the Indies. pi-ovisos were that si 
should I-- d to their native, country, and if this were not p 

be placed in ,able liberty, nor were t be 

heavily worked or made to labor in the mines or cl inst 

ill. In future expeditions of d: 

:th him tv, who v. dil- 

kindly tn-atment ir the Indians. Natives wh 
!y incl ; at the same time t:.e pr 

moi-ality and Lf>od customs \ >t left out of si^ ht, and i 

M lic: :.d by the priest they mi.MiL i 

Oni>:ian J-iui-i :ly no discov- 

it of thei nd on any of 

Indians to act : lib. iii. c:ip. lii.. that 

6 brai. vin^ been HP 

:md that, you; and tend. | \vns 

by hmi they j 1 from hui 

p. / :. M /<. / " .. i. brandin : 1m: 

vhoh.-id peaceably sabtnitled, ofthena; 

i >y \\\: 

tlie mamlati s of tin ul;i,and in addit 

d the - | the branding of Indians as 

1 >. U; them a-; vas.- any on .111- 

d to u mal>. ] !. not 

to b !y of governi: 

i of the _ rs of proviib -. N 

d in p>ld-mi: ]>ayn. 

- to belong tO 
1 1-ivi-d nf t:ie km . i acquired by inln-ritance, if they \\ : .iti- 

Id not 
bas in weight. In 15oG it was ordered that I who hud Ix-en a 


is shown from many incidents .which have already 
been related. 

Distant legislation was of no avail. The branding- 
iron still seared the captive s flesh, the pine-torch was 
still applied to the rich victim s feet, and the lash 
still fell on the toiler s uncovered back. The enco- 
menderos, bent only on amassing wealth, worked their 
Indians until they were on the verge of death, and 
then cast them forth from their houses or left them 
\vhere they fell dead in the streets, as food for prowl 
ing dogs and carrion birds, until the odor of corrup 
tion infected the settlements. 11 Nor did the homes 
of the living escape destruction or their property 
violent seizure. Their dwellings were pulled down to 
supply building materials, and the produce and wares 
which they brought each day to exchange in their 
market at Santiago were taken from them by the 
servants of the Spaniards, or by soldiers, w r ho repaid 
them only with blows or stabs. 12 

to move from place to place were not to be prevented from doing so. Other 
laws passed the same year were to the effect that no Spaniard of any rank 
could be carried about by Indians in hammock or palanquin. Negroes ill- 
treating Indians were to receive 100 lashes, or if blood were shed, a punish 
ment adequate to the severity of the wound. Native villages and settlements 
were not to be inhabited by Spaniards, negroes, or mulattoes. A Spaniard 
when travelling could only remain one night, and Spanish traders three days, 
in an Indian village. In 1538 laws were made ordering that caciques were not 
to sell or barter their subjects. This year also a modification of previous en 
actments limited the use of natives as pack-animals to those under 18 years 
of age. The Indians were, by all possible means other than coercion, to be 
induced to live in communities. In 1541 viceroys, audiencias, and governors 
were ordered to ascertain whether cncomenderos sold their slaves, and if any 
such were discovered they were to be exemplarily punished and the bondsmen 
thus sold restored to liberty. Kecop. de Indlas, ii. 192, 194, 201-2, 212, 277-8, 
288-9. These laws were general and applied to all Spanish America. Vaz 
quez states that, in the year 1714, there existed in the city archives of Guate 
mala royal cedulas, issued in 1531, 1533, and 1534, authorizing the branding 
of slaves taken in war or obtained by rescate. Chronica de Gvat., 37-8. 

11 In December 1530 the cabildo of Santiago was compelled to pass a law 
ordering the burial of the dead. * Los Indios que mueren en sus casas, no los 
entierran, e los dexan comer de perros, y aues, e podrir dentro de la clicha 
ciudad, de que suelen venir 6 recrecer muchas dolencias u los vezinos y hab- 
itates. 5 Itemesal, Hist. Ch?/apa, 30. Christianized Indians, whether servant 
or slave, were to be buried in consecrated ground at the depth of the waist- 
belt of a man of good stature. Others were to be buried an estado deep, out 
of reach of dogs, under penalty of 20 pesos de oro. Id. 

12 In 1529 laws were passed prohibiting such acts under a penalty of 25 
pesos tie oro, the proprietor of the servant to forfeit his ownership. If the 
person offending were an hidalgo the fine was 100 pesos de oro; if not he wa3 

l:AKTOLOM! : ; ]>] 230 

us nofwr Midii)-- the ordinances enacted hy 
tin- cm: r for tin- | i of the nati\ 

tli- i 1 hull i I in I ."):; I hy his holi- 

1 aul III. > i lie Lid; liherty 

the provi r nun! rapidly < 

1 and the condition of the survivors grew ^ 

arrived in the \--\v World. 
1 :i of the poorer and none of tin.- wealthier 

iiiiar .-.I to iind there an ahidh 

p: Spain s holde-t and nio>t reckless 1< it 1 

ami voyaged westward with the placid sal 

lion of ruilians ivl 1 from law s control, and now 

in the check of an ellectual executive pov. 
rded themselves as ma- of the 

In \~)\-2 Jlartolome do Las Casas placed in tl. 
liands of emperor the manuscript of his well known 
:i the . iiclion of the Li<! nd through 

the exertions mainly of that never-tiring i; ;ry 

a r junta composed ofecclesiast ljui-i>ts v. 

hcl previous year a! Yalladolid I MJ- the 

; of drawing up 1 e^ulal ions for the hetter gov- 

f the provinc- The great aj> of th-- 

ln! ; led his favorite cau>e \vilh all the lire of 

loquence, ur^in^ that the natives of the N 
rid were l>v th law of nature i 

ace to the now somewhat trite maxim "Mod 

allow evil tha ; >d may coin 

1 1 insular, to I he least, to hear 

such from the li Dominican," while 

100 lad ! !H-l.-. i 


i ui:<l m\i it [>\\\t- 


VIII. < 1 in ti. . u ua 


tliat tinu- in full M 
M l>..iiiii, 

as Gas,. junta . 

that ii. 


3 r et the dark looming cloud of the inquisition cast, as 
from the wings of a fallen angel, the dun spectre of 
its huge eclipse athwart the hemispheres. 

The ordinances framed by the junta received the 
emperor s approval, and after being somewhat ampli 
fied were published in Madrid in 1543, and thence 
forth known as the New Laws. 15 The code contains 
a large number of articles, many of them relating 
almost exclusively to the enslavement and treatment 
of the natives. It w r as provided that all Indian slaves 
should be set free, unless their owners could establish 
a legal title to their possession. 16 None were thence 
forth to be enslaved under any pretext. 

Proprietors to whom the repartimientos had given 
an excessive number must surrender a portion of them 
to the crown. On the death of encomenderos 17 the 
slaves were to revert to the crown. All ecclesiastics 
and religious societies and all officers under the crown 
must deliver up their bondsmen or bondswomen, not 
being allowed to retain them even though resigning 
office. Inspectors were appointed to watch over the 
interests of the natives, and were paid out of the 
fines levied on transgressors. Slaves were not to be 
employed in the pearl-fisheries against their will under 
penalty of death to the party so employing them, nor 
when used as pack-animals was such a load to be laid 
on their backs as might endanger their lives. Finally 

they were to be converted to the Catholic faith, and 


it was ordered that two priests should accompany 
all exploring parties, to instruct the Americans that 

15 The full text of them is given in Leyes y Ordenanzas, Icazbalceta, Col. 
Doc., ii. 204-27. There are extracts from them in Herrera, Remesal, Tor- 
quemada, and other chroniclers. For further mention of the new code and 
its workings see Hist. Mex., ii. 516, et seq. this series. Prescott says: The 
provisions of this celebrated code are to be found, with more or less generally 
le ss accuracy, in the various contemporary writers. Herrera gives them in 
extenso. Peru, ii. 255. The historian is himself somewhat inaccurate on this 
and other points. 

10 Before the new laws were passed Indians captured in war or guilty of 
certain crimes could be legally enslaved. 

17 .For a description of the repartimiento and encomienda system, see Hist. 
Cent. Am., i. 262-4, and Hist. Mex., ii. 145-52, this series. 


1 the 

Bul it liis Imlii. 

;o\vled;_; liiin t! 
wh doctri had in less tln-n half a century 1. 

ailation o t, portions 

of ! 111. 

the provisions of tlio new cod re otln 
.r,l to many of the Spaniards 
re t ichisement of i 

Flu 1 audienciaof Panama was abolished and 
\v tribunals were to bo established, one at 

which now first be^an to bear the i 
Lima, and was thenceforth the metropolis ho 
itli American continent; the other termed 1 > 
audh- los Confines, at Comayagua, with juris- 

n over Chiapa-. Yucatan, ( uia da, I londui 
Xi- iia, and tin- province >f Ti- Firme, kni\vii 

(!>] (): From tlie decision <-f th- 
tri MI tho-e of the audieiK -f ^F 

and Santo J ))min;_;-n, th- j to be in criminal < 

d. Ill civil suits the losing parly mi 
;id a second trial, the I- it of which is i 

n<> ne\v evidence was admitted, a:id the 

e was conducted by the oidores who i 

first judgment. If the amount !--d t-n thousand 

do oro, there I;- ^ht of appeal to the council 

I ndi< ^EoreoV i w w< w- 

iiKjuire into the administration of tl. 

lor and other civil functional and t<> suspend 

tin-in iroin oiii ior1 1 uneil 

Iinli. ;i. 

Such \\ the main features of the new code which 

: from the family of man. Tidii 
! ! ] of 

and o; 
. * \M., VOL. II. 10 


throughout the New World, and from Mexico to Los 
Reyes the entire population was in a state of ferment 
bordering revolution. To deprive the settlers of their 
slaves was to reduce them to beggary. Slaves con 
stituted the chief source of wealth throughout the 
provinces. Without them the mines could not be 
worked, towns could not be built, lands could not be 
tilled. The soldier urged his right of conquest, and 
many a scarred veteran, worn with toil and hardship, 
threatened to defend by the sword which had helped 
to win an empire for his sovereign the estates now 
threatened by these vexatious regulations. 

The colonists were soon to learn that the new laws 
were not to remain a dead letter as had been the case 
with the royal ordinances. In January 1544 Vasco 
Nunez Vela, the first viceroy of Peru, arrived at 
Nombre de Dios, and finding there some Spaniards 
returning to their native country with stores of wealth 
acquired by the sale of their Peruvian slaves, ordered 
them to deliver up their treasure, 19 and but for some 
doubt as to the legality of such a proceeding would 
certainly have confiscated it. 

After crossing the Isthmus the viceroy liberated and 
sent back from Panama at the expense of their propri 
etors, several hundred Indians who had been brought 
from Peru or were unjustly held in bondage. Bitter 
were the remonstrances against these high-handed 
measures, but Vela merely answered, "I come not to 
discuss the laws but to execute them." The condition 
of the natives was not improved, however, by their 
liberation, for we learn that numbers died on board 
ship from starvation and ill-usage, while others, cast 
ashore unarmed on a desolate coast, fell a prey to wild 
beasts or otherwise perished miserably. 

A committee of the most noble and influential of 
the Spaniards waited on the new viceroy to gain from 

19 The version given in Prescott s Peru, ii. 260-1, is that the viceroy found 
a ship, laden with silver from the Peruvian mines, ready to sail for Spain, and 
that he laid an embargo on the vessel as containing the proceeds of slave 
labor. There is, however, no absolute prohibition in the new code against 

VA800 v 5 VELA. 213 

him, if pos>il>lc, some concessions. They ur^- 
inasmuch as the [ndianshad IM-.-M converted to ( In 

tianity, it would he a great loss to the rhuivh fco 

enfranchise them, and that if enfranchised they would 

always he in danger of perishing Iron) stars at ion. 
They daivd not ivturn to their own trihes, lor the 
caciques inllicted the jx-nalty of death on all who had 
ie Christians. These arguments served hut to 
rouS the wrath of the vie- roy, who di>mis>ed tin- 
deputation saying, "Were you under my jurisdiction 
I would hang you every or Them-, ! , >rth none 

dared oppose him further, liven the oidoivs "f the 
newly established audiencia of Los E who had 

accompanied him from Spain made no pr. . and 
oil liis departure, for Peru remained for some time at 
Panama in-fore they could muster courage to follow. 

In Tierra Firme and in the i-lands of the Spanish 
West Indies the new laws were partially obeyed, 
although complaints \\ still fr- ut of the ill- 

atmeiit of natives, of their hcing jumislied witli 
stripes if they dared to complain, and of the arrival 
in Panama, of cargoes of sla vesfrom Nicaragua. I ! 
pri arnest in their j)r- ations, and their 

reports fco the empei-or abounded in lofty expl -us 
of concern for the cause of Chi ml of humanity. 

Th lf>ia>i ical and secular ii 3ts \\ i ever at 
Variance. Should the alcaldes i-nnler any di-cision 
that threatened to work ad\vr>. 1\ against tin- author 
ity of the church, they were eXCOmiQUnicated, and 

thus ]< iid- j-ed incapable, in the e\/s of tl. -pie, of 

di^cliar- in^ th> lunrtions of tln-ir office. Tl rv- 

emor and the l>isho[) were continually at war, the 
lat leaking under his jn-rtendcd /.< al for the- << 

Version of tin- Indians, and the former under the j.. 
t of upholding the di-nit\ of the crown, the r< 

tin 1 . ill working the mint <. al- ntionr 

VJ. ]\}>. \. . ;i|,. i 

the substitution of a- for such 



purpose for which each was too often striving- -that 
of gathering into his coffers the gold of his Majesty s 
vassals. 20 

20 The emperor was memorialized by the clergy and by the civil authori 
ties, each party sending its petition without the other s knowledge, each 
slandering its adversary and. using such falsehoods as would be most likely 
to injure the opposite cause. Abreo, in Cent. Am.; Extr. Sueltos, in S q 
MSS., xxii. 48. 




i.i> Ci; \M.V XoMr.ui; DI: DIGS ,\ 

MI -rni . VKI.A I IN P] 


Los Knvr.s AM. AIM:! PHI V I:I;OY His Ki 

sr.\ JiA< HICAO -jo PANAMA s KXI-I.I.I n...\ His Hi - 

OF THE rj:viNCK MELCIIni; VjiKUl );. . s I -x 



OP IV!ro Vaxqucz, wli<> succecsl^l Barrionuevo 

nor of Castilla del Oro, little is knnwn; l>ut "! 
J )< <; . >r J u 1 tics, tlio suc<-css< >r < >f \ icz, under \vli< 

administration the govennnrnt \- nt inm-d till 

L546, it is allr^-rd, nnd pi-olialdy \\ith ti iith, that ho 

>ii _;-lit more harm to his fellow-man in a t\\vl 
month than the malign ^nius Irarias r\ 

coinplish in ,-i drradr. Jn I: *eed for wealth 

j ivalK-d only hy tin- ;dl--_. d< i 

i, - liios, and in th. uto running \\ith which he 

cloaked his evil deeds he \\-as without JM i iii ;i 

amunity whore the |revailinL; <->d.; of m u- ht 

<>f ( Iid nor iv^ard for man. A.ppoin1 
oidor of t nidit of Panama in 1.">3S, ho held 

for S -veral and th lit ion of that tril 

nal was probably due in j mal- 

There arc n<> e\j. licit details 
which v. mgh: I wo learn 


in every instance he contrived to baffle the scrutiny 
of his judges. The licentiate Vaca de Castro was 
first ordered to bring the offender to justice, -but called 
in vain on his fellow-oidores of the audiencia of 
Panamil to aid him in so doingf. On the establish- 


ment of the audiencia of the Confines, the trial was 
yet unfinished, and as the aggrieved parties still 
clamored that it be brought to a conclusion, Ramirez, 
one of the oidores, and the first alcalde mayor of 
Panama", was ordered to take his residencia. Robles 
appears to have escaped punishment, for he soon after 
ward figures as senior oidor of the audiencia of Lima. 
He returned before long to Panamd, and we leai n 
that on the capture of that city in 1550, by Hernando 
and Pedro de Contreras, some of Gasca s treasure 
was captured at the house of Robles, who thenceforth 
disappears from the page of history. 1 

When Pedro de los Rios set out for Nicaragua he 
left orders with Captain Hernando de la Serna and 
the pilot Corzo to make a survey of the Rio de los 

La^artos, now known as the river Chagre, for the 


purpose of facilitating communication between the 
two seas. They were directed also to examine the 
river Panama, flowing in the opposite direction, and 
to explore the country between the highest navigable 
points on the two streams. This was done with a 
view of discovering the best route for a grand thor 
oughfare across the Isthmus, over which the tide of 

commerce might flow between Spain and the Spice 
Islands; and although this object was never realized, 
the discovery which reduced land carriage to a dis 
tance of nine leagues proved most useful in the subse 
quent intercourse of Spain and Peru. 

The project for interoceanic communication by way 
of the isthmus of Panama was first mooted more than 
three hundred and fifty years ago, and to Charles V. 

1 Gasca, Carta al Consejo, in Col. Doc. Intd., 1. 107; see also Herrera, dec. 
vi. lib. v. cap. iii. 

im;mv.\ 247 

.1 >;i 1.1 v l>el< merit of ii ion. Tl 

:ii lii-si propo-ed was to unite the ]{io (Irande \\itli 

the ( ]];. hich except i: mu^ hl 

rable lor v of li-l .t draught aa far B& the 

proem town of Graces, and so make tin- CODQOCti 

oil the Pacific Side Heal 1 tile modern city of J aiiaina. 

Andagoya, who 1ms already l)ecn mentioned as tin; 

6 who in 1 .VJ J conducted an expedition to ]>iru, 

lirected to mal jurrey and to i urnisli estimates 
of the j>rol>al>]<- oost, \\\< report was unfjavorable; lor 

in a despatch addressed to the emperor, about 1 .V 

beliri that there was no monarch in 
all Knrope rich enough to furnish the means to c;i 

out such an enterprise. 9 

In the same despatch Andagoya also reports ; 

versely on a question which had been for several y<-, 

under discussion- -that of moving t<> aiiotlier site tho 
population of J^uiama. In a letter addressed to Fran- 
C18CO 1 ixarro in 1531, Antonio <! la (iama decla. 
liis intention oi making such a change; lor ever >i: 
the city had bern founded by Pedrarias, coinplai 
liad bei-n made of its unhealthy climate. 3 A royal 
iula was afterward i-siied oi d.Tin-- that the citi/eiis 
should meet and discuss the (jth-stion, and Anda 

- that tho matter was <lreidcd in the nc-ati 
for. he tells us: "There is no other port in all the 
South Sea \\lier Is could anchor alongside the 

streets. 11 Moreover he ailirms that "God himself 
had selected the sii 

The- chronicler Benzoni > who travelled in J)ai ieii 
W& n L54] and 1 556, mentions that th id lrni 

: ,>. I^)n,i> . 4, it i 1 th;r i inmlf liis 

survi V in i.lx-.liri: . -1 jot! U% I vautl 

iiilip t. 1 the i uniting the two oa 

! : l.iit wln ii th- M;T\ v was onl- 
In //. I//;., i. . !iii> I. tlii.s s. -iuTt i- 

iillu-u! in ri ii>ti-u-tiii j tli- d ftdXM nuis 

. 1 an account f tli> ic.l li\ 

iliti n in tli- ini<l(lU of tlic nint-tri-ntli rmti. 

3 J . \.\\ i. ;nl //( - iv. 

lil). ii. 


Panajnd, 4 to Nombre de Dios was about fifty miles in 
length, and that during the first day s journey it was 
tolerably smooth, but the remainder of the route lay 
over rugged and difficult ground, through forest and 
through streams sometimes almost impassable dur 
ing the rainy season. 5 Merchants doing business at 
Nombre de Dios usually resided at Panamd. At the 
time of Benzoni s visit to the former town, about the 
year 1541, it contained but fifteen or twenty whole 
sale merchants, the remainder of the population being 
principally small tradesmen, innkeepers, and sailors. 

The trade of Nombre de Dios was extremely fluctu 
ating. Fourteen or fifteen Spanish vessels of various 
sizes, the largest being about three hundred and sixty 
tons burden, arrived there annually, with miscella 
neous cargoes, but laden principally with wine, flour, 
biscuit, oil, cloth, silk, and household merchandise. 
The prices obtained for goods depended altogether 
upon the supply. When the market was overstocked, 
prices frequently ruled lower than first cost in Spain, 
and cargoes were sometimes forfeited by the consignee 
as not worth the freight. On the other hand, when 
an article was scarce, an enormous price could be ob 
tained for it, sometimes its weight in gold. 

When a ship arrived at Nombre cle Dios the cargo 
was discharged into flat-bottomed boats, and carried 
by way of the Chagre as far as Graces, about six 
leagues from the South Sea. Here the merchandise 


4 Benzoni goes somewhat out of his way to make PanamA appear in a con 
temptible light. He says that it contained about 4,000 inhabitants and had 
about 120 houses built of reeds or wood and roofed with shingles, but he 
does not explain how such a population contrived to crowd themselves into 
that mimber of dwellings. 

5 In his description of a journey from Acla to Panamd by way of Nombre 
de Dios, Benzoni mentions that his party was accompanied by 20 negro 
slaves, whose business it was to cut away the undergrowth and branches of 
trees that barred their path. The same writer also alludes to the danger 
incurred by travellers during the rainy season through the frequent crossing 
of the Chagres en route across the Isthmus. He relates a story of a Spaniard, 
who while fording the last branch of the river, mounted on a mule, and with 
gold and jewels in his possession to the value of 4,000 ducats, was carried down 
stream, lost everything, and was saved only by tying himself to the branch 
of a tree, arriving at Nombre de Dios with only his waistcoat. 

AM A. 

mule 1 , w 1 1 o < o 1 1 \ it 

1 ;i. : ;:n;i, wheiie.- il 

b of th ith 1 

Ahoiit fli - : of Hi h n-niury t! 

nuns of Darien had becom< ito-way betw< 

,nd Panama the moai iiiij <>f 

Ani -ri ituat d iij.oii tin- world s hiidiu; id 

in tin- yety -centre of the ^[ i < lil i > l 1 ( - ( >l"nial j 

portals must, ilow tlir ti - oi I J| 

iVcin the south, the ]n-odu<-ts of Mexico, Nicai 
and < ial;i iVoin I he north, and fche 1 

lli< 1 of tin- Spice Islands from tin \ Tims 

] ^anamd ! the metropolis of i wo 

Americas, l>ut tli- hal: .- liou^- and t 


t\vt-rn . TII Jviif >].- and :a. 

i-a\v adventurer who at the opening () f ],i s < 

1 forward with < r cxni-ctat i<n into irk 

im<--rtain i uturf m< < 4 returned for 
elated with siieecss or 1.. I ite.j through laih, 

Into the lap of tlii D-ntral lint 

alth. I !-r merchants were princes; her wareroon 

h rich merchandie kind 

fi-oni ry <|Uart-T oi tin; Tl 

Ilow and white i roni 1 

of > cochineal and d 

liK-s of Spain and .Portugal, tlu) 
i I- rane-- and Italy. 

of this commercial rnetr 

acres the southern 
"lining for Spain many <>f t ] 

he lux 
1 .rid. \\ ut P Fran ill 


ii hi 
<;!>. ii. . 


is more than probable that but for prompt assistance 
from Panarnd the brave -Manco Capac would have 
succeeded in exterminating the Spaniards within his 
territory. While a central position and a command 
of both the oceans gave to the city her wealth and 
importance, the same causes exposed her not infre 
quently to social and political convulsions, and to 
attack from foreign powers. An insurrection in 
Guatemala, a rebellion in Peru, a system of restric 
tions on Asiatic trade were immediately felt in Pan 
ama, and upon that city fell the heaviest blows aimed 
by the English, French, or Dutch against the Spanish 
possessions in the New World. Between 1545 and 
1671, at which later date the old city of Panamd was 
burned, it was sacked and partially destroyed no less 
than four times. In other chapters I shall bring 
together such facts as I have been able to find relating 
to the lives and fortunes of the Spaniards of Darien 
and Central America during the three centuries which 
elapsed between the conquest of that country by the 
Spaniards and their renunciation of allegiance to 
parental authority. This epoch opened and ended in 
attempted revolution. The first was futile, the last 
successful. The first was attempted by brave, strong, 
and daring men, but Spain and Charles were stronger. 
The last was attempted by weak, degenerate Span 
iards, but Spain and Fernando were weaker. 

Upon the death of Francisco Pizarro, the Alma- 
grist faction maintained the ascendency in Peru, 8 
until dispersed by Vaca de Castro on the plains of 
Chupas. Young Almagro then fled to Cuzco, where 
he was arrested and beheaded as a traitor. 9 Yaca de 

8 Among other marauding expeditions planned by Almagro was a raid on 
Panama and Nombre de Dios for the purpose of plundering both places, and 
making the former a base for future operations against Nicaragua and Gua 
temala. He intended moreover to destroy all ships on the Pacific side that 
could not be utilized. Vaca de Castro (Licenciado Cristdbal), Carta al Empe- 
rador Don Carlos, ddndole cuenta de la sublevacion y castiyo de Don Diego de 
Almagro el mozo y de otros importantes asuntos (Cuzco, Nov. 24, 1542). Curias 
de-Imlias, 478, 483-4. 

9 On the very spot \diere his father met a like fate. Herrera, dec. vi. lib. 
vi. cap. i. 

hail hut ju I in Peru. I {, 1 lif \v 

him a comm 11 from tile <To\VIl t > al hit! Upon. 

an. ;li- tlit- di-c<>rds betw< rival nd 

in the event of the dec of I- raiicix-M Pi/arm, 

uas instructed to assume t .rnment. Gn/.alo 

Pizarro, who had heen appointed governor of Qui 

iinc of his brother s murder ali- >n an 

expedition of (liscov.-ry to tlir river Aina/on. ( )n his 
urn, learning of Ki ancisco s t < H ,-; 

lii- bo vaca de Castro, l>ut tli-y were dediii d 

ntlicial, \vh<> was fearful lest theturbuL M<1 

disposition of tin- last of th-- 1 i/ar; 
should in with hi- adininisf ration of 1 1 -v- 

ernnn-iit. (ionxalo, an^vivd at the ivhull ircil to 

Plata and e j -d in working the rich silvrr-inii 
in that locality. 

to tliis time- Charles, occupied l>y tlie atl airs of 

\a-t empire at home, had paid hut little it ion 

1< the welfare of the coloni- In general terms the 
Spanish ^<>\ ci-nnieiit had Bel limits to the cruelty and 
opp ion <>f tlie natives l>y the ei.iKjU I 1 ! 

intentions of the sovereigns and their councils 
from tlie be^innin^ humane and pi. I I 

have ..i ten ol.scrved. But as new issue U- 

>tantly e-ro\\iii 4* out of these new condit; and 

v many of the n.yal decrees concerniiiLT the allaii s 
ot tl Indies \ impracticabk I there! 

inoperative, the eoixjuerors were left iii a n 

lown their own rules of conduct according to 


their immediate n. s; or rather to act indepen 

dent of all rule, heii rued hy the d: .f th- 

judgment or ic st, [fsu inded tiiese law- 

tfoi-ts, the mi-d.-eds of the>e adventurers \\-< 
ohl ted hy their u old. If unsu. \d, th 
u-ually iell \i<-tim> to their cruelty or cupidin. and 
their i.on. let t to moulder in the wild. rn< : 

that in the earlv hi>toi-y of the Spani>h colonies it 
\\as onlv at rare int Is and in a 

that anv notic. d.en of disobedient 


To one crime, however that of disloyalty- -the 
Spanish monarchs were never insensible. So long as 
the prerogatives of the crown were strictly regarded, 
excesses were overlooked. The next most heinous 
offence was civil strife. Native Americans, a race 
midway between Castilians and brutes, might be 
slaughtered by the thousand upon slight cause; 10 but 
the lives of Spanish marauders were far too valuable 
to be given up to internecine strife. 

In Peru, however, it was different. The passions 
of the populace had been roused by contending fac 
tions, and the license hitherto granted to the con 
querors rendered them all the more impatient of 
restraint. Although the people were worse prepared 
for stringent measures than the more orderly colonists 
of Mexico, the person upon whom devolved the 
execution of the obnoxious laws lacked the wise and 
politic discrimination which governed the actions of 
Sandoval and Mendoza. 

On the 4th of March 1544, Vasco Nunez Vela 
landed at Tumbez on the Peruvian coast, and as the 
fame of his high-handed measures at Panama had not 


preceded him, was accorded a loyal reception. His 
popularity was short-lived, for the viceroy imme 
diately liberated a number of slaves and on his jour 
ney to Los Reyes would not even allow his baggage 
to be carried by Indians, or, if compelled to do so, he 
paid them liberally. Such conduct caused huge dis 
gust throughout the province, but Nunez was deaf to 
all remonstrance and even caused the arrest of some 
of the malecontents. 

Many now bidding defiance to the vicegerent took 
up arms and urged Gonzalo Pizarro, the sole surviving 
brother of the conqueror, to place himself at their head. 
Nothing loath, Gonzalo proceeded at once to Cuzco, 

10 Espanoles hai que crian perros carniceros y los avezan a matar Indies, 
lo qual procuran a las veces por pasatiempo, i ver si lo hacen bien los perros. 
Morales, Relation, MS. 


llli accumulated by min : 


1 pil "in ]. numerous I T! 

. ;il 1.; jtile Was planted before hi- 

loudly affirmed that he \. true and lawful 

su of the kiir_r, Hint tin- viceroy had -led his 

dons, and liiai he only aimed in hold in c 
his iniquitous pur] until the will of the CIIIJM-. 

lid 1 :ned. Vasro Nunez at l.-n-lh dr 

upon himself the indignation of his own part; 

in-ti^ation of the l.;icliiller C< i, a meml 
of the audiencia, mutinied and <lecided to ]! ;ho 
viceroy uj)ou a vessel to be con d lark to Spain. 
]\Icanwhile tlic colonists florkrd t<> the standard of 
ii/alo from every direction, until he soon found 
himsrlf at the head of twelve hundred brave and dis- 
ci]ili!M. (l trooj On the 28th of Octol> 15-11, 
.-imidst ilie acclamations of the populace, h 

]/ima head of his army, and the royal audien- 

-"lv d. Scarcely had the shi|> whidi v. 
rry Yasco Nunez to J^mama set sail from Lima, 
v/hen Alvarez, the official in charge, not dai-in-- to 
ap]cai in Spain with a viceroy as a prisoner, tin 
himself at his feet, be ^ and placed T 

ship and all on board under his command. Dei 
thus une\ peet<-dly released, he disembarks I at r J um- 

inail force, and marching northward 
; Quito, called upon all loyal sul>j 1 ally 

iorthe prote.-tion o! kind s authority. lie th 

marched at tlie head of about live hundivd men 

i MigueL M 

^ ; ii;:a!o Pixarro, who had been narrowly \ 
the movem< of the viceroy, now mined to 

11 In //< i. Ill), vii. at Gon/,;ilo was 

unitur ^1. and eh: 

it waa tr .umplial entry. 1 i/aiio liin, s eliul in a fiiHsuit 

mil, \\ith a liohly i-nn "re liini was borne the 

lanl ol i . 



bring matters to an issue. On the 4th of March 
1545, he departed from Lima and marched against 
his opponent. Vasco Nunez, fearful of the result, 
abandoned the^ town and fled to Anaquito, whither 
he was followed by the revolutionists, and on the 
18th of January 1536 a hotly contested battle was 
fought, resulting in the defeat and death of the 
viceroy. 14 

Even before this event Gonzalo Pizarro had assumed 
the dictatorship of Peru and resolved to make himself 
master of Panamd, his dreams of conquest extending 
even to the provinces north of Tierra Firme. 1J En 
listing in his service one Hernando Bachicao, 16 he 
placed him in command of six hundred men and a fleet 
of twenty-seven ships. 17 Arriving at Tumbez, Bachi 
cao landed a hundred troops, whereupon Vasco Nunez, 
though in command of two hundred well trained vet 
erans, fled to Anaquito, a portion of his forces desert 
ing him and joining the standard of the revolutionists. 
Proceeding thence to Puerto Yiejo and elsew r here, he 
seized several vessels and enlisted a hundred and fifty 
recruits. Calling at the Pearl Islands he was met by 
two messengers from Panama", sent to request that he 
would forbear to land an armed force in Tierra Firnie. 

14 Vasco Nunez was decapitated by a negro on the battle-field, and his 
head borne on a pike. Some of the soldiers were brutal enough to pluck the 
grey hair s from the beard and wear them in their helmets as trophies of the 
victory. Herrera, dec. viii. lib. i. cap. iii. See, also, Fernandez, Hist. Peru, 
pt. i. lib. i. cap. liv. 

15 He ordered galleys to be built at Arequipa, which with the vessels 
already in his possession would make him master of the sea from Chile to 
Nicaragua. Zarate, Hist. Peru, lib. v. cap. xv. 

16 Named by some authors Machicao, and in Benzoni, Mondo Nuovo, 
Machicano. When Gonzalo Pizarro made his entry into Lima, Bachicao 
caused the artillery, ammunition, and equipments to be carried on the backs 
of Indians, thus showing his contempt for the new code of laws. Benzoni, 
Mondo Nuovo, 210 (HaL Soc. ed.) See, also, Gomara, Hist. 2nd., 214, and 
Datos Biograficos, in Cartas de Indias, 718-20. Gomara says of him: Lo 
escojeran entre mil para qualquiera afrenta, pero couarde como liebre, y asi solia 
el dezir: ladrar, pese d tal, y no morder. Era hombre baxo mal acostumbrado, 
rufian, presumptuoso, renegador, q se auia encomenado al Diablo, ... buen 
ladron. . .asi de amigos como de enemigos. 

11 On board the fleet were Maldonado and Doctor Trejada on their way to 
Spain to render to the emperor Gonzalo Pizarro s account of the matter and 
await his Majesty s further instructions. Pizarro, Carta al Rey, in Col. Doc. 
Incd., 1. 195 passim. 


Bad replied that he intended hut to land hi- p 

and iv\ i-t ual hi- ll 

The pi-opli- of Pan, had lc. -ii repeatedly wan 

hy STaCS <!< Castro and Others that, their rity was ill 

danger of falling int.. tin- hands of Gon/alo Pizai 


and had Levied a force of BeV6D hundred nidi, tlmu 
ill-equipped and without experience or disci, 

Thrown off their guard however by I>a<-hi-ai- ans\* 

they alli>\\ fd him to enter the har!><>r without <>[, 
Bltion. Plr landed a portion of his forces and aim. 

A\ it 1 1 out resistance seized all the arms and ammunition 

in tli -i-nal and delivered up thr city to ]>illa 
Tin* ship-masters in port were ordered to join his 

and those, who ivtu-ed were handed at tliu yard-arm. 

A captain named Pedro Gallego was also < u.dfor 

disobeying his oi-drr to shoi-tea sail and cry Mva 

Pizarro! M 

All law and order were for the time at an end. ^\1 

were put to death without the- formality of a trial, and 

it : fen said that Badiicao hdieaded 8O1 his 

own oilicrrs on tin- merest suspicion of their di>aii 
tiou or even for pastim. 

( >u i\ in-- news of his li ut s mi 

nmpaiiied with letters of ivmoiistraiKv lV>m the 
citizens of .1 ananui, ( ion/alo at once deposed him i rom 
tli mmand I Ie WAS resolved, hov, .ill 

of the I-thmus. and despat<-li. d for this j.ur- 
I Vdro de Hinojosa, a1 the In-ad of hvohundi 
and lil ty men, with instiMj. and hold hoth 

I :.nam;i and d,- I )i, Hinoj liad 

nt tin- li:u-: -iiio n. : .i-uni > in ])<>rt \ 

lie il ] lie cosi 

iiiaiua. c ii"ii 
(ii (Jiisuiaii i-lu- nella, c itta, Uqoale lacuna 


I > n/i mi, j 

, lil>. v. c-ap. \vi., i: 

it-lit 1 


first landed in Peru in 1534, and had done good service 
under Francisco and Hernando Pizarro, was a man of 
no mean abilities. Endowed by nature with a clear 
intelligence, honest of purpose and faithful to his 
trusts, with a judgment sharpened by long intercourse 
with the stirring scenes of the New World, he was 
eminently fitted for command, and enjoyed in no small 
degree the confidence of his soldiers. 


The expedition sailed northward as far as Puerto 
Viejo, whence a vessel was sent in charge of Rodrigo 
de Carbajal with letters from Gonzalo to the principal 
residents of Panama begging their favor and coopera 
tion, disclaiming all connection with Bachicao s out 
rages, and stating that Hinojosa was now on his way 
with means sufficient to indemnify all who had suffered 
loss. If the force by which he was accompanied ap 
peared to them somewhat large for the purpose, it 
should be remembered that Gonzalo s enemies were on 
the alert, and that it would be unsafe to navigate the 
ocean with a smaller fleet. 

Accompanied by fifteen men, Carbajal landed at 
Ancon, a small cove two leagues from Panamd. There 
he was informed by some planters residing in the 
vicinity that two captains of the viceroy, Juan de 
Guzman and Juan de Illanes, were in the city enlist 
ing troops under a commission from their chief, who 
awaited their coming at Quito. They had thus far 
succeeded in raising a company of one hundred men 
and in collecting a considerable quantity of arms, in 
cluding six pieces of field artillery. " But," continued 
his informers, "although they have been ready to sail 
for many days, they appear to be in no haste to de 
part, and it is now believed that it is their intention 
to remain and defend the city against the insurgents." 
Under the circumstances, Carbajal did not think it 
prudent to land. Pie therefore despatched an emissary 
secretly by night with the letters from Pizarro. 

The citizens to whom they were addressed were not 
to be duped however, and at once placed them before 


th- ithori Tin Hi r was . in- ..nd 

forced t<> di-e all In* km Min 

and liis visi Tin- - lard of the city was inc; d, 
and t\vo well annrd brigantines were sent to capt 
tli- 1 tin ii at Ancon. Dut Carbajal was 
<juiek for them; suspecting from UK- <1< -lay of his m 

r tin- true state of affairs, In- slipped away, and 
hiding his vessel annmLC the Pearl Islands, then- 
awaited the approach of his commander.* 1 

In the mean time Hinojosa continuing his com 
northward touched at Buenaventura. There he learned 
that Yasco Nufiez Vela was then engaged, with i 

of Benalcdzar, in recruiting his army in 
that neighborhood. Landing a party of soldi- r-, he 
raptured eight or ten of the inhabitants, who gave 
information that the viceroy was at Popayan. and 
that owing to the delay of his captains, Juan de Illa- 

1 and Juan de (in/man, lie had determined to send 

his hrother, Captain Vela Nunez, accompanied by 
efficient officers, to hasten the arrival of troops from 
Panama. Moreover he had ascertained that tl 
viceroy wa^ huilding a brigantine, now almost com- 
]leted, on board of whicli he intended to place his 
brother, in charge of all his treasure,- 1 and to send to 
P;.nama, in the hope of obtaining a heavy ransom 
from some of Hinojosa s partisan-, an i! e Bon 

of Gkmzalo Pizarro, then a captive in his han<ls. \ -la 

together with his officers and a d.-tarh: I of 
n in charge of young Pi /arm, weiv then inarclii 
to tli i^t by dir it route<. to embark on board 

th 1. By a clever Btroke of strategy Ilin 

captmvd both parties, I tin , and pla- 

A < la Nunez and his command as prisoner> on board 

iition to otli r precaution o <le Casaos, the correi:i<: 

nia\ .aind, crossed : 

MS to rally for t: ng all th 

buses aii-l u hieli he could tind, i ! to tl ; . 

lo, tln-rrl.y ><.\\iug discord \\hi.-li was to 
...r of tin , //, lib. 

iity thousand diu-at.s according to !} /r.u/ti, Mvialu -\ 
Hie. . AM., VOL. II. IT 


the fleet. Then taking with him young Pizarro, 
whom he liberated and treated with marked considera 
tion, he set sail for Panama^ and after being joined by 
Carbajal, cast anchor in the bay with eleven ships 23 
and the two hundred and fifty men already mentioned. 
This was in October 1545. 

The city was divided as to the policy of admitting 
the insurgents. The merchants arid all who derived 
profit from the Peruvian trade saw everything to gain 
by the arrival of a large and richly laden fleet. Many 
of them furthermore held property in Peru, and trans 
acted business through their factors, upon whom 
Gonzalo Pizarro would not fail to inflict summary 
punishment if he heard of opposition at Panamd. 
On the other hand Doctor Robles, the governor, with 
his political adherents and all who derived place and 
profit from the crown, loudly disclaimed against the 
rebels, and called on the people to assist him in the 
defence of the city, under penalty of the royal dis 
pleasure. 24 In the end the governor s party prevailed, 
the opposite faction yielding in appearance at least, 
and the corregidor Pedro de Casaos receiving the 
appointment of captain general 25 marched forth to 
oppose the landing of Hinojosa. The entire forces 
of the royalist party now mustered, apart from some 
small reinforcements from Nombre de Dios, nearly 
eight hundred men, only ninety of whom were dis 
ciplined troops, the remainder being an ill-armed crew 
of citizen-soldiers. The army was well supplied with 
field artillery. 26 

23 Eight ships and three brigantines. Benzoni, Hondo Nuovo. 

24 Juan de Illanes, as soon as he saw the ships, cried out with a loud voice 
to the citizens, Come out of your houses, ye traitors, come and defend the 
lung s domain from these tyrants! When Pedro de Casaos sent word to 
Hinojosa to inquire the cause of his coming he answered that he came to 
pay the debts of Machicano. Benzoni, Mondo Nvovo, 144-5. 

25 H errera , dec. vii. lib. x. cap. ix. Garcilaso de la Vega, in Hist. Peru, ii. 
244, styles Hinojosa govern or, and Zarate, Hist. Peru, lib. v. cap. xxx., says: 
Y el governador de aquella Provincia llamado Pedro de Casaos, Natural de 
Sevilla, fue con gran diligencia a la Ciudad de Nombre de Dios, i mand6 aper- 
cebir toda la Gente que en ella estaba, i juntando todas las Armas, i Arcabuces 
que pudo haver, los llevb consigo a Panama. The corregidor of a town was 
often styled governador by courtesy. Hence perhaps the mistake. 

^Herrera, dec. vii. lib. x. cap. ix. 


I )roppin^ down with hi- ll< ( fco tl n, 

inoJM.-a disembarked two hundred men nnd T cover 

of hi .noli, landing them <n a rocky pr< >jfci in of 

Hx- shore, inaccessible t< the enemj avail !! 

then be^an liis inardi on Panama, ordering the i! 
to keep him company at a short distance iVom the 
shore with t^mis trimmed ready Tor action. 27 

At this juncture the cccle- os of the city issuh 
ill in a body, with mournful chants and sad coun 
tenances, their garments covered with cro- and i 
insignia of mourning, began to expostulate with loth 
anni< " Is it necessary," they cried, "for Christians 

imhue their hands in each other s blood!" At 
length an armistice of one day was agreed on. IL 

9 were given on either side, and the efforts of the 
]>ri to bring about an agreement between the j>ar- 
tii a were redoubled 

Hinojosa declared that he could not see why 1 
w;i< denied entrance into the city. 2S 1 le came not to 
make \\.-ir but restitution. Gonzalo Pizarro harboi 

DO -vil design; but lie was master of Peru, and he in- 
t n<l< (1 to be master of the only thoroughfare to Peru- 
thai which traversed the continent from Xombre de 
Dios to Panama. If the people of the Isthmus w. uld 

!.u f n themselves to the sway of Pizarro while he 
wielded supreme power in Peru, or Until matters w< 

iled by the crown, all would be well; otherwise war 
must inevitably follow. 

lVdr> de Tasaos and tlio men of Panama were not 
bisfied.* Tliey had just experienced a forei of 
what they mi^ht <-.\peet shotihl another of Gonzal 
ca]>taiiis obtain po- ion of the city, but their only 

is said that a kittle now appran: the officer in 

Xuiic/ was onlT l t-> lian^ him and tin- otln : :iers to ; .mi. 

/ r/i, lih. v. i-aji. x\xi. r rhi> ifiit is vrry iiu\> . 

28 He in: I ; ni;i that if they ha.. 

liki- Machicao, th :ainly oii^ht to atlinit liim. ll Q. vii. lii 


: Tln-y liad no faith in Hiimjosa s ]. Gonzalo Pizarro 

:-se juridical]]. -ll...< <lr T ninguno 

:,,; y . .icsaa avia hi 

Bacliie. d\ da.-(j dc (n Vega, ff\ ... -j-il. 


alternative was compromise, or the arbitration of the 
sword. It was finally agreed that the loyal colonists 
who had come over from Nombre de Dios to render 
assistance should return, and that Hinojosa should be 
allowed to enter the city with a guard of thirty men, 
there to remain for forty-five days. 30 His ships mean 
while were to retire to Taboga or to the Pearl Islands, 
to be revictualled and repaired. The articles of agree 
ment were drawn up by a notary and signed by the 
respective parties who bound themselves by oath to 
adhere faithfully to the terms stipulated. 

Although Hinojosa was thus restricted by the 
terms of his compact and for the moment could strike 
no blow for the conquest of Panama*, he was by no 
means idle during the interval. Maintaining a strict 
watch against surprise and assassination, 31 he took up 
his quarters in a comfortable well furnished house, 
loaded his table with choice viands, and throwing 
open his doors entertained all comers with lavish 
hospitality. His apartments soon became the resort 
of soldiers and adventurers of every clique. Gon- 
zalo Pizarro and the affairs of Peru were discussed 
over brimming goblets. Brilliant stories concerning 
the discovery and opening of mines of fabulous rich 
ness 32 fired the cupidity of the listeners, while a free 
passage was offered to all, and liberal pay promised 
from the first day of enlistment. 

By these shrewd measures Hinojosa had the satis 
faction of seeing his forces daily increase, while those 
of Pedro de Casaos proportionately diminished. The 
soldiers of Juan de Illanes and Juan de Guzman did 

30 Herrera, dec. vii. lib. x. cap. x., and Benzoni, Mondo Nvovo, 145. In 
Gomara, Hist, IncL, 218, it is stated that 40 men were allowed to land. 
Other authorities give 50 as the number of the guard and 30 days as the 

ai Con este concierto Hinojosa mandd recoger la gente a las naos, y los de 
Panama le hablaron y trataron con mucha cortesia, y le aposentaron en la 
ciudad y diziendole, que se trataua de prenderle, 6 matarle; aunque no lo 
creyo, todauia se hizo fuerte en la casa adode posaua, y poco despues, como 
bue Capitan, por quitar ocasiones de tumultos se fue a sus naos, y presto se 
entendio q aquel rumor no fue palabras. Herrera, dec. vii. lib. x. cap. 10. 

3 - It was during this year that the wealth of Potosi began to be known. 


nsil)le to the wiles and genial hospitality 

df II IIP ., and those; captain- tliem>el. 

abandoned by the greater parl oftheir -Iv 

!e from UK- city and sei/ing a Vessel alt -mpti d 
make their escape to Peru. They were, ho\ r, 
captured hyone of the watchful captain itioned in 
the harbor, and not long after voluntarily joined them 
selves to Hinojosa and became his faithful adhere!. 
Such was the influence which ]Iinoj<>sa ac<juir> d by 
his careless and apparently unintentional display of 

dth, and hy his >kill in throwing tempting baits to 

u who never flinched from dang-T when they sa\v 
pr< i of gain, that in a few v s and hy a silent 
and bloodless revolution he became master of the city. 
Af the expiration of the forty -five days he E I the 
batteries and made a formal entry into Panama at the 

id of his entire force, amidst the acclamations of 
the greater part of the inhabitants. 

Hinojosa took no advantage of his easily won vic 
tor Jfe strove to maintain the strictest discipline 
among his followers, treated the citizens with the 
utmost liberality, and ordered that the soldiers should 

pert their rights and in no wi^e im with th 

allair ] Te then despatched his son-in-law, ]I 
nando Meji a de (.aiznian, in company with Pedro de 

.hrera, to take possession of Nomhre de Dios and 
guard the interests of Gonzalo Pizarro in that <]iiari 

AVhile the province of Panama thus quietly j-- 
into tlie hands of Iliuojosa the partisans ot the vi 
i-oy were not idle. Melrhor Verdugo, 8 * to whom 
one of the conquerors of Peru had heen ; :ied ; 
province of Caxanialca, proffi red his at rvicesto^ 

A\-la, on his tii>t landing in IV-ru. Be<-..n:i: 

53 In Jl>rr^ viii. lil). i. c-ij*. \\., it !inojosft s< 

committed i\i;inv n>l)l)ciifs. takin to hide them from i -luiii.-ii. 

strictly l >i! nythin ic kinl and 

rulers should be han< i auth 

, 1. Ins. .i, Bayt that llr. iiianui and 

I and (juarti-r his Hi 
81 A native oi Alava, and a : 
u, lib. v. to dc la \ j t, , ii. - 


afterward implicated in a plot devised by the royalist 
party to gain possession of Lima, he was arrested in 
that city by order of Gonzalo Pizarro. Escaping 
thence he proceeded to Trujillo, where he was fortu 
nate enough to seize one of Bachicao s vessels, laden 
with the spoils of Panama*. With the proceeds of 
this capture, and with funds realized from his own 
estate, he enlisted a company in the service of the vice 
roy. He then sailed for Nicaragua and requested 
from the governor, as a loyal servant of the king, men 
and means to assist him in quelling the insurrection 
on the Isthmus. Failing to draw from him a hearty 
response he next applied to the audiencia of the Con 
fines. With the magistrates of that tribunal he was 
more successful. Licentiate Ramirez de Alarcon, one 
of the members, took an active part in recruiting men 
and collecting arms and horses. 

In the mean time tidings of Verdugo s doings in 
Peru and Nicaragua and his intended expedition to 
the northern coast of Darien reached Panama*. Hi- 
nojosa, fearing that Verdugo might raise a force 
sufficient to cause him trouble, sent Juan Alonso 
Palomino with two vessels and one hundred and 
twenty arquebusiers in pursuit. Arriving at Nica 
ragua Palomino captured Verdugo s vessel without 
difficulty, but on attempting to land found himself 
confronted by all the available men in the province 
arrayed under the royalist banner, under the command 
of Verdugo and the licentiate. After hovering about 
the coast for several days, watching in vain for a 
chance to disembark, he seized all the ships on the 
coast, and burning those which were unserviceable, 
returned with the remainder to Panama", not knowing 
that his design was suspected. Verdugo made ready 
on Lake Nicaragua three or four frigates, and with 
two hundred choice and well armed troops 35 sailed 

35 Et non molto dopo Melchior Verdugo calato per lo Scolatio di Nicara 
gua con ducento soldati con animo di offendere la gente di Pizzarro. Benzoni, 
Mondo Nvovo, 146. In Zarate, Hist. Peru, lib. v. cap. xxxiii., the number 
is stated at 100. 

MELCHOB vr:i:nuGO. 2C3 

tin I the river San Ju;m to tin- X<rth Sea, and 
althily aloiiM- the Coast, hoped to surpi 

tin- reU-ls before ])i- presence in that <juart<T became 

known. At tin- Jvio Chagre 1 

manned by negroes, i roni whom hu obtained valuable 

information as to the condition of attains at Xom 
de 1 )ios, the number of men stationed there, tin.- nai. 

of tin ir commanders! and a minute description of the 

building in which the officers were quartered. 

Hinojosa was on the alert, but not so his captains. 
Though warned of the approach of the loyal par 
th<-y were taken by surpri> Landing at nudni^l 
Yenlugo stole quietly to the house where Hernando 
I\l jia, l\ -dro Cabrera, and other officers were ]>< ,i 
fully slumbering, surrounded the jiivmisrs, and ihvd 
tlie dwelliii The dilatory captains, maddened at 
thus bring entrapped in their <>wii brds, sprang up, 
and >rizing their weapons rushed out of the blazing 
rdifice, and cutting their way through the eiirmy 
inadr their escape to the woods and finally to Pan 


.Mad Verdugo thenceforth conducted his affairs with 
kill and discretion which characterized I Iin : 

niovrinrnts at Panama hu would have ca that 

commander no little trouble, but he had n f tin; 

taci or -ein i-alship of Gonzalo s ollicrr. He imp) 
oin-d the alcaldes, levied arl.ili ary assessments Uj 
the in, rdiaiits, demanded heavy ranx>m ibr his p: 
oners, and soon made himself so obnoxious to the 
; that with one accord they petitioned Doctor 

Ribera, the mayor, to a-k pn from lliir 

The appeal was not in vain. Uibera at once entered 
into i itiations with Jlinoj- and it \\ 
that while the former levied troops at X ombre d- 

80 I ni;_-ht f;iv(.n-<l th(Mn, lut Vi-nhiffo s men mi.irht have 

tin ir i-iptup- yli:ul: ,:itcnt iu phnulerin-, the li- 

-7 . / r , ii. - l". 
; 11. TI. 

I his (tli<vrs t : 

but : him ly th 1 autl: 

Hot even \vhctlK. were alive. .K-c. viii. lib. ii. cap. iv. 


Dios, the latter should at once march from Panama* 
with a strong force. Verdugo impressed into his ser 
vice every available man, and withdrawing from the 
town, took up a position on the shore, where he was 
to some extent covered by the guns of his vessels. 
There he awaited Hinojosa, who with a small but 
picked company of veterans 33 was now crossing the 
Isthmus to join battle with the royalist forces. 

As soon as the rebel troops debouched from the 
woods surrounding Nombre de Dios, Ribera sallied 
from the town and opened a lively fire on the forces 
of Verdugo, the citizens taking fright at the first noise 
of the fray and scampering to a hill near by. Hino- 
josa s brigade advanced meanwhile with the steady 
measured tramp of trained soldiers, whereupon the 
men of Nicaragua, led by Verdugo, took to their heels 
also, leaving but one of their number wounded on the 
field, 39 and regained their ships, whence a brisk can 
nonade was opened on the town, but without visible 
result save loss of ammunition. The royalist captain 
then set sail for Cartagena, there to await a more 
favorable opportunity to serve his king. Hinojosa 
severely reprimanded Mejia and the other fugitive 
officers, and leaving them at Nombre de Dios in 
charge of a stronger garrison returned with Eibera 
to Panamd,. 

Nothing could have happened that would draw the 
attention of the court of Spain to the affairs of the 
New World more effectually than rebellion, as I have 
before intimated. The discovery and conquest of 
America cannot be classed as an achievement of the 
nation. It was a magnificent accident, in the busy 
reigns of Ferdinand and Isabella, and Charles. Those 
sovereigns, absorbed in wars and involved in ambitious 


intrigues at home, with a vast continent thrust upon 

38 One hundred and fifty arquebusiers. Benzoni, Hist. Hondo Nvovo, 145- 
40; 140; Gomara, Hist. Ind., 219. 

39 Verdugo fu il primo & saltare in vn Brigantino, et solo vn soldato resto 
ferito, e questo fu el fine delle brauate di Verdugo. Benzoni, Mondo Nvovo, 

o M-: LA 
by a, Gen t navi >r, could scai find 

do mere than grant permit- to adventu ib- 

jii ._ their own new territories in the w< 

crn world, and to receive when remitted to them t 
al iiith of the returns. But rebellion, of wh 
T magnitude or shape, is always dl il t 

sovereign. Therefore when tidings r- iin 

that the emperor s representative in I < ni had h. 
maltreated, and that a powerful body of i 
lield |)o Ion of that province, the monarch and his 
mini><ers were aroused The affairs of i 1 ; occupi 
for a time their careful consideration. Len- iliv d 


and close councils followed. At first, the kiii 
counsellors in their deliberations consulted only 
honor of the nation and strongly ad led s 
an armed force against Pizarro; but insun at 

home .-Hid insurrection in Peru were two v> 
<nt things. The Spanish government could me 
easily make war against a hundred thousand nn-n in 
Spain or Germany than against one thou>and in the 
wills of that distant province. 40 

Pedro de la < a/ 1 a counsellor of the inquisition, 
but a man holding no public is the one 

leett-d as the fit instrument for the oe >n. lie 
united a mild and insinuating disposition with i 
able iirnmess and tenacity, and a cool and bland 
exterior with a strength and sagacity but little HI>- 
perted by most of his country men. None knew b 
DOW to combine a subtle humility and held cauti 

40 La diticnltad do tanto nparat--, . . AjIDM, v Cav; lunioon y 

tail 1. .1 DO 

> de la 

41 ri in 141)1 in tho CaUilh ria d. 
near i\\< . :,,. 1 ! .1 a liU-i. 

famous seminary ( : \\ dc 1 s, and M;!>M 

i to the univrrsityof SaLirnaii : . \\< laprieetioj 

, ni<l in l.VJHvn.s aj>] r of the i- ion. 1 

. his gallant o of the city of \ alonoia, at a ti 

a at th 

t famii :uudaiid s 

1 \ n>in . Casca t n 

.d"iit he slin\vrd th> !1 and 

.ling political disturbance. Uah <*>, in Carlo* de Iiu: 


with unpretending manners and a pleasant address, 
and no man could have been found better qualified to 
undertake the task. He obeyed the summons of the 
court with reluctance, but once having engaged in 
the undertaking, his whole soul was absorbed in 
its execution. Before setting out he declined an 
offered bishopric; he would accept no salary, nor any 
title except that of president of the royal audiencia 
of Lima. 42 He was empowered with the authority 
of a sovereign, being allowed to levy troops, declare 
war, appoint and remove officers at will, make repar- 
timientos, condemn to death, condone offences, grant 
amnesties, and might send back to Spain if neces 
sary even the viceroy himself. 43 

On the 26th of May 154G, Gasca set sail from San 
Lucar with a small retinue, consisting of two oidores, 
and among: other cavaliers the mariscal Alonso de 


Alvarado and the adelantado Pascual de Andagoya. 
Had the emissaries of Charles appeared off the 
Isthmus in warlike guise, the captains of Gonzalo 
Pizarro would have opposed them to the last, but 
what had they to fear from a humble priest with but 
a score or two of attendants? Nevertheless, Her- 
nando Mejia was not without his suspicions of Alva 
rado. 44 He had but recently committed one blunder 
in allowing himself to be outwitted by Melchor Ver- 
dugo ; but after some hesitation he decided that if the 
priest came armed with such a commission from the 
king as Alvarado affirmed, it were better to treat him 
with the respect due to a royal envoy. On the 17th 

42 < EI Titulo que Ilev6, fue de Presidente de la Audiencia Real del Peru. 
Zaratc, Hist. Peru, in Barcia, lib. vi. cap. vi. 

43 Llev6 las Ce dulas, y Recaudos necesarios, en caso, que convinese hacer 
Gente de Guerra, aunque estos fueron secretos, porque no publicaba, ni trataba, 
fino de los perdones, i de los otros medios pacificos. Zarate, Hist. Peru, in 
Barcia, lib. vi. cap. vi. Garcilaso de la Vega, Hist. Peru, ii. 209, says: Le 
diesen absolute Poder en todo, y por todo, tan cumplido y bastante, como su 
Magestad lo tenia en las Indias. See, also, Prescott s Peru, ii. 344. 

41 Alvarado hablo d Hernan Mexia, i le di6 noticia de la venida del Presi 
dente, diciendole quien era, i a lo que venia, i clespues de largas platicas se 
clespidieron, sin haverse declarado el vno al otro sus animos, porque ambos 
estaban sospechosos. Zarate, Hist. Peru } in Barcia, lib. vi. cap. vi. 


of July ( i intiii; :iiiii to land, ami 

]M<;J!.> liini a loyal jvn-pt ion. Drawing up his 

in. -n on tin beach, In- ]ut <>ut lor the piv> ni 

M 1 with a laiard of twenty arquebusiers, brought him 

a-hore, and amid the roar of cannon and mu>k-try 
conducted him to his own quarters within the town. 

M jia was not long in the company of the unpi 
t ndim ecclesiastic In -lore lie became convinced that 
beneath his calm demeanor Slumbered a power that 
would soon make itself felt in the land. Gasca ex 
plained the object of his errand and the scope of his 
authority. His purpose was peace, and his commi>- 
sion, which was dated after the battle of Anaquito 
and the death of the viceroy, authorized him to ^raiit 
pardon for all offences, no matter how heinous. 4 * It 
now therefore became all loyal subjects to oppose no 
longer the emperor s messenger. M-jia hesitated. 
At heart he was loyal, though in common with others 

had espoused the cause of the chivalrous conqu 
in opposition to the austere and unpopular rule of 
Yaca de Castro and Vasco Xufiez Vela. Xot ev 
Gonzalo Pizarro, much less his subordinates, admit I 
themselves to be rebels. Gasca did not press i 

,tter. He soon read the honest soldier completely 

and knew his man. His policy was rath T to throw 

around those over whom he desired to gain ;id- 

ency the subtle influence which a man of his k- . 

incisive penetration, invested with t\i !> of author- 

nd versed in all the wily craft and casui>try of 

i-dcr, knew well how to exercise, than to force an 

unwilling assent to measures which \\vre di> fid 

and might afterward be lightly di>rlainied. 

45 7>r;m/ </.r, 1 ! ..- . / /", ] t. i. lib. ii. rap. of 

.y until afti-r his laiidiii_ d 1 . l>ut 

sin- thn-c.l lii- ut, .-HIM i :n> wuull I 

him IK- would ivtnni to the CIIIIKM-IT. . ii. 

J7<>. ^-sca s 1 


fhun-hiuaii: Ki. r a M< rtlugo, 411 . con cicrtcs ( 

; !;i Ulira. *O df In 

. viii. lib. ii. cap. v. 


Mejia being left to draw his own conclusions and 
to act for himself, at length thus declared his resolu 
tion to Gasca: "I am a loyal subject of the emperor. 
If Gonzalo Pizarro is such he cannot question my 
course; if not, I choose not to follow the fortunes of 
traitors." He then placed himself and his men at the 
priest s disposal, gave him a correct statement of the 
military and naval strength under Hiriojosa s com 
mand, and even offered to march on Panama" and seize 
the fleet. 46 The envoy congratulated him upon his 
decision, and assured him that the king would reward 
him for his loyalty, but declined any service from 
him, other than keeping his resolve for the present a 

On receiving news of the president s landing and 
of his courteous reception, Hinojosa was sorely dis 
pleased. His lieutenant had been placed in command 
at Nombre de Dios for the express purpose of guard 
ing the northern coast against the approach of any 
expedition hostile to the interests of Gonzalo Pizarro; 
and now, after being surprised by a band of men from 
Nicaragua, and compelled to flee to Panama", he wel 
comed with royal honors, and without even consult 
ing his commander, a man commissioned to assume 
authority over all the affairs of Peru. Gasca shrewdly 
surmised that Mejia while clearing himself from the 
imputation of treachery would plead the cause of the 
king more effectually than he himself could do. He 
therefore ordered him to accompany Alvarado to 
Panamd and lay the whole matter before Hinojosa. 
The latter was pacified with no great difficulty. It 
was pointed out to him that, if it was the correct 
policy to allow the envoy to land, all would have the 
benefit of it; whereas, if an error had been committed 

46 Mexia le repondio, que la vandera que alii estabuo, la tenia por el Hey, y 
no por Pizarro, y q haria en su seruicio quanto le madasse. Ilerrera, dec. viii. 
lib. ii. cap. v. I que si queria, que llanamente se alcale Vandera por su 
Magestad, lo haria, i podian ir a Panama, i tomar la Armada, lo qual seria 
facil de hacer. Zarate, Hist. Peru, lib. iii. 133. See also, Gardlaso de la 
Veya, Hist. Peru, ii. 270. 

JSCA AXD Till-: ! 

it v, i simple matter to order Hie prie>t and 1 
Oirades <>n board t lieir Thus 1-, ii-ed lie 

tve permission to his offi to return ami >rt ti 
pi nt across tin- I>thmus. 

Melehor Verdu-o, in the mean time, having tiivd 

of inglorious ease at Cartagena, had landed at Xom- 

hre do Dios, and there laid his humble dnfv at I 
feei of his Maj. envoy. Gasca informed him th 
the best service he could render his sov< n would 
be to r< turn to Nicaragua and there disband his i<,r 
The meddlesome captain protested veli .tlv, but 
he was not of the metal with which the priest pro- 
]<)sed to crush the rebellion. A band of blatant, dull- 
witted adventurers, whipped into fury by the superior 
generalship and soldierly qualities of Hinojosa and his 

ans, could be of no assistance to him. Kindii 
a i length that the president was determined to i 
him. verdugo withdrew his troops, and soon ; 
ward returned to Spain, there to lay his grievances 
before the emperor. 

On the 13th of August 1546 Gasca makes ] i- 
trance into Panama, and is received with much c< 
mony by the commander-in-chief, the governor, an 1 
magistrates of the city. Hin ; with all hi n 
penetrating common-sense, his pra- I i-\j 
and his thorough knowledge of the world, is no moi 
]roof against the seeming candor and mild winnin 
deportment of the unpretending priest than was M.ji a. 
A downright foe i- his delight. He will match 1. 

it or skill in military or political affairs again.-t tl 
of any man in the Indi. But when the soi jn 
]>o\\-er of Spain appears in robes of sacred humilit; 
and giving utterance in bland ace- to doctrin. 
worthy of the prince of peace, the .^ ity of the sol- 
diei- is at fault. The fo - become a pliair \v- 

ci-fnl, nay invineihle, but intan^iMe. Oppositi"ii to 
the subtle influence of the priest i> like waging con 
flict with the powers of air. 

At length 1 Lin< ills on the president, and 1 


him to specify the nature of the authority with which 
he is vested. Gasca replies that he is the bearer of 
glad tidings to the Spanish settlers; for his Majesty 
has been pleased to revoke the more obnoxious meas 
ures contained in the new laws, and to empower 
him to grant a full pardon for all that has occurred 
in Peru. Hinojosa then asks if Gonzalo Pizarro is 
included in this amnesty, and whether he will be con 
firmed in his position as governor. Gasca evades the 
question; whereupon the commander s suspicions being 
roused he at once orders a ship to be made ready, and 
sends a despatch to Gonzalo, giving an account of the 
priest s arrival, of his reception by Mejia at Nombre 
de Dios, and of the nature of the envoy s mission; 
assuring his former chieftain that he may rely on 
him to execute faithfully any instructions. 

By the same vessel Gasca despatches a Dominican 
monk, Francisco de San Miguel, to proclaim through 
out Peru the arrival of the royal commissioner, and 
his promise to condone the offences of all who return 
to their allegiance. He also addresses letters to many 
influential persons in whom he had confidence. Finally 
he forwards to Gonzalo a despatch from the emperor, 
accompanied by an epistle from himself, a perfect 
masterpiece of diplomacy, in which he touches but 
lightly on the overthrow of the viceroy, avows that 
if he be not loyal there is not a soul whom he can 
venture to trust, and begs him as a Christian and a 
true Spaniard to persist no longer in rebellion. Mean 
while, the crafty envoy sends a messenger to the 
viceroy of New Spain, urging him not to allow arms 
or horses to be sent to Peru, and to hold his navy in 
readiness for war. 47 

The arrival of this unwelcome news from Panama" 
caused no slight annoyance. A council of officers 
was summoned; the principal inhabitants of Lima 
were invited to attend; the letters were read in public; 

47 Fernandez, Hist. Peru, pt. i. lib. ii. cap. xxviii. See also Herrera, dec. 
viii, lib. ii. cap. vi., and Gomara, Hist. Intl., 228. 

and nil wen- invited to express their opi 

!i prov< 1 much merriment s ami man\ 
tin l)iit they knew not the mail tip 

\\ith. Some declared for killing him outright; oth- 

for liiiLj liiin hack to Spain; ami on] ice 1 

ami then- was heard in favor of admitting him 
1 Vru. After Inn-- discussion it was finally determined 

id an cmhassy (o Spain and lay the niatt<T I. 
the emperor, and that a re-solution, signed hy .- .ty 
of tin- leading cavaliers in tin- city, should In- forw;, 
to the <-nvoy, stating that, civil dissensions havi 
iio\\- terminated, the nation was enjoy in;_ 
of peace under the rule of Gonzalo Pi/arro. and that 

the presence of his Majesty s representative would 
not only tend to distract the province hut might cost 
him his life. of Qonzal< > s lieutenants, though secretly 


a traitor to the revolutionary cause, was despatched 
t<> 1 anama with the missi Arrivin ir in that city 


the 13th of November, he repaired to Hmojoe 

Innisc Itefore calling on the pi-esident. r rhere !)<; 
allowed to read the governor s private despatches he 
threw them into the ilaim-. Proceeding them-e to 

the president s quart- rs he offered him hi arvic 

and it was agreed that Ilinojosa should he openly 
invited to join the ryali>t jiai ty. rnando M< 

also tried liis ]>owers of persuasion, arguing that 

the empenr s will had heeii made known it was th 
duty to ohey the president without awaiting the 

f the appeal to the throne, that matters w. 
now in a fair way for settlement, and that if this 
Opportunity should pass unheeded they might w 

Ion r another chance of escaping the consequ* 

of their treason. Hinojosa was unwillin pi 

this view of th- lie believed that the action 

of the revolutionary party \\.i- - -itial! 11 

therefore r< pliod that he had already informed t 

48 Wlnn i isca s emissary, first called ( he was ti. 

courteously t \\u asking him tu \.>e seated. 


envoy of his intentions, that if his Majesty should 
not be pleased to grant the petition of Gonzalo Pizarro 
he would at once render his obedience to the crown. 
But Hinojosa was at length entangled in the net of 
the wily priest and in company with his lieutenant 
called at the president s house, meekly swore alle 
giance to his cause, placed his fleet at his disposal, 
and hoisted the royal banner of Spain from the main 
mast of his flag-ship. 

Gasca now answered the resolution signed by the 
seventy cavaliers, inditing his letter to Gonzalo, and 
expressing his wonder that such an insignificant clerigo 
as he should be refused admittance into Peru. He 
begged them to rid their minds of all apprehension 
as to any hostile intent on his part. Then binding 
his officers by oath 49 not to reveal his purpose, he im 
pressed into his service every available man on the 
Isthmus, obtained loans of money, wrote to the gov 
ernors of all the Spanish provinces for assistance, 
despatched powerful squadrons to secure the port of 
Lima and capture Gonzalo s vessels on the coast of 
Peru, and on the 13th of June 1547 landed at Tumbez 
in command of more than one thousand troops. 50 

"Surely the devil must be in their midst!" ex 
claimed old Carbajal, 51 as Valdivia receiving this com 
pliment to his generalship put his army in array at 
Xaquixaguana, and Gasca withdrew to the rear with 
his train of ecclesiastics. The rout of the rebel forces 
could hardly have been more complete had his satanic 
majesty been present in person, and almost within 
sight of the capital of the incas the last of the 

49 The captains so sworn signed their names before the notary Juan de 
Barutiu. Panama, Pleito Uomenage, in Col. Doc. Ined., xlix. 

50 In Cartel d Miyuel Diez Armendariz, in Cartas de Indias, Gasca states 
that since the 1st of December 1546 1,000 soldiers, including several men of 
rank, had been assembled for the king s service; that he had at his disposal a 
fleet of from 23 to 25 ships, two of which were built at Panama; and that there 
had not yet been time for the arrival of reinforcements from Guatemala, Hon 
duras, Mexico, Espaiiola, or Nicaragua, at which latter province there were 
250 horsemen ready to embark. 

51 On seeing the masterly disposition of the royalist forces, Carbajal, Gon- 
zalo s lieutenant, remarked, Valduia rige el campo o el diablo. 

A in i) Bior;n.\rin:R. 

Pi/an-*- .d.-d i the executioner, 

iii-- with his la>t In-rath t; POWD rich hy his 

brotl hminty and liis own, had deserted i 

enemi ;nd were now ^atlim-d around his scatt<>!. 
\\liilu ho himsrlf was left without tlir means of }>\\r- 

a mass for the wulfaiv of liis abandoned soul. ; 

52 Among those present at Gonxalo s funeral was Ilinojosa, who, after 

tlio royal cause, wasassa- I in ]^.~i 2. 

53 ; rtial biographer of the Piaon izarro ; 

>nes Ilvstre.9 del Nvevo J .Madrid, : >\\o. Tho 

ins t lie lives of Columbus,, ( i-os, Aluia- 

I .,: -iles, but the gre.. i tu the autl. 

; lu-.s and kinsmen, by the side of whom tlu 1 other heroes appear in < 

faint outline. Every incident that can in any May redound to 

is made to .shine with a lustre unsurpassed evm by tin; pearls 
gold for wliidi they so recklessly staked their lives. The brilliancy in< 
is so strong as to merge into complete obscurity the bloody d nd sh; 

ful : , hich characterize the name. This is intentional on \ t of the 

who not only suppresses facts most notorious, but in glossing over the 

t of Gonzalo, even attempts to justify it. Hi.soh :> advocate 

for the heirs of Hernando Pizarro, the r Btoration of itlesof 

marquis as more fully set forth in tin >!, i Politico, ]>::i !i-hed the 

year, immediately after the Varones. The work is, in brief, the pl 

ot a learned lawyer, as the author proves L . suppl d with 

quaint and abstruse notes and profuse marginals chiefly from classic writers. 

HIST. CENT. AM., VOL. n. 18 







AFTER the downfall of Rodrigo de Contreras, his 
sons, Hernando and Pedro, the former a licentiate, 
and both held in high esteem among the colonists of 
Nicaragua, resolved to regain by force of arms the 
wealth and station of which they deemed themselves 
unjustly deprived. Of noble birth and reared in lux 
ury, they found themselves in early manhood reduced 
to comparative poverty and their ancient name sullied 
by their sire s disgrace. They knew well that they 
had the sympathy of the greater portion of the set 
tlers, and in the province were many exiles from Peru, 
veterans who having fought under Carbajal and Gon- 
zalo Pizarro, were always ready for fresh enterprise, 
no matter how dangerous or treasonable, provided 
only that wealth were in prospect. Chief among them 
were Juan Bermejo and Rodrigo Salguero, whom 
Gasca had banished for attempting to raise an insur 
rection after the execution of Gonzalo. Bermejo was 
an old friend of the Contreras family, being a native 



:ty in Sji;iin, and it \v;is at his in- 
tion that the two hmthers who at iir^t \. 
only <>n recovering their lather s ri^ht- and pr<>; 

in Nicaragua, no\\- determined to >ipt a feat i 

audacity of which lia parallel in tin- 1 >y of 
Spani>h colonization. This wa- nothing Ie88 than ti 

njiiot ofTierra Fin nd IVru. In the of 

! nando was to he prorlaimed monarch <>f 

latter province, which was lcli 
wealth than all the world In^ides. J r- paralioiis 

re made at Granada; men w< d; 

amis and ammunition Were procured; and when 1 

arrive(l that tl ntence of the drpo> t -d gov 
ernor was confirmed hy the council of UK,- Indies i 
conspirators removed to Leon, the youn-vr lntlnT 
nainiiiL;- at his mother s i-e>idenc( in (Iran;, 

impression that they had departed on some 
peaceful errand. 

Hernando witli his companions took a lioiise in 
>!). and thence mcssen^ were despal in- 

wlio were thought mo-t likely to join tli- 

a pretended merry-makii When all \\ n- 

l>led the youthful rehel pointed out how hard was th 
])iv>rnt condition in life, and how Imp-l.-ss their char 

iii ^ it. He denounced the conduct of the 
ncia, hy wl ordinances th who had 

((tiered and peopled the jtrovince v, now well n; 

! to beggary. He represented to them t! 
:ititled to the governmei u, wh: 

\ince, he claimed, helon^vd to his family ly 

i lights in; d from his grandfather Led 

J)iivila; 1 and he concluded hy inviting the >in 

him in an expedition hy which wealth in ahunda- 

t fall to their lot if v had hut th< 
p it. No further per>ua>ion wa< in-eled. and all 

their i it, electing 1 1 ernand 



1 I provin- 



Bishop Valdivieso was the only man who was likely 
to offer serious opposition; and as a measure of pru 
dence as well as to avenge the disgrace of Rodrigo 
de Contreras it was resolved that he should be put to 
death. The conspirators marched in a body to the 
episcopal residence. Some who held religious scruples 
tried to excuse themselves under pretence that they 
were without arms, but were compelled by their leader 
to accompany the rest. 2 Hernando in company with 
an apostate friar, named Castafieda, entered the house, 
while one stood guard at the door, and the remainder 
of the band surrounded the building. The bishop s 
companion, Fray Alonso, who had noticed their ap 
proach, at once notified the prelate, but his fate was 
sealed. He endeavored to conceal himself, suspecting 
the intention of the intruders, but was discovered and 
instantly stabbed to death in the presence of his aged 
mother, the point of Hernando s dagger breaking off 
in the victim s breast. 3 The dwelling was then plun 
dered; several boxes containing gold and jewels were 
stolen, and the party marched to the plaza, where 
Hernando was proclaimed " captain general of liberty." 
A messenger was despatched to Pedro de Contreras 
to inform him of his brother s success, and the rebels 
proceeded to the treasury building at Leon, and break 
ing open the royal chest divided among themselves its 

The leaders of the revolt separated their forces into 

2 Yporque algunos querian yr A, armarse, y otras de mala gana le seguian, 
los reprehendia, y amenazaua, dicledo, que los haria castigar como a delin- 
quentes, diziendoles; que no auian menester otras annas, i mando a luan. 
Barmejo, que matasse al que no le siguiese. Herrera, dec. viii. lib. vi. cap. v. ; 
see, also, Remesal, Hi*t. Chyapa, 491. 

6 Hecho esto embio a Granada ft clar auiso A Pedro de Contreras su her- 
mano, embiandole la daga con que ania muerto al Obispo, sin punta, que se 
le auia despuntado al tiempo que le mate. Jiemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 492;- see 
also Herrera, dec. viii. lib. vi. cap. v., and Gasca, Carta in CoL Doc. Incd., 
1. ; but Zarate, Hist. Peru, lib. vii. cap. xii., does not attribute the killing of 
the bishop to Hernando himself, saying, i vn Dia entraron ciertos Sol dados 
de su Compaiiia, adonde estaba el Obispo jugando al Axedrez, i le mataron. 
This, however, is not likely, as Hernando was thirsting for personal revenge 
against the prelate, and the apostate friar, probably excommunicated, may 
also have had his secret motives for participating in the murder. 


three cninpanie id it was decid 1 that ^ ro 

should b> patched with a small band 1" Nicova 

i/e 1 and enlist all the men ! Ulld lind 

there, while Hernando marched with tin- niain body 
ilejo for a similar purpose, and Bennejo with 

about thirty men returned to (Iranada 1> i^atln r 
Cruits and destroy all tin- vessels <>n Lake Ni 

thus preventing any tidings of the rebellion from . h- 

iiiLC Ticrra Firme by way of Nomlnv de Dios. 

AJB -"n as news of the conspiracy was known in 
Granada, a corps of one hundivd niid twenty nn-n was 
lia^tily organized under Captain Luis C an-illu, and, 
when Bennejo approached the city he found liiinx-lf 
opposed hy a greatly superior ioiv,-; l^ut so skilfully 
Jiad ynun^ ]\ dro \von over most of 1 1 1- tiers to his 
Brother s cause, that many of the loyal party deserted 
their ranks and joined the revolution!^ After a 
brief contest, in which Carrillo and > -vend of his men 
were killed and others wounded, Bermejo took ] s- 
sion of the city. All the shipping on the lake v, 
destroyed, and the rebels marched to Realejo accom 
panied by JN-dro, who, notwithstanding the entreat i. 
of his mother, had resolved to join th- [ edition. 
Hernando, meanwhile , had captured there two \ U 
laden with mei chadise for Peru, and impressed their 
crews into his service. Sal^uero had been equally 
fortunate at Nicoya, having entei-ed the town with 
out opposition and enlisted some sixty recruil The 
i orccs of the revolutionists now mustered more than 
three hundred men. 

Knowing that su lepcnded <n proni] f 

ion, the ivl.d leaders determined to embark im- 

me<liately for Tierra Kirnn-. and at once arranged 

their plan of operations, l- !- m certain exil otly 

arrived lr>m Peru it was ascertainetl that the licen 
tiate ( Jasc;i was then on his way to Spain with a 1,; 

.lount of tfeasu] To seize it was to be their tii 
endeavor. If this were BUCOeSsful < nd t 

OVeniOr ot l > anaina Were to U put leatli. All 


army of at least six hundred men was to be levied 
at the Isthmus. Ships were to be fitted out and a 
squadron despatched to cruise off the coasts of Nicara 
gua and Guatemala and destroy all the vessels they 
could capture. The settlers who were unfit for mili 
tary service were to be plundered of their goods and 
sent, together with all the women and children, to Car 
tagena. Panama", Nombre de Dios, and Natd w T ere 
then to be burned to the ground. The cattle were to 
be killed and the crops destroyed, so that if an army 
should be sent against them from Spain there should 
be found neither means of subsistence nor ships for 
transport. The expedition was then to sail for Peru, 
where Hcrnando was to be proclaimed king; and 
Spain was thus to lose the richest portion of her do 
minions in the New World. 4 

Soon after the conspirators had taken their depart 
ure from Granada, the alcaldes ordered a bark to be 
built with the intention of sending news of the threat 
ened invasion to Nombre cle Dios; but alarmed by 
the threats of Dona Maria, who declared that her 
sons had information of their purpose, and were even 
now returning to destroy the city, they requested her 
to assure them that no tidings of the revolt should be 
sent to Castilla del Oro. Meanwhile the revolution 
ists, having completed their preparations, set sail 
from Nicoya for Punta de Higuera, in the district of 

On the 12th of March 1550 Gasca arrived at Pa- 
nanui, and at once proceeded to land the royal treas 
ure, which was valued at eleven million castellanos. 
He was bid to use all expedition in shipping it to 
Spain, for as he learned from his despatches it was 
sorely needed to defray the expenses of the emperor s 
European wars. His instructions were that he him- 

4 Gasca, Carta al Rey, in Col. Doc. Ined., 1. 117-23. See, also, Eemesal, 
Hist. Chyapa, 493; Garcilaso de la Vega, Hist. Peru, ii. 371, and Herrera, dec. 
viii. lib, vi. cap. v. 


hnuld remain at tin Istliinus t ; tin- arii 

newly appointed viceroy, Mendo; Th 
.vhat ui .under hi- >onsihilit\ ucruni 
of tin- coming mid having already reached him, h* 

r of being attacked, as !; had with liin 
ae hundred and fifty \ md 1 

men OH hoard the >hips mustered ahout lmr hundi 
and iii ty men. NO lleet from Spain had yet arri\ 

\omhre de Dios, but nineteen t i-adin-j 

at anchor oil tliu town, v. I and |)ro\i>i-.n 

and arnird with the artillery hioii-ht IVom J .-i-u. " 
T\\ liundred mule-loads of gold and silver w- 

soon convey rd to the t>wn of Cnuvs on tlnj ( 

there to l>u shipped in barges, under ( charjf 

ior transportation to the North Sea, and still a la. 

amount of 1 iru awaited means of conveyance at 


The rehel expedition had now arrived at Punta <le 
Hi. where a caravel was captured, laden with 

n -a welcome prize, as the revolutionists \ 

already in want of provisions. Continuing their \ 
Toward Panama they captured another vos 

orning thence to Nicaragua, and v, informed hy 

! the licentiate s arrival and of i 
of his I M, It was now determined ;tack the, 

y al dead <>f night, surprise the ^ai i, put ; 
governor to death, and thus create a panic among the 

. As to ( ; . "th* . \ . "to 

po\\ d( r of him, an article of which th> 
much in need/ 

Sott honi-s after nightfall on the -JOth of April 
L550 llernando de Contrerafl an<l !! with the 

main hody of the revolutionists landed at a sn. 

these all tl :nt.s .ami t 

iiout 1: a mar: 

:ln ir \ . i Sjiaih 

(jue ; 
lil>. vi. cap. i. The p 

n t li .r ineaiis c. 

tluir labor. ( /., 1. 111. 


inlet about one league from the city, and under cover 
of the darkness made their entrance without opposi 
tion, shouting "Death to the traitor!" and "Long live 
Prince Contreras, captain general of liberty." The 
governor s home was surrounded, but as he had de 
parted for Nombre de Dios the rebels contented 
themselves with plundering his residence. A party 
was now ordered to secure the treasurer Amaya and 
seize the royal treasury, 6 while the remainder dis 
persing themselves through the streets, seized all the 
arms and ammunition they could discover, being in 
structed by Bermejo to tell the people that they had 
come not to sack the town but to seize the king s 
treasure and to inaugurate a reign of liberty. Some 
of them nevertheless broke open the stores and houses, 
and helped themselves to whatever they most coveted. 
A large stock of rich apparel was found among other 
merchandise, and many of the lawless gang now, for 
the first time since they had arrived from Spain, at 
tired themselves in a suit of new garments. 7 

A force was stationed in the plaza in front of 
the cathedral, where the bishop had taken refuge. 
As he refused to show himself, being in fear of assas 
sination, Bermejo entered the sanctuary and dragged 
him into the square. Meanwhile Ruiz de Marchena, 
the assistant treasurer, had been arrested, and by 
threats and maltreatment forced to deliver up addi 
tional treasure to the amount of four hundred and 
fifty thousand pesos. 

Bermejo urged that the bishop, the treasurer, the 
regiclores, and other principal officials be put to death; 
but Hernando, not wishing to shed blood unneces 
sarily, accepted their promise under oath to join the 

6 So confident were they of success that instead of removing the treasure 
to their ships they deposited it with the merchants and others, who bound 
.themselves before a notary to deliver it when called for either to Bermejo or 
the Contreras brothers. Proveieron estos disparates, imaginandose, que sin 
toner contraste alguno, eran yd Sefiores de toda el Nuevo Mundo. Garcilaso 
de la Vega, Hist. Peru, ii. 373. 

7 Remwal, Hist. Chyapa, 493. Vega, Ilixt. Peru, ii. 372, says they found 
so much. Spanish merchandise que yd les dava hastio, por no poderlas llevar 
, todas. 


cause of the revolutionist hereupon the fin 
narked to the rebel leader, "If you are in fa-. 
of your enemies and against yourself you will find 

that these VttJ Same men whose lives you now sp 
will uj)on the tirsi opportunity turn about and hang 
i and all your followers." Hardly had the words 

been uttered when Marchena, disregarding 1 

-patched mes- TS to apprise GaSCa of the inva- 

While the city thus fell into the hands of the con- 
spiral . Pedro de Contreras with fifty men had 

/-d all the ships in the harbor of Panama, and 

Iguero with twenty mounted an|in-bu-iTs had 
bees despatch* d to Cruces with instructions to slay 
the licentiate and the governor and to bring back all 
tin- ure they could secure. The latter arri\ 
too late to execute his intent; but live hundred 
lars of silver were found stored in the village, ;, 
tin-re Salguero s men remained till noon of the fol 
lowing day, amusing themselves by plundering the 
custom-house and making merry over brimmi: ob- 

s of choice wine, paying the merchants lor their 
Is from the stolen treasure. 

Thus far all had gone well; and had the rebels 1 

-killful leader they might have accomplished tl. 
pin-pox- almost as elleetually as did llinojosa wl 
his superior strategy he made th< of 

province, a few y . ioiisly, without the loss 

of a single life. But BUCCeSS had made them 
confident. Already they had roused the ill-will of 
pie by plundering them of their good-, 8 

A- they were about to commit the serious blunder 
of dividing their force- into small detachments, thus 

idering themselves liable to be attacked and 
powered in detail. llernando with only forty men 
forth from Panama for \oinhre de 1 >ios, thinking 
this slender hand sufficient to cope with < com 

mand. 8 Arriviii"- at a pla< died I .a \enta de 

O 1 

*This is the number given in //// ./, ilcc. viii. lib. vi. cap. v., while in 


Chagre he captured one Gomez cle Tapia, who had 
in his possession a letter informing the licentiate of 
what had transpired. He at once caused him to be 
hanged, attaching to his feet a paper on which was 
written, "This man was hanged for carrying advices 
to Gasca." By some fortunate chance, however, he 
was rescued. A mulatto boy who when asked where 
his master lay concealed directed his captors to a 
spot where they found only his sword, was put to 
death in the same manner by order of a captain named 

At Capira, within a distance of three and a half 
leagues from the town, the men were ordered to 
encamp until Gasca with the king s treasure should 
arrive at Nombre de Dios. Berrnejo in the mean 
while determined to leave Panamd unguarded and 
marched to the support of Hernando, hoping to crush 
the foe in a single encounter and thus end all opposi 
tion. Believing that Pedro s slender force was more 


than sufficient to prevent any uprising in the city, 
he even withdrew some of the men, and enlisting a 
few volunteers among the citizens began his journey 
across the Isthmus. 

On the day after Bermejo s departure Gasca and 
the governor arrived at the mouth of the Chagre, 
and here were met by a party of armed men from 
Nombre de Dios, with news that Panama w T as in 
possession of a ruffian horde, though who they were 
or whence they came none could yet determine. 
Thus after crushing the rebellion in Peru, and bring 
ing these vast stores of wealth in safety to the shore 
of the North Sea, the licentiate found himself in 
danger, at the last moment, of losing not only, the 
king s treasure but his own reputation as an able and 
trustworthy servant of the emperor. He resolved to 

Gasca, Carta, in Col. Doc. Intd., 1., only 18 or 20 are mentioned. Gasca 
must be in error, for Contreras afterward left 25 men at Capira when he 
returned to assist Bermejo. 


illlbre (] I ,11(1 aft 

>>ld and silver beyond 
t all the men lio could in b to 1 

Of the capital. Flic. >i; \l\ _r ; 

putting out 1 a lie was compelled i 

dl inlet some league! it from the f<>\vn. and 

ih( d one of liis otlicei infill-in the 
of his approach and encoui them to i 

preparations for d-i . nee. Two d r h> 

in person, and was received with open anus 

tin- terror-stricken citizens, most of whom 1. 

I their stores and dwellings and ]>laced their 
on board the ships in readiness for ili-ht. It 
was ii.),. lained that Ilernando de Coni 

nid of the and that their ini -nt; 

w. declare him kin- - of IVru. G; ordered i 


nv-i!eet to lie brought round from a 
nid, where it had been left at anchor, and by thus 
NviiiLj that lie had no fear of the inva< 

red conlidf ]\Iany of the inhabitants h. 

I to the mountains, but now return* id oi h 

ir valuables on shore 1 rm tl. 
if the licentiate ventured to 
lire at Xoiubre de Dios they need li 
no fear for their own property. Finding that no 
!c was made on the t,.wn ( " M P ^ la ^ 

Hemando had returned to Panama, and rolled in- his 
imountini;- in all to five hundred and >iv 

! >thiuus: but when <n t 
artinv news arrived from that 

th. ellinii was already uished. 

A ! ; r B JO had evaCQ lin of 

the inliabi j, knowing that 

of Force and would probably overpower 1 

invad mined to take lip arms and 

bar their r A i bed 1 

inform the licenl f their ]ui-|>o church 

bell> w< lied t c;-.ll the citizen- I I thj 


royal standard was hoisted amid shouts of " Long live 
the king!" and "Death to tyrants!" Pedro de Con- 
treras, who still remained with the fleet, hereupon 
sent a boat on shore to ascertain the cause of the up 
roar. The crew were instantly made prisoners, and 
the men of Panarnd now resolved to attempt the cap 
ture of the vessels, and thus cut off the rebels from 
all chance of escape. One of the captive seamen was 
placed in the boat securely bound, and it was then 
rowed back toward the fleet followed by three others 
filled with armed men, the sailor being ordered on 
pain of death to answer the challenge of the rebels 
with the words "Hernando de Contreras, the prince 
of liberty." After a sharp struggle the assailants 
were repulsed, six of their number being killed and 
several wounded. During the conflict the prisoner 
managed to shake off his fetters, and plunging into 
the sea saved himself by swimming back to his ship. 
Preparations were now made for the defence of the 
city; intrench ments were thrown up; the main street 
was barricaded; and the women and children lodged 


in the cathedral where the last stand would be made 
in case of defeat. 

On hearing of this emeute in the city, Bermejo, 
who had now arrived at the village of Cruces, deter 
mined at once to retrace his steps, vowing that he 
would hang and quarter every one of those who had 
broken their promise not to take arms against him. 
Messages were sent to Hernando and Salguero in 
forming them of what had transpired, and urging 
their instant return ; but without waiting for his as 
sistance the rebel leader marched at once on Panamd, 
making the journey of fourteen leagues in a single 
day. Again he committed an unpardonable error, and 
one that soon caused the destruction of his forces. 
In his foolish haste to join Hernando he had left the 
strongest city on the Isthmus without a garrison, and 
now while his men were worn out by their forced 
march he resolved to make the attack that very night. 


] I:id he ! U< waited I m- the arrival of 

60 allowed his soldiers thin- for r all miuht 

have been well; but anger overcame his jud at, 

and in his thii>t for would li 

d lay. Knterin^ the main > In- found | 

fully prepared for del , .and on arriving at the 1..- 

de rocks \\ hurled down from the h< 
while Ixnvincn and arquebu oprii.-d a .-harp ii 

him to retreat and devise other plat, 

After consulting with liis officers it was resolvrd 
ire to the city at several points during tl.- 

lowing nighty and to fall on tin- inhabitants while tl, 
were m^auvd in extinguishing the llames. \o<jii. 

to !>< shown, and orders Wei ren that every 

inhabitant over twelve years of a houM l*e slau^-li- 
d without rc gard to sex or condition. Whili the 
rebels W( re in council one of the captives, overhej 
their conversation, secretly despatcned hi pro 

vant to ^ive information of their doi- n. \-iuith- 
ndin^the advice of the bishop, who d-vined it ]> 
await the arrival of Gasca from Xoinhre de Di . 
the UK 11 of Panama* determined to attack the 
bef they had time to ute their jlai. r Jl: 
- mustered in all 550 men, of whom 100 w 

who had fought in IVru, 200 \ ia\v 

sruits, and the remainder negroes, armed with 

lai: -r cross-bows, under command ol Spanish olli- 

Ahout noon they sallied forth to encounter the 

All kin v, that they were al>out to en in a 

doubtful and desperate struggle, bui tl. riesi ->w- 

I anioii^ them felt that it wafl better tlr risk 
his life than le tamely Lute-lured ly t! 

the hattle was to l.c fou- ht in open dayli 
could shirk duty. 

atly iiished at the audaeity ol 

the citi; . hut his discomfiture n f the ]r, 
had made him a little i ; utious and lie withdr 

hi- to a neighboring hill, where being joint 1 l>y 


Salguero s band, 9 which at that moment arrived from 
Graces, he awaited the onslaught. After a desperate 
struggle the rebels were overpowered. Ninety of 
them were stretched dead upon the field, 10 among 
them Bermejo and Salguero, the latter by a lance- 
thrust from the treasurer Amaya, who during the 
fight managed to escape from his guards. The re 
mainder were captured to a man and conducted in 
shackles to the jail, where the alguacil mayor, Kod- 
rigo de Villalba, caused them all to be stabbed to the 
heart, plunging his own dagger into many, and not 
even allowing them the consolations of religion. 

On the very day that Bermejo s command was 
defeated, Hernando receiving news of his proposed 
attempt to recapture Panama", sent a message approv 
ing of his intention, and for the purpose of causing a 
panic in the city, ordered him to spread the report 
that Nombre de Dios had been taken and Gasca and 
the governor slain. Leaving twenty-five men under 
the command of Landa to guard the passes at Capira, 
he set forth with the remainder to support his lieu 
tenant. Arriving the first night at "Venta de Chagre, 
he found that one Lozano, a settler in that district, 
had gone to warn the citizens of his approach, and 
ordered all his property to be destroyed. On the fol 
lowing day he was informed of the disastrous result 

9 When Salguero received the message from Bermejo some confusion en- 
STied, and most of the silver bars which he had captured were lost, being 
thrown into the river or stolen by negroes, who hid them in the rocks and 
swamps. Not only had Salguero captured the king s silver but also a large 
quantity of treasure belonging to private individuals. He ordered it to be 
packed on mules taken from the settlers at Graces; but when he came near 
the city and saw the troops sallying forth he abandoned his baggage-train and 
hurried forward to join Bermejo. Gasca, Carta, in Col. Doc. Ined., 1. 149; 
and Uerrera, dec. viii. lib. vi. cap. vi. Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 497, states 
that when the silver was lost only a portion of Salguero s men marched with 
him towards Panamd, the remainder making for the sea-shore, where they 
were taken on board the ships of Pedro de Contreras. It is estimated that 
the entire amount of treasure captured by the rebels would be worth at the 
present day some $12,000,000. 

10 Gasca, Carta, in Col. Doc. Ined., 1. 149-50. See, also, Herrera, dec. viii. 
lib. vii. cap. vii. Remesal gives 82 as the number slain on the field. Gasca 
says in his despatch that only three of the citizens of Panama were killed, 
though many were wounded but none fatally; a rather improbable statement, 
considering that the rebels knew they need expect no quarter. 

Tin: 1:1 !:I:MIXATIOX 

of the battle before Panam 

men, bidding them make their way fco ; 
where they might, perchance, be rescued by his 

>ther a lleef, him-elf with three companions <_ 
in the direction of Xat Meanwhile tne men I 

I -ari ng an attack from Gasca s tn> ahan- 
l their ]>ost and marched across th-- l-thm 
On approaching Panama they were att 1 h\ 

force, but made their escape during the night 
and also dii d their course toward the Bea-sh< 

Pedro de Contreras heard of the d.-f.-at <-f 
1 > rmejo, lie at once put to sea with his two 1 
and, abandoning the remainder, sailed i .>r Xata, but 
n- sooner was his departure known than lour vessels 
rted in pin-suit; and(Ja<ca, \vlioai-i-ived from Pan 
ama a day or two later, dcspa; I a strong for. 
land to piv\vnt the embarkation of the survi 
At Punt a de Higuera the labels ships were 
and captured, most of their crews escaping in the 
portion of them bein^ captured later, and the 
.minder dying as was supposed by starvation or 
ng killed by the nativ* Nothii: -ward 

heard of their i a Landa s men were slain or tak 
]n-is(! . and he himself was hanged and <|U ed 

at the same tree from which he had I I the 

mulatto boy. The man who had attempted fco Q- 
Tapia met with a similar fate, and the bodies of 

these two rebels were displayed piecemeal al the 

d between Capira and Veiita tie C h: 
only among all the captives were spai md th- 
re sent to Spain to end their d; ralle 

Hernando and his comra reached the c . and 

ng hotly ])iirsued, ])iit to in a canoe hopi: 

fall in with Pedro s ships, but \ di-iven la-k by 
s of weather. Ai t-r wandering aim- 
70 day-, the rebel chief, now -led by In 

and exposure, was drowned while att< inptin ford 

a river, and thus probal K I the hangman. 


When his body was afterward discovered it was rec 
ognized only by the clothes and by a golden ornament 
suspended from the neck. The head which was so 
soon to wear a crown, w r as severed from the body and 
placed in an iron cage in the plaza at Panama". Thus 
ended a rebellion which under more able leadership 
might have subverted Spain s empire in the western 
world several centuries before the term of her domin 
ion was accomplished. 11 

11 Soon after the suppression of the Contreras revolt, Gasca, having recov 
ered most of the stolen treasure, embarked for Spain, where he was appointed 
to the bishopric of Sigiienza and afterward to that of Palencia. He died on 
the 10th of November 1565, leaving a history of Peru, which was published 
at Seville two years after his death. His Carta al Consejo, in Doc. Ined. , 1. 
106-63, is probably the most reliable source of information concerning the 
events related in this chapter. Herrera agrees with him in all the principal 
incidents, differing only in the order in which they are related, and in some 
minor points of detail. Remesal is very explicit in his narrative, and agrees 
for the most part with Gasca and Herrera. Gomara and Zurate give only a 
condensed statement of the matter, and in the main indorse the preceding 
authorities. The account given in Juarros is taken from Remesal, and that 
of Benzoni is borrowed from various sources, while Gonzalez Ddvila relates 
only the assassination of Bishop Valdivieso. 




\l:."l.v AKTlFin-: OF I 

< UK M.\i.i)MN.\i>o im; FlBSI 1 ; 


IV II- Ni-; i; \-> Till .. LAS CA 

M IA Ih: 




Ix ansv/cr to tlie ]x -tit ion of tlic s< ai Tru- 

jillo, tl. i|>eror apjxiinlnl as nuer of I Inmh; 
Higueraa l-Y.-mrism d<- ^[ontfjo, the >r <>t ^S u- 

;i. It is not ivconlt.-d thai ln-oii^lit him 

her i ceim suj)j)lirs in aid <! tlu- i-j-t 

in^ colony. On liis arrival ii< ;ml a small 

barving men, destitute of all resou r Y 

Spaniards who were ahlo to make tln-ir \ i 

]>n>\ ince liad ahv;idy taken their drpar 

Juan de Chavez, appointed liy Alvarad" 8ucc 

Bor, not finding ID Hondur ay profitable fi< his 

enterprise, had ahandnncd th- territory and returi 

( Juatemala. 1 r fl rn<r 

JNdi odcl l*!!^ 4 !^ <! ( ahallos, wilt-re I 

deil the repartimi 

1 In a 1 -Tiist I 1 

i that he wot well 

adapted to ru! , in Cyrtas (/. . 

. CK.NT. AM., VOL. II. 


stowing them on his friends or appropriating them 
to his own use, 2 and despatched an expedition to the 
neighboring sierra for the purpose of pacifying the 
Indians. As no attempt was made to enslave or mal 
treat them, many returned voluntarily to the settle 
ment. Montejo then visited Gracias d Dios, where 
lie ascertained that certain Spaniards, journeying from 
Comayagua toward Guatemala, had been murdered 
by the natives in the province of Cerquin. He re 
paired to the spot, and arresting the ringleaders caused 
them to be punished in the presence of their caciques, 
who were then dismissed to their homes, professing 
to be satisfied that their penalty was deserved. 

But their satisfaction was only feigned, and the 
colonists, who now imagined that they had established 
friendly relations with the Indians, were quickly un 
deceived. The most warlike and implacable of their 
enemies was the chief Lempira, a name signifying the 
Lord of the Mountains. He had long been a terror 
to the settlers, and a warrior of note among his own 
countrymen. With his own hand he was reputed to 
have slain in a single conflict with a hostile tribe one 
hundred and twenty of his foes. Such was the terror 
which his presence inspired that his enemies fled be 
fore him as from one bearing a charmed life, for in all 
the innumerable battles which he had fought he had 
never received a wound. Occupying a stronghold, 
known as the rock of Cerquin, in close proximity to 
Gracias d Dios, 3 he had bid defiance to Alvarado when 
on his way to the relief of Cereceda at the head of a 
strong party of Spaniards and two thousand friendly 

2 f Como su necesidad no era poca, tomd la mejor parte para si, y lo demas 
dio a sus amigos. Hcrrera, dec. vi. lib. i. cap. ix. See, also, Juarros, Guat., 
i. 42, and d omara, Hist. Ind. , 64. Herrera also implies that he appropriated 
what remained of the live-stock and supplies brought by Alvarado from Gua 
temala for the relief of the colonists, dec. vi. lib. iii. cap. xix. 

3 In Squier s Honduras, 88, it is stated that this stronghold was situated 
in the present department of Gracias, which borders on Guatemala and San 
Salvador. Lempira s ancient territory is still known by the name of Corquin, 
the word being applied to a district and town of Gracias. The valley of 
Sensenti, encircled by the mountains of Selaque, Pecaya, and Merendon, 

-formed a part of the cacique s dominion. See p. 81 this vol. for map. 

OLD. 201 

Juan (] ( urn 

!a had mpii ! the 

lid n hut 

and tin 1 n. - Ji)\v hrlie\ed their ;n- 


Fired with the ambition t liver lii :nlry. * 
milled tli* 1 ii -i^ lil. -tli 

folio-, ing in all some tli 

:id inviti-d them to join him in an 
rminate the invader Jle pointed ou1 \ 
ice ! allowing thcinsd Ix-ld in sul 

l>v a handful <! B\ r;: I tln-m t 

the Spaniards, and oilrrin place himself 

thrir head ]r<uiis-d to l-ad l hem tu \ or 

<lo\vn his life in the attempt. It was resoh 
11 hostilities at o nd a nnmh 

were killed hefoiv any tidings <( the i, volt re; 

a I )](><. ( ajitain ( juipj 

despatched ly MOJ: 11 th ir- 

n, wlii-i-cupon I.einpi; 

d ]>llt to < h the 1; .t tO 

urrender, stating that lie acknowled 

and d no la\\ r than 1 1 own | 


( ih.-n laid si io the ]! hut . 

mmmoned IVom ( >maj 

Pedro del ] uerto d- ( ahallos th>- Jn 
-ii- defenc F>r >i\ months the Spani 

d the , ir nuinl mini 

iposure, and . 

the natiN So untiriiiLT the ] in 

i hat the ! divided in; lit 


parties, found little tin 

I nin ht hy ies tV<m -u. At I- ?:. th 

in 4 n) |>i d, 

ain hv a ! :n th 

\\hieh he had failed to win hy I A 

horseman was ordered to ap]>r<>aeh wit! 

>t of the rock and Munnmn i., nipii-a t lolloquj 


Under pretence of opening negotiations for peace, 
while a foot soldier who accompanied him, screened 
from view by the mounted man, was bid to take de 
liberate aim at the cacique and fire upon him when 
sure of his mark. The artifice succeeded only too 
well. The unsuspecting chieftain came forth to meet 
the messenger and while held in parley was brought 
to the ground by a shot from the arquebusier. His 
lifeless body rolled over the rock, and his followers, 
panic-stricken, made no further resistance, most of 
them taking to flight, and the rest giving themselves 
up to the Spaniards. 4 It is but just to add that the 
captives were well treated and that the governor, who 
does not appear to have been responsible for this 
outrage, succeeded by his humane policy in pacifying 
many of the fugitives and inducing them to return to 
their abodes and till the soil. 

During the administration of Montejo the settlers 
of Honduras again enjoyed an interval of repose, 5 
though his conduct was distasteful to many of the 
colonists, who still remembered with regret the time 
when slave-hunting \vas permitted throughout the 
territory. The arrival at Gracias d Dios, in 1538, of 
the licentiate Cristobal de Pedraza, bearing the title 
of protector of the Indians, was of material service 
to the governor in settling the many difficulties that 
arose with the encomenderos. He was cordially wel 
comed and received every assistance in the discharge 
of his duties. 

Montejo now turned his attention to the construc 
tion of roads and the development of the resources 

4 Hcrrera, dec. vi. lib. iii. cap. xix. The historian is of opinion that the 
Spaniards would have been compelled to abandon the siege had they not re 
sorted to this or some similar artifice, and in that case it is not improbable 
that Lempira would have found himself powerful enough to drive them from 
the province or perhaps to exterminate them. 

5 On the 10th of December 1537 the viceroy of New Spain reports to the 
king that he has received advices from the adelantado Montejo and the licen 
tiate Maldonado, stating that the province was at peace and making fair 

LNIC IIK;II\V.\Y. 203 

his provi; . hidi had 
pr< i utui \Yheat had I . -ul- 

and thu p) f a 1 iy iii 

dtirtion v> \vhil. 

had attended tin.- ]>laiiti f the vi; I u 

I a 1. 

the exp< icy oi miMi-iK tiii^ a 
imals ! of ! and P 

Cahallos, l.y way of Coinaya The \vl. 

Imt lift; , and it \ 

out tliat tlie ruiid ini^ht a Qproi 

;lal>lc i or whet-led vehirl It v. laini 
it thi uld ])i-ove a inure l av<>. 

nsjiort of inerehandise 1>K , Spain and \\r\i 

;ii that l>y way nf Nombre do Di Pai, 

- on eitlirr side- Ix-in :id i.-asily 

Tho count t-y through whidi it 

iiion-ovcr, p 1 an Hunt cliniai min . 

a iVuiti ul x>\], ,e, and iiiany I 

r. I iis Maj->ty \V; d to 

jn-o.-M-eiition nf the work, as fch< 

icd on for Midi lahnr. 

tfi WLTU soon afterward induced to innn 
-lit near th >t ahandoiied ! . 

id Sandoval s part T thifl \. 

,in Juan del Puerto de ( aha! 
in many r favorable for a COmm 

kly dim; to 


Indian r. , wliidi 

Hi- ;t h of Lenijjii a, 1 be n<>r . 

h a >< I i ! :t ill the dl nf (/Oil): 

ith that \ r 1 ( I m.: . 

at ion midway 1 

A d in t! litre of 

di nd 

[ l.v a d roj . iih an Indian villa 


whence a D r ilo\\..-d not 1 1\\ 

* it 


Puerto de Caballos. Here was founded, in 1539, 
the town of Comayagua, 7 and so prosperous were the 
affairs of the new colony that a few years later 8 it 
was raised to the rank of a city. 

The settlements founded by the early colonists of 
Honduras were slow of growth. In a letter addressed 
by Pedraza to the audiencia of the Confines, dated 
May 1, 1547, he states that the seven Spanish towns 
which the province then contained 9 "were always in 
creasing as were the villages;" and yet we find that 
Trujillo, which had then become the largest of them, 
contained but fifty settlers, while none of the others 
numbered more than thirty. The absence of com 
munication with the South Sea, and the distance from 
the highways of commerce between Spain and the 
now world, no doubt retarded greatly the increase of 
population; for the agricultural and mineral resources 
of the territory were not inferior to those of other 
provinces which contained more than ten times the 
number of inhabitants. The want of good roads and 
of facilities for travel was also a serious drawback; 
and it is probable that to make a tour of the different 
settlements in Honduras, all lying within a radius of 
less than forty leagues, occupied, in the middle of the 
sixteenth century, almost as much time as would now 
be required to accomplish the circuit of the globe. 10 

7 Montejo, writing from Gracias d Dios on June 1, 1539, reports to the 
emperor concerning the settlement at Comayagua and the appointment of 
alcaldes and regidores. The town had at that time 35 vecinos, most of them 
owning but few Indians. Juarros, Guat., i. 41-2, gives 1540 as the year of 
its foundation, as do Conder and Squier, while Remesal says the town was 
founded in 1542. It is certain, however, that it was built before Alvarado s 
return to Honduras, in 1539. Herrcra, dec. vi. lib. vii. cap. iv; Conder s 
Mexico and Guatemala, ii. 296: Squier s Notes, Cent. Amer., 129. 

8 In December 1557. 

a These were Trujillo, Gracias a Dios, Comayagua, San Pedro del Puerto 
de Caballos, San Jorge de Olancho, Buena Esperaiiza, and San Juan del 
Puerto de Caballos. Pedraza, in a dispatch to the audiencia dated December 
30, 1545, quoted in Squier aMSS., xxii. 133, states that one of Montejo s cap 
tains sent to examine the territory lying between Trujillo and the Olancho 
valley extended his explorations to the mouth of the Desaguadero and founded 
in that neighborhood the town of Nueva Salamanca, but the prelate s ideas 
of the geographical limits of the province were evidently somewhat vague. 
Possibly he may have had in mind a settlement of that name previously 
founded in Yucatan. 

10 Pedraza, in describing the difficulties of travel and the condition of the 


I [ondu 
a i :ioitiii ;nd l>ut I m- i 

action <>i t be n;iti\ :i<l t be \\, 

lahor could IKIVO been made to j 

returns. As far back 8 d;i\ .Irarias 1 Vi\ ihi 

it ii that those in the. ( )lancho 

niely rich, hut lor want of tin- i 

Hi >ul<l not be worked. With only t 1 ;-ru]> 

ir 08 the Spaniards in two months scraped iij) i t.) 

val :i 1 hotis lid with 

proper implements," Hern . " they mi-lit lia 

n out t\v<> hundred thousand pes< 
pi 1 it y of Gracias ;! ] )ios was due to fchedi 

h mines in its vicinity, and i n b< 

tlu-iiiust pr- in the proviii Tl 

:hatof San Andres <!< Xu ra- 

t U >/;, in a mountain west of the town and of the 

Co] vallt Gold could h< i d out of 

tl, th witli a stick. In another mine, )! 

one Bartolomd .Martin do Sanahria, more than a pound 

of - Id daily collect c(l l.y hims If and 

si;; Later the yield hecam i b 

appointed to collect the royal iii\ ith 
.v i to compel one fourth of the [ndia ithin a 

Ive mil lahor in them. ar ( 

mayau, ivs Oviedo, "they took out and 
v. hich yi-lded sixiy thousand ] , and fol 

thousand more were si!j!po>ed to have 1" 

that fi aea 

to 1 . i IK- jouni* San 

14 It road i 

ea^ \v in t: . l;i 1-a: 

_ ."> li-n-m-s in- 
:i Jci m in t 

guc of raosquitix s 
port ios comian 


allo s -O & lO8 

. :os HUKsls i <! < CCS 8U <X9 

11 Uvi lo 


While Montejo was engaged in various projects for 
promoting the welfare of the province, Pedro de Al- 
varado arrived at Puerto de Caballos in command of 
his powerful and well appointed force, 12 and proceeding 
thence to San Pedro del Puerto de Caballos, soon 
afterward despatched a messenger to Gracias a" Dios 
to notify the governor of his arrival. Montejo was at a 
loss how to conduct himself under this changed aspect 
of affairs. As ruler of Yucatan his career had been 
unsuccessful, and in Honduras he found himself un 
popular. With his few and scattered followers ill-fed, 
ill-clad, and obliged to maintain a constant struggle 
with the natives, he was in no position to cope with 
a powerful rival. Although holding his authority by 
appointment from the crown, he \vas ignorant as to 
what extent the. visit of Alvarado to Spain affected 
his government. He knew not what representations 
had been made to the. emperor by his rival and had 
every reason to fear that the worst construction had 
been placed on his conduct. He had indeed lever 
felt quite secure in his position. More than a year 
before it had been the intention of the crown, in answer 
to the petition sent from Trujillo, to place Honduras 
under the jurisdiction of the audiencia of Espanola. 
This measure had been abandoned only on account 
of the great distance and infrequency of communica 
tion; and now after some previous negotiation for an 
exchange of territory 13 Alvarado had landed in person 
to demand the annexation of his province to Gluatc- 
m ala. He had long before expressed his opinion that 

that the 100,000 pesos de oro of which he speaks included the anoimt ob 
tained in several preceding years. In 1539 Montejo reports that there ire 
in Comayagna very rich mines, both of gold and silver, but as he would not 
allow the natives to be employed in them against their will they were worked 
only on a small scale. Montfjo, Carta, Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., ii. 
221-22, 233, 251. This consideration for the welfare of the Indians no doubt 
hastened his downfall. 

12 See Hist. Cent. Amer., ii.,and Hist. Mex., ii. passim, this series. 

13 By a royal cddula dated May 25, 1538, the viceroy of Mexico was in 
structed to allow Francisco de Montejo and Alvarado of Guatemala to ex-j 
change portions of their respective provinces, Puerto de Caballos and Ciudad 
Real de Chiapas being particularly mentioned. Puga, Cedulario, 116. Its 
would appear that Montejo did not give his consent to this proposition. 

VAKA1H) A 10. 

1 Iniidu !il not stand aim. , 1. 

it u :dd contri 

I hundn-d tho; ly, 

wh at that time it \; ! almost nothin 


Montejo on the other hand had ri oth< 

vi "Jn the hour of trial," h< I, u wh<;i I 

who!.- country was OVeiTUD by li- ives, he & 

many urgenl requests to Guat !a in. p, hut , 

\\-ii him, although IK- only lur the I 

I two hundred friendly Indian.-, and h- 
t his l>ai he might." II. 

^ In-IiiT that if Honduras were ann-x<-d ; 

mala, not an Indian would be found in the provi 
in , months, and that in 1 han two y 

:y would be beg I. 
A more than a month had rlaj> ince the 

h of liis mes> without any i 
1, Alvaralo determined to set forth 

Graciaa ;L Dios; and, collecting h in 

dir< -lion of the cajiital. .Montejo meanwhile \\-. 
ill at e llrkm-w well that any intimi 

dation would but work his own 

inwilling to throw himself on t orosr 

> rival. Arting on the ad\ i .ds, lm\v- 

r, he res* Ived i him eou. 

.(li to the nt w> him. 

At a ant about li ;ty 

the rival ;. -rs i, nnl Montejo i 1 that his 

a were m i han realized. " I 1 

had b.-cii informed/ said tin- e la, 

manner in whieh he had < 1 lldidir 

14 -" o and 

In :i ! 


i iKK) en 

that th Oe. 

assign* < I for tbo < 

v . iiirh 1 

tutted i 

-.suini . 


and of his subsequent career, and was further advised 
that Alvarado had at great cost and labor saved the 
province from destruction. It was therefore ordered 
that Montejo should immediately deliver up all the 
property which he had wrested from the people of 
the province and all revenues received by him since 
his assumption of office." 

Among the ecclesiastics then resident in Honduras 
was one already mentioned whom Montejo styles 
" The padre Cristobal cle Pedraza, the protector of 
the Indians, and .calling himself bishop." His official 
appointment to the see of Honduras Alvarado brought 
with him on his return from Spain. When Pedraza 
first arrived in the province, the governor received 
him cordially, placing at his disposal his own resi 
dence and a large number of slaves. To him he 
now appealed for aid in this his dire distress, and 
through the prelate s intercession 15 with Dona Beatriz 
matters were adjusted without further dispute. The 
revenues derived from lands and mines during the 
governor s term of office were estimated at twenty- 
eight thousand ducats, 16 and " of this sum," says 
Herrera, "Alvarado without solicitation immediately 
remitted a moiety, and two months later was easily 
persuaded to forgive the other half." It was agreed 
that Montejo should surrender to him all claim to the 

15 Montejo was on bad terms with Pedraza, but gained his intercession by 
approaching him when he was in an amiable mood. He accuses him of boast 
ing that his authority was greater than that of the governor and that a letter 
from him to the emperor would at once procure his dismissal. He also states 
that on one occasion he was compelled to turn back from an expedition on 
which he had started, news having reached him that Pedraza was disturbing 
the country by his harsh treatment of the Indians, and that he had some dif 
ficulty in restoring quiet. Montejo, in Id., 248-51, 258-9. It is not improb 
able that this may have been the case, for in a letter quoted in Sguicr a MSS., 
xxii. 26, 27, Pedraza states that in 1547 he petitioned for leave to found a 
settlement in the Indian village of Jutical, in Comayagua, and to grant re- 
partimientos to those who should furnish him the means, claiming that he 
was specially inspired by the holy spirit to carry out the pacification of the 
natives by prayer and persuasion. The ecclesiastic was a young man; vain, 
ambitious, covetous, and one who would not hesitate to prostitute his pro 
fession if it would serve his own interests. 

16 The amount was 17,000 pesos according to Oviedo, iv. 23. 



Alvarado ,-hould c n the Cindad 1 

: Suchimilco in M- 

111D11 : of t\VO tli !ld C 


In , tell to the emp . written BOOD r- 

\var.l. t inplains littTly of the wi 

which lie had suffered through the maehinatio: 
; lnii . lie himself ivi \\ his I 

lav lift is of more avail than the m- 

faithful servic Th . the 

wn, and ahout the c! -f L539 M<> 

tn the province aft brief and som ri- 

r, \vhile ahout t te time Alv 

turned to Guatemala, leaving Alonso de ( 

his representative in J I.<>nl and 1 
later took ship Spain \\ 

delay, ! ceived the papal hull of confirmation n 

:ILC ^ s tiin* 1 meanwhile 

; eontr for ije--ro slaves in t !:< i of 

the crown, with a, vi utilizing their lahor in thu 

! )|)iiR iit of th - mi: 

On 1 turn to the province in 1 I p 1 

uiKli-rtouL ,d tour tl. .h the province. 1,-, 

i ^hteeu inrnitl !! y of 

hardships which he endured and of the 

and] -stricken condition the colonists. 

." he "have II- arly all l! 

tains, 1 ri-or of il -aniards, who ha 

lly li:r 

.iixl th 
.1 lull!. 

uias u: . his tr 

Mnrrorjuin of 

i- of having ^J 



t ul 
, 111 Cartat dt Indii, 


tinned to enslave them for so many years. Many 
Portuguese, Italians, and other foreigners have propa 
gated disease and vice among them so that even Indian 
maidens of tender age are corrupted to a sad extent, 
while bigamy and polygamy are of frequent occur 
rence." Valdivieso, who was residing at the time at 
Gracias a Dios, awaiting consecration as bishop of 
Nicaragua, also relates that the church was held in 
contempt, that the Spaniards were as a rule extremely 
lax in their observance of all religious duties, and that 
they led a more vicious life than had ever been known 
among Christians. 

