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3  1833  01402  3698 

742   Ereedlove    Street, 

Meuiph i  s  ,  T enn e.  s £  e e . 

August    15,    1S15, 

My   Dear   Eindred: 

He- re    is    the    be  ok   for   v.'hich  j'ou    hs.'ve    wait- 
ed   so    long   and    so    patiently,        V-'liether    1' 
c ernes    i.'r    to    ycur    exT.ectat  i  ens    cr   njtj    I 
dc   net   l-mo^/.'.         I   nc7.-   v^i-ite    to   t-sg   thatj 
when    vc-i    trail    have    rei.'!    enzc-g-'r.    cf    it.    to 


:g    f ^  r  n.   an   uriinicn 

rrerlte    Gi.nd    derterits,    ycu   '.vrite    tiro    tell 
n:o    candidly   ?;hat 'your    cpmicn    is   —   ii.oc-6 
cr   la:.         I    '^-ant   ycu   to    criticise    it    irr- 
partially . 

No   douct   you   '^'ill    lird    aoiue    rr.inoi"    errci':-. 
as    t'"'   dates    ar.d    places    lut    the  ye   are   not 
vit9l    fiir)    I    can    tear    that  ;    but    if   you 
ohould    fjrol    ar.y    real"!y    serious    evi-ccir, 
\s'ell,    that    is    anotVier    thin~. 

But   ijhatever   ycu   may   have    to    say   aloouL 
the   hock,    good   or   Lad,    or    o.:th.  goodi   a,nd 
tad,    1    3h3.ll    "r.fad    the   good   '"ita   etiiilee 
and    Dlot    the   hod   ?^ith    t?:ars". 

Sincerely   your   hinsr^-an, 

H£T-CLC  K.    M.    77GOD.:^o:T< 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2010  with  funding  from 

Allen  County  Public  Library  Genealogy  Center 

2642      HENRY    MORTON    WOODSON 





1  N 


co^rpI].I:D  by 


i    ! 





•ririu,   I' 


K.   V:.   STE.'Tf:-.NsP 

CoLt-MP.lA.   Mo. 



aui>  nnr  prectaus  little  ^a^u^,l]tcr, 

^.ikt  ^;unua,  (nith  all  the  hrst  aith  purest 

lolic  of  my  Iicai't,  tins  Cinn-k  b 

affcctiouaiclu  i^rbicaii^ 



Arms — Moss  Family 150 

Arms— WooDsox  Family 16 

Allisox,  Elizabeth  Mosky  (Wooi^son) 244 

Bridgefokp,  Martha  (Dodd) 390 

Bridgefokd,  I>r.  Wayne  LeSeur 391 


BuRREY,  Emma  Carolixe  (Woodson) 4SI 

Cadell,  .Anna  Maria  (Wjlco::) 372 

Con \vay,  \  're y  V/oodson 570 

Covington,  Sara  Fraxces  (Woodson) 255 

rRiTTExnEx,  Elizabeth  (iVioss) 250 

Donii,  A.vx  E.  Woodsox 2-13 

Dopu,  Dr.Stephex  W 3S9 

Dover S3 


Elliott,  Mary  (Saint) -!7S 

Gun  X,  Edg.\ r  Woooso:: C  J  4 


Johns,  IMrs.  Thomas  j 653 

aIuler.Dr.JohxJ 2^4 

Moss,  James  Hegh 231 

I\Ioss,  Mary  rWos -dsox) 130 

Moss,  Sesax  a.  (Woodson) 24';> 

Nicolds,  Elizabeth  Morion  (Woodson) 173 

Ol:.Gi:xof  Apru.  IS,  1644 22 

Railey,  J'.'HX  Woodson 234 

Ruun,  Alice  Estet.le  (Saint  i 47'> 

Rei'i-;,  }^hn;  >M)n  Franklin -J'S 

Saint,  John  r 473 

SrEi'iii' xs,  Edwin  Svd>;ey 240 

SrEi-riENs,  Edwin  SvbM:V,  Jp 249 

SiEPi.ENS,  E.  \V '. 545 

SiErHExs.  Eaera  (Mo>5)    373 

Stt.  art,  Ellis  Francis ''78 

.Stuas.t,  Ellis  Voorhees -178 


8  'iin;  \^l^')I•^o^^  and  nr^::;  cor. Mxrioxs 

Stv.xkt,  Geokc.e  Ellu'TT 47'< 

Stuart,  Joi;.\  Taylor ^78 

Stuakt,  .Mai    :.  M.  'J"i.i.if-Tr') 478 

Waltox,  a.  T '. .516 

Walton,  Mary  J amima  (Woodson') 307 

Walton,  Dr.  RirnAiU)  Peyt'  >n 307 

Woodson,  .Alice  Emma 617 

Woodson,  Charles  RANso:.:t: 1J5 

Woodson,  Editti  Estelle  Rldd .^77 

Woodson,  Edward  Riley .is.> 

Woodson,  Elizaoeth  Cornhll'v  i.Waltvjn"' 305 

Woodson,  r.KLRoE  Warken 2-.'5 

Woodson,  Hlnry  Morton  (1862) 471 

Woodson,  Hlnuy  Morton rmnt 

Woodson,  Jlxnie  Kittri;ll 483 

Woodson.  J^uin  F'vans 4^2 

Woodson,  John  Morion 30,5 

Woodson,  Juditu  Leake ,  .    109 

W"ooDSON,,  Dr.  Levis  ?i1iller ," 494 

WoojisGN,  Luella  i'Xfwhern) 477 

Woodson,  ^L\RL\  Lolise  (Ford) 47!; 

WoODSON,  M  ARY  (  R-ICHARDSOn) J  94 

Woodson,  Palj.ixl  Eli/^Aijetii , 6j  ,s 

WooDsfiN,  Redecca  Jane  vHawtuor-Ne). 251 

Woodson,  Richard  Peyton 479 

Woodson,  Robert  Eyhkakd 284 

Woodson.  Rolert  Scott.   Si'? 

Woodson,  Samuel '59 

Woodson.  Samuel  C 251 

Woodson,  Sam  eel  C,  j  r 402 

Woodson,  SoriiiE  (Guerrant) 4S0 

Woodson,  Stethen  T^^;iARNEK -'f:6 

WooDso.v,  Thomas  M 340 

Woodson,  Urey 403 

Woodson,  Warren  (Judoe) 157 

Woodson,  Mrs,  Warren 158 

Woodson,  \Vu  liaji .....    195 

Woodson,  Win  tam  U 282 


V\  licr.  I  nrit  lic^r'U  in  Nowrnbc:',  1905,  coUcc; in.;  data  pcrtaiiiini;  to  t!ic-  V\'(VJI.)^fl^.^  ano 
TninK  (\")XXLCi'H>NS,  I  no  iluni;ht  of  going  farihcr  liack  in  iii\'  rcscanli  than  the  Rcvolu- 
tionarx-  period;  my  great-gnuidfaiJKT,  412  Captain  Charluri  Woodson/  having  lieen  an  of'iicer 
in  the  Continental  army.  It  v,  a-  my  intention  to  procure  data  concerning  him  and  his  descend- 
ants alone,  and  print  a  few  little  booklets  for  distribution  among  my  own  family  and  nearest 

Iu(]U!rics"  after  facts  br<:u_.,ht  me  in.  contact  with  mcmluTs  of  other  branches  who  gave  rnc- 
copious  data  concerning  th.-'ir  lines  and  asked  to  have  their  branches  ir.ckided,  and  aI=o  dc.-ircii 
copies  of  the  booklet. 

Of  course  I  could  not  rofu-e  the-e  earnesr  req'ai  sts.  and  so  J  was  led  on  and  oa,  and,  [lO- 
coniinT  more  and  nH)re  imorested  in  th.o  subject,  1  linalh'  deterniined  tc  do  n'i>-  best  jo  trac;; 
eccry  family  that  I  ccaild  find  in  the  I'nited  Slates,  back  to  Dr.  John  Woodson,'  tb.e  first  uf  '.lii-^ 
name  who  came  to  America,  in  1619. 

Then  1  was  somewhat  perplexed  as  to  the  plan  of  compilaiioii.  Desiring  t.o  make  ir  as 
sisnole  and  as  easy  of  rumpreheii-ion  as  p(j-sible,  1  .-tudied  a  niunl'cr  of  forais  of  geneau.-.g'cal 
works  and,  of  course,  found  some  f;bjeciions  to  them  ail.  I  finally  dc  cidt-d  upon  the  pk.  n  ol  the 
present  \olume  which  is  niade  '.)['  from  wlwit  I  consider  the  best  iminis  of  ali  :lie  oiliers  wirh.out: 
encroaching  upon  the  iudi\-idualiry  ol  any. 

Some  brief  instructions  as  to  how  to  trace  the  line  of  any  individual  might  r.'jt  be  u;;;iss. 

It  viii  lie  obscr\-ed  that  all  the  names  are  niinibered  consecutivcy,  beginning  with  i  1>P.. 
JOHX"  Woodson,'  ine  common  progenitor.  These  arable  numerals  are  designated  as  cattilog 
ninr.bc-s.  The  lilrle  supernumera!  at  the  final  letter  of  eacli  n:,nte  der:(  t'  -■  ':rie  gener?i.ion  in 
which  tl'c  individ;_;a!  belongs.  The  voman  numerals  shov,-  the  indiv-dual's  piac-;  in  the  f  'mily 
with  respect  to  time  of  :Mrih.  The  asterisk  denotes  that  the\  inua!  had  issue  and  the 
nan;e3  of  tl;e  children  are  recorded  ia  the  next  gencraLion.  Tlic  absence  oi  the  ^.^icrisk  oenotes 
that  the  ir,di\:dual  left  no  issue  that  could  be  ascertained,  and  that  riairie  is  r.ot  ccn'.:r.u.:d  any 

For  example:  Shou'd  it  be  desired  to  trace,  ascending,  the  line  of  IX  *  2649  Johii  Kvar.s 
Woodson.*  V.  is  seen  tliat  he  belongs  in  the  9th  general  ion,  was  married  and  h^d  i.-.-.i:e  wiio.-e 
name.-,  ere  reeoivied  in  tiie  succeeding  generation.  He  is  the  ninth  !;-."-n  in  th'.-  far;:!;.'  (/  hi.:- 
father,  1518  John  Morton  Woodson.^  Now  turn  back  lo  1518  John  I'durton  V.  oodsoi:-  and  if 
wlii  be  sr:en  that  he  is  a  sou  of  S'.'.S  Charles  Lev. is  Vi'oodson."  Turn  back  iv  S2x  '"harks  l.e»s:i 
Woodson,"  as  shown  by  the  catalog  number,  and  see  he  is  a  son  of  412  Capt.  Ch-;rles  ^^  ocd.-or;.'' 
who  was  the  second  son  of  ]56  Drury  Wotjdson."  Stil!  ascending,  ic  i-  S'-ei.  that  1.5G  Drur^ 
Woodbou^  v,a,-  tile  fo'irih  b":;'.  to  52  Wiiiiam  \Vojd;u:-.'  v.  i'.o  was  ilie  ais.  bor;i  to  Jt'  Eeajanua 
Woodson,"  who  was  the  fifth  born  to  3  Robert  Woodson,-  wh.o'  the  secoa.i  son  of  I  Dh. 
Joux  Wooi,-r).s,^  our  '  ommon  firugerdtor. 

And  so  re\ers!ng  the  otcer,  aiiC  uamiC  can  be  selected  and  the  line  traced  dtscending  ar. 
readily  .as  ascending. 

In  every  instance,  I  have  endeavored  faithfuih  to  trace  each  fan.ily  a:'d  'ach  indi\iduai 
Lack  to  Dr-  Johx'  Woodson,'  fr^an  wliom  I  believe  every  Woodso;!  in  the  T'ni^ed  States  is 
descended.      1  vn^iiv  everyone  wh.o  is  entitled  to  the  name;  some  persons  have  assumed  it  fur 


10  lliE   SVOOl'SONS  A.ND    nii.lK  CO\  NCC  ni).N> 

piirposc.i  of  their  nwn.  And  inaiiy  oi"  our  iormcr  ,-l.i\fs,  iu.>t  luufn^;  any  ,na' rMi'>ni!r?  nf  iheir 
own,  ad:'ij:)ted  thai  o[  ihcir  former  rr.'.sccrs  ar,d  clin-  xr.  ii  to  ilii-  (l.i>-  v.  Iih  r-.-.i  aiVcrui.i;i  ar.J  prit.Jo 
that  if.  i.iathc'iic. 

V,"'u"ii  I  :ay  ivory  Wuod?  )n,  I  Tuoan  n.n  oiih'  I'.o-c  who  ii.i\c  i:i!irri;c.i  that  iianir  lu;!  a1>o 
those  who  arc  Hii<  ,My  '.iL-cciu!cd  arid  \ci  i-oar  o;hei'  names. 

In  traciny;  ihc^e  lilU•^,  I  lia\-e  called  to  my  as^i.-,tancc  and  relied  u-pmi  court  record?,  faintK' 
Bible  records,  old  letters,  old  newspaper  clippings,  personal  recollections  of  aged  survivors  and 
every  means  that  it  has  been  possible  for  me  to  procure.  I.  therefore,  ct)nscientiously  fee!  that 
the  record  as  contained  in  this  book  is  as  nearly  correct  as  it  is  praciicable  to  make  a  book  of 
this  char.icter. 

That  there  are  errors  I  cannot  den_\-:  names  may  be  misspclii.d,  dates  may  he  wrong; 
owing,  possibly,  to  the  il'cgible  ha.ndw  riling  of  some  correspondents. 

in  te\er;d  instances  it  has  happened  that  two  or  three  p.-rson-,  v.ideh  ;.;:pa.rai.ed.  .-uiu 
writing  uiion  the  tame  subject,  would  send  me  i"oniraflictorv  siaiemeiils.  To  reconcile  ihese 
contradictions  has  required  much  correspondence,  a  great  deal  of  ijatience,  liT-  oercise  of 
discretion  on  my  part,  and  some  concessions  on  the  part  of  mv  informants. 

The  record  of  the  llth,  lOlh,  9lh,  8th,  and  perhaps  of  the  7ih  and  61  h  generations,  wi-l! 
the  e.Kce{Uion  of  a  tew  misspelled  names  or  erroneous  dates,  ma>'  be  taken  a-  absoliitcK-  correct; 
the  data  ha\ing  been  olTi.uned  from  sources  which  must  i)e  recognizci  as  aui  ln-niic. 

As  to  all  the  earlier  generations,  I  have  accepretl  as  amlieniic.  the  paper  v  -iitcn  b\'  7  ' 
Charles  \\'o&d.-.on,'"  aboiu  the  year  1  785,  most  of  which  was  published  in  tb.e  Ixichniond  Standard 
of  January  1.7.  1S80,  by  I  >r.  R.  A.  Brock  of  the  Virginia  Historical  Socitty. 

During  the  latter  years  of  his  life,  824  William  Woodson.'  of  Buckingl:ani  county,  Va. 
through  an  exten^ivc  correspondence,  had  collected  a  large  amount  of  tlala.  Tisc'se  napcrs, 
after  his  death,  were  taken  charge  of  by  his  eldest  son,  1505  John  Prosser  Woodson,'^  who  ' aaned 
them  to  Charles  \'an  Der  \'eer  ^^'oodson,  of  Prince  Edward  county,  a).d  ca;;-:e  'o  be  kn.own  as 
the  Prosser  Woo^ison.  Paiiers.  FVom  these  reapers  I  ha\-e  been  g;\-er!  a  fe",v  e.ciract.-  by  soiv.e  of 
hiy  descenda;trs  who  remembered  them. 

BesiiJes  these  old  papers,  ^"illiam  and  Mary  College  Quarterly  \  (_>U.  X.  and  Xi.,  contains 
extracts  from  numerous  X'irgiriia  county  records;  all  of  which  I  iia\-e  relied  vr'on  as  correct, 
feeling  .sure  that  tire  prcjprietors  of  that  time-honored  magazine  had  m.ide  a  thorotigh  search  0; 
those  records  a-ad  that  it  was  not  necesf  ary  for  me  to  go  over  the  same  ground  again. 

Information  concerning  the  early  generations,  as  published  in  the  'V'Tginia  llistorita' 
Magazine,  has  been  accepted  as  authentic. 

I  have  relied  itpon  Fr'ote's  "Sketches  of  \'irginia,"  Meade's  "Oid  Cluircl-a-?  and  Families 
of  \'irg!nia,"  hayden's  "Virgi'iia  Cencalcgies,"  Ilcitman's  "Office.-s  ci  the  Revoiui  ioi:."  the 
Do'  Register,  "Cabellsand  Their  Kia,"  and  other  reliable  pui>licat!Ons. 

Tlisese  are  the  sources  of  nty  inf'>rrnation  concerning  the  first  si.<  generations,  countin,^ 
Dk.  John  Woolsun,  and  his  Miic  S.m-.a.  as  the  1st,  their  two  sons,  Joiur-  v.nd  Robert,'  ..s  tlte 
2nd  and  so  on  dmvn  'o  and  i-.cluding  tht  6th.  Data  on  all  su'-cec  diiii;  generations  ha\-e  beer: 
gathered,  as  abo\-e  stilted,  u'ainiy  from  .Rible,  aged  sui\i\!ng  members,  old  letter'., 
pap'ers  and  such  sotirces. 

It  will  be  observed  that,  in  some  families  there  is  scarc!t\'  of  data — on!\-  a  p^artia! 
of  nam;:s  of  sons  and  datJght'jrs;  r.o  dates  of  birth,  death  or  marriage;  no  data  v,■;.a^e^•er  of  a 
historical  nature.  This  is  largely  due  to  the  fact  that  the  sur\  i\ing  members  of  such  i.iranchcs 
or  fanii'ie>  }ia.'--e  not  made  an)  reply  to  letters  of  inquiry  written  to  tliem.  They  scent  e'ther  to 
ha\-c  r:o  interest  in  the  n'atte.  or  !!a\'e  no  inform^Lf ion  to  impart.     So  in  those  cases  .1  ha-ce 


been  oh'.igi'i  to  locord  the  few  names  wliieli  1  ii.ue  olnaiiieil,  just  in  a  simple  cali'li.g  fa;-!iion. 
without  any  ronark;. 

I  ha\e  tnimil.  'n'-^ides  thesu,  ramy  f.'iniiios  W'l'O'i-^'in,  in  \ar;oii^  i:i..>T;d  of  the  Uiu'icd  States, 
who  kn..\v  litili-  -.Tr  nothing  about  their  aa(\~iry  and  c<iMit:  liot  trace  their  lineage  far  enough 
back  to  enable  nic  to  properly  loca:e  ilieni  in  ilie  ;.;cncaIo^y.  Tiii.>  is  to  b,-  regretted  for  soi'ac  (A 
these  are  excellent  people,  good  citizens,  arii.l  lia\-e  rendered  valuaidc  scr\-ice  to  t!;e  cour.try 
or  to  the  cities  and  coninumitie?  in  which  the\'  li\'e.  Xoi  knov,  in^-  in  -.vldch  t^enealogica! 
line  to  place  tliese,  I  ha\-e  grouped  them  under  the  head  of  "Addenda"  along  with  otlier  data 
%vhich  was  subsequentK'  recei\ed. 

Referring  to  Hotten's  '"Emigrants  to  .America,"  1600  tu  1700  it  is  seen  tliat  our  progenitor, 
John  Woodson,  and  his  wife,  Saka,  were  registered  at  Fleur  de  Hundred,  in  1623;  and  wi:h 
them  were  also  registered  their  si-c  African  slaves,  unnamed  and  only  designated  by  Roman 
numerals,  thus:  I.  Xegor,  II.  Xegor,  HI.  Xegor,  IV.  Xegor,  \'.  Xegor,  \'i.  Xcgor. 

It  is  bcliexc'l  tiiat  ViR.  Joiix  Wo'MDsox  bought  these  six  Xegroes  out  oi"  rhe  fw^i  ip'fiona- 
tloa  of  African  captives  landed  at  Jamestown,  in  1620.  From  that  time  until  slavery  was 
abo'.is'aed  in  th.e  United  States,  as  a  result  ol  the  Civil  War,  l)K.  Joiix  \\oi)Dsn>,-  ;;iid  ids  de- 
scei.dants  were  r!a\"e  owners.  So  far  as  I  ha\e  been  al)le  to  learn,  I'.iey  were  hun:ane  ma-tcrs, 
recognizing  their  sLnx-s  .-is  personal  property,  caring  for  them  as.  valuable  property  and  tiealing 
them  as  human  l.;eings. 

Any  histor\-  of  the  I'nited  States,  as  we!!  as  the  records  of  :he  \":'-gip.ia  Company  of  Lcndon, 
tell  us  that  in  lii.  year  1ij20,  tlie  tirsl  importation  of  maids  was  landed  at  Jamestown;  and  that 
these  maids  were  soon  married  off  to  tlie  youiig  iJacheloiS  of  the  coioi'y;  the  young  man  being 
required  to  pay  in  tobacco,  the  price  of  the  maid's  passage  from  fLng'af.d  to  \"irginia.  Tiiese 
maids  v.'erc.  no  doubt  worthy  young  women  of  good  character,  and  are,  tiie  maternal 
ancestors  of  some  of  the  best  and  greatest  men  and  wonioi';  e\'er  fiom  in  America.  Still  it  is 
with  interest  that  every  descendant  of  Dr.  joiin  W'uedfon  n'^tes  tie.-  faci  t'nat  h_  r.ia.  ricd 
his  wife,  Su.ra,  in  Devonshire,  England,  and  brought  iier  tu  \'ii  ginia  v,  i:!i  aiir,  in  t'leL-h'p,  Cecrgo, 
at  least  a  year  before  the  importation  of  the  rn.iids. 

I  had  intended  to  trace  Di;.  Joi'x  W'lje.DSCiN's  lineage  back  to  tlie  tin:e  v.hen  one  of  his 
ancestors  is  said  to  have  been  adiniiied  by  King  Hcnrv  VI  il,  to  bear  ana.-;  at  which  time  t:ie 
WcODESON  coat  of  arms  was  created:  ciut  the  expense  was  so  far  beyond  my  I'.ieans,  and  the 
diiliculty  of  getting  tlie  work  done  in  a  sat!sfactor\-  nianr.e;'  ■■.'.■as  so  great,  thc.r,  (  abandoned  the 
enterprise.  I  did,  iiowever,  lia\'e  a  prelindnary  search  of  recor.ds  made,  from  wl'i'di  the 
following  chart  v.-,;j.  submitted: 
(Visitatio!.  of  London,  15o8:) 

A>;ij  -MiM!;  I  <Ksyi.<  m.'N- 

PciJi-ree  of  "Dl^NXP," 
iltnry  r'i(.;ine  of  Saffron  ^VaI<Ji-:i,  l-!;?c.';i 

John  B(i:!:e,  yco;v;.'Ti  r.f  tin?  Ci\n\'ue  to  Kiiig  Hinr\-  7  ^S;  S| 

Thomas,  o.  s.  p.  Robcrf.  Bcnnc,  citizen  arid  Ironnionc,er 

of  London,  ni Elizabeth  dau.  and  cohcyrc 

lArnis — Or,  on  a  croi-s  a/iire 
I  pitTCL.i  of  tiio  lk-!d, 

|four  fairies  displayed  or. 

Anthony  Benne 
John  Bonne 
(Visitali;;n  of  London,  1633) 

Pedigree  of  "TAYLOR"  Farringdon  W'taont 

Walter  Taylor  of  Methone,  Co.  Westnurland 

Robert  Ta>'or  of  Sih-crdalc,  par.  Lancaster Anne  dau.  .F:  heir  of 

I  Brov.  ne  of  Silwrdale. 

1 — Thomas  3— John  Taylor  of  London,  di'ap^r. 

2 — Ricliard  3  sonne,  tn. — Constance  dau.  and  rchoir  of 

I  REGIXALL  WOODDESOX,-  of  .-Vsldesiord. 
I  Co.  Hampsh..  and  of  -Mice  l-i  iister 
I  and  coheire  of  William  of 
j  Guilford  Esq.  who  built  a  fr(!e  '-rcoic 
1  there. 

I  i  1 

Robert  Taylour,  of  Lond.  gent,  liv.  1634 
John  Tayiour  of  Toile.-biiry  Co.  E:s.  x. 
The  Coat  of  .'vrnis  foi  "^A'c^ldf^on"  i^  ihe  '^ame  at  that  eixen  in  the  \'i-.f'tation  rf  Lor.don.  1; 

fViiiuaiion  of  Surrey  1618} 

Pedigree  of 'REXXE" 
Heiiricijs  Benne  de  Sauron  W'alden 

i  ~'        ' 

Joh'es  Benne,  ycornaTi  of  the  Crowne  to  K.  tlen.  7    _ 

Robeita.-  Br^ane  dc  f.'iadon  et  de  Xewpoit  Cranley,  com  Surrey  oIj. 

iijih  Feb.  1606,  ni.     EiizabeUia  tHia  Qt  cohaer  REIGXC'L-r.'  W00I)E--iOX 


Tliis  Arries  is  coiif'irir.i  ■!  k^  K:i,'  iheih  \\'("jDSOXE.  i;.<.;ig;b=t'.'r  .rnd  one  c'.' 
the  lu'ir.s  of  UKVXtn.Di:  W'JDI^OX  r.nd  wife  to  Robert  1"!  ;n;^;'  r.l 
London  ^-;t-iu.  Confiniici  'a-  ince,  R-.;bvrt  C  ooko  tlii--  XX'ii  of  Q.  Kli/.ibolh. 
The  ioi!ov,-ing  none  '-  c<.pi>.:l  ironi  a  :n.iin;scrij)t  i;;  liie  }icraid^  CoiUce: 
'■Job.n  'la-icr,  genLicTP.;-.::  Borne  in  ilic  I'arisli  of  \\";\::on  in  La'.:<-;\sli!re, 
Citireii  av.t\  I)r.ipcr  ot  London  inairied  C'onslanee  dougluer  of  RECiLXALb' 
\VOODb">ISC  ).\  of  Aloesf'ird  in  C'niiuy  Souihanipton  yent.  and  one  of  'rb, 
Hcires.  Tile  said  J.ihn  and  Constance  were  botii  liuried  in  tlie  iiar.  Chm-r!) 
of  Si.  ?ilicl!ai.'ls  in  Corniiil!  in  London  \\  liere  theire  rvbinnniciit  dolb  'i.c!- 
remayne  wih  Liseripnon  and  Amies. 

The  said    l<LGIXAbn    WOODISO.X  niaried  di)n-!itcr  of  William  Hamon 
of  Guildford  in  Surrv'  ;<ei!t." 

NB.  Tiie  Coat  of  Arms  conllrried  to  "F.ii.'.a'o;.  th  \Vod-one'"  is  quarier(;d 
wiib  '•  Faylor"  and  "Mamn  on'" — I  liaw  oniy  made  a  ro'.igli  sk::;ttdi  of 
the  'A\'ocbone"  v.liicli  you  will  ob'-ei  ve  differs  to  tliat  given  in  ti\e 
London   \'isitations. 

(Visitations  of  Nottingham  15-10  and  1614.) 

Pedi-ree  of  "MEDIRIP" 

Lettlce    (da.   of   William    Jvledhon   of   Newark   upon   Trent,    Co.   NoUingham)    married    RiC 
WIDDOWSOXN  of  Nev,-ark. 

"KnigliLS  of  Darby  and  Nottingliam  in  the  lime  of  King  E<b.vard  the  1st" 
WODESONX  of  Lowdham  and  Gunthorpe  (Nottinghamshire). 
Amies — Gules,  on  a  chief  arcent  three  quatrefoils  vert. 
Crest — Out  of  a  coronei  or  a  llan-.e  of  fire  proper. 

(Visiiration  of  Oxford,  1.566,  1574,  1635.) 

Pedigree  of  -  KEXYON  "  of  Astfialb 
William  Kenion  of  Easthall  C>xi'n  married  Elizabeth  daur  of  WILLIAM  V/OD^ON. 

(Vifitaiion  ot  Es-^ex  161?) 

Pedigree  of  '•:^:EDHOPE.•' 
Leilice  da.  of  \Vm.  ^Medhope  of  ?s'e\vark  upon  T'-ente  in  Com  X'ottinyjian^shire  p^M,  married 
RICHARD  WYDOWSONNE  of  Newark  up.n;  Trente. 

(Register  of  l!ie  l^ni\-er3i:y  of  Cxf'jrd) 

1565— Alexander  Woodsoii,  student,  Christ  Chureh. 

1565 — John  Woodson,  sttident  of  Christ  Church. 

1^12 — Nov.  9  Jol'ii  V\'uods':in  ( Wcdison;  and  Rrbtrt  Wodsijn  p.arties  in  suit  versus  Catherine 

\\  od^on.  'i\\.\>  Wi'los  Widow. 
15S0 — April  i5,  John  Woodson,  eb  vice  Hutcheason  dead,  Bcde'I  of  the  Lnb.-ersity. 
1590 — July  8  ti;e  three  bedell'  ijohu  Wood:-on,  Thomas  Gryinc,  Wtn.  Sinalmar,)  qsked  for  an 

iucreabC  of  stipend. 
15'v'7— -E>ec.  23  Conii.dttee  decided  that  the  fees  accrued  during  the  vacancy  of  tbie  EscpMre 

bedellship  of  T5--eoic'gy  should  be  equally  divided  among   the  live  bedells — viz. 

Aliwin,  Joliii  ^\'oc.d-50l■!,  LanL  Rcacie.  VMiliams. 

Ti!!'   WtMl'S^^'XS   ANn    ilill!; 

loOt-5— :  Marcn.  St.  j  j'ms,  JOHX  WOODSCX  XE  ;  Briaiol,  v;ciU.  f    m;:tnciilr.tOfl  aco  IS. 

155S-9 — 3  Feb.  Niciid";  Wuudson,  ui  vice  Bei>!i  (BfiM-'r)  lioad    to  he  nctlc-Ii  of  fJnlvcrsity. 
1565— Nicolas  Wo'.:!i<-!:.  juijcrior  liodell  of  theolo-y  di:-i).  10  Occ. 
1571 — Mac,d.  C'oIL  KiLiiard  .Widosuii;  Notts,  plch.  f.  innirir.  age  19. 
1600 — 3  July,  William  Woodson,  el  vice  his  fatlicr  Jolm  WoodsH)!!,  Indell  of  tlioology. 
1609 — 2S  June  William  Woodbon  adnud  coninionsales  of  the  Hall. 
(Alumni  Oxoii) 

Ale.Kander  Wodi.^on,  B.  A.,  19  Jan.  1573-4;  M.  A.  20  Anr.  1577. 

"Brodfoh! "  Wcod\-^on,  so'.i  of  Thonias  of  Chlciie-ier.  Sussex,  plt.b.  Brasenose  Cidl.  malric. 
24  March  l63o-7  aged  17;  B.  A.  10  Nov.  lo4U. 

JOHN    WOODDESON    >W0()1)S(>NNE)   of   Bristol,   gent  Su   J.duis   Coll.    mani  rulated     i 

March  1604-5  aged  20. 
John  Wouddeson,  pleb.  Magdalen  Hall,  niatric.  8  l)ec.   1658,   B.  A.   1663,  pcrlmp.<  reci->r  of 

Radnage  Berks  1674-1710 — License  to  niarr>-  Elizih  ("nniber. 
Richaid  Vi'ooddeson  (\\'idoson)  of  Notts,  pleb.  Magdalen  Coii  inairic.  157i  age  h'^.  rector  of 

Bramber  Sussex  15S2  until  his  death  IfOl. 
Richard  Woodeson,  son  of  John  of  Windsor  Berks,  jileb.  rnati-ic.   1669-70  age   17.     \'icn;"  of 

Findon,  Sussex. 
Samuel  Woodeson,  son  of  John  of  Windsor,  raatric.  12th  Feb.  166S,  age  18,  F.ecior  ol  Jlijr.tspdl, 

Somerset  1679. 

(Marriage  Allegations  in  reg.  of  Archbp.  of  Canterbury) 

1674 — George  Woodeson  of  Clements  Inn  gent.  bach.  abt.  28,  and  Mrs.  M-'.ry  Balsion. 

1676 — Sep.  28,  John  Woodson  of  Radnedge  Co.  Berks,  clerk  bach.  abt.  35  t;nd  ?-.lrs.  E;i:,:-h 

1633— May  10,  John  Cowel!  of  .  . .    Surrey,  gent,  and  I'rsula  Wood',.;..n  spr.  daa.  of  oae  Wood.-on 

late  of  the  University  of  Oxford,  gent.,  deceased,  and  her  :nothcf  also;  at  Larabctn, 

Co.  Surrey. 

(Marriage  Licenses  Bishop  of  London). 

1583  —jMay  15,  Garrett  Florence  and  Anne  Wyddowscn  wid.  of  City  of  London,  relict  of  Roli.-rt 

Widdowson,  of  said  City,  porter. 
1585-6 — Jan.  14,  Robert  Stafforde  and  Dorothy  Widdowson,  v.  idov,  relict  of  Widdo'.v- 

son,  of  Hart  St.,  London. 
161,8-19 — John  Sleigh,  gent  of  Chelsea,  Tvliddx,  bach.  35  and  Anvie  'A'oodson  daa.  of  Heiuy 

Woodson  of  Eaton  Co.  Bucks  gent. 
162-^— May  5,  George  Woodson  of  St.  Margarets.  Westminster,  yeo.mar.  and  Susan  Lanjer,  tyir. 

i-i  St.  Pauls  wharf,  LondMU.     I'Thi-  Ceo.  V,'.  i^  probably  of  the  family  •' Woodeson"  o? 

Westaiin.ster,  hearing  .Arms — Per  fes^e  argent  and  azure  a  pale,  counterchan^td,  ihr.-e 

eagles  displaycdi  or.) 

(Index  to  Prerogati\e  Court  of  Canterbury  Wills  1383-1558). 

Wodeson,  Reguold,  new  Alresford  Hants  (F.  27  Coode)  proved  in  the  P.C.C.  in   1550.      (This 

is  the  "  Reginall  WOODESON  "  of  AlMcsford,.  Co.     Hants,  mentioned  in  the  Visitations 

of  London  156S,  and  1633.) 


(ConsiiLory  Court  of  l.iiicuiu  l.'^i'j-l;/!'!'./..: 

1570— Jo  Wood?.)!!,  of  \V.  L'cepuij,  uiil  nr-v  o.i  1570.  T^o.  115. 

(Lich'vlc!  ^\ill^f.  15!6-!G52.i 
1601— Allen  Woocio.-ca,  ^^i!l  Xo.  66. 
1606— John  Woudoson,  X.  203. 

(Bristol  Wills.) 

—  1572  to  1792.) 
1769 — William  Woodt-son. 

(Dorset  \\'il!s  1568-1799.) 

none  for  the  proNcd  here. 

(  Books  of  Probates  from  I6.3O.) 

1640 — George  Woodeson,  of  Eion  Bucks,  gent.     Will  pio\cd  Jan.  10.  1639-40  by  sons  George 

and  William  (9  Coventry). 
1645- — John  Woodson,  of  Windsor  Castle,  gent.  Adinon  with  vill,  Jan.  31,  1644-5,  10  son  Ilcr.ry 

(31  RiversV 

(Dictionary  of  National  Biograph\-.') 
Rev.  Richard  Woodeson,  died  1726,  vicar  of  Findon, 
Sussex  ni.      Dorothv 


Rev.  Ricliard  V.'oodeson,  1704-74,  baptized  at  Findo!}, 
2]  Jan.  1703-4  _ 

Ricliard,  1745-1S23,  bap.  at  ICingston-cn-Tharnes. 

(iMatiuscrlf.ts  in  Britis'i  Museum) 

Eg.  2618,  f.  87. 

Johii  Woodeson — Recomniendatiori  to  a  dcmyship  at  Ma^daiea  Coiiojie,    1660. 

Adrj.  M.  S.,  29996,  f,  1S4  b. 

Thomas  WocJion,  mu.ji;  17th  century. 

34,  414  ii,  17,  19. 

Richard  \.''jode=o;i,  D.  C.  L.,  Professor  of  La->vj — Co:  rcrpondr.-ncc  udth  W.  Fden  177". 

From  cl'.e  abo\'i;  clir.rt  it  appears  that  there  was  a  coat  of  arms  creati^d,  probalMy  durint;  rh.e 
reign  of  Henry  VTII,  or  at  some  p;.riod  in  the  early  part  of  the  16th  ccntur}-.  and  that  some 
ancestor  of  1  Dr.  JOM's  V\'OODSOX'  was  admitted  to  bear  arms.  Tliis,  perhaps  could  bc- 
atitheiiticated  through  the  CoUege  of  Heraldry,  ui  Lor-.don. 

There  are  se'verat  coats  of  arms  described  in  this  ciiart,  and  any  person  not  thoroughr,- 
versed  in  heraldry,  will  find  it  \'ery  dilhcuit — not  to  s^^y  impossible — to  determine  which  one 
has  been  banded  down  to  i  Dr.  Joh.n  WoocIsi.mi'  and  hi,-  descendu'i's.  It  is  equally  (tifncuU 
for  the  uiiinforiTicd  10  ima!;ine  just  liow  it  would  loo.k  when  brought  to  view. 


:;-■  ol  < : 

iV:    -■;;  V--    ti'O  n,\' 

,   1;:.,, 

,.^.a;-c  ;>cro-:  the  A-:.;;-;^ 
U  l;'lrl:,';v^.:r^"  ■■■/"  ar,'.!  ^vi'S 

arui  oiuiihM  i-j  !.!!e  cw.a  i. ; 

it  \r,;>  lA'C'Ki"!  ir.o  V.  i-  iis  -'■  'V.  :■';■.'  i.'.i  -V  v  \hv 
;i!j?ul  156^1,  i  iu'  i'a;r.-j  a^  it  'iw.  i.;.  v-.'.-  iixi.' 
n;.'>-  !)e,  be  irilv  litLu  ii^.::  ktt.r  ''<■:"  cnJ  i'.;"' 
Ocoan,  in   K"\ 

Iif-\',-c\  fi  ih  \L  r;>a\-  Ik-,  v.i-  ate  j:t'tl;!^.:  :;!^M:^  wry  w  c!!  ^\  iih 
pro'ciri'iiiv  coniiiu'-:  lo  .'io-fo  for  maiiy  :..ei;o:  ;:ii"n.-  lo  come. 

As  it  is  iHAV,  i'  i~-.;  ^'.•';".!  n.i;no.  a:v:l  "a  ^ooi  v.  \n;o  i;.  rather  U'  be  ^ho^e;t  than  ;;!e.:t  ri.;i;.-^." 

Tu  sa>-  thai  the  lUiUU'  WooDiON.  or  any  e;!icr  nartt^j,  i<  wiilicul  syec  er  hler-jsii:  v/t-uK!  ho 

h  is  a  trite  a:;d  .me  s:;\ii;g  t!;:;:  "there  arc  ?nnie  h.!;\ek  ^lii-.-p  in  cvLry  ihirh."  Se  there 
arc  sonic  (arid  ]  .;m  p!:"M^cd  to  sa>-  ^vry  Sew)  am  j:;>j  iJ^e  ue~ce:i-iCi;ts  ot  !.■>;;.  Jces  WO'ei-es. 
vriio  iiC'i  reHtcie-]  ereciit  upet!  th.eir  a:icc?tr\-.  i'l;:  i.'iken  as  a  v.  lv.;h;,  il...-/  arc  a  \v':.!e- 
pprcad  fnirnh.-  of  eC'eJ  people  — Ch-d-feaiine;  and  K'r.drig;  frtig-i,  ie.dtirtr"  .'Uf  c;ad.  "e'Nen 
lo  hurpicaiiiy.''  Matiy  o!  the  irvii  ha\e  attaht^d  l.\:h  pc-i^i-  n=,  betli  ei'.-i!  and  :aiii::-ry. 
In  I'tf  piofcsFion-.  le^ah  Medical  and  others,  the}  have  ^i!Ov•il  thcee=idvv;A  cep.ddc  and  heaen. 
Ir  all  places  of  trust  tttid  honor  thev  ha\e  pro\an  tlie;i;;.S-es  lo  be  f^d::  fi;i  asd  I;  ii-:v   -rtliv. 

Ii.  all  the  eene 

:i  rjLi-ni 

1  .•.:,■ 

ha\e  respci^diLd  with  alaeriry  to  the  call  of  dtity  and  brtvely  sacrincca  i!' 
cdtar  of  tlieir  couiiiry. 

During  the  Ci\il  War,  those  «-ho  had  been  born  and  reared  ;•:  ;ho  raidi,  i^e.^h:  e,..ih\;'-:iy 
for  the  priiicipjirs  espofsed  by  their  section  wdiiie  those  of  the  ?otiL':,  belie,  ia^  ia  thi.  riL:huc■u^• 
iiess  of  their  cause,  cl:oerfu'ly  jave  liteir  1  deed  ard  :i^■e;  in  d^hv:,^  c  t  ilieir  i.on\  .c.ioas  a.d  ii-,._ir 

"Fro  Patria  el  "^■"irtute"  iriigiir  vrel!  be  eriiblazoued  on  ihe  Woodson  e.sctr.choen.  Xei  r.^cc 
or  tribe  ha-  eeet  produced  women  more  beaiiiift;!,  more  scif-saori:icii:j:.  n:ore  unbaneie;^ 
in  their  fidelity  to  diity  and  the  dictates  of  conscience.  Our  nobhj  wonien  have  e\i.r  been  d:-- 
lin;';uished  fe;  a  s\veet  dij,ni:y  that  is  al'ercther  v.dthout  ati?teri:y.  All  hone;  lu  those  of  lae 
pa^t  ^'-aerations:  all  resp^-ct,  bjve  and  reverence  to  these  of  t!ie  pri:-'^nK. 

Ir  com-din;:  the  data  vddc!)   i  ita-.-e  eatiiered  from  nearly  ail  o\er  t'le  I  aited  :->^.Me--  1 

Iiave  taken  it  t;p  line  by  line,  branch  t>y  b.'-anch,  fatnily  by  family. 

contnv^  iii 

ot:-td  to  each  o 

v.dth  the  icgularit\  of  a  c\  c'e.  In  doin^  ihi-,  1  ha\-e  felt  a;  if  1  was  visitiitg  e.icn  :io-.-~e.r  ■:•; 
inre2;ular  lotatio;-?.  Enter'ns  the  hou^e.  I  coidd  hnaginc  the  family  silting  arotn.d  the  !.i-e-,de; 
and  after  cordial  sreetin-:-  and  hospitable  welcome,  titey  wotdd  bv;^in.  in  response  to  aiy 
inquiry,  ;-'nl  relete  ail  the  family  r.ews  o*"  Vvhich  th.ey  were  porSC-.-ed.  lellinj,  ab'^ut  vltose  v  m.- 
had  died  since  my  last  \i^it,  a  ;;eneratio:i  a^-^i;  the  names  of  aH  th^^  children  who  ha^l  been 
born  since  then,  whom  iliey  ha<l  married,  where  t'tey  are  livin-^  and  w!i.:r.  dtoaj.  La:e-  to 
impart  the  ne^^s,  th.  y  ha\e  told  no  many  thia:,=  v.  hich  n-t  .vrit'er  in  ■]■■■  ■-  •  k.  for  fear  ot 
makin-  it  too  bie  aa'J  heavy,  fbi-irp  e<:Tfin  al:  ti;e  n^w-  fr..n  :'.''i  ■.otdy.  -i'e  n-'vi  pa-;e 
of  tn\-  manuicii),-  v.otdd  waft  n.e  to  an'^ther  :;.;-d!y.  •  ..reap-  atai  .r-.  ;     '.■■  ::r..<  ^i\:\ty.  v.-l  ..n 


i.\;''/.v  17-|)? 

tl:e>',  ill  t'Jrn,  woulil  gr'xn  ine  and  gi\-e  nie  t!ie  news  lo  be  recorded.  And  .«o  I  ha-zc  gone  from 
house  lo  house  for  generation  after  generation  for  nearly  three  hur^dred  yenrs,  until  I  fe.-l 
ihai  I  am  personally  aequainted  witii  abnoit  all  the  Wcodsons  in  the  L'niied  S(ares.  .Xr.d  not 
onlv   icciuaintod,  but  that  t'ley  z'-c  my  near  and  dear  Icin. 

.\nrl  now  as  I  lay  a-ide  my  pen,  I  feel  that  I  am  bidding  a  final  farewell  to  all  these — 
my  kith  and  kin.  But  in  doing  so,  I  want  to  thank  them  for  the  many  pleasant  eM'nings  1 
have  spent  with  them,  at.d  for  the  data  they  have  given  me,  v.ithout  whieh  I  could  never  ha\e 
made  up  this  book. 

In  this,  our  final  parting,  I  commend  you  all  to  the  love  of  our  God  v.'ho  has  sldeldeil 
and  protected  us  for  three  hundred  \ears,  and  who  will  guard  us  and  guide  us  to  the  end. 

H.  M.  WooDsox. 



When  S!r  XW.K.T  K.:!  :,  .1  I.::  vw^-l^  iii.-  >.  •;;:-d  o\i"  iV:\^':^  ••,•  ti  c  con' in..-;;-  u!  Aru.r;ca,  h-: 
rclrrnou  to  I^n^luscl  early  i-^  ::':^  ;o  iv-ui.;  i.i-  rcpv;r;:  ard  ir  ho^O!■  <v  "■t:;.-  viig'n  Om.:-vi;."' 
Eiii-aboih.  be:;t.e\v\d  the  ";:.;::0  \'iRGlNiA  u,>ov.  j!i  ihar  jur:.  e!  ti;c  coiUincnl  v  bich  \v.;>:^ 
ria!n:cd  i>y  L n;^!.'.!^!. 

rro::i  lui:  iinit-  iM  llivjiO  \\  <.  re  f\>!  ■;  ni;';ic  i-'Tu'-i^  sri.^di'  U    Kr.iit  li  :  f  :o:r.'  in  iiie  row  ;;■!'' 

ill  laihire  ur-.'i!  tlie  proinolcrs  were  \vcil-riL:Ii  •.ii.--coiir:'.i;ci!. 

Oil  ApiU  20,  loOO,  I\.i:u:  J.^-i-e-  1.  is-;:..;!  !t  itvr^-j^^KKi  !<■  a  fi-sx-  En<;li>h  noblnnc-i  by  v  birb 
they  •■vcro  ',;I\Ci:  :'il  ih.e  I^ikJ  o.  :.!'.  ~  Aliar.iie  coail.  i.ietwee:;  Si''  e.iu!  3>'  anc!  bciv.ooii  i': "'  aivi  n  " ' 
north  LTTituclo,  e\;endin.;  one  Iui;i-Iro^.i  niiles  westward  hoi;:  the  coast.  Aecorcil-ag  to  the 
pro%'i.-ioti3  of  t!je  i>a;cius  ib.cre  were  two  compaines  formed  in  F.ivcbari.'l,  ore  at  Plyraoiith  a:vj 
the  other  in  Loivjot.  The  territory  c.-si  ;:ic'.'.  to  ih.e  rivi^.K^iiiii  Conipar.;/ eMtcndi'd  froivi  V,:C 
moutli  of  the  Hudson  River  to  the  eastern  point  of  Mnine.  ard  v/as  cal!c;l  Xcnh  Vir.;laia. 
That  ailotlcd  to  the  Lor.don  Coir.paay  lay  bciweeii  Caro  VlciT  and  te.e  Kapr.ahari'-.oek  bb-vtir 
and  was  cr.lled  Soi:th  X'irsjnia. 

Tb.e  King  reserved  the  right  to  nanic  a  resident  co'j[-icil  for  th.e  sever":'  colonifs,  each  of 
which  scb.cted  its  own  presidiiig  officer.  They  could  hi!  any  vrcancies  thfsr  inighit  occnr  hut 
r.o  clergyman  could  act  as  president. 

In  Deremt.'C-.  1605,  the  London  Company  ser.t  out  thiree  \es-eis  fron".  h'hickwal;,  Eaehx^^d, 
containing  one  hundred  and  Ave  emigrants,  all  inen,  one  of  whom  Vs-.-'.s  Caj.-tain  John  Smith, 
then  less  than  thirty  years  old.  The  three  vessels  entered  Chesapeake  Bay  i:e:wecn  the  two 
headlands  v.l;ich  were  nat^ied  Cape  Ciiaries  and  Ca^^'C  bienry  in  honor  of  the  Prince  of  W'^ii.  ?. 
and  his  brother.  Crossing  the  bay,  they  landed  at  a  point  '.\-hirIi  prese-ited  such  a  pleasiag, 
restful  prospect  to  the  weary  voyagers  thet  they  named  ii  Point  Comfort. 

After  a  few  ca\"s  rest  the\'  sailed  up  a  broad,  beau.iftd  river,  which  ilicv  celled  the 
in  honor  cI  the  iving.  Some  forty  miles  I'p  this  ri\-er  James,  they  landed  on  a  peninui:!a  c;; 
the  thirteenth  day  of  .May,  1607,  and  began  building  their  settlement  v/hich  tiiey  calied  Janic.-- 
town,  also  in  honor  o;  the  King.  Thus  was  planted  the  f!^s^  permanent  En^hsh  C'.'iony  in 

The  council  as  appointed  b\"  the  King,  was  composed  of  the  following  g^n-demcn:  Jol^n 
Smiih,  Bartholomew  Gosnold,  Edward  \\'ingr;e!d,  George  Kendali,  Christoplier  .\e^^■po^;, 
Johii  Ratcliffe  and  John  Martin.  Edward  \\"in2;f:eid  was  chosoii  president,  but  he  returned  to 
England  the  foilo-,  ing  J— .e  a^d  John  R-tcHrTe  was  e'-^-o-d  in  his  p'a-e.  He  ;;r\-cd  only  a  fev- 
weeks  and  resigned,  and  John  Siiiiih  was  elected  president  of  the  cotincil.  Under  his  administra- 
tion the  little  co'ony  fot  along  fairl\-  well.  In  160S,  Captain  Newport  returned  from  England 
bringing  a  hui.--h'--.-d  and  twuiuy  ;  '.en. 

On  May  23,  1609,  the  London  Company  was  granted  a  no.v  charter  -.Nh.ich  gave  them  all 
the  land  two  hundred  miles  north  and  sot;th  of  Point  Coin.fort  and  e.vten.d!;-!g  from  the  Atlantic 
to  the  Pacific  Oceans,  the  distance  being  entirely  unknown  10  the  King  or  any  of  the   Comnan>  . 

During  this  year,  1609,  tlie  Company  fitted  out  nine  sh.ips  v.dth  five  hundred  emigrants 
and  a  great  quantity  of  supplies  of  all  kinds  needed  by  the  Colonists.  \\'ith:n  the  next  \ea'- 
a  great  many  of  the-~e  pe-.-'o'c  died,  so  that  at  the  close  o:  l/jlO  th,erc  were  less  than  one  ini.idred 
white  persons  alive  at  J&!::!<;siov>-n. 



Tlif  couiuil  at  London  !\aiJ  a{ii>oiiit.>J  Lord  De  Lt  War,  governor  of  Sor.tli  Vir,e,!n!a.  lie 
arrived  at  Janio-^town  in  the  ct'  I'dO  with  a  con>idLTal)le  uuaiuor  of  orai^ranis  a 
large  cargo  of  sui'inlies,  and  immcdiateK-  a.---unied  charge  of  colonial  affairs.  The  ch.artcr  was 
amended  from  tiri  e  to  time  and  new  go\-ernors  frequently-  appointed,  a?  tlie  terms  of  #er\-ice 
were  usually  of  short  duration,  owing  to  resignation,  death  or  other  causes  of  reniowd. 

Emigrants  were  constantly  being  sent  over  from  the  Mother  Country  until  the  white 
population  of  Virginia  had  increased  to  about  one  thousand  souls  in  1617.  The  office  ol  gover- 
nor had  changed  hands  often;  sometimes  being  occupied  by  men  of  no  talent  for  leadership; 
at  other  times  by  men  of  marked  e-xecuti\e  ability:  and  so  the  cimdition  of  tlie  cijlony  brightened 
or  was  depressed  according  to  the  efiiciency  or  inefhcienc\-  of  the  local  administration. 

When  Cio\ernor  Dale  returned  to  ICngland  in  161S,  Sir  C'.eorge  Yeardley  was  appointed  to 
succeed  him.  The  colon>-  at  this  time  numbered  nearly  two  tiiousand  men  of  high  cliaraeter; 
many  of  theia  being  younger  sons  of  the  nobility  who  lind  coinc  t;.i  tlie  new  country  to  make 
their  own  fortunes  and  were  not  afraid  nor  ashamed  to  do  the  work  necessary  lo  acconiplisli 
that  end.  These  young  gentlemen,  owing  to  the  law  of  primogeniture,  lived  at  home  uncier 
a  very  great  disadvantage,  and  could  accomplish  something  for  themseh  es,  oiiK-  by  going  to 
some  parr  of  the  world  v.-herc  that  law  was  not  operative  in  its  stricte-^t  construction.  On  the 
29th  day  of  Janvary,  1619,  the  ship  George  sailed  from  T:Lngland  and  in  the  following  April 
landed  at  Jamestown,  \'irginia.  This  vessel  brought  the  new  governor,  Sir  George  Yeardley 
and  about  one  hundred  passengers;  among  whom  were  Dr.  John  Woodson,  ot  Dorsetshire,  and 
his  wife  Sara,  whom  he  had  married  in  Devonshire. 

Dr.  John  Woodson  came  in  the  capacity  of  surgeon  to  a  company  of  scldir.'-s  v>-lio  were 
sent  over  for  the  better  protection  of  the  colonists;  for  the  Indians  about  this  time  wei-c  scrAviing 
and  seemed  disposed  to  resent  further  encroachments  of  the  white  nian. 

It  v.-as  during  the  administration  of  Governor  Yeardley  that  the  settlements  were  divided 
into  eleven  burroughs,  each  of  which  was  allowed  two  representati\es.  These  rcpre5CTiiati\'es 
were  called  burge:>ses,  and  when  assembled,  constituted  the  house  of  burgesses,  which,  with  the 
governor  and  council,  formed  the  general  assembly  or  colonial  government.  This  general 
assembly  convened  at  Jamestown,  June  19,  1619,  and  was  the  first  !egic!ati\e  assembly  to  per- 
form its  functions  in  \'irginia. 

Dr.  John  Woodson  who  came  over  in  the  ship  George  with  Go^•ernor  Yeardley,  ^^ys  a  nian 
of  high  character  and  of  great  \-aluc  to  the  \oung  colony.  lie  was  born  loi6,  in  De\-o:;-;'hire, 
England,  matriculated  at  St.  John's  College,  March  1,  1604,  at  the  age  of  eighteen,  a,-,  itidicated 
in  the  chart.     (See  Introduction.) 

Like  other  young  gentlemen  of  his  time,  he,  no  doubt  had  a  desire  to  see  the  rev,-  country 
in  which  the  Virginia  Company  of  London  had  planted  their  colony  a  dozen  years  previously: 
so  at  the  age  of  thirt'--threc  he,  with  his  young  wife,  Sara,  emliarked  on  the  ship  Gei.rge  and 
landed  at  Jamestown.  .ApiiL  lol9. 

Sometime  in  1620  a  biack  looking  vessel  landed  at  Jamestown,  having  on  board  about 
twenty  negro  captives  whom  the  Dutch  skipper  had  kid:iapped  somewhere  on  the  coast  of 
Africa.  The^e  were  snbl  lo  the  colonists  as  slaves  and  found  to  be  riuitc  profitalde  in  the 
cultivation  of  toljacco  which  was  the  staple  crop  at  that  time. 

Dr.  John  Woodson,  at  this  time  or  shortly  afterwards,  bought  ,si.\;  of  these  Africans  who 
were  regi'stered  in  16:13  as  part  of  his  household,  and  simply  as  Xegars,  without  giv;:!g  them 
any  nanies. 

It  was  also  during  this  year,  1620,  that  thv  Lond.on  Company  sent  over  about  one  hiindred 
maids,  respectable  young  women  possessetl  of  no  wealth  but  of  irreproacliabls  character,  wno 
desired  to  seek  their  fortunes  in  the  new  world.    These  yourg  women  were  not  permitted  to  remain 


T  ijriMt  whilo  !n  sincic  Ii'cs.-(;<iness.  Their  h.ui<!;;  were  e."'s;orIy  sought  in  riuirriaci  by  ll-.c  >v'unj; 
i:ii-n  o!  t!:c  enKiny.  \\'V,t:i  a  \ounc:  man  bad  vvcoed  ami  won  the  niaiil  of  li:!>  chiOiLC.  in  Gidor 
that  •^he  iright  ijccome  his  '.\ii'e.  ho  v.a^  required  to  pay  in  tobacco,  the  price  of  her  pa.-saje 
across  the  ocean. 

The  relations  between  the  Indians  and  tl'.e  white  cohini.-l?  appeared  [o  be  friendly  enough, 
but  underneath  the  placid  surface  lay  a  black  plot  which  burst  forth  in  all  its  horror  on  the 
22nd  day  of  March,  1622. 

While  the  colonists  were  engaged  in  their  usual  vocaticms,  the  Indians  suddenly  fell  upon 
the  settlements  and  killed  throe  hundred  and  forty-seven  men,  women  and  children  in  an  in- 
credibly short  space  of  time.  Of  course  the  Indians  -were  made  to  sulTcr  auiplo  punishment  for 
this  outrage.  Ever\'  man  who  could  handle  a  gun,  took  the  field  and  the  savages  were  hunted 
down  and  killed  without  mercy  and  driven  back  into  the  depths  of  the  wilderness.  Then 
en.-ued  a  jieriod  of  respite  from  Indian  depredations. 

In  the  meantime  the  colonists  extended  their  settlements  further  into  the  interior  and  up 
both   sides   of   the   James   River. 

Dr.  John  Woodson  located  at  Flour  do  Hundred,  or,  as  it  was  sometimes  cal!ed,  Piersey's 
Hundred,  some  thirty  miles  above  Jamestown  on  the  south  side  of  James  River  in  what  is  now 
Prince  C>eorge  county.  He  and  his  v.-ifc,  Sara,  and  their  six  negro  slaves  wore  registered  at 
Fitar  do  Himdred  in  February,  1623.  It  was,  no,  at  this  place  that  their  two  fois, 
Joiin  and  Robert,  M.ere  born.     Robert  was  born  in  1634  and  John  probal>ly  in  1632. 

The  governor,  Sir  George  Yeardley,  died  November  1627  and  the  council  elected  Francis 
West  to  act  as  governor  in  his  place  until  another  should  be  appointed.  The  King  appointed 
?.ir  John  Harvey  to  succeed  Yeardley.  He  was  no  stranger  in  the  colony,  had  been  a  member 
of  the  council  and  was  very  unpopular.  He  continued  in  office  until  1642  when  he  was  suc- 
ceeded by  Sir  \^"i!liam  Berkley. 

King  James  I.  died  March  27,  1625,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Charles  I.  who  reinstated 
Sir  George  Yeardley  as  governor  of  \'irginia. 

The  colonists  lived  in  con.=tant  dread  of  another  outbreak  on  th.e  ;>ar=:  of  the  Indians,  for 
there  had  ne\-er  been  any  real  peace  nor  confidence  between  the  two  races  since  tl':e  great 
massacre  of  1622. 

Twenty-tv.o  years  had  passed  and  the  hre  of  revenge  v."as  still  smo;ik!'  ring  in  the  hearc  oi 
the  bloodthirsty  chief,  Dpechankano,  who  had  matured  another  scheme  for  skiughtcripg  the 
A  bites. 

On  tiie  ISth  day  of  April  1644,  the  Indians  made  a  sudden  attack  upon  the  settlements 
and  killed  about  three  hund-ed  of  the  colonists  before  they  were  repulsed. 

At  this  time  Dr.  John  Woodson's  two  sons,  John  and  Robert,  were  respectively  twelve 
and  ten  years  of  age. 

Tb-rre  Is  a  chcrisIiL-d  fainily  tradition,  on  tlie  day  of  this  second  massacre.  Dr.  John 
'Aoodson,  wiiile  returning  from  visiting  a  patient,  was  killed  by  the  Indians  in  sight  of  his  home. 
I  he  Indians  then  ai:a'.'.:eJ  the  house  which  was  barred  against  them  and  defended  by  his  wife, 
Sara,  .:ind  a  mr.n  named  L.igon  (a  shoemaker")  who  happened  to  be  there  at  the  moment.  The 
unly  weapon  they  hc.d  v^as  an  old  time  gun  v.  hich  Ligon  handled  with  deadly  effect.  At  the 
first  ure  he  killed  three  Indians,  and  two  at  the  second  shot.  In  the  meantime  two  Indians 
cssajcrj  to  come  down  through  the  chimnc>  ;  but  the  brave  Sara  scalded  one  of  them  to  death 
with  a  pot  of  boiling  water  which  stood  on  the  fire:  then  seizing  the  iron  roasting  spit  with  both 
hands,  she  brained  the  other  Indian,  killing  him  instantly. 

The  howling  mob  on  the  outside  took  Iright  and  fled ;  but  Ligon  f.r.-d  the  third  lime  and 
ti  ltd  two  liiore,  n:akins-  lane  in  all. 

The  old  gun  which  was  instrumental  in  saving  the  family  of  Dr.  Jo(".n   v's'cooH 
from   annihilation    by  the    Indians  on   April    IS.    1544.      It    is    new 
in   the    possession    of    Mr.   William    V.    Wilson, 
Lynchburg,   Va. 


Honian  numerals  ly^forf^  the  names  of  children  indicate  the  order  of  birth. 

A«t'Ti.«ks  i')  are  Inserted  before  the  names  of  aU  children  who,  in  turn,  had  issue. 

S-JixTior  llt-'urcs  fohuwing  me  cames  (Mary,'  etc.)  indicate  the  generations  to  which  the  persons  bclonj;.  counting  fioin 

L>K.  JoH.s'  'Woodson. 
Heavy  and  Ut;ht  face  niuubcrs  in  axabic  figures  (265  and  612)  are  the  index  nunil>ers. 

Issue  of  1    Dr   JOHN  WOODSON.'  aad  his  wife  Sara  ^  ^y\^tf.n  ■ 

1   "  2  John-  was  born  about  the  year  1632  at  Fkur  de  Hr.ndred  or,  as  ir  \va? 

sometimes  called,   Piersey's  Hundred,  a   plantation  on   the  soutli  side  of 
James  River,  in  what  is  now  Prince  George  county,  X'irgir.ia. 

With  the  exception  of  his  remarkable  preservation  fro,ii  the  IiKiinns 

during  the  massacre  on  the  ISth  of  April,  lo44,  nothing  is  knt..-,'.n  q<  him 

until  1679  when  (as  stated  in  William  and  Mary  College  Quarttrly,  \V,I. 

XI)  he  is  enumerated  among  the  "tithables"  nt  Curies,  a  plantation  on  tiie 

•   ■    •  north  side  of  James  Ri\-er,  abo\  e  Fieur  de  Huiidred. 

He  was  married  prolial)ly  about  the  >ear  1654  but  tlie  name  of  hi-. 
wife  has  not  been  handed  down  to  us.  He  died  September,  16S4.  "On 
August  20,  16S4,  he  made  liis  will  which  was  proved  October  1.  16>4.  Li 
it  he  mentions  his  wife  without  giving  her  name,  and  tvvo  sons,  John,  and 
Robert  'vxho  h.ath  labored  for  himself  three  >ears.'  He  mention:;  -dio 
son  Robert's  two  children,  Jane  ai:d  Sami'cl;  an.i  brother  Rnbv.rts  li-.-e 
sons,  John,  Robert,  Richard,  Josepli  and  Benjamin,  designating  the  eldest 
as  cousin  John  \\'oodsc>n,  meaning  nephew,  as  was  tht  custom  then.'' 
(\Vm.  Jc  Mary  Qdy,,  V,  XI.) 

II  '  3  Robert'-'  was  born,  acconJing  to  hi?  own  deposition,  iu  t'-ie  year  1634  at 
Fleur  de  Hundred,  on  the  south  side  of  James  Ri%-er,  in  what  i-  nov.-  Prince 
George  county,  Virginia,  some nnles  above  Jan.estown. 

It  was  here  that  the  family  lived  at  the  time  of  the  nassacre  by  the 
Indians  on  the  ISth  of  April,  1644,  when  Robert  and  his  elder  brother 
John  were  saved  by  being  thrust  into  a  pit  made  for  the  purpose  of  keening 
potators;  from  wlixh  circumstarice  their  descer.dan;?.  '"or  severed  genera- 
tions bore  the  sobriquet  of  "Potato  Hole  Woodsons," 

From  this  time  nothing  is  defir.iteiN'  known  of  .^  Ri^'ert-  and  his 
brother  2  J>ihn-  urtii  1679  whr-n  bdth  o."  them  aie  eniinierated  anr->ng  the 
"tithables''  at  Curies,  a  plantation  on  tlie  north  side  of  J.imes  R.iver  I.". 
Henrico  county,  a  short  distance  a'oove  Fleur  de  iliir.  I'etJ.  Thi--  place, 
later,  became  noted  as  tlie  seat  of  ti;e  Randolph  family.  At  an  early  age, 
pcssibly  about  the  year  1656,  o  Robert  Woodson-  married  F!iz,d:>eth  Ferris, 
daughter  of  Riehard  Ferris  of  Curies.  "She  was  descended  from  an  cmcieiil 
Norman  f.\mii\-,  Henri  do  Ferriers  of  Gascon\-.  In  .American  Ancestry, 
vol.  Vll,  is  the   folh.^vir.g  statement;    'The  Ferris  family  was   c-idginaliy 


THE  \VOO!)S"NS  AXU  TUi-.IR  COXN  i'Cl  U'N-S 

fifvin  I.ri'i.-stcr.-iiirf.  Ki-:v;iaiiii,  ili'scpiiiiod  from  Ilciri  ,■[^/  V.:'^vivTS.  ^or.  jl 
C\va!'-:;oInK'  tU-  rcrric-s,  IMastof  of  ll,u-c  ;-:  li;e  f'u^t;  oi  Xor.-anvly.'" 
(Ameri'^an;^  of  Cicnlic  liirtli,  \<>l.  1,  p.  o5S.] 

"There  is  a  grant  oi  1785  acres  of  laiu!  October  21,  10H7,  to  :M:. 
Robert  Woodson.  Mr.  Uirh.iril  I'orris,  Mr.  (.".iles  ("artor,  William  re/Ti.i 
and  Roger  Coniins,  at  White  Oak  Swamp,  on  the  north  side  uf  jame? 
River,  in  the  parish  of  Vavina.  .?  Robert  Woodson,-  in  1707,  made  a  deed 
to  his  grandsons,  59  William  Lewi.-;,  jr.^  and  60  Josepili  Lewis.'"'  (Wm.  & 
Mary  Qtly.,  V.  IX,  p.  255.)-  The  date  of  his  death  is  not  known,  but  it 
was  shortly  after  making  this  deed,  as  Ix'  was  about  severity-three  yea;'.; 
old  at  that  time.  It  is  not  positix  eK'  known  what  public  service  he  rcnderovl 
the  colony  but  living  as  he  did,  at  a  time  when  every  man  to  be."f  his 
share  of  the  piiblic  burden,  it  is  confidently  beiie\ed  iluit,  a-^  a  cir.i.^tr.  anvi 
a  member  of  the  colony,  he  was  faithful  in  the  performance  '''i  iii;-  duty,  is 
his  descendants  have  ever  been.  In  some  publications  ho  is  freqiienlly 
spoken  of  as  Colonel  Robert  Woodsim.  If  he  h(;id  the  iniiitar],  rank  of 
colonel,  it  was  of  course  by  authority  of  thu  British  go\  crnmeut,  as  the 
entire  colony  was  under  British  control  at  tliat  time. 

I^sue  of  2  JOHN  WOODSON-  (Jolm')  and  wife  wliose  name  is  no:;  known. 

I  *  4  John,'  born  a'rjut  1655  at  Curies,  in  Henrico  county^  \';ig!nia,  -\".-\S  married 
about  1677  to  Mary  Tucker,  daugliter  of  Samuel  Tucker  (Master  of  the 
Ship  Vine  Tree)  and  his  v,  ife,  Jane.  After  the  death  of  Sniauel  Tucker, 
his  ■widov.',  J.ii^e  Tucker,  married  John  Pleasants,  of  Curies,  in  IrieniicG 
county,  Virginia.  -1  John  Woodson^  died  in  1700.  Lfe  mule  wtli  :M'ay 
1,  1700,  and  his  widow.  Mary  Tucker  Woodson  made  her  "•.all  in  1710. 
In  both  wills  the  narries  of  their  four  children  are  n'entioncd  is  follows: 
Josepli,  Sainue!  Tucker,  Benjamin  and  Jane. 

II  *  5  Robert,'  born  al^out  1657  at  Curies,  in  Henrico  county,  v,"as  inar/ied  about 
1681  but  t'le  name  of  wife  is  not  kno\vn.  T,vo  of  f'leir  children,  Ja-ie 
and  Samuel,  were  living  in  I6S-4  and  were  menlicmed  by  their  urandfaiht:.'' 
2  John  Woodson-  in  his  will  dated  August  20,  Ifi'vi.  The  v.ill  also  stcies 
that  5  Robert-'  had  then  been  laboring  for  himself  tiirec  \ears;  from  which 
statement  it  is  inferred  that  Robert  had  marriefi  and  'eft  the  pat  'rntl  ri>of 
about,  the  year  16S1  and  was  tr.en  making  his  ovvn  way  in  the  world. 

Issue  of  3   ROBLRT  WOODSON-  .John')  and  Elizabeth  Ferris. 

I  *  6  John,""  T'.'.is  i.-;  the  ''cousin"  (nephew)  John  Woodson  mentioi-'ed  by  his 
urtcle,  2  John  Woodson,-  in  his  will  dated  August  20.  16f<4.  Ife  was  born, 
probably  al'out  1658.  at  Curies  in  Kenrico  county,  was  a  nierchaiit  by 
occupation  and  married  Judith  Tarleton.  daughter.'.;;  Scftjrhcn  Tarleti.iri  of 
iSew  Kent  county.  There  is  a  h.^oking-L^ia^s  which  f.jvmorly  beiongecl.  to 
Charles  \''an  Der  Veer  Woodson  of  Prince  Edward ,  whicii  bears 
this  insc;ri[/.;-.n:  "This  g'  beiongcrd  to  Stephen  Tjirhvtor  wi'.o  was  nr. 
great-;grarKifath(.r,  and  died  in  the  year  16S7.  i  h.aee  had  the  present 
frame  put  on  it  this  14:1;  of  Decenil?-ei.  1794.     Sigpcd,  Ch-rlcs  Woodson.'" 

riRST,  Sl-XOXn  ANO  THIKD  i.i:NF[>;AT10\S 

"I'l  17!.'  Jii.i'ih  T.'ir'-.-.<-.!i  \\"!)Oii5.-:n  o'lirnniiibfj  her  ilowi^r  .'i.,;u  !r;  !a.->.r'.  li^o'.'oJ  !•> 
her  hushard  o  J.:l,n  \\  .r  ii! .  .■:i,-  i.MT.'ha:-t  of  tho  pa:i^!1  a:ul  co.!iU>-  <■;  ilc^rifo.  lie  iii^i-Jc 
bl-viil'-)  IT'S  ..:'.!  ViS  .l.iv:  ii!  i7Io."      >\Vm.  and  Mary  Qilv.) 

'' B'  ri.i  .-■.'.vii  l.ii;c  y.v.c  l;!-v;i>-  of  in  Knglaiu!;  to  wliirh  bcioi:;  Sir 
Bar.iscir  Tarli  ion,  the  Drili.-h  I'-angcr  dr.ri.T^  the  revohilion.  They  wore  &t:-.rcl  at 
LintvvarJiiu-,  County  Hcrefoni,  and  bi)ro  for  .\rnis,  gvilcs,  a  ci.L-vron;  crminos  bc-twoor, 
three  cinqiiifoils,  or:  Crest;  on  a  -urcith  between  two  ostrirh  feathers,  arg,  a  nn;ra! 
crown,  thereon  a  leopard's  head.  Motto:  Post  Xublia  Phoebus.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  it  was  into  this  family  that  Sir  Thomas  Fleming  married  before  emigrating  to 
VirginiLj.      (Americans  of  Gentle  Birch,  V.  I.  p.  ooO.) 

II  *         7  Robert'  was  born  about  1660  at  Curie.-  in  Henrico  cjuniy,  Virginia  whcrf, 

he  spent  hi-i  entire  life,  and  died  tiiere  in  1729.  His  will  was  recorded  in 
Henrico  Court,  Fc'iruLiry,  17  29.  hi  it  lie  call>  hini£elf  Robert  Woodbon, 
Si .,  to  distini,ui?h  hini^clt  fr.-ni  hi.s  Si  r.  and  tlux-e  of  liis  nc()'ieui;.  a'.l  cf  vvhom 
boie  the  name  of  Robert.  He  alio  names  in  the  will  loiw  ol  hi.^  i:'nif  and 
thiee  of  his  daughters.  As  he  had  ten  children,  it  is  likely  (hat  the  tliree 
not  named  in  tiie  will  were  dead  at  that  time.  He  was  twice-  iriarried; 
fiist,  to  Sarah  Lewis  wlio  was  probablv-  a  si-ter  of  John  Levis-"  ot  vVar-.^r 

Ha!!.     John  Lewis'-  and  Lydia ,  his  v.ife.  fa'dl  i-ettlcd  on   Poropo'ar.k 

Creek  in  iO.S3.     To  them  were  b(.irn,  probabh-  a  nunilier  of  ctiildren; 

of  viiom  was  INIajor  Jolm  Lewis-  \\ho  married   Isabella .     To  ti'.cse 

last  was  born,  November  30,  1669,  John  Lewis'^  who  miuTied  E"i:.:ab::th. 
Warner,  daughter  of  Col.  Augustine  Warner  and  v.dfe,  Mildred  Read.  It 
is  probable  tliat  Sarah  Lewis,  wife  o'  7  Robert  Woodso;','-  was  a  daughter 
of  Major  Jo!in  Lewis"  and  Isabella .  This  family  bfc;!!"e  vrr^-  promi- 
nent in  coloaial  aiTairs  and,  in  ihe  aunals  of  Virginia.  7  R.^Lcn.  v.'oocson'' 
married,  seco'id,  Racne!  Watkins.  "\'ariou5  branches  of  tl'.e  v', '-.odjon 
fam.ily  number  mem.bers  of  tlie  Watkins  family  anioe-g  their  ascenclarKs. 
There  are  £C\-eral  famaiies  of  this  nanie  found  among  the  old  ,-e':riers.  "I  hfv 
are  of  Welch  origin;  descending  from  James  Watkins  "lLib''urer  '  '.\ no  v.".is 
one  of  the  emigrants  in  the  Phoenix  about  1603,  and  u  h:j  frcfixieriily 
accompam'ed  Capcain  Joim  SmiLii  in  his  ad'.enuires  arni  '.owtges  <ji  dis- 
covery on  the  "Chisapeack  Bay."  Some  branches  "f  ;hi>  o'd  and  highly 
honored  famil\-  settled  in  Powhatan,  Appomatto.x.,  Cu:-;b;-rUnd  and  orber 
counties  in  Virginia.  Some  of  the  early  members  of  the  ia-ai.'^"  ergagea  in 
the  occup-ation  of  manufacturing  tray-,  and  for  se^"era;  g'.'-.ieratlor.a  their 
descendanis  were  called  "Tray  makers."  "Henr\'  Watkins  of  Molveni 
H;!!,  boni  16.'7,  was  a  Qaaker.  In  hi- w  ill,  1717,  he  menii'^^s  sons,  Henr>- 
— sometime  member  of  the  house  of  burgesses,  and  married  Mury  Crisp — 
John,  Benjamin,  Joseph,  and  Stephen."  (See  Catalog  by  F.  N.  Watkins.) 
As  this  will  was  wlciiess..d  by  7  Robert  Woodson,-''  it  i.s  rjuitc  likely  that  his 
second  wife,  liachel  Watkins,  was  a  daughter  of  Htnry  V/atkins  o!  Malvern 

III  *         8  Kichird/   bcrn   about    1662,   at   Curies   in    Henrico  i-cu^-y.   married   Ann 

Sir.ith,  daughter  of  Ol.'aaiah  Smith.  In  1729  he  madi,  a  ^^:f.d  to  Ja.mcs 
Ha.nbletoii,  f -^r  lar.d  in  Henrico,  being  part  of  a  tract  granted  tc  his  father 
3  Robert  Wo-vL^o--  ir.  (■)ctober,  170i.     As  he  was  abouc  ;-i:a3-- seven  years 

26  TlIF  \V(30nS0XS  and  Tr.EIR  CONNHv 

old  ;it  thf-  U';:t.-  of  rnakirv^  ihis  deed,  he  probably  died  wiihin  a  lew  year;, 

IV  *         9  Joseph,"  l)orii  aboul  166-1,  at  Curies  in  Henrico  coimty,  and  died  Ocfoher, 

1735.  He  ni.inied  his  second  cousin  18  Mary  Jane  W'oocison,''  daughter 
of  4  John  Woodson,'  and  Maiy  Tucker,  who  was  tiie  orphan  of  Sanuiel 
Tucker,  Captain  of  the  Ship  \"ine  Tree.  Samuel  Tucker's  widow  Jane, 
was  married  before  16S0  to  John  Pleasants'  of  Curies,  and  died  in  1/09 
Her  will  was  pro\-ed  in  Henrico  county  in  1709,  and  names  her  grand- 
daughter 18  Jane  Woodson,''  and  grandsons,  15  Joseph  Woodson.*  17 
Benjamin  Woodson*  and  16  Samuel  Tucker  Woodson.*  Mary  Tucker 
Woodson,  mother  of  IS  Mary  Jane  Woodson,  died  in  1710.  In  h:T  v.-il!, 
proved  in  Henrico,  August  1,  1710,  she  nanies  a  daughter,  Jane,  ai.d 
grandson,  46  John  Woodson,*  son  of  daughter  Jane,  granddaugl;:i.r  47 
Mary,*  daughter  of  daughter  Jane,  and  grands<-)n.  43  Joseph,*  son  of  daiighici' 
Jane.  This  seems  to  establish  the  fact  that  the  wife  of  9  Joseph  Woodson-' 
was  18  Jane  Woodson;*  though  her  full  name  may  ha\e  been,  and  doubricss 
was,  Mar\-  Jane  Woodson.  Mary  Tucker  Wij..:dson  also  mentions  in  hci 
will,  grandson.  "Sanburne  Woodson,  child  of  my  daughter  ^far\■,  wii'-j 
of  my  son  Joseph."  These  last  names,  no  tloubt,  mean  Mars-  Saaburne, 
wife  of  15  Josepii  Woodson.*  And  the  child  Sanburne  was  66  Sanburne 
Woodson^  who  married  Eiizal.>eth  Hughes.''  9  Jo^eph  Woodson^  died  in 
Goochland  cnunt>-  and  his  will  was  proved  Octob;3r  15,  3  7.v'..  hi  it  he 
names  children;  47  Mary  Woodson,*  who  married  25  Stephen  Wooason,* 
49  Judith  Woodson,*  v.ho  married  Charles  Christian;  50  Martha  Woodson,* 
who  m.arried  61  John  Cannon;*  and  51  Tucker  \\'oodson.*  (See  \\'->r<.  :ind 
Mary  Qi\y.j  It  appears  that  the  last  three  childr-.n  were  b'-rrn  In  Co  ch- 
land;  so  9  Joseph  \A'oodson'  must  ha\'e  mo\X'd  to  thai  conni\-  s:iu"'iy  after 
the  death  of  nioil;er-in-law,  Mar\-  (Tucker,'  V\'oi.'uson  who  died  in 
Henrico  in  1710. 

V  *        10  Benjanin,'  born  about   1666  at   Curies  in  Henrico  county  .ind   -i-rnt  his 

entire  life  there.  He  died  in  172,3  and  his  wi;i  v.-as  recir^JciI  in  H-'-iirico  at 
the  .August  Court,  1723.  On  June  2,  1722,  he  pafenied  17S  acres  in  Gooch- 
land county,  on  Rocky  Run,  on  the  head  line  of  Mr.  W  oo.iso::.  He 
was  married  about  16SS   to  Sarah  Porter. 

"The  English  Porters  arc  all  descended  from  William  d,:-  la  Grande,  whc>  c.-jrrie  O'.er 
with  William  tho  Co;'.c;uPror.  His  son  Roger  or  Ralph,  was  GraivJ  f'orifi:!-  vo  Hen.-'-y  I., 
ul.'cnc-;  CO.-  I's  the  name.  Lands  were  av.arded  to  William  ue  ia  Gi-a'ide  i.  y  ine  Con- 
queror, in  Ktniiworth  near  Warwick.  In  succeeding  centuries  they  to  various 
pans  of  England,  and  in  the  seventeenth  centu.'-y  joined  the  advtnlur'jiis  nob'.ts  emi- 
grating to  America."  (.Amer.  .Hei-aldica.;  "The  hrst  emigration  lyf  the  ?orters  ro 
America  were  the  descendants  of  John  Porter,  born  1.S19,  at  Wr.ixh:iH  .-^blivV.  i'l  Kcnil- 
worth,  V.',irsvickshire,  England.  John  Porter,  the  first  in  Ainerici,  fojn  I,-J  Windsor. 
Cornecticut.  His  son,  Samuel  Porter,  with  his  v.ife  an.i  sister,  Marv  Por'.er,  icttied  in 
Massachas-ctts.  Mr.ry  porter  was  married  in  \i>3>>  to  Sdmuel  Grant,  a.-^cf;noant  of 
of  Gcn"l  U.  S.  Giant  n!  the  United  States  arm.y  and  President  of  the  L'liiied  Sc.ttes. 

"From  Samuel  Porter  came  Col.  John  Porter  >f  the;io;i,  who  niarriod 
Abigai!  Buell.  Their  sun,  Peter  Butii  Porter,  heca-i-.e  a  di.=.tingi:i;he-.!  man;  was  r-iember 
of  cor.grcsi:  fioni  New  York,  n;ajor  general  in  the  War  c!  1S12,  ."'.t:i;oir.t?d  onief  o'  ihr 

'■'t  army  l'>-   P-c^M.' u   Mau-'on  but  fltxliiio.i,  n-is  sei-rct;i:v   oi  <'.::■-.  n!   New  Vorl:,  w:;i 

I  .  secretary  -!  -v  ir  of  the  Uuiu-l  ^^-aivs  ^^:^•l^j•^  diovi  in  1^44, 

*  "TliO  Virginia  unnch  of  the  Porter^,   William  and  John,  wore  iirp-c  p:v:rnroes  of 

?  land  in  H-.'nrl>-.j  .in(l  Cuini"  i  ■..n-.i  loi'niics,  .uid  some  of  their  cie--cciidants  v.en.'  '..•■.:n<.i  in 

>  Lower  Xurlol':.     They  iiitermrirried  wifh  the  Willoughbys,  the   Kemps,  a-id  through 

I  them,  with  the  Herberts  .'tid  Curtises.     Captain  Thonuis  Porter,  son  of  Thomas  Porter 

I  and   Mary  Kemp,  marricl   I-Ilizabeth   Dutoit,  daughter  ol   Pierre  Dutoit  and    Barbara 

'  Bonnet  (Hnguenots).     Their  son,  Captain  John  Porter,  Cent.,  lived  and  died  in  Cum- 

berland co'inty   (the  title    •r,<-nt.'  indicating  that  they   were  oi  the  nobiii-.y).     Their 

daughter,  Ann  Porter,   married  Charles  Sampson,  son  of  Stephen  Sampson   and 

Marv  Woodson.  This  leads  to  the  inference  that  Sarah  Porter,  wh(j  niarrieil  Hi  F,en- 
jamin  Woodson,'  was  of  this  fandlj  of  Porters."  (.\mericaiis  of  Gentle  Birth,  Wi.  I, 
p.  354). 

VI  11   Sarah,''  born  aii^ut  K'oS  at  Curks  \n  Ik-rmco  county,  w.t^  marrio.i  about 

16SS  tir  '8f>  to  Edward  Mo^ele-y.     As  stated  in  WiiHani  and  Mary  (Quarterly, 

f>\rC:''i'-.  Y^^^  father,  3  Robert  Woodson-  of  Henrico,  made  a  deed  in  16S9  to  "daughter 

Sarah,  wife  of  Edward  Moseley."  '  This  may  have  been  a  bridal  present. 
The  descendants  of  this  couple  have  not  been  i;r:ice(b 

V!I  *  12  Elizabeth,"  born  about  1670  at  Curks  in  Hfn-rk--«;»  county,  married  '\VilIian: 
Lewis,  wlio  ma>-  have  been  a  brother  to  7  Rol'Crt  Woodson's'  tlrst  wife, 
Sarah  Lewis.  It  is  believed  that  Elizabeth  died  comparatively  young,  and 
that  her  widowed  husband  married  again.  In  William  and  "\iar>-  Ouarterlv 
there  is  this  statement.  "There  is  a  nuncupati\-e  wi!!  rif  William  f.ewis. 
who  mentions  his  tv.-o  sons  59  Willic'.m  Lewi?^  and  (.0  Jt-epii  Lewi;.'*  and 
wife  Adding,  who  was,  perhaps  his  second  wife."  The  names  of  these 
children  are  recorded  in  the  fourth  generation  but  farther  than  that  the 
line  has  pot  been  traced. 

VIII  *  13  Judith,'  born  about  1673  at  Curies  in  Henrico  county,  married  Wiih'aoi 

IX  *        14   Mary,'  burn  about  167S  at  Curies  in  Henrico  county,  was  mHrr'ed  about 
1704  to  Geor:;e  Payne  of  Goochland. 

1     '  "The  first  Goochland  county  court  was  held  May  21  to  1.  172.'-''.       I  he  :"';t 

-  justic-s   were   Col.   Thomas    Randolph   of  Tuckahoe,   presidlnc.   John   Flerr,i-i-.    .-\iicn 

\  Howard,   William   Mayo,   22   John   Woodson,-"  Tarleton  Fleming'   and   Kd'ca.-.l   Sc-lI. 

To  these  were  added  in   1728-9,  William  Cab.-ll,  George  Payn-r  and  J.^.rnes   .Hob~an. 

In  17.'2  John  Fleming  and  Dudley  Diggs  were  the  burgesses.      In  1736,  Edivr.rc!  .Scott 

and  Jame^  Holm,-.n.  In  'i74U  Capt.  James  Holman  and  Capt  Thomps  R.-ruioIph. 
i  The  sheriffs  were  22  John  Woodson,*  1732-.54:  George  Payne  17  54-37:  Peter  .fe.Terion 

I  1737-59;  I^oberi  Payne  I73S:  Arthur  Hopkins  1739-41:  Thom-.s  1  :)rpin  17;'.. 43:  James 

I  Daniel  (who  married  .3S  f.Uzabeth   Wood-;on'),  1743-44  and  Isaac  Bates  17U  "     (See 

The  Cabells  and  Their  Kin.) 


C.ccrgc-  Payne  died  'n  1744.  His  will  is  dated  December  3,  !74 
riroved  January  15,  1744,  in  Goochland,  and  names  sons  John  Payne, 
Gejrje  Pa-.-ne,  Josi.'.s  Pryne.  and  wife.  iMarv .  Also  -randdaugh'er  Agnes 
Pavne,.  and  grundsGn>  Augustin  Payne  and  Jesse  I'avne.  His  widow,  14 
Ma:v  Wocdsu.n,"  was  at  this  time  abc;ut  si.Kty-si.'c  years  old,  and  j.roliabiy 
sur\iv-:d  but  a  few  \ears.     The  date  of  her  death  is  not  known. 


"Fro:.',  the  frcqucni  i'i',f-,n,>rrla;,'05  of  n.oiiil'ors  of  '.iie  P.:-..  lif  f.iriMly  i<f  ( toochianr. 
county,  wi'Ji  f.iiMiUi's  r<.;lf!cri.  t  i'.il-  Xorthi.rr.  Neck  \5ucr.  .r.:-.rr!..j;os  very  jtl-j-  ni  t.-.kir.g: 
place  in  oihcr  Coochl.nJ  lan'ilj./s),  it  would  seem  very  p."oii.i|i'c  iliat  George  ;^lync• 
rame  from  that  fvCtiori  of  \  !rj:inia  II  .ioeir.s  very  likely  that  he  '.vas  the  'brv.thc" 
Gcork;e  Payne'  named  in  the  wills  ol  Richaid  Payne  of  L.Tnca;ter  county,  !k70'';  a'.-A  of 
William  Payne  of  Lancaster  1726.  They  were  sons  of  William  Payne  and  wife 
Merriman,  d.iughter  of  Richard  Merrinian,  Cent.,  of  Lancaster."  (Va.  Hiit.  Mag., 
Vol.  VL,  p.  M-i,  Jan.  1S99.) 

Taking  1  Dr.  John  \\'oodson'  as  the  first  generation  of  Woodsons  in 
America,  his  two  sons,  2  John-  and  3  Robert,-  comprise  the  second  genera- 
tion; and  their  children  (eleven  in  nnmbcr)  make  up  the  third  generation. 
It  is  seen  that  all  of  the  third  generation  were  born  and  reared,  and  inoft 
of  them  died  in  Henrico  county,  at  or  near  Curios.  Some  of  them  married 
in  Goochland  and  acquired  considerable  tracts  of  land  in  that  couiily,  as 
well  as  in  Henrico.  Some  of  them,  later  in  life,  settled  in  Goochlfnd  and 
died  there.  All  of  them  appear  to  have  been  good  citizens,  active  in  the 
development  of  the  new  country,  and  ready  tc  perform  their  duty  in  a 
public-spirited  manner. 


Issue  of  4  JOHN  WOODSON^  (John,'  John')  and  Mary  Tucker. 

I  *  15  Joseph,'  liorn  ii'DOUt  I6S0  at  Curies  in  Henrico  county,  Virginia.  He  was 
married  three  times:  first,  in  November,  1706,  to  Mary  Sanburne,  a  lady 
of  noble  English  parentage,  daughter  of  Daniel  Sanburne,  and  grand- 
daughter of  J'i'nn  Sanburne  and  Mary  Bachelur,  who  was  a  daughter  of 
Stephen  Bach>l(jr.  (See  Americans  of  Gentle  Birth,  Vol.  1,  d.  34.'.'!  On 
the  9th  day  of  the  11th  month  1706,  Daniel  Sanburne  ga^/e  a  letter  oi  con- 
sent for  the  meeting  for  Jo-eph  Woodson  to  marry  his  daughter  Mary. 
(See  Early  Quaker  I^ecords  in  \'irginia,  Vol.  VH,  p.  207).  She  iivcd  only 
a  short  time  and  died,  leaving  her  husband  and  one  child,  66  Sanburne.'  He 
was  married  second,  to  Elizabeth  Scott,  who  also  died  early  survived  Dv  her 
husband  and  one  child.  He  was  married  third  (before  1724)  to  EIi.iaberh 
Murry,  daughter  of  John  Murry  of  Isle  of  Wight  county,  Virginia,  who  made 
his  will  in  1724.  In  1752  this  Joseph  made  a  deed  to  his  grandson  216  John 
Woodson,''  for  land  on  Four  Mile  Creek  in  Henrico  countv,  calling  hini 
"Son  and  heir  of  my  son  70  Joseph  Woodson, ^  deceased.  (Wni.  and  Mary 
Quarterly,  vol.  XI,  p.  51,  ascribes  this  deed  to  70  jo~eph  V.'oodson,' 
which  appears  ;o  lie  an  error  as  it  would  place  the  n^.aker  of  the  deed  one 
generation  later  than  his  time.  (H.  M.  W.)  15  Joseph  Woodson's  mr.ther, 
Mary  (Tucker)  Woodson  died  In  1710.  In  her  will,  pro\ed  in  Henrico. 
August  1.  i7!0,  she  naraej  ":ny  grandson,  Sanburne,  child  of  my  daughter 
Mary  (Sanburne).  wife  of  my  son  15  Joseph  Woodson.'') 

II  10  Samuel  Tucker,'  born  about  1682,  at  or  near  Curies  in  Hjnnco  couuty, 

Virginia,  and  died  without  issue  in  1718.  "His  will  was  made  in  1717  £.no 
proved  July  7,  1718,  in  Henrico  county  court.  He  names  his  brothers  15 
Joseph*  and  17  Benjamin,'  and  his  sister  18  Jane,'  ard  cousip.  Tcirleton 
Wood.=;on;  among  whom  he  dixades  his  property."  (Wm.  ai.d  MaryQtiy., 
vol.  XI.  p.  53.) 

Ill  *  17  Benjamin,'  born  about  1684  at  Curies  in  Henrico  coinly.  He  married 
Mis.-  Frances  Napier  who  was  descended  from  Dr.  Fatr:'..k  Napier,  a  surgeon 
of  York  county,  wiio  married  Elizabeth  Booth,  daughter  oi  P.obert  Booth. 
Clerk  of  York  county.  Dr.  Napier  died  about  1672,  leaving  issue — Robert 
Napier  and  Frances  Napier  v.  ho  rcided  in  New  Kent  county.     Roii&rt 

Napier  married  Mary and  had  Booth  Napier,  bcni  February  I,  1692, 

Frances  Napier,  born  February  5,  1695,  Robert  Napier,  born  September  6^ 
1697,  Katherine  Napier,  born  October  12,  1700,  Elizabeth  Napier,  born 
December  25.  1704.  One  of  these  was  the  father  of  Rene  Napier  whose 
will  was  prosed  Noxemiicr  J9,  1751,  which  names  his  sons  John  Napier, 
Rene  Napier,  Jr.,  Cham.pion  Napier,  and  daughters  Chloe  Napier  and 
Mary  Napier,  and  v  ife  Vv'ene  Napier,  brother  Pat  Napier,  Mr.  Ben  Wood- 



son^  and  cousin  77  Booth  Woodron.^  The  wills  cf  l;i.-  tv.-o  brothers.  Pa:rick 
Napier  and  Robert  Napier  are  recorded  in  Albeiuirie  county.  (William 
and  Mary  Quarterly,  \'.  XI.  p,  53.)  Fr'-in  the  aiv.  \c  it  is  apparent  that 
17  Benjamin  Woodson'.*-  wife  w.iP  Frrinres  Xapier  wl'io  was  born  Ffhruarv 
5,  1695.  He  died  in  Flavanna  county  in  177.^.  Mis  will  is  recorded  in 
Fluvanna  Will  Book,  No.  1,  p.  9. 

IV'  18  Mary  Jane,^  born  about  16S6  at  or  near  Curlus  in  Henrico  county,  married 

her  second  cousin  9  Joseph  \\'ooiison"  who  was  very  much  older  than  she. 
He  died  in  17j5.  In  the  wills  of  both  ho'-  mother  -.mkI  grandmother  she  is 
called  Jane.  By  many  of  her  descendants  she  is  persistently  called  Mary.  It 
is  therefore  reasonable  to  assume  that  her  full  name  was  Mar\-  Jam-,  and 
so  she  will  be  designated  in  this  record.  Her  i^stie  is  traced  through,  lier 
husband,  9  Jo,--cph  W'.od-on.' 

Issue  of  5  ROBERT  WOODSON'   (John,=  John')   and   his  wife  whose   name   is  not 


I  19  Jane,'  borii  about  16S2  at  Curies  in  Henrico  county,  and  is  named  in  the 

will  of  her  grandfather,  August  20,  16S4.     Nothing  ino':e  is  known  of  her. 

II  20  Samuel,^  born  about  if^'S-l  at  or  near  Curies  in  Henrico  county.     He  too 

is  named  in  the  will  of  his  grandfather  2  Joiin  Woodson,-  on  August  20, 

Issue  of  6   JOHN  V/OODSON^  (Robert,^  John')  and  Judith  Tarletcn. 

I  *  21  Tarleton/  born  abotit  16S1  in  Henrico  county,  was  married,  probably 
Au,.;ru^:,  17t)9,  to  Ursula  Fleming,  daughter  of  Charles  Fleming  of  New- 
Kent  county,  v%ho  was  descended  from  Sir  Tarletor.  Fleming,  second  son 
of  the  Earl  of  Wigton,  Scotland.  Sir  Thomas  Flemirg,'  Earl  of  Wigtcn, 
married  in  England,  Miss  Tarleton;  emigrated  to  \'irg'nia  in  lo!6,  lending 
at  Jamestown  but  settling  afterwards  in  Ncm--  Kent  councy,  where  he  died. 
He  had  three  sons:  Tarleton  Fleming,-  George  Flemir.e,"  Charles  Fletning- 
and  several  daughters.  Tarleton  Fleming-  married  Miss  Bates,  oi  Williams- 
burg (of  the  same  fan  ily  was  Edward  Bates  of  ?.Iissot-ri)  .ind  three 
sons,  of  whom  Tarleton  Fleming^  was  one  of  the  first  a5socia';e  justices  of 
Goochland  county  in  172S.  He  married  Mary  Rarido'ph,  sister  o^  Tliomits 
Mann  Randolph,  of  "Tuckahoe"  who  was  'lit  first  pies-ding  justice  of 
Gcochland  coiint\'  in  172S. 

"The  Floming  family  was  of  early  ronov.a  in  rbn  tiiruc  kir.idoinc-:  Ene'-inJ,  Irtlarid, 
and  5(0tl:>n':l,  sevor.Miy.  The  e.-^ridon:  oi  Wigton  \v  la  c:ecuri'.  by  ja.~es  1.  of  Kngland 
(VI  of  Scotl.ind).  In  Stewart's  •Sketches  of  So.:iei  y  in  JJrirain."  there  is  an 
interc-ting  account  (if  a  visit  to  Cumberland  House,  Duiv.bjrionshire,  Scotland,  -.'n-i 
seat  of  .•\dmiral  Fleming,  nearly  related  to  the  Earle  of  Elphir^sto-ie  and  \Vi;,iton.  The 
following  appears  as  a  ma.-ginai  note  upon  a  copy  of  the  work  in  the  possession  of  C,  N. 
Woodson,  Esq.,  in  the  handn-riiing  of  his  father,  Charles  Woodson:  "John  F)en;ing, 
brcther  of  the  lace  Judge  William  Fleming,  of  the  court  of  appe.iis  of  Virginia,  -.vas  heir 
to  the  earldom  and  est.itf;  of  Wigton.  He  was  an  olficer  of  the  .--.riK-ricTn  FC'voluiion 
and  ff-!i  in  the  ser%  ice  of  his  country,  refusing  to  leave  h.;r  service;  lor  tlie  irni.-.eiise  esla-.;: 
aad  earldom  of  Wigton." 


i  ForRri!  r.rNKKATr'N 

I  1  he  naii;c  ct  che  rcpri  spntative  of  che  earldom  of  Wicton  ''n  17ol\  T,-nf, 

'  Charles   Flcminij.     i  K.    A.    Hmck   in    Richmond  Standard.)     2i   Tjr'u^ton 

[  Woodson"'-  made  a  deed  in  1721  in  Henrico  to  William  Randolph  f.-r  1  md 

'  conveyed   by    Nathaniel    Bacon   lo   his  grandfather   3    Robert   Woodbon,* 

in  1674.     In  1735  he  presented  in  Henrico  couii;  an  account  of  his  deceased 

fatiier's  estate.     He  died  in  1761.     His  will  is  dated  December  4,  1761,  in 

Chesterfield  county  and  names  six  children.     (W'm.  and  Mary  Quarterly.) 

n  22  John/  born  1G95  in  Henrico  county.     In  early  life  he  left  his  native  county 

went  up  James  River,  as  did  many  of  his  kinspeople,  and  located  in  Gooch- 
land county  where  he  became  prominent  in  public  j.fFaiis.  In  1724  he 
.  was  made  assistant  sur\-e\'or  of  Henrico  county  under  Capt.  Fra.nci.i  i-^ppcb. 
Shortly  after  this  he  nio\cd  lo  Goochland,  and  in  172S  was  one  of  the  iirbt 
associate  jusiice-^  of  that  count\-.  In  1741,  Joh'.  Woodson,  C"=ent.,  aged 
forty-si.\,  deposed  in  Goochland  that  in  1729  he  wem,  in  with 
Capt.  Richard  Cocke,  deceased,  to  the  forks  of  Janics  Ri\er  to  survey 
some  land:  that  he  surveyed  800  acres  on  the  sout'i  side  of  t'le  snu'.l-i  fork, 
and  Capt.  Cocke  offered  400  acres  thereof  to  his  nephew,  John  Cocke,  if  he 
would  come  and  live  on  the  land.  But  John  Cocke  declined,  and  thereupon, 
at  the  request  of  Capt.  Cocke,  William  Cannon  paid  the  survey,  and  can";e 
and  dwelt  on  the  land.  In  1732  he  was  commissioned  as  sherifT  of  Gooch- 
land, and  in  1739  he  is  mentioned  as  "Major  Woodson."  He  married 
Susannah  (Fleming)  Bates  (the  widow  of  John  Bates  of  \'ork  county), 
who  appears  to  have  been  a  daughter  of  Charles  and  Susannah  Fleming 
of  New  Kent.  He  made  his  will  January  3,  174S,  and  died  May  21,  1754, 
and  being  childless,  he  left  all  his  property  to  his  v.'ife,  Susannah.  His 
widow  survived  Idm  but  a  few  years.  Her  will  was  pro%-ed  in  Goochland, 
November  15,  1757.  and  names  five  children  b>'  her  first  husband,  as  foliows: 
Charles  Bates,  Fleming  Bates,  John  Bates.  James  Bates  and  daughter 
Hannah  Easlcy.     (Wm.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  \'.  X,  p.  44. 'i 

III  23  Robert,"*  born  about  1697  in  Henrico  county  and  srttl:.d  in  Goochland.     He 

married  Sarah  Womack,  and  died  in  1  729.     His  will  is  dated  April  !2,  1729, 
and  v>-as  proved  June  17,  1"29.     In  it  he  calls  himself  Robert  Woodson,  Jr., 
I  of  St.  James  Parish,  Goochland  count}",  and  names  "wife  Sarah  U'omack, 

j  and   brother,  Josiah,  and  sister,   Elizabeth.     Wife  Sarah,   friend  Thomas 

}■  Randolph,  and  William  Womack  are  named  as  executors.     He  left  no  i^suc, 

[  (Wm.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  vol.  X,  p.  45.) 

I  IV  24  Jacob/  born  about  1699  in  Henrico  county  where  he  spent  his  entire  life 

and  died  in   172S.     His  will  is  dated  July  4,   1726,  and  it  was  proved  in 

Henrico,  August  5    1728.     Being  unmarried  and  lia\'ing  no  issue,  he  devised 

to  his  brothers,  25  Josiah  and  26  Stei)hen,  land  at  the  moutii  of  Gsnitoe 

Creek,  in  Goochland,   formerh"  owned  by  his  father,   c  John  Wood~on,' 

and  bequeathed  by  him,  in  his  will,  dated  November  25,  1715,  to  his  son, 

'  24  Jacob,^  who,  witli  his  brothers  21   Tarleton,  22  John  and  23   Robert, 

I  ■ftere  made  executors  of  the  will;  and  as  such,  had  occasion  to  sue  Matthew 

;  Ligon,  executor  of  Richard  Figon,  in  Henrico  Ma\-  c-^urt,  1724.     (Wm.  and 

i  Mary  Qtly.,  V.  X,  p.  45.) 

rni;  ^\ooI).•;o^■s  .'iNi.  iHi'.iR  ■•onxkctions 

V  *  25  Josiah,-"  Lorn  about  1702  i:<  Her.rioo  r<>uiuy.  rpmoved  Xo  Goochland  when 
he  \vas  groft-n  and  took  pj-^c-.-ion  <•,!'  L-.nd  \\]ii-::h  had  boon  i.cque.itlieii  to 
him  by  hi*  father,  k  \v,;s  h.cTc  he  s;i,.-iu  iho  remainder  of  his  iifo.  He 
iT'.anied  Mary  Roy  dl.  tiaughter  of  C'ajitain  Jo-cph  koya!!  and  vifc, 
Elizabeth  Ivennon.  He  died  and  his  -will  was  proved  in  Goochland,  Xu- 
veinbcr  16,  173o.  In  it  he  names  wife.  Mary  Royaliand  children,  SS  JoI\n,^ 
to  whom  "the  plantation  wliere  I  now  reside,  bequeathed  to  me  by  my 
father,  6  John  Woodson,'  deceased ;  90  Joseph,*  to  whom  the  tract  purchased 
of  Joseph  Parsons;"  and  89  Elizabeth. ^  He  also  mentions  his  brothers, 
21  Tarlctoii*  and  22  John^  and  some  money  due  from  Col.  Thomas  Ran- 
dolph's estate.     (Wni.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  vol.  X,  p.  45.)     After  his  deatii  his 

widow  married  Joseph  !"arr;ir,  who  was  born and  (iicd  1749.      Jiis  will 

is  dated  August  14  and  proved  No\en]ber  21.  1849.  In  i;  he  bcnue.n'ns 
to  his  siei^son,  00  Joseph  Woodson^  part  ot  a  tract  on  Willis's  Ri\er,  and 
makes  his  wife,  Mary  Royall  and  her  suns,  88  Col.  John  Woodson'  and 
90  Joseph  Woodson^  executors.     (.See  \'a.  Mag.  vol.  IX,  p.  204.) 

VI  *  26  Stepheri,M-.r'rn  about  1704,  in  Henrico  O'unty  where  he  was  reared.  When 
about  grov  n  he  removed  to  Goochland,  married  Elizabeth  Branch,  who  vas 
descended  from  Christopher  Branch,  Gent.,  burgess  for  Henrico  in  1639. 
It  is  probable  that  26  Stephen  Woodson  married  before  leaving  Henrico. 
He  settled  in  Goochland  and  died  there.  His  will  is  dated  Februarv-  21, 
1735,  and  v,-as  proved  .Xovember  16,  1736.  He  names  wife  Elizabeth 
Branch  ar.d  children  91  Alatthew^  and  92  Eii.^a'rjcth^  but  does  not  n:e:iiion 
his  son  93  Stephen.''^  He  mentions  his  brothers  22  John-  and  25  Josiah* 
and  makes  them  and  Jo.^eoh  Parsons  executors.  (Win.  and  Mary  Qtlv., 
V.  X,  p.  45.) 

VII  *  27  Judith,*  born  about  1706  in  Henrico  county,  married  Stephen  Co.x  and 
settled  in  that  part  of  Goochland  county  south  of  James  Ri\'er,  whic;i  if. 
now  Cumberland  county.  Her  husband  died  there  ar.d  his  wi'i  was  proved 
in  Cumberland,  January  5.  1743,  and  names  wife  Judith  and  four  children. 

VIII  28  Elizabeth,^  born  about   170S.  in  Heniico  county,  'v'irginia.     She  married 

Joseph  Pleasants,  of  Pickanockie,  who  was  a  son  of  John  Pleasants,  who 
emigrated  from  Xorwich.  England,  in  1665.  to  \"irgiria,  settling  at  Curies 
on  James  River,  in  166S.  He  died  there  May  12,  169S,  aged  54  years. 
The  name  Pleasants  is  a  no  less  prondnent  one  in  Virginia  and  the  .^out'-.ern 
and  western  states  than  that  of  Woodson.  A  majority  of  the  family  until 
the  last  generation  have  lived  in  the  gentle  teners  of  the  Society  of  Friends. 
The  collateral  connections  of  Randolph,  Bates,  Atkinson,  V\'ebster,  Rrcoke, 
etc.,  have  reflected  honor  on  the  lineage.  (R.  A.  Brock,  Pres.,  Va.  His- 
torical Society.)  It  is  believed  that  28  Elizabeth  Woodson'  was  tiie  second 
wife  of  Joseph  Pleasants.  There  vs-as  no  issue  to  this  marriage.  By  his 
first  wife,  whose  name  was  Martha  Cocke,  he  had  probably,  several  children, 
one  of  whom  was  John  Pleasants'  of  Pickanockie,  who  married  81  Susannah 

FOUKTII  GENi:R.\TI')y  33 

Issue  o(  7   ROBr.RT  VrOODSON=  '.K'^!"-!!."-  J'.lir-)  by  hi.-^  f;r,-t  viiV-,  S.-rah  l.owN. 

I  *  29  Stephen/  burn  iibcur  16S2  in  Morrivo  county.  \\rirr>'  lie  v,-.!';  ro::re-!.  He 
ntarricd  livs  tirf-r  coii^Hii.  17  Mrir>  \\'o-._ii5on,'  dau.;-i:cr  of  liis  iniclo  9  Joseph 
Wov  u^on,'  who  died  ii;  Gcucli'.and  county  and  in  iii^  will,  dated  (Jctoijer 
15,  1735,  named  Lis  daughter  Mrir\-  -n  ho  married  29  Stephen  \\'uodson> 
29  Stephen  Woodson-"  was  guardi^iu  U>r  liis  wife's  \oungest  lirother  51 
Tucker  \\  tiodson.,^  and  indorsed  the  marriage  ceriiiic^.ie  when  Tucker  was 
marrictl  in  1741.  Stephen  died  in  Henrico  in  1761  and  his  will  wa-  proved 
there  b\,'  hi->  wife  47  Marj-.'' 

II  *  30  Joseph,''  horn  aljout  16S5  in  Henrico  county,  wa=  married  about  1709  to 
Elizah^.l!i  Maltt;.-;.  B\  his's  will  there  was  land  bequeathed  to  him 
in  Gtjochland.  (After  an  exhaustive  coi rcrpondencc  with  fiescfndants  of 
this  couple,  I  feel  safe  in  saying  that,  to  this  union  was  born  besides  others, 
one  sen,  98  Joseph,^  and  that  he  married  his  first  cousin  101  Elizabctli 
Parsons,^  daughter  of  33  Sarah  \\'oodson^  and  Joseph  Par=ons.  II.  M.  W.) 

III  31   Robert,'  hwrn  ab-'ut  1GP7  in  Henrico.     His  faiher.  in  bis  will,  Ju!y  C,  1729, 

bequeathed  Uj  him  land  in  Goochland  coi\nly.      He  died  v.itliout  itsLie. 

IV  32  Elizabeth,'  born  about  1690  in  Henrico  county,  "vas  married  abcat  1710 

to  John  Povall.     Sbie  is  named  in  her  father's  will,  dated  July  6,  1729. 

V  *  33  Sarah,'  bor:i  aboiu  1692  in  Henrico  county,  was  married  prubab'y  about 
1712,  to  Joseph  Parsons.     She  is  named  in  her's  will,  July  6,  1729. 

VI  34   Marj','  born  iri  Henrir(j  about  1695  and  died  univiarri-jd. 

VII  35  Agaes,'  born  about  1697,  in  Henrico,  was  married  about  1729  co  Richard 


Issue  dy  R.\chi;l  \V.\tkins,  Sf.coxD  WiFi:  or  7  Robkkt  Woodson.^ 

VIII  36  Jonathan,'  born,  probably,  in  Henrico.     He  is  named  in  his's  will 

but  nothing  more  is  known  of  him. 

IX  *  37  Elizabeth,'  v^-as  undoubtedly  born  in  Henrico,  as  her  father  lived  and  died 
in  th;;T  count}'.  It  appears  her  father  had  two  d,."^hte-'-  nan-'.ed 
Elizabeth — one  by  each  v.ife — the  eider  sister  married  John  Povall  ana 
this  one  marrit;d  John  Knigh:  and  settled  in  Lunenburg  county  VN-here  he 
died  and  his  will  was  proved  March  12,  1772,  and  names  wife  Elizabetn  and 
ten  children.  The  v/iil  was  witnessed  by  .Miller  V.'oodson  and  Thomas 
JeiTres.     (See  Vm.  and  Mary  '^f''}-  '^'-  ^-'  P-  ^^-^ 

X  3S  Judlrn,^  born  in   Henrico  and   married  Joim  Cocke.      Nothing  definite  is 

known  concerning  her  dccendanls  but  they  are  supposed  to  have  been 
very^  prosperous  people,  as  she  w:)s  caiied  ''the  mother  ot  ai!  '.he  money- 
making  Ccoke.s." 

1H1-;  \v()(:>r..~' 'N^  \nd  tjiicik  rnNM-.cnox': 

Issue  of  8   RICHARD  WOODSON    (Robert.Mohn'')  and  Arp.  Smith. 

I  *  39  Richard,' horn  aljom.  l()'/()  in  flunrirn  cuunts'.  /iriivir,;;  at  r',)-.' a>;i- of  yoiin? 
manhoi'.i,  he  1.  ciic;!  in  (  mh  iciilati'I  i.mi;iu\'  wii.  re  b-e  i).rU-ni.ei3  aini  f'then.vise 
acquiroJ  siK-h  inmica.-.:-  tract?  of  laii'.l  ;!iai  ho  ramo  to  be  known  as  ''  Ikiror." 
Woodson.  IL-  Lucr  Ivailt  his  h'Hi-.o  "Poplar  Hill,"  in  Prince  Echvard 
counl\-.  He  was  niarrii.-il  about  1715  uj  Anne  Madclin  Michiaux.  daughter 
of  Abraluim  Michaiix  an(j  Susanne  Rochettc,  Huguenots  who  had  settled 
at  iManlkin  Town  in  1701  or  1702.     She  was  born  in  Holland  a'lout  Ir,'.',;. 

"Diirint;  the  reli^-iou^  pcrsccutiuu  copm  qiUMit  upon  tlie  revocation  of  the  I-.tirn  o! 
Nantcr-,  ivhjch  was  jignei!  by  Louis  Xl\',  of  France,  on  October  IS,  1655,  and  publi^Ui:'! 
four  days  afterwards,  Susanne  f\0'-hcttc  Hm.'I  in  Sedan,  F'-atico.  When  aboiit  fincen 
yeai?  of  age  she  escaped  to  A:risrcrdani  where  she  married  Abraham  Michaux,  a  HuijU"- 
not,  and  continued  in  !l,>llTnd  until  she  had  six  children.  They  emigrated  to  Virginia 
and  settled  in  Manikin  Town  in  Goochland  county  early  in  the  eij;ht"c:iti'  century. 
Abraham  Michaux  was  a  nephew  of  the  celebrated  Mr.  jaracs  Saurin,  minister  cf  the 
French  Church  of  the  :~a\-oy  in  the  Strand,  Lonfl.jn,  in  the  year  ITOo.  .\  prayer  book, 
with  this  note  in  French  inscribed  on  a  blank  page:  '.M.  Saurin,  minister,  has  sent 
this  Book  of  Common  Prayer  to  his  nephew  Abraham  Michaux  in  Virginia.'  was  pre- 
sented in  1S57.  by  H.  F.  Cabell,  Esq..  throu.a;h  Bishop  ?»Ieade,  to  the  Theological  Semi- 
nary at  .Alexandria,  X'irginia.      (Cabells  and  llieir  Kin,  p.  -"2.^' 

"Abraham  .Mici'.aux  was  born  in  Sedan,  France  in  1672  and  died  in  Virginia  i.i 
1717.  He  was  'inscribed'  member  of  the  French  Huguenot  Churcli  in  Amsterdam, 
Holland,  January  2S,  l&9i.  There  he  married  Susanne  Rochc-tte  on  July  1.^,  1692. 
Their  chih.lren  were  baptized  as  follows:  Anrc,  May  7,  169.5;  Jane,  January  3,  1697; 
Jacob,  Au-.i;-t  15.  \7m.  (See  Archives  of  Holland  Church.)  On  May  S,  1701,  they 
left  Am?tei'dam  for  London,  England,  and  from  there  came  to  Virginia,  probably  the 
same  year  or  in  1702.  His  uncle,  Rev.  James  Saurin,  sent  him  the  jbovs-meatioi\ed 
prayer  book  in  1703.  At-raham  Michaux  died  in  I7!7  and  his  wif%  S':^air.-e,  died  in 
17-14.  in  her  will,  recorded  in  Cioochland,  siie  mention.-  children  as  follows,  (li  A.n;;.- 
Madelin  Michaux  (born  1693,  in  Holland;  was  married  in  \"irg;iriia  to  35  Rich.crd  V\'cod- 
son').  (2)  Susanne  2.1ichaux  (Iborn  in  Holland  about  1695;  was  married  ir:  '.'irg'.nia  to 
John  Quia  of  Henrico,  and  had  a  daughter,  Judith  fjn'n,  who  married  126  Richard 
Morion,"  sen  of  Thomas  Morton  and  42  Elizabeth  Woodsun-").  (3;  jane  2.I:-.„-dalc." 
Michaux  (born  about  1597  in  Holland;  married  Peter  Le  Grande).  f4~i  Judith  Michai^x 
(born  about  1099  in  Holland,  and  married  -Anthony  Morgan).  (.')  Jacob  Michaux 
(born  in  1700,  in  Holland,  was  married  in  Virginia  to  43  Judith  Vi'codson*).  (6)  Eliza- 
beth Michaux  (born  about  1701.      It  is  not  known  po-itiveb-  wha'her  her  birth  occurred 

in  Holland,  England  or  Virj^-inia.     She  married  Sanburne  IVoodscn).      (7.   Esther 

Mary  ?>Iichaux  (was  probably  born  about  1703  in  Vi,  ..i,i:iia,  ana  married  Alexar.ucr 
Cunningham.).  (See  Michaux  family  Bible  and  Pra>er  I3oo'-:,  Episcopal, 
Alexandria,  \'ir£inia;  and  will  of  Abraham  Michaux)." 

The  above  Michaux  data  was  received  from  Mrs.  Jennie  Morton  Cu nnini^han-..  oi 
BcKe  \'ernon,  i'ennsyivania.  The  home  of  i'j  Ixichard  Woodsor.,'  in  Fririte  Kdw.Td 
county,  was  caUed  "Poplar  Hill,"  and  he  was  sometimes  called  ''Richsrd  V.'oodson  cf 
Poplar  Idill."      He  died' . 

"F'is  wife,  .Vnne  Michiux,  li\  d  to  a  great  age,  but  was  survived  by  only  two 
daughters,  .Agnes  and  Elizabeth.  The  tradition  of  her  many  virtues  is  preserved  among 
her  numerous  descendants  to  this  day.  Her  strong  character  and  devoted  piety  made 
an  indelible  impression  t!pon  those  who  had  ihe  liappiness  lo  know  her."  (See  2>ieade's 
Old  Churches  and  Families  of  Virginia.) 

Those  Huguenots,  tiri'-en  from  th..-ir  r.ativc  co!;ntry  by  rrue!  persecu- 
tion, '.y-ere  distinguisiied  for  their  virtue,  pie-ry  a:ui  ind'istrj'  wherever  they 
went;  and  their  strong  character  \\a,s  in;pre:?ecl  upon  all  the  countrie:>  in 

rOfKlIi  crXl'.RATK'N" 

'.vliich  tiiey  foiiivj  refuse.  \\  ii'.iam  of  Orange  reci  .;!;•.-"''.  i;i..;  hicli  charactLT 
of  these  people  when  Iv  otL  red  tliem  as^lini!  in  MTv^',.  The  voimg 
American  colony  "/is  onh  U'-i  £;!,'.ci  to  gi\o  them  ihe  lillle  ierrii(_ir\^  at 
M;inikiu  Town  v>  here  they  might  [lersiie  their  vocations  and  "wv^r^-liip 
God  under  thrir  own  vine  jiid  fig  tree,  none  darinu  to  moiest  them  nor  to 
make  thcni  afr.iid."  And  from  the  frequency  with  which  marital  relations 
v/ere  consummated,  it  would  seem  that  the  young  men  and  maidens  of  the 
Woodson  family,  too,  had  acquired  some  insight  into  Huguenot  character 
and  wortli. 

40  Obadiah,'  born  about  1T12  in  Henrico  county,  n^arried  in  1734  Constance 
Vv'atkins,  daughter  of  Jnhji  W'aikins  "the  Tray  maker."  He  Iield  trie  lank 
of  captain  and  comm.inded  a  company  oi  niihiia  as  s!iow:"i  In'  the  [oilowing 
letter  addressed  to  him  by  Gov.  Dinwiddie,  and  found  in  the  Virginia 
Historical  Collection.  (Dinwiddie  Papers).  1.553608G 

"Governor  Dinv.i.idi^  lo  C.iptain  Obadiah  Woodson. 

"Xov'r  2ty-M,  1755. 


"  I  rec'd  y'r?  of  t'le  13th  y's  D.iy,  I  am  sorry  for  the  Disappiont'l  in  riot  having  n".cn 
sufficient  to  undertake  w';  yuu  propos'd  ag'st  the  Shav.noL-s,  and  tji  the  DisaDpointm't 
of  the  Cherokees.  I  am  afraid  I  was  imposed  on  by  Pearis,  thtir  intorprcter,  ai'.d  1  htar 
the  Sha-.vnees  have  gore  to  the  So'w'd  to  join  the  Creeks,  and  ha\-e  'efv  y'r  Town,  bat 
y's  wants  confirmat'n.  Under  these  several  Disappointm'ts,  I  .''.m  of  opinion  you  hac! 
better  ret'n,  and  if  any  thing  can  be  done  in  FebVy  or  March  vvs  may  then  cridea\'r 
to  prosecute  v. 't  you  formerly  propos'd,  and  if  you  are  not  near  Capt.  flogg,  I  suppose 
the  Inhabit'ts  viW  take  care  of  the  Fort  built  by  Capt'n  Smith.  Sam'!  Overton  pro- 
poses to  go  at  the  aViove  time  on  the  same  project  if  hereafter  it  sh'd  be  tho't  eiigible, 
I  am  glad  no  mischief  ha-  been  lately  dune  by  the  Ind's,  and  I  hope  ihe  Inhalnt'ts  v.i'.l 
return  to  y'r  plantat's,  as  they  have  Forts  to  retire  to  on  occasion  or  in  atiy  Dis'reis. 

1  doubt  not  of  y'r  frugal  care  of  the  money  you  had,  and  I  hope  it  T.iil  sumce  r.iil 
you  retu'n. 

I  ?m.,  with  respect,  S'r  V'r  most  h'ble  Serv't, 

Hi  *  41  John,'  born  about  1697  in  Henrico,  v.-as  married  probibly  abotit  172C,  to 
Elizabeth  Anderson,  daughter  of  Thomas  Andersen  of  Haaovei  coun'y. 

iV  *  42  Elizabeth,'  born  about  1699  in  Henrico,  where  it  appears  she  spenr  her 
entire  life.  She  was  twice  married;  first  to — Tliomas  ^b>rton  about  the 
year  1718.  He  died  in  17.31  and  his  will  was  proved  "First  rnonday  in 
April.  17.31,"  and  names  wife  Elizabeth  aiul  five  childr.-;i.  On  Seprember 
20,  1740,  Elizabeth  fWoodson)  iNIorton  of  Henrico,  made  a  deed  to  her 
children,  128  Thomas  Morton,  127  John  Morton,  l.^-C  Ann  Morton, 
129  Judith  ?viu.-ion,  and  nephew  Samuel  Morton,  brother  to  Joseph  Morton, 
It  was  alter  making  this  deed  that  she  was  married,  second,  to  Edmond 

V  *  43  Judith,'  born  about  1703  in  Henrico,  was  married  about  1722  to  Jacob 
Miehaux,  son  of  Abraham  Michaux  and  Susanne  Rocherte,  Huguenots  of 
Manikin  Town  in  C^oo^hiand  county.  Jacob  Muliauv  was  born  in  Amster- 
clan;,  HoUand,  in  1700, 


VI  44  Mary,'  l.urii  .iboui  1707  in  Ilenrico,  and  was  n-.arriod  lo  Rich.ird  TiiHr.:-.n. 

VII  *  4n  Agues,' born  FrbraarN  27,  1711,  in  tUnrico  arn!  died  March  10,  ISu?.  Sho 
was  married  about  1730  to  Joseph  Morton  wjio  was  born  1709,  au'i  died 
June  28,  17S2.     He  settled  at  Little  Roanoke  Bridge,  in  Charlotte  count)-, 

Virginia,  about  1745;  was  a  sur\eyor  b\'  occupation,  and  secreu-.r\-  to  — 

Randolj'h.  He  was  founder  of  Briery  Presbyterian  Church,  A\as  first 
ruling  elder  and  first  trustee.  Was  trustre  visitor  and  nianatjer  of  Hani|)den 
Sidney  College;  justice  of  tlie  peace  of  Charliittc  C(mnt\-  1769,  and  nicml-'Lr 
of  the  committee  of  safety  in  Charli'tie  county,  February,  1775.  (See 
Foote's  Sketches  of  '-.'ireinia,  vols.  I  and  11.)  This  Joseph  rvlortoa  was  a 
nephew  of  Thomas  Morion  who  married  42  Eli/abeih  Woodson.' 

Issue  of  9  JOSEPH    V/OODSON^    (Robert,-'   John')    and    his    wife,    IS    Mary   Jane 

Woodson'  (John,"'  John,-  John'.) 
I  46  John,'  born  about  1704  in  Henrico  county,  and  is  named  in  the  •.vi!l  cf  his 

maternal  grandmother,  Ma!"y  (Tucker)  Woodson,  in  1710.     He  died  your;g. 

II  47  Mary,'  born  aboiu  1706  in  Henrico,  and  is  named  in  tlie  will  of  licr  maternal 

grandmother,  !Mar\-  (Tucker)  Woodson  in  1710.  She  was  niairied  about 
1724  to  her  hrst  cousin  29  Stephen  Woodson,'  son  of  her  uncle  7  Robert 
Woodson.''     For  issue  see  29  Stephen  V.'oodson.' 

III  48  Joseph,'  born  about  1709  in  Henrico,  and  is  named  in  t!ie  ^ill  of  his  nuircrjial 

grandmother  Mary  (Tucker)  ^^'oodso^,  in  1710.     Died  \oung. 

IV  *       49  Judith,'  born,  probably  in  Goocliland  county,  about   1712.     She  married 

Charles  Christian  of  that  county,  about  the  year  1730. 

V  50  Martha,'   born  about    1716  in   Goochland   couniv,   and   married   her   rirst 

cousin  61  John  Cannon.'  son  of  her  atmt  13  Juditii  Woodsor..'  Tliis 
couple  are  supposed  to  ha\'e  settled  in  Buckingham  county,  as  there  i.s  li 
deed  on  record  from  John  Cannon  and  Martha,  !ii-:  v  ife,  of  Br.rki:;gl;ani, 
to  David  Ross  of  Goochl.'tnd  county. 

\I  *  51  Tucker,'  born  about  1720  in  GoochIan<i  county,  Virginia  wni:re  he  was 
reared  and  received  such  education  as  the  schools  of  his  county  a.^orded. 
He  was  tv.-ice  married;  iirst,  on  March  S,  1741,  to  Saraii  Hughes,'  daus.bter 
of  Robert  Hughes-  of  Cumberland  count\'.  His  brother-in-law,  29  Stephen 
Woodson,''  was  his  guardian  and  the  necessary  certificate.  After  the 
death  of  his  ^.■ife  he  married,  secon  i.  on  October  14,  1  760.  Alary  XetLerland. 
daughter  of  Wide  Xetheriand  who  was  justice  of  the  paicj  in  Goochla'-:d  in 
1741,  and  also  in  Cumberland  in  1749,  after  county  was  cut  ofT  from 
Goochland.  51  Tucker  Woorlson'  located  in  Albemarle  and  was,  tor  a 
time  colonial  cleric  of  that  county.  It  is  stated  iu  Wiiliam  ;:P.d  Mar\- 
Quarterly  that,  in  176';  he  made  a  deed  of  gift  to  his  viauf^hter  142  Jane,' 
who  married  Robe.'t  Levis  of  "The  B)rd."  He  die  J  ;:bt;u;  tlie  beginriii;g 
of  the  Re\o!utionar\  War. 


THK  rirr.iiKS  iamilv 

As  loporiod  in  W'illiarr.  ami  Mar\-  QL-aiterly.  TIic  '.viii  uf  Mr-;.  Sarah 
Hughes'  was  provei-1  in  Goochland  county,  Ma\-  19,  i7oO.  it  is  Jatrtl 
June  8,  172.^  and  names  jjrandchild  irii/.aheth  Cannon  and  seven  children: 
(1)  Robert  Hughes,'-  executor  of  the  will:  t2)  Stephen  Hughes.'  (3)  Ashford 
Hughes,-  (4:)  Sarah  Atkinson,-  (5)  Elizabeth  Liles.-  (6)  Mary  Hughes,- 
(7)  Isaac  Hughes.-  Robert  Hughes-  made  his  wiil  July  1.^,  1750,  which 
was  proved  in  Cumberland  October  25,  1752.  He  name^  his  wife,  Martlia, 
and  daughters:  (1)  Sarah, ^  who  married  51  Tucker  Woodson,-'  (2)  Mary 
Walton,''  wife  of  George  Walton  (marriage  bond,  IVTa>-  22,  174^^) ;  (3)  Mai  tha  . 
Walton;'  (4)  Susannah  Hughes,'  (5)  Temperance,''  married  Henry  Watkins 
(marriage  bond  1760);  (6)  Abraham  Hughes;'  (7)  Robert  Hughes,' 

Stephen  Hughes-  made  his  will  July  6,  1749,  which  was  prc'-jd  in 
Cumberland,  Xovcmber  28,  1752.  It  names  wife  clizabctli  and'e, 
(1)  Judith  Cox,'  (2)  John  Hughes,'  (3)  Joseph  Hnghjs,'  (4)  El^-abeth 
Hughes,'  married  66  Sanburne  Woodson.^ 

Isaac  Hughes-  made  his  will  in  Cumberland  in  1758.  He  lea\-(.s'haif 
his  estate  to  Polly  Mosby,  and  in  case,  of  her  death,  to  her  brother  (jcorije 
Walton,  and  the  other  half  to  his  wife  islartha. 

Rofiert  Hughes'  (Robert,-  Sarah')  made  his  will,  which  was  proved  in 
Cumberland  October  27,  1760.  He  names  his  wife  Ann  Hughes,  and 
children,  (1)  Jesse,-*  eldest  son;  (2)  Robert  Hughes,^  (3)  Da\-id  Hughes,^ 
(4)  F^rances  Hughes,'  (5)  Martha  Hughes. - 

Robert  Hughes'"  (Robert,'  Robert,^  Sarah')  had  issue;  i  l)  John  Hughes/ 
to  whom  his  father,  Robert,-*  made  a  deed  in  1763;  (2)  Joseph  Hughes,-'' 
who  died  without  issue  in  1756;  (3)  Elizabeth  Hughes,^  \rho  married  217 
John  Woodson,"  of  Four  Mile  Creek;  (4)  Judith  Hughes.^ 

Issue  of  10   BENJAMIN  WOODSON'-  (Robert ,=  John')  and  Sarah  Porter. 

I  *  52  'William,-'  born  about  1690,  in  Henrico  county,  -.vas  married  about  1712  to 
Sarah  Allen.  He  located  in  that  part  of  Goochland  wb.ich  afterwards 
bocam.e  Cumberland  county.  In  172  7  he  deeded  to  Ib:-:.ry  H^/hnan.  l.-.nd 
patented  by  father,  10  Benjamin  Woodson,'  deceased.  In  1737  he 
deeded  to  Henry  Tandy  of  Henrico,  part  of  1500  acres  in  Goochland, 
which  had  been  granted,  April  11,  1732,  to  52  \Vil!iam  Woodscn,^  5r^  Ben-" 
jamin  Woodson.  Jr.,  54  Jo-eph  Woodson,  Jr.,  55  John  Woodson,  Jr.,  and 
56  Robert  Wo<)d.-on,  Jr.'  In  174.5  he  made  a  join.,  deed  with  his  brot'.;er- 
in-law.  James  Daniel.  (See  W.  &  M.  Qtly.,  \'.  X.)  He  died  at  his  home  in 
Cumberland  county,  as  shown  by  his  wii'  which  reads  a--,  ioilows: 

Cumber!.-^ !-.'i  CoiMity,  Xr.  ,  Jii-.c  2i,  I  •.■?5. 
I,  William  Wcorison.  of  the  Couniy  afor..-^:;id,  dot(.  r-alv-.-  ■.■■.■.v\  ■j.-daui  f'ni^  to  be  my 
last  -will  and  testatr:ent,  in  m.-muer  and  form  foUowir-^,  that  is  :o  say,  ittn,  I  "avo  C"n- 
veyed  to  :ny  son,  !5o  Js^se  Woodson  by  a  deed,  ackposviedged  to  bi-.n,  for  such  a  part 
of  my  estate  as  i  intended  for  hir.-.  and  no  more.  The  remainder  of  my  estate  now  :n 
possession  of  Jesse  Woodson,  1  gi-.e  and  devise  to  be'  equally  c!ividi-.d  brt-.veen  my 
grandson,  Dru'-y  Woodson,"  the  son  of  156  Drury  \\\jOil'tiii,-  and  a-.y  ^'•j!;'i-.on  WilliaiU 
Woodson,*  the  son  of  154  Shadraek  \V'oodson.> 


I  .c;ive  ami  (icvl-^c  to   Dniry  aik!   Willl.un  en.:   liunMrv.!  a.iil  f.v.-nty-fivo  acrof  of 
lam.!,  p.iit  of  a  sriCL  t'.jt  I  t;ave  to  Siuuir.i.k  Woo  i-  in,  to  tboiii  ,"iii1  tluir  ho!.'-*  forever' 
!  njininatv  aiul  api'^int  150  DruiN-  \Vjod~uii'  Kxtiyjlor  of  tlii^,  r.iy  l.i-t  will  and 

bigncci,  sealeii  ar..!  arknowledgcj  in  presence  of  lis. 
Teste,  ^■is 

Saml  Taylor  William  X   Woodson  LS. 

his  mark 

Wm   X   Harris  •  ' 

Mary  Woodson. 
At  a  court  field  for  Cumberland  County  July  J7,  17S5,  This  last  wiU  and  testaraeiit 
of  William  Woodson,  deceased,  was  exhiljited  in  Court  fiy  Drury  Woodson,  the  Executor 
therein  named  and  proved  by  the  witnesses  thereto  and  ordered  to  be  recorded,  and  on 
the  motion  of  the  said  Executor,  who  rnaJc  oath  accordinc;  to  law,  certificate  is  granted 
him  for  ol)taining  a  probate  -.hereof,  in  due  form,  jiving  security.  Whereupon,  he  v, ;..ii 
Samuel  Tavlor,  surety,  entered  into  bond  according  to  law. 


MiLLKS    \Vm.-d<ON,  Clerk. 

II  *  53  Benjamin,''  'oorn  about  1692,  in  Henrico  cotiiu\-,  married  aboat  1730, 
Elizabetli  Watkins,  who  was  born  1712,  daughter  of  Thomas  W.itkins  of 
Swift  Creek,  and  located  in  that  part  of  Goochland  T>-hich  was  cut  )!t  in 
174-9  and  constituted  Cumberland  county.  He  died  and  his  will  was  proved 
in  Goochland,  August  19.  1735.  His  widow  afterwards  married  William 
Daniel,  a  brother  of  Captain  James  Daniel  who  married  5S  Eli;'.-'beth 

Ill   *       54  Joseph,^  born  about  1694  in  Henrico  county,  was  married  about  1724  to 

Susannah  Watkin-,  v.-ho  was  born  1706,  (LiULrhter  oi  Thomas  Watkins  of 
Swift  Creek,  in  that  part  of  Cumberland  which  afterwards  became  Pow- 
hatan county. 

"Thomas  Watkins  resided  on  Swift  Creek  in  Powhatan  cot;nty.  His  i\  il!  w.4= 
recorded  in  Cuml.itrland  county  in  1760,  at  the  ter:Ti  of  the  court,  and 
children    as    follows:     (1)     Susannah    Watkins,    born    1706,    and    married    54    Jos-f.h 

Woodson  of  Powhatan  county.      (2)     Jaeji  Watkins,  born   1708,  m.arried .     Her 

two  sons  Joseph  and  Thomas,  are   mentioned  in  their  grandi'ather's  w:ii.      v-'t   Mary 

Watkins,  born  1710,  ar^d  m.arried  Robert  Woodson  of  Ooochiand.      'A"    Elizabeth 

Watkins,  born  1712  and  married  53  Benjamin  Woodson.'  Ho  died  .A.ugt:st,  iTJo,  and 
she  afterwards  married  William  Daniel,  brother  of  Caotain  James  Daniel.  {5}  Thomas 
Watkins  "of  Chickahorainy,"  born  1714,  and  died  17S3.  He  married  Miss  Fanny 
Anderson,  was  vestryman  of  St.  John's  Church,  Henrico  parish,  Virgin!.-;.  The  late 
Mr.  Leigh  says  of  him:  'He  was  a  man  of  the  highest  respectability  frcni  e'  ery  poirt 
of  view,  and  in  particular,  a  man  of  the  most  indefatigable  industry.'  He  left  a  large 
family  of  children,  four  sons  and  seven  daughter.-,,  who  manifested  profound  reverence 
for  th.eir  father  and  endeavored  rehgiou-!y  to  carry  cue  the  terms  of  hi?  will,  even  at 
considerable  lo.-^s  to  themselves.  (.6)  Joel  Watkins,  born  1716.  He  was  on'j  of  tr^e 
executors  of  his  fii.thcr's  will.  (7)  Stephen  Watkins,  born  1720,  died  1755.  His 
children  Stephea  and  Elizabeth  arc  mentioned  in  the  will  of  their  grandfather  as 
residing  in  .\melia  county.  wS',  Benjamin  Watkins,  born  1725.  Ko  was  the  youngest 
child  of  Thomas  W.itkins  of  '.^wirt  Creek."      (See   C.italog  by  F.  X.  Watkins,  :S5iS.) 

I\'  *  55  John,-'  h-jrn  about  1696  in  Henrico  county,  ft  appears  that  he  and  his 
four  brother-,  left  their  n.'itive  county  about  the  same  time  and  went  up 
the  James  Ri\er  \'alley  in  search  of  desirable  locations;  and  a'i  ol   them 

Forr^TH  (.i:m:k.\tm(N  39 

securc(.i  ian.d  and  scidod  in  iluii  i'.art  of  GoocliLn-.d  i-oauty  lying  soiitii  cf 
Janut  Ri\er.  ar.d  v.  hirli  \v  i.s  cut  ciT  in  I'M'?,  and  n.-.v  fornia  Cumljcrtand 
an.l  P.iwhatan  >.>in;tii.->.  55  Jciin  Wood.-dn'  l.^ralcd  in  Souihain  parisl; 
in  \\1  ,\t  is.  iv'.v  v.'uniherl and  c<n!ni\-.  TIicTl-  i^  a  deed  daicd  Dcccnibi.r 
10,  1747,  wiiich  :-ho-,vs  at  tiiat  time  the  jiL  re  >it  his  residcnte  \va= 
called  "Gooehland,"  for  the  reason  that,  it  !u'.d  not  then  been  or'j;ani/ed 
into  Cumberland  county.  (See  \\  m.  aitd  Mar\-  Qt!\-.,  \'.  X.  p.  I'JQ.)  lie 
was  married  August,  1731,  to  Mar>-  Miller,  liaiighlcr  of  Williain  Miller 
of  Lancaster  county.  The  marria;j;e  bond  is  recorded  in  Lancaster,  and 
is  as  follows: 

Know  all  n'.en  L>  those  presents  th.\t  we,  John  Woodron,  of  tlic  co'inty  of  Gcoch 
land,  aiid;  Miller  of  the  coniit>  of  Lancistei-,  are  hA<\  and  firiiily  bound  jiito 
our  Sovreign  Lord,  King  George  ye  second,  in  ye  sum  of  fifty  p.juiids,  current  money 
of  Virginia,  to  be  p;ud  to  our  s'd  Sovreign  Lord,  his  heirs  or  successor.^;  to  ye  w'ch 
Payment,  wel  and  truly  to  be  made,  we  bind  ourselves,  our  heirs,  Ex'ors  .ind  .\dni'ri, 
jointly  and  severally  firmly  by  tliese  presents.      Date.'  th'>  T-nth  day  oi  Auga,.-t,  17ol. 

The  condition  of  this  oblisation  is  such  that,  whereas  chero  is  a  License  desin-':  ;or 
a  marriage  Intended  between  the  above  bound  John  Woodson,  and  Mary  Miller  of 
ye  county  of  Lancaster  aforesaid.  If,  therefore,  there  is  no  Lawful  cai.^c  lo  Obstruct 
the  s'd  marriage,  then  this  obligation  to  be  void;  otherwise  tn  remain  in  liiH  force  and 

Sealed  and  delivered,  JOHS  WoonscN 

in  presence  of  Wilmav  :\:it.lEk 

Thos.  Edwards 
Georgc  \V.\rrick. 

V  *  56  Robert,-'  born  about  169S  in  Henrico.  At  an  early  age  be  left  his  native 
county  and  v.cni  up  James  River  to  Goochland  and  secured  land  on  the 
south  side  of  the  river  uhere  he  settled  permanently.  It  was  probably 
about  1720  that  lie  married  Rebecca  Pryor,  daiit,hter  of  John  Pryor  ol 
Goochland.  He  died  in  1  750  and  his  will  was  proved  September  19,  1750. 
and  names  seven  children.  The  will  of  his  father-in-law,  J(/hn  PVyor,  '.vis 
proved  in  Goochland,  August  19.  1755.  and  dangbter  .-\nne  V.r:t,hi, 
and  grandson  16S  John  Woodson. -■  [See  Wm.  arid  ?vlary  Q''/'-'  ^  ^< 
p.  191.) 

VI  57  Sarah/  born  aboii*-  the  year  1700  in  Henrico,  and  married  John  Allen. 

VII   *       5S  Elizabeth,^  born  aliout  1703  in  Henrico,  was  m.airied,  probably  about  1721, 
'     to  Captain  JatTie.^  I),miel  who  was  sheriff  of  Goochland  c(junty,  li'43,  and 
of  Albenuarle  coun;y  i.-i    1754.     His  will,  dated   October,   30,   1760,  was 
proved  in  Ailjcniarie,  February  12,  1761. 

Issue  of  1  2.  ELIZABETH  WOODSOK,'  i^Roberr,^  J.,:hn=)  and  ^Villla^l  Lcwir.. 

I  59  William  Lev,-is,  Jr.,^  is  mention-.d  in  his  father's  '.vill,  but  the  dates  and 

places  of  his  birth  and  death  are  not  known. 

II  60  Joseph  Lewis,'  also  named  in  his  father's  will.      In   1707  his  grandfather, 

3  Robert  \Vood,son.=  of  Henrico,  made  a  deou  to  ihe-ic  two  grandsons, 
William  Lewis,  Jr.,  and  Jo-eph  Lewis.  (See  W:;?.  and  AUir>-  0'5y-,  V.  IK, 
p.  255.) 

40  Till-;  woonsiK.s  and  tiii-ik  conm-*.  tion: 

Issue  of  13   JUL'ITH  WOODSON-'' CR(.!.-rt. -John')  a'v;  V\";;ii.ini  Taiin,  II.     yoni'lhf-n- 

tio  itrortls  Iirnc  ;i',-oP,  i)ht.;ini.-il  L'Ut  it  is  b-.Uovf'J  t!i;.it  :-in-i';.ii  rhi!i.:i '.  n  u.'-rc 
born  to  l!iis  iir.ion,  otu-  <:{  \vli'..ii  was 

I  61   John  Cannon,"  who  n  arric(i   lii?   tiri.t  cousin  50   Martiia  Woodson,'  and 

scliltd  in  Buckingham  count)-  where  they  cxecuttd  a  deed  to  W'iljiam  Ross 
of  Go(.)chland. 

Issue  of  1  4  MARY  WOODSON^  a-^o'^crt,'  John')  and  George  Payne. 

I  *  62  Josias  Payne,'  born  October  30,  1705,  in  Goochland  county,  died  December, 
17S5.  His  will  was  proved  December  19,  1785,  in  Pitts\  Ivania  county. 
He  married  Av.v.  Fleming  about  1732.  Durin-^  tluu  \ear  lie  and  his  wife 
made  a  deed  which  is  recorded  in  Goochland  county.  lie  was  a  member  of 
the  house  of  burgesses  in  1762. 

11  *  63  George  Payne,  J'.,'' b(j- n  No\ember21,  1707,  in  Goochland  county,  die;i 
March,  1784.  His  will,  dated  February  23,  1781,  was  probated  Marchl!', 

in  64  Robert  Payne,-"  born  March  16,  1709,  in  Goochland  county,  and  died  -wiih- 

otit  issue. 

IV  *  65  J-ohn  Psyne,^  born  December  4,  1713,  in  Goochland  couaty,  died  July  28, 
1784.  He  was  frequently  a  member  of  the  ho;:se  of  burgesses.  He  v/as 
twice  married.  The  name  of  his  first  wife  is  not  know-n.  He  was  married 
second,  on  J-nne  23.  1757,  to  Mrs.  Jane  Chidcster,  widosv  of  John  Chideste'' 
of  Lancaster  count)',  daughter  of  Philip  Smith  of  .\orthuin!-;er!and  county. 
Philip  Smitl>  was  a  son  of  John  Smith  and  wife  .Mar;.-  \\'arn,:r,  '.-.ho  was 
a  daughter  of  Col.  Augustine  Warner  of  Warner  Hall.  The  wife  of  P'ailio 
Smith  w-as  Mary  MatthiAvs,  daughter  of  Baidivin  .Matthcvvs.  i^See  Wm. 
and  Mary  Qtly.) 

From,  the  f(jregoing  it  will  be  seen  that  there  were  fifty-jne  people  bor;- 
into  the  fourth  generation  of  the  descendants  of  D;.  Jc^hn  Woodson,  and 
Sara,  his  wife.  Nearh-  all  of  them  were  born_  in  Henrico  county.  Sone 
of  thern,  however,  were  born  in  Griochiand,  their  parents  havii-.glelt  the 
native  heath  at:'!  mo\-ed  w-estv.-ar-.i,  up  the  James  Fti'.-er,  .,ecured  lands  or;d 
settled  in  various  pr^.'ts  of  that  e.'Ctensive  territory  called  Goochland  county, 
which  has  since  iiecn  subdi\-ided  into  se\-t  ral  other  coimtie-;  as  they  exist 
today.  U  mu^t  be  re.niembered  that  ail  tnat  portion  of  the  country  was 
still  infested  wirh  murderous  Indians  who,  naturally,  had  no  love  for  the 
Caucassians,  whom  tliey  regarded  as  intruders.  The  coumry  was  rugged 
covered  with  forests,  filled  with  lurking  foes,  c-.nd.  e^rremely 
difficult  of  access.  So  w-hen  our  antecedents  of  the  fourth  generatior. 
boldly  entes-ed   this  wiiderness,  took  possession  and  permanently  settled 

;■■  i.;.:,;K'er  rMliI;.'    'I'h  i;.  Jio 

cciir.ii.c  ,;nd  ;!:;'  ',;i  J  ',•. 
ill  tlu>  or,;.mi,'.o.l  v;i>\  (■;,'!\i  o\  xhf  ri  ini'ity  in  tlv'SO  C'-!iu'i,;i  o.';\.'-.  i>  ;:.■ 
for  oi.o  !v.rMii>-i;i  '  ■ .  1.0  ■.;'■...>'  ;■,  :^,  tl.  \\':i:it  n.n  Li^  uictr  (hi^y  -v,,:  ?  "Cj-'orru-cu  ':■ 
crich  ii;v;i\i(;it..!,  in.iy  n,.;  .■;v.-a\>:  he  ipu-riii' d. 


Issue   of  15  JOSEPH  WuOPSON'  (John/  Julsn,-  J<.l.n')  and  his  first  wife,  M.iry  San- 

I  *  66  Sanburne,''  born  ab'>ut  1707  in  Henrico  county,  \'irgiriia.  His  ^rnid- 
mothcr,  .Mary  (Tucker j  Woodson,  in  her  will,  proved  Aui^ust  1,  l~li',  in 
Henrico  o.unty,  nan-^es  "my  grandson  Sanburne,  child  of  my  (laii^Ii'.'^r 
Mary  (Sanburne)  wile  of  my  son  15  Joseph  Woodson.'''  \\'".:en  a  \Gur.g 
man  he  went  to  H\e  in  Cumberland  county  and  was  ti;ere  married  about 
1728,  to  Elizabeth  Hughes,^  dauvihter  of  Stephen  Hughes.-  (See  Hu-hes 
Family.)     After  the  death  of  his  wi!:-.  Elizabeth  Hughes,  he  '.vas  married 

second,  to  Charity .     He  died  in  1756  a.t  his  home  i/i  Curalw  rland 

county  where  his  will  was  recortlcd  June  2S,  1756.  and  wii'e,  Cb.ariiy, 
and  five  cliildrcn.  but  does  not  show  whetlu-r  these  ch'lJren  were  by  the 
first  or  second  w  ife. 

Issue  ok  IS  Joseph'  by  Eliz-vbeth  Scott,  ins  second  wife 

I!  *  67  Mary,^  born  in  Henrico  county,  Mrglnia,  and  was  married  to  V,";!i'arr, 
Pierce.  He  died  survi\ed  by  his  widow  and  tree  rldidren.  In  1757  iier 
half  brother,  68  John  Woodson.^  was  appointed  L;i.:.;.rdian  for  tiie  three 

Issue  by  Eliz.vblth  Murky,  kis  th!kd  wifk 

III  68  John,^  bi_>rn  and   rcaxed   in    Henrico  cour-.ty,   Virginia,  where  it  appears, 

he  spent  his  entire  life.  In  1757  he  was  appointed  guardian  for  tiie  'hree 
orplian  children  of  his  half  sister,  67  Mary  (W'occlson)  Pierce,  and  als'i  for 
the  two  sons  of  his  brother  70  Joseph  \^'ood£on.■^  Theie  i?  no  recon; 
showing  that  he  ever  married. 

IV  69  Lucy,^  bom  in   Henrico  count\-,  and  probably  died  young  as  nothing  is 

known  of  her. 

V  *  70  Joseph,''  was  born  and  reare<J  in  Henrico  county,  Vir.:mia.  and  was  nrib,- 
ably  married  there  but  the  name  cjf  his  wife  has  not  been  a.=Ct.'rraii!ed.  He 
was  probably  dead  befrre  1757,  as  his  brother,  6S  J'lb.n  Woodson,"  was 
that  year  appointed  guardian  for  Ids  two  sons. 

VI  71   Tucker,^  born  in  Henrico  county  and  probably  died  >oung  as  notliing  more 

is  known  '.f  him. 

VII  72  Elizabeth.^ 


1-age  y.i.  7S  F:i/:utr;<-k  w;;-  net  il;c  pivpi;  ^tm  e  cf  lh:s  ^'.u;;!:rvr  O!'  ;;  l;c:- ■.^'^;i;;  Vofni- 
Kin.  Kcr  nnu:o  was  ^:a^y  Krrin  niid  she  had  Lcri  !::a:;-:'^d  to  a  Mr. 

caniP:  I'r>-.r.i'>^s.  tl.c  -Ai-.s  ;;:L:r;-:Ld  to  Geor^o  At^-ir.:  ■:•■.:;  s.r.S  j-.-,(.i  ^--v.^rsl 
cliiiciio:; — G'-org;  Aivir-iori.  Jr..  D-e!ij.i;;iUi  Ai;df:-so:>  '-v.A  KUzj.'.x-:h  I''ri')!;sv 
Ander-on  ^vho  r^arrie  1  Tl  on:n.?  Wii-.n  •.-.:-;!  '.-.ri.i  ■;?.--je.  Tr.-.-y  ':'.v?ro  ri-o  -■;\  n-a! 
oth?r  rl.ildr:!]  '.:o:>i  to  0' or •-•■.'  .\."-f:..:'>cr.  and  "'-i  Voo-'c^Ti.  v. !>-.'.-o  n:^.".;'^^ 
have  nol.  Icn  ult-iiiUil  fir  t'lit.  I'ci..;;.:.  i  S:":  v,-]";!  oi'  ','■  Ken  ;.•.;•:'.;:;  V.'acd- 
son.)  Con^^ciion  by  Kfv.  n£;n  (..  .\iu'o:I. 

IIFTH  r.l-M  KAlli'N  43 

Issue  of  17   BENJAMIN  WOODSON'  t  j..hii/' J.jhn.- Jc/nn')  ar.d  Fratuos  Xapior. 

I  73   Rene,''  born,  probabl%   in  New  Kcni  roiuUy  and  was  mariied  about  1757 

to  Mary  Thompson.     In  the  slate  census  1782  lo   17S5.    he   was  enumer- 
ated in  Fluvanna  county  as  b.ead  of  a  family  of  fmir  whites  and  four  Iilacks. 

II   *       74  John,'  born,   probalily   in   New   Kent  county,  settled   in   Albermarle  and 
married  Mary  Minims  of  that  county,  about  the  year  1763. 

III  75  Patrick.5 

IV  *       76  Benjamin,'  born  in  Xew  Kent  county  and  married  Rebecca  Cocke  abrut 

1756. . 

V  77  Booth,*  born  in  New  Kent  county,  settled  in  Goochland,  married  Tabitha 

Cocke,  and  died  in  Goochland  where  his  will  was  proved  July  19,  1757, 
and  wiuussed  !)y  hi'  uncle  Booth  Xapier  ar.d  his  aunt.  l-Ilizabc-lh  Napier. 

VI  78  Fitzpatrick,^  the^only  daughter  of   17    Benjamin   Woodson^  and   Frances 

Napier.      (\Vm.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  V.  XI,  p.  53.) 

Issue  of  21    TARLETON  WOODSON,^  (John,=  Robert,^  John')  and  Ursula  Fleming. 

1  *  79  Charles,^  born  about  1710,  in  Henrico  county  where  he  was  reared  and 
reccived'a  finished  education.  He  was  twice  married;  first  to  r^Iary  Pleas- 
ants,' daughter  of  John  Pleasants"  and  his  first  wife,  Dorothea  Cary.  Tlie 
second  wife  of  John  Pleasants"  was  79  Ch;irles  Woodson's'  sister,  £3  }>Iary 
Woodson.*  79  Charles  Woodson'  was  married,  second  about  1714,  tvv 
his  third  cousin,  102  Agnes  (Parson^)  Richardson.^  widow  of  Samuel 
Richardson,  and  daugluer  of  Joseph  Parsons  and  33  Sarah  Woodson.^ 
In  Henrico  there  is  recorded  in  1746,  a  deed  from  79  Charles  Woodson* 
and  Agnes,  his  wife,  to  certain  lands  devised  to  Agnes  by  Samuel  Richard- 
son, her  former  husband.  Charles  and  his  brother  SO  Tarleton  Woodson,* 
deeded  land  in  Goochland  in  1764.  (See  W.  &  M.  Qii:.'.,  V.  X,  p.  44.) 
This  79  Charles  \\'oodoon'  seems  to  have  manifested  more  interest  in  his 
ancestors  and  the  family  history  than  an\-  of  his  contemporaries.  He  it 
was  who.  after  extended  research  and,  necessarily,  wide  correspondence. 
compiled  the  historical  and  genealogical  data  upon  which  all  subsequent 
publications  have  been  based.  Copies  of  his  manuscript  have  been  given 
to  a  number  of  his  descendants  and  other  members  of  the  family. 
Charles  \'an  Der  V'etr  Woodson,^  late  of  PriiiCe  Edw..rd  county,  v.'riting 

to Judge  Tucker  Woodson  of  Kentucky,  under  date  of  Januar>-  17. 

1871,  concerning  this  manuscript  sa>'s: 

"This  Woodi'jn  gcnt-alogy  was  prepared  by  my  great-;^'.'an'Ji''athor  79  Charles 
Woodson'  of  Henrico,  aftPr«ards  of  Powhatan  county,  son  of  21  Trirl-ton  Woodson' 
and  Ursula  Fleming.      It  is  without  date  but  written,  as  I  think,  between  17S1  and  1793. 

The  birth  of  my  father Coi.  Charles  Woodson"  of  Prince  Edward,  which  took  place 

in  1781,  is  mentioned  in  it;  while  the  birth  of  my  uncle Ta:Ieton"  which  occurred 

41  T.d'  \vooDs<>Ns  wn  m:  iR  (,o.\\r,cT'<>Ns 

in  1793  13  not  n-.-Jt!tion(-<i.  ^,1  tho  ;;;{;■  iiu-c  ;..tnis  lo  be  a  I'.iir  i-r..'  iluu  it  w.ij  prc;>ari  d 
between  thciO  iwo  Jatcs.  li  ■:-  a  vers  -linpiiuct  documciU  hut  at  thr  s.-i:r,c  ti-xi^?  hcliivei! 
to  be  hi-h!y  aiitkcntic  and  \;;iij:<bit;  tio  !  know  of  any  p/'./ur  thai  sliodi  so  nid-h 
ligl't  <ip.  t)ic  ik'iccnt  and  i-.>  n.irtcadons  ot'  the  old  fUmiiy  to  •Nhiih  you  'wvi  1  b.  ii^i:;,'. 
Written  as  it  was,  proliably  eighty  years  ago,  many  additions  art  reciuircd  lu  iiriiic;  tho 
register  do%wi  to  th.?  p-esent   time.     Sonething  of  lliis   kind   has  been  atiompied,   by 

others,  as  John   Pro->er   Woodson'  and  Blake  B.  Woodson  of  Cumberland,  and 

Silas  Bigeluw  of  Appomattox.  79  Charles  Woodson,'  tliL-  compiler  of  this  genealogy. 
was  a   man  of  strong  mind  and  extensi\-e  reading,  but  eccentric  dispoiilioii.      He   livvd 

most  of  his  life  in   Henrico   but   died  at  the  home  of   his  son Major   Frc'Lriek 

Woodson'  in  Powhatan  county.  I  do  not  know  the  time  uf  hi,  death  but  he  was  ali\'e 
as  late  as  1704.  In  their  religious  faith  he  and  his  family  were  Quakers,  but  it  is  not 
known  when  they  enibraced  the  Quaker  tenets." 

It  was  in  his  oKl  age  and  prriMps  wliilc  ?ic  wr.s  at  the  home  of  iiii  son 
Frederick  in  Powhatan,  that  he-  had  a  new  walnut  frame  i:>iit  on  an  oiJ 
looking-glass  which  formerly  lji-l(;ngcd  to  hi*  great-grancifaiiir,-; 
Stephen  Tarleton,  and  on  which  he  inscribe-d  the  following:  "This  gl.iss 
belonged  to  Stephen  Tarleton  who  was  m}'  great-grandfather  and  du  u  in 
the  year  1687.  I  ha%e  had  the  present  frame  put  on  it  this  14th  of  Decem- 
ber, 1794."  He  must  have  died  shortly  after  this  incident  as  he  was  about 
eighty-five  years  old  at  that  time. 

II   *       SO  Tarleton,^  born  about  1712'  in  Henrico  v.'here  he  was  reared  and  educated. 
He  was  married  probably  about  1728  to  Miss Shepherd  and  settled 

in  Goochland  where,  in  1764,  he  made  a  joint  deed  with  his  brotiier  79 

III  *       81   Susannah/ born  about  1714  in  Henrico  v/here  she  was  reared,  educated  and 

spent  her  entire  life.  She  was  married  .Vo\xrnber  1~31  tvj  Jolm  Pleasants' 
of  Pickanockie.  He  was  a  son  of  Joseoh  Pleasants  whose  second  i\ife  was 
28  Elizabeth  Woodson.' 

IV  82   Sarah, ^  born  about  1716.  in  Henrico  and  was  rnurri^jd  to  Henry  Teni!!. 

V  83   Mary,^  born  about   171S,   in   Henrico  and  was  married  about    17,?5   to    1 

John  Pleasants-  of  that  county.  She  was  his  second  wife.  He  and  his 
first  wife,  Dorothea  Cary,  v.-ere  the  parents  of  Mar\-  riea>a!i':i'  who  was 
the  first  wife  of  79  Charles  Woodson.'  John  Pleasants,'  ancestor  o''  this 
Virginia  family,  was  a  Quaker.  He  came  to  \'irginia  in  1665  from  Norwich, 
England,  and  settled  at  Curies  on  rhe  north  .'^idc  <:>f  James  River  in  Henrico 
county.  He  secured  grants  for  some  .5^00  ai^res  oi  land,  and  married  J:ine 
Tucker,  the  widov/  of  Samuel  Tucker,  Master  of  rhe  Ship  Vine  Tree.  He 
died  at  Curies  on  r.Iay  12,  1698,  aged  fifty-four  years,  leaving  three  childreii ; 
(1)  John  Pleasants-  who  married  twice;  first  to  Doroihea  Cary;  second  to 
83  Mary  Woodson,^  and  was  patentee  of  10,000  acres  of  land.  '2)  Eliza- 
beth Pleasants,-  who  ma'-ried  James  Cocke,  li'.eir  children  intei'married 
with  the  Harrisons,  Poythress.  etc.,  (.?)  Joseph  Pleasants,-  married  nrsi, 
Martha  Cocke,  daughter  of  Riciiard  Cocke,  and  iiad  John  Pleasants''  ot 
Pickanockie,  who  married  81  Susannah  Woodson.'  I'See  \'a.  Mag.  V.  1\'., 
p.  89.)  This  Joseph  Ploasants-  married  second,  2S  Elizabeth  Wood=oii' 
(John,'  Robert,-  John'-). 

FIFin  GI'XirRATION'  45 

VI  '  SI  Judith,' born  about  i72'J.  in  I-knrio-*,  \\a^  married  lo  Thomas  Clu-jdl(i 
and  had  a  son,  George  Chcadlo,  who  v,-  ;>  nieiUioned  in  iho  \vi!i  of  his  fathiT. 
!'"or  issue  see  Addenda. 

\'II   *       85  Lucy,^  was  married  to  Capt. Chiles.     For  issue  sec  Addenda. 

VIII  86  George, 'vlied  >oung. 

IX  87  Frederick,'  died  \'ouiig. 

Issue  of  25  JOSIAII  WOODSON'  ijolm,'  Robert;-  J.<hn')  and  IMar.v  Royall. 

I  *  SS  Col.  John,"  born  about  1730,  in  Coochland  county,  \'irginia,  where  he  was 
reared  and  educated  .nd  becaine  premiinent  in  colonial  affairs.  He  w.-is 
vestryman  in  1756;  was  a  member  of  the  Con\ention  of  1774,  '7.^,  and  '76; 
was  sometime  Sheriff  of  Goochland  county,  member  (jf  the  house  o!  bur- 
gesses and  colonel  of  Goochland  county  mihtia.  He  was  aa  cnthrisiastic 
patriot  of  great  influence.  Ke  inherited  from  his  father,  25  Josiah  V\\iod- 
son,^  the  plantation  and  homestead  near  Dover  in  Coochland  county, 
which  had  been  bequeathed  to  Josiah^  by  his  fatlier  6  John  Woodson.' 
He  was  married  October  23,  1751,  to  Dorothea  Randolph,  daughter  of 
Col.  Isham  Randolph  of  "  Dungeness."  88  Col.  John  W'^odson'  died  at 
his  home  in  Goocliland  county,  probably  in  January-,  1790.  His  will  was 
dated  No%-ember  2.  17S9,  and  was  probated  January  IS,  1790. 
Foliowing  is  a  copy  of  the  will  of  88  Col.  John  V^'oodson.'' 

In  thf  name  of  GoH,  .-\mcn.  I,  John  Woodson,  of  the  ccuncy  of  Goochland,  do 
make  &  ordain  this  my  las:  will  &  testament  in  manner  &  form  foUowipg,  heieby  re- 
voking all  wills  heretofore  made  by  me. 

1st,  my  will  &  desire  is  that  my  just  debts  shd  be  paid  &  to  enable  my  friends 
Matthw  Woodson,  .^rchd  Pleasants  and  John  S.  W'oodson  li  my  two  sons  Jojiah  Wood- 
son and  John  Woodson  or  any  three  of  them  to  grant  such  Deeds  or  Bargain  &  Sell 
agreeable  to  law  as  may  insure  a  Fee  Simple  property  in  all  my  land  in  Sabot  hla.nd 
containing,  by  estim.ation,  One  Hundred  and  fifteen  acres,  be  the  same  more  or  ,ess. 
I  do  hereby  appoint  my  above  named  sons,  Josiah  &  John  Woodson  &  my  friends 
Maltw  Woodson,  .-Xrchd  Pl^asanrs  &  John  S.  Woodson  or  any  three  of  them  as  abo-.e 
ray  trustees.  1  order  &  request  that  they  proceed  to  sell  to  the  best  advantage  as  soon 
as  conveniently  may  be,  my  said  tract  of  land  and  I  order  6-  direct  that  the  Surplus 
after  paying  my  Debts  be  applied  as  is  afterherein  Directed  &  I  likewise  assign  to  my 
sd  Tru'-.tees  all  my  Right  and  title  in  the  tract  of  land  whereon  my  Bror  Jos  Woodson 
nov,  lives  -ivhich  is  made  over  by  Deed  recorded  in  Goochd  Court  to  be  by  them  sold  for 
the  purpose  of  Paying  my  Debts  in  the  same  manner  as  the  above  tract  in  Sabot  Island. 

2nd.  I  lend  unto  my  beloved  wife  Dorothea  Woodson  three  Negroes  namely, 
Dungeon,  S;iII  &  Chloe  during  her  natural  life  and  at  her  death  to  be  disposed  of  as  is 
hereafter  directed  with  !i'L.orty  to  occupy  my  manor  house  and  such  part  of  my  lard  as 
may  be  sufficient  to  work  her  Negroes  on.  I  also  lend  unto  niy  said  Wife  two  Cov.s 
&  Calves,  Two  Work  Steers  one  horse  one  fejther  bed  and  furniture,  1  Dozen  Chairs 
&  whatever  Else  may  seem  nece.ssary  for  her  at  the  discreti</n  of  my  Executors  the 
above  bequest  to  be  a  Consideration  for  her  Relinquishing  ail  her  Right  of  Dower  in 
my  f^ta'.?. 

3d.  I  give  (i  ne'jueath  to  my  son  Josiah  Woodson  a!'  my  p.-rt  of  [.and  wherron 
1  now  live  including  the  part  lent  to  my  wife  at  her  decease  P.xcept  the  land  i-i  the 
Island  Directed  above  to  be  sold  to  him  and  to  his  heirs  forever. 


Tlir.  \V(i('nSi)N?  AND  TI!;-IK  CriNNi-cn. 

I  =.hj  give  to  my  sci  so'i  Ji..ii,..h  WooiJ-.-ir.  two  nr-rof.-s  by  the  narr.e  Dick  &  i'cf.r 
to  hini  &  to  l\i5  heirs  I'orevcr. 

4thiy.  I  give  vS:  boqueath  unco  my  D;iu,:hccr  Ln,  v  Woodson  two  Xegrcts  by  llic 
name  of  Sam  >t  Sarah  &  ihcir  increase  .^  ono  feather  bed  i  furniture  One  i.ay  mare  ."i 
two  Cow?  to  her  &  her  heirs  forever. 

Sth.  I  ijive  &  bcqiie;.th  unto  my  Da'jghter  Sarah  Woodson  two  Xcgroes  by  the 
name  of  Bob  &  Patt  &  her  increase  One  feather  bed  &  furniture  a  Likely  Gray  Hor.-^e 
two  Cows  &  one  Side  Saddle  to  her  CS-  her  heirs  forc\  er. 

6thly.  I  Severally  give  &  bequeath  unto  my  Children  not  before  named  in  this 
Will,  Namely,  Jane  Pleasants  Ann  S.  Woodson  Elizabeth  Cheadle  Susanna  Kaiicy  J.-o 
Woodson  Martha  Railey  &  Judith  Ralley  a!i  the  Negroes  &  their  increase  and  111  the 
other  property  now  in  iheir  possession  wch  thry  have  heretofore  had  out  of  my  estate 
to  them  &  to  their  heirs  forever.  .  I  likewise  give  &  bequeath  unto  my  Daughter  Judith 
Railey  in  addn  to  what  she  hath  already  in  possession  one  feather  bed  X-  l-jriuture  to  her 
and  her  heirs  forever.  My  will  further  is  that  after  the  payment  of  All  my  Just 
Debts  Legacys  and  funeral  expences  the  Residue  of  my  estate  of  what  nature  or  kind 
soever  it  may  be  Kqually  Divided  amongst  all  my  children  Including  mv  Wifc'>=  dower 
at  her  death  to  them  &  their  heirs  forever. 

Lastly  I  constitute  and  appoint  my  sons  Josiah  Woodson  &  John  Woodson  and  my 
friend  Matthw  Woodson  Extrs  of  this  my  Last  Will  &  Testament. 

Signed  with  my  hand  and  seal  this  Jnd  day  of  Novr  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  Christ 
One  thousand  Seven  Hundred  &  Eighty  Nine. 

(signed)  John   Woodso.v         (seaili 

Ja?.!es  Brvd?:k 
Matthew  Pleas.>.nts 

JOH.N-   iril.EV 

At  a  Court  held  for  Goochland  county  the  ISth  day  of  January,  1790  This  last 
will  and  testament  of  John  \Aoodson  Gent,  Deceased  is  Presented  in  Court  bv  Josiah 
Woodson  one  of  the  Executors  herein  named  &  being  proved  by  the  oath  of  A'a'tthc  ■.> 
Pleasants,  John  Gordon  &  John  L'lley,  was  ordered  to  be  record.-d.  Then  on  the 
motion  of  the  said  Josiah  Woodson  who  made  oath  according  to  k;w  and  gave  bond 
with  Robert  H.  Saunders  &  Benjamin  Hughes  his  securit;  in  penalty  of  three  thousand 
pounds  Probate  thereof  was  granted  him  in  due  form  v.  itii  leave  for  the  other  Executors 
to  come  in  when  tliey  shall  think  fit. 

Teste:     Wm  Milles,  D.Clk. 

A  copy  from  the  records.  Deed  &  Will  Book  No.  15, 

Page  3  35,  Goochland  County,  Clerk's  Oitice. 

Teste:  P.  C.  Miller,  Clerk  of  Circuit  Court  of  the  Countv  of  Cocehland,  State 
of  Virginia,  July  24,   1914. 

88  Co!.  John  Woodson's  widow,  Dorothea  Randolnh,  died  F'-bru.iry 
2,  1794. 


Richard  Randolph,  of  Morton  Hall,  Warwickshire,  England,  had  a 
son  William  Randolph  v.  ho  was  Lorn  !65i  and  died  1711.  He  came  to 
Virginia  in  1674  and  .settled  on  Turkey  J;.!and.  He  mat  tied  Mary  Isham, 
daughler  of  Henry  ancd  Catherine  Isham  of  Bermuda  Hundred  on  James 
River.  This  Co!.  William  Randolph  was  speaker  of  the  house  of  burgesi-es. 
He  was  the  head  of  the  house  of  Randolph  in  America,  and  from  him 
descended  those  of  this  illustrious  name  who  have  fijriired  so  conspicuously 
in  the  annals  of  Virginia  and  of  the  nation.  Col.  William  R:jndolph  and 
his  wife,  Mary  Ibham,  left  nine  child; en;  of  whom  the  third  son,  Isham 

FIFTH  i:,i:m:r\ti(1n 

Raudoipii  "of  Dunyoiies.--,""  was  h<>rn  16'T0  ami  (iicii  Dcix-'i^b'.'r.  1  "-.'-.■'.  He 
was  at  one  lime  accent  fi^r  '.i-e  coUiny  of  \'ir;^inia  in  Lo:u!iiii,  lilngiand.  He 
was  niarried  in  17!  7  to  J.  no  Rogers  of  Shadsvell  Scrtel  in  that  city.  I'pon 
hi.'^  return  to  Anu-rica  he  was  appointed  in  17oS,  adjutant  genera!  of  \'ir- 
ginia.  He  was  tolonel  of  Goochland  county  militia  in  1740;  also  member 
of  the  house  of  burgesses.  When  he  built  his  seat,  about  17,35,  which  he 
called  "Dungcness,"  on  James  River,  some  forty  miles  above  Riclimond, 
it  was  on  the  frontier;  and  was  probably  constructed  after  the  manner  of  a 
fortress  to  resist  any  attack  lliat  might  be  made  l)y  Indians  or  others.  The 
house  was  destroyed  by  fire  in  18S5.  The  will  of  ("ol.  Isham  Randolph, 
dated  April  6,  1741,  was  proved  December  21,  1742.  It  provides  for  a 
promised  payment  "of  the  sum  of  200  Pounds  to  Peter  Jefferson,  upon  iiis 
marriage  with  my  dauglucr  Jane,"  and  a[ipoints  JeiTerson  one  of  the  guard- 
ians of  his  children.  The  will  of  liis  widow,  dated  December  5,  1760,  was 
proved  July  21,  1761.  Her  daughters  were  niarried  as  follows:  (1)  Jane 
Randolph  married  Peter  Jefferson,  marriage  bond  dated  October  3,  1739. 
They  were  the  parents  of  Thomas  JefTerson,  President  of  the  United  States. 
(2)  PJary  Randolph  married  Charles  Lewis,  Jr.;  marriage  bond  dated  July 
15,  1746.  (S)  Elizabeth  Randolph  married,  November,  1750,  Col.  John 
Railey  of  "Sconehenge"  in  Chesterfield  county.  (4)  Dorothea  Randolph 
was  married  October  28,  1751,  to  88  Col.  John  V\'oodson,^  and  died  February 
2,  1794.  (5)  Anne  Randolph  was  married  three  times:  first  on  November 
26,  1751,  to  Danie!  Scott;  second,  to  John  Pleasants,' and  third  to  236  James 
Pleasants^  of  "  Contention."  The  last  two  were  Quakers.  (,See  Cabels  and 
Their  Kin.) 

II  *  89  Elizabeth,^  born  about  1734  in  Goochland  county,  was  married  August  21, 
1753,  to  Abraham  Sallee,  a  Huguenot.  Security,  38  Col.  John  \Voodson  = 
(her  brother).  Witnesses,  Anthony  Christian  and  Alexander  Trent.  See 

Ill  *  90  Joseph/  born  about  1732  in  Goochland,  was  captain  in  the  con':;nentaI 
line  under  Washington.  Married  about  1752  to  Mar>-  Crouch,  daughter 
of  Richard  Crouch. 

Issue  cf  26   STEPHEN   WOODSON^   (John,^   Robert,^  John';   and   his  wife   Elizabeth 


I  *  91  Rev.  Matthev/,*  born  July  17,  1731,  at  Dover  in  Goochland  coiinty,  \'ir- 
ginia,  and  died  there  in  1794.  He  was  a  minister  of  the  gospel  and  as  such 
reiidered  invaluable  services  to  mankind  within  the  scope  of  hi.-  inHuence. 
During  the  Revolutionary  struggle,  he  held  no  military  o.^fice,  but  ser\ed 
his  country  as  chaplain  of  a  regiment,  which  was  regarded  as  an  ecck.-)i- 
astica!  office;  and  this  no  doubt,  is  the  reason  his  name  is  not  foumi  among 
the  "Ofiicers  of  the  Revolution."  He  was  married  November  28,  1753, 
to  Elizabeth  LeVillian,  daughter  of  John  Peter  LeVillian  and  wife  Phillippa 
Dupuy,  Huguenots.  She  was  born  probabh-  at  Manikin  Town  in  Gooc!;- 
land,  October  28,  1737,  and  died  at  Dover,  December  15,  1-S03. 

EXCrkSl  S-  THTl  \"- -IcViLLlAN 

B:.\'i.i).>lon-.c\v  Dr'>.;>-  w  ■:-  brim  ir.  'i<>':,0  or  1653  ir.  I'V-Ti-iCc.  A'  ci-.^hr...  v; 
}\'i<.y  (>i  a;H  !u'  ent.-/..  ■  ;;;o  l':c;u-i;  .w.v.y  wlu-r^.-  !\is  intoili^vace  ain.!  ;:ov!i;y 
5;j:'11  wcjii  hi;i.  ;''^-  r;n;;  i.  ';^c  oi  liu  isir;.:.!;;  Xi\',  n'lui  pmnc^Uu  ;:;::; 
?t  .til  c:ir!\-  .1^0  to  'c  ^in  r::vi  ;•  isi  ij.o  iIa,:-e:i'.>lo  Gv/rds.  T!;o  K^  i^,:  ;-i;i  ',  r 
tni^^iccl  an;!  honor^'i  hxiv,  r.^  ;o  ficiiiiontly  <fi''t'  hii'i  for  liic  p-.-r: ,:  n^Lnc^ 
ot  daii- ■;  iO  iinMdr^anl  :;>  'o  iC'^uirc  v;o  nA-al  :-:gn-!M:rc.  v  hid:  i.>;;ju>  \v.;< 
autho;!7ed  ;<:>  aft.x  l';>-  r-.-,<  of  ilut  wynl  s\c.v.c;.  riiv^.  One  o\  tl-.c-;.-  cr'..!- 
sio:i<  ■v\  ;*  -.he.  n\<.'^\^:-.  i;;,^^  r  (.i<--;:I,  of  ^a^■;T^i;r  this  oi^icoi  and  iiis  \<l'ii:  froii: 
arrest  ai'd  ivios;  pro'i  ■;'■!>•  f!i:ni  ('o.iiii.  A  ?i;orL  ;i;;ie  Ivjfcirc  llu;  rt'/o- 
cation  of  tho  Kdicl  nf  .\autc'>  \>.hii-ii  orcunod  IS,  1CS5,  iv;'  Mi.'.riicd 
Siifanne  l.iA'illiai,,  "a  \'vi;:ii;  counJur^  of  c;ood  >;;::. di;g  in  sooieiy,  [>..>- 
sesscd  01  n  vilia  ;\n';l  t-f  I'nc  Mu_:;i.!cri-,'r  faitli. "  andi  ;ciire.]  lo  l'.LT'\-i!lj  !'oi  a 
short  respite  Iron!  his  irdliiary  duties.  ?uo;i  after  ;;icir  rttiic!iic:'-t  '<.\'i<.y 
uere  called  lipon  hy  a  nicf.M:ru:(T  fr<ani  tlio  King:  v>  ho  coi^imindcalrd  iho 
siartlini,  iutrliigcnce  thai  the  Edict  of  N'aislos  wa?  to  I'C  revoked  inurc- 
ciiatol)-,  and  he  had  been  sent  hy  tiio  Kiny.  frcrii  :noti\ci  cf  e:-tccri:,  lo 
save  him  and  his  wiie  from  the  imperading;  iatc  of  all  hciotics.  lie  t-'.'sed 
their  submis;don.  that  i-  their  voniinci-ition  cf  tra-  Protestant  faith,  <.vitl: 
rdt  l-'is  eloquence  and  wlih  promises  oi  great  lenefiis  \(  tlicy  ^•."ould,  iii 
way,  pro^■e  their  Io\'alt\'  to  the  King.  Diipin"  re7'!!ed  that  the  derrLii'.ii 
T.-as  CO  snddon  and  of  such  grave  imp  jriance  that  he  '.vo'ald  !:■:§  i:.  fC'V  heurs 
for  con.ciderati>:'n.  'idse  Priest  said  thar  this  request  v/as  reasonaule  a:;d 
he  v,-ou!d  chccrfiill>-  grant  it.  .A.^  soon  as  he  h;d  reared,  Dupu}"  seat  for 
the  vi!!a;/c  tailor  and  asked  if  he  could  make  a  snii  o:  livery  tor  his  p^zt 
within  si\"  iioi:rs.  The  tail'V,-  rcrdiL-d  in  tr-.e  aiTir::'.a:J\  e,  ar.i.1  at  rnidrdghr  tlie 
fuit  v;as  eomj^leted  and  deli\e.'eTl.  in  this  s^iit  he  ii.nnediateiy  d:sgi.!ised 
his  wife  as  his  page,  and  puttine,  on  his  iriest  uniform  and  ci.'cing  en  his 
sword,  he  took  A^'hat  money  and  jewels  tliey  had  togeihcr  with  a  fev; 
ciothe.-j  .ind  their  Bib!c=  and  prayer  liooks  and  !iioi;iJtin^<  two  good  hoisfi, 
set  out  for  the  frontier.  They  tra\-eled  eighteen  days  and,  though 
stopped  almost  daily,  alv.  ays  escaped  by  saj-^ng  he  v.-as  tl^e  K.i'v.:'s 
officer,  ur.til  r.ear  the  line  v.-hen  lie  v/as  arrested.  H.^  sh'jwcd  tiie  o:i':ect 
the  passport  bearing  the  King's  signet,  and  im?nediaiely  seacchi;'.,;  ic  back, 
he  drew  his  sv/ord  and  sternly  demanded  by  what  authority  he  v.-a^  t' 
insidted,  and  further  dcn'.anded  an  escort  for  his  protectio'i  to  the  line, 
which  provided  without  delay.  A:■ri^■i"g  safely  at  the  s;.a':cast  !;j 
dismissed  the  escort,  and  crossing  o\'er  into  Holland,  they  sang  the  praises 
of  God  in  the  Fortieth  P^alm,  and  offered  up  prayers  and  ih.anksgiving  lo 
their  great  delivere:  for  their  escape  fre.m  a  crt:el  deaih.  They  rernaiaed 
in  Holland  fourteen  years  and,  uiion  the  invitation  of  William  of  Oranee, 
to  all  the  French  refugees  in  Holland  to  accompany  him,  Dupii>-  and  his 
wife  v/ent  to  England  where  they  remained  until  1700,  when  they  remove..! 
to  \'irginia  and  settled  at  Manikin  'l'ov,-n  on  James  River  in  King'V/illian.: 
parish  u-liere  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  li-rs.  Th-;  sword  u;cd 
by  Barthuiomew  Dujiuy  while  in  ilic  French  army,  is  nov.-  i;i  ihe  pos- 
session of  Dr.  James  Dupay,  of  Prir-ce  George  county,  X'itginia,  and  v,-as 

issed  by  !ii^;  giv:u!iathc-r  Jam-s  Du-^iiy,  Sr.,  of  Xwtivw.iv.  ;.•  il'e  bittiK/  of 
GuiKonJ  <."o;:rthoi!s(:  whtrc  he  cli>lini;i;I-'if.i  'I'lnvo!!.  v--'t  ^fcu'^-'s  '.)\d 
Chiirrhcs   vol    I.  p.  465. "> 

B,;rtii;'lnr;u.'V  Diipi;}-  ;>!><!  \vit\-.  Sus.;i;;.c  LcA'ii'i.iri,  l-,a(!  four  c'l'ldrcii, 
a&fol!o\s^:  (O  p.-Ttr  I3;:j)My.  ijj  Joi.;.  Jan;c>  I^^.i-iiy.  {3)  M.irThn 
Dtipuy  w ii':i  niairied  S;..ivlicn  Ch. ■.stain.  {-l)  Piiillippa  Dupiiy.  \vliO 
marricci  Joliri  PL-tcr  LcXiilinn.  J.-Imi  Pcior  I.',-\"illiar;  a  s:_,n 
of  Jt\TTi  I'icire  l,f'\'i'lia!i,  a  J'rr-i.c'i  Ilii^ucnot  \\h->  >ua(.-s  ii>  hi;  v,:ll, 
proN'cd  ill  1  746  that  lie  \\\\>  "  XatiiT  do  Ii.s>'  cii  casfc  Xmvnanclii.:. "  1 /■  (Ik- 
will  he  n.riK's  rhildrcTi :  {{)  Joliii  Poior  I.cA'iliian  !i:arrled  P'oiiiij^pa 
Dupuy.  (2)  ArnhoriN-  T.cA'i'lutii.  (3)  Susanna  Uupiiy.  Bcr-idc,^  the.-^c 
he  names  t^odtlauyhltr  Oliiiipe  Dupuy.  i.W'ni.  and.  Mary  O;!}-.,  \'oi.  X, 
p.  45.) 

John  Pcti-r  LcA'illian  and  Philiippa  Dnpiiy  had  four  children  ab  lol- 
lov.-s:  (1)  Mary  Lc\'i!lian,  boa-n  1751,  died  yonn!^  (2)  Su.saniia 
Le\'i!liai!.  born  173.3,  died  j-oung.  (3)  Siinivtel  Le\'inian,  born  1  735,  died 
young.  (4)  I^lizabeth  Le\'il!iaa,  born  Ov'tober  2S,  J737,  ai  Manikin 
town  in  Coocldand  county,  \sas  iii.irriecl  .Xovember  ."'-^,  1753  lo  91  Ke-.'. 
Matthew  Woodson*  and  died  at  Do\er  in  her  nati'.e  couni.y,  L>:;i.eniber 

For  the  cntertalrimcnt  of  who  nia\'  feel  an  interest  in  this  line, 
is  produced  the  following  reprint  of  the  of  91  Re\'.  r\Iaithev.-  Woodson. * 

!n  ib.c   name  cf   God,   Amen.      I    M:;uthr-.%-   Waudson   of  Gcoc!iia:id   couiil, ,   bt'ni;  of 

p3rfecl  healtl!  and  Mcnviry,  thank.?  be  tu  God  .for  the  same,  do  n..ike  Sr  ord.dn  i!.:;.  lo 

be  my  la?t  wih  and  Teslami.nt,  in  manner  ot  form  as  foMotvcth — 

Imps.      I  l-nd  to  iri>'  beloved  wife  Elizabeth  Woodson  the   !an,'j    &:   p!a:  triiion    v.'i.(tre 

I  nov.-  live,  as  low  as  the  month  of  Lewis's  Gutt,  up  the  t^aid  Gua  x.j  Adam'a  line  near 

Adam's  coal  pits,  also  v.'hat  lands  I  have  between  the  Ri\-er  \<'.:v.\  &  the  >..ieeting  House 

Road,  likewise  Seventy  two  .Acres  the  cast  side  ti'.e  said  Meeliiig  Mouse  Road  !  piirc'.ir.sed 

of  Joiin  Woodson,  during  her  natural  life,  iv:  at  her  decease  I  give  the  a!.;;"-e  sJ.  lands 

to  mj-  son  Tliomas  Woodson,  lo  him  oc  to  hi?  heirs  forever. 

Item.      I  lend  to  my  beloved  wife  Eiizabelh   Woods.-in  foune.:a  Xcgroes,   Vi?.  i-'erer, 

Daniel,  Ferry,  Jcc,  Joe  Farthing,  Jack,  Jenny,  l".ioIl,  ^ii!iy,  S.iral;.  ll.-irry,  Geo.  re,  Rose 

&  biddy,  during  her  naniral  life,  &  my!  &  ('esire  is  that  the  said  lo'irtcen  Negroes 

should  descend  to  rry  children,  or  to  which,  of  them  my  Wifc.^houk!  think  Prcjjerai  any 

time,  to  the  said  children  Sr  to  their  Heirs  forever. 

Item.      I  have  given  to  my  son  John  Stephen  Wo^jdson  ihe  tract  of  land  v>iicrcou  )  now 

live  in  the  -Mariakin  Town,  v.iih  the  "segros.  Stock  <S;c.  he  has  h,^d  in  Po-ses.-ion  loiiim 

&  to  his  heirs  fore\"er. 

I'enj.      I    £i\'e   unto  my   son    Sau-iuel    Woodsoj,   ihe     iract    of    laao   v.-^.e.eon    -le    no'.\ 

lives,  called  the  Old   Glebe,   with   fifty  .Acres   more   that   was  Purcliascd    of  Am'.TOse 

Stodghiil,  with  the  Xcgro.s,  &c.  he  has  in  Posses.sion,  to  him  and  to  his  lici;s  forcer. 

Item.      I  give  to  my  son  Jacob  Woodson  the  Tract  of  land,  whereon  he  now  lives,  tliat 

I  purchased  of  Daniel  Bates,  with  the  Xcgros,  Stock  ic.  he   has  in   Possession,  to  him  c: 

to  hit  Heirs  forever. 

Item.      I  give  to  my  Grandson  John  Levillian  Woodson,  one  Xeijro  boy  named  Charles 

to  him  and  to  his  Heirs  forever. 

Item.      I  give  to  my  son  Philip  Woodson  one  tract  of  Lanri  lyin^'  below  the  mouih  of 

Lewis's  Gutt  &  the  South  side  the  Ri\er  Road  Including  the  ^ianakin  Fcry  ('.'cin.;  Use 

remainder  of  the  tract  whereon  I  now  live)  al.-o  I'lc  veniaindtr  o!  r'ly  Lam'. ■;  ihc  east 

side  rhe  Meeting  lioiise  Road  -S;  Xorib  side  liic  River  Road,  Hkewibe  th-.  ^-.tK'OL  Sto^k 

&C.  he  has  in  Po.ssgssion  to  him  -i  to  his  Heirs  foiever. 

50  Tir:  woe  i.-;i->N<  ami  Tin;;:  C'.inv'..ot;oxs 

Jlt,.i.      I  iy.'-c  {.}  r.\y  ^•■■.:   liar!;;   V.'  ■    '^    n  ^>:;c  "cillic:   Vc>l  &  Fi;rr;iure,  Six   ;!•..-:  (1 

Ca^rb  .'V  ^i^  >:;>.-;.  to  hi:;;  >\  :-  1  ;>  iU;--;  :.-.r-v,;r. 

Itoin.      I   »:ivo  1.1  :iiy  ^.iri   ;;i.\-;:.J   W.-vis--;  ;-.•  lrA>-l  of  l.iaj   !   p-::- h.v-cii  of  ^X.\l\'.\: 

R,i:iii -ipli  ivfn;  :r;;,--,  C    .j;;;v  v.!:i  ;!vi    Nij^r^'i  ho  );.iv  in  J\.  ;-■:  srion  lo  hi;--i  >\   :  :. 

1  j<  Hc;r>  li.r^VLr. 

h^rni.      I  ilve  :o   ;-"  -■;>  Th>n-^>  V,  oCvU   n.  Tlif.o   N.,-:>.>  Viz.  >::v-,   .\--y  S    !  .  i,-. 

?ilva'f  o..:i,  oroi;.■^f^.  .^:;-F.:A:h.T  i-.i  A  •\irn;ii;rc,  ?;x  Hc.^.i  ui  ■:.i.i  lu  jc  Si^;  5:i.-  ;:  -.. 

hiiu  &  to  hi*  Hc:r~  fi  rover. 

Itvi:;.      1  gi^v  i;:y  Dji';;h:vr  KU?.:hoth  \;~:i  l'::i-  S.\:,yo^,  Su.ok  .S:c  ihat  is  -s.  w  in 

her  roisc^rMor.  lo  l-.'.T  >s.  t,^  H..r  il-ir^'\cr. 

licii-.      I  siv-  :o  :;•>■  O.^.-i-.^r  :>'.-ry   ;^<.d.J,  :i.c  Ni-c;ro;,  Siei-k  5:.:.,  tha!.  is  now  in  l.iv 

I'o.  =.■^-i,•'^.  lo  i:cr  iV  ;■:!  !u  r  ':i!.-  f-  rv-r. 

lu-ni.      1  ^is...  ;a>  n-\-!-.!i.T  i';. ;!-.•■._-  Parrar  tho  Ncgr..\<.  Stouk  A/-  ;'.'.-L  is  rio-i.-  iri  lior 

Poticision  to  lUT  iV  to  I'.or  If.  ;r.-  forovor. 

liem.      I  givf  to  it;y  D.iiicUtor  I.-n,-  W -..^^li  four  Xo^ro;  Viz.  \\.:.\\.  I'AAy.  S-:-:l.^y  S- 

Mouriiiny:,  chlKircn  of  iho  sJ   Moll,  o::u  Horiiv,  S-idJie  i  Bri;ilc,  c:\v  Fcathvr  i'>  ■(  & 

&  Furniiuro,  bix  Hop.d  of  Caltlo  .S:  i^ix  Sho-rp  to  hor  &  to  her  !:c;rs  forever. 

ittm.      I  s'\'<^  to  my^'hter  Tabi-.'-a  \Vood~oa,  thr./i;  Xegres.  \'i^.  ratii;'.-,cc,  Td-.-y, 

(dai:j;hter  of  old  Petcri  cc  Ha:;n:>h.   vd.;n:;h':tr   of    Miliev  •,  One  Hor<.;,  bt:-,i'c  >^  S.l  id!..-, 

one  Feati'.er  Bed  c't  pLndture,  Six  Head  ci  Cattle  &  Six  Sheep,  to  !  &.  lo  !;er  He-is 


Item.      M%  wi'.l  &  Desire  i;  tl::it  aiVr.ioney  arisi::;  from  :"iy  coal  I.c.'iss  tc  I;e:o-i 

&  John  Graham  be  C';iiali>-  diA  idcd  r::y  .';ve  d.;i:^hters  \":7..  Eiiz.iberh,   Mary 

Frances,  Jai.e  &  Tabitlia  as  the  n;o:;cy  yearly  b.'  due  LOll=-?fr-  &  to  fJ'.err  ■^■ic::;; 


Item.     JM\-  will  &  Desire  is  th^t  a!!  the  Mcr.ey  due  nit  fn.m  J-^sse  Redu  or  E.:;nJ.<  f;;r 

the  Purchase  of  a  Tra.t  of  Land,  be  cqu.-'.iy  (li'.ided  ari-.'  my  live  c.urhtc-rs  X'.z. 

Filial  eth,  M^r\  ,  Frar.ce.-:,  Jciiii  &  Tabiiha  li  to  their  Heirs  forever. 

Iterr^.      My  iviil  Cc  Desire  is  t'aat  a  P.oad  I  have  against  David   Ro.-s  &  James  Currie 

for  One  Hundred  &  Sixty  Six  po'jnds.  Thirteen  S;-.:!  Cc  four  pener  be  divided  betv.ejn 

n.j-  beloNed  •.\ife  Eii.r.'.Letii  \Vood;-on,  ;i  n:y  Frienr.'   Viiriia,-:-:  Webber,  .Minister  of  tb.e 

Gospel,  as  fol'ov.eth  that  is  to  say  Fifty  Pcunis  to  th  j  Kes .  W'm.  Webber  ..'<  the  bal.a.ce 

to  my  loving  wife,  to  the-i  &  to  their  Heirs  forev-er. 

Item.      I  Lend  to  r.-.y  lovinj  Wife  Fi'.iz.ibeth  Wood.-un  diirinj  her  N',.rv;i.i;  life  :r<v  pnr: 

of  Sabot  I>land.  .le  at   her   decease  I   sivc  the  sd   part    of    Island  to   mv   =ot<  Th -'aiat 

Woodson  &  to  his  Heirs  forever. 

Item.      I  Lend  t.o  ray  Lovinij  Wife  Elizabeth  Woodson  all  my  S;ocit,  Hoti=chold  F.rri- 

ture  &  all  other  properly  whatsoever,  not  heretofore  given  av.ay  dt'ring  her  NatL:r.-d 

Life,  &  at  her  decease  to  be  equally  di\-ided  arr.on;  r.iy  Fie'-  er  cl;i!dren  \">z.  Joha  Ster-he:-., 

Samuel,  Jacob,  Philip,  Daniel,  Thor.'.as,  Elizabeth,   ''dary,  Frar.e.s,  Jane  S:  Tabi'.h:;  J'-: 

to  them  &  to  their  Heirs  forever. 

Itei.i.      .My  will  &  dciire  is  that  there  ~ay  be  no  appraisement  of  my  Estate. 

Lastly.      I  con5titt:te  ie  appoint  my  sons  Sanniel  Woodson  &  Philip  Woodson  Exc.:iitors 

of  this  r.y  la=t  will  .Jc  Te.-ta::.ent.      In  Wi:neis  -.^liereof  I  have  hereunto  Set  .n;y  hind  cc 

fi.xd  my  Sea!  this  day  of  Fet-uary,  i'i9i. 

Signd,  Seald,  &  .Ac-cnowledgd,  Matthew  Woopso.n. 

Id  the  presence  of 
John  Utlf.y 
JOEi.AH  X.  Utlev 
Eliz.^;:et.t  X  L'tley 
At  a   Court   held   for  Goochland   County  t;;e   17th   ?so .-.   17''-1,   This  writing  was 
presented  in  Cofrt  a:.d  proved  by  tiie  o.\ths  of  Jo-iah  I.'tiey  and  John  L  t!ey  to  be  th-a 
last  Will  &  Tcitaracut    of    .Matthew  Woodson  -.vch  was  ordered  to  bs  recorded. 

Te;lc,  V,'.   Mii.LrR,   Clk 

F I  Kill  Gi-NL'RAriCl^ 

A  copy  from  the  vc-.-.-riij,  I'l-.d  vS;  Will  Book  No.  IC,  Pc^-  '?^-  Goocbiand  Co.  Ciiirk"? 
Oftioc.  P.   G.    ?>[lt.LER  Clerk  of  the 

Circuit  Court  ot  Go'jc!il?n;i  County  \"irgi!iia. 
July  2  4,  19U. 
Following  is  an  extract  from  the  \vi!l  of  EHzanoth  L.e\'i!!ian   Woodson,  widow  of  9! 
Rev.  Matthew  Wo^'d.on. 

In  the  name  of  God.  .Amen.  I,  Elizabeth  Woodron,  of  the  count\'  of  Goochland, 
being  in  health  of  ho dj-,  do  make  thi.-  my  last  will  and  Testament,  in  manner  following, 

Imprimis.  I  desire  that  all  my  debi.s,  of  whatever  n.iturc,  be  first  discharged  fcefo.-e 
any  di\iiion  take  place. 

Item.  I  t;ive  unti  my  daugl'.ter,  Tabitha  Iirown,  one  r.egro  m.tu  n.-inud  Harry,  to  her 
and  her  heirs  forever. 

Item.  M>  de.-iire  is  that  Teter  and  Joe,  two  old  negroes  left  me  by  my  husband's  will, 
shall  not  be  divitled  amongst  m>-  children  after  m>-  de.^th,  bur  (.o  live  with  my  chihl.-cn 
as  thj}-  may  clioos'  ,  and  be  feated  hamanel\-  duiing  their  Ii\es. 

Item.  My  will  is  that  the  balance  of  the  slaves  left  me  by  my  husband's  will,  with  all 
their  past  and  future  increase.  Viz.  Farthing,  Jack,  James,  Dolly,  Great  Milly,  Little 
Milly,  her  daughter  Sarah,  John,  George,  Rose  Xed,  Lyddia,  Betty  and  N'ancy,  daugh- 
ters of  Sarah,  be  divided  betv\-een  three  of  my  sons,  Viz.  Jacob,  Sainue!  and  E'anie!, 
and  my  three  daughters,  Viz.  Frances,  Jane  and  Tabitha;  the  division  to  be  made  as 
follows,  \'iz.  each  of  m>  daughters  to  ha%e  two  shares,  and  each  of  the  a.liovc  named 
sons  to  have  one  share:  that  is  each  daughter  to  have  twice  as  much  as  a  sun.  To  tliom 
and  to  their  heirs  forever  I  give  said  negroes. 

Item.  The  balance  of  the  estate,  of  whatsoever,  it  may  consist,  I  wish  to  be  equally 
divided  amongst  my  eleven  children,  \'iz.  John  Stephen  Woodson,  Sarauel,  E^Hz.ibelh, 
Jacob,  Philip,  Mary,  Frances,  Daniel,  Thomas,  Jane,  and  Tabitha.  to  them  and  their 
heirs  forever,  agreeable  to  my  husband's  will. 

Lastly.  I  constitute  and  appoint  Elder  William  Webber  and  my  two  sons,  Samuc!  and 
Daniel  Executors  of  this  my  last  will  and  Testament. 

In  witaess  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affi.xed  my  seal  this,  the  twenty 
seventh  day  of  November  Eighteen  Hundred  and  two. 

Signed,  sealed  and  acknowledged  in  the  presence  of 
William  Wehuer  Elizabeth   V.'oodson.  (Seal) 

Thomas  Woodson 

At  a  Court  lield  for  Goochland  coimty,  June  the  20th  1S03,  this  writing  was  presented 
in  Court  and  p'-ovod  by  the  oaths  of  William  Webber  and  Thomas  Wojdson  to  be  the 
last  will  and  Testament  of  Elizabeth  Woodson  deceased,  and  ordered  to  be  recorded. 
Then,  on  the  motion  of  William  Webber  and  Daniel  \\'ood5on,  two  of  the  E.'cccutors 
appointed  thereby,  who  made  oath  according  to  law  and,  together  v.ith  John  Brown  and 
Thomas  Woodson  their  securities,  entered  into  bond  in  the  penalty  o!  six  thousand 
Dollars  with  such  conditions  as  the  law  required,  Prohat  there  was  granted  :him  in  due 
form.  Teste  W.   Miller  Co.  Clk. 

The  foregoing  copies  of  the  wills  of  88  Col.  John  Woudsou''  and  91  Rev. 
Matthevv-  Woodson-'  .ind  the  extract  from  tlie  will  of  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Le- 
Viiiian  Woodson,  widow  of  Rev.  Matthew,  were  proctired  frctn  Goochland 
county  records  by 'Mrs.  Elizabeth  Crittenden  Cabcl  Gray. 

92  Elizabeth, =  born  at  Do\-or  in  Goorb.lanrJ  county,  in  1733.  was  mameu 
January  i,  1753,  to  Ale.xander  Trent.  Security,  88  John  Woodson." 
Certificate  (jf  consent  from  Charles  Bates,  guardian  for  said  Eli.^ab-^th. 
daughter  of  26  Stephen  Woodson,^  decea.^ed.  Wilr.csses,  91  Matthew 
Woodson-'  (her  brother)  and  Samuel  Branch. 

52  THH  \vo(>:>sc.ns  anp  t!ii;ik  con:ni:i:tii:ns 

III  *  93  Stephen,'  'vo-n  1735  ar  I.^n'or,  'v'irgir.ia,  was  niarricri  o:\  M.>y  v.  175S,  to 
Lucy  rarrar.  It  is  beli'jvL'd  tint  ihi.-  ikuth?  ■was  fonncrly  sptllcd  aii(! 
pronounced  Fcrrar,  In  the  rc-cords  nf  the  \'i;-t,inia  Coir.pany  k  i-.  stated 
that,  "on  June  2S,  loi'',  Ferrar  \vas  rc-c'.ccted  deputy  for  the  ("olnn\-. 
John  Ferrar.  ?un  of  Xic'','.>las  Ferrar,  \vas  a  nurcliant  and  lived  witli  his 
mother  after  she  was  a  widow;  and  t!ie  Company  continued  to  meet,  at 
Mrs.  Ferrar's  house  in  Jamestown."  A  daugliler  of  Jolm  Ferrar  was 
christened  "\'irginia"  and  became  an  accomplished  writer.  It  appears 
that  later  on,  the  name  came  to  be  spelled  Farrar,  and  it  is  \'ery  likely  tiiat 
Lucy  Farrar  who  married  93  Stephen  Woodson"^  was  a  descendant  of  rliat 
family.  In  the  census  as  taken  by  the  state  of  \''irginia,  17S2  to  17S5,  v3 
Stephen  Woodson^  is  enumerated  in  Cuniberland  cmnity  a;  "Head  of 
Family"  of  six  v^-hites  arai  twenty-two  blacks.  Ho  had  iLit  Gcochiand  ap.i.l 
settled  permanently  in  Cumberland  county.  He  died  a  comparati\t,-iy 
young  man,  sur\-ived  by  his  widow  and  three  children.  The  widow 
married  a  Mr.  Townsend  and  li\e(l  near  Cumberland  Courthouse.  This 
information  is  given  by  hi?  great-grandson  Stephen  T.-:charner  Woodson, 
of  San  Jose,  California. 

27   JUDITH  V/OODSON^  (John,'  Robert,^  John')  and  Stephen  Cox. 

94  Stephen  Cox,  Jr.,*  born  about  1730  in  Goochland,  sou.h  of  Ja.mcs  River. 

95  William  Cox,=  bo-n  about  1732  in  Goochland. 

96  Josiah  Cox,^  born  about  1734  in  Goochland. 

97  Judith  Cox,'^  born  about  1736  in  Goochland. 

S9   STEPHEN  WOODSON^  (Robert,' Robert,"  John')  and  his  wife,  47  Mary 
Woodson''  who  was  also  his  first  cousin. 

It  is  believed  that  there  were  some  children  born  to  this  union,  but 
their  names  could  not  be  ascertained  with  any  degree  of  certainty  and  are, 
therefore,  left  out  of  this  record,  Shouhl  any  of  tb.eir  descendants  be 
living,  they  might  possibly  trace  the  connection. 

Issue  of  30   JOSEPH  WOODSON^  (Robert.--  R.jbert,-  John-)  and  Elizabeth  Mattox. 

1  I   *       98  Joseph, =  born  about  1715,  in  Henrico  county,  \'irginia,  was  married,  prob- 

ably about  1737,  to  his  first  cousin  101  Flizabeti:  Pa.rsons,'  daughter  of 
Joseph  Parsons  and  35  Sarah  Woodson.* 

II  99  Robert.^ 

Ill  100  John.^'     Ti'ere  is  no  record  to  sho'v%"  tiiat  these  last  two  s.ons  were  horn  to 

98  Joseph,  and  Elizabeth  Mattoit  Woodson,  but  some  of  their  descendants 
seem  to  think  -:o;  and  the  names  are  inserted  here,  so  tiiat  the  lineal  connec- 
tion may  be  ira':e<.!  if  titev  rcall-.'  did  exist. 








Issue  of  33    SARAH  Y/OODSON*  iKoIxri,'  RoLnit,-  John')  aiuj  Jo-cph  Parsons. 

I  101   Elizabeth  Parsons,"  born  about  1714  ia  Henrico  counry,  -.v.-is  ir.arric-c!  .'-bout 

173/    t')  h'-r   hr.-t   cousin   '-S  Josciili   W'oodt-on.'      For  i>.sac  ^vo  98  Joseph 

II  *  102  Agnes  ParsonsHiorn  about  1716  [Mrs.  Benagh  says  1720J  in  Henrico.  She 
was  t^s■ice  marriei.l;  fir^t  about  1730  to  S.nnuel  Ricliardson:  seciind  about 
1745  to  her  third  roitsin  79  Charles  Woodson.^  r"or  issue  b\'  second 
husband  see  79  Charles  W'oodr-on. 

Issue  of  3  7   ELIZABETH  WOODSON*  (Robert,^  Robert.-  John")  and  John  Kni^^ht. 

I  103  Jonathan  Knight,'  liorn   in   Lunenburg,   county  about    1721.  was  married 

February  24,   1757  to  his  second  cousin,  270  Judith  \Vi>odson'^  who  was 
much  younger  than  he. 

II  104  John  Knight. '^ 

HI  105  Peter  Knight.^ 

IV  106  V/illiao  Knight.  ^ 

V  107  Joseph  Knight.^ 

VI  lOS  Rachel  Knight.' 

Vn  109  Charles  Knight.' 

VIII  110  Woodson  Knight.' 

IX  111   Mary  Lea  Knight.' 

X  112  Lucy  Cooke  Knight.'  • 

Issue  of  39   RICHARD  WOODSON*  (of  Poplar  Hill)  (Richard,^  Robert.-  J-hn')  and 

Anne  Madeiin  Micl.aux. 

i  *  113  Elizabeth,'  born  June.  1740,  in  Prince  Edv.-ard  count\-,  died  September  29, 
1791,  was  married  March  29,  1755,  to  Col.  Xathaniel  \'cnabie  ot  "Slate 
Hill"  in  Prince  Kidward  count\  ,  \":rginia.  He  'va:->  'xirn  OLtoVjer  21,  1733 
in  Hanover  count  v.  He  was  a  merchant,  first  at  New  Store  in  Buckiagliam 
county  and  afterwards  ar  Prince  Edward  Courtiieuse;  a  m.ember  of 
the  house  of  burgesses,  vestryman  in  St.  Patrick's  parish  (ihe  vestry  b'>ok 
in  his  handwriting,  is  now  at  the  Episcopal  Semiiiary  Alexandria, 
Virginia),  became  a  rabid  republican,  left  the  establishment  and  organized 
the  first  Presbyterian  Church  in  Prince  Edward  county;  w?..=  justice  of  the 
peace  of  h;^  couiity  and  member  of  the  \'irginia  house  of  '.'clcgates.     lie  was 


IMK   W ',_■(>! ).- 

0!!c  o!  tl;c  '.vriii-.-i  jMnun'loi^.  aii'!  oil:-  <T  th.»  i'lrsl  t;Tj--.U'r,-  !ii;  1775)  of 
Ilai'iixlcn  Sidn-y  Ar.K'ciin-.  aiui  •■;  tV;-,?  cf  H."iip(!"n  S;..lin'>-  Coll'-ue.  Mr 
was  ihe  real  fuiiinlcr  of  I  !.iiii|vj(M!  S:;!:u'V  ("(.!lri;c  ami  siii-ii-iiiiid  i(  (hi/lnj; 
a  punion  ci  tlir  lime  i.f  li.r  Ro'. . .li' ii.,>'  V\'ar.  Hi/  (iied  Den  r.ii.u.T  27, 
180- .     (S-e  v'aLi.-iri  nn:\  il:.'"r  Kin.) 

114  Agnes,''  luirn  (ictn!;cr  4.  17  iS,  died  }uW,  1.S20,  was  niarrii-d  juiic  li,  )7('5, 
to  Fraiu-is  V\'atkins  wlio  wa,-  born  j-aiy  15,  1745,  and  died  1S26,  and  was 
buried  al  liill  i;-  Prinrt>  i^dward  c^;uin\-.  lb-  was  a  mcinlv  r  of  li:c 
comniittce  of  safety  in.  Edward,  in  1775.  li-usiee  visitor,  manager  of 
Hampden  Sidinc\^  College,  and  an  elder  la  ilu  Presbyterian  Cliureh.  Fol- 
lowing is  a  reprint  from  a  i-iunphlet  jiuMI;,lied  inJS52  by  his  gninds'ni, 
Francis  N.  Watkins. 

"Frnncii  Wiukias  of  Hill  vas  the  sccoiul  son  cf  TIiohkt;  Waikins  of  Chirka- 
Iiominy.  Ai  an  rarly  ;u'C  he-  v..  s  rocc-iveci  in  the  ofVicc  of  his  uncle  iii-njainin  Walkins. 
the  celebrated  fir.-,t  ckik  cf  ChL.;urtield  comity.  )Ii?  ih.iitod  education  wa.=  ohlaiiied 
iHulcr  his  uncle's  lr.-iining.  and  his  subsequent  jTaciicablc  and  n.-efid  life  deinon.<;tralcd 
the  benefits  he  dnived  from  ihe-so  early  nssoci.iii,.r.s.  He  ever  f^li  very  gr...teiiii  lo 
his  n:!cle  for  his  kindness.  He  became  depdi\  ..heriff  of  Chesterfield  county,  rind 
entered  his  life  of  business  with  a  single  'pistarccn'  as  his.  fortune.  The  lirsi  money 
he  ever  earned  he  approprialrd  to  the  purchase  of  Rollins'  Ancient  History;  and  ab 
though  uneducated  in  the  learning  of  the  schools,  he  did  not  allow  his  mind  to  h,;  un- 
cultivated, but  exhibited  the  industry  which  he  carried  into  other  pursuits,  in  ac(;u;r;nj; 
useful  and  practicable  knowledge  About  1767  he  came  Ut  Vv'  Edward  and  qualMied 
during  the  year  as  deputy  to  Mr.  J.  E.  L:-  Xeve,  trie  ^rst  clerk  of  i'rince  Edward.  In 
17S.?  (at  Mr.  Le  Neve's  death}  he  was  elected  cieik  of  tiie  county  court,  which  office,  a.-; 
also  those  of  clerk  of  the  distritt  and  circuits  courts,  he  held  till  the  year  l.?2,^,  a  period 
of  forty-two  year».  He  resigned  his  office  during  this  year,  and  died  in  1S2(3,  He 
married,  June  H,  1765,  IM  Agues  Woodsoir  daughter  of  o9  Richard  Woodson'  and 
Anne  .Michaux.  .-\  faithful  sketch  of  the  life  and  cJiarjcter  of  Mrs,  Agnes  Woodson 
Watkins  might  be  interesting  and  proiuable,  especially  to  he:  de.-ce-id.ints.  She  was 
a  remarkable  woman  in  many  respects,  and  of  undoubted  ge.iius.  This  narratis'e 
couid  be  extended  far  beyond  the  limits  I  propose  to  myself,  with  authentic  anecdotes, 
told  by  the  old  people  of  this  day,  of  the  great  ingenuity  of  Mrs.  Watkins,  tis  displayed 
in  her  original  calico  p-int;  (in  advance  of  her  time-;/,  of  her  silk  n-anuf.-.ctures,  of  the 
loom  made  by  her  directions,  and  of  her  homemade  ganniL  forteaching  her  d.uiijhiers  the 
elementary  principles  of  music.  She  was  as  firm  and  daring  in  action  as  she"v,'as  'ao!d 
and  original  in  thought.  A  deserter  from  General  Tarloton's  forces  at  Moores  Ordinary, 
in  the  uniform  of— and  supposed  by  her  to  be — a  British  soldier,  attempted  to  friglUi.n 
her  0-1  one  occasion,  he  soon  found,  by  flight  alone  he  could  escape  the  fire  of  hei' 
rifle,  in  the  use  of  which  she  was  j.-racti-ed  rml  -kiilful.  She  liied  July,  l.S.JU.  Francis 
Waikins  and  hii  wife,  .-^.gnej,  li-,ed  ihe  whole  of  their  long  and  happy  inairicd  liie  al 
Poplar  Hill,  the  present  residence  of  their  rr  .nri^yn  Francis  P.  V/ood.  Of  the  character 
of  Francis  Watkins  I  have  naturally  heard  more  than  of  his  brothers  and  sisters.  He  w.ts 
held  in  high  esteem  for  his  sound  judgment,  great  integrity,  industry  and  benevolence,  iiy 
all  who  knew  him.  The  judges  and  lawj-ers  (some  of  eminence)  who  attended  the  sessions 
of  court  at  I'rince  FZdward  Courthouse  were  his  friends  and  frequent  guests.  Patrick 
Henry  particulady  seems  to  have  been  on  tirms  of  intimacy  with  him  and  was  his 
correspondent.  The  Hon.  Geo.  M.  Bibb  (a  native  of  Prince  Edward  county,  and  a 
United  States  senator  from  Kentucky)  says  of  hiin  that,  he  was  most  punctilious  in 
the  discharge  of  tlic  duties  of  his  office,  an  experienced  clei  k  c!  great  intelligence,  of 
comprehensive  mind,  and  by  lo;  g  e.^rperienco  ,.nd  oliservation  h.-d  beconre  well  >  > ;  ,ed 
in  tlie  geu-ral  |jrinc;i;ler,  of  .::nd  cniiity,'M.ui   having  Ijccn  a  regulur  student  of 


(he):;.-,'.      •;;■■ 

i\.i'.^::<  ' 

i..;,<   i  i^  >  ri.-.'i  i.-i 


'.   !,!>  ;!u 

'■,:-   Ml 

.■■■  the  r.-h;:.-:  -  . 

c.t>^li^i^':l^(    ui 

11! ::  jiitl 

;^r<,  iV 

U-    MM-Vi  1;;  -lliv'    :'.l: 

issuo  cf  40   -APT"!:';     GBADIATI    WOODSOi;^     :  iiivi'.^rdr    R.^k;-;,-    Jr^lm';    ;n:'! 

