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Volume 12, Sofia, 2000 
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 
- National Museum of Natural 


ст.н.с. Петър БЕРОН 
(опаговорен редактор) 

ст.н.с. Алекса ПОПОВ (секретар) 
ст.н.с. Красимир КУМАНСКИ 
ст.н.с. Cmouue АНДРЕЕВ 

ст.н.с. Златозар БОЕВ 

Адрес на редаКцията 

БългарсКа академия на Haykume - 
Национален природонаучен музей 
1000 София 

бул. Цар Освободител 1 


Petar BERON (Editor-in-Chief) 
Alexi POPOV (Secretary) 
Krassimir KUMANSKI 

Stoitse ANDREEV 

Zlatozar BOEV 

National Museum of Natural History 

1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 
1000 Sofia 

Книга 12 е отпечатана със 
средства на Министерството 
на околната среда и Водите 

Publishing of this volume is 
financed by the Ministry of 
Environment and Waters 

© Национален природонаучен 
музей - БАН, 2000 

Научно и шехническо редактиране: 
ст.н.с. Алекси ПОПОВ 

Излязла от печаш на 22.12.2000 
Формат 70х100/16 

Тираж 350 

Печатни Коли 10.5 

Отпечатано 6 „Искър“ ЕООД 

ISSN 0205-3640 

naturalis bulgarica 

КНИГА 12, СОФИЯ, 2000 



Природонаучни музеи u koaekuuu 

Тошко ЛЮБОМИРОВ - Ревизиран списъК на Видовете риещи оси 
(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) om сбирката на Н. НеделКов 6 
Националния природонаучен музей 6 София (англ., рез. бълг.)... 

Научни публикации 

Иван ПАНДУРСКИ - Циклопиди (Crustacea: Copepoda) от подземните 
Води на България: разпространение и морфологични бележки 
(френекрезпбъдаз ON Пела ПА ч с Е а Аа М 

Албена ЛАПЕВА, Николай СИМОВ - Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 
(Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) - нов представител на мирмекофилната 
фауна на Балканския полуостров (англ., рез. бълг.).............. 

Герхард УМАН, Борислав ГЕОРГИЕВ - Преглед на семейство Anthicidae 
(Coleoptera) от България (англ., рез. OBA2.)... 1... ee ee eee 

Стоян БЕШКОВ, Бари ГОТЪР - Macrolepidoptera и Microlepidoptera 
(Alucitidae и Pyralidae), установени 6 България В периода 12 - 24 
септември 1995 (Lepidoptera) (англ., рез. бълг.)............... 

Павел СТОЕВ - Върху разпространението, биологията и еКологията на 
земноводните и влечугите на Дервентските Възвишения и 
Сакар планана (англ рев: ObAZ.)) Va tes cle АНЕ А Не ВИ ЕА 

Златозар БОЕВ - Късноплейстоценска авифауна om Paxkuwkama 
пещера, Западна България (англ., рез. бълг.)..... ee ee eee 

Николай СПАСОВ - Биохронология и зоогеографсКа афинитетми на 
Вишлафранкската фауна om България и Южна Европа (англ., рез. 
Ол са пай с рссо с опора Пс. соло Sbkeuag suena 






Майя СТОЙНЕВА - Почвени Водорасли 8 музейни проби om няКой 
nyHkmo6e В Югозападна Азия. I (англ., рез. бълг.) ............ 

Защита на природата 

Васил BYTOB, Димитър ДИМИТРОВ - Нови хорологични данни за редки 
и защитени Видове Висши растения 6 България (бълг., рез. англ.) 
Васил ВУТОВ, Димитър ДИМИТРОВ - Нови хорологични данни за 
разпространението на Висщи растения с природозащиштен 
статуе 8 България (бълг: рез: англ... оно ое 

Обзорни статии 

Златозар БОЕВ - Палеоорнитологията и археоорншпологията Като 
направления 6 палеозоологията (бълг., рез. англ.) ............ 

Kpamku бележ Ки 

Петър БЕРОН - Зоологическо изследване на ДЖебел Mappa (Дарфур, 
CNG AT) (GENS ое оо оо о оо ООН 
Петър БЕРОН - Encyclopaedia biospeologica - събитие 8 биоспелеоло- 
SULFITE CO BINS ооо еп Пе он О 
Алекси ПОПОВ - Определител на водните Кончета (Odonata) 6 България 
от: Моден Маринов. (бълг: роет om icant «mere alee ous 
Алекси ПОПОВ - HoBa Световна червена Книга (бълг.)............... 
Боян П. ПЕТРОВ - ЕКспедиция на НПМ В Северна Гърция (15-29.09.2000) 
ОР а о s pwc pee ftom sae о о о 
Николай СПАСОВ - Симпозиум "Холарктичните Копитни на плиоцена и 
плейстоцена", 19 - 22 септември 2000, АВиньон, Франция (бълг.) 
Алекси ПОПОВ - Каталог на negomepkume (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) 6 
България от Ekamepuna HecmopoBa (бълг.) ................. 










Natural history museums and collections 

Toshko LJUBOMIROV - Revised check-list of digger wasps (Hymenoptera: 
Sphecidae) from the collection of N. Nedelkov at the National 
Museum of Natural History in Sofia (In English, summary in 
BU Satdam) ese etree weyer ait ere ore atte rs ore herein ene mlcner en gan 

Scientific publications 

Ivan PANDOURSKI - Cyclopides (Crustacea: Copepoda) des eaux souter- 
raines de Bulgarie: distribution et remarques morphologiques (In 
Prench.summary-in' Bulgarian) ys suse. eaters 3: een eect а .. 

Albena LAPEVA, Nikolay SIMOV - Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 
(Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), a new member of the myrmecophilous 
fauna of the Balkan Peninsula Ain English, summary in Bulgarian) 

Gerhard UHMANN, Borislav GUEORGUIEV - Review of Anthicidae 
(Coleoptera) from Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) .... 

Stoyan BESHKOV, Barry GOATER - Macrolepidoptera and Microlepidoptera 
(Alucitidae and Pyralidae) recorded in Bulgaria, 12 - 24 September 
1995 (Lepidoptera) (In English, summary in Bulgarian) .......... 

Pavel STOEV - On the distribution, biology and ecology of amphibians and 
reptiles in the Derventski Heights and the Sakar Mountain, South- 
East Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) .............. 

Zlatozar BOEV - Late Pleistocene Avifauna of the Razhishkata Cave, Western 
Bulgaria (In English, summary in Bulgarian) .................. 

Nikolai SPASSOV - Biochronology and zoogeographic affinities of the 
Villafranchian faunas of Bulgaria and South Europe (In English, sum- 
поста ЕТО) Maris se ое Bab ео о оо Geb ов 6/625 опело ООО наивно ax 

Maya STOYNEVA - Soil algae in museum samples from some Southwest Asia 
sites. I (In English, summary in Bulgarian).................... 

Protection of nature 

Vasil VUTOV, Dimitar DIMITROV - New chorological data for rare and pro- 
tected vascular plant species in Bulgaria (In Bulgarian, summary in 
EAI OLISIA ее ее о onetime unos Ns 
Vasil VUTOV, Dimitar DIMITROV - New chorological data for the distribu- 
tion of vascular plants with conservation status in Bulgaria (In 
Bulgatian,siiminahy иона), оные ape e+ осень 










* KOK 

Zlatozar BOEV - The paleornithology and archaeornithology аз раео- 
zoological branches (In Bulgarian, summary in English).......... 

Short notes 

Petar BERON - Zoological research in Jebel Marra (Darfur, Sudan) (In 
Вратата) ee сака eS is A LS СИЕ со г ва SO 
Petar BERON - Encyclopaedia biospeologica - an event in the Biospeleology 
(Тува ам); рабов лоска ов еее 
Alexi POPOV - Identification book of the dragonflies (Odonata) in Bulgaria by 
Шен Малом dn Bulgarian) ее ео - ое 
Alexi POPOV - A new World red book (In Bulgarian) .................. 
Boyan Р. PETROV - Expedition of the National Museum of Natural History 
in Northern Greece (15-29.09.2000) (In Bulgarian) ............... 
Nikolai SPASSOV - The Symposium "The Holarctic Ungulates of the Pliocene 
and Pleistocene", 19 - 22 September 2000, Avignon, France (In 
Ванавара бор О В 
Alexi POPOV - A catalogue of the geometers (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in 
Bulgaria by Ekaterina Nestorova (In Bulgarian) ................ 







Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 5-15 

Revised check-list of digger wasps (Hymenoptera: 
Sphecidae) from the collection of N. Nedelkov 
at the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia 



High school teacher Nikola Nedelkov from Sofia published some of the first sci- 
entific reports on the Bulgarian sphecid wasp fauna (NEDELKOV, 1909; NEDELKov, 
1914). Before that only Dimitar Joakimoff (JOAKIMOFF, 1899) had reported five 
sphecid species in the Rila Mountain. Nedelkov did not restrict his study to a sin- 
gle group of insect families or to a single order. He discussed almost all main 
insect orders in his publications. This made the results obtained by Nedelkov 
rather doubtful as far as large groups were concerned, because at that time they 
were quite insufficiently studied from faunistic and taxonomic points of view (for 
instance, many Diptera; Homoptera; Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea, 
Chalcidoidea, Proctotrupoidea), However, most of the West-Palaearctic sphecid 
wasp species were already relatively well-known and their classification was 
almost completed. In species determination and reference making, Nedelkov used 
one of the best works on Sphecidae in Europe at that time - the work of Andrea 
Dahlbom (DAHLBOM, 1843-1845). Therefore, the sphecid material was to a great 
extent correctly determined and reported despite some misidentifcations and 
misreports in Nedelkov 5 well-preserved and labelled collection containing 364 
digger wasp specimens, The goal of the present study is to correct these misiden- 
tifications, to give a full list of the sphecid species reported by Nedelkov includ- 
ing data collected by the same author but unpublished so far. At present the 
whole collection of Nedelkov is deposited in five boxes in the entomological col- 
lection of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia. The new species for 
the Bulgarian fauna established are marked with an asterisk. 

The sphecid material in the publication of М. Nedelkov from 1909 

In 1909 the paper of Nedelkov "Our Entomological Fauna" was published in 
the Archive of the Ministry of Education (Arhiv na Ministerstvoto na narod- 
noto prosveshtenie). There Hymenoptera together with many other insect 
groups (mostly Orthoptera and Coleoptera) was included in a list of 73 species, 
11 of which were sphecids, as well as one undetermined Cerceris species. The 
sphecid material was collected by the author in Svishtov, Varna, Stara 
Zagora, Rhodope Mountains, Assenovgrad, Sozopol and Bourgas. Nedelkov 
also revised two small collections in Chirpan made by М. Botusharov and Р. 


Sceliphron (Sceliphron) spirifex (Linnaeus, 1758). Pelopaeus зрит/ех: р. 
125: VII, Varna, 91 ; Chirpan, (P. Dimitrov), no preserved material. 

Isodontia paludosa (Rossi, 1790). Sphex paludosa: p. 125: VII, Svishtov, no 
preserved material. 

Podalonia hirsuta (Scopoli, 1763). Psammophila hirsuta: р. 125: ?У1, 
Rhodope Mts.: nearby Bachkovski Monastery, 1 2. Psammophila affinis: р. 125: 
УП, Sredna Gora Mts, 2 СС, misidentified. 

Ammophila heydeni Dahlbom, 1845. Ammophila holosericea: р. 125: УП, 
VIII, Bourgas, 1 9; Sozopol, no preserved material; Asenovgrad, no preserved 
material; Chirpan (N. Botusharov), no preserved material. 

Ammophila sabulosa (Linnaeus, 1758). Ammophila sabulasa (sic): p. 125: 
УП, Rhodope Mts, 1 С, 19; VIII, Rhodope Mts, 1 С”. 


Bembix oculata Panzer, 1801. Bembex neglecta: p. 125: VII, Varna, no pre- 
served material; Bourgas, 1 9. 

Bembix olivacea Fabricius, 1787. Bembex olivacei (sic): p. 125: VII-VIII, 
Bourgas, 1 С, 1 9; ?VII, Varna, 2 ФО; Bourgas, 19. 


Philanthus coronatus (Thunberg, 1784). Philanthus coronatus: р. 125: 
УП, Sredna Gora Mts., no preserved material. 

Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius, 1775). Philanthus triangulum: р. 
125: VIII, Stara Zagora, 1 С; ?УП, 71916, Bourgas, 19. 

Cerceris rubida (Jurine, 1807). Cerceris зр.: р. 124: Devnya, 1 Q, erro- 
neously designated by Nedelkov as male. 


Cerceris sabulosa (Panzer, 1799). Cerceris пипша: р. 124: VIII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С”. 

The sphecid material т the publication of М. Nedelkov from 1914 

In his "Seventh Contribution to the Entomological Fauna of Bulgaria" 
Nedelkov reported at least 98 sphecid species under 104 specific names. In this 
paper he included material pubicated in 1909 as well. The publication appeared 
in 1914 and contained only data on Hymenoptera. The material was collected by 
№ Nedelkov (from the vicinities of Sofia), by S. Kozarov (from Stara Zagora, 
Kyustendil, Kostenets, Sofia and vicinities), by D. Vezhev (from Bourgas), by K. 
Seizov (from Provadia), by T. Penev (from Pazardzhik), by P. Ramnarov (from 
Svishtov), and by I. Stribrni (from бадоуо). 


Sceliphron (Sceliphron) destillatorium (Mliger, 1807). Sceliphron disti- 
latorius (sic): р. 199: VII, Vidin, 19; VII, Sofia, 1 С; УП, Pancharevo, 1 9; VII, 
Stara Zagora, 1 С, 19. Sceliphron spirifex: р. 199: У, Pazardzik, 1 Ф; VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 Ф; VII, Bourgas, 1 Ф, misidentified. Unpublished material: УП, 
Kazanlak, 1 9, determined - Sceliphron spirifex, Sadovo, 1 9, determined: 
Sceliphron spirifex. 

Sceliphron (Sceliphron) spirifex (Linnaeus, 1758). Sceliphron spirifex: 
р. 199: VII, Veliko Turnovo, 1 9; VII, Stara Zagora, 2 ФФ. Unpublished material: 
УП, Kazanlak, 1 9, determined - Sceliphron spirifex, VIII, Sliven, 1 2, determined 
- Sceliphron spirifex, Stara Zagora, 2 ФФ; Pazardjik, 1 ©’, 2 QQ. 

Sphex (Sphex) funerarius Gussakovskij, 1934. Sphex maxillosus: p. 199: 
VII, Bourgas, 1 С”. 

Prionyx kirbii (Vander Linden, 1827). Sphex albisectus: р. 199: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 9; VI, Ihtiman, 1 С; УП, Rhodope Mts.: Batchkovski Monastery, 1 
Q; VII, Bourgas, 1 9. 

Podalonia affinis (W. Kirby, 1798). Psammophila tydei: р. 199: УП, 
Rhodope Mts., 1 9, misidentified. 

Podalonia fera (Lepeletier, 1845). Psammophila tydei: р. 199: VI, 
Pancharevo, 2 ФФ; VIII, Sofia: Pancharevo sub. 1 9; VII, Stara Zagora, 1 9, 

Podalonia hirsuta (Scopoli, 1763). Psammophila ай тв: р. 199: VII, 
Sredna Gora Mts., 2 (СТ, misidentified. Psammophila hirsuta: р. 199: Sredna 
Gora Mts., 1 ©’; 1 9: VIII, Rila Mtn: Rilski Monastery, 1 $; VIII, Rila Mtn: 
батоКоу, 1 9; Pazardzik, 2 СС; VII, Stara Planina Mts., 2 СС, 1 Q; VII, Sofia, 
2 99; УП, Pancharevo, 1 2. Psammophila tydei: р. 199: VII, Rhodope Mts., 1 С’; 


У, Lyulin Mtn., 19; VI, Pancharevo, 1 9; УП, Pancharevo, 1 С; VI, Ihtiman, 3 
СО’, 2 99; Byala Tcherkva, 1 С”; IV, Sofia, 1 2; VI, Sofia, 1 9; VI, Rhodope Mts.: 
Batchkovski Monastery, 1 9, misidentified. Unpublished material: У, Lyulin Mtn, 
1 9, determined: Psammophila hirsuta. 

Podalonia tydei (Le Guillou, 1841). Psammophila tydei; р. 199: УП, 
Svishtov, 1 С; VI, Sofia: Pancharevo sub., 1 С”. 

Ammophila heydeni Dahlbom, 1845. Ammophila campestris: p. 199: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 ©’, misidentified. Ammophila heydeni: р. 199: VI, Svoge, 1 Ф; VII, 
Pancharevo, 3 9 9,; Pancharevo, 1 С; Sredna Gora Mts., 1 С’, 19; VII, Haskovo, 
1 ©’; VII, Bourgas, 1 2. Unpublished material: VIII, Pancharevo, 1 С, 1 9, deter- 
mined - Ammophila heydeni, VIII. 

Ammophila sabulosa (Linnaeus, 1758). Ammophila apicalis: р. 199: УТ, 
Svoge, 1 С; VI, Sofia: Viadaya sub., 1 С (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b); VI, Vitosha Mtn., 3 
сс’ (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b); У, Rhodope Mts., 1 С’, misidentified. Ammophila sab- 
ulosa: р. 199: Vratsa, 1 С; VI, Vitosha Mtn., 1 Ф (Гловомшоу, 2000b); УП, 
Vitosha Mtn., 1 С (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b); VI, Sredna Gora Mts., 1 С’; VI, Rila Mtn., 
200; УП, Rila Mtn., 2 ФФ: VIII, Rila Mtn.: Borovets, 1 С’, 1 9; VII, Rhodope 
Mts., 1 CO’, 1 Q; VIII, Rhodope Mts., 1 С°. 


Mimesa sp. Mimesa bicolor: р. 199: VII, Svishtov, 1 ©’. It is impossible фо 
determinate the correct specific appurtenance - the material is damaged. 

*Mimumesa atratina (Е. Morawitz, 1891). Mimesa bicolor: р. 199: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, misidentified. Mimesa dahlbomi: р. 199: УП. Pancharevo, 2 
СС, misidentified. Unpublished material: VIII, Pancharevo, 1 9, determined - 
Mimumesa dahlbomi. 

_ Mimumesa dahlbomi (Wesmael, 1852). Mimesa dahlbomi: р. 199: У, 
бойа. 1 С”. 

Mimumesa unicolor (Vander Linden, 1829). Mimesa unicolor: р. 199: УП, 
Pancharevo, 2 СС, 15. 

Mimumesa sp. Mimesa unicolor: р. 199: VII, Pancharevo, 1 Ф. It is impossi- 
ble to determinate the correct specific appurtenance - the material is damaged. 

Psenulus fuscipennis (Dahlbom, 1843). Psenulus fuscipennis: p. 199: V, 
Sofia, 19; VI, Sofia, 19. 

Psenulus pallipes (Panzer, 1798). Mimesa unicolor: p. 199: У, Sofia, 1 9, 
misidentified. Psenulus atratus: р. 199: VII, Pancharevo, 1 С’, 1 Ф. Psenulus 
Juscipennis; р. 199: VI, Sofia, 2 ФФ; VII, Stara Zagora, 2 С СГ, determined as 
females, misidentified. Unpublished material: IV, Sofia, 3 ФФ, determined - 
Psenulus fuscipennis, УТ, Sofia, 1 9, determined - Psenulus sp. 

Diodontus minutus (Fabricius, 1793). Diodontus luperus: p. 196: V, Sofia, 
19, misidentified. 


Pemphredon inornata Say, 1824. Unpublished material: IV, Sofia, 1 ONE 
Sofia, 1 9; VII, Sofia, 2 СС; Sofia, 2 СО. All six specimens determined - 
Pemphredon sp. 

Pemphredon lethifer (Shuckard, 1837). Unpublished material: VIII, 
Vitosha Mtn.: Bistritsa vill., 1 2, (LJUBOMIROV, 20005); VI, Sofia, 1 9; VII, Sofia, 1 
Q; УП, Pancharevo, 1 С”, 1 $; Pancharevo, 1 9. All six specimens determined - 
Pemphredon sp. 

Pemphredon lugubris (Fabricius, 1793). Pemphredon lugubris: р. 196: 
VIII, Sofia, 15. 

Pemphredon morio Vander Linden, 1829. Pemphredon clypealis 
Thomson: VI, Sofia, 1 9. 

Pemphredon rugifer Dahlbom, 1844. Unpublished material: IV, Sofia, 1 9; 
У, Sofia, 1 2, determined - Pemphredon sp. 

Passaloecus corniger Shuckard, 1837. Passaloecus corniger: p. 196: VI, 
Sofia, 19. Pemphredon clypealis: р. 196: У, Sofia, 1 2, misidentified. 

Passaloecus gracilis (Curtis, 1834). Passaloecus brevicornis: p. 196: V, 
Sofia, 1 С. Passaloecus eremita: р. 196: УТ, Sofia, 1 С, erroneously designated by 
Nedelkov аз a female, misidentified. Pemphredon clypealis: р. 196: УТ, Sofia, 19, 

* Passaloecus pictus Ribaut, 1952. Passaloecus brevicornis; р. 196: У, Sofia, 

Passaloecus singularis Dahlbom, 1844. Passaloecus tenuis: p. 196: ?VIII, 
Vitosha Mtn., 1 Ф (Пловомщоу, 2000b). Stigmus solskyi: р. 196: У, Sofia, 1 СГ, 

Stigmus (Stigmus) solskyi A. Morawitz, 1864. Stigmus solskyi: р. 196: У, 
Sofia, 9 СС; VI, Sofia, 1 С”; VI, Sofia, 1 С, erroneously designated by Nedelkov 
as a female; Sofia, 1 9. Unpublished material: IV, Sofia, 1 9, determined - 
Stigmus solskyt. 


Astata jucunda Pulawski, 1959. Astata boops: p. 198: VII, Pancharevo, 1 СГ. 
Astata minor: р. 198: VII, Pancharevo, 1 9, misidentified. 

Astata minor (Kohl, 1885). Astata minor: p. 198: VI, Sofia, 1 С. Unpublished 
material: VI, Sofia, 1 С”. 

Astata rufipes Mocsary, 1883. Astata rufipes: p. 198: VII., Pancharevo, 1 9. 
Unpublished material: VIII, Pancharevo, 1 С’, determined - Astata minor. 

* Dryudella picticornis (Gussakovskij, 1927). Astata stigma: p. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 9. 

Dinetus pictus (Fabricius, 1793). Dinetus pictus: p. 196: VI, Vratchanska 
Mtn.: Rebarkovo vill., 1 С’; VII, Pancharevo, 1 Q. 


Larra(Larra) anathema (Rossi, 1790). Larra anathema: р. 198: VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С’; Bourgas, 1 С”. 

Liris (Leptolarra) niger (Fabricius, 1775). Notogonia pompiliformis; р. 
198: УП, Pancharevo, 19. 

Tachytes panzeri Dufour, 1841. Tachytes europaeus: p. 197: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 Q. 

Tachysphex panzeri (Vander Linden, 1829). Tachysphex panzeri: p. 198: 
УП, Pancharevo, 1 9. 

Tachysphex pompiliformis (Panzer, 1804). Tachysphex pygidialis. р. 
197: VI, Pancharevo, 1 Ф, misidentified. Tachysphex panzeri: р. 198: УП, 
Pancharevo, 19, misidentified. Tachysphex pectinipes: р. 198: УТ, Ichtiman, 19. 

Palarus variegatus (Fabricius, 1781). Palarus flavipes: р. Пе WANE 
Pancharevo, 167; УП, Ichtiman, 19. 

Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) attenuatum Е. Smith, 1851. Trypoxylon 
attenuatum: р. 199: У, Sofia., 19. 

Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) clavicerum Lepeletier et Serville, 1828. 
Trypoxylon clavicerum: р. 199: VII, Plana Mtn.: German, 19. 

Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) figulus (Linnaeus, 1758). Trypoxylon figulus: 
р. 199: V, Sofia, 1 9; VI, Sofia, 1 9; VII, Sofia, 1 9; VII, Vitosha Mtn., 19 
(LJUBOMIROV, 2000b). 

Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) kolazyi Kohl, 1893. рб clavicerum: р. 
199: IV, Sofia, 1 Ф, misidentified. 

*Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) latilobatum Antropov, 1991. Trypoxylon 
figulus: р. 199: VII, Pancharevo, 1 Ф. 

Trypoxylon spp. Trypoxylon figulus: р. 199: У, Sofia, 1 9; VIII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 9, (both specimens are hardly damaged). 

Oxybelus bipunctatus Olivier, 1812. Oxybelus bipunctatus: р. 196: УП, 
Sofia, 4 ФФ. Unpublished material: VIII, Pancharevo, 19. 

Oxybelus latro Olivier, 1812. Oxybelus latro: р. 196: VI, Ichtiman, 1 9. 
Oxybelus latidens: р. 196: УТ, Ichtiman, 1 С, erroneously designated by Nedelkov 
as a female, misidentified. 

Oxybelus mandibularis Dahlbom, 1845. Oxybelus pulchellus: p. 196: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 С”, misidentified. 

Oxybelus mucronatus (Fabricius, 1793). Unpublished material: VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С”. 

Oxybelus occitanicus Marquet, 1896. Oxybelus pulchellus; р. 196: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, misidentified. 

Oxybelus quattuordecimnotatus Jurine, 1807. Oxybelus quattuordecim- 
notatus: р. 196: VII, Sofia, 1 Ф; Ichtiman, 1 9, erroneously designated by 
Nedelkov as a male; УП, Pancharevo, 1 9. Oxybelus pulchellus: р. 196: VII, 


Pancharevo, 1 С, misidentified. Unpublished material: VIII, Pancharevo, 1 9, 
determined - Oxybelus quattuordecimnotatus. 

Oxybelus variegatus Wesmael, 1852. Oxybelus pulchellus: р. 196: УП, 
Pancharevo, 4 СС; Pazardzik, 1 С”. 

Entomognathus (Entomognathus) brevis (Vander Lnden, 1829). 
Crossocerus exiguus: УП, Pancharevo, 1 С, erroneously designated by Nedelkov 
as a female, misidentified. Unpublished material: VII, Pancharevo, 2 ОС, 2 ФФ, 
determined - Crabro brevis. 

Lindenius albilabris (Fabricius, 1793). Lindenius albilabris: p. 196: VI, 
Svoge, 1 СГ; VI, Sofia, 1 С”; УП, Pancharevo, 1 0’, 2 ФФ; Pancharevo, 1 С; Stara 
Zagora, 10. 

Lindenius laevis A. Costa, 1871. Lindenius albilabris: p. 196: V1, district of 
Sofia, 1 9, misidentified. 

Rhopalum (Corynopus) coarctatum (Scopoli, 1763). Rhopalum tibialis: 
р. 196: У, Sofia, 1 9; VI, Sofia, 1 С”. 

Crossocerus (Acanthocrabro) vagabundus (Panzer, 1798). Cuphopterus 
vagabundus: р. 196: ?IV, Sofia, 1 С”. 

Crossocerus (Blepharipus) annulipes (Lepeletier & Brullé, 1834). 
Coelocrabro gonager: р. 196: УТ, Sofia, 1 С; Sofia: Knyazhevo sub., 19. 

Crossocerus (Blepharipus) megacephalus (Rossi, 1790). Coelocrabro 
leucostoma: р. 196: ?VIII, Vitosha Mtn., 1 Ф (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b). Coelocrabro 
barbipes: р. 196: Sofia: Dragalevtsi sub., 1 Ф (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b), misidenti- 

Crossocerus (Crossocerus) exiguus (Vander Linden, 1829). Crossocerus 
иезтаей. р. 196: Sofia, 1 2, misidentified. 

Crossocerus (Hoplocrabro) quadrimaculatus (Fabricius, 1793). 
Hoplocrabro quadrimaculatus: р. 196: УП, Sofia., 1 9; Sofia, 2 ФФ. 

Crabro (Crabro) cribrarius (Linnaeus, 1758). Thyreopus стЬгатиз: р. 
196: VII, Stara Planina Mts., 2 СО, 1 9; VI, Rila Mtn., 1 ©’; ? "Godoyk", 1 9. 

Crabro (Crabro) peltarius (Schreber, 1784). Thyreopus peltarius: p. 196: 
VI, Sofia, 1 С’; VI, Ihtiman, 1 СГ. 

Crabro (Crabro) scutellatus (Scheven, 1781). Thyreopus scutellatus: p. 
196: У, Pancharevo, 1 С”. 

Ectemnius (Clytochrysus) cavifrons (Thomson, 1871). Clytochrysus 
planifrons: р. 195: У, Sofia, 1 ФГ. 

Ectemnius (Clytochrysus) lapidarius (Panzer, 1804). Thyreopus peltar- 
ius: р. 196: УП, Troyan, 1 9, misidentified. 

Ectemnius (Ectemnius) dives (Lepeletier & Brullé, 1834). Ectemnius 
dives; р. 195: УП, Pancharevo, 1 Ф. Hoplocrabro quadrimaculatus: р. 196: Sofia, 
1 9, misidentified. 

Ectemnius (Hypocrabro) continuus (Fabricius, 1804). Solenius vagus: p. 
195: VI, Svoge, 1 СГ; Sadovo, 1 ФГ. 


Ectemnius (Нуросгабго) hypsae (de Stefani, 1894). Solenius vagus: р. 
195: Sadovo, 1 9, misidentified. 

Ectemnius (Hypocrabro) meridionalis (A. Costa, 1871). Thyreus clypea- 
tus: p. 195: VI, Stara Zagora, 1 9, misidentified. 

Ectemnius (Metacrabro) cephalotes (Olivier, 1792). Crabro quadricinc- 
tus: p. 195: ?У, Sofia, 1 9; VII, Sofia, 3 ФФ; IX, Sofia, 1 9; Sofia, 1 9; Sadovo, 1 
oO’, 1 Ф, misidentified. 

Lestica (Ceratocolus) alata (Panzer, 1797). Ceratocolus alatus: р. 195: 
Ihtiman, no preserved material. Unpublished material: VII, Stara Zagora, 1 С”, 
determined - Ceratocolus subterraneus. 

Lestica (Clypeocrabro) clypeata (Schreber, 1759). Thyreus clypeatus: p. 195: 
УП, Svishtov, 1 9; УП, Vratsa, 1 Ф; ?VI, Sofia, 1 С; VII, Sofia, 1 С; УП, Pancharevo, 1 
С, 2 9; VIII, Pancharevo, 1 ©’; Pazardzik, 1 9; Stara Zagora, 1 С; Haskovo, 1 $. 

Lestica (Lestica) subterranea (Fabricius, 1775). Ceratocolus subterra- 
пеиз: р. 195: VI, Ihtiman, 19. 


Mellinus arvensis (Linnaeus, 1758). Mellinus arvensis: p. 197: ?VIII, Rila 
Mtn.: Rilsky Monastery, 1 9. Mellinus sabulosus var. a: р. 197: VII, Rila Mtn., 1 
С, misidentified. Hoplisus laticinctus: р. 197: VII, Sofia, 1 9, misidentified. 

Alysson spinosus (Panzer, 1801). Alysson fuscatus: р. 197: УП, Pancharevo, 
3 ФО; VII, Varna, 1 9, (Гловомщоу, 2000а). Alysson pertheesi: р. 197: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, (LJUBOMIROV, 2000a), misidentified. Alysson ratzeburgi: р. 197: 
Pancharevo, 4 СС, (LJUBOMIROV, 2000a), misidentified. Unpublished material: 
VIII, Pancharevo, 1 С’, determined - Alysson ratzeburgi, (LJUBOMIROV, 2000а). 

Didineis lunicornis (Fabricius, 1798). Didineis lunicornis: р. 197: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, (LJUBOMIROV, 2000а). 

Nysson maculosus (Gmelin, 1790). Nysson maculatus: р. 197: VII, Varna, 19. 

Brachystegus scalaris (ППрег, 1807). Nysson spinosus: р. 197: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, misidentified. 

*Argogorytes fargeii (Shuckard, 1837). Gorytes quadrifasciatus: р. 197: 
VII, Stara Zagora, 2 С С, misidentified. 

Harpactus elegans (Lepeletier, 1832). Harpactes elegans: p. 197: VI, 
Pancharevo, 1 С, 15. 

Gorytes quinquecinctus (Fabricius, 1793). Hoplisus faliax: p. 197: V, 
Sofia, 1 С, misidentified. Hoplisus quinquefasciatus: p. 197: VII, Pancharevo, 10’, 

Gorytes planifrons (Wesmael, 1852). Hoplisus fallax: р. 197: УТ, Svoge, 1 
О, misidentified. 

Lestiphorus bicinctus (Rossi, 1794). Lestiphorus bicinctus: р. 197: VII, 
Vitosha Mtn., 1 9 (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b). 


Ammatomus coarctatus (Spinola, 1808). Unpublished material: УП, Stara 
Zagora, 3 ФФ. 

Stizus bipunctatus (Е. Smith, 1856). Stizus terminalis: р. 197: VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С”. 

Bembecinus tridens (Fabricius, 1781). Stizus tridens: р. 197: VI, 
Pancharevo, 2 ФФ; VII, Pancharevo, 1 С”. 

Bembix bicolor (Radoszkowsky, 1877). Bembex oculata: р. 197: Pazardzik, 
1 9, misidentified. 

Bembix bidentata (Vander Linden, 1829). Bembex bidentata: р. 196: УП, 
Bourgas, 3 СС. Bembex megerlei: p. 197: У, Sadovo, 1 С, misidentified. Bembex 
rostrata: p. 197: VII, Asenovgrad, 1 9, misidentified. 

Bembix megerlei (Dahlbom, 1845). Bembex megerlei: p. 197: VII, Bourgas, 
6 СФ. Bembex integra: р. 197: Bourgas, 2 ФФ, misidentified. 

Bembix oculata (Panzer, 1801). Bembex oculata: р. 197: VII, Bourgas, 19. 

Bembix olivacea (Fabricius, 1787). Bembex mediterranea: p. 197: Svishtov, 
1 9; VII, Bourgas, 1 С, 19; Bourgas, 1 9. Bembex oculata: р. 197: ?УП, Varna, 2 
ФО, misidentified. Unpublished material: УТ, Svoge, 1 ФГ. 

Bembix rostrata (Linnaeus, 1758). Bembex rostrata: р. 197: VI, Svoge, 2 
СУ СГ: VI, Pancharevo, 1 9; УП, Pancharevo, 19. 

Bembix tarsata (Latreille, 1809). Bembix integra: р. 197: VI, Svoge, 1 СУ; 
VI, Vitosha Mtn., 19 (LsuBomiRov, 2000b); VII, Varna, 2 ФФ. 


Philanthus coronatus (Thunberg, 1784). Philanthus venustus: р. 198: VI, 
Iskar Riverside, 1 С, misidentified. Unpublished material: 1 О, no further data. 

Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius, 1775). Philanthus triangulum. р. 
198: VIII, Stara Zagora, 1 С”. 

Philanthus venustus (Rossi, 1790). Philanthus venustus: р. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 С. Philanthus coronatus: р. 198: VII, Bourgas, 1 9, misidentified. 

Cerceris bracteata Eversmann, 1849. Cerceris bucculata: р. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 9, misidentified. 

Cerceris flavicornis Brullé, 1833. Cerceris conigera: р. 198: VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С”. 

Cerceris flavilabris (Fabricius, 1793). Cerceris агепата: p.198: УТ, Sofia 
district, 1 С’; VIII, Мат, 1 С, misidentified. 

Cerceris interrupta (Panzer, 1799). Cerceris labiata; р. 198: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 Ф. 

Cerceris lunata А. Costa, 1869. Cerceris hortivaga: р. 198: VII, Stara 
Zagora, 1 С’, misidentified. 

Cerceris quadricincta (Panzer, 1799). Cerceris quadricincta: р. 198: УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 9; Pazardzik, 1 С’. Cerceris quadrifasciata; р. 198: VII, Stara 


Zagora, 1 С; VI, Pazardzik, 1 С, misidentified. 

Cerceris quadrifasciata (Panzer, 1799). Cerceris quadrifasciata: р. 198: 
VI, Vitosha Mtn., 1 С (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b). 

Cerceris quinquefasciata (Rossi, 1792). Cerceris arenaria: p. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 2 СС”, misidentified. Cerceris labiata: р. 198: VII, Pancharevo, 1 9. 
Cerceris stratiotes: р. 198: VII, Pancharevo, 2 С С, misidentified. 

Cerceris rubida (Jurine, 1807). Cerceris rybyensis: р. 198: VIII, Devnya, 1 
Q, misidentified. 

Cerceris ruficornis (Fabricius, 1793). Cerceris labiata: р. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 1 2. Unpublished material: Sofia, 1 С; Pancharevo, 1 С; УП, 
Pancharevo, 1 С; VIII, Pancharevo, 1 С. All four specimens determined - Cerceris 

Cerceris rybyensis (Linnaeus, 1771). Cerceris пубуепз!в: р. 198: VI, Vitosha 
Mtn., 1 С (LJUBOMIROV, 2000b). 

Cerceris sabulosa (Panzer, 1799). Cerceris rybyensis: p. 198: VII, 
Pancharevo, 2 СС; VIII, Stara Zagora, 1 С; VII, Haskovo, 1 9, misidentified. 
Unpublished material: VI, Sofia district, 1 Ф, determined - Cerceris sp.; VI, 
Rhodope Mts., 1 С’, determined - Cerceris rybyensis; 2. УТ, 1903, Sliven, 1 С; VIII, 
Ichtiman, 19. 

Cerceris stratiotes Schletterer, 1887. Cerceris stratiotes: р. 198: VI, 
Ichtiman, 1 9. Cerceris rybyensis: р. 198: VI, Ichtiman, 1 Ф, misidentified. 

Cerceris tuberculata (Villers, 1789). Cerceris tuberculata: р. 198: Elena, 1 СТ. 


Плнгвом А. 1843-1845. Hymenoptera Europaea praecipue borealia; formis typicis nonnullis 
Specierum Generumve Exoticorum aut Extraneorum propter nexum systematicus asso- 
ciatis; per Familias, Genera, Species et Varietates disposita atque descripta. Tomus: 

Sphex in sensu Linneano. Lund, Officina Lundbergiana. XLIV + 528 p. 

JOAKIMOFF D. 1899. Contribution to the insect fauna of Rila Mountain. - Periodische 
Zeitschrift, 59: 758-778, 858-884. (In Bulgarian). 

LJUBOMIROV T. 2000a. Overview of the species composition and the distribution of the dig- 
ger wasp tribe Alyssontini (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) from Bulgaria - Acta zool. bulg., 
51 (1): 21-23. 

LJUBOMIROV T. 2000b. Preliminary studies on the digger wasp fauna (Insecta: Hymenoptera: 
Sphecidae) in Vitosha Mountain. - Acta zool. bulg., 51 (2-3): 43-59. 

NEDELKOV N. 1909. Our entomological fauna. - Arhiv Min. nar. prosv., 1 (3): 83-135. (In 

NEDELKOV N. 1914. Seventh contribution to the entomological fauna of Bulgaria. - Revue 
Acad. bulg. Sci., 9: 181-210. (In Bulgarian). 

Received on 22.11.1999 


Author's address: 
Toshko Ljubomirov 
Institute of Zoology 

1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 

Ревизиран списъК на видобете риещи оси 
(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) от сбирКата на Н. НеделКоб 
6 Националния природонаучен музей 6 София 

(Резю ме) 

На базата на прегледания материал от 364 сфецидни екземпляра от cOupkama 
на гимназиалния учител и ентомолог Никола НеделКов са направени редица 
поправки Върху публикациите му om 1909 и 1914 година и са представени данни om 
събиран om този абтор материал, koumo не са били публиКувани досега. 
Съобщените от НеделКоб 108 Вида са сведени go 107 Вида om 45 рода. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 16 

ЗоологичесКо изследване Ha Джебел Mappa 
(Дарфур, Судан) 

Петър БЕРОН 

Изолираната планина Джебел Mappa се издига всред саваната на Дарфур 
(Западен Судан, близо до границата с Република Чад). Нейната бисочинаша е 3042 па 
(според прецизната германска Карша 1: 100 000 om 1989 г.), но по-старите русКи и 
български Карти показват Височина 3088 m. Тя е угаснал вулКан, 6 Кратера на Който 
са образувани аве езера. Планината се посещава рядко om зоолози, а Всъщносш е 
много интересна със cBoemo централно положение 6 Африка, между аридните 
планини на Сахара и Влажнотропичните планини на Централна и Източна Африка. 

Долните части на планинаша са гъсто заселени и обработени. Отглеждат се 
сорго, царевица и други Култури, планинаша е прочуша със своште плодове, 
Включително ябълКи. По-нагоре местнаша гора е запазена само 6 недостьпните 
места, а целияш среден пояс до оКоло 2200 ш е засаден с 30-40 годишна изкуствена 
гора om e6kaaunmu и Кипарисоподобни дървета. Над тази височина се простира 
тревиста растштелност с единични дървеша. До най-бисокише части (Към 3000 m) 
pacmam диви маслинови дървеша, Което е Верен индикатор за megumepancku 
Климат. Отдавна е опабелязано наличието на много MegumepaHcku елементи 
(Вероятно реликтни) 6ъ6 флораша на шази планина, разположена 6 центъра на 
Африка и далеч om ВсяКаКво море. Нейната фауна е доста слабо проучена и това 
беше една от главните цели на моето посещение там. 

Om 24 септември до 2 октомври пребивавах 6 Ниала (проб. Южен Дарфур) и 6 
горсКия дом Голол (проб. Западен Дарфур) 6 планината на оКоло 1640 m Височина. 
Пребибабането ми беше осигурено ош губернатора на Южен Дарфур чрез 
Комитета за приятелство с чужбина 6 Харшум и федералния минисшър на 
оКолната среда. Беше ми предоставен джип и четирима съпровождащи, 
Включително бъоръжен полицай. Имах Възможност да събера насекоми и други 
безгръбначни на светлина и под Камъни 6 Нчала и 6 планината на бисочина от 1640 
до около 3020 т, да пресея значително Количество шума 6 запазената гора около 
Водопада Голол и да уловя няКолКо прилепа и влечуги. Това е първошо българсКо 
зоологичесКо изследване 6 Судан и едно ош pegkume 6 Джебел Mappa. 
ЗоогеографсКият анализ на шази островна планина с азонална природна 
обстановКа би бил особено интересен. 

ИзВестен матерчал беше събран и В околностите на Хартум покрай река Hua 
със съдействието на Природонаучния музей 6 Хартум. Музеяш, чийто директор е 
бил дълго време Виднияш изследовашел на Живота 6 пустиняша проф. J. L. Cloudsley- 
Thompson, е В системата на Xapmymckua униберситет, uma еКспозиция и 
библиотека. Пред koaezume om Биологическия фаКкултеш беше изнесена лекция 
Върху зоогеографията на Африка. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 17-27 

Cyclopides (Crustacea: Copepoda) des eaux 
souterraines de Bulgarie: distribution et 
remarques morphologiques 



Cet article présente une partie des résultats des recherches stygobiologiques, 
effectuées par l'Institut de zoologie a Sofia principalement pendant les dix 
derniéres annees. L'échantillonnage faunistique mené au cours de pompage de 
l'eau de forages d'observation parallélement avec les prospections 
hydrogéologiques montre que dans la zone profonde de l'aquifére karstique les 
cyclopides sont fréquents. 

Au total, dans les stations étudiées nous avons établi 28 езрёсе et sous-espéce. 
Mesocyclops leuckarti se rapporte pour la premiére fois des eaux souterraines de 
Bulgarie. En raison de la mauvaise conservation des exemplaires ou du statut 
taxonomique des certaines espéces stygobies de genre Diacyclops ("languidoides" 
- gr.) et de genre Acanthocyclops ("kieferi" - gr.) insuffisamment éclairci, une par- 
tie du materiel пай: pas déterminée au niveau d'espéce. 

Matériel et méthodes 

Les méthodes d'échantillonage (MATHIEU et al., 1991) sont: 
- filtration des eaux des sources et des riviéres souterraines; 
- méthode Karaman-Chappuis et méthode Bou-Rouch pour la faune des sédi- 

ments saturés; 

- méthode de Сукткоу (1968); 
- filtration des eaux au cours des pompages de I'eau des forages ¢tudiés. 

Le matériel (83 échantillons) provient de 73 stations: 18 sources karstiques, 18 
grottes, 23 habitats interstitiels (psammal), 7 puits d'eau douce, 13 galeries arti- 
ficielles et quatre forage d'observation. Les échantillons ont été fixés dans 4% de 


formol et triés sous la loupe binoculaire 16x. Pour la détermination taxonomique 
les exemplaires étaient disequés et montés entre lame et lamelle dans glicerine. 

La fréquence d'occurence (pF) de chaque езрёсе est donnée en pourcent du 
nombre total des stations étudiées. 