Though Pedraza brought with him from Spain a 
number of friars, they do not seem to have been very 
zealous in the work of reforming the settlers or con 
verting the natives. At times many days passed 
during which no divine service w r as held, and the 
cabildo attributed the omission to the neglect of the 
bishop, "who," they said, "was too busy with his 
worldly affairs to attend to his duties properly." The 
ecclesiastics appear, however, to have been very suc 
cessful in selling papal bulls among the Indian villages, 
a practice which was continued till 1547, when a royal 
cedula put an end to this shameful traffic. Their 
charges for saying mass or for funeral services were 
exorbitant. To confess a person residing at a distance 
of one league cost thirty castellanos, and to watch for 
a single night by the bedside of a deceased cacique, 
one hundred and thirty xiquipilli of cacao. Desirous 
of making at least some show of missionary zeal the 
prelate recommended that a cathedral be erected and 
schools established in all Indian towns which were in 
the neighborhood of Spanish settlements. The for 
mer recommendation was adopted, and notwithstand 
ing the protestations of the audiencia of the Confines, 
the site selected was at Trujillo, 19 the bishop s salary 

19 This cathedral was dedicated to the Conception of Our Lady and had 
five dignitaries with salaries ranging from 150 down to 40 pesos a year. Gon 
zalez D<ivila> Teatro Edes. t i. 304 et seq. 

Ai v DI-; i.os co: 301 

:ed at five hundred il ihoi: 

soon ;ii p< t r 1 that hi ;il ! 

d t<> t\vo thousand <Iu 

When ill oflaws ;dol: 1 tin- and: 

of Panama and appointed tin ;i-m-ia of the C< 

iin. AJonso de Maldonado was el litsi 

dent l through the rccoinnic n of La< ( 

th< remaining oidores 1- tin.- licentiates T) 
]Ierr of whom mention has l.ecii made in connec- 
n with tli- vince of Nicaragua, Pedro Ramii 

()u5noiics, and Juan Rogcl. Maldonado was d I 

tahlish t ] sal <>f g t at Com; -ia, 

which was thenceforth to he known as Nucva A ": 
(! Valladolid, lut iinding that location unsuitable ho 
selected as a more favoral dte < ; i 3 a .1 )i 
whore in 1 ,")-!"> the fhst >n of the tribunal v 

held. The arrival of Maldonado was c with 

much i\-joicii]M- among the settlers; but their joy v 
short-lived, for one of the iirst measures of the aiidi- 
encia was the publication of the new code of laws 
which, they declared, was to be strictly and immedi- 

ly enforced so far as it related to the inanumi 
of the Indians. 

In Honduras the new cod was r yarded with no 
! 9 disfavor than in the other provinces, and it v 

probably due only to the ^ population of this t 

ritory that we read of no such outbreak amon^ t 
colonists as that of Gonzalo Pizarro in Pei-u. of 

the Contreras hrotlu rs in Nicara Hi- 

were fain to content th> with making in 

tual protests, and with sending procurators toadv< 

r.,ii., rin-l // 

s an uidor of 
actii l;i. 

is B;I 

nt<.l I 

and all the oi 

: : . i: 1 , M 

\ue\as A 


their cause at the court of Spain. It does not appear 
that the natives were at all benefited by the regula 
tions enacted in their favor; for a year or two later, on 
the arrival at Gracias d, Dios of Las Casas and Valdi- 
vieso, the former declares that despite all the royal 
ordinances to the contrary, the Indians placed under 
the protection of the crown were so grossly maltreated 
that they preferred to return to the service of their 
former masters rather than enjoy their new and doubt 
ful liberty. 

On the first of June 1549 a royal cedula was issued 
ordering that the natives should not be used as pack- 
carriers, except in cases of extreme necessity, and that 
all employed in whatever capacity should receive pay 
ment for their services. These regulations appear, 
however, to have made their lot still more grievous, 
for the Spaniards, no longer owning them as human 
chattels and caring not for their lives, treated them 
even more harshly than before. At Gracias a" Dios we 
learn that they were offered for hire at public auction, 
and after being disposed of to the highest bidder were 
sent to the mines or to the sea-shore forty miles dis 
tant. They were driven together, Las Casas tells us, 
within a circuit of ten or fifteen leagues, and a guard 
being placed over them, were enclosed in a corral like 
cattle. They were then divided by an alguacil among 

the settlers, and after working: hard for a month re- 


ceived two reales, sometimes being required to serve 
an entire year for a single peso. When used as beasts 
of burden they were compelled to carry a load of 
seventy -five or one hundred pounds through a country 
abounding in swamp and forest. Their food consisted 
of a few hard cakes of maize, and at night, their blan 
kets being taken from them to prevent their running 
away, they were often left to sleep in the open air 
almost naked and without shelter. 

In addition to Las Casas and Valdivieso, the latter 
of whom was sojourning at the capital awaiting con- 

i a 

;:> hi-hop of X5<- re were n* 

I Iraria- ;i 1 !i ! jlUH 

( rual hi, and IVdra/.a of 1 I <ndur, . I i v. as i 
of course to he r\] 1 that all these di-iiilari 

the church should work in harmony \vitli each 
and much less with the memhcr- of the audidi<-i;i. 
Yv hile Las Casas and A aldivi- 
Unconditional liberation ol nll Indians, Marroiprm ;md 

Pedraza, who th posa Mnnirn- 

das, were < b t. ]>art with tin-in; and 

when Las Ca^as tlnvainird with excommunication all 

who should ivi usu to lu ivu up tln-ir bondsmen, ^1 

(jiiin assmvd tin- that ho would t tln-m 

<|iii<-k absolution. r rhe removal of tin- luttt-r was thru 
demanded l>y his op[)oni-nts, W!K^ wrote to the eni- 

ror denouncing him as i-vin^ of r 

I avor, having made his fortune at the expense of his 
Junior and that of the people 1 , in \ ion of the law 

and th(! eiuprror s ordc". l\-dra/a, on th 

:id, wliil, discussiiiM- the question of Mishi 
schools in the native villages, exclaims: Wou 

(I that to this purpose the efl oi 

!, instead uof the 

province, his discourse lein^ lik. that 
with rage, him-elf blindly cov< nd ambitious of 

honor profan For thirty years :-ivini;- ; 

hishopi-ic until at length he ohtain die 

force of a hun<lred tin. .d lit 

Tin- colonial had no sympathy with 1 

leaving him to complain and sotnel 

unheeded. r rin>se who \\ y his 

fri . throuu h 

>n. were unwilling to mil. his n 



<4 Casas ami Vallr 
M.i! " ; tin, 

;11 assist at 


* ami 
.1 L urta* (/f / 


The oiclores refused to listen to him or to afford him 
redress, and on one occasion when a certain colonist 
threatened to assassinate the prelate he was allowed 
to go unpunished. 24 In a letter to the emperor Mal- 
donado states that "Las Casas has become so proud 
since his return from Spain that it is impossible to 
deal with him, and the best place for him would be 
in some convent in Castile." It w T as proposed by 
Marroquin to settle the long-vexed Indian question 
by referring the matter to a commission composed of 
the viceroy of Mexico, the audiencias, the bishops, 
and other competent persons both lay and clerical, or 
to a committee to be chosen by them, and that their 
decision be submitted to the crown for approval; but 
Las Casas would admit of no such compromise and 
insisted that the new laws be immediately enforced. 
It was finally agreed that the bishops should present 
to the audiencia a memorial embodying their griev 
ances, asking for redress, and stating explicitly their 
demands in reference to the treatment and disposition 
of the natives. Soon afterward Las Casas read this 
document before the oidores, who, as he now had the 
support of all his fellow-bishops, did not venture to 
refuse him an audience. They were requested to 
render assistance to the ecclesiastical authorities in 
the exercise of their jurisdiction, and to aid them in 
punishing all who sinned against God and the church, 
by committing sacrilege or holding in contempt the 
episcopal dignity. It was demanded that the natives 
should not be forced to pay excessive tribute, should 
not be used as beasts of burden, or required to render 
any but voluntary service, and that all who were 
illegally enslaved should be liberated and placed 
under the protection of the bishops; for it was claimed 
that Las Casas and his colleagues were their pro 
tectors and held the right of adjudication in all cases 
of alleged maltreatment. It was urged that officials 
in charge of Indian villages should be held strictly 
24 Jb. 


-ponsiMe fur their tru-t ;m<l punished in - 
in; tin- new law.- pr.-rrihed. 25 Thu me 

morial concluded ly threatening tin- president, i l<> i 

and <t)i<-r officials with nimunicat ion, should tln-v 

ohry these orders \vitllill the s| 
llionl ll 

(Ireat was the indignation of tin- members of 


audiencia toward tin,- prelate who tlms dared pi; 

himself above the lii-liot tribunal in the land. I ], 

re accustomed to regard thr eccl aiastic 

who-e presence mu-t indeed he tolerated for appear- 

anc but whoso duty it was only t<> conduct 

i-( -liuiuii- services in which the wiv-s and children of 
the colonists might perhaps wish to particip;. nd 

make such pr< could in thec -ni 

of the nati That tln-y should pivsui: int- 

i fi-L with their own scln-nn-s lor sdt randizement 

9 not to In- t<l.Tati-d. Maldonado and th- oid>i 
^ave vent to their ire in such aluisiv.- la; 

three day- later Las ( and Valdivieso addressed 

a letter to tlie emperor, stating that m-ithrr in i 
davs o{ Alvarado or Nuno dr (iu/nian, nor during 


the rule of any of the former tyrants, w min- 

of the <-hur<-h so insulted and oppn . !, \ 
ever such enormous crimes committed as undT 
the ])!(>. ^it audiencia of the ( 1 oni m Th- bisho] 

inoiv \ pressed their leli f "thai tli- d-vil had 

tilled the old with ambition and covetousness when 

they came to the country," and declared that mil 
the enforcement, of the ne\v laws were intru-ted 
tl; \vn hands the province must ^o to ruii Mean 
while M"arroi[uin, who was in B0C1 bitter i 
La- ( a dso sent a de-patch t the court of Spain, 
win-rein he speaks of him as one filled with pri- 

r> Tli- ;i rial, v, , \aa 

Micwh; !iv 1" linini; 

nml nil: tfiat, < 

1:1. i; ;. piv?. memo: 

that oi Las Cast riving la than tin- nth- 

2 j -0. 

HIBT. CtKT. AM., VOL. II. 20 



envy, and hypocrisy, and denounces his assumption in 
daring to present so offensive a memorial to the audi- 

encia. 27 

Las Casas waited in vain for an answer to his de 
mands. Not discouraged, however, by the studied 
inactivity of the oidores he pressed his claims with 
untiring zeal, exasperating them by his pertinacity, 
and frequently exposing himself to gross insult and 
contumely. On one occasion, while entering the hall 
of the audiencia, he was greeted with shouts of 
" Throw out that lunatic!" At another time he was 
coarsely affronted by the president himself; 28 and 
when, notwithstanding all rebuffs, he made a final 
appeal, demanding compliance with the new laws, and 
administering to Maldonado a public rebuke, the latter 
replied: " You are a knave, a bad man, a bad priest, a 
bad bishop, one lost to all shame and worthy of pun 
ishment!" Though stunned, for a moment, by this 
answer from one whose appointment was due to his 
own recommendation, the prelate meekly bowed his 
head, and with the words, " I very well deserve all that 
your worship says, Senior Licenciaclo Alonso Maldo 
nado," quietly withdrew from his presence. 

All now expected that the president would be ex 
communicated. As the consecration of Valdivieso 
was to take place two days later and none could be 
present who were under the ban of the church, Mal 
donado resolved to make some effort at reconciliation. 
To repair to the house of the bishop and there tender 

27 Marroquin states that the memorial was mucho desacato i mayor desa- 
tino: i el, como mas atrevido i favorido (por haverlc dado credito a sus pro- 
posiciones i f undamentos sacados de su pecho lleno de Mpocvesias, sobervia, 
invidia, i avaricia), lo presento, requirio, i amoiiesto. Marroquin, Carta, in 
Squier sMSS., xxii. 139-40. He speaks rather favorably of Maldonado, but 
complains of his being remiss, wanting in vigilance, and somewhat careless as 
to the welfare of the colonists. He declares that there is dissension between 
the members of the audiencia, and says: A mi no me satisfazen. mucho sus 
letras ni su vida, aunque los he conversado poco. Marroquin, Carta, in Carta 
de ludtas, 440-1. 

28 Maldonado exclaimed, while Las Casas was protesting against being ex 
pelled* from the hall of the andiencia: Estos cocinerillos en sacandalos del 
conuento no ay quien se pueda aueriguar con ellos. Itemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 

riox. 307 

Lfl ;i humiliation whi.-h ],; 

, while it could lint 1 

after nil the indignities In- had Miif.-ivd, w.tiM 

to Tin- 

iition of 1 rimds it was finally arranged that 

hould in< though 1> ideni 

Sine;. Uncovering, and aking in 

fnl t >ne, Maldonado !. 
what: had occurred, hut the jr laic at once ln 

i-th: "Jlcncc! Awa; S*6u are excommuni d ! 

k his drparfuiv witlmut uttc-rin;.;- anotln-1 1 

AVhilr yut c-n^a^vd in liis contr^ with i 

audiencia, Las ( uivod ; > iVmn Ciudad 1!. 

it <!i.-<rdcr was I ii r in his <>wn dine- . md. wi.-h; 
turn t<> Chiajias as soon as ] nihl<-, once in- 
ur^ d tin- oidores to n-ndcr a. <lrci>ioii. In ord 
i id theme 3 of hi importunity th> 

^Ih compromised the matti-i- l>y conceding or- 

:i nf his de-mantis, but ivfux-d fco i him 

hi.- colleagues as protectors nf tin- India: - this 

w;, main point in his memorial, and without this 

ion the new laws mu>t le inoperative, or 

lilt of < lltion, the pi-i-l.ji- t iind that I 
otht^r pi emature I cfornicr-. he ha. I gained lit 

to his unpopulai 

oseofthe year I.VIT) the hish de- 
>r their several provin Of i idr 

I ; ! ,, -eoinpanied Las < C indad \l 

soon afterw;. in levying 

:d of ( >n to ] N-ru : and t 

as pr- > of 



!. I. 

\ . M. solo iniieiv liurlo a . 




president, who, together with Herrera, still remained 
at Gracias a Dios, busied himself in accumulating 


wealth, fearing that the day was not far distant when 
he would be required to render an account. He met 
with little opposition, for the remonstrances of the 
cabildo were entirely unheeded, and Pedraza the 
bishop was a man too much after his own heart to 
throw any serious obstacles in his path. Maldonado 
with his friends and relatives already owned about one 
third of all the encomienclas in the province, and re 
ceived besides his share of the tribute obtained by the 
oidores from the Indian villages, the ownership of 
which was for appearance sake placed in the name of 
certain alcaldes and alguaciles. The latter received 
one third of the gross income, and those employed to 
collect the tribute also received a portion and were 
permitted to wring what else they could from their 
hapless victims, whom they hunted like blood-hounds, 
day and night, enslaving all who were unable to con 
tribute their share. 

The condition of affairs in the province of Honduras 
soon became known to the council of the Indies, and 
by the recommendation of Las Casas the licentiate 
Alonso Lopez de Cerrato w r as appointed judge of resi- 
dencia and president of the audiencia of the Confines. 
For several years he had presided over the audiencia 
of Santo Domingo, and had there made the acquaint 
ance of the bishop, who well knew his worth and the 
zeal with which he labored in behalf of the Indians. 
It was one of his principles always to suppose them 
to be in the right until the contrary were proven, and 
little cared he for the good or bad opinion of the 
Spaniards. Neither threat nor promise nor supplica 
tion could divert him from the execution of his pur 
pose. Being himself a priest he was of course a good 
friend to the ecclesiastics, and assisted them in their 
endeavors to alleviate the sufferings of the natives; so 
that the settlers exclaimed, after he had been a short 


lime in the provine.-; ; ( )ur day ha- j ,1 that 

1 In- j riars has l>e-_nm. 

In L548 tin- licentiate arrived ai ( ra ! 

ami .-it once proceeded to take tin- re>iden< 

president and of the oidon- II..--I-1 and Hi-n 

A: r< r concluding his investigation h<- report 
<>rthat sine.- iln- establishmeni of the a 

!)< r. .yal deen-e nor ;my of the new laws hav.- 

I or enforced. On the contrary, the ] lent 

and oidorea have Iteen. tin- first t<> di>r- -_: i -d th-iii 

in nrdrr to ingratiate themselves with th- 


they liavr never t bought of liberating any 

abolishing the use of the natives as ! it harden. 2 


Cerrato had undoubtedly <-\\ 1 to find matters 
in a Ix-tter cornlition, for h- l.roii-lit with him imno 
to supersede the oidores who mi^ht he di>| I. 

Maldonado, however, appears to hi aped all pun 

ishment other than ls of office. 32 Herrera, although 

L.-i- ( and Yaldivieso had previously d dar d 

that he alone amon^ the old. .res wafl worthy ! h 
jiosition. was tlie only one tliat was lined, and with 
the exception of the piv-ideiit, the only one thai v. as 
not rein.-tated. 84 

Although Cerrato was accused l>y the settlers of 

31 i ///\-/. rtujrifin^ 480. Cerrato did not hcsitat to 

be liishdps .<( I 

of their tnaintainioff algna those of tin- CMIJH-I 1 of tli> >t 

mis sin 1 i^<> ! Iiiijuisirii ii. In hpi aking of tin.- 

nnuiifation liy tin- Uslmp oi N 

i l<- t< j .-iy him I ;,.!,. .-.i\ s that 1. iraza v. 

,n the heads of a thousand judges. CVrrtt/o, 

if he had IXTII toiind l.hniu-li-ss In- could not 1 

as < > was appointed by the crown lum. lie lo>t hulifeai 

sea // - . 

. d for havini, a; 1 a in huvin, .- 

tain nr^rtir.s !>.!<. i 

\vhd h. i have so \\t-ll ft-at 

BO short at :i dios y in 

too y j Q. ! ;oreM 

; with <, and a.-.-u>.-i him of :ng in 

tthlik union i: 

nt>f l^as Casas aii l \"auh . / /., \\;i., is duubtiuia 



partiality in the administration of justice, he enjoyed 
the full confidence of the emperor, 35 who gave orders 
that all matters of grave import pertaining to the gov 
ernment of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala 
should be referred to his decision. Moreover, the 
bishops of Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Chiapas showed 
their appreciation of his worth by begging him to visit 
their dioceses and aid them in their labors on behalf of 
the natives, as the oidores sent to those provinces were 
unable to enforce the new Jaws. During the brief 
term of Cerrato s residence in Honduras nothing oc 
curred that is worthy of note, with the exception of a 
revolt among the negro slaves at San Pedro del Puerto 
de Caballos, which was promptly quelled by a force 
despatched against them by the audiencia. 

In 1549 the seat of the audiencia of the Confines was 
removed from Gracias d Dios to Santiago cle Guate- 


mala. The former town, now containing!; but eighteen 

O O 

settlers, was situated in a neighborhood where food 
for man and beast was difficult to obtain, and was far 
remote from the more important colonies. In other 
settlements the condition of affairs was little more 
prosperous. In Honduras, as elsewhere in Spain s 
western dominions, the apathy of the Spanish mon 
arch and the disorders caused by the ceaseless struggle 
for wealth, or the craving for insignificant authority, 
added greatly to the misery and privation which the 
early history of colonization throughout the world sel 
dom fails to present. 

85 Bernal Diaz speaks unfavorably of Cerrato. He says that at first he 
promised well, but subsequently acted in every way contrary to his instructions, 
as if these had been mini que todo lo bueno que bacare y obiere en cstas 
provincias todo lo deys d vuestras parientes. He accuses him of giving the 
best repartimientos to his two brothers, a granddaughter, a son-in-law, and 
his followers and friends, and remarks that the people feared the coming of 
another boat-load of Cerratos. Carta al Emperador, in Cartas de Jndias, 38^42. 




-A lYMU.i: ! 


ruicKi viviuis JOINT Go-. v\r, OF < 

-MALI>ONAIM> AITHI vn-:n < ;<.VI:U\OR A 
TI\ -IU:M" 

-ANTIA(,0 Pi. 


ilio news of Alvarado s death irriv-l in 
i 1 daring the last days of Au^u^t L541, n- 

sti is of sorrow were on every aide; t- 

[raped in ll and tin- city ]ut on lial.iliim-: 

i or h()\vf\-cr liad ili i man tin iv are i--\v wlio 
takr j.lcasui in conventional mourn 
t th. of t IK- intelligence upon tin- ad<-l; 

J )ona 1 Beatrix, was so .- 

ali rct ln-r ; -n. Sin- " at li.-r t;i<-r and tOJ 
r liair, wtM-|)in- :inin-\ and -Toaniu-- in ry 

rrief. I* "! 1 da ither nor 

a(llro> - to th f Gu;; 

iil the cahildo !y. In t 

ps: You wil sed to tak 

< ,,!. I \tM 

\ 1 \ aradoV 

>al tho lirst geneni 

it was ;til th. 

scq. A cabildo waa ! 

. in t cm tw r/f India*, DernaL Diaz, 



refusing all consolation. She caused her house to be 
stained black, both inside and out, and draped it in 
deepest mourning. All efforts to appease her met 
with passionate outbursts expressed in language ac 
counted impious, 3 and she repulsed alike the appeals 
of friends and the religious consolation offered by the 
priests all of which was quite pathetic on the part 
of the bereaved woman. Meantime funeral obsequies 
were celebrated by Bishop Marroquin with all possible 
solemnity, prayers being offered each day for the re 
pose of the late conqueror s soul. 

But while due observance of mourning was shown 
for the loss which the colonists had sustained in Al- 
varado s death, it was necessary to decide upon the 
important matter of the government of the province. 
Francisco de la Cueva had been left lieutenant-gov 
ernor, but although this appointment was approved by 
the viceroy 4 and the cabildo was ordered by him to 
recognize Cueva until his Majesty s wishes should be 
known, the members took the matter into their own 
hands and elected Dona Beatriz governor. This anoma 
lous proceeding was discussed at a special session, and 
the reasons assigned for taking such a step were that 
it was deemed necessary for the peace, security, and 
interest of the country. As soon as the decision was 
reached the cabildo went in a body to the house of Dona 
Beatriz and tendered her the appointment. Her vio 
lent grief for the loss of her lord did not prevent her 
from assuming rulership according to the wish of the 
authorities. Thanking the municipality for the honor, 

3 An unknown author writing later during the same year states that Dona 
Beatriz dixo muchas veces que ya no tenia Dios mas mal que le haccr. Ilda- 
cion, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 385. Gomara, Hist. Ind., 
269-70, and Torquemada, i. 324 et seq. , make similar statements. Gomara s 
assertion is disputed by Bernal Diaz, Hitt. Verdad., 226-7. See, also., for 
accounts of Dofia Beatriz grief, Carta del Obispo in Pacheco and Cdrdenas, 
Col. Doc., iii. 388; Benzoni, Mondo Nvovo, 156; Bernal Diaz (ed. Paris, 
1837), iv. 466-7; Remenal, Hist. Chyapa, 166. 

4 In his letter to the cabildo, above alluded to, and dated July 15, 1541. 
Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 179-80. Remesal gives July the 5th as the date, 
one day after Alvarado s death, which it was impossible for the viceroy to 
know anything about at that time. The friar, however, attempts to account 
for the discrepancy which his error produced. Hist. Chyapa, 1G5-C. 


1 the p. ii ,-ni(l jimmied to E 

M. iji V \\ith Zeal and (I her>e|f tO the Well . 

province in tin- j>re-rriled lunn <>f 

imony t installation immediately i nllo in tl 
presence f the li>hop and l-VaneUm <! la - \a, 

i- which th<- widow <>{ Alvarado t< the oath in 
(hi ni. ;ind thereupon appointed her hn>th<T. 1 Van- 

la ( Jueva, 8 deutenant-governoi him 

full power to act for IMT in all matter- ] .. i -t. lining to 
t -vcniniciit, . -t the di-|xal of i-. 

(fJudians which might become vacant; thi 
tive rved t.. herself I ler lu-ot 

nit-lit was rec< )_>! ii zed ly the cahildo on the i 

lay. Saturday the- loth of September. 6 

]>ut it was not i ated that this unfortun;:te ] ; ,dy 
.ould long enjoy her high [><ition. 1 lei- doom with 

5 Bishop Mnrroqxiin was of opinion that ;i fit person t<> have 

!v;ir;nlo in rh : the govfrnnu iit. In a 1< ng 

: IH, i;,j ] , lie describe* liim ;i> .|. 


.1 to tin- -nin]);ti: ing a ! tln-rs, 

. I 

itwa liislmp s iiilliifiii . ./.was 

liuly was fiinnt-n:ii. . him. 

real p \\<T in tli- 

6 Tln- . jiiKiintiuciit cf I)(.n a Beatrix, - 

1 Iciniifl 1 V < i..iii;i!;i, \\ !i<> int r i.-cil lu-rs lf 

to . : Y 


t -.s that she resigned the .- :ig 

il tlc- iipiKiintin . >givcsai 

of tin .pointim-nt t ln-r 01 

ni, Miarki; 

i toca. 

t . lirr;i| i>ointment was thatol tin-;, . Gonzalo 

l):tl>ly ppart-i 

sanencss. Although half a pag* Wa it 

was 1 uj>. 1 hi.- lil.iuk half p V :i 

ti:i aplcss l.-nly n this occasion was written tlnis: l^i 

\vn through the wor 
ln 1-scl i the olj 


>. J liis saim- :uith..r .stairs OD 

1 l>y ti. 

1 .;: "t agree with <>ve 

anth ttrilui- a Bcatriz such ainhitious s \vhil- 

: <lrs|.. I herself, but ivganl her a, 

incut a.s a pinvly <ii[>luinat; 


that of many others was sealed. The rains during 
this year had been excessive, and from Thursday the 
8th of September until noon of the following Sunday 
it rained continuously, while an unusually violent 
wind prevailed. 7 The reader is aware that the city 
of Santiago was situated on the slope of the lofty 
volcan de Agua. 8 This mountain is a beautifully 
symmetrical cone nearly fifteen thousand feet above 
the sea, and in its enormous crater was a small lake, 
which, owing to the heavy rainfall, had risen to the 
top of the enclosing sides. On the 10th of Septem 
ber, 9 about two hours after nightfall, a volcanic erup 
tion dislodged an immense volume of water, or the 
imprisoned lake burst its barrier. However that may 
have been, at this fearful moment down came the 
impetuous flood upon the doomed city, ten thousand 
feet below, and not more than a league distant from 
the top, bringing great trees and masses of rock 10 and 
hurling them upon the inhabitants. The wind and 
rain and darkness rendered the disaster all the more 

7 The base of the following account of the destruction of Santiago City is 
taken from Bishop Marroquin s narrative in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc. , 
Hi. 386-8, and from another and fuller narration without signature in Id., 
378-86. Oviedo, iv. 27-32, gives an almost verbatim copy of it, and states: 
Estas nuevas truxo a la isla. . .Cuba, Johan de Alvarado, sobrino del mesmo 
adelantado don Pedro, que aporto al puerto de la Habana, desde donde el 
capitan Johan de Lobera, su amigo 6 uno de los milites que un tiempo an- 
duvieron con el mesmo adelantado, me escribio todo lo ques dicho por su 
carta fecha d quatro de enero de mill 6 quinientos 6 quarenta y dos anos. It 
must, however, be remarked that the letter in Pacheco and Cardenas bears 
unquestionable evidence of having been written in Guatemala. Juan de Alva 
rado, who had been recommended by Marroquin to the emperor for the gov 
ernorship Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiii. 271 was on his way to 
Spain. I conjecture that he was the bearer of this anonymous account of the 
calamity and allowed Lobera to transcribe it, who merely changed the first 
person into the third and forwarded it to Oviedo in. Santo Domingo. 

8 The town unfortunately occupied a site in a natural hollow running down 
the mountain side. 

9 Bernal Diaz (ed. Paris, 1837), iv. 463-4; Herrera, dec. vii. lib. ii. cap. 
xiii.; Gomara, Hist. Ind., 270, the records of the cabildo according to Kerne- 
sal, Hist. Chi/apa, 559, and Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat., 1645, give September 
the 11 th as the date. But Marroquin and the anonymous writer both state 
that the disaster occurred on Saturday night, the first authority mentioning 
that the preceding Thursday was the 8th. 

10 < Porque las piedras, como diez bueyes juntos, las llevaba como corcha 
sobre el agua. JReL, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 383. The im 
mense stones brought down by this deluge were still to be seen in the city 
when Bernal Diaz wrote, (ed. Paris, 1837), iv. 463. 


. killed, not knowing wl 

:nn. Tln-r 

Span: >lonist ;unl I ndian nit v n 

\vii, t! amhlrr :it liis dice an<l tli -hipju-r 

kiiri linir at tin- shrn In that ni^ht of horror -a-h, 

- he -I n !--!(< I solitary from th- si-rthi: 
mi;_dit i aiicy himself the only survivor. Xnnili 
]>rri , and many were cast from mhr ;pon 

li; i-oiind, with mangled limits and l>odi-s cm . ll 

I)),ia Beatriz truly La Sin \ <}n- liaj.l.-ss 

on had signed herself the day befo 

first alarm, ^athcrin^ IMT maid mid ln-r, ha 

But of what avail was prayer? r J i 

\\ re upon lh< i m, and at the second outl.iir 

;>t down the chapd and huri^d hcin-alh it- ruii 

the lady-governor and JUT handmaidens. 13 I> 
rikiii Ivarado s house the flood had washed iy 

! witli their occupam r FI 
!lin_i4 other nx-mli- the household, a::d 

amon^ tli. -in Dona Leonor, the el ral daii-^h- 

of Alvarado. f ri (> J)ona JJi-iti-ix ; lr, hut 
t, of them were carrit-d away ly the tonv h 

i Leonor and SOUK- otl ped. A 1 

nnmher of Jndians <>f hoth - 1 ! : - to 

household \vn-e also dr< 1. T\ iiaplains \v! 

wnv in tin- li< >u>. \\ . -pt through a d 

n Y mu l>ni/" juc algnnoa despues ban 


with 1 

. liija . 1 <l.-l Aaelantado, -ult alao 

/. /....< , // 

iy ii{M>!i 1. 

>cks of ear ; 3 

in height 
-iuul ind xaggci \\ I:M 

ooka of t 

ados, ^ 

j>ago . ! MI the niiiiiiti s . 

. i 

i"p M;ilTMjuiu ! An<>U - 


.1.1) a y.a. contra 


carried for some distance to the plaza where they were 
rescued. Several attempts were made during the 
night to reach Alvarado s house, but only one person, 
Francisco Cava, succeeded. Dona Beatriz apartment 
which she had left was the only portion of the build 
ing left standing. Had she remained there, instead of 
rushing to the church, .she and those with her would 
have been saved. Many supernatural horrors were 
reported to have occurred during the night, the par 
ticulars of which are related by Bernal Diaz. 

While this blow was falling upon Alvarado s house 
and household, his kinsman Francisco de la Cueva w^as 
in extreme peril. At the first roar of the descending 
flood, heard above the raging tempest, he imagined 
that some violent disturbance had occurred in the 
town and rushed out lance in hand, only to be driven 
back, however, by the avalanche of water. Retiring 
with the Spaniards of his house to his study, he es 
caped the danger, though that apartment was the 
only portion of the building left standing. 13 

When day dawned the scene of desolation was heart 
rending. The water had passed away, and on all sides 
the ruins of the city were exposed to view. Most of 
the houses had been overthrown or swept away, and 
the few which remained were so filled with mud that 
they were untenantable. Whole families had per 
ished. 14 The streets were choked up with accumula 
ted debris, trunks of mutilated trees, and husre rocks. 

Scattered in all this wreck lay disfigured corpses and 
carcasses of drowned cattle. 15 

13 One Spaniard and 60 Indians who were outside all perished. Such is 
the account given by the bishop. That of the anonymous writer differs from 
it. He states that Cueva escaped from the house and saved himself by getting 
upon a wall which had remained standing. 

u The anonymous writer, pp. 381-2, gives the names of eight, and says that 
more than 40 Spaniards of both sexes lost their lives. The bishop, page 388, 
mentions the names of twelve settlers whose houses were completely over 
thrown or washed away, adding: Si bienalgunos destos se salvaron; and fur 
ther on informs us that Murieron, sin los espanoles cliches, mas de 600 indios. 
Vazquez states that about 100 Spaniards and over 200 Mexican and Tlascalan 
allies escaped unharmed. Chron. de Gvat., 98. 

15 E gran suma de ganado, que tom6 en el monte y otra que torn 6 en la 
cibdad, que se vinieron a ella huyendo. Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 


\nd now he^-an ihe sad. Bad n-li for the d-ad. 
followed by mournful burial. Many of tl. 

found. The bodies ,f J)ona 15. -a t Y\Y. a lid t Ij. 

wh" perished with ln-r \\ recovered with on< 

ception. Her remains were interred with <! <lein- 
nity near the high altar of the cathedral, 1; and th 

ot her companions in death were reverently laid side 

by >idr ill oiK common ^ravt-. 17 \Vhih- tin- la>t I ll 
nf tli- rltiirch were duly ])ci-iorinrd ! . th.- h.-h,,..! of 
this hapless lady, lln- >trick-n < nmnunity 
llic cata>tr<ij)]]c which had hcfalldi th-ni B a niani- 

latimi f diviin- wi-ath; and thoii-di ini>t of tin- 


survivors looked upon it as a merited punishment f"i- 
tht-ii- own sins, then- were not wanting those wh> 


ributed the cause of God s an^vr t< tin- int< mpcr, 
Ian made USeofbyDojW 1 )-at riz in lu-r iV-n/ 

U ricf. ; So much insane foolishness can he wrapped 

in words of wisdom! The bishop endeavored to en- 
re hi> flock though in such deep d ion. A 

mud in the streets n\i< lil a) most up to the highest wiiulows. 

10 Xo mention is made of the rhnivh having i A ] 

of the hislmji icstmyi-il. causing th- di-sth :llor 

I 1 ., :i^S. According \<> Jlnnr.-al I Dona Beir 

jiiriitly ti tlifilral of tin- in-\v the 

which she ]>rnsh<-d : l.Tcd tlm iua^- 6 said weekly 

or the repose of her aouL //<> . < lii/"/-". l^l. I -m/mn < 

Minau truly ]roud, vain, and haughty; \\liil-<>. in 

Id", <l;it- d ) April 1. I." . !! , Ml lx.dy that 

.1 muy l)Uuiia. I 7! . 

Their remains W i in 1.~>SI) to tl:- 

. The insci-ij.tion. in hii:> 17, said that tli. 

\ < 1 ;d\ companions, all of whom perished ^itl 

in l. .l I. /. 181. Tli:> IttBCl iptioa i 

<jlle/. ( },, 

18 The lii.-li-ij.. In. \vever. th" i Irian addreu (" the MO] 

:hejm: : exxcoaraging them, he aaid: t^ueal 

a IMS .d.ia ile\.-iil". 

ttrihutes tin hl.i-j.. 

id adds that so 

d^urdity and intimate s il 

A llM !. 

I l>y the an"iiynii>us uiitei-t-n tl, 

\\hile inelin. 
, itiii-l .. 
ased \\ ith -\l\ar. *0. 


penitential procession was held and the litany chanted 
before the high altar. He enjoined them, moreover, 
to fast and pray on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Satur 
days. Further to cheer them he recommended all 
mourning to be put aside. 

Nevertheless the gloom which had fallen upon the 
community was not soon dispelled, and at every 
threatening change of the sky the panic-stricken set 
tlers sought safety on the hills. A unanimous desire 
to abandon the spot prevailed ; many of the inhabitants 
left it and went to reside on their farms, 19 while those 
who remained 20 expressed their determination to go 
elsewhere. To arrest total abandonment and dis 
persion the cabildo, on the 22d of October, issued a 
decree prohibiting any citizen from leaving under a 
penalty of one hundred pesos de oro. 21 And long after 
the capital had been removed to another site, a peniten 
tial procession, attended by the civil and ecclesiastical 
orders, left the new city at daybreak on each anni 
versary and visited the former capital in mournful 
commemoration of this calamity. Bearing crosses in 
their hands, chanting the litany, and praying for the 
safety of their city, the people marched in all humility 
to the former cathedral. 2 There mass was celebrated 
and the graves of the dead were decorated, after which 
the procession dispersed. 23 

The death of Dona Beatriz had left the province 
without a ruler. Cueva s position at the head of the 
government was no longer recognized, and in the crisis 

19 Bernal Diaz, Hist. Verdad. (ed. Paris, 1837), iv. 467. 

20 None dared to occupy the few houses left, and a large barrack was con 
structed on the outskirts of the town as a common dwelling-place. Pacheco 
and Cardenas, Col. Doc., iii. 380. 

KRemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 306. 

22 Torquemada attended one of these processions. He writes: iban cada 
Ano, en el mismo Dia, que le corresponde al de cl ancganiiento (y Yo me 
halle" e~n ella vii Ano. . .) pidieudo a Dios seguridad en la segunda Poblacion, 
y perdon de averle ofendido. i. 327. 

2a Soon after the death of Bishop Marroquin the custom was discontinued, 
although he left a fund to support its observance. Bernal Diaz, Hist. Verdad., 
(ed. Paris, 1837), iv. 468-9. It was established at a meeting of the cabildo 
on September 9, 1542. Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 559. After the old church was 
pulled down the procession marched to the Franciscan convent in the old city. 
Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat., 164-6. 


tin: cahildo un-t <>ii tin; Iflth and 1 7th 

imber, and afl i -ion - < 

hop Marroquin joint ernors provi 
Tin- hMiop in ;i iddressed to 1 be k: 

! hruary JO, I " I-, informs his Maj<->ty that in , 
rrpt m^ tin 1 appointment lie had n i ini in-m-i-d 

any itli, honor, or powT hut h\- tin; 

iial E Hairs, and at, 1 ; lv 

hrhi _ - noti<-- tlnj in-ci :it- 

in- :mor of great influence and abilii JI-- ! 

Ttaiii ind ividua wlni 
d -iin-d i ully capahlr and worthy of lillin^ i 

Th< idations be now rei , lioldin--- 


himself responsible should the kin-- be ] ! ! to , 

in rdain-r v.ith liis \ic\\ The hi>ho], i: r, 

intiiii that thr municipal government had ial! 

into u; hy liands, the i 

di-ath of hoimrahh- re- id< vho liad been memb 

bild Th 

od j n-ut and z.-aloiis in tin 1 royal Bervi 

]> in;.-d out, an I ; ieh vital importaii 

i oi such nn-ii to the wrltlire of the province, tl 

Marroquin iin[)loi-es liis M> r that t 

v, ho h,-i 1 i d should r. -nine offic 

\\diilo descrihi in; the country ,uil In- pict- 

colony hnost iii -t disa lul ion. 

Thf late ralaniity had involved th 

]>o ,d the contrast l)i-t.\v<- ii tln-ir | >n- 

<liti ii and th. which lln-y 1. 

ai ri\v d under Alvara de indu--.-! th di- 



waa a 

Baraona, a 



Te.<jan Guatemala " - 



f W^^igrlSlfe " i / ..| (l " upt 

(HVOLCAN B&^WSam XV iudadVie ^ Mttfo^ 

f "* ^ *mii/^ i^ 1} /"-^ atitlan 



. ob> 

1 Marro<|u m di>t rilm< d ;i ) >rtion <! tl. 

ieh had belonged t< t he adelantad< 

of the in< who were tlms induced i 


the election of the joinl governors the imj>< 

:t ([Ucstinn ,! iviiiov;il \\a l hy 1 1 

ities and citizen Tlnit the intei l the <-<.imt 

demanded Midi a >ti-[> \, lie :ilm<>t unanii iu- 

inn, - null tin- sel n of ,M new >ii 

nn-nl nttt iitinn. On this inaltci- oj.ininii 

and a] 1- x-alit i-s \\ proposed. Tl. 

in lavor of the valley <>f TiaiiL in the ]la 
( liiina: \\a- a- aiii revi^ l ami f .{>- 

]"; . \\hilc l>y others the valley <>f J *. tapa or that, 

Mi\<-o were preferred. r l her.- were, h<>v, 
tin- removal <>! tlnj city to any 

IV -in its existing Site. It Ava- U.nii in mimllhat i 

vall -y of Alni .nly cult ivated, and 1 1 

in its vicinity were <-;iitle farms whirh owi he 

(Vailing ]ov-rty and the m of the inhahi- 

loilld n)t l,e ahandom-d; :; " ,-ind 
investigation <! the advant d l.y d 

1 those of the valle\ 1 \ineln.y >n- 

w ltvill Lvandoappouitedll 

the <M 

if IK- assures 1 thirds oi 

:hl liavi- lc 1 t, I lit 


M ith the alltl 

, ii. 

oquin was at first in f 

^.^-rtl his 
1 . 

\\ it lin:. r self-; 


; s ami 


UIST. CAL., VOL. 11. .1 


sidered to be so superior that in cabildo held on the 
22d of October it was ordered that the future city 
should be there erected. 32 

At no greater distance therefore than half a league 
from the ruins of Santiago, on the site occupied by 
the present Antigua Guatemala, the Spaniards once 
more laid out a city. The customary assignment of 
lots was made, town commons set apart, and the na 
tives again made to toil in the erection of buildings 
for their oppressors. 33 Nevertheless the work did not 
progress with the rapidity which the authorities seem 
at first to have expected, 34 and though during 1542 
some progress was made, even the house of the ca 
bildo had not been completed in April 1543. The 
exact date of the formal removal of the municipality 
to the new city is not known, 35 but on the 10th of 
March 1543 a session was held there. 36 On the 12th 
of June following the host was transferred from the 
church of the ruined town in solemn procession, at- 

suspects that Antonelli s report had reference to some other occasion and dis 
credits it. tip.. Conq., iii. 390. For general map of Guatemala see p. 110 this 

3 2 Juarros, ubi sup. Bernal Diaz considered that either the valley of 
Petapa or Chimaltenango would have been a more favorable situation on 
account of the frequent overflowing of the river and the earthquakes experi 
enced at Panchoy. Hist. Verdad., iv. (ed. Paris, 1837), 467. 

33 The cabildo considered it their duty more than once to pass laws to pre 
vent the Indians from being overloaded, llemesal, Hist. Chyapa. 3G7-8. 
Every month the Cakchiquels of the dependency of the Ahpozotzil were com 
pelled to furnish 1,000 laborers of both sexes to aid the prisoners of war in 
the building of the city. Calcchiquel, MS., Brasseur de Eourbourg, Hist. Nat. 
Civ., iv. 790, The audiencia and viceroy of Mexico ordered the Indians of 
Alvarado s estate to be employed in the erection of the new city. The bishop 
appealed against this order on the ground of the distribution which he had 
made already, the annulling of which would cause great dissatisfaction. Carta, 
in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiii. 276. 

34 On November 18, 1541, the cabildo issued a decree ordering lots to be 
enclosed with adobe walls before St John s day, June 1542, under penalty of 
forfeiture. The time given being found to be too short, it was extended on 
May 21, 1542, to caster in the following year. JRemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 365-7. 

35 Helps, who is given to looseness in his statements, without quoting any 
authority in this instance boldly states that the 4th of December 1543 was 
the day on which the Spaniards took possession of their new quarters. Sp. 
Conq., iii. 390. 

36 Remesal asserts that the entry in the books of the cabildo on that date 
is the first to indicate a session held in the new city; es el primero que se 
escriue en esta forma. En la ciudad de Santiago de Guatemala, en el asiento 
nueuo dellaS etc. Hist. Chyapa, 368, 

ALOXso ir. ICALD -0. 

landed l>y ill.- civil authorities, and all the 
:t in the city. 

A; ion held on ihe -J \<\ of May I 

\va-> | .| liy tin- c,-d,ildo that tin- citv should j 

the title of the one destroyed, 11 and tin- nota?-i s \\ 

Ordered to use in all documents tin- headinj < iudad 

de San . and no otln-r, under penalty of a line of 

n peSOS de oi-o. Tliis <! publicly pi 

claimed on the UJlli of June followiii"-. 38 


Meantime another change had taken place in 1 

\rnineiit. On the I d of Maivh L542 the vice) 
of N \v Spain appointed the oidor Alon>o de M;d- 
doiiado provisional ruler of Guatemala, pending in 
structions from the crown, and on the I 7th of M 
following the ne\\- governor presented his conmiis- 
the cabildo and was pLc, d in office- th me 


.Din-in^ the following year -\citeincnt prevail- < I in 

ateniala owiii -- to information ha\ in" been iv<-ei\ . . I 

^ ~^ 

in October of the new code ..f la\\> and ti tabli>h- 

nient of the audiencia of the Contin. Jt \ 
oil lv-d to make an appeal to the thro 1 nd 

on the 1-Jth of the same month tlie cabildo m< t to 
appoint procurators to Spain. The opinion of t! 
inhabitants having been taken/ a committee in\ 

with ])o\ver of electing reji. itatives was appointed, 41 

but it was unable to j m<l on the i of ! !- 

~^ * 

ruary L544 Hernan Bfendez ] nted a petition to 

the cabildo propo>i !!_; that a ma>s meeting !i--ll in 
the principal church in ord.-r that t 

itulad \ 

.is author was pros. ith a paint- 

. at tl. -t of the 

aus ig a scene truly l>oautii 

\\Uh that mar M -M Ol i - shouM bo chosen, 

Dot 1 iiMj>n>sil,l- ! is president ui the new 


Mciule/. .lc Sotoma;. 


of the people might be taken. 42 Nevertheless con 
siderable delay occurred, and it was not until the fol 
lowing August that the appointments were decided 
upon, when an examination of the votes showed that 
Hernan Mendez and Juan de Chavez were elected. 
The latter, however, declined to accept, and a still 
further delay was caused by Mendez insisting upon 
proceeding to Spain by way of Vera Cruz instead of 
through I 3 uerto de Caballos. At length, on March 
1G, 1545, Mendez received his papers and instruc 
tions, and departed for Spain. 43 

The bitter controversy which took place during the 
sessions of the audiencia in 1545 has been described 
in the preceding chapter, but it remains to be added 
that Maldonaclo and the oidores, although they had 
avowed their intention of enforcing the new laws, 
practically discountenanced their enforcement so far 
as they related to repartimientos. In a letter ad 
dressed to the king dated the 30th of December 
1545 they state that if all Indians were liberated 
whose owners had no legitimate title none would be 

42 In this document the petitioners especially brought forward as an in 
justice a regulation previously passed that only married settlers could hold 
repartimientos. /(/. The cabildo had as early as February 1538 made a rep 
resentation to the crown on this matter, in which they explained the diffi 
culty and expense attending the procuring of wives from Spain. Arcvalo, Col. 
Doc. Anttg., 13-14. It is evident also that in 1543 the cabildo again ad 
dressed his Majesty on the subject of their claims, as the viceroy Mendoza 
acknowledges receipt of el pliego que venia con ellas para S. M. , and adds: 
yo escribo a S. M. . .haciendole relacion, como conviene al servicio de S. M. 
alargar las mercedes y no acortallas. Id., 180. 

43 Remesal states that Mendez under various pretexts delayed his journey, 
and that on the 8th of June the cabildo revoked his appointment. No other 
procurador appears to have been appointed up to September 10, 1540, when 
receipt of the revocation of the new laws as regarded the repartimientos ren 
dered such an appointment no longer necessary. On this later date the cabildo 
resolved to send a commission to the audiencia to solicit its enforcement. Hist. 
Cfajapa, 304-5. But I find that on May 7, 1545, the authorities of Guate 
mala wrote to the king requesting that their procurador, who had been sent 
to protest against the new code, might be given a hearing. Sqnier s MSS., 
xxii. 138. And Bishop Marroquin, writing on September 20, 1547, mentions 
that many letters had been sent with Hernan Mendez to the council of Indies 
relative to his action with the audiencia in 1545. Carlo,- al Principe, in Curias 
de Indias* 446. He also states that Mendez was prejudiced against the public 
will and partial to Herrera and the bishops of Nicaragua and Chiapas, and 
that there was also another procurador named Olivero in Spain at that time. 
Squier s MSS. , xxii. 44-5. 

Tli me i< Milt \v<uM . 

\\ 1, marr n-d and had (ami: 

they 1" -ant \ bran u 

1 ii 1 h<- iH \v I;L\VS v. ,1. d. ;t:i.| , 

CODC llal . 

mi kilted to i be r>l<ni 

Meanwhile the roversv relatii 

in<-ni of the I ndi beini 


The tribute which had been imposed \\\H>H tl 
Marroquin and Maldon d of complaint 

lliosi- functional^ iu<l L iind ; 

d himself obliged ; plain I 
d \vitlmut suiliciriit kn 
tli, te rli; were nee i-y. 47 

Am l>y Marroquin 

inrli <r tin- condition <>r th<- nat i 

that 1 1: ;rit V i 1 be lislinp Id ili- 

.de the 1 i-i dit to iniiict cMi-jnii-al punish: 

O I 1 

led that : 


... / 

Jn 1 

; is aimnallv. A 





settle their difficulties. He moreover strongly recom 
mended that for the purposes of better instruction 
and government Indian towns should be consolidated 
and subjected to a system of police. 48 

Meanwhile Alonso Lopez Cerrato had been ap 
pointed president of the audiencia of the Confines. 
It was already admitted that Gracias a Dios was not 
a suitable place for the seat of that body, and both 
Cerrato and bishop Marroquin made representations 
to the king advising its removal. 49 Accordingly his 
Majesty by royal cedula authorized the president and 
oidores to move to the city of Santiago/ where they 
arrived in 1549, and according to Remesal accepted 
Bishop Marroquin s offer of his palace for their use. 51 

Cerrato s administration as president of the audien 
cia caused grievous offence to the settlers of Guate 
mala, and in a representation to the king they charge 
him with being ungenerous, undignified, wanting in 
zeal for the honor of God, and unconscientious. 51 The 
grounds of their objection to him naturally originated 
in his action regarding the protection of Indians, and 
they bitterly complain of his nepotism in assigning 
encomiendas to relatives of various degrees. Justice 
at his hands they could not obtain ; consequently many 
of the best colonists had left the province and others 

48 The crown acted upon this suggestion and issued two decrees relating 
thereto. Marroquin on February 4, 1548, reports that the consolidation of 
native towns was already in progress and that it was a highly necessary 
measure. Id. , 89, 92. 

i9 President Cerrato describes Graeias & Dios as occupied by only 18 
vecinos, with neither physician, surgeon, nor druggist, while a great scarcity 
of both meat and fish prevailed. He adds that the majority were in favor of 
removal to the city of Santiago. Carta, in ti<iui(>r * J/-SW. , xxii. 87-8. Marro 
quin urgently advocated this city as the future seat of the audiencia. Id,, 45, 
89, 94. 

60 The removal doubtless took place in 1549. The letters of Cerrato and 
Marroquin above quoted bear dates of October 5, 1548. and September 20, 
1547, Februarys, 1548, and August 1, 1548, respectively. ."Uemesal gives the 
date of the cedula as May 1, 1549. Hist. Chyapa, 503. Vazquez, Chron. dc. 
Gvat., 222, June 16, 1548. 

51 The king by royal cedula, dated July 7, 1550, approved the purchase of 
the episcopal palace for the use of the audiencia. 77/W. Chi/apei, 503. 

52 The document, found in Arevalo, Col. Doc. An!i.<j., 21-4, is defective 
and without date, but was probably written soon after the establishment of 
the audiencia de los Confines in Santiago. 

irri i: OF TH] 

re pn-; I Ii>hop M.-in-.xjiiii 

. ith ( lerrato only . lings 

in the lat A hich were pullielv evinc. d i 

himself l>r a lon-^ time from the > 
the church, :; conducted by the jtivlat 

I lut th t tiers in ( iuatcmala were 

op] any EQeaSU which cla-h d v. iili th 

.. ;ni(l consequently i--ii 1 m.-n 

their n\vn point of \i. \v. Under 1:. tii ,<!ienci;i 
of the ( oliiilies, divided as it \v;i 

]i;id ! ^reai nt maintained their previoUfl p 

tion i-elativr to the natives; - 1 luit in CdTalo 

p Tcrivrd One \\ho 1VC .- ll !/.< d tlleli llieivll. 

ma and JM d loth the d- -t rininat in 

aiTot the exiBting destructn m y and the coura 

inllict punishment upon them tor any -TO.SS inl rin. 
inent of the la\\ 

ad, y cstuvo mu quiso ir A misah 

//., -J-J. piin ari l 

iily l>rr\\ in _ r in i 

i\\ 11 he ;m<l tlu- lic IT 

i in 111.. > aii l reform ing tributes, ju<- rv.-m 

liavian !n- ; -hi. . 1 o. . MM!.; .>1<18, i 


M i. !I7. 

nc-ia had < ! neither ne\ 

, ;ul no ;i l \i . them. 


II the trilmt- 

Iiniian> uei 
1" .i-ilaii lei iii ta>aeiuii i los the Imiiaus 

-piinini Ayagna by Corrato for loftd- 

alle-l l..rth a .ibiiM- 

jiiin \\. 


jiiin in 1 el ir...! \ 1 " : 

in con: D \\itli . ;oi>hij>. /-/. , 90, 




THE province of Chiapas was at first included in 
the see of Tlascala, and paid tithes to that bishopric 
till it was transferred to the diocese of Guatemala in 
153G. When Ciudad Heal was laid out, under the 
direction of Mazariegos, an allotment was assigned 
for a church building, and its erection was begun 
almost immediately. 1 The first parish priest of Ciudad 
Real was Pedro Gonzalez, who was appointed by the 
cabildo in 1528, with a salary of three hundred pesos 
de oro. On his death Pedro Castellanos succeeded to 
the benefice in 1532. 2 In 1537, through the exer- 
tions of Bishop Marroquin, a convent of the order 

1 As early as May 28, 1528, fines were appropriated to the building of the 
church. Hemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 277; Juarros, Hist. Gnat., 03. It was dedi 
cated to Nuestra Seilora de la Anunciacion, but afterward, when the name of 
the city was changed, San Cristobal was chosen as the patron saint, and 
this name was retained after it was erected into a cathedral. Remesal, Hist. 
Chyapa, 274; Nueva Esparto,, Breve Res., MS., ii. 390; Colic, Mem. y^Not-., 122. 

2 Both these priests were army chaplains, the latter receiving his appoint 
ment from Pedro de Alvarado in the name of his Majesty. The religious 
fervor of the Spaniards at Ciudad Real was to say the least lukewarm. In 
1528 Pedro Gonzalez was ordered to say mass daily on pain of forfeiting his 
salary. Another ordinance was that citizens were to attend church in proper 
time ; El Espanol que desde el Euangelio adelante estuuiere f uera de la Yglesia, 
tiene pena de tres pessos; while a third was to the effect that no citizen was 


ciri>A!< L 

: founded l>y i 

ri- and IVdro I J,-uii, j JI L On the IM 

May i! ition, d the cahild 

mem land on which to i oimd ;i n ry t l.ut 

though their requesl \\ It!. [ 1,111 

ri time/ Jn i 539 (fray Mai i I )ard 

superior, in company with Fr;y Juan /;:!il.;tiiu 
>k ]>(>.- n of ili ildii: I indii 

it it wjis sittiatrd too 1 ar iVoin tli. incur 

former petitioned lra m-w and for contribu 
and assistance in erecting a n.-w com 1 1 : 

(|U->t nirt witli a lilx-ral rrspons- 

. in afh-r \ itli i 

means of ,suj|M)i- 

Uy a jtapal l)iill is-in-d on tlic lOtli ..! Mardi I.IDS, 5 
Ciuda 1 I! al was appointed -tlu-dral city, ih 

cesc t be Milj-ct to tin 1 archbishopric >i S \ i .ml 

the pop- i vin<^ to hiniseir the!h<-nt of the; 
iii The salary of tin- li>hop 

o hundred ducats a year, paj able iVom i 

: : . while the pri\ ii and nin-s 

the bishopric \ ;il- 

in S]>ain. The clnnvh patronage a: 

or dignitaries were conceded t<> the n of [ in. 

I he lin, f tll d>o lel t to 1 

the einpero, 

ity ili: 

1 <>!i thos. 


:!!!. I 

was si : 

toabast filt 

-< ami a sugar- in ill. 
i. 1- 

in a cc.; ic bu: 



On the 14tli of April 1538, Juan cle Arteaga y 
Abenclano, a friar of the order of Santiago, was ap 
pointed to the charge of the newly created bishopric, 
but it was not until nearly three years later that he 
was consecrated at Seville, whence he issued a docu 
ment framing the constitution of his diocese. 7 The 


prelate did not like to take possession, for on his arrival 
at Vera Cruz in 1541 he was attacked with a severe 
fever, and though he succeeded in reaching Puebla de 
los Angeles he died there shortly afterward, 8 his dio 
cese remaining in charge of the bishop of Guatemala 
until the arrival, in 1545, of Bartolome de las Casas. 
Lying between the territory under the jurisdiction 
of the audiencias of New Spain and the Confines 
were the provinces of Chiapas, Soconusco, Yucatan, 
and Tezulutlan, so remote, even from the latter court, 
that a strong hand was needed to enforce therein the 
new laws. In 1543 the apostle of the Indies after 
refusing the bishopric of Cuzco, lest his avowed disin 
terestedness should be doubted, accepted the prelacy 
of this extensive diocese, 9 one fourth of the tithes 

7 In Nueva Espana, Breve. Res. , MS. , it is 
remarked that a copy of this document is no 
where to be found, but that Remesal makes 
mention of it as being identical with that of 
the Guatemalan bishopric, except in the exor 
dium. In the cathedral of Chiapas no account 
of it exists. See Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 202. 
The personnel of the cathedral was to consist 
of a dean, archdean, precentor, chancellor, and 
treasurer, besides two canons and other ecclesi 
astics. Gonzalez Ddv da, Teatro Edes. , i. 189. 

8 Remesal states that the immediate cause 
of his death was taking poison during the night 
in mistake for water. Mazariegos inclines to 
the opinion that the fatal draft was taken while 
Arteaga was delirious with fever. Mem. Chi- 
apa, 45. According to Calle, Mem. y Not., 122, 
Abendano was a native of Estcpa. Some of 

ARMS OP THE CITY OF CHIAPAS. the mem bers of his chapter went to Santiago, 
and others remained at Ciudad Real in a destitute condition, but were provided 
for by Marroquin. They asked that their allowance be given them from the 
revenues of that church, but this was refused by Marroquin until the emperor s 
decision should be known. Pachecoand Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiii. 278-9. 

9 In his memorial to the audiencia Oct. 22, 1545, Squier s MSS., xxii. 176. 
Las Casas claims Yucatan and Tezulutlan. June 4, 1545, Bishop Marroquin 
acknowledges receipt of the prince s letter assigning Soconusco to Las Casas. 
Id., 121. 


: 1 

<>f liis l.islmprir ;HK! an additional sum ~>00,000 

maravrdi s pavaM.- l.y the CrOWD I .ilu 
1 I I 

Sunday <! I and having l.y vii tu.- of a r\al < 

!i-cl tin- liberation 11 tht- Indian sla . 
brought to Spain from UK v - \\ -rld L jl>ail 

at San I j icar <>n tin- I 1 1 li of .lulv. I i 


l.y \\\< 

Ladrada. and forty-five I ) Miiiniraii t iiar>. indmli 
Tom . tli-ir \ i nd his BD 

i Quint ; 

1M, the ioih; HL-!I. ,., h. :><-, tii tth. 


to the bishopric of Chiapas. After touching at Santo 
Domingo where he was detained over three months 
awaiting a vessel, he sailed for Campeche, where 
he arrived on the 6th of January 1545. Las Casas 
soon aroused the opposition of the colonists by insist 
ing on the enforcement of the new laws, so exasperat 
ing them that they refused to acknowledge him as 
their bishop, on the ground that his papers were de 
fective. They could not, indeed, prevent him from 
taking possession of the bishopric, but they could and 
did withhold the tithes, thus compelling him to send 
to Ciudad Real for money to defray his expenses. 
His messenger reached Ciudad Real early in Feb 
ruary and the cabildo s answer is dated the 12th of 
the same month. They sent him a few hundred pesos 
which had been advanced by the public administra 
tors on the security of one of the citizens. 11 

From Campeche, Las Casas despatched by sea to 
Tabasco ten of the friars, but the vessel being 
overtaken by a storm foundered off the island of Ter- 
minos, and nine of the ecclesiastics together with 
twenty-three Spaniards were drowned. Las Casas 
and the remainder of the Dominicans soon afterward 
departed for Ciudad Real, where his reception was 
cordial and enthusiastic. He was escorted into the 
city under the pallium; a house had been prepared 
for his reception, and thither all classes flocked to pay 
him homage. 12 

The cathedral chapter consisted, on Las Casas ar 
rival, of the dean, Gil Quintana, and the canon, Juan 
de Perera, besides which dignitaries there were three 
priests in the diocese. The Dominicans, who were 
also kindly received, having reported their arrival to 
the provincial in New Spain, established a temporary 
convent and began their labors. 

In the enslavement of the natives, the settlers of 

11 Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 211-14. 

12 Las Casas, Relation de entrada, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 

is ahundaiit 

III their Sul>-e<|UeHt t! them 1 

inurh harsh]!- nd cru -lty. 14 ) > -;:!\ 

tde to him ly the Indian- I . .1- protect i. ,n, hut th- 

ility of any ext 

natives w< . lie well ki id tl. 

1 on vigorous ii lirmlv 

his ei would be seconded l>y theaudie i h ir 

enforcement of the n-\v lav Las ( , 
hail misjudged the- character o( the 

>hall Bee hereafter. 

I ll" 11 ^ 1(1 apni-oadi of Imly week lie 

hui injudicious p of refusing absolution to all v. 1m 

should not forthwith liherate th.-ir slav< <! 

this t h" chief of certain sins I.T which he 

liims.-h right of granting absolution, i .< jmhli- 

<-at ion of this mea -lire eau-ed 

1 lit . I lich i urther im-r, i hy hi- r< ( i; 

:i to any rompromi- In their d 
applied to. the dean, who, failing 
hi>h(p. took upon himself the responf ibilii 
absolution in certain <-, I & 

di-an purposhi place him HIM! . hut \ 

latter Mi^pectinir hi- design refused to \\ h< 

Ujion the former, detei mined not to ho thus thwart. 
it hi- hailill and a i . \\ attendants with 01 

MI.- IS cxrf-siK yd .;ili<l<> en line, r i;>.i nay 

I a-; in Los Caaas 

mi. I >sed 

itin.L; 1 

1 triiuitr. l-i;: 

LVC.S h"W. 

. in / 

111 1. 
,; fully rnslav. 



bring the contumacious dignitary, if necessary, by 
force. The dean resisted, and with this object drew 
a sword, with which he wounded himself in the hand 
and the bailiff in the leg. 16 

At this juncture an alcalde, who among others had 
been attracted by the disturbance, added to the ex 
citement by loudly shouting: "Help in the name of 
the king !" Thereupon the citizens hurriedly gathered 
from all sides with arms in hand and prevented the 
arrest of the dean. Las Casas was beside himself 
with rage, and the settlers were equally exasperated. 
That throughout holy week they should be deprived 
of the sacraments for no other reason than that they 
held slaves was a measure without precedent in the 
New World, and their indignation was increased by 
the numerous letters of sympathy and condolence 
received from all parts of New Spain. The dean in 
the mean time had escaped to Guatemala where he was 
absolved by Bishop Marroquin and permitted to say 
mass. Las Casas made a requisition for him, but it 
was ignored, 17 and he was obliged to content himself 
with declaring him anathematized and excommuni 
cated. 18 

Las Casas was baffled but not defeated. He re 
ceived an invitation to assist in the consecration of 
Bishop Valdivieso at Gracias d Dios, which it will be 
remembered was then the seat of the audiencia of the 
Confines, and thither he repaired. The news of the 
occurrences at Ciudad Real had, however, preceded 
him, and with the exception of Herrera all the 
oidores were prejudiced against him. 1 

Las Casas found little sympathy from his brother 
prelates, Bishop Marroquin, as has already been shown, 
entertaining a bitter dislike toward him. Indeed, the 


16 Las Casas, Eel. , loc. cit. 

17 Las Casas y Valdivieso, Carta, Oct. 25, 1545, in Squier s MSS. t xxii. 

18 Las Casas, ltd. , loc. cit. 

ia ln a letter dated July 20, 1545, the audiencia informed the emperor ot 
Las Casas doings at Ciudad Real, and charged him with usurping the juris 
diction of the crown. Carta, in Sqider^s MSS., xxii. 111-12, 


apoetle of the I waa in some r- 

the nohle work to which IK- jiad de his 

impetuoui character and ardent / al hlindi 

- judgment and making him impatien rition 

and heedl ,f the rights of othe Thu- be made 

i aemies where tin- int< . .f h; nanded 

friends and active Mippor; \-\-\\- \\ an the 

prominent ecclesiastics in the New \V.,rld \ I the 

(jiirstion of slavery as lie regarded it. and 

his unqualified condemnation of jt 

their learning and piety. 
Under these circumstances it is not mere t! 


bated, his appeals to tin- audiencia w< 

din I ded and thai, meeting only with ivliutls. he 
departed in <li for his dio< 1 n th an time 

tli biers of Ciudad lu-al had by their importuni- 

liiveli the vicai- u iid al of Las ( irom 1 

eii The bishop was not disposed, how< \v 

the struggle, J Ii- la i tli in the eilicaey of t h- nc\\ l:i 
had r 1 a severe >hoek, for \^y thi- 

ml ot the detei inineil \; i hem t ! :hoiit 

the provil He had expected that th oidd he 

opj I, hut not to thi- nid now there \\ 

in ing the. hostile attitude <f t he 

Over the turbulent inhabitants of Ciu al he 

d no fiiither desire to rule, and had all 
third time a-ked the emperor to allow him to he 

ferred to Vera Paz, and that bishops be appoint 

i -i- the pro\ inee> of Soeonusco, Ch: ml Yn 

No i urthei- trouhl red 

1 ween the l>i>h>p and the e..l.>ni^ 

In I 5 17 I ias < --mharked for Sp Tl 

ion ot the new laws of which he mu>l have heard 


I his Buh> n \\\i\ 

.sal. l!i~t. < ^7. 1 am ii. 

1 kn-iv .*t that 


..s 011 li. -^i Joes not iiuli- 

B such hostility. 


before his departure, was a death-blow to his hopes 
in the new world. During: the first two. years after 

O t/ 

his arrival his efforts in behalf of the natives appear 
to have produced nothing more than a few decrees, 
comparatively unimportant. Later he resigned his 
bishopric, and retired to the college of San Gregorio 
de Valladolid, still continuing, however, to take an 
active interest in Indian affairs, although he had 
already passed his seventy-fifth year. From this re 
treat he soon issued to defend the principles which it 
had been his life-long labor to maintain. 

The conquerors had found a champion in Doctor 
Juan Gines Sepulveda, who contended that it was 
lawful to make war on the natives and enslave them 
in order to promote their conversion and prevent 
human sacrifices. Las Casas presented thirty propo 
sitions in refutation of this view in which he main 
tained that over a nation whose only sin was idolatry 
no authority could be justly exercised save by peaceful 
conversion. Though this was clearly a condemnation 
of the policy of Spain in the New World, the sincerity 
of Las Casas and the justice of his cause prevented 
the king from taking offence at his boldness, and in 
duced him to permit the unrestricted publication of 
his works while those of his opponent were forbidden 
to be printed. Henceforth he continued to be con 
sulted on all questions of importance concerning the 
Indians, his time being devoted mainly to the writing 
of his history. 

In 1555 Philip, who had lately ascended the 
throne, and was then in England, proposed to sell the 
right of the crown to the reversion of the encomien- 
das. Las Casas, ever on the alert, saw that this 
meant perpetual slavery, and determined to exert all 
his powers to prevent the measure. Through the 
king s confessor, who had written to him on the sub 
ject, 22 he made a bold and earnest appeal to the royal 

2 For a copy of the letter see Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 290, 
338; also Las Casas, Oeuvres, ii. 120-180; this latter version is defective. 


Tin- appeal was not in vain, 
tli: Or the final einancip. 


II to the IS \Vorld 

Bentation to tin- ;n<-il of I ndi-s of th 
ine and prejudi h d 
nat ivea of ( mala l>v t! 
the andiencia of tli- Cmifin. Jn 1569, p 

. the and 

la. J Ie did not live to 

howev; r, for falling ill at Madrid, be died in .July 
, in his niin-ly -lid \var. II.- 

IM .-oiniiio ij, j in tliu convent chaj 
of At< 

Judi;-r<l ly liis v/orks Las ( 

philanthropisl ot Iiisa^o. Lik. all vi-_ 


on wliicli t ln-y d 
Unflinching <-oura^ ; - and tenacity with which 1: in- 

inrd i;i : 1 lis coin; -r tl; 

and hi i alihoi ivM*-.- for thrir <)); 

by his i aihuv to all". 

ferings, until it had become the all-al 


)ivd 1; y a<-t and word. I n j>u; 

could intimidate hii T<> Ivti 

1 1- lir>itati-(l not in I 

can T <>f an 

. ;lid i or t: 

t tViomls. the cnniit;, 
in !!. adinittol thai 1 

n Mil ra gainst his opp< md tot hi 

d his i ivju.-n: 

- with which 1 

unlii for dealing i 

Hairs t! Id. 

I A ; of 1 

aiTOgai ritahli" 

t hat thi oahly dii 


HIST, c II. 22 


his motives none can doubt, and while no defence can 
vindicate the name of his adversaries from the charge 
of injustice and cruelty, the errors of Bartolome de 
Las Casas are forgotten, and his spirit of noble self- 
devotion and high-souled philanthropy will make him 
known to all posterity as one of the greatest benefac 
tors of his race. 

The establishment of the audiencia of the Confines 
and the attempted enforcement of the new laws 
produced the same excitement in Chiapas as in other 
territories, but the transfer of this province to the 
jurisdiction of the new audiencia caused no change in 
its local government. The alcalde mayor, however, 
still the chief authority, ruled with greater rigor, and 
by the appointment of deputies in all of the native 
towns greatly increased the burden of their inhabi 
tants. 23 

Through the solicitation of Las Casas, Diego Ram 
irez, of whom mention has been made in connection 
with the history of Mexico, 24 was sent to investigate 
the alleged oppression of the natives and their oppo 
sition to their Dominican teachers. He appears to 
have been an upright judge, and favorable to the 
Indians, but even his efforts, supported as they were 
by various decrees in their favor, did not accomplish 
the desired object. 25 

After the departure of Ramirez, matters relapsed 
into their former condition. Within less than a year, 
however, Cerrato having taken charge of the audi 
encia determined to remedy these abuses, declaring 
that the natives continued to be destroyed without 
pity, the previous official visits having accomplished 
nothing. 23 

2:J RoUes, Chiapa, 27-8. 

2t //is. Max., ii. 570 et seq., tins series. 

25 fiamirez, Cartas, April 26, 1548, A},ril 20, 1540, in Pacheco and Car 
denas, Col. Doc., vii. 201-4; Fr. Torre, Carta, Aug. 3, 154S, in Squier s MSS. t 
.xxii. 94-6. 

* 6 Carta, Sept. 28, 1548, in Squier s MSS., xxii. 81-2. 

-TOXIO I ,L. 339 

Before the arrival 

i done to improve 1 1. 
condition nati? 

encoui. 1 by tL in i he i 

or during their j. nini- m point t ;it. 

.Inde.-d, it v, to believe Remesal, and in tl 

Stance we ni;iy certainly do I ml! 

morally and religiously more degrad 
ian than under ]>a^an domination. Id-.! 
openly practised, and to their former vie 

t tho Spaniards, which their chiefs, : 

jtrivcd in o-i cat part of their authority, were ] W 

less to restrain. Little cared the en ho 

souls or Bodies of the Indians if t! -juir- 

were but promptly paid. r l h labors oi the 1 mini- 

cans were ofc-ouis-- interrupted l>y th-- p< 

which they were subjected i of i ip- 

]><>rt of Las ( .- Alms were rel u- 

their supplies soon becoming exha 

ih. mpoi ary convent and proc.-cd.-d t 

town of Chiapas whence, having fixed upon int. 

their 1. of OJ .dually 

their labors <.\ r the provin< Tir d 

in tin ir way every obstacle that self ii 

could devise, but tl 

friars < . til opposition, and v. hen in I . 

came to their BUpporl th 

tablished ivents including t! 

Real, ami had visited and carri 
the n UK >tes1 pa; t he provin 

\nton i> 

I it in ( 

r inriii 
dili in P<> short a 

regret t .1 tl 


In- a- 
tliy oi - m * 


order to avoid a very long list. He was indebted to Conde de la Gomera, 
president of the audiencia of Guatemala, for access to the archives and official 
papers of different cities. To him he dedicates his book. The advantages 
enjoyed by Remesal in this respect render the work an exceedingly valu 
able contribution to Central American history. Its value, however, is less 
ened by the great number of typographical and other errors which it con 
tains. These are very important, especially where dates are concerned. 
While a large number of them are quite obvious, very many incidents of 
great importance must be verified as to time of occurrence, by reference to 
other authors. In the portion of his work which relates to the conquest of 
Guatemala, many inaccuracies are observed. In fact, Ramesal was hurried, 
and often biassed. His style is clear and pleasing; free from the redundant 
and inflated form so common a century later. He submitted his manuscript 
to Tortjuemada, by whom it was highly approved and its publication advised. 
This occurred in the city of Mexico. But meantime a storm was brewing else 
where. The work was by no means to the liking of certain parties in Guate 
mala. By means of letters addressed to different parts of Mexico, but more 
particularly by a special messenger who preached a crusade against the new his 
tory, these enemies raised up a tempest of indignation against Remesal and his 
book, especially in Oajaca. Through the influence, however, of sensible and 
powerful friends in Mexico and Guatemala all opposition \vas overcome. See 
pages 747-51 of his work. The author was born in the town of Allariz in Galicia, 
and on the 9th of October 1613, nearly five months after he left Spain, arrived at 
Guatemala, where he was most kindly received by the Dominican order. Dur 
ing the time he remained in their convent, he failed not to observe the excel 
lent system of government under which the society worked, and occupied 
his time in perusing the acts of the chapters held in the convent. He was so 
impressed with the excellence of these laws and regulations that he proceeded 
to make a kind of summary of them. While thus employed, a work on the 
origin of the province, written by Friar Tomas de la Torre, fell into his hands. 
This suggested to him to undertake a history that would embrace both secu 
lar and ecclesiastical matters. With unconquerable diligence and ardor he 
prosecuted to the end the work thus projected. On one occasion, when suf 
fering from a fibrous abscess in the face, he carefully perused in a single "day 
the whole of the first book of the archives of Guatemala city, after having 
submitted to a severe surgical operation on his right cheek. Twice he jour 
neyed over all New Spain, collecting information and, in particular, studying 
the books of the cabildos of different cities and towns. The evidence he thus 
obtained was in many instances at variance, he states, with printed books 
and histories of his own religion. The authors of these whose names he does 
not mention he would not condemn, however, but excuse on the ground 
that later research will necessarily produce different accounts of events. See 
his preface. Remesal was a fearless writer. Perhaps he had some leaning 
to the descendants of the conquerors, yet he does not hesitate to denounce 
the acts of the first colonists, to deal with Alvarado in a manner severely 
condemning him, and to endorse Las Casas with regard to the cruel oppres 
sion of the Indians. But his statements are to be accepted with caution, 
especially where Las Casas or the Dominican order is concerned. No effort 
is spared to hold them up to the gaze of an admiring posterity, and to expose 
the errors and perverseness of their enemies. To this end all sorts of prob 
able and improbable situations and adventures are described, wherein the 
religious eventually triumph. Many important facts are glossed over, or 
omitted, the true versions of which it is evident must have come within his 
observation. Numerous speeches, sermons, conversations, even the thoughts 
and feelings of the leading actors, are described with a minuteness of detail 
that is astonishing considering the lapse of time over 75 years. The account 
of the prosecution of the religious by Baltasar Guerra may be looked upon as 
a fiction, while the author s inventive faculty has had much to do with that 
of the opposition to Las Casas in Ciudad Real. His version of Las Casas 
doings in Gracias d, Dios seems also greatly exaggerated. 




>BAL \Y\\Ti:n A I 

] -Two CONTI.N; -CiiAKiTAr.u: Ixsnv 



! AM ]>( i. MI MOANS LA \ 

M His I- I;;-T I 

HIM . v LCD] : \SA 

-Pi:o< \vv 

CANCX& fl lv\ri:i>i i io\ ro FLORIDA 

AFTER the destruction of Santi -nd llic ] .il 
tin- city to a IKJ\V site tl 
Micilral and cpisci.pal rr^id,-; jr. 1 

means, how. . i<>r llu? < f \\ 

could not In- immediately prormvd. Tli- l-i-!ioj 1 

caused to lc built a ln-rini: . calk-d , c 

Lu vvliidi served temporarily ]>ari-!i elm; 

in tin- new -i \ . J Tlie removal <>f 

. Daoreover, a matter which did ii t d .d iij 
ber the decision of the cahildo or jnvl; 

Inith hi- M ; ud the pope had U> b d u 

inoineiitous a (juest mn. The necessity of perm 
nun to make such a chan-v was pointed "tit 1 

1 The .M cliun-h h.i l cost nioro tli.-m 10,000 pesos, r. 

onl . 


ami that h-- aid lii: 
:n- IR-V. *&> 

1 I 


cabildo by the bishop, who during a visit to Acajutla 
was informed by that body that the roof of the old 
church had been removed. 3 With regard to the build 
ing of the new cathedral few particulars are known, 
other than that the bishop was compelled for a num 
ber of years to appeal to the king for aid in its com 
pletion. 4 

Marroquin s bishopric, indeed, was not a rich one. 
In 1542 he represents to the king the objection of 
the settlers to pay tithes, which they regarded as an 
unheard of demand, and implores his Majesty to en 
force the payment to the church of one tenth of all 
tributes. 5 He, moreover, assures him that his salary 
of five hundred thousand maravedis was not sufficient 
to meet the demands of hospitality and charity, and 
requests that a portion of the revenues of Honduras 
and Soconusco be granted to him. 6 

But the colonists were not easily compelled to pay 
their tithes of cacao, 7 maize, and feathers, and in 1545 
the bishop again brought the matter before the notice 
of the throne, declaring that the frequency of disputes 

3 Although Marroquin expressed acquiescence in the wishes of the cabildo 
he did not approve of the pulling down of the church, and ordered it to be 
re-roofed at his own expense. Arevalo, Col. Doc. Ant /r/., 190-1. Vazquez 
states that the old cathedral was taken down and the materials used in the 
construction of the new one. Chron. de Gvat., 105. 

4 In March 1545 Marroquin petitioned the king that the subsidy of the 
novenos for the erection of the church be continued. The grant was extended 
for four more years. In accordance with a second request made in Septem 
ber 1547 the grant of two novenos was extended for six years. Again in 
March 1548 the bishop asked for aid in addition to the novenos already 
granted. Squier s MSS. , xxii. 45, 91, 138. Vazquez states that the building of 
the church lasted only three years. Chron. de Gvat., 153. 

5 He also complains of the government officials who maintained that he 
had no right to tithes during his absence in Mexico with Alvarado in 1540-1. 
Carta, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xiii. 274-5. 

6 Id., 273-4. In May 1547 Bishop Pedraza asked the king for an in 
crease of salary from 500,000 maravedis to 2,000 ducados, the stipend given 
to the bishop of Guatemala and others. Squier s MSS., xxii. 29. The royal 
officials were ordered in 1540 to investigate the question of salaries and 
amount of tithes received yearly in each bishopric. If they fell short of 
500,000 maravedis, the deficit was to be supplied out of the royal treasury. 
Rccop. de lad., i. G3-4. 

7 Cacao formed the chief and most valuable tithe in the diocese. Id. , 94. 
The payment of tithes on pita the fibre of the agave manufactured into 
articles of clothing etc. and balsam and the carrying of tithes to the churches 
was under consideration by the audiencia, December 20, 1545. Id., 132. 


IM clei ml the col nit 

was prejudicial ] 1 

poverty hurdi an<l his own ind. b1 

! that some compensation mi^ht he i him 

for hi> servi 1 the exp - whidi h< 

1 in liis vi t<> I londuras and (liiap 

theless the colonists maintained a stubborn >n, 

and in I .VIS in ha<l BO litt !< iin|r)Vi-l 

ro<|uin lor aid from the cr< 

Th T Marrotju ni to obtain .- 

di>triet (! his diocese \viduiM-l tin- breach 1 

and J^-is Casas, tin.- particulars of which ha\ 
been given, and was one of lh.> can .f ih 
which tli prelates hrajH-d upon c-adi P. Tl 

])rinc<- : ;t had issin-d a cu<lnl, 
t<> the hisliop of Chiapas on th- id of its pr 

iniity t<> that provin- This decision Las ( 

:;iinunicalcd to Marroquin in 1 5 id li- 
mutual vituperation, chai 
tory, and misrepresentations, ifnol untruthful] 

her side. Tl\ > of G mala 

of Soconusco ui -in^ tlu-in to app< al agail 
tlic i-oyal ccdula, and in a 1 ttet to tl 

i-ihcs tin- dio- of L 
idiii"- i roni sea to sea. and hr nou^li 1.. r.n- 

in half a dozen bishopri hile Lns ( , 

that the liishop of (Guatemala had appropriated d 

tri. -ndiiiL; ahno-t to Nicaragua, and 

s the asylum of \ id d( 

But though Marroquin was thus ini 

r-ulti. ith his llock and disputes with hi 

lishoj), he lahoivd hard i or the welfa] 

hy ioundii: rius diaritahle in ^tituti< I ad 

1. I: 

. ssnl I 

. 1-JO-l, 1- irlu** 


his auspices was established between 154G and 1548, 10 
the convent of La Concepcion, the first lady superior 
being Dona Beatriz de Silva, a nun of the Dominican 
convent of Madre de Dios in Toledo. 11 This institu 
tion was liberally aided by the crown. 12 

About the same time the hospital of San Alejo was 
founded by the Dominicans, 13 and in 1849 Bishop 
Marroquin founded that of Santiago. This latter 
establishment was designed for Spanish and native 
patients of both sexes. It was a spacious building 
containing four wards, so that the races and sexes 
could be kept apart. Marroquin, retaining the office 
of administrator, ceded the patronage of this insti 
tution to the crown; hence it was known as the 
royal hospital of Santiago. 14 While the bishop thus 
studied the temporal welfare of his flock, its spiritual 
good was ever in appearance at least his anxious care, 
and I find his requests for more ecclesiastics almost 
as frequent as his petitions for more money. From 
both Franciscans and Dominicans he received great 
assistance. This last named order had with the rest 
of the settlers removed to the new city, 15 having re- 

10 In 1546 according to Gonzalez Ddvila, Hist. Ecles., i. 149. Vazquez 
states that the convent of La Concepcion was not founded until 1577. Chron. 
de Gvat., 153. 

11 Remescd, Hist. Chyapa, 441. Vazquez, as previously quoted, however, 
states that the name of the first lady superior was Juana de San Francisco, 
implying that she was a Franciscan and not a Dominican. This author s 
whole account is a contradiction of Remesal s version. 

12 The emperor contributed 2,000 ducados toward its founding. Gonzalez 
Ddvila, Teatro Ecles., i. 152. 

13 Rcmesal, Hist. Chyapa, 585. Gonzalez Ddvila says that Marroquin 
Dio principio al Hospital de S. Alcxo, donde se cura Iiidios y Espanoles, que 
oy es Hospital Real, en aiio 1647 a misprint for 1547 Teatro Ecle*., i. 150. 
This hospital was founded for the benefit of Indians who were no longer 
capable of service, and whom the Spaniards were wont to turn out into the 
streets to die like dogs. Guat. Santo Domingo en 1734, 55. 

14 Vazquez, Chron, de Gvat., 152. Consult also Remesol, Hist. Chyapa, 
5S4-6, where a somewhat different account is given. In claiming merit for 
his order this author represents the Indians as unwilling to enter the hospital 
of Santiago, preferring that of San Alejo. Both hospitals received liberal 
support from the crown. 

15 The second opening of the Dominican convent took place about July 
1536. Though Remesal, on pages 111, 115, states that Las Casas arrived at 
Santiago in 1535, there is positive evidence that 1536 is the right year. In 
the deposition, taken in Leon on the 23d of August 1536, relative to the pro 
ceeding of Las Casas in Nicaragua, the witness Martinez de Isagre in his 

< ALS. MB 

Ceived from immiripalit ^mii- 

l>t- of -round whereon to r. build th 

provincial chapter of ! ill M 

r< aized and pted t ! fc of < ;is 

iviqiJarl;. ani/ed, and appointed 

sill:. i prior. At tliixlat.- then n- 

bera of the community 1>< pri< 

I- ray Tonia^ d< la Torre succeeded CasillaSj ly \\h 

tini- the nuinlii i- had increased t> <nlv ii 

Meantime the i-iv.-tl order of the I 
Jil p- I upon the fk-ld of laln.r. AY 

members arrived it is not possible i le. A d- 

ii Torquemada, l^ray Tnril.i. M.,tnlin: it 

in 1 .":;:;, l>y the cu>todia of the order in M . to 

found inoi! in ( Jnatrin;da, H ltit tl 

lu-nt lishnnMit of Fnin- ma in > 

due ilorts of Marroquin. At the entr< 

of ]>i >i\ iViar- it tVoin Sj-ain in 

1539, and arrived at Mexico in l .">!<>, th- 

havin-- been paid l.y him. 20 After r- ix 

inont 1 that ey pro- ! t . 

ina la, In it at T< . their 

( ^ca fell sick and di Tl. tnti 

lonco in. ntioiis th;it tin- ]>aclp 

the s;i "8 

264, Torque] 

A i:.i :;<lii)Lr<> i 1 .rt \\ c. n t he calillo ;upl r-srelat 

whii. h had <! nu-<l t : 

i < <|ual 

;rli;ih. !(H(li-l lO8UrCi> Cllhu. 

ml i;> 
On t: 
lini:i : 

i at I! maiia;- tft, 

torn. \ 

: these f ri.-ir Alonso do Casascca. . also ilc )M 



l.iui. \ azqufZ^L hron.<.l a. 


ued their journey and were received at Santiago with 
every demonstration of welcome. By private con 
tributions and with the assistance of the bishop they 
were enabled to erect a humble dwelling 1 , 22 in which 


they discharged the duties of their calling with as 
punctual and strict observance as if it had been a con 
vent of the highest order. After the destruction of 
Santiago appropriate ground was allotted to them for 
the erection of their convent, church, and other build 
ings, 23 and by June 1542 an unpretending monastery 
had been built. When the Franciscans had acquired 
some knowledge of the native tongues, they engaged 
in missionary labors throughout the country. 24 

The need of more friars was, however, urgent, and 
ere long Fray Valderas, with the approval of the 
bishop, went to Spain in order to procure more mem 
bers of his order. He soon accomplished his mission 
and returned with twelve brothers to Mexico, Un 
happily in their haste to engage in their labors most 
of them broke down on the long and toilsome journey 
to Santiago, and died. 25 At a later date, however, 
the want was somewhat relieved by the arrival of 
Motolinia with a considerable number of his order. 28 

The Franciscan order was now firmly established 

22 Vazquez states that they occupied a small convent badly out of repair 
built by Franciscans formerly in the country. Coventico, que por entoces 
apenas tenia vn lienzo de horcones. Id. , 59. 

23 Vazquez gives a copy of the order for the allotment signed by the joint 
governors Marroquin. and Cueva. It is without date, but Vazquez infers that 
it was given during October 1541, when lots were being distributed. /(/., 167. 

24 They were engaged in the difficult task of collecting the Indians into 
towns. Fray Ordotiez remained in charge of the monastery; Gonzalo was 
sent among the Zutugils; Bustillo and Alva to the Quiches and Cakchiquels 
respectively. Id., 60-7, 77-82, 106-11, 129. 

& Mendieta, Hist. Ecles., 384-5; Torquemada, iii. 338-9. 

26 Both the date and number of friars are matters of dispute. Torquemada 
states that Motolinia was sent in 1542 to Guatemala by Jacobo de Testera, 
comisario general of the order, with tM T elve of the 150 friars whom he had 
brought to Mexico that year. Torqiiemada, iii. 337, 339. He follows Mendieta, 
Hist. Eclf.s.y 385. Figueroa, in Pap. Franciscanos, MS., i. No. 1, 37 et seq., 
supports Torquemada as to date but maintains that the number of friars was 24. 
Vazquez, on the authority of Fund, de la Prov. de S. Franco de Guat. MS., 
1583, Lizana, Hist. Yuc., a letter of Motolinia dated October 21, 1545, and the 
minutes of the cabildo, concludes that Motolinia arrived at Guatemala in 
1544, with 20 or 24 friars. Chron. de Gvat., 42-3, 102, 105-6, 440. 


in Cua Hum ei 

had been founded- into a 

Yucatan, 1 and i -1 <li, r tli- m- 

try. J Ir then returned to !M . d was SU< 

in liis oiliee of custodio by Fray Gon/alo 


The je.M lousy which existed between the Doinin- 
;iii<l FTUI ins \ xhibited in Gua 

<>i:;_dy as elsewhere, and the li 

currc<L and opposition off I by 1 
lishrd order to the new-conn-i- . \ 


that many of the Franciscans lefl theprovhi li 

I d- tin- rilorts of Bishop Marroquin thc-y would lia 
ahandoncd the iidd. 31 

Li 1547 the coinisario general states tl there 
Avere only twelve Frai, in (\\\ d re- 

(jii- "hat youir^ members of tin; order, 

j\iirin^ the native lan^uau e, b II. 

ini])! 1 :i the einjiei or the in- 

separate fields of tabor to the two or, to 

noted that the Train inimical to t 

Th< ((invent next f that at Sant: 

1 : then 1 1 otlii 1 : 

M -.">. !U(). There ia some do .-lingof 

tli- . vxlia in (Iiiati-nr * ea- 

(I in l.">."ii. following Mendieta. \ : the 

! and 1 !<>_ . 1 

! ! : 

.vim . 

into a 

iil in < .al;i in 1. )!;!>. l i_;., n a, in / < 

28 Tin- ori- 

- four or six. 

.lx>rs i: see // 


18 T ililo oi 


that ii: 

ser 103-0. 

. languages had 


Mercenaries, who are described as being detrimental 
rather than beneficial to the cause of the church. 33 

The disagreement between the two highest regular 
orders was not based entirely upon a struggle for 
supremacy. Each had its distinct views with regard 
to the method of implanting Christianity in America. 
The Dominicans, led by their unyielding chief Las 
Casas, would not recognize wholesale baptism as prac 
tised by the Franciscans, and they would not admit 
that the interests of the conquerors were compatible 
with the welfare of the conquered races. The Fran 
ciscans, with Motolinia as their leader, imagined that 
a system of ecclesiastical and civil policy could be 
adopted which would conduce to the interests of both 
the dominant and conquered races. This order did 
not object to the sword being called into operation; 
the Dominicans denied it as a means of advancing 
the gospel. The Dominicans were uncompromisingly 
opposed to slavery; the rival order not so, and I am 
inclined to think that the Franciscans honestly be 
lieved that under the pressure of the encomenderos 
and the impossibility of rapid manumission, more 
benefit could be obtained for the natives by a tolerant 
system of servitude, supervised by the religious orders, 
than by a sudden change. It is unnecessary to relate 
the bitter denunciations that each leader uttered 
against the other. While it is to be regretted that 
Motolinia in his fierce attack on Las Casas appears 
to have been guided by a spirit not altogether free 
from jealousy, 34 it cannot be disputed that the indis 
creet zeal of Las Casas gave dissatisfaction to eminent 
men even in his own order. 35 

It was through the exertions of Bartolome de Las 
Casas that the pacification of Yera Paz was achieved 
without the aid of an armed force. The native name 

33 Zapata, Carta, Destruyen i ??o edifican. Id., 40. 

34 Las Casas, in Quint ana, Vidas. 207-8. 

35 According to Motolinia, Hist. Ecles., 259, 268, Fray Betanzos wrote 
a letter to Las Casas attributing much evil and scandal to his mode of 

;.: , 

rritor !utl;iii. 

ir entrance into ( ruai 

fill llbdue it. and from t! 

r oj tli 

Its dimmsio! 

entered it nearly corr : \vii!i i1 

In l .".7 1 IVia >nvenl al ( oK-m r, 

\ era 1 alivady Loimdrd l.y royal 

(1 sixty leagues from 
ri\vr Xi; the ri\vr / 

;! I from south to noi-tli, inx-n 
northern slope of tin? ( anal and Jial.inal : 
The sui and moiint;ii! 

all:. unknown, and t! i diahitant 

lil Nevertheless \^\^ ( lasas I !-- 

it in d-!iancf of dan^ri 1 , 

Previous to pill)!! [ a 1 . 40 in 

which ]( condemn >n<pi<"4 l>y i o; nd 

I that to rivil : : 

tr; F subjugation. T 

illy up! .;-o hoth iVom the pulpit aii l in 

conv< I lii- teachi im 

al ridiculi- and cnmii 
of Santiago daivd hi: pul his priii 

M Meaning land f>f war; tli 
;t l>y th" ] )i-iiii: 


\ . i. 1 . .,;. < 
\vritLcii l>y <^ 


of t! 


t the t 

ies, IK 


40 i 


by accomplishing the conquest of Tuzulutlan. The 
undaunted padre accepted the challenge, and in con 
junction with Fray Rodrigo de Laclrada and Fray 
Pedro de Angulo, agreed to undertake the perilous 
enterprise on the condition that the natives should 
never be assigned in encomiendas, and that for a 
period of five years, dating from the entrance of the 
friars into the province, no Spaniards should be per 
mitted to enter the country. 41 

Las Casas at once proceeded to put his designs in 
execution, and by the employment of converted Ind 
ians and the establishment of frontier posts, opened 
friendly relations with the hitherto exclusive inhabi 
tants of Vera Paz, 42 and laid the basis of the future 
acknowledgment of the sovereignty of Spain. 43 

41 Las Casas, in Quintano, Vidas, 238-9. These terms were guaranteed by 
Maldonado in May 1537 according to Ilcmesal. Hist. Chyapa, 122-3. They 
were approved by the audiencia of Mexico in February 1539, and by the 
emperor in November 1540. Real CeduZa, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col.Doc. t 
vii. 14G-5G. 

* 2 Pelaez, Mem. de Gnat., i. 153. 

43 Remesal gives an interesting and romantic account of the method first 
adopted by Las Casas, but one which, I apprehend, is more an invention 
than a true statement of facts. He represents Las Casas and his colleagues 
as composing verses in the Quiche" tongue, narrating the principal mysteries 
of the Catholic faith. These were set to music and taught to four Indian 
merchants, who were in the habit of journeying into Tuzulutlan. The lord 
of Zacapulas was a formidable and powerful chief called by Remesal Don 
Juan. To him the four merchants were instructed to go and sing their can 
ticles, having been provided with various articles from Spain such as would 
excite curiosity. Their reception was favorable, and the interest awakened 
by their songs, the novel presents which they brought, and their description 
of the peace-loving men induced a wish in the haughty chieftain to be visited 
by the friars themselves. Accordingly a second expedition was planned and 
Fray Luis Cancer was selected to accompany the Indian traders. His mis 
sion was successful. The cacique was persuaded to embrace Christianity, 
destroy his idols, and be baptized. On the return of Fray Luis, Las Casas 
determined still further to extend the work in person, and in December 
1537 visited Don Juan accompanied by Fray Angulo. They then extended 
their journey into the more remote districts of Tuzulutlan and Coban, being 
provided with an escort by the cacique, who vainly endeavored to dissuade 
them from their hazardous undertaking. The treatment they met with was, 
however, generally favorable, and though they experienced some opposition 
among the subjects of both Don Juan and the lord of Coban, they completed 
their journey and returned early in 1538. Ifist. Chyapa, 122-4, 135-40. 
Consult also Fernandez, Hist. Edes., passim; Las Casas, in Quintana, Vidas, 
174-6; and Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 793-G. Now this 
account savors at least of inaccuracy. The efforts of Las Casas and his com 
panions, previous to his departure to Spain in 1539-40, were confined to the 
frontiers which were to a certain extent under subjugation. In February 
1542 Bishop Marroquin, writing to the emperor, after mentioning the arrival 

N< ik of con ion could n 

^htv. Eiccomplished. Though L < 

n>nv; C tin- )>: ahility of bifi 

small numlxT of friar> in the . 

immedii .lion impossible, ? - >j- 

IOH v, iiis 1,. , and in, 

views, and although the work v qm under 1 

far as th ion of 

!, lie frit liinix-lf <-<>ni}> T. nd 

oprrali. lie liad liad a ]>.-r>on;il in; ith 

I inj)rro: Accordingly he left ( 

]ror- \vay of ^Mexico to S})uin. 

me Dominicans who brought with thci:i .l>s erra 



;i hi i.:;:r ! I ^> 
i, ha <1 tra Ki!. 

":o and 
r., xiii. : I -ogress 

ie spir: 

J hc in of the two lords of th i 

i coin; : 

. ! 1J, . that \ 

i ") the ; ipcror ; 

I. 1 t!ia ; 









On his arrival at court lie advocated his system of 
peaceful conquest with his usual vigor, but his action 
gave great offence to the cabildo of Guatemala. Two 
indignant letters w T ere addressed to the emperor attribu 
ting to him the existing troubles and turmoils. 46 The 
direct cause of these despatches was the receipt of 
two decrees obtained by the representations of Las 
Casas, the first of which was addressed to the bishop 
and governor of Guatemala and intended to remedy 
the prevailing neglect in the religious instruction of 
the Indians and negroes. It ordered that at a stated 


hour each day, all such as were not already instructed 
should be taught their religious duties. 47 The second 
guaranteed to Las Casas and his companions, in their 
labors in Tuzulutlan, freedom from interference on 
the part of the Spaniards. 4 At the same time he 
obtained other documents authorizing him or his com 
panions to take such Spaniards as they themselves 
might select into the converted regions. Letters of 
thanks, also, were sent to such caciques as had aided 
in the work begun, and lastly as a precaution against 
the interference of Alvarado, the assistance of certain 
caciques was secured to the Dominicans, and the 
adelantado and his lieutenant commanded not to in 
terfere with them. 49 

able to his design. The undertaking was extremely difficult, but through 
the curiosity of roaming natives and the friendly invitations of the original 
settlef s, the number of inhabitants increased before long to 500, including neo 
phytes and other Indians. Las Casas was assisted in this work by Fray Luis 
Cancer, who availed himself of the opportunity of visiting the interior as far 
as the towns of Coban. Hist. Chyapa, 143-4. 

46 These were respectively dated November 17, 1539. and April 20, 1540. 
In the first of these he is charged with insisting upon the liberation of certain 
slaves under penalty of their owners being refused the sacraments. Gavarrete, 
Cop. Doc., 41-2. In the second one it is asserted that he was travelling about 
rather than looking after the Indians que estan tie guerra and nuiica los 
vio. Ni creemos que tuvo inteligencia ninguna con ellos. Arcvalo, Col. Doc. 
Antlg., 15-10. 

47 Copy of this decree which was dated January 9, 1540, can be found in 
Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro EcJes., i. 146-7; and Rcmesal, Hist. Chyapa, 152. 

48 This decree was issued on October 17, 1540. It also provided that in 
the event of the collection of tribute being decided upon by Las Casas the 
governor or bishop should appoint a proper person. Id., 153, et seq; Recu 
Cedvla, in Pachcco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 146-9. 

49 This decree, however, was not issued until January 28, 1541. Remesal, 
Hist. Chaa 155-G. 

sr rm: TKIAI 

1 >ut I A \ < aware that th< 

and exeention of a <i in tin- \ <>rld w< 

two different ID;I . I ! li;i<l learned 

that suhteii oimnonh -i !, d to ID rd 

pre\mt the enforcemenl ot .r delay it- .| 

ation until tli -r- - no lo nd 

tills without the rhar-v uf disloyalty h in-mT. d. 

r rii aony of kissing tin- riyal <>n! ,d j-1 

it upon the head was duly and ! v |- 

I ornied, but it it could ! cdleged thai hifi M 
liad leen misinformed, Around lr aj>j>eal \\.. 

established, and it- execution j>o>tj>on.-d until a trutli- 

i ul ement of the question could be submitted to 

the kii! This delayed the arrival <! the iinal . 

ci>ion until it became ino{)ei-ati\e, and th 

of ryal orders was at this time .v l>y tin; 

L;is Casas consequently repr 

abuses to the council and procured a iinal 
\vhich entrusted the ciijorcenn-ut of the pi 
ones to the audieneia <t .Mexico, authorizing that 
court to punish disobedience to preViow 

In 1541 iM-ay Luis Cancel- returned to Guatemala, 
and continued in \Ym Ta/ the w..rk of converei 
inaugurated hy Las Casas. From this time the pa- iii- 
tinn proju-r may he considered t> ha\ 
T\ eitions of Las ( <luri me he 

mained in Spain W( aa the reader ua alreadj 
mainly diiveted to the promulgation 

of la , In I 5 L5 he a --a in arrived in N 

take charge of his di. ill he h-i r i- 

and in July, being anxious t 

that had been made in Vera Pax, he vi> 

My.iut in? tins ." ptMig* 

Las Casas 
.1 fuiiilaiii-n: UCC80 do la ] 

con solo dos religioeos. 

:-c on his ill-:, 

!<,*/, / Jf /* 1 * 

Uui. < 


province. He found the condition of affairs to be so 
satisfactory that he caused the depositions of six 
Spaniards to be taken for the purpose of reporting to 
the emperor the true nature of the conquest of this 
formerly warlike region. From the statements of 
these deponents it appears that previous to the en 
trance of the Dominicans the inhabitants of these 
districts opposed all attempts to subdue them, 51 but 
that by infinite labor and care the friars had over 
come their ferocity and exasperation. In his progress 
through the country the bishop everywhere met with 
a kind welcome. Escorted by Don Juan, a son of 
the lord of Coban,, with many of his subjects, he pro 
ceeded from town to town, 5 " receiving offerings and 
presents at each place. At Coban he was gratified 
to find that a substantial wooden church had been 
erected, and that every day many natives eagerly re 
ceived religious instruction. Proceeding thence to 
the town of Tuzulutlan he there met Bishop Marro- 
quin, who was making a similar visit/ 3 and I appre 
hend that the two prelates did not entertain such 
friendly feelings to each othep as had been displayed 
to both of them by the natives. 

51 Bishop Marroquin states, that nearly the whole of this region to the 
northern sea was conquered by Diego de Alvarado, and that a hundred Span 
iards settled therein. They afterward abandoned it to go to Peru, and in the 
more important affairs which occupied the colonists this rugged province was 
forgotten. Las Casas, in Quintana, Vidas, 238. 

52 Among the places visited may be mentioned Zacapula, uno de los 
pueblos de paz que sirven a los espanoles en la ciudad de Guatemala, at which 
place four caciques of Tezulutlan met the bishop. Then he proceeded to 
Fatal and Jatic, Coban, and Tezulutlan. Information, in Pacheco and Carde 
nas, CoL Doc., vii. 210. From the same document it may be gathered that at 
the time of the visit the friars in the country were: Pedro de Angulo, Luis 
Cancer, Juan de Sant Lucas, Fray Gabriel, Domingo de Vico, Domingo de 
Azcona, and two others whose names are not mentioned. 

53 Marroquin reporting this visit indulges in unfriendly and ungenerous re 
marks against Las Casas: yo ae" que el ha de escribir invenciones 6 imagina- 
ciones, que ni dl las entiende ni entendera en mi conciencia: porque todo su 
edificio y fundameuto va fabricado sobre hipocresia y avaria, y asi lo mostr6 
luego que le fue dada la mitra. But I do not find that the bishop of Guate 
mala differs in any material point from the bishop of Chiapas in his account. 
He says, y media legua antes que llegase salio todo el pueblo hombres y 
mugeres a me recibir con muchas danzas y bailes . . . y alabe" mucho a Dios en 
ver tan buena voluntad y tan buen principle, and admits fui-ther on that the 
friendly reception was due to the method adopted by the friars. He describes 
the land as la mas fragosa que hay aca, no es para que pueblen espanoles en 


I !ut La- CasaS li:il still to learn that bow< 

-I ul his own -Hurts li;i,l been In- <-ould nut ward ujf 

the oppres>ion of liis countrymen. Tin- span; 
now began bo enter tin- region, impose trilm; 

make slaves Bfl W8B their wo; ml in ()ct<.l..-r fol 

lowing K ray Luis Cancer wrote to bii -tin- pr 
being then at Gracias 4 l)i< in- - that more than 

o o 

seven hundred slaves of Loth & had been tal. 

1 roni the town of Tuzulutlan aloiir, an<l that the 

ti il)iit(! wliicli the natives of Vera I *a/ were cal! 
upon t> pay was intolerable. 94 Mot , ,n 

tind, greatly to his mortification, that his peaceful 

in of convc-rsioii was not necessarily unatt-nle.l 

ly Bloodshed, as \\as shown a few years later ly tliu 

martyrdom of Luis Cancer and two broth t the 

Dominican order. 

In lf> 17 Fray Cancer and Las ( returned to 
Spain, and ly their representations indue, d the em 
peror to consent to an expedition to Florida T 
eondneted ly the former on the sy>t< m ly which 
the paeiiic.-ttion of Yera ]*a/ was accomplished II 
.Majoty rxtended every facility to the friar, supply! 
him with funds and issuing an order which would 

i-nalile him to ohtain every encouragemeni and ai<l 

from the authorities in .Mexico. 66 The friar made i 

c-ll;i j-.or scr tan fra.LTosa y jv.l.i-. 19O9, ii. 

also M>i,-i-n,jn;n t in Souier * )i also states 

tha: asof great ami <l-ns. 

truth as large as r i 1 V liiin. 

. _ -}. {. 
6 * -Kl ti-ilmto <iuc ticiifii air ra et int<>! . catla ocheota cliaacloscientas 

fca0, ni. > lo.s /iquipi! 

!;i n.iin n -n mi: !, too, 

. from Tii/uliitlan a t>\\M il..i; 
la With r.-xanl to tin- tnl.utr li- 

.,11 si John ;iml thf ot 

mas. P ""!.""" 

M \\-i\n\. 

i f.,r tin- ],ui-i><.s,- .f K.- 
mala wraa 

ln.1, . tli<- 01 haviii 

an. I in ir.77 ti. metal, 

,\\n fumii with M 
goods were jiuivha.^ pose ol -, with the Indians, The mar 


preparations with great enthusiasm; yet he met with 
considerable delay, caused by the unfavorable light in 
which his dangerous enterprise was regarded in Spain. 
He had great difficulty in obtaining a pilot, and in 
deed, although he had hoped to procure the assistance 
of four or six colleagues, two only were found ready 
to risk their lives in the cause. "All Seville," he 
wrote, "is surprised at this undertaking; those who 
most fear God approve of it; others think that we are 
going to the slaughter-house." 

Writing these prophetic and ill-omened words on the 
very day of his departure Fray Luis sailed on his last 
voyage from Spain. Few particulars of his expedi 
tion are known, except the manner of his death. On 
his arrival in Mexico he obtained the assistance which 
the king ordered to be extended to him, and about the 
middle of 1549 set sail from Vera Cruz, accompanied 
by Frailes Gregorio de Beteta, Juan Garcia, Diego 
de Tolosa, and a lay brother named Fuentes. Con 
trary to his express desire the captain of the vessel 
landed him at a part of the Florida coast where 
Spaniards had previously committed depredations 
and thus exasperated the natives. Unconscious of 
this act of carelessness, 57 Fray Cancer, accompanied 
by Tolosa and the lay brother, proceeded on his mis 
sion, but the ill-fated ecclesiastics had not advanced 
far from the shore when they were assailed by Indians, 
and immediately beaten to death with clubs. 55 

addressed three letters to Las Casas previous to his departure, the first being 
dated February 9th, and the second February 14th. None of them give the 
year, but there is little doubt that they were written in 1548. Copies of these 
letters are to be found in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vii. 184-201. 

56 Jbtd. Remesal states that Cancer took no companions with him from 
Spain, but that he selected from the Dominican convent in Mexico three 
friars and a lay brother. Hist. Chyapa, 515. There can be no doubt, how 
ever, that two of these accompanied him from Spain. See Pacheco and Car 
denas, Col. Doc., vii. 199. 

57 Both Fernandez, Hist. Ecles., 150-1, and Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 515-16, 
attribute the catastrophe which followed to the action of the captain, who, 
they assert, was well aware that he was not carrying out the wishes of 
Cancer. Las Casas also states that the captain knew of the danger, but re 
fused to land farther off under the pretext that four Spanish armies had dis 
embarked at that point without meeting with resistance. Omvres, i. 405. 

5a Remesal enlarges on the tragedy. He states that the cacique of the 


Tliis d: tX>U8 termination of I 
\vhirh i ind Ills advor had 

milch V > hitt. r U[> which his opponent- did ! 

ill 11 t> hold out t< him. Y t this stout comhatan? for 
tin ,1 of Moodle-- pacilication yielded not an i 

in his principles, and al>ly defended himself 

S< jullvrdn ly maintaining that the previous cr 

duct of the Spaniards on tin- 

tin- t ly in Florida.- The career of I > < B in 
( 1. nd tin- appointmenl of Cei nor 

of Guatemala ha livady been 

lilHii-iiiu r village was <1 that the mnrdi-rod friars had i< 

:it liave ronvt rscd \\ith tlu-m, and that i cau?tl 

ictimB i itripped off and stretched npoo the wall 

while their heads vri Bed with cotton and 

vn pr.r .itr, d- 

>. ///-/. i ii .. Acoordiog to the a 

and HiiM> four i tt-injn . I :. aii, 

and FraiK : Jn tlirsr 

st thrir livrs. In a si . .,!,. 1 ;r 
j_aiiicd a lootliold in the foiintry, and in Itil J a | 

founded l>y the chaj.t ral at I;<>ni>. >18 I . . I 

I :x nat 
m>l l- family, and ]>ro!irinit in \ . !! 

la, thence to I ll, rto Etloo, \\ 
and a ; later j ! to < 

liande/, // i-t that on a voyage from v : 

was t-aptun-d l>y Turkish j.irates. jiul^ e 

jle-ndiiilfd and ile\out i ary, lil. ;ousai 

and saiiiruine of | 

M La- 
letter to the kiui:, dated January -. l.V.."i. while ui 

p. 1 int> Florida. LAsCM**. 

<)l. Doc., i. L 




CERRATO S successor was Doctor Antonio Rodri 
guez de Quesada, an oidor of the audiencia of Mexico, 
and a man of learning and ability. Though appointed 
November 17, 1553, he did not assume office until the 
beginning of 1555. 1 The residencia of the former pres 
ident and oidores was soon begun, and completed some 
time in May. 2 Quesada was active in establishing 
reforms, and it w^as to the Indian question that his 
principal efforts were directed. The president deter 
mined to complete the organization of Indian towns, 
hoping thus to compel the natives to adopt a civilized 
mode of life and establishing in them a municipal gov 
ernment similar to that of Spanish settlements, the 

1 Jan. 14th, according to Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 222; evidently before the 
beginning of March. See Quesada, Carta, May 25, 1855, in Squier s MSS., 
xxii. 1-3. 

2 Quesada, in his letter cited above, reports it finished. 



9 bei !)_< confided t tln-h- hereditary chiefs accord-* 

in rank 

At the reijiieM of the bishop and tin- Domini 
>\ incial, tin- audieneiu order- d ( )idor /or , call 

a meeting of friar-: and although we have no dir 


information as to its object, we may conclude t! 

lelated to tin- president s policy, for it v. >ndenii 

t In- settlers, 4 and. -hall it f.-r, i 

earning into rll -ct of QuesadaV plans was in 
part duo to tlir rilorts of Zorita \\lio WAS COmmissiOl 
for this j)urpose. 

Tlio ^-ork of organizing iln; nati\ as 1 

already Ix^n Ix^un in Xirarainia & I 1 - -\>r\i;. 

1555, by the licentiate Cavallon, appointed al 
vor of that province by the audimci 
In the be - inniiiLj of ^larch, Zorita rth on liis 

1 O 

official tour through the provinc From the 1. -u 

of the Dominicans \\<- learn that durin-_r >ix niontlis 

vi>ited on foot the most rii-V l p -rti^n- i i 
]>i-vince, moderated tribut- nd cori-cct.l abu- 
Jn uatherin;4 the natives into towns be found much 
diiliciilty, force In-in-- nccessai-y in BOO16 inMain 
coni])lisli their removal. This, however, was not 

the only opposition encountered, f r as mi-ht be . 

d he incurrecl the bitter hostility of th- 
Finding him incorru])tible they had recou \B usual 
t<> false reports. AVit nesses for any purpo -ulil 1 
cheaply bought; and since he would not 
Spaniards determined to drive him from the pi-,,\ in. 

There is no evident to the re>ult of this hostility, 
n<>r ha\-e we anv i urther records of - which 

d during Qaesada > 8 administration, s; he 

Tliosal - tluMli n wo to hn 

inunidad, a s t> -imt.iin tli-ir surplus rarnings, a 

nuts of tin- rstati-s of minors ami tin- ileceMetl: 
.1 thon; tin- mode of j>;r 
Ulul. ;i :i, thc\ 

.. 17. I 

5 ( . 27, 1555, ini mier s M i 

7 17, !" 

, Dee. , 100:>, iu ^ 


mention of a fearful epidemic which swept over the 
country in 1558/ and the seizure and pillage of Puerto 
de Caballos by four French ships during the same 
year. 8 

In the letters of the Dominicans already cited, no 
special mention is made of Quesada, but in February 
1558, the cabildo, in a despatch to the king, urge the 
appointment as governor of some person who should be 
a gentleman by birth, and have the sole management 
of affairs. 9 This would seem to indicate that, what 
ever the president s subsequent policy, it was satisfac 
tory neither to the ecclesiastics nor to the settlers. 

Quesada died in November 1558, and the oidor 
and licentiate Pedro Ramirez de Quiiiones took tem 
porary charge of the presidency. Ramirez rule was 
brief, and the only event of importance of which we 
have any record was the expedition in 1559 against 
the hostile provinces of Lacandon and Acala. Of 
the vast extent of unconquered territory lying beyond 
Vera Paz, nothing definite was known at this time 
except from the accounts of the march of Cortes to 
Honduras, nor had its conquest been attempted. 

As early as 1550 attempts at the pacification of the 
adjacent province of Acala were begun by the Domini 
cans of Vera Paz. For a time their efforts were suc 
cessful, but finally, incited by their neighbors and 
allies, the majority of the natives refused to receive 
the friars, and in 1555 the combined tribes destroyed 
the only mission thus far established and murdered 
Father Vico, the originator of the attempt, together 
with his companion Father Lopez, and a number of 
converted Indians from Vera Paz. There is no evi 
dence that their pacification was again attempted. 

7 Its chief feature was bleeding at the nose, for which no remedy could be 
found. The country was almost depopulated. Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 157. 
Juarros, Gnat. (ed. Lond. 1823), 148. 

8 They killed four men, besides a priest who attempted to prevent the 
seizure of the host, remained nearly two weeks, and made many prisoners. 
The viceroy of New Spain was at once notified. Velasco, Carta, Sept. 30, 1558, 
in Squier s AISS., x. 1,2. 

9 Carta, Feb. 18, 1555, inArevalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 25. 


Chief anioii _r the wild trihrs of (hi 


the Lacandones, who though \ in nun. 
ive, hardy, daring, and implaeahl<- in i 

nf tin- whit ritor ul -<l from 

tern front i r of \ I a/ alon-- t i Ix.nj, r 

nt ( hiapas as far as the DFOVinC [ - O . 

rliict lo\vn and stronghold w;is <-n a roc] in 

Lak- Lacsndon, distanl tw days journey fi 
provinc f ( hiajms and Vera I *az. Prom bhia ; 
tln-y issued in organized bands, and alon. 

raer of these t\v<> provinces 1M1 suddenly <>n tin; 
defencelee :tlcnicn(>, leaving a track <>f . 

and l>lood. drpi I iniird i ur i: 

ITS, nr is there any ivconl of a sin^l- instance of 

pursuit or punishment previous to i Emboldei 

continued su . tln-y extended tln-ir incui 
; flic interior. 1 n 1 552 t ln-y d< in 

Chiapas, one of tln-ni witliin lii teen lca;^u- 

al. Flic i -k \vas made at niuli 1 . ! Inn of 

the terrified inhabitant pc<l. A\ Li! \\^ 

tlieir captives the natives >l united deri>i : "Cln\ 

I upon your God to drt eiid you:" 
The l.Uliop of Cliia(ias mad 

candones, but HJI-Y were t \ d \\ i- 

I his in tgers killed. 1 Ic then a; 

audieiicia; hut the oidores, lor* ill tin 

the i ailure of tlie much-vaunted i wh. 

liad in a measure excluded the civil authority tVoia 

tin ritory ceded to the Dominicans, coldly n-pl 

that the crown liad >trieily jorhidd. -a the makii 

r on this jin-yin- IN p^i t- of tl I OOndi- 

!i of a: cordingly i. I Al ^ 

h hy hi-!iop and friars. In COnseqD da 

i January 22, 1 i ordered the and. 

( miiin. the matter, puni>h the I . 

and !t to 

\vn. Tin* instruct inn<, lm\\ 

f"r the audieiicia well knew that nothing >h<> 
an arm. ild ,-utlice, and thi did i 


expressly authorize a disregard of the existing in 

In the mean time the depredations of the Lacan- 
dones continued unchecked, and threatened to cause 
the abandonment of Vera Paz. Aroused at last to a 
full sense of their danger the Dominicans were fain 
to acknowledge that the cooperation of the sword was 
necessary to the planting of the cross, and so far di 
verged from the principles laid down by Las Casas as 
to declare in the provincial chapter held at Coban, in 
1558, that because of the sacrileges and murders they 
had committed, it was not only lawful for the king to 
make war on tlie Lacandones, but if need be, in order 
to protect his subjects, to exterminate them. 10 

In pursuance of this declaration they wrote to the 
king and suggested as the only efficient remedy the 
removal of the hostile natives to certain unsettled dis 
tricts beyond Ciudad Real, thus placing this city be 
tween them and the settlements of Chiapas and Vera 
Paz. In order to reduce the expense of their removal 
it was further suggested that an expedition be author 
ized and the Spaniards induced to join it at their own 
expense under promise that the Lacandones should 
be granted to them in repartimiento. In accordance 
with these suggestions a royal cedula dated March 
16, 1558, directed the audiencia de los Confines to take 
steps for the immediate removal of the Indians. If 
practicable it was to be done peaceably, but if force 
were necessary all harshness was to be avoided, though 
the prisoners taken were to become the lawful slaves 
of their captors. 

This decree was published in Santiago in the be 
ginning of 1559; and attracted by the prospect of 
gain thus held out, and the charm of adventure and 
mystery which attaches to the invasion of an un 
known and hostile province, large numbers of settlers 

10 Que no solo le era licito al Hey hazerles guerra, sino q en conciencia 
estana a ello obligado, y para a defender a sus subditos totalmete destruy ra 
los de Lacandon. Remesal, Hist. Chyapa } 6lG. 


in Guatemala and Chiapas offered 

expeditioa IV.-id. iit Uamin-/ \\ ppointed co 

mander-in-chief, aa In- had alread dn milita! 

ijnwii n. .1 altogether merited Early in I 

tin- respective forces arrival ;t t ( Ion 

inted ivndr/\ous. Th. I I Spanish oo1 

>tat-d Imi is >aid t<> have included many perSODS <>t 

quality. The troops IVom ( hiapas \vm- command 
< ronzalo J )<>\allr, and !. t he colonial n- 

pn>ed a native contingent of ri--ht hundred warriors. 

A thousand Indian- are said to have accompanied the 

Spanish i roin Guatemala, Suppli- all kinds w 

collected, and t\\o ln--antine- were huilt iii BI as, 

1 In-iii-- eapaMe >i holdin-- a hundn-d ni-n. 
A >!nall ai in\- of Carriers and attendants \\ M 

to transport the \>; and \\ait on th- S rds, 

d pivpai-atioiis were on a de Letter befitti 

itliet with Kuropeans tlian \\ith Ani -ii At 

Coinitlan a i \v was held whieh, ling to, 


Remesal, presented one of the most brilliant specta 
cles ever seen in those parts, for no expense had been 
spared by the Spaniards in their dress, equipments, 
and arms. At last, the flags having been blessed and 
mass said, the army set out. 

Fifteen days of toilsome march, during which a 
path had to be cut through the dense vegetation, 
brought them to the shores of Lake Lacandon. At 
their approach the natives retreated to the island, 
after catching and sacrificing a negro boy who was out 
after some corn which grew in the gardens on the 
borders of the lake. 

