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M.A,, Ph.D, 

Author of "A History of Arabian Music." 

" The Arabian Influence on Musical Theory/' 

" The Arabic Musical MSS. in the Bodleian Library." 

" The Ortfan of the Ancients: From Eastern Sources. (Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic.}" 
"The Influence of Music: From Arabic Sources." 


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"Man yatul dhailuhuyata' fflii." .In Arabic Proverb. 

ONE of the most deplorable things in history, said 
Dr. J. W. Draper, the author of "The Intellectual 
Development of Europe," is the systematic way 
in \\hich European writers have contrived to put out of 
sight the scientific obligations to the Arabs. This was 
substantially true at the time it was written, but nowadays 
no person, save the merest tyro, can afford to adopt such 
an attitude. Specialised research has allocated the pre- 
cise position of the Arabs in the culture history of Mediae- 
val Europe. In three of the courses of the quadrivium or 
mathcsis, that is to say, in arithmetic, geometry and as- 
tronomy, we now know quite definitely that if it had not 
bem for the improvements, discoveries and inventions of 
the Arabs, these sciences, in Europe, would have been 
much slower in their evolution. Concerning the remain- 
ing course of the qnadrrcium, that is "music," no one had 
attempted to demonstrate the definite position of this 
Arabian science and art in the cultural development of 
Europe. I essayed to fill in this hiatus meanwhile, in a 
monograph, entitled " [Clues for] The Arabian Influence 
on Musical Theory," 7 in which I furnished a number of 

1 Written in ]&?]. Delivered as a lecture before the Glasgow 
University Oriental Society, October, 1923. Published in the 
"Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society," Part I, 1925. Re-issued 
as a pamphlet by Harold Reeves, London, February, 1925. 



"clues" in a carefully documented way. Savants from 
many parts of the globe interested themselves in the dis- 
cussion, some, indeed, with helpful suggestions, for which 
I am very grateful. In this country, Miss Kathleen 
Schlesinger made a contribution to the discussion in a 
pamphlet entitled " Is European Musical Theory Indebted 
to the Arabs ? ; Reply to The Arabian Influence on Musi- 
cal Theory." 2 

I said in my monograph that if my work aroused suffi- 
cient interest and discussion, 1 would be prepared to deal 
with the question in a more extended and permanent way. 
The criticisms of Miss Schlesinger and others urged 
me to carry out my promise, and the present work is a 
part-fulfilment of this. I say part-fulfilment, because 
the most important section of my monograph, that on 
"Mensural Music," has not yet received attention. My 
monograph comprised only twenty pages of letterpress, 
the first ten of which dealt with " clues " for the Arabian 
influence in: (i) " Musical Instruments," (2) "Discant," 
(3) "Organum," (4) " Laws of Consonances," (5) "Sol- 
feggio," and (6) " Instrumental Tablature," whilst the en- 
suing ten pages were devoted, almost entirely, to (/) " Men- 
sural Music," save for a few lines about (8) "Notation." 
Obviously, the most important contribution concerned 
"Mensural Music," as the London "Times" was careful 
enough to notice. 5 Yet Miss Schlesinger had no words 
for my carefully documented "clues" on this question, 
nor even a nod of recognition for my discovery, 

* Published originally in the "Musical Standard," May 2 and 
1C, 1925, and re-issued as a pamphlet by Harold Reeves, London. 
^ "The Times Literary Supplement," February 5, 1925, p. 90, d. 


not only philologically but musically, of the hocket 
in the Arabic tyd'at. 1 * She devoted her attention to 
the relatively minor questions enumerated above. In 
justice to this writer I must, however, admit that she had 
reasons for this omission, for she says : "The question of 
the acceptance of an Arab rather than a Greek origin of 
'Mensural Music' is a weighty matter which must be left 
to those who have made a specialised study of the 

At the outset, let me say that Miss Schlesinger was very 
appreciative of my monograph, and more than once paid 
a compliment to "the great value of the research work 
accomplished/' 1 ' 5 At the same time, she made definite 
strictures, and fundamental historical facts were chal- 
lenged, and in view of that I contributed a "reply" in 
the pages of "The Musical Standard" entitled "Facts 
for the Arabian Musical Influence." 6 Thereupon, Miss 
Schlesinger made a "counter-reply" under the title, "The 
Greek Foundations of the Theory of Music." 7 

On account of the fresh ground that was being broken, 
the discussion attracted still further attention, and finally 
I was asked to reprint my articles on the " Facts for the 

4 The musical identity was dealt with later by Professor Julian 
Ribera in his " I.a Musica de las Cantigas" (1922) and " Historia 
de la Musica Arabe Mediaeval y su Influencia en la Espaiiola '* 
(1927). Dr. Robert Lachmann, the author of " Musik dea Ori- 
ents" (1929) informs me that my " clues'* on the musical side 
are being followed up by a German musico-Orientalist. 

-'Pp. 3 ? 15, 16, 17, 18. 

" Musical Standard" (1925-26), Vol. XXVII, Nos. 477 to 489. 
? " Musical Standard (1926), Vol. XXVII, Nos. 479 to 490. 


Arabian Musical Influence" in book form. This I could 
not do very well without taking cognisance of Miss 
Schlesinger's "counter-reply," and the difficulty was to 
combine the two. Fortunately, Mr. William Reeves agreed 
to reprint the " Facts," together with a number of Ap- 
pendices which would enable me to deal with Miss 
Schlesinger's " counter-reply/' 

Thanks to the energy of Mr. Reeves, the "Facts" were 
reprinted by the close of 1926, but, unfortunately, owing to 
indifferent health, other literary work, and the more press- 
ing demands of one's vocation, the final Appendices were 
not completed until spring, 1929. Indeed, I feel that it is 
incumbent upon me to take this opportunity of acknow- 
ledging my indebtedness to both the publishers and 
printers for their extreme leniency and courtesy in this 

To enable my readers to appreciate what the " Arabian 
Influence" really means, Chapter I has been specially 
written as an introduction to what follows. Chapter II 
to Chapter VIII comprise the "Facts" as they ap- 
peared as articles in " The Musical Standard." They have 
been revised in places, typographical errors corrected, Miss 
Schlesinger quoted in full when necessary (primarily to 
meet her objections), and some sentences rewritten so as to 
make my meaning clearer. The " Facts " themselves re- 
main, however, precisely as they appeared in " The Musi- 
cal Standard."* In the forty-eight Appendices I have 

*I have omitted the article on " The Question of Consonances." 
Miss Schlesinger admitted ("Musical Standard," XXVII, p. 177) 
that she had made a mistake in her calculations in her pamphlet 
(pp. 9-10). No purpose could therefore be served in reprinting the 
article, which dealt mainly with the point raised. 


dealt at length with Miss Schlesinger's "counter-reply" 
entitled "The Greek Foundations of the Theory of 

As the author of the "Precursors of the Violin Fam- 
ily " and of the numerous articles in the " Encyclopaedia 
Britannica" (eleventh edition), I have a high regard for 
Miss Schlesinger's gifts in matters of research, and in the 
history of musical instruments she has probably done the 
most creditable pioneer work in Britain. I would there- 
fore like it to be borne in mind that if I am somewhat 
critical of Miss Schlesinger's opinions, I am, more often, 
actually countering what is perhaps the "accepted opin- 
ion" among musicologists to-day. Indeed, it will be 
obvious that my work is something more than a mere per- 
sonal " reply/' as I frequently use my critic as a " theme " 
for my " variations." 

In concluding this preface, I would like to express my 
indebtedness to friends who have read my "proofs" and 
bestowed other courtesies. Among them are Mr. Wilson 
Steel, Mrs. Wilson Steel, M.A., Mr. Adam Henderson, 
B.Litt., and Mrs. Margaret G. Weir, M.A. 





CHAPTER I. The Arabian Influence. 

i. The Political Contact 1 

ii. The Literary and Intellectual Contact ... ... 20 

CHAPTER II. The Truo Historical Perspective ... ... 39 

CHAPTER III. The Old Arabian Musical Theory 48 

CHAPTER IV. The Greek Scholiasts 63 

CHAPTER V. The Syllables of Solfeggio 72 

CHAPTER VI. New Data for Notation Origins 83 

CHAPTER VII. Arabian Influence in Instrumental Tabla- 

ture 97 

CHAPTER VIII. The Rise of Organum 102 


1. The Pan-Grecian Conceit 117 

2. The Greek Sciences in Pre-Islamic Times 130 

3. The Arabian Contribution to the Quadrivium ... ... 132 

4. Arabian Influence on Musical Instruments ... ... 136 

6. Andres and Viardot on the Arabian Musical Influence 146 

6. Mr. J. B. Trend and Professor Ribera on the Arabian 

Musical Influence 147 

7. Oriental Influences in Carolingian Art ... ... ... 149 

8. The Minstrel Class in the Middle Ages 153 

9. Pre-Ielamic Oriental Influences ... ... ... ... 162 

10. Islamic Schools and Colleges ... ... 165 

11. The Arabic Language in Spain 172 

12. The First Arabic-Latin Translations 174 

13. Gerbert and the Arabian Contact 177 

14. The Study of the Theory of Music in the Middle Ages 185 



15. The Roman Theorists of Music 190 

16. The Survival of Greek Theory 197 

17. The Church and Culture 201 

18. The Arabs and Monte Cassino 203 

19. The Carolingian Schools 208 

20. The Pre-Aurelian Theorists of Music 214 

21. The Arabs of Old 229 

22. The Tanlur al-Baghdadi Scale 232 

23. Ibn Misjah and his Inventions ... ... ... ... 236 

24. The Accordatura of the Arabian Luto ... ... ... 240 

25. Ishaq al-Mausili , 247 

26. The Berlin Al-Kindl MSS 256 

27. Arabic Treatises on Musical Instruments 258 

28. Villoteau and the Arabian Musical Influence ... ... 267 

29. The Arabic Translations from the Greek 272 

30. The Muristus MSS 279 

31. Yahya ibn 'All ibn Yahya 280 

32. Al-Farabi and Aristoxenos 286 

33. The Arabs and the Speculative Art 290 

34. The Revival of the Hydraulis 295 

85. The Value of the Arabic Musical Documents ... ... 298 

36. The Musical Notation of the Greeks 302 

37. The Yahya ibn 'All Notation 304 

38. The Ma'rifat at-Naghamdt al-Thaman Notation ... 307 

39. The Al-Kindi Notation 312 

40. The Al-Farabi Notation 315 

41. The Notation in " De Harmonica Institutione ' ' ... 317 

42. The Early Notations of Western Europe 321 

43. The Shams al-Din al-Saidawi Notation 323 

44. The Meaning of Organum .., 327 

45. Al-Kindi, Ibn Sma, and Orga/num ... ... ... 329 

46. Virgilius Cordubensis 333 

47. Harmony in Oriental Music 346 

48. John Scotus and Organum 348 

Index of Persons and Works ... .. . ... ... 359 

Subject and Geographical Index 367 

Errata 375 





'* The, effort* which hare been made to ascribe to Greek influence, 
tie science of Egypt, of later Rabylon, of India, and that of the 
Arabs, do not (tdd to the glory that was Greece.' 1 Professor L. C. 
Karpinski, "The American Mathematical Monthly," XXVI. 

WHAT is implied by the words, " Arabian culture ' 
in the question under discussion? I pointed 
out in my monograph that the phrase had re- 
ference to "Arabic speaking peoples." 1 The ex- 
pression has been too long in vogue to disturb scholars,* 
and it is still current. 3 Yet, as Professor D. B. Macdonald, 

1 Page 3. See Appendix 1. 

9 Wiistenfeld, " Greschichte der arabischen Aerzte u. Natur- 
forscher" (1840). Leclerc, " Histoire de la medecine arabe" 
(1876). Suter, "Die Mathematiker u. Astronomen der Araber " 

s Browne, E. G., "Arabian Medicine" (1921). O'Leary, 
"Arabic Thought and its Place in History " (1922). Campbell, 
D., " Arabian Medicine and its Influence on the Middle Ages " 



of Hartford Theological Seminary, reminds me, the 
general reader must be borne in mind, and so let us make 
it quite clear that when we speak of Arabian'* culture, we 
do not mean that its fons ci origo are claimed for the 
Arabs themselves or for Arabia, but simply that this 
culture arose under a polity that was Arabian, and that 
the language by which it was propagated was Arabic. 
That the Syrians, Byzantines and Persians played an im- 
portant part in this culture movement is well known. At 
the same time we must not forget that it was at the bid- 
ding of their Arab masters, who were too proud to be any- 
thing but a military aristocracy, that these people supplied 
tfiis culture, for indeed, the Syrians, Byzantines and Per- 
sians knew but little of the treasures of Greek science, 
until the Arab khalifs rescued it from oblivion/ 3 

When the Arabs planted the banner of the Prophet in 
Persian and Byzantine lands, they came in contact with 
civilisations which had an immense influence on their 
cultural outlook. The secret was that the outstanding 
features of these civilisations were peculiarly adaptable 
to Arab requirements, for they were of Semitic origin. 
Persia itself owed much of its culture to the ancient Semi- 
tic peoples of Babylonia-Assyria. Greece was similarly 
indebted. Indeed, the great literary transmitters of 
Greek lore to the Arabs were the Heathen Sabaeans of 
Mesopotamia, and the Christian Syrians. 

k To use the term Islamic in place of Arabian would deprive the 
Christians, Jews, and other votaries who took an outstanding part 
in this -culture, of their just claims, whilst the word Rarac.enic 
is equally open to objection, since it includes the 'Uthmanll Turk*?, 
and, moreover, it ie meaningless to the Oriental. 
5 See Appendix 2. 


Yet the Arabs outdid their masters, and their achieve- 
ments in art, science and literature dwarf into insignifi- 
cance anything of a like nature in the East or West. All 
of this was to be of profound importance to European 
civilisation, because Europe owes it to the Arabs not only 
that they preserved for the apostles of the Renaissance 
all that was left of Greek science and philosophy, but 
that their scrutinising spirit and initiative in this direction 
was a tremendous force in the intellectual uprising that 
led to the Renaissance. Libri, the historian of mathe- 
matics, has truly said : " Efface the Arabs from history, 
and the renaissance of letters would have been retarded 
for several centuries." 6 ' 

The Arabian influence in Europe, can be traced, as I 
have already pointed out in my "Arabian Influence on 
Musical Theory," in two directions : (i) the mere political 
contact which began in the eighth century, and (2) the 
literary and intellectual contact which may be traced from 
the tenth century. The political contact was brought 
about by the world-wide dominion of the Khalifate and 
the succeeding Muslim states, whilst the literary and in- 
tellectual contact was due to the superiority of Arabian 
culture. Much of the influence due to the former came 
viva voce, or was handed on "by rote," whilst the influ- 
ence arising from the latter was a definite transmission 
by means of literature. The political contact began 
earlier, and we can view its import to better advantage 
by spreading out the lands that fell to the sword of 
Islam, before our eyes. 

6 Libri, " Hist. Math,," i, p, 151, 



At the time of the accession of the first khalif, 
Abu Bakr (632), the Khalifate was confined to the 
Arabian peninsula. By the following year the Eastern 
conquests of the Arabs had begun, and they followed 
in quick succession Iraq 'Arab! (633), Mesopotamia 
(637), Persia (642), Afghanistan (66 1), Bukhara (674), 
Sind (708), and Farghana (712). Northern con- 
quests gave them Syria (638), Adharbaijan (642), and 
portions of Armenia and Asia Minor (647). Western 
conquests embraced Egypt and Tripoli (647), Tunisia 
(670), and Morocco (708). 

Of greater importance to our present inquiry are the 
conquests in Asia Minor, Italy and Spain. Asia Minor 
was first invaded in 647, and later, an army overawed 
the land to the very threshold of Constantinople, which 
was more than once besieged, and an adjacent island 
held for seven years. During the Umayyad and early 
'Abbasid period, the frontiers of the Khalifate extended 
through a line of towns along the Taurus Range, includ- 
ing Tarsus, Adana, Tyana and Melitene. The Tulunids 
(868-905) took over most of this territory, but later, when 
the Saljuqs of Rum (1077-1300) and the Danishmandids 
(c. 1097-1165) assumed power, almost three-fourths of 
Asia Minor was held by the Muslims, i.e., as far as Aidin 
in the West, and up to the borders of Sultanoni in the 

In Italy and contiguous islands, Muslim contact may 
be traced as early as the eighth century, when Sardinia 
was occupied. This island remained in Muslim hands, 
on and off, for three centuries (720-1050). Malta also 


became a Muslim possession (810-1090), and an attempt 
was even made to hold Corsica (810, et seg.). The great- 
est of all the Muslim possessions in these parts was Sicily 
(827-1071). On the mainland of Italy, were other Mus- 
lim states or colonies Calabria (c. 837-80), Taranto 
(840-80), Bari (841-71), Trajetto (c. 878-915), as well as 
the Pontine Islands, Ischia, Cape Miseno, the Ligurian 
coast, and Lombardy. 

In Spain, the conquests of the Muslims were more 
thorough. In 711, Tariq crossed from the African shore, 
and invaded Spain. By 713, the whole of the peninsula 
as far as the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Range was in the 
hands of the invader, who maintained a footing on the 
land until 1492. The Pyrenees were crossed and the 
teiritory as far as Narbonne was annexed (720-59), and 
the Balearic Isles were seized and held fitfully (798-1232). 
In 751 the Christians pushed the Muslims back in Spain 
to a line which ran approximately from Coimbra along 
the Sierra de Guadarrama to Pampeluna, whilst in the 
East, a Christian advance was made in 80 1 beyond Pam- 
peluna and Barcelona. This remained the frontier prac- 
tically for two centuries and a half, until Salamanca 
(1055), Madrid (1083), Toledo (1086), Tarragona (1089), 
and Huesca (1096), fell before the onslaughts of the 
Christians. By the mid-twelfth century the Tagus was 
reached in the West, and by 1260 all that was left to the 
Muslims was the present province of Granada. In 1484 
the final struggle began, and in 1492 the city of Granada 
surrendered to Ferdinand and Isabella. 

The Khalifate, as a political force, did not hold sway 
over its vast dominions for much more than a century. 
Disintegration soon showed itself, and petty dynasties 


sprang up in Spain, North Africa, Syria and Persia, 
which, however, acknowledged the spiritual authority of 
the Khalif save in the case of the Umayyads in Spain, 
and the anti-Khali fate of the Fatimids in Egypt. This 
disintegration of the Khalifate, however ruinous it was 
eventually to the body politic, was helpful to general 
culture and to commercial prosperity. Just as Baghdad, 
the capital of the Khalifate, had ousted Byzantium as a 
culture centre, and had become the emporium of the 
Eastern world, so the capitals of the newly-founded 
dynasties, freed from the leash of Baghdad, now vied 
with the mother capital for cultural and commercial 
supremacy. Whatever political or sectarian differences 
existed, a common culture prevailed from Samarkand 
beyond the Oxus to Cordova in Spain, a culture, by the 
side of which that of Western Europe was mere 

The glories of the "Golden Age" of Arabian civilisa- 
tion have often been penned. It was the cynosure of 
every eye beyond its confines. The grandeur of its edi- 
fices, the splendour of its courts, the puissance of its 
warriors, together with the ease, prosperity and general 
well-being of its people, became a byword. In all the 
great cities colleges, schools and libraries flourished. The 
Bait al-Hikma, the Nizdmiyya, and the Blmaristan of 
Baghdad, and the madaris of Damascus, Cairo, Cor- 
dova and Palermo, were long famous as seats of learning. 
Khalif, sultan and amir patronised virtuosi and scholars 
unstintedly. Art, science and letters rose to an eminence 
unheard of since the days of Grecian splendour. The 
sciences were especially studied, and the inventions, dis- 
coveries and improvements made by Arabian savants in 


astronomy, geometry, medicine, chemistry, mechanics and 
botany, are generally admitted. 1 

It was inevitable that Europe should find this new 
spirit arousing her from the heavy slumber of the Dark 

Professor Leo Wiener, of Harvard University, has 
shown that the Goths were the first carriers of Arabian 
culture into Western Europe. Dispersed by the Muslim 
conquerors of Spain, they found sanctuary with their 
Germanic kin, who protected them not only because of 
their reputed superior culture, but because they brougnt 
with them " the new learning and arts of the conquerors." 2 * 
Hence, we can appreciate why Alcuin should speak of 
the Goths as a God- favoured nation, and that Charle- 
magne should encourage them as colonists. 

About 760, we find these Goths influencing St. Gall, 
since we find Arabic nomenclature in the domestic lan- 
guage of that region.* This is traceable in the vocabu- 
laries which are based on Arabico-Gothic glosses. In 
the Anglo-Saxon charters, there is quite a host of Arabico- 
Gothic words, 5 and we know that the Anglo-Saxon glos- 
saries came from St. Gall/' Indeed, Wiener thinks that 
" it is very doubtful if the alleged Greek renaissance of 
Irish scholarship is independent of, and older than the 
Arabico-Gothic renaissance of Greek learning." 5 Verona 

1 See Appendix 3. 

** Wiener, "Contributions towards a History of Arabico-Gothic 
Culture, 1, xxxiii-xxxvi. See his " Germanic Laws," 77 ct scq. 

*Z&iJ., II, p. 329. /bid., I, p. 194. 

4 Hessels, J. H., " A Late Eighth-Century Latin-Anglo-Saxon 
Glossary," xiii. 

MVienor, op. /., II, p. 329. 


and other cities of Northern Italy also had colonies of 
Goths in the eighth and ninth centuries. The greater 
part of Gothic literature was preserved in Italy, and 
Spanish bibles abounded there in the tenth century. 6 

The Muslim rulers were sought by the emperors 
and princes of Europe as allies, and embassies passing 
to and fro were not uncommon. Pepin and Charlemagne, 
as well as the Byzantine Emperors, sent their envoys to 
Muslim courts, and in return received the plenipoten- 
tiaries of the latter. That such missions were the means 
of introducing Oriental ideas into the West is generally 
acknowledged. 7 Similar diplomatic relations existed 
between the Normans of Sicily and Muslim Egypt, and 
between Byzantium and Muslim Spain. Muslim armies 
fought on Italian soil for the Lombard princes, the 
Byzantines, and even the Pope. They marched side by 
side with the soldiers of the petty Christian princes north 
of the Pyrenees. The Norman armies of Roger I and 
Frederick II of Sicily contained whole divisions of 

The cultural influence due to the presence of this 
Muslim civilisation in Europe or in close proximity can- 
not be over-estimated, for " the blessings of culture which 
were given to the West by its temporary Islamitic ele- 
ments are at least as important as the influence of the 
East during the time of the Crusades."* Spain, Italy and 
Byzantium became the great highways for the infiltration 

., II, p. 276. Berger, " Histoire de la Vulgate," p. 140. 
'"Cambridge Mediaeval History," ii, p. 592. Bury, "History 
of the Eastern Roman Empire," p. 438. 

8 " Cambridge Mediaeval History," ii, p. 390. 


of this culture, although we must not lose sight 'of the 
fact that these lands had been the centres of the Visi- 
gothic, Roman and Greek civilisations, because this helps 
us to appreciate why the Arabian influence was able to 
make itself felt so effectively. 

The Crusades, too, had some influence on Western 
Europe, although, probably, the military arts gained most 
by the contact. One is inclined to think that more was 
accomplished " m the quiet contacts of peace," 9 as in 
the sphere of commerce. 

The argosies of the Muslims plied the Mediterranean 
long before Venice, Genoa and Pisa dominated its waters, 
and the caravan routes had been in Arab hands since the 
dawn of history. We know from Papal records of the 
eighth and ninth century, that Arab Spain supplied Rome 
with fine vestments and tapestries for ecclesiastical pur- 
poscs. n Venice, as early as the ninth century, already 
had a trade with Syria and Cairo. 23 The commercial tics 
between Ban and the Arabs of the East are said to date 
from the days when the Muslims held this town.-" Amalfi 
too, was trading with the Muslims in the same century/ 4 
and this town was the centre of the Oriental trade, 7 ' until 
the Normans broke its independence at the close of the 
eleventh century. 

Robertson, J. M., "Evolution of States,'' p. 69. 
10 " Cambridge Modern History,'' i, Chapter I. 

nyignoli, ii, pp. 243-5. 

J'Heyd, "Hist, du Commerce du Levant," i, 110. 
13 Heyd, op. cit., i, p. 97. 

U IbM., p. 99. 
iil., p. 107. Dutt, D. C., " History of India," ii, p. 312. 


France in the ninth century is claimed to have had 
commercial ties with Egypt, 16 and certainly Russia and 
the Baltic provinces were in touch with the East before 
the opening of the eleventh century. 27 Probably Greece, 
in spite of her political enmity, was as big a trader with 
Syria and Egypt as any other country. Up to the tenth 
century the commercial traffic between Byzantium and the 
East was highly developed. 1 * 

Our vocabularies reveal the incisions made on Western 
Europe through its commercial intercourse with the Mus- 
lims. Through the Arabic come a host of words of every- 
day usage such as cotton, muslin, damask, tabby, taffeta, 
camlet^ sugar, saffron, borax, orange, lemon, sherbet, 
lozenge musk, camphor, amber and sandalwood. 
Needless to say, the influence was not confined 
to the mere nomenclature of articles of exchange. The 
arts and crafts of the Muslims, as well as their manners 
and customs, were freely borrowed. The Muslim sailor 
brought the compass to Europe, and its gimbaP 1 is an 
Arabic term. The alidade of the sextant, the admiral 
of the fleet, and the Ice 1 of the ship, all tell the tale of 
their origin. The land trader with his caravan and his 
guide, 2 and, above all, his tariff, added to the European 
stock of words. The soldier found the Muslim tactics 
worthy of adoption, and even his artillery and the Moor- 

, i, p. 92. 
17 Hid., i, p. 57, scq. 

tf/frir/., p. 53. 

19 See Al-Mas'udi, " Prairies d'or," viii, p. 18. 
Arabic, lwm(ila~ u io hear." 
'Arabic, 'ah = "high/' 
* Arabic, qa'id = "loader." 


ish pike. Such words as magazine and accoutre* are 
derived from the Arabic. The builder with his alcove, 
the leather-worker in cordwain, the potter with his jar, 
and the industrial artist with his arabesque and majolica, 
copied the Muslim workman. 

If we look at the sports and pastimes of Europe we 
cannot fail to note those of Arabian origin. In chess, 
the word rook, and in cards the term nap came through 
the Arab contact. It is highly probable that the 
word baccara is Arabic. Dances, especially in Southern 
Europe, reveal the influence of the Arabs of Spain, as in 
the zarabandci, and our morris dance is but the Moorish 
dance. Hawking, a favourite pastime with the Spanish 
Arabs, was reduced to an art, and the sake? and other 
Arab-bred falcons were eagerly sought by Christian 
Europe. How much the knightly customs of chivalry 
and the tournament owe to the Muslims is generally 
admitted, as we know from the zalagdrda, and one 
strange officer, the tabardcr, took his office or name from 
the Arabs/ 

We have taken a fairly broad view of the general cul- 
tural influences of Arabian civilisation on Europe through 
the political contact, and we can now enquire how far 
music was involved. Those who are acquainted with the 
literature of the Arabs can fully appreciate the statement 
that music with the Arabs was part and parcel of their 
daily lives. The courts of the khalifs, sultans and amirs 
v;cre crowded with virtuosi, whilst every man who could 
boast of a social position had his qaina or female musi- 

3 Arabic, aldara = '* to make ready.*' 
/'See Al-MnqriHi, i, p. 100. 


cian, who was as common in the Golden Age of Muslim 
civilisation as the piano was in the Victorian era. With 
the common people, apart from the great public festivals 
fixed by Islam, there were the household feasts, at births, 
circumcisions, marriages, when music was "the one thing 
needful." The song was to be heard on every side, 
whether from the professional musician or from the work- 
man, whilst the dance was, as with all the Semites, in- 
dispensable. As for musical instruments, whilst the 
names of those used in Europe might be counted on the 
fingers, those of the Arabs can be enumerated by the 

The tremendous vogue of music in all its branches can 
best be appreciated from the pages of the famous " Kitab 
al-Agham" or "Book of Songs," written by Abu'l-Faraj 
al-Isf aham (d. 96;), and the " 'Iqd al-Farld," or " Unique 
Necklace," by the Spanish Arab, Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi 
(d. 940). The former comprises twenty-one volumes, and 
contains a collection of poems that had been set to music 
from pre-Islamic times to the ninth century, together with 
biographical details of authors, composers, singers, in- 
strumentalists and musical litterateurs. During the thou- 
sand years that have elapsed since this monument of 
erudition was produced, nothing of its kind in worth 
or merit has been accomplished by any writer of Western 
Europe. If we look at the "Fihrist" of Muhammad ibn 
Ishaq al-Nadim (c. 988), or the works of Ibn al-Qifti, Ibn 
Abi Usaibi'a, or Abu'1-Fida, we can see a long list of 
Greek musical theorists whose writings were known to the 
Arabs, as well as innumerable Arabian musical theorists 
and litterateurs. 

During the political contact, the musical influence of 


Muslim peoples on Europe was mainly that ^which could 
be transmitted by hand, as with musical instruments, and 
what could be learned "by rote," for in those days not 
only melodies, but verse and story also, were frequently 
communicated in this way. Christian Spain was pos- 
sibly the first to feel the new contact. A glance at the 
musical instruments of mediaeval Spain, as delineated in 
manuscripts of the tenth and eleventh centuries, 7 and in 
the "Cantigas de Santa Maria" (thirteenth century) re- 
veals the debt owed to the Arabs, 5 whilst the names of 
these instruments, preserved in the verses of Juan Ruiz 
(fourteenth century) fully supplement this assertion. 
Laud, rabe morisco, caHo, atambor, guitarra morisca, tam- 
borete> panderete, gayta, cxabeba, albogon, anafil, and 
atambal, were names which came through the Arabic. 
Other documents tell us of the dulgayna, adufe, exaquir, 
chirimia and xelami, all of which are derived from the 
same source. In the word zambras the Spaniards pre- 
serve the name of the musical festivals of the Arabs, as 
they do in such expressions as algazara and alarido? 

Casiri, the famous Arabic bibliographer, says that the 
Arabian melodies were great favourites with the Cata- 
lans, not only when sung by the professional minstrels, 
but by the rough sailors at the ports. 10 Juan Ruiz, the 
fourteenth century poet already mentioned, quotes an 

7Riano, Fig. 39. Lavignac's " Ency. de la Musique," iv, p. 

8 Miss Schlesinger holds that " the greatest proportion of these 
(instruments) can be traced to an Oriental origin, through the 
Arabs." (" Precursors, etc.," p. 410.) See Appendix 4. 
flRibera, " La Miisica de las Cantigas," p. 83. 
10 Casiri, " Bibl. Arab.-Hisp. Escur." 


Arabian tune entitled " Cabel el orabin," or " Cabel el 
garabi." n It would appear to be the identical tune given 
by Salinas (d. 1590), who says that it probably came from 
the Arabs, since the words calvi vi cahn calvi orabi, are 
Arabic. 2 * This brilliant mathematicomusician gives ex- 
amples of Spanish music of his day which show Arabian 
influence. 13 Another Arabian tune mentioned by Juan 
Ruiz is entitled " Caguil Hallaco." The word for song 
in Spanish is cana^ and it is the Arabic ghanlya^ just as 
the Castilian anaxir is the Arabic al-nashld (song, verse). 
The older authorities, Eximeno,^ and Andres, 15 openly 
admitted the influence of the Arabs on the music of 
Spain. Nowadays, savants like Pedrell would fain deny 
this influence. 16 A more recent writer says that the in- 
fluence is not one of a type of construction, but rather a 
mere scheme of decoration, which, he says, is identical 
with what is seen in the Mudejar style of architecture. 17 

Ruiz, " Libro de buen amor" (Ducainin edit.), coplas 
1,250 et seq. Riano, op. cit., 129. 

Salinas, "De musica libri VII," p. 339. See Ribera, op. 
cit., 84. 

^The melody beginning " Que me querys el Cavallero," has 
the rhythm of the modern jazz, a word derived from the Arabic 
jazz (= to apocopate, to cut off). Cf., jaza'a (= to curtail a 
verse). The jazz passed into North- West Africa with the full tide 
of Islamic culture, and was thus introduced into the southern slave 
states of America, from whom we obtained it. See my article, 
" The. Arab Influence on Music in the Western Soudan " (" Musi- 
cal Standard," Nov. 15, 1924). 

ttEximeno, "Dell' origine . . . della musica" (1774), p. 403. 

*5 Andrfes, " Dell' origine e progress! e dello stato attuale d'ogni 
letteratura" (1782-99), i, 289-92, iv, 259, 264. See Appendix 5. 
# Pedrell, " Cancionero popular espanol," pp. 69, 84. 

n "The Criterion," Feb., 1924, pp. 218-19. See Appendix 6, 


Yet when we peruse the monumental work of the erudite 
Julian Ribera, " La Musica dc las Cantigas," the con- 
clusion seems inevitable that the Arabian influence is far 
deeper than any previous writer had imagined. 

In Portugal, the Arabian influence is equally as patent, 
especially in the sports and pastimes of the people.** As 
in Spain, they have their zambras or festivals, where one 
may hear them sing the hudas 19 and aravias or dance the 
mouriscas, words alone which tell of their origin. The 
musical instruments, like those of Spain, bear names which 
are mostly Arabic, whilst their form and structure are 
frcm the same source. 

In France, contact with Arabian culture must have 
begun at an early period. In the industrial arts of the 
ninth-tenth centuries there can be no mistaking the Ori- 
ental influences which prevail. 20 Both Pepin and Charle- 
magne had intimate dealings with the Arabs of Spain 
and the East, and it was Charlemagne who " probably was 
the means of introducing the new Arabian instruments 
to the rest of Europe." 1 The designs of musical instru- 
ments in the art works of the period are, in many cases, 
derived from Oriental models. Miss Schlesinger points 
out that the instruments delineated in Evangelarium of 
St. Medard (eighth century), and the Lothair, Aureum and 
Labeo Notker psalters (ninth-tenth centuries) " are all Ori- 

HBraga, T., "0 povo portuguez nos ecus costumes, cren^as e 
tradisoes," p. 75. 

*0 Arabic, liudd* = caravan song. 

* See Appendix 7. 

i Schlesinger, " Precursors," p. 280. Miss Schlesinger is quite 
confident that these instruments came from the Muslims of Spain 
or Sicily. See pp. 329, 342, 371, 374, 398, 399, 420. 


ental instruments derived from the Egyptian or older 
Asiatic civilisations and disseminated in Europe 
mainly through the Arabs." Yet a great deal more 
than the instruments themselves was borrowed. The 
roving Arab minstrel was the chief means whereby these 
Oriental instruments became known, and he passed on 
at the same time a new type of music. Pie may, indeed, 
have been the originator of the wandering minstrel class 
that spread all over Europe. 2 Germanic and Romance 
rhyme undoubtedly came from the Semites, as Meyer has 
shown. 2 * That the Spaniards imitated Arabic verse is 
stated by Alvarus in the mid-ninth century. 2b Prose was 
also affected. In the beginning of the twelfth century, 
the Counts of Barcelona became rulers of Provence, and 
here the troubadour and his jongleur re-acted the parts 
of the Arab amir and his ghanntfi. 

Dr. J. M. Clark, the most recent (1926) historian of St. 
Gall, says, after reading the evidence put forward by the 
present writer : " It is now definitely proved that the Ara- 
bic contribution to the theory and practice of music in 
the Middle Ages was considerable, and I think it highly 
probable that it made itself felt at St. Gall." 20 

France carried the Arabic and other Oriental names for 
many of its musical instruments for centuries. Guillaume 
de Machaut (c. 1364) mentions the micanon, rubebe, 
morache, guiterne, naquaire, cor Sarrasinois, doussainne, 

*Fauriel, "Hist, de la Poesie," iii, p. 338. See Appendix 8. 

2 Meyer, <c Greeammelte Abhandlungen znr rnittellateinischen 
Rythmic," I, p. 6. 

2b " Espafia Sagrada," xi, p. 274. Amador de los Rios, iii, 
p. 48. 

20 Clark, " The Abbey of St. Gall," vi. 


labour, muse cTAussay and the eschaquier. Besides these 
we find the quesse, timbale^ gighe and luth. It was pro- 
bably through the Basques (and the Neapolitans) that the 
tambourine got a real hold on Europe, and it is still called 
the tambour de Basque. (See Appendix 4.) 

Italy, like the other lands in close proximity to Muslim 
culture, moved forward under the stress of the contact. 5 
The earlier literature of Italy bears ample trace of Ori- 
ental influence. Poetry was certainly affected by Sicilian 
modes, and later by Provencal devices. The brilliant 
artistry of the Muslim minstrels in Sicily was bound to 
find an echo in the South of Italy. When the Normans 
became masters in the eleventh century, this Oriental in- 
fluence continued with as much vigour as before. 4 Such 
instruments as the liuto, rebccca, tambura, nacchcra, 
theorba, joch, canone, and mezzo canone, carry, in their 
names, the story of their birth, as do the instruments de- 
lineated by Fra Angelico, Bellini and Mantegna/'* 

Although it was only among the Normans of the South 
that any active support was given to the Crusades, yet 
no country in Europe perhaps, was more influenced by 
this movement, than Italy. The great ports of Pisa, 
Venice and Genoa played a conspicuous part during the 
Crusades because of their hold on shipping, and they 
became not only the portals of Europe for the Crusaders 
themselves, but for the ideas which the latter had brought 
from the East. 

The Crusades (1096-1291) had a profound influence on 
Western Europe, though probably not so momentous as 

s Tiraboschi, iii, p. 30C. 

Ency. Brit.," xxv, p. 32. <u See Appendix 4. 



that due to the actual presence of the Muslim. Still, the 
fact that for two hundred years there were thousands of 
Crusading pilgrims journeying to the East, and returning 
with thoughts of the strange world that they had seen, 
must have counted considerably in culture progress. So 
far as our present subject is concerned, we are able to 
trace the influence of the Crusaders as distinct perhaps 
from other media* by means of Oriental words and cus- 
toms which are Persian, Turkish, or Syrian. As we have 
pointed out already, the military arts gained considerably 
by this contact. The Christian armies, hitherto only sup- 
plied with military music comprised of trumpets and 
horns, now adopted a regular military band which had 
special functions/' In these Muslim bands would be found 
such instruments as the naqqara, tabl, kfis, qas'a, tinbcil, 
tablr and baldbdn, all of which belonged to the drum class. 
To these were added the z'd (cymbals) and the jiiljul (gong) 
and the jaghana (jingling johnny). 6 Of wind instru- 
ments there were the zamr, surnay, naflr and buq. 

Many of these instruments were borrowed by Europe, 
together with their names the nakcr or naqnairc^ the 
tabel, tabor or tambour, the quessc or caisse, the tymbala 
or timbalc, the baldbdn, the jingling johnny, the sumcr or 
sumber> the dulgayna or dotissaine, the anafil or anaiin^ 
and the albogon or alboquc. 

Words like tinbal, tablr and balaban are Persian and 
Turkish, and, apparently, were introduced at the time of 
the Crusades. Qas'a and naqqara were not usual with the 

5 See my "Rise and Development of Military Music/' p. It?, 
and Ramsay's " Angevin Empire/' pp. 302-3. 

6 The jaghana, hence "Johnnie," or "Jingling Johnnie," was 
-e-introduced into Europe by the Turks in the seventeenth century. 



Arabs of Europe, and they, too, ought to be placed to 
the credit of the Crusaders. I have already pointed out 
that the European term fanfare is the plural of nafir 
(an far) in metathesis. In a similar way, the word tucket 
would perhaps appear to be the Hebrew taqa' and the 
Arabic tuqa. 

Through Byzantium came another tide of Arabian cul- 
ture. Oriental influence had been streaming into Byzan- 
tine lands since Sasanid times, much of it Persian, and 
not a negligible amount Arabian, for Arabs were in the 
army and administration/ With the rise of the Khahfatc, 
clear and definite traces of a fresh influx of Arabian cul- 
ture show themselves, and so much so, that we can count 
them in the " ingredients of Byzantine civilisation."'' 1 
From the mid-seventh to the beginning of the ninth cen- 
tury, the arts were at low ebb in Byzantium. When the 
revival came, it was due, in the main, to Arabian influ- 
ences. Baghdad and other centres of Arabian culture 
had aroused the envy of Thcophilus (829-42), and his 
craze for building probably came from a desire to outdo 
the Muslims.'' Strange to say, a revival of interest in 
science also dates from this century, and our oldest 
Byzantine MSS. of classical authors belong to this 
period.-" Clearly the Arabian influence reveals itself here. 
In the cloisonne technique of the ninth century, we can 

? " Cambridge Mediaeval History," iv, p. 73o. Sec Appendix 9. 

s Hw/., iv, pp. 152, 773. 

9 Ibid., iv, ]>. 3 ( J. Bury, "Jlistory of the Eastern Homau 
Empire," p. 435. 

*0(ibbon (Bury edit.), vi, p. 104. 

11 Omont, "Facsimiles des plus anciens MSS. grecs du IX e au 
XlY e siecle." See Appendix 2. 


trace the Oriental hand or mind/ 2 as much as in the 
fabrics, and also perhaps in other industrial arts. 

What Byzantium borrowed from the musical art of its 
Eastern neighbour is not easily determined. One of the 
earliest examples of an Arab rabab (the European rebcc\ 
however, may be found represented on a casket of Byzan- 
tine workmanship of the eighth (?) or ninth century, now 
in the Carrand Collection at Florence. JJ Later Byzantine 
music was deeply influenced by Arabian modcls.* ; 


Whilst the political contact brought a host of 
fresh Oriental customs and ideas to the West, a 
deep impulse came also from the literary and in- 
tellectual contact. This latter was also heightened 
by the fact that the Muslims themselves were on 
European soil from the eighth to the fifteenth century. 
Muslim Spain, in its passion for literary, artistic and 
scientific culture, became the rival of the Eastern khal- 
ifate. This land was, says Stanley Lane Poole, "the 
marvel of the Middle Ages, and which, when all Europe 
was plunged in barbaric ignorance and strife, alone held 
the torch of learning and civilisation bright and shining 
before the Western world." 2 Its colleges and libraries at 
Cordova, Toledo, Seville, and other towns, became world- 

12 Bury, op. cit., p. 433. Diehl, " L'art Byzantine," p. 642. 

WL'Art," i, p. 24. 
, "Byz. Mus. and Hymn.," pp. 44, 63. 
* Poolc, S. L., " Moors in Spain," p. 43. 


renowned. The college at Cordova reckoned its students 
by the thousand.^ Material and intellectual wealth 
seemed to go hand in hand. The coffers of the sultan 
'Abd al-Rahman III (d. 96 1)* brimmed over with twenty 
million pieces of gold/ whilst the library of the sultan 
Al-Hakam II (d. 976) contained four hundred thousand 
books. 5 This latter monarch founded twenty-seven free 
schools in Cordova and paid the teachers from his own 
purse, whilst the former brought the Greek monk, Nicolas, 
to Cordova in 951, to supervise translatibns from the 
Greek/ 1 * 

Italy, after the Lombard invasion in the sixth century, 
was left in desolation culturally, 6 ' and the educational re- 
forms of Charlemagne in the ninth century scarcely 
contributed to repair the damage. In Muslim Sicily, on 
the other hand, "colleges and schools sprang up on all 
sides, and learning and art were patronised." 7 That is 
why this island became, between the tenth and twelfth 
centuries, "a source of both Greek and Arabic learning 
foi Western Europe/' 5 

Strange as it may seem, the Arabian influence was 
given even greater impulse after the Norman conquest 
(1071), for " the Normans came into the inheritance of the 
two most civilised nations of the time (the Arabs and 

2 Dozy, "Hist, des Musul. d'Espagne," iii, p. 109. 
3 He claimed the title of khalif. 

//Dozy, iii, 90. 
6 Casiri, i, p. 38. 5 * See Appendix 10. 

cTiraboschi, " Storia," iii, p. 47. 

7 Ameer AH, "Short History of the Saracens," p. 599. 
* Hearnshaw, " Mediaeval Contributions to Modern Civilisation," 


Byzantines) and allowed them to flourish side by side." 9 
Roger II 'd. 1154) and the Emperor Frederick II (d. 1250) 
were both ardent Arabo-philcs. The court of the latter 
monarch was as oriental as that of any amir of the Sicil- 
ian Aghlabids. Here were maintained Jewish savants 
who translated Arabic works for the colleges, astrologers 
from Baghdad, Saracen dancers, both male and female, 
and Moorish trumpeters 1 " Libraries were filled with 
Greek and Arabic works, and it was Frederick II who es- 
tablished the University of Naples and gave the College 
of Salerno Ins special attention. Through their portals 
Western Europe was to receive the bounties of the Ara- 
bian contact. Professor C. ii. Haskms says : 13 " Both his- 
torically and geographically Sicily was the natural meet- 
ing-point of Greek, Arabic and Latin civilisation, and a 
natural avenue for the transmission of Eastern art and 

learning to the West The distinctne element in 

southern learning lay, however, not on the Latin side, but 
in its immediate contact with Greek and Arabic scholar- 
ship, and the chief meeting-point of these various currents 
of culture was the royal court at Palermo, direct heir to 
the civilisation of Saracen Sicily" 

This literary and intellectual contact of Muslim Spain 
and Sicily with Christian Spain and Italy, can be 
traced in two directions: (i) mere borrowings from Ara- 
bic works or Arab teachers, and (2) compilations and 
translations from Arabic works. 

The first movement might be said to have started in 

'"Eney. Brit.," xxv, p. 32. 

, " Pocsie und kunst dor Araber in Spnnien und Sici- 
lien," ii, p. 151. 
"Hoskins, "The Normans in European History," pp. 235, 238. 


the eighth century. One of the oldest documents bearing 
definite evidence of the Arabic influence is the "Codex 
Toletanus" of Isidore's "Etymologic." 12 In this docu- 
ment we have "glosses'' in Arabic which date from the 
eighth century, revealing the fact that "some Goths were 
already more conversant with Arabic than with Latin, 
even though they remained Christians." 13 

In the ninth century, Bishop Alvarus of Cordova com- 
plains of the neglect of the Latin tongue in favour of 
the Arabic, and of the study of Arabic books rather than 
the Holy Scriptures. Alvarus says : 

"Who is there among the faithful laity sufficiently 
learned to understand the Holy Scriptures, or what our 
doctors have written in Latin? Who is there fired with 
love of the Gospels, the Prophets, the Apostles? All our 
young Christians .... arc learned in infidel erudition and 
perfected in Arabic eloquence. They assiduously study, 
intently read and ardently discuss Arabic books (v alu- 
mina C aid GO rum)}* 1 .... The Christians arc ignorant of 
their own tongue; the Latin race docs not understand its 
own language. Not one in a thousand of the Christian 
communion can write an intelligent letter to a brother. 
On the other hand, there ar great numbers of them who 
expound the Arabic splendour of language, and metrically 
adorn, by mono-rhyme, the final clauses of songs, better 
and more sublimely than other peoples."^ 

w Lindsay, W. M., " Tsidori Hispalensis Epi&copi Etymolog. sive 
Originum Libri XX." 

w Wiener, L., "Hist, of Arabico-Gothic Culture," ii, p. 332. 

u The Caltlai are the Arabs, as proved by the contemporary 
"Chronicon Sebastian!" (" Espaua sagrada," xiii, p. 480). 
M " Espaiia sagrada," xi, p. 274, See Appendix ll t 


In the mid-tenth century we have direct evidence of the 
result of these Arabic studies in such works as the Ripoll 
MS. (tenth century) from Spain, 10 the writings of Sab- 
batai ben Abraham or Donnolo (c. 946), from Italy/ 7 and 
the Alcandrius treatise (c. 950) from Southern France ( ? ). JS 
We then have traces of the Arabian influence in Bernelinus 
(c. 990), Gerbert (d. 1003), and Hermann Contract 
(d. 1054), all three being known as musical theorists or 

The second movement can certainly be traced to the 
tenth century, when we have vague hints in Gerbert, who 
tells us (in 984) about a certain Joseph the Wise, and 
Lupitus of Barcelona, who undoubtedly were translators 
from the Arabic. By the following century, the steady 
and systematic translation of Arabic works had begun 
with Constantine the African (d. 1087), and was continued 
by Petrus Anfusi (c. 1106), Abraham ben Hijja (c. 1116), 
Adelard of Bath (c. 1120), Stephen of Antioch 
(c. 1127), Peter of Monte Cassino, (c. 1127), Hugh of 
Santalla (c. 1130), John of Seville (r. 1135), Hermann 
of Carinthia (c. 1138), Robert of Retine (c. 1141), Rudolf 
of Brughes (c. 1144), Plato of Tivoli (c. 1145), Eugenius 
of Sicily (c. 1154), Gerard of Cremona (d. 1187), and 

These translators and their successors rendered into 
Latin not only the Arabic translations of the Greek, but 

" Haskins, " Studies," p. 8. See Beer, " Sitz. dor Wien. Akad. 
(Phil.-Hist.)," civ, pp. 57-9. See Appendix ]2. 

17 Steinschneider, " Virchow's Archiv.," xxxii, p. 65. See Cns- 
telli, " II Commento di Sabbatai Donnolo." 

tfHearnshaw, op. cit., p. 120. See Thorndyke, " Hist, of 
Magic and Experimental Science." 


the most famed works of Arabian scholars wer$ presented 
in this tongue. Among the -physicians whose works were 
translated were : Ishaq ibn Imran (called Isaac), Muham- 
mad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi (Rhazcs), Ishaq ibn Sulaiman 
al-Isra'lli (Isaac Israeli), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Rid- 
wan (Rodoam), Abu'I-Qasim al-Zahrawl (Abulcasis), and 
Hunain ibn Ishaq (Oncin). In astronomy, there were ren- 
dered the works of Abu Ma'shar (Albumaser), Al-Bat- 
tanl (Albatcgnius), Al-Farghani (Alfraganus), Yahya ibn 
Abl al-Mansur (Almansor), Al-Zarkall (Arzachel), Mas- 
lama al-Majriti (Moslcma). In mathematics, Europe took 
the fullest advantage of translations from Abu 'Abdallah 
al-Khwarizml (Algaurizim), Ibn al-Haitham (Alhazen), 
Thabit ibn Qurra (Thcbid), Ahmad ibn al-Daya (Admet), 
and the Banfi Musa ( u Liber trium f ratrum "). In philo- 
sophy, there were the books of Al-Kindl (Alchindus), 
Al-Farabl (Alpharabius), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn 
Maimun (Maimonidcs), Ibn Bajja (Avenpace), and Ibn 
Rushd (Averroes). Hundreds of treatises on the arts and 
sciences were translated from the Arabic into Latin, and 
it is to this movement of study and translation that we 
must look for those influences which directly affected the 
Renaissance. 1 - 9 

Through the scholarly researches of Wiistenfelt 2C/ and 
Moritz Steinschneidcr, 21 we are able to view the vast treas- 

^Haskins, " Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science,'* p. 3. 
Owen, " Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance," p. 66. 

*0 Wiistenfelt, "Die ITebersetzungen arabischer Werke in das 
Lateinische seit dem XI Jahrhundert." 

21 Steinschneider, " Die arabischen ITebersetzungen aus dem 
Griechischen," " Die europaischen Uebersetzungen aus dem Arab- 
ivschen," u Die hebraischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters," etc. 


ures of the Latin translations from the Arabic that have 
been preserved, including what the Arabs themselves had 
translated from the Greek. Unfortunately, in spite of 
the considerable Arabic literature that existed on music, 
as I will show, not a solitary Latin musical work from 
the Arabic has come down to us, beyond the "De scien- 
tiis" and the "De ortu scientiarum," of Al-Farabi, al- 
though a Hebrew translation of the madkkal to Al- 
Farabfs " Kitab al-Muslql " was known to Ibn ' Aqnin 
(c. 1160-1226). Yet almost every other field of Arabian 
art and science is well represented in Latin translation, 
especially in such writers as Al-Kindl, Thabit ibn Ourra, 
Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-RazI, Al-FarabJ and Ibn 
Slna, all of whom had written works on music. 

That there is almost a complete absence of the musical 
treatises of the Arabs in Latin, need not seriously dis- 
count the theory that they may have existed, seeing that 
we know of many Latin translations of original Arabic 
works that have not come down to us, and that we pos- 
sess many Latin translations the Arabic originals of 
which have not been preserved. Music was the one science 
lhat interested the Church, and it is not improbable that 
she might have effaced any recognition of the " infidels/' 
for we must remember that the Renaissance was as yet 
at the dawn. In spite of this hiatus, however, there are 
still a number of legitimate reasons why we may suggest 
that besides the obvious and palpable influence which 
accrued from the political contact, as already demon- 
strated, there was also a considerable influence due to the 
literary and intellectual contact. 

I have already pointed out that between the eighth and 
eleventh century, and especially during the flourishing 


period of the scholiasts of the Bait al-Hikma ("House 
of Wisdom"), under Khalif Al-Ma'mun, the musical trea- 
tises of Aristoxenos, Aristotle, Euklid, Ptolemy and Niko- 
machos had been translated into Arabic. 22 Yet the Ara- 
bian savants did not stop there. Works on musical theory 
were written by the Arabs themselves, many of which, 
such as the treatises of Al-Kindl, Al-Farabi and Ibn 
Slna, are of the highest importance. Their contributions 
to the physical side of music, their careful descriptions 
of instruments, and their treatment of many points of 
Greek and Byzantine theory that have been lost to us, must 
be taken into account. That we may grasp the full sig- 
nificance of this movement of study among the Arabs, 
both East and West, I submit the following list of the 
most important theorists [I do not include litterateurs or 
biographers) from the eighth to the twelfth centuries : 

Yunus al-Katib (d. c. 760). 

Al-Khalil (d. 791). 

Ishaq al-Matisill (d. 850). 

Al-Kindl (d. 874). 

Al-Sarakhsi (d. 899). 

The Banu Musa .'ninth century). 

Ibn Khurdadhbih (ninth century). 

Thabit ibn Qurra (d. 901). 

Mansur ibn Talha ibn Tahir (c. 900). 

'Ubaidalla ibn 'Abdalla ibn Tahir (d. c. 912). 

Yahya ibn 'All ibn Yahya (d. 912). 

Muhammad ibn al-Mufaddal (d. 920). 

Oust a ibn Luqa (d. 932). 

^Farmer, " Arabian Influence/' p. 10, 


Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razl (d. 932). 

Al-Farabi (d 950). 

Abu'1-Wafa al-Buzjanl (d. 997). 

The Ikhwan al-$afa' (tenth century). 

Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khwarizml (tenth century). 

Maslama al-Majntl (d. 1007). 

Ibn Sina (d. 1037). 

Al-Husain ibn Zaila (d. 1048). 

Abu'1-Salt Umayya (d. 1134). 

Ibn Bajja (d. 1138). 

Abu'l-Hakim al-Bahili (d. 1154). 

Muhammad al-Haddad (d. 1 165). 

Aba Nasr ibn Mataran (d. 1191)- 

Ibn Rushd (d. 1198). 

Fakhr al-Dln al-Razl 'd. 1209). 

Most of these theorists belonged to the East, but we 
know that the works of many of them were known in the 
West. In Muslim Spain, musical didactics existed in the 
ninth century, and we can be almost positive that the 
theory of music taught in the school of Ziryab, who 
settled at Cordova in 822,* s was that of Yunus al-Katib 
and Ishaq al-Mausill. In the same century, Ibn Firnas 
(d. 888?) is said to have introduced music as a depart- 
ment of the quadrivmm?'* 

It was this savant who introduced the writings of Al- 
Khalil into Muslim Spain. 25 Maslama al-Majrlti spread 
abroad the tracts of the Ikhwan al-$afa'.* fi The treatises 

, " Muh. Dyn.," ii, p, 116. 
i,/., i, pp. 148, 426. 
lbid., loc. cit. 
p. 429, Cf., i, p. 150, 


of Al-Farabl, 27 Al-Kindi Qusta ibn Luqa, the Banu Musa, 
Thabit ibn Qurra, Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi, and 
AbCi'l-$alt Umayya, were also known in the West. 

Christian Spain had little interest in science or letters 
at this period, and the ignorance of the clergy was de- 
plorable.' But the new learning of the infidels in their 
midst had compelled attention, and we have Bishop Al- 
varus (ninth cent.) of Cordova complaining that his co- 
religionists spent more time in acquiring the culture and 
language of the Arabs than with Christian books and 
Latin. 2 Even Alvar Fafiez, the lieutenant of the gallant 
Cid (d. 1099) signed his name in Arabic. 3 

The intercourse between the Christians of Spain itself 
and the Spanish March and beyond, must have con- 
tributed to the dissemination of this Arabian intel- 
lectual culture. We have evidence of the contact in a 
Ripoll MSS. 'tenth century) from Spain/' whilst the ex- 
istence of a Latin- Arabic glossary of the eleventh century 
speaks volumes. 5 We see it in Italy in the works of Sab- 
batai ben Abraham (d. 9;o). 6> His book on astrology is 

27 1 do not know Mitjana's authority for saying that Ibn Firnas 
introduced the theories of Al-Farabi into Spain. It was Al- 
Kbalil's theory, an Al-Maqqari says, that he taught. Another 
writer ("The Criterion," ii, p. 210) gratuitously describes Ibn 
Firnas as a "professor of music at Toledo when Pope Sylvester 
(P Gerbert) was a student there." 

i Lafuente, "Hist. Gen. de Espaua," iv, p. 342. 
-Dozy, "Hist, des Musulmans d'Espagne," ii, p. 103. 
5 For a collection of Spanish documents written in Arabic char- 
acters see Pablo Gill " Textos Aljamiados." 

A Haskins, op. cit., pp. 8, 9. 
5 Seybold, " Glossarium Latino- Arabicum." 
^Hearnehaw, op. cit., p. 120. 


dated 946. Sabbatai says that he had studied "the 
sciences of the Greeks, Arabs, Babylonians and Indians." 6 * 1 
Translations from the Arabic were fairly common in the 
Spanish March and Aquitainc. 7 One great name which 
caught the fancy of mediaeval European savants was that 
of Maslama al-Majnti. s It was through him that Western 
Europe got its knowledge of the astronomical tables of 
Al-Khwarizml, whilst the "Planisphere" of Ptolemy has 
been preserved for us solely through his version. It was 
Maslama who introduced the tracts of the Ikhwan al- 
Safa, including the treatise on music, and the Bodleian 
Library contains two copies of the latter work bearing 
his name. y 

The question now arises, "What is the evidence that 
European musical theorists borrowed from these Arabian 
culture sources?" From what has already been empha- 
sised, it is obvious that we cannot derive testimony from 
any Latin compilations or translations from the Arabic, 
save the aforementioned " DC scientiis " (" Ihsa al- 
l Ulum"} and the "De ortu scientiarum" of Al-Farabi. 
We are compelled therefore to fall back on such hints of 
the Arabian contact as appear in the Latin treatises. 
These may not, of course, have been borrowed direct from 
actual Arabic writings or from Latin translations from 
the Arabic, but may have been transmitted viva voce. 

's " Arcliiv., 1 ' xxxii, p. Go. 
7 " English Historic-ill Review/' vii, p. 027. 

sLeclere (" Hist. <le Med. Arabe ") suggests that Gerbert's Ara- 
bian learning was obtained from Maslama's works. 

^See my "Arabic Musical MSS. in the Bodleian Library," 
pp. 4-6. 


Aurelian of Reome (mid-ninth century) is, with Remi 
of Auxerre, the first of the musical theorists since the 
barbarian invasion in the sixth century. 10 He follows 
Boethius, Cassiodorus and Isidore slavishly. Yet one 
very important point in this writer is his reference to a 
new theory of eight tones, which is clearly stated to be 
of recent adoption. He says it is Greek ! What Greek 
source was open to him that was denied his masters? 
Further, no Greek source known to us to-day has the 
innovation he introduces. 

Pseudo-Hucbald, Pseudo-Bcrnelinus and Notker Labeo 
(1022), all use a phonetic (alphabetic) notation which might 
very well have been prompted by Arabian methods. It 
was certainly used by Al-Kindl (d. 874). A chapter will 
be devoted to this question. The real Bernelinus (c. 990), 
let us bear in mind, was one of the earliest European 
scholars to refer to the Arabic (ghitbar) numerals. 

Odo of Cluny (d. 942) offers another very tempting 
" clue." In his section concerning the eight tones, 
the chorda bear such names as bicq, re, schcmbs, c&mar, 
ncth, ucichc (uichc), caphe (kaphe?), ascl, snggesse (suc- 
gesse) and nar. n Many of these names have a decided 
Semitic physiognomy, 22 *, and several are unmistakably 
Arabic. I confess to not having yet discovered the key 
that would enable us to link it up with the Arabian sys- 

w\ ignore Isidore of Seville, Fseudo-Bcde. and Pseudo-Alcuin. 

^Gerbert, " Scriptores," i, pp. 24<J-50. 
ii& There is a rabbinical proverb which runs : 

"What saith the art of music among the Christians? 

1 was assuredly stolen from the land of the Hebrews." 
Buxtorf, " Florilegium Hebraccrum." 


tern, but the subject is still in its infancy, and the future 
always holds promise in its hands. 

Gerbert of Aurillac (d. 1003) was a name that illumined 
the pages of mediaeval learning. His contact with the 
Muslims of Spain is closer than that of his predecessors, 
so far as written testimony is concerned, and for that 
reason he merits our special attention. Richer tells us 
that Gerbert took Holy Orders at Aurillac, but Barcelona, 
having some recommendation to scholars by virtue of its 
proximity to the great centres of Muslim learning, 12 at- 
tracted Gerbert, and he went to this Christian province 
with Borel, Duke of the Spanish March. Here, he was 
placed under the care of Bishop Hatto of Vich, where 
he made great progress in the mathematical sciences 
(mathesis). Adhemar (d. c. 1035) tells us that Gerbert 
went as far afield as Cordova. 15 This has been doubted 
by his modern biographers, although William of Malmes- 
bury says that he went to Spain especially to learn the 
sciences of the Arabs, and that it was among them that 
he became proficient in arithmetic, music, astronomy and 
geometry. 14 There is no reason why Gerbert should not 
have studied at Cordova, since it was not uncommon for 
European students to study there at this period. 15 At 
any rate, he could easily have studied among the Arabs 
on the borders of the Spanish March, as did the son 

# Richer, " Historiarum," iii, 43. Havet, " Lc-ttres de Ger- 
bert," vii. "English Historical Review," vii, p. 627. 

WRecueil des Historians des Gaules," x, p. 146. 

w Richer, op. cit., iii, 44. 

*5Eulogius, "Memorialis Sanctorum " (" Bibl. Max. Pair., ix, 
pp. 218, 646). Salverte, " Sciences occultes," p. 177. Dozy, 
"Hwt. des Musul. d'Espagne," iii, p. 107. 


of Alonzo of Asturia. The Muslim towns of Saragossa, 
Huesca, Tarragona and Lerida were all within eighty to 
one hundred and seventy miles from Vich. There were 
three eminent Arab mathematicians in the Iberian penin- 
sula in the second half of the tenth century whose works 
were famed Maslama al-Majrlti, Abu'l-Qasim al- 
Zahraw! and Ibn al-Saffar. Probably their treatises were 
part of the store from which Gerbert and his teachers 
drew, IC since Arabic works had already been passing over 
the Pyrenees. 17 

On the other hand, it is argued that Gerbert did not 
know Arabic. Without even knowing Arabic, he could 
still have been influenced by Arabian culture, since we 
know from Latin MSS., notably the Ripoll MS. from 
Spain, 16 ' and the Alcandrius MS. from Southern France, 79 
that Europe had felt the literary and intellectual contact 
with Muslim Spam as early as the mid-tenth century. 
From Gerbert's mathematical writings we are informed 
that no direct influence from Arabic sources can be 
traced.- At the same time, his treatise on the astrolabe, 
carries Arabic terminology,- 1 showing that the author must 

Leclerc, op. cit., i, p. 421. Cf., Smith and Kar- 
pinski's " Hindu-Arabic Numerals," p. 113, and Biidinger, " Ueber 
Gerberts wissenschaftliche und politische Stellung," p. 10. 
M Tiedcmann, " Disputatio de Qusestione," p. 98. 

18 Haskins, op. cit., p. 8. 

19 Hearnshaw, " Mediaeval Contributions to Modern Civilisa- 
tion," p. 120. For another tenth century MS. showing Arabic 
influence, see Thorndyke, "Hist, of Magic and Experimental 
Science," I, 698, and Bubnov, op. cit., xlvii. 

20 Bubnov, " Gerberti Opera Mathematica," p. 124. 
" Patr. Lat.," cxliii, 389-404. Bubnov, op. cit., 109, seq. 
Haskins, " Studies," 51. Thorndyke, op. cit., I, 098, seq. 


have known at least a work or works translated from the 
Arabic, perhaps the " Liber de astrologia," of Lupitus, 
which we know that he was acquainted with. 2 After he 
had left Spain, he frequently requested to be supplied 
with Spanish mathematical writings, 2 and expressly men- 
tions translations, presumably from the Arabic. 5 Nowa- 
days, in spite of the long-drawn debate on the question, 
Gerbert is still credited with having introduced several 
"Arabian sciences" into Europe, including the Arabic 

What most concerns us here, is Gerbert's musical repu- 
tation. Music, as we have said, was part of the quad- 
rivium or mathesis, and Gerbert's skill in this art and 
science can only be satisfactorily accounted for by 
recognition of the Arabian contact. Richer, his contem- 
porary, tells us that of the science of music and astronomy 
the Italians were entirely ignorant? and about 970-1, Ger- 
bert was engaged in Rome, teaching these sciences (math- 
eszs). The science of music was equally neglected in France^ 
until Gerbert remedied this sad state of things. 7 He was 

^ Richer, op. cit., iii, 43. 
2 Gerbert, " Epist.," 17, 24, 25. 

^ Gerbert, "Epist.," pp. 17, 25. The legends handed dawn by 
Vincent de Beauvais and William of Malmesbury concerning Ger- 
bert and his Arabic treatises, may have a substratum of fact. 

*"Encycl. Brit." (eleventh edition), xxv, p. 119. 
^ Richer, iii, 44. "Musica et astronomia in Italia tune peni- 
tus ignorabantur." 

c Richer, iii, 49. " Inde etiam musicam, multo ante Galliis 
tgnotam. ;; 

7 William of Malmesbury, " Gest. Reg. AngL," ii, 167. 


called " Gerbert the Musician," and was " probably 
beyond his age in this science."* 

Hermann Contract (d. 1054) was intimately connected 
with the sciences of the Arabs. Early writers like 
Trithemius 5 credited him with a knowledge of Arabic, 
but that has been abandoned since the time of Jourdain, 
at least. 20 That he was deeply influenced by Arabian 
learning is evidenced by his writings on the astrolabe, 
which are based on Arabic documents or Arabic sources. 
Three of these works are given under his name by Migne, H 
but modern research only allows one of these to bear the 
name of Hermann Contract, and that is " De rnensura 
astrolabii. 2 * This writer is also known as the author of 
two treatises on music, whose titles, according to 
Trithemius, are "De musica lib. i," and "De monochordo, 
lib. I." Martin Gerbert in his " Scriptores," includes two 
tieatises by Hermann under the headings of "Musica," 
and "Versus Hermanni ad discernendum cantum." 2 - 5 A 
critical edition may be consulted in W. Brambach's "Her- 

8 " Encycl. Brit.," loc. cit. For his musical studies see Richer, 
ii, 49. Gerbert several times mentions organs in his letters, 
and the wonderful hydraulic organ is described by William of 
Malmesbury. For a new translation of the organ passage in the 
latter author, see my book, " The Organ of the Ancients from 
Eastern Sources, Hebrew Syriac and Arabic." See Appendix 13. 

Trithemius, " Annalium Hirsangensium," i, 149. 
10 Jourdain, "Recherches critiques sur PAge . . . des Traduc- 
tions latines d'Aristote" (1819). 

""Patr. Lat.," cxliii, 379, seq. 

^Haskins, "Studies," 52-3. Thorndyke, op. cit., i, 701. Of. 
Clerval, " Les ecoles de Ghartres." 

u Gerbert, " Scriptores Eccles. de musica/' ii, 124. 


manni Contracti Musica" (Leipzig, i884). 17 ' I have sug- 
gested that Hermann's curious pitch notation may have 
bten due to the Arabian contact. 1 " 5 

Constantine the African (d. 1087) is another writer 
closely associated with Arabian learning. He was born 
at Carthage (presumably Tunis) about the close of the 
tenth century, when Carthage was held by the Mus- 
lim Zairid dynasty (972-1148). We are told that he spent 
thirty-nine years in the East, acquiring scientific know- 
ledge, which, in those days, could only be obtained there. 
His first sojourn was at Babylon (probably Cairo)/ 6 ' where 
he studied the grammar, dialectics, physics, geometry, 
arithmetic, astronomy, necromancy and music of the 
Chaldceans, Arabs, Persians and Egyptians. After he 
had mastered these sciences he went to India, returning 
to Carthage by way of Ethiopia and Egypt. Settling in 
Carthage, he became suspected, by reason of his immense 
knowledge, of sinister purposes, and was compelled to 
flee to Salerno. Here he remained until a brother of the 
ruler of Babylon (? Cairo), who had arrived at Salerno, 
introduced him to Robert Guiscard, the King of Sicily, 
when he became his secretary. Finally, Constantine 
retired to the monastery of Monte Cassino. 27 

f. the kritik of P. Spitta in " Vierteljahrsschrift fur Musik- 
wissenschaft," ii, 367. 

# Farmer, " Arabian Influence," 13, 22. 

*fi Both Cairo and Baghdad were named Babylon by mediaeval 
Latin writers, but the title more properly belongs to the former. 
See " Encycl. of Islam/' i, p. 550. At the time when Constantine 
was at Cairo, Ibn al-Haitham was its famed teacher in 

J7 Petrus Diaconus, " Chronicon Casinense," iii, p. 35. Paulus 
Diaconus, "Lib. de viribus illustr. Caeinens.," p. 23. Jourdain, 
" Eecherches critiques sur .... Aristote," p. 502. 


The influence of Constantine and his pupils on the 
scientific culture of Southern Europe was considerable. 
He spent the latter years of his life in translating or 
adapting Arabic scientific works into Latin. The greater 
part of these works (those that have come down to us) 
concern medicine, but we know that he worked at other 
sciences also. Whether music was amongst them we are 
not told, but in a place like Monte Cassino, music could 
scarcely have boon ignored. 2711 Yet how much of that Ara- 
bian musical science, which Constantine had learned at 
Babylon, Sicily and rlsewhere, was passed on to Southern 
Europe by this savant and his pupils, we can only con- 
jecture. Constantine was known to one of the old musi- 
cal writers of the thirteenth century, Johannes ^Egidius 
Zamorensis, 2 * a protege of that royal Arabo-phile, 
Alphonso X the Wise. 

It was not until the twelfth century, however, that the 
Latin translators from the Arabic made their historic con- 
tributions to European culture. Among these translators 
were Plato of Tivoli, John of Seville, Gundisalvi, and 
Gerard of Cremona, to mention those connected with 
musical studies. Through these translators, some further 
ideas of the Arabian musical theorists were made known 
in Latin, including Al-Farabl (Alpharabius), and Ibn SlnS. 
(Avicenna). These ideas were borrowed by Vincent de 
Beauvais (d. 1264), Pseudo- Aristotle (c. 1270), the author 
of the "Anonymous IV" MS. (c. 1273-80), Roger Bacon 
(d. 1280), Walter Odington (c. 1280), and Jerome of 

tfa See Appendix 14. 
# Gterbert, " Scriptores," ii, p. 392, 


Moravia (thirteenth century), as I have signalised in my 
monograph. Al-Farabl was a name to be conjured with 
until the sixteenth century w 

In addition to these "clues" for the infiltration of Ara- 
bian musical ideas, we have the evidence of Arabic 
terminology, for just as we find such words as cipher, 
algebra, algorism, appearing in mathematics, zenith, nadir 
and azimuth in astronomy, and alembic, alcohol and al- 
kali in chemistry, so we have such words as elmnahym, 
elmnarifa and alentrade appearing in music. Certainly, 
we have but a solitary example of their usage, and critics 
have the right to ask why these ghosts should flit in like 
this, and then disappear from view.' 