1   *      llbi  David,M.M_.rj;  in  I'ii'ire  F!.i^^^  ril  ro':;i;\  ,  \  irvinui:  vi:u.' ;;ot  ki.i.\\  n,  I'U:  u 'vas 
pr;)baM>'  ai)n'i;  1  7,>5.     He  \>'a*  pmit'o^!,  j.-i^^^ii.Oy  alvur  1  7^7 ,  in  Sa:,!h . 

il         ilf)  Richsrd.'^ 

in  137   Daniel,-  inLirr^vvi  Eli^;>b^:th  JoiiO:^,  c!:;-:.:.hicr  of  Jvhu  joncv  cl  Biicking-luvTi 


IV  '''  113  Judith,  i>oni  in  Prmo-  Edwa-d  couniy,  proliai-U-  ni-.'iil  17i.^,  v,-is  !i;.>rricJ 
aho'it  J  75'"' tu  ?>ios(.-i:  !\i.-]!:a  who  v-.a::  bo.'n  .';i;':/u;  !7,'S.  1  !•_•  wa;.  i  sC'H  of 
Willuin  ]-~i,q>ia  w  Ijosl-  will  \v'as  prob.uod  I'J.-rc!;  /.,  17f'^,  in  i,.'r  ;-ii;air/ 
couiil}-,  \'irt;!!iia.     Sec  Adderida. 

V  115  C!iarlci;,5  born  pr-jbubly  a]:iouu  17-15,  in  Priiar   r.d'Y.v.d  ooiwiv.  .^ad  was 

marriad  to  Marx-  Wiajtoii,  daugiUcr  of  Anrh'aj'  VVirs'^.i.:^;).  TIii;\-  hrid  p. 
feon,  Ant}ion>  Woudfoi,,"  w!ju  moved  i.o  "Ji'-ciai  i;:  j-5!7,  in  coiapany  with 

liis  con-. Ill Ivichard  \\"cc<d50n''  and  ihe  1.  c\.';ses  and  Gi!br,n'  =  .      !-I;^  was 

ai!  old  ba'rhuior,  and  ;:etT.!v:d  in  Saliiv-  <;iiu;v:y,  Missr;'!-).  nrar  '  I;c  Gid;;.:n^. 
Tlicri'  wcrr-  olriei  ciiildicn  born  lo  H'^'  Ciiarb-.  \\'o>id-o,-"  an;!  \lar>  '\"b.=roi: 
but  tlicj'r  naiiiC-  are  not  i:noi^:n. 

VI  '■-  120  Jacob/  boni  Jday  11,  17-'S,  in  Pvin-u  i:u^^v.l<i  corrny,  .av.l  d^:!  thorc 
becenibcr  5,  1S39. 

"lie  was  a  man  of  \-igoroiis  per-t..naiity,  "clI\c  li'.  rolordai  aiiat:  arid 
<'L  soldier  of  the  Re^-'obation;  liold  man}-  i:np'-.'i'i:il  (;!'i":r.js,  ;in-::  wa"  aic'dy 
eiitceniaj  for  his  great  intogriiy.  His  old  'i-unc  ''Mappy  \'a!:a>','  on  tbt; 
Apijoinattox,  ^liU  stands  in  a  tcood  state  of'-;,  it-;  rov  -  ol  aacieul 
box  trcv'^  and  moss-covered  well,  enha'icipi,  \ia  pi'/tiiresqui:  t.earlv  .  ile 
was  married  Xoveiriber  4,  1773  to  312  Elizabcrh  Alori.o!;.  daa;;;b.ta-;  o!  !?.7 
John  Morton  and  Elizabeth  Andcr;;',a.  Sb,?  was  a  si^l:cr  to  Cajii.  J^'bir/ 
Mortov.  who  was  I'nited  States  rni.ii.^Lei'  lo  Konicaiix.  rr;i,-..'c.  (See 
Americans  of  '.icnile  i>irth,  vcl.  I,  p.  .^(.2.) 

Issue  of  4  1    JOHN  V'OODSOK'  (T^ichard,'  Robert,-  Jolm')  and  Fll/;abr-tli  Aaiojs.ju. 

I  1?.]    Anderson,''  nj.irricd  Ann  Lackland. 

II  122  John,^  'iiarriedi  Mar;ba  Tanneway.  i.>-.-C  ,  V 

Hi  123   Anne,-' married  i\b)orc  LLiniijhin. 

124  Drusiiia,"  marriv-d  William  Walker. 

1 V 

56  Till-:  \\\', '!.)>. )\S  AN!)  T!U:th-  I  ONXl.'.lIONS 

V  125  Martha,-'  nianieu  Ji'lj:!:  TaP.ncvay. 

Issue  of  ^.2.  ELIZADETIT  WOODSO'N'  i,Rici::;,rd/  Rulierr,-  Jvi.n')  :.ud  lu-r  first  l.ns- 

bar.d,  Tliuin.'u-  MuriDi). 

I  *  126  Ricli-;rri  Morton, ■''  hovA  aljoat  1718,  rnarricc!  Ji;dnli  Ouin,  (.iaUiihuT  o!  Jolii 
Quin  and  Susaimi-  Micluuix. 

II  *  127  Jo!;;i  Morton, ■'  t^f  rrince  EiJv.ard.  'rorn  aiMiul  \~1()  arid  iiiarruii  FJizal.'clh 
Aiidcrj^oii,  ogeu  fourlccT.  year-.-,  dau^luer  of  ai)  iCui^lish  iacrchap-i  at  Fariu- 
villc  in  Friiicc  Edward  county. 

Ill         128  Thomas  Morton.-" 

l\'         129  Judith  Morton.-' 

V  UO  Anuc.  Morton.^ 

Issue  cf  43   JUDITH  WOOD&ON^  (Richard.^  Robcri:,-  Johri')  and  Ja-ub   Micl.aux. 

I  *  131  Elizabeth  Micliaiix,-"  born  about  i721,  in  Goocidand.  v.'as  nra-rled  in  1751 
to  Abrai^am  X'cnabic'  v.'bo  was  born  1725  and  died  17  73.  He  was  :\  brother 
to  Col.  Nathaniel  Venablc'  who  married  1 13  Kli^abetii  Vvoodson.-'' 


Abraham  Wjnablo-  came  to  Virjfmia  alioiit  InS,^  iron;  England,  was 
married  1699  to  Eli^alx-ih  Eewis,  and  hul  one  ^^ori,  .Ma-ahani  \'enablc,- 
who  was  Ijorn  March  22,  170G,  arid  was  m-'i^irfj  i';  !72.-;  >:,■  Mar'.iia  Eavis. 
daugliier  of  Xaiiianiel  Da\'i,s  of  Hanover  couiily;  ^ht  wai!  born  July,  1703, 
and  died  February  J3,  1765.  Abraham  Venable-  owned  a  great  deal  of 
land  in  Hanover,  Louisa  and  Goochlan.d  >  o>,:niie>.  He  was  member  ol  the 
house  of  burgesses  from  Louisa  couinty  i'ar>rir-j  of  the  |)ear.e  in  Hanover; 
^'estryman  in  St.  Paul's  parisli,  1741  ;  jusiice  i.;!  the  peace  in  i.or.isa  c.-''j:\i\-, 
1742;  vesti-yman  in  Fredericksville  parish  1712-1V61  ;  ve;;try,;;'.an  in.  Trirniv 
pari.-.ji  1762-176S;  captain  of  r(.)!orn'a!  n-iiliiia  ^'oaii'Le  lie-niri'aiu  uf 
Loui.-a  coun!\-.  H.e  died  in  Louisa  couni\-  December  16,  1768.  rlis  \>-i!! 
is  daled  April  11,  176S,  and  was  probaied  in  Louisa  c-jun;y,  January  9, 
1C69.  He  aTid  Tvlartha  Davis,  ins  v/ife,  v,-ere  the  parents  of  ten  cliiidren, 
towit:  (1)  Abraham  Venable,^  born  1725,  died  1778;  was  married  in  1751  to 
131  Elizabeth  ?*Iichau.x.'  (2)  Hugh  Lewis  Venable,'  married  ;Jary 
Mania,  daughter  of  William  Martin  of  Albemarle  co'.nUy.  (3)  Charles 
Venable,'  married  Elizabeth  Smith,  daueduer  of  Robert  Smith  of  Port 
Royal.  (4 1  Col.  Nathaniel  \'enab!e,3  born  1733,  died  1804,  -vvas  married 
March  29,  1755  to  113  Elizabeth  Woodson. =  (5)  Janie-  Venable,*  born  in 
Hano\-er  county,  died  June,  1S14,  married  133  Judith  Morion,/'  daughter 
of  Joseph  ?Jorton  and  45  Agnes  Woodsori.<  ((i)  William  \'<  r.abl.r,'  married 
Ann.  Clark,  dai.'^iiter  of  Isaac  Clark  of  Louisa  county.     (7;  John  Venaiile,^ 

iiiiiirioi!  Av.iK-s  '\lo<irni;in,  (l;ur;ii('.-r  .■{  v"!i.".;''.'s  Niiiornvin  of  ).(;i  rouiiiy. 
(8)  Aiin  W.i.ii.U-,^  !i\:i;-iieil  i ';;:!;!■  Kivj,  of  ("iin)hcil;ind.  (91  KIiza!)eiI: 
\'e!iai)lc,''  inarricii  IS.?  jr.^'ali  A'''  ^^'il  of  Josoiih  Morum  aiiii  -iS  Aunss 
Woodson.'  (10/  ?^[.lr\•  X'ciiji'L'.  "  niarvioil  Clijiics  Mooinuii;,  .son  of  C'harlc.-i 
,Moormar.  i  f  Lc'iii.'^a  coui'i'.y. 

Issut*  of  45   AGNES  WOODSON^-  (Ki,  iiard,"-  Robon,-  j<,lm')  and  Jo-fi;li  Mcnon. 

1  *  132  Jof^iah  Mortor.,'"  iKirr.  Xo\oi;''I'T  14,  17,-i7,  ip.  C"!iar'oMc  couni\-.  \'';-cinia, 
died  Nowni'r.;'-  21 ,  11S:k  Mv  v  .is  an  eld'.T  in  ikiovy  i'lT.-by'iCri.'in  Cliurch; 
was  married  in  1757  to  lili/'al^t-ili  \'c;ial/'c,  daugliier  of  Abraham  V(.nabic 
and  Manila  i)a\is.     Slic  died  iri  177S. 

11  *  l.?3  Juciith  Morton,'' Ijorn.  Deccm'.,)cr  27,  i  7.^",  in  ("Ik  riotle  coviiity,  was  niarried 
about  17.^7  to  Janice  X'cnadjle,  ,-oii  of  .\br,diani  \'onablr  and  Martha  Da\is. 
He  was  bum  in  173-!-  in  ILiruuer  count}'.  .Aft'.-r  Ids  niarfia;.;o  lie  seliled  in 
Ci'.arlolte  anal  in  1709  \\-a;  jusiico  of  ilie  pcaco  in  county,  was  an  c!dfi- 
in  Bricr\'  Prcsl.iytcrian  Church,  aaid  was  trustee  of  Uarnr.dcn  Si;!ncy  College 
In  1775  t<j  1795.  Me  naua-tl  to  Shelby  count;.',  l\entuck\',  in  1796  and  v.'as 
an  eidi-r  there  in.  Mnll;erry  PrL--l.r>'terian  Church.  He  died  in  1314  ov  his 
farm  in  Shelby  count\',  Kentuck>',  anal  i.-  b^iuicd  there.  Mis  will,  dated 
August  28,  1812,  is  ■■ecorded  in  Shelryville,  Kentucky. 

lil  "  j?4  Cd.  V/illiara  Morton/  born  Xo-\-ember  27,  1743,  in  Charlotte  coiiaty,  died 
rNOvcmber  29,  1820.  He  was  married  September  29,  1764,  to  Susannah 
W'atkins,  dau;';hter  of  Thomas  W'atkins  of  Ciiiekahondnv. 

"This  excellent  woman  is  still  remembered  with  great  veneration  and 
affection  by  tlie  ohf  jieo;ile  of  the  conntr\',  ar^d  was  beloved  hir  her  di'voted 
piety,  unifornih'  exhibited  diu'ing  a  lon.jj;  and  consistent  liie.  Distinguish.ed 
for  the  'meek  and  ciuiei  spirit,'  whicii  so  lieautiful'y  adornvd  her  life,  her 
\-irtne.s  shone  most  con-^picuon.^h  at  home,  and  to  her  husband  and  her 
children  slie  was  of  pricele.^s  value.  But  if  Mrs.  iMorton  'had  been  a  woman 
of  no  ma.rked  and  di;!:riCti\'e  character,  the  alliance  with  C  oi.  Mc^rton' 
brought  much  honor  to  her  nam^e.  He  must  ha^•e  been  an  exlraoidinarx 
man.  He  seems  to  ha\'e  held  some  oftfce,  \\'hiie  a  young  maii,  wln'ch  c.i'lcd 
him  occasii;>nall\'  to  Williamsburg,  the  then  seat  of  go\'ernmeni;  of  VirLiTiia. 
On  one  of  these  journ'jys  he  called  at  tlie  residence  of  Thomas  \\'atk/!!S  of 
Chickah'iniiny.  and  the  acquaintance  v.'iih  his  daiighle''  re-i.!''.'Ki  'n  thieii 
marriage.  He  settled  on  the  Staunton  Ri\er,  at  the  p'.aritatien  nov,'  (in 
1852)  occupied  by  his  grandson.  He  enlist i/d  in  tlie  patriotic  ser\'ice  of 
his  country,  and  exhibited  much  gallantry  at  the  battle  of  Guili'ord  Coiirt- 
house.  He  was  afterwards  a  faithful  and  useful  justice  of  the  peace  in 
Charlotte  county;  and  on  one  occ.i-i.jn  refused  to  vote  for  the  nomination 
to  the  executive  of  \'irginia,  for  a  nnlitia  officer  to  lie  comndssioned  as  a. 
major.  The  oflicer  demanded  his  reason;  Col.  Moiton  told  him  that, 
'wi.eii  he  ran  at  Guilford  from  the  enemy's  fire,  he  (Cob  Morton)  thrashed 
him  back  into  tlie  lines.'  A  f>ersonal  difficulty  w'as  apprehended  Ijv  the 
friends;  aiid  ■\sd)cn  some  one    asked    the  Colonel  if  lie  did   n.ol  !eel  some 

prcur.prly  roi'.iicil, "  Xo,  1  ihr.  -!h^(!  \\\v.\  oin:e.  ar^.i  •:.■■:".  tio  it  .'.eain  if  in '.x-.-rr ;;;>•.' 
Tile  cliari;c  (■alJ^e<;l  a  l!\\>;ii;;  the  (."oli'uc!  ;■  ;••  ^i.!:>-  diuktiity  'wt  ohir.\r:'':vc. 
ibc  i)roof  c>l  llie  ailcgoJ  >Iar.Jcr.  bm  wbur,  !i,.  \\r;s  fully  si;?iaincvi  !.y  an  o'i 
fo'dler  will)  \viiin:.-fsi.'fl  liu-  i:i<:i-.!ciii..  ;Iii.-  pri.-\-cu; io!t  cf  tl)e  .-uit  va;-  al'^aii- 
floi'.od.  I'cw  nun  wcro  !:i.!<.l  ;n  !;!j;iic!  xciicidiiuP.  a!i>.!  regard,  by  a!!.  \i.;\.v'-i 
ami  old.  than  Culnnol  Mori.jn;  .•,;;(!  sriainiy  fiiv  iii^■  piti\-  and  IjCK-Nolunco, 
and  for  all  those  high  and  i:i!;iol.")liiiy;  Nirtiie;  v^-Jiicli  iiiaVe  v.\)  and  coir.plctc 
the  character  of  tiie  'good  ciiixc!;."  A<  on  evidence  <>f  his  oxceeding  kir.d- 
ness  of  heart,  no  !o\e  rf  pruiivs  could  indnee  liini  {o  ^ell  Ci^rii  to  the  pour 
beyond  the  lowest  iiutrket  price.  duriiic:a  .-cas'ia  v.  hen,  from  great  scarcity  in 
the  cotmtry,  co:'n  %\as  coninianding  a  very  high  pri.;c,  and  a*:  such  tie.ics  he 
liberally  supplied  the  needs  of  tlie  exirenicl;,  poor,  without  price.  In  the 
development  ol  wonderful  sa.<;atii\'  of  mind.  Col.  Morton  excecied  any 
man  of  whom  I  have  e\-cr  heard;  and  cspeei.dK'  in  fcrretin;^  o-at  crime.  He 
\Yas  eniphaticaiK"  a  "  lerrc^r  to  e\iidoers.'  The  ^'ari.'Us  and  aathcnlic 
anecch.Hes  cf  his  skill,  at;  tracing  others  by  tiac'-:in;.;  tb.c!;;,  are  most  wonder- 
ful. .Among  tl'.e  many  facts  which  are  tdl'.i  cf  liirii  ie.  this  particular, 
I  mention  one.  A  riding  horse  was  stolen  while  tiie  co!ig,regation  v."ere 
cngaeed  in  public  worship  at  Brier\'  Chiireh.  Col.  ?»Iortori  followed  the 
track  of  the  horse  into  Nortit  Carolina.  T.'ie  thief  evidently  designed  lo 
prevent  pursuit,  if  possible,  by  often  leaving  the  direct  road,  but  he  cotuci 
not  e^■ade  the  Colonel.  He  piirsued  him  by  following  the  horse's  track,  and 
without  aid.  he  apprehended  him.  The  thief  was  broiight  back  to  \'irginia, 
convicted  and  punished.  The  Presbyterian  Churclt  had  few  more  useful, 
consistent,  zealous  and  wise  memibers  than  Col.  Morton.  He  was  lor  a 
long  tinte,  a  ruling  elder  of  this  denominatio:'.  I'.hs.  Morton  died  Sijme 
years  before  her  husband.  \"ery  numerous  descendants  sur%'ived  them; 
their  children  and  grandchildren  are  amon:;  the  most,  r.oiiorable  and  re- 
spected in  the  commonwealth,  v.-hose  useful  lives  iliu^traie  the  benelits  of 
the  exainples  and  counsels  of  their  excellent  ancestors.''  (See  Catalog  '^y 
F.  N.  Waikins  1852). 

1,35  Jsne  Llorton,^  born  Feljruar^-,  1745,  in  Charlotte  cotinl\'.  and  mairjed  Mr. 

136  Agnes  Morton/'  born  Februar\-  .T,,  1747,  in  Charlotte  county,  \'iTg;nia. 
and  died  in  1S14.  She  married  Coi.  joe!  Wat.kins.  the  tiiinl  -0!i  of  Thomas 
Watkins  of  Chickahominj-. 

"He  removed  from  Henrico  to  Charlotte  when  a  young  man,  at  the 
perstiasion  of  his  brother-in-law,  134  Col.  William  Morton.^  His  residence, 
'Woodfork,'  was  a  few  miles  north  of  Charlotte  Courthouse.  lew  nien 
were  more  beloved  than  this  excellent  old  man.  'I  never  knew  him,*  said 
Mr.  Leigh,  'and  I  am  \ery  sorry  for  it,  for,  according  to  my  information.  !'.:• 
was  the  very  best  man  that  ever  lived  in  tiiis  world."  'He  was  remark- 
able,' says  another  who  knew  him  v.ell,  'for  his  plainness.  bene\-olence  and 
integrity;  a  pattern  of  indus!r>,  one  o-  the  kindosi  of  friends -the  friend 
of  the  Iriend'e.-.-,  one  who  comforied  tlv  widow  ir,  afnictioa,  w;;s  a  laiher  ;..» 

nrvii  (.i-:xr'.RATin>;  Sv 

ihc  orphan,  ;>  fi!;:ii!  ;.)  il'.e  poor,  iliv  .idsiser  oC  ;M;i:'.h.  wlilvni!:  an  iiuM.iy 
and  Ims  tK'atl'i  i;i.'Ui  iud  ny  :ill.  H;.-  woul'i  cniirt  'hf  r'^nip^^iiy  of  '.'outii,  ;nKi 
I  Iiavc  oficr.  hij.'iJ  liiiii  cosiip.ired  ;o  ;!.e  f.upc/  (■■!'  'lii-  ii>uiitry,  wliilo  ;iuother 
st\"!cd  lini  iho  gi\-.u  p..M.i  jne.ikcr  '" 

Tliere  vs-as  i):!;-  virtue-  for  which  h.;-  .'ii.i  ills  !^!^>!her  Fr.mris  v.vtx:  noteil, 
.'iDcl  which  fIoM:r\'c^  ir.oir.iim.  I  refi-i  lo  liicir  purity  (jf  char.icuT  a^  l-x- c>-.l  by  a  coixlial  clis:.;i:.-t  ;U  iioarui.;  vuii^ar  iiiul  uiv:hasU'  C'  in ev-aiion. 
Thiir  kindness  and  politei'.oss  niijd'.t  soriUrtinios  prevent  .^ceniitij;  iiav-linc-s 
to  the  retailers  of  such  le'iuirk.-,  bi't  \'\-:y  s;;\e  no  sign  of  encour.ejctront  to 
the  ronver?alion.  (hi  >!ieh  oeca>i:jns  Col.  Joel  W'ai  ki.i?  w  duld.  waiic  (>'!' 
and  ligli'  hi?  \r.pc. 

Ainoi'ig  vlie  papers  of  ihc  late  Hon.  John  Randolijh  found  a  manu- 
script v.aiiten  by  himself,  of  which  t!'.e  following-  is  a  copy: 

"t)ii  Sunday,  the  2ni.l  ot  JaiUiaiy,  ileparied  this  lift.-,  at  an  advanced 
age,  beloved,  honored,  and  lamented  In-  all  v.  ho  knew  him,  *.'i;!onei  Joel 
Walkins,  v'  the  county  of  ChailoUe  .".nd  stale  of  \'ir!.;inia.  W'ilhoiu 
shinins;  abilities  or  tiie  ath'antages  ot  an  educa.lioi;;  liy  plain.  str.M'..;!it- 
forward  industry,  under  the  guidance  of  old -lashioned  lione--t_v  and  prac- 
tical good  seiK-'O,  k.e  accunudated  an  ample  I'.rtune.  in  whieli,  it  i.>  Inmly 
beliex'ed,  there  \\'a.-  not  one  dirty  siiiliing.  fruii.s  of  lii-.-  own  I;,:.if)!s 
he  distributed  with  a  promptitude  and  liberality  seldom  equaled,  bur  ne\er 
surpassed,  in  suitable  pro\ision,  to  tins  children  at  their  entrance  into  life, 
and  on  e\'ery  deserviiig  object  of  private  benevolence  or  pa!)lic  spirit; 
reserving  to  liimself  tltv  means  of  a  generoiis  but  unostentatious  hospitaiity. 
Nor  was  he  liberal  of  his  money  only.  His  time,  his  trouble  Vv'ere  never 
withheld  on  the  bench  or  in  his  neighborhood,  v^dien  they  could  be  us.L'fulIy 
cmplo_\-ed.  If,  as  we  are  assured,  pe.icemakers  are  blessed,  wito  siial!  Icel 
stronger  assunmce  of  bliss,  tlian  must  ha\e  Goioothed  '.his  old  man's  passage 
to  an  unknown  world." 

YI  137  Little  Jo  Morton,-  bora  November  l.S,  1749,  married  ?\l:ss Watkiiis. 

V'li   "      138  Jacob  Morton,''  lx;rn  January  .?9,  1751,  v.'as  matried  Septeu'iber  ,'•>,  177-!,  to 
Jane  D.  Rooker,  and  died  ?Jay  22,  1S20. 

VI!  I  139  Elizabeth  Morton,-"'  born  .May  14,  1754,  in  Charlotte  county,  diid  in  182S, 

was  married  about  1772  to  182  John  Minor  Daniel,^  son  of  Capt.  James 

■  Daniel  and  5S  Elizabeih.  \\'oodson.''     For  i;>sue  see  1S2  Joltn  !Minor  nanicl.^ 

Issue  of  4S   JU.Orm  WOODSON'  (Joseph,'  lio!ivrf,=  John')  and  Charles  ChrF-t-'an  of 

.     Gooclil.ind  county.  .  , 

1  140  Lucy  Christian,-^  born  probably  about  the  year  1735  in  Goochland  count}'; 

was  raarried  about  1756,  to  her  tliird  c.'usin,  156  Drury  Woodson.'       For 
isstie  .•^ee■156  Drury  Wooi.lson.'' 

II  141  Judith  Christian,'  b(,rn  alioul.  173S  in  Goochland,  and  married  lu-r  third 

cousin,  175  Chesle\-  FJ-.inieJ.' 

To  titis  union  \-.-e!<   liorn  nine  otiicr  chil<lrer.  \\!'.o.=e  names  are  recordied 
in  the  followin-  ^kelcl!  of  the  Christian  fa;;-.iiv. 


sc)^JE'i"^ixc  or  tise  christiax  famh^v 

(.Sec  Will 

:ui.i  .■ 

;n!  Mar;, 

'""■•'-;;■'  Cti-^"'^'^'!>') 

This  i- a  fa 



lUivi,  u  (irl.QH-i  a!ui  h:h.\ 

ai  a  Vi'.-y  early 


They  Y 

.■eri;  ileemsters  ur  iii(i; 

L'^ily  as  140S. 

arni  , 

1-:  si!>:ii  ; 

uiccee.L-  !  i-:\::  am.iln 

'.a.iin'il  L^ivai  Ci:!i'icriCf 
in  ihe  isle  of  Man  a- 

for  seveT.J  coniiirie'^. 
emViarlng  raany  g--iicra;ioiis.  Tho  narac  '.vas  fornuriy  Mac  (Tisieri:  il-.en 
Cri?(cn,  and  finaMy  alio;:',  the  year  U'.iH)  it  \v;i.-^  ehanp.eei  le'  its  prese;u  f  .tm 
by  Mar  (ri-^toa  who,  in  1605.  uhc;i  ovAy  t\vc;uy-si\  years  olu,  was 
made  deemster,  and  held  the  orfice  fifty-emc  years.  lie  was  also  d<.-iU!:  v- 
governor  of  Peel  Casile  and  the  most  intluentia:  nun  in  the  inland.  Early 
in  the  se\-eiiteenth  cti'.iury  sonie  of  ihr  descendants  of  this  ancient  family 
emigrated  to  X'ir^inia,  acquired  lar-c  bodies  of  land  a:id  entered  \-i;,orou.dy 
into  the  development  of  the  new  coiintry.  The  X'irv.iuia  pro.'irena'ior  of  the 
farnilv  was  Tlunnas  Christian.'  As  "Mr.  Thomas  (."nri-jiian  "  he  patented. 
October  21,  1687,  1080  acres  ii,  Cdiarle.-,  City  eou,;(y.  1  he  term  "Mr." 
accorded  to  the  immigrant,  is  indicaiive  of  social  siandiag.  In  16'>-j- 
"Thomas  Christian  Sen"  obtained  a  patent  for  193  -jcres  south  of  Chicka- 
hominy  swamp.  Ei  appears  that  he  had  at  least  four  sons:  (])  Thoma.s 
Chris'.ian-  "of  Charles  City  county"  who  pavenred  land  (1712  and  1727)  in 
the  forks  of  Beaver  Dam  Creek  ir.  t;;at  part  of  Henrico  cotnuy  called  Gooch- 
land: (2)  Charles  Ciiristian.^  of  Chark.s  Cit}-  co:.i::ty,  who  located  lands 
in  the  same  \icinity  in  1714  and  1727.  (.5)  James  Christian,-  in  the  .same 
vicinity,  located  land  bounding  on  Thomas  Ciiri.-tian's  line  (1719).  (-I) 
John  Christi;-.n,-  of  Charles  City  county,  in  the  ■.arne  vicinity-  (172-1'». 
This  Clia.des  CJirislian-  (Thomas'),  lived  in  Wcrtover  parish  in  Ch.aries 
City  county,  and  obtained  numcous  patent.s  to  land  in.  Goochland.  There 
is  a  record  there  of  his  deed  of  gift  (1750)  i.o  Stejihen  Watkins  of  Amc-iia 
county.  The  record  also  sliov.s  his  deed  to  Ciiarles  Christian,  jr.,'  -A 
Goochland  (1754). 

Charles  (diristian.  Jr.^  (Charles,-  Tlionias'-)  was  iiorn  pro!)ai>iy  ab-t-'.it 
1710,  and,  it  is  !.)e!ieved,  married  -19  judi:h  \V<.>odsou'  aboat  1730.  He 
lived  and  died  in  Goochland  where  his  wii!  was  proved  Fchruiirv  ]6.  17S4, 
and  mentions  children  as  follows:  (J)  William  Chrisiian,'  (2;  Wal'er 
Christian,  (3)  George  Chrisiian,  (4,)  Charle.i  Christian,  (5)  John  Ch>-isuaa, 
who  was  married  on  May  9,  1771,  Iiy  Kev.  WiHiam  l-'ou-ias,  to  ludiili 
Leake,  the  yr.nncre-t  daughtc-  of  Walter  Leake  and  Juditl;  :^;a-:k-  (6.! 
Elijah  Christian,  (7)  Turner  Christian,  who  was  married,  June,  1778,  to 
Anna  Payne,  dautditer  of  George  Payne,  June,  177S,  (S)  Eiizabeih 
Christian,  who  married  John  Humber  of  St.  Paul's  parish,  (9)  Ma'v 
Chrisiian,  who  was  married  on  Deccmd.ier  19,  1770,  to  James  Grishoin, 
(10)  Judith  Christian,-  who  was  .married  on.  October  IS-,  1774,  to  Benjainin 

Benjamin  Lacy  v.-as  probably  Judith  Christian's  second  hi'slxmd, 
as  she  is  believed  to  be  the  above  141  Judith  Christian  who  :r,arricd  her 
third  cou:in  175  Chesley  Di-niel.  Tiiere  was  another  daughter,  nan-od 
Lucy,  bom  to  Ch:irk-f,  Christian  a:-.d   19  ji;dith  Woodson.     She  was   boii! 

ru-vn   Ci.M.KATKI.N 

pri;!>al'!\-  a\,:;ul  iiio  vca-  1735.  in  G' '..■clilar.J  couiiy  <xii'l  nv.i'-  man-led 
about  175c  o>l-.'.''-  ;!iir,.!  cousin  15u  !''iur\-  Woo/ison.' 

Issue  Ci  5  "t    TUCK}?.R  ViOQT>SOn'  ;  juv-p!),^"  .|..'hn')   lu.i  hi.  iirsi  '.vifo,  Saryh 

I  142  J::nc,''  ii.-rn  ai>oiit  !742.  va?  ■iiarvied.  l-.;l.;\iaiy  ?ii,  1760.  to  l-lolu-rt  Lewis. 

Her  iarlicr  niadi.-  hor  a  uc-j<i  ol  \^U\.  io  scnie  l;md  wliicl,,  no  uoubt,  a 
bridal  p:\-rc;u-  Robert  l.fcsos  was  b.)ia  May  29.  17.^;.  He  was  a  son  of 
Charlctf  L'.ui-;  an^i  Ma-y  llowcll  \v!io-i  roidcncu  u\  Cicchl.uu]  c«v.n'.y  was 
callod  "Tin  ]i\:\\:'      [Sci:  \Vm.  &  Mary  Oily.,  \".  X,  p.  ^?..) 

II  *      143  Tucker, ■'■   born   aboul    1744   in   G-aocldand,   hu-atod    in    Mbcnarle  cou:ity, 

married  l:aizabr:th  Mooi-  and  died  in  1779.  Tii:,  will  is  dated  March  16, 
17  79,  and  was  proN'ed  in  Albemarle  coi'rr,  Ma>-.  1779. 

'•In  tiu;  early  part  of  ib.e  Revoliiiionary  \^■al■,  Cu'i.  Jo;-eph  Cr-ackett, 
wl-.ile  on  <iut\-  in  Albemarle  county,  protected  the  property  and  homo  of 
143  Tucker  \\  oodson,-''  %vhich,  like  ail  i:^olau'd  counii>'  Iiome?,  w.l?-  in  con- 
stant dancrer.  botli  from  liie  intlians  .-nui  th.e  Driti^ii.  From  this  circum- 
stance tiicre  resulted  a  warm,  attacnn.cnl  between  Mr.  ancl  Air.^.  Woodson 
and  tlie  young  otncer.  Col.  Crockett,  conifnanding  ilre  Il'^inois  or  Croc'-:et!. 
regiment,  was  ordered  west  to  aid  George  Mi.gcrs  Ciark  in  hi.-  warfare  v.ith 
llie  Indians.  .Shorily  after  this,  143  Tucker  Woodhon-'  died  (in  1779) 
leaxing  h's  \,-idov.-  and  two  little  boys,  one  of  them  a  mere  infant,  'slaving 
performed  his  military  duties  in  the  wcsl.  Col.  Crockett  relumed  to  Albe- 
marle coimty,  fell  in  love  with  tlie  hrmdiome  younr  widov-'  and  married 
Iter  in  1783.  Tidying  his  wife  and  her  two  little  l^ioy--,  iliey  removed  to 
Kentucky  in  1  7S4  and  settled  in  Je-.rrmine  county,  'viiere  thay  spcuv  the 
remainder  of  tlieir  lives."  (See  Young's  MisLor-.-  of  Jessamine  county, 

III  '^      144  Joseph, ■•  born  aljotit  1740  in  Goochland  cc-july,  Virginia,  and  was  married 

to  Sarah  Hughes. 

IV  145  Roberta''  born  aljout  1730  and  died  v-.-ithuut  issue. 

\'  *  146  SamueliMjorn  about  1752  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia,  was  m-r.rned  iii 
June,  1777,  to  196  Elizabeth  Payne,*  a  granddaugluer  of  14  Aviary  V>'oodscii 
and  George  Payne,  Sr.  ilarriagc  bond.  Jua.o  12,  1777.  (\\'m.  &  Mary 
Utiy.,  V.  X,  p.  ISS.) 

ISSUL-.  CF  51  Tt.CKER  \\'OODSO.\,'  BV  M.ARV    NeT  }!i' RL.ANI',  HIS  SECO.VD  V/Ifl-. 

VI  147   Sarah, 5  Ixjrn  September  22.  1751,  and  married  William  Macon. 

VI I  *  148  Wads  Kethcrland,^  born  January  16,  1 763,  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia, 
where  he  was  reared  and  cdueaied.  He  was  twice  m.arried;  hrst,  on 
February  2.S,  1792.  to  Miss  Mary  Harris,  daughter  of  Col.  John  Harris  and 
Obedience  Turpm  of  Powhatan  rjj-iMy.  Obedience  Tut  pbi  was  a  daaghter 
of  Thomas  Turpin  and  Mary  JeS^rso:,  who  was  a  sister  of  President  T!i.-nuis 

ijii,  \v()'"-n-;v\-.  a';m  '■(•■■.;j  fONXin  iiviNs 

n:^!:ioii  JiKl'th.  -iwi;-  .v.;r.i.<^!  :■>  John  Crji'i  of  Kci'turLx-  aru"  ijoiJiii.: 
the  of  John  j.  (■ii'tctuh-ii,  L;^>\-erni..r  cf  Kt/r;tn:I>,  rniu-;l  Stale-.,  nn6  a;t<  riK-\-ge:ici-,!l  u!  il;;'  i  !;iv-.d  r^r,i'o>.  \l\ .  A.  riioi!;.)  After 
his  nia!iiap,c  1!8  '*^';^•l^•  Xctht-riii.-nl  \\\,'0;l.-oii  roiiflc''  iii  Fow'i.iiin  coui-.ty. 
Vii-iuiii,  until  iiis  wIU' (iit-J  M;iy  ?J.  ]M2,  wlien  iic-  yoi.ngosi.  oir'cl,  388 
(JiariuUc  Corday.  ■'.va--  bi'i  a  m',':i',h  eld.  Sli(.itiy  after  U'li;-  !;e  ;Tun-';o  tr- 
Kp.o\  coiini:y,  Kciiiiu-ky,  nr.d  v.-;i5  tb^rc  r.iarriod  X(~.\-i,  H.  iS'J,  to 
Miss  .Win.-  ("nick  (not  <„'hook?  f.l.iiicrh;:. r  of  Janics  Ciiirk  of  Kt^r-i  county, 
KeiiuicK\'.  She  v.T.s  bcrn  Jai;u.:r\-  'f',  1  7[-i\'.  'i'licy  ;;p!.-at  ihc  iciiraiiulur  of 
tl-.cir  li\-.'s  in  Kc;nl.i!ci:.\  where  !,c  di.;d  A.pril  S,  \S.-i7. 

\"l\]  MP  Bciijamin,-' bora  AL!-Ll^l  21.  1768. 

IX  ■'  150  joiin  Plcssants,^  born  Octoiior  12,  1770.  probribly  in  Goochland  couin.}-, 
renio\-cd  lo  tlie  wcstcn  part  of  ihc  ^;ait•  ;i.;d  wa.;  n.arriod  in  ISfiO  li.  li^li/.i- 
beth  Yoi:ng  Da\'id.-on  uf  Aliint^imi  i;i  Lie  cc-uniy.  \"ir^;nia.  Slif  was  bor.; 
rso\-oinbcr  11,  l7J5-i,  :!nd  died.  July  T.  IS.^'"-.  iic  died  in  Lcc  coimiy  on 
March  IS.  1870.  (Thi.s  data  wa.s  givti^  by  ll.^^  granddaughter,  V.n.  Harrier 
N.  Pctrr-e  of  Coal  Creek,  Tenne.siee,  and  was  copied  from  the  faniiby  Bible 
record.  H    .\T.  W.)  » 

X  "      1.51  Henry  Macon, -^  born   probably  about   1772,   marri'..d   Eli.^.-dieri-;    ^JtIT■^:•r^ 
(Wm.  &  Mary  Qtly,  Vol.  XI.  p.'.vs,  vol.  X,  p.  1?9.} 

XI  1 52  Tarleton,''  n.f-ntioiiedi  in  Brock's  catalog-,  hvJ-  pvobiaMy  'lied  youHj;  as  notiii;!^-; 

is  known  o;  -dm. 

Issue  of  62   V/ILLIAIvI  WOODSOI^'  (Benjamin,^  RobeiC  John')  and  Sarnh  Aiien. 

I  '■'  1.53  Jesse/  born  aboi!i;  1715  in  Cundjeriand,  i-Larritd  and  settled  i;;  Ejckin-g- 
harn  county,  Vir.'jinia.  In  tite  slate  cenriis  17.S2  lie  is  put  dov.'n  !:■>  the 
Cv.nibf^rL'ind  co'uii.y  i"st  as  "head  of  a  fair.iiy  "  of  .*ivc  •■viiite.i  end  l;ve  bl.\ck?. 

II   *     154   S'lp.irtclij^  born  in  Ci'ndocrL-.nd  county  aboiji   i?17.  iiianicd  and  sol'd'.:']  in 

)  11  l.?5  Williftin,-"  born  about  1/20  in  Cnnibictkind  county  v.ber.;  h<_  ap]i-..arb  ;o  h.':i\e 

spent  his  entire  life. 

IV  *  156  Drury,-Mioi'n  jdoout  1722  in  Cumberland  county.  \"ir /i'da.  wlic-re  he  y\?:- 
reared  and  educated.  He  ".as  r.t.irned  about  the  }'enr  1 756  to  his  tlurd 
cousin  140  Lucy  Christian,-'  daughter  of  Charles  Christian  and  49  Jikiitli 
Woodson^  of  Goochland.  In  the  census  a;:  taken  by  the  state  of  Virginia. 
17S2  to  1785,  Drury  Woodson  is  enumerated  as  "head  of  a  fainily"  •■.o-.t- 
sisting  .of  eight  v.hites  and  si.\teen  blacks.  (See  Heads  of  Families,  r"'rst- 
Census  of  United  States  1790.)  There  is  recorded  iri  Cund)erland  county.. 
an  agreenjent,  dated  March.  17.  178.3,  concerning  200  acres  of  land  in 
Buckingham  cotinty,  v.diich  recites  '.he  abo\e  Je.^se  Woodson,  Sliadr.=  ch 
Woodson,  and  Drur)-  Wood.-on  were  .--rin-  of  52  Wd.r.Htn,  Wijotisjin.-*  fSc-e 
Wm.  ^  ?dary  Qtiy..  V.  X.,  p.   1S9.)      156  k-riu-y  Wocd.>o:i^  died  Octobo.-, 

r;:'\\\  ■■.'■i:y<\-K.\ii<'S  63 

1  7^8.      ]'h  \:u\.  <la;rO  .\iav  7,  1  .SS,  \v:i.;  pr^jvod  in  ruii'lioilancj,  Xi/\cra':cr 
2-!,  i7^.^.  o'ld  !^  a^.  f-iicv  >: 

In  ilic  is.mie  '-!  ('•oi\.  Aiik-i:.  I,  !)iii;-y  \\\---;dso!i  ci'  Ciin'bori;'.:i;i 
roii;V\-,  l,'<-in3  wcik  iir..!  .riiictL'.!  i;;  l.-ocly,  in:'  if  perfect  nuiul  niul  i:icinor>- 
— llMi'ks  he  to  (',■.:[  I:-.-  U'.f  ii;o. ■<.•:..•< — but  i.;;i!!!r.;  to  nuiid  the  shoriac^s  and 
tiiuortain;  y  of  li;c  ;r;d  ;!'o  (.-irt.uiU)  'if  di\t:'i,  ',ic  iiui'^e  ;ind  o;\i;;in  this  tu 
l.)e  nn  la^t  will  :.'.iv,!  iv.-iamfiu,  iu  uiuunor  a:;-,!  Icv.n  iolUrrliip;. 

lirtt;  After  ;u\'  death  ari<.l  iue.cral  cxi'Liiscs  arc  pa'il,  1  lend  \o  v.\y 
be!c:'',-ei!  wife,  l.iiev  ^\''n.d:-.o!i,  six  -iicjrr'.es.  iln-ir  r.anics  a:-  kiH'.iv.-itli :  r>ai!;cl. 
Sa;iip>oii.  Saiii.  i  i.i',  Enei^r  an  !  Ir.iac;  aivd  O.n  iraet  of  iaiid  wIhtl 
I  nov,  live,  wiili  all  aiy  t.-ti'ie,  i'oiii  leal  and  ;>eis(>P.,d.  v.-!n"cli  ic  not  I'tve- 
aftcr  panicti!ari>  .^i\-cn  by  legacy-  to  m\-  chiidreii,  tc  iia\-e  and  to  lu'Id.  anrl 
])eaccably  ciijo\-  i;:c  term  ."f  hvr  lire,  aiKJ  ti'.en  U'e  ruproos  a!xi\e  leiU  t)  Ije 
cqiialre  di\'idod  ani.:'ng  adi  niy  children,  and  tiie  I'cst  o!  tny  e;Halc.  itnt  my 
\\ifc,  it  is  my  will  thoiild  be  equaliN"  di\ided  am  >ii_c;  all  n-._\'  r!;i!  iicri  e;\ccp>i 
413  Juditli  Johnson''  and  Charles  Woodton,  alter  mv  wife's  dict.-e.-e. 

Secondly:  I  lend  to  ni>-  daughter,  413  Judith  Jclinror.,''  one  ncc^ro  boy 
named  Joe,  the  term  of  my  wife's  life,  and  I  c;i\"e  tlie  paid  :ie>;ro  b.jy,  after 
her  deeease,  to  the  said  Judith  Johnson  fore\-er. 

Thirdly;  I  ;ive  to  my  son  412  Charles  \'\'eodso!i,''  five  snillin^s  Ster- 

Founldy:  !  pi\"e  to  my  d<'.t!C,hter  415  ?dary  Woodson,'^  t\v<;  ne;ri'oec 
named  Rose  and  PcNton. 

l-'ifthl-e:  I  give  nt}-  dauc,  414  Nancy  King,''  two  nej.,roes  nancd 
Ne'J  and  Jane. 

Sixthly:  I  gi\  e  my  son  4iS  Drnry  \\V).jdst.r.  '"  three  nc-^roos  named  I'tn, 
Sal  and  Jaiacs,  and  the  land  v.aereou  ]  ntj?  li'.x-,  aftei  ir.y  ■•.vifc'i 

Scventi;iy:  I  gi%e  ray  daiu;htt*r  416  EliAalieti)  Vv'oodson,''  tv.o  nsj^roes 
riaincd  Jacob  and  F'annie. 

Jiighthly;  I  pive  mj-  daughter  Alartria  Wcodscn,  two  neg:e,es  named 
Mima  and   Da\id. 

Ail  of  wlijch  h'j,a(  ies  to  be  received  as  the  eiiildien  come  cf  age,  e:<cpv\ 
the  land  which  is  left  to  my  wife  the  term,  of  Vik-,  and  thi-n  r:!'>'c  n  to  my 
son   Drur\-  Woodson. 

And  I  do  hereby  disanntd,  re.soke  and  disailow  al!  and  e\"ery  other 
former  Testaments.  Wills,  Lc-jracies  and  Bequeafhs,  and  iZxecutors  i)re\iot:s 
to  date;  ctJtir.rniin.e  this  to  be  my  last  '.vill  and  testament,  appointing 
my  beloved  wife  l.ucy  Wood-.y.m,  and  my  son  Charles  Woodson,  Executoi's 
of  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  in  witness  v.dicre  of,  I  ha'.v  hei'euntc; 
set  :Tiy  hand  and  affixed  my  seal  this  seventli  day  of  May.  one  tho'usaad, 
seven  hundred  arid  eighty  eight. 

Drurv  Woodson,  L.  S. 
Signed,  sealed  and  declared 

in  the  presence  of 

Jessp;  T-VLLK-i . 

Agxk.s  T\li  kv. 

SrsANNA  Fosr^iR. 

61  run  noonsoN^  and  tu'^ik  co>:xf;cT;oN; 

At  a  Court  lu'ld  '^m-  Ci;mbcilon-l  (~..-,urty  vrt  tiu-  2-kli  Xo\  ci!:^'.'r,  i788, 
T'p.i,-  Lift  ■•.vi'i  :niu  ;'.-=tri;;'f!U  nf  ]">!-;!ry  W'ootiMiii  <1.h"'<.',  was  fxiji'  iu-d  in 
Courr  oy  C'lKiik-;  \\c',. ;!?... n  and  in-iv-od  by  Joi?e  Talley  and  Sii.-;i:iP..i  I'osicr, 
i\vo  fit"  the  wiuiO:  ■=•.■.-  'Jieri'-io,  :r,id  oi'Jerod  to  be  recorded,  aiul  on  the  nioiion 
of  (7ii:ii-!e^  Wo'^'dsiiTi  w\v)  v.t.ule  i^uh  a'xorditii;  to  hnv,  ceriificaic  i^  C',ra!it(.d 
hini  for  obttiiniiiy:  lltenef  ii:  :ui.e  fyrin;  wlieieupon  iic  -Aith  Ji's-e 
Tluiinas  ami  Edwaid  V-."a!i'Jii  t-mi-rcd  into  liorivi  acciiding;  to  iav/;  rini.i  libert> 
is  reserved  to  iho  exccULrix  to  u:\i-.  in  proba.t  whenever  she  raay  '.laid-: 

'i'e.sie,  422  Tscharncr  \\"c(;d.-'->n,'''   I^cira'N    Clerl:. 

In.  accordance  wiili  t'ac  abo\'c  will,  the,"  140  Liivv  Ci'.riciiaii 
Woodson,^  did  on  August  20,  1S03,  con\'ey  to  iter  fi\c  younger  ci.iidrer! 
418  })n!ry  \\'oo(ifon,''  -115  ]Mar\  King,''  41-1  Xaiicy  King,'  4T6  Elizai)eii' 
Giliiara,'  and  417  Martha  Riddle,''  a  tnirt  ui  6,'Cl  acres  of  laritl  oi;  ilie  Ken 
tucky  I<i\er  in  Jilercer  county,  Keniuck\'.  The  four  sillers  then  ccni\e\'ed 
tlaar  interest;-  to  their  broihcr  ilS  Drur\'  Woodson,'-'  and  he,  in  turn 
conwyed  a  lialf  iritcrest;  in  tlie  tract  to  5  Sarai: -1  Taylor.^  At  t'lr.c 
—18(13 — I'hilip  K>r!g  and  his  wife  114  Nancy  Vv'ocdson''  v.ere  livin^j  in 
SuHiN'an  county,  Tennessee;  and  140  L.ucy  Chti'^cian  Woodson-'  was  tln.'i; 
li\ingin  Buckintihain  countj%\'iri.";inia.  Theabo\e  con'>'eyance wasackn<iv/!- 
edged  Augiist  22,  1803,  before  161  Miller  Woodson,^  clerk  of  Cumberland 

It  will  be  noticed  that  il-e  i'^cond  son,  412  Charles, "^  was  g-iven  o;d\- 
the  ^a.m  C'f  fiN'c  sjiillings.  Tiie  for  tliis  v.'as  that  Charles  lu-di  aheady 
been  provided  for.  He  had  ma.rricd  in  September,  1750,  and  hr:  fatl^er 
fiad  gi\en  him  a  nundacr  of  slaw's  and  a  large  tract  of  i::nd  on  the  east 
side  of  Willis   Ri\er,  v. here  he  biii't  his  inctiucsr,ue  h-jine,   Rosebanl:. 

The  eldest  son,  William.  ha%'ing  been  hilled  :n  the  war  gf  liie  Revoba- 
tion,  is  not  mentioned  in  the  will. 

Issue  of  153   BENJAMIN    V/OODSON^     (Rcnianiin,=    Robert,^  Jchn')  and  Eliz.djeih 

\\''atisins,  daughter  ci  Thoma.s  W.aldns  of  Swift  Creek. 

]  *  157  Thoruas/  born  about  1730  in  Goochland,  probably  in  that  part  of  tlio 
count\-  wdiich  later  became  Powhatan.  He  married  26*'  Alo'-y  Woodson,' 
a  sister  of  274  Joseph  Woodson,''  of  Genito. 

IJ  *  1.'58  Jacob, Mjorn  aboa-  1732  in  Goochland.,  was  married  about  17,53  to  Sa.sannrd: 
Brooks,  dauglner  of  Thonuis  Brooks  of  Buckingham  coant\  ,  This  l-5o 
Jacob  Woodson  of  Goochland  a  deed  in  1756. 

HI  1S9  Elizabeth,-  born  in  Goochland,  pror.ably  iTi  1735,  the  year  of  her  fatht  r'ls 

death.     She  married  a  Mr.  Hubbard. 

Issue  of  54  JOSEFK  V/OODSON^     (Bcniainin,^     Robert,^     John')     and     Susann;ih 

Watkins,  da.ughter  of  Thomas  Wat  kins  of  Swift  Oeck. 

I  160  Mar;/,'   marrird   I'oi'  Mo-d;.y.     No  further  ir-forniation  concerning 

her  ;.MS  been  obtained. 

65  JOHl^    WOODSO'v   (13cn;aniin,-'   Koi-i,.-  J.^p')  and   A?;My  Miller. 

101.  luiHf;!,-  bor;i  in  C"i,inlK'rl:ind  oouii'y  ;uar  wlicrc  Cunibcr!;':ui  C'ouv!  !;ouf-o 
i-5  r,ov.'  loc.i>cd.  Jt,.^  received  a  I'mrric^l  i-ducaiion  in  the  scliooi^  <,i  the 
co'uitry  [-tnd  s;->cpt.  hi;;  oiuire  l'!--  in  h]f  iv'use  cuiiniv.  lie  was  o'crk  of 
Cunii^^r'ind  rouniy  fruin  l7M  u>  1!:30.  Hi-^  eidi^t  s'-.n  \22  Tschariior'^ 
\'-;>.r-  hi-  ',i-'i-:;;Ly  In  1  ;'88.  Ho  w.!?  married  al>uut  !76&  tu  M.ny  De'tcn- 
rcidt.  a  d.rar.h.ier  .'i'  Tcih.arnci'  De  (.".••alVeni-.. idi  ;riid  Mar^  I'^iker. 

"Haruii  r!iri.,),,pi,or  IV-  GvafTenrcidl  \va>-.  a  Sv  i.-s  iviLieeiar,  from 
Canton  Bvjiie.  Swii/or'aud.  5'e  eame  to  \"o:(h.  (/arc!:!;.,  early  ia.  ilie 
eighieenlh  cenmry.  In  1709  ilie  Lords  Pp'^rieiurs  piM.Ued  iiira  le.n 
thou.-^and  acres  (jT  land  on  the  Neu.--e  ara!  Cape  Tear  Rivers--,  al  the  rale  i,i 
ten  pounds  sterling  for  every  lh:ui?and  acres,  and  five  shilli!is,s  qiiii  vent. 
A  grear  numixT  of  Pala.tir.cs  and  fifteen  hundred  Swiss  followed  tlic  baaja 
and  settled  ra  llie  conlba^ncc  of  the  Trent  and  Xeiise.  The:  tov^-n  tlic-y  btiilt 
there  was  cal!-ad  Now  Heme,  after  Berne  in  Switzerland,  the  blrthpiace  of 
De  Grafienre'dt. 

"The  Indians  ^'iewed  with  jealousy  the  iiKrea^ing  mnr.bers  of  the 
whites,  and  struck  tiie  first  blow.  On  tlie  llrh  day  of  Se[.iientber,  IVA. 
one  iuindrcd  and  tweh'c  persons  fell  under  th.e  murderous  tomahawk. 
The  carnage  was  continued  for  three  da>s.  I.,awson  and  De  GraJlenreidt 
were  made  prisoners  while  exploring  the  Xcuse.  Lawson,  t!ie  surveyor 
gcnera.l  of  the  province,  was  murdered  by  tlie  savages.  Da  Graft'cnreidt 
only  escaped  by  humiiiating  stipulations.  Such  was  ilie  effect  upon  bin; 
that  he  sold  his  in:ere'=t  to  Thomas  Pollock  for  eight  hundred  pounds  and 
rcLUi-nedi  Ir.  Switzerland."     (See  V-."he:-ler's  Ili--t.  of  N.  Carolin.a). 

Caion  Christopher  De  Graffenreidt  married  Lady  Rey:iija  Tscharner 
a::d  had  a  son,  Christopher  Ds  Graffenreidt,-  who  married  I.ady  Barbara 
Tempest  Xecdham,  daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Xeedham  of  Shiepshire, 
England.  They  had  a  son,  Tscharncr  De  GrafTenreidt,'  who  ina.-iied  Mary 
Baker.  Tscharncr  De  Graffenreidit''  and  Mary  Baker  had  a  dauLbtei'. 
IV.'ary  De  Giaffenreidv'  who  was  mai  riec  about  i  766  to  161  Miller  Woodson,^ 
and  he  was  clerk  of  Cumberland  ceiunty  for  forty-nine  \-ears. 

162  Tohn,^  \,-ao  called  ''Poplar  Foot  John"  froni  the  circumstance  of  liis 
havinj;  unusually  large  feet.  He  was  born  in  Cumberland  county,- 
V'iicrinia,  nrobalily  about  the  year  1747,  and  v.-as  twice  Oiarried;  fust,  to 
Joanna  Booker,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons  and  one  daughter,  li.;  was 
married,  i:econd,  about  17S5  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Raine)  Venable,  widow 
of  314  John  Vcilable,*^  and  daughter  cf  CJol.  John  Raine  of  Curnf^crlarid 
county.  3b!  John  Venable  v.vas  a  son  of  Abraham  \'enal.>!e  and  131 
Eli?.abeth  Michaux,  daughter  of  Jacob  Michatix  and  43   Judith  Woodson. 

By  lier  marriage  with  314  John  Venable,  Elizabeth  Raine  had  one  son, 
Abraham  \'enable,  and  two  daughters.  Martha  Ann  Venable  and  Elizabeth 

By  her  second  hii -band,-]  62  John  \\"ooiis'>n  (Poplar  I'oot)  she  liad  one 
son  aiid  ij /e  djui-jhters. 

;iK  (•■.WMAIIC 

U;l  }^<W>\  V\\'.v,i::0^  i-ovwc!  iii  iho  R.j-.  ■"■hitior-nry  arr^y,  aiv;  'n  ISOO 
verv  C'lociiicii'.  spi'.vkor.  .'.nd  li  in.m  ui  .soicidid  ph\;--;quc. 

!H  163   Anne,'  bjrr.  nboui  17-:'\  in  Cinv.l  .  r'ur.d  county,  \'l;-gui!a,  v/ns  nnar:ed  lo 

\\"oi.-h.'.!n    l^as!>?y. 

IV  1C4  Sarah,''  Iwrn  poi-bibU-  abo;.;):   17-10,   in   Cumberland   rounlv,  Virginia-,  was 

iiiarricv!  in.  1756  to  Frcdenck  Haicbt-i.- 

'•\Villia;n  Milcher'  v.asa  mcrid-.r  <>f  ilic  huu^e  of  bnr^^c^sc?,  Iti  V4--!5-!G, 
161'>.  ■|65^-?'>.  !b-  M'li,  il.'.lc'uT.'  was  t'oru  1641  and  iv.arrii.-d 
Klizabrtii  Grccniiou^h.  They  liad  (b^^!dc-  olhcr-'.  a  ^-cn  Henry  iia.'.chcr," 
who  ni.'rricd  Susanna  \Villianl^ou.  Tb.ey  Viad  (.(•"■■-i'i'-'s  oiiKr^)  a  son 
Frtdcrick  Haichcr,'-  who  was  niavrietl  a,-^  alrow  slated,  in  1 756,  tu  16 '.  Sarah 

He  died  in  M^s  and  she  in  1S15.  I'-aviny  a  number  ol  ebi!dron  v/husc- 
names  liavc  not  been  ascertained.  (Sec  Americans  of  Gentle  Bin  Ik  V.  i, 
p.  20;  also  F..\cursnb- -Hatcher,  following-.) 


Compiled  by  Mr.   C.  Vi".   Bvanslord  oi    Owerisuoro,    Kentucky.^  ^ 

The  Hatcher  taniily  is  of  English  origin,  where  ii  has  been,  distinguished 
for  several  centuries.  In  Blorc':.  History  of  the  Couniy  o'  Rutland, 
England,  published  h\  ISll,  is  given  the  goneaiogy  of  the  Hatcher  iamily 
from  15S3  to  1/30,  al-o  the  coat  of  arms,  described  thus: 

Arms — Azure,  a  Chevron  between  six  E;.calloped  Shells,  rirgeut. 

Cre.-.t— An  arm  enibcwed,  vest^-d  azure,  charged  with  three  bars, 
argent,  and  holding,  in  a  hand  proper,  a  bunch  of  Olive,  ^•e!l. 

On  the  same  page  as  the  genealogy,  mention  is  made  of  the  church 
at  Careby,  Lincolnshire,  where  are  ?everal  quain;  tombs  of  the  l'a;chvr.s 
of  the  sixteenth  century.  In  an  old  book  belonging  to  the  rector  at  Caicby 
is  the  fol!ov."ing: 

'■In  the  reign  of  Elizabeth.  155S  .o  I6O.1,  Jolin  Matcher,  Doc' or  c' 
Physic,  purchased  some  property  in  Careby.  Jolm  Hatcher's  son  and  htir, 
Thomas,  was  an  eminent  literary  character  and  corre-p-'ndent  ot  Ucland^ 
Born  November  3,  1660.  Sir  John  Hatcher  of  Careby,  High  Sheriff  oi 
Lincolnshire  in  1610." 

Thomas  Haichcr  was  a  mi-mbcr  of  parliament  during  the  Cronv.vellian 
Revolution,  and  was  one  of  the  commisi^ioners  sent  to  Edinlrargh  "lo 
treat  of  a  nearer  union  and  confederacy  with  the  Scottisli  nation"  and 
heli'ed  frainc  the  famous  "Solemn  League  and  Covenant,"  which  '.va-. 
adopted  by  parliament,  Septem!)er  17.  1  643.  Sir  Harry  \'ane  was  a  member 
of  this  same  commi^^ion,  he  ha\ing  returned  to  England  from  America  a 
few  years  previous  and  entered  parliament.  Tradition  says  that  our  first 
American  ancest<..r,  William  Hatcher,  came  over  in  company  with  Sir  Harry 
Vane,  the  latter  going  to  ^Lassachusetts. 

V\'illiam  Hatcher  located  in  Virginia,  wl:cre  he  received  a  grant  of 
200  acro^  of  land  in  Henrico  count)-  iu  163'v.     He  v,-as  a  bucces-fui  planter 

i  ir  ri;  iirxiiXAiioN 

and  iK'Iiti'-' m.  i  :■.;  w,--  I'Oin  in  !'JM,  an-.l  r.^-oivcd  liis  cdr-ciii'Mi  bcfoK- 
he  Icl't  Fnijaiul.  IK-  \v..s  .'KTiid  a  iiit.n!hcr  rif  tlu-  hi'iisc  oi  burgcr^scn 
frcin  Kt'nico  '■luu.iy,  \'ir::i.".i,;,  i".  Id-!-!,  and  v,-.;~  rooicoied  ii'.  \(>i>.  lie 
was  agaia  bariM^r  ia  16)'^  KoJ  ai^i  16>!.  in  X.:.v:'aibv;!-,  165',  he  \va> 
onviH-iicd  1','  bo'^  iIk-  ]ia:du!)  of  tro  lu-i  -^e  of  bur-osj^t-s  for  calliii.-;-  'li--? 
speaker,  Ccd.  i-Ab.v.iid  Mi;',  "an  alhcisi,  a  bla  ••i'hfiai.r  and  a  d.cvib"  He 
\v.r>s  aficrward..^  ei-ccied,  barge.-:--  ia  If.5S  and  ai^ain  in  Uo9.  )n  1;'76  he  was 
fined  a  birse  qaan-ti->y  cf  pork  for  !l;e  parr  he  look  in  H.iecm's  Rebellion, 
which  I'.anerufl.  in  liis  lli.-Kiry  o'  the  Unilcvl  Stale.-,  ;ia\^  "tlic  ear!>' 
liarbingu"  u!  American   X.uina.d'.tN-."      hi   l67.-<,  ht-  v.-,i:-  pri-rcnted  ire  ihc 

gvarid  jiir\'  fur  ntji  ;-,;!  iMiiiin;>;  eiiiiveh.      lie  rn.iriied ami  died  i;i  3  6^"^0 

at   the  of  sixiy  six.      ile  kfi    isbUe: 

I.  lienj.uni'i  lh\icher,  buin  in  Henrieo  ei'unt>-,  \  ir;..,iii:a.  in  UA-i, 
niarrieil  ir.  16S0,  r:di;;abeth  Greenhau-^h,  dan.^hter  of  John  Greenhau;.;!i. 
He  was  an  e.\rensi%-e  planter  and  s!a\-c  owiter  in  Meniico  eoiuuy,  Virginia, 
111?  pianiation  being  known  as  "X'arin.!."  He  had  four  sons.  Williani, 
Benjamin^  John  and  Henry  Hatcher.  Of  William.  Benjaniui  and  John,  to 
the  v,-riter,  nouiing  i.^  knov.Ti  except  t!-.e>'  were  large  larded  pro- 
prietors in  Iknricu  county,  Virginia. 

Henry  Haiclu  r  was  a  very  extensive  planter  and  slave  ov.ner.  and  lived 
in  the  parish  of  St.  James  Southam,  Goochland  coimi>-,  \'i'-gin.ia.  He 
married  Susannah  Williamson,  daugliter  of  Thomas  Williamson,  and  had 
issue:  Frederick,  Archibald,  Drury,  Eli.zab.-lh,  Judith  and  Susannah 

Of  thece  ch-ildrcn  Frederick  was  born  in  Goochland  county,  and  received 
a  fine  education.  On  January  13,  1756,  he  married  Sarah  Woodson, 
daughter  of  Joh-a  \^'oodsun,  wlio  was  fourth  iri  descent  from  Dr.  John 
Woodson,  of  Dor.-;etshirc,  En^dand.  who  came  lo  A'ir^'biia  with  Sir  John 
Harvey  as  a  surgeon  to  a  company  of  soldiers  in  iol".  On  reaching 
manhood,  Frederick  Hatcher  located  in  Cumberland  county,  ViifUP-ia, 
v/iiere  l:e  was  a  prominent  planter  and  slave  owner.  He  uas  a  member  of 
the  Cumberland  committee  of  safety  during  the  Revolution.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Established  Church,  a;id  wa--,  for  many  years  vesiryvan 
of  Lyttleton  parish.  He  died  in  Cumberland  couiity.  where  his  v.-il'.  wi-.'.. 
probated  June  23,  1783.  His  wife  survived  him  many  years,  dying  in 
IS]  3.     They  had  issue  as  follows: 

Major  John  Hatcher,  born  in  Ctmibrrland  county,  where  he  \wns  edu- 
cated. He  was  in  the  Re^•^-!ut!onary  War,  and  for  many  :cp:-csented 
Cumberland  county  in  the  Virginia  legislature.  .He  was  commissioned 
major  of  the  seventeenth  regiment,  Virginia  militia,  April  m,  179-1.  Or. 
PJIair  BurwcU,  of  Indian  Camj),  Virginia,  writing  under  date  of  Xovember 
13,  1893,  says:  "He  veas  a  man  much  respected  in  his  county  and  dis- 
pensed a  bounteous  hospitality.  He  married  a  iMiss  (,»entr>-  and  raisec 
a  large  family  of  children,  six  sons  and  six  daughters,  and  many  of  his 
grandchildren  and  great-grandchildren  live  about  the  old  county,  and  are 
among  its,  best  citizens." 

Benjamin  Hatcher,  l)orn  in  C-amb.-rland  county,  Virgbda,  -vas  a 
mctribor  of  Cap/t.dn   Edward   Carrln-^ionb-   comi.iany  of  nnnut.   men,   7th 


Ooidl  I-;,  i  77.",  ;:;'.!i  r:fu-.v.Midfl  v.\i-  iu  iliv  rtgiiL'r  sorviio  and  at  ,'.ic  bP.ltlc 
<A  C-\'.:\Uy>0.  (■;)uri!'ou>v'.  Alicr  I'.-i  (.  is  i;.^  iji>  Ckiucrii  !';;i  lie  'ur.uod,  about 
1?0('.  iii  l\i."'.:u-liL-;4cT.  \"ir^,i;-;i.i,  v/'ivr-:  'i-..  f n.^uii'd  ii;  the  oxiiort  tohaoco 
bllsinc^^.  !■!•:  wjs  pro>-;!L-n:  ^f  ih;''  l>a'ik  of  Vir»;iiiia,  at  ]\ic'.i- 
nv'ii.!  I'pjni  i.s  or;^.ir;i.:;\tioii,  Pol):-;';.!  ;  ■).',  IS  12.  :o  Iv^  dcnth.  h  is  :-:-\:\ 
he  sorvo!  a  canipi'ijrn  at  Camp  MoVly  hrlow  Ricli.r.oiui.  i;i  tho  War  of  )S12. 
Dr.  Dili;-  Bnrwcll,  c|i!oieJ  alMive.  >ay-:  of  liiia:  ''Mr.  13t.n  i-la-:hor  a 
fine  lookiivj,  uk!  X'irc^inia  ;;eni!enKm,  ;;■.!!  s-'jiarc;  ;;e  wore  a  <  uv  v.itb 
powiiorc'ii  hair,  and  kacr  parils  \\-i;h  ^ilk  sn'rki!::j;>,  aad  purap>  widi  kiri^c 
sih'or  inickK-s  on  tin.:;'.,  in  -^'anii'ii  r  ci'  fui!  ih'rj>,  .:»>]  In  •■viiMcr,  fhorl  k:-ci: 
pant:-  v.iih  "fair  toi^  l:).H)is.'  I'l-  invncii  his  lioa-c  aiv.l  hat  wbiac.  lie  hlvc"-' 
in  Mancheslcr,  arid  had  a  good  jilamation  aiHi  nogr'Ai-  in  th.e  roiinly  of 
Cuml'crhmd,  whic-rc-  he  aiid.  hi?  far.-iily  :pc:it  the  and  fall  inonths 
of  each  yi-ar.  He  died,  )  tliiuk,  about  iSI3  or  '!l,  at  !)!s  liouse  in 
Manchester,  X'irf^in.ia,  at,  1  th.iak,  ?c\-cni:y-c!gi-o  years  of  age."'  He 
married  first  Sarah  Crump,  of  Pnwhr-.tar'  coap.iy,  Xir^inia,  a  -sifter  of 
Dr.  William  Crump  and  Dr.  Ahnor  Cnnr.p.  also  ot  Martha,  u'iio 
married  Dr.  Trent  oi  ?Nlanehe-ier,  the  r-wner  of  Trent's  Bridge  from 
jNIanehe.-ier  to  Richmond.  By  ttiis  marriage  there  were  three  d;'.us;hler-:-: 
Polly,  who  died  young:;  Elizabeth,  who  married  Jolni  W.  >'.i.-;!i,  of  Pcnv- 
hatan  0(^)iinty;  and  Mary,  who  married  Rlair  Burwcll  of  Povitatan  cou.r.ty; 
Benjamin  Matchir  married  .~econd  j-_;iizabeth  rov%ler,  ^i^ter  of  Mrs.  Emiiy 
Ta}lor,  wife  of  ihe  great  law\er,  Samue!  To^'l-jr  C'f  Richmond,  'i  he 
children  by  this  marriage  were:  Charlotte  Hatcher,  '.vho  married  Fredtriek 
Bransford  of  Richmond,  John  who  married  hrst  Mir-s  Cunlifx  of  I\!anche=U'v, 
and  second  ZMary  Turpln  of  Powh.atan  counry;  Wiiliaa:!  and  Emily  Ta)  lor 
Hatcher,  neither  of  whom  ever  married.  Miss  I\Iary  Hatcher,  datigh-er 
of  John  Hatcher  b\^  his  hrst  marriage  with  Miss  Cunlifi',  is  rhe  oniy  l'\-ing 
representative  of  the  family  in  Richmond  at  the  presei.t  time. 

Susannah  Hatcher,  who  married  John  tfob.'^on  of  Cum.berlard  rotiT;ty, 
Virginia,  'u'oodvilie  and  Charles  riobsoii  of  v^aihocei,  KeriLec'v;,', 
believed  to  be  descendants  of  this  marriage. 

Mary  Hatcher,  v.ho  married  Edward  .Booker  of  Cumberlaiid  comuy, 
Virginia.     The  writer  knows  nothing  of  their  descendants. 

Sarah   Hatcher,   wiio  was   hovii and   married   in    1795,   Franci:- 

Bransford  (born  June  30,  1763.  in  Chesterfield  councy,  ^'irginia;. 

Xancy  Hatclicr,  who  m.arvicJ  Tliomas  Cordon  of  Povhava-i  countv, 
\'irgii.iit.  I'iicir  eliildrc-n  were  Henrx-  Ccrc'or;,  iri.'.ny  \'car,-'.fl  of 
Powhatan  county;  Elizabeth  Cordon,  who  married  ^.lillenor  Stralton; 
Fanii},-  Cordon,  wife  of  Hiram  Harris;  and  another  daughter,  whose  name 
the  wiiicr  has  been  unable  to  ascertain,  married  a  Mr.  .Matthe'.v.s  of  Po-.\'- 
hatan  couiuy,  X'irginia. 

Lucy  Hatcher  born  in 1775,  married  it,  17'';,  Benjamin  Bronsfon!. 

Sr.,  who  was  bori",  in  Chestertieid  county,  \'irgmia,  L)ercmber  15,  J  76V. 
He  was  a  rich  planter  and  slave  owner  in  Cu.mberland  county,  and  a 
prominent  Methodist.  Lucy  Hatcher,  his  wife,  wi'S  fo;id  of  society  in  r>er 
younger  days  and  one  v.Iio  knew  her  sry:-,  she  ]•(>.<:<: -^':'''  a  vivacious  manner 
and    fine   con\'ersat:oi;ai    nowcrs.     Wite.a    .about    h^riy    yearc.   c:    age,   s:ie 

s(i!Ti)i\-vi  a  sO'okc  .if  par.:i\;,!^  tlv'i  m,  «''.■  her  .  ii  in\.\K.!  tiu-  ii'^i  of  b'.  r  life. 
}'or  tvi.';'.;y  >•..■;•;-.  t^'iK-  !;■!.'!  iv>  bo''n.-!.i  .il''Oi;t  in  ^1  cliciir,  '■"uv  was  a!wa\'s 
l)ri;.;lii.  .'.ni,!  '. hf'.;tfi;i,  .i'.'Al  cjad  u-  cnici  :.iin  sicv  iriciuir.  She-  was  roa;i.ii  in 
tin-  b-piscopal  C."!;uri.-!i.  i'Ui  aficr  'u  r  ir.  i;lir:;i'  ii'irinl  t!u-  Metlv.i'.'psl  C.'iiiircli 
witli  luT  !-.:i.<ha!ui.     She  I'.iud  .\'MV.>ni!...T  1,=;,   l.S3.^. 

I!.  IMwanl  H.v.rinr,  s.>n  of  \V!liL:r.i  ilai.^.iiCi',  tlie  eiiiii^raut.  bnrn  in 
Henricij  c.iuniN  ,  \';i'i;i;!i,!,  in  16J3.      ii-  owned  tl'.c  faiD.uiL-  "Xork  <.'f  i.aiKi" 

pianta'aoiK    He  uv.jk  part  in  Bacon's.  Keb.'ilioa.    lie  !ii.uTi.;<i  .Mar\' aiid 

died.   ir.   cT  l>efo:e   1710.     Kdward   am!    Mary   Ilatelicr   issue:  Sarah, 

\\\i<>  i!Kir:io(J Ti!!pi:»;  Marili.i,  v. 'u>  niarri.."!'.  Ui.h.!!';!  <u',\ver;  \\'ili!ai>''., 

who  Diari'led  ;i  da.u^htor  of  Jolm  lii:i;on,  a;ii:l  tlii  d  in  17.?6;  John,  wlio 
married  IVLiry,  daiiyiluer  of  Robert  i'lncock.  and  nurv  cd  to  Edgc^conib 
couiUy,  -Xorih  Carolina,  wlsere  he  v.  as  iiv'iii,-;  in  I7,i7  and  h<id  ll'.e''c  a  son 
John;  Seth;  Ed>vard,  whe  married  in  or  l.e'otc  17.37;  I^Iarrha,  v  kIow  of 
Joseph  Tanner. 

111.  Henry  Haiehcr,  son  of  Vv'illi.ur.  llaichcr,  the  emigrant,  i>. aTi  in 
Henrlcc  eountx-,  married  Ann,  daii^lUer  i;f  Tdenry  Louiui,  and  died  in  lo77. 
They  had  issue:  William,  Henry.  .Ann  and  IMary  Hatcher. 

I\'.  W'ihiam  Ilateher,  son  of  W'i'iiam  Hatcher,  the  ennj,rar.t,  bora  In 
Henrico  county,  \'irgi;iia,  and  died  uiuiiarried  in  1694. 

'Jdie  children  of  William  Hatclier,  the  cmi'^rctut,  are  not  gi^■en  in  th.e 
order  of  their  birili.  It  may  iii'.erest  scime  to  know  t'aar  ''Warina,"  "Turkey 
Island"'  and  "Xeck  uf  land,''  tlie  seat-  of  tli&  early  Matcher.-^,  ha\"c  c;uit.; 
a  history.  These  plar.tanons  were  iaid  out  by  rh..i  Hatchers  and  aijout 
half  a  century  later  into  possession  of  the  famous  Randolph  farndy 
of  \'ireiiiin.  Arlamr.  in  his  life  of  j'lhii  Randolph.  T;;e  stalesnian,  savi.: 
"Turke\'  Island,  just  abo\e  tlie  junction  of  the  James  and  .Vppc'iiattox 
Rivers,  lies  in  a  regio:!  which  has  sliarply  attracted  the  atJcntic'u  of  racn. 
In  167.S!  Bacon  li\ed  nearby  at  his  pianlaiion  called  C"url.. s,  and 
in  that  \ear  Bacon's  famous  relieliiiqi  gave  Idoudy  a;-sociat:ein  to  t'rc  place. 
Atiout  one  hundred  \-ears  afterv.  .irii  Benedict  .Arnold,  then  a  getieral  'a 
the  Britisii  ser\dce,  made  a  de^truc!i^■e  raid  tip  trie  James  Ri%-ei,  wiiich 
drcv  all  eyes  to  th.e  sjiot.  Xeiiher  of  these  disttirbances.  historic  as  i!ie\- 
are,  r.^ade  the  region  nearly  so  famous  as  it  became  on  Junf.  30,  IS-j/,  v/h.en 
fifty  tliou;;and  northern  troops,  beaten,  weary,  and  disheari-ened.  cca\"erged 
at  IMahern  Hill  and  Turkey  Island  Bridge,  and  the  ne.\t  day  fought  a 
batti"  which  sax't'd  theii'  army  and  [I'-rhaps  their  cau;-c,  v.-ith.oi't  ;i  thought 
or  a  care  for  the  dust  of  thu  Mrginia  Randc'lphs.  oi;  which  two  arn^i^s  wer"^ 
trampling  in  tlie  cradle  of  their  race.  The  Hatcher's,  long  before  the 
Recoltition,  v  ere  baiiiing  for  the  '■ights  of  tlio  people  a.s  against  tlu-  en- 
croachments of  arbitrary  jiovcer. 

V  165   Mary./  born  about  1750  in  Cumberland  county,  \'irginia,  was  married  to 

Fiancis  McGraw. 

\'I  166  Jtidith,-''  born  -about   175?,  in  Cunibi  :l;.u  d  couiity,  Virginia,  was  married 

to  Josepih  Alichaux. 

IliK  V  i,i('l>-:>N-   AND  TU!'!!;  i^WWl'   ^\ 

\  !l  167   Subunuia,-  l-.^n  .■.l'i,:H  i7^!-,  in  Cin-.ilKri.i;!!!  c;vuii'.\-,  N'irginia,  wj..;  ra.irritd 

to  WiHi.uii  Licvjii. 

Is^jut  of  5S   ROBi-kT  WOODSON'  OWnyMruAr  RuIvt!  ,^  Jolin-)  and  Rvbe.-ca    Pvy^i: 

1  *  168  .Tohr.-/  t'oni  alxiui  17o0  in  Cn'.).  r.i.ui.'.  roiuuy.  \".irc;ir,ia.  lie  i.->  nanioiJ 
in  Ills  fatiicr":'  \viii,  wl'iich  wa-  p;o\-e.i  Se[no!P.!)or  19,  1750.  He  ir.  niso 
na.'iivd  in  Tne  will  rt  hi;-:  raaUara!  ;^raMii''ailif':-.  J(ilin  Prya-,  u  liic'i  was 
piXAOti  in  C.'>"<"liiaj'.fl  connry,  .\ii;.;n<L  59.  J  755.  16S  John  Woo'.'i.on^  \,-a.-i 
niai'ii,  i  in  Crnil-ci  land  t\'!!i<'i\',  X'ii^inia.  ;)rvM  uiily  abni'.l;  17,52,  id  l:".lizabct  li 
Anficr^on,  and  died  in  17*^8.     IU>  will  waj^  iiro\-c-d  Angust  26,  17  9S. 

II  ''  169  J.jiaes,-''  born  about  1752  in  Goocii.iaaid,  is  naaiod  i'l  hi?  falhor's  v.'il!  v.'hicii 
wa.s  iu'vA'cd  Septcinbor  19,  1750.  I'h,-  w.i-,  iiiairi;d  in  Goorldanti  county. 
July  23,  1754,  to  Elizabciis  Wiiiilock  of  thai  oiin'y. 

in  170  Benjamin.'' 

IV  171   Robert.* 

\'  172  E!i?.a.' 

\'l  173  Majy.= 

VII         174  Sarah. ^ 

'llicre  is  nolliinc;  known  of  tiivse  last  five  children  except  they 
arc  all  named  in  their  father'y  will  provtcl  Sen'.0!'aiier  19,  1750. 

Issue  of  58  ELIZABETH    V/Ou.DSON^    (Benjamin,'^    Kobeti,'   John"')    and    Capiaii'. 

Jarncs  Daniel. 

1  175  Chesicy  DLi.niel,-''  born   al'Oin    1725   in   Goochuuid   anO   niarr;:,)    in's  vlii'd 

coirdii,  141  Jiidiih  Clirisiian.^ 

II  17(?  Abrahc.m  Daniel.^^ 

Ill  177  Josiah  Daniel.^ 

I\'  178  James  Daniel,  Jr.-' 

V  179  Mary  Daniel.^ 

VI  ISO  I^^arcy  Daniel. ^ 


VII          ISl    Susannah  Daniel,-"  lorn  about  174!)  in  Goochland  county,  and  married-- 

VIII   "     182  John  Minor  Daniel,' born  1751  to  Goochland,  died  1790.     lie  was  married! 
about   1772  to   13''  ICli;,<d.)eth   Morton.'  dauj^hlcr  of  -15  Agiurs   \Vo';dso]/' 
.  i'nd  josepli  .Morion. 

i-u-iii  c;'-Ni-!;  \!i::\  '  • 

Issue  of  S'2  JOSIAS  FAyWr;'  !,\i,;ry  \\"....J;-vp/  RnbiM'.-  J.^hi;!)  and  A. it)  ric:ning. 

1  IS?   Wi:li-.Tn  Pa^-iU',^  lv;ra    i/o.^  in  Corrb]:ivid  c-uiU;-.     In  Sop;er>!~';r,   1/S5, 

he  !"auo  ;i  di-d!  I"  :-<:  nie  IjnJ  wiu-h  !u:(i  [v  ■  \  i.ui'^ly  be!.  luji'd  to  hi-  latlh-r. 

11  1S4  George  Payne,  Jr./  liorn  lVo4  iu  Grnrhl.uMi  cormy.     U'^iic  yet  a  minor 

he  niarricd  AKatiia  l.icorv;e,  (lavi^'h'er  uf  Ja:iie--  Cc'T<:e.  '\  i^e  iiMiriatA'  !")ii(! 
iti  dalrd  PeccailvT  2:?,  1754,  and  rccordod  iu  Goochland.  In  17  57  his 
fath-r  made  inni  a  deed  ;o  a  tra'-t  -f  !a:;d.  i'l  1:59  h'-  execuu-d  a  bond  as 
liij^n  shtrin  of  Go  .ehhmd  couai'.-.  In  May,  ill?,  Jo-ia-:,  P.-yne'  made  a 
di^^d  lo  his  M:m  Gcor-e  Payne,  jr..^  and  hi^  daughter-in-law,  A^ach a, 
■wife  of  s.:iid  Gcoi-.e  Payne,  Jr.=  In  An-u:;t  1  7S1  he  vs-a^  recoinnienrled  fo'- 
an]V)  Uh  Herlenmi  colonel  of  Gooeldand  miiitia.  iSee  Va.  Mag.. 

HI  *  185  Josias  Payne,  ]■.,■'  Imrn  ilic  la;ier  pari  of  1735  in  Goochland  co;uu\-,  ai:d 
before  he  was  twee.ty-one  year^  of  age  he  ni..rried  PHzabe'di  1  lemir,,,, 
daughter  of  Tar!eO,n  I'lemin;-  of  Ge.ocliland.  The  niaO-a-e  bond  i^-^  dared 
August  2.3,  1755,  and  i=  recorded  in  Goocld.Hid.  lie  was  ireqrienily  a 
member  of  the  house  of  burgesj.e.-..  In  May,  1779,  he  quahfied  a.;,  pecond  of  Goocldand  militia.      (See  Va.  Mag." 

IV  *  186  John  Pciyno,^  born  alnnit  l'/36  in  f;oochland  e.-:niy,  where  he  wa-^  reared 
and  educated.     He  married  JMary  Goles,  probably  about  the  yea.r  1760. 

V  *  IC7  Robert  Pajne,^  born  about  175C-  iri  Goochlano  cuunty,  was  n^arned  Jaiy 
20,  1762,  to  .Ann  Burton,  daughu.'r  of  Robert  Barlon  ff  Goochland  The> 
settled  in  Pitt?ylvania  county,  \'irginia,  where  ho  d-eu  in  17'>'i. 

\'l  188  Agres  Payne,"  born  al)out  1740  in  Cioochland  and  married  Mr. 


\'il         189  Ann  Payne, ^  born  about   174-5  in   Goochland  count}-  and  marriea 

VIII  *  ir-O  Su-sannab  Pcone,^  born  abuut  1745  in  Goochbmd,  was  married  aV-oi;i  1770 
to  \Vi!  11.  !e  ;ir-:c:uent!y  npci'e-'  Healc)  of  Lancancr  county.  Virginia. 
He  N\ai  an  honorable  citizen  and  a  lineal  descendant  of  Gol.  Augustine 
Wa-ner  and  Col.  George  Reade,  sometime  mendK-r^  of  the  coloni.i!  counrd. 
On  Februarv  11,  1725^  Gob  William  Ball  executed  a  deed  which  was  wit- 
nessed by  Wilham  Heale  and  George  Payne;  so  it  was  after  this  date  ihat 
the  letter  "e"  was  dropped  fron^  the  name.  Tliis  Ger.rge  I'-ayne  wlio 
witnessed  the  deed  with  William  Healc,  was,  no  doubt  ihesame  one  who 
married  14  Marv  Woodson,^  and  was  Sioannah  Payne'^  grandfather.  So 
it  may  bo  concluded  that  lier  hu  l>.o'.d  Willi.nn  Hale  was  a  grandson  of 
William  Heaie. 


:n  rncii;  ei 

83    GEORGE    PAYfij:,  Jr.-'   ^\!ary  \\\.od:;on/   Robert.-   Jr^hii')  ami  his  v:Uv 

V,-lH;ie   IiailH;  i<    Pot    klic-V,  !1. 

I  IPl   Geor:^e  Payne,-"'  l).>r:i   nrol.abiy  ..lioui    ]7,=.0,   ir.   (HK-cliIand  ccimty.      His 

father'.-  \v\\\  dauil  Febriiar>-  2.>.  I7M.  an.l  prowd  .March  15,  !  7Sl.  bc- 
qucaihs  "to  son  Gi-cvgo,  the  Liiul,  5.mi  acrty,  on  the  biaiich  of  LiuIcBird 
Creek,  \vli(>i-c  .-aid  C.torgc  forraeri\-  \Wc<\.  and  seven  slaves;  aiso  half  of  a 
tract  of  land  ihe  testa;..;r  has  in  !"iii\-,-:i;n.a  county,  dislinci  from  Ids  main 
tract  tlicic,  iii  the  fnrk  of  James  River,  wiiere  testator's  son  Robert  Burton 
Payne,  1,  is  buiU  a  dv.ulling  hoti-e."      (\'a.  Magazire.) 




192  Robert  Burton  Payne,-'  born  aboi:t  1752  in  Goochland.  His  father's  wil! 
give^  -^.^  son  Robert,  one  half  of  a  tracv  of  Luid  in  Flmanna  cotinty  on 
Cunninj;ham  Creek;  and  nine  slaves.  Also  th.e  reniainiiK-  half  of  the  tract 
given  to  George  Payne." 

193  Joseph  Payne, =■  born  about   1754   in  Goochland,  married  Anne .     A 

deed  fr(=m  l')3  Joseph  Payne'  and  Anne,  his  wife,  v/as  recorded  in  Gooch- 
land in  lTo7.  He  enlisied  early  in  the  Revolutionary  War;  was  ensign  of 
the  ninth  A'irtdnia  reginu-nt,  Januarv  4.  1777;  was  taken  at  the 
Battle  of  Gcrma.ntown,  October  4,  1777;  was  released  I^ecend^er  3,  17S0, 
but  did  nol  return  lo  the  arnu-.  His  father's  will,  pro\-ed  Mj'-eh  15, 
n.'-M,  gi\es  "to  son  Jo-.^eph,  the  le.r.d  in  Goochland,  977  acres,  where 
testator  now  lives,  with  si.xteen  slave:,  and  all  the  stock,  horses,  cavtle,  etc. 
Also  the  remainder  of  the  land  in  Fluvanna,  in  tlie  fork  of  James  River, 
and  it  he  should  die  without  issue,  said  land  to  be  equaily  divided  between 
testator's  otlier  children." 

191   Ivlary   Payne, ^   born    in    Goochh-.nd   about    1756   and    m:ir:ied    I'dr.    

Shelton.  Her  father's  will  gives  "to  daughter  ATary  Shelton,  s^x  sla\es 
and  certain  furniture  she  alread\-  has." 

V  195  Anne  Payne, =  born  in  Goochland  a'-joui  1758  and  married  Sackville  T-ling, 

of  James  River,  and  there  her  father's  will  gives  "to  daughter  Anne  King, 
five  slaves,  and  confirms  a  deed  of  gift  to  her  liusband  Sackville  King  for 
300  acres  of  land  on  Canv  Creek  in  Fluvanna  count^■  where  tliev  now  l!\e 

VI  196  Elizabeth  Payne, ^  born  in  Goochland  about  1760,  was  niardcd  June,  1777, 

to  her  tlurd  cousin  14G  Samuel  Woodson. ^  Her  father's  v.ill  gives  "to 
daueliter  Flizabwlh  Woodson,  s.'.x  slaves;  and  confirms  a  deed  of  giit  to 
ten  hi-ad  of  cattle  and  other  property." 

Issue  of   £l:~  Col.  JOHN  PAYNE-  (Mary  Woodson  ^  Robert,^  John')  by  his  first  wife  whose 
name  is  not  known. 

I  IC'7  John  Payne,-"  born  in  Goochland  couiuy.     His  father  liloi.  a  deed 

June  15,  1765,  to  lanrl  en  t!;c  north  side  of  James  River,  and  there 

he  I'liiii  ills-  iOr,;ji.::a-.  itii  f.!;i;cT";.  wil'.  :■  roc!  :\[>r{\  2-:.  li:'-;,  pi<..vo<;! 
August  !7,  17^!,  !si\'cs  "k>  ;oh  j'^h  -  iiic  oiiituau-:--  on  \\hic!-  l-.v  iuj\: 
livos:  -.'.'.'■o  iht  i;:!:il  U'f-.::ior  ii^urc;;,.-.;;  of  \\'!li!:;i:i  M;i!i;c;  i-Aio  -iC;'  :u  re  j 
ini'iL-  iu  }-'li:v;!;i:ui  a-.i  ;);>;  ''ro-LcIiO:  'rf  B;  ■<.'  (."rcl-c  ^^•n;ci;  tostaiov  pii!i"i:,!::cd 
of  WiUiiiiti  l.;(ioch ;  and  al^o  a!i  \h<-  :h ;-■  v';^  i.o  i'as.  iu  !;U  pcs^;c:-:-:oj.. 

11  198  Archer   P;^vne,'   l'-.>rn,   rdred   and   t-dnratcd.    \:i    GonchkrA-]   and    n\;ri;v(; 

.  Alarir.a ot  tlu;!  ciuiiy.     A  ur-,<\    Oci'.'I.k-v,  llt'o.  Ir.un  Aicl^r  i'a>'ne 

and  Mari'^L  hi:;  witc  is  i-ccorded  in  C^oocldind.  ITs  uithe^'^!.  oaicd 
April  Zi.  1  7J^-1,  glv;:;  "i',.  son  Arclier  tiio  biui  v/'icrc  1:.^  (Arjhor')  ri'-"v  liNo-, 
called  "Xtwinarkcf  ;■  a!;"  iiiai  Traci.  adj.niiiiii;  ■-.••  ihc  v;•^;  ■/■[•i  Rv-avvidaTi; 
Cicc-k,  wliicli  ceitavor  i-.urchascd  of  Wi'liam  an-.i  Gidoo^'  C^.:■i^.  tian  ■.  also  ali 
the  landi  ho  purchased  of  Coleman,  adioiiiira;  l^cavc-v'a'e.  (."reek;  also 
twentv  odd  acvts  adjoi-^ing  Xev.-n.arke;  :  af^o  ai!  ihai.  tract  ,..i  bot';  s"dci  of 
the  ]Nioaniain  lead,  aiil  the  nei^i'C'fS  '('Vintrly  gi\eri  ;-aid  soii  Arti^i-r.'' 

III  100  licbc-it  Payne,'  died  i:;  1770  inMnarricd. 

Issue  ey  ^i^cosn  wife,  Jane  (Smitk)  CiuoirsTi-.? 

IV  200  Ann  Pr.yne.^  hcn-i  Octouer  7,  175S.  in  GooJiiand  coui;;y  ai'd  was  ::-.:ii rii.d 

June  30,  1774,  to  C^:^!.  James  Gordoi;  of  I..aiica;',er  coinii  v.  Her's 
will  gi\e.-.  "to  daugiiu-r  Aiip.  Gordon,  ticx-n:  ncrjroos,  ail  of  v.-hich  si'C 
has  in  po?sc?'iun." 

V  ?0i  Philip  Payne, ^  born  May  29,  1760,  in  Goochland  and  married  Eli.cabe!.;. 
Dandridgc,  dai^ghter  of  Naihan'cl  West  Dandndge.  Tlis  father  be- 
queathed to  nirn  "'a'!  the  piaritr.iion  in  Canipbell  count;,  on  Stauiuor; 
PJver,  iv.-enty  head  cl  cattle,  inipleinents,  sheep,  hogs,  etc.;  a'so  vleir.eeiv 
negroes;  also  part  of  a  tract  in  Bedfi>rd  coa'!T\-  called,    "i'he  Koresl:' 

\'I  202   Jean  Payne, ^  born  April  30.  1/62,  i;.  Goochland,  v.a:.  aiarried  Sepieinbor 

28,  17S0,  to  W'illirnn  of  No,";eriar.d  couni\. 

\'U  203  Smith  Payne,'  b.)rn  June  iS.  1764,  in  Goochland,  llh  f.alicr  bcquea;bed 
to  him.  his  land  in  Campbell  coinKv  called  'Tiat  Greek  Oar.rier;'"  also 
twenty  head  of  caitie,  horses,  hogs,  and  the  remainder  of  vhe  Forest  tract 
in  Bedford  county;  also  one  hundred  acres  adj-viriing.  which  tcst->.tor 
purchased  of  Driny  Howard;  also  a  h-aise  and  lot  in  New  Lender  ."n[>- 
bell  couniy;  ab.o  sv>entee!i  negro;--. 

VIII  204  George  V/oodson  p5-.yne,=  born  Ocirber  9,  1767,  in  Coochlari  1.  'narrifdi 
Mary  Dandridge, -daughter  of  Xaihaniel  Wesc  Dannrid.:,e.  ills  father 
bequeathed  to  him  "all  that  port  of  ihr  land,  mill  and  plaiUatior,.  on  tiie. 
south  s;d.-  of  the  main  road,  ar,d  ihe  stocks  of  cattle,  etc.,  bei-nging 
then  to;  and  also  sixteen  negroes." 

IX  205  Mildred  Llathews  Payne,^  born  April  10,  1769.  Her  father,  in  iiis  wil! 
(1784,),  left  her  thineen  negroes,  but  she  surNived  him  oniy  a  le-.v  yean; 
and  died  at  aliout  the  age  of  twen'r.'. 


X  206  Rober*  Pa.yno,-  i-'tn  Or<o!i<r  o.  ]V7!),  in  Gocrhiand.  His  f;i;!Kr's  v.-ill 
.skives  "■,.■■  --<.ui  Rul'.rn  .^65  .:cri>  '•■'\  i'C!h  .-ides  nf  tlic  MoiiiMain  vo:\:l.  calicl 
Tryors.'a'.ui  ali  yhc  i;.:u!  gi'.i::;  iivv  wife,  afier  licr  c'eaih;  al.-o  \vo  oi'icr 
sniaii  liacis  of  !:.?  ;;i:,i  i,iO  •'■!■!  aciv?-.  adjoining  ihc:  prccr-dini?'  rnd  lyi'vj: 
Oil  !)o;h  -ides  hi  i!u:-  r\!uiii;iai:i  r-.'a<i  >U!(i  iiic  Carier's  Ferry  rriad;  also  une- 
I'lird  of  il'ie  Caulc  cii  s.iid  p-la!ii:i-.  ici;s,  and  adso  sixteen  T;es;ioes." 

XI  207  EJizabetli   V/oodson  PajT.c,''  bora  J,!nuar\'  8,   l/T.i,  and  died   hcfoie  lier 

falhcr,  al  tile  a;^e  C'f  aliDiii  ele\en  \\ais.  In  ad,!ii!"n  lo  the  above,  dsl. 
jolm  Pa>'ne  be<u!eai;'.s  "to  wife  J.ine.  all  of  liic  estate  lostaior  Lad  witi'. 
her;  also  gi\"es  the  use  (if  llia.i.  i-an  of  tb.e  [jhincalion  svliere  he  li\es.  ib, ji. 
"lies  oi:  the  nortli  side  o'f  the  main  r-.nid,  inebading  152  acres  he  i)urchased 
nf  Rie!iard  .\nd,?rs  .n,  in  cnr.sitlerai. ion  of  rciiuquishing  her  claim  lo;  also  eii^hiecn  sbn  cs  during;  her  iife,  and.  at;  her  death  lo  .1,0  lo  s<jn 
Robert,   soil   George  W'oc'dson,  and   son  Smith. 

1  desire  thai  m\-  sons  in  jjarticiiUir.  may  be  tatigiil  in  the  best  mamier, 
and  ihai  neii  her  of  tl.eii  estates  be  eluirgeabU  .  When  son  Geort^e  \^"oodson 
arrives  at  tlic  age  of  twenty  one,  wife  is  to  f;ivc  him  the;  part  <:)f 
111}'  estate  in  \'irginia,  sueli  remainder  10  belong,  until  tb.eii,  t(-i  wile.  (X',,. 
Magazine  of  Histor\-  and  Biography.) 

Di'ring  the  first  sixty  years  r.f  the  ci;-,hieei)tii  cei-.tttry  the  colonies 
were  in  a  con-'ant  state  of  war  and  tiirmoil  with  ilie  Spanisli  to  the  south, 
the  French  to  the  north  and  tlie  nunierotis  tribes  of  Indians  in  their  iivi- 
niediate  \-icinit\-.  These  wars  and  tlie  accompan\-ing  lutrdships  and 
dangers  served  to  draw  the  people  closer  together  and  to  nnite  them,  as  if 
Vv'cre,  in  one  conmion  la'othcrhocd. 

Tlie  ties  thus  formed  were  soon  to  be  put  to  the  severest  test:  t.he, 
inlievited  lo^•e  for  the  eild  country  was  to  be  measuted  against  the  inbern 
love  fur  the  new. 

The  permanent  population  of  the  colonics  had  so  greatly  i^icrcased 
during  the  preceding  hundred  and  fifty  years  that  they  :taturalh-  began 
to  realize  tlieir  im[)oriance  in  the  world.  Their  love  for  tlie  ".Mother 
country" — as  they  fondly  called  Old  England — was  deep  and  sincere. 
They  were  true  and  lo\-al  lo  the  houie  government  in  all  the  Vvars  with 
the  French,  the  Spanish  and  the  Indians;  and  doubtless  would  have 
continued  so,  bt:t  for  certain  acts  of  tne  I'arliimeiU  wliich  they  tegar'led 
as  unjust  and  oppressive  iieyond  eiidin-ance;  such  as  the  act  !niposin<:  a 
duty  on  stigar  and  molasses;  the  Stamp  Act,  by  which  it  was  profiused  to 
coliect  revenue  froin  the  colonics  to  defray  the  expenses  of  the  late  wars; 
the  lax  on  lea;  and  man\-  other  such  acts  wdiich  were  contrary-  lo  the  spirit 
and  letter  of  the  colonial  cliarters. 

Seeing  that  they  were  persistently  being  deinived  of  their  charter 
rights,  especially  the  right  of  local  self-govcrsiment,  the  colonies  resented 
these  encroachments  upon  their  liberties.  Their  righienus  indignation 
rapidly  became  more  and  more,  ihcir  opposition  niorc  open 
and  forceful,  tn.til  it  cu]n-i:i;ilc  d  in  a  resort  lo  arms  and  resulted  in  the 
Revolutionary   \V';jr. 

Tlio  (.Icscciidaiils  tf  T-r.  J'-r.r/A"-  ■,  .ison,  v.hoH  ,;.!  i;.  ihc'f.cunca^)' timo<, 
^v•alkillg  ao  if  on  llio  Svi- ("..tx-  of  ,i  i!n.  .itoninj;;  \-o!(-uio,  iu)i>i\-  iMivo  tlicii' 
i^.b;-.!-:^  ('■'  colfnia!  rcs.pc>r.>iiMlii  it  s,  s-uric  of  the  yo;iTi;4-o;-  uu'inbt'rs  of  iliis 
fi'lh  ;-;>  -RTatioii  takir.i^  pKuL  ii:  the  war  ii>c!f.  h  iiiij;!!!;  I«e  :wM,  u\  a  ?ensc, 
that  th,'  failicri;  iM"ei\uo(i  for  rhc  war  ruui  t'lo  ^'.-itf.  ioi-^lit  ii  out. 

The  \\  oodson?,  at  (In?  tiiV'C.  v.i  rs^  nut  ^o  vcvy  miir.croiis,  Imi(  there 
were  enuugh  of  liicm  to  uiake  ilieip.svlv  cs  Ic'.i  aiul  apjircciatcd  in.  the  tinic 
of  their  country's  iiei-d.  T!iore  were  born  inio  this  iifth.  t,einTaii".i  of  the 
de>cend  Mits  o{  Dr.  Joim  WoocLsr-ii,  t'lie  hundred  and  f(;ily-iN\n  so'.dj; — 
(■•iglit\--ie\-eii  males  and  hft\-fi\i.-  fe;r.a!e-s.  Oi  the<e,  only  sexcnty-cipjit 
bear  the  name  oi  Woodson;  the  rest  bear  the  names  of  the  sex-cal  faniih'es 
into  whieh  the  fernak^s  had  married.  Most  of  the  u^'nibers  of  this  gciipra- 
tiiiP.  \\ere  too  lar  ad\-anced  in  >'ears  to  rende"  aeli\e  service  in  l!ie  RcN'o'ii- 
tionar\-  War,  but  did  their  part  as  citizens  of  the  \  iigirda  coloiiy,  i^'-ingir,:,' 
up  their  sons  and  datii^hlurs  for  lh<.'  heroic  days  soon  to  conte.  lI-.-w  well 
thc>'  performed  their  rnissio!i,  let  the  record  cf  th.e  nexl  generation  tell. 

Istuie  of 





1 Y 












Issiio  fcf  ©6   S/^:^BURT>F  WOC)r>50rP    (J.-^.pn.^    j.-l.h/    Ju!in,=    Johnj    Ly    hh    first 

witV,  EH/aiicih  H-i-lK-i.'' 

I  *  203  Hiighes,'"  born  1730  in.  Cinnherlaiid  rouniy,  \'iio;i-ia,  \v:i<  married  1751 
but  the  name  of  hi,-  wife  I:as  not  1>ch-i'  ascti  lainc-d.     lie  d'ec!  ISjO. 




Mary  Ann.'- 

MARY  WOODSON'  (Josepli,'  John/  Jolinr  John')  and  Wiili-uii  Pierce. 

3;iober|-  Pierce/ 

jo&eph  Pierce.* 

Arin  Pierce.^ 

6S  John  V.'oodson/  the  linele  of  the-o  thiCi-  chiidreii,  v.Cr.  aOijohitod 
g:;-irdiaii  for  ihein  in  1757.      f'^cc  V-.'m.  ^'ivj  Mar;--  Qiiy.    vol.  aI,  p.  3i.) 

Issue  of  7  0  .TOSKPir  WOODSOIS^=    (Joseph,'   John,'    john,^'   Joii:'.';    and    wife  v.hose 

name  is  not  knov.-it. 

1  *  2ie  John, ^  born  about  1740,  in  Henrieo  count>,  \'iic;)!iia.  ^Vhe■.:  he  •■.v:;s  about 
fcven  jxars  old  hii  ffiihcr  died.  Hi^-  grardfaVher,  15  J-'se;>'.'  V'/oodf-oo,' 
v.'ho  ".vas  then  living  in  Henrico,  m.ide  hi.m  a  deed  in  175.2.  to  <i  ira.'-t  of  land 
on  Four  Mile  Creek,  cfdiin^'  him  "sm-i  and  heir  of  niv  t-or:  70  J'-^cr.;-,  Wood- 
con,^  dircc'ised."  In  1757  his  uncle  68  John  Woodson'  v-i;.-  apijoml-jd  'lis 
guardian.      \\"!irn  a.  yorni:;  itia.n  h^  •■\Qr.\  to  ("lo  il^.TJaai'  riinniy  to  'i\-e  and 

Sarniiel  Richaiti.-on  a  iraci  of  land  i^n  h^jiir  Mile  Creek  in  Henrico. 
^Probably  the  same  tract  whicli  been  deeded  to  him  in  i  75  ?  liy  Ids 
g;randfalher.j  His  wife,  Eiizabetfi  Hughes,^  was  a  daughter  of  Ridiert 
Hughes'  (Robert,"  Robert,"  Sara.ld)  who,  in  a  deed  dated  January  26,  1763, 
and  recorded  22,  I76v?.  in  Ctirrdjerlaiid  county,  conve\cd  ;o  hi.s  son., 
John  Hughes,  619  acres  (the  Ferry  included;,  lyirr.;  in  Cnrabcrland  coi:ni>-, 
boiieht  of  Bennett  Goode;  and  in  the  deed,  names  daughters  Elizabeth-' 
and  Juditli.''     (See  Hnt:lies  Family.)     So  it  ar.pears   that   ilnt   r,li.!Laij--th 


ili!;^l)cs  b,-,-.i.  a'\  j.i.iividot]  intcr..--t.  in  the  61")  .-■•-res.  or  cu  leasi,  \t\  CarUr's 
Fcrrv.  Hor  !i::-<!v:ncl,  216  Jo'iii  \V^-.  .'i^on/  diou  in  1793.  In  hii  wiU 
datod  ApcU  y.  17''3,  aiul  piv'vi-<i  A'.::;r,>L  Jlo,  17^'.i,  in  Cu-nbcilar.d  roinU\-, 
ho  calls  iiiim-eii"  "Ji  liii .  W.-o.L-o;-  of  Carter's  Ferry.'"  Bo^iilos  liis  six 
ch-ilc'rcri,  the  v,  i'1  nanic.-  "v.i'V  l-'.lizabv-ih."'  S!vj  survived  lier 
fourU-en  yo:!r>.  Hit  will,  dated  Jinw  .?.v  iSuj.  was. proved  in  Cuinborland 
county,  Doccinlier  .18,  ]^U7,  ^nd  i!;uiics  sdji  j')!-a,  her  iliree  Driir.c  giand- 
cliildrcr.,  her  dan^liter,  X.-ury  i^oane  and  cko.-a^od  hushar.d,  216  lnim 
Woodson.'  A  codiri!  names  i;r;>!'.ddaughter,  .Maria  0\erLon.  Witiiosses 
to  tl.e  vill:  Samuel  \\'il,-nn;  Ja.r.v.s  l-'eanc;  William  Keiincii.  (Sec  W'm. 
and  Ma.ry  t}d\-.,  \'o\.  Xi,  pp.  51,  52.) 

II  *  217  Joseph,'^  iKirn  probaldv'  about.  17-'f7,  in  Henrico  cour.ty,  \'ir;.dnia.  '\\'hea 
lie  v.-as  i^ut  a  sniali  boy  liis  l'at!;er  dic-d  and  in  1757  'lij  ui;e!e.  6S  Jrim 
Woodson''  was  a.ppointed  liis  guardian.  He  li\-ed.  in  Henrico  'an til  he  at- 
tained the  age  of  younc:  manhofid  and  was  married,  probably  about  1?68, 

to  Miss Jones,  v.-lio  v^-as  a  school  teacher  and  a  woman  of  very  high 

character,  small  of  sta.turc,  possessed  of  great  beauty  and  charming  person- 
ality. He  is  said  to  have  liecn  a  captain  in  ihe  Re'.-ohitionary  army,  and 
v.-ad  at  one  time  captured  by  t!ie  British  and  confined  in  prison  £.t  Tairics- 
town,  \'ireinia.  It  is  related  of  his  bra\-c  little  v.ife  that,  learning  of  her 
husband's  imprisonment,  .she  saddled  her  horse  and  rode,  tniaccomp.,Tnied 
all  the  wa>"  to  Jamestown  to  carry  him  clothing  and  such  tilings  to  eat  as 
were  not  supplied  him  in  piison.  The  Briii,-h  received  her  kindly  and 
admitted  her  to  her  husViand.  Iv  is  also  related  tliat  the  lorig,  hard  ride 
brought  on  premature  deli\'ery  of  her  babe.  So.netinic  after  their 
marriage  they  sct'.'ed  in  Amelia  county  where  they  spent  the  rerniinder 
of  their  lives.  She  died  before  1810.  He  remained  a  v,  idower  the  rest  of 
his  life  and  died  about  1837  at  his  home  in  Am?Ha.  lie  w;'_s  a  very  [lious 
man  and  for  many  years  an  exemplary  member  of  the  J.iechodist  Ciu:rcl;. 
See  notes  bj'  his  grandson  939  Edmond  Booker  Woodson.^ 

Isstie  of  Y  -i-  JOKK  WOODSON*  (Benjamin,^  John,'  John,'-  John')  and  Alary  .Minims. 

1         2ir,  Elizabeth, ••  bcrn  May  22,  1761,  probably   in    Albemarle  co'.'nty,  \"irginia. 

II  *  219  Srrnucl  Tucker/  born  September.  1769  (See  Wm.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  vol. 
XI,  p.  53',  i.i  Goochland  county,  \"irginia,  married  in  1797,  to 
Elizabeth  Dabney  Winn,  daughter  of  Thonias  Winn  of  Flu^3nna  ccunty, 
wdio  served  in  the  Rc%  olutioiiary  War  as  a  private  and  as  corporal  in  the 
Niiith  \'irginia  regiment.  She  was  born  in  Fla\"anna  county  in  ]'ibO. 
After  their  marriage  they  settled  on  her  ancestral  home,  called  "Burgher," 
in  Fluvanna  county  where  they  spent  a  long  and  useful  life.  She  died  in 
Februar\',  1S45.  while  \isiting  at  the  home  of  her  youngest  daughter, 
Susan  E\-eHnc,'  in  Aibemarie  county.  Her  rem  lins  v,-ere  taken  to  Burgher 
and  there  laid  to  rest  in  the  old  family  bur\ing  ground.  Within  less  than 
th.roe  years  licr  husband  v.-a--  visiting  his  i;.'t)I:ev."  4''1   Linncus  Woodson.^ 

PiiiC  77.     2rJ  Sr:nuK:1  Tii.  kvr  Woo'J.soii  v.-^js  u'.arj-ie:;  Xcvcmbcr  !•'.   17'i''  iii.;«.i;.u  ci;"  1'i.j7. 
(Flu\  li^iQorcl^ I  Corrected  i;.v  Rev.  B.  h.  Anecll. 


ai  !li^  liisnic  in  Go>'chUnd  o:\\\.\]\  and  died  tiicre,  November,  1^47,  of 
bowol  tro'.il.le.  ;  a  ••,-•>•.■  d-'v?  ilhicss.  lie  was  v.)  li-.e  scvciuy-citchtii 
yonr  oi  his  age  at  i!i^  uiue  of  i^;-  de.;;h.  \\h  s-l-v.,  482  Tlionns  Pledge 
Wood^jiv  and  his  da;;.Ju..!.  -LSJ  tinnly  veeri;  ihc  only  ones  of  h:->  ohildtcu 
wit!i  !;ii>)  at  the  tin^e  and  fh:-y  decided  lu  bi:ry  hiii;  ril;  the  i.oire  of  ids 
chlldliood  in  Aroeii:aile  eouniy.  Me  a  nian  of  rcniarkai>le  phvsica! 
manhooci,  and  in  all  ids  lung  life,  iuui  ne\er  used  widbkcy  or  to!)arco. 

III  220  Bootb./-  In. in   1772.  in  Al'neniarle  eoutny,  Vir;:ifna.     lie  vas  marrioii  but 

the  nanK-  ('f  his  wife  has  not  been  ascertained.  The>  setiled  in  (loori-iand 
count)-,  v.dicre  iie  dn'cd  in  1842.  aged  about  acvcnty  years.     Thev  had   but 

one  daughter  and  she   married    a    Mr. Haden.       N'oihirii;    moi-e    is 

reniendicred  of  her  by  947  Dr.  Joh.n  Calvin  Veuodson,'  who  gives  the 
above  elata. 

IV  *     221  John,*  born   1774,   in   Albemarle   county,   X'irginia.   v.dierc  ho  was  reared 

and  edurat(d.  He  was  married  but  the  name  of  his  ^.vife  has  not  been 
ascertained,  It  appears  tliat  they  settled  in  Albcn'ark  county,  and  had 
two  sons,  Linneus"  and  Joh;j.'  They  also  had  two  daughters  v/hose  names 
are  not  remembered  by  their  second  cousin  Dr.  John  Calvin  Woe.dson. 
One  of  them  married  T^Ir.  Clough  and  the  other  married  Kit  I'hom.i?. 

Issue  cf  7S  BENJAMIN   WOODSO/f*  (Benjamin,^  John,=  John,-  John'}  and  Rel,>ecca 


I  222  Booth/'  born  December  4,  1757.  Called  "Turkey"  Booth,  from  his 
manner  of  'walking,  rle  lived  to  be  cuiite  old.  He  was  fond  of  visiting 
at  the  hom.e  of  his  cousin  Samuel  Tucker  Woodson''  and  would  of'.Sf  go 
there  and  spend  many  da\-s  on  a  visit. 

II  223  Frances/'  born  December  17,  1759. 

HI  224  Tabitha/'  Oorn  July  12,  1763. 

IV  225  Rebecca/  born  March  29,  1766. 

V  226  Sarah/-  born  July  6,   176S, 

VI  227  Benjamin/  born  July  8,  1772. 

Issue  of  7y   CHARLES  WOODSOK^    (Tarlcton,'  John,'   Robert,-  John')  and    Mary 

Pleasants,  hi.->  first  wife. 

I  *  228  Charles/  born  about  1740  in  Henrico  county,  and  married  Ann  Trotter 
of  Xansernond  coun.tx.  His  parents  and  grandparents  were  Quakers, 
and  perhaps  he  iidierited  their  religious  faith.  If  so,  it  would  not  be 
surprising  if  he  took  no  part  in  ihe  Re\-o!utionary  struggle,  as  war  is 
contrary  tc  the  principles  held  by  the  ''Society  of  Friends." 

ril  1-3  M-R  AVION  '■') 

II         229  Agues   Tarsojis/  bo  i;    Dcccr.lxT    i-1,    i.';,"-,   in   Ilcniio  counry  riu!   v/ad; 

Ill  "  23U  George,"  v.a-,  liv^rn  M.;;/  4,  1747,  in  i!o:;-!Cvi  coanty,  \'irgiiiia,  v.  liere  h-j 
was  reared  on.i  ccincited.  J-Ie  married  Sarah  l-"riciui,  daiigiUer  of  Thdias 
l-'riend,  aiicl  sellled  in  Chr^^terheld.  In  tlu'  first  census  of  \'irL;!ni;.,  17S2 
U'  M'^^-.  lie  i-^  eniniieraled  in  C'he.-icr  iu  Id,  .■.>  "ileati  of  l-"ainily"  consii-ting 
of  1  v-liirc  a;.d  i-l  b!acks.  So  iie  nia.-^l  'ii:i\('  nnu'ricii  afier  ihi?.  '"There 
i^-  a  deed  iUiiod  in  i7S3,  and  recorded  in  ChcsierSicid,  from  79  Charlts 
Woodson."  to  Id;^  son  230  Georpe,'^  for  the  place  in  Chesterfield  called 
'roriis,'  aT'.d  boinidcd  b>-  the  land  of  Robert  Eiaiii,  Jauu's  DI\on  aiui 
John  Bangli,  proprietors  of  the  larid  known  by  the  name  of  Roxdiale, 
formerh'  ivarchasecl  b>'  21  Tarlelon  Woodson'  of  John  Soane,  oii  August 
21,  1727.  Rox<lale  or  'Roclic  Dale  Hundred'  was  a  part  of  the  scttieiaent 
of  Sir  Thomas  Dale  in  161o.  It  was  generally  called  "Xcck  of  Land'  in 
Charles  Cifre  county,  and  is  now  known  as  "Jones'  Neck.'"  (See '\'.'in. 
and  ?ilar\-  Qi-ly--  ^'-  ^"^'  P-  1S7.) 

W  *  2S1  Sarah,''  boiii  in  Henrico  county,  Aiigust  4,  1749.  She  wa.'-:  twice  married; 
first  about  1771,  to  Capt.  James  Clark,  ard  second  to  Archibald  Boiling. 
No  issue  b>'  the  second  marriage.  Through  'etters  written  by  Judge 
Barton  Bates  of  JJissouri  to  Mrs.  I'd.  C.  Beriagh,  it  is  learned  that,  'ceforc 
the  Re\-oliuionar\'  "^A'ar  begun,  231  Sarah  Woiidsou'  was  taken  to  Scoilatid 
by  her  hti^i'aad,  Capt.  James  Clark,  who  was  an  Envriish  naval  oiriter  or 

FolloV'.ing  is  a  copy  of  a  letter  she  wrote  to  her  sister,  232  Carohne 
Matilda,'  v.ho  was  then  the  wife  of  l^homas  Fiem:r,g  Bates  and  h'.ing 
in   Goochland    county. 


March  2?,  1}74. 
"Dear  Sic:ter: 

'"I  received  tldne  by  Capt.  Ramsay  and  v-.'as  sorry  to  hear  yonr  poor 
little  son  has  been  complaining  so  much,  but  I  hope  he  iias  now  ge't  tl;c 
better  of  all  his  complaints.  I  congratulate  thee  on  the  birth  of  a  daughter. 
I  beg  thoii  \.ill  accept  of  a  pair  of  little  sta>s  for  ray  nanic-^tke,  and  an 
apron  for  tiiNself.  Tell  I'rsula  I  have  nothing  for  her  now,  but  v%-il!  got 
something  to  send  'by  the  ne.xt  opporttinify. 

"I  expect  my  husband  home  now  c\xry  day,  and  I  ha\"e  the  pleasare 
to  inform  thee  I  shall  certainly  go  out  to  Virgi.iia  when  lie  returns. 

"I  have  nothing  more  and  rsust  conclude.  With  my  love  to  th.y 
husband  and  children,  I  ain,  dear  Sister,  thy  ever  loving  sister, 

S.'.KA!!    ClARK." 

It  appeaT.  tliat  Capi.  C  lark  and  lii=  wife  did  go  to  \"ir^i;!nia  on  a  visit 
shortly  a'^ter  tiie  above  letter  wa^  widtlen,  and  returi'-  d  to  their  honie  in 

.su  ii'  I";  Cfiwi:-' 

ScvuluHil.  ci:1h'i-  l<t-fii'i-  '1-  eluding  :';o  F'-\  ,l::V'jnni->'  V\;iv,  :is  slii:  wrote  X: 
her  iTioil;r-|-  iVoni  tint  c.iurar;.'.  i/i.  Or-'.,[j,:r  ' '\  1777.  '!'!'.■-  "H'tk'  fi.n"  ;v.:6 
infant  "d.ii'.i^iuer"  ic-fi.  rvC'.!  lo  ii;  ll'.o  ;:!'0v;-  Icricr -,vcrc  505  C'harlcn  rit;riing 

V  *  232  Carolu;e  MntUdn,^  bon-  'Vh'h-r  17,  !;;i,  iu  Horuic-,  v  a;=  niarrir-J  .\i:gu-^ 
S,  1771,  \o  Ti)o:r.i'..-;  I'i'.tniiug  !'!:itc<,  w  lio  w.i-;  born  1742  iri  Yoik  couiuy, 
\'irgini.i.  }!c  was- a  so:',  of  Flcr.iir.LC  Ij;'.;!-.-  a;u!  Saraii  Jordat.  'l"ho\ 
settled  i;i  Com-b.laiHi'i;y  where  iluy  built  iheir  eornnio.-lioiis  r.r:s:,e 
''Behiiont  .'■  He  serw  d  iv;  il.e  RcAi.'' 'r.p.i'v  \\'ar  a:ui  \v.).?=  willi  tiie 
coiuine.ifal  arm\'  at  Yorki()\\  i;  v.!kj5  C"(.  riiva'ii-:  ;>n:re:i(|ei-e;l.  Ai  v'ue  jIiiTv 
during  the  war,  the  Britisli  army  iinoer  I.oiJ  Curnwallis.  wa.-f  qaariercd  eiii 
Mr.  Bates"  ai.u  ai,>;Mep"ia.tC'-l  to  tiieir  own  a--e.  cr  clest  rc'Ve:.!  all  vl  hi-j 
tic'ck,  crops  ar,d  oilier  proper!  >',  s-  'A\:,\  vshoi;  the  war  was  ''^.er,  lie  .-eeinccl 
unable  tei  retriex'e  his  lost  fortune,  died  abouL  ]'■.•<)}.,  a  r><:  or  nian. 
Ai)  of  Ins  cliildren  were  born  at  Belinoni.  It  v, .i.s  du-:;ng-  th.c  w.i.r  tiiat 
Mrs.  Bates  received  the  following  lc:tter  from  'icr  nio'.iKr  \s],o  \va.-~,  peihars, 
still  residing  ;;t  licr  old  home  in  Henrico  n<-a:  tiK-  James  Ri'.xi. 

"iUt,  5th  Aloiuh,  1775. 
"Dear  Tally: 

"I  ha\e  not  forgot  thee  concerning  a  few  frsh,  1. liowing  ihou  a?t  fond 
of  them,  i  was  thinking  ic  send  a  te^--  by  the  opportuni'.y, 
befoie  i  received  th\'  letter,  i  should  be  very  glad  to  come  up  'cut  i  see  jio 
way  for  it  at  present,  i  want  to  see  you  all,  and  little  Sauy  mi  p.irtjcular. 
i  will  try  to  forv.-a.rd  T'rsula  to  come  as  soon  as  i  can  con'.enientl}".  i  have 
recei^'ed  a  lettei  from  thy  sister  Sally  a  lew  riioniiis  ago;  it  v."'.s  dated 
October  16,  17  77,  informing  me  of  the  state  of  her  a.TaiTb.  She  says  she 
uants  for  nothing  that  th.e  country  can  aft'ord.  Likevdse  the  saine  day  her 
liusband  is  scr  out  on  a  six  months  criiise  against  the  Iiciieh.  She  has  two 
fine  children,  jack  and  Sally.  Sally  is  14  month':  old  when  she  wr-i'tc  to  r-AC. 
She  lives  in  tiie  to-^vn  all  T,^dntcr  and  goes  to  the  cou.ctry  in  ihe  spring  ana 
stays  all  suinmer.  She  says  sne  is  determined  to  come  to  'v'irgir.ia  lao 
first  opiiortnniiy.     So  i  conclude. 

"Thy  loving  Mother, 

"AGXHS  Parsons   vVcot;.^on. 

"Thy  brother  sends  ye  2  rock  fi-h,  and  i  send  ye  9  .-liau  and  a  Itw 

From  this  letter  it  will  be  observed  that  231  Sarah  \\'Godson  Chirk 
v.-as  living  in  Scotland  in  177S,  and  that  tlie  youngest  sister,  Ursula,  w,>.^, 
stil!  living  v.iih  her  parents  in  Henrico.  It  is  uncertain  which  one  of  tlie 
brothers  tenf  "ye  2  rock  ll:di.'^  At  this  rime  233  Tarl..-ton«  was  in  a 
Briti:h  prisoTi  on  Long  Island,  234  Frederick' was  an  officer  in  the  firsl; 
.  Virginia  regiment,  and  the  half  brother  22S  Charles'-  was  probably  at  his 
own  home.  So  the  suppo.-^ition  is  that  230  George*^  was  the  broiher  v\-iio 
sent  h's  sisier  "ve  2  roc!:  iisli." 

?!Xl::   i..-%NKKA- 

\'l  *'  233  TaiL^ion,'^  Iht,'.  Marcli  18,  lV5i.  Iw  J l^- ■.;■.•; ro  wiiL-iw  he  \va^  rcarod  aiiil 
ciiucato.i.  ln-!\>ro  (lie  brcikiru  fin  I'f  iho  R("\-oliui'.iiiary  Wr.r,  iic  had 
eniisiccl  in  iho  coh^aial  arii^y  :\\m\  v.T;<  niaclo  onska  (h'  ihc  fu^t  \'in;iraa 
rCj;-!aiC!iL  on  SviMcni'  ■"  16,  ITr^.  V\i-,.,n  the  war  had  actually  bfiiua,  be 
of  coursi.',  eali^tcu  ir,  I'i-.e  smtnico  of  hic-  r.aiixo  \"irgiuia.     0»  DcroniLx-r  >\ 

1776,  hi;  wap  (••.)^;n.i^~lnnc^i  ra;)Jaip.  of  a  rorapany  in  thi.'  tviuh  X'iriiinu, 
reginiciii  ar.d  j-crwd  '.vlili  thi.-,  rank  i;i-,;il  ihc  fo!!a\vi:ift  spriii;;.     On  ^ia\   1, 

1777,  he  \\:i>  made  iiiajor  of  ilic  .-cci'nd  Canadian  regiment.  He  \vn?  a 
gallani  .\\u\  eiTi-aieni  c-ilaccr  and  no  doiibc  v.oidd  b.ave  attained  hi^h  rnilila'Sn- 
rank  ilic  w,ir  closed,  h.^'.l  l:e  l.oca  ]>rrtnii;cd  ic  fcrvo  fo  loi-.g.  Rui 
unfortunalely,  iltiri;!g  ilie  iua-;"uTn  ciiiiiJaign,  wliik-  in  the  \-icird;\-  i.>f 
New  \"(irk,  he  wms  captsjrcd  [)>•  ilie  cneniy  on  August  }?..  1777.  -.waI  \-.u'.  in 
prison  on  Loay  I -land.  B'.in-,;  ailowtd  a  limited  jjarulc.  lie  liad  the 
pii\i!vge  oi  ntak'iig  s-oine  plcas.ju  ac;i-ia!nta!K-e>,  odc  oi  whvwi  \va~  I\iiss 
Anne  \'an  Ucr  \'cer  of  Long  Iskatu!,  wh.o  kitc-r  became  his  \\ife.  It  is  not 
kno\\  n  \vli(:t!ier  he  married  licforc  hiang  exciianged  or  af'erwards;  but 
when  llii-  war  wa;;  (jver,  h.e  with  liis  >oung  wife  scliled  in  Prijice  Edward 
county,  \'irginia.  After  his  return  from  prison  he  served  in  the  state 
militia  with  the  of  major  genera!  and  resigned  on  March  1,  17S2. 
(Sec  Heitn-an's  Officer-:,  of  the  Re\oh!tion.) 

Following  is  an  extract  from  a  letter  Avriiteii  to  Judge  Tucker  Woodson 
of  Kentticky,  by  lOO.'*.  Charles  Van  !)cr  \"eer  Woodsori'  of  Prince  Edward 
county,  and  dated  January  17,  1871  : 

233  Tarlet^'n  Woodson^  was  rny  grandfather.  During  ih.c  war  of  the 
Re\'oliuion,  he  tield  the  commission  of  major  in  tlie  continental  line,  and 
served  during  most  of  the  tiinc  under  ilie  immediaie  command  of  Wasli- 
ington.  He  was  distinguished  for  gallantry  and  meritorious  service; 
but  during  the  northern  campaign,  w^as  taken  prisoner  by  the  cnemj'  on 
Long  Island  near  the  city  of  Xew  York.  Here  being  alioived  a  bruited 
parole,  he  formed  the  acquaintance  of  Anr.e  \'an  Der  \*eer,  a  lady  of 
Bata%"ian  descent,  v,diom  iie  married,  and  afterwards  brought  to  Virginia. 

B>-  this  marriage  my  grandfa'dier  had  two  son.s,  516  Charles"  (my  father) 
born  in  1781,  and  517  Tarleton,'  his  brother,  l;orn  in  179,1.  My  grand- 
father, after  tlje  establishmt-nt  of  peace,  came  to  !i\'e  iti  Prince  Edward 
county,  some  eighty  or  ninety  rniles  from  the  old  farniij  rcsIdHuce.  He  v.'as 
familiarly  known  as  General  Tarleton  \^'ood£on.  He  frequetiily  represented 
his  county  in  tiio  legislature,  and  was  t'jc  intimate  friend  of  Patrick  Henry. 
1  remember  him  well  and  have  often  heard  him  relate  thrilling  anecdotes 
of  military  ad\-enture,  and  hairbreadth  escapes  But  though  he 
participated  in  so  many  engagements,  lie  never  receixed  a  woin:d,  .'.nd 
was  never  sure  that  he  had  slain  an  enemy  vsith  his  own  liand.  He  I'.ied 
in  1818,  I  belie\-e  ab'uit  the  age  of  sixty-four  \  ears." 

It  is  stated  in  William  and  Mary  College  Quarterly,  vol.  X-,  p.  j85, 
that  he  was  twice  married;  his  second  wdfe  being  Ann  Friend,  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Sarah  Friend  of  Chestcr.^ield  county;  marriage  liond  recorded 
in  Chesterfield  in  Kv'l.  She  v.-as  o  sister  of  Sarah  Friend,  the  wife  of 
230  Ceorirc  Wocdstm." 

S2  T!!;'  Wv)' •!>•;(■:,■■>  .\\o  tiut-;  c^NNrcnoM- 

\n  tb..-  Hir!.  cen-ii.-  i>i  V'y^ula,  I7;r2  to  17S5.  Tuilvion  Woo'-pon  i- 
c-inimor.ilod  in  Ptiiiri-  !  .K'..;ui  hvii]  of  a  family  coiijisdiig  of 
"4  wliiu'rf,  with  i  uwcliiuy  ai'^l  one  <h\[CV  buiKiii'.g." 

\'I1  234  Frederick,"'  born,  Manli  24.  \l>i\  in  flcririco  county  vlierc  lie  was  ro:;rod 

and  cduOcUcii.  lii^  c.iriy  enli.-'ied  in  t!ie  caii.-=e  of  the-  coloaics  aR.'.iL.-^r 
Englan.'l,  and  on  June-  1.  17VS,  v.-as  c^)n1nli^>i.;.n(:■d  lirst  lit.naci\ant  in  tlie 
firsi  X'iryini.i  ! v-,;in;(.'nL.  He  was  made  ca;>l;;in  ir.  17S0  and  ser\-od  '.mtil 
PeccnilHr,  17;;  i.  1!l-  nost-r  nMrricd.  .'u'tcr  tlie  war  was  o\er  be  rclircd 
t'.'  Ills  pl.inl.iii'^n  in  l'o>>.iiaian  Ci.ijny,  w  iuac  !>e  liwd  lo  b;.-  (;uiK'  an  ob! 
man.  In  ihf  laitor  pan  of  InV  bfc  be  went  t(/  Pvinci.'  !--d\'.-a.rd  rouniy  and 
i(.'~it!i-d,  uritil  bis  (b-atli,  with  bis  ncpbcw  516  C'barlcs  \\'oodbon,"  son  of 
2.v^  'b.a-b'ton  \V.  lH!^on.'' 

Vlll  233  Ursula/  born  Jan.nary  30,  176(,1,  in  H;_-nrico,  wlit-ro  she  was  b'\in.c;  wiib.  her 

parenis  in.  Ma\'.  177S  when  "yc  siiad  and  ro,.:!;  lisli"  were  seiit  to  her  sister 
in  Goochl.jnd.  't  was  afier  this  incident  that  s'le  married  Fiancis  Ludding- 
ton  of  Greenbrier  count}'.      No  issue. 

Issue   cf            8  0   TARLETON  V/OODSON'    (Tarleton,-"    John,'    Robert.^    Jolin')    and    his 
wife, Slicpherd. 

!  *  2?'j  John,"^  w;i^  nrfdiibly  iiorn  in  Goochbind;  he  married  Kliia'.^tth  Baib?y  of  county,  and  seiib.d  iri  A'.bcniarb.:  wbicre  he  spent  the  rcniainde/  oi  his 
life.  He  dit-d  there  and  his  wii!  wa-^  proved  in  1779,  and  iianic?  his  vv-iie 
Elizabeth,  atul  tv.o  riiilJren..  Also  kinsman  Pleasants  Bailey  OgjlelA-, 
and  Augustine  Shepherd.  (Wm.and  M.  Qtl\.,  vol.  XI,  p.  50.)  In 
the  census  of  \'irginia,  r/S2  to  17S5,  Eii,''abetli  ^^■ood^on  is  enun^eratcd  ..i 
head  of  family,  conbi^iing  of  orje  person,  with  tw<i  dwellings  and  three 
other  buildings. 

This  seems  to  indicate  that  her  children  were  married  and  livinj;  in 
their  own  homes  (proljably  near  by),  and  that  .she  v.-as  still  li'/ing  in  the  old 
home  where  she  and  her  husband  (now  dead)  had  spent  so  many  yea.r.^. 

Issri?  of  81    SUSANNA    Y/OODSON^    (Tarlcton,'    John,'    Robert,^   John')    and    John 

Pleasants'  of   "Picka.nockie." 

I  *  237  Matihev,'  Pleasants,"^  born  February  16,  1759,  in  Henrico  countv,  was 
married  in  the  cit\-  of  Richmond,  \'irginia,  in  February,  1784,  to  Anna 
Raile>-.  daughter  of  Col.  John  Railcy  and  Elizabeth  Randolph  of  "Stone- 
henge."  Anna  Raile}'  was  born  September  16,  1759.  After  some  years' 
residence  in  \"irginia,  they  remo\'ed  to  Woodfortl  county.  Kcntticky. 
about  1803  and  there  spent  the  remainder  of  their  li\-es.  He  died  in 
January,  1816,  and  she  died  in  1826.  His  old  family  Bible  is  now  in  the 
possession,  of  his  great-grandstju.  Dr.  W'illia.m  I^.  PLirriman  of  San  Awtonio, 







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fi.NTii  ci:nf 

li  *  23S  James  Pleas.'.nis/'  'Of  C-.>iU'.-,iii>.!;."'  l>,.::i  h>  llcnric(.>  cuinrLV.  whci-e  li- 
^rew  lo  I'o  ;\  p; iiiniiioul  ;'.iu!  isfciji  i'i;izvn.  He  inaniod  Mrs.  A;;:'!:'. 
(R.^.'.dt.'lpli)  !'i  :a.-,uv.s.  v.-i<:;  nv  (.f  j<>iii!  i':..\'?:u\ls/  nmi  t!;u!giUcr  of  C<']. 
isham  Raiidnljih.  This  v.  :!s  !ut  \luvu  .'ri.irriage.  Her  lirsr  liiis-ban'.l  »vr.s 
Da!ii(.-1  Sct'ti  who,  ii  a.ppiar.-,  ii\-e(i  bu'.  a  ;!i"rt-  linie  afier  U'.'-'ir  marriage 
She  nia.riiec'i,  ^coiui.  John  I'leasani:-''  who  was  a  .sen  vi  John  Plca^a ;■■.>- 
and  Dor.itl-ica  Cvirx.'  and  a  hrother  lo  Mar\'  PIca.-aiils.'  t!ic  hrsi  valV  o!' 
79  r'.-.arict;  XN'onr'^c.ii.-'  After  ihe  deaiii  of  her  second  husband,  sh.c 
married,  third,  a-  n!.)ii\o  tiatrd,  .?3J^  Ja;r.e-  Plon^arits  "oi  Contcnlion." 

Issue  of  £.S  Col.  JOBN  WOODSON-'  (J-'-i-'ir'  John,-'  Rohert.=  Jcl-.n')  and  Ooroihca 


i         239  Jane/'  lx)rri  i.;  Goochland  roiiiiiy  al)out  1V52,  was  married  .ltd}-  17,  1775, 
to  her  cnu.-ir. ,  Arcliibald  I^leasantr. 
Security,  John  Cheadle. 
\Viinesfc.';-24-2  Josiah   W'oodfon.'-' 
-243   I.-^ham  Woodson.'^ 

II  240  Isanuie/  born  in  Goochland  count\^  V\"as  married  Oclotx'-r  12,  1777,  to  her 
third  cousin.  253  John  Stephen  Wo^.d^on.^  For  i.ssiie  see  253  jc.'an 
Steidien  V\'ovd.?on.-' 

III  241   Elizabeth/"  born  in  , Goochland,  Xcveniber,  1756,  arid  marries.'  -1124  Jo\\.\ 

Ghea.die,'  who  v.  as  her  third  cousin,  a  son  of  81  Juduh  Woodcou''  and 
Thomas  Cheadle.     See  Addenda. 

IV  *     242  Llajor  Josiah/'  born  in  .175S  at   Dover  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia. 

Al  the  age  of  twent>-,  on  December  3,  177S,  he  was  morrieJ  ro  his  tl'.ird 
cousin  254  Elizabeth  Woodson,''  aged  nineteen,  daughter  of  91  Rev. 
Matlhew  Woodson.^  With  the  rank  of  major,  he  served  in  Gen'l  GrecT-o's 
command  in  the  continental  army,  and  later  under  i.alayettc.  Mc  partici- 
pated in  the  siege  of  Yorktown  and  witnessed  the  surrender  of  CoraMali:"- 
at  that  place.  Previous  to  that  event,  he  Was  with  hi.s  family  at  his  father's 
home  at  Dover,  on  leave  of  absence,  and  near  being  captured  by  Col. 
Tarkton  v.dio  \v.:-s  in  command  of  tlie  ad\"ir!cc  guard  of  the  British  aTT.y. 
It  was  at  Dover  that  Cornwallis  made  his  headquarters  for  a  day  or  two 
on  his  way  to  ^'orkiown.  He  treated  the  family  with  respect  and  con- 
sideration. It  is  even  said  that  he  imprinted  a  fatherly  kiss  upon  little 
535  Mary  Woodson'  the  baby  daughter  of  242  Major  Josiah  Wood-on. '^ 
88  Col.  John  Woodson*  was  at  that  time  about  fifty-one  years  old.  Using 
his  own  ferr\iioat  he  crossed  over  to  a  plantation  he  owned  on  Sabot  s 
Island  in  James  River,  where  he  remained  until  the  "'Red  Coats"  were  gone. 
Meantime  his  son  242  Major  Josiah''  ha.d  rejoined  his  reL'iment  and  pro- 
ceeded with  the  cr^nii  land  to  the  vicinity  oi'  Yorktown,  v>herc  they  had  the 
satisfaction   of   witnes-^ing  on    October    19.    1782,   tb.e   s;;rrciider  of   Lord 

84  TUT"  v> '1l■^^l-•^>^•^  anI)  th!.!:-; 

CciruwaHis  c.r.A  h]<  ".'nrirc  coniniaiul.  AfU^r  <he  war  was  over  ant' 
ix'i'.co  cstabli.-iic'.!,  7-\2  jo^ia'!-,  \\\ ■■.■<.' ■■'ju''  rcni;;ineti  in  Godcl-Jar'' 
c<iini;>-  wliere  'it;  -caroi'  a  f.^PiMy  "f  live  uaiighiors.  His  -■.'.'.ic-  KUzu'i !•:{'.-, 
died  at  l>o\er  ab'jisr,  17','/.  !ti  ]SO,i  Ik-  wca  to  Mays\-illc,  Kcamcky,  \<: 
he  near  !\i.s  chiklrca  who  pr.cer.vti  liha  '.o'.hat  new  country.  Mere  re 
spenl  I'n.e  ic.ii.undcr  of  liis  Hie  and  tiiod  in  1S17. 

V         2.43  Isliam,"  bom  at  DoNtT  in  (".o,;,cI.'.a.iid  coinny,  September,   1  7.S9,  and  <.Hcii 

\"I  *  2-M  Susannah,''  briin  at  her  fatiicrV  b.oir.e  at  Dover,  an  June  26,  1761,  w,i^ 
married  Scpiember  17.  17S4,  to  lier  ilrst  cousin  Isham  Randolph  Railoy, 
son  of  Cob  John  Railey  and  wi'e  iZIi.:!ab._'tbi  Randolph  of  Stoneb.eiir,e 
(name  uf  tlieir  home  in  Ciicsierrield  coui.i\).  Ishani  Randolp'.i  Railey 
was  born  at  Stonohcnge,  July  15,  I75S.  H>-  .md  hi;^  v.ife  li'.-ed  in  \arv;ir.ia 
soine  ten  years,  and  in  1794  rcn10^•ed  to-  ^Voodford  county,  Kentuckx'. 
whce  they  boui,du  a  line  farm  upon  w'aieh  they  built  their  home-  which 
they  called  'A'iney  Grove."  Here  tliey  sptnu  tlie  renadndcr  of  tlieir  ]i\-es. 
He  died  March  14,  1814.  She  sur\-i\ed  liira  bat  a  few  years  and,  died 
December  6,  ISIS.  Both  arc  buried  in  tiieir  own  family  bur}ing  ground 
at  Viney  Gro\e,  near  \'crsai!!cs,  Kentucky. 

\"n  *  245  Jolm,''  born  at  D<)\-er,  February  23.  1763,  was  married  March  30,  17S6, 
to  Mary  l.i^lnfoi::  .AnckT-.T!.  She  wa-:.  calkd  "Polly"'  by  the  family. 
He  rendered  acti\'c  iield  ser\ice  in  tlie  Revolutionary  War  as  shown  by 
the  following  copy  of  his  applicatiori  for  pension,  on  file  in  tiie  Re\"o!uiionary 
War  records  in  W  ashington,  D.  C. 

I.  S.  C. 

S.  File  6434,  Rew  \A'ar  Records. 

John  Woodson,  a  soldier  of  the  Re\olutionary  \''ar. 

Enh%ted:    Winter  1779,    1  laoniii.   Sergeant,  Capt.  Wm.  Miller. 

Spring    17Sfi,    2  weeks,    Sergeant.  Capt.  Curd. 

I\iay       17S0,    6  months  I^usign, 

Following  winter  Cornet,       Capt.  Pk-asants. 

Same  >x'ar,  6  months.  Ensign.  Capt.  i_)i,kc. 
Battles  engaged  in,  Camden  and  Siege  of  Vorktown.  Residence  at  Ei.lis.- 
meut,'and  cour.ty,  \'irginia.  Dat--  of  Application  for  Pcns:o!i, 
October  25,  lf32.  Residence  at  date  of  Application,  Hano\-ei  count>-, 
\'irginia.  Age  at  date  of  application,  born  February  29,  1763,  in  Goochland 
CDuaty,  Virginia. 

Remarks:  His  claim  was  allowed.  For  the  date  of  his  death  and  name  of 
tlic  person  to  wlumi  tlie  arrears  of  his  pension  were  paid,  appl\-  to  the 
Auditor  for  the  Interior  Department,  C.  S.  Treasury  Department,  gixing 
him  all  of  the  following  data:  "Joint  Woodson,  Certificate  347S,  issuetl 
Deceniber  22,  1832,  at  the  \'irginia  .Xgency." 

Signed.  J.  L.  I>.\\  e.\pc)Ht, 
Washington,  D.  C.  Corrimissioncr. 

-     Februa;y  26,  19;3. 

stxir:  <;;{M:i;ATi 

Vl!l  *  246  Martha,"  l«)rn  at  Duvcv  in  CcvAhland  lo^i  nv.  }v.\v  h,  !7^1,  vnv  rnarrioii 
Dccciiil'iT  2),  1786,  10  h<r  rirsl  coiir=ir,,  ■'"■  I\;u1o\,  v.iv!  w;;;:  I'Orii 
Scptcnii-ii.T  ?2,  1754,  ai  Slont-hcfii^c  in  C'1u-~m.!  noki  coiiiiU'.  \'iri;;i.)i<'..  H.; 
was  a  son  of  Ci>l.  J<,)l.n  l-i;ii!o\-  a'ui  vil'c-,  i"iizal>ftr;  Kam'oiiiii.  ile  luii.! 
prcvioiisiy  '.;0!;o  to  Kcniurky,  in  17Sij,  ■_,•)']  '■oii;,jhi  a  lavni  in  W'dodlt.i-,! 
count}".  Afier  gfiiiiig-  liie  plice  in  good  i:(>ii(iiti'..>ri.  ho  roiiirr.i;'.!  to  Virginia. 
.  married  his  wife  in  December,  1786,  arni  in  the  lollowin?  :;|iriiit;  rcfarned 
with  iicr  to  their  Kentuc-i-;y  huint'  whi.-i,  they  ralkci  "( 'iii;o:i."  lii-ri.- 
they  spent  thirty-five  years  of  a  ha[>py.  pro -pcroiis  ami  iisitul  iiie.  Mo 
diet!  in  tS22  and' :<ho  in  l?o4.  Both  ;ii','  buried  in  tiuir  far.ii'.y  burNiiij, 
ground  at  CHfto:i,  near  \'ersailles,.\''''oodford  county,  Kentuclcy. 

IX  ■  24V  Ji-ditb/  born  February  ]6,  1767,  at  Dover  in  Co.-ciiiand  county.  Virgini.i. 
was  m.^,rried  in  1793  to  her  first  coii-in  V.'ihia.m  R.iiley,  ?>.)i!  of  Co!.  Joiin 
Railey  and  wife  Elizabeth  Randolph.  He  v.'as  •lorn  ;u  Stonchcnge  in 
Chesicrlieid  county  on  February  26,  1761.  \V'n..n  a  youp.<  ai'jn,  he  w^^nt 
to  ICcnluck}-  v.-ith  his  elder  brotiiers,  pureh.'--ed  a  iraci  of  land  near  \'er- 
sailles  in  Woodford  county,  and  after  makia;.;  ui.-crjf^.iry  i'.nprover.ier.t?  and 
getting  it  in  condition  for  cdtivati'jn,  retarp.-.i!  to  \'i'.-';ii;h;  in  17y.\  riu'irricd 
his  wife  and  brought  iier  to  their  Kenmr'v}  liomc  \vhii'h  th.e%-  called 
"Liberty  Hall."  Here  they  built  a  larire  a-iJ  eon-.nio<!i.H'>  brick  hou-o, 
one  of  tlie  first  of  its  Ldnd  ever  buib  in.  V^'oodfor-i  coumy.  It  was  the 
favorite  i^atlierinc;  place  for  all  the  Wood.-on-Ra;ley  kiu  in  that  \>CxVt  oi  the 
state.  He  died  February  8,  1818,  and  fbc  died  October '26,  1S31.  B(-th 
arc  buried  in  tlicir  family  bur\-ing  trour.d  at  Li!>erty  Ha'd. 

X  218  Sarah/'  born  Xoveinber  14,  1770,  at  Dover  in  Goochland  couixiy,  Virgini-A, 
was  married  in  1790  to  her  third  cousin,  259  Philip  Woodson,"  ^o.a  of  ';l 
Rev.  Matthew  Woodson. °  They  located  in  Hanover  cuniv  and  bper.t  their 
entire  wedded  life  on  their  farm  situated  on  Alien's  C'r<:ek,  a  Siiiall  sireaji; 
that  meandered  through  the  property.  He  died  there  In  b'^46.  Siie  being 
afflicted  and  in  feeble  health,  su.rvived  hint  but  ?.  short  time,  hor  issue 
see  259  Philip  Woodson. ° 

XI  249  Mary/  born  at  Dover  in  Goochland  county  fdate  of  hirtl;  not  i;no'-vn\ 

and  wa-  married  on  August  10,  1778.  to  Cot.  Xal  Morris  or  the  Briii:h. 
army.  It  is  regarded  as  an  unusim!  cir'aini-^tance,  tliat  she  shou:d  ha\e 
married  an  officer  of  the  British  army,  wliile  her  Ijrotiicr  wa".  an  oificer  in 
the  opposing  forces,  and  all  th.c  rest  of  the  f.imily  in  full  sympathy  with  th? 

XII  250  Lucy,'  born  at  the  famUy  home  at.  Duver  and  died  there  uiimarried. 
j'>om  the  Register  ke[)t  b\-  Rev.  William  Douglas  of  Cooehhind,  it  appear- 
that  he  baptii'-ed  all  th.e:^e  twelve  children  of  88  Col.  John  Woods.Mi  and 
Doroth.(fa  Ranaolpii;and  ncrf;)rrnefl  the  m  trriage  ceremony  for  four  of  then.i. 
(See  \\  lu.  and  .Mary  QJj  .,  noI.  X,  [>.  387.) 



The  foil'.xvin-  i^  from  Mr.  S.  W.  Kaik-y 

"I  v.-riti.'  the  I'ullov.-ing-  as  the  rLx-uIt  ol'  .-■jine  visit-  ]  made  to  Virginia,  for  llie 
purpose  of  learning  the  family  iiisiory  of  the  Raiulolphs  ajid  the  Maileys: 
and  of  seeing  their  former  homes. 

Col.  John  Ivcii'ey  ^^•a^  an  h,y  l)ii-ih:  he  raiiie  to  \'irj;:n;a 
some  time  unriny  tJtc  iir-ii  half  of  the  eighteenth  '■•entury,  when  c;uite  a 
young  man,  and  ptircha.sed  a  tract  of  land  in  Chesterhdd  conr.ty,  v/liich  he 
named  "Stor.ehenge.'"  )t  i.-5  said  th..!t,  beeause  of  the  gi.ant  oaks  there,  it 
was  so  named  for  the  sea.t  of  tiio  1  Jruid  jiriests  in  hhii^land.  Col.  R.dley 
had  the  I'nglish  love  for  horses  and  horce-raaane, :  and  after  hie  cstdili.^h'.^l 
his  home,  he  laid  otit  a  race  course  where  raeiny  was  held  for  marjy  year.s. 
The  course  may  still  be  seen,  though  nov.-  grov.n.  up  in>  jios.t  oak. 
r.vonehengc  is  tliineen  miles  v.'e-t  of  Richmond.  Aliddothi.ui  (a  station  on 
the  Souihern  Railway)  is  on  the  estaie.  The  soi'  v,as  probah'\-  not  of 
great  depth  originally,  and  v.'as  hnall\-  e.'^liaasted  b>-  eultivaiion.  Th.c 
j.lace  i)as  now  ceared  to  be  cultivated  and  has  laaiiily  re\eiti.-d  to  a  stale  of 
nature.  Some  of  the  original  great  oak.-,  remain,  but  It  is  now  mostly 
covered  by  second  grov.'th  oaks.  'f"he  caretaker  told  me  that  deer  were 
killed  on  the  place  ever\-  winter.  li  is  now  ov^-ned  liy  a  Pliil.idelphia  Co.J 
Company.  Tl;c  Stonehenge  residence  has  long  since  tumbled  down  and 
gone  to  decay.  I  was  told  by  old  inliabitanls  that  there  are  no  Raileys 
left  in  Chesterfield  county  now;  all  iiasin.g  gijne  to  .Kv-ntucky  or  to 
Albemarle  countN%  X'irciiiia." 

Col.  Jcilm  Railey  was  descended  from  the  .second  son  of  Sir  W'a.ite-- 
Raleigh,  and  had  his  name  changed  to  Railey  after  he  had  permanently 
seitled  in  Che.-.;err!elQ  count;e.  He  v.-as  married  in.  Xove.nber,  !75(-i, 
to  PJi/abeth  Rand.dph,  d.iugtitcr  of  Col.  Randolpii  of  Dungeness. 
She  was  a  sister  of  jane  Flandolph  who  married  Peter  Jefi'en,on  and  became 
the  mother  of  Rresidenl  Tlionias  Jefferson.  She  was  also  a  sister  of 
Dorothea  Randolj)h  -who  married  i^S  Cu\.  J'>hn  \\"ood=on.-'  Col.  JoIhi 
Railey  was,  of  cotirse,  too  far  ad\.'inced  in  years  to  take  an'e  pait  iii  ihe 
Re^'ohuionary  War,  but  he  no  doubt  served  the  colonies  in  their  v.-ars  with 
tl;e  Indians,  Spe.nish  and  French,  and  S','  attained  to  the  rank  of  colonel. 
Me  dicii  at  Ston.ei:enr'e,  and  his  will,  dated  in  i;s2,  was  recoi-dci  in  Chester- 
field county.  He  left  a  large  estate  in  t.mds,  stock,  slaves  and  eleven 
hundred  pounds  sterlin.g,  in  casli,  to  his  childrL-n;  the  largest  siiare  being 
lef.  to  his  eldest  son  Tliomas  Railey.  There  weie  eight  children  btjrn 
to  him  and  his  wife,  Elizabetli  Randtjiph;  of  whom,  Thomas,  the  eldest, 
married  244  Martha  Woodson;^  Isham  Randolph  Railey  married  242 
Susannah  Woodson,*^  and  William  Railey  married  245  Judith  Woodson.' 
All  daughters  of  88  Col.  John  Woodson=  and  Dorothea  Randolph,  and  all, 
through  their  mothers  were  first  cousiiis  to  th.eir  husbands.  Anna  Railey, 
one  of  llic  daughteis  ol  C..\.  John  Llaihjv  and  Elizabeth  Randolph,  married 
237  Matthew  Pleasants,""  .son  of  81  Su-.inn:i  Woodson"  and  John  Pleasants, 

.^ixrs:  ciM- :;.\j!ijx 

of  i'icii.ii-.ui.'-.i'j.  Tliv-ic  '.vas  aiioi  !'.?!■  ';■•!!'d  K;!i!;ii_>!r.ii  Railry,  wlio 
m.irricu  A';<:ilKi  Plt.-;:>;ini;-,  c-  liaiu^-ier  oi  J.^S  Jainr-  ^K^■s;!nt^^  and  Ann.: 

Issue  of  eO   JOSEPH  V.'OODSON^  (J.-iaii/  JoIk;,^  l<..brrl.  -Joir^')  an,!  Mary  Crouch. 

I  25)    Elizabeth,'' born  proiuibiy  al oiii  175^-!  in  Cooctilancl  v:>ai,l\. 

Issue  of  9  1    5<ev.    MATTllEVS"   WOODSOr^    (Stephen,^    tolm/    Rnberlr    iolm')    ar.d 

Kli/ibcth  LeVillian. 

1         252   Matthew/  born  Ociober  11,  17.vl,  in  Goochland  county.  p:uj  di'.^d  yoiiiu;. 

II  *  25Z  Joh-.i  Stephen/'  born  Augu^t  1  7.  !7,"7,  in  Cr.Dchland  co'.ir.ty,  '.vb.'.Te  h.c  grcw 
to  young  nuMibio.jd  and  was  uiarried  on  Oci.b.r  12,  1777.  to  his  third  cou.-iii, 
240  Woodscui/  daughter  of  S^'  Cob  Joliii  \\'oo;b<(;n=  aiui 
Randolpli.  T'.otli  the  contracting  parlic:-  lo  this  union  bcitig  uncK'T  a.r;'.\ 
tlieir  n'S|;ccii\-c  fathers  ga\-e  letters  of  consent  to  \he  marriage.  Wheihc: 
253  Job.n  Stephen  \A'oods3n''  enlisted  in  the  Amcricui  army  b>efore  or  after 
his  marriage,  is  not  definitcK'  known.  Bat  ho  did  tnlisi,  a  com- 
inissioned  olficer  and  ser\cd  to  the  end  of  tlie  war.  Ir  i.^  said  rhat  Jie  \\ 
a  great  adnn'rer  of  C7cn'l  ^^'arr:■n,  ,ind  named  one  of  hi-  sce.s  V\'arren.,  in 
honor  of  that  gallani.  oiitccr.  After  the  \\-ar  was  c\ri ,  he  settled  on  'li--- 
farm  in  Goochland  county  ■'.\  liere  all  o'i  !:is  childi-'ii  ■,>-e;e  boin.  f-iy 
industry,  economy  and  good  managr-ment,  he  l.iecanie  a  man  cf  Vi'i'aiih 
and  leisure,  and  had  an  overseer  to  mai  ..i,-e  the  slaves  and  loeik  after  the 
.  plantation.  His  eliildren  were  all  hi'^  eviitcavcd;  riiiie  c,f  them  lived  t'l  be 
grown  and.  all  married  except  Naric\-.  C);ie  of  hi'-  son-j,  J.ih'.i  S'ephen,  Jr., 
died  in  inUincy.  .After  tliat  brca\-cnicnt.  twins  were  i.Mrn  he  narneri  iiuc 
one  of  tlv.  ni  John  H:id,  the  other  Stephe;i.  I:;  1S':5.  witii  Iiis  wife  ai-id 
seN'cral  cr.ildren,  he  remoxcd  to  W'oodforc:  count}-,  Ivc:itr.c!:y,  bought  aii'i 
improved  a  splend'd  farm  an.d  there  sjei.r  the  remain-ler  of  his  life.  lie 
died  Septerrdier  16,  1533. 

III  2.54  Elizabeth/  born  I\Iay    12,   1759,  at   Do\er,  Mrginia,  u^kix  .=h.e  spent 

entire  life.  She  v.  as  married  December  3,  1778,  to  her  thhci  cousin  242 
]\T.;jor  Josiah  V.'ou  ison,-'  son  of  .'^'S  Col.  Jolin  Woo'd-on''  .md  )-)oroih.e:'. 
Randolph.  She  died  at  their  home  at  I  )over  iii  !7'.''7.  lor  issue  see  242 
Alajor  Josia.h   \\'ood~(..ri.^- 

IV  *     255   Sf.ruuel/  bcum  at    Dover,  Virginia,  July   24,    1761,   wa.-  married  June  5, 

17S2.,  to  Sarah  Mills,  daughter  of  William  Mills  and  lilizabetb. Iiis. 

vife.  Sarah  Mills  was  born  April  23.  1764.  It  is  not  believed  thai  lie 
rendered  any  military  service  dtiring  the  war,  for  he  was  only  fifteen  years 
old  \\  hen  it  began.  Some  years  after  the  cessation  of  ho'-tili'  ii:-^.  he  rmd  his 
entire  fami!)-  mo\ed  io  Kentuck>-  and  settled  in  }Ioi)kin':i  C!junt\-  where  lie 
pper.i:  I  lie  rejitai-.ider  of  his  life. 

\'         256  Maiy/  norn  \',iy  28.  i7(k^.  .-.i  !>i'vcr,  \"iry;"ria,  was  marricfi  Xovcmbcr  21; 
17S.V  to  jf:.-c  Rv(k!. 

\'l  2.W   F'-ances,^  !i.irn  May  28.  i76.',  ai  "Ovner.  \'irp!r.ia,  v:^'.  innrrifr]  in  17P-2  t^^ 

\"1I  '''  25S  Jacob/  bom  May  2.^,  1 766,  ;u  iV.n-er  in  Godcliland  c-jimvy,  X'irgir.ia,  where 
lie  grew  to  r.Kinliood  aiul  wa..--  married  alKJiit  1793  lo  Dorothea  Peer.^, 
called  "Do'K.''  In  1/96  v1k\'\ed  to  Payette  coiinly,  Kenli!eic>% 
stopping  there  a  few  r-unnhf;  in  "loo!:  nreriuj"  iv.  a  permanent  locatio  j. 
In  Januar\-.  1797,  he  went  to  Mercer  councy  where  he  leased  from  Je.oo'.i 
Froman,  for  five  years  a  tract  of  700  acres  of  land,  the  con.dderatioti  bcin^ 
one  liundred  ponr.ds  sterling,  payable  in  Kentucky  currency  in  five  annual 
installment^--.  The  agreement  was  secured  l.iy  a  or.  th.rec  negro 
men,  Richartl,  Archy  and  Janus;  and  three  neyro  girls,  Tenali,  Lucy  and 
Sally.  He  died  about  1S05  and  Ids  witlow.  Dorothea  married  James 
Clark,  as  iduiwn  by  the  marri;,!;<.  contract  (uUcd  Di.vernber  20,  1S08,  and 
recorded  at  Harrodsburg,  Keniueky,  and  witnessed  by  Stephen  C.  Letcher 
and William  Woudson. 

\']II  *  259  Philip,"  born  Aik,ii:-i  7,  1767,  nt  Do\"c'",  Cio.ichland  cuuiity,  \'irginia,  was 
married  in  1790  to  his  third  cousin  243  Sarah  Woodson,*  daugliter  of  SS 
Col.  John  Woodson'"  an<.!  Doj-othea  Randolph.  They  lived  a  few  years  in 
Goochland  and  iinalK'  settled  in  Hanover  couni>',  on  their  farni  which 
was  called  Allen's  Crei-k  from  iiie  fact  that  a  sma'l  siiea.m  of  that  iianis 
flowed  through  the  proi)erty.  Here  they  spent  tiieir  entire  vvxdded  life. 
He  was  called  Captain  Woodson.  He  too  young  to  take  any  part  in 
the\'  struggle,  being  only  abctit  eiglit  years  old  whe;i  that 
v.'ar  began.  So  his  title  of  capi.iin  was  prcibably  acfjuired  in  the  nuluia 
service  of  the  state,  after  the  cessation  of  hostilities,  when  patriotic  men 
had  ample  opporttinitics  of  rendering  valualde  ser\  ices  to  tl.'cir  countr\'. 
He  died  at  his  home  January-  2J-,  1;46.  The  following  obituary  i=  copied 
from  the  Richmond  Enquirer: 

"I3eparted  this  life  on  the  24th  January,  1846,  at  his  lesidence, 
'Allen's  Creek,'  Hanover  county,  Captain  Philip  Woodson,  Sr.,  in  ilic 
se\ent\-ninth  >  car  of  liis  age.  He  wa:^  confined  to  his  languishing  bed  and 
sick  room  abmit  I  wo  mi)!Uhs  pre\-i')us  to  iris  dissolution,  dtiri-ig  all  of  which: 
time  he  was  nc\cr  heard  to  complain,  but  without  a  rnurmur,  he  paticnily 
and  with. Christian  resignation,  awaited  the  hour  of  his  departure  from  time 
to  eternity.  He  died,  perfectly  in  his  senses,  and  without  a  struggle, 
fully  resigned,  assuring  his  family  and  fric^nds  that  his  faith  and  reliarice 
on  his  Savior  had  disarmed  deaihof  all  his  terrors,  and  that  his  hope  for 
a  blissful  immortality  beyond  the  grave,  was  bright,  firm  and  unshaken. 
For  about  fifteen  years  he  was  a  zealous,  devoted  and  warmdiearted 
Christian.  He  attached  himself  to  the  liaptist  Church  and  lived  and  died 
one  cf  its  most  co.isisient  meiid>vr;;.  Of  the  deceased  it  may  be  truly 
said,  no  one  was  ever  heard  to  uticr  a  wo.-d  of  Iiarit:,  no,  not  one;  lor  he  was 


bolnver!  iiv  oU  v.-lio  knew  ]■•.'..■•..  i'c  h;it  !el't  Iir'niiui  h\\v.,  to  ir.ourii  over  iier 
iii-cparnhlc  ](•->,  an  .''gc!  ni;.-:!  ..!'•':<.  h;-;  p;irincr,  \'  iih  wlioiii  ho  ii\c<!  in  i>eifoft 
connubial  poarv  anvl  ltli~s  fi/i-  ii-.-.rK'  fifiy-^ix  \c:irs,  anil  to  wlumi  he  said, 
a  short  lime  bc-fo/e  ho  <iit\!.  i;  \\-'iii;i  mi  be  Kmg  bi;ffii'c  sho  vvculi!  bjll.i-i.- 
h.iiii.  oii'l  i!:al  ihey  wi'ulu  '.-,  ;'-,:;in  niuitJ  in  hioaxcn.  'ij!c.--cd  are  llic 
tk-.i'J  thai  die  in.  tiie  Lortl ;  \-ea,  xhey  rcr-t  fn^in  their  lal^ors  and  ilici''  wo.'ks 
do    follow    ihcni."' 

Also  the  fe'ilov.  ing-  from  Ti>e  H-ini^'.ille  (A la i v. ma)  Dcn'iorrav  <<i 
February  4,  lS-10.  Tliis  ncv>p;!!-.'or  \vas  I'e'Ui'.Jed  and  edited  for  thirl :,■- 
three  ye^rs  l>y  hi.-  .«_";  592  Philiii  \\"ood<np./ 

"We  are  paintd  to  learn  by  a  lerier  from  Richniuiid  ilie  death  of  our 
venerable  faliier,  Capi.  Philii:)  Vv'oodsf'n,  who  tleparied  tiiis  liic  at.  lii.-: 
residence,  "Allen's  Creek'  in  Hanover  count\,  V'irgiiiiy,  in  ihe  seventy- 
ninth  year  uf  his  age.  The  writer  of  the  letter  aniiouncing  thi>  sad  ui-"- 
pen.sation  stales  tliat  lie  was  coiii'ined  fjr  ;',bwi;t  tv/o  niontii;;  prc\'io'.is  to 
his  death,  and  gradually  declined  until  h"  oxpiiC''!,  without  a  strug„';lo. 
His  disease  did  not  appear  to  be  ;i  p.  infui  u;.e.  !Ic  nevci'  complained, 
but  appeared  all  jKitience  and  resignation.  Vi'l-en  asked  if  lie  not 
rather  rccowr,  he  replied  he  ;iad  no  choice,  b\il  preferred  that  his  Kea\'enly 
Father's  will  sh.Miilu  be  done.  For  near  twente  years,  \vc  believe:  he  has 
been  a  member  of  th.e  Baptist  Clitirch.  He  a  nati\e  of  Goochland 
count}'  where,  on  the  i^anlcs  of  James  Ri\er,  lie  passed  tlie  prime  of  iiis  life. 
He  was  a  plain  man,  and  his  deportment  through  life  was  truly  that  oi  a 
Virginian  of  the  olden  time.  lie  departed  tliis  life  on  Sattir..'a>-,  Jajiuary 
24,   1846." 

IX  *  260  Daniel,^  born  April  19,  1769,  at  Dover,  X'irglnia,  was  married  to  Nancy 

X         261   larieion/  born  July  17,  1771,  at  Dover,  \'irginia,  and  tlicd  yotin^:. 

XI  *  202  ThomaSj'^  born  December  2,  177,2,  .it  Do^•er,  Goochland  coim.ty,  \'irginia, 
Avlicre  he  "A'as  reared  and  edticaied.  He  was  married  Febiuary  27,  i7'i6. 
to  Sarah  Saunders,  daughter  of  Jesse  Saunders  and  Alary  I.eViliiaii. 
This  ^.lary  LeVillian  was  a  daughter  of  Anthonv  Le\'ili;a';  at:d  wi'"e 
Miss  —-'■ —  LaPrade,  Huguenots.  Sarah  Saunders  vcas  born  May  1,  1776, 
in  i.iiner.burg  county,  Virginia.  When  she  was  il>:  or  ciykt  years  old, 
her  mother  died  -ind  her  father  gave  her  to  liis  iirother,  R.'i-crt  Hvde 
Saunders  and  wife  Li:c\-  Ma>o,  to  be  cared  for  anci  reared.  Tlie>'  lived  in 
I.uiienburg  county.  Sarah  Saunders  had  one  sister  and  nine  broi.hcrs; 
all  of  whom  died  without  issue  e.vccij.t  Robert  Saunders  v,  ho  was  born 
April  22,  177S,  and  was  married  .April  7,  ^S03,  to  Susannah.  Hord,  of  Non.ii 
Carolina,  and  died  December  11,  1S57.  262  Thomas  Woodson'^  and  his 
wife,  Sarah  lived  at  Dovx-r,  \'irginia  with  his  parents  until  their  death. 
His  father  died  in  If-'OO  untl  his  mother  died  Deceml.ier  1.5,  bSO.S.  Shortly 
after  this,  Thomas  and  Sarah  moved  to  Hart  county,  Kentucky,  and  bought 

.  a  thousand  a-^res  of  land  from  his  cousin Fredeiiek  Wuodson,  and 

foundeil  thereon  tiie  town,  of  \\Viodsoii--,ilie,  which  Il^s  grown  to  Ijc  a  city 

t'l>r,i!.ik'  iriiporLirrCO.  It  w.'s  b.ct\-  llini.  I'll  >■..': .is  \\"f.'-)d.-:on  ;niil  !;!■; 
good  wife  ^a;^)h  spen;  ihe  !\in.iiii<!er  fiMh-.-r  ;i\-c5.  Siic  ciicd  Jal>'  2!,  ISfJ, 
and  i?c  on  i-'tKni^ivy  M,  1J57.  Thoii"  ii-.-;i.iiiUa!!t^  will,  no  lio'jbt,  rc:a(i 
wi^li   imcrtjl    tliC   I'tiliowiiu; : 

OBITUAKY  01'~  'mo.-'.fAS  WOOO^OV 

"Ai  11  o'clock  S.ilurda\-  nijiu,  Fcl^ruary  14.  1857,  at  'Jk'  residence  of 
liis  youngest  son,  in  V\"oodfonvi'ic,  Keii^uoky  Viood.-o!!,  Sr., 
biTathed  'ils  'a?i  wii'v.^ui  a  struggle.  He  was  horn  in  GoochU'ind  couiiiy. 
\'irgir,i.i.  or.  DeceiViber  2,  1772,  Lic-iiig  ih.e  x'cungosi  son  «'i  tnai  ir.ost  gocily 
pair,  Rev.  Matthew  Wtiod.son  and  his  wife  Eii.:abeth  I.eX'illian.  He  moved 
to  this  place  in  ISO!  when  t!ic  country  was  bu'.  little  n'.oie  than  o  wilderness. 
Hire  he  (oinKl  a  few  IJaptists  with  who;ii  li.  united  nuA  remained  Cinn  in 
the  d('Ctrine  of  Grace.  He  professed  r'le  re!ii;iori  of  jcsns  C'hrir.t  in  the 
year  1799  o;-  1800,  during  that  great  revival  in  tl'.c  l.\jvei  Church  and 
Association.  He  was,  many  years  .-^nliject  to  n"iu;;!i  afilierlon.  U 
might  be  iriiU-  said,  a  just  and  upright  iran.  having  jias.-cd  througli  gre;'.t 
tribulation,  'gathered  i;p  his  feet  into  the  bed  and  ga\-e  up  tiiC  Gliost,  and 
v."as  g;ilh.ered  unto  his  fathers.'  He  was  intftrcd  be.--idc  ijis  mosi  exccUent 
wife  Sally  Saunders  U'oodson,  to  whoin  he  was  wedded  Fcbri-ary  27,  1796. 
She  was  the  \-oungcst  daiighter  of  Jesse  a.nd  Mary  Saunders  of  Lunenbtn'g 
cotmty,  \'irginia.  She  was  'of/rn  Ma\-  1,  1776,  and  died  July  21,  iS44. 
The\  were  tiie  fond  parents  of  ten  cbiidrei:,  of  whom  four  rernaicj  to  mourn 
their  loss." 

M.'-s.  Caroline  Dtiptiy  Bassett  of  Missouri  is  a  great-granddaughter 
of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Saunders  \\'uodsn::.     Writing  of  thLin,  sl'.e  -a>-s: 

"1  knew  them  well  and  was  at  their  house  ab.aost  e\ery  day  u-iti!  1 
was  ten  >-ear^  old.  1  was  present  wlieii  m\-  greor-giandiniorlii.T  died,  in 
1844.  She  was  a  wonian  of  large  size,  o\'cr  two  luindred  pc/unds. 
My  great-grandfather,  Thomas  Woodson,  \\as  si.\  fci  t  tall,  ■,'ery  dark 
comple.xion,  black  hair  and  c)"es,  and  v.xigiied  one  liundred  and  filLeen 
pounds.  In  their  religious  faith,  he  and  Ids  tamily  »vere  lj:ii)i:.-,t-^;  as  were 
also  his  parents  and  thr-ir  lainiiy 

YAl         263  Benjamin,'^  born  May  22,  1774,  at  i3o\'er,  X'irginia,  <.jkj  died,  iri  infancy. 

X i  11  ?.Ci   Tane/-  I,>orn  March  4,  1  776,  at  Dover,  Virgiida,  and  v, as  married  to  William 


XIV  ■'■     20'^.   Tii.bitha,*  born  October  6,   1779,  at   DoNer,  \'irginia,  was  married  about 
1801  to  John  Rrown  and  settled  in  Hanover  county,  or  very  near  the  line. 

Issue  of         -   BZ   STEPHEN   WOODSOK^    (Stephen,-"    j.ohn,^    Robert,-    John')    and    Lucy 

1  *  266  Stephen/'  born  Januar-.-  11,  1759.  in  CiindK-rland  county,  \'irgir,ia,  wa.-, 
b^ipli.'.ed  March  25.  1759,  by  Rev.  William  Douglas;  was  married  in  I7S0 
to    M;.r-.-    of    Cumlx-rland.      H<-    served    in    ihe    Revolutionary 


ar.T.v,  I'Ul  ii;  '.viia;  vi'r.mKir.d  is  ixir-iu '.•.'!>■  known.  Xur  is  ii  known 
\,hat  his  rr.iik  was.  1  liis  iin'onv.aiii".)  coiicoriiing  his  war  rcc<M-d  anci  ills 
iii.'iri-iai;c  was  j;i\-..ii  by  li^s  gr.ui-rr^n,  l.'.w  SlepliCii  Tsiiiartici  Wooc'sOii' 
of  San  jo>c,  Cniifoi  nl.i. 

11  267  Mary/  iiorn  (K'  27,  1760,  in  Cunil.eri;.ni.l  c>'.uii;\-,  X'ir^inia.  cind 

b>ni)i;/i.d  by  Ro\'.  W'iUiani  Duiigk.s  (jn  Fcbruvirx  o,  1761. 

HI         26S  Fairar,'^  born   1  762  in  Curabcr'aM.i  couiuy. 

issue  of  QB  J051ZPK  WOODSON^    (Jo-eph,'    Rober;/    Rouerf,-    join-')     and     101 

Elizabftli  Parsons.* 

I  ?69  Mary/  born  ;.b..^i!!  i;j9,  prc^ably  in  lloiii-ito  county,  \'iryinia,  and  \.\'.s 
niairied  about  17.S5  lo  157  Thonias  \Wiod.-i:!i.=  it  is  said  that  vavy  s^jitlcii 
in  that  p;;rl  of  Gooc'iland  '%vhicli  bc'c:jnTc  I'owh.iiar,  county.  For  is-a^.- 
scc  I.S7  Thomas  ^Voodson.^ 

II  270  Juoith,''  born  abot;i  i7-ll  and  was  marrivu  Fcbriiar}'  24.  1757,  to  her  :-cco;;.d 

coii-in  103  Jonatluin  ICnight-'  of  Lunenburg  CMUuty. 

Ill  271    Sarah, '^  borr.  :diiiui  1743  in  Henrico,  was  married  March  9,  '763,  to  Jeisc 

Ellis;  Security,  Jolm  Oouch;  Witness,  Hez  Holir.nd.. 

I\'         272   Robe! t,'' born  a')ot!i  17-1-5,  in  Henrico  county. 

\'  *  273  John/  l^ora  about  17-17  in  Henrico  county.  Virginia.  In  a  letter  dated 
January  29,  19iU,  his  greatnep'iew  1270  Frank  Rcdford  VVoodsoa'  of 
Richm<.nd   says. 

"I  knew  tliese  three  brothers — Robert.  John  ai:d  Jo^eoli  when  T  wa.-?  a 
boy  seven  or  eighc  year's  old.  Joscpli  was  in>  gr,a-idfai;i)er.  He  en  tared  (Alo 
acres  of  land  twenty-six  miles  from  Richmond.  John  settled  on  a  body  of 
land  known  now  as  the  Sampson  farm,  twenty  niiles  from  RicJtnior.d.  lie 
died  there  and  iii  his  burying  grotjr.d  there  was  a  hoad.-rono  marked  'jolm 
Woodson.'  He  was  a  brother  to  my  own  grandfather  2  74  Josepii  Wood=o:-, '■' 
'of  Geniioe.'" 

273  John  Woodson*  was  married  about  176S,  but  the  name  of  his  wife 
not  been  learned.  They  lived  on  their  farm  twf-nty  miles  froni  R'chnion.d. 
where  lie  died  and  is  'niried.  He  probal.dy  died  before  ti'.e  'Ke-volutionarv 
War,  as  his  youngest  ciiild,  619  Thomas,'  was  born  May  27,  1  "74. 

\T  *  274  Joseih/'  "of  Genitoe,"  "bcrn  al^out  1749  In  Henrico  county,  \':fgin!a. 
where  he  grew  to  young  manhood,  ih.en  moved  to  Goocliland,  where  he  v. as 
married  January  2,  1770,  to  Mis^  ?di!dred  Redford,  daughter  of  Riclia.rd 
Redford  oflhat  county.  He  bought  a  tract  of  land  in  Powhatan  coin-iy 
through  wdiich  ran  a  little  stream  called  "Genitoe  Creek."  From  this  cir- 
ctimstance  he  came  to  be  known  as  "Joseph  Woodson  of  Genituc."  He 
was  a  very  pious  and  exemplary  man.  His  wife  died  in  1  SI 0.  and  lie  died  in 
1339  at  the  home  of  his  son  629  Frederick  Wood^fMi,'  aged  ninety  years. 

■.\!)  I  in-.i;;  i  onm--  r ;' 

V]]  275  Eli:{abeth,''  hnrii  .'.'tioi"  17.^1  in  iloi  I'-.-o.  \':.<a  iv.aii'ifi!  >.\)\-eni!)or  io,  j77J, 
lo  Wiliiaiii  Joi'.ian;  li.-r  I'lilur  ;.-'\;'i;.:,  '.Iv.  iotti-r  oi  roiijoiii.  S'lc  vo^ 
married  fixxisuliy.  on  J  >v-ceni''>.r  I  i .  !7.-'J.  to  William  J'thiifon.  '['<>  tlii;- 
FOCO'.i'J  niarri.ige  iicr  iv.  I'licr  gaw  ;i'.r  icf.or  <>!'  coii<cni.  and  Poniu  '.\0(.iUii(.t, 
her  bri.);iuriii-lav\-  v,-.-. ;  :c'.urit\-.  'i'iii.-;  loatl-  io  ihi-  lici'-.-f  lliat  Ikt  i'atlicr 
had  divu  'loiv.-ccn  llu-  u.t',-,  .s  of  he;-  llr.-t  and  seccr.d  ir,a)ria;;os. 

VIII  276  Urs'.ila/'  born  aboiil  l7.-'3  in  Hcnric.,  was  married  Mav  2t^  1  775.  i-  William 


IX  27?  Ann,'"  horn  about  175.^  in  Henrico,  a;.d  was  married  Fel)ruar\-  21,  177.5.  to 
Arclicr  Pledge. 

Wime.-se.-^:    274  Jo^epli  Woodson/'  Iht  l>roilv::r.  and   ^^'illian!  Fied>;c,  Iier 
brolher-i:!-la>\'.     Tl;e  i'liairiage  bond  wa.s  recoriled  in  17/5. 

X  *  27S  vSusaDnah,'"  born  abonx  1757  in.  Ileririco  and  was  n;.'irried  i;i  1771  io  l^errin 
Red  ford. 

XI  279   Agues/'  burn  about  1759  in  liernico  ;uul  v,a.-  niaii'icil  lo  Pleasants  Turner. 

The  marriage  bond  is  dated   1781.      (For  iliese  marriage  f.lates,  .-ce  Wm. 
and  Mary  Qtly.) 

Issue  of        1  02.  AGNES  PARSONS^    (Sarah    Wood-on,^    Robert,^    Robert,-    joi-r)     and 
Sanu'.cl  kieiiardiiuii,  her  first  hns(.)an<l. 

1  2S0  George  Richardson, M-orn  June  10,  1740,  in  Henrico  county,  was  marri-i! 
to  Elizabeth  jMiiler  of  Goochland. 

li         2S1   Samuel  rcichardson,"  born  Xo\cinber  20,  17-tl. 

Isst:e  of        IIS   ELIZ/^BETH  V.-'OODSOIT^    (Richard,^    Piehard,^'    Robert,'    John")    a-a 
Col.  Nathaniel  \'enab!e,  of  Slate  Hiii. 

I  *  282  Samuel  Woodson  Venable,^  born  September  19,  1756,  in  Prince  Edward 
count>-,  \'irginia.  A{  the  beginning  <''  the  Revolutio'.iary  War  he  e'llisicd 
in  the  cause  of  the  American  colonies  and  in  1776  v.tis  made  en-:ig;i  ol  ihe 
Hampden  Sidney  .Academy  comprMn'.  In  17S1  he  was.  a  commissioned 
officer  in  <';i;!',-iin  Tli'nn.:'?  W.-ii  i<';i-'  ('''■mpany,  ■'li"  Pr;r.c.-.  I'.dwnrd 
Dragoons,  in  wliieli  company'  the  famous  Peter  was  a  priwate. 
This  cr.mi>any  distinguished  itself  in  the  l>attle  at  Guilfoid  Courthouse,  on 
March  16,  17 — .He  v.a.s  married  on  .\ugust  15,  1781,  lo  Mary  Carrington, 
the  eldest  daughter  of  Judge  Paul  Carrington. 

II  2S3  Abraham  B.  Venable/  born  176.3  in  Prince  Edward  county,  and  became 
l>rominont  in  tiie  affairs  of  the  staie.  He  was  United  States  senator  from 
his  district  at  the  time  he  lost  his  life  in  the  Pichmond  theatre  when  iha' 
building  was  burned  on  the  e\ei!ing  of  I.'ecember  26,  1811.  One  of  his  was  a  memljer  iA  Congress. 

Have   iC.     2TS   SnsaiiULi    V."o.  <lsvi:.   boni    Noveiuier   7,   IT'.:;,   \y:is   uinr'-i.Hi    .'u'y   ;■-'.   liS-!, 
to  Pi  rrin  RLtlfonl  who  was  born  Sciiter.iber  l"i.  l;''l. 

Ill         2S4  Ann  Vcnablc' 

!\'  285  Richard  N.  Venr.b'c,''  'i.nn  176?  in  Prince  Kdwarcl  county,  wo.;.  Ti;an;'.-fl 
to  -vt*^''   Mary  Mi'-^lo;'.-     i  U-  a   DiciiilHi"  of  the  \'irginia   CoiU'.'niiot^ 

V  286  Marta."  Yenable,'  niarriv'cl  Xaihanicl  \'oaanle. 
VI         2S7  Agnes  Yen.-'ble;-'  born  1771  died  1S02. 

VII  2SS  Mary  Vcuabie.'' 

\"!  ]  1  2S9  Fathanifel  Venable/  di-d  ai  tolleuo. 

IX  290  Francis  Vtnable.'^ 

X  291   WiLijxni  Vcnt:b!e,«lK,rr:  17S0. 

XI  292  Thomas  Venable/  b-.rn  1782. 

XTI  293  Elizabeth  Veusble,''  bora  i78i,  was  ni.irried  to  D-.  G.  Wilson. 

Issue  cf        t  1  4  AGKE5  VrOGDSON*  (Ric'iard,'  Ri'.hard,^  Rcbcrt,=  John"')  and   Framis 

1   *     294  Richrvd  '\Vatkins,«  born  March  1.  176S,  was  married  to  t'le  wido-v.  llr^.. 
Catherine  Jones,  and  moved  to  Tennc^^ce 

II  295  Elizabeth  v/atkins,''  bo!-n  December  6,  1769,  in  Prince  Edwrrd  coiu.-ry, 
\\-as  nuirried  January,  1791  to  333  Judge  Jor^eph  Venable"  of  Charlotle 
county.  In  ISIO  the>-  moved  to  Shelby  county,  Kentucky,  where  sb.e  died 
and  i,'ur!C-d  Ai)ril,  1$32.     For  i,-=uc  .see  333  Jiidge  Joseph  \>ii.'.l:.k:.'' 

III  296  Agnes  V/atkias/  born   February   2S,    1774,   in   Prince   Ee'v.-&rd,   and  wa.s 

inarrici.l  to  Dr.  David  Flournoy  of  that  couni^-. 

IV  297  Francis  Wa'.kins/  born  ?darch  17,   1776,  i'l  Prince  Edward,  was  married 

lo  Ann  }ia:.-k:ni.  and  settled  in.  Ah^b'L'nia. 

V  298  Benjamin  Watkins,'  "of  Ben  Eomond,"  born  March,  17S0. 

VI  *  299  Hciiry  E.  Watkins,'^  born  February  10.  17S2,  in  Prince  Edward  cou'.ny, 
married  about  1803  to  639  Agne>  W.  \'enable,'  daughter  of  2S2  Col. 
Samuel  Woodson  \'enabie'  and  Mary  Carrington. 

VII  *  300  Joseph  V/atkins/  "of  Ben  Lomond,"  born  .April  1,  1  7S6,  was  married  about 
1807  to  Ruti;  Hunt,  i)y  wiiorn  he  had  four  children.  He  was  married 
again  but  ihe  nanie  'if  hi';  second  v.-j(e  inu  ihose  of  the  children,  if  any, 
have  not  Ivcen  Ici'.rntvd. 

301   S:=iuu  A.  V.'d'i;n- 

KTi:    !;ir;o   6. 

X!    il:,;U;i.u 

302  France:,  A.   Wt'Lkin:;,''  l.-./ru  Ar'n!    27.   iV'yi;,   ip    }';i::;o   Kmvmiv,  ani!    \- .v,; 

iFSue  of        115  DAVID  V/OODSOIJ-   (C:u>i.    01>adi.,n 


vJ)    ;<:■•! 

I  *  303  Lieuienant  Obadiah,''  burn  pi-t<r..,!)ly  al.c-UL  i75S,i>!J  v,-,is;-i!j'!  ahodr 
1 .  l-^\  iiiii  h;~  ^•,^I^'s  p;';a.-  is  not  kr.cW'.x.  'liy-  eAV^y  L-::l[:~'.cd  \:'  i'k'  coin:!;;:; 
army  and  en  reliruary  i'J,  17  76,  Wiu  ?'.cviKi  H.-ulenaiU  in  li.;  foi:ri !; 
\'ir_2:i!i!;i  rc^^inier.  1. 

A  chart  hc'<.'nyin:;  lo  Mrs.  Jciini'-^  r\Ii-rt.;n  (ri.inniiiehani,  5':^•^  ih-?re  v;r» 
many  ions  and  daughier.s  born  to  1.15  David  \Voodsoa^  and  Sarali.  nis 
\\';ie,  Imt  il-icir  naiues  are  not  given. 

Issue  of        1;;>0  .JACOB  WOQTjSO'N'    (Capt.    Obadiah,'^    Richard/    Kobari,^    John-)    e.r.d 
3'i2  Elizahe'di  IMorvon." 

1  '■  304  Richard,"  '■Ix-rn  Sipteniber  ?1.  i7S7  in  i^rince  Ed\rard  county,  V!--ii-!ia, 
was  married  on  May  16,  1SI2.  ;o  llacli'd  P.  Rchm^^w.  a  iuax  ai  Sco'cb 
and  Engii^';  anci-tr-. ,  a  dec^coadani  '■'■  Jc ';n  R'!;i'c,  and  v.-av  considered  a 
very  beainifai  V'>Mian,  dislingidshed  f';r  her  reli^ioiii  ;'  (AmerictUi 
of  Gentle  liirth,  vul.  1,  p.  362.)  .-\ficr  ilic-ir  niarria^:e  rhoy  rcr.''C-ined  s'.;a:c 
five  year;;  jr.  \':i-inia,  and  i)i  ti^.e  year  1!-J7  !\-.o-.  cd  tci  Chariton  coi.niy. 
in  r!ic  territory  of  .Mi-^-oiiri  v.hcrj  he  ent-aged  in  farjriim.;',  in  addition  lo 
his  pr(iff..--tio:i  as  civil  t-n^^incer.  He  did  mnc'i  of  (he  wo  ■!■:  of  rccaniPig  if;c 
townsliip  and  ^^pction  iinf;  thrcni^ncait  ^hi:  ^tatc.  )-'ein^  ■:  ae  ( i  t'u;  farly 
settleis  in  the  territory,  and  a  n;an  ol  sturdy  c'ia.iacter,  t>^  C--r'tri'.;)!'!:  d 
largely  to  the  de\-eiopment  of  the  social,  relis^ious  and  h'!.--'ne-3  iTUei'e-'.,- 
of  the  new  state  of  Mi^^souri,  which  was  admitted  into  liie  I.'aion  ]a  18/:i. 
He  died  July  3,  \F-12.  at  hi?  honn;  in  rh:ari:on  county.  ]';-■  v.idow.  iiane 
vear^  arte;\vard>.  was  rairried  t'>  (_ol.  joi;:^  13el!,  jud-^  ol  :.':>■■•  ^■i;a-.::,;e  cou: '. 
ot  AIi-soi:ri.  liy  thiis  second  marriage  siie  had  iwc  ciiddien:  (1)  Marv 
Bel!  who  died  young;  (2)  John  P.  Del!  \Nho  marri.-d  Mi-  Piaey  Wilson  of 
Saline  count;,-,   Missouri.     Xo  is-sae. 

305  Elizabeth,"  born  n^'T  in  Prince  Edward  county,  was  married  'here  to 
Henry  Lewis.  Along  with  her  father's  family,  they  moved  to  L'.ic  Trrviiory 
of  Missouri  in  1817,  and  seitled  on  a  farm  near  Glasgov  in  Howard  couniy, 
wliere  they  li\ed  and  died;  two  g:rand  old  i.'.'opk,  !o\-od  an;!  honoicd  by  aii 
Vvho  kr'ftw  them. 

?ixiTi  c:k; 

Isiuc  ci        1  2G   KlCIiARD   IdORIOll-   ^Kii/abcil;   \\V>,.Oson/    Kid, aid/    Robcri,-  joi.n'i 
;,n.;  }\u\hh  Oi;in. 

!  *  306  Quin  Morton,-'  brrii  1'40  i;'.  Pr'nive  rdw.iii  ■;■.•.;!■. ly  iiiu!  (Hod  J,;.'iiiar\-  1. 
1S05.  I'c  v/;!S  inciviitii  j.roli.'l'iy  .iboai  ];75  i'-  ^lary  A'i'ici^on,  daus'lKor 
of  Chaiit.:?  .\iui:.r.-;Ln\  and  El- ijIjc'.  ii  C  'nanili^.r'.:  'n'  (.  '.inilii^rlai'.d  coim!\-.  Sl-.i- 
v\-as  born  in.  C'limbcibind  on  DL-cca-sber  27,  !  75'^,  and  d'cd  ai.  '.Oo'i-l'.irk.a.  in. 
Tjc-div.  July  7,  IcUS.  ap:od  f;i  ye--i:=.  6  inoinhs  and  10  day.^. 

Issue  c!    127        JOHN  MORTOiS-  (Klizaiicih  \\  >.....d-oa,=   l^:i^!!rtrd,=  U'-'bort,"')  a:id 
l-dizabfih  AiT.lcr^^un  ol  Prince  Edwai'd. 

I  30"  Capta-:i  liezchiah  Ivlcrtcn/-  bora  j-,;\.bab!y  about  1745  in  Prircc  Edward 
t\iiini\ ,  a:;..!  .-..Txoki  faiih''LdIy  in  iho  ,\n;rriLM!i  aini>-  dm/ing  tjic  Rr-\-oiu- 
lionary  War.  Ho  locoived  45(iO  aoies  ef  huid  ivo'.n  \  irginia  for  biii  ;:orviccrt 
from  August  20,  1776  la  ^^ay  27,  17S3. 

II  308  Nathaniel  Morto:x,=  born  probably  about  1747  ir.  Prince  Edward  county, 
marriod  and  located  in  Baltimore:  >.[aryi-n!d.  Ho  was  tlie  anccytor  of 
Bots>-  )*arter;-on  wbo  wa?  marriod  to  Jeromo  Boiapa''Ve. 

III  309  IVlajor   James   Morten/   born   probably  nbotir    1750,   in    Priac-   Edv.-ard 

cotia'y.  Ax  tb.e  very  I'eginnir.g  of  the  Re-.-o]ai;onar\-  War  be  e!MiiC':i". 
ii.  tao  cai!-o  ol  ibe  colonies  and  soi-.ed  tlr.oi.ghon.:  ib.e  entire  war.  He  vori.s 
liontor.ant  in  the  continental  line  and  rose  tc  the  lank  of  major.  Cm- 
accraini  oi  the  splendid  manner  in  wliicli  Ivo  b.andied  his  re.aime;;t  v.-hile 
tinder  Gro,  General  Washington  f-poke  of  lii;a  a?  ''Gioi  Sob  !  C'ola.ain," 
and  Oiat  fobriciuet  attaches  to  bis  name  to  this  ciay.  He  '•e.ioiood  fro;;) 
llic  state  of  'v'irginia  3370  acre.=;  for  public  sor\-iccs  ro'iucied,  Tiien  for 
military  ser\Iccs  from  January  1.  1776,  to  December  20,  17^2,  he  rocoived 
2666  2-3  acres.  In  March,  17:;7.  he  received  41!:3j  acres  '^for  the  7tb 
\car."  And  in  Xovember,  1607,  he  recei%ed  370  acres  for  ton  month;, 
ser\-ioes.      iSoe  Ha\den's  \'irginia  &er-eaiot;ios.) 

IV  310  Eenjamm  Morton."  - 

Y         311   Obadiah  Morton.^ 

\'I  312  Elizabeth  Morton,'^  born  about  1756  in  Prince  Ed\v;'rd,  -o.-'.-  im^-'-i'-d 
No\'ember  4,  1773,  to  120  Jacob  V\'oodson'  of  that  county,  and  settled  oit 
tb.o'-.  fa''ni  on  the  .\ppomattox  Ri'oer where  liic)'  built  their  p-icturcsqac 
hor.;  Culled  "Hafjty  \"alley."     P'or  issue  see  120  Jacob  Woodtou.* 

Vll  313   Captaiu  Johi;  A.   Morton/  born   probaldy  about    1760  in   Piinec   Edward 

coiinly.  Virginia.  About  tlie  year  1814  he  \oas  apiu^inted  United  StaM.-; 
minister  to  Borvleaux,  Erance,  and  took  wiih  him,  probably  a.->  private 
secretary,  828  Charles  Lewis  Woodson,''  between  whom  and  himstif  there 
\vi.-;  j'  an  attacbimen!.  of  Jove  and  fr;e.adslp"p  v.diich  lasted  to  the  end 
of  tba.-ir  ii\-es. 

96  Ti'li  ■\V(  i")r'>>S  AND   liV.l'.'.  CL.KSiX  Vir-\fi 

To  j27  j.''!ni  ?\K>i;.ni  nn.,1  I'.li/.'.'H-ii'  An'ic-  -or.  llicic  WtTC  b>-v;i  sown 
liiurc  chili.iu;',  \vis.).-c-  Jiomrs  h..\\.:  r.r.i  hve;i  r.srorrair.c^i.  .\--r  is  ii  Vy  r!iy 
nuMT.s  coitain  i!mi  ihc  se-»or.  .i!,ovo  i;;!::iC-.:,  are  put  dov.n  in  ;!io  c->rrcCi 
cTclei'  ol  ihvir  liinhs. 

Issue  cf        131    ELIZABETH  MICHA.UX^   (JvKiuh  Wvjo.Isou/   liicliard,'   Robortr  JuhnM 
i^iui  Ai.vii!i^in  Ve:iab!o,  III. 

I  *  314  John  Vennbk-,''  l.wni  al;>'iiv  17;.?,  v,.i.^  liiniiitil  u>  Mli/r.lxUi  R.iiiio.  clauyliUr 
c-f  Co\.  U'l'.n  Kaiiic  of  t"tiii)l>c;Ia:i(.!  con;ny.  Tlicy  Iiad  o!io  fcn  a:nf  t-.vo 
d;ui;.;IiivTs;  .'dui  after  tilb  dcaili,  iii"  wicitiV.',  l:;ii>;iil-ii;).h  (Kaino)  \'enab!c, 
wa.s  nuirn':\i  lo  162  jolui  Woods:  ■;),-■  v.lio  was  ca'ieci  '  roplar  Foot"  froiu  \'m 
fad  o'l  Ivls  ha\'in;^  \-cr>-  !:ir.i;c  loeu  He  vas  boi'ii  in  C"u;r.boi  !a!id  ro'J 'aly, 
pniViabl}.-  al'OuL  1747.  'Hiis  v,-as  also  hi.-  scioik!  liiairiaiie.  For  ir.suc  see 
162  John  \\"ood50!i.^' 

il  315  San-iuel  Venable,''  married  .-\n"  .Aii'lerson,  ciaucjiter  of  Tnomas  Anderson  of 
Mecklenburg  cciinuy.     No  issiic. 

HI         316  Abraham  Venabic,'-  dicdi  wltiioul  issue. 

lY  *  317  Jacob  Venable/  married  Mary  Venaiile,  dai;giUer  of  Jolin  Ven.ib!e  of 
Campbell  county. 

V  318  Kalbcriel  Venablc,  Jr./  married  Martha  Venrdjie,  darghter  of  Nalhaiiiei 

Venable,  S'-.,  and  had  several  sons. 

VI         319  Josidi  Venable.' 

\'II         320  Mary  Venable/  ra.anicd  Charles  Allen  of  II;inc>vor  county. 
VUI         321   Llartbci  Venable, •'  married  John  Holconibe  of  Prince  F.d\vard. 

Issue  cf        1,32  JOSIAH   MORTOK-^   (Agnes   Woodson/   Richard,'   Rcb.rt,'  John')   and 
Fdizabcth  X'cnable. 

I         322  Martha  Morton,''  tmrn  August  2S.  17oo,  marri'jd  Mr.  ?door.. 

II  323  Joseph  Morton, =  bosn  December  iO,  1760,  v.-as  'asice  married;  .nrst,  in  17?.] , 
to  ?\Iary  Ann  Morton,  daughter  of  Thomas  Morion;  second,  in  1796  to 
Nancy  Raker. 

III  324  Nathanial  Morton,-  born  April  27,  1763,  died  — -. 

IV  325  J^si.-h  Morton,  Jr.,^  born  July  12,  176.=.,  di-d . 

V  32 J  liothiaitl  Verabl"  Morten,'  b'-.r:!  July  31,  17^9,  died . 

\'I         32/  Jacob  Morton/ bom  .\i!^;;?;  26.  1771,  tMed . 

\"li  328  VilHam  Lewi?  Morton/  burn  J-.'.noary  3,  !  7"]-.  dk..\  1S55.      Ilo  v,;'^  iiiavricd 

on  WodiU'sdaN-,  OcloixT  ■'<!.  l/'.'j^,  to  635  I%!i.r;ii.u-ih  M^irlon/  d.i'jsluer  of 
o06  Qiiii;  Mort'M.f  ;ind  Mary  A'lderson.     Sho  \-is  born  Ji;!y  IS    17S2. 

\  111         329  A^Acs  V/ooc'.jor.  Morton,-  born  Sjpicniber  13,  1 ;  76,  was  married  lo  Ardicr 
MtdNoberis,  a  I;)\\yer. 

TX         330  BeUv  Ann  I^Iortoii,''  borr.  April  23,  I77S. 

X         331  Mary  Llorlon/  17  80. 

Issue  ot        13£^  JV'D/rK  MORTON-   (A-ncd  V\'ood.on,'>   Ritbard,=   Koln  rt,"-  JoIm'O   aiu! 
Jarncs  \'enab!e. 

I  332   Ab:r,l!f.rn    Vciiable,"    born    in    Charloiit-    coinUy,    \'ir_^ir.ia,    vtw    die''    in 

Lexington,    Kcntuck\-.     He  vas   rnarried    lo    Mai\'    Morton   (buuduor   of 
Samuel  Morton  and  Sally  Moore. 

II  *  333  Jorc-'ph  Veuable/'  born  June  2S,  1761,  in  Charlotrc  county,  \'irginia,  v^•a;; 
mairied  January,  1791,  to  295  Elizabeth  Watklns,^  draightcr  of  Francis 
Watkins  and  114  Agne,-  Wood.-^'.n'^  of  Poplar  Hill.  333  Jose!>l!  Venable' 
was  graduated  frtjn.i  Hair.pden  Sidney  College  and,  in  1783,  froin  Pvlnceton, 
New  Jersey.  He  practiced  law  in  Charlotte,  Prince  Edward.  Cunibcrbrnd 
and  Buckingham  counties  and  settled  in  Charlotte  in  1791.  lb:  was 
conmionv\-eakh  attorney  for  Charlorte  and  Piince  ^Cdw-ird  uivi'  ISIO 
when  he  moved  to  Shelb\  county,  Kentucky,  wh.ere  he  was  elected  judge 
of  one  of  the  courts.  He  was  trustee  of  Hampden  Sirbiey  College  1792 
to  1S12.  During  the  latter  part  cf  rh.e  Kevolutionary  War  ito  served  as 
aide  to  General  Lav.'son  a'l''  cj'ricd  dispatches  to  La  ra^'etlc.  rd'.''>rt!\' 
after  his  remo\a!  to  Shelby  '.xninty,  Kentucky,  he  was  in.stallcd  rulinc 
elder  in  the  Mulberry  Presbyterian  Church.  He  was  a  man  of  m.uch 
learning,  great  moral  worth  and  a  pure  Christian  character.  His  wile 
died  in  Aj)ri!,  1832,  at  their  home  in  Kentucky.  He  died  ilic  foHowincj 
year  while  on  a  visit  to  relatives  in  Virginia,  and  was  burir-d  ac  Pophtr 
Hill  i'.i  Prince  Edward  county-. 

in  334  James  Venable/  married  Elizabeth  Cowan,  daughter  of  Jolr.r  of 
Mcrrcr  county,  Ken.tucky,  and  had  lour  sons  and  three  daughters. 

IV         535  Jane  Ycnable/  died  young. 

V  336  Agues  Ytnable/  born  in  Charlotte  county,  Virginia,  was  married  to  Rev 
William  >L).hon  and  moved  to  Kentucky  in  1796.  They  had  four  sons  and 
five  flaughtcrs. 

\"I         337  Am  W,  Ver.Hble,"  married  Dr.  George  Lynn.     Xo  issue. 

9S  THE  \VO•;>i;^!lS^  AX')   VHKIK  ^ON  Ni:CT;ON> 

\"!i  338  Mai^  Vei!?,bl8,'''i.M-  Xaih.miLl  I'liiiccol  l'n;:cc  !-.t!\v2r(l  ap.vl  jiio^.'cd  to 

Kca!  iicky  in  1 7'^3.      N  o  i.-^suo. 

\'1I1  339  Fran:e<-.  Venable/'  liianif-i  Lt'Oiia'-.i  R'^binsc';  and  bad  a  daiig!u':r,  Ann 
Rol/i.i-.m  v/ho  married  Archibald  Sennit,  r-'roin  them  came  t'.'.c  Scolts 
and  Iv.  !;s  of  Sia-iby  CMiMUy,  KvMiUK'ky. 

IX  340  Martha  Venable/  born  17S0  in  Cliarintte  conniy.  c'iod  in  I860.  She  \vas 
twice:  married;  fn'si  lo  Pavld  idarhi^on  and  -^tjcHid,  io  Sampson  Moxicy. 
S!ie  Irid  hw  children. 

X         341   Samuel  Veiiable,^  born  178-1  in  Cl-ailoUc  couniy,  was  married  i;^  1807  to 
?\Iar<;aret  Pattcrscm.     lie  died  aiv.i  i^  buri-.d  at  Brovn?\-inc,  J'ciin-\-l\ania. 

Issue  of        1  34   COL.  WILLIAM  IMORTOI^J^  (As;ncs  Woodson,^  Ricbiard/  Robcri,''  Johid) 
and  Su.-annah  Waikii.s. 

I         342  ianuy  Morion,^  born  about  1765  at  her  father's  !v)me  (>n  Staiin.-on  Rivci. 
in  Ciiarlotte  county,  \'irginia,  and  married  Robert  \\'aikins. 

II         343   Agner.    Morton,'"'   b:',rii    1707    m    Charlotte    count_s,    and    aas    married    to 
Benjamin  IMorton  of  Halifax. 

III  344   I'yancy  Ivior'toiis''  born  1769  in  Charlotte  county,  vas  married  to  ]?ev.  \V. 

Hill.  D.  D.,  of  Winchester. 

IV  345  JTarih,a  W,  Morton,'  born  1771  in  Charlotte,  was  married  to  Capi.  Henry 

Edwa'ds  of  Halif'.!.\  couniy. 

Y         34o  Henry  Morton,-  born  177.",  died  1796. 

\'I  347  Lucy  Morton,"  born  about  17  75  in  Charlotte  and  married  Capt.  George 
ILinr.ah  of  that  couniy. 

\dl  34S  Betsy  W.  Morton,''  biTu  about  1777  in  Charlotte  county,  was  niarr'cd  to 

her  first  cou.-in  360  John  >dorton.''     For  issue  see  oGO  John  ^ior:o•l.'' 

VIIl  3'-!9  Mary  Morton,"  bom    1770  in  <:  hnrlotu-.  w':s  married  to  28.S   Ricl-.ard  X. 

A'enable''  of  Prince  Edward,  son  of  Nrit'ianiel  V'enabie  and  113  Elizabeth 

IX  350  Joseph  Morton,-  born  about  178!  in  Charlotte  county  and  married  Betsy 

\V.  Watkins. 

X         351    Mildred  Morton, •"  born  about    178'.   in   Charlotte  county  and   was  twice 
married;  first,  to  Mr.  Ecbmuids  and  second,  lo  Ilcnr>"  N.  Watkins. 

X  I  352   Susan  Morton,-  lx)rn  ab'out  1785  in  Cliarlotte  couniy,  Virginia,  wa-  married 

to  'I  h'.mas  T'iirockniortoa  of  (ve^tuckw 

Issue  of 

XI 1  353   }nnc-  Morio:;,''  hvrr.  .ili.iui    ItSV  ia  (."h.-.rlo!;; 

li.  M,ir>!)aM  o(  livii  -"ciiiny. 

3(-,  AGNES    MOR'^OIT^    (A-nc*   \V..od-.jn.-    )<:. 
Coi.  Jo-A  W.ilkin-:. 

v.a.s  niameil  to 

::iid,'    Ro!)erl,"    fchsi'i    anc! 

1    '■     354  Polly  Vi.  Y-'ritkins,'^  licvii  October  30,   HOG,  i)r..l.t;:bi>    in   li.uriro  count \-, 

.wlioiL  licr  )>;ircr.ts  rc?ii!'jd  a  U-w  yoaii.  afu-!"  ihoir  !;u]:ri>.t;c.     Tluiv  iir.\(i! 

l(^  C'iiarlc'tto  count>-'rc  >\a^  wa.s  roarc-fj  ami  oJ  lira  loci,  ami  was  nuiriiLU 

to  C'ap'.ain  jnh-A   Oupuy  of  Prince  E'J-v;ir(!.      'r]o  wa^  Ix/iai   rcbruary  20, 

17:'6;  dicu  Octobv-r  1,  1832.     She  died  4,  L'-'IO. 

II  355  Sustinaab  V/<itkins,'-  born  pri'l>.'.;^!_\-  in  Ilcr.rii-n.  went  wiili  iur  p.ircnl.^  lo 
Charioile  cciiir.i>-  wlica  an  ir.f,:iU,  and  ■wa?  idv:-rij  rc.'.r'-d,  odu'.n.tcd  and 
married  to  William  P.  Hum  and  bad  liM-o;'  r'nildrei;.  Al'irr  .he  dcat'i  of 
her  husband  she  was  n-.arried,  .-rroiid,  lo  ^'.cv.  M()^ps  I).  Hugt\  ;\ti  eminoi't 
i'resbyteriar.  minister  of  Richmond.  \drs.;inia.  No  issue  by  the  second 

Ill  356  Plenry  A.  Watkins,''  lun-n  in  Chark.tte.  his  parents  ha\-inc:  ra'Axd  to  tliat 

('oum\-  al    the  solicitation   of  his  uncle   134   C dl.   William   r.i'jrro-n.-'     He 
married  Xaiicy  Kdnmnds. 

1\''         357  Wiiiiam    M.    Watkins,''   born,    iii    Charlotie   county   and   was   mar.'-ied    to 
Eb.:,il;cth  \\.  XVnable,  daughter  of  Col.  5.  W  .  \"enable. 

V         358  .T.HTie  Wp.lkir.-,«  born  in  Charlotte  cotiiU>-  and  was  married  first,  to  Thomas 
i'oaee,  and  second,  to  Col.  Carrinirton  of  Ciiariotic. 

Issue  of        7  38   JACOB   MORTt^N^    (Agnes    Woodson,*    Richard,^    Ko!)crt,=    Jolm')    aed 
lane  J).  Booker. 















Vv'iiliarn  Norton/  born  1775-  died  ISI?. 

John  Morton,^  born  September  10,  1777:  died  IS  1 7.  He  \vaf  niarricd 
about  1798  to  his  first  cousin  34S  BetL>  W.  Morton,  daughrer  of  his  uivjie 
134  Col.  V.'iiliam  Morton=  and  Su.-annah  Watkins. 

Wary  Morton/  born  1782. 

Gideon  Morton, *■  borii  1783. 

E.o)->ert  Morton/  bom  1785. 

Nancy  Morton/  born  1787. 

Joseph  Morton/  bom  1790. 

Be!sy  MortoD,''  bom  1703. 

iX         S67   Sanive!  D.  Morloi:/  1,  ivn  i:'>5,  iln-A  Uo/.    ^ 

X         368  J'.gJies  Morton,'^  'oni  ISl!?,  vas  :":);ri-,<i  tu  ?'.ir.  Spvnccr  anil  <!iv<l  in  ]i>^'I 
IsEue  ov        -J  t-^  cr  TiiCKKS  WOOrSOIP  O'-cker.'  Jf>scpli,^  Rt>b..Tr,-  Jo-.n')  and  RH^abcih 

569  Tiickt!,'  born  1777  in  Aibcniark-  cmnly,  \'ir;;'i!ia.  V>'lirii  :;  >irall  boy, 
ir  17'-'-!,  he  'vvas  tcibcn  by  his  motPvi-  aiui  st^'plaiiur,  Ccil.  jo^;:p!;  i?i(..'tkctl, 
to  Jcssai.ii!'.;"  co'.iiUN',  Kts.t'aoky.  a-  '.:•.■  ro  he  i.";ie".v  lo  :ri.'!i!i'i(Kl,  wa^  f>luraU-(J 
and  married  Marlha  Eppcs  lii:cl.--jn. 

J70  S:»!irac!  Kurhes/'  born  1779  in  ."•.'"■eiiiai-Ic  r<'ii!.ty,  Xirginia.  \\  ii.-^n  abon;: 
five  \-e;irs  old  he  \\\k-.  taken,  in  17S!,  In-  hi^  n;i.;'::rT  and  rlejjia'iiior,  Col. 
.losejih  Crockett,  to  JePtantine  CG'jri>',  Kernueky. 

"His  stepfathei  v. as  \ery  dewKol  '<o.  \-\m  and  gav2  b-in-i  a  father's 
care  and  affection.  Wiien  they  became  perraaiieRily  settled  in  Keniuck}-, 
Col.  Crockett  entered  for  this  boy  about  a  thousand  acres  of  land  on  the 
pike  I'etween  Nicholasville  and  Lexington,  gave  him  ever}'  ddvantajrc 
that  the  educational  facilities  of  Kentucky  then  could  offer,  a.nd  had  him 
thoroughly  prepared  for  the  legal  jn'ofession.  He  studied  law  under  the 
supervision  of  Judee  George  Kic'-.oia.-.  for  \'.hom.  in  later  yearS;  ho  named 
one  of  his  sons.  He  v/a-:-  niarrie;!  about  1802  to  Miss  Ann.a  Kandolph 
Meade,  daughter  ef  Col.  David  Meade  and  Sarah  Waters  of  Chaumiere. 
the  name  of  their  picturesque  and  i.-rincely  home,  situateU  n  fcv,-  rniies  Irom 
Nicholas\'i!le,  KenUicky.  The  country,  at  tinte  v,':i:-.  iie'.v,  sparsely- 
settled  and  but  little  more  than  a  wilderness.  Jessamine  countv  was 
organized  in  the  spring  of  ISOo.  When  the  first  circuit  cou:-".  ^^-a=  consti- 
tuted in  April  of  that  year,  its  tirst  order  was  the  sppoinrmcn.t  of  ?.  clerk 
as  follows:  'It  is  ordered  that  Samuel  H.  Woodson  be  Rp[)oiniv-d  cicik  lo 
tiiis  court,  aiid  the  pro  tempore  appointment  mace  by  t!u-  court  this  day 
be  discontinued.'  Theicupon,  the  Sidd  Sam.-Lie!  H.  V^'ood-on  tool:  ihe  sc.-eral 
oatli^  reqislred  by  law,  and  executed  his  bond,  with  Jorei/n  Crf.< '-.ett  and 
W'lliam  Lev.'ib  his  seciu-ities  in  the  penal  sum  ot  £l,OXi('.  .Xftct  n-s 
marriage  with  Anna  Randolph  Meade,  he  built  his  home  on  the  r)£.n\il;e 
pike  about  one  mile  from  NichoIa.s\ille,  and  there  kept  his  oltice  as  clerk. 
There  >vere  no  county  building:--  in  tiiose  d.iys,  and  the  jii'igei  and  cicrki 
used  tfieir  rcsidencc-s  for  the  diseliarge  of  their  off.cial  diuties.  lie  heai  'J'.c 
office  until  1815  when  he  resigned  to  take  his  seat  in  Congress,  to  which 
he  had  been  elected,  and  where  he  ably  represented  Ashland  distiict 
unti!  182-1.  In  1S2.S  -26  he  represented  Jessamine  county  in  the  iecrislaiiire, 
and  afterwards  made  his  home  in  Frankfort.  In  the  month  of  .August, 
w-h<.'n  the  v.-eatlier  was  oppre.->sivcIy  warm,  he  rode  horseback  from  Frankfort 
to  Nicholasville  to  attend  court.  During  this  term,  of  court,  lie  -went  out 
lo  Chaumiere,  Vv-as  taken  suddenly  ill  and  died,  in  the  forty-seventh  year 
of  his  age.  He  was  a  man  of  hig'i  cultme,  -crupuIoMs  integrily  and  much 
learning;  and  i;i  iiis  cia.y,  was  one  of  the  disti.uiishcd  men  of  Iventucky." 
(See  Young's  H!st-.jr\  of  Je-snraine  Coimty,  p.  21  U.) 