Stations prospectées 

I. Sources 

1. Source karstique prés du village de Balgarski izvor, дер. de Lovetch: 

2. Petite source avec des mousses humides ргёз du village de Zlatna рапера, 
dép. de Pleven: 2.12.1993; 

3. Petite source avec des mousses humides prés du village de Roumjantzevo, 
dép. de Pleven: 2.12.1993; 

4, Source captée, ville de Kazanlak: 8.03.1989 (A. Petrova col.); 

5. Source karstique "Zitoljub" prés de la gare de Lakatnik, дер. de Sofia: 

6. Source karstique sur la rive droite de la riviére Osim prés du village de 
Devetaki, dép. de Lovetch: 4-5.06.1994; 

7. Source-fontaine prés du monastaire "Sveta Troitza", village de Oustrem, la 
montagne de Sakar: 10.08.1994; 

8. Les sources karstiques de la riviére de Mladejka, village de Mladejko, дер. 
de Bourgas, la montagne de Strandja: 9.08.1994; 

9. Source karstique prés du village de Lesidren, dép. de Lovetch, débit de 1,5 
1/sek: 3-5.10.1994; 

10. Source karstique "Popov izvor", village de Bosnek, dép. de Pernik: 

11. Source karstique prés de l'église du village d'Iskretz (le vieux aqueduc), la 
montagne de Ponor, dép. de Sofia: 9.03.1995, 11.03.1995; 

12. Source karstique "Carna voda", village d'Iskretz, dép. de Sofia: 17.03.1995, 

13. Source karstique, village de Glavatzi, dép. de Vratza: 22.03.1995 (A. 
Вепаегеу col.); 

14. Source karstique "Belia izvor", ville de Vratza: 22-23.03.1995 (A. Benderev 

15. Source karstique, village de Bistretz, dép. de Vratza: 13.04.1995 (A. 
Benderev col.); 

16. Source karstique-fontaine au lieu-dit "Garvanov dol", village de Sadovetz, 
dép. de Pleven: 30.06.1996; 


II. Grottes 

17. Gours dans la grotte "25 anniversiare d'Academic" ("Barkite 18"), village de 
Gorno Ozirovo, la montagne de Vratza: 12.06.1993; 

18. Ruisseau et gours dans la grotte "Barkite 14", village de Gorno Ozirovo, la 
montagne de Vratza: 11.06.1993; 

19. Ruisseau dans la grotte "Devetachkata pechtera", village de Devetaki, dép. 
de Lovetch: 5.06.1994; 

20. Gours dans la grotte "Balduinovata pechtera", village de Lesidren, dép. de 
Lovetch: 4.10.1994; 

21. Gours et ruisseau dans la grotte "Lepenitza", ville de Velingrade, les 
Rhodopes: 16.10.1994; 

22. Flaques dans la grotte "Katzite", village de Zimevitza, dép. de Sofia, la 
montagne de Ponor: 25.04.1995; 

23. Gours dans la grotte "Ljastovitzata", village de Glozene, dép. de Lovetch: 

24. Flaques et gours dans la grotte "Douchnika", village d'Iskretz, dép. de 
Sofia, la montagne de Ponor: 17.03.1995; 

25. Grotte-source "Doupkata", village de Beli izvor, dép. de Vratza: 30.08.1995 
(A. Benderev col.); 

26. Flaques et petits lacs en période de bassse eau dans la grotte "Goljamata 
Balabanova pechtera", village de Gintzi, la montagne de Stara Planina 
Occidentale: 6.12.1992, 15.10.1995; 

27. Gours dans la grotte "Desni souhi petch", village de Dolni Lom, dép. de 
Vidin: 4.04.1996; 

28. Ruisseau dans la grotte "Skoka", village de Dragana, дер. de Pleven: 

29. Gours dans la grotte "Toplja", village de Goljama Zeljzna. dép. de Lovetch: 

30. Gours dans la grotte "Svetata voda", village de Gintzi, dép. de Sofia: 

31. Gours dans la grotte "Grimnina doupka", village de Tcherkaski, dép. de 
Vratza: 25.11.1996; 

32. Ruisseau dans la grotte "Sedlarkata", village de Rakita, dép. de Pleven: 22- 

33. Gours dans la grotte "Razichkata pechtera" ("Souhata"), gare de Lakatnik, 
dép. de Sofia: 24.07.1997; 

Ш. Eaux interstitielles (psammal) 

34. Riviére Veleka, lieu-dit "Katchul", la montagne de Strandja: 27.10.1972 (A. 
Petrova and Г. Cvetkov col.); 

35. Riviere Vedena, lieu-dit "Djavolski most", dép. de Sofia: 24.03.1994; 

36. Riviére Iskar, Gorubljane, Sofia: 24.03.1994; 


37. Riviere Iskar, lieu-dit "Djavolski most", дер. de Sofia: 24.03.1994; 

38. La zone des sources "Iskretzki" (sable et gravier), village d'Iskretz, дер. de 
Sofia: 23.03.1994, 25.07.1994; 

39. Riviere Popovska, village de Raduntzi, dep. de Stara Zagora, la montagne 
de Stara Planina: 26.06.1994; 

40. La riviére prés du village de Velinovo, дер. de Pernik: 26.08.1994; 

41. Ruisseau Smlenski dol, village de Lesidren, dép. de Lovetch: 4.10.1994; 

42. Riviere Proboinitza, gare de Lakatnik, дер. de Sofia: 25.04.1994, 25.07.1994; 

43. Riviére Tcherni Iskar, village de Mala Tzarkva, dép. de Sofia, la montagne 
de Rila: 26.07.1994; 

44, Riviére Beli Iskar, village de Вей Iskar, dép. de Sofia, la montagne de Rila: 

45, Riviere Iskar, village de Dragouchinovo, дер. de Sofia: 25.03.1994, 26.07.1994; 

46. Riviére Batoulijska, village de Batoulija, дер. de Sofia: 25.07.1994; 

47. Riviere Iskar, gare Lakatnik, dép. de Sofia: 25.04.1994; 

48. Riviere Iskretzka, village d'Iskretz, дер. de Sofia: 25.07.1994; 

49. Riviere Kriva reka, village de Beledie Kchan, дер. de Sofia: 2.08.1995; 

50. Riviere Palakarija, village de Chiroki dol, dép. de Sofia: 24.11.1994; 

51. Petit ruisseau, village de Lechko, dép. de Blagoevgrad, la montagne de 
Vlachina: 8.06.1996; 

52. Riviere Iskar, lieu-dit "Leskov dol", dép. de Sofia: 17.08.1989; 

53. Riviere Rilska reka, lieu-dit "Elechnitza", village de Pastra, la montagne de 
Rila: 23.08.1997; 

IV. Puits d'eau douce 

54. Ville de Kazanlak: 8.03.1989 (A. Petrova col.); 

55. Village de Polsko Kosovo, дер. de Rousse: 10.05.1969 (A. Petrova and L. 
Cvetkov col.); 

56. Ville de Zlataritza: 12.05.1969 (L. Cvetkov col.); 

57. Рийз dans la terrasse d'alluvium de la riviére Kozle, village de Zavidovtzi, 
дер. de Sofia: 23.03.1994; 

58. Village de Моустаа, дер. de Rousse: 8.01.1969 (L. Cvetkov col.); 

59. Ville de Gabrovo, quartier Chenini, profondeur -14 m: 22.04.1995; 

60. Sofia, quartier Bakston, profondeur -3 m: 21.04.1995; 

V. Galeries artificielles 

61. Ruisseau souterrain, lieu-dit "Sirichtna", village de Metcha poljana, dép. de 
Sofia, la montagne de Ponor: 10.12.1993, 25.11.1995; 

62. Flaques dans une galerie situce sur la rive droite de la riviére Proboinitza, 
gare de Lakatnik, dép. de Sofia: 30.03.1994, 4.04.1995; 

63. Petites flaques d'une galerie сгеизбе dans des calcaires, village de Gorna 
Bela retchka, la montagne de Vratza: 13.03.1994; 


64. Mine d'uranium au lieu-dit "Kirilova роЦапа", la montagne de ВПа: 
8.02.1995, 5.10.1995; 

65. Flaques et gours dans une gulerie dans des granites ргёз da la ville de ВПа, 
la montagne de Rila: 8.02.1955, 5.10.1995; 

66. Petits lacs dans la galerie prés du quartier Stoudena, la ville de Pernik: 

67. Flaques dans une galerie dans des calcaires au lieu-dit "Smesito", village 
de Tcherni Озйт, дер. de Lovetch: 23.02.1995; 

68. Gours dans une galerie au lieu-dit "Ourvitch", dép. de Sofia: 24.11.1994; 

69. Ruisseau souterrain dans une galerie sous le sommet "Izdremetz", la mon- 
tagne de Stara planina: 17.01.1997; 

VI. Forages d'observation 

70. Forage (profondeur -250 m) dans des calcaires, pompage d'eau (12 heurs 
avec débit de 1 1/s), village de Roumjantzevo, dép. de Pleven: 25.12.1993; 

71. Forage dans des calcaires, village de Beli izvor, dép. de Vratza: 6.07.1995 
(A. Benderev col.); 

72. Village de Roumjantzevo, dép. de Pleven: 5.04.1996 (S. Vesselinov col.); 

73. Village de Toros, дер. de Pleven: 10.04.1996 (5. Vesselinov col.). 

Composition taxonomique 



Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine, 1820): 6, 25; pF = 2,7%. 

Eucyclops serrulatus (Fischer, 1851): 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 21, 38, 66, 71; рЕ = 13,7%. 

Paracyclops fimbriatus fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853): 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 21, 25, 
26, BAO Bill, Aor, OPA, WEL tae) Mos 6 (olor, (als), ие, 

Paracyclops fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853) (s. lat.): 7, 39; 51; pF =4,1%. 

Paracyclops poppei (Rehberg, 1880): 45, 71; pF =2,7%. 

Cyclops strenuus strenuus (Fischer, 1851): 14, 21; pF = 2,790. 
Cyclops sp.: 45, 54; pF = 2,7%. 
Acanthocyclops vernalis vernalis (Fischer, 1853): 13, 21, 25, 32, 49, 71; pF = 8,2%. 
Acanthocyclops propinquus (Plesa, 1957): 36, 65; pF = 2,790. 
Acanthocyclops iskrecensis Pandourski, 1992: 38, 61; pF = 2,7%. 
Acanthocyclops baleanicus Naidenow & Pandourski, 1992: 9; pF = 1,4%. 
Acanthocyclops strimonis (Pandourski, 1994): 21, 43; 66; pF = 4,190. 
Acanthocyclops radevi Pandourski 1993: 11, 12; pF = 2,796. 


Acanthocyclops sp. ("Kieferi" gr.): 11, 12, 38, 72; рЕ = 5,5%. 

Megacyclops viridis (Jurine, 1820): 9, 13, 14, 16, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 35, 43, 45, 48, 56; 
pF = 19,2%. 

Diacyclops bisetosus (Rehberg, 1880): 45, 47, 60, 71; pF = 5,5%. 

Diacyclops crassicaudis crassicaudis (Sars, 1863): 42; pF = 1,4%. 

Diacyclops fontinalis Naidenow, 1969: 54; pF = 1,4%. 

Diacyclops languidus languidus (Sars, 1863): 41, 45, 73; pF = 4,1%. 

Diacyclops languidoides languidoides (Lilljeborg, 1901): 5, 13, 25, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44, 
57, 58, 59, 62, 64; pF = 17,8%. 

Daicyclops languidoides (Lilljeborg, 1901) (s. lat.): 12, 14, 19, 34, 35, 38, 53, 55, 56, 
70, 71, 73; pF = 16,4%. 

Diacyclops pelagonicus saetosus Pandourski, 1993: 24; pF = 1,4%. 

Diacyclops c.f. clandestinus (Kiefer, 1926): 6, 7, 9, 36, 42, 48; pF = 8,2%. 

Diacyclops sp. ("languidoides" gr.): 46, 50; pF = 2,7%. 

Diacyclops sp.: 4, 26, 35, 52, 54; pF =6,8%. 

Graeteriella unisetigera (Graeter, 1910): 38; pF = 1,4%. 

Speocyclops infernus (Kiefer, 1930): 17, 18, 20, 23, 29, 33, 63; pF =9,6%. 

Speocyclops c.f. infernus (Kiefer, 1930): 67; pF = 1,4%. 

Speocyclops lindbergi Damian, 1957: 27, 31; pF =2,7%. 

Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus, 1857): 35; pF =1,4%. 

Metacyclops minutus (Claus, 1863): 71; pF = 1,4%. 

Remarques morphologiques 

Acanthocyclops sp. ("kiefert' - groupe) (fig. 1) 

Dans les eaux souterraines karstiques de la montagne de Ponor nous avons trou- 
vé des exemplaires, qui sans doute appartiennent au groupe Фезресе "Же/ет" du 
genre Acanthocyclops. Ces exemplaires sont trés rares dans les échantillons. Lors 
du filtrage continu de l'eau des sources karstiques aux environs du village d'Iskretz, 
leur nombre ne depasse pas un ou deux individus. Ce matériel restreint ne nous per- 
met pas de faire une description compléte de cette езресе. Ci-dessous nous donnons 
courtes remarques morphologiques, accompagnées de dessins (fig. 1). 

Materiel: 1 femelle, 10.04.1995; station 11; 1 male, 17.03.1995; station 12. 


Femelle. Longueur du corps (sans les soies apicales furcales): 0,67 mm. 
Antennules de 11 articles, courtes, ne depassent pas le bord postérieur de 
céphalosome. Antennes de 4 articles, sans exopodite. Formule des pattes nata- 
toires Р1-Р4: 3.2/3.2/3.3/3.3. L'article distal de 3enp.P4 1,2 fois plus que large 
avec une ерте apicale interne 1,38 fois plus longue que l'externe et 1,32 fois plus 
longue que l'article. P5 avec une @рте subapicale courte. Branches furcales 2,78 
fois plus longues que larges; les soies apicales internes et externes égales et un 


Fig. 1. Acanthocyclops sp. ("kieferi' - groupe) (femelle): A - segment génital, réceptacle 
séminal et P5; B - branche furcale, ventral; С - 3 endopodite de P4 

peu plus courtes que les branches furcales. Soie dorsale relativement longue: 0,07 
mm. Segment génital plus large que long (0,83/1). 

Male. Longueur du corps (sans les soies apicales furcales): 0,56 mm. La forme 
générale du corps, l'articulation des pattes natatoires et les rapports entre les 
plus importants caractéres morphologiques lineaires se rapprochent de ceux des 
femelles. Antennules de 15 articles. 

Discussion. Les exemplaires étudiés, appartenants au groupe 4'езрёсе "kiefert" 
du genre Acanthocyclops, se distinguent de tous les représentatnts de ce groupe 
par les caractéres suivants: soies apicales furcales internes et externes égales et 
relativement longues; |'6рте apicale interne sur l'article distal de l'endopodite de 
P4 plus longue que l'article; les antennules chez les males de 15 articles. 

Mesocyclops leuckarti (fig. 2) 
Matériel: 1 femelle, 24.03.1994; station 35. 
Jusqu'a present, М. leuckarti est trouvé une seul fois dans les eaux souter- 
raines de Bulgarie: l'interstitiel de la terrasse alluviale de Vedena aux environs de 
Sofia. La seule femelle se distingue du matériel décrit d'Ukraine (MONCHENKO, 


/ С 
А 0.1 mm 
В, С 0.05 шт 

О, Е 0.1 mm 

Fig. 2. Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) (femelle): А - branches furcales; В - plaque inter- 
coxale de P4; C - P5; D - 3 exopodite de P4; E - 3 endopodite de P4. 

1974) par des plus longues soies sur l'article basal et l'article distal de P5. Le 
réseptacle séminal n'était pas clairement visible. Fig. 2 illustre les caractéres 
morphologiques de valeur taxonomique de l'exemplaire étudié. 


Parmis les 28 espéce et sous-espéce établies, douze sont stygobies des genres 
Acanthocyclops, Diacyclops, Graeteriella et Speocyclops. Parmis les autres, que 
nous pouvons considérer comme stygofiles, les formes typiques de Р. fimbriatus 
(pF = 31,5%) et de D. languidoides (pF = 17,8%) et Е. serrulatus (pF = 13,7%) sont 
les plus fréquents dans des habitats étudiés. 

Jusqu'a present A. iskrecensis n'était connu que des eaux souterraines du 
bassin karstique d'Iskretz (la partie occidentale de la chaine de la montagne de 
Stara planina en Bulgarie) (PANDOURSKI, 1992a; 1994). La grotte Lazareva реста 
prés du Zlot, la montagne de Киба) est la premiére station de l'espéce еп 


Yugoslavie (PANDOURSKI & BoBIC, sous presse). Га caractéristique morphologique 
des spécimens étudies de Zlot recouvre la morphologie des exemplaires de 
Bulgarie. Ce fait montre que dans les différentes partie du son aire de distribu- 
tion les caractéres morphologiques d'A. iskrecensis sont bien définis. 

La grotte Lazareva реёта est le localité-type pour Acanthocyclops stygius (CHAP- 
PUIS, 1924). Malgré nos efforts nous пауопз pas retrouvé cette езрёсе dans les gours 
et dans les deux lacs de syphon dans cette grotte. Le résultat était aussi négatif 
dans les gours des grottes voisines: Mandina, Chajdutchitza, Vodena, et Vernikitza. 

Deux formes sont aussi décrites comme зоиз-езресев: А. stygius deminutus 
(Chappuis, 1925) et A. stygius macedonicus (Petkovski, 1954). Ces sous-espéces 
d'aprés PANDOURSKI (1997) ont un statut d'espéce et appartiennent au groupe 4'е- 
зресе "kiefert' du genre Acanthocyclops. 

DAMIAN-GEORGESCU (1963) annonce A. stygius pour Roumanie et Hongrie. En 
Bulgarie, les spécimens attribués a cette езрёсе (PETROVA et al., 1986) ont été 
déterminés par Dr. W. Naidenow. Malheureusement aucune description ni illus- 
tration ne sont données et a notre avis le statut taxonomique de ce matériel est 
incertain. Chez PANDOURSKI (1992b) il s'agit d'exemplaires jeunes, péchés morts, 
ou présentant un mauvais état, dont la détermination exacte était impossible. 
Néanmoins, en tenant compte de certains critéres morphologiques ce matériel se 
rapporte au groupe "kieferi" du genre Acanthocyclops (sensu PANDOURSKI, 1997). 

Acanthocyclops iskrecensis différe nettement de A. stygius par plusieurs car- 
actéres morphologiques d'une valeur taxonomique: rapports entre les longueurs 
des soies apicales furcales, l'ornementation avec des soies des endopodites P1-P4, 
la forme génerale de P5. Malheureusement Chappuis па pas conserve le matériel- 
type de A. stygius et leur description (CHAPPUIS, 1924) est trés schématique. 

Jusqu'a présent, Acanthocyclops balcanicus, A. strimonis, A. radevi, 
Diacyclops fontinalis et D. pelaginicus saetosus ne sont établis que des eaux 
souterraines de Bulgarie. Remarques sur le statut taxonomique de D. fontinalis 
nous donnons dans un article ргеседеп! (PANDOURSKI, 1997). 

Je remercie le Mr L. Prekroutov (Iskretz, Bulgarie) qui a recolté une partie du 
matériel des eaux souterraines de la montagne de Ponor et pour son aide sur le 

CHAppuIS Р. 1924. Descriptions préliminaires de copépodes nouveaux de Sérbie. - Bull.Soc. 
sci. Cluj. 2 (2): 27-45. 


Сувтком Г. 1968. Un philet phréatobiologique. - Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus. Acad. Bulg. 
des Sciences, 27: 215-218. 

DAMIAN-GEORGESCU A. 1963. Crustacea Copepoda Fam. Cyclopidae (forme de apa dulce). - 
Fauna Rep. Pop. Rom., Ed. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 4 (6): 203 p. 

MatTuHigEu J., P. MARMONIER, В. LAURENT, О. Млктим. 1991. Récolte du matériel biologique 
aquatique souterrain et stratégie d'échantillonnage. - Hydrogéologie, 3: 187-200. 

MONCHENKO V. 1974. Cyclopidae. Faune d'Ukraine. - Naoukova doumka, Kiev, 23 (3): 452 p. 
(en ukrainien) 

PANDOURSKI I. 1992а. Acanthocyclops iskrecensis sp. п. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) des eaux 
souterraines de la Stara planina d'ouest (Bulgarie). - Boll. Mus. reg. Sci. nat. Torino, 10 
(2): 401-405. 

PANbDOuRSK! I. 1992b. Contribution 4 l'étude des cyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux 
souterraines karstiques de la Bulgarie avec description du Speocyclops rhodopensis sp. 
n. - Acta zool. bulg., 45: 92-101. 

PANDOURSKI I. 1994. Cyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie. 
III. Distribution et remarques morphologiques sur les cyclopides des sous-familles 
Eucyclopinae et Cyclopinae. - Hydrobilogy, Sofia, 39: 3-16. 

PANDOURSKI I. 1997. Composition, origine et formation de la faune cyclopidienne stygobie de 
Bulgarie. Définition du groupe d'espéces "kiefer’' du genre Acanthocyclops (Crustacea, 
Copepoda, Cyclopoida). - Boll. Mus. reg. Sci. nat. Torino, 15 (2): 279-297. 

PANDOURSKI I., М. Вов(. sous presse. Découverte d'Acanthocyclops iskrecensis Pandourski, 
1992 (Crustacea, Copepoda) en Sérbie Orientale. 

PETROVA A., Е. ANGELKOVA, R. CVETKOVA, О. BOKURESTLIEV. 1986. Stygobiological character- 
istics of the alluvial and pliocene waters in the district of Jambol. - Hydrobiology, Sofia, 
28: 66-83. (en bulgare) 

Веси le 27.4.2000 

Adresse de I'auteur: 

Dr. Ivan Pandourski 
Institut de zoologie 
Boul. Tzar Osvoboditel 1 
1000 Sofia, Bulgarie 


ЦиКлопиди (Crustacea: Copepoda) от подземните води 
на България: разпространение и морфологични 



СъобщаВват се 28 бида и подбида om семейство Cyclopidae, събрани от подземни 
боди 6 73 станции: 18 Карстоби избора, 18 пещери, 23 6 интерстициални алувиални 
боди (псамал), 7 Кладенеца, 13 изкустбени галериц и мини и 4 геоложКи сондажа. 
Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) се съобщава за пърби пъш от подземни Води 6 България. 
Дбанадесет бида и подбида са стигобионши om родобете Acanthocyclops, Diacyclops, 
Speocyclops и Graeteriella. Напрабена е морфологична xapakmepucmuka на мъжкКи u 
ЖенсКи екземпляри om досега неизвестен подземен Bug om Видовата група "Кге/ел!! 
на род Acanthocyclops, но поради липса на достатъчно матшерцал не е описан с HOBO 
Видобо ume. 

Морфологичният анализ на популации на Acanthocyclops iskrecensis Pandourski, 
kakmo om подземните боди на Западна Стара планина, maka и от Карстобите боди 
на планината Кучай 6 Източна Сърбия, поКазва, че бидыт има добре обособени и 
срабнително постоянни морфологични белези 6 различните разкъсани части на 
сбоя ареал. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 28 

Encyclopaedia biospeologica - събитие 6 

Петър БЕРОН 

JUBERTHIE Ch., У. DECU (eds). Encyclopaedia biospeologica. Moulis - Bucarest. I (1994, 
834 p.), П (1998, 539 p.). 

През последното gecemuAemue на 20 Век се осъществи мечтата на поколения 
биоспелеолози - да имат събрани 6 енциклопедия знанията върху пещернаша фауна 
на света. С ma3u шитанична задача се наеха двама добре познаши Колеги - 
французинът Кристиан Жюберти, Който 6 течение на много години ръкободеше 
Подземната лаборатория 6 Myauc, и румънецъш Василе Деку om Института no 
спелеология "Емил РаКовица" 6 Bykypew. Те организираха голям ekun om най- 
добрите специалисти по отделни групи Живошни и страни и досега са публикубали 
два тома (през 1994 и 1998 г.) с общо 1373 страници голям формаш на френсКи и 
английски e3uk. В първия mom са 6Ключени 103 cmamuu върху пещерни обитатели 
(нисши жЖивотани, Crustacea, Arachnida, Myriapoda, Apterygota и Pterygota), Върху 
6akmepuume и бодораслите 6 newepume и бърху пещерната фауна на 58 страни om 
Европа, Северна, Централна и Южна Америка. Той 6Ключба и cmamua за 
българската пещерна фауна (В. Георгиев, Хр. Делчев и В. ГолемансКи). Томъш 
започва със статията на В. ГолемансКи и Г. Bonnet за пещерншше прошозоч. За 
6caka страна или група организми е посочена основната литература и най-нобише 
постижения 6 нейното изследване, приложени са Карши на Карстобите области и 
рисунки на много от най-типичните пещерни обитатели. Тази система е 
продължена и Във втория mom, Който обхбаща още 35 cmamuu Върху други групи 
безгръбначни и бърху грьбначните Животни, Върху паразитните гъби, лишеите, 
мъхобеше, папрашише и "лампобата флора". Има и една cmamus бърху 
nce6gokapcma Капо местообитание. Очебидно ще е необходим и Mpemu mom, шъй 
Като не са публикувани досега статии за kapcma, пещерите и newepHama фауна 6 
Африка, Азия и др. 

По сбоя o6x6am Биоспелеологичната енциКлопедия далеч надхбърля ВсичКо 
правено досега 6 областта на биоспелеологията. Досегашните опити за обобщения 
на биоспелеологичните знания на A. Vandel през 1964 г. и на R.Ginet и У. Decu през 
1977 г. бяха много полезни, но с бурното разбитие на изследбанията, главно върху 
пещерната фауна на тропиците, стана бече небъзможно за един човек да обхване 
на нивото на специалист бсичКо известно. ЕнциКлопедияша представя най-новите 
знания за слабо познати или новбоотКкриши групи Животни: Remipedia, Myctacea, 
Spelaeogriphacea и gp., Както и обобщения за страни, чиято пещерна фауна е по- 
слабо позната на европейцише (Централна и Южна Америка, a В шретия mom 
вероятно и на Африка, Азия и Австралия). Поздравяваме нашите Колеги с това 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 29-31 

Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 
(Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), a new member of 
the myrmecophilous fauna of the Balkan 

Albena LAPEVA, Nikolay SIMOV 

Xylocoris formicetorum was found during an investigation of the myrme- 
cophilous fauna in the nests of Formica in Vitosha and Rila mountains. That fact 
is interesting because of its geographic position which is far away from the bor- 
ders of the former areal known up to now. 

Fig. 1. Distribution of Xylocoris formicetorum in Europe 
- after PERICART (1972); @ - Bulgarian localities 


Х. formicetorum is a boreal species distributed in Central Europe, Great 
Britain, the European part of Russia and Scandinavia where it is found even far 
beyond the polar circle. The species has not been reported from the Balkan 
Peninsula ever since (JOSIFOV, 1986). 

Х. formicetorum is an obligatory myrmecophil, being the only member with 
such characteristics of the family Anthocoridae known in Europe. Most com- 
monly it has been found in the nests of Formica rufa L., but there are data of 
occurrence in the nests of other species of Formicidae - Formica execta МУ, Е. 
sanguinea Latr., Е. truncicola Nyl, Lasius flavus (Е.) (PERICART, 1972), Е. fusca L. 
(WAGNER, 1961). It could be found in every part of the nest throughout the whole 
season (PERICART, 1972). 

The species was found in Bulgaria in nests of Formica rufa and Е. pratensis 
Retz. in Rila and Vitosha mountains at altitudes from 1000 to 1850 m above sea 
level, during the period of April till November. It is possible to find it in some more 
southern regions of the country where there are suitable conditions such as high 
altitude and localities of А. rufa and Е. pratensis, as for example Pirin Mts, the 
Rhodopes, Slavyanka and Belasitsa mountains. The locality in Rila Mts is the 
most southern point of distribution of the species in Europe known up to now. 


Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 

In nests of Formica rufa 
West Bulgaria, Vitosha Mts: 59 specimens, 6. 10. 1998, Tsvetni Polyani, 1650 m; 11 
specimens, 2. 9. 1998, Goli Vrah, 1850 m; 17 specimens, 25. 10. 1998, above 
Simeonovo Village, 1600 m. 
Southwest Bulgaria: Rila Mts, 32 specimens, 24. 7. 1998, Panichishte, 1400 m. 

In nests of Formica pratensis 
West Bulgaria, Vitosha Mts, Bistritsa Village, 1000 m: 11 specimens, 20. 6. 1997; 
31 specimens, 14. 11. 1999; 19 specimens, 29. 4. 1998. 

The material was collected by A. Lapeva and D. Gradinarov, and determined 
by N. Simov. Deposited at the Institute of Zoology, Sofia. 


PERICART J. 1972. Hemipter¢s Anthocoridae, Cimicidae, Microphysidae de !'Ouest - 
Paléarctique. - Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen, 7: 405 р. 
Wacanek Е. 1961. Heteroptera Hemiptera (neubearbeitet). - In: Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. 
IV, 3, Xa. Leipzig, 79-90. 
Josirov М. 1986.Verzeichnis der von der Balkanhalbinsel bekannten Heteropterenarten - 
Faun. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 14 (6): 61-93. 
Received on 8. 7. 1999 


Author's addresses: 

Albena Lapeva 

Sofia University, Department of Biology 
8, Dragan Tsankov Blvd 

1421 Sofia, Bulgaria 

Nickolay Simov 

29, Tundja Str. 
1463 Sofia, Bulgaria 

Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 
(Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) - нов предстабител на 
MupMekoguAHama фауна на БалКансКия полуостров 

Албена ЛАПЕВА, Николай СИМОВ 

Съобщено е за пръв пъш намирането на Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) 
(Heteroptera, Anthocoridae) на БалКансКия полуостров - 6 България (Витоша и Рила) 
В гнезда на Formica rufau Е. pratensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 32 

Определител на водните Кончеша (Odonata) 6 
България om Милен Mapunob 

Алекси ПОПОВ 

МАРИНОВ М. [2000]. ДЖобен полеви определител на вВодните Кончета на 
България. C., Ешна. 104 с. 

АЖОБЕН ПОЛЕВИ ОПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛ Определителят на Водните Кончета е една om все още pegkume у нас, 
ВОДНИТЕ КОНЧЕТА НА но много необходими Книги за насекоми, съдържащи достатъчна по обем 
5 информация и голям броц цветни рисунКи и същевременно предназначени за 
по-широк Кръг природолюбители. И досега читателите имаха на 
разположение една cepuo3HO и сполучливо разработена монография на 
разред Odonata 6 България (БЕШОВСКИ В. 1994. Insecta, Odonata. - В: Фауна на 
България. 23. C., Изд. БАН. 372 с.; ВЖ рецензия от ПОПОВ А. 1995. Нов mom om 
поредицата "Фауна на България". - Hist. nat. bulg., 5: 28). Определителят 
обаче не дублира "Фауната", а основното му достойнство е неговата 
прегледност и удобстВо при ползване. Съестои ce om kpamka обща uacm, 
илюстрована определителна таблица и характеристика на видовете 
(наречена описание). Схематичните цветни рисунКи са много сполучливи и 
поКазват Важнште и лесни за разпознаване тпаКсономични белези. Другото 
достойнство на Книгата са kapmume на разпространенцето на всеки Bug В 
България със значителен брой оригинални данни, HAKOU Om koumo много интересни. 

Разгледани са Всички 66 Вида В България, Включително и установените у нас през 
последните три години Chalcolestes parvidens (Artob.), Somatochlora meridionalis (Niels.) и 
Selysiothemis nigra (van der Lind.), първите два намерени om М. Маринов. Значението на 
определителя нараства, защото българската фауна съдържа няКош особено xapakmepHu 
Видове. Като такива мога да посоча извънредно интересните В зоогеографско отношение 
Epallage fatime (Charp.), Aeshna subarctica Walk., Cordulegaster heros Theisch. (не Theish., kakmo 
е В Книгата). Разредъш съдържа и редица Консервационно значими Видове, ВКлючени В 
международни черВени списъци (Световна червена Книга, БернсКа Конвенция, CORINE), 
kak6umo са Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Charp.), Видовете om семейство Gomphidae, част om 
BugoBeme om род Coenagrion. Pegku (и Вероятно уязвими) у нас са част OM посочените BugoBe, 
Както и Chalcolestes viridis (van der Lind.), Lestes macrostigma (Eversm.), Somatochlora 
Slavomaculata (van der Lind.). 

Допуснати са HxAkou несъществени пропуски, kak6umo не могат да бъдат избягнати при 
отпечатването на една Книга. В определителната таблица (с. 18) mekcmoBeme за 
дисКоидалната Клетка трябва да бъдат "Крилен правоъгълник" при Platycnemididae и "Кролен 
трапец" при Coenagrionidae и Lestidae, а me са разменени, докато рисунките са правилно 
разположени. Също 6 определителната таблица (с. 25) са пропуснати названията на Gomphus 
vulgatissimus (L.) и Gomphus flavipes (Charp.). Дължината на тялото за Hemianax ephippiger 
(Вигт.) и Orthetrum coerulescens (Fabr.) на с. 66 и 84 е 63ema безкритично om "Фауната" Ha д-р 
В. БешовсКи, Където е дадена погрешно. Sympetrum sanguineum (Mill.) е изписан неправилно 
Като 5. sanquineum (с. 4, 92, 93). Цитираната на с. 9 публикация на Conci & Nielsen не е om 1935, 
аот 1956. Мисля, че би било В интерес на природолюбителите В определителя да се споменат 
и семецствата Водни Кончета, тъц Като те са морфологично добре обособени. 

Целта на автора е да приобщи по-широк Кръг хора Към опознаването, проучването и 
опазването на Водните Кончета у нас. Тази цел е постигната чрез доброто Качество на 
Книгата и с достатъчния тираж. Поздравления заслужаваш М. Маринов за създаването на 
определителя и Bpumanckomo посолство за финансиране на отпечатването му. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 33-39 

Review of Anthicidae (Coleoptera) from Bulgaria 

Gerhard UHMANN, Borislav GUEORGUIEV 


Until recently coleopterous insects from the family Anthicidae resident in 
Bulgaria were not part of special studies. The first written records were from the 
beginning of 20 century - IOAKIMov (1904) - 5 species, ANONYMOUS (1907) - 5 
species, MARKOVICH (1909) - 3 species, NEDELKOV (1909) - 7 species, Pic (1911) - 1 
species and RAMBOUSEK (1912) - 2 species. A single specimen collected near 
Kavarna was published as Anthicus sp. (MULLER, 1929: 176). Later, in the middle 
of the century, Anthicidae data were reported in the following works: ROUBAL 
(1931-1933) - 8, PANIN (1941) - 3, KARNOSCHITZKI (1950) - 5, KARNOSCHITZKI (1954) - 
3, ANGELOV (1964) -1 and PALM (1966) - 3 species. In more recent times faunistic 
data concerning these beetles can be found in the publications of UHMANN (1985; 
1989) where 12 and respectively 17 species from Bulgaria were reported. 

Material and methods 

Important information concerning the bibliography and distribution of 
Anthicidae in Bulgaria was discovered by the second author among the notes of 
the deceased Bulgarian coleopterologist Vassil Сивогршеу. The most important 
data were included in a list titled - "Coleoptera, Anthicidae aus Bulgarien" sent to 
У. Guéorguiev by Dr. Е. Hieke on 8.1.1984. The list comprises faunistic data for 
23 species, collected by the German zoologists Dr. F. Hieke, Dr. M. Uhlig, Dr. H. 
Wendt, Dr. U. Goéllner, Dr. В. Schiilke and Dr. W. Braasch (all from Berlin) in the 
course of their visits to Bulgaria in the period of 1973-1983. Throughout 1983-1984 
all that material was determined by the first author, an Anthicidae specialist 
since 1972. Two single records, concerning the collections of Notoxus monoceros 
L. (leg. Hoberland) in the East Rhodope Mts. and Cyclodinus fatuus (leg. Palm) 
from Zlatni Pyasatsi, were also added there, but not among the mentioned above 
list. Until now the whole amount of material preserved in the Museum fur 


Naturkunde (Berlin), excluding the only one specimen of Cyclodinus fatuus keeps 
in the Museum of Lund, have not been published. An important part of the 
archive notes was an attempt of V. Gucorguiev for faunistic and nomenclatural 
assignment on the basis of the literature published on the group from Bulgaria. 
Due to the joint efforts of both authors it was possible to build a complete illus- 
tration of Anthicidae in Bulgaria. 

List of the species 

Notoxus appendicinus Desbrochers - UHMANN, 1985: 177; UHMANN, 1989: 378; 
new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (8 ex.); likely xerophil; Spain, Majorca, South France, 
Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Balkan Peninsula, Crete, 
Romania, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Central Asia, Tunisia. 

Notoxus brachycerus (Faldermann) - ANONYMOUS, 1907: 321; new data: 
Kozhuh, Hieke (9 ex.); xerophil; Central and South Europe, Turkey, Kazakhstan. 

Notoxus miles Schmidt - ROUBAL, 1933: 144; new data: Predela Pass, Pirin М®., 
1100 m, Uhlig (8 ex.); 2 km N Kresna, Hieke (1 ex.); 10 km W Zemen, Hieke (3 ex.); 
xerophil, ripicol; Hungary, Romania, Bosna and Hercegovina, Albania, Bulgaria, 

Notoxus monoceros (Linne) - MARKOVICH, 1909: 20; NEDELKOV, 1909: 7; ROUBAL, 
1931: 453; UHMANN, 1989: 378; new data: 10 km W Zemen, Hieke (1 ex.); coomb 
Vibitsa, Momchilovgrad, East Rhodope Mts., 22.У1.1961, Hoberland (1 ex.); У-УШ; 
xerophil, dry meadow land, psammophil; Northern and Central Europe, Russia, 
Northern Spain, Roumania, Bulgaria, Central Asia. 

Notoxus trifasciatus Rossi (= N. cornutus F.) - ANONYMOUS, 1907: 321 (sub N. 
cornutus Е.); NEDELKOV, 1909: 7; ROUBAL, 1931: 453 (sub N. cornutus Е.); ANGELOV, 
1964: 312 (sub N. cornutus F.); UHMANN, 1985: 179; UHMANN, 1989: 379; new data: 
2 km 5 Tsarevo, Uhlig (1 ex.); Sozopol, Uhlig (1 ex.); Kozhuh, Hieke (4 ex.); river 
Blagoevgradska Bistritsa, 800 m, Hieke (1 ex.); 2 km N Kresna, Hieke (2 ex.); 10 
km W Zemen, Hieke (1 ex.); V-VI; xerophil, dry sand and grit; Central and 
Southern Europe, Turkey. 

Mecynotarsus fausti Seidlitz - ROUBAL, 1932: 129; KARNOSCHITZKI, 1954: 25-26; 
UHMANN, 1989: 379; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (16 ex.); Tsarevo, Hieke & Uhlig (5 
ex.); psammophil; Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Romania, Balkan Peninsula, Russia. 

Mecynotarsus serricornis (Panzer) (= M. rhinoceros F.) - ANONYMOUS, 1907: 
321 (sub М. rhinoceros Е.); stenotop, psammophil, nebricol; Central and South 

Pseudotomoderus compressicollis Motschulsky - new data: Primorsko, Hieke & 
Uhlig (1 ex.); ecological remarks: unknown; Mediterranean (incl. Balkan 
Peninsula and Georgia) to Mozambique and Namibia. New genus and species 
for Bulgaria. 


Formicomus pedestris (Rossi) - IOAKIMOV, 1904: 42; NEDELKOV, 1909: 7; ROUBAL, 
1931: 453; PANIN, 1941: 552; UHMANN, 1985: 183; UHMANN, 1985: 183 (sub Е. р. var. 
atratulus Reitter); UHMANN, 1989: 382; new data: 2 km 5 Tsarevo, Uhlig (7 ех.); 
Melnik, Wendt & Gollner (8 ех.); camp Kavatsite, Gollner (1 ех.); Kozhuh, Hieke 
(1 ex.); 4 km NW Kresna, Hieke (1 ex.); Kazanlak, Hieke & Uhlig (4 ex.); river 
Ropotamo, 5 km W Yasna Polyana, Hieke & Uhlig (5 ex.); Tsarevo, Hieke & Uhlig 
(17 ех.); IV-VH; thermophil, phytodetriticol; Central and Southern Europe, 
Russia, Turkey, Syria, Azerbaidzhan. 

Leptaleus chaudoiri (Kolenati) - RAMBOUSEK, 1912: 57 (sub Anthicus с. Kol.); 
ecological remarks: unknown; Balkan Peninsula, Cyprus, Turkey, Iran, 

Cyclodinus coniceps (Marseul) - KARNOSCHITZKI, 1954: 26-27 (sub Anthicus c. 
Marseul, det. Roubal); halobiont; Eastern Austria, Southern Europe (incl. Balkan 

Cyclodinus constrictus (Curtis) - UHMANN, 1985: 185 (sub C. c. var. lameyi 
Marseul); UHMANN, 1989: 384 (sub С. с. var. lameyi Marseul); halobiont; France, 
Spain, Majorca, Sardinia, Balkan Peninsula, Crete, Turkey, North Africa. 

Cyclodinus fatuus (Truqui) - UHMANN, 1989: 384; new data: Zlatni 
Pyasatsi, 1-21.VIII.1970, leg. Palm, in coll. Museum Lund (one beetle exam- 
ined genitaliter by the first author); VIII; ecological remarks: unknown; 
Balkan Peninsula, South Russia, Cyprus, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Iran, Turkme- 
nistan, Afghanistan. 

Cyclodinus humilis (Germar) - NEDELKOV, 1909: 7 (sub Anthicus h. Germ.); 
KARNOSCHITZKI, 1950: 52-53 (sub Anthicus h. Germ.); IV-VI; halobiont; Central, 
Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Caucasus. 

Cyclodinus minutus (Laferte) - KARNOSCHITZKI, 1950: 52 (sub Anthicus m. 
Laf.); ГХ; halobiont; Mediterranean. 

Отопадиз bifasciatus (Rossi) - UHMANN, 1989: 385; new data: Tsarevo, Hieke 
& Uhlig (1 ex.); phytodetriticol and stercoricol; Europe, Turkey, Georgia, Iran, 
Afghanistan, North Africa. 

Omonadus floralis (Linne) - ТОАКПМОУ, 1904: 42; ANONYMOUS, 1907: 321 (sub 
Anthicus f. L.); NEDELKOV, 1907: 7 (sub Anthicus f. L.); UHMANN, 1985: 188; 
UHMANN, 1989: 385; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (4 ex.); 10 km W Zemen, Hieke (1 
ex.); IV; УП-Х; phytodetriticol; Cosmopolit. 

Omonadus formicarius (Goeze) (= Anthicus quisquilius Thoms.) - ANONY- 
MOUS, 1907: 321 (sub A. quisquilius Thoms.); UHMANN, 1985: 188; new data: 
Samokoy, Rila Mt., Uhlig (1 ex.); phytodetriticol and stercoricol; Cosmopolit. 

Cordicomus instabilis (Schmidt) - PALM, 1966: 21; ripicol, phytodetriticol; 
Southern Europe, Northern Africa. 

Cordicomus sellatus (Panzer) - PANIN, 1941: 552 ((sub Anthicus (Eonius) sella- 
tus Panz.)); UHMANN, 1989: 385; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (4 ex.); ripicol, psam- 
mophil, phytodetriticol; Europe. 


Stricticomus longicollis (Schmidt) - new data: the coast near river Dvojnitsa 
by Obzor, Braasch (1 ex.); likely phytodetriticol; southern parts of Central 
Europe, South Europe, Russia, Israel, Пад. New species for Bulgaria. 

Stricticomus transversalis (Villa) - KARNOSCHITZKI, 1954: 26 (sub Anthicus 1. 
Villa); new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (1 ex.); V-VIII; stenotop; Spain, France, Czech 
Rep., Eastern Meditarranean. 

Hirticomus hispidus (Rossi) - IOAKIMOV, 1904: 42; MARKOVICH, 1909: 20; 
NEDELKOV, 1909: 7 (sub Anthicus h. Rossi); PALM, 1966: 21; UHMANN, 1985: 192; 
UHMANN, 1989: 386; new data: the coast by Arkutino, Braasch (1 ex.); the coast by 
Kamchiya, Schulke (1 ex.); Tsarevo, Hieke & Uhlig (5 ex.); 2 km S Tsarevo, Uhlig 
(1 ex.); Melnik, Wendt (1 ex.); Kozhuh, Hieke (5 ex.); river Ropotamo, 5 km W 
Yasna Polyana, Hieke & Uhlig (2 ex.); Kazanlak, Hieke & Uhlig (4 ex.); IV-V; psam- 
mophil, phytodetriticol; Europe, Caucasus, West and Central Asia, Egypt. 

Anthicus antherinus (Linne) - IOAKIMOV, 1904: 42; NEDELKOV, 1909: 7; ROUBAL, 
1932: 129 (sub A. a. var. sophiae); PALM, 1966: 21; UHMANN, 1985: 193; UHMANN, 
1985: 193 (sub A. a. var. syriae Pic); UHMANN, 1989: 386; new data: the coast by 
Arkutino, Braasch (4 ex.); chalet Raj, Central Stara Planina Mts., Uhlig (1 ex.); 2 
km 5 Tsarevo, Uhlig (54 ex.); Kozhuh, Hieke (16 ex.); 10 km W Zemen, Hieke, (1 
ex.); camp Aheloj, Gdllner (1 ех.); IV-VI; psammophil, phytodetriticol; Europe, 
Turkey, Israel, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. 

Anthicus ater (Panzer) - MARKOVICH, 1909: 20; X; psammophil, ripicol, phy- 
todetriticol; Northern Europe, Russia, Bulgaria. 

Anthicus axillaris Schmidt - UHMANN, 1985: 194; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (1 
ex.); 10 km W Zemen, Hieke (1 ex.); Kazanlak, Hieke & Uhlig (1 ex.); psammophil, 
ripicol, phytodetriticol; Europe. 

Anthicus fenestratus Schmidt - UHMANN, 1989: 387; new data: camp Kavatsite, 
Gollner (1 ex.); xerophil; Meditarraneum. 

Anthicus flavipes (Panzer) - PANIN, 1941: 552; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (11 ex.); 
psammophil, ripicol; Northern and Central Europe, France, Bulgaria, Turkey. 

Anthicus fuscicornis Laferte - IOAKIMOV, 1904: 42; VIII-IX; ripicol; Spain, 
France, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey. 

Anthicus’ luteicornis Schmidt - Pic, 1911: 59; ripicol, psammophil; Southern 
Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria. 

Anthicus niger Olivier - UHMANN, 1989: 387; new data: Melnik, Wendt (2 ex.); 
the coast by Sveti Vlas, Schtilke (1 ex.); Kozhuh, Hieke (30 ex.); Тзагеуо, Hieke & 
Uhlig (1 ex.); xerophil; Mediterranean, Caucasus. 

Anthicus proximus Marseul - RAMBOUSEK, 1912: 57; UHMANN, 1989: 387; eco- 
logical remarks: unknown; South Italy, Balkan Peninsula, Crete, Turkey, Israel, 

Anthicus schmidti Rosenhauer - new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (15 ex.); psam- 
mophil, ripicol, phytodetriticol; France, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Hungary, 
Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria. New species for Bulgaria. 


Anthicus tristis Schmidt - UHMANN, 1989: 387; new data: Kozhuh, Hieke (1 ex.), 
det as A. А var. tristiculus Reitter; xerophil; Canary Islands, Mediterranean, Iraq, 
Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan. 

Microhoria oertzeni (Pic) - UHMANN, 1985: 201; ecological remarks: unknown; 
Balkan Penisula, Turkey. 

Microhoria raveli (Pic) - ROUBAL, 1932: 129 (sub Anthicus nectarinus Panzer 
var. reveli sic!); thermophil, phytodetriticol, as M. nectarina (Panzer); Italy, 
Balkan Peninsula, Crete, Rhodes, Turkey. Note: Describing Anthicus raveli, Pic 
confused some species. It described this taxon as a variety of M. terminata 
Schmidt but M. terminata and M. nectarina are coloured species, while M. rav- 
eliis black. Косн (1933) found the right status of raveli Pic by examination of the 
male genitalia. 

Endomia tenuicollis (Rossi) - UHMANN, 1985: 203; UHMANN, 1989: 387; new 
data: the coast by Arkutino, Braasch (1 ex.); Ropotamo, 5 km W Yasna Polyana, 
Hieke & Uhlig (1 ex.); thermophil, ripicol; Mediterranean to Southern Africa. 

Another species has probably been recorded in Bulgaria by mistake: 

Cyclodinus desbrochersi (Pic) - ROUBAL, 1932: 129 (sub Anthicus debrochersi 
sic!). Despite of the material of Roubal does not study, and judging from the dis- 
tribution of the species, we consider it does not exist in Bulgaria. It occurs in 
Spain and North Africa. Unless new evidence becomes available, it is better to be 
excluded from the list of Bulgarian fauna for the time being. 


It is for the first time that a detailed bibliographical, nomenclatural and 
chorological description of the family Anthicidae in Bulgaria has been made. 
Thirty-seven species from the nearly 320 species known in the European fauna 
until now have been established in this country (listed above in systematic order). 
Genus Pseudotomoderus Pic and the species Psewdotomoderus compressicollis 
Motschulsky, Stricticomus longicollis (Schmidt) and Anthicus schmidti 
Rosenhauer have been found as new for the Bulgarian fauna. New faunistic data 
have been presented for 21 other species. It can be stated that Cyclodinus des- 
brochersi (Pic), published by ROUBAL (1932), does not exist in Bulgaria. For the 
majority of species some ecological categories (on the basis of their landscape 
preferences) have also been marked. For 12 species phenological data have been 



We owe our best thanks to all colleagues who committed their material for 
study, and are especially indebted to Dr F. Hieke (Berlin, Germany) who was so 
kind as to preserved and sent the list of the Bulgarian anthicid beetles to his 
Bulgarian colleagues. 


ANONYMOUS. 1907. Collections du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de son Altesse Royale 
Ferdinand I Prince de Bulgarie. Sofia. XIV + 484 р. 

ANGELOV P. 1964. Coleoptera aus der Thrakischen Tiefebene und einigen angrenzenden 
Gebieten. - Die Fauna Thrakiens, 1: 307-324. (In Bulgarian). 

IoAKIMOV О. 1904. Beitrag zur Insektenfauna Bulgariens - Insecta. I. Coleoptera. - Sb. nar. 
umot. nauk. kn. , 20: 1- 43. (In Bulgarian). 

KARNOSCHITZKI М. 1950. Review of halobiontic and halophilic Coleoptera of the Bulgarian 
Black Sea coast. - Publ. Marine Biol. Stat. Varna, 15: 1-66 (In Russian). 

KARNOSCHITZKI N. 1954. Additional materials to the fauna of halobiontic and halophilic bee- 
tles of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. - Arb. Biol. Meeresst. Stalin, 18: 21-31 (In 

Косн С. 1933. Risultati scientifici delle caccie entomologiche di 5. A. 5. il Principe 
Alessandro della Torre e Tasso in Italia. - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., 65 (7): 149-159. 