These questions, however, together with my identifica- 
tion of the hochet in the Arabian 'iqd'at, will be dealt with 
in another book which will be devoted to " Mensural 
Music." In the meantime, I proceed to discuss some of 
the facts which led me to specify the other "clues" for 
the Arabian influence on musical theory in my recent 

19 " Denique, Alfarabio auctore, per harmonias, gratia contem- 
plationis et divinarum scientiarum, studia non mediocriter juvan- 
tur." G. Reisch, " Margarita Philosophica " (Basil, 1508), lib. 
v, tract, i, cap. i. 

% They may, indeed, be due to Toletan Mozarabian influence, 
as I have already suggested in my monograph. After the capture 
of Toledo by the Christians in 1086, this city became the chief 
home of the Arabian sciences and arts for European students. It 
was through the portals of Toledo that many of the Latin trans- 
lations from the Arabic came. In 1242, when the Christians took 
Murcia, a Muelim savant, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Raquti, who 
was famed as a writer on music and mathematics, was retained 
by the Christian King, to teach in his schools, Oasiri, ii, pp. 81-2.) 


" During the early mediaeval centuries the Byzantine Empire, 
Syria and Egypt, after they had been conquered by the Arabs, 
the busy streets of Baghdad and Cordova, and Persia, undoubtedly 
produced a far more flourishing activity in the fine arts and the 
industrial arts than was the case in backward western Christian 
Europe." Professor Lynn Thorndike, "A History of Magic and 
Experimental Science," 1, p. 7C2. 

AFTER Ptolemy (fl. 127-151) and Galen (d 201) 
Greek science began to decline and by the 
end of the fourth or the beginning of the fifth 
century, it was utterly gone. 1 The Dark Ages had 
commenced. In Rome, Martianus Capella (c. 500), 
Boethius (d. 524), and Cassiodorus (d. c. 570), attempted 
to lift the veil, but, with the barbarian inroads, the night 
of intellectual darkness settled completely on the West- 
ern world, illumined only by a stray beam of light here 
and there. 10 - Even in Byzantium itself, the very hub of 
the intellectual world, there was scarcely any indication 
of interest in learning. 2 After Justinian had closed the 

J Hearnshaw, " Mediaeval Contributions to Modern Civilisation,'' 
pp. 109-10. 

*See Appendix 15. 
*Bury, " History of the Later Roman Empire," ii, p. 387. 


schools in 529, intellectual studies were at a premium, 
whilst from the mid-seventh to the beginning of the ninth 
century, the Eastern Roman Empire is sterile in literary 
productions. 5 

In the meantime, a new power had arisen in the East, 
the Arabs, who, in less than a century, claimed dominion 
from the borders of China to the Atlantic, and from the 
Indus and Sudan to the Caspian and Pyrenees. Just as 
the Arabs accomplished this rapid world-conquest, so 
did they demonstrate their greater intellectual mobility 
in their conquest of learning. It is to their achievements 
in art, science and letters that \vc owe those influences 
which directly affected the European Renaissance. 

That there were influences at work "which laid the 
foundations of the intellectual, artistic and spiritual de- 
velopment of the peoples of Western Europe .... long 
before the rise of Islam," as Miss Schlesinger says/ no 
student of history would seriously deny. Yet the ad- 
mission in no way prejudices the claim for the Arabian 
influence. It rather enhances this claim, because we see in 
these earlier influences, where the cultural ground is well 
prepared and ploughed, the reason why the sowers in the 
Arabian contact were so successful. At the same time 
it is possible to overstate these early influences, and a 
case in point may be found in Miss Schlesinger, who says : 
"The ideals, principles and practice of the music of 
ancient Greece survived in Europe, and travelled west- 

5 Bury, " History of the Eastern Roman Empire," p. 435. 
J Schlesingor, " Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the 
Arabs?; Reply to the Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," pp. 


ward by many channels; these principles were preserved 
and propagated, if not understood, in the scriptorium of 
the monastery. The musical treatise of Boethius formed 
the common textbook of music in the schools, with the 
addition, here and there, of the works of Ptolemy, Niko- 
machos, Theon of Smyrna and Aristoxenos, and of other 
of the later Greek theorists." 5 

This statement is not quite satisfactory. Prior to 
the Arabian contact there was only one channel by which 
the practice, but not necessarily the ideals or principles, 
of Greek music travelled westward, and that was via 
Rome. For the first five centuries the music of the Chris- 
tian Church was Greek. Just as in the plastic arts did 
Christianity " assume the garb of decaying Greek art/' 
as Liibke says, so in music do we find the more popular 
expression of the art, such as existed in the relatively de- 
cadent Graeco-Roman period, adapted to her ritual. As 
for ideals, there could not possibly be any chance of their 
survival at this period, for, as Professor Wooldridge 
points out, " the intention and value of a Greek com- 
position, both words and music, was purely artistic/' 
whilst "the aim of the Christian composer was entirely 
different, for the intention and value of the words set 
by him is not artistic but religious." Similarly, we can- 
not accept the statement that the principles of Greek music 
survived in the way that has been suggested, for although 
the early Church had, as I have said, adopted the Greek 
modes and melodies in its liturgy, it must be remembered 
that the theory of composition in these modes, and the 
knowledge of the melodies, were preserved entirely by 

6 Page 4. 


oral tradition? The fifth-sixth centuries saw Boethius, 
and he revived the ancient Greek theory, but alas ! there 
came the great catastrophe in the fall of the Roman Em- 
pire, which swept away the last vestiges of the ancient 
world, including the classical theory of music! 7 From 
that date until the mid-ninth century, not a solitary musi- 
cal theoretical document has come down to us from Euro- 
pean sources.* When Miss Schlesinger speaks about the 
principles of Greek music Having survived in Europe, 1 
ask for evidence, which many of us will only be too glad 
to see.* 1 

It is so easy to say that the monastery contained and 
used the works of Boethius, Ptolemy, Nikomachos and 
Aristoxenos, as textbooks? but it all vanishes into thin 
air when we know what the precise culture conditions were 
at this period. Although some of the early Christian 
Fathers, and even some of the early Popes, were favour- 
able towards Pagan culture, the Church, as a whole, 
viewed all external learning as its most formidable 
enemy. Many of the Fathers exhorted the faithful to avoid 
all contact with Pagan learning, whilst councils and 
synods heaped interdicts upon Pagan books, and even 

6 Wooldridge, " Oxford History of Music,'* i. p. 33. 

7 Wooldridge, loc. cit. 

8 Ibid., Isidore of Seville (c. 570-636) came within this period, 
but his musical knowledge as displayed in his encyclopedic 
" Etymologia " reveals fhe fact that he was simply a "copy- 
ist," and did not understand the theory of the ancients. He can 
be left out of account. See Appendix 15. 
* See Appendix 16. 

0It would have been interesting to have heard the monk who 
used both Boethius and Aristoxenos as textbooks !. 


went so far as to destroy them. 9 * The result was, as the 
ecclesiastical historians, Mosheim and Jortin, openly ad- 
mit, that learning was considered destructive to true piety 
and godliness. 9b The sciences especially, were held in con- 
tempt, as being inconsistent with revealed truth. Lecky, 
in his " History of European Morals," says : " Greek was 
suffered to become almost absolutely extinct. .... The 
study of the Latin classics was for the most part posi- 
tively discouraged the monks were too inflated 

with their imaginary knowledge to regard with any 
respect a Pagan writer." 90 The great Buckle also 
testifies that " from the sixth to the tenth centuries 
there were not in all Europe more than three or 
four men who dared to think for themselves .... The re- 
maining part of society was, during these four centuries, 
sunk in the most degrading ignorance. Under these cir- 
cumstances, the few who were able to read, confined their 
studies to works which encouraged and strengthened their 
superstition, such as the legends of the saints and the 
homilies of the Fathers." 9 * 

All learning, meagre as it was in these days of intel- 
lectual darkness, was confined to the clergy, and yet in 
one of the most jamous monasteries of the period, that 

9* See Appendix 17. 

b Mosheim, " Inst. of Eccles. Hist." (Murdock-Reid Edit., 
1876), pp. 217, 244, 291, 329, 351. The superiority of the Arabs in 
the quadriviwrn is stressed by this author, as well as Europe's in- 
debtedness to the Arabs. Jortin, "Remarks on Eccles. Hist." 
(Trollope Edit., 1846), i, p. 338, ii, pp. 234, 2C6. 

5o Lecky, " Hist, of Eur. Morals" (1869), ii, p. 215. 
Buckle, " Hist, of Civ. in England " (J. M. Robertson Edit., 
1904), p. 168, 


of Monte Cassino, the library scarcely contained a clas- 
sical author Even the few classics that did survive the 
general neglect and devastation were looked upon as use- 
less, and the writings were often erased so as to make 
room for sermons or lives of saints. 11 It is no wonder 
therefore that Libri, the historian of mathematics, could 
say that works on the sciences of the ancients were rare,^ 
a complaint which Wooldridge echoes concerning music 
books. 15 . 

// the monastery was so replete with the works men- 
tioned by Miss Schlesinger, and if these formed the text- 
books of the period, how are we to explain the complete 
absence of musical theorists from the end of the sixth 
to the mid-ninth century ? Even the earliest of the theor- 
ists in the mid-ninth century, I refer to Aurelian of 
Reom, does not quote the direct authority of the Greeks, 
but merely Boetkius, Cassiodorus and lsidore. l!t 
Miss Schlesinger then proceeds as follows : 
" Before the full tide of Islam swept over the south- 
west of Europe in the eighth century, the foundations for 
the study of music had been laid, and at the end of the 
eighth century Charlemagne founded three schools of 
music at Metz, Soissons and St. Gallen. By the ninth 

^Muratori, "Antiq. Ital.," iii, p. 817. 

nMuratori, " Antiq. Ital.," iii, p. 834. Libri, "Hist. Math.," 
i, p. 160. 

Libri, " Hist. Math.," i, p. 158. 
^Wooldridge, op. cit., i, p. 33. See Appendix 18. 
^ It is precisely the same, even in the thirteenth century. The 
hand of Boethius is heavy on musical writers until the appear- 
ance of Berno (d. 1048). See Brambach's "Die Musiklitteratur 
des Mittelalters," p. 15, 


century many musical tracts in Latin on organ building, 
on the proportion of pipes, on the monochord, on the tones 
and modes had been written" (p. 5). 

The " full tide of Islam " in the south-west of Europe 
was reached in October, 732, when Charles Martel 
stemmed it at Tours, so that it must have been prior to 
this that the " foundations " for the study of music were 
laid. Yet one naturally asks what these " foundations " 
could be. 25 I have already shown that the "theorists" 
did not exist, and " foundations," however admirably 
adapted they may be for the finest of edifices, are not of 
much use unless we have the material and the builders. 

As for Charlemagne and his schools, where is it mani- 
fest that the latter were, on the musical side, anything 
more than " singing-schools " ? Charlemagne, as the bal- 
lad literature shows, was one of the characters of the 
Middle Ages, whose every circumstance in life is played 
upon forzando by the annalists. He was eight feet in 
stature, and all that he did (and did not) is kept in pro- 
portion. We read all about his reforms in church sing- 
ing in the monkish chronicles, 26 yet what amazes me is 
that, in spite of the " foundations " for the study of 
music, and the schools of Charlemagne, when his son, 
Louis le Debonnaire, came to the throne (814) the church 
singing was as bad as ever, and the Gregorian song, which 
is supposed to have been so carefully fostered by Charle- 
magne, was only known to a few Roman singers who had 

i5 Cf., Gevaert, " La Musique de 1'Antiquite," i, p. 16. 
16 Mon. Germ. Hist. " (Leges), i, pp. 106, 131. Mansi, " Con- 
cilia," xiii, p. 801 ; xiv, p. 13. " Recueil des Hist, des Gaules," v, 
p. 445. 


learned it by rote, since there were no books in which it 
was noted. 17 

By the mid-ninth century, however, and that is more 
than a century after the " full tide " of Islam in the south- 
west of Europe, a few musical writers begin to show 
themselves, and the earliest of these are Aurelian of 
Reome (mid-ninth century) and Remy of Auxerre (late 
ninth century). 28 

To sum up: (i) The principles of music of ancient 
Greece did not survive in Europe. In fact, to speak of 
ancient Greece is entirely misleading. The work of 
Ptolemy (fl. 127-51) clearly reveals that the musical art of 
ancient Greece was no more. 19 Even Boethius (d. 524) 
cannot be said to represent contemporary principles 
as Wooldridge says, since his work is merely a scholastic 
compilation.^ (2) After the fall of Rome there is not 
a solitary original work on music by the Greeks known to 
the musical theorists of Western Europe until centuries 
after the Arabian contact- ** (3) From the end of the sixth 
century to the mid-ninth century no work on the theory 
of music in "Western Europe is known to us. (4) We have 
no evidence that the theory of music was even the subject 
of investigation during the last-mentioned period. 

It was with these facts in my " mind's eye " that I had 
a negative reason for assuming my " Arabian Influence/' 

"Amalarius Fortunatus, " De Ordine antiphonarii." See Ap- 
pendix 19. 

18 See Appendix 20. 
^Wooldridge, op. cit., i, p. 13. 
w Wooldridge, op. cit., i, p. 22. 

SOal know of no authority for the mention of Aristoxenos in 
the Benedictine " Paleographie Musicale," i, p. 20. 


Peoples do not suddenly become wise in the practical and 
speculative "theory of music" by magic! Emil Nau- 
mann makes Christianity the prompting, at which one im- 
mediately asks why it should take a millennium? Miss 
Schlesinger adopts an empirical convention, which, at best, 
really begs the question. In her view, this "theory of 
music " was " already within the grasp of VJ ester n races " 
before the Arabian contact. That may have been the 
case, but the fact remains that they did not 
make up their mind to "take hold of it" until after the 
Arabian contact! ! The facts are these, that whilst West- 
ern Europe was sunk in barbarism following the fall of 
Rome, the torch of culture and civilisation was being held 
aloft by the Muslims. That can scarcely be questioned/ 1 

Scaliger ("Epist.," i, p. 362) admits the "profound 
ignorance " in the Church whilst the " liberal arts" were flour* 
ishing with the Arabs. 


" If we except the Persians and Byzantines there is no nation 
that can show a more pronounced taste for music and musical in- 
struments than the Arabs. 1 ' Ibn Khurdadhbih (ninth century). 

are the facts concerning Arabian musical 
theory ? We are told that : " Musical science, 
as developed with great prolixity by Arab 
writers, was acquired in the first instance deliber- 
ately and of set pur-pose by command of the Prophet 
from the Persians whom the Arabs had just conquered, 
and more thoroughly still from the Greeks." 2 

Let me say quite frankly, that there is no justification 
for the opinion that the Prophet " commanded " any such 
thing! The "fact" is, as Orientalists know, that music, 
in Islam, is counted among the malahl or " forbidden 
pleasures," and each of the four orthodox sects prescribes 
" listening to music " (al-sama*) as sinful, or, if not sin- 
ful, at least "religiously unworthy." Hundreds of trea- 
tises have been written on the Prophet's hadlth on the 
"unlawfulness of music." 1 * 

J Miss Schleeinger, p. 5. 

ia For a full discussion of the question of Islam in relation to 
music see my " History of Arabian Music to 945 A.D.," Chapter II. 


Arabian culture and civilisation did not originate with 
nomads nor with Islam, as Miss Schlesinger would sug- 
gest. As early as the second millennium B.C. we have 
evidence of a South Arabian kingdom, where we come 
upon traces of "a high state of civilisation/' 2 whose cul- 
ture had much in common with that of Babylonia- 
Assyria. 5 Indeed, the Greeks were culturally indebted to 
the Arabs, and Hommel and others hold that Greece pro- 
bably borrowed from South Arabia, not only Apollo, 
Leto, Dionysos and Hermes, but also the </>, x> and & f 
its alphabet. 4 Long before Islam we read, here and there, 
of the musical proclivities of the ancient Arabs, 5 and it 
would be idle to pretend that they possessed no musical 
theory, in the face of what we know of the general culture 
of the Arab Chaldaeans, Minaeans, Sabaeans, Nabataeans 
and Palmyraeans, and the later Lakhmids and Ghas- 
sanids. 5ft 

Miss Schlesinger, however, follows the old school, which 
for a century or more has told us that the Arabs had no 
musical theory save what they borrowed from the Persians 
and Greeks. 

" Both these nations," continues Miss Schlesinger, " pos- 
sessed distinctive musical systems of their own, whereas 
the Arabs had no system which they had, up to that time, 
been able to reduce to theory." 

^ Hommel, "Ancient Hebrew Tradition/' pp. 42, 77. 
sSayce, " Early Israel," p. 127. 
4 "Encycl. of Islam/' i, p. 380. 

^Schrader, " Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek," ii, p. 234. Strabo, 
svi, iv, 27. Julius Pollux, iv, 9, 60. Suidas, sub 'A/oa/2to$. 

5a See Appendix 21. 



Wo have a similar (as well as a dissimilar) statement 
in the same author's " Precursors of the Violin Family " 
(pp. 397-8), where we are informed: 

" In the sixth century, the Arabs conquered Persia, and 
from their own records we read that, finding the musical 
system of the Persians so far in advance of their own, 
they adopted it, making a profound study of it with 
native teachers." 

The "facts" arc: (i) the Arabs conquered Persia in 
the seventh century, (2) the Arabs did have a system which 
had been reduced to theory prior to the conquest of 
Persia, and (3) Arabic "records" do not tell us that the 
Arabs made a profound study of the Persian system under 
native teachers. 

Time after time we have Arab musicians boasting of 
.handing down the old traditional music of pre-Islamic 
times, such as the pagan songstress, Ra'iqa, taught 'Azzat 
.-il-Maila 1 (d. r. 700) r> Indeed, at the very period when 
these alien " borrowings " arc supposed to have been made, 
the Arabs were too jealous of encroachments upon that 
sacred and superior thing called Arab nationality to 
permit of "foreign" ways and customs to any great ex- 
tent. Every word of 'Umar tells us this. Islam meant 
much in these days, but the word Arab meant more. 7 

To say that " the Arabs had no system which they had, 
up to that time (the conquest of Persia) been able to re- 
duce to theory," is not in accordance with " facts." We 
have plenty of references to music and musicians in pre- 

6"Kitfib nl-AghanT," xvi, p. 13. 
7Jurji Zaidan, " Umayyads and 'Abbasids," pp. 29-31. 


Islamic times, 8 and it is almost impossible to conceive that 
these people (to whom music was almost an absolute 
necessity), who could systematise their poetry, as we see 
in the " Mu'allaqat," "Hamasa" and " Muf addaliyyat," 
were not able to systematise their music. Fortunately, 
Al-Farabl has preserved for us details of a pre-Islamic 
system in the scale of the tanbiir al-Baghdadl y which was 
arrived at by dividing a string length into forty parts. 5 
Probably this scale was passed on to the Arabs of the 
peninsula by the Chaldasans, who were also Arabs, who 
had received it from Babylonia-Assyria. Whilst it was 
superseded by Pythagorean intonation in the cultured 
Near East and Persia, as well as among the Arabs of 
Syria and Al-Hira, it subsisted in more remote corners 
of Al-Hijaz and Al-Yaman, and found its votaries even 
down to the tenth century A.D/ >ft 

In pre-Islamic times, the great literary centre of Arabia, 
from whence poetry radiated to all parts of the penin- 
sula, was Al-Hira/ and seeing how closely music was 
allied to poetry," it may be safely conjectured that music 

*"Kitab al-Aghanl," viii, pp. 2, 77, 79, ix, p. 164, x, pp. 18, 
48, xiii, pp. 140, xvi, p. 48, xxi, pp. 49, 191. " Al-Mas'udi, ii, 
p. 296, viii, p. 93. Ibn Badrun, pp. 53, 65. Al-Tabari, i, p. 
1,240. Evliya Chelebi, ii, pp. 113, 226, 233, 239. Suyu^l, 
"Muzhir," ii, p. 236. Al-Tibrizi, p. 83. Al-Mufaddal (Lyall), 
xxx, xxxvi, Ixxi, Ixxii, etc. 

SKosegarten, "Lib. Cant.," p. 91. Land, " Recherchee," p. 
108, seq. 

** See Appendix 22. 

wHuart, "Arab. Lit.," p. 12. Nicholson, "Lit. Hist, of the 
Arabs," p. 37. 

"Bn<jycl. of Islam," i, p. 403. St. Guyard, "Th^orie Nou- 
velle de la M^trique Arabe " ("Journal Asiatique," 1876). 


was equally favoured. Indeed, Al-Hira must have pos- 
sessed a considerable musical culture, seeing that the 
famous Persian King, Bahram Ghur (430-8) was sent tc 
the Arab Lakhmid court in that city to be educated, and 
here he was taught music among other Arabian accom- 
plishments. 12 This was " before" the Arabs had con- 
quered the Persians, and one might reasonably ask why 
Yazdigird I and the Persians should have sent the young 
prince to learn from a people who had no technique in 
the art to impart (vide Miss Schlesinger). It is strange, 
also, that this same Persia, the reputed fount of the Ara- 
bian musical system, should, under Bahram Ghur, be so 
lacking in professional musicians that they had to be im- 
ported. 15 The last Lakhmid ruler of Al-Hira was 
Nu'man III (c. 580-602), among whose shortcomings Al- 
Tabarl places his passion for music. It was from Al- 
Hira that Al-Hijaz borrowed, about the close of the sixth 
century, the artistic song (ghintf) in the place of the 
nasb> and also the wooden-bellied lute called the f &d, in 
the place of the skin-bellied mizhar. 11 *. 

That the Arabs had an indigenous musical system, is 
clearly testified by numerous authorities. That this sys- 
tem was influenced by both Persian and Byzantine 
theories, and later still, by ancient Greek principles, may 
be readily admitted, just as we cannot deny that both 
Persia and Byzantium were themselves influenced by Ara- 

"Al-TabarI," i, p. 185. 

i* Mirkhwand, " Raudat al-Safa," i, ii, p. 357. Spiegel, " Eran- 
ischs Alterthumskunde," iii, p. 550, 833. 

di," viii, p. 94. 


bian musical theory * b but that is quite different from the 
point of view of Miss Schlesinger. 

The alien influences in Arabian music were for the most 
part quite superficial, and, at first, had no bearing on 
theory. We read of early musicians like Tuwais (d. c. 
710) and Sa'ib Khathir (d. 683), who imitated the style 
of singing of the Persians. 26 At the same time we find a 
Persian musician like Nashlt taking lessons in the style 
of singing of the Arabs. 27 There is no question of 
" theory " involved, since it is clearly no more than one 
nationality borrowing from the other a particular type or 
style of song. 28 

Ibn Khaldun, however, may be responsible for the view 
of a much deeper foreign musical impress. He tells us 
in his "Muqaddima," or "Prolegomena/' 29 that musicians 
from Persia and Byzantium passing into Al-Hijaz play- 
ing upon the lute ('ud), pandore (tanbtir), barbiton 
(?) (mi'zaf), and reed-pipe (mizmdr), led to the Arabs 
adopting Persian and Byzantine melodies for their 
poetry. This does not fully agree with the earlier chroni- 
clers, Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi, Al-IsfahanI and Al-Mas'udl. In 
the first place, the account is likely to mislead people into 
giving credit to Persia and Byzantium for the intro- 

nomenclature is a guide, then Persian theory could be 
said to be based almost entirely on Arabian principles. See also, 
" Kitab al-Agham," i, p. 151. Jeannin, " Melodies Liturgiques 
Syriennes et Chaldeenn-es," i, pp. 106-7. Tillyard, op. cit., 46,63. 
M" Kitab al-Aghani," ii, p. 170, i, p. 188. 

nibid., vii, p. 188. 
JSFreytag, "Arab. Prov.," vii, p. 124. 

Ibn Khaldun, " Prolegomenes," ii, p. 360. ("Notices et 
Extraits," xvii.) 


duction of the above instruments into Arabia. It is not 
the case, since the Arabs possessed them already. 20 
Secondly, there is not one Byzantine musician mentioned 
in the Kitab al-Aghani which is the great mine of informa- 
tion for early Arabian music, and, with the exception of 
Nashlt, probably, all the so-called Persian musicians (i.e., 
of Persian extraction) were either born or were educated 
in Arabia. Indeed, there were only four musicians of 
importance during this period who did not come from 
Al-Hijaz, and they were, Nashlt the Persian, Abu Kamil 
al-Ghuzayyil, of Damascus Ibn Tanbura of Al-Yaman, and 
Hunain of Al-Hlra. So we see that whatever outside 
influence came to Arabian music, even in the slight way 
that has been mentioned, it came through Arab hands. 

What the Arabs borrowed from Persia and Byzantium 
in the question of "theory" is nowhere definitely stated 
by the chroniclers. At the outset, however, let us dis- 
abuse our minds of the notion that the Arabs acknow- 
ledged that the Persians possessed a musical system " far 
in advance of their own.' 1 Further, so far as extant trea- 
tises are concerned, the earliest Persian work on music 
dates from the twelfth century, 1 whilst we have Arabic 

20"Hamasa," i, P- 502. " Al-Mas'udi," viii, p. 89 seq. " Al- 
Tabari,'" i, p. 1,307. "Kitab al-Agham," ii, p. 172. 

2"Bahjat al-ruh," Bodleian Lib., 1841. What Albert de 
Lasalle, in his " La Musique des Persans," says of ancient Persian 
treatises on music, is erroneous. He says: "II est avere que, 
des les temps les plus recules, il existait en Perse de nombreux 
traites de musique. Ce pendant il n'est pas moins certain que 
lorsque cette contree fut conquise, au septieme siecle, par les 
musulmans, la plus grande partie de ces documents, qui nous 
seraient prScieux aujourd'hui, furent brules. II n'echappa a 1'in- 
cendie qu'un seul manuscrit intitule : ' Heela Imaeli,' et dont 


treatises on music which date from the ninth century? and 
we have evidence of works dating from the eighth cen- 
tury? Indeed, all that we know of early Persian music, 
save what the art remains tell us, comes from Arabic 
sources, and the only authority who deals with the ques- 
tion at any length is Al-Mas'udi (d. c. 956), who, quoting 
an older writer, Ibn Khurdadhbih (ninth century), says 
that it was the Persians who invented the modes (nagham), 
the rhythms (~iqa\lt), the cassurae (maqtiti 1 ), and the Royal 
Melodies (turtiq al-mulilkiyya). 1 * Yet to fully appreciate 
this passage, we must remember that music was "unlaw- 
ful " to the Arabs, and historians were not anxious to 
allow an indigenous origin for an " abomination " like 
music, as the Muslim legists would term it. In the ques- 
tion of the " rhythms " and Persian " modes/' I believe that 
it can be demonstrated that the Arabs did not " borrow ' 
these at any rate. 

What Byzantium followed precisely in the question of 
musical " theory " we do not know. From the fourth to 

Fraser, ecrivain anglais, fait mention dans son ' Histoire de Nadir- 
Shah.' " The work which Fraser refers to in his "Catalogue of 
MSS. in the Persic, Arabic and Sanskerrit Languages," printed 
at the end of his "History," is entitled " Heelha Ismaeli." It 
w in Arabic, not Persian, and since its author is Abu'l-'Izz Isma/fl 
al-Jazari (twelfth-thirteenth century), it is certainly not one of 
those MSS. supposed to have been saved from the alleged destruc- 
tion by the Arabs in the seventh century ! 

Al-Kindi (d. 874). 

SYunus al-Katib (d. c. 7CO) ; Al-Khnlil (d. 791). 
>* Al-Mas'udi, " Prairies d'or," viii, p. 9(). See my article, " The 
Old Persian Musical Modes," in "Journal of the Royal Asiatic 
Society," January, 1926. 


the eleventh century, 5 which covers the greater part of the 
Byzantine period, no writings from Byzantium have come 
down to us. Probably, in the face of what we know of 
the culture conditions, 6 none were written. The Latins 
certainly supply Martianus Capella, Boethius and Cassio- 
dorus in the fifth and sixth centuries, but they do not 
register contemporary theory or practice even for the 
Latins, since their works are merely compilations from 
the ancient Greek theorists. What little we do know of 
Byzantine theory and practice in music at this period, 
comes from Arabic and Syriac sources. 

In the face of the fact that we have no Byzantine or 
Persian treatises on music extant until the eleventh and 
twelfth centuries respectively, whilst the Arabs can boast 
of dozens of treatises earlier, we ought, prima facie, to 
be rather chary of accepting statements as to what the 
Arabs borrowed from the Persians and Byzantines. That 
some sort of influence accrued from these sources may, 
however, be allowed. 

The first information that we have of the definite in- 
fluence of Persia and Byzantium in Arabian musical 
theory, also tells us of an indigenous Arabian system. It is 
given in the famous " Kitab al-Aghani " (tenth century J, 
where we are told about a certain Ibn Misjah (d. c. 705-14) 

5 i.e., from the " Anonymous " II of Vincent to Psellos. The 
musical section of the latter 's work on the quadrivium, shows us 
that the author was not dealing with contemporary musical theory. 

fiBekelas, D., "Seven Essays on Christian Greece," p. 104. 
See ante, p. 19. 


who was responsible for grafting sundry " foreign " musi- 
cal customs upon the native art. Here is the passage in 
full: 7 

"In Syria, he (Ibn Mis j ah) learned the melodies 
(alhdn) of Byzantium and received instruction from the 
barbiton players (barbatiyya) and the theorists (astukh- 
usiyya). He then turned to Persia, where he learned 
much of their song ( ghina* ) as well as the art of accom- 
paniment. Returning to Al-Hijaz, he chose the most ad- 
vantageous of the modes (nagham) of these countries, and 
rejected what was disagreeable, for instance, the intervals 
(nabardt) and modes (nagham), which he found in the 
song ( ghina * ) of the Persians and Byzantines, which were 
alien to the Arabian song. And he sang (henceforth) ac- 
cording to this method. And he was the first to demon- 
strate this (method), and after this the people followed 
him in this/' (See Appendix 23.) 

In the life of his contemporary, Ibn Muhriz, we read 
a somewhat similar record,* and one can appreciate why 
that distinguished musico-Orientalist, J. P. N. Land, 
should say quite definitely that " the Persian and Byzan- 
tine importations did not supersede the national music, 
but were engrafted upon an Arabic root with a character 
of its own" 9 

What was further borrowed from Byzantium and 
Persia cannot be affirmed with certainty. Probably the 
two systems known as the " Courses " (sing., majra] were 
of Byzantine origin. The general principles of the Byzan- 

*"Kit&b al-Aghani," iii, p. 84. 

s "Kitab al-Aghani," i, p. 150. 

$Land, "Trans. IXth Congress of Orientalists," ii, p. 156. 


tine theorists (astukhnsiyya) were certainly not adopted, 
or at least not much, since we are informed in the Al- 
Kindi MS. already mentioned, that the principles of the 
astukhusiyya of Byzantium were different frora those of 
the Arabs. 10 The latter certainly did not borrow the Per- 
sian scale, since we find Arab musicians in the early ninth 
century, being blamed for using Persian notes, 11 which 
were probably those represented by the scale of the {anbur 
al-Khurasdnl. What the Arabs did borrow was the Per- 
sian accordatura of the lute. (See Appendix 24) 

On the question of rhythm and mensural values, we 
know that the Arabs possessed a system as early as the 
seventh century/ 1 which, like their prosody, was a native 
one. In the eighth century, the famous Al-Khalil ibn 
Ahmad wrote his " Book of Rhythm " (Kitab al-iqa 1 ) 
and in the ninth century we have the system fully de- 
scribed by Al-Kindi.*- 1 Here we have an integral -part of 
Arabian nmsic, the principles of which appear to haze 
been developed in accordance with an indigenous sys- 
tem. 15 The Persians borrowed their rhythms, as they did 
their prosody, from the Arabs, 15 and I have already sug- 
gested that the mensural music of Western Europe came 
partly, if not wholly, from the same source. 

w " Berlin MS.," 5530, fol. 30. 

n " <Iqd al-Farid," iii, p. 190. 

" Kitab al-Aghani," ii, p. 170; xvi, p. 13. 

M " AI-Fihrist," p. 48. 

w" Berlin MS," 5503. 

^Cf., Miss Schlesinger's remarks on p. 18, lino 33. 
*6 In spite of Al-Mas'udFs opinion (see ante) it is doubtful 
whether the Persians possessed rhythm at this time, since they 
do not seem to have had metre. Sec Browne, " Litt. Hist, of 
Persia," p. 12, and his "Sources of Dawlatehfth " (J.R.A.S., 
1899, p. 56). 


The old Arabian theory was recast by the famous Ishaq 
al-Mausili (767-850). This actually came about at the 
time when ancient Greek theories were being translated 
into Arabic, 17 yet we have the positive information that 
this recasting was done without recourse to Greek writers. 
The " Kitab al-Aghani " says that it was Ishaq who per- 
fected the ''modes" and the "rhythms," and classified 
them in a way hitherto unknown, although they had been 
indicated by an earlier savant named Yunus al-Katib (d. c. 
760). In this accomplishment we are told that Ishaq had 
reached the conclusions of Euklid and other of the "an- 
cients " (awdil) who had written on the science of music, 
but that he had done this solely by his own endeavours, 
and without having known a solitary book of the " an- 
cient $r n That Ishaq did not know the ancient Greek 
theorists, is confirmed by another passage. 19 

The old Arabian system of Ishaq was in vogue in the 
late ninth and early tenth centuries, which statement is 
explicitly made by the author of the " Kitab al-Aghani," r> 
and by Yahya ibn 'All,' the latter clearly distinguishing 
it from the Greek system. 'What we know therefore of 
the old Arabian system prior to the period of the Greek 
Scholiasts, as illustrated by Al-Kindl, Al-Mas'udi, and 
the above-mentioned writers, is sufficient to assure us that 
this system was different from that of Persia, Byzantium, 
and that of ancient Greece. 

17 < Kitab al-Aghaiii," v, p. 53. 
""Kitab al-Aghftm," v, pp. 52-3. 
v. p. 53. Seo Appendix 25. 

w/bicf., i, p. 2. 
Brit. Mus. MS.," Or. 2301, fol. 23G, v. 


In the history of the "modes 1 * we are able to gauge 
how far the Arabs were implicated in borrowing from 
Persia or Byzantium. 

According to the RamSyana (400 B.C.-200 A.D.), India 
possessed seven jdtis which were similar to rdgas* Persia 
had seven "modes," as a certain Amm tells us, s but in 
the time of Khusrau Parwiz (590-628), there were twelve 
modes/ According to the Syrian, Bar Hebrasus, the Per- 
sians are generally credited with these twelve modes, 5 and 
although some of them were adopted by the Arabs, either 
as they stood or in a modified form, at a later period, we 
must bear in mind that for a long time the Arabs used 
their own national modes, of which I will now speak. 

In the eighth century, Yunus al-Katib (d." c. 760) and 
Al-Khalil (d. 791) wrote a "Book of Modes" (Kitab al- 
nagham). In the " Kitab al-Aghani " (written tenth cen- 
tury) we read of eight modes, which did not have fanciful 
names like those of Persia or Greece, but were named after 
the fingers. The Syrians, too, had their ikhadias 
( = 'OKT(o>7xo?) 6 and similarly the Jews/ which were not the 
same as the Greek modes, a circumstance which ought not 
to be lost sight of. That the "modes" of the Arabs, 

*Popley, " Music of India/' p. 10. 
s Jones, Sir W., " Music of Hindustan/' p. 63. 
4 See my article on "The Old Persian Musical Modes'' in the 
" Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society/' January, 1920. Here I 
have referred to the Turuq al-miilukiyya and the Si lahn us 
" modes," whereas, strictly speaking, they should be termed 
" melodies " or "modal melodies." 

^ Bar HebrseuB, " Ethikon " (Bedjan Edit.), p. 69. Villoteau, 
"De I'e'tat actuel de 1'art musical en Egypte," p. 613. 

tfJeannin, "Melodies liturgiques Syriennee et Chaldeennes" 
p. 86. 

?Saadia, in "Beth 'ocar hasspharoth/' year, I, xxx. 


Persians and Byzantines were different in the ninth cen- 
tury, is definitely stated in the assumed Al-Kindl MS. 
mentioned above. s Indeed, the fundamental system of 
each of these peoples appears to have had a significant 
trait. 9 The Ikhwan al-afa' say : 

" Consider each nation, and the melodies and modes 
which they enjoy and are pleased with, which others do 
not enjoy nor are pleased with, for example, the music 
of the Dailamites, the Turks, the Arabs, the Kurds, the 
Armenians, the Ethiopians, the Persians, the Byzantines, 
and other nations who differ in language, nature, morals 
and customs." 10 

What influence this old Arabian system may have had 
precisely on Western Europe, I am not, as yet, prepared 
to say, but that Western Europe felt the influent Arabian 
culture stream in general, through what I have called the 
political contact, cannot be doubted. I suggested that 
popular music was influenced in this way, mainly through 
the wandering minstrel, who was often an Arab or Moor. 
What the West borrowed from the East in this way was 
chiefly on the instrumental side, for, as Carl Engel said : 
" The Arabs, when they came to Europe, in the beginning 
of the eighth century, were more advanced in the cultiva- 
tion of music, or at all events in the construction of musi- 
cal instruments, than were the European nations. Thus 
only can their astounding musical influence be accounted 
for." 11 Indeed, it is the Arabs who first give us a really 

s Op. cit., fol. 30. See Appendix 26. 

"Kitab al-Aghani," v, p. 57. 
w Ikhwan al-?afa' (Bombay Edit.), i, p. 93. 
Engel, C., " Early History of the Violin Family," p. 79, See 
Appendix 27. 


scientific description of musical instruments, 1 * which the 
Persian theorists continue, 25 and the only didactic instru- 
mental methods that we possess in the Middle Ages come 
from the Arabic. 14 Miss Schlesingcr fully acknowledges 
that "Mediaeval Europe was indebted to the Arabs" in 
the matter of musical instruments, 25 but she denies that 
it learned any " theory " from them ! This overlooks the 
specific indication that I made of the two points of Ara- 
bian culture contact (i) the political contact which began 
in the eighth century, spread abroad by the instrumental- 
ists mainly, and (2) the literary and intellectual contact 
which began in the tenth century, due chiefly to the in- 
tellectuals. In the political contact, it must obviously be 
allowed that, in the face of the advanced state of instru- 
mental music with the Arabs, a certain amount of practical 
theory must have passed over with the instrumental bor- 
rowings. Indeed, I believe, with others, that the major 
mode, due directly to the accordatura and fretting of 
the Arabian lute, was among the new musical ideas in- 
troduced in this way. 15 What evidence we have for the 
transmission, by means of practical theory perhaps, of 
solfeggio, notation, tablature, organum, consonances, etc., 
will be dealt with under separate headings. 

Kosegarten, "Lib. Cant.," p. 76, seq. Land, " Recherches." 

w " Kanz al-Tuhaf ," fol. 261, v. " Brit. Mus. MS.," Or. 2361. 

** " Berlin MS.," 5530. 

WThe acknowledgment had already been made in her " Pre- 
cursors of the Violin Family," and her articles in the " Encycl. 
Brit." (eleventh edition), although with modifications in the 
latter. See ante, p. 15. 

^Rowbotham, "Hist. Mus.," iii, p. 547. Jeannin, op. cit., 
p. 107. Villoteau, " Descr. des instruments de musique des orien- 
taux," p. 858. See Appendix 28. 


"As to how the Ancients (the Greeks) named them (the notes), 
and how we follow them worthily, and the reasons for that, then 
we have already explained this." Al-Kindi, " British Museum 
MS. " 2361, fol. 165, v. 

"The principles which the Ancients (the Greeks) framed and 
employed in their books (on music) gave explanation of the art to 
us, for it is from the Ancients and not the Moderns that we take 
directions." Al-Farabi, " Leyden MS." 1423, fol. 2. 

IN the seventh century, when the Arabs became masters 
of almost half of the then-known civilised world, 
the Muslim conquerors found in Byzantine and Per- 
sian lands vestiges of the literature of that wonder- 
ful civilisation of ancient Greece. Save for a few Syrian 
devotees in the monasteries, these treasures were but as 
pearls before swine, for Byzantium and Persia had stag- 
nated culturally as well as politically. The Syrians, 
with a ready eye on the almost innate literary propensi- 
ties of their conquerors, turned some of these treasures 
into Arabic. The result is well known. Monasteries and 
libraries were ransacked so as to secure copies of Greek 
books on science and philosophy, which were translated 
into Arabic, and, indeed, if it had not been for the zeal 


of the Arabs in this direction, many of the works of 
ancient Greece would not have come down to us. 1 

I pointed out in my monograph that " between the eighth 
and eleventh centuries the Arabs had translated from the 
Greek many musical treatises hitherto unknown to West- 
ern Europe? and among them I named Aristoxenos (" Har- 
monics" and "Rhythmics"), Aristotle ("Problems"), 
Euklid ("Harmonics" and "Canon"), Ptolemy ("Har- 
monics") and Nikomachos ("Harmonics"). The Arabs 
also possessed a work on music by Pythagoras, which has 
not come down to us either in Greek or Arabic. 2 There 
were also works on organ construction attributed to Mur- 
istus ( = 'A/*e/3rros), 5 which have only been preserved 
in Arabic, whilst Arabic literature mentions other Greek 
writers on music, such as Fandurus al-Rumi, who is un- 
known in the Greek literature that has survived** unless 
Pindar (ILVSapos = Findarus) is intended, which is 

The immediate result of all this was that music became 
one of the courses of scientific study, as we see in such 
writers as Al-Kindl (d. c. 874), Al-Sarakhs! (d. 899), the 

i What the Arabs knew of the literature of ancient Greece, and 
what was translated into Arabic, may be seen in the " Fihrist," 
Ibn al-Qifti, and Ibn AbiUsaibi'a. See M. Steinschneider's " Die 
arabischen Uebersetzungen aus dem Greichischen " in (1) "Bei- 
hefte zum Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen," v, and xii (Leip- 
zig, 1889-93); (2) " Archiv. fur Pathologic," cxxiv (1891); (3) 
" Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik " (hist.-litt.), xxxi (1886) ; (4) " Zeit. 
der deutschen morgen. Geeellsohaft," 1 (1896). 

*Wenrich, " De auct. grsec.," p. 88. See Appendix 29. 
*<'Al-Mashriq,'' ix. See Appendix 30. 
4 Al-Mas'udj, viii, pp. 91, 418. 


Banu Musa (ninth century), Thabit ibn Qurra (d 901), 
Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi (d. 923), Qusta ibn 
Luqa (d. 932), Al-Farabl (d 950), the Ikhwan al-Safa' 
(tenth century), Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Khwarizml 
(c. 980), Ibn Sma (d. 1037), Al-Husain ibn Zaila (d. 1048). 
It is at this point that Miss Schlesinger, like many others 
in the past, is under a misapprehension. She sees the 
ancient Greek theories and systems being dealt with in 
the musical treatises of the Arabs, and she immediately 
concludes that this is Arabian theory! It is nothing of 
the kind. The knowledge of the music of the ancient 
Greeks was a scholastic accomplishment with the Arabs, 
in precisely the same way as Boethius was incumbent 
upon the music students of Western Europe until quite 
modern times. 

In the works of Al-Kmdi, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Al- 
Husain ibn Zaila, Safi al-Din 'Abd al-Mu'min, and 
others, the theories of the "ancients" (i.e., the ancient 
Greeks), are quite separate and distinct from the native 
practical art. Indeed, that the two systems were op- 
posed at first we know from Yahya ibn 'All, who tells 
us definitely about " the disagreement between the 
Masters of Arabian music (gftind') and the Masters 
of (Greek) music (musiql)" 5 

Concerning the Arabs in their treatment of the theories 
of the Greeks, Miss Schlesinger is rather contemptuous 

6 Yahya ibn 'AH, " Brit. Mus. MS., 1 ' 2361, fol. 236, v. In the 
" Fihrist" it is interesting to note that the " Masters of Arabian 
Music" like Ishaq al-Mausili are included among the {C musi- 
cians," whilst the " Masters of (Greek) Music " like Al-Kindl, 
are among the "philosophers." See Appendix 31. 



of what they did, which is quite unjust in the face of 
what Helmholtz, Land and Ellis have shown to the con- 
trary. Miss Schlesinger says : 

" The theoretical principles set forth in their (the Arabs') 
writings were borrowed from the Greeks. The Arabs 
did not develop these principles in accordance with any 
evolving musical system of their own; they merely elab- 
orated and intellectualised the knowledge derived from 
other races." 

The incorrectness of her first statement I have already 
shown in the preceding section on the " Old Arabian 
System " which obtained prior to the period of the Greek 
Scholiasts. What the Arabs " borrowed " from the latter 
can be traced. The Arabic word ghtna\ which had been 
the general term for music, now became applied to the 
practical art, whilst theoretical music was represented by 
the term mtislql or muslqa (powiKij ). In the same way 
the musician, hitherto the ghanncUl or mughannl, was now 
occasionally termed the musiqdr, 6 just as the instruments 
of music, the alat, were sometimes named the muslqat? 
The names of musical instruments also became affected 
when we see the flat-chested murabba* being termed the 
qltara (KiQdpa') 8 and the mi'zafa the qanun (?) (Kavcoi/). 9 
Much of this nomenclature soon passed away. 

What was more permanent was the newly-adopted 
nomenclature in "theory." The interval, previously called 

6 Al-Khwarizml, p. 236. 
rikhwan al-Safa', i, p. 87. 

8 Al-Khwarizmi, p. 236. Al-MasTidi, viii, p. 91. Casiri, 
"Bibl. Escur.," i, p. 527. 

Ibn Khallikan, iii, p. 307. 


the nab ra, was now the bu'd, whilst each specific interval 
was given a name. The quarter-tone was the irkh&\ the 
semitones were the baqiyya 10 (Act/A/wi) and infisal 
(aTTorop/), the whole-tone was the tanln (row), etc. The 
Greek devices of genres (y^i) and species (e%) were 
adopted as the ajnas and anwa\ and became important 
factors in the later theory. With the Systematists, the 
genre became the basis of the mode, and it enabled them 
to build up their dawctir or " circulations." That the 
Arabs did " develop " these principles in accordance with 
their own musical system, is patent on every hand, in 
spite of what Miss Schlesinger argues per contra. 

To say that the Arabs "merely elaborated and intel- 
lectualised the knowledge derived from other races," is 
rather a dubious stricture, since to have elaborated and 
intellectualised what the Greeks had left, would, in itself, 
have been sufficient to give the " crowning glory " to the 
Arabs ! But I fear that Miss Schlesinger does not mean 
to admit all that is implied by these words. Fortun- 
ately we have plenty of documents that prove that we 
cannot afford to ignore the contributions of the Arabs to 
the speculative art of music. Nothing demonstrates the 
critical attitude of the Arab theorists better than the 
opening lines of the monumental "Kitab al-Musiql" of 
Al-Farabl. He says : 

" The aim of a writer in every theoretical art should be 
determined by three axioms : The first, a complete state- 
ment of fundamental principles. The second, the ability 
to elucidate what follows from these principles. The 
third, the ability to combat errors which meet him in that 

10 Or fadla. 


science^ and strength to restrict the opinions of others, to 
discriminate between the right and the wrong, and to 
rectify the imperfections of those whose opinions are 

In accordance with this, Al-Farabl devoted the second 
book of his treatise to a criticism of his predecessors in 
the field of speculative music, including the Greeks. In 
this work he says : 

" I have commented on what was obscure in their say- 
ings, and I have examined the opinion of one after 
another of those whom we knew as holding an opinion 
which was set down in a book. And we have explained 
the value of what each of these has attained .... in 
this science, and we have rectified the errors of those who 
have fallen into error!' (See Appendix 32.) 

When Andres 11 and Munk 1 * said that Al-Farabl was 
more scientific than the Greeks in the speculative art of 
music, they had good grounds for the statement The 
Ikhwan al-$afa', in their treatment of the laws of 
the sensations of sound, are certainly in advance of the 
Greeks, especially in their mention of spherical propaga- 
tion. 15 In the Jew, Rabbi Isaiah ben Isaac, we have quite 
a thoughtful animadversion on the "Kanon" of Euklid. u 
Ibn Sina, Al-Husain ibn Zaila, afi al-Dln ( Abd al- 
Mu'min, Al-Ladhiqi, and the author of the Muhammad ibn 

"Andres, " Orig. d'ogni lett.," iv, pp. 250-60. 

^Munk, " Melanges de philosophie juive et arabe," p. 350. 
tt Ikhwan al-gafa' (Bombay Edit.), i, p. 87. See Appendix 33. 

^"Betli '09*11- hasspharoth," Year I, xxxi. "The theory and 
expression of music .... belongs, like all similar sciences, ori- 
ginally to the Arabian school. " Steinschneider, "Jewish Litera- 
ture/' p. 154. 


Murad MS., never lose an opportunity to be critical of 
Greek and Arab theories, whilst the " Commentaries " on 
the "Kitab al-Adwar" of Safi al-Dln reveal the spirit 
of enquiry of the Arab theorists on every hand. Indeed, 
there is nothing comparable in contemporary theorists 
of Western Europe to this disposition to scrutiny and 
investigation which is displayed by the Arabs. 

The question now arises, how much of this newly ac- 
quired musical science of the ancient Greeks were the 
Arabs responsible for introducing into Western Europe? 
I have already pointed out that the ancient sciences had 
long fallen into desuetude, and that music was among 
them, is testified by an Arab author, Al-Mas f udl (d. c. 
956), who is worthy of quotation on this topic, 1 ' 5 He says ; 

In the days of the ancient Greeks, and in the first 
period of the kingdom of Byzantium, science was de- 
veloped and scholars were honoured. 'Natural science 
was particularly studied .... as well as the quadrivium y 
i.e., arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. These 
sciences were honoured by all, and made progress day 
by day. Then came the Christian religion, which became 
fatal to scientific knowledge, since it destroyed and 
blotted cut the teachings of science. All that the ancient 
Greeks had placed before the world vanished, or was 
distorted. Among the noble sciences which were thrown 
aside with the advent of Christianity was the science of 

It was the Arabs who restored these sciences to mediae- 
val Europe. Renan sees two distinct periods in the 

i, ii, p. 320. 


Middle Ages : " In the first, the human mind has, to sat- 
isfy its curiosity, only the meagre fragments of the Roman 
schools heaped together in the compilations of Martianus 
Capella, Bede, Isidore, and certain technical treatises 
whose wide circulation saved them from oblivion. In the 
second period, ancient science comes back once more to 
the West, but this time more fully \ in the Arabic commen- 
taries or the original works of Greek science for which 
the Romans had substituted compends." JC 

Of Latin translations from Arabic translations of the 
ancient Greek musical theorists, we have no examples nor 
references, save perheips the section on sound in Aristotle's 
u De Anima." The statements of Laborde, " Essai sur 
la Musique," iii, p. 567) and Forkel (" Allgemeine Littera- 
tur dcr Musik," p. 488) that Adelard of Bath translated 
Euklid's " Harmonics " into Latin from the Arabic, is 
erroneous. It was the "Elements" that he translated. 
On the other hand, it is interesting to note that the 
" Pneumatics" of Philon, the "Mechanics" of Heron, and 
the treatises on the " Automatic Wind Instruments " of 
Archimedes and Apollonios have only survived in Arabic 
versions. This is of some importance to the question of 
the revival of the ancient hydraulis in Europe. 17 

Before leaving the Greek Scholiasts, I would like to 
emphasise the extreme value of these writers in the study 
of ancient Greek musical theory. Not only are many 
doubtful points in the Greeks made perspicuous by the 

^Renan, " Averroes," p. 200. 

v See my new work, " The Organ of the Ancients from Eastern 
Sources, Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic," Chapter VI. See Ap- 
pendix 34. 


Arabs, but a few things have been handed down to us 
which have been ignored or else dealt with superficially 
in extant Greek theoretical works. Among them are the 
"Figures of Melody" (/-teAous o^/ActTa), and the doc- 
trine of the Ithos (r}0o$). Concerning the former, there 
are but two Greek documents upon which we can rely, 
one dating from about the fourth century of our era, and 
it is the "Anonymous II" of Vincent, and the other 
dating from the fourteenth century which is the work of 
Bryennios. Between these dates, however, we have the 
Arabic treatises of Al-Kindi, Al-FarabI, Ibn Slna and 
Al-Husain ibn Zaila, which deal with these interesting 
subjects. 15 

Appendix 35. 


" On sera sans dontc etonne du rapport qni se trouve entr'clle 
(la oamme Arabe) et Ja gammo Italienne. Co rapport est si frap- 
pant, qu'il suffit d'avoir des yeux pour s'en c-onvaincre, on ne 
faisant attention qu'aux lettros initialcs de chac-un des mots."-- 
Laborde, u Es>sai sur la musique ancienne et modernc." 

THE suggestion of the Arabian origin of the syllables 
of solfeggio was not made by me but by others. 
This was made clear by my identification of Pigeon 
dc Saint Paterae, utilised by Laborde, as the main 
source for this claim. It was pointed out that there appeared 
to be no authority for the statement in the Arabic musical 
MSS. from which this Orientalist had gathered his other 
material. In the face of this, and the fact that there 
was no known example in Arabic manuscripts of the 
Arabic alphabet used in this sequence for musical nota- 
tion, it was suggested that all that one could admit was 
the " phonetic likeness." 1 

At the same time it was hazarded 2 that Europe was 
possibly influenced by the Arabian contact in this matter, 

i Pp. 8^9. 
* P. 22. 


because there was another direction from which this in- 
fluence might have come, as we shall see in dealing with 
phonetic (alphabetic) notation. Further, there is a state- 
ment, a century older than Laborde, which was not men- 
tioned in my monograph, but which will be adverted to 

Miss Schlesinger has preference for the old theory of a 
European origin, and she comments on the Arabian claim 
as follows : 5 

"The unsubstantial nature of the scanty data upon 
which the suggestion or claim for an Arab origin of sol- 
feggio rests compares unfavourably with the well authen- 
ticated data upon which is based the accepted theory of 
a European origin for the unmistakably Latin syllables 
of our do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si" 

Miss Schlesinger makes no further contribution to the 
discussion than to suggest that these vocables are "un- 
mistakably Latin syllables." Most people will consider 
them, from a syllabic point of view, to be common to 
the human race ! 

Guido of Arezzo (c. 995-1050) is usually credited with 
the "invention" of the hexachord system, for which the 
above monosyllables were used, but that does not neces- 
sarily allow that he is to be credited with the latter.* 
It is said that these monosyllables were borrowed from 
the initial syllables of the Hymn to St. John beginning 
"Ut queant laxis," and were used as a sort of memoria 

P. 9. 

4 It is told by all the old musical writers Gafurius (1492), Glare- 
anus (1547), Vicentino (1557), Galilei (1581), Zarlino (1589), 
Kircher (1650) and a regiment of "copyists." 


techntca. That, I presume, is the " accepted theory ? b But 
it was also the " accepted theory" that Guido was the 
" inventor " of the T and scale, the hexachord, the stave, 
the clefs, diaphony, solmisation, organum, counterpoint, 
the harmonic hand, the mensural note, the monochord, 
etc. Nowadays, we know better, since research has con- 
signed these " inventions " to their proper place, and 
Guido is now only credited with the hexachord, solmisa- 
tion, and the harmonic hand. 6 

When, therefore, we are asked to disregard the Arabian 
claim, because of the "well authenticated data" which 
are said to justify the " accepted theory," we have the 
right to enquire what these " proofs" are. It appears 
that about a thousand years ago someone said that these 
syllables had their origin in the Hymn to St. John ! 7 But 
surely this evidence is just as "unsubstantial" as that of 
Laborde, who, a hundred and fifty years ago, showed 
that they were identical with the Arabic. We certainly 
cannot establish the truth or falsity of a statement merely 
by an appeal to its antiquity or otherwise. Indeed, it is 
because students refuse to accept a criterion of this sort, 
that the hymn origin is not the " accepted theory," as Miss 
Schlesinger suggests. There have been many solutions 

SRiemann, " Dictionary of Music" (fourth edition, English 
translation), p. 744; ''Encyclopaedia Britannica," xii, p. 688; 
Grove's "Dictionary of Music/' iv, p. 500. 

tfRiemann, "Dictionary of Music," p. 310; Grove's "Diction- 
ary of Music," ii, p. 258, says : " There is strong reason for believ- 
ing that he invented the hexachord, solmisation and the harmonic 
hand; or at least first set forth the principles upon which these 
inventions were based." 

7 Sigebertus Gtemblacensie (died 1113). 


of the problem offered, and some have been reviewed by 
George Lange in an interesting paper, "Zur Geschichte 
der Solmisation/' s 

Among the claims put forward for the origin of thesol- 
misation syllables are the Sanscrit and Greek names of the 
notes. Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, is the order of the 
notes of the scale in Indian music, which have been in 
use from pre-Christian days/ 9 The main argument for 
the claim is the phonetic similarity. Bassermann, on the 
same grounds, proposed to make Tai~, PoO, M, <i>t, the parents 
of Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc. But it must be urged against both 
these claims, as has been done against the Arabian, that 
the order, when translated into the European system, is 
irregular, and does not correspond with any known nota- 
tion. Further, the Greeks already possessed vocables for 
the mutations of the tetrachords in Ta, Te, 1\?, T<o, and one 
would have thought that the natural tendency would have 
been to add two like vocables so as to reach the hexa- 
chord. Yet in spite of the " deeply rooted " influence of 
Greece on the growing civilisation of Europe, which Miss 
Schlesinger tells us of, it inspired nothing in this direc- 

8 " Sammelbande der Tnternationalen Musikgesellschaft," July- 
September, 1900. 

^ Sylvan Levi in the " Grande Encyclopedic" (sub "Inde") 
makes the Arabs borrow the solfeggio (notation) from India. See 
also the " Proceedings of the Musical Association" (XlXth Ses- 
sion, p. 38) for other authorities on the Indian origin. The sug- 
gestion that our word gamut (usually derived from gamma and 
ut) comes from the Sanscrit grdma (via the Prakit gama) is most 
unlikely. Indeed, the purely Arabic words jam', jama l a[t~\ (gam 1 , 
gamd'a^t], which the Arab-Greek scholiasts from the time of Al- 
Kindi (d. 874) used for the Greek crvs-nj/Aa, are far more likely to 
have been the parent words. See Al-Farabi's use of the word on 
p. 90, and cf. the definition in the " Mafatlh al-'Ulum," p. 241. 


tion. What happened instead, according to the "ac- 
cepted theory," was that certain " unmistakably Latin syl- 
lables " were adopted. Even the Latin origin of the syl- 
lables has been challenged on its own threshold, since it 
has been shown that the somewhat bombastic style of the 
language of the hymn, "Ut queant laxis," coupled with 
the glaring vocal arrangement of the syllables, suggests 
that the hymn was based on the syllables. 11 

It is also rather curious that Joannes Cotto (c. mo) 
tells us that whilst the English, French and Germans 
used the syllables ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, the Italians had 
others! 1 * Why was it that Italy, the supposed home of 
the syllables, should use a different system? Unfor- 
tunately, we do not know what the difference amounted to, 
but the circumstance lends colour to another view that 
the original system used by the Italians, perhaps that 
based on the Arabic, may have been altered so as to agree 
with the hymn, "Ut queant laxis." 

What is the Arabian claim for the origin of the syl- 
lables for solmisation ? Laborde was certainly the source 
for some of the claims, as I have pointed out, but there 
was another source, a century earlier. Meninski, in his 
"Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium" (1680) gives, under 
Durr-i-Mufassal (" Separated Pearls "), which equates with 
no tee music &, the following solmisation scheme as being 
in use in the Orient. 

n " S.I.M.G." as cited, p. 548. 
^Qerbert, "Scriptoree," ii, p. 232. 




Alif (A) Lam Mim Ra 

Ba (B) Fa Pa Mim 

Jim (J) ad Fa Dal 

Dal (D) Lam Sad Ra 

Ha (H) Lam Mim 

Waw (W) Fa Dal 

(A). ..(la) ...(mi). ..(re). 
(B). .(fa). ..(be). ..(mi). 
(D)...(la) ...(sol)... (re). 
(E)...(la) ...(mi)... 
()... (fa). ..(ut)... 

Za (Z) Sad Ra Dal (G) ... (sol)... (re) ... (ut). 

Laborde, in his "Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et 
Moderne" (1780), on the authority, presumably, of Pigeon 
de Saint-Paterne, said that solmisation was to be met 
with among the Arabs. He did not suggest that the 
usage was either ancient or modern, nor did he claim that 
the Arabian system was the fount of the Guidonian. This 
latter claim was started by others. It is advisable to 
quote this Arabian solmisation scheme as given by 
Laborde, since two well-known writers like Kiesewetter 13 
and Soriano-Fuertes 14 have made blunders in copying 

Durr Mu fas sal. 



























...(la) . 







..(si) . 














.. (re) . 


Kiesewetter, in 1842, tried to show that the Laborde 
solmisation syllables were borrowed by the Arabs from 
Europe in the fourteenth century. This was evidently 

13 Kiesewetter, " Musik der Araber," p. 22. 
W Soriano-Fuertes, " Historia de la musica Espanola," i, p. 80. 


done to back up his erroneous notion that Christian mis- 
sionaries introduced, at this period, the European musi- 
cal system into Persia, a theory which has been rightly 
discredited. 15 

Lange, on the authority of an Armenian named Kom- 
itas Keworkian, with whom he was acquainted, was 
persuaded that the European musical system was 
introduced into Turkey and its dominions in the 
second half of the seventeenth century, and thus, says 
Lange, "it becomes comprehensible in the simplest way, 
how the Guidonian syllables were conceived in Arabic/' 16 
Soriano-Fuertes, on the other hand, makes Spain the 
fount of the solmisation syllables, and argues that both 
the Guidonian and the Arabian system (as given by 
Laborde) were borrowed from Spain. 

Not one of the authorities gives the slightest evidence 
for his statements. Kiesewetter did not know, or at 
least does not mention the Meninski source. Even Lange, 
who is inclined to believe in a European origin, realises the 
weakness of the case as presented by Kiesewetter. Con- 
cerning this "very unlikely hypothesis" of Kiesewetter, 
that Europe influenced the Orient, the learned Helmholtz 
says: "The Europeans of those days could teach the 
Orientals nothing that they did not already know better 
themselves." 17 Lange, too, does not mention the Menin- 
ski source, or otherwise he might not have so readily ac- 
cepted the Keworkian statement. 

*s Helmholtz, " Sensations of Tone" (third English edition), 
p. 285. 

*e Lange, " 8.I.M.G.," July-September, 1900, p. 552. 
M Helmholtz, op. cit., p. 285. 


Although Doni (d. 1647) was the first to use the vocable 
do in place of ut> 18 yet it was some time taking root. 
In Italy, it was just finding acceptance at the time of 
Lorenza Penna, 7P Bononcini^ and Cantone, 1 in the " seven- 
ties" of the seventeenth century. About the same time, 
Meninski, writing in Vienna, equates dal with ut> which 
shows that Austria still clung to the old syllable. If we 
are to accept the Lange theory that the Turks, and sub- 
sequently the Arabs, borrowed from Europe, how is it 
that we find do (~ddl} in use in Turkey and not in 
Austria ? 

This alleged borrowing from Europe, said to have 
taken place in the second half of the seventeenth century, 
must have happened before 1680, the date of Meninski's 
" Thesaurus," but when we glance at the history of Turkey 
at this period when she was under the Koprili discipline, 
it seems scarcely probable that any such borrowing took 
place. It is also strange that the contemporary Turkish 
writer, Ewliya Chelebl, whose chatty " Siyahat-Nama " is 
full of details about Turkish and European music, should 
not mention this " borrowing," which is said to have been 
made in his time. The Keworkian story may have ori- 
ginated in the Cantimir (b. 1673) claim to have "in- 
vented '* the notes in Turkish music. 2 They were, how- 

**Fetis, "Biog. Univ." 
i9Penna, " Albori musical!" (1672). 
20Bononcini, " Musico Prattico " (1673). 
2 Cantone, " Armenia Gregoriana " (1678). 
2 Cantimir, " Histoire de Pempire othoman," ii, p. 237; Villo- 
teau, " De 1'etat actuel de Part musical en Egypte," p. 627 (folio 
edition); Toderini, "Lett. Turch.," i, p. 225; Raouf Yekta- Bey, 
" Demetrius Cantemir " ("Revue Musicale," 1907). 


ever, no more than the letters of the alphabet which had 
been used in this way by the Arabs for eight hundred 
years. 5 

As for the Soriano-Fuertes claim for the Spanish ori- 
gin of the syllables, it is bound up with his theory that 
the Arabs of Al-Andalus took their music from Spanish 
sources, a position which is quite untenable. For the ori- 
gin of the syllables he brings forward no evidence save 
that the hymn, "Ut queant laxis," was known in Spain 
prior to Guido, which is quite irrelevant to the question 
of the origin of the solmisation syllables. 

The "phonetic likeness" between the Arabian systems 
and the Guidonian, as I have already pointed out, is cer- 
tainly striking. It was probably this fact, in consort with 
Villoteau's theory that Guido borrowed his musical sys- 
tem from the Arabs, 4 that induced Dalberg, 5 Crichton c 
and Pocock 7 to opine a "probable'' Arabian origin for 
these syllables. The "phonetic likeness" also carries 
some agreement in the mutations except in the use of the 
leading note, which was not used by Guido. Indeed, the 
use of the Persian-Turkish syllable Pa (be) is of consid- 
erable interest. The earliest known use of a syllable for 
the leading note in Western Europe is the "Pallas Modu- 
lata" (1599) of Puteanus, who introduces the vocable 

f., Glynn, "Analysis of the Evolution of Musical Form," 
p. 32. 

4 Villoteau, " Desc. dee instruments de musique des orientaux," 
p. 857, 

^ Dalberg, " Ueber die musik der Indier," p. 112. 

*Crichton, " History of Arabia/' ii, p. 117. 

7 Pocock, " Flowers of the East," p. 41. 


&i, derived, it is said, from the second syllable of labii 
in the "Ut queant laxis" hymn. In Laborde, however, 
we find sin (si), a vocable advocated by Sethus Calvisius 
in his " Exercitatio Musicae Tertia" (1611). 

I have already pointed out that the Arabic names of the 
solmisation syllables occur in an irregular sequence, which 
I have not seen any other example of. Yet it must be 
admitted that all our Arabic musical documents which 
give notations (except the Madrid " Ma'rif at al-naghamat 
al-thaman") belong to the Eastern Arabs, and it is to 
the Western Arabs that we ought to look rather, for in- 
fluences in this respect. Further, this unconformity need 
not necessarily be of much import, since we find Al- 
Farabi indulging frequently in inconstant sequences of 
this sort. 8 We also have proofs of an irregular sequence 
due to the fact that the initial letters of the actual names 
of notes and modes could be used as a notation. 9 

In the various claims for the origin of the syllables of 
solmisation, two only would appear to be deserving of 
consideration the time-honoured hymn theory, and the 
Arabian. That we have "well authenticated data" for 
the former, as Miss Schlesinger thinks, is unproven. The 
Arabian claim also lacks documentary proof, but it cer- 
tainly looks quite as real as the hymn theory. Indeed, it 
has been so tempting, that well-known German investi- 
gators like Professor E. M. von Hornbostel and Dr. 
Robert Lachmann have tried to solve the key to the Ara- 

SKosegarten, " Lib. Cant.," pp. 78, 85 and 88. 
9 " Madrid MS." No. 334 (Robles Cat.), No. 2; " Gotha MS." 
No. 1350, folio 19, v, 



bian clue in Laborde, but in vain. Yet, as the latter once 
said to the present writer in a communication on this 
topic : " All that one can do is to keep it in mind and 
wait for a chance solution/' 10 

w Although Laborde gives us no clue to the source of his inform- 
ation, it is only fair that it should be pointed out, that he is 
equally lax in this respect in other statements concerning Arabian 
music, although in these latter cases we are able to trace his 
sources. Even with Meninski, we do not know whether he refers 
to ancient or modern usage. 


11 L'ecriture musicale des Grecs ne laissa aucune trace dans Tart 
chretien ; aprcs un intervalle assez long, ello fut remplacee par 
deux systemes de notation propres aux peuples occidentaux : les 
neumes et les lettres latines." Gevaert "La musique de 

REGARDING the subject of notation, I said that 
the curious notation of Hermann Contract (1013- 
1054) "is, perhaps, nothing more than a ' borrow- 
ing ' from the Arabs" (p. 13), and again, that 
through the Arabian contact, " Europe may have got its 
first idea of a definite pitch notation" (p. 22). Miss 
Schlesinger will have none of this tentation, because, she 
says : 

"If we examine cursorily the science of music which 
Europe inherited from ancient Greece independently of 
Arab influence, we find a wonderfully complete scheme 
of pitch notation (see Alypios and Aristeides), designed 
by Pythagoras for the modal system, and having different 
symbols for the vocal and instrumental music. This 
notation like the Byzantine neumes presupposing fami- 
liarity with the modal system, indicates definite pitch 
values (which have until now been misinterpreted) with 


the assistance of the nomenclature by degrees borrowed 
from the kithara. This notation does not exist solely in 
theoretical treatises; that it was extensively used may be 
concluded from the fact that many valuable fragments in 
this notation have been discovered, from time to time, 
inscribed on marble or on papyri and covering a period 
ranging from the fourth or third century B.C. to the fourth 
century A.D. the latest being a Christian hymn in Greek, 
found among the Oxyrhynchus Papyri " (pp. 7-8). 

It is interesting to note that the Pythagoras "inven- 
tion " is accepted by Miss Schlesinger, although the 
attribution is stated only by one comparatively late 
author, Aristeides (first-second century A.D.) 2 a circum- 
stance, as Gevaert says, which does not inspire much 
confidence. 2 

Admitted, that the Greeks had a "wonderfully com- 
plete scheme of notation," yet the point at issue is What 
influence did it have on mediaeval Europe, and through 
what channel did this influence filter? We are told that 
this Greek notation was in use as late as the fourth cen- 
tury A.D., which may be true enough, but we must also 
bear in mind the remark of Gaudentios, who* speaks of 
this notation as belonging to the ancients. 5 At any rate, 
Boethius* and Cassiodorus 5 knew of no contemporary 

1 Aristeides (Meibom), p. 28. 
* Gevaert, " Mus. de 1'antiq.," i, p. 423. 

s * ' Veteree porro utebantur nominibus ad notationem octodecim 
illorum eonorum, et Hteris, quae Notae Musicae vocabantur, de 
quibus mine eet dicendum." Gaudentios (Meibom), p. 20, 
JBoethiuB, "De inst. mus.," iv, 3. 
Cassiodorus, "De art.," cap. v. 


method of notation, although Miss Schlesinger would try 
to persuade us that Boethius was one of the media by 
which Western Europe adopted the notation of the 
Greeks. Here is what she says : 

"This modal notation [the one mentioned above, 
H. G. F.] is used by Boethius in its proper context; but 
for the monochord division, he notes the points on the 
canon diagrammatically with consecutive letters of the 
alphabet, thus following Ptolemy. 