Issue  ci 

44-  Joseph    W godson'    (Tudar, 

■•;/i-, ,••    ]-.'i.ii.:err,'-   Johri')    ;uul    Saruh 

1         37i  .; ot-crih  B.,'  I'imH.  abom  1  7i'iS,  preln'.l)!;.  In  d.-jchl.-HiH  colmUv. 

11  372   Saily  Hughes/'  boin  .ilx.'iit  1770,  pr^'babi}'  in  C.ouchkuul  tuimi;,-,  \"irv;Mii,.. . 

am]  \vi!S  married  to  kit  liard  Goule. 

III  37S  Jane  Tucker/ 
lY         374  Jiidiui  Nevels/ 

V  375  Jvlriy." 

Issue  of        i  40   SAr-IUEL  V/OODSOK^  (Tucker/  Joseph/  Robe  rl  /  Jo'.m')  aiui  19;;  Eliza- 
beth Payne. •• 

1         376  Robert  Huglier,/'  born  abuat  1'/  /S. 

li  377   George/  born  ab.ji'l  1780. 

HI         37S  SalJy  Pleasants,-^  b-rn  about  17o'.^. 

IV  *     370  Tucker/  lu)in  Sea! ember  25.   l/SS,  in  Gooc!'iaT;(1   rf-ui.ry,  MiiciKia,  -y.;;; 

inarrieJ  about  ISIC  to  I^Jary  Wee';-  uho  v.  as  Lm,-:;  July  20,  17y4.  Thev 
n:0\ed  to  Te]^.!es^>:-e  a-.ii!  bo'.'gb.r  a  farrii  soini.-vl'i-vt  in  ihe  \-i:--ii.iiy  ol 
Nashville,  on  which  they  spem,  ihe  reniainder  o!  their  h've:^.  lie  died  there 
Deceniljer  2,  1?-15;  and  she  died  Novendicr  1.5..  IS'I i. 

V  3S0  Saruuel/  born  aljoui   1787. 
VI         .vP.l    Tudith/ born  about  17S9. 

Itsuc   or        t  4-G    V,'^DE  FETHI^HLAND  WOODrQ^x'  (Tucker,^  je-eph/  KobLrt/  JohnO 
and  Mary  Harri-^,  'lis  first  \vife. 

i  *  382  'DiOinas  JeiTersoe.' b  .rn  Derembe'-  25,  1796.  in  P(^\'-hatan  couptv.  Virginia, 
where  he  \v-,i;-  reared  and  edur-.aed.  He  -.vas  t^eiee  married:  first,  ci; 
April  8,  1824 ;  i.o.Saih-  'R.;d(b  d,ir;dner  of  Thomas  Redd  of  Halifax  court\-, 
Viri'iiiia.  They  remained  in  Virghiia  two  jxars  and  in  1826  nio\-ed  la 
Knox  couiay,  Kentucky,  ^^here  hib  wife  died  January  7i,  1S2S,  aboul  a 
week  after  I  h.e  birti;  (/ her  r.econd  cliild.  He  was  married  again  on  Augus-r 
6,  \yav,  to  Abartha  CHzabeih  CUbert,  daughter  of  John  Gilbert  of  Clay 
county,  Kentucky.  They  .set;!e-d  (;n  their  farm  in  Kno.v  county  where 
al!  of  their  cliihlrcu  were  born.  Durinv  the  ;.^reaV  exeit.cmeni  in  liM'^ 
ov'er  ihe  di^eovv-ry  of  gold  in  Caii'ori:ia,  lie  witii  a  party  (jf  othc  rs,  ;;taited 
for  the  t;.ld   neid^,   taking  \viui   liiM  his  two  -ons,  John,  a;;ed  niaeteei\ 


and  li:ran',  ;"c;«'d  hfi'  ?i!  r>n'!  a  coti;'!c  of  nc^:M  '.•.\c'.i.  '..Ar,-^  ir-:  v,-.,;;ons  ;i-^  {he 
Kurcsi ,  sa;'.':~t  :•'-!  uiKloiilvoclK'  \iu-  s!.'w.-i  tin  .m-  oT  , rauHjinvla; ion.  Thv? 
fiitiiit:  (i-,i  '<!■  the  exj-i'Iiiin:^  wa-;  ma  ciuisv:;.-  .•onr-i'-ic;!  umil  ility  rcaclu'l 
Kaii-as  (/ii\-.  iJa  ;liC  way  ilierc  iii-  ^^()pi'^.■•,i  a.  >ia.\  nr  iwn  in  Indopv-uflcia.''. 
I\Ii;-':aiu-;,  .-;  I'-iidi:!;:;  ilu-  li^l  aiylit  ii'i  'he  !i  a;!!.:  of  Iiis  couNiii,  o70  Saniu<,i 
Hu<;'i:;  V.-.-'-.d^on..  Ihu'ii'/.^  rcat  li^-d  Kav-a.s  ("iiy,  he  (.■(jni[)!oU-d  tia-  oai- 
fitiing  of  ij'.c  Ci\r:.iv.\r.  and  f.'.ari.ed  on  tln'  loni;  jt;iiinc\-  wi-.-tward  arru-TJ-  t!ic 
plains  vliich  v^as  ilic:i  an  unknoNVii  rou;.(.-.  .At  il.a'  tinM;  clv.ilcTa  v.m:^ 
prewilv'ni  ;'!:riiri;hoiri,  ih'a  ooantry  and  wh-.a;  tlie  company  drew  iicai"  the 
Vennillion  i\i\-e!'  1"0  vroto  to  lii-'  wife  ihai  lie  iH.-licAed  llu'y  v/eii,'  oiii.  oi 
danger  fro;:-!  that  sonrce  and  now  h.irl  ci.Iy  ilie  Inrliaris  lo  dririd.  lliu 
the  ni.'\t  day  lie  was  sirickcn  v.illi  the  c'li.ieiM  and  died.  Tliey  burled 
bini  in  l^a.'.isas  near  the  banks  ot  th.e  \  ern-.illion.  liis  two  sf-inr-  a.nd  t'rie. 
rc-^t  of  xh?  C'.nipany  went  on  lo  t^i'iiforiiia..  'ie  nuist  ha\"e  l;ec!i  a  man  of 
unu.-ual  \  ie.or  and  coura,t;e  to  Iia\'e  started  on  such  a  long  arid  periloiis 
journey  at  the  age  of  fifty-tiircc  years. 

II  *  3S3  Emily, *■■  born  ?\o\-eml)i  r  3,  179S,  in  Powhatan  cotinty,  'v'ir.^iriia,  \\cvi 
with  tlie  faaViily  in  ISl,-!  ti'  Knox  cot:ni\-.  Kentucky,  and  wa--  niarriid 
probably  a!)oi;t  ISIS,  to  Francir;  O.  Ma--kham  of  r]K''?terr'eld  cotiniy, 

Ill  384  Mr.ry  Wade,'^  born  October  2.',  ISOO,  in  Powhatan  aamiy,  Virginia, 
went  with  the  family  about  1813  to  Kjiox  cci;nty,  Keiitticky.  She  wa.s 
twice  rnarri'  d;,  to  James  B.  Scoti,  and  had  one  --on,  James  D.  Scott.' 
Her  husband  died  an^I  she  was  married  scLOjid,  to  C"c;l.  James  Thornton 
of  Cnmbcrla.nd  cotnit\',  X'irgiiua.  Tiiere  wa-  no  is-'.ie  to  the  second 

I\'         3S5  Caroline  Matilda,'^  b.^'rn  May  15,  1803,  in  Powluiia.n  '^oiinty,  \"irj;inia. 

V  '■'  3S6  Jol'.u  'flicker, '-  bo'n  Aiu_,a:rt  31,  1805,  in  Fov.hatan  coii!U\',  Xirginiai 
went  v.ith  the  family  about  !Ri5  to  Kno:-;  connry.  i\fntucl:y.  where  he 
gi'ew  to  young  manhood  and  was  married  February  18.  1827.  to  Kniily 
Herndon,  daughter  of  Richardson  Herndon.  He  mo\cd  to  Missis.sippi 
and  becante  a  vreahhy  eoiton  planter  and  oH-ned  a  great  rnan>'  s!-:ives.  It 
is  believed  that  during  the  Cd'.'il  War  he  "refugeed"  to  Te--:as,  u'.king  along 
all  his  skiX'c.--  ar-l  <.i;lrjr  property,  tiiird<!n?.  iliat,  p^issihly  in  thav  suite  they 
would  be  le.-.-.  liaiile  to  seizure  ..:nd  corniscation  Ijv  tiie  ledierai  arraies 
which,  about  that  tirne  were  ir.'.-ading  Missis.-ippi  in  great  >iut!-'.b.ers. 
Nothing  ilet'iniie  has  been  heard  fioin  lilm  .-iace. 

\'I  '■'  387  Benjamiujourdan/' born  November  2,  1808,  in  Powhatan  count>-,  Virginia' 
went  with  the  family  about  1SI3  to  Knox  ro.inly,  Kcritucky,  where  he  v/as 
reared  aud  educated.  He  twice  married;  first,  on  Ma\-  li,  1832.  to 
Rohocca  Thomas  Redd,  daughter  of  Thomas  Redd  of  \'irginia  She  died 
childless  in  1833.  He  v.'as  married,  second,  on  .May  -J,  t8."7,  to  AJari^arct 
Jane  PulkeisoTi  who  wa-,  born  April  30,  i8io,  in  Lei'  cnii.iv.  Virginia. 
She  was  a  daugh^i.r  of  John  Fnil^er-on  and  Jane  Hu,:,!ios  of  liiat  county. 

JoSm  Fi.'lki'ixor,  wjs  l.arn  ir,  X'lrwini,',  on  _!;ti-.i!ar\  ''.  !:7i.  and  \v;;.^  tiiarricd  25.  1S01.  lo  J;-.;;.,-  !!ui;'!U'>  w!.a  ua?  ■.■^ni  in  !"atrivk  coi!iir\-. 
Virginia,  on  Juno  30,  17,^.;.  Tlu-y  .--liiicHl  in  fu\ii.;\  -.vhoro.  it 
iiii'v  snca:  \\w  rf;n;iiii',lcr  <A  t'aciv  !!>.(.•.-. 

.'.S7  B';njamin  join\i>^n  Y>  ocuis  .n^  -'hk!  wifo,  ?vlari:arci  Jane  !"i!lkcr.-(;i:,  set;!!.-;! 
ill  Mn<-.\-  cu;:in_\',  K-.::u  licl;;.-.  \vherr  tl;<.-\-  roraaiiu-.i  aliuui  bCwnlccu  year^, 
and  in  iSr>4  !!io\cd  lo  LaiaNouc  coi;nt>'.  Missouri.  In  18S6  i]\vy  hr.aiiy 
pcitled  in  St.  Jo.^oii!,  whcr'i  he  died  Ma>  2S,  iS02.  ;ujd  I'uric-d.  at 
Canuien  Pcini,  in  I'lati.-  count\-.  Mi.-snii.ri.  F,l<  pursniis  in  life  were 
agrienhiue  and  n;erchancli-e;  in  boili  ui  w  I'.ich  lie  \v;e-  succcs;a'ul.  Ho  was  a 
consisienr  memb.-r  of  the  Chii>iian  Cdiureh;  a  man  of  gerieroiis  impuivs 
and  noted  fe;-  his  rhar'tat-ile  deeds.  Mis  wido-.v  bi;rviv:-d  liini  ncai'iy 
ci^'ht  years  aid  died  Jan  uiry  7,  1  9(i'>\  at  aer  home  i'.  St.  jt)seph    Missouri. 

VII  :'..S8  Charlotte  Cordry/'  born  A})r!l  20,  1S12,  in  Powhatan  county,  \'irgi-iia, 
was  taken  wiili  the  family  about  ISl.?  to  Knox  county,  KerJucky,  wlierc 
she  was  reared  and  educated.  She  was  married  jaobably  about  1830,  lo 
1254  John  Woodson."     (For  issue  see  1254  John  \Voud?on.s) 

IssuL  OF  14S  WADi-   Xetheklaxii  WoodsOX,'  r.v  ins  '^ixond  wii-e, 
Ai-ici;  CinrK 

VIII   *     ?.S9  Silas, «  bom  May  18,  1S19,  near  Barb'.urville,   Knox  c;,unty.   Kentucky, 
wliere  he  e.iev  to  manhood  and  received  a  good  education. 

At  a  very  early  age  he  develoiied  some  fine  traits  of  character.  V\'hei\ 
only  about  si.Kteen  years  old,  his  father  put  him  in  charge  of  a  lot  of  nCiiroos, 
wagons  and  teams  arid  sent  him  to  X'iryinla  to  bring  back  some  h(-useho!d 
goods  and  chattels.  He  made  the  tri;)  through  me  mountain  v.ilds  of  ^ 
Kentucky  and  \'irginia,  and  executed  b.i.-^  commission  as  veil  as  any  older 
person  conld  have  done.  -Not  long  after  this,  his  father  died,  and  Sihis 
took  up  the  study  of  medicine,  but  soon  became  couviiiced  of  his  unfnness 
for  this  pr;jfess;on,  and  turned  hi:-  attention  to  tlie  study  of  lav.  anr!  poliiics. 
About  this  tim.c,  James  G.  Blaine,  a  y')nng  man  from  the  state  of  Maine, 
came  to  Barbourville  to  teach  school.  While  engaged  in  this  occupation, 
he  organi?ed  a  deiwting  club  of  v\d-iich  he,  being  the  schoolmaster,  was 
president.  It  is  noteworthy  that  this  little  debating  club  in  this  obscure 
Kentucky  village,  should  ha\-e  numbered  among  its  menibers  at  \h:a 
same  time,  four  men  v.-ho.  later  in  life.  U,:jk  such  pumiinent  parts  in.  the 
affairs  of  several  states  and  of  the  nation.  James  G.  Blaine,  president  ol 
the  club,  became  a  statesman  of  national  fame,  was  siieaker  of  the  honse 
-  of  representatives  in  the  Congress,  secretary  of  state,  and  in  1SS4,  republican 
nominee  for  the  presidency.  Joseph  T'lole.  a  n-.ernber  of  the  club,  a'.er- 
wards  became  governor  of  Montana;  Samuel  Miller,  an  associate  jiii-iic.';. 
of  the  supreme  court  of  the  United  Stales;  and  Silas  Woodson  closed  his 
useful  career  as  governor  of  the  state  of  iMissouri.  Silas  Woodson 
married  September  13,  1^:42,  lo  Mary  Jane  McRoberts.  daughter  of 
■  Andrew  McRoberis.  She  was  cilled  Mary  Jane  for  short.  Her  fuli 
name,  as  rjcord<d   in  tliC  famil>    Bible,  L'eing  "Mary  Jane,   Molly  loiiV, 


HciUl)'  Ski:),  r.ihiiasc  iK-.ul.  ^'.;de  \\  L-!iii;;;ton  "'-i  rR'.>;)i  Ms."  (Tili^  l^i;- 
of  inl'o'-nuiiion  is  gl\rn  i>>-  Mi.-s  Luri.iu-  Wi.oO.son.)  S'm  v.-..s  l)i.rn  ()-:U]I)i!- 
IG,  18J.-i.  .\i  the  ej.rly  ago  of  iwcniy-tlircf,  S!la^  '■.V.HKl^'jn,  in  lf<-!J, 
ri.'i>rep(.!Ui.(i  hi-,  covaty  (.  f  Iviiox  in  vhc  KvT.i  in  i:.-.  icL,i;:aUire.  iiis  v,ifr 
died  A'.arci)  22,  1845,  kaviiv,"  one  son,  Miilvr  W'-- v,!.~on.  ilt-r  \viiio\'v<.d 
hiisbani.!  \vas  uuirricii  seocMid.  cu  )ui\  27,  l^-!>,  to  .Miss  (,i!i\ia  Adains,  who 
was  liorii  No'.'cnd.KT  16,  1S.?S,  and  died  ir.  i'ol.Tuaiy,  185;>,  vv!i.Iu)iU.  issue. 
lit'  Avos  a  ir.  CI  Tiber  of  the  i-".eiUucky  njrsiimtioiial  i:o!!\'ei't;on  in  1S49, 
ar.d  ihe  uiiiy  uuuiber  w'u)  advocated  ihe  gra<lua!  eiiiiiiK  ipaiioii  of  slaves. 
In  1.S.S3  55  lie  .ii;ain  leinesenied  KiKix  couiily  ii-,  the  le;.;is!aU;rc,  nr.(':  in  1S56 
l-.L'  !i)u\ici  lo  Su  Joseph,  Missoiiri,  v.licic  !ie  eri^-agcd  in  Uic  general  ;.>r:-.clice 
of  law  ,  being  llie  .=enior  member  of  liie  la"A'  firm  of  Woodson  o.n6  IIu;.',1icg; 
tl)c  juriio!  nieniber  being  Bela  M.  Hughes,  rcprcseiuativc  in  congress  from 
the  Sc.  Joseph  distric:..  Betv\-een  ilie  >er;is  io60  and  1870  he  sr-r\-ed 
.several  lernis  as  judge  of  ihe  circnit  coiul  of  Buch.'in;jji  cuunly.  On 
December  J7,  1866,  at  Lexington,  Keniuck}-,  j-.e  vas  niaiTied  third,  lo 
Miss  \'irginia  Julier  l.,ird,  dangluei'  <)!  Uvv.  Moses  K.  Lard,  who,  nexl  ti.' 
Alexander  Campbell,  \s'as  the  lorcniost  di\ine  <j!  the  t  ini.-i  i.ii;  Cira.rcli  i'l 
its  early  history.  Virginia  Juliet  Lard  was  boin  Ma\  2..^,  lS-)6,  near  Whcel- 
irig,  \'irginia  (now  West  \'irginia).  She  rt  Cei\-ed  a  l'iioiorr_,h  edneatiun 
in  the  best  schoo'ls  ot  liic  da\'.  and  Vv'a.s  little  more  tiian  menty  years  ol 
age  vvhen  slie  became  the  wife  of  3S9  Silas  \^"ood^(;n.  She  was  mduc-1 
wiih  rate  natural  endov.nieiits,  and  unusual  capabilities,  making  a  most 
cxcellein  inJiiinatc  to  her  husband,  and  graciiig  hi.s  ncny  honors  and 
offices  to  the  fullest  satisfaction  ot  Ins  niosr  exacting  friends.  !n  IKOo 
she  followed  her  iiUoband  into  the  Catholic  Chi.irch,  of  which  sl^e  waA  a 
devout  and  faiihful  nuraber  during  the  rest  of  her  life.  S'lC  died  January 
25,  1907,  in  Kjnsas  City,  aiid  was  buried,  by  th.e  side  of  her  hu^^band  in 
St.  Josef)li,  Missouri.  In  1S70  the  iiifar.K'US  Dr-ike  Constitution,  u.fider 
which  Missouri  had  li\ed,  under  almost  feud,xl  lav.'s  ani_l  penalties  since 
the  early  sixties,  was  abrogated.  During  tiial  ^car  B.  C.ratz  Brown 
elected  go\'crnor  as  a  "Liberal  Republican,'"  and  the  ''Test  Oath''  whu'h 
had  deprived  many  thousands  of  .southern  sympathizers  of  il.eir  franchises, 
became  a  thing  of  the  past.  During  the  Ci\-ii  War^  Silas  Woodson  had  hc-r. 
a  consistent  "Union  Democrat,"  and  held  a  colonel's  coinniis.'ion  nr  the 
Federal  army,  although  he  ne\'ers;>.w  active  service  "at  the  fror,l."  During 
those  troublous  times,  whether  holding  office  or  pleading  ca;.es  before  th.e 
courts,  he  was  at  ail  times  on  (he  side  of  wiiat  v/as  just  and  lighit,  lendmg 
his  best  abilities  to  the  restoration  (A  a  constitution  that  would  extend 
ecjua!  rights  and  privileges  to  northc.n  and  southern  s\  inpath'Vers  alike; 
niid  took  no  small  part  in  the  events  tliat  led  up  to  the  ultimate  abrogation 
of  tlie  "Drake  Constitution."  His  reputation  as  a  !av>-)er  and  judge  ot 
unusual  ability  and  absolute  integrity,  had  already  in.ide  him  a  marked 
man  over  the  entire  state;  and  when  the  democratic  state  con\-ention  met  in 
J 872,  he  was  unanimously  and  by  accl.imation  chosen  as  chairman  of  llie 
convention;  and  although  in  no  sense  a  candidate  for  the  olfice,  was  unan- 
imously and  by  acclamation  iiominated  a.^  t!ie  Democratic  candidate  fot 
the  governor-hip;  and  in  NoNcmber  cf  that  voar  was.  elected— "Missouii's 

?!\!l(  Oi:SU!<Al 

lirst  J '■."ii'icrMiic  (".'i\oniiir  sir.ct-  il',,-  v.-.n'  ■  —  '.)■.■  a  uLijority  so  grcal  os  t'.> 
ccrlify  thij  f ,u  I  ii'.Ji  ni;'.:'>'  th<>'.;r:ir.'!s  .-.f  !\  nublicu'i  vocers.  knowing  aii'i 
irr.siiiii;  Lis  a')ili!>'  aiiii  iii:--  iiU^;.:-i:\.  i:;rl  I'.i^t;  (heir  Ijaliuli.  for  'uiiv,,  noi- 
v.iths;;.iKii-.iir  i!  uii  ('i.'j'osini;;  j>.-.;'vi>:iri  p^iiucs.  !Ic  cnieroci  iukj:;  t^e 
diitics  ul  Ins  olT;C(.-.  J.viUK'.rv  '. ,  1  ■■T.v  .-via  ip.:;-  to  ilio  uiid.  i)i'>ccmber  ?\,  ]  ?74, 
willi  ;-i^:i.)!  u!>iliiy.  ci^aily  rediivin;.;  {]\l-  -!;no  iloi-v  \vi\icl),  tkivine  tlic  war, 
liad  g^-o\vii  !._!  fearii'1  pu'.pvjnioiv-;  am!  at  the  same  ti-a.c  rt'ilticing  xh.v.  tax 
levy,  ijivins;  the  an  aaniii'iirirai  ion  c'larat-iorizLii  b\  ligid  eror.oiny 
and  Ptrirtc.-'  ii!l(.;j;rii  y.  Rcuriiii.;  ivoiv,  ib.e  office  o.".  jaii'.iarx'  1,  1SV5,  he 
returned  to  ih.o  practice  ot  .his  profcs.--if:n  i;i  St.  jo.-i;.'ph,  wuh  added 
lustre  accurdtd  Ids  name  aiid  cliaracier.  I  pon  Id;'  r^iurn  to  St.  Jo-^cph, 
he  organised  the  law  firni  of  W',  Creen  and  Binncs.  V\  hich  firii;  at 
ODCc  afstiiiiori  a  mo  ■■;.  proiidnera  position  in  the  general  practice,  but  niorc 
pariicid.arl}-  in  the  practice  of  crinn'nal  law;  nian\'  of  the  more  firomincrit 
of  these  cases  lieing  cniriistcd  to  tins  firm  «i(  account  of  Covernor  \Vood sou's 
known  sound  knowledge  of  tlie  ih'.'ory  aiid  practice  of  law,  and  his  stipcr- 
lative  clocpience  as  a  jury  pleader.  After  some  ftvc  ycirs  of  si;ccesrfi:l 
[)ractice.  in  ISSO  he  was  elected  jt:dge  ol'  tlic  circuit  court  for  a  four  yea*".?' 
term,  to  end  on  January  1,  1SS5.  By  this  time  the  i:i''a<_iice  before  iiie 
Buchanan  cciurjty  circuit,  had  heconie  so  great  as  to  n.ecessitatc  di\ision. 
The  criminal  business  was  separated  frorn  rlie  ci\-il,  the  "Criminal  Branch" 
of  the  circuit  court  being  created  in  1SS2.  the  terms  of  this  court  to  be  cu- 
incifient  with  those  of  the  civil  br;iiich.  On  his  owji  ciioice,  expressed  to 
the  then  governor,  ho  was  appointed  to  the  crintiiia!  Ijench  to  fd-1  oiii  ihc 
remaining  two  \'ears  of  Ids  term.  At  the  next  election  in  IsS-l-,  he  v-.'as 
duly  chosen  to  succeed  himself,  his  nomination  b)'  the  democr.ilic  cotinly 
conv^ention  being  made  withotii  opposition. 

In.  1S88,  and  again  in  1892  he  was  elected  to  succeed  himself,  and  in 
on.e  of  tliese  elections  the  republicans  further  honored  him  by  nominating 
no  oiie  to  oppose  him.  Until  April,  1S95,  he  contintjcd  to  administer  the 
duties  of  his  oftice  with  uiidimiids'ted  vigor  ar.d  in.  t;i>fa;!!r;g  health;  but 
during  that  month  he  sustained  a  cerebral  hen-orrhage  wiiich,  for  se\e;al 
days  made  his  death  seem  imminent,  btit  his  wunderfu!  const iiittion  and 
Ids  almost  incredible  vigor  ptilled  him  through  to  a  partial  recover;.-  that, 
enabled  him  to  be  up  and  about  hi:-  home,  although  he  was  liever  after- 
. wards  able  to  resttme  his  judicial  duties.  During  ihc  s'  ri  \H'-}'6 
lie  embraced  the  faith  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Ciiurcli,  an^i  in  that  faitli 
he'  died  (i^lii'.'-'v  ".  18v6,  ripe  in  venr?  avd  ftdl  of  ho.nors.  respected  an.d 
mourned  by  all  v.ho  knev\'  him,  and  was  buried  in  St.  Joseph.  For  rr^ore 
than  half  a  century  he  had  been  a  forceful  intlttence  in  the  affairs  of  .all  the 
communities  in  winch  he  had  li"ved,  lending  his  magnificent  abilities  to 
the  furtherance  of  right  and  justice;  to  the  passage  and  administration 
of  constructive  and  remedial  legislation.  The  constitutions  of  more 
states  than  his  native  state  of  Kentucky,  and  his  adopted  state  of  Missottri, 
bear  the  impress  of  his  genius,  their  peoples  the  hajipier  for  his  having 

The  -tbi-iNc  s!:cich  wa,s  \>ritten  by  Jcfi'erson  Carter  Ilosea  v. ho  married 
771  ?.iary  .Al;c-e  Wood-soii,"  ckie.^l.  daughter  of  3S9  Silas  Woodson.* 

I\  '  590  Wade  JSclhcibiT!,  Jr.,''  Unv:,  at  ili>-  J;.«vn  -f  .',;y.  oa  SvpiviiilH-r  .Ul.  li'li. 
in  Kiiox  .-..i;m\-.  l^,■n!;l.•!:y,  v.hcvc  hr  w;.,  !vriv<l  and  othirnud.  He  \\ns 
iiiarricu  M.i\-  J4,  I'-i.?.  i..  K!i/al.r\h  Si-Aaii,  dauj;Iucr  <>f  ]>:,.'.<:  Siownrl 
of  Knox  CfUiUy,  S!;c  w  a.<  hov:\  ?N\..\c:!ibi'i-  !.•,  1?21  ,i\id  fii.-d  :d)',^ui  K-!7. 
Some  >oa!>  aiioiNsa  xN  iir  '.\a~:  iShtri'-od  to  >i:r,s Bai;gh:.";aT!. 

Issue  of        ^50   JOHN  PLEASAKTS  WOODSON^  ('  Joseph/^  Ro'Hrl.-  JohnO  and 
i-llizaljcth  Vniinj:   Das'id^on. 

I  *  391  Vvii'.iam,''  lnu-a  Sci>teir,lK'r  )!,  ISOA.  -.n  I  o-  rmir.ty,  \'irj;Ip.ia,  was  married 
to  Ann  l\  and  .--eiiled  in  ca^i  Tenro,:;: co  where  he  t'i.'d  .Novcmbef  IS, 

II    ■      392  Joha  F.,'  Lorn  June  20,  iSU3,  in  Lee  couni\ ,  \'if;inia.     .\rii\ing  ai  ihe  ae.e 

of  young  niarihocKi,  he  v.enc  to  llii:;oii  and  IIktl-  niarr'eu  .Mi^i !3urton. 

He  died  Maich  5,  l'^5+,  snr\ived  i/\-  wiuo-.v  and  one  son.     The  wido\v 
li\'cd  but  a  shtirt  tin;e. 

Ill  *  393  Andrew  D,,''  horn  March  4,  1S07,  in  La  cou:it\-,  X'ii-ijiia,  ar.d  .iiarned 
^'aty  rLTj,u:--<.n. 

lY  304  Anaa,"  horn  Dcceni!-LT  23,  ISOS,  in  Lee  conniy,  Virginia,  and  died  before 
s!ie  was  grown. 

V  305  Jane,'^  born  Dt-cember  14,  1809,  in  bee  eounty,  Viryiraa.  was  married  '.o 
James  Smith.  The\-  had  no  cliihliL-u  of  th.eir  o'>\n,  liui  reared  an-d  pro\-i',i^d 
for  ten  uiphans;  mo.-i  of  whom  Hw^l  to  lie  gie-wn.  She  (.lied  al  the  hoir.e 
of  her  Inothor  399  Joseph  Lilburn  Woodson,"  in  J,ir.cohi  loenrv.  Ali^jouri. 

\'I         3^06  James, f^  l)orn  }.lnrc\\  11,  1S12,  in  Lee  county.  \'irginia,  and  di-.d  youn.g. 

Vn  357   Henry  V).,'  born  March  7,  1S14,  in  Lee  county.  X'irginia,  v.^nt  to  Mi.-souri 

and  died  tiic-re.      \e\-er  married. 

\dll  ^  303  George  \V.,'=  born  ^Lay  10,  1S16,  in  Lee  counj.y,  VireiniT.  was  married 
June  28,  1835,  to  Mi-;s  bihza  Brown  of  ihat  couniy.  Tiu'v  Uved  several 
year-  i'-.  Lee  couniy,  their  first  three  chiblren  b<ing  boni  tiR-re.  Th;y 
J!io\-ed  in  \'<-i')  to  CamijboU  count  \,  Tennr-^-ee,  and  t-ouehJ  a  farni  ne-ar 
Fincastle  where  they  spent  the  remainder  of  iheir  li\  cs.  lie  died  ir.  J  uiy  I,S, 
1877,  am!  ;  lie  on  Marcli  20,  LS91. 

JX  *  399  Joseph  Lilburn,'^  born  December  11.  1S18.  in  Lee  county,  \"ireinia  wciir. 
to  Lincoln  count},-,  Missouri,  in  i.'-39  and  was  there  married  in  J842  to 
Julir.a  Pollarcb  ■  They  settled  ai  Chain  of  flocks,  not  far  from  Tr(;y. 
Missouri,  lie  wa.s,  by  occupation,  a  tanner  and  shoem;d<er,  and  later 
went  into  the  merciintihi  at  Ch. n'n  of  Rock:?.  He  was  a  consistent 
member  of  ilie  Chr!-tian  Church,  aral  a  ?.L.son.  in  good  standing.  He  was 
cliaritabde  to  tlie  poor  aud  tieeci;,-;  'io!):',-;i  in  all  his  dealings  w  ith  his  fellow- 


men  C:V.i\  eaj<pycd  tiu-  rvrrcn  w.:]  o-io?;>i  •.  f  r\\  v.I;..)  kn-js.-  !  in;,  ilc  !i.;i!v;lu 
;'.  good  fatii)  near  "fvoy  whxro  'ic  .-^.vr.i  jiir  ;;':i  oi'  In-:  ii'iV.  '.vari'd  a  '.ti-c 
family  aiu!  hel'ied  ihctii  ui  ~t<"i-(  ir  )!!\\  iio  ;U\\.!>s  \:';  -d  'ho  dfi-ncKti^c 
(Ickci.      lie  died  n.v-.-ndp-r  .^-i.   l",d.  at  l:!;.  bon^c  ne.u    T/oy,  Ml<,:^ur\. 

X   *     4un  Elizabeth   I'.'i.,''   ooi-i    Jinv;    11,    ISij.    ]:     !  ^::-   Ci.rniy,    \i.i;iiiia.   ii'id.    xviu: 
.    -  married -to  l),ini(-l  S.  0\\\v.-.     Si:.,!  diod  Mari/ii  .^0,  H-^iiO,  in  tasi    l\nii;..  liseo. 

XI   *     40i   Robcrl   C./   born   Marcb.   25,    !?,.:.%   ir,    !(■•,>  roiniiy,    Virjd-nia,    -awvwl    to 
oasi  Tciir.c-.  M-c  and  married  Lucy  J...-!e  '.-"ui.cito. 

Xll  ''':2  Polly  Ann,''  '.oni  Autaiii  2<',  !^25.  in  L(.:-  (M.iJity.     Dici  yonn-. 

.       Xlli  -lOo   CbarlesP./l.orn  May  2.^,  1827,  in  I.e.^cwuniy.     Died  yoimc;. 

Xr\'         404  Catherine,'^  horn   Ajiril   3,    1829,   in  rr>i:r.iy.      D!::d   yr.m.u^,      (i'ar.ii'\- 
Record  a.v  i;i\en  by  Mrs.  Hariei  N.  Perrce.) 

IsMu?  of        1  SI    I'EKRY  MACOK  WOODSOri-'  (d'uckcr,'  JosciJ.h,^   Robcri,-  j.-hid)  and 
Elizabeth  Ibirion. 

I         40?   Wiiliar.i/' 

!I         400  Tsl&iy/-     (See  \Ym.  and  Mary  Qtly.,  vol.  XJ,  ;..  ty  ) 

Issue  of        "S  C»'f   JESSE  V/OODSOK-'  (Wdliamd  Benjanun,-''  Robert,- John')  andi  hi■;v.if^.^ 
rtl'OtCf  name  i's  noi 

I  *  ^OV  Al!«n,^  b(^rn  about  1775,  cither  in  ("nniiieii,,nd  or  But  !:ins.;'~am.  coiin':y, 
\'ir;.dnia.  He  vas  given  the  n.nnc  .Mien  in  lionor  of  liis  grandtaoi  h": 
Sarah-  Allen.  Thio  beeras  a!toi:eiher  plau^ilde,  e<:pecia.l!y  iri  vievs'  oi  the 
fart  rh.'i  his  oldef.t  grandchildren  ^applied  the  data  pertainini;-  \o  this 
famil}-.  It  is  knovn  ■po>iii\-el>-  that  407  Allen  Wo'jdson''  n;a;ried  Jan? 
Ta>i./!-  \\h":  v,as  a  reiaii.e  of  ::  San^ae!  ■{'a\-bjr,<^  wiic  was  one  of  the 
vdip.c>.-eH  lo  li'.e  N.'iil  of  .:.:  William  Wood.-ond  107  Allen  \\'o')dH'>n''  and 
wife,  Jane 'i".i\  lor,  lo.-aied  in  Pii'~y!\arcii>  '~jimt\-  wn.erc-  1  hey  ^pen^  their 
entire  v,  eddc'd  life,  reared  their  family  and  died  honored  and  resj.'eet  •<!  l)y 
all  who  bncw  them. 

Issue  of        I  B4-  SHADRACH  WOODSON^  (Williani,-'  lienjamiii,'  Robert,^  John')  and  hi. 
wile,  whose  name  i.-,  noi  i-rnown. 

I  4t'S   To.^tph/    prol/a.bie    .abom    17dl.    in    C'nmberland    rounry,    \'ir;;inia 

lie  enlislerl  in  the  eontinentr;!  armv  ar.d  -.eas  v.ith  his  comma'.cl  in  Noril; 

'.Ml  I  !ii  :;;  ( •iN'-c.-'c  i  \ 

<.'ari)lii!.i,  soitie  uv'iuii?  alior  ii;r  MuronikT  '/T  C'!:,!- K'stoii,  ;i-  sliciwii  b%'  iho 
foriowinv;  !i.tu-r  v.vI'Um;  ;u  his  ur.Ac  15,-  J-.-sf  "'\'.-ockoii.'' 

"Mnrdi   {,  1781. 

"lii  Buckinii'  County: 
"Dear  Lowinu  I'lirU-  j^ssev: 

■"J'his  cornvs  to  iiii'drrn  y-.'U  tli,;!.  vro  air  a'!  wcil  nivA  ii.  ;i!.-!iiil  (ifu-t-n 
miics  frc-'.n  '>ur  t:\iaiuJ  p.ri)iy,  r.aM  V'^v  ar^-  i-.f(.iriiUKi  rhnt  'Jic  cp.c-iny  ar;> 
svirriniiuk-u  b\'  vw:  anr.y.  \\"c-  c-xi'cci  to  J(  in  ihr  s^'ind  ;',nri\'  bv  (be  lO'Ji 
o!"  \'nii  iiioiuh,  and  I  do  not  knew  whvn  I  i.ha.ll  ]:o  bade  if  c?v<r:  [Tay,  if  I 
iic\cr  come,  ^cl)  r.s  iiiucli  a^  v.  ill  jjay  my  (i./l^u-.,  and  the  rtMruiii).-.  I  i'ii->i''; 
ftb.aii  Ije  gi\-en  to  iny  i^isier  Polh'.  and  if  1  nowi  i-etvirn  I  Ind  \'ou  a!'  fa.rcweil, 
for  if  I  dy  the  hottest  hell  will  be  my  p'.Ttion;  tlierefore  lie;;'  \'^  iiitra::-v  in 
your  |)rayer  and  remember  rny  Ionc  to  .Maiy  Anri  f'rice.  So  no  i.iori;  at 
prcpent,  but  r^'maining  your  lo\inr  friend. 

"Joseph  WoorsoN." 

ji;st  ih.rec  weeks  Liter,  tl-.i-;  lolt'-r  >A-as  recorded  In  Cumberland  county 
co-art  on  March  2S,  1781,  as  hi.-  will;  so  he  inu.-A-  iiave  been  kilicd  phortA' 
afler  Wiiting  it.      (Wni.  and  Ma'-y  Qily.,  ^-ok  X,  p.  190.) 

fic  was  probably  .about  foriy  ye;u.=  old  at  the  lime  of  his  dc^Lh,  and  as 
the  letter  mentioiis  rio  ielati\  c  excejjl  his  siiter  Polly,  the  presumption  is  t 
he  died  unmarried.  I'his  is  one  iiioro  Woodson  life  given  in  tlie  sacrcc:  cause 
of  iiis  cc>Uiitry. 

II  -i03  Polly/  born,  probaljb,'  about  17-1.3  in  Cumberland  county.  I',  ^ec-ns  th,-t 
she  was  \-et  un'-narried  at  the  time  her  lirother  4i)S  Jo.-eiih''  lUtntior.-:  Iier 
in  his  letter  of  March  7,  17S1. 

Ill  *  413  Wiiliain,'' born  in  Cumberland  county,  ijrobab'y  aljour  174.5.  He  was  sliii 
living  when  hi=.  graridfather  52  V\'illi;o,r  "\^'L.odson'  wrote  iiis  ■v,:ll  July  /■!, 
IJS'i,  and  is  one  of  the  legatees  named  in  the  will,  sharing  equaby  his 
cousin -1-1. S  IJruiy  Woodson.''  The  name  of  his  \\  ife  has  not  l)';eri  asct.rtainctj 
nor  is  it  kr.own  how  many  childrcri  the>  had.  It  seems  certain,  ho'.icvtr, 
that  one  of  them  was  named  Sb.adrarh.  It  a'so  appeal's  that  iiiey  tlnaiiy 
se'ii.ied   in   I'luckingham  cotinty.      tSe"  .•\ddenda.') 

Issue  of        'i  SB  DRURY  WODDSOir  (William,-  Henjamla,'  Rob;at,Mohn')  and  MO  Lucy 

I  411   William/'  born  about   17.S7  in  Ciumbc-iiaud.  couniy,  \'irgi:iia.     lie  enlisted 

in  the  coiuinenia!  army  and  ser\'ed  I'aiiiifuliy  until  he  \vas  killed  in  battle. 
lie  hud  risen  to  the  rank  of  capt.ain  of  his  comp.-;ny.  Me  iiad  ne\'ei  ntarried. 
This  inforriiation  \\-as  transmitted  by  h!:>  br,,ther  412  Clmies  Woo(l:-<in'' 
to  hi-,  chiidre-  ,ird  gr-ndchildoNi,  r.r.O.  l.-,  •nee;i!cd  a:,  autlieniic,  fo"  tb.e 
reason  tii  ;t  the  two  brotlsers  iei  \eu  ii:  the  s'iine  C'jmnu-ia.l. 

/<■"■,;■.  '^^ 


412      MRS.    JUDITH     LEAKE    W00D30^ 


432  Charles/  hr-::i  !')ccenil'.r  ?0,  5  75'?,  in  Ci-n.hoi  lane;  coiiJiir-,  \'i;-;;'i;'a.  It 
v,ci:~  r.hox'A  l^'iCi  iT  '.177  ilu.C  he  rnl^Cfo  ill  I'lv  C');;:;noni:;i  .iVM>,  nn.i  \\\>-? 
;;!''!o;!U'Ju  Sicrcev.r.i  hi  '''C  C(in;'K!!V-'  of  i'is  br^-ilifr  41 J  Wiliiain  \\';'<">d::<;!'.'- 

It  i-.  p.ot  kr.c\v!i 


tU.I  ir, 

f.f  rii.iriesio!:.  When  i'is  '■i-nni-iu!  vras  vt.iiioiu.;!  in  C'!i.i!-!t5i./ii,  S.;  eO; 
C;i.''!lin:!,  tiiirin<^  lii-!  v.iiiUT  ;>f  17;''-?'0,  i.:  vvo'.c  a  ll■>.i^M■  to  ^.i:^:i  Jvcli^ii 
Leak?  oi  Gowchlaiid  ^^■al■;*;■,  \"i'^'!T;ia:  \vli::.:i  bu^r  is  ;-vi;i  (J'Mi)  in  tiic 
p,;, <;.;,. ^^'i^ji  <^;  hi>;  ouiv  fur\-!%-i::;;  !^randr'a:i:;;:;er,  }510  ^iv?.  Mary  J. 
Waiiiia"  (nee  Woo  bon)  of  NorfoU:,  Vir^i:aa,  and  =•=  as^  foliov  ^: 

'  CharK.-.-^tor.,  S.  C, 

'■Ja;)u;::ry  9,  i^i^U. 

"1  unre  more  i'.avc  liie  ploafv-c  r>f  infori-:iia;>^  vo'i  1  a;:!  sui!  in  tiie  land 
of  bop^,  and  am  at  pre?ciu  in  good  h'~a!th.  Moivng  t':o;;f-  Hrcs  i^iay  (Ind 
you  ppjoyins  a  f  iirdiar  I'lcishig,  i?  tiic  prayer  of  your  since!  c  hvA  di.-Ci.  a.-olaic 
jcn'C-r.  I  now  hp.^e  a  -^ale  fipporfjr.iiy  of  .'n-rdidni'  knor.-p.  to  ycu  h\..'lvi.  'he 
ardent  passions  of  m\-  raind,  Vvdtdi  a  heart  sincerely  tcadorly  dc-'ott-d  to 
■j-ou,  and  can  arsure  \ou,  my  dear  Miss,  iliure  is  no  variaucii  oa  r.iy  pari 
as  to  v.diat  I  told  yoa  when  v.e  parted,  and  I  i"^pe  \  ou  are  stili  ti-.e  t^ame, 
as  I  sh.Ji  export  and  v  i;-h  to  iiiui  you -i  rue  t~.-  '.he  iuiiuiru  promise. 

"\'ou  mas'  depcad  upon  it,  O.'C  t-ovi  ol  ii'.ilii,  I  ir.cei:  -,v'.il;  here  is  very 
disac;reeaVi!e  and  unpieasani;  in:V  notv-iih'=ia:idinp:  rlu:  many  di''^.eu!l  =  e'^ 
1  h?\'e  dails"  to  encouTiter,  \-our  io\-eI\-  iiuv^ige  Is  i-iiV'  b^-r-arr'  n;e  area  '::;u"in^ 
hea\'iiy  on  ir>'  mind. 

"Tiiere  is  n<:>tl;ins,'  upon  eartli  that  could  drew  my  attention  fiora 
yoi!  aed  from  carrying  into  eiTect  ihose  solemn,  vov's  in  wiiicb  wc  .>ive 
bouiid.  A-nd  if  llirough  ?  kind  Providence  !  am  spared  to  rerurn  to  nvv 
native  land  once  more,  I  riatter  myself  with  tiie  cheerlu!  hope  cf  eiii-iyir.;:: 
that  long  expeoiod  pleasure  tliat  ail  the  lijj  of  matrimony  couM  p0r-'-ii.>i> 

"\o\v  my  dear  Miss,  you  will  not  pernrc  the  great  d!stc-n:e  and  r.iy 
!onr;  absence  to  produce  a  separation  between  u?  and  rau^^e  you  lo  o.ii,et 
nie.  It  is  to  be  hoped  th-at  I  may  ever  remain  in  }our  rernenibram  e,  not 
to  lie  forijotoju  and  left  in  despair. 

"1  now  ask  you  to  let  only  one  spark  of  hope  remain  i;!e,  in 
order  thiat  '  maN'  h-' ve  someihir-:';;;  upon  which  to  buiki,  to  f.iip^.'o:T  aiva 
aid  me  in  the  hour  v/hen  lover's  heart?  a^T  tried,  -'nd  no:  let  Uiy  love  br  ai  a 
feather  cast  upon  th.e  breeze. 

"In  conclusion,  perniit  me  lo  i^^;,•  that  nothing  can  ^cpara.le  ns  :,o  tar 
as  I  am  concerned,  f:xccpt  the  hand  of  Providence.  True,  this  will,  but 
don't  forger  me,  though  at  present  wc  are  wide  ap^^rt. 

"'i'ours  affect ionaieb', 


At  the  time  the  above  letter  was  written:  the  .American  army  in 
Ci'a-dcj.ton  was  under  ihr.  command  of  C'  '.wr:>\  Lincoln,  diid  in  nun-bers, 
was  a   mere   nandfid.      Just  one  momh  afiet    ihin,  the   British   undei    Sir 

lIO  -iMr  \voAr---.ox^ 

Ji','nr\-  C"l';ni<;i,  IaiK>(-..!  a  i.^.r;;^  ;.»r.  o  no.u  ('!!.u'ii.':-'o;i  and  ai  once  prorcoc!."-.' 
to  iv.akL'  ai  r:ini;ei;'.v!!ts  i"r  ;>.  -^''.'..v. 

"W'iuTi  Cliiitoii  Liiuiod,  i.i;u-o!r,'s  Itij-t  i;-.\;'Ui?'.'  wa'^  u;  ;\lian(1on  llio 
cil\'  and  iciire  irio  t.u-  in'ciio":  iuit  Il'^i;-;:-;;  the  Rriii.:!'.  C:(ik-i\?1  ^\.l- 
p!'ej:iaring  tor  a  rc;^i;i:\r  ^i^'i;o,  ami  i  ■■j'v.ix  i;r>;c  f.i  '•■>•  i  he  inhaLiiaiiis  ro  renias!;, 
lie  ckner:iiii'.(.:d  lo  risk  a  sic.'i'.  ;\l>ini;  upO!i  the  .•n-ri\-,i!  of  re!!-!"  irccinoi,'.- 
whicli  hat!  been  jiroiniscii  liiin.  TiK'  rciriforcinicnis  iu'mt  ar!"i\Oi:i ;  and  at 
'a  li;ii'.'  when  his  army  oiigh.i  lo  ]'ia\'e  numlHTed.  ten  nicn,  it  did 
not  CNi-ced  -Ju:  tliird  of  tliat  nnmbe: . 

''Clii'iton  iin<;-sied  the  cii\  on  the  2'-)ili  <■!'  'Marcii,  and  on  the  9tli  of 
Atiril  the  Ik-ct,  ijndcr  .\drnii',d.  Aiin.ib'.ioi,  frrv-'ned  b\-  a  ^tl•o^g  wind, 
passed  Fort  Aloidifie  with  Hi  lie  dania;ic,  a.iu!  aiuh.ored  in  Charlestosi 
harbor  within  cajuiOJi  shot  o'  the  city. 

''Th?  iiejie  iasicl  ab-out  cii;hf  weeks.  In  tiiat  lime  the  city  v>  as 
ccnii)!elel\'  stirroundccb  without  hope  oi  puccor,  ciihxr  by  bind  or  sea. 
A  corps  which  liad  assembhci  at  ?\b)Tik's  Ct.irner.  under  coitimand  o! 
General  Hnger,  for  the  relief  of  the  city,  had  been  surprir-ed,  defeated  and 
dispersed  try  a  detachment  of  fourteen  hue.dred  men,  under  Webster, 
Tarletciit  and  I'ercruson;  so  that  there  n'lw  liein<;  no  liojie  of  lelief.  Fort 
IMoultrie  surrendered  on  the  Oth  of  May,  and  rharleston  on  the  llllv 
General  Lincoln  and  ih.e  entire  army  tnuler  his  CLiinniand  at  this  pdacc 
became  prisoners  of  war. 

"To  add  to  tiie  gloom  v  hich  this  disaster  cast  ujion  the  country-, 
there  occurred  a  fovr  days  afcerward-,  a  niost  remarkable  natural  phenome- 
non, that  filled  the  minds  of  the  timid  and  superstitious  with  great  ap- 
prehension and  alarm.  It  v.'as  wiiat  was  Ion.::  known  as  'the  dark  days.' 
About  10  o'rloe':  ■^.:\  the  1 9th  uf  May,  the  heavens  became  darkened  !jy  -.. 
dense  vapor  or  smoke,  of  a  yellow  color.  It  was  so  dark  that  lights  iiaJ  to 
be  kindled  in  tlte  hour^es  for  all  business  purposes;  and  the  fowls  went  to 
^oo^t.     It  was  tlie  opinion  of  some  that  the  day  of  judgment  was  at  hand. 

"This  strange  and  exti'ao.''dinary  phenomenon  continued  all  the  ne>;r 
day;  but  the  unusiial  \"apor — or  whate\'er  ir  was- — passed  ofT  during  the 
nigh.t  of  the  20ih,  and  tiie  firmamero  afver  tliat  was  as  briglit  as  e\er. 

"After  the  ftdi  of  C-'harleston,  a  iruceinSouih  Carolina  was  proclaimed, 
and  a  pardon  offered  to  all  wlio  wotild  te.kc  British  protection.  Great 
numbers  accepted  the  terms,  and  the  country  appeared  so  tiuiet  th;u 
Clinton,  thinking  the  subjugation  complete,  sailed  for  Xew  'S'ork,  IcaA'iiig 
Cornwallis  hi  cummarid.'"      (Stephen.s'  I'.  S.  biI  =  tory.'; 

The  people,  however,  had  accepted  tlie  British  terms  of  peace,  onh- 
as  a  means  of  temporary  relief.  As  soon  as  they  were  able,  and  opportiuiiiy 
was  presented,  they  renewed,  with  determination,  the  great  struggle  for 
xiational  independence. 

412  Charle.-  Woodson-'  and.  thirty  of  his  comrades,  wliile  ()risoners 
of  war  in  Charleston,  determined  to  eftect  their  escape;  which  they  did 
b\  means  of  their  owii  invention,  and  v,aiked  all  the  way  back  lo  tlieir 
homes  in  X'irginia.  As  there  were  many  Tories  or  British  sympathizers 
alor.g  the  way.  the  jotirne\-  h.:.m('  was  tsecesi'iriK'  s!n-.-  aiid  hazardous, 
for  these  boys   had    lo  serreie   rheJ'.i^elvcs  duriiig   the  day  and   do   their 

Sl\  \i\  GKM:kA-iir.X  ]  ]  I 

walkiii!;  ot  niv;ln.  i'Wi-^  mad.,  ii  very  (iifl'icuii  i-.'  pr-u-mv  foot!,  which  w.if 
printipaliy  lrui;^  aui'  ^;i:!i  ihi'i.;s  .;?  i1k\-  cji-uI  '•jrc!-:  ;:p"  by  tlio  wa\-si.le. 
After  Ricat  piivati.-n  and  Iiani-hin  i!io\  n-.u-'aod  ihcir  luuncs.  along  ii\  tlie 
sunmur,  in  a  li.df  fanii^]n\!  c..im1u;oii.  h  rruiy  iusiurally  be  supp-'scd  Lha*;, 
aftor  ho  v.-a=.  si!!;:cii-a;Iy  ;  ociiivratcd  ar.d  rleansod  from  tlic  cftecis  of  his  lone 
jouinoy  -112  Charles  Woodson'  !o,-.t  liuli.-  lime  in  goiiii,  acro.-^s  J.inies  Rixor 
iiilo  ("loochland  coiiniy,  lo  ihe  liomt  of  .Mr.  J<J^^i,d■■  Lcako,  tlip  fatlierof  ^ii^s 
Jiuliili,  towdiom  he  tiad  wriueu  theabovo  loirer  w  liileir.  camiJal  (iia.rleslon. 
It  appears  thai  mailers  -.vcrc  speedily  arraai^cd  between  hiiii  and  hi^> 
ladiN  love:  lor  uo.  the  fidlowir.g  Sepiember  25.  i  7S0,  with  the  wriitei:  consent 
o!  hi-  Kulier.  lie  si;4!;ed  .1  marriar.e  bond,  wiii;  his  friend  George  Christian 
as  security,  and  as  soon  as  practicable  tliercafter,  was  married  to  >diss 
Judith  Leake,  daughier  of  Josiah  l.tike  and  wife.  Arm  Featon.  Judith 
wa;;  N.'rn  in  ]',()2  at  the  lionic  of  tier  parents  in  Goocidand  coiHirv.  The 
vital  p(iints  of  tlds  intereslin'j;  lrnn<ar(.ion  are  duly  recorded  atGoochland 
Courthouse.  His  father  gave  iiini  a  number  of  slaves,  liorses,  cattle, 
farming  implements  and  a  eon.drlerable  tract  of  land  oit  which  was  a 
picturesque  site  tor  a  residence,  commanding  from  an  eniinenee.  ;i  \  i^.-w  of  a 
body  of  arable  land,  three  miles  in  circidt,  skirted  by  Willis'  River.  It 
wa'.  here  the\-  btdlt  their  comfortable  home,  which  tliey  called  "Rosebank." 
And  let  it  be  remarked  that  Roseb.ank — synoin'oi  for  hospitality — was 
never  so  crowded  but  that  another  guest  inight  find  food  and  shelter  there. 
Here  thi-  nolde  cotiple  spent  their  long  and  useful  lives,  rearing  a  family  ol 
four  sons  and  four  daughters,  be^ide^  half  a  dozen  or  more  orphan  children 
wdio  were  pro\  identially  left  to  their  care.  The  following  obituarv,  taken 
from  a  Fiichmond  paper  of  the  time,  gi\e&  the  date  and  circui.istances  of 
his  death. 


"Died,  at  Rosebank,  his  residence  in  Cumberland  rountv,  on  the  Ist 
day  of  December,  18.?t),  Captain  Charles  Woodson,  in  the  'iO\h  \ear  of  His 

"For  more  than  a  year  and  a  half  he  had  been  afllicted  wid;  a  ptralvtic 
affection  of  his  entire  left  side,  but  for  several  months  had  been  able  to 
walk  with  the  aid  of  a  crutch;  and  take  exercise  on  horse  back  or  in  a 

"On  the  eN'cning  previous  to  his  death,  a  few  minutes  after  his  accus- 
tomed family  devotion — the  sacrifice  of  praise  and  thanksgiving  to  the 
Author  of  all  Clood,  for  the  mercies  of  the  day — the  attack  was  suddenly 
renewed  with  the  most  alanning  violence,  and  within  twenty-four  hours 
he  was  removed  to  the  enjoyment  of  the  promises  of  Him  who  hath  said 
'Blessed  are  th(jse  servant:?  whom  the  f.ord,  when  he  cometh,  shall  find 

"Captain  Woodson,  early  and  heartily  engaged  in  the  Re\-olutionary'e,  .oid  p.articipatcd  larg(dy  in  its  hardships  and  braved  its  dangers. 
Among  tliese  m.-iy  Le  mentioned  his  capture  at  Cha.rlcsron,  and  the  ap- 

ilJ  ii'.i-.  V. ■x.^ns'iN-;  .'.Nil  iiir.iR  c:*'^. .\i  CTii, 

pnllinj;  d!i".ci;iiios  he    ^'. 'th  !v.r  t!'.irt\    coniiM',k>.   -ur/no'jp.tcd  in  cUVctiii^i: 
their  c->cajic. 

"He  was  trro;iil\"  rt -pcotoii  i'.i  iiiv  cirt.-le  of  hi-  ...r ■.;.;?. iiit a nccs.  jr.i]  In- 
liis  foi'io.v  ciii;cns  i;t'iior,i'l>';  aiu:  e!iiit.\!;'od  '(i  hi?  'a;iiily  an<i  Irieruis." 

Hi,-;  fa;Tiil\"  Cil  '  tirr.e  coiivisicd  of  his  -wife  and  two  oi'pliaiicd  crr.ind- 
ciiildrcn.  K'>1S  Joh,n  Morion  Wv.niison-'  atid  152n  Mary  Jamima  Wo.-.f.l-;on.^ 
Mis  widow  '.ivcd  f/asi  iior  fonr^cc'ic  yonrs  r.nd  cr.L-d  at  Rosebank  on  tbx-  3rci 
day  of  X<ivcmbc:i",  ],;51,  fi;.;ed  cii;lu\'-niiic  years.  The  negroes  wore 
distributed  among  her  siir\i\unL:  children  and  grandc-Tildren;  the  o!d  lioir.e 
and  ail  ir.e  propeny  bcioritin.i;  ioi;  w  s  al. o  ^<.lld  ar.'j  di'.-i(!ec!.  Tiic  follow- 
ing Iciici  from  26  Ch<ir!es  Corihu-.'Ji  ^^'alto^,■'  hue  of  Norfolk,  \'irginia, 
giving  liis  recolleciions  of  Roscl.'arik,  ]-i(.>rira\'j  ponie  of  t!ie  feaiurei  of 
country  hiomc  life  in  those  days. 

' ' N oi  f oik,  Vi ri:i nia , 

"March  4,  1911. 
"Mr.  Henry  >i.  Woodson, 

"Jder.iii!  is,  Tenp.. 
"My  dear  Henry: 

"Yot!  ask  mc  to  wriie  something;  of  ni\'  recollections  of  the  old  lioine 
Rosebank.  Xow,  con.-idering  the  fact  tlsal  when  oar  great-grand  mother 
died  and  the  old  home  was  broken  up,  I  was  a  "barefoot  bo}'  wiih  cheek 
of  tan,"  yoi'.r  request  seem?  to  imph'  the  possession  of  faculties  to  \\diich  I 
can  h.ardly  lay  claim.     But  since  \ou  request  it  I  will  r.;ake  the  atienriJt. 

"Rosebank  was  set  lied  by  our  great-grandfather,  i  1 2  Charles  Woodson, 
a  soldier  of  the  Revoluiionary  War.  1  write  of  it  as  I  knew  it  in  my 
childhood.  It  was  not  one  of  the  show  places  of  the  country.  Its  name 
does  not  appear  in  the  catalogue  of  "Old  Colonial  Homes  of  Virginia," 
nor  could  it  be  called  grand  or  handsome — few  ncre  which  w-'-re  built 
when  that  was,  and  by  a  soldier  just  returned  from  the  war. 

"Standing  in  modest  seclusion  back  from  the  country  road,  almost 
hidden  in  a  gro\'e  of  oaks,  its  ample  barns  and  outhouses  showing  in  the 
background,  its  every  appearance  denoted  just  what,  indeed,  it  \\a5,  a 
substantial  unpretentious  homiC.  The  house  scood  among  rolling  bills 
high  above  the  river  fVi'illis')  overlooking  a  wide  expanse  of  'low  grounds,' 
as  the  bot;om  lands  on  tb.e  upper  rivers  of  \'!rginia  v.-crc  called.  These  low 
grounds  were  wonderfully  producti\'e  and  v.ere,  in  all  i)r(.bablli'.y,  the 
reason  for  the  selection,  of  the  site. 

"Ro'-eb:  nk  v.-.:-.  like  most  of  ihc  iarge  plantations  of  its  tinT-->,  a 
community  in  itself.  It  had  its  own  blacksmith  and  whcehvright  shops. 
In  these  shops  was  made  nearly  ever\-ihing  necessary  for  the  farm  In  the  way 
of  wagons,  carts,  ploughs,  hoes  anci  utensils  of  e\ery  kind. 

"The  mechan.ics  were  usually  selected  from  among  the  ser\-ants  on  the 
plantation;  and  it  is  ?stonishing  what  beautiful,  and  always  sub-tantial, 
work  they  could  turn  out.  Tlic  negro  women  at  Rosebank  v.ere  not 
required  to  work  in  the  fields,  and  tiiey  never  did  except  al  harvest  time— 
the  festival  of  the  >-ear — \\hcn,  to  be  drnrived  of  the  pri\ilege,  would  have 
been  con-.-idcred  a  gieat  hardship.  They  did  the  spinning,  weaving,  clothes 
making  and  such  light  v.'ork. 

■^  b.> 

J:  at  K-rb.;r!.. 

novcr  left  ilK- 


'.     !  I  v>-.;s  <:.;■■■.! V 

•"',  .>i'Un,  woM^n 

>ac;:  ; 

'..'  yo'-ir.--,'  ar.  ll;e 


nil;!!  not  al\v.;>r. 

'•o  iu)%v.      iTor 

ng  ki 

ns'ivonu'.n,  porr.a 

p^  with  curliiie 

■The  wool  taken  \-:  y,u  ihc>!^.v-p' 
plaCL'  Mliero  were  hm  raL;-i)ie;i  in  iho^o 
and  wo:ti  il!*Te.  "Fii):!!  the  s!ieoi)V  h 
h.avc  it,  V...--  liieraliv  true  at  R(>>ot\'.::i 
tl;e  .-".eriii  ■  r.lipjifetimeiu  of  sonT?  ycv. 
li!'.  I'i'l  cKp.l  iin  iivit  it  is  t!ic  rir.^ro  ckuhos  (<■  v  hich  1  rcU  r.  Hci  ancc-.-iors, 
of  course,  ne^"cr  wore  lu)nie?pun.) 

'■.-\s  to  Icot;,  one  ;r.ij;i;r  ii\-e  to  a  liCiiiy  old  ape  aii'.-i  :io\'cr  fwailow  a 
morse!  i!%at  was  nor  prodiu^c]  on  tlie  place:  rxeept,  (.'f- course,  "such  things 
as  ilic  i'a.riii  ccnlii  not  priidtiee.  ... 

"I\l\  mi.>i!ier  and  y-<tuf  fatlicr.  wI-,ose  paren»^s  died  \''ung,  were  taken 
to  Rooeliaak  ar.d  ri\ared  llierc  b\-  ilieir  prandi^arenis.  Se.  in  tiv'r  tl'ild- 
hood  lhe\'  kni.w  no  other  !io.:iic.  ,  Tv'.'^tPiei'  is  now  j9i:'i  in  her  eiehty- 
sixth  year  and  !o\-es  to  tail-; — as  I  to  li'sicn--('.f  Ikt  cliil(ihood  at  Ro-el>ank. 
She  rckties  many  anecdores  of  the  old  place.  S'le  tells  c!ie  of  your  father 
when  a  bo}-.  It  seerns  tiiat  in  one  of  his  freqner.r  ramilr'-.  with  k,i>  do!.;,  lie. 
disco  eied  a  ficatiriful  !.)nt  raephitic  aniniak  Cliarnied  wiih  ii.=  bear!i..\', 
he  attempted  to  capture  it — with  the  usual  lesuli.  You  can  imagine 
his  bcwMdered  astonishment,  and  hi;  prompt  abandontricnt  of  tlie  chase. 
In  liis  distress,  as  a  nnuier  of  course,  he  ran  to  his  graiidiiiother.  But,  for 
once  in  liis  life,  tlie  old  lady  vs-ould  have  none  of  him.  But  call;!!;,  a 
servant,  s!;e  had  him  taken  to  tlie  barn  to  be  washed  an>d  dressed  anew, 
wdicnce  h.e  re; timed  a  c'eancr  and  a  wiser>-". 

"She  tells,  too,  of  iiow  iter  grandfather  who — because  of  -a  stroke  of 
paralysis,  was  an  invalid.  f(n-  some  3"ears  before  his  dea'.h  and  not  abie 
cornfortabh-  to  use  a  hor.e  rnd  buggy — in  order  to  ge;.  about,  tlie  farm, 
had  liiade  a  sinal!  conve\cince,  a  sort  of  low  wheeled  \yagon.  Tix-  !r!ot:\c 
power  for  this  \-ehicIe  was  the  litrlc  negroes  abour  the  pdace.  Wiieri  hv; 
wdshed  to  go  abroad  he  would  b!o\v  a  horn  from,  the  back  porch,  and  ti:e 
b'ttle  fellows,  glad  of  the  frolic,  would  come  running  Iron.-t  e>"cr3'  directio.n  to 
indl  'I\Iaster"s  weggin.' 

''In  tlie-e  excursions,  m.y  mother,  then,  a  little  girl,  •r.ould  accompany 
hiin.  Thus  .he  old  geuLleman,  !iis  granddaughter  b\  his  side,  wouici  be 
pulled  about  by  a  of  happy,,  laughing,-  chattering  pickan.inities,' 
1  lOA'e  in  fancy  to  dv.  ell  on  the  piccure.  These  two  churr:-  who  lo%\-d  and 
understood  each  other  so  v.ell.  The  rugged  old  soldier,  erect  and  so!e;r:n. 
and  the  haireu  big-eyed  child  by  'nis  :ide.  her  cheeks  ag'ov,-  wdtli 
health,  her  e\'e5  dancing  wiih  the  fu.i  of  it  ail,  as  onh-  the  Woodson  e.ets 
can  dance.  I — and  v.  ho  does  rsot?-  -!o\'e  IC)  think  of  m^-  mother  a?  a  liappy, 
laughing  child. 

"With  old  Rosebank,  there  will  alwa\s  l;e  associated  in  m\-  mind,  a 
someiimcs  ,-lern,  but  alwa>s  gentle  and  kindily  old  lady  in  her  fa\'orite  se-U 
on  the  p.on.h;  the  surmier  air  laden  wdtli  rich  perfumes  from  the  old- 
fashi'ii;ed  garden;  snatch.e-;  of  far  av.ay  nn-lody  from  tlie  negroes  as  they 
sang  at  their  work  in  the  licid;  the  soft  lilt  of  a  mocking"  bird's  song;  th.e 
sweet  hush  of  .t  summer  evening;  and  j-ervading  all,  a  soothing,  suljconscious 
sense  of  welcome  and  iverfect  lo\  e.      )  I  wis  an  ideal  home  of  the  old  Soiitii, 

i'  '1  in:  w-,>()u>  j»  .-.M-i  -iin'!i;  conn! 

vvliore  niastw-r  and  ii;.;n,  :;\i^i-o#>  ,i;ui  n;aid  dij  ihciv  [\<;;s  in  jXTferl  harnionv 
niul  low:  .1  hn:r.v,  liu-  like  of  v,  Inch,  we  slia!;  P.i.vcr  H<.'e  i.'-:nn. 

"1  fi-cl  th.ti;  1  \v.-m:K'.  iim  bi-  .K-.iiinL:  y-'.-'W  if  !  ■•iui  not  .-.ay  some  word 
in  alTociioinito  ineinory  i^f  the  old  >or\-anttf  bcioncdni;  lo  Ho.~el\ink. 

"Thonvif.  \oi~on  l\u;e,  in  iiiri  adniiiabio  book  oi;  ihe  .■juiijc-'-i,  ^.,i^ 
made  i;  rlk-ar  thai  tla-rc  ar-.'  dilToroiK  t>-;)Os  in  the  ivki'iv  irib(?s  o!  ih'^ 
African  race,  bolh  as  rotrartis  iheir  pliy.-ical  furniaiioii  and  ilu-l'  m^'aia! 

"Tiie  nc,;roes  iif  Ro.-ebank  c\ii.icnii\-  came  from  tlie  Iiiglior  class. 
Tliere  were  none  of  the  thick-lipped,  (lat-nosed,  bi:!!-!:ed<ed  iNoe  ani.^nj: 
them;  and  their  Inni,  and  intimate  association  will;  the  fanrdy  frv'in  genera- 
tion to  geneiaLion  liad  de\eh'.ppd  among  tIv.mii,  in  mau>-  r'Spccts,  admitcdiie 
characters.  Being  one  of  the  large  i_dantations  in  ihe  connty,  it  ivtd  many 
servant?.  Vnit  not  too  many,  not  so  niai-.y  that  ihe>-  did  not.  each  one, 
recei-v-e  the  personal  care  of  the  master  and  mistress.  A  kindly  s:,-mpathv 
and  generous  treatment  was  ihe  rule;  and  this  wa.s  aiwa\'s  r.iet,  on  the  part 
of  tlie  servants,  with  absoluie  devotion. 

"The  negroes  had  as  ntiich  piidc-  of  f.amih-,  and  as  je.doush-  guarded 
its  interests  as  the  whites  themse'x  ts. 

"It  is  this  bond  of  nnitua'i  regard  ar.d  s\-nipathy  betv.-eeri  master  and 
slave,  that  i:.  so  persi^tenth'  ignor.^d  by  the  self-appointed,  pseii'.lo  friends 
of  the  'iioor  colored  bnjther.'  Ah,  wh:n  a  :^creaming  f.arce,  what  a  trans- 
parent, hidcons  mockery  their  [>ri  tended  f:-iendship  was.  But  the\'  have 
had  their  da\-.  The  foid  carrion  hangs  iibbraed  before  the  v.orld,  the  scorn 
alike  of  while  and  black. 

"i  ha\e  not  seen  old  Rosebank  for  nian^v  years,  and  the  last  time  I 
was  tlierc  1  saw  sad  changes;  but  e-ven  so,  e\-ery  foot  of  gj-ound  is  hallowed 
by  the  footsteps  of  my  motlier,  of  your  father,  of  i  r.e  old  couple  who  were  so 
de^■otedl\■  tender  in  their  nurture  and  love  of  the  tv.-o  orphans  left  to  their 
care:  and  of  the  old  ser\-ant-,  iiian>'  of  whom  1  knew  and  !o\e(.i  for  \-ear3 
after  the  old  home  broken  up,  ondi  wlto  added  so  much  of  joy  to  my 
life  as  1  roamed  the  liills  and  Heids  in  my  ehiidh.ood. 

"As  !  stood  in  the  graveya;d  where  i:j  many  o!  the  Woodsons  i'e 
buried,  1  could  not  but  reflect  that  those  who  siept  ihere  had  led  v.-hat,  ii; 
this  age  of  splurge  and  show  and  feverish  struggle,  v.-ould  be  called  sluggish 
lives.  Yet  in  the  calm  serenity  of  their  daily  lives,  lives  of  ijcace  and  quiet 
content,  they  developed  characters  which  were  not  or.!;\-  proof  against 
enmit\-  and  wrongdoing  in  the  ordinary  affairs  c^f  life,  lut  in  perilous 
times  led  i.iK-iri  to  answer  the  all  of  their  dk-ircs.-ed  counli\-  v.ith  i:;ro:npt- 
ness  and  whole-souled  \'igor,  esteeming  it  n(^t  only  a  stern  duty  luit  a  high 
patriotic  pri\ilege. 

"It  is  in  homes  such  as  this  that  the  real  strength  of  otir  coinUry  lies; 
and  ficm  !:.iich,  whether  in  times  of  peace  or  wa;-,  her  greatest  help  must 

"In  closing  this  sketidi,  I  wish  to  say  that  I  consider  it  no  liglit  thing 
to  be  descended  trom  a  liero  of  'Id,  but  I  take  peculiar  pride  in  claiming 
descent  from  one  nho,  not  only  i:-.  tiirie  of  war  acted  his  part  witli  courage 
and  ndeiitx',  but  uh  .i,  vvdn'e  the  ii.ll  ihi-h  oi  nieh  achie\-emeni  and  duiy 

well    porf.'inirr!,   va?    \W:]\   hiin,   soii!;'>C   n''i';Tor  fi'lirc   nor  noH;ic\!l 
pivferiuc'ii;  y<:<.\  m-].f\\\    n.-;Irc>!.  will-  ilu;  wiiV  .■!   iii.-  rhoico,  tu  iuakc-  a 
home  i-uch  as  1  liavo  ail'  mijU'd  ;u  v!vr;c"ii;c,  ;::k;  luni  which,  in  afuT  ycai:^ 
so  nuich  'has  gom-  nui  lo  Mt-.^s  t!;-.'  !a!ul  la-  ;k!j>v(1  b^  •,\'i:i. 
"Vol!)'  Iricr.d  and  ca^ii;, 

"Charl>;s  CouiLAXirr  Wa'.t. >x." 

li  has  bee;-.  ...h~cr\-ed  tiia.l  -1 !  2  Ciiailes  \VotxNo:r'  was  oik-  of  ili- 
execului-N  n.imc-d  in  hi>  fa'.lici's  will,  a:.d  ;hal  he  was  oidy  gi\Tn  ihc  sum  of 
f\\(i  ,-hiMiii;4S.  Tho  leas'iii  for  ihis  wa.-  ilia:  hi;  fathi-r  luivl  tivoa  him  the 
RosL-lianl.  Dlaiiiaiiiui  with  sewval  rie.^reos  and  oliicr  propciny,  '.v!)i(!i, 
it  was  esiimaicd,  vv<>al<l  constiuiic  his  ^  ')f  his  father's  cstalo.  !n 
tho  census  ot  1  7S2  h.o  is  cnume.'raud  ia  Cuniiitrland  aamiy,  as  head  of  a 
faniilv  con.M-iiiig  of  ir.rct  -.vhitcs  and  fi\-e  bla.kA.  his  fir.-i  son  5;:o  Tailcton,' 
at  the  time  being  an  infant.  He  never  areepte.l,  or  at  least,  ran  er  received  a 
pension  frem  che  goNernment.  About  three  years  a!ti.r  his  deala,  \vhich 
occurred  on  Deceml.ier  I,  1830,  his  son  S2-i  Vv'illiiun'  sought  1o  obtain  a 
pension  for  th.e  widow  (his  mother).  Wishing  to  csiablish  the  fact  that  his 
father,  4]  2  diaries,  had  attained  to  tb.e  rank  of  captain  in  the  RevoUitionary 
army,  he  procured  arnda\-its  from  a  nua!i;er  of  gentlemen  in  r'nmberkuid 
cotint\-,  vdio  had  known  him  from  ids  b;i_\dioiHl.  Foi  ihe  beni-ht  of  tliose 
who  may  feel  interested  in  tlic  niaiter,  tlrase  afhd--.vits  are  here  prir.tcd 
as  they  appear  in  tiie  manuscript  volume  in  the  .-.tate  liljrary  at  Richinond, 


RlCl:MO.N"D.    Va. 

Ian.  25.  19l.v 
Mr.  H.  i^.I.  Woodson, 
IVIemidds,  Tenn. 
My  dear  Sir: 

I  send,  enclosed,  the  affidavit  of  John  Crutc  v  hich  you  asked  for. 
The  letter  of  Robert  Portcrficid  is  addressed  to  .'-■24  William.  Woodson,' 
New  Canton,  liuckiiigham  Count> . 

Very  truly  yours, 
H.  R.  ?^lclL-v.^I^•E,  State  Librarian, 
per  H.  J.  EcKEXRODE,  Archivist. 
Soldiers  rctireti  o(iih  Sepf  lS.-i3 
Dear  Sir 

"^'ours  of  the  ISth  is  at  iMuvb  I  knew  >-our  Father  4/2  Charles 
\^'oodion,^  he  was  made  prisoner  v.hen  the  gari'ison  at  Charleston  S. 
Carolina  surrendered  12th  of  May  1780,  and  my  recollection  is  tha^.  he 
was  at  that  time  a  sergeant  Major— tliat  after  the  officers  (prisoners)  vrere 
sent  to  Iladdrils  point,  on  parole,  your  Father  at  the  liead  of  thirty  r.ieti 
made  their  escape  througi;  the  British  line.=;  and  returned  to  \'irginia,  and 
probably  rejoined  some  of  ihe  \''irj;;iiiia  Regiments  in  actual  service.  1 
have  heard  it  stated  about  the  close  of  the  war  of  the  rewh.ition,  that  r.s  a 
rewarf!  for  yot;r  fathers  lait'nfu!  &  patriotic  s;er\-iccs,   r.e  was  pronteteu  !c 

il6  THK  T"OOD?r.\^   AN!~i    nVTi!-   i  oI-CNTC  nON 

a  iapiainc\':  of  ihi>  ];o\ve%"or  T  lu^vc  pi  isonal  knov.leJgc,  luniny 
remained  a  pri^or.C!-  ui  war,  on  pr''-;.)U.  .•;;,!:  ihc  eiul  Uicii.l)!-- ■  'i  li'v  I 
know,  that  ho  v.-;>?  optiileJ  Captain.  .',nH  was  iiM.lcr  the  inipn:>?io:-i  that  li:.- 
title  wa?  aqi'ireci  1  y  the  proiVf/ii.-n  af..'i-o.--aid —  Tliat  he  rcr.aincd  iii 
service  ur.til  the  c;ij  of  t'ne  war  'Ju-ro.  I  bcL'e-.-e,  i.-  wo  doul-.t. 

I  have  no  di.-iii'.ct  rccollcciiun  of  your  Farhcrs  broti'.er  Captaii) 
W'iliiani  \\'oo(i?oii — a:i  occurrarico  .-vich  as  \-ou  nicniion  took  r'hice  on  the 
mornir.;:;  prcN^ious  to  the-  battlo  of  ("icnnaniov.-n  two  large  piLili'-iHing  parrie-^ 
of  our  mt'n  nicL  and  fired  on  each  other,  bat  wlio  cotntiuinded  1  Ikia'c  how 
no  rccollcctiori. 

Your  friend  &  ob.  si. 
Ro.  ]'()KrHRr]i:t-D  Cap.t.  in  ihe 
\'irga  Cornmissiou  &  Ald-de-canip. 
P.S.     I  wish  it  v.a?  in  my  pciw;-»r  to  give  a  distinct  arcouiii  of  the 
services  of  so  brave  a  soldier  £:  so  jiairiotic  a  citizen  as  your  father,  biit  ray 
physical  and  mental  powers  bein^;  on  the  decline  my  recollections  have 
also  failed 

R.  P. 

I  certify  that  the  above  is  a  copy  of  a  manuscript  in  the  Virginia 
State  Library. 

}I.  J.  EcKElsRODE, 

Richmond,  \'irginia, 
October  8,  1^)12. 


Cumberland  County  towit 

This  day  Capt.  \\"m.  Walker  of  the  county  afcresaid  Personally  ap- 
peared before  me,  a  justice  of  the  peace  for  the  said  county,  and  made 
oath  that  he  became  acquainted  with  the  late  [412]  Capi.  Ciiarlcs  Woodson' 
of  said  County  imediateiy  after  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  war:  this 
affiant  thinks  about  the  year  1/82  v.hich  was  about  the  ces:T:Lion  of  arms 
in  \'irginia  that  his  acquaintance  witli  the  said  Woodson  commenced. 
The  said  Woodson  then  bore  the  title  of  Captain;  that  he  must  have  been 
nominated  to  the  Captaincy  in  die  rej^ular  army  of  the  Revolution.  This 
the  affiant  infers  because  this  afiiant  acted  as  adjutant  Frequently  In  th.c 
County^  during  the  years  1780-1781  and  was  acti^•e  and  believes  he  knew 
every  man  then  bearing  arms  in  the  county  and  he,  at  that  time  was  not 
acquainted  with  the  said  Wood?on;  this  affiant  wa.s  also  made  captain 
in  the  1782  and  knew  every  malilia  captain  in  the  county  and  the  sJ 
Woodson  was  not  among  the  captains  of  malitia.  How  long  the  said 
Woodson  served  in  the  Revolucioiiary  war  he  ha.^  no  knov!edi,e  but  fr-'in 
general  report  about  that  time  he  was  in  the  regular  army 

Vn'm.  W.\:-k;;r 

The  above  niU'ia\ii:  (lul\  >w>M-i;  U,  l'o:'.;;tr  n.e  a  •>{  V  for  ihe 
couiUy  of;iiui  ihis  19!!^  d.\y  ol   l\K.\\inbcv  1S.>3. 

ALI.KN    WlLt^C'X    J.     ?. 

I  oertify  ih.U,  iho  above  I.-  ?.  copy  of  a   maniiscrij.'   in   iiie  X'irglnir. 
Siate  Library. 

li.  j.  )-.r|;FNKuDl-:. 


Richmond,  Va.,  Oct.  S,  i'M?. 

The  yhid^vit  of  Jc;-sc  Park-r  in  his  .^cvcIUy  fifth  yar,  la'afi  -it  his 
oven  houbC  ill  the  county  of  Ciiniucvland  before  Edwiird  Waiton,  a  jiwtice 
of  the  peace  in  and  for  the  said  Counry,  on  the  ISth  day  of  January  ia  the 
year  1834.  This  affiant  being  i'M>t  duly  fwern  5aith  i  ha.  Ik-  was  acquainted 
with  the  la;c  [112]  Cpt  Charles  Woodson  oi  :-aid  County  both  before  and 
after  the  revolutionary  v\-ar,  btit  .vas  bcii  er  acqu.;irleu  with  after  !he 
war.  That  thi>  affiant  both  before  and  afler  the  war  li\ed  about  ei-ht 
miles  from  tiie  said  Wood-on  Uittil  the  dfath  of  saidi  Woodson.  That 
this  affiant  in  tlie  year  1776  or  1777  enl'.Med  under  Capt  John  ?.Iosby  and 
went  to  the  state  of  Georgia  anal  iha'  he  undeislood  aboiK  that  t:nic  that 
the  said  \\ond:.on  emered  the  service  and  went  to  Cli;u-ie>ton  South 
Carolina.  That  this  afliant  served  in  the  army  three  years  and  wlien  !:e 
retiirned  iKnr.c  after  his  term  of  service  aforesaid  expired,  the  ^nld 
Woodson  was  still  absent  and  he  cominued  absent  for  se\eral  years  there- 
after. That  he  heard  at  thai,  time  that  t'le  said  Woodson  wa=  absent  in 
the  army  but  v.dtether  it  was  so  or  nor  this  affiant  does  not  know  but 
remembers  very  di.^tinctly  that  at  the  close  of  the  revolutionary  war  the 
said  Woodson  was  called  Captrdn  ana  continued  to  Ije  so  called  untili 
his  death  and  further  saith  not. 

Jks?f,    pAKttliK 

Cumberland   County  towit 

The  foregoing  affidavit  was  this  day  duly  sworn  to  and  lalce.i  before 
m.e  a  justice  of  the  peace  in  and  for  the  said  county.  Ciiv.-.i  ender  my 
hand  this  the  iSth  day  of  January  1834. 

EiAVD.  Walton,  J. P. 

I  herel'y  certify  that  tlie  above  is  a  copy  of  a  manusc-ipt  in  the 
Virginia  State  Librar\-. 

n.  J.   ECKKNUOIT, 


October  8,  1912. 

The  affidavit  of  John  Robinson  in  his  seventy  third  year  taken  at  his 
own  house  in  the  count>-  of  Cumberland  on  the  ISth  day  of  January  ui 
the  year  1831,  before  Edward  Walton  a  ju.^iice  of  the  peace  in  and  for  the 
county  of  Cumberland  aforesaid.  'I'his  affiant  being  first  duly  sworn 
Saith'that  he  was  well  acquainted  ^iw"  the  late  (412)  C:apra;n  Charles 
Woodson  of  the  said  count',  both  before  and   alter  ihc    revwiulionary  war. 


•I  hi:  no...'i'Si>\<    ..\',j 

(la.-  atVuiid  aii<i  llu.'  said  WiK'd^.iti  !i\i.!  r.,.t.  ninny  v,i':\?i  ;'i-ait  iKl(-:i'  lI'C 
re\olurK'!i  niul  :>i.)  ciiiifiniied  ti!!  tlv  .Icu))  oi  ilii.-  ;..-.i<i  W'udds'.n.  Tliar 
about  ilio  lim-j  this  .ii'!:aiJt  enifr--- 1  -.he  >ci\'\i:f  in  tUij  ■lifl  War,  wliicli  w.-^ 
in  tliO  t\Ti-ly  jiart  o!  the-  \cv.r  1777,  ):•■  iiiulrrsu-.'o.i  (i;.!'.  ;)ic  -^ald  i!12!  (\,\'\. 
W'oo'.hov.  a!^o  joinrd  \\w-  army-  -  T'l-s  ;'ltu!ii;  v  en!  i.^)  nunh  ond  llu-  ^•iid 
Woocbon  to  tlio  So'.uh;  tiuU  he  rei;Knibo:>  ilua  wixMi  he  rofurned  luun',- 
after  a  uvi.>l\c  niontli  ronr,  (ho  sail  Woodson  w;!?  absent  from  horne  ;tiid  r-o 
continvu'.i  for  several  >  car?,  this  at''i:'.!U^  tliat  he  did  not  see  the  said 
Woodstin  until  aboui  ihv:  \ear  1782.  This  afiiant  knows  riotliinc'.  of  the 
tcrni  of  tl:e  ^ald  Woodson's  cnlismit-nt  in  ib.e  service —  Me  reirienibers 
very  v.'el!  to  ha\"e  heard  the  said  Woodson  i  dhxi  t'a.ptaiii  .tbont  tiie  clos-e 
of  the  revolutionary  \v,ir  and  conlinii:-d  to  be  so  ca!b:d  untili  hi.-^  deatii. 
This  afiiant  does  n'M  know  how  lie  gijt  tli.U  iitk  or  -Ar.e'.hvr  he  ■•vas  made  a 
Captain  in  ihe  re\'o!utijn. 

JOHX    RoR!\SON'. 

Ciiiv.Iierland   County   to' 

The  foregoing  ,<,fnda\-it  was  didy  sworn  to  and  taken  l)erore  at.-  )-\b'-.,rd 
Walu-a  a  iiistice  of  the  peace  in  and  for  tiie  said  County  of  Cumlicrkind. 
Gi\-en  under  my  hand  this  tb.e  ISth  da\-  of  January  in  the  year  183-1. 

Edwd.  Wai.vox,  J. p. 

]  hpreb\-  certify  that  this  is  a  C'ap\'  of  a  manuscript  in  th.c  \'irr;in''a 
State  Library. 

II.  J.  Ec!:r>a;o'u;, 

Arcliix  ist. 
Richmond,  \'irginia, 
October  7,  1912. 

This  is  to  Ccrtif\',  That  it  appears  from  a  List  in  iliis  Ofnee  of  =tieh 
Oiilcers  and  Soldiers  of  the  Virginia  Ccntineutal  Line,  during  the  Revolu- 
tionary War,  as  settled  their  Accounts,  and  received  Certificates  lor  the 
balance  of  their  Full  Pay,  according  to  an  Act  of  .^ssenibly,  passed  the 
November  Session,  17i'l,  that  Certificates  issued  on  the  27  Jub.-  1782, 
13  Jany.  1  783,  in  the  name  of  Charles  Woodson  for  £  17.  9.  5,  £  31.  'S.  9, 
which  Certificates  appears  to  have  been  delivered  to  Mary  Carrington  and 
was  given  for  services  prior  to  the  1st  Tanuarv,  1782,. 

Given  undc-r  my  hand  at  tiie  Auditor's  Uiiice,  Richmond,  this  1-kh 
day  of  Fuby.  1S34. 

Josii  J.vcKsox  Clk  At'Sr.  rUiditor's  Cfr. 

I   certify   that    this  is  a   copv  of  a   certificate   in   the  X'irginia  Sta^e 


Archit  ist. 
Riclimond,  Vs.., 

October  8,  1912. 

1  ccr(ii'\-  that  liiC  r,,:nu'(>l'  C!u:rio.-  \\"n-''d.soii  ju'^i')"  i:  f-.-in'.''  in  3  iii.irui- 
scrii)t  \oliirue  in  llio  \'ii\^ip.ia  Su'lc  i.ilr.-.ry.  knc'.  ",  J~  -I-.c  ''Ciiiid-erlcKi 
Coinviiuce  of  Satoty,"  p.:c;'.-  !9  ,i:u!  il'.ercafu-!-  ut-  .1  iiicrul^cr  oi'  tlic  ro-.n- 
miuce  of  Safoiy  in  i\\v.  \\v\o\v.iUy.\M:y  \var. 

Tiie  r(cori!  is  a?  foildv.s: 
"At  a  (''.)n:niiLCeo  Iiel'.i  tor  CrnujorlanJ.  t'our.'.y  i!io  LSib.  tbiy  of  IVbruafv 
1775.      Pre.-env, 

George  Carrin^ton.  Cliairnutn,  W'iUinii)  i'"!c:ning-,  I,itiL-l>u.ry  .M.o-itv,  J.iliu 
Ma>o,  Jo>c;-h  CaninL-,n>n,  Ivichard  jaiVK'.-,  Carter  Henry  Marris'in,  r,c(ji;.;c 
Carrin^ton,  junr..  Jolm  Xetherland,  RnWcrt  Sniitii,  .Aiaiiricc  Langliorne, 
Benjamin  Wilson,  Josi.^pli  Calland.  FrecK-rick  Ija'.ci'.ei.  lulv/ard  ('arrin;j:ua;, 
John.  \\'oi:>d?on,  The  Ke\'d.  Jolin  Ilydo  Sa.unders,  Char!...--  W'oodbCi.  junr." 

And  liie  same  hu^d-;,  jKige  63.  slirnvs  ihat  Charles  Woodson  was  chosen 
ygaiii  as  a  ini'niber  of  the  Committee  at  an  election  held  on  Octob<^r  2^, 

II.  J .  ErxEXRorjE, 

Virginia  State  Librar}-. 
Richmond,  \'a.. 
Oct.  9,  1912. 

Decnir.  9t!-,  1833 

I  was  acquainted  v.dth  [412]  Capt.  Charles  Wood~cn  I)ut  net  a?  Capt. 
in  the  arniey  of  the  Revo'ution  he  bore  the  Rank  of  Sjrjar.t  wdien  I  done 
duty  with  liim  if  he  Ever  was  promoted  it  was  after  I  left  hin-i.  He  was 
Taken  in  Cdiarles  Tciwn  iS:  I  n'as  taken  in  Buford's  defci  1  nL-\'cr  livarJ  iv:. 
more  of  hin.i  tdl  aftei"  Conclusion  of  Peace  as  I  was  Constant  a  prisoner  till 
tlicn.  I  was  not  Acquainted  with  the  regulations  oi  the  Arme\  after  that, 
I  know  nothing  of  the  time  tp-at  lie  joind  !  am  c'.'er  "^'onrs  i.^'c. 

Joiix   Cruti:  late  of  tiie  A.rPT^y 

!  ceriify  thai  the  above  is  a  true  copy  C'f  a  inaTUiacript  in  the  \'n'giiiia 
State  Library. 

li.  J.  Eckl:xro]>e, 

Richmond,  Va., 
Jan.  25, 1013. 

The  circumstances  sujr.porting  A\'oodson's  claim. 

The  whf'la  testimony  circum.stantially  demonstrates  thai  Captain 
Woodson  entered  the  ser\-ice  of  the  b'niied  States  as  a  regtdar  soldier  at 
an  earl>-  (leriod  of  tlie  war  and  that  he  continued  in  the  £er\ice  the  whole 
war.  Wm  Walker  saye  he  did  not  retm-n  untlil  tlu:  year  1732.  John 
Robertson  says  he  did  n;:)t  return  home  untill  about  the  \-ear  1782 — Je>-sc 
Parker  says  he  wa.s  absent  and  did  not  return  an'ili  about  the  close  of  ih.e 
wai'.     All  these  "^oricur  ii;  the  fact  that  upon  hi.;  return  home  Cap!  Woodson 

1 1'O  v:!i-:  v.'.v'!)<('N>  .sNi'  iiiii-iR  (iixyixii 

was  f.iilv'd  <MiU,\!r..  'i'hc  r:rsr  infei^  thn!  iv.r.n  Ims  .'.•.■•.'.ualiaaacc  wii'i  \V.c 
niiliiia  olViccrs  at  i'ik-.i  t!-,'.-,  ;i::i:ii;g  v.!u-i-.i  Wn'i'so-i  v.,is  :'...i,  and  from  CiiyX 
\\\if;il>oi>'s  ab^ciict.-  in  ihc  -.eivico  (hr,i  l-.o.  \\'(>oi.!<)ii,  wn.s  |:r<imotid  to  iho 
CniJiaucy  in  '!:e  logii!  ir  annx-.  Al.^y  r  Cnilc  s.iy?  he  liiiew  Cant.  WootNor, 
as  soiica.  lit  i'l  t!ie  soiiihcrp.  arni\'.  Coiht.."  R.  Porici  ficK!  sa\slio  luuvv 
\\'oc):l-<_iTi  a-^  ^crg'.'.iP.t  ir.ajcu  a'.  Cluirlc.  to,:  S.  ('.  a.Tul  liia.T  iic  -.vas  or."  of  tl.v- 
garrison  of  t!:a.!  place  ai  ilie  time  U  fell  uiio  liu-  liaad-  of  ilic  enemy  in  the 
year  17cO —  a.n.i  that  Wodil-on  ar  tlie  lu  ad  of  M)  men  forced  lii?  cscaijc 
ihroiiLh  ihe  l-rili^h  liae=  &  tliat  he  iheieai'ier  <.n!er'.:d  ihr  service  again— - 
In  the  I. liter  -r;n[i(.  ;;ti"n  of  ricner.d  ''oiciTia!.!  he  i,-^  ;-.ii;ia!ned  by  tlie  arni\' 
leglsler  a  ceriir.cale  from  which  is  on  fik:  aniong  tl;e  iiapeis,  this  ccrtilionti, 
sho^vs  that  Cafil.  Woodson  drew  depreciation  pay  in  the  years  17S2  &  ITj^.v 
General  Poterfield  also  states  that,  he  tindersiood  that  V/codson  vas 
pronioti  d  to  tlu;  cap.iaincy  abotit  the  close  of  tite  war  on  ;i,c  of  his  serN'ires 
in  the  sontlicvit  army.  Tliat  lie  knows  Woodson  was  entitled  tapt. 
at  ihe  close  of  ihe  war  and  that  there  is  no  r.oiibt  that  he  remained  in  the 
service  tlie  whole  war. 

i  hereby  certifx'  ihat  tlie  abo"\'e  is  a  C'lpy  of  a  rnanirscript  iu  the 
'N'irj.'iida  Slate  Librarsa 

H.  J.  ErKi:.\RODK, 

October  12.  1912. 

The  follo.ving  I.eake  data,  prepared  by  the  laie  Jud^-e  Vv'iiiiani  ]. 
Leake  of  Richmond,  \'irt.nnia,  sliows  something  of  the  old  and  honorab.b.- 
family  of  w  itich  Judith  Leake,  wife  of  41  2  Charles  Woodsi^m,'^  was  a  nicniber. 


1  V/iuia!)i  LcS'ie,'  v.\,.s  m.uiied  to  Mary  Bostick  and  canK  to  X'irginia  fron: 
England  in  1().S5.  They  settled  on  Licklnghole  Crc-ek.  in  what  was  ib.en 
Henrico,  r!,.'W  Goochland  co-anty,  \':rgin-a.  Their  residence  was  i-:nov-."n. 
as  "Rocky  Spring."     The^  had  ^besides  others)  a  son. 

2  Walter  Leake,-  born  about  1699  at  Rocky  Spring  in  Goochland  county, 
Virginia,  was  married  about  1720  to  Judith  Mask.  He  lived  and  dici 
at,  Rock\  Spring.  Llis  will  was  dated  or.  ().")'ier  31,  1757,  an-J  proved  mi 
Goochland  county  court  on  .\Lriy  IG,  17.?S.  He  was  a  vestry-man  in  St. 
James  Northam  parisli..  church  of  England.  Under  the  preaclung  and  i;> 
ffueiice  of  the  great  Samuel  Da  vies,  the  Leake  farniK-  became  Presbyterian;. 
He    left   sur\'i\ing.    Ids   widow,   Judiih,   and    ten   children,   towit: 

3  John  Leake,"  born  and  reared  in  Goochland,  married  and  settled  in  Ainherst 
county,  Virginia.     He  had  two  sons  in  the  Revo!i:tionary  Army. 

';  William  Leabe,'  horn  o)i'iu\  1723  in  Gooc'niand,  was  married  to  J.jditli 
iMoscie)-    of    Bi;c!;!i;    countV;    Virgini.-..     Here    they    resided    several 

SlXiU  (.'•Al-KMU-'N 






VI 11 


Issue  of 



V.  „•.  :nul  then  n.oved  ..  An..,  o.nuv.  Nonh  C:n-.!in..     Th.y  h.d  a  .on. 

many  uf  thon^ui-hci  and  inlhKTMal  to  Uu.  d<i> . 
.  JosiahLcake,MH.nU7.3,ar  R..xky  Spung    ;r.  Go,,  connt,^^V^^^^^^^^^ 

vb.n.  ho  vas  ronr.d.  educated  an<i  .pent  1..  -^''J-^  u-      -^      -  '::",; 
1„..  i;nu-  nr.t,  on   lanuary  !,   1/5'),  In-  K.v.  \wluam  Du  ;J..-.  ^o  A  .. 

r;:;o^-;:rv.-n.;...n,.y._sc.c i^^^'r;-^r;--v::;- :;::'';,;;;::;; 

i::^?s;i:d  ^i^;;;:;:-^ -y^^-^^^^^^       -  -■"'• '-  -" 

^vas  proved  in  Goochland,  SepiciMbcr  2K  i/'^^- 

A  r--'    M-«V-  Lcakc,'  burn  at  Rori<y  M-rnv^  n>  1  /■•.-'.  ^^-t--  h^-^'  ''^  '  ,    ^ 
'  ^r'ri    bv    Rex'    XN-dlian.    n..u::la.,   to    Pati.nee    Morr.s   -"--;■ 
"■"'  -■.:,:ni.       He  enlUied  in   ihe   RevoUilionary  army  and  aaa.aul 

:hr"a:;i::r'::;i;;ain       Af^e.-   the   ...  ...  o...   ,.  .ettled   m    Ml,cn.a.e 

couniy,  where  lie  died  in  ISl.i. 

7  P.w    S^m^pl  Leake/  bom  at   Rocky  Si>rinti.  Virginia,  was  i^luraUd  at 
'   r;;.;';"  and  beea.;.  a  Presbyterian  n.ini.tor.     (See  Foote's  SKetene.  oi 


8  Ebsha  Leake.^  born  at  Rueky  Spring,  in_  Gooehia.l  -;;;;:: ;,,^;;;^:;:;: 
probablv  about  1739.  He  xVa.  married  nr.t  ^^  -l^'  ^^  /  ;^'^;,,J 
no  i-ue  survived  this  .narriage,  second,  on  Mareh  ^o,  ^  ' '^•'^^^^''^^ 
au^l       He   was   a   nientber   of   the    Revolutionary   coun:y    coian...ttee   of 

Goochland  county. 
9  Eii^.belh  Leake'  bom  at  Roehy  Spring,  was  married   prior  to   1750.  u. 
]am..,  by  Par.on  Doui^las.     No  issue  .nown. 

10  Mary  Leake/'  was  married  to  Mr.  Ghristian. 

11  Christian  Leake.^   bom   at    Rocky  Spring,   was   married   about   1V50   to 
Wilham  Johnson,  left  many  descendants. 

p   JadHh  Leakc,^  f  v.,unoest  child;  born  at  Roeky  Sprin,,  was  married  May  % 
1771,  by  I'arson  Douglas,  to  John  Christian. 

5  JOSIAH  LEAKEr  and  his  fir.t  wife,  Ann  Fenton. 

13  Lucy  Leake,'  born  1760  in  Goochland  county,  was  married  November  30, 
1700,  to  I'rederick  Jones. 

beuteuioer   i.>,    i'^>',    i-"    '-^ 

122  rv.i'  wori!)^. ■.;.,>  .\>:i)  rur"!:;  »ONNia; 

1  hrx'  sclilcii  in;ia!'n' .  a!.  ;lH-ir  our.  li:-ii:o.  l-iviscbniik,  ori  \\'iliis' 
Rixcr,  wlicro  l'iK'>-  >iic;U  oiuirc  !i\.\-.  lie  (iit'd  ibcrc  on  D-^ceinlier  i, 
ISoO,  and  sho  or.  .\<'\cml\/r  3,  1  S5  1 .      Fr.r  ]:::-uv  v:\  4  1  >  Ciiarlc-  \\'oodso(i/' 

Bv  SF.coND  xMFi:;,  Annk  Mixti.r 

III  15  Waher  Leake/  b.-rn  in  tioochland  county,  in  170;-^,  -.wis  marricil  in  I'/vO  to 

Sus.innali  joni-s,  ar.d  moved  to  Kenuu'ky. 

IV  *        1&  josiah  Leal-e,  Tv.;'  '■orn  Oclolier  -Vi,  I'/TO,  in  Goo;:;il;.ii..l,  v/ar,  reared  at  cr 

near  Rocky  Spring;,  wa?  married  .March  .^.-i,  1790.  lo  tlixabcih  I'.  Hatciitr. 
He  was  a  planter  and  a  lawyer;  war;  gradiuited,  at  l-")ickinson  College.  He 
served  one  term  in  the  iegiilature.  lie  died  at  hi.-  lu^me  in  Coochlanri,  on 
May  \2,  IS! 7. 

I>V    THIKU    WllE,   AXX    FOSTEK 

V  17  John  Lecke,''  born  in  Goocliland  coimty  and  died  uainarried. 

VI  IS  Dr.  Samuel  D.,-  died  without  isiiie. 

Vil  19   Christian  Leake, ^  born  in  Goochland  county.     She  vras  married  to  Mr. 

Scriu;gs  and  seliled  in  Alabama  am,'  reared  a  family  of  -cs'eral  ciiiidrcn. 

Issue  (.f  n   CAPT.  MASK  LEAEE,-^  and  Pau'enre  Morriss. 

1  20  Walter  Leake/  born   May  20,   !76',  in  Gojcliland  county,  was  n:arried 

Febmar}  10,  1  787,  to  Elizabeth.  Wingfald.  He  wa?  a  law  yer  bv  profebsion, 
serxx-d  one  or  more  tcins  in  the  Mrginia  Icgi-latnre,  mo\"ed  lo  Missisbippi 
and  v>'as  iiidge  of  ihe  United  Stales  court  in  thai  siate.  He  was  tv.dce 
elected  go'.'ernor  of  Mississippi  and  represented  that  state  in  the  United 
States  senate.  '\\'hile  serving  his  second  term  as  go^•erno^■  he  died  N'ovembcr 
27,  1S25.  He  left  many  descciidanis,  but  none  of  his  name,  as  his  children 
were  all  girls. 

II  21   Sf.niti"!  Lerke/  bom  in  Gooctdand  countj-  and  was  marr;r-d  to  .Miss 

Farrar.  They  '  childixr.,  ont-  of  wh.oni  was  Ho:).  Slielton  F. 
Leake, ^  wlio  was  a  member  of  congress  from  Albemarle  district,  and  also 
Iie",tenant  governor  of  X'irginia.     He  died  leaving  issiie. 

Issue  of  8  ELISIJA  LEAKE,'  and  second  wif--,  Fanny  Curd. 

1  22  Same.el  Leake, ^  married  and  moeed  to  Tennessee. 

II  23   riichard  Leake, ^  born  in  Virginia,  inarrie'l  aiid  mo\cd  t'.<  Shelbv  cownty. 

Tennessee,  and  settled  nca;  Collie.-ville,  twcr.ty-iive  miles  east  of 

Issue  of  18   JOSIAH    LEAIIS,    ]i/-    (J..3i>,h,'    Waller.^    \Vil!ia',>\1    and    IJi/ab^-h    1\ 


I  24  L'.aniuel  D.  Leake, ■'  born  about  1  SC'O  iji  Goorliliud  com-ly,  \\■a^  inarricd  to 

ranny  Miiiiir  ')'l;ey  hul  ^ex'ora'  children,  (.in^  of  wl'.oin  was  Ji!d:.:r- 
\V'ilIi>;m  J.  Loaico,"  i,:_.w  of  Richii-ioi.d,  \'iri;i!;ia.  lie  \\\is  jiidue  of  ise 
chancery  coiiil  ')f  Rio'iir.unii  ciiy,  r.iid  rc^i^'ncd.  .'lu!  v>;'.>  prc~!dcP.i  of  liie 
Ric'nnior.d,  F'e;kri(.-i-:sbiirg  tS:  Poloinac  i-v.-.iirnad  (.^'nipaiiy.  ',»,  hioh  i)or-iu'iT! 
h'j  resigned,  .m;»1  i>  noi-v  (1907)  general  cotif:,-ei  liiat  Uidlroad  sy-;;e:n. 
fie  died  in  I'JlO.      lie  ii  v.'as  wdiu  bupiiiied  all  t'nli  Leake  d.ita. 

11  25  Walter    D.    Leake, ^    l.iorn    iii    Goociiland     couiit}^     and     v.\';i     married 

to  Jane  M.  Kean.  He  was  a  dis'Jagui^hed  inaa  of  Goochland  county,  lie 
\\a^  a  inemliCT  of  llic  ronveinioi;  oi  io-19;  al-C"  of  ihe  lei;islatuie  of  1861  and 
sigried  the  Ortliiiancc  of  Secession,  lie  eniisted  in  the  Confed.crate  arir.>- 
arid  was  captain  ol  atlillery.  lie  had  ses  eral  cldidren,  one  of  wlioni  was 
jud.^^e  A.  K.  Leake''  of  Goochlar.d  county.  He  h.>d  Linotlicr  son,  CliJiHes  L. 
Leake, °  who  inherited  the  old  hoir.esread,  Rock)-  Sprinr;,  which  remained  in 
the  possession  of  the  family  until  after  h's  dea;h,  and  was  .-,cld  in  I'Jdft 
by  his  widow  anAi  chikiren  The  ajld  f.aniilx-  R-iul-.  wlnc'i  was  brouglu  froin 
England  in  1685  b\'  jMary  Bosiick,  is  tiili  pre-trved  iii  liic  lar,i!!y  of  this 
Cliarles  L.  Leake. 

III  413  jiidith,''  the  third  child  of  156  [)u!ry  Woodson'"  and  HO  Lucy  Cdiristi'in.^ 

was  born  in  Gnmberiand  coun..\,  \'irj;ii'ia.  aboac  i'/u-f.  Shr-  v  .is  mari'ied 
ab':a!r  1780  to  l^aac  Johnson,  in  hoi'  iC'thei''s  vwli,  dated  May  VV  L/aS, 
she  is  nientioned  and  is  given  a  negro  bo}-  named  Joe.  It  is  supposed  ritar 
her  had  p:c\io!;sly  g;i%-en  lier  her  sn  .re  of  his  estate. 

IV  414  Plancy,'^'  born  about  1766  in  Guniberland  county,  was  n^anied  about  17.Sr 

to  Philip  King.  She  is  mentioned  in  l-.jr  father's  will  r.s  "my  daught'.r 
Nancy  King,"  and  is  given  two  negroes  named  ^x'ed  and  Jane.  After  her 
marriage  to  F'hilip  King,  the}'  /riON'cd  to  5ujli\an  rounfy,  Tennessee,  and 
were  living  there  in  1803.  Me  v.-as  probably  a  son  of  I'hi!:;;  King  of 
Cumberland,  who  married  Ann  X'enalle.^ 

Y  4'5  Miry,^  called  "Robv,"  born  alvmt  1760  in  Cumberkoid  county.  She  is 
mcpticpcd  ir  hi;r  f  I'her's  win  as  "my  rl  oa^-hter  .Mary  V\'c'>,'''-rr;/'  wldch 
seems  to  imply  that  she  was  not  n-anied  at  that  time,  and  wci:  giNX-n  t'.vo 
negroes  named  Ro-^e  and^  Peyton.  So  it  ninst  .lave  been  after  me  will 
was  v.rittcn  (Ma\-  7,  17SS)  that  she  married  William  King. 

\T  416  Elizabeth,'^  born  aboul  1771  in  Cu.mberland  county,  is  mentioned  la  her 
father's  will  as  "my  daugl'iier  Elizabeth  Woodson,"  and  was  given  f.vo 
negroes  named  Jacob  and  Fanny.  She  afiei'wards  mari  ied  Charles 

VI]  417   Martha,'   bowi  abo'.ii    1773  ir.   Cuirdicrland   county,   is  nicntioned   in   h<-r 

father's  will  as  "my  daughter  .Martha  Woodson,"  and  is  gi\er.  two  negroes 

124  'I'lil.    \V'"".n-^(>ve    aM>  TM'iR  CONNLCIMS- 

I'ai'i.-'d  Mima  .;'u!  D,;\:i'.  h  w.:^  ..iMer  liio 'l.iie  ■.•[  ri":  \v!!l  (^K;^  7.17^S) 
t!:j!   >hc  V.Ms  Mi;',r!'i(ju  to  l^c>  liil  P-iddk-. 

\"II1  *  113  i:>rury,'  l>or;i  al-^'Hit.  1  ~7b  in  C',;ir.!ier!.t:ui  vnv.'-iy,  \v.;.^  mar'-ii-ii  Uui  sbj'  naivu; 
(  f  hi-  wife  i^  !;o'  hn.n-  i..  lie  !■;  :T,o;ui..U(..l  !i(  hi?  Uuluv's  vvili  (May  7,  !7S>;) 
aiicJ  is  gi\-fi'.  ibrfi.-  i'.o.^I'.ua  H;i."ieil  }.>ei),  S,il  nr.d  Jviim-;-.  niul  "ihe  lui'.d 
whoreoii  I  iiov.  reside,  afijr  ni}'  wii'-j's  decease.''  Tins  was  tiu'  old  156 
Drur\' Woodson-  lionicstciid,  Iiiratcd  iri  liio  iioril'iwcsi  i'an  o!  (Tuniberland, 
near  the  line  !>f  Biickiiighani  ccaiuty.  Ii  lu-rc  that  ■>!  S  Dri'ry  Woodsuir 
lived  afier  h.e  was  married  ar.d  si-eni  ahT;..\-i  ids  epiiirc  lii't'.  Ho  btiill  a 
little  scdi'iulhousc  on  t!ie  -(iace  nad.  lOr  a  mniduT  of  \cars  laiighi  a  sciioo! 
cf  the  grade  of  "the  three  R's"  [l^eaddn^.  Riiii.^-  arid  Ui;h:nei:c!.  Tld.s 
sCiioo!  was  attended  by  ?or.uj  of  iii--  iM?p!)e\vs  anri,  Uaer,  l>\-  soine  of  their 
ciiiidren.  Tlii.-  !1S  I'-r-ir}-  W'r.oilion'^  is  a!=a  meniioin.'..!  in  iii"  wiii  of  hiv 
gr^ndfatlier  52  \\'il!ia::'i  W'ood^cai'  and  is  yi\en  a  b.;ilf  ini<-resi  of  125  acies 
in  ]Jne!ciiig]iam  eoinuy;  ;dso  a  lialf  inieiest  in  "llie  remaii;dur  of  the  estate" 
after  eenair  other  liequests  had  been  nuvie.  i;;  iSOJ  he  deeded  to  5 
Samuel  Taylor.'  a  hadf  inierert  in  630  aercs  on  th:e  Meit >  I's-k}'  River  jri 
I\Iercer  coui'L\'.  Keniuek'N'.     See  "K\etirs"s — Ta}li.i-"." 

Issue  of        1  S7   THOMAS  WOODSON^    l.Benjan!in,-i    Benj.unin,'    Uol'err,-    john'j    a:Ki 
269  Maiy  V,'oodson.« 

I  419  E.i7£beth,''  horn  about  1 760,  probably  '\:\  T'ov/hatan  eouviiv,  and  was 
married  aboiii  2  77S  to  her  first  cousiii  421  JaL'ob  ^^"^.>':■dso;;.'- 

Issuj  o;        103  J.A.C0J3   WOODSON^     (Benjamin,^     Benjarain."     Rol^eii,-     John')      and 
Susannah  Brooks. 

I         420  \Villiam,''  born  ubouu  1754  and  died  yor,!:^. 

II  '121  Jacob/  b(;rn  about  1756,  was  married  abcai  177S  co  his  lirst  cousin.  -^9 
Elizabeth  \\'codson.*  They  had  a  daughter  who  married  ^iv.  GarrcLL,  und 
one  who  married  2Jr.  Anderson;  but  as  their  names  are  not  known,  they  are 
left  otii  of  this  record. 

Issue  of        !©■{    MILLER    WOODSON'    (John,'    Benjamin,"'    Robert,'   Joh-d)    n:-d    Mary 
Dc.  (jraffenreidt. 

I  "  422  T^-chariier-  (so  named  in  honor  of  his  m.aternal  grandfa'irr,  Tscharner 
De  Grai/enrcidt)  was  born  about  1767  in  Cumberland  eount>  where  li..- 
was  reared  and  educated,  and  spen'.  his  entire  life.  For  se\'erai  %'ears,  and 
until  175!?,  be  was  deputy  clerk  of  'he  cuuuty,  his  father  Ix-ing  clerk.     He 

Married  Miss ^.lichaux,  a  siner  of  Major  Jacob  Michaux.     "He  died 

October,  1829.  in  his  native  county.  His  v.dll,  dated  Oct-ber  15,  1S29, 
was  pro\-ed  at  Cumberland  Couirhouse  on  October  26,  1&29,  and  names 
his  ten  children  and  three  grandchildren:  and  appoints  as  e.v;C'itors,  his 
son^-indc.-,v  Joseph  Royall  U'oodson,"  aiid  David  O'Shea!."  (See  Wm.  & 
Mary  Qtly..  vol.  X,  p.  191 .; 

kKI^cvV  (lrc:^^■Ki■■••'^t!f■-.ti•cr,  B.d 

chrutcphcv  ^^■•;:;;;:;;;;; :;;:;,;;:  5;,:.  :;\;7;  .na  .^  on.  ...c ... 

Tie  of  liii'  ^^'^»"  1'2^  "-J'  "•-'^■' 


clor.o;  llc'inr...  .,.n;..o-.  or 

probably  in  l^idi-nond,  :ib 


.11 L  mc 


in    *     ^^24  Blake  B^kcr^  a>akcr  in  hu-  na:nc  U  ui  U-u.or  ol  his  >"^ver 

,-.       T     .'    .,-1  ^,,,in'v       He  alio  (.uvn.f,,  ti   '...'!;<-  -ii'"''' 
•Ti   (  11  'vto- 1  ''V.  conn  N.      11^-  t---^  _  .     J  .     ,,,».'. 

fine  ok!  rc'u'cnrc  was  uCM-n.^oa  b>     .-  a.,    _  T  ivl  r 

dk-'       He  sold  hi.  pUnuUio.  .0  Ins  brovlKv-,n-k.v,    J  .r  5  . _  ■  -    ...    »  ^;  ;; 
':^;-v'.    In^    cml',-.n,    moved    to,.  _u  cl  ^Vn,.   .       .>^..;^_ 
ii;- .,  ■  ,,e.e  ho  and  n.a.rled    socond.  ^  je  w,doj.   ^  .      .  -   N^^^ 

iUustv:ous  general.  o(t!-.e  Con.,  d.rat    ...u.  ..     .  ,^,^^_ 

.uilarv  n.en  of  the  nkiclouuh  .^ntur>  .     •^f^^_:;,^^,;:;:;;,;:;^\.,^j  ^,^..,,,, 


^5on,  he  n:0s4d   Lo  Fayetie  Courthouse,^  WesvVirgmi 

sc\'eral  year;;  a 

clerk  of  thai  county,  an 


lipe  010  age. 

425  Muler,  Jr.,n.orn  about  1771  at  Curaberland  Couahr^.e,  Viu ani 
he  speuL  his  eiuir.  life.     He  vvan  lor  n^any  >eH,.  e.p....  . 


hcspeiahiseiuirciitc.  ^•'^  '^ '-■:•■';;"•,  •  '  ...,,,.. i' .,].,.,,;,-.-  and  hckl 
his  father  v:ho  v  a.  chief  elcrk._  lu  1S..G  he  ---^ --:';,;;;;^  ,,,  ,5;,,,, 
tae  office  until  1S4?  when  he,  in  ^^J-  ^^::  -^  :;;^.  ^.,  ,.  Cu^^berland 
Raker  Woodson.-'     He   marned   :v.k-.  ..op....  x.....a.ii  ck. 


and  li\ed  to  a  good  oKl  ae;c 

,er!ai;d  counvy,  wa;.  ,nari;..v.  .-.- 
■   ^o  422  Tsd^arner  \Voodfca-£- 

426  Marv/  born  probably  about  17  73  m  Cnj 

Maior   Jacob  3.11chaux  v;ht;   -a^  a   (.roH.       -  .,  i,;.,,._  v.^.,-  ,, 

.vile.     Major  Jacob  Michaux  o...e.l  U.e  '-^^  -^^X'"' H." 

Michaux's  ferry,  some  Mtcen  miles  a.:ovc  ..lan  = '■■„,,        ,      .  ;..  ,,],r 

;.i  on  the  south  side  of  the  river  In  cou:uy       i  '-  [;--^^- 

on  rho  n,ap  of  \'irginla;  and  in  the  hunOrc.l  ancUoa>  ,  .-r.  .  I  u-  attained  to  a  population  01  aooiu  i;!'.>  soa,? 

\'l         427   Sally/'  born    about    17  74  in  Cu 

n'-erl-nH   eoentv,   v/as   maaied.  p^obal-y 

Sally/-  born    about    l/^-.  i;i  e.uu,c......  .  -    ■-        _;  ,__y    ,.;,^,._)     Thvy 

of  her  nKteruai  .nceM-r,  Sir  T.oma.  ^''■'^^^'^^^^'^.^    ,,^-,^  v.e:e 
-U  was  .  srand  old  p-.ce  v:uh  -^  -;--   ^,;  :    ;,^,;,,  ,f  ..,., 
entered   thrwu,h  lar^e  gateway:-,  oa  sM.  ^^.n     _^^>  ^^^^  ^^^^„^,.^ 

The  same  wa<;  aho  emblazoned  on  tn^  ca. .  :a^e  pai..... 


a  I.hW  i:l'  reluK-m.-iU  ;■:;■)  >vi'.:l:h  :);..[  Kkv;!  i-i  i';  ;t:i-;o  Iior  t.i-io  f^.r  u:.c 
horses  and  raiTi.:v;o.  i;\c:-i(.-i)  -.rxMi-.^  and  (;ri'.>;,-  ;:ir,;Mi(|s.  |!ir  h;;-j,:,i>!! 
was  a  iav.  y-r;  ha<i  been  ji'd^o  of  ;'■-  i  ikmccia-  cuin  ir  Ririiini/nd,  ',;i  v,h.-i 
he  ivtiiwi.  he  devu'.cu  :ii..  time  ai\ii  u.icui  to  the  svi.L-..  class  of  lav.  ^C!.i•.!'.■^l^.v 
whom  he  laiight  ai  N<jrMna:;i.  'j'Jiey  had  no  c-liildron  of  ihc'i  own,  hiK 
leared  and  cdiicatid  several  or;;!;.ui  r'iildrea,  no;  iilcs  Mr.-=.  Tav'or'.-; 
yoiiiiL'cst  .•iitior,  ••.>.?  :\!ariha"  (ci'.-.-,!  I'  (XoU's  by  l.^.l-i  Stc'.i'.osi 
Tschariii  r  Wood s^; a."' I 

W.         -128  Lucy/  !,<.ni  ai  Cumberland  Counl".;;-e,  probaiily  aluait  )77;j,  was  iiKuricd 
to  Air.  —  D(;ok(!-.    nc-rcndants  cf  iliis  couple  arc  still  JiNiat;  in  C'.i.iu)e;-laad 

COlliU\  . 


42y  Kancy,'    born    at    Cumb'odand    Cc.uriliouse,    prc«ba!>ly    about    17/8    aad 
jtianifu  luili^e  Strona. 

IX  430  Rutha,'^  born  at  licr  fatlcr's  home  at  Cuiidier!and  Courtiiou^e,  ab-o'U-1779, 
and  war.  married  to  Wiiiiani  Ilon;-\,  son  i..f  I'atrie'c  Henr\  ,  the  wo'-ld 
reiiowra-d   orator 

X         431   Virginia,'  bom  about  ITSl  at  Cuinbe'l.oid  Courtliou-e,  and  died  young. 

XT  -'.yz  Susannt.h/  born  about  17So  at  Cu;n':'oriand  C.'ou:  tl;0'.u;.o  ar.d  mirricd 
Re\-erly  I.angl.'Oi'i.e. 

XII  *  453  Mhrtha''  (called  Pats>-),  born  ^b..;ut  ■  7S3  at  Cumberland  Courthouse. 
Diu'ing  most  of  her  girlhood  vlays  :-r.e  bved  at  Xeedh.-rn  v.ith  iar  lister, 
427  Mrs.  Sally  (Woodson)  Taylor,  who,  having  no  chiidren  of  i^er  own, 
bestowed  a  motlier's  care  upon  ;.!:i.--  \ouai;.^5t  .sister,  'rainiug  and  cuueating 
her.  \\'h,en  about  se\-enteon  ycar.s  of  arc,  .'iu^  «a^  r.iar.-jed  •.;>  I.i  Samuel 
Taylor/  who  also,  was  living'  at  Xeodlian'.,  ^'ud-ein^  !  i\\'  '.i-vJ^r  (he  luior- 
ship  of  hi:,  uncle  6  Judge  Creed  Ta>  bir.'  Thc-e  two  yoAi  ;r  peon'--,  bf^iaj; 
so  much  loLjciiier  in  the  halcyon  days,  it  w.ns  !.ut  na.tur.d  that  tr.ere  i-iunild 
spriGi;-  up  a  tender  st-tuim.ent  lipeiieci  iuio  io\-e  and  lernn.i.-oed,  it) 
marriage.  They  settled  in  Kich.mond  where  lie  entered  ca.-ntst'y  ir>to 
the  vjractlce  of  his  profc-'sion,  and  ?.-iOi,  became  a  lawy--^^r  {.f  great  j^romineacc 
and  influence.  Three  children  v.ere  bo.'-r:  to  this  U'.ion.  At  'he  birth  o' 
the  third  child,  or  shortly  after,  the  young  mother  died,  a.-i  did  a'so  ihe 
jafant.  lier  sister  Airs.  Creed  Taylor,  took  the  two  sur'.ixing  orpiuoi-s  to 
Iter  liopie  at  Xeedhani,  adopted  and  ii  ared  them  as  own. 


hi  order  to  identify  the  members  of  this  illustrious  family  who  into'-- 
mariied  wiili  \Voodsons,  numerals  are  prefi?<ed  t'_>  the  following  namic-.s, 
and  they!  be  referred   to  in  this  record  acco;(!ir.g  to  tiiose  i.ur.ibers. 

1  I'!cli.;id  Taylor,'  C'jpi..  pau-ih.!  ii.  I'-ti,  i\vc!%c  hi;!-.l  av'ro-  of  bin! 
in  that  jij.iL  '..-i  (j<ioo!ii  ;r.<!  ■.'.'.i^h  i.Ui-r  l.iL'can-.-  v^'i;ir.':vrl.ina  coiinV;-. 
\'irv;iriia.  This  tr;u't  ^vas  ai^i'ii^i  !i;irncdiaii.!\  diC-Jtu  lO  lii-  .-ov:  2Sjnn;ci 

2  Samuel  Taylor,"  niarriL-'i  Scvj-,:,ia .     T!v.,.  Curjiherianc!  coiii;ry  rccor'ls 

iiiiuw  foine  d^vJ.-  iiii;!,;-  •o  hii;i  and  hi>  v.  i;'c,  Sophio,  fioni  Co!.  GoorvO 
Covin^iui),  wiiM  is  i..,!!i.-\e<l  lo  h.aye  bo.-n  Supb.ia'slirolho'-.  '.^,-r  na'r.c 
'il-iercfori-.  is  srpp'.-^Mxl  Xv  luivc  lic-eri  Sophia  C'ln-iiigtosi.. 

rl  2   SAMUI'L  TAYLOR-  (.Rich.ira';  and  w'.k-,  S.M^hia— . 

I   *         3  Joseph  Taylor,-'  i>c)ni  ;)robal;l>-  iii  Cumb.-rlai'ii  county,  ni,)r'ied  there, 
but  tb.c  iiaii'.i,'  (if  hi^  \\\'c  i>  iiOi  kni.v.ii 

II  4  Richard  Taylcr,'  born  probably  in  Cuinbc!  la!id  co-aiity,  wa.^  an  off-cer  in 

tlie  L'iiited  Su'te-s  Xavy  and  di"e->v  a  pt-iision  v>l-dle  tic  ii\ed  in  C'unibcib'.r.J. 
In  some  pubiicationi?  he  is  reierred  ro  as  Corr.incdore,  though  it  is  not 
kno'.vn  po^it:  -.■ch'  what  h'srauk  was. 

Ill  *'  5  SamucI  Taylor,'  l/om  probably  In  Cuinb'.Mland  and  married  Elizabeth 
Hughes  of  that  (oun;y,  ono  of  the-  dc-cor-dants  of  i'.Irs.  Sarali  Muglics, 
v.hose  v.-!!l  was  nro'cd  May  '■',  17.S0.  He  v.ei.r  n  ivcutucky  in  1785  aad 
purchased  a  "are;e  tracL  of  ln:'id  oa  th'^  Mentucky  River  in  ^Meroer  coitnty. 
His  name  appears  on  the  records  of  AIeri;c-r  county  in  1785.  He  returned 
to  \'irL;inia,  disposed  ni  liis  property  there  and,  taking  his  fa:iiiiy  •\\Itii  hiii!, 
settled  perinaiienlly  in  iv-cmuck).'  about  ti'.e  yeai  17S8.  In  1790  iie  bijilt 
'  a  oon;nindioi's  stone  hous-c  a  fe'%v  iniles  nor'h  of  Hairod^b-arg.     This  is  one 

of  th-,-'  oldest  houses  now  .srandicg  in  the  state  (iyi2).  C)%'er  one  of  the 
windo-.vs  he  placed  a  stoite,  bearing-  the  dare,  1/90.  his  InitiaU.  3.  T.,  and 
this  inicription,  "Look  to>-o'.!r  laws,  rather  than  progrcnitors  fo  inheritance." 
He  was  a  member  of  a  couidii;-i<-nal  convention  of  Iventucky,  a  rcpie-en- 
tativc  in  the  ieg'.slatute,  a  rarmer  and  siave  ov/ncr  In  1S03  be  bought  ot 
418  Drury  V.'oodson'  o  half  interest  in  a  6-50-acrc  rraci  ni  ^^lercer  county. 
He  died  about  1S12. 

JV  f  Ci-eed  Taylor,"  born  probab'by  in  Cumberland,  stv.died  law  and  located  in 

Rielintond  ".\-!v.rc  !;e  becan'e  jtidjc  '' \  tr-.c  rbinnccr\'  court.  He  married 
427  Sally  Woodson,'  and  builv  in  the  sou.thern  emi  of  Cumbiv.dand  county, 
a.  beautiful  home  whicii  t!v;-y  called  ?\eed!'.am;  v,-hich  property  forni'-rly 
belonged  to  his  brother-indaw,  424  Blake  Baker  V/oodson."^  He  resii.'ned 
the  judgeship  in  order  to  found  a  lav/  scl^ool  at  Ncedham.  He  cr(>cted 
numerous  c<.-tlages  for  the  accommodation  of  his  pnpi!?,  arid  somerimes 
had  as  many  as  fifty  'aw  studeiit^  at  a  time.  He  died  at  Ncedham  and  !!:e 
law  school  was  discoritinued  prior  to  1843.      iso  issue. 

V  .V   Frances  Taylor,'  bon-;  in  C-jniocr'and  i'.f'.i  ji.arricd  D;  iiiel  Crun-.p. 

12S  TSDi  Vi->o;,:;. 

\'l   '  ii   ::>aliy  Taylor,'  !x:rii  in  ru'vibei ':i::i!  ;;n'l  was  ni>:rriod  to  -'tl^   hlakc-  H;;kcr 

\V<.>ii>l-;oii-  oi  dial  ciMnny.  Thov  <i  •  ikM  in  ilic-  souiii^'i !!  'f-ari;  vf  .i.^  county 
uh^nv  il'.'y  ;iavl  a  i^rauiiiui  'lOiHi.:.  .i  Lu^e  n<liacc"  i.';aMia(!  ..a  nad  a  kH'^^ 
many  slavci;.  it  'vav  !icic  slio  ^io'l,  :'.rn  <o>iv,  afio^-  tl'o  ia;u>e  \vp;-  cU:- 
s-lro'-rd  ]'y  firc.  'I'l;'?  p'acir  wa?  sa.IJ  im  her  brotiior  '0  Crcccl  '.'"ay-ov."  her 
■\vi<:'.i\'.  v.!  hushai'd  wc;"i;  <o  W'c-t  \  iia^iraa  and  liHae  niifricd  t!u'  v.ddow, 
M!^.  Jul!:;  Nralc  Ja:';r-';.,  moilia;-  oi  v7Cia:ra!  Stonc\vali  Jaik>on  of  the 
ConfcdcratL-  anny.     (I'or  isinic  s.-e  -Ij-i   li'ako  Baker  \\\Kjdsi>ii/j 

Issue  of  o  JOSLPH  TAYLOR"    (Saaiucl,-   ^^icliard')   and  wife,   whoso  name  i^  not 

I  *  y  Zacha'-y  Tayloi",'  Inira   in   Ciiaili'.:',-!and   couiuy  \vhcia.  iic  was  reaicd  and 

niandrd,    but  the   nanii.    of   hiv   wi!o   is  aot  kiajv/i^  8a0    Blab?   Baker 

Woodson,'  ill  a  icU'.-r  flaud  I'cli.a.ary,  I'-(;S.  writci  of  iiini  as  'riiolo  Zach 
Tavlor  of  ('anc-^viilt-.''  So  h-  tnust  ha\o  li^'cd  ia  thai,  town  which  is 
situalcd  on  tiie  soulii  bide  of  Jaiues  Ki\cr.  at  the  northern  end  o!  th.e 
V  ounty. 

II  10  Avchibab'l  Tr.yloi-- 

Issue  of  S  SAMUjIL  TAYJ.OR'  (Siinueb^  Richard'}  and  Ehzabeih  liui,hetf. 

I   "^        11   Mary  Taylor,-"  born  in  Cumberkuid  covuily,  Virginia,  n\  ent  with  the  family 
aboLil.  l/SS,  to  I-lentucky  and  was  married  there  to  Vance  \\';lson. 

II  ;2  Johi:  Tiiylor,'  married  Xancy  Lewis. 

III  J 3  William  71i:ghe3  Taylcr,'  m.arried  Sasai'  Farbons. 

IV  14  Frances  Tayior,*  married  John  —  Clovei . 

V  15   Samuel  Taylor,^ 'oorn  about  17J0  in  Ctunbcrland  eemrty,  Virginia,  went 

wim  tlie  lamily  in  17SS  to  Mercer  coimly.  Meatucky,  wliere  he  received  his 

As  he  grew  up  he  ciiose  tlie  law  for  hi?  professioe.,  and  was  sent  back 
to  Virginia  to  ste.dy  in  the  law  school  of  hir,  uncle,  Chauceiior  Creed 
Taylor,  at  Xeedham:  v.iiich  place  was  his  home  uatil  he  com,-leLed  tdie 
course  and  vsas  adrniilcd  to  the  bar.  He  located  in  Richn.ond  and  entered 
upon  the  practice  of  his  chosen  proics-ion.  It  wa';  durin^'  his  life  at 
Ne^dham  ihat  he  learned  to  lo'ce  -13.3  Patsy  Woodson,'^  the  si.ster 
of  liis  nncie  Creed's  wife.  In  tiie  course  of  lime,  or  about  ISOJ,  tl'^ey  were 
ni.arrief!  and  settK-d  in  Richmond,  where  he  became  one  of  tiie  leadin;? 
lawvers  of  his  day.  To  this  union  there  were  born  three  children  whose 
names  are  recorded  in  Jie  Woodson  p-encalogy.  (See  issue  of  -l.lj  Martha 
Woodson.*)  .After  the  death  of  his  wife,  he  was  married  secomi,  about 
1811,  to  Miss  Emily  Fowler  of  Chesterfield  county.  To  this  seo-r.d  •mion 
there  was  only  one  c'^ild,  William  Taylor,'^  born   June   2.3,    TSJ.L      Ii 

in     C: 

Ifiu.-r  of  I'.Toiit  (UiTv,  1-.-4  Si..ii'.'(.-'.i  'A'-'' 'roii*^  of  Cal-foriiia, 
/A^yo  ih;ii.  ]'.:  \c-\\  la-  <.i\v  15  S--.ui.-!  T.ivl.^r  ;it  Ci>!i>;..-r!and  Co;ti)iouvc. 
liw,  lie  v,M~  .!  wc'l-iM-c-nvL-u  man  ar.J.  did  I'.oi  i'lok  '.•.;  he  more  Tiu'n  ?i\t\- 
yciif.  ••l\. 

\  I  16  Sophia  layloy,'  I'O.n  i;'.  C'lMnhoruiiid  i-oiinsy,  \"iri:iiiia.  v.ent  witli  llic  i'an-.iiy 

iii  17^8  i'^  Konti!(is\-  .'rid  ^v:!^  tluie  MairicJ  to  a  Mr.  IVit-dfuc. 

Isnue  of  Q   Z'-CHAIvY   TAYLOR'  (ju.-eph.-'  Sa.inn'.l,-  Ivichard")  ai:d  \\\ii-,  whiMC  na:nc 

if  not  ki. .''.vii. 

!  17  Jrunes   Taylor,''    I'Ovn.    prc-liably    at    Ca.iicr^^vilic    in    CiniiLerland    county, 

\'ir[;ii'.ia,  marrici  ML-s  Uookei  and  --t-uk^d  ia  Ciriiuiil.:is.  Alijsijr^ippi.  850 
Bkake  Baker  "V'W.od-'aii,'  in  a  k.-Ltor  dated  [■"(.•hru.ary,  iS^S,  ?a\-.s,  "James 
Toykir  married  Inelc  Xed  Booker's  daughter,  and  nov  H\ts  in  Coliimbus, 
Mi--i?F!ppi.  Tl!e\-  have  a  kargc  lamiiN'  ard  he  is  tiridcr  the  ve.uhoi." 
Jileaniiip  per'aaps,  tliat  ke  v/as  in  ill  heaktli,  or  in  reduced  iuiai.vial  eir- 

II  IS  Burleigh  Taylor.^ 

lil  19  CcL  Edv;ard  Taylor.^  born  in  Cumberland  county,  \'ir^mi,M,  ma'viod  and 

located  in  Alabama.  In  iSGS  ke  was  ii\-iag  iri  Deirn^po'is,  Alabama,  and 
Ava.s  in  wry  prosperous  circumstances. 

I  V  20  Ai-:io  JaLiO  Taylor, =  born  in  Cumberland  county.  \'i;-i:i-.da,  was  married  to 

Ricliard  Jones  and  died,  leaN'ing  four  sons  who  settled  in  tite  western  part 
of  Alabama  and  eastern  ^vlississippi,  becoming  prominent  and  influential 

Most  of  this  Tayior  data  was  procured  by T^Iiss  Katneiine  A. 

Curry  of  Danville,  Kentucky,  now  Mrs.  Sanders  Eaves  Cla\^  of  Paducah, 
who  spei'L  mucii  time  and  labor  to  ascertain  and  veriiy  its  correctness 
The  details  of  tke  \Vood.son  connections  v.ith  this  I'amiiy  were  -jiven  by 
12,?1  Stephen  Tscharner  Woodson*  who  knew  many  of  'hem  personally, 
and  rem.eiribers  them  distincth'. 

Issue  of        tC2   J'^^-Ij'-    WOODSON-   (called   Poplar   Foot),    I'.John,-'   Beujamln,^   iloberc,- 
John')  :.u.(l  his  first  \>  ifc,  Jcianna  Booker. 

I  '^  434  Booker,'  born  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia,  about  176S,and  spent  '-..'s 
entire  life  there.  ]fi-  wife's  nanie  was  Patsy.  He  had  in  his  possession  a 
"Family  Regisipr"  which  had  been  compiled  by  his  father.  This  lie  lef. 
to  his  son,  S6.5  James  B.  Woodson.' 

II    ■■     435  Peter,''   born    Deeemb-r    27,    1770,   in    Cauih>-i-hu(l    county,   was   married 
Nr.vcmbcr  14,  1  799,  to  Fdizaheih  Ikirrison  Hobbs,     They  lived  in  Virginia 

nil-:  W(>-;ir)->o.v-.  VNT-  t;;i.;k  I  •■ 'N  ;-."!;ctu*n"s 

MMiie  iivcorsix  yeir^-..  .!.).,!  in  !.^''!5.  iviove-i  lo  Ro!\:;-:5ri  cc'.i.Uy,  Tcnnc:^rcc. 
mid  -;v'i!ic('  (VI!  .1  far;;i  vcs  i'i  a-.-.U  X'i^^w.  n^--:.  '<"  Ch>:.^{hi■n^  co'iiUv. 
I'tMc  iln-y  spcr.t  lit-  iY-t  of  i.'-..;ir  iivL^■^.      Uj  ilic-.l  Jin.t-  30,  K-'47. 

Hi  *  456  Rciijaiiin,''  hovw  i.hniM  1772  i-i  CiinUxTlaiu!  CDUiiiy.  was  ivuirried  :\\,ov'.- 
]i9-<  u>  his  <!op.'i^ii.i-,  694  Matih.-.  .\ii:»  X'cn.ibie.'  They  :rlO^■e•J.  i.o  Rock- 
inplKuii  c.-'inity,  Norili  Cciroliiw.  uln-ri-  \w  tiii-'i  at  a  good  ok!  .i\:c.  Hi.--. 
enimidaucjucT,  —  Mr^.  X'truiisia  \V.  Daily  of  liunay  C.njve,  Texas,  sayr-  of 
liini:  "He  was  n  iypii:al  souiiicrn  grinleraan.  an  aristocrar,  am;  nwiio.i  r, 
f,.-eai  I,!'  a.]  of  l.uiii  airai  n-ian>-  in'i^icas.  Mis  wife  vas  a  woraari  ■;,[  L;rc;u 
pcrsoaal  auractioa  aiiii  (Jigiiity.  aiu!  skilled  in\-  a''is.  Her  n^->  .Hcvcirk 
vas  a  ihiiig  of  bcauiy  and  adniiralio:;.  She  was  ir.os'.  pr-ilkaeiU  in  llie 
manasionienl  of  iui-  ierNanis  aiui  her  houseiu  Id  .'dta'r.-'."' 

j\-  *  437  Joseph  Nathaniels'^  boni  1774,  in  Ciiir/nerlaad  rouiil>,  X'irginin,  wen:  to 
Xorih  Caiv.ilina  and  lived  ihere  several  year-;,  ihcn  moved  back  \o  Virginia. 
It  is  not  known  vheiher  he  was  neirriid  in  Xonh  Catolina  or  i:'.  X'irgiiila. 
His  wift'-'s  name  was  Elizabeth.  Her  maiden  name  is  not  known  to  their 
grandson  15.^0  TiiOiras  Sherwin  Woodson^  who  c:ivcs  this  data.  About 
the  year  i;;47  ihey  mo\ed  to  Montgomery  couniy,  Tennessee,  where 
he  died  in  1852,  at  ihc  age  oi  sevenr\--eig-ht  ye:lr^. 

Y         438  JaniCJ-/  born  about   1776,  in   Cumberland  ocjunly.  married  Si-'cey  . 

ciud  ('ied  shortly  afterwards.     No  is:-iie.     Tlie  v,  Iduv-.-  r^.arried  a  Mr.  P.edd 

\"!  =^  435  Eliiabeth,"  l)ora  about  1778,  in  Ci'iaberland  county,  and  was  iuarrled 
aboin  179S  to  "W'illiani  WVight. 


Vn  *  440  John  Lliller/^  born  about  !7-S6,  at  Apno;n.?t..o.<.  Courthouse,  Virginia. 
Hib  mother,  at  this  time,  v.-as  probably  on  a  visit  to  her  oarc^its  ',.no  lived 
iii  the  old  Raine's  Ta\ern  at  .Appomattox  Cciirthouse. 

When  he  grew  to  manhood  he  was  married  about  1819  to  Mary 
Webster,  who  was  born  in  Ma.ryiand.  They  continued  to  reside  Ir  \  irgir.ia 
for  several  year?-,  then  moved  to  Missouri  and  settled  at  Roam.ike,  in 
Howard  county,  where  they  !i\-ed  out  their  lives  and  died.  Both  are 
buried  at  Roaneike.  Missouri. 

\'H!  4-11   Judy/'  born  about  1778  in  Cumberland  county,  was  married  to  Thomas 

Gana-.-,ay,  and  settled  at  Roanoke,  in  Howard  county,  ?\Iissouri.  They 
hada  son,  Burrell  Ganaway,  v.'ho  married  Miss  Jamcsand  had  twodaughters, 
Mattie  and  Melvina.  Burrell  Ganaway  was  married  the  second  lime  and 
had  a  daughter  nained  Eleonora. 

IX  442  Gusanna/  born  about  1/90,  in  Cumberland  county,  was  married  to  Joe 
Wiliiar-:s,  lived  and  died  in  Roanoke.  Missouri.  They  had  a  son.  Matt 
Wi/lia.n;s,  wiio  was  ii\-i'u:,  ISyV,  in  Sali>ln!ry,  ?\I:s>.ouri. 

X         443  r'oIi3',''  btMii  ;Tt'^iiu    i7"2.   in  Cii:n'. ■;!•'... r.d  count\',  .•'.:(]  w.ks  nuvrlcd   to  a 
Mr.  Cvirroli. 

XI  444  Nnucj',''  O'^n;  aiiont  1,'''>I  in  ("uin!>;TlaMd  coiiiity.  v.',;?.  ^v.arritr!  tt>  William 
Lii;ori,  \'.ho\\.is  pnh, ■!>!>■  hci'  f)r>';  foi-.^!'!,  sori  nf  Iicr.uii)'.  10-7  Susafiia'a,-'  v/h.o 
married  W'ilHatn  Li.uo'a.  Sr. 

XU  *  445  Sarah  Katc!ier'"  ('^o  rap-^jd  in  h(;ao:-  of  her  f.^thor's  :h\rv  U)-l  Sa-.di,^  v.daj 
inarriod  FietJovick  liaiciier),  was  iKiiai  Jaii'.ia''y  2?  \'')f.  in  ('i)iiil''j!!,ind 
couniy,  V"ir;,:inia.  S!v'-  v.'as  niarriLi.!  oii  June  17,  i8J^!,  lo  B\i'd  Sirij;h. 
Tlic  cereaior.y  v.-as  vjcrParmcd  hy  U-'V.  ,|(i!iri  W'atkia.^. 

Byrd  SiP.iUi  w  .-'  !)'-aa:  on  i\la\"  li,  1790,  in  ]\Iadar-jn  count;.",  Kcnru<-'p,y, 
^crvod  in  tlic  war  o!'  U^12,  returned  to  his  ii-nne  ia  lvenluck\  al!er  the  war, 
cijui  tlien  weal  to  lia'ifax  ccnnny,  \'ir^;iaia,  i-:,  \]\c.  'r]c  was  tlu-ic  ■;;agav;ed 
in  farniia.^;  ,it  liie  tin-,e  he  married  >ara!i  PaJcher  \\"(/(xl'^oa.  'I'la.-s  selU'.d 
at  nai:\"ille  in  Piusyh-ania  cenint>-,  arid  in  their  oi'!  age  went  U;  AJisS'^uri 
io  spaa.I  their  der!inir._:,'  \-ears  near  their  rhiir'ren  who  h,ad  nrcrcdetl  tliern, 
iV.vJ  located  in  Howard  county.  She  died  Xo\-tra!ier  a,  ii^6'i ,  at  the 
residence  of  her  ?ojt-in-!aw",  F.ev.  Carr  W.  Pritchi.ti  iji  Chiigiiiv.',  and  wa? 
liuried  at  Fayette,  Mi-^sonri.  Her  husband  dii-J  l'e()ri;ary  13,  io72,  and 
\',as  buried  b\'  her  side. 

ExcuRs-:s— s^^TH 

The  fol'owing  is  an  extraxt  from  a  Icit'-.r  w-itieti  Fcbriia;>    .'l',  5000, 

by Berry  Smith'  cf  Soincrret,  Kentiicl-y,  tr>  Pro''es-or T.  P..  rry 

r.mith.-''  of  Fayette,  J\Ji?souri: 

"So  far  as  the  Sniitlis  are  concerned,  I  can't  say,  evcept  thai  they  were 
EngliiPi  people;  and  I  cannot  go  farther  back  than  17t4,  liie  3-ear  that  nv 
grandfather,  John  Sir;ith'  of  Habfax.  and  my  grandmother,  Mary  Byrd, 
were  born.  I  herewith  inclose  copy  of  a  parclnncnt  gi\'cr.  nie  by  r^iy  niotiter 
who  wrote  it  out  froiJi  nicintiry  al^oat  the  year  ISuO." 


"John  Smith,'  born  June  25,  \'(A,  in  Hahfa.x  county,  Virginia.  wa:-< 
married  twice:  first,  in  178c,  to  Mary  Byrd,  wb.o  was  born  Ucini.'er,  1764. 
in  Virginia.  He  ininiediate'y  emigrated  to  Kentitrky  in  company  v.ath  the 
famous  p!-'neer,  Dar'-el  hoone,  tr.  \vl;n,n  thc\  were  nearly  related.  H'c 
settled,  first,  in  Lincoln  county,  r^c^v  Crab  Orcliard  Springs,  remaining 
there  until  1789,  when  he  moved  up  into  Madison  county  and  settled  near 
Richmond.     Here  !iis  wife  died  on  April  -1,  1791,  survived  by  her  husband 

and  fi\e  children.      IF.-  was  married,  second,  to  .Anna ,  who  was  born 

May  JO,  1774,  in  Bc.telourl  couniy,  \'irginia.  'I  hey  settled  In  Pulaski 
county,  Kentucky,  in  1798  and  lived  there  until  180S,  wdien  he  in(M--ed  to 
Little  Rock,  Arkansas;  and  there  I  lost  track  of  him.  (It  i-s  .said  that  he 
died  in  1S21.  T.  R.  S.)  My  father,  Berry  Smith,-  and  his  brother,  Byrd 
Sntith,-  refused  to  ^o  to  Arkansas  becau.;c  they  did  not  like  their  step- 
.   •  mother." 

JI  Eiizf.beih  SniitJ-.j-  l^orn  jara!;ir_>   27,  1";-'?,  in  I,i!;co'iii  couniy,  K-iinic!;;,-. 

III  Byrd  Sraith.-  born  .May  12,  i  7'-'!l,  on  a  Uiuu  ncnr  yiii.iiir.o'i.l.  '•,'.)  .Marii-u!! 
cuii'ity,  Kcntiick>". 

He  det  !lii..i.l  to  go  '.-  iih  I'le  I'amilj.-  I'l  Ari:;'.iis<i5  in  'iSOc-,  but  rfTiU'.i;.L-ii 
iii  Kentucky.  Me  ^vns  ti'ien  .iixu:i  ci;,h^een  ve. '■s  mI'I.  b'c  was  iii>;)r>-iiL:eed 
av.d  learned  ihe  tanner's  iiM'.'e  whicli  lie  foiirr-.'. oil  icr  niaiiv  xt-ars.  lie 
was  a  \Tjhintcer  poluicr  in  I'u-  V/ar  o.!  IS!.;  ari-.i  c.ip';;  nej;'  being  \<>  it.-; 
massacre  at  b'.iver  Raisin.  li  t;o  hap|>.'i:e('  ii;ai  at  th.'t  iime  he  v;.'i^ 
detained  in  n  hcfpital  b>"  sicknr>s.  'I'he  w:-y  cv,.:,  h''  rciun.od  i'l-.nnc  ari;] 
alter  a  few  yca-j  wdit  lo  Halifax  count \-.  \  ir^'inia.  aad  ep.c.a:^ed  in  tanning 
and  farming.  He  was  married  on  Jinie  17,  iSlS  to  -145  Si'?ab  H^'.'.'i'or 
Woodson.^  of  Cumberland  ccjuniy.  the  reremon\-  l^eiuj;  jivrloi  rncd  \>y  Rev. 
John  Watkiu?.  They  Liettled  al  Daii'.'il'e.  in  Fitisyb>ania  county,  wiiere  iie 
established  his  tanyard  and  abso  cn;:.rage''i  in  {armin:;.  rie  iiac!  m  ichotiling: 
could  licit  her  read  nor  ^v^itc  uni'i  his  v.  ifc  riii;.;ht  him.  They  we''e  boi.!; 
ardent  rnemhe'-i  of  the  Baptist  Church,  lie  Nvas  a  mnu  uf  riiost  U!:iirir.'.r 
energy,  in  manner;  not  ea.^ily  prc;^■oked.  She  \vas--v.-e!!.  she  was  a 

Broken  up  by  t!ic  payment  of  seeurit>  debrs,  ii;cy  migrated  i^bont 
1K45  to  Missouri,  whither  some  of  their  child, -en  iiad  .'.Ircady  gc:ue.  i  roai 
then  until  their  deat'i  they  k'".-ed  alternately  -ivith  their  chikbcn  in  A)i.-.>,tri:ri 
and  \'irg;nia,  and  had  no  permanent  abiding  place.  Botli  died  al  ilie 
residence  of  tlieir  scndn-law,  Rev.  Carr  \V.  Prirehett.  in  Glasg.'~.->v,  IvJi.ssonri ; 
she  on  Xo'.ember  5,  1S67.  and  he  on  Febru.Ary  12,  io72,  ^p.:\  arc  buried 
side  by  side  in  the  cemetery  at  Fa;,  ette,  Howard  county,  Missouri." 
(This  sketch  b-y T.  Berr;-'  S:ijiih. ; 

IV  Berry  Srailh,-  b'Uri:  January  12,  1792.  on  t'le  farm  near  Ftichmor.d,  "'..^ 
county,  Keiuiick>';  went  v,  itli  the  fanii:>'  to  Pidaski  eoutiiy  in  I'i^i',  bni 
declined  tc  go  with  them  to  Arkiinsas.  in  IftOS,  because  v"if  nis  di.ihkc-  of 
hi.-,  stepmother.  He  remained  in  Kentt:'';ky  and  [ji"ei.v  to  be  a  man  of  energy 
and  gr-at  indi;stry.  He  d?ai:  extensively  in  hor^c^  aad  n\ules  wb'-_b  he 
sold  in  Virginia  and  iri  the  scuthen:  states.  Vv'hiJe  en  one  of  his  trips  to 
\'irginia  he  met  and  married  Li!C>'  Tduiiala  Johnson,  aged  thi.'teen  years, 
born  in  Amelia,  but  at  that  time  !i\ing  in  Cumberiaiid  county.  He  v^-<-s 
frequently  ei-.-cted  to  the  legish-ture  and  senate  of  Ken.tucky.  il;e  l:i.-l  lirne 
in  1851.  ilis  sfMi,  Berry  Smith,  burn  iebru:ir>"  20,  1842,  wa.--  li\irig  in 
1900  at  Somerset,  Kentucky.     He  is  tiie  writer  of  the  above  sketch. 

V  Sti.^anr.-i  Srailh,"  b^rn  ?v]arch  5.  179-1,  near  Rielinioud  in  Ah'dison  county, 

Keinui:k>',  married  to  Joiui  imrk  .ind  teliicd  in  Ineiana. 

M\  .  i:  ••:  N!;K.\'l"!OX  1.-.  •> 

Js-^-.'i"  oi    ji,.'":n  Sm!1H.'   i:v  ^lA.oNi)  wiFH.  Anna 

VJ  \Vi!ljs  C.  i^iuith.- 

\  II  Polly  A-r:-e,r  SinUh.- 

VI!1  R-beuca  Chrisman  Siuith.^ 

IX  W?.shin;2;'<^^^'  Smith. - 

X  Mary  v/.-lker  SinitJi.- 

XI  JoUn  j^ugiish  Smith. - 

Xn  Orcrti  Lee  binith." 

Xiil  Madison  Smith.- 

XIY  Amanda  T'ox  Smith. -^ 

Issue  of        i  £S  JOHN  WOODSOT't-'  ^RcbcrU'  Ik-njaniin,'  Robcrlr  John'^  .nnd  FdiiiRbeti^ 

1         446  Martha, "  h<nn  aboui   1753  in  Goochland  coiir.t>-,  was  married  in  177^  ;c 
Jolm  Gamway. 

II  447  Toha,-  born  abr.ul  175S  in  Goochland  county.  Thb^  \v?5  the  year  that  his 
y!La,t-grandi'aih.,-r,  J  ;hn  Piycr,  died,  v.vd  as  K.S  John  Woodson'  was  one  of 
the  legatee:,  named  in  the  will,  it  is  lilcely  that  thi.--  :v)n,  447  jolui  V\'c.odson'" 
was  named  in  honor  of  oKl  Joh.n  Pr;,  i.r. 

ni         44&  Anderson/' born  abr-ni   1  757  in  Gooehdancl. 

lY         449  Drucilla  "V/atkins/  borri  about  1759  in  Goochland  county. 

Issue  01        ■?  BO  JArJEC  WOODSON^  (Roben:,''  Benjamin/  Robert, =  John')  and  Elizabeth 

I         450  Jei-nie/'  born  May  2,  l'iC>0,  in  Goochland  couniy. 

II         4ol    Gillie,-  Iiorn  January  13,   176S,  in  Goochland. 

Ill  452,''  I""'"  b'eb'-iiary  2.S.  1767,  in  Goochland. 

IV         453   Salty, '^  bnrn  May  .15,  1  769,  in  Goochland. 

V         454   Gary/'  b>)rn  M.-y  11,  177). 

KoihlnK'  has  been  learn.:-d  of  this  family  except  the  above  definite 
birth  da.o.?:  .-id  they  all  ant. car  co  liave  been  born  in  Goochlanu 
eocnty.      (\Vm.  a:id  Maiy  (^iMy.,  vi'i.  Xi,  p.  50.) 


•  00;"i--..N--    \M,   )!i::^l^  CONM'CTIO":S 

Is.i-e  OX        182  JOHN    MINOR    i.AN.lTL^    (Kii/ahoM,    \V.w.!..;,/    Ik-.var-u-.^    uy... 
Jo'.iii'^  ami  1  .^y  iJi.;>i.,.i]i  Mo!-;o:i.^ 

"Ailiiani   Xelb'.m  >a'ti   ( 1  7S'i  ■  Kn.- 7). 

:-;•■  to  K<n', 

i)  456  Cnosiey  Dame!,    i.oin  about  3  7  75,  \.-as  marricc!  to  a  ^Iis^  Sims. 

Ill  457  John  Daniel/  lii^rn  about  1777,  was  married  in  Mis<;  Murf)!iy. 

iV  458   To^rph  11.  Danie),^  born  about  17  79,  wa?  inarricd  to  Trances  Watbir;;. 

\'  450   Tane  Daniel,'  bora  about  17S1.  was  niatne.J  to  Stephen  Bedford. 

VI  ^cO  Agnes  Dauiel.Mxa-n  about  J  7t;.S.  was  married  to  Saiuu.!  Spencer. 

VII         461   Eiizabeth  Dauiel,'^  born  about  1785,  was  married  in  1S03  to  Rev.   fames 
Malibews.  ' 

VII I  4«  Fanny  Daniel,'  born  about  17S7,  wa.  married  to  Rex.  Kiipatrick. 

IX         403   I»Iarth;t  Dauiel,'  born  aboav  ]7S9,  was  ma:rii-d  to  Thomas  Brown. 

X         464  Paulina  Daniel,^  bnni  uhcvi  !79i,  was  married  lo  a  Air.  Scott. 

I^sue  of        ISO  JOSIAS   PAYNE,  Jr.'-   (jn.U,  Pavne,'   r^Iary  Wuod,.,.,,^   Robert,^   John') 
and   Lli/.abeth   riendnij. 

I  4C5  Taricton  Payne, ^  born  about  i  7>3  in  (loochland  coujity,  Virginia.  He 
enlisted  in  tlic  Revointionarx-  army  m  ihe  lieginning  of  hosiiline:-.  and  i:i 
October,  1776,  was  second  lieutenant  i:i  bis  coinoany  which  was  part  of 
the  first  \'irginia  rc-iment.  On  januar>-  I'Cs  1777,  iie  was  promoied  to 
first  lieutenant.  The  lollowintj  Novcna^er  i?,  1777.  he  was  promoted  to 
the  rank  of  captain.  With  hi?;  command,  h.;-  participated  in  the  soiithcrn 
camp.aign  in  1779--S0.  Vvlth  t!je  resr  of  Gen.  Lincoln's  command,  iie 
surrendered  at  Charleston.  South  Carolina,  on  IMay  !2,  I/SO.  As  a 
prisoner  of  war,  he  was  exchanged  on  December  21.  1780.  It  is  cusi.imary 
to  give  excliangcd  prisoners  a  i.:a-e  of  ab.=ence.  Ti;i.s  was  probably  done 
in  hhca^e.  On  Fcbruar:.  12,  3  7S1,  lie  v.a.  uan.acr;LU  to  the  scvenu, 
ViiKinia  reeiment,  with  which  command  he  served  to  the  cio-e  of  the  war. 
(So-  Heitman's  r)fi"irers  of  Uie  Re\o!ution.  p.  320.)  He  was  married  in 
J7.S2,  to  i-;ii/ab.e,l!  Woodson.  Ir  is  not  known  wh.,^e  daughter  die  was 
The  marr.'a.gc  bond,  as  recorded  in  Goociiiand,  is  dated  May  23,  178?. 

Issue  of 

ISB  JOIil?   FAYNE^    (j--ias    Payn^,'    Marv   Wood=on,s   Robert, =    John")    and 
•\lary  Coi-.-s. 

466  Jjoby  Paynd/'  b^an  ab(,et  May  20,   1772,  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia, 
V.  hi  re  she  ixarcd  aa.J  cduciued. 

^;>.i!.  (-^-s: 

"AUiiL-iJfi!!  kn. iM-n  i\i  Iu-,r'>r;.  a*  J  >.:ii\-  :\o.'  viud  the  n:i';:c  "D-iMy 
Payne'  is  cni;ia\o'!  un  hrr  toni\' -i::-iic,  licr  Ljp;i-:iui!  name  \v.•;^;  Dor;;'i;iM 
Pa>T;0.  5^!ie  \sas  tv"i'"e  mairii.';  ilrrH,  \.<i  '■.■'cu  'Icdc'l,  a  ij\v\c;  fvoTii. 
Pc;i!'^\lv"iii!a.  jlc  (Hv.i  ai;;l  -!io  v  .'.s  Hiarric-i.  ?i'(.-oncl.  i:)  S(. [,;;:'n' .e' , 
1V9J.  10  Janic;.  ^;aa!^!>a  \v!io  va>  !>-m:i  at  inaJm^lu,  [March  5,  1751,  av 
Port  Coa'.vay,  K'ing  ti.tTi^c  r.  mi:.;..  \'ir^,ii.i  i.  Ilo  wa?  iiiaujai-.i;o;J 
foiirt'i  ProsiJciU  of  thv  Ualiod  St,.:-^  i,a  March  -t,  ISO ',  borsinp;  t\vo  lorta:,, 
Hi^  died  at  his  ii'Miie,  M'.-ntpeliLa ,  \"i!.Jnia,  oa  Juue  2S.  1S3'>.  riis  v,..i,tv, 
D(-l!y  (,Pa>ne)  MadiM.;..  dica  chii.lh.s  aear  \Vajhii:gton,  D.  C.  juK  12. 
iS*9.  t^':e  v."a;?  a  c('L;-;n  ra  Pairicl;  jicr.ry.  the  rcnownLd  craua."  (,Se._' 
I".  S.  JiiM'try;  and  !  !.-;\u'jn':   X'irginia  Gi-neaU'gics,  p.  256.) 

issue  of        t  SV    Ii01:'I-r.T  PAY'SE^  (Ji.v-iaH  Payne,'  Alary  Woodson,'  Robert,"  John';  and 
Ann  Dnrton. 

1  -167  Arnes  Pnyae/  !>orn  about   1776  in  Goochland,  \va?  twice  married;  f\T?i. 

in  r>:''>rnary,  1795,  lo  Roiicrt  Harris,  w  i;o  ciod  sliorily  afterwards.  Slie 
was  married  second,  on  Decenibcr  25,  1798,  to  Jndgc  >.Iarmad/aKc  \\'i!!iairs 
of  North  Carolina.  There  were  nine  ciiildren  born  to  RoixTt  Payne  and 
Ann  Bu;u)n,  bi:!  the  name  uf  Agnes  is  tl^.e  only  otie  obtained  for  this  record. 

Issue  cf        i  QO   SlJSANWAli  PAYKE-'^   (Josias  Payne,^  Mary  Woodson,'  Robert.-  jc-b,!.') 
and  William  Hale. 

I  *  468  WiJlir.iU  P'ayne  Kale/  ^\■as  born,  1777,  in  Loudon  count}-,  \'irginia,  died 
1843,  in  .'dason  coiuv.y.  He  \i-as  married  julv  I,  1810,  :o  Eleanor  liai-rison, 
daughter  ot  M'.iuheu  Harrison  of  Prince  WilHa.m  county.  She  was  born 
January  12,  i7S'3,  and  died  in  1S49.  Both  are  buried  at  Point  PUvi-aat.. 
in  JMason  county,  \'irginia. 

It  was  during  the  second,  third  and  fourrh  quarters  of  the  eig'iteenth 
century,  or  from  about  1725  to  '1800,  that  the  sixth  cjencration  of  Woodsons 
came  info  existence.  Those  v.'ho  were  born  in  the  early  part  o'  th'.s  per'.od 
were  too  far  ad\-anced  in  years  to  take  any  active  pari  in  vhe  RevoJut'onary 
Wr.i-,  a.nrl  tho^e  who  were  be  rn  after  1760  v.-erc  too  young  to  bear  arms 
except  in  the  lasr.  two  or  three  years  of  that  long  protracted  sirii.^i^le. 
But,  witli  few  e.Kcopiioii=,  tho-e  born  between  the  year.s  1735  arid  1760, 
gave  a  );Ood  account  of  themselves  in  those  days  that  tried  the  souls  o: 

Most  of  tiieni  served  their  coiiniry  in  the  capacity  of  piivate  s-.'Idiers 
or  non-commi-^sioned  ofilcers;  some  being  line  ofiicers,  while  son.e  lew 
attained  the  hi^dier  ranks  of  lield  and  general  ofiicers.  But  high  or  low, 
in  whatever  sphere  th.cir  lot  v. a?  cast,  or  wherever  duty  called,  they  all 
serv'ed  their  countrv  with  a  di^int.-rf  siedness,  a  io\alty  and  pairiotir.m  of 
which  llieir  descendants  may    be    proud. 


ANK  lurij^  fi'NM:'  1  :;-N> 

In  lli>-  .'.'ill;'  ;!■,:  j'.r..^  ii  iui-.  no'.  In;'!!  jx':;~ii'!f  i  >  ttll  dclir.'t'jh"  Y\l;.i' 
r.;nk  was  licM  i.T  v 'lUi!  tiuly  pcrioi  inci  In-  c;u'h  iiiviiv  iiiuai ;  .-■.:•  wht  ii  ihc:'.: 
C'ukl  r.'.n  be  ;;'.\c!i  .u;i '::■  iriij ii w  ly,  liu-  <;i!i;>!o  st.ucr.iciir,  "he  eer\cii  hi- 
t'lUi'.i.i}  ."  Ii  IS  In-i  n  I'.ui'U-  i'>  ^uiii'A'. 

Xcail\-  .:!!  ibc  1. .-.-;■;•>.!•.;  i^!"  :iic  -.v.ii  in  i!u:  L'.-iroliiia?,  v,\tc  filbcr  nr 
iili  i.'Uu  I'pi.'  !u'!ii!-  o!'  1  iu-  ivitis!)  .ir.;'.  W'.ro  i!c^ii-o\  ccl.  S')  oniy  a  few  iianius 
of  otYicei";.  aiul  ratii  wh.j  .--c-iAe!'.  \:\  ili.ii  e-cciii-n,  hcivc  bovn  fii\\-i.r\\"J. 

While  liic  i!ic:;  and  hu\^  ^n  iliis  i;ciieraiio:i  pcrfornicri  ihcir  duly 
feark-.-ly  and  f',ui.;!'.i  braNcly  fur  iionic  and  lunivu  lanci,  K't  ii  not  l)e,supi>i?ed 
thai  all  'dio  !ii'i(\'i.-ni  wao  coii.'nied  u,i  ihcai  ali.'nc.  The  niu'l-.c-.-LS  ihe  \vi\-es, 
the  tlai;i;hi  cri  wore  at  iU'.ne  oaduring  pi  1\  ations,  braving  da  neers.  siifYcriii^ 
liard^hips,  and  doii'^;  ai!  that  U;y  in  ihcir  to  suppori  anil  advance 
ilio  sacred  cansC  k>!  vvl-.'ch  tludr  husbands,  iheir  son;;  arui  brmhers  were 
fijihiiiiL  at  i.he  iroia.     AI!  liojinr  to  ihuse  !".eib:0  v/ornen. 

It  wuuki  seem  ihat  this  sixih  ^ener.'tie'ii  of  \V,>;;d?on5  ndght  appro- 
priateh',  Ik-  i.lesii;naied  as  ilu'  heroic  genenui<;n. 

There  v.ere  li.-'rn  into  lids  genci'aiiuri  two  hTinvlrcd  and  sixty-one 
souls.  C)f  tlie->\  v.  ere,  no  douln.  n\any  who  ser\-ed  in  the  wai ,  but 
whose  V.  ar  record  has  been  forever  lest.  Tliat  they  were  all  true  and 
lo>al  to  the  iinised  colonies,  is  beyond  cpicstion.  No  Tory  bearing  the 
name  of  \\"ood:-or!  was  ever  heard  ^A.  Some  received  c^.-iiiprMTsai  ion  for 
ll.cii  services;  others  received  no.  a  foot  ci  land  nor  a  pound  ol  tobacco, 
nothing  beyond  their  bare  soldit-r';,  wages.  They  fonght  for  i;-.eir  homes 
and  tiieir  country  and  not  lor  pay. 

About  the  close  of  the  war,  that  is,  in  17S2.  ih--  state  of  Virgini-i  h.:>d 
the  census  taken  for  the  first  time.  Thi=.  cer.-n.s  piU-ports  to  show,  amor.y 
OLPer  things,  the  name  of  the  head  of  the  fandly,  the  i!u;r.bei  of  whites 
and  lilacks  composing-  the  hou^ehold,  and  tiie  r.uinbcr  of  iraih:'ing-s  on  the 
pren-iises.  The  census  takers  had  great  dihic-alty  in  obtaining  tiu>:  rlaf.K 
and  in  iiiany  cases,  n(.  doubt,  failed  to  get  any  information  at  ali,  foi  tr;e 
reason  t!:ai ,  the  peo;)le.  before  the  had  been  so  severely  oppressed  vrith 
taxation  l)y  the  British  governmer.i,  that  they  were  now  suspicious  o; 
tiiese  inquiries  into  their  private  affairs,  and  iiesirated.  cr  refu.-cd  to  giv,- 
the  inforn-iatioa  sought,  lest  they  should  fall  into  sjme  trap  for  increasing 
taxation.  Besides  this,  many  of  the;n  had  religious  scruples  oi'  the 
subject  of  "Numbering  llie  people." 

Thev  had  in  mind  the  circur..-tdriCe  r..-lated  in  the  tvYcnty-first  cnaprer 
of  First  Chroidelis,  vriierc  King  bKivid  ordered  joau  to  nuiuber  the  people 
of  Iseral,  and  '.bus  incurred  divine  displeasure:  "So  the  Loid  .sent  pcsti- 
If-nce  upon  I.^-raei:  and  iherc  fell  of  Israel  sever.iy  thousand  men." 

Recalling  this  and  -.  he  more  recent  circumstance  of  their  own  oppression, 
the  people  were  loth  to  give  inlcrmation.  So  the  census  takers  had  a  iiard 
time  of  it  and  the  data  obtained  was  meagre. 

'J"he  census  report,  however,  shows  quite  a  large  numljer  of  Wood.sons 
enumerated  in  a  do.-^en  or  more  counties  (nearly  all  of  them  bcir.g  slave 
o«  ners;.  H-.e  great'  s;  luunbcr  bearing  the  name,  appe.-'r  ir;  Cumberland, 
Prince  Cdward  and  Puwiiatan,  witli  some  scattered  in  coentie;-.  still 

•.ve?r,  Uins  t-ivjwioi.-:  rb.'l  [H'o;)'e  v-cre  sradiiaUy  bro.ikiti.j  away  fr.nn 
tl\L-  I'M  ir.c-ovinc,-  in  iiciirico  steac'ii\'  inovint',  sve>lv.;ird. 

ila\ir.;c;  v.o:.  tlie  <.')•,! iur\-.  in  o  Ijiig,  luird  .ui'l  bicody  TikIu.  ihcs- 
iiaair;uly  i-oiiglu  t')  t'.ko  po.^-c- -^ivin  :'f  ii,  and  to  v^'ck  out  for  l.l\-jiiis(;iv\-^  i-p:its  mos".  siiiu.ii  li;  tlici:  ia<i.e;;.  d'.u}-  niiL-lit  b.uild  ilioir  lioni,;;.- 
and  ic:.."  their  families  ,'iniidsl  llit  peace  and  quioi  of  rural  surruiindinvs. 

Where  slu-.ll  their  children  find  ;>.  restint-  place 

In  niouniain,  uLiiii  or  i.ii!;;)cd  v.ildcracssl' 

Co  v,"esi\vard  far  enougli  and  we  i-hail  .see 

Some  in  Kentucky,  some  in  Ter.uessvo; 

W'hile  oiiiers  niay  pusii  op.  stiii  farther  west, 

And  IP.  Missouri  f.rid  thfir  place  of  r> 

But  \Nheresoever  they  .-b.all  make  their  home, 

That  place  is  better  for  tiici.r  having;  come. 


Issue   of        £0o   HUGKES   WOODSON^   V^  i'5''iin;L-.-  jofeph/  Jolm,'  Jolui.-  J\.lu.')   ai-i 
Viiio,  wii'jio  iKMV.e  is  i:')'.  i:r.uv-i:. 

I  "'  465  Johr.  Anderson/  bora  ai.)ou'.  I  "or,  j::iYpl-.iM\-  in  CurnorTh-.iic  couniy, 
N'irgiiii.!,  \\»':>  marrirei  al'ou;.  i7i,5  bJL  lin.-  ii.iiic  oT  his  viTc  has  not.  bei.'ii 
ascertained.  They  ;i.'Uled  in  Aibvinar'o  cv>fiiiy,  \vlie:e  liioy  speru  the 
remainder  (/  iheir  ii\\':s. 

Issue  of       £1  Q  JOHN  W^OODSOK    (Joseph,^  Joseph,- jchn,' Johu,- John-)  and  Eli/abevh 

I  *  4'/0  Kliyabelh,'  burn  rdiuiii  1762  in  Ciur.bcrlanti  couniy,  N'irglnici,  was  marric-d 
Febniar\-  11,  1779,  id  IS  Joim  Kciinon.^  ftr't  u :.•'.! le nan t  in  th;;  .Lig'u 
Horse  Ca\ah'\-  froiii  Xorih  Caroi!r.,-i.  Her  survival-  cluhiren  wi-ro  r,aniO-i 
in  the  wi!'  of  her  bp^ithicr,  -1-71  Jc'hn  Vi'oodsorP  which  v.  as  tiroved  May  28, 
lt'32.  She  was  dead  at  ihat  time.  (,See  Wni.  and  Z^lury  Qily..  vol.  XI, 
J).  5o.) 


i  Richavd  Ivenne.i'  c.,:ne  to  \'irginia  before  16"0  and  retih'd  in  iknriro 
counr\'.  He  married  Elizabeth  W'orshani,  dau.ghicr  ol  \'i'in>ari';  Worsham 
and  die^'  iii  1696.     They  had  issue: 

I  ;'  Richerd  KennoD,-  born  December  5,  16S4,  and  died  Marcli  8,  16.'^.8. 

n  *  3  CoJ.  V,''iriir,in  Kennon-  of  Conjurer's  Nccl:,  vestry  of  Dale  pr.r;,--h; 
justice  of  the  peace  in  17iO:  nienibc  of  the  liouse  of  burgesses  1736-1/40. 
He  married  .-Xnn.  Eppe-,  daughter  of  Col.  Francis  Eppes. 

HI  4  Richard  Kennon,  Jr.,-  died  in  1736. 

l\'  ^  j'-'Jary  Xennon.,- 

V  6  Eliz.'bet;'  K^^^on.2 

VI  7  Mp.rtha  Kecnon.= 

VH  8  Judith  Keanon.^ 

VHI  9  Sarah  Kettncu.-^ 

Isi.ite  oi  S   COL.  WII.JJAM  KEKNG-4-    ]V-ha;d>  and  Ann  Cnpcs. 

I  "  10  Wiliiriiu  KciJi;on,'  of  1!  -n/i-:..  .-nd  Chc-rcrfi.-kl,  how.  Octohcr  9,  ITi;:,  \>^.s 
n  nie;i;lNTof  ll'c  !!';i.i-  i  ^  i /ii; -..--^e^:  w:.b  married  174-!  ui  Lli/alK-ih  I.-,-\>^:, 
ciati^iucr  of  Co!.  <-!!.;;'  s  I.r-.  i:,  <•!  "Tlie  Byul"  in  ( ioochlan.!  caini}  ,  .L;'d 
di;.-d  Ori.oi'Cr.  175').  l!;s  ^^i!i  \^,•s  r> AVidcd  Xo\v;.;ix'r,  17 50  in  Cla-^-^r- 
field  county.  F):-  i;n;-ln-r,  li  KiclKivd  Kcnium.'' John  Rot/cTtson,  llcvcii 
i^c'.vis,  cAid  Kdr!'i:iid  '1  ayl(.r  vtrc  ttK  exei'utors. 

1 1  n   RicbniO  Kernor." 

Ill  12  Francis  Eenncn." 

JV  13  H-nrj-  Isliaiii  iC<  UDon.' 

V  14  John  Kennon,'  born  December  20,  1721. 

Ifsue  of  10   ?':^LL];AM  KEXKOrr  iCol.  William,"  Richard')  and  Elivabcih  i.c\do. 

1  15  Eennon/  born  in  \'ir^rinia  and  settled  in  N'nrth  Carolina. 

II  16  Richard  ICennCT'i,'  b'jrn  in  \'ir:4inia.  lived  and  diod  in  Co\-inf;toii,  Georgia. 

Ill  17   Charles   Keuncmd    born    in    \'ir^ini<i,    li\ed    and    died    in    fiaiii.-;   cotuity, 


rV  IS  John  Keuncr./  L>oin  probably  in  Chebterfield  county,  Virginia,  and  settled 

in  North  Carolina,  from  which  stale  he  etilistcd  i't  the  ccntiiienla!  arni\^ 
and  ser\ecl  as  fir.^t  lieutenant  in  the  Light  Hor^e  Cavalry.  lie  was  married 
February  11,  1779,  to  470  Kiizabeth  Woodson."  The  inarriag-e  bon.d  v/a? 
recorded  February  10,  1779,  at  Cumberland  Conrthotise,  \"irgin;a.  A'ter 
llie  v.Mi'  Vi'a s  <)\  I  r  tlie\'  nu-sx-tl  to  No:  '.h  Caroliiia  remaining  there  sorra;  years 
and  finally  settled  in  Georgia,  b'nder  date  of  August  16.  1S75,  "lis  .,oii, 
John  M.  S.  Kennon,^  of  \\a%er!y  Haii.  in  Harris  county,  Georgia,  ■write".. 
"2\ly  father  came  originally  frorn  North  Carolina,  at  Vidiat  lime  J  aai 
not  infcrrnc(i,  li\-ed  in  Hancock  and  Putnam  counties,  Georgia;  and  moved 
to  Harris  county  about  1828  or  1830.  His  brother,  16  Richard,-'  lived  .^nd 
died  in  Covington,  Georgia,  and  has  ciiildren  li\'ing  ntar  there.  His 
brothc-r,  17  Charlcs'  died  in  Harris  county  and  lias  a  son  now  livir.g  in 
Fort  Gaines,  Geor.gia.  Onl%-  two  of  nt}-  father's  children  aie  now  living  — 
myself  and  Richard  William  Ilines  Kennon.'  who  lives  in  Btdlock  count].', 
Alabama,  near  Union  Springs."  (See  Kennon  data  coiiected  bs'  WoodrJ.i 
T.  Whit.-  of  Hamlin,  Te.xas.) 

il  471  Jehn'  born  probably  about  1763,  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia.  He 
married  but  the  name  oi  his  w  ife  is  not  known.  She  died  childless  and  was 
buried  in  the  family  graveyard  near  Cartersville,  in  Cumberland  county. 
After-  his  marriatje  he  settled  on  his  plaination  in  Buckingham  county 
anJ  namea  his  t'.oi,:'e  there  ''i'-ear  Garden."     In  ids  will  he  calls  himscU" 

VHi-:  woo: 

"Ji'lvi!  V."'"  ■•.;-"-->n  (»;  \>'A-:  (/irc!..ri,  i'^  \b':  ',i'ii:ii\'  of  P.ii.:kitu;:;am."  He 
riicil  w'iih  :'.i1  i?;;;!L;  in  M.;.',  '"^v'.  Ji;-  wiV-,  nrow.!  ii;  (.'iinibc-rlu'.i.j  c<.-'.in;y, 
Way  2t:,  }S,^i,  i^  a-;  !ol!.-v: 

"I,  ji'ui  W'ooiifor.  Ill'  'I'or:!'  ('.•lil'.n,  ii;  the  (\>i!iii\-  i.f  T3i:L-kiiip,i!ani.  do 
hfi.-liy  M.iuL-  my  ]a-i  v.iM  la.-i  ro.<;ai:A!U  in  tlic  i.iarULi  r  aiu!  form  i\.>!lu\\  iiig, 
lh;il  i:i  t-j  ^:a\■,  i  iI.j>i:-o  I'.iat  n<\"  i  i'd\-  ^'KHi'il  bo  iniori\-.!  ii\  ^he  gravi;\'arti 
or  my  !'aii:\l\  ;n  i-"rr.iici>  H.  Deniio'.-  r.ea.v  (_".irui>.\  iiie  aiu!  iluit  iv  bo  placed  as 
near  ilic  i;  iP.alns  cU  iiiy  hclinxnl  wife  a>  pruciicaMr  v.iib.ijm  m  ^ie^titi;;  tlicni. 

"1  wi^l)  ip.y  cx-.'cuinri  hei  oir.ali-.T  anpoitucd,  t'>  procure  ant!  iiave 
placed  '>\i  1  r.\y  '^v.iv:.  a  plain  v.iiiie  riiarble  lonib. 

"I  n...\t  ilirect.  ihai  inuricdiatciy  alter  my  .Jeaih,  ilua  all  ivy  ji'bt  uebts 
be  paid  ar.d  farieial  exi>e!:fcs  ful!>-  di::chargcd. 

"I  v.DVs  uil!  nul  de'.ise  ihe  f)rocecfi?  of  my  estaio  iateh"  sold  to  my 
nephew,  Franris  B.  l.")eariC,  Jr.,  in  tl":e  folluv.  ia,<  numno",  viz.: 

"To  my  sister,  Xaney  Deane.  I  gi'^'e,  liir-int;  ber  life,  lifteen  tliousand 
Do!!ar.->  ic  be  held  in  iri:-.:'.  by  my  ex^euiorr  herein  after  a;)poinied,  for  !icr 
exc!ns!\'e  ik-e  and  lu-ni. In:;  s'.il)joci  v>  the  folidwing  slipulationi-:  The 
said  sura  ei  tiiieen  ihnu.-an.d  l^^oliais  will  consli'.nie  the  fir-l  {wo  ir,>Tall- 
mcnts  due  by  my  ne[)l)eA-,  I'rancis  B.  Deane,  for  the  p'arch.^'.se  of  my  e-tate 
in  Bnc-kiritjliani,  and  a;'  it  is  m\'  intention  ni>'  si-ter  shall  have  the 
interest  only  of  this  amount  of  nficen  thousaivJ  Dollars  durir.g  Iter  life, 
I  will  and  dircet  that  my  execnt'irs  shall  permit  th.e  said  sum  to  rcinnir.  in 
tlie  hands  of  my  nephew,  and  iin]jai<J  so  long  as  he  shall  continue  re.Ljuiarly 
to  pay  the  iriterest  therci-'n,  half  yearb-  after  the  sam"  bhal!  ha%-e  beeonte 
due  and  payable  from  him,  acconiing  to  the  proeisions  ot  th.e  srtie  wliieh 
are  set  fortli  in  the  deed  of  bargain  and  sale,  made  b\-  irio  tn  my  said  neijirsevv. 
But  shonlJ  it  lie  the  will  and  desire  of  my  said,  nephew  to  j^ay  tlic  stira  ol 
fifteen  thousand  Dollars  as  the  same  shall  become  dne.  or  at  any  lime 
thereafter,  then  my  executors  shall  rcceiN-e  the  same  and  imm'xiiateiy 
vest  the  ^aid  sum  in  some  publick  stock  or  bank  stock  and  liold  tb(^  santc 
in  iru:t  as  before  directed,  for  the  exclusive  use  and  benefit  o!  my  sister 
Xancy  Deane,  and  shall  pay  over  to  lier,  th.e  dividends  arising  tl'.erefroni, 
as  the  bcune  shall  accrue. 

''After  the  death  of  my  sister  X'ancy,  I  give  and  bequeath  the  said 
amount  of  fifteen  thousand  Dollars,  in  equal  proportions  to  my  niece, 
Elizabeth  Irving  and  my  nephew  Francis  B.  Deane,  Jr.,  with  the  following 
.stipulations — viz.:  Tlu  seven  tiM.usand  fi^e  hundic'  Dollars  is  intended 
for  the  tisc  and  benefit  of  my  niece,  Elizabeth  Irving,  during  her  life  and 
shall  be  vested  by  my  executors,  hereinafter  appointed,  in  bank  stock,  and 
held  by  ilum  and  their  successors  in  trust  for  exclusive  use  and  benefit; 
the  intere.-t  arising  therefrom  to  be  regularly  paid  as  the  shall  accrue, 
to  her, my  said  niece,  and  to  be  used  by  her  for  the  support  of  herself  ami 
famil\  :  but  no  part  <.f  the  principal  sliall  be  u.-cd  or  appropriated  otherwise 
tiian  as  aboxx-  directed,  during  the  life  of  my  said  niece  Elizabeth:  and 
after  her  death  the  same  shall  be  equally  divided  between  the  children 
of  the  sai<;  F:ii;<abeth,  ns  the>-  shall  respectively  arrive  at  the  age  of 
Twenty-o;'.e,  or  ;)iarr\-. 

<r'A  f  l^NFV.A'Vl' 

"I  ti\'e  ll-v-  ri.:;r!-;i:i:,4  „-;;,i  ••.'  r;-\-,ii  tliousar.d  lU'e  inni.'lr.'cl  l.'i.'!l.i:-.- 
of  I'l-.o  [nnd  nKiroil  iti  iit;':i  ;'■  !  >;•,;■.  sifter,  De>Mic  ciuiin;:  :-.or  l::e, 
•  to  n^y  nephew,  l-'ronci^  !'.  VKi:  <•:  Jr.,  io  be  paid  if  Iiiin  by  r;n-  cxfcnv'^?, 
ininicoiatdy  .:  ftor  ; be  d. .  'h  •  ;  iriv  H-^,  Naiicy  iVane,  viih  tli!>  stiniila- 
tion,  \i/:.:  Sh'ifa!;!  il:e  ;  ;:■.;  i'.aiiri.^  ii.  Poane  die  wii'i-.out  loaxii-i:  c'lildi-p, 
ihen  i'>is  air.ou'ii  ^hcl!  c-  lo  <''(■  r_;r.[-\rcu  c[  iny  niece,  Eli/alu-ih  !r\-ini:, 
to  lie  di\-iJt.-d  amoii.;  '.'wc'.r.  It.  c.";i!al  proportirais ;  and  I  ui'i  a'ld 
dii'oct.  liiat  if  m\-  niece.  F.iiia'.'eii-.  lr\  ir.p;  should  die  vilhoul  leaving rliildren, 
ihvA  iho  proporiion  i-f  ihi-^  hctiiie-i.  vei-'-cd  in  T;-'.!?t  for  her  u?e  during  life, 
rind  after  her  dvatii  I'Cnuc-alheJ  to  Ivjr  children,  r-hall  in  lihe  jnaiincr  g""' to 
ilie  rhildrcn  of  my  r;ephe\v.  or  if  no  children  be  il^•;ng,  to  the  siirvivor.^  of 
this  fan-ily. 

")  gi\-e  out  of  the  ne.\i  inyiallment  due  for  tr.c  purc!ia?e  of  my  estate 
aforesaid,  five  thousand  Dohars-  to  aiy  niece  Elizabeth  Irving,  uiih  the 
follov.-ing  stipulation.-  andi  re^trielio^-:  ar^t.  that  .hi,-  sum  of  five  thousand 
Dollars  be  held  in  trust  by  my  executors,  herein  after  appointed,  for  the 
e.Ncluj-ivc  uvc  and  benefit  of  my  niece  Elizabetii  and  her  fam.ily,  upoa 
these  re-triciions  and  directions,  lliat  they,  my  executors,  shaii  ve.>t  the 
said  amount  of  hve  thousand  Dollars  in  laad  and  negp-'es,  ^o  be  held  in 
trust  as  b;.-fore  cirec;ed.  giving  to  my  niece  and  her  family,  all  file  prohts, 
rents,  iuierest  and  tmoluntents  of  c\  ery  descripcion,  for  her  proper  use  and 

'•1  further  direct  and  desire  of  my  executors,  that  on  ve.-ting  tlii?  fund 
of  five  thousand  Dollars,  that  th.ey  may  consult  and  advise  wit'i  my  niece 
Elizabeth  or  her  husband,  Ro  Irving,  and  so  execute  this  trust  as  shall  be 
agreeable  to  both,  the  said  Elizabeth  and  Robert  Irving,  provided  it  be  iiOt 
in  violation  of  the  iuLeut  and  meaning  of  this,  m.y  last  will  and  testament, 
namely  the  preservation  of  this  fund  of  "fi\'e  thoiisar.d  Dollars,  or  the 
property  purchased  thereviih,  for  the  exclusive  use  and  heneilt  of  said 
Elizabeth  and  Robert  during  their  lives,  and  after  the  death  of  nty  said 
niece  Elizabeth,  to  be  equalh-  divided  among  the  children  of  my  said  niece 
Elizabeth  and  Robi.rt  Irving. 

^'1  give  and  bequeath  the  remaining  ten  thousand  Ijol'ars  of  the 
purchase  money  contracted  to  be  paid  by  my  nephew  Francis  B.  Deane, 
for  the  purchase  of  my  estate  aforcs.aid,  to  the  surviviri<^  children  of  my 
deceased  sister,  Elizabeth  Keniion,  and  the  children  of  my  deceased  sister, 
Sally  Overton,  to  be  equally  divided  amongst  them.,  and  paid  over  to  these 
children  or  their  properly  authoii.-'ed  agents,  as  soon  as  the  same  sl-'all 
become  due  and  pa>-able,  according  to  the  provisions  of  my  sale  to  m.y 
nephew,  Francis  B.  Deane,  Jr. 

"I  give  and  b.-qucath  to  my  nephew,  Francis  B.  Deane,  Jr.,  all  the 
money  1  may  have  on  hand  at  the  time  of  my  death;  all  that  may  ^be  due 
meby  bjnd,  note  or  account,  and  all  of  my  bank  stock:  the  whole  to  be  pa-.d 
over  to  him  b\-  m.y  executors,  hereinafter  appointed,  immediately  after  my 

"1  nov.-  constitute  and  appoint  m\-  friend,  Francis  B.  Deane  Senr., 
Randnlpli  Tlarri^on.  Jno.  H.  Cooke,  Sen.,  and  my  nephev.-,  Francis  B.  D-:av<c. 
Jr.,  executors  to  tliis  Uiy  .last  will  and  testament.     In  testirnoiiV  whereof 

in  1!!.:  v,-.v.i^-o 


ill  tlic  ycLH  cif  our  1  ji  .!.  one  lluvi-.^t: '.  eii,lu  !-;;ri,;rvi'  :\n(.\  i!iirt\-- ;-vo. 

'  Si:^nc-i,  ]->\>..<  WoonsoN 
"Si-ned,  ;cok-.i.   pubnslKd  au-i  .'clivr.iJ  by  j  .!.n  >Vood-Oii,  r^  and 
for  !-itf  iasi  will  aiid  ir^uiino-.i';.  in  ;  Ii.:-  prcrcnOL-  arifi  lu-nriiiL;  of  a?,  w  Iu>,  ar 
his  nxjiu^l  and  in  lii-:-  \r::::cucc.  h.xw  snhvo-ilH-d  mr  r..iii!cs  ;ii  witiio.-^os. 

"bit;n"d,  V\'m.  WcciDfo?!.' 

Cahtkk  H.  Bkadlv.-. 

"At  ;i  Court  held  I'or  Ciinilx-rl,:!:*!  comity,  en  ibe  2St!i  day  of  .May 
183i,  the  U.rrgoing  kist  \\-iii  and  '.•.--i.iiicni  of  Jo'ni  \\'ood-o;i  dcc'cl,  v/a.s 
prt-^tMiiei:;  in  Conn  and  pro\-cn  \<y  ihe  oatl'  of  WiHiaui  Woodson  and 
Cart.T  11.  liradlry,  t'r  :  i^-ab  cribiis^;  \v::i;i.'<>L-,  Aw.x-'.o.  And  thcrcu;.iO;i  the 
sajuo  \va;-,  c-dci^d  to  ba  rtcordod.  A;-,.i  on  il;c  n'iOti-jn  of  Francis  Ti.  I>>.an, 
Jr.,  ono  ui  the  Exccvrtors  thciciii  iia.nicd,  wiio  entered  iiuo  bond  ^\lth 
Edward  Cinningham,  Francis  Ii.  Jaiaos  and  Gtjorgc  Bot'ker,  in  <.ho  ricnalty 
of  Ei,;'-.'\'  thousand  Do'Iars,  coudiiioa  iiotordlrig  (o  law,  and  lo.  ik  tiio  oaih 
prescribed  by  la»\ ,  as  certificate  is  granted  liini  for  obtaining  probat  of  the 
said  v.aii  in  due  form. 

"Teste;     P.  H.  ^svxnall^-,  D.  C." 

At  the  tinia  -Jie  at'ove  v.dll  was  jaxn-cii  425  ^Ji!lcr  XS'oodson^  v.^as  Clerk 
of  Cuinberlaiid  coimi;-. 

Ill  *  472  Kancy  Hughes,'  born  about  1765  \n  Cumberland  county.  Virginia,  was 
married  probably  r.l>orl  i7S;  to  Francis  B.  Deanc.  She  was  li\-ing  in 
1832  and  was  one  of  the  legatees  named  in  the  will  of  her  brother,  4.'  1  jolm 
Woodson^  of  Bear  Garden,  as  were  also  her  two  children. 

I\'  473  Judith,"  liorn  about  1767  in  Cumbcrb^nd  cof.nty,  X'irginia,  and  was  married 
to  Or!ando  Jones.  In  h-cv  father's  v.ib.  (.April,  1795)  she  is  rnentioni»d  as 
"Late  wife  of  Orlando  Jones." 

V  474  Sarah,'  Injrn  about  1769  in  Cumberland  count\-,  Mrginia,  was  married  to 
Thomas  0\"erton,  a  merchant.  In  tiii  will  of  her  brother,  471  John  Wood- 
son' (1832),  there  is  a  bequest  made  to  "the  children  of  my  deceased  sister; 
Sally  Owrton."  .At  tliat  time  thor>_:  were  tv.o  children  livmg,  a  son  and 
a  daughter,  but  their  names  have  rot  been  ascertained.  She  had  another 
daughter  who  married  Isaac  But'er.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Butler  both  died 
beforr  1832,  leaving  two  childien.  None  of  diese  names  have  beci  ascer- 
tained, except  one  daugliter,  Maria  Overton,  who  i.s  named  in  a  codicil  to 
the  will  of  her  grandmc>ther,  June  23,  1802. 

VI         47S   Maiy,"  born  in  Cumberland  county  and  prob.ably  died  young. 

Issue  of       £  1  7   TOS)'PI-I  ^^^'OGP-SOTI^  (Joseph, ■'^  Jo.-,,.p;i,'  J.^hn.'  John,=  John-)  and  wife 
—  Jones. 

1  476  Robert,' luiii  iil'C'M  i:  70  in  Arri.iia  coiiiity,  Virginia.  lie  seUlod  in  P._,v.-- 
hal.iu  county  nuH  Jivj  ihcu- >ilr'-uv  ]'S2L     lie  never  mLirncd. 

I)  477  Eliiribevh,"  born  'uV."  in  .Aiv.clia  couniv.  \'irRliiia,  '.\.i.;  n;ar.-icd  to 

I'hi'.ip  \\il!ia!n<  niid  f-O'J.i-j  in  Grocn  counly,  Kentucky,  v.i;cre  she  died 
beUTc:  1817. 

Ill  47S  Susan,"  born  aboui  17  7.S  in  Amelia  county,  Virginia,  was  married  to  Joseph 

Clements,  %v!k)  a  brotiicr  to  !\lary  Clcrncuis,  the  wife  of  EdimHit! 
Booker.  Joseph  CIen\ents  died  many  \-ears  aL;o  his  widow  was  livinj^ 
April,  lS-I-7. 

IV  479  Kancy,'  born  abcan  177  9  in  Amelia  counly,  Vii.^inia,  was  married  to  James 
Gill.-.  Tliey  continued  to  reside  in  .Ar/ieiia  \vh:.-re  they  were  sii'.i  livipi;^' 
April  1847. 

V  4S0  Lliary,"  born  about  H?!  in  .X-ntlia  county,  Vir.ririia,  was  married  lo  Ander- 
son Gills,  brother  to  James  Gills.  They  settled  in  Allen  couiuy,  Kentucky, 
where  they  ^.■cre  living  April,  1S47. 

VI  43i  Joseph,^  born  Xovember  8,  1  784,  in  Amelia  counrj-,  Virginia,  where  he  wai 
reared  and  educated.  He  wrote  a  beautiful  hand  and  'ifas  a  good  ac- 
countant. At  an  early  age  he  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business,  in  which 
he  continued  until  he  was  married  Xovember  23,  1807,  to  Sarah  Mayo 
■  ■■  Booker  who  was  born  Xo\-endier  23,  17S9,  in  Ameiua  county,  Virginia. 
She  was  a  daughter  of  Edmund  Booker  and  Mary  Ciemerus  who  had  three 
sens  and  four  daughters  as  follow-;:  1  Edmund  Booker,  Jr.,  who  settled 
in  Paris,  Tennessee,  and  was  living  there  in  1847.  2  Jo.;sph  P., 
who  settled  in  Tipion  county,  Tennessee,  and  was  lisdng  th.ere  in  1S47. 
3  Ishani  C.  Booker,  v/ho  was  born,  lived  and  died  in  Anieiia  county,  Virginia. 
The  four  daughters  were:  4  Sarah  !\Iayo  Booker,  v/ho  was.  married  to 
481  Joseph  Woodson;^  5  Edith.  Cobb  Booker;  &  Eri:-:abeth  Scott  Booker; 
7  Jane  Davis  Booker.  Shortly  after  his  marriage  481  Joseph  Woodson' 
began  teaching  .school  and  followed  this  as  a  profession  fo*-  many  years, 
and  at  intervals  as  long  as  he  lived.-  He  left  A.m^eila  counly  and  settled 
permanently  in  Prince  Edward  in  1811.  A  lew  months  lat^r  the  Vv-ar  v.dth 
England  began  and  he  enlisted  in  Captain  Tinsley's  co'npany,  Eighth 
Virginia  ^^lilitia,  infantry,  and  s-rved  as  sergeant  of  the  company.  After 
the  War  of  1812  he  returned  to  his  home  in  Prince  Edward  county,  where 
he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life  and  died  Xovember  28,  1.836.  Some 
years  after  this  his  widow  moved  to  Warrenton,  X'orih  Carolina,  re  be 
with  lier  son  941  Francis  Sylvester.^  and  died  there,  April,  1864. 

Issue  oi       213   SAMUEL  TUCKER  WOODSON''  (John,='  Benjamin,'  Jolm,-"  John,=  John') 
and  Elizabeth  Dabney  Winn. 

I   *     482  Thomas    Pledge,'    born    January    12,    1703,    at    "Burgher,"    the    famiiy 
home  in  }  ui\ariii;i  county,  Virginia,  where  ho  was  reared  arid  educated. 


He  wa'^  !i5arri(.d  r^boiit  \?  "■  ...-  S  ■'■[{<.■  V.  'X'^on^,,^.  T'ley  c-.n-unuod  lo  resiu  : 
in  FluwTiina  couiu>-  vn\',l  iluy  ;)i'.\i.-'i  in  185.-,  ti>  S;  iincerburg,  Pike  counl.N-, 
iKlifsouri,  \vh(.'re  ib.r-y  st'-?ni.  i'-'c  rc-.'.iairifl-ji-  of'-  ii'-e>.  He  was  a  ip.emhc-r 
of  the  Baptist  Church  a  Ma^^o"  o[  hi-h  i.l-;i:'e,  a^u  -va?  greatly  esteei-i-red 
b\'  al!  \vho  knew  hira.  Or.c  ua\'  duriag  a  vcr;  coki  .•^poll  in  ihe  v.Inier  of  — 
lie  drove  in  hi;'  i"-)gS>  to  Bowl;!-;.;  Grcea,  M'.v.-.l>ui  i,  to  att.:;;.-.!  ib.',"-  closirr, 
exv"'rci;-cs  of  the  co'k-ge  in  which  hi^  daugh'.er  v.--\£  a  pupil,  lie  hi'd  bc'-or.-ie 
■»  so  thoroughly  oliilUsd  iliat.  on  f.,etling  out  of  tiic  hug;-;\-,   he  ;'■.■:!  on  the 

street  and  died  in  a  short  tir'ie.     He  was  buried  in  the  cemetery  at  Spcnccr- 
burij,  Mi,-si<uri. 

n  *     483  Marj','  l^orn   ISOO,  at  "Burgher,"  Fluvanna  co\inty,  Virginia,  where  she 
gruw  to  your.g  v.-omaidiood  and  was  niarricd  to  Jr>hn  Sniiih.     They  con- 
,  ,  tinued  to  re^!de  at  Buri^her  \\here  all  their  children  were  born. 

jn         484  Jame,'  born  aboui   1S02,  in  riu\aniuL  count\,  N'irginia,  anrl  died  young. 

IV  *  4S5  Elizabeth,'  born  May  4.  1S04,  at  "Burtrher,'*  Fluvanna  county,  Virginia, 
was  married  in  i'^ICt  to  James  ni'ddnsori  \^'alson  an..'  in  1836  moved  t.:> 
Ralls  cour.ty,  Missouri,  and  setiied  on  their  farn".  near  ihc  little  town  of 
New  London,  wh.ere  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  She  died  in 
1869.  He  was  a  Whig  and  held  the  ofhce  of  magistrate  for  many  yeais. 
He  died  Marcii  S,  1S72,  on  his  farm  a  mile  and  a  Iialf  v\-e£t  of  Neiv  London, 
Missouri.     Botli  were  members  of  \he  Chri--tian  Cliurch. 

V       4S6  Evelina,'   born   1806,  in  Fluvanna'  county,  \  irginia,  v.'as  married  tc  Mr. 
—  Face  and  died  childF.-s. 

VI  487  Emily,'  born  180S,  in  Fluvanna  county,  \arginia,  was  married  tc  Dr. 
Wills,  and  had  one  daughter  wdio  v.-as  called  "I'inkey." 

VII  *  4S3  Davilla  Adelaide,"  born  March  — ,  ISU,  at  "Burgher"  in  Flu\anna  coun!.> , 
Virginia,  wliere  she  was  reared  and  educated.  In  1840  she  went  to  Ralls 
county,  Missouri,  to  visit,  her  sister,  Elizabeth  (Vvoodson)  Watson  who  had 
settled  there  several  years  previi-)usly,  and  while  on  this  \isit.  she  vva-.; 
married  October  14,  1841.  to  Jarnes  Glasscock.  They  spent  the  remainder 
of  tlieir  li'.es  on  their  farm  in  P^alls  county. 

VIII  4S9  Sus'?.n  Eveline,'  born  1813,  at  "Burgher"  in  Fluvanna  county,  Virginia, 
was  married  to  Luther  M.  George.  Thoy  settled  near  CharhittCaviHe, 
Virginia,  in  their  own  home  which  the}-  named  "Buena  Vista."  It  was 
here  that  her  mother  died,  February,  1845. 

IX         490  John,'  born  about  1S15  and  died  in  infancy. 

Issue  of       221    JOHN   WOODSON^'    John,^   Benjamin/  John,"  John,=  John'-)  and  wife 
whose  name  is  not  known. 


491  Linnous,'  !^'r^l  aix;i:l  li't  i.  proN-hly  \,\  .MiM.nKiik  couniy,  \'iry':nia,  v.j? 
ni.\iTu-d  al-'cu'i  ISoi  liT  Jj'-:  -  -  .  i:.;r  U;!!  maiden  nnnie  i>  not  rcini-niiicro'' 
lull  "i-liL- v,-.iA  icd-hc.:'.ii.(',  '..'i  rv-.n;..liui  quite  i!lr..^lli^;e;ll ."  They  kiikIoJ 
0!i  a  farr.i  in  GooLJi'.jiu;  ."...'u-  wtu-ro  ihcy  res-id^'d  si'vci-;'.!  \c:ais.  His 
wii'c  received  ;i  large  !<  ,,::oy  u'  the  death  of  some  rohiti-.'c,  after  uhich  !ic 
cuid  hh  c;ta'.e  in  Coe.  1  '.ii:'  and,  aljout  the  year  IS.^Ci,  bou.^hi  a  i'ne 
river  ph:r.!aticn  in  .\l!-e!i-.arle  county  wiuic  lliev  spent  the  rt-uiaindcr  of 
tlieir  livet. 

I J 

Iss';e  of 

John,'  liorn  ahout  ISOl,  proIxd)ly  in  AHien-ark-  county,  Vir^^inia.     lie  f'.ied 

Tl:ei-c  were  tV\o  daughter.-;  be-Di  le^  221  John  \A"r>odbon/'  hail  their 
names  could  not  be  learned.  C'nc  oi  ilicni  married  a  man  named  Cloaqh 
and  the  otlier  married  Kit  Thomas:.     (..Xotes  by  Dr.  John  C'a.lvin  \Ve>od-.;o:v^) 

CHARLES  WOODSOr^^  (Charlc.,^  Tar!eti.n.'  Jnhn,=  R.,ber(:,=  Joliii';  and 
Ann  Trotter. 

Ann,"  born   probabK'   in   Henrico  and  married   Captain   \\":lL'am   Pope  of 
Powhatan  count)-. 

"  He  vias  a  gentleman  long  famous  for  line  person,  capti^•ating  n'a-aaers 
and  charming  humor.  He  wao  the  intiniate  friend  of  W'ilHam  Win.,  in 
whose  biography  by  Kennedy,  ha-  figures  conspicuously."  (Charles  Van 
Der  \'eer  Woodson.) 







Issue  of 

rt  •^  -r'w 

^f.  C»  v.Jt 






*     499 


Mary,"  b'jrii  in  Henrico  county  and  was  married  to  I\Ir.  Solden. 


G.EORGE  'vVOODSOrl''  (Charles.-  TarIeton.-=  John,'  Kobc!t,-  John')  and 
Sarah  Friend. 

Mar}','  born  about  1788  in  Chesterfield  county,  \'irginia. 

Carc'ine  IrTatilda,'  born  about  1790,  'r.  Chesterfield. 

Charles  Friend,'  born  about  1792  in  ChesterUeld  county.  Virginia,  where  he  reared  and  educated.  He  married  /\nn  Thomas  \\'i!rion,  daughter  of 
Dr.  Goodrich.  V\'ilsoii  of- Prince  Ed-^-ard  county. 

''He  had  a  fine  estate  on  James  River,  sonte  twelve  or  hfteen  miles 
below  I^iciiniond.  *'T'his  lie  sold  and  migrated  to  Missouri  and  settle;!  in 
St.  Charles  county,  where,  I  presume  he  stiil  live.-  (IS/l)."  (Charles  Van 
Der  \'ecr  Woodson.) 

He  was  still  living  in  St.  Charles  county,  Afis-ouri,  in  IS"^?.  and  was 
at  that  tin-,e  over  n.inets  years  old.  lie  --.vas  .-omctimes  ealied  Captain  and 
sometime.:  Ce-iora!  V\'oodson.      K  he  rcall\    had  a  nrhtary  rank,  it  aiu^i 


140  TUr.  '.V>CD:-.i;C;,  A>:U  IV.'' 

0  ^00 1! 

1'^)-?.     'Jiiiio  .1  iu;n:bci"ur  person;,  n 
'!  ai;rec  that  lie  was  a  mat;  of  vc-r\-  l>i 

Issue  cf        2.'3  1    SAI-AH    V/OOyiSO?"'^   (Ca-'i'es/   Taru-mn.'    !(,'■;),"    Robcri.-  John';    uiul 
(■;,!>!;.;•!  J;;iac-  CLm':- 

1  500  C};prle3  Clark,"  h^^-::\  abont  17  72,  and  i)rG!>.il.!>-  die!  in  infancy  as  he  \vas 

nr.i  nioniiv'iicc!  la  tlic  Icticr  tLiicd  MarL'r.  .12,  !774,  aiu!  wriiien  by  liis 
n":ollH-i-  to  licr  si.-icr  232  Car(>lir.c  Matilda.- 

1 1  501   _Tohn  James   Ciarh,'   born   in   ScuL'.nrl  al.'-iui    17  74   and   is  mcntiomvd  as 

"  Jack  "  in  a  'tetter  v.-rlttcii  yLvy  31,17  7S,  b\'  hi:?  i;randniG;d;er  lo  her  dangh- 
tLT  2^2  Caroline  .Maiilda.'- 

Ill  502   Small  Clark,"  liorn,  Ar.crusl,  177(->,  in  Srnilaiid.     After  ihc  Rc\-ob!t,ionary 

War  was  over  and  peace  eb■la.I,l'i^^.ad,  she  carnc  '.\Ii.h  her  parenis  to  Virginia 
wliere  she  was  reared  and  cducaicd.  She  vras  nianied  to  a  M''.  Woodard 
and  moved  to  Texas. 

]V  *  5Co  George  Clark,"  born  about  i77S  ir  '^.cotlar.d,  crad  came  vitli  the  family, 
soon  afui-  ihe  close  of  the  Revob-iionary  War,  t(j  Virginia  where  he  was 
reared  an-.l  educated.     He  was  married  to  Ann  Murphy. 

Issue  of        23  E   CAROLINE  MATILDA  WOOirSOlV  (Chari..=.^  1  arleton/  John,''  Robert.= 
Johit^)  and  1  nomas  Fiemini;  Bates,  of  Goochhiiid  county,  X'irginia. 

I  504   Charles  F.  Bates,"  born  Aiay  10,  17/2,  in  C.oochb.nd  county,  -uas  married 

Mav  2S,  ISOO,  to  .Mary  Miller  and  died  .May  30,  ISO^.     No  issue. 

II  505  Sarah  Bates,'  born  Xovemlier  25,  1773,  died  AugU',t  12,  18.^9,  in  St.  Louis 
Missouri.     Xcx'cr  married. 

Ill  SO'".  Tarleton  Bates,"  born  Abay  22.  1775,  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia.  He 
located  in  Pittsburgh,  F'enn=>l\'ania.  v.  here  he  was  prothoneiary.  I^y 
the  schemes  cf  some  o^  hi-  political  otnc.iie-,  l)e  was  forced  into  a  duel  in 
which  lie  was  killed  on  Jani;ar}-  S,  1S06.     lie  ne\er  married. 

]\'  *  r07  Frcdeiick  Bates,'  b'.n;  January  23,  1"7,  in  Goocldand  count:.,  Vircinia, 
v.diere  he.  was  re,.tre  i  arM  educated.  In  1795;  he  wcr.L  to  Detroit,  Michifjan, 
and  engaged  in  tlie  mercantile  hirsiness.  He  was  appointed  postma.ster, 
and  during  his  st.iy  there,  held  se^"era!  offices  to  which  he  was  ap>- 
pointed  by  the  president.  In  1805  h.e  ren;o\'ed  to  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and 
'A'as  apf>ointed  secretary  of  th.e  Territory  of  Louisiana,  while  Merriw'ethc-r  was  go\'ernor.  He  acted  as  governor  part  of  Lewis's  term.  lie  was 
married  in  1S!9  to  Nancy  C'pio  Bail,  daughter  of  Cob  John  S.  Ball  and 
Nancy  Opie.  .After  Missouri  was  adraitted  into  the  Union,  he  was  iho 
Si'cond  uoNcrnor  i;f  tin;  new  state,  and  -ivinle  occupying  tiiat  ofiicc,  ilied 
on  Aui.-;u;:t  4,  bS2.S,  in  St.  Louis  (.<^'Unly. 

V         303  Floiniii^    Bates,'    iv.rn    VvIv<<a-     17.    '.:';■-).    ia    Gr.ochlaiul    coiin;\.     \\c 
nia:ric.l  and  j-vtiud  in  ^^M■^iul,.i■  ci''.tiiJ  rouiuy.  \"ii:;)ni;!,  uhoiv  he  (lic(i. 

Vi  :;09  Kichard   Bales,'    bo,:;   Jniy    \'.\    ;7?k   in     C;;.(k  hhm..!   rounty,   iocal>d    in 

\<.'il(.lk,  \'irL:.i!;ia.  wture  in-  d-c  i,  ui.marrlcu,  on  A'ay  3,  ];<!  1. 

VII  *  510  Kusanr.a  Woodson  Bates,'  Ik;:,.  April  21,  178.i.  ai  P.ehr.cnt,  {ih^  Hatr^ 
liomc.-lcad)  in  ( '.oiH-hLuu;  r(/ii;it\  ,  \'in;iiii.i,  wiicr.-  .--he  rcarrd  aiu! 
C'diic;;lc-rl.  S!u'  v,a-;  iiiarricd  in  1 SOJ  'o  'rii.-.r.ias^Mi.  Wnhou,  sun  -a' 
Koban  V\'a!lon  and  Mary  I'^^hson.  'Idicy  <>n\'.<.^^  in  (■anc!■o^  ilic,  Cum- 
l-ierlaiid  coamy.  Mr^inia,  wIutc  lie  was  for  many  >ears  rn,t;acred  in  ihc  mi-r- 
cautilc  business.  She  was  his  ::;ocoiid  wife.  Cine  da\  in  tlie  early  suiii:i!cr 
of  1806,  she  was  sitting  in  her  h-m^e  iJetiing  cucunihtrs.  A  terrific  electrical 
su)rni  arose,  and  wh.ile  holding  ilie  knife  in  iier  h.ind,  she  was  slrurk  bv 
ligluuing  and  inslaiitly  killed.  The  oldhcuse  was  still  standir:^;  in  187'), 
in  a  lair  stale  of  t-'reservati'Mi.  She  left  only  or.e  child.  Her  widov.  ed 
husband  waj  married  ih.irtlly,  .,b  au  .March,  1809.  to  tin:  widow,  Airs.  Ann 
(Bracket t)  Ilaiclier,  sister  of  Henry  Bracket!  of  Cumberland  coun'.v.  See 
Exciinus — Walton.  511  Margaret  H.  Bates,"  l.orn  August  25,  1785,  at  Belmont  in  Goncliland  couni\-. 
She  was  twice  married:  first,  .o  >,Ii.  Spear,  and  second,  to  Dr.  Wharton. 
She  died  in  St.  Charles  count>-,  Missouri.  It  is  related  that  she  and  iier 
sister  510  Susanna,  were  \-cry  cleN'oted  to  eacii  oJier,  and  made  a  compact- 
that  the  one  who  died  first  sliould  xdsiv  the  surviving  cmc.  But  Maiyaret 
never  saw  her  sister  in  this  world  afucr  the  lightning  had  done  its  work. 

IX  512  JaiTies  Wood.scn  Bates,'  born  .\ugu=t  25.  17S7,  at  Belmont,  in  Goochland 
county,  \'irgii.i:i,  where  he  war,  reared  and  gi\xn  a  tiioruagli  education. 
He  went  to  Missouri  and  after  living  tliere  a  while,  removed  to  Arkansas 
where  he  became  prominent  in  politics  and  in.  the  affairs  of  the  state, 
being  a  delegate  to  congress  for  Territory.  It  is  said  that  he  was 
sometime  acting  go\ernor  of  the  state,  bi!t  it  doe.-  not  appear  that  he 
v.-as  e\er  elected  to  that  oftice.     He  died  December  26,  1846. 

X  513  Anna  Bates,'  called  "Nanc\,"  born  February  7,  1789,  at  Belm..nt,  in 
Goochland  eountv.  was  married  to  Col.  JcU  and  settled,  in  Xorthuntberlnnd 
ccunty,  Virginia,  v  here  she  died  December  I.",  181.",  leaving  two  children. 

XI  5)4   Ca.oline  Matilda  Bates,'  born  lM;i)ruary  20,  i  791,  at  Belmont,  in  Goochland 

county,  and  died  there  October  15,  1811.      Xe\-er  married. 