From their retreat the Lacandones closely watched 
the movements of the Spaniards, who in turn eagerly 
scanned the high bare rock with its white houses and 
dusky inhabitants, lest any signs of hostile prepara 
tion should escape them. 

While the work of putting together one of the brigan- 
tines was progressing, a few of the natives approached 
the shore in canoes and demanded of the Spaniards 
their object in thus invading their country. Return 
ing they made offers of peace, but as they denied 
having more than eleven canoes, the Spaniards sus 
pected their design. It was believed that they wished 
to induce the Spaniards to accompany them to the 
island, a few at a time, where they could easily be de 
spatched. The brigantine was soon afterward launched 
and as the Lacandones saw it bearing down upon 
them they took to flight. 11 Many were captured, in 
cluding the principal chief and the high priest. The 
houses and other defences of the island having been 
destroyed, a force was then despatched to pursue the 
savages, and to reduce the stronghold of the Puchut- 

*J 7 fj 

las, which was also an island fortress, though its exact 
position cannot now be ascertained. 12 

11 Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 621, says many escaped in the direction of Yu 
catan through a large rivec connected with the lake which Pelaez, Mem. 
Guat., i. 101-2, supposes to have been the Zacapulas. 

12 In 1638, Pinelo says that it was not known whether Puchutlas was in 
Lake Lacandon or in another lake. Relation, i. Fancourt in his map accom- 


the town of Topilti 

ambuscade, and a f t he Spaniard- \ 

hut tin- sava iinally put to r.ut, and a la: 

supply of p ions was found in the d 

A rrivin^ at Puchutla they found the nati 1 . .di- 

nessforaefenc Preparations wei-e immediately ; 

for the attack, and a raft wafl huilt as 1 1. ond hi 


antine had beeil abandoned in the w U, and tli- 
rain st the 1 .acandoiies had sunk in 
No sooner had the Spaniard- >tarted from ahore than 

Indians advanced in their canoes to meel them, 

and midway 1.- en the inland and the hank th- 
was a -harp encounter which resulted in th- : and 

iliidit of the Puchutla The fortre-s was found I 


he deserted, the savages having taken the j ution 

removing their familie- and property to a | 
sal No attempt was made to punish the n. 

or to occupy any port ion of their itory, and the 

e\l>edition returned to Ci mala ahout Christm 
hrin-iii j; with them one hundred and tilty pr 

In conjunction with the Spaniards, a large I of 
christianized Indians under the native g 
Vera Paz invaded the pmvinee of A -ala, admin: 

a evere ]>unishmeiit, taking many capti\ :id 

lian^in 4* the principal accomplices iu the murd 

iatheis Vico and J^oju-/. 

Thii^ . uded an edition which had the 

>wn nearly lour thousand pesos de oro de min 

hut ins to have heeii \\itliollt any ti\el plan, 
ductive of no ] i -al result other than 

Le.-p t i LVUflres in check tor a time. 14 It - bill 

1 O 

( S till t 

t ..tin i 

t tin- i>r"vinces > 


isly obscncs that T 
La sml. tliat - 
iara Ke 

-l>auol atrauoatulo con 


proved most disastrous to the colonists; for, though 
some are said to have received a reward for their ser 
vices, the majority were left hopelessly involved in 
debt for the cost of their outfit, a few miserable 
slaves being the only spoils obtained in return for the 
expense, hardships, and peril incurred. It was not 
long, however, before all the slaves, including their 
chief, effected their escape and returned to their 
country. Re-occupying their stronghold, it was not 
many years before they resumed their depredations, 
and, as we shall see, successfully resisted all subse 
quent attempts to subdue them. 

In 1564 the Puchutlas were induced, through the 
efforts of the Dominican Father Laurencio, to submit 
to the friars, and settled in Vera Paz. This success 
gained for Father Laurencio the title of the Apostle 
of Puchutla. 15 

In August 1559 the licentiate Juan Martinez de 
Landecho, Quesada s successor, arrived in Guate 
mala, 16 and entered upon office early in September, 
Kamirez being appointed an oidor of the audien- 
cia of Lima, and after undergoing the investigation 
of his residencia embarking at the port of Acajutla, 
whither he was accompanied by the principal author 
ities and citizens, who thus showed their recognition 
of his worth. 

The petition of the cabildo of Santiago that a gen 
tleman by birth and education should be sent to 
govern them, had at last been answered, and the 
members were profuse in their thanks to the crown 

saeta le bautizb antes que espirase. Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Guat., i. 159-64, 
takes the more practical view adopted in the text. 

15 Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 523-645, forms the chief and original authority 
for the foregoing events, and it is much to be regretted that we have no other 
account with which to compare his statements. In all subsequent descrip 
tions of this expedition their authors have directly or indirectly followed 
llemesal. Villagutierre, Hist. Conq. /tea., 51-80, copies him literally. Pi- 
nelo, Relation, 2-4; Juarros, Guat., 258-9; Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Guat., i. 159- 
64, al] follow him. Sqnier, Cent. Amer., 554-61, follows both Villagutierre 
and Pinelo. 

16 Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 26. Vazquez, Chronica Gvat., 222, says that 
he was appointed Nov. 28, 1558. 

MI-MI. \ A\D Till IMIMP. 367 

for this lavor. K\].erience had tan-ht . li> v . .Hint, 
in order t> proted and further the ini tin- roj- 

Onists, tli^y inu.xf control ; , majority of the nid! ; nd 

tliis wi itremely difficult, they had determii 

make an effort to have the political admini-t rat : 
and distribution of the Indiai 1\- in 

the president, Asweha\< the crown had ahv,-id\- 

leen petitioned t<> make this change, and it v. 

that the new president would COOlfl with the additional 
title of governor. 

This petition was repeated in the latter ]>;irt 
1 .")( (), an<l was successful; for in May of the follwi 

ir we find the eabildo attrilmt in;_f tlie in, 
prosperity of the country to the granting of th 
1 . 17 

r J1ie colonists were juhilant that the humane m 
Urea <>f Cerrato and of Zorita, which their < >n-tant 
eti orts had hitherto failed to accomplish, \ nw 

rtam ol deleat. Doctor Mejfa, one of the 
was ordTed to make an ollieial tour of the 

/orita had leeu tinder the former ndmimV -n. 
His measures counteracted the lenetit> of / 
lahoi The regulation of trilmte was enti u-ted to 

the encotnenderos and caci<jn ua the-e latt.-i- 

often hut the creatures of the former, the n Milt 
may le readily inferred. 1 

The Dominicans were the ol.ject of Mejfa s >ju-rial 
dislike, and he siihjerted them to Mich amioya: :!id 

cut ion that they \\viv on the point of abandon! 

province of ( Guatemala. The alcal md 

rs interlei-ed \vith them in their coi 
Indian- t ly chai^.l them with usurjiinLC 

7 D< -s ni;iili iis had I- Ji i l 1K5COO1* abun-l- 

. I ;..ii ana were contented. Carta,- 

Mir.;,. , cantiila<l do pescatlo ca*la semana, 

: hi mar tlniti leguas. Mai M pen*. 

:iiiias por i, un iv;, A doa reale*. 

icjcn vcndi-r! ,1. di. . |iie los e.-; 

/a. Las 6 a.sfw, I \ichccv Icncu, Col. 1A 


royal authority and receiving money from the natives, 
and, though the audiencia, in answer to the complaints 
of the friars, promised to protect them, little appears 
to have been done. Even the cabildo sought to make 
it appear to the crown that the religious exercised an 
arbitrary and prejudicial authority in the municipal 
council and elections held by the Indians. The de 
plorable condition of the natives and the persecution 
of the friars were made the subject of numerous let 
ters to Las Casas, who represented these abuses to 
the crown in strong colors, urging the removal of 
Mejia and the adoption of relief measures for the 
natives. 19 

Some relief was afforded by a royal decree which 
declared the natives no longer subject to the Spanish 
alcaldes, and which, according to Kemesal, 20 was issued 
about 15G3 at the petition of the friars. 

Landecho is represented as haughty, capricious, 
wedded to his own opinions, and unscrupulous in 
money matters. 21 Certain it is that though favoring 
the interests of the colonists he did not neglect his 
own, and they soon found that he was neither pliant 
nor considerate. They never ceased to extol his tact 
and vigilance, and declared him fit to govern Peru; 
yet within a year of this declaration, and while assur 
ing the king that they had no cause to change their 
mind, they observed that it would be well for the 
crown to instruct the president-governor to have a 
special care for the welfare of the people. 22 

The continued complaints against Landecho at 
last induced the crown to decide on his removal, and 

Casas, Representation, loc. cit. ; Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 624-6; 
bildo, Carta, Feb. 12, 1563, in Arcvalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 36. 

20 Hist. Chyapa, 639. 

21 Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 646, 

22 Que se le envie a mandar tenga especial cuidado del bien 6 aumento de 
Jos que en esta cibdad e provincias viven. Carta, Jan. 26, 15G3, in Arevalo, 
Col. Doc. Antic}., 32. In another letter they petitioned the king that in the 
appointment of governors preference be given those having experience in the 
Indies, as with a new governor there always came a number of servants, de 
pendants, and relatives who had to be provided for, to the prejudice of the 
more meritorious conquerors and settlers. Carta, Feb. 12, 1563, in Id. , 36. 

FAM: a .. , 

GO Bri; nidur of 

1 1-- su i h .-(I in San . on the L d of A>. 

The residencia >! the president in 

1 ; mix r <>r the same yearj and r 

pension <>! tin- president and i idor ..* 

During Landecho s rale, a drought, whir] 

in 1 jr.:;, was i (]!o\\-cd 1\- such g 

iniidi sui} ci-in_r ;n tin- n nd 

in tlir early part of 1565 t .uniry \. ed 

ly pestilence and cai-tli(jual. Tin- -p; 

t have IK-CM (-unfilled tu tin- Indian 1,\vn of ( ina- 

itlan. in (liia; \vliidi it nearly depopulated, 1 

tin- efieol BfofH lie artlicjuakc v, < ! MK 

atiago and tin- adjacent country it \ 
tivc hulk to lii c and jn-uj To i 

*lle 1 I r: : ..-sal, // 


l i r of tli .ola. 

.. M^.. _ . 

;<ling to Rotncsjil. 
., ii. 4!>. Jh 

.-nvaitiii, I ,al. in tin- follou i:i:_ 1 

ni ri\ I of tl: illy 

P, the ^ .lit. 

i"*il. / 
Land ho was 

Ulld 1,1 til.. 

i to the roaM. 
that all tlic <iil"i--s \v 

aipl all lin.-d in nrmfl 4M) ]>cao. 


eecaiM-. and di ,1 th<- lining . 

Loai^i, \\h<. he ? [a j 

tradition that t 

ind !i\vn on! r of tli 

^h"iM i. I fptin personal ol> 

i proceed 

1 to tl. .1 and i 


rwni .<: y Gi 


ir t os tones a fanepn 
of i iBciciit to eoal Io 


:r houses, an 
tan; cu air, wlulo- 

. AM., VOL. II 


wrath of God the terrified inhabitants of the city 
chose the martyr Saint Stephen as their advocate, 
and erected in his honor a hermitage, to which a yearly 
procession was established. 29 

A matter of greater moment than the chatige of 
governors now occupied the attention of the colon 
ists of Guatemala. The transfer of the audiencia de 
los Confines to Panamd had been decided on by the 
crown, but for what cause is not recorded by the 
chroniclers. 30 A decree to this effect was issued early 
in 1563, and confirmed by a second one dated the 8th 
of September in the same year in which its jurisdic 
tion was defined. 51 

A line extending from the gulf of Fonseca to the 
mouth of the river Ulua formed the northern limit 
of the territory made subject to the new audiencia of 
Panama. This did not include, however, the cities of 
Gracias d Dios and San Gil de Buenavista with their 
districts, which together with the provinces of Guate 
mala, Chiapas, Soconusco, and Vera Paz were made 
subject to the audiencia of New Spain, 32 

Doctor Barros de San Millan, oidor of the audiencia 
of Panama, was commissioned by the crown to remove 

constant prayers were offered to appease the divine wrath. Hemesal, Hist. 
Chyapa, 647; Juarros, Guat., i. 88; ii. 333. 

29 Minutes of Cabildo, Jan. 29, 1580, quoted by Itemesal, Hist. Chyapa, 

so At this time Francisco del Valle Marroquin was acting as procurator at 
court for the city of Guatemala. In a letter dated Feb. 20, 1564, ho informed 
the cabildo that the transfer of the audiencia had already been determined 
upon, and about a month later wrote that in consequence of the dissatisfaction 
with which the procurator from Peru had left the court, the council deemed 
it a favorable opportunity to transfer the audiencia. Marroquin, Cartas, cited 
in Pdaez, Mem. Hist. Gnat., i. 164-6. In 1563 the audiencia of Quito was 
established. Decadas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., viii. 35. The fore 
going facts would appear to imply that the transfer of the audiencia had some 
connection with political changes in Peru. Whatever were the motives of 
the crown for this measure, they were too urgent to be effected by the power 
ful influence brought to bear against this change, which is indicated by the 
letters of Marroquin. 

31 Remesal, Hist. Chyapa, 646, gives May 17, 1564, as the date of the first 
decree, and Juarros, Gnat., ii. 49, Sept. 17, 1563. The dates here adopted 
are those given in Panama, Reales Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. 
Doc., xvii. 531-2. 

32 Marroquin, Carta, Feb. 20, loc. cit., and Panama, Eeales Cedulas, loc. 


de 1 >iifin id 1). 
])eeenilM<r i 564 was on ]i to ] 

1. tin- visitador Brizefio having hi-ou^ht th I<T 

and published it soon after his arrr 

This change, which scriu>ly ail I tin- ii 

Guatemala, waa vigorously opp l.y it- inh.-. 

taut Though informed early in l.M ,4. as v, 

n, that this measure had l>r-n resolved on, t 

cabildo refrained l r<>ni d.-ci-iv,- action till tho 

of ]>ri/cho, when the publication of his on!- ;ld 

reveal its origin. In this, h 
disappointed, lor in their l.-tt. Dcccnih- 

1564, they \vrite: u Your ^lajrsty, i- 

\vhieh have nnvc<l you, li, .-n ].! dtoor 

the andieiieia de ]us C onlines he removed to i ity 

of I ) anain;i. 

r.y making the audienciaof Nrw in the court 

of appeal.- For Guatemala and th<> 

under the former jurisdiction of tl. 

Confines ^n.-it inconvenience mid inji 
owin-- to distanc The-e facts w* red 

it ions to the crown, and were sup] v the 

reports of the Dominicans, who r ill- 

:nent to which the nati c\] 

without tln. re-training ]>resence of th 
I . we ]ia\ 

and iniluen. | court to l.>rin 
and tlie le-ult was to induce the CTOWn, 

. to order it-- r .Mi-lnnent in E 0, 1 

AntoniO < lonzalex, oid.r of the alldiei-eia of ( . 

ippointed pi-e-ideiit MII riving in Sai/ 
th tl. .i-ly in 1 ."iTO. 84 

Doe. .1 

0, say* 


. 12, 1570, i:: 
i as aln-;idv //* . 


of i this s;. 

of. I 


During the absence of the audiencia the country 
was governed by the visitador Brizeno, whose admin 
istration appears to have been just, and with the ex 
ception of church affairs, uneventful. There is no 
evidence that Gonzalez was given the extraordinary 
powers granted to Landecho, perhaps because the ex 
periment had not proven satisfactory, but according 
to Pelaez, a fiscal had been added to the officers of the 
audiencia during its absence. 35 Brizeno s residencia 


was taken sometime in March, and the only charge 
brought against him was the granting of certain re- 
partimientos at the suggestion of the cabildo of San 
tiago. The findings in the case were transmitted to 
the crown, and the cabildo immediately wrote defend 
ing the measure as necessary, and asking for his ac 
quittal. 36 

Gonzalez ruled until February 1572, when he was 
relieved by Doctor Pedro de Villalobos, who came as 
president and governor. We have no record of any 
event of importance during Gonzalez administration; 
but that it was a just one is proven by his honorable 
acquittal in the residencia taken by his successor. 

About the middle of the sixteenth century the 
affairs of the church underwent several important 
changes. Soconusco, which as we have seen was as 
signed to the bishopric of Chiapas, was subsequently 
included in the see of Bishop Marroquin, though 
again affiliated with the bishopric of Chiapas in 1596. 
Soon after their arrival the Dominicans sent to Soco 
nusco a mission of several friars; but unable to with- 

25, 1569, as the dates of the decrees ordering the removal of the audiencia, 
and in the dates of the appointment of Gonzalez and the arrival of the audien 
cia at Santiago follows Ilemesal. 

33 Mem. Hist. Guat., i. 109. See also Juarros, Gnat., ii. 50; Remesal, Hist. 
Chyapa, 658 bis. The oidores composing the audiencia were the licentiate?!, 
Jufre de Loaisa, Vald6s de Carcamo, and Cristobal Asqueta. See last two 
authorities cited. 

Carta, in Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 44-5. Eemesal, Hist. Chi/apa, 659, 
says that he was honorably acquitted and returned to Spain, in which he is 
followed by Juarros, Guat., i. 260. Escamilla, Not. Cur., MS., says Brkeflo 
went to Santa Fe de Bogota as president of that audiencia. 

:l)d U JVC 1 111 f. I 1 

the death of one of their mini 1 < dispirited T 
remainder as to cause the al>and< n .if t! 

The see of ( hiapas remain* d until ! 

when Father Toms ( lasil] n, n< 

doiil.t , of Las ( -, was appoint d t> till II- 

vi-iled tin- !_;reater par inch 

Uiilt an epix-opal ] alao !-d tin- 

provincial councils in Mexico in I -unl ! 

his <!<< in ir)( 7, tl i r-niaiin-l v.-M-aut 

until L574, \vlim Fray Domingo <! Lara 

natc<l as his successor. Tlic intrllr 

i rll strangely ujx>n the recipient; prayed la- 

nii"-lit <li<- In -fore it wa- confirmed: and T,rinuslv 

before tin; pope s bull came to hand, and while in tlu- 
midst of preparations ibr conscci 

The next occupant of tin- . IVdro t|.- 1 
called I roin the convent of Salaniai ly in 

February 1575 was actively eng 1 in di- ;-k. 

At his invitation tlx- Franciscans -nn 1 l i iar^ i: 

the pi oxince, and a convent and church \ 

(1. ( hiapas ha<l tin- rare foi one to ] in 

l- -i-ia a l)i>h<]) who was an h>n. ian, and one : 

Iv i oi- _T"ld or pow I indin^ himself too feeble 

for work he hc^ed the ki > nanx- anotl 

.In consequence of an order <! the i.iii^- i !, 

pri> not lc displaced l.y I ^inini 

wh> held a t injMrary di-] he j 

i-ia aj.j.ninted seculars to 1 78 h- 

mall chagrin of some of the IVi 1 . n 

iy Andres (!< UbiD as ap|ointed BU< 
.. and <-<.ntinned in <.llice until L601, when h 

Ilioted t< the >, Mi.- :11. 

Ai a Dominican provincial chapter held in : 

.sal lu- is somcr lo Ara. D;ivila sayt he 

/ and Ktmetal, J/iM. 

iftt, t; 


Ciudad Real, the convent of Santo Domingo de Chi 
apas was accepted as that of the province, and Pedro 
de Barrientos chosen as first vicar. At chapters held 
in Chiapas and Guatemala prior to 1600, it was for 
bidden the friars to sign their family name; to write 
to the president of the audiencia or to the oidores 
without showing the letters first to the superiors, and 
so in regard to writing to Spain under penalty of fif 
teen days imprisonment. No moneys were to be sent 
to Spain through the hands of the religious. 

Ciudad Real, where the last provincial chapter w r as 
held, had in 1580 two hundred Spanish vecinos. There 
were about ninety Indian towns in the province, with 
in a radius of sixty leagues, containing some twenty- 
six thousand tributaries. The largest one, Chiapas de 
los Indios, had twelve hundred Indian vecinos. 

In 1559, through the influence of Las Casas, the 
bishopric of Vera Paz was established, and Father 
Angulo appointed its first bishop. He accepted the 
charge and repaired to his see a year or two later, but 
died early in 15G2 before proceeding to consecration. 33 
The establishment of this see was unwise in the ex 
treme, and must be attributed solely to the represen 
tations of Las Casas. As already shown the country 
was barely capable of sustaining its inhabitants, and 
in 1564 the cabildo declared to the crown that it would 
be well to suppress the bishopric as it could not sup 
port a prelate; an opinion borne out by subsequent 



Angulo was succeeded by Father Tomds de Car- 

39 According to Calle, Mem. y Not., 125, the bishopric was established in 
155G. Gonzalez Davila, Teatro Ecles., i. 171-2, says Angulo was appointed 
April 21, 1560, and died at Zalamd, Vera Paz, while on his way to Guatemala 
to be consecrated. Remesal says that he received his appointment in Guate 
mala at the beginning of 1560; accepted it April 21st; went thence to Mexico; 
the following year was ordered to his diocese to await the arrival of the bulls 
for his consecration; and that in March or April 1562 died at Zalamd, Vera 
Paz, while on the way to Guatemala. By royal decree of September 1560, 
the audiencia was ordered to pay him the usual 500,000 maravedis, until he 
had sufficient tithes for his support. I deem this author more reliable than 
the others as he wrote earlier, was a Dominican, and had greater facilities for 
obtaining information. 

*Cabildo, Carta, Jan. 26, 1564, mArtvalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 38-9. 

II OF MAI: 375 

Dominican. Tim date "I" lii- ap] 
ording to Gonzalez Davila wae April i, ml 

accord in- to LYin-al In.- continued in p< .til 

in l 

In 1555 ]>ishop Marroquin, now <>ld and 
with over twenty-five y <t <->nstant 
pri .IK! hishop, sought to retire, hut tl, 

dent Ou< recommended t<> t! 

]M -tit im IK- granted it was refused, and L< 

<> on holy Friday of 15G3, 4 " and lui. 

\\5tli tlic lii^ hust honors in llir ratli.-dral < 
]Iis 8U >r was JJrrnardiiin dc Villalpando, lii.-lmj) 
of ( ul)a, wlio ai-rivrd in Santiago in I."- I. 44 

Tin- FrancifiCana and J))niini<-ans in the inraii ti: 
]iad mad.- hut little progress owin-_ 
and dissensions hetwcni iln-m, and tin.- intn 
of the ;lar <-ler-y. Tlioii^h the Doin nl 

alwa; en ih,- principal cnnf- and j i in 

S atiago, tl ere less popular than the Fr 
v/h ) \\ o favored l>y 1 tishop M jiiin. 

early as i.">.")0 a strong i-ivalry >f j np i 

two orders in regard t< the ri 

sit. - churches and convents. T! 

determined l*y i -implu a<-t <>f taking ] 

many towns and district > d upon hy i 

< Pernandec, // 

iop in 1570. 

, to ! ra Lp 

< int. ! in I :. .i.">. !: 

-M tli. :ias, in l.> 

t v-hi! in Hill, li.- WM fcoM ** 

\ . -.1 i 
ed. 1 i ! of succession as icsal aa fur a I 

aiiU a 

; n, \\li- -^ i-on t! 

April I 

See alao Quetada, forto, Mayo 

vnzaU* DdvUa, Teatro Lcl<*. , 


" ]; . 004; Juarros, Guat., i. 276; \ - / 

., UK). 


ecclesiastics which they could not attend to them 
selves, and would not permit their rivals to control. 
Dissensions and mutual detractions followed, which 
the prelates of the respective orders were powerless 
to suppress in their subordinates. 

This scandalous example estranged both the civil 
authorities and the citizens, and Marroquin, finding 
his efforts to settle these quarrels fruitless, began to 
appoint persons to the vacant and neglected towns, 
in some cases depriving the ecclesiastics of those in 
their charge. This condition of affairs was duly 
reported by the authorities, and as a result the 
religious were reproved, and the selection of sites for 
convents and the appointment of clergy made subject 
to the approval of the audiencia, and the bishop was 
instructed to respect the privileges of the friars and 
treat them with, due consideration. 45 

In 1551 the Dominicans of Guatemala, Honduras, 
Nicaragua, and Chiapas were organized into an inde 
pendent provincia with the title of San Vicente de 
Chiapas. Father Tomds de la Torre was appointed 
provincial, and the first provincial chapter was held 
at Santiago in January. 46 Several convents were 
founded, mostly in Guatemala, churches built among 
the Zoques and Quelenes, and with the arrival from 
time to time of additional friars the organization of 
new districts was begun. In Chiapas the Dominicans 
in their labors continued to suffer occasional molesta 
tion from the colonists. The provinces of San Sal 
vador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica were visited, a 
convent was founded in the city of San Salvador, and 
two attempts were made to establish the order in 
Nicaragua. 47 

In 1559 a custodia was formed of the Franciscans 

l, Hist. Chyapa, 587-600; Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 133-7; Quesada, 
Carta, Mayo 25, 1555, in Squier s MSS., xxii. 3-4. 

^Rcmesal, Hist. Chyapa, 532-7, 560-3; Fernandez, Hist. Eccles., 142; 
Ddvila Padida, Hist. Fvnd. Mex., 110-11. 

*R<-m?sal, Hist. Chyapa, 500, 520-3, 578-84, 596-601, 613-14, 626-7, 636- 
9, 642-7; Juarros, Guat., ii. 98-9. 

! I.LAI X 

in (In;. ad Yn \vhieh 

virai Iternately <-h(.s-n. This 1.-, 

when t of < to 

ahlish a be provinria with the tit! 1 

ll"ly Name of Jous. Their iii al v. 

Father ( rOnzalo blende/. and the first provincial rhap- 
ter v. :ied in Santia-o (.11 the l^ili of 

to the diss.-ii>ions vitli tlic Domini .l 

themselves, many iViur- l-l t tin- province, so 

that in 15GG there were hut thirty < ;nl 

ivcn: In 1 .">74 the audi led a d 

i-inittin^ tlie Fi-aneiseaiis t i oiin.I convents in 
tlie provi of Izalcos, Cu- I[on<hu 

.Mout i ame time convents wen 1 in the 

villas of San Salvador and San ^li^iie! 

One of the iirst acts of JJislio}) A illalpan ! 

publication of the decrees of the la- uncilof T 

Ainoii-- other measures these i <* ju-ivi. 

of mendicant friars, and helievin;^ or 
li-ve that this extended to a total de; 

i-i- lii t administer the sacrament?, the .an 

eulai >\vns in i! [n vain w< re 

the pr< be Franciscan and .-n }>ro\in- 

and the audieneia, and the rej all 

that th -ular j>rie>i dian lan- 

irdless ,.f tlieir int. id in i; 

of di unlit to succeed 1 

in tl of a nuni 

majority *.f wh<>m were y- \v in \ . ii. 

li>hoj. lutely in I on 

(jii in t 

interim the prelate ].rr>i>tently cai 

uivs notwithstanding the- ojipo-it iMn <f the fri 
[onists,and th- 

.qua, Chron. 22S; 

, , 


I; 1 ?, 147, 5-; Juarro*, OV 99 

), 100. 


from abandoning the province only at the entreaties 
of the colonists, and the Indians in some instances 
refusing to receive them in their towns. 

At the solicitation of the king the pope restored 
the privileges of the friars, the extreme measures of 
the bishop were condemned, and the archbishop of 
New Spain ordered to send a visitador to examine 
into certain serious charges made against Villalpando. 50 
When notified of these decrees, Villalpando is said to 
have replied: "I have received my church not from 
the king but from God, to whom I am prepared to 
render an account." According to Juarros he left 
Santiago soon after and died suddenly at Chalchuapa, 
four days journey from the capital. 51 Francisco Cam- 
branes, dean of the cathedral of Santiago and after 
him Father Alonso de Lamilla, a Dominican, appear 
to have been appointed to succeed Villalpando. The 
former died before his appointment reached him and 
the latter declined the mitre. The see remained vacant 
until the appointment in 1574 of Bishop Gomez Fer 
nandez de Cordoba who was transferred from the 
bishopric of Nicaragua. 52 

Cordoba was a man simple in habit, humble in 
spirit, and pure in life. Foppery troubled some of 
the clergy, and the prelate, who could be stern when 
needful, took occasion to call up one of the would-be 
clerical gallants, and severely admonished him upon 
the extravagance of his dress. The mortifying lesson 
was not without effect, and he, with not a few others, 
carefully avoided such display ever after. 

In 1575 Cordoba set out on his official visits, and 
everywhere met with complaints from the natives 


50 The neglect to punish the notorious abuses of the clergy, having in his 
household certain women who were neither his sisters nor his cousins; and re 
ceiving bribes through his nephew and one of the women, who was young and 
of doubtful reputation, appear to have been the principal charges. Remesal, 
Hist. Chyapa, 656. 

51 In Aug. 15G9, according to Juarros, Guat., i. 277; in Santa Ana, San 
Salvador, according to Gonzalez Davila, Tcatro Ecles, i. 153. See also Cabildo, 
Carta, July 9, 1567, in Artvalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 41-2; Remesat, Hist. Chy- 
apa, 654-65; Vazquez, Chron. Gvat., 194-200; Juarros, Guat., i. 276-8. 

^ Remesal, Iliat. Chyapa, 706; Juarros, Guat., i. 277-8. 

n:rARS. :,; , 

their ] <-5ally among the 

u, iked to have the Fi 

char Hut t! in ] ion v 

Avilliu-- in gracefully yield aa was shown 1 
hich occurred in t! ,r. [ 

. \Mtin^ Guatemala lor tin- purp.. .iiiid 

Franciscan convent-, arrived in tin; lin!<- town 

and called t<> pay his i-. 

J lis advances \ -oily 

padn iking to Conciliate him, d his perni: 

Bay mass iii tlic town ami rnniuss B t th.- 

l- roin indifference tin- 
indignant, and ex] jed himsrlf in very m 

lai. J lis wort! vinlmt and 1. 

l<ud that a number of the Indians \. t-> 

the s|>. Thereupon Diaz : hu: 

tudc and deferentially withdrew, r in his 

. and ivpahvd to t! .l.ildo, \vh poo- 

]le flocked to him. Improvising an altar 1 th a 

ton he (hen in>i-t-d upon j 

service, taking care that the p; >hould ! inform 
and hiding him not to interfere. At 

ft, th ter, accompanied In 

rushe 1 in and ( ^a\-e unbridled 1 
calliii-- t he people dog - and the 1 
It was a strange ftaele an an-jry ] wildly 

ulatin^ in his black robe, .-urrounded 

11, who momentarily tin mlt. 

calmly reciting his orisons, holding the ho>t in up! 

hand- in the midst of the pe.-p! The p 

; a ted l>e\-on<l control, ordered 1, 

uhich they did, woundin t a few and - 

1 stamped 
At this point the enootnendero Leon C r- 

; i the con and the I 

d to assuage the tumult with w>nl 
Th- priest would 11. .t !> pacified until the I 
tried their skill a1 : rowing, wh-n 1 "ini: 

ly turned and ikd to ! , wlu re lie lu. 


undergo a siege until he promised to depart for Gua 
temala taking all his paraphernalia with him. 53 The 
Franciscan remained master of the field, and was 
eventually appointed guardian of Zainayaque, but the 
consequences of the unseemly quarrel were far-reach 
ing, and the discussions to which it gave rise went far 
to reform the character of priests put in charge of the 

Bishop Cordoba labored in Guatemala for twenty- 
three years, Fray Antonio de Hinojosa being ap 
pointed his colleague two years before the decease of 
the former, which occurred in 1598. During his ad 
ministration the king gave orders that no expense 
should be spared in supporting all the religious who 
might be needed for the conversion of the natives, 
and that money should be placed at the disposal of 
the friars for the purpose of administering the sacra 
ment to the Indians in places remote from the set 
tlements. The Franciscans especially multiplied in 
Guatemala, sixty-six arriving in that province be 
tween 1571 and 1573. In 1576 the audiencia was 
directed by the crown to make an annual grant of 
fifty thousand maravedis for each mission established 
by them. In 1578 Garcia de Valverde, who during 
that year was appointed president of the audiencia, 
undertook the rebuilding or enlargement of several 
Franciscan convents 54 and the erection of several 
churches. Such was his enthusiasm that he was 
often seen carrying stone and mortar for the work 
men, and his example spread among the inhabitants 
of Santiago, men of noble birth imitating the pre 
late s example. 

53 At Guatemala he presented himself before the audiencia and demanded 
redress. A judge was sent to investigate, and he reported abuses witnessed 
by Bishop Gomez himself; an utter ignorance of the native speech, so that 
they gladly confessed to any visiting priest, and the absolute refusal of the 
natives to have el seiior cura for their guardian. Vaaquez, Chron. de Gvat., 


54 Those of San Juan de Comalapa, San Francisco de Tecpan Guatemala, 
La Assumpcion de Tecpanatitlan, San Miguel de Totonicapan, and Espiritu 
Santo de Quezaltenango. Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat. t 2G1. 

v. \\i> iv. 

Tn i]].- y 1 c.oo wh.-n .! 

Inted hi.^hop there v. . in G >iala I 

ivents of the Fran I l<urt.-<-u ( ,r 

1 >ominican ordei In I 578 a nunm-ry v ,1 

and occuj. ied, the funds liavimr been i>r d h\ 

from r he iir-t bishop of < J-uatemala I n I 
ool opened in Santi. 

cahildo, encoui its sue I t<> h,, 

univer.Mty established tin-re in order tl 

nii _dit complete their education without proc 

Mexico as was tln-ii tli< iig tin,- \\cailli 

class of Spaniards, 

Din-ing Valverde 1 [ministration the news 
Drat s expedition to the South Sea, of which m< 

tinn will ho made in mnnrrtion with the i 

famous adventurer, spread -n tl rliout 

e jn ovin On thi- o ion tin- j .t ! 

;atrmala showd himself worthy of tl. I im- 

])-. -.1 in ]iim. Ships and cannon were j 

small arms and ammunition were ohtaim-d f 

. and an rxju-dit i Jy d 

<f \ he enemy. X. > encounter 

and ihe commander of th 

ai-rot f.r non-fulfilment of his onl 

pi-ore. -d in <|iic>t .,{ the intrnd ulf < ( 

:iia wh< hey were >i!]>io^.-d fco b 

-(} \\ln-n news arrived d Drake s capture of > 
J)oinin;4-i> > review hfll in i\n* pla/a - 
and it V >und that the city emiM p;;- 
iive hundred i lid one hundred ]i. 

le a - 1 in ^ 

I when on his death-h.-d . d in! 

M Tli rcetl order, and 

the p:, 

* Tl itos, (netos); 

cotas); 400 ar< 

t tho i 

.utofi cental* from ^ 



his promotion to the presidency of the audiencia of 
Nueva Galicia. His successor was Pedro Mayen de 
Rueda, a man of strong but narrow views, and one 
who by his injudicious measures soon made enemies 
both of the oidores and the ecclesiastics, the members 
of the municipality, however, remaining firm in their 
allegiance to him. " Rueda," writes the cabildo to 
the king in 1592, "has given vacant encomiendas to 
the deserving, and strictly carried out royal cedulas. 
He has embellished the capital with many a fine build 
ing so that it is far other than it was. Nevertheless 


his enemies were too strong for him, and in the fol 
lowing year he was superseded by Doctor Francisco 
Sande, who came to the province vested with the 
authority of a visitador, but appears to have found 
nothing specially worthy of censure in the former s 
administration. 57 

The new president incurred the enmity of the 
cabildo by abolishing one of its most cherished privi 
leges, 58 and by causing the office of alferez, the 
holder of which became ex officio the senior member 
of the cabildo, to be disposed of for five thousand 
ducados to one Francisco de Mesa, whose chief recom 
mendation seems to have been that he was a kinsman 
of the president s wife. In November 1596 Sande 
departed for New Granada, of which province he had 

57 The licenciado Rueda, late president of the audiencia, is about to leave 
for Spain. He has exercised his office with care and ensured good Christian 
government as will be seen by the papers connected with the vista on his 
conduct now sent by Doctor SandeV Santiago Cabildo (Feb. 1G, 1595), in 
Arcvalo, Col. Doc. Antig., 80. Contrast this with Juarros, Guat., 261. 
President de la Rueda was punished for having so badly treated the religious 
during his government. He fell into a state of idiocy, rushing from the 
house without clothes into the country, where he ate grass like oxen, and re 
mained in that state till he died. During Rueda s administration a bridge 
was built across the Los Esclavos. It was 128 yards long, 18 in breadth, and 
had eleven arches. At the point where it was constructed the river was of 
great depth and communication was frequently cut off between the capital 
and the eastern provinces by inundation. Juarros, Guat. , 239-41 (ed. Lond. , 
1823). Conder s Mcx. and Guat., 201. 

58 That by which the appointment of fiel ejecutor was vested in the 
cabildo. The office was one of great profit and its duties were discharged by 
each member in rotation. The cabildo had enjoyed this privilege by royal 
license for many years, its concession being granted by cddula of July 9, 1564, 
and confirmed by one of April 21, 1587. Juarros, Guat., 129. (London ed. 1823.) 

MIXIXC AXI) ( E. : >:>, 

appointed i Hi- successor 

Alonso ( Yiado de ( a-tilla, wh i nncd o! 

aber 1598, tin- reins of ]><> wer L.-iu^- durini: i 
interval in the hands of tin :ii<>r oidor, A 
. dj Abaun/a. 

During the closing yean of the sixteenth r.-ntury 
it wa- 1 be policy of the cabildo in their n-poi ts feo t 
kin^ to i-rju csent tlio industrial coiniiti": 
mala in as unfavorable a li^ht as jo>sillr. \ 

- tlicrc is sufficient evidence t hat tra i rift- 

mining almost lu-^lrctrd. and that a^ri< ultmv recen 
]ittl- ai tcntion. ]{it:h mines \\viv discovovd in vari 
]il;: hut Indians could not In; procured to \v< 

them, and mine-owners becoming every day ]< 
threatened altogether to abandon the field, thus causi 

the eal)ildo to petition for the impoi -n of >la\ 
lor the pin-pose of developing them. 
the falling-off in receipts ai bne smelting-worka t 
the royal oilieials resolved to exaci <>i\\\ I ith 

instead of the iil lh of the proceeds which h;id ]< 
been collected as the kiii /s du.-s. 

Tlic possibility of ;idin^ the COD of the 

province liy the opcnin-- of the j 

twelve leagues irom Santia;_ id th- poinl it 

\vill I .hered Alvarado - I- lill 

:ipped lor liis ])romised rxpeditio.-i t . I 

> the sul)ji*ct of many p< I he 

kii It .led to piv>ent many I aciliti* 

ve traffic on the South , and its contigui 

tala would nll ord nieivhants and 
opportunity of dealing in the product 
Ship-building es]eei;dly mi^ht i important 

industry. OS of iin< jiiality :i!i<l in limitl 

(|iianti uld he had in the district. L 

abundant; \\lii! I could be had in in- 

iich he U-cuj.. Dato . . 



haustible quantity. The pita, which furnished excel 
lent material for ropes and cables, grew profusely all 
over the coast. Pitch and tar could also be procured 
in the valley of Inmais, only a short distance from the 
port. So far, however, little success had attended the 
various attempts made to utilize these advantages, but 
in after years further efforts were made. In 1591, 
measures were also taken for opening another port 
named Estero del Salto, seven leagues from Iztapa 
and capable of accommodating vessels of a hundred 
tons. 60 

While thus struggling for new avenues of trade, 
the members of the cabildo were tenacious of those 
already in their possession. Neither the importation 
of slaves nor a reduction of the royal dues would sat 
isfy them, while cacao, the only product which really 
did pay and thus preserved the balance of trade, was 
improperly taxed. Writing in 1575, they alleged that 
for two years past this once highly profitable trade 
had been nearly destroyed by excessive taxation and 
that in consequence the prosperity of Santiago had 
been greatly diminished/ 


But commercial decadence was not the only mis 
fortune from which the province suffered. In 1575 
and the two subsequent years earthquakes occurred 
in Guatemala, 02 attended with great destruction of 
property. In December 1581 a violent eruption oc 
curred in the volcano west of Santiago. The land for 


miles around was covered with scoria; the sun was 

60 The king s grant of one half of the first year s tribute from the encomi- 
endas becoming vacant during ten years, was of great assistance in opening 
these ports. The president sends a map of the port and of the country for 
more than 15 leagues about it. Santiago Cabildo, Carta al Rey (April 20, 
1591), in Arcvafo, CoL Doc. Antig., 77-8. 

61 As an instance of the dimensions to which this cacao trade could grow 
it may be mentioned that 50,000 loads, worth 500,000 pesos, were raised 
within an area of two leagues square in, Salvador. Palacio, Relation in Pa- 
checo and Cardenas, CoL Doc., vi. 15. 

62 Palacio mentions a heavy shock that occurred in 1576 by which houses 
were destroyed and several lives lost. In a letter to the king he relates that 
he saw a large fragment of a church facade which had been hurled to a consid 
erable distance. Relation in Pacheco and Cdrdencia, Col. Doc. } vi. 23-4, 59. 


:nl tin- lurid il;ii: l;uli; 

il triTr tlirou^lim d. iu- 

ieving thai t 

. maivhrd in penitential j ion 1" Vil- 

ing their sins. T 

i and On th; 

\ were 1" In 158j and 1 .V nii- 

arthquakes, the nio>t \ i.L nt 

ju>! 1 ( hn>tin;is of tlu.- 1. r. J iil! 

nt, M-iJo cha>ins appeared in t . 
}>art of the city \ 
ini ants bcin- luri* d in tl In 1587 \vu 

ir <! another s-\ artln|iv \vhich ii. 

livrs were lost and fifty buildic 

tlu-ni the old Frai. 

63 f. de Las Casas in Col. Doc. /m </., Iviii. 140. 





IT has already been stated that Las Casas was the 
first to urge the substitution of African for Indian 
slavery, and as early as 1517 such a measure was 
authorized by the crown. The natives lacked the 
physical strength needed to meet the demands of their 
taskmasters, and negroes from the Portuguese settle 
ments on the coast of Guinea were largely imported 
into the Spanish West Indies. Numbers of them 
were driven by ill-usage to take refuge in the forests 
and mountain fastnesses, where they led a nomadic 
life or made common cause with the natives, and when 
attacked by the Spaniards neither gave nor accepted 
quarter. About the middle of the sixteenth century 
the woods in the vicinity of Nombre de Dios swarmed 
with these runaways, who attacked the treasure-trains 
on their way across the Isthmus, defeated the parties 
sent against them by the governor of the province, 
and lurked in wait for passengers, assailing them with 
poisoned arrows, and cutting into pieces those who 
fell alive into their hands. Organized as marauding 



lied in - ; : Du: 

< Juiana. At tin bey would uni :i,l 

ra\ it of coin 

side. ]1 hurnr 1. plan 

seized, mrivhaiidi in. 

Surh was the attendant terror that i, 

chastise their , nor did r 

travel tlic highway KcepJ in companies 

or more. 2 In tl ar 1554 many liundr <>t th 

were thus handed in T! Pirme al 
About this time the new vie* Ajid 

Hurtadode Mmdoza, ma rain s deCafiete, .j,j .. .rtun 

in-riving at Xoinhi ])i>> iVni Spain, m ru; 

liis capital, resolved en t! 

lav. Xot loni hd orc hi ival. I . !r. de I". 1 

a brave and distinguished soldier, had t 
in liis enemies in the pr< 
liad founded the of Pamplona . 
veri The viceroy, believing Ui tobeunji 
persecuted and ^nizin^ J nt litn- 

tliMi-ixcd him to raise i irch 

rs. Accordingly Ur>n jiupju-d up\\ard 
hundred mm, and ut iV Noml I 

r rin- cimarrones had mu.-tnvd ir 

of tlicir o\vn race, of singular CO1 \vho liad 

elected kin.i; hy tl occupy in- the mountains ! 

t\v> nd .1 \ieura, a: mil 

d-d >i\ Imndred. 

yd, jiriinarily * * npr> 

i untamed a the n; 

let. i li i !ii;irroii. 

jiH iit trouMrs ..t th,- oountrj , *n 

Indians of similar nanir, tin- Miu- 
. The 1111 
/ Dam . iso s le 

I n> < ii^in . 
li 1, itO. 

I In-iii himself an ness of 

cimarn.n atrocities in I 

i. !. . 

. Pent, ii. ills him Ikill. 


Bayano retreated slowly and warily, posting am 
buscades at every favorable point, and engaging tho 
foe in frequent encounters, the negroes fighting with 
desperation and the Spaniards advancing with the 
coolness of well disciplined soldiers. For two years 
Ursua 4 carried on the campaign with unwearied 
patience, and at last surrounded the remnant of the 
cimarrones and compelled them to sue for peace. Ba 
yano was sent a prisoner to Spain. In 1570 his fol 
lowers founded the town of Santiago del Principe. A 
cedula of June 21, 15 74, declared that on full submission 
and on condition of their leading a peaceful life the 
negroes should be free men. One of the articles of 


a treaty which was concluded at Panama binds the 
emancipated slaves to capture runaways and return 
them to their masters. 

After a short-lived peace the cimarrones again took 
the field, reenforced by maltreated or discontented 
negro fugitives from the mines, and committed such 
depredations that the king resolved on a war of ex 
termination against them and their allies. In a cedula 
elated 23d of May 1578 he appointed his factor and 
veedor Pedro de Ortega Valencia, captain general of 
the forces levied for that purpose, with instructions 
not to desist until the rebels were vanquished. Funds 
were to be drawn freely from the royal treasury. 
Panama and the adjoining provinces of Quito and 
Cartago were enjoined to provide all necessary sup 
plies, and the Casa de la Contratacion de Seville was 
to furnish four hundred arquebuses and a supply of 
ammunition. The Spaniards were only partially suc 
cessful, and in the following year the king found it 
necessary to address the president and oidores of the 
audiencia, urging them to renewed efforts, but in vaiir. 

4 Ursua was a native of a town of the same name in Navarre. He went to 
New Granada with his uncle, the licenciado, Michael Diaz tie Armendariz. 
Picdrahita, Hist. Gen., 530. Of his career subsequent to this war we learn 
that he went to Lima whence, after various services, he was sent in 1561 to 
explore some rich Brazilian forests in the neighborhood of the rio Maranon, 
where he met his death at the hands of his own countrymen. 

SI : . , 

In lain; the cin in coin 

;i road iVoiu their o\vn town 1 
.K iver only a 1< 

las ( Iruces, t! ohjc<-i h, 

ii nl nierchan ( ) T h of A 

the kin-- peremptorily ordei 

d and th stion of tin; riii dead-Ts, I 

11 !! 

th< the ciinarrones in collusion with Ki 

for year- ^paniar 

Tl ^uliitions framed during tl. 

concerning negroes, \\ hi t h >nd or 

scrihed with tlie utm iiinut 

their social relations, and the 1 nnd.-r wh 

they were to lh It was pro I in th 

runaways that pardon should only ! .ded 

and never to the leaders of One ii! 

cost incurred in their < ire was to ho n. 

royal t; and tin; remainder ly tl: 

all expeditions v to he eond 1 

officers, the pi-op. the n so 

hat his reeov Id llo( IM- Jut! 1 to hi- 

rior hand 

To eng in the impo ion of it v, 

in ry lir.-t to ohtain yal lie pri\ 

doubly guarded, and s-ldoin il 1 to 

lent rival-, the ! 

wed on the Mn-li>h, who gradual! 

111. le. So the pi 

and Mil-dish alik md continually violal ho 

law and >! ting i he king al 

5 . \sanillu- . a. law of : with - nnd ; h- 


.irtes, -nestat: 

r. 1 Jn 

a though DO 


liand of t is c-Mt 

.k nnh-ss i : 

.Inly .".I. l.^il. i 

!iil .a. ! " t ; 

nam .ittiny out a vessel for carrying African *L. 


embraced also their intercourse with Indians, so as to 
discourage as much as possible their association with 
lawless bands, dangerous to Spanish security, and 
prejudicial to peaceable natives; for, with the pre 
sumption so common among lower races and classes, 
the negro failed not to take advantage of any privi 
lege he might obtain over his red-skinned neighbor. 7 

o o o 

Such checks proved of little use, however, since they 
also applied in part at least to Spanish task-masters. 
Indeed, in a royal cedula issued in 1593, attention is 
called to the fact that no one had been brought to 


justice for any of the extortions .or cruelties to which 
the Indians had been subjected. 8 Other stringent laws 
were issued, but they came too late, or were neglected 
like the rest. Under the yoke of their various oppres 
sors the native population of the Isthmus gradually 
disappeared, and toward the close of the century their 
numbers had become insignificant. 

In the affairs of Panama we enter now an era of 
decline. Progress hitherto on the Isthmus has been 
on no permanent basis. For a time the gold and 
pearls of seaboard and islands kept alive the spirit of 
speculation, which was swollen to greater dimensions 
by the inflowing treasures from Peru and Chile, and 
from scores of other places in South and North 
America. When these began to diminish, commerce 
fell off, and as it had little else to depend upon there 
was necessarily a reaction. 

Panama had comparatively but little indigenous 
wealth and was largely dependent for prosperity on 

to the "West Indies, and ordering his arrest. Reales Cedulas, in Pacheco and 
Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 540-1. 

7 Negroes and mulattoes were forbidden to go among the Indians in 1578. 
Peales Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 501-2. In 1589 
it was ordered that no negro should employ an Indian or ill-use him in any 
way. Infraction of this law was punishable with 100 lashes. If the offence 
was repeated the culprit s ears were to be cut off. In case of a free negro, the 
punishment was 100 lashes and perpetual banishment. A reward of 10 pesos 
was paid to informers, and masters neglecting to observe the law were liable 
to a fine of 100 pesos. Zamora, Bib. Leg. Ult., iv. 462. 

8 Iicaks Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 4-7. 


nial 1 "; .: ri Ql 
i I by a shew 

]>n>\ -I di hoth In- }>rovi> iinl i 

]>ire. Tli- ;it i\c< \> \\ liidi arri 
in reduced oumbei lm^<.T inten .ml \\itli < 

jlcte< I stores. In 15S1), ni ;ir \ 

tli. ; hmus laden with merchan< 
];I(T tin- i! (; mustered only .ips. 9 

predationa of buccai which will be h 

Drilled tills stale of ail airs may in ] il>- 

. but other causes v. <>rk. f j l; 

aiii liad ahvady apjH. ai cl \ t < 

Panam& in the character of a royal i .t; 1( a: 

\\ In- laid rotricti* mfl on their t rad- which could i 
iail to prove disastrous to the conn ial in 

llie city. 

Hitherto there had been a L .-md 1 
t.h the Philippine Islands, yielding often -Id 

in-- o to the fortunate trader." .1 : ic ciij.idi 1 
the monarch }>roni]>ti d mere and more i 

measures, until it was a! loH.idd 

and indeed to all the AV< s1 Jndies E in, 

the kiiiLC beiiiLC determined to 1, wn 

the Asiatic trade- monopolized 1 ilian n. 

In ir,S5 tlic miml)crof sliipswas 71 : in 1587, S:>: in l v. fM: i:. 
in 1 : in 1. : in K IT- 

., in l < 

and: :its th- tlir ]>r.vinc. 

a gift or loon, i ** h 

as tlu>u.L. h it cinanutf.l fi 
i tli.-it t!. . I sulicit.-il it. Ti.-it.i: vncatn 

iiinun: litedeM < 

/>,,r., ,|0. 

11 A Augu. 1 - 

Imi! . sha!: oemn> 

ill it 1 -- ! 

ogoe t 
h sea. 

. /A,.: . in. "- 


chants. 12 No Chinese goods were to be brought to Pan 
ama and the other provinces,, even from New Spain. 
None were to be used there, except such as were in 
actual use at date of the royal commands, and any 
surplus was to be carried to Spain within four years. 

Of course the American provinces were gradually 
developing home industries, and bringing into the 
market home productions that displaced to a certain 
extent goods from which Spain had hitherto made 
large profits. Thus Peru supplied wine, leather, 
and oil; soap was manufactured in Guayaquil and 
Nicaragua; Campeche yielded wax, Guayaquil, Kio- 
bamba, and Puerto Viejo, cordage for ships, and Nic 
aragua a good quality of pitch. Quito and other 
places manufactured cloths, and New Spain silken and 
woolen goods. Had Philip adopted a generous colo 
nial policy he would have fostered and profited by 
these new industries, but all fiscal regulations looked 
to the advancement of Spanish commerce without re 
gard for the development of trade within the colonies. 

Two commodities were watched and guarded with 
peculiar jealousy- -wine and tobacco. Peru produced 
a wine that found favor with many and obtained a 
ready sale. In an ordinance of Philip II. dated the 
IGth of September 1586, no wine but that imported 
from Spain was allowed to be sold on the Isthmus; 

12 A royal cedula of November 11, 1578, forbade the carrying of Manila 
dry goods. This is confirmed by c<klulas of January 12, 1593, July 5, 1595, 
and February 13th and June 13, 1599. The object was to stop entirely all 
trade between the Philippines and Tierra Firme. Memorial sobre Manila, in 
Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vi. 444. The ce"dula of 1593 is full and 
explicit: Toleration and abuse have caused an undue increase in the trade 
between the West Indies and China, and a consequent decrease in that of the 
Castilian kingdom. To remedy this it is again ordered that neither from 
Tierra Firme, Peru, nor elsewhere, except New Spain, shall any vessel go to 
China or the Philippine Islands to trade. Reales Cedillas, in Pacheco and 
Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 420. See also Decadas, Id., viii. 114. Another 
ce"dula to the same effect was issued July 25, 1609; the license being still con 
tinued to New Spain at the instance of the merchants of Seville whose inter 
ests were jeopardized. The Portuguese had established factories in China, 
and though selling their goods at higher rates than the Chinese, could under 
sell the Spanish merchants who desired the landing of Chinese products 
themselves, and to sell them in the colonies at their own figures. Gran. 
.Manila, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc. , vi. 405-6. 


with wir 
The penalti iniVii 

n p Qishl 

Tl; ^-iied f<>r these meaMi! inju 

rious effect of iVruvian wine upon j.uMir hcahh, 

i tin- real motive waa the prejudicial 

upon the Spanish wii: ceo f 

monopoly of the crown, and one rigidly p 
sale. importation, or cultivation 1 n un< 

re penalties. 14 

Panama imported most of her provisions, and tin; 
difficulties in obtaining a. regular and <; 
were augmented by the monopolies ar<|uir"d l.v 

ilthy merchants \vlio were enaMrd to < 
market. Ne\\ -isuivs to correct tl, 

itinually adopted, and as oftm c\ 
lated. 18 The scarcity of provisions sometio 

- approach!] > laniii: .in .- 

sons lial-i IM> a;_;--Ta\-at< d l.y tlic en- 

travellers and adventurers who crossed the Isthim; 

Dg hi M liy t!i<- troasury n{ : 

KlOO, it v. . .at, a.s the im 

!vi;in win- li;nl 1"-, u forltiildm in \ 

:ii4 tliis n ii, ;iiul aj-pniiiti; s and 

I it, or in :ch A\ iin- with tli. it inij 

. is the injurious quality of tin- \\ in- . - also t 

Trujillo, (Juito, and 

., xvii. JHJ-ls. At a sul)s 

ivian win aocouii 1 

as< 1 trrasury. / /. , -1. 

;iiinislinici. ion of I s nn<l \<;n 

:md in 

:id Jin i :iti ii . thr . 

Ajiotl on ha: 

J of th: !r and no 

)5 T: . council ] an orv :n fiiti: nts sh 

ain artidrs in 1 a then-ill : 

vidcd. Wine, oil, ham, sii; 

S and <T< anioii^ the CO! 

.d \vas fully ajij-! 
1 1, l.v.rj. /;, . , < . .. ;:. / . ami < 

-i a creat want. . 

Lima tl 

things art- 
.d in 
. U, 1590. // 


Peru was the great source of supply and the trade 
with that country was the subject of frequent cedulas 
addressed to the viceroy. 17 

Pearls and gold were still among the leading pro 
ductions of the Isthmus, and the most valuable fish 
eries were at the old Pearl Islands of Vasco Nunez de 
Balboa. 1 Diving for pearls was performed by negroes 
chosen by their masters on account of their dexterity 
as swimmers, and their ability to hold their breath 
under water. From twelve to twenty under charge 
of an overseer usually formed a gang. Anchoring in 
twelve to fifteen fathoms of water, they would dive 
in succession, bringing up as many shells as they could 
gather or carry. It was a laborious calling, and at 
tended with great danger because of the sharks that 
swarmed around the islands and with which they had 
many a fierce struggle, often losing limb or life in the 
encounter. The divers were required to collect a cer 
tain quantity of pearls, and any surplus they were at 
liberty to sell, but only to their own masters and at a 
price fixed by them. 19 

Ever since their first discovery these fisheries had 
maintained their fame, and there was obtained the 
largest pearl then known in the world; one that 
became the prgperty of Philip II., and was described 
by Sir Richard Hawkins 20 as being the "the size of a 
pommel of a ponyard;" its weight being two hundred 
and fifty carats, and its value one hundred and fifty 
thousand pesos. It was presented by the king to his 
daughter Elizabeth, wife of Albertus, duke of Austria. 

The number and variety of pearls were such that 
this trade became one of the most prolific sources of 

17 On Feb. 18, 1595, the viceroy is ordered not to interfere with the taking 
of provisions from the valleys of Trujillo, and Sana to Panairui City, and to 
see that Panama was well provisioned. Recop. de Indias, ii. 64. A similar 
order was issued Feb. 18, 1597. Reales Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, 
Col Doc.,xvii. 339-60. 

18 See Hist. Cent. Amer., i. 377,409-11, this series. 

19 II peut le vendre a qui bon lui semble; mais pour 1 ordinaire il le cede a 
son maitre pour un prix modique. Raynal, Hist. Phil., iv. 200. 

20 He visited the islands in 1594, and found them inhabited by Spaniards 
and negro slaves kept only to fish for pearls. Harris Col. Voy., i. 746. 


, iltli i ville alone in. -87 

sonic hundred pound- \ 

rivallin iind in : nd 

Indi 1 ; 

fair -ft l)oth in quantity and (jiialifv. 

the* industry. Notwithstanding tl. 

incasuivs the pearl-1 rapidly e\l. 

diving provt d a profitless lal> and not until 

d decades later was this indu.- 

( )oM had hem found and mined in di: nf 

the I>tlmius, notahly in ]3arien, tl. of & 

of Balboa s brillianl achievments, wb -ni-din^ to 

>ort of a later governor, i ;il had 

;n!-i! t-> le "weighed ly the Imndr 

!Mni .- definite is the information l r tl. >d con- 

nin^ the mines of \"- . incc >f ii 

sha]e, lyin^ l)ct\vei-n tliu two < d CO1 

L-ir-vlv of rilled and inacecs>ihl down 1 

i wliieh 1 all mountain ton I hi - i^ht 

(jnantities of the previous metal within 

Spaniards were not slow to ]. 
partly from lh,- tj-inkets displayed hy India 

the mines were Hooded with lal>o: \Vh 

<Ji- nu th of the native ]>roved nix^jual to t 

Spaniards enlist ed in their 

mon; liai-dy ne^n^, until in the p 
d;iy- >f mining, which eiilmina: it th 

theiv were t \\ oth Usand of them at N 
]*ninor ma^nilied the yield 

rordin^ to I )a!np: 

tli. bes< u"ld mines ever yet found." "I- 

their inexhau>til.K> riclu-s in ^old," ^ r ill 

Spaniards th- re kn< w not t .dth/ 

!1 I 

]ll } 

3 ^ , i. i;>S; Oyllly s A - 


The yield, if rich, did not prove lasting, however, 
and the number of mine-owners dwindled, though 
several causes united to this end, such as the attack of 
hostile natives or negroes who frequently swooped 
down on the Spaniards from their mountain fastnesses 
and despoiled their camp. The roads were difficult; the 
mining towns were sickly and for the most part aban 
doned during the rainy season, their occupants betaking 
themselves to Panamd. In 1580 there were but four 
of them in the entire province. These were Ciudad 
de la Concepcion, the capital, forty leagues west of 
Nombre de Dios; Villa de Trinidad, six leagues east 
of Concepcion by sea, but inaccessible by land; Ciudad 
de Santa Fe, where the smelting-works were estab 
lished; and Ciudad de San Carlos built on the South 
Sea, some forty or more leagues west of Santa Fe. 
These communities contained altogether about a hun 
dred and seventy vecinos; all employed in mining or 
in matters connected therewith. 

Mining towns wefe not, however, the only ones to 
retrograde. The town of Acla, which it will be re- 


membered was founded by Pedrarias in 1515, and 
rebuilt by Vasco Nunez two years later, 24 had in 1580 
dropped out of existence. And so it was with several 
settlements that at different times had risen with hope 
ful prospects. Either the climate killed or drove off the 
inhabitants, or rival towns sprang up under the patron 
age of some governor, and with real or fancied advan 
tages lured away the citizens. Nombre de Dios had 
maintained its position as the leading town and port 

The city of Panam received annually some thousand pounds of gold... 
There is greater Plenty (gold) in the mines of Santa Maria not far off than 
within the same Space in any other Part of New Spain, or perhaps in the whole 
World. Span. Emp. in Amer., 210-13. We have a glimpse of the working of 
the mines in a report of the expenses in connection with some fifteen of them 
worked for the king s benefit. At these were employed, in addition to the 
overseer, the blacksmith and his assistant, one hundred negroes, of whom 
seventy were freshly imported Africans, and one third of the number were 
women. The total expenditure for the year was a little less than $20,000. The 
several items of expense are given in Veragua, Eelac. de las Minas, in Col. Doc. 
Ined., xxxi. 365-72. 

24 Hist. Cent. Am., i. 418, 441, this series. 


i ( >i -j- d i< hidi 

tills Would have doomed m;m\ 

climate was j.oti! that | 

wa rally (! it the close <>f the ! 

. and it contained onl; 

Boodgj and y 

! part of the \car of 

din^ly lad, exposed i 
rly ^ales, hy which, desp: 

01 lar :/ \ 

and pirates could readily a ail it. T\> 
di>advant Ird many iutT< 

imvcil of the port <>f entry to < 

on tin coast of Honduras. Although the di 


from Nombre do Dios to Panamd \\ 

lea j, while that from Puerto do Caballoa to i 
jeca waa fully lii tho 

j) hy mule over the former rouU.- was thirty j 
id over the latter lnit iiin 

Garcia de Hermosillo was conn. hv 

kin^ in L554 t<> inquire into the merit 

and two ^ r m, lu 

minous hut pailial report, >howin 

lauifmL? the course of v. s go! T; 

to ]>roceed direct to tin- port of T 
on m lend in ^ that ships from X i \v 
iiz, IViiiuco, and the GrOlfo L)ul .>ulil tu- 

]>ort, and tl; How to !. 

Hid to If. of 1 :id 1: 

I to \\ -ru and elsfwh A cedilla v 

Upon addressed, iu ()ctol r 1556, to the and 
pai iola and the Confines, i -nor 

and the officers of tl i Ho 

direct .pinions .f ex] >ld 1" 

I inl ormation nh-tained from all famili, 

** \trnct will sli.iw th- tliis r- 

s :il dicli 
! iniiy 

im d mosillo, Mem 



coast and its harbors. Testimony concerning the 
facts and views advanced in Hermosillo s report was 
taken in 1558, and among those who pronounced in 
favor of the transfer as recommended were Oviedo 
the chronicler, Luis Gutierrez the cosmographer, and 
Juan de Barbosa, then governor of Tierra Firme. 
The cabildo of Santiago also bestirred themselves in 
behalf of the change, as one apt to improve commu 
nication with Peru, and, as they temptingly added, 
likely to increase largely the royal revenue. 26 

Communications between the home government 
and its transatlantic subjects involved vexatious de 
lays; such negotiations were always slow, and at this 
time there was some temporary disorganization of the 
council of the Indies to complicate matters. The 
subject would seem to have been ignored until quick 
ened anew by an address of Felipe de Aninon, who 
had. lived many years in the Indies, "on the utility 
and advantages which would result from changing the 
route of transit between the seas from Nombre de 
Dios and Panamd to Puerto de Caballos and Fon- 
seca." 27 The memorial, without presenting any new 
arguments, recapitulates with considerable force those 
which had been previously advanced, urging that im 
munity would thus be secured from the raids of cor 
sairs, and that even though Panamd and Nombre de 
Dios were abandoned, a dozen cities would spring up 
to take their place in a region whose mines were so 
rich arid whose soil was so fertile. At Nombre de 
Dios even Indian women, elsewhere so prolific, be 
came barren; fruits refused to grow, children could 
not be reared, and men lived not out the usual span 
of life. Their gold and silver were as nothing to 
the treasures that could be extracted from the mines 
of Honduras, for when these latter should be worked 

26 Memorials were presented by the cabildo on Dec. 22, 1559, on May 17, 
1561, and again on 26th of January 1562, when they denounced Nombre de 
Dios as la Sepultura de Espaiioles. Arevalo, Col. Doc. Aniig., 27-33. 

27 This memorial is not dated, but Squier says it was written in 1565. 
Aninon, Discurso, in.Squkr s MSS. t v. 

by imported n with th- of quicksilver, 

^1 uld have th i kin^ d oi i 

Spain. The memorial >nrhi 

though ei;_;-ht hundred tl :nd pe>o- 
;<!<<! in openii 
would In. oil>ei by tli inilliMii 

.nnual revenue of the kh Ti 
iblishii where tlic port of cut :ly 

decided by the report of h-an J)a] 
ro\ r, Avliicli sliowud tliat \vliilu a i 

- aecessary a desirable sit bed close 1 

leagues to tlu 4 west of Noml>r< 
village of Portobello, containing, in L585j 
re than ten lior, Init possessin comma 
harbor, with good anchors sy of aco .ml < 

W!KTU laborers could unload v. -wii] 
sity of wading up to the arm-pi* 

XomhrcdeDios. Timber and pastur :it, 

tin- soil was fertile, and fresh water could !< had 

throughout the year. ^I<>i r it muld l>o 
inrtiiied against attack from C nd pril 

men, who, under Drake and others, had ah. m- 

mitted depredations on the. I^thn. will he h- 

related. "If it mi^ht l i daje 

fche surveyor, "it n >od that the ciiy oi Noml 

de D\o> be brought and builded in this harbo On 

<)tli of ^larcll l.V.7 the chfl was in; 

diar-v of 1he factor Franri>eo de Valve] 

lenient wa^ ioiinded which soon 6 ono 

important eities in Central Ann 

In I .">:_::) Panama bed by I b a 

hundred household. In L58I as 

vied by IMiilip "inuy noble y mtiy leal. 

I by 

,1 by the h< r the atmospl humid: 

il, and the. .-pivad of infivtioiis di 

-//>.. in P IT, KM .-i 

tnu*, v. 889, crr in 

t l. 


Small-pox, quinsy, dysentery, intermittent fevers, and 
other ailments were prevalent among the community, 
and at times the city was almost depopulated. 23 

In 15G4 the seat of the audiencia of the Confines 
was removed, as we have seen, to Panama 39 under the 
presidency of Doctor Barros de Millan. Great though 
short-lived were the rejoicings throughout Tierra 
Firme at this victory. The people of Guatemala 
would not consent to become a mere dependency of 
the audiencia of Mexico; and as already stated a 
decree was issued in 1568 ordering that the audiencia 
should again be removed to Guatemala, the change 
being made two years later, though, as we shall find, 
an audiencia was before long once more established in 

By a cedula dated February 26, 1571, Tierra Firme 
was made subject to the viceroy of Peru in all matters 
relating to government, war, and exchequer, but not 
in civil matters. 31 Little direct information of the 
/vorking of the new regime in the latter part of the 

29 Some physicans ascribed these diseases to the use of Peruvian wine, not 
withstanding the prohibitions already mentioned. To a statement made by 
the councillor of the corporation to the city council of Panama a medical re 
port is appended which reads thus: Muchas calenturas ardientes y podridas, 
muchos dolores de costado, camaras de sangre, romadizo y otras indisposicioiies 
de calor y humedad, por ser esta tierra mui caliente y hiimeda por cuya razon 
hierve dentro de las venas, y humedeciendo el cerebro causa vahidos, y las 
dichas eiifermedades arriba referidas, y granos, y viruelas, y sarampion y ron- 
chas. Fecho en Panama en onze de Abril de mil y seiscientos. Reales Cedidas, 
in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 219-22. 

^Reales Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 531-2; confirmed 
by Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat., 222-3, and Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. >oc.,ix. 
89-90. Juarros, Gua t., states that it did not receive the royal approbation 
until July 7, 1565. In the beginning of 1560 a royal c6dula was issued, vest 
ing the government of Tierra Firme in the president of the audiencia residing 
in Panamd. The people of Guatemala resisted the change as long as they 
could, and other mandates were necessary to give full force to this measure. 
See Reales Ced., in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xviii. 531-2, and Decadas, 
in Id., xiii. 36-38. 

31 A special cedula, dated July 30, 1588, on the appointment of Garcia de 
Mendoza as viceroy, authorizes him to take part in and preside over the ses 
sions of the audiencia, but not to interfere with matters relating to the ad 
ministration of justice. Pacheco and Cardenas, Col Doc., xvii. 467. Other 
c^dulas issued in 1614, 1620, and 1628 confirmed the one issued in 1571. Hie 
first of these three orders also made the provinces of Charcas arid Quito sub 
ject to the viceroy of Peru. Recop. de I/id., ii. 109-10; Zamora, Bib. Leg. Ult., 
iii. 357; Montesclaros, Relation, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., vi. 191. 


nt r, r 
d in la! p it. t 

I ehronie dlSCOnt nt fco tl ;! in all 

Anioi:-- them \\ in- 

narv r, I ."-^8, forbidding !ent and 

idiiiLT ;| t Panamd to vi.-if any j>ri\ 

t lor any pur] r da; 

J )eerml>er .". l , l 590, forbidding offici in th- I 

department I of a] 

at i time. Some of the Iau< r were 

ided lor illegal >]M-riilat ion with go^ 
which became so common that in ! 

ill t! i thi- ;nr. d 

to ;t one* hundred and fifty thousand ] 

79 the corregidor f l > anan. tne j-oini . i 

d that he alone ha mi 

v thousand two liu; d th 

\vliieh ] ,d eollreted and in withheld 

the tr< i-y. 33 T! : M _:- of pac jp< 

mean^ hv whi<-h m ml i the aiidie 

:ing of his ] 

iny; that in a Mn-le year < \\ 
th: i Tierra I irme \\iiljont ]> 
lie the ] .inlliiiL^ \ 

ill-lit . 1" ing the i . and in;. 

mercha brin ain, 

by |r< 
While th- .1 ion at the ] 

I roiu T 


/ . 

i bul*H5- 

II. 26 


thus in an unsatisfactory condition, the authorities 
were constantly in dread of invasion from foreign 
powers. Early in the year 1561 two caravels arrived 
with intelligence that a large fleet had sailed from 
. England for America, and with orders that prepara 
tions be made for a stout defence. The treasure on 
board the ships lying in harbor was quickly removed 
and secreted on shore, and no vessels were allowed to 
leave port until the arrival of the convoy fleet from 
Spain under the adelantado Pedro Menendez. It is 
not recorded that on this occasion the English made 
any attempt to land on the shores of Tierra Firme, 
but four years later, the monarchs of England and 
Spain being then on friendly terms, one Captain Par 
ker touched at the coast of Darien ostensibly for the 
purpose of trading with the natives. An armed 
flotilla was despatched against him, but the captain 
refused to depart, and when attacked not only repulsed 
his assailants, but captured one of the enemy s squad 

ron. 36 

Although, as will be told in the next chapter, the 
Isthmus was several times invaded by English adven 
turers between 1572 and 1596, it was not until near 
the end of the century that any really effectual meas 
ures were completed for its protection. On the 2d of 
May 1574 the king wrote to the audiencia of Panamd, 
that he had information of many privateering expedi 
tions then being fitted out with the intention of pro 
ceeding to the Indies. In 1580 three ships of war 
were stationed on the coast to guard against corsairs 
and it was ordered that criminals be delivered over 
to serve as oarsmen on board these vessels. In 1591 
a more powerful fleet was sent to the West Indies and 
fortifications ordered to be erected at the town of 
Cruces and other points on the Isthmus. At this 
elate Panamd alone could put into the field eight hun- 

36 The Spanish minister in London remonstrated in strong terms against 
Parker s conduct, but to no purpose. Queen Elizabeth not only justified his 
action but warmly commended him. Darien, Scots Colony, 56 (1699). 

AR 01 403 

<liv<l S; li infant i Four \ 

I for a f. rt at tin- moal 
( lhagre riv- Finally in I .". . 7, v. hi D 

of Drake s last ex] >rditi<m had thorough!] 

kii sens.- <>f the di :, ni 

cut from Spain to h bion "f tin- 

ami it was onli-r. d that thu CO 
ilio royal treasur\ 

was assailable from three difTrn-nt joii 
m Nombre de Dios, whi it <-<>ul<I only 1 

tlir iiL;li tliu mountain j .all 

in. ii could hold an army in 
in Acla, fourteen leagues of X)iiilr- d<- I ): 

v/1 men of war had fonm-rly and, and by 

way of the Rio Chagre, which was navi^d*!- 
boats as far as Cm road ; 

:iama presenting no serious ol 

1 Chinks, in Pacheco and ( is, <?oL Doc., xvii. 395- 3, 

p. 4 J thia vol. for map of territory. 





the town of Offenburg, in the Grand Duchy of 
Baden, is a statue of a man standing on the deck of 


a vessel and leaning on an anchor, his right hand 
grasping a map of America, his left a cluster of bulb 
ous roots, the meaning of which might puzzle the ob 
server until he reads on the pedestal the inscription: 
"Sir Francis Drake, the introducer of potatoes into 
Europe, in the year of our Lord 1586." Thus, in Of 
fenburg, is known to fame the great Armada captain 
and circumnavigator of the globe. The eldest of the 
twelve sons of a Protestant minister in straitened cir 
cumstances, he shipped as an apprentice OQ board a 
small merchant craft, and on the decease of the cap 
tain succeeded to the command of the ship. Tiring 
of his trading ventures he sold his vessel, and soon 
afterward served under Sir John Hawkins, in an ex- 


AT XOMBRK 1 OS. ; , 

IJiion t<> Mexico, \\] h< ] 
and some of his dearesl fi i< n Y< 

on the Spaniards, lie returned to 1 :iid. and in 

LVed lei of manpie from On.-, 

authorizing him to cruise in tin- Spanish A . 
After two 18, made rather f plor; 

11 profit, he fitted up two priv -3 and sevn-al 
pinnaces for an expedition Y<>ml>red< I , and 
Whitsunday eve, tin; 24th of May 1572, sail fr< 
Plymouth with a force of men. 

Drake first shaped his coin or tli- [slad 
wh lie left his ships in <-ha ilii 

]ia\\>c, and placing most of li in tin- pinL. 

arrix cd off the Isthmus at tli i.son <! P \vl. 
tin- treasures of the mine d tli 

lor shipment to Spain. 1 \\^ tin- prt 

X -mbre de Dios by ni^ht li.- ro 

Ik by marching* throii-h tin- main to 

the sound of drum and trim, A j 

spatehed to seize the kind s t rrasuri -li- 

s ordered to fa-t.-n to his j>il. 

The ailViiditrd inhabitants ii : i tha: town \\ 

in\ i by a force at t\vic< 1; 

N !)], ss they v. SOOn undi-r anus, and 

ir the governor s hoii> i >h;i 

r on the l^ii^lish, pMiiitin^ their wiap<ns so 1- 
that the Imllets oi ten ^ni/ed i round. T 

va n disc-liar i heir pi I id tl- 

close <|Uai i E th 

]ike and sword and hut-end - 
m with heavy loss to the mar! 
pri><>i; cap! . wh- 

t the sih in Wl 

rnor s residence, and that in t 

hou>.- i; i- the v, a lar- e q 

JCW( Is, and ju-a! i 

J); ord .-r<-d hi- men to stand t th- ir UTSIS, 

In Old < //" 

that iu au apartment uf tlu ^ hou^c was a stack ** 


companies of Spaniards were observed mustering for 
an attack. A report then spread through the ranks 
that the pinnaces were in danger of being captured. 
A violent storm of rain came on, and before the Brit 
ish could gain shelter their powder was wet and their 
bowstrings rendered unserviceable. The men lost 
heart and began to think of saving themselves before 
their retreat was cut off, many of them being wounded, 
and Drake himself shot in the leg. Their captain 
rebuked them, exclaiming: " I have brought you to 
the very mouth of the treasure of the world, and if 
you go away without it you can blame nobody but 
yourselves." He then directed a portion of his com 
mand to break open the treasure-house, while the 
remainder stood ready to repel attack; but, as he 
stepped forward, he dropped down in a swoon from 
loss of blood and was carried back to his pinnace. 2 

At daybreak the entire company embarked, and 
after making prize of a vessel of sixty tons laden prin 
cipally with wines, landed at the port of Bastimentos. 3 

long, 10 in breadth, and 12 feet high, and that the captives gave information 
that the treasure-house contained more gold, jewels, and pearls than their pin 
naces could carry; but one must make due allowance for the vivid imagina 
tion of those chroniclers. 

2 The account given in HaTduytfs Voy. , iii. 778-9, differs materially from 
that of other authorities. The story is told by a Portuguese, one Lopez Vaz, 
whose narrative the chronicles tells us was intercepted with the author there 
of at the riuer of Plate, by Captaine Withrington and Captaine Christopher 
Lister, in the fleete set foorth by the right Honorable the Erie of Cumberland 
for the South sea in the yeere 1586. He states that Drake landed with loO 
men, and stationing 70 of them in the fort near Nombre de Dios, marched 
with the remainder into the town; that the inhabitants fled to the mountains, 
but that a party of 14 or 15 Spanish arquebusiers fired a volley upon the 
English, killing their trumpeter and wounding Drake in the leg. Hereupon, 
he says, the English retreated to the fort but found it abandoned; sound 
ing the trumpet after the firing had ceased and the signal being unanswered, 
the men left in charge retreated to their boats, thinking that their comrades 
were either slain or captured. Drake and his followers then threw away 
their arms, and by swimming and wading made their way to the pinnaces. 
It is highly improbable that 80 English privateersmen, under the command 
of such a captain as Drake, would thus tamely beat a retreat before a handful 
of Spaniards. 

3 Islas y Porto de Bastimentos according to Juan Lopez, son of Tomas 
Lopez de Vargas, the celebrated Spanish cosmographer, in a map prepared by 
the former in 1789, for the use of the Spanish ambassador in Great Britain. In 
the map following the introduction to D ampler s Voy., published in 1699, the 
word is similarly spelled and applied to a group of islands off Nombre de 
Dios. Bellin, Karte von der JErdenge, Panama, 1754, agrees with Drake, but 

M. 407 

ting - two days I 

ships at the I>1;: Pillos, wh he I Ills 

hrother 1 6 the river Cha^re as far 

\n of Cruces, where it will 1< 

treasure trains ] <l on their way from Panai 

the Xorth S< He thru proceeded to Cart,; 

where In* captured several Spanish \ . hut ; 

the town too strongly defended to ven; 
ail forthegulf of Uraba\ Th 

at a >pot remote from the line of travel, and hi li: 

their vessels in a neighboring creek, i :i-.l th 

fifteen days, hoping thus to c: niion^r (h- ,m- 

ianls the iinpivssion that they had dej>art.-l from 

ast. An dition was then un< iken to i 

ri\-er Airatofor the purpose of intercepting the c 
which, after the arrival of the f Cari 

Wei-e sent up the stream, lad-n with <h rc-han<i 

of Sj)ain, to return with the gold, silver, and other 
valuahle commodities collected dnrii, r. 

On tin >}}({ day of the \- ! 

that the ilec-t had not yet reached ( an 
upon the English a^ain vi-ir.-d the 1 <! I ; 1 

irin^ there va>t quantities of ji-ovi- . includ 
ing cassava bread, meal, wine, dried le, 
plentiful supply of live sto.-k, all intende.l 
of the Spanish settlement < and for r< lallin^ t! 
ileet. 4 I hese were secured for future u-e in &1 
h , huilt many lea Then nnd.-r t 

lance of cimarrones, who regarded the English 8 

lies against a mutual foe, Drake moved h 

eluded hay amid the ( !a up of thickly 

islands, near the gulf of S where tl 

liko Loj 

.mil // . . i. passin .series. 

Ti I iii .si 

lut :itiallyin B I 

;.<M>o .,,. s.u.l it this WM the ca> 

uiJ ti. riaoa wa t lal storing placr 


channel was so narrow and difficult that none could 
enter by night. 5 Here he was free from all danger of 
surprise. The rainy season had now begun, and dur 
ing that time the Spaniards did not convey treasure 
by land. A delay became necessary before any ex 
tensive raid could be undertaken, and the men were 
therefore ordered to erect a fort and buildings suitable 
for their accommodation and to land their ordnance 
and provisions. 

The restless spirit of the leader carried him on, and 
within fourteen days of his arrival at the islands he 
started on a new expedition to Cartagena, casting 
anchor in that harbor on the 18th of October 1572. 
A party of horsemen came down to the shore dis 
playing a flag of truce, and met him with fair promises 
of friendship and assistance. Suspecting treachery, 
the English put off to sea next morning, but remained 
for some days in the neighborhood to the great annoy 
ance of the Spaniards, who constantly endeavored, 
though without success, to induce them to land and 
thus draw them into an ambuscade. At length falling 
short of provisions, and seeing no prospect of cap 
turing any valuable prize, they set sail for the gulf 
of San Bias. On the return voyage, which occupied 
twenty-five days, they suffered severely. Baffled by 
contrary gales, their small, leaky craft, in imminent 
peril from the heavy chopping sea, their provisions 
exhausted, many almost perishing from want and ex 
posure, they had never lived to rejoin their comrades, 
but that in the last extremity they were fortunate 
enough to capture a Spanish vessel, "which," as the 
chronicler tells us,, "being laden with victuals well 
powdered and dried, they received as sent them by 
the mercy of heaven." 

Drake remained for several weeks in his lurking 
place among the islands. At length the welcome 

5 In the map prepared by Juan Lopez, these islands are placed a few miles 
east of point San Bias and named the Islas Cabezas 6 Cautivas. By Burton 
they are also called the Cabezas, but by Clark the Cativaas. 


sat 1 

mbr- t the ach 

march o d Panaii 

bllllrts of the Spaniard thii 

7\ had : 

lit of thrir number had a! 
this land of prom: amoi 
] )i through di> r uli 

h attack on a Spanish \ 
lay ill cf tlio < 

unhealthy climat< id unwh<> ne water. 

ndiT -uai d liad l).--ii !; 

iii-!i could be inir I iit o. 

ciiiiarroiics who accompanied t n <, 

tin- provisions, leaving th.- ! 

by their arms. 7 
^NFany days tl, 
through i e un h and cane-1 , crc 

: reams and toiling up mountain ^" 

tiK ivd little har<lshi|>. Hi^h ovi-rh -ad :ii- 

of ]> IK -d them iVoni t! 

vertical sun. The country abounded in 
1V; and ni-lit app 

i-ain-proof d with pah 

v.-ild j lantain L , under which they ecu 

>f wild bar s ilr.-h or otla-r 1 >iiu 

during the d; 

8 Ii. 8, -J1. it is stated that a poet-; \amin.i- 

hi tin; account in 11 

!ui<l with him \( 

coul.l havt- hat! little cliai. 


8 TI < carri kinds of weajx 

I \\ith ir- -^ *gn 

in \vii ; 

: of ga 

ur. y; ;. See also / 


On the third day of their march they arrived at a 
negro town, distant forty-five leagues from Panama* 
and thirty-five from Nombre de Dios, containing 
about sixty families, and well supplied with maize, 
fruit, and live stock. The town was surrounded with 
a mud wall and a ditch for defence against the Span 
iards, with whom the cimarrones were still constantly 
at war. Only one year before the place had been 
attacked by a force of one hundred and fifty men, 
whose commander had promised to exterminate the 
entire population. The assault was made just before 
daybreak, whereupon the males fled to the forest, 
leaving their wives and children to be massacred, but 
afterward mustering courage fell on their invaders 
and drove them in turn to the woods, where, their 
guide being slain, all but thirty perished of want. 
Here the English were urged to remain and rest for 
a few clays. Not far distant, they were told, dwelt 
the king of the cimarrones, who could bring into the 
field seventeen hundred warriors, and would aid them 
with reinforcements on learning their errand. The 
commander thanked them, but declared that "he 
would use no further strength if he might have 
twenty times as much," and after a brief halt contin 
ued his journey. 

Four days later the expedition arrived at the sum 
mit of a mountain, from which they had been promised 
a view of the "North Sea whence they came and of 
the South Sea whither they were going." Aided by 
one of the cimarrones Drake climbed a tall tree, in 
whose trunk steps had been cut almost to the top, 
and where, supported by the upper limbs, a bower 
had been built large enough to contain a dozen men. 
From this eyrie he gazed for the first time on the 
great southern ocean over whose waters the English 
flag had never yet been unfurled. It is said that lie 

9 The author of Selection of Curious Voy., iv. 15, states that Drake arrived 
at the summit of this mountain ten days after leaving the town of the cimar 
rones. According to other authorities the time was seven days. 

TIT: rn.\r 

re conceived Hi wlii 

w; rried t mpletion- 
the glohe; and as dreams of i;u :id \ 

nient \\ mingled with visions of gold -ingl- 

and of Spanish Balloons deep laden with \ 

lie ! 1.1(1 it God "to him 1 ;id 

leave to sail an Knglish ship in th The aid 

of the Aim: r er inv 

furtherance of more iniquitioua i arcs. 

For forty-eight hours more the route lay thr 
forest land, and heyond this the country \ 
with a species of grass, so tall that at its full ( th 
tin- rattle could not reach the upper M Thr: 

ii- it was l)iirnt, and so rich \\as Hi 1 that ; 
days afterward it Sprouted like ^reen corn, 
lisli \vere now nearin;^ the did of their march, and 
they journeyed frequently came in sight of ] 
and oi the Spanish vessels riding at anrhor in i 

Extreme caution became n -nd 

pronchin^ Panam;i, Drake, withdrawing his m- 

the road, led them to a grove within a i 

city, and near the highway to N>i de ]); 

Jlis arrival was well timed. A cimarron, 

rd to Panama dis ^ui-ed as a slave t" Ttain t 


ict night and time of night 11 when the pn 

in was to pass hy. returned with i 
thrill through every l.reast. at \ 

nvrof Lima was to start from J anaina en i 
Sp.-(in, and with him it mules laden with gold, 
live with silver, and one with pearls and jew ! 
other trains each of titty mules. 1 mainly with 

provisions, were to form part of the < dition. 

Drake at once put his men in motion toward t 
< re River, and when within two 1 

O ^ 

10 Tl. ^ of Panama usr-1 t > iinplny lumtcrs an<l e 

. .Is in tluit cuiiiitn-y, 1-v \\h<-m ti. turtoHi 

11 Tlu- ti-fas- i f]-\v;inU il fr..i. ; ,inA t<> to av 
the heat cucuuutcixd 1 "1-cu country ly. 


town of Graces 12 posted them in two parties, one on 
either side of the road, and in such a position that 
they might fall simultaneously on the van and rear of 
the train. The men were ordered to wear white shirts 
outside their uniforms in order to distinguish one 
another. After the arrival of the fleet at Nombre de 
Dios, trains passed frequently along the road from 
Cruces to Panama", and the strictest injunctions were 
given that none should stir except at the appointed 

An hour they lay in ambush; the treasurer was 
within half a league of the ambuscade, and the bells 
of the approaching train were distinctly heard in the 
silence of the night. The great prize was close at 
hand, and each man as he clutched his firelock and 
felt the keen edge of his broadsword held his breath 
while he crouched in the grass and listened to the 
sounds borne ever clearer on the still air. A train 
laden with merchandise was now passing directly in 
front of them, but such spoil offered no temptation 
when gold and silver by the ton was within reach. 
At this moment an untoward incident occurred. " One 
Robert Pike," as Burton tells us, " having drunk too 
much Aqua-VitcB without Uater, forgetting himself, 
perswaded a Symeron to go into the road, and seize on 
the foremost Mules,, and a Spanish Horse-man riding by 
with his Page running on his side, Pike unadvisedly 
started up to see who he was, though the Symeron 
discreetly endeavored to pull him down, and lay upon 
him to prevent further discovery, yet by this Gentle 
man taking notice of one all in white, they having 
put their Shirts over their Cloths to prevent mistakes 
in the night, he put Spurs to his Horse both to secure 
himself, and give notice to others of the danger." . 

12 Venta Cruz according to Burton s Life of Drake, 18, Burton s English 
JJeroe, 50, and Life and Voy, of Drake, 42, and Venta de Grazes in the map 
confronting p. 1 in Dampier s Voy. Probably both are identical with Cruces, 
or Cruzes as it is spelled in the map on p. 137 of Esquemelin, Hist. Bucaniers, 
in which no such place as Venta Cruz is mentioned. Juan Lopez in the map 
before mentioned calls the place San Francisco de Cruces. 


11 remained in am! 

]ia<l hap 1. The cavalier i .11 

li;i -ortthe circumstan 

it t IK i! i-l it he.-t that 

! ire l>r led aside while the remainder be all 

! Mat ill case of ; -k tl 

ition miii lit l)c engaged until tmoj .uld i 
>ned iVoni IV lit. The provision train 

quickly captured and a few hundivd poimd> 

Imllion 111 di-covcrcd among 1 

Xo time \va^ to ! li>{-, for one of the mo 

friendly-minded iowunl li: 

Hint by <laylreak the iM have tl 

neral upon them, at th< d of the entire ] 

.1 anaina. The leader of tli tTOnee ]roini- 

tliat it tliey would nt onc ii m;n-ch lioldly oil ( i 
would conduct tlicin to t sliijs l.y a ; 

sliorter route than tliai. by which they had c 
To some this ]>laii seemed ha/.urdoi ;n- 

iidcM 1 , with his clear judgment, Baw 

th miards at once, while h : 
condition, was less perilous than to be 
whenj .-nled with travel and disj.iritetl by fa: 

Al ter giviiiL;- them time to- m 
Dra 1 tve the order to advanc Theroaii -but 
feet v. id.-, be-in* 1 cut through i 


inclosed by a dense wall of un h. A cor 

]>any of Sol town as 

:ist mai audin-- hand- of cin 

t friai-s, C 

The Spanish captain bailed t . and 
that they \\ 

^se-loacb of silver, according 

to mal. 

th- .t. 


KO ;ih 

as oft 1: 

.. ^//iwl 

>j. v/ Drake, 


surrender, promising kind treatment. Drake answered : 
"For the honor of the queen of England, my mistress, 
I must have passage this way." He then discharged 
his pistol, and was answered by a volley which killed 
one and wounded several of his band. The English 
then attacked briskly, and aided by the cimarrones 
drove the Spaniards into the woods and took posses 
sion of Cruces. 

Much consternation was at first caused among the 
townsfolk, especially among some Spanish women of 
Nombre de Dios still suffering from child-birth; 15 but 
Drake manifested little of that fiendish cruelty dis 
played by the buccaneers of later years. Giving orders 
that none should lay hands on women or do violence 
to unarmed men, 16 he called on the sick women and 
assured them that they had nothing to fear. Little 
booty of value was found at Cruces, and at daybreak 
on the morning after making their entry into the town 
the party began their march toward the coast, reach 
ing their ships in safety, though hungry, shoeless, and 

After an unsuccessful cruise on the coast of Ver- 
agua, Drake returned once more to the Cabezas, and 
there fell in with a French vessel, the captain of 
which proposed to join him in another attempt, now 
being planned, to capture some of the treasure trains 
still passing across the Isthmus. After consultation 
it was agreed that twenty of the French crew should 
go in company with fifteen of the English, and that 
the former should receive half the proceeds of the 
raid. The expedition sailed for the Rio Francisco, 
and after ascending the river a short distance in 

15 In Burton s English Heroe> 56, 57, it is stated that at Nombre de Dios 
parturition was usually followed in a few days by the death of the infant.- but 
that children born at Cruces, reared there till six years of age, and then 
brought to Nombre de Dios, usually enjoyed good health. See also Life and 
Voy. of Drake, 47. 

16 Lopez Vaz, in HaHuyt, Voy., iii. 779, states that five or seven merchants 
were slain, and that the town was set on fire, property being destroyed to the 
value of more than 200,000 ducats. If this did occur it was doubtless the 
work of the cimarrones, but there is no mention of it in other authorities. 

ri:i;iLoi>; 81 : rox. 

itliout i 
in-ar Xomb: Dios, within a short distai] 

road. Th from ( | ill 1,-, 

.ilihLj 1 thu la>t ship! 

])rake liad , i\ to bell liat .- al rich! 
trail re thru on the way iVum Panama. 

he disappointed On the morning after rrival ; 

Us of the approaching train \. binctty ln-ard, 

and soon th< I in >i-ht tluv<- compani 

u-ith nty and one with fifty mule.-. laden \\ 

in-arly thirty tons of i^old and silver. J i 

i soldiers, numbering forty ii\v mm. \ 

oil al tcr the exchange of a few shots, one of \ 

\vouii(k d tliu l^ruich captain E unl the ad\". 

tur-i-s \ left in ])<>> n of tin- prL In t 

urs they liad seeiired all Hi Id tlu-y could . 
away, and buiic-d tli maindcr, wi !>oiH 
tns of silvrr, under fallm trees. Meanwhile the alarm 
liad been Li iveii at Xoinbre de Dios, and a B 
of horse and foot approached them fmni that air 
lion. All except the wounded otlicer and two of \ 
command retired to the woods and made their \\ 
bade to the river. 

Jkit what had become of the pinnaces? They h 
: -n ordered to return within four days and w 

n in slight. Looking seaward, Drake d< 

Sj h vessels erui>iii;j; oil the coast. Si. 

boats had been captur. heir crews to 

di.- the hiding-place of the ships that \ to ha 
Carried tl.M-m back home, wei-hed down with plun<: 
Of little use was now their n-,ld, with Mich d: 
pr - before them. The eimarrono ad 1 them 

to inarch overland to tin- spot where th- IJ, 

a diilicult journey of sixteen days at least, tl r 
.nd aCT :i> swolh n by winter n 

with many a tall mountain Kin-- between th< 
th. tshoi- 1 ^rake v ed that lon^ 1< 

they reached tin t their ships would be taken 
burnt by the Spaniard-. Nevertheless he told 


men to banish fear, and bid them construct a raft from 
the trees brought down by the stream during a recent 
storm. A large biscuit-sack served for a sail, and for 
rudder an oar rudely shaped with axe and knife. 

With three companions, all expert swimmers, the 
commander put to sea, assuring his followers "that if 
by Gods help he once more put aboard his Foot in 
his Frigot, he would certainly get them all into her in 
spite of all the Spaniards in the Indies." The raft 
was so low in the water that each wave broke over 
them/ 7 fretting a-nd chafing their lower limbs, while 
their bodies from the waist upward were scorched by 
the stinging heat of a tropical sun. Six hours passed 
by slowly and wearily, and night was now approach 
ing, while under a freshening gale the waves dashed 
higher and higher, threatening each moment forever 

O O O 

to engulf the four cowering figures. Little hope or 
life was left in them, for none could endure such hard 
ship through all the long days that must elapse before 
they could expect to reach their ships. At length 
when all seemed lost a sail appeared, and then another. 
Did they belong to their own missing boats or to the 
war vessels of the enemy? Better to brave any danger 
than fall alive into the hands of the Spaniards. Drake 
at once affirmed them to be the pinnaces expected at 
the rio Francisco, and so it proved. Within an hour 
he was on board; before daybreak next morning he 
had rejoined his command, and by sunrise all had 
embarked for the Cabezas, where they found their 
vessels lying safely at anchor. 18 

17 In Burton s English Heroe, 70, and in Life and Voy. of Drake, 57, it is 
stated that they sat up to the waist in water and that each wave drenched 
them up to the arm-pits. To steer and sail a raft under such circumstances, 
even if they escaped being washed overboard, was certainly a remarkable feat 
of navigation. 

18 There is some confusion in the narrative of the old chroniclers at this 
point. In Clark s Life of Drake, 20, it is related that a frigot which sailed 
with the expedition to the rio Francisco, was ordered to lie off the mouth of 
the river, w T hile on account of shoal water the men ascended the stream in 
pinnaces; but for what purpose the voyage on the raft, if this were the case, 
and why leave the vessel in so exposed a position? In Burton * English Heroe, 
CO, it is stated that the ship was left at (sent back to) the Cabezas, and, page 
71, that when Drake fell in with his pinnaces his men say led back to their 


Tl. id silver were now divided 1 lit in 

.Mil J 

dition despa 

huri -d :-, and i scue or brin 

anded officer and his two companions, i llyl. 

t foot on the shore of tin; ri<> Francisco wh 

e of in-; Frenchmen c forth t 

them, lie declared that within half an hour , 
[Drake had be^un his r t, tin; c id h: 

, ininir comrade, the latter half stiq :i wi: 

liad been taken l>y the Spaniards; that In- 1m 
had -s<-a]>ed only by throw! i <>\VM his plum! 
that the hidden treasure had probably b.-<-n r 

ground had been thoroughly searched. - 

th- ie men were orl -jvd fco pu-h tbrwar.l, and 

succeeded in unearthing 8OE -n baisof sih 

and dgcs of ,u<>ld, \vh ., ith th 

without adventure to tin- c.iast. 

r J hc Spanish ileet was nw read; il, hav! 

,cn on board the last load of i: nd 


3 to br gained h\ aaining lo; on t 

coast. Drake parted on Ljoud tTms with his I- i 
alli 3, and ai ter eapturin^ a \ i with 

visi< >n J, fitted out his >hijs t< r their h< 
Th- riniarroiii s 1 with 

themselves, and a profu>i>n of silk and li 
their wives. Sail was tln-n set: ttnd on a S .th 

forenoon, the mli of August i 

aiich-.r in Plymouth Sound. It was tin- hour of 
divim- service, as the chroniclt-i s t. 11 i \VS 

of the arrival spread throu--]i t ad in all t 

churches mm and women abaiuloneil thrir 

rigotand from thence directly to their Ships; : to thia authority 

>th ships aii<l ahvady at ti. >UZM v lay ac 

froi .,ish ci 


112 to 7 easels 

I at th tagena an Dioe. 

. and some or 
k. makes ii" inc; 

thuji 1UO vessels of all sizes. 
lii AM , VOL. II. 


and flocked to the shore to welcome their brave coun 
trymen, who thus returned to their native land with 
so much gold and glory. 

Among those who accompanied Drake in his expe 
dition to Tierra Firme in 1572 was one John Oxen- 
ham, who, three years later, planned a daring but, as 
the event proved, a disastrous raid on the Spanish 
mainland and went in search of the treasure-ships 
which frequented its southern coast. Landing on the 
Isthmus with only seventy men, he beached his ves 
sel, covered her with boughs, buried his cannon in the 
ground, and guided by friendly cimarrones marched 
twelve leagues inland to the banks of a river flowing 
tow r ard the south. Here a pinnace was built, large 
enough to contain the entire party, and dropping down 
unnoticed to the mouth of the stream Oxenham sailed 
for the Pearl Islands, which lay in the track of vessels 
conveying treasure from Lima to Panama". Prizes 
w r ere made of two vessels containing gold and silver to 
the value of nearly three hundred thousand pesos, and 
the adventurers now began their homeward journey. 
But on the very night of their departure information 
of the capture was sent to Panamd, and within two 
clays a strong force started in pursuit. The treasure 
was recovered, the English were defeated, and their 
ship being taken, the survivors, some fifty in number, 
,fled to the mountains, where they lived for a time 
.among the cimarrones. Finally they were betrayed 
to the Spaniards and all put to death, with the excep 
tion of five boys who were sold into slavery. Thus 
ended the first piratical cruise attempted by English 
men in the South Sea. 2( 

The prayer which Drake uttered when first he 
gazed on the Pacific did not remain long unanswered; 
for the great captain was one of those self-helpful men 
-.which the Almighty seldom fails to assist. On the 

-HaJdwjts Voy., iii. 526-28. 

COSTLY T: 419 

November l .">77 li.- t. njM.u flu- f ;i 


rank <f na On 

sar, 1." <: : 

was ; English 


!\- .t r 

tiled ar north as tl: iir.1 jiaralk 

> find a ] 

Tli .riiin^ he ar t at i u.iith ! 

the Caj>e ofGoo<l I I< 

Ji .tli of Se|.- l jSO. 22 His i! 

I I \ 1(1 Oil : 

iKirk in wliich lio liad coi I th- 

iit-lirnrtrd iiinrinrr, \vlio liad IH^UII Hi 

ai a small trading \ al 

mi nid 1. i tin.* k: tin- g 

England 1 jna In-stowc-d <-n him tl 


On the breakinff-oirl of hostiliti 


and Spain in Elizabeth rmin< 

in < 
^ hile yet JMiilip was hut Co .|>!atin-_r t!. 

\vliidi three A i-niin. 

that has 110 ]>arailel in l! 

\vart-n < On September l -, i of < 

!1 Ixiare his name 
Tiiul coast of < 

I iiati . with [WUOto: 

it N--\v All)ion. 

ixlay in the iust .nlinary r at 

,oa the 
t.World 1 >HJI.*> 

\-cssi-l \. 
tiniLcr, \vas present nl t<> tl. 

^ occa 

ilie ch.. 

too narrow are for the*, 



can al .r lad taken him at hi* , for the good 

ship deserved a L -tte. 


five ships with a number of pinnaces set sail from 
Plymouth, having on board two thousand three hun 
dred men, among them Frobisher and other captains 
of armada fame, and as commander Sir Francis Drake. 
The expedition first shaped its course toward Spain, 
and after hovering for a while on that coast, capturing 
many prizes, but none of value, landed on the first of 
January 1586 in Espanola, within a few miles of Santo 
Domingo. The city was taken after a feeble resist 
ance, but little treasure was found there, for the mines 
were now abandoned, the native population well nigh 
exterminated, and copper money was in common use 
among the Spaniards. A ransom of twenty-five thou 
sand ducats was at length paid, and loading their fleet 
with a good store of wheat, oil, wine, cloth, and silk, 
the English sailed for Cartagena, captured that city 
almost without loss, and retired on payment of a sum 
equivalent to about one hundred and forty-five thou 
sand pesos. By this time sickness had so far reduced 
their ranks that they were compelled to abandon the 
main object of their enterprise, namely, the occupa 
tion of Nonibre de Dios and Panama^ and the seizure 
of the treasure stored on either side of the Isthmus. 
It was resolved, therefore, to return to England. 24 
After touching at Saint Augustine, and securing in 
that neighborhood treasure to the amount of ten 
thousand pesos, and coasting thence northward to the 
Roanoke, where the members of the colony recently 
established 25 by Raleigh were taken on board the 

24 Although Drake had lost nearly one third of his forces, there was prob 
ably some further reason for his abandoning the expedition after such feeble 
effort. His conduct contrasts strangely with the untiring persistence which 
he displayed in other enterprises. Possibly he had received orders to return 
to England, for it will be remembered that, in 1587, the Spanish armada was 
ready to sail, and that its departure was delayed till the following year by 
Drake s bold dash at the harbor of Cadiz, during which he destroyed about 
one hundred vessels. 

25 In 1585, a few days after Robert Lane, who was left in charge of the 
colony, had caused it to be abandoned through faint-heartedness, a vessel de 
spatched by .Raleigh, laden with stores, arrived at the deserted settlement. 
Bancroft s United States, i. 102, 103. These men who were thus brought 
back, says William Camden, were the first that I know of that brought 
into England that Indian plant which they call tabacca and nicotia, or tobacco, 


1 )rake 1 r. h on tin- . 

July L586. The spoil amount ! fco t lituuli 

!ia-ed at tl 

dml and iii ly 1! One third mount 

was divided among tl r\i\< ivin- lo\\ 


1 an individual the sum of thirty d! 

The motto "Non sufficit oi-l- 

chroniclers to the crown of Spain, of 

ions of Philip. What matt n- 

<jue<t of a. hemisplu ;in was n, 

an- ; ^ liile the royal haniier of ( 

.1 by lie, 1 l>aiio!s of 
Commercial marts of the X-\v \Vrli ! ln-1 m- 

ttl Such was the it which Imv.l i 

Spaniel monarc is io attnnpl ainhi: s-ln-nu-> 

4 like that which . 1 in th 
reat armada, in which the pii JJrakc p: 
allotted part. 

After sharing with Sir John B Mic command 

of an lition dii-ectcd against Spain in ! 

Drake was ordered ly hi- >> 

]>repai e tinofln-i 1 armament. 

"\\Yst indit In this entei-pi 1 with 

If Sir John Hawkii -n o! 

cnuli it l>y nly 

: i-d, it l)f: r au to L s "l l "t 

uu 1 in ;i slioi-t til 

^ith in 

pipe, which 
i at their nostril-: Lnsom ; i t . 

kins, now \\-c.-ilthy m 

nn.l ship 

diniral. It d 
! in such an 
iiR-d tlin.ir_ h ID! 
y \vitli ! ] ! . 1 \-. 

ich lu- 

- fool 1 :t a Ol 

an 1 ionic a di: 


his patron, and among other officers Sir Thomas 
Baskerville, 27 as commander of the land forces. On 
the 28th of August 1595 a squadron of six men-of- 
war equipped at the expense of the queen 23 sailed 
from Plymouth, accompanied by twenty-one vessels 
fitted out by private subscription. The entire force 
of the expedition mustered twenty-five hundred men. 
Although every precaution w^as used to mask the 
purpose of the armament, it was known to Philip, 
long before the departure of the fleet, that Drake 
intended to capture Nombre cle Dios and to march 
thence to Panama^, touching first at Puerto Rico to 
plunder a dismasted treasure-ship which lay in that 
harbor. The English soon found to their cost that 
every preparation had been made for a resolute 
defence. Anchoring near the town of San Juan de 
Puerto Rico, their vessels were exposed to a well 
directed fire from a battery of thirty guns. Drake s 
chair was struck from under him by a round-shot as 
he sat at supper in his cabin, and after a loss of at 
least fifty killed 29 and as many wounded the expedition 
sailed for the mainland. The towns of Rancheria, 
Rio cle la Hacha, and Santa Marta were burnt in 
default of ransom. Nombre de Dios was captured 
almost without resistance and levelled to the ground ; 
but Baskerville, despatched with seven hundred and 
fifty men to attack Panama, w T as defeated by the 
Spaniards when half way across the Isthmus, and 
his command returned hungry, sore-footed, 80 and in 
sorry plight. 

27 Named Baskerfield in Burton s English Tleroe, 199. 

28 Elizabeth of England it will be remembered levied taxes without much 
heed to the voice of her parliament. 

29 The shot which carried away Drake s chair wounded three of his officers, 
who were seated at his table. Hawkins died of sickness while the fleet lay 
oil Puerto Klco. 

30 On the seconde of January we returned to Nombre de Dios; our men 
so wearied with the ilnes of the waye, surbaited for want of shoes, and weake 
with theyr diet, that it would have bin a poor dayes^ service that we should 
have done upon an enimie had they been there to resist us. Drake s Voy., in 
Halduyt, Soc. Col., 16. In this march a pair of shoos were sold for thirty 
Shillings, and a Bisket Cake for ten Shillings, so great was their want both of 
Clothing and Victuals. Burton s Eiujllsh Ileroe, 205. 

"Tfc 1 ] ); of 

{ rod ba1 h ; 

:id 1 k; man 

Tii. \. 
a Hi 

of .1 ;, less than 

in breathed his U 

harbor of 1 urtul.. 
Lunl >und ii Bail< -puli-ln 

it contained hi low. 

,r UK? .spot \\\ 
>:d >r ani!L ry proclaimed to tli 

DC in 

whose m< uiu has nuvc-r 

lialu and i^i-laiid to 1. . 31 

11 In a poem by Lo; * occur these lines: 

! 1 en. . 
:rc.=! that I 

luiJiS h->.s BO1 

in !iis ly his o\vu couu; 



But the sorriest n<l in <? of Drab , 71: 

A-oss.Tl. r: 

. f".ir: 

Tho works pul rnim 


rk passed 

. in th. 
. rid. 




THE revolt of the Contreras brothers served at 
least one good purpose. It rid Nicaragua of swarms 
of vagabonds and dissatisfied adventurers, most of 
whom found a grave, as we have seen, during their 
raid on the Isthmus. Still there remained in the 
province a residuum of floating ruffianism, the very 
sweepings of all the provinces, and four years after 
the events described in a preceding chapter a fresh 
disturbance broke out. A band of disaffected soldiers 
and runaways from Nicaragua and Honduras, joining 
with themselves a number of negroes, rose in rebellion 
under the leadership of Juan Gaitan, a criminal ban 
ished from Nicaragua by order of the licentiate Juan 
de Caballon, then in charge at Leon. 

The rebels began by sacking the village of San 
Miguel, 1 and thence proceeding to the mines of Chu- 
luteca captured them after a stout resistance 2 and 
despoiled the adjacent village. They then entered 

1 Six miles from the province of Nicaragua. 

2 These mines, which belonged to Juan de Avila, were at the village of 
Jerez, or Chuluteca. Caballon, Carta, in Squier s MSS. t xxii. 7-8. 

I 424 ) 

\n.\lJ.ox AMD B 0. : | 

jua Mud -hed di 
itliin five leagues of 
iever in astrology, \ Q into 

campo, T !;ilili! 

the occult art. The latter predicted thai tli- v v. > ;ld 
tainlybe han-vd should they then continue th< 

rch nn Leon, and advi-ed 1 

1 1 ami .-Is lyh But I 

ve.-! t the 1)ctter of ( ,d h.: 

proceeded on h&waytoth< ital, Ivod 

the life of the licentiate. 

anwhile news of the outbreak had rea 

lion. Assistance had been summoned I . 
and Granada; the ships at th port \v- 

iered t put out to sea to avoid captur 

; Leon on the last day of p-n(-cost 1 
found the licentiate s forces drawn up in i !!< 

uare well posted for defence. A 

>ued; but, the powder of th 
damp from the rains, they fought 
and were finally routed. G; >ok 

convent belonging to the order of I vd, w!. his 
lr- of the friars, but th: him 

him nothing. The lie- 

New Spain, who was also an in 1 him and 

delivered him to the author: Nc 

it leader was beheaded, and that 

maestro <! aipo mi^ht be fulfilled, T 
and others were ha I, the 

"\Yhile fise.-il of Guatemala, ( on had 

d by the aiidiencia to 

>f Costa 1 !; oDJointly It hy 

1C, n. iMba- D, and 

this purpose that he had originally pr- : to I 

in 15GO an expedi waa 

s ltw.-i ipeatRert pro- 

i;.l I rogrammo laid >. the 

:itrc ras brothcrb. 11 > ui. lib. x. cap. xx. 


furnishing tile necessary funds, for Caballon had none. 
Each one was to found his own settlements, but to 
render aid and advice to the other. The former with 
four vessels sailed up the Desaguadero, while Caballon 
journeyed by land and explored the southern coast. 
Whether they ever met according to their original 
plan is doubtful, and their lack of cooperation may 
partly explain the failure of the enterprise. 

Rabago with a party of sixty Spaniards founded 
the " Villa del Castillo de Austria" on the bay of San 
Geronimo. 4 He also speaks of three other towns 
which he founded, and of churches which he built 
and furnished, but fails to name or locate them. Ca 
ballon established the Villa cle Laridecho, on the coast 
near the southern border of the province, and three 
clays journey thence the settlement of Castillo de 
Garcia Munoz. The reasons that induced him to select 
the former site were known only to himself, and are 
not recorded by the chroniclers. There were no 
Indians in its neighborhood to be enslaved; most of 
the land was marshy, and the high ground sterile and 
consisting mainly of bare rock. Caballon was soon 
afterward appointed fiscal of the audiencia of Mexico, 
and Rabago, being now left in sole charge, was ordered 
by the emperor not to abandon the undertaking, 
though the Spaniards were in sore distress. "It is 
now two years and more," write the members of the 
cabildo from Cartago, in December 1562, "since we 
entered this province in company with the licentiate 
Juan de Caballon, and it is with great difficulty that 
we have held out against the rebellious natives, who 
could not be converted and brought to obedience by 
peaceable means." 5 

After the departure of Caballon for Mexico the 
audiencia of the Confines perceived that a man of 
means and capacity was needed for the occasion, and 

4 Molina, Costa Rica, 39-43. He takes his information from three royal 
cddulas dated August 1561. 

5 Costa Rica, Carta del Cabildo , in Squier s MSS., vi. 


their choi 11 <>n Juan /. Coroi 

:K! ( 
i him the t-iii] 

1. ( 

lied a .ship with reenlbrei 
for the relief of tl. y col. 

i with in; 

h blankets, bool . addles, hai hard-, 

her stores. At the he, rful 

equij force ho soon aft* 

Indian town then claimed both by Ni 
Costa ]{.ica. 6 Here lie av. I the a: 

Tl: iny season had now s<-t in, and it 
le to roach l>y land the Villa do Lan 

hound; but a \ >on ; 

the alcalde mayor reached that sett nt wil 
command, and relieving tl 
the ship back to Panama for IV- -uppHu.- 

(1 to Carta^o whei e the 
livt-red to him. Kaba<m meanwhile had .- 


Spain and appears no more in eon; ith t 

hi-tory of the New World. 

Coronado distributed his suj)plies bountifully, 
when his own means v .\liai; con: 

in order to relieve the i 
untrvmeii. JJe then seni 

\plo; ritor 

ipal cacique, one i :to, wa.s 1 

have 1 forces at .-ommand, and a 

of oldiers und r l ; ran 

him to the province of Los ] 

i to be a rich and p-pulous di 1 wh 

-upposed that (iarabito had r- 1. 

, was found almost < 1, then . but 



; until 


e \ >, and north of Alajuela. 


two houses, and those inhabited by some ninety half- 
starved Indians. To Garabito s own province Cap 
tain Juan de Illanes de Castro was despatched, but 
the natives had fled; and after a fruitless search he 
returned with only a few women and boys, from whom 
it was learned that the number of the cacique s fol 
lowers had been greatly exaggerated. It was ascer 
tained, however, that four of Garabito s chiefs were 
at the foot of a mountain many leagues distant, and 
Davila, who became the narrator of many of these 
expeditions, was ordered to go in search of them and 
bring them peaceably to head-quarters. They were 
found in company with about twenty men, thirty 
women, and a few children, all living in two houses, 
and declared that Garabito had gone to Los Botos, 9 
and that it w^ould be difficult to find him, for he never 
spent two nights in the same place. His subjects, they 
said, might number from five hundred to six hundred. 
Coronado sent these chiefs to inform the natives of 
his arrival, promising them kind treatment; and in a 
few days ten or twelve others came to his head 
quarters. One of them, the cacique of the province 
of Anzarri, 10 promised to guide an expedition to the 
most thickly populated part of the country; but when 
asked for four hundred carriers, he answered that 
even Garabito could not furnish so many. The alcalde 
mayor then started with seventy soldiers and abput a 
hundred Indians for Anzarri, taking with him the 
cacique. Arrived there, the chieftain collected a few 
natives, and said they were all that he had, and that 
together with himself they were at the service of the 
Spaniards. Coronado, much incensed, placed him 
under arrest, telling him he must make up the required 
number or forfeit his life. To this the cacique only 

9 Now written Votos. There is a volcano of that name north of Alajuela 
and west of the volcano de Barba. See map in Molina, Boxqucjo de Costa 

10 Now probably AserrL There are two villages of that name; one south 
of San Jos6 and the other about the same distance south-west of Cartago. 
See map in Molina. 


: " I >ur plea-r 

A d;iy Of bWO Jil i 1 thirty i 

procured, ( on. nado i [ved to oontinu 

rch, shaping lii- the province of <J 

wl !, was tl. 

abundance of Indiai, 

On entering the territory he <>l>tained th< 

of one hundred and tliirty addit i. >nal . 

wa< informed that it he was in 

find all ho wanted at tli< >n- h>ld ! ( < 

d; jouiMK-y tin-in- The ! it w 

toil-. >in<> inarch, and ^raniiil.j with thirty 11, 

ordcivd to sur[>ris<; it ly ni-Jii and c all t 

ciquea th iiciic<l. Tl. 

no i-f-i.-tance, incautiously handcil their weapons to 

i ti-ndant nati\ and <>n the \ 

thcinsch-cs surprised, twenty of them ] 
l) they could seixe their ai ins. 
an-ived i roin Coronado, whereupon the Ii;dia: 
doiied the fort and lied, li; 
]mu>- -me sixty-five in nunih* M 
then sent to the caeiqiK tt to 1 ler tl: 

allegiance, nnd promising kind tj-eati. 

them returned, bringing >lden p <t 

]e ind was followed next day hy the - 

who al rought with them some small oiler ii, 

ld. u 

Coronado then set his i d ( i " : 

wl .on al tei-ward or^ani/.ed a BOOOnd 

!i, during which, journeying 1 ar inland, h 

r which he named the- la. 

In that neiu-hhorhnnd h- md ;i ] noir 

M lu tiirninLT thence to tl; 

Spain. 1 and -hortly after his arrival a royal c 
issued, ordering imon; 

11 Th.- ciitiiv qnanttty ol.tainr.l ih\\< fa- 

at 30, (X 

or 1;. ! -00. 


as to whether he had actually effected the pacification 
of Costa Kica and was entitled to the governorship of 
that province. The evidence was extremely favorable, 
and in April 1565 he was appointed governor of Costa 
Rica for life, with an annual salary of two thousand 
pesos, 13 and also governor of Nicaragua for a term of 
three years. 

Of the subsequent career of Coronado little is 
kno\vn, but he does not appear to have continued 
long in office, for in 1573 Diego de Artieda Cherino u 
entered into a contract with the crown to pacify and 
further colonize the provinces of Costa Rica, Nicar 
agua, and Nicoya, and was appointed governor and 
captain general of those territories. According to 
the terms of his contract the natives were to be 
taught the arts of peace, and those who should be 
christianized were to be exempt from tribute for ten 
years; commerce with the Indians was to be encour 
aged; agriculture, mining, and other industries were to 
be developed; no hostilities with the natives were to 
be permitted until overtures of peace had been thrice 
rejected; settlements were not to be founded in dis 
tricts reserved for the use of Indians; the principal 
towns were to revert to the emperor; four ecclesiastics 
must accompany the expedition, two of them at least 
to be Jesuits. Finally, full reports of all important 
proceedings were to be forwarded from time to time 
to the crown. 15 

Cherino soon levied a force of two hundred men, 
but on account of the difficulty in procuring vessels, 
his Majesty having secured every available ship for a 
naval expedition to Flanders, it was not until the 
15th of April 1575 that he took his departure, setting 

13 Oaztela, Peal Titulo, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xi. 124. 

14 Molina, Bosquejo de Costa Rica, does not even mention Coronado, but 
passes on from the administration of Caballon in 1560 to that of Cherino. 
Yet Coronado s appointment is substantiated by numerous official documents 
of the period, and by the narrative of Ddvila. 

15 A detailed account of these instructions is given in Costa Rica, Real In 
struction, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc. , xvii. 559-G5. 


car . wh< n in- d- 

in-j n ol their ] ace 1 i th- 


name of ]l \<> de Xr 
.dni. Sai lip tl >r tv 

founded on its 1 

I which 1: ^e the name of Cii I de Art 

del Xuevo LVyno de Navan ! 

took i 
on .Hiding <>ii the si r the : 

d with a cutla>s the sign in 

the ;ne of th" 1 aMicr, th ,nd the ! 

he then addr -How 

th 11 who .1 i: .vn 1* 

all tin 4 privil granted to ^ 

r. ( a plain 1 Ya 

-nior to make further e\| 
din- - the river i 

v^ *- 

red a I e: inding th 

tra and well dispo-ed. t>ok ] ith : 

:al 1 oi iuali; nnmin^ it A Pu* 

1 A ald- rroncal. Chenno d> 

succe>>ful in founding any | 
in ( \.sta Uiea : lor we learn that in L58l 

parza were the only towns in the pr. -\ in hahr 

niard ind that they w< 

1 ndian 

Thus t! of t 1 

of ( i Iviea were hut j 

hut m< anwliil 

Mr l ,,f 1 in A Coda 1 



1 ( labil 


1 ; >OC. /< "0- 


pacification of the province by the efforts of the Fran 
ciscan friars. About the year 1555 Fray Pedro 
Alonso de Betanzos laid there the foundation of the 
province of San Jorge de Nicaragua. 19 Betanzos 
came to New Spain in 1542, being one of the two 
hundred friars who formed the mission of Jacobo de 
Testera, and was assigned to Guatemala. He had 
labored there with great zeal and success, translating 
the catechism into the Indian vernacular, converting 


many, and inducing others to quit their nomadic life 
and form regular settlements. Four friars, among: 

Cl / O 

whom were Juan Pizarro from Guatemala and Lo 
renzo de Bienvenida from Guatemala, the latter 
having previously labored in . company with Testera 
in Yucatan, 20 accompanied Betanzos to Costa Rica. 21 
Bienvenida soon afterward departed for Spain, arid 
bringing thence thirty ecclesiastics returned to Costa 
Rica. The bishop of Nicaragua furnished a like 
number, and when all were assembled the province 
was founded in 1575, and four years later its estab 
lishment was confirmed by a general chapter of the 
order held in Paris in 1579, the number of convents 
assigned being twelve. 22 

Betanzos was a man of ability and tireless industry. 
In a short time he had made himself master of twelve 
Indian dialects, speaking them as fluently as did the 
natives themselves. 23 "When first he went to Costa 

l9 Juarros, Guat., i. 326. Mendieta, Hist. Ecles., 393-4, confirms Juarros 
except as to date, which he places in 1550, while Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat., 
252, gives 15GO. Segun. . .el Informe manuscripto de la fundaeion de esta 

20 See Hist. Max., ii. 451, this series. 

21 Mendieta , Hist. Ecles., 393-4. Vazquez, Chron. de Gfvat., 254, makes the 
number six. 

22 Mendieta, Hist. Ecles., 393-4. Torquemada gives 17 as the number of 
convents, and 1565 as the date of the foundation of the provincia, iii. 130. 
Vazquez states that several convents were founded before the departure of 
Bienvenida for Spain, including those of San Francisco at Cartago and San 
Lorenzo at Esparza. Chron. de Gvat. , 254. 