"These are the elements which in the course of the 
development of music in the West along its natural path 
of evolution, as a creative art, led to the substitution of 
phonetic symbols for the purely diagrammatical, hitherto 
used for the divisions of the monochord, which gradu- 
ally replaced the modal neumes. The notation of the 
West, born of practical necessity, was established once 
again, like the Greek, by means of the monochord, upon a 
generally accepted octave scale" (p. 8). (See Appen- 
dix 36). 

// we examine this question " cursorily " as Miss 
Schlesinger suggests, it is quite likely that some people 
may agree; yet if we enquire ''carefully'' I submit that 
few will admit this theory for one moment. Indeed, it 
is to Boethius that we owe "the certainty that the Greek 
notation was not adopted by the Latins"^ Boethius cer- 
tainly uses the first fifteen letters of the Roman alphabet, 
but they are purely relative and not absolute. They have 
no constant or fixed values, as Gevaert and others have 

6 " Encyclopaedia Britannica," xix, p. 86. 


pointed out long since. 7 The interval A-B, for instance, 
may signify an octave, a fifth, a fourth, or a semitone. 9 
It is as palpable as the noonday sun that neither the 
Greek notation (per se) nor the so-called Boethian nota- 
tion had the influence upon the notation of Western 
Europe which Miss Schlesinger claims. 

I have already shown that after the fall of Rome, there 
was no work of import on the theory of music known to 
us in Western Europe until the mid-nintJi century. 9 Even 
Isidore of Seville (d. 638) fails to tell us about a nota- 
tion, although he does not neglect to mention many simi- 
lar things. 10 Even the first of the so-called theorists, 
Aurelian of Reome and Remy of Auxerre, are silent. 
Obviously, we must look elsewhere for the fount which 
influenced the adoption of a notation in Western Europe, 
the earliest appearance of which dates from the tenth 
century. 11 Here we have the first seven letters of the 
Roman alphabet used to express the sounds of the major 
mode. Unlike the diastematic notation of the neumes 
which belonged to the church and vocal music, the phon- 
etic notation by means of letters was originally secular 
and belonged to instrumental music, 12 a very significant 
fact, because it strikes a new note in Western Europe. On 
the other hand, a phonetic notation had been known to 
the Arabs for more than a century earlier, and with them 

?Gevaert, " Mus. de 1'antiq.," i, p. 436; David et Lussy, " Hist, 
de la Notation musicale," p. 38. 

SBoethius, op. cit., iii, 1, 3-4 and 9-11. 

0See ante, p. 46. 

# Isidore, " Etyni.," xx, 1. 

"Gerbert, " Script ores/ ' i, p. 118. 

i*Ibid. i, p. 318. 


it belonged especially to instrumental music. In both 
cases, these notations were in the hands of practical musi- 
cians, to whom the "theorist" was almost a closed book. 
The Arabian "practicians" cared little for the " theor- 
ists," as we know from the "Kitab al-Aghani," IS and 
Yahya ibn 'All. 2 ^ It was the same in Western Europe, 
where Guido of Arezzo tells us in plain language that 
" the book of Boethius is useless for singers, and is 
intended merely for philosophers." This leads us to 
enquire what the Arabs possessed in the matter of a 
phonetic notation prior and subsequent to its adoption by 
Western Europe. 

There is a story told of Al-Farabl at the court of Saif 
al-Daula, where the famous musician is said to have dis- 
tributed pieces (i.e., parts) of music among the court 
musicians. The story is told by Pocock 25 and Clouston, i6 
but it is entirely erroneous. The mistake appears to have 
been due to D'Herbelot, who wrote, "II tira sur le champ 
de sa poche line piece, avec toutes ses parties, qu'il dis- 
tribua aux musiciens." 17 The story probably had its 
origin in the " Risalat al-muslqi " of the Ikhwan al-Safa' 
where the account runs, " The man ( ? Al-Farabl) brought 
out implements 26 ' (for a lute), which he had, and he put 

" Kitab al-Aghani," v, p. 53. 
U Yaljya ibn 'AH, " British Museum MS.," 2361, folio 236, v. 

*'" Pocock, " Flowers of the East," p. 41. 

* 6 Clouston, "Flowers from a Persian Garden," p. 8. 

17 D'Herbelot, " Bibl. Orient.," ii, 438. 

18 " Khashabat " implies "unfinished or unassembled imple- 


them together, and spread strings over them, and played 
them." 19 

The truth is that the Arabs did not use " pieces " of 
music in this way to perform from. Everything was 
learned by rote. That they used a phonetic notation, 
however, for their practical theory is well testified. As 
early as Al-Ma'mun (d. 833)* and Ishaq al-Mausili (d. 
850),* a practical notation appears to have been known. 

We see this practical notation in the work of Yahya 
ibn 'All ibn Yahya (d. 912), a follower of the school of 
Ishaq al-Mausili. Here is his notation, a practical one, 
for the lute ( f ud), 2 

Symbols: A. B. J. D. H. W. Z. H. T. Y. 
Notes: G. a. bp. b. c. d. el;, e. f. ftforg 

With the western Arabs, i.e., those of Spain and North 
Africa, a practical notation, not unlike the above, was also 
in use, as we know from the Madrid MS. on the Ma'rifat 

al-Safa ("Cairo Edition"), i, p. 114; ("Bombay 
Edition"), i, p. 85, has khashibat. It is the lute ( l ud) that is 
meant. Cf. Ibn Khallikan, " Biog. Diet.," iii, p. 309, arid the 
text of the " \Vafa3 T at al-A'yan," where t'he word " 'Idan " 
('pieces of wood") is used instead of "khashibat." 

" <Iqd al-Farld," iii, p. 188. 
i "Kitab al-Agham," ix, pp. 54, 56. 

2 Yahya, ibn 'All, ''British Museum MS.," Or. 2361, folio 237. 
Yahya says that the tenth note is f#, i.e., the octave of the biri.sir 
ul-mathlath. This is povssibly a copyist's error, and perhaps it 
should be khinsir al-mathlath, as he distinctly says that the in- 
terval is a whole tone from the preceding note, i.e., " the interval 
that is between the fret of the sabbaba and that of the binxir," 
which was J. Therefore the tenth note would be g. The word 
sabbaba could not possibly be a slip for imiafa, because irustfi to 
binsir was the Pythagorean apotome 2ill> but it might be sabbaba 
to wusta, as this would give the limma |J-J. Yet the argument 


al-naghamat al-thamdn, which gives the following nota- 
tion for the lute: 5 

Symbols: A. B. J. D. H. W. Z. H. 

Notes: C. D. E. F. G. a. b. c. 

A theorist like Al-Kindi (d. 874) has a notation 
which takes in the chromatic (?) scale. Here is the 
Al-Kindi scheme/ 

Symbols: A. B. J. D. H. W. Z. H. T. Y. K. L. 
Notes: a. bp b. c. c#. d. efr. e. f. fjj. g. a|j. 

This was long before a phonetic notation was adopted 
by Western Europe, and it was prior to Al-Farabi, whose 
notation has been criticised by Miss Schlesinger. 

She says : 

"Al-Farabi has used the names of the letters of the 
Arabian alphabet as correspondences for the nomencla- 
ture of the Perfect Immutable System of two octaves of 
ancient Greece, and it is surely more than a coincidence 

in favour of f # is nullified by a remark on fol. 237, v, where the 
to nth note is given as the octave (di'f) of the base ('imad), and 
therefore the note was g. (Cf. also the remark on fol. 238, v, 
where the tenth note is mentioned as being the first fret on the 
zir string !) The lower notes of the lute gave A. B. C. C#. D. 
E. F. F#. There would appear to be another lapsus of the copy- 
ist in the notation, in the omission of a symbol. Ten symbols are 
required, and he only gives nine. The palpable omission is D. On 
the other hand, if we accept the author's symbols as they stand 
we get the following scale without the question of the tenth note 
being raised : 

Symbols: A. B. J. H. W. Z. H. f. Y. 

Notes: G. a. bfl. b. c . d. ep. e. f. 
(See Appendix 37.) 

*" Madrid MS.," No. 334 (2). See Appendix 38. 
* Al-Kindi, " British Museum MS.," Or. 2361, fol. 167, v. See 
Appendix 39. 


that he has chosen the same series as did Ptolemy, plac- 
ing the S (instead of the Greek Xi used by Ptolemy) be- 
tween N and O, calling it sine " (page 8). 

These statements are misleading, and could have been 
avoided had careful reference been made to the notations 
of Ptolemy and Al-Farabl, and had more attention been 
paid to the cultural "borrowings" of Greece from the 
Semites. Had Al-Farabl chosen the " same series," as Miss 
Schlesinger suggests, it would not necessarily prove that 
he had copied Ptolemy. The " coincidence " would have 
been due to the fact that the Greeks owed their alphabet 
to the Semites, and that is why both Ptolemy and Al- 
Farabl would have chosen the " same scries.'* 

Yet, strictly speaking, Ai-Farabi did not choose the 
"same series" as Ptolemy. 

Here is the (nxm?/xa reAaov Ste^cuy/xevov d/xcro/JoAov of 
Ptolemy, which is the jama' at al-tammat al-munfasilat 
ghair al-mutaghayyirat of Al-Farabl : 

Ptolemy's Al-Fdrdbfs 
Notes. Symbols. Symbols. 

Nete hyperbolaion a' F. 

Paranete hyperbolaion ...g 5 ' 

Tritfc hyperbolaion f e S. 

Nete diezeugmenon e 8 N. 

Paranete diezeugmenon ...d y M. 

Trite diezeugmenon c ft L. 

Paramesfc b a K. 

Mese a C Y. 

Lichanos meson G s T. 

Parhypate meson F c H. 

t> Ptolem} 7 , ii, 5. Kosegarten, pp. 01-2. 


Hypate meson S Z. 

Lichanos hypaton D y H. 

Parhypate hypaton C /? D. 

Hypate hypaton B a J. 

Proslambanomenos A A. 

Both of these theorists use other alphabetical or numeri- 
cal symbols, but in no case do they ex-press an absolute 
notation in our sense of the term* 

With the later Arabian and Persian theorists however, 
whilst there is sometimes the same inconstant application 
of the letters of the alphabet in the treatment of the theor- 
etical art, yet there is a general agreement in the practical 
notation. This may be seen in such writers as afl al-Dm 
'Abd al-Mu'min, w Al-ShirazJ, H Ibn Ghaibi, 12 and the 
authors of the Muhammad ibn Murad MS. (fifteenth cen- 
tury) 13 and the " Sharh Maulana " (fifteenth century). 1 * 

Ibn Sina (d. 1037) tells us that the practical musicians 
had a notation for the playing of the lute as follows : 

6 For proofs, see Ptolemy, ii, 3-6 and 10 ; and Kosegarten, 
pp. 01, 78, 101, 104, 106, 114 and 119. By her use of the term 
sine, Miss Schlesinger evidently takes Rouanet (Lavignac's " En- 
cyclopedic do la musique," v, p. 2,716) as her authority, and here, 
a mere glance will convince the reader that the " same series " is 
not used. There are several typographical and other errors at this 
point in Rouanet. The Arabic " ya," " kaf " and " 'ain " are not 
correct, whilst " qaf " should be "fa." See Appendix 40. 
JOgafi al-Dm, u Bodleian MS.," 992, folio 30. 

a Al-Shirazi, " British Museum MS.," Add. 7094, folio 217, v. 
^Ibn GhaibI, "Bodleian MS.," 1842, folios. 

w Muhammad ibn Murad, "British Museum MS.," Or. 2361, 
folios 177 and 191 seq. 

U" Sharh Maulana/' "British Museum MS.," Or. 2361. On 
fol. 131, y, of this MS. there is an archaic Greek notation after the 
o-77/Acia in Alypios that is wortty calling attention to. 


( ?) = fourth string (bamm). 

L = third (mathlatk). 

M = second (mathna). 

Z = first (zlr). 

W = open (mutlaq). 

S = first finger (sabbaba). 

( ?) = middle (wusta). 

B = third (binsir). 

The rhythm and mensural values were generally noted 
by means of onomatopoeia, such as tan> tanan, tananan> 
etc., but letters were also used, as Ibn Sma distinctly in- 
forms us. He says : " I have seen those who were writing 
the rhythm as they heard it, as quickly as possible." 15 . 

Al-Husain ibn Zaila (d. 1048) uses the lute fret names 
in the practical part of his treatise on music, as well as 
a letter notation, which also occurs in the theoretical part. 26 
Strange to say, the notation of Ibn Zaila is identical with 
that given in the Arabic Muristus treatise on the pneu- 
matic organ, 27 which can be traced to the tenth century, 
and probably to the ninth century. For that reason I 
quote it : 

Symbols: A. B. J. D. H. W. Z. H. T. Y. Ya. Yb. 
Notes: A. B. C#D. E. Ftf G. a. b. c. d e. 
Rhythmic and mensural values, as I have pointed out, 
were generally expressed either by onomatopoeia or by 
letters. We find the actual beats numbered as early as 
Al-Kindl (d. 874).** Al-Farabi (d. 950) uses the onoma- 

Sma, " India Office MS.," 1811, folio 172, v. 
Zaila, " British Museum MS.," Or. 2361, fols. 226 v. 23C. 

" Al-Mashriq," ix, 24. 
Al-Kindl, " Berlin MS.," 5503, folio 32. 


topceia and puncta. Sometimes the verbal root of the 
prosodists, fa'l, was used, as in the Ikhwan al-Saf a' (tenth 
century).^ Ibn Zaila uses letters. Later we find something 
like the Greek signs for metrical quantities in vogue. 22 

I have examined carefully, not merely cursorily, the 
"wonderfully complete scheme of pitch notation" which 
Miss Schlesinger suggests was the original of our phon- 
etic notation, and I have to confess that I fail to agree 
that we can trace it directly to the Greeks. First, there is 
the fact that Western Europe did not know of the Greek 
theorists themselves until after its adoption of a letter 
notation. Second, there is no agreement between that of 
Greece, and that first adopted by Western Europe. On 
the other hand the latter does agree with the Western 
Arabian notation. Let us compare the Western Arabian 
notation in the "Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thaman," and 
that which first appears in Europe in the treatise, "De 
harmonica institutione." 
Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thamdn : 

Symbols: A. B. J. D. H. W. Z. H. 

Notes: C. D. E. F. G. a. b. c. 
De harmonica institutione : n 

Symbols: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. A. 

Notes: C. D. E. F. G. a. b. c. 

The Arabian notation was purely instrumental, just as 
the first western European notation was. It was the be- 
ginning of the modern major mode, the introduction of 

19 Kosegarten, p. 131, seq., 145, seq. 
20 Ikhwan al-Saf a' (Bombay Edition), i, p. 115. 
afi al-Din 'Abd' al-Mu'min, "British Museum MS.," Or, 
136, folio 35 ? seq, 

Appendix 41. 


which has even been attributed to the Arabs, 2 or at any 
rate to the Semitic Orient. 2 

It is not until the eleventh century that we see in West- 
ern Europe any direct or indirect contact with Greek 
methods of notation, such as in the "Musica Enchiriadis," 
and the "Dialogus" of Pseudo-Odo* But all this was 
long after the Arabian contact, and it evidently prompted 
European theorists to improve upon the existing system, 
which they eventually did. This is where Miss Schlesinger 
gees astray in her remarks on Hermann Contract when 
she says that his intervallic notation "was purely spora- 
dic and exercised no influence upon the subsequent 
development of our notation." My point was that the 
Arabs already possessed a practical notation, as I have 
shown, and that perhaps Hermann Contract was one 
of those theorists who was influenced by it. Whether his 
effort was "sporadic" or otherwise is beside the point. 

A still further statement by Miss Schlesinger deserves 
attention. It runs : 

" What the Arabs learned from the Greeks and Persians 
in the matter of notation, they carried no further, they 
developed no science of notation, for use in transcribing 
melodies; the names given to the frets of the lutes were 
not used in our sense of notation, but rather as a tablature 
or nomenclature for the degrees of certain scales." 

Here are three statements, all of them either erroneous 
or misleading, (i) That the Arabs learned something 
from the Greeks in this question may be allowed, but from 

i Rowbotham, " History of Music," iii, p. 547. 

Jeannin, " Mllodiee Liturgiques Syriennes et Chaldlen&es," 
p. 107, seq. 

* See Appendix 42. 


the Persians^ seeing that the Arabic musical documents 
are earlier than the Persian, we cannot say what they 
Itarncd. (3) The names given to the frets on the lute, 
such as mutlaq (open string), sab b aba (first finger), etc., 
were quite distinct from the notation which represented 
the sounds which these gave. But even a tablature is a 
notation. This might be proved from Miss Schlesinger 
herself, since she speaks of the alphabetical notation of 
the modes of the Greeks, which can be no different from 
the alphabetical tablature of the scales of the Arabs. (2) 
That the Arabs carried the notation that they adopted no 
further, is quite untrue. At one sweep, Al-Kindl brushed 
aside the cumbersome Greek notation, by using the same 
symbols for each octave. The practitioners did not all 
follow his lead, as we have seen in Yahya ibn 'All ibn 
Yahya ( ? ) and the " Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thaman " MS. 
The Systematist school of the Eastern Arabs from the time 
of Safi al-Din 'Abd al-Mu'min, certainly fell back upon a 
symbol for each note, but it is with these people that we 
find " a science of notation for use in transcribing melo- 
dies" in a developed form, in spite of what Miss 
Schlesinger thinks to the contrary. It may be seen in the 
"Kitab al-adwar" of Safi al-Dm 'Abd al-Mu'min/ and 
the "Jami' al-alhan" of Ibn Ghaibi the Arab-Persian 
theorist/ Here we have melodies transcribed by means of 
the phonetic notation already mentioned, with mensural 
values under each note. 

That the Arabs developed beyond this stage is evi- 
denced by the treatise of Shams al-Din al-aidawi al- 

'Safl al-Din, " British Museum MS.," Or. 136, folio 38, v. 
* Ibn Ghaibi, "Bodleian MS.," 1842, folios 93, v, 94, v. 


Dhahabl. 5 Here we have an eight-lined stave for the pur- 
poses of notation. 6 This system is little different from 
a tenth century European method which has been given by 
Vincenzo Galilei, 7 and Kircher. 8 C. F. Abdy Wil- 
liams, quoting the example given by the latter (al- 
though he wrongly attributes it to the former), says that 
" it is untranslatable, since the Greek letters belong to no 
system of notation." 3 This, however, is made up of the 
first eight letters of the alphabet and it agrees with the 
Arabian method of Shams al-Dm al-aidawl quoted 
above. 1 * 

5 Shams al-Din, " Bodleian MS.," 42, fol. 69, v, seq. See Ap- 
pendix 43. 

6 J. B. Trend, in " The Criterion," February, 1924, in an article, 
" The Moors in Spanish Music," says that " with one possible ex- 
ception no genuine Arab tune was recorded until the end of the 
eighteenth century." Besides the three writers mentioned above, 
reference can be made to Salinas (sixteenth century) for Arabian 
melodies, as well as an interesting MS. collection of the seven- 
teenth century in the British Museum, Sloane MS., 3114. 

7 Galilei, " Dialogo della musica antica," p. 36. 
* Kircher, " Musurgia Universalis," i, p. 213. 

9 Grove's "Dictionary," iii, p. 397. 

#Cf., the sixth letter in Kircher (op, cit.), Hawkins (i, p. 429), 
and Grove (iii, p. 397), 



" Mais il est arrive jusqu'a nous un document du plus vif in- 
teret technique. Je fais allusion au curieux ' Art dc jouer le luth 
(Ars de pulsatione lambuti).' .... II n'est pas necessaire do sig- 
naler 1'importance du dit document, qui par nialheur ne nous 
decouvre qu'une faible partie de la technique d'un instrument 
comme le luth arabe, ayant joue un si grand role dans la musique 
du moyen age." Rafael Mitjana, " Le Monde Oriental" (1906). 

REFERENCE to my monograph will show that irre- 
spective of any claim on my part, Europe itself 
has acknowledged that it borrowed one type of 
its instrumental tablature from the Arabs. It is to 
the erudite Fr. Jayme Villanueva that we owe the "clue" 
to this Arabian influence. In his "Viaje literario a las 
Iglesias de Espafia" (Valencia, 1821) he gave some ex- 
tracts from a MS. in the Capucin convent of Gerona, and 
one concerns the art of playing certain stringed instru- 
ments with a neck ( ?), as revealed by a celebrated, though 
anonymous Moor of the kingdom of Granada. The MS. 
is dated 1496-7, but the date of the anonymous Moor, 
whose system is quoted, is obviously much earlier, because 

the kingdom of Granada ceased in 1492, and further, the 



Latin author does not, apparently, quote direct from the 
Moor, but from a certain Jayme Salva. I gave the open- 
ing lines of this MS. in my monograph, but in view of its 
general interest, I now append the original Latin as pub- 
lished, together with an English translation. 1 

"Sequitur ars de pulsatione lambuti, 2 et aliorum simi- 
lium instrumentorum, inventa a Fulan mauro regni 

" Mirum est, ut dona sancti spiritus ipsis infidelibus 
infundantur. Ea propter hoc dico quoniam quidam 
Fulan nomine, maurus de regno Granatae apud Ispanias 
inter Ispanos cytharistas laude dtgnus, per pulsatus spiri- 
tus scientice invenit artem dandam his qui diligunt pul- 
sare lambutum, cytharam, violam et his similia instru- 
menta. Et dicit dictus Fulan quod, postquam bonus 
cytharista grupaverit suum instrumentum per bonam ar- 
tem, attendendum est, ubi sunt semythonia in ipso instru- 
mento. Est etiam attendendum, ubi sunt semythonia in 
cantilena ponenda in ipso instrumento. Et ponat tali 
modo cantilenam in instrumento, quod semythonia canti- 
lenae respondant semythoniis instrument! ; alias autem in 
vanum laborat Dicit denique dictus Fulan, quod omnis 
punctus qui sit sine positione alicuis digitorum in grupis, 
est Alif in eorum littera, quod in nostra sonat A. Alpha- 
betum ipsorum maurorum ego ponam per ordinem ; verum 
ipsi mauri incipiunt in manu dextra, et tendunt versus 

* The text was quoted by Rafael Mitjana in an article in " Le 
monde oriental " (1906), p. 210 seq. 

* What was the " lambutum "P At first sight it looks as though 
the word is a scribe's error for ' ' sambutum " ("sambuca "), but 
an instrument with a neck is surely implied, and perhaps it 
should be " barbutum " ("barbiton"). 


sinistram. Nos vero latini cum graecis e contra, qupniam 
incipimus in sinistra et finimus in dextra. Sequitur alpha- 
betum ipsorum maurorum .... 

" Primus grupus post Alif in ipso instrumento est semy- 
thonium. Secundus grupus respondet ipsi Alif per 
thonum. Tercius grupus in instrumento respondet ipsi 
Alif cum thono et semythono. Quartus grupus debet cor- 
respondere ipsi Alif per duos thonos. Quintus grupus 
respondet ipsi Alif per duos thonos cum semythono, et 
sic faciunt dyathessaron. Sextus grupus distat ab Alif 
per tres thonos, et sic faciunt trithonum, Septimus gru- 
pus respondet ipsi Alif per tres thonos con (?) uno semy- 
thono, et faciunt dyapentam. Tu vero, David 3 pone alia 
plura : ego enim tedio aquarum multarum (quae me scri- 
bere non permittunt) fessus sum. 

" Omnia ista de pulsacione lambuti ego habui a f ratre 
Jacobo Salva. ordinis Praedicatorum, filio den Bernoy 
(vel Banoy) de linariis, dioc. Barchin. qui caritate devic- 
tus revelavit mihi ista. Deus sit tibi merces." 


"Here follows the art of playing the lambutum and 
other similar instruments, invented by Fulan, a Moor of 
the Kingdom of Granada. 

"It is marvellous that the gifts of the Holy Spirit 
should be poured down on infidels. I say this for the 
reason that a certain Fulan by name, Moor of the King- 
dom of Granada, wortJiy of praise in Spain among Span- 
ish guitarists, by the impulse of the spirit of learning, has 
discovered the art to be given to those who have an in- 
clination for playing the lambutum, guitar, viol and 

* Probably the dedicatee. 


instruments similar to these. And the said Fulan says 
that after a good guitarist has arranged (fretted) his in- 
strument with skill, he must take care where the semitones 
are in the instrument itself. Attention must also be paid 
as to where the semitones are in the song which is to be 
played on the instrument itself. And he must place a 
song on an instrument in such a way that the semitones 
of the song correspond with the semitones of the instru- 
ment; otherwise he labours in vain. The said Fulan says 
further, that every note which may be without a position 
for any of the fingers in the frets (i.e., the open string 
H. G. F.) is Alif (A) in their letters, which sounds A in 
ours. I shall place the alphabet of the Moors themselves in 
order ; but the Moors themselves write from right to left. 
We Latins with the Greeks, on the contrary, write from 
left to right. Here follows the alphabet of the 
Moors . . . 

"The first fret after Alif in the instrument itself is a 
semitone. The second fret answers Alif by a tone. The 
third fret in the instrument answers Alif with a tone and 
semitone. The fourth fret ought to correspond to Alif 
by two tones. The fifth fret answers Alif by two tones 
with a semitone, and thus they make a diatessdron. The 
sixth fret is distant from Alif by three tones, and thus 
they make a tritone. The seventh fret answers Alif by 
three tones with one semitone, and they make it a did- 
pente. But you, David, do the rest : for I am tired with 
the weariness of many waters (which prevent me from 

"All these instructions for playing the lambutum I 
have from Brother Jayme Salva. of the order of Preach- 
ers, son of Bernoy (or Banoy) of the linen weavers, in 


the diocese of Barchin. who, filled with kindness, has ex- 
plained this to me. May God be your recompense." 

This Fulan, the supposed name of the Moor of the 
Kingdom of Granada, is evidently a lapsus of the Latin 
scribe. The word fulan in Arabic refers to " an unknown 
person," and the term being used in some Arabic treatise in 
reference to the authorship appears to have led the Latin 
translator to conjecture that this was the author's name. 
This in itself goes to prove that the original Moorish 
teacher or author must have lived long anterior to the 
Jayme Salva, who it was that passed on his knowledge to 
the writer of the Latin MS. 

When we compare this Latin treatise with Arabic works 
like the "Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thaman" already 
quoted, we can fully appreciate what has been borrowed. 
Certainly this system, as Rafael Mitjana suggests/ bears a 
strange resemblance to that used by the great Spanish 
mhuelistas in the fifteenth century. The tablature of 
the Frenchman, Adrien Le Roy, in his instruction books 
for the luth (1557) and the guitcrne (15/8) is identical 
with the old Spanish Latin MS. quoted above. 5 

The " clues " for the Arabian influence in both phonetic 
notation and instrumental tablature, are, clearly, not to 
be ignored. What influence took place in diastematic 
notation, I attempted to hint at in my monograph by a 
number of fairly reasonable proofs. These have not as 
yet been challenged, and I can afford therefore to wait, 
so that I can deal with the whole question of the Arabian 
influence in mensural theory at one time. 

-4 " Le monde oriental " (1906), p. 213. 
6 See the <{ Vierteljahrsschrift fur Musikwiseenschaft," ii, p. 34. 


" Nunc id, quo proprie symphonies dicuntur et sunt, id est, 
qunliter esodem voces sese invicem canendo habeant, prosequamiir. 
Hsec namque est, quam Diaphoniam cantilenam, vel assuete, or- 
ganum, vocamus." " Musica Enchiriadis." 

il Symphonia quid est? Dulcis quarumdam vocurn commixtio ; 
quanim tres sunt simplices, Diapason, et Diapente, ae Diates- 
saron. Tres sunt composite Disdiapason, Diapason et Diapente, 
Diapason ac Diatessaron." " Scholia Enchiriad\s." 

HO was it that took the first step of magadizing 
to organising? Could it have been the Arabs ?" 
Thus I wrote in my monograph. 1 I followed 
this query by giving two " clues," one from an 
Arabic source and another from a Latin source. The former 
was a quotation from a MS. (the Shifcf} of Ibn Sina 
(d. 1037), containing a specific reference to organizing, 
whilst the latter appeared to me to be a distinct reference 
to Arabian music schools teaching organum at Cor- 
dova. In the face of these " clues " it was hazarded that 
" Europe seems to have come in contact with organum " 
when it touched upon Arabian culture.- Yet Miss 
Schlesinger says : * 

P. 22. 
'Pp. 10-11. 


"When Mr. Farmer claims for the Arabs the credit of 
introducing the organum to Western Europe, while at the 
same time pointing out that the device was alien to pure 
Arabian music, one may crave indulgence for treating the 
claim with scepticism until more convincing data are 
produced." (See Appendix 44.) 

It is highly probable that some people may require 
" more convincing data " before they are relieved of their 
" scepticism " of the Arabian claim, but surely, in the 
meantime, the proper course ought to be the sifting of the 
data already adduced. If these can be shown to be "un- 
convincing," then, and only then, should any "indul- 
gence" be claimed for ignoring them. Excuse from pro- 
nouncing an opinion on the Arabic "clue" is perhaps 
natural, and for that reason, I give a translation of this 
particular passage/ Ibn Sina says : 

" And there is connected with this chapter the tarkibat 
(sing., tarklb compound, organum), and they are 
produced by means of one beat which continues upon 
two strings, the note sought and that which is along 
with it, upon the Fourth (^) or Fifth (-|\ and other than 
these, as if these two were falling in the one time. And 
the tacTlfat (sing., tad 1 if double, octave), and you know 
them, and they are included under the tarkibat, except 
that they are in the Octave (f )." 

When I wrote my monograph, I mentioned that I could 
find no reference to any such device as organum in Al- 
Kindi (d. 874). Since then, however, I have discovered 
what I believe to be another treatise by Al-Kindi, which 

& Ibn Sina, " India Office MS.," 1811, folio, 172, v. See Ap- 
pendix 45. 


brings some partial corroboration of the device mentioned 
by Ibn Sina. 5 From this treatise, I believe that it can be 
shown that the tarklb of the Arabs was originally one of 
the schemes of the tofllj al-luhun or composition of melo- 
dies, this latter being similar to the /^AoTroua of the 

In the Al-Kindi MS. a section is devoted to a device 
on the lute known as the jass. In the " Maf atlh al- 
( Ulum" (tenth century) this jass is described as "the beat- 
ing of the strings with first finger and the thumb." 5a Al- 
Kindl deals with two species of jass: (i) that consisting 
of three distinct movements, i.e., thumb, first finger, and 

thumb successively, for example : ^- p -*~H ; (2) that 

consisting of one solitary movement, i.e., the thumb and 
first finger plucking the strings simultaneously, for 

ex amp le : 


In one of the Arabic-Muristus MSS. on the organ, which 
we know of in the tenth century, and probably in the 
ninth century, 50 we have reference to the tarkibat (com- 
pounds). The symbols used in this document are identi- 
cal with those of Ibn Zaila which have already been given. 
If we may assume that these symbols have the same pitch 

5 I hope to issue the musical treatises of Al-Kindi in text and 
translation. See my article, "Some Musical Manuscripts Identi- 
fied," in the " Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society," Jan., 1926. 

fa Al-Khwarizmi, 239. The text has au-qar instead of awtar 

fol. 30 and 30v. Examples given by Al-Kindi. 
*? See ante, p. 92. 


values, some interesting examples of tarklbat result. This 

tarklb feiiES~| we are told, could not be heard by man 

" except that grief enters into him " ; whilst this 

incited to "courage and wakefulness." 5d 

How did it happen that the Arabs took to this tarklb 
which appears to have been alien to their musical prac- 
tice? The answer may partly be sought in Miss 
Schlesinger's own view of the causes of the rise of or- 
ganum. She says : 6 

" The rise of or ganum may be found foreshadowed in 
the insistent enquiry into the simultaneous consonances 
of octave fifth and fourth, and the numerous discussions 
on the subject in connection with the use of the mono- 
chord, which fill the pages of Ptolemy and of the later 
Greek theorists, of Boethius and of the mediaeval trea- 
tises // is inconceivable that such experiments 

should not, in time, naturally result in some such device 
as the organum" 

Yet we must bear in mind that early mediaeval trea- 
tises of Western Europe showing " insistent enquiry " into 
the consonances and "numerous discussions" on the 
monochord did not exist, for we must not lose sight of 
the fact already stated, that from the end of the sixth 
century to mid-ninth century not a solitary theoretical 
work on music is known to us. Yet Miss Schlesinger, who 

M " Al-Mashriq," ix, 25-6. A fuller discussion of the tarklbat 
in the Muristus MS. will be found in my " Organ of the Ancients 
fiom Eastern Sources/' 

e P. 12. 


quotes a passage from John Scotus as evidence, says : 
" Thus, early in the ninth century, the art of the organum 
was constituted already in theory and practice in 
Europe/ 57 On the other hand, the Arabs had been ac- 
quainted with the Greek theorists from the eighth century 
onwards. " Insistent enquiry " is written on many a page 
of Al-Kindl (d. 874), but I fail to discover any corres- 
ponding diligence in Western Europe. 

We know later that the Arabian colleges at Cordova 
were teaching music, which meant the art known as or- 
ganum ; so we are told by Virgilius Cordubensis [" et duo 
magistri legebant de musica, de ista arte qua dicitur 

That European students were sitting at the feet of these 
music professors at Cordova/ lends some colour to the 
suggestion that organum was being taught at this hub 
of Arabian culture and civilisation. Otherwise, it is diffi- 
cult to appreciate why European students were studying 
there at all, if it was merely homophony and not harmony 
that was being taught. Of course, the quadrivium may, 
strictly speaking, have only included the purely physical 
side of music, what the Arabs called the nazarl art, in 
contradistinction from the 'amah or practical art, but Vir- 
gilius Cordubensis makes it quite clear as to what is 
meant by the term musica\ it included the art of organum. 
Indeed, I find that the scholarly Julian Ribera in his " La 
Miisica de las Cantigas" (1922) allows that the Anda- 
lusian Arabs practised harmony, which Soriano-Fuertes 
also believed. 

7 P. 11. 

* Soriano-Fuertes, op. cit., i, p. 82. See Appendix 46. 


However one may feel that these "clues" upset our 
accepted views that the Arabs never got beyond the stage 
of homophony, and that harmony is a European product 
and practice, it is to little purpose for Miss Schlesinger 
to attempt to label my "clues" with such a phrase as 
"shreds mostly hypothetical.'* The proper attitude is 
to face them and seek for some explanation. I have 
already said that the device was "alien to pure Arabian 
music, and it was only adopted by the Arabs after con- 
tact with Greek theories." Indeed, anyone who cares to 
turn to my " Music and Musical Instruments of the 
Arab/' 9 (p. 256), published many years ago, will see that I 
condemned Sir C. Hubert H. Parry and Ernest Newman 
for suggesting that the Arabs and other Oriental 
peoples had some "notion of harmony." 10 I still maintain 
that the Arabs, as a whole, have been committed to homo- 
phony from their earliest appearance in musical history. 
To enquire into the process by which the Arabs developed 
their tarklb or simultaneous consonance from its early 
use in the ttfllj or composition of melodies, up to the 

London : William Reeves Bookseller Ltd. See Appendix 47. 

10 See the review of this book by Ernest Newman in an article 
entitled "Oriental and Western Music," in the "New Witness" 
(Dec., 1915, Jan., 1916), in which he replies to my contention on 
this point. See also an interesting review^ by George Underwood 
(Francis Woolett) in the " Freethinker" (Feb. 6, 1916), in which 
the writer says: " The (Arab) gloss itself which converts the 
melodic outline, or pattern, into an arabesque of sound by sur- 
rounding it with a delicate festooning of grace-notes and roulades, 
is, when two or more instruments are playing, a primitive coun- 
terpoint; and when it is admitted that, at times, some of the in- 
struments, sustain a note, and the drums, tuned to different notes, 
enforce the rhythm, I do not see how it can be denied that we 
have here the beginning of the harmonic system," 


organum that was taught in the schools at Cordova, would 
be an interesting speculation. Yet, it may be hazarded 
that if harmony originated in Spain, as Soriano-Fuertes 
and Julian Ribera would almost persuade us, then it is 
not improbable that the first impetus came from the 
tarklb of the Arabs, as well as that "insistent enquiry** 
into such things as these people were busy with long 
before the Western Europeans. That Europe played the 
leading part in its fruition cannot be doubted for one 
moment, but it is through this Arabian civilisation in cul- 
tural contact with the old Visigothic civilisation, that 
one sees a further proof of one of the laws of artistic 
and intellectual development which allows that the high- 
est civilisation is that in which the greatest number of 
culture-influences meet 11 

That the Arabs have preserved in present-day practice 
scarcely a vestige of this art of tarklb or organum y need 
not discount this thesis in the slightest. 12 It is accounted 
for by socio-political laws of cultural retrogression. We 
see this reversion in other spheres. In spite of the pro- 
gress made in medicine and surgery by the Arabs of the 
Middle Ages, when their pharmacopoeias were the ac- 
cepted textbooks of the civilised world, present-day prac- 
tice (outside the Europeanised cities) has fallen back on 
the most primitive ideas of cure. 

n J. M. Robertson, " The Evolution of States " (1912), Chapter IV. 
12 See the primitive methods of the modern Arabs as given by 
Loret, " Quelques documents relatifs a la litterature et la mu- 
sique populaires de la Haute-Egypte " (" Memoires de la Mission 
archeologique du Caire," i, i, pp. 329-63). Cf. 3 Niebuhr, "Voy- 
age en Arabie," i, p. 143. 


As a counter to my Arabian "clues" discussed above, 
Miss Schlesinger introduces a European author, John 
Scotus, as proof that organum was known "early in the 
ninth century" Organum may have been known "early 
in the ninth century," but if Miss Schlesinger is to be 
consistent in her argument that it was the "insistent en- 
quiry " into the consonances and the " numerous discus- 
sions " on the monochord, that " foreshadowed " the rise 
of organum she ought to produce these mediaeval en- 
quirers and discussers. Further, John Scotus wrote his 
" De Divisione Naturae," which contains the so-called 
reference to organum^ after 851, that is to say after "De 
Praedestinatione," which is scarcely "early in the ninth 
century." Here is what Miss Schlesinger says : 

" It would seem that Mr. Farmer has overlooked the 
writings of John Scotus Erigena (c. 800-877) brought for- 
ward by Hugo Riemann In his ' De Divisione 

Naturae/ Erigena gives a terse description of the organum 
which, considering the age in which he lived, may justly 
be regarded as that of an expert, who wrote from prac- 
tical knowledge and understanding, and was not a mere 
compiler of the work of others." 

I know of no authority for the statement that John 
Scotus was an "expert*' in music, or that he had any 
" practical knowledge " of the art. l No subsequent writer 
that I am aware of, mentions him in this way, and the 
mere passing references to music which are to be found 
in his works, are little different in substance from what 
we find in contemporary writers. Yet more important 
points concern us. 

First of all let me say that John Scotus had not been 


" overlooked." On the contrary, I believe that it is Miss 
Schlesinger that had "overlooked" the Neo-Platonist. 15 
She certainly did not know his so-called organum when 
she wrote in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica " (xx, p. 268) 
that organum was " first practised by Hucbald in the tenth 
century T Most students of mediaeval music know of 
this John Scotus passage, which has been "so often 
quo ted I' as Professor Wooldridge says. 14 It was " brought 
forward" by Edmond de Coussemaker in his "Histoire 
de THarmonie au Moyen Age" (i852), 15 over half-a-cen- 
tury before Riemann. But this is neither here nor there, 
since the point at issue is what our countryman, the 
scholastic John Scotus, says, and whilst I regret the itera- 
tion, we had better have the passage as used by the above 
mentioned writers before our eyes : 

"Ut enim organicum melos ex diversis qualitatibus et 
quantitatibus conficitur dum viritim separatimque sen- 
tiuntur voces 16 longe a se discrepantibus intensionis et re- 
missionis proportionibus segregate dum vero sibi invicem 
coaptantur secundum certas rationabilesque artis musicae 
regulas per singulos tropos naturalem quandam dulce- 
dinem reddentibus." 

One is now compelled to ask where, in this passage, is 
there " a terse description of organum? and by organum 
I mean the accepted definition of the term, including that 

" authority " is Riemann's " Gesch. d. Musiktheorie im 
9 bis 19 Jahrhundert " (second edition, 1920). 

U Wooldridge, op. cit., i, p. 61. 
15 Coussemaker, op. cit., p. 11. 

*6 The word voces is omitted by Coussemaker. For the proper 
passage see Appendix 48. 


of Riemann himself. 77 . Even the accommodating yet 
always critical Professor Wooldridge was sceptical of this 
" doubtful passage," as he called it. He says : " // the 
difficult passage so often quoted from the 'Divisio 
Naturae* of [John] Scotus Erigena can be supposed to 
throw any light upon the subject, it would seem that the 
free Organum of the Fourth may already have been in 
existence about the middle of the ninth century, that is to 
say, about one hundred and fifty years before the proba- 
ble date of the Enchiriadis \ for the writer's description 
of the alternate separation and coming together of the 
voices quite admits of application to this method. Apart 
from this doubtful passage, however, there seems to be 
no actual reference to the free Organum until the period 
at which we have now arrived [c. A.D. 1000], when it 
was described as a part of the general account of Or- 
ganum in the treatises which have just been considered 
[the ' Musica Enchiriadis ' and ' Scholia Enchiriadis ']." IS 
Miss Schlesinger says that when the account of the rise 
of organum (including the John Scotus passage) as given 
by Riemann, " is weighed in the balance with the shreds 
mostly hypothetical offered in favour of an Arab origin 
and introduction into Europe of this initial stage of har- 
mony, the case for the Arab fades into insignificance. * ig 

17 " Organum. The oldest kind of polyphonic music, consisting 
of continued parallel movement of voices in fifths or fourths. " 
" Diaphonia was identical with Organum, i.e., the most primitive 
kind of polyphony continued par all-el motion in fourths or fifths, 
only broken in exceptional cases, by thirds, seconds or unisons." 
Riemann, " Dictionary of Music," as cited. 

H Wooldridge, op. cit., 1, p. 61. Italics mine. 
^P. 11. 


The " facts " are that Riemann does not contribute an 
iota of information on the rise of organum. His account 
reveals organum as an established practice \ On the 
other hand, my Arabian "clues" furnish details of the 
rudimentary tarkib, which, I suggest, was probably the 
forerunner of the European organum. 

Fortunately, the authorities have been quoted, Ibn Slna, 
Virgilius Cordubensis and John Scotus. Careful stu- 
dents of musical history can judge for themselves how 
far the Arab claim is deserving of credence. One thing 
is certain, and that is that Ibn Slna unmistakably de- 
scribes the performance of the simultaneous consonances 
of the fourth, fifth and octave, and the passage does not 
occur in the theoretical part of his treatise, but in the 
practical. Further, we have the very important evidence 
of the Al-Kindi document. 

PART 2. 


1. The Pan-Grecian Conceit. 

2. The Greek Sciences in Pre-Islamic Times. 

3. The Arabian Contribution to the Quadrimum. 

4. Arabian Influence on Musical Instruments. 

5. Andres and Viardot on the Arabian Musical 


6. Mr. J. B. Trend and Professor Ribera on the 

Arabian Musical Influence. 

7 Oriental Influences in Carolingian Art. 

8. The Minstrel Class in the Middle Ages. 

9. Pre-Islamic Oriental Influences. 

10. Islamic Schools and Colleges. 

11. The Arabic Language in Spain. 

12. The First Arabic-Latin Translations. 

13. Gerbert and the Arabian Contact. 

14. The Study of the Theory of Music in the 

Middle Ages. 

15. The Roman Theorists of Music. 

1 6. The Survival of Greek Theory. 

17. The Church and Culture. 

1 8. The Arabs and Monte Cassino. 

19. The Carolingian Schools. 

20. The Pre-Aurelian Theorists of Music, 

21. The Arabs of Old. 

22. The Tanbur al-Baghdadi Scale. 

23. Ibn Misjah and his Inventions. 

24. The Accordatura of the Arabian Lute. 

25. Ishaq al-Mausili, 


26. The Berlin Al-Kindi MSS. 

27. Arabic Treatises on Musical Instruments. 

28. Villoteau and the Arabian Musical Influence. 

29. The Arabic Translations from the Greek. 

30. The Muristus MSS. 

31. Yahya ibn ''All ibn Yahya. 

32. Al-*Farabl and Aristoxenos. 

33. The Arabs and the Speculative Art. 

34. The Revival of the Hydraulis. 

35. The Value of the Arabic Musical Documents. 

36. The Musical Notation of the Greeks. 

37. The Yahya ibn 'All Notation. 

38. The Mrfrijat al-Nagkamat al-Thaman Nota- 


39. The Al-Kindl Notation. 

40. The Ai-Farabi Notation. 

41. The Notation in "De Harmonica Institutione." 

42. The Early Notations of Western Europe. 

43. The Shams al-Din al-Saidawi Notation. 

44. The Meaning of Organum. 

45. Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, and Organum. 

46. Virgilius Cordubensis. 

47. Harmony in Oriental Music. 

48. John Scotus and Organum. 



ONCE upon a time it was considered the " proper 
thing " to attribute all the sciences to the Greeks. 
The position is now quite untenable, for, as Pro- 
fessor Lynn Thorndike has recently pointed out, "it is 
contrary to the law of gradual and painful acquisition 
of scientific knowledge and improvement of scientific 
method that one period of a few centuries should have 
thus discovered everything. We have .... not held that 
either the Egyptians or Babylonians had made great ad- 
vance in science before the Greeks, but that is not saying 
that they had not made some advance." 1 Some years ago, 
Professor Jules Combarieu made a similar protest in re- 
gard to music. He said : " It is customary to commence 
the history of music with the Greeks, the founders of the 
theory of the gamut and the modes, but this is evidently 
incomplete and shortsighted. Too long have the Greeks, 
intelligent and artistic as they were, prevented us from 

* Thorndike, " A History of Magic and Experimental Science" 
(J923), i, 31. See also Professor Karpinski's statement in " Nico- 
machus of Gerasa, Introduction to Arithmetic. " Edited by 
D'Ooge, Bobbins and Karpineki (1926), p. 5. Eostovtzeff, "A 
History of the Ancient World " (1920), i, 9-10. 


seeing humanity as a whole. Before their time there ex- 
isted the whole of the East? 

Yet the Pan-Grecian school still has votaries it would 
seem, including Miss Kathleen Schlesinger, who says : 
"We owe our very conception of a theory of music, 
of an organised and far-reaching body of knowledge con- 
cerned with music to Greece alone!' 3 

Whilst it may be admitted that Greece alone, among 
all the nations of antiquity, has handed down its system 
of music in a complete form, this fact does not warrant 
us concluding that the theory of music began in vacua 
in Greece, or that other nations of antiquity did not pos- 
sess a theory of music. The tradition among the Greeks 
themselves, as well as among the Romans, that the out- 
standing features of Greek civilisation, including the art 
and science of music, came from the Orient,, is too per- 
sistent to be ignored. 

Even if we did not have the explicit statement of lam- 
blichos that the Babylonians had a theory of music which 
was borrowed by the Greeks, the conclusion would still 
have been inevitable that Babylonia must have possessed 
" an organised and far-reaching body of knowledge con- 
cerned with music " in view of its sidereal religion which 
was based on a highly organised astrological science. It 
was among the Semites of the Mesopotamian plains that 
the " Theory of Numbers," the belief in the " Harmony of 
the Spheres," and the doctrine of the ethos first saw light. 
Greece borrowed these theories and passed on her acquisi- 
tions to others. 

*Combarieu, " Music: Its Laws and Evolution/' p. 178. 
s " Musical Standard," xxvii, 23, b. 


What did Greece actually owe to the Orient in matters 
musical ? At the very threshold of our enquiry we are 
met by Apollo, the titular god of music for the Greeks, 
whose name ( = Jubal) has been claimed to be Semitic.' 1 
Diodorus Siculus informs us that it was Linos who first 
introduced verse and music to the Greeks, just as Kadmos 
taught them letters. Both of these names represent Semi- 
tic traditions although the persons themselves may be 
quite mythical. It is also significant that two other proto- 
musicians of Greece, Orpheos and Amphion, are charac- 
ters bearing strong resemblance to the Babylonian ash- 
shipu, a word and personage adopted by the Greeks in 
sopkos. Athenaios says : " They called everyone who de- 
voted himself to the study of this art [music] a sophos"* 
Strabo says (x, iii, 19) that "the cultivators of ancient 
music are said to have been Thracians," and that "all 
Thracian music is supposed to be Asiatic." 

Asia Minor was the real and acknowledged home ol 
Greek music. This land owed most of its culture to the 
Semites of Babylonia- Assyria and Phoenicia, and, indeed, 
a large proportion of its population was Semitic. The 
two semi-mythical originators of flutes and reed-pipes in 
Greece, Hyagnis and Marsyas, were Phrygians. 6 The ad- 
dition of a fifth and sixth string to the lyre were made 
by Attis, a Lydian, and Hyagnis, a Phrygian. Aris- 
toxenos divides the early musical history of Sparta, the 
cradle of Greek civilisation, into two periods. The great- 

JGesenius, " Heb. and Chald. Lexicon" (London, 1853). Cf. 
" Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester," iii, 47. 

6 Athenaios, xiv, 32. Strabo, " Geog.," x, iii, 10. 
6 Plutarch, " De musica," v-vii. Strabo. "Geog.," x, iii, 13-16. 


est musicians of the first period (730-665 E.C.) 7 were Ter- 
pander and Olympos, both of whom clme from Asia 
Minor. Terpander was the first to systematise Greek 
music by the introduction of the nomoi, which regularised 
the liturgic chants and kitharoidic music, whilst Olympos, 
the founder of the Phrygian school of musicians, intro- 
duced the nomot for the liturgic flute chants.* In the 
second period (665-510 B.C.) we read of Thaletas of Crete, 
Xenodamos of Lokri,, Polymnestos of Kolophon, and 
Sakadas of Argos, all of them " foreigners," some of them 
from Phoenician lands. 9 

Strabo writes as follows : u Those who regard the whole 
of Asia, as far as India as consecrated to Bacchus, refer 
to that country as the origin of a great portion of the 
present music. One author speaks of 'striking forcibly 
the asias kithara ' ; another calls the pipes Berecynthian 
and Phrygian. Some of the instruments also have bar- 
barous names, as nablas, sambyke, barbitos^ magadis, 
and many others." 20 The nablas (= Heb. nebel\ the 
kinyra ( = Heb. kinnor\ the fhoinix, the gingras and the 
tibia Sarrana came from Phoenicia. The sambykl was 
of Syrian origin. The barbitos^ together with the fcktis 
and magadis, came from Lydia > the elymoi, the kroumata^ 
and a certain trigdnon from Phrygia, 1 whilst it was ac- 
knowledged that the monochordon and pandoura were 

i These are the dates given by Gevaert ("La Musique de 1'An- 
tiquite >J ). 

* Plutarch, op. cit., vii. 

9 Plutarch, op. cit., ix. 

10 Strabo, " Geog.," x, iii, 17. 

* Athenaios, iv, xiv. 


borrowed from 'the Arabs and Assyrians respectively. 2 
Among 1 other " foreign " instruments, as Aristoxenos in- 
forms us, were the klepsiambos, skindapsos and 

It is worthy of note that Athenaios says that both the 
Greeks and barbarians were taught instrumental music 
by Egyptian refugees, 2 * 1 and Diodorus Siculus states that 
poets and musicians went to Egypt for instruction. 8 
Strange to say, some of the best works on music in Greek 
were written in Egypt. Syrian and Arabian musicians 
were employed in both Greece^ and Rome. 5 

Although we have this spate of testimony as to the in- 
debtedness of the Greeks to the Semites in matters musi- 
cal, I can quite conceive Miss Schlesingcr saying that 
this does not reach the level of her contention which con- 
cerns the " theory of music," which to her means specula- 
tive theory, i.e., the physical basis of sound, the laws of 
intervals, etc. Yet here, too, I will show that Greece was 
indebted to alien sources, and actually acknowledged 
her borrowings. 

The explicit statements made by the Greeks themselves 
concerning their adoption of the mathematical sciences 
of Babylonia, 6 Phoenicia and Egypt have, in many cases, 

* Julius Pollux, iv, 74. 
2a Athenaios, iv, 25. 
SDiod. Sic., i, 96. 
& Athenaios, iv, 76. 

5 Suidas, sub 'Apdptos, Horace, " Eoist.," i, 14. " Satires," i, 1, 
5 Bretschneider, "Die Geometrie und die Geometer vor Euk- 
lides" (1870), 3-35. D'Ooge, Robbins and Karpinski, " Nico- 
machus of Gerasa, Introduction to Arithmetic " (1926), 3-15. 


been confirmed by materials from the original sources. 7 
The labours of the Babylonian astronomers were found 
useful to the Greeks, and both Hipparchos and Ptolemy 
used their observations and computations. 8 The very 
foundation of Greek astronomy, the ecliptic, the signs of 
the zodiac, the planetary system, came from these Semites. 9 
It was Anaximander who introduced the gnomon from 
Babylonia. 10 We owe our division of the day into twenty- 
four hours, the hour into sixty minutes, and the minute 
into as many seconds, to the same source. 1 So much for 
astronomy, a science indissolubly bound up with religion 
and music in Babylonia. 

It is very much the same in the question of the loaning 
of the Greeks from the Orient in the sciences of arith- 
metic and geometry. Sokrates in Plato's "Phaedrus," re- 
peats a story that the Egyptian god Theuth (-= Thoth, 
Hermes) invented arithmetic, calculation, geometry and 
astronomy. 2 Aristotle certainly credits the Egyptians 
with the origin of the mathematical arts, 3 and Proklos/ 

7 Cumont, " The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism M (1911). 
and " Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans 1 ' 
(1912), Milliaud, " Nouvelle Etudes sur 1'Histoire de la Pensee 
Scientifique " (1911), and especially Wirth, " Homer und Baby- 
lon (1921). 

s Ptolemy, "Composition Mathematique de Claude Ptolemee " 
(Edit. Halma), Paris, 1813, vol i, bk. iv. 

Cumont, " Astrology and Religion/' etc., 42-3. 

^Herodotos, ii, 109. 
JCajori, "Hist, of Mathematics " (1919), 6. 

Plato, "Phd.," 274, c. 

* Aristotle, " Metaph.," 981, b. 

AProklos, "Comm. on Euklid," bk. i. 


Herodotos, 5 Heron, 6 Diodorus Siculus, 7 and Strabo, 8 all 
bear like testimony so far as geometry is- concerned. Arith- 
metic, or more properly "exact arithmetic/' is said by 
Proklos to have started with the Phoenicians. 9 

And now let us turn our attention to the science of 
music. Pythagoras himself is said to have discovered or 
determined the numerical ratios o-f the fourth, fifth and 
octave, but the account of the discovery as given by Niko- 
machos, 10 Gaudentios, 1 Boethius, 2 and others, is so absurd 
that we are justified in considering the ascription to be 
spurious. On the other hand, we have the statement of 
lamblichos, who says : " They say that it (the harmonical 
proportion) was a discovery of the Babylonians, and that 
it was by Pythagoras first introduced among the Greeks?* 
Then there is the statement of Philo Judasus that the 
belief in the Harmony of the Spheres first arose with the 
Chaldaeans/ as well as the tradition of Plutarch that the 
Chaldaeans connected certain intervals, the diatessaron 
(i), diapente (.?), and diapason (f ), with the seasons. 5 One 
of Hilprecht's brick text-books from Nippur has revealed 
the mystic " Platonic number " that we read of in Plato's 

5 Hero dotes, ii, 109. 

6 Heron, " Geom.," c. 2. 

7Diod. Sic., i, 69, 81. 

8 Strabo, xvii, c 3. 

9 Proklos, loc. cit. 

J0 Nikomachos (Meibom), 10, 11. 

1 Gaudentios (Meibom), 13. 

*Boethius, i, 10. 
* lamblichos, In " Nikom. Anth. Intro. " (Edit. Pistelli), 10. 

k Philo Judseus, vi, 32, 33. 
* Plutarch, Opera" (Edit. Reiske), yol, x, p. 261. 



" Republic." 6 Plato toojk his ideas on this subject from 
the Pythagoreans, | who ^themselves received this know- 
ledge from the Babylonians/ 

Turning meanwhile to Egypt, it is interesting to note 
how Plato makes the Egyptian priest tell Solon that the 
Greeks had only recently taken to literature and other 
amenities of civilised life. 5 In Egypt, music was estab- 
lished by law, and in the temple, as elsewhere, no change 
was permitted in the established system. Plato's Athen- 
ian guest, commenting on this says: "What they ordained 
about music is right; and it deserves consideration that 
they were able to make laws about things of this kind, 
firmly establishing such melody as was fitted to rectify 
the perverseness of nature." 9 In the Pseudo-Demetrios 
Phalereos writings we are told that in Egypt " the priests 
hymn the gods through the seven notes [or vowels]." 10 
All this testimony tends to show that a definite theory 
of music existed in Egypt before Greece began to build 
upon the foundations of this science that she borrowed 
in the first place from both Babylonia and Egypt That 
Egypt was indebted musically to the Semites is borne 
out by history and philology. 1 

* Hillprecht, "Mathematical, Metrological and Chronological 
Tablets from the Temple Library of Nippur," in Vol. XX, of 
Cuneiform Texts, published by the University of Pennsylvania 

7 See Tannery, "Revue philosophique," i, 170; xiii, 210; xv, 

* Plato, "Timaeus," 22-23. 

9 Plato, "Laws," 657, a. 
M"De elocutione," 71. 

1 Under the Ancient Empire music was in quite a primitive 
state. A nev era began after the eighteenth century B.C. in con- 


The Pythagorean traditions and materials bring very 
strong evidence in support of thft theory of the alien ori- 
gin of the science of music arotong' the Greeks. It is with 
Pythagoras that the theory or science of music began in 
Greece. Pythagoras, although usually said to have been 
born at Samos in the -^Egean, is also claimed as a Phoeni- 
cian by both the Greeks and Arabs, the former making 
Tyre 2 , and the latter Sidon 5 his birthplace. His first 
teacher was Pherekydes, the Syrian. At Sidon he was 
instructed by the " prophets*' descended from Mochos 
the Sidonian, and by the Phoenician hierophants. After 
having been initiated into the mysteries of Byblos and 
Tyre,, and in other of the sacred rites of Syria, Pytha- 
goras passed into Egypt, where he remained twenty-one 
years sedulously engaged in study. Cambyses, the Per- 
sian ruler of Babylonia-Assyria, carried him as a captive 

sequence of the Asiatic conquests and fresh culture influences. 
Semitic words are quite common in musical nomenclature in Egyp- 
tian. The term aann (" to sing") is akin to the Assyrian en, 
the Hebrew 'ana//, and the Arabic ghanna. (Cf. Pelagaud's 
suggestion in Lavignac's " Encyclopedic de la musique," i, 59.) 
Again in the word nehes ("to mutter the incantation") we see 
the Hebrew nahash and the Arabic nahasa. Among the musical 
instruments one can recognise that the Icenanaur is the Hebrew 
/minor; the tebn the Assyrian tabbalu and Arabic tabl; the teb 
the Hebrew topli and Arabic duff ; the thupar the Hebrew 
shophar; and the uara the Arabic yard 1 . 

2Porph3 r res, "Vita Pyth." The East, including Egypt (see 
Plato's "Timseus"), was often made the birthplace of famous 
men, for it was not compatible with fame that they should be 
" home products." Hence Pseud o-Kallisthenes gives Alexander 
the Great an Egyptian parentage, and Stephen the Byzantine 
makes Arabia (Gerasa) the birthplace of Plato, Ariston and 

* Mirkhwand, " Raudat al-fJafaV i, ii, 268. 


to Babylon. Here he came in contact with the magi, by 
whom he was instructed, says lamblichos, "in their ven- 
erable knowledge, and learned from them the most per- 
fect worship of the gods. Through their assistance like- 
wise, he arrived at the summit of arithmetic, music and 
other disciplines."* After a twelve years' stay in Babylon, 
Pythagoras returned to Samos a fully-fledged ashshipu, 
as the people of Babylon called their soothsayer, for his 
practice of divination, as well as his actions and sayings, 
reveal him clearly as a typical Semitic soothsayer. He 
rose, however, to such a high estate among his people that 
he scorned the title of sophos, a term which the Greeks, 
following the Semites, gave to "a wise man," and he 
adopted instead the term philosophos? 

We know from Valerius Maximus 6 and Apuleius 7 that 
Pythagoras learned in Babylon the motion of the stars, 
their intrinsic properties, and their effect and influence 
on mankind. All that issued from the scheme of " cosmi- 
cal music" the Harmony of the Spheres, the Theory of 
Numbers, the doctrine of the Ithos, and musical thera- 
peutics, would appear to have been introduced to the 
Greeks by Pythagoras or Pythagorean^ from Babylonia 
and Egypt.* 

We have already seen that lamblichos said that Pytha- 
goras introduced the theory of the harmonic proportion 
from Babylonia, and we can have little hesitation in ac- 

J lamblichos, iii, 4. 

Diog. Laertes, "Proem." 

$Val. Max., iii. 

7 Apuleius, "Plop.," ii. 

*See my "Influence of Music; from Arabic Sources/' p, 5 et seq. 


cepting the statement as substantially correct, since any 
people who could, like the Babylonians, have made the 
very creditable advance in arithmetical and geometrical 
progressions that we know of, and who possessed rules 
for finding the areas of squares, rectangles, right triangles 
and trapezoids, could most certainly have devised the 
harmonical proportion and have had as complete a 
knowledge of the speculative theory of music as that pos- 
sessed by the earliest Greek theorist of music in Greece, 

That Greece gloriously surpassed all other nations in 
her study of, and contributions to, the mathematical sci- 
ences is gratefully acknowledged. That she discreetly 
cast aside much of the mystical paraphernalia that en- 
shrouded the sciences that were borrowed is also allowed 
to her supreme genius. 5 But in testifying to the glory of 
Greece w^ must not depreciate the services of those peoples 
who actually gave Greece her first promptings in these 
sciences. I refer to the Babylonians, Phoenicians and 

My reason for introducing the foregoing discussion on 
the "pan-Grecian conceit" is not only to dispel the illu- 
sion of the " Greek foundation of the theory of music." 
but also to justify the title of my monograph, "The Ara- 
bian Influence on Musical Theory." In Miss Schlesinger's 
reply to this brochure, entitled "Is European Musical 
Theory Indebted to the Arabs ?" we are told at the thres- 
hold what is meant by the word " influence " as follows : 

" The word ' influence/ as used in the pamphlet under 
consideration ('The Arabian Influence on Musical 

mystical element is the mark of Oriental science. 


Theory ') implies, the possession by the Arabs of a body 
of theoretical and practical knowledge developed by 
them, and not only bearing an impress of their race ac- 
quired during the process of transmission, but also dis- 
playing novel features of which they were the originators" 
(page 5). 

But nowhere in my monograph have J used the word 
"influence" to mean anything more than it has meant in 
the English language. By "influence" I mean, "the 
bringing about of an effect, physical or moral, by a 
gradual process, agency, force, or tendency of any kind 
which effects, modifies, or sways. 10 All that I have been 
concerned with is whether the Arabs "brought about an 
effect " on the art and science of music in Western Europe, 
or, by some "agency, force, or tendency of any kind/' 
"effected, modified, or swayed" this art or science. 
Whether the Arabs were the " originators " of the " novel 
features " which " effected, modified, or swayed," is beside 
the point. 

In the reply to my rejoinder, which Miss Schlesinger 
entitled "The Greek Foundations of the Theory of 
Music," 1 she refers to this point anew,, and says she would 
only be disposed to accept my claim for the Arabian " in- 
fluence" provided (among other things) "that the fea- 
tures claimed as innovations were originated by the Arabs 
not merely mentioned by their theorists," and concludes 
by saying that "an innovation cannot be understood to 
be merely a further step in an evolutionary sequence, the 
earlier stages of which are demonstrably present already." 

10 Webster's " Diet, of the English Language" (London, 1907). 
*" Musical Standard/' xxvii, 23 et seq. 


The upshot of this is that in the face of her own pro- 
position, many a claim for "the Greek foundation of the 
theory of music " becomes invalid, since I have demon- 
stiated that the " earlier stages" of many of the Greek 
" innovations " are " demonstrably present " in the ancient 
Orient. Yet the fact that Greece did not originate them 
ought not to debar us from saying that it was due to 
Greek "influence'' that the Western world learned them. 




TO appreciate fully what the Arabian revival of the 
Greek sciences meant, one must gauge the pre- 
vailing intellectual interests in Byzantium, Syria 
and Persia during pre-Islamic and early Islamic times. 

After the days of Proklos (d. 485) the schools of Athens 
declined rapidly, and in 529 they were abolished by Jus- 
tinian, who drove the teachers into exile. By the eighth 
century, science was practically unknown in Byzantium. 
Historians are unanimous in their verdict of the poverty 
of Byzantine intellectual culture at this period. 1 

Syria had its famous school of Edessa from the days 
of St. Ephraim (d. 373). It became the chief centre of 
Hellenic studies until Nestorian heresies led to the break- 
up of the school in 489. Yet even in the heyday of the 
Syrian schools, intellectual interest in Greek did not go 
much beyond theology. Of science there is but the 
faintest trace. 2 

* Gibbon, "Decline and Fall'' (Edit. Bury), vi, 103. Bury, 
" History of the Later Roman Empire " (1923), ii, 366. " History 
of the Eastern Roman Empire," 434. 

*Severus Sebokht (seventh century) dealt with mathematical 
etudies. See Wright, " Syriac Literature," 138. 


Persia derived benefit from Hellenic culture through 
fugitive Nestorians (489) and Athenians (529), and it was 
due mainly to the latter 5 that Khusrau I or Nushlrwan (d. 
578) founded a school of Greek medicine at Jundeshapur 
in Khuzistan. Beyond this, we have no evidence of any 
interest in science in Persia. 

As for the theory of music, there is not the slightest 
manifestation of its study, or of any treatises being writ- 
ten until long after the Arabian revival. The first Byzan- 
tine treatise that we know of after the " Anonymous II " 
(fourth century) 4 is that of Psellos (fl. io5o) 5 In Syriac 
there is nothing earlier than Jacob bar Shakko or Severus 
(d. I24i). 6 The earliest treatise on music in Persian is 
the "Bahjat al-Riih" (twelfth century). 7 For Rome, see 
Appendix 15. 

s They were not all Athenians. Syrians and Phoenicians were 
among the fugitive teachers from Athens. 

* lamblichos and Alypios both lived in the fourth century, but 
the above is probably later than either of these. 

5 See Psellus, " De arithmetica, musica, geometria .... Elia 
Vineto Santone interprete " (Paris, 1557). 

* "Brit. Mus. MS.," Add. 21454. See Wright, " Catalogue, " 
p. 1165. 

7 " Bodleian Library," 1141. See ante Chap. Ill, p. 54. 




" T NTELUECTUAL leadership/' says Dr. Charles 
J^ Singer, " passed about the eighth century to people 
* of Arabic speech and remained with them until the 
thirteenth century." 1 Their " leadership " in the quadri- 
vium tannot be seriously questioned. The quadrivium 
( f ulum riya&yya) with these people of Arabic speech 
comprised arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music, 
and it may not be unprofitable to inquire what particular 
contribution they made to those sciences of the quadri- 
vium other than music. Florian Cajori in his "History 
of Mathematics" (1919) says: "It has been said that 
the Arabs were learned, but not original. 2 With our pre- 
sent knowledge of their work, this dictum needs revision ; 
they have to their credit several substantial accomplish- 
ments. They solved cubic equations by geometric con- 
struction, perfected trigonometry to a marked degree, and 
made numerous small advances all along the line of 

* Singer, "The Evolution of Anatomy " (1925), p. 67. 
? This is also Miss Schlesinger's dictum. See her pamphlet, " Is 
European Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs?/' p. 18. 


mathematics, physics and astronomy." 5 What were these 
"substantial accomplishments" in detail? 

It is well known that our numerals came through the 
Arabs/ and that we owe our words cipher, algebra^ and 
'algorism to the same 'carriers of culture to Western 

It was the arithmetic of the Arabs,, under the name of 
algorism that succeeded the Boethian system in Europe. 
The word was derived fro-m the name of the Arabian 
mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi. Arithmetical processes 
were treated as part of algebra by the Arabs, and so when 
Europe borrowed algorism it also took algebra^ a word 
derived from the Arabic al-jabr. It was the Arabs who 
invented (or popularised) the rule for testing the results 
of addition by " casting out the nines." The line separ- 
ating the numerator from the denominator of a fraction 
also came from the Arabs. Suter says : " In the use of 
arithmetic and algebra in geometry and vice versa the 
solution of algebraic problems with the aid of geometry, 
the Arabs far outstripped the Greeks as well as the /- 
dians? To them is due the credit of having recognised 
as an obstacle the strict distinction between arithmetical 
(discontinuous) and geometric (continuous) magnitudes, 
which had so severely hindered the Greeks in mathemati- 
cal progress. They solved twenty problems in geometry 
with the help of linear, pure and mixed quadratic and 
reducible biquadratic equations, nearly all of which were 
borrowed by Leonardo of Pisa. 

3 Page 112. 

* For a full discussion, see Smith and Karpinski, "The Hindu- 
Arabic Numerals " (1911), and Hill, " The Development of Arabic 
Numerals in Europe" (1915), 


In trigonometry, where we also find the applications of 
arithmetic to geometry, "the Arabs made the greatest 
advance on their Greek and Indian predecessors? says 
Suter. The trigonometrical expressions now current were 
derived from them. The sine, cosine and versed sine, the 
Arabs borrowed from the Indians, but they added other 
functions to these; found the chief formulae between the 
various functions; completed the trigonometrical tables; 
and finally solved all cases of the plane and spherical 
triangle with the aid of rules discovered, i.e., the rule of 
the four quantities, theorem of tangents, rule of the plane 
and spherical sines, etc. 5 

In astronomy, it is to the credit of the Arabs that they 
observed the heavens methodically, with the result that 
they were able to correct the numbers in Ptolemy's " Alma- 
gest." "This task," says Nallino, "they splendidly per- 
formed." The Greeks believed the apogee of the sun to 
be immobile, but the Arabs demonstrated that it is subject 
to the movement of the precession of the equinoxes. They 
saw that the obliquity of the ecliptic is not invariable, as 
the Greeks taught, but that it is subject to a slow secular 
diminution. Nallino says that the Arabs investigated the 
elements of the sun and partly also of the moon, the 
length of the tropical and the sidereal year, and the pre- 
cession of the equinoxes. Finally, in the application of 
trigonometrical formulae, in the number and quality of 
their instruments, and in the technique of their observa- 

5 See Suter's brilliant contributions to the " Encyclopaedia of 
Islam,' * especially ii, 257, 315. 


tions, says Nallino, "the Arabs have splendidly out- 
stripped their predecessors the Greeks." In astrology, the 
science as developed by the Arabs, shows a distinct ad- 
vance upon that of the Greeks by " the degree of perfec- 
tion attained in the mathematical processes/' 6 

6 See Nallino's splendid articles in the "Encyclopaedia of 
Islam/' i, 494, et seq, 497, et seq., as well as in Hastings^ " En- 
cyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics," xii, 101. 



THE influence due to the Arabian culture contact in 
respect to musical instruments was far wider than 
has been generally acknowledged, although it 
must be admitted that a very considerable influence has 
been admitted generously on all sides I do not hold, 
however, as may be seen from my reference to the Cru- 
sades, that the infiltration of Arabian culture came from 
Spain and Italy alone. Byzantium itself was an impor- 
tant highway for this influence, and there were other 
points of contact. 1 Neither do I hold that this "influ- 
ence" means that all the instruments bearing Arabic 
names in mediaeval Europe were necessarily of Arabian 
introduction. Some of them were already known in 
Europe, and the reason for the alien nomenclature may 
have been due to a particular Oriental type having 
been adopted, possibly an improvement, or else that 
an older European type may have fallen into desuetude 
and in the revival under the Arabian culture movement 
it came to have an Arabic name attached to it. 

i See ant c, pp. 9-10. 