XII  "■  5)5  E.jv.'aid  Bates,'  born  September  4,  1793,  at  Belmont  in  Goochland  county, 
\;rginia,  where  he  was  reared  and  given  a  thorough  education.  He  went 
to  Missouri  about  1814  and  located  in  St.  Louis  where  he  suidied  law  and 
became  eminent  in  hi;  profes-ion,  and  was  an  orator  of  renov,!!.  lie  was 
married  to  Mi.-.s  julj,  CoaUe,-.  In  ISol  he  was  ^piiointed  by  President 
Abra'nam  I.incol-.  as  ailorne>    gci.eral  of  tlie  United  States,  which  ofliee 


hffilic'l  wifh  ;il'i'it\-d>n-;n;^  ^■l-.  JJnc;^!. -■<.•;; tiro  lorn;.  AfU:i' the  rrc^Moiit's 
vr^j-Cic  v.K\uli,  ;c:ui  l!;c-  >ul;r,i;ii-irai  I'-ri  iuui  i,-li.i:.;^(.t!  hands,  lie  rjl.uriu-(i  io 
Vil--  lioiiK-  in  St.  I  o'.'.is,  M:-~-nuri.  ",\iv.-:'(;  "u.  ci'cil  rvK^rcIi  25,  ll>6-'. 

Isst^c  of        £3v?    PARLETON    WOODSO::     ^Ol^a-lc^.^  Tarleion.-  Julin,^    Kohcrt,-   j-hn'; 
.I mi  Ar.n  \'aii  I  'er  \'cc\\ 

I  *  516  Charles,"  Ihmu  ]7?.1,  in  Prim:?  Edward  cnai'i\,  \'irs,iTiia,  where  he 
rcaricl  ai;i,l  e'Jiicaicd. 

"He  v\-.iv:  ;,  man  of  hi.;h  rep;i!r;i:.>:-,  and  grcar  Influoiice.  He  r;o\er 
fillcd  av.y  office  of  t;reatcr  pruininca.^v  'iuui  ihat  of  reproseriLati\"e  in  the 
state  Icsjishiture."     C    V.  Vfo'jdson. 

It  ih  -■■-\\y\  t!iat  he  served  in  the  \\'ar  of  1S12  and  aUa.inrd  to  the  raid, 
of  niaior.  ]]r  vim  married  ahout  ]  803,  to  Nancy  Jackson,  and  died  in  1  SoS, 
at  his  home  in  l^'rince  Ed'.v.ird  coiuiiy. 

il         ?iV   Tf.rlotGn,"  born  179i',  in  Priine  Edward  coii!U\  and  died  \vitiiout  iscue. 

Issue   of        g3G   JOHN   WOODSOIS'    (Tarleion,-^  TarE-ton,'   John,'   Robert,-   John')   and 
Elizabeth  BaiEy. 

I  518  Susannah,"  lorn  Eebniary  11.  J  750,  in  .Ml  emarle  county,  and  v.'as  married, 
proliat.dy  aliC'lit   1770,  to  r\iicajah  W  lie..-ier. 

II  *  519  Tarletoii,"  born  March  22,  1758,  in  Albemarle  county,  vdiere,  ix  appear.-, 
he  spent  his  earl\-  life.     He  was  married,  probably  about  1750,  to  l\Es& 

Shepherd  and  settk'd  in  Goochland  county,  v/iicre  mo?r.  if  rot  all  bh 

children,  were  born. 

Issue   of        237   IvTATTIiEY.'PLi: A SAKTS'=;Susanna!i\A'oodson,nVir!eton,\|oh!i,'' Robert," 
John')  and  Anna  Raiie>-. 

I  520  Susannah  Pleasants,'  bsifn  Dccemler  2.  1785.  in  Richmond,  Virginia. 
After  the  death  of  her  parents,  .-he  lived  with  her  niece,  Mrs.  John  T.  .Eyle 
in  I-"a\ette  county,  I\cntuck\-,  where  site  died,  unmarried,  in  1^65. 

II  *  521  Caroline  Fleming  Pleasants,'  born  July  27,  1787,  in  Riciimond,  Virginia. 
She  Vi-ri'.  naarrit.-d  '"n  180.^.  to  V.'llii.irr,  ^b1yo,  Jr..  of  that  firy  He  wa^  a 
son  of  Cc'!.  Widiam  Mayo,  Sr.,  and  C"ai  iicrine  Swann.  After  their  mari'iajje 
tl>ey  locaied  at  \  ersailL-s,  Iveniucky,  remaining  there  sotne  years,  and  then 
re.noved  to  Sl'.elbyviile,  Kentucky,  and  fnally.  in  i.S4(5,  settled  in  Cooper 
county,  Mi.-^soari,  v.diere  they  both  died  a  few  years  later. 

III  522   George  Woodson  Pleasants,'  br.rn  July  I,  l7S0,  in  Richmond,  Virginia. 

He  went  to  \  ersailles,  Kentucky,  in  180.3,  and  died  there  in  1812,  unmarried. 

IV  52,^   Peyton  Pando)ph  Pleasancs,'  born  April  10,  17"!,  in  Riclimond,  Vinjini.i. 

!n  KS03  he  v.enl  to  Vcrsadlcs,  Kentucky,  was  married  iheie  to  Am-: 
(  atherine  lluniphries  and  diei'  Novcnibcr,  1S17. 


fh;;  f.iini'v  in  I'^'t.^  \<:  W  •.■>..'.V\\:  ■.  j<;:>,  \\ucr;-  -lit-  \v;i:-  ipi.uiivu  iii 
I'-^l.i  lo  R'l'i' !i  ] :  lu:.-'.);;  of  I".;;'  ''.'■:  coui'.t  >■.  'i"'r;t  y  localiM'  iii  l.i  >;ii;;:.i('ii, 
■venlurky,  vU'   \'  r-ii--  i.lieii  in   i;'U>. 

525  B?niai;:i:i  Iraiiklin  Pioasfints,"  !).-,-;i  \>c!  Iv,  i;')^.  in  Uichmoiri, 
\'ir;i;;!j,  jnd  \\v:ii'.  with  il;c  f.iniiiy  in  iMiJ!,  lO  W'l'!'...--.  K'.;mr,cky.  ilc 
xva^  ii-.srricd,  Fclr.i.'ry,  1S17,  t...  T<al>cli;'.  McCnlla  A-iair.  .i,K;:_:htc;-  i^l 
General  John  .\'.!,d.r,  wlio  .-orw;!  a  torai  -i^  gowj-ii^-ir  of  K,.t,:  ;:f;!:y.  Ho 
lOi-atcd  in  lliirri'i!;-l>urv;,  ICciU  n';!.\-,  wlurc  hv  Wwd  u;i;ii  alvnii;  1 1-.iO. 
\\hi.-n  b.o  was  aiipoiriic.l  lo  a  [ir.-'siiai  i'-^  ilic  Hniicd  S',.iU-<  trea-siaN  viciiari- 
'iKMu  Uii.ier  iVesidiMit  Jackson's  .ivhpiiiis;  raiieii.  lli-  ilun  ra--.vod.  wiih 
!ms  tamih-  lo  \\',i  ^'dii-'ton.  1).  C,  wlierc  I'-.c-y  ^pc•.ll  tho  remainder  of  their 
live.-.     He  uied  Jiir.c  2,  ISTO. 

VII  *  526  Eli'/abeth  Randolph  Pleasfints,"  ii,!,n  Jiin.e  9,  1796,  ;n  Richniou  i,, 
v.eru  v.iU.  ilic  family  in  1S03  m  X'cr-.dlLs,  ixenmrk;.-,  and  was  inanjci 
there  iri  lS.i!5  i^  Diaiglai.  Voimt;,  a  prosijcrous  farmer  In  '.har  vicir.i'.y. 
She  was  an  inlere^iirg  cKl  lady  ."ii.d  vrell  po.stcd  in  rej^ard  Xv  iier  family 
liisLory.     Siie  di^xi  ia  ISol  in  \'er>ailies,  Keniucky. 

V)il  327  Thoaias  Jefrerr.on  Pleasants,"  iiurn  March  6,  179'<,  in  Rirhnionci.  X'irgliaa, 

.uid  died  in  1817  ai  Verriailles.  Kentucky. 

IX         528  JvTiiJ.-lha  PieasardS;^  born  Febn;,,iry  U,  1?00.  in  Richmond,  'v'irgir.ia,  and 
die'!  in  l?lo  <i  W.-rs-aille?,  l-reniueky. 

Issue  of        23  0   JAIvlES  PLEASAMTS'"  "Of  Contemion''  (Susann.ah  Woodson, •'' Tarlrlon,' 
John,'  Robert,-  J'-hn')  and  wift    .Air^.  Anna  (R:',ndoljVn)  Pleasants. 

I  *  529  James  Pleasants,"  born  1769,  in  Henrico  coinil\-,  \'ireinia,  where  he  was 
leared  arai  educated  and  spent  ahn-.)Sl  hi.^  entire  life.  He  was  a  law\0!  of 
distii-.etion  and  became  piomiia-  ;i  in  p.:.r,uc;,.  He  wa.-.  eleCLed  governor  m[ 
Virginia  and  fill^^d  the  oftice  v.  i'li  distinguished  abibiy.  He  "a  a.-,  a'  oi 
stroH;^  character.  He  was  married  to  Susanna  Rore.  He  die.-. 
9,  1S36. 

H  530  Tr<;!e!-on  V/oodsoa  "Pleasants.' 

ITI   *     53.1    Anna  S.  Pleas.^nts,"  bi>rr.   in   Hci-rico  cour^ty  and   wa.=  nurried   to  Isciac 

l\'         532  Psuline  Pleasants.' 

V         533  Susannah  Rand.jlph  Pleasants.' 

VI   -^     534   TIartha  Pieasai.ts,'  born   Dec.nd.ier  2,  ll'^O,  in  Henrico  county,  Virjdnia, 
was  married  lo  her  Hrst  cousin,  Randolph  Railey,  son  of  Col.  John  Raiif:y 

150  Ti!!:  \V<n.l>-'N;;    \Mt  •;  ;!!-;i;  ;,  (.iNN:-C1  U  ^NS 

nnd  Lii.'.iLn'iIi  U  m.  w  ii 'li  if  Srf^-i<'l!('ii;4e.  '''lie\-  ui'^vi-.i  lo  Worn!  fur.  I 
rouiuy,  !-!■  niij^ky.  wi^cu-  -h..-  'i-.'.l  July  lU.  !>  !0.  Slu-  .irJ  b:->-  hvh^haiui  .ir,- 
iK.iii  Iiiiiioil  ;'i  \\■T:-.Mi'i.•^,  Ko'U;ioL>-.      Xoti-s  by  WillLin:  T.  rvailey. 

n        £42   Mpjor  IO.?IAH  WOODSOI^  ^  (Coi.  J.  hn,^  Jo.iahJ  h-hnr  Robertr  John') 
niJ  25-J  riir.-ahcih  \\'i.'Ov!,-.-oii.'^ 

I   *     S3S  Maiy;"  boni  J/79  at  Dover  in  Go'.irhlan'i  C'.'''!;y,  Virgini.-i. 

Al  one  liPK  diiiiiiy;  the  Ktjv(.iiilini!.;ry  War,  J.orf!  CornwrJ.ii?  halted 
his  cc!i!iii,iiid  at  Dover  fnr  a  few  d.-ys,  and  n^de  hi>  hcadciuaricr-^,  for  il-.e 
lime,  at  i'-'-:-  ie.<:  'ci:-e  vf  2-^2  >\ajoi-  Jul-: ah  W;>ud£on.'' 

At  tliat  tiiiK-  this  li;i!vj  Mary  \va-^  an  infa.rif  in  ih.e  cradlu.  Her  mother 
niai.iu:-ii)i-  ^-ome  alaiin  al  haviii-  cnemii^s  in  the  bouse,  Coniwallis  sought 
to  calm  Iier  fears  by  iniori-.nir.:;  a  fatherly  hi.-i  upon  the  bahv. 

The  parents  were  over  afterward.-  grateful  fur  this  little  act  of  kindnesB 
on  the  part  of  t!:c  Biiiish  ccnin!and<.:r. 

The  cliild  yrow  to  youp.g  wnmaiihood  aiu!  in  ISOl,  was  niarrird  to 
Dr.  James  Wyune- ?.!•.. ?s  of  C">',orhla!id  county.  In  IS03  ihey  went  to 
Aiaysville,  Ivcntucky.  where  they  remained  until  1820,  then  removed  to 
r3oono  couniy,  .Alispoari.  and  later  to  St.  L..r.:s.  She  died  about  1839  in 
St.  Loui.s,  and  he  died  on  his  farm  near  that  city  in  the  wiritcr  of  1358-9. 


JaiiK--  Mosi'carpe  from  Engiar.'!  at'v"Jt  17  19  lo  \'iigir.!a,  v.Iierc- he  Married  Eliza- 
beili  i)ul'.der^o!l,  \\hose  rinofstors  caine  from  Scotliind.  They  iiad  a  mjii,  H'.:gli  Mo5s,- 
v.\io  was  ronuiii=.-5!oned  Capta'ii  of  militia  in  Gooclilanci  coiuU;-  in  1760;  ?.r.d  ^v^.s  ^Tajor 
in  the  Continent::!  Line  in  1770.  He  .-c-rved  llir^iugh  the  grcau-r  piiri  o.''  the  Kevo'.Li- 
tionary  V/ar,  and  died  in  17S0  irovt  the  eiltcis  of  ivounds  received  in  battle.  H';  was 
married,  by  tiio  Rev.  John  Cby  .'  of  '.iie  grea!  slatec-man,  Henry  Clay),  to  Jane 
Ford,  dauj,h.ter  of  Thomas  Ford  and  Kciurah  \\'yniH-.  Thoy  li.jd  a  dau-luer,  K..i!jrah 
L.  Moss,'  \iho  niariitd  C.eiie:al  J. i ires  Tas  lor  'jf  Kent  ".c't-.y;  ?l~o  a  M.r..  D'.  J.-ir-.e.i  Vynno 
?>Ioss^  who  married  53.S  Mary  Woodsor.,'  d.uu'htcr  of  ;'-!2  .Maior  Joviah,  and  2b2  I'Jiid 
b^th  Wiodson. 

(See  Cabell:;  ai.d  th^ir  !;iii.) 

II  !;.6  Elivnbcth,'  born  about  1782  at  Do>.-er,  Goochland  county,  Virginia. 

III  '■■     537  Martha,''  born  aboiii.   1785  at  Dover,  in  Goochland  e-ounty,  was  married 

abova  IRQl  to  Her.ry  .Marhir  and  located  in  Mason  county,  KeniL;c!;y. 
Tli..>'  n;'i\\-d  1,1  i>,20  lo  Jiooiie  countv ,  Mi-.-'-'ui,  wi'cre  (hey  spenr  the  rest 
of  their  lives. 

IV  *      558   Sophia/  br-rn  abc'U!    17F7  at  Dover,  Mr-I'ii^'-    'She  went  with  the  f.imily 

in  i:sU3  to  .Ma.-on  couht\',  Kentucky,  and  was  inarried  about  this  time  or 
shoitly  afterwards  to  Janie-.  Hi',  kn-an.  They  mo\ed  to  Howard  county, 
Missouri,  in  1820.  Iler  husband  died  there  ttiid  she  was  married  soinc 
years  later  to  David  S.  Lanime,  of  Coltimbia,  Missouri. 

V  *     539  Cr.roL'ne  R.-'ndjIph,'  born  Jn-^e  I-!,   1704,  a<   Do\-er,  in  Goochland  couniy, 
Virginia,      in  t8ul,  her  moilter  being  dt-r.'.],  her  father  sold  his  properly  in 






■  i'  I 

■i  I 


^  I 




535— MRS.     MARY     (V/OOD&ON)     MOSS 

Hoochlanil,  ctad  i'i:i:-i-  iii;ii  C;iroii;io  \\l\h  hiiu.  went  In  r>":i?!in  ro\ii!:.\  , 
KcnUirVy,  to  'ix  v:\:r  h's  ihrc>'  irianic.i  daui^liur:.  n-hc  r,.\i]  preceded  hi:n 
to  r'i;\'  sf;U('. 

In  Marcli,  I'^l  1 .  whi-v.  only  i-ixttLn  y',\;r.-.  .■;iv!  ihie  r>o;-i!is  old,  ("are-lin.- 
'  Pi-^rricv!  !'••  I'l'.  Ai'uu^tns  Xathaiiiel  (-\'i;"/ii  \\  il.^en.  I'.l--  fatl'er  \v;-~ 
Cipljii;  XathMiiiel  Wils.m,  a"i  dtiioor  ii!  the  ■'ilsi-.ii',  Ciiiirp,"  .i  body  or 
Mar\-iand  troops  in  the  ivcvohnioa.  Captaiii  V\  iisou  owned  a  cousivk'r.tliie 
body  of  laiui  .Tiul  mucli  per?on;i!  property  in  Mason  County  wr.cro  he  In'.l 
been  living;  for  ,-:on'>e  lime  befoie  his  deaiii.  Ht  and  Jfiliii  Cobiiru  owned 
joinlK"  5('i00  acre?  in  Jeilerson  c-OLint\',  near  J.oiiib\iiIe. 

It  was  in  l-,onor  of  hi?  frien.d  ar;d  partner  that  he  be:;u)v;ed  the  m,:vr. 
Coburn  upon  his  son. 

Dr.  Xatlianie!  Coburn  V\'iison  dir-d,  prol.\tb'y  about  l!'i7,  sur\i->-ed 
by  iiis  \vid.ov\-  and  four  cliiliJrcn.  5oon  after  hii-  death  and  the  death  of  ii.'V 
father,  CaroHne,  with  her  four  Nour.j;  children,  made  l;er  iionie  "with  tiie 
family  of  her  brothcr-indav.-,  Dr.  James  Wynne  Aio-^s,  who  looi<cd  after 
her  property  frii  her. 

In  1820  Dr.  .Moss  with  liis  fami'y,  and  Caroline  viih,  her  four  -■rr,->li 
children,  mo\-e(l  to  Columbia,  Boone  couuty,  .Missouri,  leaving  !ier  Ken- 
tucky [nopert\  in  the  hands  of  Gen.  Jauies  Taylor,  a  l.irot!ier-In-law  to 
Dr.  Moss. 

Having'  settled  permanently  in  Columtiia,  bhe  buiii  own  home 
where  she  carefully  reared  her  children. 

"She  was  a  woman  of  regal  appearance;  tall,  harids':inie  and  carried 
herself  with  stateh-  dignity;  and  v-."itliab  most  kind-hfaried  and  gcnci-ou.s. 
She  loved  her  ancestry  and  was  loyal  to  her  kindred.  She  was  a  de'S'out 
Christian  and  a  devoted  men^'cr  of  the  Presbyterian  Chiu-ch." 

In  1S37  the  v.'ife  of  her  cousin  576  ''•.Varren  Wood-on,''  died,  lea\ii'.;-; 
two  little  daughters — Susan  ani  0'i\ia.  Caroline  to.jk  tha-e  chiidreii  te. 
her  home  and  tenderly  cared  for  ;hem  ui.lil  they  were  i^row  n  and  m-inied. 
One  of  them— Susan,  the  widow  of  James  Hugh  Moss,  is  no'.v  more  tha.r. 
eight)'-ei;;ht  years  old,  and  stili  li\"e3  in  Coluntbia. 

Caroline  i;\ed  to  a  ripe  old  age  arid  died  at  her  home  in  Columbia, 

Issue  of       244   SUSAIJNAH   YiOODSOlV'  (Col.  John,'^  Josiah,'  John,'  liohert:-  .lohn') 
and  Islianj  Randolpli  Rai!e>'. 

I  *  540  John  Railey/  Iiorn  July  IS,  17;<5,  in  Viri^inia,  went  witii  his  parents  to 
isentucl;\-  in  17V  1  and  was  reared  on  the  tarm  "Vine}-  Gro\-e"  near  Versailles 
in  Wo(jdford  county.  He  was  married  June  4,  1S07,  to  his  cou:>!n  FJlzcljclh 
Railey.  The\-  settled  near  Burks\";lle,  in  Cumberland  county,  Kentucky, 
where  lie  died  .\uL;ust  7,  1S14. 

II  541   Tarleton    Railey,'    born    February    26,    17S7,    in   Vir<;inia,   went   with   his 

parent-  iii  17'>-!  'o  Woodford  county,  l\eii!'ack\-,  and  was  reared  at  \'ir.e}' 
Giove  iiear  '/eisailles,  where  liC  die  !  '.i  ISIO. 

wn  I  inn;  oinnu 

ill  i,-\.-.   J:';;<;;.beth  Raliey,'   \,-^^:\\   .\<.\\\\  J.    170j,  ;=>   \i.-.'i!ii;,^   \v.i^    l;il:on   wilh   t'w 

fi'.iiily  in  IT'i:  us  l\ii;;n:  !:y  m^A  i\-).v;1  -in  ihc  faiiii.  \'ii;i\-  (Ivuvo,  ihms 
\'i.T.-;'i;los.  Slu-  w;',,--  r,i,i:r;i!!  ip.  ISIJ  lo  j.  I'.  McC'ormac-!;,  a  lawyer  t' 
■J"v.niu<;ce.  Sl'c  liiod,  chiulU  -;,,  i  ;:  -sii^;.:-;  IS,  1^66.  in  S(,  l.oui;-,  Mi;~so;:ri, 
and  \v;i<  l-iiricd  in  licr  f.llhc^'^  hv.\)  'w.):,  jjvvniid  at  \'inv\  ClrcA  c. 

iV  *'  S-i3  Randolph  P.ailcy,"  born  J^ccciiilvr  19;  ]  7<14,  at  \'incy  (//n)\T  n<-va-  VersoiliL-S, 
KcT.tncl;y,  v.lieic  he  re;; reel  ;ind  educated.  j'K'  wa;;  ivjci?  married; 
fir.vt,,  on  July  6,  181'>.  to  Caroline  Trill  cnden..  a.  i-i:;tcr  of  J  dim  J.  C''.den, 
r;o\-ernur  of  Ki-iv.nclvy  and  rniii-d  Suiics  fcnaioi-.  i Jc  \va.;;  raarried  Peciind, 
(iji  No\cralier  15,  KSoO,  lo  ?^I;lry  Sicwari  Munter.  lie  owtu'd  a  l.irge  farm 
not  far  from  \'ersaiilL~  and  was,  for  nuuiy  >cars,  a  inerclianl  in  tliaL  to'>\!i. 
ik-  died  ;\Iay  1,  3  873. 

V  *  544  C'lroiine  Raiiey,'  horn  February  12,  1796,  al  Vincy  Grove  near  X'erfaiHes, 
Kenti'cbx-,  -,\as  mairied  Ju!\-  29,  1825,  to  Jc.seph  I->a/er,  a  veteran  of  the 
Wirof  IS]  2.     She  died  M.ucho,  iS59,  at  \'incy  CroN'e  where  ylie  was  born. 

VI  545  Jordan  Railey,"  born  .Aiigu.^r  14,  1797,  at  the  faip,i!\-  iiemie  near  Vcrsaille.s, 
and  'bed  Dettndier  7,  Iblo,  wliiie  studying  Liw  in  brankfort,  ]\e!Uiuky. 

V!i  540  Josiah  Woodson  Railey,"  born  Xoveinber  18,  17vS,  al  \'in<ty  Gro\e  near 

Versailles  antl  died  there  Api'd  5,  181S. 

Vni  547  Martha  \7oodson  Railey,"  born  August  15,  ISOl.  at  \'incy  near 
\  ersailles,  Kentueky.  During  a  spe!)  of  fe\er,  fhe  lost  the  pcjwer  e^f  ii'>ccebi 
>.liieli  was  ne\'er  re'-0\ered,  althfnij.di  she  li\  ed  to  be  ciebty-four  \  ears  old. 
She  died  unmarried,  Jui\^  17,  l.'->5,  and  was  buried  at  tb.e  old  honicstead 
wliere  she  was  born. 

IX  548  Nancy  Railey,'  born  Deeember  17,  1S02,  at  \'incy  Grove,  vs-as  married 
August  15,  1821,  to  Ib_>n.  Daxid  Thornton  of  W-rsaiiies.  She  lived  a  little 
more  llian  e-vi/  uionlhs  af<i.,r  ;narriage  and  eb'ed  Octol.ier   29,    1821,   at   he:r 

lio/ne   in   \'ersa!llcs.     I\lr.   Thor;iton  afterwards   ntanied Cliurlotte 


X         S4i'  Dr.  Islisin  Raiiey./  Kimn  Feb.ruary  20,  1805,  at  Viney  Gro\e,  was  marrleo' 

in  lS.i5  to  lii'^  eousin Sanah  Websier  'if  \'ir'<inia.      Tl:ey  \..-'re  mi'rri'vl 

at  the  residenre  of  un-.le,  Rand-jlph  Railey.  He  died  ^^•iLho'.'.t  issue, 
Sejit ember  4,  l;s-!5. 

iKStie  of        2.4  S  JOHN  V/OODSON'^  (G,,!.  John,-'  J<,.-iah.,'  J'.hn.-'  Robert,-  John')  an'i  Mary 
Liglitfoot  (Polly)  Ander-on. 

1  *  550  Thomas  Jeuerson,'  born  abcuit  l79f),  in  Ilar.over  eounty,  Virginia,  was 
mairied  about  1S30  to  Diana  ?Jirliie,  daughter  of  lawyer  John  Michie 
(proufjunc'ed  Mickey).  Ti'.ey  scttic'l  in  Chyjohland  cimu'.;>'  wliere  three  of 
their  ehildreii  were  b'orn.     About  1810  they  mo\"ed  to  W'esi.  Tent.essee  and 

Sr-:\  f  Nrit  or.xi  u  \i'Ci 

lor;5tcil  nca;  !.;>(  ;rai:.;,!',  iii  I'.iyc'.te  '.""i:;,:;.".  N'lvr  a  icVv'  yiMrs  they  bi.HiL;:i' 
a  Uacl  of  1..1.11I'.  ill  M.rrs'  i-.tii;ity,  \'i.'~:-.-ipi'ii,  en  which  iliey  Pnaliy 
setlltnl  ami  Iniiil  i!;rir  1i:>;-,h-.  three  I'-.i'-i  csi  of  MiciiiiMn  C"!i\-.  i!c;o 
lli(.'\'  spi-iJi  rile  rciiuii.uiLT  1)1  ih;  '.v  Ir.Li.     S'le  died  in  1S75  aiul  lie  in  ISTJ. 

II  551   Jc$iah,"  b-,>rn  aliuiit   17'''.\  in  Hanover  roiuny,  X'irgiiiia.     Xc\'er  inarrirL'.. 

III  "■     552   P.iC'irird,'  I'orn  a!)ou;  ]7')A  in  Hanovci'  coiKity.  marriLd  Mi:-i  Roysicr  ar.J 

suu!e(.l  in  I-liiduaorKl,  \'ir,^iiiia. 

IV  *     553  Isiiani,"  l.i'.ini  aij^iii  ]7'.'6.  raanicii  Sailie  MLrriv.'i.'at!icv  Anderson  of  I.o;;i:<i 

county.  The\-  tciilcd  an  iiu-ir  farm  in  Hanover  wlK-re  they  spent  lijeir 
t-aiirc  li\'cs. 

V  *  554  Archibald  Picasants,"  born  X','.\'ember  IS.  179S.  in  Hanover  coiirity, 
■was  married  Xovember  IS,  1S22,  io  Xar;c\-  r'anicl  .\ndersor.,  daiigluei  i',f 
Thomas  Mtrriv, earlier  Ar.dL-r.-on  and  Xaiiey  Tillnian  of  Loidsa  c>j\ia\y. 
She  -\\as  born  in  Louisa  Xo\-embcr  iS,  1797,  and  died  at  lier  home  in, 
Hanov'er  in  Xovcmbor,  1,^63.  After  their  marriage  tiiey  settled  on.  ihfir 
farm  in  Hano\er  wiiere  iliey  sjienl  tiieir  t-niire  live-;.  He  died  in  ?.!a\', 
j8S3.  Tlicir  old  heime  wiib.  llu-  farm,  is  still  in  ;he  possession  of  rheir  L'-vo 
sur\i\ing  children,  .Anna  and  '\\'il!iam,  who  li\'e  there. 

\'I  55?  Polly,'  born  about  iSOO  in  Hanover  counv\",  v-'as  married  to  Williar.i 
Anderson  ('probaLl>'  of  Louisa  county).  Tliey  settled  in  RichnvjnJ. 
\'irginia,  and  pr'.ibably  died  ihere. 

VII   *     556  Harriet,"  born  aliuiit    1S02   in   Hano%er  counry  and   was  .married   lo   Mr. 

Issu.j  of        24S   MARTI-IA    V/OODSON'^  (Col.  Jolin,^  Jo.iah,^  John-'  Rob.Tu,- John')  and 
Thomas  Raile>-. 

I  55V    Thomas   Railey,   Jr.,'   born    1 7vO,    in    Woodford    courity,   Mentnrky,  vs-p.- 

married  in  LS20  to  his  dou!>ie  first  cousin  Sallie  B.  Railey,  and  di-.-(!  the 
following  year  (1821)  in  Trigg  county,  leaving  one  son.  V\'ii!iani  Ra:i.doi,oh 
Rail' v.- wlio  v.-'is*bMrn.  1321  arid  died  in  1840,  unmarried. 

II  558  George  Woodson  Railey,"  boni  1791,  at  ■Cliflon,"  the  name  of  hisparems' 
heme,  near  \'ersailies,  Woodford  couni\-.  Kentucky,'.  He  v/as  married 
December  S,  iSlS,  to  .Maria  P.  Bullock,  who  was  born  iMarch  12,  1791. 
They  located  at  Monticcllo,  Missouri,  where  he  v.-as  appointed  posrn. aster 
and  served  ur.iit  his  death  in  1.S16.  Tiie;,'  had  only  one  daiighter,  Martlia 
\^'oodson  Railey,-  who  was  born  1825  and  died  1839,  aged  sixteen  years. 

Ill  *  559  Peter  Ives  R-dley,-  born  :March  Ifc.  1793,  at  "Clifton,"  the  family  home 
rear  \'ers::ii!iLS,  Ke.niuck}-,  was  married  August  21,  1817,  to  his  doutilc 
nrst  coDoin  566  Judith  V^'ood^on  Railey.'      He  was -a  farmer  and  ov,  ned  a 

154  'Jin-  ^vo^.;l^l!N;^.  .:n;>  ri!!-n<  c  oxx:-;r  ;i(> 

gocKi  fanvi  a  fi'W  iihl'.'s  fr^i'i-,  \"<-s.ui"iCb..      ;i;..;;;u->  liii^,  his  '.vile  inluTUcd  iu '' 
i'at'iiL'r's  oKi  lii.nuc  'i .il>..:i  i\-  ll.,!';;"  ;u;i!  ;•;.;>   wCi\-  rc-yidiiig  ihcri.  ,ii.  ilu-  tiiVi',- 
.  lie  ^!io<!,  July  1,  is;j. 

IV  560  M.iry  ksiley,'  h"rn  i;>;5.  al  liio  r.;.'-.i!y  !  jmc.  "Cnflon."  lu-.n  X'-^r.-nilKv-. 
]\;ciuucky  v.',>.~  r.i,t!T;c;i  aijoiii  tSlO  !<■  Ik;-  ri-.i:-;n  592  Fliiii])  XWwcI^oii.' 
She  dice!  n  M:i\-,  1817,  wiKU  Kcr  only  cli:!.'!  \va>  ar;  :i/1';mi:  (T'iy  a  f^w  nitJiUh? 
eld  S'r»c  v/a^;  ')u:'icv!  in  '.ivo  fainily  burying;  ;v;ioini'J  ai  "C'Jiii.on"  \vliC"'e  she 
vas  born,     l^'or  i.s^iH.'  ^oc  S92  )";p  W'uoii-on." 

V  *  561  Lucy  Railcy,"  born  Ai!t;usi  5,  ]7''0.  ai  "(.'Hfu);!."  Slu-  \\-as  twice  nnrriL'.!: 
firsi.  about  1815  lo  John  J3.  Kinlai'd,  a  lawyer  in  \"ersai!lo?.  He  Jied 
vitiiin  a  >oar,  !-,a\a'.f:  r.o  i.-sue.  Sha  was  married  sccoa.d,  in  1S32  to  Rev. 
\\"il!i.ini  M.  King,  a  i're-'yalerian  ininisur  wlio  v.'as  pasmr  of  rhc  church  iii 
Versailles  at  rhc  time  of  la';;  inarriai;e  anil  Tor  many  years  after.  She  died, 
September,  1S52. 

VI  *  562  jMartiia  Jane  Eailey,"  born  ITvT  at  "Clii'e.ii."  was  married  August  9, 
1S19.  to  Jy'in  II.  L'err\  inau.  The}-  cominued  to  live  at  (."liflon  all  their 
!i\-e^,  and  bhe  died  there  November  2.j,  1865. 

VII  *  56.5  Susannah  Rails;;,'  hMi-n  January  15,  1801,  at  "(difton."  She  v.-as  married 
ji!l>-  19,  1325,  at  tlie  hcane  of  iter  brother  5a7  Peter  Ives  Railey,"  to  Vs'iHiaKi 
Fleming  Markhairi.  Tiiey  first  located  in  Xew  Orlean.?,  Louisiana,  and 
finally  f-ettled  in  \'icksburg,  Mississippi,  where  he  died.  She  speat  the 
latter  ^■eaia-  cf  lier  life  in  Xew  Orleans,  at  tlie  home  of  her  son,  Rev.  Thontas 
R.  Markham.  D.D.,  and  died  there  Alay  1,  1S72. 

of  24  7  JUDITH  Vv'OGDSOlN'o  iCo!  Joim,-'  Josiah,'  John,'  Robert,'-  John=)  and 
William  Railey. 

I  564  Y.'illiam  Randolah  Railey,'  born  Feln-uary  4,  1794,  at  "Liberty  H  d!,'' 
tlic  name  of  his  [parents'  home,  near  X'crsailles,  Kentucky  Me  enlisted  in 
the  United  States  atmy  for  the  War  of  1812,  and  was  killed  in  liie  batiie 
River  Raisin.  His  father's  grief  was  so  intense  thai  lie  ncxer  entirely 
reco\'ered  from  it  and  di^-d  in  ISIS. 

II  563   Saliie    Kail>,y,'   born    March,    1796,    at    "Lib.rty    Hall,"    near   X'ersaillcs, 

Kentucky,  and  died  August,  1362.  She  was  twice  married;  first  in  1820 
to  557  Thomas  Rail  .-y,  Jr.'  He  died  wiihin  a  year  or  so,  !ea\iag  one  son, 
William  Randoljih  i-lailey,°  born  1821  and  died  in  184b.  The  widow  was 
married  second,  in  1829  to  Parham  Wa.lhn  of  Bov.ling  Creen,  Ken!ucl;\-, 
by  vehom  she  ha.d  one  daughter,  Judiili  Anvi  V'.'allm,-^  borii  1830,  and  was 
ma-ried  A;arch  1  8,  185o,  to  Dr.  Vv'illiarn  Sieele  White,  a  prominent  physician 
of  \'ersailles,  ar^d  died  At^gust,  1862,  the  samr  year  and  month  in  wliich 
her  mother  died.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  White  are  sur\  ived  by  on,:  son,  L'r.  Thomas 
Philip  White,-'  who  was  educated  ir,  Pari-,,  b'rance,  and  is  now  iocateti  ie 
Cincinnati,  Ohio,  wheie  iie  lias  au  exierisive  practice. 


11!  566  ;i!.-U!h  WoGvlsoii  Rriiic-i,-   '-tu  ^!.;I:h   15.    179'),  ai   '•Liberty   Mali,"  ^^,l^ 

:,  .\i!v!i-t  .>].  iSi;,  xo  lu'i- il.-rii!^  \'v-.\  cou^ia  559  iVu-rlvos  R.;i\  v  .■ 
T\w\  inlurit-Hi  ..hi  LiiNiMv  ]!,!i;,  .;i,;  ;■;  Mdcni  there  a  i..,r.d  n;anv  •.cu:^. 
'i'h::  liospit,.li;\  l,.r  wl.jca  the  , .1  1  It^.'-e  iiad  Uhmhic  fallK1u^,  v/as  i;e\e. 
ahaxnl  as  lon^  a^  tli,.y  11^.1.  S!,'-  ;Jied  tl-ere  (leloli^  r  .-il,  184.'.  a;u;  wa^' 
Ijtiii.ii  ia  lae  f.unily  iairx-a- i;;a.uar!.      Foi  i^^^ie  jce  55*)  I'  acr  1\  ...••  Ra^i.: /.' 

Issue  of       2  53   JOHN  STEPHEN  WOODSON'  (Rev.  ^.Jauhev,-/  ftlcpheu,-  Joliu  »  RoL-ri  - 
John')  aiui  210  Nai-aio  Woodson. « 

1  *  .K67  Matthew/  born  Ajail  15,  1779,  at  the  home  of  hh  paients  ia  Goochiar.d 
comity,  \'irginia.  ua-;  marrk-d  October  10,  iSlo,  lo  his  ilrft  cousin,  593 
Paulina  Woodson.'  They  sciiled  e,.  theh'  fa::;;  ia  Gooeliland,  wlicre  l-e 
died  at  half  past  lOo'elock  a.m.,  Juh  9,  18?S,  and  \va<  buried  ia  thefanidy 
burying  ground.  He  v.-as  a  prosperous  farmer  and  owned  a  nuinl>er  of 
slaves.  About  four  years  after  ids  death,  his  widow,  with  four  liviag 
children,  nuned  to  West  Tmncssee  and  bought  •■  farm  in  t-a\e;te  county. 
sO!r,e  twent.v  mile.-  e?st  of  Merap'hi<.     Tl,ere  she  dietl  and  is  iu:ried. 

II  *  5CS  Benjamin/  born  April  15,  1  782,  in  Gooc'dand  county,  was  niairicd  Janu.oy 
23,  1806,  to  Alartha  LeScuer,  who  was:  born  February  18,  {787.  Jle'r 
anccstors  were  cnvincnt  artists  and  composers.  The}  '.\ere  of  French 
origin  and  in  their  religious  faiih  vs-cre  Huguenots.  T  !icy  catr.e  to  \'irginia 
about  the  time  of  the  Huguenot  exodus. 

56S  Benjamin  Woodson'  was  by  occupation  a  school-It  acher,  and  was 
noted  for  his  beautiful  penmanship,  which  v.-a;  as  perfect  as  an\-  copy  plate. 
His  books  for  teaching  a  bv.siness  course  were  of  his  own  r.uiking  and  wtvz 
works  of  avl. 

Near  the  close  of  the  War  of  1812,  lie  volunteered  and  ser^-ed  as 
adjutant  of  his  regiment  until  the  vv-ar  os  er  ..nd  the  commaiid  mui-tered 
out  of  ser\-iee. 

Copy  of  a  letter  Y%a-itten  by  56S  Benjamin  W'ocdsoii"  while  servin-,'  in 
the  United  States  army  during  the  War  of  1512.  That  portion  of  the  leiler 
showing  the  date  and  the  place  fronj  \,  hich  it  was  written,  cou'd  not  be 

"Sonv:-  few  days  being  elapsed,  this  the  27th  cf  the  month,  some  few 
things  occur  to  mind,  which  i  will  di.sclosc  to  >ou,  to  wit,  Major  Wells 
from  Henry  is  at  this  time  under  arrest.  The  charge  against  him  is  this, 
into.xication  and  i!ngentle:nard\-  conduet  to  tlie  sentinels  and  guard  wiien 
goif.g  the  grand  rounds.  It  is  the  opiiuon  of  ntany,  togetliot  with  nnseif, 
that  he  will  come  out  with  honour, 

"My  daily  residence  is  with  Capiain  Jones,  Lieut.  Cooper,  Lieut  and  Jdeut.  Ferguson,  all  from  Franklin,  for  wl;om  J  act  as  Clerk. 
John  Lovell  liees  in  the  same  hou-e  and  is  well  and  hearty,  though  the 
iiien  zi  this  place  are  as  well  as  can  lie  expected,  considering  the  great 
num.I^e!  of  people  v.diich  arc  slated  here. 

)  AO  t'l'-    Woun>!.AS  A   ;:)  Ti;i;: 

'■\'.Mi  will  ;\ol  l.ii!  'o  wr-.o  to  nu  and  si\c  r.\:  :i  ..•!;.■<,.!  d^-n  iiuiiii  of 
nil  ihaL  i^  s'xnl.  I  \\Mrii  U)  lu-:.r  arihiiij;  iluii  is  '■.!•!,  il  \,'.u!(!  add  iiui'-'!  ;o 
tlio  nviri  iric:Ui<Mi  ''f  in\'  .--iiiii'.s. 

"',  ".ixo  in_\-  best  !osn^.■cl^  loall  \  (iiir  g.-.-.d  i-.i-i^rlil -■■r-,  .i:id  incjiiirini,-  friend;. 
Re^jioeifu'Iy  letneiidv.-r  iiv.-  !o  \'ii.;i-  Faibtr  aiid  I'-i'idiy.  likewise  lo  Williaia 
Bartuii  if  \ini  y'loiiid  .-vc  him.     l\i!i;\vcli. 

"This  frc/m  \-our  bt-->i.  fricad  and  (.oiripiiaicii, 

'■Bi:N"j.\;>;!\  Wocdsox. 
"X.  Pi.      UcnicnilfcT  nie  i^'  oui-  Jiiilo  i-'iildrcn." 

Ri-iu.-;;ine;  to  liis  lu'ine  in  \"irginia,  he  lo.-iir.iod  hi.?  occupation  of 
teaching;  ecliool. 

In  his  rcligiou.~  faiih,  ho  was  a  Friinitive  J^aiitisl.  In  ISiO  lie  moved 
wii.Ii  his  family  lo  ?doiirnr;  countx,  Mi^.-ouri.  whcro  he  ^;)^n^  the  reniainieg 
years  of  an  honorable  and  ii^eUil  life.  He  died  on  hi.s  Missonii  farm, 
October  25,  1348.     IW^  vile  died  Februaiy  26,  IS'w. 

III  .'.'05   'fo'an  Siephea,  jr.,"  Inirn  in  1784  in  Goochland,  .:.i;d  d.ied  in  infancy. 

IV  570  John,'  born   1780  in  (n^ocldand,  v.-as  married  lo  Mii^  Cravrford,  and  had 

se\'ercd  children  \vhose  nameri  ha\'e  rioi  been  learned.     And  no  record  of 
his  defceric'.M'its  (if  any)  has  been  found. 

V  *  571  Stephen,'  burn  1786  in  Criochland  county,  Mr^^inla.  He  was  twin  biother 
to  570  John.'  Their  bioiher  569  John  Steplicn,  J r.,"  had  died  in  infancy  and 
this  favorite  name  seemed  about  to  be  lost  to  this  f.miily;  so  wlien  these 
twins  came,  the  name  v\-as  divided  and  bestowed  upon  ihem. 

571  Stephen'  grew  to  young  manhood  in  Cioochland;  went  to  Albe- 
marle county,  engaged  iri  the  mercantile  and  v.  iis  married,  probably 
about  181S,  to  his  third  cousin  Jane  Woodson,  who  died  in  1824.  wiien 
their  ihird  chiM,  1136  DanieP  was  an  infant  of  only  a  few  d;i>s  or  weeks. 
She  had  a  brother,  Mosby  Woodson,  who  v.  as  a  inerehant  in  Ri'dmi  jad, 
iind  was  ne\'er  married.      Xorhing  more  has  been  learned  oi  him. 

After  the  death  of  his  wife,  .'7i  Stephen  Woodson.'  was  ni;;r:icd 
secondly  to  a  j\Iiss  ?Jeade,  sold  out  hio  mercantile  business  and  reri'ed  lo 
his  f;u'm  in  Albemarle  county,  \\li<.-re  he  died  about  the  year  1831. 

Vf  572  Mary,'  (called  Polly),  born  about  178S  in  Goochland,  ^vcnt  with  t;;e  fronily 
in  1S03,  to  Woodford  count:,,'.xky,  and  n-.:;rried  there  aboul; 
ISOS  to  Peter  Porter.     No  record  of  her  pL'Sierity,  if  any.  Ins  Ijeen  obtained. 

Vll  r)73   l^orothca,'  (called  Dolly),  was  born  1  790,  i,i  Goochlond  county,  wen'  -vit!! 

the  I'amily  in  1S05  to  Woodford  county,  J-Ccr.lucky,  where  she  was  married 
about  ISIO  to  William  Porter. 

VIIl  574  Nancy,-  borji  1792  in  Goochland  comity,  v.enl  with  the  family  in    1805    to 

Kentucliy.      Never  manicd. 

IX  *  575  George,'  b<,rn  179-1  in  Goochkind  e(.':nty,  Virginia,  went  with  the  family  in 
1805  LO  Woodford  co'unty,  Kentucky.     i!c  grew  lo  be  a  man  of  splendid, 


\  I 

■  / 







576      rmS.    WARF.EN    WOODSON 


vhy>ica\  appo.MMiKO  avcl  sjporior  iv.ri':;l;;:ci";~i;.  lie  v/,'is  twice  r;i:;r;--u-d  ■ 
first,  to  /vlaria  (>aii";i.:;hr,  w'lii  livcl  but  ■:.  ^'.xc'V:  time.  No  issue,  lU-  v,.is 
marriv-vi,  socor.d,  U<  },aV-e  "laln'colt.  Thc>'  -.-vtied  in  Boone  comity,  l\!i->i".ir;, 
where  he  en;;.'jj;e(i  in  i.niriing  and  e^.iiti,>ucd  Liiore  li^iLil  lie  died  in  .t.S;>l. 

X  "  576  V;irren,'  liorn  I '96  in  Cooch!,;nd  ccii.niy,  X'ire.inia,  went  vvitli  the  fiinii'y 
in  1805  to  ^^'ol;^ll^■.i■d  e'~ni'H\-,  K^'r,a:cJr>-.  wlure  iie  ■:,rew  to  young  n'.anhood 
:ind  was  nmrricd  in  1S17  t-o  Mi.-s  K1ix;ibclh  McCle'.u'nd,  a  daughter  o'  Col. 
Jan"'Cs  McCli-liand.  Tlie  next  )-ear,  181o,  lie  and  !i;s  \-oinig  wife  went  with 
her  jiarents  aiui  tb.eir  iantih  to  nocmc  co\n\iy,  ^j^^souri.  \si;ere  lie  engaged 
in  leaching  school  for  tv,'o  or  three  \'ears. 

In  1S21  he  was  apf:)oi;Kcd  cleik  of  }3oor,e  connty,  and  he'd  the  offiee 
contlniioush'  for  forty-one  ■v'cars — luiiil  1862 — during  which  lirric  iie  wa; 
also  [-irobate  jadge. 

At  tliis  linie  the  Civil  War  was  in  piogress,  and  his  syn-.patli'es  bei;;;:; 
with  the  Soiirh,  he  declined  to  be  a  candidate  for  re-election.  Bat  v.hen 
the  v.'t  was  n\-er,  in  1866,  he  was  again  elected  to  his  old  office; his c>[>poner't 
being  Capt .  1  lenr\'  X.  Cook,  an  cx-ofticer  of  the  Federal  army. 

His  wile  died  about  1$37.  She  had  borne  him  two  sons  and  tv/o 
daugh'ers:  the  sons  died  in  infanc>-,  and  the  two  daughters,  Olivia  and 
Susan,  v.'cre  taken  to  the  home  of  h,is  cousin  539  Caroline  (Woodson) 
W'ilfon,  who  reared  them  with  the  greatest  care  and  love. 

He  was  married  secondly,  on  October  1,  18-1-0,  to  ^liss  Amanda  Berry 
Dick,  who  was  boi  a  January  11,  bSli,  in  Caroliiic  count\-,  \'irginia.  She 
taught  school  for  several  years  at  Fayetteville,  Teiincbsee,  went  to  Boone 
count\-,  Missotiri,  where  she  ntet  Judge  Warren  Woodson  and  b-ccame  his 
wife  on  October  1,  1S4C. 

After  his  election  to  his  old  office  in  1866,  he  oidy  lived  about  two 
years  and  died  October  -1,  186S,  being  the  incinnbcnt  of  the  office  until  the 
day  of  his  death.  He  was  an  exceedingly  poptilar  man,  a  man  of  firm 
convictions  and  strong  character.  He  held  a  high  place  in  the  hearts  of 
his  people  ur.til  the  close  of  his  lotig  an<.l  useful  life. 

In  the  autumn  of  1910  liis  portrait  v.'as  presented  to  tlte  count}  touit 
of  Boone  county.  F"o!louing  is  the  address  deli\"ered  on  tliat  occa^ion  by 
Hon.  X.  T.  Gentry: 

Zfay  ii  please  the  Courl: — 

''  Nearly  two  ycar^,  ago,  this  court  f.;j!-'0>"'P'3  a  coinrihtee.  consisting  of  C'tizcns  from  each  town?h;p  of  the 
county,  to  procure  pictures  of  former  ofiicidls  of  the  county  and  have  them  placed  in  the  various  court  rooms 
and  offices  of  the  new  courthouse.  I  am  pure  that  I  ana  voicing  the  sentiments  of  all  of  our  people  when  1  s-.y 
that  it  is  not  only  appropriate  that  the,=ie  faithful  old  servants  of  Boone  county  should  be  thus  honored,  but  it 
should  be  considered  by  us  as  a  duty  wliich  we  owe  to  those  who  have  had  so  much  to  do  with  the  afiairsof  our 

"The  oistinguiihod  gentleman.  Judge  W.-rren  Woodson,  whose  picture  it  is  my  pleasure  to  p'-e;cnt  to  this 
court,  was  born  in  (.oochiand  county,  \'irj;inia,  in  1796,  and  moved  with  his  parents,  firsr  to  Woodford  county, 
Kentucky,  and  th.  n  to  Boone  county  shortly  before  Missouri  had  been  admitted  into  the  sisterhood  of  states. 
He  came  of  liberty  loving  stock;  his  maternal  grandfather.  Col.  John  Woodson,  was  an  officer  in  the  time  of 
the  Revolutionary  War;  and  his  grandmother  was  a  member  of  the  noted  Randolph  fan.iiy  of  Virgini.-i.  Like 
his  di>tinc;uished  ancestors,  J;;r'ge  Wivod.r.on  v.-as  himself  a  fishier.  By  thai  1  mean  he  believed  in  doinj  diings 
riyhi,  and  then  he  litlii  .\-c  in  standin:;  lip  for  what  he  bcliovefl  to  be  litjht. 


"U  l-..:;:  t.coii  my  f:  i-.  iltjic  to  i  o  ui  i"i\  T-.v-U  'A  \ '.ir  ii!,-.;  d.-v's  f-cor.l  o;  the  fir?;  tcr!i>  of  I'nls  c.iiir;,  wliicli 
v.-?.s  iho  hr»i  LO'.irt  i.v<-r  ru-:-!  if;  '.hU  county,  and  v.-as  lu-'.d  a;  C.i  p.;r;,-"=  ■i'.>\;rn  in  Sii;iihtoii.  on  FchriKuy  i<', 
1321.  On  t'  iv.;.;c  ai-.po.irs  ll;c  rv>-ori!  o!  tlu-  ;ii-ii.viiiti;i.  r.v  •  i  V.:.rr-.i-  Woo.iMriii  as  c!i>r!v  of  this  court,  whkh 
was  il-.o  lirft  ol'tici.'.i  aci  dcno  b\-  the  court  th;il  <;,iy.  I  !t>k  l;  .v.-  r^'c  oKl  rvvcr;!  book  i'vforu  r.u'.  Bt-fore  lit- 
was  l-.M-iny-ono  years  of  r.g.;,  Mr.  Wi.odjou  was  a  juntlrc;  vt  ?ii..-  :>.  i  ce  of  C.-'Iunibia  vowp^Iiip,  ami  oi'.c  of  the 
first  iiu-n  co};ii;ii5<iot'.e<i  jii:.iice  of  the  pcro  in  tir^  couii'.y, 

'Troiu  iS.?!  to  !,Sf-,0,  a  porin  i  of  ihiriy-ninc  '.  .■ii;,  M;.  \^'.V'.l.-.>r.  hciJ  t!u'  oTricc-  of  ciorJc  i.t  lhi>  cr.'.irt.  Xo 
o'hcr  i:..ia  i:'.  Hooik-  coi.r.ty,  .^nJ  Iv  w,  if  .i-.y,  in  il-,c  ?r.\:f.  ■.- x-.-  hiM  oac  'a.'Vic.-  f;.r  that  loiii,tl'.  of  time;  air!  cer- 
tain!}- no  man  in  tho  sla-o  ever  ■]i.<clu('\.;i;i!  his  .Jutic-J  n.oio  c.-.njcicniiou-iy  >..-  more  ooi:ruo;.sly  titan  i!i.:l  Mr. 

"  Diniiig  tl'.o  first  few  y..-ars  of  term,  the  iirohate  bu-int.-s  was  attcncicd  toby  liin,-  iie  being  probate  juriijo 
cf  this  county,  ai"l  the  trst  prob..:v  ji;  Igc.  A'tcrwarcis  our  M.Kutcs  gave  the  cour.iy  coint  ji.risoietioa  of 
probate  matters.  !5u;  in  probate  b',.-i:iu-.->,  as  weii  as  in  a'i  other  county  busir.ess,  Judge  Woodson  was  the  ad- 
viser of  the  county  ci;urt,  and  well  (iiia!:f;ed  was  he  to  advise  the  court. 

".-Ml  of  the  records  ol  this  court,  ai-d  all  tlie  p:!pers  on  file  in  the  clerk's  office  du'-inc;  i,!s  loni;  term  were 
written  by  Jud^e  Woodson  hincscif;  r-.nrl  all  were  writir.i  vitii  a  quill,  that  beiiijj  jirior  to  !:.i:  time  of  lypcvrittis, 
blank  fiTiits,  cojiying  pres.^cs  and  srcel  pens. 

"I  have  examined  a  yreat  deal  of  his  writing,  and  it  is  a  niode'  of  noalceis,  and  his  work  was  so  acc.irately 
dene  it  is  worthy  of  iinitation. 

'■Puring  his  incumbency  in  cffice,  Iloone  cot;nty  crew  from  a  few  p;in.iiive  settlements  to  one  of  th^ 
largest  and  weal'liicst  counties  in  the  sta'.e.  He  was,  therefore,  clerk  of  this  court  during  t!ie  most  changing 
part  of  the  counry'.s  history.  But  hi=  record,  whether  ,-.t  the  beginning  of  his  term  or  in  the  middle  or  at  thecr.d, 
was  soin3tliir.3  of  which  he  and  his  posterity  might  justly  be  proud,  and  something  deserving  of  conimend.ition 
by  all  the  citizens  of  Boone  county. 

"Wlien  he  retired  fron!  ofi''ce  in  ISOO,  deciinin;;  to  run  again,  he  wrote  and  read  to  ihe  county  court  a 
most  interesting  paper  \eliich  he  termed  ids  'Waledictor;.,'  and  which  was  so  highly  prized  l.'y  the  court  that  it 
was  -spread  on  the  court  records.  (Sec  County  Court  Record  Book  'N'  paj^es  270-275).  The  court  also 
entered  cf  record  a  stntenu'nt  of  its  higli  aj>p'eciation  of  his  services  to  the  totirt  and  to  tb.e  countv.  This 
farewell  address  of  Jui'^:;e  Woodson's  Is  certainly  worthy  of  preserxaticn,  and  it  wiil  jjay  al'  of  our  lawyers, 
county  ofncials  and  citizens  gencralU'  to  lead  it  and  remember  it. 

'■Judg^-  V/oodson  was  one  of  the  original  subscribers  to  the  fund  that  secured  the  location  of  the  State 
I'nivcrsity  in  Bconc  county,  antl  a',ti\ely  as-si.-tcd  in  rai-ing  the  fund.  He  was  one  rf  th.c  first  curators  cf  the 
Missouri  University  and  was  a  member  cf  the  building  committee  that  had  in  charge  the  election  :n  i  lie  niaia 
building  in  1?40  and  IS-Jl.  He  was  president  of  the  board  for  a  nu.mber  of  years  and  ser\ed  thi  University 
without  any  compensation,  at  a  time  when  the  institution  was  struggling  for  existence. 

"He  was  one  of  the  first  teachers  of  Bonne  Femme  Academy,  a  Boone  county  institution,  and  was  one  of 
the-  first  trustees  of  Columbia  College,  a  school  which  preceded  the  State  University.  He  was  also  a  curator  in 
Colun.bia  Baptist  Female  College,  afterwards  known  as  Stephens  College,  and  was  the  first  secreta'y  of  its 
bo.ard.  He  was  a  promoter  and  one  of  the  first  directors  of  ihe  Columbia  and  Providence  plank  Road  Coniji.Hny, 
a  road  which  connected  the  county  seat  of  this  county  with  the  NH.-iourl  Kiver.  In  fact  it  may  be  tiu-.i-fully 
said  that  Warren  Woodson  favored  every  thing  an;l  aided  in  every  thing  that  tended  to  uplift  the  people  of  hi", 
time.  He  was  an  active  worker  in  the  Cohiml.'ia  Baptist  Ciiurch,  a  Whig  and  a  strong  sympathizer  with  the 
South  in  ;S61-5. 

".Mthough  he  stated  in  liis  valedictory  that  thirty-nin'^  vears  in  one  office  was  glory  enough  lor  one  man; 
yet  i::  1S66  he  f;nteied  tie  race  for  county  clr  rk,  rcceivi-d  the  ceriificae  of  eleiion  and  inducted  intoliisold 
office.  His  seat  was  contested  by  Ids  opnoner.t,  lletiry  X.  Cook,  and  the  Supreme  Court  of  Missouri  decided 
in  favor  of  Cook,  by  a  divided  vote.  Judge  Woodson  then  appealed  to  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  L'nited 
States,  holding  the  oftice  in  the  meantime.      Before  the  final  decision  of  the  contest,  he  died  on  October  4,  iSOS. 

"It  will  thus  le  seen  that  for  nearly  forty-one  years  he  was  the  clerk  of  this  court;  and  of  him  it  niay 
truthfully  be  said  that  he  was  alwa>s  competent,  always  faithful  and  always  at  his  place  of  duty.  It  is  indeed 
appropriate  that  one  who  had  served  the  public  so  long  and  so  satisfactorily  in  this  responsible  position  should 
'die  in  the  harness.' 

"In  behalf  of  the  members  of  the  family  of  Judge  Warren  Woodson,  it  gives  me  the  greatest  pleasure  to 
present  to  this  coU;l  this  splendid  likeness  of  him  whose  life  was  spent  carefully  lookin^;  after  the  alTairs  of  the 
people  he  loved  so  well  and  served  so  long. 

".'vlay  I  ask  your  Honors  to  placet'iis  picture  "n  the  wall  cf  a  suitable  room  'n  this  :o,;t  thou-:c,  -.vhere  it 
may  be  seen  by  all  of  our  ptople,  au'l  where  i"  will  be  a",  inspir^.tiou  to  the  young  men  of  tc-day  and  to  the  young 
intu  of  lo-inorrow." 




579     SAMUtL    WOODSON 

;  ni  i'.!;.N'i-.KAi!C>N  15'.' 

>i..:'  U>;:;':i  J-^ivol,  Kiv.-;-;.ic,  C.i'il-r:vA.  On  Janv-y  U.  191  !,  sh,;  cv!.  I'-.itc.l  her  o-w-!-;-  l-oaih  birtiri-.y. 
>  .   ;.••!•. ;v.>;  ii  a  ii:ii.:' acco.::K  of  ti-:ii  i:ucrc.~i:r.^.  iiccasi'in  o-  j  .il'  iii  t'..:  Ri•.■cr^i^!c  p:\.^vv<-: 

Gk!I.i:riN(.S  F(")K  A  WOMAN  ('Xi;  IIL  NL)Iii:iJ  -)'i:AR>  i"ri  ;■) 

"M::..  V.V.rrt.11  \V  •.;  s-.-.ii  is  ^.rl•^  hiiiidrt-i.!  \<\.r--  o'd  to>i.iy.      Kcb'.iv,--;  ......J  In:'  ]-.  i-'n:  i;:r  <:on;r,ilij!;uory 

:)■:■'■  ■^•-~  ironi  an  i  f.-i.  ^-^.^  col.-l.rr'tcJ  t!i^  o!;!:-hi,!:.l:':h  li  annivtr!- ■:>■  of  he  !i;r;;-  t<i-<Jay  (Jniiiiary  11. 
fll,  Al  t^o  h-':^r  of  her  !=«-.n-iii-b\v,  JuJ-c  Cakcr  V.'.  B;;cicor,  Ul-i  Wo^;  Ts.tiuh  J^trcot.  Mr^.  \Vo<k=Wm;'; 
, -i.!,!-:'.  nainc  \va.~  Am.-tr.u.i  ISciry  Dick.  She  !-jrp.  J.;!''.;;.r\  11,  IS^i,  in  Oioiir^o  '.-oi-.Ji'.y,  X'i'tciiiia.  "Mcr 
,  f -;i.i;ai;i!r.  K<v.  Ar>r;l.>!;!  Dick  u'a.  cdncatcJ  a?  an  tipi-coya!  Cl^r^ynia!'  in  EriiiiVui^h,  ^Mvilanri,  cr(:aii..>i 
;.•.  t!-'.-  !'!s!iop  vi  Lin.ooii,  niui  5ont  to  ihe  Ci-'':0'.i\-  of  \'ir,;i:\;,>.  to  pri-ach.  C'--!;:r.;i^.-;:-M:t^!  by  C^r-r'j.c  HI,  Ki:i-c  f.f 
i  ■-^l.u!.).  'icr  fr.i!:LT,  ArcMbald  Dick,  Jr.,  o,h'ca;c..l  i;i  '.]:<'  faniiiy  of  Cover  nor  Ik-rklcy,  of  \ir£:i;iia.  Sh- 
v.r.i  lo  Miudlo,  Tciiiie.-roo,  am!  tr.iiglii  school  fovcrai  year;-,  aivl  while  or.  a  virii  to  ;<oonc  coupiv,  >fi.--?oi;ri, 
»;-  i;-i:ii('i  Oc'.'bor  1.  1S4U,  ro  Judge  Warren  Woodson.  Son;*  ton  or  twelve  >ears  after  i  hat  slit  had  r'lr 
:::i-f  jrn.iic  to  l./ic  her  c\  c■^i.^h!  ati'l  ha?  hocr  loir.lly  b!i:vl  e\er  fince. 

"She  is  a  reiuarkaMe  woman,  with  a  ;r.ind  keon  a.ia  alert,  and  a  -.vonderfuliy  retentive  merao.-y.  Blin'J 
f.-.r  marly  sixty  years,  she  is  aMe  to  recite,  amor. 5  other.-;,  whole  passages  from  '  P.->.ra<.lis!.>  Lost,' and  cr.lire  poriio.-.s 
of  'Lady  of  the  Lake.'  She  retai.-.s  nu  active  interest  in  politics  in  wiijch  lier  husbaiid  was  concerned  daring 
!:;.-  I::'.::!r.e.  S'nc  rocalli  meeting  v. iih  .\i.drew  Jackson,  Hinry  Ch-.\'  and  Thomas  H.  Tenton.  The  l.aitor  s!:c 
heard  deliver  an  address  in  wliieh  ho  propbesiodthc  bnildiiig  cf  a  great  transconiiaental  raih'oad  acrcc.;  t!  r 
plains  to  the  Pacific  coast.     This  she  considered  at  ih.e  tire.e,  hut  t'.ie  dream  of  an  enth.n^iast. 

"Mrs.  Woodson  h;i5  now  twenty  grandchildren  and  thirty  grcat-;;,rand;:hildren,  with  when  the  writer 
uniies  in  the  wish  that  lier  last  days  on  earth  may  be  the  brightest  and  happiest  davs  of  lon^-  and  U£ei:-I 
life,  and  that  when  slie  passes  into  the  eternal  beyond,  she  may  enter  into  tliat  sweet  peace  prepared  a.'id  ■"eierved 
for  the  finally  faithful." 

Issue  cf       255  SAMUEL  WOODSOK«  (Rev.  Matthew, -^  Stephen,^  John,"  Robert.-  Joh-.M 
and  Sarah  Mills. 

1         577  Joh.ii  Le.VilHar.,'  l-,or<!  17S3  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia. 
II  573  William  Fouulain,"  born  17S,S  in  fkx>ch!and  county. 

III  *     579   Samuel,"   born  September   1.    17S7,   in  Goociiland   count}-,  Virginia,   v.ti? 

mairied  IJcct-niber  23,  1S07,  to  Xancy  Il.i.rrii  .\!lcn.  It  is  net  knonii 
■whether  this  marriage  took  place  in  A'irginia  or  in  Kentticky,  as  it  wa? 
about  tliis  time  thai,  his  iathcr,  v.-ith  entire  fan;iiy,  k.-i't  \'i''giuic<,  a^tl 
settled  in  Hopkins  county,  K'jn:uck\-. 

Tiierc  vcas  a  WiiJiam  Alien  and  rtife,  Frances,  -ivho  hiad  a  soti  Thojiu-.s 
Allen,  horn  May  14,  1757,  and  was  married  February,  1757,  to  ^^larv 
joiictl,  daughter  of  I\I;<r\-  and  John  Mourning  Jouett.  She  was  b(;rn 
Juiii.  i-i,  1765.  Tliif  Thor.';.is  .Allun  ar-d  Mary  Jr.'ie't  hnd  a  daugiiier. 
Xancy  Harris  Allen,  born  December  1-1,  17S9,  and  >vas  married  December 
23.  IS07,  to  579-Samuel  Woodson'  as  above  staled. 

IV  SSO  Spotswood,"  born  1789. 
\'         581    Ivialthev.','  born  1  790. 

\'I  5S2   Dat:ieI,Mjurn  1793. 

Vn         58.^   FHz.'ibcth,-  bor.i  1795. 

\"III         5S-i  Mari.i,'  ^  .j  n  iT97. 

IV         SSS  Sally  Fountaiu,  ■  \r.:r-i  17oo. 

X         5S6  Tabitha,"  l>orn  1^01. 

Issrc  of       2  58  JA.COB  Vr-OODSON^  (Rev    ^i^uhr,v,•'  Siephon,-"  Joiiii.'  Ro'-!l.=  John') 
;uid  Dolly  Pcti-f. 

1  *  587  Virginia,"  ]■>•:.!  ;il".)ut  5  79-'  in  CniochKiiici  c-jiiiiLV,  X'irgiiria.  Yicr  pr.'-enls 
moved  xo  Kci;li;cky  in  1796,  taking  iliis  l'a';i\-  with  Iicrc  fho  was 
reared  and  educaied,  and  wai  married  J.iiir;ar\'  23,  1312,  to  R;;\'.  l^^a;^c 
Chap': I  no. 

li  5SS  Nancy,'  iiorn  1797,  probably  ii'  Mercer  county,  Kentucki'.     Her  parents 

,  liad  been' li%'iiig  in  Faxolte  cuiuny,  but  in  Jau'.iary,  17v'7,  k-a^ed  70G  acre:- 
in  ivicrccr  and  took  ;.os?e>siou  .-onie  time  diirir.!:;  tne  year,  pt-obabiy  before 
this  ciiild  was  bora. 

ill  589  Joseph  Addison,'  born  aJiout  ISOO  in  Mercer  eot'.Uy,  Kentucky. 

IV  *  590  Trances  B.,' born  June  2,  1S03,  in  Mercer  connty,  Kentiicky,  wltcre  she 
was  reared  and  cducatecL  She  wa-.-  a  \ery  beaiuifu!  and  atiracti\-e  v.on.a:i, 
with  brown  e>-es  and  ciark  curly  liair.  Sh-  veas  rnarvicd  early  in  1822  to 
Joseph  B.  Roach,  son  of  Littiebcrry  Roach,  viio  was  a  soldier  in  tiie  Revo- 
lutionary army.  After  ilie  war  was  o\  er  Littiebsrry  Roach  mo\ed  from 
Culpepper  county,  X'irginia,  and  settled  at  Viney  Grure  in  ?\Icrcer  county, 
Kentuck>-.  Here  his  -on,  Joseph  B.  Roach,  v.'as  born,  probably  about  the 
year  1800,  and  was  married  in  1822  to  590  Frances  B.  Woodson.'  They 
settled  on  a  farm  a  few  miles  f.'-on-'.  Harrodsburg.  Their  happy  •.\cddcd 
life  was  of  short  duration.  She  died  May  19,  lS2i ,  survl  >-cd  by  her  husbo.nd 
and  two  >oung  cliildren.  About  t-.eo  y^ars  later  lie  niarried  to  her 
youngest  ^i;*er,  591  Lc V'iilian,-  and  slie  only  lived  about  cne  year. 

V  591  Eliza  LeVillian,'  born  1S05  in  Mercer  county,  Kentucky,  v.-as  mairied 
abotio  1S30  to  her  deceased  sister's  widowed  husband,  Joseph  B.  Roach, 
bui  only  Ii\-ed  a'ooat  onL  year  and  d'Ci  j'jne  29,  1851 .     Xo  issue. 

Issue  ol        25&  PHILIP  V/OODSOK-  (Rev.  Matlhc.v,"'  Stephen,'  John,'  Robert,"  John=) 
and  2!S  Sarah  Woodson/' 

I  *  592  Philip/  born  April  26,  1791,  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia,  a  few  year^ 
before  his  parents  moved  to  Hanover  county.  When  he  was  a  mere  youtii 
he  went  to  Richmond  for  the  purpose  of  learning  the  printer's  trade,  and 
found  employment  with  one  of  the  newspapers  of  the  city.  He  stijck  to 
the  business  several  years  and  decided  to  go  to  Kentucky,  iis  many  of  his 
kin.  people  had  already  r;one  to  that  state  and  sent  back  elov.-ing  account^ 
Ol  it.     In  the  year  1S15  he  went  to  VVocdford  county,  Kentucky,  and  tlicre 


1 C ! 

n.ot  his  proay  yoi!:^-  c-iiv;::  '6"  Mr.ry  Rnirv.'  datijihter  of  liiri  aim'  2i!) 
Mnrtha  (\\ooci-ui;i  Rjiiey.'"  It  ir  u:.-  :„=nic  uhl  stoiy  ha;,  boon  i;j- 
poati-'.i  ijiiice  time  wa-;  >-:>ai:,v.  aiio  ^vH;  cc:raaue  lo  bu  repealed  ti!l  'iaie 
grows  old.  Th^y  wxri;  iu.irric.!  in  iSl''i  a;,'!  had  on.-  year  of  pure  lian:):ii,  : ; 
niclcd  o;u  u)  ihcm.  In  iSir  their  only  child,  Abiry,  \^•a^  I'orn;  liie  yoiinc; 
i:\Mih.M-  dice!,  'idie  di^cvn:-<ii.u-  f.uiiv-r  iviiudnod  in  V.-i>aiUc>  antil  I^^Ja 
whvn  iie  \^■cnl  t.^  Ihuur-villv,  A!a..ania,  :r.hl  luimdcd  ilio  "  rhim^villo  D^incj- 
c-rat,"  a  m-w?p,.!por  which  ho  owned  and  edited  for  thirty-ihrcc  year-. 
Auer  ?ome  jrears  i;e  brvuighi  id-;  Htuc  dau-hrer  to  ]  Il!nl^\■i!!e  and  had  htr 
educated  in  one  of  vile  .-cliuols  for  wliicli  tliai  ciiy  'las  long  b^/cn 
fatiioas.  Here  lie  .--pent  tlie  rcniaiiuler  of  !;is  life  and  died  .\i!:;Uit  ■] .  KSnO. 
The  following-  funeral  notice  and  editorial  ul>iiiiary  M-rilten  by  !I(>n.  J. 
Vv'ithers  Clay,  ii  taken  from  tiie  Ilun(s\ille  Democrat  of  Aeguit  6,  1S09: 

'•l^t•;^-£KAI.  XoTicr.— Tlu-  funeral  of  the  laie  Tliilip  Woodson  will  take 
place  in  tiie  Churcii  of  the  Xaiiviry  iomnrrn-.\  evening  a;  5}4  o'clock.  Hi;- 
iriends  and  acquaintai-.ces  and  llio^c  of  the  family  are  invited  to  attend." 

DEATH  Ok  PHILIi^  \V0(31).S0:-: 
(.Angit-t  4,  ]S()').) 

"It  becomes  otir  sad  dnty  to  announce  the  deatli  of  Pi->iiip  Woodson, 
the  orii^inal  editor  of  the  Hunt^^•iile  Democrat,  aecd  7S  years,  6  months  and 
9  days. 

"A  fcv.-  v.ecks  ago  he  walked  to  town  f'-oin  his  jiome,  a  distance  of  t\vo 
miles,  and  back.  His  healtli  was  as  perfect,  his  mind  as  vigorous,  and  his 
.step  as  elastic  as  tlie}  v.-ere  fifteen  years  ago.  About  two  v»eeks  ago  he  was 
attacked  wiili  paralysis,  and  though  sometimes  speaking  intelligibly  atui 
pleasantly,  his  utterance  was  difficult.  He  gradually  ;.ank  and  at  6  p.  n,., 
August  •),  1869,  e.YpireLl. 

"Air.  Vs'oodson  was  born  in  Goocldand  count\\  '\'ir,<iiiia,  .-\pril  26, 
l/'.'I,  learned  the  printer's  trade  in  FUchmond  and  mo\-ed  to  Versailies, 
Kentucky,  in  1815,  was  married  tnere  i:i  1S16  and  his  wife  died  in  INIay, 
ISJ?.  He  then  remo\cd  to  JiuntsviHe,  Alabama.  On  October  S,  J8?-!, 
he  issued  tl;e  first  Huntsvii'e  Democrat,  as  promoter  and  publisher,  arifl 
continued  it  tintil  October  28,  18.^6,  when  the  present  proprietci  bought  it, 
and  Mr.  \\"oodson  retired  to  his  farm  and  has  engaged  in  at,ricuk. ural 
].'-jr;uits  ever  since. 

"Mr.  \\'ood-^on  was  a  den-.ocrat  of  tlieStaies'  Righl>Sti;ooi,  and  ad'_'pt- 
td  as  the  motto  of  his  paper:  '  l"nav/ed  Ijv  inllucnce  of  the  ricli  or  the  great, 
the  people  must  be  heard  and  their  rights  vindicated.' 

"To  the  maintenance  of  democratic  [irinciples,  under  the  Const iltitioti, 
strictly  comnutted  according  to  the  democratic  statesmen  of  \'irginia.  and 
the  resolution  of  Kentucky  and  X'irginia  in  1798-99,  he  devoted  his  life  as 
journalist  with  a  constancy,  integrity,  discretion,  fidelity,  and  zeal,  seldom 
equaled,  never  surpassed. 

"He  wao  a  man  of  singislar  simplicity  a-.d  regularity  of  habits;  of  great 
aitiiability;   of    il'c   strictest    business   integrity;   ci    exceeding   generosity: 

frar.k,  1;  .-ricsc  .uid  ^;iu■erl•.  \\'o  .-ii.ill  c\'ci"  !;rr,v  .'  hi,--  iv.nuory  and  Cinn'i-l'i  ;i 
roc<)l!i  I'l  •..'■11  ot  his  numv   vir'u.:-.  " 

ilr  v,;s  luiricti  in  ihc  i''.  a\c\cry  ai  1  hi;i:;-\ ''.Ir,  Alalwraa. 

II.  50o  Pauliir,"  I'orn  Ja'^•  7,  1  7'>.^  in  r.tiocl.I.Mv!  r',>U!!iy.  X'ifgi!;!;!.  A  few  years 
laicr  i;.  r  tirironis  niuvcd  to  H.iP'^\-,t  c<);-,;\.y.  where  ^riC  \vas  reared.  S!-e 
w a.-;  niarricci  Oot<?I)er  !<;.  IS16.  to  \v:v  ciHi-ii;  ;i67  Maahov  \\'oodso!i,"  \\\\o 
dird  Ja!>-  9,  jSJji.  She  roni,-.iir,ed  \r.  \ar-ini-:  iiUcui  f<'iir  \-oars.  and  in  ]FM 
ir,u\'ci!  lo  W  e^L  'I'eiiiiesset-  \\ith  her  ihice  si."\  ix'liig  ciiiid.en,  her  \xninc'esc 
bre'i'ncr,  (•'*(»  ALathev.-.  a!i  liieir  .--la\c-'  .mh\  >:ii-Ii  pi •s;-e.-?ioiis  as  could 
bo  ■ranspiMicd.  Siu-  ■■uii;;hi  land  jk  ,ir  IIi;:k..>r}-  W'yi'.e  ii.i  Fa>er.te  cuiniiy, 
about  tweiuy  miles  east  of  Moinpiiis.  Hr-rc  slie  sihtiI  ilie  vest  of  her  life 
aiid  iVii'A]  N'lveinber  9,  1S60,  ar.d  1=  burie.l  in  hor  Iraiiily  l)i!i"sang  grciuid 
near  v.^M  Mickor\-  Wyihe.  B\-  the  \(iung  -r  people  sl-e  was  affeciionateK- 
called  "GraiMima  Liii\-."      (For  issue  see  5C7  Matthew  Woodson.^) 

III  E9i  T.'irle'^n,'  borr.  1796  iit  Goochlar.d-  went  with  the  fan->ily  to  tbc'r  new  home 

Oft  Ail'^p.'s  L'reeic,  in.  Ilar.o'.er  cin.i:it\-,  where  he  v.-as  reared  and  educated. 
-He  located  in  CharlottesN'ille  in.  I'rirce  Edvard  eoun:\-,  and  laitghl  sch-:^oi 
there  for  some  year;,,  studied  la^.v  arid  practiced  in  Prince  Edwarti  county 
unii!  hi>  health  failed  wlicn  he  wi-nt  back  to  the  old  home  in  Hancvor  r.nd 
died  tluTe.      He  ne\'er  married. 

IV  595  Thoirias,"  liorn  170S  at  Al'en's  Greek,  in  l!:M!f)\er  C(ni)ir>-.     He  was  twk:e 

married  ;  first .  in  Hanover  but  the  name  of  ids  w  ifc  is  not  known.  He  sold 
his  farm  and  went  to  (."harlottcsville  where  he  e-ngatjed  in  teaching  school. 
While  Ii\ant;  in  Charlottesville,  he  was  married,  second,  to  ?diss  Ckirrissa 

V  *  Sy6  Jacob  L.,'  born  about  1S01  at  .-Mien's  Creek,  in  Hanover  county,  was 
married  about  1822  to  his  coii~in  612  Fllizarjeth  Brown,'  daughter  of  265 
Tabitha  Wood-on'"  and  John  Brown.  It  is  believed  th;it  he  served  in  the 
Me.\ii  ari  War.  though  no  record  of  hi:-  service  iias  been  found.  During  the 
latter  part  of  his  lile  he  !;\ed  in  ii:e  city  of  Riciimond  where  he  owned  a 
comfortable  home.  He  was  a  mari  of  considerable  niean?,  owned  a  good 
nian\-  sla%'es  and  was  successful  in  business.  After  tiie  Civil  War  w.^s  over, 
conditions  were  sadly  changed.  He  then  engaged  in  the  livery  bi;sine.-s, 
which  was  kept  up  until  the  time  of  liis  de:'th.  He  die<i  at  his  home,  il 
West  Bnmd  Street,  Richmond,  Virginia. 

\'I  597  Judit'-.,'  born  about  ]Sf^3  in  Hano\-er  count\-.  When  she  Was  jast  budding 
into  young  womanhood,  she  was  thrown  from  a  btiggy  b\'  a  runaway  horse, 
and  her  neck  was  broken,  killing  her  instanth'. 

VI I         598  Eliza,"  born  aljoui  l'^C5  in  county,  was  married  to  Mr.  Abbott. 

VI I  i  599  Martha  Ann,'  born  aliout  1807  in  county.     Wlicn  about.  gro-,\n 

siie  v.a,  to  have  b  en  married  to  Rc\-.  M'.  Hcnrlrj.;,  -  Presuyterlnn 
minister.     (In  tlie  da.y  <et  f o -  the  Nvedding,  one  of  he  con'panions  made 

;:  o-:\i:K.\-i;i^x 

sonic  !;!:!icroL!^  !\;i:.ii-i:,  .;:  '.vl;i:ii  .iio  i.i;j^i;cJ  i.nnujclcravolv,  iva;;.";;;:  a 
rupture  of  .1  !'!..oJ  \i.'^^v!,  wlikt!  r..>;-!!v.;  i-;  irt-i^dviT  Jeaih. 

600  ?.Ianhev.-,"  l..-,in  ;i"-ii.;i  l^l'.'  ai  A'. on';,  r'rrok.  i:>  !!>in;.\vr;\-.-\'i!i,i-!:.i, 
V.  lui\'  'i\v  ;^iv>v  io  \\n;i'.iV  lUr.iih. -•.':!.  Jii  ':  >.^2  lie  v."o::;  vilh  his  sin-tM-  ,^'',- 
Pauliii.;,  .uv.!  iior  ;hn:e  t:i;ik!ii-ii  U:  W'-^i  l"v:!ac;se<\  b'nipjhv  land  i;;  F;;\\i:i; 
conniy  ;uut  sotiUv!  itusv,      H^  v,\w  iiiarricd  April   i'%   1S39  10  ; 'k-  wi.!  jv.- 

^ir^.  M.viic!!.:  J.  K..0I1.  (lai;,:.!uor  01 Ricn'i-.-d  Lc-ke.     \Vh<-n  ii..^  v.i.- 

cam.:  on  lK-t\vcci\  ;hc  "raitrd  S;:ius  un-l  ?\Iexi.-('.  iu-  iv.o:n[:.i!y  v  .Jun..:'.  !  .o.; 
;ni(!  uuislered  inio  sLr\:co  .it  <i!;l  !!'oVor\  WAt'iO.  en  Juiic  l.^  iCAG. 
(Set'  the  f.jU'jwiiii^  siatcnKiii  fi'o;;.  un.-'v\';)r  iVpariinc!!', .  d.'io.!  janua:  ^-  i". 

THi:  \VA)>!    DKFAHTMFXr 

TiiK  Ai'ju: ant-Gkxkral's  Oi-txe 

Ja!)uary  !7,  HJl. 

IIox.  James  Hay, 

House  of  Rcprc?.:nLa■!i^  cs. 

Referring  to  your  letter  of  \-e;;terJa\',  icc','l\-eil  to-da>-,  .■.UIi  \\ii.  h 
you  incloi-c  a  iticmoranduin  relati\t'  to  t';c  ^er^-ic.--  in  tli'i  Me.xiran  .'-...r  of 
iNlatthew  Woodson  a;td  Jacob  L.  Wood-.-on.,  the  fornior  of  vhc'ri  is^aid  lo 
ha\-c  .'^er\-ed  in  Captain  Lcnow'.s  Company,  Jst  T.-Tiiicfsce  ->Iou>!ifcl  In. 
faiitry,  ar.d  the  latter  in  ?onic  \'irj;iu!a  orj;anizatio!i,  y-.-siljly  from  Ma-tover 
coiiuiy  .md  in  resi:>on~'_-  to  your  request  for  t'ne  irdl!'.a.r>-  record  of  vlv.s-.: 
iticn  I  liaw  the  iioiinr  te  inform  x^oii  ai-  ru!io\."t: 

The.-e  recorfi--  show  that  cnre  2\Iati:hev.'  Woodson  was  enrC'Ued  I'lac  9, 
lS4Ci.  at  Hickory  Wythe,  and  was  mustered  intc;  ser-cicc  June  ll"-,  '  S-U-  .rs 
second  Lieutenant  of  Captain  Lenov.-'s  ConiperiS-,  1st  Regi.nen:  Ten iU. .'■;;•€ 
Mounted  \'oIunteers,  sub.-equcp.tiy  dcrienated  Lacy"s  Coir.nany  (A?,  ist 
Rejdment  Tennessee  r'Joiinred  infantry,  Alexican  war,  and  th.'^t  iv?  ".■■''S 
mustered  out  with  the  ('oiT;panv  as  seccTC  Lie'.;  May  51,  IS-!',  at 
Ivev."  C'r'eans.  with  t'.ic  remark  "Appointed  As^t.  Conv.ii::>ary  ■..•■a  ihe  iC:;: 
June  by  Genl.  L.  H.  Car,  Acting  Coniniissary  up  to  ih-is  day." 

The  name  Jacob  L.  Woodsc^n  has  not  been  found  on  t'.ie  rojis,  (  n  i-!:-. 
in  this  office,  of  any  organization  of  \'ii-ginia  tr(\-)p.;  in  ser-.-iVe  durinj;  the 
vcar  ■•;:ith  Mexic-;.  \'cry  respectful!;.-, 

The  Adivtan't  GEXEKAf,. 

Wlien  the  war  was  o\-cr  he  returried  home  with  his  h.esUh  so  inrahtd 
by  exposure  and  h.ardships.  that  lie  ne\er  reco\'ered  from  iv.  He  diefl 
September  7,  i.S47,  at  his  home  near  Hickory  Wythe,  Fayette  county, 
Tennessee.  bur\-i\-ed  by  his  v,id<n\  and  two  cuildren.^     . 

The  foUtiwirii^  obituary,  vriiten  by  his  father-JTi-Uiw,     Richard 

Leake;  aiul  the-  ac.ion  i>y  his.  sarviJuj^  comrades  of  the  AJexicfir;, 
f>et  ioriii  biicfly  c-Am:  ji  the  ch;ira.':teri'...iic3  cl  i'ais  noble  m;tn. 

161  i;li;  '\\"00!)S(^NS    \>H  1  H 

"Mallh.o^v  \>'ood  (I'l.  tiiu  >ii''j(.\i.  oi  the  iViiu-.x  ing  oliiraary.  ->vas  h:'rn 
in  Go'iclihuid  count\',  \  irginia,  hiu  pl-  iie!  ':.  a-.;-  ov.niiii\  of  H,iiio\x-r.  lie 
cinicrj.tC'c!  to  iV.o  Wc.-Uri)  Du)ri.?l  i>!'  l'c-:\ur:><Qr  in  the  v.iiUcT  of  !S3J, 
removed  n>  Iiuiii-\-ii!r-,  AlalKniia,  in  ]x,vS,  where-  lie  remained  a  \ear  or  two 
and  ivitiracd  to  TciU'.csscc.  lie  -.ea,-  niariied  April  16,  183'J,  to  Mrs. 
Mariella  J.  Ka.-l:  (iilc  i.eako).  and  .-.eitlcd  in  ra\-eite  county,  Tennt.s>ee. 
Here  lio  remained,  helovcd  and  e>reerietl  l'\-  all  who  knew  liini.  Thc'SC 
who  !:ne\v  him  hc?t.  loved  l^ini  ino;:i  He  was  one  <;f  tliose  noMe  spiril.s 
who  obeyed  the  first  cadi  of  hi?  country  for  \-oUinicer;  for  rlat  war  wills 
Mexico  in  1S46.  'Midst  pri'.-alion.-  .md  hiardshi|-)S' — the  iialtiraJ  conse- 
quences of  war — he  5er\'i-d  Ids  crM;i!ir\'  dining  a  canipaii;n  <.)f  iweh'e  inoriths, 
with  jreat  zeal  and  wiiliout  a  miirnrj;,  ihoiigh  .'^iiiTering  a  great  deal  from 
il!  health  during  the  whole  canipai:<n.  His  disease  (chronic  diarrha-a)  wa;-. 
so  severe  at  discharge  froivi  tiie  ser\-ic?,  that  his  life  was  despaired  of, 
wdiile  crossing:  th.e  Cult  of  Mexico  to  Xew  Orleans.  Howc\-er  he  was  enabled 
to  reach  liornc,  wliere  I'lc  untiring  ar.d  diligent  at!:er:tions  of  an  affectionate 
wife,  his  ph_\"sieian,  and  numerons  friends,  was  !?o  lar  blessed  by  a  kind 
ProN'idence,  that  licalth  impro\-e!l  so  much  tliat  he  was  able  to  ride 
.several  miles  on  horseiiack,  and  fond  hopes  were  entertained  of  an  entiie 
recovery  of  health.  Htit  alas!  deaili  liad  marked  him  for  his  prey,  and  our 
fond  l^npcs  were  sticceeded  by  despair.  About  thtee  weeks  before  his 
cieatii,  liis  health  fici^an  to  decline  rapidly.  He  then  resigned  himself  as 
the  ^"ictim  of  speedy  death.  He  spoke  of  his  approaching  dissolution  with 
the  caloness  and  composure  characteristic  of  the  tine  Christian.  He  said 
there  was  but  one  tie  that  bound  him  to  this  VvX-rld;  iliat  was  his  l;e!oved 
wife  and  two  small  cliildren.  He  spent  much  of  his  time  in  prayer  arid 
communion  with  his  Heave.nlv  Father,  and  became  perfectly  lesi^^ned  to 
His  will. 

For  se\"eral  days  before  his  dearh  he  seemed  to  enjo;,'  all  that  happiness 
v.dth  wdiich  the  absence  of  fear  and  alarm,  and  ilic  certaiii  knowledge  of 
his  entii'e  accep'ance  with  Cod  cotild  inspire.  To  his  wife,  siandinc  near 
him,  he  said,  "Ella,  I  !o\'e  you  ver\-  dearly,  but  I  must  leave  you.  Grieve 
not  for  me,  1  shall  be  happ\'." 

1  ha\-e  been  thus  minute  in  the  particulars  of  his  death,  for  the  benelVi. 
of  his  nrmerous  friends  and  relations,  li\dng  in  seceral  States,  who  will  be 
interested  to  knovv'  them.  I  ha\'e  been  acquainted  v.dth  him  for  fifteen 
years,  and  his  constant  companion  for  three  months,  and  truly  can  it  be 
said  of  him,  that  he  was  a  gentleman  and  a  Christian,  and  entitled  to  what- 
e\'er  these  appellations  can  mean.  'Blessed  arc  th.e  dead  that  die  in  the 
Lord;  yea,  saith  the  Spirit,  for  the}'  rest  from  their  labors  and  their  works 
do  follow  them.'  Ricii.ard  Lf..-\ke." 

— From  the  Nashville  Christian  Advocate. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  returned  \-oiuM<eers,  held  at  llie  office  of  R.  ?>I. 
Aiiderson,  in  the  diy  of  Memphis,  on  motion  of  James  B.  Smith,  t'r.  H.  R. 
Robards  was  called  to  tiie  ciiair,  and  William  A.Mcll  appointed  secretary 

Tliv-  chairnipi;  t  Np!,^i!".(!  ,i'0  Mi-eo'  ■;;'  ih-j  rnooii'i^,  ami  apjuiinu-d  J.  1?. 
Smi:!;,  R.  >.l.  Aii^'iL-r-M'  ar.d  Jwr.;i  W.  ]  ;.;';!ia\\ay  a  comniiUco  to  drafi  . 
{MX';iir.l)le  ar.d  rcsoiiuiijiir,      Tiio\   ;\;-ortLii  liic  ioliov.-in^;'  which  was  un.iiii- 

WluTcas,  iiifor;;iaiiwn  has  !  r.^-ly  loachod  u^.  I'iat  our  friora!  i^vd  f(-!l',)\v 
.'oldic;-,  I.ic'.ii.  ^i,^.llJO\v  \\\:^■']:■:^.  >:\  '.he  T-.-iiiii -.sec  Cavr.lry,  doparivd 
tills  life  on  Jhe  7;n  ill'..;  a:ni  v  ■.(.■ii.-a:..  in  (.•.■usideraiicii  of  his  r.iaiiy  virtue.-. 
kind  and  gentlemanly  depiTiiuen!.  his  uolito,  j;allani  and  puuiouc  o.\cni-Mi.- 
to  foivc  his  \-  iii  ihe  ariit:v)U.~,  bh.'o<:ly  aiul  onct  nieniorabie  i\\c!\o 
iuoihIk--  cani[.\ii^!i  in  wliich  t!u-  d''-ease  ol'  wh.icii  he  dietl,  was  co^ilracuxi, 
tlicrefore  be  ii 

Resc>!ved,  that  wc  deeply  ai'.ci  sincerely  sympalhize  wivh  his  lairaly 
under  this  sad  dispcnsalion  of  Pro\'idenre. 

Kct(,l\'e(.!,  that  tlie  ci;y  yi.-.jicrs  be  re^jues'.Ad  lo  cop\'  the  p.'ocecdings 
of  this  nipeting,  and  that  the  .^\'  forward  a  copy  lo  the  \vi<low  of  lliC 

On  motion  the  meci ing  adiou.rned. 

H.  B.  Ro!;.\RDS.  Chairman. 
\Vm.  11.  .A.XTICLL,  Secretary. 

Memphis  Tear..,  Oct.  13.  )S17. 

■ — From  the  Men'phis  Enni'.'rer. 

Isivo  of        26'C    DA:;IEL  WOODSO^'f  (Rev.  Malihe'.\-/  Stephen/  Joiin,-'  Robertr  Jo'-.n') 
and  Xancy  Galhrij^i.i. 
I         601   Marshall.' 

This  lamih-  lived  and  died,  in  Virginia.  If  diere  were  aiiy  other 
rhiiJren,  nothinc;  is  knuwii  of  them. 

Iss::e  of   £82   THOIvTAS    WOODSON«    (Rev.  >daithev,-/ Siephcn/ John,"  Robert,' John') 
and  Sarah  Saunders. 

)  *  C02  Robert  Saunders,"  born  November  26,  1796.  at  Dover  in  Goochlarid  counvy, 
V'irginia,  went  with  his  fa\her':^  family  in  iSO-i  to  Hart  county,  ICentucky, 
v^'here  l;c  v.-as  reared  and  educated.  He  vca5>  married  in  lilO  1--  Hulda 
Ann  Lewis  Young,  who  ^\as  born  January  1-1,  1S0i,  and  died  Septembor 
U,  ISSS.     He  died  September  9,  1839,  at  his  home  in  Kentucky. 

n  *  603  Mary  LeViliian,"  born  about  179S  at  Dover,  Virginia,  went  v.'lh  the  family 
in  1S04  to  Hart  county,  Kentucky,  and  was  reared  at  Woodsonviile.  Here 
she  was  married  about  1817  to  Mr.  Willbergcr. 

!  1 1  604   Elizabeth  LeViliian,"  born  August  5,  ISOl ,  at  Dover,  Virginia,  ar.d  died  young. 

IV  *  605  Harriet,'  bora  August  1,1803,  at  Dover,  Virginia.  The  ne.xt  year— 1304— 
she  went  wi<h  the  family  to  Hart  county,  Kentucky,  v^diere  her 
founded  the  town  of  \Voodsonv;"e.  Here  she  was  reared  and  cducat.:;d, 
and  married  piobal;)!y  about  1><2.'?  to  Sinclair  Gar\in. 

106  TUK  woo\'>':'\--<  .'■.yi->  riiF.iR  ODWi-crii'-N^ 

V   *     606  j'f;bi;rij"   born   Scpicn.bor   13,    I.-nH^,   ii»   W(Xni.~.-.:'  i!'.-,    ivciitiicky,  and   died 

VI  *  007  Thomas,  Jr.,"  i  orn  jul\  2.  !:=()'■,  -n  \Voo.!.:o:>\ -Uc,  Koiuiicky,  wlicro  he  -v:^ 
rc.ML'J.  lie  was  v.-!i'CMi<-.i  ;■.•  l\i'-,\i'!c,  He-.'' v:-.-k>-,  Pludictl  mcdici.'^c  h«>. 
no\cr  ]  ii  .icticcci.  lu'  nvirrifil  Mjic'.'  o,  1^-.-6  lo  i'!ii7,al)c'h  Ami  C  Lirkfoi!. 
Tlioy  irnu;i'.i':-(]  ii:  ICciUucky  r-cir..-  four  yc-i'is  aiid  in  1S40  ii-iO\"cd  lo  Mi::'- 
soi:i';  mid  jc.  tied  in  J.irkson  cour.ty,  wlicrc  iic  eng.^  in  bn?iness  and  was 
quite  ptMsjicrfnis. 

VII         COS  Edwin,"   lu;rn    Novcnibcr   8,    1809,    in    \Voods(..nvil!e,    Kentucky,    and    died 

\'iri  C09  Volney,'    Inrn  March  21,  1S12,  in  V\'oodf=onvil'e,  Kcniucky,  and  died  young. 

IX  '^"  610  A:nnony  Lc.Vi!!i£.i;,"  born  Augusr  IT,  1814,  in  Wcodr-jnville,  Iscnturk}-. 
Ho  v\''i?=  ^ivon  a  hr.i-l'.ed  education  and  v.a?  ra;.rr:ed  in  January,  1844,  to  his 
second  cousin  1170  Eliza  Belle  C'laplinc,^  a  gr.inddaugiucr  of  258  Jacob 
Woodson*  and  D^ily  Fcers. 

X         6il  Jvlian,'   liorn    Ikceniber   23.    1817,   in   '\Vood;^on\-illc,    Kcnli'cky,   and   died 

Ir.sue   of    ZBB  TAinXHA  VV00DS0:N«    (Rev.  Aiattlu-w.^  Stei'ion.-^  John,M^c>bert,=  John') 
and  Jo'iMi  Brown. 

!  nJ2  Elizabeth  Brov/n/  born  about  1S02,  probably  ir  IIaro\cr  county,  '\"irginia, 

was  married  about  1S22  to  her  llrit  cousin  596  Ja;  ob  L.  Vroodson.'  They 
probrbiy  li\cd  sfmie  years  in  Hanox^er  county,  but  sub.-equenily  moved  to 
the  city  of  Richmond,  bought  a  home  at  No.  -1,  V-.'cst  Broad  Street,  where 
they  .^pent  the  rest  of  ilioir  :i\es. 

(For  issue  see  596  Jacob  L.  V.Vodson.') 

Issue  of    2BS   STEPHEN    WOODSOr:"    (Stephen,-'  Stephen,"  John,-  Rob.:ri,=  John'}  and 
Alary  liolnian. 

I  ""  CI.-<  JoFepb  Royall/  born  1781  at  Cumberland  Courthouse,  in  Cumber'ar.d 
county,  Mrginia,  rerei\i-d  !u;  (.ducatiori  ii!  'he  ;>chovjl5  of  the  county.  lie 
W15  iiiarried  three  time.-;  first  about  1  802  to  Miss  Msry  Holman  ;  second,  to  itis 
cousin  of  the  7th  remove,  840  Miranda  Woodson,'  daughter  of  422  Tscharnci 

Woodson*"  and  wife, Michaiix. 

He  was  married,  third,  to  Mrs.  America  Hopkins,  widow  of  RoVjori 
Flopkins.  Iler  maiden  name  was  Anderson.  .She  was  an  aunt  of  Ma^o'- 
Anderson,  who  was  in  command  of  Fort  Surriter,  and  surrendered  to  the  Con- 
federate forces  at  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  .-\nril,  1S61. 

II   *     614  TToi'vy,'  born  1783  at  Cumberland  Courthouse;   va^  raarricd  to  Mi.-s  Coleman 
(or  Daniel). 

■:t:[  niiXKKATir-x  167 

He  lived  !)iit  a  yc::i  or  sc  a:ui  o',  •!,  Isavl-:^  oniv  one  dau-jhier.  IIU 
\vi>!o\v  i,i.iirioda  Mr.  1^:<]-,;,'  l.y  li.-  yoihifrcr  n;o)iibers  cii  the  f.-mily 
vas  aUfCUciiiaif !>•  cal'od  "Ann!  I'.'ii'-  F;i-i'i,i.'' 

1:1         015  Stephen  Tarleton,"  ii..!i>  :x\,:n:[   17^5  al  Cuaiberland  Courthou-t-,  noxcr  raar- 
ricij  and  <.i;t.-i.i  \u  caiiy  ]:vji\',i<y.^{:. 

W  "     (316  Juc'iUi,"  born  <,b.val   1  7S7  ai    rinr.boibuul   Coi;rilioiuc,  was  tu -.i-.-ivcI,  ',;-.-o!>- 
ably  a.b'out    lSl>7    lo   F<3Uiu!croy  AUoii,   and  sealed   in   Pit!iy'i\-,.raa   cou.-ily. 

Issue  of    273   JOHN  VOODSOI^-:   ijusepii/  )o:.>.\.h,'  Robert,'  Robing  John')  an=]  wife, 
^\!i(l;-c  luiiiic  is  ni.'i  I-'iiown. 

i  017  Judith,''  born  a.ijout  17o9,  tv.ciuy  iniles  iic:-.ii  Rirlinir.!!..!,  \"iri;ii:ia,  \va<  :.m:\-- 

ricd  to  a   Mr.  Ballinger,  and  sprnt  most  of  her  weddied  life  in  PclL-rsIrar;;, 
^'!^gi:■lia,  where  she  livetl  to  be  a  very  old  !ad\-. 

IJ  *  618  Stepboa,"  born  about  1771,  twenl^•  miles  lv,.m  Rithincnd,  Vir.'Jnla. 
When  lie  attained  the  aye  of  marJ-.ood  ite  settU-d  jarraanently  in  Goochland 
county,  where  he  appears  to  ha\c  ipei.t  all  his  lite.  He  was  twice  married; 
first,  to  Sallv  C'rourh.  The  name  of  lii:,  second  wife  is  v.oi  known.  There 
was  no  issue  by  her.  .After  the  dea.ih  of  his  Thomas'.s  wife,  he 
took  ihcir  two  crplian  girls  V2:-2  Eliza  and  1251  J.L.ry  Ann.  to  his  home 
and  reared  them  as  tenderly  as  if  tltey  had  been  his  own  child ■  v.u.  He  was  a 
man  of  high  character,  quite  wealthy,  owned  a  great  deal  of  land  and 
many  slax'es;  and  was  noted  f!..r  his  de\-otion  to  and  adrrdratio-.i  of  his  v,  ife. 

Ill  '■'  610  Thomas,"  born  May  27,  177-1,  on  his  failier's  larm,  twentv  mile.-  from  Rich- 
mond, X'irginia.  He  inherited,  and  uiher\>i--e  acr;uirrd  large  rracts  of  land 
in  Goochian.d  counl)-  \chere  he  sfitlcd  perniancralw  He  married 
three  time^:  firbt.  about  lt.00,  to  his  tirst  cousin  631  i-dizabeih  Redford,' 
who  was  the  jnothe:  of  all  ids  children.  She  was  born  1778  in  flenrico 
couni}-  and  died  April  II,  ISbS,  at  the  birii-,  of  Jier  son.  1  ?=i3  JL-hn ')'lv)mi.s. ' 
Her  husband  was  married,  second,  to  a  widow,  .Airs.  R.ei'd.  V'-h-.i  :.;a\<  a 
motlierb  care  and  kindness  to  ih.e  infant  boy,  but  bved  onl,,'  a  b,w  ye,j-. 
After  her  death  and  when  he  v.-as  sixty  years  old  or  more,  he  v.-as  rutrried, 
third,  to  a  widow,  Mrs.  Elh^aljeth  Pledge,  whose  maiden  name  is  belie\-ed 
to  ha- l:  licon  bili;;':bcth  V\'opdsor..  'J^o  the  last  tv."o  m.arrbiges  the'-e  wa-; 
no  issue.  Upon  t!ie  death  of  his  first  wife,  his  brother,  018  Stephen 
Woodson,'  took  the  two  you.'-'ger  daughters,  12.52  Eliza  and  j251  Tsbiry 
Am  to  his  iwa  liome  and  rearcrl  thf  ni. 

619  'J'homas  W(>odsoh'  v.-as  a  iiian  of  spleinlid  jiltysique,  "^ix  fict  tv,-o 
inrlies  in  height.  He  owned  nearly  all  the  land  known  as  liie  "'Woiydson 
Gram,"  which  'xtLiidcd  aloiig  Jaines  Ri\er  fn;m  Wood^on^'  Ferry  to 
".^L^iden's  \'e;iture,"  a  di.^tance  of  nearbc  thiri\  miles.  He  owned  a 
great  many  s!a\-es  to  whom  he  wa.s  \er>-  knii!'i; ;  ^n  much  so,  indeed,  that 
the%  proN'ed  to  be  rather  a  source  cf  exi-euse  than  jjrotit.  He  uas  a  n.-an 
of'./us  imini'ses,   and   has   h.:(i;;,e  was  tiie  home  of   hospitah't\'.     H'e 

1 68 

•  i  AND  Ti:i;iK  ( !iN\;;cr; 

entertained  -c-jn-i  n-imsicr.  of  cvfry  dc;n'>r:\nM\nn.  OLl  Ri^NopKariy . 
of  \-iri;inia,  vas  p:un  a  ^v^•!,, ,.„;,>  v;ucst  at  Ills  house.  He  hulli  a  chu:rl; 
111  h,<  grove  ^v^(.r,•  all  .lenMriii;..;  ^ons  -verc  free  U>  lu.Ki  divire  5,erv;ee^ 
Scvtia!  of  h\<  dm-^:.ter5  L.-eaine  wiJo^vs  early  in  ]l'^.  ami  1,,.-  pr.n-ido.! 
liberally  for  liicm  ::n.!  liicir  el;iiui.n.  In  cou-entier-e  of  the  many  Je:naiui> 
iino!!  him,  and  hk  of  r-iii:w^s  in  the  nianapeinenl  of  Ii)=  .'•tlairs.  the 
estate  !>ecamc  ^o  nnuh  impoverished  ilial  he  sohi  to  Mr.  Pka.^ant.--  a  fine 
tract  called  "Goi<i.  n  Me.a.iow;"  and  th.en  an.,;l,cr  tract  called  "Red 
Oaks,"  and  ?o  on  utwil  the  i^reiter  poriion  of  his  princelv  estate  %\-as 
disno?.d  of.  He  died  MarrlK  1817,  in  the  seveniy-third  year  of  his  a-e. 
By  all  who  knev  liirn  he  was  re^p•,•cied  and  iionortd  in  life,  and  iamenit:d 
in  death.  Tht  fact  that  Iiis  name  is  nor  mentioned  in  the  anicl.-  pubiished 
in  the  Richmond  Standard  in  IS^O,  has  been  con-nented  on  by  liis  de- 
scendants. This  eirciimsiance  is  evplciined  by  his  granddauglnerMiss  M. 
Louise  Woodson.  She  says  that  the  compiler  of  the  article.  Mr.  R.  A. 
Brock,  who  is  a  kinsman  of  hers  on  the  maternal  side,  v^  rote  n^a:.\-  lette.'s  of 
inquiry,  seeking  data  coneernlnu  iliis  Thomas  Woudson  and  hi-,  Jer.cenda;u;> 
as  well  as  lus  antecedents.  I'nforuinately,  all  ihuse  inqiiirii-^  ^^^.■i•e  m.- 
answered;  not  from  lack  of  intere-t,  perhaps,  bin  from  inexcusable  eart.- 
lossness  or  procrastination,  ll^jncc  the  article  in  tlie  Standard  contained 
no  reference  to  619  Thomas  Woodson.'  Those  v.  ho  possessed  the  coveted 
information  are  dead;  and  now  the  descendants  of  this  line  old  gentleman 
will  have  to  C(;ntent  themselves  wi;h  the  above  rne.agre  information  which 
has  been  supplied  by  his  granddai.'ghter,  IMi'^s  M.  Louise  \\oodson'  of 
/Uitioch,  \'irginia.  She  says  he  once  owned  the  "Sampson  farm"  as  ii  is 
now  called;  so  he  must  have  inherited  it  from  his  father.  He  left  no  will, 
being  somewliat  superstitious  on  tl;e  subject  of  "last  wills  and  te-.tamer.ts."' 
While  he  was  yet  living,  he  divided  most  of  his  projieny  among  his  children. 
After  his  death,  his  son,  1 24S  Leander  Woodson, «  administered  on  the 
remainder  of  the  estate. 

Issue  of       2  74  JOSEPH  V/OODSON,"'  -of  Geniroe"  (Joseph, =  Joseph,^  Rcb-ert,'  Robert, " 
John'-;  and  .Mildred  Kedford. 

I  *  620  Vv^illiam,'  born  1771  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia,  wa.-,  married  November, 
1795,  to  his  cousin,  630  ^Lildred  Redford  niece  and  probably  a  namesake 
of  his  mother,  and  a  dantrh'er  of  his  aun;  278  Su'^annah  \\'oo';s':)n'=  ?^.'\ 
Penin  Redford.  He  ant]  his  young  wife  settled  on  a  farm  in  GoochlarRi. 
where  she  died,  survived  by  her  husband,  four  sons  and  three  daughter.-. 
He  was  married,  second,  in  1S20  lo  Nancy  Pledge  of  Goochland,  by'^ 
he  hail  three  sons.  Me  was  a  successful  fa.rmer,  acquired  a  good  dcai  of 
land  and  ownerl  inariV  sla\es. 


621  Miluer,'  born  about  1773  in  Ciooch'and  county,  where  he  spent  hi?  enti.'-e 
life.  He  was  married  but  the  name  of  his  wife  is  not  known  He  died 
on  his  farm  in  Gor.chland  leaving  his  v.  idow  and  two  chi'dren. 


ly  of  r: 

's  ; 


inna  Woods 


,  and 



,1  V 


or  J 

11  April 


.   17 





,1     ^o 


.  I 


















a  ]w:v 















odford.     I'.ol   Eii/abeU;   Rrdford, 
e,  lived   aud   died   in   Kiolmi'iiu', 

died   in   Mam  Iie'-.tcr.   V,,..   leav- 

uiV.e  below  Pdcl.iiiOr.d,  Va.; 
^^c^ved  in  the  wai'  of  1S12  and  was  married  to  Elizabeth  Bent,  who  w?a  borti 
in  Albe'niai'le  couniy,  Va.  Tboy  moved  to  Shelbyvillo,  Ky.,  wliere  they  both 
liiod.  They  li,.d  eight  childr-?!!,  one  of  whom  wus  }{cv.  Albert  H.  Rodiordi?, 
auihor  aud  .Mini^ti;;-  in  the  M.  V.  Charch  south,  vvho  was  iriari-iid.  firbt  to 
Mildred  Goslcf  by  whom  he  had  oikj  son — Retijakin  C.  Rcdford;'  who  married 
Sara  Rt'dy  of  Hei:derson,  Ky.  Tliey  had  a  dangiiter,  Margaret  Redford.  who 
ws'j  c>vico  uiarritd:  first,  to  V.'.  M.  Xo.-:l,  and  second,  to  Kdward  S.  Ready, 
president  of  the  Xew  South  Oil  Co.  They  now  reside  in  thr-ir  pretty  home 
on  lieech  Street  in  Helena.  Aik. 

*'';0   Mildred    Redford,   born    .lune    '?.,    ITS.i;     was   mai'ried    to    V.r.   Tiirjdn   and 
settled   in  liowling  Green,   Ky. 
Ont  Richanl  Redford,  born  Oetober  T,  ITfi.,. 
—Sara  Redford.  Ijnrn  April  20,  17:<S. 
-Caroline    Redford. 

C.'?:;  Frankie  Tyler  Bedford,  ):orn  l''ebrnary  L'-i,  liO".  was  married  "November 
II.  1S21,  to  her  eoiisin,  Fre,!.;rirk  Woodson.  iFa-nilv  Cibh;  record  an  tiven 
by  Yn.  !.'.  f:.  Re.idy.) 

III  *     622  Robert,'  born  .ibout  1  7:5  in  r-jH-liiand,  -.ui-i,:  !  ;ip..,l  ^fllle<i  in  t!ie  cily  of 

RirhnKHu!.  \"iryiiiia.  wlior.;  lu'  ov.-.igi'd  i:^  bL.-^iii-.-:-,.      ll  \v;;;,  hire  tliai   iii.-> 
t'nrfe  c'liidren  v.eri-  luirii.      I'.e  died  al'O'.r.  !S'j!. 

IV  02^    •Tlizabetli,"  bui  ■!  dboiiv  177;  aru!  Jicd  yui-..^. 
V          624  Edward,'  I'vvu  abt.-ut  1779  ;:nd  died  yount;. 

\'i  (i2S  George,"  born  about  !78;.  lived  In  Goocl^.la-wi  county  and  died  a  b.-jchflor. 

VM  626  Joseph,' boni  in  Goochland  co'.miy,  Virginia.     }ic  lived  and  probabb/ died 

in  or  near  Richmond,  Virginia,     lie  was  married  to  IMiss  .\ddi5Gn. 

\'III   *     627  Sr.rah."  born   about    1780   ir.   Cioorhlarni   ronnty.   \'iri;inia,    ■^•af.   married, 
I)rol,ab'!y  al.ioai  1803,  lo  lier  coii.-in  CM  Richard  Retllord.' 

IX  628  Mildred,"  Ix-.m  about  178S  isi  Goucldand,  cjunty,  wli.-re  ^he  \\as  married, 
H\'ed  and  died.      The  name  oi"  hus!;andi  b.a^.  not  b.ecn  ascei'tained. 

X  *  620  Frederick,'  !  urn  Jamiar>-  30,  1790,  in  Goocidand  county.  Virginia,  where 
he  n\etl  to  be  and  \vas  married,  tirst,  to  Miss  rdi>;ab;eih  I^arsoas, 
who  u\ed  but  a  short  time  and  died  childless.  Me  wa.s  niarried,  second, 
on  Xovember  11,  1824,  to  his  cousin,  633  Aii^s  Franklin  Tyler  Red'"ord,' 
daiighici-  of  278  Sn-annah  Woodson'  a;.;i  I'errin  l\edfi>rdi.  The\-  spent 
the  remainder  of  iheir  lives  in  Goochland  county.  ]'e  rlied  there  in  bX.',8 
and  she  died  in  June,  1876.  (Letters  from  their  c-'a.  1270  Franl:  Ivedford 

Issue  of        278   SUSAXNAH  V.'-OODSON'-'    (Joseph, ^    Joseph,^    Robert.M^rbcrt,^' John'; 
and  Perrin  Redford. 

I         e'-;0  Mildred  Rcdfovd,'  l;orn  about  177,5  in  Goochland  county  and  was  i;i.'irri:d 
No\'ember,  1795,  to  her  cousin  620  Vv'illiam  Woodson.' 

II  6.'.1   Elizabeth  Redford,'  born   1778  in  Goochland  county,  was  married    about 

iSOO,  to  her  first  cousin.  G19  ThunMS  Woodson.'      She  died  .■^pril  11,  18  ■  8, 
at  their  li.jnic  in  Goocldand. 

III  632   ^^liohard  Redford,'  born  aboui   1780  in  Guochland  and  was  married  about 

1805,  to  his  cousin  627  Sarah  Woodson.'     i-'or  issue  see  627  Sarah  Wood.son.' 

IV  6.>3  Franisie  Tyler  Redford,'  born   February  24,    1S07,   in   Goochlarai  county, 

and  was  married  XoNxanber  11,  1821,  to  her  cou.-^in  618  l-hederick  Woodson,' 
and  died  June  1876. 

There    v.  ere    perhajis,    .^everai   cm  her   cliil.iren   IxAii    to    276   Susaan.ah 
V.'oodson'  iind  Perrin  Reciiord,  but  tiic-ir  names  could  not  I'C  learned. 

170  111!".  V,-l-OiV-ONS    \Nn  Tin. IK  (  ONNiCTION-^ 

Issue  of       2BZ   SAMUEL      WOODSON      VENABLE^    (EH-mI-c;!.    W-x-J^mi  "'    Richard,= 
RicIu'T'l,'  l\')1icrt,-  JuIm';  i'au'i  Mary  C;triiiijiou. 

1  6cii  Natn:;niel  E.  Vcnablo,'  inr'.rriot!  Mary  K.  ScoK,  ci;.ii--,h!cr  of  Charles  ScoU 
of  Ih'.lif.iX  count\'. 

II         635  Samuel  Woodson  Venablc,  J).,"  uianicd  Jane  R.  i-,!  oi  Ruckbrici^  -  cou.Uy. 

Ill         <5?6  Paul  C.  Venable,'  niarricd  Hr.-l,  ihc  widow  Davis;  fccond,  Eir.ily  Carringlon. 

1\'         637  Abraham   W.   Vennble,'    married    fsabclLi    Rrown,   daugluer   of    Thomas 
Brov.'ii  of  Scotland. 

Y  63S  Elizabeth  Woodson  Venable.'  married  William  M.  Watkiiis,  ton  of  Joel 
Wat  kins  and  Agnes  ]Morton. 

\'I         639  Ajns.s  W.  Venable,"  married  her  second  cousin,  299  Henry  E.  Watkins" 
of  Prince  Edward  county,  son  of  Francis  Waikius  and  114  Agnes  Woodson.^ 

Vil  010  Pcgj^y  Read  Venablej'  married  ^iciiokis  CahelL 

YIJI  64)  Ann  Venable,"  mairicd  Isaac  Read. 

IX  642  Mary  W.  Vcuable,'  married  \A'inia!n  L,  Womack. 

X  643  CIcmentii'.a  Vcnr'ble,"  married  Rev.  WiHiam  S.  Rf?id  of  Lynchburg. 

Issue  of       £94  RICHARD   V/ATKIKS"'   (Agnes  Woodson,'^   Ricliard.,^   Richard,"  Roberi.- 
John')  and  llie  widow  Catherine  Jones. 

I         644  Agnes  F.  V/atkins,'  married  Dr.  "William  P.  Sayle  of  Tennessee. 

Issue  cf        BBh   IIERRY  E.   WATKiriS'    (Agnes  Woodson,-   Rirliard,^   Richard.^  Robcrt,= 
John')  and  617  Agues  W.  Venable.' 

1  645  Francis  H.  V/rtkius,"  born  about  3  804  in  Prince  Edward  county,  Virginia, 
where  he  grew  to  manhood  ard  received  a  thorough  cdncuion.  In- 
married  I^Rartha  A.  Scott.  In  1S52  he  compiled  a  very  complete  and 
authentic  catalogue  of  the  Watkins  famiily  and  tiieir  immediate  connectioris, 
fnim  which  nuuh  uf  the  Watkins  data  contained  in  this  book  has  been 

II         646  Henry  E.  Watlans,  Jr.' 

III  647  P'Tary  C.  V/atkins.' 

IV  648  Rev.  S.  W.  V/atkins,"'  was  married  in.  18.32  to  Aiicc.  Winston  Ilornsby. 

y  649  A-rncp  V/.  Y'.'atkinr." 

\'I  650  Lizzie  Ann  Vvatkin<-.' 

\"ll  65]   Rich.iiJ  V.  Watkins.' 

Vil!  652  Margsm  C.  Watkins,' 

IX  653  Henrietta  M.  Watkins.^ 

X  654  Caiheriue  .A.  Watkins.' 

XI  655  :;;'rances  S.  W^tkins  ' 

Issue  of       SCO  JOSEPH  V.^ATKINSMAgncs    Woodson, =     Richard,-'    Richard,'    Robert,^ 
John")  and  Ruth  iiuni. 

I         656  Josepiiine   Watkias,'   i)orii   proLablv   aboul   ISOS  and  vras  manicd  about 
1S2S  10  Dr.  Joel  Watkiiii. 

II  657  Susan  V/atkins,"  Ijorii  about  1810  and  was  married  to  William  Robards  of 

GocchUmd  county. 

III  65S  Dr.    Franri?^  K.    Waihins,"    bnm    about    1S12    and    was    married    to    Mary 

Ellfreth  of  Fhikidelphia,  Penn.=ylvania. 

IV  659  Betty  Jane  Watkin?,'  born  about   ISli  and  v/a.s  married  to  Cob  Hot.;rr 


Is&re   of        30  1     SELINA  A.  WATKINS*-'   (Av.ner-  Wocd-^.n,-^   Richard, =  Richard.,'  Robert,- 
Juliri')  and  Cob  S.  L.  I.ockeit. 

I         660  Fiances  A.  Lockett,"  born  i)rGbably  about  ISOQ,  in  IMec'denburj;  county, 
Virginia,  married  Albert  Jones  of  Alabama. 

II  661   Mary  Lockett,"  born  about  ISll  in  ]Meckieuburg  county,  wa;  married  io 

Nape  Lockett  and  srttied  in  A'.aban.a. 

III  662   Col.   licnry  E.   Lockett,"  born   about    bSl3   in    Mecklenburg  couaty,   and 

married  Kate  Joh::<';)n. 

IV  663   Selina  Loclictt,'  born  about  1815  in  r^Iecklenburg  county,  married  .George 

Robards  and  sealed  in  Alabama. 

V         664  Lucius  J.  Lockett,"  born  about  1817  in  Mecklenburg  county,  married  Betty 
Fowlkes  and  .settled  in  Alabama. 

\'I         6'?5  Thomas  Lockett,"  born  about  1319  in  Mecklenburfi  countv. 

172  Tin-:  \.'(^o:v)X-  and  ii!!::K  ct;:-N: 

\"II         66''t  M.  Virs'iij'i  I,0C).>-r:.'  born  r>b-.ul  \y/'i  in  MixkK  a).;-r^  c:>ui!!y 

Issue  c:       HO'l   I'RANCEE  A.  W;sr>:iNS''  lAi-':^-:  Woodson  =>  Ki.-haal.'  Richnr.i,'  Rob;:rr.> 
johii')  ;nci  ].!Vf-  D.  Vood. 

I  6'//  ,'i£  V/.  'Vofd,'  b.  irn  about  l^(i'.'  in  i''ri-;cc  r.uword  coiir.ty,  .vas  ii;ar;ii-:i 

to  l^ol.  K.  G.  Br,>::ch. 

li         06S  Dr.  irenr.v  A.  V-'cc".1,"  \-^-n\  abovu  1!"-11,  in  Prince   Euwjrd  cou'ity,  setilej 
:v.  b'arnniile  w;.(.it  he  j-TCictii  oti  ir.cdicitic. 

in     669   r;;^- it  V,'.  Wood.' 

I\''         670  ri-ncia  P.  V-'ood,'  bora  about  ISiS  in  Prnice  Edward  counry,  ind  ni.trricd 
I'^uliua  L.  Seen  I,  dai:t,hter  of  J.  A.  Scott. 

V  671  S.  Clicslcy  Wood,"  born  about  lol7  in  Edward  county. 

VI  672  Frances  A.  V/'ocid.' 

VII  673  K-ana  A.  Wood." 

\"ni  6'?'-l-  Cora  V.  V.'ood.' 

IX  675  S.  Jo.^ephJne  Wood,"  twin  sister  to  Cora  \'. 

X  6V6  Cusar.  M.  Wood,'  bora  about  1^24  in  Prince  Edward  county,  vras  married 

March  3!'.  IS-!-!-,  lo  Rev.  Moses  D.  Hogc,  an  eminent  Presbyterian  minister 
of  Richtnur.d,  \'irgirda.  After  her  death,  he  was  married  to  35.^  Susannah 
{WatkinsJ  Hunt,*^  wido-.v  of  Wiiliam  P.  Hunt,  and  daugliier  of  €ob  Jocl 
Walkins  and  136  Agnes  Morton.^ 

Issue  of       £03  UZUT.    OBADIAH    WOODSON"    ';David,5    Capt.    Obadiah,-    Richard,' 
Robert,-  John')  and  his  wife,  wh'^iC  name  is  !s:nown. 

I   *     677  David,'  born  April  22,  17S1,  in  X'irginia  and  probably  sper.t  his  entire  life 

there.  Kis  grandson,  Ploral-o  Nc'son    Woodson,*  says  that  he  was 

t!ie  second  son  of  303  Lieu*.  iM.':^  liati  WonrEon,''  anrl  that  his  wife's  '■.ame 
was  Hannah,  bur  docs  not  give  her  maiden  name,  nor  the  names  of  the  otlier 
children  of  Lieut.  Ubadiah  Woodson.' 

Issus  of       3  04   RICHARD  V/OODSON'  (Jacob, ^  Obadiah,-  Richard,-  Robert,-  John')  and 
Raci-.e!  P.  Robertson. 

1   *     67y  V.'iibam   Cowper,"    born    Eebruary    14,    1S13.    in    Prince  Edward   county, 
X'ir-iida.      He  was  taken  with   the  faniily  in    1817    to    Charivon   countj-, 

Mis-oi;)  i,  w  here  he  was  reared  and  ear!}-  b'-caine  id'-rtiflcd  with  i;-a  develop- 
ment of  ilie  .-ocial,  religious  and  coninercial  inleros-C':  of  that  part  of  the 


MnS.  ELI2ASE  rn    MOKI'DN    (V/OODSON')   NiC0!.D3 

he  was  bron-Iu  \yo,  t:cvf!>';'H>ii  '.h'.-  !u;r 

-ruliar  !(^  a  pionoor  'ito.  .tinid  wliich 
charo.cior  of  t!-.o>'.-  ;-lurc!y  virtues 
s  life.  He  i-vee!\c.!  Iiis  priiiiary 
i(.!i  in  tlic  •ehu  ;!s  eoir-i.nU-.u  to  ili^  buyli'iod  liomc,  aiul  finished  ai 
I'riiuacii  (^.l!v•lM^  K.  !;;iirk\-.  lie  rva?  twice  iiKinled;  <ir:.t,  nn  Xovcniber 
25,  IS.3!-,  in  C'ii.u:;i«'n  coa:)(\-.  to  iCIi.-riilx'.!;  iXinie!  i.ewi^,  duii^hicr  of 
Edmond' Lewis,  a  broiher  of  lionry  Lewis  v.h'j  inarried  ^('5  Lfizaheth 
\Vood>on.'  Thi-  Lewis  farail>-  a;vi  that  of  304  Richard  \V..odson/  left 
\'ir'>i!iia  aad  moved  to  Missouri  loe^cihcr. 

678  Williaia  (Vnxper  Wncd-^or'  spent  eleven  years  faruiin-  in  St. 
Louis  county,  after  which  ho  en-aged. in  tlic  tobaccj  bu-iness.  Ho  was 
a  devout  niendjer  of  the  >.lethudi;.i  Linscopal  Churc!:,  in  which  he  was  a 
faiiliful  and  cfhcier'  ofpccr,  aidin^j;  by  niaierial  and  moral  support,  in  all 
th(,-  eiiurchs  acii%ui.js.  He  al-o  liilcd  severni  civil  ofliccs.  in  wiiich  hf 
proved  hiai-olf  a  ciiizen  o"  t lie  stace  could  depend.  Hi?  wife  died 
April,  LS-l-i,  at  alouticello  in  Chaiiton  couaty,  survived  by  her  husband 
and  1  vvo  sncs.  He  '  niairied  ihc  second  iinie,  on  July  2"^',  KS4a,  to  ihe 
widnu,  Mr.-.  Juliet  C'olson  Coale  (uee  Hov.-ard),  formerly  of  ChvonsborC: 
KenluckN .  1  he\-  were  married  at  Ivlonticello,  Chariton  county,  Missouri, 
in  1S5U  ihe\-  moved  to  St.  Louis  county  ai.d  settled  on  a  farm,  situated 
on  what  is  now  called  tiic  (>live  Street  Road,  nine  miles  from  the  city  of 
St.  Louis,  M  here  it  crosses  the  Woodson  Road,  which  was  so  named  for  him. 
He  w.-.s  one  of  the  promoters  of  the  extension  of  this  road  through  the 
county  to  Howell's  Ferry,  also  of  the  St.  Louis  Lair  Association  and  a 
large  stock  holder  in  boih  enterpri.-es. 

Soon  after  the  be-inning  of  the  Civil  War,  thinkiat—as  did  many 
others— that  the  property  of  all  Southern  people  in  that  section,  would  ba 
confiscated  by  I  he  Federal  government,  he  sold  hi?  farm  and  moved  to 
St.  Louis  T^dtere  he  engaged  in  the  tobacco  business.  Heie  be  spent  tne 
rest  of  his  life,  and  died  May  2;',  1890,  honored  and  respectid  by  ail  who 
knew  him.     He  was  a  gucd  man. 


679  J?m./3,'  born  about  1S14  in  Prince  £dv.-ard  county.  Virginia,  v,ent  with  the 
family  in  1S17  to  Chariton  county,  :Missoari.  He  was  married  about  1S35 
to  Elizabeth  Gilliam.  She  was  of  the  GHliam  lamiiy  who  moved  v^ivh  301 
Richard  Woodson,'  in  1S17,  from  Virginia  to  MisMXiri.  The  Gilhams 
-.citkd  in  Saline  cunte.  After  the  death  of  James  Wocd.on  his  w-.dov,- 
wa^  married,  second,  to  William  Goode  and  is  still  li^■l^g  (1911)  at  Slater. 

080  Ib.zabeth  Morton,'  born  April  29,  1S15.  in  Christian  county,  Kentucky, 
where,  it  appears,  the  family  had  stepped  temporarily  on  their  journey  to 
Missouri.  When  the  journey  was  resumed,  she  was  taken  along  to  Chanton 
county,  Missouri,  where  she  was  reared  and  educated. 

She  was  married  March  28.  1833,  to  John  Fontaine  Nicoltlsof  Ho.v.aru 
couMy,  Mi-^ou^i.  He  wa.,  a  grandson  of  John  Nicolds  and  Rhoda  Green 
who  emigrated  f.e.m  Ireland  about  1750  and  settled  in  iicnry  cotmty. 
Virginia.     Thev  had  o:,!v  one  .on.  Thomas  Nicolds,  born  \n  Yn^uaa  about 

t/-!  Tin;  -.vrMvr-^oxs  a'-L'  Ti!r-:iK  r'^XNiciioN: 

1751,  \'.-ai  niariiciJ  io  Sarjh  Lane,  dirt!  in  iS2^  and  i;-  I'U-ic'i  b\-  ihe  yiii;,  "f 
!ii#  faiher  lU'ar  Spencer  ii^.  i!c:!ry  cnuiuy.  X'iiyiti'ui.  1  (uiinri.-  XicoUl?  an'i 
Sarah  Lane  had  issue:  raroline,  M.iiil'Uj,  Rln^Ja.  S..-.v!i  vinarricd  I>.'!i- 
dridLivy),  Virvjuia  (married  Stapjcs),  C.ioon  Ik'ny.  and  John  Fontaivie 
Nicnlds  wlio  was  ivarn  P.. [.ruiry  23.  l.'^c"/,  ia  Hciir;,  roiruy,  X'irginia.  ik- 
^^■cnt  t;i  Mis>-.-iiiri  in  1>'.'m),  soilliii.i:  in  Howard  ccunily,  anti  was  marricil  >^:i 
March  28,  IS.vv  lo  CyM)  Lli'aiio.h  Morton  W<c;ds::)a.'  Tlicy  spent  ih-ir 
cniirc  wedded  life  in  and  near  (das.tinv,,  !iT,\..,rd;  cninuy,  Missotni,  vcC',  re 
all  of  tiieir  iwcKe  children  were  born,  ile  died  il-,..'r'."  in.  li-'Gl.  His  widcw 
conliaiied  lo  o.-rnpy  the  old  home'  and  cai  e<l  fur  iser  ch.ildieu  UP'dl  ihcy  were 

She  died  in  1895  at  ihc  home  of  lier  daughter,  Mrs.  Edward  Kcyle,  in 
Denton,  Texas,  ha\-inp;  roundel  out  her  four  score  \-oar.;. 

'  S!ie  suffered  much  on  the  long  journey  liirongli  life,  but  Ivirc  ai!  with 
a  fwcctncss  of  spirit  that  today  makes  her  mcinory  a  benediction  to  her 
children  and  grandchildren.'' 

IV  ■'  68i  Martha,"  I'orn  aiiout  1S19.  in  Chariton  county,  Missouri,  was  mairied 
about  1SS9  to  James  J.  Miller,  a  son  of  cx-Go'ccrjior  Miller  of  Missoi;;!. 
The>-  liw-d  and  died  in  St.  Louis  coi-nty.  Missouri. 

y  *  682  Richard,  Jr.,''  born  Xo\'eniber  24,  1822.  in  Chariton  county,  Misso'iri, 
where  he  was  reared  and  educated,  lie  v.'as  twice  married,  first,  in  \>'.2 
to  Mis?  Koxanra  Ewing.  The}"  had  ov.e  son,  James  V\'ood?on.  born  ir. 
1845  and  died  when  se\"en  months  old.  The  mother  died  when  trie  ba!)e 
was  two  weeks  old. 

He  was  married,  second,  on  Janiiar,'  26,  1851,  'o  Miss  Frances  .Xnn 
Aciie  of  St.  Louis  courity.  They  located  near  the  city  of  St.  Louis  where 
he  engaged  in  manufacturing  tobacco.  Jn  Ma>".  1855,  moved  to 
Saline  county  and  located  on  a  farm  four  miles  south  of  the  town  of  M;irs!iail 
Here  he  farmed  two  years  and  on  April  1,  1856,  sold  out  and  moved  bacL 
to  St.  Louis  county,  remainin.g  there  a  couple  of  years,  sold  out  again  and 
•  in  1S59  rnov'.ri  to  Franklin  county  and  engaged  in  farming  and  iniUing 
unii!  tlie  close  of  the  Civil  War.  He  sold  out  his  interests,  in  Franklir! 
county  and  moved  to  tb.e  city  of  St.  Louis  and  engaged  in  ihe  groci  ry 
business  v-.'hich  he  continued  until  1863,  when  he  once  niore  sold  out  and 
moved  to  Howard  county  and  finally  settled  on  a  farm,  about  seven  miles 
west  of  Fayette  and  a  mile  and  a  half  easr  of  Stcii^met?.  on  the  C!iic<igo 
and  .\!lon  Raih^'ad.  Here  he  engaged  in  farndng  during  die  remaintier 
of  his  life.  He  died  at  his  home  April  17,  1891,  surxived  by  his  widow  and 
six  children.  .Ml  of  this  family  are  jjrogressive  democrats  and  members 
of  the  Soutliern  Ivlethiidist  Chu'-cli.  The  widow  and  her  two  daughters 
and  son,  John  Urinker,  are  still  !i\'ing  at  the  lioine  near  Steinmetz,  Missouri. 

Issue  of       30G   QUIN    MORTON'^    (Richard    Morton,'    Elizabeth    \Vood=on,^    I^ichard,^ 
iloberi,-  John')  and  Mary  Anderson. 

I  6S3  Thomas  Anderson  Morio::,'  bmn  Ma\-  -j,  1777,  married  Martha  Loclcett 
and  had  fjui  d.iueh.tcrs  and  two  sons. 

i;;'l  .\lartha  .laiic  Woodson  was  I.'oni  Soptomlior  2'K  ISIS,  in  Chariton  comity, 
Mi=soini,  and  was  marripd  Sepconibcr  IS.  Is'^.B.  to  .Tames  Miller,  Jr.,  a  mer- 
chant in  I'ayett?,  ?\ns?ouri.  He  was  a  son  of  James  Miller,  Sr.,  and  a  nephew 
of  Covernor  JoJin  Miller  of  Missouri. 

'ih^:y  resided  in  Fuyetto  until  Ai-'iil,  IS-lii,  when,  witJi  their  two  sons,  they 
n;oved  to  tlieir  new  borne  in  St.  Louis  county  vvlierc  phe  died  Feliri.ary,  25, 
1SJ2,  survived  liy  l)t  r  husband  and  two  sons.  He  rcn;ained  on  his  homestead 
until  he  s-old  it  in  1^!)1  and  settled  en  Plynioutli  Ave,  St.  Louis,  where  he 
died  Xoven-ilier  14,  lS:.i5,  in  his  eisihtv-fifth  vear.  (Corrected  by  i^M  Dr.  John 
J.  Miller.) 

11  58*  Charles  Mcrlcti.'  '.■or,'.  \^v'y:r.'.':  c\-  2i.  1779  was  I'ntr-ii.i!  Soplcmber  27, 
i8'"!4.  to  Mary  Lockcti  :.\'.\''\  li  :J  two  chiklr*  n  \vii<)  i.iif.d  ydiing. 

I!  I         6S3  BcTSY  Llortou,'  hc'n  July  >S,  i'.>^2,  ;i:id  r.iMrricd  Wilitora  l.ev.-is  Morton. 

IV         6S6  Jopii  Morton,'  boni  Aii.aii-v  21,  17S4.  married  Mli/i-.lic;'.!  .A.  l^oGrandc. 

V  6S7  Richard  McrtL>n,'  born  March  6,  Ki^.  v,m>  raui-ic-d  Juno  16,  IS06.  to 
iN'arili,-!  Sjx-nccr  v.-ho  v/a;;  born  Ab'.rch  17,  17!>S,  and  had  two  sone  and  one 

VI         638  Fanny  jMorton,"  inrn  July  19,  17S''.  n;arr;ed  Archibaici  D.  Alexanfler. 

Ml  f;S9  Polly  Morton,"  bo:i.  February  11,  1792,  niarri^d  lleu'y  ?>Iaui?on. 

\'lll  *  690  V/illiam  Quin  Morton,"  born  May  4,  i794,  wa?:  married  September  5,  1816, 
to  7(io  Elij'aboth  MrRob?rts  \"enabie,"  who  was  born  October  4,  1795,  in 
Charlotte  ct>uniy,  \';rgin!a.  SIk- went  to  Kentiirk\- in  'iSlO  wiili  her  p.:rc!it:; 
336  Judge  Ji.sepli  X'cnable  and  295  Elizal;-'.".'-  u-aiki-i^-.  So  she  had  been 
livinf:  in  KeiUuclcy  only  aboui  six  >-car?  wlien  ?!u;  ;ind  William  Ouin 
INiorton  were  married.  They  rcturne.i  to  Farmvihc,  ^■i^gi'■l;a,  engaged  i.'i 
the  mercantile  busi;:ofs  and  wa-'  \-cry  f uccesrCi!!  until  1854  wl-.eii  lie  sf'ld 
out  his  intcrcfts  in  \'irginia  and  returned  to  Slielby  county,  Kcutucky,  aiid 
bouglit  a  fine  farm  of  about  2000  acres  in  the  Mulberry  neighborhood. 
He  v,;is  a  graduate  of  Hampden  Sidne\"  C(;IIc.go,  a  gentleman  of  rchnc.iient 
and  CLiUurc  and  an  elder  in  the  Presbyterian  'v"hurcb.  at  .Mulberjy.  Hc 
died  Jii!y  12,  1S50,  and  is  buried  in  the  ceraeter\  at  Shelbyvil'e,  Kentucky. 
His  \\  idow  died  August ,  !  .^69. 

IX  C91  Anderson  Cocke  Morton,"  born  June  27,  1797.  was  married  Septemb-'tr  30, 
1S19,  to  Sarah  C.  Waikins,  who  v,as  liorn  June  1,  1802,  and  had  two 

iKSLe  of       S14  JOEN    VENABLE'5    (Elizabeth    Michau:-:,^   Judith    V.-'codson,''    FJchard,^ 
Robert,-  John-)  and  Elizabeth  Raine. 

I         60.-'  Ahrphnm  Venable.' 

IJ         0P3  EU-^abeth  Venable.- 

HI  694  M?»r'-ha  A.nn  Venable,"  born  about  1775  in  Prince  Edward  county,  X'irc^inia, 
where  her  father  died.  Her  mother  was  aficiwards  married  to  162  John 
Woodson,^  called  "Poplar  Foot,"  who  a  v.-idower  with  seven  children; 
one  of  whom  was  436  Benjamin  Woodson.'^  Ho  and  this  694  Martha  Aiui 
Venable"  were  married  about  179.3,  and  lived  in  Cumberland  county  about 
twelve  or  fifteen  years,  and  moved  to  Rockingham  county,  Xorth  Carokkna, 
where  the>-  fpcnt  the  remainder  of  tlieir  lives,  reared  ft  kirj^e  famih  and 
died  at  a  ripe  old  age      As  a  m.atured  woman,  she  wzu.  possessed  of  un'jsual 


•^  AN'r    T  li;.)K  «  '  iNNi\:T;i)>.5 

Issue  of 

;!i!>,iii.i!  attraciio:;  .itkJ  .-caL  iii;^nitv  ft  chararlcr.  In  the  !naiiaj;o:)ie!;t 
C'i  :;vr  i-.;r\-.;iUs  an<\  i;or  ilM;l^c■llo!d  a;T,;>rs.  i^he  CMinniandod  respect  .:rd 
nqu:!vd  o!:edii'i''ce,  Shv  very  fond  uf  fancy  iioodlcwork:,  and  imvw  .A 
hcT  pieces  weiv  grciily  adiiiirrd  fnr  beaiiiy  of  doi^n  a!id  cxqu!^:i^e  wurk- 
uiaii-ibiiv      For  i<>uc  m-c  -IMi  Bx.i:y:.u)'n\  Wood-^o;'.'^ 

3  i  7   JACOB    VKNABLE^    {!:i;/;d>cth    Michaux,^   Judiih    Wnxlsond    Richard.^ 
Rubcri,'-  jijiiin')  and  M.iry  \'cnab!u. 

1  695  John  Verabie." 

II  696  Holcornbe  Yenable.' 

III  097  Samiel  Yeiiablc." 

IV  69S  Nathaniel  Venable." 

Y  699   Wiliiani' 

\'l         700  Eb'zabeth  Michaux  Venable,'  married  Robert  }dcCIar<  ii  of  Ciinibcr'anci 
rou;it\ ,  \"ir..rinia. 

Issue  of       SZ3  JOSEPH    VEr'ABLE^    (Jivlich     :\Iorton,^    Agnes    Woodson/    Rich:ird.^ 
Rob.rr,-'  John'j  and  205  Elizabeth  Watkiiis." 


/■tl  Dr.  Joseph  Venable,'  born  December  23,  170},  in  Chariorie  coiiat;.-. 
\'iru;inia,  went  \vdth  the  family  in  ISIO  Uj  Shelb>  co'in'.y,  Ketuuchv.  iJn 
v/as  married  to  Mary  F.  Cowan,  daughier  of  John  C.  Cowar:  of  Mercer 
county,  Kentucky.     Ke  died  in  1S3S. 

J I  702  Richp.rd  Venable,''  born  in  Charlotte  county,  \'irginia.  and  died  vounf^. 

Ill  703  Elizabeth  McRoberts  Vennbie,'  born  October  4,  1795.  in  Chnriotte  county. 
\'irginia,  went  with  che  family  in  1810  to  Shdby  county.  Kenuicby.  v.i.c.-.- 
she  completed  her  academic  course,  and  was  married  Sepcemror  5,  ISKi, 
to  690  \\"illiam  Quiii  Morton.'  They  soon  returned  to  Farmvilic,  \''ir;4inia. 
v.-hcre  he  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business.  In  RS34  they  bark  t'l 
Sbel:  y  count>-,  Kcniuck_\-,  and  spent  'die  ren-!aind.-;r  of  their  l;\-es  there. 
Her  husband  died  July  12,  1S5>J,  and  she  died  August,  'i69.  She  was  a 
woman  of  great  energy  and  was  noted  for  bountiT'i'  liberality  in  al!  i'cr 
deed.-  of  kindness.     For  issue  see  690  William  Quin  Morton.' 


704  Judith  Venable,'  born  about  1797  in  Charlotte  comity,  went  with  the 
family  in  ISIO  to  F'.entucky  and  was  there  married  i<>  Judge  Thomas 
Joyce  of  Loi:isvilie. 

705  .F'ar.cis  Venable,'  born  about  1799  ii;  Chailctte  county,  v.eni  with  '.he 
famiiy  to  ICeiituck)-  in  R'^iO,  and  was  married  lo  ^\nn  Xcisor!  of  that  state. 

s):%  I  NTi;  r,T:Ni-  ;.;.\i!iiN  1  /  7 

\'i  706  Tanies  Yc'.ii'ilc-,'  iioi-n  .ili-^iif  1^01  \n  !'!:,u',r,-i!.o  c-'iiintN-.  wcm  v.itli  lli.' 
funnily  {■.-■  ls;n  to  Ki-iUucky.  .-lu!  nv.;::  iSit:,-.-  liiarnod  to  DiU'>thea  I":<:or. 

\ll  707  Paiiiue'-  Yenjole,"  !m  rv  mIx'h;  !>03  ir.  Civuioitc  coiiiit\-,  wir.i  to  Kentucky 

in  IMO.  r.,-,>v,  to  !n.  niio.HJ  ..:•,!  n^r-rricd  Illi^abeth  Murlnn.  dciughlcr  v\ 
Co!.  \\  illiarn  Lewis  Morion. 

"\  111  70S  Sftiint.  V'f-n?.b'.o/'  liorr  about  1S05  in  Chariot!.?  county,  went  to  KoiUucky 

in  1810.  and  was  niari'ied  to  Rtv.  James  Ch;'.~c,  a  Pri.  ?b\tcrian  miirij'ei. 

IX  *  70D  Li.nry  Jane  Venable,'  born  about  ISO 7  in  Charlotte  count}-,  went  with  tho 
faiiiily  in  ISIO  to  Kentuck\-.  She  was  niarriod  about  1825  to  Jacol> 
VN'  Morton."  wiio  wa.s  born  M.ry  22,  1;^01  He  \.-as  a  i^on  of  32.^ 
Joseph  Morton''  (Joiiah  Morton,  Agaes  V.'oodsoa,  Rithard,  R^ibcrt, 

X  710  Rev.  Henry  I.  Venrble,'  bom  about  ISO';  in  Charlotte  rouniy.  Tiie 
ftihowinj;  year  he  wen'  with  th,;  faanily  tc>  Keiriuckx  ,  v.'as  gis'en  a  vhairouyij 
education  and  became  an  influential  and  useful  niini.'-ter  in  the  Prefb;,  tcrian 
Cliurch.  lie  was  married  to  Martbia  Martin,  dau:j,hicr  of  Rev.  V/iliia-ri 
^V.  Martin.  The\'  v.  ere  sent  by  the  Presb_\-tcrian  Church  as  missionaries 
to  Africa. 

XI  71!  Rev.  \7i!i;;un  T.  YeiTible,"  born  about  181;  in  Shelby  county,  Kei;lucky, 
and  died  unn-.arried. 

Issue  of        3i;'4   POLLY    'vV".    V/AJiimS'-    (Agnes    Morton. ^    Asne?    Wo-'dK.:.,^    Richard,' 
Robert,-  Joitn')  and  Captain  jolm  Dupu}.-. 

1  712  Y.Vitkins   Dupuy,"  born   September   17,    I7.'^-l,   in    Prince   Edward   couniv, 

Virginia,  where  he  was  commissioner  of  rexeniie  lor  about  tventy-ii\'e 
years.  He  was  for  about  forty  years,  an  elder  in  the  Bethlehem  Presby- 
terian Ciuirch.  He  was  married  about  ISli  io  Elizabeth  S.  V.'altoa,  who 
was  born  February  IS,  1795,  and  died  February  26,  1S64.  lie  died 
October  9,  1S73.  Both  are  buried  in  the  family  graveyani  in  Prince 
Edward  county. 

n  7'3   Si'>.an  Dupuy,'  born  January  6,  115G  in  Prince  Edv\ard,  married  to 

Benjamiti  Watkins,  settled  in  Pitts^h'ania  coiint\%  where  she  died  April 
20,  1864. 

III  714  Heury  Guerrant  Dupuy/  born  April  12,  17NS,  in  Prince  Edward  county, 

was  married  December  7,  1809.  to  Sarah  Taylor  and  died  March  23,  ISJ.^. 

IV  7)5  Jane  Dupuy,'  born  December  9,  1790.  in  Prince  Edward,  was  mariied  to 

X'oh-olas  Eiimonds  and  died  Noventbcr  2,  1870. 

V         71,-5   Iv';.ary   Dupuy/'   bori    October   20,    5/92.   in    Prince    Edw.ud    count),   wa- 
marricd  to  Col.  William  To>\  ues  W'aiker  who  was  born  17."'{').     They  lived 


17S  'in'.-:  wo(>p~n;-.s  anp  \i;,-'tk  connt.'  iiriss 

near  l).irl'n-4,'in  il-iv.'i"-,  i:i  IMiuc  F'JV.'i.  vv-hero  he  died  lS3-\  .uid  sn.-- 
tlic.l  Frl-ruaiy  1?,  ISoi. 

V\  '717  Travccs  Anderson,"'  r.-jm  r.Va'i'  S.  1791-.  in  Prinoc  Eov -ircl 
rcuntv.  \va-  tna:  "ivd  '.■'  ]•■''.:■.)  H  .niii  cf  i  "iK^rl'Jite  coriiuy  (,siu-  was  lii^ 
tfCi'und  wife)  arid  dicvi  Ap-.-i!  :.0.  iSii. 

VII  7!S   V/iniam  Hunt  r-r-puyj  I'oi.!  Maich  11,  1  79(),  wn?  married  lo  Aj^^iics  Pa>-nc 

Ware.     TbcN-  r.ioxxd  to  Koiv.ncky  in  iS47  and  ?eu'cd  in  Chiisiian  cmnUy, 
viiLTO  ^lu-  died  AuguiU  2,  1S5.7,  and  lie,  on  Aagu.-^t  19,  185.i. 

VIII  719  John  Dnpny/   born   DL-ccnilK-r   17,   l/OS.   in   Prince   Edwaid  c;>unty,  was 

married   to  Ann    inveri)'    Daniel   cf    X'pr;h   Carolina.      He  was  ior   n)an\- 
voa]-5  a   merehara    in   Farni\ille,   Viryini.;.   arid    died   there    en   April    ]_", 

IX  *  720  Dr.  Jo3l  V\'^all:ins  Dupuy,"  born  X<,\  cmi'cr  6,  1800,  at  "Vv'd.xUork"  iLe 
home  of  his  maternal  grandparents,  in  ("harl-jtte  roisnty,  Virginia.  He  va:^ 
graduated  from  the  Philadelphia  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeon-;,  and 
practiced  his  profession  in  Prince  Edwe.rd  and  adjoining  counties,  and 
was  esteemed  a  fine  physician.  He  was  married  February,  18.33,  to 
Paulina  Pocahontas  Eldridge  of  B.'-un£\\ick  county,  Virginia,  wUo  '>\as  born 

July  18,  1S08,  and  died  June  30,  1890,  at  the  home  of  hr-r  daughter 

Paulina  Pucahontas,  in  Harrisonburg,  Virginia.  She  was  a  lineal  descend- 
ant of  the  famous  Indian  maiden,  Pocahontas,  who  m.arried  John  Roife  and 
died  in  England.  For  the  lineage  in  detail,  see  "Tlie  Huguenot  Barthulo- 
mcw  Pupuv,"  p.  1S6.  In  1854  Dr.  Joel  \Vatl:ins  Dupuy  went  to  Arkansas 
and  Tennessee,  prospecting  for  lands  in  t'.-al  section.  While  oii  this  tour 
he  stopped  at  the  home  of  his  youngest  :^ister  721  Elizabeth  G.  Dupuy,  in 
Tennessee,  and  died  there  June  23,  1S54. 

X         721    Elizabeth  G.  Dupuy,"  born  February  12,  1804,  in  Virginia,  was  niarri-.d  tu 
James  Henry  Dupuy  and  settled  in  Tennessee. 

XI  722  James  Lefevre  Dtipuy,"  born  September  22,  1S07,  was  in.irried  to  .'"uv.anda 

B.  liuiler.  He  was  for  in.Mi>-  years  an  elder  in  the  Pre:b>-teriau  C^rurch. 
He  settled  in  Amherst  county,  and  after  losing  all  of  his  own  family  he 
lived  a  few  year?-  am;ong  liis  relati\-(-s  and  died  at  the  home  of  his  niece 
I\Ir.-..  E.  E.  Wiisun,  at  Gerardstown,  West  Mrginia.  See  "The  Huguen-t 
Bartholomev,-  Dupny,"  pp.  iS4-JSS. 

Issue  of        3  70   SAMUEL  HUGHES  WOODSON^   (Tuekcr.^  Tucker,^  Joseph,^   Roberi,= 
John')  and  A.nn  Randolph  Meade. 

1  *  723  Tucker,'  bom  Xo%ember  4,  1804,  at  Cliauniierc,  in  Jessamine  county, 
Kentucky,  where  he  v.-as  reared  and  given  a  finished  education.  He  was 
married  about  1826  to  his  first  cousin  Evelyn  Byrd,  daughter  of  his  aunt 
Sarah  (!\Ieade)  Bird.  The  following  sketch  is  copied  from  Young's 
History  of  Jessamine  county: 

Ji  is  ;i  roni.iiK. ■!.:•.•  kici  inat  h-:  .<.)■>:  '^^  v.iir  were  Ixirp  ir.  Uie  s.mi'? 
liou-:;  aiul  in  i!:c  ^aiiic  i.^mik  lii-^  ^vifi•  v,  ,-  ICvoh-;:  Hyt,].  ;i  cianghior  iM' 
Sarah  ^;;;ar^^  who  \«v,s  ,■,  ii,:.,:ji.v'  of  C<.\.  D,i\iJ  Mo.aic.  He  and  !.•> 
v;i!o  N\\;o  c.  ^n  po^si:,^,-,!  <^-  amok-  f^- luiio.  They  rvxoivod  ihe  besl.  cuvr;.- 
u>>n  iliat  Kc'.ii'c!;y  coin d  ^no:  heolKi^t  li;.^  Ia^v  as  !ii;.  jTof.-^vion.  InU  i  ■  .  >,) 
nuu-h  of  hif  ' iriie  in  ii;o  u-io  (m  lii-  i.mdt  d  t-Catcs.  lie  v/as  a  honi  politic;,:;., 
a  fiia:;  .<f  i!k-  !!i^h:'>i  rc!K';-:no;u  of  fei'lii^f;.  of  tlu-  sirictosi  inii>c;iiiy.  ilio 
kiiidcs;  iiLari  and  chariiiiiig  nannors.  He  \-,;as  a  K'vai.  vhig.  and  a 
follower  of  ilcnr\Ciay.  lie  represenu-d  Je-sapiine  county  in  the  k-gisiaiar. 
aboil',  nine  yea.'-f;  and  in  'J.i^-  tlate  senate  aho-ic  •.-!>:'. cen  vears.  He  v.n.- 
exceeding!)-  puiiiiiar,  n.o't  (-nl\-  witii  men  of  l.ii  own  [xditici!  fait.'i.  biii  ;.!:-■■. 
wdth  those  of  the  opiv.~ing  !..;;•'>•.  A  stroiu;  prosiawry  man,  :<e  sided  wiiii 
the  govornnieni  in  the  f'ixil  War;  oat  iv  \s-^^  con':eded  on  all  h^'tids  that  l.e 
acted  Iroia  Cin\ici:  •:! ;  a::d  few  nien  of  !iis  proH-iiiu  [icc-  and  of  ills  activir. 
c-caped  v,-ith  io  s^nia!!  a  nuniber  of  crtniiL-.  In  1^72  he  was  cie.-te-i 
cour.iy  judfje  on  the  rcpiibiican  licicet.  His  home  w.t.=;  ab.vays  open  to 
friends  and  stransiers  alike.  Fnll  of  tne  gentlest  kindntss.  iie  won  the 
licarts  of  all  v.ho  came  under  his  roof,  .lii.s  wife,  one  of  those  supcib  women, 
wlio  made  Kentucky  housekeeping  famon.;.  thrc^ughout  th.-  world,  s-,-;,,,,,-.. 
thii'ed  V  ith  the  hospitable  instincts  of  her  husband,  ana  uni'.ed  with  hi.ii 
to  make  his  iionic  always  pleasing  and  att'-acive.  S.?nie  of  ihe  lich 
treasures  of  Chauniiere  had  descendvd  to  th_om;  an.d  ihcsc  with  nianv 
others  of  great  value  and  aniicpiity,  g-a\e  tlieir  home  a  charm  which  v. ill 
never  be  forgoricn  by  titose  who  entered  its  portals.  Far  thirty  years 
Judge  Woodson  and  his  v.ife  enter'.p.ined:  more  deiighifo.iiv  tluot  :.pv 
citi2en  of  Je:-sair.ine  county.  Hospitable,  couiteo'.:  =  .  euUivated.  hone-^, 
patriotic  and  true,  he  died  July  S,  187-^,  leavii^g  bt-hind  him  a  large  array  of 
friends  u  ho  !r;ourned  his  death." 

721  David  Meade,"  borr.  1S06  at  Chaumicre  in  fessamine  count:.-.  Keniuchv, 
v.-as  gradiiated  from  Transylvania  l'ni\;rsity  ai  J,e.\ington,  Kcniuck--. 
and  later  graduated  in  law.  He  was  L\^-iee  m.arncd;  Hrsi,  about  1827  to 
Lucy  Xash  McDowell.  After  living  m'x  or  seven  >e;  in  Iveniuckv.  tlr.M- 
located  in  Carrollion,  Greei-  countv,  Jliinois. 

"Idc  became  prominent  in  his  profession,  rdiir'r;;  manv  positic-nr  e.-f 
honor  and  trust.  He  v>-as  a  member  of  the  iilimd.-,  li;g:.d::t;,n:,  of  ih'j 
Constitutional  Conwnrion  in  I84S,  aiiti  was  judge  of  ihs  ciiruit ccva-i 
(iirst  Illinois  circuit;  for  nearly  twenty  vi-hn.  He  uas  iespecied  and  lo'-ed 
as  a  man  of  tlie  kindesr  and  nio.-t  generous  impulses,  and  as  one  possessed 
of  the  highest  order  of  talent  and  ir)iegrii\-.  Before  he  removed  to  liiiiiois 
he  tepresented  Jessamine  county,  Ken.ucky.  in  the  legi.-lature  of  I?.'.^ 
while  his  cider  brother  72.3  '1  ucker  Woodoon'  represented  the  senatoriri). 
district  of  which  Jessamine  county  was  a  part.  He  died  in  1  S7T  at  Carroll- 
ton,  Illinois,  lia\ing  passed  his  three  score  years  and  ten."  (See  C  S. 
Biographical  Dictionary,  Illinois.  1876.  lor  fuller  accounts,  see  al.o 
C.ieen's  Historic  Families  of  Mcntueky;  I'eetes  Chaumiere  Papers,  etc.) 
His  wife  died  at  a  comparatively  eariy  age  .itid  iie  wa,  mairied,  second,  to 
.Miss  Jvdia  Kenneit 

ISO  Tin:  \vriO!W"x;.,  \;s\)  riii'iu  ■•<> 

72'6  George  Nicholas,-  'uow  .mnu  iSfj-S  at  Ch:iUir,!..r.'.  ind  ..iiei!  wliile  a  Jliidcat 
.U  ToiUrr  Colio^x-,  D.-mvillo    Ki;i;'.iH4-y. 

726  liichard  Kidder,'  born  April  ].■•.  1^10  in  ji.'<?:irv;ic  couviy.  KoiilU'ky,  aii>! 
rocfi\-v(i  his  ot!iii.\ition  ir.  ilic  .-.•Iijo!;;  oi'  u^c  roLiruy.  W'hvn  aliout  eicwn  l;e 
v.cTi',  to  Franklin  conntN'  and  cnga.,tH!  in  faririiutj  arrl  stock  rai^iir^.  He 
was  iv.arrior!  ?\\i\-c'nibc'-  20,  ]S,--2,  to  r.iiii!>-  I.iiLlepap;c-  Mickman.  v.-ho  was 
born  Oclober  2'-.i,  1811,  in  Fraiikfcrt,  Kc!ai;ck\\  Tlii-\-  «ctt!c(!  on  theii- 
farm  a  ftw  milr-s  from  Frar-.kf'.ir!,.  aari  ii\c-.I  (hiTe  ijiuil  the  beginning-  of  tlie 
Civil  \\'ar,  when,  takin;;  siHc'o  v.-iili  the  F(-i'eral  adnnni^tralioii,  he  was 
a])poinU\!  b}-  Pro-<idcnv  l.inroln,  dciuiiy  I'nired  Stater,  assessor  for 
district,  and  was  faithful  in  ilie  discharge  of  his  duties.  lie  lu'ld  this 
ofnec  far  neaiK-  twenty  years,  (.luring  wiiicli  linio  he  lived  in  the  ciiy  of 
Frankfort,  llis  v,iic  v.  ho  was  a  faiihfid  raei-aber  of  tlic  Hapti-'-t  Churci-i. 
died  September  25,  1S65.  He  ^vas  niarrie'l,  seCond!\-,  on  April  21,  1S6S,  to 
tlie  v-idow,  Airs.  Mary  (\Mllis)  Todd.  Abon.t  1SS5  he  resigned  his  Federal 
cffice  and  relir-:d  to  liis  farm  ne.w  the  iSig  Fdd._\-,  a  few  i-jiiles  froni  h'rankfort 
in  Franklin  county.  PIcre  he  remained  until  he  died  Derembf-r  3,  1S.S9.  Jn 
polities  he  vcas  an  "Olii  Lir.e  Whig"  and  V\-as  opposed  to  secession.  The 
foilowin;:;  obituary  relaies  tiie  circun-.stai-.ces  of  his  death. 

"Mr.  Richard  Kidder  V\'ceid.~on,  one  of  the  oldest  citizens  of 
cotmty,  v.'as  stricken  \\itli  paraly.-is  at  his  home,  r.ear  the  Big  Eddy,  Sunday 
morninj^.  He  v.'cnt  out  ahoitl  5  o'clock  on  that  mornin<:;  lo  feed  horses, 
and  while  engaged  in  cutting  oats,  his  left  side  became  pK-.raix-.^.ed  and  he  fell 
in  the  barn,  v.-he;e  he  remained  for  nearly  tv- o  hours.  Hi.i  v.-ife,  thinking 
his  stay  was  inmstialiy  long,  went  to  look  for  him  and  foujid  hiie.  in  a:i 
tmconscious  condition.  He  was  taken  to  the  house  anei  after  a  tim.c  re- 
gained consciousness.  Although  in  his  eightieth  year  it  was  hoped  he 
would  recover  in  time,  but  on  Monday  morning  he  relapsed  iriio  a  coaaatrse 
state  and  continued  so  until  about  4  o'clock  Tuesday  morning,  Dc-rcrnber 
3,  iS89,  v,-hen  he  breathed  his  last. 

i\Ir.  \\'oLidson  was  born  and  reared  in  Jessamine  county,  but  removed 
to  this  count}  when  a  young  man,  and  lias  eoni.inucd  to  reside  here  ever 
since.  He  was  a  man  of  strict  integrity;  firm  in  .h-is  convictions  cf  rit'ht: 
was  prompt  to  condemn  that  v/hich  he  belie\"ed  to  be  wrong,  r.adi  was  as 
true  to  his  friends  as  the  needle  to  the  pole. 

The  greater  pa.rt  cf  his  life  was  de^■oted  to  farming,  but  for  several 
>'ears  ch.iring  ar.d  ju.^r  after  the  war,  J-ie  was  deputy  I'nited  States  assessor 
for  this  district,  discharging  tlie  duties  faithfully.  He  was  twice  married, 
hi.-;  first  wife  being  Miss  Emily  Littlepage  Hickman,  by  whom  he  had  twelve 
childien,  six  of  whom,  together  with  his  last  wife,  who  was  formerly  Mrs. 
Mary  Willis  Todd,  still  sur\i->-e  him." 

727  Samuel  Kug,hes,  Jr.,"  born  about  1S12  in  Jessamine  county,  Kentucky, 
where  he  was  reaied  and  rc'ei'.ed  a  good  education.  He  studied  law  and 
was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  an  c.-jrly  age.  He  was  married  in  IS39  to 
Margaret  J.  Ardiby,  daughter  of  i:)r.  Mauley  Q.  Ashby  of  Kiehmord,  Ke.a- 
lucky.     They  resided  al    XicholusviUe,    Kentucky,  ior  a  fov;  months,  and 

in  <.:'{y:iR\i-] 


hi  ]S!0  rv-iiove.l  to  Mi>M;;;ri  ar.'  vitlod  a;  i;u':-pti:(ience,  in  Claycoiiniy. 
wln:;i-  I'l^y  spoiU  ;  iu-  rcriaiutii-r  u!  thcM-  ii\i-<.  1  ii  1N56  U)  \SCi'.)  Ik:  rr;.!c- 
Sfi.ltil  u,  ■  K.;n-.-s  Ci'y  M;s>o;iri  v.!i-,iic\  in  c  i.ic;ros<.  iiuriiic  the  lu  .t 
years  of  his  life  Ik-  nci>  ird^o  of  i!..,  civc;;!t  Vo!;rt  In  Kr>a<.;^  C'iiy.  fJe 
died  in  IJSl.  "lliri  v.if<.-  w.i^  a  Wi.hi,  n  tf  l^!^t^u.ll  -ifi^;,  lii-aly  c<iii'-aLc<l 
anil  took  ari  :icii\v  inierc-i  'ii  \r.Kh  >:idai  ut.-J  -ialc  idT.iirs,  t!:oi:gh  aKv.o's 
llie  triir  niotiier  and  wuinan  oi  Jie  iiomc  ideal." 

Slie  died  of  paral>sis,  on  Anri!  v..  l')]2,  at  llie  iaii'-.e  of  iier  daueh:.-,- 
Mt~.  Nellie  Reee'--,  in  Indepcntk  nee,  Mi.--:-ouii,  at  tlu-  <\.;ef/f  nineiN-lo.o-eca;^. 
'I'lie  fii::eral  ^e^\i^e;^  w^-re  !k-M  in  il.e  Firsi  Profine-rMn  (.'  of  Indc- 
pcu(!ence,  of  uiiieh  .-iie  tiad  lony  been  a  iueniljcr,  after  vvliicii  her  reniaiiip  ro  rc?I  livre.      (Libert >■  Trl'mne,  April  "il.  1912. ) 

72o  Robert  Eversicl/  l;orri  about  iSfJ  in  Jejsan-sinc  ecnnily,  Kentue;:\-.     Jle  wru. 
married  fir^t,  to  Aliss Bair.eii  and  seev.rd  to  .Mi-s Carter. 

\  II  *  729  Saliie  Meade,'  born  about  lSi6  in  Jec^iarninecoinuy,  Kentucky,  var- married 
to  Ale.xarder  \Va<Id!e  of  Clark  count\  ,  Ohio. 

Vni  *  7.50  r.l^Labcth,"  born  about  ISIS  in  Jessamine  eou.ily.  brentueky,  was  t-.viee 
n)arried;  tn'st,  to  Caiy  Lee,  second,  to  joiin  Ca!vi;\  IMeCoy  of  Ka:i&as  Ciij-, 

Issue  of        37  3   1UCKER  WOODSCLN^  (Samuel,^  Tucker,^  Jo^epii.'  Robert,-    iolm'j  and 
Mary  Weeks. 

I  731    Obadiab,'  born  about  1S17  probably  in  Goochland  couniy,  Virgii;ia,  -,ec,-.t 

with  his  parents  to  middle  Tennccrsee,  where  he  attained  the  ae,c  of  yo'jn;i 
manhood  and  died  unmarried. 

II  732   Sarah  Jane,"  bom  n!iout   1819,   prolsabiy  in  Goo'hland  couniy,   Virginia, 

went  wiih  her  parents  to  Tem,.-s^e(-.  and  nj.ui-icd  about  )S.-9  Lo  Dudley 
Bradford,  and  settled  in  KenLueky. 

'^'  "^-^3  — ,  a  dau-hter,  born  about  1821,  probabb-  after  Vv:  family  had 

left  Virginia  and  located  on  the  farm  in  Middle,  Tennessee.  Her  name  is 
not  remembered  by  her  s-ister-in-l;iv.  who  gives  fjrls  data.  She  was  married 
to  Ib^iiiei  Hunt  and  died  withi'i  r-  vc'ir,  leaving;  an  i::far:t  dauiibter. 

I\'  734  kTary,'  born  about  ]'=24  in  Tennessee,  was  married  to  Daniel  Hunt,  the 
widowed  husbar.a  of  her  deceased  si.-ter  whose  name  is  not  remembered. 
They  -L-ttled  in  Ta.raace  count}-.  Missouri,  where  ihev  were  still  livin:, 
in  187U. 

A'         735  Edith,'  born  at)out  bS27  in  Ten;:C3sre,  was  mtirried  to  Da\!d  Frxe.     'I'hey 
took  tin   orjihan  child  of  iicr  dt-eun-ed  sister,  adopted  it  a;;  their  own  a.^ti 

rearen  it. 

735  Luciuda,'  born  about  1S3U  in  T.-nni'ssee,  ir,.-irrie  1  to  Mr. Bieton 

and  icttied  in  Tarrance  county,  }.iir.<;ourj,  where  ti.ey  weresr.ui  iivinj;!:!  !S7G. 

TliiC  \VO'.'I'.-t 

Vll  757  John,'    iiorn  aboiu    tN.>:   \:\    T.^ppcs^co.     "Chv  i;uU    lin.c   the  f.iniih    lioai.-! 

f--().ii  liini,  he  w.iii  !iv';u;  i;i  nonh,ii,i,  Texa-;. 

Vlil  ''-  73C:  Tiu  :ei:  Beujnmin,"  \vv\\  in  ;-cnU  ;,\::.fT  2-',  -^31.  ou  ilio  far;ii  ia  Micklic, 
Tcii;uT^-^cc-.  )k  w.isrf-reil  un  th^:  hirn;  and  I'voauic  .;  fari'icr  by  ccriipation. 
i!o  v.rnt  Uj  .\hLanu)r.i,  lilinob,  a-::d  wrs  iu.irr'.o-.l  ih.-re  on  July  4,  1S60,  to 
die  willow,  Mahala  AfiuHnL-  liigt-.  v  'I-ck-c  inaAlor.  nann  vvas  Omclii.  Tlicy 
sci'Jc-d  on  ihiir  farm  near  Ali-'tincMU.  wh.-n:  ihey  rcavcd  iliL-ir  children, 
lie  died  iiiere  SejMemiHr  lO,  IS'13.  Hl^  v/iuosv  ^till  rurvixcs  and  is  livin- 
wiih  hvi  diaagiiter  iMr.-.  Sarah  Jane  Parklnu-.v,.  a;  Alva,  Oklahoma,  ll  i:; 
from  her  thai  ihc  aljuvc  data  has'-  obtained. 

Issue   of        ?.£.?,   TKfiMAS    JEFFERSOXx     V/OODSOIS"     (Wade     Nclhcrland,'    Tucker,^    . 
jos-'ph/  Robert,-  Jo!n;^j  and  ^-ahie  Redd,  hi-  iirsl  wife. 

I  *  739  I.Iary  Rebecca,'  bor:?  April  lo,  1S2.^,  probably  i;i  Halifax  county.  X'iryinia. 
It  wa-  about  this  t-mc  thai  her  parents  moved  to  Knox  cotmty,  Kentucky, 
where  die  was  rca/ed  and  educated.  She  was  married  September  lO,  iS44. 
to  William  Montje.y  Cirrard,  who  was  a  son  of  Daniel  Garrard  of  Lebanon, 
Keniucky,  and  he  a  son  of  Hon.  James  Garrard,  -overnor  of  Kentucky, 
1796-180-1.  They  resided  in  Kentucky  until  185S  when  they  moved  to 
California  and  tlsere  spent  ihe  retl  of  their  livts.  The  date  and  place  of 
her  .le,.thha>  not  b.en  obtained,  but  he  died  in  f-eattic,  Waslnnglcn. 

I)  *  740  Sallie  Ann,'  born  December  27,  1S27,  in  K;i.:-x  county,  KcniULky,  was 
married  aijout  lS5ii  lo  James  I^xsart  Cars(jn  of  the  same  county.  It 
ajipears  that  they  beth  lived  and  died  in  Knox  county. 

IbSVF.    BY    I\L\K1HA    EnZABLTIi    CiLREiM',    SKCONU    \\  IFIC 

111  741   John  Gilbert,'  born  July  7,  bSod,  in  Knox  onnity,  Kentucky.     In    1849, 

when  but  nineteen  years  old  l^e,  in  company  with  his  father  and  his  youns,r:r 
biother,  Ibrani,  started  to  California  in  search  o'  gold.  On  the  way  !;e 
stopped  to  bury  his  father  who  died  near  the  Vernnllion  River.  Continu- 
ing his  journej  .  he  arrived  in  California  after  many  hardships  and  trials. 
Remaining  in  that  state  a  numl;i;r  of  years,  he  drilted  back  into  Montana 
and  died  there  in  b';U5. 

I\"  *  742  Adaline  Jane,'  born  March  1,  1S.>2,  in  Knox  county,  Kentucky.  She  \yas 
n  arri.d  about  1S52  to  Andrew  Co.van  Dysart  of  Pulaski  county,  Kentucky. 
He  was  born  November,  1821.  They  finally  located  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri, 
where  he  died  some  years  ago.  Si;e  i^,  still  livin;.?  there,  a  fine,  healthy  old 
lady  of  eighty-one  years. 

Y  743  Hiram  Harris.'  bin  n  Februaiy  6,  1S34,  in  Kno..  county,  K'eutucky.  He 
enh^ted  in  1861,  in  the  Confe'erate  army  and  served  throughout  ihe 
Civil  \\  ar,  was  in  manv  battles  and.  received  a  wound  from  whieh  he  never 
fully  recover,  d.     Aftc/tiie  war  cl^^ed  he  settled  in  Saline  county,  Missouri, 

xiH  c;;N;:kAVU''X  3  ^j; 

cud  difd   (here  iron;   ilse  oHVcls  ff  ilie  wound  lie  luiU  rccciwd  in   :i.;l:.:c. 
lio  r.t'.ci   innrrivd. 

\]  74:':  Thonias  Jrfferj^n,  Jr.,"  t.ori;  Ji;iu-  ::i.  iy,w,  i-i  !<i;ox  <  ounty,  Kcntiu  l;y, 
v.\.^  m.^nied  10  i:nini;i  /di;!.';.!!  ,Mid  diid  In  St.  Joseph,  Missouii.  Xu 

VII  *  V45  Marti'.i'  Elizalelh,"  brrr.  NovcihhiT  9,  !S,^0,  in  Knox  county,  Kcnluckv, 
wr.s  rr.arried  to  Samuel  E.  Hayo/-.  In  .-<.v.rcli  oi'  hc.-iliii,  slie  went  10  ICuroUa 
Springs,  Arkaiisns.  and  fjied  tlicre. 

X'ln  7-16  V/i.n.iam  Thornton/  born  rcbniary   10,   1S54,  in  Kiiox  couniy,   Kentucky, 

went  lO  ,Mi-,EOfi!  h'm  died  chcro  quiie  \-ouiig. 

IX  *  747  Ellen  Tucker,'  born  June  IS,,  1S46,  in  Kno:c  county,  Kentucky,  lived  tho:c- 
until  lier  motlier  died  in  1S56,  whcPi  she  n-ns  taken  to  T\lis?0'jri  •ivlicte  !u  r 
two  older  sisters  'kdh"  Ann  and  Adaline  Jane  "vvere  'i\ini<.  In  1S73  while 
Iier  uncle  389  Silas  \\'ood<ou'^  was  go"vernor  ci  Mi:-5'niri,  ''he  was  niabini; 
her  home  -.vitn  his  family  in  JotTersr.n  City.  S'le  was  r.ifirried  there  on 
December  29,  1S74,  to  George  W.  Frame.  She  lias  li\'ed  some  years  in 
New  York  City,  at  191  Cdarernont  A\er,'!c,  but  is  a;  jireHcnt  in  San  Diego, 
California.  Sh.e  ccntribiited  rhe  above  data  on  the  family  oi  her  father,  382 
Thomas  JeiTer>on  \\"nod.=oii. 

Issue  of       SB 3  KMILY    WOODSON''    (Wade    Xetb.crland,^  Tucker.^    Joser.h,^    Robert,- 
Jol.n')  and  Fri.neis  0.  IMarkham. 

I  748  Frank  0.  Markham,  Jr.,' born  about  1819,  probably  in   Chesterfield  county. 


II  740  Elizabeth  MaiLharnJ  born  about   1S21,   p-.jbably  in  Chesterfield  cou;Uy, 


Issue  of       £SS  JOHN    TUCKER    ^v'00DS0N'    (Wade    Xetherland,-'   Tnck.r,'   Joseph,' 
Robert,-  John'}  and  Eniil}-  Herndon.- 

I  7S0  Frank." 

.    II  7S]    Caroline." 

III  752  Thom.^.s.' 

IV  753  Richard." 
V  754  Gary.' 

VI         735   Taue.' 

\'!!  756  Luiry.' 

\"lli  V57  I'iirlic;." 

\'ri\-  iitlk  is  knov.r.  of  this  f;i;;:i!\-.  li  is  !:.eii(.-\i>u  liiai  most  if  not  all 
of  ihcM'  c!:ii>!.''en  wove  iu^i-n  ir.  ?>liss!^>i]■lpi.  an;l  i'ik.l  cluriiv:;  ilic  Cl\i!  W'.ir 
Iho  f;iir,i!y,  wilh  nil  tiic  r.-.-groi/s,  liw  rind  other  pr'ipcrtv'.  were  rc;;io\'cd 
to  Texas  i<i  j^revoiu  thoir  bci";;  enntisculecl  by  tlie  i'l-ileral  arrax,-. 

Issue  of       3S7   BENJAMO    JOURDAi;     V/OODSON'-     (Wade     Xethcilatid,^    Tucker,' 
ju.-iepli,"  Rii'iieit,^  Jc'luv')  and  Margaiel  Jane  Fulker;:oii,  Jiis  second  wife. 

I  759  Jhivj  Hughes,"  born  ]\Iarrh  18,  1>:3S.  in  Knox  county.  I\entiirk\-,  Wi.s 
iirarluate'j  from  a  boarfiinj;  school  in  hi-r  nali\'e  state  and  went  with,  il'io 
family  i'l  1S54  to  kayctte  county,  ?dissouri.  She  enilira.ccd  the  Catholic 
religion  and  unitcl  v.iili  that  church.  She  went  t"  .\'e->v  York  and  was 
married  on  Apiil  15.  1S6''.  to  Dr.  (".eur.^e  M.  Harold,  \\]u-!  a  prof.-ssor  in 
a  medical  college,  and  liai.1  practiced  medicine  in  Oaklaiul,  California,  and 
Portland,  Orceoii. 

11  '/60  Mary  Wade,'  born  April  7,  1810,  in  Kriox  cotmt},',  Kcraucky,  was  graduaU-d 
frum  a  b'.iarding  school  in  si  ate.  Slie  was  a  niernber  of  the  Christian 
Church;  was  married  DeccmlxT  2.-i,  187",  at  Camden  Point,  i\lis,^ouri, 
t'l  Dr.  C.  C.  Ivcmpcr,  a  prominent  p'hysician  of  Platte  Cit>-,  I'vlissouri,  at 
which  place  they  made  th.eir  home,  and  it  was  there  she  (Med  jatiuary  IS, 
]J;79.     licr  husbanfl  din!  in  Egcrton,  Missouri,  on  May  2,  1S'''2. 

HI  *  761  William  Ewing,''  born  June  28,  1S42,  in  Knox  county,  Kentucky,  went  wjii; 
the  fa.mily  in  1S.S4  to  Missouri,  educated  in  Kentucky,  and  at  the 
b^ginnin.:;  of  the  Ci\dl  War,  enlk-^ted  in  the  ser\-ice  of  the  C(^nfi.dera-te 
.states,  in  Captain  Curnell's  company,  in  Gen.  SLcrline,  Prlcc^'i;  eonwuajid, 
and  ser\'i.d  until  the  c'ose  ofthe  war. 

He  was  married,  first,  on  Januar\^  14,  1864,  to  Miss  Emma  Jane 
Patterson,  and  settled,  after  the  war,  in  rayelte  county,  Missouri,  \v!-.ere  he 
remained  several  years.  From  there  he  removed  to  St.  Joseph,  Missouri, 
and  %\as  for  seven feer  years  casiiier  of  the  St.  Jo?cph  Guj  Com[)any. 
His  wife  died.  February  2,5,  1S77,  and  iic  v,-as  married  secoitd  in  18.<sl  to  r'liss 
Jei:nie  Cooper'  of  I.e:;i:i;.;ton,  Kentucky.  He  is  an.  active  and  earnest 
worker  in  the  Christian  Church.  He  fonnderl  and  built  Woodson  Cha5)el 
in  North  Si.  Joiej'h.  'I  Ids  chapel  was  eompleted  in  190.S.  From  .Auc;ust 
31,  19U7,  t  >  the  pr.  -eiir  time  (,1'>12)  he  has  i>een  treasurer  of  ihc  Woodson 
Sanitaiium  in  St.  Jose|ih.  His  serond  wife  died  and  he  was  married  the 
third  time,  on  Febniaiy  '',  1910,  to  Miss  Lydia  Stickrod.  daughter  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Conrad  Stickrod  i,i  Poekport,  Missotiri.  They  sti"  ."-cside  in 
St.  Joseph,  .Missouri. 

iV  *  762  Job,i  FuiKCi.^on,"'  born  Xo\'ember  7,  1843,  in  Knox  county.  Kentucky,  went 
with  thu  fanuiv-  in  1854  to  Fayette  county,  Missouri,  -.•,4. ere  he  was  educated 


M:\'i:XTiI  t-l-.Nl-  i.Ali'iN  IS? 

aiiu  a  faniU'i.  tit-  was  iiiarricnl  Ocii  I'-.i'  -2,  58(1,  io  Jvi.nie  Da\-i(i- 
si.'ii.  daisiihtci"  of  Noah  na\i.i>":\  and  Liiciml.-.  H;'.  '■[  Knuikiiii  count)  , 
Oliii.i.  He  (liv'd  .\i)\cntl)<.;r  .m),  iSc..\  in  C;\:iiil'.n  ('(■Int,  ?*I:s-.GUii,  nb.eri:  bis 
V,  i'.'.iw  still  li%'..i-.      She  is  a  oi  t!;c  Carisiia;;  C.'hiireh. 

\  *  70o  Stephe;!  Crittendon,' L'orn  XM>.<ii''ier  11.  lSl?,i.i  K'Vix  vc-r.nis-,  iCcniiu^ky, 
w  1  ill  witl".  the  l'a;i!!i\'  in  ISi-l  U'  .\I;ss(,iiii  i  ar..i  %vas  cducau  d  in  ti'if  scliO'-I-i 
oi  hi^  \icitiity,  sti.'dicd  la\v  and  h>vaicd  at  riatiL-  l"iiv-,  v,  iurc  he  practic.':! 
bis  jirufession  and.  also  eni;.iC',>  d  in  llie  banking  l;iisij-'e?s  tinder  the  firn^ 
bt\le  of  "Wells  and  W'oixl- i.n,   Lawyers  aud   IJankerf." 

)  le  was  iiui' lied  May  9.  !8M-,at  Cai»:dLT.  Puiat,  Missouri,  to  Margaret 
Pcnin,  vlaugliler  of  AvLCiiinoralc  Terriii  of  Platte  county.  He  removed 
iv.1  Ft.  Je^sepli,  aiul  acLiuIred  a  t;'aod  dea)  v<  sloak  in  the  Saxon  National 
Ix.nk  of  liiai  cii>.  He  li;iall\'  located  in  City,  Mis.-^ouri,  and 
cnsiiKcd  in  the  grain  brokeras;e  in;siness.  lie  h  is  :\iAO  served  the  city  as 
city  forester,  and  adso  as  aidirrniari.  He  and  his  wife  are  both  active 
nienibers  of  the  Clnisiian  C'htirc  h.  Tlie)-  still  le-ide  i-i  K'r.iisas  Citj-  v^irre 
he  is  now  (191  5'i  jnd^e  of  the  eoiintj'  court. 

\'l  *  764  Ciiarl  js  Ransotue,'  born  May  17,  1^-4F^  in  Knox  court\-,  Kcntt:cky, 
v,-ei.l  with  tile  family  in  185-1  to  ("amderi  Point.  I'.Iisseiiri,  was  tffaduatecl 
from  tiie  Plattesljurg  College,  Plattesburg,  Missouri;  and  in  187.?  from  the 
Missouri  Medical  College  in  St.  Louis.  He  was  married  February  26, 
1873,  at  W'aliuit  Cjro\'e,  near  St.  Joseph,  to  Julia  P.  Tabor  who  was  born  at 
W'a.b'ut  Grove.  Siie  is  the  onh  daughter  of  Dr.  Paul  Todd  Tabor,  formerly 
of\-,  Xew  York,  and  Eii/abcth  Wright  of  Ml.  Airy.  \..rth  Caroiit.a. 
1  )r.  Wood-on  .-^.-ttled  at  Agency,  Mis.Tonri,  wlie.e  I'.e  nrac;ic,d  medicir.e 
for  abotit  thirteen  \-ears,  then  mo\ed  io  Si.  J.-.s^oh.  Afier  !h'--:e  ;•  ears  of 
practice  thiere  be  \.as  electeil  s-Liperin.tende:i>.  of  ;,-\]i!',n  iinn-sbei  two,  v^-hicli 
position  he  liekl  for  alxAit  s-.-v-cnietn  \-e.;rs.  .-"'.t  fnc-  prL-sent  time  he  is  tlte 
head  of  Woodson  Sanitarium  in  St.  Joseph,  anr!  li.iii'.s  bis  pracliee  t'''  ner-.  O'l;. 
diseases.  He  ov.-i'.s,  nu-ar  .Agency,  or.e  of  tiie  iareest  app'le  oichards  in  the 
srate,  besides  a  l.):ink.  several  farms  anrl  otlier  x'aluable  real  estate.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Christian  Clvi.'reli.      His  wife  is  a  Baptist. 

Vn  V6r.  Loititia  Olivia,'  born  November  24,  1S5G.  i.T  Kiio.x  county,    Kentucky,  went 

with  tb.e  family  in  1854  to  Camden  Point,  ?>lissouri,  and  was  educated  in 
Piattesburp:.  She  was  married  -Xriri!  ''-  l^/'.^  to  Profe.ssor  Kiisha  Milton 
who  owned  Platiesburg  Cull.  g.. .  IK  had  i::r.-ei.j".!y  taught  in  the  iiiilitary 
acadeiny  at  Lexington,  Kentiirk\-.  They  settled  in  Plaltcsburg  but  their 
lives  were  ^horl.  She  died  July  S,  iS74,  and  iic  in  1876,  at  Warsaw, 
Mi.-,souri.  She  was  a  member  of  the  Chri-aan  Church.  They  had  on!> 
one  child  antl  that  died  in  inf.-tncy. 

VH!  766  rienjamin  Jouidan,  Jr.,'  born  Jisne  19,  1852  ii;  Knox  county,  Kentucky, 

went  with  tlse  family  in  1854  to  Camden  Point,  Missouri,  received  iiis 
education  In  Plattcsburg  College,  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar 
in  Platte  co-ar.ty  in  1874.  He  was  marr-'e.'  December  28,  18?;:^  to  Margaret 
C.  Norton,  daughter  of  Jtidge  L.  H.  Norton  -Jiitd  Mahnda  Wilson  of  Platte.-.- 

tS6  iwi:  wvovi^i 


bnrv.     Ji..l-e  N'_Tto;i  wps  cs-ociato  iuflice  on  the  ?ii;;rome  Ijciirh  oi  Mis- 
s-ouii   for  tl'ivb.c.i   \o;ir.-;. 

Mr.  >,rid  AJ.;,.  W,„H!s(in  .-ciil.-ci  ii^  S:.  Josc-ph  whoro  he  has  cMiniui;;,! 
t'u-  jv.icti'c  w.  ins  i)i(.'i;Asio:i  uiuii  the  pn-cni  tunc.  He  is  an  acu\o 
inemlv;  of  ihe  I'ir^  Clni-ii^m  (,;hi:rch  i.f  Si.  Jo.^-ph,  while  his  wile  is  .-r, 
ai-dcii'  iVijjtis;.      Thi-j-  n..  ehilJien. 

!X  *  767  Archelra-.s  Marius,"  Ihtu  January  30,  1S5-1,  iu  Knox  county,  K'rr.iuck-v. 
went  with  Ihe  family  tlial  same  >ear  to  Canulen  Point,  Missouri,  where  he 
v.-ns  rean-,1  and  rc.civeci  his  ea-ly  edtiration ;  was  graduated  fron.  PhUtes- 
i.Hir-  I  oliej.;e,  ai;d  in  IS77  reeeived  his  diphmia  from  the  Si.  Louis  Law 
Sehool.  Lie  praciiced  law  in  St.  Louis  until  iS83,  then  located  in  Plat'.c 
Ci!\-and  was  married  tliere  on  April  13,  ISSa,  lo  hdizabeili  Oliver,  daiighrc-r 
of  U'ilham  Kskridi,e  Oliver  and  Anna  Jackson,  lie  finally  scaled  in  St. 
Josepl;,  practiced  l.iw  and  .served  fourteen  years  as  judge  of  circuii  court 
number  one  of  Buchanan  county.  On  June  2],  1904  he  was  nominated  b>-  a 
democratic  convention  for  jiide,e  of  the  .-upreme  court  of  ?vlIssouri.  In  tiie 
nominating  speech,  Hon.  W.  D.  Rusk  spoke  of  him  a:,  follows: 

"Jiid^e  Woodson  hini-elf,  thoUi.;h  iiorn  in  Kent  ueky,  was  reared  in 
Mis.-.ouri.  His  buvhood  wa-  -pent  (;i;  a  Missouri  farm.  He  was  educated 
in  ?iIissouri  scho,jls;  so  that  he  is  a  homemade  man.  Lie  was  \k,v:\  fift\ 
years  ago  and  lias  been  growing  e\-ery  day  since,  but  lias  ne\er  grown  away 
from  the  people.  Hi.-  schooling  wa-_,  liberal  but  n;.;t  excessive',  for  it  v.rvs 
well  :is>ii:!ilated.  His  c  ulture,  thougli  thorougii,  lias  not  been  denvci  en- 
tirels   Iri.m  l>ooks,  bur  from  omtact  ^\ith  n.iture  a.-  well  as  willi  men. 

"After  compleiir.g  a  cour-e  in  a  ^iHsjuuri  college,  excelling  in  his 
classe--;,  esjieeiaily  iu  mathematics,  he  graduated  willi  a  high  rank  in  1877 
from  tiK-  law  school  of  Washington  Univxrsity  in  St.  Louis—  and  there  is 
none  better.  He  iiracticed  law  in  St.  Louis  and  St.  Joseph  for  cweive  years 
alter  that,  and  then  was  marje  judge  of  the  circuit  court  here  iu  St.  Joseph. 
And  every  year  for  sixuen  years  and  more,  and  every  day  of  the  year,  he 
has  been  found  waging  the  same  warfare,  and  as  long  as  God  give<  liim 
strength,  he  will  still  be  found  fighting  the  same  good  fight  against  cor- 
ruj)ti<.n  ;ind  crime,  in  favor  of  good  faith  and  cleanness  in  all  thai  makes 
for  the  commcin  weal. 

"Add  to  this  the  highest  t\pe  of  honesty,  sidendid  ability  and  Mipreme 
courage,  coupled  with  a  unn  grasp  of  legal  principles,  and  a  remarkably 
aecuiate  knov.ledge  of  our  de':-ision?.  and  we  -hould  think  that  he  would 
make  a  good  judge.  Put  tiiis  question  is  not  left  to  conjecture;  we  kiwv: 
he  will  make  a  good  judge  because  he  has  made  a  good  judge.  Presiding 
on  the  circuii  bench  liere,  h,.-  has  always  insisted  on  the  records  being  full 
and  lair,  presenting  with  accuracy  and  candor  tlie  rulings  and  evenrs  of 
the  trial:  and  1  wL-h  to  make  this  predirtion,  that  no  case  will  come  down 
from  the  suprena.-  court  dt;rin-4  hi^  incuniljency  there,  whether  a>signed 
to  liini  or  not,  uiih.jut  parsing  ur.der  ihe  conscientious,  painstaking  scrutiny 
of  at  lea-t  one  able  judge.  He  will  to  the  supren,c  bcncii  \  igor  of 
mint'  enr!  body,  firmness  of  pur]jo-e  and  a  jihen.jmeiial  capacity-  for  work; 
all  seasoned  by  years  of  industrious  aj^plieation.  and  with  it  all,  a  knowledge 

•:iyj.y  i  ;i  ^.i-nhp  \  nox 

of  tlic  pc':>p'ti  whose  lii-piMcs  Ik-  is  lo  si-iiiv,  aii'i  .1  s\-iiinai'nj.-  viih  thcl:' 

"  i 'i>  \  ■  ii  iiiquiie  of  !:!^  ti^raecracv  •*  l!_  I'.iits  back  a  liiintli-cd  yc;;is. 
He  bol'/i-.L;.-  lu  tlic:  !'.:'.rl:y  i;'.!liia:U  arid  !i.!-..  tio\"cr  b>jc.u  r'>uau  sulkiiii;  in  lii .; 

"!'>>)  \-(:-j  ask  rf  b!;  rinii-.i-.i::;  fjiMlliics-'  We  ncv/i  oii!>"  ri-ii-r  lo  b.i:-. 
reconl.  lli"  race  rnroiii.b.uU!  i!u'  siate  i.;  10  us  al!  and  nteus  :iO 
ap(^l>>,c;y.  lie  has  never  bc^n  de'.Vau.'d  wv  run  Iv^liind  his  ticket;  and  what 
is  luori  roir.ikabie,  lie  r.(.-\'or  r,iado  a  ratx-  ii:  his  htc-  but  he  i,ot  a  good 
s|>rinkliri-  ;,•!'  ihat  least  (!■.;, .-lulab'c  of  ;d!  ihinss,  tl^'  republican  vote  lor  a  This  is  bccauso  as  a  man  he  stands  tjr  things  and  as  a  jiuige 
he  docs  ii'in;!>  in;  one  can  opp.ose,  be  he  reprtidic-an  or  d,eniocrat. 

"To  h;M  as  •luiee,  e\'ery  litigant,  whetlier  he  be  the  mightiest  corpora- 
tion, or  ilie  poorest  and  liumbiest  eiti/eri,  may  submit  )iis  Cdiise  with  the 
full  a^siiraucc  tlial  it  v.ili  be  ably  and  carefidly  considered  and  im- 
partially decided. 

"This  one  ildag  I  know,  and  all  wh.o  know  Judi^c  Woodson  will  attest 
it,  no  man,  no  combination  of  men.,  ivj  inilnence,  no  power  is  big  cnoue/n 
or  str();i;4  ciiough  or  wily  enough  to  enrb  Id-^  independence  or  stay  ids  iiap.d 
from  doing  jnstice  as  he  see?  it. 

"Thcrciorc,  Mr.  Ch.airman,  in  the  nanic  of  Buchanan  county 
aiwa\  s  rolls  wp  a  h.ind-ome  democratic  majorit\-,  in  the  name  of  Xortkwtsi: 
Missouri  that  has  wailed  patiently  for  o\  er  Tliirty  years  for  repre.=eni-aiior.; 
in  the  na:r.e  of  the  democratic  party  that  always  demanrls  th.e  bcs'L  men 
for  judicial  limber;  in  the  name  of  the  whrde  people  of  our  ^'reat  state  who 
ahva^•s  look  10  our  ['arty,  and  ne\-cr  in  vain,  for  th.e'  choice  of  judges, 
I  move  the  nomination  of  our  candidate  ("or  judge  of  the  supreme  couri, 
thi.s  sor.  of  the  founuers  of  onr  liberty,  this  keeper  of  the  clean  cor.scitmrc 
of  an  American  sox'ereign,  this  modest  citi.'.en,  firm,  sincere  and  self-poised, 
this  plain  Missourian,  near  lo  the  people  and  sensitive  to  their  wrongf, 
this  able  jcdc;e  that  inspires  confidence,  tins  disunguislied  dt-moer.:!«:  ^nd 
champion  of  freedom  who  will  defend  I  ho  constitution  and  the  cquai 
rights  of  a'l  the  people  under  it,  even  as  the  patriot  defends  hi?  flag,  the 
Honorable  A.  M.  Woodson  of  St.  Joseph." 

The  nominatioi-i  was  seconded  in  a  sb.oit  speecli  by  lion.  E.  Ii.  Xorlin) 
who  mov.d  that  the  rules  be  suspended  and  the  nomination  be  m.-'de 
unaninious,  and  by  acclamation;  which  done.  Judge  Woodson  w.'..-^ 
duly  elected  for  a  term  of  ten  years,  entering  upon  his  duties  in  IQO.S  and  i.s 
still  fiiliiig  I'ie  ofacv  with  distingiiislicd  ability. 

X         703  Henrietta  A.,"  born  April  9,   1^55,  in  riai.;e  count\  .   Missouri,  and  died 
June  5,  l><i'/,  in  (^amden  Point. 

XI  *  V60  Cxroline  Elizabeth,'  !)orn  I\Iay  23,  1857,  in  Sparta,  Missouri,  was  grr.du-ted 
from  C  hri^-ion  Colk-ge  in  Camden  Point.  She  was  married  May  12,  l.S.SO. 
in  St.  Joseph,  10  Dr.  J.  P.  Reynolds  of  diat  city,  and  died  there.  M.-irch  3, 
1900.     She  V,  as  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church. 

I?S  111;"  \v■;"I".•^•.■^  :  aa':-  nniiu  c'u.NNr(.rir>\t 

Issue  of        3i5C    SILAS  WOODSON'^  ;\V;ulo  X.'thorl.iiKi,"  Tuclivr,'  ]<^<-].:<:  ILAxirlr  Jvh'v) 
on>i  Mai  y  J. :!■.;•  Mc-RohortL",  !iis  first,  wii'o. 

I  770   rv'liHsr,*   b  ,'ri:    Alny   ]6,   !S4i,  iu   Knox  i-f.miy,    isi  nUir!-.>-,  v,\-ul  willi 

laiiuT  in  1  ^^'50  tw  Missouri  w  iicrc  Ik."  w.'S  l-^'i'ii;  cducatcj  ^'.  lu'ii  t!ic  Ci\:!  W  ir 
begun.  I!o  e!'']isi(i.!  in  iI-.l-  l'\-«.!  army  ii'.  1,S62  ;Mui  scTscd  f.iiili!ij'i\- 
".Muil  tl:o  flo,-c  (•(  ilu'  war,  and  dice!  ai  Ills  linr.u-  in  Si.  Jn<cj.h.  in  Knu-,  l.'-O^. 
lie  was  a  talcr.icd  Nocnt;  man,  liad  ctic^ra  ilic  !a\','  i<n  his  |!;-jff.-.-<inn,  i-.un  ,i 
brilliant  future  was  predittcd  for  Iiim.  He  was  nan.rtl  I\ii!K-r  in  l-.on^.r  vi 
his  fatlifr's  fiirnier  l.iw  i.>ari!\er.  Jiidi;o  Sanniel  IMillcr,  wiio  ialcr  became 
associate  jiistiro  of  ilic-  I'nitf'd  Stales  supieinc  court.. 

ls,srE  BY  iiiiRD  ^v!rE,  Vincuxi.-.  Jiliki  Laki> 

II  "  V/i  iviary  Alice,"'  born  Septeniijcr  1-1,  \i<~Q,  in  Si.  Jo.-ep!i,  Mi^toiiri,  vlicre 
she  was  re-ared  and  educated.  She  is  a  of  refial  appearance,  cahn 
dignity  and  makes  frienrls  wlvrcer  she  goe-;.  She  was  niarried  Jnly  itf, 
1S93,  at's  home  in  Si.  JosctjIi,  to  Jefferson  Carter  Ilosea,  v.'l'.o 
was  also  fiorn  in  Si.  Jn.-epa,  his  iiarents  iiax'in;.;  setlleti  there  in  ihc  early 
history  of  the  t<jwn.  He  mi>\-ed  \\itli  his  family  ia  the  stimntor  of  191?. 
to  I'ordyce,  .Arkansas,  wheie  he  is  prominently  connceied  with  the  Hoi^^.e 
Insurance  Ctimpany  of  that  city. 

in  772   Silas  Salraon,"  born  June  IS,  1P7,",  ii;  Su  Joseph,  Missouri,  and  flicd  at  the 

early  age  of  si.-vteen  years,  on  Deceirlier  28,  iJ''93,  at  the  placc^  of  his  birtli. 
At  the  time  .of  his  deatli  he  was  a  studen?  ac  Aiissoiiri  I'dilitary  Acadeeiv. 
in  A'e::ic(;,  Missouri.  He  wa.-  a  lad  of  unusual  prom;-.e.  His  cherished 
aiiibition  "was  to  complete  his  education  at  West  Point,  an  appoininient  to 
the  Acadeinx'  ln;\a'nt;  been  promiseii  liim. 

IV  77.^   Virginia  .Laid'  (t/.in  sister  to  772  Silas  Salmon  \\  .jndson')  was  born  jiute  IS, 

l;w5,  in  S'l.  jo^^eph,  Aii-'^ouri.  Slie  was  irr.r.ried  Scptendier  12,  189'^,  at 
her  father's  hon''e  in  St.  J'^.seiih,  to  Ernile  Thomas  Jr.,  of  St.  Loins.  He 
\\'a3  a  son  of  Emile  Tluimas,  Sr..  wn.o  for  nian\'  years  was  sheriff  of  Sr. 
Louis  county,  Missouri.  Tiie>'  had  one  son,  Emile  'A'oodson  Thomas,' 
born  August  24,  1900. 

Issue  of        3£0    WADE  IIETHFRLAKD  WOODSOK,  JR.'  (Wade  Xetherland,^  Tucker,-' 
Josepj;,''  Robert,-  Jcdm-J  and  Elizabeth  Stewart,  his  first  \>-ife. 

I  77<t   Silas,'  born  januar;.  2,  lS-)6,  in  Kno.x  count  \',  Kentucky. 

Issue  01        331     WILLIAM    WOODSON'-    (John    Pleasants,^    Tucker,^    Joseph,'   Robert, - 
jiihn';  and  .\nna  rebley, 

I  775  John/  i>orn  possibly  about  1826,  and  was  reared  in  cast  Te.ine>,se(;  where 

;ic  seems  to  have  spent  his  entire  life. 

II  776   S.-.rah,'  born  about  )S28,  was  reared  ia  east  Tennessee. 


Hi  *  777  Eli:^ab^■!l,'  born  nlK.nt  in  .\m  ■l\-!,;;---oe.  wlK-re  ?ho  was  ni-vrle.l 
abou;  1S3  1,  i"  IXixiii  K.  \.>i: ;',:,■.  'i'iir.-  sr.ont  their  li\i;:^  in  AudeiiiOii 
county,  'renncs^ce,  ar,.,l  ■.lied  ;'.t  C  j  :!  Cn.-cl;.  in  liuit  county. 

]\'  778  r.Tart/i.-.,'  horn  proh  ibly  ;'Vjr-.ut  lo-'^:'.  ;,.  cost  '!  cnnOi^sco. 

\'  7/9  Partlioiiia,"  hn.n  aii'Hit  ic^vi  i;i  ca:-i'ce. 

\'l  7R0   l\Tary,"  lui;-n  ab'OUl  l;'o6  in  cast  Tennessee. 

\  li  78J    Andiev.-,'  bom  al-'i:t  1S3S  in  Tcni.csscc. 

\"li;  782   "WDliari,"  ab'Uit  lotO  va  cast  '('enao-^co. 

Issuft  of        392   JOHN    F.    WOODSON'^    (John    llL-asaiu.^,^    Tucker,'    Jo,s<,p!i/'    Robert,' 
John')  and Dui'lon.  his  wile. 

]  7S3   B.  Iliil,"  born  prfbab.'y  about  I8-!0  ia  I,!linl^i^.     I'is  parer.ts  died  v.-hen  he 

was  but  a  \oath.  He  then  v.eui  to  cast  Tennessee  and  lived  with  ids 
yrandpr-'.cnts  uiitil  b.o  was  ali.ail  grown,  .^t  liiC  beginning  oi'  the  Civi't 
War  he  volunteered  in  the  service  o{  the  Cor.federato  states,  aitaiued  tlic 
rank  of  ca[aain,  and  \vas  killed  in  one  of  the  battles  in  Missouri. 

Issue  of       3B'S  AITDRl-W  D.  NYOODSOU*  (John  P.,=  Tucker,'  Joseph,'  Robert,-  John') 
and  ''dary  I'erguMin. 

I  784  WilJiani.' 

n  783  Lina.' 

in  786  Margaret  Ann.' 

IV  7S?  Mary.- 

V  7SS  Jane. 7 

Issue  of       3  90   GLOi^GE  V/.  WOODGOK«  (John  P.,^  Tucker,-'  j-seph.'  Robert,'-  John=) 
and  Eliza  l^rov%  n. 

I         7£9  Elizabc-th,'   bi.rn   :\iay  21,   18:-'6,  in   Lee  cninty,  Virginia,  went  with   the 
fan-lib.-  in  ihlO  to  Campbell  c-e>ui;t>-,  Tennessee. 

II         700  Graneille,'  born  Dercmber  15,  IS.V/ ,  in  Loc  county,  Virginia,  wcpt  with  the 
family  in  1S40  to  Campbell  county,  Tennessee. 

HI  791    SilaS;"  l,.oin  ^.birch   20,  1839,  in  I  ee  county.  Virginia,  and  the  ne.xt  year 

(1S40),  v,cnt  wltli  the  fanuly  to  Campbell  county,  Tennessee. 

NO  H'.'r.  \\\---.^<:-':\-'.  .\N1>    !';■  IK  "•o.\"--"-(.'Ti  V- 

I;'         792   Audrev.,'  b  th  !\^i  i;.:;y  Zi,  i^^'l,  -lii  iIa  f.imi  near  i'i:\<\;siii-,  in  Caiiipliv.:' 
cour.ts',  Tcp-iii  >.-!.•■?. 

\'  *  793  Alvi:;  K./  hor:.  I'ri'ru  ay  21,  18-i3,  luar  Fiiicastlc,  (";i;Kpii.'!l  CMUiiiy. 
'i'ei.iH\-rL\',  ap;!  -ivatf  rrart''  on  'J\c  i'ar.ii.  \\'l:eii  abdui  gto'.'.  n  Iio  v.cti'l  \'< 
Kutix  coi-..!iy.  Meaiucky.  lo  ll.w  :i:v.\  \\  a:;  nauiied  al  7:.'iO  o'clock  p.  in.  I'.i 
IX-crm'in'\  ,!5.  1  S-ift.  at  J.ii;.,-s\iri,?,  Kiicx  ci">i!r,;\',  KentacUy,  u>  ?vliss  Airicrii\> 
Ji:incs  (.-i  ihai  'jI-iCc.  Bcint;  of  a  i.^Nini;  di<pu^iiioa.  'io  ni<:.\-eu  a  Gre.ii. 
liiaiiy  tuiu-s,  I'laiainini;  biii  a  sIkh;  iii:u-  at  an\  oav  I'lacc,  raiaHy  ijiifii;!,! 
to  Si'enaaa,  Tcxa.-,  whore  liis  wife  died.  .Aiu'ii;:!  2J,  1900.  Af'.(;r  i.liiii 
bcrca\'ci!ieni  l.e  ir.'.n-cd  \o  W'iatlu'i  p,  Sl'a-^icr  ^oiwity,  California.  \v!iere  ho 
i?  sii!!  li\ia.L;.  .vitiionph  lie  lias  lra\cli,'d  al>-aar  sn  much,  ii  Is  wirli  n'aicl' 
satisfaciioi)  that  he  states,  he  lia-<  iicvx-r  f.  rracU  any  c\\\  h.abits  sach  as 
<lrinkiii;.4.  j;aivilil!ng  and  t';e  like,  but  has  ai.says  Mvetl  an  life  a:ai 
iricd  ti)  set  a  ^ood  CNainple  i'-.  his  children  aad  otlicrs. 

\'l         794  Julia  r.I.,'  iioni  Novemb.-r  29,  1S44,  on  th^-  [arm  near  Fincastb,  Canjpbell 
couiily,  Tenaes:reo,  and  was  still  li\-ii!g  in  iynS. 

\'II  795  Araerica  C  ,■  b.jrn  December  25,  IS46,  near  Fincasrle,  Tennessee. 

VII!  796  Daiiiel  O.J  born  14,  1S49,  on  the  fa.rni  near  F"incast!c.Tcnncs'-co. 

IX         797  jane  S../  born  reliruary  11,  1S51,  ixar  Fiii':?.srle,  Tennessee,  '.vas  married 
to  ?,I.  -M.  Smith  and  livca  at  Red  A^h,  \\'hi;!ey  county,  Keniacky. 

X  79S  Paiali  E.,"  born  ^b.y  2,  lo53,  near  FircasHe,  Tennessee,  was  married  to 
I\Ir. F'asC  and  no\\-  li^'es  at  Colfax,  Washington. 

XI  799  Mary,"  born  March  31,  1S56,  in  Campbell  county,  Tennessee. 

XI i  80'.)  Lucy  ObeiienceJ  born  July  15,    1S60,   at   tlie  eld  Lome  near  Fincastle,  in 

Campbell  coiiniy,  Tennessee,  was  married   lo  !Mr. Miilex   and  now 

lives  at  Bergen,  Kentuck;.'. 

Reco'rd  from  the  family  Bible  of  150  John  P.  Wood'^on. 

Issue  of       399  JOS.EPH  LD.BURN  WOODSON"  (jolm  P.,'  Tucker,<  Jo.Cj.h,^  Koberc,- 
John';  and  Jul'na  Pollard. 

I  *  fOl  William  Andrsv/,'  born  February  24,  lS4:i  in  Lincoln  coanly,  Missouri. 
was  reared  on  the  faini  and  edi:cated  in  th.e  country  schools.  FFj  was 
married  October  24,  1S64,  to  Miss  Sar.-h  Amanda  Casner  wb.o  was  boru 
in  Brooke  coi;nty,  West  Virginia,  sixteen  miles  from  the  city  oi  Wheeling. 
After  his  marriage  he  engaged  in  tiie  i7iercanli!e  business,  in  which  h?  was 
successful.  lie  ser\cd  a.-,  (lerk  of  Lincoln  cotinty  for  tweive  years.  Being 
a  staunch  democrat,  he  was  appointed  ptjstmaster  at  Troy,  Missouri,  by 
President  Grover  Cleveland.  After  four  j-ears'  service  he  resigned  the 
oflicc   an.J   accepted    a    posl'ion   as   commercial    travele"   !or   a    mercantile 

iKViCVVil  i.;;~N 


h.-i;,;.e.  On  a'^coiMil  ol'  hi-  v.-hoV  :'v;'liii  iic  g.u.-  i;;,  ;l:;s  l.;!^i!;css  and  i;i 
1<)08,  moved  to  Lo>  Av'icclcs.  C;iut-.n:;:i.  whero  !;:■  ^;iil  :-o:-kictf.  lie  nas 
biv;)  ;;  nu-iubcr  of  liw  Christian  Cliinch  f-incc  A;;;  ii  h  I'^Oi. 

II  *  S03  Mi^■50uri  Jane,*  bon;  :\o\  ember  6,  lS-!4.  at  Troy,  in  Li:u-uhi  coimty, 
A'i-ouri,  vwv^  mnrricd  D.'cemb>T  15,  'SlO,  lo  Marblo  CuiKTun  Blank;, 
at_  hvr  home  i-rar  Cliab.  of  l^ocks.  Mis^^niri,  by  Res.  Thumas.  She  dic-J 
April  25,  19(i5,  ;ur\ivcd  by  her  husbaiui  and  four  childreii,  v;ho  are  yet 
li\lrig  in  Columbia,  Missouri. 

Ill  *  803  Henry  Jasjjer,"  bom  March  H.  1::'6.  at  Chaia  of  Rocks,  in  iJncoUi  county , 
^Hs^ouri,  and  has  lived  coiitir.'aou^ly  up  to  the  preKnU  time,  on  a  far>n 
within  four  mile.-,  of  hi<  1  irlii  plaeo.  tie  was  married  first,  o:i  Feb;uary  l-^. 
1^6(),  to  Sarah  Hul'.on.  who  b  e.nne  the  m.uber  of  .4x  thildrcn  and  flied. 
.April  75.  1877.  lie  was  married,  secoud,  oa  March  27,  ISV'.'*,  to  Mary 
lalen  Adinirc,  who  boca.nic  the  molhcr  of  live  children  ;md  di'.M  Octoix-r  13. 


He  c-avs  of  liimsolf  tliar  ho  I;  <i  farmer  and  a  true  democrat.  He 
believes  the  liible  to  bo  tiie  inspired  Word  of  God,  but  has  never  coanectcd 
himself  with  any  church.  He  did  not  serve  on  cither  .side  in  the  Civil  War, 
but  on  acconnr  of  his  southern  pioclivilies,  re.'eived  some  rough  treatmenv. 
at  the  hands  of  Federal  soldiers.  He  siili  Ines  near  Old  Monroe,  Lincoln 
county,  Missouri. 

IV  *  SOI  Sarah  Virginia,"  born  ]May  19,  V^AS,  at  Chain  of  Ro^  ks,  in  Liaroiii  couniy, 
Missouri,  and  was  twice  married;  fii:>r,  on  Jidy  18,  ISt..'),  lo  Ch...rks  V-'. 
.Mer.-hoii,  who  v,a>  born  in  Owen  county.  KeiUucky,  and  is  a  Oroilicr  to 
William  G.  .Merslion.  He  died  Dcccmbe;-  2.S,  1S75,  survived  by  chej/idow 
and  five  children.  She  was  married  second,  on  August  4,  1S7S,  to  Thomas 
J.  Creech  of  Lincoln  county.  They  ^re  sail  living  in  that  county,  near 
Moscow  Mills. 

V         805  India  A.,  born  April  !,  1650,  and  died  May  21,  1S52. 

VI  *  C06  Columbus  Todd,"  born  April  I,  lS5o.  on  his  father's  farm  ne:-.r  Chaiu  of 
Rocks,  Lincoln  county,  Missouri.  He  received  his  education  in  the  near 
by  schools  and  li%cd  at  the  paternal  home  tintil  he  was  twenty-one  years 
old.  Afier  iie  was  fourteen  \ears  of  ago,  he  worked  daring  tht  winter 
months  in  his  father'.,  store  at  (  hain  of  Rocks,  and  when  the  time  came  for 
cutting  wheat  he  betook  himseb'  to  the  farm  and  remained  there.  doin.r,  all 
sorts  of  farm  work,  until  afier  the  coin  was  gathered  and  housed  in  the  fall, 
then  back  to  ihe  store  for  the  winter.  This  rcgulai  routine  of  duiies  was 
kept  Tip  until  he  was  twenty-one  years  of  age,  when  his  father  ga-ee  him  an 
interest  of  S15()0  in  the  store.  About  this  time,  when  all  the  woi-id  seeinod 
bright  and  fair,  lie  wooed  and  won  tlie  heart  and  h-oid  of  Miss  Camihc- 
Medora  Admiie,  wh.o  was  hrst  coutin  to  SOi  Henry  lasper  \A-0Gdsou's- 
stond  wife.  She  was  Ikuu  Mcy  16,  1S5S.  They  were  marned  January  < , 
1875    and  settled  ai  Chain  of  Rocks  wh.;re  he  continued  in  ihe  niercaiitilc 

'NS  an:-  iSiriK  conxki  s; 

lv.'-^ip.C?s  six  >(.-:i;'s;  dii;'i;;.<  v.-hic:;  iiiv.c  he  i^oi'-i  ;;r.ods  from  tiie  store  v'r; 
croilit,  to  the  ainount  i.;'  S'5.00.\  wliicl!  v.;i>  r.,-\\'<  cot'cctcf'.  and  he  ''v.'cni 
to  the  v.'i!!."  :>:^3()0  ii>  i;!c!>;.  Xo:hin,;  ti.nui '(.■■.!.  lie  wciU  t<'  work  get  tint; 
out  i-''i,s  for  il;c  AUoii  Ho::  '.^I;'..iu:\ici;:n!;;:^  CMtiipapy. 