MARKOVICH A. 1909. Beitrag zur Insektenfauna der Umgebung von Razgrad. - Sb. nar. umot. 
nauk. kn., 25: 1-20. (In Bulgarian). 

MULLER A. 1929. Zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna der Stiddobrudscha und Sudbessarabien. 
- Verh. Mitt. Siebenbiirg. Ver. Naturwiss. Hermannstadt, 79: 167-187. 

NEDELKOV N. 1909. Vierter Beitrag zur Insektenfauna Bulgariens. - Sb. nar. umot. nauk. kn., 
25: 1-37. (In Bulgarian). 

PALM Th. 1966. Pa koleopterologiska excursioner vid Bulgariens Svarta havskust. - Entomol. 
Tidskr., 87 (1-2): 5-22. 

РАмим 5. 1941. Apercu sur la faune coléoptérologique de la vallée de Batova. - Bull. Sec. Sci. 
Acad. Roum., 23 (10): 543-557. 

Pic М. 1911. Anthicidae. - In: Schenkling 5. (ed.). Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 36. Berlin, 
W. Junk, 102 p. 

RAMBOUSEK 1912. Fauna coleopterorum bulgarica. - Trav. Soc. bulg. sci. nat., 5: 57-113. (In 

ROUBAL J. 1931-1933. Fragmente zur Koleopterfaunistik des balkanischen Festlands. - Ent. 
Anz., 11: 453-454; 12: 129; 13: 144. 

UHMANN С. 1985. Paldarktische Anthiciden (Coleoptera) des Ungarischen 
Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums Budapest (15. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anthicidae). 
- Folia ent. hung., 46 (1): 177-203. 

UHMANN G. 1989. Anthicidae des Zoologischen Museums in Lund. Zweiter Teil (Coleoptera, 
Anthicidae) (23. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anthicidae). - Entomofauna, 10 (25): 377-393. 

Received on 9.3. 1999 


Author's address: 

Gerhard Uhmann 
Tannenhofstrasse 10 

D - 92690 Pressath (Bavaria) 

Borislav Guéorguiev 

National Museum of Natural History 
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 


Преглед на семейство Anthicidae 
(Coleoptera) от България 

Герхард YMAH, Борислав ГЕОРГИЕВ 


Настоящата работа се оснобаба на белеЖжКи, намерени 6 архиба на починалия 
българсКи Колеоптеролог Васил Георгиев. В резулшат на обработката им за първи 
път е направен литературно-номенКлатурен и ареалографсКи преглед на Anthicidae 
от България. Род Ряецйоиотодегия Pic и Видовете Pseudotomoderus compressicollis 
Motschulsky, Stricticomus longicollis (Schmidt) и Anthicus schmidti Rosenhauer са нови 
за 6bAzapckama фауна. За други 21 Вида антициди (om Bcuuko 37, установени у нас) 
са представени нови фаунистични данни. Видъш Cyclodinus desbrochersi (Pic), 
съобщен om ROUBAL (1932), най-бероятно не се среща 6 cmpaHama. За побечето om 
представителите са отбелязани и еКодогичнише Категории на базата на 
предпочитанията им Към muna на ландшафта, а за 12 бида са обобщени данните 
за сезонната им аКтивност. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 40 

Нова Светобна чербена Книга 
Алекси ПОПОВ 

HILTON-TAYLOR С. (Compiler). 2000. 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. XVIII + 61 p. + CD-ROM. 

перде Българските зоолози, ботаници и природолюбители очаКваха с 
2000 IUCN Red List of нетърпение и интерес новотпо издание на Международния съюз за 
Threatened опазване на природата (IUCN) за застпрашените Видове организми. 
Species’ Неговите предшественици добиха популярност у нас Като Световна 
ща червена Книга, но по същество представляват Световен червен списък. 
Използваните сега Категории Ha IUCN са: изчезнал (ЕХ), изчезнал В 
природата (EW), Кршпично застрашен (СК), застрашен (EN), уязвим (VU), 
зависим от опазването (cd), почти застрашен (nt), слабо застрашен (Ic), 
с недостатъчно данни (ПО). Като застрашени се обединяват СЕ, ЕМ и 
VU, а 8 група с нисък puck (LR) се Включват cd, nt u Ic. 

Основната разлика между най-новото и предишните издания на 
Книгата е Комбинацията OM печатна Версия (Книжно тяло) и 
електронна Версия (Компакт guck) и обединяването на Животните и 
растенията В едно издание. Книгата съдържа сумарен анализ по групи, 
страни, биоми, хабитати и преглед на заплахите, а Компакт дискът - Конкретната 
информация за Видовете. Читателят може да търси данни по страни, по Категории на 
застрашеност и по рацони (кКонтиненти и оКеани и големи части от тях). 

Общият брой на ВКлючените 6 Червената Книга таКсони е 18 276, Om max 816 вида ca 
изчезнали (ЕХ, EW), 11 046 са застрашени с изчезване (CR, EN, VU), 4595 са с нисъК puck (cd, nt, Ic) 
или недостатъчно данни (DD) и 1769 ca подвидове или субпопулации. Общо Животните са 10 487, 
а растениятта - 7789. Относителният дял на застрашените Видове (CR, EN, VU) спрямо 6Bcuyku 
Видове е най-голям при бозайниците (24 Фо), голосеменните растения (16 %) и птицише (12 %). 
На Видово ниво най-многобройни са бозайниците (2133 Вида), птиците (2123), охлювише (1822) и 
Костаните риби (1159 Вида) om Животните и двусемеделнише (6293 Вида) от растенияша. 

При подреждането по страни за основните групи Животни и растения по-предни места 
заемат тпропически, извъневропейсКи и островни държави и територии. От балканските страни 
В челните двадесетици влизат Хърватия и Гърция за риби и Словения (на пето място), Румъния 
и Югославия за безгръбначни. Ако разгледаме броят на застрашеншпе Видове (CR, EN, VU) 8 
отделните страни на БалКансКия полуостров, получаваме следната Картина: Словения - 85 вида, 
Румъния и Гърция - по 59 Вида, Югославия - 49, България - 46, Хърватия - 44 и др. (Турция с Мала 
Азия - 81). Общо Въ всички Категории (om ЕХ go DD) за България В komnakm дисКа са посочени 128 
Вида (6 таблицата по страни) и 143 вида (В таблицата на Видовете). Този брой е занижен, Mb 
Като В списъКа за България са посочени Видове, Кошпо не се срещат у нас, напр. Тгодосат 8 
anophthalmus (пещерна сКарида), а за други, koumo се срещат, България не е посочена В ареала. 
Най-висока степен на застрашеност (СК) имат Acipenser зиито (немсКа ecempa), дунавската 
популация на Cyprinus carpio (шаран), Numenius tenuirostits (среден сВирец) и Monachus monachus 
(плюлен монах). Следващата степен (EN) umam 9 Вида: отново риби, птица и бозайник, Както и 
Vipera ursinii (остромуцунеста усойница). Уязвими са 38 вида, между Кошпо ракообразни 
(Апр рода, Decapoda) и насекоми (Odonata, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera). Единственото 
растение om България е балкансКият ендемит Pinus реисе (бяла мура) В Категорията LR/nt. 

НоВото издание на Световната червена Книга ще бъде шВърде полезен справочник при 
засилените В последно Време изследвания с Консервационна насоченост, при подготовката на 
нова Червена Книга на България и при работата на зоолозите от НИМ с музейни Колекции om 
чуждестранни Животни. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 41-58 

Macrolepidoptera and Microlepidoptera 
(Alucitidae and Pyralidae) recorded in Bulgaria, 
12 - 24 September 1995 (Lepidoptera) 



During the period September 12-24, 1995 the authors visited several places in 
SW Bulgaria, East Rhodopi Mts and Black Sea Coast where the lepidopterous 
fauna was explored. On September 12, a few moths were collected at a 125 W Hg 
lamp on the balcony of the home of the first of the authors in Sofia, Mladost IV. 
H.E. In all the other localities given below, moths were collected using a 160 W 
Hg lamp plugged in, or powered by a Honda EX 350 generator, and by means of 
а red wine and sugar 1:1 mixture painted on tree trunks. Several species were also 
found aestivating in tunnels, one in Kresna Gorge and another in Melnik Town, 
and a few were recorded by day. Nearly all Pyralidae were determined by B. 
Goater with only a few additions made by S. Beshkov. Alucitidae were identified 
by S. Beshkov. The only species of Psychidae was determined by P. 
Hattenschwiler (Uster, Switzerland). All Macrolepidoptera were identified by 
both authors together, mostly in the field, except for the specimens determined 
later by examination of genitalia, The identity of all the doubtful species was 
checked in this way. Only a minimal number specimens were retained, but lists 
were made of all species seen. The collected material is in the collections of the 
two authors. Below are included all the data gathered during the expedition. Only 
a few species of butterflies are listed because public transport (trains and buses) 
was used for getting about and most of the daylight hours were spent traveling 
or waiting for transport in a town. 

List of the main collecting localities 

Kresna - SW Bulgaria, Kresna Gorge, Stara Kresna Railway Station, 200 m alt., 


Melnik - SW Bulgaria, Melnik Town, Sandanski District, 400 т alt., 14.ТХ.1995. 

Rozhen - SW Bulgaria, Rozhen Village above Melnik Town, 580 т alt., 

Studen Kladenetz - East Rhodopi Mts, Studen Kladenetz Village, Arda Valley, 
180 па alt., 18.1X.1995. 

Momina Skala - East Rhodopi Mts, Arda Valley, Momina Skala Chalet near 
Madzharovo Town, 140 m alt., 19.1Х.1995. 

Meden Buk - East Rhodopi Mts, Zhaltichalsko Dere near Byala Reka River by 
Meden Buk Village, Ivailovgrad District, 150 т alt., 20.[Х.1995. 

Byalo Pole (= Belopolyane Village) - East Rhodopi Mts, Ivailovgrad District, 
180 т alt., 21.1Х.1995. 

Arkutino - South Black Sea Coast, "Arkutino" Resting House near Arkutino 
Swamp and the Mouth of Ropotamo River, Primorsko District, 22.1Х.1995. 

Balchik - (=Balcic) - North Black Sea Coast, Belia Bryag Camping between 
Balchik and Kavarna towns, 2 km NE from "Tuzlata", 23.[Х.1995. 

Leucania punctosa (Treitschke, 1828) is new for the Bulgarian fauna. In the 
list are included 262 species. 

In Belia Bryag Camping many species, most of them in considerable numbers, 
were observed under a Prunus divariacata Ldb. tree, feeding on the secretions 
of the aphid Pterochloroides persicae (Chol., 1899), from the family Гасйтаае (Е. 
Tasheva det.), dropped from the tree. Moths were much more numerous beneath 
that tree than on the trees which had been anointed with wine-sugar mixture. 
The species recorded on aphid secretion were: Udea ferrugalis, Nomophila 
noctuella, Camptogramma bilineata, Lygephila craccae, Hoplodrina ambigua, 
Thalpophila matura, Phlogophora meticulosa, Atethmia ambusta, Discestra tri- 
Ло, Leucania putrescens, Mythimna albipuncta, Mythimna_ vitellina, 
Mythimna l-album, Acantholeucania loreyi, Noctua pronuba, Xestia xan- 
thographa, Peridroma saucia, Agrotis puta, Agrotis ipsilon, Agrotis segetum. 

Abbreviations used in the list: 

Г. - specimen/s collected at light 

S - specimen/s collected at red wine and sugar 1:1 mixture 
D - collected or observed by day 

R - collected at rest on lamps in or around buildings 

s - single specimen 

г - rare species, 2-3 specimens recorded 

с - common species, 4-10 specimens recorded 

а - abundant, more than 10 specimens recorded 










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(GLLT “лепишледцов 2 зтае(]) 
з1тешшъ/ ромзорпя 
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(GLLT Тлепишледицов 29 зе!) 
з1обел зала 
(FEST чечоподпа) 81/21го0ат/ о1бйоузло 
(вевт “еячозтеа,) sojsauoy оптигроу 
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(GLLI “зптотлаея) 81727502 обйдозайцн 
(равт “одпепз) 51712407021 ола 
(96лт “тепапн) зуюиопип опаоа 
(E9LT “1одозв) spins ойаолпаерда 
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(тедрецов-чотлен) s7opipuajds озоропя 
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(GLLT лепошледицов 29 зтаэа]) 
зитрираел 1184020410 
(96лт ‘лэчайн) 5172и1614п4 домоуллпаод 
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([608Т] “лепапн) 517240 / soposody 


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отрр ошмоцуаотиво 
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55 51 81 oT (LOLI Чевецтн) омоитд рима 
AVCINVdd ud 
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Фа га га (т91т “зпеешш) svanjyd гигоойт 
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Фа (8061 ‘лэулоз$Чиля) sayzuas ппуолмоати 
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ха ха (8341 “вповишп) 270417] 214083] 
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вт е (зет “зпеешшт) з010/гу0 109 зитудшйм 
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cd (зет ‘зпэвцаг]) эра мощ 
SI SCLT ‘sneeuury иоруори o1)1dDqg 
LI (SELT ‘зпэвчитТ) зпмуород зарцгтуат 
91 “т (6FST ‘тэзуеЧэ$-Чонаэн) 27197024" DAPDD 
81 („вт Чоподец) 2/1272412 керопойца 
за га (ZEST “лелерет) ибиилмоу гиоутудотишоеав 
$7 (ЗТЗТ ‘WaxoUIZ) 2]]9иглрр 24922141 
ha | (S6LT ‘зитомаея)риррираэ4 121709040) 
$7 Ivy (дезт Чечочодпа) оезлеляитз? DIGAXO 

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CZ 141 ‘ds 2161730]09 
51 (отвт ‘ТелирзтоЯ) 214277142 отдем 
81 (3911 “зпеешш) 2770/1020 д0циошвор 
IT (Т98Т “ледечов-цотлен) 
s‘o‘s‘y $“Т s‘T (3311 ‘snevuUrT) 07DGUI;1q ошшолбозйштоо 
$71 (F6LT “пезпечяоя) 
Sq (GLLT Члепашследлцов 2 stueq]) 2701706 гоуцилал 
s‘T Sich (83311 ‘sneeuury) 2701121 / aoYLOYIUDXY 
$7 етвт| лечапн) 2727614 еашяй 2070) 
sq (SSLT ‘зпэвиитТ) омомпаита 171411 
57 $7 Ема (1911 “зпевиш1) 21.10.4205; DAJIUIOPOYY 
11 11 57 $71 IT ([66Z1] лечапн) омолаиебор Davp] 
Seo (SGLT ‘зпэвчиг]) 7051940 рэрр] 
та IT 51 Saal 51 (|гевт! ледечов-чомлен) омойшро Davp] 
51 (971 Чевецрин) рур7ртиир ребру 
51 51 ([66/1] лечапн) 2700 Davp] 
85 51 51 („вт “ледечов-чотлен) 
рмрит/и00 ртуйо1208к01:) 
sy s°T 51 51 ([6621] ‘лэччиан) 21427111 отдогв 
Ема “7 s‘T 11 IT 11 (I8LI “92005)) DIDJIUNdaUIbIDU опаогв 
Ivy Ама! 241 гл 571 sy 1061 ‘1э8итрие3$ 270220420 DjNdoIg 
57 ZOGI “19519194 `Л\ 127093146 риририи 
Ех 5Т 81 $7 ((66лт| лечапн) 2142] ]7аапа DoydojIhy 
ЗУ Я Lali (6811 ‘злэШл эр) 270и161ри1 зозволуопя 
$71 (F6LI “л99вя) viDsDidoshiys рроззтшен 

OT 6 8 И 9 9 и $ G 1 


FE сев s‘sis'T 



05 51 

LG 81 








ес: 81 



Ty ([603Т] лечапн) 2714044 шт х9р07041494 
а (сл 1 “лепошлерицов 2 зтаэа]) 
DIADP10G WOYd херотамеа 
(6161 ‘louse A\) меуцдом зеротуйм 
vy (6061 ‘louse A\) ри17рипрр хероцойм 
IT (SGLI ‘sneeuUuly) DIUDNHUI}2 5111722040) 
(2611 “пезпечяло4) 1214712577 $1]]DI0L,) 
с68т “левитрпезв пие DIQUNG 
(6081 ‘Чзломен) DIUDIJUDISNS хошоиия 
57 (CLLT лепошледицоз 2 эзтаэ]) 
721405049 SOULOUUS] 
(ст Тлепошпледичов 7B зтаэ@]) 
омошйиоле9 попу 
(сит лепошледицов 7 зтаеа]) 
рмодориоло DUMYAI], 
([608T] лечапн) рыри497] 1251707195 
ST (GLLI ‘[хеппчачеЧо$ 2 stueq]) 272 про опре 
СРЯ 186т “легапейр чол омриомор тлэзо]ау 
(зет “зпеешшит) 272765]а т4э20]аАу 
га (е9/т 0409$) римпш роицу 
(608Т ‘Чзломен) рурозр Ипа гоэ2хоишй!) 
еезт “ташем о7оодмо о1ооциатЯ 
6061 ‘цэзлэзэа ‘№ DIDUYALO рлээциатя 
ВО 896Т ‘лэдата р7ррмузо ооеупата 
(L9LT ЧэЗецунН) DJDJOUU? поюоупапу 
(CLL ‘[лэпичыезтЧо$ 3 зтаэа]) 
SLST ‘Ayeroydyy огобъизхомта рлоациаатЯ 
(ст “[Ao]NULIeZTYIS 29 stusq]) 
Sq] (6031 ‘Чзломен) 27212574 ошосмо4 

OT 6 8 














Ама IT 
sy Ема 
$ G 

(Т9/т “ероа) DuDjaundiuponb vibojdny 
(зет ‘snevuul'y) vsou1b1jnf 519071 ршбоц 
(6е6т Тетае() рир]Ашорорпаза ошепя 
(|зозт| ‘teuqn}) 2/0гиоо шей 
(зу8т ‘лазеЧ2$-Чотмен) 215040 ошейя 
(99LT Чезецтн) DINILOAOS ошепя 
(GLLT ‘Аззэпя) 5777/15 зпроболцав 
(SGLT “зпевишт) разр омгиошйт 
(вевт “леделя) 014097708 Daodojawn vy |, 
(GLLT “лепашлеричов 7 зтаэ(]) 
рашюоойла paodojaunvy J, 
(99LT Чезецтн) 2.61 2197501) 
(6511 ‘Яэлето) шпитатра ошозволела 
(SSLI “зпееишт) и/7.1270]]978 UNsso]FoLgDy 
(3321 ‘зпэвииг]) apiqioydna за и 
(зет ‘sneeuur'y) 1774704402 зпабу 
(EFST ‘леддеЧэ$-ЧотллэН) 221и12]124 DIUOUIAT 
(GLLT лепашледичов 25 зтаэа]) 
ZG8I ‘лэПэй омтитотв поза 
(FELT ‘ISSOY) омполуго затоназу 
LOSI ‘OYYOSPoLL $7777.40; soydouy 
(GLLT “лепашлеричов 2 зшед|) 
шпиарит]А ршезорцев 
(LEST ‘лэПэ7) $71-41127494402 заро7одлтдеа 


OT 6 8 

вс: 61 









(GLLI ‘A[SSeny) гит.1010219 гига 
(в0бт“Кявлояпигя) 22170180 DjOAJIAN 
(668Т ‘syong) гиптотв 010912 

(SLLT “лепашледлцов 29 этаэа]) 
отбъв поитберт 

(GLLT Члепотшледичов 29 этаэа]) 
1501121] DFAT, 
(тевт “ишешевлеля) озоишоби опудоту 
(алт!) “лейвя) шпитогйз sazsadody 

(GLLT “лепошледицов 29 этаэа]) 
9022742 гпудебнт 
(GLLT ‘sntoliqe yy) оро зпоро44а 
(LELT “виЗезэа) DIDIISD/iq sapowwniy 
(I6LT “ечлого) Diadiand 2220720 
([L8L1] ‘tedsq) 27020] 51020720 
(LOLI ‘зпэвчитт) р7апи 0]220720 
(вс, т ‘зпэечигТ) 577127504 ригайН 

(FEgl ‘sueydeys) 5771261.4759101502 DIYUDLYIS 


(TOLT “впеешш1) 1.12761] п/ 21902854 

([Szgt] “лечапн) 517/24абпит]а uobodhjod 

(Певт| чедечов-чомлен) 270р1250904а 8112840 


6S6I ‘эзэтля vI272U0d DjnuDf saxnvsiq 


08 еч 

s‘gis*T Ема 

s‘sis*] ма 


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ОТ 6 8 






(OF8T ‘Телирэтоя) обраотипа snjdoiaqoh 
эеч ал 
81 (Гвозт | лечапн) омабтиио одидаоонец 
(„ват “зптоглаея) 124727 Dahidiyduy 
ге (6511 “Я9л9то) з?иободобоаз га Фтуашу 
5: (GLLT Члепитледчов 29 зтае(]) 
ормц DAfidiyduy 
Ема (8с/т “зпзепитт) рартштийа pafidryduy 
эеи | поп 
Ема 996Т “ета озмоибо 101013049 
Са (99LT чеЗецтн) 271740447 01035049 У 
(Геовт | “лепдпн) ги 21571402141, 
(8871 “5певиш1) ошшоб рудолботу 
(освт “зпецд9едв) озл/ 00 отубпоиитрви/ 
(SGLT ‘зпэечигТ) 5171842 118144251 
(1821 ‘зитомаея)риозио2 ро юугпя 
51 (ЕТЗТ] “лепапн) Koja 51730442099 
Ема ([303Т] лечапн) 21.1730 ошшедпяа 
GEST “Аявргелиад огирип рицогу 
51 (99LT Чевецтн) 2р12п] оииогу 
(е9/т 1109026) 7700401) рэ 
(те6т Зрпелта) гизошо опуйтио 
Ivy (те6т Зрпела) Шобитд Duoppjas vIYdAsy 
$“Т (606Т ‘Чэл.те л\) раи1]17294 отуй а 
вс 11:95 TF6T “вто 73/20 DIYdh4y 
(GLLT ‘sntoliqey) 20672 viydhiy 
(ТЗАТ ‘зитомаен) snuvbnf ‘gq = 
(8GLT ‘sneeuury) snuDuisDid sdiopnasd 









s‘T‘s‘g $7 

11 IT 

сев га ТТ 

s‘sis*T IT 





A ola | 












(1941 ‘sneeuury) Dsojnopung омуавитбейг 
(9Z81 ‘jayouodnq) suassauva опудогойу 
(сввт “чдоряато) 14025409 DUlasidy 
L681 ‘АЯелеч[у DuvJdaips = 
сезт “Чозвещо мара] ошезтая 
(GLLT Члепишледицов 29 зе!) 
123497 ршаз1аЯ 
(6311 ‘tedsq) гитопо)б ошезтая 
(сезт “гевшрпезв) 123017046 проугогбу 
те6т “шзлпоя 12р/2150 огоуголбу 
(GLLT “лепоатледчов 29 зглед!) 
(608T ‘Ча-ломен) 0оболидо DIWIYIAIY 
(GLLT Члепишледичов 25 згаэ@]) 
ap}Jasojaav риобозэИ 
(SGLT “зпевишт) Dsojnaijau DiOydobo] Yd 
(99LT Чезецтн) Dingow ричаоац, 
([T98T] “teygeyos-YolteH) 
рромоядпз stuanydhjod 
(SGLI ‘SneeuUry) при оимод/ 
([те8т] ‘лезуеЧ25-Чоныен) 
рроаома DIIDLYIUY 
(SGLI “зпевишт) ЕВЕ: вода 
(СЗТ “9ллае4е1) зарг0мбриои ошозев 
(возт| “лечапн) 2пб1хо глездородв 
(CLLT лепишледицов 3 зтед) 
pnbiquip ритаро]аоН 
(е9,т “подоов) за) одат ргимръгод 
(ZEST ‘aouens) О 
(девт “ледела) пидроу пебмщей ла 
ZEST “левшрпезв VIDIUIUD оф изетма 


59 $“Т 


зе: вв 
зе: вещ 


6¢ iy 


OT 6 




сев вее 

11 $7 






(бет “тедещов) оомди/ лашет 
([OL8T] “лечдан) олвофидтит DNJIOUDID 
(Гетет| “лечапн) зашшоо опрооито4 
(99LT ЧеЗецтн) риод.0 юопрооит?21 
ЗАТ “зпевишт одпиолд опоом 

(ет Члепашшледичов 2 этае@]) 
олд0шшъо// глпарйо1у20 


(тдат “грод) 5170 и/12эр 104э]0ц1, 
(L281 Чечочо9дпа) "ало; DiuvanajoyquDIpy 
(девт ‘jeyouodnq) 1441125 DuUYIAW 
(1911 ‘зпезциг]) шпдуо-1 ии и 
((атет| “лечдан) 2п.лбиоо риши 
([808T] “лепапн) гиела риши! 
(ст “лепашлерицов 29 зтае(]) 
7212ипа1912 гишаз И 
(L8LI ‘зптотлаея) оболе риитуай И 
(3581 “еячозтеа,) vsogaund ртиропат 
([FZ8T] лечапн) зиаозалпа viuvanaT 
бУЗТ ‘лэдеЧ2“-Чоталэн 1/21ммэу DIUDINAT 
(SGLI ‘спэвииг]) 2921.49]0 DIGOUDIDT 
(Q9LT Чевецтн) 1710/47 24759251А 


(GLLI лэпоталездуиЧо$ 2 stueq]) обрар/ ий 401) 


(9Z81 Чечочодпа) имешпр римэаап] 
(гебт “е ретео)) пеомев оцодпа римеатт 
(севт Чечочодпа) подп Djjaqn4a римаап7 
(вс т ‘sneeuury) 317222; пеаштаозер/ 

(сазт “99 Цо511941,) пиниейиаз зжшбоа 
(те6т ‘touse A я) 5710400 зэролодойла 
([O6L1] ‘tedsq) ошолугоиош зарозодойла 














59 Ig 

тела геот 



(SGLI ‘sneeuUry) ззи0ой0штохе зиогбу 
(99LT ТеЗецулн) 31717617394 зполбу 
(GLLT лепошледрицов 29 зтиэ@]) 

wnjabas зполбу 

([FZ8T] лечапн) хи. виогбу 
(99LT Чевецтн) иолзат зполбу 
(еовт| ‘тэчайн) 27па зполбу 
((еовт) чечапн) 288010 вполбу 

(ототея 171) гебт ‘elpeseg реали vseqo ‘у = 


9915 лес 

Abe tla 


688Т ‘АЯелэч@ТУ 2712$ 105940 зполбу 
(GLLT “лепитлерчов 29 этаэ(]) 2281040 рохпЯ 
(девт ‘jeyouodnq) $1771ибаз рохпЯ 
([808T] ‘teuqnH) 24227 рохпя 
2681 “тевшрпе5 
припятр ориепбитятр DOXNA 
(СЗТ “лечапн) 800 рохпЯ 
([SO8T] лечдпн) 2727$ ошогрмеа 
([678Т] “ледечов-цотилен) 2592402 оизох 
(елит Члепииледицов 29 этаэа]) 
пудйтбоутитъх оизех 
(вс т ‘sneeuuryq) шпъбти-о0 ризех 
(2681 “левшрпезв) 22171и0а ршизмоибтЯ 
(GLLT “лепотиледичов 29 згиза!) 
ро пбиттодл зпозлеуо 
(CLLT лепоашледичов 25 зтаэа]) 
позмбоиц го9пая 
(9561 “зе ,) IpPADMADY риеола 
(Геозт| “лечапн) 270ейазит 27720491] 
(т66т ‘тезтатя 29 Зледойг “легачейц пол) 
7211497 пядудозпя 
(евбт “явгоен 2 Jepredg “ловшаетя) 
ротиела а DAAUD] 



1. L.T.: - Balcic (= Balchik), 08. and 20. November, 1931 and Carmen Silva 
(Romania) - CARADJA (1932: 41) - Hepialus dobrogensis ssp. (?) nov. and p. 45: 
Hepialus amasinus ssp. dobrogensis. In some articles GANEV (1984: 416) and some 
others the year of the description of the species is wrongly given as 1934 (Dt. Ent. 
Z. Iris, Bd. 48: 185-191). Genitalia of many specimens from Balchik and East 
Rhodopi Mts checked. 

2. In PopeEscu-GorRJ (1964) in the text (р. 19) this species is given as 
Korscheltellus amasinus dobrogensis Car., but in the illustration (Fig. 1.) as 
Korscheltellus amasinus ponticus Car. We consider Korscheltellus amasinus pon- 
ticus sensu POPESCU-GoRJ (1964) as а syn. n., nomen nudum of Triodia amasinus 
dobrogensis (Caradja, 1932). 

3. The genitalia of all Triodia specimens in bad condition were checked. 

4. More than 20 © specimens at light, det. P. Hattenschwiler (Uster, СН). 

5. One С”, genitalia checked. 

6. Genitalia checked. 

7. Genitalia checked. 

8. Rozhenski Manastir, 15.1Х.1995, one inside building. 

9. Genitalia checked. 

10. Genitalia checked. 

11. Genitalia checked from all localities. 

12. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" Н.Е., 12.1Х.1995. 

13. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" H.E., 12.1Х.1995. 

14, Several specimens observed on a ceiling in a market in Melnik Town. 

15. Genitalia of all specimens checked. 

16. Genitalia checked. 

17. East Rhodopi Mts, Haskovo Town, 18.[Х.1995, single specimen. 

18. Single specimen observed near Novo Delchevo Village in SW Bulgaria, 
Melnik District, 14.[Х.1995. 

19. Wings of specimens eaten by bats in the tunnel under Stara Kresna 
Railway Station; 11 specimens observed aestivating in the tunnel in the museum 
"Kordopulovata Kashta" House in Melnik Town, 15.ТХ.1995. 

20. Wings of specimens eaten by bats in the tunnel under Stara Kresna 
Railway Station. 

21. Central Bulgaria, Stara Zagora Town, 22.1X.1995, several specimens 

22. Genitalia checked. 

23. Genitalia checked. 

24, Genitalia checked by both authors. 

25. One С and one 9 (undetermined), Gen. preps 21-22./30.1.1996, Beshkov. 

26. Rozhenski Manastir, 15.ТХ.1995, three specimens inside building. 


Торе пие 

First column: 1. Triodia amasinus 
dobrogensis, Ф - Balchik, 23.1X.1995. 2. 
Triodia amasinus dobrogensis, С’ - 
Balchik, 23.[Х.1995. 3. Eochorica bal- 
canica, С’ - Melnik, 14.1Х.1995. 4. 
Eupithecia variostrigata, Ф - Balchik, 
23.1Х.1995. 5. Aplocera dervenaria, Ф - 
Melnik, 14.ТХ.1995. 6. Dyscia sicanaria, 
С - Byalo Рае, 21.1Х.1995. 

Second column: 7. ЕШета pseudocom- 
plana, Ф - Byalo Pole, 21.1Х.1995. 8. 
Eilema caniola, С’ - Byalo Pole, 
21.1Х.1995. 9. Mycteroplus puniceago, 
С - Balchik, 23.ТХ.1995. 10. Praestilbia 
armeniaca, С’ - Byalo Pole, 21.1Х.1995. 
11. Episema lederi, С’ - Byalo Pole, 
21.1X.1995. 12. Гиретпа rubella 
sericea, Ф - Balchik, 23.1Х.1995. 

Third column: 13. Eugnorisma рописа, 
С - Melnik, 14.1Х.1995. 14. Eugnorisma 
pontica, С’ - Melnik, 14.1Х.1995. 15. 
Xestia cohaesa, Ф - Momina Skala Chalet near Madzharovo, 19.1Х.1995. 16. Agrotis obesa 
scytha, С - Balchik, 23.ТХ.1995. 17. Agrotis vestigialis, С - Arkutino, 22.1X.1995. 

27. One Ф, genitalia checked. 

28. Collected also in Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" H.E., 12.1Х.1995. Genitalia of all 
specimens checked. 

29. One СТ specimen, genitalia checked. 

30. Genitalia checked. 

31. SW Bulgaria, Gradeshnitsa Village, Kresna District, 14.1Х.1995, one on win- 
dow of inn. 

32. Genitalia not checked. 

33. Genitalia not checked. 

34. East Rhodopi Mts, Borislavtsi Village, 20.1Х.1995, single specimen resting 
on a wall. 

35. SW Bulgaria, Gradeshnitsa Village, Kresna District, 14.1Х.1995, one on win- 
dow of inn. 

36. Ivailovgrad Dam, 20.1Х.1995, three specimens resting on а wall by police 

37. East Rhodopi Mts, Borislavtsi Village, 20.1Х.1995, single specimen resting 
on a wall. 

38. East Rhodopi Mts, Madzharovo Town, 19.1Х.1995, one resting on a post. 

39. Genitalia of many specimens checked. 

40. Genitalia of many specimens checked. 


41. Approximately 10 specimens aestivating in the tunnel under Stara Kresna 
Railway Station; four specimens observed aestivating in the tunnel in the muse- 
um "Kordopulovata Kashta" House in Melnik Town, 14.[Х.1995. 

42. Three specimens collected aestivating in the tunnel in the museum 
"Когдоршоуа а Каза" House in Melnik Town, 14.1Х.1995. 

43. For the nomenclature see MIKKOLA & HONEY (1993). 

44, For the nomenclature see MIKKOLA & HONEY (1993). 

45. Both specimens worn. 

46. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" Н.Е., 12.1Х.1995. 

47. One С’ specimen, Genitalia checked. 

48. For the nomenclature see MIKKOLA & HONEY (1993). 

49. Genitalia checked. 

50. 29 specimens collected at rest inside buildings to which they had been 
attracted by previous nights' illumination. The day before the collecting the tem- 
perature had decreased by about 15°C. 

51. Rozhenski Manastir, 15.[Х.1995, several males inside building. 

52. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" H.E., 12.1Х.1995. 

53. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" H.E., 12.1Х.1995. 

54. Rozhenski Manastir, 15.[Х.1995, one inside building. 

55. One worn specimen at sugar. 

56. East Rhodopi Mts, Borislavtsi Village, 20.[Х.1995, single specimen resting 
on a wall. 

57. In Bulgaria known from Kresna Gorge (GANEV & HACKER, 1984; BESHKOW, 
1992), East Rhodopi Mts: Studen Kladenetz Village and Momina Skala Chalet 
near Madzharovo Town (BESHKOV, 1995). 

58. Genitalia of all Mesapamea specimens checked. 

59. L.T.: - Balcic (Balchik), 06.November, 30. December 1930 CARADJA (1932) - 
Palluperina (Luperina) rubella ssp. nov. sericea. 

60. Two specimens in a bad condition were collected. Till now known in 
Bulgaria only from East Rhodopi Mts, Momina Skala Chalet near Madzharovo 
(BESHKOV, 1995). 

61. Single male specimen (Fig. 18) at sugar, a new species for the Bulgarian fauna. 

62. One worn specimen, genitalia checked. 

63. Genitalia checked. 

64. Genitalia checked. 

65. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" Н.Е., 

66. All specimens worn. 

67. Genitalia of many specimens checked. 

68. Genitalia checked. 

Fig. 18. Leucania punctosa, С - Byalo 69. Sofia Town, "Mladost IV" Н.Е., 
Pole, 21.1X.1995. 12.1Х.1995. 



We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr P. Hattenschwiler (Uster, 
Switzerland) for determination of Psychidae species and to Dr. E. Tasheva (Sofia) 
for the determination of the aphid species from Belia Bryag. 


CARADJA А. 1932. Beitrage zur Lepidopteren-Fauna Grossrumaniens fur das Jahr 1931. I. 
Sudliche Dobrogea. - Bull. Sect. Scient. Acad. Roum., 15 (1-2): 35-45. 

CARADJA A. 1932. Neuer Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lepidopteren-Fauna Rumaniens. - Dt. 
Ent. Z. Iris, 48: 185-191. 

BESHKOV S. 1995. A contribution to the knowledge of the Bulgarian Lepidoptera fauna 
(Lepidoptera: Macrolepidoptera). - Phegea, 23 (4): 201-218. 

BESHKOW S. 1992. Faunistic Advances on Bulgarian Lepidoptera. - Boll. Ass. Romana 
Entomol., 46: 37-56. 

FIBIGER M., H. HACKER. 1990. Systematic List of the Noctuidae of Europe. - Esperiana, 2: 1-109. 

FIBIGER M., H. HACKER. 1992. Systematic List of the Noctuidae of Europe. Corrigenda et 
Addenda I. - Esperiana, 3: 507-511. 

GANEV J. 1984. Catalogue of the Bulgarian Bombyces and Sphinges (Lepidoptera: 
Notodontidae, Dilobidae, Thaumetopoeidae, Ctenuchidae, Saturniidae, Endromidae, 
Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Hepialidae, Cossidae, Thyrididae, Limacodidae, Drepanidae, 
Thyatiridae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae, Nolidae). - Entomofauna, 5 (33, 1-2): 391-467. 

САМЕУ J., H. HACKER. 1984. Agrochola osthelderi Boursin, 1951 eine neue Art fur Europa 
(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Cuculliinae). - Articulata, 2 (5): 101-105. 

MIKKOLA K., М. HONEy. 1993. The Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) described by Linnaeus. - Zool. 
Journ. Linn. Soc., 108: 103-169. 

Popescu-GorJ А. 1964. Catalogue de la collection de Lépidoptéres "Prof. A. Ostrogovich" du 
Muséum d'histoire naturelle 'Grigore Antipa", Bucarest. Bucarest, Mus. Hist. Nat. "Gr. 
Antipa". 281 р., pl. XVIII. 

Received on 8.11.1998 

Addresses of the authors: 

Stoyan Beshkov 

National Museum of Natural History 
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 

Barry Goater 

"The Ridge", 27 Hiltingbury Road 
Chandlers's Ford, Eastleigh, 
Hants, 5053 5SR, England 


Macrolepidoptera и Microlepidoptera 
(Alucitidae п РугаПдае), установени 6 България 
6 nepuoga 12 - 24 cenmem6pu 1995 (Lepidoptera) 



Представени са pesyAmamume om Колекционната експедиция на абторите през 
споменатия период В Югозападна България, Източнише Родопи, UepHomopckomo 
крайбрежие и няКои други части на страната. Въ Bcuukume споменати 6 
работата находища нощните пеперуди са ловени на свешлинна ловшка и на 
хранителна примамка om чербено бино и захар. За всеки om съобщенише видове е 
уКазан начинъш и бремето на улабянето му и приблизителният период на 
наблюдаваните еКземпляри. В списъКа са 6Ключени Bcuukume 262 бида, установени 
през nepuoga. Leucania punctosa (Treitschke, 1828) е нов вид за пеперуднаша фауна 6 
България. Голяма част om бидобете са ноби за изследбаните райони, друга част са 
с ограничен брой находища 6 страната. Приложени са снимки на новия и на 
останалите по-интересни бидобе и няКои допълнителни пояснения. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 59-69 

On the distribution, biology and ecology of 
amphibians and reptiles in the Derventski Heights 
and the Sakar Mountain, South-East Bulgaria 

Pavel STOEV 


Although much information on the distribution of the Bulgarian herpetofauna 
has been accumulated since the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the 
twentieth century there are still some poorly explored regions. This is also true 
for the regions of the Sakar Mountain and the Derventski Heights, both of which 
have long been overlooked by the Bulgarian and foreign herpetologists. Only 
recently, CHLEBICKI (1985) provided some new information on the distribution and 
status of some reptiles and amphibians in Sakar. 

The present paper is devoted to the herpetological investigations carried out 
in the Derventski Heights and the Sakar Mountain in the period of 1989 - 1992. 
The explored territory belongs to Bourgas and Haskovo districts. The following 
settlements and their vicinities were visited: the Sakar Mountain: Radovetz 
Village (UTM: MG 54), Ustrem Village (UTM: MG 55), Mramor Village (UTM: MG 
55); the Derventski Heights: Lesovo Village (UTM: MG 64), Lesovo Mine (UTM: 
MG 64), Melnitza Village (UTM: MG 65), Voden Village (UTM: MG 95), Kraynovo 
Village (UTM: MG 85), Malko Sharkovo Village (UTM: MG 86) and Golyam 
Dervent Village (UTM: MG 74) (Fig. 1). 

Material and methods 

The main part of the scientific investigations were carried out by the author, 
the rest are contributions by Georgi Seizov, tutor of Biology in Jambol and chief 
of the local Ornitological Club, Borislav Borisov, zoologist at the Regional 
Inspectorate of the Ministry of Environment and Waters in Haskovo, and Boyan 
Petrov, from the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia. Eight expeditions 


were organized mainly during the months of April, May and September. The 
main part of the studies were carried out during the day and only sporadically 
during the night. Most of the amphibians and reptiles were caught or found dead 
and then preserved in ethanol and some were only observed. A few of the caught 
specimens are kept now in the collections of the National Museum of Natural 
History - Sofia. 

Landscape, climate and vegetation 

The region is situated between the Strandzha Mountain and the Eastern 
Rhodopes Mountain and comprises hilly and lowland types of landscape. To the 
south the Derventski Heights and the Sakar Mountain reach down the Bulgarian 
- Turkish frontier. Most of the territory consists of agricultural and urban land. 
The highest hill of the Derventski Heights is Gyurgen Bair Peak (555 m a.s.1.). The 
highest point of the Sakar Mountain is Vishegrad Peak (856 т а.5.1.). The climate 
is Submediterranean, characterized by warm and mild winters, and hot and dry 
summers. The maximum of the precipitation occurs in December, January and 
February. The vegetation is predominantly of xeroterm type such as the broad- 
leaved mixed Quercetum-Fraxinus association. It is the commonest forest type in 


—. \& X х / i 
ST, x А А Кклумохо  / 
` ие 

Fig. 1. Map of the investigated regions 


the region. The only mesophylic forests are located along the Tundza River and 
in a short stripe along the frontier. The open landscapes are covered mainly by 
Paliurus spina-cristi shrubs and various herbs. 

List of species 

Triturus superspecies cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Kraynovo, a nameless pot hole, 
23.05.1991, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, Lesovo, beneath a stone, 14.05.1990, P. 
Stoev leg. 

Remarks. The crested newt is a comparatively rare species in the studied 
regions. This is chiefly due to the general lack of marches, pools, puddles and 
other habitats, suitable for its survival and to the comparatively low humidity of 
the investigated regions. 

Triturus vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) 

Localities. Elhovo District: two females and one male, Lesovo, in a small 
river flowing into the Toundzha River, 03.04.1991, P. Stoev leg.; several speci- 
mens, same locality, in a small puddle, P. Stoev observ.; one specimen, same 
locality, in an artificial mine gallery, April, 1992, P. Stoev leg.; two specimens, 
Voden, Samardaala Pot hole, 11.10.1992, G. Seizov leg. 

Remarks. In the catalogue of Вкзнкоу and BERON (1964) T. vulgaris is men- 
tioned as widely spread in the country, with the exception of the Strandzha and 
Sakar Mountains. Latter on, CHLEBICKI (1985) reported the smooth newt for 
Sakar. On the basis of our observations in the Derventski Heights, although it has 
not been discovered yet, it is quite possible to presume that its range includes the 
Strandzha Mountain as well. Only very intensive collection work can settle the 

Pelobates syriacus balcanicus (Karaman, 1928) 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo, near the Toundzha River 
in a rainy night, 5.09.1990, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Recorded only once, a wider distribution of this interesting animal 
can be expected. Scarcity is solely due to its specific behavior and night activity. 

Bufo bufo spinosus (Daudin, 1803) 

Localities. Elhovo District: two copulating specimens, Lesovo, in the 
Toundzha River, 1.04.1989, P. Stoev observ.; one specimen, same locality, 
14.05.1990, P. Stoev leg.; numerous specimens, same locality, 1-6.04.1991, P. 


Stoev. обзегу.; one specimen, Lesovo, a mine gallery, 09.04.1992, P. Stoev leg.; two 
females, one adult male and three juveniles, Melnitza, Dranchi Doupka Pot hole, 
7.04.1991, P. Stoev, G. Seizov & B. Borisov leg.; one specimen, Melnitza, 
Karaburnu Pot hole, 3.04.1992, P. Stoev leg.; two specimens, Kraynovo, a name- 
less pot hole, 23.05.1991, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, Kraynovo, Dalbokata 
Doupka Cave, 12.09.1992, P. Stoev, G. Seizov & B. Borisov leg. 

Remarks. Despite the great number of observed specimens the subspecific 
status of this toad has not been examined yet, but because of its huge length and 
fairly big and oval parotid glands it can be expected to belong to spinosus, a sub- 
species which has already been recorded for Bulgaria and seems to have replaced 
the nominate one in the southern and lowland regions. 

Bufo viridis (Laurenti, 1768) 

Localities. Topolovgrad District: one specimen, Ustrem, Tjasnata Propast 
Pot hole, 30.03. 1992, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, Mramor, Mladezhkata Pot hole, 
31.03.1992, P. Stoev & G. Seizov leg. 

Remarks. It's a fairly common toad in the investigated regions. It is often 
found in human settlements and in pot holes were it has fallen accidentally. 

Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) 

Remarks. It is one of the commonest frogs in the investigated regions. Hyla 
arborea was often found around the water containers of the village of Lesovo and 
the Toundzha River, particularly during the spring months. 

Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771 

Remarks. It is the most common amphibian species, spread in almost every 
water container in the explored regions. It was discovered in the Toundza River, 
around the Lesovo Mine and the villages of Lesovo, Melnitza and Goljam Dervent. 

Rana dalmatina Bonaparte, 1840 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo, 3.04.1989, P. Stoev leg.; 
one specimen, Melnitza, Dranchi Doupka Pot hole, 7.04.1991, P. Stoev, G. Seizov 
& B. Borisov observ.; two specimens, same locality, Karaburnu Pot hole, 
3.04.1992, Р. Stoev leg.; two specimens, Kraynovo, a nameless pot hole, 23.05.1991, 
Р. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. It is a fairly common species in the investigated territory. 


Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 
Localities. This turtle was recorded several times from the surroundings of 
Lesovo and Radovetz. In 1990 fourteen specimens were captured in those places 


and one specimen was recorded from the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier, between 
Lesovo and Goljam Dervent. 
Remarks. It is a fairly common species in the investigated regions. 

Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814 

Localities. Testudo graeca ibera is a common species in the investigated 
regions, and is regularly met in different seasons and years in the surroundings 
of Lesovo, Goljam Dervent and Radovetz. 

Remarks. No special statistics has been done to clarify which is the predom- 
inant turtle in the Sakar and the Derventski Heights but I tend to believe that 
both species are represented in almost equal proportions. 

Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) 

Localities. Elhovo District: the Toundzha River; a small river flowing into 
the Toundzha River, 4-12.09.1990, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, between Goljam 
Dervent and Lesovo, 28.04.1991, P. Stoev & G. Seizov leg. 

Remarks. Although sporadically discovered, undoubtedly Emys orbicularis is 
quite wide spread in the investigated regions. 

Mauremys caspica rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) 

Localities. Elhovo District: numerous specimens of both sexes, Lesovo, a 
small river flowing into the Toundzha River (UTM: MG: 64), P. Stoev observ. & leg. 

Remarks. This species has already been reported for the Sakar Mountain by 
CHLEBICKI (1985). The present find is extending its range eastwards thus con- 
necting the records from Eastern Rhodopes with those from the Black Sea cost. 
The small river flowing into the Toundza River is inhabited by both Emys orbic- 
ularis and Mauremys caspica rivulata, the latter being nearly six times more 
abundant. It can probable be found in the Toundzha River as well. 

Cyrtodactylus kotschyi danilewskii (Strauch, 1887) 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo, 1.04.1991, P. Stoev leg.; 
one specimen, Lesovo Mine, 2.04.1991, P. Stoev observ.; one specimen, Melnitza, 
18.09.1992, P. Stoev & B. Petrov observ. 