The origin of the words lute, rebec, guuar and naker 
from the Arabic al-tid y rabab, qitara and naqqara y is an 
established fact. 2 That we owe three of these instruments 
themselves to the Arabs we know for certainty. 5 It is 
also acknowledged nowadays that we are indebted to the 
Arabs for the words adufe, albogon, aftafil> exabeba, ata- 
bal and atambal, their originals being the Arabic al-duff y 
al-btiq, al-naflr, al-shabbaba^ al-tabl and al-tinbal. How 
far these instruments themselves were new to Western 
Europe is another question. Some of the names were 
confined to Spain and Southern France. 

The aduje was a square tambourine, and, as such, was 
probably an innovation. The " snares " stretched across 
the head would also appear to have been new to Western 
Europe. I have also mentioned another tambourine, a 
round type, called the panderete (dim. of fandero\ by 
Juan Ruiz. The word equates with the Arabic bandair. 
Another tambourine with jingling plates in* the rim was 
the tar. This found its way into Europe by a Westward 
route, and survives in the Polish tur. 

The albogon, like the Arabian btiq y \vas in one case a 
horn, and in another a sort of saxophone improved by the 
Andalusian sultan, Al-Hakam II (d. 976).* Al-Shalahi 
(thirteenth century) tells us that the Christians borrowed 
the instrument from the Arabs. It is described by Ibn 

2 See "The Oxford Dictionary." 

3 As for the fourth, the guitar, the question of its introduction 
into Western Europe is still under discussion. 1 have dealt with 
several questions concerning the lute, rebec and guitar of the 
Arabs in the " Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society " (1928). 

*"Bibl. de Autores Espan.," li, p. 410. See Al-Maqqarl, 
"Mohammedan Dynasties," i, 366. Ibn Ghaibi writes it fcag. 


Khaldun (d. I4o6), 6 and we appear to have it delineated 
in the "Cdntigas de Santa Maria." 6 

The anafil was a long straight trumpet, and in the time 
of Ibn Ghaib! (d. 1435) its progenitor, the naflr, was 
1 68 cm. in length. 7 It has been generally admitted by our 
musical antiquaries that the straight cylindrical bore 
trumpet came from the Arabs.* Could this have been 
the particular feature of the najlr and anafilj We read 
in the "Alf Laila wa Laila" ("Thousand and One 
Nights") that a horn-player "blew" (nafakha) the biiq, 
but that a trumpeter "blasted" (s&ha, lit. "split") the 
naflr. It is possible that these terms convey the distinc- 
tion between the tones of the conical bore horn and the 
cylindrical bore trumpet. 

The exabeba (== ajabeba) was another instrument con- 
fined to Spain. Save that it was a small flute like its 
parent, the Arabian shabbaba. we have no further informa- 
tion concerning it. 

The origin of the words atabal and atambal frcm the 
Arabic al-tabl and the Persian al-tinbal, is, I believe, clear 
enough philologically. It would follow in consequence 
that the former is the older word, and that the latter was 
adopted at the time of the Crusades. It is possible, how- 
ever, that the latter word (atambal) was a mere corruption 

5 Ibn Khaldun, "Prol.," ii, 411. 

SRiano, op. cit., fig. 41, b. 
7 Ibn Ghaibi, "Bodleian MS.," 1842, fol. 80. 
*Galpin, "Old English Instruments of Music," 200. See also 
Buhle, "Die musikalischen Instruments in den Miniaturen des 
Fruhen Mittelalters," 28. Kastner, "Manuel General de Mu- 
sique Militaire," 126. Naumann, "Hist. Mus.," i, 110. " Ency. 
Brit.," xxvii, 326, 363. 


of the former (atabal) without admitting the influence of 
the Persian word. 

The words tabur and tambor raise a similar question. 
Du Cange says, "ex Arabico al-tambor." This cannot 
be accepted, because the tanbur was not a drum with the 
Arabs of mediaeval times. 5 Others actually deny an Ara- 
bic source, 10 but scarcely with sufficient reason. It is 
highly probable that the word tabur was derived either 
from the Arabic tabl by way of the mediaeval Latin 
tabel, or else the change came through the Persian tablr 
at the time of the Crusades. As for tambor, it was a mere 
corruption. 11 So far we have been dealing with the more 
palpable Arabic names which occur among musical instru- 
ments in European languages. 

In addition to the above-mentioned instruments, there 
are many others whose Arabic name or origin have not 
been noticed or scarcely so. Practically the entire drum 
family came into Western Europe through the Arabian 
contact, or was popularised by this medium. In particu- 
lar, there was the kettledrum (naker, timbale), which even 
as late as the sixteenth century was called " le tambour 
des Perses" 1 * In my monograph "I have surmised that the 
Arabic word qas'a was the parent of the French caisse 
and the Portuguese caixa. Most people will probably 
fall back on the conventional Latin capsa (= "a case"), 

0The modern Arabs use the word tambur for a drum, but this 
has been borrowed from the French tambour. 

^See " Romania," xxxi, 412-13, 418, Dozy and Engelmann, 
" Glossaire des mots espagnols et portugais derives de PArabe." 
Littre, ''Diet, de la langue Fran^aise." 

**Du Cange, "Gloss.," s.v. 
WThoinot Arbeau, " Orche*sographie." 



but the <&xabic etymon is far mbre likely. 15 Another 
drum name that passed into Europe during the Arabian 
contact was the Persian balaban. The sonajas de asofar, 
mentioned by Juan Ruiz (fourteenth century) were metal 
castanets, and the name is derived from the Arabic 
sunuj al-sufr. u Even the word " Castanet," in spite of 
other derivations, would appear to have originated from 
the Arabic kasatan (dual of kasd). The ktter were the 
bowl-shaped type, whilst the former were flat, like a mini- 
ature cymbal. 

Among the " wood-wind " instruments, the Arabian in- 
fluence is, perhaps, equally as noteworthy, as it appears 
to be generally acknowledged that the conical bore in- 
struments were either introduced or popularised by this 
means. The mediaeval xelami must surely be the Ara- 
bian zulaml, an instrument invented at Baghdad at the 
end of the eighth or beginning of the ninth century. 15 In 
the thirteenth century " Vocabulista in Arabico," it equates 
with fistula?* but Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) says that it was 

the sixteenth century, Etienne Pasquier says in his " Re- 
cherches " : " Ainsi en est-il de tabovr, que les sol date appelent 
maintenant quesse, sans scauoir dire pourquoy." 

U There were two instruments known to the Arabs by the name 
of mnj (sing, of xunuj), one a harp (sanj dhu'l-awtarj, and the 
other the castanets mentioned above. 

i5 See the " Taj al-'Ariis." s.v., and Lane, " Lexicon," s.v. Dr. 
Curt Sachs says that both xalamia and xeremia = chirimia. 
(" Reallexikon der Musikinstrumente.") See als-o this work, p. 
433, where he mentions the fourteenth century for the zuldmt or 

M Fistula need not of course mean of necessity " a flute," but a 
"musical pipe," as in the eleventh century " Glossarium Latino- 
Arabicum," where it stands for zammdra, a reed-blown instrument. 


played with a reed. "As we are also told that it was fin- 
gered in the same way as the flute called shabbajba, the 
instrument evidently had a conical bore. 17 

I said in my monograph that " the Arabian reed instru- 
ments known as the zamr and al-surna or al-surndl, were 
doubtless the parents of the shawm and dulcayna." 18 The 
language jMlrifris certainly slightly misleading,, because I 
did not have the actual instruments in mind, but merely 
the names. In fact, we cannot be sure what either the 
Arabian or European instruments were like at this period, 
i.e., whether they were cylindrical or conical tubes, or if 
played with single or double reeds. Miss Schlesinger 
says : " The reed-blown instrument, zamr, or primitive 
Arab oboe, cannot seriously be claimed as the parent of 
the shawm, or schalmey, or of the chalumeau, both names 
being derived from calamus, the mediaeval Latin equi- 
valent of the Greek aulos and Roman tibia? 1 * Since the 
dual "both" is used, I presume that Miss Schlesinger 
means that the word zamr as well as shawm is derived 
from the Latin calamus'* Zamr is pure Arabic, and the 
root samara may be traced back to the ancient Semites 
of Babylonia-Assyria. 20 That calamus is the ultimate 
European parent of calamella, zalamella, cialamello, cara- 
millo, charamela, chalameau, schalmey, shalm, shawm, and 
other forms, is ancient history. The question that I was 
interested in was the phonetic influence of the Arabic 

17 Ibn Khaldun, " Prolegomenes," ii, 411. 
** Farmer, " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," p. 5. 
^Schlesinger, "Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the 
Arabs?," p. 15. 

20 Muss-Arnolt, " Diet, of the Assyrian Language/' i, 284. 


zamr in the formation of the word shawm. Since then I 
have considered the possibility of the Middle High Ger- 
man words, sumer and sumber, being connected with the 
Arabic zamr. If the latter is allowable, then the former 
conjecture is scarcely admissible, since both the schalmey 
and sumer occur together. 1 

As for al-surnd or al-surndl being the nominal parent 
of the dou$aine or dul^ayna, we have, per contra^ the con- 
ventional derivation from the Latin dulcis. Stainer and 
Barrett in their " Dictionary ol Musical Terms " say that 
dul$ayna "may be derived from the same root as the 
Egyptian dalzimr ( ? al-zamr\ both instruments being of 
the oboe or reed kind." The latter derivation is cer- 
tainly inadmissible. An Arabic origin, as suggested 
above, appears to be the more likely one, the prefixing of 
the "d" being due to Latin influence. 

Without offering any definite opinion on the question, I 
would also like to call attention to the phonetic identity 
between the Arabic ghaita and the Spanish-Portuguese 
gaita> English wayght? The rackett has never had 
a satisfactory explanation given for its name, yet prac- 
tically the identical name and instrument have existed in 
the 'iraqiyya or 'iraqya of the Arabs. Then there is the 
German sink, a name which may have come through the 

JHugo von Trimberg, " Der Renner," 23735. Dr. Curt Sachs 
says that the sumer was a drum, no doubt following the authority 
of Lexer, " Mittelhochdeutsches Handworterbuch." 

2 The instrument, however, is not mentioned in Arabic docu- 
ments earlier than Ibn Battuta (d. 1377). 


Arabic zanbaq* (= Lat. sambucus). u At any rate, we read 
at the time of the Crusades of cors sarrasinois and buccins 
turcsf and it is not improbable that these were zinken, 
since Michaud tells us that the Saracens had horns pierced 
with many holes. 6 They were certainly novel to the Cru- 
saders. Finally, there was the small flute known as the 
jcch, quoted by Muratori from a thirteenth century MS. 
(tabur et jock = drum and fife), and it is obviously the 
Arabic juwaq. 

Among stringed instruments, there are several others 
beside those already referred to which are of sufficient im- 
portance to be mentioned. Elsewhere/ I have already 
dealt at length with the Arabian qanun, which became 
the European kanon^ canon and canale, at the same time 
justifying the philological identity between the Arabic 
xl-shaqira and the European eschaquiel or exaquir. 

The derivation of the word geige and the origin of the 
instrument itself have not been satisfactorily explained. 
Could they have originated in the Persian ghichak^ 8 If 
we may suppose that the lira dicta 9 entered Europe not 
only from the South by means of the rabab, hence the 

s The word dates from the ninth century at least. 
& Sambucistria = zdmira ("wind instrumentalist") in the 
eleventh century " Glossarium Latino-Arabicum." 

5 Guillaume de Machaut and " Chronique de Moree." 

6 Michaud, " Histoire des Croisades," Ire part., tome i, p. 188. 
Du Cange, " Gloss., " s.v. 

7 " Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society," April, 1926, p. 239. 

8 Also written ghizhak and gichak. 

SThis was the generic mediaeval Latin term for the rebec and 
geige family. See Vincent de Beauvais, "Spec. Doc.," Bk. i, 
Sect. 34. llabdb = lira dicta in tjbe eleventh century " Gloss. 


rebec, but also from the East by means of the Persian 
ghichak, we may be able to account for the geige via the 
Russian guiga, the old Norse gigja, the old Slavonic gega, 
the old French ghighe, and the Middle High German gige, 
Indeed, we appear to have a survival in the Moorish 
ghuga (gougue). 10 

I have already pointed out in another place that the 
Arabs and Persians had a whole family of lutes and pan- 
dores from the small 'ad qadlm (" ancient lute ") and tan- 
bur baghlama (= bighilma\ ("youth's pandore") to the 
large shahrud (arch-lute) and tanbur bazar k ("grand 
pandore"). Two other varieties of the lute family were 
the tarab al-futuh (" tarab of wide compass ") and the 
tarab zur (" powerful tarab "). Tarab was a synonym for 
"musical instrument" or "music," hence mutrib, an "in- 
strumentalist" or "musician." Could these have been the 
progenitors of the European tiorba, tuorba, theorbo, etc., 
derived either direct from the Sicilian Arabs, or through 
Byzantium or Turkey, who passed on the Oriental tarab 
to the Slavonic peoples as the torban (old Russian) ? 

Not only in Western Europe, but in Eastern Europe, 
North and Central Africa, Persia, India, the Malay ar- 
chipelago, and as far afield as China, may be traced the 
Arabian influence in musical instruments. 

^Mahillon, cc Catalogue . . , . du Mus^e Instrumental du Con- 
servatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles," i, 417. 



"1T\ EFERENCE is made in the present work to an 
rV article by Mr. J. B. Trend in "The Criterion" 
(February, 1924), entitled "The Moors in Spanish 
Music/' This has since been incorporated with his recent 
work entitled "The Music of Spanish History to 1600" 
(1926), but with several judicious alterations. Mr. Trend 
says in his latest work (p. 63) that P. Juan Andres, in 
his " DelT originc, progressi e stato attuale d'ogni 
letteratura," had suggested that Alphonso X (d. 1284) 
in his " Cantigas " had taken his system of notation from 
Arab music." 2 Mr. Trend only mentions the book of 
Andres by name, omitting any precise reference by which 
this statement might be traced, but so far as I am aware, 
no such claim is made by Andres in the book mentioned.* 
Probably Mr. Trend is depending on the authority of 
Rafael Mitjana, who makes a similar assertion. 5 

*Mr. Trend repeats this statement in another book, "Alfonso 
the Sage" (1926), p. 16, and in Grove, "Diet. Mus.," third edi- 
tion, i, 66. 

2 Andres wrote another work, " Cartas sobre la miisica de los 
arabes " (Venice, 1787), which I have not seen. Cf. Fetis, " Biog. 

*"Le Monde Oriental" (1906), p. 200. 


In rebutting the alleged Andres claim, Mr. Trend says : 
"This statement, though manifestly absurd, seeing that 
the Arabs never used a musical notation, is true of the 
form of the poems* the instruments used (when they were 
used) to accompany the voice, and even the musicians who 
played them, for there are miniatures in the MSS. [of the 
'Cantigas'] showing musicians in Arab dress playing 
upon instruments known to have been of Arab origin" 
(pp. 63-4). As I show in Chapter VI, the Arabs did use 
a musical notation, though not the same as that in the 
" Cantigas " 

Strange to say, a statement of this kind was also made 
concerning Louis Viardot by Pascual de Gayangos in his 
" Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain/' This, too, appears 
to have been without foundation. Viardot certainly said 
that Europe borrowed many of its musical instruments 
from the Arabs (and in this way he attributes to the Arabs 
" nne notable part a la creation de la musique moderne ") ; 
that Alphonso X benefited by the writings of the Arabs 
in his " Cantigas "* and that the Arabs possessed a musi- 
cal notation ; 6 but I have failed to trace in his " Histoire 
des Arabes et des Mores d'Espagne" (1851) the statement, 
with which he is credited, that Europe borrowed its nota- 
tion from the Arabs. 

4 Viardot, ii, 183. He mentions the works of Al-Farabi and A1- 
Isfahani among the writings that might have influenced 
Alphonso X. Whilst Al-Isfaham's work might have prompted 
the idea of compiling the famous " Cantigas/ ' it is difficult to see 
what influence the theoretical treatises of Al-Farabi could have 
had. In the University of Salamanca which Alphonso X recon- 
stituted in 1254, and where he founded a chair of music, such a 
writer as Al-Farabi might conceivably have exercised an influence. 

* Viardot, ii, 183. See also ii, 85, where he speaks of the 
" Venture musicale des Arabes," 



THE " Music of Spanish History to 1600," by J. B. 
Trend, already referred to, contains some interest- 
ing points on the " borrowings" of Spain from 
the Arabs in matters of literature 1 and music. He ac- 
cepts the view that the Spanish villancico is dependent 
on Arabic forms. 2 He says also, that "recent research 
seems to show " that the troubadours, so long considered 
the "inventors" of modern poetry, really derived their 
sense of form, and even their subject matter, from the 
Spanish Muslims/ 5 That the Arabian zajal is the regular 
pattern of the " Cantigas de Santa Maria " of Alphonso X, 
is admitted. 4 

i The question of the influence of the Arabs on the literature of 
Europe has been a crowded arena of wordy combat since the ap- 
pearance of Huet's "Origine Fabularum Romanensium " (1693). 
2 Trend, op. cit., p. 29. 

s Op. cit., p. 30. What does Mr. Trend mean by " Spanish Mus- 
lims " ? Does he mean " Arabs or Berbers of Spain," or " Spani- 
ards who accepted Islam," i.e., the Muwalladun? Cf. Trend, 
" Alfonso the Sage," p. 14. 

*0p. cit., pp. 29, 62. See "Appendix," 8. 


He is critical, however, of what he considers to be Pro- 
fessor Julian Ribera's theory, that "the musical settings 
of the 'Cantigas' are Moorish melodies." But is this 
really the theory of the savant Arabist of Madrid ? Surely 
the recent work of Ribera does no more than demonstrate 
that the musical structure of the " Cantigas " reveals that 
Moorish musical idiom (especially in the rhythm) had im- 
pregnated Spanish music, or at least, the music of the 
court of Alphonso X, which is probably nearer the truth. 5 

$Cf. Ribera, "La MiSsica de las Cantigas " (Madrid, 1922), 
cap. xii-xiii. See also Hurtado and Palencia, " Historia de la 
Literatura Espaiiola " (Madrid, 1925), p. 93. 




THE Oriental influences in Carolingian art, which are 
to be discerned for the most part in the industrial 
arts, are generally considered to be Syrian. 1 
Syrian, Arabian and Persian elements had already af- 
fected the development of Byzantine art in general/ From 
the fifth to the seventh century, Syria, Palestine, Meso- 
potamia and Egypt were centres of the industrial arts. 5 
Then came the specific influence of the Islamic dominion. 4 
The question now arises " How did this Oriental art 
reach Western Europe ?" 

Italy, France, Spain and Germany harboured consider- 
able colonies of peoples from the East, for the most part 

* Janitschek, " Gesoh. cler Deutchen Malerci " (1890 ), 29. 

Leitschek, " Gesch. der Karolingischen Malerei " (1894), 38-53. 
Strzygowski, " Byzantinische Denkmaler," i, 53-67. Choisy, 
"Hist. <T Architecture," ii, 84. Peirce and Tyler, "Byzantine 
Art" (1926), p. 11. 

Taylor, "The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages," 340. 
Peirce and Tyler, op. clt., pp. 5, 10. 

SDennison and Morey, "Studies in East Christian and Roman 
Art" (1918), 67. Dalton, "The Crystal of Lothair " (" Archseo- 
logia," lix, 30). Garrucci, " Storia dell' Arte," 52. 
f See Appendix 9. 


Jews and Syrians, who were engaged in commercial pur- 
suits. 5 Here was a sure and certain channel for the in- 
troduction of Oriental art wares. Yet there were other 
means whereby this Oriental art could have penetrated 
Europe (i) the nomadic habits of artists and craftsmen, 
and (2) the adoption of a foreign style by native artists 
trained abroad. 6 These were more likely to engender or 
suscitate fresh artistic impulses than the mere acquisition 
of objets d'art through traders. Where could these artists 
and craftsmen be found in close proximity to the Car- 
olingian empire? Obviously in Al-Andalus or Arab 

From the day when 'Abd al Rahman I (756-88) entered 
Cordova as Sultan, down to the collapse of the Umayyad 
dynasty in the eleventh century, the Syrian Arabs domin- 
ated in Al-Andalus. Like their forebears who had sup- 
ported the Umayyads at Damascus, they cared little for 
the precepts of Islam, 7 and fostered the arts with open- 
handed generosity. We see Syria looming rather largely 
in the literature of these Umayyads, whose hearts were 
gladdened by reminders of their ancestral home. The 
Syrian influence in the architecture of Al-Andalus is un- 
mistakable. From this one can only conclude that a con- 
siderable influx of Syrian artists and craftsmen, includ- 

^Brehier, " Les Colonies d'Orientaux en Occident 1 ' (" Byznn- 
tinische Zeitschrift," xii, 1. Dill, "Roman Society in Gaul in 
Merovingian Times/' p. 245. Heyd, op. cit. 
Dalton, op. cit., 32. 

7 It is curious that the Spaniards who had accepted Islam (the 
Mitwalladun), were, on the other hand, most fervid and bigoted 
in their religious temper, as much so as the Berbers. 


ing Arabs as well/ followed on the heels of the establish- 
ment of the Umayyad dynasty in Al-Andalus. Perhaps 
the fame of Al-Andalus in its textiles and ceramics was 
due originally to Syrian artists. 

Dr. W. Cunningham pointed out in his " Essay on West- 
ern Civilisation" (ii, 116) that there was no art in which 
the Arabs could not have given much instruction to their 
Christian antagonists, even though so much hostility 
severed the two polities. There was a fairly constant poli- 
tical and commercial intercourse, 9 and there was nothing 
to prevent Andalusian artists and craftsmen from journey- 
ing to Christian Spain and France. So long as the artist 
had his handicraft to display, the merchant his wares to 
barter, or the minstrel his instrument to play, there would 
appear to have been no hindrance to the foreigner in those 

In the early days of the Umayyad regime, the Spanish 
Christians, known as the Muzdrabes, had complete liberty 
of worship as well as political freedom. 10 That they prac- 
tised the arts and crafts of the Muslims is evident, for 
indeed, they had adopted Muslim civilisation in almost 
everything save religion. 11 They, too, were free to travel, 
and so to pass on their arts and crafts to other lands. 
Rivoira thinks that it was the refugee Muzdrabes seeking 
shelter from the persecutions of 'Abd al-Rahman II (d. 

8 This certainly obtained in music, as we read of a large influx 
of musicians from the East. Al-Maqqaii, " Analectes," i, 225; 
ii, 89, 96. 

9 Embassies and cordial relations from 778 are emphasised more 
than once by the Carolingian writers. 

*0Dozy, " Recherches," i, 78 ef *eq. 
Ticknor, " Hist, of Spanish Literature/' iii, 347. 


852) and Muhammad I (d. 886), who took the Arabian ar- 
chitectural devices into northern Christian Spain/ 2 which 
only seems to have advanced culturally by imitating the 
Muslims. 15 

What happened in the industrial arts could similarly 
have taken place in music. The instruments delineated in 
the St. Menard, Lothair, Notker, and other documents of 
the eighth to tenth centuries have their raison d'etre made 
palpable by such culture contacts as I have tried to visu- 
alise in the foregoing conditions. 2 * 

, " Moslem Architecture/' 241, 284, 346. 
J^Northup, " An Introduction to Spanish Literature/' 12. See 
Hurtado and Palencia, " Historia de la Literatura Espanola," 
pp. 22-3: Asin, " Islam and the Divine Comedy" (1926), p. 238 
et seq. 

HSee Schlesinger, "Precursors/' pp. 280, 328, 370-1, 399. 



" S~*\ F the science of music," as I remarked in my mono- 

l ) graph, 2 " the wandering minstrel knew but little, 

for indeed,, he was a mere performer who learned 

for the most part, ' by rote.' " Miss Schlesinger uses this 

point so as to prove that these wandering minstrels could 

not have influenced Europe in the theory of music. 2 

That the Arabian minstrels in general (especially the 
qaindt) or female minstrels) were quite learned and 
scholarly people, we have, fortunately, plenty of evidence. 5 
Possibly, the wandering type was not so likely to contain 
these elements as the domiciled class, but, at any rate, the 
Arabian, unlike the generality of European minstrels, were 
to some extent educated. They could read and write, at 
the very least, which was more than even many of the 
Christian clergy could do at that time. 

What the ordinary Arabian minstrel possessed was not 
a knowledge of the science of music, of speculative theory, 

1 " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," p. 4. Note my 

* " Musical Standard," xxvii, 164, b. 

sSee the lives of the minstrels m the " Kitab al-Aghanl" and 
the <{ 'Iqd al-Farid." See also MTS. Burton's edition of the " Ara- 
bian Nights," i, 314; iii, 281-2. 


but something that was more necessary to him in his voca- 
tion. This was the practical theory of his art, which 
was passed on from master to pupil. With the Arab min- 
strel it necessitated a knowledge of the various modes, of 
the " circulations " or compound modes, and of the trans- 
positions of both. Of the rhythmic modes, of mensural 
values, of the art of " melody making/' and of the " gloss," 
he was also required to have a complete mastery/ 

That this individual had something fresh and novel to 
impart to Western Europe in melodic and rhythmic themes 
will be readily understood by those who are acquainted 
with Oriental music. That he brought instruments of the 
lute, pandore, and perhaps the guitar type into Europe, 
although he was not necessarily the originator of them, is 
generally acknowledged. A new era dawned in conse- 
quence. The minstrel class, as Naumann says, 5 were the 
real disseminators of music in the Middle Ages, " carrying 
the themes and a knowedge of the musical elements from 
one people to another." It was to their credit also that 
"many an original and singular rhythm" was introduced. 
This class had hitherto been served by the cithara and 
harp among stringed instruments, but with the advent of 
the Arabian minstrels, the new types of instruments men- 
tioned above were introduced. The European citharist 
and harpist had only their ears to guide them when tuning 
their instruments, whereas the Arabian lutenist, pandorist 
and guitarist had their notes determined by frets on 

4 For a typical account of the requirements of practical theory, 
see the " Kitab' i, 125, which is quoted in my " His- 
tory of Arabian Music," Chap. IV. 

5 Naumann, " History of Music," i, 228. 


the necks of their instruments, which were adjusted by 
measurement. This was one of the reasons why I stressed 
the importance of the culture contact with Arabian min- 
strels. That they influenced European minstrels in the 
matter of practical theory is highly probable. At any 
rate, the Arabs possessed written didactical methods in 
the ninth century, 5 *, long before we have the slightest hint 
of their existence in Western Europe, as well as manuals 
on the manufacture of musical instruments in the thir- 
teenth century. 6 

(d. 874). 

6 Ibn Sa'id Al-MagliribI (d. 1274-86) says that works on the 
science of melody " as well as on the various instruments and the 
art of making them are common among us." In the time of Ibn 
Rushd (d. 1198) and Al-Shaqandi (d. 1231), Seville was the centre 
for the manufacture of musical instruments, in which it had an 
export trade. Al-Maqqari, " Moli. Dyn.," i, 43, 197, ii, 143. 

Miss Schlesinger states, however, that in Europe, " by the ninth 
century many musical tracts in Latin on organ building, on the 
proportion of pipes, .... had been written 1 ' (p. 5). What are 
the " facts "? The earliest mediaeval treatise on organ building 
in Latin is that of Theophilus, which dates from the eleventh cen- 
tury. This work, which deals with "divers arts," reveals inci- 
dentally how much Europe was indebted to the Arabs. (See 
" Theophili, qui et Rugerus, Presbyteri, et Monachi, Libri III, Be 
Diversis Artibus." Opera et studio, R. Hendrie, London, 1847.) 

As for writings on the proportion of pipes, we possess one MS. 
dating from the ninth century which contains a section, ( ' De men- 
sura fistularum." (Bibl. Nat., Paris, No. 12949, MS. Lat., fol. 
43.) It is identical with an item in the treatise, " De mensuris 
organicarum fistularum," attached to the name of Hucbald, and 
with portions of tracts attributed to Bernelinus and Gerlandus in 
Gerbert's " Scriptores " (i, 148, 329 ; ii, 277). There is, of course, 
the section " De mensura fistularum organicarum" in the works 
ascribed wrongly to Notker Balbnlus (d. 912), whereas the real 
author is Notker Labeo (d. 1022). 


That the minstrel class in general was better equipped 
on the theoretical side of the art than were the church 
singers, is actually admitted by the monkish author of 
the Pseudo-Hucbald " Commemoratio brevis " treatise. 7 
He bears testimony to the fact that the minstrel class 
(citharists, pipers, and other instrumentalists, as well as 
singers) possessed a practical theory/ whilst the church 
singers had no such advantage. 

I have already mentioned that as early as the ninth 
century the Spaniards were imitating Arabian models in 
rhyme and metre.^ Indeed, some of the coplas are but 
translations of Arabic songs. 10 Mr. J. B. Trend, the most 
recent English writer on Spanish music, says: 11 "There 
is no doubt .... that poetry in the form of villancicos 
was sung in Arabic,, and even written down, by the Moors 
in Spain, and there are even supposed to be villancicos 
in which the refrain is in Old Spanish while the verses are 
in Arabic." The Jews were similarly affected. The 
rhyme and metre in the verses of such tenth century 
writers as Donnolo, Menahem ben Saruq, and Dunash 
ben Labrat, are imitations from the Arabic. 12 

In view of all this may we not reasonably suggest that 
the music which accompanied these verses was also 
borrowed or imitated? Indeed, Dr. T. G. Tucker, in his 

^Gerbert, " Scriptores," i, 213. 
s " Ad delectandos audientes artis ratione tcmperare." 

See ante pp. 16, 23. 

*0 J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, "A History of Spanish Literature," 16. 
** Trend, " Proceedings of the Musical Association," Fifty- 
second Session (1925-6), p. 14. 

** Steinschneider, "Jewish Literature," 151-2. 


work on "The Foreign Debt of English Literature" 
(1907), observes that in dealing with the borrowings of 
Spain and Provence from the Arabs in verse, we must take 
cognisance of the music 15 Mr. Trend quoted above 
says : " My own experience leads me to the belief that 
what is ' Oriental' about Southern Spanish music is not 
the music itself, but the manner of performance." 74 This 
judgment corroborates to some extent my own contention 
of the instrumental borrowings from the minstrel class in 
the matter of that scheme of decoration known as the 
zaida or "gloss," and that first step towards organum 
known as the tarklb or "compound." 15 

That the Arabian minstrel contributed to the musical 
progress of Western Europe long before, as well as sub- 
sequent to the literary contact, there cannot be much 
doubt. 16 We see both the Muslim and the Jew 17 among 
the ju glares and juglaresas in Christian Spain from the 

Tucker, op. cit., pp. 127. 130, 217. 

U Trend, Ice. cit. 
# Farmer, " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," p. 4, et seq. 

J 6 The most recent authority, R. Menendez Pidal, in his " Poesia 
Juglaresca y Juglares " (Madrid, 1924), says: " Pero particular- 
mente los juglares musulmanes de Arabia, Persia, Siria y Egipto 
tnvieron especial acceso entre los musulmanes andaluces desde los 
esplendorosos tiempos del calif ato de Cordoba, y bayo su influjo 
se formaron en la Espana arabe importantes escuelas de juglares ; 
.... La influencia de la juglaria musulmana hubo de ser mny 
grande. Los cristiancs se recreaban con la miisica arabe y tambien 
con el canto, aunque por su excesivo tecnicismo fuese casi imposible 
de entender para un europeo " (pp. 13C-7). 

17 The Jew in both poetry and music was dominated by Arabian 
models. Steinschneider, ''Jewish Literature," 151-7. 


eleventh century onwards. 1 * Earlier documents showing 
their actual presence are wanting, but the instrumental 
types of the eighth, ninth and tenth centuries are eloquent 
testimony. 19 

Even among the wandering minstrels of Europe we 
can look with some certainty to the existence of a fair 
sprinkling of Orientals. Here the latter would be wel- 
comed for their "novelties," just as the Oriental pedlar 
was similarly received in trading life. Creed or colour 
would matter little in the goodly fellowship of the wan- 
dering ministrelli and joculatores, so long as there was 
the ability to sing or play. Perhaps the gaudy raiment 
decked with festoon and ribbon, the long hair and painted 
face of the minstrel class were due to Oriental influence. 20 
The morris dancers undoubtedly had their origin in the 
Moorish dancers, 7 and their hobby-horse and grelots are 
certainly reminiscent of the Arabian minstrels. 2 The fact 
that the morris dancers for a long time afterwards dyed 

the year 1064, see Al-Maqqari, " Mohammedan Dynas- 
ties," ii, 269. For 1139, under Alphonso VII (not 1137, Alphonso 
VI, as Mitjana says), see " Espana Sagrada," xxi, 377. Out of 
the twenty-seven juglares of Sancho IV of Castille in 1294, thir- 
teen were Moors and one was a Jew. (See " Apendioe I," of R. 
Men^ndez Pidal.) We see them also with Alphonso X (d. 1284) 
and in the poem of Juan Ruiz (fourteenth century). Muslim and 
Jewish juglares are condemned in an edict of 1322 (J. Tejada y 
Ramiro, " Coleccidn de Canones y conoilios de la Iglesia espan- 
ola," iii, 600). 

19 Bee Schlesinger, " Precursors, " pp. 280, 328, 370, 371, 399. 

*0For the Arabs see the " Kitab al-Agham " (sub "Juwais"). 
" Alf laila wa laila" (Macnaughten Edit.), iv, 166. Al-Maqqari, 
"Moh. Dyn.,"ii, 108. 

* Strutt's argument against the Arabian origin is quite invalid. 
*Ibn Khaldun, " Prollgomfenet," ii, 421. 


their faces, as Thoinot Arbeau said in 1589, almost be- 
speaks their genesis. The Spanish word mascara and the 
English masker ("play actor," lit. "wearer of a mask") 
is the Arabic maskhara ("buffoon"), just as the mediaeval 
Spanish zaharrdn is the Arabian sukhara or sukhra 
(" laughing-stock," " scoffer ").* 

Miss Schlesinger wishes literary proof (i.e., documents) 
of the Arabian influence due to the minstrel class/ I 
have already said that this influx of Oriental musical 
ideas is determined by circumstances which I have called 
the political contact, when documents are as rare as char- 
ity between fellow musicographers. It is quite distinct 
from the literary and intellectual contact. Perhaps the best 
illustration of the distinction may be shown by reference 
to literature itself. We can trace, for instance, the His- 
pano-Latin "Disciplina Clericalis" of Petrus Anfusi (fl. 
1 1 06) to the Arabic "Kalila wa Dimna," itself trans- 
lated from the Pahlawl by Ibn al-Muqaffa' (d. 757). Here, 
the literary ancestry of Spain's borrowing is quite definite. 
On the other hand, we have cases where the loaning, whilst 
palpable enough, as Professor W. P. Ker says, 5 "is not 
traceable in any literary manner." For example, the use 
of the word serraglio in "Flores and Blanchefloure," and 
the name aucassin in " Aucassin and Nicolette." Since the 
stories have "no literary ancestry that can be traced in 
books," we may not be far wrong in assuming that their 
origin must be due indirectly to the Arab minstrel, who 
was as often as not a rawl or "story teller." 

* Dozy and Engelmann, " Glossaire," sub voce, 

* " Musical Standard." xxvii, 164, b, 

6 " The Dark Ages," pp. 13, 14. 


We see precisely the same thing in music. We know 
quite definitely that Gundisalvi or Gundissalinus (fl. 
H30-50) 6 Vincent de Beauvais (d. 1264)7 Roger Bacon 
(d. 1294),* and Jerome of Moravia (thirteenth century), 9 
borrowed from two works of Al-Farabi's known in Latin 
as "De scientiis" and "De ortu scientiarum." It is this 
knowledge that enables us to trace a definition here and 
there in other works where the name of Al-Farabi is not 
mentioned. 10 On the other hand, we cannot trace the 
direct ancestry of European organum to the Arabs, but 
from the evidence that I have submitted, I believe that 
it is quite probable that the prompting came from the 
tarklbat of the Arab minstrels. 

The influence of the minstrel class in general on musi- 
cal progress cannot be ignored. The minstrels were not 
only the real disseminators but the innovators. Indeed, 
how could music have made the progress that we see in 
the early Middle Ages had the church and written music 
been the only means ? The explanation must be sought 
in the minstrel and the oral propagation of his art. The 
minstrel was not boun'd by conventional usus like the 
church singer. Further, the vast instrumental resources of 
the former gave him an immense superiority, especially 

6 Baer, " Dom. Gundissalinus," p. 96, et seq. 
7 Vine, de Beauvais, " Speculum doctrinale," Bk. i, Sect. 17. 
* Bacon, "Opera qusedam hactenus inedita " (1859), 231-2. 

9 Coussemaker, " Scriptores," i, 10. 

*0 Johannes Cotto (c. 1100), Pseudo-Aristotle (thirteenth cen- 
tury), Johannes JEgidius (c. 1270), Kilwardby (d. 1279), Raimundo 
Lull (d. 1315), Johannes de Muris (fourteenth century), and Adam 
de Fulda (c. 1490). 


after the Arabian contact. It was inevitable that the 
church had to follow the minstrel in the long run, for the 
church only moves when the world moves." 

NOTE. Since the above was written fresh literature on 
the subject has appeared, arid I would especially call at- 
tention to Professor Julian Ribera's " La musica arabe y 
su influencia en la espanola" (Madrid, 1927), and Pro- 
fessor S. Singer's article, " Arabische und europaische 
Poesie im Mittelalter," in " Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Philo- 
logie," Bd. 52 (April, 1927). 

"See the interesting lecture by Professor C. H. Haskins in 
" Speculum " (April, 1926), entitled " The Spread of Ideas in the 
Middle Ages." 




r I ^HERE is scarcely a phase of Greek intellectual and 
I artistic life that does not reflect some trace of the 
Orient, some of it specifically Arabian. Coming 
to the days of Byzantium, how much of the so-called 
Syrian influence ought to be accounted Arabian, is still to 
be investigated. The recent researches of Professor J. H. 
Breasted have demonstrated that Byzantine painting can 
be traced back to an oriental source, and notably to 
Palmyraean art. 1 Palmyra was the chief commercial en- 
trepot in Northern Arabia. It fed Antioch,. the mart of 
oriental trade for Europe. Paul of Samosata (third cen- 
tury), who was Bishop of Antioch, then part of the Arab 
kingdom of Palmyra, was the vice-regent of the Arab 
Queen Zenobia. He created a stir in ecclesiastic circles by 
his innovations in the music of the Syrian church, and 
one is inclined to ask what this new type of music was 
that so raised the ire of Eusebius? Could it have been 
the pagan music of Palmyra? He certainly employed 

* Breasted, "Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting " 
(1923). See also Peirce and Tyler, " Byzantine Art" (1926). 
Bouchier, " Syria as a Roman Prjvince " (1916), Chap. XII. 


female singers in his choirs, and the music was accom- 
panied by hand-clapping, the Arabian safq. l9> 

Long- ago it was suggested that the florid song, the 
antiphon, and the neumes, came from the Syrian church.* 
St. Basil (died 379), defending the practice of antiphonal 
singing, argued in justification, that the elect of the 
church in Arabia, Phoenicia, Syria, and neighbouring 
lands, indulged in this custom. 5 

The question of the origin of the neumes has been dis- 
cussed by many able writers/ but the derivation of the 
mediaeval word neuma, from the Greek vevpa ("a nod, 
sign "), is not satisfactory. It seems far more likely that 
the word came from the Syriac ne'mo ( = sonus, vox, 
cantilena), which we find in St. Ephraem (died 378) and 
Philoxenos (died circa 523). The Hebrew ne'imah and 
the Arabic naghma have the same meaning as the Syriac. 5 

1& Cf . "Bulletin of the John Rylands' Library, Manchester," 
xi, 160-1. 

2 Gevaert, " Melopee Antique," xxxii, et seq. 
s Sozomen, " Hist. Eocles.,' 7 li, Iv, cap. xxvi. 

& Coussemaker, " Hist, de rharmonie au Moyen-Age " (1852); 
Schubiger, " Die Sangerschule San Gallen" (1856) ; Pothier, "Les 
melodies grSgoriennes ..." (1880); Fleischer, " Neumenstudien " 
(1895-1904) and "Die germaniseher Neumen" (1923); Gassier, 
" Les hirmoi de Paques dans 1'office grec " (1905); Gastoue, u Les 
origines de Chant Romain " (1907); Thibaut, " Origine byzan- 
tine de la notation neumatique de 1'Eglise Latine " (1907) ; Banis- 
ter, " Monumenti Vaticani J> (1913). 

6 Riemann noticed the likenes of the Latin to the Talmudio- 
Hebrew word. (" Handbuch d. Musikgeschichte," 1904-13, i, ii, 


In the middle ages the Latin neuma stood for vocum 
emissio, modulation 

It was certainly from Syria that the eight church modes 
of Western Europe came. 7 They were the Syriac ikhadias 

See Du Cange, "Gloss.," s.v. " Neuma" and " Pneuma." 
See also Nicholson, " Early Bodleian Music " (1901) ; and Thibaut, 
" Monuments de la notation ekphone*tique et neuma tique " (1912). 

7 Gevaert, " M61opee Antique," 106; Jeannin, " Melodies Litur- 
giques," i, 85. 

Cf. " Bulletin of the John Ey lands' Library, Manchester," xi, 



AS for the schools and colleges of the Arabs, Miss 
Schlesinger suggests that the late tenth century 
is the earliest that can be adduced for the Arabs 
of Spain. 2 She says : " Mosheim speaks of the semin- 
aries of learning established by the Arabs in Cordova and 
Seville late in the tenth century and gives them full 
credit for the excellence of their teaching." 2 The impres- 
sion is erroneous since the Arab schools in Spain can be 
traced to the eighth century. First of all, however, let us 
examine the reference to Mosheim. Maclaine's transla- 
tion, to which Miss Schlesinger refers, is now authorita- 
tively discarded, 5 although in the question at issue the 
point is unimportant. 

In the first place, Mosheim refers to the learning of the 
Arabs in the ninth century. He says : " The Arabians be- 
gan to find pleasure in Grecian science, and to propagate 
it by degrees not only in Syria and Africa, but also in 

^ The words are italicised by her. 
" Musical Standard," xxvii, 209 b. 

5 Mosheim, " Institutes of Ecclesiastical History/' translated by 
Murdock and Reid, 1848; preface, iii. " Encyclopaedia Britan- 
nica," xviii, 898. 


Spain and even in Italy? 1 * Further, when he does come to 
the tenth century^ not late in the tenth century as Miss 
Schlesinger writes, he shows that Europe was deeply in- 
debted to the Arabs. He says : 6 " Truth requires us to 
say that the Saracens or Arabs, particularly of Spain, 
were the principal source and fountain of whatever know- 
ledge of medicine, philosophy, astronomy and mathema- 
tics, flourished in Europe from the tenth century on- 
wards." In the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries, 
Western Europe was still borrowing from the Arabs, says 
Mosheim. 6 In view of the importance of this question of 
the date of Arab schools and colleges, especially in Al- 
Andalus or Spain, the matter deserves attention. 

Schools in Islamic lands may be traced back to the 
dawn of Islam, when Abu'l-Darda (died 652) taught in 
the mosque. Knowledge of the Qur'an had made schools 
imperative, and the mosque was invariably the locus of 
the teaching. 7 In the elementary schools, reading, writing 
and computation were taught. When 'Abd al-Rahman I 
(died 788) founded the principal mosque at Cordova, he 
took care to endow colleges and schools attached to it. 8 
His successor Hisham I (died 796) founded more schools. 9 
whilst f Abd al-Rahman II (died 852) raised schools in 
many other cities, and at the principal mosque at Cordova 

4 Mosheim, op. cit., 291. 

^ Ibid., 332. 

* Mosheim, op. cit., 352, 400, 441. 

?Ibn Khallikan, " Biog. Diet.," i, xxx, et seq. 

Conde, " Hist, of .... the Arabs in Spain," i, 223. 

9 Ibid., i, 239. 


he maintained three hundred orphan scholars. 10 Precisely 
the same sort of thing may be traced in other Islamic 
lands. It was said of Harun (died 809) that he never 
built a mosque without endowing a school attached to it 

Out of the Hadlth ("Traditions''), law schools grew 
where Qur'anic exegesis and criticism, as well as jurispru- 
dence, metaphysics ( ? ), rhetoric and lexicography were 
taught. These were controlled by the various legal sects. 
Generally speaking, however, these law schools did not 
teach the quadrivium. This course was reserved for tech- 
nical colleges and the schools of private professors/ 1 ex- 
cept in Al-Andalus where " all the sciences were taught in 
the mosques " and not in technical colleges. 22 

Students desirous of treading the " seven-fold path " 
after leaving the elementary schools,, entered the law 
schools and technical colleges or the schools of private 
professors. After a prescribed course, they received a 
licentia (ijdza) which permitted them to teach, and was 
the only passport to the liberal professions. The oldest 
of these technical -colleges was probably the Bait al- 
Hikma at Baghdad founded by Khalif Al-Ma'mun (died 
833)- Some were devoted to special branches such as the 
Baghdad Bimaristan, which was primarily a hospital. In 
others, such as at the Ddr al-Hikma at Cairo, the entire 
quadrivium and other sciences were taught. In the 
schools of the private professors the student was lodged 

10 Ibid., i, 274. 

a Ibn Khallikan, i, xxx ; Narendra Nath Law, " Promotion! of 
Learning in India during Muhammadan Rule/ 7 page 117. 

Khallikan, i, xxxi; Al-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, 140-1, 


and boarded, and many interesting particulars of this 
type of teaching have been preserved. 15 

Al-Andalus, and its interest in science is of particular 
moment on account of its political and intellectual con- 
tact with Western Europe. An Arab of Al-Andalus 
named 3/id ibn Ahmad (died 1069) gives important in- 
formation on this question. 1 ^ He says that in the days of 
Muhammad I (852-86) "the learned of Al-Andalus ex- 

1S A pupil of the famous mathematician, Kamal al-DIn ibn 
Man 'a (born 1156), who was a collegiate professor, relates his first 
interview with his master as follows: " He [Kamal al-Din] asked 
me by what science I wished to begin. ' By [the theory of] music/ 
said I. ( That happens very well/ said he, ' for it is a long time 
since anyone studied it under me, and I wished to converse with 
some person on that science so as to renew my acquaintance with 
it.' I then commenced [the theory of] music, after which I passed 
successively to other sciences, and, in about the space of six 
months, I went over more than forty works under his tuition. I 
was already acquainted with [the theory of] music, but I wished 
to be enabled to say that I had studied that science under him." 
See Ibn Khallikan, iii, 471-3; and Abu'1-Fida'," " Annal. MOB!.," 
iv, 528. 

For pictures of these private schools, see Martin, " Miniature 
Painting and Painters of Persia, India and Turkey." A critical 
work dealing with the schools and libraries of Islamic peoples is 
badly needed. Middeldorpf, " Commentatio de institutis litera- 
riis in Hispania" (1810); Murphy, " History of the Mahometan 
Empire in Spain " (1816) ; and Viardot, " Histoire des Arabes et 
des Mores d'Espagne " (1841), are out of date. More recent works, 
such as Ribera, " Bibliofilos y bibliotecas en la Espafia musul- 
mana" (1896) and " La Ensenanza entre los musulmanes espa- 
fioles " (1893); " Sanchez Pe"rez, "Biografias d matematicos 
arabes que florecieron en Espana " (1921) ; Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 
"Islamic Libraries"; and Narendra Nath Law, "Promotion of 
Learning in India during Muhammadan Rule," are useful. 

Since the above was written the article on tho Kit&b kh&na has 
appeared in the " Encyclopaedia of Islam." 

^Al-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, 140, and Appendix xl. 


erted themselves in the cultivation of science, and 
laboured in it with assiduity, giving evident proofs of 
their acquisitions in all manner of learning." In the sci- 
ence of music, the first fruit was Ibn Firnas (died 888). 25 
This continued, we are told, until the reign of Al-Hakam 
II (died 976) when "the torch of science shone brighter 
than ever." The scientific writings of the ancient Greeks 
were especially studied. After his death the theologians 
gained political power, and the study of some of the sci- 
ences of the "Ancients" (the Greeks) was forbidden. 
The sultan's magnificent library of four hundred thou- 
sand volumes was ransacked of "heretical" books which 
were destroyed wholesale. Throughout the land, the 
same puritanical spirit prevailed. 

The special subjects banned at this period would ap- 
pear to have been natural philosophy and astronomy 
( = astrology), whilst the sciences of medicine,, arithmetic 
and presumably music, were permitted. That mathema- 
tics in general flourished in spite of the ban, we know 
from the fame of several contemporary professors. Of 
the celebrity of Al-Andalus in these departments we have 
the panegyric of Ibn Ghalib (died 1044) who likens the 
Andalusians to the Indians " in their love of learning, as 
well as their assiduous cultivation of science," and to the 
Greeks " in their knowledge of the physical and natural 
sciences." 16 Ibn al-Hijan (died 1194) says that during 

15 See Ahmad Zaki Basha, " L' Aviation chez les Musulmans" 
(Cairo, 1912). 

16 Al-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, 117-8. It is interesting to note 
Ibn Ghalib' s explanation for the superiority of the Arabs of Al- 
Andalus in the arts and sciences. According to him it was due to 
planetary influence. Venus endowed them with " a lively imagin- 


the rule of the Umayyads in Al-Andalus (eighth to 
eleventh century), "students from all parts of the world 
flocked .... to learn the sciences of which Cordova was 
the most noble repository, and to derive knowledge from 
the mouth of the doctors and 'ulama who swarmed in it*' 17 

On the fall of the Umayyads in the eleventh century, 
learning languished for a time, but with the rise of the 
petty states there came a widespread revival, and it was 
especially due to the Amir Yahya al-Ma'mun (died 1074) 
of Toledo that the mathematical sciences were particu- 
larly fostered. 1 * Indeed, Al-Shaqandl (died 1231) says 
that "the cause of science and literature, instead of los- 
ing, gained considerably " by the break-up of Al-Andalus 
into the petty states. 29 

It is worthy of notice that the phrases studium generate 
and universitas collegium are equivalent to the Arabic 
madrasa kulliyya? . In the Islamic colleges in Cairo 
under the Fatimids, the doctors in the various faculties 
wore distinctive gowns (khila*), and it is said that the 
ordinary gown of British universities retains the original 
form of the Arabian khiVa. In the Alhambra at Granada 
there is a wall painting (thirteenth century) depicting the 
sultan in conclave with two* of the l ulama or fuqaha. The 
latter wear the bands or labels on their collars that we see 

ation, elegance of manners .... love of pleasure and music, " 
whilst Mercury was responsible for their " ardour in the acquisi- 
tion of learning, love of philosophy and the natural sciences." Al- 
Maqqari discreetly criticises this view. 

17 Al-Maqqari, i, 30. 

uibid., i, 384. 

**Ibid., i, 35. See also i, 37, 40, 42, 53, 67. 
*0 Davidson, " History of Education," 169, 


on the vestments of our ecclesiastics and lawyers even to 
the present day. 2 The greater part of Spanish words de- 
rived from the Arabic are concerned with the arts and 

i Murphy, " The Arabian Antiquities of Spain/' pi. xlv. 
*Hu.rtado and Palencia, " Hi&toria de la literatura Espanola " 
(1925), page 50. See also Dozy and Engelmann, " Glossaire des 
mots espanols et portugais derives de l'Arabe, n 



f ">HE reference by Alvarus (ninth century) to " Arabic 
I books" (volumina Caldaeorum) being studied so 
assiduously by Spanish Christians may refer es- 
pecially to the so-called "Chaldaean sciences/' 2 As 
early as 719 (7724) we read that Johannes Episcopus 
Seviliensis had translated the Bible into Arabic. 1 In 804 
we find Arabic having official use in charters, and even 
Arabic versions of canonical decrees appeared,, to say 
nothing of the records of Christian churches being kept in 
this language. From all this it may be taken for granted 
that the Christian clergy were as well if not better ac- 
quainted with Arabic than with Latin. 5 Indeed, it is 
confessed that " it is a marvel with what rapidity Arabic 
was adopted in the conquered territories ; in fact it seems 
to have spread like wild-fire/' 4 

*See Bubnov, op. cit., 372; Thorndike, op. cit., i, 711. 
*Juan do Mariana, "Hist. gen. de Espana," vii, 3; Walton, 
"Bibl. Polyglot 7 ' (Prol. xiv), i, 93-7. See the article by the ori- 
entalist, H. S. Gehman, in " Speculum," April, 1926. 

s Wiener, op. cit., i, 42; Hume, " Spanish Influence on English 
Literature/' 12. 

* " Speculum/' April, 1926, page 221. 


Concerning the Codex Toletanus of Isidore's "Etymo- 
logiae " which contains Arabic " glosses " said to date from 
the eighth century, it may be of interest to mention that 
there is but a solitary Arabic "gloss" in the section on 
" Music." It occurs in lib. iii, cap. xxi, which deals with 
"Wind Instruments." Opposite the exordium is the Ara- 
bic "gloss," al-nay. This is the generic Arabic term for 
"wood-wind instruments." 5 It is accompanied by a de- 
sign of a horn or trumpet. 6 

It was the same with the Jews. From the ninth century 
Arabic was used by them even in liturgical writings, 
prayers and poems, 7 for this language, with the study of 
the Halacha, flowed with the Arabs over North Africa and 
Spain. 8 The complaint of Alvarus that the Christian con- 
gregation spoke Arabic was echoed by Ibn Gabirol or 
Avicebron (died circa 1070) concerning his Jewish co-re- 
ligionists, when he said that one half of them spoke Idu- 
mean (Romance) and the other half the tongue of Kedar 

5 This is the Persian way of writing the word. In Arabic it is 
"Usually written al-nay. 

* See Beer's phototype edition of this codex (Leyden, 1909), fol 

7 Steinschneider, " Jewish Literature," 65. 
id, page 61. 



CONCERNING the Latin translation of Arabic 
works, Miss Schlesinger says : * 

" This would probably not be before the end of 
the twelfth century or the beginning of the thirteenth cen- 
tury at the earliest, for the college of translators from 
Arabic into Latin, founded in 1130 by Raymund, Arch- 
bishop of Toledo, set to work first of all upon Aristotle 
and the medical, mathematical and philosophical writings 
of the Greeks." 

The first statement is erroneous, and the remainder is 
assumption. As Professor Lynn Thorndike has recently 
said : " The first translations of mathematical and astro- 
nomical works from the Arabic go back to the tenth cen- 
tury at least?* a point I have fully demonstrated. 5 From 
the evidence of the vogue of Arabic among the Spanish 
clergy in the eighth to ninth centuries (see Appendix 11) 
it is not improbable that the work of translation began 

*" Musical Standard," xxvii, 23 b. 

* Thorndike, " History of Magic and Experimental Science/' 
i, 772. 

s See ante, p. 24. 


even as early as this. I do not see how it could be other- 
wise, seeing that it is now generally admitted by the best 
authorities that the Arabs could claim intellectual leader- 
ship from the eighth century, 4 and the sciences were al- 
ready in full swing in Al-Andalus by the ninth century. 5 
Latin translations from the Arabic of the Greek treatises 
on the sciences can possibly be traced two centuries 
earlier than the date given by Miss Schlesinger. Cer- 
tainly they were made one century earlier (i.e., in the 
eleventh century), as we know of Constantine the African 
(d. 1087) as a translator. There were also many workers 
outside of Spaing such as Adelard of Bath (c. 1120), 
Stephen of Antioch (c. 1127), Peter of Monte Cassino 
(c. 1127), and Eugenius of Sicily (c. 1154). 

As for the statement 7 concerning a "college of trans- 
lators .... founded in 1130 by Raymund," it must be 
pointed out that history knows absolutely nothing of a 
formal " college of translators/' 8 much less a specific date 
for its foundation. What we do know is from the dedica- 
tions of two Toletan translators of the period, Gundissa- 
linus (= Gundisalvi) and Johannes (ibn) David (= John 

4 The latest are, Dr. Charles Singer, "The Evolution of Anat- 
omy" (1925), 67; and F. E. Bobbins and L. C. Karpinski, "The 
Arithmetic of Nicomachus " (1926), p. 143. 

*Al-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, 140, and xl. 
6 In Spain, it was not merely at Toledo that the translations 
were made. Pamplona, Tarazona, Leon, Barcelona and Segovia 
are mentioned in this respect. 

? Schlesinger, " Musical Standard/' xxvii, 23, b. 
*The phrase has certainly been used by others. 


of Seville, John of Spain) that they worked at the bidding 
of Raymund, whose archiepiscopate dates from 1125-51.* 
In the question of Latin translations of Greek works 
from the Arabic, it is interesting to note that the bulk of 
the Greek MSS. are later than the Latin, and that the 
Latin are later than the Arabic. 20 

* Jaffe-Lowenfeld, " Regesta," No. 7273. 
10 Campbell, " Arabian Medicine " (1926), i, 122. 



GERBERT (d. 1003) played a very important part 
in the renewal of scientific pursuits which had 
fallen into desuetude after the collapse of the 
Carolingian Empire. 1 War and rapine the Norsemen, 
the Slavs, and the Muslims, as well as internecine strife, 
had brought exhaustion of intellectual activity, at any 
rate in the sciences, to Western Europe. Rheims, the 
centre of culture in France, had seriously declined since 
the days of Remy of Auxerre (d. 908), and by the manner 
in which Bishop Adalberon (d. 989) speaks, it would ap- 
pear that studies had practically ceased. 2 At Cluny 
things were not much better. The reforms of Odo (d. 
942), primarily a moral ordering, had a reflex influence 
on letters, although Odo looked on the classics with dis- 
favour, 5 a lead which was followed by many monasteries. 
At Cluny, the subjects of the quadrivium were but little 
studied/ In Italy the condition of learning was equally 

*Gevaert, " Melopee Antique," 187. 

2 Richer, iii, 42. 

JMabillon, " Acta Sanct. O.S.B.," Sfiec. V, 154. 
JPfistner, ''Etudes sur la regne de Robert le Pieux," 2. Cf. 
Sackiir, "Die Cluniacenser," ii, 330. 



as deplorable. 5 Germany, however, had already moved 
forward under the impulse of Bruno (d. 965). It was he, 
it is said, who restored the long-ruined fabric of the seven 
liberal arts. 6 

With the Capetian rule in France, the Saxon in Ger- 
many, and the influence of Otto I in Italy at the close of 
the tenth century, there came social and political stabil- 
ity. In their train there followed a revival of culture. 
The external forces contributing to this revival were 
Byzantium and Al-Andalus, the latter probably the 
greater on account of its proximity and because its culture 
was nearer the level of that of Western Europe. 7 In Al- 
Andalus of the Arabs, learning flourished on every hand, 
as we have already seen, 8 especially under Al-Hakam II 
(961-76), the period of Gerbert's sojourn in the Spanish 

The socio-political importance of Al-Andalus in the 
tenth century must have enhanced the propagation of Ara- 
bian culture. Quite apart from the Muzdrabes and 
Mudejares? to say nothing of the Jews who acted as the 

6 Gregorovius, "History of the City of Rome in the Middle 
Ages," iii, 136, 146. 

SR. L. Poole, " Illustrations, " 86. 

7 This is the view of C. W. Previte Orton, " Outlines of Mediae- 
val History " (1924), p. 91. 

8 See Appendix 10. 

* The Mudijares were the Arabs who remained in the Spanish 
lands after the Christian reconquest. We read of them as early 
as the ninth century, and they remained until the final expulsion 
of the Arabs in 1606-10. Of their political importance under 
Christian rulers we have ample proof in the numerous filer os or 
capitulations granted them, notably those of Huesca (1081), Tudela 
(1115), and Jativa (1251), where we see the Mudejares in full 
possession of rights to exercise their religion, laws, language, 
dress and customs. 


via media between Eastern and Western civilisations, the 
constant intercourse, political, industrial and com- 
mercial, 10 between Western Europe and Al-Andalus and 
Sicily must have counted considerably in the question of 
the loaning of ideas. 11 " Saragossa was fast growing into 
an important seat of Arabic learning. Christians met 
with little persecution at the hands of the Muhammadans, 
and Jews travelled freely between the two states. It is 
therefore by no means improbable that much Arabic 
learning was common in the Spanish March." 12 It was 
in the latter that Gerbert spent the formative years of 
his intellectual life. (See ante> p. 32.) 

Smith and Karpinski (" The Hindu-Arabic Numerals," 
III), following Havet ("Lettres de Gerbert," vii), say that 
Barcelona was the only Christian province in immediate 

1 The political intercourse was rather important. From the 
time of 'Abd al-Rahman III (912-61) to Al-Hisham II (976-1009) 
many important embassies from foreign courts visited Cordova, 
including Asturias and Leon, Navarre, Catalonia (= Barcelona), 
Castille, France, Germany, Normandy, Rome, Byzantium and 
the Slav kingdom. The importance of these embassies from a 
point of view of culture diffusion can best be gathered from the 
accounts of Al-Maqqarl (" Moh. Dyn.," ii, 137-43; 159-68). On 
two occasions, at least, the KhaliPs ambassadors to foreign courts 
were Christian bishops ! Al-Maqqari, i, 482 ; ii, 139. 

** Cunningham, " An Essay on Western Civilisation/* ii, 116. 

*s u English Historical Review," vii, 627. In Christian Spain, 
outside of the monasteries and abbeys, illiteracy prevailed, and 
even the judges in civil courts could not sign their own names. 
See Adreth, " Jiidische Unterrichtswesen wahrend der Spanisch- 
Arabischen Periode," i, 982; vii, 74, and Kayserling, "Jiidische 
Erziehungswesen." The people bartered commodities as they had 
no coinage. " Espana Sagrada," xix, 383. Arabian and Jewish 
scholars were always welcome. Indeed, for measuring their land 
the Spaniards had to rely on the help of the "infidels," F. de 
Berganza, " Antiguedades de Espana," i, 197. 


touch with Arabian civilisation at this time. This is not 
correct. The kingdom of Asturias and Leon as well as 
that of Navarre were in the closest touch with Al-Andalus. 
It was 'Abd al-Rahman III who* restored Sancho to his 
throne in 962. His rival, Ordono, was busy at Cordova 
in the reign of Al-Hakam (d. 976) with political intrigue. 
During the Gerbert period, Asturias and Leon under 
Ramiro III (967-82) was in peaceful contact with Al- 
Andalus. 13 Barcelona, which partly derives its name 
from the Arabic form, of Barshiluna, was occupied by the 
Arabs from 713 to 80 1. It was again held by them for 
a short time in 856, and once more in the following cen- 
tury from 985 to 987.^ 

What Gerbert learned from Arabic sources, either from 
books or from teachers, direct or indirect, during his 
sojourn in the Spanish March we have no precise evidence 
of. What accrued later from his contact with Arabian cul- 
ture is palpable. There are strong reasons for believing 
that whilst he was teaching at Rheims a more definite pre- 
hension of Arabian culture was made by Western 
Europe. After the death of Al-Hakam (976) and the 
elevation of the wazir Al-Mansur to the chief position of 
state in Al-Andalus, the " Greek " sciences were proscribed. 
(See Appendix X.) The inhibition was rigorously en- 

u As for fhe chief cities in culture contact, Zamora in Leon was 
only forty miles distant from Salamanca in Al-Andalus. The An- 
dalusian cities of Tudela and Saragassa were about fifty and 
eighty miles respectively from Pamplona, in Navarre, whilst the 
Andalusian towns of Tarragona and Lerida were about sixty and 
eighty miles respectively from Barcelona. 

WDozy, "Hist, des Musul. d'Espagne," iii, 199, says that the 
final capture of Barcelona by the Christians was in 987, but Al- 
Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, 74, says that it was in 993-4. 


forced, and it is not unlikely that many of the profes- 
sorial class were compelled to leave Cordova and contigu- 
ous cities, and to seek refuge in the semi-independent 
Arab states in the north, or even in the Spanish March. 75 
It was possibly partly due to this immigration that a 
fresh tide of Arabian culture was spread northward, rein- 
forcing the movement of translation into Latin of Arabic 
works that had already begun. 26 We see how this cul- 
ture had penetrated by reference to two MSS. of northern 
Spain which date from 976 and 992." At any rate, Ger- 
bert was imbued with the new culture from the south, 
which we have a fair index of in his demands for books, 
and above all in his treatise on the astrolabe. We are 
told that Gerbert "was the first to introduce into the 
schools instruments as an assistance to the study of 
arithmetic, astrology and geometry." 18 It is not im- 
probable that he was also the first to make practical use 
of the monochord in the speculative and practical theory 

* 5 Immigrants from Al-Andalus had been carriers of its culture 
on other occasions. The persecutions of the Muzarabes in the 
ninth century , drove them into Christian lands, where they car- 
ried with them the new architectural devices of Al-Andalus. 
Rivoira, " Moslem Architecture" (1918), 241, 284, 346. In the 
twelfth century, much Arabian science was spread abroad by Ara- 
bian and Jewish savants, who sought an asylum beyond Al-An- 
dalus out of the reach of the persecuting Muwahljtids, to say 
nothing of the ten thousand Muzarabes who were driven out. 
Farmer, " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," 10, 12. Geiger, 
"Lit. bl. der Israeliten" (1846), 134. 

J*See ante, p. 24. 

17 P. Ewald, " Mittheilungen, Neues Archiv. d. Gesells. fur 
altere deutsche Geschichtskunde," viii, 354 et seq. Steffens, 
" Lateinisch Palaographie," xxxix, et seq. 

"Engl. Hist. Rev.," vii, 631. 


of music. Whatever the earlier theorists of music had 
to say about the monochord and its divisions, they merely 
echoed the book-lore of Boethius. Gerbert, on the other 
hand, appears to have used it for practical demonstra- 
tion to his pupils, and was probably the first to do so in 
Western Europe. 15 

Music theory was one of the courses of the quadrivium> 
and was purely a question of mathematics. 20 Richer, the 
biographer and pupil of Gerbert, deals with his master's 
contribution to the quadrivium. After the science of 
arithmetic was studied, says Richer, 1 Gerbert " passed to 
the theory of music, which was unknown to the Gauls 
before his time. He established on the monochord its 
divisions (genera), distinguishing the consonances or 
symphonies in tones and semitones, ditones as well as 
dieses ; and by dividing the notes (toni) into sounds con- 
sistent with reason, he brought the theory of music to the 
greatest perfection."* 

The fact that Gerbert was known in the twelfth cen- 
tury as "The Musician/' shows quite definitely that he 
must have made an important impression in this sphere 

19 This opinion of the practical use of the monochord is in har- 
mony with Gerbert's practice in the other mathematical sciences : 
hifl use of the abacus in arithmetic and of spheres in astronomy. 
*0 Hearnshaw, op. cit., 195. Maitre, op. cit., 238. 

*St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), in his " Summa Theologiae," 
makes music proceed from arithmetic. Robert Kilwardby (d. 
1279) linked them together. 

'Richer, "Hist.," iii, 49. See also Gttadet, "Richer: His- 
toire de son temps/' ii, 55. Maitre, " Les Ecoles Episcopales et 
Monastiques de 1'Occident," 238. 


in his day. 5 What his definite contribution was to music 
we cannot say, since we have no word (outside his repu- 
tation in organ construction) beyond what Richer has 
vouchsafed. Since the time of Regino (d. 915) and pro- 
bably Hucbald (d. 930) there had been no real contribu- 
tion to the theory of music. 4 The former was for the 
most part a servitor of Martianus Capella, Boethius, Cas- 
siodorus, Isidore, and Aurelian of R6ome. 6 As for the 
latter, although the critics have only left " De Harmonica 
Institutione " to his credit, one cannot be too sure that 
even this is his. 6 In fact, the reputation of Gerbert and 
that of his illustrious successor, Guido of Arezzo (d. 1050), 
(to whom almost every invention in music has been attri- 
buted), leads one to wonder how many of the treatises 
on the theory of music ascribed to the ninth-tenth cen- 
turies really belong to the eleventh. Modern research 

s " Histoire Litteraire de la France," vi, 600. So great was 
Gerbert' s reputation in the qiiadrivium that students came from 
many lands to study under him (Richer, iii, 55). Some are claimed 
as his pupils who could not have been. Odericus Vitalis says that 
both Remy of Auxerre (d. 908) and Hucbald (d. 930), studied 
under him, when, as a matter of fact, they were dead before Ger- 
bert was born. Possibly Remy of Treves, for whom Gerbert made 
spheres, is intended for the former, whilst the latter may have 
been a later Hucbald. See Riemann, " Diet. Mus.," sub 
11 Hucbald." 

4 The works of Hrotswitha and Odorannus (late tenth century) 
contain opuscula on music which have been generally ignored by 
historians of music. See " Pat. Lat.," cxxxvii, 1029, cxlii, 
807-14. Hrotswitha sang the praises of Cordova. 

5 Fifteen out of the nineteen chapters of his treatise are taken 
up by these borrowings. 

fiSee Muller, " Hucbald's echte u. unechte Schriften fiber 


has apportioned a number of these to their proper places, 7 
but there still remain some anomalies. 

The quadrivium, says Mosheim, was more generally 
omitted in the course of studies, the trivium (grammar, 
logic, rhetoric) being thought sufficient. Tt was a difficult 
course/ and the most arduous of its subjects was music. 
Regino (d. 915) was alarmed at the vastness of the study 
(music) and the difficulty of grasping its technicalities, 
which only the favoured few could master. 9 The famous 
logician, Garamnus, Archdeacon of Rheims and Lothair's 
ambasssador to Otto I, who became a pupil of Gerbert's 
for the theory of music in the year 971, was compelled 
to relinquish the study because he found it too difficult 7 ' 7 
The musicus in these days was concerned only with the 
speculative theory of music as a branch of mathematics. 
He was therefore quite distinct from the cantor or prczcen- 
tor, who, as a rule, only dealt with the practical theory 
of music. 11 The time had come when the speculative 

7 In Martin Gerbert's " Scriptores " the tracts called " De octo 

tonis," " De tetracordis," " De octo modis" and " De mensura 

fistularum organicarum," attributed to Notker Balbulus (d. 912), 

really belong to Notker Labeo (d. 1022). As for Hucbald (d. 930), 

the " Musica enchiriadis," " Scholia enchiriadis," " Commemor- 

atio brew/' and the additional fragments appended to " De 

harmonica institufcione " (Martin Gerbert, "Script.," i, 122, et 

seq.) also belongf to a later period, some^ indeed, to the eleventh 

century. Similarly, the tracts ascribed to Odo of Cluny (d. 942) 

are much later?, "the "Dialogus" probably eleventh century, and 

the* 4* Intohariumi " (Coussemaker, ii, 117) may bo thirteenth 

century /| Cf . Grove, " Diet. Mus.," second edition, iii, 427. 

"Pat. Lat., j; oxxxvii, 1029. 

9 Gerbert, "Script.," i, 246-7. 

^Richer, "Hist./' iii, 45. 

"Maitre, "Les Ecoles episoopalee et monastiques," .... 238. 
Guadet, " Richer," ii, 51, 55. Hearnshaw, op. cit., 195. 


theory of the Greeks had to take a secondary place in 
view of the needs of practical theory, and this would 
appear to have been the teaching of Gerbert. 