Within  four  ycar^  l^c  Iiad  v^ai.'  u:T  every  ;iv!lar  oi  hii  ddn  and  laid  Uj) :; 
siiug  sum  vliich  he  inverted  in  ihc-  hotri  bii^iiK-s:-.  ;it  Old  ^donroe,  in 
Lincoln  cnuii'y.  L5eir.;c  uiui.-cd  to  i!us  bii~:ne>.s,  lie  soo;:  '"went  busted" 
(,10  use  his  own  exiire-sion)  and  secured  a  po^iti-in  as  u'avcli'.ig  salesman 
for  I\iorIe\'  Bros.;  \vorked  fc""  triem  'en  >  e-Ms  a'.id  resii^^ned  to  accept  a 
position  as  inspector  on  the  \Vo>!ld's  Fair  Cinuinds  at  St.  Louis,  under 
R.  ]i.  Philips,  civil  engineer. 

After  tiu'  great  Kxposition  was  cner,  lie  resinned  his  connection 
with  MorIc\"  l>rus.  and  contiiiJU'd  wi;h  thep.i  until  July.  1507,  wlien  he 
redgncd  on  account  of  rheuntailsn;.  Ke  .low  resides  at  -1010  Nebraska 
.A\'ennc,  Sv.  1  nuis.  He  is  a.  staunch  democrat  and  a  consistent  if.einber  of 
the  yi.  E.  Church,  South. 

VI I         807  M.'iigie,'  died  in  infancy. 

VIII  *  803  :.-i;san  Minerva,"  born  September  13,  1856  on  ihc  farm  near  riiain  of 
Rocks,  Lincoin  county,  ^Missouri,  was  married  at  her  father's  home,  on 
June  14,  1S76.  to  William  Granville  ^.lershon,  vciio  is  .a  traveling  salesman 
for  a  St.  Louis  Itouse.  She  is  a  .zealous  m.ember  of  tbe  Christian  Church, 
and  jjarticipatcr  earnestly  in  its  activities.  In  order  to  be  near  her  husband 
whose  headouarters  are  at  Xa?h\-i!le,  Tennessee,  they  ro-v  reside  in  that 
cit>'  at  916  Gilmore  A\'enue. 

IX  ?09  Robert  Jdlburn,'  born  April  .?,  1S59,  on  tlie  farm  nea"  Chain  of  Rocks, 
Lincoln  count\",  Missouri.  He  has  been  a  widower  foi  a  nuuiiier  of  years 
and  died  December  25,  1912,  at  a  hospital  in  St.  Louis,  where  lie  was  being 
treattrd  for  heart  trouble.  lie  is  buried  in  Ins  native  county,  at  jdighland 

He  had  Iwo  daughters  (1),^  A'ho  raarried  Mr.  Poilaid  and  i'2) 
Lillie.*  v,ho  married  her  first  cousin,  1LS7  Lo'.ds  Creech. °  Both  are  farmers 
and  have  good  farms  in  Lincoln  county. 

X  *  810  Dora  Alice,"  born  .\ugusL  13,  1S61,  near  Chain  of  Rocks,  was  married  at  liei 
father's  home,  on  Xoven}ber  18,  18S0,  to  John  McXair  Sinips(>n  v/ho  was 
born  November  5,  1857. 

X(  81)  Lola  Eiiola,"  born  May  29,  1S53,  near  Chiun  of  Rocks,  Lincoln  county 
Mi-.ouri,  She  is  employed  as  storekeeper  at  tlie  Masonic  Llonie  in  St. 
Louis.     S!ie  has  !ie\-er  married. 

XII  *  S12  Kellie  Rose  Lee,'  born  Seplembcr  26,  1S05,  on  iicr  father's  farm  near 
Chain  of  Rocks,  was  married  at  tlie  place  of  htr  bir'.h,  by  Re^•.  'V.  A 
Adibort,  on  l-'cbrii-^r^-  19,  1885,  t.'  Jame=  Norris  Seals,  son  of  Joseph  and 
CcUiierine  Scab..      He  was  born  Apr^  J,   1856,  in  Adaais  coun'._\-,    Illinois 

■\rK  \TH'N 

and  died  Apr;!  T,  U'92,  M;rvi\.-d  !>y  in-  v.i;o  .;,.<.!  f.iur  r];:idi;.-n  \v!il;  Ww  at 
Lorr-dtu-,  l\\hwA>. 

Xlil  '*  843  T'un.-s  Edv.ra-d,'  horn  .A'.ir.-ii  25.  1^<k<.  oi\  Jk'  c.Id  •  near  Chv.ln  <.f 
]<o;-k-.  L'.iiroh;  foiuiix',  Aji-^>«.Mri,  w,;.-  inanicd  u\!Ui:'ir_v-  26,  li>''>'i.  lo  lk-.i;;i.> 
d:-.:-.^  W.rjclty.  Tlivv  ii'.od  a  !'l.■^^■  y.,'.irs  ai  Troiuon,  ilHnoif.,  then  rctiiii->>d 
u>  th./ir  iuuivc  rtnio  aud  in  1''00  v.ore  li\!a,c  a:  10  Ri;,^d>y  flaco,  5l.  I.ouif;. 
lie  is  a  liaveling  salesman.  n.:;".\rtoiuir'i;  a  Si.  I.oiiis  licni~e. 

Issue  of       400  ELIZAB^^TH  H.  WOODSOrl'  vJc.lm  r.,n'.;^!a-r,^  Ju;.cT.h,Mlr  i>^n,"  JohnO 
and  Daniel  S.  Owen. 

1  QU   Harriet  M.  Ov;ea,'  Ir^ni  l?-.^'',  i;.  Campbell  i-<H;nt\'.  T.-;ne.sscc,  whcro  ?lu- 

ha.-,  !i'  erl  all  la  r  life.     She  \va.-  married  to  Mr. r.-uvc  v.-ho  died . 

Idle  widow  i.--  -;ill  li\iiig  (1910)  at  Coal  Creek  in  her  .•.ati'.e  county,  wdth  her 
son,  L.  J.  A.  I'elree.* 

Th.ere  were  ten.  oihcv  children  born  to  400  Elizalielh  M.  Woodson.'^ 
and  Daniel  S.  Owen  but  their  names  ha^•o  no;  been  obtained. 

Isi-ue  of        401    ROLiEPvT  C.  VfOODZOl-i'  (John   P.,'  Tuebcr,'  Jos.;ph,=   Robert,-  Joim') 
;ind  Lucy  Jane  Fugate. 

I  SI 5  Smith.' 

II  810  Jerome.' 

Issue  of       4C-7   ALLJZIT  V^OODSON':  (jessc,'  Wiiiiam,'-,-'  Robert,-  John^)  and 
Jane  Ta>loi . 

I  *  817  William,'  born  February,  1798,  in  Pitvsylvai-ia  county,  Vlrgiva'a.  He 
received  a  good  common  och.ool  education  in  the  schools  of  his  vicinity, 
and  'vas  married  in  bS25  to  Mariha  G.  Haythe,  who  was  born  February  17, 
lSO-1.  She  was  a  dau-hier  of  William  Fiaythc  of  CampbclJ  county, 
Virginia.  Tlicv  settled  0!i  a  farm  near  Fincastle,  in  B'Hetourt  cou.ruy, 
He  was  a  man  of  great  industry  and  energy,  and  a  very  -'..ccossful  far;aer. 
H^'  loved  his  occupation  aad  was  methodir-a!  in  his  farming  operaf.on:-:. 
He  di^.i  March  27,  134-;,  at  his  liomo  in  F.oteiourt  eoimty.  His  v.'kIoo.-, 
three  years  afterwards,  in  18-47,  was  married  to  John  Sto;'er,  and  died 
I\Iay  12,  ISSl.  They  bought  tbcPidgeon  Pan:  fanr.  near  Gladys,  where  \]\c 
whole  family,  white  and  black,  lived  abour  ten  years  and  then  ntovcd  back 
to  the  old  farm  in  Botetourt  county. 

II  818  ElizabePa,'  born  about  1800,  was  married  twirc;  f.rst,  t(^  Mr.  Terry  and 

second,  to  Mr.  \  alden.      ■ 

III  KIO  Martha,"   bora   about    1S02,    '.as   married   to   Mr.    Rogers  and   settled    in 

Pittsylvania  county. 


I\"         S20  Daughter,'  niarri.x!  \\'i!i;.!;n  l-nmur. 
\'         S2l   D.i.uglrier,'  inatrieu  Mr.  Tti  iv. 
VI         L-.22   j">:ui:;i;ter,'  iiiarrkJ  ?.Ii.  \\".,lia-r. 

Issue  of        4  1  2   CAPTAIN  CHARLES  VrOODSQ]^''  ( i)-ury.-  \Vi!li.U!i,'  Bonja-nli:,^  Kobcri,- 
J..)nnM  o:k1  14  JiiJiih  Liakc. 

I  *  823  Tarloton,'  lumi  Aii-u&i  6,  17,^1.  at  h\i  father';-  h.):nc,  "'Rot-rhaiik,"  in  '  i'e 
iv-nhv.-e-^tcrn  ix;r:  uf  Cunihi:  l.nul  cciini>-,  \  iivinia.  Uv  was  nianiovl 
JaiuiaiA  1  i,  ISoi,  lo  Kli,:al)(.ih  Piirv  Kir!. ardsoii,  a  sinter  i;^  his  broth. a 
Wiliiaiii's  •,.ife,  Mary  Rirluiri].-.<.n.  lie  'jv.ncl  a  Uiige  farm  in  Cumher- 
!  !i;'i  iMimt^  .  i!:s  home  was  ra.lkd  "Tr.'.vi  kr's  Kc-l."  '  h  was  there  in- 
(i;..-!.  !:»t(e;jJ-e)-  JS,  18r7. 

II    *     S24   Wiijiam,'  horn  March  2S.  1784,  ,,i  Rom  l.ank,  ( "uirJx rlanc!  couiitx-,  Virgitjla. 

Me  wa^-  gi\  en  ;   jvu:<l  cducaiidi;  aiiJ  wa:;  Hiarricd  about  181-1  U) Marv 

Richard.-on,  wlio  \ias  born  Xo\eml_)er  14,  1796.  She  was  a  lister  of  Jol;;; 
R.  Richardson  who  married  Ann  iS'isbct  Powell.  He  had  a  splendid  farm 
in  Riirkingham,  near  the  hne  of  Cumberland  cu'ip.ty,  -.vhich  extended  iiiio 
the  James  River  "iow  grounds."  Much  of  the  iaitd  was  drained  !jy  under- 
gp.>imd  tiling.  The  buildings,  the  fences  and  overyching  aboui  the  place 
w;i>  Icejii  in  the  nm.-^t  perfect  order.  Adtogcther  it  was.  perhaps,  one  of  <he 
best  kept  and  most  highly  cultivaied  farms  in  that  part  of  the  .-tate. 

On  an  eminence  overlooking  the  "low  grounds,"  he  built  1:1s  residence 
V. iiich  was  called  the  "Red  House."  Here  he  and  his  e.xcellent  v/ife  spent 
the.r   entire   wedded    life,    prosperous   and   happ\-. 

He  was  a  man  of  a  high  sense  of  honor  and  strict  bTisin.ess  habits. 
He  v.-as  kind  and  humane  in  his  treatment  of  his  slaves,  of  whcr.i  he  ow;-i-=d 
quite  a  number.  During  the  latter  j-ears  of  his  life  he  devoted  much 
tinie  to  collecting  genealogical  and  historical  data  of  his  fa:r.i!y  and  hi,-, 
ancestors.  After  his  death  in  1S61,  hiscldest  son  1505  John  Pros-er  Woodson* 
liad  charge  oi  his  personal  efiects.  and  loaned  his  manuscript  and  all  ilie 
data  to  —  Charles  Van.  Der  \'eer  Wocd.son  of  .Prince  Edward  county, 
after  whose  death  all  these  pajK-rs,  which  had  come  to  be  kno'.va  as  ihe 
"Prosser  Woodson  Papers,"  were  misplaced  or  lest. 

S24  William  Woodsor."  died  at  the  Red  Hou.e  on  May  .SI.  1861.  .His 
wife  ;'.!r\-i\-ed  al:i'>,it:  e!e\-c:"i  years  and  died  iii  iS72:  after  \'dt'c!!,  the  Red 
Hou.-e  projjerty  was  sold  and  di\ided  among  the  heirs. 

Ill  "'  o25  ).ucy'  (so  naaied  for  her  pati-rnal  grarrlnother,  140  Lucy  [Christian] 
\\r>'>.l~ou-'),  born  17SS  at  Ro^ebank  in  Cumberland  county,  and 
tuanieri  to  William  Miller  of  the  same  cotint\-.  She  died  at  her  home  in 
Cumberland,  on  June  30,  1S61,  aged  sc\enty-tlii^e  years. 

1\'  820  Frederick,'  born  about  1790.  at  l-Iosebank  and  died  Xovembcr  18,  ISIS. 
>.e\er  married. 

\'         S27  Nancy,"  bon?  about  1792  at  Rr;.-.'bank,  div  d  young. 

8^4      MRS   IVIAHY    (  T;  ICMARDSDN  )    WOODSON 


X    /• 



\'l  *  828  Charles  Ltwis,'  born  ..•'.Hi'c  iJ^i,  ;r:  Ro^,  hi  rninborlaiui  county, 
\"ii-c.i;iia.  Some  four  or  r;\-c  \e.o-;i  Lsier,  one  v^l  '."nv  ;ieai-  iicii^hhors,  Mr. 
Willi. '.r,i  Powdl,  died.  Icavin;,'  l.i^ir  orjilun  c:-.;'l'iYn — William  Powell. 
11.  nry  rowoll,  l.iiui;ii  Grayson  l'-.^-::.  aivi  .\v.\\  N'-'ii  Powfll,  ^h■^  youngest 
')e!Tig  aa  ip.fa.n:-.  '^i';.■^a  fn-at  [aiv.-.-'l  r'nildrcii  v.a.ri;  ra.ken  to  Ro^ch^uk  iiy 
■il2  ti'.aric.^  Woodson''  and  hh  wife,  Judi.Ii,  and  wore  learcd  and 
cuucMU'l  as  carofuHy  ami  UiCM-oiigiily  as  their  own  rhildren  were. 

)i!  ibe  meantime  their  i'On  .'^JS  Oiarles  I.e\vis  \\'oo(l<0!V  .!;rew  io  ytninj; 
manho  'd  and  received  .-raih  edueaiion  a;;  the  ''Old  !-"ield  Seliools"  of  tiio 
lime  eould  ^i\e,  .ind  v  her,  about  eighteen  years  old  he  wa.sfent  to  Purdeaiix, 
rravii-r.  u.  eumj.'ieie  ('.is  educatiem.  Durini;  his  ^'ixy  there,  he  ;u'.d  313 
Captain  John  I'.Ion'-ti  of  Piinre  halwarcl  cnun(\-  (\>dn),  it  is  >aid  was 
ministtr  [ile?;ipote!Uiary,  reprcs(.'ntiae,  the  Um'tecl  Siatc.-),  I'eean-.e  very 
much  atiached  to  other,  atid  this  friendship  was  cherislied  by  both 
as  lon^  as  they  lived.  When  L  liarle.s.  returned  to  \'irgin.ia.  he  found  i'is 
erstwhile  playiiiatf,  Liatnn  (bayson  Pov.ell,  ju-t  b.ndding  into  bea\itiful 
youn;.;  womanliofid  and,  namrail;- ,  !;e  soiiglii  lo  m.ike  h^r  his  \.ife.  At 
first  the  proiiositiou  was  looked  upon  v.ith  disfavor  by  his  paienrs,  for  the 
•  reaso.i  thai  Charles  was  not  a  rrbust  young  man,  but  rather  ineliiied  to  be 
delicate.  However,  his  health  was  soon  regained  and,  all  objections 
being  overcome,  these  two  young  people  were  married  l-'ebruary  27,  1817, 
and  old  Rosebank  was  once  more  the  scene  of  gaycty  and  happiness. 
They  settled  in  Powhatan  counry  at  a  little  place  called  Hopkinsville  which 
has  lono^  since  disappeared  from  the  map.  Here  they  established  their 
home  which  liad  prcbcdjly  been  given  them  by  his  father.  In  this  home 
they  spent  their  few  years  of  happy  wedded  life.  In  this  iionie  all  their 
children  were  born  and  in  this  home  they  themselves  died — he  on  Septtinber 
8,  1826,  and  she,  just  twenty  days  later,  on  September  28,  lS2o. 

The  nev^-spaper  publishing  thcii'  death  notice,  adds:  "They  were 
lo\-cIy  and  pleasant  in  their  lives,  and  in  their  death  they  were  not  aivided.  ' 
(2  Samuel,  1:23.) 


The  Powells  are  among  the  first  families  to  settle  in  Vireinia. 
"John  Powell  came  to  Virginia  in  the  Sv.-aliowe  in  1609.  His  muster  in 
]('24-5  included  Katl  erine  Powell,  born  1603,  came  to  \'irginia  in  th.e 
Plying  Hart  in  Septembc'-,  1622,  John  Powell  v-'as  Lorn  in  Virginia.  Ik- 
was  a  member  of  the  huuse  -jf  buigesses  in  Stpietnber,  1632,  io;  the  (h^tnct 
'•from  Waters  Creeke  to  Maries  .Mount."  John  Powell  (possibly  there 
were  two  of  tnem)  was  a  member  of  the  house  of  burgesses  from  Elizabeth 
.City.  1657,  '58,  '59,  '60  and  1663,  1666  and  1676.  Jolm  Powell  the 
patentee  had  other  sons.  In  1651  Benjamin  Powell  of  >Zew  Poquoson, 
York  county,  made  a  deed  f()r  land  patented  by  John  Pcnvell,  his  father, 
February  6,  1635.  lie  also  deeded  land  on  June  7,  1657,  to  his  brother, 
William  Powell.  Aufi  on  Octobci  5,  1655,  there  is  a  deed  from  Wi'.ham 
Powell  of  York  and  his  wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  William  Tapley  deceased. 
'Iherv  was  for  a  long  a  family  of  .Powells  in  York  eouniy  inW'hich  the 
.    nare.e    of    Benjamin    frequently    ai-ijiea/s,     Benjamin    Paweli    was    elected 

liH-iRO'^r  of   ihfc  coHiPV-ii  council   of   ^^"!u.i^■:^^ur^;  ia   17C7   ani!    Hc;iij;uni;; 
Powvll    v.-;i:-  ;ippo'iHo.!   ju>\icc   of   ;he   pci'V   !;.!<-    Voi'c  coinuy.   in    ')~S\ 
(V,\.  :M;ig.  \ol.  1.  p.  iC'.:.) 

V'-roj'.;  llii.;  niicicm  i!!u'  luwiorablc  !';iii;i!y  all  'lie  Powi-lls.  of  \',ia, 
p-,'  far  as  known,  \vcro  d-.^ccadr-i.  'ra.on-ia.-  Po-aoII  --.vas  born  1  /50  iw-A  was 
n  an-;,;,!  iii  1772  lu  I-.iixabcili  Oi:/!;v.-.  To  this  uniuu  tlnic  were  l.iorn 
pri>ii..!  fovcrai  rhiMrm;  ■  •nc  of  v.  i:--i;i  waJ  William  rowoli,  born  in  1776, 
was  iiuuric-d  nboui  1797  biii  I'lv-  iiarac  i.'f  !;is  wile  has  not  boci.  asccrlaiiicd. 
T1k>-  sc-Uled  in  ili>'  pan-'heni  pan:  of  Cainbc-rland  couniy,  Virginia  v.-Iic-ro 
til.  y  I':o;I.  di.'d  ai;oui  1S06  wlion  i.hur  foviilli  child  was  but  an  infant. 

Issre  of  WILLIAM  POWELL  fThoma^)  and  wife  whose  name  is  not  knowa.. 

]    *  Henry  Powell,  born  July  IS,  1797,  ai  the  bonic  of  his  parents  in  the  tapper 

]iari  of  Cumberland  county,  \'ir-inia.  After  the  death  of  in's  parents, 
about  1^06,  he  was  Taken  by  Capt.  Charles  Woodson^  and  Judiih  Lnake, 
his  wife,  to  their  home-,  Rosebank,  wlicrc  he  was  reared  and  educated. 
He  was  twice  married;  first  o".  Ocioboi  22,  j81S,  to  .Manha  V.  Ir-ine  \v!;o 
was  born  Xovember  27,  1799,  '1  hey  continued  to  rc-^ide  in  Cumberland 
county  until  thc\  laoved  to  Shell)}-  county,  Tennessee,  iii  lS.i2  and  settled 
about  twent>  miles  east  of  AIcmi=his.  Hero  his  ivife  died  ?<Iarch  il,  1840. 
He  was  married  ag.iln  on  January  27,  1841,  to  Maria  Williams,  who  died 
October  12,  1861,  aged  57  >ears,  11  montiis  and  19  days.  He  continued 
to  reside  at  his  home,  "Morning  Sun,"  where  he  died  Augih-t  5,  1869,  aged 
72  \"ears  and  18  da>'s. 

II  Linton  Grayson  Powell,  born  July  27,  ISOO,  in  Cumberland  cottnty,  Virginia. 

Im.medlately  after  the  death  of  lier  parents,  she  was  taken  by  Cajit.  Charles 
Woodson  and  his  wife,  Judith  Leake,  to  their  home,  Rosebank,  where  she 
was  reared  and  educated.  She  was  married  February  2  7,  1817,  at  Rose- 
bank, to  828  Charles  Lewis  \Voodson,'  the  youngest  son  of  her  adopted 
parents,  412  Captain  Charles  Woodson''  and  Judith  Leake.  Hei  iiusband 
died  September  8,  1826,  and  she,  just  tweaiy  days  later,  on  Scpte.trbcr  28, 
1S26.  Both  were  buried  in  the  fa.niily  burying  ground  at  Ro.-,cbank,  the 
home  of  their  ciiiidliood.     For  issue  =ce  828  Cliarles  Lewis  Woodson.' 

HI   *  Ann  Tosbet  Powell,  bom  July  26.  18(13,  in  Cuml-Hand  rounly.  Virginia. 

Her  [Kuenls  died  when  she  was  bur  two  or  three  years  of  age  and,  with  her 
sister  and  two  broiheis,  she  was  taken  by  412  Capt.  Charles  Woodson^ 
and  hi-  wife,  Judith  Leake,  to  their  home,  Ro-ebank,  which  was  but  a 
short  di.-lanee  from  the  Powell  l-.ornc,  and  there  reared  5in\  educated; 
graduating  at  Ann  Smith  Academv.  She  was  married  December  19,  1822, 
-  at  Rorcbank,  to  John  R.  Richardsnn  who  was  born  April  1,  180J,  at  Boston 
Hill,  Cumberland  C(junt>,  Virginia.  This  young  couple  oonfinucd  to 
reside  in  Cumbcrlaad  county  for  -everai  years  and  about  1S28  moved  to 
Montgomery  county  and  "ocared  .near  Christiansburg  on  an  ol<I  homestead 
called   "Fathcringay."     Here  ihoy  I'ved  loitil  al)oi:t   1S35  wiien  they  re- 

S:-Vh;N!li  G:  NliUAnON? 

turiicd  to  C'lMil-.'-latvi  iTiiuniv  onO  nvIiHj  h  >n';:riiiii;^  ;oiniJor;iril\  at  tin-  Ik-IiIi- 
of  Air.  C  \\';--t!";n,  tiu-ii'  s ■.>!.; iiyo- 1  ciui^l  \'"as  l^jrii  May  oO.  I;v35,  aiuJ  ivu 
day?  U'.u'  the  .I'liiig  moi'ier  'i'.:.'.  j.ii\  !,  '..■-'5.  !n  her  last  iiu.MiiCii'iS  ,-l:t- 
CGiai'iCiificd  liir  hti,--baiui  ru^.i  I'lW  \'('i;!U;  .'liiKhcn  {o  l!;e  l(>\'f  and  caro  nI 
God  vdioiii  she  v.or.-liippcd.  ^-1  e  h..'.'t  i>'H'n  iov  four  yc;irs,  ;i  c>-iisi.^tcitr 
nioiiibcr  of  i!u  rros'.jyioriaii  ("l.urrh.  She  v,;;?  lHiric<;i  at  Rosol.iank,  il\e 
home  of  ht-r  ak't'piod  p.iri.Tiis,  -Aiuio  f^hi'  Itiu!  bi.e!i  reared.  i!or  thildrcii 
v.'orc  taken  to  ihe  lu'inci-  of  vcKuixe^  ii'.  t''.e  neighborhood  a.nd  cared  for 
unri!  thej,-  wcie  ;.;rov,T.,  Her  \\iu(n\ed  haisbaiKl,  after  fourteen  years  of 
ref;t!ess  lift,  sl;M'.ed  in  IS-l"-'  lu  C  alifu-.  ni.'.  in  feare'ii  of  gold.  Hav'ii'g 
proceeded  as  f^;!'  as  St.  Joseph,  Missottri,  he  vvaa  stricken  vith  yelknv 
fe\-er  and  died  th.'.re  April  13,   lS-1'-'. 

IV  Vv'iili'iiu  Pov.ed,  ijorr,  ab'./iit  18U-!,  in  Cniiiliei land  count;.-,  \'ir^;ini;i.    After 

the  death  "f  his  p;:rents  he  was  taken  wiih  his  b.r.jilior  and  tn'o  sisters,  to 
th.e  home  of  4\1  ("apt.  Charles  Woodson""  an<l  tliere  i-eoied.  and.  educated. 
He  was  man  icd  September  16,  iS24,  t(.)  1_'30  Alary  }-iolnian  Woodson/ 
For  issue  sec  \/MJ  Mary  Hohn.ui  \\'oo(ison.* 

Issue  of 

HT:NRYPO\VELi.  (\\ 

Thi.jpaas)  and  Maillia  P.  Ir\'ine,  his  first  wife. 

Mary  Rose  Powell,  born  October  26,  1821,  in  Cinnljcrland  coiinie,  \':r^inia, 
went  with  the  fan.ily  in  1S32  to  Shelby  county,  Tennessee,  where  she  w.ns 
reared  and  ediieated.  She  was  mariicd  in  1S41  to  George  W.  Davis,  a 
prosperous  farmer.  They  spent  th.eir  entire  v.edded  life  on  their  farm  at 
Mondiig  Sun,  '^bclby  county,  Tennesfee.  where  she  died  Octob-r  8,  1895. 
'J"o  this  couple  \',ere  born  ten  children:  Cora  \'irginia  ])avis,  Char!e= 
Tinsley  Davis.  San'  Fontaine  Davis.     T!ie  otlicrs  died  in  infancy. 

II  William  Henry  Foweii,  born  September  12,  1S2S,  in  Cumbc-iland  county, 

Virginia,  arid  went  with  the  family  in  1S32  lo  Shelb\'  cotmtx',  Tenne.-i-iee, 
where  he  was  "eared  and  educated.  He  v.-as  married  to  \'irginia  Guerrant 
and  died  ATarcl!  7,  1871.     They  had  child.'-en:  (1)  Harry  Powell,  born  ie. 

Shelby  county,  Tennessee,  and  died ;  (2)   Agnes  Powell,  bora  in  Shelb;., 

coiintx-,  Tenne:-SLe,  was  married  to  Mr.  Vales  and  still  lives  near  the  j^laec 
of  lier  biri  h;      (3)  Richard  I'owell,  born  in  Shelby  county,  Tennessee,  is  now 

married  a'ui 

/e  ■  nc.'ir  the  place  of  his  birth. 

Ill  Walter  Irvine  Powell,    born    October    8,     K'^31,    in    Cumberland    county, 

\'irginia,  went  with  the  family  in  1S32  to  Shelby  county,  Tennessee,  where 
he  was  reared  .'ind  educated.  He  was  married  Xovember  8,  1S59,  to  Liicii.' 
W.  Fmiiia.     Thery  now  reside  at  V.'atcr  Valley,  Graves  county.  Iven.tucky. 

IV  Kaiicy  Pose  I'owelb  born  June  21,  1834,  at  Morning  Sun,  Shelby  county, 

Teanessee,  and  lived  there  until  she  was  married  May  17,  1871,  to  (.:harle-; 
B.  English.  Tliey  settled  at  Brunswi<-k,  She!i)y  county,  Tenue.---ce,  where 
he  was  a  proi.iineiu  and  i)ro.-.pero!:s  merchant.  She  died  there,  \ia>'  1< 
iS83.     No  i:-3Ue. 

j9S  ti;k  w.Hinr'">N-  axd  tukik  cowrcritv 

V  Cliarles  sVoodc-ori  Poh  e(l,  i.»>ni  J-".:;-  25,  !  ^.^-7,  on  tlie  t'.inn  at  Mui'iiii!.,  >r.  ■■.. 

Shc'Ii'V  i:(U!ri'.y.  Tciinrs-  •.■■.•,!  Wwil  \\:<:v.:  until  llu  hr'cwking  out  (>f  ihc  (."i\-i! 
W^'i  isi  1  S5'  w'.;  n  !ic  iiv.:v.;.n'.\  v...':):iu:c  :\  J  In  ihv  .^erviii.-  of  t!io  CoiilcikT.iU- 
:U.ivcs,  :.',:;  ,.  pri'.'alc  iit  c  i.ip.  iiv  I),  'i"'!!  ir'i  i. '. :!  t  ii  Tcn;vjsM'i:  iiifaiUrw  i  Ir  \v:i-. 
a  brave  ar/i  faithful  ^cliior  and  v  as  in  c-.'cry  iiaiilc  ia  wliicli  Iiis  reyiiucnt 
pariiripiu-'i  uir.i!  ilie  l\'i',ie  of  iavo'klin,  '''..  iMios^ct-,  whore  l>c  \va>  killo-', 
on  .No\'(."  30,  186-1.  No  brawr  ^oaU-.a  nor  truer  man  t*vor  wore  the 
Con  fed  L  ra  U-  U  n  I  f  onn . 

\"I  Samuel  Powell,  Iw-va  I'tiMUj!  y  '-,  1.--1U,  on  Inc  farm  at  Men  rJ.itj; 

Stiii,  Slii-lby  county,  'I'cnitcssce.  Wlien  a  yoinu;  man  lie  \v"eut  to  Gciman- 
lovn,  'I'eiincssee,  and  ?cr-iircd  employiVient  in  tiie  cotion  gin  iti-jnufaclory 
'.vhicli  v.'.'s  owred  by  his  coii'.  in  l.^u-  Jolui  .Morton  W'ooil.-cn.-  \\'i>i!c  iht-rt^ 
he  V.MS  kiiltd  by  liijlunini;  in  tite  sfrerno-n  of  May  7,  1S59.  He  was  buried 
iri  the  family  bur\  i.iy;  grdund  at  ^U)n•li^j^;  Son.. 

Issue  of  I.y.n  KISBET  POWELL  t\\'il!  Thomas)  and.  J..!m  K.  Richa-d-on. 

I  Richard  Richardson,  b^jra  in  1S2.?.  at  P>t'Sio:!  Hill  in  L'uml'erbnH!,  \'iri;inia, 

^nd  difc-d  Vihen  but  a  fev.    mmiths  oid. 

II  Ann  Smith  Kichsrdson,  l)orn  Augu.-l  30,  1825, ai  Bostoi'  Ili'J,  In  CninlHrlaiid 

Ci.iimu-,  \  iiyinia.  She  was  gi\-Ln  this  name  in  ho'.ior  i.f  Ann  Smith  .-'^c:idcn!y 
V.  he'r  hi  r  ni'/ther  was  ediicau-d,  Irjt  her  fr.'her,  nn!  liking  the  r.cmc, 
Called  !ier  "Xaimie"  arid  b}-  thi-  riame  slir  v.  as  alw;i\ft  kn;nvn.  She  w.-at 
with  her  parents  about  1S28  to  Faihcringa}.',  Montgomery  conr.tT.-, 
\'ir;^'in!:i,  i:!ic\  remained  imiil  t''35  and  rctr.rriod  to  Ci;mbo:-!a:".d 
cotir.t>.  Mer  mother  died  June  1,  b?3.^,  ;ind  this  chdd  v-'as  taki-n  by  l.'Cr 
"Atmt  Polly"  Rich-anbun,  the  wife  of  S2-1  Willi.. .a  Woodson,'  lo  their 
liome  "'I'he-  Red  Ibniae'"  in  lUiekingham  oonnty,  yf]  diere  reared  and 
educated  ijy  pri\-aie  tutors.  Aljout  the  year  185.^,  she  'ook  a  situation  as 
teacher  and  after  tliat  Linie,  spent  the  gre;iter  pari  of  her  life  i:t  the  scliocl- 
room,  teaching  music  prinelptdly.  Fea'  a  of  \ears  she  had 
of  l!;c  mu-:cal  dcpartmep.t  in  tite  aeadem\'  fi.r  young  ladies  at  \\'ytlie"'.'!lL, 
\'irginia.  This  academy  v,-as  closed  soon  after  tiie  breaking  cut  of  the 
Ci\'il  War  and  she  taught  at  variijus  other  places  in  Tennessee,  Alabama 
and  Florida.  In  1SS4  and  for  se\era!  years  previously,  she  had  charge  of 
a  pubiie  selioo!  and  a  pri\ate  mufic  class  ai  O.'iater  r?rk  near  Orlando. 
Florida.  In  1886,  on  account  of  deafness,  she  ga\-e  up  her  profession  of 
tcachin.:j  and  at  the  solicitation  tjf  her  brother,  Henry  Woodson  Rick.ardsori, 
made  her  hoiae  in  hi-;  f.imiiy  at  Kno.wiile.  'I'ennessee.  It  was  'lere  that 
she  diefl  Januar\'  2.  PJ06.  Slie  hinl  for  man\-  years  loeen  a  de\Oiit  member 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  l"ew  women  v.cre  more  iuiivers;dl\  bele.ved 
than  she.  So  pure  anrl  cr\-stal  clear  w,-is  her  life  and  characler,  that  her 
inflnerice  for  good  is  incalculable  and  wii!  las;  ihroUi,hout  eternity.  iNcvcr 

]II  V/illiara  Bollir.g  Richardson,  born  August  5,  1827.  at  I^osion  Hill,  bi  Cuna- 

berland  cr^uniy,  \'irginia,  and  died  June.   b88,^ 

;iu  i=i;nhua  ,iox 



John  Rice  Richcrd;.on,  Jr..  bort-  Jiii'.i-  26,  \$29.  n:  "r.uiKTiui^.iv"  ii; 
Moni:;<^;rr.-r\-  oniuty,  Migir.i,;.  wa.s  ni.u-ricd  Jr.'y  lo.  K"^;"!,  vu  Mis>  Mary 
Clovd  Mt:<'.:iv.-.' k-,  of  \\"yi.'.('\!'.!'-.  \'ir^ini..i.  Tiicy  ciitinuo'l  lo  rosiile 
ii!  V'irciiiia  ii-.uii  1S74  wht-.i  ihoy  rcnio\  c.l  ui  I'Ti-".-.:!,  I'.Minci^sco,  where  he 
diol  Foluiiary  iS,  iSy^.  They  v  err  lifol.';;;:  iv.c'.n\n:':>  iJ  ih'>  ^^e^ln■le^ai! 

iJenry  Woedson  Richardson,  I.nm  roliriK.ry  2,  18.51,  -Tt  rnibcri;ii;a\-,  in 
Mont^.'iiu  rv  a)i;iU\-,  \'iii;in;a.  was  ^;i\\  :•  ;h->  name-  in  lionur  of  his  rousin, 
1.^07  lU  nr\-  W'u'vlson^  wli-.;  baii  ilir;!  .tl>-..;ii  two  yc- irs  prf\  imisiv.  He 
v.cnl  v.iili  h!s  j.arLiiis  w  luii  fnc>-  reUnaiiu  i"  CinidH-riar::!  count}'  in  IS.^.S 
;ind  w.r-  rL.av'il  in  that  county.  \\'hc'n  alMjui  _crown  he  locarcd  in  \V\-t!-.e 
couni\-,  \'ii;;ii.ia,  and  rn^;;ap,c-1  ::i  Cu-inirj;.  lie  wa-  married  February  14, 
l,..=i.=i,  I  1  Mi<-  Lewis  MeC"a\'.!  k.  of  Wvihc  conniy.  They  coiuinucd 
to  live  OP.  i!-.ei'-  f.uan  until  ISS,^  w'nen  they  !"-i>\ed  ui  Knowille,  Teniicssce, 
wliere  he  ervded  exieii-ive  greenhouse.s  and  •■■:iL:as;ed  in  liie  busines.:; 
in  whiJi  he  eontlnncd  unii!  he  died  rebrn,u>  27.  !!'!.>.  He  had  been  .n 
ruling  elder  in  the  Third  Pre-byterian  Church  in  Knoxvilte  for  nearly 
th.irtv  years.  He  ,-.  as  a  man  esteemed  v.-here\er  he  was  knov-.-n. 
The>-  h.r.d  four  children: 

(1)  .Ann  Smith  Richardson,  named  in  honor  of  her  Annr  Xannie,  was 
boTii,  possibh-  about  1.S.S6  in  \\'ythe  county.  X'iri^inia,  whe'e  .she  was  reared 
and  educated.  She  went  with  her  parents  in  ^'^>S,^  to  KnoAville,  Tennes.-^ee, 
where  she  has  resided  until  the  prtsen.t  time. 

(2)  James  McGavock  Richardson,  bcrn  probably  about  ^S5S,  on 
his  father's  f.'nn  in  Wythe  county,  \'irginia.  wus  given  a  thoiotigh  cJi-.eation 
and  after  taking  the  regular  tl;col<,'gical  course  wa^  ordai'icd  to  the  gospe! 
ministrx-  in  the  Pre.sliyterian  Church.  He  has  serx'ed  as  pu-tor  ol  a  number 
of  churehe.-  and  is  now  (;December,  1914)  jK-.sior  of  ihe  Pie-^byierian  Church 
ai  Orv.  ood,  I,afayette  couni>-,  Mississippi,  to  which,  he  was  ca'leil  several 
j-cars  ago.  He  was  married  but  the  name  of  his  wife  iias  not  been  ascei- 
tained."  She  di-d  June,  1913,  so.mi  afier  they  movr-d  to  .\Iissi=.sip!;i.  Since 
her  deoh,  hi-  eldest  sister  h^.s  been  living  wiih  him. 

(3)  Henry  Woodson  Richardson,  Jr.,  born  about  iCoU  on  th.e  fa.-n 
in  W\the  county.  \'irginia,  went  wiih  tlie  in  ISS.^  to  ]vno.\s-ille, 
Tennessee,  .-^nd  engaged  in  ihe  ilorist  bti-iness  witii  h.;s  !,'.:.Iier  vindcr  tlie 
firm  style  cf  H.  \V.  Richardson  cS:  Co.  He  continued  in  this  business  until 
he  died,  December,  1S95,  at  the  family  home  about  a  mile  from  Kno.Kville, 

(4)  Mary  Susan  Richard.-,on.  born  p-^  ib!y  about  1S6,?  .it  the  home  in 
Wythe  county,  \'irginia,  went  wiih  the  family  in  ISS.^  lo  l\.iH).KV.llr,  Ten- 
nessee, and  has  continued  to  reside  there  until  the  present  tin;e.  ic  '  = 
through  her  kindness  and  that  ni  her  sisier  that  all  this  auihentic  Richard- 
son data  has  buen  obtadned. 

Mary  Kisbet  Richardson,  l)orn  May  .^0.  IS.^5.  ai  tlu-  of  ^?l.  C.  Wis- 
dom in  Cumberland  Cf^unty,  Virginia,  ;uul  died  within  a  few  monrlis. 

200  I'lit-:  \voon.-.;.\^  .\x-,)  iiiu!!:  f  i\\i-:v  tk>x^ 

\"i\  820  J:iirin\3    G.,"  Is.-.;    17',7   ;,i    ]<•--<  i'-ii^r  Ir,   C-::n;  ■  :;-i  ::Hi   romUy,   vsncrc  iho 

griv--  111  \(!i!i',r.  ^\■^>•ll.■.;^!•.^.^.ii  :i;i.i  v,,;s  i;i.;rri^'.i  '.>r.  .\.  I'.orri'.'cr  2,  ISKS,  to 
Rob'.-it  "K.  Dalii'iy.  I'f  N'cw  CrtMv.'.  Her  iiiV  v..!^  ^il■lrt  but  b:.\i;i;ifuii\- 
acionio!  with  (  iiri-ii.ip  i;ac;-s.  ;-!k'  -lieJ  K'-iiru;i:\  26,  182!,  siirvivcu  Ijy 
her  1i;;>!miu1  ,ir.l  t.r:..:  son.  T!i,j  I'mII.  .'.viiii?.  r,I>iiuo!\-  \v;is  pul)li<hi- i  iit  llie 
Richiii'inil  pripors: 

'"Dic'i:  On  M(;iv,lay  February  2i\  1S21,  at  iici-  father's  n.^i(lfiu-c  in 
Cumber'.md  county,  Mrs.  Jani-nia  ('•.  D.iijney,  ro::>-')rt  of  Rc'Iir-rl  Iv. 
l.)abnc;.'  of  Xov,-  Canton,  and  d_nii;,  hur  of  Cant.  Charles  \\  Cl.d.^•..;-,■- ;>ge 
2-1  >oars. 

"Siic  li^is  left  a  di^icoiirolacc  hu.-i'aiici- and  one  oliiid  to  betncjan  [heir 
irrei>ar<il_)le  loss;  as  x'.iil  as  a  niiiiierous  train  of  relaii\'cs  and  liiciids  -ivho 
nio.-i  ai'feOiionate'/  s\-n;jKith;ze  wiili  i  ■■.c-vi,  aad  rci;re;  il;e  l.:ss  of  so  \-ahiable 
a  fricnci  and  racn.ber  of  .--ociety. 

"^hs.  I.)<i!aiey  was  for  ma.ny  years  a  jirofestor  ot  rc-licrion;  inid  h'.-r 
conduct  through  life,  as  well  as  hei  faith  in  the  love  and  merits  of  her 
Lord  and  Sa-\!o- ,  Je  ti-  Cliri.-t,  up.  r.  \\  hi.  h  she  relir.I  while  laboring  ire.der 
disease,  is  siil.'icieni  i.-\idenoc  to  iiir.urc  (he  belief  lliai  she  is  itow  enjoyiiig, 
wiih  Hini,  all  tiie  peace  and  hap[iiness  which  lie  has  i>romised  to  t'l.ise  who 
be!ii'\-e  in  Hint  :iid  obey  His  comniandnient>. 

"l-~or  se\-eral  }eais  she  was  in  pour  heidth  \'.hich  ternanateJ.  ia 
coMsimiir.  ion;  all  of  whicli  she  bore  with  Christian  [>aiierice  and  foititticle, 
and  nex'or  niurniiired  nor  complaine.i  of  her  .ulliciions.  but  svould  p,-iy, 
Willi  |>ei  lect  resignation,  'tlie  Lord's  v,i!i  be  done.' 

"Those  v.ho  the  pleasure  of  her  ac(juainlaricc,  as  well  as  her 
closest  frierids.  know  how  to  apnreciate  het  v.orlh  an.d  amiable  quaiit'i;.";." 

She  had  twu  eliildien,  (i)  Rol^eri  K.  Dabney,  Jr.,^'  born  Septcnt-er  16, 
15;i6,  (2)  Ann  SnuLh  Dabucy,'  born  May  20,  1820,  and  died  in  infanc;.-. 
After  the  tleatli  of  the  >"oiin;:;  in-uher,  the  iilile  boy,  Robert,  was  taken  b\' 
his  grandparents  and  ienderl>'  careil  for  unti'  Ite  was  lv,el\-e  >'ears  ol.d  when 
he  too,  died.  Mr.  Dabney  was  then  married  to  t'TS  Lucy  .\ii>i  I'ope,' 
dauphter  of  Capt.  Wiili.ii.i  Pope  and  493  Ann  \Vood.son'  of  Powhatan 

Vill  *  830  Ann  Teuton'  (so  named  in  honor  of  her  inatern.d  grandmother  Ann  [Fenton) 
Leake)  wa.s  born  April  3,  1803,  at  Rosebank,  in  Cumberland  touaty. 
She  was  iinrrifd  at  Ro-ebank  ua  April  3,  ii^22,  to  (kTinan  Booker,  son  of 
Richard  Ho-.k-er  and  Lucy  Hol;ir,n.  'rhe>  settLd  on  a  farm  at  Bold  Spring, 
in  Cumberland  Cf:uni\-,  where  they  s)ient  the  rest  of  their  lives,  ric  died 
(here  .\o\e!nl"jr  6,  18.'.  L  His  \\ifJo\v  coatinned  to  reside  at  Bold  Spring 
until  she  died  janu.Ty  6,  lS9o,  nearly  nineiy-ihree  >ears  old.  (i~aniiiy 
Bible  record.} 

Issue  of       418   DRURY  V.'OODSOK':  ([Vtiry,^  \Vi!<  Benjamin,'  Robert,=  John')  and 
his  wiie,  \\host  name  is  n.ol  known. 

I  e'3I    Drury,'  bom  ab.aut  179.".  at  the  f)l.l  l-onu-.ttad.  on  the  lire  of  Cumberland 

a!)ci  Buckingham  counties.      W'  a  young  man  lie  was  very  for.d  of  fox 


}iun;!nvr_  ,-;n.t  iurrniLvl  tu  I'j  wilJ  am!  c!:.;>i.ui:u  :  l/Ul  ;;s  liie  ••v.-'~s  vcri  h^' 
"he  came  t<;  iiini.-oH"  ;\n;i  jiim  'uly  mriiCii  f;-i.!'.i  tiis  v.-  ly.v.r.J  i.-o,';--^,',  liut 
?fa!|^h;  to  mm  otiior?  :.ii-o.  i'.i-  Ivcin;.:  a  u^'-iul  Pnii'-icr  ;;;  ilio  H  ipM"-'. 
Chiirch.  i)aiiv'i!  ;!l  Appo.n.ii  ivx  Coiirilu'U-i-,  \.  :!oro  '.:v>  prc,ir!-.e:I  a;v-1 
trtui'lil  ^c'n()^>!  for  lu.Hiy  wars,  ^ii:-!  uicil  a;,  a  ripe  uhi  aL-c.  li  is  not  known 
whclbi  r  lie  o\x:  in.irrii  ;'■  or  not. 

II  832   A  Daue,hier,'    h-M-o  at  llic  oltl  lionicfu-ad  in  Cu;T!r.or!ar;d  cuunly,  aiici  died 

in  t-arly  life.  vaunarriL-d. 

I&sue  of       4-?.il   TSCHARNER  V/OODSOR'    (Miiier/  john,^   Benjomin/-   Robert.-  John-) 
ant'  Miss MiehaiiX;  ?i?tor  of  Mai<-r  Jacob  ^.lichau.x. 

I  S33  Ja~ob,'  l.-iirn  nb'nit  1790,  at  !ii>  faiher's  limine  %\i;liih  a  niiie  of  Cumberland 
C<•a^rlilou.^c,  \'ir^inia.  He  gradiiated  ip.  ihe  profession  of  intdiciiic  and 
located  i;i  Soutb  Carolina  where  he  praeiice<!  bis  professie'n  nian.y  years  v.dib. 
success.  He  reared,  a  family  of  sewrai  d;ii:;.ditci'?  ^ra],  f>vrb:is:.s,  o;;c  or 
two  sons.  One  of  his  daugr.ier.s  ma.rric.l  a  ?.ir.  Hayes  and  in  Ii'68  v.a-. 
living  at  Shiiljuta,  Mississippi.  She  was  iiitrbiy  esteeiricci  and  said  to  be  .\ 
most  excellent  woman.  Her  given  name  is  not  knov,-n,  nor  are  those  of  her 
sisters  n!:d  brr.ihers. 

II  *  834  Creed/ born  aboiii  1792  at  his  father's  home  near  CuiuberlcxvJ  Courtliouse, 
Virginia,  studied  medicine,  married  and  settled  in  Georgia.  The  nanie  of 
his  v.-ife  is  nci  known.    * 

III  S3iJ  L.'.iller,-  !)orn  about  1794  near  Cuml^crland  Courthouse,  VirciiiMO.  Arri\i;!g 
at  the  age  of  manliood,  he  went  to  Richmond  and  becaine  a  ti.'baeeo  ard 
ronimissir.n  mercdian*,  i:i  which  business  he  ciiritiniied  as  lung  as  he  l;\ed. 
Nt\'er  married. 

IV  .536  Galatirt;"  b'^rii  abour  1796  near  Cumberland  Courthouse,  in  CiKubcrlaiid 
courity,  where  he  spent  his  earl)-  Hie  He  went  to  west  Tennessee  and  whiie 
sojourning  at  Randolph,  a  small  town  on  tlie  Misrisslppi  Ki\-cr,  some  iurty 
miles  al.)o\e  Meniphis,  he  became  engaged  ia  a  duel  and  ^vas  killed. 

Y  837  Ti;chr.r:;er,''  born  about  1798  in  Ci:mi;eriand  rotuUy,  studied  lav,-  r.nd 
located  ir.  ?'.Ivjcklenburg  county  where  he  practiced  his  protes?ic>n  r.iar.;,- 
yeans.  It  is  believed  that  he  married  there,  but  nothing  is  known  of  his 
wife  or  chib'ren.  if  he  hav!  any. 

VI  ■*  S3G  Sarah.'  bian  a!)Out  IJOb  in  Cumberland  county,  was  married  to  Henry 
Swann  and  lived  a  few  miles  from  Cumberland  Courthouse.  She  died 
there  »oon  after  the  birth  of  her  tliird  cb.ild.  Hei  husband  then  moved  to 
Jackson,  Madison  county,  Tennes.sce,  wh'-rc  he  published  a  pcwspaper 
severi  I  ye-ar:  and  finally  mo\ed  io  Or,ir>.  Since  then  noiliing 
has  been  heard  of  him. 

202  •;  l-iV  \.i.).  .;-,i.-. --  .^^;J  r;-^!^  c 

\'Ii  839   Mary,-  i-Mrn  .;b-'iii   i.mi.?  In  Cun;!>;.:-iMKl  rv-mv.  :uid  wm  'iiavrio..!  m  D;;-.  ;■! 

SirO'.i,  a  !:.nvycr.  'i'ii.-^'.  in  (t:iii;;'i.:i!y  ■y\<.n  -iu'ir  l^rothor-iivhi w,  Iii>nr\ 
Swaini,  'iKCv-C'.l  lo  j.'.ck-- >:i.  Ti.ti'.cv.  r;:-.  \.  ;;•  rc  Mr  S'.ri'ci  prriciicf  i  l;n\  ■.'■i.l 
Mr,  rvv.nii!  puMi:-')-.!.!  a  nov,-M,i;i.  r.  }•>::.  ;'.(i>i;ireu  '.'^.■^.^  L;;~!^ 
l.H-l;a  Swann,*  ihc  urphar.  <,la'i;;iv -t  o^  i-'.-r  f!cccasi.-i.l  :-.i-'.cr  Sarah. 

\'\\l  'o'^O  Mirar />?.,■  hori!  aboui  l^'V-',  r.^-ar  ("'ambuiland  ("oi;rth(u;-;i.>  ar.d  v■la^  nian'ien 
in  ii>22  ;o  613  Jo^opii  ]^o\-.iil  W','  --on  of  2ui,  Sicphoa  \\'()i..(lsca'^  and 
Mavy  ;i'.!a:a!i."    Vov  I^isuc  ^ce  613  Josciih  RuyaU  W-HHl^on." 

IX  ^-il  i.acy,"  born  abuut  ISO!-'  at  the  oi'.!  h'.in.c  lu-ar  Cu'aberiand  C'oiirihoijso,  \\'a.s 
nu(ri:.,\l  tu  lu-r  fir^^i  roiisiii  S.S5  Ih.  Wiiliain  Wuc'dson/  son  o(  her  i;nrk' 
425  >1!1Ut  \\'c".d.-un"  ai'.d  Sophie  iicnliix.  Th^-y  !cr,_,ied  in  burionbur;:;^ 
C'.iuru  \slicrc  be  j,-ra.',-!.irt.-d  nii'ilicinc  i'jy  iiK'.n>  \\;ir.s.  ?\(it!;in;;  i>  known 
of  t.heir  di.-bceii;ia:Uf-,  except  thai  i!i<.\-  bad  biircu  m>ii;  ^vb.o  served  in  ihc 
Coni'ederale  arnu'. 

X  S12  i'.Iaitiia,"  born  about  1812,  ("und-^jilaiid  Cora'ihoii^e,  was  raa:T;i.u 
a')Oi',i  Itb^O  to  1231  Ibi'nry  l^ev.i^.  \^."cHjdson,*  si.>n  of  613  Jo^(-pli  koyai! 
\^'oo^.'^on•  and  Itis  lir^t  v-.ibi.  Mi??  }ib:ry  blulmaa,  bo  Miranda  Woodson'' 
raarriod  the  ai'd  .Martha"  i-aarriod  the  sor;.  Vor  i.^.->iie  ?ee  123i 
llenr\-  Ltv>is  Wood-on.'' 

Issre  of       CP,S    ClIRiSTOPnER  YvOODSOK^  ^^:iller/  J'uiny  J^ionjainln,'  R<^■:^vl,■  Johi.O 
and  v.ii'c  wdio^e  nanie  is  nut  known. 

I  *  843  Chriitop'ior  C.p  born  about  1791  in  Richniund,  X'irgitn..,  vhf-c  he  was 
n.-jrcd  ai;d  crb;ca*ed.  bic  was  married  about  I"12.  in  Riciiiponu.  but  the 
naiiie  iif  In'.--  v  ife  li.-is  not  been  Tliey  rcni;:!ned  ia  Richirior-d 
aboii'.  !i\-e  >;  and  decided  to  move  west.  About  tiie  bii!  ot  1S17  they 
went  as  far  as  .Xbirj^ion,  \  \'ir<iiiia,  wlicre  one  of  ibeir  sons  war.  born 
May  !i,  1818.  After  this  unavoidable  delay,  they  renewed  their  journey 
and  finally  reached  Sparta,  White  cnunt>-,  Tennessee,  \rhcre  the;--  if->tabiisbf;d 
tlieir  liome  p-crmancntly.  He  opened  an  near  Sparta  v. here  iie 
taught  for  somie  yeari.  Leavint;  his  family  in  lYiincjsee  he  rettnaied  to 
\'irginia  an.d  has  not  l)een  heard  fn;ni  sinee.  It  is  supposed  th,u  lie  died 
en  route. 

II  844  John  E.,'  born  aboui  1793,  in  the  cit>-  of  Richmor.d,  Virginia,  where  he  grew 
to  nianheHid. 

II!  84b   V/i'li:t.ra/  born  about   1795,  in   Richmond,  \'irg!i)ia.      He  lived  to  bk- t,ro\vn 

but  it  i-  not  kn'.v.ii  that  he  ever  ntarried  or  left  any  descendan^^^. 

The   tdu.-ve   m.ea^ax-   informal  i>'n    in    regard    to   this   famil}-,    his   been 
obtr-ined  f'oni  the  descendants  of  K-13  Christopher  C.  Woodson.^ 

IsL'ue  of        i5,'^4.  P.LAKE  BAKER  sVOODSOK    vMiber,'^^  Benjamin,-'  Robert.-  John') 
and  hi^  I'm'^  wife,  S  Saraii  Tfislor.-" 

.r:,"UA  rioN 

!  846  Monroe,"   I'^'rn    179J   ov.   Id:-   ;,;-l-er'.-   ii!;>rta!iov:,    'r-i   tiie  ?outi;crn   i-n;i   of 

Ci!nil_v.'il:uu!    cfujnvy.   \iiv;iai.-.    ■'■,(, m.    ;,.    Mi.-.-i^-iria   ;:ii(i   wiis   iciiled   i;":   a 
diicl.      Xi-vcr  marricv!. 

II         tV}7   Marr-hal','    bom    I7<>f.    i:^    ' 'i:!i.'.;.  riirvi    (-()Iim1:>'.   \'iriM!ii;i,   went    :o 
Victoria.  'rex:\';,  c-ntercti  iari;!.-  irarv?  cf  i.-.i,ii  and  died  (here,  unmarried. 

Ill  *  B'18  Eliza  DeGraficnreidt,"  l)'/ra  ai'Oiil  1796.  a.'  iuT  father's  hnnic  in  tlic  souib-ciTi 
end  (if  Cuiitlu-rhi'id  c>i'.M'>',  \'ir-ini.i.  Slie  was  inarrii-d  abdiit  1816  to 
("ar>'ain  j:!ek  Raiiu-  of  the  sanu'  e''Ui;iy.  .Mier  ihcii  niarriage  they  li'' ed 
a  fe.v  x'c.irs  in  rii.iruiite  county  \\>.c\)  nviwd  ti)  Iv.ickingliain  couiitx'  and 
lina'ly  settled  at  a  liuic  place  called  '.."!M\er  Hili,  w.'iicli  was  afterwards  th.e 
count\-  >iie  of  the  nc-w  oount\-  of  .-Xpiiomattux,  wh'ch  Capt  Raine  '.vii,s 
iiustrunienial  in  organizing.  Ih.'re  ;hey  sr-i'iii  ihe  re-nu-.indcr  cif  iheir  li\Cr-, 
Here  they  Ijiih  cHed  and  arc  buried.  .-\  lew  rniies  di-umt  was  the  Kai'ies 
hoinesie.el.  Imown  as  "Raines  ']';n'etn",  whicli  wa:"-  inheri'icd  b>'  Capi. 
Raines'  fiXci  lirotliers,  Hugh  aiui  Richard  R^ii.ies.  Tiie  o''.l  house  is  still 
standing"  a.^  a  monument  to  the  n'.eniory  of  ilie  -r.uKi  iiun  and  woiVieii  \\h:j 
once  !i\-ed  and  moved  within  its  walls.  And  also  as  a  grim  reminder  of  the 
Iiistovica!  v\Tnt  that  ciecurred  on  iis  \erauda,  on  .-Xprii  9,  1S6.^.  w!  •  a 
Cicneral  Roberl  K.  Lee  siu-rendered  his  little  wt.irii  out  arnry  of  t\\ei;i\- 
eighl  thoiisa\irl  men,  lo  General  L'.  S.  and  hi.--  welbi^-quippcd  army 
of  Something  o\i'r  i  wo  hundred  thousand. 

lY  *  849  Sar£.h  Taylor,"  born  abfait  179S  at  tlie  fan;;ly  home  in  Cumberland  county, 
\'irginia.  was  married  in  1818  to  Col.  Edw'ii  ?\ioore  of  Bedford  roui;ty. 
He  v.-as  a  gentleman  of  good  binii  and  fine  e^^3u;.  '1  heir  lieatitiftii  hi^nie, 
'' iMoi>reland,"  in  Bedford  cotini>-,  was  in  plain  \-icw  i.f  The  Peaks  of  ()tla. 
T!ie>'  were  mcist  generous  in  th.eir  hospi(a!il\'  and  e.xtravagant  in  their 
entertaiiunents.  This,  alor;g  wjih  Col.  Moore's  iack  of  business  qualifica- 
iie,n,  soon  reduced  the  estate  to  a  lo.v  hiasis.  They  sold  ll:e  entire  properly 
and  with  the  little  that  remained  to  tl;em  after  paying  their  debts,  th.ey 
moved  to  t iuntersville.  Alabama,  where  ih,e>'  spenr,  their  declining  years. 
He  died  befc)re  the  Ci\il  War.  She  was  li\ing  in  1872  'out  '.vas  la  feeble 
health  ami  piobabK'  died  soon  after  uiat  date. 

V  850  George,'  born  about  1800  in  Cunil.\iland  count\-.  \'irginia.  Pic  was 
married  to  SaUie  Ivaine,  a  sist  :r  to  his  :  irothcr-in-law.  Cant.  Jack  Raiac. 
They  settled  in  L\nchburg,  \''}..niila,  a.nd  fo!'  a  inirriijer  of  years  he  was 
;;herirf  of  that  (Camjibell)  cou;U\.  He  r.fierwards  sold  his  properly  in 
Virginia  and  mo\xd  to  Arkansas. 

\'I  &5T    Martha,-    Itorn    al)oiit    180.^.    in    Cumberhiiu!    county,    \'irginia.     She   wa:; 

twice  ni-uiied;  fir.-t,  lo  Air.  Bu.-'er  au'.I  nun'ed  to  Missouri.  Alter  his 
death  :-he  was  married.  -■  cord,  i  rj  >,]r.  C.uihridge  of  Clinton  count  y,  Missouri. 
It  is  beli':-ved  thai  she  died  in  b.haiio. 

VII  *  852  B'ake  r<?.ker,  Jr.,"  borr.  in  LsOT/,  oii  hi:  la'iier's  piau:a;i"ri  in  the  south  end 
of  t'uniherland  count)-,  X'irgiaia.      liis  niece,  iMis.  Alice  Rainc  \\'(.';  ih.un, 





aii(!   ^-!.  ,'<];■!    phy-i-iH-,    bo    ^v•.-. 
r"i--\n    "l.iulc    Blak^V 

\,Tilin;;   -jf  liim  say-;  ■ — "rr!c!i,'    j'iakr  I  v\\:r  !;ii',v.i::  atul  Iv, 
Oi;   aoccninl   of   his   lunv'.nihrcn 
calioii   "Big    Dlake"    to  disun.. 
soi;  of  423  .Miller  \\"( o.lsun/ 

IJe  suidicl  medicine  aad  Lecame  a  popular  and  succe.-.-ful  phvslrian 
lie  was  married  lo  Ann  B.  RaruMi,  daughter  of  Dr.  Slrac!:.':i  Liarreil,  of 
Virginia,  and  sealed  at  Cai:!e^\illc.  AlaSanja.  where  he  huij:  >:n  a  i-i.Ta/ive 
practice  and  lived  until  after  tiie  Civil  War.  Shorilv  afi^T  Ihe  war  h-.-. 
uife  haxin-  died,  he  left  Tiaii^.^villc  !•>  search  r,f  some  lucaii.v  where  he 
nu:<lH.  proliiabh-  jiraeiice  his  iirofcssion.  The  iollowing-  icticr  to  his 
bi other  SoiV,  iiiiani  Cowan  Woodson,'  relates  f.rnnc  of  his  moves  and  qive^ 
some  huie  idea  oi  the  impoverished  condition  of  the  south  ji;-:'  after  the 
Civil  V.'ar. 

I' on,   tin 
(iiiected  my 

"DeSoto,  Clark  C(n!nty,  Mississii.pi, 

"December  23,  J 867. 
lear  Brotlier: 

i'our  nK,si  tine:-;pecre<i  V-U  gratifying  and  hi-hly  valued  commitnica- 
r  (ial-  of  the  I2tli  i:ist.,  readied  nic  a  few  days  ago.  It  v.a.- 
)  Gaii!es\-ilie,  Alabama,  take,:  uist  and  read  by  nu-  son  and 
datighter,  who  reside  in  that  place,  then  enchased  and  forwarded  to  me. 
Gaines\il!e  is  aboct  eighty  miles  abo\T  this  place.  I  resided  there  unci! 
my  trip  to  the  J.orth  at  the  time  1  saw  you,  reu;rned  to  Alacon  in  this  slate, 
and  after  remaining  there  about  eighteen  tnoi-.tas,  I  located  at  his  piece 
where  I  have  been  practicing  ph\-s;c  ever  since;  oceasionaHy 
and  daughter  in  Gainesville. 

"Voti  cannot  imagine  tlie  pleasure  afforded  me  at  receivii:-  intelligence 
from  you  and  \-our  famib.-;  for,  not  having;  heard  oiie  word  from  \-oti  in"^such 
a  lapse  of  time,  I  concluded  that  you  were  dearl.  I  thank  God  that  this 
erroneous  impression  is  renio\-ed  by  the  most  concli::.-i\e  pioof. 

"In  regard  to  the  lamenrable  condition  of  our  cuuntrv,  I  fear  it  will 
be  many  years,  if  cv^r.  ere  it  k  restored  to  a  state  of  prospeiif--.  This 
iwtion  of  it  was  literally  onniliilated  by  Sherman's  heartless  raiders  as 
they  pas.sed  through  it;  and  to  repair  the  damages  perpetrated  by  them, 
will  recpiire  many  years. 

"Thctimesin  this  legion— and  I  belir-vc  it  is  so  throughout  the  South- 
are  really  distressing;  scarcely  enough  iiieal  and  grain  raised  to  supply  the 
inhabitants,  and  r^o  po.ssibility  of  making  any  collections. 

"I  had  accumulaleil  by  my  i)raclice.  a  few  thous.and  doiliis  in  Con- 
ft-deratu  mone::,-  which  became  worlhlr-ss  at  the  chwe  of  ihf  war.  And 
cincc  then,  although  I  get  more  practice  than  I  can  do,  I  Imu!  ii  titterly 
impossible  to  collect  enough  to  defray  expenses. 

"You  ask  why  I  do  not  se-k  -oni.>  ,f;'eld  for  my  labors  where  iv.cmvy 
is  more  plentifu.l.  The  fact,  is,  it  is  extremely  scarce  in  all  tiie  Southern 
and  south-western  states.  I  see  i.n  tiie  paper.^  frcr.i  all  i)or;ior,s  of  the 
United  Slates,  aliiiust  d.ii!}  complaint-  of  cxcess:\ely  li;trd  times.  The 
most  promi.-ien;  reason  fr.y  rny  not  going  elsewhere  i.s  that,  I  cannot  conser.i 


to  hciiu  ^^p,^ralc(i  mi!>  fnnher  i!;an  1  am  from  my  ^I'rv.v-n^  tv,-o 
oiiUirtn,  Roavis  .m.l  Xannic.  ••'  wiu-n  1  am  deeply  ;-i-.Mu.(.  and  v.ho 
«ecm  por:^nmon;!v  ?cni^'.!  al- Gaiin  iviKc.  .1  am  now  ^;.mv  ^.;vcn:y  or  oii;hiy 
miks  honi  then:,  I  ui  1>,-  lakirii;  :ho  u.^in  at  l!u-  dqu,'.  .:an  !-.  v,ah  thi>m  m 

a  few  ln'iir>.  .    ,    ,  ,      , 

"la  ..I'^wer  lo  your  inqui.y  a<  i'-,  how  it  happcii?  tliat  Reavis  lioids  ihc 
offu-o  of  I'iMlod  State:  Maislialin  Ahib.'.ia.a.Ic.inoiilysaytlirttil  wasobudiu-d 
for  !.iin  ibroudi  iho  intliieiicc  of  his  uncle  Judsv  Turner  Re  ivis.  aficr  wliom 
1  name.l  hin^  and  wlio  is  a  man  of  di-liugui^  !ct,al  abilities.  He  seems 
to  cNerei^o  coiisiderable  influciir,.  over  ihe  leadiiu;  Radicals  li)  Alabama, 
v.bibi   he  al'hors  and  despl.-es  llie  party. 

"I  ..l)-er\-e  from  itie  la?t  telegraphic  dispatclie.^  that  the  City  of 
W;  .hii-;o)i  !^  in  a  roMplete  slew,  and  that  there  is  soinc  probabiUiy  oi 
an'oihei^war  resulti.,?  from  ii.  If  it  should  occasion  that  evcar,  God 
grant  thai  evei->   Radical  may  be  exterminated. 

'■1  hear  from  Reavis  and  Xannic  regularly  one.'  or  t^dce  n  ^vcfk. 
Nannie  i^^  exceedingly  proud  of  her  liti'e  daushtcr  Maud,  and  Uilnks  ii, 
■ivithunt  <lonbt  the  preitiest  ch.ild  in  evistence. 

"How  fap-s  my  dear  sister  \'irginia?     V/hcn  I  last  sav.-  her  s!..?  wr.s  very 
preity,  but  quite  a  lon^  period  has  elapsed  since  then,  and  I  fear  mut 
'With  careful  hours  old  ti'-ac's  deformed  har.d 
Hath  written  strange  defeatures  on  her  face.' 
'•Tender  my  air'ectionate  regards  to  her  raid   Ida,     Kiss  them  both 
for  me.     My  love  to   Charlie  and  the;  rest  of  the  children;  and  receive 
assurance?  of  the  undiminished  affection  of 
"Your  brother, 

"rb  B.  WOODSOX." 

He  was  a  man  of  high  character  and  great  infmence  in  ids  comiaiuuty. 
He  died  In  1SS3,  aged  77  years  and  is  buried  at  Gainesville,  Aiaban.a. 

8=^3  WiUiai  ^  Cowan,'  bora  about  If'iS  at  the  old  home  in  the  south  end  of 
Cumberland  countv,  Mrginia.  After  his  mother's  death,  and  the  p.opeay 
in  Cumberland  was  disposed  of,  he  vent  with  his  father  to 
county  and  was  there  reared  and  educated. 

His  father  marri.Hl  the  widow.  Mrs.  Julia  Xeale  Jack^on,  mother  of 
Thon-i=  J  J'"~b-on  who,  dnvin^  the  (:b:vii  War,  became  world  rcnown.--c:  as 
General  "Stonewall"  lack.on.  These  two  stepbrothers,  being  near  the 
same  a:  .,  were  reared,  togeth.:r.  went  to  school  together  and  were  veiT  fond 
of  each  other.  During  the  Civil  War  they  correspotided  regu.arly  until 
the  deaih  of  the  great  military  chieftaiii.  Schooling  aays  oyer,  _  feo- 
William  Cowan  Woodson'  was  married  about  1830  to  Virginia  Kmcar.,  ul 
Greenbrier  countv,  Virginia  (now  West  \'irginia).  They  settled  in 
Lewisburg  where,'fo-  many  years,  he  was  clerk  of  the  court  of  appeals. 
He  died  in  18S7,  at  his  home  in  Lewi^burg.  His  wiaow  and  on.y  daughter 
are  .stili  living  there. 

iX  8S'i    V.'iit,'   iM/rn   in   Groon!:;'.':-  coi!ni>-,  \\'.; 'i    \  i-^p.i.^l,;.      AIjowi   ijie  xt-ar   !;,^J 

ho  ^va^  in  Loiiisiai  .;,  :'.::•]  \\h:iL:  li;'i;;.  v.rr.ic  K-  M:  IkmI'  Iinalier  85J  lihr:v  W-cI-on.'  S\'\< .'  '.Ji^'ii  i^r.hi'.i'.'-  ciefitnie  !uis  !.:'j(;ti  hc.-irtl  of  liim. 
excepi  iIkU,  he  \va^;;cd  lo  a  Mi-?  Si.-uiiici hv.ul  <•'  Missmiri,  aiKl  is  r.i;t)- 
{■■dscd  (o  h.iXvj  ?c-Ulei.!  ■jnv-vh^.-ic  li!  lllini^jis,  :ui".!  dli-d,  !.:,i\lr,i-  a  !ar>;f  fainii-.- 
of  c'uiMicn.      Ml-  li.'.d  !)Ci::i  \xTy  ;-);o>pcroi!s  ai.d  siitrcs-ful  jr.  bu^iti'ji;-:. 

Js&ue   of       4-25   MILLHR   WOODSON,   JR/   Ol'ii---^'  Jr';n,'    Hcnjainin.^   KuluTtr  jnha') 
aiul  Si;i)lii.i   llviidricks. 

1  855   V/illiai:)/    l'..rn    ai:.r,_t    1?0S    ai    Ciimli.riaiu;    (."uiiitii'-aisc,    \''io.i'!ivi       He 

ri'tviwd  ;i  v/^od  csUicriiic?!:,  studied  nudicii'ie  and  w,;.-  laarricd  ii.  iii->  firs!. 
CJ^l^in,  >"41  l.n(  y  \\'c)oi:l.-^ia,' rlaucri.Ler  cl  Id:-  uncle  -122  d"-riiarruT  \\'„v;d.  _-',;■>.'" 
'l  (ic\-  incited  iii  IjU'cnb'ariT  (x^niTy  %-,  Ih  ro  lic'  [irriCi  iced  nicdi.dia;  many 
yc.,;-5.  1.1  l.^C2  iic  wa.  ia  fccidc  ^iv^!;!;  aad  wa^  ho-driddcn,  hasinij  bad  a 
stroke  oS  paralyii-,  .o'lr-ial  years  ]Me"ciou--;\'.  :"(••;!!  wd'.ich  iie  nc\xr  rec'.n'eicd, 
and  died  a  rev,-  af;o:\vards.  TduA  n  ,d  ;-!'\  era!  ehildreii  wliose  piin;;--, 
a'"c  forgotten  b\'  bis  rijy.iuv.  Izvi  Stephen  ^^■:i;nrnc^  Woodson'  vho  piv*;.- 
this  data,  'idirt-e  of  their  :'si-,  lived  to  be  j;rc)wn  and  ier\-ed  in  ;h':  Cvn- 
fcderate  arniy.  One  n'  tht-ni  was  K-iilid  at  tlie  hanie  <'l  Rich  Moiinla'a, 

li         856  T.scuariier,-  born  aliout   !S10,  at  rninberland  Courllionse  and  died  wiien 
nuite  a  -vuunj,' 

!J1  *  8.57  Lucy  rvlatilda,'  born  aboiTl  1812  at  Cnniberiaivd  Cot:rthou-:c,  \'irgin!a,  r.iid 
was  married  to  lier  first  cousin  .?59  Creed  Fa^'lor,"  .-un  of  her  aum ,  433 
Martha  Wuodsc.n"  and  15  Satiiuei  I'uylor. 

1\'  *  ii55  Blake  Baker/  born  abrmt  1815  at  Cnmbcrband  Coiirvfio-ase,  Virgin;-"!,  ■.sliere 
he  spent  practically  ail  his  life.  V\'!ieii  lie  v.-as  ab'nif  grown  he  ^.>ciU  tu 
Abbam-t,  perhaps  v.itii  a  view  of  locaiin.g  tliere;  hm  froni  letter.s  v.-ritreri 
to  his  dear  friend  George  D.  Giierra.nt,  it  is  evidenr  he  was  n(;t  at  al!  satisfied 
to  exist  so  far  aveay  from  ^.liss  I,ucie  Ann  I^^rd.  So  after  a  few  dreary 
montlis  he  returned  to  his  naip.-e  state  and  v. as  marrieri  to  tlutt  yo'a!'.c;  lai.!\' 
about  IS'.?.  The\  had  one  son  who  died  in  1^62  of  tynh.oid  fe'-.'er.  J-'is 
wife  also  died  at  an  early  age.  lie  was  married,  second,  to  Miss  .\nn  Jane 
.    .-.  ...  Leitch,  vlio  ii-.ed  l.ii:r  a.  few  yea.i.s  and  die<i  chihiK-.^.     His  tliiial  w.ife  was  Emma  H.  Hendrix.  In  1!S45  he  succeeded  hi.-,  fatiicr  as  clerk  of 
Cumberland  county  and  li.eki  tiie  office  un.iil  1881;  maicin'^i  a  total  of  one 
hundred  years  tliat  tlie  office  was  iiei'd  \)y  members  of  thi-  fannly  1  irsr; 
161  Milier  Wood.son'  v.-as  clerk  from  17,^1  to  1830;  then  his  son  425  Millci 
Woodson'^  was  clerk  from  .1  F.30  to  iS45.  lie,  in  turn,  was  succeeded  by  his 
son,  the  subject  of  this  dc.:;tch.  wdio  held  the  nfUcv,  as  above  staved,  from 
1815  to  ]S?\.  He  was  .familiariy  called  "Little  Riake,'"  to  distiriijuisli 
him  from  liis  con:>in  "]iv^.  Biake."     He  (Med  in  i8-',/  a.t  his  home  f.v  Cumb'er- 


la':cl  C'cvrlliuupo  -.vIk-ic  hv  ii.'td  :',i.--.:  \\::,  v.-luiicjil^-.  He  Wiis  surviv-ed  by 
his  \V!'l..w  ,'i'ifl  Iwr.  >.;':;>.  \\h(j  ii'T  .'.:  i\\v  rad  Mii!,;!  "i\'o(,::;.in  >lt_-ad,  .-it 
Cimiln  viand  C  i.)urih();:<c. 

l:■s^o  o:       4.33    M\31TJ-A  WOODSON'  iMilk-r/  j  .!ni.'  P.-iianii-.s   R.^btn,-  J.)l:n-)   ;'ud 
15  S;vra!!ol  .1"a\'.lor,'  '..Ik-  di.siin.<ui-Iu'd  I,;\vyt;r  oi  !vi^liiii'>in.!,  X'ifginia. 

1  Sr>0  Creed  Tc?ylor,"  bom  abuar   K^Ofi  in  Richtiu-iid,  \'irgiiiia.     Aftci'  I'lc  doa;h 

(,>f  Ids  luoihcT.  '.vhi'.di  urCLiiTos'.  jC'ine  (our  ov  !i\e  yi-.u's  'lUir,  liu  '.•.■,>,  (akeii 
\>y  h:-  aMnt:  -127  S;dK-  i  \\'ov)U.'('n)  Taylor,  lu  .\\  ,;-..I';.un  and  adujiicd  'ny  h(.r 
and  iuT  lui>baiid  (d;.in',Lllor  (.roid  l^.yl'U'.  lie  v.,-,  ni.u"ri(;ri  i.-,  !ds  f:ii'^:'i. 
cmisiii  ^57  l.ucy  Ma:i'da  \\">)i.ii1sun,'  davKilucr  of  his  undo  -lib  Miller 
W(H;d-o!i.'''  I!e  Nv,;s  a  lawyer,  and  f'lr  a  Fhon  time  •■racticed  his  jjrofession 
■  somowliete  in  lilinf'i-^,  biU  souti  letiirned  10  hi.-  ii..ti\-e  sUUC  and  county 
where  lie  spent  all  his  life.  It  is  nut  kiii.e,\-ii  wiieilier  iie  was  inarriv'd  before 
or  alter  hi--  \enu;re  in  Illinois.  l";)oi!  ihe  de.iih  of  liis  adoi^ied  p.irenis,  lie 
inhLric.  d  the  old  home  "  Nei'dhain"  where  he  h.ul  been  reared  and  .-dDcated. 
liere  be  ivared  hi,-^  ov.  n  f.'.mil;.-.      For  i.->sue  see  oe7  la:ey  Maiiida  Vv'oodson.' 

II  i!60  SanuicI  Taylor,"  born  ab>oul.  JSOS  in  Richmond,  ^'iI■^i!nia,  and  died  your'C. 

Ill  86)    Anne  Jane  Taylor,'  b>_.rn  about  ISIO  in  Richmond,  ^'ireinia.     A  very  sl-.ort 

linie  tliereafter'.  !ier  nioiher  died,  a-ul  tliis  Utile  baby  with  licr  four  year  old 
brother,  Cieed,  was  raken  to  Needliain  anrl  adopted  i)\-  her  .Aitnl  Sally  an'l 
Judge  Creed  Taylor,  by  whom  she  was  reared  and  eduealed.  Siie  v.-as 
married  10  Judi.e  \\'il!;;im  Yates  Cdiolson  ■-.''!  Bruijswick  couiUy. 

Issue   of        434   BOOEER  WOODSOK"  ("  Poplar  Fooi."-Jo]Mi,5  JoLi-..-^  Benjamin,'^  Robertr 
John')  and  Patsy . 

I  852  I.Iartna,"  born  about  I7'J!  iii  Cundo'-Tlan'.i  county.  \';.;:,  was  married, 
prgljably  about  ISIO  to  Mr.  Gallowa)-  and  had  one  dau;; liter ,  I-dia  dallowax-,'' 
who  niarrie'!  Mr.  Yales. 

II  863  Susan, ^  born  aI;out  1793.  in  Cumberland  count}'  and  married  Mr.  Darnel 
and  had  one  daughter,  Callie  II.  De.nie!.'' 

Ill  8C4   Mary  Killer,'  'onvn  about   1795  in  Cuiidjcrland  count}-  .'ind  niariied  Mr. 

Moore  and  had  several  children. 

I\'  865  James  B.,"  born  ab.jut  17-97  in.  Cumbe'-Iaiid  cot.nt}',  X'iiginia.  'i'l'on  ti'.e 
death  of  his  fi'ther,  he  took  charge  of  the  "Famih-  Register"  which  had 
been  kept  for  sc\eral  generations.  Since  ii  foil  into  his  hands,  all  trace  of 
the  register  has  been  lost.  About  the  ]i'7S  he  left  \'iiginia  and  settled 
somewhere  in  Kenluek}-. 

Issue  ci        43  5  FETER  V/OODSOK'  i"  Poplar  Foot"  johii,"  Jolm,-"  Benjamin,*  Roberl,^ 
jolm';  and  Fdi/abetli  llarriron  Hobbs. 

2 OS  TTIK  \V   -.Cli 

<n  i;n  su  roxM-cr: 

I  S65  Joanna  Eookeiy  iioni  in  INOO.  iu  (■unilicr).;:^-;  conniy,  X'ii-inia.  went  %•  iih 
tli:-  l.iiniK-  in  l;;'(\>  to  IIoIkt^^^imi  couii'y,  T;-t,,,  .->cv;-,  was  nianicci  to  Mr. 
X\"vM.uyi-^  and  setllvd  in  !;>yor  c.  '!i;ty,  'i'l.  :m.c------ f,  whoic  ;.ru'  flic-!. 

II  £67  ;ro\vc.!l  Hohb^,'  lorn  ahoi-t  1S'\!.  in  Cuinl.filan,!  coii;My,  \'irsinia,  wt-iu 
vifii  tlic  ir,  1805  1 1  R(>!'.;ris'-.n  ciunUy,  'i'(.-niu'sM_-c.  winre  he  c;re\v  i.r 

iiisnluifHl,  liiairirn  Miss jiiint  and  seUk-d  at  Mcd.ui  in  tlic  souihein 

part  of  ?  cniini}-,  1>?mv  >*'■<. .  whore  he  .'^er'ed  many  years  as  post- 
master and  jiisiiee  <.f  the  peacv.  He  \va.^  hi-l,Iy  csicenud  in  lli.-'  mmmunity 
and  dieii  leaving  te\-er,d  eliiklren. 

HI  868   Sailie,'   Iiom  aliout    1S04  in  ("lur.hevland  connfy,  X'iridnia,  went  vritli  the 

la.niily  [h-^  next  \ea.r  to  Kobeitson  eonnty,  Tennv'Sjoe,  where  sh.c  died  in 
lo20  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years. 

IV  *  869  Miller,"  Iinrn  November  6,  IS06,  in  P.,.l)erir.on  county,  Tennessee, 
^\•as  gi>-er-  a.  gnuo  cdueaiicjn  aadi  studied  f(jr  live  gospel  mini.~trv.  At  an 
eariy  age  he  went  to  GaH.itin  ia  uie  adjoining  county  oi  Suniner,  joined 
tlie  C."onfercncc  of  tlie  M.  E.  Ciuirch,  South,  and  was  there  married  on 
Octoliev  21.  1S20,  to  Miss  l.iaiivja  1  lanna,  vd:o  was  1-orn  DecenVber  7, 
1803,  in  Si:rry  count}-,  North  Caroh'ria.  She  was  a  daugliter  James  Hanna 
and  \,-ife,  Susan  Bryson,  v.ho,  with  their  family  of  four  daughtcis  and  three 
sons  emigrated  from  Surry  count\-,  North  Carolina,  to  Si.'mner  couMty, 
"  Tennessee,  and  seitied,  April  17,  1816,  on  what  is  now  known  as  the  old 
Hanna  homestead  near  the  town  of  Gallatin.  869  l^ev.  Lev.-is  Miller 
Woodson  and  his  wife  spent  their  entire  wedded  lile  in  Sumner  county. 
He  died  in  Gallatin,  December  2,  1S62,  and  she  died  at  the  same  place 
May  8,  1S72. 

V  870  Thomas,'  born  about  iSO';  in  Robertson  county,  Tennessee.  He  went  to 
Nash\iile,  pe  ha;  s  v.  ith  tlie  view  of  making  the  eai>itai  ciiy  his  permanent 
abiding  place,  and  died  therf  in  1SS6. 

VI  871  TanicS  G.,'  l)orn  about  ISIO  in  Robertson  county,  Tennessee.  He  emigrated 
lo  'J  exas  and  located  in  Johnson  count>-  v.diere  he  ijccame  iur'go  of  one  of 
the  courts.     He  died  near  Egar,  in  that  county,  on  Jan.uary  21,  1S95. 

VIT         872   A  dangLtcr,'  born  about  1S12  and  died  i;i  infancy. 

\'III         8/3   J\T.;:rrna,"  born  about  ISl-i  in  Robertson  county,  Tenncs.see,  was  married 
to  Dr.  J.  E.  Bryan,  settled  in  Houston,  Tt.xaL-,  a.nd  died  tlierc. 

IX  874  Peter  II.,'  born  about  1816  in  Robertson  county,  'fennessee,  was  married 
about  1837  to  Miss  Thomas,  settled  at  Pleasani:  View,  in  t'heatham,  the 
adjoining  county,  and  died  thei'C,  February  11,  1S97. 

X  f:75  Henrietta  Daniel,''  born  about  i.'S'S  in  i'Jobertson  couucy,  Tennessee,  was 
Hiorried  abov.t  1S3S  to  Marvel  Lowe.  Thev  emigiaied  to  Texas  shortly 
before  ihe  Civil  War,  set  tied  in  Ellis  count--  and  died  there  m  1864. 

-K\'I:N1U  f.TVjrK.Vi 


Isvue  of       AC^G   BEKJAr^TI;^"     WOODSOi;^    ("Poi)!;-!-    I->.ol"    Joha.^    }<,Ur.,-    Bcnjarani,' 
R.:lH-n.-  John')  :.:nd  j^Si  M.iriha  Am;  \cnai:.!c.^ 

I   *     o76  AIex>ii  dtr.' IxH-n  a^onl  17<M  in  CiMnbi  rlaiid  couiily,  \''"i-in'a.     When  aliout 
iwelvf  or  foaricen  years  oM  li-  wein  v  iii;  InV  patviits  to  I-'.v.kinj^liair.  ajiiaiy, 

.  X(>:ih  Car.  lina,  where  !'.e  \va^  rean-,i  aiT:  edurate.i.      lie  wa:^  inarrir-d  to 

Norlh  <'arolina  to  Mary  Ami  <"iniK!.  'iliey  les'Mei,!  in  Xorth  CarcWaa 
uiUil  afler  tlic-  i)inh  of  ail  oi  their  rh.ilJrcn  aiul  in  l."-'5()  nsMXctl  to  Wutkins- 
\ilie,  (K-diiee  coiMity,  Ceorfja,  where  he  ici.iaine'i  seeeral  \ears  and  t-'.en 
v.fiii  tu  ("i)\ington,  Ccor-ia,  in  order  t'>  educate  his  c'liidren.  ■  After  lhu< 
was  acron:;.Ii;iie<i  he  v.eiir  ivic':  to  \\  aikiii?\  ille  where, lie  ai.d  liii  wife  f-pcvt 
the  rcnuiimki  of  their  ii\e?.  'I'lie  la-l  few  yeai^,  of  tl'.eir  l:\-eK  were  spent  in 
tlic  hnme  of  their  dau.jhter  l.Sy?  M:>.  Coineli.i  Urittain  IXirhatn,-^  where  he 
ilied  J.:niiaiy  22,  1S67.  lie  is  btiiied  in  the  ee!iutLry  at  WaikiniA  iUe. 
iiis  wife  died   August;  25,   1S65. 

This    information    is    given    bv    hi^^    Qranddaucliter,    Yirs.    ].    Foster 





lY  * 


John, '  lion;  ab'ait  1  796  in.  Cti  iibcrlan.d  county,  Virginia,  a'ai  died  uninarriciJ. 

iJenJaruin,"  I'om  in  CiuTibcrland  county,  \"irginia,  died  young. 

George,"  born  about  1800  in  Cumberland  county,  Vi:-ginia,  wenr  wifh  the 
famil},  to  Roekinr;hain  county,  Xorili  Carolina,  where  he  grew  to  youn~ 
manhood  and  was  married  to  Addie  Roberts. 

V         SSC 

Saiiie,'  born  about  1S02,  ijrobably  in  Cunibciiind  county,  Virginia.     She 
never  married: 

VI         8S1   Virginia,"  born  about  lSO->  and  died  unmarried. 

VII  "'  SS?.  Wiiiiam,"  lif.rn  about  1806.  probably  in  Cumberland  county,  \"irginia, 
went  with  ilie  family  to  North  Caroiina,  was  married  to  Leah  Frye  and 
.scttlc'I  in  Kentucky. 

VIII  £83   Mary  "'  born  about  1809,  was  married  to  Rev.  Claudius  Cook. 

IX  SGi  J>elsy,'  bji.-i  about  1SJ2.  It  is  not  i3osiii\ely  known  w  hetner  she  was 
born  in  \'irginia  or  Xorth  Carolim.  It  was  about  this  time  that  her 
parents  and  family  icft  Virginia  and  settled  in  Rockingham  county, 
North  Carolina.     She  was  married  to  Joseph  II.  Scales  of  Xorth  Carolina. 

X         885 

Majtha,'  Ijorii  about   18M,  probaljh-  in  X(jrth  Carolina,  and  was  married 
to  Duke  Scales  of  state. 

XI    *     8S6  Emn.a    Kathcrin?;'   i.M.rn    about    1816.    probaldy   in    Rockinc.!iar.:   county, 
North  Ca.rolina,  and  was  tnarrierl  to  Peter  Stales  of  thai  state. 



Xii  "  SbT  ],:)Mes  pj-.iic.Ir,''  li,.r'>  i;t  tlv.  >':;i:'  iSis  [y.  Uvi;  !.!:;■. "i.iiii  coiiuty,  Nori'- 
Cr.n)lin,i.  When  q;-';.'  ;".  }>.'V:n^r  in^^n  lie  i;v.-;  .(i  in  Lii:(.'i!;;  coi!n;>-. 
IviTilurky.  and  \va^  'Ihto  ;r.  iiTi<.i!  in  !o.''9  ; i  ;■•!..'■>"  Willie  T.-,oiii.  1!\- 
ocoiuiiiiV  a:icl  good  ;ii,ui;>.c;ciiu;U ,  lln-y  aciMii;  .d  ,'',  co.'ihitleralilc  i;:iiii:);:. 
C^iiC  V.  111.)  !;r'c>v  them  \\v\i,  uriu-s: 

"He  Wiis  a  man  "f  ;jropo.<;;'^sin^  aiipo-^ninre,  and  a  mind  ricl;l\'  ciulov.-cf! 
-■vivli  uselid  kno\\led.<o.  I1:-j  ani])).:  c;;>.\-c  hini  opporiu:iii>-  f<.r 
iiiiu-li  tr.n-ci,  Iron  v.Isich  he  dcriw^.l  .crcal  li.sT'fu  :ind  nuirh  ir.forni.aion. 
Ide  w.i-^  'a  peer  anuv.v.:  nieii,  nr:d  v,i;.nU]  ra'licr  i>'.  righ;  liian  P!■^■^idc^l.' 
]li~  wife  was  'bred  i.i  uld  Kenniiky .'  a  ^lat^.-  wliw^-j  daiig'itc'.v  liaxe  ii,' 
buperifis.  She  'v\as  bright  a!id  .-p.u  kbi-<^  wiili  v.  it.  a''.d  b.cauiifnl  of  f;iov 
and  form.  She  and  her  husliand  kw-w  \:._,v:  aid  «!i-;'!  di-p,euse  meJL^t  de!ii;i"!t- 
ful  h('spii;dil  y.  d'heir  home  in  I  Kk  toa\ille,  K'ei.iiadc}  ,  wa^  bie<;scd  with 
ele\'en.  ehildreji." 

\v  t'ne  \er.r  1S55  ihi-^  ealire  fendly  lei'i  I\enti:ek\-,  and  tefb-i.':  pernei- 
i;cntl\' .it  Honey  Oir-.-e  in  b'annin  eouniy,  Texa^,  wl'ere  he  and  !i;~  Aiie 
ppen;  ih-  rest  of  vhei''  lises  ;ui'i  '■'■ied  lO,  a  r);>e-  old  a.<;e. 

XI]  I  H'lS  Ann,"  b'.rn  cVboni  K'-20,  in  "o(  kin..hairi  county,  Xoiih  e'arolina,  and.  die'l 


XIV  *  885  Marish,'  l)orn  about  IS.'^Z  ii:  Roekingliara  county,  Xortii  Carolina,  wac- 
inarricd  to  Natlianlel  i -'odd. 

XV  "■  890  Kobcrt,'  born  l?^2t,  in  R(-c!d;.:'.b..ri  county,  Xortl;  Caroli;;a,  v.'as  mnriied 
to  Jane  Eliza  liiUis,  and  spent  hi.~  <;ntire  biie  in  hi:^  trili\-c  state,  in  IV'Ob, 
at  the  age  of  eigb.t\'- tiire-o  3'eafs  ai.d  cvxr,  he  was  stiii  livir.y  at  his;  iii:mc  in 
Xnrih  Carolina,  an'..l  was  the;  onh-  one  of  Lis  fathrr's  large  famiiy  who  was 
ali\-e  at  that  time. 

Issee  of       43  7  jOSTiPH    I^ATRANIFL    WOODSON?    (•Toyb.r    Foot"    Jolwi.^    johu.^ 
Benjonn'n,'  P^.e.bcrt,'-  .John')  and  wib;  Elizabeth . 

1  *  89!  Jacob  Canifax,'  bcrn  Afarch  12,  ISIO.  It  bs  not  known  vvhethcr  i--e 
^\■a£  born  in  Xorth  Carolina  o--  in  \'irginia,  as  his  parents  liad  lived  in  i-.o*h 
states.  He  was  twice  married;  Tirst,  in  i  he  e.irly  part  of  183;.  lo  Stisaa 
W'oodard  of  Virginia,  and  remained  iii  tliat  state  until  he  emigrated  i.'i 
18-17  to  Tennessee  and  settled  in  .Montcromery  cuiiiit\'.  His  wife  died  in 
1854,  and  he  was  married  second,  on  Aipril  6,  iSo5,  to  Jiiizabeth  Cookscy 
of  Montgomery  coiint\-,  Tennessee.  He  died  l"ebr-jar>-  8,  189.?,  a.5ed 
eight\--t]iree  years.  She  died  Ajjril  ^.3,  1887,  in  Christian  .county, 
Kciitii'ky,  to  which  place  the}'  had  moved  in  i8bJ. 

!I  892  Eliza,"  iiorn  about  1812.  probably  in  Xorth  Carolina,  went  with  the  fai7iily 

to  \'ir;,iuia,  and  in  1847  to  ]\T(aitj;omery  county,  Tennessee,  where  she  died. 

HI  £9'^   Elizabeth,''  born  abu^ut  ISM.  went  v.Itb  ihe  family  in  18i7  to  ^iontgomery 

ccunt\-,  Tennessee,  and  dieil  thtre. 

I^siie  of       43  &   KLii:AIiEyH   WuODSOK'^    C'l'^Tlar    Foot"    jo;;!i.'       lu!ni,-=    B:-vjaiiiin,= 
Rnl.cri.-  J.,:hii')  ai.d  Wiilianv  U'rJ-hi. 

■I  *•  S9l  John  \Vocds->n  ?.'rio;hc,"  bc-rn  about  \y0.v.  '.-roLv.My  in  (."uinbcrKind  cciiiin-. 
\"in;i:ii.i.  \v.i^  married  i.>  Xancv  AUxa-ui-r  anj  ^c^^lv^i  in  Richmouci, 

Issue  of       44  Q  JOHN  MILLER  VrOODSON"  ("IV.pbr  loot"  J<>hn.>  John,^  Bcnjaini-i." 
Rol.LTt,-  J'.hii')  and  .Mary  Wclisi-r. 

I  *  893  William  Booker,^  Ijoi-i  ISid.  near  Appomattox  (^■■l!nhollsc,  X'irftinia. 
Wiieii  ahiHiL  t,ru\vn  lie  v.ei.i  v/iii)  ilic  family  to  Howaru  ciiuuv,  Miisoiiri, 
M-as  marned  ia  1S51  u;  l\iariiia  C.  Lockridge  of  tliat  ?;a-..'.  He  died  ji'iy 
20,  1893.  His  witi  j\v  was  !i\ing  April  19,  !>y7.  at  1741  I'eiui  Street, 
Kansas  City,  Mi^ioiiri. 

II  G06  James,'  l.o:n  aboM:  1S22,  a;;d  died  uinnanicd. 

III  897   George,'  birn  about  1824;  die.!  near  Tipton.  IMissor'ri. 

IV  *     898  Elizabeth  V-'righc,"  born  April  23.   1S27,  in  Culpepper    cotuity,    \"irginie., 

went  v.iih  the  family  to  Missouri  and  was  married  Jannarv  13,  IS-lO,  to 
V.'illiam  J.  Wayland  of  that  rtaie.  He  v/a^  called  'Btiek."  -Tbcy  li\ed 
at  Roanoke,  Missoin-i,  wb.ere  lie  died  Augusi  2,  1S72.  and  i-he  died  June  21, 
ISSS,  at  Salisbury,  Missouri.  They  were  Presbyleriai^s.  By  cecupaiioa 
lie  was  a  n'^crchanr,  in  politics  a  desnocraL. 

V  S99  Sarah  Catherine,"  born  1S30,  in  Virginia,  v.x-nt  lo  Mi-.s-niri  ar^d  died  thcie 
December  27,  ISSO.     Never  married. 

VI         900  .John,"  borr  about  1^32  In  X'irginia.  died . 

\'I1  PGl   Virginia  K.-niy,^  born  about    1834  in  "x'i.-ginia,  went  witlr  the  fami!},'  to 

Missouri,  was  married  about  1854  to  Frenci;  Blakey  and  sertied  at  Salisbury 
Missouri.     They  have  two  children,  Ida  B!ake>-'  and  Corinne  Blab.ey.* 

VIIl  902   Martha  Ganaway,'   called   "Pattie,'    born   Decembers,  IS.'Q,  in  Virginia. 

She  is  now  living  ar  Carrollton,  Misfouri.  v.ith  her  nephew  1640  Cecil 
W'ajland.'     Never  m.arried.    CC-  !;"i    ' 

IX  903  Archie  Web.' ter,"  b'  rn  about  1840,  in  \'ir.e,inia  and  went  with  the  !aniii>-  to 
Mis.-ouri.  When  grown  he  moved  to  California  and  iti  1906  was  still 
lining  there. 

X  9C4  Cha-les  Kfgh,'  botn  about  1842,  probably  aftet  the  family  had  moved  to 
Missouri.      He  grew  Uy  manhood  anei  settled  at  Salisbury,  '.Missotiri. 

XI  9U5  T5:-harner  iTeGr5fi'f;mx;d'c,'  born  aiiout  1.^44,  p.'-oljably  in  Missoitri  where 

he  grew  to  manhr.od  and  settled  at  llun'.-'iiie,  Misscu-i. 

^--■|•    IH'   )l:    (.< 

Issus  of       44L;   SARAHI/VrCHER  WOODSOI?- ;'^  Poplar  Fool"  Jc';i-:  "■J.^hii.MJcnjani;-)/' 
Kol'i-r;,-  J'>l:n')  and  P.yro  Sir.i-.h. 

I  *  5vi(i  John  V.  ood£on  Snaitis' i"irii  M.p.  1  7,  IM^.  ii.  Cm,;! '.■'■i..iul  countv.  \'ir^i!ija. 
ai  thrluM-e..:  liisi;.v,!.ij..M.-ul^,  !  (?.!,  .!u?  \/oo;ls^..; '  .U!(i  KHzab^.lh  (R:mi:,^ 
\'i'!1,i1m,'.  lie  was  I'i.iiili.-.:  >!.:>•  17,  \cL\  i^.>  M.iry  i'rances  Caiii.ii;,, 
t:.'.u,^'.b,T  ol  Kmv.  ii'lv.ard  r;iu;;vvi  ul'  1  .yiichlHM'c;.  'v'ii!.:iu::i.  Tiiey  ;)io\  vi 
to  I'ikf  cesjiity  M:;-,-iiuri.  aiui  !Kii;-li[  a  place  '.Mik-d  "Scou'r.  Sprlii  :  ." 
'Aiv.Ti-  l;o  on.Ta.ced  in  'Aw  iiuMrauulc  Ini.-iiics.s  cdul  resided  L-CAeral  }^, .,--:. 
li'  !S-:9  he  joined  the  famous  "  I-'i>rty-:iiii' rs"  and  went  to  C"alii'oriii.i  in 
seaich  i>!  ^o!  1.  Reii';::;ng  h<.:nie,  lie  v.'cnt  baek  lo  X'irginia,  i'li;  ■•(;(. !i 
reiui:ad  I..  :\!i;sui;ri.  About  ihi-  tin--  ihe  Civil  \\"ar  b:-;?!ce  out  and  he 
pvi'ni:)i!\  eidisied  in  iho  Confederate  anny.  With  the  ...nk  of  major  lie 
served  under  Gen.  \'ar;  Durn  iri  'lie  TraiisMissir.siijpi  dejiartnient. 

An  aiHioiuina!  rupture  from  whiih  lie  suilered,  leiidered  him  ineapablc 
of  field  ser\ice,  and  lie  was  traii.-ferred  to  ihe  comiai^sarN-  dcparnnciit  as 
assistant  quarteniiaotcr  gei.cfcd.  V\itli  that  rank  lie  \venr  throuRli  ilic 
sie.ce  of  \  icksbt:rg,  ofle:i  h.ungry  and  abvva\'u  in  da.ny'T.  Oit  one  octasiou 
he  and  ;i  fev\-  liruther  orticers  v/ore  sitiin.a;  around  a  crude  talde,  eating  their 
sca.nt  meal,  wlu-a  a  boiViLsiicii  fell  in  tlieir  n-.idst,  complelely  deniolisidac; 
the  talde  and  e\'er>-thiny-  on  it ;  and,  stran-e  to  say.  not  a  man  of  t't.ciri 
was  hun.  Such  things  do  happen  in  -.var.  After  llie  war  was  o\'or  and 
peaa-e  dec!  ircd,  he  returned  to  Missoui;  and  to;  k  up  the  par.^uits  of  i)e;ice 
and  good  citizcr.snip.  He  died  Uctobat  .\  ISS.'-,  at  ilie  home  of  his  oidy  son 
in  the  cti>-  of  St.  Louis. 

II  *  907  William  Hu>;h  Smith,'  born  Januaty  13,  1821,  at  Daavilie,  I'IrTsyhania 
count\  ,  \'irj.:iria,  where-  he  le.irncd  the  tanner's  trade  vvitl;  his  father.  At 
tlie  age  of  about  twcnty-tive,  he  decided  to  go  to  jMissoiiri.  So.  mour.tir.^ 
his  horse  one  day  he  rode  all  the  way  to  Howard  county,  ^.lissour:,  where 
he  spent  a  fev/  years  farming  and  stock  raising,  in  tlie  neighborhood  of  his 
uncle  -I-U3  John  .Miller  Woodson''  and  his  three  aunts  Judy  Ganaway, 
Susanna  Williams  and  Foily  Garrett.  About  1849  he  went  to  Pike  coiinry 
where  his  brother  John  Woodson  Smiith,  was  then  living,  bought  a  tr.iCt  of 
land  and  established  a  tan  yard  of  his  own.  Here  he  was  married  January 
16,  18.S0,  to  Miss  Isabella  McCune  Fullerton,  who  was  born  I\o\ ember  21, 
1S25,  in  Pike  county,  Missouri.  Her  parents  were  [rtini  Kentucky.  He 
continu'-d  in  the  ta.nnir.g  busiiio??.  I'ear  Scott'.-  Springs  until  18.56,  when  he 
sold  out  and  devoted  the  remairidcr  of  his  long  life  to  farming  and  stock 
raising,  gi\-ing  special  aitentioii  to  th.e  handling  of  j-oung  mule.-,  for  wddch 
he  found  ready  .-;a!e  in  the  soituiern  state.;.  His  wife  died  September  7, 
18S7,  and  he  on  January  14,  IS^S,  at  their  home  in  I'ike  cotjnty.  Botli. 
are  buried  at  Ariiioch,  near  C)  oaie  in  Pike  coiTnt\-.  She  was  a  member  of 
the  CumlK-rl-.nd  Presbytc'rian,  .oid  he  o.'  tiic  Baptist  Church. 

Ill  *  008  jnniesByrci  Smith, H)orr.  March  i  ),  1822,  it  Danviile,  in  Pittsylvania  county, 
\  irginia.  He  vas  o  linr.e."  ijy  occupjtiou,  an.:!  <»  miv  skiiiful  mechanie, 
and  \\aj  the  i-.iventor  of  .-cAcral  usefid  articles.     He  located  in  LN-nch.burg 

;;;  c;:-;n:-kation 

a:ui  -.vas  tlicrc  !r..iirioil  0^•l;r'...!•  1'',  181,5.  '..  '..-.■•w  -.  oniclia  'i'liuniia;:. 
(kui;^lucr  of  joi";:!  'riu:i;:Mn  ;;;iu  Iliixp.tjct'-.  .''ip  i-  .■■;i  cf  J5t;illoul  r(;ui,;\-. 
Al'iL-r  the  c^■l^:.'  of  li'.c  C"i\il  W'.ir  bo  rriv\-<.ci  t','  I'il.o  couniN-,  Missouri,  am! 
t.i:L;ai;;.d  in  f.irmiiif;  for  a  !>'W^.  ilu.!!  ••ai'".  :..-  Oa\:  (".rost,  Texas,  ami 
<V\v<.\  i'KTc.  Ji.'b.  o,  1S77.  WW-  v>i<i"W  ri.Uiic-  -.i  •':)  P-ov,-!;ay  C'>ri.-i'!i,  Missouri, 
-.vhorr  c-lic  died  in  1904. 

IV  909  Robert  Arc!ip;;  Smith,'  born  October  21,  f  :;23,  a<  Fmun  il!o.  I'ilisyivaiiL 
count\,  \"ir;;iriia.  In  l^l'-^  lu:  \  on.i  west  with  lii.-i  liroilicr,  J'jhn  Woodsrui 
Sniiih.  aU'J  died  SeiUeintuT  li  h-50,  ;n  Wliiie  Oak  S[Jiin'<.-'.  California. 
Never  r^iarried, 

V  9i0  :'Ieary  English  Smith, "  l)orn  Maicli  23,  I.s2i>,  at  his  -'-aiKlirioilier's  t.:i:ihood 
iiOiac,  l\  Ta\-erii.  at  Api-'.-auitlnx  Ccjtirii'.c.iise,  Xir-ii.i,;.  Hi-:  nioil:,;- 
was  there  at  the  time  o;;  a  vi>it  to  !icr  IdiKlred.  lie  v,a-  rwucu  in  I'iii- 
s\-h'ar,ia  couiUa,  graduated  in  inetlicine  andi  pvariire'l  hix  i'iofes:-ion  in 
Anihersi  a;,d  ijalli  v-uimlier..  lie  \\a^  auirrietl  Jai\-  2S,  iSS2,  to  Mi>h  Margaret  .Riicker,  who  -was  horr.  Jiiae  1,  1S3;;,  datr^duer  of  Winiar.'i 
Ballinger  Ruckorand  ;.laiy  -Xrai  I)a\v.-oii.  lie  Iniilt  ;ip  a  lucraiive  praOice 
and  hccariie  (luite  v.-ealih\-.  He  rcjireser.ti  d  Aiiiher>i  ei.anty  ?c-.-eral  in  the  le^i^l.^Ll;re.  \U<  wife  died  e..i!y  in  life.  He  di;.d  June  l'\ 
i8SS,  and  is  btiried  at  Xinr.ud  Hal!,  ia  iiatl.  ronrii\-.  i'iiey  !iad  tniee 
Ciiildren;  only  une  ol  whom  li\id  to  be  gmwn.  Thi^  v,  a.:.  A.iinie  B\''d 
Smith,'  wh'.'  n.arried  L^l^\•ard  ,\'exander  Watyon.      Xo  i-:;-ue. 

\'I  *  on  Betsy  Susan  Smith,'  born  l7,  18io,  in  X'irginin  vhtTC  she  wa? 
reared  and  edarated.  When  most  of  liie  family  wmt  to  Mr;;-oiui  about 
1844,  she  went  -vith  them  to  l'ii:e  eoimly,  and  was  there  ni.;riied  on  Oetobcr 
17,  1S49,  to  Re\.  Oarr  Waller  Priichetu  They  loc'ttd  ai  Cda-gow,  in 
Howard  county,  she  died  Xoxember  27,  1872,  and  '.v.!.;  buried  in  ihc 
cen.ciery  at  1".  \ett.  ,  Ab>Mjuri.  in  .he  same  \.>l  wiiii  her  [allier  and  molhei. 
"Her  hushund.  h'.ev.  (_  aia  Waller  Prilchctt,  was  a  son  of  Henry 
I'ritchett  aT'.d  ?\l>ra  Wa.ller.  He  was  born  September  4,  IS23,  in  Henry 
Lounty,  \'irginia,  and  went  to  Missouri  in  early  life.  He  was  one  of  the 
inosi.  distinguished  educators  Missouri  ever  had.  He  speni;  the  latter  part 
of  his  life  as  director  of  the  Missouri  Astronomical  Observatory,  at  Glasgow, 
Missouri;  an.d  was  anionr;  the  astronomers  of  the  wni'ld.  He  was  a 
fellow  of  the  Royal  Astronomical  Society  of  England.  Hr  died  March  IS, 
1910,  neai  Independence  and  is  buried  by  the  side  of  his  wife  in  die  cemetery 
at  Fayette,  Mi=.?ouri."      (See  notes  by  1617  Profi  .•,sor  T.  P.erry  Smith.') 

VII  912   Kathaniel  Joseph  Smith,'  born  May  9,  1828,  ir.  \drgini;i  uml  died  in  infancy. 

Vni  Ql"^    IMary  Smith,'  born  March  4,  18.^0,  iji  \  irgini.i  and  died  >oung. 

IX  914   Catherine  Smith,'  born  July  27,  18.H,  in  X'irgijiia  and  died  i;i  infancy. 

X         51>  jo-=-ph    Lenjsrnir,    Smith,'    b^.rn    April    9,    b'.-.^,    in    Virginia.     The   early 
'•cars  of  his  nKini:ood   were  speiit  in  lra\eiing  in  California  and  Mexico. 

21-!  Ti!;:-  \\orjo.''fir:s  .WT)  '■(n.iK  <■■.■ -m''Vi<!N, 

Ho  joiivfi  Waii;erV  lilil.iistt  lin;:  j\:r;y,  n;vi  ■xi::'\  'iiein  spciil  ^onio  (iii;r  j:, 
Kii-av.!5^iia.  Ai  ibc  iMV.-kiivs  >'in  M  I'h:-  C  i-.-i!  \\":i;-.  ho  1i;'sIcik-(!  hoir--  ;'i:<i 
iiilisln!  ir,  the  .-^i.-rN  ico  of  tiiv  (": ';i:\-ik-:Mi.,  states,  .nui  ;.cr\c:c  fs-i'Jil'ii!:  ■.■ 
t!:'u'.;:.;li':)Ul  the  war.  Alter  t!ir  <\-ss,;i!i  ^n  u!'  Iv.  ■,!  i!;!  ::•■;,  he  went  t;-  .'.'■!i'<r-i 
coiif.lx-.  \'i;;;inia,  .'.ii'!  .-eiiietl  <l.i-.\i!  !,>  i  l;r  ■vri  oil.-  j)!.  ii-.le:M  -  "f  life.  He  v.e.^ 
i-.arri.-d  .April  9,  |..-;.^,  lo  Mr-,  ^^;■,r^■  ))  v.idow  <A  luilier  Kav's. 
i.lercM-ed.  Slic  had  pre\ie.ii-i\  beeii  liic  w  idu'.v  of  Jtiliirs  Si-:;:-  •mi.  I'.-r 
'iii;!idien  n.Tnu'  was  !\iar\-  liucker.  They  .■■ettled  ii.TiiiiHu  nllv-  le  Aiiil-cVi^t 
roi:!ri\-,  -Adiere  lie  tlicd  Marclt  .15,  1S06,  arul  i-.:;  bii'ied  ;-.t  K!  15e;hei  Cluirch, 
neni   AKvc-od.     Xo  i^.-ito. 

XI  PIG  Geoi:-'e  rdilier  Smith,-  bnrit  Fciuaary  10,  18,v",  in  X'irginia,  ^sdlerc  he  waN 
reared  .iiid  cduoalc;!.  He  studied  l.;v,-  and  liecan'^e  an  endnent  l.'uvyer  niui 
a  biillianl  jouniali-^t  He  loratetl  at  Cda!k>\iilc  in  Pilic  cotiiit}',  Missouri, 
iitid  was  living  there  \\licn  the  ('i\-il  \\'ar  beeim.  Hi"  cn!i^.ted  in  tiie 
Federal  itrniy  in  ISi'd  and  was  eoniiiii-'s!r;ned  raptain  uf  a  cornpan\'  o!  in- 
fantry. Hit-  military  ser\  ii-e  was  of  slii^rt  daralien.  .The  fi..'lo\\  injj 
wdr.ier  he  r()ntraete<l  typlieiid  le\'erand  died  Jami.-.ry  12,  I8('i2,  in  a  hnspii.-d 
in  Sr.  l.oiiij,  and  was  liiiried  ii;  llirTaln  C.raeeya.r  1,  near  l.ouisian.a,  Pike 
counts',   Mi.ssoiiri.      He   nex'er   married. 

XH  *  917  Sallie  Ann  Smith,'  In.irn  January  I,  18.-i8,  ii^-  \drginia,  W'nt  v.-ith  '.he-  laniiiv 
nboiU  1^!-!  to  Howard  eoimt),  Mi-soeri.  S'le  \\"is  married  (letubcr  K-, 
1855.  to  John  Edward  Kv.  in  o[  ihat  countj".  He  was  Ivirn  t.)cinbcr  io, 
JS2fi,  .'-.nd  died  January  17,  H).!!.      She  died . 

Xill  *  91o  Edw.ird  Kelso  vSmith,' born  January  1-1,  1  8-11 ,  in  Yiriiin.ia,  v.-t  ii!  with 
the  family  to  Missouri  when  lie  was  a  young  child,  was_c,i\cn  :!  gowd  clne.iiiiin, 
c;ra(-hiatine;  from  ("cntra!  ("ulieyc,  at  FaN'ette,  in  H-rAnrd  r.:.ui;'.y.  Dwriuj; 
the  C  i\il  War  he  was  eajHarn  of  c'linpany  "A,"  (.iuitar's  regimoi;' ,  Missottri 
State  .Militia.  Alter  the  war  he  farmed  for  a  time,  then  wei't  itito  Ih.e 
grocery  business  i:i  Louisiana,  Missottri.  He  wa,s  inatiied  Aiu.itst  31. 
1868,  to  Mary  lili/:abeth  Camjjbcli,  who  \.-as  bcru  Au;<Li.-.t  19,  lo-!->.  S'le 
was  a  daugiiicr  of  Joel  Campbell  and  .Rosanna  Love.  After  .sonn'  years 
they  settled  on  a  farm  a  few  miles  from  Louisaii;a,  Missrjiirt,  v- ii-re  the>' 
still  live.  The%-  are  h'Oth  n-enihers  of  the  Cnmliciland  I'resbyterian 

Issv.e   of       AGS   WILLIAM  PAYNE  HALE^  (Susann.ah  Payne, =  Josias  Payne/-  PvLuy  Vv'ood- 
pr.n,^  Robert,-  Jeihn')  and  Mleanor  Harrison. 

1  *  919  Philip  V/itiiam  Hale,"  born  May  11,  1818,  in  ?sIa.-,on  county,  Virgi'da,  was 
married  June  10,  18,i'),  to  Alary  I'dargaret  Beale,  daughter  of  Join  i  V'.  .  Ikale  of 
Mason  county.  He  was  a  lawyer  and  practiced  his  profession  in  Vireinia 
.until  1855  when  he  went  to  California  with  the  land  commission  uncier 
Governor  Floyd.  Aftei  his  retttrn,  ]i".  moved  with  his  family  to  C  ovington, 
JCentucky,  wlier(  lie  i~'raciiee(.i  l;iw,  ttnti!  the  .otiti^ieak  of  tlie  l'i\'il  War. 
He  was  one  of  the  fust  to  tender  h's  se:  ■.  ices  to  tliC'  souiiierji  t'o.'feJieraey. 

>t  V  l.N:!i  C.l.\\:.,: 

lie  atlainctl  the  rank  o'i  n!.\i.)r  i".ui  vms  hi  llie  imltl'j  rf  ro:l  i-' >iK'.M;'..n. 
After  a  long  forccxl  niarcli  in  ihc  sj-.i-ui^  <■.[  H^t.l  ,  he  <!ic<.l  of  ^!iv  cv  cxhunsiion 
aivl  VN'as  biiriei!  the-  n-.'d  , !'."•:!!:  wlii.^i!  'ihe  r.iiniiKKK.l  I'.ad  ln-rn  iisarcliiiii.;. 
Aflcr  llio  war  was  ovor.  iiis  ?■•::'...  i-uMtccl  iho  spor  aiul  !ia(.l  hi.-;  rtiaa'm-  le  ■ 
!]io\C(l  U>  ilu'  Cuiigre;>--i<':uil  C"e!iir(cr\-  at  Washiagion,  1).  (/.,  w'ncrL  l!ic 
f.jni!)-  llien  rebided.  iiii-  \vi;io\v,  at  the  ri,3c  aj;e  of  lour  score  year^,  di'jtl 
in  1900. 

II  920  Matlbew  Hale.' 

III  921  Edv..;rd  Hale.' 

IV  922  r^'-^tavii5  Hale.' 
V  923  Susannah  Hale.^ 

This  is  the  sc\-enth  generation,  .-^o  far  as  it  has  been  i)ossiiile  io  i>roLiire 
the  names  of  tlic  indi\idiials  eon)po-:n;j  ii.  Tlic  foregoin,^-  retord,  incciri- 
plete  as  it  is,  shows  -155  people  horn  into  this  generation,  1  hey  were,  for 
the  inost  part,  born  dtuing  ilie  last  quarter  of  tlie  eiejueeuth  century; 
ti":at  is,  about  tlie  time  of  the  Re\oIutionar\-  War,  ?nd  sliortly  before  ami 
a  few  years  afier  that  period. 

Their  fairiers  ]ia%-ing  fought  the  i'e^ht  anf!  won  th.e  iiatil-.-,  had  laid 
aside  the  inipleraents  of  war,  and  addressed  themseU'cs  to  the  tash  of 
de\-eIopinjr  the  country  tliat  had  been  so  dearly  boLight,  and  fitliu::;  it  foi 
the  high  place  it  was  destined  to  occupy  amoni;  '.he  iMrir'n:-.  of  the  world. 
But  it  was  nol  for  them  to  fiiiish  the  work  tlius  h^egun.. 

Their  sons  and  dauglners  of  tiie  seventfi  'jeueration.  brirn  during  if.e 
turbu.leiu  decades  of  the  Rc\-olutionary  period,  inured  to  iiardsliips  and 
familiar  with  ci,''n-'er,  emerged  fremi  tho^e  times  the  belter  ciualiiied  fox  tlie 
stupendous  task  that  lay  before  lh:m. 

So,  beating  tlie  swords  of  their  fathers  into  plowshares  and  tlieir 
spears  into  pruning  hooks,  with  hearty  good  will  tliey  entered  upon  the 
work  of  liiazing  their  way  through  the  weslerii  forests,  clearing  up  the  land, 
eslablisiiing  their  homes,  loundirig  schools  and  colleges  and  cectiiig 
churches  in  wliicii  to  worship  God. 

It  is  seen,  that  man\  of  tlierii  cliosc  agriculture  aad  be-carr.e  tillc-s  of 
the  soil;  a  good  prc)portion  of  them  embraced  tlio  prolessions;  some  be- 
coming ministers  of  tlie  gospel,  some  Ia^\"yers,  some- doctors  oi  ni-edicine. 
Some  entered  [loiilics  and  came  to  the  forcfrciOt  as  statesmen  and  leaders 
•  of  men,  and  so  became  largely  instrumental  in  shaping  the  future  of  tlie 
country,  or  guiuirig  it  along  the  way  pointid  out  b\'  their  faihers. 

To  these  stalwart  men  and  gentle,  ihicagh  dauntless  women,  the 
apparently  illimitable  v.-est  seemed  to  orfe-i'  most  enticing  inducements. 
So  about  1805  to  1810,  irue  to  llieir  pione.r  inslmcts,  many  of  them  crcssed 
t!ie  P.lue  Ridge  UK.unfain.s,  ai:d  boldly  entering  Kentucky,  j)..:.^ed  on  into 
ti:e  Blue  Grass  retdon. 

2\('  luy.  v,('.)o-  o:-  .\  ■'.<  n;i:i:  v'onn'.t  i  ii>n; 

Snme  lairyiiig  In-t'o  a  t'l  w  \car>.  ;).s  if  to  louk  I.i.f<'i-,  Iv-.^iiig.  i)usho(.i  c'.i 
into  Mi^si'uri.  t.ikiiv,;  (••.'.•:-<;--j.1(Mi  o!"  lier  I'uH'.n.i^  i:i!i-  :.i..l  l\riiK'  \.il!cys.  of  tin.  yfiiciMti.-ri  jci'lci'  in  'j"f-)i!i(.---:v.  Mississippi,  rnid  a  f  i.  v.- 
ii  Arkansas.  'Vbc  treiKi  of  ciin,:;!- stion  was.  of  cc-ui-;c.  '.vcsiv-aid ;  i!ic 
\\  ootl.^oiis  i-!u)\vetJ  tlionuci\cs  no  Uigganjs  in  the  jjor.c:;'!  march;  a;id  "ac:c 
evor  rt-ady  to  assume  ih'jir  part  of  l!;c  icspousiiiili'v  and  do  their  poiiion 
ol  lilt-  worlv  of  dL-\'cIo[Mng  and  building-  up  the  cai!ntr\-. 

Koarlv-  ali  of  this  gencraticr.  liave  l'oiic  to  their  !iriai  rcsl.  Or.iv  a 
\  cry  fev,-  of  the  Uuesc  born  are  m^w  li\ '':■;;  on  tl;^  oa.rlh;  and  ih(\-,  beuiiip.'..; 
under  the  weiglit  ot  \c-ars,  of  nectssii;.-,  soun  go  to  their  etcrn.d 

May  those  last  years  of  tlu-ir  carilily  pili^rinu-ye  be  their  best. 


Is^ue  of       469  JOHN  A;\T.EIvSO??   WOODSOs'   •Jh.d..s/^  SanLonno.''  Joonh/  John,' 
Joi!i'.-,  Joim')  <ind  wife,  \vi!c.:--e  iiamu  is  not  ki;ov.-n. 

1  924  David, '^  bom  phoiit  1787,  in  .\I!.c;r-;ir!c  county,  \'irgiiiia.  became  a  minister 
in  the  Mf'.ho  li.-t,  Cliurch,  wciit  as  a  I'UssiuiUiry  to  Afiica  and  died  there. 

II         925  Elijah,^  born  ixi^-ibb-  uboul  1789  in  .\lbciiia:!o  comUy,  \'i:i;;<;ia. 

III  P?G  Mary,*   borr.    in    Albemarle    county,    \'iri:ii:'.i.    and    v.-as    married    to    Mr. 

M  livid  oi  RieiiU.ond,  X'irginia. 

IV  927  Nancy,-  born  in   .•Xilicraarlc  couat>-,  Virginia,  and   was  married    to    John 

HatcluT,  of   Rockbridge  coiuuy,  X'ireinia. 

V  .     92S  Thomr.s,'  liorr.  about    1797,   in   A.lbeniarie  county,  \'irgiiiia.   v,a-.  niarned 

and  tet'led  in  Cai-iiiibcll  county,  whore  h.-.  died. 

VI  *  ?29  Sanburne,^  burn  ISOO,  in  Aiben-.arie  coun.ty,  Virginia.  In  early  ;itc  'ne 
went  to  Daggers  Spring,  in  BoieV'.iurt  county,  and  was  there  married  to 
Ann  Cartright.  Tiie>-  settled  near  Lynchburg,  in  Can.pbcll  cotmty,  wncte 
he  died  March  24,  1871. 

Issue  of       47  C    rLI.ZATiETH  V/CODc,Or'  ',]ohn,*>  jo.=.-p:,,5  Joseph,-'  John,=  John,'  John') 
■   and  Lif;;!ten<^nt  John  Kcjinon. 

I  Q.'.O  John  Woodson  Ker.non,*  born  Apri'  22,  1789,  probably  in  North  Carolin;-, 
went  with  his  parents  to  Georgia  where  he  spent  his  entire  life  and  died, 
aged  more  than  ninety-five  years,  at  his  home,  V.'a\er'y  Hali,  in  Harris 
county.      (See  Exci-rsus— ivennon.) 

II         931   Wil'if.m  Kennon/  born  February  2^  1782.- 

III  932  Elizabeth  Lewis  Eennon,*  born  May  12.  '7S3,  was  married  July  6,  3  80'.), 

to  D,^^■id  iiidbjy  \\  hite. 

IV  C.'-:,  Richt^rd  Kcnnon,"  born  February  22,  1785. 

V  934  Charles  Kennon,"  born  Xoveinbcr  7,  1786. 

\'I         935  Robert  Lewis  Kennon,*  born  Jar.ur.ry  2.\   1789. 

VII         936  Eov/eli  Lev/is  Kennon,^  born  December  !-:,  1791.     (Wm.  and  Marv  vQiK., 
vol.  XI,  p.  53.) 

MS  Tin-;  v.'0'jp:^(":\s  am)  iui'ir  iX^NNerrio^ 

I-r-uc  of       /..7  2   NANCY  HUGHES  \VQODS07V  i.U.lm/'  just-ph,^  joscpii,'  Joh:i.-^ 
Jtihii'')  aiul  l"n!nci>  i>.  Di-.-Mv. 

I         C37   Francs  B.  Dtane,  Jr.,~  in  ihu  will  i,f  iiis  i;iK!r  -1  H  jdiii  W  o<,(l--un,'  |)mM(l 
Ah'.y  2^,  Iv.v?.  he  is  made  tTic  m|'  ;'u'  ow-nuorri. 

II         938  Elizabeth  Deane,^  was  nianicci  to  Kcbert  Irvinj;.     SIk-  i-  ouv  of  the  k-i^i.ilo-js 
naimi,!  in  ihc  vili  of  iicr  liucle  H'7i  John  \\'oocU(-ii.''  (Si.-c  \\'ni.  jirx.!  Mary 

yii>'-,   vol.   XI,   p.   52.) 

Issue  of       42  t    JOSEPH   VvOODSON'   (Jobcpb,':  Joseph, ^  Joseph,-  John,'  John,-    John') 
and  Sara.h    Mayo   Hooker. 

I  *  939  Edmcnd  Booker,^  born  Seiuenibcr  16,  ISi'S,  in  Ameha  county.  Virgin;. i. 
He  received  his  prii.iary  education  from  his  father  who  wa.s,  by  profcision 
a  schoobteaclier.  He  next  attended  an  academy  laugh (  Iiy  Wil'inm 
Branch,  an  ur.cle  by  marriage.  In  i.S20  iie  auended  anollier  school  tau;j,ht 
by  his  mother's  bioiher,  Isham  C,  H-noker,  near  Sandy  Ki\-er  Cluircli,  in 
Prince  I-,dward  couni\-.  The  ne.xt  \ear  iliis  school  was  taut-hi  b\'  aa 
old  baclieior  named  Joshua  Da\is  from  one  of  the  New  llnr^land  slates. 
Tiiis  was  tlie  last  school  he  e\er  atiended.  In  1822,  hin  fourteen 
years  old  he  went  to  work  on  the  farm.  In  the  fall  of  1-^.23  he  was  ccivca 
a  position  as  clerk  in  the  store  of  hi-,  half  uncle  William  I..  Oeerlon  in  Chester- 
field county.  In  ]S25  be  cook  a  similar  position  with  his  uncle  t^amoad 
Booker  in  Amelia  ccimt>-,  his  compensation  boinc;  his  "l/oard  and  ciotha-s 
for  the  first  >'ear,  and  fifty  dollars  for  ilie  second."  He  continued  in 
business  with  Ids  tun  le  Edmond  Booker  se\-erai  years,  until  the  Inisiness 
was  closed  oat.  In  the  spring  of  1S29  he  concinded  to  try  school  teachin,; 
for  a  li\-tlihor.d.  He  soon  succeeded  in  .t;eilini.'-  a;>  the  sch.'X)!  and  boarded 
with  his  mother's  sister,  i\Iis.  Jane  (Booker)  Branch,  and  taus,dit  .her 
children  for  hi-  board.  Here  h.e  had  access  to  Iier  fine  liiirary  and  made 
good  use  of  his  opportunity  to  impr.jve  his  mir.d.  About  this  time  he  had 
conceived  an  unconquerable  al/horrence  and  hatred  for  the  institution  of 
slavery,  and  determined  to  Iea\e  his  native  state  and  W'er.d  his  way  to  bnnie 
state  wdiere  slaxery  was  not  known.  With  liiis  intention  he  dismissed  his 
Sf-iiool,  settled  up  his  affairs,  bought  a  horse  and  wirh.  scvenry-fn-e  dollars 
in  his  pocket,  started  west  in  October,  1S29,  passing  through  L^nchbuig 
and  Salem,  \'irginia,  Rogers\i;ie.  Knoxville  ar^d  Xaslnille,  Tennessee, 
and  on  to  Co\-ington,  Tipton  countj-,  Tennessee,  making  ihe  journey  of 
eight  hundred  miles  in  twenty-four  days  on  horseback.  His  uncle  Edmond 
Booker,  who  had  n-io\-ed  to  west  Tennessee  a  year  or  so  pre\  iously,  ga\-e  h.ini 
letters  of  introduction  to  friends  in  Xew  Orleans,  ^vhi':l^  enabled  him  to 
"lay  in"  a  stock  of  groceries  and  confectioneries.  Accordingly,  he  look 
passage  on  the  steamboat  "Fame"  in  December,  1829,  went  to  Xew  Orleans, 
bought  his  stock  of  goods,  returned  to  Co\'ington,  Tennessee,  and  in 
January,  18.^0,  started  in  tlic  mercai-i'le  business,  m  whic'n  he  was  quiie 
s.iccessfid  for  about  six  months,  when  he  sold  out,  settled  up  I'.is, 
and    left    Covington.     On    Jul>-   6,    1830,    he   went    to    Uaiidoiph   on    llie 


I\ii>>i>^inpi  River  ami  ;o;)!-.  ;r  si-':i;i-ii'!Ka  for  r.ou:s\-il:o,  KcnUK'ky,  ai;;i  Llun 
on  to  Ciaciiinati,  Ohio,  wb.ii  h  ,'.i  \\:m  litr.c  coi;t.?.ii;c(!  ubcut  2!,t,(!00  ii-.iiaij- 
It;ints.  He  stepped  tbore  only  a  l';-n-  t\,i\-?  to  "loolc  aroiind,"  aiid  Wfiit  on  to 
Brownsville,  Indiana,  ariivint;  tlico  July  il.  IS.VJ.  He  was  iiiiiiu'dialcl> 
chosm  to  bf  pri.niiij!  ul  \h<-  '.c\\o(A  [■.wvc  and  tau^'.i  fo:-  li\o  o.u.n  lL■r^., 
c;iviiii^  <atistaL-tioii  lo  <.hv  [y.\U-<.iu>.  lli.-  \\af  much  pk.tsud  witii  t'le  cliango 
from  a  slave  stale  to  one  where  siaw-ry  was  not  ree;v^ni7cd.  And  ait'K)U;;h 
tilings  wc-re  wry  (.lili'ereiu  from  wii.a  lie  jiad  licen  acciisioinetl  to,  ho  readily 
conformed  to  his  new  sinroun'-!ii',:;s  and  soon  felt  at  lionic. 

It  was  durinj:  his  ?ta\-  in  Browii-.\i!le  ih.<u  he  liecMiic  much  coiirerned 
on  the  subject  of  relit;ion,  and  iie\er  rested  iMuil  lie  had  come  to  a  saving 
knowk'dye  of  tlie  Lord  Jesus  ('liiihi,  accept c'd  Him  as  iii.-^  Savioi  and  united 
■  with  the  Methodist  Church.  April  1,  18.-2. 

It  was  at  Brcwnsville  tliat  he  n/,i.'t  the  'l'rea_dv,  ay  family,  se%-era'  of 
wdiosc  children  were  pupils  in  his  school.  This  family  ino\(.'a  to  Ce.itcr- 
ville,  Indiana.  He  soiui  foHowed  and  was  there  married  on  Decem.bcr  20, 
18.^2,  to  ?d!ss  I'li/cd.ieih  Keziah\.ay.  Siie  was  l.orn  in  i\entuck\-  in 
1816.  and  was  therefore  oni>-  sixteen  years  old  when  they  were  married. 

Sliortly  alter  this  he  L:a\c  up  teat'  and  again  c-ngageci  in  mer- 
chandising at  a  countr\  place  some  twenty  miles  aortiiwcst  of  Brownsvii'e. 
He  remained  there  until  about  lS.i5,  when  he  sold  out  and  moved  to  Lapcrte. 
Ind.iana,  where-  he  continued  tiic  mercantile  bii^iness  imder  the  iirm  style 
of  Xewell  &  W'ootlbon,  and  bev.ame  prominent  ami  inlluentiai  in  the 
community,  serving  se\-ei-al  years  as  postm.aster.  His  wife  died  J.)ecembcr 
25,  1S;1,  at  tlicir  hon^e  in  Laporte.  About  lcS-17  he  nuned  to  Michigan 
Citv,  Indiana,  taking  a  position  of  teller  in  the  branch  bank  of  ihe  state. 
He  soon  fiecame  cashier  and  finally  president  of  tlie  bank.  !  ie  al.-o  b<:ca;ae 
a  municipal  ofllcer  and  was  recognized  as  one  of  the  w  ise:^t  and  safest  citizens 
of  the  sTate.  After  he  been  in  Michigan  City  a  coup'le  of  years  he  was 
married  '^eceaid,  on  June  7,  184'.),  to  Miss  Jerusiia  Ahisha  Phelps,  who  was 
born  June  12,  1810,  at  Stanla-idgc,  Canada.  He  died  Oci,)  19,  18.=^;. 
at  his  home  in  IMichigan  City,  Jndiaa.a.  In  politic-  ha  was  an  old  line 
whig.  Hi::,  widow  died  December  5,  1892,  at  the  hcne  of  her  daugh.tei 
1661  Mav  Fdi/^a  at  Spokane,  Washington.  In  April,  May  and  ju-ie.  1S17, 
Edmond  Booker  Wootbon'  wrote  to  his  son,  —  Jo.-,eph  Angus)  ine  \\'ood,son,^ 
a  series  of  letters,  giviu;;  in  detail,  tlie  family  history  as  far  back  as  his 
inforniatioi!  e.vtendeo!.  It  is  from  these  notes  that  the  data  concerning  the 
descendants  of  217  Woodson, "^  been  taken.. 

11  943  Judith  Frances,-  born  February  26,  1  S!  1 ,  in  Amelia  (  nuuty,  and  died  Mardi 

•M,  1S12,  in  F'rince  Edward  count)-,  Xdrgir.ia. 

Ill  *  941  Francis  SylveLjler,'  born  Noyember  24,  1813,  in  Prince  Echcard  countv-, 
\'iigii!ia  where  he  was  reared  and  ed.ucated  in  tlie  conimon  schools  of  the 
coimtrv.  He  was  married  Deccntber  10,  18,37,  at  old  S.inth'  )?.iver  Baptist 
Clvarca  in  Prince  l"d\-;i.rd  cotints',  tc  Aiis.-:  S.-irah  liice,  who  was 
i)orn  and  reared  in  Prince  ivi.vaid  cotmty,  on  the  farm  where  I^.ice's 
Slati(jn    is   now    locate^!.     They    rennined    in    Prince    Edw.ird   aL<JtiL    four 

2?i)  Tin-.  V. ooi> 

vi'ars  a!Ki  in   iJ'll   ;;u.\Tt!  1'.  \\\irro:-l.jn,  \\\;iri:i;  c-i'tiU'.  Xorih  ( ',.;- 'ii... . 
V.  luTc  (!".cy  ;■■,_■  111  ,i)n;-i  I  :;!. ,"■.!,  ihii'y  voars. 

In  poli'u-s  he  -^aj-  an  •■'.■]  !';h-^  and  '^r-ily  ai!!;.  rcl  to  ihc  p'in.q  !,. 
(1^  tiKrt  p.iil.y.  \i\  o.-.-;;-).-;;-.-!:  lio  >s  .i-?  a  Ci .ntract-w-  aiw;  i:';ii!i!:;i  ,  raal;:ii:  .; 
spccialiN-  of  j';>;)li!-  Vili!i:".iL.:.  ih-  '>rr.:--i>c  noio'l  a-  a  C^:'-:  i  !n_n!-;f  n'';!'!-  - 
and  arrhiu-at.  lie  bi:;i;  Vac  f  i;n:Hi>  cxccuixc  maii.M.!;:  in  Ralel.Ji,  Xor:;-: 
Car'ilina,  v.-hi.;h  '.'.■;->;  remowd  i;i  J007  and  rcpl.-cci]  v.itii  a  ii;or-a  iii.,f'!:ii. 
f-tnict;'?v.  At  the  ^>ci:.'iv,uh\^  of  \l!e  ("ivll  War  Ii-  cpii-:.-l  ip  ;!■■•  (^■:,f.•^k•r■.;,■.• 
ai;p\  ,  ar.i]  in  1862,  n  cci  ■. '.'(!  :i  ■".  miia,!  wiiiaii  iivcaiyai  it.itt.l  lii:.';  for  fiii'.iu'r 
i-^M'\icr  anij  'lonc'alily  iii--i  h,f  ■!;<•%'. 

At  the  li'ne  o'-  lus  niaiTiai^:  !^.'  wa;;  a  iv. mboi  of  '-^an  iy  ;<i\'.  .  l?ai-M-' 
Cluirrii.  aa(i  after  his  rciiiu\-ai  t.'.  W-jrvfut'-n  \'v  was  f.-iv  of  i'k?  focai-.'-j.-s  ■■• 
tho  I-'irst  Bai;ii<t  Cliurcii  of  Tha'  jjiaaa  aia!  fo'  iiur.y  years  -erMjti  as  ciiP  s.f 
its  most  eariust  iip.d  offtcient'i;-?.  l!a  aL~o  uno  ;il.  liu;  foui'-rlcr- 
(if  llio  \\"arronioii,  >.orth.  CarMlir.a.  I'c.nijtc  i  n.-tit  uU-. 

At  the  clo^i-  of  the  \:a<-  ii'  1J65,  he,  'i':c  ll^e  f;ic-ai  nu.joriix-  ,  f  :--';!!!hLia 
people,  i%as  piaciica!l\-  |)eniii!'.->s;  hut  tiothi:  i.'.  da!jp.:td,  i-.e  ajjj.iiad  hiniscjf 
to  his  ".■ocalinp  v,-i;,!i  a!'  the  ent-rj;y  of  -vvhit-h  a  man  "f  Afiy-f-Mj  waj-^  of 
as:'-  \vas  capaidf.  Pie  v.a.s  liOLt-u  for  a  dice' fula>.s>  '.v!iit.i-;  never  dfscneJ 
liiiri  and  a  dvy  h\ira.or  v.  liic'i  laa.'ic  him  wl!..-.  la.c  e>"vr\'\\ '"-re.  Paine;  liiii;- 
Pfrlf  a  man  ol  t-irori^;  rl-,;i racier,  iipn-  h'f^  and  ai;-;.j:i.'ieiy  lioae-l,  l:e  ii;<i;-r;.-.i 
upon  rigliteou-r.ess  in  id!   puljlic  affair;;. 

About  the  year  1S70  he  reiV'Oeed  lo  Rrile'^li  ;so;iii  C'a-oiitia,  v,-ii(;e 
he  spell!  tile  leiiaundf.-r  of  his  iifij  and  (i'cd  a.  his  honie  th.-.x-.  r\;!;rua.r\-  i;, 
ISSl.  His  widow  survived  h.iin  a  little  I'loie  t'lan  uyjr  v^'c^rs  and  dioi 
juiic  22,  1885,  at  !ier  hij.r.e  in  Ualeirli,  Norih  Caroli-a. 

IX  v42  RoVieiL  Jones/  boni  .May  ."0,  I.S!5,  in  ^'riuee  i'dward  coi!nV\-,  Visyinia. 
and  died  there  januarx-  !,  1S17. 

y         943  :',ii;;abeth   Scott, «  bom   \Jay  0.   islj:,  in   T'rince   Kdward  toi;n;y,  and  di.-i 
there  about  1859  or  IS60. 

VI  C4'l  Jahn  Joseph,-'  liorn  Deaembcr  I,  1821,  in  Prince  Kdwaid  county,  X'lrijiiii-'. . 
After  tile  death  oi  ids  fat':;er  in  IS.n:,  lie  ajiurned  charg;e  ot  tiie  far->i  and  took 
care  of  his  moiher  and  sisters  iiniil  thie  brea'ciag-  out  of  tiie  Ci\H  War  iti 
1861  when  he  erib-a.ed  in  conip;_,i:y  "A."'  tenth  \'ireir,ia  r-<jin:;.'nt,  Coii- 
fedorate  arniv.  At  llie  battle  of  Seven  Fires  he  wa^  \.oi.indcd,  left:  on  ih.e 
field,  cai_)vureti  l)y  the  hcderals  and  takeii  a  prisoner  oi  v\ar,  to  P'oint 
Lookout,  Mar%!;cnd,  where  he  died  June  l?,  ISO.'..  He  wa.s  an  ima;  te.ndi.,' 
(ihristian  r'-^n'T-nian,  .beloved  by  all  vho  Irnew  him  1~w(;  da\-s  befe^re  tin 
battle  lie  \v!vite  to  his  iiancec  tiial  if  h-e  lixa.d  thr'.-tig!:  tlie  fighting  aroaiai 
Richmond,  he  AOuId  come  ii.ui.e  ^\^^]  claim  lier  as  his  l.nide.  They  had 
been  lovers  frc^jp  childhood,  liis  niilitarv'  cuuiradcs  sa\-  that  "No  braver 
SI :idi>;r  or  Ijettcr  man.  wr.s  in  the  atTny,"  and  tii.jt  "he  died  like  a  patriot  ar.'.! 
a  ge. Ill -in an."     lie  was  iie\'er  married. 

VIJ  *  94S  V,'i!liain  Tbornas,"  bor.i  Aprd  \],  iS25.  on  the  farm  near  [five's  Station, 
i'riiice  Lii'ward  coiuiiy,  \'ir-,;i'i:ac.     At  the  aee  f)f  vounii  riMJiiioori  lie  went 


to  Miriiic.111  City.  hi'Ji.iiui,  a:ul  learuoil  liio  ir.ide  of  c;iMtn.  iniakcr  in  \vhii:h 
lie  l>ocniii>.'  !)i:^'hl\'  j^kllJofi.  I(  \'as  ii'.'i  \o-.\.^  nniil  !io  tsta!il!shc<i  hinisoif  a? 
proprietor  el  a  I'lirniiini.'  >;('Vi'  arn!  limK-nrikin,;^  sl;op.  in  wiiich  lic  was  so 
siu-rcssful  ibat  ho  r-.-iU.A  i-i  \o  (.'hie,  ^;o.  Illinois,  as  a  binadcr  liriii  fn/  h,.^ 
occun.iiio;!.  li  waf  there-  il'.;u  1)0  \sas  rn,i!iietl  August  22,  1847,  to  Eir.ily 
Ak-.\aii<lrr  ■.■f  iha.l  cit\\  Thoy  continued  li^  re.-ide  in  (."hicago  for  a  niiniber 
of  \-earf.  ti'.irine  wliich  time  he  .•^erx-ed  sexeuil  terms  as  oily  sexton.  After 
he  had  acnaired  a  consider,:l>lc  tortiiiio.  he  reino\  cd  to  '~.\anstf)n,  lIHdoi?, 
where  he  died  Jidy  23.  1877.  si;r\i\ed  by  his  -.vidow  and  (uie  daiii;hler.  He 
was  a  ci )n>i.-;eiU.  t';  anil  i-.oteJ  fi;*-  liis  nilcction:: te.  genial  nature. 
In  polities  he  \\-as  a  wiii..;  as  lore;  .as  that  part\'  existed  and  tiicn  espoused 
the  cause  of  ihij  republican  party.  His  widow  died  at  Iiomc  in  E\-ans- 
Lon,  on  June  17.  b^'^S,  rin"\i\ed  by  lier  onI\-  d.-iUgliier. 

\'1II  046  Virginia  M,"ry,~"  born  Ociober  20,  lt;2S,  on  the  farm  near  Rico's  Station, 
Prince  Edward  cotnUN',  Xirginia,  where  she  lived  until  bS6i.  During  that 
year  she  '.vcm  to  visit  her  brother's  fami!y  in  W'arrenton.  iXorth  Carohna, 
and  died  there.     Xc\'er  married. 

!:;stte  of       4-82  THOMAS  PLEDGE  V/OODSON"    (Samuel  Tucker/  John,^  Benjamin/ 
John.'  Jotm,'-  John')  and  Saliie  P.  Thomas. 

I  *  947  John  Calvir,'  born  ISol,  in  Fli!\anna  cotnity,  Mrqinia.  v.diere  hz  recrived  his 
early  educ<;tion,  was  sent  to  the  Uni\ersit\'  of  \'irginia,  from  v.bich  instiru- 
tion  he  v.'as  graduated  and  afterwards  took  the  regular  course  in  medicine. 
In  1852  he  moved  to  Pike  county,  ^lissouri,  and  v,-as  there  married,  October 
25,  1S55,  to  Jennie  IsIatjOii.  T!ie>"  lived  in  Missouri  several  yeai's  arui 
moved  to  Ixlemphl;,  Tennessee,  during  the  Ci\  il  War,  about  1S63.  They 
remained  two  years  in  Memphis  where  he  practiced  his  profession  and  tlien 
moA'ed  back  to  Missouri,  settled  in  Ralls  county  and  practiced  medicine 
until  ISS.i.  He  had  united  with  the  Baptist  Chui'ch  in  early  life.  'Ais 
wife  v^-as  educatc.l  at  Palmyra  College  under  the  ttilorsliip  of  Dr.  Hobsia. 
She  was  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church  until  a  fcv  years  before  her 
death  she  embraced  the  Catholic  religion.  During  Iter  widov/hood  she 
continued  to  reside  on  her  farm  near  Nev.-  London,  Ralls  count}',  IMissouri. 
with  her  yoimgest  son,  Philip  Norliornc,  until  1903  wlien,  in  searcl;  of 
healtii,  she  and  her  son  went  to  San  Pedro,  Caliiorrvia,  where  she  died 
OctoLf-r,  J  '"J.i. 

II         945;  Ebzabeth  Ann,'  born  1833.  in  Fluvanna  county,  Virginia,  where  she  grcv-.' 
to  ",.  oung  womanhood  and  died  unniarr;>:d. 

Ill  *  949  Luthsr  Riff),'*  born  iS35  in  Fluvanna  county,  Virginia,  went  with  the  family 
in  18.S2,  to  Pike  county,  IMissouri.  He  was  married  January,'  1856,  to 
Martlta  Alieii  Glasscock.  They  settled  on  their  farm  a  few  miles  west  of 
New  London,  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  where  they  spent  the  rest  of  their 
li\es.  He  died  in  ^898  at  Perry,  Mis.-ouri,  while  attending  a  banquet 
g!\-en  by  tlu-  Masonic  lodge  of  tliat  place.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
Christian  Church  and  a  democrat. 

TIIH  "iVOOnSfSS  AXi'  T!!;:!U  CONNIX  1  ION'- 

1\'  930  SaL.c  Tucker,'"  born  ao'.ii.  ii;  i'liivaTiiia  C(HnU>',  \'iri;i;iia.  v/nU  \vi''>  i'\e 
family  in  185x  to  Pilco  ci-'inUy.  Missouri,  wlioro  sho  wa;^  ri.\irrd  and  cdiic.'(;-d. 
ohe  v.-as  twice  married :  ilrsi,  in  1S65,  lo  \\'i'!i;ini  T.  C!ea\"er.  Ti:e\- 
sotlLd  ir.  Spencerlniis;,  ^l  isf'>u-i,'ie  he  died  in  l^Si,  wiihnut  i^>•.■••. 
She  was  next  niarried  in  1SS7,  lo  Ke\-.  Tiximiis  J.  l-'errell,  a  minister  in  trie 
IMethodisi  Cliurcl'i.  Siic  ul:d  I'-'Ol  at  her  i'.on.e  in  Buvdiny;  Gree-n,  Missouri. 
She  ne\'er  liad  an>'  ehilthx-n  of  Iier  own  l,nu  re<iretl  arid  cared  for  her  niece, 
1733  Emm>i  Lou  Brig-gs,*  chaugiiter  of  her  sister,  955  \ar5inia  Catherine 
(Woodson)  lirigcis. 

V'  931  Susaii  E\eV'iie,'^  liorn  IS-J-o,  in  rinwanna  counly,  Vlrgini.i,  went  wiilt  liic 
family  in  1  S.'  ',  to  i'ike  couiun',  M  isbOiiri,  \\  here  site  was  reared  and  educated. 
She  was  ma.rie  i  in  lS6i,  to  Dr.  S.  B.  .\xies.  They  settled  in  Louisiana. 
Pike  coiinly,  T-d  isic.iiri,  v.  here  the\'  stii!  1  >-,ide.  They  li.i\c  no  cliildren 
of  tlieir  own  biit  adopted  an.d  reared  tlieir  iiiece,  Sasic  Briggs.  daughte?"  of 
her  sister  9.55  X'ir^jinia  Catherine  (Woodson)  Briggs. 

VI  952  Thoj.aas  Poindexter,*  born  jS45,  in  FluN'anna  cotinty,  \'irginia,  went  with 
the  family  in  1852  to  Pike  connr\-,  I\!ipsouri,  wheru  he  was  married  in  1S71 
to  r^Jargaret  I^olierts.  He  died  in  march,  1S7(;,  bi)r\-i\ed  in-  his  widov."  r.!id 
one  son,  Tliomas  Poindexter  Woodson,  Jr.,'  w  ho  was  ixirn  1874,  was  married 
to  Alma  Jolms,  and  has  two  sons.  He  is  a  minisier  in  the  Methodist  Chtirel; 
and  a  democrat. 

\'il         953   Ma.ry  Jane,'  born  lo47  in  Fbiwunia  coiint\  ,  Virginia,  went  with  the  fam.iiy 
in  1S52  to  Pike  county,  iNlissouri,  v.herc  she  died  unn;arried,  in  1S67. 

\T11  9.^4  Philip  Norborne,^  born  1S50,  in  Fluvanna  crunty,  \arginia,  went  with  the 
family  in  1S52,  to  Pike  county,  Missouri,  where  lie  was  rearci  and  educated. 
About  1S78  he  went  to  San  Francisco,  California,  where  ho  is  still  iivir'g. 
IJe  has  never  married. 

IX  *  955  Virgiria  Catherine,''  l)-irn  2855.  in  I'ike  county,  Missouri.  She  v,-as 
educated  in  the  seminary  in  Bowling  Green,  Pike  county,  i\b!s30t;ri,  and 
was  m.arriefi  in  1S7-J.  to  D.  F.  Briggs.  They  settled  on  their  farm  near 
New  Loridon,  in  Ralls  county,  wliere  they  still  li\'e  v.dth  their  two  sons 
who  are  unmarried. 

Issue  of       4S3    MARY   V/OODSON'    (Samuel  Tucker,"  John,^   Benjamin,'  John.^  John.- 
John')  anrl  John  Sriiith. 

1  956  Tuckei  Smith,'  born  about  1S21,  at  "Burgher,"  the  old  homestead  in 
Iluvanna  coant>',  \'irginia.     He  married,  lived  and  died  in  \'irginia. 

II  937  Walter  Smith, "^  born  about  li-23  at  "Burgher,"  Flu-cauna  county,  Virginia. 
He  probal.iiy  spent  his  entire  Hfe  in  his  nati\e  state 

III  958  Antiie  Smith, ^  born  about  1825  at  the  old  homestead  in  Fluvanna  county, 
\''irgim'a,  v.herc  she  was  reared  and  educated.     She  wa.=  married   to   Mr. 

Vaje  2-12.  !ir,S  Annio  ^m.Wa   i-:  nn   nrror.     He.-  torroct  r.suao  -.vas  EvcJina   ?.r.\\ih.      <C',v- 
rectetl  iiy  ii<-'.-.  ,V.  !..  .\;ioi;i!. ; 

Liule  nud  contiiUKj   to  ri-ri'Je  at   ■'iiurgher"   \\herc  Iicr  niothtr  c^ikI 

gi.-irninu)t;icT   had    ppcui    ilwlv  ciuiio   IWn-.     Siii;   v.oS   living   tb.ore  abouc 

Issue  cf       4-05   ELIZABETH   VOODSCN'    (Samuel   TucktT.«  John,-'    Benjamin,'    Jni,.;,-' 
Joim,-  John')  ai.d  Jan:Ci  Dickinyf.n  Wa-.son. 

I  *  959  Eveline  B.  Watson,«  born  Fcbruar,-  21.  1827.  at  "BtiiKh.or,"  in  Fluvanna 
coiinty,  \'irglni:',,  Vvcnt  witJi  her  parcni.?  in  \SS6  lu  Ralls  counly.  Miss-ciuri. 
and  was  '.here  niai'i-iod  ii;  1S55  lo  Joliii  Stranc;e.  'Ihey  located  in  the  tov.-.i 
ot  Louisiana,  Missouri,  wlicre  she  died  in  191 1. 

II  ■^  PoO  Elizabeth  Wa^.son,*  btirn  Sepienibcr  2,  lf<2S.  at  "BurgiK-r,"  Fluvaruia 
county,  X'irginia,  went  Vsiih  tb.c  fan-ily  in  15^,'6  to  Ralls  cour.t\',  Mit-soiiri, 
and  vas  married  tb.ere  to  Dr.  Edward  B.  Strode  in  \S-i5.     She  died  in  li;72. 

Ill  961  J.'thi!  Hiram  Watson/'  born  Auytist  28,  1S,^0,  in  Flu\anna  cotmt>-.  X'irginia, 
went  with  the  family  in  1S36  to  Rails  co'.mty.  Missouri.  In  1S49  he  made 
tb.c  trip  overland  to  California,  returning  b\-  tb.c  way  of  Panama.  The 
retr.rn  trip  required  three  montlis.  He  was  niarried  about  18.^1  to  Betty 
Miller  and  died  juh-  1855.  They  had  two  sons,  Bayliss-  and  Charles 
Watson,^  both  of  whom  died  young  in  Rails  count>-. 

IV  902  jJmily  V-\ttson,'  born  September  IJ,  1S32,  i-a  Fluvanna  county,  Virgiiv!.;, 
went  v\iih  the  family  in  1S36  to  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  and  v.-as  there 
married  about  1S53  to  George  W.  Allen,  and  dieci  in  early  life.  They  had 
tv\-o  children,  Philia  Allen,'  v.l.o  died  in  infancy,  and  Cora  George  Alien,' 
v.-ho  married  J.  j.  Brown.  Tbe\-  live  in  Monroe  Cit}-,  Mi.ssoiiri,  and  have 
several  children. 

V  *  963  S::ii)tiel  Thomas  Watson, 5  born  June  30,  1S34,  in  Fluvanna  county,  Virginia, 
was  taken  by  his  parents  in  1836  to  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  where  he  was 
reared  and  educated.  lie  was  married  January  17,  ISOO.  to  Margaret 
Jones,  who  was  born  No%-ember  6,  1839.  Ti  f^y  settled  on  their  farm  in 
Ralls  county  where  he  died  September  3,  1910.  He  was  a  mild,  gentle, 
lovable  Christian  and  an  elder  in  the  Christian  Church.  His  widow  stil! 
lives  in  her  old  h.ome  near  New  London,  ^Missouri. 

VI  *  964  James  Poindexter  YVatsoDj"  born  May  7,  1836  at  "Burgher,"  in  Fluvanna 
county,  \"irginia.  The  follovving  summer  he  was  taken  b\'  his  parents  to 
Ralls  county,  Missouri,  where  he  was  reared  and  educated.  At  the  out- 
break of  the  Civil  War  he  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  States  army  and  served 
under  General  Sterling  Price.  He  was  married  in  1864,  to  Jane  Europa 
Mills.  After  the  close  of  the  war  they  settled  on  their  farm  in  Rails  county, 
where  she  died  in  1870.  He  was  married,  second,  in  1873,  to  Eliza  Virginia 
Tutt  who  was  born  in  1854.  She  was  a  daughter  of  James  Richard 'I  uii 
and  Mary  Cihi-scock  of  Culpepper  county,  Virr,inia.  Her  great-grandfather. 
Cr.briel  Tutt,  wa-;  a  li'.-utenant  in  the  contin'nUal  armv  during  the  R.evo!u- 

224  •iiir:  wt «;>!)? on -^  a":i-. 

i'lor,,  MTving  in  a  S  .nil)  far.-.iiu.i  nj^inicm  cf  v.iiic'i  his  older  iM-olIior  v,;..:, 
roloiu'I.  964  JanK-s  ('.■i;^:.-\tcr  \V'::«~,)n,*  wiiii  hi-  scconJ  vifo  continued  u; 
live  on  liic  farm  in  RjU-  ri-t!T".v-  uni\\  A'.o  ciioil  in  19n,S.  He  now  rc>iUos 
iri  Xt---,-  i.o..(.l''i.  MissiHiii.  h.  I'.inL;  r.c.;:i\'  r.niniKxl  <'in  i:is  four  score  \o.'.r.-. 

\'II  965  Davilla  Yvatson/  l)orn  \-\brv.:Yy  15-10,  in  R;!!!^  rouniy,  Missouri,  w;,. 
innrried  ir  1863  vo  V.  KinK'V  L\iicl>.  'I'lu  y  -piMU  iluir  lives  on  Uuir  f,ir^f< 
in  RalN  Oi-nty  ■,vin:rc  sIk  i!ic<!  in  ]''*12.  T!u->-  luu!  iv.o  daUj^Iilcrs  ,;:Ki 
til  roc  sons. 

\'i!I  ?&6  Sarah  FraiKes  Wafson,"  l'<)in  iS44  in  Ra!!s  oua!)  ,  .Mi,--(.nri.  marric-i 

in  1S;,.i  to  Marshal!  Stoflu!!  Gi.isscock.  Tl^-y  s.vtileii  on  their  farm  wh.Tc 
tiie>-  iivcil  inary  years.  He  died  diu.l  sh'  is  nov.-  Ii\ing  in  West  Har.nil;ai, 
Missouri.     TI;':>y  '  ten  children. 

.  IX  067  Fontaine  YVatson,*  born  P'ehruary  1846  in  Ralls  courity,  Missouri.  J.t 
some  linu-  c'uriTig  i.he  Civil  War  he  eidistcd  in  the  Co'.;fcderatc  State;!  arnvv' 
and  ser\-ed  until  the  close  of  the  conflict.  After  the  cessation  of  hosuiities 
ho  returned  home,  took  up  farming  as  his  cccupaiion  and  ".'as  married  lo 
Sallie  Priest.  They  now  !!\-c  on  th.e  old  \\  atson  farm  whore  h?  was  born. 
They  have  five  children,  (1)  Drake  Watson,-  who  represented  Ralls  couiitv. 
in  the  Missouri  legislature  In  1913.  He  is  a  dem.ocrat.  {?.')  George  Wavj-o:-,'-' 
a  dentist,  ii\-ing  in  Xcw  I^ondon,  Missouri.  (,^)  Frank  X^'atscn,"  af-sisiant 
cashier  in  the  bank  of  Xev,"  London.  (4)  Lizzie  Watson,"  wlio  is  still  ai 
home.      (5)   James  Watson,^  a   fanner. 

Issue   of       4o3   DAVILLA  ADLXAIDE  WOODSON'  (Samuel  Tucker, «  John,^  Benian;in,* 
John,'  John,"-  John')  and  James  Glasscock. 

I  968  Lticy  J.  Glasscock,*  born  August,  1S42,  in  Rails  county,  Missouri,  v.a-s 
married  to  Abb  Grimes  and  died  November  2?,  1903.  Thev  had  one  for, 
Hudson  Grimes,-  wlio  married  Lottie  ^.litchel!  and  li\TS  in  St.  I.o'jis, 

H  969  Bettie  Pledge  Glasscock/  born  December  2,  1843,  in  Ra!]=  county,  .Missou-i. 

Her  middle  riame  was  bestowed  upon  her  in  honor  of  uncle,  482  Tnomas 
Pledge  Woodson,'  for  whom  she  had  a  \-cry  high  regard.  She  was  married 
about  1864.  to  A\"d!iam  Glai-cock.  He  died  si^mc  years  ago  and  she  is  rou- 
living  at  her  own  home  in  New  London,  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  and  derives 
much  pleasure  from  her  garden  and  fowls.  It  is  through  her  kindncsr; 
that  much  of  the  data  pertai  ting  to  the  (!cscendants  of  219  Samuel  Ttickci 
\\'ooilso;i  h  ive  been  obtained.     No  issue. 

Ill  970  Doliie  IJatson  Glasscock,'  born  .-\pril  LS44,  in  Ralls  county,  I\Iissonri,  and 
died  th  jr;:  ir;  LS50,  aged  .s'.x  years. 

1\'  *  971  Emma  Glasscock, «  born  October,  1846,  in  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  v%-a3 
i>'prr:.jd  about  1S66,  to  X'ineent  Glasscock,  a  brother  to  William  Glasscock, 
v.iio  married  her  si.-.iir.  969  Pettic  Piedfe.' 

noun;  r.rsi  i;a  r; 

\'  *  972  Stephen  Gi.-sscvck,"  ;.•-:;.  :\]:,n-'  ISIS,  in  K.Jis  C'<uv.\--.  ^ii^s.>li^i,  and  was 
iiiorrii'.l  to  Ivu.'  Gcmiy. 

\'l  073   Addie  Dr.vilia  G^asscocl;,"  Ix-  i^.  .-Ix";!  1550,  in  Rails  rotnuy.  .MlL-sc>i!ri. 

iiiarric'i  ahc.'Ui  iST:',  lu  Mauiu--iV  l.-liu  luini'ari  who  di-.d  a  few  ^•e.•ll■^  aii.:;. 
Siu'  is  :-iil!  li\  iiiij;  on  her  farPi  near  .\c^\•  London,  ?\iisfouri.  Tlic\  I'ati 
se\oial  ehiJcircn  whoso  names  haN'c  lun  lv.:u  nsceriaint'd. 

\"I[  *  97-1  Thomas  Woodson  Glasscock,''  i)i.n-n  ahocv  IS.'/,  in  Raiis  county,  Mi.-s';ari, 
Wci.-  married  t^'  _\i:nie  r^cniry,  a  tisier  io  F.;'a  C.ciUrj',  who  was  lii-,;  v.  ife  of 
his  l)roihcr,  '^7.^  Sic[)hcn  Glasscock. 

\";i!  *  P75  Ho^-on,'  b  ,rn  !S.'-!,  in  Ralb  counly.  Mi-ouri.  wa-  married  in 
'iS76,  to  H.mie  GuIberisoM.  T)ie>-  lived  on  il.oir  farm  in  Ralls  countv 
until  he  died,  ?>lay,  1907. 

Issue  cf       41^^-1    LIKNEUS   WOOBSOK'  (John,''  John/'  Benjamin,^  John.^  John,-  John') 
and  Jane . 

I  P7o  Peter,*  born  about  1S37,  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia,  wont  with  his 
parents  about  1852,  to  Albemarle  county,  where  he  was  reared  and  educated. 
It  is  p.ol  knowri  whetlier  or  not  he  survived  the  Ci\il  War. 

II  077  LIiiTieus,  Jr.,'  born  about  1S40,  in  Goochland  county, Mrginia,  went  Yvil.h 
his  parents  about  1S52,  lo  Albemarle  county,  where  he  was  reared  and 
educated.  It  is  vei\-  jjioL^able  that  he  enli-tec!  in  the  Gor.icderato  army, 
but  it  is  not  whether  he  survived  the  Givi!  War  or  not.  If  these 
two  brothers  survived,  the}-  musL  have  inherited  a  line  property,  for  their 
parents  owned  a  splendid  river  plantation  in  Alljemarle  county,  ^ee  riOLcs 
by  94/   Dr.  Joint  Galvin  Woodson. - 

Is^.ae  of       4^3   ANK  WOOLSOK'  (Charies,^  Charles.^  Tarleton.^  John,^  Robert,^  John-) 
and  Captain  William  Pope. 

1  *  97S  Lucy  Ann,""  l-orn  and  reared  in  Powhatan  county,  \irj:in:a.  was  mairied  to 
Robert  K.  Dabney.  She  was  his  second  wife.  Mr.  Dabney's  flr^l  wife 
was  829  Janiima  G.  Woodson'  who  died  February  26,  1821. 

Issue  of       4SS    CHARLES   FRIEND   V/OODSON'    (George,''  Charles,^  Tarleton,^  John,-^ 
Robert,-  J'.ihn'j  and  Ann  Thomas  V\'iL-on. 

I  979  George.' 

II  980  Goodrich.^ 

III  981  Sarah, ^  married  99S  Dr.  Julian  Bates,'  son  of  51.^  Ecrward  Batc=  ' 

IV  982  Vir-i/iia.-  .   . 


V!  O&i  Eilen,"  nian-ied  '^'■)S  Kichaict  Bnics,'  son  ot  515  Kdv/ard  Bates,'  am!  ba..' 
su\oia!  clii!  iren. 

\'1I         t'SS  Jiili:^,'  marriri]  i.--aac  N'jwtori  ^- lOuicniCAxr  and  had  ifsuc. 

\'J1I         9S6  Mary,"  inarriod  Wi'.'iun  Alvxaiidcr  llanis.     (Sue   \Vm.  and   Mary  Otly., 
wA.  X,  p.  1S7.) 

Issue  of       oOS    GliORGE  CLAKK"   .Sandi  Wuod>on/'  Chailt.-,-''  Tarleton.-',-'  Rabcri,= 
Jcib.n')  a.VKJ  Ana  Mu'ailiy. 

1         937  Gecrge  Fi=deriti:  C  avk.-' 

II         9S8  John  Jamos  Clark. « 

III  •  9S0  Tarleton  Woodson  C!ark,-'«  born  about  1805,  in  V^rgiiiia,  where  he  hived  and 
died.     He  was  married  to  EHzabetli    Submit  Gricc. 

1\'         990  Virginia  Woodson  Clark.s 

Issue  of       SO  7   rRED£PICK  )iATES"  (Caroline  Matilda  WoodpoTi,^  Charles,^  Tarleton,^ 
John,"  RobLrt.-  Jo!i!!-)  and  Xaiuy  Opie  Balb 

I         99i  Lrcius  )^ee  Bates, - 

II  992  Emily  Caroline  Bates"  born  January  5,  1S20,  in  St.  Charles,  IVlissoiiri,  -".vas 
married  August  9,  1838,  to  her  coi;sin  993  Robert  Alfred  Vv'aiton,* 
son  of  Thomas  Hobscn  Walton  and  510  SiiFannah  Woodson  riaios.'  For 
issue  see  Excursus— Walton. 

Issue  of        B'i  G    SUSANNAH  WOODSON  BATES'  (v  aroiino  Alatlld.i  Woodson,-  Chavlec^,-' 
Tarleton,'  John,'   Robert,-'  John')   and  Thomas  ilobson  Walton. 

I  993  Robert  Alfred  Walton,^  born  Au-ust  ?7,  1S04,  at  Cartersville,  Cumberland 
county,  \"irginia,  where  he  was  reared  and  educated.  At  the  age  of  young 
manhood,  he  ^:cin  lo  Si.  Charirs.  Missouri  and  engaj;ed  in  liusincs.-.  Ho 
was  there  married,  August  9,  1858,  to  his  first  cousin  992  Emily  Caroline 
Bates.*  For  many  years  he  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  blankets 
and  other  woolen  goods,  in  which  he  was  successful  and  accumulated  a 
considerable  fortune.  He  died  X'ovember  20,  1867,  at  his  home  in  St. 
Charles,  Missouri.     For  issue  see  E.xcursus — Walton. 

Issue  of        515   EDWARE/    KATES'    (Caroline    Matilda    Woodson/'    Charles,''    Tarleton,^ 
John,'  Robert;-'  John'j   and  Julia  Coidter. 

The>-  had  quite  a  large  family  of  sons  and  daughters  but  the  names  of 
oni)-  fi\e  liavc  been  procured  for  this  record,  namely; 

Kiillll   G1-NI-:!'AT!<!\ 

I         904  Jvidp,e  B.'.iioa  Bates.-  <i  -.veU  knov.  li  l.\v--yir  an.i  juris!  of  St.  i.ouis,  ";\iissouri. 

Ji  99'   Dr.  Juilu.'i  Bates, '^  :i   p/-  :,.iiivrir\:-'ian  r.f  St.  I.cui.-.     He  m.iri  ied  98) 

.S.irai)  \\  ooilvdi'.*  daui;'.  u-r  of  i')9  C'ii;;i  l.-s  1".  W'oodjun"  aiui  .\nii    riKnu.'is 

Ill  S9C  Jol'ij)  CciiJter  L.'iies,-'  buii>  and  learrd  in  St.  Loiii.-,  bccanif  an  (.iffu-.T  in  tiic 

l'niu.(i  St.iu---  v.rmy  and  i<  now  rciir-.-;.!  with  liu-  r.m.k  of  iicuu-iiant  s^cncral. 

i\'  997   l.ip.tild.'i   iirdes,"  bort:  in  St.  Loni--.,   v•a^    niaiii^d   lo  Air.   I'.no  and  lives  in 

SiKer  City,   Now  Mexico. 

V         OQr,  Richard   Bp.'or,'   \va;    in.rried    'o   9v!    l-!!!,  r.    \\'':.od:^wn,'   tlaufjucr   of    499 
Cliaiu-s  v.  Woodson"  and  Ann  Thomas  W'lison. 

Issue  cf        GIG   CHARLES  WOODSON'  (Tarleton/  Charles, ^  Tarlnon,"  John/   Rf,bcrt,= 
John')  and  N'ancy  Ja.'kson, 

I   *     999  Mary    Thompson,*    born    in    Prince    Edward    coiuuy,    \'irginia,    married- 
Natlia.nici  \'enab!e. 

II  ICOO  Tarlelon,^  born,  li\-ed  a;.d  clicd  in  Prince  Edi'.ari.i  coun^\-,  Virginia.  Ne\'cr 

III  1001   Frederick,-  born  in  Piiiicc  r.d\\ard  county,  died  unniarriecl. 

IV  1002  Charles  Van  Dcr  Veer,"  born  in  Prince  Edv.arfl  county,  aiid  died  il;ere, 


\'  1003  Anne  Van  Der  Veer,'  l)orn  in  Prince  Edward  county,  and  died  there. 
Ne\er  ;narried. 

\T  1004  Eli2r,l;e;h  Jackson,*  born  about  1820  in  Prince  I'dward  comity,  \irr-inia. 
She  wa.s  nujre  than  eighty  years  old  at  the  time  of  licr  death.,  aad  h.ul  li\T.d 
all  her  life  in  the  house  in  Vs'hich  she  was  born..      Xe\'er  married. 

Issue  of        519   TA:aiZTCm    WOODSON''   (Joh.i,'^  Tarletor.,'  Tarh.Lon,'  J(;hn,-^   Robert,- 
John,')  and  i'lliss Shepherd. 

I        1003  Jc!:iij'^  raarricd  .Mis.-- Gar'ancl. 

II    *    1006  T.'irleton,'   iKjrn   in    Coochiand   county.   \'irginia.     Was   n^arvied    to 

Miss Wheeler.     He  owned  a  '.a.i.sC  taian  ami   a   numlier  of  slaves  in 

Alben;arle  county. 

Ill  *  1007  Pryor,'  l.orr,  about  l'.'9a  in  Co<-chland  omnty,  \'irs:inia,  was  married  about 
1.S16  to  Miss  Joseijhi.e  Aiiles.  'i'h.ey  settled  on  their  farm  called  "Ha'cyori 
Hills,"    se\-en    miles    from    Cliarlotteo%iile,    /Vbeuiarle    county,    y'irgiriia, 

Till-:  V. iHiiis.:.NS  AND  t'.m:ik  rdSNKrrioxs 

wI)oro,  il  app'-ii:?.  ^I'l  '^■-   i'^-'''  f<'in;._vn  chii'-lron  wt:v  born.     Irlc  died  at 
H.iicyon  Ililis  ai  a  ripe  <■'.•!  ai^c. 

IV  *  lOOS  Augustine,'  h'nn  in  G'.H.chiand  ;uvi  innrriv-.l  Nancy  Martin,  of  Al!ic;:K'.r]c 
cc'iimv.  riioy  j^ci!k-d  in  .-M!.^"tnarlc  cuimty,  where  llioy  owned  a  Ijrge 
farm  and  ;i  number  of  tdas es. 

V  1009  Ti'cl'cr/  b'lrn  in  Goochland  couniy,  and  married  Mi?s  Tijhh-oan.  They 
had  ^cverai  children,  one  of  wlioni  \v,t..s  James  V\'ooii.-on,^  wlio  e:ili--.tod  hi 
vlie  L'oT:led'-raie  army,  attain  -d  (hf  r;mk  of  eaptain  .nr;d  ser\-ed  to  the  close 
of  the  Civil  War, 

Issue  ci        ^21    TA^^OLIKE  FLEMING  PLE/S.\T;TS-     (?  latihow  Pleasants^  Su^:nin:,h 
W;  w..b.on,-  Tarlctonp  John,^  Robert,"  Ji^h'.')  and  William  T'.Iayo,  Jr. 

1  -  iOlO  Addison  F.  Mayo.Hioru  December  6,  KS09.  at  Wrr.^a.illes,  Kentucky.  He 
wa-  a  physician  hy  prorcssiun.  I!c  v.-as  twice  married:  first,  on  Septcndiet 
7,  1831,  to  Mi^s  Frances  St.  Clair,  who  lived  bur  a  short  time  and  died 
without  issue.  He  married  second,  on  June  IV,  1840,  Miss  Susan  M. 

n  *  3011  Ctorgianna  Mayo,'*  born  April  11,  1S!3,  in  Kentucky,  married,  June 
12,  1b'57,  to  Dr.'willlam  P.  HairinKoi,  oi  Versailles,  and  died  October  10, 
181U.  About  eight  and  a  hall  searb  lalei,  her  htt-band  was  married  to 
iier  sister  1014  Carolir.e  L.  !\layo. 

HI  1012  Fjederic:  E.  Mayo,^  born  Jaiinary  8,  1S16,  was  twice  married;  fir.i ,  ro 
Alary  Rankin,  second,  to  Mary  McDowell,  and  had  one  son,  Fredeiick  E. 
Mayo,  Jr.' 

IV  1013  Peyton  Randolph  Mayo,-'  born  May  9  181S,  was  married  first,  to  ^d'ary 
James,  and  second,  to  Caroline  Prentice.      No  i^sue. 

V  *  iOM  CciTekne  L.  Majo,^  born  MarcVi  6,  1«25,  was  mamed  May,  1849,  to  he- 
deceased  sister's  husband.  Dr.  Wihiain  P.  Harriman.  She  died  January 
7,  187.3,  in  Cooper  cotint>',  Missouri. 

Issue  of        K?.<.   PAULTPTE    PLEASANTS'    (Matih,;w     Pleasant?.^    Susannah    Vroodso!..-^ 
Tarleton,''  John,'  Robert,^  John')  and  Robert  Jolinston. 

I  101.'.  jK!;e  Johnston  born  1814  in  Lexingttn-,,  Pentucky,  v,as  married  in  lS.-;4  t" 
William  .Agnew,  a  lav.-yer  of  X'ersaiUes,  Kentucky.  After  his  death,  she 
was' married  in  1840  to  John  T.  Lyie  of  Fayette  county,  Kentucky. 

Issue   of        -52  5   BE^NfJAMKN'   FRANKLIlSi    PLEASANTS"   (^Matthew  Pleasants,^  Sii-annah. 
Woodson,^  Tarletoii,^  John,'  Robert,-  John'}  and.  P^abelia  MeCalla  Adair. 

I  :0i6  Paukne  Pler^ants,'  born  December  13.  1817,  in  Harrodsburg,  Kentucky. 
and  di'.d   iliere  in    1829. 

li  ^'  iOl"  A'li!  C'^iherine  riea.=.::;u-,-:,''  '>":■:•  -»':'>'  --""•  '-'■'-',  i"  !  i.'.rnH!>i)up^,  KtJUi'.'.ky. 
\vn>  iii,.rric(.l  in  IS.-.f,  lo  Rev.  M;'.si..i;  Ni»l.!c,  ;i  riv^liyii.-ri.ui  iiiiiii-i.:f,  \y]\-- 
Avas,  for  nK!n>-  \cj's.  rlu^pl.iin  in  iho  I'ni'.'.c!  Stales  Pa\"\',  an<]  for  t-oirc 
\v-;us  ciLCupicd  one  oi  tlic  rro.-^liN  ■.■.■:  ian  puijit.^  in  \\'a--lun;^ion,  1).  C_".  Si;" 
(•ioti  Sep(i>:nber  5,  l^^U,  at  Ha;i.p -u-ad,  New  Y..ik. 

Ill  *  lOl'F,  Ceyrge  Washin^rtosi  PIea;;ar,ts,'  ho.rr.  Xov.;ml>cr  H,  1S23,  in  \V;i^;hingt<)n. 
D.  C,  stiulicd  linv  and  btca\iic  c-niiacn(,  in  hi?  ])rofi;ssion.  lie-  niarri.:d 
Sarab  Biickly  and  sculod  in  lIiiaoi>.  \vliere  !k-  wr.s  elected  for  nix  coi-.t-cru- 
t'.vc  terms  as  circni;  judge,  ajid  v- as  for  se\eia)  year:- one  (;f  ilie  siiprenK' 
judi:e.-.  of  iiie  bLaie. 

1\"  ''  1019  John  Aclair  Pief.-^anti.s  horn  r\ray  17,  1826.  in  Wasldi:gtc.n,  L).  C.  lie  wa.-, 
a  la-vyer,  and  piactici'd  hii  profession  in  Rielimund,  X'irginia.  wl'ere  l:c 
was  married  October  6,  !852,  to  X'ir^inia  Caiy  ^io^by.  He  died  NoveniLcr 
19,  1893. 

V  *  iO?0  Matthew  Franklin  Pleasants,'  born  September  17,  1529,  in  Washington, 
]'.  C,  locatc'l  in  Riehmcnd,  Virginia,  and  practiced  law  aniil  ins  death 
Kovernber  2,  190^1.  He  was  ninriicd  October  6,  lo52.  lo  Lydia  Mosby 
of  Riciiinond. 

Jssue  of        52  B   ELIZABETH  RArTDOLPH  PLEASANTS-  (Malihrw  Pleasants,*  Susannah 
\\'oeii.  on,-'  Tarletcn,-'  John,"  Rob.or:..-  John'-;  ai'.d  llouj^das  Youin;. 

I  1021  S"C"n  Railey  YcUiiu,*  born  abo-it  1S36  near  \'ersaillcs,  Kent'ocky.  Slic 
was  married  to  a  I\Ir.  J.ayton,  and  r,ow  !i\-es  at  Ferguson,  one  of  the  subinbs 
of  St.  Louis,  Jvlissouii.  The>-  lia\-e  sexeral  children,  ai!  of  whom  iivo  in 
Missouri,  except  her  eldest  dauglUer,  Mrs.  Andrew  Wall-^'.cc.  wiio  Vnc^  pJ. 
Versailles,  Kentucky. 

The  nani(:S  in   this  e.\celi?ni   family  have  not  been   obta.ineri   Ic  this 

Issue  of        5  2  S    GOV.  JAMES  PLEASANTS"  ( Janies  Pleasants'^  "Of  Contention,"  Susannah 
Woodson,^  Tarlcton,-'  John,^  Robert, =  John')  and  Susannah  Rose. 

I        1022   Ann  M.  Pleasanis,-  burn  ;  died  April  10.  18r6.     She  was  married  to 

Dr.  Llam. 

l!       1023  Chailos  Jamec  Pleasants.^ 

III  1024  Huf.h  Roso  Pleasants.^ 

IV  1025  Susannah  Pleasants,'  born  1S02,  died  Aiit:U..t   1.S,   1887,  was  married  to 

]S)r.  Jolm  Morris. 

■  V       i02S  Liajtha  Pleasants.^ 

T  -<j! 


YI       10:7 


Issue  of 

K  28 

jol'.n  Hainpucii  Pleasants,'  t".'n-. ;  (li-i!   l\-l)nri;\-  2N,   ISifi.     H;    \v.i- 

l\vii-o  nirsrricd:,  to  Anr.  1  !i.<.i  Ir-siui.-, ;  .-ccoiui,  to  M.'.r\  Mast-ii;. 

C^.rciline  Pleasants,'*  manied  ?\i.iTi-cl;iis  Sinuli. 

Maxlaaaa  Pleasants."- 

AKKA  S.  PLEASANTS'  (Janio^  PicasaiKs''  "Of  CoiUcntiorK"  Sus<-..uiial) 
WorJs'jn,-'  Tr.'leton/  John,'  Robert,-  Johr.'j  and  Ipjac  Wclisior. 

Isaac  Webster,  Jr.'' 

Kicuaid  Vt'elstoi.s 

Lraidon  V.'ebs-ter.* 

Sarah  Webster,"  !.)orii  Apri!  -\,  ]?,{'/),  near  !\.ii'!inioiid,  \'irt;'.iiia,  v.xnt  lo 
X'crsailles,  Jvontuchv',  ai;d  was  there  ma.rried,  in  IS'J:;,  to  Dr. 
Isliani  Railcy.  He  died  slKir;l>-  afterwards  without,  i'^siie.  She  v.m.s 
married,  second,  on  July  1<),  1S4C-,  to  Col.  Jo'in  M.,  Slaughter  of  Versailles. 

Botli  niarriaee^   were   solemiii/.ed  ai  the  Isonie  of Randoipli  Rai'.ey. 

They  went  to  Texas  whert-  their  three  ehildren  were  born.  .\t  emtio  time 
during  tlie  C;\'il  War,  the\'  went  to  Ixichniond,  \'irginia,  reiiuiiriing  there 
until  tlie  war  elosed.     She  ched  iii  Richmoni),  i'eljnir.rj-  2,  iS05. 

Issue  of        53.4   MAIiTHA  PLEASANTS'   (James  Plea.sants'^  "Of  C  or.tention,"  Susannah 
Woodson,^  Tarleion,^  John,'  I'lobert,'  John')  an.d  l\.ando![!l>  Ratley. 

1  *  1034  Boone  Railey,'-  born  October  26,  1820,  at  \'crsailles.  JCeniuehy,  v/as  niari-'ed 
June  14,  1853,  to  EHzab'eth  Wheeler.  Pie  died  Mareli  28,  '.e(.'',  at  the  place 
of  his  birth. 







IV  *  103,^ 

Issue  of       53  5  MARY  Y/OODSOK^  (Major  Josiah,"  Col.  John,'  joiiah,*  Jolm,'  Robert,' 
Jfdm')  and  Dr.  James  V/ynn  Moss. 

I  *  1035  Elizabeth  Moss.s  born  about  1^02,  in  Goocldaiid  cotinty:  Virginia.  In 
JS03  ht-r  parents  !rio\'ed  to  Iviaysville.  Kentucky,  where  she  was  reared  au'.l 
cdtirated.  V/hcn  she  was  ab(;Ut  eighteen  \-ears  old  trie  fr:;iiil>'  lUoved  to 
Boone  county,  Mi.'^souri,  wliere  she  was  married  first,  about  1 S28, 10  Dr.  Dan- 
iel Pinchbeck  Wilcox,  a  son  of  Col.  George  Wilcox,  of  X'irj^inia,  and  wife. 
Llizabeth  Pinchbeck,  of  Xorih  Carc>liria.  He,  at  one  time  rejircsented  h;s 
coiuiiy  in  thesUtlesenate.  He  died  ;i  few  years  after  his  ir.arri.:ge;  and  she 
was  married  secondly,  10  Gen.  William  H.  Ashley  of  .Missouri,  v.'lio  scr\ed 
a  teiin  in  tlie  l.'nilcd  State-.  C^jn;.',re-s.  He  died  and  lii.=  v.idow  was  mar- 
lied  thirdly,  to  Hon.  Jolui  J.  Criiteriden,  go'cernur  of  l-Iontuckv 

II   *    !036  .Dr.  Joslah   Woodson   Moss,''  Iv.Tn   about    1805   at   >.1aysvi!lc,    Kentucky, 
svciU  with    tiie   faiviily    to   i.'oonc   •-(.•uniy,    ?diss'at'.ri,   where  he   was  rciiedi. 

1035      MRS.    ELIZABETH    (MOSS)    CRITTENDEN 

->\^     ■     ■   ... 



;■'    ? 

^^■^  ^"-  -.  s 


"^"--i  '  ■ 

1039     JAMES     HUGH     MOS; 


KK.r  ;  ![  (.1-  m:kat;iiv 

lK-%\a^  ma.riod  t:oS.M.,Ii  Ann  UvrU-y^A  ( "(.hunbia,  a  ii;<:tl  lovai.^-voniaa 
and  cx.'.'llcnt  ^vile.  O.ilv  iwo  of  liu'ir  chiWr.'n  MirvivcJ  infancy. 
1037  Oliver  Peny  Mors/  i  .>rn  S,.;M..T:,!>,r  2^.  -;i3,  .t  Aiavs-.;!le,  Mnsnu  onrnv 
KfntiiJ.y.  v,.nt  wili.  tho  family  in  J^..!,  ro  Clav  oouniv,  ^[i.<,:Mi  ;>.ui 
U'as  hu-o  marncd,  1\  .-unl-c-,  INjr,  m  (-aniline  M.  Tri-^  Thornton  d.^'^h- 
icron  ,, I.John  Thornton  and  i:ii.'abcih  Tri;- of  CLiv  rouni  v,  Missouri/' 
(;^c^•  (  .i')cil.s  and  tlieir  kin,  !);ii:c-  29(!.) 

^^'■^■■•■''  oiplain  of  a  company  in  Uu-  ih-i  Kentucky-  \<^^hncnt~Co\ 
Alexander  \\  .  Doniphan-  in  the  famou.  oxpcdiiion  in  1S.16.  tiiro.-h  Xesc 
i\lex:c,,  ar.d  C  hduiahua.  lo  .he  (iulf  of  Mexico,  and  proved  himseif  a  brave 
and  f-aiiani  soldier. 

Mo  v.-as  Heeled  sherilT  of  Clay    count v,    Missouri,    1848       He  renrc 
sentcd    Clay   conn.y  in  the  legislature  in    1^65-6,  and    auain    scrved'the 
counu-  as   sheritT   lS6S-7().      He  was,   for   ildr.v  voars.  a  niosr   -enplarv 
mond-er  ol  the  Hnpti.-u  Church  and  was  .Icacon  for  the  greater  p  mI  ..f  thai 
tunc,      he  was  a  (rust.e  of  William  Jev,ell  Coileee.  and,  af  his  death    th^- 
board   Ol   trustees  ad-  pled    eery  complinnniary   resolutions  and   attended 
his  tunera!  m  a  body.     He  was  conspicuous  for  his  stainless    inte;;ri;v    and 
hrniness  of  purpose  to  execute  ail  duties  which  devolved  upon  bin'     '  i-x  all 
the  prieate  relations  of  life  his  character  was  h)velv.     He  was  a  .r->del'o; 
frankncs,  honor  and  sincerity.       No  one  could  have  enioved  mon-'udly 
the  resi;ect,  admiration  and  love  of  all  who  knew  him.    He  (bed  fune    '88'' 
at  his  home  i:i  Clay  cou„tv,  Missouri,  survived  bv  his  widow  who  in  IS09 
was  h\  Hi-  in  Si.  JosepM,  Missouri.      They  had  no  children. 
t^Notes  by  his  widow,  Mrs.  Caroline  Tliorntou  AJoss.) 
iV  -   J03S  JTary  Jane  I.Ioss,^  born  juno  2-,,  1818,  in  rdav.vide,^-    vv..  vid. 
the  family  to  Boone  onnty,  Missouri,  and  wc.s  married  b,   1^38  ^o  JuT- 
Logan  Hunton  who  -.vas  born,   1806,  in  Albemarle  couiitv,  Vir-ini  ^      ^h. 
died  i;i  1886.  '  *    "         " 

V  ^  IO..9  J.mes  HuPh  Moss.s  boin  1824  in  Missouri,  probably  in  Boone  countv, 
studied  law  and  becitne  eminent  in  his  profession.  He  located  at  Liberty, 
in  Clay  courrv.  He  was  a  distinj^uishcd  orator  and  was  also  oror'nincnt 
in  politics.  He  was  at  one  time  a  candidate  for  con-ress  on"  rhe  whi^- 
ticket.  I le  was  a  mendier  of  the  state  convention  held  in  St.  Lou-'s  i-.  ]  '^gT 
to  determine  the  action  of  Missouri  upon  the  question  of  secession.  He 
was  a  union  man  and  served  for  a  time  as  colonel  of  miliiia  in  Clav  countv 
1  e  mained  heptenibcr  JO,  1847,  to  114S Susan  A.  Woodson,^  daughter 
of  5/6  Judge  Warren  Woodson"  and  Elizabeth  .McClelland.  At  the  cioseof 
Cud  W.o-.  h.- v.iih  !  i.  family,  moved  to  Columbia,  where  ho  died  in  1S73, 
at  t-ie  age  o.'  ioiiy-idne  \eats. 

Issue  of        5S7    MARTHA    WOODSON'    (Major    Jodah,^    Col.    John,^    Josiah,^     Johr  ^ 
Kr>ucri,-  Join,';  and  He  iiy  .Machir. 

I  1040  Maiiah  Machir,^  born  about  18j;  in  Mason  countv,  Kerauckv  wl,e^e  she 
was  niarricd  to  Thomas  T.  January,  widi  whom  she  removed  to  Sl  I  oiu, 
where  she  liveil  until  her  death,  ieaviiu;  children: 

r..l-.   \Vi-01)>'.(Nr.  AM>  liiriK  ( 

(\)  Chailfs  J;):iu:»r>-,  ho'ii  in  Si.  Loi:i:<  o.'iinly,  ?\ii;soi!ri,  about  1:"45, 
ami  ulcd  ill  rohiiiiM.i,  Ml-^.i-ri.  in  ]')]?.  ]]c  nuirri.-ti  I\ii>>  AjdcIm 
Ilarmetic  in  S'.  l.mii:-  rcMMUv,  Mi^-cur',  abnui  l;-;S.''  ;;pd  h;"  J  chihirL:. : 
Marie,  wan  ni:  rric!  Mr.  nar;i,>l"i  of  Mac.\!i.,ii.  Texas:  llariiu-Uc.  Ma<;Aii.;n. 
Texas,  ur>:ariicd:  'I'iic  ma-.  \v;-o  !i\  .•>  iri  St.  Louis  a:'c!  \vlio  nuinicJ  >i:...; 
Al.  McC'an'ny  and  lias  tvo  soks:  C'liarKs,  who  !i\fs  in  Mac.-Mkn,  Texas, 
and  lias  tu  .■  ebiklrc-:;. 

(2)  Alfred  T.  January. 

(3_i  Maeiiir  January,  born  in  St.  Louis  county,  Misr-ouri,  and  marric-d 
IMis^5  Jo  ni.;  Thornbii^-gh  of  St.  bvi;is  connly  Missouri,  and  has  childrvn, 
Joscpli.  Sanvj'd,  Baird,  Nancy,  Laura  and  Machir.  He  lives  in  Nevada, 

(■1)  Lan-,x  Iliclcman  Januarj',  nninarricd. 

II  10-11  John  Machir,  born  aljout  1S22  in  :^L^y^v;Ile,  Kcnlueky,  married  Marv 
Kliza  Januar}',  who  was  born  in  1^:26  in  Cynthlana,  Kentucky.  had 
four  rhild.'cn: 

(1)  Mary  Taylor  Machir,  who  married  Jamc3  H.  Paiker  in  IS'J.  bdii 
of  Vvdiorn  afterwards  died  and  v.  ere  £urvi\-ed  by  oiie  child.  Margaroi  .Machir, 
who  married  Rev.  C.  E.  Hiekok,  in  1002,  and  died  Ociober  29.  191(t, 
icavir.o;  two  children,  James  Parker  and  Sarah  Margaret. 

(2)  Margaret  \\  oodson  ?,Iachir,  v.dio  married  Rober*;  Walker  Doiscy. 
Deccnibjr  2.^,  1S79  and  had  tv.-o  children,  IMcry  Machir,  i^orn  Xover.ibe.  1, 
1884,  and  r.iarried  to  Dr.  A.  J.  Piass,  October  2i.  iO:J^^.  frona  wh.ich  union 
there  were  tv.-o  childien,  Andrew  J.  and  Dorscy  Amelia,  daughter  of  Roi)eiL 
Walker  and  Martlii  Woodson;  Machir  Dorsey  was  born  September  2b 
1SS6  and  afterwards  died. 

(3)  Clementina  Boyd  Machir  married  Dr.  W.  B.  Dejarnette  i,i  16S2. 
(■!;  Maria  January  Ma^ldr,  m.arried  George  Biair  Dorsev  of  Gihespir, 

Illinois,  October  25,  1SS3.  They  now  reside  in  Oolumbia,  Mis.scuri. 
They  ha\c  live  children,  Machir  J.  Dorsey,  born  Jidy  27,  1884,  viio  n'arri.  d 
Ann  Weber  of  Chattanooga,  Tennessee,  X(i\  ember  2,  1911;  IMaria  ?daci;u 
Dorsey,  born  August  8,  1886,  and  died  June  b'b  P.'Ol ;  Clem.e.-tlni  M. 
Dorse>  bom  February  25,  1SS9,  and  mariied  Leslie  Cariiie  Green,  of  St. 
Louis,  October  25,  191,?;  Frances  Amelia  born  Januar>-  15,  1593;  Benjamin 
Lawrence  born  Juh-  17,  1896. 

Issue  of        S3S   Sophia    Woodson^    (:\Iajor   Josiah,'^    Col.    John,'    Josiah,'    John,-"    Rober;,= 
John')  and  lirst  liusband,  James  Hickman. 

1        1042  Lauia  Ilickniau,-  died  at  the  age  of  tv,ent%  ,  unm.arricd. 

II  *  1043  Mary  Elizabeth  Hickman,^  born  October  10,  bS20,  married  June  6,  1837,  to 
James  Sidney  Rollins,  son  of  Anthony  \\'a:.  ne  Rollins  and  Sallie  Rho.les. 
lie  died  January  9,  1S8S,  and  she  on  May  1,  1907.  Both  are  buried  ia 
Boone  cou.itj',  Missouri. 

KlGt'.U!  CiiMKV 

jA>ii:s  sii>xi-:N"  K<  'I  i.ixs 

Pun-p.  in  Riciinuinf'.  M^i.iiM'ri  i-oii;U>',  Ixcnlu:  k\-,  Ap-ril  i''.  iS'i2. 
AlU-iiili.-(i  scho'j'  nt  War-liin-uin  roll'.;;e,  I'ci'.ii.-v  1\  ap.i:'..  A  sr.shiatc  <.< 
t.!!'-  rn'.\\.i>'l>'  of  lii.;ian;i,  ii)  liiv  e!a.-s  of  '.8>^0.  Ki.rr:ov;-d  to  r\!i>souf:, 
sii:ri!C(i  law  a;ui  graduatd!  iroiw  ihv  'rransyix.ii-.Li  L;nv  School,  i,cxi!ip.'.a:i, 
Ken'aurky,  l^-i-l.  A  ^o!^iier  ii-i  ;!ic  i'lark  Hawk  War.  For  sixiccn  year*  ;i 
menibcT  of  I'l.c  st'iiaic  and  houbc  (A  renrc.rciitaii\  c?  of  fliC  gener::!  asseinljiy 
of  Missouri.  lie  v/.is  a  pioneer  in  liie  '.■.T.ii?;"-  oi  ciiiicaiioii,  b'jtli  comn':on 
school,  :mu!  !ii;.';hc:-  cducraion.  rU\i;ted  hi.--  V.'.v  lo  ihsr^e  subj-.c!-^.  It  is 
snirl  of  him  thai  lu-  was  ciilur  ii-.c  auilv.'ii  or  prirripal  advocate  of  c-.'cry 
imp.iriaai  ics^ir'aiivc  cnaciraeiil  [jromotiii^  th.c  iiiic-i'csts  of  ihe  I_'.'ii\ersiiy 
cf  Mi-^Aoiiri  from  'U'  fi  aadaiion  in  li^o-^^  to  his  ix:;i4naiio;i  oi  tiic  curatorial 
presi(i(.i-icy  in  188;) — ;;  period  of  loriy-scvcii  \-oaii.  Ori  acco'c.n;  of  th.C'-o 
lifclotig  ser\-ices  the  board  (>f  curators  ofncially  rccot:r.iz',\i  hiri  in  i.s7> 
as  "Pater  l'ni\-er.-'ii  aiis  Mis<oLirien?es."  Elected  lo  congre^^s  in  lSe('. 
Served  duririg  the  (.''xil  War.  W'c-  a  patriotic  r^^iori  iiian.  Siijinorted 
the  adiiiinislratioii  of  Mr.  Lincoln  and  although  r;  'ars;e  slaveholder,  voreti 
for,  and  spoke  cloqnenriy  in  fa\or  of  i!ie  l.^th  amendment  to  the  constitu- 
tion of  the  Tnitcd  States,  by  which  .'drican  .•>la\'cry  was  abolished,  and  our 
conntr\-  made  free,  in  fact,  as  ^\■ell  .:s  in  nanic.  !i  may  b'e  as  v.ell  said  oi 
liiu',  as  of  an\-  man,  thai  he  !i\ei!  n(:it  for  himself,  but  ior  liis  c.-iiiury  tnd 
mankind.      (Ao'.cs  by  Curtis  RiHiiant   Rollins.) 

Issue  of        5SS   CAROLIA'E    RANDOLPH    WOODSOiS^-      (Alajor    Jo:-.l;d),^'    Col.    Joh.n,=^ 
Jo?i;il:/ JcOiH,'  Robert,"  John')  and  Dr.  Augustus  Nalhaniel  Coburn  V.'il.-iu:. 

I   "   1044  Nathaniel  V,'arf.eld  Wilson, «  born  December  ?9,  1811,  in  Alaysville,  Ken- 
tucky; enlisted  for  the  Black  Fiawk  War  in   1S."2,  and  on  ^bly  12,  18.3,'., 
was  apj-.ointed  major  on   the  staff  of  (jow  Dt;nk!''n  r;f  Missoin!,  in  udiicli 
•     state  tie  iix'edi  and  owned  !ar;d  for  a  number  of  years. 

He  was  twice  married;  first,  in  Richmond,  Iventucky,  on  Sei;i ember  V, 
ISeG,  to  Mary  Jane  Stone,  daughter  ol  James  and  Caiht-rinc  Stone.  Mi 3 
dicv!  A|)ri!  16,  1839,  ar.d  he  was  marriocb  second,  in  Richmond,  Kcntnc'.:\'. 
on  rsbn\-4,  IS-IJ  (Rev.  Tiiomas  Wolvcrton  officiating),  to  Mary  Aiin  Burnam, 
dauyliter  of  Tliomi^son  Burnarji  and  Lucinda  Field,  hi.--  v.ifc.  She  tv.:s 
born  Ja^iuary  31,  1818,  in  Ilichmo'.d,  Kertucky.  He  lived  near  Columbia, 
I\Ii,-.;Oiiri,  :or  over  iifty  years,  biu  died  i:-.  Waslini^ton,  D  C.,  June  23,  lSy(K 
and  siie  on   Fcliruary  9,  1904. 

II  1045  JOi.i;.b  Woodson  Wilsou,*  born  about  ISi?.  in  Maysville.  Ke!,tu'.-ky,  we:)b 
with  hi>  mother  in  1S20  to  Columbia,  Mis.^ouri.  He  was  married  to 
An-eline  Jewell,  daughter  of  Dr.  William  Jewell,  and  died  rd;oiJt  a  vCcT 
afier  Ids  inarriage.      Xo  is>ue. 

Ill  1046  W'al  cr  Warflekl  Wilson.^  born  ab.iyiit  18l5  in  Maysviil.-,  Keni-ucky,  was 
reared  m  Columbia,  Missouri,  where  he  married  Caroline  Jenkins  and  had 
f.G%C!al  cliil.'ren  v.  hose  names  ha\e  not  Itccn  learned, 

2  3  A 

IV  *  10-17  Ann  Warfieki  V'.'ilson/  i'.irii  r.'.n;:iry  10,  ISIV,  in  ^!;i\•^v;iic,  Kentucky. 
\vi:r.l  wiili  Iior  moilicr  in  !S2tl  t<'  (."ohunbi.i,  Hoone  Ctsun.v.  ?i;;:s;;>i;;i,  w)v_;v 
she  w;;s  c.'.rL'fii'ly  re.irii!  vUul  i'i!i:.-aiei!. 

She  w.'.s  ni.'.rrifc!,  May  1.^,  IS.^2,  U;  Cak-h  Smit!;  Sumo,  who  v.^''.^;  h.^.ni 
jnn.o  2i,  l^M.  in  Ma(h'snn  ccuniy,  Kentucky,  .nmi  <!ic(!  Ani^u.-;,  IS7?.  'v: 
Colnnil'ia,  Mis.-ouri.  lie  \va^  educatci  at  'J"r  in?\  i\  ania  liu'vc-siiy  la 
I.exinj,'ton,  Kentucky,  and  in  IS/.O  Incateu  in  Colur.-Jfia,  rvlis.-ouri.  Ii'v 
ci:!iste(!  in  ihc  Black  !ia\vk  War  and  was  a  ccinnn's.-iot'.cd  o!Tu>;r. 

At  ih.e  (Hil!n-oak  of  th.o  Clv\]  War  in  1801.  !io  en;i:Uci!  ii;  ilsc  Cenfcilerate 
Army,  .ini!  way  adjutant  £,c!er-.l  with  tlic  r.ip.k  o!"  cckmei,  on  the  staff  of 
General  Edwin  Price,  son  of  Ccn.  Sterling  Price.  lie  wa.s  captured  ni 
the  b.illle  of  Elkhorn,  Arkansas,  and  imprisoned  for  ,-i.\  n:onths  at 
Al'on,  Illinois:  v,-as  exchanged  in  1S62  and  reported  for  duty  ar  Little  Rock, 
Ailcan.sLis,  ano  served  in  the  quarterniasicr's  department  in\;i!  the  cl.K-.e  <>f 
the  He  was  a  member  of  the  firi-t  board  f>f  cnrators  oi  the  Misso'iri 
State  rniversity.  and  contrilnired  liberally  of  iiis  time  and  means  towards 
seem-ing  its  'oci.tion  at  Columbia.  He  .wn^  a  lineal  docrndant  of  William 
Stone,  governor  of  Mar\dand  in  colon'-a!  days,  iiis  [^randfatlier,  Josiah 
Stone,  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  army,  born  in  Ma.rvland,  livin- 
awhik-  in  \'irginia,  and  died  in  Madison  county,  Kentucky. 

Col.  Caleb  Smith  Stone  was  a  son  of  Jamcs  Stone  and  K-it;-  Idarris. 
She  was  descended  from  the  Harris  and  Claiburnc  families  of  X'ir^jinia, 
both  prominent  in  the  annak::  of  that  state. 

In  16-15,  Gov.  Stone  of  r^Iaryland  and  Vulham  Claiburne  of  \'iri;in!a. 
were  engaged  in  actual  warfare  over  tcrritor\  that  was  claimed  by  both 

1047  Aiju  Warfield  (Wilsonl  Stone, ^  died  March,  1^^S3,  at  the  home  of  her  oniv 
daughier,  Mrs.  I-Jnoch  Hansbrough  Fudge,'  in  St.  Joseph,  ?iIissouri.  t"ol. 
Caleb  Stone  and  his  wife  united  with  the  (  hristian  Church,  under  the 
preaching  of  Alexander  Campbell,  the  founder  of  this  religious  denomina- 
tion.    Idieir  five  ciiildren  are  also  members  of  the  same  church. 

Issue   of        540    JCKK  RAILEY'  (Susannah  Woodson^  Col.  John.^  .Josiah,-"  John  "  Robert,^ 
John'j  and  Elizabeth  Railcy. 

I  *  104S  John  V/oodscn  Railey,'  born  October  4,  181  2,  near  Burksville,  in  Cuml)ei- 
'uiud  county,  b.intucky,  \.as  ma;ricd  C'ct.d'U'  4,  18.i2,  to  Xanc\  k'arris 
Nunn.      lie  mu\ed  uj  Marshall,  x\iis.-ouri,  in  1600  and  died  there  in  l-'^74. 

II  104P'  Caroline  Railey,-  born  August,  1,S15,  near  Burksville,  Kentucky-.  She  wa.s 
n.arried  twi'-e;  fnst.  in  1833,  to  Dr.  jo^(  idi  Wilson.  He  died  and --he  was 
-  married,  second,  in  1837,  to  Rev.  Wm.  E.  Milam,  a  Presbyterian  minister. 
No  issue  b>-  the  second  marriage.  To  the  marriage  with  i3r.  Joseph 
Wilson,  there  was  born  one  daughter,  EhValieih  McCo'-mack  Wilson-^  vdiO 
was  born  in  1834  and  died  184.5. 

Issue   of        54  3   RANDOLPH  RAILEY'  (Susannah  Wood.son,'^  Col.  John,'  Jusiah,-  Joh:,.^ 
l-bjbert,' Joh?!',!  and  hib  hrst  wife,  Caroline  Criitenden. 


1048      JOHN      WOODSON     RAILEY 

ilGHlll  ..S.NK!- MI'^N 

I  1050  John  Crittenden  Rr.iley,^  l^M•u  Jmu-  1,  l'^2>,  ;;<-  W-.s.iiik-s,  Kt-nnu  L> , 
(.■i»!i..~ud  for  ^Lr\i(,-o  in  the  Mv-vir,!".  War.  Whiio  on  his  lolurn  hoiuewaid, 
he  died  on  tiir  Guli  ol  jNJoNico.      lie  vas  rciiardcd  as  a  foail^.^.s  soldier. 

II        1051   Jordan  Railey,"  born  Angii.~t  7,  1S:4,  at  \'orrail!es,  Ki-nuickv,  died  youpc;. 
HI        1053   i'.Ica-paret  Railey/  l.u.rn  1825,  died  1S,^9. 
IV       1053   Caroline  Railcy,'^  liorn  \i^:) ,  died  1S3V). 

IssuTL  liV  S!;coNT'  wiFi:,  Mary  Stknvakt  Hunt)-k 

V  1054  Randolph  kai'ey,  Jr."  hovr  OcvAkt  11,  IS.^8,  at  Vcrr-ailles,  KcnturVn  .  _ 
At  the  licojnniii.:,'  of  ih.e  Civil  War  in  isol.  he  enlisied  in.  ihe  (\)nfedorr-.t'- 
army  and  served  thrc,u;hor,i  the  war.  Reiun>ing  to  his  iiome,  he  cngacc.l 
in  fanning  and  Vwis  married  in  18o7  to  Thornien.  He  died  in  18S.^ 
purvi\ed  bv  lii^  wile  .uid  one  son,  Drake  Carter  Kaiicy^  who  was  born 
1868  and  died  unmarried  in  \S.9S. 

VI  1055  Emma  Railey,'  b.,rn  ,\n-ust  \4,  1811,  at  W-rsaille.-,  Kentuek>-,  was  married, 
March  26,  1859,  lo  Rev.  .Me.s.inder  Henry.  They  .-pent  maio.'  >  ears  in 
India  as  missionaries.  They  had  several  children  who.-e  names  have  not 
liecn  obtained  for  this  recoril. 

VII  *  1C56  Ishara  Railey,^  born  April  2,  1S46,  in  Versailles.  Keninckv,  was  mar.'ied 
May  2;,  1860,  io  Kzx:\  Sjirders,  and  H\-ed  man>-  years  in  Texas  where  be 
a-cumnlatcd  an  ami-le  fortune.      Returning  to  \'tr.-ai!ies,  he  died  in  le'07. 

\1II  ^  1057  Catherine  C.  Railey,^  called  •■Kate,"  born  June  23,  ISiS,  at  Versaihe.s, 
was  married.  June  1,  1869,  to  George  McLlroy  Fishbaek,  He  died  in  :'!;e 
spring  of  iy''9  at  their  home  in  Versailles  where  they  liad  snei;*  their  entire 
wedded  life.  His  widow  is  still  living  there,  and  is  a  well  preserved  ard 
most  cMcellent  lad>'. 

IX   *    loss  William  Kunter  Railey,^  born  April  2,  1850,  at  Versailles,  Kentucky,  was 
married  February,  1872,  to  Martha  MeConnell,  an.d  dievl  Fel'Tuary  7,  1>'^-!. 

Issue  of        544   CAROLINE   RAILRY^    (Susannah   W(;odson,''  Col.   JohTi,-'  Jusiah,^  john,^ 
Roben,'  J<..l-.nM  ar.d  jo.-.ei.h  I'ra^er. 

I        1059   Saiah  E.  Frazcr,^  born   October  5,   1827,  near  Versailles,  Kentucky,  v/as 
married  ()cte4jer  22,  1851.  to  her  cousin  109.S  Peter  lees  Ralley,  Jr.,*  and 
died  of  eons'uni.tiop.  in  October  25,  1354.      For  i>sue  see  1093  Peter  Ives 
-     Railey.Jr. 

Issue  of        5.^0   XaOMAS    JEFFERSON     V/OODSOIS^     Gohn,*     Col.     Johu,^    Jo>iah,^ 
ichii,^  Robert,^  J-du-'-)  and  Diana  Michie. 

\iF.  \V(H''.)-cN>  \\n  Tiii"iv  (,o;<NKcr;i 

!  *  1060  Mary  Liglitfoot,'  Icrti  j;ily  _'5.  I'viJ,  in  Gocj'hb.iK!  Ci/i!i;ly,  \'in,:nin.  went 
with  iho  fjniily  a!..)U!  i.s-JC  \>-  l-",;yi.nte  v-ounty,  'IVniics-ioc,  .v,\(\  iiU-.r  lo 
M>!r#liall  coii'Uy,  ^!i^si^-iIlni,  v  I'lcre  f-ho  v/:'.>  fo.-'.rci  aii'i  rdnc.ucci.  Sin- 
was  niarrictl  ■scnoii'Uer  2.V  l^■4;-■,  to  Cl-arii-s  T.  Pl^-.'.-.ims,  wiui  ^\a3  h'.v;\ 
Au-ust  1".  1827,  aii.i  dico  Marc!!  il,  ]>.')].  'J'luy  i^.x-iii  a  cuunie  of  yc.;iiv. 
ill  AKifb'iall  c.>u!!;y,  aiij  a!,'CuL  l:-50,  bougiit  a  fai'm  lliri.-;  miles  south  ol 
Maci.'ii.  Fa>ello  Ci-.uniy,  '•\'iir,e,-<(.-..-.  Here  l:c  dioti  in  1801.  His  with'W 
\vira  hor  yoiiDijesl  son,  is  still  li\-!in?  tiicrc  (ivl2). 

3  '  lOcii  Jo'm  Uella'^  '.he  .^.Tord  daiu;,htc.-,  brrn  'iS.v'.  in  Gooclihind  county,  Virgii'ir., 
wer.r  witli  ihe  f.iniil\-  about  18-10  to  \\'':'si  TcKiics-^ce  and  thoiice  to  Xfjrth 
Missi-^sijipi.     She  v.a.s  niarr!L<;  to  Jan.K-s  Evan?  and  died  April  2S,  lo8-i. 

III  1062  L;tibel!a  Purring  ton,"-  born  133S  ii-  Goochland  '-ovnty,  v.-as  reared  in  West 

Tennessee  and  Xorih   ^]issis^illi■,!,  ar.f!  was  m.tiricd  to  H.  H.  Wall.     He 
cn!i.-i'^(.l  in  the  Co  a  federate  army  and  ('ied  in  I'lc  ser\-ice. 

IV  1063  Aun  Elizabeth, ^  born  1840  near  M.^con,  in  ra}-eUe  county,,  was 

reared   in   Marshall   count}',    Mississippi,   and    married   \Mllam   Anthony. 
She  nc/W  (1912)  lixes  near  Collierviile,  Sliieby  cour.ty, 

Y  1064  Roberta,^  born  1842,  about  three  miles  froni  Michii;an  City.  Marsha!! 
couni\-,  Mis.  i>-ip[;i.  was  married  to  James  Johnson  and.  died  in  early  life. 

\'l  *  1065  Virginia  Diana,*  born  1847,  near  .Michigan  City,  Marshall  county. 
is;ippi,  v.-as  married  J'.dy  11,  1S65,  to  Jacob  Bcgard,  who  served  In  tlie 
Confederate  army  in  X'irginin  fron-i  tl\e  bej^iiini.'ig  to  the  ei'id  of  the  Civil 
War.  He  died  January  26,  19(i9,  and  ai  h.ii.  reqiiest.  v.-as  br.rJed  in  his 
Confederate  uniturm.  She  st;r\ivcd  hini  al.'Ji;:  ;i  \-car  and  a  half,  ajul 
died  July  1,  1910,  after  giving  her  children  specific  diif-ciions  concerniiig 
the  disposition  of  lier  worldl>-  eftects. 