23 His motive for coming to Costa Rica and Nicaragua was, as given in the 
words of the 111. bishop of Mantua: Primus huius Provintise (Sancti Georgij 
de Nicaragua) Fundator extitit Keligiosissimus Pater Frater Alphonsus (Pe- 
trus) Betanzos plurium linguarum, prcesertim vero Indiarum gnarus, qui mo- 
lestias sibi, atque vexationes iniustti illatas ad tempus declinaturus, Goacte- 

il be Would not alloy, 

y. I Ir travel]. -d 1 

j.anied only ly a little boy. In r 
be returned witli \ all 1 

d. lu-in^inu of j the 

Spania This lie did many ti: 

C (Jod alone lie ]> 
During tl en y< \vhieh i 

d not a palm of territory in tl; 
he did not ; -in -h <>f sou 1 A . 

) thirty ; 
;r the town of Clionn-x in i 

interred in . : which hu himself found 

at ( .-* 

The year 158G was made ui -inorahle l,y tli- in 

tyrdom of Juan I 

of ! A lerced order, friend and I 
and one who fir>t :hlish< d the M 
]iiea. ( )n the day (.{ the iminacul^ in one of the Indian towns. \vh of 

rushed Uj)oii him, di> d him. hi 

a ] et, and 11- 1 him mini N 

I with this, tin ned 1 his 

neck, him . handed i and 

Llce(. !y to a t . -md when 1: 

th A n a QeighboriB j n. 

The di aona whidi the new code < 

ied in Xi- :ua \ nd. 

. "ho V.-. !! J.lV-idellt Of ti 

the Co ha: 1 <>n all >id 

cunt 1 thai the nati 

from the encomem 1 placed un - H, 

mal :ius Aluinnu< liaa partcs, trni. . *&, 

lembeml, took the residen- 

. AM., VOL. II. 28 


which virtually meant the church, and that their 
owners be recompensed directly from the royal treas 
ury. The conquerors, however, would listen to no 
such proposition, but tenaciously held to their pos 

The number of Indian towns subject to the crown 
in Nicaragua about the year 1555 was tw T enty-seven. 26 
Nicoya, the largest, contained five hundred families; 
there was no other with more than one hundred, and 
most of them had but ten or twenty families. The 
extreme poverty of the natives had rendered neces 
sary a reduction of their tribute, 27 and hence the 
salaries of civil officers and of the clergy were on a 
reduced scale. The aggregate tithes of the church 
in the province amounted in 1555 but to sixteen hun 
dred pesos, and were decreasing from year to year. 
The bishop s portion w T as three hundred and eighty 
pesos, a sum insufficient for his maintenance, and he 
was compelled to petition the king to increase his in 
come. Priests laboring in native villages recieved two 
hundred pesos, and in one instance the stipend was 
only eighty pesos. 

After the death of Valdivieso, the friar Alonso de 
la Vera Cruz, who had for many years filled the chair 
of theology in the university of Mexico, and during 
a quarter of a century had preached to the natives in 
their own tongue, was nominated as his successor, but 
declined the preferment. 23 The see was then offered 
to the licentiate Carrasco, who took charge of the 
diocese, but never proceeded to consecration. 2 As 

26 Nicaragua at this time included Costa Rica, the partition not having 
yet taken place. 

<2T The tribute of the natives consists of maize, wax, honey, poultry, etc. , 
of the annual value of about 3,000 pesos. Squier s MtiS., xxii. 9. 

28 Authorities conflict as to the order of succession. In Alcedo the name of 
Vera Cruz does not occur. Calle refers to the fact without giving any date 
whatever. Mendieta, Hist. Ecles., 548, states that the appointment was made 
in 1551. 

29 Alcedo, Davila, Juarros, and other writers of the period fail to mention 
Carrasco in their enumeration of the bishops of Nicaragua. We find him 
named only in Calle, Mem. yNoL, 129, and Mendieta, Hist. Edes., 548. Icaz- 
balceta in a note in the Hist. Edes. gives Valdivieso as the first bishop of the 
diocese instead of Osorio. 


hopn he i 

of tli provine ^tituied numerous in<|iiiri 

Hi- i!i mad- ious ,-i\ 11 autb 

iti- 1 1-- declared thai t! in popul 

and revenue was caused ly th< 

"f whom \ fcher ! T KM 

iliin tin - r six had h, 

.ua l>y appointment <.f the audiencia, and the \ 

li;i(l hern CMlnjM lied c;icll tilll. 

arches to welcome t]i< to lalt. 11 fowl -Mid j. 
]aiv drlic;irirs iortln-ir clit(Tt;iililii-iit. r J l 
<! the crown ^-;ivc Currasco hut litij. 

11 went BO i ar a> t- deny liis ri^ln, to <1 
iount of tithes received for eccl al jturj 

although through tlu-ir peculations th- 
i ali o ]->\ to be inadequate i or tin- BUI | 

Hie bishopric. Little \\-oin !,-! tliat lie soon had * QOU 
of BO uninviting n iield of Jahor. 

(/arrasco succeeded 1 Yay (ioni/. ! i liand 
( < ( / )rdo]a. This princely ec i ( -\\, 

tli y whose- name he horo, and l.eloi 
highest, nohility of Spain, hein >n of t h 

jttai .i He was c I in Sj-ain and U> 

of the bishopric in l .>. D 

<-t .nice the cathedral v> . and 

>! I Dominicans took ]] 

The hmldini;- of thii eat; 1 had 

d l>y DQ ;>rojriation of the fund 

tli- purpose, t ing ini 

it times in - ;lalion> and in the j. 
of ; i Peru. The audiei). 

iind ordered its completion ; the : in 

lal proportion from the tl 

< unlolia, -1 

31 .1 ! as tho <latc of 

i on liis tltr 
, but as>: 
: in l. .T I 

ivicso. arrasco. 

appointim-nt i.s na-ntioi. 


the natives. When it was finished there remained a 
surplus of more than two thousand pesos, which was 
returned to the treasury. 

Among the Dominicans discipline was somewhat 
lax about this period, and their mode of life such as 
to cause scandal throughout the province. In 1554 
Fray Juan de Torres, a resident of Guatemala, was 
appointed the Dominican vicar provincial of Nicar 
agua, with orders to visit the convents in Leon and 
Granada and restore the ecclesiastics to becoming 
austerity. Failing in this, he was to give them per 
mission to leave for Spain or elsewhere as they pleased, 
and bring back with him all the jewels and ornaments 
belonging to the order. 8 Arriving in Nicaragua, the 
vicar provincial at once imposed such severe ordinan 
ces that the friars became disgusted and resolved to 
return to Spain. Nothing could be more agreeable 
to Fray Juan, who thereupon stealthily collected all 
the jewels and ornaments according to his instructions 
and returned to Guatemala. 33 

This proceeding was censured even by the vicar s 
superiors. The general of the order, Estefano Usus- 
maris, disapproved of it, and instead of lauding him 
for his zeal, blamed him for his indiscretion. 3 * From 
Peru came a protest; and the president and oidores 
of the audiencia of the Confines felt aggrieved that 
such an important measure should be taken without 
consulting them. A few years later Padre Torres was 
ordered to Spain, that the king, council, and the gen 
eral of his order might be informed on matters per- 

32 The convent of San Pablo, at Leon, founded by Osorio, Las Casas, and 
their associates in 1532 (sec p. 169, this vol.), belonged to the provincia of 
Peru, and had now become very wealthy. Rcmesal, Hist. Ghyapa, 598. 

33 Los vezinos de la ciudad de Leon, hizieron grandes extremos por la 
ausencia de los Ileligiosos. Y para sacar el Padre fray luan de Torres la 
hazienda y alhajas del Conuento, tuuo necessidad de mucha mafia y secreto. 

31 Id., 599. Remesal enlarges on the injurious effects of this second deser 
tion of the province by the Dominicans, and states (p. 620) that a cexlula 
under date of August 1, 1558, forbade any secular priest being assigned to a 
place where friars of either the Franciscan or Dominican orders were stationed 
in the dioceses of Guatemala, Chiapas, Honduras, and Nicaragua. 

ii of r. 

A - i,i ( rn/. 1 1 is -hip \\ ptnr 

when in >i-lit of ( Ytdi/, ami all on board 

; lul BO <la!rd \vas tl, 
f thus falling into tli- han< 
hi- captoj hi-li and li | 

hi in a.-horo v 

A I M r his arrival at court, th<- Mihj 
dismi mbered the convenl 
and it \ eeided that he should i 

per.-on. Jn consideration, how< oft! 

in this matter lie had merely acted 
his superiors, he \\ 

blame and appointed vicar general lie p; 

Ni which was at i 

from ti .11 Vicrntr de Chi; 1 . 

ord -olK-ct a numhrr - 

Leon, the king Ijuai-in-- the expenses ofl 

I ]rov:di tiling i, 

Veni J Ie was heai tily \\ < I -mncd 1 y t 
lids, and natives, and t< ier with his col 

I his lahors tlirou^hnu; pi-ovi; 

and advancing .u-d ! hi *h, ;, . 

I the year I :>( , 2 1 -I ;ian de T 

I died at an Indian vill ui t! : 
After his <! >e the ])ouiini,- 

and all left the pro\in< 
111: i r 1 . -ii, and th n. 

nents and prop. d ly the kin-^ to I 

[uently the Dominicans of San Vicente d ( 

appropriated them r. 

ohli-vd, however, l>y n judicial d 

:n. afl r wliieh they \\ d 1 

uiior her churches, 

At the clo P the si nry tt 

in Nicaragua W< P6 I *e6n the caj.ital. 

la. Jn 1 


condition, the houses that fell into decay being never 
rebuilt. Realejo had but thirty settlers and its chief 
industry was the building and repairing of ships. 
Granada had two hundred vecinos and at a short dis 
tance from it were many tributary Indians. The walls 
of the buildings were of mud, buttressed with a few 
bricks and stones, the roofs being of tiles. The popu 
lation included encomencleros, merchants, traders, and 
a few mechanics and stock-raisers. Vessels traded 
thence with Nombre de Dios, passing down the Des- 
aguadero to the North Sea, though with some diffi 
culty during the dry season. 35 

Notwithstanding the commercial relations thus 
opened with the province of Panama^ no trade of im 
portance had yet been developed in Nicaragua. There 
was little money in circulation, 33 and the prices of all 
imported articles were extremely high. An arroba 
of wine w T as worth twelve pesos; cloth could not be 
bought for less than ten pesos, nor linen for less than 
fifteen reales a yard. Other commodities sold in the 
same proportion, and were beyond the means of all 
but the wealthiest settlers. This condition of affairs 
may be attributed in part to a clique of merchants in 
Seville, who had already monopolized the commerce 
of the New World, who shipped their goods in such 
small quantities as always to keep the market bare 
of supplies and insure extravagant prices for their 
merchandise, and who by their grasping policy gave 
rise, as we shall see later, to contraband trading. 

35 Mention is also made of Nueva Segovia, where much gold is said to have 
been taken out, and of Nueva Jaen, at the mouth of Lake Nicaragua, whence 
merchandise from Nombre de Dios was shipped to Granada in canoes. Guate 
mala, Informs, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xv. 470-2. 

S J Trade had been greatly injured by the misuse of the mark of the leon- 
cillo (little lion) which was introduced into Nicaragua with royal consent. In 
1551 .it was ordered that the mark be affixed only to 15 or 17 carat gold. 
About the same time the king was asked to extend an expiring license to melt 
metal, that la funclicion del oro 6 de la plata, seaal diezimo. Carrasco, Carta, 
in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., v. 526-8. 




LEON An-. ..TIIKI: Sm: 




BOP oi i.i . OK r 

M: M \- LTJ lllCA 


111- 1 i Kg - 

M 3. 

Tin: city <>f Leon \v,-is fmnli-l, as will 1 

l)-rrl. l.\- C<5rdoba, in i.vj:;, 1 ,-i i .-w 1 . tin- 

slioiv ct tin- South Si 1 ;). Flu- mil) 
ValdivieSO, \vliirli )ins .-ih-cady brdi in 

:itailftl ;i cur.^- njmn tl. 

ai t ) -iil] rm<r a sn-i-s of <li tl in!i: 


andoned in I <> 10. l- ir.-t keepii inn 

t t hi-y ni,-irrlii <l l>i-th nmlfi- tli- tl:. 
Hi:- municipality, ami aln.nt ni nlway 1 
and L;ikc M;i:i;!--ua in th- pul inn 

district named Sul>tial>, :illi>licd , 

>n became aoted eua one >i the ln->t imilt in ( 
America, " Leon/ ; the i Ji>h fcravell< rTl 

( - in apoel niMidv who pa 

in 1 1 >.">7, "is y cniioii-ly lniilt. tr th cfi 

tin- I idiahitants con ih in th< ir h- 

the ]l-asurc of the ( uiinti-y adjoyning, aiid in t 

8, this scries. 

* ^N*V / 


abundance of all things for the life of man, more than 
in any extraordinary riches, which there are not so 
much enjoyed as in other parts of America. They 
are contented with fine gardens, with variety of sing 
ing birds, and parrets, with plenty of fish and flesh, 
which is cheap, and with gay houses, and so lead a 
delicious, lasie and idle life; not aspiring much to 
trade and traffique, though they have neer unto them 
the Lake, which commonly every year sendeth forth 
some Frigats to the Havana by the North Sea, and 
Realejo on the South Sea, which to them might be 
very commodious for any dealing and rich trading in 
Peru or to Mixco, if their spirits would carry them 
so far. The Gentlemen of this City are almost as 
vain and phantastical as are those of Chiapa. And 
especially from the pleasure of this City, is all that 
province of Nicaragua, called by the Spaniards Ma- 
homets Paradise. From hence the way is plain and 
level to Granada, whither I got safely and joyfully." 3 
" What in Granada we observed," continues Gage, 

3 New Survey W. Indies (3d ed., London, 1G77), 419. The author lived in 
the Indies between 1625 and 1C37, and made, as he tells us, 9,000 pesos dur 
ing these 12 years. He was an acute observer, and captious in doctrinal 
matters, as the following passage will show: Whilest this traffick was (at 
Portobello), it happened unto me that which I have formerly testified in my 
Recantation Sermon at Pauls Church, which if by that means it have not come 
unto the knoM* ledge of many, I desire again to record it in this my History, 
that to all England it may be published; which was, that one day saying the 
Mass in the chief Church, after the Consecration of the bread, being with my 
eyes shut at that prayer, which the Church of Rome calleth the Memento for 
their dead, there came from behind the Altar a Mouse, which running about, 
came to the very bread or Wafer-god of the Papists, and taking it in his mouth 
ran away with it, not being perceived by any of the people who were at Mass, 
for that the Altar was high, by reason of the steps going up to it, and the peo 
ple far beneath. But as soon as I opened my eyes to go on with my Mass, and 
perceived my God stolen away, I looked about the Altar, and saw the mouse 
running away with it. . .Whereupon, not knowing what the people had seen, I 
turned myself unto them, and called them unto the Altar, and told them plainly 
that whilst I was in my Memento prayers and meditations, a Mouse had car 
ried away the Sacrament, and that I knew not what to do unless they would 
help me to finde it out again. . .After much searching and inquiry for the 
sacrilegious beast, they found at last in a hole of the wall the Sacrament half 
eaten up, which with great joy they took out, and as if the Ark had been 
brought again from the Philistins to the Israelites, so they rejoiced for their 
new-found God ... I observed in it the marks and signs of the teeth of the 
Mouse, as they are to be seen in a piece of Cheese gnawn and eaten by it ... 
And so Transubstantiatioii here in my judgement was confuted by a Mouse. 
New Survey, 44G-8. 

LKOX, < 0. : 1 

" was, two ( ! ad I 

;1 one <>i the \nn>, \ n.l . 

hmvll, v. liirh v. r tlir 

1 tishop <>! Leon did i. iilv reside t 

in the ( The In- tin. 

1 <eon, 8 Town of more, 

oin B ome few ]U-ivli; 

and in:. ionr d. ! to 

tde v, iih Carth; ( ruai mala. 

and ( in, ta and I nth ! 

and 1 , n .in;i. . . In one dav ll, 

hi.-ii t leafil tlinv Inindri d Mnl->) I . 

and Comayagua <nl\-, I ith i 

, . 

but Indigo, ( lochinil, and I Ii- 
oin Guatema] 

ladrn ; silvri-, which was lh<- Kii ;ril>ir 
ili,-!i ( ; the oihur \vith S d th 


In I i- ort San CVu los on tin- I 

d l>y i iv( -INK it <T> ander < rallardill d tl 

< rl da lay at t h PCJ Ti 

<-aj and the in\ hjM.intrd in tl. 

I j ]nnd( }-. se1 it >n fire, jni I ut dnri 

tln-ir i .t a for.-,- of t! 

into nd th- 

tli. ;-,- , ;.ivdali<ns to B m ( 

ca|)turc<l ly Martin ( Virl 

iiala, and, in < 1 , t : 

in-w B tron^vr w>ils was ni-(l-id by the k: 
cd bciU"- in ar the outk-t >! the lai. 

,,f tin- province dm 

ill (vntm ntain lew inci 


with four l;i ;i sni 

was ily garriK!H-.l l._. 

hat tl. \vasnot l.uilt 


u Ju fort Caatill *, .. ! ^u tu 

fut tcrniin..- .a lt>, 


record. In 1616 the Jesuits of Guatemala attempted 
to establish themselves in Nicaragua, and at the in 
stance of the Conde de la Gomera, president of the 
audiencia, Pedro de Contrcras was despatched to 
Granada in charge of the work. 6 He was welcomed 
to the diocese of Nicaragua by the Bishop Don Pedro 
Villa Real/ and every assistance was afforded him, 
the cathedral being placed at his disposal during the 
whole of lent. But when he made known the main 
purpose of his mission- -the establishment of a Jesuit 
college in Nicaragua the people of Granada, though 
they listened to him with delight, refused to respond 
to his appeals for aid. Means were supplied, however, 
by an ex-captain-general of the province, Vicente 
Saldivar y Mendoza, whose deceased wife had left 
one fifth of her property for the endowment of a col 
lege. The sum thus bequeathed was increased by Sal 
divar to twenty-seven thousand pesos and presented to 
Contreras. Until 1621 the Jesuits remained in Nic 
aragua, Contreras and Padre Bias Hernandez being 
the only names recorded in connection with the mis 
sion. It was then announced that the superiors of the 
order had recalled them, and immediately the wide 
spread interest in the labors of the fathers was mani 
fested by large public meetings, at which petitions 
were adopted against such a measure. 8 But the 
orders of the Provincial Nicolas de Armoya were per 
emptory, for the location, he alleged, was deemed too 
remote to be governed in keeping with the strict rules 
of the Jesuits. 9 

6 El padre Pedro de Contreras, sugeto de grandes talentos y nacido, 
digdmoslo asi, para esta especie de ministerios. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, ii. 

7 Real was appointed bishop in 1603, as successor to Gregorio de Montalvo. 
He had served as chaplain to Filipe IV. Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro JSdes., i. 

8 At a meeting held Jan. 10, 1621, the procurador, Lopez de Castro, pre 
sented a petition which was unanimously adopted, setting forth the services 
already rendered by the fathers in uehalf of religion and humanity, and pray 
ing earnestly against their removal. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, 130. 

9 In 1618 Padre Florian de Ayerve had been sent to visit the place, and 
reported adversely. Padre Rabarjal, rector of the college of Guatemala, con- 
.curred. When the recall was found to be inevitable, a second public meet- 

Meanwhile UP- peopl I ; Jejo 1 
uatemala, and 

them-elves direct Iv to the Is f,r 

iishtnenf <>f a Jesuit college in their mid llv 

dim nf tll- town li.-id made dnnati. 

would yield a revenue ofsix thon>and |" Tl 

licence | .] the foundation of tile CO] 

uni|),-uiicd ly a ^i:\\\\ tVmn tin- royal t r 

tlllVr tll)lis;il)(l lr . wlnTrll|MHl tlic ].1 < 

lentedj and notwithstanding tin- <>{ {>< Fel 

low jmdrcs, authorized it- institution. Aln-ii! t 
<!< I P )-l tin- I-siiit> returned tor hile 

Itllt til* consent of tilt ] I c \ilieial to the 

ihlishnieiit of the order in this jirovin- :d in 
truth l>eeri gi\-en only with the - ,timi <! multi- 

jilyin;^ deju-mlriicics until (iuat. inal.-i could claim th 
dignity <t a vice-|-.r<>\-in<-ia. AVln-n t; 
]>adivs were not allowed i main in Xie iinl 

henceforth the Jesuits disappear for a time iv>m t 

liistoiy of the ]>i-o\ ince. 

Tl; i of Nicaragua was subjecl t il.i-h 

of .Lima, and the remoi s <>f the archie] 
court was a frequent soiuve of complaint 5 the 

Spaniards, for the e\] of the \ 

d the monetary \ahie nf tlie iir 
1 C. J 1 Heiiito A altonado was ]u-.l < 

lie was a man n<td for his kind >f hart. and 

mainly from his own > . \\hich \ 

fmnnlnl the Imsjiital ot Santa Catalina at 1 
ter bis dec in I<;-J7 little worthy ial 

not -d in connect ion W itli t !: ] 

Xi> i until aftei the ap]>ii: r in 1 "f 

Andn - de las X - y (hies, . huilt , 

ili;it tlu- . 

//.. Kin 

The ; D t.. t! . 

i accon 
in-rd in ! 

hop Vail > 

on. m*r <-> 

1 s-j. \ ; s successor WM Hernaiulo Nun- 


copal palace, a church college, and received by royal 
order a grant of religious books. 

About the middle of the seventeenth century the 
income of the diocese amounted to 3,000 pesos, of 
which sum the dean received 600 pesos, the arch 
deacon 400, and two canons each 300 pesos a year. 
At this period the convent of La Merced in Leon 
contained twenty ecclesiastics. 

If Fray Bias del Castillo could have deferred until 
1G70 the journey which he made through Nicaragua 
in 1537, discovering, as we have seen, that providence 
had reserved for the ecclesiastics the molten treasures 
of El Infierno de Masaya, 13 he would have had a better 
opportunity to test his belief. "Some assert," relates 
Oviedo, who it will be remembered was in that neigh 
borhood in 1529, when a violent outburst occurred, 
and resided for three years in Nicaragua, 14 "that the 
light caused by the eruption is sufficient to read by 
at the distance of three leagues." From the northern 
slope of the mountain poured in 1G70 a volume of lava 
so vast as to extend almost to the lake of Managua, 
or as many conjecture, to reach far into the lake. 15 

who, says Gonzalez Ddvila, Fve Calificador de la Inquisicion de Cuenca, y 
del Consejo Supremo. He fulfilled the duties of his office como buen pastor 
and died in 1639. Previously to Sagredo Agustin de Hinojosa and Fray Juan 
Baraona Zapata were appointed; but both died before reaching their diocese. 
Next appears tlie name of Alfonso Briceno, a zealous and learned man, who 
wrote dos Tomos de Teologia Escolastica. He took charge of the bishopric 
in 1646, and died in 1649. Hist. Eclcs., i. 240-244. In 1651 Alonso de Cneras 
Diivalos, dean of the cathedral of Mexico, refused the prelacy of Nicaragua, 
and according to Figueroa, Vindicias, MS., 75, Alonso Bravo de Laguna re 
ceived the mitre, though his name is not mentioned by Alcedo or Gonzalez 
Davila. In 1655 Fray Tomds Mansa was appointed bishop. Vctancvrt, Mato- 
log., 135 (Mexico, 1697), confirmed in Guijo, Diario, in Doc. Hivl. Mcx., 
stirie i. torn. i. 323, but finding that Davalos was still in office declined to 
take charge of the diocese. Id., 387. Soon after his arrival he died from 
eating too much fish. Id. The decease of Davalos occurred in 1659. Medina, 
Chron. San Diego Mex., 240. Juan de la Torre y Castro was appointed 
bishop in 1562, and died suddenly within seven leagues of Granada on the 
27th of June, 1663. Fray Alonso Bravo, an eloquent preacher and an accom 
plished scholar, was elected prelate in 1665. Vctancvrt, Menolog., 136; and 
Itoltles, Diario, in Doc. Hist. Mex., se rie i. torn. ii. 3. 

13 This vol. 172etseq. 

^Hist. Cent. Am., i. 310. 

35 In olden times it was supposed that the lakes Managua and Nicaragua 
were one, as the Rio Tipitapa is supposed to be all remaining of the lakes in 
their former unity. Stout s Nic., 101. 


! tin- close of tl 

\vliidi a description will . in 

]>!.-: ;pled with tli i on imp 

hy the home government, were dllirt 

ua and ( Josta Rica, l t!i ..{ whir! I 
i-irli in natural n The 

pmvinee. writing to the kii tli> niii- 

eight h century, report- that ( 

l<iU_.-]i j or thr support of til. pli< ,Ild t 

ar oilirials. 

There are DO ivliahl. la of tho condition 

ailairs in I^jai-/a until, as we shall sec later, ; 
iin-nt \\ ral tiin I ly hue- ,r<l 

tin- close of the century, i dian-.-d in 

1688. ( )f the capital of 

joui-ned 1 bere l ur days during h to E 

d, wi ites: ; AVe came at l-i>t tl nd 


d;n 3 to the City of Carthago, which we i .>und i 

be so ] B8 in rirlx-r pl.-i ( Iu,v ud 

Xirai-:: it was rt v ])oi-t.-d t I.. ! r id 

5n to inrjuii-e al t.T some Merchanl 
of gold and silver, and i -und tl, >me i 

rirh, who ti-aili-d by land and with Panani;; 

with Portohrll-t. (. ar :id Ha\alia. and 

in 1 hence with Spain. The ( ity i 
i oiir hundred Families, and is governed h_ ^|ani>h 
GrOVernour. It i- a ]>ish j.^ and hath in it tln< 

C . two of Fryers, and one of NUE 

Calle, whose work wa- published in 1- 
that ( , o had sixty V( ind that in theenl 

province t here were lut a hundi-ed ami i 

and i n thousand p. 1 ndia: Tl 

he , h.-id two jud d ai. other offi - a 

h ronstahle, with a Balai nd ; 

The district of Talainanra, which lay on th 

16 i:n. c.:-. pn-Lal- 1 teof p n 

la<abl(j linlmus settled in ti 


of the North Sea and within the province of Costa 
Rica, was not fully explored until 1601, in which 
year the city of Concepcion was founded on the Rio 
de la Estrella. The establishment of this colony was 
quickly followed by an insurrection of the natives 
who, incited by the rapacity and cruelty of the Span 
iards, rose en masse on the 10th of August 1610, and 
massacred the inhabitants of that settlement and of 
Santiago de Talamanca, which had been built on the 
left bank of the river, slaughtering indiscriminately 
men, women, children, and priests. 

Nothing else worthy of record occurred in this dis 
trict until the year 1660, when Rodrigo Arias Mal- 
donado, being governor and captain-general of Costa 
Rica, 17 resolved upon the subjugation of the natives of 
Talamanca, then consisting of some twenty-six tribes. 
Malclonado proposed to carry the gospel in one hand 
and the sword in the other; but his ambition was 
rather to represent the church militant than to follow 
the example of previous conquerors. 

With a corps of one hundred and ten men he 
started forth upon his self-imposed mission, expend 
ing his own private fortune upon the enterprise, 18 
enduring great fatigue and hardship, exploring all the 
coast as far as Boca del Drago and Boca del Flor, 
and visiting the adjacent islands. His success was 
remarkable. He gathered the Indians into villages, 
had them instructed in the faith, and erected churches; 
but with his retirement from the scene the natives 
returned to their nomadic life, the villages were de 
serted, and the churches fell into decay. The intelli 
gence of his labors, when communicated to the king, 
won for him the title of marques de Talamanca, but 
before the royal decree reached him he had turned his 
back upon the honors of this world, and enrolled him- 

17 The first governor of Costa Rica in the seventeenth century was Captain 
Alonso Lara de C6rdoba, who was appointed in 1603. Others are given in 
the order of their succession in Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Guat., ii. 170-4. 

18 He expended upward of GO.OOO pesos of his own private means. Juarros, 
Guat., i. 374. Molina, Costa Rica, 11, makes the same statement. 

I l A. 447 

self as M humhle hrofher ..( Bethlehem, to be th 

;nl known aa I Yay Etodrigo d- ;i/. w 

In H ,s t UK- t wo Franciscan \ t Melchnr Loj 
tonio resumed tin- wori of cl 

and found tin- paths that had led be ii; 

n and hidden as if they liad ) 
and the peo] - fierce and in 

Hoiis liad been made to ri\ili/<- them. 5Te1 tli- 

> pr . without arms or j ion, 

into the interior of tlio count within 

liv- irs the l.ajiti>m of forty thousand Indi; :id 

tin- establishmeni of innrtcrn villa "Jin- work 

- continued with varying B ly a ninuh 

. s-v(, r.-d of whom snll ered mart yi dom 
. hut the iinal result of all 

failure so complete that, to use the v,.>nl> o 

"ii - if t he>e mountains 11, 

from within which there was no ivdemj 

Tn connection with Hie attempted pa<-if 
amanca may be mentioned ain miioi 
litions to ToloM-aljK), the nai n to a mountain- 

s country lyin^ between the 1 > iid t 

Xneva Segovia river, and ju-Mjil. d by sambos, bj 
Xicaques, the Lem nd other ti- , lmi.\ 

tril>es, diifei-in^ widely in lan-^ua 
d nianne] Tlie Spanish ^overnnient had i 
etlly directed iinjuiri- 

and the best means of effecting t heir t -ilia: 

and in letters add d to the p; f the aii- 

dieneia early in the nth <vir 

19 He 1)ocniiir sii[ 

jmni-ys in 

i 7!. ./ 

ll .n.lurasu v. 1!. 

l. 1560; 


urges that efforts be made for the peaceful conquest 
of this province. 

Among others who were imbued with a passion for 
this particular work was a Franciscan named Estevan 
Verdelete, who was appointed local superior in Comay- 
agua and to whom the provincial granted a license 
authorizing the adoption of any measures that would 
be likely to prove successful. Under the guidance of 
some Indians, who avowed sympathy with his projects, 
he and his friend Juan de Monteagudo, penetrated this 
territory, only to be abandoned, however, by the 
natives when in the midst of a vast wilderness, with 
out food, and apparently cut off from all human aid. 
Guided by the stars they succeeded in making their 
way through the wilds, and after suffering excessive 
hardship arrived in safety at Comayagua, whence 
they immediately afterward set forth for Santiago to 
assist at the provincial synod held there in 1606. 

Not disheartened by this failure, Verdelete asked 
permission from the synod to proceed to Spain, for 
the purpose of asking the king s assistance in the con 
version and pacification of the natives. His request 
was granted and eight assistants were appointed, whose 
expenses were to be paid out of the royal treasury.* 

In October 1609 Verdelete left Santiago in com 
pany with his party of ecclesiastics, and in passing 
through Comayagua obtained the services of Captain 
Daza and three other Spaniards, who were familiar 
with, the country. After several days travel they 
came in siffht of Indian dwellings and were received 

O ^3 

with every manifestation of joy. Verdelete in the 
enthusiasm of the hour declared that he was prepared 
to live and die among them. Converts were numer 
ous, 24 and the mission so promising that Verdelete 
wrote to the provincial asking for more missionaries. 

23 He might establish six convents subject to the provincial of Guatemala. 
Juarros, Guat., 349. 

21 They began their labors in the latter part of January 1610. On ash 
Wednesday, following, a number were baptized and 130 converts were received 
during lent. Juarros, Gruat., 351. 


on a change cainc over t 1 

mainly by tin- deep feeling of hostility that Bpl up 

among the unconverted nati\ dust their cni 

tiani/ed brethren. .V iYni/.y of hatred againsi tl 

ry setriblance of religion s.-i/ed upon them, and the\- 

olvrd to l)iirn down the I inmt of the mission 
aries and to massacre the inmates. On tin- evenin 
for the execution of their purpose the ecclesiastii 

reived warning through some children, and whil> 
Yerdelute was exhorting them to stand in 

the hour of trial, hideous yells roused them to an 
immediate sense of peril. Issuing forth they found 
the village enveloped in flames, and enromp;i>--d b\- 

war-painted Indians brandishing lances and torch 

Yerdelete at once rushed into their midst, rrurilix in 

id, and with words of indignation upbraided tli 
for their baseness and treachery, and threatened the 
vengeance of offended heaven. His courage insjui-.-d 
his associates, and at the spectacle of such b<ldn- 
the natives shrank abashed, and OIK; by one slunk 
away. At daybreak not an Indian was to b- n, 
and the missionaries then returned to Guatemala, 
where their story only incited a more detcrmin-d 
effort at the reduction of the offending tribes, and 
another and larger expedition was <>rgani/t-d a-ain 
under the leadership of VenK-lete. 

The missionaries were accompanied by an esc 
of twenty-three soldiers under Captain J)a. nd 
I the confines of Tologalpa in April P .ll. 
They ibund some of their old coir. nd by th 

a-vncy others were brought into the fold. Thus -n- 
COUi aged, they wished t penetrate farther into the 
interior, but were dissuaded by ])a/.a. who volun- 
d to LTO in advance with some of his men and 

ling of the nati After waiting I 

time- lor their return," 1 the ecclesiastics were beguil- I 

lVlat 7. Mr,n. Hunt., \. 201, nu-ntions a cirri 
.ain what f>l] ( .ws. A s.ilditT \\ ho ha-1 previously killf.l two 
va^ struck by one of the nativi-s. whcrt-uiKjii he seized Uiiii, ami with the 


into the mountain fastnesses, and found upon turning 
the brow of a hill a large hostile band, brandishing 
lances and hideous in war-paint. Their first glance 
showed them the head of Daza and some of his sol 
diers carried on the points of lances, and at once they 
saw that their fate was sealed. Nothing daunted, 
Verdelete advanced toward them and began to ex 
postulate. He was answered by a flight of javelins, 
and fell pinned to the earth by a lance. Of the en 
tire party but two escaped, 26 and for many years the 
inhabitants of Tologalpa saw no more of the Chris 

Toward the close of the century, however, the 
rule of the Spaniards had become somewhat milder 
throughout the provinces of Central America, and in 
1674 two of the Tologalpan tribes sent representa 
tives to Guatemala and besought Fernando de Es- 
pino, the provincial of the Franciscan order, to send 
instructors to their countrymen. Soon afterward the 
governor, after consultation with the provincial, re 
solved to send another missionary, and out of many 
candidates Pedro de Lagares, a young man of culture 
and an enthusiast in the cause, was chosen for the 
task. At Nueva Segovia Lagares opened a mission- 

arv school, to which all were admitted who were will- 


ing to work. He made numerous journeys into the 
interior, and converts multiplied until in 1678 they 
were counted by hundreds. His decease occurred 
during the following year, and his successors, though 
meeting with some encouragement, finally abandoned 
the field, though without any obvious cause. 

assistance of a comrade bound his left hand to his body and nailed his right 
hand to a tree with a horseshoe and eight nails, leaving him in that position. 
The corpse was found by his tribe, and of course retaliation followed. 

26 This incident occurred in January 1612. The narratives of the expedi 
tion by Pelaez and Juarros substantially agree. 



1. -.18-10. 


1 jKATi s THKIU M.DES OK Ln i: -- Fu\ l.o ; , 

i:_Hi, \ -,,,, , ,, T ov THK SJIORE OP CAMI 


HIM His YESSKI, WKK. KI:I OFF CAPE (. li hi-.- 


MAN-VI.:.T CAi-Tria.^ TO3 


ABOUT the year 1518 an English tr;i<lii!u- ship ton< 
iiiLT it Santo Domingo was fiivd upon lv j-l-r of tin- 

v.-rnor, and thence setting sail t<.r 1 .)!! li ;-- * 1* 
I.TIM! wi-ouglit iron for provisions. 1 A t<-\\ ra la 
tin- paauv to the Inclirs l)c<-anic known ainon^ tin- 
nations of western Europe, and ton-i^n \ 
often seen in the watt -is of tin- Xrth Sea. In 1 
(.YAV/ /X \vn-c procured l>y tin ernor of >^ 
in^o, and tln-ir cajtains commissioned 

all cj-al t which sailed under any Jlair hut that of Spain. 
and to enclave tln-ir CT6W8, But in that island a 

many excellent harbors, and the Spaniard- I not 

-e to obtain at smaller cost iVoiu io; -4 good- 

such as those on which the ninvhant> of >, \ ill.- i 

enormous profits; and vessels tV"ii. - mtri- 

more especially from l- nu-land. I d Holland. 

continued to make v to the N-N\ \\""rld, tin -ir 

Prlnr ipnJ X negation. . .and Ditcovorift oj 
in. 4UO iLoniU.ii, l.VJiJ-1000). 


captains combining for mutual protection, and not un- 
frequently making raids on the Spanish settlements. 

In 1531 French corsairs were seen off the coast of 
Tierra Firme; and in 1537 Bishop Marroquin, when 
about to depart for Spain, was dissuaded as we have 
observed from making the journey by his friends in 
Mexico, 2 for even at that date the North Sea was 
infested by pirates. Santo Domingo was the favorite 
calling-place of foreign marauders; for wild cattle 
abounded in every part of the island, and there the 
pirates could revictual their ships without expense. 

At the close of the sixteenth century the island on 
which the great discoverer founded his first settlement 
had been thinned of its inhabitants. Moreover the 
mines had become exhausted and the vast wealth of 
Mexico and Peru had drawn away all the most en 
terprising of the Spaniards, and the few that remained 
dwelt for the most part in small villages, where they 
cured at their boucans, or drying establishments, the 
flesh of cattle and hogs, giving to the cured meat the 
same name as to the place where it was prepared. 3 
Hence also the origin of the word bucaniers, or buc 
caneers, the latter term being used by Dampier, 4 
whose raids will be described later. 

English, French, and Dutch adventurers found in 
Santo Domingo places where they could lead an idle 
roving life, the monotony of which was relieved by an 
occasional fight with the Spaniards, the French be 
ing termed jlibustiersf or as we shall call them fili- 

2 See p. 138, this volume. 

3 The Caribbees are said to have prepared the flesh of their human cap 
tives in the same way. Us les mangent apres les avoir bien boucanne"e, c est 
a dire, rotis bien sec. Du Tertre, Hist, ties Antilles, i. 415. 

4 Voy. round the World, passim. Neither word was used at the time Drake 
was making raids on the Isthmus. 

5 The word flibustier is merely the French mariner s mode of pronouncing 
the English word freebooter, a name which long preceded that of bucca 
neer. 5 Journey s Hist, Bucc. t 43. Some authorities derive the term from the 
Dutch ~wordjluyts, that is to say fly-boats; bu^;, as Burney remarks, it would 
not readily occur to any one to purchase such craft for corsairs. It is curious 
to note that the French translator of Esquemelin still adhered to the mispro 
nunciation of the word, & prirent le nom de Flibustiers, du mot Anglois 
filibuster. Exquemelin, Hist. FJtb., i. 20. 

Tin-: PHILOSOPHY 01- PI: 4 

busters, though this word \\-a> n<.r used till the - 

t< enth century, and tin- J)utd. 

In 1 .Tam-s 1. of Kii jland grant . d I >ne 

Thomas Warner tin- island of San ( .bal, thou.rh 

by what authority is ndt recoraed l.\ !ir>niel. 

of the period. Warner associated with him four 
others, who were to share the profits of tl p. di- 

tion, and sailed in t-liar-v nf a l.aml <! adv -utur- 

C tin. 1 Indirs. Hi 1 arrivrd . .11 San < 

l>al in lf>25, and dui in^ tliat year a j.a: 1 .-li- 

nicii landed on tin.- island, which was th-n inliahit 
ly ( aril- The Spaniards had never innin-d a 
iiirnt tliere, and tin- English and Fivm-h divided t 
t rritory between them. F a ring that the Carih- 
might lie incited to ris. inst, tln-m ly tin- : 

Spanish \ Ls, which frequently called th !- 

tain provisions, these licensed marauders attacked th- 
savages by night, massacred the chiel <1 drve tin- 

31 from the island. Warner soon afterward 
turned to England, and for this gallant exploit 
knighted by his learned Majesty, thus justifying t 
title which James T. has gained in the j TV 

the greatest fool in Christendom. A powerful 
armament was despatched t m Cristobal \ 
<>f the court of Spain, and the intru-, 
pTsrd; those \vh escaped tin- SWOrds "ft! 
taking r.-i uge in the adjaeeiit islands, and return: 

ar >r two later. 

Trading companies wei e imv. anized, and lie 

in ted to establish The islet of Tori 

lying to the imrth-west of Santo i^ming", ^ p- 

tuivd without r- I 

Were built, ami there for a time \\ tin- 1 <jiiar- 

f the pi rat Tortuga u. d by the 

Spanianls in L 638, and the fivel" I no 

few <! them escaped to the Wo 
re away OB piratical r tl. \pediti ii :id 

ugh some of them fell into the hands, of I 


iards and were massacred, the latter soon abandoned 
the island, and in the following year the freebooters 
at Tortuga mustered three hundred men. For the 
first time the pirates now elected a leader, and their 
numbers were soon recruited by French, English, and 
Dutch volunteers. 

Though they were regarded by the Spaniards as 
foes, they were esteemed by other European nations 
as allies and champions, and so rapid was the growth 
of their settlements that in 1641 we find governors 
appointed, and at San Cristobal a governor-general 
named De Poincy, in charge of the French filibusters, 
in the Indies. During that year Tortuga was garri 
soned by French troops, and the English were driven 
out, both from that islet and from Santo Domingo, 
securing harborage elsewhere in the islands. Never 
theless, corsairs of both nations often made common 
cause; and in 1654 a large party of buccaneers and 
filibusters, ascending a river a little to the south of 
Cape Gracias a" Dios, plundered the settlement of 
Nueva Segovia. In the same year Tortuga was 
again recaptured by the Spaniards, but in 1660 fell 
once more into the hands of the French; and in their 
conquest of Jamaica in 1655 the British troops were 
reenforced by a large party of buccaneers. 

The monarchs, both of England and France, but 
especially the former, connived at, and even encour 
aged the freebooters, whose services could be obtained 


in time of war, and whose actions could be disavowed 
in time of peace. Thus buccaneer, filibuster, and sea- 
rover were for the most part at leisure to hunt wild 
cattle, and to pillage and massacre the Spaniards 
wherever they found an opportunity. When not on 
some marauding expedition they followed the chase, 
and one day s employment was like that of another. 
Setting forth at daybreak, accompanied by their dogs 
and servants, they continued their search until as 
many head of bullocks were slain as there were mem 
bers in the party. Hides were thus provided suffi- 


ci n1 to fill contracts with II. iptain of ;t trad 

1 which usually lay Mat i< HUM! in som 
in-- Lay, ami \ rried down t th.- Bea-ahor bv 

bondsmen, who under tin- name of appivnt ices 1, 
11 inveigled into a contract to serve t-.r a fcerm 
yeai Kor them there was n< . -ntli or other d 
of rest. One of these unfortunates ventured on a 

tain occasion to expostulate with his n 
in-; the divine injunction with the preamble; "I 
unt<> thee, etc." And "I say unto tnee," returned t 
hucraneer, "six days shalt thoii kill hullocks, and strip 

th"in of their skins, and on the seventh dav thou >h 


heir hides to th- shm 

r j ln. dress of tlie buccaneers con>i-t. 1 of a shirt 
dipped in the blood of a slaughtered animal, pantal... 
of leather, if possible filthier than the shirt, shoefl <t 
rawhi<le, and a hat without i-iin. All good>, >ther than 
articl.-s <>f virtu, were held in common: and as life 
was precarious, half of them at least bein-j > die 

in the Indies, each chose a comrade with whom pnp- 

ei-t \- nf every description was shan-d. Thn^h without 
laws or religion they had few disputes, and those w- 
dily adjusted. They were governed by a ron^h 

le, established by theinselv.-, and theiv were i 
wanting amon^ them tlxe who displayed. th"U^h 
u-ually in a brutal fashion, the possibilities of a !> 
nat in Of Kavenau de Lu an, who figures in tl. 
hi-torv of the buccant" Hid wh - will 

mentioned in their place, it i- related that he j..ii 
them only because he was in debt, and in >rd- 
obtain the means of sati-tyinu his credll < ^ 

]\I.ntbar. a lMvn<-hman of Lai iron; 

relate that 6n reading th- story <>f the atro 

nmitted by the Spaniards on the haple>s nat 

conceived such a hatred against them that he a. 

joinrd the corsairs, and by his deeds of 

won the sobri.juet of the K\tTmii! I Pren 

captain of filibnst i I .miel. it 

lie sho< one ot his own crew in church f ind< 


orous act committed during the performance of mass. 
Until 1665 there were few women among these rap 
scallions. In that year a governor sent out to take 
charge of the French settlements in Santo Domingo, 
brought with him a few females of lax morality, whom 
the buccaneers took to wife in this fashion: "Your 
past is nothing to me, for then I did not know, and 
you did not then belong to me. I acquit you of all 
evil; but you must pledge me your word for the 
future." The foul troth was thus plighted, when 
striking his hand on the barrel of his gun the hus 
band exclaimed: "This will avenge me should you 
prove false." 6 

The deeds of Pierre Le Grande and Bartolome 
Portuguez, who figure in the stories of buccaneering 
raids about the time of Montbar s exploits the mid 
dle of the seventeenth century require no record in 
these pages. The name that stands preeminent among 
all the cut-throats, who at this period infested the 
North Sea and the shores of the main, is that of a per 
sonage called Franfois L Olonnois, a native of France, 
but one whose natural ferocity almost forbids us to 
class him with the human race. Montbar, though 
his hate amounted to frenzy, was impelled only by 
indignation against the oppressors and sympathy for 
the sufferings of the oppressed, and would accept no 
share in the proceeds of his raids. 7 But no such half- 
human feeling, no shadow of honest intent, ever 
prompted the monster L Olonnois. Montbar was an 
undiscerning fiend; L Olonnois an arch-fiend, with no 
faculty impaired. Transported in youth to the West 
Indies, ere long he exchanged convict life for the more 
genial pursuits of a filibuster, and his first position 

* Russell s Hist. Amer., i. 528. This author gives a sketch of the origin of 
the buccaneers and their customs, showing considerable research, and is en 
dorsed in most material points by JBurneifs Hist. Bucc., 38 et seq. Both 
authors draw largely from Du Tetre, Hist, des Antilles, and the former from 
llaynal, Histoire Phllosophique. 

7 While his comrades divided the booty, he gloated over the mangled 
bodies of the objects of his hate. Drake, Cavendish, and D ampler s Lives y 
179-80; Barney s Hist. Bucc., 55. 


among tl: roV&CB on sea and land was that of a 
mmon mariner. In that rapacity In- mad- 

j, and so distinguished himself l>y \\\> 1 

strength and fearlesgnesfl that the governor o T 

tiiga* supplied him with a ship and armament where 
with to reap a harve>t of gold. 

The success which lie achieved \v ; , :, and his 

operations attracted the attention of - ,al c 

tin , who eagerly manned his deck*, and at t 

me time stamped his name in crimson It 
lieails of the race which IP- r -arded a- hifl l v } . 
Kveii the elements attempted to arrest hisd->tn.y: 
liand, and in one of his eruisrs ca>t his reOfle] 01 
slnn- of Campecbe, where nearly all h goradofl \v< 
killed \)V the S]>aniards. 

But the devil did not abandon his hi^h-p 
L Olonnois, though severely wounded, and : "dinu r 
himself and his party a> Lost, sim -a ret I him>-lf with 
Mood without l)ein^ perceivedj and fell app : ly 
lifeless ainon^ the slain. 9 Stripping oil the d: 
a dead Sjtaniai d \\hen the enemy had departed, he- 
crawled over the ghastly forms of his la 

and hid in the woods; then he boldly entered a IP i_:h- 
horin^ town, and by promise of freedom indu-ed KM 

slaves to go with him. Stealing a 1ft] . in d 

time they reached the isle <! Tortu- a. 

r r rriMe as he was hdure this di>. I future 

de. ds of L Olonnois wc-re still more atrocioi " I 
shall never lienc.-i orward give (jiiai any Spaniard 

wl writes tot! rnor of ( ul ter 

having In-headed, with his own hand, all s;i 
the survivors on hoard a captured ship which had 

:it against him. And he was as good as his word. 
Jle 1 -d to pieces captive after captive, quenching 


In tho Kn.u lish trnnsl.-itinn of Kyqur-mclin 


Minion 1 -of all Bortof ^ :ieM ( aiul the Seminary, 

as it T. .f 1 init.s nnd Tliii-vt-s. / 

> oock PTII iju.-!)- r lu-iM MY. r WM, alaoo h;. 

out k(nilf. ilx-r di -ii 1. tst wan, )H 

flic d.. rt*JWcA 



his thirst with the blood that dripped from his heated 
cutlass. He tore out men s hearts and chewed them, 
and watched prisoners slowly die of hunger and thirst. 
If under the most agonizing torture the information 
wrung from a Spaniard was not satisfactory, the hap 
less wretch s tongue was wrenched out by the roots. 
Verily the cruelties of the conquerors were visited 
upon their descendants. 

The reputation of L Olonnois as a successful leader 
became so great that the most reckless and determined 
were ever ready to join in any enterprise projected 
by him. Between 1660 and 1665 he planned an ex 
pedition against the north coast of Central America 
and soon was in command of six ships and seven hun 
dred men. Directing his course to Cape Gracias d, 
Dios, he was driven by stress of weather into the bay 
of Honduras, where, distressed for want of provisions, 
his party ascended the Jagua River 10 in their canoes, 
sacking and destroying the Indian villages on the 
banks, and murdering the inhabitants. The pirates 
then cruised along the coast committing similar depre 
dations. At Puerto de Caballos, after taking a Span 
ish ship of twenty-four guns and sixteen swivels, they 
landed and sacked two large store-houses. These 
with the town they burned, and having captured a 
number of the inhabitants inflicted upon them the 
most inhuman cruelties. L Olonnois at the head of 
three hundred men next proceeded to San Pedro, 
about twelve leagues distant, and on his march thither 
fell in with three strong bodies of Spaniards who lay 
in ambush for him. These he successively routed, but 
not without the loss of many of his men. His treat 
ment of prisoners and wounded captives was marked 
by his customary atrocities. 

On arriving at San Pedro he found the town 
strongly fortified at the main entrance, the other 
parts being surrounded by impenetrable thickets of 

10 Or Sars River. Rio de Jagua, a river emptying into the gulf of Hon 
duras. 7. de Laet, 1633, R. Xagua; West-Ind. Spieghd places on the north 
coast of Yucatan, Xagua. Cartog. Pac. Coast, MS., i. 308. 


thorny si mil> and eaetus and liis only plan 
ault the barricades. Tin- Spaniard-. ] 
ded tl; with desperation. an<l tin- pi 

w impelled to withdraw from ir fii k. 

Their second attempt caused such i 

the defenders that they hoi>t-d a tla^ of tn: 

a-r- ed to surrender the town on condition that <|i; 

r be given the inhabitants tor two hum I 

ins were agreed to, and, strange though it in. 
appar, were faithfully kept by the pir. The in 

habitants leathered up their elf. and tl.-d, but, 

ner had the two hours expired than I/<>lonn 

orders for pursuit. The freebo Ii>- 

appointed, for the men of San Pedro had ted 
the greater part of their valuables and men-handi 
and the pirates found only some indigo to recom] 
them for their toil and danu- r. 11 

Tlie star of the irreat Frenchman wa- IP\\- on tl 


wane, and with the exception of Capturing a Span: 

ship <>f forty-two 1 - ^iins after a desperai nt 

his operations off the Central American 
unimportant. But even this prize, for which tb 

ters had loii ^ waited in Impe of they 
found discharged of her valuaMe nd a I 

unimportant articles of merchandise was all th 
obtained* The companions of L Olonnois ^ 

mining diseontciited with his want of success, and 
though he recklessly prop. .^, d to i ;i raid on t 

of Guatemala, to many this seemed too 

aterprise, and the UP <n of ! 

followers deserted him and turned their \. i boB 
ward. 13 Mi.xfoi-tuiM now i ollowed him ivl.-nt 

11 L Oluu.iis y prtcht . Mviron trcnt.- h..iniiir- 

-. / !l tllC i 

i. -Jo;, i 

.,,; |/i )] ,;. ;. .JOO dW; : 

He cln-tvlioit qiif dc 1 ai-^M-nt. / /., -OS. 

ys: Leur can<-n 
- /,/ _>!;, . i-a the 

same iiuinlHT as tliat in t! & 

J This Iian.l i \ cragu* which 

: an. I I . 


While working his poorly manned ship along the 
coast, she struck a sand-bank near the isle of Pearls 
off Cape Gracias a" Dios. The crew were already 
half famished and there was no hope of saving the 
vessel. So they broke the craft in pieces and built a 
long-boat, occupying five or six months in this work. 
But when finished it would only hold half their num 
ber. Then it was decided that the half to go should 
be selected by casting lots. They would embark for 
the Desaguadero in Nicaragua, 14 in the expectation 
of seizing vessels and returning for their comrades. 
L Olonnois took command of the expedition, but was 
unsuccessful in his attempt on the Desaguadero. 
Spaniards and Indians assailed him in such over 
whelming numbers that he was compelled to retreat 
with heavy loss. But determined riot to return for 
his companions on the isle of Pearls without a vessel 
in which to take them back to Tortuga, he sailed for 
Costa Rica, and being obliged to land for provisions 
near the gulf of Darien he and all his men, save one 
who escaped by flight, were cut to pieces by the Ind 
ians and roasted. 15 Thus with a fitting retribution 
ended the career of Frangois L Olonnois, who might 
give lessons in greatness to the leaders of armies and 
in savagism to the Indians who slew him. 

About the year 1664 a noted buccaneer named 

14 The French version, contrary to Exquemelin s narrative, says that all 
the men left, the greater number in the long-boat and the remainder in canoes. 
Id., i. 228. 

13 Exquemelin, Americaensche Zee-fioovers, 1678, 73, thus describes the 
death of L Oloimois: Maer het scheen dat Godt met langerde godtloosheden 
van desen mensch konde toelaten, maer hem door een wreede doodt strafien 
wilde voor alle de wreedtheden, die hy aen soo veel onnoosele menschen 
hadde gepleeght; want in de Golfe van Darien Komende, is hy met sijn 
volck vervallen in de handen der Wilden, hy de Spanjaerden Indios Bravos 
genaemt. Sy hebben hem aen stucken gekapt en gebraeden, naer het verhael 
van een sijner meedemackers, die het selve sonde geleeden hebben, hadde hy 
sijn leven niet met de vlucht gesalveert. His English translator says: The 
Indians. . .tore him in pieces alive, thrQvdng his Body limb by limb into the 
Fire, and his Ashes into the Air, that no trace or memory might remain of 
such an infamous inhuman Creature. Bucaniers of America, i. 77. The 
French edition adds that L Olonnois was eaten by the Indians. Exquemelin, 
Hist, des Flib. t i. 230. 

MA\>YI:LT AXI v v. 

Mansvelt formed tin- dr>i-_r n oi ickin^ th< I 

,t;i hy making ;i descent upon it. nd from ? 

North Sea. F<>r this purpose he sailed from .Iain;: 
with a lleet of fifteen Vessels and five hundred i: 
T" obtain guides In- a>-ault-d and -aptur-d th- nd 

of Santa ( atarina, or Old Provideiic TI.- 

ahlishcd a hnccaneer Bettletncnt, leavii rie hnn- 
dri-d mm undrr command <>t a Frenchman nam-d 

Simon. I hc-n IIP pro-r-d d a^ain>t N ai/i, hut fnund 
sin-h preparations liad hmi inad: hy tin- pr.-id.-nt 
P;III;IIII;L that In- was fonvd to ahandon th- nipt. 

A Spanisli prisoner, however, otl nvd to lead him 

( irtago, thu capital of Costa 11 n-a, which he r-j 

;trd as a rich and unfortified city. This proposal 
Diet with i^viR-ral ap]>roval, and tin- ll<-. I il-<! !; 
aloii^ tliu coast as iar as Tort Matinn, 1 " wlicr- ti. 


At iii-st their way was not difficult, and from th> 
setllcinc-uts on the road they c.htaincd ahundan 
provisiotis; hut in a lew day- t!iey reached the cor- 

dillera, where provisions <->uld no longer !> prOCtU 
in .-uilicieiit (juantity. MansveltV crew wa8 COBQ] 

Mn^Tishnieii and rYenchmeii, and wh;r ;ty 

ini^ht c-xist under iavoral>le circumstances 1- I 
them was now destroyed hy hai-d>hip and lnr 
No lair distribution was made of such fo, ,d a> conld 

obtained^ Fierce hi-awls ensued. Mai, -d 

the ai ti-rwai-d famous Morgan, t I in com 

mand, in vain attempted Ihiy tlie dix-onl. wh! 

violent that the two factions \\ ahne 
dy to fall upon each oti >n ti S iniar 

Meantime the overnor -f Cartage bad h < l l the 

/;,.;,,- - nchtrwuUtor 

Of K\.|Ucini-lin, Man>v.-lt lia-l I ><X> ui-n. 

land WM wed as a i-n.-il 
ployi-.l ti. vicU on tlu- wmks ,,f t n. 1 

to tin-i one familiar \\itli the r 

ir Mnin. M!H iv tli.-y Laiulc.l l/.HH) nu-n in tlu- year 
:Ml..n, r.l. lSn, . W4. mi, to K\. ; >) 

:is the river Zuere. // " 1U 

e, 11, the corsair Manila* landed bOO nu-u. CoUMl! GBKOff. / a. C */, 
MS., i. U-J. 


forces he could muster, 19 and had taken up a strong 
position on a hill commanding the town of Turialba, 20 
which the pirates had entered. At daybreak, before 
the invaders were yet under arms, the Spaniards un 
expectedly opened fire upon them from the eminence. 
In the absence of mutual confidence the pirates were 
thrown into confusion, and their leaders deemed it 
best to return to the fleet. The Spaniards followed 
for a short distance, and having seized a few stragglers 
returned triumphant to Cartago. 

But to the victors was not all the glory. The pre 
cipitate flight of so large a band of desperadoes could 
only have been accomplished by divine power; and, 
indeed, the Spaniards learned from their captives 21 
that when the invaders quarters were broken up 
they saw on the height a host of warriors commanded 
by a radiant female form, 22 who were none others than 
the holy virgin and an army of saints who had come 
to the succor of the chosen of God; so the grateful 
people of Cartago chose her as their patron, and in- 
instituted an annual procession to her shrine at Ujar- 
raz, 2y which ceremony continued to the time of 

When Mansvelt arrived at the bay" of Matina he 
reembarked and set sail for Santa Catarina. There 
he found his pirate colony thriving. The fortifica 
tions had been put in the best repair, portions of the 
island cultivated, and other measures taken for a per 
manent residence thereon. He therefore decided to 
request aid for carrying out his project from the gov- 

19 In Haya, Informe, MS., 11, is found the following strange statement: 
The maestro de campo, Juan Lopez de la Flor, the governor, sent Major 
Alonso de Bonilla with eight men, for there were neither arms nor provisions 
for a greater number, who caused the corsairs to retire from the province. 

20 About ten leagues distant from Cartago. 

21 Juarros, Guat. (London, ed. 1823), 344-5. Bonilla took two men who 
were foot-sore. When asked the reason of their precipitate flight from so 
small a number, they stated that they had seen a numerous army marching 
against them. Haya, Informe, MS., 11-12. 

22 According to Juarros the prisoners made this confession under torture. 
Haya does not mention this. 

23 Ujarraz, pueblo en otro tiempo considerable, pero en el dia mui desdi- 
chado. Juarros, Guat., i. 58-9. It is two leagues distant from Cartago. Id. 

Ul OF THE CHI I i.,:i 

ior of Jamaica; l>ut that ntlieial, ti. -iclin- 

OOnnive at tin- doings oi the lni<-ean did not d.; 

pL-tee his position in jeopardy l.y swh an 0] 

hostility against Spain, with which nation K -land 

was then at ]M-ace. ManSVelt mad.- an !iy unsiic- 
-I ul jippi-al to the governor of Torti. ,nd dyinu r 
loii^-, the rohln-rs at Santii < 1- ft 

tln-ir own resources. Not lon.^ ai t.-rward tin pi - 

dent of Panama Benl a l !. top r the i-land,and 

Simon, finding that the lu-omiscd nvnt- 

did not arrive, and considering it impossible to dft -n<l 

tip- place with the company under h; umand, sur 
rendered alter a, slight show of r ->i>tai; 

cording to an account of tl ; pturc <>f S:mt;i C:it;r 

r, it occurred in August l(i<i."). A tr.-ni-! f the 8pai. 

;itiair is to )> found in L .n/iri mrliii, I 
in the l^n^lish translation of the latter \\urk in j 
. In the 1-Yi iu-h -diti>n of K\|UciiK lin th- -h na 

.J anroirt ]>u la tra<luire, <t en gaosair ce Volunir. ma. die 

t n-mplie <|iie de bagatelles & de rodomoutades Espagnoles, j tuia 

pu donne la j>eiiie, ne voulant ricn racunter ici qtic //iW. det 
Mb. ii. 10. 





DURING the first half of the seventeenth century 
the province of Panamd was under the control of a 
governor or president, and an audiencia real, which 
was reestablished toward the close of the previous 
century. The archives are meagre of information re 
garding the governors, some of them being barely 
mentioned, and their succession not always agreed 
upon by the authorities. In 1601 Alonso de Soto- 
mayor was governor; on the 9th of June 1604 the 
licentiate Alonso de Coronado, an oidor of the audi 
encia of Guatemala, was appointed president; and on 
the 18th of September in the same year that office 
was filled by Valverde de Mercado, each of the officials 
receiving as salary six thousand ducats per annum. 1 

We have also the personnel of the ayuntamiento of 
Panama, 2 and certain ordinances passed by that body, 
one of which relates to the sale of a noxious liquor 

1 Panamd, Peaks Ctdulas, in Pacheco and Cdrdenas, Col Doc., xvii. 349-50. 

2 In 1604 Andres Cortes was alcalde ordinurio, Francisco Terii alguacil 
mayor, and Capt. Damian Mendez and others regidores. The names of the 

members for 1605 are also mentioned. Id., 228-32. 



afi vin< de Aljai and 

fliekiu-- in IK . 

It was during tin- adminM rat imi of Y\ 
plain \Yilliani Park . eked and \ 

>dlo. He Bailed from .Plymouth in 

I with two ships, a pinn I t\\< ,nd 

-t two huinhvil i Aft* 

\- in which In- lo>t his pin: 

three. he eapt-mvd tin- town * ,h Y 

tin 1 ( Jape Verde l>lainls. and at t r d 

fiviiiLC it- up t<( ^ ^ lr ^ am< ^ ><iil -<l l "r 
"in; Arriving al the i-land of ( \\\>, 

was a pearl-fishery, h- wi tted 

of soldi. TS, who i-. <! niani ully, hut l lly 

onir; srvi-ral harks and h 
several jtrisoncrs lakcii, lor whos<- I .in oin \\ 

l-arls to tlnj v.-ilur of twenty-five huii ~os. 

r i1 -liapcd liis course tor ( aj la V 

which h- niet with ;i line ] > ortu. -liip of t 

hundred and fifty tons, hound for nd 

laden with negroes lor t he min, 

s made, and anotlier t v. lniinlrMl ] 

I ansoin for the slav. ( allin 
inlands of ( a nd ]>a-t inieiit 

which he |irocinvd nil negro LTU I 

hundred and lift y of his men in th 

in t\\ mil pinn;: vrhich he had huilt <! 

JK- cnt( red the mouth of the river on which 

Mar kin.l of \vi: much in use at 

./u.1, iu I achcco a 

os for : 1 00 for a sec 

and f..r i!f third 

rs punishal.Ir 


5 In 

I with \. t() in owned that he left at lch 

in c 

Hi.-. II. SO 


Portobello is situated about two o clock in the morn 
ing of the 7th of February 1602. 6 

The moonlight quickly revealed the boats to the 
watch on duty at the fort of San Felipe, command 
ing the entrance of the harbor. Being challenged as 
to whence they came, they answered from Cartagena, 
the reply being given in Spanish by men taken on 
board at that town for the purpose. They were then 
commanded to anchor, and did so at once, six leagues 
from Portobello, "the Place where my Shippes roade," 
says Parker, "beinge the rock where Sir Francis 
Drake his Coffin was throwne overboarde." 

The captain was well aware that at San Felipe were 
always thirty-five great pieces of brass ordnance, 
ready mounted, to bid an enemy welcome, and fifty 
soldiers to manage them. Nevertheless, as soon as 
all was quiet, he proceeded up the river with thirty 
men and two cannon in his shallops, ordering the re 
mainder of his forces to follow him. Directly oppo 
site the castle was. a smaller fort named Santiago, 
mounting five pieces of ordnance and manned by 
thirty soldiers, some of whom, seeing the boats, cried 
out to them to stop, and ran along the shore in pur 
suit. Heedless of their noise Parker proceeded to the 
suburban town of Triana, landed there with his com 
pany, and in a trice, though the alarm was promptly 
given, set it on fire. Then, leaving it burning, he 
marched on Portobello, capturing on his way a piece 
of ordnance with the loss of only one man. The Eng- 

6 In the appendix to Carranza just quoted Parker gives A Table made in 
the manner of an Alphabett, for the easier findinge of the Streates, and chief - 
est Places portraited in the Drafte of Portabell, beinge in the West-Indies, 
standing in tenne Degrees, which was taken by Captaine William Parker, of 
Plymouth, Gentleman, the seaventh Daye of Februarie 1001, etc. In Panama 
Descrip., Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., x., the year 1602 is given on p. 
105, and 1G01 on p. 108. The year 1601 is also given in CasttelVs Am., in Church 
ill s Col. Voy,, viii. 762. The town was pillaged by the English under Cap 
tain Parker, in the year 1601, says Heylyn, Cosmog., 1086. The date of sailing 
from Plymouth, November 1601, is given in Harris* Col. Voy.., i. 747; in 
West Indies, Geofj. and Hist., 79; in Purchaa* PH., iv. 1243, and in Holmes? 
Annals Aid., i. 117. The landing at Portobello is placed on the 7th of Feb. 
1602. The author of West Indies, Geog. and Hist., 79-80, gives both dates, 
but in speaking generally of the expedition styles it of 1601, as on pp. 67, 78, 
and elsewhere. 

h made directly kind s i 

la! tnspicUOUS huildhi 

tli \vu, TVdro V 

!i-- fore The il; 

i warning of the invad id I 

f"imd bef ladron 

up ive him, and 

civilians with two iield-pi. 

lowed was sharp and Moody. ;,h 

i- nin- wciv killed <r wounded, 

nior hr h-ad of M\IV x.ldi 

usli thr ivsnnaiit of ih,-ir li; 

" l -r HM- j.i Mis pii-ate, "God did -ur 

]*! 3 ini^htt-lic. loi- th- 

nt i roiii us shot M-d.-ndns thnm^li h 
w-nt throii-l! - In-tli his Ann- 
lnnlrd tli- Corporall of tht- Field 
all ivlin-d to their Ii which they i 1 un- 

till it was almost da; 

uiwliilc 11 maindi r ol i hi d 

up, and a! ,t of 1 . 

WES <!veided in favor >f the 1 . h. Ai; 

tin- prisoners taken were t i 

ano and manv of the leadiii" ci in 


rward re] I, Mel 

: 1 thr j], , ;id lihci-alrd \\ ithollt 

had been dressed. 

Tli ity rapt uivd in the 1 1 

i t !ioii>and <lu- li had tin- I 

arrived hut seven da; Id h, 

]>i-i. hundrrd and I ty thousand dn< 

en C d away 

or ( ai I la. Isewl 

amount f ]>hindi r wa ;nd in i 
of plaie, inerchaiK: and in- which v. 



in -, viii. 7 


divided among the men, the commander reserving for 
himself the sum found in the treasury. 

No further injury was done to the town, except 
that a few negro huts were burned in order to intimi 
date the inhabitants. Seizing two vessels that he 
found in the port, and in one of which were three 
mounted pieces of cannon, the English, as they 
dropped down the river, opened fire on the forts, and 
were warmly answered by the Spaniards, who ex 
pected to sink their vessels. "But God so wrought 
for us," says the captain, "that we safely gott forthe 
againe coritrarie to the Expectation of our Enemy es." 
Most of the shots fired from shore passed high over 
head, though a few of the English were wounded, 
among them the commander, who was hit in the 
elbow with a musket ball which passed out at his 
wrist. Reaching a neighboring island, Parker was 
soon rejoined by his ships, and next day, the 9th of 
February, put out to sea. 9 

It has already been said that in 1585 Portobello 
contained not more than ten dwellings, and that in 
March 1597 the port of entry was removed there 
from Nombre de Dios. During the five years that 
elapsed between this change and Parker s raid the 
town had developed into a thriving settlement, and 
now contained two churches, a treasury, an exchange, 
a hospital rich and large, a convent and several streets, 
where for six w r eeks in the year, when the galleons 
were in port, merchants and artificers congregated. 

Upon the arrival of the galleons, the treasurer, 
contador, or factor, was ordered by the governor to 
proceed there, taking with him the deputies of the 
other two officials. 10 When the gold and silver had 

9 On hearing of the capture of Portobello, the governor of Cartagena is 
said to have sworn to give a Mules lading of Silver to have a fight of Cap 
tain Parker and his Company, and as Harris remarks: Had they been sure 
he would have parted with what he had upon so easie terms as they at 
Porto Belo did, tis very likely they might have sold him that favour, but his 
strength being uncertain as well as his pay, they did not think fit to attempt 
him. Col Vmj., i. 747. 

10 Deputies were to receive 400 ducats yearly. In 1608, the bonds of 


]>ul on l.<:ir<l tin- ^;;]; . and 

3 on board UK- mercha 
Hi thattl 

pt for valtiahle con>5d. n. Th 

in- of ill- annual ll- 
solicit ud vii, to ship; 

ooi lanv a treasure-lad 

or fell . lur 

rival of a a nvoy was h<-rald-d with 

< ; { joy, even royalty itsrlf not 

to announce such an event. 
15, ICO.l, the khiir in a <1-| atdi to the p: 
audimeia iniornis them of the arri 
Luis de ( onloha in January of that j 

After thu de[)ariuiv <! ;], lleons, rortol-. 
almost ahaiidoiird hy the S[>aiiiai <,d 1 

\ and niulaKoes, the inh;i j livi: 

hy renting their dwelliii;. .nt 

The town \vas huilt in tin- shape n{ 
J ; iis harhur \\ as on.- of tin- D in the 

]ndi and ship-building and tin- [n 

f reduced fi-niii JO, 000 <1 int. 

In >t. 1 1, lillo. 

:-y during tli-- B6MI 
f Tin t!i -ir u.--u;il <luti s and make tli> 

dO8 V ji;i-;i ] !<> ipii- l":;rr)ii con li- 
i y otl; ..s i>n>!ul>id;is A las.-; 

:i cllos y en 1 ls lldian. l;i.s i istan r 

! iil<ix, in / 

11 \\ lien I , -to- 

: to see i 

iiat tlic longer 1 
\ . who was tho K 

v.ith me, ]irmiii-c<l t 1 ! 

liips e: 

! .. 
. \\ ith : 
ml they dt mandrd "f : 

eh- i; thousaml ( m\s i. 

arthat I wa.< 

\v-hieh -r a ro 

: al I a-< 

L 1,600 iaces, ami the average JTfathoiua. L*rg* 


cedar lumber were its leading industries. The d>i~ 
mate of Portobello, like that of other towns on the 
Isthmus, was unhealthy, as I have elsewhere stated, 
though less so than that of Nombre de Dios or even 
Panama. The hospital was crowded with invalid 
soldiers, laborers, and slaves, and in 1608 an annual 
grant of two thousand ducats was assigned by the 
crown for its support. 

In 1610 the city of Panama had not more than one 
third of the population which it possessed in 1585, 13 
although from the time of its establishment to the 
latter date it had grown steadily in wealth and popu 
lation. The best indication of its decline as a com 
mercial centre is the fact that the revenues of the casa 
de Cruces, 14 which at one time were farmed out for 
ten thousand pesos a year, were rented in 1610 for 
-only two thousand pesos. There were mines, but they 
were not worked; 15 pearl-fisheries, but they lay idle; a 
measure of trade, but it was in the hands of monopo 
lists, who shared their profits with the king. 16 

The expenses of the general government of Panama 
were met by annual appropriations allowed by the 

ships ride at anchor opposite Castle Santiago, while frigates can move nearer 
the mole. There is room for 300 galleons and 1,000 smaller vessels within, 
while 2,000 ships may anchor with tolerable safety without the forts. Pa 
nama, Descrip., in .Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., ix. 118-19. 

13 Panamd contained in 1G10, eleven streets, three squares, a cathedral, 
five convents, a hospital, seven royal houses, a casa de cabildo, two hermit 
ages, court-house with jail, 332 houses covered with tiles, 40 small houses, 
112 Indian huts, a meat market and slaughter-house. All but eight of the 
houses were made of stone. Panamd, Descrip., in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. 
Doc., ix. 80. The statement that all but eight were of stone seems improb 
able. It is certain that they were nearly all of wood about the middle of the 
IGtli century, and that most of them were of cedar when Panamd vieja was 
destroyed during Morgan s raid in 1671. 

14 It will be remembered that Cruces was the town at which treasure from 
Panama was shipped in barges for the mouth of the Chagre. The casa de 
Cruces was established in 1536. 

15 In response to frequent addresses, the king, on the 14th of August 1610, 
directed Governor Mercedo by all means in his po^er to develop mining 
operations in Panamd and Veragua. Para que los que tienen quadrillas do 
negros las refuerzen y acrecierten, y los que no las tienen las procuran. Pa 
nama, Rcales Ccaulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 211-12. 

16 The office of corredor de lonja was farmed out for 1,000 pesos, those of cor- 
redor devinos and auctioneer for Vo pesos each per annum. Panama, Descrip., 
lu Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., ix. 90. In fact the king prohibited 

ml if v 

>f lli 

of M 

informs t t that ): has 1- 

while ial i 

:m -d ike u illi th- ir ui 

alv . ided fur at tin- tov. 

him to forhid tin-in tin 

ion ami to insist that t 

and servants 1>^ redm-ed to tin- small :inm- 

!. ( rovernor Yal\ in his r- 
lowii ;t many of tin- ii 

Tii ;d not .1 l.\ 

many \ Mid that th 

11 vi.Mted dl. To i 

m>r orders fche oi it all \ 

d [!;, ill 

qi -n of interoceanic commn 

\vhich allusion h ii cadv he. n 

:-vals during tin- lalt.-r half of th 

lid further >i:r\ 
: h. "It is 1 ru writ.-s ( , 

that mountain- oltnn-t th if th- 

utains then- I hand 

I to make tin- | id it can 

the :;i>t of 1 >ecemcx r L6H 
])i Fernandez <! Vel . who 

-nmr of ( lla d-l ( 

I th inion of t i 

tto. On t 

iliat a> ll< iir i >vi - 

peace c;i 

. , iu I . vL D 


world on this .project. They believed that communi 
cation might be easily established between the oceans 
by constructing a canal connecting the rivers Dacil 
and DamaquieT, about thirty leagues from Cartagena, 
and that such a work would enable the king to pro 
vide better for the defence of the provinces. 18 

The governor was directed to report on the feasi 
bility of the project, and to despatch a few small ves 
sels for the purpose of making a similar investigation 
at the gulf of San Miguel and the Rio Darien. The 
conclusions arrived at by the officers employed on 
these surveys is not recorded in the chronicles of the 
age, but we learn that his Majesty was very explicit 
in his directions that all such explorations and sur 
veys should be made at the expense of those who 
were interested, and not charged to the royal treas 
ury. 19 

When Felipe IV. ascended the throne of Spain he 
assured his subjects in the New World that no forced 
loans should be required during his reign. He even 
reimbursed, with interest, the money seized by his pre 
decessor, who a year before his death appropriated to 
his own use an eighth of the treasure on board the fleet 
from the Isthmus. 20 Nevertheless the fourth Philip 
was often in sore need of funds. About this time 
Kodrigo de Vivero was governor of Castilla del Oro, 
having been appointed the successor of Velasco, 21 and 
those in charge of the bullion fleet had made a practice 

18 Por este camino se podrd poner freno d la entrada de los enemigos. 
Panama, Reahs Ccdulas, inPacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 214. 

19 Advirtiendo que todo este se a de hacer sin que dello se siga ninguna 
costa a mi hacienda. Id., xvii. 213-14. 

20 Forced loans were frequently extorted by Felipe III. , and merchants 
resorted to all sorts of devices to conceal their specie. Commerce suffered 
great depression, and on April 10, 1G43, Felipe IV., in a letter to the gov 
ernor, says that under no circumstances would any further exaction be made, 
but that he would be satisfied with the stipulated dues. Panama, Reales 
Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 249-52. 

21 Id., xvii. 249-52. Alcedo, who is by no means reliable either as to 
names or dates, says that Don Rodrigo de \ ivera y Velasco, a native of Lima, 
succeeded Don Diego de Orozco. He adds that during Velasco s administra 
tion the subjugation and spiritual conquest of the Guaimi Indians in Vera- 

if thej.Mit of Peric 

tandise from Spain. Claimin-_ 

und T the jurisdiction <>f i 

:ieia ! I ;i 

!;iy in the arrival of t! 
! that ;ill (.Hi. ,-md i 

H- i Ti rra Firme >h< uld 1..- j l un . 

tin- iin ate jurisdiction <>f th< 

Til-- king was con- lj defra ! of ! 

ly contraband trading \vhi<-h prevailed tlu-i >ut 

tin- ] ! Vhices, lut llowher, t :t OS 111 

I ::.: In t! -in- [<\-2 ( i !n<.ir 

<li> ! us j.;issin;_r throuuh the casn . 

I . ! i , Wllilr nf 

7.. -is wuiv reported bi .ctor 

dc ]>n! ) liavi- IM <-n snniu -l. d tli; i. \. pun- 

i>lniu-nt was inllictcd for 1 iV;r i his 


]\1 y thus suffered a loss <>f 1,370,656 i 

tlic matter was compounded l>y tin- payn f -00,000 

3 into tin* t . :ry, tlir factor bavin 1 a 

bri .000 ]>-(-. Smuggling was pr 

an ;it that it tli; 

coinnRT. l- ..r tl !nliti<n <>t ; Tin 

1m ^-li to Maine. Tin- inrivh;: Sf\il 

\vh< >i ill enjoyed a monopoly of the t- \\ith t 

]r(vine,->, despatched on! ,;dl MJI: 

11- to the \vai. 

d IK less the >uj)|.-ly <f 1 in 

i-iea than <>f Ameri 

lat hotli should he Chipped in <j ities so 
iall ; -ure -n<nnous jn ofit All kim! 

1 to hy c< ham! hoth 

nd l : the 

at hisi ! in K ,-_M. / 

ikes no n icr of the 

it \v;n ! Jis though li st 


:ce WM 

to s 

collu.-iou 1 iiiitl 1 ibaudisU was for au 1 


rich traffic of the Isthmus, and the government find 
ing its revenues constantly decreasing, finally declared 
smuggling to be a mortal sin, and made those who 
engaged in it liable to be tried by the inquisition. 

It is now in place to allude briefly to the progress of 
ecclesiastical affairs in Panamd, for here, as elsewhere, 
they figure largely in the history of the province. 
With regard to moral and spiritual matters, the peo 
ple of Panama", as we have seen,, were low enough. 
Reforms \vere needed, but reformers were few. On 
the 26th of November 1572 Pedro Castro de Vedeales, 
provoked by the flagrant abuses of the time, addressed 
the licenciado Juan de Ovando, his Majesty s coun 
sellor of the holy inquisition and visitador of the 
council of the Indies, upon reforms needed in church 
matters. The communication is elaborate and reviews 
the errors and misdoings of the Spaniards, particularly 
in their intercourse with the natives. 23 

When Francisco de Toledo, the new viceroy, arrived 
at Panama" on his way to Peru in 1569, he restored 
the royal prerogative of church patronage, which in 
this diocese, and throughout his viceroyalty, had fallen 
by disuse into the hands of the archbishop and bishops. 
In the same year, probably, Francisco Abrego, a secu 
lar priest, had been elevated to the bishopric of Pan- 
amd, and continued to hold that office till his decease 
in 1574. 24 During his administration the chapter 

vessel to coast off Portobello until visited from the shore by those prepared 
to trade. Having marked selections of goods the latter returned with their 
money when ready to purchase, often under the disguise of peasants. Umr. 
Col. Voy., ii. 373-4. The king on Sept. 23, 1652, says that frauds were com 
mitted in 1651, in deducting from the schedule of Callao, lots and parcels, 
under pretence that they were for residents of Panama and Portobello; and 
that there was a dispensation to the merchants in el mero que hauian de 
hazer, supliendos por imaginaria en el registro los 600,000 pesos obli- 
garon a mi Virrey del Peru. He also demands a report of the reasons why 
no hicesters enterar la suma que el cinsutacto, y cornerico de Lima so obligo 
a suplir por imaginaria, a lo epetwo del registro que salid de aquella ciudad. 
Panama, Real Cedula, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 194-5. 

23 Provinda del Sto Evangdio MS., No. 16. See also Torquemada, iii. 280; 
and Mendkta, IJit. Ecles., iv. 32. 

24 Gonzalez Davila, Teatro Ecles., ii. 58, states that he held office for 15 
years, and Alcedo, Die., iv. 34, repeats the statement; and yet both are 

idered and I -i-mal 

roimri] of Tivnt. and i ith [fa I, 

or ini . rior 

All.-r an int. rval of four , ,1,. 

10 Wa8 plarrd ill rl; 


i -an convent, and <.nc l.d : 

M io was BUCC( in 158*! 

ulin.vv 5 who liad i ormrrl 
; of Lima, and 

tli of Panamd I I 

t<> (In- i pivlary of Granada, but tli-d 

Tlu- >u- T of Martinez was P >,dnq 

a, a ]< >inmrnt .Icsuii d in I .V.) J, \\ 

Bor m reaching ( r n in 

3 Antonio ( ald.TMM v, 

in ih< l)i^lin])i-ic of 1 \ nd in IfiO. I v, 

IT [ to 1 of Sant i ( i nz (] la : 

111 1 592 tlir rliaptiT Ivx.K cd oil t ! 

nunnery at Panama, and an ,- .1 in 
t iiM-t with prompt and 
n alone providi v luiildii, 

and a considerable mdnwn ,^ 

nt \ d to ( )ur La<ly of tin- ( j>- 

\vith an as>uivd revenu ;ir thousand p 

.Four nuns and 1 \\ -i. 

mis Aiders 

.i;i in . 
th. 1 

of lii .hi.-in \ 

of ti 

i until n]>| 

his full 

iitniciit th. i l IK : 




a Of 


sent by the archbishop of Lima, whose cooperation 
had been heartily given. 

Thus the spiritual welfare of the inhabitants of 
Panamd \vas fully provided for; but the ecclesiastics 
were by no means single-minded in their labors on 
behalf of the church. Not content with receiving 
maintenance, service, and tithes, as provided by law, 
they extorted, with the connivance of their bishops, 
salaries of three hundred pesos each from the Indians 
under their charge, 29 and justly aroused against them 
the indignation of the king, who instructed the audi- 
encia forthwith to banish from the province many 
irregular friars of whose disgraceful conduct he had 

After the promotion of Bishop Calderon the see 
of Panamd, remained vacant until 1605, when Fray 
Agustin de Carabajal was appointed prior, and assist 
ant-general of the provinces of Spain and America. 30 
Meanwhile the long struggle for supremacy between 
the authorities of the state and the church, which 
had now subsided into an unseemly question of pre 
cedence in the various religious ceremonials, was 
disposed of by a royal decree assigning the place of 
lay and clerical dignitaries in all such pageants. In 
all processions the bishop led, followed by the offi 
ciating presbyter and the clergy. Behind them came 
the president and audiencia. At the sprinkling with 
holy water before high mass, the ecclesiastics were 
to be first sprinkled, and then the president and the 

Panamd offered to erect the buildings if a suitable site were provided, and 
expended for that purpose some 24,000 pesos. He further added an annual 
endowment of 2,000 pesos, reserving founder s rights (patronazgo) for himself. 
Panamd, Descrip., Pacheco and Cardenas, CoL Doc., ix. 107; Figueroa, Vin- 
dicias, MS., 74. 

29 A ceilula of July 1, 1580, stigmatizes this conduct as an abuse that must 
be stopped. Pacheco and Cardenas, CoL Doc., xvii. 488. 

30 "While still a friar, Carabajal went to Spain and became prior of the royal 
convent of Valladolid, and during his attendance at court he was chosen assist 
ant-general of all the provinces of Spain and the Indies, and reformador of the 
provinces of Bolotiia and Romania by authority of Pope Clement VIII. Dice. 
Univ., Mist. Geog., viii. 522. According to this authority he was a native of 
the city of Mexico, but Davila, in Teatro Ecles. , ii. 59, says he was a native 
of Caceres in Estremadura. 

MAT. M. 

ia. AVith i 

]! it, the kin -| it ,1,1 n ,,t l, 

it lM in _r an honor to I 
Ti. iin v in , 

iy, even though the i 
re j i . l)iit o e servani dd 1 

HTY it. When tin- bishop went fcoth .al h< 

]\\^ traiD was t<> IM; rani. d as 1 
pivsid. room and tlidi (lrojj).-l. 

nfs in di>j)iit<- were t he mmm-: 
tin- I ishop \ o place hia diaii- <>n I 

lii-^li alt;ii- iii HP- cnlh -lral wlirn th.: oid 

:in<l wliutlicr tin- ])n-l)cin! 
I- side him. r J1io kin-- decided i hese n. 
<>t tli- cliurdi, and <>n tlic 4th of Jim..; 1 

isultation \vith the hi-hop. i I a decree o 
that tin- regulations in fonv in t ! .f< v 

ould lu- observed 
In K) i I ( larabajal was appointed 

ii j o, liavin^ inimdcd <lnri;i-- ]ii- .-id 1 

nania the college of San A in and <-nd<\\ 

^ ith six scholarships, according to tin- dir 

council of Tr nt. :; - 1 i 

<! la ( ;iniara y 1 Laya, ^ho . I UpOD in 

I M 1. During l;is juvl-cy was c 

r lidd in the diocese <-f I 1 . Di: 

tdministration four mo: ic ord-r "f ^ 

Juan d(j J.)i< I in that city, j-i 

"Panami t, i:<ni * in Pacheco and ias, Col. Doc 




!il 11 Mercenaries ha<l 13 and tho 

1 1. Tin- nuniK 

-ml Sa: 

s ami monasteries : 


: it-d i: i<l;i in 


I in tluir .-i*- 


in the hospitals established there or elsewhere on the 
Isthmus. Their admission was bitterly opposed by 
the aucliencia, and by the prelate, who was a Domini 
can, and it was not until June 26, 1620, and in obe 
dience to a provision received, that Captain Ordono 
de Salazar, the alguacil mayor, enabled them to take 
possession of the hospital of Panama. 34 The order 
was permanently established in Panama by Fray 
Fabian Diaz, who came from Spain with Fray Fran 
cisco Lopez in 1604, became celebrated as a physician, 35 
and grew rapidly in importance. 36 

In 1625 Fray Cristobal Martinez, formerly abbot 
of Segovia, was appointed to the see of Panama. 37 
During his administration serious disturbances oc- 


curred among the Augustinian Recollets of the con 
vent of San Jose, the prime mover, Fray Francisco 
de la Resurreccion, and his disorderly followers being 
arrested and sent to Spain by Enrique de Sotomayor, 
then governor of the province. 35 

The reputation of the ecclesiastics in Panama about 
this period appears to have been somewhat unsavory. 
In 1634 Felipe IV. issued a decree ordering the 
members of the aucliencia to see that the reputation 
of cloistered nuns be protected. On the 14th of July 
1536 the monarch writes to the bishop ordering that 
he enforce the provisions of a decree addressed to the 
hierarchy of the Indies in the previous February, by 
which no mestee, illegitimate son, or person of moral or 
physical defect was to be ordained. Immoral or scan- 

3i Camara founded scholarships in the college of San Agustin and left an 
annuity of three hundred pesos to the Jesuit college, a sum for the mainte 
nance of two chaplains in the choir, and 4,000 pesos for the church building 
fund. Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro Edes., ii. 59, and Alcedo, Die., iv. 35. 

35 The former lived to an advanced age, dying in 1649. He was a great 
ascetic, and refused a bishopric. His funeral was attended by the audiencia 
and all the noble families of the province. Santos, Chron. Hist., i. 303. 

36 In 163G they refused to deliver up the bodies of some persons who had 
died in the hospital, and prevented their interment in the chapel of La Con- 
cepcion. Reales Cedillas, in Parheco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., xvii. 243. 

37 On the 17th of January 1626 he was consecrated at Valladolid in the 
Dominican convent of San Pablo. Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro Edes. , ii. 59-60; 
Alcedo, Die., iv. 35-6. 

38 In a letter dated March 26, 1638, Felipe IV. approves of this measure. 
Panama, Jleales Cedulas, in Pacheco and Cardenas, Col. Z>oc.,xvii. 241. 


1 during t 

US, Which l];i,l l,itl). 

lnuiM, in 

Ii mm! day! 

f conversion wenl ! -ur 

nmnlxT <{ ,1 in 

i thirl, ii I hoiia 

111 1644, during th<- ]>r of Fi 

the su< Marti >ut 

in i anama \vliich miiMiinrd nil 

.jiitl all 

hedral. Tin- latter < ii; 

.<{ dedicated in 1 655 ly his - 
;-<l<> (! [zaguii il oi the iii<|ii 

Jts mi 

1 >y 1 1 

itv. Italians writes Juan <lr \ 
f ilic provinc in ;i i 
I V.j "has now h ml 

ing more ,-MH! nn. 
Is lu-iii iillcil \vith \ Tli 

,n unju-f >ii-] i-i(n be I 

. ;1 ordered "- 

, l I urtuh. llo to a 

W 108 

11 1 1 \ 1 * 

111 til. 

87 hut \vaa sp* 

*8 t ? but i! 


into the interior, and instructed Bazan to extort from 
them as much money as possible before sending them 
into banishment; but to the credit of that official it 
is related that he gave no heed to the mandate. For 
this neglect, and for the nepotism which he displayed 
during his administration, he was severely censured 
by his sovereign. 42 

In 1647 Bazan was again censured by the crown 
for a proceeding which, after due investigation by the 
fiscal of the audiencia. caused his downfall. Actino* 


under the advice of the licentiate Pedro Chacon, he 
had caused to be driven from their homes eighteen 
friars of the order of San Jose, appointing in their 
places others of bad repute. The ecclesiastics took 
refuge in the San Cristobal hills, but were soon after 
ward reinstated, and at the close of the following 
} T ear the governor was superseded by Juan Bitrian 
de Biamonte y Navarra. 43 The latter died in 1651 
while superintending the despatch of a fleet from 
Portobello, and in the parish church of that city a 
marble monument was erected to his memory. 

Panarnd appears to have recovered quickly from 
the prostration caused by the fire of 1644. An 
annual fair was held there until the year 1671, at 
which date the city was destroyed during the raid of 
Morgan and his buccaneers, as will be presently re 
lated. In 1655 the value of merchandise that changed 
hands during the fair is officially reported at five mill 
ions of -pesos, and this sum probably represents but a 
small portion of the business actually done, for, as we 

Ctdulas (published 14th of May 1645), in Pacheco and Cdrdenas, Col. Doc,, 
xvii. 273. 

42 On May 13, 1645, the king says that in the face of royal orders Bazan 
had appointed Este"van Gallejos, his wife s nephew, warden of the castle of 
San Felipe, Portobello; and on the 5th of August 1647 that other relatives 
and dependents had been appointed to lucrative places. One nephew was 
alcalde mayor of Nasa; another, warden of the castle of Chagre; one servant 
was captain of the companies of the garrison, and another was factor. He 
was censured, and again commanded to obey, porqne deinas que bos se ara 
la demonstracion que conbeuga, series castigado con toda seberidad. Pana 
ma, Beetles Ccdidas, in Pachcto and Cardenas, Col. Doe., xvii. 275-81. 

i3 /d, 269-71. Alcedo styles him Don Juan de Bitribeante y Navarra, 
knight of the order of Calatrava. Die., iv. 42. 

UIBLIOi;i:.\riII AL. ; ! 

lia IK- <|uantity of 

into the jiroviur. s thnui^li contr 

or lour fold 
duty was 

and valuaMo manuscript MC indispensable to the In* story of 

.riot of Daricn is the report of its j; >r, Don s de An/. 

:1 .">, 1771 1 to the titled 

>a de el Darien. The o: 
; .injian: >ts in the 

py was made for the author. Tim tt 
rt; a 1 the generally ru 

. and proposed remedies; a detailed description of the towns, military 
jid inh -ibitants, and a condensed account of the actual c 
ivinoe, ite inhabitants, i *, and .sedoci. .iew 

: the history of t vinco for t. is sixty-two yean, de* 

illy the latest Indian n iie manu>> ript forina one volume 

:ulio of forty closely written \ 





NONE of the "brethren of the coast," as English buc 
caneer, French filibuster, and Dutch sea-rover were 
pleased to style each other, are better known to fame 
than Henry Morgan, the Welshman, whose deeds 
have been heralded in all the principal languages 
of Europe. Born of respectable parents in easy cir 
cumstances, he left home still a lad, and shipped for 
Barbadoes in the service of a master who, on reach 
ing port, sold him as a slave. On regaining his liberty 
he proceeded to Jamaica, and finding no other em 
ployment joined a piratical expedition which was then 
on the point of starting for a cruise in the Spanish 
West Indies. After storing up his share in the pro 
ceeds of three or four profitable raids, he was enabled 
to purchase a vessel in partnership with a few of his 
more thrifty comrades, and being elected captain 
made a successful cruise off the coast of Campeche. 


AT . ox roirro i, 

urn he \\ 
which, undei- < omniand of Ma 

>n Ih in. I . 
( )n the death of V 
ilantry had \vmi the resp( 

ointed ] ! 1 liin,s-li 

ainand of a dozen : him, 

uncil v, 
nipt 1 iplure of tl 

d^e such a;i !.T 


i i.dand town of (, ul ri-h 

a hi ! on 

V> a rued ! r wh> 

Ml the ileet as it in 
! conceal i 

f this - ! 

.sos, a sum insuf. 
mud ii their return to .! 


of opinion :i th< 

;^lish men, 1 of his eoinn 

\vithdra\v iVeni A 
rd Bi r tli- 

>hij>s, and a ur lnuuln d ; 

: u^ men, revealing hi 

On the la f June 

1 ( )ro. ( 

irchief di Jlt 

Ho. ; 

<-h. of 1 anam, wh a ot* 

BlaV( me) : , 

. which it will I 
irded. ;it c in peri< 

j % 

r of the Peruvian and M u ni 

was th 
i R 
l.v i hundred t. W 


dred citizens capable of bearing arms, and was guarded 
by strongly fortified castles, commanding the ap 
proaches by land and sea. Many hesitated to attack 
such a stronghold with a mere handful of men, but 
their commander spoke words of cheer, 1 and stimulated 
by the promise of vast spoils all at last gave their 

In the dusk of a summer evening the fleet anchored 
at Porto Ponto, thirty miles west of the town. Leav 
ing a few men to guard their ships the buccaneers 
ascended a small river in boats or canoes, and landing 
about midnight marched at once to the attack. All 
the avenues of approach were well known to Morgan, 
and among his band was an Englishman, once a pris 
oner among the Spaniards, who now acted as guide. 
A castle named Triana, situated in the eastern suburb, 
was selected as the first point of assault. A sentinel 
posted at some distance from the fortress was seized 
and bound by a small party sent in advance, before 
he had time to fire his musket. Brought into Mor 
gan s presence he was closely questioned, and fre 
quently menaced with death if his answers should 
prove untrue. 

Creeping along under the shroud of night and the 
cover of a dense thicket, the silence broken now and 
then by the watchword of a drowsy sentinel, the free 
booters surrounded the castle unperceived, and Mor 
gan, coming close under the walls, bid his captive 
summon the garrison to capitulate, threatening sure 
death in case of resistance. They replied with a ran 
dom volley of musketry and cannon shot. Applying 
scaling-ladders to the walls, the buccaneers swarmed 
over the parapets, and after a stout resistance the 
Spaniards surrendered. Morgan fulfilled his threat. 
Securing all his prisoners in a large chamber, near the 
powder-magazine, he fired it by means of match and 

1 Captain Morgan said: If our number is small, our hearts are great; and 
the fewer Persons we are, the more Union and better shares we shall have in 
the Spoil. Etiquemelin, Hist. Hucaniers, 93. 

A V.\ D. 

train \vL 

bell by t Id 

3 im: Mown jr. 

! at - on the pani i inli. 

ii !i tip ih hid* 

II<1 cut il whomever they 111 V 

ini;- i 
u\\r their m<> jewelry i; 

hidi in underground The e,-,> V eri 

u n rallied a small party and retired with t! 

mining 1 whei k 

lire was e d on the ; . A; a-hin^ with 

hundred ie buccanee mut! 

cannon, picking off the Sj 

reloaded their ] ; but tli.-ir ranks \ \y 

ploi: i by well-directed discha ofartillery, A 

heavy 1 little pur|>o<e, \\\> 
uj) to the and attempted to burn do\\ n 

The Spaniard red i with slia 

: nir ry, and dropping ban. d 

ri[)tion nn the heads of tb 
^crs, tl Ve them back beyond t! 


Morgan new he^an to despaii 1 , but i % ai er ) 

maining for a while in h< ion as to hi 

nieiit. r Fo (jiiote tbe wni-ds of K \ i [ 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i n , " many 
:nt and calm nied liis mind : tieitht 

rmiiie which way to turn hi I hat 

t." A part of his forces had h.-rii d. 

on- of the minor f- .-I looking i t 

direction be saw that his men had ah I 

Jish colors <n the battlem." 

ippo r rakin-- 1 ; thifl 

imnander at once [ved 

and 1 a man ready of resource M..>n hit 

t. I Ie d a nunil pri I nil 

ed and dr. 1 1 rom their cl rs, a 


orderii aling-laddera to be made, \\-id r 

mount a 1 tt, bid his pri 


against the castle walls, thinking thus to shield his 

O O 

men from the weapons of the Spaniards. 

Driven forward at the point of sword and pike the 
captives came close up to the guns of the fort, and 
falling on their knees besought the governor by all 
the saints to surrender, and save his own life and 
their own; but orders were given to spare none w 7 ho 
came near the walls. Priest and nun were crushed 
beneath falling rocks or shot down without mercy, 
and numbers were killed before the ladders could be 
adjusted. When at length the task was accomplished, 
the buccaneers swarmed up to the assault ; and though 
many were hurled down by the defenders, others held 
their footing on the parapet, and after plying the gar 
rison with hand-grenades and pots of powder contain 
ing lighted fuses, leaped down with sword and pistol 
in their midst. The Spaniards then threw down their 
arms and craved for mercy; that is, all but the governor, 
who, single-handed, maintained for a while a hopeless 
struggle, killing several of his assailants, and running 
through the body some of his own recreant soldiers. 
In vain the buccaneers offered him quarter, unwilling 
to put to the sword so gallant an officer; in vain his 
wife and daughter knelt and entreated him with tears 


to yield. His reply was: "By no means; I had rather 
die as a valiant soldier than be hanged as a coward." 
After several attempts to overpower or capture him, 
he w T as at length despatched. 

There still remained several castles in the hands of 
the Spaniards, one of which was strongly fortified 
and commanded the entrance to the harbor. It \vas 
deemed necessary to capture it without delay in order 
to allow the fleet to be brought round to Portobello, 
for the losses of the freebooters had been so severe 
that time must be allowed for the recovery of -the 
wounded. Turning against it the cannon of the cap 
tured fort, Morgan compelled his captives to work 

*Exquemelin, Hist. JBucaniers, 96. 

of the f 

it 1 . in whi 

Span5>h ofli lain. 

S<>on aftT n 

of 11 iy. Tlu-y ] 
in comfortable qua j under 

and tin; woundrd Spaniards in nt, 

without food, water, or ndance; and aft mr 

ir guards frll at once, as was tli ir c 
tory, to i ini^, drunkein ;md i .>ul d 

Mi. , virgin, lli I the poi 

"rd, \ forced to ; Id to the <-mhi, whose hands AVITO y< i t .staim-d with the 

l.lnd of their husbands an<l In- Xt-itl. 

r condition was spared. The r< :MI 

fmni the shelter of the convent, and girls of ler 

;-ed from their mot; arn. ins 
alike to the conquerors lust. At length, 

with wine, and worn out with t\v< ;ir li of 
continuous toil, the maraud. ; i;k t st. 

olutc men conld then have delivered ih t; lut 

all ni^ ht lon^ n,, sound was hcai d ins <>f 

the wounded and the eri a of henrt-hr- :i. 

At daylight the buccaneers plundered tin- j>la< 

all tin \-alual)l -s they could iind, sackii 

the citixi-ns. and stripping t 

gold and silver orni .id their services of n. 

Those who w 

t of thr prisoners were <picMi he 

whnv;d>outs ( .f tlu-ir concealed t 

to disclose them, \v< d on the i 

lied und.-i- tin- tortllJ 

r iifteen days Moj-.^an r inaiin-d al T !<), 

a\ ! 

an cxju-ditioii him. .1 1 

to the shl I the th? 

liim no ui hut mai had di 

wounds, of tli- 3 of drum 3, and of an 

nn- iied ly half-buried oorj , M< 


provisions began to run short. They were compelled 
to live almost entirelv on the flesh of horses and mules. 


Many of the captive and most of the wounded Span 
iards had perished from privation, having been allowed 
no sustenance but a morsel of mule meat and a little 
muddy unfiltered water. Preparations were there 
fore made for departure. Placing the booty on board 
the fleet, Morgan demanded of his prisoners a ransom 
of 100,000 pesos, threatening otherwise to burn the 
town and blow up the casties. Two of the citizens, de 
spatched to Panamd by his orders to raise the amount, 
gave information of the true condition of affairs. The 
president had a force of fifteen hundred men at his 
disposal, and at once marched to relieve his country 
men, and, as he hoped, cut off the retreat of the ad 

Forewarned of his approach Morgan posted a hun 
dred picked men in a narrow defile through which 
lay the route of. the Spaniards. At the first encoun 
ter the main body of the Spanish forces was routed ; 
many fled at once to Panamd,, bearing with them 
the news of their defeat; and for a time the expedi 
tion was crippled. While awaiting reinforcements 
the president resolved to try the effect of threats, 
though aware that he was in no position to enforce 
them. Sending a messenger to Morgan, he bid him 
depart at once from Portobello or expect no quarter 
for himself or his companions. The commander of 
the buccaneers answered by doubling the amount of 
the required contribution 3 and stating that he would 
hold the place until the ransom was paid, or if it were 
not paid, would burn down the houses, demolish the 
forts, and put every captive to death. 

As further effort appeared to be useless, the presi 
dent left the inhabitants of the town to work -out 
their own salvation; but surprised that a place de- 
iended by strongly fortified castles should fall a 

s Exqmmdin t Hist. Flib., ii. 44, and Hist. .Bucaniers, 98. 


prey t< 

req >iil T 

w M ,1 liiiu mm ,<l 

with e-rim humor handed liiui a mu>ke( 
bullets Lidding him tell liis ma that li 

much pi 1 to show him ; 

arms \\ li itli ho had taken 1 llo, and 1 

him to ke,.p them a 1 welv. m< -nth, ; which 1 

promised to comu to Tana: nl lak<- tin-in awi 
be ]>n si(lcnt soon returncil Hi bher 

ith a ] nt of an CM in -raid riii 4 and 

"tlial- ]) did not, want for arm sort, but i 

I tliat mm of such cur;i _ r W6F6 Dot ciu|il(.y.-d 
on some, just war und<-r a ^i-c-at j.i iuce." 

Mean while the freebo to deliver up 

the town on receiving , .m of a hundred thui- 

nd ])rs. The amount was coll 1 ]aid 

Tlio best guns of the stronghold were then ]>ut 

ird the vessels; the rest w< 

-ailed for Cului, where they ].. ; out tl 

spoils, which con-i-ted of coin, bull! .nd j 
tl due of two hundred MI id 

Minting the jewel- at Less than half their n 
besides larire &\ a of silk, linen, cloth, and nth- 

merchandise. Proceeding then. , Jamaica, th 

mdered in riot and e-ross d: lion tl alth 

that otl bad accumulated 1 arsof j 

If-denial. A lew days >! swinish d ry 

r the wii lops and In U of Port I! -yal 
lei t the majority of tl: Qg without 1 
and elanii ne\\ tt. It \ 

nothing unusual i f them to a 

awa le ni^ht their enti in the pi 

-fill raid, and to ivnder 
liali].- to be sold : 
unpaid tavern EH Son -uld d: lit ii 

;: c 1 wi harrel oi % strong a 

id preseiiti: : eir ]>i>to! the j 
them, whether m< i drink in their com- 


pany, running up and down the streets, when crazed 
with liquor, and beating or bespattering whomsoever 
they met. 

The standard of humanity among the buccaneers 
was such as might be expected among men who have 
been cut off from honorable intercourse with their kind. 
Many of them had been kidnapped in early youth, 
and shipped from England to the British West Indies, 
and there sold as slaves, and subjected to such treat 
ment as often reduced those of weakly constitution 
to idiocy. They had been starved and racked and 
mutilated. They had been beaten till the blood ran 
in streams from their backs, and then rubbed with salt, 
pepper, and lemon juice. It is not strange that the 
temper of men who had passed through such ordeals 
should be permanently warped ; that their hand should 
be against every man, and that they should afterward 
inflict on the prisoners who fell into their power tor 
tures as cruel as they themselves had suffered at the 
hands of their masters. 

The fame of Morgan s exploits induced numbers of 
both French and English to join the standard of the 
freebooter. To the veterans who had served under 
him during former raids was added a swarm of recruits, 
eager to share in the plunder if not in the glory of 
his expeditions. He was soon in command of his 
squadron of fifteen vessels and a force of nine hun 
dred and sixty combatants, and appointing as a ren 
dezvous the islet of Saona gave orders to sail along 
the southern coast of Espanola. Heavy gales were 
encountered during the voyage, and a portion of his 
ships being driven from their course he found his di 
minished forces inadequate for any great enterprise. 
Under the advice of a French captain, who had served 
under L Olonnois and Michel Le Basque at the capture 
of Maracaibo and Gibraltar in 1666, he determined 
to plunder those towns and their surrounding neigh 
borhood. The proceeds of this foray amounted, ac- 


horities, o In; d flf: 


jiiadroi; 1 at 1 !i< 

>f lii in r- turned 

whriv In- found i 

;>ain and < in, wlii< ,d 

irther rai he 1-: W61 thai 

{"dition should 1><- at 
and with in- st than 

undertaken. Morgan r. adilv -k- eonnnan 

and sending d- to tho an freebool 

(juartcrcd in Santo ])mnin^o and r l <>itu;.;a to acjuaint 

in witli his purpose, appoin fd i-f-nd- 

iN i-t ( "iil]on in tlio island of A , 
i-nd <>f Octolrr 1C.70 his iollo\\ had , led i 


! ic first care was io ol)taii MM ly ^ I 
and for this purpo>.- limiting part n/s li 

daily t .>ur the w hile a s<[iiadron (- ;r 

vessels with four hundred in<-n undrr iln d 

"f Captain ]>rad] was des] I to the main 

land, to oMain su[)plirs of wln-at or mai/ 
the inouili of the Rio If;. it iifty 

t]] . noi-th-\ of th< k lake of M il-o, 

:i rd a vessel laden principally with c 

iv.-d {our thousand lni>ln Is of in QSOOI i. 

a village on tb nkuf th- ri\ Iwithoth 

iiuml i }>risn; turn- ;ter an 

i lV* Wcrlx 

^ Jordan in-xl ( ajir Tihnron. 

Lenta from Jamaica joined tii pedition, and 

4 / I!.l J 

>s, besi < and i 

. 1 1!, : r._ h a typogra] 

5 s en IMI.I. ind of \ 

. 1 iM . 
In > r i^ stated t 

:i vrss. 


t! tu a n 


he now found at his disposal a fleet of thirty-seven 
ships and a force of two thousand fighting men. 7 

His largest vessel carried twenty-four heavy guns 
and six small brass cannon; 8 many of the others were 
armed with sixteen to twenty, and none with less 
than four pieces of ordnance. Morgan assumed the 
title of admiral; the royal banner of England was 
hoisted from the main-mast of his flag-ship; and com 
missions 9 were given to the officers, authorizing the 
capture of Spanish vessels either at sea or in harbor, 
and all manner of hostilities against the Spanish na 
tion, as against the declared enemies of the king of 
Great Britain. 

Articles of agreement were signed stipulating that 
those who were maimed or had distinguished them 
selves in action should receive compensation or reward 
from the first proceeds of the raid, and that the re 
mainder should be distributed according to the rank 
or office of the members of the expedition. 10 

The three most tempting prizes on the Spanish 

7 Two thousand two hundred. Exquemelin, Hist. Fllb. , ii. 105. An inter 
cepted despatch from the president of Panama, translated in Sharp s Voyages, 
145, gives the number of men at 3,000. 

3 Twenty-four heavy guns and eight brass pieces. Exquemelin, Hist. I lib., 
ii. 105. 

9 Indorsed by the governor of Jamaica. Exquemelin, Hist. FUb., ii. 110. But 
this statement is not confirmed in other places. The Hist. Bucaniers, 126, im 
plies that Morgan had no right to grant such commissions. See also Sharp s 
Voyages, preface. The governor must have been aware of the treaty pending 
between England and Spain. 

10 It was agreed that one hundredth part of all the booty should be set 
aside for the commander s portion; that each captain should draw, besides 
his own, the shares of 8, 10, or 12 men, according to the size of his vessel, 
and that the surgeon should receive 200 pesos, and each carpenter 100 pesos, 
in addition to their regular pay. For those who should be maimed in action 
compensation was thus provided: for the loss of both eyes, 2,000 pesos; of one 
eye, 100; of both arms, 1,800; of both legs, 1,500; of a single arm or leg, 500; 
and of a finger, 100 pesos; or an equivalent in slaves on the basis of one 
slave for each one hundred pesos. He who should be the first to force his way 
into a Spanish castle, or to haul down the Spanish colors and plant the English 
standard on the walls, was to receive 50 pesos; he who should take a prisoner 
from whom serviceable news could be obtained, 100 pesos; he who should 
throw hand-grenades among the enemy, 5 pesos for each one thrown; and he 
who in action should capture an officer of rank, risking his life thereby, was 
to be rewarded according to the degree of his valor. All rewards and extra 
allowances were to be paid over before a general division should be made of 
the booty. I find nothing set aside for Christ or the church. Exquemelin, 
Hist. Flib., ii. 108-110; Hist, Bucaniers, 126. 


,<1 Were J !<1 ( 

A council i 

,<I it \v;is . 

I made id I \v L)on Juan 

man, ] lenl of 1 anam&, the u 

bu ir weapo; 

J ; 

]vii<>\\ n to any 1 I" 

in-- <-n the mainland it was d< I to < 

ita ( atarina, which 
penal settlement of the Spanish V : d 

ntained among its gai In;* out ir 

i from .Panama. Among tlicse out 
law s sonic would no doubt bo found who were well 

jiiainted with thu approaeh- S to that city. 

Suiting sail from < Tiburon on the IGth of 

I) .ibcr, the lltM t anchored off Santa Catarina the 
iifth day, and on th :uo n -n thu freebooi 

landed without Opposition Tl orison and inhabi 
tants had retired to a small adjacent islet d- 1 by 

n castles \vhi-h, with a resolir :ice, would 1 

been impregnable; but the governor, when summoned 
to capitulate, consented on condition that he should 
be allowed to depart iimnd 1 after makin. ] i"\v 
< f ;!!<<. A sham light maintained by i. 

I oi- urs, and no po\\ 

luicrnn, liivd with blank d the S[an- 

ordered to train tin i > that t; 

: whistled harmless overhead, r l l. then 

rendered, the pri in\i> 

d, and the freetxx 

iiour ed war in ear; on the 

j.oult; ime whieh l ind in th P- 

hood. Three outlav, Panama, 

Indians and mulatto, all well acquainted with 

the i favorable routes, v. leliv< led up 

Indians, aware that tin 

11 7. .ml lli-t. Duc i. .I /-.-. 30. 


suffer from the raid in common with the Spaniards, 
feigned ignorance, but were betrayed by the mulatto 
and put to the torture. One of them died on the 
rack, and the survivor then confessed that he knew 
the roads, and consented to serve his captors. 

Before landing the main body of the buccaneers on 
the Isthmus, Morgan determined to capture the castle 
of San Lorenzo, which guarded the mouth of the 
Chagre River. For this purpose he despatched a 
squadron of five vessels with four hundred men 12 
under Captain Bradley, remaining himself at Santa 
Catarina with the rest of his forces, in order to mask 
his main design. The castle was built on a high rock, 
steep enough to render it inaccessible on the southern 
side, and was protected on the north by the river, 
which widens at that point. Four bastions mounted 
with artillery guarded the approaches by land, and 
two faced seaward. At the foot of the rock were 
three batteries which commanded the mouth of the 
Chagre. At the outlet of the river is a sunken reef 
and a sand-bar, over which the breakers roll for almost 
the entire width. Only in the calmest weather can 
one detect a narrow passage close under the precipice, 
whose height is still crowned by the ruins of the 
castle of San Lorenzo. The fortress was surrounded 
with palisades, filled in with earth, and its single 
entrance could be approached only by a drawbridge 
which spanned a crevasse in the rock thirty feet in 
depth. The garrison consisted of three hundred and 
fourteen well armed and veteran troops, and a party 
of expert Indian bowmen under as gallant an officer as 
ever drew sword. 

Bradley saw that the stronghold could be assailed 
only from the land side, and anchored his vessels 
in a small bay at a short distance from the outlet 
of the river. The freebooters went ashore soon after 
midnight, and after cutting their way through woods 

12 Three ships and 470 men, according to Sharp s Voyages, 130. 


led with undergrowth, 

, debouched a in ll 

. /it hin gunshot of t 

tin 1 attack. The garr: ;i tli 

ot ii. :ng out: " Coino on, I 1 j 

. and let your COmpanioE arc behind 

come on; yon .shall not get to I bia ! 

r rh d severely and were driv 

the shelter of the woods; but ret u ruin" : ii- 


fall can up to the edge o; 

attempted to burn do\vn the ]>ali 

|[)osite v Guided by th lit of 1 li 

the Spaniards pli.-d tlicni inc< vith 

rtillcry and the Indians di 

arrows with hardly less el M- n fell nd 

]!radley had both his legs taken off -und shot. 

The buccaneers were 11 n! 

of success, when a lucky s: turned i 
in their lavor. One of 
It an arr<>\v, phiekrd it forth and wi 
with cotton, shot it back from his musket t 
, where it lighted on a house 13 th 
tves. The cotton, ignited by the : 
, set fire to the roof. The flames w 
ticed until beyond control, and s; llysoon 

exploded a package of gunpoi* T 

at all their efforts to .c conil :i and \ 

d into th and mount: 

i o(L dioulders burnt down the 

the 1 -S. 

I he ca-f]e \vas all ruin. 

th which supported the p.-ili [ ialleii i: 

it in plans to a level with i 
A mu: us lire was poun-d on : 

account given in 

1 -house tliat st<x><l on tlu: 
:e cast! . I 

\\-et-n t 
-i and the castle \val I reach of su. 


fenders till noon, when the assailants advanced to 
storm the breach. Many of the Spaniards hurled 
themselves down the steep side of the rock, prefer 
ring death to surrender. The governor, at the head 
of a handful of men, still maintained a hopeless strug 
gle, but a musket-ball through the head soon laid him 
low, and all resistance was at an end. Only thirty of 
the garrison were found alive; among them not a 
single officer, and scarcely a dozen unwounded men. 
The prisoners gave information that news of the in 
tended raid had reached Panama by way of Carta 
gena several weeks previously; that a deserter from 
the expedition, when at the Rio Hacha, had also re 
vealed Morgan s design; that messengers had been 
despatched by the governor of the fortress to the 
president, with news of the invaders approach; that 
ambuscades were already posted at several points on 
the banks of the Chagre, and that the president with 
the main body of his forces awaited their approach 
on the plains surrounding Panama. 

The Spaniards were ordered to throw down their 
dead to the foot of the castle rock, and there to bury 
them. A neighboring church served as a hospital for 
the wounded, and a prison-house for the captured 
women, who were subjected as usual to foul outrage 
and defilement, daughters being violated in presence 
of their mothers, and wives before their husbands 
pantomimes of hell performed within the walls of a 

On receiving news of the capture of San Lorenzo, 
the commander of the buccaneers gave orders that all 
the houses on the isle of Santa Catarina should be 
burned to the ground, and that the fortifications on the 
adjacent islet should be destroyed, with the exception 
of one of the strongest castles, which he reserved for 
future occupation. Casting the guns of the fortress 
into the sea, and placing his prisoners on board the 
fleet, he set sail for the mainland, and arrived off the 
mouth of the Chagre in January 1G71. Overjoyed at 

h colors j!yin-_ 


,ijis on tin 1 sunki-n r< 
river, but prizes w< .il la. 

. and of a nunilMT of buui 

for the navigation of the E in. lain 

i t as a garrison lor t! and one huiuh 

and fifty ; -^iiard for i ;pti\< 

!<Ted to repair the breaches in the I 

tin- main body of tin- advciitur- t \\vl\x- hun- 

divd strong, started on their expedition again in- 
ania. if organ gave orders that no provM uld 

n but a slander stock of mai/r, b. nt 

Millie day s ratioi, He told bisnx-n that, i 
means of conveyance b./m^ liinitud, they must 

umber themselves with unn< try i 
they would soon replenish Ir supplies ir.m thu 
magazines of the Spaniards, who lay in anibu>h . 
1 route. Moreover, the detachment left behind 
n Lorenzo numbered with the prisoners o 1,000 
sons, and tin- entire supply was hardly 
th.ii- subsistence until his return. 

The journey was be^un in boats and cano 
notwithstanding a rapid current and a want of skill 
in managing the overloaded vessels, about 

Were made- tli t. day. So little did the fr< 

know of the impediments they w -omi to eneoiur 
in their as<.vnt of the stream, that they took 
them five large scows laden with artillery andamii 
nit ion. A few of the party went . 

irch for food, as their BG allow, !zu 

was soon drvourrd, but nothi di>c< 

I ;unl mo>t of the buer lay down to r 

supper! ,ith nothing but a pi[>e of tobacco to ap- 


14 In Shnr]) ~ 1:13, it is stated tl; ft only HOO i: 

he castle, anil r i anain;i -\vitli 1,400 b; 

and 3H honts. 1 

i in the s; ; gan i- 

2,300 nu-n. In /. !<n, 11 

HIST. CENT. \x... VOL. II. 32 


On the se cond evening they arrived at a spot where 
the river-bed was shoal from drought, and choked 


with fallen trees. The guides assured them that a 
few miles beyond they would find no difficulty in 
continuing their route, either by land or water, and 
next morning, leaving a strong guard over their 
vessels, they attempted to make their way through 
the forests that skirt the banks of the Chagre. The 
trees were matted with vines, and the spaces between 
them filled with a dense wall of tropical undergrowth/ 
in places impenetrable to sight. Most of the men 
were ordered to return to the river, and leaving there 
the scows with the artillery they managed to drag 
their canoes over the shallow places, a portion of them 
embarking wherever the water was of sufficient depth. 
The remainder cut a passage through the woods with 
extreme difficulty, and on the following afternoon all 
assembled on the bank of the stream, where they 
passed the night without food, benumbed with cold, 
and unable to sleep. 