Remarks. It has already been discovered in the town of Elhovo. The present 
localities only extend its range some 30 km. southwards. Since one of the locali- 
ties is situated some 3-4 km from the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier it may also be 
present in the settlements on the Turkish side. Its local name is "dazhdovnik" or 

Pseudopus apodus thracius (Obst, 1978) 
Localities. Elhovo District: several adults and two juvenile specimens, 
Гезоуо, 1-10.04.1989, P. Stoev leg. & оБзегу.; three specimens, same locality, 14- 


15.05.1990, Р. Stoev leg.; seven specimens, same locality, 1-06.04.1991, Р. Stoev 
leg.; numerous specimens, same locality, 1-12.04. 1992, P. Stoev leg. & observ.; 
two specimens, Goljam Dervent, 10.05.1991, P. Stoev observ.; one specimen, 
Melnitza, Karaburnu Pot hole, 3.04.1992, P. Stoev leg.; Topolovgrad District: 
one specimen, Radovetz, 21.09.1992, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, Ustrem, "Sveta 
Troitza" Monastery, 27.04.1991, P. Stoev & G. Seizov leg.; one juvenile specimen, 
Mramor, Mladezhka Pot hole, 31.03.1992, P. Stoev & (С. Seizov leg. 

Remarks. It is a fairly common animal for the whole investigated territory, 
although in some urban and agricultural lands is quite reduced in number. It was 
found to be feeding on snails and once on a small rodent, resembling very much the 
migratory hamster Cricetulus migratorius. Its local name is "kyoralan" and "slepok". 

Ablepharus kitaibelii Bibron & Bory, 1833 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Kraynovo, a nameless pot hole, 
23.05.1991, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Although Ablepharus kitaibelii stepaneki Fuhn, 1970 is the only 
subspecies recorded from the whole territory of Bulgaria, I can not be certain 
whether my specimen really belongs to it, because of lack of accurate determi- 
nation. In the explored regions Ablephaurus kitaibeli was found only once but 
one might expect it to be more widely spread. 

Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga, 1886 

Localities. It was discovered practically everywhere in the regions, most fre- 
quently occurring in dry meadows covered with Paliurus spina-cristi shrubs. My 
finds come from the surroundings of Lesovo Mine and the villages of Lesovo, 
Melnitza, Radovetz and Goljam Dervent. 

Remarks. A fairly common species in the studied regions. Its subspecific sta- 
tus is yet to be examined. 

Lacerta viridis (Laurenti, 1768) 

Localities. Topolovgrad District: one specimen, Mramor, Dranchi Doupka 
Pot hole, 29.03.1992, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Although it has been reported from Sakar by CHLEBICKI (1985) I can- 
not be certain whether I have really come across this species during my trips in the 
investigated regions. If the species occurs there, it seems less numerous than its sib- 
ling species Lacerta trilineata. The only record that I attribute to viridis is that of 
the Dranchi Doupka Pot hole. Much more profound work is necessary in order to 
establish its present distribution in the Sakar Mountain and the Derventski Heights. 

Podarcis taurica (Pallas, 1814) 
Localities. A fairly common species in the studied regions, regularly found in 
the surroundings of the villages of Radovetz, Lesovo and Melnitza. 


Remarks. Together with Lacerta trilineata it is one of the most frequently 
observed lizard in the Derventski Heights and the Sakar Mountain. Its is mostly 
found in dry meadows covered with bushes of Paliurus spina-cristi and isolated 


Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo Mine, 06.09.1988, B. 
Borisov leg.; one specimen, same locality, April, 1990, G. Seizov leg.; one juvenile 
specimen, Length - 22 sm., same locality, 17-17:30 В, 15.05.1990, P. Stoev leg.; one 
juvenile specimen, Length - 12,2 sm., same locality, 16.05.1990, P. Stoev leg.; one 
adult specimen, Length - 46 sm., same locality, 8.09.1992, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. In the period of 1988-1992 five specimens were encountered in the 
explored regions. All of them come from the surroundings of the Lesovo Mine, 
which is the only locality of jaculus known up to now from the Derventski 
Heights. It may occur in similar habitats in the Sakar Mountain as well. 

Typhlops vermicularis Merrem, 1820 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo, beneath a stone, 
18.05.1990, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. It is the only record of Т. vermicularis in the region of the 
Strandzha Mountain - Derventski Heights. The nearest records are from the val- 
ley of Maritza, situated approximately 40 km westward from our find. Т. vermic- 
ularis is obviously a rare species in the explored regions, but a more systematic 
research will certainly result in extension of its range in South-east Bulgaria. 

Coluber caspius Gmelin, 1789 

Localities. Elhovo District: three adult specimens, one of which is 166 cm 
long, Lesovo Mine, 1-10.04.1989, P. Stoev leg. & observ.; two specimens, same 
locality, 14-15.05.1990, P. Stoev observ.; one juvenile specimen, Lesovo, 
19.09.1992, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, between Lesovo and Goljam Dervent, 
28.04.1991, P. Stoev leg.; Topolovgrad District: one specimen, Radovetz, 
21.09.1992, B. Petrov leg. 

Remarks. It is a fairly common snake in the investigated regions. 

Coluber najadum dahlii Schinz, 1833 

Localities. Elhovo District: one juvenile specimen, Lesovo Mine, April, 1990, 
В. Borisov & С. Seizov leg.; one adult specimen, same locality, 15.05.1990, P. Stoev 

Remarks. С. najadum is a Mediterranean species whose northern border of 
distribution passes through the country. It is fairly common in the Struma Valley, 
south of the town of Dupnitza, and in the Eastern Rhodopes, and it is rarely 
recorded from the central and western regions of the Rhodopes. This record from 


the Derventski Heights traces out the easternmost border of its distribution in 
Bulgaria. The old records of najadum from the Black sea coast are probably due 
to its misidentification as some other species Coluber rubriceps (Venzmer, 1919) 
is known to occur there (V1. Beschkov, personal information). 

Elaphe longissima (Laurenti, 1768) 

Localities. Elhovo District: two juvenile specimens, Lesovo Mine, 1- 
10.04.1989, P. Stoev leg.; one specimen, same locality, 18.05.1990, P. Stoev leg.; 
one specimen, same locality, 1-12.04.1992, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Е. longissima does not seem to be a rare species in the Derventski 
Heights and the Sakar Mountain. Since it is primarily connected with the meso- 
phylous broad-leaved forests, a more profound research of these habitats will 
undoubtedly prove its wider distribution in the investigated regions. 

Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates Pallas, 1814 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Length - 140 cm, between Lesovo 
and Goljam Dervent, 28.04.1991, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Both subspecies of Е. quatuorlineata, the nominal and sauro- 
mates, are known from Bulgaria. Although widely spread in the country in the 
beginning of the twentieth century, due to the expansion of farming, and partic- 
ulary the transformation of desolate area into agricultural lands, this very beau- 
tiful snake has become seriously threatened by extinction. The National Museum 
of Natural History in Sofia keeps numerous specimens collected from Dobroudja, 
Thracia and other regions of Bulgaria, where this snake is now either completely 
exterminated or nearly extinct. The regions of the Strandzha and Sakar 
Mountains and the Derventski Heights are probably the last sanctuaries of Е. 
quatuorlineata sauromates in Bulgaria, as the Struma Valley is for the nominal 

Malpolon monspessulanus insignitus (Geoffroy, 1827) 
_ Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, between Kraynovo and Goljam 
Dervent near Gyurgen Bair Peak, 500 m а.5.]., 10.05.1991, P. Stoev leg. 
Remarks. Only one specimen of this snake has been caught, but undoubted- 
ly it is much more numerous, since it has also been discovered in the Strandzha 
Mountain and the Eastern Rhodopes. 

Natrix tessellata (Laurenti, 1768) 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Melnitza, Starata Cave, 
3.04.1992, Р. Stoev & (с. Seizov observ.; several times in different seasons and 
years, Lesovo Mine, near the Toundzha River, P. Stoev observ. 

Remarks. A fairly common species in the investigated regions. 


Natrix natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo Mine, 6.04.1991, P. Stoev leg. 

Natrix natrix persa (Pallas, 1814) 

Localities. Elhovo District: six specimens, Lesovo Mine, 14.05.1990, P. Stoev 
leg.; one specimen, same locality, 1.04.1992, P. Stoev leg. 

Remarks. Both subspecies of Natrix natrix are known from the studied 
regions, but it seems that persa is the predominant one. A more profound 
research will settle the question. 

Vipera ammodytes meridionalis Boulenger, 1903 

Localities. Elhovo District: one specimen, Lesovo Mine, 1-10.04.1989, P. 
Stoev leg.; two specimens, same locality, 14-16.05.1990, P. Stoev leg. & обвегу.; 
one juvenile and one adult specimens, same locality, 19-21.09.1992, P. Stoev leg. 
& observ.; three juvenile specimens and one adult, Malko Sharkovo, 09.05.1991, P. 
Stoev observ.; two juvenile specimens, Melnitza, Karaburnu Pot hole, 3.04.1992, 
Р. Stoev leg.; one specimen, between Lesovo and Goljam Dervent, 9.09.1992, P. 
Stoev observ.; one specimen, Voden, 11.09.1992, P. Stoev observ.; Topolovgrad 
District: one specimen, Radovetz, 1-10.04.1989, P. Stoev observ.; one specimen, 
same locality, 12.04.1992, P. Stoev observ. 

Remarks. Since 1990 Vipera ammodytes has been gradually destroyed by 
uncontrolled catching for the purposes of private farms, producing venom. Its 
populations in the explored regions have been seriously endangered by the local 
hunters of snakes but fortunately this "Venomous" mania ended with only few 
enterprises left. Now, the populations of У. ammodytes in the regions of the Sakar 
Mountain and the Derventski Heights are probably slightly increasing. 


The current research on the amphibians and reptiles in the Sakar Mountain 
and the Derventski Heights has considerably enriched our knowledge of the dis- 
tribution of the herpetofauna in Bulgaria. Along with the Kresna Gorge, the 
Southern part of the Black Sea Coast and the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain, the 
region of the Toundzha River, the Derventski Heights and the Sakar Mountain 
is one of the richest regions in terms of herpetological diversity. Eight species of 
Amphibia and twenty one species and subspecies of Reptilia were found to occur 
there, which constitutes 55 % of the Bulgarian herpetofauna. Five other species 
(Salamandra salamandra, Bombina variegata, Angius fragilis, Lacerta pratico- 
la and Coronella austriaca) although not discovered during these trips are quite 
widely distributed in the country and will probably be discovered in the investi- 
gated territory in the future. 



I am obligated to Mrs Fani Bozarova for the map preparation and to Dr 
Vladimir Beschkov for his valuable comments on the manuscript. Му best thanks 
are also due to Georgi Seizov, Borislav Borisov and Boyan Petrov for their support 
in conducting this survey and for the provided information. 


BESHKOV У., Р. Вкком. 1964. Catalogue et Bibliographie des Amphibiens et des Reptiles en 
Bulgarie. Sofia, Edit. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 40 p. 

CHLEBICKI А. 1985. Notatki herpetologiczne 2 gor Sakar (Tracija). - Przegl. Zool., 29 (2): 193- 

Received on 9.2.2000 

Author's address: 

Pavel Stoev 

National Museum of Natural History 
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 

E-mail: pavelsto@ 


Върху разпространението, биологията п екологията 
на земнободните п блечугише на ДербентсКите 
бъзвишения и СаКар планина 

Павел СТОЕВ 

(Резю ме) 

Обобщабат се наблюденията на автора бърху разпространенцето и отчасти 
биологията и екологията на 29 бида и подвида земноводни и Влечуги, установени 6 
района на ДервентсКи бъзбишения и СаКар планина през периода 1989-1992 г. Тя се 
ябяба първото по рода си КомплеКсно изследбане на херпетофауната на посочените 
райони, поКазбащи бидово богатство, срабнимо само с това на Кресненското 
дефиле, Южното Черноморие и Изшточнише Родопи. Интерес предстаблява 
установяването на най-източното находище на Coluber najadum да и В България, 
на първото находище на Triturus vulgaris 6 района на СтранджЖа-Сакар, Както и 
намирането на няКолКо pegku видобе - Pelobates syriacus balcanicus, Mauremys caspi- 
ca rivulata, Eryx jaculus, Typhlops vermicularis а Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates. 
Възможно е да бъдат намерени ц пет други вида - Salamandra salamandra, Bombina 
variegata, Angius fragilis, Lacerta praticola и Согопейа austriaca, koumo не са 
устанобени go момента. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 70 

ЕКспедиция на НПМ 6 Северна Гърция (15-29.09.2000) 

От гледна точка на родншпе зоолози Северна Гърция е "липсващото средиземноморско 
парче" om разнообразната мозайка на българската природа. Отделни раЧони 6 тази част на 
южната ни съседка са изследвани и от българи, но засега липсват обзорни проучвания върху 
фауната по южните сКлонове на Родопите. Пещерната фауна на Източна Македония и 
Тракия е най-системно проучвана от Петър Берон, Стоице Андреев и Владимир Бешков. 

Като продължение на изследователските дейности на нашите по-Възрастни Колеги 
организирах експедиция, Която беше финансирана по проект на ИзследователсКкия фонд на 
Американското арахнологично дружество (American Arachnological Society Research Fund). 
Основната цел беше събирането на псевдосКкорпиони om южните сКлонове на Родопите и 
прилежащите планини. С участието на Колегите Павел Стоев и Стоян БешКоВ експедицията 
придоби по-завършен научен Вид и се разшири обхватът на групите за събиране. 

На 15.09.2000 г. се озовахме В Солун, Където с Колеги om Биологическия фаКултет на 
Университета обсъдихме нашия маршрут, Както и планове за бъдещо сътрудничество. 
Същата Вечер спахме по южните сКлонове на Олимп, а на другата сутрин изКкачихме най- 
Високата mouka на планината- вр. Mumuka (2917 м). Въпреки сухото лято успяхме да съберем 
интересен материал om алпийската зона. Следващата точка om пътуването ни беше 
пещерата Петралона, намираща се почти 6 центъра на ХалКидическия полуостров. С 
любезното съдействие на директора на пещерния музей д-р Aris Poulianos се запознахме с 
праисторията на тези земи. На път за Серес посетихме известната благоустроена пещера 
при село Alistrati, откъдето събрахме интересен материал, съдържащ непубликувани досега 
Видове. Следващата основна цел беше Карстовият район на манастира СВ. Иван над Серес, 
Където nocemuxme пещерата Piladele u В задния двор на църквата В изоставеното българско 
село Лакош открихме непогребани останКи om българи. Следващата цел беше изкачването на 
най-Високия Връх на Боздаг- Вр. Вардина (2232 м). Изкачването осъществихме на 21.09.2000, 
Като вероятно сме първите българсКи зоолози, koumo събират материал от алпийската зона 
на тази планина. Същата Вечер спахме 6 Доспат дере, близо до пещерата Peristerones, за 
чиято фауна не открихме никакви публикувани данни. От тази близо разположена до нашата 
граница пещера събрахме нов Вид пещерна диплопода от род Balkanopetalum. Следващите 
посетени от нас пещери бяха 12 Км Водна пещера Маага при с. Агитис и Aghia Helleni и Mavri 
Тпра при с. Зигос близо до Кавала. По поКана на Колеги om организацията "АрКкшурос" 
посетихме тяхната изследователсКа база, разположена сред смърчовите гори на Високите 
части на Западните Родопи, малКо по на юг от граничните ни села Кестен и Буйново. Ommam 
след 60 Км по черен планинсКи път минахме през гара БуК и се отправихме Към с. Пашалий. В 
близост go селото посетихме пещерата ДупКата, за Която не намерихме Hukak6u 
публикувани сведения. Тя се оказа BMopomo находище на новия Вид Balkanopetalum, Както и 
първото досега известно за новия Вид Вопеиз (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae). Ommam през 
Ксанти се отправихме Към с. Марония, Където посетихме 2,5 Км пещера Сус оре polypheme. 
Маршрутът ни по-нататък продължи със събиране на Mamepuaa през Дедеагач, Есими (Доган 
хисар), най-Високата точка на гръцките Източни Родопи (Вр. Шапка, 1065 м) и резервата 
Дадя. В долината на Бяла река близо go нашата граница посетихме прилепната пещера 
Koufovouno, Която беше последният заплануван обект. 

С бюджет om 460 $ за 15 дни изминахме с ладата 2550 km, изкачихме 98а Върха над 2000 м, 
събрахме материал от над 45 находища, 13 нощи лампите на БешКов привличаха нощни 
насекоми, nocemuxme и събрахме материал от 10 пещери. Предварштелнияш преглед на 
събранцше жЖиВошни показа наличието на поне 4 нови за науКаша Видове om групите 
Pseudoscorpiones и Diplopoda. Експедицията обогати музейния фонд с матерчал Om близки, но 
сравнително рядКо посещавани om българи територии. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 71-87 

Late Pleistocene Avifauna of the Razhishkata 
Cave, Western Bulgaria 

Zlatozar BOEV 


Last few years a series of publications on the Late Pleistocene fauna of birds 
in Bulgaria has appeared. With an exception of the more exhaustive data on the 
Pleistocene birds of the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982), the papers on the 
Pleistocene avifauna of Bulgaria deal with avian remains from caves, mainly from 
the NW parts of the country (BOEV, 1995; 1998; 1999а; 1999b; 2000). 

Description of the site 

Location: Near to the Lakatnik railway station, Sofia District, UTM grid: KH 
68; about 500 a. s. 1. (Fig. 1). 

Associated fauna: Cuon alpinus, Capra ibex, Crocidura leucodon, Chionomys 
nivalis, Microtus subterraneus (У. Popov, pers. comm.). 

Dating: The final of the Late Pleistocene, probably including the transition to 
Holocene (У. Popov, pers. comm.). 

Taphonomy: The avian 
remains were accumulated by the 
large nocturnal raptors, most 
probably, the Eagle Owl (Bubo 

ебу ооо твое ав сувзоозазаватввот за сваг ое 

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За РЕ 



РЕНН пази 

ва ВЕ 

7-1-1 t 












9 9 О О 

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Подвис ОАО er ae rr т и вт4 етегтлитице СА 2 4 Вле ООО Cae he 

Fig. 1. Location of the Razhishkata Cave 


Material and methods 

A total of 185 whole bones and bone fragments of birds were collected: No 
6471-6499; 7577-7603; 7930-7958; 8512-8526; 8918-8923; 9670-9694; 11275-11327; 
11442. All finds are kept in the Fossil and Recent Birds Department of the 
National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. The 
whole vertebrate's bone material was collected through the washing and sieving 
of the excavated sediments by Dr. Vassil Popov (Institute of Zoology, BAS), who 
handed the avian remains for examination. 

The anatomical and stratigraphical belonging of the skeletal elements of each 
find is shown on Table 1. The osteological terminology follows BAUMEL & WITMER 
(1993). The reference measurements, given in mm, are provided only for the 
species established for the first time in the fossil record in Bulgaria (Table 2). 

Species composition 

The avifauna in the surroundings of the cave was rich and varied. At least 27 
species (39 taxa) of 7 orders of birds are established by their bone remains (Table 
1). They are referred both, to resident and migratory (breeding and winter visi- 
tors) species according to their present-day residental status of their populations 
on the Balkans. 

Palaeoecological analysis 

The established species composition shows the distribution of 4 ecological 
types of birds according to their nesting-habitat preferences (after Harrison, 
1975): wood, field, water and rock. The species that indicate the former distribu- 
tion of mixed, chiefly broad-leaved, forests are the most numerous. This group 
consists of 11 taxa: Tetrao tetrix, Bonasa bonasia, Asio otus, Anthus cf. trivialis, 
Parus major, Sylvia sp., Fringilla montifringilla, Гожа curvirostra, 
Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Carduelis chloris and cf. Garrulus glandarius. 
The species that needs of openland landscape to nest and feed are placed second. 
Their group consists of 6 taxa: Perdix palaeoperdix, Ретх perdix, Coturnix 
coturnix, Melanocorypha sp., Carduelinae gen., and Corvus corone/frugilegus. 
The hydrophilous species indicating the presence of a large fresh-water slow run- 
ning or steady bodies are referred to 4 taxa: Апзегзр., Anas sp., Crex crex and 
Tringa cf. stagnatilis. The composition of the petrophylous bird species includes 
7 taxa: Athene noctua, Apus melba, Ptyonoprogne rupestris, Corvus monedula, 
Pyrrhocorax graculus, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and Petronia petronia. 


Asi joy lle lt 

Taxonomic list, collection numbers, sounding, depth (cm) and MNI 
(minimum number of individuals) of the Late Pleistocene birds of the 

Razhishkata Cave 


Anser sp. 

Anas sp. 
Tetrao tetrix 

Tetrao cf. tetrix 
Bonasa bonasia 

Bonasa cf. bonasia 
Perdix palaeoperdix 

Perdix cf. palaeoperdix 

Perix perdix 

Perix cf. perdix 

Perdix perdix/palaeo- 

Coturntx coturnix 

Crex crex 
Tringa cf. stagnatilis 
Athene noctua 

Asio otus 
Apus melba 

Collection numbers (NMNHS), 
sounding, depth and skeletal 

phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 9688 (s. 2) 
scapula sin. dist. - 6492 (s. 2/100-120) 

humerus sin. prox. - 6493 (s. 2/155); 
cranium - rostrum - 7582 (s. - /290-298) 
phalanx. dist. dig. pedis. - 6495 (s. 2/155-165) 
coracoid dex. prox. - 7591 (s. - /420); 

vert. cerv. III - 7592 (s. -/ 420); 

phalanx 1412. I pedis sin.- 7593 ($. - / 420) 
os quadratum sin.- 7594 (s. -/ 420) 

vert. cerv. 2 - 7944 (-); humerus sin. dist. - 
8523 (s. - / 250-258); tibiotarsus sin. dist. - 
9689 (s. 1/250-258) 

coracoid sin. dist. - 6489 (-); os quadratum - 

ber of 


7939 (s. 2/ 20-300); phalanx dig. pedis - 7940-7942 
(s. 2/ -); 7943 (s. 1/420); scapula dex. prox. - 8525 

(s. -/200-230); ulna sin. dist. - 9690 (s. 1/250-258) 

phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 6479 (s. 2/250-280); 6499 6 

(s. 2/250-280); phalanx dig. pedis - 6496-6498 
(s. 2/155-165); 7947 (s. 2/ -); furcula - 7599 

(s. 2/225-245) 

os quadratum - 6474 ($. 2/ -); phalanx dig. 2 
pedis 3 - 6475 (s. 2/ -); phalanx dig. 2 pedis 3 - 
6476 (s. 2/ -); phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 6478 
(s. 2/250-280); 6485 (s. 1/380) 

стас dex. prox. - 7589 (-/290-315); os coxae dex. - 

7945 (s. 2/280-300); phalanx dig. pedis - 7958 
(s. 2/ -); mandibula - apex - 8920 (s. 2/ -) 
scapula sin. - 8522 (s. -/250-258) 

humerus sin. dist. - 8512 (s. -/250-258) 

trochlea 4 metatarsi si. dist. - 9686 (s. 2/100-120) 

phalanx dig. pedis - 8521 (s. -/30-100); 
sternum, pars coracoidalis - 11277 (s. 1/245) 
tibiotarsus sin. dist. - 7588 (s. -/290-298) 

humerus sin. prox. - 7957 (-); phalanx dist. 
dig. pedis - 8918 (s. -/100-120) 




Table 1 (continuation) 


Melanocorypha sp. 

Anthus cf. trivialis 

Anthus sp. 

Parus major 

Sylvia sp. 

Ptyonoprogne rupestris 
Fringilla montifringilla 
Loxia curvirostra 
Carduelis chloris 
Carduelinae gen. 

cf. Garrulus glandarius 

Corvus monedula 

Corvus corone/frugilegus 

Corvus sp. 
Pyrrhocorax graculus 

Pyrrhocorax cf. graculus 
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax 
ef. Pyrrhocorax sp. 
Corvidae gen. 


Collection numbers (NMNHS), Num- 
sounding, depth and skeletal ber of 
elements finds 

cranium - pars maxillaris - 11278 (s. 2/280-300); 
11281 (s. 2/220) 

humerus dex. prox. - 9682 (s. 2/100-120); 

9683 (s. 2/-) 

tarsometatarsus.sin. dist. - 9684 (s. 2/100-120) 
tibiotarsus sin. dist. - 9687 (s. 2/-) 

cme dex. - 9691 (5. 2/250-280) 

humerus dex. prox. - 8921 (s. 2/100-120) 
humerus dex. prox. - 8922 (s. 2/ -) 

humerus sin. dist. - 8519 (s. -/280-300) 
carpometacarpus dex. prox. - 8919 (s. 2/-) 

cranium - pars maxillaris - 11275 (s. 1/250-258) 
mandibula dex. - 11316 ($. 2/-) 

vert. cerv. - 6482 (s. 2/-); phalanx 1 dig. 1 

pedis sin. - 7956 (s. 1/290-315) 

os coxae sin. - 6477 (s. 2/250-280); coracois sin. 
dist. - 7595 (s. -/200-230); phalanx 1 dig. 1 sin. - 
7596 (s. -/200-230); phalanx dist. dig. 1 pedis - 
7597 (s. -/200-230); scapula sin. - 9673; scapula 
dex. prox. - 9674 (s. 1/250-258); carpometacarpus 
dex. - 9675 (s. 1/290-315); ulna dex, prox. - 9676 
(s. 1/290-315) 

tibiotarsus. dex. dist. juv. - 6483 (s. 1/420); 
phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 7955 (s. 1/290-315) 
phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 7603 (s. 2/-) 

coracoid dex. dist. - 6472 (s. 2/-); tarsometatar- 
sus sin. dist. - 6491 ($. 2/220); cme sin. - 7583 
(s. -/290-298); 9671 (s. 1/223-258); 9677 

(s. 1/290-315); humerus dex. prox. - 7584 

(s. -/290-298); humerus dex. dist. - 9670 

(s. 1/223-258); стас sin. prox. - 7934 ($. 1/92-120); 
phalanx 1 dig. 1 pedis dex. - 7946 (s. 1/460-480); 
sternum - 9672 (s. 1/223-258); tibiotarsus sin. 
dist. - 9678 (s. 1/250-258); tibiotarsus sin. dist. - 
9680 (s. 1/250-258); femur sin. prox. - 9685 

(s. 1/160-190) 

tabula sterni sin. - 9679 (s. 1/250-258) 

femur dex. dist. - 9681 (s. 1/223-258) 

phalanx dig. pedis 1 - 8520 (s. -/430) 

phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 6480 (s. 2/100-120); 
7930 (s. 1/-); 7931 (s./-); phalanx dist. pedis - 
6484 (s. 2/-); 6487 9 (s. 2/220); 7598 (s. 2/225-245); 


ee ee щещещещи 

- = 


el SO on lo 

See eS 

Table 1 (continuation) 


Petronia petronia 
Passeres fam. 

Aves indet. (sounding 
and depth not cited) 


Collection numbers (NMNHS), Num- 
sounding, depth and skeletal ber of MNI* 
elements finds 

coracoid sin. prox. - 7581 (s. -/120-150); phalanx 
dig. pedis - 7935 (s. 1/60-90); femur dex. prox. - 
11293 (s. 2/280-300) 
mandibula - apex - 11276 (s. 1/250-258) 1 1 
rostrum maxillarae - 11317 (s. 2/-); vert. cerv.- 42 
6481 (s. 2/155-165); 6486 (s. 2/-); 6488 (s. 2/200); 
6490 (s. 2/250-290); 6494 (s. 2/155-165); 7586 (-); 
7948-7950 (s. 2/250-280); phalanx dig. pedis - 
7587 (-); phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 9693 (s. 2/100- 
120); synsacrum sin. - 9692 (s. 1/380); phalanx 
prox. dig. maj. sin. - 11304 (s. 2/100-120); synsac- 
rum - corpora vertebrorum - 11282 (s. 2/-); 11322 
(s. 2/280-300); humerus sin. dist. - 11306 (s. 2/100- 
120); humerus dex. dist. - 11309 (s. 2/100-120); 
11318 (s. 2/-); humerus dex. prox. - 11307-11308 
(s. 2/100-120); 11314 (s. 2/-); humerus sin. prox. 
- 11279 ($. 1/200-230); 11283 (в. 2/-); 11315 (в. 2/-); 
humerus sin. - 11288 (s. 1/250-258); 11313 (s. 2/-); 
11321 (s. 2/280-300); coracoid dex. dist. - 11323 
(s. 2/280-300); coracoid dex. prox. - 11327 (s. 2/-); 
radius dex. - 11298 (5. 2/-); стас dex. - 11292 (5. 2/ 
280-300); cmc dex. prox. - 11294 (s. 2/-); cme sin. 
prox. - 11296 (s. 2/-); ulna sin. dist. - 11299 (s. 2/-); 
ulna sin. prox. - 11300 (s./-); 11325 (s. 2/280-300); 
ulna dex. - 11286 (s. 1/250-258); tibiotarsus dex. 
dist. - 113805 (5. 2/100-120); 11310 ($. 2/100-120); 
tibiotarsus sin. dist. - 11287 ($. 1/250-258); 
tarsometatarsus dex. dist. - 11297 ($. 2/-); 11302- 
11303 (s. 2/100-120); 11320 (s. 2/280-300) 
vert. cerv. - 6473; 6471; 7590; 7601; 7933; 7937; 41 4 
7938; 8513; ulnare - 8514; tibiotarsus - 7577; 7579; 
7580; 7600; 8526; vert. cerv. 2 - 7951; costa prox. - 
7578; femur dex. prox. - 11324; femur dex. dist. - 
7585; 11295; humerus sin. - 7602; humerus - 7952; 
humerus dex. prox. - 7953; phalanx dist. dig. pedis - 
7932; phalanx dig. pedis - 7936; 7954; 8515-8518; 
11284; os quadratum - 8923; 9694; synsacrum corp. 
vert. - 11280; synsacrum - pars acetab. dex. - 11290- 
11291; 11319; synsacrum - pars sin. - 11442; tibiotar- 
sus dex. prox. - 11326; tibiotarsus sin. prox. - 11285; 
apex mandibularae - 11289; mandibula dex. prox. - 
11311; sternum - 11301; radius dex. prox. - 11312 
185 55 


Woodland species 

Tetrao tetrix Linnaeus, 1758. A resident dendrophylous species of the 
Boreal and Temperate zones. Prefers the endings of coniferous, light mixed woods 
and grassy habitats near the bogs and forest. It is spread in the Palearctic 
between 11° and 219-240 М July isotherms. In the northern parts of its range 
chiefly inhabits the plains, while in the southern parts in occurs in the mountains 
up to 2000 т а. 5. 1. (HARRISON, 1982). As a glacial relict it is still survived in the 
Alps at 2500 т а. 5. 1. In the 19" century the Black Grouse totally reduced its 
range and the population number throughout Europe. A sedentary species, some- 
times makes short migrations up to 17-20 km (CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1980). Т. tetrix 
is an autochnous species for the forest-steppe landscape of Eastern Europe. In 
the last millennium the species secondarily inhabits the forest habitats because 
of the deforestation and habitat devastation (VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960; GOLOVANOVA, 
1975; NAZARENKO, 1957). Dense bushes and steppes were among the preferred 
habitats of the species in the SE Europe (KIRIKOV, 1959). COUTURIER & COUTURIER 
(1980) summarise that during the Pliocene (perhaps these authors have in mind 
the Pleistocene - Z. B.) the Black Grouse was widely spread in Europe. BRODKORB 
(1964) lists more than 80 Quaternary sites, 9 of them of Pleistocene. Most of these 
sites are located in the present range of T. tetrix. Some of the Holocene sites 
(Neolithic and Bronze Age) are far beyond the present range (Malta, Spain, 
Monaco). TYRBERG (1997) lists a total of 255 Pleistocene sites: 3 of Early 
Pleistocene; 23 of Middle Pleistocene and 229 of Late Pleistocene. COUTURIER & 
COUTURIER (1980) state that the considerable reduction of the species' range in 
Europe begins during the Holocene. Following the more recent data (SCHMITZ, 
1997), several nesting sites still survived in the NW of Macedonia and 
Montenegro. Data about its recent southernmost distribution in E Europe 
(Voous, 1960; MAKATSCH, 1974; CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1980; SCHMITZ, 1997) support 
the assumption about its former distribution through Bulgaria. The Razhishkata 
Cave provides the 3rd Pleistocene record of Т. tetrix from Bulgaria. The Black 
Grouse was established also in the Late Pleistocene deposits of the Mirizlivka 
Cave (ВОЕУ, 1997) and the Cave No 16 (Воку, 1999a). 

Bonasa bonasia (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident species of the Boreal and 
the Temperate zones. Inhabits dense, mainly coniferous, forests with under- 
growth in the mountains. The species range is limited by the 13° and 219-229 С 
July isotherms. Deforestation reduced its range during the last millennia (HAR- 
RISON, 1982). Prefers old mature woods of Picea, Abies, Pinus, Larix, as well as 
Alnus, Corylus, Populus and Betula. It is the most arboreal tetraonid and the 
presence of bushes' fruits in the summer-autumn season is of considerable 
importance for its distribution (CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1980). The finds from the 
Razhishkata Cave are the first fossil record of that species, marking its distri- 
bution in the Late Pleistocene of Bulgaria. The site lies outside of the recent 
breeding range. 


Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident species of the Boreal and the 
Temperate zones. Inhabits coniferous, dense and broadleaf forests, but the 15°C 
July isotherm limits the breeding range northwards. It migrate irregularly in 
flocks (HARRISON, 1982) chiefly in the winter. Most often spread between 300 and 
530 ma.s. 1. (CRAMP, 1990). The present range completely coincides with the dis- 
tribution of the woods of the Northern hemisphere. A typical element of the wood- 
land avifauna in Eurasia and North America since the Pliocene (VOINSTVENSKIY, 
1960). The Long-eared Owl was known until now from the Late Pleistocene of the 
Temnata Doupka Cave (Воку, 1994) and the Cave No 16 (Воку, 1999a). 

Anthus trivialis (Linnaeus, 1758). A migratory species of the Boreal and 
the Temperate zones that winters in the Subtropical and Tropical zones. Occurs 
in the fields with scattered trees, light forests, wood edges of coniferous and 
broadleaf woods up to the tree-limits in the mountains (HARRISON, 1982). Summer 
distribution is limited by the 109-269 С July isotherms. A terrestrial species by its 
feeding and nesting (CRAMP, 1989). VOINSTVENSKIY (1960) determines its origin 
from the open landscapes, besides its present day occurrence in the woodland 
habitats. It is a new (Holocene) element for the European forest-steppe avifauna 
(VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960). The finds from the Razhishkata Cave provide the second 
fossil record of that species in Bulgaria. The Tree Pipit was reported first from the 
Cave No 16 (ВОЕУ, 1999a). | 

Рагиз major (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident and partly migratory species 
from the Subarctic to the Temperate zone. Prefers old forests but also inhabits 
bush formations. Up to the tree-limit in the high mountains (HARRISON, 1982). 
Everywhere the distribution during the breeding season is limited by the 12° C 
and 32° C July isotherms. Terrestrial feeding on the ground in the woods has an 
important significance. Highly dependent from the tree-hollows for nesting 
(CRAMP & PERRINS, 1993). The finds (Fig. 2) from the Razhishkata Cave provide 
the first fossil record of that species in Bulgaria. 

Fringilla montifringilla (Linnaeus, 1758). A migratory species from the 
Subarctic and the Boreal zones. Occurs in the open conifer and birch forests and 
birch and willow shrub tundra along the rivers (HARRISON, 1982). The breeding 
range of the Brambling is confined by the 10° С and 189-19° С July isotherms. 
More seldom the species inhabits the high forests. Because of its terrestrial feed- 
ing during the non-breeding season, it can survive in the regions, where the snow 
blanket is up to 15 cm thick. Winters in the Temperate zone (CRAMP & PERRINS, 
1994). The finds from the Razhishkata Cave provide the first fossil record of that 
species in Bulgaria. 

Loxia curvirostra (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident and wandering species of 
the coniferous forests of the Boreal and Temperate zones. Prefers old woods. (HAR- 
RISON, 1982). Inhabits both, the inner parts of the large woods and the wood end- 
ings, most often of Picea, Pinus and Larix. Depends on the nearness of water 
sources, The food deficiency (mainly seeds of coniferous) causes irregular wander- 


та е-2 
Measurements of some of the Late Pleistocene avian finds from the 

Razhishkata Cave 

Collec- Dimen- 
Species Bone tion Measurement sion 
Bonasa bonasia coracoid 7591 length of facies articularis 8,8 

Bonasa bonasia coracoid 7591 width of facies articularis sternalis 2,6 

Bonasa bonasia vert. cerv. Ш 7592 maximum length 8,0 

Bonasa bonasia vert. cerv. ПТ 7592 heigth in cranial end 4,8 

Bonasa bonasia phalanx ldig. 7593 total length 8,4 
I pedis sin. 

Bonasa bonasia os quadratum 7594 maximum length 8,0 

Bonasa bonasia “| phalanx 1 dig. 7593 heigth of facies articularis proximalis 2,6 
pedis sin. 

Perdix tibiotarsus 9689 maximum cranio-caudal diameter of 6,3 

palaeoperdix sin. dist. distal epiphysis 

Perdix tibiotarsus 9689 minimum cranio-caudal diameter of 4,5 

palaeoperdix sin. dist. distal epiphysis 

Perdix tibiotarsus 9689 length of pons supratendineus 2,4 

palaeoperdix sin. dist. 

Perdix tibiotarsus 9689 width of diaphysis in the middle of 4,7 

palaeoperdix sin. dist. pons supratendineus 

Tringa stagnatilis trochlea 4 me- 9686 width of trochlea metatarsi 4 1,6 
tatarsi sin. dist. 

Athene noctua sternum, pars 11277 width between the processi ca. 15,4 
coracoidalis craniolaterali 

Melanocorypha sp. cranium - 11278 length of os premaxillare ca. 5,3 
pars maxillaris (ventral side) 

Melanocorypha sp. cranium - 11278 maximum heigth os premaxillare 2,4 
pars maxillaris 

Melanocorypha sp. cranium - 11281 length of os premaxillare . 6,0 
pars maxillaris (ventral side) 

Melanocorypha sp. cranium - 11281 maximum heigth of os premaxillare 2,6 
pars maxillaris 

Parus major tibiotarsus 9687 maximum cranio-caudal diameter 2,4 
sin. dist. of distal epiphysis 

Parus major tibiotarsus 9687 maximum cranio-caudal diameter 2,4 
sin. dist. of distal epiphisis 

Parus major tibiotarsus 9687 minimum width of diaphysis 1.2 
sin. dist. 

Fringilla humerus dex. 8922 width of proximal epiphysis 6,3 

montifringilla prox. 

Fringilla humerus dex. 8922 width of proximal epiphysis 6,3 

montifringilla prox. 


Table 2 (continuation) 

Collec- Dimen- 
Species Bone tion Measurement sion 
Fringilla humerus dex. 8922 width between tuberculum ventrale 5,9 
montifringilla prox. and tuberculum dorsale 
Coccothraustes carpometacar- 8919 width of trochlea carpalis 2,0 
coccothraustes pus dex. prox. 
Coccothraustes carpometacar- 8919 length of synostosis metacarpalis 7,8 
coccothraustes pus dex. prox. proximalis 
Coccothraustes carpometacar- 8919 tickness of os metacarpale majus 1,6 
coccothraustes pus dex. prox. in the middle 
Carduelis chloris cranium - 11275 length of os premaxillare (ventral side) 8,4 
pars maxillaris 
Carduelis chloris cranium - 11275 maximum width of os premaxillare 8,0 
pars maxillaris 
Petronia petronia mandibula 11276 length of pars symphysialis 5,8 
Petronia petronia mandibula 11276 tickness in the caudal end of pars 2,4 
Athene noctua sternum, pars 11277 width between the processi ca. 15,4 
coracoidalis craniolaterali 

ings to the South (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994). TYRBERG (1991) summarises that dur- 
ing the Wurmian glacial the main population of L. curvirostra was concentrated 
in the Western Europe. The crossbills evolved in the limited spruce refuges on the 
Balkans, that survived by the Holocene. After the last glacial, they restored their 
former range in the pine forests in the NW of the continent. The finds are the grd 
Pleistocene record of the Crossbill in Bulgaria. The species was known until now 
from the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982) and the Cave No 16 (ВоЕУ, 1999a). 

Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident and migra- 
tory species of the Boreal and the Temperate zones that inhabits the broadleaf 
and mixed woods. Prefers wood habitats near the rivers and lakes, forest-steppes 
both, in the plains and the mountains. The food deficiency in winter causes 
migrations (HARRISON, 1982). The range in summer is limited by the 17° C and 25° 
C July isotherms. The most specialised species to Quercus-Carpinus woods. Also 
inhabits woods of Fagus, Ulmus, Fraxinus and Acer as well as the mixed woods 
up to the tree-limit in the mountains (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994), An ancient species 
of Neogene age, highly adapted to the nut and stone fruit trees, as well as trees 
of large seeds. The species survived in the Pleistocene only in the suitable refugia 
in the S-European peninsulas (Мовело, 1954). The finds (Fig. 2) are the first 
Pleistocene record of Hawfinch for Bulgaria. 

Carduelis chloris (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident species of the Boreal and 
the Temperate zones. Migratory in the Northern parts of the range. A den- 
drophylous species (HARRISON, 1982), A granivorous species. During the non- 


breeding season inhabits various kinds of habitats. The breeding range is limited 
by the 14° С July isotherm (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994). An ancient species in the 
broadleaf forest landscape (VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960). The finds (Fig. 2) are the first 
Pleistocene record of the Greenfinch for Bulgaria. 

Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident species of the Boreal to 
the Southern parts of the Temperate zones. A typical wood bird, chiefly inhabit- 
ing the broadleaf forests. Rarely in the mixed and the coniferous forests up to the 
tree-limits (HARRISON, 1982). The breeding range is limited in the summer by the 
14° C July isotherm. Mainly a species of the lowland. Arboreal and strongly con- 
nected to the forests of Quercus, Fagus and Carpinus (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994). 
The species' range is in a regression during the Holocene because of the defor- 
estation (VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960). Until now the Jay was established only from the 
Late Pleistocene of the Cave No 16 (Воку, 1999а). 

Openland species 

Perdix perdix (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident species chiefly from the 
Temperate zone. Inhabits wet grassy habitats (meadows, pastures, steppes, open- 
land with scattered shrub (HARRISON, 1982). A strictly terrestrial bird of large 
grassy landscapes. Avoids arid, rocky and wood habitats (CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1980). 
During the whole Quaternary the species inhabited the steppe zone of Eurasia 
where penetrated in the woodland from. An autochthonous species since the 
Pliocene (i.e. the Pleistocene - 7. В.) (VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960). The Late Pleistocene 
remains of the Grey Partridge are known from the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 
1982), the Temnata Doupka Cave (ВОЕУ, 1994) and the Cave No 16 (Воку, 1999а). 

Perdix palaeoperdix Mourer-Chauviré, 1975. This species was described 
by numerous findings from the end of the Middle Pleistocene (Riss) from 5 
France. Diagnosis: "А primitive form of genus Perdix, differing from the recent 
species Perdix perdix (L.) by the noticeable smaller dimensions (MOURER-CHAU- 
VIRE', 1975; р. 107). According to VILETTE (1983) Р. palaeoperdix was а character- 
istic species for the Middle Pleistocene deposits of Europe. It is considered the 
direct ancestor to P. perdix and its dimensions were smaller than these of all 
recent subspecies of Р. perdix. The finds (Fig. 2) from the Razhishkata Cave also 
have smaller dimensions, compared with the provided metrical data by VILLALTA 
(1963). They are the second record of this fossil species on the Balkans. The 
species was known until now only from France, Greece, Spain, SW Russia (N 
Caucasus) and China (TYRBERG, 1998). The morphological descriptions of 
Bulgarian finds of that species are subject of a separate paper. 

Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident and migratory species from 
the southern parts of the Temperate zone and the Subtropical zone. The northern 
limit of its range is limited by the 15° C July isotherm. Inhabits grassy areas in the 
plains of dry soils, meadows and semideserts (HARRISON, 1982). Avoids arid habitats 
and wetland. Prefers open hilly treeless terrains up to 1000 па. а. 8. 1. (CRAMP «с SIM- 



Fig. 2. Some of Ше Late Pleistocene avian finds from Ше Razhishkata Cave: a - Perdix cf. 
palaeoperdix (os quadratum, NMNHS 7939); b - Tringa cf. stagnatilis (tarsometatarsus sin 
dist. - trochlea metatarsi IV, МММН$ 9686); с - Parus major (tibiotarsus sin. dist., NMNHS 
9687); d - Melanocorypha sp. (cranium - pars maxillaris, МММН$ 11278); е - Carduelis chlo- 
ris (cranium - pars maxillaris, NMNHS 11275); f - Coccothraustes coccothraustes (car- 
pometacarpus dex. prox., МММН$ 8919); в - Petronia petronia (mandibula, NMNHS 11276); 
h - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (femur dex. dist., МММН$ 9681) (Photographs: Boris Andreev) 


MONS, 1980). Data of SIMEONOV & BoEV (1988) show that in Bulgaria the species at 
present occurs up to 950 т а. 3. 1. The wide range of the Quail is due the its expan- 
sion in the Quaternary (VOINSTVENSKIY, 1960). The finds are the third Pleistocene 
record of С. coturnixin Bulgaria. The species was known until now from the Bacho 
Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982) and Ше Temnata Doupka Cave (BoEv, 1994). 

Melanocorypha sp. The two cranial fragments (Table 1) are homologous 
and fully correspond to the detaily described praemaxillar fragments of 
Melanocorypha sp. by JANossy (1992). We have not any comparative material of 
the recent species of Melanocorypha, spread in Europe, but the comparison with 
the remaining genera of larks, as well as the illustrations of JANOssy (1992, р. 15 
- fig. 2) for the Early Pleistocene avifauna of Beremend, Loc. 17 т 5 Hungary and 
these ones of CASSOLI (1980, tav. 7 - 30) for the Late Pleistocene avifauna of Delle 
Arene Candide in N Italy allow a reliable comparison of our finds. Both authors 
mention that the question on the Pleistocene remains of Melanocorypha in 
Europe is still obscure, besides their presence in the cave deposits from the Late 
Pleistocene. The site lies within the present breeding range of Melanocorypha 
calandra (Linnaeus, 1766). The Calandra Lark is a resident and migratory species 
from the southern steppe regions of the Temperate zone. A typical steppe species, 
preferring the communities of Artemisia. Avoids the stony habitats (HARRISON, 
1982). Less depending on water sources. Tolerates hot summer temperatures up 
to 329 С (CRAMP, 1988). A species of the virgin steppes in the Е Europe (VoIN- 
STVENSKIY, 1960). The finds (Fig. 2) from the Razhishkata Cave provide the first 
fossil record of that genus in Bulgaria. 

Aquatic habitats species 

Crex crex (Linnaeus, 1758). A migratory species, breeding from the Boreal 
фо the Temperate zone. Occurs in the grassy habitats, along Ше bogs, swamps 
and wet meadows (HARRISON, 1982). Mainly in the lowland. Prefers cool wet tall- 
grassy habitats and avoids lakes, river banks, sandy and rocky habitats (CRAMP 
& SIMMONS, 1980). At present a rare nesting, migratory and passage species in 
Bulgaria. The Pleistocene record of the Corncrake was established in the Bacho 
Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982) and the Temnata Doupka Cave (Воку, 1994). 

Tringa stagnatilis (Bechstein, 1803). A migratory species of the dry 
steppe of the Temperate zone. Nests in the wet grassy habitats near to bogs and 
freshwater swamps and lakes (HARRISON, 1982). Avoids salt and alkaline habitats. 
A rare incidental winter visitor on the Balkans (CRAMP & SIMMONS, 1983). The 
finds (Fig. 2) from the Razhishkata Cave provide the first Pleistocene record of 
that species in Bulgaria. 