Issue   c:        6E2   RICHARD    T^.^OODSON"    (John,'    Col.    John,^    Jcsiah.-'    John.^   ■Kobert,= 
Johii')  and  wife  Miss  Royster. 

I        1066  Mary,^  born  and  di^d  in  X'ii'ginia.      Kever  married. 

II        1067  Carohne,"  born  in  X'irginia  and  Vsas  married  to  Mr.  Hollins. 

III  lOf  8.  FanTty,"*  l)o  -n  in  X'irginia  and  i  larried  to  Re\'.  James  Gates,  a  Methodist 


IV  1069  Susan,'  born   in   X'irginia,  was   married   to  James   Green,   and   settled    in 

Richmond,  where  they  botli  lived  and  died. 

Issue  01        SUt3   IRHAavI   WOODSON"  (Jo!-n,=  Col.  John,'  Josiah.*  Joiin,'  Robert,- John') 
and  Sallic  Merri'.-.eather  .Anderson. 

t,i."i:iii  i;:-Ni:i;\  iK^'N'  7.^-'i 

i        1070  Seli'U,'''  liorn  and  (iici;  in'x  i--  iovir.iy,  N'itgi^iia.      Xcvor  niri'ricd. 

11  1071  D'i  ••!  Hariiet'.,*^  bcru  and  ri\ne.j  ir,  Uai.ON'or  cciiiriy,  Virgiiiin,  and 
m.-MTud  lo  .'ai^iKstiis  \\\v.d.;-vi:,.  She  war-  a  nn-tril'.T  of  the  ("hrisiian 
C'buixh.     Th■J_^■  bolli  l)\'cd  and  dii'd  in  ilano\'ci  couiiiy. 

Ill  1072  A'ancy  Tillman,^  liorn  and  rcaiwl  in  HaniAcr  cmuiiy,  and  wan  married  to 
riiii'p  Samuel  ?>l'.i.-;!)\'.     Si-.e  wa?  a  men. her  of  ibe  Baptist  Cnmcli. 

W  1073  Jo:;;i  Lilburn,''  born,  aiid  reared  in  Hanover  c<iuat>-,  and  married  Jt^^epliine 
Irl'.y.      In  their  reht-iou.-  faitli  tliey  were  Prosbytc-rians. 

V  1074  ."r'hcr,''  Ijorn  in  Hanover  eoinuy  and  married  I.i'a  Cowlin.  They  were 

\'I  ]07r>  V/illie  Anna,^  born  in  Hanover  county  and  inanicd  Martin  WaJdrop.  Tiiey 
were  Bapiisis. 

\'n  1070  Mrrriweather  Raiido''rjh,'  born  in  Hanover  eoaiUy  am.!  was  man.ioJ  iIi'tc 
li  iies;  first,  lo  Sabvlia  b'ord,  s-econd,  to  (.)!i\ia  l-'-jrd  and  tlu.'u  to  Lucy 
Jane  Bov.les. 

\'ni        1077  Polly    Goodv/yr..*   born   in    Han<A-er   county   and   was   maiiied    to   Jo:ciV;i 
S%i\'e.ster  Plea.^aiiiS. 

All  these  children  of  553  Ishani  \Vood?OiP  were  born,  married  and  died 
in  Kanovcr  county,  Virt,inia,  near  South  Anri.t  H'\'er.  A/';d  all  were 
Be.ntists  except  Eliza  Harriett  and  John  Lilbiin;.  Ma-U'  of  tlieir  descen.ei- 
fints  are  siill  li\dng  in  tliat  part  of  \'irj;inia  but  ti;eir  names  h:i\e  not  boe'.i 
obtained  for  this  record. 

Issue  01        5i;4  ArCIIIBALD    PLi£A&ArrrS    WOOPSOi;'    ';john,''    Col.    John, 5   Jof.ia!:,-' 
John,'  Robert,"  Juhn')  and  A'aitey  Daniel  Ariderson. 

I  1078  Thomas  r<Iernv?eather,'  born  Febrtiary  IS,  1824,  in  Hanover  co>unty, 
A'lrgiiiia,  where  I'e  was  reared  and  educated.  He-  was  twice  mairied;  first, 
to  Elizabeth  Anr.strong;  second,  to  Nancy  Jane  Mitchell.  He  was  a 
farmer  by  occinxition,  a  democrat  in  pchtics  and  a  lacrnber  of  the  Christian 
Church.      \\-'  died  Xovcniber,  1004. 

n  1079  Mary  Jaae,''  born  August  6,  18.?5,  at  her  parents'  home  in  H.anover  county, 
was  married  lo  Andrew  Broad  us  Nuckols  and  died  October,  1SS2. 

HI  1080  Aichibr.'d  Pleasants.  Jr.,'--  born  January  7,  1S2S,  in  Hanover  county,  and 
died  yoiing.     Xe\cr  married. 

IV  lOnl  .Sarah  Elhp.beth,'  born  August  27,  1831,  in  Hanover  county  and  died  April 
2 ,  !  S97 ,  at  ti;e  place  of  her  birth .  She  wa-  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church. 
Never  married. 

\'  10S2  Ariadne  Giinier,''  bcni  FclTuaiy  I:*.  1S^.\  i;.  I!aU':\\;r  (-ouiiiy.  She  waa  u 
B;'.ptist,  ;'.!i<!  nian-icci  Krjbcr;  S.'.iiUiol  Caner,  liwv!  O'.'.l  h'.v  -.Aion  !;U-  in 
!l.i!;ovor  coun')'  rir.<!  oitni  li'r-c  on  r;cc'::iibi.i'  -'0,  1S,S6, 

\'i  I0S3  "N^illip.Pi  An;'e;'Pon/  l>o'r.  Orl'ibor  '>,  1^  >('i.  ni  ilic  piiUrnni  hmnc  in  TlaiioNer 
C(,ni.",i-,-.  lie  is  ;i  l'ann;-i-  In-  t>(-cn|i,ui"n,  r.iiJ  a  nicnibiT  of  il;c  r>,ij)t!>!, 
Ciiurch.  Is'ir'y  in  ihc  Civil  War  he  enic.vd  'Jw  Cn);k^\:  Vui\c  army  aiu! 
ser\\\l  iaith!;ill\-  to  (he  (Mk!  of  tiio  war.  Hr  niaa'tiod  Reln-cca  Ani\  Ta\l!)|-, 
and  is  i-ri!!  !i\ii';:  ('.')1  2.':  at  t!ic  <iM  h.omc  v.l;cri;  he  \\-a5  hori!,  ne.u  ^^'til(k■loc':, 
liann\-cr  cotin.y,  \'iri;inia. 

VH  lOS!  Prulina  Psnndolph,"  lioru  Dcix-inhtr  1.^  I'SM),  in  Haadvcr  coiinly.  Shr 
was  a  inonihL-r  of  ihc  Bapti-^i  ("hi'.r^-h,  v.-as  n'ia?rii_i.l  Dei  cMnhrr  17,  lS7i, 
to  Robon  V'.  iliiam  Tolcr,  and  died  March  1  7,  19tM. 

Vill  iO£5  Selinr.  Helen,"  liuin  Jan.iiary  20,  l!-42,  in  llanm';;!'  county,  was  married  u, 
C'harl'_s  Aoraiiani  Ta>-io:  and  died  Sci-ilcnibcr,  187S.  She  aas  a  iTieinb'cr 
i)f  ihc  Da;)tisi  (.'luirch 

IX  10h;6  Archer  Anr.a,^  bora  Maich  29.  IS4/ .  at  liic  farnib.'  hon^e  in  rian(A-er  coruiiy, 
where  she  has  lived  until  the  pi-c--Mi1  liine  (,191 2).  She  and  her 
William  are  rlie  only  sur\-i\'ors  of  this  s'"'-!  *-''<!  family.  They  are  botli 
liaiilists  ;ind  aie  quietly  spending  their  (.leclining  \e-irs  at  the  place  of  their 
birth  and  amid  ilv:  hallowed  scenes  of  their  childh.oyd  days.  She  it  is  wlvj 
has  snpplied  th.e  ;'.bo%e  authentic  data. 

Issue  of        BBB  HARRIETT    V/OODSON"    (John.^^    Col.    John.^    Josiah,-'    John,'    Robert;' 
Jolm')  and  Mr. Cocke. 

I  lOfc'/  Mary  Goodwyn  Cocke,*  born  in  Idancx-er  coitnty  and  died  unmarried, 
la  ner  relij:ious  faith  she  was  a  Bajjtisl. 

11  lO&o  John  Cocke, ^  liorn  in  Hanover  and  died  inunarri'd.  Ide  war-  iiot  a  meTtdicr 
(if  any  church. 

III  i08?   Si'.rali  Jitic  Cocke,"  l;orr.  in  Hanover  C(junt\-.  was  iiiarried  lo  j(3seph  ',\'itte. 

Sl'ie  v,as  a  member  of  the  BajHrs-.  (church. 

IV  1090  Frances-  Ann  Cocke,"  born  in  Hanover  county  and  married  Robert  Howard. 

;-)he  wa-  not  a  mendier  of  any  ciiurch. 

Issue  of       559    PElTiR  IVF3   RAILEY'    fMarfha  Wood..on/'   Col.  John,^  Josiah.-  .John,' 
Rol/crl,-  Joiur)  and  56(i  Judith  Woodson  Rniiey.' 

1  lO'y.i  Martha  Woodcoii  Railey,*  born  February  10,  1820,  at  "Liberty  Ha'!," 
the  old  William  Raiiey  Itomes'.ead  naar  Ycr.saillcs,  Kep..ucky.  Her  life 
was  sliori.     She  died  March  10,  185i7. 

:  li  l.KM-KAl 

II  *■   iOC?  K:ch.->-d   Henry   R;..i!cy,^    bo::t   April    26,    tS23,    al    ">ctiy    Ilni!,"    iK-.r- 

\"er:;a;!!os,  Kenuioky.  ■.viicre  lie  \\\,l:  roared  and  eUiicatcd.  The  \.ars  of  his 
c.irly  maniiixui  were  spcJU  in  I'.ic  incivamilc  bi'.-incrs  in  Kc-aUuky.  H-j 
wa  -  married  Febru^'ry  15,  1S52.  U>  Callitrinf^  Kriih  Hawkins  wao  was  a 
grcai-grand^'iau-hler  cl'  Rev.  ]inr,c>  K::hh  <.nU  Mary  Ish.mi  Kanviciph. 
daU:^huT  of  TIioiikk  Raiui<il!)ii  ol  Tiickahoe.  After  his  marriage,  hv  ahaii- 
(10',' (1  die  mcrcaai'ie  business  and  .-etiled  on  a  faDii  noar  Kich  )iill,  M;>- 
fouri,  where  he  sikiU  liie  renia.indi-i   of  his  sun.shiny  hf'-'-      ''  has  i.neii  ^-aid 

(iiat  Kiehartl  Hciii\-  R.iile\'  and  his  coupin John  Allen  Ka.iiey^  v/ere 

tw.i  (if  the  mobi  spleadid  luokiu;;  N'onni;  ;nen  ever  reared  in  Woodi'ord  coiiiiiy. 
In  an  ol.iituary,  D.  .A!.  Downiar,  ediiur  ol'  liie  "Woodforti  Sun,"  published 
af.  \'ciba!l'es,     sa.\'s  of  him: 

"Ricliard  Henr\-  Railcy  was  the  sv.n  c!  Peve"  I.  Raile\-,  Sr.,  and  his 
wife,  Judith.  Woodson  Ivailey,  of  whiose  children,  i'ctcr  I.  Ivaliey,  Jr.,  is 
now  the  only  Eurvi\or. 

"Richard  Henry  was  born  April  26,  IS25,  on  the  ])lace  settled  by  his,  adjoining  the  farni  nny,-  o\vned.  by  Logan  Railey. 
He  died  at  Rich  Hill,  Missouri,  Octoljer  3,  ISSS,  and  was  buried.  Octtjber 
5,  ISS?,  ir.  the  fa  iii.'y  burying  ground  near  X'erL.aillcs,  Kentucky.  Ha  is 
siir\I\ed  by  his  wife  and  three  children,  William  E.  Railey,  of  Lawrenceburg, 
Kcntuclcy,  Bertha  Ihintas  Raile>-,  and  Ptrer  Woodson  Railey.  The  cvvo 
last:  named  reside  with  their  riiother  at  Ri:h  Hill. 

".A  kin'Jei'  lie.irt  than  lOick  Raik-y's  tu;\  ci  anirnateii  a  human  braa.''-t; 
a  sura^ier  nature  nexxr  brightened  the  rugged  pathwaiy  of  life.  Gifted  v;ith 
a  .superb  physique,  reared  amid  plenty,  if  net  luxury;  desce;idiint  of  th.e 
Raile>s.  Randolphs  and  Woodsons  of  X'irginia,  tlie  kmsniaii  ol  Je.'Torson, 
he  v.'as  a  genileniau  b>'  instinct  vnd  b\i\  joyous  laugh  was  as  natural  as  the 
soiig  of  a  bii'd. 

"He  married  one  of  Kentucky's  uncrowned  cjueons,  Miss  Ca'dierinc 
Keith  Hawkins,  a  lady  who  \vov'l<_l,  with,  eciiiai,  adorn  a  palace  or  a 
th'ttclied  cottage. 

"Forturie  smiled  on  him  more  tl;a:i  once;  not  with.  hr:r  'winsome 
smih','  knit  rather  as  if  in  niockery.  At  once  generous  and  i,ni'>rovidenl, 
money  v. aj  to  him  contemptible  dross. 

"Judged  by  I'ae  world's  stantlard,  he  was  not  a  s'ucessful  aiaa;  iait 
if  to  illumine  Ins  own  ho'.rie  witli  sunshine,  to  scatter  gl.idness  v.-nercver  iie 
went,  to  inspire  his  children  witli  noble  a.ims,  be  success,  then  the  beautiiul 
flowers  which  decked  his  grax^c,  were  laurels  fairly  won. 

"l^is  closing  yeaa's  were  made  even  more  Ijright  by  a  slcadfast  faith 
in  the  promises  of  God." 

III  *  1093  Peter  Ives  Railey,  Jr.,'*  born  August   5,    1S29  at   "Liberty   Hall,"   near 

Versailles,  in  \\'oodfonJ  nvunty,  Ivenaieky.  Ho  was  farmer  by  occupation. 
He  was  married  three  limes;  first,  on  October  22,  185L  to  his  tlaird  cousin 
lOo'J  Sarah  f~..  Fra/er,''  who  lived  oui\  three  yoar.s  afn.-r  her  nu:rriage  and 
died  (Jctob'-T  2,~..  t85-i.  He  was  married  second,  on  j^darcii  IS,  1860,  to 
the  -widow  Mrs.  l-icljccca  Gouph  (nee  Frazcr),  li.all  sister  to  his  first  wife. 
She  di'-'d   in    1892.     Jn    J860   he   sold    the  old    V.illiam   Railey   homestead 

240  'Mir  wooi"-'  N^-  A\!i  lUKiK  cr-xxiATioNs 

"j.ih'.Tlv  U.:!I,"  v.b.irli  '.;■.  Ik. J.  iaiKT'tv'il  iian  his  mo'Iior,  and  !x)U;;!!l  .'f 
hi;--  l':uhoi--!U-lnv.-,  Jv'~Cih  Fvi/.o;-,  the  !>!'.ain  Railoy  liumcitcad,  ''Vlivy 
Grovo,"  Y,hich  he  ofcupicd  unnl  1^66. 

On  accouii;-  of  his  wife's  ill  liuaitii,  lic  roiiiud  o'.iL  ihc  farm,  wcat  tn 
VcrsaiHes  and  cngacicd  in  the  n^ercantiii;  liuf-incss.  iUil  this  v,as  not  io 
liis  taste;  and  his  v.ifo  having  ivcovered  her  heaUli,  tlioy  went  ha.'l;  to  old 
"X'incy  Civive"  and  Hv^il  hapj'ily  until  she  died.  May  27,  ISO.!. 

Weary  of  his  Icncly  oxistenvX',  he  nvjrried  i.hinh  on  August  2-},  5  899, 
Miss  Seville  Church,  w'lo  wa-  bom  Alr'ixh  3i,  iS5i,  in  Franklin  counts-, 
K',V:!ncky.  He  sold  the  farm,  p  -id  off  sevcal  lluju-and  doiiars  of  other 
people's  tlebts  for  which  he  v.  as  sin-uty,  liouglit  a  copat(a-tahle  home  in  the 
suburb.;  of  I'rankfort,  Kentucky,  v/hcre  hie  expects  to  si.end  the  remainder 
of  his  davs.  lie  i.s  an  old  "Blue  stoclcing"  Prcsbytenan,  as  were  all  the 
Woodson-Railey  connection,  so  far  as  he  kmnvs. 

lY  1094  Mary  Jr^ne  Ralley,'  died  youn;;. 

Y  lOf'S  Merriweather  Lewis  Rallcy,"^  died  young. 

Yl  109r.  Martha  JiKJith  R&iloy,^  died  at  ihe  age  of  seventeen  years. 

VII  1097  Emily  Sophia  Hailey,'' died  youn-. 

YJIl  1058  Pocahontas  V.  Railey,-  died  yom.i;. 

IX  1099  Laura  L.  Railey,'  died  yonng. 

X  1100  Thomas  Tefaersoxi  Railey,^  died  at  twenty  years  ol  age. 

XI  1101  Lucretia  P.aiby,-''  died  at  sixteen  >ears  of  age. 

Issue  of        ^G  i    LUCY  RAILEY'  (Martha  Woodson. «  Cob  John.^  Josiah.-'  Joh.r.,>-  Hobert,- 
John')  and  her  second  husband,  Rev.  William  M.  king. 

I  *  J 102  Rev.  Samuel  A.  King,^  born  October  14,  18.54,  at  Versailles,  Kentucky, 
was  married  January  19,  1860,  to  Miss  Anna  King  (not:  related  to  liin-;). 
They  settled  in  Waco,  Texas.  He  was  called  to  the  pastorate  of  the  Tn-st 
Presbyterian  Church  of  Waco,  and  occupied  that  pulpit  for  about  forty 
years.  He  was  much  l<eloved,  not  only  by  his  congregation,  but  by  the 
entire  community.  In  1902  he  v.-as  called  to  a  chair  in  tiie  Presbyterian 
Theological  Seminary  at  Austin,  Texas,  and  has  resided  at  that  pi-..;ce  aver 
since.  He  was  a  commissioner  to  the.  General  assembly  of  the  Southern 
Presbyterian  Church,  v.hich  convened  at  Savannah,  Georgia,  in  May,  1909. 

II  no:.  Wiiliani  M.  King,  Jr./-  born  at  Versailles,  Kentucky,  was  married  to 
Miss  ll.-itiie  King  (not  related  to  him),  and  moved  to  Texas.  At  the  be- 
ginnicg  of  the  Ci\il  Wa.r  he  eidi.-ted  in  the  Confederate  army  and  died  in 
1801,  leasing  on.e  daughter,  Willie  y.  I.'ii;g,'  who  married  ]■  E.  Daniel. 
Thcv  liave  two  children,  (1)  Vv'iiiie  Daniel, '"  anfl  (2)  Susaunali  Daniel. '" 

V.U--V  i  n  Gi:vi.K\  r.i"'N 


Issue   of       i;G2   MAKTKA  jAKL  RAlLhY^  (M.  ri!i..  WooJ-nu  -  (\.l.  J-,-bn,^  Joriah.^  lulin,^ 
liol.cK.-  j..!in')  aiKi  JMim  H.  llLrryiii:-.n. 

I  *  1 104  r.arx  Eiizabeih  Berrvniau,  hor.,  Jin;,;  5,  1S?0,  at  "Ciiiton"  nc.:r  Wi-allies, 
KenU:'i:y,  nianici  ScptL^uLcr  1,  1^  H',  lo  Go^r^'c  Uaninu;t  C  ary. 
ami  dira'jiinv  4,  1905. 

H  '^-  1105  Tames  T.  Berrvman,^  Lorn  April  22,  1S22,  at  '■Clifioa,"  the  old  Thomas 
Kailcv  iionu'^teai!.  lie  v.-as  twice  married;  first,  in  jamiary,  ^'^-^.^l*' 
Ther-'-a  \\'ihis;  ?oam'!.  on  October  S.  1^58.  lo  SaHic  Steele  Cimreii.  Ik 
was  f(.r  mauy  years,  and  until  h\^  deai;>,  a  merchant  at  CHuop.  Me  died 
Juiu;-f,  1879. 

HI  *  1100  Robct  Berrym?n/  Lorn  Apri'  17,  j821,  at  ■ThrM.n,"  was  ma>ried  June. 
iS-i6,  tc  .Maria  !..  Whiningion,  and  died  Ai-rii  4.  'e~7S.  He  was  a  CMmmis- 
siou  merchant  ai  Clifton. 

IV  *  1107  Edv/ard  N.  Berryman,"  i.iorn  Marcli  14,  lf<26,  near  Versailies,  KcntucKy, 
was  married  May  27,  1S52,  to  Sallie  Willis,  and  died  Doccmber  26,  iP-00. 

Y       1103   Georre    Railey,'    born    iS30,    died    ISS2,    untaarried.     Served 
through^tit  the  war  in  Confederate  army.     Owned   -'CHiion." 

VI   *   1109  Mattic  V/oodson  Berryman,^  born  April  24,  lS.i&,  was  Jiiarned  June  ^l''', 
1856,   to   Robert   Fry   Montgomery   of   Louls^•ille.     It   ai)pea!s   they, 
settled  at  Wilmore,  Kentucky,  and  died  tlu-re. 

VII  *  lUO  Franl-  F.  Berrv.oian,'  born  1S42,  v.-as  married  1o('io  to  Susan  'L'ssinger. 
He  served  in  the  Confederate  arnn-.     They  live  iir  Denver,  Colorado. 

Issue  of       56c?   SUSANNAH  RAILEY'   (Martha  Woodson,^   Col.   John.=   Josiah,'  John,' 
Robe-r,-  John')  and  V^'iiliam  rierning  ?.Iarhliam. 

I  nil  Dr.  George  V/'ashington  Markham,^  born  Juiv,  1S26.  in  New  C;:-leans, 
Louisiana,  where  he  was  reared  and  educaied.  He  studied  nicdicuie  anu 
practiced  his  profession  in  New  Orleans,  during  the  few  remainuig  years 
of  hi  -  life.     He  died  December  24.  1 853.     Xevcr  married. 

1!  1112  Rev.  Thomas  Railev  Markbam/  l.oru  December  2.  iS2S,  in  Nev.-  Orleans, 
was  married  Xovemb-sr  30,  1S5S,  to  Mary  Seark:..  He  wa.  an  elocjucnt 
Presbyterian  ininbter  and  preached  to  one  congregation  m  New  Or.ears 
for  nearly  forty  years,  excepting  the  four  years  he  served  as  cb.aplcm  ot  a 
regiment  in  the  Confederate  army. 

Ill  *  IIH  Martha  Woodson  Mnrkham/-  born  July  14,  1S32,  in  New  Orleans,  was 
married  in  1850  (o  Fabius  M.  Sle.per,  a  young  lawyer  from  Al.ssis..n;i. 
^ft.i  tlie  Civil  War  thev  moved  to  Waeo,  Texa-,,  where  he  practiced  law 
until  his  d.  ath.  She  was  a  nost  lovable  Christiaii  character,  beloved  by  ah 
whi)  knev-.-  lier.  Shv  died  February,  1910. 

TVU  \va  >:v/<:,'s<  \\\,  tjiii!; 

i\"  ^  111-:  Lu..y  i^euuni,  Mrir:;''  Iu^tm  Jviy,  ISoG,  in  ?\".\v  Orloar.s,  iiv.rrii  .1 
in  ISol,  10  Kdward  A.  J-'iu^-,  a  i:;^v\cr  from  IJahlmcro,  MaryhiaJ.  '1  lic\- 
loc.iicd  in  Waco,  ',  wlu-r,.-  I;.-  cnpa^cfl  in  ilu-  jir.utic:  of  hviv  witii  hi^ 
i-ir<.  l;rr-iu  !a'.,  I'aoiu.--  M.  ^iv..j.r,  siui!  his  clvaiii.     S!;c  died  ir.  U-')-{. 

\'       1115   Maiy  Jp.r.'i  Markham,'  born  alioiU  1S3S  ia  Ne-.v  Orlean;--  and  died  yoi;r,-. 

\I  1116  Wilin'.in  Fleming  Markham,"  liorn  iS-!2  in  Nev  Orleans,  cnlisixd  in  ;lie 
("oiiicderaic  iiriny  nl  tiic  age  of  ivvoniy  years  and  was  killed  at  t!ie  baiile 
of  Aiianv,!  in  1S6  1.  He  was  a  v,'.>i^\\  .-oldie-r  arid  a  L^aaiant  oiVircr.  (  !'^- 
Wm.  J-;.  Rjiley.) 

Is?iie  of        S(^7    MATTHEV:    WOODSON'    ;John    Stephen, '^    Rev.    Maithew/'    Stephen/ 
John/  Ixobcr;.'- John-;;  and  5  Va  I'aiiiii;  ■  WV^odMin.' 

I  *  1117  Sarah  Ann,'  born  September  IS,  lSi7,  in  '".oorida.nd  CQiint\-,  \'irginia. 
She  v..-nt  with  her  motlier  about  1S32  to  P'aveite  county,  Tenre.ssce,  and 
was  niarriei.!  l\Iay  15,  1339,  to  Benjamin  Mo>by.  Tliey  settled  in  Deioio 
county,  'Mijsifsippi,  where  she  died  October  IS.  ISoO. 

il  1113  Islary  J.,«  born  April  24,  1S1'\  in  Goochland  countv,  a^d  died  Sepicabor 
29, 1819. 

Ill  n]9  r-hinp  Stephen,^  born  September  3,  1S2U.  in  Goochland  'ounty,  X'irciida, 
v.eni!:  his  mother  in  1832  to  i'a^ette  cuU!;ty.,  -where,  he  c'icd 
IMay  3,  1^56,  ay;en  ;!iirty-hvc  years  and  clglu  mouths.     He  was  ;uimarricd. 

I\'  *  1120  .Tohij  RoyalI,5  born  l')ecember  2S,  1822,  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia. 
!n  iS.->2  he  went  to  Fayette  county,  Tennessee,  witii  his  mother,  his  brother 
Philifi,  his  two  \oung  sisters  and  his  uncie  57S  I^datrJicvr  Woodson,-  taking- 
their  rhives  and  other  possessions  with  them.  In  1S49  he  was  married  ia 
Fayette  county,  Tennessee,  to  I\Iis3  Amanda  Fll::a  Fiunan,  a  sl:rer  of 
Col.  Robert  \V.  h^itman,  who  commaiided  the  Thirteenth  Tennessee  rv^iment 
of  inl.anlry  in  the  Confcd.erato  States  .Army.  Ho  was  a  prosperous  farmci 
and  sla-'.-e  owner.  .\t  the  outbreak  of  the  Ci\il  War  in  1S61,  ho  vras  one  of 
the  first  to  enlist  in  the  army  of  X'iiginia  under  Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee,  and 
served  falihfully  until  tiie  latter  part  of  the  war,  when  iie  returned  home  an.d 
dlcfi  i'l  186-i,  fp.m  t;-ie  effct-ts  i/  tl:e  har^.'shi.s  and  exposure  vrhich  iie  had 
endured  for  three  and  a  hail  years.     His  v.ddow  died  in  IS76. 

V  1121  Jane  Eliza,'  born  March.  6,  1?25,  in  vGoochlano'  county,  and  died  at  midni^dit 
Dcccrihcr  3,  1833,  aged  eight  years  and  nine  months. 

VI  1122  Paulina,'  born  March  10,  1827,  in  Goochland  countv,  and  died  A;)ri!  13, 

\'U        1123   i^datthev,',"    bi.rn    January    2S,    1S2^'.    in    Goociilaiai    county.     He    was    a 
posthnmcub  child.     He  lived  five  days  and  died  February  2.  1 S29. 


if...    :. 




1124      MRS.  ANN    E.    (WOODSON;    DODD 

:iiM  i;i".\;:i;  vricN  24.^ 

i.oue  of        t;J^G   i'ENJAMIN    V/00]:>:i.OW    (John    Sioniun,'^    Rev.    Maaiif\v/    SuniKn,' 
John/  I\(7i<ort,-  Jc-hii';  .ir.d   M:i:tl!.i  ! ,;_.  Scuor. 

1  ■  1124  Ann  Ei./:a,'  borii  (^ciobor  .^O.  '.S06.  in  Franklin  roiinty,  X'iiglnia,  was. 
iiiarrii,.!  neocnibor  2".  is:,".i,  tu  Williav.:  DoclJ.  Siiu  vms  a  member  of  ihe 
Hapii-i  C'1-.urch  and  ditd  in  lv'^S^)  at  lli-j  ago  of  sewnly-four  yonis. 

II  *  H25  Paulina  BacOH;"  born  I'ebruary  5,  1S09,  in  Frankiii;  rounty,  Virginia,  and 
wa.s  married  to  \\"ill' ini  Miller.  She  was  a  memixT  of  the  Hajitisi.  Ou.ircl! 
and,  (lied  1ST9,  ageii  seventy  \-ears. 

in  ■  112'5  Liary  Royall,'  luan  Jane  11,  Itll,  in  Fianklin  ecunuy,  \va-.  n;a!  ricd  Mas  t.^, 
i>S^^!.  ti)  James  W.  Craii;.  Slie  was  a  go.x!  v.oaian,  a  member  ui  the 
Baptist  ("liin-cli  and  dieil  1890  at  ilie  a:-;v  of  se\enly  nine  years. 

IV  *  1127  Stephen  MarteljMjorn  February  3,  in  Franklin  county,  Vireinia.  lie 
■■va.^  reared  on  ilie  farm,  rccei\'ing  a  good  •.  ducaiion  under  liis  fatji^.r  wlio 
was  a  prominent  te:irher  in  touthwe'tern  Virginia.  He  wcnr  with  tiie 
fann'ly  in  1840  to  Monroe  connty.  Mi,  soiiri,  w!ierc  lie  c-ngaged  in  fanninf; 
until  1849  when  he  embarked  in  tlie  m.mufaciure  of  wheal  fans,  tie  was 
married  Xovember  24,  1850,  lo  Miss  Mir.anda  Foidks,  daughter  of  Gerard 
loulks  and  Xan.ey  Kodgers  formerly  of  Kent'.icl:\-.  She  died  jn  18ri5, 
leaving  two  ehildri^n.  He  was  again  married,  on  i'ebruary  9,  1863,  tc 
Miss  Martha  Ellen.  Suillman.  daughter  of  John  S.  Spiiinian  and;  Eli/abeth 
Waymasi  of  Mrginla.  About  this  time  he  sold  of.t  his  wheat  tan  laetory 
and  resumed  farming  and  stock  raising. 

In  1869  he  was  c-kcted  judge  of  the  county  court  of  Mop.roe  county, 
Missouri,  which  office  he  held  sz.x  years.  Ho  had  served  many  years  as 
justice  of  the  peace.  He  was  a  democrat  and  a  consisteni  member  of  the 
Primiti\-e  Baptist  Cluirch,  a  citizen  highly  esteemed  by  t!ie  entire  community 
m  wl^icl-.  lie  lived.  \]'.^  liome  '.\as  known  far  and  wide  for  its  Lenerous  hos- 
pi;a!it>-  and  wide  ;-.pen  doors  to  welcome  all  wlio  had  the  good  fortune  t<> 
be  there. 

His  wife  who  was  born  June  6,  1824,  and  who  had  been  Ins  helpmiect 
for  nearly  a  ciuarter  of  a  century,  died  September  30,  1887.  He  continued 
to  reside  with  his  surviving  children  at  his  home  in  Monroe  county,  Mi>ouuri, 
where  lie  died  Ar,ril  10,  1901. 

V  ^-  1128  Martha  Le  Seuer,  ■  bom  August  11,  1S!6,  in  Virginia,  died  ?J.rrcii  6,  1867. 
She  was  married  May  16,  1839,  to  William  M.  Craig,  a  farmer  of  Monroe 
county,  M!,^souri,  and  lived  there  until  the  close  of  the  Civil  War  w  hen  they 
moved  to  Carroll  county.  Sl-.e  was  a  er)od  'woman  but  never  ur.iied  v.  iih 
any  church. 

\'I  *  1129  Carol:''e  Chastaine/'  bom  June  12,  .1819,  in  Frankiin  county.  Virginia, 
married  George  A.  >daddo\.  a  farmer  of  Monroe  counts.  Missotiri.  in 
1864  th..y  mo\-ed  to  Oiegon  -.vlKre  they  coiitinucd  their  agricultural  pursuits. 
She  is  a  M-(;man  of  unusual  strength  of  mind  and  body.     At  I'le  advanced. 


as;o  o!  iiir.ct)  ycais  :^P.e  is  ;-t'!l  l:\iiv_;  (i  •'(''))  ncor  Aitiil\'.  Oic;.;-:;!!,  a  roiisisi'jiU 
inoin!ier  of  ilic  Chrijii,;:;  f"!u;rrb.. 

\'IT  11  '0  l^'oioihy  Rc-inciOlpk,'  I'lrn  FiJiru'^ry  -5,  182.'?,  in  Fiankiiii  cixinly,  \''iigiiii.i. 
mill  divd  Jiil>'  1,  1904.  Xla-,:!'  inarric'i.  She  was  a  izood  ("liristian  v.oiria:i. 
greailv'  hv\o\  cd  i)y  ali  Ii'.-r  i\i.'.l'\L-s  aivj  frifiid;'.  She  li%cd  with  licr  hroiht.! , 
H.)57  Judge-  Sloplien  >[aiul  Woocisoir  until  hib  deatii,  and  spciU  the  i.-- 
iiiaindcr  of  her  life  with  hi.r  niece,  ^irs.  Wairen  jM.  Si.Uiiey.  of  UiJiJer  Aiio;., 
Illinois.     She  \vas  a  n.ienilicr  of  ilic  Bainist  Clui;cl;. 

VllI  *  11  jl  riizabeth  Mosby,""  born  in  b'rankUii  conni}-,  X'iryinia,  ;)ccernbci-  Jti,  J82't. 
was  nuirrieil  Xo\-eniber  l-l,  IS.^0,  lo  John  B.  Alii-joii,  a  .-uecessfiil  fai'mcr  an'.i 
stock  raiser,  in  ?iIis:.o;.iri.  Tlie\'  retired  iioiu  t'ne  farn:  about  1S9-!-  and 
li\-(d  in  Siargeon,  ?\!;.----ot:ii.  wlK-re  Mr.  Allisi,n  encjai^ed  in  litiying  ne.d 
selling  larm  lands  by  v.Iiicii  he  r^^ide  a  eoiiolderabie  amount  of  money,  lie 
(.lied  Maicli  S,  1904,  leavin;,;  Ids  widow  well  prux'ided  for.  She  is  still  living 
at  La'.vton,  Oklahoma,  (lOlii).  In  the  cajoynient  of  good  health  ar.d  tlie  fab 
possession  of  all  her  pl'x'sical  and  nier.tal  faculties.  She  has  contributed 
most  u!  the  above  atithc-niic  data  concerning  this  important  branch  of  the 
Woodson  family.  Sl.c  and  lier  were  boLh  men-ihers  of  the 
Methodist    Church. 

IX   *   1132   George  V^arren.'^     The  story  of  his  bfe  is  brieily  told  by  himself  as  follows: 

"I  ^^■a■■:•  bor)'i  August  2,  1S27,  on  a  farrii  in  Franklin  county,  Virginia, 
but  in  the  year  1840  my  father  with  his  family  emigrated  to  I\ionroe  county, 
?vIissourI,  and  there  settled  on  another  farm.  I  v.'as  married  on  L'iecember 
23,  1S55,  to  lantha  ja.dcson,  the  dauLjbter  of  Hancock  jaclcson,  who,  soon 
after,  became  governor  of  the  state  of  ]\ii.>sr)ur:.  ?>Iy  wife  a:id  I  matle 
our  home  on  the  same  farm  that  m.y  fa.ther  had  uriejaally  settled  on  v,-hen 
he  mo\-cd  to  Missouri  in  1840. 

"On  r^eccmbcr  3.  1863,  twin  daughter;.  Mary  and  Martha,  were  born 
to  us,  but  ?\Iary  died  at  the  age  of  thirteen  months. 

"W'lien  the  Civil  War  came  on,  I  early  joined  Brigadier  General  Rain's 
conunand  and  fought  through  tlie  Wilson  Creek  battle  as  a  private  soidder. 
Soon  after  tins  battle  I  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  first  lieutenrtnt.  A 
few  months  later,  after  the  battle  of  J,e.\Ini;ton,  ]>.Iissor.ri,  and  at  the  resig- 
nation of  the  captain  of  our  company,  J  Vv-as  elected  to  fill  his  vacancy, 
and  so  continued  until  the  Missouri  state  guards  ^vere  disbanded  for  the 
purpose  of  joining  the  Confederate  army.  Shortly  after  this,  J  was  cap- 
tured and  held  prisoner  by  the  Federal  troops  for  about  iwo  months,  when 
I  was  released  by  taking  the  oath  and  giving  bond.  This  ended  my  career 
as  a  stijdier. 

"f)n  .-Xi-'ril  1,  1865,  I  left  Monroe  '.ounty,  Missouri,  with  tny  wife  and 
daughter  Martha  and  started,  with  an  ox  team  for  Oregon.  We  arrived 
at  Fort  Carney  in  the  state  of  Nebraska  about  the  25th  de.y  of  May,  1865. 
As  the  Indiana  on  the  piaitis  -jvere  ho:!ilo  that  year,  the  go\ernmer:t  would 
not  allow  us  to  proceed  until  enoagh  w^igon^  gathered  to  form  a  company. 
We  had  to  v.ait  oid)'  a  couple  of  da-,  b  for  this;  and  then  a  coi'i.oany  tonsisling 



1131      MRS.   CLIZABF.TH    MCStsY    (WOODSON)    ALLISON 

1132      GEORGE    WARREN    V/OODSON 

Ki<;i,n!  <u:ni  j^v  ri 

uf  (Mio  hiUKlred  an.!  i.  ;;  wagoi^s  v.a.--  o;  I  v,,is  cltxii.d  ciptaiu  ami 
};ivei.  a  iosular  ru:n;:.'-si.)n  i,y  ilie  t;o\-cnin;eiU.  \'\"o  (!icii  staitei!  uii  (h,.- 
joii:iii-\-.  \Vc  hai!  no  wil!-.  tiie  lii.Han.s  luul!  we  airivcfl  at  R.-d; 
Springs,  in  ^\hai  is  now  W  yoi-iii-,  wl^crc  we  wciv  atfnckod  In-  tlic  Sio-x 
anj  C"Iu-yeiinc5,  \\"r  Wrcd  on  tlioni.  driNiiU;  m  away  wiUinui  ;uiy  If-:; 
wlsaicvor  10  our  roni.Mny.  Wo  arrived  at  I-ort  Ilaik-.-k  iic:a  day,  anJ. 
after  letting  two  or  ilirce  days,  [.ro-oeded  on  uur  iournoy,  rearljing  cur 
destination  September  6,  1S65. 

"TJie  first  year  after  wc-  nrr^eeJ  in  Or>.gon,  I  farmed,  l.ui  ir;  I'le 
fall  of  I806  1  became  en-a-cd  in  ;'...■  mercantile  ^n.-iarss  at  Ami.y,  Orei^>m. 
under  the  firm  stylo  of  Biown,  Woovison  6c  Co. 

".^!te^  being  in  this  bubincL-s  for  five  years,  I  fold  my  inte'-est  in  it 
and  in  1S72  bouglu  rome  slicei)  aiui  toolv  tli:;m  to  l-:iarnath  Lake  connl}-. 
1  i-emained  there  a  roaple  of  >-e  irs,  and  durint;  that  time  went  cluoii-h  tlie 
Ab->dur  Indian  War.  I  then  reUirncd  to  Amiiy  aiui  a.yaiii  went  iiUc;  tlie 
mercantile  iuisint  as,  in  whirii  !  , oiuimied  as  loni;  a:-  1  lived  in  Oregon. 

"In  iSS5  I  nuned  iny  family  lO  Paris,  in  I\!onroe  county,  IMissouri, 
and  while  living-  there  my  danghlcr  w-as  married  to  Preston  B.  ?.loss  of 
that  town.  In  IS'),^  iny  wife  and  I  moved  to  Billings,  Monfana,  the  home 
of  my  daughter  at  tluat  time,  and  ha\e  re.sidcd  there  ever  since.  Before 
and  after  I  went  10  Oregon  I  \oled  tlie  dem.ocratic  ticket,  but  ft.r  the  past 
ten  years  have  voted  republican.  I  never  have  L-cesi  a  iiiember  of  any 
church  n.jr  aiiy  lodL^e." 

Signed.  Geouci;  Wakki^x  Wo'jdson. 

February  7,  1911. 

A  little  more  tiiaii  a  year  aftes  w-riling  the  aiiove  sketch,  he  died  at 
7:30  o'clock,  Saturday  evening,  Marc  h  30,  1012,  at  ihe  home  of  his  daugl-iu-r 
Mrs.  Preston  B.  A!o>s  in  Billing.-;,  .Montana.  A  h^  al  newspapx-r  commenling 
lijion  his  death,  add.s: 

"\\hile  Capt.  Woodson  w-a.s  not  a  maa  of  demo.asiraii\-c  character, 
he  can;e  from  the  old  school  of  \"iri;inians  -vho  knew  but  code  of  n;ora!s 
in  life  and  strict  morality  and  rectitude  in  all  his  dealings  Vv-itli  his  fellow 
m,en  was  ever  his  rule.  During  the  time  he  was  a  citi/cen  of  Montana  he 
was  not  enga.-;:cd  in  business,  being  identified  with  the  con-m-mir-ty  only  a> 
a  resilient.  He  is  survived  by  his  wife  and  daughter,  and  a  number  of 
grandchildren.  Funeral  service.s  were  conducted  fron-.  the  Ab.iss  residence, 
the  (  hrislian  Science  In-rial  .service  lieing  u-od,  and  interment  was  miadc  in 
the  incal  cemetc-r\-." 

X  iI33  Maria  Jane,'  born  February  0,  1830,  on  the  farm  in  Franklin  counly, 
Virginia,  went  widi  the  family  in  1S40  to  .Mom-oe  c.MUity,  Mh^ou^i  was 
Married  about  b'^^i.i  ic  F'la\-iu.-.  n<,\d.  She  died  Augu.-t  S,  1862,  siiortiy 
after  the  l.)irth  of  her  only  child,     'i  he  child  liced  onlv  about  one  -yv-ar. 

Issue  of        £:  7  1    r-TEPJIL-N  WOCDSON-  (John  Stephen,^  Rev.  .M.mhew,"  Stephen,^  Jr.ha,-'' 
K'obert,^  J(.'in')  a'ul  J;inc,  his  first  wife. 

I  1]:.4  "''arrcn.Miorn  aboui  1S21),  in  Albemarle  cc'unty,  Virginia,  was  a  lawyer  and 
a    Bajni'-t   miiikter.     About   1842,   he  wa^   Using   \u  Columbia,   A'iis:.^.uri. 


!..ati;i  U-  v.\ip  cUitiu-  aivi  prci ;;■;;•:< ;r  of  the  l^anncr  <•{'.'Hy,  .^  !iev,-spap>r 
\w  piihli.^lu-..l  ;u  ]\\\..-n.  AHs-ouri.  Ht-  v/as  iiiairio!  ic  Aiiirlia  Uick  of 
Can^lino  cor.rLv,  \'ii-.;;nia.  She  \va?  a  sisU-r  of  Ani;nnla  Horry  Dick,  wile 
of  576  jad-c  Warren  \V(K_.a>.'ii.' 

If        li  55  i,rin,'  in  .Mbeniarle  co  iuty,  \'ir:_;Inia,  and  \va?  married  to  Mr.  Crawford. 

Ill  ^  1133  Dnniei,-  Lorn  May  1.1,  !S.!4,  in  Albemarle  county,  \'irt;ir.!a.  Wiu-n  he  wa.-; 
1)111  se-x  en  yeais  old  his  n'othcr  died  and  iie  was  for  by  one  of  Ins  ainr,« 
autil  he  was  old  enough  to  be  sent  olT  io  .school,  lie  educated  a.t 
l.e.xiiiyton  Academy.  Durin.o:  his  niiaoriix-  i;e  was  under  th;.-  care  of  his 
^UJidian,  Mr.  Wl'.itc.  of  Albemarle  count\ ,  for  whom  he  cherished  a  war^ii 
afftciion  as  long  as  he  lived.  He  was  married  in  Lynchburg,  Virginia., 
•  m  Oet.jber  14,  1S47,  to  the  widow  ?drs.  Antcrica  ilnuiua)  Palmer.  She 
v.•a^  born  .April  3,  1S.M  ia  Campbell  county,  X'irginia,  a.nd  died  Decendu:>- 
i.S,  1912.  ller  maiden  name  Cl.rislian.  'Or.  June  29,  1854,  he  was 
appointed  bv  President  Pierce  to  be  secrel^ay  of  ihe  territory  of  Maesas, 
v.herc  lie  spent  the  remainder  of  life  and  died  October  5,   1SV4. 

Tlie  following  appeared  in  tlie  l.ea\  enw<irth  ilerald  (jctober  20,  Ic^ol, 
notinc;  the  arrival  of  the  lerritorinl  oUicers. 

"Daniel  Woodson,  Ksq.,  of  Lynchburg,  Virginia,  secretary  of  Kan.-,as, 
ani\ed  on  the  Edcnburg  on  Wednesday  last  (October  IS,  1S54.) 

"Air.  Woodson  comes  among  us  as  a  young  man,  yot  with  the  prestige  o> 
a  bribiani  rareei  among  tile  leading  democratic  journalists  of  the  (;ld 
Dor.-.inii.n.  Wc  have  for  s'lme  time  known  him  as  the  editor  of  the  Lync!,- 
burg  Republican,  a  democratic  jou.rnal  of  long  standing  among  the  al'le;i; 
and  most  reliable  ia  the  country-.  The  people  of  Kansas  will  iixM  in  him 
an  able  arid  accomplished  public  servant." 

The  following  obituary  notice  of  his  deatli  andi  sretch  ot  his  hie  is 
copied  from  the  Coffeyville,  Kansas  Daily  Journal  of  OcLober  6,  ISSM  : 


The  startling  inte'iigence  was  flaslicd  over  the  wires  at  an  early 
hour  this  morning  that  c\--secretary  of  the  Territory  and  frequcndy  acting 
governor,  Daniel  Woodson,  had  pn.-arefidiy  passed  away  at  the  residence  of 
his  son  D.  i\I.  V/oodson,  in  Claremore,  Indian  Territoiy,  on  Friday  night, 
October  5,  1804,  at  half  past  eleven  o'clock.  The  news  wa.?  received  villi 
tokens  of  sadness  by  the  citizens  of  '■.'offexviile.  among  whom  the  deci-.\sed 
liad  lived  and  moved  for  more  llian  twenty  years,  and  by  whom  he  was 
universally  respected.  His  remains  v.erc  taken  to  Leaven Vv'.rlh,  his 
former  home,  for  interment. 

Earlv  in  the  month  of  August,  Governor  Woodson's  health  began  to 
fail,  ai:d  upon  the  a.Kice  of  his  pl.ysician.  hoping  a  change  of  location 
migiit.  be  ijcrieficial,  r,e  was  taken  to  the  home  of  his  s.m  at  Ciaren;ore, 
Indian  Territory.  Put  in  s[)ite  of  all  that  ln\e  and.  skill  could  do.  his 
immortal  s[/irit  took  its  flight  to  th.e  realm  of  li-.e  ■,;!;knov  n  beyond.  '1  he 
mortal  \>ndy  of  this  dir^tingnished  citizen  will  be  laid  away  in  Muncy 
Cenieterj ,  near  Lcavenv.orth. 

ri,.!t  ii:  -.-.r 

Go\Triior  \\''Hni.-;^'n  i?  i;ur\'i\x<!  by  hi-;  \'.i<Io\v  :tnil  tiirce  cliildrcr., 
two  son^  .ir.d  one  (.l.iii;,!-. •, cr.  Mi.-;.  \'.'(_io('soii.  i!;.'  bervft  wiii^iw,  v.-iili  l:cr 
Ini^n;'.nc!,  hifj  rojidcH.'  in  rdiTo;.  -  i!:c  cwr  siucij  I'-.c  o;  i',arii:<;ition.  of  ihat  cii>". 
The  stntc  has  !o>i  a  promiiioiU  ar.c!  ii.--i  \>-A  citizen  and  or.e  oi  li-.odi=lingi!i;!K\! 
men  uf  ils  early  iii.-Uay. 

Daniel  Woo<L;vin  was  lu-rn  in  Albemarle  coanl\',  \'ire,i:':ii''-,  <.»ii  (he 
13th  d;;>-  of  May.  182-t.  Mis  bo\-hootl  d.i\'s  were  ^perii  Cni  a  pia.nlation  in 
the  Old  13oniinio?i  rUue.  Early  in  life  he  v.a£.  npi)rcnticed  to  the  priniinj 
Irarjc  in  an  oiucc  in  Lynclii.vjr;^.  He  beeamc  an  adei>t  in  l!ic  business,  asid 
soon  altained  a  liic;ii  rank  in  hi:^  choscii  •(•rofossion,  and  was  one  of  llic  b^it 
knov.-n  edivcM^-  and  priiiiers  in  ihc  sia'.e.  His  brilliant  career  attracted 
the  attention  of  th.c  chief  men  of  the:  ;^ri  ;■  pa'ty  then  in  p.ower.  anei  on  the 
29t!-i  of  jirvj,  lS5i.  at  the  ayje  of  thlrtx-  \\;ari,  r.e  was  ap;ioinied  by  President 
Pierce^  Secretary  of  the  territory  of  Kansas  at  a  salary  of  S2000  per  aniu.ini. 
IJe  immediately  disposed  of  his  ne.vspaper  in  Lynchburg-  and  started  for 
Kansas.  Prior  to  lea\ing  for  biis  new  jiost  of  duty,  the  young  secretary 
had  taken  the  oath  of  office  at  \\'ashin5ion. 

Go\ei-aar  A.  H.  Reedii-  arriw-d  '.v.  Kansas  territory  on  the  2.Sih  of 
Septeiiiber,  1S54,  about  ten  da\  s  after  the  arrival  of  the  sc."rctary.  These 
t\\o  officials  entered  at  once  upon  the  work  assigned  them.  At  sc\'eral 
times  diiriuij  his  term  as  secretary,  ihe  powers  and  duties  of  t;i.)Vcrnor  of 
the  terriiorj-  dc\'(.il\'ed  lipon  .Mr.  Woodson.  The  first  occasion  was  laat  of 
the  aIiM::;eo  (jf  Ccr\-err.or  Rceder  on  a  \'i>iL  to  the  East,  frum  April  1  /,  to 
June  23,  1855.  The  minutes  show  two  official  act.',  during  period. 
Uj^on  the  remo\'al  of  Governor  Reeder  fronj  olhce,  .Aui^ust  16,  !."55, 
Secretary  W'oodsun  became  acting  t^cnernor  and  Sv:r\-ed  ur.til  September  7, 
1855,  when  Governor  Shannon  took  the  oath  of  oHke  and  e^ti'/rrd;  tiji  >;i  its 
duties.  On  th.c  departure  of  Go-.ernor  Sljannon  on  a  vi^ic  to  St.  Louis. 
June  24,  1856,  Secretary  Woodson  again  became  acting  gtA-ern'ir  and  ser\ed 
until  September  11,  1S56. 

(Note — It  was  during  this  period  that  acting  Go\-enior  Wooflson 
issued  a  proclamation  forbidding  tiic  assembling  of  the  "'-^ree  State  ' 
Legislature.  And  on  Septernl>er  1,  he  issued  an  ordei  to  L^e.itenanv- 
Coionel  Philip  St.  George  Cocke,  eommaading  L'nited  Stales  dragoon.^  to 
iuNXst  the  U;\\n  of  Tooeka  and  aw-L'si.  and  disarm  all  i;isiirr^ctioni?ts  f(.'.i!Hi 
at  or  near  that  poi:U.) 

On  S..:i»teinl.>;r  11,  18,^6,  Go\Lrn;jr  Julia  W.  Geary  a.-,suincd  the  duties 
of  the  ofiiee.  l."])on  the  departure  of  Gov.  Geaiy  from  the  Territory. 
March  12,  1857,  SeLrelar\-  Woi.'lson  again  became  acting  govenu^r  an<i 
cor.tinued  as  such  undl  Apiril  16,  1857,  when  he  was  succeeded  i)\-  Frederick 
P.  5nar>ton. 

Mr.  Woodson's  otTiciai  acts  were  all  in  keeping  with  his  well  established 
habit?  uf  party  fealty  and  integrity.  He  wa?  a  Virginian  by 
birth,  arid  slrtjng  in  his  proslavery  c.'nvlct ions  which  were  pait  and  j)arcel 
of  iiis  early  education.  His  paper,  the  Lynchburg  Republican,  had  been 
UTider  his  ;Tianagem;:-nt  aii  ad'i'f.cate  uf  the  rvansas-Ncl>ra.-5l.a  biU.  from  a 
southern  jjoinl  of  view. 

24S  Tin:  WDon^orvS  .■.>.!>  riiii  ;  i'.):-,x!-x  ridS? 

Tl:o  fact  thCil  no  ntMik  on  his  privaic  i-haraclcr  or  his  hoiusty,  was 
evir  niailr  In"  hi^  ].;.'liiica!  ciAiiiics,  iusli\-  cslahlislKs  his  rharatlcr  for 
lior.-t.MKil  hoii(si\-  niiii  puiiiy  as  .■I.o\o  rciircrh. 

Governor  W'oocisou  scrx'cl  Kansas  ia  an  dlVu-ia!  capacity,  cliuin;,r  {\u: 
most  c.xciiiiij^  period  <f  Irv  hisiorw  He  v.a.s  iioncst  afid  siiiccre.  No 
( iinrgc  of  cinTiiption  or  r.-.ah.draini-ira.tior.  \va.:--  e\-cr  uttered  against  liira, 
and  his  n  cord  in  this  rc'^pcci.  stands  woil  in  li'svory. 

Af-uT  retiring  from  the  sc-crctarysliip,  he  served  faithiiiliy  as  receiver 
of  puidic  monies  for  ihc  Delaware  Land  District  at  Kicknpoo,  D'uriiig 
ill.-  incumbency  of  this  ofnce,  iie  lo^t  all  hi.-  private  funds  h.y  advancing 
niuiicv-  to  ti'.e  gcner.ll  j^ovcrnmenl,  and  lie  has  a  clain-',  now  pending  in 
Washington,  which  should  be  adjusted. 

For  IweK-e  \cars  he  fa.rn-ied  in  Leavenworth.  cnr.:':y.  In  LS70  he  went 
to  Montgomery  couniy  and  as.-isted  in  e^' j1  li^liini;  the  first  new^paper  i.a 
that  luealiiy,  at  the  town  of  Parker.  When  ili.'i  proposed  city  was  aoan- 
doned  he  rc'turncd  to  Coffeyville  wiu  le  he  .-jxnt  tiic  remainder  of  his  life. 
Peace  to  his  ashes;  Honor  to  his  memory.  tSce  Coffeyville  ! 'aily  Jom-nai, 
October  6,  1894.) 

Mr.  George  W.  Martin,  secretary  of  the  Kansas  S>ate  Di.-,t<  ri:  :! 
Society,  says  that  he  was  personally  acquainted  udih  Co\ernoi 
Wood-on  and  that  he  was  a  very  lal!  and  slender  man. 

IS.SUK  (iF  54<.>  Sn-rni  N   WoODr-ON"   by  his  SFeOND  WITE,   iNIl^S IMt.'vDE 

IV       1137  Elizabetli,-^  bo.-r,  in  Allieniarle  county,  \u-.ein;a,  was  married  to  Bcr/^^.ard 
Ciouc'i  of  Pvichmond.  \^!rginia. 

Issue  of        JS7  5   GEOPXtE  WCODSON"  (John  Stephen,"  Rev.  ^L'ltthew,^  Stenlun,'-  Jo'm.^ 
P.olicri,-  John')  and  ids  second  wife,  Jane  Tabscot. 

I  *  113S  Jaraes  Powhatan,*  born  1.S2S  at  Warren's  Ferry,  Virginia.  He-  went  to 
ijalitornia  in  1849  during  the  enid  excitemenc,  and  never  returned  to 
Missouri.  He  married  and  settled  at  Ashland,  Oregon,  whcie  he  v.t.b 
living  in  IS?  2,  with  his  family  consisting  of  his  wife  and  aim  niber  of  •.liiUren. 
At  that  time  he  was  a  ^Lison  in  good  standing. 

I!  *  1139  John  Ettpheu/'  bor.i  June  6,  IS.u!,  at  W..',re'i'i  Ferry,  X'irs^inia,  >vent  v.ith 
the  fainils-  in  183.1  to  }k>one  county.  Aii-souri,  and  in  1849,  when  but 
nineteen  years  old,  went  with  his  brother  Powhatan  and  others  to  California, 
in  search  of  gold,  in  which  he  was  moderately  successful.  He  finally  settled 
on  a  farm  wiiich  he  had  purchased  near  Sacramento,  and  was  tlicre  married 
November  15,  1862,  to  Margaret  Joanna  Hatton.  They  continued  to  live 
on  their  farm  until  he  died  November  21,  1879. 

Ill  1140  Martha.,"  horn  about  bSo2  in  Virginia,  went  -.viih  th-  f;ni;ily  in  1S35  lo 
Poone  ( Dunty,  Missouri,  and  was  there  married  to  Mr.  iJoweils. 

IV       iMl    Mfei'y/'  born  in  1834,  i:i  \'irginia..  and  died  young. 


2  a 


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^liniin  (;i:N 

\'       1112  V,-c=jieii,''  lioni  in  FJocmo  coni!i>-,  'xlissfruH,  ruui  di-'J  \o'.ir.c. 

VI        1143  ElLabelh,''  h  •■Ti^  I'v'T,  iV.  H.-.suc  c  i'.n'.v,  Mi.-.--oiiri,  .mkI  is  siiil  livincr  t:iere 
\\iih  her  bruthcr  ll-o  Wilii.iin. 

VII        H-il   T.Iinciva,'  born  IS39  in  Bvor.c  coun<:y,  Mis-'curi,  a-iil  is  siill  li-.-ing  there, 
near  Columbia. 

\'ill  '  IMa  V/ilHam  T.,^  b.-ru  IS!*'  in  Ik^-iU  eo;inl\-,  Mi?-.uri.  In  the  fa!'  cf  1S70,  !.o 
v.eiit  with  lii?  f.'.iher  ;;nd  niijiher  ar..l  three  sisters  to  Califenrla  wiJi  a 
view  of  locatinc;  there,  but  Cwy  did  net  iike  the  country,  so  after  a  sta.y  of 
tea  n.M!nh~.  they  reuirned  to  ll.ione  county,  Mifr^ouii,  whL-re  he  iias  iive  1 
evt-r  ^  lie  \eas  mar.ii-.I  in  IST-l  to  Mis?  M;i  Mary  Ba'Mngaruner. 
They  owned  a  t;i>od  f.irm  &ix  niiies  cast  of  Columbia. 

l%ar!y  in  I'Ml  he  sold  the  farm  and  boa:.;lu  a  h.omo  in  Coinnibia  in 
order  to  gi\e  h.s  \oiinner  children  ihc  benefit  of  tiie  city  school-^.  He  now 
resides  with  l)i-  famih'  in  Cohunbia,  Boone  county,  Missouri. 

Issue  of       57  Q  V^ARREN  WOODSON"  ijohn  Stephen, =  Rev.  .Malthe-.v,^  5u:-r,!:en,^  Johii,-^ 
Robert, =  John=;  and  his  first  v.ifc:  Eiizabeth  >,IcC!el!and. 

J        1146  James,'  died  in  infai-.ey. 

II        1147   Stephen,*  died  in  infancy. 

III  *  IMS  Sur-an  A., Mjorn  1S27  at  Columbia,  Boone  county,  Mi.ssouri,   v.-a*    rriarrlod 

September  30,  1S47,  to  1039  James  Hush  -Moss^  of  Liberty,  Missouri,  son 
of  b)r.  James  Vv'ynne  InIoss  and  535  Mary  Woodson. ' 

Her  husband  died  in  1873,  aged  forty-nine  years.  She  still  auiviees 
(19K'')  and  at  the  advanced  age  of  cightN'-cigrit. 

(Fo--  issue  see  1039  James  Hugh  Moss.") 

IV  *   1149   Olivia,'  born  Jidy  30,  1S29,  in  Columbia,  Mifsor-ri,  and  died  ivi  t''v>t  ;-ity 

July  27,  1905,  a  consistent  memlK-r  of  the  Baptist  Church.  She  v.'as  married. 
in  1858  to  George  Henry  Matthev>-s,  who  v.-as,  for  about  twenty  years, 
professor  of  ancient  lau'^uaees  in  tlie  state  L'niver  it\-  at  Columbia,  and 
died  there  in  1  869.;  nv  second  wife  Am.v.nDa  Bkrrv  Dick 

V  *  1150  William, "■  Itku  18!  1  in  Cohunbia,  Mirsouri,  wiiere  he  v^as  reared  and 
educated.  At  th';  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  he  enli'^ted  in  the  Confederate 
army  and  served  faithfully  throuidi  the  entire  four  yeyrs. 

Upon  The  cessation  of  hostilities, "he  '-eturned  to  his  home  in  Colur.nbia, 
remaining  bin  a.  short  time,  then  went  lo  Louisiana  and  Te.xas,  in  one  or 
the  other  of  which  states,  he  has  resided  ever  since.  He  was  marned  in 
1866,  in  Texas  to  Miss  Mattie  I.ewellen. 

150  rui,  v,(iii.;.<.i\>  .\M>  Hi 

\'I  "■'-  1 15]  .Kihi:  Aroliibf.Ki,-  so  raiii'>>l  fcr  hi-^--  [w"  .lirarnlt'.iil.or--,  Joh.u  Stepncii  Wooiiso;-'. 
.nil!  Arcliibiild  I'lck  of  rar>''i!)''  C(>iuU\-,  \'ir;,,;iiia.  lie  w,i-  Imra  May  2S. 
1S!.\  \\\  I. 'nlum'' lia,  Miss'i  i;:,  \^ ,  -~  c^lwcavl  nl  iln'  Mi-N<  •uri  Si^iC  I 'p.i'.'ersi'.y. 
]!f  K  fi  ih:tt  iiiMiluii'ii)  aiv'!  wcr.  lo  Monuina  in  1K64,  was  cii-rtici  shfiilY  oi 
>,K.-.';;brr  onin'v,  in  1S6S,  <i,->\  i.i-;:  alvan  \\ar.  Ir.  IS69  !i(:  ri'iiinvjcl  to 
Mis^<)^Iri,  rc-inaiiiii'j;  a  fcv  p.K.mhs.  l\\  ISTii  he  v.\-ni  to  \\\ui.i)i;;iM;-. 
c<jr:nt\-,  Mi.--;i^:-i])ili,  \\  here  lif  cri;^ap,e(l  in  ciUton  planUn_;;  for  liirec  >ea:"i, 
thc-n  iciUDivd  U.)  ^[i:^lll!ri  am!  >o!d  g.-joils  a'lu  faiiiic'l  for  .-e\-ciai  years  ia 
Ljoone  CDMiitN'.  He  was  ni.'.rrieu  IVccral'cr  21,  1S76.  ;:l  riooiiviili.-, 
I\ii;Soiiii,  io  >.!iss  ?Jary  Talli  iforro  l;,i!a.r,  clauglitcr  o!  J;iir,es  Haniiu  r 
B.ikcr  and  Luc\-  T;illiaii.Tro  i.>f  ("i.oper  roini!  \-.  On  accouiii  of  licr  ill  heaitii, 
lio  iiiC)\\'(!  to  }  ii_:n'L,,i:a  in  ISSO.  Slic  was  a  de\cntt"  incni'^er  'jf  liie  Christian 
Churcli.  He;-  hcllh  conlinuci  to  decline  and  .-lie  died  Xoveniber  IS,  ISSS. 
Afvi'r  this  lie  served  O'lie  lemi  in  t!;e  MoTUana  le'^islature,  tl'.en  spent  al.ienit 
ci.Liliteen  months  in  Arizona  and  went  to  Old  Mexien  wliere,  lor  two  years 
he  hen]  eluirj.'c  of  a  offee  plantation. 

Tliat  iro;)ical  climate  did  not  agree  willi  his  Iiealtli,  so  he  returned  to 
iMilos  Oii\',  Montana,  where  Ik-  has  resided  ever  since,  cni;:'.ieci  extensively 
in  st'ick  iaisln;j.  lie  is  a  dcm.jerat,  a  n.einlier  of  tlie  Baptist  Cluucii  anrl 
an  infiuomial  citizen. 

\'I!        1152   Wp.lter,^  died  at  four  years  of  age. 

VIII  *  1153  Mary  Rollins,'  born  1S47,  in  Co!ural>ia,  Ml.-soitii,  v.diere  =h.-  received  her 
edueatioii  and  unitL-d  with  the  Ba[uisl  (diiirc  li,  s'le  \'.'as  in.inied  !S79  U/ 
Reginald!  liilier  l:dH..a,  i;>f  lutliwo'jd,  r\li-<'niri.  He  was  an  Lplscopah'an. 
Both  are  now  dead. 

IX  *  1154  Frances  Lathrcp,'*  born  Augtist  12,  1S49,  in  Columbia,  Mis-ouri,  wiien  eLc 
grevs-  to  yo'ing  v.-i.,ir)ai"diood  and  graduated  at  Clirisiian  C'i'ilege  in  tliat 
place,  and  was  man  led  Xoveniber  16,  I860,  to  Baker  W'oodrun  Badger, 
of  Colnnibus,  Kentucky.  He  was  a  graduate  uf  Missouri  Strive  rni'— :-rs!t\-. 
'riie\'  re>'ded  se\x-ral  years  in  Columbus,  Kenuicky;  then  went  lo 
C'nuinibia,  Mis.^uuri.  remaining  luit  a  slii^ri  time,  and  in  ISSO.  removed 
to  White  Sulphur  Springs,  Montana,  and  from  that  pi, ice  to  Berkc'c;.', 
Califtirnia,  w'lerc  they  lived  unti!  1910,  and  now  reside  at  Ml-i  West 
Twelidi  stri'et,  ]\i\eisi'Jc.  Cali;  )rnia. 

While  in  Montana,  Mr.  Badger  for  se'.'eral  \e;ir3  judge  of  tiic 
probate  court.  In  polities  h.e  is  a  repulV.ieaii.  In  tl;i  ir  reiigiotis  fa'th 
1  L-  anf!  1ms  wi'C  are  rresbyterians. 

In  recent  years  tliey  have  lieeii  engaged  in  orange  cidiure. 

X       1155  Elizabeth, '^  born  at  Columbia,  Missouri,  and  died  at  the  age  of  two  years. 

XI  *  1156  Epiily  Price,''  born  April  15,  1854,  in  Columbia,  Mi.-souri,  attended 
Cln.stian  Col'ege,  and  gradu.iied  in  1'.73  Stephens  Co'iege  (a  school 
for  young  ladies)  under  Dr.  1:'..  .S.  DuIIn.  In.  1S72  she  f.nited  veith  tiie 
Baptist  Church  in  Columbia.     She  wa->  merried  June  Vj    1:;.>.  to  William 



1iei      SAMUfc'L  C.  WOODSON 


"I'.iiiii  Gi  >.!:i:aii<is- 


Uicc  TiAicv.  <■■«■,  n!  Ja:i5cs  Ilunmer  Baker.  ;m.i  I.ucv  Talliaf.-no  r.f  ("ooMor 
oiuniy,  M-M,un.  Air.  Bakrr  i;;  a  mc-mWv  of  ihc  C-hHsliau  CIkmvI,'  :. 
a  democrat,  an.,!  proniinm.  ;,„,]  very  poniiiar  in  !iis  pans.  He  •.■■••■•-  V-r 
:nany  >x-nr<.  .ocrrtar>-  r.f  ii,e  n  t-r.n  ..-Looi  tor  ix.ys,  located  ar  Booi-^i!;.^ 
iio  lb  now  li\-ii!y,  ar  liclfiia,  Monlana. 

Issue  cf        57S   SAMLEL    WOODSOr;^'    (Samu.l.^    l^.v.     MatihcNv.^    Sic,,h.  :-     r..h„:^ 
KoLcn,- John.ij  and  Xancy  Ma;rir,.Ml.,>!!.  '      •"     '  " 

'        ''57  Harris  Alien,-  i;-.>rn  August  2\.  ISUl,  ojcd  6,  1S27. 

II        1I5S  jaiiies,^  horn  Xoveinbcr  2,  1S13,  ilied.  11,  1M3. 

Ill    *   nSQ  Sriah  Jane  Granc.MH.rn  February  2 !,]^23.i,:  Kent urkv,     She  was  marr^e.i 
to  Oriean  Bi.slioj-,  Av.d  died  August,  ISM.i. 

TV  il6u  Mary  Ann  Ru.zelV  U.rn  Febru.r.  24,  Jc2J,  in  Ken.ur);v,  nhere  siie  spent 
bor  entire  life.  She  died  at  Madi^oiiville,  Kenairkv,  Mar.-ii  7,  )90y. 
Never  inairied.  She  Wa-  twin  si>ier  to  1159  Sarah  jai'-.c^ 
V  *  1161  Sar^tuel  Charle./  born  ^ia>-  20^  1S25,  at  Madi.onvilh..  Kentuekv,  and  te- 
ceived  a  practical  cducaii(,n  in  the  schools  in  his  count  v.  Arrivin-  ai  the 
a-e  of  young  manhoorl,  he  nioxed  to  Princeton,  in  Cakhvell  count^-^  Ken- 
titcky,  where  he  engaged  in  tlie  mercaniile  biisines-,  and  on  Aj)ril  11,  1854 
was  married  lo  Rcl^ecea  Jane  ;  lav.thorne.  dait-hiur  of  Re-  jam-s' Haw- 
thorne and  Jai'e  ICli/a  Ranneb.  She  wasbo'-n  Januarv  25,  18^2,  in  i'riuer- 
toij,  Kentucky. 

Returning  to  his  native  town,  Madisonvilie,  in  1856,  he  ccniiTied  tli- 
mei-cantik  business  until  the  sprin-  of  1866,  he  moved  to  Fv.n<Ville' 
Indiana,  and  enya^ed  in  the  wholesale  notion  business,  which  proved  to 
he  an  unlortunate  wntu.-e  as  it  came  near  wrecking  him  tinanciail'y.  How- 
ever, he  soon  recuperated  sutlicienily  to  engage  in  tJie  hotel  bu'-^inrsr-.  bi 
which  he  w.-is  quite  successful  for  several  years. 

He  va-^  a  man  who  poshes- ed  in  ..n  eminent  degree,  the  faruity  of 
making  tnends  wherever  he  went;  and  tlte  rarer  facultv  of  rrt.M;nn-  fr!,'.n-is 
once  m.ade.  'litis  uas  dve,  no  doubt,  to  his  social,  genial,  bosni-able 
disposition,  whadi  was  his  marked  cha-act eristic. 

His  ^^lU■  r!,^d.  and  his  own  hcahh  f.dlin^.  he  sold  out  his  ho^i  a-,d 
retired  Irom  business,  spending  the  remainder  of  his  life  ia  quiei  ude,  mo.t 
of  the  time  with  his  son  Samuel  Charle.,  Jr.,^  at  Caldwell,  Kansas,  v.diere 
he  died   J-cbri!ar\'  5,   1  ;07. 

VI        1162   Williain,^  born  ai  :dadi^onville,  Kentucky,  and  died  unmarried. 

VII    *   1163   Emily  Weir  Bishop, «  born  November  6.  1S2<;,  at  Madisonville,  Kentucky, 
was  inairied  to  William  Browning  and  died  in  1904. 

Issue  of       ISB7   yniGmiA    V/OODSOKv     (j^„^„,^._     ,,,^.      >i,,,^j,cw.^    Stephen.^     lohn  ' 
.RoSert,2  John')  and  Rev.  Isaac.  Chai.liae. 

1       116-1  Elizabeth  Peers  Chapline,^  \'<ni)  M.uch  15,  L^lo. 
II        iI05   MrJ'uda  Chap'-'ne,*  b<>rn  •:'•■.■•■'. ':::\bcv  M),  !?i4. 

III  1K6  Dorotljea  Ann  ChaplinC;'  1.-'.t-,'.  SL-p-.crr.ber  !0,  1S16,  divd  in  ynnr.g  i^iHli-.w-i, 

Jaiuiary  16,  1830. 

IV  1167  Wiliia:n  Chapline,'^  I'-tu  March  25,  iP19. 

V       1)6S  Jotc-ph  B.  Chcplino/  huV'.\  j:.iniar\-  .1".  1>;) . 

\l        1169   Mary  Ella  Chapline/  Lorn  J;>-  16.  182-!. 

\'ll  1170  Eliza  Be-V.e  Ci.npline/  boni  i-tbriKiry  iv'.  lSi5,  and  was  married  January, 
1S44,  to  iK-r  second  C(_HK-in  old  .\nilion\-  lxA"illia:i  Woodson. ^  For  is^H'.e 
see  010  .-\iiOion}-  LeX'illlar,  Wo^xb^on.' 

\'II1       1171  Amanda  Fi-juces  Chapline,''  born  juK'  0,  1S26. 

iX       1172   Madison  W.  Chapline.s  born  August  16,  1S2S.     He  was  living  In  1910,  at 
Row  It-lt ,  iventucky. 

X       1173  Isa;!C  Creath  Chapline,-  born  January  22,  J832. 

.XI        1174  Abraham  Chaplir.e,-  born  January  15,  iS40;  died  Marcb  16,  1SC7. 
(Chapline  Famii\'  13i'o!:_-  Record.,) 

Issue,  of        5£p0   FRANCES   B.    WOODSON'     'Jacob, -^   Rev.    Malihew.^  Steplien,-'-   joi'.=i," 
Robert,-  Joi.n';  and  Jo.scph  13.  Roacii. 

I   *   1175  Eliza  Jane  Roach, '^  born  January  15,  1S23    near  Harrodfburg,  Kentucky, 
vcas  married  to  Richard  F.  Connor,  and  n.o\ed  to  Clarinda,  Iowa. 

H  *  1176  Edv.-in  V.'oodsoa  Roach, ^  born  January  15,  182,5,  near  Harrodsburg,  Ken- 
tucky. He  educated  in  Mercer  couni\  ,  Kentucky,  where  later,  he 
himself  became  a  teacher.  He  was  a  of  lovable  character,  hit;h 
principles,  indomitai^le  energy  and  great  intelligence.  After  a  sevcif 
illness  of  typhoid  fever,  he  died  at  his  residence  in  Harrodsburg,  on  July 
7,  1?60,  being  only  thirty-five  and  a  half  years  of  age.  He  had  married  on 
July  31,  1851,  Saraii  Elizaijeth  Wiiscn,  v.lio  wa^  born  June  2,  1S32,  at 
"Colerain"  near  Harrodsburg.  She  a  daughter  of  Dr.  Creed  'J'aylor 
Wilson  and  Anne  Eliza  .Marshall.  When  but  a  child  ^Iie  v.ent  v,-ith  her 
parents  to  ladiaiia,  returning  lo  Kenie.cky  at  the  age  of  fifleen.  From 
this  tim<_-  until  her  marriage  she  made  her  home  vrith  her  erandmoiher, 
11  Mrs.  Aia-y  I'a\  lor  V\'i!.son,  eldest  daughter  -A  5;!  Ta>lor  (.See 
E>:cLirsn.s-  Taylor. j  Siir-  died  Oclober  ■'■.0,  1909.  in  Danville,  Kentucky, 
at  the  i;oirie  of  her  dauehter  21 19  Anne  Eiiza  ;  Roach)  Curry.- 

rii.UTH  >;>-xv.p;.\Tir.\- 

Issue  of        53/?-   PHILIP  WO*.<DSOTr  i!'hii;.:>/  Rov.  Ma'.i!ic\v,-  Stephen,''  Jo^.n,■^- Robert, ' 
)<'\>u')  aiul  S(r.)  M.iry  Railcy.- 

1  *  1177  Maiy,*  .torn  in  IS17,  ix-ni  \'rr~.i'!ii..-,  Kialin-ky.  l!cr  niuilicr  died  wiU'.i;) 
n  M  ry  ^-Iiort  .inic,  CHui  i-iu^  \v;i;:  tnkcn  and  cared  for  by  her  yv\i\Uxci^  iinli!  i-hc 
was  old  c-noutiii  to  send  olT  ut  school,  I'cr  t.ithcr  h;i\iii;4  localed  in  Hunrs- 
\i!k:.  AIal)am,i,  he  look  \i\<  liuic  i.u\  to  thai  cit\-  wlicro  she  wrs  cducaU'd 
ill  one  of  ihc  excc-lleul  sclii>,>l<  foi  v\hich  Hi'nij;\-ille  has  long  been  famou?. 
She  was  mat  lied  aboui  1S39  lo  Augusius  ].  Willicrs,  a  promin':;nt  citizon 
of  llur.isville. 

Issue  of       60G  JACOB  L.  WOODSOK'  (Philip,''  Rev.  Maui)cw,°  Siephen,'  Juhn,-^  Robert,^ 
J(ih'ii')  an.',!  l".li.7:ibcih  P.rowu. 

I  *  1173  Powl'.ataii  LogrxH,^  liorn  Xo\'eMidier  13,  !S21,  on  his  father's  farm  in  Man.o'.'cr 
Comity,  \"i;'i;inia.  When  bill  a  >outli  I'le  nio\ed  '.villi  tiie  family  to  RicJr 
iiiond,  X'irginia,  and  was  th.ere  educated.  He  developed  literary  tastes, 
was  a  fine  j.atin  scholar  and  read  a  ,J:reat  deal.  Soon  after  mo">'irig  to 
l^icliniond,  he  engaged  in  the  printing  busiaes.s  and  became  editor  of  a 
newspaper.  In  his  religious  faith  he  was  a  Bapiitl  and  li\ed  an  upright, 
godly  life.     In  politics  he  was  always  a  democrat. 

He  was  married  Aijril  5,  1S55,  at  Norfolk,  Mrginia,  to  Roberta  Ann 
Cailis,  daughter  of  V.'illiam  and  Elizabeth  Calli.^.  a  highly  esteeincd 
family  of  Xo;  folk.  1  hc\-  contiiuied  to  reside  in  Richmond  autii  abcat 
lo61  when  tlicy  removed  lo  R.'deigh,  Xortli  Carolina.  At  this  time  the 
Civil  \\'ar  came  on  but,  on  account  of  physical  di.^aliility  be  was  e.xCxTipt 
and  did  not  eater  field  s-rvice.  I  lis  wife  died  June  6,  IScS  only  a  week  or 
so  after  the  birth  of  her  third  child.  }]e  rlien  removed  to  G.''eensboro, 
North  Carolina,  where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life  and  died  December, 

II   *   1179  John  Chestei'Selcl,'^  bon;  J3ecember  25>,  1823,  in  Goochland  count) ,  Virginia. 
The  following  newspaper  notice,  and  oliiiuary,  as  printed  in  the  Harrisor. 
burg  Register,  is  reproduced  as  showing  somewhat  of  the  character  of  this 
superior  man. 

Tlie  last  issue  of  the  Register  contained  an  announcement  of  rhe  death, 
at  his  residence  in  Harrisonburg,  Sund^-y  afternoon,  April  2.>,  lc75,  of  our 
late  friend  an.vl  fellow  citizen,  John  Ciienerfield  W'oodi-on,  T.sq. 

Mr.  Woodson  was  born  'tn  Christmas  Day,  December  25,  ltS2o,  In 
Goochland  county,  \'irginia.  He  was  educated  in  prh'ate  schools  in 
Hanover  counl>',  and  was  eng'tigfd  for  four  years  in  the  office  of  the  Rich- 
n.ond  \\'liig,  learning  the  priming  business,  whilst  the  V\liig  was  lir.der  the 
editorial  control  and  managenient  of  that  m.aster  spirit  of  journalism  in 
Virginia.  John  Ham.pden  Pleasants. 

Evincing  an  aptitude  for  the  law,  he  studied  that  profession  with 
Conwa\'  l^obertson,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  practitioners  of  the  knv 
in  his  da],'.  He  was  admirtcil  to  the  bar  in  lS-14-  or  1845  and  commenced 
the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Franldin,  Pearlleton  county,  \"irginia  ''now 
West   \irginia).      He   was   active   in    the   cnatiou   of    the   new   county   of 

23-(r  •i:!l'   \\l^  .i--(>\>    \N))   i;p 

lii^^lii.'.ni',  ciii  of  poriHin;-,  i-!  i\;i..lU-toii  ;i;Ki  \'-M.h  counties,  nnd  flrc'.;\i 
(!u'  f^r^l  roir,nK'n'.M.r.h!iV  .at-.niioy  of  lii.;ii!ar.ii  counu'.  fie  was  ni.-irrk"! 
Xovfinhci-  16,  lo4S,  to  M:.---  ^ar.-h  i:!i-;ibeili  Aiiii.s:^,  dau.ciuer  of  Rev. 
'■  "■t.ore.c  \\".  Aiii'.^sof  Poi  .ih-,.  .i:i>  .:ouin>',  \'irj;iiua.  aiui  can-.e  lo  Harrisop.biiij; 
in  1S52,  where  he  sjicii'l  Liu.-  ri  niaiivJcr  of  liis  !ifo.  Ho:e  ho  \v;is  a^;^ociat•.■<i, 
in  vhe  ;iraclicc  o.'  his  profv.-.-i'^r,.  firsl  '.,1;!-.  A.  ('.  HryLir,,  I'sq..  and  >u1>- 
^eqiieiuly  was  a  iiiemb'or  of  ilie  !;uv  firm  of  P.r\-an,  Woodson  aiui  Coiiipion. 
-?iu!  afur  tlic  dcviii)  of  I\ir.  I'ryan  in  !8(i6,  roi-.iinuod  in  coimecMon  v.ii'i 
]\Ir.  Coiiipion  ui>  10  ihc  close  c.f  liis  life.  I'^iiciiu;  his  coniicctioii  wiili  ?.Ir. 
f5r\'r.n  lie  vias  elected  coinnienvN ealihV  ;;U"';ne\'  for  Rockiiivlurni  county, 
whicli  ;)'>-iii<'!;  ]ie  liUed.  wiiii  markevi  abiliiy  and  fidciiiy  to  the  puliiic 
iiitere.~ts  for  ^^.■>.>I■aI  >ears.  lie  '.\as  a  nicn-.iier  of  the  le^i.-^la.iare  of  X'irginia 
diinnj;  tlic  Ci.  il  \\"ai,  ai;d  v.m.-.  elecl.'d  '■>■  the  [K-oplc  a  delet;ate  to  the 
C'onsiltiitioTial  (_'o!i\eiU:on  i::  1867. 

Mr.  \\'u(.>dson  was,  be>-or,d  i,|uc.-tio:i,  a  i.;cnl!eman  (..f  suiierior  intelk-ci, 
and  had  been  l!viroiighi\-  trainei.1  in  ihe  duiies  and  rcsponsibilivies  of  his 
profession.  H  ■  was  admitted  to  stand  i'l  t!ie  tirsi  ra.nk  o[  X'iryinia's  airiest 
and  soundest  lawyers.  He  was  a  forcil.ile  anri  imprcs?i\e  sneaker,  anci 
well  uniierstood  the  a\enues  to  the  human  licart,  as  well  as  the  more  .subtle 
and  difficult  ariproaclies  to  the  Iiuman  reason  and  understanding.  Ho 
was  univcrsalh-  esteemed  and  respected  In-  his  bretl'irea  at  the  bar,  as  well 
as  by  all  who  had  the  pleasure  to  share  his  friendship  and  respect.  He  was 
cmincnth'  soci.d  in  his  nature,  aiid  impressed  himself  indelibly  t:[.>oa  a!i  w]>;.i 
had  intercourse  with  him.  H^  had  negiectecl  th.e  paramount  interests  of 
his  immortal  s;jul  until  a  few  weeks  before  his  demise,  when,  reaii.'ring  Ids 
failing  condition,  he  turned  his  e>"e3  to  ihe  ;ill-su.'iicient  Redeemer  aiul 
professed  to  li-rce  foui.d  thi-t  peace  whicii  is  \ot;c]isafcd  t-o  t!;ose  who  pul 
their  trust  in  God. 

The  funeral  ser\'icc3  were  held  in  tlie  Presb>-terian  Church,  ro  which, 
he  had  attached  himself  a  short  time  before  liis  death.  Rockingham 
Union  Lodge,  No.  27,  .A.  F.  A.  M.,  C)f  which  he  w  as  a  member,  attended  in  a 
body  and  buried  him  with  Ixlasonic  honor.-,  in  Woodbine  Cemetery. 

Scared)'  another  name  in  the  valle>'  of  \'irginia — so  distiiignishcd  for 
its  great  lav.^ers — can  be  piesented,  that  can  measure  up',  in  the  icg.-l 
profession,  to  the  standard  of  John  Chesteri'ield  Woodson. 

HI  IISO  Virginia,*  born  at  il  West  Broad  Street,  Richmonrl,  \irginia,  was  educatetl 
in  L.''.te  rcho^l,  and  died  iwimarrieJ. 

IV  *  1181  Randolph  Railey,"  born  al.  11  West  Droad  Street,  Richmond,  Virginic",  v,-as 
reared  and  educated  in  that  c'ty.  He  was  a  delicate  and  not  able  to 
render  any  service  in  the  Ci\il  War,  hut  did  send  a  substitute  to  the 
Confederate  arni\\  He  died  in  1871  of  consumption.  Ry  occuiiovion  he 
was  a  contractor.  He  was  marric'l  to  Martha  Latitia  Powers  who  was 
Ijorn  in  Goochland  county,  May  25.  1837,  and  died  April  1,  1907. 

V       llPvl   Edmonia,'  bnrn  at  the  family  home  in  Rlchmoiul,  X'irginia,  was  educated 

ill'ayett'    schofjl.     She  was  mairied   to  Mr. Ellis  of  Goochland 

county,  and  had  one  child,  Hartwell  r.liis.*     .Ail  are  dfjtid. 

11fS  N'RS.    SAR;      FRANCES     (VVOCDSON)     COVINGTON 




a;!d  u!(.ci  in  youj-.i;  v,  (nVi.'.'.i';' •.,-.'.      l'n:;;arr:. .!. 

\'il        "l-yA  Vic+Mia,*  liLin  i.i  Riciini'  mi  and  ciloci  ;>  oir.iy, 

V))l       118?  Fabius.s 

hsuc  of       f>0  0   MATTHEV/    WOODSOIi'    0''^Hiii.'-    Rev.    ^':■.{•hLv. .'    S[c<Awn,^    Johh,^ 
Kc.'iorl,- John')  .md  Maricil-i  ,.Lcake)  Ri.-|i. 

I        IlJ-0  Jo!'.!-.  Anderson,"  'norn  Juno  1,  ISiO,  iti  i';:_\-i:i,;c  ctiiini-}-,  TciincAMco,  d\iA  ir. 

II        US'/  Virginias  M.-^rctUuj/  born  ."darrii  7,  ISA.'..  iVvd  i':  ii;;';.!H-\ . 

in  *  1I8S  Sarj-ih  Frances/  i>;ii-n  June  4.  1S44,  near  oid  Hickory  V\\-cl^.%  Favcftc 
cdiMUy,  Tininc-'iTC.  Wh^n  ^.^ovi  live  yea'5  old  she  wen',  wit'i  her  uio;lv-;; 
to  Menip.Iiis,  vliere  slic  was  reared  and  echiraLeci.  She  was  twice  nuirrie-.I: 
first,  on  jai^uarv  12,  1S69  by  Rev.  ,-\.  II.  Th.^rir-.s,  pasfor  o,'  First  .\i.  ii. 
Chiireh  in  Menaphis.  to  Henry  Peter  Woodard  who  was  born  .-\nrii  i . 
1828,  iii  Sou  til  amp  ton  colhux-,  \  irginia.  lie  wa.- a  s<,)!i  oi  Antiionv\Vonuar>.i 
and  An.!)  W.  Jones  of  that  C'->uniy.  He  left  X'irgiiiia  and  located  in.  iMeniphi? 
ai)oi;t  iS5S.  At  the  beginning  of  the  CivW  War  he  zealously  espoa>ed  t!'e 
caube  of  ihe  South,  enlisied  in  Compaiiy  A,  Se\en'.ii  Tcnne>?ee  Cavalrv. 
whieli  veas  mujtered  into  service  on  3.1a>-  16.  1S6J.  He  \vas  lirst  sorereant 
of  the  company.  Judge  J.  P.  Vouny:.  a  nieniocr  of  the-  saaie  coaipanv. 
t.nyr.  of  him: 

"I  never  met  a  truer  nian  nor  a  brax'er  soldier.  He  was  ds  n'iodest  a? 
a  woman  arid  as  brave  as  Julius  Ca:sar.  He  was  a  Christian  ca>-a!rynia::, 
and  carried  his  reliijion  with,  him  into  the  a;  my.  He  reverently  ar.d 
devouil;.  invot-cd  tlie  presence  of  the  .Oeiiv  day  after  d.iv.  I  seen  h-':-.i 
around  th.e  camp  fire,  in  the  lo;ig  ar;d  fatiguing  marcli,  ofien  v.-itiioin:  food, 
oficn  amid  the  heat,  fury  and  din  of  bnitle,  and  he  wns  a!v.  ays  riie  :=an,e 
quier,  calm,  p<.acea'.ile  man;  abvays  ready  for  uuiy,  never  shirld;!;;  o.r-.- 
service,  and  accepting  witli  cyuanimity  a  £o!dier's  faie.  Aficr  -J-.e  close  ..f 
the  war,  he  manifested  in  peace,  those  (;ualiiies  vehich  made  bAni  sac!i  a 
great  fa\'orite  in  the  ami}-." 

(Sec  sketch  by  John  H.  Lcnovv.  in  MeiripJTls  Evcuinq  ?cin-;ii  ^r,  \'^vU  6, 

After  his  marriage,  he  wa.-  in  In's  usual  gi.iod  health  until  midsun-imor 
v.hc  1  he  ft-;  s  taken  violently  ill  and  died  .-\ujrust  10,  1869,  at  ins  home  in 
Memphis.  His  widow  was  married,  second,  on  Xovemtjer  2!,  1872.  to 
Dr.  Thomas  Hu-lies  Covington,  son  of  W.  H.  Covin;-.:o!i  and  Milcircd 
Spillman  of  Wadesboro,  Keniucky.  The  marriage  ceremony  ■•cas  pe- 
formcd  by  Rev.  E.  C.  Slater,  pastor  of  First  AI.  F.  Church.  Alemphi-. 
They  settled  at  Taarion,,  v.d-.ere  ail  of  their  cldldren  were  iMrn. 
He-  died  there  IcbruM-y  4,  1SS2.  ]-]\^.  widow  now  Ii\ci  ct  her  comforiaMe 
home Palmetto  Piace,  .Memphis,  Teniitsse?. 

'■^i'\-  ANr 

\y  US'.'  Matthew  Leake.-'  born  .May  27,  1946.  '"n  F;>>crto  conniy.  'iVim-ssco.  in 
}\-bvLi;<ry,  \i>()'^.  l/oforo  l-.c  w;'.s  --i.-\e:Ta"jn  ycrtr.-.  ol.l,  l>i'  rnlis;i.-ii  in  trio  <o-r\-.  -e 
of  tho  Coafi'-'lorate  Sialc?  a-^  a  iiu-iiit.'i.-r  of  CouU'anj'  "A"  (.raHc-d  l!ic  ii'\U' 
t"ii\-  (;ra\--t,  v.hich  f<;rnn'J  a  p.rl  oi  Gor.on-'.  N.  B.  rcrrcsi's  clil  ro'.;'r.>-ni . 
lie  i'>ariicij>,'.iL'<.i  in  nil  ilio  i-uik's  in  wl^icli  hi?  rcgimeni  was  en'<ri;-'c<!  !!■  ^ii 
the  time  hv  ci-li-^lod  uniii  iht  olr.^e  of  i  iu;  war,  antl  wiili  tlie  ?Ui-\'iv  ii'.; 
rcninaiit  of  liis  C(-)rii>ar,y.  vur't-ndc'reci  at  Gainosvillc,  Alalvmia,  in  April, 
'\^(iS.  Reiuriiiiic:  to  liis  de^c/Iaafii  liunie,  lie  i^ci/a'd  iipijn  wh.acvcr  occupv- 
tiiMi  he  niild  hr.d.  b\-  whirl;  ic  earn  r.n  h.onesi  ii'/ir.g,  uaiil  ISoS,;  ho 
locaird  iii  C' ilti-ncicn  ctnir.tA-,  Ar';aio-;-;.  v.-h.-ro  ho  oiv:;a;4od  in  farnair.e.. 
(In  \n\x-ndier  27.  1^72.  he  \\\t--  nianicd  lo  Miss  Kato  Coo.  who  died  cii'ld- 
le?s.  J.tnuary  16,  KSSl.  He  wa^  ninrritd,  ;;or.,;iuJ,  on  '\[.i\-  i,  ii-S3,  to  Mi^- 
l:"innia   J,    Mo  ,<an.      Xo   issue. 

lie  v.-as  cieete<l  toi!i'.;>-  tax  asbossor  and  b'jrwd  two  tonus.  He  has 
boon  justice  of  the  poaco  and  noiary  pul;lic  for  oigh.ioon  years. 

In  l.S—  GoN'ornor  JanieN  P.  Eacle,  appniniod  hii-i  captadn.  of  the  state 
niiliiia,  to  .--iii)pres.-7  a  nogri'  ri.~.t;  at  v.  hith  lir.i.:-  i;o  had  roniniand  of  ail  ilie 
troops  in  the  aorihorn  end  of  Critiendon  ccuni\-.  In  191?  ho  is  still  farmir-'^; 
in  Crittenden  county  and  enjoys  the  respect  and  lonfidence  of  the  entire 
cc>nununit  \". 

Issue  of       QQB  ROBERT  SAUNDERS  WOODSON"  (Titomas,"''  R^v.  Mnithov.-.s  Stephen,- 
Joh.n,'  Robert."  John')  and  liuid.!  Ann  Lewis  Young. 

T  '■  1190  Jane  Ann,'-  born  October  18,  1S20,  in  V\'ood.soii\-i!ie,  KonHhd<>-.  In  early 
life  she  united  with  the  Prosliytoriaii  Cliurcli.  She  was  inaiTiod  Jtino  li, 
1837,  to  John  Horace  Ardiu.^;cr,  who  v\a,s  born  IMarcli  5,  1.S16,  and  died 
February  21,  1S99.  Ho  was  a  son  of  Jclm  Ardingcr  and  >dar},"  Marjarol 
W'intersmith,  a  daut,hter  of  Dr.  Charles  Godfrey  VxinLorsiniih  and  IMary 

II  1191  Philip  James,*  born  Janti.iry  6  !82.^,  in  \\'oodsonviilc,  Koutuck},-.  was 
married  in  1865  to  Mi^s  Ilallio  J.  ckson  of  that  state.  Tho\-  loi.a.o'd  .it 
Richmond,  Missouri,  and  he  died  there  Jf'y  15,  1901.      No  is.:uc. 

•  III  *  11P2  Martha  Anthony,'  born  July  2.3,  1825,  at  V.'oodsonville,  Kentucicy.  In  her 
religions  fa.itli  sh.e  w';s  a  strict  Prosb;.'tcri.-'..'. .  She  was  married  .AUiUi^t  3  0, 
1S5S,  to  Go\'.  .\t:>i!n  A.  Kinc,  of  Missouri,  being  his  secinil  wife. 

Gov.  King  was  born  September  20,  1802,  in  Sullivan  county,  Tennes.^oe. 
He  was  a  .-on  of  Walter  King  and  X  .Jicy  Sevier,  daughter  of  Gen.  John 
Sevier  of  the  P.evolntionar\'  W.i.r.  He  was  a  lawyer  by  profession,  and 
moved  to  AIiss(jtiri  in  18.50.  ]Iq  was  appointed  in  jS.i?,  judge  of  the  tirth 
judicial  circuit,  and  v.-as  the  first  judge  to  hold  court  in  Buchanan  cot'.r.l}'. 
In  1848  l.e  elected  go\-ernor  of  Mis.^ouri.  He  was  the  democratic 
delegate  to  the  cons'ontion  in  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  in  ISCO  and 
supported  Stephen  A.  Douglas  for  the  presidential  nomination.  He  tciok 
the  j/osition  thai  the  Civil  War  wa  nor  ne<  ehS,'.ry  for  tlte  adjustment  of  sec- 
tional diiTerenccs.      In  1S62  he  was  again  n^ade  circuit  judge  but  resigned 

■  ;I  OKN'^UA  fid 

to  ncrepi  :i  soj;  in  I'i:."  I'tiilv-I  Majc-^  cw.v^ic^-s,  \v!umc  lie  Sfrw'il  vn'.il  ISo'-. 
Aficr  t!,  he  'lc\'>ti:l  liiiii-.i.-il  to  l!;c  i-T.-iciici.'  of  law  ninl  to  l',:nuing.  iiu 
did  .It  iii';  hoiuc  ik-.t  Richmorul.  Missouri,  April  .?2,  ISTO.  Ti'.c  ;.;ato  '-..-^ 
ei-ccU'.i  lo  lii'-  :iicn-o;-\ ,  a  M\u>\^,r:,\ :  ::•■  i-' uniont  in  t'u  cenieitry  ai  K'ctimo;u; 
icplacip..:  the  I'iu-  j)rL-\  !■  >v!s]y  oi\nU-.!  In'  his  tanii'.\'.  lie  was  a  coi:sistem 
nu-ir.IuT  of  tlu  .\Ic!i)M(Ii-i  Cliiircli.  lli^  wife  survived  him  .-^onie  fiflCiMi 
Veii'^,  ar.d  died  Felirr.ary  20,  i>-b5.  and  i--  Im.ic.;  in  tl-ie  ccM.--lcry  ai 

IV  '^  1193  Dnpuy,^  b.)rn  March  10,  U-2S.  ai  Woorl^onvilie,  Kt-ntiK  ly,  wh.-io 
lie  i',rcw  to  vour.j;  nKui'iood,  at  leiidiinj;  the  .--ciiuols  in  hi,-  vicinii}-.  \\'i-.eii  lu't 
a  \-naih,  lie  (Mili-irci  ill  iiK-  I'niu'd  Slate.-  army  for  the  war  v.i(ii  Mexin  . 
lie  wa:  marrvd  DeeemixT  5,  1^5!,  u)  S>:'Ii::a  L.  ihij^iie^.  They  iiioved 
t  .)  Mi'-.'-Mnri,  a.'v!  loealed  fiL'sl  ..■.  Kin-^sl  )r.  r.nd  later  renuned  to  Rirliniijrid,",  where  the}-  ,-|)enl  the  reir.aii-vler  of  ilieir  \\\X"^.  lie  wa^  a  pros- 
perous husiiiess  mail  ami  accumuLiO-d  a  snug  loruine.  He  eoiilriliuied 
k  rgeh-  o)  the-  laildin--  of  W'uod.-on  Inslirute,  whicli  v,  so  nanuii  in  honor 
of  him.  Mis  wife,  who  was  born  ill  18o0,  died  in  1S71.  He  died  August  28, 
1902,  at  his  home  in  Richmond,  ifisEOuri. 

V  '^  1194  Elizabeth  LeVi'lian,M)orn  22,  18.31,  in  Woodsonvilic,  Kentucky. 
reeel\ed  lier  educ.iiion  at  Bovdiiig  Green.  Kcntuek>-,  and  was  a  strict  mem- 
ber of  the  Prcsl-Aterian  Church.  She  v.-as  married  March  H,  1551,  to 
Dr.  Slielby  Andrew  Jackson,  v>-ho  was  born  January  22,  1S25,  near  Bowling; 
Green.  They  settled  at  Paradise,  Kentucky,  a  most  pirnresque  viliase 
on  the  bank  of  Green  River,  where  Dr.  Jackson  praciiced  his  pr...'es.sioa  and 
engaged  in  ger.oral  trading.  He  v.  as  what  might  be  termed  the  "  middle 
man"  in  that  section,  between  the  producer  and  tl;e  outside  maikets.  lie 
Nvas  a  eonbisteiu  member  of  the  Methodist  Church  and  er.joyed  the 
confidence  ol  all  those  v.-iihv\-hom  hehad  dealirigs.  lie  had  the  ^r.isfortuiie  in 
1S7C>,  to  iose  his  store  and  residence  by  fire.  He  then  moved  with  b's  family 
to  Airdrie,  a  coal  and  iron  producing  town,  one  mile  below  Paradise,  on 
Green.  Rlwr.  He  tiiere  completed  a  mining  confaci  imo  which  In-  had 
entered  with  Gen.  Don  Carlos  Buell,  operating  under  the  ari.i  name  of 
Jackson  &  Co.  This  town  Airdrie,  w.-^s  founded  as  a  m.odel  town,  by 
Lord  Robert  Sproule  Crawford  Ache-on  Alexander,  of  Ayr,  Scoiland.  from 
which  place  he  in:ported  several  hundred  of  countrymen  and  settled 
them  in  Aird:ie.  In  lS6-i  Lord  Ale:;ander  leased  th.e  town  and  mining 
rights  under  severa'  thousand  acres  of  land  to  General  Buel!  upon  his 
retirenici:!   f''oir;  tiie  Federal  army. 

The  contract  with  Gen.  Buell  being  completed  in  1S7"'',  Dr.  Jackson, 
with  his  family  moved  four  miles  further  down  the  river  to  the  new  tov.  n 
Rockpnri  on  the  tlien  LouisxiUe  and  Memphis  Railroad.  There  they 
spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  He  died  September  28,  1S02.  and  his 
widow  died  there  March  30,  190S. 



1195  Mjiry,''  born   ."sox-ember  17,  r'3i, 
davsand  died  Xo\e"ilx'r  2'),  I.'-- .34. 

It  Woodsonvi'le.  Kcntiick}-,  lived  nine 

25S  THK  \VC>ii|>-oN.-  .■•  \n  •■••;I!iK  C'-^NXKCl  UiN^ 

\'l  I        1 190   M  Tgarer,"  .'.vir.  .-L-tcr  <.•■  M.  \y,   ii\'o<.i  iK-ar!y  three  vcarisaiu":  '.!i(  d rA-ptcni! Tr 
10    U,.?7. 

\  111        1197  Tl-iirietln/  hou.  IXtciu'Kr  .^ii,   i<^iy,  at  Woou^onvilK',  an;i  died  Apiii  15, 

(Notes  by  2167  Jo'u)  T.  J.i>  kr  :>n.'') 

IX  119o  Robert  Hyde,'-  born  Sepioiulvr  16,  1S39,  in  Wood^om'i'.lc,  Keuuicky.  At 
trr.  bi.-v;inn)n;:,  of  ilie  ('i\il  V\  ar,  lie  \o'un'i:ceri.-d  in  I'le  service  oi  tlie  Con- 
federate States,  and  on  Jtnie  17,  1S61,  enlisted  ior  six  nujiith-  in  Captain 
])a\id  'l'liGnr|K(<n's  curapai.y  uf  the  fii^r  res^inient,  fourih  divi.dcn,  Army 
C'f  .Missi.'uri.  At  the  expiration  of  his  term  he  was  c:i\-en  tlie  following; 
cerlilicaie  of  tli.-c!:are,e. 

St.  Clair  County,  Mo. 

Deceraler  1,  ISol. 
Roijert  li.  WoodiOii,  of   C;tptain   Da%iu  Tho:rlp^-ln's  Coir;)an>,   i'u-st 
regiment,  ftuvth  division,  is  hereby   discharged   from    the   Arniy   of    .Mld- 
soiiri,  by  reason  of  his  term  of  service  having  expired. 

(Signed)     David  T^o^'FsoN. 

Captain  Commanding  Comj^any. 

J.  A.  Pkitchakd, 

Lieut. -Col.  Commanding  Regiment. 

N.  Y.  Slack,  Commanding  Di\ision 
Approved.     By  order  of 

Major  Gkxer^vl  Sterling  Prick 
His  captain  also  certifies   that,   "The  said   Roberi   11.   Woodson  has 
Served  the  stale  for  two  months  and  thirteen  days;  fcr  Y\hich  time  he  has 
received  no  pay." 

Immediately  alter  his  discharge,  he  r^enli^tr:d  in  E>r.  Sarr.i:.-i  1.  Bas- 
sett's  company  wlich.  v.'as  made  up  in  Caldv.ell  county,  Missouri,  and 
placed  in  the  second  ir.fantrv-,  as  seen  by  the  following  order. 

Head  Quarters,  2nd  Infantry,  Mo.  \'ois. 
January  17,  1862. 
Robert    H.    Woodson   is   appointed   Third    Corporal  in  Con^pariy  D, 
Second  Infantry,  Missouri  \'olunteers. 

B.  F.  RiVHS,  Col.  Conid'g. 
I.  H.  Cook,  Adjutant. 

Duririg  the  year  he  was  with  his  regiment  and  company  in  all  the 
engagements  in  which  they  participated;  especially  in  the  spring  ot  1S6.', 
wheji  the  army  was  more  or  less  engaged  every  day  in  ftghting  around 
Vicksburg,  r^Iississippi.  At  the  battle  of  Champion  Hili,  May  16,  1363, 
he  received  a  wou  id  from  v.hich  he  died  on  June  14,  1S63.  When  removed 
from  the  battlefield,  he  was  taken  to  Bovina,  a  little  town  some  tv.eniy 
miles  east  of  Vicksburg,  where  he  received  all  the  tender  care  and  nursing 
lliat  could  be  bestowed  !ry  those  v.  lio  were  in  thorougli  s\-mpathy  v.Mlh  him 

I  1.  :-.iii  r.i;.\'  k.\1!("N 

and  the  cav;>.  f'lr  \\!viv':i  i;c  -iu--!.  'I'lie  foiiowine  lotiLf  oi  liis  r.K.'iii-r, 
au'Jioniicatc?  liu-  <.L;te  of  hi.-  r!..\u,iK  ;iiiii  shows  with,  vliat  sijhh'iiio  lU-viui'  n 
the  Lxh'os  of  t'iic  Sou  ill  cared  !nr  aaJ  luirsc'l  ihe  v.  oiimled  soluieis  of  li;'.- 
C'i)nl\  dcracj . 

Bo\'ina,  Warren  cour.ty,  Mis-'i^sippi. 
June  16,  I86.V 
Dk\r  Mrs.  \Vt;on«)N, 

III  a(j<;ii'i;<.-i!is  you  at  ihi-  time,  I  ivAnlt  a.n  en.:;  ic;eineiii.  mailo  a  iew 
ihi_\>  since. 

Oil  May  16,  a  b.-.tile  wa;.  !'oiie,!u  at  rhMiiiiion  l!il!  in  llinrls  coun.Cj. 
(aboui  Iwelw-  ir.iles  lioiu  h.cre'i  in  N^hich  \uur  ton.  Kohcit  ll\<.lc  Wo'.mIsop., 
was  cn_i.:;'.i;ed.  lie  was  anion;.;  tb.c  woiin'Ied,  Iiis  lei"),  lee  being  so  nadly 
iajuicd  tl'.at  aiuj.  !!K'.i.ioa  a')(.)'.-e  'he  knee  v,  a>  nece.-sary.  Tlie  Confederate 
;  rn'.y  was  eo..i;M.iled  to  fa.U  baoh  lo  1;'>;.'  l:;Lirk  !ii\-er  and  tlien  Im  N'ieksbur-, 
ten  miles  from  iiere.  ^'our  son  and  hjur  other  wounded  Cuiife-dcraJes  v.o 
left  at  tlio  IMasonic  Lodj^e  at  this  place.  Jr  N\'as  ih.oiight  he  was  duin;.; 
wry  \-tM  f'^r  throe  weeks,  bu!  )<  ward  the  last  he  failed  rapidly,  till  finriliy. 
nature  ga\  e  way  and,  cjuiclly  and  pcaceftdly,  he  cxinrc;!  at  10  a.  in.,  June 
H,  1S63. 

i  was  one  of  sex-era!  kidies  wdio  \isiied  the  hospital  i!a;ly  to  renc'er 
wiiat  ser\ice  we  cnni'.l  to  our  poor  wounded  soldiers;  and  all  ihat  wc  could 
dc'  \vas  done  Lo  n;.d;c  iheni  comfortable. 

Mrs.  Col.  Dorla-ry  and  mvself  assisted  in  the  care  of  him  rhc  nighi  bnt 
one,  pre\ious  lo  his  dc-at!i,  and  other  kulics  did  tlie  next  night.  - 

Though  so  recently  come  among  us,  his  manly  qualities.  Ids  patience, 
gentleness  and  submi?.--!on  won  the  respect  and  admiration  of  aU  who  Uicr 
him.  \^"hea  it  v,\.s  thought  he  could  noi  sar\-i\-c  (it  being  impossible  to 
send  for  a  clerg\-man)  I  inciuired  of  him  if  lie  wa--  a  member  of  the  church, 
to  which  he  replied  that  he  was  not  but  that  he  had  seriously  thought  of 
becoming  so;  and  when  asked  If  he  knew  he  had  but  little  time  k_-fi.  on  earth, 
he  replied  "his  trust  was  in  jesus."  Me  appeared  to  be  perfectly  conscious 
at  tiie  tiuie,  but  too  weak  to  converse  much. 

I  asked  hini  if  1  should  v.rile  to  you,  of  wlumi  he  had  fveqi-entlv 
spoken,  and  wliat  I  should  say:  he  could  not  speak  but  made  an  aflirinati-ee 
motion,  and  several  times  seemed  trying  to  sjx-ak  but  could  not,  excepthig 
to  say,  after  1  had  read  some  of  the  prayers  for  the  visitatio.i  of  the  sick, 
"They  are  good  prayers." 

Tearful  eye^  and  so;  rov/ing  hearts  surrounded  his  dying  bid,  and  ail 
regretted  that  one  so  young  and  gifted  must  so  soon  be  a  martyr  for  his 
country's  cans;;. 

His  remains  lie  in  our  churchyard  (Ejii-copal)  near-by,  and  his  grave 
v^i!l  be  a  cherished  spot  lo  all  who  knew  liini. 

That  God  may  comfort  you  under  this  afllicting  dispenration,  is  the 
desire  of 

Yours  very  respectfully, 

S.\K.'.iI  K.  riioivLow. 

And  tlius  a  noble  )-oung  man  and  gallant  soldier  entered  the  "bivouac 
of  the  dead." 

200  Tin;  \\ooIl:-oN^  A\n  Tnuik  conn-^ctu-ns 

Issue  oi        BGS   MAKY  LEVILLIAN  V.  OODGON-    iTh-.nlla^,'■■   Kcv.    Matihcnv,*   Supbcu,' 
John/^  Kubci  I,-  John-)  and  J>.vv;.li  W.  \\-:itla:rger. 

I  n')9  Jiiiinii  Woodso;:  \ViUbu',;cr,>  boru  J'ai\-  J2,  1S19,  died  Srptciiibei-  17,  \S2',. 

II  1200  E!iA,ibetii  Arm  YvillburgfT,'  i.;nii  .'■.iaich  ?4,  1S2I,  and  v--as  ■■•iarri'.x!  to  Mr. 

III  ]?01   Theodore  11.  Vvi'iiburger,-'  born  Jul;-  3.  1S22,  and  lived  but  one  day. 

IV  1202  Eg!.-i^  V/oodsoa  Wiitbiirfeer/  born  :»I:!y  16,  lb23. 

\"  1203  Rrdoiph  E.  \vib;;LTgcr/  bor!>  July  30,  1S24,  di.,d  10,  1826. 

\  1  1204  Catiierine  Ann  Wiitburger,'  l.'orn  Dcccaibot   19,  1825. 

Yii  120:-  Sru-ah  Anu  V/iltburgfT,^  boi-.  Januai/  17,  lS2v. 

\"!ij  1206  Ann  Warner  Wiltburger,^  born  July  M,  1830. 

Issue  cf       305  HARRIET    WOODSON'    (Thoma?,'^    Rev.    Maithcv.-,-    Siephen,'    john,= 
Robcn,-  John'J  aiid  SincUiir  dar'.ii.. 

I  1207  WilUain  Garvin.* 

II  120S  John  Garvin.^ 

Ill  120C'  Samuel  Gnrvin.- 

I\'  1210  James  Garvin.* 

V  1211  Porterneld  Gi-rvin.' 

\  1  1212   Alice  Gaivin.= 

VJ!  1213  Belle  Gar.dn.^ 

Issue  of       CiC7   IHOIvjAS  V/OODSON-     (Thuinab^,''    Rev.    Maubc-^-,^    Stephen,'    John,' 
Rol/crt,"  John')  and  EUzabeth  Ann  C'larkson. 

!        1214  iJoriiCe  Bj'iODj'  bi^rn  .\pril  2,  1S38,  in  Meade  counu',  Kentuck)  . 

II  1215  Sajali  Eiizabelii,'"  \  Tv.ins,    born    Ociober   25,    1840,    in   Jackson   coiiMy, 

III  1216  Thooia-,^    j  Missouri. 

1\'       121?  LaPrade.'*  l)oin  May  4,  1S4.^  died  December  2,  1844. 
\'       121S  Mary  LeViiiian,^  born  September  25,  1S45. 

i.HTi!  i;im.':ai1' 

\I  1219  WiHiara  I-IuJsptth,' bora  ^LPU  i'^bcf  23.  IS  ^' Ja  jicks^Ms  oiviPiy,  Mi>.0:i'-i, 
iiv)\\  li\-ii!g  (190?-  i»  Kansas  (.';i>-. 

\l!        1^20  ':l;-n:y  Cl£;y,"  bor.i  XoN-.nilcr  j?.  Is:.':!,  i::  J;>ck:;-'n  coinMy,  ^;i3s.ouri.     H.; 
\:a::  livint;  in  l')0,'   in  Mc.'ii.ic  '.-ouiUy,  KvPU-'.-ky. 

Issiie  of       Q.  "i  Q  ^.:vn^ OliY    lEVILLiA?!     WOODSO:^;:     (Thom,:?,^     Rw.      ^^l<uu■^v,' 
Su'S'iicii,'  j':>lu),"  Ri'bcvi ,-  J...'i!r)  mu\  1 S  70  Kli/a  V>-A'>v  Chc'pliiu;-.* 

I  1221  Albert  LaPrade,M>>->rn  Ai;;-;;--!  iSi.  ]S '5,  at  \Vood?nnvinc.  Kfnuickv.  ITo 
'..\\:s  ,T  yoant;  man  of  doliciiie  ciiv-titi:;  itn-i.  In  1?6S  h.:  v-'cnl  to  Fi'>'-i!'.a. 
in  search  cf  hc.ltli  wliicli  h.-  ne\'<.r  rvgaiiivd.      He  •liod  in  i-ar'y  ninnlioo,]. 

il  "  1222  "-vac  Thomar."  bnra  J:i!y  12.  1847,  at  Wood^onviilc,  Kentucky.  He 
recei\'ed  his  Cc-.rly  criucaiioit  at  lIopki!is\-iIie  aiic!  la.tcr  tiiudied  ia-.v  at 
W'abhis'.glon  l"iu\c!sit'\-,  St.  L<nii'.  Mi-^'^oiTi.  lie  v.n?  married  June  2.>, 
i^6S.  to  T  oiilie  I'ello  Woi'd,  daagiUer  of  Isaac  Ha.-i.,u-c!l  V.'ood  o.^  liavi 
coiint\',  iseiiiucky.  In  Augiisi ,  1S74.  he  olectei!  cniinry  attorney  o'i 
liar:  county,  and  in  l?75  \\\ii  elected  lo  the  !e_r;islaiv;re  on  i:;e  democrati-i 
ticket  and  ser\'e<J  two  years.  He  was  elected  b\-  a  iiiajdiiiy  of  200  \-i>r-:s, 
althougl'.  Hart  county  was  regarded  af  rt  pnlilica!'  b}'  ,'bi>t;t  300.  He 
appoiiUed  on  the  staff  of  Go\  .  J.  B.  McCreary  v.dth  the  i-ank  of  cu'.oael. 
Shortly  after  th^  expiration  o'i  hi.?  term  in  the  IcjisL^tiire,  he  v.-eiit  to 
Ca'iforni.i  with  a  view  of  sett'iiii,'  tlieru,  but  soon  returned  to  his  n<iti\e 
state  and  settlj.l  in  Louisville,_  Keniuck>-,  in  18^2  a:id  look  up  the  practice 
of  la'.v.  Here  h.e  spent  the  rest  of  his  life,  with  the  exceptioTi  of  two  years 
c'lat  he  li\ed  ia  Ididdlesboro,  Ke;?ti;ck}-.  He  vras  a  i.-ainsia ki:iy.  earefr.; 
la\v\-cr.  His  distin.ctive  succctS  in  the  cliancer-;.-  coitrt-:-  v.."s  due  to  the 
extreme  rare  with  which  lie  conducted  hib  cases.  Xo  taw\er  made  m:>re 
earefiil  research  before  preseniing  his  facts  before  a  court  of  lav.-. 

His  wife  died  iri  1897  and  he  cc>r.tinucd  to  reside  at  his  home  in  [.--".lis- 
■'ille  and  kept  his  famih'  together  as  much  as  possifde.  He  died  at  .^  o'clock 
P.  M.  on  Monday,  hebriiar}'  6,  ]yji.  ar.  his  home  219  '\V:-st  Biii-ncit 
Avenue,  Louisville,  Kentucky.  (Extraci.  from  the  Lonis-eiile  Coi^.-ie'- 
Journal  of  Fei3r\iar\-  7,  1911.) 

HI  i,?23  Snrah  Virginia,'  born  Jid\-  7,  l:-^i-9,  at  VV'oods'invihc.  Kentticky  and  died 

IV  •■  1224  ■"^arren,^  born  Jun-  ?.';,  1S51,  at  Woodsonville,  Jventocky,  v.a:- 
married  J '.me  24.  1874,  to  Annie  Myers.  After  some  \ears  tiie\-  settled  in 
F(_irt  \\'<.)rth,  Te.\as,  where  they  still  live. 

\'  *  1225  Mary  LeViilian,*  born  Augtist  2.^,  1S53,  at  Woodsorsville,  Kentucky,  was 
married  January  15,  1878,  to  Vv'iiliam  Cuwiieru.  TJie)-  live  in  Saa  Fran- 
cisco, California. 

VI  *  1226  Matthew/  born  at  12:15  o'clock  a.  in.  January  i,  iSaO,  at  \^'o'<dso,,v:lle, 
Kentucky,  vehere  he  was  a-ared  and  educated  and  wat  n^arried  N'o\einber 
2,  1SS7,  to  Aiif.a  Crow.     Ti:ey  live  in  Midditsboro,  KeTit ucky. 

lui;  \vi"io;:m' 

iHi-iK  i-<'(NM:ni(>\^ 

\']\    •    1227  Jacob  Wr.l'er/  lioni  7  .:'(-li...k-  .1.  m.  10.  IS.vS,  al  WofHlsonvlll.-, 
was  married  lo  Anuio  aud  li'.os  iii  FfVi  Worih,  Texas. 

\'I1I        )2iS  John  Crittenden/  \v.r.i\  W-AF'  o'cloc'-  a.  ip.  January  2.1.  iNoi,  was  inaiiicd 
ii;  1S9'J  U'l  l..i;',/.ie  Spaiib..     '!"iie\'  live  in  (.'kialn'ma. 

IX  1220  KUza  Belle,'  born  lOM.S  o'clock  a.  in.  Alarcli  :^0.  ISo.i,  al  \V.i.,;!Ic-, 
IvenUicky,  wlurre  sl;c  wa-  reared  and.  educated.  }"..>r  some  years  .-'he-  iias 
ijcen  v.iih  I'ae  Chica^^'o  l\!iu;cr-;;nen  Cci!ec;e   C.'hicaK'O.  Illinois.      Unmarried. 

Issue  of        £  "i  ;':   JOSEPH   ROYALL  WOO.DSOa-    (Sieid,er..''  Stephea/'  Stephen,"   Jolm,-' 
RoluM,-  Jeihi;')  and  his  hrsi  wife  Mar\-  lit  Iniaii. 

1  *  1230  Mfiry  ITo]:j;;ir;,'~  born  iS()6  near  C'lnDlcriand  Courthoii-..-,  i',  Cumberland 
e<)unl>-,  \"ir,n'n-a,  \\as  married  in  1S24  lo  William  Towell  of  that  comny. 
He  was  a  biu'Jier  !.■  luniy  I'owe!!,  I.iiilon  '!.ra\s>!n  I'oweil,  and  .Ann  NisiiLl 
I'owell  all  of  whom  were  reared  at  "Ruselvink"  by  -112  C'a.ptain  Charles 
W'ooJstni^  anil  wife  Judith  Leake. 

II    *   1231   Henry   Lewis/    born    ISOQ    near   Cnniberl.ind    Counlionse,   X'irginia,   was 
married  to  S12   .Mar. ha  Wood^rm.'  daDyhtei"  of  422  Tsri;;\r:ier  Wyod-.>;r' 

and  wife,  Miss ]\lichaux.     Siie  was  a  sister  to  his  iatiier's  socoml  svilc, 

S-!()  .Mirarida  \\"oo(.l;:on.'  The}-  roniinucd  to  \\\'-  in  rnmberland  until 
185S  when  they  moved  west  and  located  st  ik.livar.  "J'enn.-^ssee.  Here 
lhe\'  lived  in. til  aljoiii  the  beginnirig  of  tlie  Ci\il  War  iri  l.^fil  \vhi;n  they 
remo\-cd  to  Arkansas.     Since  then  the  family  ha\e  lo-(  trace  of  them. 

HI  '^  1232  Apphia/  born  l.Sll  in  (Timbcrland  coiir.ty,  VirgiTiia.  She  v.-as  twice 
married;  firsi,  lo  Jacob  iMo.-b\',  a  cousin  of  Gen.  John  S.  i-.b';sby  of  l\:c 
Confederate  arm\'.  He  died  and  she  liiarried  second,  Rev.  Samuel  Adk-iis 
aiid  mo\'ed  to  Prince  Edward  coimry. 

IV  123.^>  Lucy,'  born  1815,  in  Cnmbcrlar.d  county,  was  married  to  Johe  Anderson 
and  died  without  i.-^;  tie. 

Isst"!-.  n\  SECOND  win;,  840  iNiiKA.ND.-v  NX'oodsox' 

V  *   1234  Stephen  Tscharnei',"'  born  1S23,  one  nnle  from  Cumin  riand  C.^urthouse,  in 
CuinJierland  county,  X'irginia.      He  spent  much  of  his  boxhood  life  (from 
'sixteen  to  tv.eniN-  years  o{  his  age)  at  "Xeedhain,"  tlie  home  o!  hie  rrr,.a(- 
aunt,  427  S.sll)-  Wootbon  Ta\dor.^ 

When  aliout  twenty  years  old  he  locaterl  at  Memphis,  Tennessee. 
A  few  years  after  ihis  the  trouble  with  Mexico  arose,  and  at  the  call  for 
trofips  for  ihat  v.'ar,  he  promptly  volunteered  his  services  an.l  was  made 
orderly  seifjeant  of  company  D,  second  regiment,  Tennessee  volunteers. 
He  left  Mem|)his  with  his  regiment  on  Jt;ne  6,  1846,  and  serve;!  faithfully 
tiirou^diout  the  war.  He  fou-ht  in  tlie  battles  of  Monterey,  \'cra  Cruz, 
Sierra  Gorda  ant.l  e>lhers.    .After  the  war  v/as  o\-er,  he  retuine:i  to  X'ire.min 

•.:lll!   (.IM.K.MTi   V  2(>.'. 

in  IS  I,'-'  for  a  fov.'  iiiraiilis'  vi^-ii  uy  hif  old  hoiiio  and  friends.  He  ihou  wiiK 
hack  io  Mfinpliis  ;;!ul  in,  18-1",  sl;;i(ci.l  for  California  l>y  ilr.' 
v.a\  <^f  i'aiiania.  Afier  al-nni  :-i\  i7o;uIis;  of  trawl  .i:v\  niia.voiiiaMo  (K  Ia\>. 
lie  arriwil  in  Ciilife'r/iia  imk!  oriU'rrcl  upon  liis  M^arcii  for  yold,  in  -.vhirb  lie 
w.ts  jiii'i'c  'Aiav.  oidiiiari!'."  sllcc^.•^sfil!. 

!n  !854,  after  ni,;ny  "up<  an;'  dov.aT--."  i\  thi.'  gol'!  dicj.c.iiii:'^.  lie  v.a-- 
inarrieil  lo  Mis-^  Jt'anunh  Jci!ii;.>Ui,i  and  "sr-tll'vi  d.:.>"  in  Santa  C"ia;\i 
counPv',  v.iicrc  tliey  four  dai!v,li'.er>.  His  wife  died  i;i  1.S79,  she 
effects  of  ii-'jurie-o  she  had.  rerei'vod  in  getting  ont  of  Jw.-r  lintrc>'  V:o  ^•ear^^ 
previously.  lie  is  .'-till  li'/ing:  (1915)  in  San  Ji;)>e,  ('.diiornia.  and  i,-  a  raan  of 
ininsnal  \-iialit\-  aixl  remarkanle  ene-rgy.  .\s  ;i  mark  of  appreeiali!>r.  of 
his  services  in  the  Mexican  War,  ih.e  enited  Slates  i;o-\-ernnicnl  jjjse'^  hini 
a  pcp.sion  of  i\vent\  f>20)  dollars  per  month.  In  lii>  old  asic  he  di\adcs  iiis 
time  alxnit  ec|iia!h'  between  i'is  three  sur\i\in:4^h.ters:  2211  Alary," 
in  Los  Aneeles,  221.^  Ann,^  at  San  J-se,  and  221.^  Alice,"  at  Ta.lo  .Mto. 

V'l  1235  Joseph  Royall,  Jr.,''  born  1S24  near  Cnniljerland  ("ourthon^c,  \'ir;;inia, 
was  married  to  ("aniiila  Foslei.  ife  \;!tcere(l  in  the  Confederate  arni}- 
and  served  tinder  Stonewall  Jackson.  He  died  after  tha  war  closed, 
leaving  one  son,  Pcicr  Woodi-,. >n,' '  who  was  l!\iag  at  la-i  aecoiiius,  in 
Rrjanolce,  \'irgipia. 

VII  12.36  Miller,"'  born  i;-!25  at  the  family  h^mc,  one  mile  from  Cnmljevland  Court- 
hou>e,  \'irginia,  was  naarriod  10  Sarah  Baughn.  He  v.-as  a  vcr\  enter- 
prising miui,  owned  a  consider.dile  miiriber  of  slaves,  and  riot  ha\aT!g 
sufficient,  land  for  tricm  to  work,  lie  sold  his  place  n.ear  Ciimlici hand  Cotiri- 
house  and  botiglit  a  larger  Ir.act  near  C.^riersxille  in  the  upper  part  of  tlte 
count\',  on  which  he  made  a  large  ca-h  j'a\incnt  and  ga\c  a  mortgage^  to 
seciire  ih.e  balance.  .\t  the  ouibieak  ijf  the  Cicil  War  he  v'^nii.^led  in  the 
Confederate  ar/ny  and  &er\-e<J  faithfully  in  the  famous  Stonewnll  brigade 
to  the  close  of  the  war.  W'ouiids,  hardshif';.  -.'.nd  exposure  had  done  their 
deadh'  work  and  niiliin  o  year  af:er  the  clo;ed,  he  died,  lea\'ing  his 
v.ifc  and  four  datighiers  wh.o  died  I'ofore  tltey  were  grown.  His  widow 
died  stiddenh   in  l')'~<h  in  Powhar.iri  county. 

VIII  12.37  Creed,"'  boriilS26  near  Cun;ber!.-.nd  Courthouse.  In  early  manhood  he 
Wi;nt  to  West  7"enn.ej;:ec  and  set;  it  d  at  Scnieixille,  i'l  iA.\"eLi:-  cowr.t,', 
and  ua^  mttrried  to  Evelina  Siiaw  of  that  town.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
Civil  War  he  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  army  and  ser\-ed  to  the  clo?e  of 
f'ae  war.  He  finalK'  settled  at  r",ad-den,  Croclcett  cainty,  Tennessee,  where 
he  spe"i  the  reai.ainder  of  his  life.  He  died  about  190,>.  lea\-ing  iv.o  chil- 
dren: (1)  William,^  wdio  married  tmd  had  issue.  His  present  w  hiereaboai  s 
are  not  i.nown.  (2)  Annie,-  marrinl  Mr.  Smith  and  had  i^sue.  lie.'  son 
Ralph  Smith  is  sh.ijiping  clerk  for  Lemon  and  Gale  in  .Memphis,  'i'enncssee. 

IX  )23!'.  Galaliri,'  boi;-.  bV27,  in  Ccmberla.nd  county,  \'irginia.  \vas  n'arried  to 
jose|j!iine  Womick.  Me  enii:-tefi  in  the  Confe(hr.atc  arni;.',  s(-rvefi  uiider 
Stonewall  Jackson  and  died  in  i!ie  aimy  before  the  close  of  tne  war,  survived 

."('4  illl"  \V<.';H>:i>\S  ASP    liil'.iK 

b\-  his  ^\i^l^'v.-  aii<'  <  lu  il.\u;^hicr,  juli.:  WoocIsop.'  w'k)  liicd  at  the  ago  of 
finirtccii.     '1  lie  wi'io'vv  died  al).)i:i  ISS'.'. 

X       1''39  Sarah  Virginia,''  liorn  1^2S,  ii.  C'tir.ibiTlaml  oou;)t\,  \'ii\;ip.ij,  was  innrrii-d 
to  Mr.  Il.'.rdwiok  aiul  (lii;d  .'•!i'>'-d\-  'i.-fijrc  lii?  (."ivil  W'a'-.      Xo  i;<iic. 

XI  *  1240  James  Lafayette,'  b'.ra  1S29.  at  iIk-  o\i\  honjc,  one  mile  from  CLiinheflar.d 
Coi'.nlii.ii.isi-.  X'irginia.  la  1.S5S  lie  nv:d  .-cscial  ni'  hi,-  brother;;  and  '.isieis 
rno\-ed  lo  West  Tcaarssri".  At  t'lo  bei;iniiiiig  of  tlic  C'i\  il  War  he  eniified 
in  tlie  (.'onlederaie  anii\-  and  f(,>iii;lii  \-.'.'i;;;ul>  for  tlie  southern  caus-e  ;o 
the  rlo-e  of  I'le  war,  having  aitaiiu-d  lo  ihe  rank  of  liei;i:.'nant  in  !iis  coth- 
pan\-.  lie  returned  to  v.c-i  Tenncifee  and  settled  oi'^  a  farm  near  I_.e>d;:-g;- 
lon,  in  liinderscin  coimt\'.  IK  ;e  h.c  wa.s  married  in  VSC5  to  Ccrnclia  Ann 
William^,  v.dai  was  born  Ah:\-  ?.'>.  lS-16.  'Il:oy  remained  in  1  len.ders.iii 
coiiMTv  aboui  two  \ears  and  mo\ed  to  Unad'old;,  'I'ennessce,  remaining; 
there  aboiii  ri\-c  years.  'i'lie\"  remo\v<'  to  FuUon,  Kentucky,  ab>oui 
Dccemlier,  'iS;3,  and,  he  <H'.  i  tiiere  in  jamiary,  )S74.  liis  widt-w  tlion 
moved  to  Ijr</wns\dlie,  Tennessee,  whete  her  cliikben  were  rc^arcd.  Lale  iii 
life  she  went  to  Cliarleston,  Alissoi'.ri,  where  sh.e  died  [V'eenibei'  25,  191 ' . 

X!l  KMl  William  Edwin, *>  born  18.U),  within  a  ni'ic  of  Cumberland  Co^irLheu^e, 
\''irt;inia,  werit  in  l,s5S,  wiili  Ids  breitliers  Creed  an<l  James  bafayctte.  to 
west  Teiine- -ee,  and  at  the  outbreak  of  iht-  Cixdl  War  in  1861,  en.tercd  the 
ser\-ice  of  il.e  Corifrderau;  Slates,  rcmidriir.g  ii-.  tne  arm>-  until  the  ciorC  of 
the  war,  v.  he'a  lie  reiurned  home  and  localed  at  r.e\;ny;ron,  Henderson 
coumy,  Tennessee,  and  ii\-ed  t!:ere  until  he  died  m  187('-.  He  was  a  naan 
of  a  geinal  ,ind  sunir>-  nature  and  a  liapp\-  disposition.  lie  v,-as  an  e.xpert 
banjo  player.  While  pla\iiig  a  pieie,  he  couid  toss  the  instrument  v.\->  in 
the  air,  caieli  it  as  it  deseeiideii,  ;ind  contitiae  the  piece  wi'hout  iosinp,  tlie 
lirrie  or  ntissing  a  note.  Ibj  could  play  will;  liis  banjo  Ijehini!  him  as  wi-!i 
as  ill  trouL.     He  i.ex'ci    married. 

Issue  of       6 -J  4  HFKKY    WOODSON'    (Stephen,'-    Stephen, ^   Stephen,^    John,^    Koi.ert^^ 
John')  and  Lucy  Coleman  (or  Daniel). 

I  '-  1242  Lucj',^  was  m ariied  to  Dr.  Merrill  Allen  of  Prince  Edward  count\-  and  i;ad 
se\er.i!  ehildicn.  it  is  behexcil  tliat  one  of  lljem  was  named  Woodion 

Issue   of        e»  1  G;   JUDITH    V/OODSOK'    (Sirphen,'''    St.-phen,^    Stephen,^    John,^    Rob.-it.^ 
John'j  and  Fontlcr'A-  .-Mien. 

I        1243   V/fcodson  Allen,' fi'jrn  in  Pitts\l\ania  county,  \"irgiida. 

Issue   of        G  1  S   STEPHEN     WOODSON'     (John,''    Joseph,-    Joseph, «    Rot-eri,'    Robert,-' 
Jfjhn')  and  Scdl>  Cnuich. 

1  *  1244  Elizabeth  Mattcx,^  i)o,-n  al^(..ui  \~'J3  in  (.oo^.hland  C(.'Urit\',  \'lr;^Inia,  was 
married  about  181(1,  to  Jes.-e,'i/y.      In  1811  the\'  nio\eti  to  Moiu^;omery 

I  ir.n  :  I!  Cl--.  \  'A.\  nux  Toiuic^evc.  aiu!  entered  a  iart'c  ir;',c'i  ol  t;u\  e-rrinieii'i  Lr.ul  on  Reil 
Ki\or  and  buili  tiuir  iv,  o  miles  ircir.  v.heie  she  fii\-  of  Clark.-j-ei'-ie 
iv.'v  ,,i.inds.  il'.e  -liex  sp>:;;  ilii.-  rest  I'f  l1uii  Viwri,  reared  a  f.iraily  u! 
inu-rosting  c.iilda;  i;  and  died  a;  a  ripo  ok!  age. 

1245  ;oJin   Stephen,-   l^or:-'   ab'":i    1  7'-?   ia  G'-'OeldaiHi   county,  was   ir.a-.ried   '.o 

'M\<< Sliekon  of  that  coiini\'.     Iv  apiK-a-.:!  ilia.l  Lhe\'  inoxed  to  Jvlcu-.l- 

tjonieiA'  counl\-,  Tennessee,  and:  died  llicre. 


■*   l?.i6  Sussn,*  uorn  proba.'.tly  .d'nii;   1797  ia  CJui.'eldaml  eearay,  and  was  niarriLd 
to  l-;i;':>ard  Rride<-'water. 

Issuv.-  of 

6  1  f    THOMAS  WOOrSOR'  {}<An-):-  J(..-a,p!i,=  J-.-erai,'  Roliert,'  Robert,^  J'.ii.n') 
and  6ol  FdizaiKtii  Re.iiord." 

*  1247  Tdariad  born  180  K  in  Gdoeli'.aad.  eonnU  ,  \"if;.dnia,  and  was  ni.irricd  ab.uul 
18.0  to  Jolin  D)\vnL,r  of  ilia.l  coanly.  Me  died  in  \F6G.  Sb.e  lived  lu  be 
iiinte  old   and   di.  d    in   ISSo. 



124S  Lcander/  burn  15  OS,  in  G-aocldajid  county,  w'nc-re  lic  was  reared  and 
educated.  He  v.  as  married  ,alj  nit  1811  :i>  12,S9  ."^arali  \\'oed-.'.n*  who  \':a3 
his  first  cousin  on  the  maternal,  and  third  ccjusin  on  liic  paternal  side. 
Shf  was  a  dau-hicr  ot  620  William  an.l  6e0  Tslildred  Redford.' 
Tlie\'  li\ed  at  th.'ir  owa  hcnne  in  Cooehland  iintil  alt-.;r  hi.i  father's  dea.ii 
in  li  17,  and  then  went  lo  the  old  homestiMd  to  Ii\e,  and  adi'..ini?t'^red  wa 
hi.--  lallier's  (si.ite.  .\fter  .-onie  year.s  he  went  to  Richmond  and  erected 
a  large  fuinituru  factory,  hi  a  few  >-ears  that  was  buined  dow.n  and  h.'.- 
went  liack  to  the  old  iiomesiead  in  Goocldand. 

After  the  Ci\-il  \\'ar  was  over,  lie  put  vyi  a  sai'.-  mill.  Tliat,  too,  ^^■as 
destroyed  l)y  fir:.  On  acccjunt  of  his  father's  estate  being  so  devphs'  m- 
^•oi\■ed,  he  \.-ab  iie\-er  able  to  eflect  a  settlejiient  sati.-faciory  to  all  the  heirs. 
He  administered  on  the  estate  of  his  brothirr  12>';^  Dr.  .\ll;err  Woodson,^ 
and  was  guardi.'.n  f  ir  the  cinldren  of  his  sister,  1251  Mary  Ann  Perkins.' 

1249  Albert,  -  born  ISiO.  in  Goochland'  bitidicd  nK-dicineand  practic._-d  iti  P«-t'.;-s- 
Inire  where  he  was  known  a^  "llie  beIo\ed  ]di_\  .-ician."  He  was.  said  to  be 
one  of  the  handsrinust  nien  of  his  time.  .A  pii.tiire  ol  awacdi-ij 
first  p'-i/e  at  one  of  the  ^reat  fairs  in  New  York  about  1-S."0.  Hr  died  i;i 
184>?.      Never  married. 

1250  Grrland  A.,'  born  July  2,  ISll.  i,\  Giiocldand  county.  He  v.-as  married 
April  8,  1811,  to  Jane  Hr'..nvn,  wlio  was  born  .March  10,  1812,  and  dice! 
Sejjteniber  IS,  1883.  \'ery  so-m  after  their  marriage  ihe\"  located  in 
C!arks\illc,  Mor.tgomery  county.  Tenne^-ee,  where  they  remained  a  fev.- 
years  and  finally  settled  at  Woodford  in  tiie  same  county.  Here  they 
spent  the  rcmaindci  of  their  lives. 

1251  T'lary  Anjt,-'  f.oi  ,i  1814  in  Goochland  county,  v.I)ere  it  appears  she  spent 
her  cp.tii-c  bfe.     Slie  was'ri^.J  in  1832  to  Uaniel  Perkins. 

.•o()  111'.'  "wcKVDsovs  AM-  i'lrr.:  i^onaIatipn- 

\"I    *   1232  TAwa,"  born   ISlt,.  in  Co.,cl,!.;iu:   .mi.I  \\v:>  niaviiod  in   1S36,  ro  Al.'x;inik-i- 
Slu-lion  of  lliai  coiuiiy. 

\''-I  *  1253  John  Thomas,*  born  :\on\  11,  iNhS,  ir.  (.ioochl.ind  C'i;;uty,  \'ii-;^nii.i.  liis 
inodier  (iu.c!  the  ciay  he  was  born,  anv'  ho  was  carcvl  i\>r  !:y  a  hul\'  iricnd  (if 
tlic  family  luuil  his  friilier  wa<  niariict,!  ;o  Mrs.  Redd.  Sb.o  ma:ii'(.->tod  a 
raoiiKrly  intv.'icri  in  inis  child  .aid  was  sood  lo  liini  as  long  a;^  .-h.c  li\>'d: 
for  winch  he  aiwa\'s  cherished  a  fon.d  ii.-coHcrtion  of  jier.  He  grew  to  ]■;■  a 
man  ct  iiit'h  cliaracter.  lb  was  married  NoNeniber  is-jl  to  Miss  S.;ra;i  A. 
Nelson,  daugiiler  of  Fdward  Xehnn  and  bli?al)elh  Crosby  of  Hantni  r 
county.  The>-  ]i\ed  in  Riclnnond  nniil  ISJO  when  the\'  mo%\ii  lo  L\  ncii- 
iinr;-,,  \'ir^inia.  (hie  i.f  Ids  nia\ini.--  w\.s;  "if  \on  canant  s];c<;k  we'l  of  a 
iiersor..  (]■:  not  speak' at  all."  lb-  was  foi  ty-three  \e;.rs  old  wlnni  tlie  A'.ir 
between  ihe  stales  iiegan,  andl  <in  act'iaiiu  of  pi.v--ieal  disabilities  did  not 
enlist  as  a  soldier,  bat  made  hini>e'f  uscfid  to  the  MHithern  ca.nse  by  pwc- 
cha.->!ug  snppllc.--  for  ila-  Co  dedLraiO  ain,y,  ai-.d  rendering;'  otlicr  \'alnabie 
scr\ices.  Olientintes  he  was  on  the  b;  i  ilelield.s,  loe.king  v.\,  arid  ta.kin;.; 
care  C)f  the  wounded  and  doing  w  hate\'er  was  in  his  power  lo  do.  bic  died 
in  bS9.?  at  his  home  in  Cioochland. 

Issue  of        0  20   WILLIAM  WOODSON'  (Joseph^  "Of  Genit<.e,"  Jo.cph,^  Joseph,"*  Robcp  ,'' 
R'.bcrt,=  John')  and  630  Mildred  Redford.' 

1  *  1254  John,"  born  October  12,  1796,  in  Coochiand  county,  \'i-ginia.  Hesludied 
k'.w  and  ^^f  nt  to  Knox  couniy,  I\enti;rk_\  ,  w  liere  he  wa.s  narrii-d  in  1S30  lo 
388  Charlotte  Corday  Woodson,""'  daughter  of  MS  Wade  Xetherland 
Woodson''  and  Mriry  Harris,  it  appears  tliat  the\'  returned  to  Goochkind 
cotinty,  \'irginia,  where  he  practiced  his  preifessinn  ar.d  reared  al!  their 


1255   Mary,*  born  about  1799  in  Goochland  colmuv,  and  died  tliere  unmarried. 

III  *    1256  Elizabeth, 5  born   about    1802   in   Goochland   county  and   was  married   to 

Charles  Saunders. 

IV  *    )25V  Willtani,"  liorn  i^ctober  14.  1S04,  in  Go(>chland  count}-,  \'irginia,  where  he 

was  educated  and  sttidicd  law.  He  located  in  middle  Tennc^.-^ee  in  lS2n 
and  practiced  his  [irt^fession.  He  was  married  in  iS3i  to  Miss  'ien;"essco 
Lowe  wdio  w.'s  brirn  J  muary  29,  1811.  Thej"  settled  in  Davidson  county, 
Tennessee,  where  all  of  their  children  were  born.  In  1849  he  removed. 
witli  his  family  to  Harrison  county,  Texas,  where  he  continued  to  practice 
law  until  incapacitated  by  old  age  and  feeble  health.  He  was  not  a 
politician  and  never  held  any  public  office.  He  was  an  old  line  whig'  and 
after  the  Ci\-il  War  lie  voted  the  democratic  ticket.  He  and  his  wile  w-ne 
Ijoth  memljcrs  of  tin;  Presbyterian  Ciuirch.  She  fli'd  January  20.  IS/I, 
at  their  home  in  Texas.  He  sur\i\-cd  about  two  \(;ars  and  died  ?d..y  7, 
1873,  at  the  home  of  Ids  son  22S,S  Charles  Woocison,-'  at  Seago\i!le,  Texas. 


i:u  Mm  (.!  \!;i;.\.;  lox 

\'  *  125S  Richard,"  Ioyw  al-'iu  1S07  !n  C.oodi'.-in.i  couiiiy,  whore  he  !i\ed  miiil 
IS.'iO  v,!u-n  h^-  wciU  Ic  Mi^;;l>u^i  ;uul  loc.Uid  al  Fa\>  .ie.  ii.  lk.,vard  ct.u:i\\  . 
Hit.'  !io  -.Mirk  d  al  hi-  i:-;-.'\'.  and  \'.  :s  iiiarricl  in  U'o7  ic  .Mar\-  .\i!;;c 
Hiinu-U.  \lv  v.M>  a  i.riclc  ,,,;i^:>a  h\  occupauon.  tie  was  an  ol'.'  iiia- 
v.hig  and  ina-  lo  all  ilie  'eiu-l:-  <.)i'  lii.n  oid  poiiiic-ai  ran\-.  In  IS!'.'  !■•, 
roiaivcd  l(j  I,i:ineii.--  ir.  )aiai  coiir:.y,  Mir-sDiiri,  \v!i<'rc  ho  v,a~  living  .i.  ila,- 
outlMcak  of  ihc  Civil  War.  ;  K-  cn'iried  in  \hv.  Feder.d  army  and  r-crsn! 
rhrce  \\nMS.  ]Te  was  a  incnihcr  uf  ihe  Christian  Ciuirch  and  died  in  1S6S 
;it  hi,-;  iionie  in  Lir.ncu.s.      IV'  ~  v.ilV  d.ied  in  [..iwrcnee  coimty,  Mi-isoiiri. 

\'I  1259  CaraL,"^  lioni  I.SIO  in  (aHirtiha.d  ouiniy,  \va<  inarTie(i  al^ivat  IJ'-ll  iv  124.^ 
I.eandir  WV.udson.^  wh'-.  wa  .  l-.r  Im--;!  ca^iii  ■.ai  ila^  ni.ileinil  side  arul  i!;iid 
<:ou:ar  ;jn  the  j  .Uerna!  side,  ile  na-  a  :-">ii  -if  nio  Tiiorias  Wl-o..].:.)!-/'  anil 
6.11  F.Iiz.d.eth  Rciiford.'  She  died  in  1870.  Fd,  ii-suc  see  1218  I.eand'  r 

Vll  ■  1260  Churlos  Robrt,"  l".-rn  1812  in  f;(")rhlaad  e.'un.ty,  uliere  he  seems  to  have- 
f-peat  his  entire  life.  He  was  a  hi-hly  educated,,  acromnlished ,  aad 
LinasualK-  l-rilihiat  ir.  cnn\-ersaii(:n.  He  cnienair.ed  .Nunijjti'ou.-i}- ar.d  was 
liotfd  fur  his  r.encroaf.  hospitality.  His  h.jme  wa-  called  "'Woudlawa 
House."  He  '.\as  an  cxtensi\-e  planter  and  owned  a  great  niany  s!a\-es. 
He  was  sheriff  of  Gouehland  for  ahoiU  eiciiiieen  year.-,  and  represented  the 
roiinty  one  lerni  in  the  k-yislature.  He  was  married  to  his  first:  cousin 
1261  Foiiisa  Arm  ^^'ood^on/  dcUighier  of  622  Rchert   V,YH,;dson." 

IssuF.  Hv  Nancy  R.  Pi.iix.k,  srcoxD  wikk 

VHl  *  1261  George  Alfred/  horn  SeiHemhcr  21,  1821.  in  Gooehland  county,  was 
married  alioul  1S;.>  to  his  fii.^l  cousin  Sarai!  Ja:;e  Pledge,  sister  to  Frank 
Pledge,  Willi, ^m  Pkdge  and  Smiih  Pledge.  The>-  all  mo^•ed  to  Grand 
J 11  action,  Tennessee,  where  h.e  laught  school  forse%-er>d  N'ears,  wa.sappointed 
postni.uster  and  served  the  town  as  mayot.  ilis  \\-ife  died,  atid  h.c  was 
married,  sccnnck  in  1851  to  I\Iary  L.  Smith  of  Tuscaloosa,  AlaLiania. 
She  was  born  in  1832  and  died  in  1879. 

He  took  an  active  intere.-i  in  politic?  on  the  republican  side,  which 
probably  v,-as  the  cause  of  an  estrangement  between  him  and,  ihc  rest  of 
the  family.  P)nring  the  Civil  W.-.r,  o-,\!ng  to  ,'iis  j)ohiicat  seatiments,  i.c 
receivetl  muck,  pnnection  and  considerate  treatment  from  the  rcder.i 
army  okicers.  He  profes-ed  no  rcligioi-r,  faith  but  was  liighK  esreenied  in 
his  ceminuriity.  Diring  th.;  W..r  he  fcjimed  I  he  acquaintance  of 
General  C  S,  Grant,  and  when  th.c  kilter  became  President,  cnllcd  upon 
him  at  the  Wdiitc  House.  He  slumped  I  he  C(Hinty  in  187  1  in  the  inten;-t 
of  Harbi.ur,  rejjublican  candidate  for  congress  from  WC.-.L  Tc;ines.-,ee, 
whr)  elected;  :iu>.\  in  reco>gr.iti<>n  of  his  s,.r\-iccs,  secured  for  him  a 
po;.ition  in  tlie  consukue  at  the  Court  of  St.  Jamed,  which,  however,  h;, 
was  compelled  to  decline  on  account  o!  lii^  wife's  failing  health,  Afte'- 
h(  r  death  he  lived  only  a  few  years  and  died  on  Saturdav',  May  26,  187/. 
The  'ucal  paper  published  this  notice  of  his  death: 

2(>'<  ]\n.  Wk'O-.snss  \N!>  '1111  fK  •- I'NMi  r■o^^ 

"nici.i — In  Gr,:-i.i  !;i.u-u>n.  Trni-.c--.- .:c,  nn  S.'iiui.i.n-  li'.c  .?6ii)  cLiy  .if 
May,  lS77.ol"gc!n-rau!-lM!iiy  liKl  in-rvru-^  pnisii.')  ieu.  Cv.  vw  A.  Uon,]-.,,, 
r-'pqr.,  ;i>;(.\l  i'lfty-r-i^-  \,-.  Priria!  ■^vr\i.-i,->  liy  Ri  \  .  X.  A.  1).  I'.ryanl  aii'l 
D.  C.  Well---,  atioii-k-c!  bv  liu-  ;>!r^;(.■^v  prros-jon  UkiI  c\<r  ;i-;cinbicd  ai.  'i!k- 
Ciinncl  Juiu-tiiiu  Cjaiei'-ry." 

IX  '■  1262  Frar.cis  Eghert,"  \toin  iSl^.  in  (.".o-h''!..!'!!  oiniiU-.  He  L-nlisicc!  in  iiic 
("onffdv-nile  ai:)i\-  and  scrwid  luni!  (lie  clovc  of  ilic  war.  Mc  was  marrioci 
in  1S66  to  Sik-an  Am;  Wi... .Idndge.  'iduA  made  thoir  lionic  at  Cardv-cll, 
in  Goocld.r.nd.  couniy,  whrrc  !;•.;■  died  in,  1  ?-'.'-'5.  in  ihc  !ii  ■use  wi'.irc  hu  %vaA  l)nin. 

X  1263  Tazsvell,*  born  1S25  in  GocK-h'and  count\-,  wlicro  !io  li-'.cd  until  tlic  breaking 
nut  '-'i  ihc  C'i\-il  War:  at  the  bi-pdniiiiis;  cf  whicli  i;o  i-r/iir-ted  in  the  Confi-dcrate 
arm\',  and  v.'it'a'n  a  few  nionihs  was  taken  re-.i  rely  ill.  v:u---  seal  U>  a  iKispitai 
in  Richmond  and  died  in  the  aiiiunin  of  1S61.      r!e  ne\er  m;irried. 

Issue  01      .822   1?0BERT  WOODSON'  (Jo^eph^  of  "Gc^itoe,"  Joseph, ^  Joseph.'  Robert/ 
)\.>,>bert,'-'  Joliii'}  and  wile,  wh-osc  name  is  not  known. 

I  1264  Louisa  Arm,*  born  in  Ricliraond,  Virp,!!)!:'.,  wiiere  she  \\-as  reared  and 
(ducated.  She  was  married  to  lier  fa'st  cousin,  1.'''';0  Char'es  Ro'iert 
\\oodson,*  son  of  her  unrle,  620  William  Woodson.''  They  set  iicii  in  Gooch- 
Land  coimtx-  where  he  was  sheriff  for  about  eighteen  besides  filling 
other  imporlani  public  ofmx-s.  For  issue  see  1260  Charles  Robert  V^'eod- 

II       12G5  Marion.^ 

Ill  *  1266  Joseph,'  born  about  1S12,  in  Richmond,  \iipinia.  v.  here  he  spent  practi- 
cally all  his  life.  He  was  married  ai>om  1S,^3,  to  Julia  Ann  Edwards, 
daughter  of  Richard  Edwards  and  Sally  Williams. 

Sally  \Viliiain3  was  born  1794  and  was  a  daughter  of  Jesse  Wiiii  iins 
who  served  in  the  Re'S'olutionary  War. 

■  Notes  by Mrs    Henry  Spiller  I'dley.'" 

For  issue  see  .Addenda. 

Issue  pf        4^2  7    SARAH  7/OODSON'  (JosefMi'^  "of  Gcniloe."    Josej))!,-'   Joseph,'    Rob..ri,= 
Robert,- John'i  and  6.i2  Richard  Redforrl." 

I  ]''67  Mildred  Redfordp  born  in  X'irginia,  \\  as  marricrl  to  Ctiarlc:-  Star;  ar.d 
settled  ill  Shelby  couni\,  Tennessee. 

II        126S  George  Redford,'  born,   in   Goochland   couutx",   \'ir;:;inia.   was  married   to 

Miss  Grate and   rnoN'ed   to  Tennessee  and   lorateil  near   Memphis. 

Notes  by  1270  Frank  Redford  V.oodson." 

Issue  of        ei'Q    J^REDERJCK    WOODSON"     .Joseph^    "ot    Geniloe,"    Joseph,^    Jos.-ph,'' 
i^obert,-''  Robert,-  John')  and  Frankie  T\  ler  Redford. 

IU.;Mn-  Gl-N!:U.\Ti 

f    •■    126S)   Pvilcbeva  Cctav-ia,"  lu.;  n  Jyily  0,  !^'2f),  in  Viri'iiiln,  \v;'.<=.  m;irricd  to  Wii'.!,'.:;: 
Scoli  Johnson,  ;iii>l  iii>  d  April   10,  10ii5, 

11  •  i;  70  Frank  Re-ifor.!,'  bun;  July  15.  K*^-',',  in  Coo^hl.-inJ  county,  Virginia.  ]lc 
ioc.'ilcu  i:i  Shfihy  f.^iniy.  T(  in;  At  ilie  hociii'iini;  of  t!io  Civil  Wia 
!i<'  t.:ii!i-;'.eii  \n  (he  :^v!-\-i^e  of  i!u-  rtuifc-lernto  slaics  and  joiticJ  comjX'.ny 
"II''  (jI  iIiC  Fourth  Toiinesrco  infaiUry.  which  ic;<ii!ient  was  made  u\^, 
ahnosv  cntirelyof  Mciii;)his  l>oys  anJ.  yoi'.ng  [«e!i.  The  company  wn?. 
coinnu'.ndcd  by  Ca;v;:;in  Haiv.ptoa,  and  the  rc;;iment,  njin-i'x'ring  900, 
rank  and  (ile,  \va?  con-.mandcd  ti\-  ("oioncl  Jack  XccK'.  Wdifii  th.e  '.var 
cli.'.-i^i,  there  were  ii\c  nion'.in'i's  fjf  cunipaa.y  11  1,i>l>',\-i;  to  be- lixing,  xb:.: 
l.i-aut.  j antes  Sonor.i,  Lieut.  P.ULoii,  .\lc>;.  Proi.dtit,  John  Proudrit  and 
1270  iM-ank  Red'.oid  Woodfon.^ 

-After  the  war  h.e  wa.s  li\-ini;  in  ['oMtoi-jc.  r\!i.<?i^sii)pi,  aiid  w-its  inarried 
December  31,  1867,  to  Miss  Delia  P.  King  of  that  luwn.  After  some  years 
he  reuirncd  Lo  \"iri:inia  and  lias  li\cd  iii  tile  city  of  Ricliniund  c\er  since. 
His  hoinc  is  on  Fulton  Hill,  Ricliiuor.d,  N'irginia. 

in  1271  Elizabeth,'*  bora  March  20,  183?.  in  Goochland  and  died  when  about  three 
j-ears  old. 

IV  '■'■'  1272  Frederick  Marshall,''  born  October  2,  1834,  in  GoocliUmd  county, 
Virginia,  where,  it  apj-iears,  he  lived  lintil  ib.e  beginning  of  tiic  Civil  Vv'ar. 
Me  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  arnn-,  ar.d  served  th.roughout  tl;c  war.  in 
the  army  of  northern  Virginia.  After  the  v,-ar,  ho  settled  at  Waller-.ille, 
I'nion  county,  Mississippi,  wi-.ere  he  was  .married  December  24,  1.S67,  to 
Jdics  Sarah  Emily  Allen  of  that  place.  She  was  born  August  9,  1847,  and 
died  August  11,  1S69,  at  their  home  in  Wa'lcrville.  He  conlinucd  there 
in  the  mercantile  business  the  remainder  of  his  life  and  died  iNlarch  28. 
1905,  sur\"ived  by  his  only  son. 

V  1273  Edward,^  born  in  Goochland  county,  Virginia,  and  died  in  infancy. 

Issue  of       S?7   DAVID  "WOODSCK'  (Lieut.  Obadiah,^  David, ^  Cnpt.  Obadiah,^  Fxid'ard,' 
Robert,-  John')  and  Hannah . 

I  1274  Ro'-atio  Kelson, "^  i.oni  .August  6,  ISOl. 

II  1275  Elvira,' born  May  20,  1807. 

HI  1276  David  A.,^  born  April  15,  1810. 

IV  1277   h.nna  E.,^  born  October  25,  1812. 

V  *   I27S   Obadiah,    I'orn  June  17,  1816,  in.  X'irginia.     At  an  early  age  he  settled  in 

Salisbury.  Xorth  Carolina,  where  lie  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Ha  nuiriied  in  ]84(j  io  Maria  Ann  Frailcy.  S!;e  died  June  28.  1S80,  in 
Salislinry.      They   vire   both    memiiers  of   the   Presbyterian    Church.      In 

.n    IKMK  ('"VN:  I   1  ;riNr 

poliues  he  w.'.s  a  .icuiui'iM', ,  ,'.nii  u\i:-  for  iiiiiny  nl'T:;  rl'.'i".  of  irx-  Vi'Vn[y. 
Ml-  wOs  a  iv.i'.v.  (if  ]i',n(.-  i  ii.-.ij.i  .er,  a  ]uy.h  •■(.•nsc  dl  hcti.'r  .r-ul  il-.'t'.-i- td.'  ;;;1 
niamicr  oi  pr-.M  .mil  >■  auii  \i:ljar!;\\  ();;  oce  ocrasic.n  liicrc  were  in  his 
oflicc  j^over:  I  ysuiiii  racii,  ■'ki>  oi  Vii.''m  l^.i!  a  li;^hl  fi>!orctI  mil;--;  >^ho.  <"*;■;' 
of  lii-  coniji.raioas  .iskcil  l'.ii!i  wh.y  he  (iii!  iiot  ti\-c  il  i-hirk.  M>.  WooJ.-xui 
iiUeriiofC'J  wiUi  liu-  :#!i.t;  HTlii>n  that,  if  ho  would  iH-nnll  his!;;-  to 
nib  ;:L;aiir-i  the  nioiMl  ciuiracicr  of  c'i;rtai:;  \oun;;  inca  ii.  Sa.iiblnii  >'.  it  vm)»'1(! 
btcoinc  1)1  :ch.  rnou,;h  lo  san?f\  Satan  liirar-tlf.  Ho  \v;;s  f.-!v>rl(.'U  rucitior  of 
dccils  aral  held  the  uflax-  u;nii  l-.c  dii-d  )],  l^iTi.  His  wife 
.smx-ivcd  li;l  a  few  years  and  tiled  jini'    JS,  iSSf). 

Issue  of        G?G    V/ILLIAM    CO'YPER  WOODSOK'    ( Kirh  vrd,'=  Jac-h.-'   Capl.   Obadiah.' 
Mich.ud."  i\'i|i.n,=  jolra')  aad  Idi/al.elh  !)aaiie!  Lewis,  his  lirst,  wife. 

1  "  1279  RobertEOn,''  l.'.ra  >day  10,  1S,>7,  ir,  riiari'.i!;;  c<hii>1\-,  ?>,'is-our;.  !i\cd  iheu- 
I'nlil  lS5l!  \\i!'ii  he  mo\e  1  v.ilh  '.lie  fanili>  lo  St.  l,ou:s  coiinl\-.  where  he 
VivrA  leii  \t-ais.  He  ha(i  ieeei\eil  his  jiiiinaiA-  ediKi' lie-ri  in  the  =cliOols 
near  lii^.  ii;  me.  in  1S55  ids  father  seiit  liiai  to  West  minsicr  College,  at 
Fulton  in  Callaw.iy  coiuu;.'.  Me  alienried  this  coUeite  four  years  and  was 
graduated  there.  It  was  at  this  time  anti  place  tiiar  lie  iiict  Miss  Anna 
Alberta  Strother,  daiighter  od'  Cipi.  French  Strothcr  \'.  ho  ^seiU  to  Missrairi 
from  ("lilpepper  rtnint)-.  \d;Ldrii;..  The>'  \ve.''e  .eaarriev'  May  2t').  1859,  and 
fettled  in  i'ulton  where  liiey  ha\e  li\-ed  .-_\'cr  siiice,  cxreiJlir.ij  l\\o  \ear^ 
spent  near  Labadtlie.  in  ["i.inldin  cou)u\",  ar:d  abotit  the  ^anie  length  of  LJnie 
in  St.  1  ouis.  I\!osi  of  his  faraiK-  \.-cre  born,  leared  and  cdLicated  .it 
Fulton,  ?^Iissouri.  Me  and  hir.  wife  are  l'resl)ytLriap.;  a.pd  iic  is  a  democrat 
"of  tiie  \\'i,odroiv  Wib'vi  hiad."  Me  v\-a-.  mi  ai'dent  sout'icrn  syniifaiiiizev 
during   the   Ci\il   \\"ar,   but  did  not  ser\e  in  the  army. 

n  *  1280  Richard  Eclmond,-'  born  1840  in  C'haiiton  count;.'.  Missoisri,  wcni  with  the 
family  in  1S50  to  St.  Louis  rount>',  where  he  reared  and  edurated. 
At  the  outbreak  of  li^e  ri\il  \A'ar  he  enh-iid  in  the  "irmy  a;;d 
scr\cd  U'ltil  the  cUs^e  of  tiie  war.  Mc  I'r-n  sctilei.1  in  Arkansas,  near  F'e 
Witt,  in  Ad,:ansas  roinit}-.  where  he  was  r.iarried  and  spent  ihc  roniaiader 
of  hi.>  life.     He  died  Octoljcr  24,  1.K97. 

Issue  by  second  wife,  Jul!i;tt  Colsox  Co.\i,e,  nee  M.uwaki^ 

III  *   irsi  llebccca   "^-'owarcl,'   b'lrii   abou:    LS46,    ia   Glasgovv-,    .Mifsouri.     She   was 

married  Oetober  21,  188i),  to  Joseiili  NolMe  Evans,  a  con  of  Isaac  Walker 
Evans  and  Sarah  Anne  Orrick.  They  mottled  in  St.  Lonis,  Miss'airi, 
where  the\-  spc'it  their  entire  wedded  life.      She  (lied  at  tlir-ir  h.mnc  theie. 

IV  *   128.?   Martha   I.thc,^  born  about  l.'^tS.  laobabi}-  in  St.  Louis  ccun.t}.-,  Missouii. 

Y,-a.~  married  first,  on  January  10,  ]h77,  to  Luther  Olin  Gilliam,  son  of 
Fayette  HLnr>-  G'lliam  and  Ann  Aj-res  of  Saline  coutity.  He  died  the 
foll'i'.ving  S.'  25,  \S.1'I,  and  she  was  married,  second,  on  june  .^, 
18.S3,  to  Ji  l;n  Minaboldt  Corneli.  on,  son  of  .\lcxander  Gonelison  and 
Mar)-  Jones, 

i;!<;ii  iH  i-m.uat  io-' 

\'  ■•■  '?S3  \*'il!i.unCov,per,  jr.,' tr::>r;iSei'ti;nil)erl1,  1^50,  in  Sl.Loui- coimty,  Mi;^ua;i,. 
vlicro  llio  \\"uo(]>iirt  i\(;..itl  crossi  .-,  'Iij  (.)ii\-e>trc(.'t  Road,  where  i)c-,vao  rr.iicJ, 
rccoi\ing  !iis  cdi-cuiori  in  \!u'  ^ity  s;c!!(>--!s  oi  St.  I.iiiii'-.  lie  was  r.n.i.iod 
J.inuar\-  .\  iS8.- .  ■•n  Sv.  LomV".  '•  1  i■■^,<ll!ri,  in  \nnie  i 'inline  Du'.i'e\-,  n  da^;l:^l'ei• 
<ll  William  Guiii':'rii  I)iK!le\  a;'f!  Martiia  .\iir,  Nirf.l  of  Si.  ],(>i;lp.  S'runlv 
I'.'.'.cr  liicii"  in.irria.:e  'hcv-  niow'l  t  )  i'ort  Sni!i!-i,  .Arkansas,  v.'.icre  they  lived 
uiiiii  iSOi"),  win- II  i!u-\'  reiao'.ed  lo  Little  Roek.  .Xrkant-as,  remainiiig  tiiere 
until  \S')4,  when  ihey  ino\e(.i  to  I'enton,  Saliac  totint\",  Arkatisas,  wlicre 
ihey  rcj^iclc.i  unii)  they  rciurjied  (o  St.  Louis  in  IS99.  Tiie'-e  ihey  have 
toiui'uietl- 1:_)  r<,'S!dt:  to  tt-,e  prc^c  lit  tiniv;.  For  a  miiiiljcr  of  \->.-ats  ho  was  a 
sale;;!ia:i  for  ^^ho!esa!e  liotir  .i-i:'  ,.;!orc:'ics  h<>in;;  connected  with  tlie  Little 
Rock  Mill  and  Llexat'..-  ('oii)u:\\\y  u^uil  about  ITv'C.  !r.  recent  years  he 
ha.s  heea  cni^aged  in  t'le  nL.iinifacture  of  s-.'-'^eins,  cloors  and  scrcenirii; 
si'i)|)!ies  in  St.  Loui...  lie  i>  a  dcr.ioerat  in  politics,  ahlioutih  lie  lias  always 
heeii  an  indepcndeni  x'o'.e'-,  fa\(,'rii,L;  tile  man  r^ulier  than  the  party.  He 
resides  at  41,>5  LindL-ll  Boii!e\ard.  His  wile,  Annie  Pauline  Dudley,  was 
born  Xo\eriber  L^,  15.^7,  at^iiic ion.  Missouri,  and  reco'ved  her 
education  in  the  pulilic  schools  of  Sl.  L'.iuis,  graduating  from  the  St.  Louis 
Hi.c^h  Scliool  in  June,  1S7().  Sl;e  t.:iui;,Iit  in  the  jjablic  schools  for  lour  atid  a 
half  years  prior  lo  Iier  marriage.  Her  mother.  Martha  .\nii  Xico!,  v.-as  born, 
reared  and  married  in  Culpepper  countx',  \'iri.,inia. 

\"l  *  1284  Juliet  Elizabeth,'  born  L?52  in  St.  Louis  coualy.  IMissouri,  vcas  educated 
ill  the  cit>"  of  St.  Louis  a.nd  wa,-  niairieci  Scpiember  2,  liSSO,  tc!  Llenry  Ciay 
LHidley,  son  of  Vv'illiam  Ginitord  Dudley  and  Martlia  Ann  Xito!  of  St. 

Issue  of       Q'lD  JAMES    WOODSON'     (Rich.ird.'"    Jacob,-'    Capt.    Obadiah,^    Richard,' 
R^ibert,-  John')  and  Elizabeth  Gilliam. 

I  1285  Creorge.* 

TI  12r:6  V.illiam.' 

III  1287   Tames.' 

IV  12SS  Charles."' 

V  128'^  Mg.ltie,''  "horn  in  Chariiou  county  -and  was  married  to  John  Winnini:  of 
Saline  county. 

V!        1290  Louisa,^"  was  rnarrii^-d  to O'  of  Saline  county. 

Issue  of       QZlO  ELIZABETTT  MORTON  V/OODSON'  (Richard,^-  Jacob, ^  Capt.  Obadioh,* 
Richarrl,-'  Robert,'-  John')  and  John  Fontaine  Xicclds. 

I        12''I    Sftfah    Nirjlds/    born    February    5,    183},    near   G'a~-ow.    ^^;ssouri,    wao 
married  about  L'-.-^i  to  W'illian-^  Staples  and  died  within  a  year. 

Till"   \^lMI.-c^•.■S  .'.NLi  liii-'li;   (  1  iN'.'rCTlON: 

li  *■  j292  iviclir.i'u  Yi'ood.-?'.!  Nico'.ds,^  l.^irn  Ainil  21.  l.'-.v^,  CUa>,;;o\x-.  Mi >>■,;■;: ri. 
wluic  irv  rcTcivcd  !;!-■  c.\':\y  '.^iiicujiin  :i:i<l  w:;.-;  ^rviiiiie;!  fruai  L"o:'*ri) 
College,  Fayotiv'.  ^ Ji.'-MT.'-i.  IK-  married  in  i>^^7  to  SalMc  A.  Mn:-:, 
flail  J'l  -r  :  :  Ji!:'..:t  '> ).  liii'C.  .\v  tiio  lK;;!miinc:  of  iI,l-  Ci\il  War  in  ISs'l, 
lie  e;\lisieci  ia  l,',c  (.'.vc-r  ri!  ihe  ( "('"fi  (!eratO  Slaio?-  a?  a  I'lerrtlier  (A  ihc 
"Howard  C.rays.  '  He  .krve!  '.hroii.'.iinut  tl'.e  four  year.-  of  live  wa.r  Diider 
Gcii.  Sualitii;  Prj~e.  ar./i  aiiaiaod^  raidc  of  nKijor  in  tlie  'i'lurroeiuh 
IXlissoiiri  cava!r\-.  Tic  ifn'k  [jart  in  t!ie  litany  liaii!e?  ii!  which  hi?  'jomniand 
was  e>'.t;af^ec!,  aiid  ai  ihc  cio^e  ■,■(  tii"  waa-  x'a  rlic  spring  of  lS6o,  £iir>-cndcT(;d 
wi'J)  lii-  reginietn  ai  Slire\-ep'>r! ,  I.<Mi>iana..  Reiiirning  lo  bis  liojne  in 
Mov.ard  count\-,  .Mis>o'ar;,  lie  h.eea:rie  iirouiiacnt  in  politics  and  n-a.=  a 
leai.iuu  deiuocral  in  hi.-  scctior.  of  ihe  .-taU\  He  \va?  an  oioqueiil  an.'.! 
for.  efid  .-pea.ker.  and  a  public-spirited  c-it:i:en.  honored  and  loved  by  ali. 
He  die'.i  in  190),  al  !ii-;  home  ai  Mar-h.ill    Mis.-onri. 

HI  *  )293  Elizabeth  Virginia  Nicolds,^  born  June  .•■•.  ls,>'),  near  Glasgow.  Mis.^ouri. 
was  married  vo  eTo'essor  Il'.'v.a.rtl  B.  Keyie,  a  cjltinec!  genilema!-'.  of 
L'eiitor.,  Toa"!--.  He  was  for  many  yeaa.-  sr.j-ioiinteiulent  of  school?  there, 
and  died  al>oui  l^'UO. 

IV  *  i29-i  John  Th.omas  Kicolds,^  I-orn  Fel'ruary  26.  183?,  near  Gla-gow.  Mitsoi-ri. 
was  married  December  24,  1862  in  Henry  comity,  \'irg:riia,  zo  his  ecu 'in 
Sarah  Ann  .\ieolds  who  was  born  there,  August  15,  1S37.  The  Civil  War 
had  been  in  progress  neaily  iv.o  years  at  the  time  of  marriage.  Me 
enlisted  in  the  Confederate  army  and  served  to  the  close  of  the  vs-dr.  He 
v.-as  an  ot"iicer  and  participated  in  the  seven  days'  battles  near  Richmond. 
He  wa5  a  man  of  culture  and  very  e.vtensive  reading.  After  the  war  !:e 
Ii%-ed  many  years  at  Nelson,  ?\IissourI,  where  a'l  of  his  th.iidren  were  born. 
His  wife  died  June  30,  1909,  and  he  has  since  made  hib  hon.c  with  his  sou 
Green  Berry  Xico'ds  in  Fresno,  Cjliforrda. 

V  1295  Martiia  Ilicoldsr  born  X'ovember  15,  1S39,  near  Gla.-gow,  iVnisouri.  She 
was  a  beautiiiil  t';ild  and  a  great  fa^•orile.  She  died  in  1819  of  tuber- 
culosis.    She  was  ill  only  four  months. 

VI  *  1200  Mary  Matilda  NicoldSjMjorn  Xovembei  17,  1S41 , 'near  Glasgow,  Missouri, 
vs-a--  mariied  ?vlay  10,  1S60,  to  Charles  Carroll  Woods,  and  died  December 
23,  1S63.  He  was  married,  second,  to  his  deceased  wife's  sister.  1293  .Annie 
Miller  Nicolds.^ 

Vil        1297  Jeshui  Soule   Ni'olds,'^   born   March    IS,    1S43,   near  Glasgov.-,   Mis-oari, 
was  married   to  Ora  V\'ithers  and   had   i^sue:     (I)   Ora   Xicoids'  and   (2) 
■     •  Pearl-  Isicolds." 

No  autheritic  data  concerning  this  family  have  been  obtained. 

VHI  *  129G  Annie  Miller  Nicoids/  born  October  3,  1345,  near  Glasgow,  Howard  county. 
Missouri,  was  educated  at  Howard  College,  Fayette,  Missouri,  from  v.hich 
institution   she   was  graduated   abtjui    1864.     She   was   married    July   30, 

\S06.  to  Cl-..irK>-  t'arrcl!  \^\KHi^■,  ihc  wi'.iowcd  hiisi^.-siui  of  ln.r  Utxva-L-d 
si>;or.  12')('  Mary  Mari-la  Nii\-Kls,^  v.h'j  h.x!  "iiou  on  Dci-oniliui-  23.  ISo.v 
(liar!.-?  Woods'  iSar.iurl  []..^  Joiiii,-  Robert')  i^  clc,--co!ii!i.>i 
from  an  ok!  and  Iionorcit  '."i:\;-i>ia  f..niiK-.  He  \va.-  l.orn  Jiiiy  i,  IS.^,^,  .:r 
Rooky  Mount,  \'iru'i'a!a.  i'.e  went  wi^ii  'li^  failicr'.-^  I'anuly  in  lo55.  lo  yi:<- 
poiiri  a-id  scHlod  near  \'eivai'ilc-'.  in  Mor;^an  cou.iiy.  In  AuguM.  I^Oi.  Ik- 
enlisicd  in  t!ic  service  ii.  the  Cor.fedcrau?  Stages  and  was  atiarlKil  to 
Brown's  rc.j'ineiir,  :a\il!  di\-Ision,  Mi-,-,  •I'lri  troops,  Cien..  >i!.inroo  M.  I'ar.-ons 
co'.iinuip.dini;.  Tlic  foHuwinvi  l')oc-enibi;r  iiO  was  ;!i)iioinicd 
v,illi  the  r;!nk  of  riiajov.  lie-  look  pail  in  the  b.itli^.-  of  Wilsons  Creek,  ten 
miles  suiiilp.vest  of  Sprin-lield,  Missouri,  also  in  t!ie  batile  of  LexMV^'.on., 
Missouri;  in.  both  of  wliieli  the  Confederates  wt-i'e  \iriotiijns  lie  also 
l)ariiciixiiau  in  tbc  iKitik-  o-'  Tea  RId.L;e.  <ir  b'iiduirn  'I'a.Nern  as  ii  was  sorne- 
tinu-s  called,  v.hieh  was  \.oa  i.y  the  l\->!er;ds.  In  1S{)2  lie  v.  as  taken 
prisoner  and  was  not  .ifterwards  eni.;.igcd  in  lieM  si.-r\'iee.  In  K'-OT  he  was 
ordained  by  Bishop  Marvin,  to  th'.-  fiiii  niin.istry  attd  joined  llie  Southwell 
Missouri  t^mfcrcnce  of  ihc  M.  ^".  Chiirch.  South,  anii  has  5er\'ed  coni;ri. Ra- 
tions in  variov.s  cities  throughout  the  ste.te  until  l'X:0.  In  1S7S  Triniry 
College,  Xo-th  Carolina,  conferred  tqicn  him  the  degre'-  of  doctor  of 
di\-inii\-.  lie  is  a  prominent  >.Ias0n,  ha\ing  held  many  state  offices. 
For  the  pa.=  t  twelve  y-.-ars  he  has  been.chapiain  of  Gen.  Price  Can-.p:  I  r.ited 
Confederate  \'eterans.  He  is  now  (1915)  associate  editor  of  the  St.  Louis 
Christian  Advocate  and  resides  with  his  family  in  that  city  at  .3504 
Washington  Ave.  Foi  an  ample  sketeli  of  life  ;.ce  "V\  ho"s  V.  iio  in 

IX  1299  CoLielia  Frances  NicolJs,*  b.n-n  Januaiy  31,  ISIS,  near  Glasgow,  Mis.ouri, 
was  married  in  1672,  to  Rev.  S.  Ii.  Briggs,  an.;l  died  the  following  year  at 
Harrisonvillc,  Missouri.     No  issue. 

X  *  1300  Martha  ''.ou'sa  Kico'ds/  born  August  8.  1S50,  near  Glasgow.  Mis'^ouri,  was 
married  Seiilembcr  2i,  1874,  to  Alciniua  A.  Brov.-n,  at  the  old  homic  in 
Howard  eonnty.  They  Ii\xd  about  two  years  at  \\'arrensbiirg,  Missouri, 
and  in  1S77  moved  to  Santa  Rosa,  California,  stopping  there  a  iew  yeara, 
then  to  San  Francisco  and  several  other  places  and  fiiir-lly  settled  at  Gozeiie, 
where  tla-y  now  reside. 

XI  *  1301  Ida  Green  iJicoIds,-  lion-  in  Hv.v.anl  c.  "iuv.  Missouri.  November  ID,  Jo'52, 
was  married  A.ugust  10,  1,875,  to  Dr.  Wiiiiam  Finiey  Howard,  at  Jellerson 
City,  Mi,-.souri.  1  hey  Heed  a  short  time  at  Jefferson  Cify  and  ret',!ed  at 
Boonv'lle.  Missouri. 

XII  1302  George  V.'ashington  Nicolds,^  born  January  17,  1S54,  in  Howard  coi!;.!y, 
Missouri,  and  at  the  age  of  seventeen,  wliile  out  swimming  with,  his  boy 
friends,  was  accidentally  drowned. 

Issue  of        8S1     ^lARTHA  J.  WOODSG!-!'  (Richard,''  Jacob, ■>  Capi.  Obadiah,^  Richard,^ 
R(,'ljert,'  lo-hn')  and  James  J.  Milhr, 
IS  " 


■liV'i  \V<  •■•!'>■ 

1303  Richard  Vood^on  I^JiIicr,'  i  ■.;  a  Aii,:;u-;t  IS,  1S40.  p.f  I'.iyLUc.  Mi-.-->r,!; 
wIhtc  Ihj  was  rorcd  .iiui  (.■liicalcd.  At  ll'.e  ':)iiibi\Mk  of  ;Ik'  C'i\-ii  \\\m-  h: 
enlisted  in  the  5i."i-\  ice  oi'  !iu-  (.'unUriiiTaio  Slates  and  bccanic  1  ieul;.  Coi'! 
ui  Col.  Hc-U'i's  ri':;:i;;ci!l.  W'iiilo  roci'iiiiioL;  for  ibc  roi;iment  in  L.iw  i.Ti.a 
ronn;y.  Arkan;,  lit-  ii>nt.ra(  le.l  a  fe\'cre  si>e!l  of  cxingostivo  fc.'or,  f-o;'.; 
V,  liich    lie   diou    in    \^-i>2. 

1304  John  J.  Miller,''  bom  May  3,  ISI.";,  ai  ravette,  llov.-ard  coiinty,  Mi^.-ouri, 
v.hori-  'u?  reccfvod  h><  -ally  cUicaii'iu.  He  v/as  grailiiaied,  li.  A.,  froi.i  tlio 
l'ni\e!>iiy  of  X.-.shviIle  ai-.d  We--u-i-n  Military  Ip..-tiuiU.'.  Naslivillo.  Tcruies- 
t^ee,  in  Jnnc,  l^ftO,  reri.i\-ing  ;i(  the  lime,  a  lieutenant's  C(ln•lnlis^-ion,  fmni 
Cox'crn.jr  iMiain  ('..  Harrir;.  Ue-uniin.^-  to  his  liome  in  Missouri,  he  enl'sted, 
in  186i,  in  the  s:T\i!-e  v>f  liie  (.  (^nfed'.'raJ-?  States,  and,  v.hile  ]>erfoi  inin:-  liis 
dut}'  a.-  (.bilhi.asler  ii-r  ll;e  ie;^inieia,  lie  was  se\ei'e!\'  v.tmntled  by  ihf; 
arcidcnial  discnar.qe  '-.>f  a  nu)^ke:  in  il'e  coninuuul.  This  caused  the  k/ss 
of  one  of  his  legs,  \vliirh  incapacitaied  him  for  any  further  field  &cr%-ice. 

In  1802  l:c  malriealated  in  the  St.  Louis  Medieal  College  and  wa« 
graduated  at  the  elo^e  of  the  ti  ird  course  of  leciines  in  March,  lSfi4. 
NoTv>"iihstandi:;g  his  pennanei.l  dis.iliility  for  military  service,  he  was 
nuide  a  pri.-.oner  of  w.;r  Ir.-  the  kederals  but  was  soon  (^\chanjcd  and  again 
entered  ilic  seiAace  of  the  Confederate  States. 

In  May,  ISG-i,  he  v.'as  apjiointcd  assistant  army  surgeon  of  the  Con,- 
fedcrate  Staler  army,  pcr\in,q;  at  the  Winder  (.Icnerril  Hospital  and  kiblty 
Prison  tli'iicers'  Hosiutal,  Riehmemd,  \'irglnia,  until  the  ocTupaiion  of 
Richmond  l/y  the  Federal  troo[)s  in  1865. 

While  at  Winder  Hospital  he  in-ututdJ  the  pr.-.ctice  of  turp.entine 
drcssip.i:;s  as  a  lemcdy  for,  and  prc\enti\e  of,  hosjiital  gar.f.rene.  After 
the  clo^e  of  tlie  war,  l)i-.  Miller  located  in  the  western  suburbs  of  Si.  kouis, 
Missouri,  v.diere  he  practiced  medicine  for  twenty-se\"eii  years,  and  lias  been 
physician  to  the  German  FrotestaPits'  Orphar;  Asylum  ilsere  .since  i,S74. 
In  April,  1802,  he  moeed  into  the  ciiy  of  St.  Loui>. 

He  is  a  member  of  the  St.  k.otiir.  Medical  Sociel;.-;  Dcrmanent 
of  the  Medical  A.-rSociaiion  ;  menibcr  of  tlie  Mississippi  Va'ley 
Medical  Socieu  ,  jia\  in,;  ser\ed.  as  a  meml;er  of  the  judicial  co'-Uicil  ir.  1S8S; 
and  a  member  of  the  Missouri  Stati-  Medical  As?ociation  He  has  been 
an  occasional  contributor  to  current  rn'Mical  literature,  and  is  a  niember  of 
the  IMeth'jvlkt   Fpi:copal  Ckurcli,  Soi.ah. 

Married,  Hi-cemi.>er  28.  18o5,  Mi.-  .Maiy  E.,  eldest  daugi^ter  of  John 
W.  and  k'.iiza  A.  Burd,  of  St.  Louis.  (See  Physicians  and  Surjj'eo'T-  of  .America, 

They  had  children  (1)  RivJiard  I'.iird  Miller,*  born  1866,  is  still  un- 
married. (2)  Clara  Maud  Miller,'  was  married  ir'  1908,  to  F.dv.  in  Fj. 
Slierz(.'r  and  still  li\-es  in  St.  Louis.  (3)  Mar}'  Esehn  Miller,'  horn  in 
St.   I^ouis,   Ivli-souri,  was  married   to   I'rcderick  X'ieflinQ;.      Thcv  reside  ai 

her    paternal    home   and    ha\'e 

jne   son, 

A.  Vierhn-,' 

October  7,  19I'.S,  who  lives  with  iiis  [)arcnts  at  4439,  West  M-.j.'-.;;an  Street, 
St.  Louis,  .Missr)iiri. 

?ee  :'7-l.  ir.'i:-,   j;i.  luiv.i   Wi 



oil  i-,1  til-.'  K!':  ir.nioi-  so'aool<  r>;id  in  !~t. 
iiK  .Tii:..j.  Iv5.''i.  from  ilie  Vr.iv-Tiiily  at 
\l'  was  l.ic'-t.  C'nlo-'jl  in  ;ci»>  fpirnt-nt 
r  H.:  ;cr.      iCorrc'.-ltHl  by  1. "■.■■}  I-r.  John  .7. 

:\  A"^ 

/  / 

1304      DR.    JOHN    J.    MILLER 

1  'wiiiii  i;i:m.:;.mi'in 

I>si:e  of  GS2.  RlCr;.ARD  WOODSGN,  jr.'  lUich.srd/  J.ACob,^  Cipt-  01>a<;liah,'  Richnrd/ 
l\o!  Ill,-'  Johr.')  a!i(i   I'  Aiia  .Aiiie. 

[  1505  Lewis  Wi.lia  n,'~  b.>rri  Xow-;  ■'. kt  17,  1S54,  in  St.  Louis  county,  Miosc-uri. 
]\W']  with  tli>'  f  ui!i'_\  tiuiil  (.Ji-io!  ^r,  ]S')5,  v  iieii  he  went  west  and  euijaged 
in  t'u-  mining  !nl^in^^-.^.     As  yet  lie  is.  tn.manioci. 

11  1306  Boxanna,*  l>oiii  April  1,  1S56,  on  her  f  ttiier's  farm,  near  ^iar^hall,  Saline 
couni\-,  Missouri.  SIk  li-.e^  with  !:er  luoiiier  ai  Sieinmet-;,  Tioward  county, 
M;.-souii.     She  is  unraarrieil. 

Til  13G7  Edward  Robertson,'  barn  Jul>-  .^6.  1S5S,  ii,  Si.  Loul^  couatN-,  Missc-ari. 
In  Ottolier,  1S<).-,  ho  and  hi.-  livuiiier,  I.ewisWiliiaui.  went  west  an«;i  enga.ucci 
in  I'le  rainin^  busiiu'.---       He  ;--  not  nui-aied. 

lY  1308  Jc.l\r.  Briukcr,^  born  M.i\-  9.  186(',  on  fatlicr's  bu-ui  in  Franklin  countxs 
]\!i>M)uri,  wen!  wiih.  ih.e  fansily  in  tS58  ;.i  Su  inir.el-'-,  Moward  cou^'tv', 
I\li,-..~Muri,  he  is  still  iivin;^  or.  the  farm  v.ith  his  two  sisters  and 
widov.a-d  mother. 

V  1309  Adie,'  b.orn  Se|iteni!>er  It.  lS(i3,  nn  her  father's  farm  m  Franklin  roin'.iy. 
Missnuri,  went  with  the  tainiK  i';  l-SOS  to  Howard  county  and  is  still  living 
there  with  her  mother. 

VI  15)0  .Francis  Benjamin,'  L>orn  186S.  on  his  father's  farm  a  mile  and  a  half  east 
of  Steinmetz,  Howard  county,  Mi^^ouri.  He  was  married  July  31,  189.7, 
in  Oshkosh,  Wisconsin,  to  ixli^s  Mary  F.  Kenedy,  -.vent  to  Kansas  City, 
Mis-uuri,  ,ind  wa-  engaged  in  the  mercantile  business  until  IS95,  v.'lien  tliey 
moved  to  Denver,  Colorado,  engaged  in  the  same  business  and  are  siill 
living  in  that  city.  They  have  no  chiieiren.  All  of  this  family  are  Soiuhe'n 
IMetliodisr--.  anc!  prog'essive  democrats. 

Issue  of  380  WILLIAM  QUIN  MORTON'  (Quin  Morton/  Richard  Morton, ^  Elizabeth 
Woodson,'  Richard,^  Robert,'  John')  and  70.?  Elizabeth  McRoberts 

I  L?.il  Dr.  V/illiam  J.  Mc-tonjS  born  1SI7  in  Yir;dnia,  was  married  to  Eleaiior 
\\'..tei.-.,  ,'nd  di^^d  J896  at  Racine,  W'iscon-in. 

II  1312  .\gr.ef,  Morton,"  bcaai  1819  in  \'irginia,  was  married  in  1837  to  William  C. 

HI  1313  Elizabeth  A.  Morton,'  born  1S22  in  Virginia,  died  at  3  p.  in.  October  27. 

IV  *  1314  Col.  Quin  Morton,'  born  1S23  in  Prin.ce  I'.dward  county,  \'iridnia.  At 
an  early  age  lie  located  in  Kentucky  ar.d  was  tnarried  in  1845  to  F.li7.abe:h 
A.  Lcgan.  During  the  Civil  W.^r  he  served  in  the  Union  a.rmy-  i'<-'  '•'i'-'*^ 
at  his  iiome  if  Slvdby  county,  Kentttcky,  iii  1878. 

imc  woon-  >v-;  .■.m>  ■i;i'"ii;  ionnta'tion 

\'       1315  C'r.L'.rlcs  J.  INIorlc-n,'   !->!H   18.".^   in   EO'ivord  ccnnUy,    X'iiv.inin,  ',vas 
livinicil  in  1S36  .ir-J.  iliril  i:i  i.'^'SJ. 

Vi        L".I6  Rev.  Francis  R.  Morton,'  borii  isJS  in  I'lir^cc  Ii(i\^ard  coihUn-,  w  jr,  r.i.itric.i 
in  185i  U>  Anna  Mnrlin. 

\  11        131y   Stlina  J.  LTorton,^  boni  l^'3i)  in   Priiu-e  Eciwcird,  \va?  niarric!  in  1S50  lo 
Rev.  h:uu-  ("jiifie'ii  and  dic-d  in  lSV-1. 

\']1!        ),3iS  Rev.  Hcniy  T.  I'Toiton/  bom  l.'-'.3.'  in  !'riin\'  l-~.d\v:iid  county,  wa^  niarrii't] 
mict.';  fiitft,  lo  M.iiy  Dotlge,  and  <i.-c<)ntl,  u>  .\!  villa  Proctor. 

iX        1319  John  S.  I'.Iortc.,^  !•  'rn  Ic^.vl  ic,  P-Jnrc  l"d\\  .srd  itun  :>•,  X'iiginia,  v.t-s  niarrit'd 
in  ISfjO  tu  LiiON'  CVa.wford  aii<l  died  in  1S'.-1  in  ML-xicn. 

X       1320  Joseph  Y.  Morton,"  born  1836  i:-.  ShelViy  loniux-.  Kentucky,  ^vas  marric-d 
in.  i^dl  to  Sarah  T;d.iaferro  ar.d  die'd  in  Io94. 

XI       1321  Anderson  Michaux  Morton,''  born  loo9  in  Shelby  county,  Kentucky,  and 
6\id  m  1SS4-. 

Issue  of  70S  MARY- JANE  VENABLE'  (Joseph  Venablc^  Judith  Morton, •'^  Agnes 
W'o.'idsun,-'  Richard.'  Robert, ■  Jol-.n')  and  Jacob  Woodson  Morton,'  son 
ol   3..'3  Jo-eph   rvlorton.'' 

I        1.372  !Tp"r;e  Mcrton,-^  born  in  Charlotte  county,  v,-as  married  to  Levis  Hailiday 
of  I'rincc  Edward  count}',  Virginia. 

II       1323  Martha  Morton,'-  married  Egbert  Womack. 

III  1324  Nathaniel  Moaon. 5 

IV  1325  Mary  Jane  Mai  ton.' 

V       1320  Dr.  V/illiara  Douglas  Morton,*  of  Louisville,  Kentucky. 

VI        1327  Agnes  ?Iortou,'  married  Rev.  J'jhn  Bo\Ie,    Presbyterian     missionary       to 

VII        132S  George  Baxter  Mcrtcn,*^  born  in  Charlotte  county,  Virginia,  rnarriad  Mits 
Emma  Brown  of  Memphis,  Tennessee. 

Issue  of  7  20  '^V..  JOEL  WATXINS  DUPUY'  (Pnliy  W.  V/alkins,"^  Acnes  Morton,- 
Agnes  Wood:  on, -^  Kichard,^  R  jbert,-  John',)  and  PauHr^a  Pocaiiontas 

1        ]329^Mart^a  Eli7ai^eth  Diipny.Mjorr,  Aiiril   5,   l.'^31,  in   Prince  Ed.ward  courdy, 
Vir^dnia,  was  married  June  2C),  1S<J0,  to  Jr^l  Watkin-  IJaniel,  of  Chari(;rie 

.li  !  i!   <,l.NIKAi!;>N 

couiils'.  (SiiL-  w.i.s  I'l.'  .-(OODd  V.  ijc.)  Ill"  enlisLcJ  in  O.w  C\>;ifc'!i"ra!';  ai-i'.iv' 
aiiii  v.,is  fir>t  !ici:U''L  in  ilie  C'lrar'ui;  ie  couiun' '.".is'.;'; ;.'.  i;i  I  86.^  lie  was 
translVrrc'.l  to  iIk'  (luai  u^rnK-.sier'i.  tli'piirunciU,  in  Ahich  hv  sitwI  Uj  ilv.- 
close  of  ih.'  wa.'. 

!  1  1330  Dr,  Jtjr,eplT  Tho^'aas  Dupuy,-'^  i.H>i-ii  Au.uusi  Si),  iSo.^,  in  i'l-iin'i.'  Iv.iward  couiuy. 
\'iv;..ii;;a.  ]]<?  wos  a  ;^i-;fiuaU'  of  l'iiilacie!;)!iia  Coiiigc  of  riiysiciaiis  ami 
Suri;c'or..-',  jiraclici-c!  nK-dicir.c  in  I'rincc  l",d\vu!i_l,  ("uin! .trlaaui  ara!  Pcnviiatari 
couniios.  He  was  iwire  ii'.ariicd ;  l;rsi  lo  Moliii  Madison  of  C'liarlotu' 
counLV.  Sl)e  \\<,s  horn  ia  :So5  ai^l  Jivd  DvcciiiLLr  5,  l^^'-l.  I!.'  v/as 
married  second,  en  Jaauar\-  11.  \^'-).\  to  Hlanebe  1.  I  lenuion,  \.  Iva  was 
t)orn  yh'V  29,  ISG'i .      ls.-,iic  hy  ijoth  niati'iages. 

Hi  1331  Po-,vhat,'.n  Eldrid^e  Dupuy,"  liorn  Septorabcr  10.  l>^-3>,  it;  rrincc  I'.dward 
cuuiilN-.  He  ioi-aled  in  RiclraKaul,  \'ii\^;inia,  and  a  as  for  niiny  _\ears  a 
k-.iding  (Ir'.iggi;-.-;  in  iiiat  cit>.  He  \-.-as  married  l-'ciiruary  7,  iS66,  to 
Maiiett'.  Drudef.,  wh.'.)  was  i^.m  in  Riehninnd,  on  JMarrh  17,  I'i'tJ.  He 
died  jnh-  19,  lS'/>;,  at  their  honie  in  Isiciunond,  \"ir.i,ip,ia. 

IV  13.-'2  John  'Tcv.a  11  Dujuy,^  I'orn  al.uut  1S!0  ir.  Piincc  Edward  county.  A;  tlic 
l)e,i;Inniri;,'.  of  the  Ci\  il  War  lie  enlisud  in  the  scr'.iec  of  tiie  Coufed.erato 
States  ;is  lieut  iiiant  and  later  v/as  a'ijr.iant  of  the  Twenty- .Jiird  v'iri^ini.i 
Infantry.  He  was  killed  ia  the  h.rule  of  Clian.ellors\  ille,  on  May  .i, 

Y  1333  Paulina  Pocahontas  Dupuy,^  born  Q-jtober  6,  IS-H,  in  Piinoe  l-:dward 
county.  She  v>  a?  married  AnL.usi  6,  1873,  at  h'abclaad.  in  Goochland 
county,  to  Rev.  Lewis  Burwdl  John-on,  a  Presi)\  Lerian  miaisl^r.  SIic 
died  October  16,  iS97,  at  South  Bustr-n,  A'iri^inia.  He  died  June  >S,  1907, 
survived  by  several  children;  one  of  wlioni,  Ca.rter  Dup'ay  JoimHon,'' 
born  May  22,  187-1,  was  in  ]9(J6,  appoiin.ed  assistant  attorney  genera)  of 
the  Phiiippir/cs. 

V!        1334  Josephbic  ITupuy/  bom  about  1S13  in  Prince  bidv.-ard  and  di'.d  in  infancy. 

VII  1335  Dr.  Henry  Roife  Dupuy,»  born  October  21 ,  1S4.\  in  Prince  Edv.ard  coun;\-, 
\'irginia.  v.dicre  lie  was  reared  and  received  hi?  eiJucation.  He  was  nKcait-d 
Ma>-  21.  bSf,7.  lo  26.S,-.  ;\"ar,nie  Graxion  V\"alton'^  of  Cumberlard  court}', 
Virginia..  In  1S71  they  located  temporarily  at  Madison,  .Arkansas,  and  ha 
cn.i'a.ijed  in  the  drui;  business.  The  next  year,  1S72,  they  removed  to 
Coldvater,  Mississippi,  wh.erc  he  continued  the  drug  business.  He 
attended  the  lectures  at  the  medical  college  in  Louisville,  Keniiu-ky.  anfi 
was  graduated  from  tliat  institution  in  1875.  Rcturninsi  to  Viri;in;a,  ihey 
bettled  at  Caner-villc,  Cuml.icrland  county,  where  he  entered  upon  the 
practi"e  of  ids  profes.^ion,  in  which  he  attained  great  shiU  and  prominc'-ire. 
Later  he  removed,  with  his  family,  to  Xorfolk,  Virginia.  Here  he  ser\-ed 
sevca!  terms  a?  health  con)n!issioi:..r,  in  which  cap.:rit>  he  rendered 
\aliiable  service  in  siarcpini:  out  contagio;'s  diseases,  cb^inr  much  to^rard 

cxtcnnii'.atiut;  inosquiti-os.  aivj  (.ihoiwisc  iii;proving  ilio  !uM'i;h  co'-chlious  oi 
Uic  cilv.  Tliis  l'anM'.\  siill  rc-iiK-  i;i  Nuifolk,  X'ip^ini-'-.  ;M  llu'ii  hcauliiiil 
l,  ai  TtU  ()iiiey  ]\om\.      i'ur  issue  so>.'  2653  Xannio  Gray^OIl  Wallon.- 

\'lll  1? -O  Tool  W.'.rkins  Di'puy,'  fanii'iaviy  kiunva  by  vlu-  r.uknair.c  of  "Sliat(," 
iu.rii  l-\bruai\  .',  IS-!",  i;;  Mdward  rmi-aty,  whcro  he  vas  reared  and 
eclur.M.xi.  .Mujui:  1S71  he  went  10  ^,li^^^i^^ii.pi  and  al'ioi  roaming;  aiiout  for 
several  y^.■,^^.  liaalK  seilled  in  ^'a/e>o  county,  wlicrc  lie  i:iavricd  Marcli 
31,  187S,  to  Martha  \V.iikin>  RyaU,  of  ihat  countx',  who  beiri-.  Ji:ne  1'.', 
1,S56.  ilvv  settled  on  their  farm  in  Ya/oo  counvy,  Mi->i osippi,  and  are 
stii!  ii\inj:  ti;.re  il<'13).  They  have  had  three  cliiUlren:  lIov.-cU  uldrl'i!;^ 
D-apuy,  i.iiey  Gordon  Diipuy,  and,  Joel  Waikins  DupuN',  who  is  dead. 

IX  l.'^-^/  Ella  Nash  Dupuy,'  I^irn  !\'bruar\  16,  LS5!,  in  I'rince  Kflward  eouniy, 
Viri;inia,  siient  some  >-ears  in  Missis-ippi,  reuirned  lo  her  natiNc  stale  and,  is 
still  livint;  ilierc.     She  has  neNcr  r.iarrii-d. 

X  133S  Alice  Tov.-nei  Diiptiy,*  born  Onober  3,  1.^53,  in  Prinr...  Kdward  cour.t\-, 
X'irslnia,  \e..s  married  Ocojl^er  7,  l':>7<-),  hl  Byrd  Chureli,  in  Gooehlaiid 
counL\-,  to  William  C.  Kean  of  .hat  connty.  He  early  enlisted  iji  the 
service  of  the  Confcilerate  States,  .:nd  was  a  mpniL'cr  e.f  ih<  I'irst  Ri'-hmond 
Mov.iizers,  Gabeli's  Bailahon  of  Artillery,  Longstrects'  corps,  and  served 
to  the  close  of  tlie  war.  They  had  three  children:  (1)  Nellie  Pocahontas 
Kean,^  f,2)  Leonora  La\ina  ICean,''  and   ',3j  ^^^i-ho  'i  ecuni-;;di  Kean,' 

For    nuich    of    tltc   abo\-c    data    see    '"Ihc    Iluyucnot,    Rv)rt'iolomew 
Da;;uy."  by  Rev.  U.  li.  Dupuy. 

Issue  of        7ZZ   TUCKER    WOODSON'    (Samuel    Hughes,'"'    Tucker,-^    Tucker,^    Josei-h,' 
Robert,- John')  and  Kveiyn  Byrd. 

I  1339  V,''il!lam  Eyrd,"  born  in  Je^saniine  county,  Kenlt-cky,  inew  to  be  a  youar: 
man  of  talent  and  unusual  attainmem'.  He  died  at  his  father's  home  in 
Nicholasvillc,  Kentuc'uy,  unmarrii-d.. 

H  *  1340  Anna  Heade,''  i)orn  in  Jessamine  county.  Kentucky,  where  she  was  reared 
and  educated.  She  was  married  to  Dr.  Ro!;ert  P.  Letcher,  a  member  ;>f  the 
Letcher  family  of  \'irt;i!iia  and  KenUidiy.  He  was  a  nephew  of  Gov. 
Robert  P.  Letcher.  He  j'raciiced  hi-  nrofer^ion  around  rlenderr-oa, 
Kenuicky,  and  was  v.  eil-behjved  by  ah  u  ho  knew  him.  He  died  a  c<m.v 
paraiively  ycning;  man,  survived  by  two  children  and  his  widow,  ^he  was 
a  woman  of  a  hi.i;li  oider  of  intellect  and  inten~eiy  iuten-ted  in  an<!  ui'li 
informed  concerning  her  Woodson  liiieage.  She  died  in  1<;1-!  at  her  honvj 
in  Nicholas\ille,  Kentucky. 

HI  134i  Jessamine  Byrd,^  1:k>mi  ar.d  rearec'  at  Xicholasville,  Kenirnks',  where  she 
still  li\es. 

Is<:ue  cf        7Z^'    DAVID     MI^ADE     WOODi'OIL     'Samuel     Hu;;he^,"     backer, *    Tucker,^ 
Joseph,'  Rr,bert,-  Jolm')  aral  his  hrs!  wife,  Luc}'  Xa^^ii  McDov.dl. 

i:Uji.i;i  CI-, 

I  *    134^  John  McDowell, ■*  horn  juiu-  5.  IN.'-l.  near  >\i(.lio!.:s\il!c.  Ji;ys;\!  cmmiI., 

Ki'H  dicky.      lio    (;.Ju<.\ra'il    iU    ("■.inro    v.'<_i!loi;c-,    liam-illc,    KoiU'.Ki.N  , 
lr<  la  wlii;!;  iiistit',:'j-  n  he  v.a~  i.i'.diia;"'!  in  ihe  r'a-^;  o!"  IS.S.i. 

Hie  inclinali'in  v,  a-;  ii)  aii'i't  (:i\ii  i-ns^inei  ri.i;.:  as  his  pi';rcs>i()n,  si) 
iniini.'>!;.iu'.\  nfui  le.:\  i:..j  co'K-ge,  he  I'liau;!  ::n  iti'jineei-ini:;  corps,  ai  iIkiI 
tinU'  cr.:;a;;.cil  in  su!-V'.\ir:u;  and  lo'.ai.iii;^  (he  St.  I,<'liis  and  Irun  Moinu.ii;; 
railiuad.  ■  In  a  short  lirio  !ie  became  C':ii>\ince>.!  I'aai  \a:  was  noi  phy-icii!\- 
stroiiv;  enoufjh  to  enJnrc-  ihe  liard  \';ork  npa!  exposure  iucii/ieni  to  eie^inr'.-rii.i; 
and  Uunoil  his  alientiuii  to  the  siudy  of  law.  lie  read  law  uiulei'  the 
direction  of  his  lailicr,  -.ind  was  a>lnMUei!  I(<  practice  in  all  the  coiirts  -if 
I'.Hiiois  in  1S57.  His  iit;l^.■s^,  for  this  picifession  was  S')on  made  apparera, 
i\<n\  liis  career  a?  a  lawyer  was  Liriniont  and  eminently  ynccesslul.  Me  began 
practice  m  1S57,  at  Carrollton,  Illinois,  and  at  once  eniered  upon  imj/ortanl 
piofessional  business.  In  1S62  he  niO\'i(i  from  C':!rrollton  to  (.'arlinville, 
in  i\lacon!)in  cotinty.  Illinois,  and  practiced  law  tlicie  iinti!  1S69,  in  whicii 
year  lie  l)ecap.u:'  ^i  niem'oci  of  tlie  St.  Louis.  MisbO'Jii,  ba.r. 

Tiikiui;  aii  .icli\-e  interest  in  puiilic  affairs,  wlii'e  livln;j;  in  Illinois,  lie 
.sat  as  a  dele.uate  fioin  (.ircene  county,  in  tlie  Ulinois  Constitutional 
Convention  of  1  .Sol-t)2 ;' and  as  a  member  of  tb.c  .state  senate  of  Illinois 
din-iiig  the  sessions  of  1J67  c.r.d  180'',  representing;  the  seventh,  senatorial 
district,  composed  of  the  rich  and  important  counties  of  ^Macoupin,  Mont- 
gomery, Christian  and  Shelby.  As  a  memljcr  of  the  legislature,  his  url-anity 
cif  rnanTier,  courtesy  of  dcmea;-ior  and  'lis  integrity  of  ch.aracter,  coupled 
v.'ith  hi:,  intellectual  ability  and  sound  statesmanship,  eaxc  him  a  com- 
mandint:  position  among  the  state  la^^■n!akers;  and  lie  retired  from  the 
senate  with  the  respect  and  esteem  of  c\'ery  member  ,ind  eiftcer  of  that  bocly. 

After  his  ren;io\'al  to  Si.  Louis  iii  IS69,  he  held  for  se\eral  years,  the 
position  of  managing  attorney'  for  th.e  St.  Louis,  Kansas  Ci;>'  and  .\',>rihern 
Railrcxid  company.  After  ll!i^  h.e  de'.'otcd  ins  time  anil  talents  t(.>  corpora- 
tion law  practice,  becoming  local  attorney,  at  St.  Louis,  f<_ir  ihe  Chictigo  and 
Alton  llailroad  Company,  th.e  Indianapolis  and  :n  Louii^  Railroad,  llie 
St.  Loui.--,  Alton  and  Terrc  Haute  Raihoad,  The  Last  St.  Lotiis  Transfer 
Company,  the  Madison  County  rcrry  Company,-  and  othei  corporations. 
Failing  health  and  the  demands  of  pri\ate  l>Uaine5S  caused  him  to  retire,  in 
1S7S,  from  actix'e  practice;  but  before  his  retirement,  he  had  gained  a 
pt)sition  of  well-deserved  prominence  at  the  bars  of  Illinois  and  Missouri. 
(EncyclopK-dia  of  History  of  St.  I.ouit,,  \'o\.  I\'.) 

He  was  married  tlnee  tiiiics;  r.i.-.t,  to  \"iiginia  C.  Da.\is;  secor:d,  to 
Mary  Ann  Henderson,  and  third,  to  Sarah  Alice  Xutt.  He  is  now  living 
in  qtiiet  and  comfortable  retirement  with  his  wife,  Sarah  Alice  Xiai.  at 
their  liome  31  M  Pine  Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  devoting  his  attention  to 
I'.is  own  private  aflairs. 

Is.sui;  oi-  724  Ml.muc  Woodson,'  uv  his  .siicoM;  v.  i;f.,  Jui.i.\  KtNSi-.TT 

II  1343   Samuel  Hughes,'-  died  in  yotith. 
Ill        ]34-4   Kennctt,'  di'-d  iii  yontii. 

1\'   ^    134S-  Faniie  K.,"  Henry  C.  Withers. 

-■^"  "ii;ic  \\(i..>i)S(ir;s  AM>  ini-.p;  vo.\Ni\'iK)> 

Issiu-  of        726   RICHARD   KiDDER  WOODSON'   iSanniL-i    lhiL;hi.'.-,=  Tuokcr."'  Tuc'.ut.-' 
jos-ph/  Kolicrl,- Juh-v;  .s-ii  his  []->{  wife.  Kniily  l.iltkpaj^e  ilicknum. 

I  134(1  BoMJamin  Fj.-.uklin  Hickinr-.n,'*  ourii  M.'.rLli  3i,  KV.-6,  on  ih^-  farui  niMV 
Frankfrprt,  i-iciuuc!;;-;  \\;i>  t-.hiraiud  in  Frankfort  i:n<]  IkhI  a  po;,ii;oii  :.h 
clerk  in  a  I'av.k  but  kitor  adoptt-il  civil  onLjinct-riii-'  as  his  occui-ati-an. 
WiiiU-  <iirve>ing  liie  icviiujry  of  Kansas  lor  adniission  to  iJu-  union  ol' 
£.lalcs,  he  comracreii  a  severe  cokl  wl.ieh  terminau-d  in  hir.  lieuih,  ?viarch, 
1>S(U.  In  his  religi'.>us  laitr.  he  \vas  a  Fresbyieriar<.  In  i)oiiiic3  a  democrat. 
Xovcr  raarrieik 

II        1347  Joseph  C,"  Isorn  April  L  1^37,  near  rrankfwit,   Kentucky,  and  died  April 

HI  134S  Louise  Frances,*  born  June  9.  1S3S.  on  the  tarni,  a  few  miles  from, 
Kcnliieky.  Sk.e  veas  educated  in  the  best  schools  in  Frankfort,  and  was 
married  ('Jeiobcr  27.  ISol  to  George  .Marshall  Woods,  who  was  born  1S34. 
Shortly,  after  his  raarriagc,  he  enlisted  in  tiic  Confederate  States  army  as 
a  meniber  of  Scott'.';  cavalry,  and  made  a  splendid  soldier  for  more  than  a 
year  when  lie  was  Wutuuled  in  l>;utle,  paroled,  sent  home  and  finaliy  dis- 
charged. After  the  war  lie  followed  the  steam  boat  biL-iness,  opcraiins; 
on  the  Kentucky,  Ohio  and  lower  Mississippi  Rivers. 

He  was  a  good  man,  a  ^.lason  of  high  degree,  and  a  demo':-rat.  Alihougii 
absent  a  great  deal,  Frankfort  was  always  hi?  home  and  he  died  there 
November  22,  1SS4.  aged  fifty  years.  His  wife  and  childrer.  contir,ued  to 
reside  in  Frankfort  until  some  of  the  i.ioys,  now  gro\\  n  lo  \-oung  manhood, 
went  into  business  in  Si.  Louis,  Mis.souri.  In  order  to  be  near  them,  the 
widoned  mother,  v,-ith  the  rest  of  her  children,  also  Uioved  to  St.  Louis  on 
July  1,  1^.97.  She  was  a  loyal  and  devotcil  wife  and  motl;er,  a  zealous 
member  of  the  Presb\-ierian  Cht:rch  until  a  l<-w  years  before  her  death,  she 
united  witii  tlie  Ba;)tis<  Chuich.  S!;e  died  .^Larch  14,  1904,  in  St.  Louis. 

IV  =^  1349  George  Kichoias,'  born  August  24,  1S40,  in  Frarddiu  county,  Kentucky. 
He  was  twice  married;  first  about  1871  to  Rebecca  Falls, of  Andcrsoi;  county, 
and  second,  on  June  15,  1891,  to  Ellen  Bishop,  of  Woodford  ceunly.  He 
if  a  farmer  by  occi:p,ati^>n  and  !i\es  at  Wilmore  in  his  native  county. 