Worn out with toil and gaunt with hunger, their 
clothing torn to rags, the buccaneers resumed their 
journey on the morning of the fourth day, some of 
them already staggering from weakness and halting 
now and then to gnaw the roots and leaves, or to soak 
in water and chew strips cut from the empty leathern 
sacks which had contained their dole of maize. About 
noon one of the guides called out that he had discov 
ered signs of an ambuscade a cry welcome to the 
freebooters, who advanced at once to the attack, 
hoping at length to obtain a supply of provisions. 
Forewarned by their scouts, \vho had given timely 
notice of the enemy s approach, the Spaniards had 
retired to a safe distance, and none were found to 
offer resistance, nor any scrap of food save a few 
crumbs scattered round the spot where the fugitives 
had made a recent meal. All their bright visions of 
wealth now faded before the grim spectre of famine, 
and their one thought was to obtain the means of 


"icvin- 1 the j-nawin 111 had it 

wi : . ho mi _dit then I lien int> 

lamished ( for lie would 

surely have bet -M carved and n. I !i- 

boring huts were found a few bund! t dry Iiid 

such as Were u-.-d bv tin- n; makiii"- I for 


tlif stora rn. Tl 

aked in the river, rut, 5nt<> small pieces, rubl 
hand, and after tin- hair had he, n set I nil , 
were cookrd and o-ul[)cd dn\vn nmi-x-1 ly iimi->,-l \\ 
draughts <t \va<rr. About sundown -j-ot u 

! wln rc wt-ro traces of another amlmsradr. hut 
:n-iits of victuals, for orders had l>.M-ngiv. 

r remove v-i-ything edible Ix-yond reach 

the invaders, in the hope that they would be f. ,iv 
by -vation to retrace their ate] l- -rtnnaTe \\ 
thai ni- lit who had iv>erved some scra}.< of li : 
on which to mak e his evening rrj)ast. 

At noon on the fifth day of the journey th r- 

rived at the village- of Barbacoas, oear wlnVh. after ;i 
loii ii-ch, they discovered in a grotto recently hewn 
out of the rock, two sacks of meal, a (juaniity of jl 
tains, and two jars of wine. This scan! l \*]^y v 
tinned out anion^ those who v. in the lasi 
mity, many of them s< weak tl I to be 

ried nn bnard lb M"-t nl tin* bu 

iin lay dnwn suppei l- b, some jestii 

their snn-y plight, but the majority thr- 

ert, and uttei in^ curses l>ud and le.-p againsl 
man who with promise of ]-ieh spoils had Inn-d them 
into a wildei-iiess w la-re they s< I soon to 

their carcasses a j the vulttir- 

Nevertheless all continued their course next morn- 
in_n\ and abn;it midday came in si^ht of a plantation 
which they approached with slow step and s: 
liahinu \ few jiaces to iv-t t liroii. 

akne At first i lief wa^ found. Imai 
the freebooters were about T .rry out their t! 

of i-etui-niii"- to ( ha"Te, when one of them dis<XH 

O O 


a barn filled with maize which the Spaniards had 
neglected to remove, thinking that the invaders could 
not make their way so far across the Isthmus. The 
stronger of the party at once beat in the doors with 
the but-end of their muskets, and after devouring 
their fill of the raw grain made way for their com 
rades, and carried a portion down to those who lay in 
the canoes so enfeebled with their long fast that they 
were unable to crawl further. When all had satisfied 
their hunger, enough remained to give each man a 
good allowance. Toward nightfall they came in sight 
of a body of Indians posted on the opposite side of the 
river. Morgan at once ordered a party to give chase, 
hoping to capture some; but being more fleet of foot 
and in better condition, they easily made their escape, 
after discharging a flight of arrows, which laid low 
tw r o or three of their pursuers, the natives crying out 
as they brandished their weapons: "Ha, perros, d la 
savana, d la savana." 

At sunrise on the seventh day the freebooters 
crossed the river and continued their route on the 
other side, arriving in a few hours in sight of the 
village of Cruces, about eight leagues from Panama, 
and the head of navigation on the Chagre. Smoke 
\vas soon observed rising from the chimneys, and 
the buccaneers ran forward, exclaiming: "They are 
making good fires to roast and boil what we are to 
eat." One more disappointment was in store for 
them: the place was found to be deserted and the 
houses in flames. The only provisions discovered were 
a single leathern sack of bread and some jars of wine. 
A number of dogs and cats left straying around the 
neighborhood were instantly killed and devoured. 
The wine, acting on stomachs weak with fasting and 
disordered by unwholesome diet, caused a violent 
sickness, and for a while they believed themselves 

At daybreak next morning two hundred of the best 
armed and strongest were sent forward to search for 

AT - : l 

.-I 1" reconnoitre t! 
I foll.)\vh: ,- hours later wit !i the 


arrived at . "t then called Qu 
ravine em : wren walls of r 

Id with difficulty walk al: 
A flight of arrows, discha an u. 

upon them as from the cloud a i. 

must stout-hearted d. Ti ho 

11 to .shrink from peril, but th i\v that a hand- 
i ul of resolute troops could hold the pass a^ain 
my. J) in lay a 1< liillt 

1 nr, ry could j) the j ()v> 

sheer | i roiu which i\> liurL 

ids ; jily have destroyed tli- tire f 

The bu rved some Indi ^lidi 

in their front, and pu^hi; rward ai 

delay to a point \vl, ^s wi 

voll-y into tin; woods at random. The- 1; 

chieftain , re 1 by his parti-col plumes, I 

, l, when the frecboot d him <juar- 

l liimself on his elb :id i. at 

on them with his javelin. He insta 

throii di the head, and his followers took to i! 


In tliis skirmish no prisoners \ taken, and the 

-f M< ! vanced - Hard was about ten kil 

and as many wounded. u 

r rhe main b .f the buccaneers soon arri\ nd 
aft :ef halt the march was resinned, 1 .rd 

-torm of v/ind and rain set in, and con- 
It v. 

to burn th be line of 

-skirmish, i 

Aivlu : 
: l.ut tin 

!1<1 III . 

;m>l ivii .i- r 

h. IM I that 

o kilk.l, a -htly NV...U 


route, and the men passed the night without shelter, 
sitting huddled on the ground. A few shepherds 
huts afforded scant protection for the wounded, and 
storage room for the arms and ammunition. The 
robbers were on foot at the first gleam of dawn, and 
after discharging their fire-locks at once fell into the 
ranks. Toward noon on this, the ninth day of the 
journey, they ascended a lofty hill which yet bears 
the name of El Cerro de los Buccaneros, and from its 
summit looked down for the first time on the Pacific. 
The storm had broken, and a few white sailing boats 
were seen gliding among a group of islands that lay a 
few leagues to the south of Panama^ but a far more 
interesting sight to these toil-worn and famished 
marauders was a neighboring valley, where droves 
of oxen and bands of horses were quietly grazing. 
No enemy appeared, and somo of the cattle were at 
once shot down. Hacking them piecemeal they cast 
the flesh into hastily kindled fires, and snatching it 
from the flames while still half raw, tore it with their 
fingers and devoured it with the greed of starving 
wolves, the blood streaming down their beards and 
dripping from their garments. Before the meal was 
over, Morgan ordered a false alarm to be sounded, 
fearing that the Spaniards might take them by sur 
prise. It soon became evident that this was no need 
less precaution, for an hour or two later a strong de 
tachment of Spanish cavalry appeared almost within 
musket shot. Finding the enemy prepared to receive 
them they quickly withdrew, and the sound of drum 
and trumpet soon gave notice to the retreating squad 
rons that the buccaneers were in sight of Panamd. 

Two or three piers of a shattered bridge, a fragment 
of wall, a single tower, and a few remnants of public 
buildings, half buried under a dense growth of creep 
ers, still mark the spot where, in 1671, stood a city 
with fine streets and beautiful edifices, among which 

7 O 

were stately churches richly adorned with altar-pieces 
and rare paintings, with golden censers and goblets, 

BBFO \. 503 

and tall candelabra of native >il\ er. 

iil>< the merchant j)rin<- f tli. \v \Vorld, 

of them tli- adanl . who had fought 


under Cortes when he added i :npiiv .r the M..U- 
to tli of the Spani>h crown. 

were vast waivho bored with Hour, wine, oil, 

spi ind the merchandise of Spain ; tl 

of <v<lar Btirrounded with Ix-.-mtiful pn . \\li 

i- wonu ii rnj<>y< <l tli. nin^ Lr. 

wnrd on tlir untroubled \\; I \-tci 

But what waa J)on Juan Perez de Guzman <!< 
while Morgan \vas on his \\ay up tli" Cli,-. 
captui in^ tin; high-mounted <-i>tlo of San J.^ivn/ 
-\1: were l> iu.^ said daily for the success of ; 
SjKinish an; The iina-vs of our lady of }i nd 

immaculate conception were l>rh ! in ^i-n ral 

]>r ion, attended hy all the religious fraternity of 

the cathedral. Alv. most holy sacramenl \\. 

left uncovered and exposed to public view. ( } 

re l)eini- taken with iniicli pi>u> fervor in the pi 

ence of the sacred ell: md all th<j ] 

3 and jewelry, including a diamond rin^ \. 
frty thousand j re laid on the alta 

lioly virgin and of the- saints who held in their special 
ke< ! iii^ the welfan, 1 of l^uianui. Surely if the f , 
of d powers can be bought with j and 

money they have h eceil ieir price, and should 

deliver thi> city, especially when the pir.. 
to Li loriiy (iod with their spoils. 16 with 

down look, gathering up these votive oU erin- 

and taking in charge 1 old and silver ornan 

of the ehurellCS, iliVnk-d id OQ 1 

royal banners of Spain, and linrried off beyond i-eaeh 
of the coming fray with the treasures thu> 
upon them thi ou^h the instrumentality of Satan. 
The forces of the Spaniards, consist] 100 lio-i 

and _. H>0 j not, with a 1 

16 Si t-iiit. r fix in analati 

, r>i 


drawn up in the plain without the city. Yet another 
mode of warfare, unique in New World adventure, 
presents itself, as 2,000 wild oxen, under the guidance 
of Indians, were placed on the flanks of the army 
ready to break through the enemy s ranks. 

The buccaneers pitched their camp near the brow 
of a hill in full view of the plain. There were yet two 
hours of daylight, and the Spanish artillery at once 
opened on them with round shot, but at too long range 
to take effect. Morgan posted his sentries without 
the least misgiving, and his men, after making their 
supper on the remnants of the noonday meal, threw 
themselves upon the ground to obtain what rest they 

As soon as the first gleam of dawn heralded the 
approach of the last day the doomed city was destined 
to witness after an existence of one hundred and 
fifty years, 17 the morning gun from the president s 
camp gave the signal for both armies to fall into the 
ranks, and a few minutes later the freebooters were on 
the march toward the city. Warned by their scouts 
that ambuscades were posted along the line of the 
main road, they cut their way with some difficulty 
through a neighboring wood, and debouched on the 
summit of a small eminence that still bears the name 
of El Cerro de Avance. The Spanish battalions, ill 
armed with carbines, fowling-pieces, and arquebuses, 
but dressed in parti-colored silk uniforms, the horse 
men prancing on mettlesome steeds as though attend 
ing a bull-fight, lay before them almost within musket 
shot. Morgan drew up the main body of his forces 
in three columns, and sending in front a strong detach 
ment of his best marksmen, descended into the plain 
to give battle. The enemy s artillery, posted in a 
part of the field where it commanded the main ave 
nues of approach to the city, was far out of range, but 

17 The old town of Panama was destroyed by Morgan in January 1671. 
Exquemdhi s Hist. Bucaniers, 148. In Sharp s Voyages, 142, January 1G70 
is given as the date. 


ler I- 

I d \vith l >;id >f Vi\ 

enemy in check. Tli u:id . 

loot, and un for the ac 

not of 11: 

d l>y a li::t tie cry and a 

<jua<! troo} Forming in 

it rank kneel: md i 

Sp came iij) almost to tin ir in: 

1 in a volley which told with mnnl 
Don Fra ! his 

lar-^v, l)iit no imp! n could he !id \ 

sha t l^n^th wh< ! off 

tance, leaving their gallant chieftain d< ad on il. Id. 

Meanwhile tlic < d, after i- 

id repeating his A\ 

and ] - to th<> saints, had come forth froi; 

ho\v the battle \v;:s pro 1 . T! 

Spanish foot \\viv tlicii oi-.!cr-d ail t 

in Iront, while hands of oxen driven in on 

k to l>roak through their 1 Th.. h 

had tho wind and sun in their 
ul rate on a <|i\en point as : 

o]>] - could In-iiiL r in ivarof t 

latter 1;, UK which ; 

r main hody. Jlie ir 
ceived with a hot liru and handled so r ly that 

t. ^I left wing t 

in in Hank and their 

rout. The wild c; . inaddnied 1 .y the Uj>- 
:ell of Mood, and hy t! d ilag >! 

in th< ii 4 s- any of their drivers 1 lown 

H v of mus!. ptirp< 

drivm hack on I ilyin !umi. 
dent made a i eel.l to lally hi n. until t 

\Y which he carried in his hand, t 
apparently which he hore that day, wa d w 

a > ; ^hen, yieldi: . the in, 

li-dii . Li ivin--- than bless 



virgin, "who had brought him off safe from amidst 
so many thousand bullets." 18 

In two hours the battle was won. Six hundred of 
the Spaniards lay dead on the plains; the cavalry 
were almost annihilated, and the infantry threw away 
their arms and scattered into small parties, many of 
them hiding among the bushes by the sea-shore where 
they were afterward discovered and butchered. A 
party of Franciscan friars, who had remained with 
the army to offer the last consolations of religion to 
the dying, were captured and shot without mercy. 
Orders were at first given that no quarter should be 
granted, as the buccaneers were too much crippled to 
encumber themselves with prisoners. An exception 
was made, however, in the case of a wounded Spanish 
officer, who was brought into the commander s pres 
ence and gave information that the city contained only 
a garrison of one hundred men, but that the streets 
were protected by barricades and by twenty-eight 
pieces of cannon, and that the president would proba 
bly reoccupy the place if he could reorganize his forces. 
Morgan at once assembled his troops, and telling them 
they must lose no time in seizing the prize, put his col 
umns in motion by way of the Portobello road, which 
lay beyond reach of the enemy s fire, and within an 
hour made his entrance into Panamd without opposi 
tion. 19 Warning was given to the men to keep out of 
range of the cannon that were posted in the plaza 

18 Translation of the president s letter in Sharp s Voyages, 155. There is 
considerable discrepancy in the various accounts of the action before Panama; 
but there is no evidence that Guzman acquitted himself in the least like a 
soldier. Exquemelin, Hist. Flib., ii. 160, and Hist. Buccaniers, 146, Sharp, 
Voyayers, 138 (in the author s own account of the battle), and Archenholtz, 
Ilixt. Pirates, 140, all agree that the cavalry bore the brunt of the tight, and 
not one of these authorities has a word to say in favor of the pusillanimous 

19 Here again authors differ essentially in their narrative. Exqmmelin, 
Hist. Bucaniers, 147, states that the freebooters suffered severely from the 
Spanish artillery as they approached the city. Archenholtz, Hint. Pirates, 
141, makes the same statement; but the Hist. Flib., ii. 164, says that they 
encountered no opposition; and this version is probably correct, for as remarked 
in Burney s Buccaneers of America, 67, Panamd had no regular fortifications, 
and in parts lay open, and was to be won or defended by plain fighting. 
Sharp, Voyages, 141, indorses the Hist. Flib. 

T,l G OF T! Y. 507 

T. Ill :f In 

in s< arch <>f plunder or in pursuit of i u 

tin- Spaniards, pointing tin ir ] ;il tl 

ch, of the en ,poui iv< 11 y Fi 

t mms loaded t<> the mu/./le with urn- 

of iron. This was tin- ], i liivd in <! 

I inama: for the cannoniers \\ 

they Isad time to reload, and tin- IV- 

throu-di tin- Mr> liewin<_r down all who off 



pt lar_ <>! silk and cloth little bo< 

Va rud in the i:illeii city, fol the j 

of tin- inhabitants had tied t<> t Jihorini;- isl;iu 

with them tin ir wivefl and children and all 


their portable property. Morgan s lir>t j>! ition 

u;is to forhid liis Jiien to t ;ne, un<l r tin | 

t QC6 that it had all lieen p..; .1. ] ! 

al tei 1 their ln^- t .-i>t they \\-<ntld a^ ii>ual 

their victory with i easting and drunkeiiin nd thus 

1 tin- Spans a chance to rally and 

tin-in when stupetied with li<ju<>r. 

The huccane.-is had har- ly time to p I heir | 

and ; up their quarters in the d- d duelli; 

v/heii ilaines wei .kinu t "rth froii, of 

the 1, 4 hoiis The president having i 

iiiforniation that Morgan had anion^ hi> party a you 
Engli hinan whom he intend. d to crown 1 "f 

r j i. I" irnse. had n on f<>r the i .pnl r 

v to he Inn in d if it should fall into tin- hands "f 

pirates. 10 The lire spread rapidly, although t 

lillicult to.l, . midst a conflict of 

.mis .r to Mor-nn .- -. In 

I iinj.linl th. 

In // 
tlui: him 1 

1,, n,, s i :; is also : 

s (.-hai ..tlit-r liand, in t: 

, I 

tin- 1! 

that tin- : 

n, \\li. hail i 
<>uM 1. 


freebooters did their utmost to check its progress. 
Several houses were torn down, and others blown up 
with gunpowder, but all efforts were in vain. A fresh 
breeze had set in from the Pacific, and the buildings, 
almost entirely of wood, many of them well stored 
with costly furniture and adorned with pictures and 
tapestry, fell an easy prey to the flames. Within an 
hour an entire street was consumed, and by midnight 
a single convent, one or two public buildings, and the 
cabins of a distant quarter, wretchedly built, and occu 
pied only by muleteers, were all that remained- of the 
seven thousand houses of cedar, the two hundred ware 
houses, the monasteries and churches of a city which 
but a few days before was peopled by thirty thousand 
inhabitants, and famed as the abode of one of the 
wealthiest communities in the western world. 

Morgan sent a detachment of one hundred and fifty 
men to Chagre to carry news of his victory and bring 
back word as to the welfare of the garrison, and 
ordered the remainder of his command to camp in the 
plains, thus keeping them in hand and ready for 
action in case the president should rally his forces and 
renew the fight. Troops of Spaniards and Indians 
were seen flitting to and fro along the edge of the 
forest which skirted the savanna, but it was evident 
that they had no confidence in their captain-general, 
for as he himself naively remarked in his intercepted 
despatch: "Although he afterward attempted several 
times to form an army, yet he could not do any good 
of it, because no man would be persuaded to follow 
him." The buccaneers soon returned, therefore, to 
take up their quarters in the few buildings that had 

mentos para la Historia de Mdjico, se"rie i. torn. ii. 117, it is mentioned that a 
letter from the president of Panamd, dated April 3, 1671, nearly six weeks 
after Morgan s departure, was received in Mexico in December of that year. 
The letter confirms the intercepted despatch in many particulars, and adds 
that when the city was burned the buccaneers * found themselves without 
provisions and supplies, and on that account did not carry out their main 
intention, which was to pass to Portobello by land, besiege it with vessels 
by sea, and capture it by blockade, and that they brought with them in 
anticipation a boy whom they styled the prince, and intended to crown king 
of Tierra Firme. 

ped As i 

I 11 foil! 

hidden in \\ ixl cister lm-i d 

iMiins, par ir the i: 

A\ and liills in <|ik->t of fugitives who might 

Sul>j.-.-i-d to tortu 

A hark ! i wit I ! for tli- 

\\ho had ili-d to a n< ] _ ;! J" .rill- uTdip of i>l;m 

I- en eapt mvd on tli- evening thai ok p 

"ii of Panami, Orders liad been -. 

in^ \ -lionld ieir d-]>aM are, ltit i ! 

:j)tnin liad lin-- tvd I m- tlic turn of tliu tide, n- 
deeming it jtossil-lc that so suddm ;i i! ull 

1-ci all the cit Tin- vess<-l \v nce shed 

a company of t \vrnty-iivr men to search for 
which, as tliu buccaneen rn< d iVoin their 

had IM-I-H con\ nd tli -ii 1 

men landed tin- n \t day at one of tin- small 
and having mana^vd to HIIML OD 1- 
of v/ine, Avere soon half stupdit-d with li jii rd 

evening a Spanish ship, which lay oif tlie 
sidr of tlic i>l<-t, put ashon- to obtain w, id th 

crew were captured by some of the par! ;i< h. 

use enoiiu li left to point a nm- A ] 

now within their reach of gr- value than all tl: 
ho. >ty that th- adventure] 

IVoin thrir raid. A galleon of four hundred t ill 

manned, ])ooi-ly armed, and carrying n ( ut 

the up| dls of the niaininast, SO deeply lad-n ^ v . 

;old an<l silvt-r, with th ]>la 

dthirst Dierchl "f Pananni. and with 1 

Iden vessels an<l decorationa of chmvh and m 

ry that no oth-r lallast was n . d lay al: 

\\ithin caniion->h r fi plain ol t lit- Lark did n 

iture to make th< hilall \\ iili 

and drunken hand, feelil r, th; 

uld have an opportunity of capturiiiL 

21 . . ii. 171. :igote : 

; *i;ml T r safo 


daybreak ; but alarmed at the non-arrival of the boat, 
the commander of the galleon ordered the anchor 
slipped long before midnight, arid the ship, favored 
with a strong breeze, was out of sight when the sun 
appeared above the horizon. 

The detachment returned from Chagre with news 
that all was going well; so Morgan determined to 
prolong his stay at Panama", and wrest from the Span 
iards a portion at least of their concealed riches. Par 
ties were sent forth to scour the country and bring in 
prisoners. The captives were placed in the convent 
of Mercedes, San Jose, and there subjected to such 
ingenuity of torture as might satisfy even Great Brit 
ain that her people were not behind the age in brutal 
barbarities. One instance only need be related. A 
servant, dressed in his master s garments, from one of 
which depended a small silver key, was captured by 
the buccaneers. Ordered to reveal the hiding-place 
of the cabinet to which the key belonged, he replied 
that he knew it not, and merely had the key in his 
possession because he had ventured to don his master s 
attire. No other answer coming, he was stretched on 
the rack and his arms disjointed. A cord was then 
twisted round his forehead until, to use the words of 
Exquemelin, "his eyes protruding from their sockets 
appeared as big as eggs." 22 His ears and nose were 
then cut off, and the wounds seared with burning 
straw. When beyond power of speech, and insensible 
to further suffering, a negro was ordered to end his 
life by running him through the body. 23 

Women who had the ill-fortune to fall into the 
hands of the freebooters could only escape torture 
and starvation at the cost of their chastity or by pay- 

2 2 In Hist. Bucaniers, 152, it is stated that he was then hung up by the 
private parts, and flogged in that position. 

23 All the leading authorities agree that the prisoners were subjected to 
excruciating torture. The author of Sharp s Voyages makes an attempt to 
clear Morgan s character, and to throw ridicule on the story of these atroci 
ties. The work was published in London in 1684, a few years after Morgan 
was knighted by Charles II. The writer collected his materials in part from 
inquiry among the buccaneers themselves, and may therefore be worthy of 


"in. A pri- 

tin- island- of Taboguilla and T . YOIIII"- 


autiful gentlewoman, the wi 

merchant of I*.-!!!,-!!!!;!. Like niair her counl 

Won* ie had learned to i d tin- Inn-can- 
tional beings, but as monsters in lininaii 
Tlu. lady was brought : M< r;j an - p: 

t t reated with respect, lod-vd in , 

ment, waited on h nale Slaves, and supplied with 
d Iroin his own tallc. Suipris.-d at thi 

mistaking tlic iVMjii nt. and blasphem j <>[ I 

ca| tor ]>ioii- ejaculations, >h>- hlo-.-d ln-r t 

tiiat the pirates <>t I ln^land Were such liii n< 

of Christian gentlemen. I>ut Mi-i-^ni had hi-lir 

^ainc to play. 1 I is amorous propo>aU were in- I a 
firm rciusal, but in such mild Ian to .- 

i-oiisin^ his an-_;-ei-. l- m- a while 1 oghl 1" u ain her 

consent by persuasion, and was lavi-h with 1 

<>t rare jewel All failino* she 1 w, aed with 

ture. u ]\Iv life is in your hands/ sh- I. "hut 

-hall my soul he separated from my hody t! 
1 -ulnuit to your eml>ra Bxasi d. M m 

ordered his attendant- removed, and Mien at 
violence. She tore her-elf from his arms, and warn- 
him not to approach her a^aiu. ! out: "im- 

a--ine not that, after i-ohhin^- me of my liberty, you c 


-ily depi ive me nf my hon- As he >till p 

! in following hei\ -h. \\- a da ainl -aid: 

"See that I know how to die it I can kill t 
She then -pranif at, him and attempted t.> drive the 

Made into his heart. The commandor ileds al 

. hut tinally succeeded in j-ainin^ p 
the weapon. lie then retired from her p: . and 

ordered her to 1 >e -tripped of mo t h-r appai 
4 half naked into a dark and fetid cell, and ; ily 

.tttM-.s <f ill-tail: 1 Ut tin- fa.-t that If. ,igca of 

up \\ ith ;i tli<- lf"ii"i;r 

. \vln! 

it of 170 pages, set-i WM 



with the coarsest food, in quantities. so small as barely 
to sustain life. 

Morgan had made several prizes of sea-going ves 
sels, one of which was well adapted to a piratical 
cruise. A plot was concocted by some of the men to 
embark on an expedition to the islands of the Pacific, 
thence after obtaining sufficient booty to sail for Europe 
by way of the East Indies. Cannon, muskets, ammu 
nition, and provisions had been secretly obtained in 
sufficient quantity not only to equip the vessel but 
to fortify and garrison one of the islands as a base of 
operations. Warned of the design by a repentant 
conspirator, Morgan ordered all the ships in the har 
bor to be burned, and at once made preparations to 
return to Chagre. Beasts of burden were collected 
to convey the plunder to the point where the canoes 
had been left on the river; some of the wealthier 
Spaniards were despatched under guard to obtain the 
amount of their ransom; and a strong detachment 
was sent to reconnoitre the line of march by which 
the buccaneers were to return. 

On the 24th of February, after holding possession 
for four weeks of Panama", or rather of the site where 
Panama had stood, the marauders took their depart 
ure with six hundred prisoners, men, women, arid chil 
dren, arid a hundred and seventy-five pack-animals 
laden with plunder. When fairly out on the plain 
the forces were put in order of march, and the cap 
tives placed between the van and rear guard. Many 
of them, fresh from the rack, well nigh perishing of 
hunger, and scarcely able to drag themselves along, 
were goaded and beaten, and with foul oaths made to 
quicken their pace until they dropped fainting or 
dead. The women, among whom were mothers with 
infants at the breast, cast themselves on their knees 
and pleaded in vain for leave to return and build for 
themselves huts of straw amidst the pile of ashes 
which had once been their native city. Dragged 
along between two of the buccaneers was the gentle- 


man had 

Avl, !, thirty tl, :id j 

Learning that it \ his i 

Jamaica, she 1). I i ur a ln-i.-f r ;lirm 

"that she liad n ordei f tin- i 

whom she had rdie > go i ]1. ml 

ohtain the sum required; that they had ]inmi- 
bhfillly i" do S(, hut having ]>r>cinv<I the 11; 

liad employed it to relei f tli.-ir tVi-n. 

"Moi-^.-in was conquered at last, !! in jiiiivd int> ^ 

truth <>! her assertion, and iuiind it iii iucd h; 

ter drh\vivd to the lady ly a >! and aft-ruai d 

Confession of the pi ; wlici-cujMin h 

Hid h-r jiareiits, who \\vru ainon^ tlie j.r 

to l>e BCi at hhel t V. 


Midway on their march across the Isthmus the 

ebooters Were mustered and all ma<! 

t they liad con.- I none of the sjiuiU. hut 1 

livered all into the conmion k. After t 
the commander oi-dei-.-d e.-n-h 01 

himself iir>t submitting, ( lotln-s and la 
carefully examined, and even tin- uiu 

, to see that no juveioii 
ded het ween the hanvl an<l bis | 

ited much indignation, and ihr> mad- 

^1 organ s life, hut th n-ch-ot; 
lelude their work as <jui- 

divulging the names of the offendej d an ouihr, ;dc 

detl. A day or two afterward the r\ju-di- 

ii arrived at the castle at San Lor. . win-re it 

; oun<l that most of tho-e who had been \voiun 
in the Assault on that fort iv-s had perished of t! 
. ami that th n was ah 

isions, h- inu ivduecd \ -mall allowair 

. A \ e-sel having on I M. a i-d the j 
the i-le of Santa ( atari na was then d. .-lied 

hello to demand a i m for the 

( 1 . l>u? i ; uriM-d with th. t n- 

",ld be jiaid. 

His .. AM., VOL. II. 33 


A division of the spoils was next in order; and 
there were none who expected to receive for their 
share less than two or three thousand pesos, for the 
entire value of the booty was set down, according to 
the highest estimate, at little short of four and a half 
millions. 24 Loud were the complaints and fierce the 
threats, therefore, when Morgan declared that, after 
paying the extra allowances to the captains and offi 
cers of the fleet, the compensation to the wounded, 
and the rewards to those who had distinguished 
themselves in action, each man s share amounted 
but to two hundred pesos. He was accused, and no 
doubt with justice, of setting apart the most valu 
able of the jewelry and precious stones for his own 
portion, and of estimating the rest at far less than 
their real worth, for the purpose of buying them in 
as cheaply as possible. He knew that most of his 
men cared for money only to squander it among the 
taverns of Port Royal, and turning his opportunity to 
good use he managed to store away for himself and a 
few of his accomplices the lion s share. 

Morgan now began to fear for his personal safety 
and for the security of his stolen treasures, and deter 
mined to make no longer stay at Chagre. Assuredly 
he was the best prize his fellow-pirates could find at 
this juncture. He silenced the remonstrances of his 
followers, however, as best he could, and set them at 
work demolishing the castle of San Lorenzo. The 


neighboring edifices were burned; the surrounding 
country was laid waste; the guns of the dismantled 
fortress were placed on board the fleet, and all were 
ordered to hold themselves in readiness to embark. 

24 Quatre cent quarante-trois mille deux cens livres, comptant 1 argent 
rompu a dix piastres la livre. Exquemdin, in Hist. Flib., ii. 191. In pages 
197-8 of the same volume there is an explanation of the manner in which 
Morgan contrived to secrete a large quantity of precious stones. The bucca 
neers may have believed that such an amount of plunder had been obtained, 
though its real value was probably less than one third of what they supposed 
it to be. In Sharp s Voyage, 143, the worth of the spoils is stated at 30,- 
000, a sum almost insufficient to defray the expenses that Morgan must have 
incurred in obtaining his title from Charles II. There are no reliable data ou 
this point. 


Tli- then stole "ii board i ilp bv ni^ht 

and jMil to -< ;i. I onlv tl 

tli i Kii _di>h in liis 

aiiden. The remainder of the band B \t 

morning 111 til, h,- t.J)! -li- 

luadron disappear bel,,\\ the hri/, 

mined to - i\u chase; but they -mid tl 

U*ly all I: innunition and j.i LOD8 had 

tretly carried oil by tin- fugil i S lit 

hundred of tin- buccaneers, including all the IV. n< 

men who had joined the (A\j>r<liti<>!i. ind thcin- 

IVL-S in a .-trait. They \ coniprllrd : 
int.. -mall ]>ai and a I Uainiiiir th in- 

subsistence bypilla ;s of Castilladel Oro, 

iinicd ahno>t empty-handed to Port JJoyal. 

^lor- an landrd in Jamaica Avitliout ini>ha|. and 
levy forces lor an bo the i 

of Santa ( atarina, intrndm- to niak- it a common 

dezvous for thr brethren of th- E but tl 

hidroiis atrocitio committed during tin .> ]>irati-al 
raids had at Ini^th roused th ish mil 

se of shame, and awakened compunction - in 

the breasi of the I-ji^lish monarch. A. new - "Vernor 

hatched to Jamaica, with orders that the 1 1 
ly i at iiied b-t \\xvn Spain and ( i r- at I Britain should 
strictly enforced. A general ]> n and indi-mn; 
- proclaimed i\>r pa>t oil- iK :iid t :dmi: 

of the buccai on afterward d to and, 

where, by a judicious usj of hi- wraith, he obtain 
from (liarles II. the honor of knight h ..... I, aa 1- 
mentioned. The ^ibbrt \\-oiild have. 1" i miv iit- 
tiiiX distinct ion. 

> s ir Henry Morgan, appointed coon of tl 

it of admiralty and aftrrward deputy govern 
Jai i, held OmC nut il the , . II. 

wlien the court of Spain p I 1 

sent a pri.-oiier to hi> nati 
into prison, wl will him. H 

ruilian, whose hell-horn dupra\ ity of heart wa> i 


lieved by no gleam of a better nature, and for whom 
one may search in vain for a parallel, even among 
those so-called heroes who dragged the banner of 
the cross through the blood of myriads of innocent 
victims, as they bore westward the glad tidings of 
Christ s redemption. 




i ] ; .. A i . i :L TORO THE CORS.\ 


r. | \V\M\ i . \ v Bom OF TSI MAKAI i>ri;s Ki.rri. >>STHI ; 


TIIKKK Cu iiKF, SEVERAL l i;i/ io\v TII 


\ Tiii;ni Hi Tm:m On 



N tidings of the dr>i ruction of l^in, 
Spain, the court ordri < <l that a n -\v city ) 
luiilt on a situ that could IM; so strongly I ni-iififd 
i iider it impregnabl Th i one iinally rlmscn \\ 
small prninsnla a littlt: more than fcwo ! in>m 

the old city, at the ba bill of Anoon. r rh- i "im- 

<latinn> \\crr laid in 1071. Jin town \\ irrm: 

a wall, I mm twenty to forty l .-i-t hi-h and t-n ! 
\\idc. crowned with h>v\< and \vatdi-i re two or 

thn-c hundred feel apai-t. So costly were the \\<ri 

tiiat the council in Spain \\hrn auditin-- i ^coui 
\\rot< t inquire whether the fortifi< F Panama 

were <>f silver 01- ^11. A d p moai divil-l th 

1 roin the mainland, the entrances lein^ th h th: 

ma a \\ard tl pr<>* 1 1-y 

d r. iidin 4 lor more than halt 

the h.-iy. M\ 11 at hinh ti 3 of In a\ v d ht 

ild harely app within canin.n shoi and an in- 



vacling force would be compelled to land from boats 
which would be exposed to the fire of the garrison. 
Thus the site, w^hen fortified, though ill chosen in view 
of the commercial interests of the city, afforded the 
inhabitants, as they supposed, sure protection against 
the raids of buccaneers. 

The new city of Panama" was laid out almost in 
the form of a square; having streets regular but 
narrow, and so overhung with projecting balconies 
that one might pass through it during a heavy shower 
without being drenched. It was especially distin 
guished for its church architecture, 1 a large portion of 
its area being occupied by the buildings of the eccle 
siastics. The church and convent of Santo Domingo 
was one of the finest and most important establish 
ments, not only in Panamd, the city of churches, but 
in the New World. The main building, a hundred 
feet in length by fifty in breadth, with massive walls 
perforated by numerous arched windows, was separated 
from the porch by a strong brick arch about twenty 
feet high and with a span of forty feet; the radius 
at the key-stone being not more than two feet. The 
edifice remains to day apparently as firm as ever, a 
monument of the architectural skill of the Spaniards 
in the seventeenth centurv. 


The cupola and bells for the new cathedral were 
fashioned at Madrid. When the bells were ready for 
casting, the queen invited the public to be present, 
and at the hour appointed the cupola was surrounded 
by an assemblage more brilliant than any that had 
ever met for such a purpose in Spain. Her Majesty, 
with maids bejewelled and all attired in rich silks, and 
dignitaries of court and state, with a vast concourse 
of the populace, gathered for the ceremony of blessing 
the bells. As it progressed, and one after another 
advanced with a piece of coin or of plate, enthusiasm 

1 It irf beautified with a great many fair Churches and Religious Houses. 
Dampiar s Voy. t i. 178-0. So in Drake s Univ. Col. Voy., 63, and 
Voy., i. 92. 


.(1 ili; 


IIM M) inn V I 

on was concluded amidst an outbun 


the deity would not at t o sell d li\ 

from tin- corsairs, who <-..ul-l be as ( 

f them upon oc n. Iii 1 679 I u Ho Y 
plundered hy j I spoil .oiintin hun 

dred and sixty p per capita .d duri 

ira buccaneer fleel assembled a1 the Boca del T< 

lay two English priv; Ki .in them in 

3 received that the D. 
:d T-d aid io tin; ] ; i > rii-h c.-qitain, J> urnanO, in 

k on the town of Chep Repulsed I- 

]laci , they had oill-j-t-d to guidt; him to a la! nd 

!i city named Toramora, hut as this en 1 
called for a stronger armament a he had i 

sd, lie went in search of reinforcements, }>r<n 

to return in thiTe inontl 

Tin. 1 ]>iratrs \\lio had >a<-krd ] ) ortobcllo ,- 

.< part in <he contemplated f . and at o 

ahoiit carrcniii"- and refitting 

o o 

fin- necessary preparations were <-<>mj 

icil <^a-t\var(l alon^ tlir C to the Samhall, 

i>les of San 111 th-y were \ d 1-y t 

natives. 3 The Indians dis>nad-d tin- 1 
party from making a raid on Tocai 

id a docdit on Panama, to \vithin 
of which city they could Lpiidc th -m und: 
Tliis jrpnsition, 1 d ly th- :it that the 

inwninl <*" 
8 The ; ,.r.i],i. II tlir i 1 the 

ill l>y it \vhil tin Sa 

in thai ntive a l;il whu. in 

_ r ;iiti in tlit^e parts, convi: 

1 W<>1 .11 tl. 

\\anl the Imli.T i tlu> kin-1 treatmei \\aA 

i. The i: tli. n botfft ! :n"l i 

nn ai" 
ic South Sea. 


march to Tocamora was difficult and provisions almost 
unattainable, while at Panama they could riot fail of 
immense booty, inclined the majority to follow the 
Indians counsel. 4 

The French contingent considered so long a land 
journey too hazardous, and parted company, while 
the remainder of the fleet, numbering seven vessels, 
with thirty-six guns and three hundred and sixty-six 
men, sailed under the guidance of the Cacique An 
dres to the Golden Island, the most easterly of the 
Samballas, where this chief had his head-quarters, 5 
arriving there the 3d of April 1680. The Indians 
now proposed an attack upon the town of Santa 
Maria, situated on a large river of that name, which 
flows into the gulf of San Miguel. Here was main 
tained a garrison of four hundred men, for it was the 
entrepot through which passed the gold on its way 
from the neighboring mines to the vaults of Panama. 
If Santa Maria failed in booty, they could sail to 
Panama", where success was certain. This plan was 
generally approved, and on April 5th they landed a 
strong force, divided into seven companies, each 
marching under its distinctive banner and led by its 
own captain, the supreme command being intrusted 
to Captain Bartholomew Sharp. The native allies 
accompanied the column under Andres who acted as 

However perilous this expedition may appear, there 
were those among the rovers whose hopes soared 

4 The buccaneers had just captured a packet conveying letters to Porto- 
bello, some of which were addressed to Panama merchants from their corre 
spondents in Spain. These letters alluded to a prophecy at that time current: 
That there would be English Privateers that Year in the West Indies, who 
would make such great Discoveries, as to open a Door into the South Seas. 
This was interpreted by the captors to mean a passage overland through the 
territory of the Indians, and this interpretation coinciding with the invita 
tion of the natives prompted them to undertake a march on Panama. Dam- 
pier^s Voyage, i. 1SO-1. 

5 Andres was styled the emperor of Darien, the magnate to whose ser 
vice the freebooters now claimed to belong. These chieftains at one time 
ruled a large tract about the gulf of Darien; but had been straitened in their 
boundaries by the Spaniards, with whom they waged continual war. Sharp s 
Voyage, 2. 

TIM: Hi \Mi 

.h- r t 1 nuT i 1 V 1 wh 

iumphani rel urn t limn^li 1 ! 

il;in in a lie pri/ < fi with tip 

of J anama alone, l>ut with tl alth of i ith 

American coast. mimed only with their 
it IK I a >lender stock of provisions the buc 

their march on 1 anam After ing thmu-Ij i 

outskirts oi a wood, they crossed . I mar>h ; 

in length, ninl struck into -11 \\-oo,l.-d val 
-\vliirh they ascende<l }>\ a good path i or two 1. 
more, reaehiii 1 1 the l;mk of a river i^r tin 1 in 

]art dry at this time of year. Jl 

liuts ;ind encamped. iey were now \ a 

cacique who recommended them to cany out 

j>ro]Hrd raid on Santa Maria, and vnltnr 

d iliem in person, informing them naively thai " 

Avoiild have joined them at once, hut liis child v 

y ill; liowe\er, he \\ :; I it would die l>y 

day," when he- would ike them. The 
then departed, cautioning them t lyin^ in t 

n account of the SD , v.hich wci-c 

ous and of great Ston and in the bed of 1 

j iver \\hen hroken showeil t a harl-. 

of the yellow harvest towai d Avhich tl. 

hut this was not enough t ^en1 four of 

ii|)any from returnin the ships, thus early d 

d at the prosped of a 1". .id tedious jour- 

Tho following morning they cliim-d a steep hill, 
tlie other side of whi- i ed a ri\ I ly 

Andres to !. that on which Santa M 

;1. Tlir line of march then led over 8 hill, 

ipitous than the f r, wl. 

iul(l admit of hut one man in iile, until with 
nil 1-4 they readied the ! .., t and encamped upon ; 
sai iver, having marched that - dx 1 

* y. /; I .y tin- 

. liiham van l> 



Next day they followed the course of the stream ; the 
current was extremely strong, and the depth varied 
from knee to waist deep. A short though fatiguing 
day s march brought the column to a halt at an Indian 
village. This was the abode of Andres son, Anto 
nio, styled Bonete de Oro, or King Golden-cap, by the 
same whimsical buccaneer nomenclature which disfni- 


fied his father with the title of emperor. Messengers 
had been sent forward to announce their approach 
and the presence of Andres with the column. Prepa 
rations were made for the reception of the corsairs. 
Golden-cap visited them in state, accompanied by his 
queen, his children, and his retinue. The monarch 
wore a golden circlet round his head, gold rings in his 
ears, and a gold crescent depending from his nose. 
He was modestly clad in a long cotton robe, which 
reached his ankles, and he carried a long lance. His 
three sons, each armed with a lance and wearing a 
cotton garment, stood uncovered in his presence, as 
did his retinue. 

The queen was tastefully attired in a pair of red 
blankets, one girt about her waist, the other draped 
over her shoulders. She carried a young child, and 
was accompanied by two daughters, both of marriage 
able age, their faces streaked with red paint and their 
arms and necks loaded with variously colored beads. 
His Majesty did not disdain to barter his stock of 
plantains for knives, pins, and needles. He was 
generous enough, however, to present three plantains 
and some sugar-cane to each man, gratis. 7 The band 
halted at this village all the following day, when a 
council of war was held to determine how they might 
best reach Santa Maria undiscovered. It was resolved 
to embark in canoes, but to provide a sufficient quan 
tity taxed the resources of the chief, as the number 
was now increased by a hundred and fifty Indians, all 

7 Rmgrose speaks of this monarch with intense gravity, marred by no trace 
of irony. Probably this was the first crowned head with whom he had been 
on intimate terms. 


armed with b nd Ian 

immed beir <-a<-j<j At thi in- 

cil ( aptain Sawkii: ppoi 

Imp.-, con>i>tin<_r of . by pi : 

7n;nvli next d \pril Dili, they eontinn 

the course of tin- river, OO -nally pas-ii. 

lio:: itwhich times the owner would | 

bis door to watch them pass ly. and give each eit ! 

]>lantain or 8 That iii-lit th 

halted at tli Indian huts, wh (ju;i 

of provisions and some canoes had IH-.-U col 

Mi n ;i]> s ord- i s. M.-n-ly in-xt uioi i. 

l.i-rakiiiLT camp, a <|uanvl a between Coxon 

Harris, wln-n tlic iorim-r l-v lied }\\< fusil and lii-.-d. 
but without eil eet. Harris was alout to return i 
lire, hut \ trained ly Captain Sliarj. \\ 

<lel in adjusting tin- difficulty, and tli h d;i 

travi-1 l>e--an. 

Captains Shm-p, ( a, and ( ...>k ? with al 
seventy men, wei-e detached from Th>- main l)"d\- and 

emliarked in fnurtM-u canoes. Audi 
ompanied tlicm, and v.ith two India 
h canoe put oil down the Santa Man a l i\ 

Canoincr, however, wa ;nd no nmre comfortab 

than trudging af>ot. tho ci ews v con 7 lly 

ol.liM-ed to l ap out and haul tin- ! 

i- fallen trees, and soinetii kke ] 

over the land itself. Th 1 the 

for three day-, and \\ :-i-d only l.y 

it oj a wild animal to one <,f th- 

thev <lared not fire le-t the report should betray tl 
present niard AJB they did fall in 

with their conn-ad.^ "I" the main 1> >n April I Jth, 

Sharp and Coxon s detachment le--an i 

bery on the pai-t of tin- India! bo mi-ht 
n. -d to divide their f ray i 

* Ringrose cnll> tin- bead 5; 1-ut it was ; 

but \\h\ i-...uM n-. t the lii lia: killed it \vitli tlii-ir arrows? 


the hands of the Spaniards. Happily these fears 
proved groundless, for the next day they reached a 
point of land at the confluence of another branch 
of the river, a rendezvous of the Indians in their 
warfare with the Spaniards, and halting there in 
the afternoon were joined by their brethren in arms, 
who had been provided with canoes the day be 
fore, and were also in a state of anxiety as to the 
fate of their comrades. 9 The entire company, thus 
reunited, pitched their camp on this spot to get their 
arms in order and prepare for action, which was now 
believed imminent. Meanwhile the commissariat de 
partment was not neglected, for several canoes arrived 
with a supply of plantains and peccary pork. 10 

Very early the next morning they all embarked, the 
flotilla numbering sixty-eight canoes. The " emperor" 
and the "king," says Captain Sharp, continued their 
voyage, the former "Cloathed with a loose Robe or 
Mantle of pure Gold, which was extraordinary Splen 
did and Rich. The King was in a White Cotton 
Coat fringed round the bottom, about his Neck a 
Belt of Tygers Teeth, and a Hat of pure Gold, with 
a Ring and a Plate like a Cockle Shell hanging at it 
of Gold in his Nose, which is the Fashion in this 
Country for the people of Quality." 

Hitherto the canoes had either drifted with the 
stream, or been propelled with poles; but new oars and 
paddles were constructed, and every nerve strained to 

9 An anonymous authority states that the smaller party reached the ren 
dezvous on April 12th, and seeing their friends had not arrived, held a whis 
pered consultation among themselves. Andre s, on observing this, despatched 
a canoe up the smaller branch of the river, which soon returned with two 
canoes of the larger body, who all arrived next day. Sharp s Voy., 7-8. 

10 Sharp speaks of the peccary as the Warre, and describes it as a wild 
animal somewhat resembling the hog in appearance and flavor, but the 
Navels of these kind of animals grew on their backs. Sharp s Voy., 4, in 
Flacke, Coll. There is, however, no doubt that it was the peccary. Pascual 
de Andagoya mentions it, falling into the error common to old writer.s as 
regards the navel 5 on the back. Andagoya, JVarr., 17. It is also noticed 
by Acosta, Hist. Ind., lib. iv. cap. xxxviii., and Herrera, dec. ii. lib. ii. cap. 
iv. De Rochfort speaks of it under the name of Javaris. Hist. Nat. des 
Isles Antilles, 138 (ed. 1665). In Costa Rica the animal is still vulgarly known 
as the warre", though the name is not found in print, and I have therefore 
adopted phonetic English spelling, which agrees with that of Captain Sharp. 

the g<>al as soon MS ]>. [e. It \ 

dit when M landing- Wfl of 

ipy ground in 11. bborhood oi ^ 

Mud the i idventun dthily B 

in the woods, where they proposed to lie until d 


At dawn on April lath the corsairs d 

a discharge of small arms in the to\vn and t 
sounding of the reveille. Quickly seizing their weap 
ons they formed in line and Ivan 

<)n emerging from the shelter of the woods they w< 
in full vic\v of 1! demy, who had been app 

their landing and were fully prepared to r> ni, 

viug already removed the whole treasui 
nama. Instantly betaking theni>el to the >h 
of the fort, a kind of tambour-work compe>, d 

twelve feet high, the Spaniard- 0] la 
random and ill-judged lire upon their lant- 1 fore 

the laHer had approached near enough for the fu>ill; ; 

to ho effective. 

Undismayed at the warmth of th--ir recepti he 

advai I uard, led by Sawkins and Sharp, rh; 
with a force impossible to withstand, and ng 

down a few stockades carried the work 1 >rm, with 

no further casualty than two men wound- d. 
rapidity of the operation m: convinced IV. -m 
t; that the freebooters \ s of th- 

fifty of their men v\ brought in; >n. 

r ldie Spanish loss was twenty-six killed and 

wounded, out of two hundred and sixty d. T ; 

i was ordinarily nnn-h stronger, numerically, 
but at this time two hundred 

ort of tin; treasure on the \vay bo 1 \inan T\ 

nor, the pr: and ffiOSi of the principal inhab- 
itants had also sought safety in ilight. 

Tl: of this cheaply bought suce ot 

k. ilie foil was doubtless an excellenl 

fence in an Indian fight, but waa in no v d 

ijD a i, he corsairs, the stocks 


ing neither strengthened by brickwork or masonry 
nor protected by a ditch. In all probability there 
was no banquette,, so that when once the stakes were 
forced the defenders would have no advantage over 
their assailants, both being on level ground. 

The Spaniards emptied their pieces at random, 
instead of reserving their fire till the enemy came to 
close quarters, when it could have been employed with 
deadly precision. Their foemen, on the other hand, 
wasted no time on a useless fusillade. Relying im 
plicitly upon their acknowledged superiority in a hand- 
to-hand fight, added to the well founded terror of 
their name, they may be said, practically speaking, to 
have burnt no powder at all, their brilliant coup-de- 
main being effected with the cutlass alone. Panic- 
stricken at the ease with which their defences were 
forced, the Spaniards opposed but a feeble resistance 
to the ruthless assailants of Portobello. Hemmed 
within their own stronghold, from which there was 
no retreat, they flung down their arms and sued for 
quarter, and the town of Santa Maria was in the 
hands of the dreaded buccaneers. 

As regards booty, it was a barren victory. The 
gold which came in from the mines was shipped to 
Panama two or three times a year, the river at Santa 
Maria being nearly six hundred yards wide, and at high 
tide fifteen feet deep. The last shipment three hun 
dred pounds weigh t--w r as despatched just three days 
before the attack. This was a cruel disappointment 
to the pirates. Worse almost than that, they found 
provisions enough to feed them for only three or four 
days, instead of the abundance they anticipated. 

In the town was recovered the eldest daughter of 
Antonio Golden-cap, who had been abducted by one 
of the garrison, by whom she was at that time 
pregnant. 11 This had greatly embittered the chief s 

11 Exquemelin thus relates the incident referred to: Hier vonden en ver- 
losten we d oudste Dogter van de Konink van Darien (van \vien hier hoven 
is gewag gemaakt), die zo t scheen door een van de Soldaten van t GuarnizoeB 


]);i!!V(] of I). ;id n, , V . I Ql ho 

during tip \- l,u! 

ad\ ai <>f a d >ll Ill t : 

<if the prisoners, l-d them in- horin-- woo. 

and butchered in cold Mood , 

fallen in li- lit. 13 Such deeds l.y J ndiai I Id 

med hrtital, though falling t 
their o\vu in (liis <|Uarter; ie pi: 

put a stop to it a >n as il was d 

fined the Spaniards in tin- f" larding them closel 

Aa soon as after the ca] u 

< ptain Sawkins with a, party <-f t,-ii emba 
canpe and .started down thu river to o\ ml 

capture the governor and others ^lio had in 

order f<> prevent their carry in-- news <.f th 
Panama. Failini; to P6 their pr 

determined not to retrace their empty-hand 

hut to pusli on to ] > anain;i, where i 

a prize worth the risk. It is true th 

of the company murmured at this pr and wi>l 

return to the ships, more especially Captain ( 
]n order therefore to are unanimity in 

ure ( \.\on was elected commander-in-d Aa 

mattei- of pree;uition, a t-w of the prisoners, tog< 

with the >mall amount oi plunder taken, . 
laek to the ships under a inlaid of twelve men. 

The Indians were av< to jn-oeeedin^ fart! nd 

ino.-t of them receiving j ,f kni\ 

met ^cw.-l.l uyt haar Vjidrrs Huys was weg gcnom> 

iair is iu>; p. It 

lit indiK-r tl. 

..iH-.l 1-y Shai-j . I .u 
.-I wounded, V 

In.lian oil. 

u Jt that d 

than usual, 

1 in tin- a>sa, 

C.tll- 6 drill 

the In 

. 1 1 ; - Coll.; Bmmqft Di- 



and axes, returned home. Nevertheless, Emperor 
Andres and King Antonio Golden -cap determined 
to go on to Panama and see . the end of this display 
of European savagism and be present at the sack of 
the city. Andres indeed promised, if necessary, to 
raise an army fifty thousand strong to assist in the 
work. Additional encouragement was afforded by the 
Spaniard who had abducted the chief s daughter, and 
who volunteered, in consideration of being protected 
from the just revenge of the Indians, to conduct them 
not only to Panamd, but to the very chamber-door of 
the governor, when they might seize him and make 
themselves masters of the city before they could be 

After holding Santa Maria for two days, the vic 
tors took their departure on April 17th, first burning 
the fort, church, and town to gratify the rancor of 
the Indian chief. They then embarked on board 
thirty-five canoes and a piragua, 16 which last was cap 
tured while lying at anchor in the river, and dropped 
clown toward the gulf of San Miguel, whence they 
could gain Panamd Bay. The Spaniards begged hard 
to be allowed to go with them, rather than be left to 


the mercy of the Indians. 

It was with the greatest difficulty that the free 
booters had secured canoes enough for themselves, 
as their Indian allies had taken so many in their re 
treat; yet the terrified Spaniards managed to find a 
few old boats and construct a few rafts, and so ven 
tured to accompany them. 

In the Santa Maria River the ebb and flow of the 
tide is remarkable, and at night the navigation is 
extremely hazardous, many shoals and channels being 
encountered at low water. Still, having good native 
pilots on board, the flotilla paddled down on the ebb 
until midnight, when a native ernbarcadero was 

lu The term piragua is here applied to a large canoe frequently carrying 
a mast and sails, and quite different from a common dug-out. The bucca 
neers frequently called this boat a bark. 

AIV . OF I. :OSR. 

lid it was decided to land and ill! tin- v. 

the river water 1 ii j . .ml n<>ne Miitahle 

drinking likely to l.r im-t with i 
At the landiDg-pl Captain Sawkins was foil 

awaiting them. He liad iailrd tu overtake the gov* 

ernor, who liad l>y that time mad. I hi- 

the open hay. The canoes were then hauled ash< 
for the ni^ht, as there \va much risk in conti; 
the voyage down the estuary at that hour. 

they a- ain ^ot under v. tnd pr ie.l 
down the i-ivur, finding two nnnitlis l.y \\hieli ti 
could i- -arh the sea, one of them l>ein-_r deej> and 
ini^ out with a swift current. 

About noon th- .-i^ht. d, ; nd shortly r- 

ward the pirates landed on a small island, wh the 

.eriior in his flight had left two women, in order to 
lighten his eanoe. On this island the party remain 

waiting for the next ebb, when they cr I toan< 

i-le t\\o I.-a^ucs away, making land ju- lit- 

i all. Here were found two canoes, with some I 

and arrows, which were destroyed; their owners w. 

alsu seen, hut managed to elu iprure. Camp was 

then pitched, and Captain Sawkins once inre de 
spatched in <-]\i\<(>. of th- . with oi ders to 

await their arrival at Plantain [sland, \\ h ic- 

-t ul or not, The foDowing day, while continui 

the voyage, a severe sijuall struck them, the wind 
freslieuii^ iVoin the vard and meet in- 1 the eM>. 

()ne canoe, manned by seven Frenchmen, cape 
the crew was rescued with difficulty, ami alter 1 

fall their arms. 17 A heavy rail, -in l ollwd. 
aiul compelled them to run for shelter 5 1 i >andy 

1-ay, where the eanocs \\ beached, and the ti 

r<> book up their (juarters lor the night 

Meanwhile, <>n tl. acuatin of Santa M 

17 It i 1, that M ith cxti-. aih 

1, till- , ,1.1 

-hall IP vinx so with 


in London. & 11. 

. AM., VOL. II. 


canoe was left a long way astern, being heavy and 
manned by five men only. It was under the command 
of Basil Ringrose, the buccaneer historian, who after 
ward gave the world so faithful a narrative of the 
exploits in which he took part. 

Ringrose had no Indian in his canoe to pilot him; 
so as the tide ran out and many shoals were exposed, 
he entered the wrong channel, and ran two miles inside 
a shoal before discovering the mistake. There he was 
obliged to lie until high tide, when he proceeded in 
hopes of overtaking the other boats. That night at 
low water he moored the canoe to an oar stuck in the 
sand, and the men took turns at sleeping; at dawn 
they rowed two leagues farther and came up with 
the main body as they were just putting off from the 
watering-place. As it was absolutely necessary to 
water there they went ashore with their calabashes, 
and on regaining the river-side found the flotilla was 
once more out of sight. They rowed in chase as hard 
as they could, but became bewildered among the 
numerous islands near the mouth of the river, and so 
again lost their way. At length they hit upon the 
Boca Chica, but by that time the tide was running in 
with great force, and finding that they could make no 
way against it, beached the canoe and made it fast to 
a tree, awaiting the turn of the tide which rose there 
upward of twenty feet, 

As soon as practicable they pulled away to an 
island outside the mouth of the river,, in the gulf of 
San Miguel, narrowly escaping being swamped, and 
passed the night in the utmost misery, drenched with 
rain, and not daring to light a fire. Next morning at 
daybreak, April 19th, they once more launched the 
canoe and shaped their course for Point San Lorenzo, 
but as the boat neared one of the many islands of 
the gulf a heavy sea overturned it and they had to 
swim for their lives. Happily all made the shore in 
.safety, and immediately afterward the canoe was cast 
.up high and dry. Their cartouch-boxes and powder- 

A KIXD ACT R: D. : 1 

horns 1>em-_f made water-tight, and la-h.-d v.iih th 

- to tin- canoe, v, ed, but all tln-ir j PO- 

and water ded. It soon app. 

that they were not aloii- iii mi>i< rtun- A par 

six Spaniards, lately their prisoners, had br,-n 

ashore from their hrok-n boat, in worse plight 
]{in;_rrose s j.arty. Their e.,mnion fate unit.-d t!i. 

a\\ and Spaniard and Englishman air their m< 

ill ]K-a( i e over the sani<- caniji-iii 

While d. l>atiii-- \vln-tln-r to go forwai d OT I -tiU ii 
tlicir ships at the Golden Inland, an Indian \\ , 
and it htM-ann- nianit. -f that v-t another ] 
theii- i>le nf ivfugc. A piragua, manned 1 , y eigl 
their Dai ien allic-. had iii- some reason put in tin 
and I{in^n>- leai iM d ly >i^ns that if the whole C< 
]any embarked in the Indian pira^na they rould i 

take the Panamd expedition lythe folio wing morni 

The natives wished to kill the Spaniard d w< 
vrith great difficulty ])revent<-(l i n>ni doin^ >n% l, u t 
]vingrose succeeded in saving theii- livrs l.y allow 
ing one to be taken as a sla nd plaeiii ^ own 
ioe at the disposal of the remaining fi\ lie and 
his nien, together with the S] -h si; d tin- 

Indians, and making sail on the piragua soon <loiil 
Point San Loren; 1 )urin-_r that ni^ht two eanip- 

lii-es were sighted on th rhoard how, whereii] 
the Indians exhihit. d ^reat delight, and slioutinu r the 
names of their rhi-l>. AjltoniO and Ainhvs, lh-ad-d 
direct for the land. \" sooner W in 

breakers than oul i-u<hed some sixty Spaniards from 

the thickets adja<vif zed the vessel, and dr; 

liei- up on the strand. 6 Indian- 1 rd 

and made ^ood their escaj I ds, hut the 

bers \\ ere seized and made pn 

None of tl. Spanianls cmld >p-ak French or 
Knglish, hut Jiinu i 1 nt.-n-d into CMD | in 

tin with their leader, and found that they al>o \\ 
from Santa ^lai i a, and had been land* d at th, 
hy the buccaneers to preclude any po^ibility of ti 


carrying tidings to Panama. While the Spanish 
leader was interrogating Ringrose preparatory to 
the slaughter of the party, up stepped the Spaniard 
whom Ringrose had given the natives as a slave. 
He related the whole circumstances of the wreck of 
his canoe upon the island, and the preservation of the 
lives of his party by Ringrose. This put a new 
aspect upon affairs. The Spanish captain embraced 
the Englishman, and after giving them supper per 
mitted both pirates and Indians to depart. After 
this Ringrose and his party held their course all 
night, in drenching rain, and next morning observed 
a canoe rowing rapidly toward them. Closer inspec 
tion revealed one of the buccaneer craft, which was 
about to attack the piragua, under the impression that 
it was a Spanish vessel. They were mutually de 
lighted to meet again, Ringrose and his cre\v having 
been given up for lost. Then all joined the flotilla, 
which soon continued its way. 

After clearing the bay the buccaneers steered for 
what appeared a lofty point about seven leagues dis 
tant, and there made Plantain Island. Landing in 
the afternoon, they climbed a steep ascent and sur 
prised the sentinel, an old man who had not seen them 
or suspected their approach until they swarmed around 
his hut. From him it was ascertained that their ap 
proach was unsuspected at Panama"; so they thought 
they would surprise the city. Captain Sawkins, who 
joined them here in accordance with his instructions, 
reported that the governor of Santa Maria had sailed 
thence for Panama the previous day. Sawkins was 
once more sent in chase, but returned unsuccessful. 

Shortly before nightfall a thirty-ton bark anchored 
off the island, whereupon two canoes were hastily 
manned, and the vessel captured. The crew stated 
they were eight days out from Panamd, 18 and had 
landed a detachment of troops at a point on the main- 

18 Sharp says 14 days. Journal^ 10, in Hackees Coll. 

SF.A-A!:; 533 

land far distant f 16 pnrp 

t is. nieiit on iii 1 ndiai d n< 

ift were immediately p ! a hundred and thirtv 

men, under command of " that ,,1 \ 

iant Commander, ( tin Bartholomew Sharp. 
Anchoring off the inland tliat ni^ht thepirai 

tinued their voyage -n tin- fll..\ ninrnin^. mak 

tin- i>le <>f ( hepillo. near the mouth 

( hepo. 2 * Sharp, ho^ r, parted cMinpany with t 

iltvt, and l)oi-c iij) t> Kinn\ or l rai-1 i>lamU. ii, 
of wati-r. and while tln-r*. captured a IP-W IH-JL 

t<> wliidi lie transferred hi \v afi<-r ><-uttlin _r his 

own vessel Having < l)tain-d water and provif 

il for tli< rendezvous ahont i \\r ) -l.M-k iii 

the a It < Tin ion, but owini^ to rontrai-y winds fail 
make it, and anchored at an i>I- li\- leagues di 

On UK- following day at noon he pi led, hut did 

not i-c-ach (licpillo Ix-forr ni^litiall. ndin 
aslioi-c ho ascertained that his nicn had the i-1,-. 

a f W lioin s hcfoi t-. as their tires were >lill hnrn: 
that a ii^ht had taken place, as was indicated ], 
nnnilx-r of dca<l l>odics. Sliar[> now -d in I id 

Aft( I the canoes had separated from the Lark, ( ap- 
iain Harris succeeded in capturing another \ 
which was forthwith manned with thirty hnceai 

]ll the- JiUl sllit, however, the 1J.-, t l.ecaln- SO SCattej 

that it was not until the following day that tli 
joined company at the inland of Chepillo, ! 

irai-rival a hark had ln-en rlia< -d l.y ( . hnt 

aped cajitniv, after iniiictin^ on her ])in--n. r 
of one man killed and two wound. d.-- 

;>ed tlu; pirah- nni<-h annoyance, as the \ 

19 / of Amrr., ii.: / 

7. II;. ., ii. 10, aiitl 


cov. SoutJ, 
-illnrb * Col. V ->ne 

authority th;it t! ami t! 

: i uin killed ai. 

wounded accor.l; , ii. 10. 


which had eluded their grasp would carry to Panama 
the news of their raid. 

At Chepillo they took fourteen prisoners and found 
a piragua which they manned, and having procured 
some plantains and hogs again got under way about 
four o clock the same afternoon, expecting to reach 
Pananici before daybreak, the distance being only 
seven leagues. But before they left the island they 
perpetrated one of those ruthless acts so common in 
their career of crime. As it was not convenient to take 
along the prisoners, and to leave them alive would be 
unsafe, it was determined to kill them. The captives 
were then handed over to the Indians, who were in 
structed, after they should have amused themselves 
with a little gladiatorial performance, to slay them. 
The sea-shore supplied a fitting arena, and under the 
eyes of the whole fleet the murderers opened their 
attack. But the victims, though unarmed, made a 
rush, and despite spear and arrow some of them 
escaped to the neighboring woods. 23 

The pirates now departed. They no longer hoped 
to surprise Panama", but in the bay were richly 
freighted ships which they would like to seize. On 
the 23d of April they came in sight of the city before 
sunrise, 24 and presently discovered five large men-of- 
war and three good-sized barks at anchor near the 
island of Perico. Their approach was no sooner 
perceived than three of the men-of-war got under 
way and bore down upon them. The flag-ship was 

23 According to Bucaniers of A mer., ii.; Ringrose s Voy., 22, all the pris 
oners escaped except one. But Sharp s statement that his men reported to 
him that there were dead People lying on the Ground, which made them 
conjectiire our Men had had a Fight with the Spaniards, flaclce s Col. Voy., 
ii. 12; Sharp s Voy., 12, disproves Ringrose s version, which glosses over this 

2i The city of Panama was usually garrisoned by 300 regular troops and 
1,100 militia, but when the buccaneers arrived in the bay most of- their 
soldiers were absent from the city, and the people were in the utmost con 
sternation, having only some twelve hours notice of the impending attack. 
The best of the soldiers remaining were placed on board the squadron, so it 
seems highly probable that if the pirates had landed instead of engaging the 
war-ships they might have gained possession of the place. Bucaniers vj 
Amer., ii.; Rinyrose s Voy., 28-9. 

A NAVAL O T. 535 

by-six 1 ti ans under comi: i of 
-int" d I tarahona, the 1; Admiral of tli- ith 

Tl; oinl ship with a en w - 

ominanded l.y Francisco de 1 < rail 

AndahiMan. Li the third w- ixty-live mill; 

under the command of 1 tiegO <!< ( arahajal. 

r riie pi llotilla was much d. ill two 

piraguas 1 in-- nnahl keep up with the cai. 
wliieh were only tliirty-si\ men. Ti. how> . as 
[iiadron Lore down ujion tli ; in Q 

tin^ to windward d it and were | ntly johu-d l.y 

the smaller jtira^ua, which raised tin f the 1. 

caneerp to 8ii : --ht. SawkinsandBin^ 

til- in front and soon Wei : 

l>ajal a ship, which at the first broadside wuimd.-d tour 

of Sawkins ei-ew and (no of Kin^n s. 

of tln Sjiani^h \ ed, was swept h. 

deadly voll r rii(i ila^-ship then came uj-. 

(iieoiint( red hy the live canoes. A was 

within ra; steersman wa lick, aod the vessel, 

lulling. wastakeD al>aek. This mishap the pi 

ly took advani i . and r. ru 

] % aked ln-i- d.-i-k foi-e and aft, killing every one who 

the helm, and eoinniit tin-.: ha\ 

Avith the ship s taeklii By this time 1 was 

Coining to the support of the il; ; ip, whcreU] 

Sawkins, wl aoe N 1 inking, went on l>oard 

]>ira^ua. i iV i .^ the lla-^-ship to th- -us 

of tli-- four c d 1 ralta Binrfe-hand< 

!Mi-aniii:ir the iir>t >hip. delayed l>y the lightness of 
tin- wind, had slowlj come about, and n bear 

ing down rt in th tion. Si h<w- 

r, mei by two of tli noes und> nd 

Ringrose I- -uld rend 

the admiral, and so deadly was tin pira 

that ( ar.ihajal \\ ad to >heer oil and :tli 

tin :neii he had l.-i t. \ .nd 1 

rose n->w liasten-d to the Mipp.-rt 
uho fciill maintained ti -ullict with ti ;p. 


Their return was greeted with a wild cheer of exulta 
tion, which was answered by the crew of the piragua. 
Drawing so closely under the stern that they "wedged 
up the rudder," the pirates, now confident of victory, 
again beset the doomed vessel. The admiral and pilot 
were shot dead; two thirds of the crew being killed, 
and most of the survivors wounded, the flag was 
struck, and the triumphant ruffians boarded their 
prize. A shocking spectacle met their eyes. Out of 
eighty-six men twenty-five only were alive, and but 
eight capable of bearing arms. " Their Blood ran 
down the Decks in whole streams, and scarce one 
place iii the Ship was found that was free from blood." 
As soon as they had taken possession of the vessel 
the victors despatched two canoes to the assistance of 
Sawkins, who meantime had maintained a desperate 
fight with Peralta. Three times the buccaneer had 
boarded his antagonist, and three times had he been 


repulsed by the valiant Andalusian, whose indomita 
ble bravery had gained for him the outspoken admira 
tion of his foes. As soon as the canoes came up they 
saluted Peralta with a volley, which was followed by 
a heavy explosion in the stern of the Spanish vessel. 
All the men in that part of the ship were blown into 
the air; yet Peralta had no thought of yielding, and 
with voice and hand encouraged his men. But fate 


was against him. Soon there was another explosion 
in the forecastle, and in the smoke and confusion 
Sawkins once more boarded, and the ship was taken. 
As the light wind slowly carried away the smoke a 
scene was revealed on board which defies description. 
" There was not a Man, but was either killed, desper 
ately wounded, or horribly burnt with Powder. In 
somuch, that their Black Skins were turned White in 
several places, the Powder having torn it from their 
Flesh and Bones/ 25 

25 Id., 25-6. Another account of this battle differs somewhat from the 
above : We boarded one of them, and carried her; so with her we took the 
second; and the third had certainly run the same fate, had not she scoured 
away iii time. Sharp s Voyage, 13-14. 


The <1- >f this battle, and Inch: 

ith \\ hich it WAS foughl indi 

!i 1 i th ! tin- ; time 1 

iient l,i>trd. Proi ,i-t ly mnrise until 

>!i the fi^lit w I on, ;ni<l <{ t lit 

])ir;ites 1-11-; -uly ahont ;i BCOf in- 

wounded. Tip- reputation <f the Sj.;mi 

bravery was of the hi;_rln md elicited tin- ;i<I: 

ration of their foes. The sn - of tip 
Undoubtedly owin^ to tin- li-^hi of the wind, which 

enaMed them to t rimi n^ainst which t 

Spaniards could n<i direct their cannon; nor does it 
appear that, with the timi of ti hi-ad- 

side lired l>y Curuhnjal, tin; S[anish ^un re u 
riiiLr 1 1 inriit. 

Elaving attended to the wounded the pin. I beered 

the i>land of Perico, where they fuund tin* live 

chored there abandoned, the lai-^r.-t . 
Trinidad, of four hundred tons, baring b 

u tire. The marauders, In . succeeded in 

Suppressing the ilann-s and c<n\ d th 

a hospital Of the others, two were burned; < t a 

liundi e*! ami ei- hty tuns was as d t< ( aptain Cu- . 

ami the third of iifty tuns t> ( tin ( uxun. 27 
Two d. this action ( aptain Sharp joil 

company, and a little la- be hark raptured 03 ( ap- 

tain Jlarri The pirates remained tr ahui; 

days li Piinania, during which Caj.tain ( 

withdrew 1 ruin the ^ai: Jlr had hr.-n 
with displaying more rantin than r<ir din-in^ 

the engagement, and iv-. ntinir tin- imputation 1 

3 "W. I ri-ht n<l thirty-four i: 

, 14. Sliarp al.s> 
ii. i In ir loss wa 18 ki 

lyin^ I .ml, om- in wa.s < aj*. 

and stnut ^ .liiirr. . .born in tin- < 

18 were killed, and b wutuuKd, Jiitt. Bu M also 


ships re also 
18 T. >><-! 1. 

.I putting t! on lx . inasta or sails 

tin: . ift. U r.,i. jrote t \ oy. t 30. 


termined to go back to the North Sea. With his 
adherents, to the number of fifty, 29 he accordingly 
weighed anchor one night, leaving about twenty of 
his own wounded, but taking with him the best sur 
geon and nearly all the medicines. With him the 
Darien chief also went back and the chiefs Antonio 
and Andres. 

This defection did not discourage the remaining 
buccaneers, and weighing anchor on the 2d of May/ 
they stood off to the island of Taboga two leagues 
from Perico. This formed an excellent point of ob 
servation, every vessel passing in or oat of the port 
of Panama being plainly visible. Several small craft 
were captured which supplied the adventurers with 
provisions, and on the eighth day they seized a vessel 
containing wine, gunpowder, and fifty thousand pesos, 
intended for the pay of the Panama garrison. 31 To 
the merchants of Panama", who had now opened a 
trade with them, they sold the wines, 32 and these same 
traders on two occasions conveyed a message from the 
governor asking them to explain their presence before 
the city, and to state from whom they held their com 
missions. 33 Captain Sawkins replied to the first mes 
sage that they had come "to assist the King of Darien, 
who was the true Lord of Panama"," and demanded five 
hundred pesos for each man and one thousand for each 
commander as the terms under which they would 
peaceably depart. His answer to the second commu- 

2 * According to Sharp in Id., 14, and the anonymous narrator in Sharp s 
Voy., 15. Ringrose says: He drew off with him, to the number of Three 
score and Ten of our Men. Bucaniers of Amer., ii. 30. 

30 Sharp fixes this date at April 29th. Hacke s Col Voy., 16. 

31 She contained 2,000 jars of wine, 50 jars of gunpowder, and 51,000 pesos 
according to Ringrose. Bucaniers of Amer., ii. 31. Sharp, who made the 
capture, says the ship was taken on the 26th of April, having 1,400 jars of 
wine and brandy, some ammunition, and 50,000 pesos. Hacke s Col. Voy. t 

32 For 3, 000 pesos. Id., 16. 

33 So close was the blockade of the city, and so great the terror inspired by 
the buccaneers, that the first news received at the city of Mexico affirmed 
that Panama was captured, many Spaniards slain, and that the nuns and 
many other people had fled to the mountains. This intelligence was trans 
mitted by the president of Guatemala, and did not reach Mexico until August 
8, 1680. fiobles, Diario, ii. 310. 

DEATH .\VKT : . 

nicuii>n waa w th 11 liis <<>: 

but that when they v. 
they would \ i>it him at Panama and brin^r their "< 

mi- 3 on the Muzzles of their Gun which- 

>hould read them plain Fla n- 

]H,\\1 r could make them." 

n the 15th of M;:\ , contrary to the wish of 9 
kins, the lie. he isle of Otoque/ 1 and 

of (Juilio, oil t . r V- 

its ]..-;rl iislirii AVhi! id Sawki: 

^*lio had hccn appointed clii.-f in command, and Sharp, 

ived the project of making a doccnt on 1 J ; 
Xur\ town situated on tin- mainland ighl I 
oil . Taking with tln-m ahout sixty iiic-n/* tlu 
rcndi-d the i-ivcr on which the pi v/as situate,!, hut 

ii found that rlulV-n.^ivo measures had already 1>. 
takni against tlu-m. trt-cs liavin--- hocn fl-llrd across 

O > 

the river, and thu town pn>i d ly three s1 

liva>t\vork>. Undeterred by oh 

attempted to tako the jilacv with a rush, as in t 

< of Santa Maiia; but they S u: 
pulse, and Sawki us was killed while leading <-!i 
men, the remainder of the inarai; eatir 

their canoes. 33 

"While there Ringrose comi.l-*nl ft chart of oamA r-ivl a 

portion o{ tlu- O0f -ch was more my in the poftscasion of the 

J///t/-., i The autliuritiea again d 

35 The islai ! >o or Calnijn, is in hit. 7 tli of t 

DOT /., i. LM-J. : illedb; 

. ;. 1- :n name is Co<]uinil>o. In crossing thither a storm wa> 

I t\M> l-arks fountlcri-tl, i t.her 

ii. Tlii.s storni Jiiul \vi 

-liarj) himself alluik-s to it in / 

r with .1. . .ai 

Vessels, whicli th- Coast, 

re quitting TalH.-a. 

iiinan, :iiraal 

;ih l>y tin; s^taniarda on the advice of the run- 
/ ln -k C 

** \ t\\ o otlu :~ee more^wor 

acc , uswn lysthat 

ie men bad 

.t nuth. tuld t 


Sawkina was held in high esteem among his com 
rades, 39 and his death was much regretted. It caused, 
moreover, a serious dissension. His men mutinied, 
and were determined to retrace their steps across the 
Isthmus. No inducements held out to the malecon- 
tents by Sharp could prevail upon them to remain, 
and on the 31st of May more than sixty of them 40 
separated company, taking with them all the Indians 
who had remained. After the departure of the muti 
neers trouble arose between Cook and his men, which 
resulted in his resigning the command and going on 
board Sharp s vessel, the Trinidad. His own ship 11 
was placed under the orders of John Cox, who thus 
became second in command. 42 

It was now decided to cruise southward, and on the 
6th of June the freebooters set sail. After careening 
their vessels at the island of Gorgona in latitude 1 N. 
they engaged in a series of operations on the South 
American coast, plundering towns and capturing many 
Spanish vessels. The booty they amassed was im 
mense. During this cruise another mutiny occurred, 43 

39 As a Man who was as Valiant and Couragious as any could be, and like 
wise next to Capt. Sharp, the best beloved of all our Company, or the most 
Part thereof. Bucaniers ofAmer., ii. 33-4. Sharp was not a general favorite 
among the buccaneers. Burney says that Ringrose was not in England when 
his narrative was published; and advantage was taken of his absence to inter 
polate in it some impudent passages in commendation of Sharp s valor. He 
goes on to say that in the MS. of Ringrose s Journal, preserved in the Sloane 
Collection, British Museum, the passage quoted concerning Sawkins character 
runs: Captain Sawkins was a valiant and generous spirited man, and beloved 
above any other we ever had among us, which he well deserved. Burners 
Discov. South Sea, iv. 104-5. The inference suggested by Burney, there 
fore, is that Sharp, or somebody in his interest, foisted in the passages char 
acterized as impudent. 

40 According toRingrose, page 35, who would have joined them but for the 
dangers of the journey, 63 men left. loc. cit. Those who departed numbered 
about 70, while 146 remained with Capt. Sharp. Hacke s Col. Voy. , ii. 35. In 
this mutiny 75 more of our Men left us, and returned over Land as they came, 
delivering up their commissions to our Emperour. Sharp s Voy., 17. 

41 One John Cox took command of Cook s ship, the Mayfloiver, with a com 
pany of 40 men. Sharp s Voy. t 17-18. Sharp does not mention Cox at. this 

42 Ringrose s ship had been burned for her iron. 

43 The reason of the mutiny was that Captain Sharp had now some 3,000 
pesos, and wished to return home immediately. Two thirds of the crew, how 
ever, had no money left, having gambled it all away, and they were in no mind 
to return; so they supported the claims of Watling against Sharp. Sharp s 

\ITITJ-: or :.\. 

\vhich reMilied in fche deposition of 5 . 1 th 

n of one .John \V,-it ling to tl 

Their pr had been ,iil li<>nie\vard throu 

tlir Btraitfl "! Magellan, hut they now chan j> d li 
intention and a.Lrain dh >rt hward. 

At. an imMirce>slul de>r,^it on Arica Watlin^ 1 
liis life, and UK; command v. tin conferred 

Sharp, u hut not without much di>pu; the 

<|U -ily settled, and it \ arm 

that the matter should ! put to tl, .and 

the minority should taku t In- lon^-l - md can6efl 8 

vliere they wislicd. Th<-ir votea were -a-t on 

Ajiril tlic 17tli near the island nf La I 1 

suited in the defection <! fort ( the ni;drr<n- 

ita, among whom was William Dampier, who E 

1 or tin- i-thmus with tin.- intention of retui ninu over 
land. 48 

Sharp, passing l>y the Lay <,} Panama, now paid a 

vi-it to the >liore of Costa L ira, and . he 

unit ol Xicoya anchored in the hay of Caldera. Hej-v 

he was occupied some time in :iid n-fitt; 

shij), to aid him in which work he p d into his 

vice some carpenter-; employed in ship-l>uildii 
the {-link of a !ilnrin^ riv. Th 

and hurnin^ the town of K>par/ he again sailed 

., 40. Wliilc AVC l.-ivntthe isle of John Ft-rn.i .rp waa 

ed from being Commander; t! ;>anyb 

ithcr Midi his < mil 

:u- mutiny, witlmut an; - lnun.1 in . 

-iiarp says the vm\<\ :n \vasmainlv t!. 

\, vvlioin [ appoi > a separate conirmi: !.-r hit 

naintaii -f s sal^;-. // 
41 A:t. T \\ icatli, a gn f the me.inor F 

. hut tlie mor- 

it..r i i an-l wi.uM i -cnt. Th> oof opinion Ixx-. 

so gn-at that it WM determined t>> j.ut 

I th- ship, ;r iniii"; , f -boat and canc>- 

tlu-y \. Cup: 

.Ih-rlx hare of provisions,* 

! ^thnius. / .trml., 

us unanii restore. I t 

tli of \\ Iocs not ni 

^ of both sexes, who v 
"<. / 
///., .MS., ii. Juarroa, Uut. t i. ZS, us tliat ] 


southward, and took, near the line, the treasure-ship 
San Pedro with thirty-seven thousand pesos. Still 
pursuing a southerly course, these human scourges 
made themselves the terror of the coast, plundering, 
burning, and destroying on land and sea. 47 

In the latter part of the year 1681 Sharp bore away 
for the straits of Magellan, but being unsuccessful in 
his endeavor to find the passage rounded Cape Horn 
and steering northward, well out of sight of land, 
reached the Barbadoes on the 28th of January 1682, 
but dared not enter port, as a British frigate lay at 
anchor at Bridgetown. He therefore steered for 
Antigua, where he arrived on the 1st of February. 
There this godless crew dispersed, the ship being, 
given to those who had gambled away their money, 
while the more fortunate took passage for England. 

At the instance of the Spanish ambassador in Lon 
don Sharp and some of his companions were tried for 
piracy. They pleaded in defence that they had acted 
under the authority of a commission granted by the 
caciques of Darien, who were absolutely independent 
princes and in no sense subjects of Spain. 45 The valid 
ity of this plea was fully established, 49 and a verdict 
of acquittal obtained. 

had been previously sacked by a French corsair in 1670. It was again at 
tacked by pirates in 1686 or 1688, when it was abandoned by its inhabitants, 
who retired to the valleys of Bagaces and Landecho. Hay a and Nueva Esp., 
ut supra. 

47 Their name inspired such dread that the new viceroy of Peru dared not 
sail from Panama to his government in a ship of 25 guns, but waited for the 
arrival of the armada from the south. Bucaniers ofAmer., ii. 136. 

48 Las Casas, in his Relation of the Spanish Voyages and Cruelties in the 
West Indies, 217, distinctly lays down the principle that the Spaniards had 
no Title to the Americans, as their Subjects, by right of Inheritance, Pur 
chase, or Conquest. Darien, Defence of the Scots Settlement, 5. 

49 Ringrose expressly stated that they acted throughout without any com 
mission. Bucaniers of Amer., ii.; JRingrose s Voy., 178, and Burney s Discov. 
South Sea, iv. 123. Burney says: From the clefectiveness of the evidence 
produced, they escaped conviction. Id., iv. 123. Three of Sharp s men were 
tried at Jamaica, and one was hanged. The narrator said this man was 
wheedled into an open confession: the other two stood it out, and escaped 
for want of witnesses to prove the fact against them. Id., iv. 124. See also, 
for the execution of this man, Sharp s Voy., ii. One of the principal charges 
was the capture of the Rosario, and killing her captain and another man: 
but it was proved, says the author of the anonymous narrative, who was 
one of the men brought to trial, that the Spaniards fired at us first, and it 
was judged that we ought to defend ourselves. Id., iv. 123-124. 




kNBB \V\i: \ ~ THFII: M.\u-n W ni SEA TIIKY F.u.r, 

Sim- AM. SAIL I:OI-.M. CAP1 H.j. 


HI.KI. THKY ARE I; h -Tiu.v I l. N> TH> COAJV O1 


Tin: PIK \ 1 \i:i. i 



DAMPIKII and liis comrades, 1 nttvr tli-y liad parted 
company with Sharp, shapnl their CMII)>C for the S;r 

^lai-i a Kiver flowing into the gulf of San M .and 

on the following day raptmvd ;i -mall hark an<-h>i 
to 1 CM- ward of Cape Pa -a do. This \\ 

^ivat good fortune as tlj-ir boata were too 1 t .-r 
tin-in. On the LMth of Aj>ril they tom-ln-d at t 
i-land of Gorgona whriv, liavin^ takm sm.- jrisonc 
tlu y learned th; piragua crossed over i n mi the 
mainland v two or tlnvr days to reconimii ud 

that three ships were kept in ivadii: i" in1 pt 
tin-in nn thrir ivtnni. \\"ith a tavorahlr hn-r/i? th- 
>ailrd from Gorgona tlir sanir evening, and on t 

morning of the 28th, on emeiyinir lrin a rain s.juall, 
r^pird two large ships t<> windward aln.ut a Ira;_rur 
and a half distant. .1 )anipirr s nirii wrrr in a h 1- 
oiis jusition, l-t \vrrn the Spanish rri. I and tin- 
, which was only two 1 3 oil . Happily 

1 They miiiibcivl 44 Kuropeacs, one Spanish Indian, anl Mosquito 



rain again came on and enabled them to pass the 
enemy unseen. The next morning they anchored off 
Point Garachina, about seven leagues from the gulf 
of San Miguel, where they remained all day drying 
their ammunition and preparing their weapons in 
anticipation of their landing being opposed. Soon 
after daybreak on the 30th they entered the gulf and 
came to anchor outside a large island four miles dis 
tant from the mouth of the Santa Maria. Though 
the tide was favorable for ascending the river they 
took the precaution to send a canoe ashore to recon 
noitre, and a ship was discovered lying at the mouth 
and a large tent pitched on the land adjacent. Though 
disheartened at this news the freebooters were, never 
theless, bent upon making their return overland. So 
the canoe was again sent to the island and succeeded 
in capturing one which had put off from the enemy s 
ship for the island. From the captives they learned 
that for six months the vessel, which had twelve guns, 
had been guarding the mouth of the river, and that 
the force amounted to one hundred and fifty soldiers 
and sailors, the former being quartered on shore. 
Three hundred more were expected to arrive from 
the mines on the next day. 2 The pirates now deter 
mined to land elsewhere at any risk that night, or 
early the following morning. 3 With wind and tide 
against them they reached Cape San Lorenzo at day 
break and sailing about a league farther ran into a 
creek sheltered by two small islands. Here they 
landed and, putting their effects ashore, sunk their 
vessel and made all preparations for a march into the 

As some of the company did not appear in condi- 

2 There were, moreover, two ships, one carrying 20 guns and 200 men, and 
the other ten guns and 150 men, cruising in the bay between the gulf and 
Gorgona. Dampicr s Voy., i. 6. 

3 Dampier strongly urged his comrades to run for the river Congo, three 
leagues distant, and ascend it to the limit of tide- water, but could not per 
suade them of the existence of a large river so near, but they would land 
somewhere, they did not know how, where, nor when. Id., 7. 

4 This landing was effected May 1, 1G81. Id. 

ii >!! to nil 

I to pi han< 

Spania; Y 

thi- terrible alternative <li<l n<>t, del , 

d in t ftrrnoon oand of : 

their march and adva 

( )n tii following morale 

O O O 

they ? native li wh<-i 11 

ive 1 thry purchased provisions, :iu<l : 
ootained a LMiide t > oth.-r Indian .- N 

d;iy 1 hey si nick tin* ( Joi hit I 

from th.-ir lasi night s li;d; ;ind , 

til - I I ;:ii <>ld Indian with f, diili.-iilt y in- 

diu-t (l him to ur^ th-ir --nidr t mpaiiy \ . 

two days longer f T annthur lr 

( )n t In- -1th of May tln-y contiini-d tln-ir < 
linually wading ihroii^h rivera and 
with the heavy rain which whm tiiry halted ]: I 

tin-in from ol)tainin-- t U to warm th< 

01- c ><>k thrir food. \Vrary and hungry i 
w- -ucli as to hani.-di all thoii _rht of thr Spani.. 
ir only anxirty I>rin_r to ohtain 1 gui 

l < : - d day- they j< >U -d on undrr in 

liardshi[)s, t rrdin^ on nionkrys and such 
- they could ohtain from the native E 
tin !i which thry passed. 

ll\ this uiiui thev had ohiain.-d a 1 r- 

/ . 

d tin- ( . had arrived at another i 

d j:t!i .vhirh caused them 

,i|rllrd to f, ,rd i .d ti: ! - 

6 Thoy IP 1 that t hoy were n . tlircc milo.s | 

1 I _ . 

<>ur nu-ii l" iii 4 tin -1 L . 

l.y l i 
1 \vitha 

<i)nli:r;i. J . / 
8 \Vlu-n th. 


ith th L -I 1 

, C JOU; aliilKX), the c: 

With wax. / 

111 L. II. 35 


liinct on the last occasion two of the party who were 
unable to keep up with the main body. Night fell on 
them unprovided with shelter, and to add to their 
miseries a thunder-storm with heavy rain broke over 

Next morning, the 8th of May, the guide informed 
them that the river would have to be crossed again, 

o * 

but it was now so swollen that fording was impossible. 
It was decided, therefore, to send a man over with a 
line. One of the band, George Gayny, accordingly 
made the attempt, but the line which he had fastened 
about his neck became entangled, and the man on 
shore who was paying it out suddenly stopped it. 
This threw Gayny, who was half way across, on his 
back. The man in charge of the rope then threw it 
into the river, hoping that Gayny might recover him 
self, but being weighted with three hundred pesos, 
which he carried on his back, the impetuous current 
carried him away and he was drowned. 9 

After this failure they felled a lofty tree across the 
river, and over it all passed in safety. Their guide 
now left them, having obtained a substitute. Cross 
ing another river their way led through a beautiful 
valley adorned with trees. Five miles beyond they 
came to a settlement and were somewhat alarmed at 
the sight of some wooden crosses on the road-side, 
thinking that Spaniards were there. They prepared 
for action, but found none but Indians in the town, 
where they were kindly received. 10 

For the next ten days they struggled on with sev 
eral changes of guides, incessantly crossing rivers 11 
and forcing their way through the trackless forest, 

9 The two men left behind, afferward, when they rejoined their comrades, 
stated that they found him lying dead in a creek with the money still on his 
back, but they did not take it, being intent on finding their way out of the 
country. Id. , 17. 

10 Here Doctor Wafer and four others, including the two stragglers, stayed 
behind. They rejoined their comrades, however, some months later. Id., 19, 
24; Wafer s Voy., 4-43. 

11 One day they crossed the same stream 22 times in a march of nine miles, 
Dampier s Voy., i. 19. 


limhs chafed and raw with wading, i 

in evil ]>]; 

On tli Ma;, worn 

]><> Iliver, whieh tli- IK! on 

tt j<>;. !ited the North S- 

mountain-ridge. The \\ <T was li- nd idad . 

trt tlicy d led the 1 

hank <>f the river Concepcion, il. 
they f<>un<l flowing north. The following d 
-I down 1 he Bi ivam, and err 1"M-- proriin d 
to earry tin-in to its month. During th- 
many M:i^li>h and French ships had lo-n th n-, hut 
all had d.-partrd Avith the e n of a French pri- 

v.-i wlTu-h lay at La Sound K<-y. 13 A 
ni-ht at the mouth of the river, they < to 

the island, and wmt al><ard the \cssd which v, 
commanded hy Captain Tristaiu. I n; -in 

the crew l)eads, kui\ rs, and lookii 

with which to reward their ^uid-s th-y 

in with the additional of half a ].. 90 

V/itli this the .Indians Were well n<l i 

1 i u [f for the K 1 1 ir 1 i s 1 1 v, 
kind treatment <f 1 ] - Waf-r and 

iained h.-hiud in th-ir settlenfr 
r rii journey across i l-thmns had oc- 

three days, during whieh th 
ahout thirt\ hrou 

, and amon-* "de6p and MS 1. 

They had arrived on the smith coast just as tl 

an, and the ri\ >on .- . and 

O 7 

ere cntin 

Ifaca* - ; ., : : . - . , : . /, !-..-. I i - 

>\a nl> 


.1 Itfcoinr ;i : tecrs, i 

as in the case of Lt 


yet only one man perished. They had chosen a cir 
cuitous route, going seventeen leagues farther than 
if they had ascended the Chepo or the Santa Maria, 
by either of which courses the journey could have 
been made from sea to sea in three days, the Indians 
frequently accomplishing it in a day and a half. 

The hardships which Dampier underwent during 
this trip did not deter him from another adventure on 
the South Sea. In the latter part of 1683, having 
joined a ship commanded by a Captain Cook, he was 
again cruising in company with another vessel under 
Captain Eaton off the western coast of South Amer 
ica. Although they had sailed round Cape Horn, 
their operations w r ere unimportant during the whole 
of their voyage up that coast. Their intention, in 
deed, was to try new ground and make a raid upon 
Realejo and Leon in Nicaragua. When they arrived 
about the beginning of July at Cape Blanco, on the 
Costa Rica seaboard, Captain Cook died, and John 
Davis was appointed to his place. 14 

While engaged in burying their late captain on 
the shore of Calderas Bay they captured three half- 
breeds from whom they learned that the Spaniards 
had been warned by the people of Panama to beware 
of buccaneers. This news did not prevent them, 
however, from proceeding on the 20th of July toward 
Kealejo where they arrived three days later. Their 
operations here were unprofitable, as they found the 
Spaniards thoroughly prepared for them. They there 
fore sailed to the bay of Fonseca for the purpose of 
careening their vessels. Here an attempt to estab- 
blish friendly relations with the Indians of one of the 
islands was interrupted by the rough action of one 

14 Davis, according to Exqiiemelin, was born in Jamaica. Bucaniers of 
Amer., 49. Lussan, in Id., 26, states that he was a Fleming. The first 
author gives a brief narrative, without date, of a bold raid made by this buc 
caneer into Nicaragua from the Atlantic side. In this enterprise he must 
have passed up the San Juan River, on the banks of which the pirates, 
80 in number, concealed themselves by day, and rowed during the night. 
What city it was they attacked is not clear, but the booty obtained was more 
than 50,000 pesos. 

tin 1 l)i; , whieh cau 

nal i . who il 

I in inducing tli half ;i ,! 

his trihe to vi/it th- ship I having won tl. 

Mi-will hy presents, obi 

aaiiH-d in tlir 1 , m an inland 

which they <li: 1 them. AI I 
painn-- their \ band 

dejo for tiin d on I 1 of 5 
aber ! >a\ 4-ain Bailed tiward, having par; 

K;it.,n with whom lie liad liad troul 

On the 20tli h<> i ed the i 
while lyin- there was joined, < October _d, l.y ( 
i nt thr Ctj jiH. f and ( laptain Peter 1 1 

of the luuvaneei- of that name wh< Iviiled in i 

eng meni before Panam^ in 1080. Swan liad 
plied ly Lniidt.n merchants with i 

ti-ad; in these l>tit 1), i in 

Harris and his eomrath s who had Airland. 

lllell enipelled llilll to j<>in tl. : 

liie.-f iun^ of the rovers was marked l>y 
Independently or coll they< --ed in . 

of cruises oil th^ coasl "i" South A ica, the i 
Plata hein^ the rend A fter 

the town of ( ! nil, ih< pa !. 

t carrying letters i r<>ni I anainii 1 Lin Tl, 
Spaniards t hr-w the 1 : rd \\ 

bed, the ruse was deteci ed, an<l 1 rom the j 

Which the l)tlec;i d tl) 

i nl new- that i nnada ir>ni Spain had arri\-d 

Portohello and that the president of 1 aniniKi had 

15 Davis lift to tlif < . half full of tl>u- . \vanl 

.. 1 JO; 1 

the s; 

n. j)nin} ."> I- s alao * Ulantl. 

1 1. 

1 liiin 

.nl lia-I it t<> : t thus. 

:;^ in \\ ith I -in liiii: 

an i^u- .1 . 


this boat with instructions to hasten the departure 
of the treasure-fleet from Peru. This occurred on 
the 1st of January 1685. The wildest excitement 
followed as the prows of the vessels were turned 
toward the Pearl Islands, the best place from which 
to seize the treasure-ships. They arrived there the 
25th, having captured on the way a ninety-ton vessel 
laden with flour. Then they careened and cleaned 
their vessels, and by February 14th all was in readi 
ness. The marauders then proceeded to Perico and 
engaged in correspondence with the president of Pa 
nama for the release of two of their men who had 
fallen into the hands of the Spaniards. 18 The result 
was an exchange of prisoners, the crew of the vessel 
last taken, to the number of about forty, being sur 
rendered as ransom for the two freebooters. 

Meanwhile the Spaniards continued in their puerile 
efforts to rid themselves of the vipers. On one occa 
sion a pretended merchant, under pretext of wishing 
to traffic, steered a vessel laden with combustibles 
close up to them while at anchor. Having ignited 
his fire-ship, he and his crew escaped in canoes, \vhile 
the buccaneers were forced to cut their cables in all 
haste to avoid destruction. 19 

Soon afterward they were joined by no less than 
two hundred and eighty French and English bucca 
neers who had crossed the Isthmus, and who reported 
that one hundred and eighty more English were fol 
lowing under Captain Townley. 20 This accession was 
gratifying; the ninety-ton prize was at once surren 
dered to the French, who numbered two hundred 
under Captain Grogniet, \vhile the English were re 
ceived on board the ships of Swan and Davis. 21 

18 One was captured while hunting, and the other was one of Captain 
Harris men who had been left on the Santa Maria River the year before. 
Sampler s Voy., 177-8, 1SG-7. 

19 Dampier states that a Captain Bond planned this stratagem. Bond had 
been abandoned by Eaton and his own pilot, Morton, and persuaded his men 
to go over to the Spaniards. /(/., 189-90. 

" For an account of their journey see Lussan, Journal du Voy., 37 et seq. 
21 The French captain, called by Dampier Gronet, offered Davis and Swan 



AY! {tur<-d two 1 

Maria, and a Pew d ! 

\virl that all r hand, lhiv- hum: 

ir way o\ .-1 lainl from i lie NTnri ii 

i nioiitl 
of Panama. \ i-ilantly watdiii 

ji< . Meanwhile they t. 

:j>t m ml intercepted 1 i which 

ained that the l>i ! Lima had i 

sultaf inn i \vhirh could i 

i:i ord< r to elude tlu- \t\n\ .ml }. \\-\-\\ . 
)!. liu^-ly. Thr\ . l. arm-il 
niaiuicil with all tlio a\ ailahl.- >i i ru, 

I orders not to rn<. with the hue 

a l>attle could possibly \n- ;i\"ided. 

On the 28th of .May the pirate il---i lay 

l^u-h island and the mainland. ( in < 

being a mile to the northwai d. It oonsi 
! carry in^ iifiy-two ^uus and nine hun 

in Ahor.t eleven o < 

Avliich had In-cn rainy, cleared 1 th 1 Spanish ii 

in-- fourteen shij.-> beiide |>ira S 

?, cxtfinlc-1 l.y t!" 

;p]ily his t-:i| with Maiik t 

ae. I ,.ni|., 

while I 

: of tli. 

ami Hi, lit. / 

i did imt ;i]*]>r;ir, t! \vas 8Ci 

in S i, On the l. ith - .I in ^ith .1 I 

1 man I by 11. 

h;nl ]. 

i j.tain 1 

I tO !:.- Ii: tlK S. 

.ah 1 l<> m< Q; h I 

Laik into a lirr- 


] A.ln.i 

i; t idmiral, 


one hundred and sevent} 7 -four guns and manned by 
more than three thousand sailors and marines, was 
seen approaching. . Disparity of numbers did not, 
however, intimidate the buccaneers, and for the great 
prize that now lay in sight they would have engaged 
with even half their force. 25 Being to windward of 
the Spaniards they weighed anchor about three o clock 
in the afternoon, but night fell upon them before they 
could effect more than the exchange of a few shots. 
Although Spanish arms had greatly deteriorated 
since the days of the conquerors, there was still some 
thing of the Spanish stratagem left which in this 
instance proved a match even for pirate cunning. 
When the darkness had set in the admiral of the 
treasure-fleet hung out a light as a signal for his ves 
sels to come to anchor. In half an hour the light was 
extinguished, but some time afterward the buccaneers 
saw it again, stealing away from Panama. Being 
well to the windward they kept under sail all night 
in sight of the signal, but when morning dawned they 
discovered that they had been decoyed to the leeward 
by a solitary vessel sent in that direction and that 
the enemy had now the weather-gage, and was bear 
ing down upon them with all sail set. Thus were the 
tables turned, and their only safety lay in flight. 
During the whole day they maintained a running 
fight, and having sailed almost round the bay of Pan- 
amd, anchored their now battered vessels again off the 
isle of Pacheca. 2( In the morning three leagues to lee- 

of IS Guns, 250 Men; and one of 8 Guns, 200 Men; 2 great Fire-ships, 6 
Ships only with small Arms, having 800 Men on board them all; besides 2 
or 3 hundred Men in Periagoes. This account was obtained afterward from 
Captain Knight, who, when off the coast of Peru, gathered the information from 
some captives. Dampier s Voy., 207-8. 

25 Grogniet sailed away when the Spaniards came in sight. He afterward 
urged as an excuse that his men would not let him join in the fight. He was 
cashiered, but was eventually allowed to depart with his ship and men. /</., 
20S-9. Such is the English account. Lussan, however, states that because 
Grogniet s ship had no guns and was intercepted by a vessel carrying 28 can 
non lie was unable to join in the engagement. Journal du Voy., 85-6. 

20 The loss of Spaniards in this engagement is not known, but Dampier 
makes the doubtful statement that the pirates lost only one man. Voy., 209. 
The account given by Lussan, who was on Harris ship, differs materially 


:-d ili- ane] 1 ;i 

>uth ! illy >prh up 

I ananiii, withoul 
tin- advanl lined 

Thus after nearly month- !anm 

exj ti"ii their _ pri/e eluded ti ml 

th<- disappointed and ! pi 

r the i>l<<s ofQuibo. [There a consultation M, 

ieh resulted in ;i determination t 

Leon in Xiearau ii;i. Th once 1 
lion- and huilt a nunil-rr of canoes in wliidi 
ihcir landing. 2 r 11n-<- ln-in d 1 1: aled 

port of LYal.-jo on tin- 20th of -I 
arrived on the CO ihonf ci;^ 1 

lh- liarhor on the 9th of A Tln-y no\\ mai 

their canoes, to the niunhrr of th th 1 

linndrcd and t\v< ii!y men, and made fm- t! 
the others taking eh i tin- 

there \vrrc f \vo heavy squalls \vhieh pi iem 

reme peril, but hy dint of hai d rowin 

the port that ni^hi. .t i 
the i .lio\vin^ morning- they r. up 1 

. n << -.., . . 

i Dan I by tl tho 

iad tin-- >". ni:ui : trn days in I 

rnment had not done. JJuru<> 

f ]>;unpier. He.-issertsthat the trcasin 

; unnoticed l.y the hi: 1 that : 

n, with i! 

i anipier. Harris ship reei-ived I Jo 

! ml Swan *uh 

Mhieh the En^lLih yoverninenL 

Wo were ^la<; 6 them; i .nd owel that to, in a 

to to pursue thei :. / ; 

While th 

M>. The town \\as ea>dy 

obtained. <>n the ;.th . 

Mad n. -t !". n ; 

e of th i of tl.. 

i thoii 

nail nuinl put up \\ ith 

curs, i. 


n. .w - 

. T.-uiiley. and Ki Harris bad lost 

whU-h In-iii, old and rotten iVil in pi. oe* V hlk ho was careening 1 

, _ 


ing to Leon, at the Lead of which, on the river bank, 
they found a breastwork. Their approach was dis 
covered by the watchmen who fled to Leon and 
reported it. 30 

The pirates now quickly effected a landing and four 
hundred and seventy men were detailed in four de 
tachments under the command of Townley, Swan, 
Davis, and Knight, 31 while Darnpier with the remain 
der was left in charge of the canoes. 32 

Townley with his company entered the town about 
two miles in advance of the others, and overthrew a 
body of nearly two hundred horsemen who charged 
him in the main street. The infantry, to the number 
of five hundred, were drawn up in the plaza, but per 
ceiving the discomfiture of the cavalry fled without 
offering resistance, and Leon, captured by eighty men, 
lay at the mercy of the freebooters. 33 

At noon on the following day the governor sent in 
a flag of truce with offers to ransom the town, 34 but 

30 According to one authority only two men were on the lookout. One of 
these perceived the buccaneers and hastened to the city to give warning. His 
story was not believed; he was arrested and it was the intention to have him 
publicly flogged. This occurred August 21, 1G85. Morel, Visita, MS., 47-8. 

31 Townley, with 80 of the briskest Men, inarched before, Captain Swan 
with 100 Men inarched next, and Captain Davis with 170 Men marched next, 
and Captain Knight brought up the Rear. Dampier s Voy., 219. 

32 There is a discrepancy in the account of Darnpier, who states that 59 
men were left with him, which would raise the number of those who left the 
fleet to 530, without counting the four captains. 

33 Townley took the town at 3 P. M., Swan arrived at 4 P. M., and Davis at 
5 P. M. Knight did not come up till an hour later, leaving many tired out, 
who afterward came straggling in. The Spaniards killed a stout old Grey 
headed Man aged about 84, who had served under Oliver in the time of the 
Irish Rebellion. He had refused to- remain with the canoes, and when sur 
rounded by the Spaniards would not accept quarter, but discharged his gun 
at them, so they shot him dead at a distance. His name was Swan; he was 
a very merry hearty old Man, and always used to declare he would never take 
Quarter/ Id., 219-20. According to Morel deSta Cruz, Visita, MS., 48, the 
buccaneers entered the town at 11 A. M., opposed by only 50 men, 49 of 
whom fled, the remaining one fighting until disabled by many wounds. 

31 One Smith who had dropped behind and was captured so exaggerated 
the numbers of the freebooters that the governor was afraid to attack them, 
though Smith estimated his forces at over 1,000 men. Smith was afterward 
exchanged for a lady of high position. Dampitr s Voy., 220. Lussan states 
that the French, having arrived at the port of Realejo some months later, 
learned that succor had been sent from towns in Nicaragua and Salvador, and 
that the English freebooters avoient envoye" plusieurs fois offrir & ces gens 
do seconrs, le combat en raze savana, ce qu ils avoient toujours refuse, disant 
qu ils u etoient pas encore tous ramassez. Journal du Voy., 112-3. 


11 H domam I ; so 

that all In- could <1< >rto] 

until li 

(\\>l tin; in\adi In a I 

tin ml "ii I ! 

tin- month, lia\ i: 

city >n lire and march- 
Thu ]irate- n< \! di 

which th ad without opp Bui 

tin tiiry were balked, lindi lothing 1 

S>, for a i;, th 

; country, killin 

Then they burned t! \\n. and return] to th 
canoes iv p.incd tln-ir >\i\\>. Th qr, wh; 

b.e L . ith, JJa\ is and > 

i orincr l)cinn - anxion- : itirn to the South 
i<-an coast, while Swan \vas desirous of trying hi 

tuno oil the shoi-fs of M^xi Tliuir ^ 
liowuVL-r, amicahlr, and tlu- t\\o li 
lh Ji-ti-d c:ini|)aiiy en the iTtli, lir.-.l ia] 

tla-y turned their proWfl in jj 
J Jut tlu; uni ortunate citiea of h 

be lefl in ]. 

l)and. ( rrogniet, with three hundre.l and 
iu liis shi[)and li 
cruised slowly northward. His th >W- 

were <>f liul-- importance. 1 )urin-- th- 

alon- coa y land 

th. ;md abandoned, and ti 

lid DO! ; the town, finding it t 

:i.i a riccc M 

nui. 1,000 Ac< 

/., J 

I >..! 

Mil, lur 

tin- I lul: 

i umr,. 

tlu G. 


garrisoned. 37 They then proceeded against Pueblo 
Viejo, and having foraged the surrounding country 
again directed their course southward and entered the 
bay of Calderas with the intention of taking Esparza, 
to execute which design fifty men were sent ashore. 
They were deterred, however, from making the at 
tempt by learning that the Spaniards had gathered in 
considerable force to oppose them. Their . sufferings 
from hunger became excessive, and they were com 
pelled to kill and eat some horses which they cap 
tured, after four days starvation. 38 

Their ship had been despatched to the island of San 
Juan de Pueblo as their general place of rendezvous, 39 
and thither the canoes now turned their course. Their 
next operations were directed against Chiriquita, 
which they succeeded in surprising on the 9th of Jan 
uary 1686 with a force of two hundred and thirty 
men. Having secured a number of prisoners, for 
whom they afterward obtained a ransom, they burned 
the town and retired. 4( 

On their return to Pueblo a Spanish fleet of seven 
ships, twelve piraguas, and three long barks made 
its appearance, and was recognized as a squadron 
sent against them from Peru. Their ship being no 
longer serviceable through want of sails, they ran her 
aground, and took up a favorable position on the 
banks of a river, where they had already begun build 
ing large-sized piraguas. Here the enemy dared not 
attack them, and having burned the stranded vessel 
bore away. 

On the 14th of March, having completed the con 
struction of the piraguas, they left Pueblo in two 

37 A cause de I excommumcation qu ils avoient eux-rnetnes fulminde con- 
ire elle. Lussan, Journal du Voy., 119. 

38 Apres quatre jour d une abstinence fort 6troite. Id., 126. 

39 About 20 leagues distant from Chiriquita, and about 24 leagues west of 
Panama. Id., 88, 131. 

40 Lussan nearly lost his life by falling with four others into an ambuscade. 
But he escaped unwounded, though two of the party were killed and a third 
lay hors de combat. The faith of this freebooter in the protection of provi 
dence is refreshing: je ne fus garanti du massacre, he says, sans etre seule- 
meut biesse", queparune protection du Ciel toute manifesto. Id., 135. 

a f<> 

cai and having In-ld a 
that their number Ji,-i.l be n n duced i 

paratioD from tl. . T 

attack < iranada iii N bein 

h hunger they attempted i 

Niu-v.i, and I :lily liandl.-d 

linn-nt of tin 1 Spanish lln-t 1- of 

the river. 45 ] the pir;,t,- 

hay of Calderaa and the town <>f V. . \\-\\\ 

) inid abandoned, T! Uam<-<l, i 

visions iVoiu a ]lai. -n on tin- They DOW 

consultfil as to tlicii- inctliod on Granada, 

and niadf rcrtain i-t^ula 

y tlioiig-ht would uiisuix- the sue 
prise. 41 

On tlio -i! 1 Grogni II in with Town 1 
liundi rd and iifty ineii in live can. ind l>y 

aliatioii for (lie treat nn-nt !i liis i 

the ]iand> of tin- I 
tin-in prisons Ai tT keeping tln-ni in din 

:-al lioui s tin- Frenchmen 

i that no liarni would 1- 

ir c-aiv to thcni. to fr n inlsliip. 

\vnl.-y and his in-n ly requ 1 <> ! 

niiitrd i Bociatea in tin- medil 

< anad propo>itn;n which was lifi 

; ion. 
Tlnj cuinhiind foro J on the 7th of April 168 

* l ! the month of IY1>ruary 14 <1: in thi- 

"According to JU 

, 112; and ] 


landed three hundred and forty-five men, 45 who by 
forced marches advanced into the interior; but not 
withstanding all possible precautions they were dis 
covered, and the alarm conveyed to Granada while 
they were still at a considerable distance. 46 Perceiving 
that a surprise could not be effected, on the 9th they 
halted to rest and refresh themselves, enfeebled as 
they were with hunger and fatigue. On the following 
day they advanced upon the city which they found to 
be well fortified and protected by fourteen pieces of 
cannon and six swivels, the inhabitants having in 
trenched themselves in the great square. 47 Never 
theless they at once charged up the leading street 
with a recklessness that astonished their foes; 48 and 
having put to flight a strong force which they en 
countered in the suburbs, were soon actively engaged 
with the fort. 

The fire of the artillery was heavy and rapid, but 
rendered in a great measure ineffective by the pirates 
adroitly bending to the ground at every discharge, so 
that the balls passed over them; seeing which the 
Spaniards ignited false primings, and postponed the 
discharge of their guns till the freebooters had as 
sumed an upright position. Then the latter ranged 
themselves beside the houses, and having gained a 
small eminence at a convenient distance, so plied the 
defenders with bullets and hand-grenades that after 
a brave resistance for an hour and a half they aban 
doned the inclosure and sought refuge in the principal 
church. They were quickly dislodged, however, and 
the city of Granada was in possession of the pirates, 

45 Lussan, Journal du Voy., 154. Robles says 900 men entered Leon and 
Granada. Diario, ii. 435. 

46 Lnssan states that the people of Granada had been warned three weeks 
previously by the authorities of Esparza. Journal du Voy., 154-5. 

47 Burney states that Granada was not regularly fortified, but had a place 
of arms surrounded by a wall. Discov. South Sea, iv. 267. Lussan says this 
was capable of holding 6,000 men. Journal du Voy., 160. 

48 Ils foncerent dans la ville les yeux fermez, chantans dan cans com me 
des gens qui vont & un festin. Lettre du Gouv., in Lussan, Journal du Voy., 


who had ir kill. " w ] 

tl)< t ill. Spall! 

>\v French tilihu 

\a: 1 and t.ll,,v 

were the Kurdish freebo Th 

1 their li\ -id bodi< s it v. 
with i-d to tli- k Tl 

hurn :is and cut oil the 1: of captiv( - v. 

in was not promptly 1 . hut dil 

not IK their d.-votioi 

chantrd the fee deum in the 

then huntud for plunder aii<l women, 

. ojx-nrd tiations hy meanfl of a j 
r the ]-ansoni of the c-ity i lire. 61 Tl n- 

i;trds, ])o\ r, were indiili-n-nt, j ully 
lh ion of had 

that Jii Mipanioiis would n 

their intention t me monl ! 

and pass tlirou^h tlie country hy 

i-tli S. and that tin :tv 

uld 1)0 inconvenient. lintth rs th- dif- 

enlly, and perai t their h..otl. -il- 

joui-ney, hum- d the C id prir 



pirates no\v deemed it prudenl to i 

on the 1 5th he^an their inan-h to tl 
their courxj to the town of V 

o loss than 

! i t stated on 

one of tin prin 

*ant ) 

ilixs, <fc <! lour ; 


ri j ilc- -hips and con- 

::l ill tlir laK 

i ratee* message a mere threat, 


i:it tli 



lake of that name. Their sufferings were great un 
their return march. Parched with thirst, scorched 
by the vertical sun, and choked with the stifling 
dust, they toiled along discontented and miserable, 
incessantly exposed to ambushed foes. 54 For a day 
they rested in Masaya, where the Indians received 
them kindly and implored them not to burn their 
town. On the 17th, as the freebooters were emerg 
ing from the forest upon an open plain, they were 
opposed by a body of five hundred Spaniards, who 
had hoisted a red flag in token that no quarter would 
be given. But the pirates, never fearing, attacked 
and overthrew the enemy, capturing fifty of their 

After this, feeling more secure, they slowly wended 
their way to the ocean, halting at convenient places 
and resting from the fatigues of their exhausting 
march. By the 26th they reached the sea-shore, 
where they again embarked. They now once more 
made a raid on Realejo, captured a number of the in 
habitants, 55 and then proceeded to Chinandega and 
burned the town. During these forays they suffered 
greatly from hunger, since the Spaniards systemat 
ically destroyed all provisions wherever the freeboot 
ers made their appearance, and had also driven their 
cattle from the coast. 

It was a profitless enterprise that these rovers had 
been engaged in, from first to last. Their booty was 
insignificant/ 6 many of their wounded had died from 
privation and the effect of the climate, and difference 
of opinion as to future movements finally displayed 
itself. At a consultation held on the 9th of May a 
separation was decided upon, and a few days later a 
division of barks, canoes, and provisions was made. 

54 They had carried off from Granada a cannon, but were obliged to aban- 
don it the first day owing to the oxen dying of thirst. Lussan, Journal du 


55 They came upon Ria Lexa unexpectedly, and made 100 of the inhab 
itants prisoners. Burners Discov. South Sea, iv. 269. 

56 In all only 7,600 pesos, and this sum was divided among the crippled 
and wounded. Lussan, Journal du, Voy., 177. 


hundr id forl lie I 

the 1 ish under TownL 
Gro^niet with the remainder of hi 

>vard up tin- ooasti 
1 >wnley s project \\ : ,-k Villa de 1 

en tin IJio Cuhita. I Ic sued i in Mirpi 
the tow& and captured men-hand! timat.-d i 

w. ii-th a million ami a half of p< 
thousand pesos in money and three him 
of both s. But disaster was in store for i 

marauders on their ivuirn, ami parties of them w. 

sui-prisrd l.y ambuscades; many were kill- d and t 

l)M.ty iN-takrn ly the S|aniards. Then foil 

inutiial retaliation. The lx>dic> of the slain 

re mutilated and their In I on poles, while 

their romrad< s, out of revenue, deeapitat. d a 1111111 
of their capt r .nd treated head- in like man- 

r. N et tlu Sf |;;i> f inies did not interrupt i 
lions; the remainder of the prisoners \\ . pe i 
and tlie. Spaniards pmvlia^-d a l>ark of \\lii.-h tli 
amial le vi>itrs had d<-prived th< :.i. 

Townley, having thus arran-jvd i: witli T 

inhabitants of Los Santos, 1" i 

Islands, and for the next two months crui-ed al-ont 
the hay of .Panama making descents on the kind 
and rapturing prix- f riie slaughter of the Spaniards 

in some of thex> en m-nt< was gi i the 

21st of August the buccan attacked 


and a hark, the former of which vessels had ty 

killed and \vounded out of a nvw .f one hund; 
and twenty, and of the crew of 1 Ji- 

n out of niained un : 1 tai Town- 

]e , Eireer now came to a clo^ During I 

two days they captured three m< 

of tl. incuts the ain of the pirat - was 

lnorially wounded, ami died on the sth 
During the remainder of t 

* 7< i % a sous le vent Je Panama. / 



cruised among the islands and in the bays on the coast 
of Veragua, frequently landing on the main in order 
to procure food, and so dire was their necessity that 
on occasions they imperatively demanded provisions 
as a ransom for their captives instead of money. 58 

At the beginning of 1687 freebooters were again 

o o o 

off the Costa Rica coast and infesting the gulf of 
Nicoya, keeping the Spaniards in a state of constant 
alarm, wringing from them ransom for captives, and 
torturing prisoners to obtain information. 5 On the 
26th of January they were rejoined by Captain Grog- 
niet, whose movements had been principally confined 
to the bay of Fonseca and the coast of Nicaragua, but 
dissension occurring, eighty-five of his men separated 
from him, and with the remaining sixty he turned 
once more toward Panama^. 60 

Again this brood of ocean -banditti directed their 
course to the rich coast of South America, where 
they and their fraternity had acquired so infamous a 
reputation that the women they captured were in 
dread of being eaten by them. 61 After amassing im 
mense wealth they sailed northward and coasted along 
the Central American and Mexican shores as far as 
Acapulco, burning, destroying, and murdering as was 

58 At San Lorenzo, near Pueblo Nuevo, *le Commandant du lieu vint nous 
offrir une somme d argent pour la rancon des prisonniers; ce que nous refu- 
sames, parce que nous avions beaucoup plus besoin de vivres: Nous luy dimes 
que s il ne nous en apportoit, . . .qu il n avoit qu a envoyer sur 1 Isle y chercher 
leurs tetes. Id., 244-5. 