Rock habitats species 
Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769). A resident species from the Boreal to the 
Temperate zone. Inhabits different habitats including rocky terrains in the 


mountains, steppes and light forests (HARRISON, 1982). The most terrestrial 
species of the Palearctic owls. Avoids the dense wood and shrub vegetation as well 
as the wetland. Spread up to 2000 т а. s. 1. in the Western Palearctic (CRAMP, 
1989). The big number of its subspecies (15 according to HOWARD & Moore, 1980) 
indicate its long evolution in the Neogene deserts of 5 Europe and Asia (VOIN- 
STVENSKIY, 1960). The finds represent the first Pleistocene record of the Little Owl 
from Bulgaria. 

Apus melba (Linnaeus, 1758). A migratory species of the southern parts of 
the Temperate zone. Nests on the rocks of the arid mountain rocky terrains and 
the rocky shores (HARRISON, 1982). The 21,1° C isotherm limits the species distri- 
bution (EASTHAM, 1988). Highly aerial bird that may drift away up to 600-1000 km 
a day from the nesting colony. Avoids wood habitats (CRAMP, 1990). MoREAU (1954 
b) states that there were not suitable habitats for this species in Europe during 
the Pleistocene. The numerous finds of the Alpine Swift from Bulgaria (BOEV, 
1999; in press) do not support such a point of view. The finds represent the sec- 
ond Pleistocene record of the Swift from Bulgaria. The species was first estab- 
lished in the Cave No 16 (BOEV, 1998; 1999a). 

Ptyonoprogne rupestris (Scopoli, 1769). A migratory and resident species 
of the southern parts of the Temperate zone. Inhabits the rocky terrains with ver- 
tical surfaces both in the lowland and the mountains up to 2200 та. s. 1. (HARRI- 
SON, 1982). Avoids shady and windy places. Depends on the nearness of rivers and 
streams. The species has a circummediterranean distribution in the Western 
Palearctic (CRAMP, 1989). The 20°-21,6° C July isotherms limits the breeding range 
(EASTHAM, 1988). The Pleistocene record of the Crag Martin in Bulgaria was estab- 
lished in Ше Bacho Кио Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982) and the Cave No 16 (Вокх, 1999а). 

Pyrrhocorax graculus (Linnaeus, 1766). A resident species of the 
Temperate zone, inhabiting the Alpine zone in the S-European mountains. Occurs 
in the steppe high-mountain terrains and rocky habitats up to the snow line (HAR- 
RISON, 1982). Strictly montane petrophylous species, usually above 1500 т а. $. |. 
Depends on the abundance of rock hollows and crevices for nesting (CRAMP & 
PERRINS, 1994). During the Wurmian it tolerated the cool climate better than P. 
pyrrhocorax. Its Quaternary sites are located in the foothills and the hilly land- 
scapes (TYRBERG, 1991). From the Pleistocene deposits this species was published 
from the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982), the Temnata Doupka Cave (BOEV, 
1994) and the Cave No 16 (Вову, 1999а). 

Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 2). A resident species of 
the Alpine zone of the Temperate zone in Europe. Inhabits rocky habitats up to 
the tree line (HARRISON, 1982). Mainly occurs between 1200 and 1500 ma.s.1.A 
terrestrial species by its feeding (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994). The Chough is a dis- 
appeared species in Bulgaria. The only published record come from the Late 
Pleistocene of the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982). P. pyrrhocorax is an indi- 
cator for the cool climate. At present 4 isolated populations survived in the 


Western Palearctic. Possibly in the Wurmian they were connected each other. 
Many of the Pleistocene site lie out of the recent range (TYRBERG, 1991). The 
numerous remains of P. pyrrhocorax on the Balkans (Croatia) determine it as an 
index-fossil for the Late Pleistocene (MALEZ-BACIC, 1979). 

Corvus monedula (Linnaeus, 1758). A resident and migratory species from 
the Boreal to the southern parts of the Temperate zone. Depends on old trees and 
rock massive for the nesting. Inhabits various type of habitats (HARRISON, 1982). 
Northwards the breeding range is limited by 12° C July isotherm. The Jackdaw is 
an ubiquist and a terrestrial and omnivorous species by its feeding (CRAMP & PER- 
RINS, 1994). VOINSTVENSKIY (1960) consider it as a bird of mountain origin that 
inhabits Europe since the Pliocene. The species was widely spread during the 
Pleistocene in Bulgaria. It is known from the Bacho Kiro Cave (BOCHENSKI, 1982), 
the Temnata Doupka Cave (Воку, 1994) and the Cave No 16 (Воку, 1999а). 

Petronia petronia (Linnaeus, 1766). A resident and partly migratory 
species from the southern parts of the Temperate zone. Inhabits open rocky ter- 
rains of scant vegetation of grasses and scattered bushes, screes, semideserts, 
arid steppes. Up to 2600 т а. 3. |. in the southern mountains. Do not endure the 
competition of Passer hispaniolensis (HARRISON, 1982). А species of 
Mediterranean distribution in the Western Palearctic (CRAMP & PERRINS, 1994). 
The find of the Rock Sparrow from the Razhiskata Cave is the first Pleistocene 
record for Bulgaria. The site lie out of the recent breeding range. Until now, the 
species was known from the Pleistocene of France, Italy, Iraq, Israel, Spain and 
Ukraine (TYRBERG, 1998). 


As seen, 39 taxa (27 species at least) are established in the Razhishkata Cave. 
One species (Perdix palaeoperdix) is fossil and two species (Tetrao tetrix and 
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) are now disappeared from the country. Nine species 
are established for the first time in the Pleistocene deposits of Bulgaria: Tetrastes 
bonasia, Tringa stagnatilis, Athene noctua, Melanocorypha sp., Parus major, 
Fringilla montifringilla, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Carduelis chloris and 
Petronia petronia. Five other species are reported from their second Pleistocene 
site of the country: Tetrao tetrix, Apus melba, Anthus trivialis, Garrulus glan- 
darius and P. pyrrhocorax. This determines the Razhishcata Cave as an impor- 
tant site for the Pleistocene history of the Bulgarian avifauna. 

The nesting habitat preferences of the recorded species show a forest-steppe 
landscape in the surroundings of the cave. The correlation between the woodland 
and steppes (openland) species is 10:4, indicating the prevailing role of the forest 



The author is grateful to Dr. Vassil Popov (Institute of Zoology, BAS), who 
handed the avian bone material for examination and Dr. Cecile Mourer-Chauvire' 
(Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon 1) for the opportunity to work on the identifi- 
cation of this material during his stay in Lyon. The study was partially sponsored 
by the Fondation Scientifique de Lyon et du Sud-Est (Lyon). 


BAUMEL J. J., L. М. WITMER. 1993. Osteologia. - In: Baumel J., A. King, J. Breazile, H. Evans, 
J. Vanden Berge (eds). Handbook of Avian Anatomy: Nomina Anatomica Avium. 
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Publ. by the Club, 44-132. 

Воснвмвкг Z. 1982. Aves. - In: Kozlowski J. (ed.). Excavations in Ше Bacho Kiro Cave 
(Bulgaria). Final report. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 31-38. 

Boev Z. 1995. Bulgaria: the Pleistocene record of birds. - In: Baryshnikov G., I. Kuzmina, J. 
Saunder (eds). First Internat. Mommoth Symp., 16-22 Oct. 1995, Saint-Petersburg. 
Abstracts. Saint-Petersburg, 664-665. 

Boev 7. 1998. A range fluctuation of Alpine swift (Apus melba (L., 1758)) (Apodidae - Aves) 
in Nothern Balkan Peninsula in the Riss-Wurm interglacial. - Biogeographia, Nuova 
Serie, 19 [1997]: 213-218. 

Вову 7. 1999a. The Middle Pleistocene avifauna of Cave No 16 (NW Bulgaria) and #5 
palaeoecological implication. - In: 8" International Congress on the Zoogeography and 
Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Kavala, 17-21 May 1999. Abstracts. Athens, 
Hellenic Zoological Society, 21-22. 

ВОЕМ Z. 1999b. Neogene and Quaternary birds (Aves) from Bulgaria. О. Sci. thesis. Sofia, 
National Museum of Natural History. 243 p. + 243 p. supplements. (In Bulgarian). 
Вокх Z. 2000. Early Pleistocene and Early Holocene Avifauna of Ше Cherdzhenitsa Cave 

(Northwestern Bulgaria) - Hist. nat. bulg., 11: 107-116. 

Cramp S. (ed.). 1988. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa. 
The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. V. Tyrant Flycatchers to Thrushes. Oxford Univ. 
Press, 1079 p. 

Cramp 8. (ed.). 1989. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa. The 
Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. ГУ. Terns to Woodpeckers. Oxford Univ. Press, 960 р. 

Cramp 5. (ed.). 1992. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa. 
The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. VI. Warblers. Oxford Univ. Press, 728 p. 

Cramp S., S. М. Perkins (ей.). 1993. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and 
North Africa. The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. VII. Flycatchers to Shrikes. Oxford 
Univ. Press, 586 p. 

Cramp S., S. М. PERRINS (ed.). 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and 
North Africa. The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. VIII. Crows to Finches. Oxford Univ. 
Press, 915 p. 

Cramp 5., К. Е. L. Simmons (eds). 1980. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East 
and North Africa. The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. I]. Hawks to Bustards. Oxford 
Univ. Press, 695 p. 

EASTHAM A. 1988. The season or the symbol: the evidence of swallows in the Palaeolithic of 
western Europe. - Archaeozoologia, 2 (1-2): 243-252. 


GoLovanova Е. 1975. The origin of the avifauna of the agricultural habitats. - In: The birds 
and the agriculture. Leningrad, Lenizdat Publ. House, 5-17. (In Russian). 

Harrison C. J. O. 1975. A Field Guide to the Nests, Eggs and Nestlings of British and 
European Birds. London, Collins. 432 p. 

HARRISON C. J. O. 1982. An Atlas of the Birds of the Western Palearctic. Princeton, Princeton 
Univ. Press. 332 p. 

Howarp R., A. Moores. 1980. A complete checklist of the birds of the World. Oxford, Oxford 
Univ. Press, 701 p. 

Кивкоу 5. 1959. Distribution of the mammals and birds in the steppe zone and Ше forest- 
steppes in the past. - In: Change of the animal world in the natural zones of the USSR 
(13"-19'" century). Moscow, Acad. Sci. USSR Publ. House, 41-123. (In Russian). 

Moreau Е. Е. 1954. The Main Vicissitudes of the European Avifauna since the Pliocene. - 
The Ibis, 96 (3). 

MOourRER-CHAUVIRE С. 1975. Les oiseaux du Pleistocene moyene et superior de France. - 
Docum. Lab. Fac. Sci. Lyon, 64: 624 p. 

NAZARENKO L. 1957. On the change of the fauna of the Odessa Region and Moldavia and the 
reasons for its preservation. - In: Scientific Annual of the I. 1. Mechnikov Odessa State 
University. [1956], 293-294. (In Russian). 

Popov V. 1990. Quaternary small mammals (Mammalia: Insectivora, Lagomorpha, 
Rodentia) of Northern Bulgaria: morphology, palaeoecology, biostratigraphy. Ph. D. 
Thesis. Sofia, Institute of Zoology, 215 p. (In Bulgarian). 

TYRBERG T. 1998. Pleistocene Birds of the Palearctic: A Catalogue. - Publ. of the Nuttall 
Ornithol. Club, 27: 720 p. 

VILLALTA J. F. 1963. Las aves fosiles del Mioceno espanol. - Bol. R. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat. 
(G.), 61: 263-285. 

VOINSTVENSKIY M. 1960. The birds of the steppe zone of the European part of the USSR. Kiev, 
Ukrainian SSR Acad. Sci. Publ. House. 292 p. (In Russian). 

Received on 29.05.2000 

Author's address: 

Dr Zlatozar Boev 

National Museum of Natural History 
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 



КъсноплейстоценсКа авифауна om РажишКата 
пещера, Западна България 

3aamo3ap БОЕВ 

(Резю ме) 

Om отложения от финала на Късния плейстоцен са събрани 185 Костани останки, 
принадлежащи на най-малКо 55 екземпляра птици. Bugobuam състав включва 39 
таксона (най-малКо 27 вида), отнасящи се Към 7 разреда. Един вид е фосилен ( Рега! х 
palaeoperdix), а 26 - реценшни, два om koumo са изчезнали от събременната фауна 
на България - Tetrao tetrix и Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax. 

За първи пыт 6 плейстоцена на България се съобщават находките на 9 вида: 
Вопаза Бопа а, Tringa stagnatilis, Athene noctua, Melanocorypha sp., Parus major, 
Fringilla montifringilla, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Carduelis chloris и Petronia 

РажишКата пещера е 6mopomo находище 6 България, Където ca устанобени 
плейстоценсКи находки на други 5 вида: Tetrao tetrix, Ариз melba, Anthus trivialis, 
Garrulus glandarius и Р. pyrrhocorax. ТоВа определя ВаЖжношо ПЦ значение за 
палеоабифаунистичните сведения за страната. 

Според биотопичните предпочитания на бидовеше, 6 околността на пещерата 
е преобладавал лесостепният ландшафт. Съотношението на горски Към степни 
(отакрито-ландшафтни) птици е 10:4, Което е уКазание за доминиращата роля на 
горските местообитания. Петрофилнише птици са представени om 7 Вида, a 
хидрофилнише - om 2. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 88 

Симпозиум "XoAaapkmuynume Копитни на плиоцена 1 
плейстоцена", 19 - 22 септембри 2000, Абиньон, 

Hukoaati СПАСОВ 

Симпозиумы, организиран от музея по естествена история Кеашеп 6 Авиньон 
по инициатива на Dr Eveline Cregut-Bonnoure, събра петдесетина специалисти om 
повече om 10 европейсКи страни. Историята на тези особено "етнозначими" групи 
животни, обединявани под термина "Копишни", om Край Време предизвиква особен 
интерес. Множеството изследвания обаче не само изясняват тяхната филогения, 
но и създават редица противоречия и трудности при проучването им. 
Плчоценските и ранноплейстоценсКкише останки и шаКсони om Копитшншше са 
между слабо изучените. Същевременно me са често Ключови за изясняване на 
историята на фаунише, на MexHUMe разселвания и на развитието на природната 
обстановка om това Време. През последните години са събрани множестбо, все още 
не добре известни и осмислени данни, за еволюцията на посоченише бозайници. Ето 
защо събирането на специалисти 6 ma3u област и обменьт на информация между 
тях по бреме на симпозиума бе шбърде полезно. 

Особено дискутирани бяха memume за: еволюцията на плиоценските елени; 
Влиянието на инсулацията Върху еболюцията на Копитните и хобошнише 
Животни; еволюцията на т. нар. "мамонтова фауна"; филогенияша на Саргтае; 
"Вечният" проблем за морфологичнише разлики между масобите плейстоценсКи 
останки om Bos и Bison; миграционните процеси на фаунише и Видовете 6 Евразия, 
kakmo и ролята на нобите ошКкришия 6 плова отношение 6 Източна и Югоизточна 

Ош България на симпозиума бе поканен д-р НиКолай Cnaco6 (НПМ-БАН) Като 
член на научния Комитет на този форум. Той бе и съпредседател на една от 
cecuume. Докладът, изнесен от него, бе сбързан с проучването на плиоценсКише 
бовидч, елени и Коне от България и данните, koumo тшехншпе фосилни находки 
предоставяш за анализиране на палеоландшафтите om тази епоха. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 89-128 

Biochronology and zoogeographic affinities of the 
Villafranchian faunas of Bulgaria and South 

Nikolai SPASSOV 

Introduction. The Villafranchian fauna of Bulgaria 

Until recently the Villafranchian in Bulgaria was scarcely studied. The only 
Villafranchian (Late Villanian) faunistic complex of a vertebrate fauna has been 
found in the cave Temnata Doupka (bore hole - IV) (Popov, 1991). However, only 
Micromammalia have been reported there. Concerning Macromammalia, only 
some isolated and not precisely dated findings mostly of Proboscidea were 
registered up to the 90ies (SPASSOV,1997b). In the 90ies some especially important 
Bulgarian localities of Villafranchian vertebrate fauna were studied - the 
Varshets and Slivnitsa ones (BOEV, 1996; Popov & DELCHEV, 1997; SPASSOV, 1997a; 
1998; SpAssov & CREGUT-BONNOURE, 1999.). These investigations motivate ап 
analysis of the Villafranchian in SE Europe. The continental Villafranchian fauna 
is a transitional one by its character. It reflects the considerable zoocoenological 
transformations and the radical change of the forms during the transition from 
the heat-loving (thermophilous) Neogene fauna to the cold-loving typical 
Pleistocene (Quaternary) fauna. The zoogeographic position of The Balkans in the 
zone of migrations between Europe, Asia and even Africa makes its fossil faunas 
of special interest: The study of the Villafranchian faunistic complexes on the 
Balkans is of a great significance for the elucidating of the origin and 
development of this fauna in Europe. 

I. The first signs of the Ruscinian/Villafranchian transition in 
Bulgaria and the Balkans 

The Musselievo locality: The first signs of the Ruscinian/Villafranchian 
transition are present in Bulgaria and the Balkans with the new locality of 


Musselievo. The rich Micromammalia fauna indicates that the locality belongs to 
MNQ15 (Popov & DELCHEV, 1997). The preliminary list of Macromammalia (det. 
N. Spassov) confirms this suggestion. The taxa determined up till now (even 
though all of them after scarce and fragmentary remains) are: 

CARNIVORA: Vulpes sp., aff. Nyctereutes sp., Felidae indet. - large form 
(Dinofelis?),; PERISSODACTYLA: cf. Stephanorhinus jeanvireti, Tapirus 
arvernensis, ARTIODACTYLA: Sus arvernensis minor, Cervus cf. pardinensis, cf. 
Procapreolus sp., aff. Gazella sp. 

We could add ?Lynx sp. (V. Popov, Inst. of zoology, Bulg. Acad. Sci. - personal 
communication) and aff. Macaca sp. (1 molar) originally announced by V. Popov 
as Dolychopithecus (Popov & DELCHEV 1997). Among the remains there are other 
taxa too, being currently studied. 

Vulpes sp. from Musselievo must be the earliest fox found in Europe. The find 
comes to a sole P4 (Fig. 5). This tooth is considerably smaller than Р4 of Eucyon 
adoxus. The tooth length, hardly reaching the lower limits of the individual 
variation of V. alopecoides from the European Villafranchian, but in the same 
time its width completely fits in (lab.L - 10.9; Ling. L - 11.6, W. max. - 5.8). The 
reason for that is the relatively well shaped and lingually protruding protocone 
of that otherwise slender tooth. The base of the parastyle slightly protrudes 
frontally as in V. alopecoides and in contrast to the recent V. vulpes, but we could 
not speak of an obvious rudiment of the parastyle as in the Chinese fox from the 
beginning of the Villafranchian V. beihaiensis (a find of ca. 3.3 - 3 Ma) (QIU & 
TEDFORD, 1990). The newly described - also from MNQ15 of Turkey (Calta) - 
Vulpes galaticus (GINSBURG, 1998) seems to be larger than the Muselievo find and 
its protocone does not protrude lingually. 

After the composition of the macromammal fauna and the appearance of the 
faunistic complex of the megafauna the locality should most probably be placed 
in the second half of the MNQ15 zone. It is even rather possible that it is not 
much older than Vialette (France) and Triversa (Italy). Those localities aged 3.3 - 
3.2 Ma are traditionally even to this day referred to the beginning of the 
Villafranchian (AZZAROLI, 1977; GLIOZZI et al. 1997), but according to some recent 
opinions (BONIFAY,1990; AZANZA et al., 1997) after their appearance they rather 
belong to the Final Ruscinian localities. Bearing in mind the strong presence of 
some typically forestal elements in those localities, such a suggestion seems 
reasonable. Both the micromammalian (Popov & DELCHEV 1997; РОРОУ - Ш 
preparation), the macromammalian (mentioned here) faunas and the 
ornithofauna (ВОЕУ, in press a &b) show the specific and even unique mixing of 
forestal and steppe elements. This probably indicates not only the presence of 
specific biotopes, but also starting climatic changes and a penetration of steppe 
elements into SE Europe by the second half - the end of the Ruscinian. 


II. The biochronology of Varshets and Slivnitsa localities and the 
Middle and Late Villafranchian in Europe 

II. 1. The Middle Villafranchian in Europe and biostratigraphic 
analysis of the fauna of Varshets 

The Megafaunal List (Micromammalia) of the two localities (Table 1) allows 
their chronological orientating by the use of the available basic criteria of 
biochronologization: for example the well known zones for the Neogene and the 
Quaternary based on the Mammal faunas (i.e. zones MNQ) (GUERIN, 1982; 1990), 
and according to the faunistic associations (units) proposed by AZZAROLI (1977) 
for the Villafranchian in Europe. 

The mammal megafauna of this locality demonstrates an evident similarity 
with localities typical for the MNQ17 zone, such as Saint-Vallier, La Puebla de 
Valverde (Spain), Chilhac (France) etc. After the conclusions on the 
morphological stages of some species, sites as Chilhac and Le Coupet were 
usually placed later than St. Vallier (DUVERNOIS & GUERIN, 1989). Mostly after 
geological considerations BOEUF (1997) puts, however, these localities before St. 
Vallier (see Fig. 1). 

The St.-Vallier's fauna is among the best investigated Villafranchian mammal 
ones (VIRET, 1954; HEINTZ, 1970; MARTIN, 1971; DEBARD et al., 1994, etc.). Because 
of the various, abundant and well preserved material from this locality and of the 
detailed investigations carried there by a number of authors, the latter is 
appointed as the stratotype locality of the Middle Villafranchian and as the 
"гереге" - type locality of the biozone MN 17 of Mein (= MNQ17 after Guerin's 
interpretation of the Neogene-Quaternary) (HEINTZ et al., 1974; MEIN, 1990; 
GUERIN, 1990). 

The finalized recent faunistical List of the Mammals (after DEBARD et al., 1994 
and with some taxonomical/nomenclature corrections of ours) includes the 
following forms: 

RODENTIA: Mimomys pliocaenicus, Castor plicidens, Hystrix refossa; 

LAGOMORPHA: Oryctolagus lacosti, Ochotona зр.; 

PRIMATES: Macaca sylvana, 

CARNIVORA: Nyctereutes megamastoides vulpinus, Vulpes alopecoides, 
Baranogale Пето? antiqua, Pannonictis ardea (P. 5. - included in the List as 
Enhydrictis ardea), Aonyx bravardi, Meles thorali, Ursus etruscus, Pliocrocuta 
perriert (Р. 5. - included in the List as Pachycrocuta), Chasmaportetes 
(=Euryboas) lunensis, Lynx issiodorensis, Viretailurus schaubi, Acinonyx 
pardinensis, Homotherium crenatidens, Megantereon megantereon, 

PROBOSCIDEA: Anancus arvernensis, Mammuthus meridionalis, 

PERISSODACTYLA: Dicerorhinus etruscus etruscus, Equus stenonis vireti; 

ARTIODACTYLA: Sus $70221, Croizetoceros ramosus medius, "Сегуиз" filisi 


Table 1 

Check-list of the large mammals from the Slivnitsa and Varshets 

localities (Bulgaria) 
У - Varshets; 5 - Slivnitsa 


Canis ex gr. etruscus Major, 1877 
Vulpes alopecoides F. Major, 1877 
Vulpes ef. alopecoides 
Nyctereutes cf. tingi Tedford et Qiu, 1991 
Ursus minimus D. de Chabriol et Bouillet, 1827 - Ursus etruscus Cuv., 1823 
Martes wenzensis Stach, 1959 - Martes vetus Kretzoi, 1942 
Pannonictis ardea (Bravard, 1828) 
Vormela рейепуй Kretzoi, 1942 
Baranogale balcanica nov. sp. 
Meles thorali Viret, 1951 
Lutrinae gen. 
Pliocrocuta perrieri (Croizet et Jobert, 1828) 
Hyaenidae gen. (non P. brevirostris) 
Lynx issiodorensis issiodorensis (Croizet et Jobert, 1828) 
Panthera cf. gombaszoegensis (Kretzoi, 1938) 
aff. Viretailurus schaubi (Viret, 1954) 
Acinonyx pardinensis Croizef et Jobert, 1828 
Homotherium crenatidens (Fabrini, 1890) 
cf. Cervus rhenanus Dubois (= С. philisi) 
Cervus rhenanus - Pseudodaima nestii 
Eucladoceros senezensis cf. vireti Heintz, 1970 
Eucladoceros cf. senezensis ? senezensis (Deperet, 1910) 
Cervidae gen. et sp. indet. 
Gazellospira cf. torticornis (Aymard, 1854) 
Gazellospira sp. 
Procamptoceras cf. brivatense Schaub, 1923 
Gallogoral meneghinii (Rutimeyer, 1878) 
Pliotragus cf. ardeus (Deperet, 1883) 
Megalovis aff. latifrons Schaub, 1923 
Megalovis sp. 
Hemitragus nov. sp. 
Ovis sp. 
Bovidae gen. et sp. indet.- I 
Bovidae gen. et sp. indet.- II 
Equus stenonts vireti Prat, 1964 
Equus cf. stenonis Cocchi, 1867 



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valiensis, Eucladoceros senezensis vireti, Gazella borbonica, Gazellospira 
torticornis, Gallogoral meneghini, Leptobos elatus merlae. 

Very rich and well investigated is also the fauna of La Puebla de Valverde in 
& MOorALES, 1990). The List of the Macromammalia (after HEINTZ, 1978 and 
AGUIRRE & MORALES, 1990) includes: 

PRIMATES: Macaca sp., Papio (= Paradolichopithecus) arvernensis (Р.5. - 
nota mea М. S.: here maybe an earlier species is concerned in fact, see SZALAY & 
DELSON, 1979); 

CARNIVORA: "Canis" sp. (P.S. erroneously mentioned in the List as C. cf. 
falconeri, see Spassov 1998; maybe an Eucyon is concerned in fact?), Vulpes 
alopecoides, Nyctereutes megamastoides, Ursus etruscus, Pliocrocuta perrieri, 
Chasmaportetes lunensis, Acinonyx pardinensis, Lynx issiodorensis, Panthera 
cf. schaubi (i.e. Vitretailurus cf. schaubi nota mea, К.9.), Megantereon 
megantereon, Felidae indet.; 

PROBOSCIDEA: Mammuthus meridionalis, 

PERISSODACTYLA: Dicerorhinus etruscus, Equus stenonis; 

ARTIODACTYLA: Gazella borbonica, Gazellospira torticornis, cf: Gallogoral 
meneghinii, Croizetoceros ramosus pueblensis, Cervus philisi, Eucladoceros 
senezensis игей. 

Although the faunas of St.-Vallier and of P. de Valverde are quite similar, some 
distinctions between them could be found concerning the predominance of forest 
or steppe elements. In St. Vallier, the sylvatic elements are nearly as numerous 
as the steppe ones, what suggests the existence of steppes crossed by wood 
massives (DEBARD et al. 1994). In the P. de Valverde locality on the contrary, the 
steppe species are predominating, suggesting a more arid landscape (GAUTIER & 
HEINTZ, 1974). The absolute age of St. Vallier is estimated to 2 Ma (DEBARD et al., 
1994). The geographic distance between St. - Vallier and La Puebla is not so large 
and the faunistic differences are probably not only biotopic. La Puebla is 
generally placed (after the evolution stage of some Cervidae) just earlier than 
that French locality. However, after the mantioned paleoecological data a more 
latter position - on the limit with the dray climate of the SCT10 could be 
supposed(Fig. 1). Such a statement could be reasonable if the specific zoocoenosis 
of the locality has not been resulted by a more southern local climate. 

After the ecological interpretation of the landscape, The Varshets locality 
seems to be closer to the St.-Vallier one, rather than to the P. de Valverde (see next 
chapter). Two faunistic features give a reason to assume that Varshets (in the 
frames of MNQ17) represents a faunistic complex earlier than St.-Vallier (Fig. 1): 

1. The find of Gazellospira sp. (more primitive than G. torticornis). Another, 
identical bone fragment with preserved diaphysis (large metatarsus dist. with 
more flat plantar surface than Gazellospira in general) was found by the author 
(undescribed material - coll. University of Lyon) in the Roccaneyra locality. The 


faunal composition of this chronologically disputable French locality resembles 
the fauna of St.-Vallier, but with differently structured communities: species of 
open spaces are much better represented there. Now this locality is placed in the 
beginning, or in the first half of the Middle Villafranchian and of the MNQ17 
zone. (After some authors - STEININGER et al., 1990, etc. - it should be placed even 
in the end of MNQ16). The calculation of its absolute age puts it between 2,35-2,0 
Ма (BonIFAY, 1990, etc.), but, from the point of view of the faunal analysis, Ше 
first mentioned age seems to be more real. 

2. The existence (see SPASSOV, 1997a) of Nyctereutes cf. tingi - a species lesser 
specialized than N. megamastoides and recently described from China (TEDFORD 
& Qiu, 1991). This species existed in China up to the end of the Gauss chrone, i.e. 
up to the Early Villafranchian's end. N. tingi is noted recently also for the MNQ15 
of Greece, in the Megalo Emvolon locality (KOUFOs, 1997).These two finds from 
the Balkans are the only finds known outside China so far (The Calta N. 
donnezani (GINSBURG, 1998) from the MNQ15 of Asia Minor is problematic). The 
species probably reached SE Europe, remaining there as a relict population even 
somewhal later than in C. Asia. 

Those two finds put Varshets some earlier than St.-Vallier in the MNQ17 
frames, most probably in the first half of the MNQ17 zone. This conclusion is 
supported by the data of the evolutionary stage of Ursus and Martes in Varshets. 
The Bulgarian locality seems to be approximately of the same age or most 
probably a little bit later than Roccaneyra, where the steppe faunistic element is 
better represented and where Hipparion is still existing as a relict genus (Fig. 1) 
(SPASSOV, 1997а; 1997b). 

II. 2. The Late Villafranchian in Europe and biostratigraphic analysis 
of the fauna of Slivnitsa 

The faunal differences between Varshets and Slivnitsa (Table 1) are based 
upon ecological and chronological reasons. Most conforming are some 
carnivorous species, which is connected with the greater adaptation ability of 
most carnivores. 

The Biochronological position of Slivnitsa needs a discussion on some well 
known "гереге"- type localities from Europe, such as Seneze and the localities from 
the Olivola Unit, which Slivnitsa is similar to (SPAssov, 1995; 1997a; 1997b; 1998). 

The position of Seneze locality. The total list of the Macromammalia in 
this rich and well explored locality appears as following (the list follows that of 
HEINTZ et al., 1974, with additions and corrections after the papers of MARTIN, 
1973; EISENMANN, 1980; SZALAY & DELSON, 1979; DUVERNOIS & GUERIN, 1989, and 
BOEUF, 1997, with several corrections of mine concerning the synonimy): 


PRIMATES: Paradolichopithecus arvernensis, Macaca cf. florentina; 

CARNIVORA: Nyctereutes megamastoides, Vulpes alopecoides (?), Canis cf. 
arnensis ( = Canis senezensis - see the chapter about Canis from Slivnitsa and the 
"Wolf event"), Ursus etruscus, Pliocrocuta регтет, Chasmaportetes lunensis, 
Acinonyx pardinensis, Megantereon megantereon, 

PROBOSCIDEA: Mammuthus (Archidiskodon) meridionalis, 

PERISSODACTYLA: Equus stenonis "senezensis", Equus major (=E. 
bressanus), Dicerorhinus etruscus, 

ARTIODACTYLA: Sus strozzii, Croizetocerus ramosus minor, Cervus philisi 
philisi, Eucladoceros senezensis senezensis, Cervalces (Libralces) gallicus, 
(?Gazella borbonica), Gazellospira torticornis, Gallogoral meneghinii, Pliotragus 
ardeus, Procamptoceras brivatense, Megalovis latifrons, Leptobos etruscus, 
Leptobos furtivus, "Ovis" sp.(about the latter species see somewhat below). 

The stratigraphic position of Seneze is very controversial. Some faunal finds 
make several authors suggest there a mixt fauna or two Villafranchian levels in 
the locality (SCHAUB, 1944; V. EISENMANN, N.M.N.H. - Paris: personal 
communication). However, other detailed investigations lead to the opinion that 
the Seneze assemblage is homogenous; only the findings of "Ovis" and one of the 
Equus could possibly be refereed to an upper horizon (С. GUERIN, Univ.-Lyon.: 
person. comm.). 

If we accept that the locality's fauna is homogenous, two possible main 
decisions regarding the age of the locality could be proposed: 

Var. I. Final Pliocene age: This conception is supported by the 
biochronological analyses of the Italian authors ( ToRRE et al, 1992; GLIOZZI et al., 
1997). The presence of Nyctereutes and the lack of Pachycrocuta brevirostris 
represent also faunistic arguments for such a chronological position (the lack of 
a species in the zoocoenosis and/or the taphocoenosis is not a direct proof for an 
environmental changes but it could be an important indication for it). Generally 
Seneze is related with the magnetostratigraphic event of Reunion. Some very 
recent interpretations place Reunion and Seneze earlier than 2.1 Ma (see in: 
(110721 et al., 1997). This, however, does not seem logical from the point of view 
of the latest absolute age estimations of the St.-Vallier locality - 2 Ma (DEBARD et 
al., 1994), a locality which after its fauna is obviously earlier than Seneze. BAKSI 
(1993) notes that more than one Reunion Event is possible. Some other recent 
interpretations about the absolute dating show the following: the dating of the 
upper basalt layers situated just under the fossils in Seneze indicates an age of 2 
Ma (end of Reunion). The fossil remains themselves should be a little bit later 
than that age - between Reunion and Olduvai (BOEUP, 1997). 

Var. II. After another opinion Seneze should be placed in the very beginning of 
the Pleistocene ог at least later than Olivola Unit (DUVERNOIS & GUERIN, 1989; 
BoNIFAY, 1990; С. GUERIN - person, comm.). Such a chronological position - lather 
than Olivola unit could be supported partially by the presence of a horse (one of 


the three species in the locality) close to the horse of Farneta (У. EISENMANN, pers. 
comm.). The above mentioned opinion concerning the Seneze biochronology could 
be related also with the placement of Tasso unit more close to the Middle 
Pleistocene boundary because of the appearance of Hippopotamus (C. GUERIN - 
pers. comm.). However the first appearance of this genus just in post-Olduvai time 
is possible especially having in mind the climathic stages - SCT 9 of ZUBAKOV & 
BORZENKOVA (1990) for the Tasso time (see the place of SCT9 - warming:- Fig. 1-2). 

The Olivola unit. These localities as a whole, (and Slivnitsa as well) are 
characterized by the existence of lots of Bovidae, together with Canis and also 
Panthera gombaszoegensis. The faunal list of the Macromammalia of the 
Matassino includes following species (after TORRE et al., 1993): 

CARNIVORA: Canis etruscus, 

PROBOSCIDEA: Mammuthus (Archidiskodon) meridionalis, 

PERISSODACTYLA: Equus stenonis, Dicerorhinus etruscus (found in the 

ARTIODACTYLA: Sus strozsii, Pseudodama nestii, Eucladoceros dicranios, 
Leptobos etruscus. 

The Faunal list of Olivola loc. is as follows (ALBERDI et al., 1998): 

CARNIVORA: Canis etruscus, Ursus etruscus, Enhydrictis ardea (i.e. 
Panonnictis ardea - nota М. 5.), Chasmaportetes lunensis, Pachycrocuta 
brevirostris, Homotherium crenatidens - H. ex. gr. latidens, Megantereon 
cultridens (i.e. М. megantereon - nota N.5.), 

?Acinonyx pardinensis, Lynx isstodorensis, Panthera gombaszoegensis 

PROBOSCIDEA: Mammutus meridionalis meridionalis 

PERISSODACTYLA: Stephanorhinus etruscus, Equus stenonis 

ARTIODACTYLA: Sus _ strozzii, Еибааосегоз dicranius _ olivolanus, 
Pseudodama nestii, Leptobos etruscus, Leptobos ex gr. merlae - L. furtivus, 
Gallogoral meneghinit, Procamptoceras brivatense 

This unit is generally related with the beginning of the Late Villafranchian 
(AZZAROLI, 1983; TORRE et al., 1992; 1996). Up to now the sites of Olivola Unit were 
placed just in the beginning of the Pleistocene, but recently this unit was placed 
just at the end of the Pliocene or on the Plio-Pleistocene boundary ( TORRE et al., 
1993; 1996; GLIozzI et al., 1997). According to the decisions of the XII INQUA 
Congress, the Neogene/Quaternary boundary should be placed a little later than 
the end of the Olduvai subchrone in the Vrica marine section. (Italy). The end of 
Olduvai is calculated at 1.65 Ma but recently at 1.78 (BAKSI, 1993; TORRE et al., 
1996) and the beginning of the pleistocene at са. 1.76 (BAKSI, 1993). Some modern 
investigations on the palaeomagnetism suggest that the boundary between the 
Middle- and the Late Villafranchian in Europe marked after correlation of the 
sediments from the Matassino locality in Italy (as a marker of the Late 
Villafranchian Beginning, being a typical locality from the Olivola unit) is 


situated in the upper portion of the Olduvai subchrone (Upper Pliocene), ог 
immediately after its end (the Beginning of Pleistocene) (TORRE et al., 1993; TORRE 
et al., 1996) This locality could be referred to the End of Olivola unit or to the 
transition between Olivola and Tasso units (GLIOZZI et al., 1997). 

Faunal and biochronological comparisons with Slivnitsa. Especially 
remarkable is the similarity of Slivnitsa megafauna (Table 1) with the fauna of 
Seneze (SpASSOV, 1997a; 1997b; 1998) The fauna of artiodactyls from Slivnitsa (for 
Bovidae determination - see SPASSOV & CREGUT-BONNOURE, 1999), as well as the 
presence of Canis and Panthera, suggests similarities with the localities from the 
Plio-Pleistocene boundary or the very Beginning of the Pleistocene - e.g. Olivola, 
Matassino (Olivola "Unit"). Therefore P. brevirostris existing for the first time in 
Europe in Olivola Unit is still not present in Slivnitsa, as it was mentioned above. 
At the same time tooth morphotypes of the Microtinae correspond to a stage of 
evolution which must be looked for close by the Plio-Pleistocene boundary, but 
earlier than this boundary: 1. Absence of Allophaiomys pliocaenicus, M. 
deucalion and Lagurus arankae, 2. Presence of an morphotype of Mimomys 
tornensis corresponding to a stage of evolution connected with the Plio- 
Pleistocene boundary but more exactly with the time before this boundary (V. 
Popov: Zool. Inst., Sofia - pers. communication). 

The prevailing hoofed mammals of open spaces (xerophytisation) suggest also 
that the fauna of Slivnitsa locality should have existed still before the Olduvaian 
warming, i.e. before the date 1.9 Ma and during the cooling known from Georgia 
as Meria (2,0-1,82/1,86 Ma ago) (ZUBAKOV & BORZENKOVA, 1990). 

So the Micromammalian data and the characteristics of the Macromammalian 
megafauna of Slivnitsa (predominance of Bovidae on Cervidae, presence of the 
genera of Panthera and Canis, presence of Hyaenidae but not of Pachycrocuta 
brevirostris) enable the establishing of rather narrow chronological boundaries of 
the time the locality's fauna should be referred to - just at the end of Pliocene, 
between the localities from the end of the MNQ17 (St.-Vallier, Chilhac) and those 
from the Plio-Pleistocene boundary (Olivola "Unit") (Fig. 1-2). Thus, the Slivnitsa 
locality should be placed into the Costa St. Giacomo unit and in SCT10. The zone 
MNQ18 should have started after 2,0 Ma. - in the end of Pliocene and not in the 
beginning of Pleistocene (see below). Slivnitsa must be placed at the beginning of 
this zone too (Fig. 1-2). If a nearly equal age of Slivnitsa and Seneze is accepted (in 
case of the pre-Olduvai interpretation of the Seneze age - see above), Slivnitsa 
could be somewhat older of both however: An old Hemitragus - Hemitragus 
sp.nov., is present in Slivnitsa. This is a species whose remains closely resemble 
the finds of that Genus in Villany 3 (SpAssov & CREGUT-BONNOURE 1999). Villany 3 
is referred to MNQ17, but it evidently envelopes a longer period (see below), so 
that several finds, including Hemitragus, correspond to the level of MNQ18's 
beginning and to С. 5. Giacomo unit (op. cit.). 


Several faunal resemblances (see, Canis, Panthera and the bovids) exist 
between Slivnitsa and Gerakarou (Greece). But Gerakarou could be something 
later in age than Slivnitsa (see next chapter), where P. brevirostris is not present 
in the fossil sample (about 1000 bones). (Fig. 2). 

II. 3. Biochronology of the Villafranchian in Europe. Specifying, 
addition and correlation of the biochronologic criteria concerning the 
Middle and Late Villafranchian 

Ап important circumstance by modern biozonation is the constant accumulation 
of new data about the composition and characteristics of the fauna, resulting in an 
outdating of the biochronologic criteria. Repeated suggestions were made recently 
to update the subdivisions of Villafranchian (KosTOPOULOS & KOUFOs, 1995; 
KOSTOPOULOS, 1996). Also, there are new efforts to update the chronology of Plio- 
Pleistocene mammal faunas (AZANZA et al., 1997). The biochronologic division of the 
West Mediterranean Plio-Pleistocene by those authors was based on multivariate 
analysis of faunal similarity and was an attempt to objectively define the boundaries 
of biotic events in the evolution of mammal faunistic associations in time. The 
general frameworks set by this analysis agree more or less with the existing 
concepts. Distinctions come when comparing the basic faunistic units of this new 
biochronologic scheme with the generally used Mammal units - those of MEIN 1975; 
1990 (with the contribution made by GUERIN 1982; 1990), those of the Italian school 
(AZZAROLI, 1977, TORRE et al., 1992 etc.), and those of AGusT! et al. (1987). Although 
the faunistic microunits C and D by AZANZA et al. (1997) reflect well the boundaries 
and stages of the main current faunistic events, they are not precise enough to 
clarify the details in the faunal evolution process. So, merging the Italian school's 
Olivola and Tasso units, if reasonable from the point of view of following the main 
stages of the faunas evolution, permits no detailed tracing of the successions. The 
difference between Olivola and Tasso after the latest existing species or genera 
(Chasmaportetes - Olivola), or after the first appearance by a number of 
Macromammaiia ("Leptobos" vallisarni, Hippopotamus, Canis falconeri etc. - Tasso 
unit), is obvious enough (see AZZAROLI, 1983; TORRE et al., 1992). 

Thus, despite this modern approach to the biochronology of mammal faunas, 
the "old" and more detailed "MNQ zones" and "faunal units" don't lose their 
meaning. Contrary to some opinions, those two different systems of 
biochronology could be successfully correlated. A complex method (MNQ 
zones/Faunal units) of Plio-Pleistocene biochronology would turn helpful for a 
more detailed study of Villafranchian successions and also for an after division of 
the Villafranchian and setting the boundaries of its stages. 

However, the effective use of the two methods is possible only after updating 
the definitions and boundaries of the MNQ zones and the faunal units concerning 


the Plio-Pleistocene having in mind the recent faunal data. 

An example of the necessity of updating could be given with the Villafranchian 
MN@Q-zones 17 - 19. These zones are of a special importance as far as they are 
connected with the evaluation of the faunal events on the Pliocene-Pleistocene 

1. The definition of zone MNQ19 (GUERIN, 1982; 1990) includes, for example, the 
appearance of Canis etruscus. This appearance is connected after TORRE et al, (1992) 
with the localities from the "Olivola unit", placed recently near the Plio-Pleistocene 
boundary (the age of the localities Olivola-Matassino has been estimated recently at 
са. 1.8 Ma., see TORRE, et al., 1996, GLIOZZI et al., 1997) (Fig. 1). We see, however, that 
this species enters Europe probably earlier, still in Slivnitsa (SPAssov, 1998). In fact, 
what is important here is not the appearance of this exact species, but something 
more - the so called "Canis event': the penetration in Europe of the wolf-like Canis 
(AZZAROLI, 1983; TURNER, 1992; ToRRE et al., 1992; Воок & TORRE, 1996). That event is 
obviously earlier than Olivola (and Seneze?) after the Slivnitsa data and should be 
connected with the final Pliocene. 

С. "senezensis", found in Seneze, which has large diastemae between the 
premolars could be referred to С. arnensis, resembling the latter also after its size. 
Indeed, C. arnensis was not found until recently earlier than Tasso (Italy), but 
Kouros (1987) has announced it from Gerakarou (Greece). The age of the 
Gerakarou locality, where Pachycrocuta brevirostris is present as well, is probably 
at the boundary between Seneze and Olivola units (see below). All that suggests 
that the appearance of C. etruscus and the "Canis event" in general should now be 
placed in the definition of the MNQ18 zone. 

2. At the same time, the definition of the MNQ18 includes also the appearance 
of Allophaiomys pliocaenicus, Procamptoceras, Megalovis. Now we know that А. 
pliocaenicus invaded Europe ca. 1,6 Ma ago. This is a time considerably later 
than the time of the appearance of С. eftruscus and Caniss.str. in general, as well 
as the time of appearance of Procamptoceras and Megalovis after the recent 
data. Procamtoceras is already established also in MNQ17 (DUVERNOIS & GUERIN, 
1989), and, affer the investigations in Varshets, Megalovis was inhabit Europe 
also since MNQ17 (SpAssov & CREGUT-BONNOURE, 1999; SPASSOV, 1997а). 

The fauna characteristic for Costa St. Giacomo Unit of GLIozzI et al. (1997) 
(="Seneze" faunal unit of TORRE et al.,1992) is a Pliocene (Final Pliocene) one. 
Nevertheless, the "physiognomic" differences between the faunas of the "St.- 
Vallier (including Varshets) Unit" and of the "C. st. Giacomo Unit" (including 
Slivnitsa) are greater than the differences between the latter faunal unit and 
the faunas from Late Pliocene boundary and the beginning of Pleistocene 
(Olivola - Matassino), The aridification, having taken place in the period 
between St.-Vallier/Varshets and C. St. Giacomo/Slivnitsa, has resulted in the 
above mentioned intensive penetration of Bovidae (Caprinae) and of the open 
spaces carnivores, such as the modern wolf-like Canis ex gr. etruscus and C. 




Localities & Faunal Units 


пи e@Venta Мкепа 
1.59 = 
Г] ?Зепеге 
1.78 Olivola 
| Late 
ива Villafranchian 6 
ш Е 
2 1.90 8 
le 25 Slivnitsa | 
ols O?Seneze @ Slivnitsa 5 
о| < и 
Vee a ARAL а бозез ван Забнзбонавовев о 
ае 2.00--- <<< «се de eee P. de Valverde е 
|- 1 
< ® st.-vallier АА V 
= @6Chilhas | 5 
Le Соире!| 5 
2.23 Middle 
с Villafranchian Varshets 
= < 
en МЕНЕЕ Wejcraibis afd Е ДЕЛИ ЗА aiaia a Па 
2.47 @ Etouaires 
Lu т- 
= in е Montopoli 
о 5 © Early 
- | « 2.64 Zz Villafranchian 
5 = 

Fig. 1. - Biochronology of the Villafranchian localities of W. Europe. Correlation of the cli- 
matic and faunal events (after Spassov, 1997-a ; 1997b; 1997c, with additions and modi- 
fications): Column I - Geochronology, Absolute age and magnetostrarigraphy; Column II 
- Climatic stratigrafic subdivision (superclimathemes - SCT) of Zubakov & Borzenkova 
with minor modifications. Column III - Mammalian biozones of Guerin; Column IV - The 
Villafranchian subdivision; Column V - Major localities and the Faunal Units of Azzaroli 
- Gliozzi et al. 1997 (see the text). For the controversal position of Seneze - see the text. 