V  1350  Richard  Kidder,  Jr.,'  born  August,  1842,  in  Franklin  county,  Kentuck\-, 
was  educated  in  I-rankfort.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  in  1861,  he 
was  studying  law  and  would  soon  have  been  admitted  to  the  bar,  but  at 
the  fust  call  for  volunteers,  he  abandoned  his  studies  and  enlisted  in  the 
ser\iLe  of  the  Confederate  States  and  joiiu'd  the  second  Kentuc'^y  rcgiincnl 
of  infantr}',  in  v,  hat  canie  to  be  knowji  as  the  'T>rphan  Brigade."  At  thcr 
battle  of  Murfrecsboro.  \\hich  was  fought  on  Uecember  31,  1862,  and  Jan- 
uary 1,  1S&3,  he  the  fifth  ensign  shot  duwn  wliile  bcari.ig  the  colors  of 
his  regiment,  and  was  av,  arded  a  ineda!  of  honor  for  gallantry  on  the  .'ield, 
by  Gen.   liushicd  Johnson,  v.i.o  was  in  command  :.i  the  Hrigade       The 

wour.u  he  rorcivo.l  p;-.>^-..-:l  ic  In-  fp.inl.  (k-  was  iakcn  f.-.n.i  ilie  'hM  (r.  ih- 
rojitlc!U-o  o[  foniio!-  -nxi'iuor  Hrowi:  o\  'i\-i:nc>.-<.::.  wk'nU  w.i  i'.-.r  .iv.;v, 
aiiij  'iiiTC  I]';  dicu  a  lir.'W  \o;ii:-  j:u!>!ii;i-.  \<>y  ;■  c^ic-r  il;U  v.-a>  ^a^!;■^!  Ui 
liiirl.      lie  way  a  !i.rni!;vr  ni  (in;  1  :i>i,;i;i^i\^l  ("Inirci;. 

\'I  *  1351  Pickett,'  lu.iri  M.,rcl:  14,  iSiS,  ii;  l'ran!::"..rt,  i-rvPl  ui  ky,  v.liecc-  he 
was  rearcil  ainl  wlurateJ.  1  Mnins:  iht:  adiniiiJbi  rauiii  of  i':-C:^i;ic;U  An^Ir^-w 
joliiiMMi  ho  wa?;  ajipoiiiuci  ah<i>tant  a^ie<>oI•,  ^anorxv-in;;  di:=(i!ier)«;-  i:i 
Fra.nkiin  a^aniy,  niui  s^  rvtd  in  ihat  c::]'.,-  iiy  uiUil  :\i.iy.  1,vG9.  'vhen  Ik-  v.j;, 
diselrrycd  durini;  ili.:  a.dmi:;!.^!  ra.ti'Hi  cl'  Prc^itieni  ('■•.■■\u',  <■;'  aL'ciHir.i  ci 
his  K-iny  a  deniocrai.  In.  lt;SI  wlira  .Mr.  rie^.xl.uid  iMjca-nc  P.-iriidciii ,  he 
was  agaii!  apj.oiiurd  rnil^-d  Slafes  ..t'J-clcecper,  and  FCi-ved  th:cKgh 
Pr^-^sidem  C'levctaiid'.-.  ac'n-.ini-travloi!.  lie  \va^  av.dn  discI)are.ofi  v -un 
?\Ir.  Harrison  l-,cca;iic-  Prcsid'.'ii! ,  (ci  no  sp.ccial  ica^;i!!  f\cc\'[  \h:r\  ho  w,-;k  a 
democrat.  When  ?ilr.  ('k-.-c-hin;l  rnicred  HLion  h!>?rcoad  ('.-nn  af  J-.-c.-^-J-.-u. 
iie  w:if  .u;ain  appoiiuvd  I'ritc-d  Slates  storckeere'-  and  fcrv-d  irili!  M:. 
Mc)\i)dey  bircaiiu-  }'re>ident,  when  he  was  finally  di^thvrcred  on  ;\rcouv.\.  of 
Ids  Iny.d  siipporl  of  Mr.  W.  J,  Bryan,  t!ie  d--niucraTie  n.Midnee  for  F.■e^i^■enl. 
Ke  was  married  I-'ehruary  23,  l^:.69,  in  !-'rank:'ort,  '■venuiel.y,  to  ^H.^* 
Rachel  F.  r\ian])in  who  v,as  horn  in  Jessamine  r.nir;y,  ! -leat  e/'ky,  !  ■"';  CC'^U":-!- 
16,  1852.  They  are  hoth  niend.Ts  of  i!;j  I're'In-Jc;  i^n  L';,a;ch  aiid  for 
several  years  hivr  resid;nl  at  JMarph},  Ore-o'i.  ".vlieie  he  is  ericrat.ed  iii 

VII  *  1352  David  T-Icadc,^  liorn  August  M,  1,'^18,  at  iiig  Edd\-,  nor  iMankfort,  FranVdir: 
co'ini}-.  Kentucky.  edacated  at  Kentucky  r\!ilitar\  injti'uie^  and  sp.tU 
alniosi  his  enlirc  life  in  Fiar-kfort.  He  wis  an  exj.'Cri  ci'-'i!  c;;'.;ii;cer,  ser.'cd 
several  terms  as  city  en.idnccr  of  Frar.kfort,  and  coiinry  sur\eyor  of  Frankiiii 
coiint\-.  He  made  a  plat  oi  the  stateliou^e  ^rjund<~  that  v/as  used  -n  all 
the  famous  trials  of  C'akl;  Pc.wers  and  Howard  fo!  'lie  mi'rdpr  of  Co-error 
Cohel.  He  gave  csperi  testinion)  in  all  thor^e  tiia's  as  to  ai;^,!-:.,  dl?;ai;cv::. 
and  such  thii,t;s  as  only  a  man  of  his  knowled<,e  and  skill  oy.:'v^-  ;-ve.  r)uii;.v. 
the  firsr  te-m  of  Prcsideiit  C'le-.ehuid,  he  he'd  a  rcs)v.u!.si:ae  govomjr.eii: 
position  as  surveyor  of  public  lands  in  Vrashington  and  oi'ier  north v.ViLcrn 
states.  He  was  conspicuous  for  liis  ho^.csiy  and;^:ii  y.  He  was  tv.dco 
married;  first,  on  Xo^x-mber  29,  1S71,  to  Xanr.ic  Ad.anis  whc  wa;,  born 
iSl^-',  in  Saline  coiir.ty.  Missouri,  and  died  in  Frankfor*,  Kentuvky.  .Xpri! 

y,  1900.     He  v\as  married  .-econH,  i(:) . 

He  wa-  a  dc-inoerat,  arid  attended  tlie  Chrisiian  Church  of  uiu'h  h;r> 
wife  was  a  faithful  member.  In  190,S  he  went  we.-t  and  setlhd  at  Craut's 
Pass,  Oregon,  and  engaged  in  frait  growing.  About  the  middle  of  April. 
1910,  he  was  in  his  \-ine\-ard  p'lanliiig  some  grape  \inc:,  wheji  he  sudd.  nly 
became  \ery  ill  and  died  on  ]\Iay  2,  19)0. 

VI II  *  1333  Emily  Virfdnia,  bcrn  Juno  3,  ISSl.  at  Big  Fddy,  Franklin  couriy, 
I\eniueky,  -''as  educat/d  in  Frarjkr.-T^.  Slic  wa;-  married  iri'Virt  on 
Septembii-  .S,  187',  to  Joh.i  Milton  (>,!(.-man  •vho  was  Ijoi  n  Xovendjer  19, 
1839,  at  Penson,  Franklin  eo-nty,  Kentucky.      !..i  poliiici  lie  wa?.  a  ue;nc- 

28.'  1HI-:  \viK!iiSi>Ns  AM-  riu:ii;  c(vcm-.,  im^s 

crat  anci  b%-  orcuji;n!<in  a  cotiir.i'.-ior.  Mo  was  a  iir, '.nl>er  !>i"  the  Ba.iiiir.l. 
C"hui..-!i  ami  lii.-^  \vi;'f  ^v:!^  a  ^-l.rici  ravnilK-r  o!'  the  !'■  vsli>-u-r:a!i.  In  ihc  cariy 
part  of  i:.v  Civii  War  '<.■■  ciii;-.;,  ,i  in  iho  scvn  iiv  of  tl,.'  C^iafcieraie  Staiis  as 
a  hh'ihIht  i.«.'  Co!.  Iirn'V  Cihr.r.'s  ix  ..•!;r.v:U  of  <-aval;-y.  Wlt-n  thi-<  rcj;i- 
iiK'ul  iiKuK-  an  atlai'k  on  i'oct  l>..<,iu-  ai  I'raukfort,  he  rvctivc-d  a  sovctc 
wouikI  ill  lii<  rl^ht  bri.:'.:U,  fro;r;  ■.vhioh  he  never  fu'ly  ict'overcd  ailhoi:j;h 
he  lived  ai>oul  forty  years.  He  v.a^  a  -on  of  Jaiiie>  Carter  ColeiViaP.  of 
Franki'orf,  and  a  nephew  i..f  Hon.  Rit.^xr  O.  Mills,  l/aited  Sta;e.s  ser.;.io; 
from  Tl  \ a-  !iis  iiiotlier  licing  a  <i.~;er  of  Mr.  ?\lil!s.  J>iiring  tlie  liuier 
pan  of  his  life  his  lu-aliii  bccar.a:  so  ii;.p.:iie>I  lliat,  for  several  ye;irs,  lie  hail 
nol  been  al.>!e  lo  follow  his  occupation..  He  dieil  ai  this  lionie  on  Steele 
S(:ee(,  Fra^-ikfort,  K'-nirvky,  at  ,^  o'clock  p.  ni.  Stintlay  afternoon,  July 
31,  1901.^     His  \\•i(ll^u  and  several  children  are  ttill  living  in  Frankfort. 

IX  1.^54  Lee  Calvin  McCoy,'  liorn  JuK',  18.^.^  at  Bi-  1-aIdy,  l>anldin  coiiiU\-, 
Kentucky,  arnl  was  edur.u.ed  in  }->ar,kfort.  He  i.-^  a  ei\il  cnt;ineer  rnul  at 
present  (191.')  is  hn-iteo  at  Las  Crn-us,  Xew  Mrxico.      Not  married. 

Issue  of        7  2  ;■    SAMUEL  HUGHES  WOODSON,  Jr.-  vSanuiel  Hnghes,-^  Tucker,^  Tiicker.' 
Joseph,^  Fobert,-  John')  and  Mart;aret  J.  Ashby. 

I  *  1355  V/illiarn  H.,^  born  January  6,  1840.  in  Riehniond,  Madisoa  county, 
Kentiick\-.  '1  lie  lamih'  moNTd  to  indeiiendence,  Jack>on  coiini\',  Missouri, 
in  March,  1840.  Here  he  received  his  early  education  in  the  common 
schools  of  the  place,  and  was  Rradnatcd  from  Centre  Co!!c,:^e,  Donville. 
Iveniiicky.  He  re.Kl  lav;  under  Judj^^-  George  Robertson,  who  had  besii  his 
father's  preceptor  at  Transylvania  Fjiiverslty,  Lexington,  Kentucky. 
Just  as  he  was  about  entering  upon  the  j>raclice  of  ids  profession,  the  Cixil 
War  came  on  and  he  pi-omprl_\-  oiTered  hi.-,  serviccb  to  I'le  C".ifederate 
States,  and  early  in  1861  was  appointed  a  commissioned  ollicei  on  the  sta.Pf 
of  Gen.  Jaiaes  S.  Fvain:-,  and  later  held  a  similar  position  on  the  s^aff  of 
Gi.n.  John  R.  Clark,  Sr.  From  tins  he  was  promoted  lo  assistant  adiuiani 
(General  of  the  st.ite  o;  Missouri,  with  the  rank  of  roionel.  He  held,  iliis 
position  until  stricken  with  disease  which  incapacii  aied  him  for  further 
.  service  in  the  army,  or  any  other  \ocatiop_,  for  several  ycar^.  In  the 
meantime  the  war  had  been  fought  to  a  finisli  and  peace  cstab.lished. 
In  M.irch  F866,  his  health  ha\ing  bee:;  pariialiy  restored,  he  loca.ted  in 
iab>;-rt_\,  (,  lay  county,  Missouri,  wdiere  he  has  rc.-.;ded  e\er  since.  Fie  has 
held  llie  oflice  of  city  attorney,  was  the  democratic  nominee  for  state 
senato:  an  i  faithfidly  rej^rerjented  his  district  in  that  ca;xicity.  .\t  one  time 
he  so'aght  the  nondnation  for  congress  but  in  ihi-  he  wa>  defeated.  He  w  as 
for  si.\  \cars  judge  of  the  probate  court  of  Cia\'  county,  and  served  fne 
terms  as  ])roseciiting  attorney. 

He  was  twice  married:  first,  in  1864  to  Mi-^s  Cora  A.  Winston,  who 
became  the  mother  of  eleven  cldldren  and  died  about  l^.V-5.  He  was  married 
second,  in  1899  to  Mi,s  Pearl  .Moyer,  of  Iienr\-  c.aiTity,  .\!iss(juri.  He  is 
still  practii'ing  law  in  Liberty,  .Missouri,  ar:d  is  one  of  the  forenior.t  lawyers 
in  the  state. 

1355      COL.    WILLIAM     H.    VvOODSON 

rittiin  c.rNi'KAViox  >>■.> 

11  ■■  1356  Meado,^  Imni  M.urli  15..  1S!5.  is;  IrdejicncK'nrc,  Mi--:^uiiri.  icooivcd  hi:; 
piip.iaiA-  ^oucauo::  in  i  hv-  cv.Mnon  --ci;''!!;-.  of  ihr.i  pl.iov,  al  tciiciot!  t!;o  !',or, 
Hall'-wiH  ,-rliOo'  .u  Al'-\.'.iii"i-i,i.  \'i)--i;i:a.  a.nii  Vxas  i;i  ,;.i'aali-d  fruir.  ("ciiir..' 
rollri:r,  nanvilio,  Kfnliii-I:y.  Ai  ihc  lH-lii:ii!>-  ai'  ihc  (  ivi!  W':;:-  Ur 
^•;>lulll^l■l■^  rl  in  tlu-  C(a-f.  .Kraco  s.^rvirc  aiul  v/a.-,  a  iikt.'.Iht  dI'  (A;1.  Joliii  H. 
]\lor..;an's  '-(imnTa-u!.  nt;.!  -.vr.-  wiih  ihai  ii'.' re ;.•!..!  I'ikK-  of  yovini;  ii;cii  m  th;.!'' 
mill  lliiui!:-,li  Keiuucky.  Wliiie  si  ill  v.c-ari-at;  liis  C"onlcderal.c  ,c;ray  ;••...; 
cloint;-  \.;li.uU  ;k'r\iVi'  iii  \"ir.i;i:;ia,  he  va-^  n!;nTic<!  tn  Miss  Hcriiicc  Piu-cr  w! 
that  state.  After  the  ces-.itim,  of  hosiiJitcs  lie  r(.-tiirne(l  to  AJis.-oaii  v.i,h 
his  yun,;.,  wife  and  co;:inic:iced  i'i<-  pra. :  ice  of  la.w  for  w  liicii  h,c-  'i  ul  prep.ire..! 
hirnseli  V.  h-.  n  al  ^eli'".,!  in  X'irijinia.  They  settled  in  Kansas  City,  Mi-rfouri. 
and  nfior  a  few  \-ears  r4'  law  piractiee  ho  Iiecanic  one  o'  ih.-  o/ganizer.s  of  ilu- 
C'oniaieieial  National  l^.ank  in  that  ciiy  and  er.niiiu;ed  in  the  bank'.ni; 
business  until  he  died  in  1S82. 

III  ''    1357   Miirgarot.""   born    18-47   in   Independence,   Missirari.   -.vh.ere  slic  v.-as   reared 

and  educated.  She  was  t.i,ice  niai'ried  :  first,  about  lo67,  to  C'harh-s  p.irker, 
who  li\ed  but  a  few  yv'ars.  After  hhs  death  she  was  married,  socorid.  to 
Henry  C  Harper.  1  hey  settled  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  where  ir.e>-  are 
living  .it  the  present  time  (1912). 

IV  "-   1358  Nellie,"  liorn  aliout  IS.^O  in  Independence,  Missouri,  vdiere  she  Was  reared 

and  (.dtuated.  She  v.'as  n;arried,  a'oeMu  1S70  to  I'.ceianiin  Kine^t  Recce, 
who  was  l)orn  ami  reared  in  Georgia.  The\-  ha\e  continued  to  rct-i.Je  in 
inde[iendence  to  the  p''escnt  tin.e.  It  v,\;.s  at  tlieir  hunie  tlias  iier  n. oilier 
died  o;i  Ajiril  6,  1012,  or  the  af;c  of  ninety-two  years. 

V  *  1359  Sally  V/addle,^  born  1853  in  Independence.  Mi;-soMsi,  \vas  uianaul  ab"ut 
1875  to  A.  F.  Sawyer,  a  banker  of  th.e  lirm  of  t'lirisman  pnA  Sauvei .  in 
Independence,  ?.Iissouri.  He  died  soitie  years  a;.^(),  ;;nd  his  widoiv  stii' 
ii\-cs  in  iiic'ependenee. 

VI  *  1309  Sa.muel  Hughe.?,  IJI,^  L. m  18.M)  in  independence,  Missouri,  rec.-ived  his 
early  ciiucatjon  in  the  common  schools  of  that  place,  was  grad.uated  from 
William  Jewel!  Collcj^e,  Libert.w  Missouri,  and  stiulied  law  at  thf;  Aibaa.y 
Law  School,  Albany,  New  ^'oi•k.  He  practiced  law  for  a  short  tin-.e  in 
Kauias  Cit)-,  Missouri;  but  on  account  of  an  affection  '4  hh  eyes,  r.rlin- 
qub-ihed  the  jjractice  and  has  e\er  since  be.-n  enna:;ed  in  the  real  estate-  a.nd 
insurance  InisinehS.      He  was  married  to  Miss  Jennie  .McCoy. 

Issue;  of        71'.S   RCBEP.T  EVERARD  V/OODSON'    iSamue'   Hughes,'''  Tucker,''  Tuckei,' 
Joseph,'  Rubert,'-' Joim'j  and  liis  first  wife,  Rosanna  P.arnelt. 

I  1361  h:9RC  Barnett,-  born  .August  23,  1844,  at  Nicholasville,  Kentucky,  was 
educated  .n  W'esiyn  b"ni\ersity,  Pdoomington,  Illinois,  studied  niedicine  at 
Chicago  Medic.d  College  and  upon  his  graduation  located  at  City, 
Missouri,  wlieic  lie  built  uj)  a  largo  jjractice.  He  was  married  in  1872,  to 
Minnie  ?\l>erb.  'I'hey  continued  lu  reside  in  Kanstis  C'it}'  tiniii  lie  ilie'.) 
December  23,  18S2.     \o  issue. 

ON  N '.'«.' 11<••N^ 

Issi:);  or    RoUKKT    Kvi:!;.-.!;i>   \\\..h»i)N."    rsv    iiis   skcnu   wik'-,   Sail:, 
Ti'.JiUA'i.AKi:  Cart!:i: 

11  *  13o2  A'-.n  Eiixa,*  Imr.  Krombcr  7,  i>.^2.  ai  NichoIafA  iUe.  KcnUirky,  roc  i\  •..J 
her  cdiicalion  at  i  j'r.nicolk'  Sciiiiiiary.  (^'oclfrcN-,  Illinois,  and  was  nianiv.i 
ii)  IS'i'G,  to  Cary  Bai'nliart.     'iiicy  rc.-;i(!o  in  St.  l.ouii,  ^!i^^(.'^Iri. 

111  l?'^>2>  Edward  Carier,'  hom  fchniary  <•,  1S55,  lu  Xidiulasville,  Kriuucky,  aiul 
was  cc'ucaicd  at  St.  Mary.-;  C'olK  j,e,  St.  Mary.-,  He  st.idicd 
r.icdidiic  and  was  praduaU' 1  fro:i.  Ka;i:^.\<  ("ity  Coi'i'se  of  im-dicinc  and 
Sviriicry  and  is  a  yradii.ile  Ironi  Ban'cs  M'.-dical  t"allcL>c-,  St.  Lfiui.-, 
Mit.-^ouri.  He  practiced  mctlicine  in  St.  I.ouis  for  a  short  time  and  rcmovixi 
10  K;  where  he  rontiiuied  to  practice  his  profes-ion.  Being  an  artist 
of  abiiitv,  he  spent  much  of  iiis  -pare  time  sirawiriy.  and  modeling  in  clay. 
He  ciicd  No\-enilK-r  9,  1892,  at  St.  Louis,  Missouri.      Never  married. 

IV  136  ir  Robert  Evuiaro,  ];.,^  born  March  S,  1857,  ;.t  DU-omingion,  Illinois,  where 
he  aiicnded  the  \-kh\  schools  and  iinished  his  cducalion  in  the  Kansas  City 
Hiiih  School.  He  became  librarian  of  the  Kansas  Cit\  Law  Library  where 
he  studied  law  for  Iv.'O  years,  after  which,  he  was  for  se\  eral  years  engaged 
in  the  wholesale  grocery  business  in  Kan-^as  City.  Missouri.  He  removed 
to  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  in  1S84,  and  became  connected  '.\ith  the  Barnh  trt 
I\Iercantile  Conii'iny  v.itli  which  he  has  been  associated  continuously  e\cr 
since.  He  i?  riow  and  has  been  vice-president  .for  several  years.  He  is 
a  man  of  inventive  genius.  Among  other  things  he  lias  invented  a  macli'.ne 
for  cxlractinf  the  nieat  from  pecan  ni'ts  without  injury.  This  macliine  is 
being  generally  u.-ed  by  large  manufacturing  concerns.  Me  i^  an  eider  in 
the  Presbvlerian  Church.  !n  national  politics  he  is  a  democrat  but  in 
state  or  municipal  elections  he  is  independent  and  votes  accrirding  to  lus 
own  ideas.  He  was  married  in  1882,  to  Ada  Lee  Cowan,  daughter  of 
ludge  Robert  E.  Cowan  of  the  law  arid  equity  court  of  Kan^as  City,  Mis- 
souri.    They  reside  in  the  city  of  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and  have  two  children  • 

(1)  Roberta,'  born  at  the  family  home  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  June  29,  1898; 

(2)  Robert  Everard,'^  III,  born  April   28,   19d4,  at  the  home  in  St.  Louis, 

V  *  1365  Fiomic  Groenwrod,'  born  October  10,  18.-9,  at  Bloomir.gton,  Illinois, 
she  attendied  the  .schools  of  the  city  ;ind  completed  her  education  at  Monti- 
tello  Seminary,  Godfrey,  Illinois.  She  was  married  in  1884  to  William  Ran- 
do;[.h  Barnhart.  They  reside  at  Kirkwood,  one  of  the  l^eautiful  suhairb?  of 
St.  Louis,  Missouri.  William  I'iandolph  Banduirt  is  jjresident  of  the 
Barnhart  Mercantile  Company  of  St.  Louis. 

There  was  another  child,  SaMie  Waddle,'  born  Septemlicr  6,  1S62.  to 
728  Robert  Everard  Woodson'  and  Saliie  Timberlake  Carter,  who  died  in 
1S75  at  the  age  of  thirteen. 

Issue  of        7  2i>   SALLiE    MLAD>:    V/OODSOK'     (Samuel    Hu.-,hes,^    Tucher,^    Tucker,' 
Josciih,-"  Roijert,-  John')  and  Ale.\a!tder  Waddle. 

Page  2S4.  ir'J-!    Rotipit    Evoraid    Woodsoi;.    Jr.,    was   married    in    1SS2    instead    of    l3?:2. 
Mic  daughter,  Roliert.i,  was  liorn  Jliup  l'T.  1S9S  ir.istcad  of  Ju)i,:>  :;9,  1*»^. 


-\  y 


Il-HTil  Gi:\FR  \Ti'.  !N 

I  J 366  Sar.iue!  V/oocison  ^.■:idc^;e^  i:-,arrii-(!  Mif<  l.ililjic  Stovciiron.  Tlicy  h.:i\c 
o!ie  (■.■n;^'iitcr.  l.ucy  W <u.h.\\c ,'■'  wh.^t  la.UTiod  ik'iij.iniin  [.ii":u.  (:i"\v  cicad;. 
She  livo^  at   r.!uonr,^.;l.(in.  lliinoi.- 

Issue  of        7S0   ELI7.'.3ET;i  \\'0Or>SQ7V!   H'.-hos"  Tiulrer,^  Turker,'  Joseph,' 
Ruhii-t,-  Julni')  iV.-pJ  C'.iry  L>\ .  her  first  liiishand. 

I        1367   Har.ri.e  Lec,'^  Ix^rn  .  died  a  vi-.v.'.vy  Iad\-. 

II   *   J368  Can!  Lee,'  l.^ni ,  \\'as  ni.,iri.-d  lo  WcI..;-Ut  Wiihvrs  of  JCaiisas  Ciiy. 

Missouri.  , 

I-isn,  .;y  j'ii:.\  Calmv  >d'(  dv.  inn  sitxAT-  iiu^iiAxn 

lif  1309  John  Calvin  M'Coy,  Jr.,-'  marri-.d  I'iorida  Ma;^i>:i.  Tlicy  severa! 
thildiLT.  ami  li\'('  in  Kansas  City,  Miisuuri. 

IV       1370  V.''oo(isoii  I-.T'Coy'  nanicd  and  Hm--.  in  KanL-as  Cit>  .  iMissouri. 

V  *    1371   Evelyn  Byd  M'Coy^   n\-irricd  jriTni'-  Holloway  and  ]',y^_-:,  in  City, 


VI      1372   li.ittie  M.-'son  M'Coy^  liws  in  Kansas  City,  I'dissmiri.  unmarried. 

Issue  of        733   TIJCTIER  BENJAMIN  V/OODSOl':'  (Tucker,"  Samud,*  Tucker,^  Joseph  •' 
Rohert,-  John')  and  ?.!ahala  Adeline  Higgs  (  Osieen) 

I  *  1373  V/illiam  Thomas  Levi,*  born  Ma\-  0,  1S62,  on  the  farm,  near  Aitanicnt, 
Elluv^hani  cnuiu\-,  Iliinois,  was  married  January  1.S,  1S91,  to  E'.sie  j. 
McCart\-,  of  Altaniont.  She  %vas  horn  Ajirii  20,  iS7.3.  They  ii>-ed  i.^. 
Illinf>is  u  few  \xars,  then  nio\-ed  to  Al\-a,  Oklahoma,  and  b^al^i,hl  a  fanri  c:i 
which  the}'  still  !i\-e. 

II  1574  Albert  C.,-  l.>orn  Xu.endjer  lb,  1?6.3,  near  Aka;n(-nl,  Illinois,  and  died  April 
8,  1S6-1. 

HI  *  1375  Sarah  Jane,*  br;rn  January  20,  1S65,  on  her  father's  farm,  near  /Mtamoni, 
Effii  i^h.un  county,  I'liiicis.  was  married  DeccmlKr  23,  ISSO,  to  (.'haries 
Parkliurst  of  iIk.  county.  After  a  lew  yeais  -es'den~c  in  Il'ljaji.-, 
the>-  moved  to  Alva,  Oklahoma,  and  bought  a  farm  on  whicii  they  still 
li-ie.     They     also     have     some     land     ckuujs     in     New     ^Vltxico. 

IV  *  1376  Charles  Walker,^  born  March  -1,  IS67,  on  the  farm  at  .-dtamoiil,  Illinois, 
was  married  March  2,  1S91,  to  (farrie  Lmtz  of  Cay  couiuy,  Il'inois. 
After  a  few  years'  residence  in  Ill'nois,  thev-  mo\xd  to  Anselmo,  Xebra.->ka, 
where  they  ha\-e  a  farm  on  wliich  the>"  are  n'')W  lisdng. 

V  1377  Isaac  Henry  Erankliii,'*  hnrn  January  2!,  1^70,  in  .Missouri.     At  this  time 

both  his  jiarcntr.  v. eie  \isiting  his  ;  sisters  who  li'.'cd  in  Lawrence 

2.■^6  iiir,  ".vuoi'-ovs  AXP  nM:!;-:  roSNH  rii 

cciMiiv,  Missouri.  Tiic  p.uc.iLs  ^'on  icturPfil  n.''  i!K-"r  hciiio  iu-.!r  Aiunnon;, 
Il'iiiv^;-,  whore  tlicir  cluM  was  r,.,M\H.  He  was  niairie.I  Jaiiiriry  :"$,  ^■■^'^^. 
io  Xora  S': '.r;>  i>f  .Mt  ,'.'-'.n:'i.  '!'lu'>-  ;iiO  mnv  li\ii'.g  i->;nif(i!  lably  on 
th  -ir  f.irm  I'.t'a    l.di.^v.'iod,  liiinci.--. 

.  \'l  )37S  'c'-.i'-  L.,"  bnri:  Pc- '.-rKlrr  H',  ISTl,  cm  i1k-  fv'.rrii  near  Aliaauiiii.  lllin,;;--. 
\\v  i-^  a  farmer  b_\'  (..'.;r'j|'a;ion  aiul  lives  r.oar  iiiigov.'ood,  Illiao'.s.  Has 
ncx'ei'  married. 

Issue  of        739   J.iARY  REBECCA  WOODSON"  ^i  t'fnias  JelTer.M-.n/'  Wade  X..-'  •['nckcr/ 
Ji'.^eph,"  Rohert,- Johi^'.i  and  \\'illiar;i  M(jnijo\'  C.arr.\ril. 

1  '■'  ir/?>  Sail!-;  Aral  Ganaic','  Ix.rn  in  K'M;i:ie';y.  proliaMy  a/r)'nu  1S!5.  uas  married 
1  )  (  I'i.uies  Ha.i.s  l_ai  e.  IK:  a  niiuer,  .wn]  <>v.  n"d,  iarj;e  imerests  in  a 
t;(ii(l  (]i;  >.ru;  iniiie  at  .\n;.;e!<  Canip.  ( ";dif(ir!iia,  and  oilier  s^old  runes  in 
(.■alilniiiia,  Mexieo  and  Alaska,  \\'l;:le  eae.a.e.edi  av  one  of  bis  placer 
mine-,  in  Ala-^k;'.  he  b'-r  ids  eye-ieiit.  Reir ruing  to  Palo  Ah.u,  ("'.iHfornia, 
lie  died  lliere  in   1«1.'. 

11   "    loc'O  Andre'."  Garrard'  mairiid  Jeiinie  Da.N-is  and  li\-is  in  Arizona. 

Ill  3381  Lucy  Garrard~  m.iiriLd  l"ra;'k  Cimiibeli,  and  li\cdi  at  ,'\riU'rieavi  Falis, 
Idaho,  v.her.  lur  hii-').u..l  died,  ^^hr  is  now  H\ir.c:  iii  Sea.ttlc,  \\'cU-!nni;ton. 
No  children. 

iV  13S2  William  Garrard'  married,  but  tiie  name  of  hi.s  v;ife  has  not  been  learned. 
Tlie>'  live  in  \\  \"oniin-;  and  ha\e  Iwo  eiiiidren. 

V       13S3   David  Garrard^  nc\-er  married.      Died  at  Angels  Camp,  California. 

\'l    *   13S4  tTary  Toulman  Garrard^  married  Solomon  Simpson,  a  Canadian. 

\''n  13S5  Kate  Garrard^  n-.arried  Alonzo  S.  Linii  of  Arkansas.  They  lived  a.v  bile  in. 
C\'.den,  Utah,  ;hen  in  San  Franei^eo.  He  was  associate;!  in  busiiir-^.;  will) 
bis  brother^-indav.-,  (diaries  D.  Lane  and  Solonioii  Simpson,  in  (_'a.iifo'-iiIa 
and  Alaska.  He  fbvd  in  Los  Angehjs,  California,  sur\-i\-ed  by  uvo  ehildicn, 
(1)  borina  Linn'^  aiai  (2)  his  Linn,^  who  riow  live  in  San  I^raiiLisco,  '_ali- 

Issue  of        740    GALLIE    ANN    WOODSON"    rriiomas    Jefferson, «    'Wade    X.,'    Tucker,^ 
Joscpli,'  Rohiit,"  Job.n')  and  Jan:e-  Dysart  Carson. 

I  1386  Charles  Carson"  manied  X'aanie  Mitebell  and  l>ad  one  daugh'u;r,  Sallie 

II        1387  Thomas  Car.son,*  born ,  died  in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri.     Never  married. 

in  13S8  Gr.iiiael  Ca:so:r  married  Carrie  C,aml>cl.  They  have  two  daugL.ters:  (1) 
Ann  t  Carson' and  (2/  LdizabetiiCai'on.'-' 

Kh'^;-  !!i  (ii:s\:v\yio:\  2S7 

Issue  of        V42   ADALINE  JANE  'vv'OOiJSOK'   (Tiicnias  Jrfi'jr^cin.''  Wade  N.,-'  Tik'kit,' 
Jo^-ciih,-'  l\ul)'.-n.-  jo!'.n')  mil  Ar.-_iro\\'  CMrson  I'wsr.rt. 

I  i.^39  Thoraas  Jcffer?on  Dysart.^  I  >-.n  Ja'niury  2,  l.'?51.  He  li\-cs  in  V.v-\d, 
Okla'noina.  ■.tot  'UJirriod. 

11  *  IS.:"'}  Tlir.jrn  Gilbert  Djsart,'  born  May  2,  W^S(>,  in  St.  Joseph,  A'is-^ouii,  \va-; 
married  in  \'i-iii<"'n  county,  Mir.?ouri,  )89!),  i<>  Miss  Annie  Mariilcy.  Slu; 
clicil  in  Parifir,  Franklin  coiin;>\  Missouri.  lie  is  nov.  {1912)  lixing  witii  liis 
eliihiren  in.  Enitl,  (.iklahunia. 

III  1391   Johnstone  Dysart^  died  in  early  childhood. 

IV  r'.92  Lcaisa  Ellen  Dysart-  died  young. 

V  1393  I'Jartha  Elizabeth  Djsart.^  burn  April  I,  1S64,  v.-as  married  to  George  D. 
AlL-n,  ',v1k>  died  in  St.  Louis,  .Missouri,  where  she  is  still  living.     No  issue. 

\'l        139}   ]''.0£l-  Alice  Dysart,'  borii  Seiteiiiber  7,  186S.     Not  married  (1912). 

Issue  of        745   MARTHA    ELIZABETH    WOODSON"    (Thom.;s    Jefferson. «    Wade    N.,' 
Tucker,''  Joseph,-'  RoberL,-  John';  and  Sanuie!  E.  Hayes. 

I  *  1395  Silas  Woodson  Hayes,*  bora  December  26,  1S74,  was  married  io  Kathcrine 
Belle  Chambers  o!  Eureka  Springs,  Arkansas.  Tdie}'  located  ]n  California. 
He,  in  coini-any  witli  his  cousin,  2;'06  Paul  Lane,'  v.'ere  on  .-i  ti  ii'  to  Alaslca, 
V\]ien  their  boat  capsized  and  both  v.ere  drowned.  Tlie  wi'.low  of  Silas 
Woodson  Hayes  li\e5  in  Palo  Alto,  California,'n  her  ch.iidren. 

Issue  of        74.7   ELLEN  TUCKER  WOODSON"  (Thomas  Jcffcison.^  Wade  N.,=  '.^'ucker,- 
Jd-.eph,'  Robert."  John')  and  George  \V.  Frame. 

I  *  1096  Virginia  V/oodscm  Catlett  Fraire/-  born  February  IS,  1879,  in  St.  Josej>!i, 
Mi-sf)Uri,  was  man-ied  (Jctober  14,  1908,  in  Riclunond,  X'irginia,  10  C<'\. 
John  William  Cliuich  of  that  city.  She  and  her  husband  have  both 
actpiircd  sumc  lante  as  critics,  writers  of  magazine  articles,  playwright.^, 
etc.  She  is  the  authore.^s  of  "Corriniencerrcnt  na\-s,"  "College  Lif^a," 
also  a  p!?.y  nf  trie  same  name— -v.-ritten  with  Margaret  Mayo.  Her  husband 
wrote  "Deeji  in  the  Piney  Woods,"  and  several  other  very  entertaining 
books.  Since  leaving  Richmond,  Virginia,  they  lived  a  year  or  so  in  New 
Voik,  left  there  September,  1912,  and  wcrit  to  San  Diego,  California,  where 
thc>'  now  reside. 

Issue  of        7  G  1    V/LLLIAM  FVVING  WOODSON'  I'Benjamin  Jourdan,"  Wade  N.,-  Tucker,^ 
Joseph,-'  Robert,*-  John'j  and  EuTiia  Jane  Patterson,  his  first  \\i;c. 

I  '•  L097  Enuna  Lee,*' born  <  Ictober  .3,  1?65,  in  Wa\eri%',  Lafayette  cour.iy,  Missouri, 
was  educaieil    ai   Camden    PuiiU,    Missouri,   un--!   married   July,    1883,    to 

\:[)]i  I  i^NNi  •  1 1^> 

S.inn;.-1  ll:ij;v.!'i  C'.-mx:-  'a  bi.-ilior  to  lior  f  ithot's  joon,!  wiic).  anci  iifi.r 
scvL-ra!  N-o.irs.  sc-illci  i:i  >k'nipliis.  Teniu-->..'e,  vliorc  lie  has  fr.r  rn:ui;-  yoa'.- 
LM'C  '  justice  cif  il-.o  jvacc. 

II        139S  I.l.  'Trje  S.,*  I.'mhi  n'-oiit  l';67,  a:ul  Uicd,  1  S69. 

Hi  "  13PP  Wiilir.nt  Patterson,  lioni  April  10,  187i),  in  Waverly,  I.arayettc  coum>-. 
^ii^^^r,l|■i.  was  eciiica'.cfi  in  Si.  Jo.-euh.  Missouri,  and  there  marric'i 
lunc  i.  1897,  \k>  Jo>ei:-hine  Siarks,  who  was  i>oni  in  Cv)\vtr.  Clintoa  coun'v, 
i\i:  siu'ri.  (lavK;ii!cr  o:  Dr.  \V.  F.  b[;>rl:-5  a^i.l  Annie  E.,  his  wite.  He  v;as 
VT:h  tlic  First  Xa'.iijnai  I'.ar.i;  '.;f  St.  Josei,-'!!  from  the  iirne  it  was  organized, 
until  Au.:4Usi,  1903;  was  ht-ukkeener  i'or  a  nuniiier  of  \-oars  and  receiviTi.; 
tel'-r  Ifoin  19^1  to  1903.  IK:  moved  to  ("amdcn  Point,  in  Plalte  county, 
an.'  iias  been  rashii.'-  of  ihe  iia.ik  at  tluit  !'L:ei.  fror.!  January,  1904,  to  ike 
presen.t  time.      He  and  liis  wifo  arc  lucmbL-rs  of  ilie  Chrisriar.  Churcii. 

IV  '  1400  Joseph  Fulkcrsor.,'  born  i-\-bruary  2.?,  1S;73.  in  Concordia.  Lafayette 
county,  Missimii;  wa?  reared  and  eduCtUcd  in  Sr.  Josepki,  e;iaduated  from 
llic  law  department  of  Washintjton  and  L'ni\  .Tsity,  December,  1891, 
receiving  his  degree  the  following  June,  1S9.=^;  was  admitted  to  the  b.'.r  at 
St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  October  .?9,  1895,  practiced  lav.-  there  untii  Septcmijer 
28,  1904,  wiien  he  mo\cd  to  K!  Paso,  Texas,  wheie  he  still  lives  and  is  a 
member  of  ti'.e  law  firm  of  Patterson,  Bucklin  and  Woods-on.  He  was 
married  Octol.  .-r  5,  1:^99,  at  "Hamilton  Fbice"  in  Scott  county,  Ivcutucky, 
to  Nannie  AHen,  who  was  born  in  Fayette  county,  KentucVzy.  She  is  a 
daughter  of  Thomas  H.  Allen  and  E'izab'eth  Hamilton. 


V       1401   T.iargaret-  died  in  infancy. 

VI        1402  Jennie  R.'  died  at  the  age  of  six  years. 

Issue  of        7  62  JOHN  FULJxERSOI^  WOODSON" (  Benjamin  Jourdan,'  Wade  X.,=  Tuckei  ,* 
Joseph,^  Robert,-  John^}  and  Jennie  Davidson. 

1  *  14C3  Tlay  Belle, -  born  in  Pl.^ttf  county,  ^Missouri,  received  her  education  at 
Cdiristian  CuMege,  Camden  Poi.nt,  is  a  member  of  the  Chrisiian  Church. 
was  married  about  1890  to  F^rank  Bywaters  v.ho  was  born,  1S6&,  in  Cul- 
pepper county,  Virginia,  and  moved  to  Platte  county,  iVlissouri.  when  but 
a  youth.  He  i..  a  farn-er  by  occupation.  They  srient  a  few  years  ^n 
Neosho,  Missouri,  a  short  time  in  Kansas,  and  finally  returned,  in  1909. 
.to  Platte  county  and  now  live  on  their  farm  near  Camden  Point. 

II  ♦  1404  Benjaniine  Ray,'  born  Alarch  Fb  1874,  in  Platlt;  county,  Misf.ouri.  where 
he  was  reared  "P.d  educated.  In  cirh'  life  he  taught  schooi  in  Piatte  nn'l 
iUichanan  coanlic-  and  vas  ri'arried  in  Buchanan  county.  October  9,  19.14, 
to  Eugenia  Willis,  daughter  of  Charles  S.  V.'illi.-.  and  Dora  Spratt..     The^- 

■.[(.in II  i.rxi: 

sutilcii  iii  riai'.i"  i<'i!iU>-.    iini  ar;'  luAV  civ:;.it;c"J   in   farniin.;   near   CaiiKirii 
l\iip.'.      Thuy  aiv  hotli   iiK'ip.lnT-;  of  tlio  Clirisjiaii  Cliiirc'a. 

Issue  Vi        7G3    St   v'len  Cr'tieudf.;'.  Woodsoii'    vHcnjaniin  JcihtLui,^  \\":ii1c  N.,''  'I'uc-ker/ 
!i'.-;.,-jih,''  RoIhti,"  J"'!"' '  'I'^'l  T'liai  _:arcl  I'l-rriii. 

1  1405  Olive  Melton,*  !>;>rii  a'jo'il  1876,  in  I'laiic  coniiiA-.  Mi'^MHiri,  was  ;<ra(liKUoJ 
from  the  S.'.cioci  Heart  C'on\e;'.i  in  St .  Joseph.  Missouri;  later  atleiuied  a 
seliiiol  in  Paris,  I'lauce,  ior  one  \ear;  is  a  menil'er  of  ihc  Ciiristian  Churei"! 
aiv!  lives  v.-iih  her  parents  in  Kansas  (/iiy,  iNIissonri. 

II  1-106  Aytchiiioude  Perrin,'  born  Septeu.Ijer  4,  ISSI,  in  Phute  ronniy.  Missmi'-i, 
w;'.s  gradaated  !ro;n  Si.  Josep'i  !iii.-!i  srlio';'  and  fruni  the  rni\-er?it>'  of 
Missouri.  Also  [graduated  in  lav  a.iid  lias  siiice  \n  i-n  pia.eiiri.ig  his  profes- 
sion in  Kansas  C"u>  .     Ho  is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Ciuirch. 

Issue   cf        T  &^'  f^ii''.r''-S   Rar.^oine    \Voodson''    intnjnm-n   Jourda.n,'-   V.'alc    X.,^   Tucker,- 
Joseph.'  Robe'-t,-  Joha'j  and  Jidia  V.  Tabor. 

I  1407  rait!  Gervni';,'*  bora  Xo\-ember  20,  1S7,\  in  .\gcnry,  JMichanan  county, 
IMis;-«ouri.  was  cdu'.aied  in  Sr.  Joseph,  studied  lav%  and  \v;is  admitted  to  lite 
bar  in  St.  Joseph,  but  gave  up  the  profession  in  a  short  \vhile  and  returned 
to  Aerncy  in  1903,  and  accepted  a  p.osition  as  cashier  of  the  bank  of  Agency. 
He  was  married  i\'bruary  21,  199'.',  to  Miss  Jessie  Miller,  father, 
E.  W.  ]\Iil!er,  is  president  of  a  ri-eal  bank  in  Agency.  In  January.  1910.  lie 
nioNx-d  to  Ottawa,  Illiiiois,  and  became  one  of  the  mana;.ers  oi  the  Pacific 
Mutt!al  Life  Insurance  Company  of  tliat  piace.;  to  St.  Joseph, 
Missouri,  he  died  there  March  10,  1914.  sur^■)^■ed  by  his  widow  and  tvs-o 
cliildren  (I)  C'harle,-.  I'lansome.  Jr.,'^  (2)  Pauline.^ 

II  1408  Julia  Tabor, s  born  January  12,  1S8S,  in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  w-as  graduated 
from  Ga\-lord  lJ.:i!,  in  Platte  City,  i\Iissour;,  and  ioo!:  post-graduate 
courses  at  Bel  nont,  Xash^-ille,  Tennessee,  and  Hardin  college,  Mexico. 
Missouri.  She  is  a  member  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  She  possesses  un- 
usual talent  for  art,  and  paints  beautifully  on  citin.a.  Sri'.-  niarncd  bhAxl 
B.  Eidnian,  Deimts-  U.  S.  Re\-enue  Collector. 

Issue  of        7C7    APCKTZLAUS    MARFJS    WOODSON'    (13enjamin    Jourdan,''   "Wade    X.,-^ 
Tucker,'-  Jorejih,'  Robert,-  Joiin',)   and   Eiizaijeth   Oii\er. 

I  1409  Lorene  Margaret,*  born  October  20,.  1387,  in  St.  Jo.-eph,  Mi-^souri,  was 
graduated  trom  Christian  Collei;e,  St.  Joseph;  from  Columbia,  Missom-i, 
and  from  St.  :Jary-of-the-\Vood=,  St.  :Mary's,  Indiana.  For  several 
years  she  has  been  a  m.ernbcr  ot  the  Christian  Cliurcii.  She  is  a  young 
lady  of  sweet  disposition  and  e.\ce['tional  mental  attainments.  By  her  own 
persistent  and  well  directed  efforts  she  procured  and  supplied  almost  all 
the  above  data  p/crtaining  to  387  Benjamin  Jourdan  Vs'oodson'^-  and  his 
descendants.  ^Vne  was  married  at  her  father's  home,  1701  Faradon  Street, 
St.  Joseph.  Mis.-ouri,  Rev.  C.  M.  Chilton,  Pastor  of  First  Christian  Church, 

A.\n    Illl-IR  (■|)NNlXriON- 

oiikialiiig,  on  Nuvc-'U^i'  3.  I'MO,  to  Ralpli  K.  Robinson,  sou  of  Waitoiir 
M.  R.jluiijon  of  Ji;t];T.-,o!(  Ciiy,  foiracr  ir.luo  of  liio  supreme  cuiii't  ci 
Mi.s.-ouri.  Tiiev  ai  once  -ci  lio!  mi,  ib.LMr  o^vll  farm  ar  Lblon,  .\Ii--.o!ir;, 
where  no--  li\o  (.l'''i-l'.  T'iioy  iia<l  >)t;e  cbiid.  \'iKjii!a  IvuMnson.-' 
burn  19,  19^  \,  in  Jc;:.-r^^  n  Ciiy,  Mi-oari,  and  A'^lx)  April  21,  191-}. 

II  *  1410  Archtlaus  I.Iarhis,  Jr.,'^  \>oni  S.-piei.ibiT  21.  1N;S9,  in  Si.  Ju^Jph,  Missouri, 
v!ic;v  lie  v2ccW,M  his  early  e.kic.uion.  He  uas  -radnaicl  iro3ii  St.  \']p- 
crnl'i.  College,  Los  Angeles,  (".\iiioriiia,  and  al  Merccrsburg.  rennsylva'il.. 
He  is  liov,-  with  '.'ac  'iViotk-A'anipl>ciI  \\'lvaiosa!e  Dry  Goods  '"o.  in  Si. 
loseph.  He  v.-a-;  n-arried  Noveni!)er  2],  1912,  in  Jefferson  Ci'.y,  .Mis.=;oari, 
to  r.ernlce  Cullev,  daughter  of  Charles  H.  Colley  and  EUca  Houck.  She 
^.-a^  bi^rn  Xuvenibei   18,  lS9-i,  in  \\'a\  i^-i-'-ville,  Missouri. 

HI        1411   Helen  Eli:tabeth,*  ijorn  February   16,   1S92,  in  St.  jo.-ei)h,  .Missouri,  and 
died  tiiere,  October  23,  1S','S. 

Issue  of        7-3©    CAROLi:\^E  ELIZABETH  WOODSON'   \  Benjamin  Joardan,«  Wnde  X.,^ 
Tucker,'  Joseph,^  Robert,-  Jolin')  and  Dr.  John  B.  .Reyr.oids. 

I  1412  Tames  Benjamin  Reynolds, '  born  October  l.>,  ISSS,  in  St.  Ju=opb..  Mis<-.onri, 
was  graduated  from  St.  Joseph  high  school  in  19(t6,  and  took  a  position 
with'onc  of  the  banks  in  St.  Joseph,  but  decided  to  stud>-  rnedicuie  and  i^ 
now  attending  ciie  EInsworih  Medical  College  in  St.  Joseph.. 

II  MJ3  Stephen  V/oodson  Reynolds,*  born  June  29,  u'91,  in  St.  Joseph.,  IMiss.ouri, 
v.-as  graduated  from  St.  Jo.seph  high  school  in  June,  1910,  and  is  now 
jireparing  for  college.     He  is  a  member  of  the  Christian  Church. 

Ill       1414  I'.Iary  Josephine  Reynolds,'  born  Septcm]>er  3,  1S97,  iri  St.  Joseph,  Mis 
souri.     She  is  still  a  school  girl,  aiiendir.g  the  Jackson  School  in  her  nati\c 

Issue  of        7  71     r.iARY  ALICL  WC0D50R'  ( Silas, ^  Wade  Xeiherland,^  Tucker,^,' 
Robert,'-  Joint';  and  Jefferson  Carter  Hosea. 

I  1415  Virginia  Kelson  Hosea,'  born  July  24,  189-1,  in  St.  Joseph,  Missouri, 
attended  the  p.arochia!  ?ch,,rd  ;,t  that  place  When  the  family  mo^■cd  to 
Kan^a..  City,  she  attended  the  public  schools  there  unLil  bhe  was  graduated 
in  1908  from  the  Garfield  School.  In  the  f.dl  of  190S,  she  returned  to  St. 
Joseph  and  en'ered  the  academy  of  the  Sacred  Heart  remaining  there 
until  June.  1913.  when  she  went  with  the  family  to  Fordycc,  A.rkansas, 
where  she  still  lives.  She  has  a  position  as  stenographer  with  the  Home 
Insurance  Company  of  that  place.  She  has  been  very  helpful  in  procuring 
family  l^iblc  data  f(ir  this  record. 

II  1410  Rachel  Margaret  Hosea,*  born  September  2,  1900,  in  St.  Joseph,  Missomi, 
went  v.iti;  t!)c  f  imiiy,  in  1913,  to  Fordycc,  Arkansas,  v/here  she  is  new  in 

rnnnrv'"'!-';.!""""  """'>•'"  ''■  '^''''  '"-o^''*''^  ""''  ^i^t^rs   vvere  born  i.'   Anderson 
tountv,   J^IlI!^•;,-:_■e,  and  noi   m  Canipbtll  cuiniy. 

lil        1417  SiK",:-  Woodson  Hosca,''  bom  >;:\!ci!  I-',  190J1.  i?  nsnv  witii  I'c.e  family  at 
r"c'Kl\-ce,  Arkaii?.)!;.  ^lu!  aitcndia-  slIiouI. 

iV       141S  Ru;h  EHzaVeth  P'csea/  I'Orn  J.  niiary  25,  19U7,  !<  new  v.ilh  the  fjinily  ;:i 
l-ord\ce,  Arkans.i-. 

\'  1419  Robert  Carter  Hosc-a,'  I'Oi-n  Aim!!  '.1.  1911,  is  witl;  hi.-  paronis  al  I'ordycc. 

Issue  of       7  7  7   ELIZABETH  WOODSOi;'  (Willi. a!).'  jul.n  P.,'  Tuckwr,'  Josci)li,'  Roix:rt,- 
Joiiir)  aiui  DaN'id  K.  "^'oiiuc;. 

I  1420  Alice  Young,'  b  )r:i  lA-biuaiy  5.  i;55.  prulxibb.-  in  CampbcTi  county. 
'J  enTic-<ec,  was  laarric-d  to  Mr.  C"lia[Hri.ii;,  and  livi:.-  al  rii!!t<.n,  .\ndcrson 
county,  Tennessee.  She  is  preside:. t  of  the  V,'orian's  Hume  Mission  iry 
Socieiy  oi  Holsion  Conference,  M.  iC.  Clnirch,  South. 

II  14?.!  Korace  Yotmg/Lorr.  February,  ]S:->7,  and  died  October  5.  1S64. 

Ill  1422  V.'iliiain  Baxter  Young,*  born  Septen.ber  29,  1S60,  di^d  October  14,  18:^l. 

l\  1423  Minnie  O.  Young,*  !:orn  May  27,  1:^63,  in  Canipbel!  cot;nty,  Tennossoc. 

\'  1424  Eauiuel  C!ari:sfon,'  boiii  Aneusi  5  7,  1S66,  died  Decen:bci  23,  1SS3. 

VI  1425  J-mes  Walter  Young,*  f;orn  July  31,  1S6S,  died  September  20,  Ivfix. 

\'II  1426  Etta  Io!a  Young,'  born  Xuvember  15,  1S70. 

VIII        1427  David  King  Young,  ]<./  born  16,  1S72. 
(Famil\-  record  \)y  David  King  Voting.  Sr.) 

I:;5ue   of        7DS   ATA'IS  K.  V/OODSCI?"  (George  V.'.,^  Juhn  P.,^  Tucker,^  Joseph,'  Robert,'^ 
john'-j  and  America  Jone?. 

1  1428  David  Obedience,*  I'orn  Deccm.ber  17,  1867.  at  Jonesville,  Knox  eounty, 
Kentuck>-,  went  \\itlt  las's  famiK'  to  D.dlas,  Texas,  in  lS7i.  a!Tl  wa. - 
reared  at  liiat  pla.-e.  Mc  was  inarri._d  Jane  15,  19V'4,  lu  ?>laiy  Kaihernnt 
Reamer  of  Dallas,  Texa.-,  in  which  rit\,-  she  was  born  December  lo.  lScS4. 

He  had  purcliased  ten  acres  in  Oak  Hill,  one  of  tiic  suburbs  of  Dallas, 
on  V. Inch  he  hat'  a  nice  home.  Or.  Augrist  iS,  ^jI09.  he  was  having  a  v.eli 
dug  oii  I'ie  place  and  accidentally  fell  in  and  received  injuries  from  which 
he  died  on  August  23,  1909.  He  is  survived  by  his  widow  and  one  son, 
Charles  .Alvis  \\''oof]son,5  who  was  I  torn  in  Dallas,  February  22,  1907. 

II  1429  John  Thomas,*  born  December  16,  1869.  at  Jonesville,  Knox  county, 
Kentucky,  went  wiC.i  the  family,  in  IS/J,  to  Dallao.  Texas,  where  he  was 
reared.  He  married  but  the  name  ol  his  wife  is  not  given.  'I  hey  are 
now  living  in  San  l-'rancisco,  Califi^ini.i. 

AN!'.    lliriR  C'.KNN!:Cl5.">NS 

HI  H3v)  George  Madison,^  born  l-\cc:u!-,cr  11,  1^71,  at  J.>ne.-\illo.  Kih'n  coww.y , 
Koiuucky,  wdu  wiili  liu-  Uun'.lN-,  ir.  IST-'.  to  Dallas,  Texas.  He  i?  nov," 
marTic-d  ai^d  li\''..'  in  lM3ckIaiid.  Klaiio. 

IV  *  1431  S'.'.as  Shields,-  lorn  ja!r.;;'ry  -'_'.  1ST5.  ir.  lUlla.s  TcNa?,  wcU  v,-ilb  i'-.;.' 
fainiiv  V.  ucu  l1a\-  moved  ;c  SiM.-nn.'.a,  '.U-x.'.s,  w'lerc  lie  was  reared.  He  w.-.s 
ir.arrii.-d,  .Mav  7,  l"!),"^,  u>  1  illiaii  May  Inirion,  v.-ho  \va.-  l.'orii  in  Sheri;;an, 
I"ebnjar>-  9,  1  :^S6.     They  nu\v  liv<-  in  D.dia^.  Te.xas. 

Issue  of       8  01    WILLIAM  ANDREV/  WOODSOry  (Jo-eph  i.ilhu'-n,'^  Jolir-  P./  Tucl:er.- 
.U'tei.-'h.-''  !\oberi,-  John')  and  S-'.rali  .\nuinda  Casner. 

1        1-;?..?  J.^'HC-s  Li'burn,'  h-.r- n  .\vv.v.>    19,  KS67,  a:  l"'.ain  of  R.k's.-,  I.iiieuln  coinuy, 
Mi<.;c.uri    wa.s  married  March  .^0,  1903,  to  .Mi-s  Lena  Miller  Mnnson. 

II       1433  Ella  Casner.'  Ixirn  SoptemLer  19,  1872,  and  died  July  1$,  1S74. 

Issue  of        80  2   MISSOURI   JAKE   WOODSON'    'Joseph    Lilljurn,«   John    P.,^    Tucker,' 
Joscsd:,"'  Roheri,- Jo'.in'i  and  ^Larl)!e  Came. on  Rl.uiks. 

I  1434  Arthur  West  Blanks,-  born  Septemlicr  15,  IS'.  1,  in  Lincoln  county,  3.Iissouri, 
\s-as  married  January  9,   1907,  in  St.  Louis,  to  Bernardino  Menzc. 

II  1435  Willie  Ethclene  Blanks,^  born  February  18,  1S76.  at  Chain  of  Rocks,  m 
Lincoln  coui;ty,  Missouri,  va-  married  June  15,  1907,  to  Fred  Elias  Gardner, 
who  was  born  December  2,  ISSO,  aL  Hampton,  Iowa.  In  poHtics  he  is  a 
democrat;  by  occupation  a  contractor  .-s.nd  makes  a  specialty  of  oriiameuial 
plastering  and  cen;ent  stucco  worlr.  They  have  been  living  in,  Sf.  Louis 
but  moved,  Feb.ruary,  1913,  to  Kansas  City,  Missouri. 

Ill  143o  Jessie  Enola  Blanks, ^  born  July  23,  1S79,  at  Chain  cf  Rocks,  in  Lia;:o!u 
county,  I\lis-i.  uri,  vas  married  November  20.  1902,  to  Oiuer  Collins  Pyie. 
They  live  in  St.  Louis  where  he  is  engaged  in  the  mercantile  bu?ir.e?i. 
Their  home  is  at  5095  Cabanne  Avenue,  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

\\  l-:37  Den  Kevdit  Blanks,"  born  September  8,  1SS3,  in  Lincoln  county,  Missouri. 
He  is  a  ci\il  engineer  and  is  at  present  (1913;  chief  engineer  lor  Duuglar, 
Head  &  Corjipariy,  Dirko,  Indiana.     Not  married. 

Issue  of       803   HENRY   JASPER    WOODSON'    (Joseph    Lilburn,^    John    P.,^  Tucker,-" 
Jos.eph,^  Robert,^  Jolm')  and  Sarah  Hutton,  liis  .nrsi  wi!"'?. 

I  *  1438  Jane,^  borii  December  22,  1S66.  on  h.-r  father's  farm,  four  miles  from  C'nain 
of  Rocks,  Lincein  county,  Missouii,  married  October  16,  iS9U,  to 
Thomas  F.  Admi,-c,  who  was  born  }.;;Tch  14,  ISO-L  They  lesidc  at  4713 
Grccr  Avenue,  St.  Louis,  Missouri.     He  is  a  driver  for  a  wlioiesale  house. 

li  *  i43',>  jetty  Dare/  i«  Kci'i-iiuiA  2.-:,  iS60.  on  ilir  fa,  in  i-A-v:-  fou-  r.ii'v-s  tiv^^; 
(."iuiin  of  Ro^ks,  I  iiicoli!  co\'uiy,  \l[>.n,uv'.  ilc  was  mairiod  S<;piei,i1n  r  .i: . 
1:SS,  to  Mi?-  M'^Miio  Tm\-.-!. 

Ill  ^  14-;  >  Joseph  Liibnnr  tv-n;  J.,i:ua-r  \U.  I'wl.  on  l!;c  farm  tH>;-!-  (bain  of  Roc!:-. 
l,:iu-oin  couniy.  Mis-^-iiri.  v.  a-  niariicd  Au-;is!  30,  ISO.v  u>  Mi?'^  C  laiiJv 
j:iok?oii,  v.he  ^\as  b;.-rn  l-<:bruary  17,  18/5.  '1  lu-y  reside  ia  \\  iuiK-M, 
!\ii^i;ouri,  where  ho  hi  cngau;ed  in  farnii!;g. 

lY  M41  Wiiliam  Y/iDis,^  Iwrn  Jamnry  2.',  i873,  near  Chain  of  shocks,  iMi^souii. 
lie  o\':n<  a  good  fann  near  Wiafield,  ?\ii-touri,  em  v.iiicli  hf  is  living  tiic  ii!e 
of  a  Ijaeludor. 

\'  *  14-;-2  Coia,'  1)  irn  Xi-.\  eiiihei-  -1,  1^'75,  near  Chain  of  Is.'eks,  \va?  married  Nnveniher 
10.  1S«'2,  10  l.lheny  V).  Lir.d.-ey,  v.ho  was  born  JuK'  M),  IS/l.  [Iiey  live 
in  Si.  I  ouis,  Mi--<".ui.  He  is  an  engin<-er  by  oecuiation.  and  i:-  en-j;ilo\i.d 
at  ti'.c  Cenur.t  Works  iri  St.  l.ouis. 

YI  M4',  Carrie, =  borr  February  17,  lo/T,  on  the  farm  rear  Cii  .in  of  Rocks,  Missouri, 
and  died  iheie  AuL'ust  6,  1S77. 

.      .  r.  i;y  SECOND  WirE,   "Ma.'^V   F-LLEV  AinUKE 

YII  1444  Floience  Marie, ^  born  Jannaiy  11,  K'-Sib  on  nor's  farm  h-ir  nViIes 
fiorn  Chain  oi  Roeks,  Aiisi,,.uii.  Slie  sriil  iixes  in  old  home  and  kvei^= 
house  for  her  fallier.      She  is  unmarried. 

YlII        1445   Georpia,'  born  22,  16S2,  on  tlie  farm  near  Chani  of  Rock--.,  Mi-souri. 
antl  dieil  young. 

IX  1446  Frank.s  born  September  12.  18.S4,  four  miles  from  Cb.ain  of  Rocks.  >.!issouri, 
\va=  married  October  6,  !'.)()(}.  to  Mary  Mattic  Fischer,  whovvasborn  >J'-'vcnv 
ber  18,  1S87.  Tliey  reside  at  59.=;2  Romaine  j'lace  St.  Louis,  Mi.---eu;n. 
He  is  a  rlrcct  car  conductor.  'Iheyhrive  a  son,  Jasper  Joser^h  \\oud>oii.^ 
born  Septeml;er  22,  VMT . 

X  1^47  Henry  Jasper,  Jr./ b.,r.TAn-;i  ^  15!^7.  near  Chain  of  Ror!:sMi<=ouri,  He 
v.ent  to  Si.  Louis  and  vvorke  1  a  while  as  a  street  ear  ro:idi;ctor  but  soon 
returne-d  to  thi- farm  where  he  is  ..till  !i\ing  and  woiking. 

XI  144S  Mrry  Fllen,^  b.orn  October  2,  1889,  near  Chain  of  Roek^,  Lincoin  county, 
Mi>.-ouri.  was  married  November  14,  1^11,  to  Reberi  IJsmere  Dn.v.n. 
They  live  at  r-rcsenl  on  his  father's  farm  at  LthKii,  Missouri.  lliey  have 
one  son,  Rabph  Samuel  Brown,-'  l>oru  .\o\embctr  2    1912. 

Issue  of        EC.    SAP.AH    V.'RGIKIA   WOODSON"    lJ'J>^'P'''    Li!l.ur,;,»   John    V..-'  Tucker,' 
Joseph.^'  Robert,^  John')  and  her  f^rst  husband,  CharlesA\'.  J  lershon. 

rii):  Wf"  i)s')Ns  ANi»  !i!^:ii;  ciinnl;  I^1N^ 

1  1440  Mershon,"  i'ora  Ai^ril  1  !,  ISoT,  ia  Linoolii  •.■cuiuy.  Mif<ouri,  aiv.i 
'-lici  March  i,  r-/?. 

I!  1450  J'cUvard  JifTshon,"  born  IXcvpi'^it  •!,  ISo,'-'.  in  linmln  counl\'.  ?iIi<>o'.-.ii. 
w.i-  in.irri!.-.]  Ocl^^txT  Mi,  !','7,  to  Mr<.  Aniui  (Shr.Kltr'  Mi-rsliou,  I'lc 
wifiovv-  ".if  h'.-^  !.lc^c.<^t•l.l  \  r-'iti;;.  r  iinulicr.  Hcr.iy  '.iil^iirii  Mer.-hon.- 

Iil  1451  Ella  Mer?hon,-  boni  IS,  !S71,  i.n  IJiiculri  ..-oinilv.  ^iissouri,  v,-,-,f. 
married  Xovcmher  2(/.  l;<f)l,  to  Hanip  Pollard.  Tiiey  re.-ide  in  Troy, 

IV  1452  RoF.a  Mershon,*  born  FcbriKuy  0,  iS73,  in  Lincoln  coiiiUv'.  Missouri,  was 
iiianiL-d  Ma\-  i,  li^Vo,  lo  John  Ijicrr.'ian.  Tlicy  Uvq  Dear  Moscow  Islilis, 

\'  1453  Henry  Lilhurn  Hershon,*  hovn  I'obriiary  10,  1S75,  was  married  October 
IS.  189S,  K.  Anna  Sliradcr.  J  Ic  died  A;-,riM5,  1006,  ar>d  his  widow  wa.-^ 
married  October  20,  1907,  to  his  elder  brother,  IJSSS  Edward  ^b?rshGn.'* 

Issri:  DY  TlIOM.\s  J.  CkEKCH,  V.VU  Siu'OXD  IIU.SB.VNl) 

VI        1454  Dora  D.  Creech,'  born  May  10,  1870,  and  died  July  18,  bSSl. 

VII        1455   Otho  B.  Creech, 5  born  Septeinber  11,  18P1,  'lied  February  22,  ISS". 

\'III        1450  M&ttie  May  Crce.^h,^  born  Ari;u,-t  15,  18S3,  died  Sepiembor  23,  18S7. 

IX  1457  Louis  Willian'  Creech,'  born  February  1,  1884,  in  Lincoln  coi;:it>-,  Missouri, 
was  married  June  4,  191)4,  to  his  cousin,  Li'iie  W'ood.-.^n-"  dau^,';rier  ol 
uncle,  809  Robert  Liiburn  Woodson.' 

X       145S  James  K.  Creech, =  born  January  S,  1SS9,  and  died  Scpteinb-cr  21.  1895. 

XI  1459  Jloiner  T.  Creech,-  born  August  25,  1891,  live.=  with  his  parents  at  Mo.-cow 
Mills,  Missouri. 

XII        1460   Geor.^da  C-crlrude  Creech,*  b.^n  November  29.  iS93,  and  died  December 
27,  1S9.V 

Issue   of        SOD   COLU^.IBUS  TOL-D   VrOOLSON"   (J^.^eph   Liiburn. ■;  John   P.,'  Tucker,^ 
Jo.-ei)!i,^  Roljeri,-  John')  and  C'amillc  Medora  Admire. 

I  1462  Claude  Tilden,*^  born  January  9,  1877,  at  Chain  of  Rocics,  Lincoh;  couniy, 
Missouri,  where  he  was  reared.  Some  }'cars  ago  he  v.-ent  to  St.  Louis 
where  he  is  now  engaged  in  tiie  rcsiauraat  busiiiess  on  Broadway  Street. 

II        J402   Maud  Ivlabe','  b-orn  Feb'!-uar\   7,  1879,  at  Cf:ain  of  Kocl:s,  Aiissouri. 

Kii  .Kin  ^.!^•>;l:';Al  iC'N  -''^ 

Ml        i-;63   Clarr.  May,'  l)0!ri  (_>.-u>!i.i   2.^,  ISSO,  at  Ch::\u  ol  Ko;  ks.  ;i:ul  Mi;:;l  jiiiic  2<, 

]\'  1-1j-:  If^.inor;i,'  Iwi  p.  i\:inu,!ry  7,  1SS2,  at  O'aiii  of  Rork?;.  cou;Uy, 
Mi.-- •■ini,  was  ir. ,•.:•,;..•-,'  to  I\  A.  Ivi-hue.  or.ii  !i\i-  .it  Tioy  in  ln-r  natisi' 
toiiiViv,      Thev   ijaxc  a  tlai!,..,!iUT  v.Iio  was  bv.ra  al'oiit  19(!5. 

V  M65  Ic  •Roy,"  bora  ?c;>U'a!ber  .'0.  1SS4,  al  Chain  of  Ro^k^,  Mi^-^ou.i.  He  is  a 
rivil  enginoor,  in  the  Unilod  St■aic^  ---erx  ice.  In  1909,  he  was  siauoned  at 
!\lii(  hell,  Nebraska. 

\'l  1466  Burt,'  born  June  30.  \SS6.  at  Ch.aia  of  Rocks,  ?.lissQiiri. 

\'ll  M-^i7  Frederick,^  born  Jantia.y  14,  1^^>;,  at  Ch.un  of  R..i.:ks,  Missouri. 

\"il\  140S  Hili-iy,*  born  Ji'ly  15,  1890,  at  Chain  of  Rocks,  Mi^-souri. 

IX  l-;6y  Mark  Adler.Mjom  i'ebruary  5,  1S9.^,  in  Lincoln  ojunty,  Missonr;. 

X  1^'.70  Don.alJ  Ricnaid  Alivic/  born  March  20,  1899,  at  Chain  of  Rock,-,  Mis'-ouri. 

Issue  of       SOB   SUS.\ri    MINERVA   WOODSOK"    (Joseph    IJlbjrn,'^   John    P.,'   Tucker,-' 
Joseph,^  Robert,^  John')  and  W'iUiani  Granville  Merslion.' 

I        1-17 J    Lucy   Piicher   Mershoii,"-  born  April   23,    loSS,   Hms  wiih   her   parent.,  in 
Xa^hxiUe,   Tennc'^sc-e. 

Issue  of        310   DORA  ALICE  WOODSON'  (Joseph  Lilburn,«  John  P..^  Tuck;-r.-'  Joseph." 
Rt;bert,-  John')  ar.d  John  iMcNair  Simpson. 

I       ]i72   Hu,-h  Wesley  Sirars.on,  born  October  14,  ISSI,  in  Lincohi  couiTtv,  Missouri. 
He  now  lives  on  Tiierrsa  Avenue,  St.  Loui~,  Missouri. 

II  1473  Hairy  Hall  Simpson,'  born  Jvme  29,  1.SS3,  in  Lincoh;  count)-.  Missouri, 
and  iJied  No\-einli^r  7,  loS7. 

in  1474  Pr.ul  \7oadzor.  Sin-i>son,''  bjrn  March  7,  1885.  H.-  now-  lives  al  Moscow 
Mills,  Missouri. 

IV  1475  Lola  Lee  Simpscn,''  born  January  6,  LS.''"'.7,  lives  at  Moscow  AIi^l^,  I^Hssouri. 

\'  1476  Raymond  Cecil  Simpson,^  born  January  30,  1.S.S9,  lives  at  Troy.  Misrouri. 

\'I  1477  Anna  Mae  Simpson,^  born  Man-h  5,  1^91,  li'.  es  it  Moscow  ^ii!L.  Missouri. 

Yli  1478  Ava  Bernice  Simpsou,^  born  July  24,  1.S9J,  live^  at  Morrow-  JMills. 

\dll  1479  Susie  Mershon  Simpson,'*  b(jrn  September  S,  1895,  lives  at  Mo.=,co^y  Mills. 

Tin-'  \VO(M>.-,>i.\.s  .\\n   111;  ;k  luNMX  riiiN^ 

I\        Mt;0  Luella  Simpson,"  b^i  n.  August  2,  !S'.'7.  lives  ai  .Mo<c<nv  Mills,  Mi^r-oini. 

lijsue  of       812   NELLIE  nOS1^  LL^:  Y/OODSOrr  i}^r^v,^\i   Li!Luri>,^  Jr.bii  I'.,-'  Tucla-r,' 
joM-ph,-'  Kv>!;L;n,-  J(ih:v')  .uid  Jaiucri  AiTii^  Seal? 

1        ]\Si   Joseph    Cecil   beals,-   b'.vn    27,    iSS6,    in    Adam;;   cduu'iV.    Illinois. 
lU   !i\c:5  with  hi:^  iiinii-ici"  in  Lof.iii'.e,  l'liiii)i^. 

II        1'!S2   Glenii    Woodson    Pe'Is^,^    !,>orii    Ncw.t.iIxt    2!,    1SS7,    in    AcLuns    cou:U\-, 
lllilUli;^;  r.v>^v  li\cs  wiiii  lu-r  niuiher  iii  L<jr>;inc,  Illinois. 

HI        1483  Lillie  Dott  Sraly,"'  hnri!  :\Iay  23,  \l<^'),  in  Adanib  coumy,  Illinois,  and  div/d 
Aini!  11,  l-'Ul. 

I\"       14S4  Julina   iM:.ry   Seals,''  born  Jannai}-   29,    l.S'.M,  in   Au.inis  ctiunly,   Illinois. 
SliL-  is  nuinicd  and  has  cmh:  child. 

Issve  of       BIS  JAMES   SDV/ARD    WOODSON'     (Joseph    Lilhiirn,''   John    P.,'   TucLer.-" 
Joseifh,"  Rubci't,-  John')  nnd  Iv.ssie  Jane  \Va£c!e>-. 

r      1485   Marg-ret  Medorr./  burn   Xovcml-or  4,  1897. 

II        i486  Lucille  Pollard,''  born  Jnni-  12,  I'-OO. 

Ill        MS7   Deane  Elizabeth,'  born  J,il\    11,   1<\:;1,  in  St.  Loui^,   Misso'a.ri,  \\\v^\x■  this 
family  still  reside. 

Issue  of       O  1  7    Vv'lLLIAM    WOODSON"    (.Mien.'''   Jes^e,"    William,^    Benjamin,'    Robert^ 
John')  and  Martha  G.  llaythe. 

I  *  I4S8  Judith  Virginia,*  liorn  Fe'iriiary  2,  1S27,  in  B(.)tctunrt  county,  v'iru'.Inia, 
\vhe:e  she  grew  to  >"Oun<T  maidenhood  and  was  married,  first,  i-'ii  Jar;i.u'r>' 
25,  1841,  ai  her  father's  home  near  Bonsa.cks,  Rote:iourt  couiu_\  ,  Lo  John 
¥.  Coffman.  They  spent  their  V.iiief  married  life  on  the  farm  -which  h.a.d 
been  owned  liy  the  Coftmans  for  more  than  a  linnrlri'd  ycar'=.  llvi'  husband 
died  Juh'  3,  1819,  snr\-i\-ed  b\'  his  \\i'l(j\v  aiui  three  children.  She  v.-as 
married,  scrorrl,  in  ]^'.51,  to  Samuel  Id.  Sni'ley,  of  Springwood,  E;Heio'irt 
couiU>'.  She  was  a  i.le\'oiii  Christian  and  ;i  member  of  the  Baptist  riim  rh 
for  thirty  \ears.  She  died  January'  5,  1'.'n<»,  at  the  home  of  her  son-indaw, 
\V.   B.  Wills,  at  Trout\ille,  \'irginia. 

II  *  14^9  AthillCo  Allen,"  born  November  10,  1  828,  on  his  father's  farm,  near  B'lnsa'ks, 
Botetourt  tount>',  \'iii.;inia,  where  he  rearei.l  and  educated  in  tlie 
schools  in  his  neighborh'.iorl.  He  was  married  .May  11,  1853,  to  Ain".ie  P. 
Briigh.  He:  i)urcha'ed  a  fine  farm,  a  miie  from  Idncasile,  Botetourt 
county,  on  v.  liich  he  built  his  picturesque  homo,  o\'erIoo.king  a  beautiful 
mountain  strtaiu.  Here,-  thej-  spent  th.e  rest  of  their  lives,  rearing  a  large 
fa.inil\-  of  chililren,  most  of  v. horn  are  fnumbors  of  the  Baptist. Church.  He 
died  April  29,  1911. 

■hiM  lU  ^.J^^;I•;!^.\  iliiN     .  ^97 

11)        1490  Llary  J.,*  born  M.uvh  .■:7,  iS.>!,  near  Bf>u?acl:s,  13otciMUrt  cnumy,  \'iryinia, 
aiiii  diol  April  27,   !S32. 

IV       1491   Wiiilam  ':.,'  Lorn  Aim i!  2,  18o.>,  .lied  Ma;,  h  I-;-,  lS.i5. 

y  '-■  1492  Blake  Lynch,"  born  M  -.y  21,  ISoa,  near  Bonsaiks,  Boiofu-art  coit-Uy, 

Hi.-  iccci\i<_!  his  piima.ry  ciiurai  ii.n  in  the  c<)uii(r\'  sc  liool<i  in  liis  nei;;'ioi-- 
hooci.  ara!  ialer  cnuiru  l.\-n(Iibmi;  t"i;.ilo<c,  i\vm  whicli  'ne  was  i.(ra(!n.,i(ed 
\\ilh  the  d;  give  nf  A.  15.  He  ^iiiaiid  la.w  in  iho  1 '!]i\cr~;i\-  of  X'iia^inia, 
and  was  achniucd  lo  ihc  bar  about  ihc  \iiiie  ilio  Ci\-il  War  bc;.;a:;.  He 
assi-;c<l  ir'  rai.^inj;  a  ci-mi'ar.y  callt;'  liu-  "),>nchb'irg  Baavireganls,"'  of 
wliich  lie  \va--.  mad.-  Hr~-i  I'i.iUon  in.  'I'iiox-  \s-c-ro  n-,ai_Herod  inio  tiio  ,-.-T\-ice 
of  ilio  Coaicderale  Slalom  in  r\la\-.  IS'il.  With  hi<  eMm!:ian\-,  lir  sj-'cn!  ihe 
firsi  yca.r  of  ilie  war,  \n  and  .Vcji-i'idk,  \"irgini>i.  After  thi.-  he  in 
tile  artiller\-  service,  and  fon-ht  a.gainsl  AleCleHin  in  tiie  Peninsular 
(Aimpait;i;.  When  the  CunfediTa.tei  c\aciiatcd  \(.rf  ilk,  he  "rent  lo  ib.e 
couimand  of  John  B.  I'loyd,  in  \\'e;-l  X'irginia,  and  a^-atUed  in  raising  tlie 
Forly-ii!'th  X'irginia  b,  ttalion  and  v,-as  made  inaior.  with  the  bre\cv  rani: 
of  colonel.  He  was  wounded  once  in  a  skirmirli  by  the  bnr.-liay  of  .i  shull, 
and  in.  another  engagenient  he  recei\'ed  a  musket  shot  wound.  Tn  jiK', 
1864,  he  was  captured  by  th.c  eneni\-,  bur  was  sor.n  paroled  and  exchanged. 

After  th.e  clo-e  of  ihe  war,  he  settled  in  Fincasik  .  in  his  iiali\-e  county, 
and  beg;iii  a  re\ie\v  uf  his  law  studies,  jireparatory  lo  taking  up  ihe  praciica 
of  liis  |)P'fes;ioii.  In  1S6S,  he  was  elected  to  the  legislature  of  \'irgiuia..  was  th'i  sessi  )n  of  tlic  IcgislalUT-e  afba"  [\w-  war,  aad  there  was  a 
vast  amount  of  difficult  and  iniporiant  work  to  be  done  in  rhanging  the 
r.talules  to  conform  to  the  ncv\-  cottstitution  which  hatl  bcai  adopted  in 
1S67.  This  Icgiflaiun;-  remained  in  session  coalinuousi\'  luitii  the  spring 
of  1871. 

Soon  after  adjniirnn.ent,  !\Iai<ir  V.'oodscm  deierniined  to  i:hi\e  west. 
Accordingly  he  located  in  Kan-as  City,  Misstjiu'i.  and  formed  a  law  partner- 
slii;-)  w'ith  Robiert  E.  Cowan,  which  rontimied  lO'til  that  genlicnian  was 
clecltt!  to  the  supreme  bench.  After  this,  Maj'ir  Woorlson  be'came  a' 
ated  with  Gen.  Milt.iii  Moore  in  the  r^ractice  of  lav.-. 

In  138-1,  and  again  in  1S86,  he  was  elected  by  llic  democrats  as  prose- 
cnliu'.:  altoruL-y  for  J.'ckson  county,  iMi-srji'ri,  and  pro'/ed  lo  lie  a  most 
faithful  and  ertnaeat  officer.  !n  ]8o0,  he  was  ciecled,  and  serx'ed  for  a 
slu/n  lime  as  siiccial  criuiinal  judge. 

As  a  tri.d  la\'.\er  'n  criminal  cases  he  had  few  erpials.  lie  ])i'--e-;^ed 
natural  eloquence  in  a  high  degree.  He  was  popular  witii  l.'oth  ex-Union 
and  ex-Coiiferlerate  soldiers,  and  was  a  ineinber  of  Camp  S(h  Cniua! 
Confederate  Veterans;  and  an  hnn'irary  member  of  \  cteran  Coin;:any  A. 
which  is  composed  exclusively  of  ex-l'nion  soldiers.  It  has  been  said  that 
he  had  tried,  perhaps,  more  ca^e:;  in  itie  criniiiuil  court  of  Kan-as  City  than 
any  other  lawyer  at  that  bar.  Ifo  v,  as  zealous  in  the  defciise  of  Ins  client, 
Louricou^  to  his  fellow  i-nembers  of  tiie  bar,  a  succer^sfui  [a'aclitioner  anil, 
under  ail  circtim.-itances,  a  ^ciulcniun . 

>NS  ANa  1iir.!«  COVNUi  •IlMN; 

He  was  twice  married:  nisi,  to  Mi-s  [..■i!a  W'^^rd,  .la'-^l^'er  nf  Co! 
E.  M.  Word  of  Finca.-t!i.\  \"r.;inia.  She  died  in  1S~1.  He  was  nKnried. 
second,  ill  1^;S0,  v.;  Mi-;  Nora  !V!.inoy  of  K.;nsas  C:;y,  who,  with  her  \\m\-:: 
dau.L;httM->  siill  icsiilv-  ai  their  lionic.  l.^l'J  L"l<.ir!olie  St;vri,  Kansas  Ciiy, 

lie  died  svtdden';.-.  in  K:.n,--a?  City,  on  Aiarrli  I.'j,  10U2.  The  exnri 
cause  of  iiis  death  is  uncertain,  but  it  was  [irohaljU-  due  to  apoplexy.  f)'i 
the  mornino;  o!  ?^lai•ch  16,  V)0?..  he  left  his.  home.  1.^1')  e  h.irlotte  Street,  al 
10:45  o'clock  to  go  t<i  his  oOice.  Haxinii  Rone  some  ch'stancc,  he  was 
crossing  a  >t:eet  wliere  llierc  were  some  loose  rai!.-  Kiic^.  In  steppiivc 
o\-er  these  he  feil,  strikini;  the  h.ack  of  his  on  the  sharp  corner  of  a 
rail.      Death  resulted  immediately. 

Tile  aliove  sketcli  Is  taken  i)aitly  from  an  article  piiblislie.l  in  a  Kansas 
eit\-  iKiper  din;clly  after  Major  WooJ-on's  death,  anij  jiaiil}-  fio:ii  the 
fatnih'  records. 

14j2  'viUiani  David,'  born  June  21,  IK.vS,  near  Bonsa^ks,  Botetourt  cou.t.Tv, 
Vir-inia,  and  has  iivcd  in  that  county  ail  his  life  with  tlie  exception  of  the 
four  \-ears  of  ihe  Ci\"il  War. 

As  a  little  of  his  war  exi)crience  iniirhi.  be  eraena.inir.g,  the  following 
extracts  are  made  from  the  "War  Recollections  of  Lieut.  Willian:  U.  Wood- 
son, Compain-  K,  2Sih  X'irginia  Regimcrit." 

"In  1861,  Capt.  P.  G.  RreckenridL,^e  organi/cd  a  company  of  ninet>- 
men  at  the  little  town  of  Amsterdam,  Botetourt  iouni\'.  \'iri;inia.  la 
this  coiiip.iiiy  I  war-  orderly  sergeant.  (  was  twie'e  v/.vandied  and  recovered 
and  twice  captured,  escaping  brith  times  from  the  eraiinc  I  was  wotimk-d 
in  the  groin  at  Gaines'  Mil!  and  in  the  leg  at  Cold  Harbor.  That  last 
bullet  I  am  still  carr>ing  in  m\-  leg.  I  v.-as  in  prison  at  Johnson's  island  oti 
Lake  Lric  seven  mor.ilu-.  From  there  1  came  home  i^Hho:/!  havn.  \Micn 
captured  near  Larm>\i!lc,  \'i:-ginia.  during  the  retreat  from  iVter^btirg.  I 
was  a  prisoner  oiiiy  one  day  and  night.  Ours  was  company  K  ot  the 
Twenty-eighth  \'irginia  infantry,  Pickett's  brigade,  Longstreet's  corps. 

The  first  time  I  was  captured  was  in  Pennsylvania  during  Gen.  Let's 
second  iiuar-ion  of  the  north.  Thi:,  vras  done  by  a  sriuad  of  Yankee  cas'alry 
Wiiich  1  mi>took  for  our  own  until  it  was  too  late  to  dodge  them.  In  com- 
pany v.-iih  about  a  dozen  other  prisoners,  we  were  pushed  :-apidly  northwarrt 
as  they  were  v.itliin  oar  lines  and  the  battle  of  Gettysburg  wa-  raging  ah>.)i.t 
lliat  time.  \\"l  were  hastened  to  and  tlirough.  liie  city  oi  Baltimore.  We 
had  a  large  following  through  that  city,  and  many  of  them,  1  couid  sec, 
were  in  ^vmpathy  with  us.  One  of  out  men  threw  a  wad  of  paper  to  a 
lady  who  w  as  rudeK'  jiudied  aside  and  it  was  picked  up  b>-  one  f>f  the  gii.ards. 
Then  my  "rebel"  blood  boiled  andT  was  ready,  il  opporiiinity  liaii  ollered, 
to  make  mince  meat  cf  him  for  the  buzzards.  We  were  hurried  on  to  I-ort 
McHenry  for  a  few  weeks  and  then  to  .some  prison  on  the  B.iy.  in  a  short 
lime  orders  came  to  this  prison  t'r-  ship  all  commissioned  oliicers  to  Jtdmson's 
Island  on  Lake  I^lrie,  near  Sandusky  City,  Ohio.  As  I  had  been  tuade 
lieutenant  after  tlie  battle  of  "\\iiliam-burg.  tliat  order  included  me.  Th-e 
Driven  was  iocited  on  the  island  two  or  three  miles  from  land.     'Ihe  yard 

r.h-.i!  Ill  (;i.Ni. 

wai^  incli.-.sed  1\\  a  l'--i;tx'  sor.n.-' si\i('i;n  or  twenty  !'<-vi  hi^h,  \vi!ii  i-eti'.iiH'l.-: 
waliciii..  il  (.lay  anil  ni-iil.  !■><•. ;pr-  scxMivrd  iiripus-ibk'.  1  irinii-d  tticrt- 
J-,;y  :;\  1863,  a-.^l  \>:H,  wiilu-D-  U-.ive.  l'-b.-uary  21.  1S64. 

Dari'i-  l!ie  winter  ihoic  ''aire  a  \  t-ry  coid  jpcll  r-o  il-at  the  puraps  in 
tlu-  iri-v.:)  yard  ali  fidzc  i;;;.  ai^J  wc  wei..-  ;».•.  niiiu-d  on'o  rach  day  to  po  ots; 
!)ii  tho  iaki;  fi.r  wator.      A  ijuard  was  siatiiaicd  '>r  ciibor  ^ido  from  t!io  v:aio 
to   tiic  ia.kc  and   v,  c  liai!   ri,   p;■,^.-  Loi\i-i.:i.'n   l!ic   i;uard<  wiih  om    cantfL'ns. 
bu(.kct.=  .  lul;.^,  etc..  for  waiLr.     At   the  tap  of  t!;i-,,  all  w!io  wanted 
water  as-xmbled  at  tl;"  t,atc  wr.ich  \va^  opened  to  iij;,  and  we  passed  oiil 
between  llie  guards,  to  il-.e  iak.-.  ulied  oiir  v.^.-els  and  returned.     We  had 
to  awaii   our  turn  at  tlic  ice  holes  cut  in  the  ice    which  look  some  little 
time.     .\s  I  was  always  on  the  lookout  for  a  chance  to  escape,  I  had  my 
cvc:   abc;iit  me  ou  tais  occasion,     'i'he  Yankees  not  on  duly  v.ere  allowed 
to  pass  the  guard  and  mix   uiili  us.     Tiie  Bhics  and.  Grays  were  driving 
quite  a  brisk  business,  exchanL;ing  tob.icco  for  ring.-?,  watch  I'ob.'^   and  other 
trinkets,      k  occurred  to  n-ie  if  1  had  on  a  blue  suit.  I  niii^ht  mix  up 
with  the  Blues  and  >valk  out  with  thera.      1  returned  to  my  block,  corssulted 
will'  one  of  my  fellow  prksoncrs  and  laid,  my  plaiis.      I  had  on  a  citizens 
suit  \vhich  1  would  need  in  the  eve-rii  thrt  I  escaped,  and  1  neetied  a  blue 
suit  for  present  purposes.     I  procured  a  pair  of  blue  j^ants  troni  c-ac  of  the 
prisoners  and  a  Yankee  blue  overcoat  from  another.     Our  orderly  get  a  tew 
dollars  in  greenbacks  for  rne,  and   by  Sunday   niornin.E;   )    was  ready  tor 
"liberty  or  death."     I   took  half  a  dozen  canteens  in   my  hand  and  got 
with   the  boys  who  were  waiting  for  the  opening  of   the  gate.     In  a  few 
minutes  the  gate  opened  and  we  all  crov.ded  thrcu;:h.     T  had  asked  one  of 
the  bo%s  to  take  my  canteens,  and  as  I  was  passing  through  the  gate,  I  fell 
them  slip  out  of  my  hand  behind  me  and  I  v.-alked  leisurely  down  to  the  lake, 
to  ali  appearances,  a  true  blue  Yankee  soldier  oft  duty.     The  guard  had  his 
eyes  fixed  on  the  Grays  in  front,  so  I  stuck  a  pipe  in  my  mouth  and  j-.assed 
by  him  unnotired.     Our  thou.'^hfful  orderly  had  prepared-  nic  a  pa-s  in 
which  he  signed  the  name  of  the  eommandin.g  ofnter  whose  hea'.io.uarter.- 
were   in  Sandusky.      I    started   for  Sandusk\-   and   had   gone  bat  a   sliuri 
distance  when  I  wis  halted  and  my  pass  demanded.     I  handed  it  to  the 
oi'ticer  of  the  guard,  not  daring  to  even  think  what  would  become  of  me  if  he 
di:>covered  the  spuriousness  of  it.      But  I  told  him  1  belonged  ever  in  the 
city,  had  been  to  the  island  and  was  on  my  way  back,  so  he  told  me  to  p-ass 
on,  wliieh    I   did  witiiout  any  more  i>arley.     I  made  for  the  suburbs  of  the 
town  and  took  the  ilr.-^t  road  I  foiwul  leading  soutiiward.      I  soon  cair.e  to 
a  piece  of  wood.-  sffficiently  dense  to  conceal  me  and  there  I  took  ofT  my 
blue  clothes,  suick  ihem  in  an  old  fallen  tree  and  left  the  place,  jiist  an 
ordinary   citizen.     This  was  Sunday,    I-"ebruary   21.    1S64.      J    walked   on 
.steadily  all  that  day  and  until  sunrise  Monday  morning,  stopped  at  a  toll- 
gate  keciser's  house,  got  something  to  eat  and  went  on,  keeping  up  m>  tramp 
trami),   tramp,  my  feet  became  tired  and  sore.     .At  the  end  of  ihe 
third  day  I  stopped  at  a  farmer's  house  where  they  to'/k  :r.e  in,  gave  ine  a 
good  supper  and  a  feather  bed  to  sleej)  on.     Going  on  to  Marion.  I  caught 
a  train  and  rode  as  far  as  SprlngtklcJ,  Ohio,  where  I  got  off.      I   had  only 
iiboul  fiflN-  cents  left.      1  .vent  to  a  liule  house,  a  few  yards  off  the  road,  and 


'NNl'!;  I  U'N^ 

.1  kiiiij-fac'.'l  la<i\-  cr.vo  iPC  ::  :^-'<',i  'u;;>ch  for  wlii-l;  i  p.'.icj  ivn  ie:r>s.  ?\iy 
sti\'ni;th  was  noarU  'i>c-iU  .'lul  r.;y  wiUk  wa--  oiil\'  a  lu'li'iU'  «i  .il''.iH  a  mile 
;  II  i!<nif.  'Jf  all  t  ^iiii--  <'ii  rii\  >.:'.■>.  hc-t;;.;.'"-,-;  ^^a-  the  l>.!r<k'sl.  1  coakl  !ii; 
or  sii-al  if  ncro^\',  ,>..'.•'  uo  ah;  ";I  aaiy  naiii.:I'.iy  iliin-  v.  b.ilc  in  U\c  eaoi^y'.- 
Ci.JinutA',   bin   (ii'i\oi-    iiir   tioni    !■■.  ,.c:iii;. 

Whh  i!k'  ai;'  of  >a(.'rl  ri.ii;:;  U\  ru>ci  \\ac:''i:>.  lu'i:;.:ie;-  and  in!a?r  wliicie-: 
guin^  my  \vay.  I  m:,"^!:i  rL.icl'id  (  iaciiuiaii,  crusidl  c".  er  iliv  ri\oi  lo  C'c\-iaf;- 
tiiii,  K(MUi;ck\',  while  1  fciui'l  soi'io  i  riei'^ls  who  ^iii)i'li(-il  ir.i  v.iih  !iii)i,iy. 
Aiici"  re-.-n'iij;  a  iew  iia\-.^,  I  l^^'^k  a.  -,-1  a.nicr  ami  weni  almiii  forix'  i.;iic:;-  ui; 
the  Ohio  Ri\'er,  th.eii  mu  imo  {'j-:  iuieriur.  lu'jai'i;-  to  iiicel  \i^-  with,  sialic 
C'.i'afederate  scouis  wh.o  iiii.",lu  I'ih't  nie  throii;.;!"!  the  \\  ij',!~.  of  KerUticky  to 
my  aati\e  ^laic.  \\"l::le  tlui  wa.ipui:,  J  hasicu  myself  gotLiii;~  Mp  a  school. 
I  succeed;.:!  ill  c  nroll'i'.L;  alu'iil  ■ '.\  e;n  y-Tn  (:  inii>)l>;  l>iU  my  school  '.vas  ne\'er 
called  tcj  on.ler.  .About  this  tinu-  ihrve  ( 'oafclcale  -(■■n;;<  cair.e  into  the 
neit;hboihoo(.l.  1  at  once  wi'iu  to  tlieir  liidii';.,  jilact-  and  that  night  v,e 
raided  n  \',iiila'e  shiiuliL'  (d.uice.  a.i.d  t;ol  two  horses.  We  struck  out  for 
the  nunintainh  and  in  n  fc\\  d,i_\--.  ci'o;;sevl  into  \'ii":.;inia  at  Pouacl  Ciaj), 
Kentucky.  Here  ve  j)rirted,  li;.'  thn  e  scouts  t;oinc^  to  their  rcspecti\"e 
coiviinacds  and  I  to  make  my  jotiriioy  alone  llirongli  ^\'isc.  Ta..-:e\ve.ii  and 
oilier  counties  lo  m\'  home  in  k'(;(etoiirt  Coiiniy." 

It  was  at  this  time  thai  he  ^^■.i■^  marrieci  lo  Miss  .\nn  Mariahi  Ste\(.-ns. 
In  lifteen  i\.xy>  afiei'  this,  he  was  again  ai  tiie  front,  and  figiitin.:^-  in  ihe- second 
halth-  al  told  Ha:!.>ur,  wl-.ere  he  received  a  \vr>und  in  ihc  le:;  which  kep: 
him  our  of  the  army  untii  f'e'iruar}',  1865.  He  returned  lo  Ids  command 
anci  was  \vith  them  i'l  ail  llieir  !narch:n<;^  and  n^.ihlinL,s  unli!  ihe  close  at 
.Appoiaattox  on  April  9,  lS6a.  Ih-  ai  oi'.ce  retiiinei.l  *o  .\msterdiani,  in 
Botetourt  couni>.  where  he  iiad  enlisted  in  company  K  ju.-t  four  years 
j)re\aously.  Here  lie  was  net  and  weiccaricdi  by  his  young,  iilack  eved 
wife,  and  old  fronds  and  neigh.bors.  But  where  weie  the  oilier  ninety 
bo\'s  and  \nun;<  men  v.dio  composed  coin[jany  K,  four  yci^rs  agor       *       '■•       * 

The  o\er,  he  settled  down  on  his  farm  i;erir  An::^;erdam.  Hi.-, 
wife  died  in  iS90,  and  he  was  married,  sc'"ond.  in  '.S92,  t(^  .Mrs.  Cornelia. 
Flora  \\'itcers,  widow  of  Ro'wert  Withers,  (kceased. 

In  ISys,  ihey  left  the  farm  and  settled  in  Gl.fdys,  in  the  lowL'r  [lait  of 
Botelinirl  c(Hint\',  where  the\'  still  live,  cngagid  in  th.e  hou! 

\'II  *  1494  Charles  .■\le;--aai'er,  b;rn  JnK  oU,  !S  iO,  on  l,i^  fatiier's  farm  near  Eon.-ack-, 
Botetourt  coiiiit\',  X'iiginia. 

Ill  July,  l;^ol,  he  enlisted  in  the  service  of  ih.e  C"onf(  derate  Stales, 
joininjj-  comi)an;.  K,  whicli  w.'.r,  organized  .it,  Botelriurt  eoinity. 
Tliis  coiii[)an\'  wa.-^  placed  in  tlu  'i"went\-(igl'th  \'irgiia'a  infantry  reginieai, 
Pickett's  brigade,  J..ongstrcet's  corps,  and  saw  nnich  hard  and  bloody 
scr\'ice  during  the  four  years,  war.  When  llie  ^var  was  o\er  he  reinrned  to 
.  "  hi^  home  in  Boleiourt  and  ^oon  engaged  in  business  in  L.yrichbtirg  which  i'C 

continue'.'  two  tuid  a  half  ye.irs. 

Ill  1^08,  lie  went  to  Creenxille,  ^outh  Carolina,  lo  study  for  the 
PM'iiistry.  In  ^^72,  he  was  ordained  a  m'ni.-ter  in  the  l<n))li-;(.  Ciiurch  and 
ci-mineiiced  oreachin^;  ;it  Columbia,  Alabama.     He  was  married  b)cccmber 

KI'    ;:  )i!  G;:\UK.\T1:'N  301 

2,1.  1^73,  U<  ^!i^^.C'i^■o^gi(•  (";in..-ii  c^(  Sinuh\-i;lo,  Al.ujasna.  Af'cr  rcfidin^ 
sonu-  \cars  in  .\l.;l\;n!a,  ;IiC>'  rv; uriicd  to  \'ir,L;'.ni.'.  -.vI-cit-  I'.e  i'.i.s  nicacljed 
at  \ariaii!;  plicc.-.     'I'iicy  now  li\c  at  Riis-thurg,  C';-!!  county.  Vifgiiii:;. 

Issue  of       8213  TARIETON  WOODSON'  iTai.t.  CliarL-.s'  Diiii\-.--  Wiiii.un,"'  i5f:ijan)in,' 
Riil'(.rt,-  joh'.''  and   I'.lizabctli  I'rii  o  Ricluuxl^ou. 

I  *  1495  Shores^  (was  al\va>s  ralk"!  .\iin).  liorn  rchruarv-  7,  180.^,  at  lu-r 
faiiunV  Ikmhc  in  ("iiiiibci'laad  (.-(''jniy,  Viri^itiia,  w'acre  .-lie  was  married 
Scpt(.'inl,>cr  20,   1S2'').  to  jusiah   II.   riipiii!'.''  of  (.'mnbt-rlaiHl  C')i!ril\.      tli: 

was  a  son  of  \\'illiani  i'lippin  and  AL;ia\s  W'ahon,''  sisior  of Thomas 

lloiisun  Walton.      '.Slc  K.\cnrMi,-. — Waii.m.') 

1!  1495  V/iliiain  Edwaid,^  I'orn  January  8  iSOV,  in  Camiiciland  ronn'.y,  and  died 
SopioniLH.!'  20,,  lunnarricd. 

Ill  1497  Thoma-.  Fcntcn,"  bom  3.1ny  2S,  ISOO,  in  Cuinbcrland  conruy  and  dire! 
tliL-To,  Julv  19,  1S29,  unmarried. 

1\'  *  1498  Mary  Jfirnima,^  lioi;,  Decf  nilcr  22,  ISIl,  in  Cuir.bcrlan«I  county,  Virginia, 
Y\as  married  Juh'  lo,  1S37,  lo  Al!;ert  Cunnini;hain. 

V  *  1499  Ricliard  Oscar, ^  b'lrn  Ma\'  26,  3  813,  at  hi.-  farhcr's  liome  in  Cun:bi'rl".n':i 
count  \-,  \'ir;;ini<'.,  wliero  lie  v.  <is  rearcci  and  educated.  H'-  '.vas  twice 
married ;  first,  on  Xovembcr  25,  183.S,  to  Susan  D.  A.  Hatclicr,  a  daughter  (jt 
Frederick  Haiehor  of  Cumlierland  county.  She  died  May  13,  18-1-3,  one 
month- and  t\to  da\'s  after  the  birth  of  her  only  child.  He  vras  married, 
.'iecond,  on  Au-just  22,  1844,  to  Marcella  E.  French,  daughrer  of  Robert 
French  of  Powhatan  couni\-,  \"irginia.  They  moved  to  Mississippi  and 
boueht  a  farm  about  six  miles  nortii  of  Holly  Si)rinE;s,  in  INIarsiiali  county, 
and  there  sjjcnt  ti:c  remainder  of  their  lives.  He  died  Septenibe-  21, 
1892.  He  was  higiily  esteemed  os  one  of  the  most  substar.tia!  citizens  iri 
his  section  of  tiie  ceanty. 

\T  *  1500  Samuel  Leake, ^  born  July  22,  1815,  on  his  father's  farm  in  Cumberiand 
county,  \'irginia,  where  he  was  reared  and  educated.  He  married 
An;.;u-^t  17,  1843.  to  Miss  Elizaiieth  Dabney  Brown  of  Buckinc;liam  couniy. 
(See  -Addenrla — "I^ ran? fort!   Fam:!;v."  i 

In  the  latter  part  of  1844,  they  moved  to  Mi.ssiscippi  and  located 
near  Holly  Sprin.;s  in  Marshal!  county,  the>'  li\"ed  alujut  tliirtcen 
years.  In  1858,  the\-  remo\-ed  to  Memphis,  Tennessee,  where  lie  cnv^aged 
in  buiiness  until  the  beginning  of  tlie  Civil  \\'ar. 

In  1862 — tlic  Federal  forces  having  la.kcn  possession  of  Western 
Tennessee-  -he,  with  iiis  wife  arid  only  son,  removed  to  Sehaa,  Alabama,  he  wa;-.  engaged  iii  the  t;>bacco  business.  Here  they  remained  until 
after  tlie  war  clo-ed. 

]}]  18i«9,  thc^,-  rcl';>-neil  lo  Menapl'is,  tiiey  spent  ihe  remainder 
of  their  li'scs.      He  died  I"ebruar\- 27,  1870.      He  was  a  Uic^n  of  e.Ktraordinarv 

30.'!  •111!-  \vc,,ins"NS  AN'.;  riu-i^;  *"N' 

ciier!;>-  arid  nclivity  i:;  -U  "f  hi-^  un(!eri:iki:i;::<.  nm!  I^'v.-  a  I'i^h  :ciniiation 
arr.oir^  nil  who  kju-A  hini  •  j  a  .-.i.-iii  o!'  a  k<-cn  scii^o  of  !i.ii\..,i  and  ihc  sirlotosv 


His  widow,  who  tur\  ivcdl  him  a  fe\v-  yea'-^,  wa.-:  ;>,  woinan  nou-d  for 
lur  prt-at  kindncs.-  of  iu.Mrt.  Jiinini;  iiLV  iifciiinc  j'lc  bad  taken  severa! 
orpliiii  children  wlioin  >lic  reared  lo  ho  CAcraplary  iriOn  and  wonx'ii.  She 
dii--<!,  1S75,  and  is  buried  by  the  e'do  ut  licr  luir^lxmd  in  r  biiwood 
C'cnictcry  at  Alempiiis,  Tc  inu-ssie. 

\'n        1501   Elizabeth  Jane,*  born  Auf-ust  25,   1817,  in  Cumberkind  comny,  \'irgini;i, 
and  died  iherc  January  25-,  ]SMl 

YIll  '■■-  1502  Tarleton  Henry,-'  bf.rii  jae.uary  1,  Ln20,  in  C  imiberkuul  coiinly,  \"ir-iaia, 
was  nuirrit-d  September  24,  1S,50,  to  l".!i/.alieth  Allen  Hopkins  of  Xcrlclk, 

JX       1503   Martha  Susan,'  born  June  30.  1S22,  on  he;   father'b  lam-,  in  Cumberland 
e('Umy,  \  ireinia,  and  died  tliere  July  9,  1843. 

X        1504  Lucy  Matilda,'  born  September  9,  li^2.S,  in  Cundierland  county,  Virginia, 
and  died  January  S,  1853. 

Issue  of       BZ4-   WILLIALI    WOODSON"    (Capi.    Charlc.-;,^    Dniry,^   William,'    Benjamin,-' 
Robert,"  joIinO  and  Alary  Richardson. 

I  *  1505  John  Prosser,'  born  March  4,  18K-,  at  th.e  "Red  House, ^'  his  father'b  home 
in  Buckingham  county.  X'irginia,  where  he  was  reareci  and  recened  his 
education  from  the  country  sch.ool,  and  irom  private  teacr.err;  at  home 
who  were  employed  by  his  father.  He  was  mu'ried  September  9,  1S43,  to 
Sallie  Ann  Hill,  daugliter  of  Joe  Hili  and  Sarah  Roy<-di  Palmore. 

He  was  a  farmer  and  a  merchant  by  occupation.  In  poUlic>  he  v.-as  a 
democrat.  He  and  his  wife  were  both  mciubers  of  the  ?\le:hodi5t  Cnurch. 
Wiien  the  Civil  War  came  on  he  enlisted  in  die  Confederate  armv  and 
served  until  discharged  on  accoun.t  ot  ill  Iteaitli. 

I'pop.  the  death  of  his  father  in  1S61,  lie  took  charge  of  the  nsanu-eript 
family  data,  which  his  father  had  collected,  and  loaned  ii  to  a  kinsman,  in 
Prince    Edward   cotmty,     \'irginia    (ascertained    since   to    have    been 
CharlcLi  \'-in  Der  \'eer  Woodson— I i.   M.   \V.).     Conceii'ing  thir=  p.ickage 
he  mode  the  follo^•.ing  noccs; 

"Drury  Woodson,  son  of  William  and  Sarah  (Allen)  Woodson,  married 
Lucy  Chri.-.tian  and  had  issue  (besides  Dihers)  William,  diaries  and  Diury. 
William  a  captain  in  the  Revolutionar\-  War,  and  was  killed  ir,  battle. 
Cliarles  was  orderly  sergeant  in  the  company  of  his  brother,  Capt.  V\  illiam 
Woodson,  and  was  taken  prisoner  at  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  made  his 
escape  and  returned  home.  He  afterwards  married  Miss  Judith  Leake  and 
had  issue." 

These  papers  came  to  be  knov.-n  as  the  "  Prosser  AVoodson  Papers," 
and  were  v.evcr  returned,  — —  Charles  Van  Der  Veer  Woodson  having 
died  in  the  meantinu;. 

15U5  Irlin  ProsfL!-  Wcn'son.'  wa<  for  mmy  years  Shcn!:  of  Cumb.-r- 
rouniv  Virginia.  Ir  !.'i-  llu-  !  ;v.-  ho  could  .>:>lv  hold  the  oltkc  iwo  )ears 
•It  a  t'ime.  ^So  ho  and  K.  15.  Trent  alu-rnaied  ihe  h..Uling  of  the  olhcc- 
lir>t  one  and  thc.i  the  othcr--su  that,  in  all.  he  v.a^  sherht  about  iMxtcc.i 
yirs  When  the  law  v  as  char;c:ed  so  as  lo  pcrink  one.  incinr.bent  ro 
succeed  hin:self  indcnni...  ly.  he  and  K.  15.  Trent  became  rival  candulau- 
for  the  olnee  and  Trent  was  elected.  So  iie  retnrncl  to  his  farm  and  re- 
sumed hi.  agricuiiural  piirsiuts,  which  he  cuntiuued  I'nl'l  lSSO,^when  ho 
Hild  out  his'holdings  in  X'irginia  and.  with  his  wife,  weal  to  Gc-o.'Kia  to 
hve  with  their  dangliter  2619  \'ir,:Inia.^  Here  the\  both  -nent  the  few 
remaining  years  of  their  life.  He  died  August  4.  )SS5,  at  Cuthbert, 
Georoia.'  She  sur\i\-ed  little  n.ore  than  a  year  and  died  Octuber  20,  U-SO. 

II  *   15C5  William  Moncurc,*  born  April  27,  ISn.  at  the  "Red  IfouseA  la  Bucking- 

ham c-ountv,  Vireinia,  where  he  was  reared  and  educate.!  at  home  unuer 
private  tutors.  He  studied  n^ediciae  and  practiced  hi.  profession  at 
Fincastle,  Botetourt  cmnry.  Virginia.  He  was  twice  married:  first,^  on 
E^ecember  16,  1841,  to  Bayer  of  Fiiu-astle.  She  died  survived  by 
her  husband  and  one  daughter.  He  v,  a.-,  married  sccund,  on  7, 
1849,  to  Grace  Ellen  Shanks,  of  Fincastle.  In  the  fall  of  1S57  he  v.-ent  to 
Mcn'iphis  Tennessee,  with  the  view  of  setilirg  there  permanently.  On  Ids 
return  homeward  he  ate  some  oysters  whi:h  made  him  so  ill  that  he  haci  -.o 
stop  at  Farmvillc,  Virginia,  where  he  died  December  6,  ISa/.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church. 

III  1507  Heiuy,'*  born  September  23,   1S19,  in  Buckingham  county.  Virgiri-,  and 

died  in  1S29. 

IV  *  1508  Viri^inia,^  born  November  12.  1821,  at  the  -Red  Hou^e"  in  Buckingham 
count\-,  \'irginia,  educated  at  a  female  seminary  at  Raleigh,  xNorth 
Carolina.  Slie  was  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  wa,-  married. 
September  30,  1S41,  to  Dr.  John  Hendree  of  Cumberland  couniy.^  Tl;ey 
built  their  home  in  Cumberland  county,  on  the  road  leading  from  Carters- 
ville  to  Cumberland  Courthouse,  and  there  spent  the  greater  nart  of  their 
life.  Some  tin-ie  after  the  Ci^il  they  moved  to  Sclma.  AUvbama. 
where  they  had  the  miJortune  to  lose  their  house  and  much  of  its  valuable 
contents  by  fire.     Tlsey  both  dici  in  Selma.  .\Ial>ama. 

V  *  1509  Frederick  Augustus/  born  August  IS,  l'^24,  at  the  "Red,''  in 
Buckingham  county,  Virginia.  The  first  school  he  attended  ht  1831, 
one  near  the  "Red  House,"  taught  by  his  great  uncle,  418  Drury  V.'oods..n,'' 
a!)d  was  of  the  grade  of  "the  three  R's"  (Reading,  Riting,  and  Rlthmetic). 
Later,  however,  lie  received  further  instruction  in  schools  of  a  hdgher  g>-ade, 
as  shc'.wn  by  the  reprint  from  the  Yale  Alumni  V^■eek^.•  of  Decem- 
ber, 1910. 

"Frederick  Augu-oas  Wood-wn,  '44.  who  d^ed  oit  August  12,  1910,  at 

■  his  home  in  Denver.  Colorado,  was  born  in  Buckingham  county,  Virginia, 

on  August  18,  1824.     At  the  age  of  nineteen,  he  entered  Yaie  college  and 

graduated   in    lSi4,   v^inm^g   in   college,   the  prize   for  Latin   composition. 

^04  Till'  WOOPSi'NS  AN?)  'IIUJI'.  (,0> 

Afti.r  .yr.'.tluMtinn.  he  jnitiot!  tlic  army  of  i^olti-ici-kors  on  liir-  Pacii;'- 
Co.isl  tpi-iu.ling  some  vc.irs  in  California.  Return  in;;  1)\-  Nvay  of  "  t'u>  Htnu," 
ho  went  to  Sclma,  Al.iii.'.n!.!,  aiul  \\a.-  married  in  .April,  1859,  to  M.jria 
I.onisa  Trcadwcll.  (Slic  is  tl-.e  ij\-a!  t;,raiuKiaut;lner  of  Gon.  i*:cl--e!-,?  of 
the  l\L\-oIu;ionary  army,  aiul  is  the  only  rliiki  of  her  r.^uents.  F.  A.  W .) 

He  [')r>;c.titcd  i.iw  in  Sclma  <o\'cral  years.  !uit  .ilxuidoned  iliis  jirofe.^^iiun 
for  ihe  (Operation  of  saw  mills  altmL;  tiie  line  of  the  Sehna.  Rome,  and  Dallon 
Kailroaii,  nnw  known  as  tlu-  .'-^linthcrn  R.iilroad.  His  mi'is  fnrni-hed 
material  for  two  of  ihe  iargcsi  gnnl"iats  in  tin-  .south  during  the  Ci\il  War, 
of  v.-lii.  !i   ihi    Sehai.i  wa.     nae. 

in  thesunimerot  \si:2,  hecsi.djHsh.i  d  theOxford  Iioa  W'orkj-ia  norihcin 
Alabama,  operating  sucecssfulK'  iiniil  their  licsiruclioa  by  ilie  I'cderal 
army  at  th.o  close  of  the  war.  Tiii?  wiiiks  wore  not  reL)nilt  on  that  siie. 
btit  about  two  miles  distant.  T.'ic  oiiuroj)  of  iron  ore  wa?  found  so  promisiiisj 
that  new  works  were  con.structetl  aia!  ifierwards  .-old  to  N'oblc  Bothers, 
of  Rome,  (Jcorgia,  this  Ijeing  tlie  foumiation  for  tlic  extensive  fouridry 
and  blast  furnaces  now  in  operation  at  Anniston,  Alabama. 

He  also  opened  ami  ojierated  ihc  Cahali.t  coa!  mines,  near  the  city  oi 
Birmingham,  Alabama.  These  were  sold  for  a  large  sum  and  investmciits 
made  in  real  estate  in  Sehna.  Depreciation  of  property  N^alues  followed  the 
passage  of  the  Sherman  bill  gi\!ng  negroes  the  righc  of  franchise,  thereby 
bringing  financial  ruin  to  him,  as  well  as  to  thousands  of  otliers  in  the 
southern  states.  Refusing  to  take  advantage  of  the  bankrupt  law,  he  settled 
with  his  creditor.-. 

Hoping  for  better  tilings  in  a  new  land,  he  reino\-ed  his  family,  in  1870, 
to  a  small  town  in  southern  Illinois.  While  there,  he  i:!\'onted  and  patented 
a  smoke-burning  furnace  in  conjuacti''!!  with  a  cirLul.itor  to  prevent  the 
accumulation  of  rust  and  mud  in  steam  boilers.  The  smoke-consumer  was 
introduced  and  operated  in  Gates'  J'oundry  in  Chicago,  for  sev'tial  j'cars, 
while  the  circulator  was  placed  in  boilers  on  Hudson  Rl\er,  Missouri 
River  and  IMissi-sipiii  Ri\'er  boats;  also  in  a  cotton  factory  in  Seima, 
Alabama,  accomidi^hing  the  work  claimed  Ijy  the  paientee.  A  conipajiy 
was  formed  and  capital  raised  for  ihe  introduction  of  the  smoke-consu.'ner 
and  circulator  in  this  and  foreign  countries,  but  the  fuiancial  panic  of  ifii'J 
stopped  negotiations  along  these  lines. 

Again  he  sought  a  ncw^  field  of  operation,  removing,  in  ISSO,  to  Denver, 
Colorado,  where  the  remaining  years  of  his  life  were  spent,  uneventfully." 

lie  died  in  Den\'er,  at  noon,  Augusi.  12,  1910,  and  is  buried  in  Riverside 
Cemetery.     Surviving  him  are  his  widow,  three  daughters  and  one  son. 

VT  ISIO  Mary  Richardson, "^  Iw  in  Tebruary  26,  l'j.30,  at  the  ''  House"  in  Buck- 
ingham count\',  \'irginia.  At  tiie  age  of  fifteen  stie  was  in  the  }i(;mc  of 
Thomas  Jefferson  l^a:id.)lph  in  .^Uiemarle  countv-,  being  educated  ui":dcr 
the  personal  tutorship  of  Col.  Randolph,  when  she  was  taken  ill  and  died. 
Miss  Helen  Randolph,  Iv.  an  obituary,  testifies  to  the  lovable  character 
of  this  young  girl. 

VH  *  1511  Charles  Richardson,^  born  Novenilier  23,  13,^2,  at  the  "Red  House"  in 
Buclcinghum  couniy,  Virginia,   reci'i\-ed   his  priinary  education   at   home, 


--<'■    ^>, 


^  iJ:    W 


■    .      t      ; 





i-.i..Hi  II  cr 


was  liu'ii  iviK  lo  Cli'i.M!  At:u!(.i!>y  ai:.,!  wns  jcr-vinati'd  fn  .i;i  }  iri:ii;nli,ii 
SiducN  ('••llc;;c,  X'tiyinia.  Abi.iin  ilic  lirL-iniiiiiv:  (jf  >.\-''  C'vi]  War,  !■:•  \vl'1;I 
lu  .\i.'.!\i;iia  ana  on.;..yA'iJ  ip>  <.".'.]  \^U!uug..  Duiinv  iho  w,-.;-  be  ar.'I  liih 
i)i..iili'.--.  1447  r  loleiirk  .\ii.i.i;.Hu--.'  wore  cn;:n.;e<i  in  iiiakini.'  pi~;  iron  an  ! 
iniiiin.;  coal  icv  ib.e  Confedcr.ue  Suucs  eovcrnnieiit.  tkcir  plant  i.-oi;-.^' 
krov.n  as  the  Oxi'ord  Iron  Vuuk.s.  This  was  (ieslr-n-eJ  by  ihc  Fe' 
and  after  the  close  ot  the  Ke  engaii^e-i  in  iari'iin^  near  I'lno:;  *  own, 
in  t''err\-  ri.nnt)-,  .Ma.h.mia.  IK-  ^\\:s  inarrit.''!  .May  2,  IS/I,  vo  J;'.loi'/j 
'x'iiein^i  I'oole,  at  her  luniie  in  M;:r)Mn.  Ala' vinia.  ']"hev  'oca.ted  on  llie 
iaain  ;i  lew  niiies  from  Unionlo'^-n,  .Maliama,  and  'iK-ic  spent  liie  reiiiainder 
of  ilieir  lives.  Slie  di.;d  at  liorae  ia  I'.'Ul,  and  he  died  Deeernber,  1910. 
lie  w;is  a  denioera,!  and  in  his  religions  faitii  a  r'resl)\-terian. 

Issue   of        Q'^L 

I.  JCY  V/OODSOrr  tCapi.  Charles/  Prurv^  Williaia,'  iienjamin,'  Robvrt,- 
iohn')  and  \Vil!i,:m  Miller. 

I        1 312 

Watkins   Miller, ^  born  about    ISlU,   w.i  i:is  fathcr't   fane   in   Ct:nilior!.-.nv] 
coijnt\",  \'iiL;inia. 

1!        1513  renton  '\Iiiler,-  born  p:oh.abl\'  about  1812,  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia, 
Went  to  .\tjith  Carolina,  was  nianied  there  and  died,  !ea\-ing  one  son. 

Ill        1514  T 

ihomas  Miller,'^  born  probably  abota  1814,  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia 
married  .r.;d  \\eni  lo  TeTinrssco  and  died  there. 

IV       1515 

V.'iiharr,  Miller,  Jr.,^  born  about   1S16,  in  Cumberland   county,  Virginir 
inairied  and  wer.t  to  Missouri,  wdierc  he  died. 

V  *  1510  Heath  r-Til'er,*  born  probably  about  ISIS,  in  Cumberland  tounr-y,  Virginia, 
where  he  grew  to  manhood,  v.'as  inarried  and  settled  ia  Richmond,  \  irginia, 
where  he  resided  the  rest  of  his  life. 

Issue  of        G?3   CnARLL-S    LEWIS    WOODSON"     (Capt.    Charles, ^    Drury,'    Willi. uii,^ 
ilenjann'ii,'  Robert,- Juhn')  and  Linton  Grayson  Pov/ell. 

1        15)7   Agnes    Cora,=   born    June    21,    IS19,    at    Hopkinsvilie,    Powhatan    county, 
Virginia,  niei'  in  iufanxy. 

II  "■  151S  John  Moiton.s  born  May  31,  1S2!,  at  rloplcinsvllle,  Powhatan  county. 
\irt;inia.  He  was  ci\"en  the  name  John  Morton,  in  lionor  of  his  father's 
friend,  313  Captain  John  Morton,*  with  Y«hom  he  was  intimately  associated 
while  the>-  were  in  llordeaux.  b'rance. 

When  little  more  ilian  five  years  old- -Scjiteniber,  1S26 — both  his 
parents  died.  He  an>l  his  only  sister  v.-ere  taken  by  their  grandparents, 
412  Captain  Charles'"  an. 1  Judith  Leake  Woodson,  to  thei:  home,  Rosebatdc, 
Vvdiere  they  lived  until  they  were  both  grown,  andi  ni  nrivd. 

He'  recei\ed  his  primary  education  in  tlie  "oM  Lield  sclioo!.?"'  of  ihe 
tinae,  and  la'cr  hn'si)ed   ot  Hamuden  Sidney  Collcc'e.     lie  was  married. 



fu-i-i,  on  \i>'-il  6,  ISi:-.  to  33  Kli/.ibclli  Ccrncli.;  Vs'-iUon,  'l.ui-hi-r  of 
Thunia?  Ik'I-i:)!!  W.ih  .n  and  !iir  \\'.uA  wife.  \hv  \v;d(j\v,  Mi->.  Ann  Br:!-.kt.;  i 
Il.itcli'".-,  who  livc<;  so!.ii-  live  liiik.;  avs  uy.      l.5ce  Wa.U>in— Kxcur.siis.i 

In  ihc  sunn.UT  el  \^\-\  he  :i.G%i;.l  lo  Miss-i.-sipi.-i  lakinp,  wiih  l-,i:p  hh 
youp.i;  -vvifc  and  chiiii.  all  of  tliolr  .-laves,  four  of  hi-:  sislers  iri-law  a;-...i 
their  ^lavc^;  making  aii  lUiixj^iinL;  caravan  o!  hor-e.;,  waj^ons,  slaves  and  (in^^b 
(^negroes  and  drii;<  beii.v^  indis-pensablc  lo  cacl)  oilier).  Winn  lu;  i,iichcd 
his  teats  on  Sau.'rday  e\,  while  on  the  nio.'c.  lie  nc\-cr  struck  camp 
iiniil  Morday  mornina;  The  Sal.lia.'h  day  \vas  rdii^ioiisly  oi);.;Mvc'l.  1  (. 
required  s,:\-cn  weeks  \.v  make  ihe  iiii;  fi^m;  Cupihcrlaad  county,  \'i.-;;i:;:a, 
to  Marslia'.i  count\-.  Mississip()i.  Nine  miles  s.nitli  of  Holly  !: i;rin;;s,  he 
rented  for  the  following  \,  a  larni  known  ;\s  the  "Boardir,aii  Idace" 
and  m.iile  a  crop,  there,  hi  the  niea.iuime  he  purchased  a  fai m  on  Red 
b:inks  (."reek,  some  ten  ir.iles  v.e-.;  of  Ho!i\-  Sprin,c;s.  }]■:  took  possession 
and  settled  on  this  farm  in  the  fall  of  1345.  Me  caMed  his  home  here 
"The  Wipvam;"  the  name  beiu'^'  su..:-;e.- ted  by  tlie  f  ict  that  {lie  Choelav.' 
In'.liar.s,  vd-.o  lind  a  fev.-  years  pre\-ionsiy  been  jemo\-ed  from  this  section, 
called  their  huts  Wigwams. 

He  wa-.  api^ointed  postmaster  of  Red  Banks,  and  tlic  orfice  was  'ocatcd 
in  hi.-^  h(-use. 

It  was  abotit  1850  that  he  vx  as  romiuirsioned  captain  of  the  Miluia  in 
Marshall  county,  Missij-sijipi.  In  U'5.S  he  sold  the  farm  and  removed  tu 
Gernuantrjwn,  Tcnne-<ee,  fourteen  niHe-^  east  of  Memphis,  wdiere  he  engaged 
in  the  m:.aufactuie  of  cotton  uins  tiniil  the  beginning  of  the  Civil  War, 
when  the  factor\-  was  btirr^ed  and  the  l)U5incss  discontinued.  lie  \eas  v.n 
old  lino  whig,  a  strong  Union  man.  was  opposed  to  secession  and  voted 
;^gani.-~L  it.  but  when  hi;  adopted  state,  Tennessee,  seceded  from  the  Union, 
he  ca:t  his  lot  with;  and  all  his  s\nipathies  and  ef!(.)rts  were  given  to  the 
south.  Wdiile  lie  did  not  enlist  in  the  jrmy,  he  did  all  that  in  his  power 
to  aid  tile  sou  litem  cau-e. 

Dtiring  the  war  his  residence  v^as  many  times  occupied  by  Federal 
officers  as  liead-fjuarters.  While  this  v/as  very  unpleasant,  it  was,  pci T.aps, 
in  s  measure  a  protection  to  rh.e  family  as  well  as  to  tlie  property.  But 
e\'erything  he  had  in  the  wa\'  of  property,  that  was  movable  or  destructible, 
Vvas  cither  carried  of!  or  destroy  ed  b>'  the  Federal  soldiers.  So  tlic  close  of 
the  war  found  liim  stripped  of  all  his  property  except  his  residence  and  tl;e 
bare  land.;  and  v.'ith  no  means  v.diate\er  of  supporting  his  family  and  tl;e 
few  negroe:-  v/ho  still  remained  on  the  place,  and  whom  lie  felt  as  n-uch 
bound  to  care  for  as  if  they  had  not  been  emaniiiixtted.  In  his  dilemma 
he  went  to  Mempliis  and  secured  a  p'jsition,  at  a  salary  of  ?200  per'i^th, 
in  the  shoe  store  of  A.  H.  Rorehert.  This,  it  hoped,  would  do  unli! 
times  got  better.  Rut  how  rapidly  dees  one  trotilvle  follow  on  the  hrels  ot 
another.  On  June  24,  1S65,  his  youngest  child,  an  infant  of  sixteen  months, 
dieiJ.  Within  a  few  days  thiireafter,  his  beloved  wife  who  liad  beei'  bus 
cfheient  helpmeet  in  all  the  '.'icissitiKles  of  their  wedd.etl  life,  was  taken  ill 
and  died  on  July  24,  186.S. 

Having  been  engaged  in  the  mani'facturin.',  business  before  the  war. 
he  owed  a  great  deal  of  n-,one\   to  Tiorilierri  and  eastern  manufacfuri_>rs  lor 



Mlli  i.i-.S'.   U.M'I'iN  oO" 

c^.'iou  gin  ni.itcri.';.  rie  rcUi--'ju  to  taktt  i!i<.  beiicfit  of  i!ic  h.iiikrnpi.  'av. 
v.-li.iLli  was  (.'iTcciiw;  ai  that  liir.L",  iHit  sold  iiis  in-ine  C"icrir,  i!:;!' 
olT  liis  (.lehtri  a:n\  .liiuost  imiKiNcri.riied  biuisL-lt  ai;d  fami'y. 

On  Xuvcmhcr  J.>,  l^i.'N.  ]■_■  v..,;  married,  sccoiu!,  to  the  widow.  Mr-. 
M.'!-;)-.,.  Louisa  ^,'^-"^. --••-^•y)  IX'.vir-.  a  cojsiu  oi'  hii  first  wife.  Xo  isftie  by  I'ii'-.-. 
JSi.i!  I  ia;-;c. 

ia  1871,  he  iv:r.>tvcd  to  Tato  ruuniy,  Mis^is.^ippi.  and  houj;lit  a  farm 
JuiiU'  t\vc!\e  ipiiv.'-  west  of  ^fe:t;ui'!.>ia,  v.  hcri;  lie  ■.;;;cni  the  remainder  of  Iv.s 
life.  He  died  there  on  Xox'ernlier  27,  ISSl,  and  i.'?  buried  in  tiie  ceuieicry 
at  Senatol'ia. 

He  was.  for  ina;-.\-  year<  ar.d  uiuil  iiit  i.ieriih.  an  in  the  Pi-e;d)yterian 
Cluircdi,  a  rium  to  whom  his  neiglibors  delii;  to  gu  for  counsel  and  advice. 
lie  w.".:.  r.e\'ei"  kr.ov.n  vo  luru  away  .myoric  wlio  .nought  food  or  shelter  at 
hi;-  hoMse;  c\-en.  ir.  n-.;'s  ha\-e  be^-  j);,rtakcri  oi"  liis  iiiimeasured  !iOipita!it>-. 
The  world  would  be  better  were  there  more  such  rnen  in  it. 

His  widow  bur\i\c>i  him  abnit  fo'.'rtcen  x'ea:?,  ap.d  died  May,  lS95,at 
the  iiome  of  her  eld jsi  son,  ^\"aiLe^  SliieMs  Da\-is.  at  Dellii.  Louisiana,  and 
is  buried  there.  She  is  survived  b>-  one  daughter,  Eiia  Rrackett  Davis, 
who  married  James  II.  Solomon  and  li\-es  at  Denison,  Texas.  Walter 
Shields  Davis  married  and  li^■es  at  Ruston,  Louisiana.  (lie  has  since 
died — March,  1911. j  Eben  Heath  Davis,  married  and  lives  in  Texas, 
and  Merriweather  Lewis  Davis,  unmarried,  and  lives  in  Califo-rdr..  (.See 
ICxcursus — ^^'a!tor..) 

III  151Q   Chnfles  William,'  named   for  his   two  grandfatliers,   born  Sepleniber   19, 

1S.':3,  a.t  Hopkinsville,  I'owhataa  coi.nty,  \"irginia,  and  died  in  iniancy. 

IV  *   1520  Marj    Jarniraa,^    ijcrn    December    25,    l.«24,    at    Hopkinsville.    Powhatan 

count}',  Virginia.  Her  parents  died,  September  8  and  2S,  1S26,  Vvdien  she 
was  not  Cjuite  two  years  old,  and  she  and  her  only  surviving  brother  1513 
John  Morton*  were  t.:ken  by  their  grandparents,  412  Capt.  Charles  and 
Judith  (Leake)  Wot^j^on,  to  their  home  Roscbar.k  and  reared  v.-ith  ali  the 
love  and  solicitude  characteristic  of  affectionate  grandparents.     She  v.-as 

educated  at  home  by  private  tutors.     She  was  married ,  l'^i2,  to  Dr. 

Richard  Peyton  Wakon,  a  son  of  Thomas  Hobson  Walton  and  his  third 
Y.dfe,  the  widow,  ^I's.  Ann  H.  (Brarkett)  Hatcher.  He  lived  ac  '"Pleasant 
Grov'.',"  the  Wrdinn  homestead,  about  five  ntiles  from.  Rosebank.  (See 
l•2xcur^us — Walton.) 

When  but  a  young  girl,  she  was  told  that,  beginning  witli  the  first 
cliapter  of  Genesis,  a.nd  reading  three  chapters  in  tiie  Bibic  every  day  and 
five  chapters  on  Sundays,  she  v\-ouid  read  the  entire  Bible  through  in  a  year. 
At  the  age  of  fifteen  she  commenced  this  systematic,  daily  reading,  and  in 
this  way  read  the  Bili'e  through  every  year  for  bixiy-five  consecutive  years. 
She  did  ii  in  the  spirit  of  worship,  and  so  faithful  vcas  si'.e  in  tiie  performance 
of  this,  to  her,  sacred  duty,  that  her  children  hnw  iV'd:  "If  the  house  was 
burning  up,  mother  v.ould  finish  reading  those  three  chapters  before  she 
wouKl  tiiink  abo;u-  the  fire."     She  was  thoroughly  conversant  v^■ith  every 










poriiou  of  liu"  il','!\"  iv.Mc.  aiui,  -tb  Cmi  eii:iMe',!  lu-r,  I'wco.  tip  So  its  d'viiT- 
[ifc-copts.  Ai  tliu  a.;;'.M>f  i'i;.;!i!  \  foil;- ?1u- s<ii(l:  "T  c;'.r.tu)f.  n-.n!  nuic'i  :".ow  i>ui 
my  ch.ikircn  ami  tiraiidrliiklun  reaiJ  to  nw." 

lUTinisi.anddicl  Octol'cr,  17,  1^9.2.    ^he  i^.^t;l!  liviiiK  ( 191  !■)  in  NorU/lk, 
X'irginia.  ;!in!  i^:  a   roniailcal'>i\'  artivc  \v;.imaa  lor  l;er  ago.     I"i>r  i!ic  past 

ivw  \-oars  she  has  li\cd  with  hor  daiighior  I.a\inin    ■A^'a'/u-i!)  I'ieid. 

Siace  her  chiidliood,  s'le  !;a.-;  iioon  a  failhl'ul  niL-nd.>er  kA  the  iM'cyhsliria". 
Cdinrch.  and  \\:.r'.  (.■ae  of  ilio  \ery  fiv>i  iiuinbeis  of  the  old  I'rc.^In-terian 
Cluirch  at  fart'.  isviUc,  t'uai!  ;■.  rland  cotiiuy,  \'i,-;:;ini;',.  All  ■;:;  lior  cl;ildix-n 
wore  nicmhcrs  of  t!.i^  deiion;-'';  niwP.,  ihivc  of  htr  son-^  I'oing  useful  and 
etiCCtivL-  ir.iaisleio. 

KXcritSrS-    WALTON 

1  John  Walton'  canu  ffo-.n^tfr  coaiuy,  England,  and  laiideil  at  janics- 
tov.ii,  X'irgiiiia,  in  1620.  Froai  hin-i  aie  d'^sccadfd  i.soit  of  ih.e  X'iryinia 
Vx'aiions.  Xo  attempt  is  here  made  to  yi\"e  the  names  of  h\>  descendants 
of  the  second,  third,  or  fonrvh  generations,  but  beginning  possibly  a.l  l!ie 
fifth  generation,  it  apjK^ars  thai  his  descendants  are  as  follows: 

1    *         2  Robert  Walion-""  was  probabI\-  ;?ora  in  one  o*"  the  couniies  on  lov.-er  jairiCi- 
Ri\er,  v,-as  married  to  Marth.r.   Haghes.  daughter  of  Robert  Hughe-  and 

Manila  ,  ol   Cun-.ljerland  couiii\ ,  Mrginia.     1  he>'  .=etiled   in   Priticc 

Ldward  c.v.nnt>-. 

jI   *         3   George  Vvalion,'  bcrn,  possibly  about   ]"1S,  was  married  M.iy  22,  i7-i9, 

to  :\iary  Hughes,  daughter  of  Rol-»ert  Hughes  and  Martha of  Cuinber- 

kuid  county,  Mrginia,  and  settled  in  Fredeiick  county. 

in   '■  4  Thomas  Walton,-'^  born,  probably  i;i  one  of   ihe   cotinties  on  lon'er  James 

P.i\er.  was  married  to  iN.Iartha  Cox.  Tlie^-  were  ii%-ing  in  that  part  o: 
Goochland  whicli  later  became  Cumberland  county,  as  early  as  17.'5. 

f:    ROBERT  WALTON^  (John')  and  Martha  Hughes. 

5  Robert  V.'alton/^ 

C  George  V/aIten.« 

7  Joseph  Wplion." 

8  Sherwood  Vv'aUon/ 
0  Sally  Wc.UonJ 

Zy    GEORGE  WALTON'  (John")  and  Mary  Hughes. 

10  George  V/alton,  Jr./  born  pn.bab'y  ab  -ut  1750  i:;  h'rederick  county, 
X'irginia,  married  and  settled  in  (^coigia  aucl  was  one  '.'■i  the  diclegates  from 

:u;;r;'i!  t.!;N!:K.\  i  !■  'S  ■.''■'' 

lii;it  ^tale  to  ^'.c.u  iho  nvduralion  of  Ir.-jepcadc-ncc  at  t!'..  <:oi!\  en.' iwi. 
hclJ  i'.i  1776  in  !"'■.  ii'->>ylv<!i)i;j.  I!e  was  one  >  f  (lie  I'w-^t  two 
I.'tmU".!  Suites  Senaiois  from  C.e'.u-^iu  and  afterwards  became  governor  oi 

Issue  cf  4  TllOTuAS  V/ALTOrs-  (Jolin')  and  Martini  Cox. 

I  n  Thomas  Yv'alvon.'" 

II  12  Josi>.h  Y/alton/^ 

ill  13  Geoige  V/alion/ 

1\'  14  Eil-abelh  WuUo.1/ 

\'  15  Martha  Walton/" 

\'I  16  Thesiiia  Walton/' 

\'II   *        17  Robert  Walion/ born  Scptemljcr  25,  17-J9,  in  Cuniberland  county,  V'ii-ginia, 
wl'iei'e  he  grew  to  young;  manliood  and  was  iriarried  Xoveinber  20,  1769,  to 

Mar}-   Hi)bson,   daui;litcr   of   \\'iliiara    Hol>;un   and    wiie    L^lizabeth 

Thc\-  settled  in  the  purthcrn  [jart  of  Cumberland  roiiniy,  and  were  ]i\-ins 
tilers  when  the  Rc\''>!ntionar>"  War  began. 

}]e  was  a  of  strong  character  and  firm  con^"ictio^.s.  Ha\ing 
settlec!  it  in  his  ovn  naind  that  the  cause  of  the  colonies  was  a  ri^rhteous  oi.v 
and  tiiat  their  grio'ances  were  suliicient  to  ju.-»tif\-  a  resort  to  a.rms,  he 
promptly  offered  his  services,  enii^ted  in  the  colonial  ami}-  as  a  j)r!\'atc 
soldier,  and  served  faiihftilh-  to  liie  end  of  t!ie  coniiict. 

In  a  letter  dated  November  1-I-,  1907,  his  grandson,  the  late  Edward 
Smi  h  Brown  of  J.ynchbtirg.  \'irginia,  tells  something  cf  this  gra.':d  old 
patriot,  soldier,  gentleman,  Mr.  Hiown  says:  "He  was  a  private  soldier 
in  the  Revolutionary  War — I  think  during  the  whole  war.  I  ha\e  iu-;ud 
iiim  and  ilarry  Liiford,  another  soldier,  tell  about  the  engagenunUs  tha.T 
the>  were  in;  of  ilicir  painful  appreliension  preceding  an  engagement,  and 
of  their  reckless  disregard  of  their  ii\es  wliile  the  conlliC-  raging,  when 
soldiers  on  their  right  and  left  were  being  shot  down.  He  was  never 
v%oui!Ued.  I  ha\-e  heard  him  speak  of  the  de--t!tut!' m  in  the  arm}-,  '.  he 
privations  of  the  soldiers,  and  tlie  -»vanL  of  food  and  clothing.  I  do  not  knovv 
wluit  company-  or  regiment  or  battalion  he  belonged  to.  I  <!o  r.ot  knfvv 
llie  i-anie.-  of  an>-  of  liis  commanding  oiTicers.  He  had  no  military  asp-ra- 
tions. He  had  no  special  regard  for  men  who  liore  military  titles,  I'Ut 
he  was  a  patriot,  e\  ery  inch  of  him.  He  lived  several  years  after  the 
first  pension  act  was  passed  by  congress.  Pension  agents  cam.e  more  than 
once,  and  tried  to  get  him  to  let  them  get  his  pension  for  hiin,  and  he 
r.'fiiEcd.  I  have  he.ird  hi:r.  teli  them:  'I  did  nor  serve  my  country  for 
money,  arid  I  do  n..t  want  tny  money  lor  my  services.'  Kis  p-ension  was 
nevei  paid  because  he  v.ould  never  coa-ent  to  recei--e  it.     He  a  quiet, 

olO  Till-:  woDnsoNs  .wii  iukik  <n\Ni:nii'N> 

iinohtru>i\o  nun,  kiivd-hcarlccl  and  jv-inulor.  1  noN^r  lioaid  liim  speak 
harshly  of  anybody.  He  read  a  <.rreat  deal,  was  wcli  in'iorincd.  had  good 
judj^mcnl,  was  an  uriy'iuil  i!unkc:,  had  his  ojiiniuns  p-iu]  did  r,ol 
hc;;iiatc  to  cxi^rcss  iIk-hi.  IK-  was  a  thrifty  nu-.n  and  lel'l  i\  good  estate  wh.icli 
was.  diviflcd  runong  his  chi'idr<;n." 

Duri'ig  the  latter  years  of  his  life  h.e  nsid'^d  with  n!s  youngest  Jaiigh'.er, 
2.5  Nancy  (Walton)  Crown,  and  dii'd.  there  July  24,  18,^7.  aged  ei^;luy-scven 
years  and  ten  months.  He  was  a  consistent  member  of  the  Methodist 

Issue  of        1  7       ROnEJRT  V/ALTON'  ('J'homas,^  John')  ar:d  wife  ?iary  Ilohson. 

I  IS  Ehzsbeth    sV'aUo-i."    born    Xovcmbcr    21,    I'ilO,    u     Cumberland    counly. 

\"ir^iraa,  died  x'oung. 

11  10  M-'-fha  Wrlton,'  born  September  20,    1773,  at  her  father's  home  in  the 

nf'rtliern  part  of  Cumberland  county,  Viri^inia.     She  died  young. 

II!  *  20  Th'-irias  Ilobson  V/alton,'  born  October  .-l,  1774,  en  hi:  father's  farm  in 
the  upper  end  of  Cumberland  county,  A'irs^inia,  ^shere  he  was  reared  and 
educated.     He  was  married  three  times;  first,  about  the  >ear  1797,  to  the 

widow  Mrs. Richardson,  formerly  >,!!ss Hatcher.     She  lived  only 

a   shori    time   and    died,   survived    by   her   husband    arid    ir.fant   dau^^hter, 
Alary. « 

He  was  married,  second,  on  1803,  to  510  Susanna  ^^■oodso^  Bates, ^ 
dau;<hter  of  Thoma-:  Fleming  Bates  and  ?.?2  Candine  ?slaii''da  Woodson'^ 
of  Goochland  county.  She  was  born  April  21,  1783,  at  her  fallicr's  home 
"Belmont"  in  Goochland  county.  They  ^.ettled  in  Carlersviilc,  in  the  upper 
end  of  Cundieriand  counly,  where  he  was  for  mai;y  years,  cnga.ced  in  the 
mercantile  business.  One  da>-  in  the  early  summer  :.:f  1$06  his  young  ■'..•■fe 
was  sitting  in  her  house  peeling  cucumljcrs.  A  terrifiC  electrical  storm 
arose,  and  while  holding  the  knife  in  her  hand  she  was  struck  by  liglitnlng 
and  instantly  killed.  S'le  v.-as  survived  by  her  husband  and  one  f,on,  993 
Robert  Alfred  Walton.*  The  old  house,  in  1S79,  was  still  standing  and  in 
a  fair  state  of  preservation. 

He  was  married,  third,  in  March,  18U9,  to  Mrs.  Ann  (Brackctt)  Hatcher 
(n'e  Ann  H".  Brackctt)  widow  of  Th^.m^iS  Hatcher  of  Amelia  county. 
(For  marriage  date,  see  Amelia  County  Records,  aUo  see  V\  ni.  ^nd  Mary 
Otly.,  vol.  XVn,  p.  43.) 


This  particular  Brackett  famlK  coi. listed  of  one  son  and  eight  daughters 
a.s  follows: 

1  Jlenry  Brrckatt,  born  during  or  j)ospi!'ly  alvout  the  closing  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War,  in  Cumberland  cuunty,  \'irginia,  where  he  was  reared  and 
educated.     He   was   a   polislicd   gentleman   and   said    to   be  an   unusually 

:it,H  ll;   (.'MUA  I  h:\ 


lijuds'uiK;  mnn.  IK;  vas  :.;ri-atl_>.-  Im.'.axiJ  l.^-  a'!  wlio  ]^r.:\v  liiin  anu  c^iivri- 
ally  was  ho  lexcrcii  ay  .lii  tin.-  uu-iu'.^it.-  of  t!io  family,  lov  his  nulilr  ciir.iactvr. 
i;cncri.;i;<  iir ;;uls<  .■  .imi  ciii'.-iii'iiK  I'.iiuinei-i-  :o  cvcivIh  ..iy. 

IK-  \v,.s  innvricfi  w>  .\l-ss  S,;;a.\  Miliov  Hransfdrd.  <!aus;Iucr  of  (.'.![  t\ 
jaci.ili  I'lMiiffurtl  aiui  i-'li'-al'.-;ii  ("iiconh.-.iiy.ii  II;.)!)poii  of  l-iiickini^hani  oour.'y. 
X'ir^iii'ui.  She  was  b>".in  in  IS('C).  '['hi.y  luid  childroii:  Biaikr!'; 
who  jn,irriv.d  Isaiah  Slout  of  Siielliy  couii(\',  Tcniiossoo;  I'i,i!ii,>  Hrarkoii 
who  died  yoijtiy;  and  I.udvcil  Jacob  Ivraol't'tt.  wiu:  ijaiisict!  in  1S61,  in  thr 
t;cr\-ii-c  of  ilie  t'oiU'edv-ratc  Slatos  as  a  nuniln-r  of  Coaiwaan-  C",  T!iiri'-,  ni  it 
ToiinrssCi>  infantry,  and  dic-d  in  ilio  snaaacr  d'  KSo2  vhii^'  still  in  i.hc  ^f>!•^  ik-c. 

Henry  Erackett,  the  snhii.\n  of  ttiis  skcich.  was^e  in  i85(i  and  ai 
that  tinie  was  quite  an  old  man.  lie  died  short'}'  afier  that  date.  i..Soc 
Addend.'..  Thp  R;an*f(jrd  I'amily.) 

2  Maitha  }3rackstt,  horn,  in   Ciiml^L-rland  coiint\-,  \'i-\i.;inia,  was  married   t!_i 

!\e\.  ("hcs!e_\-,  a  Presljj.'teriaii  mirasiei".  >.m;.l   liwd  awhile  in  rii.i\ania> 

count\-,  bi't  her  ricalth  was  so  poor  that  thc>'  niovod  to  fuickinrrhani  county 
to  be  near  her  sister,  l-" ranees.  Mere  she  died  about  b'>i3.  Mer  hasi;a!H! 
went  to  lc>\\a  and  died  there  before  1S5G. 

3  Frances  "diackett,  burn  an..]  reared  ir.  Cumbeiiand  county,  \'irgii;ia,  vsas 
married  to  Robert  lioUing.  They  sealed  in  15uckinj;lKim  ciiuaty  where 
they  spcrit  the  rest  of  their  ]i\-es. 

4  Mary  Brf,ckett>  born  in  ("uml'erland  ctjunty.  \'irginia  v,"..s  married  in  i8]6, 
to  r.Ii.  X.'sh.  By  all  of  h;r  ni^' .-s  and  ne;>hews  si-.e  was  familiarly  cd.led 
"Aunt  Na-h." 

5  Judith  Craclrett,  bom  i.n  Cumberland  county,  \'irL;inia.  was  married  in 
1813,  to  I^enjamir.  Peterson  Hov.ard  of  Amelia  county.  Tiie>'  liad  several 
children,  one  of  whom  wa.s  John  Howard  who  settled  in  Gaive^top.,  Tc'-.r-s, 
became  a  i)romincnt  merchant  a:id  died  ih^re,  Robert  Henderson  liow^ird,. 
who  was  a  iav.-jer,  settled  in  Galveston,  Texas,  where  he  sjK-nt  the  rest  f;i 
his  life  practiein,:?  law.  He  made  a  \'isit  in  1S50  to  his  relatives  ui  V'irginia 
and  while  there  wrote  his  brother,  John,  a  \ery  lengthy  letter,  gi\-inr;  in 
detail,  all  the  news  of  each  member  of  tiie  family.  It  is  from  thi:^  letter 
that  rno-t  of  this  B'-aeke't  data  have  been  obtained. 

0  Louisa  Brjickttt,  liorii  in  Cum.berland  county,  \'iru;inia,  was  rnarried  to 
iJr.  Hender>r;n.  They  spent  ilu-ir  lives  i-n  Cumberb-iid  counc\  where  hr- 
.successfull>-  pr..ieticed  his  [a-ofi-^sion. 

7  Phoebe  Braclcett,  born  in  C"umber!and  county,  X'irgin.ia,  was  marri'-.d  -.o 
Caleb  Heb.-^.n  and  spent  their  li\es  in  their  nati\e  c/anty. 

8  Ann  Brackett,  born  June  21,  1786,  iti  Cumberlaiul  coinn\-,  \'ir-iiiia.  whrre 
s!.e  was  reared  and  educated.  She  was  married  October,  1806,  lo  'J  ht-mas 
Hatclier  o!  Aniulii  county.  He  lived  but  a  short  time  and  died  without 
issue.     She  wa>  inarried  second,  in  Ab.'.rch.    1809,  lo  2>>  'l'ri'..rnas  Ibob.s-jn 


>xs  A  \i)  I  :;i-iiv  coNVi^ci'! 

\V.ilu>'i,'  the  <iii)jo(  t  .if  (hiv  :,keirli.  She  wciil  witii  l.vr  hll-l•an^!  in  18-M, 
lo  Ma::-h.ali  Cwaiily.  Mi<vi>-.ipi.i,  .uni  th.cio  (Hcm  ju;-.-  .:'(),  18-I6.  ;a  "TI-..: 
Wigwam,"'  the  I'Oi;  c  c<l  :•:-;■  (!a;i.;!i:>.T.  Mrs.  Kli/aho;!i  CoriL-Iia  Woodsm,. 
She  is  i-uriei!  in  du-  ohl  -ra-,  c>  .:i\i.  cM-.e  niilc  wl.-I  of  Red  Ixi:;k<,  in  Marsiiali 
co'.'.nty,  Mis.-isf-iijp'.  Mcr  ;:rave  i.-;  markc-l  bv  a  marble  si:.!)  beariiii:  i!.i:; 
inscripiion:  "  In  u  .;;;iory  .>;  ?'.li>.  .\n'i  II.  .  i,"uii-un  c.f 'riioiiuis  H.  W.iUon . . 
v.ho  departed  iliis  life  }u\y  -0,  A.  !).,  18i('.  a^:ed  :UMy  years  and  29  day:^. 
H!e.~--ed  are  the  t'iCMl  who  die  ii;  the  Lord." 

9  Betsy  I-racketl,  iioD]  in  ("ii-i'i<oriaa.l  coniuy,  Virginia,  wa.s  married  to 
h-ham  Iriarri-,  <on  of  Col.  Jnlin  Harris  and  Obe  iieiiee  Turpin.  u!  Powliaiap, 
county.  They  settled  in  I'owhatan  coii!H\-  where  he  (lied  .';iir\ived  bv 
N.  idov^  ruid  orie  -an.  jolm^  lianas.  'j"1k  wid(]\\  was  afterv.rirj^- 
niarrie.l  t..  Mr,  .•\tki..-'in.  "1  ]:e\-  seilhd  at  D.nni'ie.  J'itt>v  hr.iv.a  rouniv, 
wdiere  they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  li\es.  Thev  b'.nr.  li\ed  to  a  ripe 
old  age  a,nd  died  without  issue. 

licr  son,  jiiim  llionias  Harris,  was  i;iven  a  thoroiij.;])  educatiein  and 
first  smdied  for  the  I.iv,  but  abandoned  thai  iirofession  and  studied  medir::ie 
and  became  a  sue 'essful  ph>-sician.  He  settled  in  Alarsliali  eouut^', 
r^lississippi,  in  lS-15,  ami  was  there  married  in  IS-fo,  to  liis  eousin,  ■<?.  Louisa 
Eppes  Walton.^  Tlie\'  both  died  in  Memphis,  Tennessee,  where  he  had 
p'Tctici'd  meeliclne  a  number  of  \'ears. 

IMariha  Draekett  who  m.irriwj  Rev.  Cliesley,  ba.d  only  cue  daughtet  ; 
Martha  Louisa  Chesley.*  born,  about  \t\25.  probably  in  CumberlaTHl 
county,  \'irgii-,ia,  wdierc  she  was  reared  and  euncated.  When  about  si.xteen 
yeats  o!d,  her  m>jthe:'s  l,eah;i  became  fetb;..-  and  her  father  wr,:-  vithou: 
a  jiasLorate  ar.d  fate  seemed  to  be  against  thern,  so  she  obtained  a  st  hnol 
in  Xottowajy-  couiit\-,  and  by  her  own  exertions,  stippo'-ted  her  fecbl""  father 
and  mother  until  mother  ilied  about  1843.  After  this  she  rvsanied  her 
school  in  .Vof.oway,  exhibiting  unusual  strength  of  character  for  a  vounc: 

girl  oi  her  ag'c.     Slie  was  married  aljout  ls-t5,  to  Mr. E)a\'i2,  a  \-er\- 

intelligent  gentleman  of  Xottoway  couisty,  and  settled  at  Oid'ord.  "\oi,h 
Carolina,  wdiere  they  spent  their  entire  live--  in  easy  circumsta'Tes.  He 
died  about  L'^G  1,  and  .-he  was  married,  second,  on  .\o\cniber  2i.  !8GS.  to 
1518  John  r\Iorton  Woodson,'^  and  liv,.d  at  Cerrnantown,  Teim.essee,  ab.'Ui 
tv.o  years,  when  they  mo\ed  to  Tate  county.  Mississippi,  where  he  died  2  7,  ]s\\.  I  V.r  tiie  re.-r  of  her  life  she  made  her  himie  m  Senatobia. 
Mississipj)!,  but  spent  mueh  time  wiili  the  families  of  her  married  children. 
While  on  a  visu  to  son.  Walter  Shitlds  t)a\a"s.  at  Deliii,  I.oiiisian.a, 
she  died,  Ma\,  L^O.'.. 

After  liis  third  marriage,  Mr.  Walton  continued  his  business  in  Carter>- 
Ville  for  some  years,  and  acrumnhited  a  comfortable  fortune.  He  then 
retired  to  his  James  River  plantation  som.e  si.x  or  -cvvn  miles  west  of 
Cartersville.  Here  he  erected  or:  Wi!lis'  Creek,  what  was  then  considered, 
a  large  Tiouring  mil!,  whi.  h  for  more  thai;  hali  a  c.ntury  was  known  as 
"VValton's  ^iill.  '  Since  then  it  has  changed  hands  several  times  and  is 
now  called  "Idanigrn's  I\Ii!l." 

i  ;i   i-KNLU  \  i  ii>N 

ilis  rcsiiicr.Cf  (...i'.Kd  "i'icahaiU'.o"  ;ui.J  was  hiiilt  Ou  a 
hill  uw'rrliioking  !l:e  \  ,illv\  v.'i  Willis*  Creek  aiu!  llu;  "  luw  Lrrouiidr  "  uf 
Janu-s  Ri\fr.  n-.i  :...,..  (xvariou,  aficr  liis  wheal  had  beoii  cut  a.;-(l  sitocked 
ill  il;e  low  ijroiiiuh.  ihcrc  v^:),Q  (.'i.e  of  those  "  lic-'iet.'."'  so  uracil  dreade-! 
ill  tliat  scciion,  ar.ii  carried  :.wa\  hi.-,  oiitire  crop,  ic.nces  and  everything' 
tluii  iiapp 'lied  Lo  '»■  ia  its  c>>iir-.t-.  Many  of  liis  iK'p.roes  bei:;,t,ed  for  loa\e 
to  ivscue  the  proi:>e:ty,  or  at  leas; .  lo  make  an  efu.ri  to  do  ;-o,  luit  he  refused 
to  pencil  them  lo  j,o  near  tlie  rut-hiii^;-  torrent,  lest  tlicy,  loo,  should  be 
bwept  away.  In  p^an  view  <■;"  wh.u  he  considered  prcn  id.ential  visita- 
tion, lie  sat  on  hi.--  \erandu  i-alnil\-  .'-inoki'ii;  his  pipe  and  ikact  uifercd  one 
rebellions  word  of,  so  groat  was  i'.is  faith  in  iiie  infallibility  of 
God's  dealings. 

-Akuig  wilii  many  others  al.ont  th  i;  tiip.e,  iu-  tlionght  thcr^^  was  preat 
!)r<ifit  ,0  be  made  in  the  inaniifaiture  of  sill<.  Accordin'^ly  he  planrod 
hirgt-  numbers  of  Abaais  Multicaulns  (Muiherry,)  trees,  erected  an  irp-to- 
date  cocoonery,  laid  in  a  o:  silk  vrorms  or  egt^s  and  all  th.e  neccssai'}- 
appnrtenaiices  aad  in  due  time  Ijad  ais  worms  making  silk.  After  spending 
iar<;e  sums  of  money,  much  time  and  labor,  he  was  able  to  gi\'e  about  one 
silk  lianilkerchief  to  each  mern'.ter  of  his  family.  The  enterprise  was  a 
failure  and  he  abandoned  it  v.ith  a  k-ss  of  abcaii  S20,000. 

About  the  yeai  IS-13,  he  sold  his  plantation,  stipulating  in  ilu-  di:c(.\  that 
should  the  mill  ever  be  abandoned  or  cease  to  be  usod  as  a  mill,  the  land 
tlien  covered  by  th:.-  pond  should  re\-crt  to  him  or  his  heirs. 

lie  then  ga\e  ali  his  negroes  lo  his  ehildien,;ng  theni  equally, 
retpiiring  each  of  his  sons-in-lav.  to  pav  him  an  annuity  of  one  hundred 

In  18  J  s,  his  )i\''  'JauL;hters  and  one  son  ha\-ing  preceded  him,  lie  and  his 
wife,  left  Virginia  and  v/ent  to  Mississippi,  where  they  resided  in  the  home 
of  their  daughter Mrs.  Elizabeth  Cornelia  Woodson,  at  Red  Banks. 

Here  his  wife  died.  July  20,  bH-i6,  and  is  buried  in  the  old  churchyard, 
about  a  mile  fioni  the  "Wigwam."  The  old  c!;urch  has  long  since  been 
moved  away  and  liicre  is  nothing  there  nov.-  but  die  graveyard. 

He  wont  witli  the  family-  of  his  son-in-lav%-,  1.S18  John  Mo-ton  Woodson,^ 
in  the  fall  of  18.v5.  to  rjermantown,  Tennessee,  ar.d  continued  to  make 
his  home  with  them  until  the  beginning  of  tlic  (/ivil  War,  when  lie  elected 

to  live  witii  his  youngest  daughter, Mrs.  Caroline  Matilda  Scruggs,  in 

Marshall  coimt\-,  Missi.ssippi.  After  her  death,  he  went  lo  DcA'alls  Bluii, 
Arkansas,  atid  spent  the  few  remaining  years  of  iiis  life  v-.ith  iiis  d.iu.^titer, 

Mrs.  Lavinia  .A.  Wheat.      It  was  here  that  he  died  January  20,   lo72, 

and  is  buried  in  the  city  cemetery  at  DeValls  Bluff. 

'1  he  following  notice  of  his  dctith  is  taken  from  tlie  newspajior  published 
at  that  jiiace. 

"Died  at  llie  residence  of  his  son-in-iav.-.  Col.  Tat  H.  Wheat,  DeX'alls 
Bluff,  Arkansas,  o'l  the  2nth  of  January,  1872,  Thomas  H.  Walton,  who  was 
born  October  ,11,  177-1,  in  Cumberland  county,  Virginia. 

^dr.  Walton  was  a  dcoied  Chrl.i'Jan,  all  who  kn-.-w  him  resp'ected 
him  for  his  many  Christ.ian  vi'tues  ;md  his  true  pir-'.y.  lie  died  as  he  ha(; 
live-d,  firmly  reiyiijg  on  the  saving  grace  of  his  5a\ior,  Jesus  Christ,  looking 

forward  wiili  .Viixivr  \-.  y\  no;  ir.-,p;itic-nUy.  lo  t!ic  day  of  his  dissolution. 
He  was  a  con?i.-!or,l  i^K'inlnv  .,f  tlic  o'd  ■=clioo!  Prc.-^liytcrian  ('i)iirch,  and 
ar  rldiM-  in  thi.-  ^^ai^K:  lor  n  :■;•>•  'l.-ni  f!:!ly  yiais.  lie  was  a  inaii  of  more 
l!  ar.  ordinary  iniollrci,  and  r<H.iin..'d  his  nv.-ntal  facuUi'.--  iniiiapaircd  to  *.l'c 
l.isi.  Mo  was  an  a-rcLahL'  (■oi:>.!;aniou  lo  ihe  da;.-  ct  his  lioaih.  Fossi-.-:  i;\-;. 
as  he  did,,  nviro  ilini  ordi;\.ry  coiivcrsalionrd  jiowers,  lie  was  not  imiIv 
iiil(.'rf-sling  but  critorlaininv,. 

Oi  ton  cldldrcn  only  ihroo  remain  to  nioiirn  his  departiiiv.  f!e  was, 
perhaps,  th.e  oldest  niason  in  .Xnu-rica,  havin;^  lieoii  r.iisod  to  the  sublinie 
dc.ercc  of  Master  Mason  in  I'/OC.  in  St.  Jih:ds  l,od:^'0,  Riehmond,  \'ir!-inia. 
He  wa.-  elected  and  sei\cd  as  master  of  Cancrs\!'le  Lod;;c,  fourteen 
co'^:ecui'>-e  ^•Cf"'? — an  lienor  rare'y  convened  on  anyone.  M'.rjin  nt)t  fur 
hiia.      (diir  loss  i.-  Idr-  s;,"in    ' 

He  Wiole  tin-  fnllowinc;  lines  in  C'ol.  W'he.-t's  family  I'dble: 

"Thomas  H.  Walton,  L-nn.  (.^1)  Thirty-lxst  day  dciober  (1774), 
sevcmcen  hundred,  SL\er,ly-i.air.  Tlds  v.riilon  17th  Oetober,  1870, 
ccnseijuentbe  v.  ill  be  96  \aars  old  at  the  end  oi  tiiis  month,  ana  will  enter 
Jiis  97ih  \ear." 

Afterw.irds  he  added  rhe^o  words:-— "And  God  has  spared  him  uaiil 
31st  October,  1S70.     Let  Him  be  piai.-ed  lor  iiis  goodness. 

Tko.  H.  \\".\ltom." 

IV  21   YViltinm  W-aUon,'  born  Januar>-  9.  1777.  ;  t  his  father's  home  in  Cimiberland 

count V,  Virginia,  was  married  l>ut  tl;?  name  of  his  wife  has  no:  been 
obtained  for  this  record.  He  moved  to  cast  Tennessee,  and  thence  to 
Kentucky  and  thete  died  lea\irg  a  Iv:rge  family. 

V  *  22  Polly  Walton,'  born  June  2,S,  1770,  in  Cumberland  county.  Virginia,  was 
married  Augusr  4,  179(:>,  to  Xorton  Goodman,  who  died  July  7,  1529. 
She  died  November  25,  1S6.5,  aged  eighty-four  years,  five  n-amilis  ar.d  two 

VI    *       25  Fanny  Wa'ton,"  borji  April  7.   17S2,  at  her  father's  home  in   rutnberlaiai 
comiiy,  \'irginia,  v  as  married  abnui  1802,  to  Alex.  Fdippen. 

VII  *  24  Agnes  WaltonJ  horn  October  19,  1784,  at  her  father's  home  in  the  upper 
end  of  Cumber], aid  enUiitv,  X'irgii'ia.  \\ :  s  married  about  bSti2,  to  \\  il' 
Flippcn  of  thaL  couni>-.  It  appear.-,  ihat  tliey  spent  ail  their  liw.-,  ni 
Cumberland  roimty  and  died  there  at  a  ripe  old  age. 

VIII  *  25  Nancy  Hobson  V/altci,'  born  ?dai'h  24,  17,SS,  at  her  father's  biome  in 
Cumberland  county.  Virginia,  wa.-  married  about  1810,  to  Daniel  Bro^Ti, 
and  settled  in  Cumberland  county,  wdiere,  it  appears,  they  spent  the  rest 
of  their  lives.  She  died  A-pril  2.S,  1880,  aged  ninety-two  years,  one  month 
and  one  day.     He  died  May  28,  1S63. 

About  ti'.c  year  1830,  Dr.  Jehu  Rice,  president  of  I'r.ion  Theological 
Seminary,  with  several  ol  his  Tluological  students,  came  to  this  home  and 
conducted   a  "prot.'-acted   nieenng"   and   had  a  great  revival   at  Hopewell 

1  K.IM!;   ;'.(-'N!-  i;  ATldS 

Churcli.  A',  the  fairn-  V'ln:  20  Thomas  t!ol)?on  \>\iltnn/  with  sevor.J  c< 
his  cb.i!i,lren,  came  to  spi'nd  a  few  wc.ek;-.  in  ius  ^;i^UJ■'s  homo,  and  aC'j-d 
"■.'lO  iH'AMii.,."  -t  wa-  ijW  jiis  occ.'.riun  that  chih'tx-ii  and  ib.of-c  oi  hl~ 
pi^'a-r,  iirofe-s.ii  re!i:;iori.  !-is  childivn  I'.riting  with  I'ne  I'rcsiiyterian,  ■.■iu\ 
her.s  with  ih?  ?Jeihodi?.i  CJiurch.     (Xotc.:^  by  lidvward  S.  iirown.) 

Issue  of  20   THOMAS  ITOBSOr*  WALTON-  (Robcn,«  Thomas,-' Jo]i'.')  and  NTr.^. 

(Hati.-li-v-i )  J\,i.  his  [\i-.[  wije. 

1  *  26  Mary  ^l^1itc'n^'  born  ab(  :1  179S.  <■,.  coiw.ty.,  -v.-as 
married  \^2')  to  Robf;rt  Watkins.  They  lioth  died  in  early  life,  sur\i-,ed 
by  nv()  (' uigli'ers,  X  'imic  \\'  'litins,'  and  I\!"llio  Watkin.-;.' 

Issue  k\  ISS  SrsAxx.v  WooDsn-^  Bmils,  ins  skconm  vviki; 

II  *  27  Robert  AHred  Walton,''  l'"'""  Auyu.-.i  27,  IS04,  a(  Cariersvilie.  Cmiiborla.nri 
counly,  X'ir.jinia.  When  iie  was  about  two  years  old  his  mother  was 
killed  by  lijiuninc;,  and  he  was  taken  by  his  pjrandmuther  lo  her  home, 
"Belmoni,"  in  Goochland  county,  arid  th.ere  cared  for  until  hi;  father  was 
married  again  in  March,  1809,  and  was  taken  bad:  to  Caricrs\-ille  where  he 
was  reared  and  educated. 

On  September  2,  1809,  his  aunt  513  An:;a  Bates,"'  in  a  letter  sa>s- 
"Alfre'J  was  well  when  1  saw  the  dear  boy,  but  I  h?.\  e  not  seen  him  since 
March;  his  ne-vv  mother  is  very  :.40od  to  hini  indeed,  b-at  he  is  not  half  as 
fond  of  lis  as  lie  was,  and  has  not  staid  witii  us  sine-?  h's  f;'.Thei  v,a--. 

\\'hen  he  arrived  at  the  age  of  \oung  n-ianliood.  he  wen'  fa  St.  Charles, 
Missouri,  where  his  uncle,  507  Frederick  Bates,'  was  thei^.  lixing.  .\fier 
he  had  beer,  in  St.  Charles  r-  few  years,  he  w:.s  married  A'a>.;usf  9,  b'^3':\  to 
his  first  cousin,  992  Hmily  Caroline  'Bates,'  daughter  of  his  uacle,  507 
Frederick  Eaies,'  and  Xancj  Opie  Ball.  She  was  born  January  5,  1S20, 
anfl  died  Xovemibcr  23.  iS91. 

'Jdie\  convinutd  to  reside  in  St.  Charles  where  he  was  engaged  in  tiie 
manufacture-  of  bhmkeis  and  other  woolen  goods,  which  business  he 
prosecuted  for  man\  years  and  accumulated  a  considerable  fortune.  lie 
was  a  staunch  member  of  the  iVesLi  .-terian  Church.  He  died  Nove:nber 
20.  ]S07. 

Issue  by  ins  ihip.i)  win;,  Anx  (Br.\ckett)  H.\tc;u;R 

III  28  Anna    WaltonA   burn   about    1811,   in    Cumljcrland   county,   \'irgiaia,   was 

reared  a.nd  educated  at  "Pk-asant  Gro\-e,"  her  father's  home  on  James 
Ri\-cr,  six  miles  -ivest  ol  Cartersville.  In  iS-14,  she  went  with  her  ol'ter 
sisters  and  brother-iii-!a-w,  1518  John  Morion  W'orjdson,'  to  Afarshall  couniy, 

Mississippi,  and   was  there  marricri   about    18-17,   to Stephen   Creer. 

Tli(!y  went  to  Arkansas  and  very  so.'hi  !  there  and.  it  is  su[)f!Osed,  went 
to  Louisiaria  ur  Texas.  Noihing  was  cwr  heard  from  them  except  tliat 
she  died  childless. 

316  THu  W'.Kii'.-. '.'.  s  ANji  iin:ii.'  loxm-xi  .on> 

IV  20  \'ln]'>[>  Ludweli  '.Valton/  lur;.  J]..K^■.  IS\-1,  u:  Cinnborlaiul  ruu;uy,  VirgivHa, 

uwd  uPi;iarr:C(J. 

V  ^'  30  Au^.ustiis  Thomas  Walton/  !-irn  Aiigust  1,?,  1817,  in  CiMnl.cik;n.l  coutiiy. 
\'i'\,:ii!a,  \v;i-;  roand   an'!   i:. lucatcti   al   I'le.isar.i    ('=rv;vo.      Mc  iiiariivd 

Wo.lncsday.  July  !2,   KS43,  K.  !ii.~  -c-..\;iid  cousin Mary  L'li/a  [3avcn- 

purt/  only  daii^incr  ?if  Willi. liii  !irn;.]cy  ))avcnp'.rl  and  39  Salh  J.  Goyd- 
ma-i.*     Site  was  born  May  15.  1S2-1. 

They  continued  to  reside  in  X'irginia  until  after  she  hi'.!'!  of  t'iieir 
fir-t  child,  in  M.-'.y.  1841.  and  tli:;'  n;"W(l  Ui  Mar.-hall  conn;y.  I\iissis5ip[,i, 
where  he  en^'n:.;ed  in  farmiiv.;  iinill  th.e  bcc^inninj;  of  the  ('i\-i!  War,  when  he 
enlisted  for  twelve  month:.,  in  ;.!ic  scr\-ioe  of  ii;e  Confedieraie  State;^  as 
first  sergearit  in  Coi-iipnny  I,  Se\enteenth  Missis.-npiii  leninieiit.  infanii')-. 
This  regiment  ser\ed  in  ihe  amy  (..f  p.orihoin  \'irginia.  anr!  was  in  llu.- 
battle  of  Bull  Run  and  in  the  fir-u  I-.attk-  of  >danass:is  and  minor 

Al  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  en'i>(nicni,  Sergi.  Waltor,  returned 
home,  and  raised  a  coinpany  of  aliout  one  iiiuidred  and  twent\ — rank  and 
file — and  was  commissioned  captain  of  it.  This  r.p,!endid  company  of  nieri 
and  I  oys  (mostly  loys)  was  called  "Coldwatcr  Rel'ds,"  from  the  fact  tltai 
Coldv.-ater  Ri\-er  fluw.s  through  t!ic  secii{/ii  of  coun.try  v.diere  the  compar.-. 
was  raised.  It  mustered  iriVu  service,  March  1(1,  i>^62,  on  ilie  banks  of 
Coldv.-ater  Ri\-er,  and  placed  in  the  Thirt>-foii>  i!':  Mississipoi  leginiont  as 
Company  E.  During  the  sumnier  of  1862,  Cupl,  YVa.lton's  heal'h  failed 
and  he  re:-igiied  and  returne'I  home  to  take  chargi'  oi  his  f-iini. 

.After  the  \v.;r  he  v.-ent  to  Memphis.  Tennessee,  to  li\-e  anti  i  iiere  died 
at  5  :,■'()  o'clock  a.  m.  Alay  26,  ISS-l,  aged  sixty-seeen  years,  nine  month'',  and 
tliirteen  days,  survived  by  six  children  and  ins  widow,  v.ho  died  December 
30,  190.?.  He  had  been  brought  up  in  the  Presbyterian  f.-ii-h.  c.s  n-en-  all 
the  children  of  20  Thomas  Hob-^on  Walton,"  but  joined  the  ^b^LhcKii^t 
Church  in  order  to  be  with  his  wife,  who  Ijeen  reared  in  the  >.retlu)dist 
faith,  as  were  all  the  cinldren  and  grandchildren  of  22  Roily  Wilton.." 

\'I  31    Richard  Peyton  Walton, *  born   March  31,    1819,  at  his  fallter's  hon.e  in 

Ciimbcrkuid   cotinty.   \'irginia,  where   he  received   his  primary  education 

under  private  tutor.-,  at    Pleasant   Gro\-e,   and   was  graduated   fo'in 

College,  lie  stedi.-d  ir>edicine  and  gradi;.'tif"d  from  a  medicai  •.  ollege  In 
Philadelpli.a.  Rciu.-tilrig  hotne  he  begar.  hi.-,  pr^ciice  in  his  r.asixe  count\-. 
He  was  married  in  18-12  to  1.''20  Mar\-  Jamima  Woodson,"  daughter  of 
828  Charles  I.i'\>.i;  Wood-^on"  and  Linton  Crayson  Pov.  ell. 

They  built  their  home,  "Morning  Side,"  about  four  or  ii\e  miles 
west  of  Ca'-tersville,  \'irginia,  v>here  all  of  tlieir  children  wen;  be>rn.  Wh.en 
the  Civil  War  In'oke  out  he  had  built  up  a  splendid  practice,  which  he 
abandoried  to  enter  the  ser\-ice  of  the  Coitfedcraic  Slates. 

He  enlisted  in  th.e  Black  Eagle  company  from  Cumberland  county 
arid  was  elected  surgeon  of  the  coinpanv-. 

The  following  letter  written  after  his  death,  b\-  Re'.-.  R.  I..  Da!'nv.y, 
D.  I).,  t'-lls  of  this  eiega.nt  gentk-man.     The  ietter  was  addressed 



30     CAPT.    A.    T.    WALTOrJ 

lo  Or.  \\'.iI(o!i'.-  ..-lurrt  .■■Mil. Chaik's  C/o;  i1;;ikU  W.ili.vT),'  ;,iiu  is  (?af>'l 

Novraibcr  .V  ly^;:.      Il  >:.>•>: 

"T]\v  lirst  linic  t  tnx-r  s,av  I^r.  Rich.'.i'!  P.  \\';>1i,on  \\-aj-  a>  a  P'-C5liylor\- 
;a  Roi.i.-fi'^h  CiUfi  li  i  !  .\r;.r;,-.i;lo  fomi!\.  in  ilio  si)rin;j,  of  1856.  He  v..:- 
ilu'ii  in  hiri  priiiu'.  !  ht;'.\o  I'-.fore  tvo  now  r.  ])c.riTt  pi.rtuvc  of  his 
.'ii)pc;'.ranc'j,  i'uH  oi  the  tv.acc,  co-.u'iesy  ainl  iiii;n:iy  v\hii  ii  rharacieri/^j-!  |)  and'f-rs. 

The  r.cxt  '.inie  I  mcl  him  was  at  Mana^^^as  jimciion.  lie  wr^s  t!u-n 
cliirf  f-iiru;i'un  vi  i!ie  [■".iv;l:lecir  h  X'ij'ginia  reL;inu'ru,  Col.  Ro! i'.ti  M.  Withers, 
when  ai  iiie  enr!  of  M;;y.  ISiil,  1  was  orJerod  to  il  a.s  its  rh,;]>lain  l)y  vVa- 
i;(n-crnor  of  \'ir.:;inia. 

Dr.  Vi'altoa  had  left  a  hicrati.xc  pr.ictice  as  a  |-'hysician,  avid  his  haud- 
loinc  f..irni  r'nd  yoeng  family,  to  eiilist  as  a.  pri\rae  in  lin'  Cumberh';iK! 
c'on]pa.n\'  v\  <"ai  rain  Carter  llaaiison.  When  the  rei^iinent  >\'as  organized, 
the  Confederate  go\'crnnienl  s:•.^^■  ih:at  his  jiiodical  skJH  and  hiLrii  chaiactcr 
wonld  make  hin;  tar  more  iisofid  at  surgeon  of  the  reginieiU  tlinn  as  a  n''i\  ate. 

V.'hcn  I  joined  the  regiinrnt  i;e  recci\'cd  mc  hi-.,  mess  and  tciit-. 
1  contintiod  in  this  intlinatc  association  with  him  while  1  remained  in  r'i'', 
regiment,  and  a  w.rni  friendship  grew  lip  betwveii  us.  He  idwavs  suppoi  ted 
me  most  corcHaily  in  nn'  religious  duties,  and  his  society  was  an  unfaihnr; 
spring  of  pleasure  to  me.  At  the  end  of  the  war  he  remained  some  vears 
in  the  town  of  Farnndlle,  se\'en  miles  from  the  Thcolr^gicai  Semitia'y. 
There  1  \.'as  al'le  *j\>  renew  pay  friendship  v.-ith  him.  1  was  ofren  a  \dsitor 
at  his  hospitable  home.  I  met  in'm  at  our  eluirch  courts,  a?  c^■er,  a  warm  and 
intelligent  Christian,  a  zealous  elder. 

ITis  ren-.o\-al  to  ?So!folk,  Mrginia,  and  niine  to  Atistin.  Texas,  placei.' 
us  nearly  two  thousa.nd  miles  apart,  but  his  letters  showed  that  his  irier.d- 
sliip  for  me  had  not  diminished. 

Dr.  Walton's  death  reminds  me  t'lat  the  .survi\-ors  of  the  illcstiijus 
Confederate  Stale=?  are  beconMng  very  few.  I  feel  nearly  alone.  In  the 
corquest  of  mr  co-.intr_\',  not  only  ha-.-e  her  old  institutions  been  destroyed, 
but  many  cif  her  old  sentiments  and  m:inner?  ha^•c  passed  away.  We  <d(! 
men  find  ouT^^iives  in  a  new  world,  and  it  is  an  alien  world  to  us;  we  a^c  riCl 
at  home  in  ii.  We  feel  that  it  is  time  vrc  v/ere  migrating  f.njm  it.  Hence 
I  am  fain  to  contemplate  the  d:parttire  of  an  old  comrade  like  Dr.  Walton, 
not  as  an  afiliciion  to  be  bewailed,  but  as  a  privilege  to  be  envied." 

A  fe-.v  years  after  the  close  of  the  war,  he  left  his  temporary  home  iii 
Farm\  ill;.'  and  returned  to  Morninj:  Side,  hi?  home  in  Cumberland  couik\-, 
and  remained  there  until  about  1S85,  when  he  sold  Morning  Side  and 
moNX-d  to  Norfolk,  \'irginia,  and  opened  a  dispensary  in  connection  with 
his  medical  pre  ctii  ■->.  He  died  October  17,  bS92,  at  his  home  in  Norfolk, 
survived  by  eight  children,  and  his  v.ddow  who  is  siill  lixdiig  (1913)  in 
Norfolk.     For  issue  see^l  520  AL-'ry  Jrimima  Woodson.' 

Vil  "  3P.  Louisa  Eppes  Walton,'  born  iS21,  .at  Pleasant  Grove,  liL-r  father's  home  in 
Cumberland  coinuy,  \'irg!nia,  .an!  was  educated  at  hon;e.  One  of  the 
t\,achcr£  emj?loyed  by  her  fatlier,  and]  the  one  who  probably  remained  in  the 
household  the  greatest  leiigth  of  time,  v.-as  Miss  Converse,  whose  kinspcoide 

.^)S  liiK  \viOi;.-u.\s  AM)  Tiiri:;  cowr 

haw  for  i.'.^ny  ypirs  \'(:>:i\  editor-.  ;rul  piib!i>lK'rs  of  the  ("iiristian  0;'-cr\-cr, 
;i  Pix-.-l.'\t(.rtaii  Chiiivh  p-ii-iT  piihii>lKHi  ai  I.oi!i<\-iili'.  Kc;iliK-k\. 

in  lyil,  Louisa  Walu.-ii/  woim  with  il'.e  roil  of  tiic  family  lo  M.'.r^hall 
toniity,  >h?si^,-!ppi,  and  -.s  as  iborv  ;5iari'c-'i  aboiil  K-j6  lo  Joi'.'.i  Tlioinas 
Marris,  \\h  '  ha  i  prc\  ioii>i\-  iihaci!  lo  Mi5;;i;-,-ippi  fi-oni  rilt?>'l\  ania  cGiM-.ty, 
\'ir,^iuia.  IK-  was  a  grai!>l.-',)n  nf  Cv.  ji^hv.  llarris  aral  Obi.-ciioi'cc  Turpiii 
of  P()\\liauui. 

Their  hoiTie.  some  >i\  or  sc\e!!  nu!'_s  west  of  lIo!!\-  Sjirings  was  callixl 
"Loch  Lo:nond."  ll  \v;is  j-iiu.iler.i  or.  a  liich  kr.C'l)  or  hil!  froni  whicli  iis 
lowerijii;  L'jinhar:_!\'  poplars  coul'.i  Le  seen  a  q.-eai  (listaricc.  Tl".c\'  soM  tliis 
i'lacc  ahoi.t  1855  and  i'.io\ed  lo  (icrir.aiiunvn,  Tcmicsr-oe,  where  he  .oracliced 
medicine  (f(-'r  ihai  was  ids  profession',  sevc-ral  \-cars  and  finaliy  se?  iK  d  in 
Md.ip'iis,  ■.dierc  ohe  died  in  1870  and  he  i.'i  iS71. 

\dll  33   Elizabeth  Cornelia  Walion,-*  born  April   16,   1823,  at   I'iea-anL  Grove,  in 

Cumberla!id  coan;>',  \'ii.i,iala.  She  wa.s  ediicaiedi  at  I'.oine  b}-  compeieiVi 
teachers  w'loin  liar  father  (-mp!o\eci  on  annua'  s.ibirics.  Siie  was  married 
.April  6,  IS  12,  to  L^L'^  John  Morton  Woodson,^  \eiio  was  ihe  onI\-  brother  ol 
1520  Mary  Jaminia  \\"oodsMn-  v.  ho  married  31  Kicliard  Peyton  \\'a!ton.'' 

In  the  fall  of  1844  siie  ',vent  -vith.  her  husband  and  vlie  rest  of  her  sisters 
to  Marshall  county,  Missisippi.  Idiey  called  their  l:o?-ae  there  "The  Wis-"  Mere  they  spent  ten  hnpp.\-  years  ot  their  li\-es.  Slie  was  a  v-on-.aa 
oi  much  dlLjnity  of  character,  Ivut,  withal  most  gentle  and  kind,  a  sivict 
member  ol'  the  Presbx-lerian  Chuich  and  a  de\'out  Christian.  On  Su.iday 
afternoons  she  had  the  negroes,  old  and  young,  sumrnone'J  fron":  'the 
quarters"  to  Sunda\-  scliool.  W  hen  all  were  seated  on  the  lawn,  she  taught 
th.'m  I  he  simple  cateclr'sni  ai.d  expour.dcd  to  them  such  portions  of  the 
Holy  Scriptures  as  t}:cy  were  capable  of  understandinf."-,  requiring  iiicrn  to 
memorize  all  that  they  could  of  the  Bible  and  the  catechism.  The  precious 
fruits  of  her  Sunday  afternoon  teachings  at  the  "\\'igY.'am"  may  never  be 
known  in  this  world. 

In  1S55  she  mo\ed  with  her  family  to  Germantown,  Tenncscoc^  v.d'.c-re 
she  spent  the  remainder  of  her  life,  :!(\cr  missing  an  opportunity  of  doing 
good.  Haxing  united  v.ith  the  Presbyterian  Cdr.irch  at  place,  she  was 
one  of  its  faithful  Sunda\-  school  teaches  ro  the  end  of  'ler  life. 

On  June  6,  1862,  the  city  of  Memphis  was  surrendered  to  the  Federals, 
and  from  that  time  to  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  was  disputed 
territory,  lieiTig  sometimes  occupied  by  Federals  an.d  sometimes  by  Con- 
federates, making  it  e.xtremeh'  unsafe  for  families  who  happened  to  be 
located  in  the  midst  of  those  luiid  surroundings.  The  fortitude  and 
courage  woji  v.diich  she  lure  the  hardshij^s  and  bra\'ed  the  dangers  of  those 
jierilous  times,  was  sublime. 

The  residence  was  often  taken  (somrtimes  in  the  roughest  and  per- 
emptory r.ianner  and  sometimes  in  the  most  gentlemanly  and  apologetic 
manner)  l;i>-  Federal  olticcrs  for  headquarters.  This,  however,  Mrs. 
Woodson  cotisidered  a  piece  of  good  fortune,  for  the  reason  that  she  knew 
a  r^uard  would  b?  stationed  around  the  house,  which  \vould  be  a  protcrrion 
to  her  fam.ily  and  the  premises  as  well  as  to  the-  officers. 

I: u.ii  111  <;k:-.-k 

On  one  uc-^uAon  iv.-o  FeOoi.-i  soiJ^ors  wanted  ■.;>  "su.ircli  the  liouic  for 
con'.ra'oand."  Tii.-x  ^\■CI■c  priwrcs  .\nd  she  kne-.v  tluyhad  no  authority  for 
"so.irohiiig  the  Ji.iiu-j"'  bei.M'i.-;c  vlicio.  no  dlViccr  whh  tr.ori.  So  ;!ic 
f.'.'pncd.  liack  im-M  An:  h  >u~c  J.ul  rro!  a  i'iitol  ilia;  s<>i!;e!.>.Hi\-  luaJ  left  ilicR-, 
iitiii.'  to  the  iw'.v,  K_\\jc,y  c::\d  In  .i  taim,  str.idy  liiiu- (;i  voice  c.aid  to  ti;e 
Lnvmost  man,  ''C'''iiic-  ono  riis-rc  .-U'li,  sir,  at  \oiir  in'ril."  The  two  t'.iiew? 
s!ii'kcd  away  iik^?  tli;.-  cow.ud..^  ih,;l  liicN'  were. 

So  things  ^'.■ont  on  imti!  the-  war  c!oi.cil  and  slie  had  ilie  happincsi  lo 
wclccme  her -eldest  son  '.\!u.-n  i-.e  returned  honic  from  the  Cor.fc-der,;!e 
ar!i!\-  on  ?'da\-  19,  186'i.  Oulx'  a.  i'.:\v  weeks  after  thai  day,  s!;c  was  taken 
sh'j;Iii!y  il!.  [<vX  co:it;iii:eel,  desjii'e  the  skill  ul  her  j.^hysician,-,  i<,-  grow  worse. 
imti'  she  ch'ed  or.  th.e  tweni}-  fniirth  cl.iy  of  ju!>-,  lSo5,  aged  forty-iwo 
N'-Mi.-,,  '.hree  ni'jr.d-.-  and  e;.;Iit  days.  Her  last  C(;':-eious  words  were, 
''My  S.ivicr  talis  uid  I  nuisi  j.o." 

I'cr  issue  sec  1518  John  .Morion  V/oodson.^ 

IX  ^'  34  Lro  inia  Ann  ^Valtou,' 1-orn  Tdpreh  10,  1S25,  at  her  father's  lioine,  Plpjsant 
Giove,  in  Cuiiiberumd  count}',  \'ir^inio.  .She  w-.-s  educated  at  home  iimjer 
pri\aie  teachers  eniployed  b\-  hrv  f.ther. 

In  1S44  she  went  with  her  sisters  and  broiher-indaw,  John  ?dor:on 
\\'oodson,''  to  M;i!  cr.imry,  Mississippi.  She  li",-e,l  \\-iiii  tliem  ncurlv 
a  year  on  the  Do.irdp.ian  pi. ice,  sonie  niiie  miles  souih  of  Holly  SprM:':;s, 
and  was  there  m.irried  September  il,  1S45,  to  I'ai  U.  ^^'heat  oi  that  town. 
The\'  setiied  on  a  farm  a  few  miles  away  and  li\-ed  tlicre  nntil  jS53,  v.,!;i  n 
they  sold  oni  and  moved  to  DeVa.ll's  Blut^f,  There  was  no 
railroad  in  that  part  of  the  co;intr\-  then,  arid  steamboating  on  riie  Arkansas 
River  \\as  very  i:neertain.  So  .Mr.  \\'keat  established  a  wagon  train  from 
DeVall's  Bluff  on  White  River  to  Little  Rock  on  Arkroisas  River,  which 
for  a  number  of  \ears  was  the  onl;,-  means  of  transportation  from  DeVall's 
Blull  to  the  western  country.  This  enterprise  was  exceedingly  profitable 
as  he  used  his  and  his  wife's  negroes  for  teamsters. 

When  the  Cisil  War  came  on  he  promptly  entered  the  "-crvice  of  tlie 
Confederate  Staxs,  as  Captain  of  a  cavahy  company  in  tlie  Trsrr-^- 
Missiisippi  department.  At  rhc  close  of  the  war  he  held  the  rani-,  of 
lieutenant-colonel  of  his  retiment.  Col.  Wiieat  was  a  ?.I?son  of  hi/i: 
degree  and  was,  perliaps,  a^  widely  known  and  as  highly  esteemed  as  any 
man  in  the  state  of  Arkansas. 

His  v.ife  v,\»s  a  gentle.  Christian  woman  and  e.xcrtcd  over  him  a 
powerful  iuP.uence  for  good.  All  who  knew  her,  from  the  lov.-iiest  to  the 
highoi,  loved  her  for  her  sv.x-et  consecrated  Christian  life;  and  her  influence 
li\es  to  tliis  day.  Siie  died  March  6,  1S72,  at  her  home  in  De\'airs  Bluff, 
Arkansas,  surrounded  by  sorrowing  friends  and  neighbors.  She  was 
survl\-ed  by  her  husband  and  her  only  living  son,  Patrick  Henry  Wheat,  Jr.^ 
Her  aged  father  had  died  at  her  only  si.x  weeks  before. 

Colonei  Wh..aL  was  married,  second,  to  Mrs.  Reynolds,  a  widovr,  and 
mo\ed  to  Lonoire,  Arkansas.  She  only  lived  a  few  j-ears,  and  he  was 
marri-d,  thin',  Uj  Miss  Lou  'do::>n>^  of  Lonoke,  -who  pioved  t'.  he  a  Liessing 
to   him  in   his  dirhning   years,     lie  died   June    15;    l')10,   at   iiis   home  in 

'^20  IHK  \vo(;:).-:i-N.s  and  'iii;  sk 

■  Lonoke,  Arkansas,  mikj  -.v.-ie  '..•uiltiii  in  liu;  city  cciiicinv  v.i;l-  Mafnic 
hoiiors.  Op.  tlini  occasion  c\er\-  'ousinoss  Iiouse  in  the  city  \,.i>.  c!i>.=!.i]  an;! 
almost  the  entire  iiopulalion  attviidod  liic  fuiun.k 

X  *  35  Caroline  Mr  tilcla  Waiton,'  bori!  about  tS30,  at  Pirasanr  Grove,  fathcr'j 
home  in  Cuinbc:iap.d  co!!ui>',  \'ir^.:in;a,  w;;*  edui.aied  at  home  :v'A  went  fa 
1S4-.1  wish  her  otlier  -siilers  to  Mar.-hal!  couiuy,  MississipjM.  She  li'/ci 
\viih  tlie  family  of  her  brothei-i)i-la\v,  Jolin  Morton  \\"oo(lM)n  iiistil 
1S.5I  when  she  v,  as  n-aiTJL-c!  lo  I>r.  .AiUhoir-  Tiioraas  Scrnogs,  v.i'o  was  not 
o!)!\-  ill-  best  pliysiciaii  in  ail  ihat  s>.-ctiv)n.  hut  a  Mc'ioJist  minister  of 
g;eai  jiower  awl  inilucnce.  She  was  his  tiiin.l  wife.  15y  his  nn'.rr';;-.;e 
there  v.^is  one  daUf,litcr,  Caroline  i\  Ba.-eoin  Scrugi^s,  and  by  the  scc^.-aJ, 
iwo  .sons,  .•X-.lhoay  T.  Scru,;gs,  Jr.,  and  ]<,v\  Dyer  ScnigL:s.  Pm  in  iu-r 
tn.;cn!ent  oi  the-e  stLnelukh\  !i  a.ul  her  own,  ;!,erc  was  sitown  n(;  uiffereiicc 

Shortly  before  the  Civil  War  she  becanic  at'ilicted  and  for  nearly  nine 
yc.-iri  was  not  able  to  itand  on  !:.r  feet,  and  ia.  all  that  time  she  was  never 
despondent,  but  maintained  ai^  unfailing  cheerfubacss  to  the  end.  She 
died  about  1867,  having  lived  a  bri-ht  Christian  life  and  iK-en  a  benediction 
to  all  who  had  the  goo"!  fortune  to  know  her  and  come  under  her  sweet 

Issue  of  2  2   POLLY  WALTON'  f Robert, «  Thoiiias,-  John')  and  Xorton  Goodman. 

I  36  Nancy  Goodman,"  born  February  6,  1798:  in  Cumberland  counrv,  Virtdiiia, 

fMid  d'"ed  in  1S0,3. 

II  57  Eli/abeth  H.  Goodman,*  borii  February  1,  ISGO,  in  \'irginia,  veas  married 

about  1S17  to  Ja'nes  Ilobson,  and  died  rebru-iry  5,  1823.  He  died  in  M<iv, 

III  38  Merr-Aveathcr  Goodman, «  born  Mareh   12,  1S03,  in  X'irgirda,  v.-as  niairied 

in  1S24  to  -Marie  .Ann   Frer,ch. 

IV  39  Sally  J.  Goodinan_,s  born  September  4,  1805,  in  Virginia,  was  twice  married; 

first,  on  .Ajjril  25,  1823,  to  William  Brntiey  Davenport,  vrho.was  born 
October  18  ISOO.  and  died  on  Saturday,  Febru^^ry  1  1,  1824,  less  than  ten 
months  after  !iis  marriage. 

His  v.idow,  in  1841.  \\ent  with  her  daughter,  Alary  Eliza  Davenjior'..^ 
and  her  sondridaw  ."0  Augustus  Thorna?  Walton  to  Marshall  county, 
Mississippi,  and  was  there  married,  second,  on  December  6,  184S,  to  Sterling 
Withers,  who  was  born  August  14,  1785.  He  died,  survived  by  his  widow 
who  spen:  the  rest  of  her  life  iu  the  family  of  her  only  daughter,  and  died 
September  10,  1889,  aged  eight \--foiir  years  and  six  days.  Her  daughter, 
Mary  Eliza  Davenport  was  niariied  Jiiiy  12,  iS43,  to  30  Augustus  Thomas 
Waitcn,  and  died  Decemher  30,  F)08,  at  the  home  of  her  son,  Thomas 
Hcibson  Walton,  in  IMempiiis.  T'enncasce. 

V  40  Robert  1.  Goodujan/  iuim  AniV.r.  22,  i'OS.  was  r.KirriLc!  .Ninrrh  29, , 

to  Fiar.fis  W.  DunlKiir..  Died  ?>'arch  25,  iS96,  aged  cigliVy-icvcu  year.-, 
bO'/cn  nior.thiS  and  tour  di>.-. 

\  I  41   Thi'iiias  A.  Goodman,'  l^orn  .\ir.ii-n  22.,   1810,  was  married  Di'CtmluT    13, 

1832,  to  Jane  C.^lord.  and  i\k-'\  in  185S. 

VJI  42   Mary  Asnes  Goodman,^  born  Soptenibor  4,  1SI2.  was  laarried  DeccmbcT 

IS,  1S,>2,  to  Daniel  B.  liippen,  a.nd  had  i.-siie,  I-iclci'.  ii.  l-"li,)p--n,=  I)am\>l 
riii>pcn^  .luo  Kol'ciT  riipp.:n.5  v;,^,  ,i;,.j  J;iin!aiy  22,  1903,  nrar  i"arni\alie, 

\'I!I  4o   Mariah  Louisa  Goodman,^  born  Scpiember  3,  1815,  and  died.  January  10, 


IX  44  Jane  Frances  Gcodnian^^  b>orn  .March  20,  1818,  was  married  December  11, 

l.>38  to  Re\-.  Heaiy  D.  Wood,  aiid  died  EJecember  10,  I8u-i. 

X  45   Liartha  James  Goodman,*  born  March  2  3,  1822,  was  married  December  21, 

183/",  to  her  first  cousin,  50  Thomas  Coinpton  Brown/ 

Issue  of  23   FANKY  WALTON'  (Robert, "  Tnomas,^  John')  and  Alex.  Flipper.. 

I  46  James  Flippcn.^ 

II  47  Monroe  Flippen.- 

III  '18  Llaria  Fllppen.^ 

IV  49  Daniel  Fiippon.' 
Y  50  Mary  Flipper.. ^ 

VI  51  Fanny  Flipper.* 
\'II  52  Frances  F'ippen.' 

IsM-e  of  24   AGIVES  V/ALTOW  (Robert,",^  John')  ar.d  William  Flippe.a. 

T  53   Jo?iah   H.   Flippen,'  Ijorn   about    1803,    in  Cumberland   county,  Virsinia, 

where  he  was  reared  and  educated.  He  was  married  Septembe'-  20,  18/6, 
to  1495  Nancy  Shores  Woodson,*  daughter  of  823  Tarleton  Vi'o'.MJbon.' 
For  issue  sec  1195  Nancy  Shores  Woodson. - 

II  54  AlpheuE  FHppen.' 

III  55  Archer  Flippen.* 

IV  56  Thonifi.s  Flippen.' 









57  Mary  Tiippen.'" 

5S  Jane  Flippen.'^ 

S-"*  An-.indri  Fiiopen.* 

60  lilarlon  Flippen.'"     Jli-  was  a  piiysicin'i. 

25   KAKCY   K0B30K    WALTON'    (Kol.vrt/    Thonia;  ,■•   JubnM    ami    DanK-! 
15  town. 

0!  B'cnrj'  Janier-  Brown,'  horn  Ocln'.ci  12,  KSII,  in  (■|)inl>oriani.l  roup.t>-, 
\'iriiir.ia,  was  marricvi  Octobci-  2-1,  I^.xi,  to  Sub.iu  Ann  II(.i>s<)n,  ciaui;!ut-r  <;f 
Benjamin  Hi.)I:<o!i  'A  ruwluit.iri  (•■.iaiu\'  and  ilival  m;  1854,  Hur\ived  ijy 
one  -on  aiul  ihrix-  clauuhlcr?.  Hi<  I>i-(h1kt,  i^tlwauii,  wrote  ol  him  on  one 
ocra.-.i(,n:  "Henry  J.  Brown  lunl,  I  liiink,  th;.-  1't.s'L  r.atiira!  nii!:(l  of  anyone 
I  e\er  knew.      He  i^ccmed  lo  he  exoori  a).  an\thinL;  lie  tried  lu  do." 

62  Robert  Walton  Brown,'  born  August  2S,  1813,  in  Cnmberlaiid  county, 
\'iri;;nia,  was  married  to  Hiiz-.dieth  Allen  Kobson,  daughter  of  Benjamin 
Iltibson  of  Powhatan  renmiy,  and  died  April  25,  ISli. 

63  Thomas  Compton  Erovvn,*  born  Dcrembcr  27,  1?15,  in  Cumberland  eounly. 
Virjrinin,  was  marrievl  to  his  first  cousmi,  45  Alariha  James  Gondtnan,'' 
and  died  April  4,  1SS3. 

61  Edward  Smith  Brown,*  born  April  V.  ISIS,  in  Ctnnberland  county, 
X'irp.inia,  where  he  was  reared  and  given  a  tlioroiigh  educarior;.  He 
studied  law,  and  v/as  admitted  to  the  bar.  He  ojmmcnced  practicing  in 
1S43  in  Cumberland  county,  and  became  em.inent  in  his  profession.  He 
was  a  man  of  an  inc|uiring  miiid  and,  i!atura!ly,  adojitcd  these  words: 
'■J.r.reni  mib.i  da,"  as  his  motto. 

He  was  married  in  1845  to  Jane  I\Iaryaret  Winfree,  dau.shter  of 
Christopher  \Mnfree  and  Corneli;!  M^er  of  Lynchbu.i'g,  Vir.firiia.  When  he 
was  about  t\veh-e  years  old.  Dr.  John  Rice,  presi(ie;n:  of  Union  Theoiogical 
Seminary,  came  to  his  father's  house  and  had  a  great  revival  of  religiop  at 
old  Hopewell  Churcli.  It  was  on  that  occasion  that  he  became  a  Christian 
and  joined  the  Methodist  Church. 

After  his  marriage  he  Inr.-^red  in  I'cwhatan  county  v.  lien-  lie  practiceci 
law  for  many  years,  and  enjoyed  the  highest  esteem  of  a.U  who  kncv  him. 
He  was  always  deeply  interested  in  Sunda.y  school  work,  and  \vhen  he  moved 
to  Lynchburg,  had  a  large  c!a.-s  of  men  and  women  in  llic  Court  Street 
IMethodist  Sunday  school.  On  the  Sunday  previous  to  his  dearh,  he  wa.s 
prepared  and  expected  to  teach  liis  rjass  InJt  wa?  preventerl  from  doing  so 
by  rain  and  borlily  ailment,  which  was  a  sore  disapiwintmer't  to  him. 
Ere  another  Sabbath  day  dawned  he  had  been  summoned  to  tiie  bar  of 
God  to  render  an  account  of  his  =vcv.ardship.  He  died  on  Friday,  January 
3,  190S,  and  was  ijuried  the  ne.Kt  diy  in  the  Presbyterian  cemetery  at 
L)'nc!iburg,  \'irginia. 


V  65  Maiy  Chrisiiaiia  Bro^vp.,'^  I'orn;ibor  21,  iSlO,  in  riMiiborl.iTui, 

\'i.\.,iiu;i.  watf  liiarr'cii  ;o  ]lnn:.--._M'.  Joik.s  of  Ciin'.bcrlaii-.i  'Vh<.-\  died 
K-wiiig  si:\  children;  Hvc  v.if  wliniii  ire  siiH  i!\-iiij;.  One  of  lli(.-ui,  .loci  11. 
JoiU'^,  !i\-es  in  l..ync!ii:'i!r\;.  \'!r>;i;;;r,. 

\  i  66  EllTabclh  Apnes  Brown,"  horn  .\cA'onil:.or  13.  IS12.  in  C"unilici!and  coinuy, 

\'ir.;;::ia,  was  niarricu  lo  William  ThMina?  Hc'i>,--'iN  c'f  tlicu:  rt.'.niiy.  Tticj" 
had  si\  children;  lour  of  whom  arc  si:!!  li\-iiic:,  lau  v.nvv  uf  Claii-  names  !ia\o 
l>-.'Ci'  (dnainod  fcir  flut  recnrd. 

\'II  67  LTart'ia  Ann  Brov;n,'   liorii  Sei)uinlicr   la,    1825.   in   Cuii;l)cri.nid  Ci)ii'U\-, 

\'ii;:;ii;ia,  was  married  to  Zarhaiiali  (."ira>'sor.  M'loremaa  o\  Cani|)i>vil 
(  uiiar.  ,  \'irginia,  anil  died  in  1S;^6.  'liiej'  had  a  son  w  ho  died  a.i  i!;c  a.uc  of 
t\veni\-lv,o  and  ivo  dau;-;hters,  Mrs.  William  C.  \vvy  of  Lv  ludii-nrj;, 
X'irginia,  wlio  is  widely  knov,-n  amwijg  Soi;iliv-rn  Meihculi.-U.  for  I'.er  deep 
in'.erest  and  liberality  in  missionary  work.  The  second  dauijuer  is  Mrs. 
-Alice  Ijrown  Ro>all  of  Arcadia,  Florida. 

VI 1 1  *  68  ]")aniel  Hobson  Brown,'  horn  Septerabcr  13,  182!',  in  Cundurlaod  county, 
\"ivi;iiiia.  was  married  three  times;  first,  on  CSctoher  1''.  18?t,  to  Sallle 
Ann  Hatcher,  dai;c;hter  of  Sanuie!  Hatcher.  She  died  Octohcr  3i,\  1S,=;6, 
lea\-ing  two  children.  He  was  iiuarricd.  second,  June  30,  1858,  to  .\)iifircd 
.Mincixa  ^^'i!ki^son.  dauphier  of  Rohert  Wilki.-ison.  S!ie  died  Jd.ay  5, 
ISGl.  He  was  married,  third,  on  Februaiy  2,  1S6!,  to  Charlotte  Virginia 
Hatcher,  dauj^hter  of  Henry  Hatcher.  She  died  February  2.  1903.  He  is 
still  living  at  Ins  home  at  Ballsville,  Po\vhatan  county,  \"ire,inia. 

Issue  of  £G   MARY    WALTON'    ;^TIiumas    Hobson,'    Rohcr:,^    Thomas,^    John>)    and 

Robert  Watkins. 

1  *  69  I'lannie  E.  Vr'aikinS;-"  Ijorn  February,  1830,  in  Cunil»erland  county,  Vii;;,inia, 
where  slie  was  reared  and  educated.  In  1850  her  aunt^  Louisa  \\'a!lt)'i, 
and  her  husliand,  b'r.  John  Tlioma?  Harris,  spent  the  summer  in  Mrgiida, 
and  when  tb.ey  returned  to  their  home  in  Mariiiall  coeouy,  r\Iis>is5i])pi. 
they  look  with  thern,  56  Nannie  Watkins,  wlio  at  that  time  was  a  young 
lady  aljout  twenty-  years  of  age,  anrl  very  attracti\-e.  She  v^■as  married  ir;  the 
t!;c  fall  of  IS5!  to  John  Wilson  of  ^Iarshall  county.  They  v.ent  to  X'irginia. 
arranged  her  property  affairs  and  returned  to  Mississippi  in  1853  (.-riaging 
her  negroes  -and  other  effects  and  lived  a  fc\.-  year^  aljou.i  five  milc-s  east 
of  Byhalia,  rn  Alarshall  county,  and  finally  settlud  on  a  farm  near  Mount 
Pleasant,  Mississippi.  Mr.  Wilson  was  very  fond  of  bird  imnting  and  had 
some  fine  bird  dogs.  One  (.lay  while  hunting  with  a  friend,  he  sri>;t  a  bird 
and  at  his  command  his  dog  biouglu  the  bird  and  laid  it  at  his  feet.  In 
doing  so,  the  dog  trod  on  a  corn  stalk,  one  end  of  wiiicli  struck  rlic  hammer 
of  the  gun,  causing  it  'o  discharge  and  sent  the  load  into  Mr.  Vv  dson's  head, 
hilling  him  almosl  instantly.  Aiu-r  hi",  death,  hi--  v.  idow  spent  the  rest 
of  her  I'fc  in  the  home  of  her  married  dau,;!uer,  and  died  August  5,  1905. 

!24  Till.  \\V)C'1.>0'.S?  ANP  'ini'ik  rt)NNl-.CTH>N'- 

II  *  70  MoUie  WatkinSj-  hovn  '*$?•?.  in  Ci;ml>ori:inil  couniy,  \'iri:;nia.  Sl;e  -.vent 
v.i;h  her  si^trv  !u  1S50  'o  M.u^h.ill  c-uuiuy.  Mi.-.-ij-si !■;>!.  Rctin-nr.u  tu 
^■;:■giIV.^,  ;-!ie  \v.'--  marr:.,.!  a!  'Ul  !S5.'  tc  Mcrriwvnhoi-  [.(wis.  H-.- ■li;_^l. 
survived  by  lii>  vviJ<v.-  :\v.:\  iiif.nU  daiurluor.  Sb.e  v.;;-  ;:i:\ri-ird.  tc-i.n.i!. 
lo  Andrew  Fiinn.  >!!e  died  luno  2S,  1S97.  ;fged  sixvy-foiir  -ycMrs.  P'v  th'.- 
pccond  ricirri-i-c  .-'.it-  h.-d  uiic  bou  janics  Liudlcy  Flian  v.dio  now  U-c;-  la 
Goodricli,  IVr.iu-.-ec. 

Iss'ie  of  2.1    llORERT    ALFRED    Vv'ALTOIn^    (Thoraas    Ilobson,'    RoIktI,'-    Thonia>,=' 

John')  and  Krdly  rarolino 

I  *  71  FredcricV:  Eatc=;  Walton, '"  !>(/r!)  June  4,  i^^'^  in  St.  diaries,  tMi?-ji:ri, 
was  :na'.ri  d  Scp'onibir  J,  i.o!.  a:;  L  -uisa  Conway.  >iu'  v  as  b^rn  .-Xpril 
24,  1840,  a-id  ciicd  June  oO,  1^9.S.     He  died  December  24,  1907. 

II  72  Lucius  Augustus  V/.nitcn,'  barn  24,  1S40,  in  St.  Charles.  Alirbouri, 
was  mar.  led  ia  18o4  n.  Cyiith;a  Ba-on,  and  died . 

HI  73  Mary  Peyton  Walton,-'  born  June  4,  1S43,  i-,i  St.  Charles,  Mis.^ouri,  was 

married  May  IS^,  1S66,  to  Cha-des  L.  Draper. 

IV  74  Kancy  Pleming  Walton, =  bora  August  26,  1S46,  in  St.  Cl-arlcs,  Mis.-oiiri, 

and  died  tin.  re  October  6,  U-59. 

V  75  Thomas  Woodville  Walton,-'  born   November   17,   184S,  died  — - — .     Un- 


V'l  76  Alfred  V,''alton,  jr.,"  b.jrn  Xo^•cmber  S,  1850,  and  died  November  1,  1870. 


Twin^,    bcrn    Nox'eniber    7,    1853,   in   Sr. 

VII  77  Susan  Woodson  Walton.-         j  Charies,    Missouri.     Susan   died    Xo- 

venibcr  21,  1879,  unmarried.     En.rna, 
VIII  78  Emma   Pates   Walto--..3  1  was  married  July  IS.  1894,  to  Robert 

J  E.  Bland. 

IX  79  Everett  Walton,-  born  April  28,  1857,  and  died  August  3,  1S58. 

X  SO  Charles  WooJsou  Walton,^  born  Xo\-ember  14,   1S62,  and  died  July  24, 


Issue  of  3  0   AUGUSTUS  THOif  AS  V/ALTON'*  (Thomas  Hobson,'  Robert, »  Tliomas,'- 

John';  anrl   .Mary  Eliza  Daxenport. 

I  *  81  Sarah  Rosser  Vvaltcn,-  born  May  21.1  844,  in  Cumberland  county,  X'ireinia, 
was  taken  by  her  parents,  the  followin;.;  auLuniii  to  Marshall  count\-, 
Mississippi,  whore  she  was  reared  and  educated.  She  was  marrica  October 
9,  1867,  to  J.  Robert  Johnson  Siie  spent  her  entiie  life  in  Marshall  county, 
and  died  aljout  1907  at  her  home  near  Xorth  Aiouiu  Pleasant,  Mi."i^^i[ipi. 

lili.ll  I  I:  l.iNi-.UA  HON 

She  \\'a5  froni  youui,'  i;i;l!u.Md  a  menil'Cf  of  tlio  Mi'tliodi^i  (.'i-.urrh,  ain.!  ,; 
SN\ccf  Chrisiiiia  charaoler.  Slic  !;_;  ;Hirvi\cd  by  her  h.i.-baiici  aiul  tw;, 
childly  a. 

11  S2  Thomas  Hobson  V/alton,  Jr.,'  born  Jul\-   10,   lSi;'\  in   ?■.L!!■^h.-^!l  couni'.-, 

Missis^iiipi,  icfci'/cd  his  rdiicni(>ii  hi  lIic  cuaiiiry  ^cliouls.  ijol'iirc  he  \va,s 
sixtPfii  years  (ihl  lie  eidisted  in  the  C'uafcdieraiL-  Stales  ,'riii>-  as  a  p;-i\;ue 
ii'.  his  father's  C'.iiiijxaay,  "Tlie  C'i.'',d\vater  R'.behs,"  which  was  nui;iered  si.T\-ice,  Mai'eh  10,  ]Sv2.  Whale  a  mciiiber  oT  this  e(iiii;>.:ny  h.e  ixirtici- 
jKUed  \i)  ilic  bailie  o'i  Fa;  r.anL;u:>i;,  r.ear  (/cihrLh,  M  i.-r-issipi!i.  When  the 
army  v,  lT-I  to  'i'e.pch^  Mississipjii,  lie  went  home  aad  joined  a  cavalry- 
company  and  'vV-.s  ca;i!nrid  ia  l^'ue  aad  iiaiaisraied  r.i  h'orl  iJelaware, 
where  he  rem;\iae<i  inui!  the  close  of  the  v. a-.  i~>iu':n;j;  his  irapri-onmerit 
!u:  wa.s  sid)jectLd  to  harsh  ireatmeiU  and  endured  the  mo.^t  incredilile 
liardshijis  and  sufierinyj  but  looked  upon  it  all  as  the  roninion  lot  that  may. 
be  expected  l>y  prisoners  of  vi-ar  cver\'where.  After  tl;e  war  was  o\'er  l^.e 
returned  home  and  \\  Mit  io  work  on,  the  farm  to  make  an  luaicst  li\'ing:. 