59 On one occasion a mounted Spaniard displayed his hatred for the pirates 
by reviling them and making grimaces at them from a safe distance. The 
intruders placed five men in ambush and continued their march. The unfor 
tunate Spaniard fell into the hands of the concealed party. Lussan, with his 
usual flippancy when treating of barbarities, thus describes what followed: 
& luy fimes faire la grimace tout de bon. On 1 interrogea avec les ceremo 
nies ordinaires, c est a dire en luy donnant la gene, pour S9avoir ou nous 
e tions. Id., 264-5. 

60 Grogniet died on the 2d of May following from the effect of a. wound 
which he received at Guayaquil, where the pirates captured a large quantity 
of booty in merchandise, pearls, precious stones, and silver-plate. Id., 302, 

61 The padres persuaded them that the freebooters were not even of human 
form, and that they would eat them and their children. On one occasion a 
Spanish lady fell into the hands of Lussan, and with tears in her eyes ex 
claimed: Segnor, por 1 amor de Dios no mi como (sic). Id., 304-5. 

xn:v.\ .vr.\. 

the-ir wont. I Jut in .|l f 

In: -nd thir>f, the pi- had ; 

. nd they now wished to r tii!-; 

e their hanUhips would end. and tin 
lander and enjoy their ill gotten ri -h< 

consulted as to the h. ., p !; 

cide<l to march overland through 
\ ia to ( ape ( rracias ;1 I )i< S 

unary 1G88, after they "had said their I 
tli- I on their perilous journey, two hund; 

and eighty in number. 

Their overland march through t 
Central America wa- BOQQewha! 
journeys of the ph across the Isthmus. liL 
of the die and conquerors, were full of d. 

and suH erin^s; hut the difficult i- 

mtless villains in some rep< 
on record. 

Their route lay from the hay of Fonsc- 
River, down which they propn^-d to d nd on i 

Marching iirst to Nue\-,-i Segovia, th-y found t 
inhabitants ready to oppose them. the \, 

their mad was impeded hy iMled tn in tl.- 

country the grass \\ i I m- i ( l 

ion tli- i compelled to hah until i 

iire should spend itself. The cattle^ driv n 

and pi-ovisions removed or destroyed, while ambu 

aniards assailed them 
r rheiv was nothing for them, ho\\ 
alon--, which they continued tO do until t! 

Nueva >via on the i ii r l he town \\, 

J-^\. that could maintain life had 1- 


iTried with tlum plunder in ^..M. si .lnc<l at 

I in little -; wxl 


i h:t<l 1 K l!" 1 

, man, i 

a weal 

litinn 12 a c 


,. , o 


fully removed. As they continued famished and foot 
sore toward the river, now twenty leagues distant, 
they were harassed by a force of three hundred Span 
ish horse, constantly threatening their annihilation. 
The road, which led over a steep mountain, was 
found on the second day from Segovia to be in 
trenched. Thus beset in front and rear, between two 
bodies each largely outnumbering their own, what 
were the pirates to do? Blood-besmeared and deter 
mined, they were now to the effeminate Spaniards 
what the early Spaniards had Leen to the Indians. 
It was on a bright moonlit night that the filibusters 
encamped before the intrench nient. Nevertheless two 
hundred of them managed to steal into the forest 
unperceived by their enemies. 6 With incredible labor 
they worked their way round rocks and through quag 
mires, till, guided by the voices of the Spaniards at 
morning prayer, by daylight they found themselves 
in the road above, and in the rear of the intrenched 
Spaniards. A dense mist which had arisen just before 
dawn concealed them from sight, but while it in some 
measure aided them, it rendered their operations more 
dangerous from the nature of the ground. It appeared 
that there were three intrenchments, one behind the 
other, and with the reversed position the defenders of 
the rear one were not protected. Upon this exposed 
detachment, numbering five hundred men, the free 
booters fell so suddenly that the Spaniards fled 
panic-stricken, and the successful assailants were in 
possession of the barricade. It was equivalent to 
victory. There was no hope for the Spaniards now. 
Guided in their aim by the flashes of the enemy s fire, 
the pirates, well protected, poured volley after volley 
upon the Spaniards, who did not know where to shoot 
or what to do. For an hour they held out; but when, 

63 The sick and wounded with the baggage and horses were left with a 
guard in camp, with orders to fire their muskets frequently during the night 
that the enemy might think them all there. Lussan says there were 80 thus 
left in camp, but as there were only 280 in the first place, and some had died, 
there must have been a mistake. Exquemelin, Hist. Flib., iii. 312-4. 


si ill <.-n\ d in tin- mi-t, the ; 

m, nut 

l)lo\v, they turned and fled. \Yhat i 
l.iii r riio Spaniard- l.-d i 

their own defences, w< I till t 

victors, " wear] of i unni; . ami kill 

The cutthroai MOW i 

hut natm 11 interj<<ed h.-r ti 

lulity. On tli- following < 

ari ivrd at another in :it , lnt. t 

iiad inspiivd was E I that tlx-v j>a 

I, and on tin 1 17tli -ln-il lanl. 

longed-for river which -a.* 

The rnnvnt was swift, and tr l a--ii 
J-U.^IM- 1 <lown rajiids <>r ])lnn--r(l in cata 

]-ock and in th--ir 

t the iVc liled it with ,t, and wi 

wil<l enthusiasm constructed t>rth mall 

li capahlo of cai i-x ii)L, r tNVt) ln 
these they launched them 

their death, ]>e-ides ].ad<l! 

loii ^ poles to aid them in avoiding t! 

a fearful ]>a- ; the lxlde>t :ul h: 

grew giddy as he was swepl ; banoverha 

].5i-e or whirled a!. out in th. tlood. \i 

the rafts \v- K) "\cr\\ 


<>ns con KM- 

.iiitlmrity, N\li-> Mas of the as*i 
i aii l t 

Vll 1 V 

lic.l la.) ( rrande d I < 

. !, J.ut wliicli appears to be th- 

ntaius liin. 

; . li Anvill. 

1 1 A 1 

aut, /o * 


up to the waist in water. Among those who had 
escaped with their lives were many who had lost all 
their gains acquired by years of hardship and of 
crime. 67 Numerous portages and the building of new 
rafts long delayed them, and it was not until the 20th 
of February that they arrived at the broader and less 
impetuous part of the river. In the mean time, in 
spite of peril and suffering, the evil passions of human 
nature were not dormant. As there were no Span 
iards present to kill they killed each other as occasion 
offered. 68 

When the river became navigable for boats the 


freebooters built canoes, and on the 1st of March one 
hundred and twenty of them, 69 in four boats, started 
down the river, and arrived at the mouth the 9th of 
March. On the 14th an English vessel arrived from 
the isles of Pearls, 70 on board of which about fifty 
of them, among whom was Lussan, embarked. This 
band of the survivors eventually reached French set 
tlements in the West Indies. Of the subsequent fate 
of those left behind little is known; 71 but the grati 
tude of the devout ruffians whom Lussan accompanied 
for their deliverance is thus chronicled: "When we 
were got all ash oar to a People that spoke French, 
we could not forbear shedding Tears of Joy, that after 

67 Lussan saj^s there were at least a hundred waterfalls, the larger ones with 
tremendous whirlpools. These cataracts could be passed only by portage. 
In short, the whole is so formidable, that there are none but those who have 
some Experience, can have right conceptions of it. But for me. . .who, as 
long as I live, shall have my Mind filled with those Risques I have run, it s 
impossible I should give such an Idea hereof but what will come far short of 
what I have really known of them. Bucaniers of America, i. 171. 

68 Six Frenchmen concealed themselves behind the rocks and fell upon five 
Englishmen who were known to be well supplied with booty and massacred 
them. Nous trouvames mon compagnon & moy, leurs corps e"tendus sur le 
rivage. Lussan, Journal du Voy., 430-1. The murderers escaped and their 
companions never saw them again. 

09 Lussan states that they left 140 behind finishing their canoes. 

70 Twelve leagues distant, to the east of Cape Gracias a Dios. 

71 The English buccaneers remained for a time with the Mosquito Indians 
near Cape Gracias d Dios. The greater part of the Frenchmen reached the 
settlements, but 75 of them who went to Jamaica were imprisoned by the 
duke of Albemarle, the governor. On his death the following year they were 
released; but neither their arms nor plunder were returned to them. Barney s 
Discov. South Sea, iv. 293-4. 


li.-id i-un BO iiKinv I [azard 

it had pleased til. Almiglitj Me ml 

S. as, t grant a I ) liveran< ml l.riu^ IH ! 

til- ; our <\vn Nai i.n. 

an, in - / J //,/,-., iii. 180; anl ./ I oy., 4*VJ. 

A peculiar feature in the history, particularly of Spanish Amerie 

i>y the lui Woii.i ;kings, whoe ad- 

urcs were the absorbii. .0 of the ol<l Norbemcn, a.s preserved in the 

sagas, and a count* rpart of their sin cessors, the corsa 
equal sway in sunnier eli . preftdifl or over on tin; L 

4 tribute to support a reg;. \vn. i 

vim un.i.-r ti. of conquerors v 

c of extending tlif .n of their diviir .J >. 

.y the from which : the freelw>otT.s, to w)n>in t 

a and Latin races gave a desired opportunity to 
eitit-s and eon. t to the < are to 

i -editions of these wild fellows, culled from all nationalities, 
and their narratives inelu only daring raids, bloody and 1 

:;d land, l>ut CO^ \ topics of 

B. Imleed, their trans : is against so< hile eovcred in most 

cases liy ti. I i-i<>ti-i, -jtly 

- for the I -ei. and science, ex ten - 

do knowi of natural history, ethnology, and other 


ount of tip rs appears to t /ee Hoover, 

rdam. ]( >( > .}; hut tl. 

rks on them is t! cor 

rupted l.y -h into 

r n.-h \\ ll India < lie luul in I -iUJgone OUt to 

the . :d, but trade failing h my sold its effects and 

:ts. K Mjuenielin f -11 into the hamis of tlie lieutenant- 
<r, under hoin JicsuH i.-hip till a new and kinder master 

him at liberty. Binding nothing tililus-- 

led with them till U iT J, sharing\ 

d home to Holland, and employed I are in writing a 

:tions in the Antill- . adjoining n gions. 

o\\i, 1 as De Atntricaent" 

iael van alle de Rovcryt m JJumetuelycU Vrettht 
he en " Roovers ^/xai^aenlcn in America 

/,/ Hebbc*; Horn, UiTS, sm. 4 , 18<- 

i;ave lx?en so < wholly or in part, or as a : 

es and s; hut tlie ones used hare generally l>een of merous 

mish, published with nion- or leas raria- 
:iwith ditto! iriginn. 

- Mull U a 1 tter 


specimen, on coarse paper, illustrated with curious maps and plates, depict 
ing battle scenes, burning towns, and portraits of leading captains, as Morgan 
and L Olonnois. The title-page is bordered by eight scenes of freebooters war 
fare and cruelty. Beginning with his voyage to the West Indies, Exquemelin 
proceeds to depict the geography and political and social condition of the 
islands, including the rovers retreat, and then relates their doings in general. 
In a second and third part he gives special sketches of the different leaders 
and their expeditions; and in an appendix are found some valuable statistics 
for the Spanish possessions on wealth, revenue, and officials. The informa 
tion is not only varied, but has been found most reliable. The English edition 
was first published in London by Th. Newborough in 1699, under the title of 
The History of the Bucaneers of America. The second and third editions of 
this translation appeared in 1704. 

Several of the buccaneers have become known to readers in special treatises 
by their own hand, or by biographers, as Raveneau de Lussan, Journal d\m 
Voyage, Paris, 1689; Dampier s New Voyage, London, 1697, and others, which 
have also proved rich sources for compilers. To the edition of Exquemelin, 
issued in 1700, Ten Hoorn added two parts, one being an account of English 
buccaneer voyages under Sharp, Sawkins, and others, written by Basil Ring- 
rose, who had also been a member of the fraternity, and had kept a journal 
from which the first edition was prepared and issued in 1684. The second 
part gives Lussan s Journal, followed by the Relation de Montauban, captain 
of freebooters, on the coast of Guinea in 1695. 

Ringrose s account furnishes some particulars not found in other buccaneer 
narrators of the same expeditions. Though he disapproved of Sharp as a 
leader, his statements may be considered truthful as well as fuller than those 
of the other writers, all of whom corroborate Ringrose in the main points. 
His narrative is also published in the above mentioned work, The History of 
the Buccaneers of America, under the title of The Dangerous Voyage and Bold 
Attempts of Capt. Bartolomew Sharp and others in the South Sea. It con 
tains numerous rude cuts of islands, points, capes, etc., on the western coast 
of America. Ringrose was killed with all his company near a small town 21 
leagues from Compostela, in Jalisco, owing to the insubordination of his men. 
Dampier, Voy., i. 271-2, says: We had about 50 Men killed, and among the 
rest my Ingenious Friend Mr Ringrose was one. . .He was at this time Cape- 
Mercharut, or Super-Cargo of Capt. Swan s Ship. He had no mind to this 
Voyage, but was necessitated to engage in it or starve. The most important 
other authorities for the history of this enterprise are Capt. Sharp s Journal 
of his Expedition, Written by Himself, published by William Hacke in A Col 
lection of Original Voyages (London, 1699). Sharp omits all mention of the 
defection of the men whom Dampier accompanied across the Isthmus. 

The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Earth. Sharp. London, 1684. The 
author is anonymous, and was a strong partisan of Sharp, omitting much told 
against him in other accounts and frequently bestowing upon him fulsome 
praise. Many pages of the narrative are taken up by mere log-book entries 
of the ship s sailing and contain no other information. Dampier, A Neiu 
Voyage round the World. London, 1697-1709, 3 -vols. This writer touches in 
his introduction very briefly upon Sharp s expedition because the World has 

BUG - , 


and minir< 


also only < 

hat time. \\ .vho accompanied D; 

had been compelled to stay behin iceount of a severe 

by ;ui < of pui]>ov. 

Indians on the Isthmus. I 

ie phy-i -al if ;i tares of the c> r:i ,in<l ceupa- 

ti ami customs of the inhabitants. It 

illu i of these latter, as wellaa a map of t :s of coast 


A " -on of ( .11 Win. Ha.! (J99, 

]_ , \\ itli some rinlf futs and map, contains among other uv 

uml the <;iol)c, tuu.-hiiig O-iitral . 
As a sequel to these puhlieatii iis may l>e name.l ./ 
the L lil , v of (he most Notorious 1 

vhich was alle.l as a fourth volume to 

1711 and later rdi;i"iis. Similar ci>inl>: or le.vs 

t in (lillerent laniruair- a the i 

. to the Ili.-iorii 

The first thorough book on the subjret, 1 one 

>vhieh enters into the causes of the filibuster mov. 

ill its <sion in the Iv^inning of t 

miral l .m-ne\ ! :al issue 

of his L /< >ry of Disc 




YET another phase of life and restless human en 
deavor on the Panama Isthmus here presents itself. 
Great Britain is seized by an idea, born of greed and 
nurtured by injustice; and this conception expands 
until it covers the earth, and until the good people 
of England and Scotland are in imagination masters 
of the whole world, which possession is acquired not 
through any honest means, but after the too frequent 
vile indirections of the day and the nation; in all 
which the people of those isles give themselves and 
their money over to Satan. 

In June 1695 a number of wealthy Scotchmen 
under the leadership of William Paterson 1 obtained 

1 Paterson, the son of a Dumfriesshire farmer, was born in 1658. There 
are no authentic records as to his early career. In Francis Hist. Bank of 
En f /land, and Strain s Inter. Com., 15, it is stated that he went out as a mis 
sionary to the West Indies and afterward joined the buccaneers. The state 
ment is not so improbable as it may seem, for the freebooters while robbing 
and murdering the Catholic Spaniard imagined they were serving God, as 



from the Sc. , p;irli 

letters |>;it-nl from William I i 1 

plant colonies in A 

uninhabited, or else\* hereby permission of ti 
provided the territory ! l.\- a 

iropean prince 01 

\ ears in the Indies and lia<i ,f 

J)arien. Near the old s m.-nt of Acla he I 
f und a port safe for ^hippiii 
thence, on the other side of the Nthm 
suitable liarlxtrs. T> Malli>hin _f * I 
either shore, In- purposed In x ra-p iln- I \\li< 
llui-nj.i.: was supplii-(l with the prodii- lh and 

South America, China, Jajian, and tin- J lulr 
I .-lands, with Europ.-an g&x tin- 1-ihii 
to Japan and pails of China was hut a 
sail, and the products of A>ia c-ould tin: land 

Knrop<,> in i ai- l-ss time than that occupied l.y tii 

of the India coinj ^1 r on tl 

>\\ of J)aricn, su^ar, indigo, tobacco, and o1 
of value could he raised. "Trad. dd the pi 
of the I tank of J lu^laiid, "will I v will 

! money; the coinilH n-ial \\orld >hall Iio 

want work for their hand-, hut will rather 
hands for their work. This door to the -id k- 

to the universe will enable its j to ! 

be legislators of hoih world d the arbitrators . 
coniineiv Tl -tilers of Dari-n \\ill aeijuii 
iiobler i-nipire than Alexander or ( t 

iati- iie, expense, or da; \v. 11 as withoui 

rin-- the ,miilt and hloo<lshed of COnqtK 

raterson \\ 

both ]ivacher and ]irat- he may ha\ boil 

and knai It was impo^sil. r him to hfl 

ploi-e<l the Isthmu- be claimed and n.t know t. 

tlu: climate \\ ieadlv. and that to the \\ild hiu li- 


<li<l ti lianl \vln-n lir j.lun n<l sla 



572 PANAMA. 

lander, fresh from the cold north, the harbors of 
Darien could prove nothing but pest-holes, breeding 
swift destruction. As for the people who blindly 
threw themselves into the adventure, they were as 
sheep, and differed little from the human sheep of the 
present day. 

Spain had at least the right of discovery and con 
quest to her possessions in the New World, even 
though such conquest had been attended with cruelty 
almost as great as that of the English in Hindostan. 
The natives of Darien were never indeed entirely 
subdued. Yet even according to the European code 
of robbery it does not appear that Great Britain had 
any more right to plant colonies in Tierra Firme than 
she now has to establish them in portions of the 
United States that may be infested by hostile Ind 
ians. Nevertheless in the year 1699 when, as we 
shall see, the scheme was on the verge of failure, the 
English monarch, in answer to a petition from " The 
Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the In 
dies and their Colony of Darien," as the association 
was styled, asking that "His Royal Wisdom be 
pleased to take such Measures as might effectually 
vindicate the undoubted Rights and Privileges of the 
said Company, and support the Credit and Interest 
thereof," replied, " Right Trusty and Well-beloved, 
We greet you well : Your Petition has been presented 
to us by our Secretaries, and we do very much regret 
the Loss which that our antient Kingdom and the 
Company has lately sustained." 3 

"To prove," says a writer of the period,* "the False 
hood of the Allegation, That the Province of Darien 
is part of the King of Spain s Domains: It is posi 
tively denied by the Scots, who challenge the Span 
iards to prove their Right to the said Province, either 
by Inheritance, Marriage, Donation, Purchase, Rever- 

3 Id. , 53. It will be observed that his Majesty s ministers then as to-day 
were not always very proficient in English grammar. 

4 The .anonymous author of 1 A Defence of the Scots Settlement at DarienJ 
Edinburgh, 1699, 3. His nom de plume is Philo Caledon. 

MOM, Surrender, i ^ 

bheir ( laim l>y th<- Poi I 

author of the perio thi 

more the pleading of it, is a ridiculi 
tring of Mankind; seein en on 

L oman Pontills should 1,,- . 
sors of St P . which as no pj 
h.-lievo or COllfi- 

i ound. nor do they think the Pontificans able to i 

it : Yet this would invest them \\Jth no ri<_dit of <i 

po-in-- the Kingdoms of the World as 

and unto whom they will. r Peter i loatl 

ih no such Power him-* If, nor havin 

ided to exert such a .lurisdi- 

Popes have had the- Vanity and Pi how could 

he convey it unto, and entail it upon <ti 

quality and character of b his Sue Th, 

and similar excuses, however sorrv, were all tha I 
apolo - for the Sc- colony had to thus 

ispinu at this territory. It may 1- aarked t! 
the claim of Great J>ritain to h .loni- 

instances hased on discovery, and that !y all 1. 

most valuaMe posseions liave l,e,-n u ;i at t 

point of the sword. Might is ri 
Six hundred thousand pound 
fcerprise and the -mt was qui -1. in 

land, England, Hambu nd Ai. iam. T: 
set was a hold one, but the promise of -n< 

. ast, and as will he r< iiieml 
-i --an tic and insan- In Scotland B 

the Mihseriptions summed up three hundred th 
]>ounds, an amount which ahsorhed aim 
circulating capital of th All who poss. 

idy money \enttn-ed at pan f it in i 

enterpri- Some threw in all they had: others all 

th- uld hoi-row. Maidens in -1 their portii i 

Widows pledged their dw. 

5 The writer of hf Scot* 

alMnh Aony at L> 

574 PANAMA. 

fifty or a hundred fold. In England half the capital 
stock was subscribed for in nine days, one fourth being 
paid in specie or bank notes, and the rest in bills pay 
able on demand. The total of the subscriptions from 
all sources was nine hundred thousand pounds, a sum 
which at the close of the seventeenth century was 
enormous even in the money capital of Great Britain. 
Soon the success of the scheme aroused the jealousy 
of English merchants, who feared that the commerce 
of the world might pass into the hands of the Scotch. 
William III. was at heart opposed to the scheme, 
although he had granted letters patent to the asso 
ciation ; and partly through his influence the contribu 
tions in England, Hamburg, and Amsterdam were 
withdrawn. Nevertheless, another hundred thousand 
pounds was raised in Scotland, thus making up a cap 
ital of four hundred thousand pounds sterling. 

Permission was given by the crown to Paterson 
and his associates to fit out men-of-war, to plant 
colonies, build cities and forts, make reprisals for dam 
age done by land or sea, and to conclude treaties of 
peace or commerce with princes and governors. They 
were also allowed to claim the minerals, the valuable 
timber, and the fisheries in sea or river, and "in the 
name of God and in Honour and for the Memory of 
that most Antient and Renowned name of our Mother 
Kingdom" the country was to be named New Cale 
donia. The enterprise was under the control of a 
council of seven, 6 to whom was intrusted all power, 
civil and military. Paterson was of course one of 
the members, but from all deliberations he was ex 
cluded, and in the final arrangements for the fleet he 

6 In December 1698 the company granted to a council constituted from its 
members certain rights conferred on them by the Scotch parliament and con 
firmed by William IV. In An Enquiry into the Causes of the Miscarriage of 
the Scots Colony, Glasgow, 1700, anon., 67, the full text of the declaration of 
the council is given. This work was published in answer to a charge that the 
failure of the company was wholly due to the Scots themselves, and especially 
to the officers of the company. The English commons declared it false, trai 
torous, and scandalous, and ordered it to be burned by the common hangman, 
and the author imprisoned. The Scots were no less incensed and equally 
clamorous for the punishment of the offender. 


Hot !i;,],l, 

an inventory of Mippli. dven I, 

l>ein<_r r-iused. 


The expedition had l>een plann iii 

keeping with the first sulseri[>t: -id wa< i 

];n- and most COetly v th 

out f >r schemes of colonization in tin- N.-w \V..rld. 
On the L f.tli of July L698 hund 

amon.j; them three ImndnMl youths helm t f 

>t tiuiiilics of Scotland, and man; 
ln--n di.^-har-cd iroin tin- Uritish annv aft. r tin- j 
of IJyswirk, a>s-inl>lr<l at tlic jiopt { L.-itli. A wil<l 
insanity seized the entire ] pulat ion of Kdinl. 
tlicy now cam. forth to wii .n. 

(Juai-ds \VCTG kept l)ii>y holding hack tin- ea 
]ii ants who, hungry i i- death, ] ;! in 

throi stretching out tli-ii- arm- :i.-ir dfpa 
countrymen and clamoring to be t i on ! 
Stowaways when ordei -d on shoiv rhuiu r niadly 

rope and mast, pleading in vain t<> be allowed t - 

\\-ilhout |>ay on l)oai <l tin, lie. Women sol.!>,-d ;nid 
-jed for breath; men stood unco th 

ehokeil utterance and down. 1 invk the 

blessinsr of the Almighty. r H: StAndr 

i~^ C/ 

3 hoisted ai the admiral s ma and as a 1 wind 

i<>-ht the sails, the roar of the v - multitude v. 

^j 7 

heard liir down the watei-s of the frit! 

ahened, and aa ihe vesaela v. :-d. 

cheer after cheer followed the highlanders, wh> n- 

le faivwell, most of them, a- it pr to 

their native land. 

riposition and lii^ h prices coin| 

ship* only, cn <>f whi-h was soil l* f>r- i 

Sea, i Ifiw t 

(litii.n. OO1 4 of tli - thn-t; ships, t: . the .S 

1,. 1; Lumber of TMtek. 

ith. M 

i. Wi 

i as to date ant I ]^>oint of il< 9. 

576 PANAMA. 

On tlie 4th of November, having lost fifteen of their 
number during the voyage, they landed at Acla; 
founded there a settlement to which they gave the 
name New St Andrew; cut a canal through the neck 
of land which divided one side of the harbor from the 
ocean, and on this spot erected a fort whereon they 
mounted fifty guns. On a mountain at the opposite 
side of the harbor they built a watch-house, from 
which the view was so extensive that there was no 
danger of surprise. Lands were purchased from the 
Indians, and messages of friendship sent to the gov 
ernors of several Spanish provinces. 

On the week following the departure of the expedi 
tion, the Scottish parliament met and unanimously 
adopted an address to the king asking his support and 
countenance for the Darien colony, but no time was 
lost by the India companies in bringing every means 
to bear to ensure its ruin; and notwithstanding the 
memorial of the parliament, the British monarch or 
dered the governors of Jamaica, Barbadoes, and New 
York not to furnish the settlers with supplies. 8 To 
such length did rancor go, that the Scotch com 
manders who should presume to enter English ports, 
even for repairs after a storm, were threatened with 
arrest. 9 

A stock of provision had been placed on board 
the fleet sufficient as was supposed to last for eight 
months, but the supply gave out in as many weeks, 
since those who had been placed in charge of the 

8 Sir William Beeston, governor of Jamaica, issued a proclamation in keep 
ing with these instructions on the 8th of April 1699, and similar orders were 
issued by the governors of Barbadoes and New York. Darien, Orig. Papers, 

9 Up to this time the king had partly concealed his policy. June 28, 1697, 
the council of the company complain to the king of the action of his resident 
in Hamburg. Aug. 2d, the secretary of state replies that the resident has 
been directed not to obstruct the company s negotiations. On the 28th of 
September 1697 the company s directors complain that the resident has re 
ceived no such order. July 22, 1698, parliament was besought to assist in 
procuring from the king such action as would deter his resident at Hamburg. 
An inquiry by the council, Jan. 13, 1699, is answered by the secretary of state 
Feb. 7, 1699, requesting information about the settlement. Darien, Orig. 
Papers, 10, 20, 34; confirmed in Darien, Enquiry, 26-33; and in pro-t in Mac- 
pherson s Annals, ii. 666. 

IX 1 

Fishi .UK! tli- 

th of ianiii suinin 

iv became -fiiliii--. HIM! t! 

tin .iniii :1, united with oth 

ion "I, Hi,, sett! M -n- 

tinually passing to the ho 

iiid the survivors were only hror, 

the fri* ndly services of the Indians. 10 

M daily grew w- !th the A 

ship despatched from Scotland laden \vith pi ovi 
had foundered nil ( . Tin- Spaniai 

I -rlinms looked on their <T \vith c.inj.! 

No ivli me nor any iidinu s 1 . .tland: and on 

the L -Jd of Juno 1G9 ( .. less than . i-ht niontl 
their in-rival, the survr . abandon t 

btlement. Paterson, the iir.-t to r the -hip 
Lei th, was the 1 go on board ai Oari^ ill with 
fever and br j)irit, his misfori ,h-d 

heavily on him that ho 1 L :l 

the rest, lour hundred ju-ii-h 

Mi-hr \veeks after Pal dej>artui-e t\v<> 

Jii-riveil from Sentland with amp] ! ofprovi 

d three hundi\ (l iveruii I indin^th 
New Saint Andrew ahaiulon 
inaiea. 1 saving six of their numl> !io ] 

in on the J.-thnm kindly 1 d b] I 

. and r they had lived there I :\i 

to e salt ly 1 

Not until 1 nionihs ai 

t expedition did -urt of Spain ] 

the iu\;: don of her temtoiy, Aixl no 1.. 

ild have been d d than to have th 

<!<> th rk; l>r,t <n the :d of M :al 

-r full propl 

11 I : , anl 

i the sum 

his losses in i n. 

. AM., VOL. 11. 37 

578 PANAMA. 

was presented 12 to William III. by the Spanish am 
bassador stating that his Catholic Majesty looked on 
the proceeding as a rupture of the alliance between 
the two countries and as a hostile invasion, and would 
take such measures as he thought best against the 

Provoked by this interference, and as yet ignorant 
of the fate of their colony, the Scotch soon afterward 13 
despatched another expedition of thirteen hundred 
men in four vessels. The ships were hastily fitted out, 
and during the voyage one was lost and the others 
scattered. Many died on the passage, and the rest 
arrived at different times broken in health and spirit. 
The dwellings of the first settlers had been burned, 
the fort dismantled, the tools and agricultural imple 
ments abandoned, and the site of the settlement was 
overgrown with weeds. Meanwhile two sloops had 
arrived in the harbor with a small stock of provisions; 
but the supply was inadequate, and five hundred of 
the party were at once ordered to embark for Scot 

In February 1700 Captain Campbell arrived at 
New Saint Andrew with a company of three hundred 
men who had served under him during the campaign 
in Flanders. Intelligence had now reached the col 
ony that sixteen hundred Spaniards lay encamped on 
the Rio Santa Maria expecting soon to be joined by 
a squadron of nine vessels, when it was proposed to 
make a concerted attack on the settlement. Camp 
bell resolved to anticipate the enemy, and marching 
against them at the head of two hundred veterans, 
surprised their camp by night, and dispersed them 
with great slaughter. Returning, he found that the 
Spanish ships were off the harbor, and that troops 
had been landed from them, cutting off all chance of 
relief. Nevertheless for six weeks the Scotch sus- 

12 Winterbotham, Hist. If. S., 125, gives 1698 as the date of this memorial. 
There is a copy of the original in Defence, Scots Settlement, 2, where the date 
is given as in the text. 

3 In August 1G99. 


tea their \> 

ini Is, 

.<! In ! Spaniai A ur- 

vita!. G 

I on 1 ;!! I hi > \ 

Nc-- York and tli . I. 

ulalcd on condition t! irt 

with tbeir effec but s-> \\ 

1 so few in number that to 

wri;_di the andior of tln-ir 1;; intil ; 

iai OUsty - to thv-ir it 

t\\<> of the vessels were lost; on drty 10 n 
succeeded in reaching hoc 
than two thousand lives and 
the Scotch ulKin<lo!K-,l further at: ts at 
in Ticrra Firino. i: 

While the Spaniard .; wer; 1 Ihn- an 1 

encroachments in Darien, th<^ 

in ^ ])rovince was <-a; d l>v lilihustc Tl 

in 1G97. To l ) r(lro ({ 1 1 -ivJi i had be 

1 532, as will l>e rcinenil N va 

A-idaliK-Ki; and there h: -en 1 

of Carl which toward 

had Income a iloiiri>hi: :i iii. A 1. 

dr- d lafrr ( larfa xt t" ico 

anioi: >rld. 

hai ltoi-, < in the 

Jn it p d la; -cts, each n 

> sixth of a :ie in i 11 luilt 

Stone, a eatlicdi al. 1 chu I BUI 

ts and nunii . Its ] ; ly 

lit; ,-t of twenty tho !iom ;t tin 

t!i- i Span: 

and i.;:il:ittocs. It- was stror, ;ro 

signal March ill. IT 
A lun i of the 

am thaiiiv ; obaerred. tiobtes, Z>iario, 

in. : 

580 PANAMA. 

and art, and had to some extent superseded the cities 
of the Isthmus as an entrepot of commerce between 
the hemispheres. Here the pearl fleet called once a 
year, an entire street being occupied with the shops 
of the pearl-dressers, and here was brought, by way 
of the Dcsaguadero, the sugar, cochineal, and indigo 
sent from Guatemala for shipment to Spain. 

Cartagena was therefore a tempting prize for the 
banditti who infested the waters of the North Sea. 
Drake s operations off that city have already been 
related. A few years after the decease of that famous 
adventurer it was laid in ashes by French privateers; 
and now, in 1697, it was captured by a French fleet 
having on board twelve hundred men, of whom seven 
hundred were filibusters under command of Le Baron 
de Pointis. The spoils of this raid were variously 
estimated at from eight to forty millions of livres; 
and yet it is said that before the capture of the 
city a hundred and ten mule-loads of silver were de 
spatched to a place of safety. 

In 172G the governor of Panama gave authority to 
the mestizo, Luis Garcia, a man whose exploits had 
brought him into prominence, to lead the Indians in 
a war of extermination against the French filibusters, 
who still continued to devastate the Isthmus. 

A brief but sharp campaign resulted in the death 
of the French leader, the notorious Petitpied, and 
Garcia, on his return to Panama, was amply rewarded. 
The Cana mines proved too great a temptation to Gar 
cia after his return to his home in Darien, and finding 
that some of the caciques whose territory extended 
to the Balsas Piver were in a state of mutiny on 
account of grievances inflicted by the curates in the 
name of the church and the king, he made a compact 
with them to throw off Spanish allegiance, withdraw 
their forces to the mountain fastnesses, and form a 
government of their own. A rendezvous was estab 
lished in the Cordillera, and Garcia, growing more 


r upon 
1 > !,- ir ! odi 

opened in r town on the ri\. 

th.-y kill. d tin- 
Spaniaj ;m<l all 1 be in<li;i! 
them: then they phmd.-ivd th . ) . 

ry, < i.iiv; otinued hU m until 1. 

Mana, where h 1 th< 

" liation and slaughi r. 1 1 ul, 

for the inhahitants h;id il,-d v, iih m- lu- 

;iM -s. Garci a s men red the 1 u. hum 
killed i Spaniard tht-y could raptmv in \ 


news of the revolt li:il 
, and seventy ])ickcd nn-n \vdl offl 
11 si-nt t BUppr -s it. Ti ad otli 
tlnvw tlio people of Dari. n. now num 
thousand, into consternation, and 

planned with I aiKima. A 1;. I I 


lor th-- body of ( rarda, dead or alive: ; 

la>t hy the hands of a nc^ro. 18 

Alihougli the J.^thiiius \ the 
Span! t in Anici-ic : 

na of 1 ; .1 i D wer 

(llh-d. I he Sj anial d- htlilt 
the Indian j into M itlnnrnt-. int 

I the coa>t with nx -n ar. hut all in vain. 

in 1745 For! San Rafa 1 de ] 
jyernor 1 )ioni>i.. de A lc< do - 
bordered ly the river and In 1 75 I th 

in^ out an oft ivp.-atf<l th: i* 

: old, and of th th^ 

und.-d mm aped. 

eh: -idly Indians, v 

massacred by the ( huruna<|u A 
in 17 r thi> point, ai d 

tlu- capital of tne provii. 

18 A S., 1S- J1. In thU uuik the career and fate of Garcia 

arc told. 

582 PANAMA. 

dence of the governor. In 17G8 the Chucunaques 
slaughtered the garrison at Port Ypclisa, plundered 
the place of arms and tools, and in the same year laid 
waste the banks of the Congo. 

Ten years later another extensive raid occurred; 
but in 1774 Andres de Ariza, being appointed gov 
ernor, dealt -vigorously and skilfully with the hostile 
tribes. He discovered numerous secret passes and 
well cut roads from their quarters to various portions 
of the province; ho deciphered a system of alarm 
signals, and. found a number of caves where the light 
boats of the natives were constructed. By his efforts 
the Indians were kept at bay or brought under con 

But outbreaks among the natives and the raids of 


corsairs were not the only misfortunes to which the 
Isthmus was exposed. During the eighteenth century 
the city of Panama was thrice devastated by fire. 
On the 1st and 2d of February 1737 a conflagration 
occurred which destroyed two thirds of the buildings; 
March 30, 175G, a second fire destroyed one half of 
the city; and on the 2Gth of April 1771 fifty -five 
houses were burned. 1 

While the people of Ticrra Firme thus suffered 
many disasters at this period of their history, and as 
we shall see later were frequently subject to attack 
from the armaments of hostile powers, they appear to 
have been remarkably free from the internal dissen 
sions which prevailed at an earlier date. The un 
seemly strife between the church and the audiencia 
had now entirely ceased, and little worthy of note is 
mentioned by the chroniclers. During the latter por 
tion of the seventeenth century, and for the first few 
years of the eighteenth, records as to the succession 
of governors in Panama arc meagre. In 1708 the 
marques de Villa Rocha was in power; but incurring 
the displeasure of the audiencia, he was deposed in 
June of that year, and confined in the castle of Porto- 

17 This information -was furnished by the dean of the cathedral of Panama, 


1 i ] ! 

th , who I: 

(he ! 

P ahoii; i In- \ 

]>r f>r a d ou of so 

ter that it in ci; 

.i Aleedo we learn that J 
v h <!> 1 crfmen of 1 \ Lii 


sue I to the gubernatorial :id r 

J710, v/licn B rerrior of the Kin 
arrive,!, and Or I an 

In Juno 1711 Villa Elocha, bavins 
and an opportunity of seizing tl 

]H) ined to tl |ital ami [ir<>r];ti .-If 

\-cni:)r. H : er v, , tort, I "! 1 \. iiliin t 

lour liours Joso Hurtado tic A: 

ainjio of tlio j-oyal forces, compelled him 
and ho liimsolt took p- -u of tli- 

diaii 1 , o cupyin^ it until 17h , hy wh u-h tit; 
rendered hi] f so ol>no\i bo th 4 ; !u that IK- 

\vas ]-jino\-c d hy tlio Ivin r l l. 

was then placed in the liands of the hi 
dioc .nd the authority "( t 

pt-ndrd. Following JIaya WO lind that 1)" 

JOSd de Llan; Iliva 5, hi>In j. of Tana: 

tered tli- ^>\ rinncnt l rm ; i of A ilia 

Rocha to January 1719. AutluM- n 

oi-dci- of ion of tin 1 dill 1 1 

octod 1 ! prohahly tin* in 

wi-itrr ini in-ins u- that < rovernor Aldi-i- 

:iunistratioii of J anain;! <>n th<- \pril 

1725, and that he \vas do] I and in 

in 1730. 

Tin- 8or < ( f Al N 

dia, niar<j i - d<- X illa 1 [ermoea, who \va 

from the diip of ( ai ! 

of Panama. In 17 

II,. . Ma In 1. Alctdo, Die., iv. 45; and I/aya, in Data* 

para la J, UHX.I. 


given a generalship in the royal army of Spain, and 
returned there with honors. 

Dionisio de Alcedo y Herrera was appointed a few 
years later with authority over all the fortified cities 
which had been the objective point of the English in 
the war which they had declared in 1739. 

On the day before Christmas 1749 the governor 
ship of Panamd was conferred on Jaime Munoz de 
Guzman; but on the same day one appointed by the 
crown arrived in the person of Manuel de Montiano, 
who held the office until the llth of November 
1755. Montiano was promoted to this position from 
the governorship of Florida, and was a mariscal de 

While engaged in geodetic surveys at the Isthmus 
about this time, Ulloa had an opportunity of witness 
ing the manner in which justice was bought and sold. 
Matters had come to such a pass that the members 
of the audiencia chose the most dexterous of their 
number and empowered him to negotiate with rival 
parties as to what amount of bonus they were respec 
tively disposed to pay in consideration of a favorable 

Panamd, in 1758 had for its governor Antonio Gktill, 
an officer of unusual merit, and one whose executive 
ability was highly prized by the crown. He was pro 
moted to the captain-generalship of Chile in 1761. 
In the following year Jose Raon succeeded, and was 
promoted to the presidency of Manila two years later. 
In 17G4 Jose Vasco y Orosco became governor. He 
died in 1767, and was succeeded in January 1769 by 
Vicente Olaziregui, others acting provisionally during 
the interval. Temporary appointments were made till 
1779, when Ramon de Carbajal took charge, return 
ing to Suain in 1786. 

Until 1718 the three provinces of the Isthmus 
were subject to the viceroy of Peru, but after that 
they were incorporated with New Granada, the vice- 

n OLD. 

Jar wred with tli 


:id t! 

1 Tl. [ Hi- 

diivrt i .iuni< i \\ith 

Hi ;ncil of the ln<li< An; 
that institution nfi^ht ha\ 
lar^ -ly 1 >;. 

:it in< 


In 1 77-1 tin-re was* instituted at 
uudi.-iieia chancillerfa, liavii; 

]>r<>vii!:o of < !a tilla del ( )r<. 1 . : 

in-ov: "f \ I I ) TU as i 

* __ 

]i<>. T I luenavisl :ul th i ri\ i.-n, i !. 

try UD control 1 ^ bou 

south liy that uiulcr the jui : ion of th 
ot ( iraiiada and Quito; on tli 

:iala ; and on the iiurih an ith ly th< 

It lias alr.-ady l>eeu it lle 

the sixteenth century the fisl j of the Pearl i 

!) exliaustrd, and tl. 

p. In ir, J7 the Ital: 

ell .,-lli ( II ^anan 

liis i- ->ort the lish 

tip aear ( leylon. 1 1 

i i ^- l Fesuit ]riot that \v. 1 sixfy 

for \\ hich the OV/IK r r fu 

A.b -ut l! ^old-niin: 

: . 1 on the l>thim; \ 

.M-ially in il: 
i I >andon 1 \\ 

di .1. Th-- operatives w< 

mb . . \vho received tor tl. 

an inch in y ruiuiU. It woa ob 

., i. IX. \ 


a certain amount of pay-dirt, and often pilfered gold 
dust enough to make them as rich as their masters. 
It was the delight of the negroes to give fancy balls 
to their inamoratas, at which they would appear with 
their hair glistening with golden trinkets, sometimes 
sprinkling the ball-room floor with gold dust. 

A slave -of Antonio de Sosa discovered a pocket of 
gold which is said to have yielded sixty thousand cas- 

3 i/ <j 

tellanos; and making this known to his master, was 
rewarded with his freedom and that of his wife, and 
presented with a house and lot in Panamd. and a 
moderate income wherewith to enjoy his liberty. Of 
a vagabond mulatto it is related that ho suddenly 
reappeared in the church of Santo Domingo, and 
attracted the gaze of all by a remarkably brilliant 
rosary formed of large nuggets of purest gold. The 
place of discovery was subsequently known as the 
Kosario mining district. Among other nuggets un 
earthed was one found at the mines of Santa Maria, 
weighing, according to Dampier, a hundred and twenty 
pounds. Instances like these might be multiplied, 
but enough has been said to show the value of the 
mines from which at this time more gold was sent to 
Panama than from all the others in the Spanish prov 
inces. As late as 1720 they yielded a handsome rev 
enue to the Spanish crown. 

The mines of Cana in the mountains of Espiritu 
Santo were especially rich, and in the early part of 
the eighteenth centur} 7 were so frequently exposed to 
the raids of robbers that for a season they were aban 
doned. In 1702 and 1712, at the former of which 
dates the town of Cana contained nine hundred houses, 
the place was sacked by the English; in 1724 by the 
French; and in 1727 by the Indians. During these 
and later years other parts of the Isthmus were sev 
eral times invaded by corsairs, or by the armaments of 
England ostensibly by way of reprisal for injuries in 
flicted on British commerce. 

In 1713 Great Britain obtained an asiento for sup- 


i be ])i-ivi! 1) () 

a five-hu] 


pr c of Hi is 1! 

! limit : 1 

1 of five li; : 

nearly double thai ipani d I 

ilii tiler - 1:1; 8, \vhic! 

ipplird I iv-li I 

on N ; !i- larg r \ T! 

in I the iair and i f tin- i 

ed; D lually the inn: 

the inci-clia! i Sovil! i the 

rn $ th !" i he jri<l- <>i 

oi the natio: : k to iosigni ;t pr. 
tli havin- li 

ni IK- inin s and tin- ro^ In 171!) 

an ii \vas ooade i r .:iin t hi- 1 

in^ interdicted and inc 
being --ivou lor doc ;n- 

, 21 
A.fter the treaty of Seville iidud -1 ! 

Sj);:iii and i 1, complaint 


on 1 Jriii di commerce in the \V T: 

English of coarse retalial d. \Vh- 

iards. i .-itisiicd \vith ]lnndcrinu- 1 

.-hips, maltreated tin ir . . A s<pi ur 


peace \ 

wiiil\\ * * 

limit t- 

i! in tl 
.iscation. i i <-f tl 

. : - . . - 

588 PANAMA. 

twenty-gun ships and two stoops was despatched to 
the Indies, and accounts of the atrocities inflicted or 
permitted by the captains of Spanish vessels were 
continually brought by vessels arriving from the New 
World. In 1738 the house of commons determined 
to investigate the matter, and to ascertain the number 
of ships that had been seized by the Spaniards, the 
value of their cargoes, and the nature of the alleged 
cruelties. An instance which was related before a 
committee of inquiry appointed by the commons 
aroused a feeling of resentment throughout Great 
Britain. One Captain Jenkins, master of a brig 
trading from Glasgow, stated that his craft had been 
boarded by a guard a costa, that his crew had been 
ill used, and one of his own ears cut off, the captain 
of the vessel placing it in his hand and bidding him 
carry it home to the king, whom he declared he 
would treat in the same manner if he had him in his 
power. Discredit was afterward thrown on this story; 
but whether it were true or false it was at the time 
believed by the commons and the people of England. 
On the 14th of January 1739 a convention was 
signed between the two countries, wherein Spain 
agreed to indemnify British merchants for their 
losses, but the Spaniards afterward refused to pay 
the stipulated sum. In consequence of which, and of 
the maltreatment of British subjects, letters of marque 
and reprisal were issued by the admiralty in July of 
that year, but not until October following was war 
formally declared. 

It was now resolved to despatch a strong squadron 
to the West Indies 2 - 1 for the protection of British 
commerce, and, in retaliation for the injuries inflicted 
by the Spaniards, to attack Portobello. So strongly 
was this city fortified that during a debate of the 
house of commons one of the members stated that it 
could not be captured with less than fifty or sixty 

22 Letters of- marque were issued on July 21st, and Vernon s squadron 
sailed on the 20th, touching, perhaps, at Portsmouth for orders. 


, hap 

" [ will forfeit my li I 

ship Tii< prompfh 


|n-<>ii rank of \ i 

bh of July 1739. Touching al 

in lor more land 
i with 

j men and : ,7<> guns; < 

( artagena, that tin- commander mi-_di 
liis promise t< eapt are i he shij ]\-. 

( )n Hearing the I three Sj 

hied and chased, hut i I tin 

:nd B -hrh. heir supp 

union of tin- f 

At daybreak on tin- 2 >f X- h 

squadron entered the har!>"r in line , Ic. \ 

lire was at 1 iVoni tin- Btroi 

<>! the Spaniard-, known a^ tip [rOB ( ml 

i iliis point \ . rnon dii 1 hi 

// >n Court, a vessel with 7o um 1 oOO i 
the way, and. anchoring nlni>t within 
h of the fort, IH.K- for some iniinr wli- 


int t,f the li- ht. Within half hour two oth 

Is came into action, and BOOU 

nf tli- 1<- wall was hatld-rd down, win n f tin- 

iiards ahand*>ncil their .u lins and ll-l. * 
he admiral ordered a liriif il rs 

d a parl y of in;irin land aiid 
.mil. 1 Ie then anrliored hi- <>v. n ship, I 
within half a cable s I -n-M h of the < i. in 

erd-T to C tin- stoi-minu r ) u f ^ 1 

rin reception, for i ] [ ] 

hlank fire on the / 

< hie ahoi passed tln-.>u- h t ina.-t. an- 

sti-nek within incl f tli i tliinl 

trough the bulwai 

590 PANAMA. 

to the spot where Vernon stood, killing two men and 
wounding five others. The stern of the admiral s 
barge was shot away, and a largo carronade on the 
main-deck was disabled. But soon the flag-ship 
brought her starboard broadside to bear on the castle, 
and at the first discharge drove the Spaniards from 
their lower batteries; then swinging round on her 
cable she poured in another volley from her larboard 
guns. The lire of her small arms commanded the 
lower embrasures; the men meanwhile had made 
good their landing from the boats; and soon the 
white flag: was hoisted from the Iron Castle. Firing 

o o 

was continued until dark from two other forts, which 
then guarded the harbor of Portobello, but on the 
following morning the city, the fortifications, and all 
the vessels in port were finally surrendered to the 
English. 23 

Vernon would not allow his men to pillage the 
town 24 or molest the inhabitants; but ten thousand 

23 Tho governor of the city, Francisco Martinez do Hctzcz, underwent 
bitter humiliation if we may believe Sir Edward .Seaward, \vho was at the 
timo a prisoner ia Portobello. Seaward and his friend Captain Knight had 
been arrested on account of an altercation with the governor and for refus 
ing to apologize to tho king of Spain for having ia the previous year released 
certain captives imprisoned in Portobello. Both were ill treated, and when 
they reported tho matter to Vernon the admiral ordered tho governor and 
themselves to appear before him. I have no quarrel with Don Francisco 
Martinez do Rctsca on my own account, said Seaward, but I have, and ever 
shall have, a quarrel with him on account of the king my master, whom he 
most grossly insulted by disrespectful words, in the presence of Captain 
Knight and myself, What did he say ? asked Vernon. He first insulted Sir 
Edward Seaward, by the most insolent and contemptuous behavior, replied 
the captain, and when I remonstrated, telling him, that he should recollect 
that Sir Edward Seaward was equal in rank to himself, holding honourable 
commissions under the king of England, he replied, " I do not consider the 
king of England himself equal in rank to me; for he io little better than a 
Dutchman. You damned poltroon! roared the admiral, with all your 
long yarn of hard names, what shall I call you ? Down on your marrow 
bones, you scoundrel, and beg pardon cf the king our master, or I ll kick 
you from hell to Hackney ! Tho don asked pardon of his late captives, but 
would do no more. This would not satisfy Vernon, and throwing down a 
guinea he grasped him by the neck and forced him into a stooping position, 
shouting, There is the king s picture ! down on your knees, you black 
guard, and ask forgiveness. The governor took up the coin and exclaiming 
in a low tone, Yo he ofendido, laid it down again. This was considered a 
sufficient apology. SeawariVs Narr., edited by Jane Porter, 3d cd., London, 
1841, ii. 280-1, 290-2. The work was compiled from the MSS. of Sea- 
ward s diary. 

ai The crews of the guardas costas and other Spanish vessels in the harbor 



;-tl l!i.- ilvM-t : 
muni ,,1 aflx r l.I-.u \ 

i oi bo city. \ :i, boin 

: I 

ait ; 

runry L740 :li of i 

I liiv-shijis, bODQ 

The ! i nvn/.o \vh :<-h. it \. ill 1 

1" re I, - bed In- ? m iu 1 (\7 1 , 

luilt l rtii h (l. V( 

oy i; an 1 tin: 

pa [ ii-jiu-; l;i( i 

inlialiii !ii<-h 

julnii;-;:!, Don , had smi liiia \vh 

a !;; ! of i: 

:u<l r> 1 lh;d I 

and d 

Hi! Th 

tlu- Hi 1 d i 

shelling the ci dnri: :n- 

liousc, the chui ll- 

in^s w r l.ii.l in ruin.; ihoii^li 1 

\-iia. Th 

iill l)Ui 

inittii]-- i tin- v 



. , 




I J. la 1 
iss: -Hlato 

-t >* 


592 PANAMA. 

About three weeks after the declaration of war 
between England and Spain, Captain George Alison 
arrived at Spithead from his cruise off the coast of 
Africa and in the West Indies. He was placed in 
charge of an armament consisting of six vessels with 
1,510 men and 236 guns, and was promised a force of 
infantry composed of several hundred choice troops, 
the purpose of the expedition being to operate on the 
coast of Peru, and thence to proceed northward, attack 
Panamd, and capture the treasure-fleet. 

In 1741 Vernon, who was now at Jamaica, was 
placed in charge of the largest fleet and army that 
had ever been despatched to the West Indies. 
Twenty-nine ships of the line, with a large number 
of frigates, bombketches, and fire-ships, manned by 
15,000 seamen and having on board about 12,000 


troops, were here collected for a descent on the main 
land. Anson was directed to cooperate with Vernon 
by way of the Isthmus; and had not these expeditions 
suffered a series of reverses, caused in part by the 
vacillating policy of -the British ministry, Spain s 
dominion in the western w r orld might now have come 
to an end. 

But in place of choice troops a number of raw re 
cruits were placed on board Anson s ships, the only 
veterans being invalids; and the departure of his 
squadron was delayed until the 18th of September 
1740. After clearing the straits of Magellan they 
encountered a furious storm which lasted for fifty-eight 
days. The vessels were parted, and on the 9th of 
June in the following year the admiral s ship, the 
Centurion, arrived at the island of Juan Fernandez 
with her crew prostrated by scurvy. Here he was 
soon rejoined by two others of the squadron, and after 
remaining a hundred and four days at the island set 
sail for the coast of South America, sacking and 
burning the town of Paita and taking several vessels, 
by the men on board one of which he was told that 
Vernon had been defeated at Cartagena. It was re- 


j,t cm ; 

furl! \ 

Manila, ;ni<l c I in tl 

Carded him and hi 

il -rii This was a Spanish gall on having 

l>.>ard nearl million ai d 

thru B6t lii- i and an LD I ml 

hy way of tin- ( lape of i 

June 1 71 i. having <><-<-uj,i,. ( l 1 ; ,1 ,,; 

month- ill liis eirCUinnavii -ation. <; 


Aln-r his repulse at Cartagen 

Jamaica, w] h- was BOOH reSnf . lv f-iir 

war and three thousand t ,1,1 

Kivjand. On the Dili of Maivh L742 1 

Portobello, intrndin^ to proceed thence t - I 

and eaptmv that On arrivin 

lie found that Ihe rainy Season had air- in; 

liis men sirk.-ned, and a council of war 1 h- -Id it 

\v;> i t . D t iii ii once nioi-,- t, . j| 

he \\ .nii afterward ordered home, t 

his forces n>w in 1 in- hut a tenth | 

nuinher that had heeii inti-i; 

Thus in disaster ended an expedition 

<|u< f an empire. 

Notwithstanding th- <1 
the settlements on the North 
laid waste that after L748 ti 

lietwecn [ i and her colonies in T i irnje.-md 

>uth America jit l.y ( SoiTL 

h of 11 to th 1 

s \ver 1, ho\\ caT 

liijis, ,-in<l in 1 7*> \ a i My i 
tahlisli. r in: 

w Soon nff- r Ar:- M l.-ft ! 

loss of 3U< ) man. 

II. 88 

594 PANAMA. 

bello and Cartagena. A few years later restrictions 
on trade were removed by international treaty; but 
long before the close of the eighteenth century the 
commerce of the Isthmus declined, and the road from 
Panama to Portobello could no longer be called one 
of the chief commercial highways of the world. Agri 
culture and manufactures were neglected; the mines 
were exhausted; and the trade which had for more 
than two hundred years been the life-blood of Panama 
existed no more. 



Tin: SAM: MosorrriA TJIF.IR T 

C. ; Kr 

lli:iTi-H O< vri V M C 

ox TI: 



I m: KUITI-II \i\.\ I:AT; ; AT Fo 

K BUT AKI: O io 1; i MATTKI^ 


Ox fcl < i-H roast of and 1 1 

lived in tin- se\ nth 

long tliciiisiK 

Mosquit UK :itly 

pi ^l;al)Iy of c-iniai 

were ruled [}y an hereditary k nr^, \\] 
tory, ^-liun burr iirst \ in, \ 

ry limited c-xtrnt, lliiiM-h ill,- M isquito lai 
which was identical with th< 

similar origin in the We>t In< ad in 

j iVom ( a])0 Hondin 

inland as JJlark IJi\. Tli. y \\ 
. and, as we shall lid hold tin 

the Spaniard Their rhi,-f weap 
and arrow, in the use of which i id that 

men \v n. 

d. often six feel in 

t\\ ! bai-k. The arrow \ rd- 

ed in the fire, and tipped \\ ith 


teeth, poisoned in the juice of the marizanilla tree. 
They fought also with lances of cane, nine feet in 
length, and with javelins, clubs, and heavy sharp- 
pointed swords made of a poisonous wood. Their de 
fensive armor was of plated reeds covered with tiger- 
skins and bedecked with feathers. Toward the close 
of the century the Mosquitos could put more than 
forty thousand warriors into the field; they selected 
as leader on each expedition the bravest and most 
experienced of their number. 1 

"The inner parts of the Mosqueto country are very 
barren," states an Englishman who was in those parts 
near the close of the seventeenth century and wrote 
his description about 1699, "but in the woods near 
the river sides, and by the great lagunes, are many 
sorts of fruits, wild beasts, and fowls, in plenty . . . 
Plantains, and bananas, . .they have plentifully, in 
small plantations, in obscure parts of the woods, near 
the river sides . . . Pine apples too . . . they have enough 
of, and mammo, which last is a very sweet fruit . . . 
and grows on middling low trees like apples. Saffa- 
dilla trees, which bear berries as big as sloes, of a 
yellowish colour, which are very pleasant to the taste 
and wholesome, of extraordinary virtue,.. are very 
frequent in their woods; as are likewise a sort of a 
pleasing plum tree, which grows very large, and is of 
a most delicious odour. . . Great Indian wheat, or mais, 
they plant a little of to make drink with ; and likewise 
some cocoa trees, . . but their laziness will not permit 
them to plant much of the last, because they can 
steal it ready gathered from the Spaniards, who have 
large plantations thereof at Carpenters river, not 
many leagues from them. Sugar-canes I have seen 
growing in old king Jeremy s plantation, much larger 
than I ever saw in Jamaica, but the Indians not know 
ing how to make sugar or rum, neglect them . . . Pap- 
paw trees which bear a sweet fruit, almost like a 

1 For physical, social, and moral description of the Mosquitos, see Native 
Races, I 711, this series; and of their language, Id., iii. 571-2, 782-90. 

111!! hape- ;il,<| 

.oa-!lUt t plllll: 

up and down n 

\vl !>> i ruit h. down like 

rich p Tl ume when dri -d. ;md th - I 

gprow very plentiful MM \\\>- 1, . , ; 

in count: All UK ilesh 

eat. . .the] i ly hunt in- . . . 

ot fallow deer, like <>ur I 

A\ hich haunt the inm-r <id-s of th 

Savanna. . .The mountain cow, whieh 

r j"ilhu, is of the l>i _rii> i an I , 

old, having a snout lik- an l.-jhant and : 

they hide all day in muddy 
ind in the ni Jit swim 
tl. . . War and ]>i< ilnnind ii ; 

and are two sorts <t Indian wild . havin 

ir navels <>n their h;i . . . S- 

mti v are pi \vrll >tn-k-d with fowl-. . . A 

>H of fowl haunt their plantain v. . wh; 

ih call (juawn. mil the 1" 

thev are 11 small : t of Indian t 

j.i^vons. . .and a BOlH of fat < I i"^ 

monlv on th und. are p!-ntii ul enough. ..The 

wood s are Bi I with a variel 

most curiously j.aint.-d. which ar 

1 n the fiv.-h water rivers thej I a sc 

ailed Clishwaw,, .ami <>n tl mda; 

i. . .They hav< 

mullets, silver-fish, cat-fish, cavalli 
Bnappei w pere, SOUP ^ hij- 

and levils. . .Their 1 

re sometin .uml 

the lagunes. . .bul are n 

th Indian, wl 

when he hath a prM>j.ect of _ >" J ; 

I oaenacitisn: toap. 

a shi .^jL7r. 

3 -j .bout IM> n * 


then, was a territory rich in natural resources, which, 
though discovered by Columbus in 1502, was left un 
disturbed by the Spaniards for some two centuries, the 
reason being chiefly that no gold was discovered there. 
The western or North American division of the coast 
of Central America, from Cape Gracias a Dios to the 
gulf of Uraba", was granted as we have seen to Diego 
de Nicuesa, whose disastrous expedition to Veragua 
has already been presented. 4 In 1576 the coast of 
Mosquitia was conveyed by royal cedula to the licen 
tiate Diego Garcia de Palacios, Captain Diego Lopez 
being appointed by the licentiate governor and captain- 
general of the province, and undertaking to attempt 
the conquest of the territory at his own risk. 5 But it 
does not appear that the captain took any action in 
the matter, and the natives, cimarrones and Mos- 
quitos, were left undisturbed until the arrival of the 
buccaneers, who found in the intricate bays and wind 
ing rivers of Mosquitia, many places well adapted 
for the concealment of their liofht swift-sailing craft. 


The head-quarters of the freebooters were at Cape 
Gracias a Dios. Here they met to divide their booty 
and decide upon new expeditions; and, whenever op 
portunity offered, they darted thence like hawks upon 
the galleons that were freighted with the riches of 

English settlements with which it was pretended 
that the buccaneers had no connection were estab 
lished in this territory before 1670, and by the treaty 
of Madrid, signed at that date, the rights of Great 
Britain were recognized. The seventh article of this 
treaty stipulated that "the King of Great Britain his 
heirs and successors shall hold, and possess for ever, 
with full right of sovereign dominion, property and 

Coll FOT/., yi. 309 ct seq., London, 1757. It is not improbable that M. W. was 
a buccaneer, one of those who crossed through Honduras. 

4 //i.s . Cent. Am., i. 204 et seq., this series. 

5 There is a copy of this c6dula and of another one dated the same year 
authorizing the audiencia of Guatemala to allow such a contract. Calvo, 
Trades, xi. 19G-203. 


1(1 ill 


made ! >s- 

In 1G87 one of the M-<|ui;<> dii 

Jan- ill ord 


1 from his ] ill d < \es 

I put on him, and dii ! to t 

of 1 ie itly induced 1 

: treatment to des<-< -nd, wl 

t and a pi >f writinu f umlt-r I 
tlie governor dul>l)iiiLC liim Ivin.LC "f Mosquitia. 

tniili tin. 4 action of tin- JJri 1 
lliis time admits of littl- excuse BO 
1lic Spanish -ions in t! 

of Jamaica connived at thr raids ,,f t; 
\vo hav --en, Sir Henry M 

, In-Ill hi ffice in I: all 

\vlicn In* IXM i-irli ly 

tin punishrd tli - ho did n<t 1 

a Bhl t thrir Bpoil Tli - gO 

rhan-vd in oi dn 1 that Great. J>ir 

friendly ten ith Spain. lut. this measi 

prevent the outivi \vhi<-h i ii 

] ! f\ ious cliap 

After the coin-lu-i. ii .f tl 
L697 We hear DO m-re of ]>: in t: 

ir thr 5>laii<l of San ( 
S] Tr, tt Ql 

d Spain in 171: 1 -, 171 L, in t! 

v.-hieh it v ^tipniat. d th; and 

fcion slmul.l i :t ii S in i 

I Jn. and that thr lim r ] 



sessions should remain as they were in the days of 
Carlos II. of Spain. 

In 1720 a treaty was concluded between Sir Nicholas 
Lawes, then governor of Jamaica, and Jeremy, then 
king of the sambos, whereby the latter agreed to as 
sist the English planters in capturing runaway slaves, 
the Mosquitos being provided with boats, arms, and 
ammunition, and receiving pay for their services. 7 
But the natives thus armed and equipped took advan 
tage of their opportunity to make raids on the neigh 
boring Spanish settlements. 

The archives of Guatemala contain the report of an 
alcalde mayor of Tegucigalpa, then resident in that 
province, and made by order of the president in obe 
dience to a royal cedula previously issued. " The 
sambos," says the alcalde, " have plenty of vessels, 
provisions, arms, and ammunition, for they are sup 
plied by the English of Jamaica, who egg them on to 
hostilities against the Spaniards. Their country is 
also a place of refuge for the mulattoes, negroes, and 
other evil-doers who flee from justice in the Spanish 
settlements, and who give them information of the 
Spanish plans, as well as join them in the execution 
of their own. They have had the effrontery to call 
their chief Jeremias, Rey del Mosquito. This man 
gives letters of marque to his so-called vassals, who 
ravage the coast from Belize to Portobello, keeping 
the subjects of Spain, who traffic in those seas, in 
constant alarm some of whom have lost their lives, 
others their liberty, and others their property. These 
people inhabit the region from the jurisdiction of 
Comayagua to that of Costa Hica, always near the 
coast. Between them and the Spanish settlements 
is a cordillera, for which reasons they make their in 
cursions by ascending the rivers. Their country .has 
a width of some six leagues between the mountains 
and the sea, the half nearest the sea being where 

1 Mosq. Terr., Offic. Corr., in Mosq. Doc., CO-3. This treaty was ratified 
by the legislative assembly of Jamaica. 

. i 

11) ieir culti 

ter j 

<>r in 4 li, 

lit er l h 

one house 1. ,1, tli 

have tiinr i ,r ili Th -ir ] 

tlement i lit t ! of thi 

in ;i on, and 1: nd 

liis principal men. Th tleni -nt i lv 

/all, ;i moat , 1 id deep, and ,- 

way that the apparent! irth 

th of the unwary st ran- 

1o\vn. There are hut two riitr.-in 
and th ire known only to t! 
iards who have U-.-n pri-on and to th< 

In this ivj)ort furthrr drprrdal !<: nati\ 

arc ni.-ntionrd; and it is recommended th. di- 

tions be sent againsl tln-m hv land anl ni- 


nato the guilty persoi In L 7 E S iin 

l)cin-_;- then at war, t be g< >1 --i-nur of in a 1 

duke of Newcastle, es that t ! 

ahout a liundrcd i-ji-h-h in thu ti-ri- n 
that they nii- ht lr us-d to iuri 

iicral ii|risiii^ a^ain-t the S;..-iniard<. 
llohert. I lod json \v;i to that . 

same year on a special mission, and \vinn! 

uho kiii 4 and the leading in.-n ohtaine.l i 

a cession of their terrifc >ry and h 

lla-_c on the slnn-e of Mo^.juitia 

Ai .nd Yernon s < -xpedit ions, which 1 

been described, and the rei -ry spii 

the natives prevented any inva>in of 

provin< In 17 14 II M wa- appoint 


ernor f Jamaica, and ti 

w iv el 1 mounted with onh, 

thus taking po lion of tl untr; "- 

i-me gobre los Mo The r< * copied from the 

arclm .mala. 


iards never ceased their remonstrances against these 


encroachments, and in 1750 threatened to expel the 
intruders by force. Hodgson was then instructed to 
represent that his presence was merely for the pur 
pose of restraining the natives from committing dep 
redations on Spanish settlements. This explanation 
was accepted at the time, through motives of policy, 
but still the depredations continued, and the disputes 
arising in connection with England s policy in this 
matter helped to bring about the rupture ended by 
the treaty of Paris in 1763, wherein it was stipulated 
that Great Britain should destroy all forts that she 
had caused to be erected in the Spanish provinces, 
including the Mosquito Coast. 

When England withdrew from the military occupa 
tion of Mosquitia most of the settlers still remained; 
and believing that Great Britain would ere long 
establish a provisional government on the coast, some 
of them purchased lands from the natives suitable for 
the cultivation of sugar-cane, cotton, and cacao. In 
1771 eight persons joined in the purchase of a large 
tract on the Policy River, said to contain gold, and 
extending thirty miles on either bank. Two years 
later a number of miners were set to work, but through 
their misconduct, as it is alleged, the venture met with 
poor success. 

A new system of administration for the British 
settlements in Mosquitia was framed by Lord Dart 
mouth in 1775, and put in execution by Sir Basil 
Keith, then governor of Jamaica. 9 Hodgson was 
ordered home, and in 1776 Colonel Lawrie took his 
place. The new superintendent found the natives and 
settlers greatly agitated on account of the seizure by 
Spaniards of an English vessel on the Black River, 10 

9 A council was appointed of which the superintendent was president, a 
court of common pleas, and justices of the peace. Mosq. Terr., Off. Corr., 
app. iv. 

10 In January 1775, an embassy consisting of Young George, son of the 
Mosquito king, Isaac his brother, and two Mosquito chiefs, arrived in Eng 
land. Their main object was to obtain redress for wrongs inflicted upon 
natives in the interior, whence free men were being continually carried oft to 

ra TJ 



and the attitude of the latter toward the sambos and 
their allies. The colonists were in a dilemma, for the 
Spaniards hated them, and the English government 
gave them little encouragement. 11 

In March 1782 Matias cle Galvez, the captain- 
general of Guatemala, left Trinidad with a flotilla 
well manned and equipped, for the avowed purpose of 
chastising the men of Mosquitia, and driving the Eng 
lish from the shore. Galvez had chosen his time well. 
After the disaster of 1780, which will be described 
later, the English had left Black River in a defence 
less condition, and in the April following a detachment 
from Trujillo had scattered the few remaining colo 
nists, pillaging and destroying their settlements. Soon 
afterward Superintendent Lawrie returned to Black 
River, with the remnant of the settlers, much reduced 
and in precarious health. There were stationed at 
that point twenty-one regular soldiers, according to 
the English official report, besides settlers, negroes, 
and several hundred natives. They were ill prepared 
for defence, being short of arms and provisions. 

The Spanish forces advanced from the southward, 
with 1,350 foot and 100 horse, and from the westward, 
with 1,000 men. A line-of-battle ship and a frigate 
came to anchor in the river and under a heavy fire 
landed 500 men. The day after these vessels arrived 
Captain Douglas, who commanded the English militia, 
spiked his guns and while in retreat was captured by 
the Spaniards. A council of war was held and it was 
resolved to retire to Cape Gracias a Dios, which point 
the British and their allies reached in safety, though 
suffering severely from sickness caused by want of 
food and clothing. 

the slave markets. On their return voyage they narrowly escaped capture 
by Spani&h cruisers. After landing the passengers at Cape Gracias, a Dios 
the vessel proceeded to her destination at Black River, and was seized while 
at anchor in the roadstead. Id. 

11 In 1777 some of the principal settlers sent to England two assorted car 
goes of sugar, rum, indigo, bark, sarsaparilla, tortoise-shell, and other 
articles. The sugar on board each vessel was refused admission at the cus 
toms. Id. 


I d 1 


tin- riv< Tl ind 

-ition on 
\vlio roamed the hbori 

n<l cut < if i ing ] I 

1 currents rendered >upj>! 
Moreover, heavy rains had 

]aah! At ;i council July I nth it \ 

solved on abandon! I unl 

of t he month. J } 

numlu-r of veterans, ui 

rea< bing tin- J Jlack IJiver. 

ther cncoui jiuv.l by \ he D .lit 

\ esa ! \ - lyi: I "I rujillo 
]iv>i(luiit to op* in their bcha; 

T! <-isivc naval victory of th 
J^ivnch in A]>i il cnaMc<l tin- -j .liral 

naica to turn their attention tot! 
A -!:iall sfjuadnm, with a detacl ir- 

iiislicd \vith arn; .unitioii, ] 

])! P tlic nati . 

the 17tli of An arrived ,-it ( 

the purpose of the expedi 

tiers and natives in 

n. ighborbood of the ; k \l\- ?nl 

tin- superintendenl at the head 

and i. 
\v days for an i tin- Sj.;:iiian; 

r rhe armament ^ail<-<! from -th 

of AUL u -t. C el 1 >e-ianl iii conn 
th. ih landed at Plantain 

join, d by a nmnhrr of free u 

ighborhood, and l.y ( iin Juhn ( 
uith al.out !.")() volui 



carried Fort Bailing, which was defended by a like 
number of Spaniards. 

On the 29th the entire body, mustering about a 
thousand men, advanced to the bluff at the mouth of 
the Black River, and the next day encamped on the 
banks of the lagoon opposite the enemy. The Spanish 
commander then opened conference with Colonel 
Despard, which resulted in a capitulation, and his 
men, though numbering more than seven hundred 
regular troops, surrendered as prisoners of war. 

In 1783 a treaty was concluded between England 
and Spain, in which the former agreed to abandon all 
settlements on the Spanish continent; but England 
would not concede that the Mosquito Coast was in 
cluded in this definition. 13 Hence disputes arose; and 
three years later a supplementary treaty was nego 
tiated, on the first article of which it was distinctly 
stipulated that "His Britannic Majesty s Subjects, and 
the other Colonists who have hitherto enjoyed the 
Protection of England, shall evacuate the Country of 
the Mosquitos, as well as the Continent in general, 
and the Islands adjacent, without exception, situated 
beyond the line hereinafter described, as what ought 
to be the Frontier of the extent of territory granted 
by his Catholic Majesty to the English." 

In article II. certain territory in Yucatan is ceded 
to the British, of which mention will be made in its 
place. 14 Positive orders were soon afterward sent to 
the settlers to depart from the coast. Most of them 
obeyed, 15 though slowly and reluctantly, a few only 
remaining at their own risk, and carrying on a trade 
with Jamaica, principally in slaves. 

After the treaty of 1786 the British government 
held no further relations with the natives of the Mos- 

13 While the treaty was under discussion it was a vexed question whether 
the term Spanish or American continent should be used. It will be remem 
bered that the surrender of Cornwallis occurred during the preceding year. 
ir The full text of this treaty is given in Castellan, Mosq. Question, 52-6. 

35 The number of English settlers, with their slaves, who left the Mosquito 
Coast, was 3,550. Soc. Mex. Geog., Bol, 2da ep., i. 393-400. 

GO A. : ; 

<juito ( until Spain had lost 1 
( lentral An* . 10 M 

attempt.- I 

mal. tit establishments in M 

without success. . (> tli :r 

la :it on ] Jla-k Iu\vr. and d the S] 

iards from thuir s! 

Of Hiairs in Xirara^ua during the fi^h* li ce; 
;ry little need l>e sai The admi: s of 

l > al)lo dr L<>yala, the first govc-rnor of \\ 
any r- I 17 during this period, and of 

Camargo, were in itiul. To Ca I 

Jose Calvo de Lara, and in 17 Jl appear- name 
Sebastian de A y Sasi, \\lio \ 

in tin- inllov/in^ y^ar l>y Antonio i 

]o>in-- liis lii r during an insurrection of tl 

In 17 Js r l\>ni;is ])ii(jno dc K 

oilicc, and in 17:50 J>aiioloinu Goii. 

1 714 Josr A. La< .! J Irion- -in [ and 

in 1, MelchorVidal de Lon-a y \Yllriiu \ i\, 

adi; Vt.-rnor. 19 In an tl5-5al 

apjH name of Colon 1. on J 


Among the governors of Ki- ua in this pcri< 
was IV-rna d 1 1< r< dia, ma 

of thf royal arm; As to the ] ri- 

ti-s diil rr. Juarros n; >ns 17GO , 

1 J that : port of the guardian of i 

16 ^ ftf-r the dcj-nrturc of 

i lirir i. 
1 1 - y t . 
also sent to M< 

l >\. 

. . 

. iu / 

. ! / ! 

i \ ; 

.t nan 
t, or Lynch was mistaken. 


sionaries alludes to him as acting in 1747. 20 Domingo 


Cabello was governor in 1766, as appears from the 
audiencia s book of sentences of December in the fol 
lowing year, and Manuel de Quiroga in 1780. 

About this time was an eruption of the volcano 
Nindiri at no great distance from El Infierno de 
Masaya. In 1775, when the outburst occurred, a tor 
rent of lava rolled into the lake of Masaya, destroy 
ing the fish and heating the lands adjacent so that the 
cattle perished. A brigadier of the royal army, named 
Jose Estacheria, was made governor of Nicaragua 
in 1783, and ruled until 1789, when he departed for 
Spain. He was afterward appointed governor of 
Pamplona, and eventually president of Guatemala. 
The last governor to whom reference is made in the 
eighteenth century was Juan de Ayza, probably he 
who defended San Juan 21 during the attack of the 


British under Poison and Nelson, which will be men 
tioned later. 

The Desaguadero had in 1727 twelve military sta 
tions along its winding course of nearly one hundred 
and twenty leagues. Among these was the castle of 
San Juan and Fort San Carlos, which -had been cap 
tured and restored. Fort San Juan was built at a 
bend of the river, and could command it from above 
and below. The hill upon which it stood was steep 
and rocky, and it could be approached only on one 
side by a narrow tortuous path. Through this port 
flowed the commerce of Nicaragua with Europe and 
the West Indies. It was made a port of entry by 
royal order of the king in February 1796, and by a 
cedula of the month following regulations were issued 

O c5 

for furthering the settlement of the adjacent country. 
In 1769 the English, with an armament of tw 7 o thou- 

20 He had previously governed in Comayagua, Florida, and Yucatan, and 
V,TIS promoted from the governorship of Nicaragua to the presidency of Gua 
temala. Juarros, Comp., 269. 

11 His name occurs as the officer in command in Barroeta, Relation sobre 
Mosquitos, 5, no. 34. 

;TA. coo 

id fifty v Dpi c.l tlic capture of 

S;in ( Ytrlos, v, hi<-h tl 
futnr.- opt-ralio] Pedro <! I I-n 

in tlic tin atli, and 

S6( vital- But his daught- idrn 

i t at once issued orders from 
chamber for the defence, and th-n placed ]>. at 

tlic head of the Spanish troops. Ins] 
^ mien, the garrison fotlgnt with 

nong Spaniards oi that day, and ivpul>ed \ 
ants with loss, the governor s dau 
with her own hand the two last cann* tot at 1 
discomfited British. 

A few years later the English govern 
on an expedition inst Nic;, ia, i 
sti ilo- a blow at the po\\vr of S}>ain in th- i 
]; r possessions, and control the communicatioi 

u the two OC The ])lan of < 

finally arranged at Jamaica in .January 1780. 
was purposed to capture Fort San Juan, 
sion of the Desaguadero and Lake X i] >y 

ities of Granada and Leon, and thus sunder t 
Spanish provinces of Central 

nl.j.-i-t in view WBfl 1 he ca[)tui of t 

route for an interoceanic canal, a project tlu-n to 

the heart of the .Kn lish nation. 

The British force consisted c;f at 1 
hundred men, 22 including thiv regim of the li 

and a party of marines, tin- latter 1- -in- 

mand of Horatio Nel . theD a j>" I ol al.out 

twenty-three years, hut <>iu; who had already 

of of the qualities which ai terward rai>cd him 
the fore-most rank among naval COtni Ti 

] jiglisli ])roceed d up the 1 :iiad in 1- 

ountei ing many diiliculti (hi a small islai 
named San Bartolome,- : in a portion . ,m 

27 Tho num 1 a diary of 17SO, rcpriiitocl i , Bol. Oj 

April 27, 18o7, ] i -<.H). 


HIST. CUM. AM., VUL. II. 38 



where the current was swift and shoal, a small garri 
son had been stationed and earthworks erected, 
mounted with a few swivel-guns. On approaching 
this spot Nelson leaped from his boat, followed by a 
few of his men, and though sinking ankle-deep in the 
mud and exposed to a hot fire, captured, or, as he ex- 


presses it, boarded the island. Here the English 
remained for a brief rest, and the future hero of Traf 
algar narrowly escaped being bitten by a poisonous 
snake, and afterward suffered severely from drinking 
the water of a spring into which poisonous leaves had 
been thrown. The English were now joined by 
George King/ a Mosquito chieftain, and a large 
number of his subjects, together with several English 
smugglers. 24 The Mosquitos proved invaluable allies 

24 Four hundred Mosquitos, and the smugglers brought several pieces of 
cannon with them. Nic., Bol. Ofic., 29th April, 1857, p. 7. 


id but for their 1 . and ; 

prohab! :>h would 1. man. 

Two .1; Mln capti; B 

expedition arrived b Fort San Juan, 

advi-ed an immediate assault lievii could 

Tied, hut hi Major .F.,hn I 

led oth< <Q. Next day the Engli iiill 

in rear of the fort , threw up hat 

Nelson was now . 1 with a violent attack 

of dysentery, and was compelled t< r turn to Ja- 
where he arrived in such weak condition that h< 

(1 on shore, life being saved only through skil 


After a siege of ten days tl s surrendei 

the garrison being allowed their liberty and permir 
to march out with the honors of war, and 
being furnished to convey them to any port of Sj 

America that might be agreed upon. Tl on 

of the .Kn^-lish V io\v very critical, and they found 
it impossible to proceed farther. The rainy season 
had be^-iin and brought with it malaria and deadly 
ie-. Tlu-ir force was soon decimated and tl, 

condition was distressing and helpless in the exti 
There were not strong men enough left to huild a 
hospital. It became impossibL n to hury tl 
with decency, and many were drojped in the ri . 
and devoured by carrion bird Lon-vr - 
impossible, and a i is ordered of all the 

-ed in tli \p-di(i(jn. Kxclusive of the M 
(jiiito contingent, only three hundred and ar 

rived; and of Nelson s crew of two hundred, only 
livi-d to return. 26 Thus ended the lir- .ipt of the 

i in In - .\cn-aphy thus ni< his sh \>e- 

diti i January I7 v <> t " aj 

1 Miami tin- sea pa i 

will tr!l yi ii <>f jny < its; lm\v I (|U ata 

. Avhirh 

|< .i. It v. ill ; 

allowed t! -t of tl. i the 1 i <* * 

in-i|..-il . 
16 In : /. hk-li - navy 


British to gain a foothold in Nicaragua, and to obtain 
possession of the route for an interoceanic canal. 27 

During the eighteenth century fifteen prelates are 
recorded as having occupied the bishopric of Nicara 
gua. Diego Morcillo was the first; he took possession 
in 1704, and in 1709 was promoted to La Paz. 23 
Bishop Benito Garret took charge of the diocese in 
1711. He became involved in a turbulent controversy 
with the audiencia of Guatemala, and was dismissed 
from office on the 4th of July 1716. On his way to 
Spain he was ill at Pedro Ursula, and died the 7th 
of October. In 1718 Andres Quiles Galindo, a gradu 
ate and afterward a professor in the university of 
Mexico, was on the eve of departure for Europe, as 
pro ministro provincial, when he received his nomina 
tion to the bishopric of Nicaragua. He did not live 
to reach the diocese. 2 A native of Leon de Nicaragua, 
Jose Giron de Alvarado, was consecrated bishop of 
this see and assumed the administration of its duties 
in 1721, but died within the same year, his successor 
being Dionisio de Villavicencio, whose decease oc 
curred in 1735. In the following year Domingo 
Antonio de Zataram, precentor of Pueblo de los An 
geles, was chosen bishop of Nicaragua, and was con 
secrated in Guatemala the 5th of October 1738. 
Isidro Marin Ballon y Figueroa, an honorary chaplain 

attached to that expedition was invariably from thirty to forty days before it 
attacked the new comers, and I cannot give a stronger instance than that in 
the Hinchinbrook [Nelson s ship], w,ith a complement of 200 men, 87 took to 
their beds in one night. 

27 Statements differ as to the losses of the British. This expedition cost 
the English 5,000 lives and 1,000,000. Ar6valo, Col. Doc. Antig., 174. 
Three million dollars and 4,000 men. Nic. Gac. Sup. Gob., 92, Les Anglais 
fnrent obliges de se retirer honteusement aprfes avoir perdu 4,000 hommes et 
de penBe plus de trois millions de piastres, selon le te"moignage du colonel 
Hodgson. Belly, Nic., i. 30. 

28 Nic., Cor. 1st., in Cent. Am. Pap., iii. 322. News of his appointment, 
was received in Mexico Nov. 2, 1701. JRobles, Diario, iii. 332, 495. It is added 
that he resigned the office and no allusion is made to any promotion. 

Alcedo, Die., iii. 325. It is simply said: He did not go to his diocese, 
in N. Esp., Breve Resumen, ii. 387; but in Nic., He was elected in 1727, and 
died in the city of Seville while preparing to embark. Correo del Istmo, in 
Cent. Am. Papers, iii. 322. 


of ctor of tl 

ind died in ] 7-; In !i \\ 

iin" ! the ;t cathedral <! L-"ii, which had 

pi-d thir ven 3 > in its c :id < 

live millions of pesos. On Hi I Jallon, IVdro 

A in Moivl de Santa Cruz, d-an of Cuk-i. \ 

I. In 17r>L and l 752, be i 
of his dioce.- !i nioiii i ;i;i 

of y part of its wide domain, pr 

in. d confirming wh ir In He w^ 

ul tiT promoted to the bishopric of Cuba. 

Jose Antonio Florcs de Rivri-a, a nat -f Du- 
raB Xuw Spain, veiirrahlo in id distin- 

L;-ui>hod in scholarship! was elect > the cpisci 
of Nicaragua in 1753. J Ee was consecrated wi 
p<>mp May 1, 17."> 1, in the citv 

on his du in February 1755, amid>t i 

! the people, for his reputation i indli- 
id charity had pren-drd him. But 
s short-live* I ; lie died in July of the ioll< 
year; " he nig succeeded hy ^Tateo d- Navi;i 
]ios, a native of Lima, and the latter hy Ju A il- 

ehes y Cahrea, dean of the cat! d of Xirar. 
\vlio was in charge of the diocese until his d in 


In 177.") Estdban Lorenzo de Tri I 

to tli< , and remained in that p -n until 1783. 
]Ie lal lously in his can- During ! l- 


i pis were made to pacify the (Ju; but N ait 


In 1750 Father 7, ;ir- 

pose of exploring thi 11 followed th< 

80 . in / 

7, !_ I::. 

it is >;ii.l: the 

bcr 17 


chain of the mountains of Tilaran, " the country of 
many watercourses," to say nothing of the many volca 
noes, 31 and braved all manner of hardships until he came 
to the great plains beyond, where he spent several 
months, and reported the existence of more than five 
hundred houses and gardens occupied by the natives. 
In 1751 the guardian of the Franciscan convent at 
Esparza communicated the information received from 
the padre to the government of Costa Kica, and being 
instructed to follow up the discoveries, accordingly 
set forth with several comrades, but the party lost its 
way and came near being starved to death. In 1761 
were captured in the mountains several natives, whom 
the chroniclers describe as of a mixed breed, and who, 
when taken to Esparza, revealed some knowledge of 
Christian doctrines. The many conjectures to which 
the circumstances gave rise were soon to be explained 
by the fact that a native of Tenorio, who had qualified 
for orders, came under the displeasure of the bishop 
and fled to the country of the Guatusos. There he 
lived and died, not being permitted to return. 

The cura of Esparza and the friar Zamacois then vol 
unteered for the work and took the captured natives as 
their guides, who led them into the forests and there 
deserted them. Father Tomas Lopez in 1778 made 
another attempt to penetrate the country. Setting 
out by water from the island of Ometepec in Nicara 
gua, he proceeded to the Rio Frio, entered it, and 
ascended the stream until he reached cultivated gar 
dens and plantations. But the moment his attend 
ants caught a glimpse of a raft, evidently manned 
by the Guatusos, they turned the boat and fled. In 
vain did Lopez threaten and implore; he could not 
even prevail on them to allow him to land alone. 

In 1782 Lopez, accompanied by Friar Alvarado-of 
Cartago, entered the country by way of Tenorio ; but 


1 Not mentioning the lesser ones, 10 large volcanoes came in the following 
order: Portuga, Rincoii de la Vieja, Heridenta, Miravallos, Cuecualapa, 
Chenorio, Pelado, Buenavista, Chome, and Aguacate. Nouv., Annalcs de 
Voy., cli. 9. 

ox Tin; i;i<> FKIO. 

tift wanderic md 1 

- of Lak 

mouth of th . io. President Galvez, co it 


IT to make a su> of tl, 

:it count r;. plain Brizzio f>r tha 

r. I 1 

Lumber of fishing canoes and i : 

ids; Ijut it does i r that I m- 

ion with the Guatusos tin 
Jjishop Tristan, when informed of Brizz: 

iied for and was granted two with 

which to follow up the latter plorntion. Oi 
; li of February 1783 the prel and 1. 

I the Frio. On the foil ath day tin 
d in a secluded and shaded bower <>n tin- banks of 
the river, three iish<. rin-n of good 
uho at the sight of them at <nee threw a 

ns, and e\ t their bo 

arrows, and took to lli^iit. They \\ 
Lopez \\;ith cries of }> and good-will in tin- 1 

^ua- e of the island of Solentenaini, hut h- 
heard, or if so v. d. 

Th . condudi. ;iat. a t<.\vn culd n 

ant, and that a few would be less lil 

alarm than if the whole party came in 

it a small boat forward contail 
!M Alvai-ad ml Corral. Tl; -ooii ]> 

e\ i of populous hi iw (i ; the 

]-iv c a raft on which u; ilh 

plantains and })i t\ a til 

The Indian landed in I 

1 to extend as fa !i. L< 

5 i .ll.)wi-d him, aded I y a m rvani and th: 
natives of Solentanami i ad as i N 

sooner had tl ore than tl. 

apjuared upon tin- lank of the ri\ ud 

and peculiar outcri. <. \\hicli >on In- dd 

iiiiml nati wrho, witl 

to dischai rrows at the padre and h . 


One of the interpreters was wounded, and, overcome 
with fear, plunged into the river and swam down the 
stream. The missionary lay down in the boat and 
made signals of peace, which were unheeded. The 
padre then advised his attendants to leap overboard 
and escape, which advice, nothing loath, they followed. 
Lopez then rose, crucifix in hand, and presented him 
self defenceless and alone before the crowd of assail 
ants. The attack ceased, and in compliance with his 
signs of entreaty a number entered his boat and 
escorted him to their village. The companions of 
Lopez, who had fled for safety, observed these pro 
ceedings from a distance, but as they were soon after 
pursued by a party of the natives, they continued 
their flight. 

The wounded interpreter had in the mean time 
reached the boats left by Lopez a little lower on the 
river, and reported that the latter and his compan 
ions had been attacked and killed by a multitude of 
natives; whereupon the party hastened down the 
Frio to inform the bishop of the catastrophe. They 
accomplished in three hours a distance which had 
taken a day and a half when rowing against the stream, 
and the bishop and his associates decided to return 
immediately to Granada. The morning after their 
retreat, the attendants who had left Father Lopez 
and witnessed his movements toward the village, hav 
ing seized an abandoned canoe, overtook the bishop, 
and somewhat calmed the excited party by their dis 
closures. It was decided to continue the retreat, how 
ever, and Fort San Carlos was soon reached. The 
commandant immediately applied to the governor of 
the province for aid to attempt the rescue of Lopez; 
but it is not known whether the request was granted, 
or what became of the padre. No further expeditions 
were attempted and the matter remained a mystery. 
Who the Guatusos were, and how they lived; what 
their religion, language, customs, and whence derived, 
none knew, and it seemed as though none were destined 


Tli t no o 

fc bo? 

within their domain. A 

>nari ;id ll. 
!lt in ; this in.scrutable r 

> of < 
J n 1 784 Juan Felix do Villeg 

ippointcd bish>p of Niear; . hut v 

inoi [bishopric of Gu 

when Juan Cruz Ruiz do Cabanas y C 

pointed his successor, bat while ] 

lertrdtoth of Guadalajara. The L 
tlio century in this diocese An; 

Huerta Caso, who by ; iop 

in Guatemala May iM>, 1708. 33 

Resuming the narrative of the j .cation of the 
Tacamancans in connection with the rXjH dit i< -us whi 
I in the subjugatioo of tlu-i. 
anciscanfl the Iradin in all that v. 

Tin dven, althou > the colle J in (Guate 
mala it liad lxv!i iirst , <1. li 

had in L502 a civilization of tli- ,, and in 

a civilization imj d by tl 
1702 revert a. barbarism h la< 

f the first and the grace of the s 1, \vit 
iy compensating ei it. The close of the n- 
ntli century 1 th( it of t 

Franciscan missionary college at Gnat 
tli-. in 1G94, under the direction of L 

82 iut thoOuatusosareof \ tn-k, 

Imtiit: know-: iy of their origin than waa tho casi 


t hat tho C! 

ith tho intention of < . but without. ig a 

of tho Roy.i 

1 \v;i.- an hoi. -Voc. 

y iu Pup. I ar., no. -I,"), p. 1. 


proceeded Francisco de San Jose and Pablo de Re- 
bullida to the territory of the Changuenes. Andrade 
and Benavides returned to Guatemala from a brief 
visit of inspection in 1G05, and through the guardian 
of the college made the oft-repeated demand for a 
military escort. On the 31st of March a council of 
war adopted the system put in force half a century 
before in Vera Paz when dealing with the Chols and 
Manches. Fifty soldiers, with Captain Noguera as 
governor, accompanied the fathers to Talamanca. 

Francisco Bruno Serrano de Reina, who was gov 
ernor of Costa Rica in 1704, does not appear to have 
acted with much alacrity in the matter, and the 
guardian Arrivillaga reported complainingly to the 
audiencia on the 4th of April 1707. 34 

Many of the Talamancans were gathered into set 
tlements; 35 but none the less insecure w T as the posi 
tion of the missionaries; their danger so increased 
that Andrade started for Guatemala to beg more 
adequate protection than the remnant of an escort 
left with them. It was too late. While the ques 
tion was being discussed in Guatemala the Talaman 
cans rose in revolt, burned their churches, tore down 
their dwellings, and killed the friars and the soldiers, 
the latter but ten in number. Rebullida s head they 
cut off on the 28th of September 1709. 

On the 20th of May preceding this catastrophe a 
royal cedula ordered the conquest of Talamanca, with 
a view to improve the communication between Guate 
mala and Costa Rica with Veragua. 36 Lorenzo An 
tonio de Granda y Balbin, the governor of Costa 
Rica, reported to the audiencia the massacre in Tala- 

34 He was accused Feb. 4, 1704, of carrying on commerce with foreigners. 
He was afterward lieutenant of royal officers of the province, and then 
maestre de campo by decree of Aug. 31, 1716. Palaez, Mem. Hist. Guat., ii. 

35 Father Andrade, in a letter of Nov. 16, 1706, says that they gathered 
from Urinama 41, from Cavecar upwards of 700, from San Jos 336, and 150 
others. Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Guat., iii. 30-1. 

30 Similar cddulas were issued Sept. 1, 1713; June 16, 1714; Aug. 6, 1717; 
Dec. 20, 1737; May 21, 1738, and afterward, showing the importance attached 
to the matter. Bejarano, Informe solre la Talamanca. 


.-I in ce w! 

dlih ! a 

nt 01 1 Iy the j 

himself rcc of two hun< 


:ii J 
the enen ry, win-re tiny intiv. 

s. T killed many of the Talain,, 
1 ot! . l>ri; :i tlieui over 

divd prisoners of all ages and Loth T! 

utterly roin and tln-ir < 
tried, sentenced, and uted n in 


In 1719, in a report on the condition of 
y to of Spain, Governor dc la II 

Costa liira ^ays: "In i the 

and maintenai ! missions \vhieh ha 
pi-iinaiy ohject in 1 ni(|Uest of T 

had Kviidniie >inc; tin; massacre of > c 

precautionary measures had be- in L 

of n narii 

The ]iecllcts did not 3 poli 

e and neglect to ] > Hi 

. and petitioned the king for the 
nt of a snitahl - garrison and the 

S] 11 settl- P>y wl 

,d par; from the mou of 

:ica at sundry times i tt 17 1 1 7 i . 

tin- prcs. of inis>iona from 
In r -spouse to the petition of th - Eleo II 
kin- , k lula dated Septdiihrr 1, 17 

eon\ L junta of s 

familiar with Talamai: 

^ny of them I 10 rest remain e< I in the sn 

ned as go 

l>OBses> go vet ; 

iu 171 v 1-1 


by majority vote plans for the occupation of that ter 
ritory. The junta, which was not held until the 9th 
of September, 1716, consisted of the president of 
Guatemala, the oidores, royal officials, two Kecollets, 
and a representative of the revenue of Cartago. The 
Recollets advocated the planting of mission stations 
protected by a garrison. The rest of the council 
favored the establishment of a military guard of fifty 
soldiers, and the removal of fifty families from Car 
tago to Boruca; it was a compromise measure, but it 
carried the votes. 

The fathers were discouraged. The town chosen 
was without the missionary field, and the force named 
inadequate to effect subjugation, and needlessly strong 
for a simple escort. But the arrival of a new presi 
dent, Rivas, and the disastrous earthquake of 1 7 1 7 in 
Guatemala, crowded such matters from view. 

In a report dated the 14th of March 1723 Hay a 
tells us how. from the 16th of Februarv till the 14th 


March, there had been rumblings beneath the city of 
Cartago, as if from the rushing of subterranean rivers, 
while the volcano of Irazu kept open jaws, and belched 
forth billows of smoke. The sulphurous exhalations 
well nigh stifled the people alike on the slopes and 
in the valleys. Sheets of flame illumined the sky by 
night, until miles of the horizon were brighter than 
in the glare of day. Tied -hot cinders and scorise 
multiplied in volume until the waters of the neigh 
boring stream, river, and lake were turned into seeth 
ing mud; the city was strewn with burning dust; and 
buildings were loosened from the trembling earth. 

Costa Rica, if we can believe Haya, was the poor 
est province in all America. The only currency was 
cacao; silver was never seen, and the name for aught 
its people knew might have been adopted in derision. 
Officers were incapable and stupid; the people quar 
relsome, chimerical, and unruly. There was not in. 
all the province a physician or apothecary; nor even 

]! r, 

.i 1 arl Oi lly 

I < ro the nyuntanr come 1 

Ihe <>ii! <-ify of ; 

11 ii or thi 

had : in M-nd I.) Spain t 

: ntment confirmed 

>f the settlements in Costa Rica ii 
been irremediable but for 1 .rp j 

judi-i by Haya. 40 His successor, J 

co de VfJaer] , ina report to the < 
neral of Guatemala in 1732 containing a 
]v\. iation of the condition of affairs. The g< 
^crib(s liiinself as fulfilling the functions of 
ratln-r than those of a governor, as there wi\ 
single person in the province capable of writi; 
Offices remained vacant, because the ] of t 

intry did not allw of chii-f r< 

; in the j>laza in a coat. If the erec* 
rt Matina, then in progress, was t<> pr 

Vv oiild have to be sent out, as the onl\ 
iamiliar with sucli work was an old Indian wli< 
]>roprr business it was to ir roofs, and in- 

rtunatdy liad just clk-d of the small-pox. 41 T . 
durin-- ih 1710 the province ^s ed 

. who cari ird off, as was tin ir custom, 
< Tup <f cacao, and such sla\- >uld lay 1 


e military force stationed in Costa L about 
tin- middle of the eight-.-nth century was litti 

of one thousand : and y<-t the maui-l 

t the pn>vin< ire unab! 

thori Th- administration of j ha<l . 

ni.l hiscncourag >f trade and agri 

utry was not po<. eecapt 

spoiling \>y sambos and corsair*. 



Judges did not dare to impose, nor governors execute 
sentence upon criminals. 42 Even the forms of re 
straint disappeared. Yet officials were numerous 
enough. The governor appointed on the first day of 
the year 1740 five lieutenant-generals, one each for 
Cartago, Esparza, and Matina, and two for the valley 
country, invested with civil and criminal jurisdiction, 
besides four alcaldes, an attorney -general, and an ad 

After 1746 we have no reliable records as to the 
succession of governors in Costa Rica until 1773. 
In the former year Francisco Fernandez de la Pastora 
was in power; 43 in the latter Joaquin de Nava. To 
him succeeded in 1779 Jos6 Perie, and then occur in 
the order of their succession the names of Juan Fer 
nandez Bobadilla in 1780, Juan Flores in 1782, and 
Jose Terci in 1785. 

42 During my sojourn, 1752, two notorious prisoners, after sending threats 
of punishment to their captors, freed themselves and disappeared. No steps 
were taken for their recapture, even the governor expressing relief when no 
more mischief was done. Morel de Sta. Cruz. See also Nic. and Costa Rica, 
MS., 3-4. 

43 He is referred to in the Caaderno Historial de Misiones. Palaez, Mem. 
Hist. Guat., ii. 173. According to the same authority Navarro was governor 
in 1748, but according to Lynch, Relation Punctual (1757), MS., 3, Pastora 
was governor until he lost his life in 1756, being slain by Mosquito Indians at 
the mouth of the river Maya. In the reports on missions in Talamanca, 
brigadier Luiz Diez Navarro is mentioned as the governor of Costa Rica in 
1748 and Manuel Soler in 1759. 




: TINO G< UOA Oi . OF 


TIII: flovF.u.voR THEIR Si 
TIIF.M Tin-: Woon-crm DZB 1 ; ! ;.> TIIKY ARB 




NOT the \-;ilu;il >\]* < 

l)iicc;i! during i on 1 

uiisli m$in were the quantiti >od wlii<-li 

r<>und dc; at c<Ti;mi jniints <ui tl 

Yii -.-it.-ui , iii(l I loiidu: I Udii illi 1 

<>f tlh ir l;i\vlrss ])ursuits. tlir nnn- indu 
i-<-i;dlv tin; Kn- lish, tun: i to I 

<-u liijuni-nt of lyr-\\ id inal 

and with tliis nl.j. tl-ni- 

co; of these two pro vie Tin* ni)>t of 

_ thosi in tin- lay "f r l"- : riiiiii 

1I< i- they P maincd ior many I yiiiLC tli 

industrial pursuits with o- >nal inciir>i 

surrounding country, or ati on the Span 

M 1 ^ whicli plird 1" i! ( anij id \ 

X(i--hhors BO dangerous could n<.t 1. 

and, as soon as riiviu rinittt <1. i ri- 

ties of New Spain took u. 

-cutt dully r d the man 

lions Bent a- ain>t thuin, not unfrequentlv r-taliati. 

624 BELIZE. 

by laying waste the Spanish settlements, until about 
1717, when they were finally driven from that part 
of the coast and their establishments destroyed. 

In the latter half of the seventeenth century that 
portion of Yucatan bordering on the bay of Honduras 
was abandoned by Spaniards, owing to the destruc 
tion by pirates and Indians of the town of Bacalar. 1 
Its henceforth isolated position, together with the 
ruggedness of the surrounding country and the num 
berless reefs and shoals on its sea-coast, made it pecu 
liarly fitted for the haunts of the buccaneers. One 
of these, Peter Wallace, a Scotchman, landed with 
some eighty companions at the mouth of the Belize 
River, and erected on its banks a few houses, which 
he enclosed with a rude palisade. His name was 
given both to the river and settlement, and subse 
quently to the whole region occupied by the English. 
By the Spaniards this territory was variously termed 
Walis, Balis, and Walix, and the word became finally 
corrupted into the present name of Belice or Belize. 2 

The district was rich in dye-woods and mahogany, 
and wood-cutting soon became the chief occupation 
of the freebooters, whose numbers had gradually in 
creased. With the same object, many Mosquito 
Indians had also settled in the country. The bucca 
neers w r ho were driven from the bay of Terminos also 
harbored in Belize, and after attempting in vain to 
retake their settlements finally settled there. 

The existence of the piratical establishment of 
Wallace and his companions was not discovered by 
the Spaniards until the beginning of the eighteenth 
century. In 1725 Antonio de Figueroa y Silva was 
ordered to expel the English from Yucatan, and for 

1 An account of the abandonment of this town has been given in Hist. Max. , 
this series. 

2 Peniche, Belice, in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, 2da e"p., i. 217-9; Pelacz, 
Mem. Hist. Guat., iii. 136, 140; Stout s Nic., 258. Squier, Stat. Cent. Am., 
575-6, states that the name was also said to be derived from the French 
balise, a beacon. This he is disposed to accept as correct, since no doubt 
some signal or beacon was raised here to guide the freebooters to the common 

11 i KDITIO 

tliis purp appointed 

i afl rI, in ob 

from ii. In 1 tin- ruin- d town "I" ! 

it was a! lied, ami 

f <>rt which h< risoned with forty-five i T! 

iort r .ated on a ! >f t li- nain 1 o>n- 

nected with tin- hay of i :,lc 

river, was t i utii 

To i perinan iiey it was < 

tin- town. The want in Yu< . h,,\\ 

compelled tin- iran-: f a c 

nds, tin- iir>t portion <! which did i 

mtil scvci-al \ i-. 4 

Mwliilc ^-nvrninr I- i^iifi-na ]. 

tinns for a coinliin.-d d land expedition 

Mu;.rl!>h It-iiM-nts, wliich, it was ImjM-d. 

-ult in their conijil.ic tlOIL Aj>jri--d 

thi !i, the wood-cut 1 Hi/li/.c i! .ly j 

]>ar nninrd i 

intrepidity i-cs>l\-cd to anticipate the S: 
invading their territory. A 1 ton- [ndi 

Ava- ob I tVoin ]\Ios(|uit: id an lition de 

spatched 1)V to lisioll i 

important t >\\;i .,! r l ih>uco. Hie iii nt 

encountered, named ( Imliuhu. d. 

but >ng 1 arrived with a 1, :id 

drove them 1> to tln-ir \ with 

Tli it induced Fi _qi. to h; piv 

, in S< !., /. ng 

t on it i, \vhi \vaa 


1 in 17 


.i to 


Ilisr. i II. 40 

626 BELIZE. 

rations, but it was not until about the end of 1732, 
or the beginning of the following year, 6 that the ex 
pedition set out for Bacalar. The land force it would 
appear numbered considerably over seven hundred 
men, 7 but of those who went by sea no mention is 
made. Arrived at Bacalar the troops embarked, and 
the fleet sailed in the direction of Belize. 

The wood-cutters in the mean time had strength 
ened their fortifications at the mouth of the Belize 
River, mustered all their available force, and were 
said to have received aid from the governor of Ja 
maica. Their number at this time it is difficult to 
ascertain. According to the report of a Spanish mis 
sionary in 1724, there were at that date about three 
hundred English, besides Mosquito Indians and negro 
slaves, these latter having been introduced but a short 
time before from Jamaica and Bermuda. It is equally 
difficult to ascertain the extent of territory occupied 
by the wood-cutters at this period, for although pre 
vious to 1718 their settlements extended between the 
rivers Hondo and Belize, 8 in 1733 they were appa 
rently confined to the course of the latter river. 9 

Figueroa s plan was to land his troops on the coast 
at some distance from the mouth of the Belize, and 
while the fleet engaged the attention of the enemy 
by a feigned attack in front, to make a detour with a 
land force and fall on the rear of the town. This 

6 Sierra, Efem&rides, says Belize was attacked February 22, 1733, and in 
liis Ojeada sobre Belice the same author states that the expedition was formed 
and carried out between 1726 and 1730. Lara, Apuntes Histdricos, gives no 
date. Peniche, in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, 2da ep., i. 223-5, follows Sierra, 
but gives a copy of a letter from Governor Salcedo to the king of August 7, 
1736, in which 1733 is given as the date of Figueroa s expedition. Ancona, 
Hist. Yuc., has accepted the date given by this letter. 

7 Sierra, Ojeada Sobre Bdice; Lara, Apuntes Historicos, and Peniche, cited 
above, say that on his way to Bacalar Figueroa was joined by the colonists 
from the Canary Islands ; in which statement they are followed by Ancona, 
Hist. Yuc., ii. 415-17. This is evidently a mistake, as the letter of Salcedo 
already cited shows that even in 1736 but a portion of them had arrived. 

* Pdaez, Mem. Hi*t. Guat., ii. 140-1. 

9 Salcedo, Carta, in Soc. Mex^Gcog., Boletin. 2da e"p., i. 225-G. I repro 
duce here A Map of apart of Yucatan, or of that part of the Eastern shore 
within the. Bay of Honduras allotted to Great Britain for the CuUiny of Log 
wood, iii consequence of the Convention. Signed with Spain on the 14th July 
17SQ. By a Bay -Man. 


fill. f .r wlii rly 

aitiii _r tin- ;ij)j h of i h ; iddei 

aj)])c;nvd in tln-ir ) ;m<l ;ii tin -in v. h h 


p 1:0 \ i N < or 

Mahogany Land 




YXm,. , 

y t RlwrY 

inij) inv-ity i hal pite tin ir I ith 

irlv nil its <lri cii<l<Ts \v,-i- \\ithin tlnvt- hours in i 

hands of the Spaniar< Having destr \\-\\ 

and i oriiiicati and all o[ \. i the 

628 BELIZE. 

river, and seized or destroyed the vessels and other 
property, the expedition returned. 10 

The Spaniards were greatly rejoiced at this success, 
but their joy was short-lived. The wood-cutters soon 
returned w r ith reinforcements and a strong fleet, reoc- 
cupied their former settlements, successfully resisted 
all subsequent attempts to expel them, and, as we shall 
see, the English government afterward extended over 
them its protection. In 1736, after various unsuc 
cessful efforts to dispossess them, the governor of 
Yucatan proposed to the Spanish crown that a strong 
fort be erected at the mouth of the Belize River to 
prevent the passage of vessels, but this suggestion 
does not appear to have been acted on. 1] 

In 1739 war again broke out between Spain and 
England, and, compelled to defend their coasts from 
a powerful English fleet, the Spaniards desisted for a 
time from further operations against Belize, although 
the determination to regain their territory thus usurped 
had not been abandoned. Peace w 7 as declared in 1748; 
but it was not until two years later, in a subsequent 
treaty, that the commercial relations between the 
two countries were settled. The damage caused by 
Figueroa had in the mean time been made the subject 
of diplomatic negotiations, and though no definite 
understanding was reached, the efforts of England 
appear to have been limited to the protection of her 
subjects from molestation in the bay of Honduras, 
while the Spanish government continued secretly to 
adopt measures for their expulsion. 12 

In April 1754, a formidable attempt was made to 

10 On his way to Mdrida from Bacalar Figueroa was seized with illness and 
died. On the 10th of August 1738 Lara, Apunt. Hist., affirms that at the 
demands of the English government Figueroa was reprehended by the crown 
for this attack, which so mortified him as to cause his death. This version is 
accepted by Sierra in his Ojeada sobre Belice, and also by Peniche, in Soc. 
Mex. Gr.oy., Boletin, 2da e"p., i. 226-7, but as these statements are mentioned 
by no other authority and are discredited by Ancona, Hist. Yuc., ii. 419-21, 
I am disposed to reject them. 

11 Peniche, in Soc. Max. Geog., Boletin, 2da e"p., i. 222-7; Sakedo, Carta, 
in Id., 2-25-6; Ancona, Hist. Y-uc., ii. 413-22. 

12 Peniche in Soc. Mex. Geoy., Bolelin, 2da e"p., i. 228-31. 

Tin-: woo;.., r; a 

expel tin- w< An expedition 

(hv<! men Y .j/,.,1 for this purj 

( hiatemala, lut np-!i 

and difficult march. th-v \\ met l>y 1 . liu: 

ul fifty .f tin- Kii .di-hand rni| I. T< 

. have been the In 
i leli/e fr several 

I hiring tl vni \ war in Europe, which b 

in I 7.") .. KiiLi land, in her endeavors to indi Spain 

join her a^ain-t 1 Yain- Fered am- 

feo evacuate th i:il>lishniciits mal- l>y li ;il>- 

jects in th- hay of Honduras since October L 748, in 
cluding Mosquita, ail of which had Ix-rii inad- th- 
suhjrrt of con i] >la i lit. This does nol II- ;ly iinpl 

rtain Spanish writers would hav< 

.Mii- laii l tlicr< !y acknowledged th- ill-_i ality <>f 

w< i-i^ lit to occiijiy tl. 

Iinh-cd, it is di-arly cvidrnt that Knidand rui- 
sid r- d, <r pretended to consider, that IHT siil)j--ts in 
Ui-l:/.- liad acquired tin- ri^ ht to cut and ship <1 
woods and mahogany in t\\\< and otln-i- di-tri- 

will lout molestation, for in the subsequeni t with 

Spain, in 17l>:\, Jiltliou;_i-h a :n_u r to demolish "all 

i ifications which IHT snl)ji -t s ma 
in the bay of Hondu and other plac 

i-itory of Spain in that jiai t of the world." Kmi land 

insisted upon the insertion of a <-lau>i- in the t 
\vherchy the cutters of log- wood wen tranteedthe 

lit to (-.,111511110 unmolested tln> cuttii: d >hip- 
pin^ of the same, and the erection of the n. iry 
buildings lr this purpose, within those distri< 

This weakness on the part of Spain. ihnt. d to 

the incapacity <! IHT coniniissi. HH r, the inar|ii- 

13 g 

11 / !-4. 

\" S U M 

- s.-un intjuiota.lo-; ,, m .lestados c< 

, r .ir y 

- ! ti a estc 

i!n].c.iiiiii i las casas y alma- 

para si y [>ai >, L ccutU TraiU 1. 


Grimaldi, though apparently a simple relaxation in 
favor of the English of the law which excluded all 
foreigners from the Spanish colonies, was virtually a 
recognition of the right of the English to occupy in 
definitely a portion of her territory; and though not 
explicitly surrendering her sovereignty, no limits 
were fixed to the encroachments of the wood-cutters, 
nor were they in any way made subject to the Span 
ish authorities. Thus the way to future complica 
tions was opened. 16 

Soon after the ratification of this treaty, the English 
government commissioned Sir William Burnaby to 
proceed to Belize, establish the limits within which 
wood-cutting was to be confined, and draw up a code 
of laws for the regulation of the colony. This he 
did; and though we have no information as to the 
limits fixed, for many years the Burnaby Code, as it 
was called, formed the only laws by which Belize 
was governed. The establishment of limits, however, 
availed but little; for, emboldened by their previous 
success in resisting the Spaniards, and encouraged by 
the protection of the ^English government, they grad 
ually extended their wood-cutting operations beyond 
these boundaries, and carried on smuggling to the 
great prejudice of Spanish commerce. In consequence, 
the governor of Yucatan forbade all communication 
between Belize and the Spanish settlements ; required 
that all persons settling in Belize should present a 
permit to that effect from either the English or Span 
ish government; expelled the wood-cutters from the 
coast district of the Hondo River, and ordered that 
all wood-cutting should be confined to the region lying 
between the Belize and New rivers, and not farther 
than twenty leagues from the coast. 

As a result of these measures the business of the 
wood-cutters was injured, as they claimed, to the ex 
tent of one hundred and eighty thousand pesos. In 
the latter part of 1764 a demand for the satisfaction 

16 Peniche, in Soc. Hex. Geoy., Boletin, 2da ep., i. 235-6. 

BIVAS i ir. 

< r Spa 
nor Yucatan !> rep] 

that t h permitted i i urn to > 

I loud-. River diM ri< Th>- I-!: glish mini 
1 that war would l>e tl. nit it I 

-I : l iit after ,-i proi raci d < >rr< - j>nd- 

ence h> .1 only in ohtaininir permi>Hon for : 

return oi tli itter listricts from which 

they li.-iil IK spelled; ,-iiul the <-l;iin; 
t utui-. tement, to the long list of thoi 

]M-ndin;^ be1 n tlir two u-<)\- i-nin<-iits. 17 

During tin- iH \t fi\ there i> no cvi<l( : 

that the WOOd-CUtterfl were di>turl)rl: 1-ut in 17, 
\\ nr lia\ in^ Itrokcn out alr-sli iM-twcm Spain 

England, the former determined to profit }>y tin- . .p- 

portunity to ;_rivo the final Mow to tlio . 

til-- 1-1 !^li>li s< ti Icincnts in II.T tcri-itMi Ju tli 

n- J )on Eloberto lii\ .-^ \ icur, 1 1. .tly ap- 

inted governor of \ u-atan, in accordance with 

(tructi ;m to organize an f\p,-dition agai 

1 i> liz . llacalar ;i- before lM coniiii 4 the 1 .. 

at ion Tli- od-eutter on intornifd ! i 

declaration of war, and made all lia>t- to f.rtil v the 

mouth of the Belize 1 1\\ - ad ." K 

wliieh lies directly opposite. N"t content with 

they (h lcnninrd a- ain to anticipate the Spani. 
eapturin-- IJaralar. wlii-h ever since i -li- 

, had i-e-. U ded as a Mandin^ inena.-e to i i 

\\ In this, however, they v. disappointed; 

for 1 ti\ as. infoi ined of th< ir ily 

rani/eel a force of some t; hnndivd men. and 

procuring canoes and piraguas ha d <>n i ) Bacalar. 

r ri. -ti^li his men \\ juip] he p 

ded against the 1 ji--li>li ; and having dir. 
in the Hondo K di>triet, and captured an<l 

he London Gnzfttt of 
it luwl received a ih 

;ng tli- Yucatan. 


armed three small vessels, he sent a strong force 
against St George Key, and captured the fort with 
its garrison. 

Further operations were prevented by the sudden 
appearance of three English vessels of war sent by 
the governor of Jamaica. The Spaniards had barely 
time to escape with their prisoners and prizes, the 
latter including many small craft. Proceeding up 
New River they drove the English from this region, 
destroying over forty establishments, and inflicting a 
loss on the wood-cutters of more than five hundred 
thousand pesos. At this juncture reenforcernents ar 
rived for the wood-cutters, and Rivas was compelled 
to abandon their territory ; but in consideration of the 
important results accomplished with so small a force, 
his conduct was approved by the Spanish crown. 18 

The sixth article of the treaty of Versailles, signed 
September 3, 1783, defined the limits of Belize and 
the rights of the wood-cutters. The boundaries now 
fixed as unalterable w r ere the Belize and Hondo rivers, 
the north-western boundary being almost a straight 
line between the two rivers so as to pass through the 
source of New River, the south-eastern boundary 
being the coast. The navigation of these two rivers 
was to be open to both nations; certain places, to be 
agreed upon by the respective commissioners, were to 
be marked out where the wood-cutters might erect 
all necessary buildings ; and it was provided that the 
foregoing stipulations should not be " considered as 
derogating in any wise" to the rights of Spanish sov 
ereignty. All. English subjects in the Spanish colo 
nies, in whatever part, were to retire within this 
district before the expiration of eighteen months, 
dating from the ratification of the treaty; and the 
right of fishery on the coast and among the adjacent 

18 Penichc, in Soc. Hex. Geofj., Boletin, 2da e"p., i. 240-3; Ancona, Hist. 
Yuc., ii. 269-73. Squier, States Cent. Am., 577-8, erroneously attributes this 
attack to the prevalence of smuggling and other illicit practices among the 
wood-cutters, making no mention of the fact that England and Spain were 
then at war. 

T: v. i. 

ranted, l>ut no . M be 

made OB Nand 

AJthough this In ly d> I :id- 

an l>riti>li coloni 

tain points which had 1 omit! !. and rdimj lv 

an> ml final t n-ai y WBS celebrated 1 1 R 

ami Km-dand "to prevent n tin- -hadow of mi>un- 

derstanding which mi^lit be o ioned l vd<>ul>- 

r r\i\< treaty Wi ! at London .Inly 1 1. 178C. 