Gerbert's teaching- in the quadrivium was soon spread 
abroad by his pupils, and we can see the extent of some 
of it in Bernelinus (c. 990), Adalboldus (d. 1027), and 
Fulbertus (d. 1028). Bernelinus passed on the teaching 
of the new Arabian ghubar numerals, 12 which he appears 
to have learned from Gerbert. 13 The Pseudo-Bernelinus 
" Cita et vera divisio monochordi in diatonico genere " 
contains these numerals, 14 and so does the Pseudo-Odo 
of Cluny tract entitled " Regular Domni Oddonis super 
abacum." 15 It was to Adalboldus that Gerbert addressed 
" the first mathematical paper of the Middle Ages which 
deserves this name." 16 The musical tract of Adalboldus 
that has been preserved is based, however, on Boethius, 
and is unoriginal. 17 Of Fulbertus we know only of his 
general interest in the quadrivium. When he arrived at 
Chartres, says Guitmundus of A versa, "the liberal arts 

" (Euvree de Gerbert," 361. Picavet, "Gerbert," 

^Bubnov, " Gerberti postea Silvestri II papse opera^mathe- 
matica," x. 

^ Martin Gerbert, " Scriptores," i, 312, et seq. Much of the 
contents is identical with Pseudo-Hucbald (Gerbesrt, " Script*," 
121, et seq.). Whilst setting off from Boethian premises, it re- 
veals some independent thought. * 

tf Gerbert, "Script.," i, 296, et seq. See, however, the foot- 
note on p. 296. 

tfHankel, " Zur Geschichte der Mathem^tik in Alterthum u, 
Mittelalter" (1874), 86. Cajori, "Hist, of Maths." (1919), 116. 
Gerbert, " Script.," i, 303, et seq. 


had all but become extinct in the land/ 1 He certainly 
advanced the music of the liturgy at Chartres. 18 

Notker Labeo (d. 1022) is another name worthy of men- 
tion at this period, whether he was affected by Gerbertian 
studies or not. The fact that he translated Martianus 
Capella's "De Nuptiis" into German rather puts him 
back into the early Middle Ages culturally. Several of 
his tracts on music written in German are of interest. ig 

A X is Taylor, "The Mediaeval Mind," i, 299. 

^Gerbert, " Script./' i, 95, et seq. Here they are ascribed 
to Notker Balbulus. 



THAT the theory of music was studied at Monte 
Cassino at this period we know from works written 
by Albericus and Alphagus. At the same time 
we must not forget that the theory of music invariably 
meant a knowledge of Boethius, or Martianus Capella, 
or Cassiodorus, or Isidore, or even St. Augustine. Even 
when the earliest of the theorists appeared in the mid- 
ninth century, their works scarcely found acceptance out- 
side the land of their birth. Some years ago, when col- 
lecting material for a history of mediaeval music, I drew 
up a table of the treatises on the theory of music men- 
tioned in the library catalogues (private collections ex- 
cepted) from the eighth to the twelfth century, as given 
in Becker's "Catalog! Bibliothecarum Antiqui" (Bonn, 
1885). I append it because it has a certain interest. We 
must bear in mind, however, that this table only has a 
comparative value, and it must not be assumed that only 
this number of books was in existence. Obviously, only 
the library catalogues that have come down to ujhave 
been scheduled. Boethius is a case in point, for although 
only six manuscripts of the ninth-eleventh century are 


mentioned by Becker, yet we actually possess to-day, at 
least seven copies covering this period. 1 

It is significant how Boethius and the old compends 
still held sway in the twelfth century. Out of the eighty- 
two treatises, only twelve can be said to represent ninth- 
twelfth century teaching. 9 

4 See -Friedlein's edition of Boethius (Leipzig, 1867), pp. 1-2. 
*I.e., from Aurelian of Reom6 onwards, including Eemy of 
Auxerre and the doubtful Folcrad. 




g. STg 

O* r 


B 5 o 

S-/3* S 


B " M 
i* 4 tr 

* s I 

" S 


i s- 

>-* cr 





kO h- 



00 O 

CO fcO 

Number of catalogues consulted. 

S5 CO 

to to 

C" CO 

Total number of volumes indexed. 

00 H-I tO kO 1 

Total number of volumes on 
theory of music indexed. 


M M | M | 

Vitruvius. 3 

& * ^ - 1 


*-,.., | 

St. Augustine. 

t CO 

CO | | 

Martianus Cape 11 a. 

i - i i 

Commentaries and glossaries 
Martianus Cape 1 la. 


g ~ * ~ I 


to | 

fcO bd | 


g *. CO 00 | 


M 1 - 1 

Alcuin. 6 

10 M M 

Hraban Maur. 

1 1 

1 to 1 

1 1 

De sept. art. lib. 

1 1 

1 - 1 

Sept. art. qusest. 

1 - 1 1 1 

De mnsica. 

to | 

1 1 1 

Aurelian [of Re*ome*J. 

- 1 - 1 1 

Remy of Auxerre. 

1 - 1 1 1 

Folcrad. *' < *r*'* ^ 

"" 1 

1 1 1 

Hupald [? Hucbalaj^ , * 

t * 1 

1 1 i 

Otto [? Odo j. 

CO fcO 1 I 1 

Musioa enchiriadis. 

- 1 1 1 1 

Berne [? Berno]. 

CO | 

t 1 1 




ALTHOUGH Rome copied Greece in philosophy 
and the fine arts, its imitation, so far as music 
was concerned, stopped at the practical art, and 
even then, Syrian influences had almost as weighty a 
claim. At no period of Roman history does the theory 
of music appear to have been studied with any diligence. 
Cicero (d. 43 B.C.) is a fair specimen of the Roman temper 
on this question when he deplores in "De Finibus" (v, 19) 
that the great Anstoxenos should have devoted so much 
attention to the theory of music. Music is certainly in- 
cluded in the "Libri novem disciplinarum " of Varro 
(d. 27 B.C.), but we do not know what it amounted to, since 
the work has not survived. 1 It was Varro probably who 
introduced or popularised the quadrwium (arithmetic, 
geometry, music and astronomy) 2 in the education of a 
liber homo. Undoubtedly, this was the curriculum in the 
time of Seneca (d. 65 A.D.) 5 and Quintilian (d. 96 A.D.)/ 
both of whom refer to Varro. 

iRitschl, "Opuacula," iii, 371. Of. Bossier, " Etude sur la 
Vie et les Ouvrages de M. T. Van-on." 

2 Astronomy = astrology. 

3 Seneca, " Epist. Moral.," lib. xiii, ep. iii. 

k Quintilian, " Inst. Orat.," i, 10. 


Yet we must realise what was meant by the term " theory 
of music " as implied in the courses of the Roman quad- 
rivium, and why it was studied. Cicero shows us quite 
plainly that the ideal in education was the orator. There- 
fore whilst it was necessary that an educated man should 
know all the so-called "liberal arts," his knowledge of 
them need only be sufficient for the purposes of descrip- 
tion. He illustrates the point by selecting as an exam- 
ple so famous a man as Aratus, who treated of the heavens 
and the constellations in so excellent a manner, and yet 
was really ignorant of astronomy. 5 Clearer still is the 
testimony of Quintillian, who insists that grammar and 
rhetoric form the bases of education, to which a brief 
study of music, astronomy, geometry and philosophy 
might be added. Music was a supplement to grammar, 
for, as Quintillian says, the grammarian has to deal with 
metre and rhythm. 6 Again, he says, music ought to be 
studied so that one could appreciate the modulation of 
the voice in oratory, and also so that one could under- 
stand the references to music in the poets. 7 

Among the early Latins who dealt with the theory of 
music were Vitruvius, Censorinus, Albinus and Macro- 
bius. Since all of these writers had some influence dir- 
ectly or indirectly on Western Europe, it may be profit- 
able to consider their works. 

Vitruvius (fl. 70 A.D.) reveals in a few words the actual 
state of music theory in his day. He says : " The science 
of music is an obscure and difficult subject, more so for 

^ Cicero, " De Orat.," lib. i, cap. iv, xiv, xvi. Tacitus, 
" Dial. Orat.," 30. 

6 Quintilian, op. cit., lib. i, cap. iv, x. 
7 See Seneca, " Epist.," Ixxxviii, for a view of the artes liberates. 


those who do not know Greek, as the use of Greek words 
is so necessary, seeing that there are no corresponding 
Latin appellations/' He then goes on to summarise the 
teachings of Aristoxenos, but erroneously. 8 Vitruvius 
was but little known in the Middle Ages. 9 

Censorinus (fl. 230) was the author of a work, " De die 
natali," in which there are several chapters devoted to 
music. 10 Another treatise found in some of the editions 
of Censorinus entitled "Fragmentum Censoring" also 
deals with music. 21 Neither of these works is of much 

Albinus (fl. 335) is a writer on music only known to 
us through Boethius 22 and Cassiodorus. 25 Carl von Jan 
has written concerning him. 24 

Macrobius (fl. 402) deals with music in his <f Com- 
mentarius ex Cicero in Somnium Scipionis" and in his 
" Saturnaliorum Conviviorum," the chief contribution 
being in the former. He borrows from Nikomachos, and 
is mainly concerned with the theory of the Harmony of 
the Spheres. 25 

8 Vitruvius, " De Architectural' lib. v, cap. iv. There are 
other references to music, including the well-known description of 
the hydrauUs. The work has been translated into English by 
Newton (1771) and Gwilt (1826). 

^See Appendix 14. 

*0 Censorinus, " De die natali," x-xiii. It has been translated 
into French by Mangeart (1843), and Nisard (1857). 
"See the edition of Jahn (1845). 
^Boethius, " Inst. Mus.," i, 12, 26. 
Cassiodorus, in "Pat. Lat.," Ixx, 1212. 

U " Philologus," Ivi, 163. 
25 There is a French translation by Nisard (1863). 


These are the best known Latin theorists of music prior 
to the barbarian invasions, and what they had to impart 
had scarcely an iota of value for practical purposes. 
Meanwhile, political and social forces were at work which 
were rapidly changing the cultural outlook. The shift- 
ing of the political centre from Rome to Byzantium (330) 
took the practitioners, the real conservators of Greek 
theory, away from Western Europe, and the art fell into 
desuetude. 16 The decay was heightened by the new 
social forces introduced by Christianity. 

In the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries there were five 
other " theorists " whose works filled the pages of almost 
every writer on music from Aurelian of Reome (c. 850) 
to Berno (d. 1048), when their authority began to fade, 17 
I refer to St. Augustine, Martianus Capella, Boethius, 
Cassiodorus and Isidore of Seville. 

St. Augustine (d. 430) is counted among the theorists 
of music by virtue of the treatise, " DC musica libri, vi," 
that bears his name. IS We know that he wrote such a 
work in his thirty-third year (387) as part of a series on 
the " liberal arts " (disciplinarum Libri), 10 and the work 
named agrees with the description given by Cassiodorus. 20 
Outside of lib. i, which gives a few definitions, the work 

*(> Gevaert, " Melopee Antique/' 55. 

17 Boethius, however, held a place at Oxford University until 
/ho eighteenth century. 

1&A good edition is that issued at Paris in 1830. 
" Iletra,ctationes," i, 6. See also " De Ordine," ii, 10. " Con- 
easiones," iv, 16, 30. In later years, St. Augustine appears to 
lave regretted his earlier " sinful" intellectual labours. See his 
etters ("Epist.," 110), where he refers to his treatise, " De 

20 "Pat. Lat.," Ixx, 1,212. 

1 4. 


is not concerned with the theory of music proper, but 
with rhythmi and pedes metric i, and bears out the point 
already emphasised that with the Romans the "theory 
of music " was more frequently studied as a complement 
to grammar, as Quintillian says. Westphal calls the tract 
a " very wordy and superficial discussion on rhythm and 
metre." 1 It had considerable popularity, 3 and was even 
circulated in an abridged version. 3 

Martianus Capella (fl. 500)^ was the author of " De nup- 
tiis Philologiae et Mercurii," a work which became one of 
the textbooks of the Middle Ages. In the time of Gregory 
of Tours (d. 594) it was practically the only textbook in 
Gaul. Critics have almost unanimously condemned his 
atrocious Latin. As for the material, it is, on the whole, 
poor stuff that he offers as mental pabulum, revealing lack 
of technical knowledge as well as careless handling. 5 His 
music section is perhaps the best, which may be due to 
the fact that it is in many cases a literal translation of 
Aristeides (first-second cent. A.D.). Yet even here he 
reveals his ignorance of his subject. 6 

Boethius (d. 524) was undoubtedly the greatest of the 
authorities upon whom the scholars of the Middle Ages 

^Westphal, "Metrik der griechischen Dramatiker u. Lyriker " 
(1868), i, 129. 

2 See Appendix 14. 
tf Printed in Mai, " Scriptorum vete-rum nova collectio," iii, 116. 

4 For his date see the "English Historical Review/* v, 417. 

sTeuffel and Schwabe, "Hist, of Roman Literature" (1900), 
ii, 448. 

fiWestphal, "Die Fragmente u. Lehrsatze d. griechischen 
Rhythmiker " (1861), 47. Deiters, " Uber das Verhtiltniss der M 
Capelle zu Aristides Quint. " (1881). For sources see also the 
preface to Eyssenhardt's edition of " Mart. Cap.," xxxi. 


depended for the quadrivium, although not until the 
second half of the ninth century. 7 His " Geometria " is 
now practically accepted by most later critics to be an 
interpolated work of a much later date. 5 His "Arith- 
metica " and " Musica," however, may be considered 
genuine, save perhaps for some tables in the latter. 
Boethius was not a practical musician, and he tells us 
nothing about contemporary practice, being mainly inter- 
ested in the mathematico-musical science of the Greeks. 
His sources have been partly traced by Miekley. 9 He is 
not free from errors, 20 and one of these rather invites the 
suspicion that his apparent knowledge of music was not 
so great after all." On the whole, the influence of 
Boethius wrought more harm than good. 

Cassiodorus (d. c. 570), in his "De institutione divin- 
arum litterarum," which deals with the trimum and quad- 
rivium, naturally has a section on music. It treats of the 
subject in a few words, 12 but, at any rate, its author knew 
more about practical music than either Martianus Capella 
or Boethius.*' 1 He also gives us an occasional glimpse of 
contemporary music in his interesting letters ("Varias 

7 The oldest MS. is the " Codex B amber gensis " (ninth century), 
and the earliest use of Boethius is in Aurelian of Ileoine (c. 850). 
s Ernst, " De Geometricis illis quge sub Boethii nomine nobis 
tradita sunt qusestiones " (1903), and " Harvard Classical 
Studies" (1907). 
^Miekley, " De Boethii libri dc musica primi fontibus 5 ' (1899). 

^W. Chappell, " Hist, of Music," i, 6-10. 
"Boethius, " Inst. Mus.," i, 10. The best edition of Boethius 
is that of Freidlein (1867). A German translation of "Be 
Musica " was issued by Dakar Paul in 1872. 

i*"Pat. Lat.," Ixx, 1,208. Gerbert, " Script.," i, 14. 
is Bee Chappell, " Hist, of Music," i, 5-6. 


epistolafe "). I/< For the sources in Cassiodorus see Abert, 
" Zu Cassiodor. w 

Isidore of Seville (d. 636) " stands last in the list, clos- 
ing the development of Christian school learning in the 
midst of a barbarism that was extinguishing not only 
learning but civilised society in Western Europe." 16 His 
" Etymologise " contains a book (No. Ill) entitled "De 
quatuor disciplinis mathematicis," of which music is one. 
Almost everything on this question the author derives 
from Cassiodorus, but clearly he knew little about the 
subject. 27 

u For an English translation see Hodgkin, "The Letters of 
Cassiodorus'* (1886). 

15 In " Sammelbande der Internationalen Musi kgesellsch aft," 
iii, 439. 

tfWest, "Alcuin," 27 
""Pat. Lat.," Ixxxii. Gerbert, " Seriptores, 5> i, 19. 



THE statement that " the ideals, principles and prac- 
tice of the music of ancient Greece survived in 
Europe," I have demonstrated was open to objec- 
tion. 1 That the practice survived we have plenty of evi- 
dence. As for ideals, there could be no question of their 
survival under a Christian dispensation. On the ques- 
tion of principles., however, Miss Schlesinger says : 2 

" Mr. Farmer seems to think that if he shows taut bien 
que mal the paucity of classical works surviving in the 
libraries after the fall of the Roman Empire, and the 
absence of any new Greek works after that date (so that 
musicians could no longer study at first hand the trea- 
tises of the Greek theorists) he will have proved that the 
principles of Greek music did not survive in Europe! 
That is an incredible fallacy,, as we shall see, for not all 
the formidable array of quotations . . . will avail if we 
are able to show the main principles of the Greek musical 
system actually underlying the musical practice and 
theory of the growing art of music at the dawn of West- 

^ See ante, p. 40. 
f " Musical Standard," xxvii, 23 b, 


ern civilisation. And after all, as Wooldridge says, oral 
tradition took care of the theory of composition in the 
modes (and so did the neums. K. S.)." 

The mere absence of Greek works, either in the original 
Greek or in Latin translation, was not, in itself, a deter- 
mining factor with me in this question. I fully realise 
the proverbial inconclusiveness of the argumentum ex 
silentio. Reference to pp. 42-3 will show that my " for- 
midable array of quotations " was concerned with the 
causes which led to the decline of learning in the Middle 
Ages. The paucity of classical works in the libraries 
was simply one of the effects. Further, I was not con- 
cerned with "the absence of any new Greek theoretical 
works." What I did was to ask for evidence of any 
Greek work whatsoever on the theory of music being used 
as a textbook in Western Europe of the Middle Ages, 
as had been stated. This evidence has not been -pro- 
duced. If these works had existed, Vitruvius would not 
have written as he did. Nor would Cassiodorus have 
been compelled to admit that his sole Latin authorities 
were Albinus, St. Augustine, Apuleius and the Greek 
Gaudentios translated into Latin by Muciannus ( ? ). The 
latter is the solitary Greek writer known in Latin in the 
Middle Ages, and Miss Schlesinger has not named him. 
He is of value because he follows Aristoxenos. Yet Cas- 
siodorus is the only person who mentions this translation. 
Boethius himself is excellent testimony to the question 
at issue. Music theory, like arithmetic and geometry, 
was locked away in a language which the Latins were 
almost entirely ignorant of, and Bocthius declared that 


he wrote on these topics because he was a Greek scholar, 
and Greek scholars alone could master them. 5 

What Vitruvius, Censorinus, Albinus, Macrobius, St. 
Augustine, Martianus Capella, Cassiodorus and Isidore 
have to tell us about Greek theory is of little importance, 
and absolutely worthless to " the growing art of music at 
the dawn of western civilisation" that Miss Schlesinger 
speaks of. Even Boethius might be included in this 
statement, for I am not certain that we ought not to blame 
him for the slow progress of music theory and practice 
in the early Middle Ages. Instead of solving practical 
problems, music theorists ( ! save the mark) were spending 
their days thumbing the pages of this old Roman, who 
himself did not solve any problems, but likewise thumbed 
the pages of the " Ancients " before him. In viewing all 
these old Latins, one feels inclined to echo Burney when 
he wrote about them : " They teach no part of music but 
the alphabet, nor can anything be acquired by the most 
intense study of them, except despair and the headache."* 

But Miss Schlesinger says that the main principles of 
Greek music can be shown to be actually underlying the 
musical practice of the Middle Ages, and that oral tradi- 
tion and the neumes " took care of the theory of composi- 
tion in the modes.'* But we have no evidence of neumes 
before the eighth century at the very earliest (we have 
no examples before the ninth century), and one naturally 
asks what took care of "theory" during the preceding 
centuries? Of course, Miss Schlesinger still has "musi- 
cal practice*' and "oral tradition" to fall back on,, but 

s Boethius, " Inst. Arith.," pn*f. 
4 Burney, u Hist, of Music," i, 476. 


if so, what becomes of the argument against my theory 
of the oral influence in the Arabian political contact when 
she writes : " None but the literary contact could be 
proved to have influenced the theory ?" r> Apparently, 
" musical practice " and " oral tradition " may be urged in 
favour of a Greek influence, but not of an Arabian 
influence ! 

Cf . also two other similar statements: "It is extremely de- 
batable .... that the technique of a musical instrument could be 
considered to constitute a 'theory of music/" and: "Singers 
and executant musicians are not theorists. 7 ' "Musical Stan- 
dard/' xxvii, 23b, 44b. 



TO attempt to account for the low state of learning 
in the Middle Ages early by laying blame on the 
pagan incursions alone will not be accepted at this 
time of day. 2 Even Dom Mabillon,. himself a Benedic- 
tine, refuses to consider this seriously as a cause. A 
veritable ocean of Patristic literature has flowed down 
to us practically intact. If the pagan depredations were 
responsible for losses in the classics, why did not the 
former class of literature suffer in a similar way ? Obvi- 
ously the losses were not due to any such cause, or at 
least only in an infinitesimal degree. The root of the 
trouble lay elsewhere, as I have already outlined. First, 
the general cultural stagnation due to socio-political 
forces, and secondly, the indifference and hostility of the 
Church to pagan literature. 

Under the early Benedictine rule, there were but slen- 
der chances of classical studies being pursued. 8 St. 

i Miss Schlesinger, ''Musical Standard," xxvii, 23a. 
#R. R. Cnthbert Butler, in his "Benedictine Monasticism," 
written primarily for the Benedictines (v) says: "The idea of a 

universally learned benedictine body is a myth At no time 

have the general mass of Benedictines been learned " (p. 337), 


Benedict himself names only the Holy Scriptures and ex- 
position thereon by the Catholic Fathers and orthodox 
doctors to be read. 5 That was only natural, since the 
monastery was but " a school for the service of the Lord," 
the concern of the monks being " the work of God." Had 
not the proscription of the liberal arts come from the very 
bosom of the Church? Tertullian (d. c. 240) had de- 
cried pagan literature/ and the authoritative "Apostolic 
Constitutions " had said : " Hold aloof from Pagan books 
entirely/' 5 Euscbius (d. 340) was against the study of 
the Greek sciences. In the next century St. Jerome (d. 
420) was warned against reading these Pagans, c and he 
actually laments that so few knew about Aristotle 
and Plato. 7 Even St. Augustine (d. 430) pandered to 
the crowd when he said, " Heaven is for the ignorant.'' 5 
Cassian (d. 480), the founder of the monastic institutions 
in the West, reveals that the fiat against the classical 
authors was still in full force. 9 

;. S. Benedict," c. 8 (Waitzmann Edit., 1843), p. 32. 

4 " Quserendum autem est etiam de ludi-mngistris et de coeteris 
professoribus litterarum, imo non dubitandum affines illos esse 
multimodee idololatrise." " Pat. Lat.," 1, 750. 

5 Ton' ctfviKcoi' /3i/2AiW Trai'Toii' ttTTe'xov. Cotelerius, " Pat. 
Apost.," i, 206. 

c "Pat. Lat.," xxii, 416. 

7 "Pat. Lat.," xxvi, 428. 

*"Indocti ecelum rapiunt." 

*"Pat, Lat.," Ixxi, 161, 



MY reference to the paucity of classical authors in 
the library at Monte Cassino, in Italy, drew the 
following criticism : 2 

"This is an unfortunate instance to bring forward; it 
illustrates the danger of depending too much on reckless 
quotation, for this celebrated monastery and library, 
founded by St. Benedict in the sixth century, was ruined 
shortly afterwards by the Lombards; it was then rebuilt, 
and the library was in time reformed, only to be -pillaged, 
again in the ninth century by the Saracens and destroyed 
by fire. It was no wonder, therefore, that the classical 
authors had disappeared from the library. That was un- 
fortunately a common vicissitude of monastic libraries 
during the dark ages, and it explains the rarity of early 
copies of the classics, but there were many exceptions of 
which examples may be given later on " 

Miss Schlesinger brings this forward, italicising the 
passage about the Saracens, as suggestive of the idea 
that the Arabs are to be regarded as vandals rather than 
as disseminators of culture. Even if the Saracens referred 
to had been Arabs (which is doubtful), my critic's argu- 
ment only reveals once more the fallacy of the inductive 
inference. It is rather strange that when I claim any- 

*" Musical Standard, 1 ' xxvii, 23a. 


thing of merit for the Arabs (using the word in the gen- 
eric sense already defined) my critic would show that 
they were Persians. When, however, any blame is to 
be apportioned to the Arabs she would use the still more 
generic term Saracens, a name used indifferently by the 
annalists for Arabs or Berbers. 2 

The Saracens who destroyed Monte Cassino came from 
Trajetto on the Garigliano, and we have every reason to 
believe that they were Berbers. 3 The political and mili- 
tary situation of the time account for its destruction. Ever 
since the days when the Neapolitans helped the Muslims 
to conquer Sicily, treaties and alliances had been common 
between Christian and Muslim states in those parts. Pope 
John VIII (872-82) aimed at the extermination of the 
Muslims in Italy, and the establishment of a Roman theo- 
cratic state. His attempts at territorial expansion south- 
wards brought Salerno, Naples, Gaeta, Amalfi and the 
Muslims into a common offensive and defensive league 
against him/ Although the Muslim states of Bari, Tar- 
anto and Calabria had been crushed, a new colony had 
arisen at Trajetto (originally at Itri). This was actually 
founded by Duke Docibilis of Gaeta about 878, as a 
protection against Papal inroads. 

2 We read of the Saraceni, Mauri, Foeni, Hismalitce, as well 
ae the Arabi. See also Villari, " Mediaeval Italy," 21, and cf. 
Amari, " Storia," i, 369. Constantino the African (d. 1087) dis- 
tinguishes between the Arabs and Saracens. 

*"Chron. Vult. " and " Chron. S. Monaet. Casin.," in Mura- 
tori, "Rerum Ital. Script.,'* i, 405; iv, 317. 

k " Mon. Germ. Hist. " (Script.), i", 253. 


On the death of Pope John VIII and the Carolingian 
Louis III in 882, a state of anarchy prevailed for some 
time, and in consequence, the annals arc almost silent of 
the particular events of the period. What we do know 
is that within thirty miles of the Muslim fortress at Tra- 
jetto was Monte Cassino, the capital of a small state ad- 
joining Roman territory. It was also a fortified place, 
and the abbot, its ruler, was a feudal vassal of the Pope, 
who was in arms against the Allies. Fire and sword were 
the sole arbiters in these tumultuous days. The Muslims 
had to take care of themselves as well as their allies, and 
in 883 or 884, either on their own initiative or at the bid- 
ding of Gaeta, they attacked and destroyed Monte Cas- 
sino, which was both a political and military menace to 
them. 5 So the event which my critic would suggest was 
a piece of sheer vandalism, is to the historian merely an 
act of political and military necessity. 

What the loss was to general culture from the destruc- 
tion of Monte Cassino can be mere conjecture. In view 
of the appalling state of ignorance that prevailed every- 
where in Italy at the time, 6 the loss would appear to be 
negligible. As to the books destroyed, this is an idle 
speculation, since the earliest library list at Monte Cas- 
sino only dates fro-m 1023, when twenty books are listed, 
seventeen concerning religion, and three on history, in- 

6 Of. the attitude of the scholarly Gregorovius, op. cit. (iii, 
146) in these matters. 

Gregorovius, op. cit., iii, 136, 146. Cf. Ozanani, " CEuvres," 
ii, 355; iv, 455. Salvioli, " L'Istruzione publica in Italia nei 
secoli," viii, ix, x. (Florence, 1898). Even Giesebrecht, ''Do lit- 
ter, studiis ap. Italos," and Montalembert, " The Monks of the 
West," allow the backwardness of Italy in this respect. 


eluding a "Historia Saracenorum !" 7 Yet we can perhaps 
determine its scope by reference to other libraries of the 
period (see Appendix XIV). We certainly have no de- 
finite information that the monastery books perished in 
the Muslim destruction. We do know, however, that 
when the monastery was destroyed by the Lombards in 
589, the monks took their books with them in their flight. 8 
In 883-4, on the approach of the Muslims, the monks fled 
to Teano, leaving their abbot, who was the secular as 
well as the religious head, to direct the defence. That 
these monks took some of their books with them is proved 
by the express mention by an annalist that the "Rcgula" 
of St. Benedict was saved, and from the existence of the 
"Regesta" of Pope John VIII, which now forms part of 
the Vatican "Regesta." 9 

On the whole, the losses to libraries due to pagan de- 
predations were small, and those attributable to the Mus- 
lims direct almost infinitesimal. As Dom Mabillon, the 
Benedictine historian, says, the losses to literature owing 
to pagan incursions (including those of the Muslims) 
dwindle into insignificance by the side of the ravages 

7 Caravita, "I codice e le arte a Monte Cassino," ii, 77. The 
present library of Monte Cassino contains some forty MSS. dating 
from the sixth-ninth centuries, although we must not necessarily 
conclude that they were possessed by this monastery at these 
dates. With the exception of five works by Hippocrates, Galen 
( ? ), Martianus Capella, Boethius, and Isidore of Seville, they are 
all concerned with theology. 

sPaul Diacon, lt De gest. Long.," iv, 18. Miss Schlesinger was 
doubtless not aware of this, or otherwise she would not have re- 
ferred to the library being "reformed" after this event. 

^Levi "II Tomo I dei Reg. vaticani (Arch, della Societa 
Romana)," iv, 162. 


caused by the later religious wars of Europe. 10 Of course 
Monte Cassino was rebuilt in the following century, and 
in the eleventh century, when it reached the " highest point 
of prosperity and influence," it was the adornment of 
the monastery by Byzantine or Moorish artists that gave 
it special renown. 11 

In view of the foregoing details, one is inclined to ask 
what becomes of the suggestion of "reckless quotation,*' 
and further why the examples of the " early copies of the 
classics " were not produced, for preference the writings of 
Ptolemy, Nikomachos, Theon of Smyrna, and Aris- 
toxenos, whose works were claimed by Miss Schlesinger 
to have been studied in the Middle Ages. (See ante, pp. 

Martene, ''Voyage Litternire <le Deux Benedictins " 
(1717-24), ii, 13. 

**Leo Ostiensis, "Chron. Cassinens," iii, 11, 20, 28, 29, 30, 33. 
See also Caravita, op. cit., i, 67, 74. 



WE have already seen how swiftly the decadence 
of learning ensued after the fall of Rome in 
the sixth century. By the eighth century, little 
change had come upon the cultural horizon. Indeed, if 
anything, it was darker still in France. Mullinger says, 
"Under the Merovingians, learning almost ceased to 
exist." 1 West adds : " Whatever traditions had found 
their way from the early Gallic schools into the educa- 
tion of the Franks had long since been shattered and 
obliterated in the wild disorders which characterised the 
times of the Merovingian kings. The monastic and 

cathedral schools .... were then rudely broken up 

The copying of books almost ceased.'*' " Up to the time 
of Charlemagne/' writes Putnam, "there appears to have 
been so little facility in writing and so few scribes were 
available, that government records were not kept at the 
courts. The schools established by Alcuin at Tours .... 
were in fact the first schools of writers which had existed 
in Europe for centuries." 5 Even if we dismiss the opin- 

* Mullinger, " The Schools of Charles the Great," 37. 

* West, " Alcuin and the Else of the Christian Schools," 40. 

^ Putnam, " Books and their Makers in the Middle Ages," i, 111. 


ions of the historians of European culture, there still 
remain the ipsissima verba of the Monk of St. Gall : 
" When the illustrious Charlemagne began to reign in 
Western Europe .... the study of letters was everywhere 
unknown" 1 * 

With "the illustrious Charlemagne" intellectual inter- 
ests were aroused. Learned men were invited to his court 
from abroad, and schools were eventually founded. In 
this restoration of learning, the prompting evidently came 
from the competitive spirit of the time, Charlemagne try- 
ing perhaps to emulate the cultured courts of Baghdad 
and Cordova, the talk of which had set the whole world 
agog. 5 The later Louis IX (d. 1270) did precisely the 
same thing when he founded a library and took interest 
in intellectual pursuits in adumbration of the Muslim 
sultans. 6 

The quality of the intellectual studies inaugurated by 
Charlemagne was based on the old Latin tradition ac- 
cumulated in the compends of Cassiodorus, Isidore (the 
latter for the most part), and the writings of the Church 
Fathers. Although the empire of Charlemagne touched 
on the superior civilisation of the Arabs of Al-Andalus, 
there could scarcely have been much direct literary contact 
of a documentary nature between the two polities at this 
period. Yet there was intellectual contact for all that. 

4"Mon. Germ. Hist. (Script.)," ii, 731. Exaggeration is 
symptomatic of this annalist, and his statements have to be 
received with care. 

6 Dr. Donald Campbell, "Arabian Medicine in the Middle 
Ages 7 ' (1926), i, 111-12, looks upon the Carolingian movement as 
"the echo of the Arabian Renaissance in the East." 
Taylor, " The Mediaeval Mind," i, 541. 



How much was the Adoptionist heresy in Christian Spain 
strengthened by Muslim thought? How much was the 
denunciation of image-worship by the Carolingian Goths 
due to similar influences ? 7 The Spanish clergy sat on 
many of the church councils, and after three-quarters of 
a century of political domination by the Arabs we can- 
not but allow that they had imbibed some elements of 
Arabian culture. 

The influence of Alcuin (d. 804), Hrabanus Maurus 
(d. 856) and John Scotus (d. r. 877) in this intellectual 
revival has received the fullest praise, and rightly so. 
Yet there were three other men of brilliant gifts who 
contributed to the Carolingian renaissance of learning, 
and they were Theodulfus (d. 821), Claudius (d. c. 839), 
and Agobardus (d. 840), all of them Goths who were 
cither born or educated in Spain or Southern France. 
That they were influenced by Arabian modes and habits 
there cannot be very much doubt. 8 The fact that the 
" Saracen " looms so large in the literature of the period 
and in the chansons de geste is ample proof of the 
powerful social and intellectual forces from the South 
that were operating. 

The chapter entitled " The True Historical Perspec- 
tive" was designed to meet the contention of Miss 
Schlesinger as already expressed. 9 In reply, my critic 
says that I am "satisfied to quote statements of general 

7J. M. Robertson, u Short Hist, of Freethought " (1906), i, 292. 
s Theodulfus, travelling as a missus dominions in the south, xe- 
counts how he was offered bribes of Arabian gold and Cordovan 
leather work. It reveals how highly the products of Al-Andalus 
were valued, 

*See ante, p. 40, line 27. 


historians .... in order to solve questions that Engage 
the attention of specialists, and to go to ballads for in- 
formation about the schools founded by Charlemagne 
and the work of the Carolingian renaissance." 10 

The reader is reminded that I quoted from such 
writers as Lecky and Buckle (who can scarcely be called 
"general historians") because they were actually "special- 
ists" in the history of European civilisation and culture, 
which was the subject under discussion. 11 As for my re- 
ference to "ballad literature," I did not use it as my 
authority for information regarding the schools of 
Charlemagne and the work of the Carolingian renaissance. 
What I did say was that the ballad literature shows that 
Charlemagne was one of the grandiose characters of the 
Middle Ages. 15 Miss Schlesinger advises readers to "see 
rather the contemporary biography by Einhardus, ' Vita 
Karoli Magni,' " for information concerning the schools 
of Charlemagne. As a matter of fact, all that Einhardus 
gives us in this work on the particular question is a mere 
reference to the Palace School, mainly a family concern, 
and to what Charlemagne himself learned there. 13 

My authorities for the Carolingian reforms in singing 
had been given/ 7 ' although Miss Schlesinger does not 
seem to have noticed them. They are the capitularies, 
and I presume that they are the final authority, as not 

M' 4 Musical Standard," xxvii, 23a. 

n See ante, pp. 42-3. 

12 See ante, p. 45. One chanson de geste makes Charlemagne 
spend seven years in Spain, which is about as likely as his alleged 
invasion of Arabia ! 

15 GEuvree completes d'Eginhard " (Edit. Teulet), 1, 64, 80. 
U See ante, p. 45, note 16. 


even the authority of an Einhardus is of the slightest 
avail against these. From these documents we know pre- 
cisely what Charlemagne's chief concern was in the estab- 
lishment of "singing schools" and similar institutions. 
it was political expediency as much as love of culture. 1 ' 
Liturgical uniformity would bring peace within the 
Church which, in these days, was the keystone of the arch 

Miss Schlesinger says: "At the end of the eighth 
century Charlemagne founded three schools of music at 
Mctz, Soissons and St. Gall." J * What are the facts ? In 
a capitulary of 789 Charlemagne recommends the estab- 
lishment of monastic and episcopal schools where boys 
could be taught the psalms,, writing, singing, computation 
and grammar. 27 It was not until 803, as the " Vita Alcuini " 
tells us, that Charlemagne established "singing schools." 1 * 

Even in these "singing schools," as I have already 
pointed out in reference to Amalarius Fortunatus, there 
were no books in which the Gregorian Song was noted 
(i.e., by neumes). Amalarius, who was at the head of the 
chapel of Louis le Debonnaire (814-40), tells us that he 
was troubled with the divergencies in the singing of the 
antiphonale, and that there were no antiphonaries at the 

M " Ob unanimitatem apostolicoo sedis ot sanctee Dei ecclesiro 
pacificam concordiam." 

^Schlesinger, "Is European Music Theory Indebted to the 
Arabs?/' p. 5. 

w " Et ut scholse legentium puerorum fient, psalmos, notas can- 
tus, computum, grammaticam per singula mona&teria vel episcopia 
distant. " I have translated the word notas by "writing," al- 
though some have used the words "musical notes." See Cajori, 
"Hist. Math.," 114. 

^"Mon. Hist. Germ. (Script.)," i, 306. 


very hub of Carolingian culture, which would enable him 
to correct these differences. Finally, however, four books 
were found at Corbie in Picardy, but even these did not 
help very far as they, too, were divergent. He then ap- 
plied to the Holy See, the very fountain-head, as Charle- 
magne himself would have said, for singers of the anti- 
phonale in the hope of getting oral confirmation. Pope 
Gregory IV informed him that he had no singers of the 
antiphonalc to send. 10 In the light of the Amalarius 
testimony,, one might ask what value can be placed either 
on the " neumes " or on " oral tradition " to " take care " 
of anything? 20 

"Pat. Lat.," cv, 1243. 
w See Appendix 16. 



IT will be remembered that I made certain affirmations 
concerning the state of music theory in the Middle 
Ages. 2 Miss Schlesinger replies as follows : " Let 
us pro tern., affect to accept Mr. Farmer's conclusions: 
1 (i) The principles of music of ancient Greece did not sur- 
vive in Europe. (2) From the end of the sixth century to 
the mid-ninth century no work on the theory of music in 
Western Europe is known to us' " 2 

The writer then proceeds to give details of Greek music 
theory dealt with in the works attributed to Bede, Alcuin, 
Aurelian of Reome, Remy of Auxerre, and Hucbald, so 
as to establish that " Mr. Farmer's verdict, that these prin- 
ciples did not survive in Europe, is hopelessly wrong." 5 
Unfortunately Miss Schlesinger does not discriminate be- 
tween a museum specimen and a living organism. What 
I said was that they did not survive. We find them men- 
tioned much later, and for precisely the same reason, when 

^ See ante, p. 46, and cf . pp. 41, 42 and 44. 
* 1 prefer to give my own words rather than those which are 
attributed to me. 

9" Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 110. 


they could have had no bearing whatever on contempor- 
ary " theory."* 

We now come to the second point. Miss Schlesinger 
says that whilst she is " not an authority on the music of 
the early Middle Ages," she wishes to call attention to 
"three writers of musical theoretical tracts of the eighth 
century, that have been overlooked by Mr. Farmer (there 
may be others), viz., the Venerable Bede (died 735), Al- 
cuin (born 735), and Hrabanus Maurus (776-S56)." 5 

I am told that " On turning to the earliest treatises and 
writings on music by the Christian monks and scholars 
of the West, we find an early eighth century treatise 
missed by Mr. Farmer attributed to the Venerable Bede 
(672-735), 'De musica/ Part I, ' Musica theoretica' [ = 
' De musica theorica '], in which, among other things, Bede 
describes . . . . 6 The second part of Bede's ' De musica ' 
bears the title, * Musica quadrata sen mensurata.' " The 
" facts " are that the two " parts " referred to do not form 
one work called " De musica," but two separate and dis- 
tinct treatises. Indeed, Miss Schlesinger herself refers to 
them later as "opuscula." "We are well aware," she 
says, "that these 'opuscula' ascribed to Bede are placed 
by Migne among the ' dubia,' but what is known of his 
musicianship, practical and theoretical, from his ' Historia 
ecclesiastica ' and other works, supports their authenticity, 
which is accepted by many musical experts. Bede's 

J Walter Odington (thirteenth cent.), Johannes de Muris (four- 
teenth cent.), and others. 

5 " Musical Standard," xxvii, pp. 23-4. 

6 Here occur several references to Greek theory in the work in 


music-teacher was the renowned Irish monk Ceolfrid, who 
was responsible for the oldest monument extant of Latin 
neumes, viz., the Amiatina Bible in the Laur. Med. 
Library in Florence." 7 

I might mention that Ceolfrid was not Irish, but a mem- 
ber of a noble Anglo-Saxon family, and his name is 
purely Teutonic. If by the word "responsible" is meant 
that the Codex Amiatinus proceeded from the hand of 
Ceolfrid, the suggestion is I think unwarrantable.* 

That Ceolfrid was Bede's music-teacher, we have no 
actual evidence. All that we know concerning this matter 
is, what Bede himself tells us, that he was " given to the 
most Reverend Abbot Benedict, and afterwards to Ceol- 
frid, to be educated." 9 Although we certainly know that 
Ceolfrid was a gifted singer, 20 it is more likely that Bede 
was taught singing by John the Archchaunter of St. 
Peter's, Rome, seeing that Bede entered the monastery at 
the age of seven (c. 680), and John the Archchaunter began 
teaching singing at the monastery c. 678-68 1. 11 I am 
afraid that the few references to singing and harp-playing 

7 "Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 109. Both Burney and Chap- 
pell had already referred to this one work, " De musica," in two 
parts. The legend probably began with Bale ("Illus. Maj. Brit. 
Script.," fol 53), who refers to " De arte musices," lib. 1. 

*"Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica," ii, 282, 285-6. Hummer, 
11 Ven. Breda, Hist. Eccles.," etc. (Oxon., 3896), xviii-xix. If we 
accept the allusion of Fleischer ("Die Germanischen Neumen"), 
there is a much earlier monument extant of Latin neumes, but 
see my opinion on p. 199. 

9 " Hist. Eccles.," Notitia de se ipso. 
W'Vita Beatorum Abbatum." 

**"Hist. Eccles.," iv, 18. He was sent by Agatho who oc- 
cupied the Papal chair from 678 to 681. 


in the genuine works of Bede, plus his own "daily care 
of singing in the church," are but weak reeds to depend 
on to "support" the "authenticity" of the "opuscula" 
referred to. 

As to the point that Migne places these "opuscula" 
among the " dubia," it is not the whole truth, They are 
placed by Migne among the " dubia et spuria." That 
they should be classed as either " dubious " or " spurious " 
has the sanction of responsible critics and editors like 
Giles and Plummer, whilst the positive internal evidence 
of one at least of these treatises practically negatives the 
idea that Bede could have been the author. 

These two treatises were claimed for Bede in the early 
editions of his works published at Paris (1544 an d I554)> 
Basel (1563) and Cologne (1612 and 1688).^ These were 
uncritical times for questions of this sort, when a mere 
name on a MS. was often considered sufficient warrant 
to claim authorship. In addition, as Dr. Giles once 
pointed out, there was invariably the desire to augment 
pages so as to augment profits. 15 Even the learned Salinas 
was persuaded to accept Bede as a music theorist. 14 

One of the earliest to question the authenticity of the 
musical treatises attributed to Bede was Oudin. 1 ' 5 He was 
tacitly followed by Muratori. 16 ' When the Abbe Gerbert 
refused to place them in his " Scriptores," he had good 

12 1 have not seen the work entitled " Venerabilis Bedse de 
Musica libri duo" (Basel, 1565). 

u " Bedse Opera Omnia " (London, 1843, etc.), i, cxxxii. 
W Salinas, " De musica " (1577), lib. iv, cap. v. 

"Oomm. de Script. Eccles. Ant." (1722), i, 1685. 
is Muratori, " Antiq. Ital." (1738*42), iii, 362. 


reason for so doing as we shall see presently. 17 Burney 
thought that whilst the " De musica theorica" treatise 
" may have been written " by Bede, the " De musica quad- 
rata " treatise was " undoubtedly the work of a much more 
modern author/' and suggested the twelfth century as its 
date. 2S Forkel held much about the same view and 
thought that the work may have been written by another 
author of the name of Bede. i9 It was Bottee de Toulmon, 
however, who demonstrated that the second treatise was 
the work of a thirteenth century French writer who used 
the non de plume of Aristotle.^ Dr. Giles, the editor of 
the first complete edition of Bede in England, definitely 
rejected both of these works as " spurious," and pointed 
to the " shamelessness " with which these and other works 
had been attributed to Bede.- 1 Coussemaker accepted the 
pseudo- Aristotle label for the tract " De musica quadrata," 
and included it as such in his " Scriptores." 1 Fetis agreed 
with this, but with reservations as to date, which, as 1 
will show were unfounded. 2 That the learned Plummer 
has ignored these treatises is eloquent testimony of their 
spuriousness/ whilst they arc definitely rejected in the 

J7Gerbeit, "Script." (1784), Prsef. 
** Burney, "Hist. Mus. " (1789), ii, 57. 

W'Allgem. Lit. cler Musik " (1792), 117. " Allgem. Gesc-li. 
der Musik" (1788-1802), ii, 283. Eitner (" Quellen-Lexikon ") 
tries to evade the difficulty by allotting these works respectively 
tc a Presbyter Bede and the Venerable Bede. 

W" Bulletin Archeologique," ii, 651. 

21 Op. cit., i, cxxxii : vi, xv. 

* Coussemaker, "Script.," i, 251. "Hist, de I'Harmonie au 
Moyen-Age," 47. 

2 Fetis, "Biog. Univ.," s.v. 
3"Ven, Bseda, Hist. Eccles. " (Oxon., 1896). 


more recent " Dictionnaire d'Archeologie Chretienne et de 

As for the internal evidence, it is worth while noting 
that "De musica theorica" is actually made up of two 
distinct fragments. The first is a series of glosses upon 
an absent text. The second fragment begins at " Quid est 
Tonus," and could scarcely have proceeded from the same 
pen as the preceding. After comparison with the genuine 
works of Bede, one can only conclude that " De musica 
theorica" is by another writer or writers. 

In regard to " De musica quadrata," it certainly could 
uol have been written earlier than the twelfth century. In 
the first place it deals with mensural music. Secondly, the 
rather late French titles to some of the music prove its 
late origin, perhaps even fourteenth century. Finally, it 
contains passages from " De divisione philosophise " of 
Gundisalvi (Gundissalinus), which dates from 1130-50, 
and these same passages were originally extracted from 
two Arabic works by Al-Farabl which had been translated 
into Latin under the titles of " De scientiis " and " De 
ortu scientiarum." Miss Schlesinger was nearer the truth 
than she may have imagined when she labelled this as an 
" advanced treatise." It is so " advanced " as to be in the 
twelfth to thirteenth century at least. 

Let us enquire into her statement that these " opuscula " 
of Bede are " accepted as genuine by musical authorities 
such as Gevaert, Oskar Fleischer, Hermann Abert, Dom 
Jeannin, and many others/' 5 Gevaert (" Melopee Antique," 
105) merely refers to one of these " opuscula? the "De 

*ii, i, 646. 
* " Musical Standard," xxvii, 109, 198. 


musica theorica," without touching upon the question of 
authorship. Abert (" Die Musik. des Mittelalters, 77, 99) 
likewise only refers to one of these works, the "De musica 
quadrata." 6 Dom Jeannin (" Melodies liturgiques syri- 
ennes et chaldeennes," i, 254) refers only to " De arte 
metrica," a genuine work of Bede's which does not deal 
with the theory of music. As for Fleischer, so far as his 
work " Die germanischen Neumen " is concerned, he only 
mentions Bede by name, but does not refer to either of 
these works. 

As for the claim that the " authenticity " of these works 
is supported by "what is known of Bede's musicianship, 
practical and theoretical, from his 'Historia Ecclesias- 
tica ' and other works/' this is a fallacy. The " Historia 
Ecclesiastica " does not give any hint of Bede's musician- 
ship on the theoretical side, although my critic and M. 
Camille Le Senne may think otherwise. 7 This reference 
to "other works" is simply a revival of the old story of 
Chappell, Davey and others, about Bede's references to 
the organ, and about a passage which is supposed to 
" prove " that Bede had not only a " knowledge of music, 
but of all that constituted the 'regular' discant of the 
church."* The so-called passage which refers to discant 
occurs in a treatise " In psalmum lii commentarius," 5 which 
is rejected by competent critics as spurious. One of the 
organ references occurs in a treatise, " Interpretatio 

$It is to be regretted that Dr. Abert was not careful enough to 
say Pseudo-Bede. 

7 Lavignac's " Encyclopedic de la musique," iii, 1863. 
* Chappell, " Popular Music in the Olden Time," i, 17. Davey, 
"Hist, of English Music" (1921), p. 10. 

0"Patr. Lat.," xciii, 1110. 


psalterii artis cantilenae," 10 which is also rejected by 
responsible students. Even if this latter were genuine, its 
value would be discounted by the fact that the passage 
is copied verbatim from the "Expositio in psalterium" 
(Psal. cl., 4) of Cassiodorus. The other organ passage is 
certainly to be found in what is probably a genuine work, 
" De orthographia," yet here also, it is borrowed from St. 
Augustine's " Enarratio in psalmum cl," and another 
writer. Even the few unimportant definitions which 
may be found in the " Axiomata philosophica," " Elemen- 
torum philosophic" 11 and in " De computo dialogus," 1 - 
cannot be accepted since these works are no longer ac- 
knowledged as Bede's! 13 

It is evident from the foregoing that there is scarcely a 
ghost of a claim for the " theoretical " musicianship of 
Bede based on the evidence of the " Historia Ecclesias- 
tica" and " other works/' as claimed, whilst the two 
"opuscula" on music attributed to him can scarcely be 
credited to Bede. 

My critic's next reference is to the Carolingian theorists. 
She says: "Flaccus Alcuinus (c. 735-804), writing, there- 
fore, in the eighth century, a pupil of Bede (likewise over- 
looked by Mr. Farmer), is the first, in the extant fragment 
of his treatise, * De musica,' to record the use of the 
Ecclesiastical Modes .... and insisting on their Greek 
origin." 17 ' 

r. Lat.," xciii, 1102. 
"Patr. Lat.," xe, 1016, 1175. 

12 " Pair. Lat.," xc, 650. 

former work introduces Arabic writers, a clear proof of 
its spuriousness. 

^ u Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 109. 


Alcuin was not the pupil of Bede. Dates preclude the 
possibility of this. The error, however, is not new. It 
has been handed down from the days of the Monk of St. 
Gall, who wrote the line : " ut puta discipulus doctissimi 
Bedae." 75 Secondly, there are no grounds for the statement 
that the author of the " fragment " has " insisted " on the 
Greek origin of the Ecclesiastical Modes. All that the 
author has committed himself to is to give the Greek 
names for these modes. There are, however, more 
apposite matters for discussion, viz., the authenticity of the 
" fragment " in question, its value in the appraisement of 
its author as a " Carolingian theorist " of music, and the 
general claim that Alcuin may have to this title. 

I have already referred to Pseudo-Alcuin, just as I have 
spoken of Pseudo-Bede. 16 ' This explains why he was 
"overlooked by Mr. Farmer.'' There are valid and 
adequate reasons for referring this fragment to Pseudo- 
Alcuin, as we shall see. 

The " fragment " is given in the Abbe Gerbert's " Script- 
ores" (i, 26-7) and it consists of two distinct parts, 
obviously unconnected with each other: (i) a list of the 
" liberal arts," with two definitions, and (2) a short notice 
on the ecclesiastical modes, beginning, " Octo tonos in 
musica." The first part, with the exception of the second 
definition, " Musica est disciplina . . . . " which is bor- 
rowed from Cassiodorus/ 7 and is repeated by Hraban 
Maur,** may be found in the schemata given by Froben- 

w " Mon. Hist. Germ. " (Script.), ii, 731 

J^See ante, p. 31. 
""Pair. Lat.," hex, 1209. 
tf"Patr. Lat./' cvii, 401. 


ius 15 and Migne' at the end of Alcuin's "Dialogus de 
rhetorica." If it is genuine, then it must be compared with 
the more modest lists of the " liberal arts/' which are in- 
cluded elsewhere in the works attributed to Alcuin. 1 There 
is, however, a certain trace of originality in the definitions 
of the schemata which does not lend itself to the spirit 
of Alcuin. At any rate, genuine or not, this first part of 
the aforementioned " fragment " is of little import in the 
" theory " of music. 

The second part of the " fragment " beginning, "Octo 
tonos in musica," has more interest. Its authenticity is 
based solely on the fact that Gerbert found it attached 
to the works of Alcuin in one MS? On the other hand 
it is ignored in the " complete works " of Alcuin collated 
by Frobenius, a proceeding which is ratified by Migne. 3 
The "fragment" does not even find a place among the 
" dubia et spuria." It is true that several writers on music 
have mentioned the work as Alcuin's. That has been 

"Aleuini opera " (Ratisbon, 1772). 
w'Patr. Lat.," c, ci. 

* Under Physica are the following sciences in the schemata 
arithmetic, astronomy, astrology, mechanics, medicine, geometry 
and music. ("Patr. Lat.," ci, 945-50.) The arrangement in Ger- 
bert's " Scrip tores " is ridiculous as it stands, since it is mean- 
ingless. In the dialogvs between disci pulus et mogister^wliich pre- 
cedes the tract, " De grammatica," these sciences are listed as 
arithmetic, geometry, music and astrology. (" Patr. Lat., ci, 
853). At the end of <% De dialectica'' the quadrivium includes 
arithmetic, geometry, music aad astronomy. ("Patr. Lat.," ci, 

2 Gerbert, "Script.," prsef. and p. 26. 

^ West ("Alcuin and the Eise of the Christian Schools") in his 
detailed list (pp. 183-91) of Alcuin's writings, does not recognise 
this fragment given by Gerbert. 


done, in most cases, ^obviously for the sake of identifying 
this precise treatise, but the circumstance is of little weight 
when the actual authenticity of the document is under 

The work as it stands has every appearance of having 
been derived from Aurelian of Reome's "De musica dis- 
ciplina." The general construction scarcely admits that 
the borrowing proceeded vice versa. 5 The author of the 
Gerbert " fragment " writes the names of three of the 
modes, as well as two other words, in Greek characters. 
Alcuin's knowledge of Greek would appear to have been 
rather limited, and it is curious that almost every quota- 
tion in Greek made by him in his genuine works is to be 
found in St. Jerome. Indeed, Alcuin is somewhat chary 
of using Greek characters, and generally falls back on 
transliteration, even where we naturally expect to find the 
former as in a treatise like "De orthographia." In the 
face of this, can we believe that Alcuin would use Greek 
characters where it was scarcely necessary as in the Ger- 
bert " fragment " on music, and that in a work dealing in 
places with Greek etymologies, he would use a cumber- 
some and sometimes misleading transliteration? 

Yet, taking the work at its face value, irrespective of 
authorship, what justification is there to consider its 
author as a musical " theorist " ? A couple of definitions, 
and a mere list of the modes, whether he was the first to 
mention them or not, would hardly make him a " theorist." 

The legend of Alcuin as a musical theorist is of long 

JGevaert ("Mel. Ant,," 105) and H. Leclercq ("Diet, d'arch. 
et de liturgie," iii, i, 701), say ( { attributed " to Alcuin. 
Gerbert, " Script., " i, 40. 


standing. 6 Hawkins said that Alcuin "was well versed 
in the liberal sciences, particularly in music, as appears 
by a tract of his on the use of the Psalms, and by the 
preface to the ' De septem disciplinis ' of Cassiodorus, first 
printed in the Garetius edition of that author, 7 and which 
is expressly said by Du Pin, Fabricius and others, to have 
been written by Alcuin." 8 

Unfortunately for the reputation of both Alcuin and 
Hawkins, the evidence obtainable from the treatises " De 
psalmorum usu liber," 5 and " Expositio in psalmos poeni- 
tentiales " 10 is absolutely negligible. As for the preface 
adverted to, whether it is Alcuin's or not, it does not con- 
tribute anything that would substantiate the statement 
that Alcuin was "well versed" in music. 

During the Middle Ages a treatise " De artibus liberali- 
bus," n seemingly an excerpt from Cassiodorus, was in- 
correctly ascribed to Alcuin, 12 and probably the treatises 
listed by me in Appendix XIV are in reality this work. 15 

Let us, for the sake of the argument, suppose that Al- 
cuin may have written a work on music in the quadrivium 
group which has been lost, what could we have expected 
from him on this subject? Of the genuine works of this 

^Gerbert, "Script.," prsefatio. 

7 Garetius (Rouen, 1679, and Venice, 1729). Migne has fol- 
lowed Garetius. 

* Hawkins, " Hist. Mus.," Bk. iv, Chap 30. 

0"Patr. Lat.," ci, 465. 
10 "Pair. Lat.," c, 569. 

# Leiand, " Comm. Script. Brit.," Bale, " Illus. Maj. Brit. 

Ueberweg, "History of Philosophy" (1875), i, 355. 
See ante, p. 189. 



nature there are "De grammatical "De orthographia," 
"Dialogus de rhetorica," "De dialectica," "Pippini re- 
galis et nobilissirfii juvenis disputatio cum Albino scholas- 
tico" and "De cursg> et saltu lunae ac bissexto." Al- 
.cuin's fame as a teacher was based on his "De 
grammatica^ and "De orthographia," and a most ex- 
travagant encomium was showered on his head as a gram- 
marian by Notker/ 4 which, incidentally, is an index to 
the mentality of the latter, since the works are quite rudi- 
mentary when they are not childish. As for his treatise 
on "Rhetoric," he borrows from Aristotle and Cicero, 
whom he mishandles. In " De dialectica " he is even less 
original, because he is reduced to verbally reproducing 
Isidore of Seville and Pseudo-Augustine on the " Cate- 
gories." His unoriginahty continues throughout the 
" Disputation with Pepin," 15 whilst " De curso et saltu 
lunae ac bissexto" depends on Bede. Even in the doubt- 
ful "Disputatio puerorum," where there is a reference to 
music/ 6 there is no effort made by its author to get beyond 
Pseudo-Jerome ("Epist," xxiii) 17 or Cassiodorus ("In 
psalterium "). 28 

Alcuin's most distinguished pupil was Hraban Maur, 
and the latter tells us that whatever his master taught him 
by word of mouth he committed to writing. 15 We also 
know that he studied the "liberal arts" under Alcuin. 20 

i* " Pair. Lat.," ci, 849. 

M tl Zeit. f. deutscbes Alterthum " (1869), 630. 

w " Patr. Lat.," ci, 1126. 

17 li Patr. Lat.," xxx, 221. 

*sPatr. Lat.," Ixx, 15. 

"Patr. Lat.," cxii, 1600. 

W'Patr. Lat.," cxi, 11. 


It is reasonable to assume therefore that some of Alcuin's 
teaching would be reflected in Hraban Hour's works, and 
that in the subject under discussion, music, one might 
find some slight trace of the hando^f Alcuin. Yet when 
we turn to the works in question, as we shall learn pre- 
sently, the hand may be that of Alcuin, but the voice is 
that of Cassiodorus, Isidore of Seville, St. Augustine, and 

And so, all the evidence available the Gerbert " frag- 
ment/* the testimony of " De psalmorum usu," the preface 
to Cassiodorus, and the work on music that may have 
been written by him, having been closely examined, the 
reader will probably understand why Alcuin was not con- 
sidered a musical " theorist " and was thus " overlooked 
by Mr. Farmer." 

Hrabanus Maurus (c. 776-856), a name, strange to say, 
which was once thought to mean Hraban " the Moor/' 1 was 
educated at Fulda, but had studied the liberal arts at 
Tours under Alcuin. What the latter knew of these we 
have already seen, and all that Hraban tells us confirms 
this view. Although Hraban follows in the beaten track, 
he is superior to his mentor Alcuin. He wrote about 
music, but he tells us absolutely nothing about contem- 
porary theory or practice, for indeed, he merely repeats 
the Roman theorists and the Christian Fathers.- In " De 
clericorum institutione (c. 819) there is a section (lib. 
ii, cap. xxiv.) on music borrowed from these sources. 2 A 
quarter of a century later (c. 844) Hraban wrote "De 
universo," but the section on music shows no advance (lib. 

JJ. M. Robertson, "Short History of Freethouglit," i, 293. 
*Patr, Lat.," evil, 401. 


xviii, cg,p. iv.).^ It is based almost directly on Isidore of 
Seville (" Etymologiae," cap xv.) and Cassiodorus ("Ex- 
pos, in PsaJ. CL "). 

In conclusion, I submit that the claim on behalf of 
Bede, Alcuin and Hraban Maur as "theorists" of music 
is now no longer tenable. 

*"Patr. Lat.," cxi, 495. 



PROFESSOR SAYCE warned us years ago to aban- 
don the notion that the Arabs of pre-Islamic days 
were merely nomads, and that Arabia was a de- 
sert. Indeed, gazing back through the dim vistas of the 
past, one cannot help realising what an important role 
the Semites of the Arabian peninsula played as a politi- 
cal and cultural force. The Akkadians of Babylonia, the 
twin cradle of civilisation, probably came from Arabia. 
Certainly, the dynasty of Hammurabi (c. 2123-2081 B.C.), 
the great law-giver, was of Arabian origin. Even the 
Neo-Babylonian dynasty (625-539 B.C.), whose Chaldaean 
descendants made such an incision on Greek and Roman 
civilisation, must also have been Arabian. There is even 
something deeper still. The Arab appears to have always 
been the fecundator of the urban stock from the Syrian 
littoral to the Mesopotamian plains. 

The importance of the Sabaean and Nabataean Arab 
kingdoms is testified by Greek and Roman authorities. 
From the time of Theophrastos (fourth cent. B.C.) to Pliny 
the Elder (first cent. A.D.), the Saba^ans pf Sputb 


excite admiration for the wealth and splendour of their 
kingdom. Its products, not only of myrrh, cinnamon and 
incense, but of gold and pearls, enriched the marts of 
Syria, Phoenicia and Egypt. Just as the Phoenicians held 
the trade of the seas, so the Sabaeans held the great 
Southern trade routes. The excellence of their domestic 
and political life, the magnificence of their temples and 
palaces, and the inordinate luxury of their kings and 
merchants, were particular themes for Greek and Latin 
authors. 2 

Strabo (d. c. 23 A.D.) has remarked that "those who 
regard the whole of Asia, as far as India, as consecrated 
to Bacchus, refer to that country as the origin of a great 
portion of the present music/' How far, it might be 
asked, was Arabia included in the term "India"? 2 

With the Nabateans in the North- West, whose influence 
extended from Petra to Palmyra, including Damascus and 
Bosra, we meet with the leaders of the Northern trade 
routes. Of their culture, we have the eloquent testimony 
of the architectural and sepulchral remains. The Naba- 
taeans were succeeded by the Ghassanids, whose shaikhs 
became the phylarchs of the Byzantine emperors. It was 
from these lands that the music theorists, Nikomachos 

J Theophrastos, " Hist. Plant./ 7 ix, 4. Strabo, xvi, iv, 2, 18-22. 
Diodorus, iii, 38-48. Pliny, vi, 145 et seq. 

2 In the cosmographies of jiEthicus and Julian Honoring, Arabia 
is included in " India." The church historians Malalas, Nike- 
phoros and Theophanes, also refer to the South Arabians as 


(c. 100), Porphyry (d. c. 302)* and lamblichos (d. c. 330)^ 
came, and they were all Semites, if not Arabs racially. 
In spite of the Greek culture which dominates these 
writers, the Semitic Orient conditions almost all their 

s Assuming that lie was born at Bashan and not at Tyre, as pro- 
bably Tvyotov was a corruption of Svpiov. His original name was 
Malchos (= Arabic Malik). 

6 The original Semitic form larnltk was quite common among 
the Arab Nabatseans, 



IN her " Precursors of the Violin Family," Miss 
Schlesinger tells us that the Arabs of early Islamic 
times had a system of music " of their own/' but find- 
ing the musical system of the Persians so far in advance 
of their own, they adopted it. 2 A later pronouncement 
by her on this subject is that the Arabs "had no system 
which they had, up to that time [the conquest of Persia] 
been able to reduce to theory." 2 In reply to the latter 
statement I mentioned, among other things, the pre- 
Islamic scale of the tanbur al-Baghdftdl? Miss 
Schlesinger appears to doubt the statement so far as the 
pre-Islamic Arabs are concerned. She says : " There is 
the division of the tanbur al-Baghdddi described by Al- 
Farabi, and claimed by Mr. Farmer (and also by 
Rouanet) as forming part of a pre-Islamic system."* 

It so happens that it is neither Jules Rouanet nor my- 
self who makes this claim primarily, but Al-Farabi 
himself ! He tells us in plain terms that the tanbur al- 
Baghdadl contained these pre-Islamic frets (al-dasatin al- 

* Schlesinger, " Precursors/' pp. 397-8. 
*" Musical Standard/' xxvii, p. 24, a. 

^ See ante, p. 51. 
&" Musical Standard/' loc. cit. 


jdhiliyya), and that they were used for the pre-Islamic 
melodies (al-alhdn al-jdhiliyya) in his day, although he 
admits that the more unusual of the frets were being 
ignored. 6 

From the " Maf atlh al-'Ulum " of Al-Khwarizmi (tenth 
cent.) we learn that the tanbtir al-Baghdddl was also 
called the tanbftr al-mlzdni ("measured pandore").* It 
is well known that Julius Pollux actually credits the Arabs 
with the one-stringed pandoura ( = ftovo'xopSov) and attri- 
butes the three-stringed instrument to the Assyrians. 7 An 
Arabic author, Ibn Khurdadhbih (ninth cent.), ascribed 
the tanbur to the people of Lut (Sodom and Gomorrah), 8 
and a similar statement is made by Ibn Ghaibl (d. 1435). 
I specially mention these details because the pandore is 
essentially an Oriental instrument. To the Greeks an in- 
strument of this type had but little appeal, 9 and the point 
is of some importance. 

Miss Schlesinger continues her criticism anent the tanbnr 
al-Bagkdddl scale as follows : 

" The scale of the tanbtir al-Baghdddl formed part of a 
system which was general all over the ancient East 

*"Leyden MS., Or. 651, fol. 67. Land, " Kecherches," 112. 

6 Al-Khwarizmi, p. 237. 

'Julius Pollux, iv, 60. This author does not refer the pan- 
doura to the Egyptians as Miss Schlesinger says in the " Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica " (xx, 676). See my " Studies in Oriental 
Musical Instruments/' pp. 3-4. The monochordos hanon depicted 
in Ptolemy's " Harmonics " (lib. ii, cop. xii) is the Asiatic pan- 
dore (Arabic, tanbur). In the Middle Ages, Western Europe 
used the rubeba (Arabic, rabdb) for the same purpose. Cousse- 
maker, " Soriptores," i, 152, ii, 462, iv, 208. 

* " Studies in Oriental Musical Instruments/' p. 55. 
9 See " Revue des Etudes grecques," viii, 371 % 


Ptolemy recorded the formula of that very scale as that 
of the enharmonic scale of Eratosthenes I may per- 
haps Bfe allowed to state with reference to this scale of the 
tanbftr al-Baghdddi .... that its theoretical and mathe- 
matical basis with the implications that it carries with it, 
*'4s* known to me, and that I can, therefore, assert with 
authority that Al-Farabi certainly did not know this basis. 
The details he has preserved belong to the practical ap- 
plication of the scale to the frets of the tanbfn, and to the 
tuning of the strings, not to the theory or origin of the 
scale, the significance of which, it is quite clear, escaped 
Al-Farabi just as it escaped Ptolemy/' 20 

What is the upshot of all this? The merest dabbler 
m Greek music knows all about Ptolemy's reference to the 
enharmonic genus of Eratosthenes. 11 As to its origin, I 
h&ve thrown out a hint in my " Influence of Music from 
Arabic Sources," which may be worth considering. 12 Miss 
Schlesinger's a priori argument concerning what Al- 
Farabi "did not know/' will hardly carry weight with 
those who are acquainted with the writings of "The 
Second Teacher" (i.e., the successor of Aristotle). Al- 
Farabi was " quite a good mathematician/' 15 and the author 
of several treatises on pure and applied mathematics.^ 

20 "Musical Standard/' xxvii, loc. cit. 

"Ptolemy, "Harm./' ii, 14. 
^"Proceedings of the Musical Association," Session lii, 121. 

" Encyclopaedia of Islam," ii, 54. 

2* Among his mathematical works were: "An Introduction to 
Geometry," "A Commentary on the Elements of Euklid " and 
"A Commentary on the Almagest of Ptolemy." He also wrote 
other treatises on astronomy, optics, and mechanics (?). See 
Steinschneider's " Al-Farabi " in " Memoires de PAcademie Im- 
periale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg," viie serie, tome xiii 
No, 4. 


At any rate, he knew Euklid's "Elements" (Arab., " Ista- 
qisat ") too well to deserve this censure*, and a perusal of 
the particular section of his " Kitab al-Musiqi," which deals 
with the tanbur al-Raghdad~i> will certainly confirm my 

The scale of the tanbilr al-Baghdddi belonged especi* 
ally to the Semitic East. It was perhaps the very parent 
of the Enharmonic genus of Greece, which, we must not 
forget, was introduced by Olympos, a Phrygian. 15 * 

I s Jut arch, " De musica," xi f 



I HAVE already indicated that Ibn Misjah (d. c. 705- 
714) was responsible for introducing Byzantine as 
well as Persian theories into Arabian music of Al- 
Hijaz/ the former being borrowed from the astnkhusiyya 
(sso-TOix^arai), as we are expressly told. Among the in- 
novations probably, were the " Courses " (sing., majrd\ 
and, seemingly, the Pythagorean scale. 2 At the same time, 
I pointed out that in all probability the Arabs of Syria 
and Al-Hlra already possessed the Pythagorean scale, 8 
and that it was not unlikely that Al-Hijaz (i.e., Mecca) 
actually got a foretaste of the Pythagorean system when 
it borrowed the 'Iraqian or Persian 'ad (lute) about the 
close of the sixth century/ The system built up by Ibn 
Misjah is the one which I have termed the "Old Arabian 
System " so as to distinguish it from a " Pre-Islamic Sys- 

*See ante pp. 56-7. " Musical Standard,*' xxvii, p. 30, a. 
*See my " Hist, of Arabian Music," p. 71. 

5 See ante p. 51 and Appendix 21. 

A Bee my "Hist, of Arabian Music," p. 69, and "Studies in 
Oriental Musical Instruments," p. 62. 

IBN MlSJAH. 237 


tern." The former was the system which obtained (with 
some additions) in the time of Ishaq al-Mausili (d.' 850). 

It was for the purpose of showing that there was a 
native system of music in vogue in the second half of 
the seventh century that I introduced the passage con- 
cerning Ibn Misjah. I quoted the opinion of J. P. N. 
Land that the importations of Ibn Misjah were engrafted 
on the older system. "I am not aware," says Miss 
Schlesinger, "that Land has given any indications of 
what this system is/' 5 That Land has hinted what the 
scale of this older system may have been may be con- 
firmed by reference to his " Recherches sur Thistoire de 
la gamme arabe." 6 It was evolved, says Land, from the 
scale which Al-Farabi still found subsisting in the tenth 
century on the tanbtir al-Baghdadl or tanbur al-mlzdnL 
Perhaps the old Arabian lute with the accordatura 
C D G a, had this scale in a modified form 

Except for the innovations already hinted at, Arabian 
music kept to its national system, which made it distinct 
from that of Byzantium and Persia. It is to be noticed 
that Ibrahim al-Mausili, the father of Ishaq al-Mausili, 
learned both Arabian and Persian music (ghintf) whilst 
in Al-Raiy in Northern Persia. 7 Obviously, the two 
countries had different systems at this time. There is also 
a story told of Ishaq al-Mausill recognising Byzantine 
music when he heard it, and the circumstance goes to prove 

6 "Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 44, b. 