БИ ETS) Ga МЫ] у 
SCT Villafranchian S.-E. Europe 
Localities & Faunal Units 

1.00 -------4---- nee panne eee nnneeee, 
1.10 Sandalja - 1 
г 1.17 = "Final 
Ва ры Villafranchian" 
($) же 5 
на и Apollonia 
=e > о 
ш Е 
i; 1.40 = A 
a. а 
е = 
5 2 
> ТА з 
- > е 
oc 5 
< 1.59-———,_......].. EO, Bide tig АН 
uw — 
Ф а 
в er т Saar - 
ty Fintinalui Mitilan 
1.78 Olivola_ unit 
> 0 1.82 Сегакагои 
= Valea Graunceanului Е 
й 190M лом. Dealul Mijlociu 8 
Slivnitsa Е 
La Pietris a 
Cooling ез Досе eee. ea ча 
2.0.0 a = eee ee eee eee Volaks 
Dafnero - 1 
Valea Roscai = 
с 5 
= Middle 7 
Ш 2.23 Villafranchian 2 
Varshets > 
Е о 
= [7] 
= 12 = < 
2.40 ---- << а ф<- << ЕТ: .. 

Fig. 2. Biochronology of the Villafranchian localities of 5-Е. Europe. Correlation of Ше cli- 
matic and faunal events (after Spassov, 1998 , with additions and modifications. (The 
explanations as in Fig. 1). 

P.S. The biochronologic positions of localities as Roccaneyra, Varshets, La Pietris, D. 
Milociu, Apollonia & Sandalja 1 are presented within probable ranges. 


"senezensis" and Panthera gombaszoegensis. The general outlook of this more 
"steppe" fauna becomes just confirmed in the period between C. St. giacomo 
and Gerakarou/Olivola by the appearance of some species (e.g. of 
Pachycrocuta brevirostris). (Indeed, P. brevirostris is found in the Hapry faunal 
Complex of the Sea of Azov region - South Russia, whose age is referred to the 
beginning of MNQ17. Its presence there, however, could by a result of: 1. The 
direct contact with Asia; 2. The possible presence of younger layers (SOTNIKOVA 
et al., 1998)). 

Seneze remaining the type locality of MNQ18 (GUERIN, 1982) we can attach to 
this zone also the localities from the Plio-Pleistocene boudary - such as Olivola - 
creating the subzone of MNQ18-b (appearance of P. brevirostris - see MASINI & 
TORRE, 1990) (Fig. 1). In the MNQ18-al we could place the Pre-Olduvai localities, 
with their physiognomy determined by species adapted to a more arid 
environment. In the MNQ18-a2 could be placed the Pre-Olivola localities (see Fig. 
1-2) corresponding to the Olduvai subchrone, with a fauna requiring a more 
humid climate again. As a result, we can correlate the "Costa St. Giacomo unit" 
of Italian school with the first phase of Guerin's MNQ18 (=MNQ18a of this 
paper). Thus the MNQ18a (=C. St. Giacomo unit) would include a drier initial 
period - MNQ18-al (=SCT10 of Zubakov et Borzenkova - cooling) and a more 
humid final period - MNQ18-a2 ( = Olduvai episode, = SCT9 firs phase - warming). 
(maybe not only the MNQ-zones but also some of the boundaries of the SCT-zones 
- e.g. SCT9's boundaries - need to be updated). 

The opinion that the Late Villafranchian starts from the very beginning of the 
Pleistocene sounds plausible and is broadly accepted (MASINI & Товве, 1990). It 
seems although that it is not exactly the case. Several facts show that the 
beginning of some typically Late Villafranchian phenomena have started yet in 
the End of Pliocene. Indeed the considerations mentioned above on Slivnitsa and 
Gerakarou fauna permit some new statements concerning the faunal changes to 
be suggested: faunal events usually considered typical for the beginning of 
Pleistocene in Europe (BONIFAY, 1990; TURNER, 1992) start in fact as early as the 
end of the Pliocene, especially in the eastern regions of the continent. Such 
phenomena are, for instance, the obvious development of the Bovidae (Caprinae) 
faunas and their prevalence over Cervidae, as well as the migration from the East 
(S-East) of the Panthera and Canis genera on the continent (see below). The find 
of Canis in Slivnitsa gives the explanation of the possible Early Pliocene 
appearance of Canis s. str. in the Seneze locality and could be an argument 
supporting the statement that the faunal composition in this French locality is 
rather homogenous. The beginning of the Late Villafranchian could be placed not 
in the Pleistocene's beginning but in the end of the Pliocene (zone MNQ18a = C. 
St. Giacomo unit, with localities like Slivnitsa) (Fig. 1-2). 


II. 4. The problem of the correlation of the Western and Eastern 
European Villafranchian and biochronology of the localities from the 
adjacent territories 

It was already noted that there is a logical tendency to correlate 
strtigraphically the biocomplexes in Eastern and South Eastern Europe and even 
in Central Asia with those earlier defined in W-Europe by using the same 
biostratigraphic criteria. The use of locally created criteria over much vaster 
territories, however, might cause some mistakes. Also disputable are the various 
methods of biozonating created (see the analysis in GUERIN, 1990). Some of the 
main problems of biozonating concern the temps and synchronization of the 
variability of the faunas, as well as the related question of the zoogeographic 
particularities of the local faunas. 

We have to note that the rate of faunal changes is different with: 

1. occupation of new environmental territories; 

2. migrations and spreading of the faunas over new territories which propose 
the same or similar living conditions. The latter are usually at a specific or 
subspecific level (SpAssov, 1997 с). 

Casus 1. The occupation of new territories with an environment different from 
that typical for the taxa takes place in global natural changes associated with a 
considerable growing of certain biomes, or even with a creation of new ones. The 
settlement of new territories in such cases is based on pre-adaptation and is 
connected with an evolution of the taxa in time (usually on supraspecific level). 
Such a penetration into the new environment cannot happen instantly and is 
usually connected with new aromorphic accomodations and an impetus to the 
morphologic evolution of the groups. Such is the case, for example, with the 
aridification of N-America and C. Asia starting in the end of Eocene and actively 
continuing during the Oligocene. Those changes have given an impetus to the 
development of a number of "cursorial" Tapiroidea and Rhinocerotoidea, 
invading into the savanna from a forestal environment. Such type of distribution 
is slow enough and well detected by the geological annals. 

Casus 2. Such distributions, associated mostly with the spacial adaptive 
radiation, usually do not result in evolutionary changes or changes on a 
supraspecific level. In this case it is almost not necessary for the species and 
faunas to accomodate towards the new living conditions, so in fact they simply 
enlarge their areals. This happens with forest species when a new deforestation 
has taken place, or with steppe species after an aridification of the climate or after 
the disappearance of a geographic barrier (e.g. formation of landbridge between 
two mainlands separated by water). In this case the distribution is rather fast - in 
fact instant from the point of view of geologic events (VANGENHEIM, 1977; FLYNN et 
al., 1984). The "dispersal events" of the Villafranchian faunas over the territories 
of today's Palaearctics should be referred to that case. 


Thus, the use of the zonation criteria of the Neogene-Quaternary, including 
the W-Europe Villafranchian for the whole continent and even for still vaster 
territories, is possible. However, the following should be had in mind: 

Considerable differences are possible when comparing distant territories 
because of: 1. Existence of local faunas; 2. Penetration of certain species in the 
Eastern or Southern regions of Europe only (not so rapid dispersal of certain 
species, especially rodents is also rather possible. Such kind of relatively slow 
invasion could be accompanied by an asynchrony, if even slight, in the existence 
of the same species in W and E. Europe); 3. Retreat of the faunas and their relict 
existence in certain places long after their disappearance in vast territories. 

Examples of such differences are numerous. 50 in the recent fauna of S-E 
Europe, Mesocricetus newtoni, Cricetulus migratorius, Talpa levantis, Mustela 
eversmanni, Vormela peregusna etc., existed during the whole Holocene, without 
penetrating to the West. New data shows (KosSTOPOULOS, 1996;1998; KOSTOPOULOS 
- in press) that the Villafranchian Bovidae fauna of Greece includes forms known 
particularly from the Circumpontic zone and Fore Asia, but not from the other 
regions of Europe; The Cervidae species from the Late Villafranchian of Italy are 
taxonomically quite different from those of Spain and France (see HEINTZ, 1970; 
AZZAROLI, 1983); Nyctereutes disappears in Europe as early as the end of Pliocene 
or the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary . At the same time, in neighbouring to 
Europe palaearctic territories such as Palestine, this genus exists up to the End 
of Pleistocene (today it exist in natural conditions only in the Ussuri region); 
Megantereon also disappears in most of the territory of Europe (as already noted) 
as early as the very Beginning of the Pleistocene However, (see above) this genus 
survived in the Mediterraneum - Apollonia, Greece and Farneta to Pirro unit, 
Italy, Spain (TURNER, 1992; KouFos et al., 1995; GLIOzzI et al., 1997) - almost up to 
the End of the Early Pleistocene (the End of Late Villafranchian). The genus 
survived in Asia probably to the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene (WERDELIN 
& TURNER, 1996). Similar examples are also the existence of the lion in the 
Holocene only in SE-Europe, as well as the retreat of the leopard from Europe, 
and its surviving in the Holocene of the continent only in Caucasus. 

П. 5. The biochronology of the Villafranchian localities in South- 
Eastern Europe 

The problem of precise biochronology of Villafranchian in SE-Europe could be 
elucidated by comparison of the faunas existing there with those of the well 
known Central, and above all, West European localities. The reason is, the 
biostratigraphical criteria have been created namely on the base of their 
relatively high level of investigation in those regions. Some views concerning the 
biostratigraphy of some of the principal localities of W-European Villafranchian 


have been cited above. 

Concerning the analysis of some of the localities in SE-Europe it is worth 
discussing the biostratigraphy of the well known Central European 
Villafranchian localities near Villany. 

Villany 3-5, Hungary 

The Plio-Pleistocene localities near Villany became famous all over the world 
thanks to the meticulous and rather contributive investigations carried out by a 
number of researchers (KORMOS, 1937; KRETZOI, 1956; JANOSSYy, 1986). It is not 
accidental that the biostratigraphic concept "Villanian" is broadly used in many 
investigations аз an equivalent of "Villafranchian". The stratigraphic position of 
the localities Villany-3 and Villany-5 is of certain importance for the present 
study. These two localities are practically equal in age, the second one maybe a 
little bit closer to the present time - see JANOsSy (1986), and some authors 
(MONTUIRE, 1994) estimate the age of Villany-5 at ca. 1,8 Ma. The modern 
faunistic lists of these localities are presented by JANNOsy (1986). The first of them 
- Villany-3 (= Villany-Kalkberg-Nord) is the richer one. After the broadly 
accepted opinion, its fauna belongs to the St.-Vallier Unit - zone MN17 of Mein 
(BRUIJN et al., 1992)p i.e. - to the Middle Villafranchian. It should be noted, 
however, that this zone in fact includes Ше ММО17-18 zones in Guerin's 
interpretation, i.e. Late Pliocene up to its end (incl. the beginning of the late 
Villafranchian). Here we could place the Seneze unit, too, as it was already said. 
A proper question is if Villany-3 is limited by St.-Vallier unit, or concerns later 
faunal events as the Seneze unit (MNQ18 sensu Guerin), i.e. MNQ 18-a after the 
biozonation suggested in this work. 

JANNOSY (1986) does not close Villany-3 in narrow frames and places it 
chronologically in the time between 2 and 1.5 Ma ago, Supporting that suggestion 
of JANOSSY (op.cit.), RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990) also note that the fossil bearing 
layers in Villany 3 are probably corresponding to a rather long period of time, 
with more than one faunal associations included there. The rather complicated 
geology of that karst locality appears to confirm such an opinion. Indeed, a 
number of forms listed in the locality - "Leo cf. gombaszoegensis", "Canis 
mosbachensis' (= С. etruscus), Vulpes (?) praecorsac, etc. - probably suggest ап 
age not earlier, and maybe even somewhat later than Seneze and Slivnitsa (see 
corresponding Chapter above for more detailed information about the migrations 
of Canis s.str. and Р. gombaszoegensis). The teeth of Hemitragus from Villany 
(Villany 3 ? - see JANOSSY, 1986: Hemitragus cf. bonali), kept in the old collections, 
are identical with the teeth from Slivnitsa (SpASsov & CREGUT-BONNOURE (1999)). 
Probably we have there fossils of similar age/taxon, which could be connected 
with the migrations from the East during the cooling in the superclimatheme 
SCT10 of Zubakov et Borzenkova (see Fig. 2). 


Southeasthern Europe 

Romania: The Villafranchian fauna from the Oltet valley (Oltenia) 

Some of the most interesting Villafranchian localities in Romania are 
concentrated in the regions of Tetoiu and Irimesti, the Oltet valley, and represent 
a successive Villafranchian fauna whose biostratigraphic state has been precisely 
analyzed by RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990; 1995). If comparing the Oltet sites with 
Varshets and Slivnitsa and having in mind the biostratigraphy discussed above, 
the localities from the lower horizon of Tetoiu and from the middle horizon of 
Tetoiu and Irimesti are of a special interest (Fig. 2). 

RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990) conclude that the lower horizon could be 
correlated with the upper section of the MN17 zone of Mein (the Saint-Vallier 
zone). We have to stress again, however, that the MN17 zone includes both 
MNQ17 + MNQ18 zones (sensu Guerin). Or, the MN17 zone includes both the St.- 
Vallier unit and localities from the very End of Pliocene - later than St.-Vallier 
unit and with different faunal features: the Seneze unit (MNQ18-a in our 
interpretation) (Fig 1-2). The statement of RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990) could 
finally be interpreted as follows: the Lower Villafranchian horizon in the Oltet 
valley probably includes the End of MNQ17 and the localities later from St.- 
Vallier ( the final phase of the Pliocene). We could also accept that conclusion. 
The latter could be confirmed and specified by comparing those Oltenian sites 
with Varshets and Slivnitsa having in mind our concept of the MNQ18 zone. 

A. Lower horizon (Tetoiu region). The stratigraphy of the lower horizon of 
Tetoiu reveals the following succession of the localities with Villafranchian 
mammal fauna (see RADULESCO & SAMSON, 1990): Valea Roscai ( the earliest one); 
La Рейв; Valea Graunceanului. 

Most probably, Valea Roscai is approximatively corresponding to the level of 
the St.-Vallier locality. M. (Archidiskodon) meridionalis shows there some 
primitive teeth features (RADULESCO & SAMSON, op. cit.). 

The later locality from that horizon - LA PIETRIS - shows the presence of 
several Villafranchian forms which disappear in Europe before the beginning of 
Pleistocene - Nyctereutes megamastoides. We must therefore accept that the 
locality is earlier than the Olivola unit, where the raccoon-dog has already 
disappeared. As it was already noted, the beginning of that biochronologic unit is 
situated in the very beginning of Pleistocene or most probably at the very end of 
Pliocene(i.e. at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary). Pliotragus ardeus is present in La 
Pietris, and horses prevail over deer - an indication of a more arid landscape. All 
these facts and especially the last one give reason an age similar to that of La 
Puebla to be proposed; i.e. the same age as that of the Mid/Late Villafranchian 
boundary (the SCT11/SCT10 boundary), or more probably, that of Slivnitsa - 
SCT10 (= MNQ18-a) (Fig. 2). 


УАГЕА GRAUNCEANULUI. The Villafranchian raccoon-dog is still present 
here which shows that the locality is still a Pliocene one. The fauna of the locality 
includes also Pliotragus ardeus and Papio (Paradolichopithecus) arvernensis 
geticus. It is worth noting that the co-existence of these two forms is typical for 
MNQ18-a (sensu the biostratigraphy proposed in this study) (i.e. the Costa St. 
Giacomo unit). However, Valea Graunceanului seems to be a locality later than 
Slivnitsa (a presumption made also by RADULESCO & SAMSON, 1990 concerning 
Seneze, in the pre-Olduvai understanding of the age of this site). Thus V. 
Graunceanului appears to be later than MNQ18-al due to following reasons: the 
deer prevail over the other hoofed mammals, and, at the same time, Castoris also 
presented there. This not only indicates biotopes more humid and forestal than 
those of La Pietris, but also a biostratigraphic position later than La Pietris. 
Valea Graunceanului should be placed within the frames of the Olduvai episode. 
We could separate it in MNQ18-a2, an age corresponding to the age of the 
superclimatheme SCT9 of Zubakov et Borzenkova. This superclimatheme differs 
from SCT10 by a new warming (Fig. 2). 

B. Middle horizon (regions of Tetoiu and Irimesti). The localities from 
this horizon (e.g. Fintinalui Mitilan - Fig. 2) show some faunistic elements which 
have appeared during the Seneze unit (Cervalces gallicus), but they are obviously 
later (probably - Early Pleistocene) because of the presence of Pachicrocuta 
brevirostris and Trogontherium boisvilletti. After RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990) 
these localities are later than Olivola too and of equal age with Tasso due to the 
absence of Anancus. Indeed, such a conclusion appears to be the most probable 
but recently the last Anancus (from Costa 5. Giacomo) is placed not in Olivola 
Е.О. but something earlier. It is possible also that in the East European habitats 
with more steppe conditions this species could be already replaced by the 
Elephantidae, Another explanation of the lack of Anancus could be its rarity in 
this period, i.e. the lesser probability to be found: only 3-4 species of 
Macromammalia have been discovered in each of these two Romanian localities. 
With this note, we could suggest an approximate age of the localities from the 
Middle horizon - from Olivola to Tasso unit. 

The republic of Croatia: 

THE LOCALITY OF SANDALJA I. The locality of Villafranchian mammal fauna 
was investigated by MALEz (1975), who evaluates the latter as being typical for 
the Middle and Late Villafranchian. He also suggests that the fauna there should 
belong to the earliest Pleistocene. From the viewpoint of the current data and 
notions we could define the general appearance of the faunal complex as Late to 
Final Villafranchian, and most probably, the end of the Early Pleistocene (i.e. 
Post MNQ18a). This suggestion is determined by the presence of such forms as 
Canis etruscus, Oryctolagus, Leptobos and "Dama" nestii. The species 


determination of Leptobos аз 1. "stenometopon", i.e. L. elatus should be revised 
because of the modern conception of this genus taxonomy, as far as this form is 
relatively early and does not correspond to the Final Villafranchian appearance 
of the locality as a whole. Judging from the frequent appearance of Е. stenonis 
and Leptobos on the one hand, and of Sus 7022 Ursus and Cervidae on the 
other, the existence of a forest-steppe landscape and a moderate, relatively mild 
climate could be supposed (with existence of Macaca, Oryctolagus, "Dama " 
nestil, Francolinus). 

Similar to Dealui Mijlociu in Romania, the locality of Sandalja draws the 
attention with the remains of very ancient Homo - one incisor and a rather 
primitive stone tool of the "chopper" type. Due to that, the precision of that 
locality's dating is of a special significance. 

A certain problem by the site dating is caused by the remains of the Ursus 
genus there. On the one hand, the simultaneous existence of three species - U. 
etruscus, "Г. mediterraneus" (i.e. U. gr. minimus - tibetanus) and U. cf. deningeri 
- is dubious. The latter form (determined after one tooth fragment), on the other 
hand, is a species appearing not earlier than the very Beginning of Middle 
Pleistocene (ca. one million years ago - see in MAZZA & RUSTIONI, 1994). An 
infiltration of later material in a locality of Villafranchian fossils could be 
supposed, but there are no proofs at all for such an assumption at the moment, 
all the more that the fauna there appears (with the exception of U. cf. deningert) 
homogeneous and of same age. Having in mind the insufficiency of this find, a 
certain subjectivity in its determination cannot be excluded (note also the 
uncertain determination - U. "cf." deningert). 

Nevertheless, the discussed taxonomic situation concerning the Ursus Genus, 
gives reason for a motivated suggestion from the point of view of the newest 
taxonomic analyses. The discovery of bear remains allowing the differentiation of 
the three forms cited above resembles the situation of Vallonnet, France (age 0.98- 
091 Ma.), and that of Pirro (Italy), with a probable age more than one Ма. (included 
in the Farnetta unit, after TORRE et al., 1992 or in the new "Pirro" unit after GLIOZZ! 
et al., 1997). The bears from Vallonet show, after MAZZA & RUSTIONI (1994), mixed 
features of both U. denningeri and И. arctos (5. lato). These authors, at the same 
time, quote the fact that other researchers see there a presence also of U. etruscus 
- aspecies which should have disappeared earlier. The bear in Vallonet in fact shows 
a transitive state of evolution. The bear remains in Pirro also show some similarity 
with U. etruscus, but also a greater similarity with И. arctos (s. lato) (MAZZA & 
RUSTIONI, 1994). The distinction of "three" different forms in Sandalja I could quite 
probably be an indication of a similar stage of evolution. This circumstance, 
considered in the context of the faunal complex as a whole, makes possible to give 
this Croatian locality a likely age of approx. 1.2-1.0 Ma, and more exactly, somewhat 
more than one million years cf. Pirro unit (sensu Силой et al., 1997). 



A considerable number of localities of Villafranchian age have recently 
become known in Greece. Here we shall discuss some of the main localities from 
the Greek part of Macedonia (N-Greece), which are directly connected with the 
question about the Varshets and the Slivnitsa age, or are especially well known 
and discussed. 

DAFNERO-1. The first report about this locality was recently published by 
Kouros et al. (1991). In this preliminary description the authors estimate its age 
as Middle-Late Villafranchian. Later Koufos and Kostopoulos specified the status 
of Dafnero-1 in a number of papers (Косьо, 1993; KoUrOs & KOSTOPOULOS, 1993; 
1997; KostopouLos & Kouros 1994; KosropouLos, 1996). They placed it in the 
MNQ17 zone (= St.-Vallier unit) on the base of the similarity of the carnivores 
and, above all, of the horse and some Artiodactyla from the Greek locality with 
those from La Puebla, St.-Vallier and some other localities from that zone. 

The giraffe Mitilanotherium (=Macedonitherium) known from Greece, 
Romania, Turkey and Tadjikistan, is one of the interesting faunal peculiarities of 
that Greek locality. Greece and Romania are so far the only European countries 
whose fauna contains with certainty giraffes from such a late time - the 
Villafranchian. Evidently, by the end of Pliocene those forms were typical for SE- 
Europe as an Asian element, because of the strongly thinned forestal vegetation 
of Ше "Tree-Savanna" type. RADULESCO & SAMSON (1990) see a great similarity 
and even a probable identity between the Mitilanotherium described from 
Romania, and the Macedonitherium from Greece. That opinion was confirmed by 
Козторосъов (1996), who considers Macedonitherium a junior synonym of 
Mitilanotherium. In Asia the Genus is known from the Middle Villafranchian of 
Guliazi and Kuruksay (KostorouLos, 1996). The Romanian Mitilanotherium 
inexpectatum seemingly occurs in the time, defined by the zones MNQ18 and 19, 
as noted above. It is possible however, that Mitilanotherium martini from Greece 
is earlier, existing in the End of MNQ17 and probably surviving up to the MNQ18 
(in Libakos, Greece, it is found together with Canis: KoUros & KosTOPOULOS, 
1993). It should also be noted that Nyctereutes megamastoides from Dafnero-1 is 
quite different from the Varshets one. At the same time, it differs also from the 
form known from St.-Vallier and La Puebla de Valverde - much more omnivorous, 
i.e. more evolved regarding the main tendency for that genus. If the form from 
Greece and that from France/Spain lived simultaneously, then what we are 
dealing with here are clear geographic (subspecific) differences in the dimensions 
and the frequency of appearance of the different teeth morphotypes. 

Having in mind those features of the Dafnero-1 fauna we could place it 
somewhat later than Varshets, i.e. in the second half (the end?) of the MNQ17 
zone, which actually confirms the pinion of the Greek researchers. 


УОГАК$ (VOLAKAS). The locality was described as early аз the 60s аз an Early 
Pleistocene (Villafranchian) one (SICKENBERG, 1968) and is broadly known now. 
The species mentioned by different authors are typical for the Middle and the first 
part of the Late Villafranchian (MNQ17-MNQ18): Vulpes sp., Nyctereutes 
megamastoides, Megantereon megantereon, Lynx issiodorensis, Mitilanotherium 
тагипи, Eucladoceros senezensis, "Cervus" philisi, Croizetoceros ramosus, cf. ? 
Leptobos, Gazellospira cf. torticornis, Gallogoral meneghinii sickenbergii, Gazella 
зр., Equus stenonis aff. игей (in our opinion, the upper premolar -P4 described by 
Sickenberg as a "new" ursid - Bosdagius felinus, is most probably a hyaena milk- 
tooth). Although quite rich in forms, the fauna of Volaks does not contain that 
many significant species to characterize more precise biostratigraphic boundaries 
and to determine exactly Ше fauna's age as Middle or Late Villafranchian. KOUFOS 
& KOsTOPOULOS (1993) consider that fauna as Mid/Late Villafranchian one. In the 
later papers of these authors (KosToPOULOS & KouFos, 1994; КОЗТОРО\Т.0$, 1996; 
KoOsTOPOULOS, 1997; Kouros & VLACHOU, 1998), Ше age is more precisely 
determined, although with some hesitation - Middle Villafranchian (MNQ17). 
These authors' reasons for such a conclusion are: 

1. The artiodactyls from the two above-mentioned localities are rather similar. 
This statement also concerns the association Mitilanotherium-Gallogoral- 
Nyctereutes, existing in Dafnero too (i.e. in the Middle Villafranchian), but yet 
unknown from the Late Villafranchian of Greece; 

2. The horse from Volaks appears to be similar to that from Dafnero. 

All the cited arguments of the Greak researchers seem logical and acceptable. 
We could also try to specify the biostratigraphic state of the Volaks locality, 
noting some more of its faunistic features: 

1. It is quite possible that Gazella sp. from Volaks is identical with G. 
bouvrainae described from Gerakarou (KOSTOPOULOS, 1996; KOSTOPOULOS & 
ATHANASSIOU, 1997; KosTOPOULOS, 1997)(see below the biostratigraphy of that 
locality). It seems (С. bouvrainae occurred MNQ17 but also MNQ18. 

2. Mitilanotherium of SE-Europe is connected with the second half of MNQ17 
and with MNQ18-19 (as already noted). 

Those circumstances, although unable to determine more emphatically the 
chronological position of that locality, are nevertheless an indication that it 
represents a Middle Villafranchian fauna of a transitive, quite late type. Similarly 
to La Puebla, the locality could be placed at the MNQ17-MNQ18 boundary or 
immediately before it (Fig. 2). 

GERAKAROU (GERAKAROU 1). The macrommal fauna of the locality is rich. 
The new species Parastrepsiceros koufosi (KOSTOPOULOS, 1998) described there is 
a quite interesting and as it seems relict form. (It would be interesting to 
investigate the affinities of that form to the E-European-Asian Caproryx ). The 
placing of this locality before Seneze ( MADE VAN der, 1996) does not seem to 


correspond to the facts. KostopouLos & Kouros (1994) point out that in the 
typical for the Middle-Late Villafranchian fauna of Europe Eucladoceros-Cervus- 
Croizetocerus association existing in the locality, the first and the last forms seem 
to be more evolved than the corresponding ones from Seneze. These authors 
suggest for the locality an age similar to that of Seneze or between Seneze and 
Olivola -the last opinion seems to be quite acceptable. 

Somewhat later Козторошьов (1996) studied in details Ше artiodactyls from Ше 
locality, finding a similarity between Eucladoceros senezensis and its subspecific form 
from Seneze, and also between the Leptobos from Gerakarou and the forms known 
from Seneze and from the Early Pleistocene of Italy. This author confirms the 
statement made above that Gerakarou is situated in the late MNQ18: sensu 
KOSTOPOULOS (1996) this is the time between Seneze and Olivola. This biostratigraphic 
state is underlined once again in the latest paper of KoUFOs & Козторошов (1997). 

There are reasons for a further support of this thesis on the base of the data from 
Slivnitsa and the biostratigraphic statements already expressed in the present work: 

1. The carnivores from Gerakarou show a great similarity to those from 
Slivnitsa (i.e. to the C. St. Giacomo Unit level): Two species of Canis (as probably 
in Slivnitsa?) - Canis etruscus, C. arnensis and also Panthera gombaszoegensis 
are presented in the Greek locality (KoUFOs, 1987; 1992; Копков et al., 1995). It 
was already mentioned above that this carnivore association is being connected 
with the time of the migrations from the East towards Europe typical for the Plio- 
Pleistocene boundary. Thus, this is an association typical for the Pleistocene 
beginning and the Early Pleistocene, which was considered so far not earlier than 
the Olivola unit. A statement was proposed in this paper that in the 
Mediterranean (especially the eastern ?) of Europe this group of species enters as 
early as the C. St. Giacomo unit (incl. Slivnitsa ) (see above). Broadly accepted is 
the opinion that С. arnensis (presented in Gerakarou together with С. etfruscus) 
appears in Europe later (in the Tasso unit) than C. etruscus. Maybe this does not 
correspond to the reality because C. "senezensis" from Seneze seems to be 
identical with C. arnensis (see SPASSOV, 1998). We have to note that in Slivnitsa 
(where fragmentary remains of C. etruscus are presented) there are also single 
finds dimensionally resembling C. arnensis. However, the Pachycrocuta 
brevirostris occurring in Gerakarou is absent in Slivnitsa which could turn to be 
one of the main differences here, bearing in mind that this species is a marker of 
the Olivola unit (i.e. of the boundary MNQ18-a/MNQ18-b: in Europe see Fig. 1-2). 

2. The horse from Gerakarou and that from Slivnitsa show a number of 
common features. Anyway, the two populations are not identical and it seems 
that this similarity is not a result of a very close phylogenetic relationship, but 
rather of a similar level of development; it suggests a probable relative proximity 
in chronological aspect. ; 

3. The two localities are similar also in the great abundance of Bovidae, what in 
fact is typical for the time after St.-Vallier unit. The taxonomic composition of the 


bovid fauna and of the artiodactyls as a whole is оп the other hand quite different 
(see in Gerakarou - Leptobos cf. etruscus, Leptobos sp., Gazella bouvrainae, 
Parastrepsiceross koufosi, and also Sus зо: KOSTOPOULOS, 1996; 1998). 

Having in mind all these faunistic peculiarities and especially the presence of 
Pachycrocuta brevirostris in Gerakarou we could suggest that the age of this 
locality is somewhat later than the age of Slivnitsa - probably corresponding to the 
boundary between Costa St. Giacomo unit and Olivola unit. After our MNQ zones 
deffinition the Greek locality of Gerakarou could be placed just in the beginning of 
MNQ18-b (before Olivola), or on the MNQ18-a2-MNQ18-b boundary (Fig. 2). 

APOLLONIA 1. This locality deserves a special interest from the aspect of the 
study and characterization of the Final-Villafranchian faunas (the End of Early . 
Pleistocene) and the boundary with the Middle Pleistocene ones. The locality is 
of a special interest also because of its zoogeographic position - in a zone of 
migrations from the East. The very rich and specific fauna of the locality and its 
biostratigraphic status are an object of analysis in the last years. Especially 
characteristic and indicative forms are Canis apollonensis Koufos & Kostopoulos, 
1997, Meles dimitrius, "Baranogale cf. пето", Megantereon megantereon, 
Bison (Eobison) sp., Praeovibos sp., Pontoceros ambiguus mediterraneus 
KosTOPOULOS, 1996, Soergelia brigittae KOSTOPOULOS, 1996, Caprinae gen. sp. 
indet. - most probably migrants from Asia. (The Caprinae indet have elongated 
limb bones and Ovis-like phallangs and it is possibly an Ovis species (?) - person. 
observations in the Coll. Of the Univ. of Thessaloniki). This fauna is considered 
as representative for the latest Villafranchian in SE-Europe, probably similar in 
age to Venta Micena (Spain), as well as to Farneta (Italy), and also corresponding 
to the MNQ20 zone (Kouros & Козторопьов, 1994; 1997; 1997a; KOUFOS et al., 
1995; KOSTOPOULOS, 1996; Козтогойгов, in print). (It should also be noted that 
here is meant the classic concept of Farneta Unit's position: see TORRE et al., 
1992; after this concept Pirro is included in the Farneta Unit. In the new paper 
by Спог et al. (1997) Pirro is considered a separate, later unit). 

In Apollonia's fauna, some of the earliest finds of several genera in Europe are 
discovered - as especially Bison (Eobison) sp., and also relict populations from 
some genera like Megantereon for example. The latter genus is considered to have 
already disappeared in the central parts of the continent in the very beginning of 
Pleistocene (WOLSAN, 1993). In the Early Pleistocene this genus is obviously rare in 
Europe, and only in the Mediterranean it survives until the end of the Early 
Pleistocene. It seems the latest finds are known from Cueva Victoria (Spain), 
Farneta to Pirro Unit and, obviously, Apollonia (TURNER, 1992; KouFos et al., 1995; 
GLIOZZI et al., 1997). Typical local forms in Apollonia are the characteristic and 
very large "Baranogale' and the new species Canis apollonensis. Especially 
interesting is the discovering of forms, typical for the North and the East Pontic 
region (e.g. Pontoceros ambiguus), suggesting most probably an Asia Minor 


influence. This bovid was described after materials from the Early/Middle 
Pleistocene deposits (layers with Late Odessian - Psecupian, Tamanian and 
Tiraspolian types of faunas) from the North Pontic region and Georgia 
(УЕВЕЗНСНАСИМ et al., 1971). It seems this form had its maximal distribution in the 
Late Apsheron - the Tamanian complex (ALEKSEEVA, 1984), which should probably 
correspond to the Farneta unit (in its classic definition) or to the Pirro Unit sensu 
GLIozz et al. (1997). This is the exact period when the invasion of Pontoceros on 
the Balkans should be expected - as is the case with Apollonia. 

The coexistence of Bison and Megantereon shows that the remains of the 
mentioned artiodactyls are quite early. This is an indication that the time of 
Apollonia is restricted in rather narrow limits, and earlier then Jaramillo. This 
circumstance shows once again the similarity to Farneta Unit (in its classic 
definition - nota mea), which is stressed by the above-cited Greak authors; or 
with the Pirro Unit sensu GLI0zzI et al. (1997): In Pirro Unit were found the 
earliest certain Bison (Eobison) and the last Megantereon megantereon remains 
(GLIOZZI et al., 1997) in Europe. 

As for Venta Micena, the age similarity is more controversial in spite of faunal 
resemblance. The Spanish locality represents a number of specific faunistic 
elements maybe connected with the isolated geographic position. The "Capra" of 
that locality is a Hemitragus in fact,.a genus appearing in Europe earlier than 
Capra, and the form determined as Bison needs some additional taxonomical 
investigation (E. Cregut, M.H.N. - Avignon, pers. communication). Indeed, V. 
Micena is usually placed on the level of the Farneta unit, but the Equus 
granatensis described from there suggests a probably earlier period of time 
(EISENMANN, 1955). 

As for the MNQ20 zone where Apollonia is situated, GUERIN (1982) places the 
zone in the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene and in the time after 1 Ma. This 
determination and the more recent data defining the phenomena typical for 
Farneta unit (the earliest Megaceros in Europe for example), contain a 
contradiction. A revision is needed of the notions about the time and the limits of 
the zone which should be placed in the beginning of Middle Pleistocene in 
connection with the new data. Also needed is a synchronization of the two 
biochronologic systems (Units and MNQ-zones) after the faunistic associations at 
the Early/Middle Pleistocene boundary. We could assume that Apollonia is 
situated in the MNQ20 only if placing that zone (or its beginning at least) before 
the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene - i.e. in the final Villafranchian faunal 
associations. In the second part - the end of this MNQ zone we could place the so- 
called transitive Villafranchian-Gallerian faunal associations (Vallonet) (Fig. 2). 

Putting aside the complicated problem of the place of the MNQ20 zone, we 
could accept the following statement: Apollonia indeed represents the latest 
European Villafranchian associations, which demonstrate the connection 
between the East European and the Asian fauna. This locality could be referred 


to the end of Farneta unit or above all to Pirro Unit (sensu (1102771 et al., 1997): 
an age similar to or somewhat earlier than the age of Sandalja 1 (Fig. 2). 

Ш. Paleozoogeography and migrations 

Ш. 1. Migratory waves from Asia to Europe in the Late Pliocene after 
the Varshets and Slivnitsa data 

The faunas of Varshets and Slivnitsa, as well as of some other localities on the 
Balkan Peninsula (e.g. Gerakarou, Apollonia) bring marks of evident similarity 
with the Mediterranean (S-European) localities of that time, showing at the same 
time faunal elements obviously related to migrations from the East into Europe 
(see the Chapter "Palaeozoogeographical features"). The specific geographic 
position of Bulgaria (and the Balkans in general) are the reason of finding there 
all the signs of a transitive zone for the migrations of plant and animal species 
and humans as well. Evidence of the role of those lands as a bridge of spreading 
(mostly from the East to the West) exists since most ancient geological times. The 
regions of the Balkans and Asia Minor have played the role of a terrestrial 
communication more than once, thus enabling the exchange of species between 
Europe, Asia and Africa. 

As we have already seen, the data of appearance and distribution of certain 
species have most often been connected with the limits of different 
biochronological units. Such dispersals are biotic events most often marking 
evident changes of the environment. 

The locality of Varshets and the migrants from Asia 

Two facts concerning the locality's fauna are of a special interest from the 
aspect of the dispersal of species from the East: 

1. The discovery of Nyctereutes cf. tingi - a species probably of Central Asian 
origin; 2. The earliest finds of Megalovis, which origin is probably connected with 
the Central Asian plateaus. 

The partial spreading of these species in Europe (this might also concern the 
new very small species of Baranogale ) is connected with the Asian influence on 
that fauna (see also the Chapter "Palaeozoogeographical features of the fauna"). 

The find of the rather scanty and enigmatic fossil we have determined as 
Gazellospira sp. - a metatarsus from Varshets and another in the probably earlier 
locality of Roccaneyra (SpAssov & CREGUT-BONNOURE, 1999) could also be 
connected with migrations along the Mediterranean in the beginning of the 
Middle Villafranchian. The clarification of this problem needs more complete 


The Slivnitsa locality and the early migration of Canis, Рат тега, 
and some bovids 

It was already mentioned that some faunistic phenomena considered to be 
typical for the beginning of Pleistocene (mass migrations toward Europe), have 
started in fact (after the data from Slivnitsa and their connection with some 
other localities) as far back as in the End of Pliocene. 

The appearance of Canis s.str. in Europe., The so called "Canis event" 
(AZZAROLI, 1983; BONIFAY, 1990; MASINI & TORRE, 1990; TURNER, 1992) is connected 
with the Asian invasion of coyote/wolf-like Canis. The earliest indications of such 
an invasion come from Costa 5. Giacomo (and Seneze if the locality is of Pre- 
Olduvai age); Here is necessary to note the only something later locality of 
Gerakarou (Койкоз, 1992), where two species of Canis exist (as probably in 
Slivnitsa?). The most apparent traces of the "Canis event" have been established 
somewhat later, in the time of the Olivola unit (C. etruscus), i.e. at the Plio- 
Pleistocene boundary (ToRRE et al., 1992; Коок & Товве, 1996). 

The insufficiently studied and earlier than the Late Viillafranchian Canis-like 
forms from Europe are in fact recently separated from Canis s.str. (TEDFORD & 
Оги, 1996). Indeed, KURTEN & CRUSAFONT (1977) have noted the presence of a true 
Canis (C. falconeri) from a time earlier than the C. st. Giacomo unit - in P. de 
Valverde (MNQ17): one upper P3 and several other tooth fragments. MASINI & 
TORRE (1990), followed by ROOK (1994), however, express certain doubts about 
these remains belonging to С. falconeri. We also suppose that the remains have 
been wrongly determined and their taxonomical status should be reviewed. The 
tooth supposed to be an upper P3, could be in fact determined as a lower P4 after 
the following features: strongly enlarged hind part of the tooth, and presence of 
а facette of occlusion on the linguo-distal surface of the tooth's crown base. 

It should also be noted that the stratigraphic position of this find from Costa 
5. Giacomo is not absolutely sure (earlier than Olivola Unit ?), so that it might 
turn to be not earlier than Olivola. 

Having in mind the stratigraphical problems on the age of the Canis find from 
Costa 8. Giacomo and Seneze we can appreciate the discovery of Canis ex gr. 
etruscus in Slivnitsa as a fact of considerable importance SPAssov (1998). This 
locality proposes, most probably, the earliest registration in Europe of the Late 
Villafranchian "Canis event’. It, at the same time, appears to confirm the Late 
Pliocene and not Early Pleistocene age of the penetration of the first wolf-like 
primitive forms in Europe from the East. On the basis of the material from 
Slivnitsa, Seneze, С. 5. Giacomo and Gerakarou we can suggest that statement as 
valid for South Europe at least. (In the fauna of the Hapry Complex - near the Sea 
of Azov with a supposed age the beginning of MNQ17, Canis etruscus - arnensis 
was also announced recently (SOTNIKOVA et al., 1998). As already mentioned 
above, this could be resulted from the existence of younger layers besides the 
direct contact with Asia.) 


The Panthera invasion. In Slivnitsa we note the earliest presence of 
Panthera gombaszoegensis and thus of Panthera s.str. as a whole (5РА85ОУ, 
1997a; 1998). P. gombaszoegensis has been recorded in Tegelen (2,2-1,7 Ma), but 
it originates from the uppermost levels there (TURNER, 1992). The earliest true 
finds of this predator so far seem to be the ones from Gerakarou, Greece (KOUFOs, 
1992; KoOUFOS et al., 1995) and Olivola, Italy (the Plio-Pleistocene boundary) 
(TORRE et al., 1992; TURNER, 1992)). The Gerakarou locality should be dated from 
the Seneze-Olivola units boundary (see above). 

The early mass bovidae migrations. The progress of a number of bovids 
and their invasion from Asia into East Europe and over the whole continent 
started during the Villafranchian, with the increase of the aridification. Two 
unknown bovids (not determined up to genus and species) and an Ovis sp. are 
established in Slivnitsa. The two Bovidae spp. (indet.) seem to have no analogue 
in the other European faunas known so far and, together with the first indication 
of "Ovis" in Europe mentioned above, could be considered as a testimony of the 
process of enlarging the areas of Asian species at that time. It was already 
mentioned that an enigmatic skull of a large Ovis sp. has been determined by 
Schaub from Seneze and this could be used as another argument of the same 
dispersal. A strong influence on the migrations from East of the Villafranchian 
fauna of bovids in Greece is noted by KostopouLos (1996). It is obvious in the 
Final Villafranchian locality of Apollonia. In the Greek locality of Gerakarou, 
which is slightly earlier than Slivnitsa, there too appear some bovids with a 
taxonomy not clear enough, such as the enigmatic Parastrepsiceros koufosi 
(KOSTOPOULOS, 1998) . (These forms can, most probably, be considered elements 
from a more Eastern, untypical for W-Europe fauna, expanding its area during 
the aridification in the SCT10 of ZUBAKOV & BORZENKOVA (1990)). There is no doubt 
that a more detailed comparison of the so far taxonomically undetermined forms 
from Slivnitsa and Gerakarou should be of great value. 

Climate and migrations. There is some data that in the time corresponding 
to the Meria cooling (Fig. 1) some Anatolian coastal islands were connected with 
Asia and that the Black Sea waters were freshened (ZUBAKOV & BORZENKOVA, 1990; 
DERMITZAKIS, 1990). This suggests a temporary closing of the Bosphorus. The 
following faunal contact with Asia Minor proposes an explanation of the presence 
in Slivnitsa of remains of most early migrants (betwen2 - 1,9 Ma.) from the East, 
e.g. Canis s.str., Р. gombaszoegensis and a number of Caprinae. By the Balkan 
migratory way they quickly spread in Europe (mainly in the Mediterranean area, 
where climate and landscapes are similar - Olivola, Seneze). 

After removing geographical barriers (e.g. the Bosporus), the migratory waves 
usually spread instantly from a geological point of view when the new territories 
grant the same natural conditions as those native for the migrants. Apparently 
the rate of the mentioned migrations was in Europe high enough after the age of 
all the Eastern and the Western finds of the earliest migrants. The local 


conditions, however, could somewhat slow down the tempo of penetration. For 
instance, the find of P. gombaszoegensis in Slivnitsa makes us suppose that some 
migratory events from the East could possibly be registered in Eastern or SE- 
Europe somewhat earlier than in the Western or the Central parts of the 
continent (SPASSOV, 1997a; BOEUF et al., 1997). 

III. 2. Palaeozoogeographic characters of the Middle and Late 
Villafranchian fauna of S.-E. Europe on the examples of Varshets and 

A number of indexes have been created for an easier comparison of the 
differences and the similarities between the faunas. Useful when comparing fossil 
mammal faunas from different localities are, for example, E. Simpson's index of 
resemblance and M. Pickford's index of faunistic distance (when the number of 
species and individuals/number of bones is great enough (De Вомив et al., 1994)). 
When determining the appearance of faunas relatively late in geological aspect, 
such as the Villafranchian ones, the comparison of the geographical affinities of 
relatively close localities is not so important because they are often evident: The 
distribution, the origin of species and the natural environment typical for them, 
are more clear. In this case (similar to the modern faunas) the comparison of 
entire regions with each other is rather important. Moreover, in such a case it is 
not enough to search for generic similarities when looking for affinities and 
differences in such faunas, but the necessity of comparisons on specific, or even 
subspecific level becomes even more obvious. This, on its turn, makes the use of 
zoogeographic boundaries and indexes somewhat risky. The determination of the 
fossil faunas on a level lower than generic is often quite uncertain; data about the 
distribution of different forms is still insufficient; in such circumstances the 
affinities between the faunas from different localities could be a result of 
taphonomic and ecologic, rather than zoogeographic reasons. Of importance in 
these cases is the determination of Ше fauna's general appearance after the 
influence and presence of the concrete species, as far as their distribution areas 
and origin could be defined at all. 

The available data on the distribution of the different taxa, as well as on their 
adaptive abilities, makes possible to determine more or less their areas of 
distribution and in a number of cases to suggest their centres of origin as well. 
Such analyses applied to the species from Varshets and Slivnitsa are useful for 
the characterization of the zoogeographic appearance of the faunas present in 
those two localities (Fig. 3-4). 

Summarizing the ideas presented in fig 3-4, we could divide the taxa in several 
groups after their distribution. Those groups make possible a zoogeographic 
analysis of the Varshets and Slivnitsa faunas, At the same time these groups, as 


far as they concern а great number of typical Villafranchian species give 
information about the zoogeographic relations between the faunas of different 
regions of Europe and the adjacent territories. They reflect the climatic zones, 
environment and geographical centres of origin of that time. The taxa from the 
localities could be divided (some of them not without hesitation, due to the 
uncertain determination) in the following groups after their distribution: 

1. Middle/East European and European (in general) species (it is quite 
probable many of them are Eurasian forms). Species of that type of distribution 
are probably adapted to some more "boreal" conditions compared to the typically 
Mediterranean species, in spite of the fact that the conditions in the Late Pliocene 
do not seem to show such an expressed zonality as it is in the present days. 

2. Eurasian species, distributed mainly in the area known today as 
Palaearctics (incl. N-Africa). It should be noted that here prevail species, which 
seem to be typical by this time for the more southern parts of that territory. 

3. Species of S-European (Mediterranean) - Fore/Central Asian type of 
distribution. Species of Circumpontical distribution are also placed here. It is 
possible indeed future investigations will show that some of these species might 
be only S-European (Mediterranean endemics) and should not be allied to the 
Foreasian ones. (A pure European distribution is possible also for some of the 
species considered here аз "Eurasian"). Nevertheless, this is scarcely possible for 
most of them, bearing in mind the mobility of big mammals. It seems that a 
number of them are species which have penetrated from the more or less arid 
areas of Central and Fore Asia into similar landscapes of the N-Pontic region, the 
Balkans and the European part of the Mediterranean. 