While confirming tin- lonm-i- one <! 1783, and - 

pressly stating that "all the lands in (jn 

"indisputably acknowl I to beloo ri^-ht fcol 

rrown of Spain," it Contained the ill i \viiiM- additional 
])i-ivilc _j-<-s and iv-trictioi r l ln- Sihun, or .Iuhn 

liver, \ made the western l.undary <-t U 
which included all the tcrrit>iy between it and t 
I>-lize as Jar iidand as the source <! the Sihun. 
AVithin six months, all ](s<il>l.- facilities being 

vided l>y the Spanish ^nvennuein 

in any ]>art wl >ever of the Spanish <<>! >ni. 

t> ivtire within the hnmidaries of 1 >< lize; in additi. n 

the existing ]>ri\ il(-_:v of cutting dyi-\v- 
of cut t ; ;11 nt her ffoods, iiial iiiclud-<l. v. 

mted : all the natural or cu: - of t 

>>il c-.uld he usrd and <-arried away, hut no "]lai. 

tiona of sagar, coffee, < >, or other lik . or 

any iahric or inanulacture l.y tneana of mills <r oti 

\v-mills excepted, could ihlisl. 

any ]>r( Oi ount of the insalul 

the adjacent COasi St G 8 r the 

|)ui-j blement, hut it could imt 1 

OOlJd any armed force ! atiom-d t! ( :n 

small islands off the coi hout mi<l\ u the 

mouths <{ the Sihun and JVli/e ri 

together with the intervening w&\ . t>r the pur- 

[>urely of relit tin^ shi]>s: no 

19 Ca, II<,,,,i.. :>l 2; 

, iL 

634 BELIZE. 

military or civil, could be established except such as 
could be agreed upon by the two powers for the 
maintenance of peace and order. To preserve entire 
the right of Spanish sovereignty over the territory 
granted, such settlements only would be permitted as 
should be necessary for the trade in wood and fruits. 
Finally, two commissioners, one from each govern 
ment, were to visit the country twice a year to see 
that these stipulations were observed. 2( 

By these treaties the respective rights of the two 
countries in the territory of Belize were clearly de 
fined. Spain held undisputed sovereignty; England s 
right was limited to an indefinite occupation for pur 
poses of trade. But it is not always sufficient to 
declare rights; the powers of Europe keep their 
agreements when compelled by force of arms, and 
this, Spain, with her declining strength, was eventu 
ally unable to do. 

Colonel Enrique de Grimarest, the Spanish com 
missioner, arrived in Belize early in 1787 and was 
soon joined by the English commissioner and super 
intendent of the colony, Colonel Edward M. Despard. 
Article thirteen of the treaty of 1786 required that 
all other portions of the Spanish colonies should be 
evacuated by the English before the new grants could 
take effect. The Mosquito kingdom appears to have 
been the only territory then occupied by the English 
besides Belize, and nearly all of its inhabitants having 
arrived at this latter colony by the middle of 1787, 
the commissioners proceeded to mark the boundaries; 
but the formal transfer of the territory between the 
Sibun and Belize rivers was not made until the llth 
of August. In the course of the survey of the Belize 
River it was found that the wood-cutters had antici 
pated this new grant of territory by extending their 
operations beyond the former boundaries, the country 

20 Full text of treaty may be found in Castdlon, Doc. Nic. HoncL, 52-6. 
See also Peniche, in oc. Mex. Geog., Bohtin, 2da 6p., i. 251-6; Ancona, 
Hist. Yuc., 477-82. 

ffAL i I:DS. 

me di 

ilv 1 ripped of mahogany, bu1 I d>- 

lishmenta were found in .- i,,. 

boundary apied. 

ahandon and retire within tin- limit 3 .f 
the colony, bul itwas hardly t<> 1>< 1 that in. 

v, !;,iiiicd independent :id denied 

f Kn-jland t<> make their laws, would 

boundaries after the departure <t t ! hcomn 

sioner, Indeed they ly declared th-ir i >n 

ahlishii> _r a govermneni and framing la 

thi-ir own, The Spanish rmmiii-Moner < iiiplain-<l 
<f this condition of all nirs. hut without aii 


In ()ciohcr 17 ( .Hl M;i-land dcclaiv<l war agai 
Spain, and upon tin- ivr,-ipt o{ thi- new n, 

.ilui o ( ) Xcill, the n-nv.-nmr of that pr<\ ; ,\\ 

immediate preparations tor an attack <>n I>rli/ ! 
was not until May L O. I7 . S, h<>\\ . fchi 

I dition, consisting of between t\ .d tl. 

;nd in- n and a lar-v il l small d 

i or J>-li;- >cortc<l hy two Spanish t i I"i 

iri-atc- accompanied ihrm only part "! the \ 

tin-nil)^, it <!, <n ac.-oimt ot lack of pr 

and the shallou ness of the water "ii th- Ti 

remainder of the exjiedition continued th- V( 
\\ :ccompli.-hed. however, as th< 

fully prepared; and Ix-in^ i I ly man 

of the planter.- who had l/eeii <i der.-d to alandin 
iosfjuitia, and aided hy the l ji-ii->h g] Eff 

Merlin, they prevented the Spaniard- 

a landing. At tei- hovering oil the oo 

days tL pedition retui-iiel t-> Yueatan. :; Tlii^ was 

the last attempi made hy tin- Spaniard ,p>l 

the men of Helix. Thenceforth the stipul 

/ . . / ,~ .,. . . ; x 


Koc. Gco<; >1. 



treaties were disregarded, and the territory as far 
south as the Sarstun was gradually taken possession 
of and held by right of conquest, the subsequent rev 
olution throughout the colonies rendering the Span 
iards powerless to prevent these encroachments. 23 

23 Squier s States Cent. Am., 581; London Soc. Geog., xi. 81. 




iTiGAi I; 1 1 i.i.i > AM- r 

mi. 8 ( iiruc ii V TO 

\ M \ ")M OF TIIK Ml 

p Ti. 

Dug BOTBJD J;v Till. 1 . D 

KK i;v Tin; 

::s Til 

IN Honduras, and Higuer; bhern :n 

<>f this territory w, ted, there were, it will 1 

membered, but seven Spanish coloi iboul mid 
dle of the sixteenth aild nf thc-r. I l lljill", 

the I;ir_LT st, contained only ti It is jri 

that, tlic entire nuniher of Spaniards in 

;it this time did not d t\v> hundred; and 

slightly had the resources nf the eoimti-y 
<ped that the t e\v \vlio live<l th< re were 1 

alt hy. 

Hut poor as tlie eoloni>ts were, tin ir condition did 

shield them from the depi< ions nt (Ve, -I.... 

who din-in^ the 1,-itter jn.rt \\\ of tl. irv i 

vei-;d raids on th< fc of H)ndura 

Andrew Darker. .-called r of 1 

solved i imburse him-elf f. ot j.roj 

<1 hy the Sjianiai ds duriu 
to th <narv Uland-. and I :i <n a j.irati 

pedition, Fitting oui two i ni 

JMyinoiith in Jui. At trr touehin- at various \ 
1 p. 


and capturing a small amount of treasure, he arrived 
at the mouth of the Chagre, where men were sent 
in search of friendly cimarrones who might act as 
guides. As none could be found, the expedition sailed 
for Honduras, captured on the \vay a ship contain 
ing a little gold and a small quantity of arms, and 
anchored off the island of San Francisco. Here, on 
account of a quarrel with his chief officer, Barker was 
forcibly sent on shore, where, with thirty of his men, 
he was surprised by a party of Spaniards, and nine of 
the English were slain, himself among the number. 

O t O 

A detachment from the ships was then sent in a pin 
nace to capture the town of Trujillo, where but slight 
resistance was encountered, and a good store of wine 
and oil was secured, but not an ounce of treasure. A 
squadron of Spanish men-of-war now appeared in sight, 
and the robbers were glad to regain their pinnace, 
leaving on shore eight of their number, of whom no 

O <D 

tidings were afterward heard. On the homeward voy 
age one of the vessels was capsized in a squall, and 
fourteen of the men lost with most of the treasure. 
The survivors arrived in England without further 


adventure, and the proceeds of the expedition yielded 
but thirty pesos as the share of a common soldier. 
This was vengeance indeed 1 

In 1592, when Puerto de Caballos and Trujillo 
were attacked by pirates, affairs seem to have been 
more prosperous, for considerable booty was found 
at the former place. " Wee remained in the towne 
all night," says one who took part in the expedi 
tion, 2 "and the next day till towards night: where 
we found 5 or 6 tuns of quick silver, 16 tuns of old 
sacke, sheepe, young kids, great store of poultrie, some 
store of money, & good linnen, silkes, cotton-cloth, 
and such like ; we also tooke three belles out of their 
church, and destroyed their images. The towne is of 
200 houses, and wealthy; and that yere there were 

2 John Twitt, in HakluyVs Voy., iii. 568-9. 


rieli shij leu from I 

1 n ! 595 . I laid \v; npted on 1 n de ( 

llns !>y the Fivneh, I. ut OD i irs 

re tl- d, man d or iir.-d. 

and 111"- remaind* :iipell.-d to put hein- 

iiiL:- and averring that neither they nor tin- I isli 
had in ilh similar n. 

Jndi iii-iii^ tli- ar Trujil: i 

de Caballos \v. --am ,led l>y tin- Mi i uii. 

Shcriry and l^irkcr, and tin- lati >\vn 

in" !; hiii, says tin- rlirmiirl.-r who descril 

tin- expedition : " It \ Mu 

])lacc of all Judia." 4 

Notwithstanding ihu (]c\^r> daiinns of i 

thr i-ilonics of J Innduras app I ly 

prosperous at the close of the si: y. r l i 

lands around Trujillo were then undrr cultivation, 

producing lai-^r oro] i niai/.r and IV 
nrair . and Inno; d in ahundan< ( hi 

t\vn sides of the t-\vn \ indin^ in li>h. 

Pasture was abundant, and th btleinl 

Spain multiplied BO i-apidly that they were <>f 11; 
vain.- > j>t ior their lii<l Th 11s <f t he h 
WLTC of hushes inti i-Jaccd, ])la-; ivd within and \vitli- 

nut,andco, I with palmejbto-] s. T\. ral 

and the convent of San I Yanei the 1,-itt r i 

i ounded in L589, \ 6 ino-t prominent huildin 

"Thi -dy ami mountainous (. on: \\ r; 

Thomas ( i, wh< joun d thi-ou-h thi 
|>art <f Honduras, " his wav from Trujillo to San- 
tia- o in 1 (i. Jfi: "very had and ineoin 
ell j nid hesid ry pooj-; there t h ninodii 

an- hides, Cane and Zarzaparili u-h 

nt of hread, that about Truxillo they m; of 


4 //<///,/// 

\ ;ui H -rn. 

;iil.) u 

l>y ;iu acciilciital lii. , 


what they call Cassave, which is a dry root, that being 
eaten dry doth choak, and therefore is soaked in broth, 
water, wine, or Chocolatte, that so it may go down. 
Within the country, and especially about the city of 
Comayagua (which is a Bishop s seat, though a small 
place of some five hundred inhabitants at the most), 
there is more store of Maiz by reason of some Indians, 
which are gathered to Towns, few and small. I found 
this Country one of the poorest in all America. The 
chief place in it for health and good living is the 
valley which is called Gracias a Dios, there are some 
rich farms of Cattle arid Wheat; but because it lieth 
as near to the Country of Guatemala as to Comayagua, 
and on this side the ways are better than on that, 
therefore more of that Wheat is transported to Gua 
temala and to the Towns about it, than to Comayagua 
or Truxillo. From Truxillo to Guatemala (Santiago) 
there are between four score and a hundred leagues, 
which we travelled by land, not wanting in a barren 
Country neither guides nor provision, for the poor 
Indians thought neither their personal attendance, 
nor any thing that they enjoyed too good for us." 

Small as may have been Comayagua or as it was 
now termed by the Spaniards Nueva Vallaclolid- -in 
comparison with other cities which Gage visited dur 
ing his travels in the New World, it was the most 
flourishing settlement in the province, and continued 
to prosper until 1774, when it was destroyed by earth 
quake. Jii 1557 it was declared a city, and in 1561 
its church was raised to cathedral rank. The seat of 
the bishop s diocese was soon afterward transferred 
there from Trujillo, the chapter including a dean, 
archdeacon, rector, and doctor of common law. 5 In 
1602 there were in Nueva Valladolid convents of the 
orders of La Merced, San Francisco, and Juan de 

5 The date of this transfer is variously given as 1558, in Pacheco and Cdr* 
denas, Col. Doc., xv. 468; 1561, Juarros, Hist. Guat., 333, and Calle, Mem. 
y Not., 127; 1562, in Gonzalez Ddvila, Teatro Ecks, i. 306; and 15S8 in Oyilby s 
Amer., 230. 

ECCL; iis. 

i- id an 

the khiL r . 

- ill! dy disputes whi<-h occurr 

1 ill tin: li: 

] [onduras were n\v ..1. On tli 

Bishop IV<1: whose high-handed i d 

! liim unpopular with 1 1. I dr 

nearly all the r roia tiir province, ( 

Coivlia, a .1 :imitr, wa I to th 

To Corella succeeded Alonso de la Cerda in ! 
and in January 1588 the mitr 

par de Andrad ;n, whu held oilux- until 

his d in K>12. 8 

The income of the l)ishopric at this date was t 
llior ; ar; T d 

with::i the dio. liundred and ! ;ii 

towns, witli nearly four \ id h nnili 

In 1G10 tile nielroj n of the diix 

l)ish<i[ of Santo Domingo, <>ftl 

rliapt -r in Honduras, to hear and detonnine apj 
in order that t id <l 

journey to Santo Domingo mi^ht 1. 

()ct<lor 1613 Alonso Gal as c< p, 

and during this and the t < ;r vi 11 

]>;, <( the jirovincc, confirming nioi-r than 

thousand perso. of whom 

re. During ! lion t\vo 

held, the last one in April L631. 
Ixioiv that date Luis do ( 

r in the dioee the re<|:iu>t < 

-03 et serj. tlr 
7 ( 1 to Los CharcAs in l."77. Gonzalez ro 

admin il M-;i^ 

est liiiu -ini to U 

-hii>, \\lnc\\ was !"; 

9 1 i those In. Huns is stated at 8,000 

KNT. Asc., VOL. II. 41 


who was now aged and enfeebled by incessant toil. 
After the death of Galdo in 1645 10 the see remained 
vacant until 1647, when Juan Merle- de la Fuente 
accepted the bishopric of Honduras, after having re 
fused that of Nueva Segovia, 

Between Honduras and Nicaragua lay the district 
of Tegucigalpa, of which mention has before been 
made in connection with missionary labors. 11 In the 
principal Indian town, which was known by the same 
name, was founded in 1589 a convent of the Fran 
ciscans, and later one of the Merced order. Neverthe 
less the greater portion of this territory had never yet 
been visited by the ecclesiastics. In 1622 the mis 
sionaries Cristobal Martinez de la Puerta and Juan 
Vaena, accompanied by five native interpreters, sailed 
from Trujillo, and landing at Cape Gracias d Dios 
journeyed toward this region. On their way they 
several times came in sight of bands of natives, but all 
fled at their approach. The interpreters could not. 
obtain a hearing, and in vain the missionaries held 
forth the cross and beckoned peaceful overtures to 
the timid savages. Puerta and his colleague were 
becoming discouraged, when one day they beheld a 
vast multitude of Indians approaching them, and in 
their midst a venerable chieftain with long white 
hair, who advanced to welcome the missionaries. He 
told them that their coming had been eagerly antici 
pated, as it had been foretold in a vision by the 
most beautiful child he had ever seen, with melting 
tenderness of glance and speech, that he should not 
end his days before being a Christian, and that men 
would come for the purpose of teaching him. The 
natives at once erected a dwelling and church for the 
missionaries, and the baptism of the aged leader and 
all his family speedily followed. 

10 In 1629 Galdo solicited the padre-general of the Jesuits to send a few of 
his order to Honduras; but the experience of the Jesuits in Granada and 
Kealejo a few years before led to a refusal. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, ii. 176. 

11 See p. 446 et seq., this vol. 

then ] (lua- 

tidi M 

theirservi .-ml tV>m tin-in Benito L 
accompanying 1 -n lii urn in .1 

Meanwhile seven hundr> I ! 

l>apii/ed. and ; vil! unded ly tin- di 

Iri 1 of the country. The chief ditlicul 1 

missionaries v, the noma 

UK- natives, who would depart for 
mountains when 1 and withoui 

J hiring 1! he t 1 ted ? 

intry of tin- ( Juahas, where tl, : k- 

ahle success, baptizing some <iv- thoi, 

AVliile the missionaries were tlm- bherii !di 

]iar\ ->t of Souls, tln-y aiul tlieir coir 

and overpowered \>y a IK t r51>. nain- d ; 

S, and tlie iorin.-r were put to d<-ath \vitli . 

tortu A large force wa at to punish the i 

and the remains .{ tlir iuis>i.n 
l>ut tlieir inurd had tied to tin- mountain 

in-ss. The bodies of the martyivd nn-ii w- 
Trujillo, wln-i-f t li iiii-d until i 

was ea]itui\-d hy }ii wln-n the ^ua^ i tln; 

tvenl had them r.-iuovrd t :d they W( 

tin-re intei-red with ( uiony in th of 

in Francisco. 

About the year i .< 1 the Xicaques, wl 

d T.-_;-!i.-!-alj)a on the noilh, made fr -[M 
j-aids on the Olaneho A all- ( ): principal 

MltTe! liy t . ( aptain 1 iart- l iii : d, 1 . - 

cota. lvi-d on tin uppr n. and capturing 

lar--e nUmber gathered them intoe :n H 

dura A -e^iapanied hy th: 1 .- in-as h 

de(l to ( ruatemala in search of a priest i 
them. The president ur-4 ed the Fran- to un 

dertake the ta.-k, as tliev ha<l been the i in 

the work, and i, oundant liars- :noj to 


await the gathering. Fernando de Espano, at the 
time a member of the convent of Almolonga, was a 
native of Nueva Segovia, a town bordering on the 
lands of the Xicaques, and was familiar with the 
Lenca language and people. Pie undertook the work 
and associated with himself Pedro de Ovalle. They 
started from Guatemala in May 1667, and met with 
moderate success. In 1668 Espino was recalled, and 
Ovalle, with additional assistants, carried on the work 
despite multiplying difficulties, through many years. 
In 1679 seven small villages contained upward of a 
thousand christianized natives and the number was 
continually increasing. Lopez paid a visit to this 
district in 1695, and became so enthusiastic in the 
work that he spent the remainder of his life there, 
dying in 1698 in the midst of work accomplished or 
projected for the good of the people. 

The Franciscans were greatly impeded, in their 
labors by the opposition of the bishop of Honduras, 12 
who caused a portion of their buildings to be de 
stroyed, and placed them and their converts under 
the ban of excommunication. According to Vasquez 
these proceedings caused him to be suspended from 
office. 13 The prelate lived to repent of his error, and 
during his last sickness was waited upon by mem 
bers of the order which he had sought to injure. 

12 The name of the prelate who was in charge at the time is a matter of 
doubt. In 1651 Doctor Juan cle Merlo was consecrated bishop of Honduras 
in Mexico, but did not proceed to his diocese until December of the following 
year. Guijo, Diario, in Doc. Hist. Me.x., seriei. torn. i. 190, 228. How long he 
held office is not known. In 1671 the see was offered to Pedro de Angulo, 
who declined the mitre. Bobles, Diario, in Id., s6rie i. toni. ii. 114. The next 
appointment mentioned is that of Martin de Espinosa, who died suddenly in 
1675, while in the act of dispensing alms after mass. He was a centenarian, 
but apparently in good health. Id., 210. According to Vasquez, he foretold 
his death eight days before; its approach being revealed to him in a vision. 
Chron. deGuat., 215-16. No other reference is made to the episcopate of 
Honduras until the close of the century, when it is stated that Angel Maldo- 
iiaclo, who had received the mitre, was transferred to Oajaca. Itobles, Diario, 
in Doc. Hist. Mcx., s&rie i. torn. iii. 256-7. 

13 Y auque se libraron despachos, para que remitiesse lo actuado el Senor 
Obispo, . . .110 los remitio, porque quizas podian reconocerse falidos. . .y post 
tot discrimina rerum, fu6 declarado el Seiior Obispo por estrafio. Chron. de 
Guat., 215. 

us < min <>f i londuras until i 


]M>: .1 Industrial condition o 

icli will 1 (1 il: iltur- 

cln eily I-) th raids of .ml 1. ith 

Jn I djillo v. nre more caj.fmvd . ]>il- 

wi\ U-i 

although protected ly a tort mount iu;^ 
lii-Hvy i^mis and a numl>er of smaller jii 

ted v niards i 

the ]>laee was al)au<lonrd and ! in ruin ^ u; 

17> s( ., Avliun it was rrhuilt ;iud d liy < 

tlic kii In 1 7D7 if \\ ain ; an 1 

lisli s({Uadi-on: luit al tr-r a ii f [ ti^ht tl, 
ivp S. 

Jn olx-dicncc d A 

17 l . a fort named San Fernando <l i Hm Imilt 

on a harbor of th< oame, near Pu< al;di 

a i uillicr ]n ! ion tor t I -ndii! 

to serve as ;i calling-place tor tli 

ployed in those parl Thework ;n in 17 

by Va/. jM. /. do Sotomayor, jn-.^idj-nt of GUI da, 

id completed tln-ee \ r. Although tli. 

was very unhealthy, a town v d)li>ht-<l tl. 

Avliieh soon contained a considerable popuL ml 

l.ecaine t!te oiltl t for the eomm< ! 

mala. On tli- ptember 1 779, S[ain 

( irt-at Britain being then i ir. the irt \ l 


by four English men-* u-. It \\ llantlydefei 

l.\ laudant, 1 )rsnaux, witli liundn-d 

and tin; J)riti>li, nol b in 

t retii 

14 Tl:> -^ of the | 

]>. ( 


On the 16th of October, the English returned with 
twelve line-of-battle ships, a large body of troops, and 
a horde of Mosquito Indians. As on the previous 
occasion they at once opened fire; but the guns of 
the fort replied so vigorously that one of the vessels 
was disabled; and another having run aground, the 
attack was suspended. By this time, or soon after, 
a body of auxiliaries from Puerto de Caballos had 
gained the heights opposite the town, after setting fire 
to all rancherias which interfered with siege operations. 
The besieged, being surrounded, and attacked on all 
sides, were soon forced to surrender. A better fate 
might have attended them had not some of the negro 
artillerymen and a company of regulars, dismayed by 
the odds against them, turned recreant and broken 
down with their axes the gates of the fortress. 16 Four 
hundred prisoners and an immense booty, said to have 
exceeded three millions of pesos, w r ere captured, be 
sides several vessels ready freighted for Europe. 17 The 
conquerors destroyed the tow^n; but no sooner had 
they secured their plunder than a violent storm came 
on, and the ship on which the treasure w r as placed 
foundered, the rest of the fleet having a narrow 

At this time Don Matias de Galvez ruled in 
Guatemala, and no sooner did he hear of the disas 
ter than he despatched messengers to the governors 
of Cuba and Yucatan, and to Viceroy Mayorga, of 
Mexico, calling for contributions of men and material. 

lG Carta de Galvez, in Soc. Mex. Geog. , Bol., 2da e"p. Very different accounts 
of this affair are given by Pelaez and Cavo. The first in Mem. Hist. Gnat., 
iii. 107, says that the commander and the rest of his officers made no resistance, 
but left as hostages the second in command and two chaplains; the soldiers 
and many of the inhabitants were banished. Cavo, Tres. Siglos, iii. 35-G, says 
that on the last day of the defence, when the drums were about to beat to 
quarters in the castle, the British scaled the walls, and before the guards had 
recovered from their surprise over 100 Englishmen had already mounted the 
battlements; at the sight the negroes fled, leaving the English masters of the 
fortress. He adds that the castellan forseeing such a disaster had carried off 
40,000 pesos and other valuables by a road unknown to the enemy, and would 
have saved all else had he been permitted to do so. 

17 The three merchant ships taken had on board 3,000,000 pesos, belonging 
to merchants of Guatemala. Zamacois, Hist. Mejico, v. G28. 

OF Tin G17 

The vi 
merits lv \\ 

< i/ -d militia of I 

inents, and Collecting Jill tli> ;ld in 

iidvanerd .MI San ! ] ; 

iber he had <-o ,,f iL 

in Frui 

i.l, and ou the la.-t day <>f the in inidiii- li! 

attack made on the English, who 1 dly 

Mirpri><-d slowly ivtr u th-- 1 ori 

the inins, and BUCC I in ^liiiin^ t!i.-ir >hij. 

ini; oil the l- adini;- nn-ii am r ii\ 

thT with considerable h 

< )f tho nuiiK -roiis i>IaiK .at studded tl of 
]foinlui-a-. more or less thick!, I when di 

( oluinhu- at the l""Jnnii: 

criitury, but three \. - an\ inlia 

liundred years la? Tl. R i, (iuanaja, and 

Utila, remained <{uirtly sul rule 

until 1/ili , when they w ikm witlidit 
iVoni tho nati. uid ^arri- i ,!i>h }>ii 

The -it nation became critical IV Spanish in 
tin- rs could dart out from tl hav. 

and pounce upon the coimn of tl d;c 

uiir\j)i main. 

A h-w y i- tho j 

1 lahana, an<l Santo 1 )oinin-o m. 
ior the recovery of th- -lan! 

under the connnand of l- iaiici-eo dt- Yilhr 

I ^ht to surprise the English, and ai-rivt-il , 
IM .k. They we discos 

sentiiK ind the I. 

Sjaiiia all their amnninit i. -n. 

eniharked and sailed i < Tom 

in ii i re>h siipj nd await 


. v. i : 


atly ezpeoaed 600^000 pent < *-. 


In 1650 a second expedition consisting of 450 men 
was despatched for the same purpose, and after a 
sharp resistance the English were compelled to betake 
themselves to their ships. From that date Roatan 
was left undisturbed by the British until 1742, when 
they again took possession of the place and fortified it 
with materials obtained at Trujillo. There they re 
mained until 1780, when they were again driven out 
by the governor of Guatemala. In 1796 the English 
once more gained possession of the island and sta 
tioned there a guard of two thousand negroes; but 
in the following year Jose Rossi y Rubia, being or 
dered by the governor of Honduras to attempt its 
reoon quest, induced the garrison to capitulate without 





I;LIN<; Pu 


l)i:i i AM\ r. Mr I I 


i. IKS- A LINK <ti- BISHOPS \^ "FTiir. . .3 

A i :IKI. --Tin 


Tin: J KI.CU; AS. 

ALTHOUGH tin 1 Guatemalan liistni-ian Juan 

an ciicoiniuni upon iVr-idt-nt \vlio it will 

remembered was appoint^! 

] .VJS, 1 it is much t- In- <l<ml>t-i wlictln-r tl. 

S;nii over wliom he ruled, gave unqualified a 

t> liis praise. In tin- i 

frequent complaints cliar^inu- him with encr 

upon llu; pivi of th i municipal .orit. 

\vith nr^lrct of his ina-_ ial dul .ml with iut 

with the priviL li/t-ns,- ami i; of 

1 P:> 1:0 ."S3 1 ! s Gobcrn6cont 

They cl;iiin-l .-uhlross atul ] 



curmlor to irt A\ r I the aiulirncia s 

iii ii . .1 that the a ^ orilin 

in matters of ju. w * ! 

or fi itii l of t 

of corre^ idor del Yalle >1 beta 


- onlinario.s of (itia 1 

had ai i in the habit 

torch, whether oidorea^ r nut. This: 


precedence on public occasions. But more than this, 
the gradually increasing poverty of the nobles was 
laid at his cloor by these jealous petitioners, who were 
strongly opposed to an equal division of property, as 
is evidenced by their representing to the king that 
the subdivision of the ericomiendas had rendered such 
property almost valueless. In view, also, of exposure 
to attack on their frontiers, they besought the king 
not to appoint a civilian as their president, but a man 
of military training. 

It was during the administration of Castilla that 


the bay -of Amatique was discovered, and the port of 
Santo Toinas founded. The immediate cause of the 
establishment of this port w r as a piratical raid in 1G03 
on Puerto cle Caballos, which town had for some time 
been exposed to attacks from corsairs. In that year 
a squadron of eight vessels, under command of Pie de 
Palo and a mulatto named Diego, with a force of 
more than twelve hundred men entered the harbor, 
and notwithstanding the brave resistance of Captain 
Juan de Monasterio, who had only two ships, they 
defeated him and captured his vessels. 3 

This disaster induced the president to order an ex 
ploration to be made with the object of discovering a 
more secure site; and in March of the following year 
Estevan cle Alvarado, assisted by Francisco Navarro, 
an experienced pilot, surveyed the coast. Their favor 
able report of the bay of Amatique 4 induced the audi- 
encia to give orders for the founding of a town which 
was called Santo Tomas de Castilla in compliment 
to the president. 5 The removal of the population of 
Puerto de Caballos was effected as quickly as possible, 
arid by the beginning of 1605 the commerce of Guate- 

forbidden. Artvalo, Col Doc. Antig., 93. The president was also accused of 
having appropriated the principal apartments of the carcel de corte and-en- 
tertaining there the oidores by night and day. Id., 95. 

3 Iicmesal, Hist. Chyapa, 728; Jtiarros, Guat., 316. 

4 So called from an Indian village of that name. The inhabitants were of 
the Tcquepa nation. Id. y 314. 

& licmcsal, Hist. Chyapa, 728; Squier s MSS. t xvii. 1-11; Catte, Mem. y 
Not., 119. 

G< LLA. 

la on tli- A 

All !: it h<- adv, 

ami tin- kin-- appr v . i 

ti: dth 

t. 1 11 l iu7 eighi J ):iteh pi 

Spain, hut on t bis oc i the p 
v/ith the loss of one ship Mink, i 
von having sustained much damage. So i 
the Spanish ^overnnient in : 
]>! ion of the town that Mo. -I 

fortify it himself, ami in K .OU mount 
of artillery <>n a 1-ar^e ro< 

Thoii^-li situaic(l on ; of , 

:id \vrll >\K ! -in the win. 

1 did not pros; for t ;mlin 

il<- as not to yi-l<l pi ider enou 
r the mules employed in trai, 
It was consequently ^I adually al>an 
J)uk-e, lyinu ^ 1 he v . 

Iii August 1609 Antoni ! da ( a>iill:i y 

] I . conde de la ( i 

d P; 

liis d\i iii I r. I I , during which his j 

died while undergoing hi- Th 

dent g hut I i- 

] [ [ 1 

unlawi ul inean>, :) and three } 

7. Do<- 100-1. 

7 ); 1, \il.i 


in >orthrcf 

e artill 

tl ssclsot 

h artillrry, ami 1,000 i 

it-li 1; 

.. .In 


i vl llX.Jll 

: . . - 


violent disturbances broke out. The political condi 
tion of the country attracted the attention of the 
viceroy of Mexico, and the visitador Juan de Ibarra 
was sent, in 1614, to investigate the affairs of the 
audiencia. Matters became more complicated. Go- 
mera was suspended, and retired to the town of Patu- 
lul. The whole province was divided into factions 
and the people so incensed that a riot was imminent. 
This state of affairs continued until 1617, when 
Gomera was reinstated in the presidency, which office 
he held until 1626, when he retired to his birthplace 
in the Canary Islands. 10 He was succeeded by a man 
of very different character, one Juan de Guzman, 11 
who, having lost his wife on the voyage to Guatemala, 
lost with her all interest in life. After governing for 
a term of five years with a mildness and beneficence 
which ill suited the grasping disposition of his asso 
ciates, he was, as it were, driven from the presidency 
by their persistent disagreement with his views. 

Alvaro de Quinones y Osorio, marques de Loren- 
zana, was the next to fill the presidential chair, 12 
being transferred from Panama. His spirit of covet- 
ousness was in strong contrast with the unselfish 


disposition of his predecessor, and he soon became 
extremely unpopular. Gambling was a favorite pas 
time in the capital of Guatemala, and while the presi 
dent strictly prohibited all gaming in private houses, 
his own palace was converted at night into a regular 

10 He enlarged and beautified the plaza de la Candelaria so extensively 
that it acquired the name of plaza del Conde. This president was the first 
to whom was given the title of Muy Ilustre Seiior instead of Magm fico 
Seilor. Juarros, Gnat., i. 262-3. According to Escamilla, Not. de Cuat., 3, 
he held office till 1627, when he returned to Spain. 

11 Gage, who was in Guatemala at the time, in New Survey, 267-8, 2S2-4, 
is specific in his statement concerning Guzman as the immediate successor of 
Gomera and is minute in other references to his conduct. By Juarros the 
name of Guzman is not mentioned, but Diego cle Acuna, formerly president 
of San Domingo, is named as succeeding Gomara, Guat., 263; and as also in 
Escamilla, Not. Gnat., 3, without any additional particulars however. These 
authors evidently refer to the same person. 

12 Called by Gage, ubi sup., Gonzalo de Paz y Lorencana. According to 
Juan-os, he entered office in 1634, the year after the retirement of Guzman, 
whj, Juarros states, was president for seven years, loc. cit. 


upon the in ed men \v! 
iV , 13 Jn i 

1 )i- 50 de A \ Qda LO, and <>n i,; 

\ nn \\hirll lit- had : 

]) wa t. A 

IT ;d di .1 in A 

:iry \ 
y M< 

.e coi >n nf the colonists during 
ni t! ,ih cfiitury was j l 

it >n ,-in appearance of ;lth ;m<l r. 

Magnificeni jn-iva* iences, ami lai 

]K- filled with valua iirmnndcd t!n- j.ul)- 

lic BQl] and stood upnn tin- j>rincipal 

sti churcln-s, with rirhly fomisbecl intrri. 
\x-nis and nun 
institutione d thm* 1. 

J)ailv mar! !i all ki; 

abundance \v i I nf al !aim 

thf absence of p 

chains v> trh ; :e ill- 

tlni Xr\v World. X<>r \ 

country Ix-hind thai of tl 

and innncii>c trad.- of lai ;i. 

But the most ].i-oiiiin-nt iml 

ntunri-ous and and B ian !;irh 

liad been establi I in tin? pr<> and \vhi.-h fur- 

ished i i or i ! iirrounding t\vi I a j i 

vithin -t inl 

Avas no leBS pi and an < 

<n l>y niuL ilh ^ 

13 Cdije, 

la was so 


in 1 aul, forty thou^ 

vet/, L 


ragua, and Costa Rica, and on the oceans with Peru 
and Spain. 

" This city," says Thomas Gage, who lived for three 
years in Santiago, "may consist of about five thousand 
families, besides a Suburb of Indians called el Barrio 
de Sto Domingo, where may be two hundred families 
more. The best part of the City is that which joyneth 
to the Suburb of Indians, and is called also el Barrio 
cle Santo Domingo, by reason of the Cloister of Saint 
Dominick, which standeth in it. Here are the richest 
and best shops of the City, with the best buildings, 
most of the houses being new and stately. Here is 
also a daily Tianguez (as they call it) or petty Market, 
where some Indians all the day sit selling Fruits, 
Herbs and Cacao, but at four in the afternoon, this 
Market is filled for a matter of an hour, where the 
Indian women meet to sell their Country slap (which 
is dainties to the Crioltans), as Atolle, Pinole, scalde 
Plantains, butter of the Cacao, puddings made of 
Indian Maiz, with a bit of Fowl, or fresh Pork in 
them, seasoned with much red biting Chille, which 
they call Anatamales. " 

" The climate is very temperate, far exceeding 
either Mexico or Guaxaca. Neither are the two 
forenamed Cities better stored with fruits, herbs for 
sallets, provision of flesh, Beef, Mutton, Veal, Kid, 
Fowls, Turkies, Rabbets, Quails, Patridges, Pheas 
ants, and of Indian and Spanish Wheat, than is this 
City : from the South Sea (which lyeth in some places 
not above twelve leagues from it), and from the rivers 
of the South Sea Coast, and from the fresh Lake of 
Amatitlan and Petapa, and from another Lake lying 
three or four leagues from Chimaltenango, it is well 
and plentifully provided for of fish. But for Beef 
there is such plenty, that it exceeds all parts of 
America, without exception, as may be known by the 
Aids which are sent yearly to Spain from the Coun 
try of Guatemala, where they commonly kill their 
Cattel, more for the gain of their Hydes in Spain, 

it 1 

it \v,-i< commonly >!! at tlii I an 

!t l<>r half ;i 1 linl, t!x- l.-a-t OOJO ill- :di 

In-n-.* 15 
Taxation w; 
plaint^ raised 1>\ 

raiHrd a reduction of an im; whi<-h dm 
I . I i to ! iimrtj than doiiM- d itself, 1 
donhtlcss offensive. Another cause i<>r<! 

11 was tlie ]>atn>na;_;v \\liidi aj] 
.- to tli- crown, tin- audi-i ind -, 

! > ri-,)\vn l>rl( )!i-V( 1 t], Moilit f tlir ] 

id live oid ninety-two judicial i\\\<\ iiilli- 

y of M! \vitli 1 inn 

of an oidor, a contad>r and t urer, u and 

otlirr inin<r otlicia A.1 i ! i" di-p" 
it wciv ncai ly one liundr- d >al;iri-d 

IH ly, tlinsr of tilt c. 1)1111)1. 

al)ou: en, including Hi 

and llondur; tliat 

T d- ( a-tilla, and ntli.-r ]>atr 

The audicnria dispos.-d of the offi 
inaynr, tlic i nd t r of 

two c sc-i ilianns and cli of tb 

ic 5i f 

17 In 1604 the city contained 800 1 fami! 

ts, ami The 

Tho ;nn- ;i l--s stones 

. Kil J, in. -hi-; ued t-> .". I . 1 

it rcarii. -.1 ] 
was so b i n 1 (5 

assessors wore so bitt r ti 

\va.s thrown i 
in a r. -ilula 
ars tot .utX)toaUne annually. 


The i ts ye-t 

oid ,117. \ iage says 12,000 dncats was 

the . 

The salai iicers was 300,000 niara 

y A " .. 1 : 

JOO peso* de mina a year. 1 


dieneia, the assessor of taxes and six receivers, the 
secretary of the court of estate pertaining to inter- 
states, and several other positions. All these offices 
were salable. 21 The positions of all officers of the 
municipality were also open to purchase. 2 With re 
gard to the patronage of the cabildo, it was much 
more limited, and naturally confined to appointments 
within the city limits. 2 * Under such a system of 
patronage and sale of public offices, it was but natural 
that important positions were frequently held by in 
competent favorites or by exacting officials. Hence 
arose repeatedly disputes and discord between the 
cabildo and people on the one side, and the audiencia 
and royal officers on the other. 

Nor were the colonists exempt from calamities 
caused by pestilence and natural phenomena. In 1601 
an epidemic carried off great numbers with startling 
rapidity, and the years 1607, 1621, 1640, and 1651 
were signalized by fearful earthquakes which caused 
great loss of life. 24 In 1686 a pestilence decimated 
the population. The peculiarity of this epidemic was 
that the robust and healthy fell victims to it more 
readily than the weak and sickly. This calamity was 
followed in 1687 by a violent earthquake which caused 
great destruction to churches and houses, and a loss 
of over three hundred lives. A similar disaster equally 
destructive occurred in 1689. 2 

21 In 1617 the office of alguacil mayor was sold for 18,000 tostones, and in 
1643 for 49,000 reales. In 1645 the receivership of fines and court fees was 
sold for 6,000 pesos, while the offices of the escribanos de camara were regu 
larly sold for 20,000 pesos each. Other offices commanded corresponding 
prices. Id., 119. 

22 Selecting a few instances to illustrate these sales, I find that in 1636 the 
office of alf6rez real sold for 3,998 ducats; that of escribano publico was sold 
in the same year for 11,000 pesos; of the receiver-general of fines and fees in 
1616 for 28,500 tostones, and in 1642 for 6,000 pesos. Id. 

23 They were the following: Procurador Sindico. . .Mayordomo, Fiel Ex 
ecutor, Correduria, Portero, con 30,000 marauedis de salario. Mojoneria, 
Pregoneria. Id. 

24 Aleyre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, 136, 448; Juarros, Gnat., 150. 

25 The provincial of the Dominicans, writing in 1724, says that to repair 
the damage to their convent and church at Guatemala by the late earthquake 
cost the order more than 25,000 pesos; that the loss of yearly income has 
been at least 9,000 pesos; and that it took a considerable sum to repair the 


In May ! I- . rnandn .Miami) ( Ion 

( alima;\ >ok ji 

of < ruatemala. 1 1 is rule wa& mad.- no1 

quinary <{ua be Medeni] 1 Cai 

in \vliich iinplacaMf family 1 . t of 

of G -mala became involve -id the pi un- 

: tunati ly took part 1 I.- died in 1 ,1 di; 

tin- adminiM ration ! lii> BUC 

ounander of 

\ d in i t di-put. > ivlati\ 

privilt nid jmi-dirtion. 

The ayuntamiento \v.- i his tin: h m- 

powerful corporation than formerly, mvin^ t-> tl 

itly increased numlx-r <! it- iiirnihn-s, and 
marked favors l>. ed upon it. 1> 

ri of Spain during tli dry. In t 

< - Iia1 mala it ha<l civil and criminal 
no los than B< n vil. 

jicat.-illy confirmed l>y royal C^dul ( J 

]>n.M t (l.-n-c, ho\vc\ cr. had tor tin- ti 
to that of >-lf-(lcfcnc<- o\vin 
hooters n tin- nrthcrn "I" 

San l-Mijic mi the ( rolfo i >ulce had been i i in 

1651, and although in 

I /opez <! Solis nlij furt; ditui 

direct pci-inis>imi own. t 

Mogrobejo, the fiscal M-<|iii\vl, ainl the d 


. . 
in :irs; li> 


261, 274, 

I i , , ariegoe," says Juarrus, Guai 


28 Tli. to I t., * belonged 

s of tlu caliililo, but th 

id l. 

I . I ; , 

: \n\\t\\ 

. AM., YUL. II. 


officers Santiago and ^otomayor proved their right 
to use certain sums originally assigned for the defence 
of Trujillo and Santo Torrids, and the fortifications of 
San Felipe were completed in 1663. 

In 1667., Mencos term of office having expired, he 
returned to Spain, and in the same year the new presi 
dent, Sebastian Alvarez Alfonso Rosica de Caldas, 
arrived. 30 Caldas advocated with enthusiasm the al 
ready projected conquest of the Lacandon country, 
which will be described later, and in a letter to the 
king offered to effect its subjugation at his own ex 
pense, on condition that it be called after his own 
name. 31 This proposal led to no result so far as the 
president was concerned, but its publication 32 stimu 
lated inquiry and ultimately caused the opening of a 
road between Yucatan and Guatemala. 

The administration of Caldas was warmly approved 
by the cabildo, and in an important question regard 
ing authority the members espoused his cause. The 
fiscal, Pedro de Miranda Santillan, being accused of 
barratry, the president not only suspended him, but 
caused him to be imprisoned in San Felipe. 33 The 
king disapproved of this high-handed measure touching 
one of the officers of the crown, and to make matters 
worse the fiscal died in prison on the 9th of October 
1669. Before hearing of the decease of Santillan his 

30 In a letter dated Jan. 30, 1667, from Guatemala, it is said that Caldas 
arrived and took possession of the office Jan. 18th in that year. Caldas, Carta, 
sobre el Lacandon, 1. In Escamilla, Noticia* Curlosas de Guat., 4, 1668 is 
given as the year in which he became president. 

31 Caldas in his letter to the king suggests that his Majesty should order the 
viceroy of Mexico and the governor of Campeche to gather together all vaga 
bonds and evil-doers, and send them to Caldas, as also the lesser criminals, that 
they might serve in the conquest; moreover, negro slaves and mulattoes, whose 
owners desired it, would be enrolled. He also states that Guatemala and 
Campeche are the most directly interested, as their commerce could be con 
ducted by a direct road of 80 leagues instead of 600, the length of the existing 
route. Caldas, Carta sobre el Lacandon, 5-6. Briefly confirmed by Pelaez, 
Mem. Guat., i. 297; Ximenes, lib. v. cap. xx. 

32 It was the first official document printed in Guatemala. Pelaez, Mem. 
Guat., ii. 261. 

33 The cabildo in a letter to the king dated April 1, 1669, speak of Caldas 
as gobernador tan atento y cristiano. About Santillan they remark, seme- 
jante Ministro como el suspense, nunca ser& conveniencia, Senor, lo sea en 
estaCiudad. Arevalo^ Col. Doc. Antig. t 128. 

M;ije>fy had, 1 ila dated M 

him . in oi . and I. i] ;l 

of date i tishop Juan <l 

Mai ppointeo nd presid \ 

lioua inv ition followed. hut ! 
eluded ( aldas died 

The ii -w president was noted For iil- 

3 in qu ( ) 1 1 

l<-i MI;- MN } .,{ an nid.ij- drov< ;i iit 

Jiis carriauv as a mark of 1 ! \\ li n-li 

11 the president fined him t\v hundivd j, 

another time an oidr iirt-in-- hy maLii, 

disj.lay with Iiis carriage ;md lnr h- 

l.y two outriders. A d> !i juihli 

prohibiting n ivj.ctition n-h osten :i 1 % \ 
OIK- excepi i he l)i>lmj>. 

J>ya I oyal <vdida ISSUed OD the iStliot May 1 ( . -0, 
the Constitution of (In- aiidieix-ia \ 1. 

-ition of ^resident and captain-general 
similar to that of the viceroy of Me rule 1 

independent of tin- oidor s. wliil. 

justice rould in no way he inter!- red \\ith hy 1 his 

eial signature only K-in-- re.|uiivd to anthem 
their de>j.atehes and atlii in their senl 

On January26, 168 8, President l>ni alto 

the oilicc. 36 His ari ival was unatteiidd hy th- ;;il 

" ; !! tlinl in ]i <i:\ ;n!.l waa bnri< 1 in tli 



r, :ind nth- * ami 

:i thr O 


utli, (! 
86 1 Miring t! 

1 ly t 

it v 

r <>f tin- coiuu-il 1 a su 

1 ! /. , . 

mulctc.l in th 


display. He had experienced on his way from Golfo 
Dulce such hardships that he requested the cabildo to 
omit the ceremony of welcome and devote the funds 
appropriated for the purpose to improving the defences 
at Golfo Dulce. 37 His rule was no less troublesome 
to him than his journey had been. Differences had 
ao-ain arisen between the regular and the secular 

?"5 O 

clergy. 3 * Bishop Navas, then in charge of the dio 
cese, was greatly excited, and addressed a memorial to 
the cabildo, soon after the arrival of Barrios, upon 
what he considered flagrant abuses, stating that in 
view of the many disasters which the country had 
experienced during the last six years from various 
causes, taxation was taking the life-blood of an already 
impoverished people. The bishop was one quick to 
discern evils which he was powerless to remove; apt at 
the formation of plans he lacked the perseverance to 
execute; and assumed the attitude of a partisan, where 
it especially behooved a prelate to be unbiassed. Thus 
he was incessantly interfering in political matters, and 
personal relations between him and the president 
were soon exceedingly unpleasant, 39 finally becoming 
a matter of inquiry at the Spanish court. On the 13th 
of March 1690 a royal ceclula was issued severely rep 
rimanding the bishop 40 for his conduct toward the 

On January 25, 1691, Fernando Ursino y Orbaneja, 

37 Gavarette, Cop. Doc., MS., 40; Pelaez, Mem. Guat., ii. 259. 

38 Especially as to the performance of rites in the new districts of Ocote- 
nango and Chimaltenango. Several parishes were taken from the Mercenaries 
and Dominicans, it being alleged that there were none among them acquainted 
with the native speech. Ayetta, Iitforme, in Prov. del Sto Emits/., MS. 

39 May 28, 1688, a shot was fired at the oidor Pedro de Selva, and while 
the audiencia was in session discussing the matter, the bishop called on the 
president and informed him that under the seal of confession it had been 
revealed to him that the carabine had been loaded with blank cartridge only. 
The shot was meant as a warning to the oidor to amend his views regarding 
a case then pending, wherein many innocent persons were interested. When 
the president endeavored to show that the oidor had acted throughout with 
fairness, the bishop gave way to anger and left the palace, exclaiming with a 
loud voice: The country is being ruined by the iniquity of its rulers ! Gava 
rette, Cop. Doc., 5f>. 

40 In GavarcUe, loc. cit., it is said that the bishop was removed, but all 
other authorities describe his proceedings as bishop of Guatemala until his 
death in 1701, or 1702. 


an oidor of M< \i,-, . 

in;il;i. ;unl he pn\ }- \i\u\\\ >\ 1 Y---id- hi 1 

I n l 69 1 1 Kin a reu d ii: 

cipal . Ill \\hich had 

- the coiHjH : 

illto \vhirll lir had |> ally It ll an expedition Ji 

rated 1. r. 1 i<- now 1.. ;ara; 

for , ond campaign. \Vhii-- tlm 
health biled, and In.- <li-<l <>n tin- rjth : 

UK- d.-iith of 1 ),-irri<- followed 1,\ 

nu<li-iici;i relative to his i 

1 >y law tin ri-lit of 3UC il on tie 

Francisco Valenzuela \ i, l>ut ti. 

lc S ;ir in balled in th< 

(l. ix-v. Urn.-,- aro \ io],-nt j.Mi-t y feu nl \ 

;!>ri-l Sanchez dc Berrospe ai-i-ivrl in Mar.-h 
as i he ;ij j>ointc<l president, tin- 
Matt- of confusion which no of hiscou 

.In fact a political storm dosi-l the 1. 
mala lor thf century, Tin- oj.p>itin: 
and his ally, the oidor Aihr/jii. 

empts .-it 1. gislation, ly ei hat - 


( )n the 1 7th of .Inn . 1 tfegp Ani 

( )\ iedo y 1 : an oidor of Santo 1 )oini 

rio ( arrillo y E/SCudero, and two <t 
pointt-d nidmv> of ( Jnat.-niala pciidin;_r ai 
coi .ino- tin- aiididicia, with i 
the close of th dor s t.Tm. ( )\ it-do \ 

named as senior oidor, bui being detained in S 

dr ( ula. ( ai-rillo QSUTp d the p. n and i 

41 - tli.-it ; tli> < :>egM 



. Thi 

cf ii 



give place to the former on his arrival. 43 Contro 
versies continued until the coming of the licentiate 
Madriz as visitador in 1699, when affairs became still 
more serious, and acts of violence were resorted to by 
the two bitter factions which were immediately formed 
under the denominations of Berropistas and Tequelies. 
The first act of Madriz was to depose Berrospe and 
appoint Amezqueta as provisional president. The 
oidores Carrillo and Duardo were then deprived of 
office, but they promptly affirmed that their removal 
was illegal, and resuming their seats ordered the 

O O 

arrest of the visitador, which they endeavored to effect 
on Palm Sunday, 1700. Madriz took refuge in the 
college of the Jesuits, which on the following day 
was surrounded by the friends of Carrillo and Duardo. 
The bishop came to his relief, and he made good his 
retreat to Soconusco where he incited the people to 
rise in arms against the Berropistas. Berrospe sent 
the oidor Pedro de Ezguaras with an armed force to 
suppress the tumult, and if possible effect the capture 
of Madriz. Ezguaras was at first repulsed, but in a 
subsequent encounter Madriz and his followers were 
put to flight and peace w T as restored. Berrospe had 
no easy time. Madriz had a powerful ally in the 
bishop, who issued manifestoes exhorting all persons 
to obey the visitador and not the pseudo audiencia. 
Against those who attempted to lay violent hands 
on Madriz he threatened excommunication. In Feb 
ruary 1701 the visitador returned with an armed force 
from Oajaca whither he had fled, and in an encounter 
between the rival parties lost sixty of his men, while 
the loss of the audiencia was only ten.* 4 

Berrospe now retires from the scene, having either 
returned to Spain or died while the political struggle 

43 Oviedo brought his claims before the council, but notwithstanding his 
appointment was dated first in order of time, they decided against him. 
Diego Oviedo y Banos, sobre Presidentia. This pamphlet, the date of which 
is not given, was probably published in or about 1705, and seems to be part 
of a larger work containing the full case of Oviedo, edited by the licentiate 
Baltasar de Aseredo. 

s, Diario, iii. 252. 

. . 

u till un.l. Tl. -her !i- 

iimied the con 

Osorio, oidor of M. ; ,j,j. 

Madri/. Bfl \ I in Sep- 

year the latter w i in ( !ampech< 

prisoner of the i iturb- 

ances in < ktatemala Hi-hop S I mi 

identified himself wit 1, tl: pi.-li. ,d v. 1 ,| 

ly hi> metropolitan, the archbishop of " 

\\ithdraw his ban oi Minnui, in 

Berrospeistfl li.- ivi u-iMl to do s II.- di.-d in tl 
mi<lsi of these dissensions, nt \\ithoul -i- 

cions ni Jiiivin;^ 1 lir n j>. d. 

C rning the ecclesiastical history 

\vc l.-.-ini that jit tT tin- dec< i<j> ( 

If) . - ( niiliv WS& bestowed n Juan Iia:n 
Arellano, a man said to In- <.t n>val lim 
lionoi* \vas lx->t..\vi d in i ;iiitin of h 1 in tl 

conversion of tin- natives ! Mi. pan. 11 id 
]>ivvi >u-]y made a {.il^rimau-tj IroiD Spain I I 
i foot, in as huinlde guise B JOU1 

apostle- nf old. and waa I .-ceived with peculiar h.n 
l.y tin- pop \Vln-n lie arrived in Guatemala io 1 .<> i , 

lie ch; d in nothing the ao mode of ! 

Avhi<-h he was n(ted ini]>le i riar. 

and determination in the <-huivh l>; it 

on liim the enmity of the eal.ildo, 47 wh- 
]>rayel the kin- that the lii>lnp mi-ht he i 
some other di and their own all 

of traiujtiillity. Jiis death, which OCCUrr. 
afterward, i el< citi :n 


to ain in 17<I. 

.in tea que BC .- 

47 1 1 -.sion of the c 

ll.l.S for 8f)IIK tilllr p:i> 
ii aixl 

j., 11 ire Ju 

M,,n. ;, .\ .. h 


further anxiety. During the administration of Ra 
mirez it is commonly supposed that the bishopric of 
Vera Paz was abolished and its territory annexed to 
that of Guatemala. 48 Bishop Juan Cabezas Altami- 
rano of Cuba was transferred to Guatemala in 1610, 
and took possession of the episcopal chair the fol 
lowing year. In 1613 he consecrated with imposing 
ceremonies Alonso Galdo, bishop-elect of Honduras, 
this being the first ceremony of the kind performed 
in Guatemala. Two years later Altamirano was 
seized with apoplexy and died, when the mitre was 
offered to Pedro de Valencia, who before his arrival 
in Guatemala was promoted to the bishopric of La 
Paz. The bishopric remained vacant till 1621, Fran 
cisco de la Vega Sarmiento, dean of Mexico, having 
declined to accept it, and Pedro de Villa Real, bishop 
of Nicaragua, the next one appointed, dying before 
he reached the diocese. It was then bestowed on 
Juan Zapata y Sandoval, bishop of Chiapas, who was 
born of one of the noblest families in Mexico. He 
was noted for his charitable disposition and was the 
first bishop who conferred degrees in the college of 
Santo Tomds of Guatemala, After occupying the 
episcopal chair for nine years he died in January 
1630, and was buried in the cathedral of Guatemala. 49 

The next occupant, Bishop Agustin de Ugarte y 
Saravia, came also by promotion from Chiapas, and 
presided over the diocese for nine years. He made 
valuable presents to the monastery of La Concepcion ; 
laid the foundation stone of the convent of Santa 
Catarina Martyr, and founded the convent of Nuestra 
Seiiora del Carmen. He was promoted to Arequipa 
in Peru in 1641, and afterward to Quito, where he 
died in 1650. 

His successor, Bartolome Gonzalez Soltero, had 

48 The date given by Pelaez is 1607. Mem., i. 295; Morclli, Fast. Nov. 
Orb., 348; and Calle, Mem. y Not., 116. InPachcco and Cardenas, Col. Doc., 
viii. 46, the year 1608 is named; and Squier in Cent. Am., 561, states 1609. 
.Remesal suggests a later date. 

49 Gonzalez Ddvela, Hist. Ecles., 164. 

: 1 a variety of imj. ?)n 

r of tin- nnivei-Mty in Mexico, 

ries, li-eal, an<l a 

How ii after Sai ! 

entered Upon his ,|in 168 18 l: 

ahly not lor BOme fcil 11 id 

liis devotion to tin- sick, dm-i- 

\\-on til-- reaped of tl, :i>ild> 1 !< di-d nn t 

January 1 (JjO, and \va- hnned in t 

dral mtia 


Tlic income of the di - in 1648, BS !lv 

vpnrtrd, was -i ^lit tlioiisand ] JMT annum, and 

iliat time tlit-rc were in tin- <-it y of San 
belongfinc to the Dominicans, l-Y;m< An in- 


ians, Jesuits, Mercenarios, and tin- oi-d,-r of San , 
(K- 1 )ios. [n charge of the Dominicans was the h< 

]>ital of San Alrjo, and in 1 (if 1 tli 

to thv care >l t In- friars ot San .In I >i. 

tin- niana-rnirni ot tl. llso th<- 

hospital of San Lazaro. r rii-rr \\ in 

tlir city four nmmrri; 3, two in dia 
<-an order, one of tin- order of La ( ion, and one 

of tli ler of Santa Catariha Maitj con 

taining four hundred inm nnml 

of pupils. 

In wealth and luxui orders lia.l I d a 

cond only to that attaiii -d 1 

and arrivrd in ( ;uat-in:il;i 

the !;, 11 t r tin- kin/-; :>}<] 

!>.i\ i ; 

Mil t Ee 4 with l.ivil: - 


an iiitfi-val 1 D the juln,. ro of some 

tlmv t- four 

that ilurii. :it |i-stili i. 

r tin- | 

lllg ot i ,, on.l \vo| 1 

IM 1608 tin .!! t; 

aich hud bcc-n 1 


Mexico and Peru. The cloister of the Dominicans, 
for instance, had large revenues flowing in from its 
Indian dependencies, water-mill privileges, and farms, 
sugar plantations, and a silver mine. 53 Within the 
ample grounds of their convent were artificial lakes, 
fish-ponds, and fruit and flower gardens, and their 
church was rich with costly ornaments and jewelry. 
The Dominicans may have fared better than the other 
orders, but to none was lacking either comfort or 
affluence. Hardly less wealthy than the Dominicans 
was the cloister of the nuns of La Concepcion, the 
inmates of which were very numerous. It is narrated 
by Gage that one fair sister of this society, Dona 
Juana de Maldonado, daughter of the judge, so be 
witched the bishop with her youth and charms, that 
to gratify her he strove to install her as lady supe 
rior and abbess, despite her youth and inexperience. 
In fact the prelate s conduct was such as to create 
scandal, and many noted citizens, whose relatives were 
inmates, entered the convent prepared to effect a 
change by compulsion. The intervention of President 
Guzman and the young lady s father resulted in a 
relinquishment of her ambitious designs. 

The Bethlehemites appeared in Guatemala about 
the middle of the seventeenth century, the founder of 
their order being Fray Padre de San Jose Vetancur. 
Their first habitation was a small house which was 
purchased for forty pesos obtained by contribution. 
The order did not, however, long remain in poverty, 
and in a few years large gifts of money were annually 
presented to the society. In 1667 Vetancur was 
succeeded by Fray Rodrigo as the leader of the 
brotherhood, and soon afterward a church was erected 
by the Bethlehemites in Santiago at an expense of 
seventy thousand pesos, 54 as well as other costly edi- 

53 A mine of silver was made over to it in 1633; its income was at that time 
at least 30,000 ducats a year. Gage, New Survey, 283. 

54 Obtained entirely from contribution. President Escobeclo was especially 
liberal and donated more than 55,000 pesos toward the expense of the new 
buildings. He also secured to the order a revenue of 300 dollars: pues dex6 

ri; , 7 

lie 7 tip ,1,-; hut the ! 

ciflCan provincial ol>j 

led i he same hal.i M \\ <>m l.y hi- >\\ M oro 

This difficulty obviated, t be rulee ai 

approved hy the l.ishopnn tip- C.tli of 1 

Tl; -iety \\, :ii/ed in 1 CM . liidi 

U illcliMlied h\ . hut ll"t li!;: 

l- ray liodi i^-o li.-id spent til tr. -n \ 
itfi -in- in Madrid and Ii>n, 

Bishop Soltero 1 !i the rji>c.j.;ji 

was not occupied by a prelate until L659, Jua r- 

cila- > dt- la A appointed i i him, 

but died at TVlman 1 c on the 5tli t May. ! 

while on his way 1" Santiago. li 

conveyed thither and interred in thecathedj 

1 ayo Enrique <! 1 Jihn-a \ 
vacant see, and took ji- .11 in I- . .ry J 

In ICdn a royal order arrived i 

obligatory r<>nn-r instructioc th< .t and 

>ii]H inls oi cin^H-i ( 

ciilar assistants, to \vh 

or rntirdy ccninnittrd th-.-ir sjiiiitiial dnti T\ 
n \ rtlu. l->< coll (t all id d 

permitted lor a curate to have charge of i n 

Pour hundred natives, and when the : 

arrivi-d Bishop Hibera undci-tool, rv- 

ance. The liscal, Pedro I ; r.. 

that ri- ht and also all suqlu- m 

curate-. \vho had more than the le- al nunihei- uiid- 

their chai - e. The controversy waxed warm and 

id. d to g: i 

.sitnados d ra mn^ s pesos. Garcia, lli*t. I, 

10 M"i 

\ i -id to P nilai 


o in Si^iin, MU^ 
ceeded, nooonli: 

with th succeeded, nooonli: 

M l 

in, 1 


Ribera traversed the length and breadth of his 
diocese in his zeal for the church, and the establish 
ment of the hospital of San Pedro in Santiago was 
due to his labors. He was transferred to the bishopric 
of Michoacan and left Guatemala in February 1668. 

His successor, Juan de Santo Matias Saenz Ma 
nosca y Murillo, arrived in the following June, having 
previously occupied the see of Habana. The most 
important ecclesiastical event during his rule was the 
founding of a new cathedral, the corner-stone of which 
he laid with imposing ceremonies on the 30th of Octo 
ber 1669. The edifice was completed in 1680, and its 
dedication marked by brilliant ceremonies and festiv 
ities which lasted for eight days. The mornings were 
devoted to religious services and the evenings to ban- 

<r? o 

quets and balls. Two bands of dancers had been 
trained with great care and performed on alternate 
days; the one, composed of twelve young men, chosen 
from the noblest families, and arrayed in splendid 
costumes, exhibited the ancient dances of the New 
World ; the other, formed of the same number of 
young women of great accomplishments, richly dressed 
in Spanish style, represented sibyls. Midnight was 
made radiant by spectacular fireworks provided by 
the different orders and congregations. When the 
programme of the clergy had been exhausted, three 
additional days were given to unreserved enjoyment. 
Theatrical performances, bull-fights, horse-races, and 
other amusements were provided, and attended by 
throngs of people. 

After the close of his duties as president of the 
audiencia, Manosca remained in office until his decease 
in the year 1675, having just before received notifica 
tion of his appointment as bishop of La Puebla de los 
Angeles. 57 

57 In Medina, Chron. S. Diego Mex., 241, it is said he died in Guatemala 
on the date given in the text, and Juarros, Guat. , i. 285, adds that he was 
buried in the cathedral there. Escamilla, Not. Cur. de Guat. , 4, states that 
he had left for La Puebla before his decease. The author last cited gives his 
name as Mallorca y Murillo, and Juarros as Manosca y Murillo. 

Iii 1 Yliruary I 676 tin- IM-W 1, ; . ; Q ,],. ( ) 

y Mom ;ni<l held office until l- 

he was promoted t- M Ichoacan, 1 

A! 3 de las X;r (Ju.-vi.-dn, wh- 

siaMical \ and mode of ,-idinin 

i nr him an unenviahle prominence amon._r the 

inalan pi < >f th i enteenl h 

During tin s period the ],i-<>\ incc ,,i ( Ihi 
its highest degree of prosperit; l- i-nm the 1 

it> BUDJUgation ly Ma/nr lie n 

n< attempl t> recover tlu-ir jMliti<-,-d iV- d un- 

interrupted tranquillity had d in tin- : r Yi 

nati\ iihmittcd (juirtly to tln-ir lot, and tli 
iai-<ls enjoyed the fruit of tin 5r lalmrs. It 18 1 
the t i-j-itniy possessed no mine<. l.nt the J>I-.M!II 

nt tlie snil was such that abundance prevail 

cochineal, and cotton were produced in 1,-n 

({Uantity and \\ci-o of j^Teat <-omn. 

ieiiltui-e and cattle-raising ]>i <\ 

the country. Populous t>\vn> 

fertile vallej the rivers "i \\-hi<-h >upplied I 
habitants with abundance of ti>h. and t! 
abounded with game. l>ut during thi> perind 
change was gradually taking ]>laee in t! 
and constitution of the t \ he Sp ini 

came enervated and eli eininate from in nd 

inactivity, while the .Indian re ae.juir; knowl 

edge <>f manl\ and spoi hich 

slothful coiHjUerors no longer jra- 

])erfonned \\ith >ki: With i 
of the province ( i il> it. " one of I 

68 I 1 I .: : th lim 

it 1)0 t 


e, at 

lances, and nr liett 


Cities in all America," 61 nor is he more complimentary 
to the Spaniards inhabiting it. These he describes 
as being grossly ignorant, pompous, arrogant, and 
cowardly, while the female portion of the community, 
with no high reputation for virtue, had gained a ter 
rible notoriety as poisoners when their jealousy was 
aroused or their anger excited by slight or indiffer 
ence; but we must not forget that Gage was a for 
eigner and a fanatic. 62 

The government of the province was as heretofore 
vested in an alcalde mayor, 63 whose power was almost 
despotic, though subject to a certain extent to the 
president and audiencia of Guatemala. 64 With occa 
sional exceptions the political and ecclesiastical au 
thorities seem to have worked more in harmony than 
those of other provinces, and the episcopal seat was 
successively occupied by prelates who yearly made 
the circuit of their diocese to administer confirmation. 65 
Churches were built and convents founded, and the 
Christian faith so successfully inculcated that it was 
professed throughout the length and breadth of the 
land. But as will be seen later, this tranquillity was 
pregnant with the elements of revolt. The contri 
butions collected by the ecclesiastics for the perform- 

61 Consisting of not more than 400 Spanish householders and about 100 
Indian houses. Id., 221. 

62 The poison was administered in a cup of chocolate or some sweetmeat; 
hence arose the proverb, Beware of Chocolatte of Chiapa. While Gage was 
in Ciudad Real called by him Chiapa Real the bishop Bernardino cle Sala- 
zar died with every symptom of having been poisoned. The ladies of the 
capital were accustomed to have chocolate served to them in the cathedral 
during mass. This habit the bishop attempted to suppress, and even pro 
ceeded to excommunication, but without effect. Then a disgraceful tumult 
occurred in the cathedral, and shortly afterward the bishop was taken ill, 
and the physicians agreed that he had been poisoned, which opinion he 
fully believed in at his death. Gage calls Ciudad Real that poisoning and 
wicked city. Id., 229-33. 

63 For a list of the governors of Chiapas who ruled from 1590 to 1713, see 
Pelaez, Mem. Guat., ii. 183. 

64 He, the governor, tradeth much in Cacao and Cochinil, and domineers 
over both Spaniards and Indians at his will and pleasure. Gage s New Sur- 
vey, 228. 

65 Gage estimated the bishop s stipend, derived chiefly from offerings re 
ceived from the great Indian towns, at 8,000 ducats a year. The account of 
one month s offerings was kept by Gage; they amounted to 1,600 ducats, 
besides fees due from sodalities and confraternities. Id., 229. 

, llicr of til- }<}]_ 

tin- natives, ami t h LOD ami 


that the har-h 1 real i I lii-]i In., 

l>y thr .-ai-li.-r n nt, 

ID i ed I V thrir i-s. 





THE region which lay between Yucatan and the 
pacified portions of Guatemala was inhabited by va 
rious unsubdued nations, conspicuous among which 
were the Lacandones, Itzas, Manches, and Choles. 
In 1603 certain members of the Dominican order, led 
by Juan de Esguerra, succeeded in penetrating a con- 
derable portion of the Manche territory, and induced 
many of the natives to accept Christianity. In 1608 
no less than eight villages 1 were regulated by Christian 
custom and teaching, and the aspect of affairs was 
encouraging until 1626, when the Lacandones made 
a sudden and fierce assault upon the christianized na 
tives and Spaniards of that district, advancing as 
far as within six leagues of Copan. Many native 
Christians were slain, and a still greater number car 
ried off prisoners. This onslaught was followed the 

1 San Miguel Manche contained about 100 houses; Asuncion Chocahaoc 
the same number; the other villages less. Juarros, Guat. , 270. 


l>y ;in i I of 1 

lliMii t hundi d of 

I, inelud: he principal rlii < 

I ll I a l.;nl 

finding thai the Spani .t pi 

t In . and it th< ir j !m 

of ( In ! \-. 

M inwhile ( iloris to C tin- I 

made from Yuratan hy tin- Francis* all ti 

nat inhabiting this wild country tin- I 

tin- nio 1 powerful and The dilliru , 

pene(rat in-- their fcerril nl their > 

on tin- inlands of the great lake of 1 

them apparent ly BeCUTG and independent. nipt 

i lil intdvoin-sc . indr.-d. a l.ld ]i 

and yrt in Ml Is friar.- Bartolom^ I- ; d Jr 

dc Orl)itM. Imth con . iih tin- Ma\ a t ... 

Mdrida on sudi a mi Q. i ij ti, 

after delays and dillicuiiics. tli- -Mriiju, 

1 tli< i in hospitably, and d- spatcb >sy 

to Tayasril, tin- capital of the It/.; TL 

olitaincd iVoin tin- canek, or Ii/.-i kii n in 
1or ill- missionaries to \ i>it hi- ci ( n i 

lakr ly ni-^lit, they I with \v- 

tlotilla of canoes v. -nt i 

p; tin- town was illumi ! wii md ;i 

vast crowd i mbled to greel thnn. 11,-ivii: 

the canek, or kin^-. they were conducted through the 

whirh l^uen-alida. ly the canek fl ] -n. 

addressed t he people in jns pn .md . splain 

t he doct rines of ( Jhrisi ianity touched upon 

of their visit. Tin- i riar was listened t with digni6< 

attention, l>ut tin- answer, tlion-h JH.U; 

\vas not enroi; The lath, i - \\ IDO, hut 

Certain proph. nt in thi ion \\hieh 

-Tli ; of P< q<* r m 


Io|ul hese islands waa estimated 

3 JSi 

Uir. CufT. AM., VOL. II. 43 


declared that in time the Itzas would become Chris 
tians. That time, however, had not yet arrived, and 
the strangers, when their visit was terminated, could 
go back to their people and return at a more con 
venient season. 

Hospitable as was the reception of the missionaries, 
an act of folly on the part of Orbita changed friendly 
feeling into indignation, and placed the visitors lives 
in jeopardy. Entering one of the cues, the great 
idol, Tzimcnchac, 4 an image of a horse sejant, excited 
the wrath of the friar, who, seizing a stone, battered it 
to pieces, and scattered the fragments on the temple 
floor. The outcry was vehement, and it was only 
through the intervention of the friendly cacique of 
Tipu that the friars were allowed to depart unharmed. 5 

The persistent friars, nevertheless, again attempted 
to introduce the faith amono* the islanders of Lake 


Paten, and a few months later, accompanied by a 
large escort of Tipus, paid them a second visit. The 
canek received them with kindness as before, but the 
priests of Itza were on their guard, jealous for their 
religion. If they could induce the canek to view the 
matter as they did, all would be well. To this end 
the king s wife was importuned by the Itza priests, 
and through her the fears of the king were aroused. 

o o 

It was then arranged that the mitote should be cele 
brated with unusual grandeur; and at this feast the 
canek should learn that the gods of Itza did not 
wish the missionaries to remain. The preparations 
for this ceremony excited the alarm of the Tipus, who 

4 Tziminchac, q quiere dezir. CavaUo del Trueno, o Rayo. Villayvtierre, 
Hist. Conq. Itza, 100. For an account of the origin of this idol see Hist. Cent. 
Am., i. 5(31, this series. 

5 The canek does not seem to have regarded the action of Orbita with 
anger, having merely told them that the time for their work had not yet come, 
permitting them meanwhile to depart in peace. An Itza chieftain, however, 
pursued them, and they would have been slain but for the intercession of the 
Tipu cacique, to whom the Itza leader replied con grande enojo: Pucs no 
tray gas mas ac& otra vez & estos Xolopes, que assi Hainan ti los Espailoles, 
desclc que vieron a los primeros comer Anonas. Villayvticrre, Hist. Conq. 
Itza, 107. 

6 Mitotes, 6 bailes, y borracheras. Id., 121. Consult also my Native 
Races, ii. 28Q. 

>LT OF 1 

N~or v ieir i 

I. < )n (In- morning ,,f | 
limit ml. ,! tin- duellh. 

1, hurried oil th 

viol-nee 7 t tli- u he; | 

cai ami 1 In in to make 
they could. FamUied and dispirited 
Tipn. and thei, rth ahandoi, 

the 1 

N et in the propagation of the faiih. 11 kn<>\ 

failure usually -livit : L 

one I- nni. i ihtln-r, J ), ;,,, I.-,: 1 in t 

>vince of Bacalar, eetablishii n<-\v to\vi . -lun, 

in tin- iii nintain- <! .Pimi.-nta. 

Captain J ^rancix-o Miroiic- to enter i: -ontr 

with (lovrnior (Virddias i.r tin- suhj- !!! of 1 

It/;. Wliilc v, ait in-- at Xa<-luu I 

whirh \ .vld\v in coniin--, the dealings oi Mi: 

with tlio natives were so unjust aa to excite ti. 
.tiiM-nt. Delgado remonstrated in vain: Mimn- 

more and nion- ai hit rary in I. iill 

tin- town ripe I or an outhreak. 

Meanwhile the friar nhtaim-d permission of hi 
vineial to depart i or the capital of the if and in 

23, accompanied hy ral S[)ani/n-d> I ah- 
lour BC friendly 1 ipiH, h- |roe 

ten, \vhei-c lie \\ . ived I y the 1 1 ,vith 

cnstnniary kindi, Allured 1\ j>r.. 

ill-fated party passed and, \\ -in 

landed they \\ iverwhelmed hy nun. 
and hound, pn seutly to he immolated on the beat) 
altar-si on Delgado \\ rved as tl T: 

i tile Vielilll^ Weiv tllell placeil . ll 

on the hill-ide in full view of the city. >h>rtly aft 


ban :undolc en 14 Canoa 


8 Vill. ^ Hc s le 

Itut In.- l"i-- mish soldiers 

would go nnannedi / /. . mpare Cogollvdo, Iliat. 


ward Mirones sent two Spaniards to inquire how 
Delgado and his party had fared, but their heads 
were soon added to the ghastly collection; A native 
guide who accompanied them managed to escape to 
tell the tale, 9 but not believing it Mirones put him to 

The patience of the Zaclunes was now exhausted, 
and they determined to throw off the yoke. On the 

y ** 

2d of February 1624, while Mirones and his party 
were attending mass, and unarmed, they were assailed 
in the church and taken alive. The vengeance of the 


Indians was satisfying and complete. The hearts of 
Mirones and the officiating priest were torn from 
their breasts in the sacred building, and their bodies 
thrown into a hole, while the remaining captives, 
having suffered a similar death, were placed on stakes 
fixed in the road, by which Spanish reinforcements 
were expected. Then church and town were burned, 
and the natives betook themselves to the mountains. 10 

This uprising was followed by that of the Tipus; 
and though some of those who had massacred Mirones 
and his party were captured and put to death, the 
country was no longer under subjection. And it fur 
ther pleased the aboriginals to manifest their scorn 
and insult by erecting ludicrous figures of Spaniards in 
the mountain passes, which were guarded by images 
of hideous idols. 11 

Royal cedulas were so frequently issued to the rulers 
of New Spain, Guatemala, and Yucatan, enjoining the 
conquest of the country which lay between the two 
latter territories, that from time to time individuals 

9 Squier s account of this expedition is quite at variance with that of Vil- 
lagutierre. He says that the priests, who accompanied it, alone crossed over 
to the island. Mirones then retreated; and being pursued, the whole Spanish 
force was destroyed. He, moreover, gives the date as 1GG2. Cent. Am., 548. 
Consult Cofjollvdo> JJist. Yuc., 544. 

10 Cogollvdo, II 1st. Yuc., 547. 

11 Cerrando los Caminos, poniendo en ellos Estatuas, a traza do Espafioles 
ridiculos, y delante de cllas otras de Idolos formidables, diziendo, cran los 
Dioses de los Caminos, y que so los estorvavan a los Espanoles, para quo no 
passassen & sus Ticrras. Villagvtierre, Hist. Conq. Itza, 144-5. Pinelo, ReL, 
4-5, gives a brief though incorrect account of Mirones expedition. 

Lad tin; crown to Ui; 

pi 11 00 

ly 1 ) < /nloftea 1 VillaquL 

officer Mi! li 

1 l>y i he council of th [ndiea i 
til-- till of adelantado of tin- province, whi 

named Jluilio d< 1 IV 

ward for liis ;iiii icipated I n 1 Villa- 

quiran arrived in Yucatan to make pr his 

dit iun, and In-in^ without tin- n 

[stance from t ! rnor and : 

provincial. I L<j HR-II juil.i la- 

linn v.itli the crown, distributed oi .nd inadu 

preparations i<>i- taking pus- -n of his pr< 

Tlh 8561 1 of iniionary l ri;ii>, hu\\ - 

anxious that the cross should preca :l in 

the work of pacification; hmcc in February I- 

- i-ai, us, Hermenegildo Jnl anh- and Siin-.n dc 

is. pr- ! iVoni ( amp I 1 

in< Ivanccd ( hriM i;in sett! !;u-nt of > i 

They A sliorily altrrxvard j.iin-l by A illa<|iiiran, 
v.lio, iindin^ the friars still ivsulutr in 

ad 1 U tin- coinnia 

ptain Juan do A ilvao, a n ,ue 

.P.Mh-o X IX., instructing them to r r the in 

itance, Au nip; mad l>v i 

iVuin Xohhaa to dissuaae them 1 roin vi 
.vn, hut they were unavailii nd on th- 

1 place Vilvao wnrned them of da: . and 
i to them a churlish ho>piiality. Il vi- 

dent thai they \ nut welcome, ai. aient 

\vhieh d BOOD alarm. 1 

add to tin - ditlieuh >" il^ ir lil ^ ^ 

\ ; : lUiran, who had returned 

!. liv. and it w, th d hat tl 

onseguida la po< 


.ni cl ;:;. , -^ ^ 

that i^ th 


at last succeeded in sending a messenger to him. 14 
The continued absence of tidings from Villaquiran 
caused Fray Simon to return to Merida, but having 
suffered from severe illness and hardship on the road, 
his health no longer permitted him to take part in 
the mission. Fray Bartolome de Gabalda was now 
sent to assist Infante in his dangerous position, but 
well nigh perished on the road before he reached his 

The adelantado again arrived at Usumasinta about 
the beginning of 1647 at the head of his forces. But 
he was a man utterly unfit for command. Instead of 
proceeding to Nohhaa, the true centre of action, as 
Infante, who had joined him, urged him to do, he tar 
ried day after day at Usumasinta, till his inactivity 
disgusted his followers, who, seeing no hope of success 
under such a leader, gradually abandoned him. At 
last with a remnant of his former force 15 he moved on 
to Nohhaa, where he arrived on the last day of July, 
1G47. 16 The Indians, having previously ill-treated 
the friars, had fled to the mountains, but their cacique 
had already made his peace with Villaquiran, and 
Father Infante was now despatched to Guatemala to 
obtain pecuniary assistance, as the adelantado was 
destitute of fund s. At Palenque, however, he received 
letters from Villaquiran informing him of his illness. 
Infante hastened to return, but found that in his 
absence threats of coercion on the part of the adelan 
tado, for the purpose of obtaining provisions from the 
cacique, had so enraged the Indians that they had set 
fire to the town, and the adelantado with his followers 

14 i 

This messenger was a Spaniard, whom Vilvao almost succeeded in 
poisoning: teniendo modo como echar veneno en el pinole, que atiia dc beber 
por el cainino, con que despues estuuo muy cercano a morir. Id., G89. 

]5 < Y viedo los Soldados que tenia, quan remiso estaba, se le huyeron en 
aquel tiempo, que solos cinco quedaron en su compailia. /(/. , COG. 

1(3 Infante and Gabalda had some time previously been submitted to much 
ill-treatment by the Indians of Nohhaa, who after an idolatrous debauch 
compelled them to leave the town and betake themselves to the woods, 
whither the natives presently brought them their robes and the church orna 
ments. Id. Fan court, Hist. Yuc., 232, erroneously states that the father 
was despoiled of his effects., 

had 1 !i tlieir ! I : 

In t! !ian \illa i 

Vera y Yilla<j 

lin- in . ion till April i . win n d< 

rele him iVoin aiixi. 1 1 

luiried in I and v. ii h him \ all ; ipt 

t ihl l.-dl the provil f Ml I >; 

sj ily appropriate to th< of so ill 

nd unfortunate an undertaking. 

Tills exp< not f< 

a nuiaher of 5. S.)iin- lil tie worl d hy 

the 1 )ominicans in tin- country of 
1(17.") and L677, and the miionari d in 

t:ihlixhin;j Tal tOWl Tin 

jx-nnaiieiK-y, and though many n d 

t he ( holes ivl;. idolat rv and th 


doned the Held. 1 Complaints were i 

Dominicans hy the alcalde mayor ,! \ 
io\-al ccdnla, date<l \o\cmher 30. 1G80, m 


they resume t !n-ir \v<rk and h" jio I with all 

All a bance from tin tiviisui Hie l)oi:::i 

were D !<-r-nd themselves; 1-ut 1! 

donht i];at theii- disser b civilians caused > 

indiij ejv; on their part, while tl 

oppre->jon of the lat; J tin- < :i 

hatred of ( hrUlianiiy v.hich th oiild not con 


( Ydula followe<l e. dula. issued I 

arch, ini])-itient over the delay in the pa 

th. ( : ! 5, Lacand -ml i : hut no p. 

" N,i; !r ! de IA Imperial < .niulli-ro k- hi 


Is * Vilhirutirr:- iariooi! 

th W;IH th- 
inst t! th. it : 

( hire .-of til- 

tin- lo 



measures were taken until 1684 when Bishop Navas 
of Guatemala announced his intention of visiting Vera 
Paz with the object of insisting that the royal wishes 
should be carried out. This had some effect. Presi 
dent Guzman convened a council, and promised to 
extend all possible assistance to the undertaking. He 
also addressed the governor of Yucatan, asking for 
his cooperation. The zeal of the ecclesiastics was 
again awakened, and both the Dominican and Merced 
orders offered their aid. It was finally agreed that 
in the ensuing spring attempts should be made simul 
taneously by way of Vera Paz and Huehuetenango. 
Accordingly in the beginning of 1G85 the bishop, 
accompanied by Agustin Cano the Dominican pro 
vincial and other friars, proceeded to Vera Paz, while 
Diego de Rivas, the provincial of La Merced, went to 
Huehuetenango. Neither attempt met with success. 
From Cajabon, 20 under the instructions of the bishop, 
the parish priest sent an embassy of five Indians with 
a friendly invitation to the Choles. The messengers 
were assailed while asleep at night in the house of a 
cacique, and only one returned to tell the tale. 21 This 
failure so cooled the zeal of the bishop that he re 
turned to Santiago. Cano was a man of more mettle, 
and with his brother friars, penetrating some distance 
into the mountains, reached San Lucas, one of the 
villages formerly established in the country of the 
Choles, and induced a number of them to settle there. 
It was but labor in vain. In 1688 the fickle neo 
phytes apostatized, set fire to the town and church, 
and again returned to their nomad life. 

Nor was the undertaking conducted by the Pro 
vincial Rivas, at the head of the Merced friars, at 
tended with batter result. He fearlessly pushed his 
way into the Lacandon country accompanied by Mel- 

20 The most outlying town of Vera Paz. 

21 Y cstando dormidos, bolvieron los Choles, y les dieron de palos, y auii 
debieron de matar al Indio Christoval. su Aniigo, que nunca mas parccib; y 
entonces, solo vnobolvio. Id., 171. Juarros states that the messengers were 
severely beaten with clubs and dismissed without reply. Guat., 278. 


(1 ncos. [or <>! Ilu.-lni- itli 

F tli.- 1 

lli 1 ! Al>and 

de -1 dwellings disc I im- 

init oi a liill \ onnd an mpl. 

dniied, l> : .;ib .id lime, in whieh \ 

in th" form <>f a lin sejant. 

trod underfoot. erecting in its pla< A 

1)1. J then pi c nomie.-d upon th ;di 

iiied \vitli tin- name of Xi; 

Helen. JJut llu: few Laeandones, who OCc .allv 
nj)je;!i-fd in si^ht, al\va\- lied at th.-ir MJ-JI! 

Considering it dancreroi ice farther al. 

route which was n<-\\- becoming almost imj !: 
tli- d tln-ir ste] 

( )lire 1 nil lll 2 [ill of X<)\-. -Inl T 1692 tile 

council of the "Indies transmitted a j.ei 

of tin- Lin-- that t h i ofthe ( In . m- 

dniies be underl iinultaneousl^ irom \ ; 

( hia and I IIK Inieten.- 

ri<>s had heen temporarily suspended, dd 

not l>e opened immediately. Upon 1 in 

K , ( j4 the n. - pressed upon hi i l.y 

l r;;i: lelchor I K ftd A :.: , :il, 

who liad already a vari iperi 

natives, having, at the request ofthe alralde n 
<f ( - penetrated into the I jacand >n c onl 

at 1 1 k of their liv I n .lime 1 . .) 1 th- y \ 

(in iala, and in forming the plan of the fal m- 

p-ii _j-n t heir \\ fully considered. 

M antime W . l r>ua. the j 

of Yucatan, had in 1 < . .-J jro; 

nndert; bion of the It /as and tl. - L i Mii- 

doned, and that tin 

through ! heir counti n N 1 

mala \vould coiiirihiii ;lv t<> th- ! tlio 

22 I urcri t!i::t it v:is - 

co. L 



undertaking. This road lie offered to construct at his 
own cost. His proposal was accepted; various cedulas 
were issued containing 1 instructions relative to the 


method of conducting the campaign, 2 " and directing 
Ursua to act in unison with three expeditions which 
had been already ordered to advance into the country. 

Early in 1695 preparations were completed, and a 
general enthusiasm prevailed, for predatory inroads 
had been made in different parts by the Itzas during 
the previous year. President Barrios himself took 
the command, 24 and arranged that with his division 
lie should enter the hostile territory from Chiapas, 
while Melchor Ilodriguez Mazaricgos and Juan Diaz 
de Velasco, at the head of the two other divisions, 
should march from Cajabon and Huehuetenango re 
spectively.^ Several ecclesiastics accompanied each 
command, among whom may be mentioned fathers 
Rivas, Cano, Margil, and Pedro de la Concepcion. 

Proceeding to Huehuetenango, the president sent 
Guzman in advance, with a detachment of his troops, 
to Comitan, in Chiapas, and followed in person a few 

days afterward. Here he decided to make the inva- 


sion by way of Ococingo, and having appointed the 
28th of February for a concerted movement, arrived 
on the following day at what was supposed to be the 
intended site of the city of El Prospero, selected by 
the unfortunate Villaquiran. The ruined dwellings 
were repaired, a hermitage erected, and the place 
named Santa Cruz del Prospero. 26 From this point 
Barrios advanced into the interior, encountering in 
numerable difficulties and dangers in the wild track- 


23 For copies of these orders and particulars, see Id., 192-9. Consult also 
Elorza y Ilcula, NobiL, 216. 

24 The entire force was divided into 9 companies 5 Spanish and 4 Indian; 
3 Spanish and 2 Indian companies made up the command of the president, 
and one of each, those of the other divisions. Juarrox, Gnat., 280. 

25 According to Villagutierre the command of the Huehuetenango division 
was first given to Captain Tomas de Mendoza y Guzman, but later Guzman 
was put in command of one of the president s companies, and Mazariegos, 
who had volunteered to serve without pay, was placed in charge of the above 
named force. Hi-xt. Conq. Itza, 229, 234, 245. 

26 /( ., 2GS. Fancourt states that there was nothing to fix its identity, 
not even a hut. Hist. Yuc., 253. 

: , 

n. D 

and mephitio 

vil ( in the r. 

reunited in 

S;in J i;;in de ! in on< I dii 

. I i .hau>ted t 

da; for ]; 

Ocorin; 1 Karri then p; 

same difficulties in a; ml 

of Man- 1 hen d dtiri 

week at the loot of a mountain 
of Mont- Santo v. iveii. ! 

days t! ^pedition slowly and labori ivan< 

till further pn i ! d b^ < ] \i 

margin, while j for n rout , a 

soldi ajdured ,-sn .Imli,n, v. ho was ] 

/vice Tide. Under his diiv<-ti<;! 

on tin- iDtli of Aj>ril a i-apid stream whir!.. 

lied a solitary heam of \\ . 

iratioDS to cr< it Max nd 1 

n Hi- t. T 

\\ l>ol!i >!(! ^Maxari in fart had 1" 

; nioi 
appointed day lie had left v n M. 

lie had been ioned, and ; 

I <! ancient huild . I the vii 

L: QOpJ 

thence under diilirult 

enrountei ed ly I Jar. he an on t loth 

]\Iaivh at the river railed San K 

f which he hld 1, . though 1 t ly 

;npel!> d tO forl ih in. It W! 

27 ] 


*3 ., . 

,1 ill 

tlioM- y a mi. 



until the 6th of April that any success rewarded the 
toils of the invaders. On that day footprints were 
discovered by Fray Pedro de la Concepeion, who with 
four Indians was in advance of the army. These 
eventually led them into a path which brought them 
in sight of an Indian town. Sending back the natives 
the friar entered it alone; but though he plainly per 
ceived that he was no welcome visitor, he was not 
molested. Meanwhile Mazariegos rapidly advanced on 
the town; and meeting Fray Pedro on the way, was 
informed by him that the inhabitants were preparing 
to depart, and when the Spaniards entered not a per 
son was to be seen. The Spanish leader tried to 
persuade the people to return; he also instituted a 
search for the president, his meeting with whom has 
already been narrated. 

Meanwhile Velasco and Father Cano had induced 
five hundred families of the Choles to settle in vil 
lages, and explored the country as far as the River 
Mopan. Meeting everywhere with a friendly recep 
tion, Velasco recommended that in this neighborhood 

* o 

a Spanish settlement be established as a base, having 
to the south the Choles, to the east and north the 
Itzas, and on the west the Lacandones, which was 
done. A wooden fort was erected, and to the settle 
ment here founded was given the name of Los Dolores. 
A fence of palisades was built, and thirty Spanish 
soldiers with a force of natives were left to garrison 
the fort under Captain Solis, Father Kivas with his 
companions remaining with them. Meanwhile the 
rainy season had set in, and Mazariegos and Barrios 
with the main body returned to Guatemala. Vdasco 
continued his progress toward Lake Peten, and on 
the 1st of April was within a few leagues of the 
place, when the expedition was met by a hunting 
party of Itzas, who rushed upon them with loud out 
cries. The Mopanes attempted to parley, but the 
answer was a flight of arrows. Exasperated, though 
unhurt, the Spaniards discharged their arquebuses at 


Hie naiiv I. T! n- 

noitrin^ | ;ut 

nd i 

which hud been 1 on 

ahont ten leagues from I . i n, 

oum proved the 1 : j>til 

;unl aa nothing was h- :n-d from t! 

rie Velasco led h mmand 1 

( )it hi> return, whil ! tan 

for another expedition, In- fell sick and died. 

ii[)(>n whom tin- rinnciit devolved, 

ilv int.. hi> predec desi A ix-il <f w, 

approved th< i outline <>! tin- campai 
tin- genera] i -.-ii u "f wliidi wciv t !. 

of the OIK- juvtvdii; J;. d A 

dor of Guatemala, WMS to L-ad th- j ill 

huetenaDgO to !, ])lurrs. and deal elii. l y v. ith the 

Lacandooes; while the o5d<>r, \> Am- 

<ju- ( condu throuu i V . and 

march against the I 1 hy w;iy of M n. 

Ahout the middle of Januai-y L6! 1- ft 

< inateni;da : Al/aya-vi. on ,-irrivin^ with his di\ : 
!,( ] )o]ure<. I ound the villai^ thri\ in--, i: I an 

five hundred native converts 1 settled t! II 

then pr.xvrdrd in search of I .nln t<>\. ,ml 

eventually discovered two. 1*. ad M >n- 

tainiii 4 more than a hundred faniili Tl. 

i . adily received the faith. And \\7 

that he had found all the Lacandon vi! in 

(|u. M <.t the 1 by way of the Lacandon IJi\ 

A fiber d ndin;_r some thirty-t wo 
dition came to another and 1 hirli t! 

cended for many lea-ai tnaki iKjuir h- wli. 

ever possibl f r a rad to the ]t I; hut all 

in vain; and linal! r lift -en . of Search 

*Thc appointnu-iit < r t.i was stron: ut 

rati ir.l l.yth :i full cr, M- -Ol, appar 

ent: HI. 1\ - 

Vill 1, says 140 league* 


they returned to Los Dolores, 32 where they arrived 
the 29th of April 1696. A report was sent to the 
president, Berrospe, and from him orders were received 
to leave a company of soldiers with some priests at 
Los Dolores and return to Guatemala, as no further 
expeditions would be undertaken in that direction, 
unless so ordered by the king. 

The expedition under Amezqueta encountered a 
more tragic fate. Reaching Mopan about the last 
clay of February, and taking Velasco into his confi 
dence, Amezqueta intrusted him with the command 
of a company of twenty-five Spanish soldiers, which 
was increased at San Pedro by a similar number sent 
in advance, together with thirty-six Zalama archers. 
Velasco was to proceed to his former camping-ground 
on the Chajal, and there, or in that neighborhood, to 
open communication with the Itzas by means of the 
cacique Quijan, who had been detained as a prisoner 
since the occupation of Los Dolores. Disregarding 
these instructions Velasco, without waiting for the 
main body, pushed on. The subsequent fate of his 
command and of the priests was never ascertained with 
certainty, as none of them w r erc ever seen afterward. 

The general made every effort to discover the lost 
detachment, and following their footprints arrived with 
a small escort at Lake Peten. Although he entered 
into communication with the Itzas he could obtain no 
information of Velasco. The Itzas made every effort 
to induce him and his company to pass over to their 
city. This he was too cautious to do; and ordering a 
final blast of bugles, retreated. The hostility of the 
natives now became evident, and a swarm of canoes, 
with warlike demonstrations, put off from the island. 
Amezqueta, however, successfully effected his retreat, 
and rejoined the main body, which was encamped at the 
Chajal, where he awaited orders from the president . 33 

32 The men began to sicken and provisions to fall short, and the rainy 
weather having begun they returned. Pdaez, Mem. Gnat., ii. 301. 

33 Velasco and his company are supposed to have been induced by proffers of 
friendship to cross over to the island in small canoes. They were then either 

H:: eg; 

Th<> I; 

dit, and in !i in- _r nmnl> 

A therefore w\ 

t<> ll. i Pedro Man 

li- d liin; At tliis jiin- 

in A .-1111101111- lailm 

ordered t Ii. 

lln- troops, not on! >ni San P- Nut 


Meanwhile t! 

north v. ;llv. \Vh 

h<\-ird tit t I i 

h" lia -; ii > participate in 1 1. 

adva;. nnd T tin- j 

ins; a d" 1 

in connnaiid of the company, wliidi c 

Spanish soldi and a 

! . ,r. ( lampeche IM- advanced to the 

n, l)tii \vliilc recoD d 

a larg force oi ( );, a ii 

cn->llrd. r rih 4 (}iK-l];i- 

tli-v ilcd, aiul i - >i !! dm 

i ined that til-- m 

ni!)l i d in X t d ;ii 

iih liis del land h 

l"r-ua no\v lii-d i or iijijili 

A ohi numerous, and ly .1 un . 

a innch 1 his C iand. 

litiOl tll !>Mtll: 

and iVont in thai direction" n i 

I itli of Ji 

I>y lli mi ol .Inl 

and !; 

i the ! 

unt st.-itos tl; 

ned. 1 


. . . ;: 

l o. 


the friars entered vigorously upon their missionary 
work. Here also reinforcements arrived from Ursua, 
and despatches ordering Paredes to march on Los 
Dolores and there establish a fort. 

The expedition left Zucthock on the 10th of Au 
gust, and passing through several abandoned villages, 
crossed the Ucun or Concepcion Kiver, and arrived 
at the plains of Chuntuqui, where they found another 
deserted village. 34 Eighty-six leagues of road had 
now been cut through the forest, and the path lay 
open almost to Lake Peten; but in the beginning of 
September the rains set in and further progress was 
impossible. Paredes, therefore, withdrew to the north 
of Zucthock, and there awaited the return of the dry 

Thus far all was well; but the work was now 
threatened with interruption from political causes. 
Ursua was only acting governor. A suit had for 
some time been pending with regard to the respective 
claims of Ursua and Roquc dc Soberanis to the 
governorship of Yucatan. This was decided in favor 
of the latter, Ursua being appointed his successor. 
The law required that in future one holding the title 
of governor could not reside in the province; but 
Ursua contended that the new road had been advanced 
so far beyond the settled limits of Yucatan as to exempt 
him from the rule, and considered that the future 
control of it belonged to him. As Soberanis was 
still detained in Mexico, he continued his preparations 
for the campaign of the ensuing year. 

At this time news was brought by the Tipus, who 
had returned to their allegiance, that the Itzas were 
anxious to be reconciled with the Spaniards, and a 
Tipu messenger, Mateo Bichab, was sent with pres 
ents to the canek. 

Although Bichab found the Itzas mustering for 

o o 

war, the canek expressed his wish to enter into peace 

34 Y a aqncl Parage de Chunttiqui, se lo puso por Nombre, y por Patrona 
a Santa Clara. Id., 319. 


with the governor of YU. 
iilment of fche prophecies had no 1. Ur>u-i 

consequently Beni present and a suitable i 
the Maya language, l.y the hand of tl 

rio. Andres de A.vend; who w, d l.y 

two In-other friars. ]\ M, n . r had A.vendafio 

parted than n<-\\ me that an -ml> 

approaching from the [tzas, headed l.y ( an. 

of the canek. Its reception was made as imp 

ible, and tin- governor and his chief,,] 
( an outside UK- city and conducted him and his col 
leagues with a military escort to the c dral 
Mcrida, where mass was perf >rmed. At the oflicial 
interview which followed, ( an j.r, d t> Ci-.-ua, in 

behalf of the eanek, a crown of leathers of div< 
colors, in token of Mihmis^ioii, and iv<jn.->ted fchai he 
and his companions mi^ht be haptixed. II. 
was granted, and the name of Mai-tin Fraii 

was e/iven to the ambassador, Martin de I 

ing as godfather. The eml>a>-y was di 1 with 

presents for the canek, and an OSCOri of thirty men 
at arms, under Captain Ilarixa. \\ith n pi 

was assigned to accompany them horn- 

Pared* iow dii I to take pi. . 

It/.a country in the name <.f the khr_r of Spain, and 
the like instructions were given to Ilai dn.uld he 

ai-rive iirst at tin- capital of the Mean 

while Aveiidaho and his companions had met with an 

unfriendly reception from the [tzas, who on their arri 

val at the island conducted them int< a hall wh> 
Were exposed the sacrificial tahle and tl f the 

twelve otlieiatin _r pri r l lu- >i _rht was not ur- 

a"iii"-, hut the calm hearing of the father coini 

ured him a hearing, and he was p- rmitted to 

Crsua s address to the BXClted multitude which 
thron-vd around "the huildii Th< u-iliat.ry to 

M Y no? my linl<>. con ro Bayna, y gu ( 

y su ( i , ! a> *! i .icamado, para quo te pOgas ei. 

i. CEST. AM., VOL. II. 44 


of the message made a favorable impression, and the 
friars now received better treatment. There was, 
however, a faction, headed by the cacique Coboxh, 
averse to any dealings with the Spaniards, and sev 
eral days were consumed in considering the answer to 
be sent to Yucatan, during which time the lives of 
the priests were more than once in peril. They were 
finally suffered to depart with a peaceful reply in 
which the canek promised to surrender the islands of 
the lake to the Spaniards. 3 * 5 No allusion was made to 
Martin Can s mission, nor did the friars know anv- 


thing of the matter until their arrival in Yucatan. 
On their return homeward the fathers lost their way, 
and for several weeks strayed amidst the mountains. 
When almost at the point of death from starvation, 
two natives of Yucatan who had accompanied them 
discovered the road which was being opened by Ursua. 
Help was obtained from a passing mule-train, and 
the exhausted friars were conveyed to. the camp of 
Paredes, whence they proceeded to Mreida. 

Soon after the departure of Avendano from Merida, 
Paredes was ordered to proceed to Lake Peten, but 
falling ill transferred his command to Pedro de Zu- 
biaur, who with sixty troops, and accompanied by 
father Juan de San Buenaventura, started forth about 
the time Avendano was lost in the mountains. On 
arriving at the lake the hostile intent of the Itzas 
was speedily disclosed. Buenaventura, accompanied 
by Agustin de Sosa and a lay brother, endeavored 
to pacify them. All were seized and carried off to 
the canoes so swiftly that recapture was impossible. 
The Spaniards charged and killed about forty of the 
Itzas; but numbers were against Zubiaur, 37 who after 
maintaining the fight for some time retreated in good 
order. Francisco de Hariza heard at Tipu of this 
change of affairs at Peten, and Martin Can and his 

36 En cuya sefial di6 el Rey Canek dos Coronas, y vn Abanico. Id. , 394. 

3T Se hallaron con mas diez mil Indies Inlieles, quo salia-ii flcchandolos; 
de las Canoas que estavan escondidas en los Manglarcs de la Laguna. Id.; 

under . 

I in good 1 1. 

i:<>\\- lint 
country 1 D tli- nn in f th 

coi iction from Yu :i and LosDolore ; l>u- 

i-tion ] .1 the 

not l.c finished until the I 
act ivr coi imw ^"in^ OH bei ; 

tin- ; 

lly the viceroy Ort Mon- li- 

chonc;m, decided that to I r^ OB ] rly 1 

completion of the 1 work, and 
to ren dl possihlr aid. L 

ar: *\\ tliu kin^ commending I 

and assuring liiin of pro? n. A c 

> Governor , K 
I ciidcr all possible a The j 

nala uctcd to aid the nit. 

: a l>ody of soldi I Vt -n 

while (he viceroy of Ne\v Spain \\ 

the pro and ammunition i 

und .iiiLC. 

ndin^- his infantry and artillery in advancr. I r 
on the of J.-iini.-ii-y ! - . 7 ith t 

cavalry. The forces reached I. <>ut 

encountering any n<l the o 

tion of a u-alh at once 1 in, Th 

ro har, ! 1 .y the Indians, who pli< ! 
mi -, hut Ursn add not allow liis in. ii r 

tal and ti 1 kindly th I - whom 1 : p- 

iur. d. o ba1 in time their countrymen 

the encampment. Ainon ! P 

was M.-.ilin ( ;in. who explain d that th 
\\\> j.i- i\ i a ! ll unju.-t pus 

38 A ]". <f Connt \ pros . 

ulaa are given in Yiltayvfar, 


his countrymen s assault on Zubiaur s command. He, 
moreover, informed Ursua that the Itzas were pre 
paring for war. Not long afterward a flotilla of canoes 
approached, the largest of which bore a white flag 
which betokened the presence of the high priest, 
Quincanek, cousin-german and next in authority to 
the canek. A guard of honor was drawn up for his 
reception, and the chieftains were escorted to the 
general s tent with due formality. Mutual assurances 
of friendship were exchanged, and Quincanek declared 
that the Itzas were willing to open a road from the 
lake to that which led to Guatemala. 

A day was named on which the canek himself 
would visit the encampment, but the promise was not 
kept. In his place a tempting bevy of attractive 
women was sent, evidently meant to captivate and 
beguile; but their deportment betrayed the purpose 
for which they were sent, and strict discipline was 
maintained. An almost unanimous feeling prevailed 
that kindness would not pacify the Itzas. This was 
evident from the opinions of the captains expressed 
at a council of war; but the general was firmly de 
termined to abide by the spirit of the king s cedulas, 
to employ only peaceful measures until all resources 
in that direction were exhausted; and being ready to 
sail to the island of Peten, he proclaimed that the 
penalty of death would be inflicted upon any one 
who should enter upon hostilities under any provoca 
tion without his express order. 39 

On the 13th of March 1697, affcer confessing their 
sins and celebrating the solemn rites of the church, 40 
one hundred and eight men set out for the island on 
board the galliot, every soul on board being stirred 
by religious enthusiasm. On their approach to Peten 

89 Que ningvm Cabo. . .ni otra Persona alguna, de qualquiera Calidad qne 
fuesse, peria de la Vida, . . . fuesse ossado a romper la Guerra contra Indio 
alguno, annque le diesse motivo para ello, hasta tener nueva orden de su Gen 
eral. Id., 473. 

40 A picture of Saint Paul also miraculously floated on the waves down 
upon the galliot. Y por este Prodigio, se le puso a la Galeota el Nombre de 
San Pablo. Id., 474. 


they were surroun<lc<l l,y rountl . whose 

OCCUpai ly pli.-d i <s \\ i: 

until a soldier, named Bartoloml Duran, b in- 

f ully wounded, diseh 1 bis arquebuse. T 

followed l.y . Ui who had hith 

to endeavored to convince tin- lt/.as of his j. t ul 
intentions and liad restrained his men 1-v nd 

example, could no longer control them. T 
was Hearing the inland, and tin- Spaniard- in th 
impatience to get at close <|uart<-rs leaped into the 
water and fought their way U) land. Then formi 
in close order they charged th- It/as with 
that they, already panie-strielvn, hrok- and jiln 
ly thousands into the lake. 41 < i n at numhers 
drowned, or shot from the pursuin Iliot, on wh; 
liad reinain- d t\venty men 1.. the KM So 

great was the terror inspired that those in the <-an 
lost their presence of mind, and easting away v. 
and paddles jumped overboard, the <.f th- la 

from the island to the shore, he mg thiekly < 
with the heads of the swimm 

Ursua now planted the standard of < -ilciip-m : 

summit of the temple, which ai ter due thanksgiv: 
was eon\ ei-te(l in((. a rhuivli, and OODSecrated ly the 
^icar-ffeneral in full canonicals. The chi< f i ! md i 


LVed the name of Nuestra vSenora de lofi 1 . 
y San Pahlo. Hie natives were gradually indu< 

urn to their hal>itati<> On the \;i^\ of Mareh 
Chamajcuca, chief of the Alain nation. . in.hrii 

ing the iugitiv iifk with all \\\^ family, and an 

of good-will was inaugurated The unfinished r<>ad 

(luatemala was meantime pushed forward, and Cap 
tain .IV: i 1 -nt v, ith d->|>atelr I I audi 
cia. The tidings wei ivecl !;-. <id- \vith 

rejoicing, and appropriations \ . made for th m- 

< l . liasta la mas p ra, quo era capaz do cxecn- 

no BC \ ra cosa ]w la 


:uudu, coino i IKJI!J.I. i 


tenance of a garrison of fifty soldiers at Los Remedios, 
as Ursua s means were nearly exhausted. 

On hearing of this friendly assistance, Ursua caused 
a redoubt to be erected and mounted v/ith artillery. 
Then leaving on the island a garrison of seventy-five 
men under Captain Estenoz, he returned with the 
remainder of his force to Campechc. The enthusi 
asm caused by his success was shared by all save his 
rival Soberanis, who, straining his prerogatives as gov 
ernor, subjected Ursua to vexatious insults, and even 
temporary arrest. While in Campeche Ursua re 
ceived letters from Peten, showing the necessity of 
finishing the work of subjugation. The larger isle 
was bein; deserted, and the smaller ones were under 

o * 

no control, while the tribes beyond the lake were hos 
tile. Ursua was in a strait. He felt the necessity of 
immediate action, but the unfriendly feelings of Sobe 
ranis and his own reduced means delayed him until 
1698, when cedulas were again addressed to the vice 
roy of Mexico and the governor of Guatemala and 
Yucatan, 43 ordering them not to throw impediments 
in the way of Ursua; while a complimentary despatch 
was addressed to the latter/ 4 appointing him governor 
and captain-general of the whole country through 
which he had opened a highway, and making him 
answerable only to the viceroy of Mexico. 

Ursua was now enabled once more to take the field, 
and having obtained assistance from the military com 
mander of Campeche, began his march for Pcten in 
January 1G99. A simultaneous movement was also 


made from Guatemala by Melchor Mencos, with a 
force of two hundred men. 

On Ursua s arrival at Los Remedies on the llth of 
February following, he found the garrison almost out 
of ammunition, and in want of provisions. Accord 
ingly he despatched messengers to hasten forward the 

43 Copies can be found in Villagvticrre, Hist. Conq. Itza, 532-03. 
41 The king says: He resuelto daros muy particulars gracias, por el 
desvclo, aplicaciou, y cuidiulo con que vuestro valor, y constancia se dcdica a 
seguir Obra tan del servicio de i)ios. VillayvLierre, 55G. 


r.\ i: , - 

MI Guatemala, which it}, 

-t. of all kinds. Meanwhi 
the campaign in two dr. 

the command of M.-l<-li<.i- M , anil ith 

I Frsua al i \- of Vera i 

commanded l.v GsteVan M di 
proceed through Loa I >< 
tion. I -.1 ,-it 1 ; 

hut Medrano (lid not appear until ; 

Tli ult of these <-.inl)inrd exp Ii1 
unsatisfactory, The com: which follow, -d in 

tin- r f tin- Guatemalan dr. did \ ij.. 

and Ursua could not undn-taki- tin- cam] ith anv 

liopc of success. Tlx* l ..i\-i^iii 

and sickpeSS can 1 !l.-d a council . 

\vliicli the M-ciK-ral opinion \- 

In- loft at LOS II in and th f tin- 

-hoiild ivtnrn. TL ^lin i out 

"ii the llth \vln-n Tr 

tln-ir marcli lor Yucatan and ( \y, 

ch equally disappointed. Frai < 

in :-oinin;md of tin- i ort with nii-n and o|] 

and willi him remained h iv. 

other i uiaries and some prl\ 
immediate r I rsua nd 

the former assumed th. omenl of th 

Of the fut Ul e ojtel at lol 

known; 41 of the Lacandonfce it may 1 mai-kel t 

to thi- day ih-y have ninintain-il their indepmd 

Imlian famili 
Avitli UK-!-. mil horses. accompani<-l the 

ced, aii .i pay rs, WM 

also sent. 
4C y-/..:: l 


of i: 11 

the ooiH| 

.If a milit. 

soni <~ . t J! 

s- in IT" 1 . i illagcs, besides the 

principal ^ 




WHEN the storm raised by the Berropistas and Te- 
quelies had subsided, a political calm appears to have 
prevailed for a period in Guatemala. Unfortunately, in 
other respects the colonists were far from enjoying 
repose, and the eighteenth century was the most ca 
lamitous epoch in the history of the country. Nor 
was the freedom from strife between church and state 
permanent, since humiliating contests for authority in 
time sprang up afresh. 

The first important event which disturbed the quiet 
order of affairs, was the rising of the Tzendales 1 in 
Chiapas during the presidency of Toribio Jose de 
Cosio y Campa. 2 In 1712 the Tzendales formed an 
alliance with numerous kindred nations, and grafting 
some Christian rites upon their paganism, followed the 
lead of an Indian girl, who claimed inspiration from 
the virgin Mary. 

1 See Native Races, i. 645; v. 603-4. 

2 Cosio entered \\pon the presidency in 1706, having been preceded by 
Aloiiso de Ceballos y Villagutierre, who was president after Berrospe from 
1702 to 1703, and by Jose" Osorio Espinosa de los Monteros. Juarros, Guat., 

i. 268. 


Th- first outhreak occtim 1 .-it I)i;i 
Pedro Villena ^ bh in 1 

church while 

\\hieh were to 1 I to i 

.vn l>y thf hi>lmp. Tl: 1 l.y 

th< sure of tli- \vlm 

were, 1 !. 

what later the bishop vi I the disaffected toi :i<l 

was openly informed 1 > y the Indians that it WEfl th 
intention to rise in am 

About the middle of th mondeLara, ] 

of ( ancuc, was inform i the miraculous i 

sit ion, which w, n UK- \vrm. of his <>rli 

doxy, a miracle of Sata and that tin- nati\ 

.iv, -ted a chapel near that twu in CO1 

rv.-iit. He iinnic<liatr ! n\-n<Ml tin- inliahitan 

who promptly , :ill-d, hrin^in^ with them tin- 

Indian e-irl to whom tin- divine r t ion had 

mad Standing in their midst si. hnly told 

the \ i had appeared to In-r, and commanded t; 

a cha] el to h loriii. .mll he l.n: "he 

spot where she had made her j nee vi>il.l II 

this divine display been free fn>m the taint of a 1 
7 i-inal faith, much e-ij-ital mi^lit have In-i-n made 

it l.y the fathers, Padre I. iddressed the h. 

on the matter and wi.-hed tod. the chaju 1. 1 

the Tzendales induced him t<> all\v it to remain, ti 

it mi^ht S.TV a ]>! 11 which to make h: 

in s] bisk pn.hihiti-n, re] 

continued to le < -el. -1 ;ra t . .[ the]-.-, and OW11 

inert of the author) al ( iudad II. -al I !ra 

of llion The neiLrhhoi 

tered into a compa.-t v.ith the |,,-,,pl n<l 

the ! jtl far and wide in th 


Thus p 1 tin- month of July. In tl. 

of August t!: men. nt n 

al. 8, in the nai the virgin, and with 1. 

8 Garcia, Sublevac. Zend., 47-8. 


signed in her name, commanding thorn to brins: to 

o . *-^ 

her chapel at Cancuc all the silver and ornaments of 
the churches, and all the money and books, for there 
was now neither God nor king- of the Spaniards. 
On receiving this summons the leaders of the rebellion 
in each town artfully evoked the fanaticism of the 
low orders by calling upon them to hasten to the 
assistance of the virgin, who they asserted was going 
to be put to death. 4 A multitude was gathered, and 
on the 10th a great feast was celebrated at the chapel 
of Cancuc, where a council of war was held in order 
to complete their plans for the extermination of the 
Spaniards. The towns of Tenango and Cliilun were 
soon afterward attacked by a body of Tzendales, two 
thousand strong, who were called the "soldiers of the 
virgin." Tenango fell an easy prey; the fiscal Ni 
colas Perez was flogged till he died, and many others 
were put to death with every ingenuity of torture. 5 At 
Cliilun the feeble garrison defended itself for some 
time; but when their ammunition was exhausted and 
they had no hope of escape or further defence, they 
gave up their arms under assurances that their lives 
would be spared. Most of them were immediately 
clubbed or stoned to death; and the remainder died 
under the scourge. 


In obedience to the commands of their prophetess 
the Tzendales then proceeded against Ococingo, but 
the Spaniards retreated in time to Cornitan. Aware 
that neither woman nor child had been harmed at 
Chilun, they unfortunately left their families behind. 

4 Que f ueron al pueblo de Cancuc d remover d la Virgen Sma en la cruz 
en quo habia muerto su hijo Jesus porquc ya Io3 Indies calian do Ciudad Real 
d matarla, y que fuesen a tlefcnderla, y quo supiesen quo ya no habia tributo 
in Icy, ni Padres ni Obispo que alia los tomara d cargo para defenderlos. Id., 

5 At Cancuc they had erected 34 whipping-posts, and the Spaniards were 
given 50 blows at each post, provided they held out so long against death. 
Some of the captives with their hands tied behind them were suspended with 
the neck in the fork of a whipping-post and scourged to death. Others again 
were simply hanged. Such as had been friendly to Spaniards were suspended 
over a slow fire until their feet were roasted. The fiscal of Oxchuc and 
friars Jorge and Marcos, together with other Spaniards, were thrown by the 
Indians into pits and stoned to death. Id., C5"-7. 

c; ;i. 

hen the 


l>a: ! ba I t Joan, On disc 

> enra-jvd, and ivturnin Ococ 
tore the children from the n 

(1. ivd tlicni before thuir r; then aft _; the 


A hi i T lival h Id to c< heir 

and over it ] I their ; bose 

Li\v. In the chapel at ( , n- 

dates. 11 the spurious altar of th 
a screen of Indian Dialling, b. -hind which i oss 

would retire; llience issui. 
conn t holy Mai-y. 

The inventor of this imposture Tzcn 

henceforth assumed the name of S .11 (Join 

la ( Jl-.iria. lie asserted that S:iint : 
him up to heaven and ap; -d him 1 icar 

earth, with ]>o\ver to elect bisho] And 

it on to the full comp a of his ]. .n. 

All the fiscals of the towns were 
and the elect ordained. The only <j 
ipiir-.l were ability to read, a 
of kneeling for t\v- i nr hours, < 

in h ind, reciting the rosary r which La Gloria 

sprinkled the priest-elect wit 
lion ended. 

The hybrid faith spread -o. S< 

bra ted i:; | and on th 

was h. Id, bull-fights and ing c 

in honor of the event, while th 

into a dancin- 11. Th 1 

inn laily juvached to the : m 

Bac tal i : in the surr>ui; . too. 

v.-lv consecrated pi icsts 

disc- ing from the pulpit 

lint ere lon-- mnrmnrin^s b I 1. 


o had been led t in L 


oracularly announced that there should be no more 
tribute and no more priests. 

By dint of flogging the new hierarchy maintained 
order for a time, but as the discontent increased 
Nicolas Vasquez, styling himself captain-general, in 
the name of Gomez de la Gloria, envoy of Saint Peter, 
fulminated a proclamation against the malecontents. 6 

The next action of the Cancuc ecclesiastics was the 
appointment of a bishop, and the individual selected 
was offered the pleasant alternative of accepting the 
bishopric or being hanged. The test of his ability to 
fill the office is curious. For three days and nights 
he was kept fasting in the chapel at Cancuc under 
threat of instant death at the first display of weak 
ness. Having passed this ordeal he was consecrated 
by Gomez de la Gloria with appropriate solemnity and 
mummery. 7 

A government was also formed, the head of which 
was Dona Maria Angel the priestess. She was as 
sisted by twelve of the principal Tzendales, styled 
majordomos. 8 Sessions were held in the chapel where 
contributions were received with which to defray the 
expenses of government, and to propitiate the virgin. 
Thither also were conveyed the gold and silver taken 
from the different churches. 9 

6 The proclamation said: God was angry with the world because he was 
not venerated and feared as he ought to be, old customs being abandoned and 
new ones introduced. As murmurs had been heard because tribute, the order 
of Sto Domingo, the king, and the dominion of the Jews had not been done 
away with, San Pedro had ordered priests to be ordained for all the pueblos 
who should be responsible to God for their parishes. But for the masses cele 
brated by these priests the world would come to an end, and through them 
only would God s anger be removed. Children must be sent to the church 
to be instructed in God s law. The vicar-general would presently visi t each 
pueblo in order to see if this order were obeyed. He who refused obedience 
should be brought to Cancuc and given 200 blows, after which he should be 
hanged. Garcia, Sub. Zend., 74-5. 

7 Secular distinctions were also conferred. Titles of Don were given, the 
patents being signed by the priestess thus: Dona Maria Angel, Procuradora 
de la Virgen Santisima. Id., 77. 

8 At a later date the rebel Tzendales considered that it was necessary to 
form their government on the plan of that of the Spaniards. They deter 
mined to found an audiencia with president and oidores at a place called 
Hueiteupan, to which they gave the name of Guatemala. Id. , 82-3. 

9 The Tzendales buried the silver belonging to the churches, and it has never 
been found. Pineda, in Soc. Mex. Geoy., l>oL, iii. 350. 


The new regime did 
])iscontent show.-d ; 

and dissension among th<- members of tli<- govern 
ment. The T/rndal angel took < 

chief support. d hi be fl 1 all, 

other offending ollirials were puMirlv BC 
Mil I ndian named Juan Lop havi 

in the division of ] lund-r i L at 1 

town appropriated i he vii Di>\ 

and it only by dividing among the c 

towns tlie money in tin? chapel treasury that 1 
inhabitants of Cancuc avoided war with their neigh 

At this juncture an opposition miracle was an 
nounced at Yajalon by Magdalena Hi 

I)on;i Maria Ali _H. Ma- da! 


had not received the attention to which she u 
tied, and denouncing the ( aneue mira.-l.- 
claimed herself a divinely inspired a 
This aposta :idcomr it imitation of tli 

miracle was too criminal to go unpin 1. Tl 

Cancuc priestess therefon oft 

soldiers of the virgin to Yajalon to ! 

to her. Wit blood>hed this v, 

accomplished. Magdalena Dia I lian^ -d. and with 

lier an Indian of Tila who ].ro.-laim-l th 
Cliri-t. perish all wh<> oppose tin- true faith! 
Meanwhile the Spaniards w taking jm -para 

to suppress the rebellion. When it iir-t o 
there were not more than thirteen hundr 
mm in the province, and th 
different garrisons. 1 1 chanced at thi- time that th< 

was no on 

eutive, and the alcalde s ordii \ of < liudad I. 
did not consider that th.-y 1 be |>\\ in 

such an emergency. One of i. h , de 

spatched . igeto !Ndro( ; 

in officer in Tabasco, informing him of T 

and .sulicitinu r aid. -it once hast 


to Ciudad Real, and having presently received from 
the president and audiencia of Guatemala his appoint 
ment as lieutenant-general and chief-justice of Chiapas, 
called the panic-stricken inhabitants to arms. 