Land, " Recherches," sect. 7. 

7 " Kitab al-Agham," v, 3. 


the dissimilarity between Arabian and Byzantine music.* 
Finally, Al-Kindl states quite plainly that Arabian, 
Byzantine and Persian music possessed features quite 
distinctive from each other. 5 

There are two words of technical' import in the passage 
quoted anent Ibn Mis j ah which call for attention. The 
words are nagham and nabardt^ and they have been trans- 
lated as "modes" and "intervals." Nagham (or naghni) 
sometimes occurs as a singular, the plural being angham, 
and perhaps, strictly speaking, it ought to stand for 
" melody," " song," although it is used also for a " musical 
sound" (= "note"), 10 In the Ibn Misjah passage, how- 
ever, the word nagham 11 is the plural of naghma> which, 
with the Arabic theorists of music, stood for a "musical 
sound" ( = </>0oyyo'9). Not unfrequently, however, it had 
the meaning of "mode," 12 just as the Greek roVos had a 
similar double usage. 13 

8 Ibid., v, 57. 
d " Berlin MS.," 5530, fol. 29, v, 30. 

* See my " Arabic Musical MSS. in the Bodleian Library," pp. 
11, 14-15, 17. 

11 The Maghrib! vocalisation was niyharn. See Al-Farabi's 
"Ihsa' al-'Ulum" (Escorial MS., No. 646, fol. 38, v), and the 
thirteenth century " Vocabulista in Arabico." 

* 2 In the thirteenth century "Vocabulista in Arabico," naglima 
(plur., naglimdtj nigham) stands for " modus." 

M Kosegarten ("Lib. Cant.," 10) translates nagham as " modu- 
Jatio," but cf. p. 37. Caussin de Perceval (" Journal Asiatique," 
Nov.-Dec., 1873, p. 416) has "sons." Land ("Remarks," p. 156) 
has " sounds." Collangettes (" Journal Asiatique," Nov.-Dec., 
1904, p. 370) has "notes." Ribera ("La Miisica de las Canti- 
gas," 23) has "tonos." 


Nabardt (sing., nabrd] has been taken in its literal sig- 
nification by Kosegarten, Caussin de Perceval, Land and 
Ribera, to mean " liftings of the voice." This is simply 
the definition of the Arabic lexicographers. 1 ^ I h.ave pre- 
f erred to use the word " intervals." 

^"Taj al-'Arus." It Is repeated by a native writer on Ara- 
bian music, IJasan Husni 'Abd al-Wahab, " Le developpement 
de la musique arabe en Oriente, Espagne, et Tunisie." (Tunis, 


THE late J. P. N. Land once suggested that the Per- 
sian lute at the time of the Arab conquest had but 
two strings, called the bamm and sir. 1 Against 
this, however, there is to be urged the statement of Khalid 
al-Fayyad (d. c. 718) that the lute of Barbad, the favour- 
ite minstrel of the Sasanid monarch, Khusrau Parwlz, had 
four strings. 2 Some colour could be lent to Land's theory, 
however, since Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi (d, 940) refers to a two- 
stringed lute ('ud) in the seventh century, and its strings 
are given the Persian names mentioned above. 5 It was 
the circumstance of there being two strings that also per- 
suaded Land that the Persian lute at this period was 
really a tanbur or pandore. This can scarcely be correct, 
seeing that we have the testimony of Sasanid art which 
clearly delineates a lute.* 

The Arabs of Al-Hijaz borrowed the 'Iraqian or Persian 
'ud about the close of the sixth century, as we have seen 
(p. 52). Prior to this, they used, in common with the 

*Land, 4t Remarks," 157, 160, et seq. 
* " Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society," 1899, p. 59. 

* " <Iqd al-Farld," iii, 181. 
JDalton, " Treasures of the Oxus," 190. 


Arabs of the interior, lutes of a different type, known as 
the mizhar, kiran, and muwattar. 6 

In the early years of the eighth century (720-4) we 
know that the Arabs generally were using a four-stringed 
lute. 6 Whether the latter device was borrowed from 
Persia, or whether it was an indigenous innovation, can- 
not be said with certainty, but the fact that the lowest 
and highest strings were given the Persian names of bamm 
and zlr y whilst the third and second strings carried the 
Arabic names of mathlath and mathna, would seem to 
point to an Arabian original modified perhaps by the 
adoption of a Persian ace or datura. At first, it would 
seem, the accordatura was designed so as to simply reach 
the octave, hence the tuning was, C D G a. Later, 
however, a new accordatura of fourths was introduced, 
A D G c, which, by means of a shift, gave the double 

This latter accordatura was the normal method for seven 
hundred years at least, certainly from Ishaq al-Mausili 
(d. 850) to Ibn Ghaibl (d. 1435). At the same time, special 
tunings were adopted for particular purposes, but they 
are described as "makeshifts" by Al-Kindi (d. c. 874). 
Three special tunings are mentioned, and they consisted 
of an alteration of the low A string (bamm) to G, B, or 
C. In the ninth century, a fifth string called hadd was 
adopted by Ziryab in Al-Andalus, and a simliar device 
is postulated in the East by both Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi. 
In this new departure the tuning by "fourths" was still 

Farmer, " History of Arabian Music," pp. 15, 16. 
6"Iqd al-Farid," iii, 201. 



Side by side with this accordatura there still subsisted, 
among the Western Arabs, the older accordatura of 
C D G a (implying a different fretting, if fretted), 
which only reached the octave. It is to be found in the 
Maghrib! " Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thaman " treatise. 

On the question of the accordatura of the Arabian lute 
in the days of Ishaq al-Mausili, Miss Schlesinger states 
that Ishaq was responsible for an "innovation" in the 
accordatura of the lute, which was, she says, A D a d, 7 
and further that Yahya ibn 'All, the pupil of Ishaq, actu- 
ally "missed the significance of this so-called innova- 
tion,"* and that even the modern writer on Arabian music, 
Jules Rouanet, "has not noticed this." 9 Furthermore, we 
are told further that Al-Isfahani also ascribed this ac- 
cordatura to Ishaq, but that he, too, had not noted its 
"real significance.^ 1 ^ Finally, "Mr. Farmer clearly be- 
trays the jact that> like Yahyd, he has not grasped the 
significance of Ishatfs tuning" 11 Perhaps it is advisable 
to state quite definitely at this point, that the reason why 
all these people (save Al-IsfahanI, who does not refer to 
it!) missed the "significance'* of Ishaq's accordatura is 
that it did not exist. 

7 Miss Schlesinger's notes are, G C g j. It is a matter of 
taste or convenience whether one makes the lowest string ( bammj 
" A," as with Collangettes and myself, or "C" with Land, or 
"G.'' It is, however, of importance that the strings should be 
shown in the proper position. My critic has reversed their order. 
The bamm or lowest string should be on the left, and not on the 
right. See my arrangement on p. 283. 

8 " Musical Standard," xxvii, pp. 46, a, 96, b. 
9*' Musical Standard/ 1 xxvii, p. 45, b. 
10 "Musical Standard/' xxvii, p. 63, b. 
p. 134, b. 


For her evidence of this innovation of Ishaq al-Mausili 
my critic relies on a passage from the article on Arabian 
music by Jules Rouanet in Lavignac's " Encyclop6die de 
la musique" (iv, 2701), which professes to be a translation 
from the "Risalat al-Musiqi" of Yahya ibn 'All ibn 
Yahya (d. 91 2). 12 The passage given by Rouanet is not a 
translation but a mere resume, and even then it is mislead- 
ing and incorrect. For instance, Rouanet quotes Yahya 
ibn 'All as follows : 2S " We will repeat what Ishaq and Ibra- 
him have said, and will show the difference which exists 
between the singers who, like Ishaq, have known and, p)rac- 
tised music, and the musicians who assert that there 1 are 
eighteen notes." 

What Yahya ibn 'All does actually say, and I quote 
from the text, is this: "We will explain what Ishaq ibn 
Ibrahim al-Mausili, the freedman, has named among the 
sounds (aswdt), some of which he drew up in the 'course* 
(majrd) of the 'middle finger* (wustd) and some in the 
'course 1 of the 'third finger* (binsir), and the disagree- 
ment between the Masters of Arabian music (ghind!) like 
Ishaq (and it seems that he is one of those who unite 
theory with practice and performance) and the Masters of 

i* Students are warned against placing too much reliance on 
this article by Rouanet. It abounds in errors (some, however, 
purely typographical), and its author has used and quoted Kiese- 
wetter, Fetis, Caussin de Perceval, Barbier de Meynard, Land, 
Carra de Vaux, Collangettes, Ronzevalle, and others, quite un- 
critically and without proper acknowledgment. 

* 5 1 give Miss Schlesinger's translation from Rouauet, " Musi- 
cal Standard," xxvii, p, 45, a. 


[Greek] music (musiqi)^ who assert that there are 
eighteen [sounds]/' 15 

The particular sentence upon which Miss Schlesinger 
has based her reasons for accrediting Ishaq with the ac- 
cordatura A D a d, runs thus in Rouanet's article. 16 
" These two strings \bamm and rnathlath~\ only gave the 
notes of the higher strings [inathna and zlr] an octave 
lower/' There is, however, no passage in the treatise in 
question that is quite identical with that given here. The 
nearest to it, and it is obviously the one intended, reads 
as follows : 17 " Certainly the mathlath and bamm [strings] 
do not originate a note, because they [the people] found 
every note in them occurring in the mathnd and zlr 
[strings]. And that is because the open string (mutlaq) 
of the matklath is like the first finger (sabbaba) upon the 
zlr, and the first finger of the mathlath is like the third 
(binslr) upon the zlr, and the second finger (wnsta) of 
the mathlath is like the fourth finger (khinsir) upon the 
sir " 

The correspondences given between the notes of the 
bamm and mathlath and those of the mathnd and zlr 
prove conclusively the fallacy of my critic's contention, 
and her idea of segregating the theory of Ishaq from that 
of Yahya on this point is not justified by the treatise. 
However, Miss Schlesinger cannot blame Rouanet or any- 

U The word wusfgf, when it was first adopted from the Greek, 
stood for the science of music as the Arabs had learnt it from the 
Greeks, as distinct from their own practical theory ('ilm al-ghiniV ). 

# "British Museum MS./' Or. 2361, fol. 233, v. 
^Lavignac's " Ency. de la mus.," iv, 2701. " Musical Stan- 
dard/' xxvii, p. 45. 

""Brit. Mus. MS.," Or. 2361, fol. 237. 


one else for her opinions on the Christian origin of Ishaq's 
accordance, which, in view of her circumstantial account 
of it, had better be noticed. 

Miss Schlesinger says that " the accordance of Ishaq's 
GIN," and to show "the manner in which Ishaq came 
upon the scale used upon his lute " she retails certain 
" significant passages " from Al-Isf ahani via Kosegarten. 18 

" In a passage/' she says, " . . . . which tells of the poet 
Ka'b al-Ashqarl, we read : ' This is a song (cantilena) 
which, they say, he composed to the malekos mode of the 
melodia (or musical mode), which he had heard from the 
monks/ Kosegarten then relates that : Al-Aswad ibn 
'Umara, the poet, says, as recorded by Al-Isf ahani : ' To 
these little verses one, Hijazi, fitted a certain monkish 
melody/ " 

The name malekos^ she says, " may be a modification of 
the Greek adjective malakos" She also points to the ex- 
istence of a rag (mode) in India called malkos, founded 
on the Mixolydian, and says : " If, as I believe, some of 
the Persian and Arabian singers used the real ancient 
modes, which were akin as were those of ancient Hin- 
dustan to those of ancient Greece, then we see here in- 
dicated how the Christian monks taught the Arabs to ac- 
commodate these modes to the modified form used in the 
early Greek Church, and to tune their lutes in accordance 
with this form, as had evidently been the case with 
Ishaq/' 19 

Kosegarten, " Lib. Cant.," 200. " Kitab al-Aghani," xiii, 
13-14, 64. 

" Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 97, b, 98, a. 


Unfortunately, my critic has misunderstood the Al- 
Isfahani-Kosegarten passages. 

In his life of Ka'b al-Ashqarl, Al-Isfahanl speaks of a 
song set to music by Malik al-Tai', and then goes on to 
say, in the Latin translation of Kosegarten, " h<zc est can- 
tilena^ quam Mdlekum ad modum melodies^ quam ex mon- 
achis audiverat % composiiisse ferunt" This, in the ori- 
ginal Arabic, would read in English : " This is a song 
which, they say, Malik [al-Tai'] composed to a melody 
which he had heard from the monks." My critic has 
turned poor Malik into a mode ! The other passage, from 
the life of Al-Aswad ibn 'Umara, is given by Kosegarten 
thus : " Duo bus ill is versiculis Hidsckdsensis quid am ap- 
tavit cantus quendam monachicum" Anglicised, this 
reads: "To these two little verses some Hijazian has 
adapted a monkish song." 20 

We see therefore that there is nothing about a malekos 
mode, nor any mention of an "accordance" or "theory" 
being borrowed by the Arabs from the Christian monks. 
All that is recorded is that seme Arab musicians used 
monkish themes in their songs, just as Ishaq himself in- 
troduced the chant of a muezzin, and Ibn Suraij a negro 

*0Even Kosegarten does not give a precise translation. 
2i"Kitab al-Agham," v, 69, vi, 80, 



J SHAQ AL-MAU$IL1 (d. 850) was one of the greatest 
I musicians in the annals of Arabian music. His 
father, Ibrahim al-Mausill (d. 804), also a musician, 
was a Persian by parentage, but an Arab by birth and 
education^ seeing that he was born at Al-Kufa, adopted 
and reared by the Banu Tamlm, and received his earliest 
musical education at Al-Mausil, hence his surnames Al- 
Tamlmi and Al-Mausill. Ishaq, his son, happened to be 
born at Al-Raiy, in Northern Persia, where his father had 
gone to prosecute his studies in both Persian and Arabian 
music. 1 Ishaq, as a mere child, accompanied his father to 
Baghdad, where the latter soon became famous. We know 
almost every step in Ishaq's education. He was taught 
the Qur'an by Al-Kisai and Al-Farra', the "traditions" 
by Hushaim ibn Bushair, and history and belles lettres 
by Al-Asma'i and Abu 'Ubaida al-Muthanna. In music, 
he was taught, not "mainly" by his father, as Miss 

*"Kitab al-AghanL" v, 3. 


Schlesinger says, but by his uncle Zalzal and 'Atika bint 
Shudha, both of whom were famous musicians. 2 

It has been found necessary to emphasise the question 
of Ishaq's family, birth, and education, because my 
critic has placed considerable importance on his 
Persian parentage in her criticism of my statement about 
Ishaq and the "Old Arabian system." 3 All that was 
Persian about Ishaq was that his grandfather came from 

Ishaq al-Mausill was a man of wide culture who won a 
reputation, quite apart from music, as a poet, litterateur^ 
philologist, and jurisconsult. His library was one of the 
largest in Baghdad, and was especially rich in works on 
Arabic philology from Ishaq's own hand/ Some forty 
works were written by him, and seventeen of these con- 
cerned music or musicians. Unfortunately, not a solitary 
exemplar of these latter works has as yet been discovered. 
The author of the " Fihrist " (c. 988) praises Ishaq as " a 
recorder of poetry and antiquities, .... a poet, clever in 
the art of music (ghina'), and versatile in the sciences/' 5 
Yahya ibn 'All (d. 912) says of him : " Ishaq was the most 
learned of the people of his time in music, and the most 

2 " Kitiib al-Agham," v. 54. Miss Schlesinger makes Zalzal a 
singer (" Musical Standard/' xxvii, p. 62, b). He was a lutenist, 
singing not being his forte. (See my " Hist, of Arabian Music," 
p. 118.) Rouanet (op. cit., p. 2,693), borrowing from Caussin de 
Perceval (" Journal Asiatique," Nov.-Dec., 1873, p. 548), whom 
he misreads, shows Zalzal performing on the zamr (reed-pipe), 
and his companion, Barsauma, on the l ud (lute). It should be 
vice versa. 

J " Musical Standard,'* xxvii, p. 46. 

& Ibn Khallikan, " Biog. Diet.," i, 185. 

Al-Fihrist," 141. 


accomplished of them in all its branches, and the best per- 
former on the lute and most of the other instruments of 

Miss Schlesinger is contemptuous of Ishaq al-Mausili. 
11 Ishaq," she says, " was a proficient lute-player and singer 
not a brilliant one, since it took him ten years to mem- 
orise his scale and fingering on the lute." 6 The statement 
is hardly correct, although it is Jules Rouanet who would 
seem to have been responsible for her making it. In the 
first place, the quotation is torn from its context, and 
further, its implication is misunderstood, as will be shown. 

The proper passage occurs in the " Kitab al-Agham," 
which describes a scene during one of those brilliant 
soirees musicales at the court of Al-Wathiq (d. 847). 7 The 
dexterity and proficiency of lutenists both past and pre- 
sent were under discussion, and Ishaq al-Mausili declared 
that his uncle Zalzal (d. 799) was a superior performer 
to Mulahiz, who was then the doyen of his craft. The 
latter, who was present during the discussion, was piqued 
at this criticism, and Ishaq himself was dragged into com- 
parison. Ishaq, although nearly eighty years of age, and 
long out of practice as a lutenist, accepted the challenge, 
and turning to Mulahiz, asked him to disaccord (shaw* 
wash) his lute, and then hand him the instrument. Mula- 
hiz did so, and as soon as Ishaq had taken the lute into 
his hands he struck the strings to ascertain its contin- 
gencies. Having done this, he again turned to Mulahi? 
and asked him to sing. Mulahiz then began a song, and 

6 " Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 46, line 55. Cf. line 1. 
7 " Kitab al-Agham/ ' v, 57-S. 


Ishaq accompanied him on the lute which had been thrown 
into disaccordance, following the singer's melody pre- 
cisely, up and down the frets (dasatin) of the lute with- 
out a wrong note! s Al-Wathiq and the court were as- 
tounded at this coup de maitre^ and IshSxj thereupon 
related the following. 

Barbad (Fahlidh), the famous minstrel of the Sasanid 
monarch Khusrau Parwlz (d. 628), found on one occasion, 
at the very moment when he was about to perform before 
the court, that his lute had been interfered with and 
thrown into disaccordance. Being a clever lutenist, how- 
ever, Barbad played his instrument just as it was, with- 
out exhibiting the slightest embarrassment. It was the 
desire to emulate the example of Barbad, said Ishaq on 
the above occasion, that led him to devote himself to the 
complete mastery of the lute. This took him ten years 
to accomplish, but what was achieved was something far 
different from what has been referred to by Miss 
Schlesingen In the scales alone, an ordinary lutenist had 
to master the eight melodic modes (asdbi*), the compound 
modes (adwdr), which were made up of the first tetra- 
chord of one mode and the second tetrachord of another, 
as well as the transposition scales (tabaqat). These had 
to be learned not only in the normal accordance, but in 
at least three special tunings. Ishaq, we are told, ac- 
quired in this way so complete a knowledge of the ac- 
cordances (taswiyyat) % frets (dasatln), and scales (taba- 

s In " Trait6 ties rapports musicaux," by Baron Carra de Vaux, 
this feat is related of an "Ishaq Zolzol " (Zalzal). The learned 
Arabist appears to have misread the text. 


qat), that there was not a solitary note whose position 
(mauda*) was unknown to him in any circumstance. 

To have arrived at the height of technical skill as a 
lutenist that is credited to Ishaq by all the annalists, an 
apprenticeship of ten years was certainly not too long. 
In Western Europe, two hundred years later, as Guido 
of Arezzo informs us, it took ten years for choristers to 
learn to sing from music. 9 

The ability of Ishaq as a theorist is also in question. 
" It is clear," says my critic, " that Ishaq was no theorist," 
and in proof of this statement a story is quoted from the 
article by Jules Rouanet already mentioned, who himself 
took it from Caussin de Perceval/ but truncated it ! It 
is as follows : 12 

"The Amir Muhammad once asked Ishaq this ques- 
tion : If a fifth string were added to the lute, in order 
to obtain the extra high note which you call the tenth and 
last of the scale, what is the position on that string which 
would give that note? Ishaq was unable to answer the 
question [a very simple matter K. S.] and suggested to 
a friend that the Amir probably got the idea from some 
ancient treatise he had been reading," etc. 

When we read the original, however, a different light 
dawns on the scene. Here is the story direct from the 
"Kitab al-Aghani": 

SGerbert, " Scriptores," ii, 43. 
20" Journal Asiatique," Nov.-Dec., 1873, pp. 58S-9. 
22 Miss S. gives a page reference to the " Kitab al-Aghani," 
which she borrows from Rouanet, who borrowed from. Caussin de 
Perceval. The latter was quoting from a MS., but there has been 
a printed edition of the work since 1868. 


"'All ibn Yahya al-Munajjim 12 said: 'I was with 
ibn Ibrahim ibn Mus'ab when he asked Ishaq al-Mausill 
(or else it was Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan ibn Mus'ab who 
asked) in my presence, he said : ' O Abu Muhammad [the 
surname of Ishaq al-Mausili], if one made on the lute a 
fifth string for [reaching] the high note which is the tenth 
in your method, where would you be fingering it on it ?' 
(lit. 'where would you be going out from it?'). Ishaq 
was annoyed for a long time [at this] and his ears became 
red (and they were of enormous size), for when anything 
like this befell him they [his ears] reddened, and his tem- 
per was great. He then said to Muhammad ibn Al- 
Hasan : ' The answer in regard to this is not with words, 
but with playing. If you could play I would show you 
where the fingering would be/ And he [Muhammad] held 
his peace, for he was an Amir, and he had received an 
answer from him [Ishaq] which was not pleasing. Yet he 
dealt lightly with him. 

"'All ibn Yahya [al-Munajjim] says : 'He [Ishaq] came 
to me and said, 'O Abu'l-Hasan, this man [the Amir] has 
asked me about the thing that you have heard, but his 
knowledge did not originate with the like of him. It is 
something that he has read in the writings of the Ancients 
[the Greeks], as it has come to my knowledge that the 
translators with them [the Amir's family] translate books 
on music (musiql) for them. So if anything of this comes 

** He was the father of the music theorist, Yafcya ibn 'All ibn 
Yaljya, and died in the year 888. He was a pupil of Isljaq al-! in music, and the author of a biography of this virtuoso 
entitled " Kitab akhbar Isttaq ibn Ibrahim. " See my "History 
of Arabian Music," p. 167. 


your way, then give it to me/ And I promised him that 
I would do this, but he died before anything was avail- 

This proper version of the story shows us that Ishaq 
was quite able to answer the question of the Amir, but 
he was dealing with a questioner who was ignorant of 
the technique of lute-playing. Further, Ishaq looked 
upon the matter as "baiting," and answered accordingly. 
This was an ordeal which the virtuoso frequently had to 
submit to at the hands of courtiers, but Ishaq always had 
a "trump card" to play, according to those who relate 
the stories. Of course, one recalls that even Guido of 
Arezzo (d. c. 1050) admitted to Brother Michael, that there 
were points in his method that he found difficult to ex- 
plain on paper, which could be made quite clear viva 
voce! H 

We now come to the question of my statement concern- 
ing the "Old Arabian System" which, I had said, was 
"recast" by Ishaq al-Mausill. 15 It is not my intention 
to deal with the various systems of Arabian music, as my 
concern here is simply to dispose of some erroneous points 
already raised. 10 In the first place, the " Old Arabian 
System " was not the " Pre-Islamic System " as Miss 
Schlesinger infers. The former was the one laid down 

""Kitab al-Agham," v, 53. 
^Gerbert, " Scriptores," ii, 43. 

it See ante p. 59. 

18 I propose to issue a history of the Arabian systems of music 
aa a companion volume to my " History of Arabian Music " (Luzac 
and Co., London). 


by Ibn Misjah a native system modified by Byzantine 
and Persian borrowings, as already pointed out. 27 It was 
this system that was "recast" by Ishaq al-Mausill, as we 
shall see.' 8 

An error that Miss Schlesinger has made in this 
discussion is in postulating that a <f system " or " theory " 
of music simply means the scale ! That the Arabs were 
using the Pythagorean scale at the time of Ishaq and even 
earlier does not permit the deduction that Arabian music 
was identical with the Greek or Byzantine music. There 
are other things besides the scale that go to constitute a 
" system " or " theory " of music. There were the melodic 
mo'des (asdbi'), compound modes (adwdr, dawd'ir) t trans- 
position scales (tabaqdt), rhythmic modes (iqctat), caesura 
(maq&t) % glosses (zawtiid) for both the melodic and 
rhythmic modes, and the various types of composition 
(ta'lif), both measured (mauztin) and unmeasured 
(ikhtiydrl). It is in these other constituent parts that go 
to make up what is called the "Old Arabian System" 
that we can discern how far Byzantine practice had not 
found acceptance with the Arabs. 

I have already said that the two "Courses" (sing., 
majra] into which the melodic modes (asabi 1 ) were divided, 
were probably of Byzantine origin. 19 Indeed, the corres- 

M See ante p. 57. 
**See Appendix 31. 

ante p. 57. I said "probably" advisedly, because the 
" Courses" might be much older. With the Arabs the majrd al- 
wusid was "feminine" a.nd the majrd al-binsir "masculine," 
The idea is Chalctaan and Pythagorean. 


pondence had already been noticed by others, including 
the late Pere Collangettes. 20 When, therefore, Miss 
Schlesinger specially points out that " even this feature 
\the 'courses^ ivhich has been considered purely Ara- 
bian, has its prototype in the very perfect system of the 
Greeks"* 1 this revelation is rather belated. 

Journal Asiatique," Juil-Aout, 1906, pp. 166-7, 
M" Musical Standard, 17 xxvii, 96, b. 



THE oldest Arab theorist of music whose actual 
works have come down to us is Al-Kindi (d. c. 
874), although, with the exception of what I have 
brought forward here and elsewhere, 1 very little has been 
culled from this source. Until 1926, only two of his MSS. 
were known to Orientalists, the " Risala f I khubr ta'lif 
al-alhan," in the British Museum (Or. 2361) and the "Ris- 
eila fl ijza* khabarriya al-musiqi," in the Berlin Staats- 
bibliothek (Ahlwardt, 5503). In the above year, how- 
ever, I attempted to identify two other MSS. at Berlin as 
Al-Kind!'s. 2 One entitled "'Risala fi'1-luhun" (Ahl- 
wardt, 5531), is undoubtedly from the hand of Al-Kindi, 
and the other (Ahlwardt, 5530) is most likely his also. 

The British Museum treatise is an incomplete and de- 
fective copy, but in it we get a fairly concise view of the 
theory of music under Ancient Greek auspices. The first 
of the Berlin MSS. mentioned above, deals fully with the 
question of rhythm and the doctrine of the " influence of 
music." The next Berlin treatise is one written for 

1 See ray "Influence of Music: From Arabic Sources. " 
* " Some Musical MSS. Identified " in " Journal of the Royal 
Asiatic Society/' Jan., 1926. 


Ahmad, the son of Khalif Al-Mu'tasim. It concerns the 
physical and physiological aspect of sound. The last of 
the Berlin treatises is a particularly interesting document, 
although incomplete and defective. In it may be found 
sections dealing with (i) the construction of the lute, (2) 
the strings, (3) the accordatura y (4) the notes, (5) the cos- 
mical influences, and (6) the practical art of lute playing. 

These treatises enable us to say quite definitely, in spite 
of Ancient Greek and Sabaean (= Sabi'a) influences which 
are everywhere apparent in the theories of Al-Kindi, that 
A rabian theory was different from that of Byzantium and 

Another interesting point which emerges from the study 
of this last tract, is the question of the language in which 
Al-Kindl's Greek authorities was written. Many savants 
have held that Al-Kindi was acquainted with Greek and 
was a translator from the Greek. 4 In the last-mentioned 
tract Al-Kindi uses the word qithura? which would ap- 
pear to show that in this instance, at any rate, the author 
had been consulting a Syriac work, probably a transla- 
tion from the Greek. 

* See my " History of Arabian Music," p. 151. 
*De Sacy, "Relation cle PEgypte," p. 488. Wiistenfeld, 
"Gesch. der arabischen Aerzte," 22. Sedillot, "Hist, des 
arabes," 340. Leclerc, " Hist, de la Medecine arabe," i, 135. 
5 Op. cit., fol. 24. 




IT has already been stressed that the Arabs possessed 
treatises on musical instruments long before West- 
ern Europe. 1 Since antiquity has not handed down 
a solitary work of this type, the Arabic treatises of Al- 
Kindl (d. c. 874) and Al-Farabi (d. 950) are the oldest 
works of their kind that we possess. The work of the 
former deals only with the lute ('ud). The latter gives 
full details of instruments of the lute, pandore, and rebec 
class in separate sections on the 'ud, tanbfir al-Baghdadi, 
tanbur al-Khurasdnt y and rabdb> as well as sufficiently 
concise references to the harp, psaltery or zither types in 
the jank (or sanj\ mt'zaf (or mi'zafa), and shahrud. In 
addition, the wood-wind family as represented by the 
mizm&r wahidy suryanai and diyanai, is dealt with. 2 

Miss Schlesinger derides the performance of Al-Farabi 
in these matters. This is hardly just. At any rate, it 
should be pointed out that Al-Farabi does not describe 

1 See ante, p. 155. 

2 See my " Studies in Oriental Musical Instruments, " p. 57, 
for these names. 


a guitar " called kithara? nor even refer to it. 3 Nor does 
he speak of the frets of the tanbur al-Khurasanl producing 
"seventeen intervals of one-third tone each." 4 He does 
not say that the rabab was known as ihtlyra, 5 and he 
does not include the rabdb among instruments with 
" frets." 6 

Special condemnation is reserved by my critic for Al- 
Farabi's treatment of "wind instruments" as follows. 
" Unfortunately/' says Miss Schlesinger, " Al-Farabl omits 
the essentials in his description of flutes and reed-blown 
pipes, but it is quite certain from the particulars he has 
given that the notes of the lute, which he adapts on 
paper to the holes of the reed-pipe, would not result 
from the boring of the holes described." 8 

Al-Farabl certainly omits measurements in dealing with 
the particular instruments described, although in the in- 
troduction to this section he lays it down that the length 
and diameter of tubes, as well as the size of the digit- 
holes, are material factors in determining pitch. As to the 
statement that the boring of the holes described by Al- 
Farabi do not give the notes that he mentions, it must be 
pointed out that Al-Farabl does not describe the boring of 
the holes, other than to specify their number, their position 
in a straight line or otherwise, and their equal size. That 
the notes described on the " wood-wind " of Al-Farabi do 
correspond in general to those on the lute, there can be no 

3 Schlesinger, "Precursors of the Violin Family/' 446. 

^ Schlesinger, " Encyclopaedia Britannica," xx, 676. 

5 Schlesinger, " Encyclopaedia Britannica," xxii, 950. 

6 Schlesinger, " Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 62. 

" Musical Standard," xxvii, 62, b. 


question. Fortunately, readers can judge this question 
for themselves as the entire section on the "wood-wind" 
(masamlr) from Al-Farabi's " Kitab al-Musiqi " may be 
consulted in a French translation (with Arabic text) in the 
appendix to Land's " Recherches sur Thistoire de la 
gamme arabe." 

Miss Schlesinger then proceeds to inform us that in one 
of the reed-pipes described by Al-Farabi there is a trace 
of " the Pre-Islamic system," but that Al-Farabi was un- 
able to detect it, "obviously from lack of knowledge." 
This neglect, we are told, is " an example of how the Arab 
theorists break down and are nonplussed when dealing 
with the practice of Arab music which does not come 
within the sphere of the Greek theorists." The reference 
to Kosegarten's book and Al-Farabi's manuscript being 
faulty, it cannot be deduced with certainty which pipe is 
referred to, although it would apear to be the suryanai. 
At any rate this pipe does not give a scale from which 
"the modal tetrachord, given by afi [al-Dln 'Abd al- 
Mu'min] as Isfahan, is derived," as she states. 5 

All the scales on the pipes given by Al-Farabi were 
" within the sphere of the Greek theorists," with the excep- 
tion of those which gave the Zalzalian (rk}) and Persian 
(fi) thirds. As for the statement that the Arab theorists 
were nonplussed when dealing with non-Greek intervals 
such as the latter, we actually have succinct accounts as to 
how they arrived at these intervals. As to the suggested 
" lack of knowledge " on the part of Al-Farabi it may be 

Cf. Land, " Recherches," , 128-9, 163-4. Carra de Vaux, 

"Le Trait6 des rapports musicaux," 60. 


remarked that even if this alleged Pre-Islamic scale did 
"peep through" in the pipes, it was not the business of 
Al-Farabi to dissect it. His " Kitab al-Musiqi " was not 
an antiquarian work, but was devised to meet the needs 
of the day, and especially to codify the native music on 
ancient Greek principles, as both Land and Collangettes 
have long since pointed out. 10 It is scarcely to be ex- 
pected that Al-Farabi should have dilated on systems 
to which he was opposed. 

In comparing the development of musical instruments 
in Europe and among the Arabs Miss Schlesinger says : 
" If we turn our attention to European music, we find that 
every step in evolution is accompanied by corresponding 
developments in the musical instruments. . . . During the 
transition from the diatonic to the chromatic genus in 
Europe, every fresh urge in the direction of a chromatic 
compass was heralded or followed by a new key added to 
the flutes or to the reed-blown instruments. . , . The viol 
family enlarged its compass by tentative stretchings of 
the fingers in stopping the strings, which led eventually 
to the device of the ' shift ' on the left hand of the neck. 
Many more examples might be given to show how every 
new idea that may be said to have influenced the theory 

, "Remarks," etc., in "Trans. Ninth Int. Cong, of Ori- 
entalists/' ii, 155. Collangettes, " Journal Asiatique," Nov.- 
Dec., 1904, p. 373. Following the statement of Casiri (" Bibl. 
Arab.-Hisp. Escur.," i, 347) several writers have imagined that 
the Escorial codex of Al-Farabi's " Kitab al-musiqi " contains 
more than thirty figures of musical instruments, together with 
musical notes. It is quite an exaggeration. Cf. Russell, A., 
"Nat. Hist, of Aleppo" (1794), i, 386. Crichton, A., "Hist, of 
Arabia," ii, 117, 


of music arose out of the prophetic inspiration of the 
musicians, always in advance of the practice of their 

This theory, however, hardly works out successfully 
from a historical standpoint. We have the system of 
"forking" or a similar device (so as to obtain the acciden- 
tals on wood-wind instruments) in existence centuries be- 
fore the so-called " transition from the diatonic to the 
chromatic genus in Europe, and it lasted long afterwards. 
Strange to say, the earliest reference to " forking " or a 
similar device that has come my way is to be found in the 
Arabic "Kitab al-Kafi fi'1-Muslqi" by Ibn Zaila (died 
I048). 2 ~ As for the " shif t," it existed with the 
Arabs as far back as Al-Kindl (died 874)** and Yahya 
ibn 'All ibn Yahya (died 912).^ 

My critic continues as follows : " Now let us turn to the 
Arabs and Moors. What do we find? My rabdb with 
primitive bent wood bow, my zamr and bagpipe from 
Northern Egypt, are all of precisely the same shape and 
structure as those represented in use among the fifty-two 
musicians of the 'Cantigas de Santa Maria 1 (thirteenth 
century), which were introduced by the Moors into Spain. 
There is no development, no progress to be chronicled in 
all these seven centuries. The music of the Moors and 
Arabs is still purely melodic; the organum did not take 
root or develop in that soil, neither did keyboard instru- 
ments. The beautiful instruments of the lute family, rang- 

11 "Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs ?" p. 19. 
"Brit. Mus. MS.," Or. 2361, fol. 236, v. Cf. Lavignac, i, 354. 
w-' Berlin MS.," 5530, fol. 30, v. 
rit r Mus f MS./' Or. 2861, fol. g37, 


ing from the large Roman chitarrone six feet high, and 
the Paduan theorbo five feet high, to the mandoline were 
developed in Italy. The Arab lutes are still rough and 
primitive in design and execution." 25 

It may be true that there has been little progress musi- 
cally with the Arabs as suggested, and the reason is not 
far to seek. You cannot separate art and politics. The 
cultural and economic life of the Arabian East never re- 
covered from the sack and destruction of Baghdad in 
1258. Egypt, which maintained a vestige of the Khali- 
fate, fell into Turkish hands in 1516, when the cultural 
decline was hastened there. Western Islamic civilisation 
ceased with the fall of Granada in 1492, and in the sub- 
sequent expulsion of the Moors. 16 Under similar condi- 
tions the same results would come to any other people or 
country. Yet the question is of small import in the pre- 
sent argument because the Arabian influence on the music 
of Western Europe had made itself felt long before these 
events took place. Yet it is worth while remarking that 
if an Arab were to comment on the musical instruments 
of Britain by referring merely to a primitive one-stringed 
fiddle, a tin whistle and a bagpipe, such as one might see 
with itinerant musicians in this country, he would simply 
be laughed at. Yet this is precisely what my critic does 
in reference to Arabian instruments. If it be seriously 
desired to compare the modern Egyptian Arab instru- 
ments as used by professional musicians with those of 
Europe, there will be found plenty of well constructed 

c it., p. 10. 
16 See my " History of Arabian Music/' Chapter VII. 


specimens of the l ud t the kamanja (both the afranjl 17 and 
'ajuzi species), the gdnun, the ndy> and really beautiful 
drums and tambourines. In the Middle Ages in the East, 
the manufacture of musical instruments was carried out 
with extreme care, as we know from the "Kanz al- 
Tuhaf. 2S Woods, reeds and other materials were very 
carefully chosen and prepared. The adornment of these 
instruments, not merely with mother-of-pearl and ivory 
(which still survives in our mandolines and banjos), but 
with delicate gold and silver work as well as precious 
stones, was specially indulged in. 

Miss Schlesinger essays to prove another point of her 
theory by introducing an instrument which was the out- 
come of the introduction of organum. " The first fruit of 
this new departure (organum) in the music of Western 
Europe was the invention of the or ganistrum, a new musi- 
cal instrument designed specially, as the name indicates, 
for rendering the organum. In this instrument a new 
method of setting the strings in vibration appears for the 
first time, as far as is known at present, viz., by means of a 
rosined wheel, turned by a crank, which caused three or 
four strings to sound simultaneously." 19 

There would seem to be little doubt, as Canon Galpin 
points out, that the rosined wheel was suggested by the 
bow, 20 an implement which is generally acknowledged to 
have been borrowed from the East, and probably from the 

v Or rumi. This is the European type of violin. 
**"Kanz al-Tuhaf," maqala 3. 

^Op. cit., p. 13. 
20 Galpin, " Old English Instruments of Music," p. 102. 


Arabs. 2 The use of the bow is implied by Al-Farabi 
(died 950),* the Ikhwan al-Safa' (tenth century), 5 and Ibn 
Sina (d. IO3/)/ which disposes of Hugo Riemann's argu- 
ment that the fourteenth century was the earliest mention 
of bowed instruments by Orientals. 5 That being so, the 
question arises that if Miss Schlesinger believes that 
" every step in evolution is accompanied by corresponding 
developments in the musical instruments " as instanced in 
organum > organi$trum> may we not apply the same line 
of argument to the Arabs? If the rosined wheel of the 
organistrum, which caused several strings to sound simul- 
taneously, was the "first fruit" of organnm in Western 
Europe, then surely there is no reason why we should not 

L Miss Schlesinger states in her " Precursors of the Violin Fam- 
ily " p. 398 (see also her article, " Rebab," in the " Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica," xxii) : "The Arabs declare that it was from 
the Persians they obtained the rabab, and probably the fiddle- 
bow at the same time, but this is not stated, yet the Arab name 
for the bow \_kamdn'] is derived from the Persian. " I cannot 
recall any Arabic authority for the statement that the Arabs de- 
clare that they borrowed the rabab from the Persians. On the 
other hand, there are good reasons for believing that the Arabs 
looked upon the tabab as an indigenous production. (" Berlin 
MS.," We. 1233, fol. 47, v. See also " Bodleian MS.," 1842, fol. 
78, v, where the rectangular instrument is specially referred to 
the badavn Arabs). The Arabs have always used their own word, 
qaiut, for the fiddle-bow, so that her argument, taken from 
Carl Engel (" Early History of the Violin Family," 13) on 
the Persian name for the fiddle-bow is valueless ! On the other 
hand, the Persians have borrowed the Arabic word zakhma for the 
plectrum, and even use the word to denote the fiddle-bow. 
*Kosegarten, "Lib Cant.," 77. 

sikhwan al-Safa', i, 92. 
* Ibn Sina, "India Office MS.," No. 1811, fol. 173. 

^Riemann, "Diet. Mus." (4th edit.), s.v. "Arabians and 


say that the bow of the rabab, which was capable of a 
somewhat similar action, was the result of the self-same 
prompting (the tarkib] with the Arabs ? 

We are also told that the various larger instruments of 
the lute family "did not take root or develop" among the 
Arabs or Moors, but with the Italians. I have already 
shown that the Arabs had the arch-lute, the theorbo and 
similar instruments, and have even suggested that the 
name theorbo may actually be a survival of an Arabic 
name. 6 It was easy enough for Italy to "develop" what 
the Arabs of Sicily and Al-Andalus had already brought 
to perfection. 

See Appendix 4, p. 144. 



VILLOTEAU (died 1839) was one of the early ad- 
vocates of the Arabian influence on the theory of 
music. The resemblance between the scale of the 
Arabs and that of Guido of Arezzo (died circa 1050) led 
Villoteau to say that there was every reason to suppose 
that the latter had adopted the musical theory of the 
former. He admitted however, that it was out of the 
Greek system that the Arabian theory arose, but, he said : 
" according to all appearances it is this latter which served 
as the model for that of Guido of Arezzo." 1 

Some years earlier, Sir John Hawkins (died 1789) had 
hinted at the Arabian influence. He said : " With respect 
to the theory of music, it does not appear to have been at 
all cultivated in Spain before the time of Salinas, who 
was born in the year 1513, and it is possible that this sci- 

i Villoteau, op. cit., i, 858-9. See also his "Recherches sur 
Panalogie de la musique avec les arts/' i, 357. Combarieu, " La 
musique et la magie," p. 181-2. Raouf Yekta Bey, " Revue Musi- 
cale," 15 Avril, 1908. Soriano-Fuertes (" Hist, de la musica 
Espafiola," i, 152) says that Guido of Arezzo studied in Cata- 
lonia, where Gerbert acquired his " Arabian sciences/* and sug- 
gests that it was here that Guido acquired his knowledge of the 
solfeggio. "S.I.M.G.," i ; 553, 


ence, as in those of geometry and astronomy, in physics 
and other branches of learning, the Arabians, and those 
descended from them might be the teachers of the 
Spaniards." 2 

A century later, Oscar Fleischer also asked if there were 
not some influence upon Spanish music theory to be 
ascribed to the Arabs, seeing that France was quoting Al- 
Farabi in the thirteenth century. 5 Of course, there were 
several Spanish theorists prior to Salinas (died 1590)^ 
Two outstanding names are those of Raimimdo Lull (died 
1315), and Ramos de Pareja (died circa 1521), although 
perhaps, neither of them actually wrote in Spain. What 
benefits these writers could have derived from the teach- 
ings of the Arabs we can only conjecture. Lull was cer- 
tainly an Arabist, and it might be conceded that he would 
be conversant with what the Arabs had to impart in this 
science. In Lull's definition of music, " Musica est 
duplex : naturalis et artificialis" we may perhaps have an 
echo of Al-Farabian teaching. 5 We see this definition 

^ Hawkins, " A General History .... of Music," bk. ix, chap. 83. 

9 " Vierteljahrsschrift fur Musikwissenschaft," iv, 277. Sori- 
ano-Fuertes appears to think that Al-Farabi's " Kitab al-musiql " 
was a textbook in the Spanish Christian schools. " Hist, de la 
Musica Espaiiola," i, 89. " Neue Nahrung erhielten diese alle- 
gorisierenden Bestrebungen durch das Eindringen arabischer Elo- 
mente im 10. bis 12. Jahrhundert." Abert, " Die Musikan- 
schauung des Mittelalters," pp. 143, 169, 175. ' ,*$ * 

A For early Spanish theorists see Riano, " Notes on Early 
Spanish Music," p. 70. 

fiRaimundo Lull, "Opera" (1617), p. 209. Cf. Regino Pru- 
miensis (Gerbert, " Script.," i, 232, 236). For the older classical 
definitions see Aristoxenos (Meibom, i, 1) ; Aristeides (Mei- 
bom, ii, 7, 207); Boethius, i, 2; Cassiodorus (Gerbert, " Script.," 
i, 16); Isidore (Gerbert, "Script.," i, 21), 


also in his contemporary Johannes ^Egidius Zamorensis 
(circa 1270), a Spanish theorist who was acquainted with 
the writings of Constant ine the African (died 1087), one 
of the early translators of Arabic works into Latin. 6 

The definition of Al-Farabi may perhaps be traced as 
early as Johannes Cotto, whose "Epistola ad Fulgen- 
tium" has had the date circa iioo assigned to it, and also 
as late as Adam de Fulda (circa i4Qo). 7 If the definition 
in Johannes Cotto is Al-Farablan, it may enable us to fix 
the date of his epistle a little later. Al-Farabl's " Ihsa' 
al-'Ulum" does not appear to have made its debut in 
Latin as " De Scientiis " or " De Divisione Omnium Sci- 
entiarum" until the mid twelfth century, when John of 
Seville and Gerard of Cremona made their versions. At 
the same time we must not overlook the fact that a mere 
definition could have been transmitted orally by Euro- 
pean students who had imbibed the "Arabian sciences.' 1 
If Johannes Cotto was English, as has been generally ac- 
cepted, one might point to Petrus Anfusi (circa 1106), 
Adelard of Bath (circa 1130), Robert of Retine (circa 
1141), or Abraham ben Ezra (circa 1158-9) as possible 

A reference by Mr. J. B. Trend to the influence of the 

" Script.," ii, 378, 392. See ante p. 36. 

? Wooldridge, op. cit., i, 77. Cf. Grove's "Diet.," s.v. Ger- 
bert, "Script.," iii, 333. 

8 See my "Arabian Influence on Musical Theory, " pp. 12-18. 
Many English students were to be found in Spain in the twelfth 
century, and John of Seville wrote a work specially for two Eng- 
lishmen there, named Gauco and William. See Haskins, " Medi- 
eval Science/' 127. 


gipsy on Spanish music, 9 leads me to introduce at this 
point the question of the origin of the gipsies which may 
have interest. " The gipsy tribes," says Mr. Trend, " came 
from the East." Their origin however is shrouded in 
mystery. Many years ago the famous Dutch orientalist, 
M. de Goeje, explained the origin of the name Tsigan or 
Tzigane from the Persian chang (a harp) or the Arabic 
zanj (the Blacks). It has been pointed out however that 
the proper form of the word was Atztgan or Atzingan, a 
name derived from the Athinganoi mentioned by the By- 
zantine historians in the ninth century. What was far 
more interesting in the theories of M. de Goeje was his 
account of the passage of the gipsies from Chaldsea 
through Asia Minor into Europe. 

In the days of Khalif Al-Ma'mun (813-33) and Al- 
Mu'tasim (833-42), we read of an Indian community oc- 
cupying the marshlands between Al-Basra and Al-Wasit 
in Chaldaea. They were called by the Arabs the Zutts> a 
word derived, it would seem, from the Sanscrit jati 
(properly yatt}. At this period, the Zutts were a serious 
menace to the state by reason of their lawless behaviour, 
and an expedition was sent against them. After several 
months' hostilities, the Zutts capitulated, and in January, 
835, dressed in their national costume, and to the music of 
their national instruments, they were transported to Ana- 
zarba on the Byzantine frontier. Twenty years later, we 
are told, they entered Asia Minor, under the name of the 
Athinganpi. 10 

Trend, "The Music of Spanish History," 32-3. 
*0M. de Goeje, "Memoire eur les migrations des Ziganes & 
travers 1'Asie " (1903). 


So far M. de Goeje. The question arises however: 
"How did the Zutls come to settle in Chaldaea?" A 
reasonable explanation of this may perhaps be found in 
the "Raudat al-afa'" of the Persian historian, Mlrkh- 
wand (died 1498). This author relates that the Persian 
Sasanid monarch, Bahram Ghur (died 438) colonised ten 
thousand singers and dancers from Hindustan "all over 
the country." Mlrkhwand says that the Jats (Zutts) were 
descended from them, and that not one of them could be 
found who was not a musician. 11 Probably, the Zutts had 
been in their marshland colony since the days before Islam 
when the Persian dihqan held sway in Chaldaea. 

Gipsy music is oriental, and where we see it, perhaps to 
the best advantage, in the Balkans, it carries many of the 
salient features of Arabo-Turkish music. The gipsy 
schetra (violin) derives its name from the Persian sitara. 
When therefore Mr. Trend tells us that " Southern Spanish 
song is probably more influenced by the gipsies, who still 
remain in the country and sing, than by the Moors, who 
have been gone for three hundred years," it simply means 
that the gipsy influence is actually a reinforcement of the 
oriental idiom that had already impregnated the music of 
the southern half of the Iberian peninsula during the 
Arab occupation. 13 

"Mlrkhwand, " Raudat al-afa'," i, ii, 357. See the Persian 
text in "Histoire des Sassanides " (Paris, 1843), p. 217. 

^Chavarri, " Miisica Popular Espanola" (1927), 24-6. 



IN reply to my statement that " between the eighth and 
eleventh centuries the Arabs had translated from 
the Greek many musical treatises hitherto unknown 
to Western Europe," Miss Schlesinger says : 1 

" We require to know by whom these translations were 
made or the date. We surmise that this work was accom- 
plished between the eighth and eleventh centuries, by a 
college of translators founded at Baghdad by Hunain ibn 
Ishaq. These Arabic translations, with very few excep- 
tions, benefited only the Arab theorists themselves, we 
need to know when they were retranslated into Latin^ and 
thus became accessible to the cultured classes in Europe. 
This would probably not be before the end of the twelfth 
century at the earliest, for the college of translators from 
Arabic into Latin, founded in 1130 by Raymund, Arch- 
bishop of Toledo, set to work first of all upon Aristotle 
and the medical, mathematical and philosophical writings 
of the Greeks." 

What are the " facts " ? Translations from the Greek 

i " Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 23, b. 


into Arabic date from nearly a century before the founda- 
tion of the so-called "college of translators founded at 
Baghdad," as evidenced by the "'Ard Miftah al-Nujum" 
of Hermes in the Ambrosian Library which is dated 743. 
Treatises on other subjects of the quadrivium were trans- 
lated during the reign of Al-Mansur (754-75),* and books 
on music theory may have been included. We even know 
the names of some of the translators, including Yuhanna 
ibn al-Batrlq (died 815). 

The Bait al-Hikma at Baghdad, was not merely a " col- 
lege of translators,'* as has been suggested. It was a col- 
lege in the broadest sense of the term, i.e., a body of scho- 
lars incorporated for the study and instruction of the 
higher branches of knowledge. Translation was only a 
part of the work accomplished by its scholars. 5 Further, 
Hunain ibn Ishaq (809-73), although one of the transla- 
tors, was not its " founder." He was one of the later trans- 
lators who served his apprenticeship under Yahya ibn 
Masawaihi, the director of the translations from Greek 
works on science and philosophy, including music, as Leo 
Africanus tells us. 

The real founder of the Bait al-Hikma was Khalif Al- 
Ma'mun (reigned 813-33). The story of its foundation is 
related in the "Fihrist" (circa 988). The precise date, 
however, is not given, but it must have been between 813, 
the date of the accession of the Byzantine Emperor Leo 
the Armenian, and 831, the date of the death of Yahya 

2Al-Mas'udI, viii, p. 291. 

5 The Banu Musa, who wore among the first "Fellows" at the 
Bait al-Hikma, paid about 500 pieces of gold (dananir) a month 
to their translators. " Al-Fihrist," 43. 



ibn Abl Mansur, who was one of the astronomers engaged 
at the college/ 

There is no record of the actual dates when the treatises 
on music of Aristotle, Aristoxenos, Euklid, Nikomachos, 
Ptolemy and others appeared in Arabic, nor do we know 
for certain who the translators were. If we possessed these 
works to-day it is highly probable that both these ques- 
tions could be answered. Unfortunately, all that has 
come down to us are some extracts from the Greek writers 
on music translated by Hunain ibn Ishaq, 5 Aristotle's 
" De Anima/' which contains a section on sound, and the 
treatises of Muristus, Archimedes and Apollonios on the 
hydraulis and other instruments. 6 The holocausts in the 
East by the mamluks of the Fatimids (eleventh century), 
the Mughal sultans Hulagu (thirteenth century) and 
Timur (fourteenth century), and in the West by the wazlr 
Al-Mansiir (tenth century) 7 and Cardinal Ximenes 
(fifteenth century), must have resulted in the loss of 
millions of books. 8 

Whilst the earliest specific mention of the Arabo-Greek 
translations of Aristotle, Aristoxenos, Euklid, Niko- 

4 Baron Carra de Vaux (" Avicenne," 55) thinks that it was 
founded " about 832, " which is clearly too late. 

5 See my "History of Arabian Music, " pp. 126-7. 

^ See my " Organ of the Ancients." 
7 See my " History of Arabian Music," pp. 184, 186. 
* " Millions " is not an extravagant term. Ximenes alone 
responsible for the destruction of 80,000 volumes, according to a 
conservative estimate. (Conde, " El Nubiense, Desc. de Espana," 
p. 1. Al-Maqqari ("Moh. Dyn.," i, viii.) Cf. Prescott, " Hist, 
of Ferdinand and Isabella," and Lea, " The Moriscoes of Spain." 
A Catholic historian estimates the number as 1,005,000. (Robles 
" Vida de Ximenez," 104.) 


machos and Ptolemy, occur in Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi (d. 940), 
Al-Mas'udl (d. c. 957), and the Fihrist (c. 988), they can 
be traced much earlier. 9 Al-Kindi (d. c. 874) certainly 
borrowed from the Greek theorists, and most probably 
from a translation. Seeing that his treatises on music 
appear to have been written during the reign of Al- 
Mu'tasim (833-42), and certainly before the time of 
Al-Mutawakkil (847-61), it is obvious that the translations 
from the Greek must have been produced earlier. 10 We 
have already seen in the life of Ishaq al-Mausili that 
some of these treatises were being translated even outside 
the Bait al-Hikma, and from internal evidence we know 
that this probably took place before the year 847.^ The 
Banu Musa, one of whom Muhammad, died in 873, were 
engaged in the study of the science of music. 22 They may 
indeed, have been responsible for some of the translations 
together with Hunain ibn Ishaq. Ibn Firnas (d. 888), 
who is credited with having been the "first who taught 
the science of music in Al-Andalus," was probably so 
designated because he introduced the theories of the 
Greek scholiasts. At any rate, by the time of Al-Farabi 
(d. 950) the Arab theorists appear to have been thoroughly 
acquainted with the Greek treatises on music, and in this 
last-named writer we have traces of Aristoxenos, Ptolemy, 
Euklid and Themistius. 15 

9 See my " Greek Theorists of Music in Arabic Translation 
(" Trans, of the XVIIth Inter. Congress of Orientalists "). 

wSee my " Hist, of Arabian Music," pp. 127, 139. 

"See Appendix 25. 

** " Al-Fiharist," 271. Ibn Khallikan, " Biog. Diet./ 1 iii, 315. 
w Cf. "S.I.M.G.," xi, 319. 


Miss Schlesinger states that " these Arabic translations, 
with very few exceptions, benefited only the Arab 
theorists themselves." We are not told, however, who 
the " exceptions " were, but students of mediaeval Oriental 
music will know that Persian, Indian, Turkish and Syrian 
writers on musical theory " benefited " directly or in- 
directly to a considerable extent. 

As for the query that "we need to know when they 
were re-translated into Latin, and thus became accessible 
to the cultured classes in Europe," it might be pointed 
out that a re-translation into Latin was not necessarily 
an indispensable condition of Europe's "benefiting" by 
the Arabo-Greek translations. During the Umayyad 
period (eighth to eleventh century) in Al-Andalus, 
students from all parts flocked to Cordova, 1 * and Arabic 
was spoken and written by the Muzarabes, i.e., the 
Christians living under Muslim rule, and the Mudejares, 
i.e., the Muslims living under Christian rule. 15 Students 
could therefore have " benefited " from the Arabic fount 
direct. We know later that when Roger Bacon lectured 
to some Spanish students at Oxford, using faulty Latin 
translations from the Arabic, his listeners ridiculed him 
because they evidently knew his " authorities " in Arabic. 1 * 
In Christian monasteries outside of Spain, Arabic MSS. 

U See Appendix 10. 
M See Appendix 11. 

JfiWood, "Antiq. Univ. Oxon." Adelard of Bath (twelfth 
century) abandoned the schools of Gaul for those of the Saracens 
("Qusest. Nat.") It would be interesting to learn whether Ade- 
lard took his theory of the spherical propagation of sound from 
the Arabs or from Vitruvius (" Qiuest. Nat.," cap. 21). 


were to be found in the eleventh century, 17 whilst they 
were quite common in Norman Sicily in the twelfth to the 
thirteenth centuries. 28 

I have elsewhere disposed of the suggestion that the 
end of the twelfth century was the earliest that transla- 
tions could have been made from the Arabic into Latin 
on questions of music. 19 Indeed, whether the Arabo-Greek 
treatises were known in Latin translation or not, the fact 
remains that the mere existence of these works in Arabic, 
and the study of them by the Arabs, must have yielded^ 
beneficial results. 

It is also clear that Byzantium itself neglected the 
sciences as has already been pointed out. 20 From the 
fourth century, right through the most brilliant period of 
Arabic translation from the Greek, Byzantium was dumb. 
Indeed, as Oman says, the seventh and eighth centuries 
constitute a "dark age" for Byzantium culture. Under 
the pressure of the Arabian culture movement in general 
we have something of a revival under the " literary 
emperors' 1 (886-Q63). 1 In 968, when an envoy of the 
Emperor Otto 1 visited Constantinople, he found books 
on the Arabian sciences in use. 2 In the eleventh century, 
Psellos broke the Byzantine silence on the question of the 

*7Annales Corbeiensis," an. 1094. 

is See ante pp. 21-2. 
*0 See ante p. 174 et seq. 

w See Appendix 2. 

* In Christian Spain, when Khalif ' Abd al-Bahman III wanted 
to have a fresh translation made of a Greek work into Arabic, 
not a single Christian could be found in Cordova in 951 who knew 
Greek. Al-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," XX v. 

^Liudprandi, " Legatio," cap. 39. 


theory of music, although for all that he had to impart 
he might just as well have held his peace. 5 // was the 
Arabs alone who showed any measure of interest in specu- 
lative theory. 

In spite of early indiscretions, the Arabic translations 
from the Greek were generally made with greater skill 
than the later translations from Arabic into Latin/ 
Roger Bacon roundly condemns the latter translations, 5 
and urges the necessity of knowing Arabic for the ac- 
quisition of the sciences. 6 Like Adelard, he prefers the 
Arabian to the Gaulish schools, and ridicules the Paris 
schoolmen who quote Alexander of Hales " as if he were 
an Aristotle, or an Avicenna, or an Averroes"l 7 

* See ante, p. 131. 

JLeclerc, " Hist, de la Med. Arabe," ii, 346. Browne, E. G., 
" Arabian Medicine," 26. 

5 " Comp. Stud.," cap. viii. 

6"Comp. Phil." 
?" Op. Tern.," xxxi. 



WITH regard to the Muristus MSS. on the organ," 
says Miss Schlesinger, . . . . " there is the fol- 
lowing to be said. Muristus, as Mr. Farmer 
tells us, was a Greek, Ameristos by name, whose original 
treatises in Greek are not extant, but are only preserved 
in Arabic." 1 The interpretation placed on my words (see 
ante p. 64) is rather misleading. What I meant was that 
the Arabic Muristus stood for the Greek 'A^c/no-ros. The 
latter was a mathematician and a brother of Stesichoros 
(c. 640-555 B.C.). Whether this Ameristos was the author 
of these treatises, or whether the name is a, scribal error, I 
have discussed elsewhere. 2 

*" Musical Standard,'' xxvii, 198, a. 
" Studies in Oriental Musical Instruments," p. 30. 



YAHYA ibn 'All ibn Yahya ibn Abi Mansur al- 
Munajjim (856-912) was a "boon companion" of 
Al-Muwaffaq, the brother of Khalif Al-Mu'tamid. 
He was a learned metaphysician, and excellent poet, and 
a musical theorist 1 He was the author of a " Kitab al- 
Nagham" ("Book of Modes*'), 2 and other works of a 
similar nature. One of the latter, a " Risala f l'1-Musiql," 
has been preserved for us. 3 His father, who was a pupil 
of Ishaq al-Mausill, was also a "boon companion," poet, 
and musician. 4 His grandfather was one of the cele- 
brated scholiasts of the Bait al-Hikma ("House of Wis- 
dom") at the time of Khalif Al-Ma'mun. 5 

Yahya ibn 'All, as did several other members of his 
family, belonged to a class of writers on music who dealt 
with the 'amall or practical theory, like Ishaq al-Mausili, 
'Ubaidallah ibn 'Abdallah, and Ibn Khurdadhbih, rather 

i " Al-Fihrist," 143. 
9 " Kitab al-Agham," viii, 26. 

*" British Museum MS./' Or. 2361, fol. 236, v, et seq. 

4 " Al-Fihrist," 143. Ibn Khallikan, " Biog. Diet.," ii, 312. 

&" Al-Fihrist," 143. 


than with the nazari, or speculative theory, as did Al- 
Kindi, Al-Sarakhsi, Thabit ibn Qurra, and Qusta ibn 
Luqa. His treatise mentioned above gives a fair insight 
into the bases of the "Old Arabian System" which was 
known to the virtuosi who figure in the great " Kitab al- 

I have already shown (Appendix 23) that the "Old 
Arabian System*' had existed from the time of Ibn Mis- 
jah (d. c. 705-14). After that date, however, several 
extraneous factors had entered the system, especially as 
regards the scale. First, there were the Persian () and 
Zalzalian (:!) wusta notes, and possibly the consequent 
inujannab notes ($-*-* and-J). Then there was the note- 
worthy influx of Persian and Khurasanl musicians, who 
appear to have brought with them the scale of two Urn- 
mas and a comma, as found in the tanbiir al-Kkurdsdni. 
In addition, there was still the old " Pre-Islamic Scale" 
of the tanbur al-mlzdni (or Baghdddf). The new ideas, 
together with other alien innovations, made considerable 
headway, more so because they were championed by the 
Amir Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdl (d. 839), the rival of Ishaq 
al-Mausili. So deeply had the novelties taken root that 
it was said that the old melodies could no longer be heard 
in their original form. A treatise on the merits of the 
innovators and the defenders of the Old Arabian School 
was written by 'All ibn Harun ibn 'All ibn Yahya (d. 963), 
a nephew of Yahya ibn 'All ibn Yahya, entitled " Kitab 
risala fi'1-farq bain Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdl wa Ishaq al- 
Mausil! fi'1-ghina " (" Treatise on the Difference between 
Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdl and Ishaq al-Mausili concerning 


Music ").' It was these rather disturbing elements which 
had invaded Arabian music that appear to have roused 
Ishaq al~Mausill to "recast" the "Old Arabian System." 

So far as rectifying the scale was concerned, the an- 
nalists boast, as I have said, 7 that Ishaq reached the con- 
clusions of Eukhd and other of the "Ancients" (the 
Greeks), without actually having been acquainted with 
their writings. 8 Miss Schlesinger would show how Ishaq 
came upon "this so-called new development in the scaling 
of the lute." It was " at first or second hand, as part of 
his training, in the milieu in which he was brought up." 
"Ishaq's vaunted 'Old Arabian theory/" continues this 
writer, "resolves itself into the Pythagorean scale of the 
Greek system of Euklid and other theorists." " The 
'Old Arabian System* supposed to have been recast by 
Ishaq al-Mausill was not an Arabian system at all," " but 
merely that particular form of the Ancient Greek system 
known as the ' Greater Complete/ which was in use in 
Hellenistic Asia, in Alexandria, and the ancient kingdom 
of the Ptolemies."* 

In the first place, I would observe regarding this that 
no one has referred to Ishaq's " recasting " as a " new de- 
velopment in the scaling of the lute? This is her own 
assumption. The idea of the " Christian monastic origin" 
theory as to " the manner in which Ishaq came upon the 
scale used upon his lute" has already been disposed of 
(Appendix 24). When we are told that Ishaq's scale is 

* " Al-Fihrist," 144. 

* See ante p. 59. 
* " Kitab al-Aghani," v, 53. 
Musical Standard," xxvi, pp. 45, 46, 63. 



merely the Pythagorean scale of Euklid, Miss Schlesinger 
is only reiterating what the author of the " Kitab al- 
Aghani" hinted at nearly a thousand years ago, and 
which 1 had repeated. 10 Yet this "recasting" or "re- 
establishment" of the "Old Arabian scale" did not actu- 
ally necessitate the learning of a Euklid, as it was not so 
difficult a matter, after all, seeing that Ishaq had the lute 
to work on, n although we are expressly told that he made 
a rule for the adjustment of these frets by reckoning or 
calculation (hisab). n 

As for the statement that the " Old Arabian System " was 
the " Greater Complete System " of the Ancient Greeks, 

10 See Appendix 23. 

w The ratios are not given in Yahya's md?a, but his description 
of the accordatura (taswiyya} and the octaves (ad'af) fix the in- 
tervals of the frets with certainty. See also my " Studies in 
Oriental Musical Instruments," p. 61. 

Mutlaq (open string) 

Sabbdba (1st finger fret). [B.] 
Wusta (2nd finger fret). 
Bimir (3rd finger fret). 
Khinir (4th finger fret). 

" British Museum MS.," Or. 2361, fol. 237, v. 

s -2 *i 
S Is ** 

S 2 '~ 
[A.] CD.? G! (J). c? 




(I) <* 




(W ep. 




/ft 1 \ A 




(S) f- 



the clear and definite affirmations of both Ishaq al-Mau- 
sili and Yahya ibn 'All ibn Yahya rule this opinion out 
of court. A short quotation from the "risala" of Yahya 
on the question of the difference between Ishaq and the 
"Masters of [Greek] music" has already been given, 13 but 
a more lengthy passage occurs elsewhere in this tract 
which is worth quoting. It is as follows : 

" And the ' Ancients ' [the Greeks], from among their 
Masters of music, say that the notes (nagham) are eigh- 
teen. And they choose among the notes those which are 
in the mathlath and bamm [strings], and they make the 
first of the notes the mutlaq of the bamm, and the second 
the wusta u upon it. And they are unanimous upon this 
arrangement, and assert that the notes which are in the 
mathlath and bamm [strings] are like the notes which are 
in the mathna and zlr [strings]. . . . Then the only differ- 
ence [in this question] between Ishaq and those who fol- 
low him, and the Masters of [Greek] music, is that Ishaq 
made the notes nine, and the tenth note the octave (4?t)> 
because he thinks that the octaves . . . . 1[) And the Mas- 
ters of [Greek] music betake themselves to these nine 
notes and then double them. ... So they became eighteen 
notes/' 16 

It is evident from this account that the " Greater Com- 
plete System " of the Ancient Greeks was " clearly distin- 
guished " by Ishaq and Yahya from the one octave " Old 
Arabian System," as I had stated. Of course, the Ancient 

ls See ante p. 65. 
# This would appear to be a copyist's error for sabb&ba. 

16 There appears to be a hiatus here. 
# u British Museum MS./ 1 Or. 2361, fol. 237, v. 


Greeks also had a one octave system, but this comprised 
the two disjunct tetrachords Meson (E, F, G, a) and 
Diezeugmenon (b, c, d, e) and was therefore quite dis- 
similar from the former. Yahya states explicitly that it 
was the ten-note system that distinguished the Arabian 
theory. He says : " Thus all that conforms with the music 
( ghintf) of the Arabs is from the ten notes (naghamdt), 
although the music itself [in one composition] comprises 
[only] eight notes, as some notes give place to others, 
which distinguishes their system in this particular. Most 
of what the vocal music (saut) is built upon is eight notes, 
all of them. And with this conforms the notes (nagham) 
of the music of the Arabs, and according to it runs the 
whole of the forms (asnaf) of music." 17 Elsewhere we are 
told, that " Ishaq ibn Ibrahim [al-Mausili] and those who 
follow him say that the notes are ten. There is not in the 
lutes ( t zddn) t nor in the wood-wind instruments (maza- 
mlr), nor in singing (/z/., the throat, halq\ nor in any of 
the instruments more than these notes." 18 

17 "Brit. Mus. MS.," Or. 2361, fol. 238. 
Ibid., fol. 236, v. 


AL-FARABI'S great theoretical work on music, the 
"Kitab al-muslql," "a masterly treatise," 1 was 
written at the special request of his friend, the 
wazir Abu Ja'f ar Muhammad ibn al-Qasih al-Kurkhl, and 
the reason for it is related in the dedicatory preface, as 
follows : * 

" You [Abu Ja'f ar] mentioned your desire to investigate 
the content of the art of music which is referred to the 
'Ancients' [the Greeks], and you ask me to demonstrate 
this for you in a book which I should write, aiming to 
explain it [the art of music] in such a way that would 
make its attainment easy to him who investigates it. But 
I hesitated in this when I considered the books that have 
come down to us from the ' Ancients ' on this subject, as 
well as what has been written by those who came after 
them, living nearer our own time. And I had hoped to 
find in them what would meet with your wishes, and so 
dispense with the need of writing a new book on a sub- 
ject that had already been dealt with, because, seeing that 

J Land, "Remarks on the Earliest Development of Arabic 
Music" ("Trans. Ninth Congress of Orientalists/' ii, 165). 
* " Leyden MS.," Or. 651, fol. 1. 


these earlier books dealt with all branches of the, art, a 
man's writing a book, taking the credit to himself, which 
would merely confirm what had been said before him, 
would be a redundance, folly, or iniquity, unless, indeed, 
the original author had written unintelligibly, either in 
the expressions employed or in some other way. In that 
case a second author, following what he [the original 
author] says, may expound him and make him explicit, 
conformable to the text of the original. Therefore his 
purpose would be to perfect the work of his predecessor. 
But with the second author, where a sound description and 
interpretation [or translation] is imposed on him, he 
should only make explicit what was unintelligible. 

"Now, I found in all of them [the Greek theorists] an 
incompleteness in the various branches of the art, and 
lacuna in many things in what they state. And the chief 
aim of most of them is speculative theory (al-ilm al- 
nazarl), but in the elucidation of it, unintelligible sayings 
have been employed in such a way that it is almost un- 
thinkable that the ancient theorists (nazaritn) should have 
been unable to deal with this art and did not attain to 
its perfection, considering their numbers and proficiency, 
and their eagerness for discovery in the sciences, and their 
preference for them over every other human thing, and 
the excellence of their understanding, and the transmission 

of it [their work] from generation to generation 

Except [that we allow] that their writings in the perfec- 
tion of this branch of knowledge have either perished, 
or what was handed down from them in Arabic were de- 
fective writings." 


" In view of this, I think it proper that I should com- 
ply with your wish [and write the book requested]." 