Depending on their adaptation to the climatic conditions and, above all, to the 
humidity, a number of species from Central Asia penetrated also in later times, 
during the whole Quaternary in certain regions of Europe, using one of the two 
(sometimes maybe both ?) migratory roads: 

a). The road along the Northern Pontic region ( mainly steppe species, 
resistant to harsher conditions), leading mainly to Eastern-Central Europe. 

b). Asia Minor-Balkan road (during a closing of the Bosporus) mainly to the 
European part of the Mediterranean. It seems that in both cases the Balkans 
have been influenced by such penetrations. 

4, Asian elements (Migrants). Here are concerned species which have reached 
Europe at some level of their expansion, becoming European species, too. The 
concept "Asian migrants" could be used here to indicate those species, which are 
met for a first or nearly first time on the continent in localities like Varshets and 
Slivnitsa (on the "front line" in Europe) (see also the Chapter: Migratory waves 
toward Europe in the End of Pliocene). 

5. New species: Of course, this is not a zoogeographic category and it is used 
here quite free, as far as we could only suppose and not decide for sure what these 
species are after their origin or at least after their distribution. 


No. of zoogeographic group Taxa Distribution after current data 
after taxa distribution 

(see the text) 

3 Vulpes alopecoides The European Mediterranean; 
South Europe 
4 Nyctereutes cf. tingi Central Asia - asian element 
2 Ursus minimus - etruscus Eurasia 
1 Martes wenzensiss - Central Europe 
Martes vetus (Europe as a whole) 
3 Pannonictis ardea Europe; Fore Asia; Transcaucasia 
1 Vormela petenyti central and East Europe 
5 Baranogale nov. sp. The Balkan Peninsula 
3 Meles thorali South Europe; Fore Asia; 
2 Pliocrocuta perrieri Europe; Central Asia; 
North Africa 
2 Lynx issiodorensis Europe; Asia; ?Africa 
3 aff. Viretailurus shaubi Western Europe; The European 
2 Acinonyx pardinensis South Europe; Central Asia 
3 cf. Cervus philisi Southern and Western Europe 
2 Cervidae gen: Southern and Eastern Europe; 
1 Eucladoceros senezensis Southern (Western?) Europe 
ef. vireti (Europe as a whole?) 
3 Gazellospira sp. Southern Europe 
4 Megalovis aff. latifrons (Europe, Asia) - asian element 
3 Equus stenonis cf. vireti Southern (and Eastern?) Europe 

SEuropean - Fore - 

Asian sp. 39% 

Asian immigrants 

Eurasian ca. 33% 

New species 

Middle - East Europea 
and "European" sp. 
mope than 11% 

Fig. 3. Geographic area of distribution of the taxa from Varshets 


VARSHETS (Fig. 3). Unlike most of the well known Mediterranean faunas, 
that of Varshets shows a connection with the faunal associations of Middle- and 
E-Europe; examples supporting that suggestion are forms as Vormela 
(Pliovormela) реепуй and Martes wenzensis - vetus; Martes sp. has been found 
in Italy (see De Сили et al., 1990) but this genus seems to be rare in the South and 
the specific belonging still remains unclear). However, the appearance of the 
fauna of Varshets shows greatest similarity to that of the European- 
Mediterranean localities. The relationship to Fore Asia is evidently strong, too. In 
spite of some hindering relativity by the determination of some species, a 
tendency of prevalence emerges of taxa with S-European and Fore Asian 
distribution. This, in fact, appears to be quite logical bearing in mind the 
geographical position of the locality and the clear indications of an influence of 
Asian elements. 

SLIVNITSA (Fig. 4). In its main zoogeographic affinities, the fauna of Slivnitsa 
follows the same patterns as the earlier fauna of Varshets does. The S-European 
and Foreasian forms, together with the influence of the first waves of migrants 
from Asia (see below), are playing an especially important role in creating the 
general appearance of the faunal complex of the locality. After the fauna of the 
Slivnitsa locality we could trace the migratory route of the first immigrants from 
the East, such as Canis and Panthera, which some later - in the Beginning of 
Pleistocene - become an important element of the general appearance of the 
European fauna. 

The strong Asian influence on the Balkan fauna could be traced also by the 
presence of other forms, as Ovis sp. and some unidentified bovids, most likely 
migrants from the East. The data on the Late Villafranchian fauna of Greece and 
Romania also confirms the strong influence of faunal elements formed most 
probably in the Fore/Central Asian and East European open spaces: the presence 
of such genera as МИЦапотетит, Parastrepsiceros, Pontoceros (see the 
chapter: Biochronology of 3-Е Europe). 

Some authors consider the Late Miocene faunas of Greece and Turkey as 
belonging to the same zoogeographic region - "Greek-Iranian province", spread 
from Macedonia to Iran, and probably Afghanistan (De Вом$ et al., 1994). 
Perhaps it would be more correct to call that province Balkan-Iranoturanian 
including the Northern Pontic area. Thus it would reflect the distribution of the 
typical "hipparion fauna" of the East European-Foreasian open spaces, which 
seems to have been quite homogenous. 

The distribution and "physiognomy" of the faunas in the end of Pliocene 
cannot, of course, be similar to those from the end of Miocene. Therefore it would 
be too risky to express some more concrete suggestions about the above- 
mentioned province in those times. However, the new wave of aridification and 
the new periodical appearance of a "landbridge" between Asia Minor and the 


No. of zoogeographic group 
after taxa distribution 
(see the text) 


on е Ww 

Pe ee 

S European - Fore - 


Canis ex. gr. etruscus 
Vulpes cf. alopecoides 

Meles thorali 

Lutrinae gen. 
Hyaenidae gen. 

Panthera cf. 
Homotherium crenatidens 
"Cervus" philisi - 

"Dama" nestt 
Eucladoceruros cf. 

Gazellospira cf. brivatense 

Procamptoceras cf. 

Gallogoral menenghinii 
Pliotragus cf. ardeus 
Megalovis sp. 
Hemitragus sp. nov. 

Ovis sp. 

Bovidae gen. et. sp. indet-I 
Bovidae gen. et. sp. indet-II 
Едиия сЕ. stenonis 

Asian вр. 25% —— 

Eurasian sp. ca. 

Distribution after current data 

Asian migrant 

European Mediterranean 
(S. Europe) 

S. Europe, Fore Asia, 

Eurasia, Africa 


(recent Palaearctic region) 
Asian migrant 

Europe, Central Asia 
5. and Е. Europe 

S. Europe (Europe as a whole?) 

(recent Palaearctic region) 

South Europe 

Europe (as a whole?) 


new species (for the moment on 
the Balkans) 

Asian migrant 

Asian/ North Pontic migrant 
Asian/ North Pontic migrant 
Europe (the Mediterranean?) 

Asian immigrants 

New species 
ca. 5% 

Middle/East European 
and "European" sp. ca. 


Fig. 4. Geographic area of distribution of the taxa from Slivnitsa 


Fig.5. Right upper P4 of Vulpes sp. from 
Musselievo (second half of MNQ15 - the earli- 
est find of the Vulpes genus in Europe) A: 
occlusial view of the tooth from Musselievo (at 
right) and left upper P4 of Vulpes cf. 
alopecoides from Slivnitsa (beginning of 
MNQ18) (at left); В: the same teeth - РА from 
Musselievo (left) and P4 from Slivnitsa (right) ка 
- lingual view; С: Ше same teeth - P4 from aioe a Pelee Ro ии 
Musselievo (right) and P4 from Slivnitsa (left) 

- labial view. 

Balkans result in the preserving or repeated creation of a number of similarities 
and connections between the faunas of the above-mentioned regions (see below). 
At the same time, just like recently - in the forming of the Late Pleistocene and 
Holocene faunas of the Balkans and Europe, the Asia Minor-Balkan and the 
North Pontic routes are playing an important role for the penetration of Asian 
elements in Europe. They reach the Balkans usually via one or the other of the 
two routes and could penetrate to the West looking for suitable conditions, 
similar to those they have been formed in. 


I am very grateful to Dr. D. Kostopoulos (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece), 
Dr. С. Guerrin (Univ. of Lyon 1) and Prof. Е. Delson (A.M.N.H., New York) for the 
useful comments on the manuscript and the discusssions as well as to Mr. G. Hristov 
from Pleven who discovered the Musselievo locality and handed the fossil material. 


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Received оп 5. 1. 1999 

Author's address: 

Nikolai Spassov 

National Museum of Natural History 
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd 

1000 Sofia, Bulgaria 



Биохронология u зоогеографсКи афинитеши на 
ВилафранксКката фауна от България u Южна Европа 

Николай СПАСОВ 
(Резю ме) 

Първият побей на смянаша на русцинскаша с билафранкска фауна и на 
актаивното навлизане на степни елементи може да бъде отбелязан на БалКаните с 
находището Муселцево (втора половина на зона МКО 15). Новите богати български 
находища Вършец (St. УаШег unit) и Сливница (Costa St. Giacomo unit) представят 
суКцесия на КъсноплиоценсКи фауни и дават основание за сравняване и анализ на 
основните билафранКсКи находища om Югоизточна Европа. Такива са например 
Valea Roscai, Га Pietris, Valea Graunceanului, Fintinalui Mitilan (Румъния), Sandalja-1 
(Хърватска), Dafnero-1, Volaks, Gerakarou, Apollonia (Гърция). Същевременно теза 
находища съвпадат с времето на Важни миграчонни процеси om u3mok Към Европа 
и показваш първите наблизания на отделни фаунистични елементи 6 сухоземната 
фауна на Континента. Тези миграции са следствие на Климатичните промени 6 
началото на средния Вилфранк и по Време на захлаждането Mepua (= 5СТ10 на 
Zubakov & Borzenkova). Разпространенцето на редица видове на запад, особено 6 
СредиземноморсКаша зона е било много бързо поради наличие на подходящи условия. 
Началото на Късния билафранк 6 Европа би шряббало да събпада с Климатозоната 
SCT10, със С. St. Giacomo Unit и със зона MNQ18. Същевременно тази зона трябва ga 
бъде дефинирана наново. Тя може да бъде подразделена на МКО 18 -а1; MNQ18-a2 (= 
С. St. Giacomo Unit) и MNQ18-b ( = Olivola Unit). Използването на биохроноложКите 
kpumepuu разрабошени за западноевропейския билафранк могат ga бъдат 
прилагани В Източна и Югоизточна Европа, но Като се държи cmemka за 
съществуването на реликтни и локални фауни, kako и за a3uamckomo влияние там. 
В богашише фауни om Вършец и Слибница доминират южноебропейсКо- 
npegHoa3uamckume бидобе. Тоба гобори Вероятно за същестбуване на 
медишерансКко-южноевропейсКо разпространение на редица видове едри бозайници, 
Както и за силното блияние на азиатската фауна върху фауната на Югоизточна 
Европа, а може би ц Върху южните части на Европа Като цяло. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 129-146 

Soil algae in museum samples from some 
Southwest Asia sites. I. 



Soil algae attracted the attention of scientists since the first description of 
М№зюс commune Vaucher as aero-terrestrial species by DILLENIUS (1741) till 
nowadays (e.g. ETTL & GARTNER, 1995). The floristic studies of soils began by the 
work of GRABNER (1895) and later, in 1948, FEHER was the first who compiled 
information on the geographical distributon of soil algae based on 685 identified 
taxa. Recently edaphic algae of nearly every biome have been studied (GRONDIN 
& JOHANSEN, 1995). Nevertheless, data about the soil algal flora of some regions 
could be classified as scarce. Such a region still is the Southwest Asia (COMPERE, 
1981; METTING, 1981). There only several algae from the deserts of south Iran (in 
the region of Bandar-Abbas and Zahedan) and Syria have been reported by 

Several types of research dealing with soil algae have been done. Besides the 
already mentioned floristic studies, taxonomic investigations on selected algal 
groups and studies on economically important nitrogen-fixing algae in rice fields 
and deserts were the most popular among them (GRONDIN & JOHANSEN, 1995). Most 
of these works deal with fresh soil samples. First data on long term accumulation 
of resting stages of surface algae which can remain viable for years have been pro- 
vided by Внъвтог. (1919, 1920) and after that the moisture relations of terrestrial 
algae were studied by FRITSCH (1922), FRITSCH & HAINES (1923) and FRAYMONTH 
(1928). In 1941, LIPMAN was able to culture a cyanoprokaryote which has been in 
a dry soil in a herbarium sheet for 87 years. However, the number of such studies 
with samples kept in air-dry conditions for years still is relatively small (e.g., BEC- 
QUEREL, 1942; PARKER et al., 1969). HILTON & TRAINOR (1963) provided data on taxa 
present after desiccation for one year and subsequently TRAINOR (1970, 1985) pub- 
lished a list of taxa which survived both 10 and 25 years. There was reported that 
from 31 taxa of 17 genera in the original fresh Connecticut cornfield soil, after 10 
year's the number of taxa was 11 and after 25 years of desiccation this number was 


7. Recently, TRAINOR & GLADYCH (1995) published data on the same soil sample 35 
years after it was collected. In this paper they reported 5 survivors or 16% of orig- 
inal taxa in the fresh soil. It is noteworthy to mention that all the survivors were 
green algae from the genera Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Chlorococcum, 
Protosiphon and Tetracystis. A research on the temperature tolerance of soil algae 
has been also carried out (e.g. TRAINOR, 1962, 1983, 1985) but a full review on this 
problem is beyond the scope of our study. As far as some of the results are rele- 
vant to the desiccation of soil samples, we will underline that according to TRAIN- 
OR (1985) the survivors which stand drastic temperature treatment again are 
green algae. The distribution and abundance of soil algae in relation to pH has 
also been studied and the general conclusion from these studies is that 
cyanoprokaryotes are less abundant on acidic soils than on neutral to alkaline 
soils (RAJU, 1972; METTING, 1981; STARKS et al., 1981). They have never been report- 
ed in soils with pH of 5 or less (BROCK, 1973). Generally, green algae are more 
common in soils with lower pH in comparison to blue-greens (FOGG, 1956; HOLM- 
HANSEN, 1968; RAJU, 1972; BROCK, 1973; KING & WARD, 1977; CARSON & BROWN, 1978; 
STARKS et al., 1981). In the same time, it was shown that even soils with the same 
pH had clearly distinct communities (ALI & SANHU, 1972). Chlorophytes were 
reported to be abundant in forest soils, whereas in arid and semi-arid environ- 
ments cyanoprokaryotes were more common (STARKS et al., 1981). 

In the present paper data about the species composition and distribution of algae 
in 32 localities from Southwest Asia are provided. These results have been obtained 
after processing of soil samples 19 years after keeping in air-dry conditions. 

Material and methods 

There have been analysed 32 samples collected from the surface soil layer from 
32 localities in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon during the period 30 October 
- 21 December 1972 (Fig. 1) by Р. Beron, T. Michev and У. Beshkov. The brief 
description of the localities provided below follows their travel-notes. Generally, 
most of them are situated in arid or semi-arid areas (ABRANSON & DIXON, 1977). 
Due to practical reasons the localities were assigned to the following habitat 
types: tillable fields and other arable lands, untillable fields, steppes, semi-deserts, 
meadows and small forests / groups of single trees or shrubs. 

After 19 years keepment in air-dry conditions the collected soils were culti- 
vated in the media of Bristol modified by GOLLERBAKH (1936) with addition of 
microelements according to ALLEN & ARNON (1955). The algae have been deter- 
mined on semi-permanent slides after cultivation period of 1 week, 3 weeks, 1, 2, 
3 and 5 months in order to follow different stages of algal growth. Determination 
of algae was done according to the floras of GOLLERBAKH et al. (1953), STARMACH 
(1966, 1968), MATVIENKO & DOGADINA (1978), PALAMAR-MORDVINTZEVA (1982), 


KOMAREK & Еотт (1983), Етт. & GARTNER (1988), BOURRELLY (1990) and 
KORSCHIKOV (1987), to the Syllabus of ETTL & GARTNER (1995), as well as accord- 
ing to the monographs by PRINTZ (1964) and TuPA (1974). The classification sys- 
tem follows ETTL & GARTNER (1995) with some modifications by STOYNEVA (1998) 
and KoMAREK & ANAGNOSTIDIS (1999). The distributon of each species was evalu- 
ated according to its frequency quotient FQ (DARNELL, 1979). The floristic simi- 
larity of the investigated sites was estimated according to the index of SORENSEN 
(1948) - SSI. The values of SSI were grouped in 7 classes: I - with SSI= 1-10%, II 
- with SSI=11-20%, Ш - with SSI =21-30%, IV - with SSI=31-40%, У - with 
SSI = 41-50% and VI - with SSI = 51-60%. 

Localities (Fig. 1): 

Loc. 1 - 30 km northern to the town of Rascht (northern Iran), untillable field at 
the bank of the rivulet Sefitrud, sampled on 7.11.1972; 

Loc. 2 - 35 km northern to the town of Sandjan (Iran), steppe, sampled on 

Гос. 3 - 3,500 m а.з.1. at the mountainside below the Demavend peak (Iran), soil 
among Astragallus sp., sampled on 13.11.1972; 

Loc. 4 - 258 km northern to the town of Shiraz (Iran), arable land at 1,770 ma.s.1., 
sampled on 21.11.1972; | 

Loc. 5 - 30 km northern to the town of Shiraz (Iran), sampled оп 22.11.1972; 

Loc. 6 - village of Shapur (southern Iran), near a ditch in a orange-orchard, sam- 
pled on 25.11.1972; 

Loc. 7 - near to Omidiych (Iran), tillable field, sampled on 29.11.1972; 



CYPRUS nee a\ Ал 41 , 
LEB mye — ee "UDhrates в 

-» Дуа 



Fig. 1. Map of the Asia Minor region with the studied localities 
1-32 - number of site in compliance with the number in the text 


Loc. 8 - near to the town of Qurnach (Iraq), alluvial soil from а date-forest, sam- 
pled on 30.11.1972; 

Loc. 9 - 72 km western to the town of El-Qut (Iraq), reaped wheat-field at the bank 
of the Tigris River, sampled on 1.12.1972; 

Loc. 10 - near the village of Algaye (Iraq), date-forest, sampled on 2.12.1972; 

Loc. 11 - Babylon-ruines (Iraq), soil near to a freshwater canal, sampled on 4.12.1972; 

Loc. 12 - Samara-reservoir (Iraq), soil from the shore, sampled on 5.12.1972; 

Loc. 13 - semi-desert near to the shore of the lake Habbaniya (Iraq), sampled on 

Loc. 14 - in the vicinity of Damascus (Syria), а cabbige-garden, sampled on 

Loc. 15 - near to the Krak des Chevaliers (Syria), arable land, sampled on 

Гос. 16 - 50 km eastern to Ше town of Homs (Syria), semi-desert, sampled on 

Loc. 17 - Ansariya-crest, 50 km southern to Ше town of Banias (Syria), soil under 
oaks in a karstic region, sampled on 12.12.1972; 

Loc. 18 - 10 km northern to the town of Banias (Syria), soil under a cactus, sam- 
pled on 12.12.1972; 

Loc. 19 - near to the village of Zahli (Lebanon), arable land, sampled on 8.12.1972; 

Гос. 20 - 20 km eastern to Beirut (Lebanon), meadow above 900 т а.з.1., sampled 
оп 9.12.1972; 

Гос. 21 - near the Grotte de Jeita, 15 km north of Beirut (Lebanon), soil from star- 
pine and oak forest, sampled on 10.12.1972; 

Loc. 22 - place "The Cedars" (Lebanon) situated at 1,900 т a.s.1., soil from а седаг- 
forest, sampled on 10.12.1972; 

Гос. 23 - near to the village of Zegorta (Lebanon), olive-forest, sampled on 10.12.1972; 

Loc. 24 - 30 km eastern to the Anamur (southern Turkey), arable land near to the 
sea-shore, sampled on 16.12.1972; 

Loc. 25 - 56 km northern to Antalya (southern Turkey), reaped wheat-field, sam- 
pled on 17.12.1972; 

Loc. 26 - near Pamukkale (Turkey), soil from a cotton-field, sampled on 18.12.1972; 

Loc. 27 - near Bergama (western Turkey), meadow, sampled on 20.12.1972; 

Loc. 28 - near Troya (Turkey), arable land, sampled on 21.12.1972; 

Loc. 29 - 60 m to the shore of the Lake Van (Turkey), soil from a wheat-field at 
1,720 т а.з.1., sampled оп 3.11.1972; 

Гос. 30 - Tahir-pass (Turkey) at 2 475 т а.з.1., meadow, sampled оп 30.10.1972; 

Гос. 31 - in the vicinity of the spring of the Euphrates River (Turkey), soil from a 
pine-forest at 1 500 т a.s.l., sampled on 31.10.1972; 

Loc. 32 - 10 km to the village of Tutak (eastern Turkey), soil from a wheat-field, 
sampled on 31.10.1972. 


Results and discussion 

In total, 114 species and 4 forms from 68 genera of 3 divisions have been deter- 
mined. Their distribution and relative abundance at the localities is shown on 
Table 1. 

Most of the species (72%) were rarely distributed and occurred in 1-3 studed 
sites (FQ =3-9%). Among them the highest is the number of taxa (49 or 42%) 
found in one site only. 18 species were found in 4-6 sites, 7 - in 7-9 sites, 3 - in 10- 
12 sites and 2 - in 13-15 sites (Microcystis pulverea - in 13 and Nostoc linckia - in 
15 sites). Only one species (Leptosira terrestris) was found in 16 studied sites and 
had FQ = 50%. 

The distribution of species in the studied habitats was as follows: 46% of the 
species occurred in one habitat type; 24% - in two habitat types; 13% - in three 
habitat types; 10% - in four habitat types; 4% - in five habitat types and 2% - in 
seven habitat types (Table 1). 

The number of species per site varied from 2 (loc. 2) to 28 (loc. 9). The number 
of species per site in tillable fields and other arable lands ranged from 10 to 15 
(with two exceptions - loc. 9 and 29 with 28 and 3 species, respectively), in until- 
lable fields - from 8 1012, in steppe sites - from 2 to 4, in semi-desert sites - from 
7 to 9, in meadows - from 9 to 17 and in sites located in small forests or under 
groups of single trees or shrubs - from 3 to 21. 

The values of SSI varied between 0 and 56% (Table 2). 27% of the studied sites 
contained quite different algal flora and did not show any similarity (SSI =0). 
Most of the sites were with extremely low similarity (I and II class) - 16% and 31%, 
respectively. Low similarity (III and IV class) was detected between 17% and 6% of 
sites, respectively. Only 2% of the studied sites had SSI values of V class and only 
two sites (13 and 14) had 551 = 56%. The most poor in species and most peculiar 
were the steppe soil from the 2nd locality, the soil collected among the Babylon- 
ruines (loc. 11) and the wheat-field soil from the 29th locality. They contained 2, 4 
and 3 species, respectively and clearly differred from the other studied sites. Low 
similarity with the other sites was calculated also for the soils collected from local- 
ities 3, 16, 17, 18 and 22. Poor in species composition (4-7 taxa) were the soils from 
localities 5, 10, 11, 16, 22 and 23. All these soils were from different habitats or 
were collected under different trees and shrubs (see localities above). 

Cyanoprokaryotes were the most abundant species in most of the studied 
soils. Nodularia harveyana dominated in the samples from steppe sites (loc. 2, 5) 
and once was a sub-dominant in a soil from an arable land (loc. 15). 
Cylindrospermum was the dominant genus in semi-desert soils (loc. 13, 16). The 
variation in dominants there was at species level - C. muscicola dominated at site 
13 and C. licheniforme dominated at site 16. C. licheniforme and other species of 
this genus occurred also mainly as co- or subdominants and more rarely as mon- 
odominants in soils collected from forests or under single trees or cacti (loc. 8, 17, 


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"цлебвет шпроомие/иоо ошвиол 
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"пеем ‘$ оомеруав ро 0]]эрйи!10]ц202126 
поя (Ug сИ 9) омощоз оцеарйшт 42021428 
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х хх "YSIA 28421715249 шттио]эориэрорпаза 
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‘ds римерололА 
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х ‘ds sisdojauljpd 
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x х ZJULIg (1038119) 210214497 1.41$07Аэ 1 
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х x JO Сзлом) 22140230421 D]JQU]DAYsSs0OY 
х x х Пэт, хе ел (2119) 2748 штргичоуздем 
as os “MYIETT 39 “HIN “VATS 
(zyny) шпрооо/ штртимоузда м 
66 16 06 65 86 16 96 96 76 66 66 15 06 GI BI LISI SI #1 СТ GE 101 6 в 49S + € GT SALIS/HVOTV 



18, 23). Nostoc is the most abundantly represented genus in the studied arable 
lands and tillable fields (loc. 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29). In most of the 
tillable fields Nostoc punctiforme was the dominant species (loc. 24, 25, 26) where- 
as in the most of other arable lands (loc. 6, 14, 15, 19) Nostoc linckia dominated. 
In forest (incl. soils under single trees and shrubs) and in meadow soils more 
often Nostoc commune dominated (loc. 3, 21, 22, 27, 30). Nostoc calcicola domi- 
nated or co-dominated in an untillable field (loc. 1), in a tillable field (loc. 7) and 
in a date-forest soil (loc. 10). Representatives of genera Stigonema, Scytonema, 
Scytonematopsis, Calothrix and Tolypothrix (Table 1) more often occurred as 
dominants, subdominants and abundant species in meadow soils (loc. 20, 30) and 
untillable fields (loc. 1, 32) than in arable lands (loc. 15). Phormidium ambiquum 
dominated in the soil from an untillable field (loc. 32). Various representatives of 
Anabaena and mainly A. oscillarioides and its forms minor and turkestanica 
(Table 1) also occurred as dominants or co-dominants in a forest soil (loc. 10), in 
tillable fields and arable lands (loc. 9, 15) and in a semi-desert soil (loc. 13). 
Anabaena sphaerica f. conoidea dominated only once in the soil collected near 
the Samara Reservoir (10с.12). Microcystis often occurred as co-dominant or sub- 
dominant or was abundantly developed in soils from forests or under trees (loc. 
8, 10, 13, 23), arable lands (loc. 6, 15), tillable fields (loc. 9, 25) and from a steppe 
(loc. 5). Plectonema puteale became abundantly developed once, after 5 months 
of cultivation in a sample from 8 locality. 

Green algae also occurred as dominants, co-dominanats or subdominants in 
some of the processed samples. Leptosira terrestris dominated or co-dominated 
the soils from untillable fields (loc. 1, 32), a tillable field (loc. 26) and a forest soil 
(loc. 31). Cylindrocapsa sp. dominated in the soil sample collected among the 
Babylon ruines (loc. 11) and was a sub-dominant in the soil from an arable land 
(loc. 15). Sphaeroplea soleiroilii dominated in the soil collected under a group of 
oak trees (loc. 17). Protoderma sarcinoidea was а sub-dominant in the same soil 
(loc. 17) and dominated in a soil from a tillable field (loc. 29). Some green algae 
occurred as co-dominants or subdominants in soils collected from semi-deserts 
(loc. 16 - Apatococcus lobatus), under single trees or shrubs (loc. 3 - Desmococcus 
olivaceus, 17 - Chloroclonium gloeophllum) and arable lands (loc. 28 - Apatococcus 
constipatus). During this study chlorophytes had not been found as monodomi- 
nants in the soils collected from steppes, meadows and untillable fields. 

The taxonomic structure of the investigated algal flora based on the number of 
infrageneric and generic taxa is shown on Fig. 2. During the study, some deviations 
from the descriptions of species and other infrageneric taxa have been detected. 
Since the modification of algae under culture conditions is a well known phenome- 
non and since many species occur in nature in different morphological stages (sta- 
tus), which are influenced by environmental conditions and/or are seasonally 
dependent (KOMAREK & ANAGNOSTIDIS, 1999), new taxa have not been described. In 
the same time, some of the species found yet have not been reported from soil local- 


Table 2 

ЕЕ ИШЕ OL = ПИТ Ше = (LL ZS UL 58 
7 [zt Hill =ZZ HZ = SS ЕЕ | | ee 
ва n= АИИ [Ш ШИШЕ е! О Е | 08 
I въ "за 8 ва ЕП a5 1 65 
6-8 fille | ЦИ — SE Е ЕЕГА 85 
Tie real ел ЕЕ ИИ ИИ == Tm -е---1!!Ш--- ЕТ LZ 
Cig cel г г [т ЗШев с е Е == 77 ИТ 9% 
Cece ec с TES RES ES EET се 
Тане су в = ЕЕ ИИ т | РИ || ус 
len 26 8 @ [2 ESTES MZ HL = Ш се 
го гттт 1/9 TM 5 [2 заш-0 [ЕЕ 55 
сет ва 6 8 ча СЮР | = SZ ЕЕ те 
се р т Te a Е и = i—_= 05 
98| ое BP Berl т [9 SST STITT 61 
Ce Ce где с |6 Е [ВОВА = ST 
сео al SC ce г th с т а | HM E= [sai 
I I Ie ee I : ет ,. 772 о эт 

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св 16 0$ 65 82 LZ 95 GZ 76 ES 55 15 05 GI SI LI эт SI FI СП ZI IT OT LS бо ls SSN 


Table 2 |__| SSI=0 
Similarity of the studied sites according to the -3 0.1% < 851 < 10% 
index of 5бгепзеп -SSI ПД 10% < 551 < 20% 
NS/1-32 - number of site in compliance with the number == 

in the text and in Table 1; diagonally - number of species = Ao sere < aie 

for each site; above the diagonal - number of common ФА 30% < 551 < 40% 
species; below the diagonal - graphic expression of the НЕ 40% < SSI < 50% 
values of SSI rata 50% < $31 < 60% 

ities. All deviations and all peculiarities found will be noted in details and illustrat- 
ed elsewhere. In spite of using of soil-cultures, some algae could not be correctly 
and certainly determined due to their appearance in single specimens or in resting 
stages only, or due to the lack of zoospores in cultured material. Doubtless, further, 
more detailed studies of these cultures could reveal much more rich species com- 
position. It has to be underlined that the pattern of algal flora obtained during this 
study reflected not only the environmental conditions of the studed sites, the sam- 
pling period and the physical conditions of culturing but also the 19-years keep- 
ment of the collected samples in air-dry conditions. 

According to the number of infrageneric taxa (Fig. 2B) Cyanoprokaryota is the 
most rich group (58 species and 4 forms) while according to the number of gen- 
era (Fig. 2A) Chlorophyta is the most significant group (40 genera). Chrysophyta 
is very poorly represented in the studied samples (6 species of 6 genera). This 
result is on conformity with the general considerations about the members of soil 
algal flora of METTING (1981). Our results coincided also with the statement of 
Меттимс (1981) based on more than 30 publications that blue-green and green 
algae are well adapted for existence in climatic zones and local microenviron- 
ments in which available water is the primary limiting factor. The ability of soil 
cyanoprokaryotes and green algae to survive prolonged periods without water 
has been demonstrated by the successful revival of algae from stored soils and 
herbarium sheets up to 87 years of age (see the Introduction). Circumstantial evi- 
dence that Chrysophyta (particularly diatoms and yellow-green algae) are less 
tolerant of low water potential includes their low abundance and diversity in soils 
of dry regions (LUND, 1945, 1947; BREDEMUHL, 1949; FRIEDMANN & GALUN, 1974) 
and their greater susceptibility to desiccation in laboratory tests (BRISTOL-ROACH, 
1928; SKINNER, 1932; Нилом & TRAINOR, 1963; TRAINOR, 1970; STARKS et al., 1981; 
TRAINOR & GLADYCH, 1995). Many suggestions have been proposed about the phys- 
iological and biochemical mechanisms of drought resistance of soil algae. Among 
these are the forming of specialized resting cells, the excretion of extracellular 
mucilage (envelopes and sheaths), the aggregation of cells and trichomes, etc., as 
well as the fact that a certain number of individuals are retained in the resistant 
state at all times (Екизсн, 1916, 1922; PETERSEN, 1935; МАСЕМТЕЕ et al., 1972; 
Меттимс, 1981; STARKS et al., 1981). It is noteworthy to mention that all these 
devices have been observed during the study for almost all algae and that some 



Fig. 2. Taxonomic structure of the soil algal flora of the studied sites: А - based оп the num- 
ber of genera, B - based on the number of infrageneric taxa 

of the established species occurred mostly in a resistant state (е.д., Leptosiropsis 
torulosa, Pseudodendoclonium akinetum). Some cyanoprokaryotes which nor- 
mally do not form mucilage sheaths, have been found in thick, yellow to brown- 
ish coloured sheaths (Anabaena oscillarioides f. minor, Cylindrospermum 
licheniforme, С. muscicola). The only one detected diatom species (Gomphonema 
sp.) was also in thick mucilage envelopes and stalks. For some of the detected 
species certain resting stages had not been reported but they themselves had 
thick cell envelopes or walls which, most probably, mantained their survival dur- 
ing the long-term air-dry conditions (е.д., Chlorogibba pentagonia, Pleurogaster 
lunaris, Keriochlamys styriaca, Tetraedron minimum, Scotiella tuberculata, 
Thorakomonas cf. irregularis). 

The results obtained about the species composition of various sites and par- 
ticularly these in small forests and under trees and shrubs generally coincided 
with the suggestion that macrovegetation may influence the surrounding algal 
et al., 1981). Since the number of studied sites of this type was small we should 
not go into deep discussion of this problem. We should mention only that there 
were obvious differences in the algal flora under different vascular plants and 
that the sample collected under a group of oak-trees could not be grouped togeth- 
er with almost all other samples. This is on conformity with some results of SHU- 
BERT (1979 - cit. acc. to STARKS et al., 1981) that a similarity-index of algal com- 
munity relationships demonstrated that all woodland types grouped together 


except bur oak and with the results of ОкАСАМОУ et al. (1992) that algal flora 
under Querceto-Ulmetum showed the lowest similarity with the edaphic algae 
collected under other associations. In the same time, it is necessary to mention 
that the "specific algal associations" pointed out for some forests (e.g. METTING & 
RAYBURN, 1979), have been found also in areas with vastly different vegetation 
and soil types (STARKS et al., 1981). 

Most of the algae found have been referred as ubiquitous and cosmopolitan. 
For most of them previous data on their preference to soil type or to the type of 
habitat were confirmed. The possibilities for survival after long-term keepment in 
air-dry conditions both for cyanoprokaryotes and green algae were confirmed 
and were shown also for some chrysophyte species. Nevertheless of generally 
common conclusions and coincidence of our results with these of other authors, 
there were some differences which concerned mainly details in the distribution of 
separate species. In the same time, detailed comparison of the detected species 
composition with other floristic data would not be certain due to the lack of other 
studies on dessicated material from the same region. A broader discussion on the 
distribution of the species found combined with more taxonomic data will be pro- 
vided further on. 

As a conclusion, it could be stated that the finding of 114 species and 4 forms 
from 68 genera of 3 divisions from 32 sites expand the knowledge on the edapho- 
phyton of Southwest Asia. The results from this study confirmed some previous 
data about the surveillance of soil algae for a long time in museum samples kept 
for a long time in air-dry conditions and proved the possiblity to use such sam- 
ples for obtaining a valuable floristic information. 


The author is obliged to Mr T. Michev, Dr У. Beshkov and Dr Р. Beron from 
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the collecting of the materials and for the 
opportunity to study these interesting environments, as well as for the benefit of 
their valuable comments during the preparing of the manuscript. Special thanks 
are due to Mrs V. Beleva from the Faculty of Biology of Sofia University "St 
Kliment Ohridski" for her technical help in preparing the slides from soil cultures. 


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Received on 14.3.2000 
Author's address: 
Dr Maya Stoyneva 
Sofia University "St Kl. Ohridski" 
Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany 
8, Dragan Zankov Blvd 
1421 Sofia, Bulgaria 

Почвени Водорасли В музейни проби om nakou 
пунктобе 6 Югозападна Азия. I 


(Резю ме) 

В статията са представени данни за Видовия състав на водораслите 6 музейни 
проби om 32 пункта 6 Турция, Ирак, Иран, Сирия и Либан. Пробише са събрани om 
повърхностния почбен слой през периода 30 октомври - 21 gekem6pu 1972. 
Pe3syamamume са получени след обработването на материчалите след 19-годищен 
престой 6ъ6 Въздушно сухо състояние. Определени са 114 бида и 4 форми om 68 рода 
на 3 отдела. Сред max Cyanoprokaryota е най-богат на выпреродоби таксони (58 
бида u 4 форми), Chlorophyta заема първо място според броя на устанобените 
родове (40), а отдел Chrysophyta е предстаВен много бедно 6 изследваните проби (6 
Вида om 6 рода). Потбвърдени са данни на предишни изследовашели за 
предпочитанията Към определен почвен mun или Към шипа на местообшпанието 
за повечето om установенише бодорасли. Пошвърдена е способностша на 
цианопрокариотите и хлорофитите за преЖивяване след продължително 
съхранение 6ъ6 Въздушно сухо състояние ц е установено, че такива бъзможности 
имат и HAkou от хризофишите. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 147-150 

Нови хорологични данни за редки u защитени 
Bugobe Висши растения 6 България 

Васил ВУТОВ, Димитьр ДИМИТРОВ 

При ревизия на хербарни материали 6 хербарчума на СУ "Св. Климент 
Охридски" (SO) установихме нови находища на 16 Вида Висши растения. Om 
тях един Bug е с Категория застрашен и защшпен Limonium latifolium (Sm.) 
O.Kuntze. Категория рядък и защитен имат шест вида: Mespilus germanica 
L., Nepeta ucrainica L., Orchis papilionacea L., Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et 
Schlecht., Goniolimon collinum (Griseb.) Boiss. in DC., Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) 
O.Kuntze. Два Вида са с Категория рядък: Oenanthe lachenalii Gmel. и 
Hieracium stefanoffii Zahn. Видът Knautia midzorensis Form. е балкански 
ендемит, a Hieracium stefanoffii Zahn. е българсКи ендемиш. Четири Вида са 
суббалКански ендемити: Lysimachia atropurpurea L., Кпаийа orientalis L., 
Lathyrus hallersteinii Baumg., Knautia dinarica (Murb.) Borb. и два ca ВКлючени 
В Приложение II на CITES: Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. и Orchis pallens L. 

6540.26390. Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et Schlecht., GN-02, SV 
(N.Vihodcevski), SO 82850, SO 02750. 

Софийски район: с. Казичене, местността Курнята западно om сектора 
go новостроящия се авторемоншен завод. Добре запазени блашца, 
11.08.1967 г.; В блатата до с. Казичене, 15.08.1968 г. Досега е известен оп 
Дунавска равнина и ТракийсКа низина (АНДРЕЕВ, 1992). 

5790.23560. Orchis pallens L., FN-73, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 14003. 

Софийски район: из млади гори на РаковишКа могила южно om с. Росоман, 
Софийско, 07.04.1944 г. Досега този Вид е известен за флорните райони на 
Предбалкан, Стара планина, Знеполски район, Витоша, Западни гранични 
планини, Беласица, Славянка, Пирин, Рила, Средни Родопи (АНДРЕЕВ, 1992). 

5790.23570. Orchis рарШопасеа L., KG-95, SV (S.Georgiev), SO 14032; МС- 
22, SV (B.Kitanov), SO 32503. 
Родопи: с. Пастуша (Перущица), 05.1899 г. 


Tpakuiicka низина: по mpeBucmu места 6 местността "Cmapume лозя" 
между с. Мезек и Свиленград, 23.05.1940 г. Досега този Вид е познат om 
Предбалкан, Западна и Средна Стара планина и Codutcku район (АНДРЕЕВ, 1992). 

3720.15820. Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) В. Br., FN-92, SV (S.Georgiev), 50 
14309; FN-92, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 14311. 

ЛозенсКа планина: до ГермансКия манастир, 12.06.1888 г.; 

Софийски район: из либади около КазиченсКкото блато, СофийскКо, 
11.06.1932 г. Досега този Bug е познат om Предбалкан, Стара планина, 
Знеполски район, Витоша, Западни гранични планини, Беласица, Славянка, 
Парчн, Puaa, Родопи (АНДРЕЕВ, 1992). 

5250.21850. Mespilus germanica L., NG-68, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 36146; NG- 
68, SV (N.Vihodcevski), SO 36149. 

Черноморско Крайбрежие: из дъбовата гора Ha Маслен нос, южно опа 
Созопол, 05.08.1921 г.; В гора под местността "Калето" до р. Ропотамо, 
18.05.1968 г. Досега този Вид е известен om Странджа (МАРКОВА, 1992). 
Йорданов (1973) го споменава за БургасКо и МалКо ТърновсКо. 

4540.19430. Lathyrus ПаПег ети Baumg., LN-63, SV (1.Месеу), SO 46793. 
Средна Стара планина: Арманкая, Край поток, 07.1903 г. Досега този Bug 
е известен от Западни и Средни Родопи. 

5860.23010. Oenanthe lachenalii Gmel., FN-34, SV (D.Jordanov, A.Janev), 
SO 92605. 

ЗнеполсКки район: Трън: Малък Руп и с. Ломница, 18.07.1961 г. Досега пози 
Вид е известен от Витоша и ТунаЖжансКа хълмиста равнина (ПЕЕВ, 1992). 

5030.20950. Lysimachia айгоригригеа L., FM-85, SV (I.Penev), SO 57192. 

Puaa планина: no чаКълести места nokpat р. BaazoeBepagcka Бистрица, 
В с. Бистрица, 620 м надм. 86., 07.06.1956 г. Този Bug ce посочва за Рила 
планина (ПЕЕВ, 1982). 

3680.15760. Goniolimon соШпит (Griseb.) Boiss. in DC., LH-81, SV 
(G.Asmanov), SO 98978. 

Средна Стара планина: над град Мъглиж, 30.07.1997 г. Досега mo3u Bug е 
известен от Черноморско Крайбрежие, Североизточна България, Източна 
Стара планина, Знеполски район, СтрумсКа долина, Източни Родопи, 
ТунджансКа хълмиста равнина и Странджа (Анчев, 1992). 

4790.20110. Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze, МН-71, SV 
(D.Jordanov), SO 57640; MH-30, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 57641. 


ТунджансКа хълмиста равнина: по mpeBucmu места по периферията на 
Cmpaagxanckomo блато, 22.08.1929 г.; по солените почви на низината южно 
от гара Кермен, CauBencko, 13.07.1933 г. Досега този Вид се посочваше за 
този флорен район (Анчев, 1992). 

4790.20140. Limonium latifolium (Sm.) О. Kuntze, MG-78, SV 
(D.Jordanov), SO 57765. 

Тунджанска хълмиста равнина: по cyxume части на ливадите оКоло с. 
РобоВо, ЕлховсКо, 27.07.1929 г. Bugbm се посочва om Урумов (1917) за пози 
флорен район. 

5580.22780. Nepeta ucrainica L., LJ-52, SC (SK, DD), SO 95552. 

Дунавска равнина: по скалист терен на Черната могила между селата 
ОВча могила и Драгомирово, CBuwobcko, 21.06.1991 г. Досега шози Bug е 
известен om > ЧерноморсКо Крайбрежие, Североизточна България и 
ПредбалКана (MAPKOBA, 1992). 

4410.18930. Knautia dinarica (Murb.) Borb., FN-20, SV (D.Jordanovy, 
A.Janev), SO 99800. 

3Henoacku район: МилевсКа планина, 31.07.1960 г. Досега mo3u Bug е 
известен от Рила планина (ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

4410.18970. Knautia midzorensis Form., FN-43, SV (D.Jordanov, A.Janev), 
SO 98156. 

3Henoacku район: ПарамунсКа планина, 04.08.1961 г. Досега този Bug е 
известен om Средна и Западна Стара планина, Витоша, Западни гранични 
планини, Парин, Рода, Западни и Средни Родопи (ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

4410.18980. Knautia orientalis L., MH-42, SV (S.Georgiev), SO 71312. 

Източна Стара планина: полянка при Синшпе Камъни, Сливенско, 
18.07.1888 г. Досега този Bug е известен om Черноморско Крайбрежие, 
Източни Родопи, Тракийска низина, ТунджансКа хълмиста равнина и 
Странджа (ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

3950.17280. Hieracium stefanoffii Zahn., GM-03, SV (B.Stefanov, 
T.Georgiev), 50 81243. 

Северен Пирин: по Варовици на Връх Кутела, 09.08.1932 г. Досега този 
българсКи ендемит е известен от Средна Стара планина, Витоша, Западни 
гранични планини и Рила (Пекв, 1992). 



ANAPEEB Н. 1992. Gymnadenia Guett, Orchis L., Potamogeton Г. - В: Кожухароб С. (peg.). 
Определител на Висшите растения 6 България. С., НауКа и изКусилбо, 543, 545-547, 

Анчев М. 1982. Limonium МИ. - В: Велчев В. (peg.). Флора на НР България, 8: 356-364. 

Анчев М. 1992. Goniolimon Boiss. - В: Кожухароб С. (ред.). Определител на бисшите 
растения 6 България. С., НауКа и uskycm6o, 563. 

ЙОоРДАНОВ Д. 1973. Mespilus L. - В: Флора на НР България, 5: 379-380. 

КожухлрРОв С. 1992. Lathyrus L. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Определител на бисшшпе 
растения 6 България. С., Наука и u3skycm6o, 407-412. 

МАРКОВА М. 1992. Nepeta L., Mespilus L. - В: Кожухароб С. (ред.). Определител на 
бисшите растения 6 България. С., Наука и изКуспабо, 482-483, 685. 

ПЕЕВ Д. 1982. Lysimachia L. - В: Велчев В. (ред.). Флора на HP България, 8: 304-312. 

ПЕЕВ Д. 1992. Oenanthe L., Hieracium L. - В: Кожухароб С. (ред.). Определител на 
Висшите растения В България. С., НауКа и uskycmBo, 126-127, 195-207. 

ПЕТРОВА А. 1992. Knautia L. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Onpegeaumea на бисшише 
растения В България. C., Наука и изкуство, 367-369. 

Урумов И. 1917. Limonium МИ. - Тринадесети принос Към българската флора. - Сборн. 
БАН, 7. 

Постъпила на 26.5. 1999 

Адреси на a6mopume: Димитър Димитроб 

Васил Вутоб СофийсКи университет "Кл. ОхрчдсКи" 
Национален природонаучен музей - БАН Биологически dakyamem 

бул. Цар Освободител 1 бул. Драган ЦанКов 8 

1000 София 1421 София 

New chorological data for rare and protected vascular 
plant species in Bulgaria 

Vasil VUTOV, Dimitar DIMITROV 


There were found new localities of 16 species of vascular plants during the revision of 
the herbaria materials from the Herbarium of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski". 
Species were studied according their area of distribution. One of them has category 
endangered and protected: Limonium latifolium (Sm.) О. Kuntze; six species have category 
rare and protected: Mespilus germanica L., Nepeta ucrainica L., Orchis papilionacae L., 
Potamogeton trichoides Cham. et Schlecht., Goniolimon collinum (Griseb.) Boiss. in DC., 
Limonium gmelinti ДУША.) О. Kuntze; two have only category rare, but one of them is the 
Bulgarian endemic Hieracium stefanoffii Zahn. The species Knautia midzorensis Form. is 
Balkan endemic and four other species are sub-Balkan endemics. Two species are included 
in Appendix II of CITES: Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) В. Br. and Orchis pallens L. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 151-156 

Нови хорологични данни за 
разпространението на висши растения с 
природозащитен статус 6 България 

Васил ВУТОВ, Димишър ДИМИТРОВ 

СъобщаВат се нови находища на 19 Вида Висши растения. ТаКсоните са 
проучени от различни флористични райони 6 България. Om тях един Bug е 
с Категория застрашен и защишен - Tulipa urumoffii Hay. Български 
ендемити са: Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pall. subsp. bulgarica (Khutath. et Sachok.) 
Valev, Sempervivum erythraeum Vel., Rosa parilica Dimitrov. Балкански 
eHgemumu ca: Silene fabarioides Hausskn., Silene roemeri Friv., Trifolium 
pignantii Е. et Chaub. Baakancku субендемити са: Senecio othone M.B., Silene 
lerchenfeldiana Baumg., Trifolium dalmaticum Vis. ВидоВе с Категория рядък 
ca: Vicia dumetorum L., Vicia pisiformis L., Pyrola rotundifolia L., Silene 
chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh. Om kamezopusma рядъК и защитен е Вида Pulsatilla 
pratensis L. Om Категорията защитени Видове ca Stachys arenariaeformis 
Rouy и Utricularia minor L. Bug Включен В БернсКата Конвенция е Salvinia 
natans (L.) Allioni. 