While Gutierrez was on his way to Ciudad Heal 
the alcalde Fernando del Monje had marched with 
one hundred and fifty raw recruits to Huistlan--the 
nearest town in the direction of the revolted districts. 
Here he had fortified himself, but was besieged by the 
Tzendalcs in great force, 10 under the leadership of 
Nicolas Vazquez, 11 who made several fierce assaults 
upon the place but was repulsed with severe loss. 

Gutierrez hastened to the relief of Huistlan with 
one hundred and forty Chiapanecs and two hundred 
men of Ciudad Real. Forcing his way through the 
Tzendales he united his troops with the besieged Span 
iards, and a sortie being made the besiegers were 
thrown into confusion and many slain. The Tzendales 
abandoned the siege, 12 and Gutierrez at once prepared 
to pursue them, but the timidity of the people of 
Ciudad Real fettered his movements. News had 
reached the capital that Sinacantlan had revolted and 
that an immediate attack upon Ciudad Real was de 
termined upon by the Tzendales. This intelligence 
struck terror into the pusillanimous inhabitants and 
Gutierrez was implored to return. 

Meanwhile the parish priest of Sinacantlan, Padre 
Jose Monroy, who was at Ciudad Real when these 
events occurred, went to his disaffected flock and urged 
their return to allegiance. The news of the disas 
ter before Huistlan had so discouraged the Sinacan- 

10 The Tzendales, 15,000 strong, encamped at Huistla,n with the further 
intention of marching on Ciudad Real. Pineda, in Soc. Mzx. Geog., Bol.,\\i. 349. 
This estimate probably includes the other force which was to have started 
simultaneously against Ciudad Real, as mentioned later. 

11 They had about 30 escopetas taken at Chilun. Their other weapons 
were long spears, the heads of which were made of tools taken at Ococingo, 
and other arms of ancient usage. Each Tzendale, moreover, carried a basket 
of stones. Garcia, Sullevac, Zend., MS., 85-6. 

12 The Spaniards lost nine killed and about the same number wounded. 
Id., 91-3. 




Ix-iii hie to op_r :m i 


sj in the people IK- mint" : 

in; !o of t! 

dent Co I in October he a; 1 N 

8 in, an office] 1 in Indian 

man. ;n>t tli 

dal< :id despatched hi: 1th tn>Mj to ( ii 

Real. Tl i officer on | 

ctive campai A ahout the 20th nth 

took the iield nt the 1; r lin 

iard >tir i: 

Chiapanec \v; .panied l\- a nun of 

Dominicans, \vliosc order had r- ad 

anre in n; men, Ii md i 

I to ( )( hilo < ill roliiliKilld Of 

(trong foive. 11 proe. ! to San !* dro Cliin 
A scri f nts 1olio\vc(l. 

liad divided bis foi --in!in;: I of 

one Ijundred nn-n each to OCCU] in the vi-ih. 

oi ( !ancuc, d in t ).-,-inir l-\ 

<>f the ( l^ut ov ry ult up n 

was ivp! ith ! y loss to th .o 

ai la book bo Bi lit and \\ 1 v.ith <t 

slan- litcr. Tl. on bl 22d ! ( 

sip 1 a r- enforcement "f tln->- i 

i-ivcd UIK! nd of the i 

d- 1 i On thr L Cth tli -. h j to 

cil : c urprisCj 

13 Four of I !. lore were afterward hangc 

" \\ it consist 

of \vh" 1 tho rest 

Ian . . 1 * 

a small .is 

trooj i;i l -:ill--i 

it \ 

16 Tii I :.:: : .,:i [ 
atCiudad Kuijduri:. 


beaten off with heavy loss. They then sought for a 
parley, and endeavored to induce the Spaniards to 
surrender their arms by the same specious promises 
that had been so fatally alluring at Chilun. But the 
two positions were not similar, and it was only through 
the efforts of the fathers that the indignant Segovia 
was restrained from firing upon the treacherous truce- 
seekers. The Tzendales were summoned to return to 
their allegiance, and one hour s cessation of hostilities 
was granted. The time of the armistice was occupied 
in burying their dead. They then retreated in the 
direction of Cancuc. 

President Cosio, deeming it necessary to march 
against the rebels in person, on the 10th of November 
left Ciudad Heal, 17 in company with the auditor-general, 

Die^o de Oviedo, in charge of a strong detachment 

. . 

destined for Occhuc. Though formidable intrench- 
rnents had been thrown up by the enemy on the line 
of march, the Spaniards by a skilful movement com 
pelled the Tzendales to abandon them, and a juncture 
was effected with Segovia. The combined forces then 
advanced against Cancuc and encamped in front of 
the town. The enemy was strongly intrenched and 
several assaults directed against the fortifications were 


repulsed by the Tzendales, the officers being ill sup 
ported by their men. In one of these Segovia was 
wounded; many of the soldiers were also severely 
injured by the stones hurled against them with re 
markable skill and force. 18 Success eventually crowned 
the Spanish arms, and Cancuc fell into their hands. 

Owing to the hiatus in Garcia s manuscript, it is 
impossible to say what were the military movements 

seen artillery other than that which was on the ship that brought him from 
Spain, but he offered to construct either a mortar or a camion. He made a 
mortar which was of much service, chiefly because of the horror it caused 
among the Indians, who called it the madre de escopetas. Id., 99. 

17 The president, who with the auditor de guerra, Diego de Oviedo, had 
arrived at Ciudad Real, sent to thank Segovia and his force at Occhuc and 
the Dominican padres with him for their success there. He also requested 
that Segovia and the padres would come to Ciudad Real as he wished to con 
sult them. 

18 This portion of Garcia s manuscript here ends abruptly. 


<>ii !<>(! durhxj- i maind hut 

it is certain that the reb< !li.n i \\ id 

even tin- native population , < udad 1 1 j h 

revolt, "NYitli tl ption of Chamolla. in i ti, c . 

\\ hole pn.\ Lnce appears bo ba \\ in an 

At tin- l)(--iniiin-- of L713 tl. - h army i 

itioned .-it ( Ihamolla, and tin- hiMi 
of defeats had become dispirited. S I 

de la (Gloria had lied: dissension \\;i> ri! .- in th- r.i: 
of the Indi.-ins: and tln-md < ! th.- >tru di au- 

iii^- near. Marchuig iVnin Chamolla at i the 

presideni \viili his forces adv.-mn-d udad 

lu-al. 1 I is ajipi oach \\ ; ndiK t. d \vith th- 

precaution and in silcii i- >tiMn._r t .rt iii.-at i.ns had 
been erected 1\ tin- enemy aln.ut three |uart- 

lea- Uc iVoni tlx- caj)ital. These he I 1 uni. 

and ahoiit an liotir af trr midnight ( iudad L .-al \ 

surrounded. Tin- alcalde, who n-ided in the outs 

<1" the city, \vas >iir|>i i>ed and 1, and forthwith 

despatched to warn tin- people t< make n attempt at 

resistanc Ihi-l.-s wei >nu\d .n all 
intimate t,<> the inhabitants how <-lo^< ]\- the city \ 

invested, ;md the army nio\vd -ilciitly n , 8 
Pablo, where the GrUatinpan female l-ader was cap- 
tun-cl. Henceforth the Spaniard^ v. 

triumphant : tin- Indiai d to their allegian< 

and ahoiit the month of Mareh the IV.eiidal I-C!M 11: 
\vas ai an end. All attempts to -;]>tmv < Jni. l-i 

(loriaand I )<fia Maria An-vl pi-, ived un8UC :il: 

th reaped inio Ihi- wood- 1 nuthin^ i 

known of them." 

the T/rnl:iV la wa" the mart loyal 

:i in t!i 

M- Cli;uii l!t*-c8 had Ix-i i 

tioi! tit, :iM l t : HI. 

1 Miring tin innii l r< 

tin- i UC in inl uvii. 

//., I- 

80 Th from \vhi. li I liav.- rhi 


r. Get. 
OL. II. 45 


The effect of the Tzenclal rebellion was disastrous 
in the extreme; and later in the century other causes 
tended to hasten the decline of the Spanish settle 
ments in Chiapas. In August 1785 Ciudad Real 
with the surrounding country was flooded; numbers 
perished; houses were swept away; the churches and 
convents were injured, and the growing crops de 
stroyed. The report of Intendcnte Sayas in 1800 
represents a lamentable condition of affairs. Roads 
were almost impassable, bridges dilapidated, and 
churches falling in ruins; the country towns possessed 
no decent municipal buildings, and even the jails were 
so dilapidated that prisoners could not be securely 
confined. Sayas in fact describes the province as in a 
state of decay. 21 

By a royal cedula of November 6, 1714, the term 
of Cosio s presidency w r as extended for a period of 
two years in acknowledgment of his able management 
during the Tzendal insurrection. He then meditated 
an expedition against the Mosquito Indians, but while 
engaged in preparations for the campaign was pro 
moted to the presidency of the Philippine Islands, and 
was succeeded by Francisco Rodriguez de Rivas in 
1716. This president continued in office until 1724. 

Oficio y Vicario Provincial de San Vicente de Chiapa, dirigida al Ilmo. Senor 
Obispo dexta diocesis yfcclio en 5 de Junio de!716, MS., 1 vol. in imperial Svo, 
pp. 154. It contains a copy of testimony taken by PP. Frs Maxelina, Garcia, 
and Diego de Cuenca, by direction of the bishop, concerning the death of the 
several Dominican friars at the hands of the revolted Tzendales; the details of 
these murders are given. The manuscript also contains copies of letters and 
journals of Padre Garcia written at the time, which contain a very full account 
of the origin of the Tzendal rebellion, the singular religious schism which 
they sought to establish, and the various proceedings, civil, military, and 
ecclesiastical, which led to the final suppression of the rebellion. The con 
tinuity of the events related is not easily followed, since the manuscript was 
carelessly arranged for binding. In places, moreover, it is wanting, and is 
somewhat worm-eaten. It is therefore difficult at all times to decipher the 
facts, which are moreover hidden in the verbosity common to an ecclesiastical 
writer of that time. 

21 Chiapas, Informe del Intend ente, in Soc. Mex. Geoy., BoL, 3d dp., ii. 326-7. 
In 1800 the office of alcalde mayor at Ciudad Heal was sold for 4,687 pesos, 
those of eight regidores for 400 pesos each. The position of notary public 
and secretary of the cabildo sold for 627 pesos and at a later date for 1,110 
pesos. Pineda, Descrip. Geoy., 45. 


1 >Mrin^ 1: i occurred a 

Th-re were t, cm 

1 71 ) whieh o ned much alarm and . 

damage to and in L717 
-; almost totally hy >li< 

tinned for many da;. i , I ic 

ar are preserved in t 

of the lie, ! Toi I io d Ara:. a. <.id. 

lieneia, and an witness of in of t 

sc -ne.; described From A t, 18th to 
j 7th, the Vol. -an de Fuego vomii and 

intermittent shocks of 

in constant alarm. On tin; ni^ht of th- 
date a shock more violent than any that had 
shaken the city occunvd. and i. huildi: 

importance was k-i t uninjnr<-d. A. seen- oi 

confusion ensued Men, wono iildr.-n n: 

from the doors, or threw tl - iVom wimlo 

the street in the wildest consternation. Ev< D 

of relationship \\ >tten in tin- awi nl iat 

divine judgment was at hand, Tli 

tinned, as the people, crucifixes and i 

the virgin, tlir)n-vd the churcln-> and puhlie s |iiar->. 
r J1ie hishop, lioldin^- aloft the 1 . solemnly 
the evil spirits of the human i 

The following day v. lie feast of S 
and hoth -ivil and ecclesiastical author 

the peo[ilc to pra\ nd con; -n; ht:t ulii!<- T! 
en L aboul -nn- t an rnipti>n t>,,k j 

from Bides f th(i mountain- sprang rivul.-t-j 

1ii Again tin- people i 1 to tli- 

d an image of the Chri>t \ borne in -5s- 

hnreli of Nn 5 ] 

which thron-rd \vitli an 

> he near t ! T< d sliri: Th li ill 

! robes impl the divine : 

thf Ham.-- died out there the u>nal m. ib- 

Ut the hi-liop and tin 1 sanvd in. 

Next -I;-;. -unr d 


fresh flames, vomited from the mountain s crater, 
again struck terror to the inhabitants; 22 and on the 
30th a tremendous convulsion shook the earth, 23 the 
sky being hidden by a dense black cloud, which hung 
over the city like a funeral pall. The instinct of pres 
ervation prompted flight, and the roads were covered 
with fugitives, even modest nuns mingling with the 
frightened throng and hurrying away on foot from the 
crumbling city. 24 

The loss of life had been great; and when the con 
vulsions had ceased the apppearance which Santiago 
presented was that of a city crushed by the hand of 
omnipotence. The cathedral was in ruins, and the 
churches and convents more or less shattered. The 
wrecks of demolished houses were seen in every direc 
tion, and the few persons who remained were painfully 
impressed by the silence which had now succeeded to 
the busy hum of a populous community. Through 
out all these distressing circumstances the president 
and the bishop displayed unflinching courage, and 
strove to alleviate distress and assuage alarm. 20 

Many meetings of the audiencia were held to 
discuss the question of again locating the city. It 
was finally left to the decision of the king; but when 

22 < j^ o se descubria otra cosa que pesadas Crazes, agudas espinas, abroxos, 
crueles imbenziones de diziplinas, arrastrados por los suelos los Hombres, 
lagrimas, y liumilidad. Arana, lidacion Estragos Gnat., 383. 

23 The missions were now closed with a prosesion de sangre. Most of 
the shocks lasted for the space of an Ave Maria. Arana, Rel. Estrayos Guat., 
380-98. The volcano threw up stones, ashes, and other matter. Letters 
could be read distinctly in the dead of the night, although the volcano was at 
least two leagues distant from the city. Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, iii. 179. 

24 Out of the 40,000 inhabitants who resided in the city before these earth 
quakes, scarcely 1,500 could be counted when they had ceased. On the plaza 
mayor on the 5th of Oct. were the president and five or six families. On the 
plazuela de San Pedro were Diego de Oviedo and Tomds de Arana, the oidores, 
the nuns of Santa Clara, and two other families. In the Jesuit square re 
mained the members of that order and some other persons. Under the porch 
of Santo Domingo were some monks and a few seculars. In the potrerq of 
the apostolic missionaries were six religious and a few others. There were a 
few more at Jocotenango. Arana, Relation Esiragos Guat., 380-98. 

25 The bishop, on one occasion of unusual alarm, being sick in bed, was 
brought to the centre of the plaza mayor by the hands of the president him 
self, who remained steadfastly in the city, and, with others, rendered what 
ever assistance was in his power. Id., 398. 

I OF 7, 

license for t], , V al a1 lengi !i an in- 

li:i<l ii tli 

their dilapidated dwellim I 

pai t of tin- city. 

On tli<- L2th of April 17 ,1.11.1.. . 

addressed a memorial bo I 

pitiable condition t. which i 

and tlif impoverishment of its cite 1 IU M 

was petitioned i r.-d m 

lirf, and that the church edilic <,d puhlic huildii 

nii^lit !) restored <>r huilt i 1 *edro Am 

Echever y SuvUa succeeded lliva- in the pres * 

During his administration is riots occurred! 

tused J>y the assassination <>! tin- j : . . 

! ( )r< )/(), and the hai-har u< niurd.-r .f all his 1, 
liold for purposes of roljl-ry. Th- uvi.. 
widespread cnnspinu-y was broughi to li-j-li? d 

tlioiiM-h no nr e made, many persons \ im- 

plicated during the progre. { th<- in-juii 

dispute, aU> arose betWe< n and I 

members <>t tin- ,-iudiencia; and when the Inrm. 
tempted t-> lanish them, they \\e ; i m,,!) 

and took rel u^e in tin- cathedral. 

A more serious matter, involving the ri-dit of 


saiK-tuaiy and leadlQ a civil and ; c.n- 

ilict, arose from the conduct oi J 

Hal! "os, who had iatally .I.e. 1 ;i man. Tl 

murderer sought \-< > convent chun-h, wl 

he waa <! d l.\ em l.y the al< 

20 - or. An -.!., 1 J --8, con 

tliro cons- 

is hr. // 

[ii i; ; Aba 

. J " 

tluit I -oworic 

iii li-.. 


- I:. . 

J|. ; i<l vra a knight uf ( ulatr:i\-m. 

Mludinj to lli 

.ait linn measures of tlio iiiani Can . 


de Hijas. He sought refuge behind the grand altar; 
but the sanctity of. the place was not regarded, and 
despite his struggles he was arrested. The prisoner 
was immediately put to the torture, and died under 
its effect. The alcalde was promptly excommunicated, 
and the ecclesiastics appealed to the king, petitioning 
for a royal declaration of their rights in such cases. 
The monarch, by a decree of the 18th of June 1720, 
decided that in this case the prelate was justified in 
proceeding against the alcalde, but that all doubtful 
cases, as a rule, must be decided by the king himself 
in council. 30 

During the next twenty years no political event 
occurred that is worthy of record. Several able prel 
ates occupied the episcopal chair, 31 but their adminis 
tration was greatly interfered with by the improper 
action of the secular and regular clergy. So flagrant 
were the abuses committed by the priests in the exer 
cise of their duties, that the bishops were embarrassed 
in their visits, and the natives oppressed by the venal 
conduct of their pastors. The abuse of this mock 
religion w r as carried to such an extreme that the sale 
of the sacraments, the failure to visit the dying sick, 
and the charges for the performance of funeral cere 
monies 32 brought on the ecclesiastics the censure of 
the crown. 

In 1729 Juan Gomez de Parada succeeded to the 
bishopric, and the reforms which he effected were so 

30 In this instance the alcaldes were deprived of their offices by the king, 
and made to pay a fine of a thousand reales de ocho. Providenclas Iteales, 
MS., 300-9. 

31 In 1723 Bishop Juan Bautista Alvarez de Toledo was succeeded by Nico 
las Carlos Gomez de Cervantes. During the administration of the former 
the king had found it necessary to issue a ce"dula, dated November 15, 1717, 
ordering that no new churches, convents, or hospitals should be founded with 
out his permission, since they were already so numerous as to interfere with 
eacli other s usefulness. Provirfencias Reales, MS., 207-8. 

32 Among other charges made against the clergy of this period may be 
mentioned the following: sick persons were compelled to go to the church to 
receive extreme unction, many dying on the road thither; Indians were com 
pelled to marry at a tender age in order to increase their contributions; fra 
ternities were organized, to the members of which great pecuniary loss was 
occasioned; curates absented themselves without permission, and the priestly 
office was sold to the highest bidder. Ordenes de, la Corona, MS., iv. 155-7. 

;i M 

ial thai tl d.ildo ord, red 1. bfe 

painted and preserved, \\ith ip- 

tion an honor which had been paid to IT- ]<: 

pt Mano,piiii. Iii L736 ! 
to Hi- of | ruadalajara^and th hop of > - 

oala, Pedro Pardo de 1 i 

tin- episeop.-il chail 

The occasion of Figuer bion \ 

memorable through the action i 1,,, 

the members of \\-hieh demn-d t! i im _ 

nicijal claim to scats of lionoi- \va- n..t <luK ,\ l- 

edged. The audimcia, tin- ivli^imis ord 
the- principal persona- .f the city had OO1 d in 

the cathedral at nine o eloek in tin- iiiorninr a n<l i 

time awaited tin- arrival of the municipal a 

thoriti. These, In- r, aft i- an iui-_ r riiM 

it a 1 :lgC t() tllC eil eet that tli da QOl 

on which they could he called up.n for the t 

tion of husiness. The audicn -luptt-il to i 
te, and alter a fruitless tiim-, \vit 

in- to their hall of scs>i pointed it I 

cathedral other alcaldes and <nd nol 

the contumacious cabildo that i 

consider tliemx-lvi-s under an Oxvin-- to tl 

jealous claim for p lei ice on the pan of the muni 
cipality the enthronemenl of the his|j ; p did 


place till t\\o o clock in the aftenioo, 

33 Up to 1730 the tithes col 1 ,000 

pes< i 17-"><ei 

u 00,000 pesos 

I dro i .i: d 


i h.-iliit 

<>i" I. M! ;ind t: 

and Etoi -upyii. i of sc 

Anti>n:-> d n- >n > these tluti s I _ . 

j ; oo was conae- 


17 uhlio entry into the cat; 


. .17. r;; ( i, th all receptions of bitbopi 


Figueroa decorated the cathedral with sumptuous 
altars, rare paintings, and exquisite works of art; re 
stored the convent of the Carmelite friars; enlarged 
the episcopal palace, and rebuilt the church of Esqui- 
pulas, in which a so-called miraculous image of the 
crucifixion was preserved. 

During the seventeenth century the elevation of 
the see of Guatemala to an archbishopric had been 
frequently brought before the notice of the kings 
of Spain; and not without reason; the bishopric of 
Honduras was a suffragan of Santo Domingo, while 
the far distant archbishopric of Peru was the metro 
politan of Nicaragua. In 1742 Pope Benedict XIV. 
at the request of Felipe V. issued a bull conferring 
the pallium upon the bishop 30 of Guatemala. 

The suffragan bishoprics were those of Chiapas, Nic 
aragua, and Comayagua. The pallium was brought 
to Vera Cruz by Isidro Marin, bishop of Nicara 
gua, and thence to Guatemala by Francisco Molina, 
bishop of Comayagua, who arrived at the capital 
October 28, 1745. On the 14th of November the arch 
bishop was installed and formally invested with the 
insignia of office by Jose Cabero, bishop of Chiapas. 
The event was celebrated with great rejoicings. The 
archbishop died on the 2d of February 1751, at Esqui- 
pulas, and was interred at the foot of the grand altar of 
the cathedral, beside the remains of Alvarado and other 
celebrities distinguished in the history of the country. 

The suffragan sees of Honduras and Chiapas present 
little additional material for history during this half 
century, the proceedings of the church and regular 
orders being one uninterrupted continuance of labors 
which year by year became less arduous and were less 
carefully attended to. 36 In the latter province the 

alcaldes should occupy the chairs of the dean and archdeacon in the choir. 
Arevalo, Col. Doc. Antiy., 9-13. 

85 Condi. Prov., 1-2, 297-8. Juarros, Guat., i. 292, states that the bull 
was issued in December 1743. A copy of it is given in Nueva Espa/la, Breve 
fiesumen, 370-5. 

36 Two prominent bishops of Honduras maybe mentioned: Antonio Guada- 
lupe Lopez Portillo, a native of Guadalajara and delegate to the general coun- 

:ular Qj had 1 ecom< <-h imp. 

deva d by t) I l,-il in 

the 1 > >mini< in } (ulai min-Ii n du< 

lv the i;i Mimuitt, d upon tip .| cacao 

plantations t h; t t i he pr< ftho 

with ilic yifl.l .! ih nill, did i I 

means wherewith I or tfu-ir elm 

\\ lletller owil: ilHT, ;I> HIM- <;. j ;g,d 

indolence <>f the eccl to th 

ildlirlVIK-f OH til* jKll t ll.lti . tin- C 

ihrir lui-t-tatlu-rs, heresy became >< j 

this cpo.-li that tin- injiii>itin of M . in 17 

fulminated a t.-n-ililr anath-nia t nlil nd TS in 

Cc-iiti al Anu-rif In this edict . pi;. 

<T misfortune that could fall upon th> in- 

nerfl nf mankind was invoked up.u tin- head of apos- 

1 n the middle of th ; i century tl in- 

aeralcy f Guat< inala included the i 

n 7 54 and 17 49 r north laiiti; 

at IN.iiir in 17 J."-. / in* 

.11 i,i. ftho . iatrations DO rooords 

>n.jn en i. 

38 Th- 1"<>11"\\- of thi ngn obrc ellos. 

le la< 
\i\- delosB i->8 Apo*tolea San 

s todas las 

inaldi. >n sobre cl R u 

:i las Mandamientoc 

|Ul ll;i- ( 

)) i( , \ nj y scan iuallitos en su 

i-. y (luriiiir, t 11 u \i\ . 

ii c adun id< i": ! u n^ 1 

fun [no scan con >s; BUS dins ean pocos, y ma. 

l)iru<-s. \ ii,./: ml. i." aaeon hucrfanoa, 

y sirinj.i-. 

i iic northern limit ..f : .;!;i wa wt, 

as early afl I this tl. 

- sul- 
of t ;| 1<; 

jjn.l n:: " cn l ^ 

th,. hiinal.. 


iaaiiita), K 


six hundred leagues in length from north-west to 
south-east, and varying in width from sixty to one 
hundred and fifty leagues, making an approximate 
area of sixty-four thousand square leagues. 40 

At this time the ruler of Guatemala held control 
over the provinces of Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicara 
gua, Soconusco, San Antonio, San Salvador, Chiapas, 
Sonsonate, and Vera Paz; and the districts of Plue- 
huetenango, Atitlan, and Tecpanatitlan, Quesalte- 
nango, Chiquimula de la Sierra, Escuintla and Gua- 
zacapan, Tegucigalpa, Sutiaba, Realejo, Sebaco, and 
Nicoya. 41 In 1787 the territory subject to the cap 
tain-general included thirteen provinces- -those of 
Soconusco, Chiapas, Suchitepec, Vera Paz, Honduras, 
Izalcos, San Salvador, San Miguel, Nicaragua, Jerez 
de la Choluteca, Tegucigalpa, Costa Rica, and Gua 
temala. 42 

By ro^yal cedulas of the llth of March and 20th of 
June 1776, the office of regent of the audiencias was 

atcd on the river of the same name; thence following up this river to a point 
opposite Huehuetlan, in 15 30 of the same latitude, and thence to Cape 
Three Points in the Gulf of Honduras. In 1599 the line was again changed, 
leaving to Guatemala the territory lying between 8 and 18, more or less, 
north latitude. In 1678 another change was made by the viceroy of New 
Spain, which took from the captain-generalcy of Guatemala many towns on 
the coast, as far as the river Huehuetlan, and also extended the boundary of 
Yucatan. Finally, upon the establishment of the intendencias in 1787, the 
boundary line was again fixed, and the captain-generalcy of Guatemala made 
to include the territory within 7 54 and 17 49 north latitude. These limits 
were confirmed by subsequent commissions in 1792, 1794, and 1797, and 
adopted by the Spanish government in its map of 1802. Soc. Mex. Geog., Boh- 
tin, 3da 4p., iii. 78-9. Although these boundaries were approved by the crown, 
the exact location of the dividing line between Chiapas and New Spain ap 
pears to be a matter of dispute among many authorities. Pineda, Description 
Geog., 17; Larrainzar, Hist. Soconusco, 1-2. 

i0 Guat. Apunt., 8. The Nueva Espana, Breve Restimen, MS., ii. 349, says, 
* it extends for more than 300 leagues along the coast of the South Sea, 
but in a straight line from east to west it is but 240, its greatest width 
being 180; and again, from the limits of Tehuantepec, the last of the prov 
inces of New Spain, to the Escudo de Veraguas, the limits of the kingdom of 
Tierra Firme (via the cities of Santiago, Leon, Nicoya, Cartago, Boruca), it 
is 650 leagues. 

41 N ueva Espana, Breve Restimen, MS., ii. 349. 

42 Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, 3da dp., iii. 78-9. In the enumeration of 
provinces but twelve are mentioned, that of Guatemala being omitted also. 
Eco de Espana, Aug. 27, 1853; Garcia, Resefia Geog., 7. 


<] .tlmu j-li litil.- i> said 

ill ( iu;i* In. 1 1 ,1 \vi t ], 

and their ;mth>rh\ ,- t J, ;m I the : 

dent. 1 ;i Jan 1 77s \ i 

pointed i -I I., t \\. en tli ml 1800 t 

Bee was held \>y t his successors. 44 

In no otlicr rcsp 
have IxM-n mad*- in tin- <i; 
eminent. 4 Important <] hov 

introduced in II. m oi 

4-anization the jx.lit i<-;d divi 

to many variations. During the ntli ;rv 

tlid-r wer many as thirty-two. <f wliirh 

!-niii nine alcaldias mayori-s, and i. 


About KJOO < i-jlit of tlio corregimientoe A alx-l- 

islu/d and united to the ^ovi-rni .id iV<m i 

\ junta of ministers was a] he kins, whose duty it woa to 

riit. ( < ihilnri", 

timis cf t! nts ;u- 1 in /, 

t<> arrivin.u :it. tlu-ir ] f duly i\i- 

:id thi V v. 

..!. I 
Tin- ( inline! ;iti"n of their dut 3. 

41 Af:.T JicrriT.-i c::] ,!..,!. 

tn.j Juan .1 Villain. 

cil of tho Indies; Axnbroeio Cerd4n, b -ica- 

; M;ilii;t 1 ( ;^tiil I Jo6 1 - !lia!<! A 

ilin^ ; 

..s Orilnifla, actual oitlor of the aiuliciu-ia of ) whca 


i 17(57 the sahi; < wcrt -, captain- 

L r rii. of the (V 8 *nd 

0,000 inai royal accountant 

I n titnlo dc no, qu >mayL 

.1 Soconusco; 



that oi the \ :ila, \\ ! 

cc alt i 

, d of ( x .n-iiw, Vjarraz, u 


beginning of. the eighteenth century until about 1790 
the corregimientos were further reduced, new alcaldias 
mayores being formed and others abolished. 45 

At about this latter date the intendencias 40 were 
established, reducing the number of provinces to fif 
teen, which embraced four intendencias, thirty-nine 
subdelegaciones, four politico-military districts, three 
corregimientos, and seven alcaldias rnayores. 5( 

Between 1752 and 1773 eight governors ruled in 
Guatemala; but their administrations were marked 
by no event worthy of special notice. With the ac- 

the decreasing population of Costa Rica, were incorporated into that govern 
ment; the corregimiento of Tencoa was absorbed by the government of 
Comayagua; and to the government of Nicaragua were united the corregi 
mientos of Moninbo, Chontales, and Quesalguaque. Juarros, Guat. , ii. 38. 

48 In the beginning of the century the alcaldias mayores of Amatique and 
San Andre s de la Nueva Zaragoza were suppressed; a few years later the 
corregimientos of Escuintla and Guazacapan were consolidated to form the 
alcaldia mayor of Escuintla; and that of Solola was formed of the corregi 
mientos of Atitlan and Tecpanatitlan ; in 1753 the alcaldias mayores of Chimal- 
tenango and Sacatepeques were formed of the corregimiento of the valley of 
Mexico; in 17GO the corregimiento of A,casaguastlan was annexed to that of 
Chiquirnula; and in 17G4 the pro\ 7 inces of Chiapa and Zoques was separated 
from the alcaldia mayor of Ciudad Real and formed into that of Tuxtla. 
Juarros, Guat., ii. 38. About the middle of the century, according to Nueva, 
Espaila, JResumen, MS., ii. 349, there were nineteen governments in 
nine provinces and ten districts; and Cadena, Breve Descrip. , 9, writing in 
1774, says there were twenty-four governments and alcaldias mayores. 

49 As intendencias were first established in Mexico their functions are de 
scribed in the history of that country. 

M Guat., Apunt., 106. According to Juarros, Guat., ii. 38-9, the districts 
of Realejo, Matagalpa, and Nicoya were united to the government of Nicara 
gua to form the intendencia of that name; the alcaldia mayor of Tegucigalpa 
was united to the government of Comayagua to form the intendencia of Hon 
duras; and to the government of Soconusco were united the alcaldias mayores 
of Ciudad Real and Tuxtla to form the intendencia of Chiapas. The fourth 
intendencia was San Salvador. Forty subdelagaciones are by this author as 
signed to the four intendencias, as follows: To the intendencia of Nicaragua 
six, Granada, Realejo, Subtiava, Segovia, Matagalpa, Nicaragua; to the in 
tendencia of Chiapas eleven: Ocozingo, Simojovel, Palenquc, Tonala, Soconusco, 
Tila, Istacomitaii, Tuxtla, Guista, Comitan, and San Andre s; to the inteu- 
dencia of Honduras nine: Gracias a Dios, Olancho, Olanchito, San Pedro 
Sula, Yoro, Santa Barbara, Trujillo, Tegucigalpa, Choluteca; and to the 
intendencia of San Salvador fourteen: San Miguel, San Vicente, Santa Ana 
Grande, Chalatenango, Olocuilta, Cojutepeque, Texutla, Opico, Metapas, 
Usulutan, Gotera, San Alexo, Sacatecoluca, Sensuntepeque. Under this for 
mer system in later times all appointments were made by the crown, the 
president of the audiencia having the power to make temporary appointments 
only. Usually, however, the presidents were authorized to fill all the offices 
under the government and in the city, some ad interim, others permanently. 
After the establishment of the intendencias the president had the privilege 
of appointing as subdelegado, one of three persons proposed to him by the 
iiitendente, whenever a subdelegacion became vacant. 


cession of Martin de M 

however, began 01 in 

the history of tin- count] 

\ot\\ i mding th rs wlnVh t! 

ii;la li;id j, it had in- 

<! ill wealth and i m j, lO8j , ln - 

- noted i or tin- 1111111!.. r and . 
and ]. ul. lie Luildin- s and \] 
QUmer< hlircl j till inainl 

it> rank as the second city in 
inferior only to ]\I \ie,> i: kani of ]. 

Scenery, eliniaie, and varied ? On 

side of its well \\. d and fertile vail 

villa: nd farms, u h. ultivat- d ji. ld.> and [ 
piistuivs ailorded a j)lca>in^ jn while hi-h 8 

tlio liills and niountaii iiieh il, d it on eiti 
side, towered in inajr-tie -Tandeiir th- ti. 

lieutenant- 1 f tl; s, nnl 

< :il i-;iltar. ;is>ui: 
June L l, 17-^ . !, fi-Din 

Oiiioa, wli< i In- had onlcr.-d luiilt. 1 roni : 

sfiiior oidor, .luau !.- Veknl. 

tli<- foUowiog jrear, ^1, . rcos y Moreno, arrived. 

ll< was a kni.L lit of ti seal de caiii{x>, and itubee* 

i|Urntly li. 
li \\ until after lii 

i"i- Vdan, 
be f>lii,\vi 

.da, ai, .tuall\ 

hid;. i in tin- 14th of .Juin 17 

df < k pOBSeSgi 

I fiior in tin- |>n.\ in, 

Jllin d y ()<jin-iidi. \vas a; 1 t> ^ -ut the latter 

lit i :und in riiaiyr tdl I 

/. and Ik-nicit 
s of ti al Spa i 

or ti Like Pre- rieoe<l the fatal 

, -Innate ! - I 10, 1771. !: iMe 

i whilr 

the MI :ill> y Villaseflor. > 


the .- 

., i. -70 1: Artoa* . Doc. AKI< : ;.. l.~. . . / . - 

. ttrcvc Dtscr 


In the centre of this beautiful valley, and nearly 
opposite the Volcan de Agua, stood the city. Over a 
mile in width at its narrowest part, its numerous 
streets were broad, well paved, and, excepting in the 
suburbs, laid out at right angles. Every portion of 
the city was abundantly supplied with water, and in the 
principal square there was a large and handsome stone 
reservoir, fed by two streams. Facing on this square 
were the governor s and archbishop s palaces, the city 
hall,, mint, and cathedral. The government buildings 
were remarkable for their solidity; and within their 
spacious corridors, formed of columns and arches, was 
displayed every variety of merchandise. The churches 
of Guatemala, of which there were nineteen, were 
famed for their architectural beauty, their size, and 
the richness of their ornaments. Besides the cathe 
dral and the churches, there were eighteen convents 
and eleven chapels. The cathedral was over three 
hundred feet in length, one hundred and twenty in 
width, and sixty-six feet high. It had three naves with 
eight chapels on each side. Its interior was richly 
carved and gilded, and decorated with rare and costly 
statues, paintings, and tablets, while it possessed many 
precious relics, and numerous utensils of gold and sil 
ver. The high-altar was of exquisite design. 52 

The private dwellings were many of them of great 
beauty, solidly and commodiously built, richly fur 
nished, and with spacious gardens and courts. The 
number of inhabitants at this time was little short of 
twenty-five thousand, 53 and from the neighboring 
pueblos, the chief occupation of whose inhabitants 
was agriculture and various industrial arts, Guate 
mala was supplied with all the necessaries and many 
of the luxuries of life. 5 * 

52 It stood under a cupola, supported by 16 columns, faced with tortoise- 
shell, and adorned with medallions in bronze of exquisite workmanship; on 
the cornices were statues of the virgin and the 12 apostles. Juarros, Guat., 
i. 86. 

53 In 1795 it was 23,434. Juarros, Guat. (ed. Lond., 1823), 497. 

, Breve. Descrip., 4-9; Juarros, Guat., i. 85-7. 


i<l til laid ].-. 

oils ] ])i 

tropolishad exp -ed frequenl di>tm 

of in tl 

familiar and dr. rthmia TV. 

vere shocks, occurri i -1, i . did < 

da; barcb 

f.-lt to \vhich tin- nat ; tli" i iii- 

<-o. T\vo more \\ in 1 , 

holy trinity, was disastrou the j ( hi., 

Hilda, niid the !! ll.iia.-l, d 

province of Suchiltepeque, l>ut lu-ith.-r did any daiu- 

age in tli .7 of ( i nala. 58 

Ahout 17j(l a riot occurr<-d in tlic city on int 

of the prohibition of the sale of in li--; 

was soon sii[i})i on.-d nd 

]>roinpt i. ;i\-s of 1 !mt . \rcos. 57 a 

us outbreak was threatened be >ftn il>- 

li^linn-nt of the ((/liacco nionopolv, and \\ 
\ ntcd l>y reducing the ]r n-t- f tha* TJ 

alann and excitemenl caused l>y this dai is in- 

; l>y the atrocious murder <>f two l , 
minds of th )jl" were f 
their local n-oiihles 1\ fun.-i-.-d of 

the queen of Spain. The oi 

65 The Jesuit church suffered most. A[cjr<-, It 
Sec i ., 1 323 ,1 

(/ / , /. /- 7. II. 


! I. tl.c t\ in 17" i on Jt: l and Oclobcr I -ith, 

" A 
58 Duri: 


tlnrcui. :i th 

anus ami ha. iie pri: 



death was received in Guatemala March 25, 1759, and 
on the 29th of the following June pompous funeral 
ceremonies were celebrated. 53 

Two years later the oath of allegiance to Carlos 
III. was taken. 6( In October 1762 the valley was 
flooded, and the town of Petapa, and the portion of 
the city known as the Barrio de los Remedios was 
inundated. 61 But the crowning disaster w r as yet to 
come. A few slight shocks of earthquake in the latter 
part of May 1773 gave no cause for apprehension 
and were almost forgotten, when on the llth of June 
they returned with such violence as to damage sev 
eral houses and churches^ notably the Carmelite and 
Dominican convents, and the hospital of San Juan de 
Dios. The shocks continued for several days with 
diminishing force and frequency until they had nearly 
ceased. On the 25th of July they were again renewed, 
but although frequent and violent there was no serious 
damage until the 29th, when the people had partially 
recovered from their alarm. Then they were startled 
by a sudden shock, coming on about four o clock in 
the afternoon, which, though comparatively slight, 
seemed portentous of evil. So great was the appre 
hension felt by the inhabitants that many instantly 
abandoned the city, and those who remained were 
ready at the first indication of its return to flee from 
their dwellings. Scarcely ten minutes had elapsed 
since the first shock when there was a second, and 
of such violence that with the first vibration the work 
of destruction began. The motions were as varied as 
they were sudden and destructive; now horizontal, 
now vertical, the latter uplifting the earth with ex 
plosions, and compelling man and beast to remain 
prostrate. On every side were heard the crash of 
falling walls, the doleful clangor of the church bells as 
their towers rocked under the impulse of unseen pow- 

59 Iturriaga, El Dolor del Rey. 
^Batres, Relation de las Fiestas. 
6l Juarros, Guat. (ed. Lond., 1823), 153-4. 

. vainly inijloivd , ; 

int and 


liidifni; i \vliidi the tliinl; 1 in! 

i nlly darn 

IV n W< 

day ln-o k" 1 I;-;, 1,.,! 1 

>f t li<- calamity. Of 1 -nt c 

was Id t. I. ul a Ji . X 

had ; ruction , 

many c where tin- i 

foundations h led or : 

or i \vi The ruin. I 

in tii ion rall.-d 1 in- iJai-i-io di-1 ( 

y liousc, including thr churel 
convent, icvcll--.! to t h md. 

<( the ci vcn tin- pavements of ml 

tli" t ilrd .f ]ri 

sli; -d. Tin- d .-al i 

ivc ly , iK.t exceedin e lmn<l thi. 

YS itliin ; md j>rol)aM mailer miml iT in l 

surround!: unti 

c - From 




in ir.7 i 

that jq[ic:i:-.i in < 
\\orthy j 

1 im;> 
i :cl as 

:C8S Of ^t 

M hirli i 

a small 


II. 46 


On the "following clay the duty of interment was 
begun under the direction of the civil and ecclesiastical 
authorities. Fearful of pestilence the dead were 
buried wherever found, the grounds having first been 
consecrated. Hunger and thirst next stalked about 
the ruins. Most of the supplies within the city had 
been destroyed or buried beneath the fallen houses, 
and none dared venture in those yet standing, as the 

- O 

shocks still continued. The aqueducts had been 
destroyed, and but a scanty supply of muddy water 
could be obtained. This distress, however, was soon 
relieved by the prompt measures of the president, 
who caused to be distributed a quantity of stores des 
tined for the fortress of Omoa. Vigorous measures 
were also taken to suppress the pillage of the ruined 
houses, already begun. Thefts to the value of ten 
pesos or more were made punishable by death, and 
for lesser amounts, the breaking-open of any trunk, 
or the approach after evening prayers to the tem 
porary quarters of the nuns, two hundred lashes 
and ten years penal servitude was the penalty fixed. 
As proof of their determination to carry out these 
measures the authorities caused a gallows to be at 
.once erected in the principal square. The presence of 
the militia, who had been summoned from the neigh 
boring town, also helped to keep the criminal classes 
in check. 63 

mala, its destruction, and the measures for its removal up to the last date, 
It is written in the usual inflated religious style. The author, Fray Felipe 
Cadcna, was a Dominican, professor of theology in the university of San 
Carlos, synodal examiner of the archbishopric, and secretary of his order in 
Guatemala. There are other accounts, however, whose exaggerations are 
gross, and whose narrative could not have been obtained from any reliable 
source. According to RussdVs Hist. Amer., i. 390, the city of Guatemala, 
with 40, 000 to 50,000 inhabitants, and nearly 15,000,000 pesos in treasure and 
merchandise, was so completely swallowed up in April 1773 that not even a 
trace was left of it. flint s Hist, and Geog. gives the date of the earthquake 
as 1779, and says that it was accompanied by terrific and destructive phe 
nomena; the sea rose from its bed; one volcano poured out boiling water, 
another waves of blazing lava; and 8,000 families were swallowed up in a 

63 According to Escamilla, Not. Cur., MS., 25-7, the soldiery were guilty 
of pillaging the convents, ^uccecion chronologic a da los Presidentes que kan 
governado este Rcyno de Goath a - Obispos de Goalhcmala y Notkias Curiosa* 
JCronoloyicas destas Indlas is the title of a manuscript volume in folio of 78 

d >!,,.]; 

more lii ir h<.; 

. \Vr 

liad .limii 

<p; bethi should I 

.v site, til-- pr- Mt co 
<-ivil and church autborii 

. and it was linali 1 to ; 

yal!<-y de la Knnita, tlir j 

In ; .1 the choi 

!, 1771. Bui 

"i* tlir autii -iH-ia, t! to 

thu [.lain <>{ tlir \ir-in 

i- advaiit.; 
AJthoUgh a i-rinoval \v 1 l.y a i: 

ilic j.i-oini 

it \ not tli 

.Man in a oond 

inly. Tlu- appr 

kfpt ly ili .tinu . whi n th 

of S and 1 :;t li of ! ilv 

r r!i(>sc of tip- la 1 1 l>v 

t have equalled in viuh-ncc t! lv, 

and -d furtluT dam, ; l>u 

in_ As tiiii. \vc-ni on, lm\ of : 

s, usually attril)nti -1 wa bcgnn in 1 

- of tli- 

of t ami the 

.nd tli 

may 1 

] : . .. . 



people disappeared, and the c pposition to a removal 
grew stronger among all classes; but still the audi- 
encia objected. This body, together with the royal 
officials and the troops, had been established in the 
Hermita since September; but few if any of the 
citizens appear to have joined them, and not even a 
petechial fever, which appeared and raged until May 

1774 could induce them to abandon the ruined citv. 0i 


The president would fain have compelled the re 
moval, but the royal decree which arrived in the 
latter part of 1774, made the selection of the site 
subject to the approval of the viceroy of Mexico, and 
ordered that until such approval was obtained the 
erection of permanent buildings should not be made. 
The viceroy was duly informed of the choice of site, 
but instead of approving it he reported the matter to 
the crown. 

The removal of the city to the plain of the virgin 
was confirmed by royal decree of November 1775, 
and immediately following its receipt President Ma- 
yorga issued decrees inviting the .citizens to select 
their lots in the new locality. But few responded to 
this invitation, and -none began the construction of 
houses, believing that this site would be ultimately 

Toward the end of December a second royal decree 
arrived with instructions as to the manner of removal, 
but forbidding the total abandonment of the old city. 
Suppressing such portions of these instructions as 
suited his design, the president continued his meas 
ures of coercion, but apparently with little success, 
for on the 29th of July, 1777, he found it necessary 
to decree that within a year the old city must be 
abandoned and all buildings pulled down. The ayun- 
tamiento had been ordered to take up their permanent 
residence in La Hermita at the end of 1775, and their 
protests, first to the president and subsequently to 

, Guat. (ed. Lond., 1823), 157. 


The archbishop had i 

le ,iid in his IT 



LIU d -n i 
and stringent 01 

doiinieiit <>f the mined eil 

hhishop, made in I 7 nd i 

\vn, :i>idered and 

lied 1>Y tile president 1 .. e;;i; i,,- 

ilt, 1 

irchbishop the 1 . paid n- \\. 

f rim .. e,,:itinucd until A 

Don (ial\ 

rived in Gual !;i with I 

nd aeiiii- j 

Of 1 I 11 t ; 

. the cut ruined cit; 

merchand -rli<l. 

d: urn- >ull-fightii 

all other puhlif diversion- 

in the 

d, and all a . milit i 

cla>> \\ 

in- . , it hin a limited period. 

On the 5th of April < ial\ 

the pr leir 

the \ I N h jlace h 

lid of the ] !i. Tile ;ip; 

(Jalvcx arrived l-lth when h 

:iial ! 


i:l;i iiiiiiiedi. liaiidoniii 


no1 be iVillv 

Doe. A*tiff. t 100- 


caused among the poorer classes that many were 
allowed to remain among the ruins. The principal 
cause of all these troubles, however, was the arch 
bishop. The civil authorities could not compel him 
to leave the old city, and it was hoped that a system 
atic course of annoyance would induce him to repair 
to Spain, and that during his absence the new arch 
bishop who had already been appointed would quietly 
take possession. Having set out on a pastoral visit, 
August 21, 1778, it was supposed that he had departed 
for Spain; but in September 1779 he was again in 
Guatemala City, whence he issued an edict disputing 
the validity of his successor s claims, this latter, Cay- 
etayno Francos y Monroy, having arrived in Guate 
mala during the preceding month. From the 9th to 

C3 i. <-5 

the 30th the struggle between the archbishop and 
the audicncia continued. To the former s threats of 
excommunication the latter replied with demands 
for the recognition of the new archbishop, and this 
proving in effectual he was ordered to depart for Spain, 
and the recognition of Monroy by the people enjoined 
under heavy penalties. It is uncertain to what ex 
tremes the president might have proceeded had not 
Archbishop Cortes secretly left for Spain at the end 
of the month. Monroy at once took possession, and 
thus ended this scandalous affair. 63 

Notwith standing its want of resources the new 
city, aided by the cession of the revenues for ten years 
made by the royal decree of 1774, was soon rebuilt, 
and in 1800 bad its paved streets, fine squares, public 
buildings, and churches. The cathedral, of smaller 
proportions than that of the old city, and the Jesuit 
college, were still unfinished. 

(^) * 

Alarms and disaster still followed the people of 
Guatemala, On the llth of July 1775 a violent 
though harmless eruption of the volcano of Pacaya 
occurred; in 1776 the eruption of the volcano De 

Escannlla, Not,. Cur., MS., 24-C5; Juarros, Gutt., i. 85-0; ii. 200-72; 
Cadena, Breve. Descrip., 10-53. 

tin- ri\ in whi< 

hi! . I y \ 


nil 1, Tl, 

til- t til I iii < 

any <>! tl. I. 

I) i-ly ] 

tion of ii England 

the; i hi 

led the ] military 

l.i t the kingdoi \\V have n 


tlii . hut it is hanlly p; 

ehaiiuv in their condition had 1 


n tin CO ; in 

The whole mini! in tin- K 

: of two romj.a! 

.ty men, and \vho v. 

The iniiiiia inehid- d ;.!! 

the kingdom, t ! h<>m 

hut in the r;ire < >! i 

Ben i .in proportion :il\ -li 

ider 1" hi- 

tion of i , -il. 
j)ooi-ly d\ iciplined, and 

in the priiieipal to\\ i 

of ill 

pair for Y.;Hi1 of an ;irni r. r. A iiilat 

toes had ni arm 

w,-, to lind one who had acquin -I any skill ii 

r n. M-.jii. itly 

in<-i-< hundred, 

dred Si an; in i\ i 

/ <CctU. Am., 403- 




this same time infantry and cavalry officers, artillery 
men and engineers were asked for by President 
Salazar to reorganize and instruct the militia and 
take charge of the artillery and fortifications. The 
various fortresses and principal cities were well pro 
vided with artillery and small arms, but many of 
them in an apparently unserviceable condition. 70 At 
the first note of alarm President Galvez applied him 
self to the organization of an army, and such was the 
energy and ability displayed in his conduct of the 
subsequent campaign, that he earned merited fame 
and promotion for himself, and, as we have seen, led 
his troops to victory. 71 

The rule of President Galvez ended on March 10, 
1783, when he was transferred to the viceroyalty of 
New Spain. His administration was an exceedingly 
prosperous one for Guatemala, and his departure was 
greatly regretted by all classes. 72 His successor was 
Jose Estacheria, who assumed office the 3d of April 
the same year. He was brigadier-general and ex- 
governor of Nicaragua. His term of office expired 
December 29, 1789. To him succeeded Bernardo 
Troncoso Martinez del Rincon, lieutenant-general, 
formerly king s lieutenant of Habana and ex-gov 
ernor of Vera Cruz, who was in power until 1794, 
and Jose Domas y Valle, a knight of Santiago, gefe 
de escuadra, who held office from the latter date until 
the 28th of July 1801. 73 

From May 13, 1753, until June 24, 1765, the archi- 
episcopal chair of Guatemala was filled by Doctor 
Francisco Jose de Figueredo y Victoria, who had been 
promoted from the see of Popiyan. 74 

Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Gnat., iii. 86-94. 

n Pelaez, Mem. Hist. Gnat. , iii. 100-29. 

Arpvalo, Col. Doc. Antic/., 171-6. 

n Juarro*, Guat., i. 272-3. 

74 He was a native of Granada, precentor, and bishop of Popayan, to 
which he was raised in 174Q. His appointment to the archbishopric of Gua 
temala was dated 1751; his bulls issued January 23, 1752. On the 10th of 
May 1753 Doctor Agustin de la Caxiga, chancellor of the cathedral, took 



Hie I 

; M 


made jU 

the mi aii QS in i be \ 

( >FI ; 

. \vli 

tin- crown , 
lay, un 

. T: 

I M tiloU-.dl the ])1 \ j 

lll \ivl,l 

ried t! 
whereupon 11: 

I. The 1 bmii 

i-iiiLT thai (In- 

missions should !. i 

i i iai s i Lii 
Y<>k<-<l l,y t 

At i be lime tin mi !<1 in t 

( in,. proper i tli- 

the | idou 

sions in Vei i. 1 1>n 

quitia, bu niiMn of anj in ( 

1 n I 790 of ] > alen<jiie n:, 

elMpl to I edllCC (h 1 !. 

possess! n in 



founded a town, baptized several natives, and won 
their good-will by numerous presents; but the ad 
vantage thus gained does not appear to have been 
improved. 73 

Some excitement was caused in Guatemala City 
in July 1772 by a disturbance in the convent of the 
Kecollets. Owing to violent dissension among the 
inmates, the audiencia, at the request of the friar, 
caused the arrest and remittance to Spain of two of 
the ringleaders. The populace, ignorant of the cause 
of this interference, were with difficulty quieted. This 
action of the audiencia was approved by the crown, and 
the remainder of the turbulent friars were suspended. 

Having become blind from old age, being now in his 
eightieth year, Archbishop Figueredo petitioned the 
crown to appoint a coadjutor. Accordingly, Doctor 
Miguel de Cilieza y Velasco, a native of Guatemala 
and chancellor of the cathedral, was selected; but the 
archbishop died before he was consecrated, and he 
was nominated for the see of Chiapas, whence he 
departed in October 1767. The archbishop s death 
occurred June 24, 1765. In accordance with his re 
quest his remains were deposited in the church of the 
Jesuit college, to whose members he had been warmly 
attached. 70 The archiepiscopal chair remained vacant 
after Figueredo s death until 1768, when it was occu 
pied by Doctor Don Pedro Cortes y Larraz. ( Pre 
ceding his arrival in 1767 the famous decree of 
expulsion against the Jesuits was carried into effect 
in Guatemala, but was unattended with any of the 
serious disturbances which marked its enforcement 
in New Spain. 81 The utmost secrecy and despatch 

78 Pineda, in Soc. Max. Geog., Boletln, iii. S4S-9. 

Jitarros, Gnat., i. 292-3; 177G is given as the date of his death by Con- 
cilios Prov., 1555, 1565, 298; and Alceclo, Die.., ii. 315. 

80 A native of Belchite in the kingdom cf Aragon, professor of sciences in 
the university, and subsequently canon in the cathedral of the city of Sara- 
gossa. He was appointed to the archbishopric of Guatemala in 1707. Juarros, 
Gnat., i. 294. 

81 The motives and nature of this measure are fully treated in my History 
of Mexico, this series. 

points, t 

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cil; and however justifiable in the beginning this 
opposition may have been it was unwisely prolonged. 
Minister Galvez succeeded in having the resignation 
of Cortes reconsidered, notwithstanding the protests 
of that prelate. He caused his brother to be ap 
pointed Mayorga s successor, had Cortes transferred 
to the bishopric of Tortosa, and, as we have seen, a 
new archbishop nominated to Guatemala. The re 
fusal of Cortes to surrender his chair, it is claimed, was 
because he had not received his bulls confirming his 
appointment to the bishopric of Tortosa. After leav 
ing Guatemala, as previously narrated, he proceeded 
to his new bishopric, where he continued until his 
death, which occurred in 1786. His interest in the 
welfare of Guatemala did not end with his departure, 
for he subsequently donated sixty thousand dollars 
with which to found a college for the education of 
the young. 83 

Doctor Cayetano Francos y Monroy, his successor, 
was installed and duly recognized after Cortes de 
parture; 84 but not satisfied with the manner in which 
he had been appointed he procured a confirmatory 

la, Not. Cur., MS., 05-74; Juarros, GuaL, i. 204-5; Id., Com- 
pend. , 292-4. 

84 Francos was a native of the Villa of Villavicencio de los Caballeros, and 
was canon of the cathedral of Plasencia when appointed to the archbishopric 
of Guatemala. He died on the 17th of July 1702. His successors were Don 
Juan Felix do Viilegas, who ruled from May 8, 1704, to February 3, 1800; 
and Don Luis Penal vcr y Cardenas who entered office on June 3, 1802. Ju trros, 
Gnat., i. 295-7. Although Juarros is justly regarded as the chief historian of 
the Central American provinces for the conquest and colonial period, he has 
failed to describe in a connected form the political, social, and moral develop- 
inent of those countries during that period. This omission has, in part, been 
filled by the assiduous labors of the presbyter Francisco de Paula Garcia 
Pelaez. Residing for many years, as parish priest, at the old city of Guate 
mala, known as the Antigua, he devoted his leisure time, from 1833 to 1841, 
in examining as opportunity permitted the public and private archives of the 
province, and in studying the principal ancient and modern writers on that 
territory. The result of this research was a work of three volumes in small 
quarto, entitled Memorias para la Hlstoria del Antigua Reyno de Guatemala, 
which was published in Guatemala in 1851. It is divided into the aboriginal. 
and the colonial epochs. The former treats of the origin of the natives and 
the degree of civilization they had attained at the time of the conquest, and 
consists of a brief and systematically arranged compilation of facts, with the 
corresponding references to the authorities from which they were obtained, 
each chapter being devoted to a separate topic. This occupies but 32 pages 
of the first volume, the remainder of the work being taken up with the 

li:ll Prom To] ! [.in ; 


shown 1)V 1 

lilies <! ill.- archl.Mmj.rir OJ 

! 77 ( .) belonged 

Tim-; we have i 
(pi nd colonization 

time \\lifi! Hod 

Firm cl nth < V\ 

ha 1 * sen the nl tli- 

take ] -road 

Snaiii: then Bitting l\\n ko n<l 

During tin- |ir- 

nut in oc n;il rt-lM llion-; 1m 
i. tln-y wc-rc docile, ,-iinl >ul)iniu d \vitli philosopl 
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tOO of tfli iliiai): -Mi the JMl i 

( Ihri ji ianity. 

It ^ j)ci i<> 1 cf r 

turi< ( cnlral Am- 

aii<lini-ia- and moi !l 

,^natin as iar as intell* nd i 

coiicdMicil. is i here nm-h 

AVJIV of mau-rial iinj>r 

inaimiion could trutlii iilly claim much 1 
ix.Mcr results I rnm t ntry 

domination than undrr Am 

!it-y <>i i .-ivil and ^l 

ory of th- 


; nniltit ^ not 




the duties of subjects was determined. Although the 
people did not know it, the grasp of the mother gov 
ernment upon the country, however nervous and 
jealous it might be, was in reality weak, for the parent 
herself was rapidly declining. 

There was nothing to fight for, and nothing to 
work for. If we except an occasional attempted sub 
jugation of unpacified peoples, and the descent of 
pirates, the greatest issues of the time were those 
affecting precedence and place. It was easier to evade 
obnoxious laws than to quarrel with them. The na 
tives found it less burdensome to perform the little 
labor necessary to the support of themselves and 
their masters than to endure the penalties of opposi 
tion. Between the poor kings of Spain and the 
pirates of England, France, and Holland, the wealth 
of the people was far from secure; there was no 
great incentive to enterprise in any direction, and 
had there been it is not certain that men would 
have exerted themselves. Simple existence satisfied 
them; high development and limitless wealth could 
do no more. 

The appearance on their shores of legalized robbery 
and murder, in the form of freebooters, was not gen 
erally regarded as retribution, though their infamies 
w r ere scarcely greater than those which had been per 
petrated by the Spaniards in this quarter a century 
or two before. The buccaneers and Scotch settlers 
were right enough in looking upon the Spaniards as 
intruders, having no more ownership in the country 
than they, except such as priority in wrongs com 
mitted gave them; which wrongs by no means made 
right the cruelties and injustice of the English and 
French inflicted upon the Spaniards. 

In the third and concluding volume of the History 
of Central America will be more fully presented the 
social, industrial, and political condition of the coun 
try in the nineteeth century, particularly at the 
transitional epoch following the achieving of incle- 



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tively of the Dominican and Franciscan orders in Central America, profiting 
by the labors of the former, and adding some original research, bring the 
history of the church down to the end of the seventeenth century. Some 
attempt is also made by the last two writers to follow the political history, 
but only in a desultory way. 

The first special history to be written was that of Fuentes y Guzman, 
containing much original matter, but not generally reliable. The manuscript 
was never published, but was used by Juarros. Later appeared the pam 
phlet of Cadena, devoted entirely to a description of the destruction of 
Guatemala City, and about the same time Escamilla compiled from official 
sources a list of governqrs and bishops and of the more important historical 
events, and gave a special account of the destruction of Guatemala City. 

Without the valuable collections of Squier, Pacheco and Cardenas, Cartas 
de Indias, Ternaux-Compans, Ar6valo, Icazbalceta, and Coleccion do Docu- 
mentos Ineditos, the result of modern research, the history of this territory 
from 1531 to 1800 would be meagre indeed. These collections, special 
notices of nearly all of which I have already given, contain almost number 
less official letters and reports, which were either unknown or inaccessible to 
early writers. Prominent among them all is what has been called the Squier 
collection, consisting mostly of manuscripts, and which foil to my collection 
by purchase after the death of Mr Squier. It consists of extracts and copies 
of letters and reports of audiencias, governors, bishops, and various govern 
ment officials, taken from the Spanish archives at Madrid and from the 
library of the Spanish Royal Academy of History, mostly under the direction 
of the indefatigable collector Mr Buckingham Smith. Many rare and valua 
ble documents relating to Central America, including numerous letters and re 
ports of Las Casas, are also to be found in the voluminous collection of Pacheco 
and Cardenas, and, though fewer in number, in that of Tcrnaux-Compans. 

In the absence of any early local chronicler, and by reason of the neglect 
of those who came later, many of the records have been lost. The only por 
tions of those published are to be found in the collections of Ar6valo, which 
are indispensable to the local history of Guatemala, though evidently not 
complete, and containing some omissions owing to the apparent illegibility of 
the originals. The second of these collections, Coleccion de Documentos An- 
tiguos de Guatemala, published in Guatemala in 1857, contains, besides the 
grants of the coat of arms and privileges to the city of Guatemala, and me 
morials and reports of the city council from 1537 to 1782, a few letters of 
Alvarado and Bishop Marroquin, some without date, not found elsewhere. 

The work of Ptemesal, though published in Madrid, was the first one written 
in Guatemala. In connection with the special history of the Dominican order 
and a general account of the church, considerable political history is given, 
though in a desultory manner. This author was the first to make use of the 
archives of Guatemala, but in the presentation of this original matter much 
carelessness is shown. Las Casas, the Dominican order, and the natives are 
his favorite topics, and events are colored accordingly. A century later, 
deeming his order neglected by Remesal, the Franciscan chronicler Vazquez 
issued his work. Borrowing much from Remesal and other writers for 
the earlier epoch, he continued the history of the church down to the end of 



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II. i7 


Preceding this class of literature and closely allied to it, owing to the 
spirit of adventure and the geographical knowledge which it diffused, arc the 
numerous accounts of voyages made for the purposes of trade, exploration, or 
discovery in this part of the world. Some of these I will here notice; though 
in truth many of them relate as much to other sections of my work as to 
Central America, or even more. 

Complete as is the Itaccolta of Ramusio and like collections, in reproduc 
ing the leading voyages up to its time, a large number of minor narratives 
remained unnoticed, while others stood briefly recorded upon mere hearsay 
in the writing of others. This deficiency had been observed by Antonio 
Galvano in earlier collections, and his effort to repair it gave rise to the first 
comprehensive history of voyages. Born at Lisbon in 1503, Galvano left at 
the age of twenty-four for the Indies, where he was intrusted with the con 
quest and government of the Moluccas. Of this he remained in charge for 
six or seven years, distinguishing himself both as a just and benevolent ruler, 
and as a zealous proselytizer. His unselfish conduct served only to attract 
calumny and to reduce him to poverty, so much so that ho had to seek refuge 
in the royal hospital at Lisbon, where he died in 1557. His undoubted talent 
had been fostered by extensive reading, particularly of narratives of voy 
ages. While so employed he kept notes with a view to form an outline of 
the progress of navigation and discovery, which should serve as introductory 
to a collection. During the latter part of his life, while suffering under the 
ban of royal displeasure, he found ample time to perfect these researches, 
and at his death a friend, Francisco de Sonsa Tavares, was intrusted with the 
papers. Among these appears to have been a history of the discovery and 
resources of the Moluccas, a manuscript in ten books, according to Faria, of 
which Pinelo says: "Por no haverle visto, duda, si permanece." Epitome, 
ii. C3G. De Sousa caused the treatise under consideration to be published 
at Lisbon in 1563, under the title of Tratado que compos o nob re e notauel 
capitao Antonio Galudo de todos os descobrimentos antiyos e modernos que sdo 
feitos a, era de mil e quinhentos e dncoenta, with a dedication to the duke of 
Aveiro, wherein he records Galvano s many services, and comments on their 
poor recognition. Mention has been made of a duodecimo edition of 1555, 
but this must be a mistake, to judge by Sousa s preface to the edition of 1563. 
Of this only three copies are known to exist, one owned by Mr John Carter 
Brown, of Providence, from whom the Hakluyt Society obtained a copy, 
printed as a running foot-note to their reissue of Hakluyt s version, under 
the editorship of Admiral Bethune. The latter is called The Discoveries of 
the World from their first oriyinall vnto the yeere 1555, by Antonie Galvano, 
Londini, 1G01, to be found also in the reprint of Ifaklvyt s Voyages, and in 
Churchill s Collection, while Purchas gives it in reduced form. The Portu 
guese copy was reprinted at Lisbon in 1731. Hakluyt explains in the dedi 
cation to Sir Robert Cecil that his publication thereof was intended as an 
introductory to his own work, and was made from an old manuscript trans 
lated by an English merchant. In order to modify the "manifold errours" 
therein, Hakluyt took pains to consult Spanish works for the corrections and 
additions which are to be noticed in this version. The treatise goes back to 


oek, and Latin writer*, 

Hakluyt, i .ges are "scare. mi 

tiin " 

lily impi.! age*. 

Avlms<> work v iark d.1 nly as st Tali: 

b for t: .lity anl : <Me 

".MM ! 


f i ,wn 

V.M! him, li<>\\cvr. that th- 
nlrtl. .-mil h" \\.i 

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through \Vr<tinir .s a quern s scholar, IH- \va ig 

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: the i-oinj^iir. 

s was so great that h ones rode two 


hundred miles to meet the only survivor of Hare s disastrous voyage. He 
corresponded with Ortelius and Mercator, and received the friendly encour 
agement of Walsingham, Cecil, Admiral Howard, Drake, and others. His 
first publication was Divers Voyages touching the Discover ie of America and 
HIP. Islands adiacent, London, 1582, dedicated to Philip Sydney. Of the 
original only five copies are supposed to exist, from one of which the Hakluyt 
Society issued a reprint in 1850, iinder the editorship of John Winter Jones, 
of the British Museum, who prefaces it with a valuable review of Hakluyt s 
life and writings. The several narratives refer to the north-east and north 
west passages,, the East Indies, and the east coast of North America. A 
curious map herein of conic projection shows the North American continent 
extending to about latitude 46, where the California peninsula connects with 
a range called Sierra Neuada, running latitudinally. Above 40 all is open 
ocean, bordered on the east, however, by a strip of land connected with 
Florida by a narrow isthmus, and extending to Cape Labrador. The north 
ern part of California bears the name Quiviri, the southern (Cape) California, 
and the central part S. Croce (Santa Cruz). On the mappemondo the Tierra 
del Fuego forms part of a great antarctic continent. While at Paris, Hak 
luyt caused to be published in French an account of Florida, from a manuscript 
found by him, and this was issued the following year, 1587, in English, as 
A notable historic containing foure voyages unto Florida, both versions dedicated 
to Raleigh, with an exhortation to prosecute the colonization of Virginia. 
The same year he published at Paris an improved edition of Martyr s De 
orbe novo which some years later was translated into English by M. Lock. 
In 1589 appeared the first instalment of the great work The principal} 
navigations, voiages and discoveries of the English nation made by sea or 
over land, a folio, dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham. It is divided 
into three parts, relating respectively to Asia and Africa, to the n6rth and 
north-east of Europe and Asia, and to America, including Drake s voyage. 
Nine years later he published the first volume of a new edition of his collec 
tion, followed in 1599 and 1GOO by two more volumes, in none of which refer 
ence is made to the first issue. They are fine specimens of black-letter type, 
with marginals and headpieces, but with the prefaced Latin text, headings, 
and names in roman type and italics. The first volume is dedicated to Lord 
Howard as a tribute to the patriotic services of the family, and in recogni 
tion of the favors received by Hakluyt and his brother; the others to Sir 
Robert Cecil, secretary of state. They are properly a rearranged enlarge 
ment of the first issue, volume i. containing voyages toward the north and 
north-east of England; volume ii. to the Mediterranean and Africa; and 
volume iii. to America, including several voyages by foreigners to parts not 
visited by the English. The narratives are generally in the language of the 
narrator, and in the first two volumes their order is chronologic; but in the 
American section they are grouped under different geographic headings. This 
opens with the dubious voyage of Madoc in 1170, ami continues with expedi 
tions to the extreme northern parts of the continent, chiefly with reference to 
the north-west passage. The region between Canada and Florida comes 
next, followed by explorations toward New Mexico and California, and in 
Mexico; then the Antilles and Central America, succeeded by a series of groups 





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and sets during this interval, with more or less changes, have given no little 
trouble to collectors in search of the complete issue. Formed without critique, 
it is remarkable rather as a convenient set and as a bibliographic curiosity, 
wherein the engravings constitute the main attraction, then for geographic 
value, since most of the narratives had already been published in better form, 
and have been reproduced in later works. 

De Bry s set proved a fertile source in text and engravings for compilers, 
and among them Gaspar L. Ens, the author of several individual European 
travels, and one cf the editors employed by De Bry, who issued the Indies 
Ocddentalis Ilistoria, Colonue, 1612. On the same plan as Ens , but on a 
larger scale, and partly based upon it, is the NewR Welt Vnd Americanifscke 
Historian, Franckfurt, 1G31, reprinted 1C55, folio. The author, Johann Lud- 
wig Gottfriedt, whose proper name appears to be Jean Philippe Abclin, was 
also an editor of Do Bry, and wrote several works, one of them being the 
"Archontologia Cosmica, quo es Farrago de diversos Autores, sin distinguirlo 
cierto de lo dudoso." Pindo, Epitome, torn. iii. pp. 1288. It is also called a 
translation of D Avity s Les etats. Gottfriedt naturally sets up a claim for his 
Newe Welt to be compiled from leading writers, without referring to DC Bry, 
who no doubt supplied the material for the text as well as the plates. 
De Bry, says Brunct, Manuel, torn. ii. p. 1G74, "a abrdge" des douzc premieres 
parties de la collection." The plates, which arc perhaps the most interest 
ing part of the volume, have been selected chiefly from the nude and the 
curious, such as Indians driving whales, playing with mermaids, or hunting 
semi-human beasts. The arrangement of the text shows no improvement 
upon Ens, but the third section differs in being more of a supplement to both 
the preceding parts. 

Hakluyt s unpublished papers, failing to attain their destined object, 
accomplished a wider result by giving rise to the larger collection of Samuel 
Purchas; for it was their possession that gave impulse to a work so much 
needed, both to fill the gaps of the former and to narrate the numerous expe 
ditions which had taken place since its, date. The precursor of the work was 
Pvrchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations o/ the World and the Religions observed 
in all Ages and Places, London, 1G13, dedicated to the archbishop of Canter 
bury. It was reprinted in 1G14, and soon reached several editions, the fourth, 
162G, being dedicated to King Charles, who had deigned to inquire for it, 
and whose royal father had read it seven times, as the author proudly an 
nounces. This object of kingly delight claims to be a compilation from over 
thirteen hundred authors, which are decidedly well represented in the numer 
ous marginals, and gives a review in nine books of the social condition and 
the institutions of the nations in Asia, Africa, and America, particularly the 
religious feature, with some reference to political history. Beginning with the 
Mosaic creation it takes up the nations of south-east Asia, of the East Indiea 
and China, and reaches Africa in the sixth book. The last two are devoted 
to the New World, whose physical and natural features receive two chapters, 
followed by the general description of the region above Florida in five chapters, 
while the eighth is given to the country west of this, and the next six to New 
Spain. The fifteen chapters of book nine cover South America and the An 
tilles, the last being an attack on Spanish cruelty and maleconversion. Three 

ail l \\ In iri;, 

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navigations, after which come the regular narratives of voyages, chiefly by 
Englishmen, interspersed with extracts from notable journals and histories, 
with a view to cover subjects and periods not otherwise disposed of. Vol 
umes i. and ii. relate almost wholly to Asia, Africa, and the Levant, and also 
the next two books, while books iii. and iv., following, deal partly with 
north-west voyages, beginning with Zeno. Book v. gives extracts from 
Herrera, Oviedo, Acosta, and Cortes, which chiefly concerns Mexico, and a 
part of vi. touches the Isthmus, but the main portion of this and the next 
book are occupied with South America. Book viii. is divided between Mex 
ico and the country northward to Virginia, which latter takes up the whole 
of ix. The last book is shared among New England, Newfoundland, and 
the English expeditions against Spain. Altogether the arrangement is as 
confusing as the text, andiii both respects far inferior to Hakluyt s; nor is the 
work as complete as might have been expected. In the attempt to introduce 
foreign narratives the limits of space were overstepped, to the prejudice of 
other accounts, which were often injudiciously condensed. Pinkcrton re 
marks, somewhat too severely, I think, that Purchas directed his utmost 
attention to "selecting the most useless parts of the unhappy authors." Col. 
Voy., vol. i. p. iv. 

Purchas labors found recognition abroad in the well known Relation de 
divers voyages, Paris, 1G63-OG, 5 parts, by Melchisedech The"vcnot, formed 
mainly with a view to reproduce the best portions of Hakluyt and his suc 
cessor, while adding some unpublished narratives. The"venot appears to have 
been particularly well fitted for such undertakings. A savant, and somewhat 
of a diplomatist, he was for eight years in charge of the Royal Library at 
Paris, dying at his post in 1G92, at the age of 71. The selection of his mate 
rial gives evidence of good judgment; yet the arrangement and other points 
may be questioned. 

Another reproduction, and a continuation of the two great English collec 
tions, was offered some years later by John Harris, Naviganiium atque Itin- 
erantium Bibliotheca: or, a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels; London, 
1705, 2 vols, folio, with copper-plates and maps. One of its chief aims being 
to repair the many omissions that had become apparent in the original works, 
the first volume is devoted to the same period as Purchas collection, while 
introducing a number of additional voyages. Its five books refer respect 
ively to circumnavigation, to Asia, to Africa, to the north and north-east 
parts of the globe, and to America, the latter embracing one third more nar 
ratives than Purchas. The mappemonde places the strait of Anian above 
the island of California, but on the American map this is not marked. The 
second volume, relating to voyages and travels after this time, chiefly by 
Englishmen, is less distinct and careful in its arrangement. Books i. and ii. 
cover Russia, Asia, and the Levant; book iii., Europe; and book iv:, America. 
The latter includes only the buccaneer expeditions, Dampier s voyage, and ex 
plorations in the Mississippi and Canada regions. A varied appendix con 
cludes the volume. According to Green, of the Astley collection, John 
Harris, who is styled an A. M., and Fellow of the Royal Society, had little 
or nothing to do with the work besides writing the introductory on the 
origin and emigration of races, and on the progress of navigation. Four 

: been 



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Portuguese voyages toward the East India region; the next two to Spanish 
voyages up to 1540, to both hemispheres though chiefly to America; 
the two following to similar English voyages, till 1G9G; and the last two 
volumes to those of other nations, and to narratives supplementary to the 
preceding. The Portuguese division is chiefly made up. from De Barros 
and De Con to, and the following Spanish from Pierre ra. Volume iii., bear 
ing on the title-page the portraits of Columbus, Vespucci, Magellan, and 
Ponce de Leon, opens with the voyages of the great admiral, and con 
tinues with expeditions and events in Tierra Firmc, the Antilles, Nica 
ragua, and Florida, concluding with Grijalva s discovery of New Spain. 
The next volume is almost wholly devoted to Cortes, and events in con 
nection with his conquest and rule, alternating with sections 011 contempo 
rary expeditions under Magellan, Narvaez, Godoy, Loaisa, and Cabot. In 
the following set, obtained chiefly from Hakluyt, Frobisher s voyages are the 
first to touch America, followed by Drake s and other circumnavigations and 
the settlement of the English American colonies. In volumes vii. and viii. we 
find Verrazano, Pizarro, and Soto, Dutch and French expeditions to South 
and North America, including P. Marquette, and extracts from Benzoni and 
Acosta. On the title-page Vander Aa chooses to announce that the collection 
is based on the German works of I. L. Gottfried, but largely augmented with 
material from his originals and from later authorities. This affectation can 
be regarded only as an advertisement. 

A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some now First Printed from Origi- 
nalManuscripts, others Now First Published in English, is generally known by 
the name of Churchill, the publisher, who, in connection with Awnsham, 
issued the first edition in 1704, in four volumes. In 1733 it was increased by 
two volumes, and the reprint of 1744-7 by two more of the so-called Harleian 
Collection, culled from the Oxford Library, and printed by Thomas Osborne. 
The whole eight were reissued in 17o2, and also used by foreign publishers, 
the introductory discourse by Caleb Locke, on the progress of navigation, 
being translated into French to form, with additions, two duodecimo volumes 
known as Ilistoire de la Navigation, Paris, 1722. Although neither so uni 
versal in its scope as Hakluyt s or Harris , nor so well translated and ar 
ranged, yet it stands as one of the most valuable of collections from its many 
rare narratives, such as the life of Columbus by his son, in vol. ii. ; Gemelli 
Carreri s much questioned yet interesting voyage, vol. iv. ; an account of the 
Mosquito kingdom, vol. vi. , and Castell s description of America, in the Har 
leian Collection. A number of other pieces refer to America, as Monson s 
tracts, and Ovalle s history of Chile, but they do not touch my field. 

The most famous collection of voyages published in the eighteenth century 
is the Histolre Generate des Voyages, Paris, 1746, etc., 20 vols, 4to, edited by 
Abbe" Antoine Franfois Provost d Exiles. Prdvost was one of those bright 
bubbling geniuses whose life and writings have assisted in making the capi 
tal of La Belle France also the capital of the literary and fashionable world. 
In the role of a dashing young officer, he had at an early age sipped of all 
frivolities in that gay city, till a misdirected Cupidian barb caused him in 
1719, at the age of twenty-two, to exchange the glittering uniform for the 
simple garb of a Benedictine. His success as a preacher again drew him into 


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Spanish rule. After this comes Charlevoix history of New France at dispro 
portionate length, succeeded by narratives on the conquest and condition of 
the South American countries. The region from Florida northward is treated 
in a similar series, followed by north-west voyages, including those made by 
Spaniards on the Pacific side, particularly under Aguilar and Fontc. A de 
scription of the Antilles concludes the division, though several additional 
pieces are given in the supplementary volume on Vespucci, Pizarro, and 
Spanish South Sea voyages. This partial review shows that faults have been 
committed both in the arrangement and in the selection of material, due 
partly to haste, with a consequent confusion and repetition, and a carelessness 
of facts, which greatly impair the value of the work. The uniformity of 
style for the varying subjects and the dissertations on trifles arc also to be 
objected to. After Didot s death the collection passed into the hands of 
Rozet, who caused three volumes to be added by Querlon and do Leyre. 
They arc the best edited part of the set, according to La Harpe, and form a 
continuation of the voyages to the north begun in vol. xv. , with a full descrip 
tion of the northern regions in the three parts of the world. The fine engrav 
ings, after Cochin, have aided greatly to make the first edition in quarto 
esteemed above others, and to make the fortune of the publishers. Two re 
prints, one of eighty volumes duodecimo, were issued while the publication 
was still progressing. The Dutch version of Hague, 1747-80, in 25 vols, 4to, 
begun from the English, but continued from Prdvost, contains the portions 
omitted by Pr6vost in his early volumes, and several additional narratives, 
chiefly on the Dutch Asiatic possessions. A German translation in 21 vols 
4to was issued at Leipzig in 1747-74 by Arkstee and Merkus. The editors, 
Kastncr and Schwaben, begin with a round of abuse on PrevoiVs faulty pro 
duction, and announce that they will follow the English original, while copy 
ing the superior French engravings. With the stoppage of Green s labors, 
they suddenly discover Prevost s superiority, but in adopting him as their 
guide for the remainder, they maintain their former division of chapters and 
sub-headings. The last three volumes cover Rozet s additions. 


The plan of a general history of voyages outlined by Green had been pro 
jected already by the academician Du Pericr cle Montfraisicr in his Illstolre 
Universdle, des Voyages faits par Mer & par Terre dans Vancien < dans le 
nouveau Monde, Paris, 1707, wrongly ascribed to Abb6 Bellegardc. Although 
dedicated to the duke of Burgundy, the king s father, the patronage failed 
to give it popularity, and the first duodecimo volume proved also the last. 
Beginning with an introductory on the development of navigation, ho opens 
the narrative with Columbus and closes it with Cortes, giving in addition to 
the intermediate voyages, a general description of resources and nations of 
tropic America. The whole is brief and superficial, with particular attention 
to the marvellous, as indicated also by the engravings. The English hastened 
to give their approval by issuing a translation, but only to be superseded like 
Prevost s collection. If this work had anything to do with promoting Green s 
plan, it may be said not altogether to have failed in its aim. 

The size and cost of Prevost s popular work induced the well known litte 
rateur and academician La Harpe to issue unAbrfye de VHisloire Generate dcs 
Voyarjcs, Paris, 1780-1801, 32 vols, Svo, the last eleven by Comcyras. La Harpe 


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vellons, and against the prevalent bigotry and prejudice. Some able observ 
ations arc also made on the character of the narrative to follow, which are 
quite refreshing in face of the inane remarks to be found in the introductions 
of this period. 

Within the brief compass of three duodecimo volumes entitled A New 
Universal Collection of Voyages and Travel*, London, 1755, an effort is made 
to present a synopsis of all celebrated voyages to different parts of the world;, 
but the result is a rather unequal medley of individual narratives and com 
piled reviews, chiefly relating to Englishmen. America is more or less re 
ferred to in the series of circumnavigations covered by the first volume. In 
the second is given the history of trade with the East India region, followed 
by the discovery and settlement of American countries, New Spain being 
described in chapter vii. The last volume relates almost wholly to Europe. 
The mappemonde outlines California as an island. 

Of wider scope is The World Displayed; or, A Curious Collection of Voyages 
and Travels, London, 17CO-1, 20 vols, lOmo, which devotes the first seven 
volumes to America and to circumnavigation, leaving the remainder to the 
other three continents. The material has been selected apparently from one 
of the larger collections, with no attempt at critical investigation or com 
pleteness, but mainly for its interesting features. In the first volume are 
given the voyages of Columbus and contemporary events, and in the second, 
the expeditions of Corte"s. In the appended map of North America "the 
supposed Str. of Annian " is still retained in about 42 lat. Volume iii. opens 
with the conquest of Panamd and passes into South America, while iv. and v. 
relate to English and French discoveries, including Drake s voyage. Dam- 
pier and Ilogers share volume vi., leaving the whole of volume vii. to Anson s 

A Curious Collection of Travels, London, 17G1, 8 vols, IGmo, maps and 
illustrations, treats of the different parts of the world, partly in the form of 
voyages, partly in historical reviews of countries, including discovery, ex 
plorations, and settlement. Of the three volumes devoted to America, iv. 
and v. relate to English, Dutch, and French colonies, and vi. to the Spanish 
and Portuguese. 

Disgusted with bulky collections and their profuse rubbish on winds, 
currents, and log-book records, the editor of A Compendium of Authentic and 
Entertaining Voyages, London, 17GG, 7 vol. 12mo, resolves to present only the 
useful and attractive, and further to carry on the narratives, beginning with 
Columbus, in a chronologic order, so as to giv e his readers the annals of navi 
gation. The authorities consulted are probably one of the larger collections, 
from which are culled the interesting voyages. Thus volume i., the only one 
referring to my field, presents simply those of Columbus, Corte"s, Gama, and 

Another refuge from verbose and credulous collections is thrust before the 
public in A New Collection of Voyages, Discoveries, and Travels, London, 1767, 
7 vols, Svo, with maps and engravings, wherein the editor promises to show 
none of the bad judgment and neglect to be found in other compilations des 
tined only for the vulgar. Whatever improvements may have been intro 
duced they are more than counterbalanced by incompleteness, and want of 


tn^^w* tx-fcra 



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the ci: 

.1 j)litical gcogr.i 
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-/ by 
3, 8vo, map* and engraving*. Volun .in* 

: . i . 

.lunio added 
>U4 lea Voyage* j ait* autourd* Mi-nJf, Paru, I 


9 vols, embraces circumnavigations by all nations, but shows itself even more 
disproportionate in its arrangement than Henry s. Magellan s all-important 
voyage is so hastily disposed of as to create a belief that the work was never 
based upon a plan ; nor have any prefatory remarks been given to assist the 
wondering reader. Drake and Cavendish are not shown much more favor, 
while the doubtful voyage of Carreri occupies the whole of ii. , and Cook s three 
voyages fill the last three volumes. 

An Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe, and of the 
Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from Magellan to Cook, Edinburgh, 
1837, 12mo, has for its chief aim the relation of Cook s voyages, to which half 
the volume is devoted. It is claimed that several original papers and points 
were obtained from the family of the great navigator for the perfection of the 
narrative. The book opens with a brief review of the progress of navigation 
till the discovery of the South Sea by Balboa, and then begins the narrative 
proper with Magellan s voyage, and with voyages that have assisted in open 
ing the Pacific Ocean. The freely sprinkled foot-notes indicate that, although 
the work is small, considerable care has been bestowed upon it. A continua 
tion was issued under the title of Voyages round the World from- the Death of 
Captain Cook to the Present Time, Edinburgh, 1843, which gives even greater 
attention to scientific features and to generalizations, than to details of voy 
ages; yet a sufficient number of curious and exciting incidents are introduced 
to attract the ordinary reader. 

The preceding work on circumnavigations shows the value of a subdivision 
of the collections and histories of voyages, wherein the attempt to embrace 
too much naturally leads to superficiality, to a neglect of important points, and 
wherein the arrangement forbids a comprehensive view of particular sections. 
A subdivision affords better opportunity for the proper study of special sub 
jects and regions in connection with history and sciences. Such works as 
Recueil de Voiagcs au Nord are convenient for this purpose, to be used by 
scholars for the preparation of more complete and critical works, as Forster, 
Geschichte der Entdeckungen und Schiffahrten im Norden, Francfurt, 1785, 
translated into English in 1786, and into -French in 1789. The latter opens 
with a review in books i. and ii. of the beginning of discovery voyages 
among the ancients, and their progress during the middle ages, particularly 
under the Italians, among them the brothers Zeno. In book iii. follows at 
greater length the history of voyages to northern regions in modern times, 
each nation engaged receiving a chronologically arranged chapter. Most of 
the voyages are of course directed to the search for a north-cast or north 
west passage, but they also include those that have merely been directed 
northward, as Ulloa s and Alarcon s in 1539 and 1540, which did not pass be 
yond Lower California. The latter occur in the Spanish chapter, embracing 
the several American voyages from Gomez in 1524 to Bodega in 1775, and in 
cluding Fuca s and Fuente s. The voyages close with the Russian entry into 
Alaska. Like most German works of research it has received careful study, 
and forms an authority for its field. John Reinhold Forster was one whose 
talents and investigations had met with the recognition of membership in 
several learned societies. He had made the geography of the north his par 
ticular study, and had accompanied Cook round the world, in 1772-75, as 


ai1 story- voyage. 

1 yal to geog- 

to t ! tent ami to societies, was cUhor. 

ago c<> 
wlii !iilii>ltlt : ully ascriljc-8 

issued I jaziu ron 

.HM&i repan 

- . ! , by Janes Bar* 

cxistet. inter s 

. to companii.; tcr Admiral i 

lieutenant with the gn tges, and having 

nia<le g(-(> waa natural !y 

/stcr s 
\vritc ;i liistory of voyages to cover ti 

!i"l h lent hU iuflu- 

turu the gn> After aomo 

iniina! 1 a passage to 

tlio South Sea, t iogic account - :i is began Ma- 

. Am i; tlio cruises are those in search of a route to the 

I hilippinrs, an<l h bearing 

good fruit i;i th- resumed 

lengthy aeries of oil luraei.^ 

i-spersed \ ows of 

iluiihtful ; .o iii. gives consi- 

abl ition to the . o* unfolding Australian 

group, and the following is swtlK-l ^ -itory of the 

as chief 

with lumpier, Slirlvc non, a: local 

unt t ITil" . reasing nunilxT call a different treat- 

,n,l th losan able 

: only of mantis gress and condition 

of sett .ng the coast. is so consistent * 

: tlior" -s ami cot: . ness as the very sensible preface 

o relevant 

. so inn 

lalauc >y an * reeea.- 

ami astiuly of t! I comments and coti 

8 i on8< bo regarded A Chronological / 

/ of Dlscovertj ; L Vemoir o* lA- 

llawkc.^ rK)ugaii ysge, and lat< 

It v. ill be scon that a ] n>olo Ty bad air 

.o the southern region had 

ills. AM., V i.. II. 4d 


found an exponent in De Brasses, Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Aus~ 
trales, translated into English with additions. This work was rather a 
iiasty preparation, having for its object chiefly to demonstrate the advantages 
of the South Pacific for colonies; so that there was ,ample room for An His 
torical Collection of the several Voyages o.nd Discoveries in the South Paci/ic 
Ocean, by Alexander Dalrymple, London, 1770-1, 2 vols, 4to, which treats 
of Spanish and Dutch voyages between South America and Papua. A French 
translation appeared at Paris in 1774 by Frdville, who the same year issued 
in his ITydrographique what may be regarded as a continuation. 

Le Voyageur Franqois, on la Connoissance de VAncien et du Nouveau Monde, 
Mis au jour par M. VA bbe Delaporte, Paris, 1767-72, 42 vols, 12mo, presents an 
historical and descriptive account of the world by a fictitious French traveller 
who addresses himself to a lady in the form of letters, dated at leading towns 
in different countries. While describing the actual condition of the country 
in a politic, economic, and social sense, he also gives lengthy reviews of the 
past history and of the ancient customs of the people, as if related by a na 
tive or culled from memory. The narrative is by this means rendered most 
interesting, and assumes a freshness and a sprightliness of style which con 
done greatly for its superficiality, incompleteness, and want of critical dis 
cernment in adopting statements. The epistolary form, while intended to 
court the public, doubtless adds to the flippancy, in which respect La Harpe, 
among others, expresses himself rather like a jealous rival. Beginning his 
tour in the Mediterranean, the author passes through Asia Minor to India and 
China, and in volume ix. turns up in the British American colonies. In the 
three volumes following he enters the Pacific States, devoting to Mexico the 
greater part of x., describing chiefly the conquest and the ancient customs of 
the Aztecs, and leaving almost untouched the later history and condition; 
but then the object is to inte rest the ordinary reader. Only the first 28 vols. 
are from the pen of the abbe" ; the rest show the inferior style of De Tontenai 
and Domairon. The success was such as to warrant a new edition in 1792-95. 
A German duodecimo edition was issued at Leipzig immediately upon the 
completion of the original, under the title of Reisen eines Franzosen. A 
Spanish translation was begun as El Viacjero Universal 6 Noticia del Mundo, 
Madrid, 1795-1801, 43 vols, including four supplementary. By D. P. E. P. 
The editor soon tired of the faults of the original, and with the 6th vol. began 
an independent work, in which much new information is given, so that the 
book greatly surpasses the French in the value of its material, while it falls 
behind in style and treatment. Volumes xii. xxvi. and xxvii. relate to 
Mexico, Central America, and California, and several adjoining volumes treat 
of other parts of America, including searches for the north-west passage. So 
conscientious is the editor that he devotes the supplementary volumes to 
complete and correct the first five wherein he had followed Delaporte. 

Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde, Paris, 1834-5, 2 vols, 4to, under the 
direction of Dumont d Urville, is also a voyage round the world by an im 
aginary person, who starting from Toulon proceeds by way of Rio de Janeiro 
to South Africa, coasts along the East Indies to China, visits the Pacific 
groups and Australia, whence he returns to France with barely a reference to 
America. The object is to fasten the attention with a pleasing narrative, 

ilg Ofl ) 


namegr 1 aotnewhu 

1 ; t ,/ti,jc* autottr 

1844, 8 

of wl 

with a voyage j 

d. i < 

iition, the oMi<[uest, the Spai .} insurrectionary wa 

ii. to v. the autl tes st- >yages al< South American coaat 

to Chi: . idies, and tl. roaps, % are made the 

I""!- -i ::.:!.-, ;.iin_ ogea and the coi 

and th > south !u>t thiv, .- 8 relate to notable voyage* 

thers, an I ,tures< I crew?- 

gro incs to the romantic style, an i 

ti :. -3 or co neaa. Still, theaccoun* 

bat Lafond waa an a< int. 

]Ie ,-d-M wrot. 1848, and aomeo 

1700, 4to, oooaiata of a Forte- 

gucse and o to 13t20, givei; 

flu in later narrative* of matter nl- 

iy n-lated: luit there is 1: .:...;., and i. 

sh<>\vi; u the . in called to 

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their dryness, i: 

d narrativea. 

icnU, he devotea Tolome 

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ilMwiii.LT t . to other parta ol 

ii. to irtralaaia; xil a 

v. to > 

rroap* rogreaa 

o f KX>ks on each* region, and a detailed 

>e groups he it order, a maaa of narrat 

ten cow but a portion of the : 
a i r , ka by several or more thorough nar 

1 al)S4.rbini: 

,n of that on. 
an d taut traveb of de Mcnon 


north -west coast, with California, is only slightly referred to under Drake s 
visits. In other instances, several voyages to the same region are given with 
valueless repetitions, as Frobisher s three searches for a north-west passage 
and the five voyages to Persia. A mass of uninteresting extracts from log 
books are also presented, besides other verbose trivialities. Altogether the 
collection fails to realize its promises, and is decidedly inferior in selection, 
arrangement, treatment, and above all in completeness, to many less preten 
tious sets. 

A much more thorough, though less known work, is A General History 
and Collection of Voyages and Travels, from the earliest a<jes, by Robert Kerr, 
Edinburgh, 1811-24, 18 vols, Svo. It is the first work of the kind issued in 
Scotland, and claims to be the first systematically arranged history of voyages 
in English. Purchas is admitted to possess system, but is incomplete and . 
merges the traveller s individuality too often, faults which Kerr promises to 
avoid. He divides the work into five parts; first, voyages and travels from 
King Alfred s time to the fifteenth century, nearly all directed to Asia, yet 
including in volume i. Zeno s voyages, and in ii. the discoveries of Galvaiio: 
second, voyages between 1492 and 17GO, constituting volumes iii. to xi. 
These open with two accounts of Columbus discovery and contemporary 
events, by his son and by Herjera. The same volume has the beginning of 
CorteV conquest, which is continued in iv. together with Pizarro s. From 
the conquest of South America, concluded in v. , the chronologic order takes 
the reader to the north-east coast of America, from Florida northward ; and 
in vi. the voyages change to the East Indies, to return in x. and xi. to Amer 
ica, with the circumnavigators, who occupy both volumes. The third part 
relates to particular voyages in each of the five parts of the globe, arranged 
under each country and section, and begins in xii. with Byron, Wallis, Car- 
teret, and Cook. The several voyages of the latter occupy the remainder of 
the work, xiii. to xvii., with the exception of a brief space to Bougainville, 
and to circumnavigations. This by no means completes the part, as promised, 
nor the fourth part on general voyages during the reign of George III. 
Whether this is owing to the early abandonment of the plan announced, or to 
Kerr s death, is not clear, but the work certainly leaves gaps by concluding, 
in volume xviii. with the fifth part, a historical deduction of the progress of 
navigation, discovery, and commerce, which was written several years after 
volume xvii. by W. Stevenson. This well prepared treatise is followed by a 
list of books on voyages and geographic descriptions. The method, so far as 
carried out, has been to give in chronologic order, at considerable length, and 
chiefly in the original form, the most valuable voyages and travels, particu 
larly such as have extended geographic knowledge; and further, to review at 
the beginning or end of such narratives all minor accounts, so as to furnish a 
history of voyages. Objections may be raised in many instances, such as 
giving Columbus two versions where one might have sufficed if notes had been, 
added from the other or from others. Cook s voyages, so well known by this 
time, are out of proportion to the rest, particularly when narratives were so 
greatly needed to cover the progress of discovery and settlement in different 
regions, as the Northwest Coast, Mexico, and other Spanish colonies. 

A method similar to Kerr s is more consistently adhered to, on a smaller 


<!Cn, a; 



. treat 


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!1 it . 

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era, carrying it to the present time in as chronologic an order as the narrative 
will allow. Section iii. covers the period from Columbus to Magellan, and 
the next two sections are devoted to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 
with the northern voyages and the circumnavigations, while vi. is chiefly 
occupied with the Arctic voyages and the laying of the Atlantic cable. An 
abridgment of the book appeared as The Sea and her Famous Sailors, London, 
1859, 12mo. 

Nuevo Viajero Universal, Encyclopedia de Viajcs Modernos, Madrid, 1859, 
f> vols, 4to, edited by N. Fernandez Cuesta, and forming a part of the Hiblioteca 
Ilustrada of C4aspar and Roig, is a collection of the latest voyages, profusely 
illustrated, and so selected and arranged as to give a description of all paints 
of the world, with more or less completeness. The volumes are equally 
distributed among the five continents in the order of Africa, Asia, America, 
Europe, and Oceania. North America is covered by six narratives referring 
respectively to the western United States, Canada, California, Mexico, and 
Central America, while five others describe South America. The account of 
California is extracted from Bryant; that of Guatemala and adjoining regions 
from Morelet ; and of Mexico from Basil Hall and Zamacois. Each narrative 
lias its own division and chapters. 

Perhaps no individual navigators have done so much for the extension of 
coast geography in America in early times as the buccaneers, who, ever 
flitting about in quest of Spanish gold, and ever in need of a refuge from stern 
pursuers, left no available harbor or point on the main unnoticed. Nor were 
they chary of imparting the information, but published it freely in their nar 
ratives for the benefit alike of friend and foe. Among the special works com 
piled from these as well as the more secret Spanish documents was that of Sharp, 
which was specially devoted to the Pacific coast. A valuable supplement to 
this is An Appendix to Sharp s South Sea Wa jyoner, translated out off the 
orii/hml Spanish, a MS. folio of 145 pages, giving sailing directions from Chile 
to California, with a minute description of the coast, reefs, and harbors, ex 
plained by the seventy-two rude charts of the appendix. These are particu 
larly interesting, from the fact that they are relics of a collection of two to 
three hundred original charts, collected by the traveller Nic Witsen, and 
valued by him at over twenty thousand gulden, partly perhaps because they 
indicated the localities where Spanish vessels had sunk with their treasures. 
He had sold them to the king of Spain, but they perished in a shipwreck while 
on the way to Madrid. So runs the story told in the autographic preface in 
Dutch, signed by Witsen at Amsterdam, 1692. 

The first important work of this class, issued in the United States, was the 
American Coast Pilot of Blunt, which has grown in size and importance with 
every succeeding edition since 1796, when it appeared at Newburyport as a 
small Svo of 122 pages, prepared by Captain Furlong. Since 1815 the Blunts, 
father and son, have had control of it, improving and adding until the 
twenty-first edition came out as a closely printed royal Svo of 926 pages. This 
volume,, after an introduction on winds, currents, and other general matter, 
begins its description of coast line and harbors at Newfoundland, and carries it 
to the north-east coast of South America, giving also a full account of the 
Antilles. The part relating to the United States occupies about half the 

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eighteenth century, and Stuck s, published at Halle, 1784-7. But these 
were mere catalogues with few or no notes to indicate contents or character 
of books; and this regardless of the admirable example and aid given by 
Guill. Fr. de Bure, to whom is due the credit of issuing the first descriptive 
bibliography, the Biblioyraphique Instructive, Paris, 1763-8, 7 vols, 8vo, the 
germ of which lies in his imperfect Musceum Typographicam, Paris, 1755. The 
work is perhaps needlessly profuse in its notes, but nevertheless of some value, 
even now, beside the many modern works of this class to which it may be 
said to have given rise. It devotes considerable space to voyages, and among 
other collections it treats pretty fully of De Bry s. The interest manifested 
in this set, however, and the confusion which its numerous partial editions 
had created, warranted the special Memoire sur la Collection des Grand et 
Petits Voyages, et sur la Collection de Thevenot, Paris, 1802, prepared by A. G. 
Camus. This gives not only a satisfactory amount of De Bry for the collector, 
but a review of its composition for the benefit of students. It does not excel 
De Bure s in details of contents, but surpasses it in scientific treatment and in 
critique, presenting quite a model analysis. Camus had at first prepared a 
briefer memoir which 1 Institut National induced him to elaborate and publish 
at its expense, with a similar notice of The venot s collection. Camus was 
the author of a voyage narrative, and a noted work in connection with his 
profession of the law. 

While Camus was yet occupied with his memoir, a more extensive work of 
the same class had been undertaken by G. Boucher de la Richarderie, who 
after ten years of research among the various literary deposits in Paris, aided 
by translators and others, issued the Blbliothcque Universelle des Voyages, 
Paris, 1808, 6 vols, Svo. Despite the labor bestowed the work is far from 
perfect, either in its titles or notes, and the number of omissions becomes more 
and more apparent when later catalogues are brought into comparison. The 
arrangement, however, displays considerable judgment, beginning with a 
review of voyage narratives and travelling guides in general, and proceeding 
with accounts of voyages during the classic and middle ages. After this 
come collections and general histories of voyages and circumnavigations, 
followed by the main subject, an account of individual voyages, arranged 
chronologically under the part of the world, the region, or the country to 
which they are directed. Works on geography, natural history, antiquities, 
and conquests are excluded, but not purely descriptive accounts of a country. 
In most cases only the title of the work is given, in French and in the original, 
with a sprinkling of notices on various editions, their rarity and character, but 
at times a more or less lengthy review of the contents is presented in order to 
furnish from the best works a concise account of the different countries. The 
book is accordingly a combination of bibliography and historic-geographic 
description of the world. The value of descriptive extracts in such a work 
is questionable, and a more satisfactory treatment, in consonance M ith its 
mission, would have been to present a larger proportion of bibliographic notes, 
thus increasing its value. 

The field covered by De Natiira found a modern and more profound ex 
ponent in Antonio de Ulloa, one of the most enlightened Spaniards of the last 
century. His Noticias Americanas, Madrid, 1772, presents a philosophic 

tr fa f iri 

i the work .ri becomes a 


:i. It must not be con; 
. by .1 . I Ullua, ^ 

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1 not s< 

4 it in London, 

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171^-9, so widely , He abo i some valuable reports on the 

ifaetur in. 

/. s y / /". i reason de la de el rid. 17 

p. To this author \\ :-a- 

tions condr. the It 


or ; of the country iuh ribes, ; 

tl. oclesiastics to effect a ] :1 entry into it tlui ; rst 

ers of the century. \ \ full details of ampaigna 

..irrid.-siind iinul conquest of the Itzas 1 :a. 

Tin authorities from \vh-.m Vill. I for this \- 

re such as to render it t 

.irt in ; >i- 

-ua. Ac to / , ;th 

the cat; 

which he took part. His narrative, contained in 40- i of in 

divii]. ;ipters. r publis!. rsua s- 

tic i re M ith i > continue the history. Cogolludo, //- . )" ., M 

1 \ il with somt- 

a ml documents, since passages almost word for wor 

occur in 1 utierr. Ihisbookt 

1 nine contains M on which are 

pillars of Hercules, t 
ile busts and cl <>f fruit, with a 

p. It was th 

in- ry "si tl .uo 

8t B lo di ; )(), but ir. d. 

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tion to the great commercial advantage which both provinces would gain by 
such a consummation, and among other stipulations requests that the king 
will be pleased to give to the territory iu the event of its conquest the name 
of " Provincia de Caldas, para que aya memoria de quien la reduxo, pacifico, 
convirti6, y poblo" ! p. 5. Though the president was in no way benefited by 
this address to the crown, being shortly deposed from office, his having 
caused it to be printed in Guatemala excited interest in such an undertaking 
and stimulated future enterprise. The printed copies of this letter are rare, 
since nearly every one of them was lost in the earthquake which destroyed 
the city in 1773. Pinelo, Antonio de Leon, Relation qve en el Conseio de Indias 
liho, Sobre la Pacijlcacio?i, y pobladon del Manchd i Lacandon, que pretende 
hazer Don Diego de Vera Ordonez de Villaquiran, Cavallero de la Orden de 
Calatrava, etc., aiio 1638, folio 11, is a report of Antonio de Leon Pinelo, 
the celebrated historical secretary of the council of the Indies, on the dis 
trict occupied by the Lacandones, Manches, and other unconquered native 
nations. The book is extremely rare, and probably not more than two or 
three copies are in existence, since only a limited number were printed 
for the individual use of the members of the council. The one in my pos 
session was the property of the late E. G. Squier. It contains a brief descrip 
tion of the Manch6 and Lacandon country, which is followed by a concise 
sketch of the various attempts to pacify and people those districts, from 
the time of the conquest down to the date of the report. The greater 
part of the treatise consists of a careful consideration of the proposition made 
by Diego de Vera Ordonez de Villaquiran for the pacification of the Lacandon 
territory. Attached to the document is a copy of the royal patent extended 
to Villaquiran approving his proposition and appointing him governor and 
captain-general of the "Provincia de el Prospero (alias el Lacandon)," drawn 
up in 1638, and issued by the king on the 29th of March 1639. Mention has 
already been made of Pinelo s labors in vol. i. p. 287, Hist. Cent. Am. In- 
forme del Rev. P. Prior del Convento de Coban al Ilimo y Rlmo Sr D. Fray 
Andres de Navas y Quevedo, Arzobispo de Guatemala, sobre las Misiones de 
Verapaz y Ahitzaes, escrita en Coban d 8 de Febrero de 1685, MS., 27, is an 
interesting report, formerly belonging to the Abb6 Brasseur de Bourbourg, 
and containing an account of the Dominican missions in the Choi country 
from 1673 to the date of the document. It constitutes a spirited refutation 
of the charge of abandonment thereof brought against the order by Sebastian 
de Olivera y Angulo, the alcalde mayor of Vera Paz. The letter is ably and 
courteously written, and, as the production of a Spanish friar, not very ver 

Herewith I give further references to some authorities consulted for the 
preceding chapters: Vazquez, Chron. de Gvat., 1-771; Escamilla, Not. Cur., 
1-78; Oviedo, i. 115, 157-8, 599-602; iii. 123, 131-2, 189-208, 211-20, 222-3, 
255, 488-94, 540; iv. 8-10, 19-32, 239-42; Concilia* Prov. , MS., i. 160, passim; 
Id., 1555 y 1565, pp. vi.-vii., 283-89, 293-8; Herrera, dec. i. lib. vii. cap. 
xii. ; lib. x. cap. xi. ; dec. iii. lib. v. cap. xiv. ; lib. ix. cap. vii. x. ; lib. x. 
cap. ix. xi. ; dec. iv. lib. i. cap. vi. vii. xi.; lib. ii. cap. i. iii. vi. ; lib. iii. cap. 
ii. ; lib. iv. cap. vii.; lib. vi. cap. iii.; lib. vii. cap. v. ; lib. x. cap. v. xv. ; 
dec. v. lib. i. cap. ix. ; lib. iii. cap. v.; lib. vi. cap. i.; lib. ix. cap. viii. ix.; 

doc. \i. lib. i. 


745-6, , 

.17,1: / . !. i:.o 5, 1 


. i. 

MI; iii. :; (i, 18-30, 48 80, 17- , 17 

111: ;/ acllCCO 

J ..-.. i. .M I. :i; ii. : ^; iv. l: I 5j v. 

i; vi (i 17 1-115; 

.111; xiv. 47 et I 

\\ii. 489 iiL 17M:>; l 

tz, MS., J i- pp. 

; ii. ]-p. xxv. . ~. 600j 

7; :;;:. 17:!: iii. l7--">; Ca 

< ,, ii. 181; ^ : ii. 1- 

17:.; I&, M 

., iii. ."J.VG; / 

Ji . /> ., 1:1 - - .s / / 

i. 53 UJ1 i. J; ii. . i. *. ! 7. i ii. 

i 10-11; / /., / 171; Realea< J; ii. 1 

] . : 7. I. ; 

Curon- . iv. i:;0-l, I- .:) 7: 

Jl, 77: / : / . 

j ; 

., 11 !_, ;!i-41; 7 7, 

_M! ; /. AmOTt 

/ . if- (!"t., 
Ji ohg. t MS 1,1., Ii ., i. 406, p. vii.; 7./.. / 

v. l. )-ir,. i i;:>, I7s--j;is, -jji 70- 


J , MS., % J 11; Artvalo, . >/>n/f. (, >"i ., 1.V17:. 1 ; 1 

.11: l-l.">7. J-7 -33, 588-9, G03-." 

Doe. 1. I _ _ \, 140-1; Ivii. 3J8, 3 

. s, or 

-M/fw, MS., 1-130; /</., /S/o 7 
7/.- : / , / al R 

Doc. ///-/. M i. tm. i. 1 . :. :n. iii. 

11. iv. Hi; -j: . v. loll, 14-J: i. iv. -Jl _ , 212 

; torn. \ i. 41 s; t<>m. vii. , , i. 1 1, 

ii. 17. a; iii. . ill, passim; 

1823), I I 

: iii. IM--JJ:.. :5"^ L2j riil I--- 
1 I .VI -ini; ii. 1 311, in; 

. 1-291; C 

J., 1-4; ( 
1,424; /x, y//s /;/// 

1 ! 

,\ . . . : 




Hist. Conq. 7feer,4-17, 76-314, 341-401, 504-11, 542-659; Figueroa, Vindicias, 
MS., 70-104; Ramon, El In forme, MS., 20-89; Zurita, Relation, MS., 05; 
Aninon, Discurso, MS., 1-3; Niebla, Memorial, MS., 1-20; Alvarado, Cartas, 
MS., 1-42; Morelli, Fasti Novi Orbis, 107-15, 140, 181-3, 206, 348, 361-5, 
480-9; Pinelo, Relation, 2-11; Velasco, Carta, MS., 1 etseq. ; Miranda, Me- 
moria, MS., 1-20; Piedrahiia, Hist. Gen., 529-30; Morel, StaCruz Visita, MS., 
1-104; Izaguirre, Relation, MS., 1 et seq.; Costa Rica, Cabtldo de Relation, 
MS V 1-18; Haklvyt, Voy., iii. 567-9, 590-7; Ariza, Darien, MS., 2-38; Pan 
ama, Col. Doc., passim; Gnat. Const, del. Colegio, MS., 1 et seq.; Verapaz y 
Ahitzaes, Misiones, MS., 1-27; Andagoya, Carta al Rey, MS., 9-10; Acostn, 
Comp. Hist. N. Granada, 324; San Salv., Tratado de la Fundacion, MS., 
1-27; Darien, Defence of Scots Settlement, 1 etseq.; Id., Enquiry, 1 et seq.; 
Id., Humble Address; Id., Letter Relating; Id., Original Papers, 1 etseq.; 
Id., Vindication, 1 et seq.; Touron, Hist. Gen. Am., v. 193-214, 249-97; vi. 
74-124, 307-48; vii. 69-163, 233-48, 269-78; Santos, Chron. Hisp., ii. 479-85; 
Garcia, Hist. Beth., i. 25-7; ii. 3-12, 28-203; iii. 1-173; iv. 1-39; Id., Resena 
Geog., 7; Coreal, Voy., i. 94-5, 101-12; Id. (ed. Amsterdam), 73-112, 125-47; 
Id. (ed. Paris), 65-100, 251-2; Pineda, Descrip. Geog., 11-14, 45, 85-8, 129-33; 
Cadena, Breve Descrip., 5-56; Rivera, Hist. Jalapa, i. 60-3; Ordenangas para 
remedio de Navios, 1-24; Lynch, Rd. Puntual, MS., 1-19; Gottfried, Newe 
Welt, 82-3, 282-6; Oexmelin, Hist, de Ffib., i. 162-5, 197-228; i i. 3-11, 31- 
193, 207-46; iii. 30-202, 301-47; Ramirez, Proceso, pp. xi.-xxiii., 6-82, 102-3, 
124-30, 277-90; Feuillee, Journal, 65-86, 146-60, 311-23; Larrainzar, Soco- 
nusco, 1-3, 17-25; Squier s Notes, 121 et seq.; Id., States, 44, passim; Id., 
Travels, 82 ct seq.; Laet, Novi Orbis, 325, 333-46; Exquemelin, Am. Zee- 
Roovers, 59 et seq.; Id., Buccaneers of Am., 29 et seq.; Id. (ed. Boston, 
1857), 76 et seq.; Id., Hist, de Boecaniers (ed. Amst. 1700), 12 set seq.; Ucy- 
lyn, Cosmog., 1080-9; Dampicr, Voy., i. 3 et seq.; Ulloa, Noticias, 34-5; 
Cleveland, Nic. Transit, MS., 52-66; Larenaudicre, Hex. ct Gnat., 268, 287- 
90; Prescott s Mex., i. 377-86; Id. (ed. Madrid), iv. 228; Id., Hist. Peru, ii. 
561-72; Montanus, Nieuwe Weereld, 268-81; Soc. Hex. Geog., Boletin, iii. 87, 
passim; v. 326-32; Id., 2da <Sp., i. 222-50, 293, 456, 565-73; iii. 77-80; iv. 
(599-712; Id., 3da e"p. ii. 304-26; Archenholtz 1 Hist. Pirates, 93, passim; South Co., View of, 1 et seq.; Sharp, Voy. and Adv., 2, passim; Lussan, Journal 
de Voy., 30-110, 129-43, 152-274, 384-436; Fancourfs Hist. Yuc., 147, passim; 
Calvo, Traites, ii. 205-9, 359-81; iii. 249-55; xi. 196-203; Ayon, Conoid. 
L unites, 9-19; Luyts, Introduc. Geog., 727-9; Aa, Naaukeurige Versamdinij, 
x. 19-25; Humboldt, Essai Pol., ii. 467-73; Bustamante, Medidas, MS., ii. 
11-12; Zamacois, Hist. Mcj., i. 715-18; ii. 375; iii. 144; iv. 485-6, 632-84; 
v. 187, 422-8, 617-34; x. 1123-5; Montemayor, Svmarios, 11, 163-6, 189, 
203-4; Pap. Var., xliv. pt. i.-x.; cxlix. pt. x. 403-14; Id., clxvii. pt. i. 1 
et seq.; Id., ccxv. pt. xvii. passim; Reichardt, Nic., 31-2, 71-80, 110-13, 
136-8, 140-4, 205-7; Davity, Descrip. Gen., 91-4; Bras*eur de Uourbourg, 
Bib. Mex. Gnat., 36; Id., Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 574-633, 781-98; Morelet,Voy., 
ii. 291, 303; Helps Cortes, ii. 162-3; Id., Life of Las Casas, 182, passim; Id., 
Span. Conq., iii. 275, passim; iv. 9-14; Quintana,Vida, 129 etseq.; Rivera, 
Gob., de Mex., i. 31, 248, 254, 258-9; Burners Discov. South Sea, iv. 59, 
passim; Nouvelles An. de Voy., xxi. 244, 261-2; xxvi. 405-6; xxxv. 127-8; 
Ixxx. 129-69; xcii. 58; xciii. 25-6; xcix. 192; c. 51-4; cli. 1-15; clviii. 200; 
Guat., Ajnint.Agric., 42, passim; West Indies, Descrip. of Span. Settl., 1-106; 
Lerdo de Tcjada, Apunt. Hist., 261-2, 299; Antunez, Mem. Hist., pp. Iviii.- 
Ixiii. Ixxxiii. -xciii. ; Buccaneers of Am., ii. 1 etseq.; La Harpe, Abrege, x. 
116-20, 257-314; xi. 237, passim; Russell s Hist. Am., i. 388-93, 416-19, 517- 
4-8; Jesuits. Col. Gen., i. 1 et seq.; ii. 1 et seq.; Clement, Tobias Chron., 170- 
C7, 205; Kerr s Col.Voy., v. 175-80; x. 214, passim; Id., Travels, 229; Costa 
Rica, Boundaries, 10-50; Palacio, S. Salv., 1-70; lylesiasyConventos de Mex., 
277-81; Cortes, Diario, v. 220; xix. 390-1; West Indies, Geog. and Hist., 60, 
passim; Molina, Bo squc jo Cost. R., 67 etseq.; Id., Coup d Gell, 6 et seq.; See- 
;-:a;, ?i s Isth. of Panama, 7-53; Id., in Panama Star and Herald, March-May, 
18G8; Gage s New Survey, 180-265, 308-9; Id., Voy. (ed. Paris, 1676), ii. pt. 





../.. i. 


ii. : 

I -Jx // . 

i. 6, 181 j 

J]<, iii. Is 


xxiii. iMt 1; 




in Min., ii. 23; Imray s Sailing Direct., 12; Ilolinski, LaCaL, 66-8; Crosby s 
Statement, MS., 116-18; Findlay s Direct., i. 213, 242, 258; Arana, Relation, 
380-98; Guerra, Hist. Revol., ii. 616-17; Mexico, Notes on in 1822, 239-44; 
Frost s Pict. Hist. Hex., 129; Shelvocke s Voy., 292-3; Noticia Individual de 
los Derechos, 1-143; Ponton s Earthquakes, 36, 46; Nicaragua y Hond. Doc., 
1-56; Paredes Coast of Mosq., 1-62; Linage, Spanish Rule of Trade, 207-8, 
227; Conder s Mex. and Guat., ii. 153, passim; Hassel, Mex. und Guat., 406; 
Wilson s Mex., 257; Lardner s Hist. Marit., ii. 302-4; Panama, The Isthmus, 
8-9; Anderson s Commerce, iii. 165; iv. 47, 449; Roberts Nar., Voy., 37-42; 
Harris" 1 Col. Voy., i. 748, 754; Wells Honduras, 415,457-9, 530-1; Goodrich s 
Man on Sea, 34, 337-8; Correo Merc. Esp., iv. 270; Tomes, Panama, 162-3, 
208-12; Oviedo y Banos, Por el Licenciado, 1-9; Guat., Instruc. Arreglo, 1-24; 
Otis Isthmus of Panama, 127; Payne s Univ. Geog., iv. 461-3; Silicio, Mem. 
Foment. Col. Ind., 74-8; Suarez, Informe, 33; Voyages, Hist. Voy. round the 
World, i. 302-9, 325-9, 443-4; Cullen s Darien, 147-93; Winterbotham s Hist. 
ofU.S.,iv. 120-8; Puydt et Binckum, Colonisation, 72; Flint s Geog., ii. 
145; Alzate, Gacetas, iii. 326, 442; Castellon, Doc. Nic. y Hond., 51-6; Mos~ 
quitolandes, 23, passim; Moro, Informe, 1-127; Cavo, Tres Siglos, i. 104; ii. 
67-8, 147; iii. 35-43; Bvla, Conjlrmationis, 1-16; Nicaragua, Nueva Disen- 
sion, 6-7, 20-5; Die. Univ. Hist., i., passim; Arancel, Derechos, 2-6; La- 
cunza, Discursos Hist., 461; Mosquito- Kuste und Ter., 14-18; Fonsecay Urru- 
tia, Real Hacienda, i. 519-20; Guat., Arancelas, 1-100; Belly, Nic., i. 28-30, 
192, 226, 349-50; ii. 38, 261; Raynal, Hist. Phil., iv. 74-5, 200, 205, 221-50; 
Leon s Travels, 15-19, 35-40; Pinelo, Relation, 1-11; Mosquito, Correspond 
ence, 27, passim; Relation Historica de lance, 1-8; Muro, Utilidades, 1-73; 
Fabrica y Estampa de Naypes, 1-16; Llorente, (Euvres, 1-409; Fernando, vii. ; 
Doc., 314-27; Margil de Jesus, Noticie de,a Vita, 1-216; Id., NiLevas Em- 
pressas, 1-46; Cancelada, Tel. Mex., 109; Moreno, Reglas Cientas, 1-136; 
Nicaragua, Mem., 8-28; Cent. Amer. Pamphlets, passim; Mosquito Doc., 
passim; Museo Mex.,i. 193-5,229, 261; Iturriaga, El Dolor Rey, 1-27; Ilust. 
Mex., iv. 414-16; Iglesia de Guat., El Dean, 1-4; Linage, Norte de la Con- 
tratacion, 1-264; Navarrete, Col. Viages Descub., iii. 452-3; Guatemala t 
Autos de Parte, MS., 1-41.