Then follows the passage which I have already quoted, 8 
explaining the method upon which every writer on such a 
subject should base his enquiries, and then showing what 
Al-Farabi's own contribution was in elucidating the ob- 
scurities and correcting the errors of his predecessors/ 
Upon these two latter passages Miss Schlesinger com- 
ments as follows : 5 

" Nothing," says Mr. Farmer, " demonstrates the critical 
attitude of the Arab theorists better than the opening 
lines of the monumental ' Kitab al-Muslql ' of Al-Farabi. 1 
If this be so, then we may condole with the Arabs, for 
this quotation from Al-Farabl by no means represents 
original critical faculty, it is ARISTOXENOS, pure and 
simple, as anyone familiar with that theorist must have 
seen at once." 

In reply to this criticism, I have no hesitation in saying 
that it is farcical to suggest that Al-Farabl copied Aris- 
toxenos in the passages quoted by me (pp. 67-8). 6 In the 

s See ante p. 67. 
& See ante p. 68. 

5 " Musical Standard," xxvii, 62, b, et seq. 
6 Miss Schlesinger gives the passages from Professor Macran's 
translation of the " Harmonics " of Aristoxonos, and invites com- 
parison between the two writers. Here is the first Aristoxenos 
passage : { * Our exposition cannot be a successful one unless three 
conditions be fulfilled. Firstly, the phenomena themselves must 
be correctly observed ; secondly, what is prior and what is deriva- 
tive in them must be properly discriminated ; thirdly, our con- 
clusions and inferences must follow legitimately from the 
premises," etc. 
For the similarity between Al-Farabl and Aristoxenos in the 


first place, both of these writers subscribed to the Peri- 
patetic school, and could scarcely have penned a scientific 
work without introducing the methodology of Aristotle's 
" Analytics," and in the passages under discussion we see 
this quite vividly. In the second place, the opening re- 
marks of Al-Farabl (given above) which precede the pas- 
sages in question, show quite conclusively why Al-Farabi 
wrote as he did. Further, it vindicates the truth of my 
remark that " Nothing demonstrates the critical attitude 
of the Arab theorists better than the opening lines of the 
' Kitab al-Musiqi ' of Al-Farabl." 

second passage the following is quoted from the latter : lt Tins has 
been clearly illustrated in a former work in which wo examined 

the views put forward by the students of Harmonic 

\Ve shall find that they have been in part ignored, in part in- 
adequately treated ; and while substantiating our accusations wfe 
shall at the same time acquire a general conception of the nature 
of our subject." Macran's translation, pp. 197, 165, 166. 




AL-FARABI, Ibn Bajja, and Ibn Rushd, each wrote 
a book or books which carried the title or titles of 
" Sharh Kitab al-Sama' al-Tabl'I," or " Kitab al- 
Sama' al-Tabi'I,"* or " Sharh Kitab al-Sama' al-Tabi'i li 
Aristutalis," or " Talkhls Kitab al-Sama' al-Tabi'i li Aris- 
tutalis." Each of these works I considered to be (fol- 
lowing the title) 2 a " Commentary on Aristotle's Theory 
of Sound/' which was also the opinion of Pascual de 
Gayangos. 3 I had in mind a section of Aristotle's "De 
anima" (419, b), which was well known in Arabic/ as well 
as the Pseudo-Aristotelian "De audibilibus." The view 
was further strengthened by the title of an Aristotelian 
work translated from the Arabic into Latin by Gerard of 
Cremona, entitled "De naturali auditu." 5 I am now of 
opinion, however, that all these titles refer to Aristotle's 
" Physics " (<t>vo-iKrj aKpoao-is , " Auscultatio naturalis "), 

* Steinschneider, " Al-Farabi," 220, considers these first two 
titles as separate works. 

2 " Musical Standard/ 5 xxvii, 44. 

SAl-Maqqari, " Moh. Dyn.," i, Appendix xv (al-samd' al-tabl l l 
= <; natural sound'') Cf., however, Appendix 21. 

^See Appendix 29. 
5 Steinschneider, "Die euror. tTbersetz.," Index, p. 90. 


because the Arabic work in the Leyden Library with the 
title, "Sharh al-Sama f al-Tabi'I li Aristutalls/' certainly 
concerns the " Physics/' 6 ' and further, the text of the Latin 
version of the "Physics' 1 at St. Mark's, Venice, 7 is based 
on Gerard's translation. 

Miss Schlesinger derides the suggestion that the Arabs 
contributed to the speculative art of music, and asks for 
some passage showing how Al-Farabi surpassed Aristotle 
in scientific knowledge.* In the Muslim world, Al-Farabl 
was known as "The Second Teacher" ( al-mu' allim al- 
tkanl), i.e., the successor to " The First Teacher/' who was 
Aristotle. As a commentator of Aristotle, Al-Farabl was 
not only facile princcps in the East, but in Western 
Europe also until Ibn Rushd (Averroes) eclipsed his 

The particular question that was under discussion was 
the theory of sound, and what we know of Aristotle's 
apprehension of this question as revealed in " De anima " 
and the doubtful "De audibilibus," demonstrates that he 
had little to say that was original, 5 and a few things that 
were erroneous.- It was not indeed, a very difficult mat- 
ter for the Arabian theorists, many of whom were fairly 
good physicists, to add something to what the Greeks had 
to say. The Al-Kindi (died 874) treatise in the Berlin 
Staatsbibliothek entitled " Risala fl'1-Luhun," written for 

6 " Leyden MS.," 896 (583). 
7 " St. Mark's MS.," Lat. vi (37). 
" Musical Standard," sxvii, 63. 

9 Lones, "Aristotle's Researches in Natural Science," 77. 
w In " De sensu," where one expects to find the question dealt 
with at length, since he considered hearing "the most important 
of the senses," Aristotle leaves the subject untouched. 


Ahmad ibn al-Mu'tasim, is devoted almost entirely to the 
theory of sound, and in spite of Greek loanings, is highly 
original in places, especially in its physiological aspect. 11 
The same author's other tract in the same library (No. 
5530) is almost equally as interesting on this question. 

As for Al-Farabl (died 950), I venture to say that the 
madkhal or introduction to his famous " Kitab al-Musiqi " 
is equal if not superior to the musical writings of Aris- 
totle, including the pseudo-Aristotelian " Problems." 1 ' 

Al-Farabi openly borrows from the Greeks, 13 but he 
does not tell us that sound is heard in a less degree in 
water than in air, nor does he tell us that wool when struck 
produces no sound, as Aristotle states. 14 Neither did Al- 
Farabl repeat the story of Nikomachos that Pythagoras 
discovered the consonances of the fourth, fifth and octave 
by comparing the weight of the hammers in the black- 
smith's shop, a legend which was repeated by Gaudentios 
and Boethius. I;5 

The Ikhwan al-Safa' (circa Q/o), as I have said, made 
an advance on Greek conceptions. 26 The second division 

""Berlin MS.," 5531. 

^In the Leyden MS. of the "Kitab al-Musiqi," the whole of 
fols. 2 to 13 are devoted to this question. For some of Al-Farabl's 
definitions see Kosegarten, " Lib. Cant.,'' i; Carra de Vaux, 
"Traite des Rapports musicaux," 6; but the translation of the 
" Kitab al-Musiqi " promised by Baron R. d'Erlanger will soon 
satisfy enquirers in this field. 

is See the heading of Chapter IV of the present work. 

U"T>e anima," 419, b. 

Nikomachos (Meibom, 10-11) ; Gaudentios (Meibom, 13-14) ; 
Boethius, i, 10. 

16 Greek and Latin musical theorists are little concerned with 
the physical explanation of the sensation of sound. Ptolemy (lib. 
i, cap. 4) and Boethius (lib. i, cap. 3) are, perhaps, the best, 


of their risdla on music deals with the theory of sound, 
and it redounds to their credit. 17 Unlike the Aristotelians, 
they do not teach that "the direction of sound fol- 
lows a straight line."* 8 The Ikhwan say: "When one 
body meets another, the air is dispersed from between 
them, causing rebounding- waves in all directions in the 
form of spheres, which become wider in the same way as 
the bottle becomes wider at the hands of the glass blower. 
And in proportion to the sphere becoming wider, its mo- 
tion and undulation become weaker until they cease and 
fail." 19 Aristotle said : " Not every object produces sound 
when struck. On the contrary, the object that is struck, 
must be smooth." 20 Hence, he says : " Bronze is resonant 
because it is smooth." 1 But the Ikhwan al-Safa' show 
that smooth objects produce smooth sounds, while rough 
objects produce rough sounds. 2 In demonstrating the 
difference between noise and musical sound, the Ikhwan 
al-Safa* define as clearly as almost any modern writer on 
acoustics, how the latter is distinguished by force, pitch 
and quality. According to Helmholtz, force depends 

Other references are, Aristoxenos (Meibom, 12), Pseudo-Euklid 
(Meibom, 1), Nikomnehos (Meibom, 4-5, 7-8), Aristeides (Mei- 
bom, 7), Bakchios (Meibom, 2, 16), Martianus Capella (Meibom, 
182), and Gaudentios (Meibom, 2, 3). 

n See my "Arabic Musical MSS. in the Bodleian Library," 
p. 5. 

is " De audibilibus," 802, a. 

^ Ikhwan al-Safa' (Bombay Edit.), i, 86. The idea of spherical 
propagation of sound may have been derived from Greek sources, 
although I do not recall any Greek author who mentions it. It 
occurs, however, in Vitruvius, " De arch.," v, 3. 
*0"De anima," 420, a. 
J"De anima," 419, b. 
2 Ikhwan al-afa' ? i, 80, 



, % . 

upon " the amplitude of the oscillations of the particles of 
the sounding body." 5 Preece and Stroh refused to accept 
this definition and pointed out that " loudness does not 
depend upon amplitude of vibration only, but upon the 
quantity of air put in vibration" 1 * The Ikhwan al-Safa' 
knew this when they said: "Hollow bodies, like vessels, 
bottles and water jug's, will resound for a long time after 
they are struck, because the air within them reverberates 
time after time until it becomes still. Consequently, the 
wider the vessels are, the greater the sound, because more 
air is put into vibration^'* 

The following table of the Ikhwan al-Safa J illustrates 
to some extent how thoroughly these people approached 
the question of the physical basis of sound. 6 

Animate J 



irrational. {Animals. 


| ( Laughter. 

Inarticulate. \ Weeping. 

I I Screaming. 


f Stone. 
Natural. {Wood. 

| Thunder. 
(Wind, etc. 


T , , , I Horn. 

Instrumental, j W ood-wind instruments. 

( Stringed instruments. 

^Helmholtz, " Sensations of Tone 1 ' (third English edit.), p. 10. 
4"Proc. of the Royal Society," xxviii, 366. 
6 Ikhwan al-Safa', i, 80. 
i, 87-88, 



,__ pj revival of interest in the hydraulis in Europe/' 
I I said in my monograph, " appears to have been 
due to the Arabs. From the sixth to the ninth 
century there is no mention of the ancient kydraulis in 
Europe, 1 but in the ninth-twelfth century the Arabs were 
actually constructing both the pneumatic and the hydraulic 
organ."^ My critic replies to this as follows : <( Mr. Farmer 
will find .... a record of a fine hydraulic organ con- 
structed in the palace of Louis le Debonnaire at Aix-la- 
Chapelle, by a monk named Gcorgius Benevento, for whom 
the king sent to Venice/'^ 

The organum hydraulicum of Louis le Debonnaire is a 
commonplace in history. Indeed, it was on account of 
this instrument, constructed in 826 or 828, that I intro- 
duced the words "ninth century." To combat my argu- 
ment, my critic should produce a reference to the kydraulis 
between the sixth and ninth centuries. It is also advisable 
to point out that the surname of the constructor of Louis's 

i Cf. Maclean ("Quarterly Magazine, Inter. Mue. Soc.," vi). 

* Page 5. 
3 " Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs?/' 15. 


hydraulis was not Benevento, but Veneticus. Further, the 
chronicles do not record that the king "sent" to Venice 
for him. 

The hydraitlis appears to have fallen into desuetude 
about the sixth century. It is last mentioned in the East 
in Syriac and Hebrew documents by Isaac of Antioch 
(d. c. 460) and the authors of the " Talmud " (c. 500) re- 
spectively, and in the West by Apollinarus Sidonius 
(d. c. 483). From this period until the ninth century, as 
I have said, the hydraulis is not mentioned, and it is to be 
presumed that it fell into disuse/' The probable causes 
for this were: (i) the barbarian invasions; (2) the an- 
athema of the Christian Church; and (3) the simpler con- 
struction of the pneumatic organ. 

In the eighth and early ninth century, however, the 
Arabs were busy translating Greek documents into Arabic, 
and among them treatises on the hydraulis, hydraulic or- 
gans, and similar devices. We know that they were ac- 
quainted with these from the evidence of the "Kitab al- 
Siyasa" (late eighth cent.), the Muristus treatise (ninth 
cent, or earlier), and other works. By this time the Byzan- 
tines, who had long before discarded the idea of the 
hydraulic pressure stabiliser as exemplified in the 
hydraulis, in favour of the barystathmic principle of the 
weighted blast-bag, appear to have lost all knowledge of 
the construction of the hydraulis. It was not until the 
Arabs began to make the instrument about which they had 
learned from the ancient Greek treatises, that the Byzan- 
tines adopted the hydraulis again when they came under 

JLavignac, " Encyclopedia de la Musique," 571-2. 


the influence of the Arabian culture contact in the early 
ninth century. 

Up to the sixth century, the Byzantines and Romans 
evidently knew of the keyboard. If the hydraulis had an 
unbroken history up to the ninth century, how does it 
come about that the early organs in Western Europe were 
furnished with primitive valves or sliders ? Clearly, the 
instrument fell into desuetude. When it was re-introduced 
by Arabian or Syro-Arabian craftsmen, it made its ap- 
pearance with valves or sliders for the simple reason that 
the texts used by these craftsmen dealt with a very early 
type of hydraulis (as with the pneumatic organ also) as 
the Muristus documents show. 

I have dealt with the question at greater length in my 
" Organ of the Ancients : From Eastern Sources," but suffi- 
cient evidence is adduced here to justify my suggestion 
that "the revival of interest in the hydraulis in Europe 
appears to have been due to the Arabs.' 1 



f I ^HE Arabic documents on matters musical, I said, 
I were of "extreme value" for the better apprecia- 
tion of ancient Greek musical theory. 2 My critic 
asks for a " demonstration " of this, and not a " mere cita- 
tion." 3 A "mere citation" was given in this instance 
because " the doubtful points in the Greeks made perspicu- 
ous by the Arabs/' as said, were, in most cases, purely 
textual, a question only to be esteemed by scholars. As I 
have pointed out in my " Greek Theorists of Music in 
Arabic Translation," 5 when the works of Al-Kindi, Al- 
Farabl, Ibn Slna, Ibn Zaila, and others, are issued in a 
critical edition, many a debatable word and passage in 
the Greek texts will be cleared up. Even in the little that 
we know of the actual works of Aristoxenos, Euklid and 
Nikomachos in Arabic, we are able to add something to 
our knowledge of these writers, as I have already shown 
elsewhere/ For instance, it is the Arabic title of a work 

1 See ante, p. 70. 
2 " Musical Standard," xxvii, 96. 

* Lecture delivered before the Sixteenth Congress of Orientalists 

4 Ibid. 


of Aristoxenos, the "Kitab al-ru'us," which confirms the 
suggestions of Marquard, Westphal and Gevaert, tfiat the 
'A/D/xoviKo- o-Totxeta of Aristoxenos that has come down to 
us is actually made up of two works the &px a t 
(= "ru'us") and the o-Totx^ra. 

Ruelle, in his " Problemes musicaux d'Aristote," admits 
how " interesting " it would be to have the Arabic text of 
this work which was known in the Middle Ages. 5 It would 
be " interesting " to others also, for probably there is not 
another text on Greek musical theory so annoyingly re- 
plete with textual emendations as that of the nineteenth 
section of the Pseudo-Aristotelian " Problems," and if only 
an alien text were available, it would at least be a relief. 

I also observed that the Arabs have handed down a 
few things that had been ignored or else dealt with super- 
ficially in extant Greek works. Among them, I mentioned 
the "Figures of Melody" (ptXovs o^^ara) and the doc- 
trine of the ethos (ijflo?). 6 Against this the following 
objections have been raised. 

"It is a little difficult to see how students of ancient 
Greek music desirous of studying the ' Figures of Melody,' 
for instance, would benefit from the treatment of the sub- 
ject by Arab theorists, whose works remain untranslated, 
since there are available excellent first-hand authorities in 
the Greek Anonymus II and Bryennios. Methods of 
acquiring knowledge of a difficult subject such as are sug- 
gested by Mr. Farmer via the Arab Scholiasts are more 
than a little dangerous and confusing to students; for the 
Arabs make liberal use of the Greek theorists without ac- 

5 Page 2. 
6 See ante, p. 71, 


knowledgment, paraphrasing" with the utmost licence and 
rarely quoting. It is, moreover, my experience that when 
an opportunity arises of explaining a difficult point of 
Greek theory used by the Arabs and dressed up in Arabic 
terms and phrases, they break down entirely or else pass 
the matter over in silence/' 7 

My critic is not an Arabist, and should hardly criticise 
the Arab theorists in this way. As for her mention of the 
"Figures of Melody," my point would appear to have been 
missed. Reference to p. 71 will show that I mentioned 
both Anonymus II and Bryennios as the original sources. 
My point was that between the former, which is a fourth 
century document, and the latter, which is fourteenth cen- 
tury, we had the Arab theorists to help us. 

That Bryennios should be cited as a " first-hand author- 
ity " is strange, because he freely indulged in borrowing 
and quoting verbally without acknowledgment] whereas 
the statement that the Arab theorists did likewise cannot 
be demonstrated. 

As for the doctrine of the ethos readers can turn to my 
lecture on " The Influence of Music : From Arabic 
Sources," where they will find information on this ques- 
tion. Material will be found there which, although de- 
rived from Greek sources, cannot be traced in extant Greek 

I have already pointed out what a valuable treatise we 
have in the " Kitab al-mus!qi," of Al-Farabl, s and his claim 
for having added something to the elucidation of the 

7 " Musical Standard," xxvii, 96-7. 
* See ante, p. 292, 


theory of music, 9 is not an extravagant one, as we shall see 
in the translation of his magnum opus which is due to ap- 
pear shortly. Even the similar claim made by Arab 
writers for Ibn Slna has some foundation.^ 

Since Miss Schlesinger is sceptical of my claim that 
Arabic documents can enlighten us concerning the music 
of the Greeks, may I call particular attention to the 
Muristus documents. In her article on the " History of 
the Ancient Organ " in the " Encyclopaedia Britannica " 
(xx, 266), Miss Schlesinger says that it is probable that 
in the early organ the supply of wind was supplied " by 
the mouth throicgh an insufflation pipe." I do not know 
of a solitary Greek or Latin document other than 
Kircher's testimony/ 1 to bear this out. That her conjec- 
ture 12 is admissible, however, is actually proved by one of 
the Muristus MSS., where we have a blast bag with four 
insufflation pipes for the mouths of blowers not only de- 
scribed but delineated. 13 This is the only example that 
has come down to us from antiquity.^ 

2 See u/ifc, pp. 286-7. 

my " History of Arabian Music," pp. 202, 218. 
11 Kircher, " Musurgia Universalis," 53. 

*-lt was also mentioned by Matthews, "A Handbook of the 

w British Museum MS., Or. 9649, fol. 10 v. " Al-Mashriq," ix, 24. 
u* The whole question is dealt with in my * ' Organ of the An- 
cients : From Eastern Sources." 



r~j~^O say that Europe adopted the notation of the 
I Greeks is sheer nonsense," is Miss Schlesinger's 
reply to my criticism in the chapter on " New 
Data for Notation Origins," in which I have stated that 
my critic believes that Europe adopted the notation of the 
Greeks. 1 She says that I have misrepresented her by omit- 
ting one of her paragraphs, and therefore the statement 
which, without justification, I have attached to her name, 
is both erroneous and misleading. 2 I may say that the 
omission, which has been rectified in the present work,' 1 
was not designed with a sinister purpose, but merely with 
an economic one. Its inclusion, however, makes no dif- 
ference to the point as I saw it, and as I still see it. 

In her pamphlet/ my critic opened her criticism of the 
Arabian influence on notation with the following : "If we 
examine cursorily the science of music which Europe in- 
herited from ancient Greece independently of Arab influ- 

^ See ante, p. 85. 
2 "Musical Standard/' xxvii, 109. 

s See ante, p. 85. 

4 " Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs?," 7. See 
ante, p. 83. 


ence, we find a wonderfully complete scheme of pitch 
notation. . . ." (Italics mine.) Surely there is some "jus- 
tification" in this for assuming that the passage meant 
that " Europe adopted the notation of the Greeks " ? Un- 
less, of course, my critic holds that Europe inherited but 
did not adopt. 5 But there is considerable doubt as to 
what my critic does actually mean, because in the same 
publication in which she states that it is " sheer nonsense " 
to say that Europe adopted the notation of the Greeks, 
she also informs us that " Greek notation was occasionally 
used by the musicians and theorists of Western Europe 
until they had evolved out of it a notation suited to their 
own needs." 6 (Italics mine.) 

f. my remarks on p. 214. 
6 " Musical Standard," xxvii, 109. 



IN spite of Miss Schlesinger's confession that she is 
"not an authority on the music of the early Middle 
Ages,'* 1 I have felt sufficient interest in debating the 
question with her, because of her researches into the history 
of musical instruments. Now, however, we enter on the 
threshold of a far different subject the musical notation 
of the Arabs in which my critic lacks the necessary ac- 
quaintance with the Arabic language which would enable 
her to do justice to the texts under discussion. This, how- 
ever, has not hindered her from courageously dealing with 
the various aspects of the question at considerable length, 
in which different theories are propounded and half-a- 
dozen tables of notation drawn up, including an analytical 
one. Yet one of her own injunctions is that "in any at- 
tempt to interpret the symbols of notation and to identify 
them with those of our modern system, // should be clearly 
stated on what grounds the interpretation is based, and 
whether the conclusions arrived at have been suggested or 
confirmed by the text of the treatise in question?* 

*" Musical Standard," xxvii, 23, b. 
*Ibid., 134, b. 


Miss Schlesinger deprecates rny method of approach in 
the examples of Arabian notation given by me. The ob- 
jections are mainly these: (i) my use of the term "phon- 
etic " for this notation; (2) my omission of grounds for the 
interpretation of the symbols; (3) my equating the Arabic 
letter "A" with various sounds. 

(1) In objecting to my reading of the Yahya ibn 'All 
notation my critic says : " No notation could be called 
phonetic in which the same symbol represented two dif- 
ferent notes." 5 I quite agree, but as the system of Yahya 
ibn 'All embraced only ten notes, for each of which a par- 
ticular symbol was allotted, the same symbol could not 
possibly represent two different notes. 

(2) " The first thing that strikes us in the examples of 
notation given by Mr. Farmer," continues Miss Schlesinger, 
" is precisely that no grounds whatever for the interpreta- 
tions are stated, either from the Arabian theorists, or from 
Mr. Farmer's own reasoning." The omission on my part 
was intentional. One cannot devote pages to a question of 
this sort, and especially when, the texts being quite clear 
and definite, the symbols cannot be interpreted otherwise. 4 

(3) "We notice," also says my critic, "that the Arabic 
letters all follow the same sequence from ' A/ but that Mr. 
Farmer equates them variously with G, C, and A of our 
notation." 5 Of course they equate variously. The reason 
is that the three systems of Arabian notation given by me 
are of different periods and provenance. The letter "A" 

s " Musical Standard," xxvii, 135. 

4 In the case of Yahya ibn 'All, there is some dubiety, and I have 
dealt with the doubtful points in a footnote. 
*Itwf., 134, b. 


in the Latin notation of Western Europe as displayed in 
" De harmonica institutione " an3 the writings of Guido 
of Arezzo also equate variously with C and A of our nota- 
tion, for precisely the same reason. 6 

I have already disposed of the statement that, accord- 
ing to the theory of Ishaq al-Mausili, the two middle 
strings of the lute were tuned a fifth apart. 7 Every word 
of the text of Yahya ibn 'All disproves the contention. We 
can therefore afford to ignore the opinion given that Yahya 
ibn 'All, whose father was a pupil of Ishaq al-Mausili, 
"had not grasped the significance of Ishaq's tuning of the 
lute." 5 

6 See Appendix 41. 

t See ante, p. 242. 

" Musical Standard," xxvii, 134, b. 



REGARDING the notation of the "Ma'rifat al- 
N^ghamat al~Thaman" treatise given by me, 1 
Miss Schlesinger writes as follows : 

" What is the date of the manuscript ? (Rouanet men- 
tions one in Vienna with the same title ascribed to the 
fifteenth century.) And what is Mr. Farmer's authority 
for the correspondence?" 2 [Italics mine.] 

The date of the manuscript is a pertinent question, al- 
though it does not lead us very far. What we really 
require to know is the date of authorship and theory. The 
MS. itself, which is written in the Maghribl hand and 
carelessly performed, was probably executed in Morocco. 
It is undated, but it would appear to have been copied 
in the second half of the sixteenth century. 5 As to author- 
ship, we have several "clues" that enable us to fix an 
earlier date. The Perso-Turkish musical modes are not 
mentioned in the treatise, and we may therefore assume 

i See ante, p. 88, 93. 
*" Musical Standard," xxvii, 135. 

s The date is not given either by Lafuente (" Catalago de los 
Codices arabigos adquiridos en Tetuan," p. 75) or Robles ( (< Cata- 
lago de los Manuscritos Arabes," p. 145). 


that it dates from prior to 1504. The theory dealt with 
is the single octave accordatura, a very early system, which 
must have preceded the Old Arabian System built up by 
Ibn Misjah (d. c. 715), and recast by Ishaq al-Mausill 
(d. 850).^ This single octave system accordatura would 
appear to have obtained in Al-Andalus until the time of 
Ziryab, who introduced the Old Arabian system about 
822.^ Whether the Arabs of North Africa adopted the 
latter system at this period or kept to the older system 
until later, we have no evidence. In the treatise of 'Abd 
al-Rahman al-Fasi (c. 1650), we are introduced to the 
lute accordatura in fourths which belongs to the Old Ara- 
bian System. This author, however, is not dealing solely 
with the theory of his day, but is borrowing from older 
writers, including the Greek Scholiasts. 6 I hope to deal 
at length with the subject when I issue the text and trans- 
lation of this " Ma'rifat al-Naghamat al-Thaman " 

My critic suggests that this treatise may be identical 
with one at Vienna "with the same title." The Vienna 
treatise to which she refers is entitled the " Mukhtasar f I 
Ma'rifat al-Nagham," 7 and this is certainly not "the same 
title " as the treatise which I quoted. 8 Indeed, the former 

l See my "History of Arabian Music/' 69, 70. 

5 76/J., 128 ct seq. 
6 Berlin MS., 5521 (Ahlwardt). 

7 Fliigel, "Die arab., pers., u. tiirkischen Handschriften der 
k. k. Hofbibl. zu Wien," No. 1516. Rouanet erroneously eays 
al-'Naghmdt, which he borrows from Collangettes (" Journal Asi- 
atique," 1904, p. 385). 

8 To attempt to recognise an Arabic MS. by a title such as the 
above, would be something like trying bo identify a medieval Latin 
MS. by the title " De musical" 


treatise, which my critic (following Rouanet) ascribes to 
the fifteenth century, is actually the " Kitab al-Adwar " 
of Safi al-Dm 'Abd al-Mu'mm (d. 1294), although 
hitherto unrecognised. 9 

As for the treatise called " Ma'rifat al-Naghamat al- 
Thaman " (sic ) y it actually carries no title, but for the sake 
of convenience I gave it this title based on the opening 
lines of the manuscript. 

My authority for the " correspondences " is the treatise 
itself, as we shall see presently. Miss Schlesinger, starting 
from the assumption that the accordatura was her errone- 
ous Ishaq al-Mausili system, begins her objections to my 
view by saying that it " necessitates a correction." She 
then gives her interpretation, a "mere hypothesis," she 
admits, but with " at least a probable foundation." 10 Her 
interpretation is erroneous. 

In her next contribution to the subject 12 my critic re- 
turns to the question of what she calls my "manifestly in- 
correct" interpretation. "Mr. Farmer," she says, "by 
equating both the first and last symbols, A and H with 
our note C, has made nonsense of it : in a recurrent octave 
series the octave must have the symbol A." Here, my 
critic adopts a fresh hypothesis, which, as we shall see, 
is equally erroneous. 

The lute accordatura of the "Ma'rifat al-Naghamat al- 
Thaman" treatise is the old single octave one C, D, 
G, a, so that there could not be a "recurrent octave series" 
as imagined, and therefore the Arabic symbols A and H 

9 In Fliigel it is anonymous. 
Musical Standard," xxvii, 135. 
a Ibid., 164. 

3 io 


stood for our notes C and c respectively, as I have stated. 
Here is the fingerboard of the lute based on the details 
given in the treatise under discussion, and a very inter- 
esting scale is revealed. 



Open (Mutlaq) C (A). 


H j i 

^ 2 w 

a g S 
5 ^ PS 

a a S 

D (B). G (H). a 



finger (Sabbaba) \ 

E (J). ! b 


finger (Binxir) 

F (D). c 


This is what the author of the " Ma'rifat al-Naghamat 
al-Thaman J> treatise says : 

" Then the nearest of them [the notes] is the note of the 
bamm, and it is the string named nowadays the -dll. And 
next to it in place (lit. ' distance ') is the string of the 
mathlath, and it is the string of the maya without finger- 
ing And next to it is another note by fingering with 

the first finger. Then there is next to it another note by 
fingering with the third finger. Then [follows] the note 
of the mathnd, and it is the ramal. Then [follows] the 
sir, and it is the husain without fingering. Then [follows] 
its note also by fingering with the first finger. Then [fol- 
lows] its note by fingering with the third finger. Then 
with that the eight notes are complete 

"And they [the notes] are expressed by means of let- 


ters, the A, B, J, D. So you make A the first note, which 
is the nearest of the notes, and the lowest of them, and 
it is the note of the dlL And B, which is next to it in 
lowness, and it is a little higher than it, and a little lower 
than that which is above it, and it is the note of the mdya 
without fingering. And the J is that which is next to 
it, and it is the note of the mdya also by fingering with 
the first finger. And the D is that which is next to it, 
and it is the note of the mdya also, by fingering with the 
third finger. 12 And the H is that which is next to it, and 
it is the note of the ramal [without fingering]. And the 
W is that which is next to it, and it is the note of the 
husain without fingering. And the Z is that which is 
next to it, and it is the note [of the husairi\ also by finger- 
ing with the first finger. And the H is that which is next 
to it, and it is the note [of the husain], also, by fingering 
with the third finger." 

We know that the note of the second fret on the math- 
lath or mdya string gave F, because c was required on 
the same fret on the zlr or husain string. 

In the design of the lute in the MS. in question the 
strings are marked differently from the accordatura sug- 
gested by the text. Here we have an accordatura G, D, 
a, C. Probably it was the system (if corrected) in vogue 
when the MS. was copied in the sixteenth century, because 
if we reverse this C, a, D, G, we have the basis of the 
modern accordatura of the l tid and kwwltra in the 

i* The middle finger (the wust&) was not used. We see the same 
practice to this very day in the Maghrib. 



"rTH>HIS Al-Kindl scheme," says Miss Schlesinger, 
I " proves to be an admirable one (Mr. Farmer has 

^ * only given one of the three alternative schemes). 
As it is evident that Mr. Farmer has not understood its 
significance, it is worth while spending a little time and 
space in unravelling its subtleties." 1 

Whilst it is very courageous for my critic to thus enter 
this arena so readily and with a keen desire to combat 
error, may I say with every respect that I fear she is hardly 
assisting. First of all, this particular Al-Kindi MS. is 
quite a difficult one to interpret even by Arabists who have 
spent years at mastering the technique of the subject in 
question. The difficulties are due mainly to the copyist's 
errors. When therefore, my critic, who is unfamiliar with 
the language of the text, essays to "unravel the subtle- 
ties" of Al-Kindi's notation, we must be pardoned for 
not dealing too seriously with her "three alternative 
schemes " which do not exist. 

There is only one scheme of notation used by Al-Kpdi. 

He certainly gives two tables of notation, one in de- 
scribing the Jam' aladhl b?l-kutt (= systema diapason), 

*.," Musical Standard/' xxvii, p. 135. See also pp. 163-4. 


and the other in giving " all the notes " used on the lute, 
but both schemes are identical. Here is the Jam' aladhl 
btl-kull : 

Notes. Symbols. 

Al-mafruda (= Proslambanomenos?) A A. 

Muqaddamat al-muqaddamat B J. 

Al-qariba min muqaddamat al-muqaddamat C D. 

Haddat al-muqaddamat D W. 

Ra'isat al-awsat E H. 

Al-qariba min al-awsat F ,...T. 

Haddat al-awsat '. G K. 

Wusta (= Nese) ., a A. 

Here is the table giving "all the notes" on the lutert 







3 3 K3 3 

A (A). D (W). G (K)._cJD)._ f (T) . 













(H). f 

Sabbaba. B 

(J). E 

(H). a 

(A). d 

(W). g 

Wusta. C 

(D). F 

(T). bfr 

(B). ?9 

(Z). at? 

Binsir. C# 

(H). F* 

(Y). b 

(J). e 

(H). a 

Khinsir. D 

(W). G 

(K). c 

(B). f 

(T). bP 













L 243J 



124-S I 

It will be noticed that the mujannab notes on the bamm, 
faathlath and mathna strings are omitted. Al-Kindl says 

Cf. Lachmann, " Musik des Orients," 32 et seq. 


that they were "not used." This mujannab fret being a 
Pythagorean apotoml from the nut, gave A sharp, D sharp 
and G sharp respectively, which, naturally, did not com- 
port with the b flat, e flat and a flat on the wusta fret. 3 

Miss Schlesinger throws doubt on the complete authen- 
ticity of the Al-Kindl MS. by suggesting that one of the 
tables of notation is a later interpolation by a copyist. 
The suggestion is not valid, since each table is specifically 
mentioned in the text. Further, the tables could actually 
be dispensed with because the principles contained therein 
are also explained in the text. 


This a flat k actually included in the table in the MS., al- 
>ugh its use is forbidden elsewhere. 



IT was claimed by Miss Schlesinger that Al-Farabi's 
use of the Arabic letters of the alphabet for the pur- 
pose of notation coincided with the series of the 
Greek letters of the alphabet used by Ptolemy. 1 I have 
denied this. 2 My critic now says that I have not given 
the table of Ptolemy to which she refers, and still main- 
tains her claim, saying : 

" The symbols of Ptolemy given by Mr. Farmer are, of 
course, not those to which I referred : anyone could have 
seen that, since Mr. Farmer's selection does not contain the 
letters N, X, O. Why then give them in that context ? 

" Anyone looking up Mr. Farmer's reference (Ptol. ii, 5) 
will find two tables only given in that chapter. The "first 
of these contains the alphabetical sequence I mentioned, 
which is used by Ptolemy to indicate the intervals of the 
Perfect Immutable System in the Diatonic Syntonon. Mr. 
Farmer has passed that over and selected the other table 
showing Ptolemy's usual method of numbering the degrees 
of the scale, which has no relation to the matter at issue. 

* " Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs ?," p. &fc 
* See ant e, p. 89 et seq. 


Ptolemy has used the first fifteen letters 5 of the Greek 
alphabet for many different purposes, always diagram- 
matically in reference to the division of the monochord."* 

In the first place, my difficulty was to be sure what table 
Miss Schlesinger did " refer " to. Ptolemy's " Harmonics," 
ii, 6, was given as her reference. But as the only table in 
this chapter did not give the Perfect Immutable System of 
two octaves^ I ignored it, and gave, what was more to the 
point, identical tables from both Al-Farabl and Ptolemy, 
the latter being taken from Book ii, Chapter 5. 

My critic now says that " anyone looking up Ptolemy, 
Book ii, Chapter 5, will find two tables only given in that 
chapter/' and that it is the -first of these that contains the 
alphabetical sequence that she refers to. Unfortunately, 
there is only one table in Chapter V, and that is the one 
that I have given ! There is, however, in Chapter 4, a 
two-octave table of fifteen different letters, including 
v * i (N, X, O), but neither here nor in any other of 
the references to Ptolemy that either Miss Schlesinger or I 
have already given, can it be shown that Al-Farabl fol- 
lowed the "same series" in the alphabet. 5 

5 Miss Schlesinger gwes four references for this, and in two of 
them Ptolemy only uses fourteen letters. 

i* " Musical Standard," xxvii, 134, b. 
5 See ant e, p. 91, footnote 6, for my references. 



WHEREAS the neumes were born of the Church, 
the alphabetic notation that we are speaking 
about came from the instrumentalists. Notker 
Labeo (d. 1022) says that this alphabetic notation was 
used for the lira and rota. 1 Pseudo-Bernelinus also testi- 
fies that this notation was for instruments (organa) and 
that it was not derived from the theoreticians. 2 

The earliest example of this alphabetic notation in the 
West is to be found in the treatise, " De harmonica insti- 
tutione," where the first seven letters of the Roman alpha- 
bet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, are used as phonetic notation. 
They do not, however, represent the sounds conveyed by 
the letters, but actually express the sounds of our modern 
major scale, C, D, E, F, G, a, b. When I pointed this out 
(see p. 93), it aroused Miss Schlesinger, who wrote as 
follows : 

" ( De harmonica institutione' contains no such identify 
cation [as that suggested by Mr. Farmer'], as will %e seen 

JGerbert, "Script.," i, 96. 
*7b., i, 318. 


later on. Hucbald's [the author's} A to G scale possesses 
the same diastematic values as in our modern notation?* 

The evidence given by her is this : 

"Hucbald's A to G recurrent series refers to our modern 
sequence of the same letters, and not to a C major scale. 
(Hucbald gives A as Proslambanomenos and G as Lich- 
anos meson. Gerbert, " Script./' i, 1 1 5.") ;/ 

Unfortunately for the contention, the reference (i, 115) 
does not cover the point at issue, since it fails to give the 
Roman alphabetic notation to which I refer. This is to be 
found elsewhere (i, 118), as follows: 

Symbols: ( ? r B F C p M j 


Notes: A B C D E F G a b 

I S 1 I ^ I .B ' g 


S | 8 s g 8 

^5 cs J? C5 es p cs 

- "C -r ^ ^ ^ 

2 .>> .i 

The upper line of the symbols is the alphabetic notation 
to which I have referred. That the symbol A equates with 
the note C, is quite clear, since it is Parhypatl hypaton. 

The question that arises here is this. How did Par- 
hypatl hypatdn come to have alpha attached to it? I 
have already demonstrated that this alphabetic notation 
had its origin with instrumentalists, and we know from 

*"Mu*ieal Standard/' xxvii, 162, b. 
k " Musical Standard/' xxvii, 163, a. 


various sources that C was the starting point 'frith them. 5 
This idea is acknowledged by the theorists themselves to 
be alien to the existing system, and one is naturally 
tempted to ask from whence the innovation came ? I have 
hazarded the opinion that the Arabs of Spain were origin- 
ally responsible for it, and I have attempted to link up the 
Western Arabian system as displayed in the " Ma'rif at al- 
Naghamat al-Thaman " with that of " De harmonica in- 
stitutione." Whether my suggestion is a feasible one or 
not is another matter. What I have been concerned with 
here is to refute the charge that my interpretation of the 
notation in "De harmonica institutione " was incorrect. 
This I have done. 

Before leaving the subject, however, I would like to call 
attention to one other point in the question under discus- 
sion. My critic suggests that my evidence concerning the 
treatise, "De harmonica institutione/' was based on 
"second or third hand references," and that my "erroneous 
and most mischievous statement" emanated "not from a 
perusal of the treatise itself, but from Abdy Williams's 
' Story of Notation ' (pp. 62-3)." 

It so happens that I have been able to answer the ac- 
cusation from " the treatise itself." Further, I have never 
consulted Dr. Abdy Williams's work. 5 There are, how- 
ever, several " second or third hand " authorities to which 

*Gerbert, " Script./' i, 110, 303. Coussemaker, " Script./ 1 ii, 
79, 85. 

The late Dr. C. F. Abdy Williams's article on " Notation" in 
Grove's "Dictionary of Music" is so uncritical and misleading 
that I have no interest in hifl larger work. In Grove, he attributes 
tHe alphabetic notation to which I refer, to Odo of Oluny. 


I could refer in confirmation of my views, including such 
notable authorities as Gevaert, 7 Christ, 8 Hugo Riemann, 1 ' 
Datvid and Lussy, 2C and Gastoue. 12 

7 " Histoire et Theorie de la Musique de L'Antiquite " (1875), 
i, 439. 

* " Beitrage zur kirchlichen Literatur der Byzantiner " (1870), 47. 
^"Studien zur Geschichte der Notenschrift " (1878), 28, 291. 
" Handbuch der Musikgeschiclite M (1904-13), i, 2, 106. " Diction- 
ary of Music " (fourth English edit.). 

de la Notation Musicale (1882), 73. 
en France" (1921), p. 51. 



" T" T is not until the eleventh century," I said, "that we 
I see in Western Europe any direct or indirect con- 
tact with Greek methods of notation, such as in 
the ' Musica Enchiriadis/ Adelboldus and Odo of Cluny." 
Miss Schlesinger points out that my three authorities 
belong to the tenth century. To the merest tyro it would 
be obvious from the names mentioned that the date given 
by me was a lapsus scribendi. 1 

I am told, however, of a Greek notation used by Bede 
in the eighth century, whose " knowledge of Greek theory 
is not a mere superficial book-knowledge." 2 I have al- 
ready exposed the legend of Bede as a theorist of music. 5 
More apposite is my critic's reference to the treatise at- 
tributed to Hucbald entitled " De harmonica institutione," 
in which, she says, " exceptionally direct contact with 

i Indeed, on reference to my type-script, I find that I wrote 
" 10th century." Strange to say, the lapsus has remained by 
an unfortunate oversight in the present work, although I made 
an alteration in the same paragraph, by deleting Adelboldus. See 
ante, p. 94, and Errata.. 

* " Musical Standard," xxvii, 109. 
9 See Appendix 20. 



Greek methods of notation is displayed over and over 
again." 4 I deliberately refrained from mentioning this 
work because what is displayed "over and over again" 
is Hucbald's exceptionally direct contact with Boethius! 5 
On the other hand, the so-called Dasian notation in the 
"Musica Enchiriadis" and Pseudo-Odo, although based 
on a Greek idea, was quite original in its way. I believe 
that both these treatises belong to the very late tenth 

"Musical Standard," xxvii, 162, b. 
* Boethius, iv, 3, 4. 



THE notation contained in the treatise 2 of Shams al- 
Dln al-aidawr is of signal value in more ways 
than one. I have not been able to locate the pre- 
cise date of this author, 5 but the treatise, of which there 
is a sixteenth century copy at Paris/ would appear to be 
not earlier than the thirteenth century. Of course, this 
system of notation may have been used earlier, but I have 
not come across an earlier example of it. 

M. Viktor Uspensky, the eminent Russian writer on 
Turkomanian and Uzbekian music, discovered a manu- 
script with a similar kind of notation of Khwarizmian 
origin. 4 * M. Fitrat, the author of the authoritative " Uzbik 
qilassiq musiqasl*' (Tashkent, 1927, in Turkish), says that 

1 The title differs in the various copies of the treatise. See my 
" Arabic Musical MSS. in the Bodleian Library, " Nos. 13-15, and 
De Slane, "Cat. des MSS. arabes de la Bibl. Nat.," No. 2480. 

2 In the Paris MS. his additional surname is given as Al-Dim- 
nshqi, but in the Bodleian MS. he is called Al-Dhahabl. 

3 There is a Shams al-Din al-Dimashql (d. 1327) and a Shams 
:al-Dln al-Dhahabi (d. 1348). 

4 De Slane, op. cit., p. 440. 

te Uspensky, "Sovietsky Uzbekistan" (Tashkent, 1927), p. 310* 
In Russian. 


this notation was known in the time of 'Ala* al-Dln 
Muhammad, Shah of Khwarizm (d. I220)/ b 

The Shams al-Dln system of notation consists of a stave 
of seven differently coloured horizontal lines, each line 
representing a note which is signified by the names of the 
Arabo-Persian numerals at the beginning of each line, 

Haft O Z.] 

Shash 1= W.] 

Banj [= H.] 
Jahar 5 [= D.] 

Si [= J-] 

Du OB.] 

Yak [ = A.] 

As I have already remarked, this stave system is little 
different from that given by Vincenzo Galilei (1581) and 
Kircher (1650). The former gives a seven-lined stave, each 
line representing a note, as follows : 6 

H - 
A - 




70. See also " Promusica," March, 1927, p. 4. "The 
Sackbut," January, 1924, p. 171. 

^ Written JSr. 
" Dialogo dclla mtisica antica et della moderna" (1581), p. 36 


The notes themselves are shown by means of dots on each 
line, but without indicating the duration. 7 Galilei says 
that this system was in use before the time of Guido of 
Arezzo (d. 1050).* 

Kircher gives an eight-lined stave from a Greek MS. in 
a Maltese Library, which he considered to be seven hun- 
dred years old/ 9 As in Galilei's system, the actual notes 
are represented by dots on the lines. 

Kircher has been looked upon with suspicion, and the 
French savant, Ch.-Em. Ruelle, said that the above was 
" une pure falsification'' 11 Yet there appears to be no need 
to be unduly distrustful of Kircher in view of the tes- 
timony of Galilei, and the existence of the system of Shams 
al-Din al-aidawi. Further, the stave system in the 

? The dots in the copies of the book consulted by me have been 
filled in by hand. 

* This notation was copied by Martini (" Storia della Musica," 
i, 185), but he omits the eleventh note, in the same way as Haw- 
kins does (" Hist, of Mus.," i, 428). 

9Musurgia Universal," i, 213 (1650). 

20 In the original, capitals and lower case letters are given. See 
also Hawkins (i, 429), and Grove, iii, 397. 

" Rvue des Etudes Grecques," v, 266. 


"Musica Enchiriadis" treatise is on all fours with the 
systems described above. 12 

Which of these was the forerunner is difficult to decide. 
At any rate, the Greek examples given by Galilei and 
Kircher would be of Byzantine origin, and the stave was 
certainly not invented by Guido of Arezzo. In the Arabic 
document the coloured lines of the stave remind us that 
the early stave in Europe was also coloured. In the 
Arabic document, also, the duration of the notes is indi- 
cated, which does not appear in the other documents. 
Soriano-Fuertes says that the Arabs employed seven 
colours, to denote the seven kinds of note duration from 
the semibreve to the double-demisemiquaver. 13 I have not 
seen an example of this in any of the Arabic musical MSS. 
that I have consulted. 

Gerbert, "Script.," i, 157. 

w Soriano-Fuertes, " Hist, de la Miisica espanola," i, 77, and 
" Musica ArabexEfipanola," 42-5. " Proceedings of the Musical 
Association/ 9 xxxir, 26. 



MISS SCHLESINGER complains/ that my use of 
Riemann's definition of organum from his " Dic- 
tionary of Music" (fourth edition, English trans- 
lation),- is "hardly fair" to this writer, and that I should 
have quoted from the latest edition of his " Geschichte der 
Musiktheorie" (1920), where he says : " The principal char- 
acteristic of organitm is by no means the rigid parallel 
movement of voices in fifths or fourths, but rather the 
alternate separation and coming together again in 
unison." 5 

" One is almost ashamed to have to point out," says my 
critic, "that in all matters of archaeology or historical 
research the latest available pronouncement by any author 
provides the only safe index to his theories." To supply 
this, she gives the above quotation from Riemann's " Ges- 
chichte der Musiktheorie" (1920), which, she says, contains 
the author's " latest and last definition, which was in the 
press before he died." It so happens that I am, similarly, 
" almost ashamed to have to point out " that this " latest 

l " Musical Standard," xxvii, 208, b. 
9 See ante, p. 110, 


and last definition" of Riemann's appeared in the first 
edition of his " Geschichte der Musiktheorie " (1898).* 

I was quite aware that Riemann meant a far wider de- 
finition than the one given under the heading " Organum " 
in his " Dictionary of Music," which is apparent from 
that given under the heading " Diaphonia." When I said, 
" By organum I mean the accepted definition of the term, 
including that of Riemann," it ought to have been evident 
that Riemann was of secondary import. I used his de- 
finition from the "Dictionary' 1 because of Miss Schlesin- 
ger's dependence on his 4< authority/' and because it 
was terse. What I wanted was to make it quite clear that 
I was not going to recognise magadizing with the octave 
being claimed as organum on account of the term vox 
organalis y which is used with symphonia ac diapason or 
symphonia ac disdiapason, particularly since the authority 
in question, John Scotus, speaks of an organicum melos, 
which was said by my critic to refer to organum. (See 
Appendix 48.) 

h Miss Schlesinger still confronts us with Riemann's ''masterly 
exposition of the ' Rise of Organum/ " When one turns to Cousse- 
maker's " Histoire de FHarmonie au Moyen Age " (1852) it is 
to see that Riemann is actually in statu pupillari. 



IN my " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory " I gave 
an important quotation of six lines in Arabic text 
from the " Shifa' " of Ibn Sina. This concerned the 
practice of certain devices known to the Arabs as the tarklb 
and tad' if. 1 The former was the striking of any note sim- 
ultaneously with its fourth or fifth, whilst the latter was 
the same procedure with the octave? I also definitely 
mentioned this Arabic quotation in my rejoinder to my 
critic when I gave a translation of the Arabic into Eng- 
lish. 5 But this fact seems to have been afterwards over- 
looked, as it is said that " it is of little use to give .... 
English readers titles of Arabic unpublished and untrans- 
lated manuscripts, without quotation, as was done by Mr. 
Fanner in his pamphlet."* 

* Tarkib and tad'if mean literally " compound " and "double" 
respectively. The former term was also used to cover both devices. 
* Pages 6-7. Note 7. 

9 " Musical Standard," xxvii, 175, a, and p. 103 of the present 

I ''Musical Standard," xxvii, 209, b, lines 36-7. In two other 
places (p. 209, a, lines 39-40, and p. 209, b, lines 27-30) she repeats 
her complaint that I do not give a quotation. 


There are certain other criticisms of my " clues " under 
this heading which I propose to deal with. Before doing 
so, I would like to submit another description of the tarklb 
given by Ibn Sina in his " Kitab al-Najat," which is rather 
clearer than that contained in the "ShifaV It runs as 
follows : 

" And as for the tarklb, it is the blending (\/ ~~ khalata), 
in one beat y of the principal notes (al-nagham al-asliyya) 
with a note agreeing harmoniously (naghma muwfifaqa). 
And the most excellent of that blending is to be found in 
the large intervals, in the octave [and after that the fiftK\? 
and then the fourth' 16 

Miss Schlesinger has objections to offer against the Ibn 
Sina "clue." The practicability of producing simultane- 
ous "fourths on the Arabian lute, which was tuned nor- 
mally in fourths, is admitted by her, but in regard to the 
fifths it is argued that " the restrictions would be more 
numerous than the possibilities.'* As for the octave \ my 
critic says that "it would be still more difficult .... for 
it would entail difficult double-stopping and the plucking 
simultaneously of three strings." 7 

In reply to this, let us consider, first of all, the "restric- 
tions " that are said to exist in playing " a melody in frfths 
on the lute." Probably the earliest examples of organum 
are to be found in the " Musica Enchiriadis " and " Scholia 

6 The passage in parentheses is omitted in this MR., probably 
owing to a. copyist's slip. It occurs however, in Ibn Sina's " Dan- 
ish Nama," which is in Persian. ('Brit. Mus., MS., 2361, fol. 
161, v.) This work is practically identical with the " Kitab al- 

* " Bodleian MS., 1 ' 1026, fol. 170. 
f " Musical Standard," xxvii, pp. 197-8. 


Enchiriadis," and if we take the specimen of organum 
simplex with the diapente, given in the latter work (Ger- 
bert, "Script./' i, 185), it will be seen that if it is suitably 
transposed, it could be performed by the merest tyro in 

As for the difficulty in playing octaves simultaneously, 
my critic would seem to be unaware of the devices intro- 
duced by Arab lutenists into the accordatura. Whilst the 
normal tuning (Arab, taswiyya) of the Arabian lute was in 
fourths (A D g c), there were special tunings in use. 
The latter were particularly useful when " difficult" finger- 
ing arose. Here, for instance, is one of the special tun- 
ings given by Al-Kindi, G D g c. The fourth 
string (bamm) was tuned an octave lower than the open 
note of the second string (mathna)? We also have the 
tuning of the Western Arabian iute as laid down in the 
" Ma'rifat al-naghamat al-thaman " treatise, which was, 
C D g a. Both of these tunings would have facili- 
tated the tarkib in -fifths, whilst the former would have 
made the tad'lj in octaves possible. 

At the same time, it is extremely doubtful whether the 
Eastern Arabs ever practised organum as we know it in 
the European sense described in the " Musica Enchiriadis " 
and "Scholia Enchiriadis/' With the Eastern Arabs cer- 
tainly, the tarkib and tad'lf would seem to have been, as 
I have already pointed out, merely part of the schemes of 
the tctlli or "composition of melodies/' 9 Ibn Sina actu- 
ally refuses to admit them as part of the melody itself, but 

* "Berlin MS.," 5530, fol. 25, r. 26. 
See ante, p. 107. 


considers them as subsidiaries, and calls them tahdsin 
("adornments") 10 or sawd'id ("glosses")-" 

We have seen that Ibn SlnS. allowed intervals "other 
than the fourth and fifth " to be used in the tarklbat> and 
the second and third may have been thus admitted. On 
this question there is a curious "exercise" for lutenists 
given by Al-Kindi which ought not to be missed. It is 
as follows : n 

This opens with a tarkib in the fourth, played on the 
first (sir) and second (mathntl) strings, open. It is called 
by Al-Kindi, " a jass of one movement." 73 Next comes a 
" jass of three movements (G, d, G). Then follows three 
repeated notes (c, c, c), which is another "jass of three 
movements," and so on. 

10 " Bodleian MS.," 1026, fol. 169, v. 

""India Office MS./' 1811, fol. 172, v. 

" Berlin MS.," 5530, fol. 30, v. 

is For the term jass see ante, 104. 



" He who knows something ought to show it. Knowledge kept 
out of sight is of no value." VIRGILIUS CORDUBENSIS. 

IN my monograph 7 I referred to the Arabian schools 
in Al-Andalus teaching organum. This assertion 
was made on the authority of a certain Virgilius Cor- 
dubensis, and I quoted the passage in question in full. I 
again introduced this author into my reply to the pamph- 
let by Miss Schjesinger, 2 whereupon the latter criticised 
as follows. 5 First, she complained that I gave "neither 
date nor reference " for the Virgilius testimony. The ob- 
jection was not altogether valid, since I distinctly stated 
that Virgilius was " contemporary " with Ibn Slna 
(eleventh century). It is true enough, however, that I 
gave no reference, but the omission has demonstrated the 
fact (which is openly admitted by my critic) that she has 
been unable to trace Virgilius Cordubensis ! 

Concerning my later contribution to the question/ Miss 
Schlesinger says that I here rectified my omission as to 

* Farmer, " Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," 7. 
*See ante, p. 106, and "Musical Standard/' xxvii, 196. 

*See " Musical Standard," xxvii, p. 209. 
4 See ante, p. 106, and "Musical Standard," xxvii, 196. 


" reference " by giving the " Historia de la Mtisica Espan- 
ola" of M. Soriano-Fuertes as my authority. 5 Readers 
turning back to p. 106 of the present work will see that 
her statement is not strictly accurate. My reference here 6 
was concerned with European students studying at Cor- 
dova, and had no direct connection with Virgilius Cor- 
dubensis. Proceeding, however, on this erroneous as- 
sumption, my critic turned to M. Soriano-Fuertes, and the 
result was the following : 

" Mr. Farmer again introduces part of the quotation 
from Virgilius, and this time there is a reference, not to 
the original quotation given in the pamphlet, but to a 
shorter version from the ' Historia de la Miisica Espan- 
ola' (by Mariano Soriano-Fuertes, Madrid, 1855, p. 82), 
where we find the following destructive information 
which effectually tears Mr. Farmer's clue to shreds. On 
p. 8 1, Soriano-Fuertes says (to quote him in extenso}: 
'Among the Spanish Christians [therefore not Arabs, says 
Miss Schlesinger] there were schools of all the sciences, 
and especially of music, in the eighth century in Cordova, 
according to the statement of the philosopher, Virgilius 
Cordubensis. Those schools were under the protection 
of the Arabian rulers, not only in Cordova, but in Seville,, 
etc. In the schools 7 of Cordova, according to Virgilius,, 

5 " Musical Standard/' xxvii, 209. 

6> The refererce should actually have been preceded by the eon- 
traction "cf." My original reference, as shown in my "Arabian 
Influence on Musical Theory " (p. 14) was to Dozy (iii, 107), but 
I wished readers to " compare " Soriano-Fuertes, as I did not ac- 
cept his conclusion that the " celebrated musicians " mentioned by 
him had studied at Christian schools, for reasons which are given* 

7 The word should be "school" and not " schools." 


grammar, philosophy, botany, the mathematics, and music 
were taught. To each of these faculties two professors 
were appointed* Those who taught music there not only 
explained the scientific part of music and plain-song, but 
also simultaneous harmony or harmonic composition, as 
may be inferred from the writings of the same Virgilius, 
'/ duo magistri legebant de musica, de ista arte qua 
dtcitur organum! 

" Here Mr. Farmer stops : he reads no further. Yet the 
next paragraph on the same page, continues as follows : 
'In the day of Virgilius, the philosopher already men- 
tioned, the twelve professors who in this University gave 
instruction in the sciences, to which reference has been 

"So with regard to the teaching of organum in Cor- 
dova, Virgilius was not referring to Arabian professors 
at all, nor to schools founded by Arabs, BUT TO 
the faculties of their own schools in Cordova." 6 ' 

I have quoted at length so that there can be no mis- 
conception on the point in question. 

At the outset let me say definitely that M. Soriano- 
Fuertes was not my "reference" That being so, most of 
my critic's advice as to how I should have conducted my 
investigations from this source is nugatory. Further, my 
" Arabian Influence on Musical Theory " shows that I 
was cognisant of the passages in question from M. Sori- 
ano-Fuertes. Yet after quoting the passage in Latin 

*" Musical Standard," sxvii, 200. 


given above, my critic says: "Here Mr. Fanner stops; 
he reads no further." If, however, I had read "no fur- 
ther " I could not have used the succeeding paragraph as 
my " reference " for a certain Jew, Elias, and a Christian, 
Pedro Canciotor, studying at these schools of Cordova. 9 
In the face of this my critic's objections fail. 

For many years I have ignored the authority of M. 
Soriano-Fuertes on the question of Arabian music. Most 
of his information under this heading in his "Historia 
de la Musica Espanola" (1855-9) was gleaned from 
Laborde's "Essai sur la Musique ancienne et moderne" 
(1780), although it is not improbable, in view of the multi- 
tude of errors, that his list of musical instruments from 
the " Kitab al-imta' wa'1-intif a'," was taken direct from the 
Escorial MS., which he evidently could not properly de- 
cipher, 10 and not from Casiri's "Bibliotheca arabico-his- 

9 "Arabian Influence on Musical Theory," 14, footnote 7. Sor- 
iano-Fuertes makes these two, together with a number of Mus- 
lims, alumni of Christian schools. He gives the names of a num- 
ber of " celebrated Arabian musicians " who had also studied there. 
I rejected his " Christian schools" as highly improbable. The 
Arabs mentioned by him are, Farabio Mahomed, Alfarabi, Moheb 
(also written Mohed), Abil, Vadil and Ben Zaidan (ako written 
Ben Zaydan). With the exception of Al-FarabI and Ibn Zaidun 
(= Ben Zaidan), none of these names can be traced. Al-Farabl 
does not appear to have ever set foot in Al-Andalus, and he was 
certainly not educated there. Jbn Zaidun was educated at the 
Muslim University of Cordova. Abil is a blunder, and is a trun- 
cated form of a name (e.g., Ibn abl 5 1- . . . .). 

* Escorial MS., No. 1530, now in the National Library at 
Madrid, No. 603. The title in Bobles's " Catalogo de los Manu- 
ecritos arabes " (1889) contains a printer's error. The correct title 
is given above. The copyist was a certain Muhammad ibn Ibra- 
him al-Shalahi, an Arab of Seville, and the work was copied in 
the year 1301. Robles gives Al-Shalaji as the reading of the name, 


pana Escurialensis " (1760-70), whose list, by the way, is 
also incorrect. 22 His earlier " Musica arabe-espanola " 
(1853) dealt with Al-Farabl's " Kitab al-muslql," also in 
the Escorial, part of which he appears to have known from 
a translation made by Conde. 22 

My critic's inability to locate Virgilius Cordubensis re- 
minds me of my own earliest experience of this writer. 
I first came across his name in Rowbotham's " History of 
Music" (iii, 533), where it was stated on his authority that 
the harmony of Hue bald was taught in the Arabian music 
school at Cordova. No reference was given, but follow- 
ing other " clues" in Rowbotham, I consulted Soriano- 
Fuertes, where I found Virgilius used to more advantage, 
but from a different point of view. Here he was con- 
sidered to belong in one place (i, Si) to the eighth cen- 
tury, and in another (i, 88) to the eleventh century. Fur- 
ther, this writer referred the teaching of organum to Chris- 
tian schools. Again there was no reference to an original 
or to sources. 

I then chanced to fall on Virgilius in the works of 
Feijoo, in the " Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles" (Ivi, 
379-81), where I also found a reference to Sarmiento 
(" Mcmorias para la Historia de la Poesia Castellana," 

which is certainly less probable than the former. The author has 
been given all sorts of names, from the Al-Shalani of Russell 
("Natural History of Aleppo," 1794, i, 387) to the Al-Shalabi of 
Grove's " Dictionary of Music " (third edition, i, 74). I do not 
know the authority of the writer in Grove for the date 1415 for this 

11 Casiri, i, 627. Soriano-Fuertes has been followed by U. R. 
Burke (" History of Spain," 1895, ii, 329). 

"Mitjana, in " Le Monde Orientate," 1906, p. 194. 



i, 252). Both of these Spanish authors, writing in the 
eighteenth century, were dealing with codices which, at 
that time, were out of my reach. Later, whilst studying 
the Latin translators from the Arabic, I came across the 
helpful writings of Valentine Rose, and in an article of 
his in "Hermes" (viii, 327) on "Ptolemaeus und die 
Schule von Toledo," I learned that the " Philosophia " of 
Virgilius Cordubensis which contained the quotation that 
I was seeking, had been edited by Gotthold Heine in his 
" Bibliotheca Anecdotorum " (1848)." 

Virgilius Cordubensis is the name of a philosopher and 
necromancer of Cordova, whose work, " Philosophia," was 
translated from Arabic into Latin at Toledo in the year 
I2QO. U The earliest codex, in the library of the Cathe- 
dral at Toledo, dates from the second half of the four- 
teenth century. 15 Taking the work at its face value, I 
considered the date of the original composition to have 
been prior to the capture of Toledo by the Christians in 
1085, seeing that students from Morocco were studying 
there at the time that the author was writing, 10 and also 
because half of the names of the " masters " in astrology, 

19 This work not being available at the time that I was writing, 
the words actually quoted by me were taken from Mitjana's ar- 
ticle on Spanish music in Lavignac's " Encyclopedic de la 
Musique" (iv, 1921). 

U Heine, op cit., 211. The MSS. says : ll Istum librum com- 
posuit Virgilius Philosophus Cordubensis in Arabico, et fuit trans- 
latus de Arabico in Latinum in civitate Toletana, A.D. 1290. r; 

^Bonilla y San Martin, " Historia de la Filosofia Kspaiioln " 
(1908), i, 310. Cf. Feij6o, op. cit., 380. Heine, op. cit., 211. 

M The Marochitani were from Morocco, as they are usually men- 
tioned with those from " beyond the seas " (ultramarlni). They 
were distinct from the Saraceni. 


necromancy, and similar arts, are of Arabian origin. 
Further, the eleventh century was one of the dates as- 
signed to Virgilius Cordubensis by Soriano-Fuertes, 17 and 
even Rafael Mitjana places him quite as early as this." 

Virgilius begins his treatise by trumpeting his fame as 
a philosopher. Although students from all parts, even 
from Cordova, went to Toledo to study the arts, they 
were compelled to journey to Cordova when difficult ques- 
tions had to be discussed, so as to consult him. He was 
celebrated for his recondite knowledge, and his superi- 
ority was due, so he tells us, to his acquaintance with that 
science called " Ref ulgentia," which the ordinary folk 
called necromancy. Then follows a long philosophical 
discussion in which he states the opinions of the Anda- 
lusian, Saracen, 13 Moroccan, Toletan, Castillian, Leon- 
ese, Cantabrian and Cartaginian "masters/' 

The particular point under discussion, the teaching of 
organum at Cordova, occurs towards the end of the trea- 
tise. After reference to the period of the academic ses- 
sion, which began in October and ended in May, as it 
does, strange to say, in most British universities, Vir- 
gilius deals with the masters and philosophers of Spain, 
who were, in his day, engaged in Cordubensian study. 
Finally, he gives a list of the professors (magistri) and 
the subjects taught at Cordova. This is what he says : 

"These were the philosophers and masters of Spain; 

u Soriano-Fuertes, i, 88. 

J*Lavignac's " Encyclopedic de la Musique," iv, 1921. 
* 9 The Saraceni appear to be the Arab philosophers from the 
East, as distinct from those of Al-Andalus proper (AndaliciJ and 
Morocco (MarochitaniJ. 


and five of them were Portuguese, and seven were Leonese, 
and ten were Castillians, and three were Navarrese, and 
five were Aragonese, and twelve were of Toledo. Of Car- 
taginians there were seven, of Cordobans there were five, 
i.e., ourselves Virgilius, Seneca, Avicena, Aben Royz, and 
Algacel. Of Sevillians there were seven. Of Moroccan 
and all others beyond the seas there were twelve. 

"All these philosophers were, in our time, engaged in 
Cordubensian study, [although] some were teaching in 
their own sciences and others not. Of the scholars who 
were there, there were seven thousand and more in num- 
ber. Of those twelve philosophers of Toledo, three were 
masters of astrology, whose names were, Calafataf, Gili- 
bertus, Aladansac; and another three philosophers of 
those were masters of necromancy, whose disciples were 
at Toledo, and what we know we have heard from them, 
and know about them, and their names were, Philadelphus 
and Liribaldus and Floribundus; and some of those phil- 
osophers in pyromancy, in geomancy, and in many other 
sciences, whose names were, Beromandrac, Dubiatalfac, 
Aliafil, Quonaalfac, Mirrazanfel, Nolicaranus.* 

" These twelve were in our time philosophers of Toledo, 
and were always unanimously opposed to all other phil- 
osophers and all their debates. Many a time they ex- 
celled over all others and triumphed. And these twelve 
philosophers of Toledo wrote and edited many books on 
philosophy in Arabic and on many other sciences, and 
they are approved and authenticated. Three of these 
philosophers were physicians who cured men wonderfully 
of their infirmities 

w Feijdo, op. cit., gives other forms of these names. 


" .... At that time there were seven masters of gram- 
mar who taught every day at Cordova ; and five continu- 
ally teaching logic; and three natural science, who like- 
wise taught every day ; and two were masters of astrol- 
ogy, who taught every day on astrology; and one mas- 
ter taught geometry; and three masters taught physics; 
and two masters taught music, of that art which is called 
organum ; and three masters taught necromancy, and pyro- 
mancy, and geomancy. And one master taught ars 
notoria^ which is a venerable art and science." 1 

I have given a translation of this long passage from 
the Latin of Yirgilius, the only one that is material to 
the question at issue, because it is high time that it was 
placed clearly before students. Presently I propose to 
discuss the document itself, but meanwhile the assump- 
tions of M. Soriano-Fuertes and Miss Schlesinger ought 
to be dealt with. 

My quotation from the original source demonstrates the 
incorrectness of Soriano-Fuertes, in that (i) Virgilius does 
not refer the above schools to " Spanish Christians." 
(2) He does not refer to "twelve professors in this Uni- 
versity" who were "all Spaniards," either Navarrese or 
Castilians. There were twenty-seven % and their nation- 
ality is not specified. (3) He does not refer to " two pro- 
fessors" in each faculty. (4) He does not mention 
" botany " as one of the " faculties." 

As for my critic, I have shown (i) That I did not omit 
to give the date of Virgilius Cordubensis : (2) That I did 

* Heine, op. cit., pp. 241-2. 


not give Soriano-Fuertes as my reference : * (3) That it is 
not correct to say that Soriano-Fuertes states that there 
pointed to the faculties of their own schools in Cordova." 5 

On the other hand, I maintain that I was fully justi- 
fied in the assertion that organizing was taught at the 
Arabian schools at Cordova, for the simple reason that the 
work of Virgilius Cordubensis claims to have been written 
originally in Arabic presumably by an Arab or MuzdrabeJ* 
If Christian schools were intended, the author would have 
mentioned the fact. Moreover, Cordova was in Arab 
hands at this time (? eleventh century), and it was not 
captured by the Christians until 1236. The testimony of 
Al-Hijari (d. 1194) about foreign students in the Arabian 
schools at Cordova, agrees in part with the statement of 

The treatise of Virgilius Cordubensis deserves exam- 
ination. Its authenticity has been challenged by several 
writers, and notably by Comparetti and Bonilla. Com- 
paretti urges that the translator could not have been a 
Moor, and that he certainly did not know much about 
Arabic or he would not have called his Arab author Vir- 
gilius and made him a contemporary of Seneca, Avicenna 

critic says that she is aware that M. Soriano-Fuertes is 
" notoriously inaccurate." Verb. sap. 

s Even if Christian schools were referred to, it would be wrong 
to assume that its teachers were all Christians, seeing that both 
Muslim and Jewish savants were to be found there. 

J Andres (op. cit., edit. 1785, i, 256), speaks of the university 
at Cordova mentioned by Virgilius as though it were a Muslim 
institution. Mitjana (Lavignac's " Ency. de la Musique," iv, 
1921) also assumes that Arabian madaris or schools are meant. 


(= Avicena), Averroes (= Aben Royz), and Al-Ghazall 
(= Algacel). He suggests that the author was a char- 
latan who took the name of Virgilius and simulated Ara- 
bian learning in order to be looked upon as an authority. 
Comparetti even takes Amador de los Rios to task for 
accepting the "fabulous notices" of Virgilius concerning 
the professors of the ars notoria, necromancy, etc. 5 Fur- 
ther, he gives the opinion of the Orientalist, Moritz Stein- 
schneider, communicated to him privately, that he had 
doubts whether the work was earlier than Raimond de 
Pennaforte (fl. 1232). 

Bonilla, who gives extracts from Virgilius, suggests that 
the author was a Toletan ecclesiastic who was influenced 
by the writings of the famous Arabic translator, Michael 
Scot (d. c. 1232), and indicates a similar type of litera- 
ture in such works as " Sendebar," " Flores de Filosofia," 
and " Libro de los Doze Sabios." 7 

These objections to the authenticity of the " Phil- 
osophia" of Virgilius Cordubensis cannot be passed over 
lightly, although care has to be exercised in not taking 
too much for granted. First of all, it must be remembered 
that Comparetti is dealing with the legendary material 
which became attached to the name of Publius Virgilius 
Maro, the poet (d. 19 B.C.), and he looks upon the "Phil- 
osophia" of the later Virgilius Cordubensis as an out- 
come of the legend. On the other hand, is it not equally 
probable that the " Philosophia," instead of being the 

* " Historia critica de la Lit. Esp.," ii, 159. 
6 Comparetti, " Virgilio nel medio evo " (1872), ii, 95-6. 
* Bonilla y San Martin, "Historia de la Filosofia Espanola " 
(1908), i, 309. 


production of a charlatan trading on the name of the 
legendary necromantic Virgilius Maro, and the obsession 
for "Arabian learning/' is rather a work of independent 
origin which actually contributed to give further vitality 
to the legend ? We probably see a similitude in the case 
of Bishop Virgilius of Salzburg (d. 784), whose somewhat 
extraordinary opinions may also have become attached to 
the name of Virgilius Maro, and contributed to the necro- 
mantic legend. 