Хербарните материали се съхраняват В Хербариума на СофийсКия 
университет (50). 

7110.30040. Salvinia natans (Т..) Allioni, NH-38, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 01063; 
KG-77, SV (N.Petkov), SO 98970. 

Черноморско Крайбрежие: В периферията Ha южнише части на Енидже 
КьойсКото блашо (с. Златина, ВарненсКо), 07.08.1931 г.; 

ТракийсКа низина: В бившото Държавно рибовъдно стопанство между 
Пазарджик и с. Звъничево, 12.10.1997 г. Този хидрофит е известен досега om 
Черноморско Крайбрежие, Североизточна България, Дунавска равнина, 
Cmpymcka долина и ТракийсКа низина (Андреев, 1992). 

8300.35510. Тийра urumoffii Нау., NH-21, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 12239; FN- 
40, SV (I.Koeva), 50 93532. 


ТундЖанска хълмиста равнина: покрай Ж.п. линия okoao гара Каяли (с. 
Камено) БургасКо, 05.05.1932 г.; 

Знеполски район: ЗеменсКа планина - по тревисти BapoBumu сКлонове 
под Връх Мечка, 27.04.1986 г. Този застрашен и защитен Bug е известен оп 
флорните райони Източна Стара планина и ЗнеполсКки. Китлнов (1964) 
съобщава находшщето при с. Камено, БургасКо, но ПЕТРОВА (1992) не Включва 
това находище Към хорологията на този Bug. 

7510.32000. Silene chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh., FN-91, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 

Витоша: по тревисто Каменисти места Ha Възвишението Църква, 
източно om с. Симеоново, СофийсКо, 20.06.1955 г. Досега този рядък Bug е 
известен om Средна гора и Тракийска низина (ЙоРДАНОВ, ПАнов, 1966; 
ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

7510.32120. Silene fabarioides Hausskn., FN-91, SV (I.Gancev), SO 84905; 
GL-19, SC (DD), SO 94490. 

ЛозенсКа планина: no ерозирани Каменливи места Hag ВЕЦ "КоКаляне", 
cuAukam, 27.05.1956 г.; 

Южен Пирин: по BapoBumu сКалисти места на южен сКлон на Сухи бръх, 
1350 м надм.в., 05.07.1989 г. Досега пози балКансКи ендемит е известен om 
флорните райони Знеполски, Bumowku, СлавянКа, Средни Родопи и 
ТраКийсКа низина (ЙОРДАНОВ, ПАНОВ, 1966; ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

7510.32200. Silene lerchenfeldiana Baumg., FN-81, SV (B.Kitanov), SO 21063. 

Витоша: по скални пукнатини на Черната сКала, 26.07.1938 г. Досега 
този балкански субендемиш е известен om ПредбалКан, Западна Стара 
планина, ЗнеполсКи pation, Западни гранични планини, Пирин, Рода, Средна 
гора, Западни и Средни Родопи и Тракийска низина (ЙоРДАНОВ, ПАНОВ, 1966; 
ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

7510.32270. Silene гоетет Friv., GN-01, SV (B.Nikolov), SO 98914; GN-81, SV 
(N.Vihodcevski), SO 44927. 

ЛозенсКа планина: по сКали над Горни Пасарел, 07.1996 г.; 

ЛозенсКа планина: полянКи сред рядка гора 6 източното подножие на Връх 
Лалина могила, 09.09.1973 г. Досега този балкансКи ендемит е известен om 
Средна Стара планина, Софийски район, Витоша, Западни гранични планини, 
Пирин, Puaa, Западни и Средни Родопи (ЙОоРДАНОВ, ПАНОВ, 1966; ПЕТРОВА, 1992). 

6700.27130. Pulsatilla pratensis L., NJ-28, SV (D.Michailov), SO 23340. 
СеВероизточна България: по хълма Кара Бунар, СилистренскКо, 20.04.1994 г. 
Досега този рядъК и защитен Bug е известен от ВшпошКи район (Анчев, 1992). 


7390.31360. Sempervivum erythraeum Vel., СМ-46, SV (S.Mirova), SO 
33601; SV (D.Jordanov), SO 33607; FN-82, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 33603; FN-72, SV 
(Т.Сапсеу), SO 83905; FN-82, SV (N.Vihodcevski), SO 33609. 

Западни Родопи: no пукнатини на сКали по планинсКия масив Алабак, 
19.07.1953 г.; 

Западни Родопи: Казан доса, 09.08.1934 г.; 

Люлин планина: Каменисти места по южните сКлонове над Baagatickomo 
дефиле, 16.09.1934 г.; 

Люлин планина: по сКалисти места 6 местността "Градището", 
андезитна сКала, 20.07.1947 г.; 

Витоша: припечни, Каменисти места по северния склон на Konumomo, 
11.07.1972 г. Досега mo3u български ендемшп е известен om Средна и 
Западна Стара планина, Беласица, Пирин, Рила (АНДРЕЕВ, 1992). 

7390.31390. Sempervivum zelleborii Schott., NG-75, SV (D.Jordanov), SO 
33622 (Sub 5. ruthenicum Koch). 

Странджа: no големите силикатни ckaau северозападно om село 
Бродилово, МалКо ТърновсКо, 22.07.1934 г. Досега mo3u медитерансКи Вид е 
известен om ЧерноморсКо Крайбрежие, Източна Стара планина, Южната 
част на СтрумсКа долина, Източни Родопи и ТунджансКа хълмиста 
равнина (Андркев, 1992). | 

6740.27320.5970. Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pall. subsp. bulgarica (Khutath. 
et Sachok.) Valev, FN-82, SV (N.Vihodcevski), SO 32803, SO 32804. 

Люлин планина: no сКлоновете над с. Владая, 02.09.1962 г.; 

Люлин планина: по сКлона над с. Княжево, СофийскКо, 11.09.1968 г. Досега 
пози българсКи ендемит е известен от ЧерноморсКо Крайбрежие, Източна 
Стара планина и Странджа (МАРКОВА, 1992). 

6980.28770. Rosa parilica Dimitrov, GM-10, SC (DD), SO 97028. 

Среден Пирин: по скалисти Варовити места под Връх МалКа Баба, 1800 м 
надм. 6., 22.07.1983 г. Досега този български ендемит е известен опа 
Славянка (MAPKOBA, 1992). 

8220.34810. Trifolium dalmaticum Vis., GN-37, SV (9.Сгапсагоу), SO 
84206; GN-28, SV (I.Penev), SO 41271. 

ПредбалкКан: Край с. Караш, AykoBumcko, 07.1926 г.; 

ПредбалКан: по cyxume kapcmo6u пасища оКоло с. Царевец, МездренскКо, 
26.06.1960 г. Досега пози балКансКи субендемит е известен om ДунавсКа 
равнина, Западна Стара планина, Софийски район, 3Henoacku район, 
Западни гранични планини, СтрумсКа долина и Тракийска низина 
(КОЖУХАРОВ, 1992). 


8220.35070. Trifolium pignantii Е. et Chaub., FM-62, SV (A.Janev), SO 

Западни гранични планини: Малешевска планина - по горски поляни, 
17.05.1963 г. Досега този балКансКи ендемит е известен om Струмска 
долина (южна), Беласица, Пирин, Рила, Западни и Средни Родопи 
(КОЖУХАРОВ, 1992). 

8540.37040. Vicia dumetorum L., LH-96, , SV (N.Vihodcevski), SO 90814; NJ- 
26, SV (B.Kitanov), SO 99614; FP-63, SV (D.Jordanov, B.Kitanov), SO 44486. 

Предбалкан: из храсталаците Край гората срещу местността "Вилите" go 
с. Малък Чифлик, Велико ТърновскКо, Към 180 м надм. 6., Варовцк, 19.10.1982 г.; 

Североизточна България: 6 гората Kapaky3, Cuaucmpeucko, 26.07.1973 г.; 

Дунавска равнина: из млади гори 6 силно Влажния дол източно от с. 
Луковица, Aomcko, 19.10.1950 г. Досега този рядък Вид беше под Въпрос за 
Дунавска равнина, а е известен om Североизточна България, Западен 
Предбалкан, Западна Стара планина, Знеполски район, Bumowa, Рила, 
Западна Средна гора (КОЖУХАРОВ, 1992). 

8540.37160. Vicia pisiformis L., NJ-26, SV (B.Kitanov), SO 99803. 

Североизточна България: 6 гората Kapaky3, Cuaucmpeucko, 26.07.1973 г. 
Досега този рядък Bug е известен om Североизточна България, Предбалкан 
и Витоша (KOXYXAPOB, 1992). 

7720.33130. Stachys arenariaeformis Rouy, LJ-52, SV (DD), SO 95691. 

Дунавска равнина: по източния сКлон на Черната могила при с. 
Драгомирово, СбищовсКо, 19.06.1990 г. Този защшпен Bug е известен om 
Hukonoacko (КОЕВА, 1989). 

6730.27280. Pyrola rotundifolia L., LH-13, SV (S.Baev), SO 83604. 
Средна Стара планина: ТроянсКа планина, 06.1901 г. Досега mo3u рядък 
Вид е известен от Витоша (Анчев, 1992). 

8410.35740. Utricularia minor L., GM-18, SV (S.Georgiev), SO 68673. 

Рила: go пытя om р. Марица за Боровец, 24.08.1897 г. Досега този 
3aujumeH Bug е известен om Знеполски район, Витоша, Парин, Западни 
Родопи (МАРКОВА, 1995). 

7400.31480. Senecio othone М. B., МН-58, , SV (D.Jordanov), SO 76615. 

ДервентсКи проход: из смесени гори, ТърговищкКо, 25.06.1923 г. Досега 
този балКансКи субендемит е известен om Източна и Средна Стара 
планина, Рила, Източна Средна гора, Източни Родопи и Тундожанска 
хълмиста равнина (ПЕЕВ, 1992). 



Андреев Н. 1992. Salvinia Seguier, Sempervivum Г. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Определител 
на бисшише растения 6 България. С., НауКа и uskycm6o, 80, 344-345. 

Анчев М. 1992. Pyrola L., Pulsatilla Mill. - В: Кожухароб С. (peg.). Определител на 
бисшите растения 6 България. С., НауКа и uskycm6o, 648, 658-659. 

Йорданов Д., П. Manos. 1966. Silene L. - В: Йорданов Д. (peg.). Флора на HP България, 2: 

КитАНОв Б. 1964. Тира L. - В: Йорданов Д. (ред.). Флора на НР България, 2: 265-271. 

КОЕВА Й. 1989. Stachys L. - В: Велчев В. (ред.). Флора на НР България, 9: 388-410. 

Кожухаров С. 1992. Trifolium L., Vicia L. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Определител на 
Висшите растения 6 България. С., НауКа и uskycm6o, 421-435, 436-441. 

МАРКОВА М. 1992. Pyrus L., Hosa L. - В: Кожухаров С. (peg.). Определител на Висшите 
растения В България. С., Hayka и uskycm6o, 692-697. 

ПЕЕВ Д. 1992. Senecio L. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Определишел на висшите растения 6 
България. С., Наука и uskycm6o, 218-221. 

ПЕТРОВА А. 1992. Silene L., Тира Г. - В: Кожухаров С. (ред.). Определител на Висшите 
растения 6 България. С., НауКа и изкуство, 315-323, 518-519. 

Постъпила на 28.5. 1999 

Адреси на авторите: 

Васил Вутов 

Национален природонаучен музей при БАН 
бул. Цар Освободител 1 

1000 София 

Димитър Димитробв 

Софийски университет "Климент Охридски" 
Биологически dakyamem, Катедра Ботаника 
бул. Драган ЦанКов 8 

1421 София 


New chorological data for the distribution of vascular 
plants with conservation status in Bulgaria 

Vasil VUTOV, Dimitar DIMITROV 


New localities of 19 vascular plants species were found during the revision of the 
herbaria materials from the Herbarium of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski'. Four 
of them are Bulgarian endemics: Ругиз elaeagrifolia Pall. subsp. bulgarica (Khutath. et 
Sachok.) Valev, Sempervivum erythraeum Vel., Rosa parilica Dimitrov; three are Balkan 
endemic Silene fabarioides Hausskn., Silene гоетеп Friv., Trifolium pignantii Е. et 
Chaub.; three are sub-Balkan endemics Senecio othone M.B., Silene lerchenfeldiana 
Baumg., Trifolium dalmaticum Vis. and nine are categorized as rare, endangered or 
protected species. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 157-166 

Палеоорнитологията и археоорнитологията 
Като направления 6 палеозоологията 

Златозар БОЕВ 

Owe пърВвияш български палеонтолог, проф. Петър БаКалов определя 
палеонтологията Като биологична дисциплина (БАКАЛОВ, 1928). Тя обаче Все 
още е една оп най-слабо развитите области на научното познание. Според 
Соколов (1977) през 1976 г. В света са работили около 6000 палеонтолози - 
специалисти по изкопаемите растения, безгръбначни и гръбначни Животни. 
По данни на Информационния бюлешин на международното Дружество по 
палеонтология и еволюция на птиците (ЗАРЕ) за 1988 г. В света 6 
посочената област са работили 144 специалисти (т.е. едва 2,4 % om всички 
палеонтолози). Три четвърти om тях обаче публикуват изследвания и върху 
останалите Класове гръбначни животни. Броят на палеоорнитолозите, 
специализирали се единствено бърху изкопаемите птици om различни 
nepuogu и различни географсКи области, е не повече от 45-50. Това говори за 
ockbgHocmma на знанията ни за палеонтологията и еволюцияша на 
птиците бъобще и определя палеоорнитологията Като една млада и много 
перспективна научна област. По данни на UNWIN (1988) през периода 1900- 
1950 г. В света годишно се публикували om 0 go 5 палеоорнитологични 
публикации, между 1950 и 1975 г. - по около 10 публикации, а след 1975 г. - 
между 15 и 40 публикации по фосилните птици. По наши данни от начадото 
на 90-те години ежегодно се публикуваш по 55-60 и повече научни статии 
Върху палеонтологията и еволюцията на птиците. 

Соколов (1977) отбелязва: „На непосредствено изучаване от 
палеонтолога се подлагат Вкаменелостише и следите om жизнената 
дейност на организмите, палеоценозише и изКопаемшше лоКални 
популацич, 6Bugobume и шаКсономичните системи, целият ход на 
еволюцията и биогеографсКата диференциация на органическая сВят 6 
геологичното минало, Следователно палеонтодлогъш е палеобиолог ... и 
нито за минута не трябва да забравя, че съвременната биологична шеория 
е също и негова теория“. „Описанието на изкопаемите организми е 
неопаделимо om описанието на съвременните животни и растения“ 


(Коробков, 1978, с. 7). СПАССКИЙ (1977) определя, че палеонтологията Като 
биологичесКа Hayka е създадена om еволюционната теория. Още 6 началото 
на настоящото столетие палеобиологията се определя Като дисциплина, 
изучаваща начина на Живош на организмитше и отношенията UM с 
условията на обкръжаващата ги палеосреда (АБе!, 1912, по Николов, 1977). 
Николов (1977) не разграничава палеобиологияша от палеоеКологията, но за 
предмет на последната той определя: начина на живот на организмише 6 
миналото, Възстановяването на условията за съществуването на 
организмише и целише съобщества, еволюцията на еКосистемите, 
Взаимоотношенията между организмите, границите на разпространение, 
числеността на популациите, Влиянието на средата Върху морфологияша, 
темповете на Видообразуването, направленияша на еволюционния процес 
на филогенетичните линии, дивергенцияша и  Конвергенцияша, 
разселването на организмите - причини, ckopocm, последствия. Ilo-kpamko 
формулирано, палеоеКологията е науКа за начина и условбияша на живот на 
организмите om геологичното минало, за шяхната зависимоспа om 
условията на Живот, или наука за Взаимовръзките между отделните 
организми и штехните Комплекси 6 миналошо (ГЕККЕР, 1977). 
ПалеоеКологичният синтез според ИвАНОВСКИЙ (1977) се занимава и с 
интерпретация на фосилншпе останки 6 зависимост om условияша на 
средата, обвързване на  палеоеКологичнише данни с шези от 
палеогеографияша, с географското разпространение на видовете, с 
характера на различните биотопи и пр. 

Въб Всички случаи, анализът се основава на изследването на фосилни и 
субфосилни останКи от организмите. За палеоорнитолога шаКива могат 
да бъдат: цели птичи ckeaemu, Кости om отделни части на MAAOMO 
(крайници, глава), единични Кости, отпечатъци от пера, следи опа 
kpakama, яйчни черупки, гастролити, мумифицирани трупове или части 
om тях. Затова фосилите най-общо се определят Като запазили се останки 
om  доисторически растителен и Животински свят. Понятието 
„доисторичесКки“ обхваща Времето на геодогическошо минало до холоцена 
(започнал преди оКоло 10 000 години) (КРУМБИГЕЛЬ & ВАЛЬТЕР, 1980). 

Независимо om  принадлежностша им Към измрели иди днес 
съществуващи Видове, фосилите имаш различна степен на съхраненосш. 
„Фосил“ е изКлючшшелно бремево понятие, npomuBonocmabsAHO на 
понятието „рецентен“, отнасящо се до днес живеещите растения и 
животни. Според МАКРИДИН и МЕЙЕН (1988) историческата неразривна 
Връзка, съчетала биоштичнише и абиотичните условия, е изкопаемаша 
биофация - съвкупността om останКише на организмише, свързана с 
определена фация, ш. е. Към утаечните сКали с определен литологичен 
състав. Напоследък по-широКо разпространение добива определението на 
STEADMAN (1985) за фосилните nmuuu. Според него „Фосилни птици са всички 


представители на Класа Aves, чишпо останки са запазени 6 
палеонтологичния Контекста. Те обхващат периода от юра допреди само 
няКолКостотин години и за makuBa могат да се разглеждат Всички птичи 
останки, koumo не са съпроводени om писмена историческа 
документация“. Както личи, субфосилните птици се омнасят Към 
Категорията на фосилните, koumo Като цяло се противопоставят 
единствено само на рецентните. 

Въпреки че фосилни птици са били описани още В първите трудове на 
Жорж Кювие, geabm на палеоорнитологията и 6 наши дни, Както се 
отбеляза по-горе, е Все още твърде незначителен. Сред основните причини 
са дребните размери за по-голямата част om представителите на Класа, 
слабата фосилизация и необходимостта om наличието на големи 
сравнителни остеологични koaekuuu. 

Безспорно, по тафономични причини, геологичната AeMonuc на 
nmuuume е доста фрагментарна и несравнимо по-непълна, опаКолКото 
геологичната летопис на бозааниците или Влечугите (ДАВИТАШВИЛИ, 1969). 
Размерният guana30H на представителите на OMgeAHUMe разреди, kakmo 
и еКологичнише предпочитания на BugoBeme са определяли и 
неравномерното представяне на птиците във фосилните останки. 3amoba 
сравнително пълни са палеонтологичните данни за щраусовите и 
останалите разреди om групата Ва ае на egpume нелетшящи бягащи 
птици, Както и пелшканоподобните (Pelecaniformes), Жеравоподобнише 
(Gruiformes), соколоподобните (Falconiformes) и няКошп други. Обратно, 
дендрофилнише птици, обитаващи горски местообитания, често 
притежаващи дребни телесни размери, поради повишената Киселинност 
на горските почви и незначителните им по размер Кости, са почти 
непознати 6ъ6 фосилно състояние. Освен Врабчоподобните (Passeriformes), 
слабо познати на палеонтолозите са и Кълвачоподобнише (Piciformes), 
синявицоподобните (Corraciiformes), Кукувицоподобните (Cuculiformes) и 
gp. Kakmo отабелязВа Курочкин (1971), mpynoBeme на nmuuume, koumo са 
започнали ga се разлагат, дълго nAabam no повърхностша на Bogama, а 
това изключва тяхното Възможно ВКлючване 6 утайКите, изолирането на 
Кислорода и последващата фосилизация. Мъртвите бозайници, Влечуги и 
земноводни потъват и поради тази причина, Както и поради пльшните им 
Кости, дават по-многобройни фосили В сравнение с птиците. 

ПърВите публикации по субфосилни и фосилни птици В редица страни на 
ЕВропа и Азия се появяват твърде Късно 6 сравнение с тези за останалише 
Класове гръбначни Животни. Taka например и 6 тшрите прибалшийски 
държави (Естония, Латвия и Литва) Костните останки om птици om 
археологичните и палеонтологичните находища са били напълно неизучени 
допреди четиридесетина години, Когато ПААВЕР (1959) за първи път 
съобщава няКоц данни за холоценските останки om няКош хидрофилни 


Видове птици om мезолитни (7000-6000 г. пр. н.е.) находища. Първата 
подобна публикация за птиците OM територията на днешна Русия е на А. 
Иностранцев om 1882 г. за неолитни останКи om 19 Вида птици om брега 
на Aagozxkomo езеро. За Молдова първата подобна работа е ma3u на 
ЛАСКАРЕВ (1908), Коцто съобщава за находка om eckyaanoBama Кокошка 
(Gallus aesculapi), Впоследствие отнесена Към род Рато. За страните om 
Средна Азия (Казахстан, Узбекистан, Киргизстан, Туркменистан и 
Таджикистан) първата публикация за субфосилните и фосилните пшици е 
тази на CYCAOBA (1949), за палеолитната (мустер) пещера ТашиКк-Таш 6 
Южен Узбекистан, omkbgemo съобщава 19 Вида nmuuu. Това са и първВите 
данни за nAeucmoueHckume птици 6 Средна Азия въобще. 

Макар че изследването на nmuyume Косшни останКи вече има 
едновеКовна история, може да се смята, че развишиешо на 
палеоорнитологията започва с по-осезаеми шемпове едва през 70-me 
години. Преди това изследванията Върху историята на регионалните 
орнитофауни и палеонтологията на птиците Въобще бяха изключишелна 
рядКост. Taka например измежду 700-те доКлада, представени на 
Четвършаша (1965) и Петашта (1969) Всесъюзни орнштодогичесКи 
Конференции В бившия СъвешсКи съюз, само 7 са били с палеоорнитологична 
тематика или са засягали Въпроси на историята на формирането на 
авифауната (TATAPUHOB & МАРИСОВА, 1971). Това означава, че едва 1 % om 
изследванията могат да се omHecam 6 разглежданата област. 

Споменатите “по-горе трудности не са непреодолими и 
палеоорнитологията, маКар и по-бавно, непрестанно е била 6 развитие Към 
прогрес. Taka например Към 1933 г. са били известни едва 691 Вида фосилни 
птици (Глмвкеснт, 1933), В 1955 г. - 787 (WETMORE, 1955), 6 1960 - 834 (Вкор- 
ковв, 1960), 6 1971 - 900 (Курочкин, 1971), а днес шехнияш брой е над 1700 
Вида. През 1970 г. 6 целия сбят редовно или епизодично с палеоорнитология 
се занимавали 35 специалиста (Курочкин, 1971), а 6 началото на 90-те 
години me бече са 44, двама ош koumo рабошяш 6 страните om Балканския 
полуостров (Румъния и България). Както опбелязва RICH (1983, р. 345), 
„Палеоорнитологията е  напраблението 6 > палеонтологияша на 
гръбначнише, Което 6 последншие години е В период на Възход. Днес 
палеоорнитологията е надхвърлила далеч пределите от близкото минало. 
До 1965 г. само шепа изследовашели се занимаваха с фосилнише птици. 
ВъпреКи че много палеоорнитологични изследвания Вече лежат 6 основата 
на шаКсономията на nmuuumMe, необходими са обаче още усилия за 
натрупването на данни за филогенията на птиците.“. 

Палеозоогеографияша е едно ош най-Важнише приложения на 
палеоорнитологията (Курочкин & TAHA, 1972; ГАНЯ и др., 1979). фосилншше 
птици и особено птиците на палеогена и неогена са Важен източник на 
сведения за палеоландшафша. ЕКологичните Връзки и териториалната 


привързаност на nmuuume, Въпреки привидната им мобилност, са много 
Консервативни. Птиците населяваш биотопи, специфични за всеки Вид, и 
се срещаш В области с различен, но добре обособен Климат. Затова 
орнитофаунистичните КомплеКси даваш ценни сведения, Кошто подобно на 
еКологичнише и Климатичнише са В състояние да  попълняш 
палеоеКологичната характеристика на ландшафша 6 района на 
изследваното находище (Пидопличко, 1963; VILETTE, 1983). 

Историческата орнитогеография, една много близка и В голяма степен 
основаваща се на палеоорнитологията научна област, се формира Като 
научно направление през 20-me - 30-те години на Beka. Въпреки ускоренише 
темпове на развитие по moBa време (М. А. Мензбур, Е. Щреземан, А. 
Майнерцаген, Б. К. Штегман, IT. С. СеребровсКкий, Г. П. Дементьев и др.), тя 
натрупва значителен обем информация, но скоро преминава 6 застой. На 
15 международен орнишологически Конгрес 6 1970 г. е изтъкнато, че 
изследванията по историята на орнитофауните се отличават със своята 
mpygoemkocm и Все още привличат твърде малко орнитолози В света. 

В палеоорнитологията се създава и шеорияша за еКолого-географския 
изоморфизъм. Според Г. П. Дементьев шя определя еКолого-Климатичните 
условия Капо решаващи 3a евболюцияша на птиците. Особеностите на 
ландшафта и релефа са определящи за формирането на ucmopuyeckomo 
развитие на орнитофауната (Курочкин, 1979). Дементьев разрабошва и 
Концепцията за политипичния вид при птиците. Той не приема 
Класификацията на Уешмор, но я счита за най-добрата. БезКилевите 
(Ratitae) и останалите групи om подКлас същински nmuuu (Neornithes) 
според него имаш много древни различия. „.. Слабото развитие на 
палеоорнишологията ... е свързано не с отсьствието на изКопаеми 
материали ..., а с недостатъчното внимание Към изкопаемите птици... 
Въобще“ (Курочкин, 1979, с. 17). Г. Дементьев поставял изследвбанияша на 
nAeucmoueHckume птици и съпоставянето им със съвременншшпе сред 
перспектибните палеоорнитологични направления. „... Той призоваваше 
Към бсестранно обогатяване на Колекциите om остеологичесКки материали 
по птиците, без Кошто изследването на изкопаемише останКи от птици е 
немислимо.“ (Курочкин, 1979, с. 18). Дементьев пръв (заедно с WETMORE, 1959) 
установил главните особености Ha плейстоценсКкише птици: по-едри 
размери (по правилото на Бергман), сходство със съвременнаша 
орнитофауна и др. „Георгий Петрович постоянно призоваваше да се 
събират сведения за птиците ош плейстоцена“ (с. 17). Поради полета, 
прелета и свободното си придвижване, той смяшал, че птиците са идеален 
зоогеографсКи индикатор. Важна е сезонната дашировКа по наличието на 
Кости на млади индивиди. „... Om зоогеографсКа гледна точка най- 
насъщната задача на палеорнитологията според него беще изучаването на 
КВатернернише птици“ (с. 18). 


Археоорнитологията (или орнитоархеологията, kakmo бе npuemo да се 
нарича на Bmopama международна среща на Работната група по 
птичите останКи при Световния съвет по археозоология през 1992 г. В 
Мадрид) изучава значението на птиците 6 материалния и духовния 
живот на хората om  предишнише “епохи. Предмет на 
археоорнитодогичните изследвания са Костните останки om птици, 
черупки om птичи яйца, пшичи мумии, гуано, nozagku, съхранили се 
трайни изображения на nmuuu Като Каменни барелефи, метална 
naacmuka, Керамика, Каменни cmamyemku, дърворезба, стенна Живопис 6 
пещерите и пр. (DAWSON, 1969). 

Палеолитните находища са om особен интерес Както за археолозите, 
maka и за археозоолозите, koumo по правило разкриват В тях значителен по 
обем и разнообразен по Видоб състаВ материал om добиваните ловни 
живошни. Археолозите правят Както периодизация, maka и хронология на 
палеолита. Хронологияша е emanHocm 6 pa3Bumuemo на природаша и 
обществото и се основава на данните от естестВените дисциплини. Според 
Гладилин и Ситливый (1990) периодизацията отразява само Качествените 
промени 6 развитието на обществото. „Археодогическият метод има шази 
особеност, че Включва В себе си и палеоншологичесКкия метод. В древните 
палеолитни селища се налага ga се изучават останки om Животни и 
растения, добити от други хора и оставени на място или преместени на 
стотици и хиляди Километри om мястото на произхода им.“ (Пидопличко & 
Молявко, 1965). Taka археозоологичните изследвания даваш представа за 
птиците, koumo е използвал и отглеждал древният чоВеК, за Влиянието на 
околната среда и разбитието на Животновъдството. Неоорнитологый 
изучава рецентните птици и анализира техния съвременен състаб. 
Палеоорнитологъьт предоставя данни за динамиката и xapakmepHume 
елементи на палеофауните на птиците. 

Най-обилните птичи ocmanku с Кватернерна Възраст произлизат опа 
Културните пластове от палеолита и неолита, т.н. „Кухненски отпадъци“ 
(Курочкин, 1971). По-рядКо шаКива материали ce omkpuBam 6 наносните 
отложения по бреговете на големише реКи, 6 Карстови пещери, а owe по- 
рядКо - В omkpumu природни нефтени и асфалтови находища. Към 
последния mun принадлежат  добилшше cBemoBHa “изВестносп 
горноплейстоценсКки находища Бинагада (на АпшеронсКия полуостров В 
Източен Азербайджан) и Ранчо Ла Бреа (6 Лос АндЖелиз 6 Калифорния). 

Изясняването на природните условия през палеолита представлява и 
голям теоретичен интерес, тъй Като 6 me3u условия е npomekaa не само 
биологичната, но и социалната еволюция на човеКа. Както обобщава 
MAKEEB (1963), „.. що се отнася до природната обстановка, сред Която е 
живял човекът, се опитбват да я възстановят главно по Костните останки 
на AuBomuHume...“, съвременници на палеолитния човек. 


За археозоологията особено интересна е неолшпнаша сухоземна фауна 
на БалКанския полуостров. Тя „... най-пълно отразява създадения 
постплейстоценски Комплекс, HeHakbpHeH съществено по състав и 
структура om човешката дейност“ (Спасов, лич. съобщ.). Според него пой 
се характеризира с редукция на степните елементи, изтегляне на 
хладнолюбивите на север и разпространение на горските Видове. 

За палеоорнитолозите дълго време единственото ръководство бе 
изчерпателния за Времето си монографичен труд на LAMBRECHT (1933). По- 
Късно 6ъ6 Флорида се публикува серията om Каталози за фосилните птици 
на BRODKORB (1963-1978), a В Москва - разделъш за фосилнише птици 6 
многотомното издание „Основы палеонтологии“ на Дементьев (1964). 
Въпреки тези Крупни обобщаващи палеоорнипологични MpygoBe Все още 
съществува (ВКл. и сред зоолозите В България) известно недоверие 6 
описанието на фрагментарен материал om фосилни птици и 
надеждността на описанията на фосилни видове по отделни единични 
останки om разни части на птичия сКелет. 

На съмнения от подобен род трябва да се пропашвопоставяш 
изключителната Консервативност на птичия ckeaem и общата 
морфологична монолитност на птиците, свързана с полета. 
Индивидуалната метрична и морфологична изменчивост на птиците е с 
един порядък (около 10 пъти) по-нисКа om тази при бозайниците например 
(Боев, 1986). Изключения В gBeme посоки om тези Класове са нелетпящише 
бягащи птици (Ratitae) и pbkokpuaume (Chiroptera). Първите по 
морфологичната си изменчивост се доближават до бозайниците, а 
Вторите - go птиците. Новите шаКсони на фосилните птици се описВапа 
само по наличието на очевидни Качествени различия, koumo позволяваш с 
голяма увереност ga се определят и kBamepHepHume останки om 
рецентните Видове. Както отбелязва Курочкин (1971), съществува дори 
обратната опасност - под едно и също название да бъдат описани няКолКо 
изкопаеми Вида поради едва доловимите разлики 6 детайлите на 
морфологията или пропорциите на OMgeAHUMe елементи на сКелета. 
ПоняКога дори е Възможно Като Видове да 6bgam описани дори фосилни 
родове. Според Евгений КурочКин само В пози смисъл може да се говори за 
условност на палеоорнитологичния Вид. ПоняКога се Възразява и с 
„аргумента“, че се описват няКолКо Вида птици по различни части оп 
ckeaema. Тази Възможност също е преувеличена и MA на Npakmuka е почти 
елиминирана om изключителната рядкост на ocmaHkume om фосилни 
птици. В този случай wupoko се прилага Memogbm на индексшпе на 
размершпе на опделнише ckeAemHU елеменши, чиито предели AeCHO се 
определят на базата на рецентни Mamepuaau. 

Изследването на изкопаемите птици е невъзможно без сравнителни 
Колекции om съвременни птици. Фосилните птичи находки обикноВено са 


дребни фрагменти - епифизи. Шпиците нямат зъби и определянето „... и 
изучаването им е изключително трудоемКа работа“ (Кугочкин, 1985, с. 7). 
Kakmo отбелязва авторът, индивидуалната изменчивост на скелета е 
минимална и това pewuMeAHO намалява възможността за грешки при 
описване на изкопаемите птици на основата на единични и фрагментарни 
обекти. Аеродиначичните характеристики уеднаКкВяват близките Видове, 
Което затруднява определянето на изкопаемите останкКи. Задните Крайници 
обаче са най-информативни. Те са най-разбираеми Във фунКционален и 
таксономичен план. Освен това птиците имат и изключително стабилни 
пропорционални отношения между размерите на отделните части на една и 
съща Кост - индивидуалната им изменчивост е твърде незначителна, поради 
Което Вероятността за правилен резултат на определянето превишава 75 % 
(Курочкин, 1985). „Известна сложност представлява съпоставянешо на 
различни части om сКелета, mbt Като изкопаемите Кости на птиците най- 
често се събират Като изолирани фрагменти. ЗатовВа синонимияша 6 
палеоорнитологията навярно е разпространена по-нашироКо, omkoakomo 6 
другите области на палеонтологията на гръбначните.“ (с. 8). 

В България палеоорнитологията (6 широк смисъл шя вКлючва и 
археоорнитологията) ВъзниКва Като научно направление едва 6 средата на 
80-те години, Когато се появяват първите публикации Върху фосилни и 
субфосилни птици ош чуждестранни и наши специалисти. Днес 
Книжнината по птиците на миналото от пределите на днешните 
български земи Включва около 70 публиКации. Засега изследванияша om 
подобен род са съсредоточени единствено 6 Националния природонаучен 
музей при БАН, Където се съхраняват около 14 000 Костни останки опа 
птици с mepuuepHa и Квбатернерна възраст ош ЕВропа, Източна Азия, 
Южна Африка и Нова Зеландия. 


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Bors З.Н. 1986. Срабнително-морфологични проучвания на чаплите (сем. Ardeidae - 
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Глня И.М., Е. Н. Курочкин, К. А. ТАТАРИНОВ. 1979. Об чспользобании данных 
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Постъпила на 7. 10. 1996 

Адрес на aBmopa: 

Златозар Боеб 

Национален природонаучен музей при БАН 
бул. Цар Осбободител 1 

1000 София 

The paleornithology and archaeornithology 
as paleozoological branches 

Zlatozar BOEV 


Paleontology is a biological, but not a geological science. A short review of the devel- 
opment and achievements of the studies on fossil and subfossil birds of the World, East 
Europe and Bulgaria is presented. Less than 3 % of the paleontologists of the World study 
birds, but the annual number of the published scientific articles arose more than ten times 
since the beginning of the 20-th century. The number of the known species of fossil birds 
in 1996 is over 1600 (as compared to 691 species in 1933). The bibliography on Bulgarian 
fossil and subfossil birds consists of about 70 publications. The paleoornithology (incl. 
archaeornithology) in Bulgaria is a highly promising and perspective field of paleozoolo- 
gical investigations. 


Historia naturalis bulgarica, 12, 2000: 167-168 

Каталог Ha negomepkume (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) 
6 България om Ekamepuna Нестороба 

Aaekcu ПОПОВ 

NESTOROVA E. 1998. Lepidoptera, Geometridae. - In: Catalogus Faunae 
Bulgaricae. 2. Sofia - Moscow, Pensoft Publishers, 193 p. 

Едва ли има друг разред om безгръбначнише Животни, Към 
CATALOGUS 2 Който да са били насочени интересите на шолКова български 
FAUNAE | ентомолози през Всички периоди om разбитиетло на зоологията 
6 нашата страна, Както Към пеперудите. Тоба е причинаша за 
натрупването на досташъчен обем om данни и за семейство 
Geometridae, чийто бидов състав е бече почти цялостно изяснен 
у нас. Затова и съставянето на Каталог на семейството е 
и набременно. 

ные | Екатерина Hecmopo6a се е постарала да обедини цялата 
налична информация и да посочи за Всеки Bug синонимиката и 
литературата за България, хоризоншалното и BepmukaAHomo 
разпространение у нас, общото разпространение, фенологияша 
и хранителниште растения. Bepmukaanyomo разпространение е дадено чрез 
минималната и максималната надморсКа Височина ц чрез растителните пояси. 
Използвани ca o6wonpuemume у нас расштишелни пояси, Като само поясъш на 
Ксеротермните дъбови гори и поясый на мезофилните дъбово-габърови гори са 
обединени В един пояс. Общото разпространение е посочено чрез по-големи географсКи 
Категории (не зоогеографсКи, Както е опабелязано на с. 16 Каталога). 

В увода на Каталога Е. Несторова съобщава за 460 устанобени 6 България вида, om 
koumo 12 вида са с недостатъчно сигурни данни. В действителност 6 Каталога са 
Включени 461 вида и 1 подбид или общо 462 шаКсона, om koumo 11 Вида със съмнишелни 
данни. Досега семейството е монографично разработено 6 България om БАХМЕТЬЕВ 
(1902, Тр. Русс. знпа. общ., 35: 356-466), REBEL (1903, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien, 18: 123-347), 
Бурвш & Тулкшков (1936, 136. Цар. прирчдон. инста. София, 9: 167-240; 1937, ibid., 10: 121- 
184), но след това са публикувани още доста Видове. Съвременен списък с Всички 
; установени Видове е съставен om GANEV (1983, Phegea, 11: 31-42). В шози списък 
фигурирапа 424 вида, a не 425, пъй Като № 28 липсва [бъзможно е липсващият Вид ga 
е Гдаса muricata (Hufn.)]. По събременната номенклатура 4 om бидобете сега са 
синоними на други видове В cnucbka, а един Вид е понижен 6 подвид. Сравняванешо на 
спцсъКа om 1983 и Каталога om 1998 поКазва, че 6 Каталога са прибабени още 31 със 
сигурност срещащи се бидове и 11 с вероятно погрешни данни. Om прибабените 
сигурни видобе 15 са по стари литературни данни, но пропуснати 6 списъКа на САМЕУ 
(1983), а други 16 Вида са публикувани за България om Юлий Ганев, Стоян БешКоб, 
Екатерина Несторова u няКои чуждестранни лепидошперодози след списъка. 

Каталогът е съсшавен съвестно, но при по-подробно разглеждане правят 
Впечатление няКош пропуски и несъошвешсшвия. В увода е споменашо, че 


хоризоншалното разпространение се дава според морфогеографската подялба на 
страната 6 География на България (1966), но приложената Карта и списък на 
областите и районите не е 63ema om География на България, а om HUBENOV (1997, 
Acta 2001. bulg., 49: 5-9) без плова да е отбелязано. 

Scopula nemoraria (Hubn.) би шряббало да се извади om Категорията на 
cuzypHume видове, шъй Като не е публикубан за страната през последнише 70 
години и е изразявано мнение за грешното му определяне. Същото бажи и за 
Rheumaptera subhastata (Nolck.), Който a6mopkama смята за непрабилно определен 
om Д. Гогов. Съмнишелнише бидобе са дадени поняКога с „оригиналната 
Комбинация“, т.е. Както са публиКубани 6 лшператураша за България, напр. 
Acidalia coenosaria Led. Вместо Зсорша coenosaria, а поняКога според съвременната 
номенКлатура, напр. /daea litigiosaria (Boisd.) Вместо Acidalia litigiosaria. 

Въпреки сравнително пълния списък на AuMepamypama за България 6 него 
липсват няКоц публикации с описания на нови за науката подбидобе от България, 
Като MILLIERE (неправилно изписан 6 Каталога Като Muller), 1868, Icon. Déscr. Chén. 
Lép. inéd., 2: 433 (Catarhoe putridaria bulgariata); REISSER, 1936, Ent. Rundsch., 53: 135 
(Nebula nebulata pirinica); VARGA, 1975, Acta Biol. Debrecina, 12: 77-90 (Gnophos 
glaucinarius peruni, Psodos coracina bureschi). 

В Каталога фигурират g6a подбида на Nebula salicata (Hubn.), но не е посочено 
koi е пърбияш подвид. Освен шоба хоризоншалното и бершиКалното 
разпространение 6 България и общото разпространение показбат, че бероятно те 
не представляват подвидове. Не изглежда правдоподобно и обединябането В един 
nog6ug на Catarhoe permixtaria (H.-Sch.) и Catarhoe putridaria (H.-Sch.), след Като 
според Busse & Осккиск (1991, Phegea, 19: 5-20) и други автори me са два вида. Дипсба 
тълКуване защо не ca бКлючени kamo самостоятелни подбидове Apocheima 
hispidaria popovi Vojn., Nychiodes dalmatina andreasaria Warn. и Ascotis selenaria 
bureschi Karn., koumo ce признават om чуждестранни и наши съвременни автори. Е. 
Несторова посочва, че според FORSTER & WOHLFAHRT (1981) Protorhoe corollaria 
(H.-Sch.) е синоним на Protorhoe wnicata (Guenée), Което е невъзможно. ВъзмоЖно е 
обратното, защото Bmopusm Вид е описан след пърбия и защото е считан от 
BAXMETbEB (1902, op. cit.) за Bapuemem om него. Всъщност FORSTER & WOHLFAHRT (1981, 
Schmett. Mitteleur., 5: 120) не споменабат за CUHOHUMUA, а за грешно определяне на 
Pr. unicata om няКои абтори Като Pr. corollaria. Непрабилно е и шбърденчето на Е. 
Hecmopo6a, че според REBEL (1903, op. cit.) Cidaria bicolorata (Hufn.) [сега Plemyria 
rubiginata (Den. et Schiff.)] е погрешно определен Bug. В geticmBumeAHocm REBEL (1903, 
op. cit.) пише camo, че бидът е бил намерен om A. ДренобсКи Край София. 

Независимо om me3u единични пропусКи Каталогът на ЕКатерина Несторова е 
много полезен справочник за богатото на видове семейство Geometridae. Трябва ga 
поздравим Издателство Репзой за инициатибата да бъзобнови след шестгодишно 
прекъсбане издабането на Каталози на българскаша фауна, om koumo 
Издателстбото на БАН omneyamu само пърбия том (DETCHEVA В. 1992. Protozoa, 
Ciliophora. - In: Catalogi faunae bulgaricae. 1. Sofia, Aedib. Acad. sci. bulg., 135 p.). 



В перчодичното издание Historia naturalis bulgarica се оплпечатбат оригинални 
cmMamuu из природонаучната музейна npobAemamuka (музеология, информации бърху 
музейни Колекцич и пр.), cmamuu из ucmopuama на природознанцето и научни 
приноси по зоология, ботаника, палеонтология и геология Въз основа на матерчали 
предимно om български и чуждестранни музеч. ПублиКациите ca на един om 
следните езици: българсКи (с резюме на западен e3uk), английски, Hemcku, френски и 
русКи (с резюме на българсКи език). При подготобКаша на ръкописише трябба ga ce 
имат предбид следнише изисКбания: 

1. РъКописъш се предаба на guckema на програмаша Word 3a Windows и с една 
разпечашкКа. Файлът да съдържа само един шрифт (без omcmpnu, без използване на 
Bold, без mekcmo6e само с глабни буКби, без поредни интербали и друго ненужно 
форматиране). Заглабието, глабите и нобите абзаци да се отделят с един празен 
ред. Използва се Курсиб (само за имената на шаКсонише om родобаша и бидобаша 
група) u изцяло глабни буКкби (за цитираните 6 текста и литературния списък 
абтори, но не и за абторите на таКсоните). РазпечашКаша да бъде на стандаршни 
машинописни страници (30 pega x 60 знака). РъКописъш да бъде напълно 
komnaekmo6au (ako е необходимо с литературен списък, таблици, фигурч, mekcm Към 
MAX, резюме на съоштбешния e3uk). 

2. МаКсималният обем на статиятла (6Кл. приложенияша и илюстрациите) не 
трябба да надхбърля 20 стандартни страници. По - големи cmamuu се приемаш само 
с решение на редакционната Колегия. 

3. A6mopbm да се изпише с пълно собстбено и фамилно име. 

4. Цитирането на лшперашурните източници 6 mekcma да бъде по един от 
следните начини: "ИОСИФОВ (1996)" или "(ЙОСИФОВ, 1996)" или "JOSIFOV and KERZH- 
NER (1995)" или "(JOSIFOV & KERZHNER, 1995)" или "(GOLEMANSKY et al., 1993; 
БЕШОВСКИ и gp., 1994; JOSIFOV, 1995; 1996)". При трима и повече автори ce използба 
"et al." или "и др.". В cmamuume на латиница цитиранепло е само на латиница. 

5. AumepamypHusm списък 6Ключба само източници, цитирани 6 mekcma на 
статията и подредени no азбучен ред. В cmamuume на българсКи се изреждаш 
aBmopume на Кирилица, следбани om me3u на латиница. В cmamuume на западен e3uk 
бсичКи абтори се подреждат по общ азбучен peg на латиница (ako статия или Книга 
е написана на Кирилица, ползба се заглабието на резюмепо, а ако няма шаКоба - 
заглабието се пребежда, а не MpaHcAUMepupa). 

Примери за библиографсКо описание: 

TANASIJTCHUK V., У. BESCHOVSKI. 1990. A contribution to the study of Chamaemyia 

from Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 41: 18-25. 

ЙОСИФОВ М. 1987. Фенология и зоогеография при насекомите. - В: Съвременни 

постижения на българсКаша зоология. С., БАН, 17-20. 

ГРУЕВ Б. 1988. Обща бцогеография. С., Наука u u3skycmB6o. 396 с. 
GOLEMANSKY У., Р. YANKOVA. 1973. Studies оп Coccidia in some small mammals in 

Bulgaria. - Bull. Inst. zool. mus., 37: 5-31. (In Bulgarian). 

6. След AuMepamypama следва пълният адрес на автора или aBmopume. 

7. Pestomemo се предава преведено на съотшбешния език и не трябба да надхбърдя 
30 реда. 

8. Таблиците се номерират и са със заглавие отгоре. Ako са на komniompp, да не 
се използваш интербали и табулатор; да не се разделят с бершиКални, а само с 
хоризонтални линии. 

9. Рисунките, чертежиюе и фотографишше се означабат Като "фиг." и се 
HOMepupam (да се избягба използването на цифра и буКВа или на две цифри) и прябба 
да са съобразени със следните изисКбания: 

- фотографиите да бъдат ясни, Контрастни, по Възможност с еднакъв размер В 
една статия; ako бърху max трябва ga се направяш допълнителни означения (цифри, 
стрелки, 6yk6u и пр.), me се нанасят на прозрачна хартия, прикрепена Към фигураша, 

- чермежите (графики, дчаграми) и рисунКише се предстабяш 6 годен за 
Възпроизвеждане Bug и go тройно по-големи от размера им 6 печатната страница. 

От 6caka публиКация се получават безплатно по 40 абторсКи отпечатаъКа. 


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