Comparer's criticism that the translator was not a 
Moor, does not touch the question at all. Nearly all the 
translators from Arabic into Latin were Europeans raci- 
ally. 5 That the translator called the author Virgilius 
does not, in itself, allow us to question his knowledge of 
Arabic. In that case, we would require to know what the 
original name in Arabic was, and how the original trans- 
lator rendered it. Even as it stands, which may be a 
Latin copyist's reading only, there is no reason for sup- 
posing that an Arabic original is unlikely, seeing that we 
have the examples of Faraj (ibn Salim) being Latinised 
as Franchinus, and Hunain (ibn Ishaq) as ^neas. 

The arguments based on the so-called "contempor- 
aries " of Virgilius Cordubensis are more cogent. Only Sen- 
eca (d. 65) and Averroes (d. 1198) were Cordobans, whilst 
neither Avicenna (d. 1037) nor Al-Ghazall (d. mi) ever 
saw Al-Andalus. Needless to say, an Arab author could 
not have penned these lines about his "contemporaries," 
and if the author was a Tolctan ecclesiastic, as Bonilla 

* One outstanding name to the contrary, that of the Jew, Faraj 
ibn Salim, was Latinised as Farachi, Faragut, Fararius, Fer- 
rarius. Franchinus. 


suggests, what about the inclusion of Seneca ? Is not the 
passage a mere gloss that has crept into the text? 9 If 
the author was a To let an ecclesiastic, he certainly man- 
aged to keep his religion out of the " Philosophia " with 
an astuteness that does not comport with the inept in- 
clusion of Seneca. 

Certainly, no Arabic original of the "Philosophia" is 
known to us, but the same objection could be urged 
against dozens of Latin works translated from the Arabic. 
Toledo was long famous as the seat of Arabian science/ 
undoubtedly from the time of the Amir Yahya al-Ma'mun 
(d. 1074), through the period of Archbishop Raymund 
(fl. 1125-51), to Alphonso X (1252-84), and even later. 
Would it have been possible to have palmed off a spuri- 
ous work at this period, with learned Arabs and Jews on 
the spot only too eager to detect the fraud? At any rate, 
the philosophy of Virgilius Cordubensis comes from Ara- 
bic and Rabbinic sources, and the work certainly cannot 
be said to belong to the same type as the works indicated 
by Bonilla. 

An ignorant Latin glossator, and a later scribe, might well 
have been jointly responsible for these " contemporaries/' Bat- 
man (" Batman uppon Bartholome," London, 1582) says that 
Avicenna lived in Spain, and belonged to the twelfth century ! 
Latin authors also considered Rhazes (Al-Razi) to be a Roman I 
*>See "Hist. Lit. de la France," vii, 143, 158. 



I HAVE said that the Arabs have preserved in present- 
day practice scarcely a vestige of the primitive 
tarklb of Al-Kindl, which, I have surmised, was 
probably the forerunner of organum in Europe. 1 What 
we do see is a far more advanced type of organum which 
appears to be peculiar to bowed instruments. An exam- 
ple of this is worthy of reproduction.* 

1st Rabab 


2nd Rabab 1 
3rd RabSb ' 

i See ante, pp. 104, 108, 112. 

*Loret, V., " Quelques documents relatifs & la I literature et la 
musique populaires de la Haute-Egypte." (" Memoires . . . . de 
la Mission arch<k>logique fran^aise au Caire/ 1 Paris, 1889, Tome i.) 

I P i i 11 i 


zzrrrzuizq rri^n ::i-^ ir i- 0jp^-_ : l*JCj.*. | : 


"~~ J~ "" " -^- - ^ -^ "~ ~fy ~ IS 


I ^ i 




JOHN SCOTUS or Erigena (d. c. 877) deserves special 
attention because of the alleged reference to or- 
ganum in his " De divisione naturae," which has been 
conjured with by many writers since the days of the eru- 
dite Coussemaker. 1 Probably greater credence has been 
placed on the John Scotus reference by Hugo Riemann 
than by any other writer, and the latter has even referred 
to other passages in "De divisione naturae" so as to in- 
crease the confidence of his readers that there are valid 
reasons for averring that John Scotus refers to organum* 
Indeed, the language of John Scotus is actually said to 
refer to "free organum'' Professor Wooldridge thought 
that this " difficult " and "doubtful" passage of John 
Scotus would quite admit of this interpretation, as I have 
already pointed out. 5 Dr. Ernest Walker followed the 
Slade professor in this view, although he, too, said that 
the passage was "none too clear/'' 4 The latest to adhere 

* Coussemaker, " Histoire de rHarmonie au Moyen Age " 
(1852), 11. 

2 Riemann, " Gesch. d. Musiktheorie " (1920), 18, 22. " Hand- 
buch d. Musikgeschichte " (1904-13), i/2, 142. 

9 See ante, pp. 109-10. 
'Walker, "History of Music in England" (1907), 4. 


to the Riemann dictum is Miss Schlesinger, 5 whose fur- 
ther circumstantial defence of the passage as referring to 
" free organum " c prompts me to make a lengthy 
examination of the claim. 

The Latin quotation given by my critic, 7 which is taken 
from Riemann, 5 who, it appears, depends on Schliiter, 9 
does not seem to be quite correct, as we shall sec pres- 
ently. In the meantime, however, let us assume that the 
passage is correct, and that it refers, in the language of 
Professor Wooldridge, to "the alternate separation and 
coming together of the voices." What could this actu- 
ally mean? Miss Schlesinger says that "a highly de- 
veloped form of organum is lucidly described" by John 
Scotus in this passage. 10 On the other hand, I maintain 
that it could only refer to a type of symphonia. 

If we turn to the chapter on symphonia in the " Scholia 
Enchiriadis " we find " Discipulus " asking : " Quomodo 
canitur diapason?" To this query "Magister" replies by 
showing that there could be symphonia with the single 
diapason as well as with both the single and double dia- 
pason together. 71 Here is a specimen of the compound 
symphonia : 

See ante, pp. 109-10, and her pamphlet, p. 11. 

6 " Musical Standard/' xxvii, pp. 208, b 209. 
7 Sclilesingor, "Is European Musical Theory Indebted to the 
Arabs?," 11. 

SRiomann, " Gesch. d. Musiktheorio " (second edit., 1920), 18. 
5 Schliiter , " Joannis Scoti Erigenae De divisione naturae 1 ' 

*o (l Musical Standard/' xxvii, 197, b. 
11 Examples are given in Gerbert's " Scriptores," i, 161, 163, 185. 


De diapason ac disdiapason. 

-0_Q Q - Q-Q.^g,. - 

II 6 * ~' ~~ .-._ _____ _r_ -- ~J [Diapason i 


Diapason remissum. 

Here we have the s/0;r principalis accompanied by a 
organalis at the octave below and the octave above, in 
strict parallel form, which was the older, 12 and more ele- 
mentary system of symphonia, 13 practically identical with 
the Greek system of magadizing. Yet the lower (remis- 
sus) and upper (intensits) vox organalis did not always 
follow the vox principalis in strict parallel form separ- 
ated by an octave, but occasionally met the vox princi- 
palis in unison. Thus we see that Professor Wooldridge's 
part translation of the Riemann (Schliiter) text could very 
well be a reference to this class of symphonia. 

At the same time, as I have already pointed out, the 
text given above is scarcely to be trusted, although it is 
given by [Coussemaker], 1 * Riemann 15 and Wooldridge. 76 
A better text is that given by Migne, which is edited by 
H. J. Floss, who collated five codices with the cditio prin- 
ce ps. 17 I give both text and translation as follows : 

"The Omnipotent founder of the universe .... has 

^Gerbert, "Script.," i, 161. 

"Gevaert, "Mel. Ant.," 422. 

U Coussemaker, op. eit., 11. 

^Riemann, loo. cit. 

^Wooldridge, "Oxford Hist, of Music," i, 61. 
17 " Patr. Lat.," cxxi, 439 et seq. 


been able to create what is similar and dissimilar to his 

own likeness In a like manner the beauty of the 

whole universe of similar and dissimilar things has been 
built up in a wonderful harmony from diverse genera and 
various forms in different arrangements of substances and 
accidents, compacted into an ineffable unity. For an or- 
ganised melody composed of diverse qualities and quan- 
tities of voices is discerned, note by note (viritim) indi- 
vidually, to be separated by different proportions of high 
and low, yet they are mutually co-adapted in accordance 
with established and rational rules of the art of music 
concerning each tropos, 15 rendering a natural sweetness, 
so the concord of the universe out of the subdivisions of 
one nature, mutually disagreeing when examined singly, 
has been made one equally with the uniform will of its 

is Miss Schlesinger says that this sentence translates "definite 
rules of corn-position regulating the intcr-rclationthip and progres- 
sion of the different voices in each tropos or mode.' 1 This is cer- 
tainly more than the text tells us. 

W'Patr. Lat.," cxxii, 637, d. " Proimle pulchritude totius 
universitatis oonditae, similium et dissimilium, inirahili quad a in 
harmonia constituta est, ex diversis generibus variisquc formis, 
differentibus quoque suhstantiarum et accidentium ordinibus, in 
\mitatem quandam ineffabilem compact a. I't enirn organicum 
melos ex diversis vocum qualitatibus et quantitatibus conficitur, 
dum viritim separatimque sentiuntur, longe a se discrepantibus 
intentionis et remissionis proportionibus segregates, dum vero 
sibi iuvicem coaptantur secundum certas rationabilesque artis 
musicro regulas per singulos tropos, naturalexn qunmdam [quan- 
dam] dulcedinern reddentibus : ita universitatus concordia, ex 
diversis naturse unius subdivisionibus a se invicem, dum singu- 
lariter inspiciuntur, dissonantibus, juxta conditoris uniformem 
voluntatem coadunata est." Coussemaker, Riemann and AVool- 
dridge omit tho word "vocum/' but the last two put " voces" 
after " sentiuntur." 


It will be observed that this translation does not allow 
for Professor Wooldridge's reading of " the alternate sep- 
aration and coming together of the voices," which even 
Coussemaker does not admit. Indeed, the very context 
seems to demonstrate that we cannot allow this reading, 
and the objection is strengthened by other passages in 
" De divisione naturae." At any rate, neither in my texts, 
not in the text of my critic, is there authority for stating 
that "a highly developed form of organum is lucidly 

In Book V of " De divisione naturae," John Scotus re- 
turns to this subject of the unity of universal nature being 
due to the uniting of diverse constituents. He is urged 
to this view, he says, on " musical grounds." He recog- 
nises that "rational intervals^ of diverse voices, put to- 
gether one after another, produce a sweetness in melody." 
Here the author is speaking of the different intervals which 
go to make up melody. The certitude of this is evident 
from the passage which follows. "It is not," he says, 
"the diverse sounds of organ pipes, lyre strings, or reed- 
pipe holes that produce a harmonious sweetness, .... 
but the relations and proportions of sounds which, put 
together one after another, the inmost soul alone perceives 
and determines the senses." 1 

The central idea appears to have been derived ultim- 
ately from Pseudo-Aristotle's "De mundo" (396, b), 
where we read that the harmony of the universe is based 
on diversities rather than on similarities as exemplified 

f " Rational intervale " = internals determined by theory of 

i " Patr, Lat.," cxxii, 965, c. 


in music. "Music," says this author, "by a mixing of 
high and low, short and long sound of diverse voices, at- 
tains to a single harmony. 2 It is what we find also in 
Quintilian and Clement of Alexandria. 5 

John Scotus also took a hint from his great mentor, St. 
Augustine. In the latter's "De civitate Dei" (ii, 21) we 
read that dissimilar sounds actually go to make up per- 
fect concord. Further, there is a passage in his "De 
trinitate " (iv, 2) which runs : " He [Christ] made us par- 
ticipators of his divinity His single coincides with 

our double Yet here is not the place to demonstrate 

the value of that consonance single to double [diapason]. 
.... By this indeed, high and low voices are [judged] 
in concord." 

To strengthen her argument that this organum can be 
traced back to "early in the ninth century" or to "the 
beginning of the ninth century," Miss Schlesinger says: 
" In the earliest known authority, Erigena [John Scotus], 
.... the author is not describing anything essentially 
new in practice but is using as illustration well-known 
musical facts, as may be gathered from the longest pas- 
sage quoted by Riemann (op. cit., p. iv, Erigena, Bk. v, 
13), in which the polyphonic use of organum is implied." 4 
I give a translation of the passage to which my critic 
pins her faith : 6 

*See also 399, a. We must remember that this is the Greek 
word d/>/ion'u, i.e., "an ordered succession of intervals. " 

* Quintilian, "Inst. Orat.," i, x, 12. Tollington, " Clement of 
Alexandria " (1914), ii, 302. 

4 Schlesinger, "Is European Music Indebted to the Arabs?/' 

5 " Patr. Lat.," cxxii, 883. 



"The voice of man, or of pipe, or lyre, taken singly, 
retains its own quality, yet these joined together make one 
harmony by their concordance. Even where a clear in- 
dication of the sounds is manifested, they are not mixed 
with each other, but merely united. For if any voice is 
silent, it alone will be silent, and no silence of the melody 
results from the sounds remaining, from which it is clear 
that when it [a voice] sounds among others, it still retains 
its own quality." 

To .say that the "polyphonic use of organum is implied " 
in this passage is an abuse of language. Not only do the 
context and the sources prove the intrinsic improbability 
of the assumption, but the very passage itself shows that 
the position is untenable. 

The fifth book of "De divisione naturae" deals with 
the return of nature to its primal unity, and the point in 
question concerns the immortality of the individual. In- 
dividual man has his own soul single and unique, although 
all human souls are united in the one universal soul. To 
prove this " Oneness above Unity," 6 John Scotus uses the 
simile of the voices in concert. It is as old as the hills, 
as we know from Seneca. 7 His immediate source, how- 
ever, was the Pseudo-Dionysios treatise, " De divinis nom- 
inibus," which he himself had translated into Latin. Here 
we have the simile of the several lamps and the undiffer- 
entiated light which, mutatis mutandis, is identical with 
the simile of the several voices and the undifferentiated 
sound. 8 

6 Porphyry says that prior to the many there is the one. 
" Select Works of Porphyry," by Thomas Taylor, p. 204. 

7 " Epistolse," Ixxxiv. 
8 " De divinis nominibus," ii, 4. 


To read into the John Scotus passage, as my critic 
would do, a suggestion that the voices produced con- 
sonances other than the diapason and/or disdiapason t 
which were the characteristics of the strict symphonia. that 
I have alluded to, destroys, in my opinion, the simile. If 
we admit, for instance, the consonance of the diapente or 
that of the diatesseron, we introduce differentiated 
sounds, which, when withdrawn, would obviously create 
an " appreciable silence " from the sounds remaining. To 
maintain the simile, the voices must produce one undij- 
ferentiated sound. 

Another passage deserved attention on account of the 
reference made to it by Miss Schlesinger, who borrows it 
from Riemann. My critic says : " Mr. Farmer will find a 
reference to the subject of consonances in Erigena, op. 
cit. t Bk. v, 4." Turning to this passage we find the phil- 
osopher concerned with his fourth division of nature, i.e., 
Natura non creans et non creata the return of nature to 
its primal cause. He uses the quadrivium as an illus- 
tration. Arithmetic, he says, starts with the monad, and 
all numbers resolve back again into this. Geometry and 
astronomy are dealt with similarly. Then comes music, 
and he says : 

"What of music? Does it not itself start from its own 
primal cause (principle) which we call the tone ? It com- 
mences symphonies both simple and compound, and re- 
solving again, returns to this tone, i.e., its primal cause, 
since it subsists wholly by its power."* 

There is certainly nothing here on the " subject of con- 
sonances," other than what might refer to the diapason 

9 " Pair. LaV cxxii, 869, b. 


and disdiapason pf symphonia. Of course, we see these 
points in the Aristotelian " Problemata " (xix, 39). 

Finally, there are the references of John Scotus to the 
senarius, which Miss Schlesinger considers to be "those 
of an expert." 10 It was the philosopher's remarks on this 
and other topics of music that led me to say that his 
"passing references to music .... are little different in 
substance from what we find in contemporary writers."-" 
Yet my critic still holds a brief for the " expertness " of 
the Irish Carolingian. 12 Let us see in what way this "ex- 
pertness " is reflected in his mention of the senarius. John 
Scotus asks: 15 "How much of the senarius is understood 
with regard to its value? What [of its] foundation of 
the entire harmony [of things] ? Who can recognise also 
its connections (collationes) with its sesquialter, sesqui- 
tertius, and duplices within the nature of things, while 
the universe of all things visible and invisible has been 
established in it [the senarius'] as in an original model." 
He tells us elsewhere, 1 ^ that the senarius is called the "per- 
fect number." The creation of the world took six days. 
Six is the multiple of the first equal number (2) and the 
first unequal number (3). Six is also the sum of the 
first three numbers (1+24-3=6). The "expertness" 
of John Scotus is scarcely apparent here. The first-quoted 
passage, he took direct from his mentor, St. Augustine, 14 
who himself was undoubtedly influenced by Philo 

x> "Is European Music Indebted to the Arabs?," 11. 

See ante, p. 109. 
12 " Musical Standard/' xxvii, 209. 

Patr. I*t.," cxxii, 966, a. 

Ulbid., 655, c, 656, b, 718, b, 723, a. 

*sDe civitate Dei," xi, 30. " De Trin.," iv, 7. 


Judaeus. 16 Another author well known to John Scotus was 
Martianus Capella, and he tells us that from the senarius, 
the " perfect number," came the hemiolios ( = sesquialter), 
the diatessaron ( = sesquitertius), and the diapason 
(= duplex). We also see all this in Vitruvius, 17 and 
Isidore. 25 

It will be recalled that Miss Schlesinger averred that the 
description of John Scotus, in the special passage referred 
to, "considering the age in which he lived, may justly 
be regarded as that of an expert, who wrote from prac- 
tical knowledge and understanding, and was not a mere 
compiler of the work of others." My critic says further 
that the other passages on music in " De divisione naturae " 
shows that John Scotus was "speaking from first-hand 
practical knowledge of the music of his day," and that 
" all his utterances on music show an unusually deep know- 
ledge and understanding of the subject." 19 

These premises have but scant confirmation, as we have 
seen. Although John Scotus, in his intellectual interests, 
was rather exceptional for the age in which he lived, it is 
equally certain that his writings reveal how greatly con- 
ditioned he was by the meagre culture of his time. 50 In- 

w " De opificio mundi," iii. 
""De arch.," iii, 1. 


"Is Musical Theory Indebted to the Arabs?" 11. " Musical 
Standard," xxvii, 197, b. 

9 Strange to say, John Scotus was once supposed to have de- 
rived some of his learning from the Arabs. The legend began 
with the sixteenth century Bale ("Script. Ill, Brit.," ii, 24), 
and it continued to be accepted until the nineteenth century, when 
R. L. Poole ("Illust. of the History of Medieval Thought," 311) 
exploded it, 


deed, one might go further still and say with his latest 
and best critic and biographer, Henry Eett, that " no phil- 
osopher was ever less original, in the narrower sense, than 
Erigena [John Scotus]." 21 To a considerable extent we 
can gauge the extent of his borrowings, and from this we 
can reasonably determine the measure of his originality. 
So far as his utterances on music are concerned, there is no 
evidence to be found for the claim made as to " origin- 
ality/' " expertness," or "first-hand practical knowledge," 
as I have clearly demonstrated. 

" Johannes Scotus Erigena" (1925), 



<Abd al-Rahman I, 150, 166. 
'Ahd al-Rahman II, 151, 166. 
<Abd al-Rahman III, 21, 179-80, 

'Abd al-Rahman al-FasI. See 


Abert, H., 219-20. 
Abraham ben Ezra, 269. 
Abraham ben Hijja, 24. 
Abu Bakr, 4. 
Abu 'Abdallah al-Khwarizmi. 

See Al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad 

ibn Musa. 
Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn al- 

Qasih al-Kurklii, 286. 
Abu Kamil al-Ghuzayyil. See 


Abulcasis, 25. See Abu Ma'shar. 
Abu'l-Darda, 166. 
Abu'l-Hakam al-Bahili. See Al- 


Abu Ma'shar, 25. 
Abu Nasr ibn al-Matran, 28. 
Abu'l-Qasim al-Zahrawi. See 


Abu'l Salt Umayya, 28-9. 
Abu'1-Wafa' al-Buzjani. See 

Abu Yahya al-Batiiq. See 

Yuhanna ibn al-Bati* iq . 
Adalberon, 177. 
Adam de Fulda, 269. 
Adelard of Bath, 24, 70, 175, 

269, 276, 278. 
Adkemar, 32. 
Admet, 25. 
Adrien Le Roy, 101. 
Agobardus, 210. 

Ahmad ibn al-Mu'tasim, 257, 


'Ala' al-Dm Muhammad, Shah, 
09 \ 


Aladansnc, 310. 

Albategnius. 25. See Al-Battani. 

Albericus, 187. 

Albinus, 192, 198-D. 

Albumasor, 25. See Abu 


Alcandrius, 24, 33. 
Alchindus, 25. See Al-Kindi. 
Alcuin, 7, 189, 208, 210, 214, 


Alcuin, Pseudo, 35. 
Alexander the Great, 125. 
Alexander of Hales, 278. 
Alfraganus, 25. See Al- 

Algaurizm, 25. See Al-Khwar- 

izmi,, Muhammad ibn Musa. 
Alhazen, 25. See Ibn al-Hait- 

'All ibn Harun ibn C AH ibn 

Yahya, 281. 
Aliafi'l, 340. 
'All ibn Yahya (ibn Abi Mansur) 

al-Munajjim, 252. 
Almansor, 25. See Yahya ibn 

Abi Mansur. 
Alonzo of Asturias, 33. 
Alphagus, 187. 

Alpharabius, 25. See Al-Farabi. 
Alphonso X, 37, 145, 147-8, 345. 
Alvar Fafiez, 29. 
Alvarus, 16, 23, 29, 172. 
Alypios, 83, 131. 
Amalarius Symphosius, 46, 212. 
" Amiatina Bible," 216. 
Amm, A1-, 60. 
Amphion. 119. 


Anaximander, 122. Bede and Pseudo Bede, 70, 214- 
Andres, Juan, 14, 68, 145-6. 21. 226. 

"Anonymus II" (Vincent), 21, Bellini, 17. 

71, 299. Benedict, St., 201-3. 

" Anonymus IV " (C o u s s e- Benedict, Abbot, 216. 

maker), 37- Berne. 189. 

Apollinarus Sidonius, 296. Bernelmus, 31, 185 

Apollo 49 119 Bernelmus, Pseudo, 31, Io5, 185, 
Apollonius, 70. 317. 

Apuleius, 126, 198. Berno, 44 189 193. 

Aratus, 191. Beromandrac, 340. 

Arbeau T 159. Bett, H., 358 

Archimedes', 70. Boetnius, 39, 41-2, 44 46 56 65, 
Aristeidas 83-4 84-7, 105, 123, 182-3, 185, 187, 

Ariston 125 189,193-5,198-9,206,292. 

Aristotle. 27, 64, 70, 122, 174, Bonilla, 342-3, 345. 

202, 226, 274, 289, 290-3, 290, Bononcmi, G. M., 79. 

356 Bottee de Toulmon, 218. 

Aristotle, Pseudo (I), 37, 290. Brambach, W., 35. 

Aristotle, Pseudo (II), 218, 352. Breasted, J. H., 162. 

Aristoxenos, 27, 41-2, 64, 190, Bruno, 178. 

198, 207. 274-5, 286-9. Bryennios, 71, 299-300. 

Arzachel. 25. See Al-Zarkali. Buckle, H. T., 211 

Asma'I, A1-, 247. Burney C., 199, 218 

Aswad, AI-, ibn Umara, 245-6. Butler, R R C. 201. 

Athenaios, 119, 121. Buzjani, A1-, Abu'MVafa', 28. 
'Atika bint Shuhda, 248. 

Attis, 119. C. 

Augustine, St., 187, 189, 193, Cajori, F., 132. 

198-9, 202, 221, 226-8, 353, 356. Calafataf, 340. 

Aurelian of Reome, 31, 44, 46, Calvisius S 81 

86, 183, 193, 195, 214, 224, Cambyses, 125. ' 

Avenpace, 25. See Ibn Bajia. Cantimir, D., 79. 

Averroes, 25. See Ibn Rushd. Caatigas de Santa Maria," 
Avicebron, 173. 13, 15, 146-7, 262. 

Avicenna, 25. See Ibn Sma. Cantone, G., 79. 

'Azza al-Maila', 50. Carra de Vaux, Baron, 243. 

Caairi, M., 336. 

B. Cassian, 212. 

Bacchus, 120. Cassiodorus, 31, 39, 44, 56, 183, 
Bacon, 6oger, 37. 160, 276. 187, 189, 193, 195-6, 209, 221-2, 

BahilL A1-, Abu^-Pakam, 28. 225-8. 

" Bahiat al-Ruh, n 131. Caussin de Perceval, 239, 243, 
Bahrain Ghur, 52, 271. 251. 

Banu Musa, 25, 27, 29, 65, 273-5. Censorinus, 191-2, 199. 

Banu Tamlm, 247. Ceolfrid, 216. 

Barbad or Barbud, 240, 251. Chappell, W., 20 220. 

Barbier de Meynard 243. Charlemagne, 7-8, 15, 44-5, 149- 
Bar Hebraeus, 60. 52, 177, 208-13. 

Barsauma, 248. Christ, W., 320. 

Basil, St., 163. Cicero, 190-1, 226. 

Bassermann, 75. Clark, J. M.. 16. 

Batman, 345. Claudius, 210. 

Battam, A1-, 25. Clement of Alexandria, 353. 

Becker, G., 187-9. Clouston, W. A., 87. 



Codex Toletanus," 23. 
Collangettes, M., 242, 255, 261. 
Combarieu. J., 117. 
Comparetti, D., 342-4. 
Conde, J. A., 337. 
Constantine the African, 24, 

36-7, 175, 269. 
Coussemaker, C. E., 350. 
Crichton, A., 80. 
Cunningham, W., 151. 


Dalberg, J. F. H., 80. 

David, E., 320. 

Davy, H., 220. 

" De Harmonica Institutione," 
93, 317-21. 

Demetrios Phalerios, 124. 

Dionysios, Pseudo, 354. 

Dionysos, 49. 

Diodorns Siculus, 119, 121, 123. 

Doni, C., 19, 

Donnolo. See Sabatai ben Abra- 

Dubiatalfac, 340. 

Dunash ben Labrat, 156. 

Du Pin, 225. 


Einhardus, 211-2. 
Elias, 336. 
Ellis, A. J., 66. 
Engel, Carl, 61. 
Ephraim, St., 163. 
Eratosthenes, 204. 
Eugenius of Sicily, 24, 175. 
Euklid, 27, 59, 64, 70, 234-5, 
274-5. 282-3, 298. 
Eueebius, 162, 202. 
Evliya Chelebi, 79. 
Eximento, A., 14. 


Fabricius, 225. 

Fakhr al-Dm al-Razi. See Al- 

Fandurus, 64. 

Farabi, A1-, 25-30, 37-8, 51, 65, 
67-8, 71, 75, 87, 89-92, 146, 160, 
219, 234-5, 237, 241, 258-61, 
268-9, 275, 286-92, 298-300, 
315-6, 336-7. 

Farabio Mohammed, 336. 

Faraj ibn Salim, 344. 

Fargham, A1-, 25. 

Farra', A1-, 247. 

Fasi, A1-, 308. 

Fathers, Christian, 42, 201-2. 

Feijop y Montenegro, B.J., 337. 

Ferdinand II of Aragon, 5. 

Fetis, F. J., 218, 243. 

"Fihrist" 248. 

Fitrat, 323. 

Fleischer, 0., 219-20, 268. 

Floribundus, 340. 

Floss, H. J., 350. 

Folcrad, 189. 

Forkel, J. N., 70, 218. 

Fra Angelica, 17. 

Frederick of Sicily, 8, 22. 

Fulan, 98, 100-1. ' 

Fulbertus, 185. 


Galen, 39, 206. 
Galilei, V., 9(5, 324-6. 
Galpin, F. W., 264. 
Garamnus, 184. 
Garetius, 225. 
Gastoue, A., 320. 
Gaudentios, 84, 123, 198, 292. 
Gerard of Cremona, 24, 37, 269, 


Gerbert. See Sylvester, Pope. 
Gerbert, M.,35, 217. 
Georgius Veneticus, 256. 
Gerlandus, Pseudo, 155. 
Gevaert, F. A., 84-5, 219-20. 
Ghazali, A1-, 340, 342, 344. 
Ghuzayyil, A1-, Abu Kami!, 34. 
Gilbertus, 340. 
Giles, J. A., 217-8. 
Gregory IV, Pope, 213. 
Guido of Arezzo, 73-4, 77-8, 87, 

183, 189, 251, 253, 267, 306. 
Guillaume de Machaut, 16. 
Guiscard, Robert, 36. 
Guitmundus, 185. 
Gundisalvi or Gundiesalinus, 37, 

160, 175, 219. 


fakam, A1-, 21. 
akam II, A1-, 169, 178, 180. 
IJamasa " 51. 
Harun al-Kashid, 167. 
Ilasan IJusain J Abd al-Wahab, 



Haskins, C. H., 22, 161. 

Hatto. Bishop, 32. 

Hawkins, Sir J., 225, 267, 

Heine, G., 338. 

Helmholtz, H. L. F., 66, 78, 293. 

Herbelot, D', 87. 

Hermann Contract, 24, 35-6, 83, 


Hermann of Carinthia, 24. 
Hermes, 49, 122, 273. 
Herodotos, 123. 
Heron, 70, 123. 
Hipparchos, 122. 
Hippocrates, 206. 
Hisham I. 166. 
Hisham II, 179. 
Hornbostel, E. von, 81. 
Hraban Maurus, 189, 210, 222, 


Hrotswitha, 183. 
Huobald, 110, 183-4, 189, 214, 

318, 321, 337. 

Hucbald Pseudo, 31, 151, 156. 
Hugh of Santalla, 24. 
Hulagu, 274. 
Hunam al-Hm, 54. 
Sunain ibnlshaq, 25, 272~'5, 344. 
Hupald, 189. 
Husain, A1-, ibn Zaila. See Ibn 


Hushaim ibn Bushair, 247. 
Hyagnis, 119. 


lamblichos, 123, 126, 131, 231. 
Ibn'Abd Rabbihi, 12, 53, 146, 

242, 245-6, 283. 
IbnAbi Usaibi'a, 12. 
Ibn al-Haitham, 25, 36. 
Ibn aWJijari, 169, 342. 
Ibn al-JftuqafiV, 159. 
Ibn al-Qifti, 12. 
Ibn al-atfar. 33. 
Ibn 'Aqnin, 26. 
Ibn Firnas l 29, 169, 275. 
Ibn Gabirol, 173. 
IbnGhaibi, 91, 95, 233, 241. 
IbnGhalib, 169. 
Ibn Khaldun, 53, 140. 
Ibn Khurdadhbih, 27, 48, 55, 

233, 280. 
Ibn Maimun, 25. 
IbnMan'a, 168. 
Ibn Misjah, 56-7, 236-9, 254, 281, 


Ibn Rushd, 25, 155, 278, 290-1. 

340, 343-4. 

Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi, 155. 
IbnSma, 25-8, 37, 65, 68, 71, 

91-2, 102-3, 112, 265, 278, 298, 

301, 329^32, 340, 342, 344. 
Ibn Tanbura, or Ibn Tunbura, 


Ibn Zaidan, 236. 
Ibn Zaidun, 236. 
IbnZoila, 92, 95, 233, 241. 
Ibrahim al-Mansili, 247. 
Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi, 281. 
Ikhwan al-Safa', 28, 30, 61, 65, 

68, 87, 265", 292-3. 
Isaac, 25. 
Isaac Israeli, 25. 
Isaac of Antioch, 296. 
Isabella, wife of Ferdinand II, 


Isaiah ben Isaac, 68. 
Isfahan!, A1-, Abu'l-Faraj, 12, 

53, 146, 242, 245-6, 283. 
Ishaq al-Mausili, 27-8, 59, 88, 

237, 241-4, 247-55, 275, 280-1, 

284-5, 306, 308. 
Ishaq ibn Ibrahim ibn Mus'ab, 


Ishaq ibn Imran, 25. 
Isliaq ibn Sulaiman al-Isra'ili, 25. 
Isidore of Seville, 23, 31, 42, 44, 

70, 86, 173, 183, 187, 189, 193, 

196, 199, 206, 226-8, 357. 


Jazari, A1-, 55. 
Jeannin, J., 219-20. 
Jerome, St., 202, 224. 
Jerome, Pseudo St., 226. 
Jerome of Moravia, 37, 160. 
Johannes Aegidins Zamorensis, 

37, 269. 

Johannes, Bishop of Seville, 172. 
Johannes Cotto, 269. 
Johannes ibn David. See John 

of Seville. 
Johannes Scotus, 106, 109-12, 

210, 328, 348-58. 
John VIII, Pope, 204. 
John of Seville, 24, 37, 175, 269. 
John of Spain. See John of 


John the Archchaunter, 216. 
Jortin, J., 43. 
Joseph the Wise, 24. 



Jubal, 119. 

Julius Pollux, 233. 

Justinian, Emperor, 39, 130. 


Ka'b al-Aehqari, 245-6. 

Kadmos, 119. 

"Kalila wa Dimna," 159. 

Kallisthenes, 125. 

Kamal al-Din ibn Man'a. See 

Ibn Man'a. 

"Kanz al-Tuhaf," 264. 
Ker, W. P., 159. 
Kerykos, 125. 
Khii'lid al-Fayyad. 240. 
Khalll, A1-, 27-8, 58, 60. 
Khusrau 1, 331. 
Khusrau Parvviz. 60, 240, 250. 
Khwarizml, A1-, Muhammad ibn 

Ahmad, 28, 65, 233! 
Khwarizmi, Al- (Abu 'Abdallnh) 

Muhammad ibn Musa, 25, 30, 


Kiesewetter. R. G., 77-8. 
KinclT, A1-, 25-7, 29, 31, 58-9, ftt, 

64, 71, 75, 89, 92, 95, 103-4, 106, 

312, 238, 241, 256-8. 262, 275, 

281. 291, 298, 312-4, 329-32, 346. 
Kircher, A., 96, 301, 324-5. 
Kisa'i, A1-, 247. 
"Kitab al-Imta< wa'1-Intifa'," 


11 Kitab al-Siyasa," 296. 
Komitas Keworkian, 78. 
Koprili, 79. 
Kosegarten, J. G. L., 239, 245-6, 



Laborde, J. B., 70, 72, 74, 77, 


Lachmann, R., 81. 
Ladhiqi, Ak 68. 
Land, J. P. N., 57, 66, 237, 239- 

40, 2CO-1. 
Lange, G., 75, 78. 
3Lecky, W. E., 43, 211. 
T^eo Africanus, 273. 
Leo the Armenian, Emperor, 


I/eonardo of Pisa, 133. 
Leto, 49. 
Levy, S., 75. 
Libfi, G., 3. 

s, 34Q. 

Loret, V., 108, 346. 

Lothair, 15, 184. 

u Lothair Psalter," 152. 

Louis III of France, 205. 

Louis IX, 209. 

Louis le Dehonnaire, 45, 212,295 

Lull, R., 268. 

Lupitus, 24, 34. 

Lussy, M., 320. 


Mabillon, J., 201, 206. 
Maclaine, A., 165. 
Macrobius, 189, 192, 199. 
Maimonidos. See Ibn Maimun. 
Mnjrlti, A1-, 25, 28, 30, 33. 
Malik'al-Ta'i, 216. 
Ma'mun, A1-, 27, 167, 271, 273, 


Mansvir ibn Tallin ibn Tahir, 27 
Manrur, A1-, the Khalif ', 273. 
Mansur, A1-, the Wazlr, 180, 274. 
Mantepjna, 37. 
"Ma'rifat al-Naghamat al-Tha- 

mfm M,S., J) 81, 88-9, 93, 242, 

307-11, 319, 331. 
Marsyas, 119. 
Martel, Charles, 45. 
Martiamis Capella, 39. 56, 70, 

183, 186-7, 189, 193-5, 199, 206. 
Martini, G., 325. 
Maslama al-Majrltl. See Al- 


Maa udi, A1-, 53, 55, 59, 69, 275. 
" Medard, Evangeliarium of 

St.," 352. 

Menendez y Pidal, 157. 
Meninski, 77-9, 82. 
Michael Scott, 343. 
Migne, J. P., 217, 225. 
Mirkhwand, 271. 
Mirrazanfel, 340. 
Mitiana, R., 97, 101, 146. 
Mochos, 125. 
Moh-ab or Mohed, 336. 
Mosheim, J. L., 43, 165, 184. 
Moslem a, 25. 

11 Mu'allaqat," 51. 
Muciannus, 198. 

" Mufnddaliyvat," 51. 
MUHAMMAD, the Prophet, 48. 
Muhammad I of Al-Andalus, 152, 

Muhammad, the Amir, 251, 



Muitammad ibn Ahmad al- 

Raquti. See Al-Raquti. 
Muhammad ibn al-Haddad. See 

Ibn. alvHaddad. 
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn 

Mus'ab, 252. 
Muhammad ibn al-Mufaddal. 

See Ibn al-Dubbi. 
Muhammad ibn Ishaq al-Nadim. 

See Al-Warraq. 
" Muhammad ibn Murad MS.,*' 

68. 91. 
Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- 

Ra'zi. See Al-Razi. 
" Mukhtasar fi Ma'rifat al-Nag- 

ham MS.'," 308. 
Mulahiz, 249. 
Mullinger, J. B., 208. 
Munk, S., 68. 
Muratori, L., 217. 
Muristus, 64, 92, 104-5, 274, 279, 

296, 301. 
" Musica Enchiriadis," 94-, 102, 

111, 184, 189, 321-2, 326, 330-1. 
Mu'tamid, A1-, 280. 
Mu'tasim. A1-, 270, 275. 
Mutawakkil, A1-, 275. 
Muthanna, A1-, 247. 
Muwaffaq, A1-, 280. 


Nallino, C. A., 134-5. 
Nashit, 53-4. 
Naumann, E., 47. 
Newman, E., 107. 
Nicolas, Monk, 21. 
Nikomachos. 27, 41-2, 64, 123, 
207, 230, 274, 292. 
Nolicaranus, 340. 
Notker Balbulus, 155, 184. 
Notker Labeo, 15, 155, 184, 186, 


" Notker Psalter/' 152. 
Nu { man III, 52. 
Nushirwan, 181. 


Odericus Vitalis, 183. 
Odington, Walter, 37. 
Odo, 189. 

Odo of Cluny, 31, 177, 184, 321. 
Odo of Cluny, Peeudo. 94, 185, 
322. ? 

Odorannus, 188. 
Olympos, 120, 235. 

Onein, 25. 

Ordono, 180. 

Orpheos, 119. 

Otto, 189. 

Otto I, 178, 184, 277. 

Oudin, C., 217. 

Oxford, 276. 

" Oxyrynchus Papyrus," 84. 


Parry, C. H. H., ]07. 

Pasciial de Gayangos, 146, 290. 

Paul of Samosata, 162. 

Pedrell, F., 14. 

Pedro Canciotor, 336. 

Pelagaud, P., 125. 

Penna, L., 79. 

Pepin, 8, 15, 226. 

Peter of Monte Cassino, 24, 175. 

Petrus Anfusi, 24, 159, 269. 

Pherekydes, 125. 

Philadelphus, 340. 

Philo Judseus, 123, 356. 

Philon, 70. 

Pigeon de St. Paterne, 77. 

Pindar. 64. 

Plato, 122^5, 202. 

Plato of Tivoli, 24, 37. 

Pliny, 229. 

Plummer, C., 217-8 

Plutarch, 123. 

Polymnestos, 120. 

Porphyry, 231. 

Preece, W. H., 294. 

Proklos, 122-3, 202. 

Psellos, 131, 277. 

Ptolemy, 27, 39, 42, 46, 64, 90-1, 

105, 122, 134, 207. 234, 274-5, 

292, 315-6. 
Puteanus, 80. 
Putnam, G. H., 208. 
Pythagoras, 51, 64. 83-4, 123-4, 

125-7, 236, 292, 3^4. 


Quintillian, 190. 
Quonaaifac, 340. 


Raimond de Pennaforte, 843. 
Ra'iqa, 50. 
"Ramanyana," 60. 
Ramiro, 111, 180 f 



Ramos de Pare j a, 268. 

Raquti, A1-, 38. 

Raymund, Archbishop, 174-6, 

272, 345. 
Razi, A1-, Muliammad ibn Zak- 

ariyya, 25-6, 28-9, 65. 
Regmo, 183-4. 
Reisch, G., 38. 
Remy of Auxerre, 31, 46, 86, 177, 

183, 189. 

Remy of Treves, 183. 
Renan, E., 69. 
Rhazes, 25, 345. 
Ribera, J., 15, 106, 108, 148, 

161, 239 
Riemann, Hugo, 111-12, 265, 

320, 327-8, 348-50, 353, 355. 
"Ripoll MS.," 24, 29, 33. 
Rivoira, G. T., 151, 181. 
Robert of Retine, 24, 269. 
Roger of Sicily, 8, 22. 
Ronzevalle, P. S., 243. 
Rose, V., 338. 

Rouanet, J., 91, 242-3, 249, 251. 
Rowbotham, J. F., 337. 
Rudolf of Brughes, 24. 
Ruelle, C. E., 325. 
Ruiz, Juan, 1&-4. 

Sabatai ben Abraham, or Don- 

nolo, 24, 29-30, 156. 
Sa'ib Khathir, 53. 
"Sharh Maulana MS.," 91. 
Saif al-Daula, 87. 
gafi al-Dm <Abd al-Mu'min, 65, 

68, 91, 95, 260, 309. 
Salinas, 14, 96, 217, 267-8. 
Salva, J., 98, 100. 
Sarakhsi, A1-, 27, 64, 281. 
Schliiter, J., 350. 
11 Scholia Enchiriadis," 101, 111, 

184, 331. 
Seneca, 190, 340, 342, 345, 

Severus, 131. 
Shalalii, A1-, 336 (= " Kitab al- 

Imta' wa'1-Intifa' "). 
Shalaji, A1-, 337. 
Shalam, A1-, 337. 
Shams al-DIn al-Saidawi (or al- 

Dhahabi), 95, 323-6. 
Shaqundi, A1-, 155, 170. 
Shlrazi, A1-, 91. 

Singer, C., 132. 
Singer, S., 161. 
Soriano y Fuertes, M., 77-8, 80, 

106, 108, 334-6, 339, 341-2. 
Steinschneider, M., 25, 343. 
Stephen of Antioch, 24, 175. 
Strabo, 120, 123, 230. 
Suter, H., 134. 
Sylvester II, Pope, 24, 29, 32-5, 



"Talmud," 296. 
Terpander, 120. 
Tertullian, 202. 

Thabit ibn Qurra, 25-6, 29, 65, 

Thaletas, 120. 
Thebid. 25. 
Theodolphus, 210. 
The5n of Smyrna, 41, 207. 
Theophilus, Emperor, 19.^ 
Theophilus, Presbyter, 155. 
Theophrastos, 229. 
Thorndike, Lynn, 117, 174. 
Thoth, 122. 
Timur, 274. 

Trend, J. B. 96, 145-8, 156-7. 
Trithemius, 35. 
Tucker, T. G., 156. 
Tuwais, 53. 


TTbaidallah ibn 'Abdallah ibn 
Tahir, 27, 280. 
'timar, The Khalif, 50. 
Underwood, G., 117. 
Uspensky, V.. 323. 


Vadil, 336. 

Valerius Maximus, 126. 

Varro, 190. 

Viardot, L., 146. 

Villoteau, G. A., 80,, 267. 

Vincent de Beauvais, 35, 37, 


Virgilius, the Poet, 343. 
Virgiliue Cordubensis, 106, 112, 

Vitruvius, 189, 191-2, 198-9, 357. 




Walker, E., 348. 

Warraq, A1-, Muhammad ibn 

Ishaq al-Nadim, 12. 
Waslt, A1-. 270. 
Wath'iq, A1-. 249. 
Wiener, Leo, 7. 

William of Malmesbury, 32, 34. 
Williams, C. F. Abdy, 96, 319. 
Wiistenfeld, F., 25. 


Xenodamos, 120. 
Ximenes. Cardinal, 274. 


Yahya al-Ma'mun of Toledo, 
170, 345. 

Yahya ibn Abl Mansur, 25, 273-4. 

Yahya ibn 'All ibn Yahya ibn 
Afci Mansur, 27, 59, 65, 87-8, 
95, 242-4, "248, 262, 280-5, 304-6. 

Yazdigird I, 52. 

Yuhanna ibn al-Batriq, 273. 


Zahrawi, A1-, 25, 33. 
Zalzal, 248-9. 
Zarkall, A1-, 25. 
Zenobia, 162. 
Ziryab, 28 3 241, 308. 



Aann, 125. 
Ab'ad. See Bu'd. 
Abacus, 182. 
'Abbasids, 4. 

Accordatura, 237, 240-6, 
283, 308-11, 31. 
Accoutre, 11. 
Adana, 4. 
Adharbaijan, 4. 
Aethiopia,_ 36, 61. 
Afghanistan, 4. 
Africa, 165. 
Aidin, 4. 
Ajna/s. See Jins. 
Alarido, 13. 
Albogon, 13, 18, 137. 
Alboque, 18. 
Alcohol, 38. 
Alcove, 11. 
Alembic, 38. 
Alentrade, 38. 
Algazara, 13. 
Algebra. 38, 133. 
Anglo-Saxons, 7. 
Algorizm, 38, 133. 
Alnan See Lahn. 
Alidade, 10. 
Alkali, 38. 
Amain, 9, 204. 
Amber. 10. 
Anafil, 13, 18, 137-8. 
Anafin, 18. 
'Anah, 125. 
Anaxir, 14. 
Anazaba, 270. 
Antioch, 162. 
Antiphon, 163. 
Antiphonale, 213. 
Anwa'. See Naw'. 
Aquitaine, 30. 

Arabesque, 11. 

Arabia, South, 49, 229-31. 

Arabic translations from the 

Greek, 298, 301. 
A r agon, 340. 
Aravias, 15. 

257, Architecture, 11, 14, 151, 181. 
Argos, 120. 
Arithmetic, 36, 122-3, 127, 133, 

169, 181, 355. 
Armenia, 4, 61. 
Ars notoria, 341, 343. 
Artillery, 10. 
Asba' (pi. Asabi'), 250. 
Asabi'. See Asba'. 
Ashshipu, 126. ' 
Asia Minor, 4. 
Assyria, 121, 233. 
Astrolabe, 33, 181. 
Astronomy and astrology, 7, 36, 

122, 169', 181-2, 191, 268, 341, 


Astukhusiyya, 57, 236. 
Asturias, 179-80. 
Atabal, 137-9. 
Atambal, 13, 137-8. 
Atambor, 13. 
Athinganoi, 270. 
Aucassin, 159. 
Aulos, 141. 
A versa, 185. 
Azimuth, 38. 


Babylonia, 30, 49, 51, 117, 127, 

Baccara, 13. 
Baghdad, 6, 19, 22, 167, 209, 

248, 263, 272-3. 
Bagpipe, 262. 
Bait al-Hikma, 6, 27, 167, 273, 

275, 280. 


Balaban, 18, 140. 
Balearic Isles, 5. 
Baltic, 10. 
Bandair, 137. 
Banjo, 264. 
Baqiyya, 67. 
"Rarhativva 57 

Chang, 270. See Jank. 
Charamela, 141. 
Chartres, 185-6. 

gj 1611118 ^' 7 - 
Oheee, 11. 
China, 40. 
Chirimia, 13, 140. 

Basques, V 
Bernoy, 100. 
Bible 8 23 
Blmaristan,' 6. 167. 
Borax, 10. 
Bosra, 230. 
Botany, 7, 335, 341. 
Bow, 265. 
Buccin, 143. 
Bu'd (pi. Ab'ad), 67. 
Bukhara, 4. 
"Rfirt ift 1^7 a 

Bv&os 125 

Bvzantium 2 6 8 19 *) 22 
jDyzanLium, ^J, o, o, iy-^u, zz, 

27, 39, 52, 54. 136, 162-3, 178-9, 
193 f 230, 237, 254, 257, 277, 
296 7 326 

' ' ' 

Cabel el orabin, 14. 
Caesura. 58, 254. 
Caguil hallaco, 14. 
Cairo, 6, 9, 36, 167, 170. 
Caisse, 18, 139. 
Calabria, 5, 204. 
Calamella, 141. 
Calamus, 141. 
Camlet, 10. 
Camphor, 10. 
Cana, 14. 
Cano, 13. 
Canone, 17. 
Cantor, 184. 
Cape Miseno, 5. 
Capetian dynasty, 178. 
Capsa, 139. 
Caravan, 10. 
Cartagina, 340. 
Carthage, 36. 
Caspian sea, 40. 
Castille, 179, 340. 
Chalameau or Chalumeau, 141. 
Chaldaeans, 23, 36, 49, 51, 123, 
172, 229, 270-1. 

282. 296, 88M, 341. 
Cialamello, 141. 
Cipher, 38, 133. 

Culati ?S' HI S 
154j 156 ' 

, .^ 

oisonne, 19. 
Cluny, 177 

Colleges. See Schools. 
Compass 10. 
Constantinople, 4, 2i 7. 
Coplas, loo. 
Cordova, 6, 20-1, 23, 28-9, 32, 

H, 106, 150. 166-7, 179-81. 

TOO ono o^c QQT QQO 
n 18 ^ 20 . 9 > 2 1 7 1 6j 337i 339 ' 
Cordwam, 11.. 
^ or Sarrasmois, 16, 143. 
Corsica, 5. 
Cotton, 10. 
Counterpoint, 74. 
Courses, 57, 254. See Majra. 


Da'ira (pi. dawa'ir), 67. 
Dailamites, 61. 
Damascus, 6, 150, 230. 
Damask, 10. 
Dances, 11, 22. 
Danishmandids', 4. 
Dar al-5ikma, 167. 
Dastan (pi. dasatin), 250. 
Daur (pi. adwar), 154, 250, 254. 

See Da'ira. 
Dialectic, 36. 
Diyanai, 258. 

Doussaine or Doussainne, 16, 18. 
Doucaine, 142. 
Drums, 264. See Tabl, Naq- 

qara, Qas'a. 
Duff (pi. Dufuf), 137. 
Dulcayna, 13, 18, 142. 
Dulcis, 142. 
Durr Mufassal, 76-7. 




Egypt, 4, 8, 10, 16, 36, 39, 117, 

121-7, 149, 230, 233, 262-3. 
Elmuahym, 38. 
Elmuarifa, 38. 
Elymos, 120. 
En, 125. 

Enneachordon, 121. 
Eschaquiel or Eschaquier, 143. 
Ethos, 71, 299-300. 
Exabeba, 13, 138. 
Exaquir, 13, 143. 


Fanfare, 19. 

Farghana, 4. 

Fatunids, 6, 274. 

Figures of melody, 71, 299-300. 

Flute, 119-20, 259, 261. See 

Nay, Shabbaba, Juwaq, $af- 

fara, Yara*. 
Forking, 262 

' ' Freethinker " (journal), 107. 
Frets, 250, 261. 
Fulda, 227. 


Gaita, 142. 

Gaeta, 204-5. 

Gall, St., 209, 212, 222. 

Gama, 75. 

Gama'at, 75. 

Gamma, 74-5. 

Gamut, 75. 

Garigliano, 204. 

Gayta, 13. 

Gega, 144. 

Geige, 143-4. 

Genoa, 9, 17. 

Genres See Jins. 

Geometry, 7, 127-8, 341, 355. 

Germany, 76, 178-9, 186. 

Gerona, 92. 

Ghai^a, 142. 

Ghanna, 125. 

Ghassanids, 49, 230. 

Ghichak, 143-4. 

Ghizhak. 143. 

Ghubar numerals, 31. 

Ghuga, 144, 154, 157. 

Gichak, 143. 

Gige, 144. 

Gighe, 17. 

Gigja, 144. 

Gimbal, 10. 

Gingras, 120. 

Gloss, 107, 254. See Za'ida 

Goths, 7-8, 23, 108, 210. " 

Grammar, 36 191. 

Granada, 5, 97, 99, 170, 263. 

Greater complete system, 283-5. 

Greece, 2-3, 7, 9-10, 21, 24, 26-7, 
29, 31, 39-42, 46, 49, 56, 59-60, 
63-71, 75, 83-5, 90-1, 93-4, 96, 
100, 106, 117-29, 132-5, 162-3, 
165, 169, 180, 190, 197-200, 252, 
255-7, 260, 272-8, 282-94, 298- 
303, 315. 

Guide, 10. 

Guiga, 144. 

Guitarra Morisca, 13. 

Guiterne, 16. 


Hadith, 167. 

fiarmony of the spheres, 118, 
123, 126. See Ethos. 
Hawking, 11. 
Hebrew, 19, 26, 31, 296. 
Hexachord, 74. 
Hijaz, A1-, 52, 54, 236-40. 
film, A1-, 51-2. 
Hocket, 38. 
Horn, 173. See Buq 
Hudas, 15. 
Huesca, 5, 33, 178. 
Hydraulis, 70, 274, 295-7. 
Hymn to St. John, 74. 


Ijaza. 167. 

Ikhadias, 163. 

India, 30, 36, 60, 134, 245, 271, 


Indus, 40. 

Industrial arts, 11, 149. 
Infisal, 67. 

Influence, the word, 127. 
Iqa< (pi. Iqa'at), 38, 254. See 

Khytlim. Modes, Rhythmic. 
'Iraq 'Arabi, 4, 236, 240. 
'Iraqiyya or 'Iraqya, 142. 
Irkha } , 67. 
Irish, 7. 
Italy, 4, 8, 21, 24, 29, 34, 76, 

136, 149, 166, 177, 203, 263. 




Jaghana, 18. 

Jank, 253. 

Jass, 332. 

Jatis, 60. 

Jdtiva, 178. 

Jate, 271. 

Jews. 22, 60, 68, 156-8, 173, 


Jingling Johnnie, 18. 
Jins (pi. Ajnas), 67. 
Joch, 17, 143. 
Joculatores, 158. 
Jongleurs, 16. 
Jugiares, 157-8 
Juljul, 18. 
Jundeshapur, 131. 
Jurisprudence, 167. 
Juwaq, 143. 


Kaman, 265. 
Kamanja, 264. 
Kanon, 143. 
Kasa, 140. 
Kasatan, 140. 
Kenanaur, 125. 
Khashabat, 88. 
Khii'a, 170. 
Khurasan, 281. 
Khwarizm, 324. 
Khuzistan, 131. 
Keyboard, 262. 
Kinnor, 120, 125. 
Kinyra, 120. 
Kiran, 241. 
Kithara, 120, 259. 
Klepsiambos, 121. 
Kolophon, 120. 
Kroumata, 120. 
Kufa, A1-, 247. 
Kurds, 61. 
Kus, 18. 
Kuwitra, 311. 


Lahn (pi. Alhan), 57. 
LaUhmids, 49. 52. 
Latin translations from Arabic, 

25-6, 29, 33. 37-8, 70, 174-6, 181, 

269, 272, 276-7, 344-5. 
Lambutum, 99. 
Laud, 13. 
Lemon, 10 

Leon. 340. 
Lerida, 33, 180. 
Lexicography, 167. 
Libraries, 6/20-1, 44, 187-9. 
Licentia, 167. 
Ligurian Coast, 5. 
Lira Dicta, 143. 
Liuto, 17. 
Logic, 341. 
Lokri. 120. 

Lombardy, 5, 8, 21, 203. 
Lozenge, 10. 
Lut, 233. 

Lute. 58, 62, 137, 154, 240-6, 
249-51, 257, 259, 282-3. See 

Luth', 17. 

Lydia, 120. 

Lyra, 259. See Lira Dicta. 


Madrasa (pi. Madaris), 170. See 

Madrid, 5 
Magadis, 120. 
Magadizing, 102. 
Magazine, 11. 
Majolica, 11. 
Majra (pi. Majari), 254. See 

Malekos, 245. 
Malta, 4. 
Maqta' (pi. Maqati'), 254. See 

Mathematics, 34. 169, 174 2 182. 

See Quadrivium, Mathesis. 
Mathesis, 34. 

Mauda* (pi. mawadi'), 251. 
Mausil, A1-, 247. 
Mecca, 236. 
Mechanics, 7. 
Medicine, 7. 25, 169, 174. 
Melody making, 154. SeeTa'lIf 

Mensural music, 38, 154, 219. 

See Iqa'. 

Merovingians, 208. 
Mesopotamia, 4, 118, 149, 229. 
Metaphysics, 167. 
Metz, 44. 

Mezzo Canone, 17. 
Micanon, 16. 
Military arts, 9-11. 
Mi'zafa* (pi. Ma'azif), 66. 


Minaeans, 49. Nebel, 120. 

Mizmar (pi. Mazamir), 53. Necromancy, 36, 341. 

Modes, Ecclesiastical, 41, 221. Nehes, 125. 

Modes, Melodic (Arabian), 57, Ne'imah, 163. 

59, 154, 250, 254. Ne'mo, 163. 

Modes, Melodic (Persian), 55, Nestorians, 130. 

57, 60, 307. Neuma, 163, 164. 
Modes, Melodic (Syrian), 57, 60. Neumes, 163, 213. 
Modes, Rhythmic (Arabian), Ni?amiyya, 6. 

58-9. Nomos, 120. 

Modes, Rhythmic (Persian), 55, Normans, 8-9, 17, 21, 179. 

58. Norsemen, 177. 
Monochordon, 120, 233. Notation, 83-96, 146, 302-26. 
Monte Cassino, 36-7, 44, 187, Numerals, 31, 133, 179, 185. 


Morache, 16. ~ 

Morocco, 4, 338. u * 

Mouriscas, 15. 

Mudejares, 14, 178, 276. Oktoechos, 60, 164. See Ikha- 
Muse d'Auesay, 17. dias 

Murabba', 66. Orange, 10 

Murcia 38. Organ, 183, 220, 295-7, 301. 

Musical instruments, 13, 15-9, Organistrum, 264-5. 

61-2, 136-44, 154-5, 256-66 Organum, 74, 102-12, 157, 262, 
Musicus, 184. 264, 327-8, 333, 335, 337, 341, 

Musiqi, 66. 346-7, 348-58 

Musk, 10. Oxus, 6. 
Muslin, 10. 

Muwalladun, 147. P. 

Muwattar, 241. 

Muzarabes, 151, 178, 181, 276, Padua, 263. 

342' Palermo, 6, 22. 

Palestine, 149. 

N. Palmyra, 49, 162, 230. 

Pampeluna or Pamplona, 5, 180. 

Naba^aeans, 49, 230. Papacy, 8-9, 42. 

Nablas, 120. Panderete, 13, 137. 

Nabra (pi. Nabarat), 57, 67, Pandero, 137. 

238-9. Pandore, 154, 240. 

Nacchera, 17. Pandoura, 120, 233. 

Nadir, 38. Paris, 278. 

Nafir, 18-9, 137-8. Persia, 2, 4, 6, 18-9, 36, 49-50, 
Nafa&ia. 138. 52-3, 56-9, 61, 78, 80, 94-5, 135, 

Nagham, 238. 130-1. 149. 204, 232, 236-7, 240, 

Naghma 163 245, ^54, &57, 270-1, 276. 

Na|asa, 125.' Petra, 230. 

Naker 18, 137. Philosophos, 126. 

Naples, 22 204. Phoenicia, 119, 120-1, 123, 125, 

Naqqara, l8, 137. Phoinix, 120. 

Namiaire, 16, 18. Phrygia, 119-20. 

Narbonne, 5. Pre-lslamic days, 130-1, 162-4. 

Nashid 14 Pre-lslamic system, 51, 232, 
Navarre. 1*79-80, 340. 236-7, 253, 260-1, 281. 

Naw* (pi. Anw5 f ), 67. Provence, 16, 157 

Nay (pi. Nayat), 173, 264. Pyrenees, 5, 33, 40. 




Qaina (pi. Qainat, Qiyan), 11. 
Qanun (pi. Qawanm), 66, 143, 

Jas'a (pi. Qasa'at), 18. 
Jaus (pi. aqwas), 265. 
Jitara, 66, 137. 
JIthura, 257. 

Juadrivium, 34, 43, 132-3, 167, 
182, 184-5, 191, 225, 273, 355. 
Quesse, 17-18, 140. 
Qur'an, 166-7. 


Rabab, 20, 137, 143, 258-9, 262, 


Rabe Morisco, 13. 
Raiy, A1-, 237, 247. 
Rackett, 142. 
Rawi, 159 
Rebec, 20, 137, 143. 
Rebecca, 17. 
Reed-pipe, 119, 259, 261. See 

Mizmar, Surna, Surnay, Ghaita. 
Refulgentia, 339. 
Renaissance, 3, 25-6, 40. 
Rheims, 177, 180, 184. 
Rhetoric, 167. 

Rhythm, 191, 254. See Iqa'. 
Rook, 11. 
Rome, 9, 34, 39-41, 46-7, 70, 86, 

118, 121, 179, 190-6, 208, 287. 
Rubeba, 233. 
Russia, 10. 


Sabamns, 49, 229-30. 
Sabseans (= Sabians), 2, 257. 
Saffron, 10. 

afq, 163. 
a^a, 138. 
Sakadas, 120 
Baker, 11. 
Salamanca, 5, 180. 
Salerno, 22, 36, 204. 
Saljuqs, 4. 
Sambucus, 143. 
Sambyke, 120 
Sainos. 125-6. 
Sandal wood, 10. 

fanj. See Jank. 
anscrit, 75. 
Saracens, 203-7, 210. 

Sardinia, 4. 

Sasanids, 19, 240, 271. 

Saxons, 178. 

Scale, 74. 

Schalmey, 141. 

Schetra, 271. 

Schools, 6, 20-2, 165-71, 208-13, 


Senarius, 356-7. 
Serraglio, or Seraglio, 159. 
Seville, 20. 

Shabbaba, 137-8, 141. 
Shahrud, or Shahrud, 258. 
Shalm, 141. 
Shaqira, 143. 
Shawm, 141-2. 
Sherbet, 10. 
Shift, The, 261. 
Shophar, 125. 
Sicily, 5, 8, 21-2, 36-7, 179, 204, 


Sidon, 125. 

Sierra de Guadarrama, 5. 
Sind, 4. 

Singing Schools, 212. 
Sinj. See unuj. 
Sitara, 271. 
Skindapos, 121. 
Slavs, 177, 279. 
Sliders, 297. 
Soissons, 44, 212. 
Solfeggio, 72-82. 
Solmisation, 74, 80. 
Sonajas, 140. 
Sophos, 126 

Sound, Theory of, 257, 290-4. 
Spain, 4-9, 1$, 20, 22, 24, 28-9, 

32-5, 38, 78, 80, 99, 136-9, 

177-82, 268-70, 308, 33345. 
Spanish March, 29, 30, 32. 
Sparta, 119. 
Species, 67. 
Stave, 74, 96. 
Strings of lute, 285, 310. 
Studium Generale, 170. 
Sudan, 40. 
Sugar, 10. 
Sultanom, 4. 
Sukhara, 159. 
Sukhra, 159. 
Sumber, 18, 142. 
Sumer, 18, 142. , 

tunuj (sing. inj), 140. 
urna, 141-2. 
Surnay, 18, 141-2. 



Suryanai, 258. 
Symphoma, 349-50, 355-6. 
Syria, 2, 4, 6, 9-10, 18, 39, 56, 

120-1, 125, 130, 149-50, 162-5, 

229-30, 257, 276, 296. 


Tabarder, 11. 

Tabaqa, 250, 254. 

Tabbalu, 125. 

tabby, 10. 

Tabel, 18. 

Tabir, 18, 139. 

tabl, 18, 125, 137-9. 

tablature, 95, 97-101. 

Tabor, 18. 

Tabour, 17-18. 

Tabur, 139. 

Tad'if, 103-12, 329-32. 

Tafieta, 10. 

Tague, 5. 

Tahasin, 332. 

Ta'lif al-Luhun, 104, 107, 331. 

Tambor, 139. 

Tamborete, 13. 

Tambour, 18, 139. 

Tambour de Basque, 17. 

Tambourine, 264. 

Tambura, 17. 

Tanbur, or Tunbur, 240. 

tanbur al-Khurasam, 58, 258-9, 


Tanbur al-Mizam, 233. 237, 281. 
Tanbur bagblama (= bighilma), 


Tanbur buzurk, 144. 
tanm, 67. 
Tapestries, 9. 
Taqa', 19. 
Tar, 137 
^arab, 144. 
ri arab al-futuh, 144. 
^arab zur, 144. 
Taranto, 5, 204. 
Tariff, 10. 

Tarkib, 103-12, 157, 266, 329-32. 
Tarragona, 5, 33, 180. 
Tarsus, 4. 
Tas^riyya. 250. 
Teano, 206. 
Teb, 125. 
Tebn, 125. 
Teorba, 144. 

Theorba, 17. 
Theorbo, 144, 263. 
Theory of Numbers, 118, 126. 
Thrace, 119. 
Thupar, 125. 
Tibia, 141. 
Tibia Sarranse, 120. 
Timbale, 17-18, 139. 
Tinbal, 18, 137-8. 
Toledo, 5, 20, 29, 38, 170, 174-6, 
338, 340. 
Tones, 31. 
Tonos, 238. 
Toph. 125. 
Torban, 144. 
Tours, 45, 208. 
Trajetto, 5, 204-5. 
Trigonometry, 132, 134. 
Trigonon, 120. 
Tripoli, 4. 
Troubadours, 147. 
Tucket, 19. 
Tudela, 178, 180. 
Tulunids, 4 
Tunis, 36. 
Tunisia, 4. 
Tuorba. 144. 
Tuqa, 19. 
Tur. 137. 

Turks, 61, 78-9, 261. 
Tyana, 4. 
Tymbala, 18. 
Tzigane, 270. 


Uara, 125. 

<TTd, 52, 137, 144, 240-6, 258, 

264, 311. 
'ITd qadim. 144. 
'Ulama' (sing., <alim), 170. 
Umayyads (Spain), 6. 150-1, 170, 


IJniversitas Collegium, 170. 
Uzbeks, 323. 


Venice, 9, 296 
Vich, 32-3. 
Villancico, 147, 156. 
Viol, 99. See Rabab, Ghichak, 

w. z. 

Wa 9 it. A1-, 270. Za'ida, 157, 254, 332. 

Waygk, 249. Zamds, 86. 

Zajal, 14/. 

Zakhma, 365. 

Zalagarda, 11. 
X Zalamella, 141. 

Zalzalian notes, 260, 281. 

_ . , Zambras, 13, 15. 

Xalamia, 140 Zamora, 180. 

Xelamr, 13, 140. Zamr 18 141 248, 262. See 

Xeremia, 140. Reed-pipe. 

Zanbaq, 143. 

Zarabanda, 11. 
v Zenith, 38. 

Y - Zink, 142-3. 

Zulami, 140. 
Yara', 125. Zutts, 270-1. 


Page 5, line 23. For "1086" read "1085." 

,, 11, 8. Delete " and in cards the term nap." 

11, 31. For "Maqrisi" read " Maqrisi." 

12, 28. For " Fida " read " FidaV 

,, 14, 8. For "song" read " Andalusian song." 

,, 15, ,, 23. For " Evangelarium" read " Evangeliarium." 

21, 28. For " Casiri " read " Cf. Casiri." 

25, 10. For "al-Mansur" read " Mansur." 

28, 12. For " Muhammad al-Haddad " read " Mu- 
hammad ibn al-ljaddad." 

28, 13. For " Mataran " read " al-Matran." 

28, 14. For " Ibn Rushd (d. 1198)" read " Ibn Man f a 

(b. 1156). J) 

28, 28. For " Muh. Dyn." read " Moh. Dyn." 

,, 29, ,, 1. After " Al-Kindi )J add a comma. 

30, 11. For "afa" read " Safa'. n 

32, 15. For <( Adhemar M read " Adhemar." 

,, 46, ,, 26. For " Fortunatus " read " Symphoeius.*' 

48, 22. For u 945 A.D. T> read "the XHIth century." 

51, 24. For " Evliya Chelebl, ii read " Evliya 

Chelebi, i, ii." 

,, 54, ,, 11. Transpose the comma after " Ghuzayyil " to 

after " Damascus." 

54, 25. For " ruh " read " ruh." 

58, 9. For " Khurasan! " read " Khurasan!." 

,, 62, ,, 22. Delete "consonances." 

64, 13. For " 'A/ic/Jtcrros " read " ' 

79, 19. For " Ewliya " read " Evliya." 

89, 8. For "T" read "T- n 

93, 20. For the second " H " read " 5. 

94, 3. For "eleventh" read "tenth," 

376 ERRATA. 

Page 96, line 1. For " eight'' read "seven." 

100, 31. For "Salva." read "Salva." 
104-5. Cancel the examples of tarklbat from the 

Muristus MS., and the footnote on page 105. 

125, 23. For " nahash " and " nahasa " read " nahash " 

and " nahasa." 

,, 137, ,, of heading. For " ARIBIAN " read " AKABIAN." 
137, ,, 2. For " qitara m > read " qitara." 

137, 30. For " 1928 " read " 1930." 
,, 141, 5. For "surnai" read "eurnay." 
,, 142, ,, 7. For "surnai" read "eurnay." 
152, 7. For " Menard " read " Medard." 

,, 154, ,, 18. For " knowedge " read "knowledge." 

155, 15. For " Shaqandi " read " Shaqundl." 
,, 159, 4. For " Maskhara " read " Alaskhcura." 

170, 11. For "Shaqandi" read "Shaqundl." 
171, 3. For "are" read "is." 
,, 173, ,, 7. For "nay" read " nai." 

199, 26. After "century" add " Cf . Thibaut, " Ori- 
gine byzantine de la Notation pneuma- 

212, 18. For " Fortunatus " read " Symphosius." 

242, 14. Delete "further." 

,, 248, ,, 29. For " Barsauma " read " Barsauma." 
248, 2. For " Shudha " read " Shuhda." 

249, 17. For "799" read "791." 

277, 17. For "Byzantium" read "Byzantine." 

298, 20. For "Sixteenth'* read "Seventeenth." 

,, 329, of heading. For " SINA " read " SINA." 

331, 22. After "practised" add "on the lute." 

338, 34. For " Shalahi " read " Shalahi." 

338, 26. For "says" read "say." 

342, 14. For " Al-^ijari " read " Ibn ^al- 

25, 24 & 28. For "Wiistenfelt" read " Wiistenfeld.' 

4S \\ 12. For "prescribes" read "proscribes." 

49' " 16. For "Palmyreens" read " Palmy renes." 

8l' ,', 27. For "key" read "riddle." 

352, 8. For, "not" read "nor." 


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nt't; paper covers, 2s 4d. net. 

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ORGAN. 23 

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Being a Guide and Note Book for a more Systematic 
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