He  was  married  Decemlicr  19,  1866,  to  Sallie  S.  Boggan.,  who  l:;orn 
and  reared  in  Mars.iall  county,  Mi-^-is^ippi.  T'ley  continaicd  ta  reside  in 
ivlarshall  county  for  some  \'cars  and  Imally  s?nled  in  Memphis,  Tennessee. 
\vhere  the%"  still  ii\e  (1'M3j.     Th.ey  h3\-e  no  children. 

III  8.3  V.'illiam  Eeijiky  Walton,"  lu>vn  June   12,   1?!S,  on   his    father's    farm    in 

Marshall  couiu}',  Mis>issip]_)i,  attended  thecoiintr}" schools,  and  was  married 
No\em!ier  19,  1S6S,  to  Sarah  Ella  Crawfor.I  of  Marshall  count}/.  She 
died  tliLTc  Tebruary  2/,  1878.  he  died  on  lUonday,  May  5,  18S6.  No 

IV  84  .Augustus    V/ilson    Walton,''    born    June    20,    1S50,    in    :\!arsha!l    county, 

?Jississip[)i,  died  .Apr:'  27,  1856. 

Y  85   Mary  Ann  Goodman  Waiton,-  born  April  1-!,  1852,  at  her  father's  home  in 

Marshall  counr}-,  Mississippi,  was  married  September  1,  1875,  to  Vv'iliian: 
A.  Brown,  and  dierl  at  3  o'clock  in  the  morning,  i\Ia\-  5,  1878.  Then" 
second  son,  Rosser  Reavis  Bi'awn'"  was  born  Januar\-  2.'>,  1878,  and  died 
th(  August  5,  1S78.     He  husljarid  died  s.-on  after. 

Their  first  child  Wakur  Emnu_-t  Drown''  was  born  June  7,  1876,  in 
Memphis,  Tciiriessee.  After  the  death  of  his  parents,  he  was  adopted 
and  rcaied  by  his  uncle  C  9  Thomas  Hobson.  Walton'-'  and  wife  Sallie  Boggan, 
as  tliei'-  ov,-n  i  I.ild.  He  erew  to  be  a  most  ex -ellent  young  man,  w-as  marrii-d 
about  !')()5  to  Miss  Mary  White  of  Memphis,  Tennessee.  They  li\cd  in 
Memjiliis  a  few  -.-ears  and  mo\-cd  to  Los  Angeles,  California,  \\here  i'le  died 
June  19,  1908,  'urvivi  d  b\-  iiis  v.  idow  and  two  children,  (Ij  Carolyn  Brown," 
and  (2)  Edward  .N'ewton  Brown." 

VI  8o   .Martha   Withers   V/aiton,"   born    FebiUary   27,    io54,   in    Marshall  county, 

Missi,ssipi)i,  died  August  21,  1S55. 

TMI-    WO<iliS-'Nr'  ANP    nU.I';  C<   NNK<M  IONS 

VI  i  *  S7  Id^  Epi'cs  WaUonr  l">ni  Jii-o  :S,  1856,  at  licr  IntiiorV  h_>v)w  in  Mar<h:ii! 
C()i;i!i\V  Mis-^i<r:ip./i.  was  ni-viird,  !ir~t,  on  rV!>niary  1<),  1879,  lo  Gii.^  W. 
H  m  of  Geri;-..into\v.i.  rcnn.  sseo.  li^'  di..-,!  M.iu-h  11,  ISSo,  an.)  pho  v..^.^ 
in.irrii.i.  seconil,  July  2S,  1S.^0,  lo  William  ."..  ilainpsoii  of  Mcmpl;!;;, 
Ti;nnes-ce.  lie  dietl  Fclni'ary  22,  IS'J\,  ^urvivcl  I)y  his  vi.Jo\v  auJ 
two  cuiMren,  all  of  v.hoin  still  ro-ido  in  Mc-niphi>,  Tenn'asscc. 

\'11I  8S  Rich;-ird  Alfred  WaUou,-  burn  May  7.  lSr,{>,  on  father's  fann  in  Mar.^'r.all 

ccuTUV,  Mi:.-i:^sippi,  wi;iu  lo  ^lo'itplas  wila  thv  family  aiier  ihe  close  of  the 
("i\!i  War.     lie  was  married   ).k-Lvnilicr  26,  iSS.\  to  Katie  Hodges.     No 

IX  8Q  Robert  Lee  Wallon,-'  horn  September  2,  1S62,  in  Mai^hall  eonaty,  ^!is^is■ 

sippi,  went  to  Memphis,  Tennessee,  with  ihe  family  and  was  th.ere  married 
lanuar\-  10,  ISSS,  to  Miss  Frankie  Ilanip-^on  'I'hcy  had.  one  child  born 
"ia;HKir>-  2,  ISS'',  ar,d  died  tlic  lollowii  i;  Niay  1,  li^t;9.  He  died  Augu.=  i  7, 
19i.'t>,  at  Boyle,  Mi^^i.-sippi. 

X  90  Charles  Henry  V/alton,'-'  born  on  Monrhn.  August  2,  1S65,  on  his  father's 

farm  in  Marshall  county,  Missis^ijipi,  went  with  the  family  to  Mempins, 
Tennessee,  wliere  he  was  reared  and  educated.  He  veas  married,  fir.-t, 
]\Ia\-  15,  t'..-8'.',  by  Rev.  Dr.  :\!artin.  to  Mi:,b  Wat  Hamner.  Sh.c  died  and 
he  \\as  married,  second,  February  22,  190.S,  to  Maud  Howard. 

He  is  an  elTiaient  and  i;reaily  beloved  minister  in  th.e  Cumberhir.d 
rresbytericoi  (dirrch  and  is  riow  I'l^i-F.  and  ha.^  been  for  several  years, 
pastor  of  the  Union  Avenue  Church  in  Memphis,  Tennes?ee. 

Issue  of  32  LOUISA  EPPES  Y/ALTON^  CFhomas  Hoi.son.'  Robert. ■■  Thomas, »  Johr.-) 

and  Dr.  John  Thomas  Harris. 

1  *  91  Anne  Elizabeth  Hn.iris,'  born  jaraaary  !>;,  lS^-!,  in  Marshall  counly, 
Mississippi,  went  with  her  jarents  in  li^G  to  Uermantown,  'i  unnesbee, 
and  a  few  >-ears  later  to  Memphis,  Tennessee,  u'hcre  sh.e  was  educate>i  ;n 
the  city  scho.jls.  After  tiie  death  of  her  parents  slie  was  taken,  in  1S71, 
into  the  h!;nie  c-f  her  iinch-  1518  John  Morton  ^^■oodson,*  at  Coldwao  r. 
'I'aiL  count\a  Missi.  sippi,  where  siie  was  married  Sept.  niber.  1871,  to  Jolm 
Wriyht  of  that  county.  They  had  only  two  children.  During  Iser  -.vidow- 
hood  she  made  a  visit  to  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and  was  there  m.arried,  second. 
on  Anyusl  ll,  I^SO,  to  Mr.  I.infl.  .m  honorable  man  of  e.vcelient  character 
arid  a  wcll-to  do  tarmer  of  Scluixler  county,  Missouri.  They  lived  on  their 
farm  until  he  died.  She  then  moved  to  KirksviUe,  Adair  county,  Missouri, 
where  she  has  lived  ever  since.  She  was  again  married  Aiigu>t  10,  1909, 
to  Asa  Browning,  and  died  December  11,  1913,  at  their  home  in  Kirksvibe, 
Missouri,  and  was  buried  in  Llewellyn  cemetery. 

Issue  of  S^-  LAVINIA  ANN  WALTON^  (']hon;as  HoLson,'  Robert,''    Thomas, *  John') 

and  Col.  Pat  H.  Wheat. 

1  92  Thomas  Ila  Y^'hcat,-   born  Orjolcr  5,  18-16,  near  liolly  Sprin-j.  Marsluii! 

county,    Missi.Nsipi'i,    vesit   witli    hi--,    in    LS>3,    !o    L^LA'all's   Bhif!, 
.\rkriir  .'.s,  and-  t'-oJ  Ii-utc  t  n  (.  ••c'tv)l.-.:r  !,  .1858. 

II  93  Kobert  Sejircy  Yv'luat,'  bom  .fin;e  26.  l^I?.  o'.\  !ii>  fatlu-r'.s  fanii,  scvtn 

niili-s  wc.-l  -:■[  Holly  Siniii^s,   ]Nii>>i-.-:iiM'i,  "I'd  did!   tliorc  on   Fcl^m.-iry  '^, 
18.S,^.  '       '  .       ' 

III  94  Richard  Henry  V/heal,'  Ix-rn  .-\!ic;i.i>i:  16.  1850,  ov  h'n  faUior's  farm  wc.^l  o! 

Idoli;,'  Sjiiingi,   Mai  .-'nail  couiuy,   M  i>s'.--.--ipi)i,  ainJ   died    liiere  Aup.usL   18, 

IV  C-5  Dr-vii  Creer  V/he;  t,'^  hor,-.  Jnly  1.  18.54,  al  DeVailV  DlulY,  and 

died  lii_v  Fc!>iiiary  l-K  1856. 

V  96  James  Elkanah  V/heat,'  born  Aii-ust  5,  1856,  at  Dt-X  all's  niiiff,  Arkansas, 

lived  two  da\-s  and  die-d  Aiit;i!st  7.  ■'85(). 

VI  97  Annie  Cutler  V/he^ai,-  born  June  24,  1858,  al  D(j\'ali5  BluiT,  Arkansa,-^.  and 

died  ib.ere  October  4,  1862. 

VII  *  98  Patrick  Henry  Wheat,  Jr.,^  born  July  4,  isoi,  at  L)e\'all>  BhilT,  Arkaiisas. 
The  Ci\-il  Vs'ar  had  begun  and  his  father  being  captain  of  a  cavalry  c.-5nipan\, 
was  necessarily  av.-a>'  from  b.onie  nuich  of  the  time,  to  for  tb.e  greater  safet\- 
of  his  farriily  and  jier.-onal  p/roporty,  lie  ri')o\-ed  them  all  io  '1  e:cas.  After  the 
close  of  tlie  war  they  returned  to  De\'alls  Binff,  viicre  liitlc  Tat  was  setu 
lo  school.  After  the  death  of  his  mother,  in  1872,  he  lived  a  while  v.'ith  his 
fatlier's  sister,  Mrs.  Diana  George  Cutler,  in  HolI\-,  IMississippi. 
In  1S7S,  he  went  to  Menard  county,  Texas,  and  spent  two  years  looking 
after  his  father's  ranch  horses  and  cattle,  and  became  nv  expert  horseback 

In  18S9,  he  retHrned  to  Arkansas  a.".d  settled  at  Lonoke  in  Lonoke 
count\-  and  was  there  married  April  16,  1884.  to  Charily  Rosanna  Eagle, 
daugliter  of  William  M.  Eagle  and  niece  of  Gov.  James  P.  Eagle.  Here  he- 
engaged  in  the  furniture  business.  In  1909,  lie  organii;.'d  the  Lonoke  Rice 
Milling  Company,  of  which  he  is  {jrcbident  and  is  one  of  th;;  largest  stock- 
holders. He  is  a  democrat,  and  an  earnest  member  of  the  Baptist  Church.. 
He  is  \-;ce-iM-e.^ident  of  the  Bank  of  Central  .-\rkansus,  was  secretary  of  the 
scliool  bnau!  for  f'el'.e  \'ears.  was  nui-^rer  ('f  Lonoke  iod,;e.  Xo.  51.  F.  &  .-A. 
M.  for  seven  years;  high  priest  of  Lonoke  chapter,  .\o.  .''1,  iov  nine  year^; 
oho  a  p-'-'ml.'er  of  .damin  Temple  .-Xncient  Arabic  Crch.r  Noble  Mystic 
Shrine,  Litile  Rock,  .Arkan^ao;  member  of  Hugh  De  Payens  Commanders-, 
Knights  Teiiiiilars,  Little  Rock,  Arkansa.--. 

Issue  of  3  5  CAkOimE  MATILDA  WALTOK^  Cniomas  Hobson,'  Robert,'^  Thomas, « 

John')  and  Dr.  Anlliouj'  Thomas  Scruggs. 

1  *  99  Wi'liam  Auf^  Scruggs,-  born  May  18,  1853,  in  Alarshill  county, 
Jvlississippi,  where  l':e  was  reared  and  educated.  He  graduatefl  in  medicine 
al  the  medicai  college  at  Louis\  ille,  Kentucky. 

l-'ai;t:  :Ji'7.  0:4  \villia)n  .A.i:gustij.s  .'^\i-ir.;!r=  v.-^s  tradiiatrd  in  sni^U.-i".-  fi-itr  <\c.  Ipi- 
yersity  -.n.  .^•a^::vill.^  T.-aa..  >'a.-ti.  liTv.  ^u,l  liot  ironi  L■:..lis^  i'l' ,  Ky  He 
iQiifM  li.r.  i,r;..  v.Vb  ot  :;).  i Kir...',  :>;ay,  IST-;,  in  .Marshall  r.juutv.  .Mi<:i-. 

>2,S  rnr  v, ()or.s--.>.s  .\Nn  uu  u;  •.'^s^ 

Like  hi-^  ]:'.\h'-v.  he  \va<  aiso  a  :nir;iifcr  in  tiic  M^'iluKii^t  Cluirrh. 
He  was  manici!  l-H-C.-nihcr  6.  187().  in  lOd  Sjlliv  I  ea  \\i!^••;l,■"  ciauc.lit-.-r 
of  5{.  Xaiiiiiij  K.  Waikias/  :uv]  Juliii  Wilson. 

For  a  nur.iiior  of  years  he  jjroaehoti  a.u!  practiroi!  nio-litinc  in  \:\.i 
!..ilive  c-iiinty.  In  !  900,  iie  im.vvii  [o  1  .clar..;',,  iMis.^i;  sipjii,  and  is  now 
I'vin;;  al  na:\sbaro.  Misf is>;ppi.  He  is  a  ^otci  JcniOfral,  a  ^cod  doctor, 
a  i,',o('d  preacher,  ani!  a  good  mar.. 

II  lOr  Thoroas  Scruggs,-  born  about   ls55,  at  Sunny  Side,  his  fatl'Cr's  Iiomc  in 

Maishall  c<junty,  .Mississippi,  ar.v!  dii-d  in  ialariy. 

Issue   of  Q/^.  EDV/ARD  S.  TJIIOWIN' ■  (Nancy  Iloiwon  Walton."  llobert,'^  Thonias,^  John') 

;:'.d  Jane  Margaiel  Winfrce. 

I  101   Cornelia  Walton  Brown,^  born   April   6,    IS-iri,  at  Puv;hatan  Courlhouse, 

Pov.hatan  county,  X'irginia,  and  ihcie  spent  the  earlv  ^'e.ars  of  hei  lile. 
With  her  father's  family  she  moved  to  Lynchburg,  X'irginia,  and  is  still 
Hvin.i;  in  ihat  city,  unmarried. 

She  is  a  lady  of  culrure,  rennenient  and  sweet  pooiie  seuliments. 
.'\bout  I  he  j.-ear  L<96,  she  arcop.ipanied  an  in\alid  sis!  or  who  went,  for 
special  treatment,  to  Saranac  Lake,  or  Lake  Flower,  as  it  is  now  cailed, 
and  while  there  nursing  the  loved  one,  she  wrote  the  following  verses  to  her 
Hiother  in  L\nchburg: 

Sitting  here,  from  hoiir  to  ivour. 
Looking  out  upon  Lake  Flower; 
Seeing  now  and  th.-n  a  boat 
Oil  its  wavelets  blue,  afloai , 
Or  beyond,  the  mounirdn  hii;!!, 
Reaching  u;i  to  touch  the  sky; 
Still  my  heart,  for  e\er  true, 
\\'anders  to  home  an.d  you. 

Though  tlie  waters  foam  amf  break. 
Tumbling  downward  to  the  lake, 
Countless  diamonds  ilirigin^'  back, 
As  they  fall  in; 
Though  the  lo\xl>-  evergreen 
Adds  its  beauty  to  the  scene. 
Sitting  'mii_l  the  fir  and  pine, 
Oft  I  sigh  for  "Auid  t.ang  Syne." 

For  my  own  belo\ed  land. 

With  her  mountains  t.dl  and  grand, 

Wra[;t  in  rosy,  dreamy  light. 

Ere  tlT;y  Idd  the  world  good  night, 

Just  to  pass  th.e  idle  hours 

Out  among  nv:  buds  and  flowers. 

Kim  i.  i.;;nk!-  \  r; 

Ah!  (li\n-  iionio  i?o  l",.r  aw;iy 

I  '.!ri.Mra  ci  you  fco!!!  d.iy  to  u:\y. 

'Mid  Ir.e  ;*r>i:'..,-cis  i;f;c,  i  fn'.d 
Lo%'ip;;  he  >i-;^---..>!!  a:id  kind 
As  c\t  I   Mi  in  5.oiu!icr;i  laiui.s. 
^'et,  I  lont;  to  ^•!a^n  ilio  hniKlj. 
Of  ii-ii.-  fr-cnu*,  for  \-cars  helc!  dear; 
Loii'^  to  ficl  lliuir  jiii^seiire  near. 
Oil,  my  best  Lo!u\o(l  and  true 
Still  v::y  licari  lurni  back  to  \-ou. 

(  .  W.  B. 
It    is    tiironsjh    her    i;iiidiVe>:i    that    l!i<j   above   data    pertainirig    to   her 
falher's  family  have  been  olitainccb 

II  '03  Ivlary  Vi'-f-^ini'a  Brov.-n,'^  born   January  9.    1;-!",  at  i''ow!!.u..n  l"^ourtho!,:sc, 

PowhataPi  coiint\',  \"irginia.,  was  niarrieu  Xox'eriilier  5,  1^.67,  iii  Lyachbiirg, 
Virginia,  to  Jolia  Winston  h'ex',  and  dic'a  ir.  loS7.  T]h'\'  had  three  children : 
(I)  Ot-lia  Walton  Ivey.'-^  died  in  childhood.  (2)  Mary  \^  in^ton  Ivoy^'J 
(still  living,  1913).      (3)  A  son,  died  in  infancy. 

Ill  103  Annie  Browv,^  born   October   7,    1856.   in    Cunibevlanci   couniN-,   Virginia. 

\\'hen  a  \oung'  girl  she  went  \^"ith  the  family  to  L^.aichburg,  wifcre  bb.e  V\-as 
reared  and  educated.  She  graduated  witii  distinctiorT  in  the  LyiichVnirg 
high  school,  and  for  sc\-era!  years  was  one  o!  tlio  most  efncient  teacliers 
in  tl'iC  public  schools  of  that  city.  Slie  was  an  e;irncst  consecrated  member 
of  the  Court  Street  Metliodist  Church  in  i.yncliburg.  She  was  an  artist 
of  ability.  In  1894,  wh.ile  in  Washington,  D.  C,  jirusecutinf;  licr  studies  in 
that  line  she  was  taken  with  an,  wh.ic'n  de\'eiope<.1  ';.>nsuni[)tion 
from  v.-liicii  sh.e  never  recovered.  In  the  early  suni'iier  <.f  1S97,  slie  went  to 
Charlottes\ille  for  trcatnieni  by  a  specialist  and  dietl  there  on  Jnr.j  lO, 
1S97.      Never  married. 

Issue  of  G  S   DAN1E.L  HOriSON  BROV/N^  (Nancy  Hobson  Walton,^  Ro:>ei  t.^  Tlion.ias,^ 

John';  an'i  his  first  wife,  Sallie  AciM  Hatcher. 

I  104  Maria  l-ouiia  Biowii,-   married   !1.   B.  Goodniau  an.d  in  Galve^tv)n, 


II  105  Henry  James  Brown,'  is  a  Ah'thodist  nu'n.isler  and  belongs  lo  ihc  X'irginin 



HI  i.06  Robert  Wilbur  Brown,"  born  )n  Powhatan  county,  \'irginia,  and  now  lives 

in  San  .Ange'o,  Te.\.'is. 

i'^0  Ttii;  \vo^lI)so^■^^  and  THLIK  '■ONXKCTIONS 

Issi'ii  nv  Ti'TKii  win:,  t."ii  m'.i.otu;  X'iki.jma  }!ai\hi-:r 

j\"         IC;  Tliom-.s  Gailini  Br-v. n.- 

\'         lOS  Gay  il.  Browa.* 

\'l  1C9  S.'illie    M.   Brown,'  t^oni   in   Po'Ahainn   coiiiUy,   \"ir;;;nia,   aiicl   ciicd   there 

July    12,    Ji>97. 

VII         110  Iscxv^:  Lrovrn.^ 

VIT;  111   D.-nic!  E-iv-s-d  Brown.9 

Issue  of  G  i->   NARLilE  WATICINS  '  'Mary  Walit.n.'^  Thonin^  Hoi  wor.,'  RobvTl,«  Tiiomas,^ 

John")  and  jolm  W.  ^.\■il^on. 

1  3  12   Robert  R.  Yv'ilson,'"  born  Scplcm'uer  8,  1S52,  in  Virginia,  v.dicn  liis  parents 

were  there  arran.L;ing  his  mother's  affairs,  preparaior\-  lo  moving  to 

II  Hi  Sallie  Lea  Wilson,"-'  born  Ajiril  3,  1854,  on  the  faisn  east  of  Byhaiia,  7\lar- 

shail  count\-,  Mississippi.  She  was  marrietl  Dertniber  6,  ISTO.  ar  her 
parents'  home  n^ar  Mount  Plea.-ant,  Mississippi,  to  99  Ur.  William 
Augustus  Scruggs.  They  settleti  near  Mount:  Pleasant,  where  he  praciiced 
his  profession  a  number  of  year.s,  went  to  Leland,  Mississippi,  and  finally 
settled  at  Hansboro,  Mississippi,  wiitre  lhe>"  aie  s'.ill  li-.'ing.  For  issue 
see  99  V\'illiam  Augustus  Scruggs. - 

111  114  ?/hii   T.    Wiison,!"    born    ]S,=^6,    in    Marshall    coui.t.- ,    Missiibippi,    served 

several  terms  as  clerk  of  D\er  county,  Tennessee;  went  to  Hansboro, 
Mississippi,  and  died  there  August  10,  1910. 

l\'  115  James  W.  Y/Uson,"  born  1S5S,  in  Marshall  count\  ,  Mississippi;  went  to 

Texas  and  died  tb.ere  in  1SS3. 

Issue  of  7  O   MOLLIE  WATKINS  '  (Mary  Walton,*  Thomas  Ilojj-on,'  Robert,'"  Thomas,:' 

John')  Lnd  Mrrriwcli'ier  Lewis. 

I  110  /mnie  Lev/is,'"  boMi  about  1S55,  in  Cumlnrlar.d  county,  \'irgin!a,  went 
ui(h  her  widowed  m  alier  to  Alarshal'  county,  M i.--issippi,  and  was  there 
married  to 'I  alley. 

Issue  by  A.ndrew  Flixn 

IT         117  Lindlcy  Flinn."' 

Issue   of  7  %     FREDERICK    BATES    WALTON-    (Robert    Alfred, «    Th.on.a.-,    Hobsor.," 

Robert,^  Thomas,^  John')  and  Louisa  Conway. 

iiKiMii;  i;rNi-:KAi!C'X 

)  liS  riit),-:   V.'aUon,''''   hovn   >e,>t^inl>or  •',    ]So2,   in  S(.   ("li.:vlr?,   :\lir-"ur!,   n!-,(i 

(lied  AugUbi  IS,  1S.',4. 

11  110  Allan  WaJton,"  I'-n;  Ma-vh  -i.  i:-!(^!,  iis  St.  Ci-.irlc?^  >!i?.;oiiri.  tic  ?p-nr 
il\c  early  years  !.•!'  Iii-^  lil'c  'v.t  St.  I.diii?  niitJ  war-  i('iK\>.ti.'il  then-.  He  lia\  r'i\l 
cxti.''iisi''c!y  throuiilioiii  ihe  Uriiiccl  Stai'.s  ami  aiO.-r  niaii\-  years,  locaii.vl  .it 
J<"ii'ie-uoru,  Arlcai'.r-as,  v/hcax-  he  mat  Mi^^.  X'iruinia  I-'ield,  dangliter  of  ilenr\ 
Field,  to  vlu-'v,  b.e  ^\•a.-:  married  Oeiol-.^r  ?1,  1''03.  They  scitied  at  Blyiiu:- 
\;iif,  .\rhaii.-^.ts,  vl-rre  h.-e  orsjanizcd  a  \e!io!c?alij  grocery  company;  of  \'.!iicli 
lie  !;.  prc.-.ivier.':  and  dioi-ig  a  inn.-  biisine^^i-.  I'lu.'v  Iiavo  one  little  daugiuer, 
\'iri;inia  Walton,''  \vl;o  was  born ,  190-!,  at  joncshoro,  Arkansas. 

in  T20  I.^aude  W.dtOL,''^  borii   February  6,    !S6o,  anr]  died  September  2j,   IS",?, 

Uiiniai  i  iv-d. 

1\'  l'/\    ('•.ly    Y/alton,''''   b'lrn    .\ii!;ast    2().    ISiV/,    was   rrart.-d    and    ri'aicat>'d    in   St. 

Lottis,  Misso'ari,  He  is  now  a.^sori.ued  with  his  two  l^rotliers  in  the 
wdtolcsale  grocerv'  a.t  l]!ytlie\'i!!e,  .\rkun.-.;H. 

V  122   Howard  Walton,'"  born  October  31.  1869,  wa^  twice  married;  nn,t,  oj!  Ji;;ie 

22,  18Q3,  to  Ada  \\"at-on.  Sli.^  dded  and  he  was  ii-i.irried,  second,  on 
DeceniiifT  14.  190S,  t:*  Anna  liiklebrand.  They  reside  in  St.  Loiii-;, 

Yl  123   Grace  Walton,'^  born  September  10,  iSVl,  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and  sti!! 

li\X'S   tliere. 

VII  124  Shirley  Walton,"'  b(,.rn  May  15,  1S73,  and  died  June  25,  1S79. 

\'III  12S  r.oger  ^Yallcn,'''  born  .-\pri!  6,  1873,  died  August  6,  1S76. 

IX  126  V.oy  Walton,"''  born  July  25,  1S77,  in  St.  Louis,  was  married  October  10, 

10(j7,  :o  Lue\'  Coddard  Hyde.  They  reside  in  Biythc\iHe,  Arkansas, 
where  he  is  associated  with  liis  two  brotliers  i'.i  the  wlu'lesale  ijjrocr-ry 

_    X  127  Gladys  Walton,'"  born   February  2-.,    iSS2.  in  Si.   L.itii.-.,  :Miiionii,  where 

she    still    ii\es. 

Is.sue  of  8  1     SARAH    R0SS":R    WALTON^    (Aup:usius    Thomas,*    Thomas    Hobson," 

K  ;beri,''  Thoma.:,^  John-)  and  J.  Robert  Johnson. 

I  128  Gussie   Walton  Johnson,'"  burn  Januaiy  27,  1S72,  and  died  at  12  o'clock, 

on  Monday,  September  24    1877. 

II  129  Willie  May  Johnson,'"   born   May  3,    1S73,   and   was  reared  in   Marshal! 

county,  Missisippi.  She  was  nuuried,  first,  to  Tlomas  Gatewcod,  who 
died;  and  sccjiid,  to  Charley  I.uc!:.  T'lcy  still  ii\c  near  Mount  Plea-ant, 
?.Iarslia'l  ccjunty,  AHssissippi. 

:-32  -iiii".  V.  ;)'iMS(i.\-;   'Nn  •'.■!i!:iK  ',  oy  Mf  t;i  lys 

lii  L'O  Ronne  Sue  Johnson, ■"■  boMi  Xo\\-n:ln.-r  14,  1574,  died  Ot  tobcr  25,  1379. 

l\'         131   A!!'!.!-!    Scruggs   Johrscn.'*'    boin    .■^l:;,,u^t    11.    1S76,    in    Mar.-liiill    ouiiiny, 
M;-,:i^;;i,)pi.      W'r.t'V.   bui   ;■   \-inilh    ii.'    ^vcnt.   'c   MciitiMii?,  Ti'niK'?-co,     ;nul 

iJia  'led lu  Tnc;-  I'rirvii.      'CI.lx-  hav  ivn  so-is,  iwius.  Samuel  Fcrrcll 

Joha^oii  arid  .Mlicrl  Si-.Iiuy  joiinv.jii. 

l?si;c  of  S?   II-'A  EPPKS  V/'ALTON-'  ^Aaj^uslus  'i  honias,^  Tlio.iia;-.  Tlo'json,-'  Robert,'^ 

Thomas'  John')  a:u]  Cni?.  \V,  Hua. 

'  132   Augusta  May  Hurr,'-^  i  •a.rn  May  2o,  1S80,  wa?  married  January  3t),  1900, 

tc  WiUiani  A.  Barto.i.  They  had  ''■ouc,  (I  '  Xoni.a  I-hciyn  Har;on,  burn 
April  2'i,  i9{l2,  and  [2)  Wira  Beniley  Hanon,"  liorn  January  2l),  1904, 
and  diird  July  17,  190S. 

II  153  Julian  Berry  Kurt,"'  born  Februaiy  27,  1SS2..  and  .iicd  October  21,  1902, 

ai  iiis  mother's  home  in  Memphi.-,  Tennessee. 

HI  13-1  Bessie   Renibert  Hurt,'"  born   October   15,    1SS4,   and  died  September  3, 


I\'  135  Maud  }3entlcy  Hurt,'"  born  August  4,  18i'6,  \Yas  married  April  29,  1906,  to 

\V.  Dennis  Duriiam.  They  ha\-e  t\\o  children,  (1)  Dorrli  Steu'art  1 /tiriiani, 
born  January  29,  1907.  (2)  Rus^eil  Hugeue  DLuTjam,  bo-ai  Aueust  10, 

IssfK  liv  W'm.  a.  ^J.\^iP.^o^,  iiHK  SECcoaj  i:i:suAXi) 

V         13i''>  Howard  Percy  Kaimpson,  born  .-Xugasi  IS,  1S90,  in  Abi-mohis.      For  several 
years  he  has  been  in  ibe  employ  of  th.e  Memphis  >;ev.-s  Scimitar. 

VI  137   Iwary  D.ivenpovt  Harnpson,  born  January  16,  1893,  in  Memphis,  l>nnessce, 

was  educated  in  the  city  schools  and  is  now  an  efhcient  slenograplier. 

ls.sue  of  £.1    AN^^E  EIIZAr.TTH  I-;ARRTS''  {l.<j'i\i-,.   ICppes  Wa'i.Mi,' 'llioirias  IJobson,' 

Robert,''  1  humas,-'  Joim';  and  jcihu  \\  ii^.;ht,  her  first  husband. 

I  13S  Louisa  Estelle  V/rip,ht,'"  born  .August  11,  18"(2,  near  Memphis,  Tennes.«ee, 

aiid  died  Jul\',  1S73,  in  Tate  county,  Missibsippi. 

II  139  John  Harris  V/right-,"^' born  June  21,  1874,  at  Tyro,  Tate  county,  Mississippi. 

Went  v.ith  Ids  mother  to  Mis.^ot.'rl,  v.liere  he  was  rea.'^ed.  He  was  married 
December  28,  18'>9,  to  Ml.->s  Mattie  Gear  of  Oswego,  Kansas.  They 
located  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  where  he  i^  eng:aged  in  tiic  p!K>lograph 
busiiiess.  They  iia\e  one  son,  lianas  \^,'right,  Jr.,"  bora  Januaty  9,  1903. 
in  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

liC!  Ill  CKKl.'^Ali'iN 

Issue  r.Y  Mr.  v.v.k  si:cf/X»)  iu'sband 

IM         l-'O  Ftanley  liiac'.ett  Liid,''  bnm  !'>.  18S!.  on  the  farm,  sovon  -luios  from 

C.ivr.i''  %)].,  Schiivle.-  c.Hiniy,  Missouri.  He  is  in  llio  phqiograph  hii?inc;s 
in  Kan:  iv  City,  Misf-ouri. 

I\'  141   Jennie  liad,"'  born  Scpic-mhcr   2^),    1SS4.   on   the   f.'.rni   near  Gi\vn   Top, 

Schnylcr  countN',  Mibsouri.  went  wiih  lier  \vi»!o\vc>,l  nvilior  to  Kirksvillu, 
Missouri .  wlieio.shc  was  reared  an-l  edneiuea.  SIk-  was  married  October 
29,  i')07,  lo  GiU'crt  Saeml.  v,h.,  w.m  be.iii  Juby  27,  1S;^>  :n  Durham, 
Missuuri.  Tliey  siili  reside  in  Kivk.^•i!le.  Mi>souri-  whure  he  is  engaged  in 
llic  electrical  business.     Tliey  liavc  li.ree  ciiildren- 

(!'    Slanle\  Sneed.''  born  in  KirL~vil!e,  .lain,.i.-y  s,  1909. 

(2)  Bernice  Sneed,"  born  in  Kirksville,  May  15,  1910. 

(3)  :\Iary  Virginia  Sneed,"  born  July  29,  1913.  in  Ivirksviilc,  Missouri. 

Y         142  Arlhur  Troy  Lind,'^'  born  .     He  joined  the  church  wlicit  only  sixteen 

veai^  old,  obrainxi  a  position  as  cle-k  in  a  sror..-  and  earned  enough  to 
complete  his  education.  He  is  now  a  studciit  in  t!:C  Normal  Sdiool  In 
Kirkville.  ?.Hssouri.  He  expec.s  to  go  soon  to  Dallas,  Texas,  and  eng-age 
in  the  photograph  business. 

Isstie  of  83  PATRICK    HENRY    WHEAT,    JR.^     (Lavinia    .-\nn    Walton,^    Thomas 

Hobson,'  Robert, «  Thomas,^  John')  and  Charity  R.  Eagle. 

I  143  Lavmia  Ann  WbDai,''  born  March  26,  1SS5,  at  Lonoke,  Arkansas,  where 
she  was  reared  and  educated,  was  graduated  from  the  Lonoke  High  School. 
She  was  married  April  23,  1913,  to  Leo  Hambetg.  They  reside  m 
Conway,  Arkansas.     She  is  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church. 

n  144  V/illian,  Eagle  Wheat.^o  born  luiy  5,  1.';S6,  at  Lonoke,  Arkansas,  where  he 
.  rcw  f  Nounc,  manhood  and  was  m.uded  June  16,  1909,  to  Nina  Blanche 
Crutch..:'  of  Lon.-kc.  They  have  a  daughter  Virginia  Elise  Vvhea.^l' 
born  Ma>  30,  1910,  and  a  son,  ^2)  Herndoa  Eagio  V.'heat,  born  1913. 
Mr.  Wheat  is  a  dem.ocrat"  and  a  mem.ber  of  the  Baptist  Church.  He  '.=■  a 
rice  grower  and  a  fine  rice  farm  near  Lonoke. 

HI  145  Ilia  Nunn  Wheat,'^  born  September  19,  ISSS,  at  Lonoke,  Arkansas,  and  has 
continued  to  live  there  to  the  present  time.  He  is  a  rice  grower  and  lives 
on  his  rice  L:rm  near  Lonoke.  He  is  a  democrat  and  a  member  of  the 
Bap'.ist  Church.      Lnmarricd   (1914). 

IV         146  Diana  Cutler  V/heat/"  born  Decembet  10,  1.S90,  and  died  July  23.  iS91. 

V  147  A.nna  George  Wheat,'^^  bom  June  7,  1892,  at  Lonoke,  Arkansas,  was 
educated  in  t!ie  schools  of  the  l<.wn,  i.  a  member  of  the  Bapt-st  Church, 
is  unmarried  ("1913),  and  still  live.-  witli  her  parents  in  Lonoke. 

ii'a:  \'.(joiiso.' 

\'I  143  l-atricl:  Heiixi   V,i:cr..,  Ili,'^  h.  .n  jimc  ::,  1S>'4,  at  Loiioke,  Arkaiisay,  an'! 

is  siil!  living  ihoro  \vijh  iiii  parents.     lie  i.s  a  iiKiP.ber  of  the  I3;'piist  Clnirvh. 

\"Ii  I4P  Thomas  Walt;'U,"^  bori  Xovi'inbor  10,  1396,  at  Lonoko,  Arkanfaf. 
an.d  is  now  acieiu'iiig  scIk'oI  tiierc.      lie  is  a  member  ol'  ihe  Baptist  Churcii. 

VI II  150   Tan^es  \7oodsoii  "^.'heat,''^  born  :\Iarch  7,  1S<":9,  at  I..onukc,  Arkansas.     He 

is  a  f)unil  in  tl'.c  Lons.kc  Srliool.  He  was  i;i\eii  the  naiiK-  \\'oodson  in  Iionc-r 
of  liis  tatiier's  (oiisin  26-12  Ileiiry  Morton  \^"',>o^-j.■^on■' of  Monipiiis,  Tennessee 

IX  151    J.iarcus  Edward  V/Iieat,''  bcrii  July  15,  1901.  ,it  Lonoke,  .Arkansas,  and  is 

now  aitciH'ling  scliooi  tliere. 

lisre  of  98    DR.    V/ILLIALl    AUGUSTUS    SCPJJGGS^    (Caroline    Matikla    Walton,* 

Tliomas  Hohson,'  Robert, "^  Thomas,^  Jr>lin"'J  and   100  Sallic  Lea  Wilson."^ 

I  152   I'Taiinie   vVatldns  Scruggs,''^  LKjrn  Sepienib^r  S,  18/7,  in  Miutni  Pleasant, 

Marshall  county,  Mississippji,  where  s'le  was  reared  and  educaied.  Slie 
v.-as  married  about  1S97  to  Fred  Ivey  of  ?^lolint  Pleasant.  In  1900  they 
moved  to  Lcland.  ^Mississipj)!,  whcie  he  engaged  in  business  and  wdiero  they 
still  reside. 

II  153   Caroline   Bascom,'^   twin   sisier   to    141    Xannie   W'atkins  Scraggs,''"   born 

Sc[>temi;er  S,  1877,  in  Mount  I'leasa.nt,  Misr-iisipin,  and  died  tlicre  October 
17,  189  J. 

Ill  1S4  Anthon}'  Wilson  Scruggs,"^  born  Xovember  14,  18S1,  in  IMount  Pleasant, 
-Ma-r^hall  county,  Mississippi,  moved  witli  tiie  family  in  1900  to  Leland, 
I\lissibsi;  pi,  where  lu  still  !i^"es  and  is  engaged  in  business. 

The  Waltons  are  an  ancient  and  honorabie  Scotch-Eiiglish  {amily, 
who  v.-ere  prominent  in  the  early  history  of  the  country,  and  at  th'3  present 
tiir.e  maintain  their  iniluence  and  a  high  standard  of  manhood  and  woman- 

It  is  a  source  of  regret  that  so  little  si.)ace  ccjuld  be  given  them  in  thi-- 
vcilume.     Howe\xr,   a   thorough    and   complete   history   of   this   good    old 

family,  is  in  course  of  preparation  by Charles  Cortlandt  \Valton,  Jr.,^'^ 

of  Richmond,  Virginia. 

Issue  of        8  3  0   ANN  FEKTOK  V/OOr-SON"  (Capt.  Chailes/'  Dri  r\ ,'  William,^  Benjamin.^ 
liribert,-'  Jolui')  and  German  Booker. 

I        1521  Jc-inima  G.  Booker,^  born  Xovemljcr  10,  1823.  at  Bold  Spring  in  Cumber- 
land couiUy,  \'irglnia,  and  died  there  at  iht  old  ho:ne  Ociobci  6,  1841. 

II  1522  Albert  Lawson  .Booker,'  born  February  17,  1825,  at  BoM  Spring,  Cumber- 
land county,  Virginia,  was  married  to  Mary  Smith  of  Buckingliam  county, 
moved  to  Bristol,  Tennessee,  and  died  there  December  10,  1S61. 

)-.l(.in  1!   Cr.N::!'  ATK'X 

in  1523  Lucie  Hobson  Boolrcr,'  bom  S.-pU'  .50.  ^S2i.  .it  P-oii,!  Spring.  Ciinihvr- 
lariv)  coi!n;->-,  \"i:.:i:'ia,  was  ir.anicd  lo  Willia.m  Flippi'P.  of  C'umhoi-laiul 
county.  Slu'  ib  now  a  wicioNv  and  li\-i.>  wish  her  sifacr  l.S2(>  Dotlie  in 
Riclunonci,  \'iic;iiiia. 

I\'  1^2-i  ivobert  Her.derton  Booker,'  born  January  19.  IS29,  at  Hold  Spriiig, 
CunibcrlanJ  coiiiUy,  Virginia,  aiKJ  Ji^u  ykac  Novcir.!:icr  20,  1S97.  Never 

V  *  1525  Charles  Woodson  Booker,'  born  July  14,  1S32,  at  the  old.  i^omtatead  in 
(.'unibciiand  couP-t>",  X'irginia.  lie  located  in  ibe  ri'.y  of  Kiv-linujud  and 
was  nianieil  to  ('ipliclia  Hauls  of  city.  He  died  M.irch  11,  1X96,  at 
hi.s  rcsidcnre  on  Holls'  Street,  KiMininTid,  \'ii-L,inia. 

\'i  lo26  Boitie  Dcv;  Booker,-  born  Xoxendj^r  21,  ISiO,  a.i  her  father's  liom-'?,  Rold 
Sprint;,  in  Cunibcrhmd  coiini\-,  X'ij'^inia.,  was  married  lo  Thomas  Po\v.-?ll 
of  Riclimond.  He  died  about  i.6'69.  Siie  is  still  iivinp  in  Richmond, 

MI  1527  Naunie  Fenton  Booker,'  born  September  13,  1S.58,  at  Bold  Spriri;,  Cnmber- 
land  county,  \'iri;inia,  and  diedi  there  No'.ember  2b.  iS97. 

\dll  1528  Joanna  Christian  Booker,'  born  January  S,  ISH,  at  the  old  homestead  in 
Cumberland  count\-,  X'irginia,  where  she  .-pent  her  entire  life  and  died 
there  February  11,  1881. 

IX       lo29  r?jchr,rd   German  Booker,*  born   DcceiHbcr    3.",    ISM,  at   Bold   Spririy.  in 

Cumberland   county.     He   was   married   to ,   and    died   at   his  home 

"Sunny  Side,"  February  2,  1909,  survived  by  Ids  v."ido\y  and  ivo  chiidren, 
j\Iar>-  Fen.ton   Booker,'  and  Joanna  Christian  Booker.^ 

Issue  of        t>3<-   CREED    V/GODSON"    (Tscharner,«    Miller,^   John,^    Benjami.i,=    Robert,- 
Jf^jin'J  and  wife,  name  i.';  not  known. 

I        1530  Philip,*  was  born  in  the  state  of  Georgia,  v;as  a  ph.y-ician,  married  and 
settled  near  Ivlacon,  Georgia. 

There  were  fevera!  other  sons  and  daughters  in  this  fandiy  but  thc'r 
names  have  not  been  learned. 

Issue  of        S3  3   SArtAH   WOODSON'    (Tscharner,'    Miller.^   John,''    Benjamin.-^    Robert,^ 
Joiin')  and  Henry  Swann. 

I        1531   John  Swann,''  born  in  Cumberland  county.  Viiginia,  died  in  infancy. 

II        1532  Tschurner  Swann,'  born  in  Cund'crland  county,  Virginia,  died  in  infancy. 

in  1533  Lucy  Delia  SNvanii,'  born  a  fe..-  miles  from  Cumbeila-id  Courthouse, 
\'irciida.      Tlie  moiiier  died  sc;on  after  the  birth  of  tids  child  ane'  her  aunt, 

Tin.:  .\\(H;i)vON>  and  inr.ii^  toNNi-:<  tu^xs 

839  Mnry  (Wcxid-oir.'  Sirxxi.'  .lil'^pto!  llu-  liMle  bain;  and  took  her  uv 
Jac'lc'ron,  'J"cniu'3PCi?,  w  hcM-  il;oy  .•,t,'Uii.d  ^hi.iriiy  :il''.fi  \-.-.irc!s.  T!u'\-  till  kfl 
JaLJ^S'in  i'.iul  ma\-cd  lu  Ciiiciiiuni,  0!iio.  ;il.uul  ihc  !K';:iniMng  of  ilic  (."i\i! 
\\\ir,  a.ul  have  nut  been  luard  from  sinee. 

Issue  of        S4S   CIIKISTOPHERC.  WOODSOK"  (CIvisKM^her.^  ^ilUer.Mohri,'  l!c;;jandti,^ 
l\oben,-  Jolin'J  and  wife,  wlvj&e  name  is  noi  known. 

1  *  153-1  Chrlsloplier  Columbus,'  ]r.,vn  !S1,\  in  Ixirh'iunu',  \'ir_.dr.i:i,  went  w'a\)  Ids 
fatlu-rV-  f;iniil\-  in  ]S20  \o  Sparta.,  White  eonnty,  Tenne.^see,  whfre  he  was 
reared  and  ednratc-d.  llu  ^v.^^  uKMiied  .d'o.ii  IS.vS  vo  M;:-s  i'hoi'be  'I'.iylor 
of  J.iriie.sii.w  II,  Tenricssr-e.  The\'  selth-'J  ii"i  Clinio.n  cciirite,  l\cntneky, 
where  he  b',u!;;hi  a  farm  ancf  reared  hi.-^  fainils'.  Jn  politiis  he  wa.--  a 
dernoerat,  was  a  nieiiiber  of  the  n..ipi:ji  e'imreh  and  b\'  oecnpa.lion  was  a 
stonemason.  His  wife  died  in  LS<';).  .After  this  berej\  i-iU'jril  he  i;io\ed  (o 
Alct'urtain,  Oklahoma,  and  died  tliere  in  I'J'jl . 

II        1535  William, ■*  Liorn  about  iSlC,  in  Pudimond,  \'irginia,  ami  died  young. 

III  *   1536  Richard  Rogers, ^  born  ?vlay  il,    ISIS,  at  Abingdon,  \'ii;.;inia   (no>v  W'e.-.t 

Virginia),  when  the  faniih-  were  "on  tin-  nio\'e"  from  P.ichmond,  Virginia, 
to  Sparta,  Tennessee.  It  was  about  lis20  that  they  reached  S-iiarta. 
Here  this  Kicliard  grew  to  young  manhood  tind  veas  educated.  In  fS42 
he  vrent  to  Ciintou  county,  Kentucky,  and  the  fjI!o\^i;ig  yd'\  in  ]^.Iay, 
1843,  was  married  to  Miss  ivatherine  Talboit  of  Albany,  liio  i  e-.jarv  site  of 
Clinton  county.  He  boiir;hL  a  f.':rni  four  trdles  west  of  Al!)any  and  !i\ed 
there  twcnt\-five  years.  All  hi?  thirteen  chikiren,  seven  boys  and^  six 
girls,  were  born  on  this  f,irm.  He  and  Ids  wife  were  Baptists  and  rejHiL'ii- 
cans.     He  died  December  11,  iS84,  at  their  hoiii',.-  ficar  /\.lbany,  Kentuelry. 

IV  ]'>37   Matilda,*  born  about  1A20,  probably  in  Sporta,  Tennessee,  and  died  young. 

Issue  of       a-vD   ELIZA  DeGRAFFERREIDT  WOODSOiN"    (Blake  Baker, '^  IMiiler,^'  joliu,'' 
Benjandt;,'  Robert.-  John')  and  Capt.  Jack  Raine. 

I  153S  Goodt'oh  RciJne.' 

H  1539  Adelbert  Rpdne,''  married  Hannah  ^daxwe!l  of  Lynchburg.  X'irguiia. 

Ill  1540  Nannie  Raine, ^  married  John  Howell  oi  .\ppomattox  Courthouse. 

W  1541   Ella  Raine,"  married  Mr.  Perkins  of  .Amelia  county,  \'irginia. 

V  154?   Charles  Rrdne,"  married  Miss  Di.xon  of  Lynchburg. 

I;,sue  of        84  3   SARAH  TAYLOR  V.-'OODSOIJ'  l  Blake  Baker,"  Mllicr,''  John,'  Penjandn,^ 
Roljert,^  Joh.n')  and  Col.  I'dwin  Moore. 

r.iGii  1 11  r.i- .vr.u.vTn  X  :i,-; 

i        iri3  'I'honia?  Moore,'  \.ciu   to  ^"aiifiMiia  ar.d  'm.-;  n^.l  h.  en  lieji->l  fio!!!  siuci.- 

II  ir>44  Blake  Tv^corc,"  '.nrn  in  ^'ii■|^il■iia.  sv-rvvH;  in  ihc  ConfcdcTi-ie  ariii>',  aiu!  aftci" 
the  war  ^!o^elI  he  er-,L,;'.j;e'l  in  tlie  inei\:;iuiiie  busiii'^ss  at  GuiUcr.s\-ille, 
Alabanui,  anJ  liieei  then;. 

Ill  1545  William  .Moore,"'  born  in  \'i!-;;ir.ia,  wxiil  with  ilio  faniiiy  tu  Alabama,  5cr\i'ii 
in  llic  C'onfciieratc  arin\-,  a.iiu  -iftcr  tlie  \\\'.r  weiil  to  Texas  aiul  died  iliere. 

!\'  15  iO  Alueri  I^loore,"  b_u'nin  lltillMrd  eriunu,  \'ii\,i!''.a,  oiiHsied  iii  ih.cCoalcderate 
a.ini_\'  and  was  Idlleu  in  battle. 

V'  i5l7  John  Moore, ^  b(!'n  in  l'K,d.i'i'rd  e  unry,  \"iru;ini.i^  enlisted  in  the  C\iniederate 
aiin^-  and  w  as  killed  in  battle. 

\T  ]'>1S  Granville  Moore,'  born  about  18.^2  in'ord  cnuwy,  \'iri:,inia,  went  \Yith 
his  mo. her  to  Guntcrs\-ille,  AL  b?ma,  ar.d  w.-.s  liot  main  support  after  his 
faiher's  death.  In  1S72  lie  w;  s  working  f^jr  a  ralary  and  takii'g  care  of 
his  nioiljcr,  who,  at  that  time,  was  in  \'er\-  treble  Iicalili. 

V'll  1549  Eugene  Moore, ^  born  in  IS.Si,  in  Bedford  covirity,  \'irginia,  went  with  his 
mother  to  Gtmtersville,  Alabama,  and  in  the  fall  of  iS71  went  to  Islisjls- 
sippi  and  setrkd  there. 

\'III  *  1550  Anna  Moore, ^  born  in  Virginia,  went  with  her  mother  to  Gurters-\-iile. 
Alabama,  was  married  to  iNIr.  Ka>'s  arid  died  leaving  four  children. 

IX  1531  EllerL  Mooie,*  went  with  her  mother  to  .•Mabama,  was  uiariied  and  liad 
several  children,  but  nothing  is  known  of  th.em. 

X  15S2  Sallie  jvloore,''  born  in  \'irgin:a,  was  twiee  married  and  was  a  v.idrAv  in 
1S72  ard  wa-'  living  with  her  mother  in.  G'inters\  ille,  .Mabama. 

Issue  oi     -052  BLAKE  BAKER  WOCDSOX'   (Blake   Baker, «   Miller,-'  John,^  Benjamin,' 
Robert,-  Jolm')  and  Ann  B.  Barrett. 

I  15r3  Vviiliain  I.'everly,'  born  IS-il,  in!'ie,  .-'■.labama,  where  he  was 
reared  and  odticated.  He  was  a  young  man  of  splendid  physique  arid  was 
consielered  one  of  the  most  intellectual  yotnig  men  of  the  state.  At  the 
beginnini^  of  the  Ci\  i!  Wat  1  e  v. eat  to  \"irginia  and  volunteered  in  the 
ser\ice  of  the  Confederate  States,  joining  a  troop  of  ca\-alry  in  Gen.  J.  E.  B. 
Stuart's  command,  in  which  he  served  until  Stuart  fell  at  Yellow  T-'ive:n. 
He  was  then  transferred  to  Gen.  Fitzhugh  Lee's  command  and  was  cijj- 
pointcd  one  of  the  aides  to  that  officer  a  short  time  before  the  war  closed. 
He  was  in  iivt\'-four  battles  during  the  %/ar  and  was  wounded  ilirce  times; 
so  slightly,  howc\'er,  ac  not  to  make  ii  necessary  for  him  to  go  to  a  hospital. 
After  the  close  eif  the  war  he  rettum-d   home  in   perfect  heallh  and  was 

.\M>    nP:iR  CONM  I.  Tl'/iX? 

;apiuly  lulauii;:^  iiim-rlr  to  ih.  i-!i.i;ii;ctl  C''!\!irians  when  in  Jaiin.try.  li^66, 
he  wa'^  aecki-'ntalK'  Iciik-i  h\-  one  cf  b.i-.>  men  intimate  and  dc\(  led  frioiuls. 
The  circunistaiKetf  arteiidiny;  the  sad  alTair  were  as  fallows:  He  was 
invi.ei  h\-  '"ap..  Mc^^"nlrler  in  aeconvv'.'iy  IviV'  home — alv..-ut  fi>:  mil',-.; 
from  (".a.ii!es\il!e — to  enjoy  a  few  day?"  spo-'t  in  bird  hmiling.  Mis  sister 
Nannie  \\'oo(is<->n,  arcotnpanied  them  ihii  ?!ie  mi^lit  pay  a  vi-^i  to  thc' 
Captain's  sister  wlio  lived  h;'h  a  mile  frora  his  residence. 

Upon  nrriviii!,:  a!  ("apt.  .McWhoiler's  liome,  they  cleaned  their  s^iins  in 
the  exenine,  prcparate.r\-  i>'  a  hunt  on  the  following  morning  and  plaee.l 
thein  empty  in-  a  of  th.e  roi^rn.  In  ihe  meantime,  a  ?cr\-ant  tool;  a 
tun  (left  !;>■  Major  (ira>son  who  hu.d  he.ii  hui.tini;-  a  few  days  hefoi-e) 
an'.i  pla'.xd  it  with  the  (wo  empty  c;uns.  Major  Grayson's  and  Mc\\'horler's 
guns  Wi-rc  so  nearly  ahke  ns  -careely  U-  lie  <lisung:uished  the  one  from  the 
othe'".  On  tile  next  miirning  .:l!er  ari.-ii'^'  aad  d.cssing  themsch-es.  it  vsws 
proposed  i!kU  they  go  tlirough  the  various  maneuvers  and  words  o! 
command  of  a  duel.  Taking  their  guns,  the  Caj)tain,  by  mistake,  took 
IMajor  Gayson's  v/Lich  was  rhar:;ed,  and  at  the  word  "fire"  lodged  the 
contents  in  the  side  and  luniks  of  his  friend.  His  sister  was  sent  for  ini- 
mediate!)-.  Upon  arriving  slie  foimd  her  brother  sitting  composedly  on  ..i 
chair  with  his  arms  folded.  He  told  her  he  was  glad  she  had  conic,  that  he 
miglit  take  an  affectionate,  though  final  of  hei,  and  at  the  same  time 
exonerate  his  friend  from  all  blame  and  unjust  suspicion  by  assuring  her 
that  the  sad  misfortune  was  entirely  the  result  of  accident.  In  a  few 
moments  he  expired  without  a  struggle.  Capt.  McWborter,  wiio  was  a 
moral  and  hightoned  gentleman,  seeking  to  assuage  his  grief,  plunged  in^o 
intemperance  and  soon  followed  his  friend  to  the  grave. 

II  *  15.=;4  Reavis  Barrett, ^  born  1843,  in  Gainesville,  Alabama,  was  reared  and  edu- 
cated there  and  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War,  volunteered  in  the 
Confederate  army,  joining  a  rifle  company  organized  at  Gainesville,  Aht- 
bama.  He  was  in  the  first  battle  of  Manassas,  then  iu  all  the  battles 
before  Richmond  until  McClelland  was  removed.  At  tiie  second  battle  of 
Manassas  h!s  left  arn;  v.-as  shattered  by  a  grape  shot  and  was  amputated 
between  the  wrist  and  elbow.  He  refused  to  be  discharged  from  the  ar.n^y 
and  after  recovering  from  his  wound  returned  to  his  command  and  was  i.n  ilic 
desperate  battle  near  Fredericksburg.  After  the  cessation  of  hostilities 
he  returned  to  Gainesville,  .Alabama,  vi'heie  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
life,  an  honorable  and  useful  citizen.  In  1^67  he  was  appointed  Lniied 
States  Marshal,  through  the  influence  of  his  uncle,  Judge  Turner  Reavis, 
who  was  a  man  of  strong  character  and  exercised  considerable  influence 
over  the  leading  "radicals"  of  the  state. 

He  was  married  to  Lucie  Commac  DiUard,  and  died  1S9&,  at  liis  hon:e 
in  Gaines\-ille. 

HI       1555  JohHj'  hnrii  in  Gaincswlle,  .■Maljam-i ;  died  young. 

IV  *  155'^  Nautie  Temple,''  boru  Sep>':-mber  1,  1S46,  and  reared  at  Gainesville. 
Alabama,  v.-\-:.  married  January  2,  1866,  to  Hon.  Lawrence  Doc.?.tur  Gcdi.'-ey, 

Fli.H  ril   i.lM.KAT  piN 

wlui  v.'ar.  l-.orii  in  Sm-.'.tcr  coniity,  .M.ib.uiKi,  iiiui  bccaiiu'  r.  proiiiinciu 
l.iwyir  of  t!iat  ?t.iU\  I'c  v/as  jn.iyor  of  the  city  of  CiaiiiL'^ville  for  ihiriy 
y<  irs  fr'irii  lS"-i  lo  Jfidv  I'o  -.'-a-  si,;  \ear-;  solicitor  nt  ilie  judicial!-icl  of  whiih  bis  v^iimti-'i'  r.uir.iy  foi!iK-rI  a.  pari.  lie  was  a  nicnilicr 
of  the  Alalxiina  K■gi^lalulV  in  IsSI-S;  and  <  [  ihe  ^.a;e  ^-nalc  i8SS  to  1901, 
and  atrain  of  <hf  lower  hous-a  1001-.'.  lie  <v\vcd  t;allantl\  in  X'ac  Conk-dcral',; 
army  until,  at  the  Inuilo  of  Suxcn  Pin.  ?,  \":i-in;a,  his  n£;lu  ann  wasshaitvrc'd 
and  had  lu  I'c  ainpuiatcd.  lu:-  was  a  .'oadous  mcnilier  of  ilie  M;.-.  i'.odI^L 
Cliurrh  and  was  a  dclcsato  lo  ilic  gcncTal  runforence  widen  ror.\on(.-d  in 
Si.  Louis  in  KSOO.  Mr.  Codfrey  was  a  Id^'-'y  cducaud  j;>  ;uk-inan  of  ih.e 
old  school;  dignilied,  coiiricuus  and  of  st:;v,rlur  ip.telk'Cinal  atlainments, 
he  was  honored,  iovc-d  and  tnu^l':.!  hy  r.!l  wliu  had  ihc  ;;aod.  fnnuiic  lo  know 
liin.  lU-  removed  in  19.13  from  Caiivs\'!l:'  lo  I'c^seniei ,  Al.diama.  wiv:re 
he  praelired  his  profession  until  oonipelled  l.y  failing  health,  to  alxindon  it. 
In  190S  he  nioxx-d  to  Meridian,  Mis^iss;pj|;,  where  he  died  Ja.nuary  20, 
1909.     He  was  a  pcd  man. 

Issue  0^       853   WILLIAM  COWAN  WOODSON' (Blake  lliker.^:\Iillcr,=  Jolm,^Bsnjamin.= 
Robert,-  John';  anfi  Virginia  Kinerdd. 

1  *  1557  Charles  Ed^-in,M)orn  in  Lewisburg.  West  \'iri.inia,  where  he  was  rcar.ed  and 
educated.  Arri\-inc:  at  the  age  of  young  manhood,  he  went  ;o  Te>:as  r.nd 
was  married  to  AJi-s  Lydia  Price  of  Xavarro  county.  Tiiey  are  now 
engaged  in  farming,  near  Athens,  Hender.son  countv,  Tesas. 

II  155t;  Samuel  B,'  born  in  Lewi. -burg,  West  \'irglnia,  was  married  to  Miss  Erdine 
Spillman  of  \\'esimorcland  coiint>;,  where  ll/.-y  still  reside. 

Ill  1559  Thomas  Jackson,'  born  in  Le-.visburg,  West  X'irginia.  He  was  so  named  in 
honor  of  hi,?  father's  stepbrother  Thomas  J.  (Sconewall)  Jackson.  He 
died  in  1365. 

W  *  1560  Edgar  T.,'  bom  in  Lewisburg,  West  Virginia,  arriving  a*  the  age  of  young 
manhood  he  went  to  Texas  and  was  married  to  Miss  Lmma  Barefootc  of 
Nocona,  Montague  county,  Te.xas,  \s-iiere  they  now  reside,  lie  ts  an 
electrician  by  occupation. 

V  1561  Ida  Kincaici,^  born  in  I.ewi=burg,  West  \'irginia,  where  she  is  still  living, 
it  i^  through  her  kindness  thcit  all  the  above  data  on  her  father's  family 
hax'c  been  obtained. 

Issue  of       857   bUCY    MATILDA    WOODSON'     (Miller."    Mil'er.'    John,'    Benjamin', 
Rol;ert,-  John)  and  859  Creed  Taylor." 

1       1562  Emily  S.  Tay'.or.s 

II       15CJ  Annif^  TtLvlor.' 

'•\0  Till-;  v.c',.:)3ox.s  .\n:>  i'!;i- ik  cwni 

HI        1564 Taylor/ 

Tho?c  llii-Cv-  si^^icrs  V-ove  :\\l  i.oni  ;n  ' ' S i\'K.\\: .wi; ."  the  old  hoincsli:.:'' 
in  CTiiiiLci'anf'  co'.ir.t\-,  X'ir.i-  ;.i.  Tiicx"  .-i'l-  a!!  unm.irricd  miui  .•.li!l  ic--i>!j 
at  Ncodb.-ini,  w  lv,.-re  iiu-y  .<.re  i!\\a\.<  pk'a;e>i  to  .-■ee  lluir  !'I•i«■I'■J^  n..;!  oxicii'! 
that  lK>>piu;i!(>-  v.aic'.;  is  a  ^y;lo:■.y^a  of  the  grand  oh!  li-iir.cslcach  Th,-y 
often  !ia\'o  noimij;  pi'i'plc-  !!l>;)|  the  ncar-Iiy  normal  scimol,  and  dther.-;, 
conn-  to  Neocihan!  and  eiijox-  !io:iti\.t,  on  the  old  fish,  [^ond,  pronienatiihy.' 
in  till?  axfiuic  ol  boN\\L")d#  tiuU  arc  iiiore  than  a  Ivj'idrcd  \ears  oh.!,  aud 
olhoru  ise  it/prndncing  ^^enc^  of  jo\'  and  gh'...!ne>s  witii  wliicl;  Noedham 
familiar  in  llu-  sweet  Ion;.;  a^.i. 

Iss'ie  of        E,BQ   BLAHE  EAUEn  VVOODE'.)!-  (Miller,''  Miilcr.Mohn/  Beiijaniin,=  Rohort,- 
Johii'i  and  his  lirsi  '.vile,  \.xi\  ;;.■  Ana  Foid. 

1  1565  William  Tsrbarner,"  l)orn  at  fumbcrlan:'  Coiirth.-juse,  \"iri;inia,  where  he 
was  reared    and  educalcd  arid  grew  to  pror.-.i.-ing  >ourig  Tnar.hocd,  and  di"i!. 

Issue  by  tihrd  wifk,  r,:..MA  H.  Hendkix 

II  )5&6  iPIennrix-  D.,'  li.-rn  at  th.c  ch.I  }v]i!ler  Woo;Ison  iiomestead  at  Cnndjcriaral 
Coi'ithousc,  Mrginia. 

HI        !5o7  j^la]-:e   Ral-er,"   horn    aliotil    l.'^Sl    at   ;i;e   old    h.omostoad    at   Ciin'ibcrland 
C"ourth'.>usc,  \'irginia,  and  is  sii',1  li\inr  there:  witii  ins  n' 

issue  of        QS't    AI.I-:;;  JAT^E  TA.YL0R-    iMauna  WooJ-on,''   Mill'-r^'  John/   Bc;ijam;a/ 
Kobeit,-  John')  and  judge  William  Yates  Gholson. 

I       15C8  Samuel  Creed  Gliols-on.^ 

II  1509  Anne  Jane  Gholson."  At  he  biitli  of  thii  child  the  mother  died,  and  U'e 
two  infant  children  were  lahen  hv  Chancellor  Crec.!  Taxlor  and  hi?  wik-, 
Sidh-  \\"oodsr  n,  to  their  110:1  e,  "Xee  iham"  and  rcai'ed  as  their  own  ehiidreii. 

Issue  of       369  REV.    LEWIS    MILLER    WOODSON'    (Peter.'"'    'd^oplar    h'oot"    John.,- 
John,'  Benjamin,'  Robert,- j'oiia')  and  Liicinda  Hanna. 

I  '  1570  Thomas  ivlorris,-  horn  July  eO,  1<<-M\  m  Snnmer  co'uni>,  Tennessee,  ^^a^. 
gr.idiKued  ii!  medicine  Marcli  9,  IS^O,  from  the  uni%-ersity  of  Louis-.-ille, 
Kentucky.  lie  was  cwice  married;  fi'si.  on  P~ebruary  S,  IS.^.:!,  to  Elizabeth 
llall  Crendta^v  v\dio  was  hor.'i  April  .8,  1832,  and  died  August  19,  ISM. 
)Ier  widov. ed  luisband  w.:..s  married,  second,  on  IS,  1855,  to  An'.ciia 
Matilda  .\l!en,  who  was  born  Xovenibcr  19.  1S34.  She  was  a  daughter  of 
Re-c.  I.r.l.-e  I'.  Alien,  of  th.:  Kentucky  C^jnferen'-e,  M.  K.  Church,  South. 
Tliey  spent  tlieir  entire  wedded  life  in  Sumner  county,  %vhcrc  he  attained 
piominence  in  his  profession  a.i'i  en'o\ed  tlic  highest  esteem  of  a'l  v.dio 
knew  Idrn.  I'hey  both  li^ed  to  a  ri;je  o'  !  age  and  died  at  their  home  in 
Ca'hitin,  Sumner  coiiiitv,  Te'u;essee. 

i...-..,, . 

1570      DR.  THOMAS  M.  WOODSON 

i:!-..ii  ril   ili.Nl-KATi 

II  1571  Vv'ilHam  Peter,-  hovn  \'chvu:.vy  6,  ;S32,  in  Suinrn.T  coiintv,  Tcai-f.-?cc,  nmt 
lilrd  Ai^ril  23,  1S5.;. 

il!        ib72  James  Do;'k,^  hoin  ■\'!i) 'ui:)-  26,  !S,vi,  ,\\cd  M.nd-  8,  1S3S. 

W       1573  Joan  Miller,^  \<>nu  Pi  co:,i!!cr  25,  l;-\-;5,  i\k-d  May  7.  lSo4. 

\'  "  1574  TvTrjrtha  Eii.-'abeth,'  horn  Au;4^l^t  20,  l^.'.O,  in  Sumiu-r  cimnly, 
''"t-i-nissco,  arci  dioci  .Xi'i'ii  20.  tSOO.  Sli,-  was  ni.'irrieii  Xo\  onihcr  Ui.  tSdO, 
if)  Ccofice  'riionijison  I^rMV/n,  \\  ho  Iiorn  Au,t;!.isf  1",  15^37.  Ai  flio  bc- 
oinning  of  tiic  C"i\-il  War,  he  cnL',-  leii  in  ;hc  ConfcL  rale  States  arnr,'  and 
was  killed  on  l)ciobi.r  25.  1S63,  in  one  (^l"  i.he  tjattlcs  in  Alabama. 

\]       1S7S  Ira  EJward,*  b..:ii  October  2S,  1842;  di-d  Au-ust  4,  IS  U. 

Issue  of        B7tj   ALEXANDER    WOODSON'    [livuj.umn/    'Tophir    Foot"    John,^    John,' 
Ijcnjaniiii,^  Ivj'iieri,-  Joh.n')  and   M.iry  Ar.p.  Ci.iud. 

I  *  1576  Ann  Eiiza,""'  bcrn  March  1,  lS4i,  in  Kuckiiij;ha!n  county,  Xorlh  Caroh'na. 
went  with  tlK'  family  in  1850  ro  Watkinsxillc,  Ceori^ia,  anc]  was  educated 
in  t"o\ingioii,  Georgia,  ;ind  was  there  married  l\-bruar\-  22,  IJ'/],  to 
Albert  S.  Mande\ille,  who  w;is  borti  Ajiril  14,  1324,  in  J;icksonvilIe, 
Ton;;)kins  cuiuity,  Xew  ^"ork.  They  settled  in  Atl;ens,  Georgia,  where 
she  died  in  1905. 

11  *  1577  Cornelia  Brittain,"  born  aboitt  1S43  in  Rockingliani  county,  Xorth  Carolina, 
went  with  the  family  in  1S5U  to  Watkinsville,  Georgia,  was  graduated 
July  15,  1!:'57,  from  the  Souihern  Masonic  I'emale  College  in  Covitigvon, 
Georgia.  Retuining  to  W'atkinsviUe,  she  v.  .as  tnarned  (Jctolier  S,  1861, 
to  Millege  Lindsay  Durham.  They  spent  their  entire  wedded  life  in  Wat- 
kinsville,  where  she  died  Febriiarv  22.  l^Sl.  Ik-r  husband  died  ?.Iarch  iO, 
1905.  The>-  \\  e';c  inendiers  of  the  Methodist  Chtirch  and  he  was  a  prominent 

1  i  I  1578  John,-'  born  about  1S45  in  Xorth  Caiolina  went  with  lite  family  in  1S50.  to 
Watkinsville  and  tlien  to  Co\ington,  Georgia,  where  he  was  reared  and 
educated.  Me  \\  as  ma.rried  bt:t  the  name  of  his  wife  has  r.ot  ijeen  ascer- 
tained. He  died  in  Co\ingioii,  Georgia,  about  1S9S.  He  had  .'e-.eral 
children,  one  of  whom  is  named  Alexai^.der,  who  now  n\es  in  Atlanta, 

I\'  1579  \.'iUiain  Walter,^  Ijorii  tibottt  1.S47  in  Rockingham  county,  Xorth  Carolina, 
'.vent  witli  the  family  in  1S50  to  Watkinsville,  Georgia.  At  the  beginning 
of  the  Ci\il  War  in  ISCil,  he  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  States  army, 
was  captured  on  the  f.eld  of  battle,  imprisoned  at  Fort  Delaware  and  di^d 
in  prison  October  18,  1S63. 

Issue  of        8  7t-    Gi.ORGE   V/OOr-SOK"   c  benjamin. =    'Poplar  Foot"   John,-'  John,^   i'.en- 
jauiin,'"  Robrrt,\io!in';  ar'd  Addie  Robetts. 

342  ■  •  111'..  Vo(>!W"\>  \n;>  riiKii:  <  <.>:M'<  vt;-.NS 

I   *   15S0  M.Tiy,^  iiKMricd  Daxid  R'.I»cits  r;,.,l  liad  one  cliil(!. 

!i    *    loCi    Mariah  Yt  nnble/  was  in  irri.:  !  lo  ("li.irU-s  Malonc,  an.i  Lnci  two  childivii. 

Ill    "■■    i5£.'   Miiitlia  Aiiii,'^  was  urirrii-.l  lo  '"ha;!'  s  Ti.-.',  atu!  liad  tiircc  chilvlrcn. 

Issue  of       8D2  V,'!LLIAM  WOODSON"   (r^cnjaii-in/'  'Poplar  Foot"  John,^  John,'  Bi-n- 
jainin,^  Kobcri,-  Jolm')  and  I. call  Frxc. 

I  *   I5o3   Geoige  B.,"' rnnnicd  Tilliiha  Taylor. 

II    '^-   1:;.^4  Jr.mos  Wej;ley,^  iiuuricd  I-:!!eii  fauaiie  and  had  Iwo  cl'.ildrcn. 

Hi        1S85  /iloxandcr  C.,"^  married  l~li^abe;!)  I.Ui:a-,i. 

]y       ]  586  ICathc-rine  Ann,*^  was  married  lo  M  r.  Sniiw  anii  died  Iea\  ini;  sovcral  chiitlicii 

Issue   c:        3SS  EMMA  EATIIERlNE   WOODSON'    ( l^cnjamin,"   "Poplar   rooL"   Joi)n/ 
jolni,''  JM-njamin,'  Roiic;  c,-  John'}  anr!  I'mcr  Scales. 

I  *  15S7  r.Tartlia  Ann  Scales,*  \v>is  married  to  IMnrtaiu  Grogan  aad  had  two 

I!        15So  Edv/ard    rranklin    Scales,^    enlisted    in    iiie    Confederate    army    and    ^\as 
killed  in  liie  haltle  of  Sliarpihurg,  Virginia. 

IK   *   1580  James  Scales,^  married  llulda  Webster. 

I\"   "   1590  Maiy    Scales,'*    was    married    to    Re\-.    Corr.elius    Miliar,    a    Presliytciian 

V  1591  Dr.  Jefferson  Scales,'  rn.uiied  \'irt;ir,ia  Sloan  of  North  Carolina.  They 
li\'e  on  Si:  ten  Island,  .\e-.\  ^"ork.      He  is  a  prominent  j'iiysician  th<>re. 

Issue  of        0£7   JAMES    PATRICK    WOODSON'     (Benjamin,*^    "Poplar    Foot"    John,^ 
John,"  I'enjamin.''  R.i-bert,-  Jol'n' )  ami  Mary  Isom. 

1  *  1592  Martha  Ann,'  born  ISIO,  at  Ibisin-.n  iiie.  Linrr/m  connty,  Kentaeky,  went 
with  the  family  in  1S55  to  Homy  Cro\c,  Te.xas,  wliere  she  was  iuarried 
iJecemlier  1.3,  bS56,  \n  Thomas  Howard  l.ieon  of  X'irginia.  He  enlisted 
in  the  Confetlerate  arm\-,  attaiiied  the  ra.nk  of  lieutenant  and  distinguished 
liimself  Oil  many  occasions  for  great  ljra\cry.  He  was  severely  W'Ounded 
in  a  successful  attempt  at  the  battle  of  kranklin,  Tennessee,  to  recapture 
tiie  flag  of  his  regiment.  Me  died  Au-j^nst  2-?.  1S90,  at  home  in  Honey\e,  'I'e.vas.     He  was  a  dealer  in  n-ul  -^stati;. 

II  '■    i59C    Elizabeth  Frances,^  bom  in  18^2,  at  Husionvilie,  Kentuck\,  v.ent  with  the 

family  in  1S55,  to  Hocev  Grow.  Texas,  and  was  tlicre  inarti<.>d  Septcru'.'cr 

12,  L-v^A.  lo  C.  Z.  r>n<.li,c  .;f  II.)iu-\-  (".lovo.  H-.  j-otvchI  ir,  the  C'unfctleralo 
St.i'.c>  ;'iin\-.  (luiinv,'  il'.c  Civii  W'.ir,  .iiul  .in.iir.-d  ;•■■  tin-  :.\iik  t>f  captnir.. 
Shr  .'i'-ti  \vh<  ..,  to  I'uv.aa  v\\-^,  't  %lc!iuhI  i'uji  Ucr  UU.-  v,  v.v::ii  in-eds."-'  Iiv 

Ill        J504   ]N'aiy  J'anc,"  I'orn  l.i  IS!  !,  in  Linrchi  i;ciu.i:y,  Kenuick\-,  niul  vilofl  y.nmj.. 

1\'  *  IS95  Emm.i  Kaihcdae,^  \,oi-n  18-^6.  .m  lii:e!.(jnvilic,  Ktnt ucky.  w.iit  witii  ihe 
f:iiiiil\-  in  18,^5  lo  !Jti!;oy  (irc\c'.  'i'oxn.-,  au'i  was  iliei'e  n':v.-rioi.l  J:i';iir.i\'  15, 
18()(),  lo  J;inie.s  S.  Hooikj,  formerly  of  TcniK-fco.  lie  li.ul  sci  \ei_l  il-.ivjir^h 
tlu'  l"i\il  War,  in  tlic  Coiiftxk'r;i?c  a!ii\\-.  ?.lr,';.  Boone's  heaiitifr,!  C.'lirisi.i.m 
life  makcri  I'.or  name  a  huusi.-lioM  v,  on,i  at  hoir.e  anti  ahroarl. 

\'  ^  1596  Ma  lah  Virginia/  iiorn  ISiS,  ai  Unstoux  iile,  ICeiituekv  ,  \vc -U"  wiih  ilie 
fa.inily  in  JS55  vo  Iloney  Gro\'e,  Texas,  ant!  was  there  mariieo  JiiriO  2!. 
iSoS,  to  Geori^c  An'hev%-  I)aile>-,  wlio  was  horn  Iiii\-  4,  ISM,  at  Mii--ioi.\!lle, 
i\entin-k\-,  :-i  Soli  ^;f  Pr.  W'llHan:  I-'..  I)aile\  a.iul  !Mi/,i  (irecr  of  Jlaltimore, 
Mai ;.  iaru.l.  He  w-'iu  \\ilh  his  parents,  in  1857,  \o  H(.:He\-  Gro\-c,  Texas. 
He  r  ■r\ed  tiiree  >\ars  in  the  Confederate  States  arr.i\.  W'iien  the  war 
closed  he  rcttiriict'  iiunie  and  cnj;a;,ed  in  the  drug  business  and  continued 
in  t'.iat  business  as  lon^  as  he  li\ed.  Ho  vvas  married  June  21,  1S6S,  to 
1596  Mariah  X'iryiiiia  \A'oodson.^  He  united  with  tl.e  Methodist  Church 
in  l.S/(i,  \\i\:,  elected  to  the  office  of  steward  in  1874  and  continued  in  that 
relati<,>n  to  ilio  end  of  life.  For  fourteen  }  ears,  and  up  lo  tlic  time  of 
hi>  deatli  he  was  a  faithful  and  devoted  supcriittondent  of  tlie  Sunday 
pehool,  and  lr,\  ed  the  work  because  lie  lo\"e(f  the  cliildren  and  Iris  Sa\ior. 
He  le\ed  ai!  cl'iuih  work  because  he  lo\-ed  thiC  great  Heari  of  the  -rliureh. 
He  was  a  man  honored  and  respected  ij}-  all  wlio  knew  hint.  He  was  a 
I\lason  of  Idgh  de;:;ree,  and  a  member  of  tiie  \"/o^)d.inen  of  the  W'oriiJ.  He 
died  at  5  o'clock  p.  m.  May  9,  1911,  at  his  hoiue  on  Hickory  Street,  Hone\- 
C.ici\  ',  Texas.  I3r".!i  orders  of  which  he  was  ,".  menilier,  and  t!te  Sunda\ 
.scho'.il  of  wlncit  he  was  the  belo\-ed  suixTinlendent:,  panieli^ated  in  h'a 
funeral  ser\'i!es.     He  is  su'-vi%'ed  by  his  widow  and  daughter. 

VI  '■'-  1597  Benjamin  Nelson,'  born  1850,  at  Hustonville,  Kentucky,  went  with  the 
famih'  in  1.S55  \r>  Hone\'  Cro\'e,  Texas.  He  was  educated  ai  f'ritclv.-it 
Institute,  Glasgow,  Missouri,  graduated  in  the  law  department,  C'.lurnl,!;; 
Colic  jje.  New  York  City.  After  Iv-ing  admittod  to  the  bar  in  Xew  Yorlc.  he 
returned  to  Gia.-.gow,  Missouri,  aiiu  A\as  there  married  on  May  e',  bS.'-d. 
to  Nellie  Cockerill,  a  daughter  of  one  of  the  most  prominci'.t  families  of  tiic 
St. lie.  Remc\ing  again  to  Texas,  lie  became  active  in  the  aiTairs  o' 
l-.omin  county,  was  elected  county  attorney  in  1889,  scrxdng  two  terms. 
W'lieii  Oklahoma  was  opened  for  settlement,  he  secured  much  \-aluab>le 
[irojjerty  in  Oklahoma  C  ify,  where  he  located  and  at  once  Ijecan.e  prom- 
inent in  tlie  v.oiideiful  de'celojiment  of  ih<it  ne\s   country. 

Represeutin;.-  the  state  of  Texas,  he  \\  as  a  mernlier  of  the  famous 
Coaimittee  of  '1  hirteen  tlutt  a.clju-ted  the  lots  In  Oklalionta  Cii\.  In  the 
piogres-;  of  e\'eiits  lie  lias  bten  chairman  of  nnmeroiis  C(jnuuittet .>.  lie  was 
app'jin'.ed  pirobate  judge  of  Ka>'  coLint\-,  (Jklahoma,  b>'  t?iO\'.  Ren'row. 

.^1-J  li:i',  Wi'ODSDNs    \M)    n'i"l:^v  ON.Nl-rilONS 

ji'.i!;,'e  \\"oo(lsi:n  iv.->  'hv;iy.-;  liocn  a  s!;ui!ii"h  (Iciiiocr.n,  v.m]  is  a  niiin  of 
extiMtniliiuv.y  bu^iricss  .'li'ilitN-.  His  v.ido  expcrin.Ci  in  !in:r.iria!  ;:iul 
;.'.Hli;Ml  .-iiKl'i'S,  l:v.;C!'.-  .•  v  iih  lii-  iiiu  ;;:  i'.  \',  !;.\.s  sii;ii!i<!  him  ;va  cnxi.ilile 
I'hh-.-  in  ihc  (■-iiir:,'.;i<.'!i  i.if  .  ;1  w  Ivr,  k;;o\v  i.iip.,  rc;,,arc!lcss  oi'  !-'aiU'  a'n!i.'uitiiif-. 
He  I.;:-  rrgiMi.  fri-i.-)  al!  ;>ai  ts  <^t  iiis  aiicptcJ  slau-,  (;.  becimio  a  faiuii(!a;c' 
;or  !ii-irnn.;;iii-;c;o\C:;!i:>r,  !  iii  lias  \,c^J■^  Ci-in;x'l'ed  lo  docHiic,  on  accinuu  oT 
the  clenia, u!s  of  his  jirix  :uc  aiV.iirs.     His  iioiiie  is  in  Ok!;ili.:.nui  City. 

\'II  *  1503  Lorcna  Ellen, ^  borji  IS52,  ai  Ilu--lr-'j\  ilio,  Ki.-n!uck\-.  \wai  with  thr  fai;iii;- 
in  1^'.S5  u:  I  u>nc\' '->ro\  c,  Toxa;.,  vvliere  i-hi,  i;>>-'^'-  t'-"  >i:jinig  woman'.iood  anJ 
was  liiarriod  Septcmlii.-r  7,  IJsTS,  tc.>  J<).-i.-[ih  Siiito!i  Kriidall,  who  iv;.s  uorn 
1J^49,  in  (7)0ors,ia.  He  Nvei't  to  'I'oxas  .■  ;i;l  was,  for  a  nuiiibi.v  of  years, 
slate  superinicndent.  of  ;nililio  ii.--;  ri'ii  ion.  Ho  was  a  man  of  suporior 
qualiiios,  menial  and  nu>ral.  In  l:is  do. ah,  v.hioh  occurred  on  OoR)ber  7, 
1906,  at  liis  litmio  in  noniun,  Ttxas,  the  .-lalo  lost  a  vaUied  nublio  servant, 
the  coniirii;nii  V  an  (-stiinabii'  folh.i'.v  oiti.^on,  and  his  f,iniii_\  a  do\ntoJ  fachcr 
and  husband. 

I  lis  Vi  idov--  stiil  -ar\i\-(s.  In  !  OOS  she  went  to  ''r.roite  and  tra\o!cfi 
LXlensi\ely,  a'iding  nu  oh  inform. ilinn  to  a  ininif  already  woM  fiHod.  She 
still  resides  a.t  her  home  in  Ueninn.  Texas. 

VHI  *  1S;)9  Janiei:  Patrick  Vensble,''  born  h*-'5-!,  at  Hustonvillc.  Ivontaoky,  The  next 
ye;ir  Ik-  was  raken  witii  the  family  to  Hone\'  Gro\e,  Texas,  wliere  iie  grew 
lo  y.')i!;i;;  manhood  anti  was  married  October  IS,  1S77,  to  I.ucy  P.;rk.-:  of 
Warrensbiirg-,  Missouri,  daughier  of  Re\'.  Ji)seph  C  Parks,  n  ironister 
renowned  a.,  an  cdnc.itor  and  a  poii'it  orntor.  b>99  Janios  Patrick  \"enab'.e 
Woodson'"  died  in  early  life  in  Austin,  1  exas. 

IX   '    1600  John  Thoinas,-  burn  iS56.  at  Hon"\-\e,  Texas,  was  ro.arried  June  11, 
11*^95,  to  Annie  ^"onng  of  Abilene,  Texa^,  wb.ore  they  still  reside. 

X  *  1601  F.obert  Simon  Woodson,"  born  1S58,  at  Honey  Grove,  Texas.  When  he- 
was  little  more  than  S'  \X'nteen  years  old  ho  was  married  in  1S75  to  Tv.lo'ta 
Pickens  of  Louisiana.  Siie  was  at  tliat  time  but  -x  \"Oung  girl  of  ftftcop, 
years.  She  died  in  early  womanhood,  survived  by  her  husband  and  two 

XT        1^02   V/iili:un  Venablc,'  bcrn  1S(.0,  tit  Huno;--  Grove,  Texas,  died  in  infar.oy. 

Issue  of        8S9   MARIAII   WOODSON''    (Benjamin.^   "Pr.plar   Foot"   John,»  J.ol.n,'    Den- 
jamin,'*  R(.ib  Tt,'-  John')  aiid  Xath.aniel  Dodd. 

I    *   1603   Martha  Venable  Dodd,*  was  married  to  H.  Clay  Dandridge. 

H  *  1604  Mary  Dodd,"  was  married  to  J.  M.  Gr.)k;an,  a  brotlior  lo  Marlain  Grogan, 
wlio  ni.irried  152.^  M  irih.a  Ann  Scale-." 

Issue  of        G  9  O   ROBERT  WOODSON  ■  (Renjainin,^'  ''Pon-lar  Foot"  John,' Jol-n,"  Penjamin,' 
R.iberi,'-'  J(/;in')  and  Jane  Eliza  fliUis. 

:;t,ir:  h  <ii-:Nf,K.\  !i'>x  -vt>'i 

I   *    1605  Alice.Mva.'!  m.-irrictl  I.)  S.  J.  Mivulows. 

II   '    1606  Jjivies  E,' married  S;!rali  Jaiio . 

Ill        )007  Robert.^     L'iur...;n'>il. 

iue  of        fj9  1    JACOB     CAIMFAX    WOODSON'     (Joseph     Nailianiel.^    '4\M^iar    Fool" 
John.-  J.'lin,^  r,ci::  :ir.-n.'  \inhvr\r  John';,  .nui  Su^an  Woodard. 

I  160S  Elizn.bc-tli,"  Ijorii  ai.uiu  Dcccral'cr,  IS.iI,  in  \'irj;inia.  She  wont  with  tlie 
fai'aih-  ir,  18  17  tu  Monigoniory  coiiiUy,  ■I'ciuu's^ce,  and  died  ihctr,  Sc'iJtL-mber 
6,   1o56.     XcN'tT  iiiarric-d. 

11  1609  J^i.e  Ari..,"  iiorn  IS.U  in  ViiL^inia.  v,uit  v  ii!i  the  family  in  lSl-7  to  Monr- 
v,o-y,r\-y  county,  Teni,i-ssi.\.',  ami  v.  a.-  'lu-re  iii  trricdi  in  1S51  to  Janicb 
Nichulas  Holt.  Hi  rlicJ  in  ISaO  sin\i\ed  'ly  his  wilIow  anil  three  rhildren. 
She  died  about  18S.S. 

Ill  *  1510  Samuel  B.,^  horn  .\o\-e;nl  er  2,  IS.^V,  in  \  iri^irda,  went  witli  tlie  family  in 
1S17  to  Mnnl;.,oniery  county,  Tennc--ee.  He  v.a--  married  lirst,  in  18.-7, 
to  Mary  lunily  Cook^ey.  Slie  diad  al'out  1863  a.nd  he  was  married, 
second,  in  ISOo,  io  Jane  Marshall.  They  were  li\ing  in  1913  at  Do\cr, 

W  1611  Silas  H.,^  born  Oetohier,  1830,  in  Virginia,  went  with  the  family  in  1&47 
to  IMontgomery  county,  Tennes^ve,  and  was  there  married  in  the  fail  of 
1859  to  >,linnic  Hooncr,  and  died  Xovember,  1862,  si:r\iv.jd  by  his  v.-idow 
and  t\v-:.  da'.:;j;!iLers;  (1)  Indiana,-'  (2)  I'iicu.* 

V  *    1612  Thomas  Sherwiu,'  born  April  13.  1811,  in  Virginia,  went  \.-itii  the  family 
in  1847  to  Montgomery  county,  Tenne::..-a'e.      He  wa.-  married  Decenaber  .22, 

18()1,  to .     She  died  in  the  sun:;ner  of  1909,  aged  -^evenly  year?.      He 

is  still  li\-:ng  on  his  farm  near  C"larI--\-illc.  Tenncsbee,  where  he  has  been 
li\-ing  almor.t  ever  since  he  was  married.  His  preserit  postoliice  addiess  is 
N'.:w  rro\id..-nce,  Tennessee. 

VI  1613  Joseph  Naihanie),'  born  October  l.S,  1813,  in  \'irginia,  went  with  the  family 
in  1847  to  Montgomeiy,  Tennessee,  and  was  there  iriarricd.,  ^.barcl.  l6, 
l^C.'',  Io  Sarali  Snath.  The\-  li\-.'  at  S  mgo,  Teime-.-.-c.  They  have  --c  en 
children;  live  sons  and  two  daughter^,  all  of  whom  are  living,  but  th'-ir 
names  h.ave  not  bet  n  learned. 

\'\^  1614  Charles  Hamilton,''  born  December  15,  1846,  and  was  taken  tlie  :^.e\t 
year  v.  ith  the  family  to  Montgomery  county,  TeIUle^^ec.  He  was  married 
December,  186.5,  to  Sarali  Ann  Higki.  They  located  at  Croflon,  Kcnui.-ky, 
where  he  di..-d  February  13,  19U7.      Xo  issue. 

\'II  i  1615  Maiir-  Louira,'  born  .r)ecember  1  7,  18  i9,  in  Montgomcrs  county,  Tennessee, 
was  married  Jul\-  15,  1864,  to  J.  M.  t)ldiiam.  Tliey  ten  children. 
He  died  ii;  the  year  1900.      The  widow  lives  at  Xcw  Prov;den<x*, Tennessee. 

I  X  1616  Albeit  L.,"  l'"rn  Hcfoinhcr,  1V51,  in  M..r.!.^rii>.iory  n-'Uiiiy.  Tenn.-.-.e.  v..v. 
iii,ini.-f!  nrcomiicr.  I^d"),  ,0  Mi.-..-  r!i.\iic\-  Williair.-.  'I'l-.^.v  svui- t!  !;i\ir 
Kii  i,!iu5ns\iUo,  Koiinirky,  anj  <!•.(.■.'  ;ho:e  al.ioiit  lc''3.  Tlicy  iiMc!  t'.uir 

X  "•  1617  i'Ui-ariDc'.irht,' Iiwrn  D.tfniher  17,  i."'.-.!,  ii>.  MuiUv;onKTy  coutu>-.  1\'i!iu.s>oc, 
va.s  mariicti  Januar\  i'>.  18V0,  to  }n\\i\  ("ook;-e>",  v.-I'n  wa>;  a  l>r«ii',i'r  to 
her  fatlicr's  second  wife.  T!;eN-  i-iiii>-od  in  )S72  10  L'ni'.iu  ciHiiit),  i\cmucl;y, 
v.Iu-re  tlu-y  spenl  I'ne  rr.-t  of  tb.eir  ir.arrii'd  life,  lie  ilici  there  .\"o\enii)er 
29,  i^81.  'I'iio  \vi(!o^\•  li'ien  \vei-.i  to  Chiistiav  connt\'.  l\e'iUiek\-,  wiierc 
lier  !a~i  chih!  wa.s  lu.rn.  She  ^'.'a-  aenin  married  Senleiuher  22.  ]S'98,  (.0 
iMr.  Siiiiii-un.     'rhc\-  now  icside  at  (."iMiion,  Cluistian  <  (juntj",  Iventuc'cy. 

Ibsui:  u\  si-.i.x>NU  wiii..  l",L!/:.A>!.-n n  Ciji.>Ksiiv 

XI  *  161S  Emma  Loual'.a,"  born  J..-;nuary  ?.?•,  ]"v=^0.  in  M,'nt;;omery  enunty,  Ten^o^see, 
was  married  x\ugi!.'=t  7,  1S73,  to  lienry  ('>.  feasley,  wlio  was  hoi  r.  Ocioher  1, 
1854,  in  Cheail'ani  eoiin.t}".  Tcrines.=ei,-.  Th.y  n),-)\e.l  Fibruary  10,  1876, 
lo  Clirisiian  county.  Kentiick}.-.  l'>y  occujiation  he  is  a  f.iniicr  aad  a 
brick  ma  on.  'riie\-  are  democrats  ar.d  nieinlKis  of  the  Ea|ii-st  Chnrch. 
They  li\-c  at  Crofton,  Christian  couivy,  Keinuck)-,  and  own  Inei;  own  home. 

XII  *  1619  Virginia  Alberdiner  l>orn  :\Iarch  16,  1850,  in  Moni-oniery  county, 
Tennessee,  moved  wi'h  her  parents  in  187.^  to  Christian  conntv,  Kentucky. 
She  was  ihcre  mariied  }.iarch  5  6,  JS7o,  to  Rev.  Ricliard  1  aFayet'e  Milton, 
a  .Meth.odi-.l  minister.  'J  hey  conunced  lo  live  in  Chri-i.ian  c<<unt>'  until 
they  mo\ed  to  Clarks^■ille,  Tenricsse.-,  in  May.  1906.  Froin  ih.cre  ihey 
remo\-cil  in  1910  to  E\'ans\iile,  Indiana,  where  they  no\-  reside. 

Xlll  *  1620  Jesse  Ivlarlin,''  liorn  October  IS.  IS61,  on  his  faiher's  farm  in  ^dontcomery 
count}',  Tennessee,  mo\'ed  witli  the  fa.mily  on  December  8,  1876.  to 
Christian  cenint'.-.  ICentucky,  and  located  on  a  farm  near  Crofton.  Here  he 
remained  until  he  obtained  employment  in  ISSl  wilii  the  I.ou!£,\-iHe  and 
i\ash\  ille  liaihoad  bv-^Inning  in  the  maintenance  of  way  di-parimeiu. 
From  that  he  was  promoted  step  by  step  until  now  iie  is  di\'ision  superin- 
tendent at  3  g(xjd  salary  and  enjoy.',  the  respect  and  conil.dencc  of  all  ihe 
railroad  officials,  and  otliers  v.dio  kno:v  him.  He  was  married  Sei>tfnibcr  .^, 
1SS5,  to  Fanny  D.  Lev.  I-,  daUi,IULr  ./ Julia  A.  Lv\\  i..  of  Co  .fton,  Kemuekv. 
She  was  born  October  IS,  1865,  being  the  same  day  of  the  sanie  m.)nlh  on 
which  he  was  liorn.  They  continued  t<j  reside  in  Christian  county, 
Kentuck}-,  until  Xo\e:nber,  1SS9.  when  ihe\'  moxed  back  to  Ten.ncssee, 
and  ha\-e  alternated  between  tha.t  state  and  JCentiif-kv  until  ih<  y  finally 
settled  in  Humboldt,  Tennessee,  they  now  !i\e.  He  been  in 
the  employ  of  the  Louisville  and'lc  Railroad  C<.)rnpany  contimiously 
for  tliirty-thtec  jxars. 

if.sue  of        i'iC4    TOKX    WOOLSOIM    WRIGHT"    (Fli/ai.-elh    Wood  :.on.»    "    Fom" 
John,-\[o;i!:/  Ivenja.n'.iri,''  RoIj^t t.'' John')   and   Xaiv:y  Alexander. 

riGHTil   .■KM.KATIoN  ,  •■>■" 

i        1621    vSarah  riizabeth  Vvripht.' 

1!    '    1622   lu-rgaret    D.   Wng'ur    niornwl    Mr.   Snmm>l    B.    (,"hr;;^fi;in    and    h.\d    i]\  ■: 
child)  oil. 

in        1623  John  William  Wright,'  lived   in   KirhiD^nd,  Vir^i'jia.  and  was  l.>r  r.,.i:i\ 
yeai;.  .-herifi  of  Hc-nriro  courii>-. 

IV  '■    1624  Phi'ip  James  V/right.«  married  ?.Ir.-^.  Marllia  U.  Anderson  (nOe  Williairs) 
and  had  three  childre'i. 

\'   '■'■   162S  T:r.  Kr.thr.niel  L.  Wright^'  iK.i.rrivd   i^aMrc  C:,lvard  and  had  fu  •-•  i-hilda-n, 
twu  of  wlio'ii  i.\'at  and  Hl.>i:c')  v  ore  tv.ins. 

VI  1626  Anna  Amanda  Wright. - 

VII  1627  Nina    Lewis    Wright,'^   lives    at    510    Xt,rlh    Eleventh    Street,    Richmond, 

X'irginia.      I 'niiKirried. 

Issue  of       0S5  WILLTAI-I  BOOKER  W00DS01\''   (John  Miiler,"  'Toplar  Fool''  John,-^ 
John.'  Benjannn,"  K.-Lertr  John')  and  ^^lanh.i  C.  Loc'^ridge. 

I        162S  Ivlary  \'/iImoth,'^  bom  about  lSo2,  ir.  liuward  couniy,  Missuini. 

II        1629  Eniniet  Lockri.ife,^  born  about  1854  in  Howard  county,  I\lis50uri. 

in        1630  James  Alva,'  born  about  1S56,  in  Ibnvard  cninty,  Mistuuri,  married  and 
lives  near  Springfield,  Missouri. 

IV  1633    Lutie  A:ina,'  born  about  1^58,  in  Howard  county,  Missouri, 

\'  1632  R\:ili  Kail,^  horn  alxmt  ISjO  and  died  young. 

VI  1633   Charier-  Hugh,'  born  aVjuut  1862  and  died  young. 

VII  1634   >Iarr>  Harlan,"  liorn  about  1S''4  and  died  young. 

VIII  1633  Elizabeth  V/ayiaud/-  born  in  Howard  county,  Mis-ouri,  a'ooul.  IS66. 
IX       1636  Laura  Iv'aud,'  born  about  186S,  in  Howard  c(junty,  Missouri. 

Issue  of       &08  ELIZABETH  V/RIGHT  WOODSON'  (John  Miller, i^  "Poplar  Fc-uf  John,^ 
John,^  Benjamin,'  Robert,"  Jolni')  anl  William  \Va\land. 

1  '■'  1637  Aria  V/a>knd,^  Ijorn  Jure  4,  1847,  in  Roanoke,  Missouri,  wa;-.  married 
June  29,  i8f.9,  to  Joshua  13.  Morris.  They  moved  to  Texas  in  18S6. 
She  died  August  5,  1910,  in  Ouanah,  Texas. 

;(■!>-■  ^N>  .W;)    IliTlU  lOXNKi.  lIiiN- 

II  "^  163S  Jol'ii  Henry  Way  lane'.,'  Ij^rn  I  i.-l>niar>-  <),  IS19,  at  Rounokf,  Mis-'.nur!. 
lie  was  a  L^Uiiii  dealer  a;..'  a  (iL'nvicra!.  ]  k-  \\  !r.arrie<.i  Mari-h  >••  i ,  IS7v^. 
to  ]<■,!!, ic  1..  l:;lcii,;vt  an-i  (!!<■;)  (.)-^  i-cr  27,  19US.  at  Sali-luiry,  Mi<:w)uri. 

Ill  1639  James  V/ood?on  WayL^nd,^  lioin  .'-"eliniary  20,  1S5!.  ni  Roanoke,  Mir.-oiiri, 
aiul  -ivas  ma: lied  to  i!;c  widow  Mrs.  1  .iz7i(.-  Bakci.  svt'k-d  in  ^-cd  dia,  ^ii-- 
pouri.  and  died  ihure  Marcli  20,  l')U2.     No  isfuc. 

I\'  1610  Cecil  TV'ayhind,''  l;«irii  Jmie  5,  1S55,  at  Ro.iiU'KC.  }iiiss(_)i!i-i,  wms  married 
iMarcli  25,  ISSl,  \o  Curie  K.  BJake\.  Thoy-  reside  in  CarroUion.  Mi.soiiri, 
aiid  iKn-e  one  daugluer.  Kailier>ii  I..  \\'a;>  land."  Cecil  Vraxiaud  is  a 
grniii  dealer,  and  in  polities  a  denioera.t. 

\'  10-11  Roland  Wayland,-  born  Jaiuiare  1,  lo57,  ai.  Rfxnuil.e,  Missouri,  v\cnt  lo 
Coli'iix  eoi'.iUy,  New  IMexiro,  and  dieil  lliere  April  7,  1^90.      I'nmarried. 

y]  1642  Wii'irm  S.  \'.''ayland,  Jr.,=  born  September  9,  iS62,  at  R<ianol.e,  M:s:,ouri, 
nntl  died  Aiay  2-1.  1872. 

\'II  "*  1643  Lizzie  Bu.rch  V/ayland,-^  born  September  2-i.  1866,  at  Roanoke,  Missouri, 
was  married  December,  1SS4,  to  Janus  1).  Head,  at  Roanoke.  They  v,o\-: 
reside  at  j.aclede,  Linn  county,  Missouri. 

Issue- of        9GS   JOHN  WOODSvOK   SMITH"   (Sarah   Hatcher  Wcudson,'^  "Poji-'ar  Toot" 
John,-'  Jolm,''-  ijenjamin,^  Robert,-  John')  and  Mar_\-  I-"rances  Caniioa. 

I  '■■  1644  Fdward  Byrd  Smith, "^  born  in  Howard  county,  Missouri.  He  wa.s  twice 
married;  I'lrst,  aliotit  1870,  to  Katheriiij  Alexander  of  Hannibal,  Mis.-oMri. 
V  hu  Iiore  him  one  daughter,  and  died  shoriiy  .ifterwards.  He  was  n?arried 
second,  'o  Meta  IJimluiupt  of  St.  Louis. 

II  *  164J  Frances  Cannon  Smith, ^  married  twice;  first,  to  John  Roper  of  HlasTOw, 
Missouri.  No  issue  to  iliis  union.  She  was  married  second,  to  '1  h.on.ias 
Davis  Porcher  of  S(nith  Carolina.  He  is  superincei.dent  ui  tlic  book  de- 
partment of  the  C.rand  Leader  Store,  St.  Louis,  Missouri.  TIk-n-  have  orie 
son,  I'r.ancis  Davis  Porcher,^  who  is  now  (1913)  in  X'irgim'a  Miiitar\- 
Institire  at  Lexineion,  Virginia.  Thi.-,  family  reside  at  1493  Stewart 
Place,  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

Ill  '  16^(1  Caroline  Jane  Hmith,'  Inrn  in  H<-,ward  c(.>imty.  Missouri,  wa.^  rnarri-.d  lo 
Robert  Jef.:T>on  Simpson.  Afier  living  some  >-ears  in  Mi-souri  ti:-;,- 
mo\ed  to  Los  Angeles,  California,  where  the\-  still  reside. 

Issue  of        007    V/JLLIAM    HUGH    SI.1ITII'    (Sarah    Ha:cher   Woodson,''   "Poplar   I'ooi" 
John,^  joiin,^  P.enjamin,'  Robert,-  John')  and  Isabella  McCune  Fullcrtor.. 

J  '  HA7  Thomas  Berrj  Smith,'*  born  T'ecendx-r  7,  1850,  in  Pike  eount>,  Missouri, 
was  married    P^ecember  27,    1877,   to   Lnnaa   Nev.lanfi.     'P'ney   settled   in 

IMGlliil  (...NIkM  ION 

l-iiyotioi  Hta\itiit  C'>iir.!>.  ^!ir^.lll^i.  !a  1SS6  he  liec.'iVie  professor  of 
clieniisiry  iiml  p!l^^ic^^  Iv.  I'ciural  Colk.?.!.-  at  Fa\etio  and  has  hfjid  ihal 
l-,.>suif>p.  to  t'v  pre  au  J.n'L'.  lie  !\is  b!.'Cii  w-ry  kia.i  in  pn-curing  liiis 
S'aii',1  data,  i'or  liiikn'  'l..ia  c.aicc!  h\:<\  sec  "Wlio'?  Who  ia  Asnoric-.i." 
lie  is  a  w/iur  of  pvwsc  aad  \■er^  ■.  ;>ai'.'.  aiiihor  .:if  scvca!  bdoks.  lie  and  !iis 
uife  arc  nicinLors  of  ihc  .Mclhodisc  Cirarcli. 

II  '  16-18  Robert  Bj-id  Srait'a,^  l-crn  jwuc  2ti,  1S52,  ai  Sect's  Spriags,  in  Pike  coiiaiy. 
Missouri,  wa.s  niarric(i  Jar.-.-  13,  l^^S,",  lo  Miss  Duiu-o  Lane  aatl  lived  soirio 
>'ears  al  lii-aey  (irm-e.  Texa-^.  TIi'.a-  n.''..  liec  in  (ikialrai'.vi  Cits'  where  he 
is  en;^aj:ed  in  the  mereaiv. ile  Imsiness. 

Ili  *  !649  Carr  Wa'kr  Pritchelt  f-mdJh,'^  kfra  Dceemi>er  .72.  185o,  in  Pike  couat\-, 
Missouri,  w.'.s  married  iliree  liaies:  ti;.-l,  to  2>Iiss  Jessie  Mci^)anie',  on  !7,  k'^St!.  She  ihefl  in  1^S5.  He  was  married  second,  I^el3ruar\-, 
1SS8,  to  Mrs.  Lot!  (Major'  W'h.ite.  She  died  i!i  East  St.  Louis,  lilir^ois, 
in  189S.  He  was  mariiccl  ibird,  to  Grace  Jessup.  He  has  dc'cted  his  lite 
to  dealing  in  li\-e  stock.  For  the  past  tuonty  years  he  has  l;een  in  the 
commission  busine.-s  at  tlie  Xaiional  Stock  Yards,  East  St.  Louis,  Iliinois, 
where  h,c  vcw:  resides  with  his  family. 

^  IV  '■■  L650  Wi!iiar.i  Jofiah  Smith,'  liorn  June  10,  1S56,  at  his  father's  home  in  Pike 
cotmty,  Mi--ouri,  Mas  iwice  marr'ed;  first,  on  Xovem'  2.'.  li;92,  lo  Xellie 
Casey  of  Fayette,  Miss.iuri.  The>-  settled  in  Ea;t  St.  Louis,  Illinois, 
where  slie  died  October  29,  18^9.  fp  to  this  time  he  liad  been  c-ssociated 
with,  lii--  Ijro.her  in  tiic  live  stock.  laisiriCrs,  Sl'orr'y  after  his  wife's  death 
he  sold  out  his  interests  and  returned  to  Pike  county  and  was  married 
second,  on  IJccember  24,  1900,  to  Byrnina  Shaw  of  Eoiia,  Pike  county, 
]\Iis.souri.  I!e  has  twice  represented  Pike  county  iti  the  legislature,  and  is 
now  qt'ietly  living  on  his  fariit  netir  Eolia. 

\'  *  1651  Sarah  Jane  Elizabeth  Si  lith/  boi  n  August  1,  1S5S,  at  her  father's  home 
in  Pike  county,  Missouri,  was  married  January  26,  1^82,  t''-  Hannibal  L). 
Carroll.  They  reside  in  Loui>iar.a,  Mib^otiri,  and  ha-%C-  a  splendid  farnt  and 
cxtensi\-e  fruit  orchards  in  the  country. 

YI  *  1652  Ma:y  Susan  Smith,''  born  August  IV,  U'ol,  at  Scotls  Springs.  Pike  county, 
Mis.-)Ouri,  was  married  Xovendjer  29,  18S.5.  to  Clarence  M.  Cili.  formerb.-  c! 
Richmond.  Missouri.  Th.ey  nov.-  reside  in  East  St.  Loui.',  rilinois,  where  he 
is  caga'^ed  in  the  mercanti'e  busin'-.-^s. 

\'!I  1653  Bartlett  Hugh  Smith,'  Iiorn  Xoyember  1.^,  1S62,  in  Pike  county,  Missouri, 
and  dicil  there  1894,  unuia;ried. 

\'III  1654  Catherine  Isabella  Siiiirh,"  born  July  23,  1864,  in  Pike  county,  Mis.v.juri, 
was  ma-iicd  Seiitember  8,  1891,  to  }5enjaniiii  C.  Baidthead,  a  lineal  descend- 
aiit  of  former  President  Thomas  Jeffci.on.  They  li\"e  in  Bowling  Green, 
Missouri,  where  he  runs  a  niarijle  \ard. 


ANH    iHt;!K 

IX  less  Duncan  Smith,'  !)■-':•,  Aui^ii-t  22,  tSo'>.  ai  SxruUs  Spriiv:,^.  in  Tike 
Cdiir.i;.-,  Missouri,  'a.-.s  ri.v,!-'cd  .Svp;i-tnl'cr  .lO,  IS'^).,  lo  Laura  Major. 
TiioN-  li\e  in  J'.u-i  Si.  Li-iii -,  niiinjis,  ■.viicie  he  h  p.sfnc\.\\(.-i\  wiili  lii?  hrcthcr, 
i':\\t\  in  tli'j  li\'e  sl'u-k  Im^  Tiicy  hiive  only  one  rl-,i|,i.  HlMOU  Cioo- 
l>ali,i  *  wlio  Kva.-  1,1.)!  II  M  :;rli  ,_'0,  KS'M.  an.l  ~'J11  l!\c5  wiil'.  her  parciiis  ai 
thiir  iuiuit.-  ii;  -'".asi  .St.  Louis. 

Ibsue  of        9  08   JAMES  BYRD  SMITH"  ^Sarah  Ilal.rlu-r  Woodion/  "Poplar  Foot"  John,^ 
John,"'  U'v-iijarain,'  Roocrl,"  Jo'':i;',t  and  J.'.iie  Cornelia   I'luirinan. 

1  *  IC'.S6  NcrbDiiit  Henry  Smith,'  L:;rn  No\c-niluT  2.?.  IS-I  L  in  Lyiu-iiluirg.  \"iri.:iiHa. 
He  was  ,1  railroad  n;an  nv,']  !i\'cd  in  Pui-ioL  Tcmu-.'-.-CL'.  lie  was  tAvice 
laarr'cd-  lir.-l,  cii  .\ii;.asi.  9,  1864,  lo  Ikltie  Barnt'tt,  w  lio  ua-^,  bor,'.  Octolicr 
2t).  K'^47,  in  Bristol,  Tennessee.  She  apijears  to  lia\e  1",-<mi  the  i.ioilier  of 
all  his  t\vel\e  children.  Slic  died  March  ,it),  iS<J6,  at  their  home  in  Bristol. 
He  was  later  married  to  his  second  wife  wliosc  na;iie  has  not  beer,  ascer- 
taip.ed,  nor  does  it  ajipear  that  an}-  ciiildren  were  i^jm  lo  this  k^st  niarriatx'. 

•-  II  16'37  John  Byrd  Smith,"  i.^orn  janaary  26.  \i^',('t.  in  Lynehlvarg,  ^■ire.inia.  ", 
married  and,  a  few  years  ago,  was  still  living  in  th.e  ^■i^.inil\■  of  Lynchbtirg. 
No  data  cor.cerning  this  family  ha\-c  been 

III  *   1653  Robert  McDsniel  Smith,*  I)orn  Januarv  11,  1-'<49,  in  L>-r.chbur,L;,  \'irg!nia, 

where  he  was  reared  and  educaied.  He  li\-ed  in  Lynchburg  tintil  1S65 
when  he  moved  witli  his  parents  to  Pike  county.  ^.Ii;■sourl.  He  is  knov.n 
as  a  skillful  mechanic,  inventor  and  railroad  biiilder.  He  V\  as  niarr-.jd 
January  11,  1S76,  to  Emma  Kniglif  in  Fort  XA'orth,  Texas,  where  they  still 

IV  1659   George  Thurman  Smitlt,^  born  March  27.   1S5G,  in  Lynchburg,  Virginia, 

went  nith  tlie  faanily  to  Missouri  in  1865,  and  v.'as  married  February  11, 

1883,  in  Louisi  ma,  -\iis:ouri,  lo  Miss GriiTith.     They  arc  novv  living 

in  Virginia  and  have  two  children,  (1  )  ILirr\'  Janice  Sn.iih,^  liorn  February 
19,  1884.     (2)  Emma  Annie  Smith,-'  born  June  5,  1889. 

V  1660  Annie  Walker  Smith, ^  born  June  3,  1852,  in  Lynchburg,  \'irgin!a,  v-eut 
v.ith  the  fanii!>-  to  Missouri  in  1865  and  was  married  January  4,  1883,  to 
George  Hoguo,  a  farmer.  She  died  May  11,  1894,  leacing  tv,  o  little 
daughters,  one  of  ^\•Ilon1  died  young. 

VI  *  1661  Beltie  V/codson  Si  lifh,'^  born  Januaiy  6,  1858,  in  Lynchburg.  Virginia, 
wei'rt  with  the  f.unily  in  1865  lo  Pike  cminty,  Misso-ari,  and  was  tliere 
married  on  February  20,  1879,  to  James  Thomas  Lindsey.  He  ser\ed  two 
terms  as  sheriff  of  Pike  county.  They  li\ed  in  Missouri  sc-%-eral  %-ears,  and 
finally  sold  out  and  ino\ed  to  El  Paso,  Texas,  where  he  is  no^v  engaged  in 
the  mercantile  busircss. 

VII       loo2 

Wiiile  Corueik  Smith,'  born  December  31,  1863,  in  Lsnchburg,  Virginia, 
svent  v.ith  the  familv  in   1865  to  Missouri  and  was  -Jiere  married  May  4, 

'x^NSd,  to  fr.  :<k  !".'i;;:.  Slic  <i; -d  .cn  Ing  iwo.-  hiiic  iLuiglUers,  (1)  iV.iii 
EUis/'ninl  (2}  llclcii  i:iiis.'^ 

\'I]I  1663  T■.T^rgal'et  ^'iifiiULi  Sir.'tli,'  'i>Mr;i  Juno  A.  IsoO,  in  \'\kc  cnuniy,  Missoii;', 
vas  inairie.!  .Marol.  o.  !-''3.  to  I'r.  uk  \\".  I'luflu;])  of  I  .oiiislaiia,  "\!  !s.->ouri. 
Slia  (lieil  >;,irc!i  15,  ISVo.  la  chil:il.)inli,  aiui  luiiioi-i  with  her  l\\\]'. 
l:-ain.'S  iu  'Ik-  vcnictcry  it  I.oi'.isiaiia,  !\'is<oi;j-i. 

Is5ue  of        ©11    BETTY  SUoAW  SMITH'  v;  lUucli-r  \V..o.]sijn.^  "Poplar  Foot''  John/ 
Jolin,'  lijiijaaiii'.,-'  Ri.'ocrt,-  Joha';  aiul   llc\-.  Carr  \\'.ill-,>r  ['riichctt. 

I        166:  V/aller  r'ntcheit,^  born  Jiil\-   U,   1S5U  aiu!  died  August   11,   1851; 
one  liiiiiul)  "!('i. 

11  1665  Lizzie  l.Iartin  Prilchett,^  in;-o\v,  iio»vard  annily,  Mis.;ouri,  oi; 
Xo\-fniLier  5.  1S52.      She  is  now  lixing  in  Vv'a.-liiagti.>n,  L>.  (".,  unniarricd. 

III  1660   On_vma  PritcLvU,^  boii-  reijruary  15,   iS55,  iii  Mow  ird  county,  Alissoiiri, 

ch'ixl  in  irifanc\'. 

IV  *   i667   Henry  Smith  ?ritclietl,'  born  Apiil  16,  1857,  near  Fayette.  Mowarti  county, 

Missouri,  was  twice  married;  first,  on  January  19,  18S1.  i(.)  kis  cousin  irla 
W'ilHanis  who  was  born  March  5,  1859.  They  iocati;d  in  St.  Louis,  wiicrc 
siie  died  Jul}-  1,  1891,  iur\-;\  cd  by  her  husk.and  ar.d  roiir  children.  He  was 
m;;rricd  second  on  June  9,  1900,  in  Washington,  D.  C,  to  Eva  McAUster  of 
that  city. 

?dr.  Frit! 'leM;  ha?  attaitn-d  eniir.ncc.  First,  lie  %vas  chosen  as  chief 
of  the  l'nii::(i  States  Coast  and  Geouetic  Survey;  then  president  of  the 
State  Institute  of  Technology  in  Boston,  Massachusetts;  an'.!  now  he  is 
at  the  head  of  the  C";;rnegie  Fouridation  for  Teaeiu'rs.  Ilis  home  is  at 
746  Fifih.  Avenue,  .\e\v  York  City,  New  York.  He  lias  had  the  degree  of 
LL.D.  confined  upeMi  liim  b)  Yale  and  man}-  other  iiistitulions  of  Icarninj  . 

V  *  1668  Swinncy  Pritchett,  born  M.-y  2,  1860,  in  Ho-.v  ard  county,  >.Iissouri, 
was  married  Xo\cinber  9,  1881,  to  Minnie  Roper  of  Glasgov>-,  Missouri. 
She  was  born  in  Cdasgow,  May  25,  1860.  T]ie\-  now  li\'c  near  Independenc, 

VI  *  1669  Carr  Waller  Pritchett,  Jr.,^  born  March  15.  186-.,  in  Howard  countv, 
iMissouri,  was  married  in  Sedalia,  Missouri,  about  lS9t),  to  Lou'ic  Crawford. 
He  is  a  mining  engineer  of  considerable  reputation  and  !i\'es  in  F/eiP.-ei', 

\'II  1670  Sadie.  Byrd  Pritchett,"  born  .\pri!  28,  1867,  in  Howard  coiiniy,  Mi.~souri. 
She  li\-es  in  Washington,  D.  C,  ar.d  lias  for  many  \-ears  had  a  place  in  the 
Congressional  Library. 

Issue  cf        tJ 'i  7    SALLIE  A:JN  SMITH'  (Sarah  ILitclier  Wo'..db0n,''  "Poplar  Foot'    John,'' 
John,''  J^vnj.unin,'  Ro'oert ,- Johri'j  and  John  Ftlward  Fwin. 

i  1671  Willi; :'-iHji:;TEvii..MM  ■  n  F-.  ptomiH:v  13,  ^:^5!^  in  H^^vn:■(l  cpunly,  Missuuvi, 
ami  y\'u:d  in  iiifMiry. 

II  3-/2  l>Ur£.uet  W;Us  E^;in,^  L.oni  April  21,  IS'S.  in  liowrm!  ruunty.  Mi-^soiri. 
(!ic<l  Mcrch  <^.  1907       X  ner  r.iar;i..-d. 

III  i6V3  Alice    Ewiu,"    b>,ni   juw-    10,   UoO,   irarrica    lloiay    MilU-r,   of    Mcnip':is, 

Mis.^u'jri,  .-lul  <l!o<!  tluTC 

IV  *   1C74   Saliie  Byrd  Ewin,^  horn  Au-usl   16,   \S(kL  \\o<  manicd  Jiuir  22,   ISS",  U> 

'I'liomas    11.   Wa-iior,   a   l/v.ycr  of    McnM.ais   Sctlan.i   county,    Mi5:^oiin. 
Tluy  nosN  iv^uIeinSi.l.oins,  ^li^^ou^i,^^lK!v!lei^pl^K■;ici;is:l'iM'ro''^-^ion. 

V  *  167>  I'ffieEv.'in,^  bum  Jily  -:,  1S61.  in  Howanl  county,  Mi-ouri,  wa?  married 
Xovcnihcr  28,  1SS9,  to  James  B.  Ricli,  \.lio  was  Lorn  Augusi  17,  IS&t. 
Tliey  live  in  I'ayctte,  Mi.ssouri. 

\'I  1676  T.Jary  Fwin,-  born  .Vugnft  10,  lc66,  in  Ho^vard  county,  Mi?.soun,  v.t.s 
matii.d  December  ?3,  1S95,  to  Dr.  C.  5.  Stone.  They  lla^e  two  children: 
(1)  C::hh  r-nnili  Stone, ^  bora  July  M.  1S99,  (2)  Sallie  Byrd  Stone.'  born 
Jnlv  9.  1901.  This  family  re.i'.ie  in  Wallace,  Idaho,  where  Dr.  SionX'  is 
practicing  lii;  ;)rofe^,--ioi!. 

MI  1677  Lizzie  Ew'in,'^  born  Mfrcli  5,  1S6S,  in  Howard  cotuity,  Missoitri,  married 
Charles  Gibbs,  a  jeweler,  and  lives  in  Wallace,  Idaho. 

Vill  1678  Jcanaetce  i:win>*  born  May  12,  ISTO,  in  Howard  county,  j.Ii*?ouri.  was 
married  Ocuber  16,  1S94,  to  Dr.  E.  G.  G:ay,  a  dentist.  1  hey  restde  m 
Victoria,  Texas,  and  have  a  little  daughter,  J  cannette  Gra>-,'^  born  September, 

IX  1679  Ada  Ewii),"^  born  December  19,  1S73,  in  Ho^vard  county,  Mi:;souri, 
E.  C.  Phillip-,  a  sch'.ol  teacher.     They  reside  in  Evauston,  Illinois. 

X  1680  Edna  Parks  Ewin,*  born  October  12,  1S77,  in  Howard  county,  :.Iis-ouri, 
was  married  to  Ben  Stewart,  a  mining  engineer.  They  reside  in  Missoula, 

Issue  of       SIB   EDWARD  KELSO   SMITH'   (Sarah  Hatcher  Woodson. «  "Poplar  Foot" 
John,^  Jf  :-.n,'  Beniamin,''  Robert,"-  John';  and  Mary  Elizabeth  Campbell. 

I       16S1  Campbell  Smith,-  born  March  2R,  1870.     He  is  marHed  ,-.nd  lives  in  East 
St.  1-Ouis,  Illinois. 

II  1682  Rosa  Nell  Smith,'*  born  May  28,  1873,  was  married  December  23,  1893, 
t'^  Georgo  W.  Holluul,  a  farmer.  Tlicy  have  a  daughter  Bessie  Holland,'-' 
born  July  1,  U<95. 

III  IC^j   V.'illiiini  Hctr.plor.  Piiiith,'  bom  Auyi;.-;  <'■,   iN75;  mcrric-d  Oilio  Scott. 

IV  JO'^i  L'lcilie  Snii'Lh,'"  burn   Xox-c-al":'.-   15,   JSSO,  wa.v  manio'!  in  October,   190;, 

lo  Alliert  Marrow. 

\'  1685  M.-iry  Ilickn^^in  Sniith,'  born  rcrru.-.ry  13,  1,SS2,  was  :i,airiec!  SL-picinber, 
1^04,  to  William  Hui:lcr.     1  hey  l-.a\e  a  ^^on  llanipton  llunu  r.'-* 

Vi  16S6  Alice  Miller  Smith, "^  i.oin  2,  ISS'.  was  marridi  March,  i-){;6,  lo 
John  Kclh". 

VII        1687  Edward  Byrd  vSniith,-  born  July   11,   IS':",  was  married  June  S,   IVIC.  to 
Ida  !'..  Snaiih. 

I\!osL  of  tlic  abo\e  faniily  of  E<b\varu   ivc-b,o  Smith'  reside  in  or  near 
Louisiana,  Mi<j.ouri. 

Issue  of  D19  THILIP  WILLIAM  HALE'  (William  Payne  Ilalc,'^  Susannah  I'ayne.^ 
Josias  b'ayne,''  Mary  Woodson, '■  I\obeil,-  Jolin^)  and  Mary  Margarci 

I  loss  William  Beale  Hale,**  liorn  about  1*^40  in  !Masoa  coanL>-,  \or^'inia. 

II  leso  Reward  Hde.s  bom  about  1542. 

III  1600  Robert  Hale,-  bo-'n  about  1844  in  Virginia. 

IV  1^.91  Ch.anning  Hale,'  born  about  1846. 

V  16=12  Philip  Hale,  Jr.,^  born  about  1 S4S. 

Yl  *  1693  Annfc  M.  Hale,"  born  ab-jut  IS.'-O,  in  Mason  count}  ,  X'irginia,  went  with  the 
family  about  1S57  to  Covington,  Kentucky,  wlicrc  she  was  reared  and 
educated.  She  was  married  tv/ice;  first,  on  February  3,  1S69,  to  Hon. 
Jacob  A.  T.  Wendell,  of  Macldnac  Island,  Michigan.  He  was  a  prominent 
democrat  and  served  :e".er„l  terms  in  ilie  Micliigan  le^^islaiure.  He  died 
Novenibcr  25,  1879,  survived  by  his  widov,-  and  two  children.  She  was 
married,  second,  in  1890  to  Hon.  Charles  R.  Miller,  of  Adrian,  ?Jichigan. 
He  was  a  prominent  lawyer,  banker  and  capitalist,  but  ne\'er  look  much 
part  in  politics.  He  died  October,  1908,  at  his  home  in  Adrian.  His 
widow  cor;tinued  to  reside  in  Adrian,  Michigan,  uiUil  >\o\-enilier,  1911, 
when  she  moved  to  .Atlanta,  Georgia,  where  she  re-ides  at  788  Piedmor.t 
Aventte.  She  is  a  member  of  the  Colonial  Dames,  the  Uaughters  of  tlie 
American  Revolinion  and  the  "Oni^r  of  the  ("rown"  and  is  entirely  satisfied 
with  her  anci  stry  as  far  back  as  Dr.  John  Woodson  and  Sara,  his  wife, 
the  cmigran;  .  of  1619. 

''V\  esiuard  i'..-  >',,tr  of  (iv.;-,;-,-:-'  ;akerf  it>  lli'-;h!.'"-  And  {(■I'nwinc;  i!io 
1l\u1  of  it.-  iurlu:.;  t'CMMs,  liic  W'uvkI-.-oi'i?  of  (Iii^  fij^luh  t;i-i!'.Ta!  i'jn  ha\-i/ 
^■U';!',lil\  mcn-eJ  w..-~t w.'i'd  .'in'.!  s-->'ich\varci  '.'util,  like  rin  iin!i\oaf-c;  w;i\c 
roachiiij:  from  Imva  io  Texas,  il;ey  ha\e  roUc-'l  a;;-'i!i:.;  .;nd  e\cn  ()\orleai;.'i! 
O.w  l'U'"ky  Mr)u;'.';'i,  ^.  i'  >r  a  v/.-.-liv  iraml'or  of  ',l;ota  iiave  loukcJ  v^pow 
ihc  blue-  walci's  uf  ihe  Ruiac  Oocai^  and  bai!l  their  i-.Maies  oi;  the  r;o'i! 
iniprcgnalcd  hiils  of  ("aiiftin.ia.  Xor  ha?  il  Ik-cii  an  cas\'  lank,  thir;  sir-a-iy 
moviir^,  drifting,  drif'.iiiy:  v.itli  ihc  lid''.  Tvlan\-  uf  (ho  nuai  and  v.omor.  <■{ 
this  generation  were  too  far  .idx-.meed  in  life  to  ['.■'l  the  foixsts  and  brid-;,a 
tiie  .'.tiearas  tiiaa  l.iv  .-i'iuv.;at  liadr',  ''lit  v,  i'ii  tiie  aid  of  tk.eir  sac;e 
o:>'an-:cl  an'l  gnidirip  eye  ihc  work  was  d;aie  b%"  tlu'i;'  st.ihvarl  sons,  for  in 
the  decade  of  1845  lo  !,s5.5  there  were  no  raiho^id^  in  tiie  "far  \^e^l,"  no 
Pieans  of  transpoi  tali'ai  e.K.-ejit  the  sIo-\-  nio'.in.u^  ox  or  aaimal  hc.'rse 
[HAver.  .And  th.e  Wo\-  was  nf>t  smooth  l.iiU  ia.le^led  bv  l.'lood-t  hirsiy 
r>a\ai'es  bearing  the  same  innrderoiis  instincts  th.ii  di^tin<.rl;i^h;:d  the 
ancient  tribes  of  eastern  \'ir:;inivt.  Diffici'lf'es?  ^'ei.  difhcalties,  but  ti)e\- 
ware  surniountedi  and  the  way  w;is  blaied  to  iaake  stmny  Califon/ia  I'u; 
glorious  spot  of  eaiih  that  it  is  toda.;/. 

In  all  tills  work  preliminary  to  opening  up  a  east  coua£r>',  the  W'oodsons 
ditl  their  part,  enduring  the  toil  and  braving  the  [.•"crils. 

It  seems  tliat;  in  each  generation  there  niiist  iieeds  lie  some  war,  some 
national  conflict  somewhere.  In  lS-17  th.e  luawcen  tlie  I-'rdted  States 
and  Mexico  was  waged,  and  it  is  intcre^tiiig  to  n^te  liiat  a  large  ni!ml'(-r  of 
Worlds. -lis  and  many  Woodson  descendants  bearing  otlier  names,  served 
in  tliat  contact,  some  of  thetn  saciificing  tlieir  lives,  scime  ser\'ing  as  private 
soldiers  a.nd  some  a'taiaing  to  the  rank  of  field  and  iiae  ofiicer-,  and  all 
retlecting  more  or  le-s  credit  on  tlie  name  of  WoadsoTi. 

In  times  of  peace  no  less  than  war,  did  the  people  of  this  generation 
do  their  part  as  good  citizens,  in  rearing  their  families,  bea.ring  the  pu'jlic 
burden,  ad\'ancing  ci\ili?,uion  and  extending  the  Kingdom  of  God. 

There  were  be  in  into  tltis  gcncraticn  seven  liiiadied  and  cic:hty  souls, 
as  will  I,e  seen  by  subtracting  the  gene-aiogical  number  (923)  of  tlie  iirst 
name  rec^'rded  in  tliis  generatiuii,  from  1693,  the  miinber  of  the  last  name 


Ksuc  of     eJ2  8   SANBUllNE  V,'OODSOII^  fj^'!"!  An:\cr>on/  Husius,^  Siininifno,'  Jos.-i>h,* 
JucU!/'  J(,'iin,-  John,')  ami  Anii'(.'artr;|.:I;t. 

1        1095   Georj^.e,''  Iiorii  in  Campi-.c'I  coiini\-,   x'irjiiina. 

II    '■   J696  .T>Tir,es  Sauburne,^  Imrn  in ,  near  r,\-iich!H)ig,  \'irgiiiia,  was  ni.irricd  in 

1870  lu  Mali.-sa  Goulcn.  wlio  Ki.rn  and  rearLc!  in  Rocki)ri(lt;e  counly. 
"i  hey  n!.i\\-  n.--icie  at  ','u\-in.:Uiii,  AHei^i  ar.v  loiiniy,  \'i;':;in:a. 

h.iue  of       939  EDI.IUriD  BOOKER.  WOODSOK'  (Jo?eph,'  Jo-x-ph/  Joseph,'  Joseph.'^ 
John,^  John  =  John')  and  hi?  hrst  v.'ii'e,  Elizabeth  Keziah  Vrcadwav. 

I  *  1697  JostZ'ph  Augustine,"  born  Angii.t  31.  l.So",  al  I.apo.te.  Indiana.  M'tor  the 
death  I'f  liis  mothci ,  hj  went  vdih.  Iii;  lather  about  1S47,  to  Alichigan  Cii}  , 
Indiana,  where  he  atteadeil  ilie  i^uldic  schools  and  had  sonic  in  a 
store.  )n  1849  he  was  sent  to  Albion,  Michigan,  where  he  atUnded  il;c 
Wcsley;;n  Seminary  some  fotir  years.  In  1858  (after  the  dc;.;;i  of  his 
father)  he  went  to  li\c  with  his  TreadAay  iiranujiarents  ?.t  Santa  Rosa, 
California.  For  soiiie  time  he  was  engaged  in  the  stock  dri'/in;;  bnsiness. 
He  then  read  law  v.dth  Jackson  Temple  who  huer  became  one  of  tiie 
supreme  judges  of  the  state.  He  was  adi  iit.ed  to  the  bar  of  the  stN-enth 
district,  and  in  1S62  removed  to  San  Francisco,  California,  whc-e  he 
practiced  Ids  profession. 

Me  was  nianied  first  on  March  7.  1S66,  in  San  Francisco,  to  Aliss 
Annie  Sutton,  who  was  born  December  24,  iS44,  in  Gloucester,  3.1assa- 
chusotts.  The\-  continued  to  reside  in  San  T'rancisco  until  187.'.  v\-hci;  they 
removed  to  Sacramento,  California,  where  he  took  a  position  in  tlie  law 
and  liierary  department  of  the  "Sacramento  Daily  Record."  He 
contintionsly  iip(jn  that  paper  and  its  successors,  the  ''Recoi-d  Union" 
and  "The  Union,"  until  June,  1908.  For  tv.-enty-thrce  years  he  was 
chief  editorial  writer  and  therefore  filJc'  c\-cr;,-  writing  position  on  the  tlnve 

He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  tlie  hrst  and  second  anticiuclty  societies 
ot  the  state;  also  one  (jf  the  founders  of  the  California  Press  Association. 
He  is  now  (191.S)  rleputy  county  clerk.  H's  wife  died  November  19,  1900, 
at  their  home  in  Sacramento,  and  he  was  married,  second,  on  ]\larch  2>', 
1903,  lo  Emma  Sara  Hill  of  Rockford,  Illinois.  They  still  live  at  their 
home  808  Tenth  Street,  Sacramento.  California.  '  ■ 

H        1698   Madison,^  born  a.liout   1810,  at   Laijorte,   Indian.i,   and  died   ihcrc  abouf 


TMC  V.dCii^MN.-;   aN;)    llihU;  i,ONNl-'-TinN.S 

111  1659  Daughter,'-'  li".-n  ..b 'm  lS4.i  nt.  Lai'-oi-tr,  huliana.  and  J ;.•(!  .within  a  few 
lamub.s.      Ih-r  ikmuc  lias  '.'lU  l-r-cn  a^ccrtair,i.-ii. 

I<su:  !;v  srci-'Mi  \viri  ,  ji- '^l  sua  Am  •^h.v  Piii' 

•  TV  1700  Ecbnund  Booker,  Jr.,«  bom  March  .^0.  -850,  in  Mirhi-an  Ciiv,  liuHar.a, 
lie  bcraiiic  a  TninisUT  ia  ihc  Methodist  Cb.nrcii  and  diod  l'"cbruary  22,  IS89, 
ai  Ki  iraiiytijr.,  liuiiana. 

\'  *  1701  V.'illiain  Francis,''  b'irn  Pitc  ;abcr  .^.  1851.  i:;  a'ifhi;^.;!!  City,  liub...ii,i,' 
\vli<-ri'  he  wa--.  rea'A'd  a.iid  Ldit'.-.Uv.I.  lU' war  inarri.jd  IXci'inbcr  16,  Ih'SO, 
to  Mary  l{l\ira  (been.  'l"iic->  i,a\e  CDiuimicd  to  roside  in  their  nati\"i" 
ri;y  iinii!  iho  ;)r.  >cnt   liniv.      lb;  !>  >;•!!  actl\-i.h'  fr,i;agcd  in  btisincsr^. 

VI  1702  Charles  Phelps, ■•  liuni  1S,^3,  in  Aiichij,aii  City,  Indiana,  and  died  iIutc 
SeptemlxT  .'.8,  1S7-1. 

VII  *  1703  Mary  Eliza,'"  born  May  17,  !S5S,  in  MiL'h;;.;an  City,  Indiana,  wa-s  married 
Seiilcmber  23,  ISSO,  in  ?Uichi;.;.ui  Ciiy.  lo  Thomas  Dra]-)er  Gamble.  They 
li\-cd  a  few  >'cari;  at  Qtiiuc\',  Illinois,  aii'l  !ii_o\-ed  to  S[,okane,  Wasliington. 
It  ^^■as  at  tlieir  home  in  Spokane  tiiat  !ier  mntbrr  died,  Deee!iil;er  ^.  1S92. 
They  iefl  Spokane  some  \xars  ago  and  now  reside  at  Oiympia,  Wa.^hi'agion 

Issue  of       ©4  1    FRANCIS  SYLVESTER  TvOODSON'  (Joseph,'  Joseph/  Joseph,-'^  Joseph,' 
John,^  John,-  Jolm')  and  Sarah  Louisa  Rice. 

I  *  1701  Thomas  Jeiierson,'  born  Deeembcr,  IS3S,  in  Prince  Eu--.'ard  county, 
\'iri;inia,  went  with  the  fam:!\-  in  IJ'II  to  Warrenton.  North  Carrdina. 
He  -was  graduated  from  Wake  Forest  College,  'Xortli  Carolina,  studied 
law,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  and  moved  to  Des  Arc,  Prairie  cc-anty, 
Arkansas,  where  he  p-acticed  his  profession  until  1861.  A.t  time  the 
Ci\"i!  War  I'toke  out  and  he  ^\'as  married  to  the  widow,  Mrs.  Caroline 
Conkey  and  imn.ediately  cnlistea  in  the  Confederate  army  and  'er\ed  in 
the  ca\-alry  under  General  Forrest  until  the  close  of  the  v-ar.  He  tlaen 
returned  to  lii;-  home  in  De>  Arc,  sold  out  his  interests  tliere  and  ^e^.lo^"ed 
to  Austin,  Tunica  couiU>-,  I^,Ii^sissipiii,  \\here  he  sperit  the  remainder  of 
his  life  as.  a  be.eyer  and  a  planter.  He  d'ed  July,  18^7,  at  his  home  in 
.\t!;tia,  .Mis-isdpfii. 

II  170?  Edward  Cromwell,'  born  IMan  h  24,  1840.  on  the  farm  near  Rice's  Station, 
Prin.ce  Edward  ceunty,  \'in;ini,i.  was  taken  in  1841,  with  the  famiK'  to 
W'arrenton,  Xorth  C"arolina,  ^^]!ere  he  was  rearefl  and  edticated.  He  was 
graduated  from  Wake  Forest  Collei^e. 

In  1860  he  nio^'cd  to  Des  Arc.  Pral'ie  cotini_\-.  .Aikansas  and  engaged 
in  the  newspaper  business,  in  v.hich  he  ha.4  not  more  than  gotten  settled 
when  th.e  Ci\il  War  came  on  and  he  ijromptiy  entered  the  service  of  the 
Confi-derate  States  as  a  member  of  the  Twenty-fdth  .Arkansas  infantry, 
in  which  regiment  he  served  ur.ti!  the  close  of  the  war,  having  attained  the 

xiNiii  (;i?>;i:K.\i 

t;!nk  of  Ciijitaiii  (.'f   !■.;>  (.'"iiipany.      I'is  r(-L;i<ncni .   ui'dtT   i'u-  C'V.juni'ind  of 

r.c-ncral   J'l.sfpli    i;.    I.)lm>t<in.  surieivlorcl   ;U ,    Xori'-.   (.'a'-ulina, 

A;iril.  l^-C).'^.  '  K'  ii!'jiihm1  ;  j  \\'..  ,,\l  lionn.-  av  WaiTi  nii;i"i,  Inu  •>••:;•>•  soon 
wont  lo  U;i!?-'i;^l!.  X( nil  ',  '.'rolir.a,  and  a;.'ain  vnion-.l  I'u  !K-\\  s;vi;)cr  business, 
lie  v.a>  lu.HTK''!  {S'j'k  lo  Niliio  ().  Ifcrwy  of  W^-lJon.  N.jrLh  t"aP)!ina, 
'I'lu'N-  si-ulct!  in  Raii^:.,!;  '.vl'L-ro  Iv  divd  ;-'cl>ruary  1,  1?7S,  siuAiw-J  !i\-  iiis 
wiiiov.  Af  llu-  linic  of  !iis  ileaih  lie  was  (jdnor  of  the  "Rnloi;,;li  (  >o,'.t\ci," 
v.ow  llu-  "News-*  )l).-cr\cr,"  ot  \\liii;ii  J(.wop!ui;i  Daniils.  score!. lfv  of  the 
na\_\',  is  llio  picscnt  I'ditor  aiKJ  owiai. 

ill  r/06  Virginia  Crcath,'  born  Augusi  2,  184J,  i.i  Warrtiiton.  Xorih  Carolina,  and 
died  at  tl'.e  aj;e  o^  fix  e  years. 

ly  +  1707  Msry  Jane,''  i)'-'rn  March  15.  ls:.;5,  in  Wirrenton.  \or;h  rarollna,  wiiere 
she  v.-.i;  reared  and  liwd  until  ifur  ll'e  c'ii-l-  of  !  lu'  'v"i\-'l  \V...i  ,oi,i  was 
inarritd  J\;MU.ny  5,  lt-()6.  lo  Naiiuin  S.  ?\l(!;.eley.  They  seU'e!,!  iii  Ralei^jlr, 
North.  Carolina.,  -,vhrre  .-.lie  died  ]unv  !!),  1S')6. 

V       n08  Gabrielia  Frances,''  'join  July  l\  ]S-l.^,  in  V.'.urentcn,  Xcrih  Carolin.i,  aiid 
dietl  at  ji\  years  of  age. 

YI  *  1709  Francis  Sylvester,  Jr.,'  born  .August  .''.',  1851,  in  Warrentoii,  Xcrth  Caro- 
linr.,  v.diere  lie  was  reare<J  and  eilncatcd.  He  has  been  twice  niarritd; 
first,  in  Yanee>'\'il!e,  X(.)rth  Carolina.,  on  Deeeniber  12,  i,*-;75,  ie-  i'n-.nia 
J^aitiil'j,  wiio,  died  June  8,  1S7S,  iri  Dan\-ille,  Virginia.  .About  ih:;  year 
1883,  lie  eiiiereu  into  the  newspaper  business  and  ha.-,  concinnedi  in  it  to 
tire  present   tinie. 

He  inairied  second,  on  June  20,  1S93,  L.o  Xora  Bo-l;':i  Mice, 
of  Farm\ill<',  Prince  I-'dward  comity,  \'irginia.  They  settled  i:;  Riclnnorid 
Virginia,  where  he  c  uuinned  in  professiiin  of  a  jijurrialist  and  has  been 
for  a  ruunbei'  of  }-ear.son  i  h.e  editorial  --larf  of  tlic  RichiV.and  Times-I  )'sparcii, 
as  indu5tri,d  editoi',  ha\ing  charge  of  the  industrial  s.eciion.  a  depjrtnicnr 
that  few  papers  ha\e,  arid  a  \ery  iniportauL  one.  Ir:  po!iti:"s  lie  is  a 
democrat.  He  has  been  of  great  help  in  ^■eriIy;ng  mucli  of  the  data 
pertaining  to  the  de-cerulants  of  4i'!   J'jscfih  Wooci.-on.'' 

\li  ^  r/iO  Kannis  Sa'lie,^  born  December  31,  1^54,  in  \^'arrenton,  Xorth  Ca.rolina, 
wx-nt  with  the  fami'y  in  1870,  to  Raleigh,  Xorth  Carolina,  and  'var-  tliere 
niarrieil  May  3,  1885,  to  James  M.  ^^'illlams.  They  settled  in  G^ecn^boro, 
Xortli  Cari.linn,  wh^■re  he  died  some  \-ears  ago.  She  is  still  ii\'ing  ut  her 
lioine  in  Cireensboro. 

\"11I  *  1711  Louisa  Pocahoritas,'-  born  June  4,  ]?-57,  in  \Vc,rrenii.n,  X'ortii  Carolina, 
\>ent  with  the  family  in  1870  to  )\aleigli,  Xorth  Carolir.a.  and  -.s-as  iiujrc 
m.^rned  (ji'  her  birthda^  anni\ers...ry  Jane  4,  1*^80,  to  Sutton  B.  D<^dd:-. 
They  mo\-ed  to  Cincinnati,  Oliio,  and  are  now  hviug  at  their  ie.'iiu.  1,"0V 
Gorman  Street. 

Ol'l'MiNs  AN!)  -IKriK  (  (.■XNiaT!<iN.- 

Issue  of        945   WIT.LIAM   THOMAS   WOODSON'   O'-^-pli,"  J^>.-eph/'  Jo>o;V:!,-'  Joseph.' 
jolni.-  jnlin,-  J'lhii')  aiu!  RniilN-  Alcx.r.uler. 

1  17i2  r.Ilcu  May,"  Ijoni  N  'Voir.lH-r  2S,  !S51.  in  C'liii.ieo.  Illiiiois.  weni  wiih  Iht 
l).ireius  to  ^•"van^^•n,  riiipoi?.  aiul  was  tiiero  Diarricd  juK'  25,  1S7S,  In  John 
Jcfk-rsfin  W'aldron.  They  coaiir.i'cc!  to  reside  in  E\-;ii!~ton  sonio  \'oars  and 
mo\od  to  Beikit)-,  Xorih  D.'.ko!.!,  where  now  rcsivlo. 

Issue  of        84  7    IJR.    JOHN    CALVIN    WOODSON*    (Thomas    Pledge,"   Snmiu.l   Tuckei/ 
Jt)I'ii,-  I'cnjaniin,'  John.-'  Ji-'hii,-  Ji.;lra'j  and  Jennie  Matsou. 

I  171,^  B.lHo  Eli-;-,,-  bnrn  Xovmibe-  5,  1S56,  ii'  Sh^lhyviHo,  Shelby  cou.Uy, 
JMisS()uri,  was  inar  icd  Febrr.ary  16,  lll6,  :i  Wilbam  X.  Crawford.  Tliey 
li\-ed  on  their  farm  jK'ar  Haiinibd,  Missouri,  where  he  died  January  13, 
ISO].  Tliey  had  one  chiki,  Laura  Ellis  Crawford,''  born  February,  1SS2, 
and  died  AugiL^t,  j8:S3. 

She  \s"as  mar.iLd  seeond.  on  ?so\'eniber  5,  1S95,  to  John  S. 
The>"  now  reside  in  Curr\\ille,  ]\!;>?i"iin'i,  wdiere  he  is  cngaiied  in  the 
mercantile  Lupines-.     They  are  nieinbers  of  ihe  Christian  Church-. 

II  *  1714  Doliie  Matson,=  born  August,  1S5S,  in  Pike  counry,  Miswup',  was  married 
in  1S90,  to  Thoma?;  F.  Lucas  and  !i\-ed  on  their  farm  ne-'.r  Louisiana, 
I\f!<>oini,  until  1907,  when  they  ir.oxcd  to  San  Pedro,  C;difornia,  v%-here 
they  now  reside.     They  are  rnend'cr'^  of  the  Catholic  Ch.urch. 

Ill  *  1715  SaJie  Pnce,-  born  April  15,  I860,  iu!s  county,  Alisscuri.  was  married 
October  3,  l.^SO,  to  Robe-t  A.  Gordon,  in  Hannibal,  Missouri.  They 
lived  on  a  farm  in  Pike  count\-  a  fcv,  },ears.  He  was  accidentally  drowned 
in  Seiiiember,  1SS4,  v.'iile  attempting  to  cro>s  a  swollen  creek.  His  -Aido-w 
died  February  2.'',  1890,  leaving  her  two  si-ns  with  l;cr  eldest  si.-,ter,  1713 

I\'  *  1716  l.jgry  Lee.'  borr  ^Larch  11.  ISe2,  in  Ralls  county,  Missouri,  was  married 
November,  1S90,  to  Ezra  C.  Ogle.  They  mo\ed  in  1905,  to  San  Pedro, 
California,  where  they  now  reside.  The;,'  are  both  members  of  the 
Catholic  Churcli. 

V  '^  1717  Thomas  Peyton,-  b'^rn  November  5,  1866,  whiie  iiis  parents  were  li\-ing 
temporarily  in  Mississippi.  In  186.8  they  returned  to  Missoi;ri  and  settled 
at  Frankf :>rd  where  this  chikl  was  reared.  When  a  young  man  he  went  to 
Hannibal,  JNIissouri,  and  learned  the  moulder's  trade.  He  was  married 
February,  1892,  to  Mi5.=;  Emma  B.  Shelvy.  They  spent  the  rest  of  their 
lives  in  Hannibal  where  he  died  .May  2,  1911,  survived  by  his  wife  and  uve 
children.  In  politics  lie  was  a  democrat;  an  honest,  upright  man  and  a 
good  citizen. 

VI  *  17JS  John  Cleaver;'-  born  April  9,  l,'-'69,  in  Pike  county.  MisLxnui,  was  married 
August   11,    1891,   t-  Lavinia    Riddle.     They  settled  in   Dan..ille,   Illinois, 

NiN  I  II  <V:M  'KATIDN 

whcTC  lic  cr.l<-rL-d  thu  CPii'l  _>>  of  a  rai'.i'i'ad  comp;un-.  \','l:ii-^  on  llio  w.U' 
to  his  (lay's  wi.rk  on  Aiigiisr  27,  1S99,  he  was  .^(;^:i(a■l.:.^li\■  kii!c!l  \>v  a 
li'aiii.      lie  v. is  a  fi(Miu;cr.- 1  .11^!  .1  iiu-inbc"  of  il;e  Chris',!. i:;  Chiircli. 

His  v.idow  has  since  i>e<-n  ruarricd  t<>  !\,in-  I'ra/.ior,  a  l.Miil-or  in  Oii!iu\-, 
Illinois.     They  rcsidu  in  city  at  425  Locust  Street. 

VI!  *  1710  Deitha,^  born  Octohc.-  3,  1&72,  and  \vaf  rcaved  and  educated  in  Hannibal, 
Missouri.  She  was  married  Septeail>er  .":(),  1592,  to  Williant  \- .  Scha:t- 
baeher.  They  aic  Catholics  and  now  reside  in  Hannibrd,  Missouri,  win  re 
he  is  enLSiged  in  busines-s. 

\'H1  1720  Orion  Alfred,'  born  February  2,  1S71,  in  Pike  county,  and  was  reared  and 
educated  iri  Hannil.ia:,  ?>Iis5  iiiri.  He  was  married  in  1002  to  Jane  Car\er. 
They  reside  at  B1l:ITs,  lllirois,  -w  here  he  is  engaged  in  farniinj-;.  No  children. 
They  are  reiuib!icanc>  and  Cailiolics. 

IX  172i  L'argaret  Jane,'  born  .\pri!  16,  VS'/l,  in  Rall=  county,  and  was  reared  in 
Hannibal,  Missouri.  She  \\as  married  i'ebruary,  1003,  to  George  W. 
Rcnd'er,  a  merchant  in  Han;!il\d,  Miss(juri,  ibey  st'll  reside.  She 
is  a  Catholic. 

■    X       1722   Charles  Rector,"  born  September  17,  IS.Sl,  i:i  Hanr.ibai,  ?\I!-souri.  -.vhere  i.c 

was  reared  and  educated.     He  l!\-ed  with  his  motiier  on  the  farm  in  Ralls 

county  until  her  death,  after  which  he  moved  to  San   Pedro,  California, 

where  lie  is  now  engaged  in  the  'utnber  and  real  estate  business.     'He  is 

'  unmarried.     In  poliiics  he  is  a  socia'.'sl. 

Issue  of       94  9   LUTHER  RICE  WCODSOrT^  (Thonias  Pledge,"  Samuel  Tucker,*  j^^\ll/ 
Benjamin,'  John,'  Jolin,"  John')  and  M.artiia  Ellen  Glasscock. 

I       1723  Barton,"  born  about  1S57,  probcddy  on  the  farm  a  few  :ni!es  west  of  Xcw" 
London,  Ralls  count}-,  Missouri.     He  died  when  about  nine  years  old. 

i!  r/24  Ida,^  Ijorn  If  58,  on  the  farm  in  Ralls  couny,  iNlissouri,  was  ntarried  in  1879, 
to  John  Lake.  They  settled  on  their  farm  near  Xew  London,  Missouri, 
where  they  are  still  living.  Thc-y  have  one  son,  Paul  Lake."'  who  has  a 
farm  not  far  from  his  parents.  He  is  married  but  the  narnc  of  his  wife 
has  not  been  ascertained.     They  have  two  children. 

Hi  172?  Tucker'  Ca  daughter),  born  1S60.  on  her  father's  farm  near  New  Lrmd-.Mi, 
Missouri.  She  was  given  this  name  in  lionor  of  her  aunt,  950  Sallie  Tucker 
Woodson,*  and  of  her  great-grandfather,  219  Samuel  Tucker  Woodsori. 
She  was  married  to  William  Gentry  and  was  living  on  their  farm  tiear  New 
London  when  she  ctntracted  t\-phoid  fever  and  died  in  1^95,  sur\ivcd  by 
her  husband  and  two  daughters,  Mildred  Gentry''  c.m\  .Annie  Gentry.''' 

IV  1720  FdwLi  Hiram,'  born  afiont  lSo2,  on  the  la.'-m  in  I^v.-iiis  couity,  was  married 
to  Doliie  Glasscock  and  now  ;i\es  o;'  t!.'.-  farm  f^-.rnierly  owned  by  hi- 
grandfather  Hiram  Glasscock,  near  Xew  London.     Xo  issue. 

3f,()  Tili-    \V')..ii....\-v  AN!)   Tiii:'P.  <-•'.'■>>.;. ".'MONS 

V  172V   Floruna,'-'    ijt>rn    piolKsljiy    in    IS'il,    in    !\al!'-    ciM'iny,    a!  i-ioi-ri,    :ir.;l    dii-(i 


\'l  !','2S  Thomas  Poindcxtc-i,'^  born  al-mit  ISCo,  in  U;i!!.-  ci^tiiiiy,  Ai):->oiiii,  v.rv-: 
gia(lu.;:cLl  in  o:,{v.-ipjU:y  dad  moved  i>-'  Tc\<i.^  wlu'-r  ho  is  now  piaclifini; 
hi.-;  prol'cision.     He  is  it,'!  inarried. 

\'li!        1729  Sarah,''  liorn  alioui  ISd.'-',  ov,  tlic  I'arm  in   Ralls  lonnty,  Mi'..-,;uvi.     She  i.s 
enL;>t;tcl  ii;  the  iiiillinory  bii.-inc;--i  in  Clii'\\i;o  and  i::  ira  .;.v  ried. 

VI 1 1  r/30  Willie-'  (a  (!aughl.r^  liorn  about  l,-'70,  on  the  far-j  in  Ualli  coi:n.\ ,  .Mi'soiiri, 
\vas  married  to  Felix  Jewell.  Th.ey  live  o:\  iheir  own  farm  nul  far  i'loni 
liie  p'ac:i;  of  Iier  birih. 

IX  )73I  Harry,-  bijrn  aboi;;  i?7.?,  on  the  farm  near  New  London,  R,..lls  eoanty, 
Ali^-rouii,  lie  grew  to  >ouii,q  nian'a'iud  and  wa?  married  to  Myrll.' 
C'.r;i\i-s.  'i'iiey  reside  in  Chi(-a:.;o,  Illinois,  and  liax'e  two  cliildrrri,  (I) 
Marie,'-"  born  about  1S95,  and  (2)  Sallie  IMce,"-'  born  abont  1900. 

Issue  of        D55  VIRGINIA  CATHF.RiN.E  V/OOD£OK=  rihomas  Piedye,'  Samuel  Tucker/' 
Joliii,-'  Benjamin,'  J<ilin,''  Joim,-  JoiiriM  and  ]).  F.   Rriggs. 

1  1732  Susie  Briggs,^  born  Fe!;ruary.  187{'',  on  the  farm  near  New  London,  Falls 
counlj",  Mi??ouri.  \\'hen  abotit  two  years  old  she  was  taken  to  tin  home  of 
her  aunt,  951  Susan  Eveline,*  m  Louisiana,  Alissouri,  v.-liere  ^lie  still  li\-C3. 

I!  1733  Emma  Lou  Briggs/"  born  June,  1879,  on  the  farm  in  Ralls  county,  Mi.-souri. 
\Mien  only  two  or  titree  \-ears  old  she  v.a-.  taken  inro  the  borne  of  her  atint, 
950Sa!lieTueker- until  her  deatli  in  i'!U-l,  after  which  sl:ewe;u  to  ("oiumbu.-. 
Montana,  and  engaged  in  tlic  miilinery  ljii>iness.  She  is  unmarried,  and. 
doing  a  fine  business. 

III  1731   fJadie  Briggs,^  born  September,  ISSO,  on  the  farm  in  Ralls  county,  Missouri, 

was  married  in  1900,  to  Ben  Bov.ds.     They  live  on,  their  farm  near  New 
London,  and  lia\'e  one  little  daugliter,  \'irginia  Kate  Bowls,'"  born  1910. 

IV  i73S   Carey  Briggs,"  born  lv>'2,  on  the  birm  near  N'.w  l-ondon,  Missouri,  and 

still  lives  there.     Unmarried. 

V  r/36  Annie  Nash  Briggs,'  born   188-1.  was  married  in   1908  to  Harvey  Gingry. 

The\'  li\L  on  their  farm  near  New  Lc'i'.don,  ^Missouri. 

VI  )  737  Thomas  Ferrell  Briggs,'^  bo-n  1888,  on  the  farm  near  Xev.  London,  Missouri, 
where  he  stiil  lives.      In  their  religious  faith  this  family  are  Presbyterians. 

liiue  of        QlSe   EVELT[\:i-  B.   V.'ATSON^   (Kli/abeth    Woodson,'  Samuel  Tucker,*'  John,= 
l-]enjamii:','  J'.'hn,'  John,-'  Johu')  and  John  Strange. 

I  173^  Evcli'.ie  Strange/  horn  al' uu  1857,  ;■(  l.oii:.-.iana,  Mis;;(>uri.  where  :,lic  tuis 
^;x•lU  I'.L-r  li!(.-  i:p  !ii  i!'.i~  nro.-oni  lime.  Vov  nu-.iiy  years  s!k'  wa.-  an  elVicitin 
tc.iriic-r  ii!  :I:o  iUiMi>-  :-,''^jI~  jC  Iut  na:i\'^  (own.  Sii«^  sii!!  n.s!d,;o  in 
jAJuiciiana,  Mis^ijuri.  a.iui  is  jn:-;an  it'.!. 

Ii  1730  Elizalietl'i  Straric:e,'  L  ..rn  r'in'.VM  l.'v^'"'  af  I.i.aisiana,  Mi.'-^•ouri,  w:-;--.  nii'iric-l 
to  James  ReyiKj'd.s.  a  hw.Aer.  In  [.'.'li^ic^  lie  is  a'lie.ii!.  '1  l; -y 
nu-inbeis  ol  ilu:  Ci'ii"!--i.ian  (."hiireb.  ']~!u;.  reside  ir.  Sc.uiie.  V\'as!iin.;!  in, 
aiui  lia\e  two  cliililror.,  l-'\-elyi>  l\eynol;ls,"  and  L'.iiiuu  Kevne'lds,"'  siill 
li\ing  ^vill•^  their  paionts  in  Se.title. 

I5!.ne  of        SCO  ELIZABETH    WATSOK^    iKhi/.abeth  \\\yc\M,n,-  Samiie!  'l'iicker,=  John/ 
'it.  njauiir.,\Iohn,' Jolia,'-' J'dm')  and  I>r.  lahvaid  Strode. 

1  *  17;0  Samuel  Lapslej' Strode,'  lu.rn  18-16,  in  RaUs  cninity.  >!i--(iuri.  When  the 
Civil  W'.ir  liad  been  in  iiroejes^  some  tin!'..-  he  enli^ted  in  the  .--er\;ee  v\  ihe 
Confederaie  .si.a'es  und  ahhiiu,s.;h  so  xdun;^  in  years,  iie  a  good  .soldier. 
V.'heii  t!ie  V.  .ir  \\  as  'u  ei  lie  retuiaietl  hi..ime  and  Aas  married  !o  Julia  Caldwell. 
They  seitled  on  iheir  i'arni  in  Ralls  C'uint\',  Missoui'i,  wheie  tliey  still  li\e. 

II   '^   17-1]    James  D.  Strode,'  born  ISiS,  in  Ralls  canty,  Mis.ouri,  v,a=  married  io 

Miss Duiiel,  becaniL  a  .-;iiccessfiil  farmer  and  died  in  1913  o:\  his  farm 

in   Ralls  comity. 

III  *   1742   Mary  Elizabeth  Strode,-  born  1S52,  in.  Ralls  count}',  TsJissoiiri,  was  manied 

to  H.  Riigh  Barkley  and  died  in  IS'-'l. 

IV  *   1743   Edwaid    Ivlortoii    Strode,'    l.iurn    IS.^S    in    Rails    conray,    Misso'j.i;.      R%- 

occLipalioii   he  is.  a  contractor  and   carpenter.      He  married  Cora   Kich.ol,-> 
and  lives  in  ?\ew  Lon:1on,  iNlissoiiri 

V  *  17 'A  George  C.  Strode,''  turn  in  1864  in  R.ills  county,  ?dissonii,  and  vvai-  married 
to  Almyra  Lear.      Tliex'  Ii\'e  at  Xew  London,  Missouri. 

960  Elizabeth  Watson*  and  Dr.  Edward  Strode  had  three  oiher  children 
wlio-e  names  are  William,  died  young;  Idla  L.,  married  i\l'.  Linrlsey  and 
died  in  Cohirr<di>;  l.'mma  .Strode,  marricii  Uriah  !\::.;(.!do>;,  and  had  sfecral 
children  \.la.)  li\-c  in  Chicajjo. 

Issue  of        S^-3   SATvIUEL  THOMAS  V/ATSON^   (Eli/abeth   Woodson,'  Sanuiei  Tucker,'' 
Johr.,^  Lienjamin,"  John, -^  John, ^  John')  aiit!  Margaret  jon^s. 

I  1715  Taylor  Jones  Watson,^  born  October  2?i,  1S60,  in  Ralls  count}-,  Miss-ouri, 
\s!ii.-re  lie  \\as  reared  and  educated.  He  grafluaied  iii  osteopathy  and  was 
married  in  l'S86  to  Amanda  Suiter,  a  \ery  bcautifid  girl,  and  located  near 
Xev.-  Lf>nd,.:n  wheie  thcv  lived  a  nnmi'er  of  years.  Tlicy  had  one  child 
\',  Iio  di'-l  \.(ain'tj.  His  wile-  died  shorib.  afterv.  .irds  and  he  remo\-cd  to 
New  \'ork  City  wiicre  he  is  nov.-  iitaeti'.ir.g  his  pinfession. 

■inr.  \v\)ni)M  :\.s  an:i  iihik 

II  *  IV-'iO  J-alia  V/atsou,'  '.icn;  ju'y  )4.  1^;>-',  in  1\.:!!;.  cuuiuy,  M  is?.,  .r.ri,  \.-as  iu;:irio.! 
in  1SS7  (<:>  (ut.Iia  !-'m|iM,  a  I'  'i"iii.\  iiuv.  ir-iilc  in  AK-HiMC  ('i!y. 

HI  ■  17-!7  JHizabeth  V/ifson,'  Wom  lami.i.iA  22.  18o5,  in  Ralib  r;n;iii\-.  >.Ii~-oiiri, 
\va-^  uunTicvi  iu  1^'S5  ;;>  'lli-irjas  T.  Muore.  TlioN-  are  faniiLTS  ixvu]  li'/c  ia\ir 
KaiK-iJs  Cil\,  M:s>')ini. 

i\'  IV-iS  James  T.  \Vatson,*  liora  .\:;-i,-i  9,  1^07,  in  K.ilL-  couMty,  wa>  ir.arriod  in 
19(13  ic)  (\j:.\  .McV\  il'iai-.:-.  'J"iu.y  ]i\  c  v.v.  liu-ir  f.iriii  ni-;u'  Xe%v  i^oiicinu, 
Missoari,  aiul  lia\c  a  sorj,  l:;iincr  II.  \\'ai^;uii,'"  wiio  v,-a^  iv.irn  I.inuarv  20, 

\'  *  174'-'  Ohvia  V,'at.50ii,'  bum  .'\piil  2,  1S71,  in  Ralls  ccunly,  Aa--  niarrii-i^  in  LS-Od 
to  ].)r.  W.  T.  Waters,  a  iiluri;  ian  of  thai  county,  'i'li^y  no\v  reside  in 
New  J.oiKlon,  Missouri,  where  he  is  praetiei:-;^:  his  profession. 

VI  ''  i;50  V/illiaiu  C.  Y/atson,'^  horn  March  oO.  I,S73.  in  Rails  eonnly,  Missouri, 
was  married  in  1901,  lo  Dollie' iJridgowatcr.  'I  he\'  are  farmers  and  live 
near  New  London.  Missouri. 

VII  1751  Margaret  L.  Watson,^  born  May  29,  1S83,  in  Ralls  couat\-,  Missoiu-;.  and 
is  still  li\  ina;  a.t  the  old  home  v.  iih  hvr  v.'ido'-ved  inoihtr. 

Issue  of        ©64  .TAMES  POJNDEXTL'R  V7ATS0N^  ;El!/a!)eih  Woodson,' Samuel  Taeker,''' 
John,^  Benjamin.-'  Johij,' jnlin,-  Jolurl  and  jane  Europa  Mills. 

I  17.'S2  Charles  Thoma.s  V/atson,'  born  186.S  in  Ralls  couniy,  Missoari.  By 
[)rofe"-sion  he  is  a  ci\il  eni^ineer  an.d  is  of  a  ro\  in;.;  d.ispcj-iiimi  ha  _<  i'\  e  1  from 
time  to  lime  in  nearly  all  tlie  Central  and  Soadi  .American  Rt-piiolks,  aiid 
is  now  soj'jurninc;  in  tlic  ReiiuMic  c>f  Faiuuna.  Wdiile  employed  as  en'il 
engineer  in  (jauiamala,  lie  \',"as  married  to  Concejjcion  r\Iorales  of  tliat 
country.     Tliey  have  one  son,  Charles  jolni  Watson. ''' 

II  1753  Yv'il!iam  Edgar  Vratson,'-*  born  1S67  in  Ralis  county,  ?\Iissouri,  was  married 
to  Laura  l-'  They  have  two  children,  Mary  Watson,''-'  and  Fred 
Watson,'"  who  is  a  carpenle-r  by  trade  and  lives  in  SpokaTie,  Washintiion. 

Hi  1754  Maria  Eiizal-jeih  V/at3on,Mjorn  IS'69  in  Ralls  county,  Miss.iuri.  wa=  rf.arricd 
to  Judge  Willi, un  Tolli".  er  Raglatid.  v.  ho  ;.,  :;  den-iocrat  and  is  tl^e  i^rcsent 
circuit  judge  oi  hi-,  district.  Their  children  are,  Harold  PoindeMer 
Ragland,'"  ot  Chicago,  Mar\-  Elizabeth  Ragland,'"  who  was  married  to 
Marvin  C.osne\-  of  (  hicago,  and  Reginald  Watson  Ragland,'^  now  a  student 
at  the  Uni\-erslty  of  Missouri. 

ISSfE   I',Y   FjAZAP.EJU   'J'l'TT,   his   Sh'C.'O.VD   \\  :f]-: 

W  1755  Annie  Virginia  V/sisor.,'^  bf^rn  187."^,  in  ]<al!s  cc.unty,  Mij-.ourl,  was  married 
in  1907,  to  1  hoaias  Ivzra  Carstari.hen,  a  farmer  in  that  cov.riy.     T;ie\-  liavc 


ihvcc   <.-iiilon,ii.    Lt.\\'.-,    lltiiry    CaisUu  pii.  :\' '    i.orii    I'f'.iS;    ii.!f,;;ili(,-i  h    (',;i. 
siari'lu-ii,'"  !ioi-n  I'.Md,  .•n.l  (.'>(■<. rgc  'Hioiim.,  Car^Uir p!,or,."'  Iiorn  I'M.'!. 

\'  1753  Laura  Hamiii.cii  'Valvon,"  I.;!-!i  JS77,  in  Uril!.-  ;-tiunt>'.  .Mis-t'iiri.  " 
;iiarric(l  In  I','!':  t  ,.j  \':r;^i:  n.;i;i  p.  I  i>-'u-r.  (.'  ^ia\c:ton.  M  i.^,~iniri.  T~!u-v  arc 
.t'arriicrs  aii.i  iiax  o  two  chi'uroa,  Jolin  Poindcxicr  Mslur,"  born  190>\  ;i:iij 
Mary  \  iie.Mii-i  Fiiliv.-r,'''  hiiir:  l'H.\s. 

\'I  1757  Richaid  Poinclexier  Watson,-'  horn  1S79  in  Ral'5  count}.-.  Missouri.  By 
C'ccupaiiu:!  lie  i^'.  ?■'■'.  t:U'cirl,.i:iri  anil  lias  ^jn  r.i  tlii'ce  yc^us  in  Kio  or  Janoir-o. 
At  plc^.^•nt  lie-  ii\'cs  in  ^JansficM,  Oruyon. 

\'i!  175S  ];mina  I'Tarion  \YaTson,'-'  born  loS2  in.  Ivr.-i?  ci.'un.i.\',  ^!i:^^c•uri,  and  .-.ill 
resides  in  \ev.  i.onflon,  Rab.i.  -^-CinUy,  Mis>()Uii.  with  licv  aged  f.r.'.or. 
It  ii?  tl)  her  kindness  that  the  data  jh  itii'.ntng  to  tlic  desccndani-.  :>'i 
485  Lli.-'abeth  \\'ood«yn"'and  Jamcri  Dirkinii.n  W'a.t^on,  ha\'e  Licen  pro''ini:d. 

\'l  I  i        r/SO  Josei^h  Blacl-burn  W;.tson,°  bi.irn  1  i^^4  in  R;dls  eour.ty.     He  \:~  a  farmer  dud 
Uvei  in  Xew  London,  Misfoui'i,  with  biis  f;;lher  and  si.-^ter. 

Issue  of       9?1    EMMA    GLASSCOCK'    (DaviUa    Adelaide   \Vood-;on/    Samuel    Tucker/ 
Joljn,-"  Ben.janiin.'  Joi'in,'  John,"  johi-i')  and   \'iiicent  Giai;sccck. 

1  17e.O  Jlcttie  Glas.-.cock,-'  married  Bert  Bortorfl'. 

'  IJ  17G1    Stephen  Clsciccck,-'  married  and  luis  two  children. 

Ill  1762  Rector  Glai^scock,'^ 

iV  17G3  Jarnes  Glasscock.' 

V       1764   Daviila  Katlierine  Glasscock,^  born ,    and  died  al  twenf.y-.^^^'.vo  ye-.irs  of 


Issue  of        i^lTl    STEPHEN  GLASSCOCK^  (Daviila  Ad.-laidc  Woxison,'  S-amuei  Tuc!:er/ 
John,--  Benj.ainin,''  Jol-m,-^  Jel'.n,-  JohnL  and   l-J  ta  Gt-iitry. 

I        1765  Addie  Glasscock,'-'  nu' rried  Beech  LL'ake  ar.d  had  iouv  svjh.-.  or.e  datr.Jiier. 

■■  11  1706  Mary  Lucy  Glasscock,-'  married  Claud  Tarleion  aiid  liad  four  .-ons  and  one 

Ill  1767  DaviUa  V/oodson  GJasscock,'  married  'I  honias  B.'-y.-n.  In  tlie  month  of 
IMar-h,  190'"',  she  was  accidentally  burned  to  death,  leaving  her  hiisband 
and  three  sons,  the  youngest  of  whom,  Tiiomas  Woodson  Br3-ai',"'  wa.s 
three  months  fi]'. 

IV       176S  Ettu  Glasscock,'  married  Mr. Boversock  aiid  has  otjc-  dauyhter. 

.S()4  .                                    Tin:  V.(^(il)-:>NS  AMI  Tin  IK  COWMA  riiVNS 

\'  1709  Ileiirj- K.  Glasscock,^  111  iriicu  UuUi     — . 

V!  l^'/O  Katheryn    Glasscock/    i.Mruid    Kol^cr!    Ko!'iiiM>n    aud    has    a    daugliter, 
Isal'c-l  Rol.insun,"'  I'.  :n  !91i. 

\'1I  17T1   William  Glasscock,*  I  -rn  1873,  and  died  in  1870. 

Issue  of  9  74  THOMAS    \VOODSOK    GLASSCOCK'-    (Davii!,-.    Advlaidc    WoodMui,' 
SanuK.-l  'ri!i:kcr,'''  Juhn,-'  IJciij.aniin,-  Jojiii,''  Jiihn,-  K'hi-')  and  -Xiniic  C'u-iurx  . 

I  1772   Gentry  Glasscock.'-' 

II  r/73  Can.pboli  CrI^.c5co::k.= 

111  1774  PTeltic  Glasscock.^ 

i\-  1773  Bena  Glasscock,'-'  niarricd  Sar.niel  Biul.:ior  ol  S():r,er^v.-t,  Pcnns},  Ivaiiia. 

\'  J 776  Lorene  Glasscock,'-'  niairied  Jol-.n  I.aFranco. 

\'l  177  7  Oneida  Glasscock.' 

\'II  177S  Mary  Davilla  Glasscock.^ 

Issue  of  S75   HOPSOri    GLASSCOCK'  (Davi'da  Adelaide  Woodson."  SamiK-l  Tucker,'^ 
John,-''  lli-njaniin,-' Juhn,'' John,- John')  and  H.iUic  rniii'-r'-^jori. 

I  1779  Glasscock.,^  n-iarrii-d  Mr.  Floyd  and  lias  nvo  children. 

]|  17o0   Carne  Glasscock,-'  manied  Mr.  Sv.igcrl  and  ha.=  throe  .chiidreii. 

III  w31   Bessie  Glasscock,'^  married  Dr.  W.  P.  Birney  and  has  three  daui^iiicr---. 

IV  1782   Hallie  Glasscock, '■'  married  Mr.  Hornberh  and  li\-cs  in  St.  Louis,  Misscnri. 
\'  1783  Laura  Glasscock,'  born  1S90. 

VI  178-.-  Ko'ner  Tfopson  Glat.-XDC-i.Hjurn  1S92. 

VII  1785  Joe  Glasscock,'  horn  1S93. 

VIII  17C6  Gladys  Glasscock, M)orn  1895. 

IX  1787   Mary  Glasscock,"  twin  sister  to  Gladys,  Lorn  iS95. 

X  1788  Jsmes  Biggs  Glasscock,'  born  IOO.t. 

Issue  of  S7S   LCCY  AKiM  POP"^  (.\nn  V/ood^on,'  Charles,''  Charie-,,^  Tarkton,-'  Jidia,^ 
Rol;(Tt,=     John')     and      Robert     K.     Dabney. 

NINTH  (;kn!;kat! 

I  1 7f.9  Wi;'.iani  Pope  D^tbiiey,'  !;. -ii  aiul  iwiioil  in  P(_;'.v'i:itar,  romuxN  \'irpini-, 
Hf  an  (.■iiiiiii.M'i  lav.Ncr  aini  luw/,  limc  juuco  i>;  I'l'ulia'.an  couni\  cnun. 
Tiic-  l.iiul  lu'  O'.vns  in  I'owiiaum  ci>iip.i\-  wa?;  f'lriiitirly  tb.c  propcr'y  o;  l;i- 
1.  rCvit-ri  •jt-^r.Mulf.ulic-/  1  )  C'iiaile-'.  Woodson.^  wi.o  \l\\:i.\  iunl  iliod  ilicrc. 
ri-.if;  laiui  ha?  bct-.i  in  iliis  lira'icl!  ct  -l-ie  \\'i.)i.)vl.-(>r.  f::;v.i!>'  tor  h.XQ  .qoneraUOii?. 
Tlic  r.;niies  cf  lii-  >ir<(X-;-.Ja:ii- ,  if  ai'V,  h:\\(.-  no'  bci;i  a:;ccriai!icci. 

11  17?0  Robert  Dabney,  Jr.,'  l.H>rn  and  riaroii  in  Powiialaii  c-cui;!.!}-,  V'lrgir.ia. 
I'e  o\viH-(.l  the  land  wiiich  loriiU-ii;,  htlim^ciJ  to  his  grcai -graiullaliK-r  2?;< 
Charh's  Wordson.-  K'.dmcd  in  urrunisicMiccs,  us  a  rosuli  of  tlie  Ci\ii 
Wai;,  rrofosior  Roln-rt  Dab;,  y.^  i-o!d  his  land  in  i\)\vliatan  lo  a  norlhcrn 
inan.  This  was  tin.-  first  tir.Vj  ii  rvas  e\cr  soicj  since  il  first  ccmik-  into  ilic 
pusfcssion  C)f  22S  (."imrks  \\\;<idfon.'-' 

ProL'  Dalnioy  then  inowd  to  I't-mu-ssee  and  Ijccarne  professor  of 
nietaiiliysirs  and  I'njilish  lip.Tatiirc  in  the  University-  of  the  South,  at 
Sewance,  Tennessee.  He  died  iliere  in  1876.  If  !;o  left  ai:\'  children  chei; 
names  l^a^"e  not  been  ascertained. 

Isstie  of        989'   TARLETO?T    V/OODSOK    CLAJIK^    tCeorse    Clark.'    Sarah    Woodson/' 
Charles,'  Taricion,'''  john,^  iv./ueri,"  Jo!in')  and  I:'.ii/abetlt  Stii::mit  Grice. 

1        1791    Georgette  Grice  Clark,'  born  :\Ia>-  17,  1S49:  died  in  infancv. 

II        1792  /mcrev.-  Vroodson  Clprk,'^  bnrn  September  9,  1850. 

in       1793  Charles  Mnrti.r.  Chrk,^  born  July  23,  1S52,  died  in  infancy. 

IV  *  179-1  Frank  Tarleton  Clark,'  born  April  2j,  1856,  in  Virginia  and  has  resided  in 
that  state  all  liis  life.  He  iriarried  Annio  (jlasgow  .  Tliey  rf  side  in  Xorfoli;. 
Virginia.  He  is,  president  of  the  Frank  T.  Clark  Company,  dealers  ir.  sash 
doors,  and  builders'  hardware.  As  a  business  man,  he  itas-  beeri  very 
successful  is  now  doir.g  a  profitable  business. 

\'       1795  Abbie  Grice  CLirk,'  born  July  9,  1858. 

VI        1796   George  Grice  Clark, ^  born  October  19,  1S60,  died  in  childhood. 

VII        n-"'?  Ida  Buiweil  (lark,-'  bora  Decendu-i  2,  iJ65. 

iFSue  of       0?:0   MARY  THOMPSON  WOODSON"'  (Charles,'  Tarleton, «  Charles,-  Tarle- 
ton,-' Joliii.^  Ivobcri,'-'  Jolin')  and  Xathanie'  X'cnable. 

I  1798  Nannie  Venable,'  born  and  reared  in  Prince  Edward  county,  Virginia, 
where  she  spent  her  entire  life.  She  was  married  to  Thomas  J.  Garden  and 
had  a  son,  Thomas  Haskins  Garden.'"  Sl;e  died  a  few  years  a,i,^o  at  iicr 
i-iome  in  Prince  Edv^•ard  county. 

II  1799  Llollie  ]'.  Vtnabie,^  Ix.rn  in  Prince  Edwaid  county,  \''irginia.  and  is  stili 
li\-ing  there,   unmarried. 

366  Tlih'   V,'K.;)sn\>  AND  TH1"!R 

Issue  of    -J  GOS   TARLETON  V/OODSOI\'-  rr„,;;.  loa,'"  K.lm,'^  Taiicion,''  T.iileton,^  Jo'in/ 
Kol-crt,-  Jo!ii;  =  )  a'ui  wlk  Mir>, \\'li..\  Icr. 

I        1800  ?.Ii;-ajali/  '<oni  ;  jo''abl\-  ii;  .-Ml'L-.ii.'.rK;  county,  X'irginia. 

II       If.Ol   Joe!.= 

Issue  of    100  7    PRYOR    WOODSON*     (Tarl.,;(>n,'     John/'    'l-arieU.n,^    Tarl.-.uii,-'  Jwhn.= 
kuLiL-rt.,-  Jiihn';  and  wife,  Josciiiiiiio  Alile-;. 

1  U'02  V.'i'liain  Al)!cs,''  l)...r-ii  Aii;^Ur.L  lO.  [,<\',  .a  ilic  famii)  lioinc  ''M.-Lcyrm  Ili!!s," 
.•^coi"!  liiilcs  Ir-,)!!!  Clia:l(jncf.\  iUc,  All.KUiarlo  ciraiin-,  \'ii,L.iii:a.  whvi'^  iic 
was  roartd  ani  cdiKMlcJ.  IK-  was  ,i;;-.,clii.i;«:.l  fni,!!  ihc  rniwii-iiy  (,■! 
\i;:;inia,  and  I  ocune  a  n'.nn'lvr  df  tiij  Gospci.  lie  wa^:  m  irricd  nrsl,  lo 
Sallie  V\  iliianis  i.-f  X(itU)V,a\-  i.-i.a;iU>',  \'iryiiiia,  ai/i.1  wcrU  io  KcT.:i;ck\' 
wlicrc  lie  tauglii  school  and  preached  ir.aii\'  years.  lie  iheii  reliirncd  i.o 
Nottoway  couniy,  and  settled  four  niiles  frora  Nottoway  Courtliouse, 
wliere  he  farmed,  preached  n;vd  taught  school.  Here  his  wife  died  and 
allerwards  he  wa:-  married  to  iier  sister,  Bettie  Williams.  He  died  Jan!J3f\' 
— ,  1892,  en  the  farm  in  Nottoway  count}-,  lea\'ing  most  uf  his  properly  lo 
his  favorite  lirother  1S13  Tuckc-r  E\erctt. 

II   '''   1803  Frances,^   bom    in    ,\lbemark-   t:,>;mty,   Virginia,    was   mariied    to   Audrevv 
Jacksun  Ilarri;.. 

III  *   1804  Joanna,^    Ijorn    in    All)enKirle    c<u;nt}",    X'irpjnia,    was    m.ari-i.-d    to    Kobert 

IMilton  Han-is. 

IV  *   1S0.5  .A iiaice,'  born   in   Alijcinarle   county,  \'irginia,   was   married   to  Archeiaus 

Robinson,  a  lineal  descendant  of  John  Kolfe  and  Pocaliontas. 

V       1806  Elizabeth,'  born   In   Albemark-   couiit\-,   \'ireii'ia,   was   married    vo   Robert 
Wheeler  and  had  one  child.     7'lie  moilier  and  child  botii  died. 

\'I        1S07  Lydia,'^  born  in  Albemarle  county,  Virginia,  and  died  in  early  gli-liiood. 

VII  *  I80S  Joshua  Abies,''  born  June  ),  ]c.2.>,  at  "Ha!c\on  Hills"  iri  Alb.-niarle  county, 
\ireini,i.  where  he  was  reared  a;:d  educated.  lie  was  grarhia'ed  from  the- 
Unisersity  of  \'ir£inia  and  became  a  minister  in  the  Baptist  Church.  He 
was  married  Xo\-ember  2,  184^,  to  .\Iar>-  Elizabeth  Jewel  Duke,  who  was 
born  October  3,  1S27,  in  I^ouk-a  count\-,  \'irginia.  They  lived  one  \'ear  in 
Augusta  county,  ^\l)ere  there  was  no  Baptist  Church,  so  he  became  super- 
intendent of  tlie  Methodist  Sunday  School  at  that  place.  Later  he  mos-ed 
to  a  farm  and  there  b-ing  no  Baptist  Church  near  by,  he  had  a  large  veranda 
built  lo  lus  house  and  there  he  organized  and  conducted  a  large  Sunrlay 
school.  He  was  ,an  exceedingK'  liberal  contrilnitor  to  the  church  and  all 
charitable  purpjsc.-.  Leaving  the  farrr.  I^e  settled  near  Staunt.on,  Virginia, 
where  he  .;pcnt  ihc  rest  of  his  life.     He  died  August  7,  1892,  aged  seventy 

MNi  li  i;i.Nri;.Mio>- 


By  ccnip-U •'■•..  he  was  a  faiinor. 
,X       ISIO  Pryor,  Jr.,'  b<-.-n  -  InAlbe.ade  .o.nuy.  .as  - --- "  ^^ '^d,  i: 

Ku.M.uh  KM>i  .ho  died  k.,Nmg  one  nuKi     ';   .•;^     ;;;^^. •,^.     .^,,,  :, 

^nna    Hi,,,,  of   LvncM...       n.n,a.  J    -    '^ ;,;;rU,;,.,^     T.ey 
LvnchUu-,     .lu.c    '-::;;.;':   -',\,;,,eK.,eH   in  businc.  and 

""'^'t   '"   '^'""'■•",.\;r        ;Ja   d   hi.  vlfe  both  died  ai   their  hon.c  m 
.orvo!   a   tcr.n   a.   n^aNO..  .^'-^'^  jiKTriage.     The  child  by  the 

Roanoke.     There  wa.  no  i.sue  b>    lI.c     aM  t, 
hr.t  marriacre  was  (1)  Nannie  Woodson. 
ISll  Tadeton  Shepherd,'  Loru  -,  in  Albc.ade  cotmty.  Virginia,  where  he  was 

service   ot    the   Conicdcrate  ^taU>,   %\as    .api 
killed  in  battle.     Never  married. 

Roanoke.  Virginia,  whc^e  they  were  living  m  191.. 

,^,-    „f  "Pialcv'v,,   Hills."  Albemarle 

Confederate  arntv  and  served  until  the  clo.e  of  tne  war. 
'"    S.  wa.  ordained   to  the  Bapti.t  nuni.try  out  Jl-"^  '^^^^  ^^^^^Z  ; 
teaching.     He  .as  so  occupied  in  Ctjlpepper  coun  y       uj.   u.  ^c 
met  Miss  1-lizabeth  Agatha  Abney  of  Lexington,  South  V-[^Y:ne         VSr) 
Xre  finishing  her  collegiate  course.     They  ^^rc  --'.'^^/-^J^^i 
-  her  hon..  in   be.iagton,  ^^i;^  ^^^t'^ .,:;;;,^  in 'j^lirlestonr^ 
C:;oH^n'nd^ui;Sp;t;  Vitiinia.-    Tier  parent,  are  descended  fj^tt. 

Tcnnc  4  ■  ■     »  occupied  »  chair  »,  ioI»t,pB„cipal  „!  T"-"  ^^^''^JT,  ; 

(or  one  .  .nr  She  tauqht  a,-,  and  doca.ion  in  th.-  same  ■r.s„u,t,on  Tl  . 
;:f,r- „vear  OSS,)  th,.y  .earned  U.N'i..* -<;«--  ^^;r  "aU.; 
L„„.lon  Acadc.,y,  ,n  Car./.:=  coun  y   ™  .a  n  n.         c  ..  ^_.^  _^^^    ^_^^^^_  ,^ 

l.^.«3  they  v,-ent  to  Austin,   re.-j-,,  v\  ii-i-  !- i-«"^  s        t3-.^.i.,P(l  Ornhan 

I^on.  .here  they  went  as  supcriatendent  and  matron  ol    Ba^ai-d  Orp  ... 


Xi  * 

Asviiiiii,  rtni.iiniiu  there  .i1hi-^-,i  -|\  ycar^  ir.iiil  the  in-ti:utioii  was  ri'oiijaii- 
i;:c«l  niui  ri.'Vci!  U>  aivuluT  ;;!.iCO.  'i"iio\-  llu-si  rt-iiinK-.l  \c,  l-'tli.-.i-nrlii, 
South  CaiX'liiia.  v.lscre  s-lic  owno.i  a  coiriforlalik'  lioinc.  Her  hu.sbaiiJ 
hvw  liad  r.iair.c  ol  \-.irioi;s  .-^--hDol*  tnuil  hi?  hTaUii  ln'^an  to  fail.  Aboiil 
tills  time  ho  iiTlKTiiciJ  a  spl-^ndid  farm  in  \'ir,cinia,  and  went  there  wiili  U\-: 
f  Miiily;  bui  he  kne.v  nothing  about  farming,  and  wit',  poor  kT«-i[#  and  pocr 
management,  he  .soon  lost  the  entire  pr(:i;ierty.  He  died  April  22,  191.>, 
in   Rielimotnl,   X'irginia. 

Hi?  widow  n.ow  resides  in  her  own  b.ome  In  lCd;,',e!ii!d,  Soutli  ('ar;)!ina. 
Fir  se\-eral  years  she  lias  t.  ui^ht  school,  and  is  r.ow  engaged  in  writing;  a 
historv  of  the  men  ol  her  eouin\  wlio  ser\  ed  in  the  Confederate  army 
dining  the  CiNil  War.  She  Ir,  a  member  of  llie  Iniied  Daughters  of  the 
Confederacy  and  ;>  historian  of  la.e  Hdgcf'eld  C  liapier.  She  is  also  a  mem- 
ber nf  Lhe  \Vo!.,an's  Missionary  Union  an.'!  of  ihe  Wom.iii's  Cliri=iain 
Teuiperance  Union. 

Is?iie  of  1  OGS  AUGU3TINF  V.'OODSOK'  (Tarlelon,'  John,^  Tarleton,' Tarleton,-'  Jolin,^ 
Rooert,-  Jolm')  and  Nancy  !\lartin. 

I  *  ly.l4  Lindsay/^  born  probaHy  in  .Mbemarle  courity,  Virginia,  and  was  there 
reared  and  educated.  He  was  a  farmer  by  occupation,  and  was  married  to 
Farnielia  Kin.solving  Garland,  daughter  of  Clifton  Garland  and  wife, 
Miss  Kinsolving,  who  was  a  first  cousin  to  Rev.  O  \'.  Kinsolving,  who  was 
the  father  of  th.e  bishop  of  Texas  and  the  bishop  of  Brazil. 

n  1315  Augustine,  Jr.* 

HI  1816  }3eiijaiiiin.' 

IV  1817  Shepherd.' 

V  18:8  Ann.^ 

Issue  cf  1010  ^R-  ADDISON  F.  MAYO''  (Caroline  Fleming  Pleasants,"  Matthew 
Pleasants,'^  Susannah  Woodson, ^  Tarlcton,^  John,"  Robert,'  John')  and 
Susan  M.  Wilson. 

1  *  1819  Addison  F.  Tvlayo,  Jr.,^  born  October  18,  IP-'.I,  in  Kentucky,  was  ma-'fied 
September  30,  1SG2,  to  Catherine  Gertrude  Hands.  They  went  about 
1S90  to  Grand  Junction,  Colorado,  where  he  is  extensively  engaged  in  the 
growing  of  Iruit,  having  a  large  farm  weil  adapted  to  thatindtistry. 

Issue  of  10  11  GEORGIANNA  r.IAYOMCaroline  Flendng  Pleasants,' ^.latthew  Pleasants,'^ 
Susannah  Woodson,"  Tarleton,"'  John,^  Robert,^  John';  and  Dr.  Willi. mi 
P.  Harriman. 

I  *  1820  Dr.  Willi '.m  P.  Harrlm.'.n,  Jr.,-  born  May  19;  1S,^8.  was  married  April  5, 
lfi66,    to    hli/aln  ti)    Russell.     He    practiced    medicine   in    Cooper   count\. 


?iii?.?oi,'!.     L.aier    lie   vM-.a,^'.  J    in    I'u    b.n.kiivc    b'.:si:;i-s?>   al    Pilot    Gro\-e, 

.Mi.^.souri.    Ho  ha?  a  r(.--i.'.(.nv-e  in  S m  Anto-.'!io,  Texai;  wiicre  iio  spends  much 

oi  ills  lime. 

II  *  1S21  Georg!aana  Harrimari,-  !)oni  A\-:\'.l  .>!\  1S40,  was  marrioci  Dcccir.iKT  31, 
1S61,  lu  John  Fraivc:-  Kdj^cis,  ii\  i'o.^icr>'.  Mi^jouri.  'Yhcy  sealed 
in  )kioii\-illc',  Missoi;;!    v.  iicre  s>'!ie  di<x!  junc  27,  1902. 

Issue  cf  10  14-  CAROLINE  L.  MAYO^  fraroiim-  i'iomiiiy  l'K-as.-nis.'  Maiihow  Pkasants,'^'  Woodson,^  Tarlctun,'  JdIui,"  Ut>beii,-  jcha')  ;i'u]  i.)r.  Wiliiam  )'. 
Han  i mail. 

I  '■-  )<'-!22  Jabn  ITaisey  Harriniru,-'  born.  .Wi'eiiihiT  ?'•,  1851,  \va^  married  May  19, 
iS74    tc  Moliie  Brijr^;:  ,     T!ieyii\cal  Pilot  Ciovi  ,  ;^li^sn^'ri. 

II        1S23   Belie  Harriman,"  born  U'o3,  died  in  .^irlhocd. 

HI  *  1S.'4  Jenn^p  Karriman,'  burn  Fe'iTuary  J".  1S54,  \Aas  married  October  19,  1S76, 
to  Jo~?pii  A.  Thomps'  n.  and  liws  at  Pilot  Grox'c,  ?>iis:_:ouri. 

IV  *  1825  Robert  Rairiman,^  borr.  Ma.rch  12,  lt'56,  was  married  Fcbrua.ry  13,  1SS3, 
lo  Ro5a  Stephens,  and  settled  in  Cocpc-r  count}',  Iilissouri. 

V  *  1S26  Regis  A,  Rarriman,'  born  September  1.*,  ISaS.  Nsas  married  April  24,  1.-89, 
to  Grace  McCuccheu  and  iivCL-.  in  Cooper  count}',  Missouri.  • 

\'I  *  iv27  Caroline  Mayc  Harr;;,-  born  Xo\-emuer  22,  ]o02,  v.  as  married  Xo^•OInl^:•r 
8,  If^S,^,  to  John  D.  McCucchen.     They  live  in  Cooper  count}-,  MissoMii. 

Issue  of  IC'STAKKA  CATHERINE  PLEASANTS^  (Benjamin  Kraal-din  I'l-asants.' 
Matiiiew  Pleasants,'  Susannah  ^^'0Jd^on,■-'  Tarlcton/'  John,-  Rob-eri:,- 
John'}  and  Rev.  Mason  Noble. 

I  *  1£28  Rev.  T.  Franklin  Noble,^  born  Angust  25,  !$:■),  in  \Vn.=^hin£icn  D.  C, 
was  married  June  14,  1862,  to  Emma  M.  Prime.  He  is  a  minister  of  tb,e 
Congregational  Church.     They  are  now  located  at  Falls  Chur-i-h,  \'irt;inia 

II  *  1S29  Rev.  Mason  Noble,  Jr.,"  born  Scptcnd'cr  12,  1842,  in  Xcw  York,  was 
married  Septeml'tr  12,  1867,  to  Mar\-  K.  Adams.  lie  is  a  Conj^^iei;aLii.'r:...! 
minister  and  has  a  pastorate  at  Canaan,  Connecticut. 

HI  *  1830  Rev.  George  Pleasants  Noble,-'  born  January  4,  5  844,  in  New  Ycik,  was 
married  September  15,  1868,  to  Elizabeth  I.  Ketchum.  They  reside  at 
Carn^et,  New  York,  where  he  has  a  pastorate.     The\'  are  Presbj-terians. 

IV       1831    Rev.   Charles  Noble,-'  born   December  3,    1847,   was  twice  married;  first, 
on  January  24,  1874,  to  Alice  Tiiomas.  second,  on  June  16.  i8-S6,  to  Mary 
S.   Carlisle.     If   there-    were   a-.i}-   children    born   to    either    marriage    their 

370  1)11'.  wroDi-'.'Nti  AXi)  Tiu-.iK  rn\Ni:i  ri'->Ns 

natViC*  Im-n'l:  n(  <  b^^i  n  Iciniou.  lie  is  i:  Cov.grc\:..\y'uyi\Mi<i  and  is  at  .the  i>eaii 
of  luwa  ("i^liLLie  at  ( jriir.'i-il,  Iowa. 

It'ii  iiu-jrcjiii;!^  to  r.vue  tliat  all  i!ie  four  fons  of  1017  Anna  CaliK-rJi'.e 
PliMsauti'"'  -uid  I\c"\'.  Ma?i-!i  ,\\>!.'!o,  n;r;icd  oiil  to  Ll'  ministers  of  ilic 
gospel,  as  v.'as  ■h'.'v  t.ttiioi. 

issue  of    1  01  3  GEORGE  W ASHINGTOIT  PLEASAKTS'^  (Bonjaniir.  Frar.klin  IMoc.janrs,' 
•  Mauhcw    Pk-a?aius/    Susaniinh    Wooi!  ~(^n,'■■    Tarlcton,-*    John,'    Rol,>eri..'' 
John')   ar.d   Sarah   Rulldcy. 

I  *  lf-32  Adair  Pleasants,-  born  .Vi-'rii  8,  iS5^,  v.ns  nianio!  Ma\-  2,  1FS8,  to  Sarah 
^la.^y  Cra-Aiorii.  1  u:  is  a  lawyer  arid  referee  in  hankriiptey,  at  Rock 
is';A!u:l,  lllinoi--. 

II   *   1S33   Llinnie  I5uel  Fieasaiits,-   born  January.-  8,   1858,  was  married  August   27, 
1S79,  to  S.  A.  L\-nde,  a  lawyer  of  Chie;e.;o,  Iliiiiois 

III  1834  Isabel  Adair  Pleasants, ■'   born  — ,  1860,  was  married  April  10,  1S8S,  to 

Benjamin  Ford  Carton,  of  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  She  died  November 
4,  1891,  survived  bv  her  husband  and  one  child,  Ellen  Adair  Orton,"  who 
still  live  in  Philadelphia. 

IV  1S35  George  E.  Pleasants,'  born  June  26,  1S67,  lives  iii  Richmond,  Virginia. 

Issue  of  1  01  &  JOHN  /DAIR  PLEASAKTS*  (Benjamin  F.  Pleasants,"  Matthew  Pleas- 
ants,^ Susannah  Woodson,-'  Tarleton,-*  John,'  Robert,'-  Join;')  and  \'iigiiiia 
Gary  ?\Io.-by. 

I  1S3'J  Mary  Webster  Pieasantr,,'  born  February  21,  1853,  and  died  Islarch  13, 

II        1837  Louise  Mclajn  T-isasants,-  born  October  24,  1855,  and  lives  in  P^ichriond, 

III  *   183S  Catherine  Noble  Pleasants,'  born  April   8,   1S57,  was  married  April   11, 

1877,  to  Judge  Edinond  Christian  Minor,  who  was  an  accomplished 
lawyer  of  Richmond,  Virginia.  He  died  and  she  is  still  living  at  her  home 
in   R.ichii!0iid. 

IV  *   1839   L>-dia  Mosby  Pleasants, ^  born  Ma\    M,  1860,  was  married  April  14,  \S'.13, 

to  Benjamin  Ladd  Purcell.     Thes-  !i\-e  in  Richmond,  Virginia. 

V  *  1840  Rosaline  Harrison  Pleasants,'"  born  September  6,  1864,  was  married  ?iiay 
24,  1893,  to  William  Wharton  Archer.     Thc-y  reside  in  Richmond,  Virginia. 

Issue  of  1  02  0  MATTHEW  FRANKLIN  PLEASANTS*  (Benjamin  F.  Pleasants,"  Mat- 
tiiew  Piea.a'its.'  Susannah  Woodson,^  Tarleton,'  Juhii,-''  Rolieil,-  John') 
and  L\'dia  Alosby. 

NiN  rn  (::-n;,k.\tiox 

1  lS:i  Isabella  Adai;-  PkrtSP.xits,"  Ij.irn  OcioIkt  2'..  1S5,\  in  Kiciini>-Mi>-i,  \'ir;;ii;i.'.. 
She  v.-;'.<^  niaiiicd  0^-lolfr  16.  ISSS.  lo  Rci,iri;>!d  Giiliar.!.      No  hsuL-. 

11        )842  Vit-pjnia  Mosb}  Ploas-uus,''  ben  J.uvjru-y  10,  iS?(),  in  Ririin-o;;d,  \'irtM;iia. 

III  "'   iS-;3   L.  BIcLain  PI.  asants,-   l>:>rn  June  ^1,   UvOO.  \va;..  inarricd  A-pi'il   12,   1893. 

to   Hc-tcr   Riiiierta   Kyle.     Tliey  li\-cci   in   Richinoud,  X'irgiiiia,   where  lie 
died  June  2^',  lon.3. 

IV  IS-l-i  r.Tatthcv.-  Pleasants,'-'  Iiom  July  22,  l?6.v  n';d  died  Sepicmber  24,  1S67. 

V       IG-'c-  Jolm  Adair  Plearsants,''  horn  May  M,  1S70,  and  died  January  7,  lOU!. 

T.5SU3  of  1033  LARAH  '.VEBSfER^  CAiina  S.  Pie, -an:s."' Plea.-^ant?'"'  "Of  C<n,- 
teiiiion,"  Susaiinah  Woodson,-'  Tarleion,-'  John,^  Rouert,-  John')  and  Co!. 
Join;  H.  Shnr^hiei. 

I  *  1S46  M-atha  La-adol^ri  Slaughier,^  born  ?ci>ien-.Vicr  20,  \i>5''),  in  Texas.  She 
prob-j.bly  was  villi  her  parents  in  Richmond,  \'ir.^inia,  during  tlie  Ci\-il 
War.  After  her  mother's  death,  on  February  2,  1S65,  it  appears  that  siie 
returned  to  her  home  m  Te.xa>,  and  war-  there  married  January  15,  18oS, 
to  ?>Iark  Hardin  Railey.  The\-  at  once  moved  to  Denver,  Colorado, 
V,  here  she  died  December  16,  1S7S. 

II  1847  Gabriel  Webster  Slaughter,-  born  Atigu&t  3,  j852,  in  Texas.  During  the 
Civil  \A'ar,  lie  was  doubtless  with  his  parents  in  R^ichmoni'l,  \'irginia. 
Returning  t:j  his  home  in  Texas  after  the  war  was  ovi  r,  he  grew  to  young 

One  d;;y  in   187!-   two  men  v.-ere   fighting  a  duel,   and    he,   being  an 
innocent  bystander,  was  accidentally  shot  and  killed. 

Ill       1848  Susannah  Holde"!  Slaughter,'  borii  about  1S54  in  Texas.     She  now  resides 
in  P^iclimond,  \'irginia. 

Issue  of  "J  OR^':'  BOONE  RAILEY"  (Martha  Pleasants,' James  Pleasant^,'  "Of  Contention," 
Susannah  Woodson,^  Tarleton,^  John,'  Robert,-  John')  and  Elizabeth 

I  1849  Randolph  P.ailey,  Jr.,^  born  1854,  at  \'e.s:.!lles,  Kentucky;  and  died  there 
in  1862. 

II  'SSC  S.muel  V/heele'-  Rai'ey,-  born  February  16,  1S56,  at  \'ersailles.  Kentucky, 
is  a  lawyer  by  profession  and  has  spent  much  time  traveling,  having  made 
se\"eral  trips  abroad.  In  1893  he  was  appointed  to  a  position  in  the  legal 
department  of  the  I'nited  States  treasury,  which  position  he  still  hokls. 
He  is  unmarried. 

Ill  *  1S5!  Anna  Railey,'  horn  April  29,  1P6U,  at  W-rsailk-s,  Kentucky,  was  married 
at  Lexingtjn,  Kentucky,  on  Novemlier  l(k  1S83,  in  John  ^/alhoun  Burnett. 

;iK  ruNNiviii  •>■■ 

a  lawyer.     Tlu'\-  ii(j\.-  i-f:>ii!i.-  ii;   Lo.ns\il!c,   Ivt-nmcky,  wlicic  he  priciiccs 
law.     (Sec  nou■^  l.\    William   i'.   Kailcy.) 

Issue  of    1   JiSB   KLIZABETII    ?.IOSS^    (Auiry    Wooil^oa,'    Alajor    Josiali.^     Ccl.     John,' 
jui-iali,^  J(iii!i,=  Kohcrcr  J(^hti')  .hkI  Dr.  Daniel  Pincl,l)Lck  Wilcox. 

1  ''  185^'  Mary  Moss  W ■Ico.v,-'  lorn  .\  10,  lo25,  in  Culuniliia,  Missouri,  >rap 
inarried  Oclokcr  25,  1S43,  in  Si.  Lt.uis,  Mi.:^-.-oiiri,  lo  Aiulrew  Mci'siiiifV, 
of  Loiiisvillr,  Kv  i,iuck\-.  Ik  \va>  a  son  of  Jujiico  Joim  .MrKiiiky,  a  jusiica 
of  the  Supr\-nu-  Coiirv  of  il-,,:-  I  :niu>ii  Siatrs.  'V\\-cy  5':-ll.I:-.l  i.i  Si.  ]_.(jtiis, 
Missouri,  v.laiv  ihey  sjn'ni  i.rac(.icall>-  all  their  woiKied  life.  Tliey  had 
a  countrs-  called  "Lauderdale,"  near  Loins\iiie,  Ke:.tucky,  where 
they  sonictimes  s[ient  ihc  si'i-iiner  nu  tidis. 

Sh.c  died  January  M,  lS9^,  at  h.,-r  hojue  in  St.  Louis,  iMi-souri. 

II  *  1853  Anna  Maria  V/ilcox,'-' born  ^Lireh  16,  l.?.-;0,  in  Columbia,  Mis.soun,wliercshe 
v.-as  reared  a  ad  educatedT  She  was  married  Xeivemlxr  5.  18,^0,  in  Christ 
Church,  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  l)y  Bi?hop  liawkes,  to  Hon.  E.  Cprrinj^ton 
Cabell,  who  was  a  son  of  Judge  William  H.  CabcU,  governor  of  Virginia, 
1S05-1S0S.  Governor  Cabell  was  a  grandson  of  Dr.  William  Cabell  who 
emigrated  from  Warminster,  England,  to  \'irginia  in  1723,  and  was  the 
founder  o!  the  \'irginia  family  v.h.ich  l.iears  his  name.  1853  Anna  Maria 
Wilcox,''  and  h-r  husband  set! led  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  vrhere  she  died 
November  21,  LS73.  Her  died  I'ebruary  2S,  1S96,  at  the  home 
of  his  son,  Ashley,  in  St.  Louis,  Alissouri. 

Issue  of    'i  OC  6  JJr.  JOSIAH  WOODSON  MOSS'  (Mary  Wood.MMi,'  Major  Josiah,'^  Col. 
Joh:i,^  Jo.-^iah,-:  John,"  Robert,=  John')  and  Sarali  Am,  Brooke}'. 

I  ISS^l  Woodson  Moss,  Jr.,'  born  in  Columbia,  Missouri,  went  vrest  and  died  in 
early  life,  unmarried. 

II  185S  James  Moss,'  born  in  Columbia,  Mi^^ouri.  He  is  highly  esteemed  as  a 
man  of  ability,  and  has  achieved  quite  a  reputation  as  an  orator  as  well 
as  a  forceful  speaker.     In  1895  he  was  living  in  Oakland,  California. 

There  were  other  children  born  to  Dr.  Josiah  Woodson  l\]oss'^  and  Sarah 
Ann  BrookcN  but  tlicir  name.-,  have  not  been  ascertained.  They  were 
bora  in  Columbia,  Ali.-souri,  aufi  died  young. 

Issue  of    T  03  G   MARY  JANE  MOSS^  (Mary  Woodson.'  Major  Josiah,''' Col.  John, ^  Josiah, ^ 
John, 3  Roberi,-  John')  and  Judi^e  Logan  Hunton. 

I  1856  Elizabeth  Ashley  Hunton,^  born  July  2L  1S4I,  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  and 
was  married  twice;  fir-:t  to  Barry  Taylor,  a  grandson  of  Gen.  James 
Taylor  and  Keturah  L.  Moss.  They  had  a  -on,  Lo^^an  liunfon  Taylor, "^ 
who  was  born  in  1. Sol  and  die;!  in  1906.  Her  second  husliand  was  Col. 
E.  C.  ?\Iore. 



^  \ 




1853— MRS.    ANNA    MARIA    (WILCOX)    CABELL 


1£61       MRS.  LAURA    (MOSS)    STEPHENS 


K  ♦  JS57  ]^.l,Vi-y  Moss  Ilimton,'  born  Mr.n;'.!  1,  18-i4,  la  New  Ovlt.i:;:-.  [.(.ui-aiKi, 
wlioro  she  givw  lo  youn^'  w  uiiur.iliooii  :u^^  was  married  10,  1866,  to 
Henry  I-I,irri>;Mi  ^.IrCinKv  wi-o  v.'a?  I'Orn  July,  ISo",  ;:ik!  ijivcl  January  2?, 

IH  li-lSS  jaines  Moss  Kunfon,"  '  D.-.-cinl'cr,  1817,  in  Xe-.v  OvkMns,  Loui.-ar.n, 
w'liere  hc  spent  his  e.irly  !i;'e.  tie  a  i)rominenl  rili:i''n,  located  in 
Kansas  C'iiv,  Mirsouri.  Never  njarriod.  lie  died  in  1910,  al  his  Ikd'u  in 
Kansas  City. 

lY       1S5&  Thoaias  Hiinton,'  died  young. 
V       1S(0  Logaa  Htmion,  Jj-.,-  died  youiig. 

Isstie  of    1039   JAMES   HUGH    MOSS"^    [l\]:'.vy    \Vr,od-on,'   Major  Josiah,''    Col.   John,'' 
Josiah,' John,^  l<.o!)ert,'-' John')  and  114,^  Susan  A.  Woodson.^ 

i  *  1861  Laura  Moss,'  bom  Scpiieniber  2.  J  8-4S.  Ir.  CoUnni  .'.a,  Booiie  o;uniy,  Missouri, 
but  spent  lier  early  life  in  Liberiy,  Chiy  couuiy  Alicsouri,  where  she  re- 
ceived her  early  education,  -a tat  viih  tiie  family  ai>out  1S64  to  Columbia, 
Missouri  where  she  graduated  at  Chn>iian  college  iti  1866.  She  united 
with,  the  P,a[)ti,7t  Church  at  tiiat  place,  and  was  married  September  26, 
,  18;1,   to   Edwin  \\'.  Stephens  of   Columbia.       He  also  is  au  enthu.siastic 

Daptist;  ha?  been  I're-ident  of  the  Southern  Baptist  ConwuTicn;  also  of 
the  Baptist  General  Convention  of  Xorili  America.  lie  ■.eas  presiding 
oliicer  of  the  National  Editorial  Association  and  of  many  otlier  organiza- 
tions, ble  war.  for  thirty-hve  years  editor  of  the  ("ciumbia  Missouri 
Herald,  in  p'olitics  he  is  a  consistent  democrat.  He  is  now  president  of 
the  E.  W.  Stepliens  Publishi'ig  Company  of  Columbia  and  has  heen 
prominently  nieiilioued  as  the  deiriocaiic  candida.te  ior  governor  of 
Missouri.       This  family  still  rt^-ide  in  CoUnnbia,  Missouri. 

U        1S62   Hugh  Moss,'  born  1850  in  Liberty,  Mi-soiiri,  died  in  infancy. 

HI  *  1863  Dr.  V/oodson  Moss,' born  September  28,  1852,  in  Columbia,  Missouri,  b.'tt 
spent  his  early  life  in  Liberty,  I\iis-ouri,  where  he  received  his  early 
education.  lie  v.'ent  svilh  th.e  family  in  1864  to  Coiundjia,  Boone  county, 
Missouri.  He  was  graduated  from  the  Missouri  State  University  ot  Colum- 
bia and  was  also  graduated  from  the  medical  department.  He  has  attaiiied 
great  eminence  in  his  profession.  For  thirty-five  years  he  has  been  a  of  the  merlicai  faculty  of  the  I'niversity;  has  also  seried  as 
president  of  the  Medical  Association  of  Missouri.  He  is  an  active,  leading 
nemlrjr  of  the  Baptist  Churcli,  and  prominent  as  a  demorrat.  He  was 
married  Alay  19,  1881,  to  Miss  Sarah  K.  .Ander.son,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Andeison  and  Sallie  Prewitt.  She  died  September,  1905.  lie  v.-as  married 
the  ."^econd  time  on  N'ovember  20,  1911,  to  Mrs.  Luella  Wikux-St.  Clair, 
president  of  Cli;i-,tian  College  and  re-iLies  in  Columbia,  l^.Iis^ouri. 

.^7}  -riu-.  \v<i'>!i,-uNs  AND  rui.i!;  r<.'NNi'i  !on.- 

IV       1864  Crittcuden  Moss,-'  hnni  ahniit  l^-55  iii  Lil-ei-ly,  Mlfr'Hjri,  ar:,l  •lio^!  in  infanoy. 

V  tSG:  Tii^abeth  >.'osr./  Ixth  aliout  i85s  is.  I.ibcrly,  aiid  (licl  there  af  the  ap.c  t'i 
i-<."".e!i  \-t\irs. 

VI  ISuu  Mary  Moss,'  horn  !S63  i:-.  Liberty,  ?4is<()i!ri.  wa?  taken  with  the  fnTitily  i:'. 
1S64  lo  Cohir.illia,  Mis.-otiri,  v.Ihtc  she  was  reared  and  edaeatcd.  At 
an  ea.rly  a^e  site  united  with  the  !5aptist  ("liiirelt.  She  v.  as  nnfied  l>i-tober 
23,  18 — ,  to  McGhec  Dandrivls^e  Htmtcin,  a  son  of  Tlionias  Ikiraoa  who 
was  ;i  brother  of  jiid;,-*-  l,o^can  Hi-itton.  ir;  his  reli|;iotis  faith  I\Ir.  Hiiiitop. 
is  an  Epi^cuiiahin.  Me  ir;  adwriisiiig  mar.ager  for  a  nimtber  of  new:=papers 
hclongine  to  V>'illiani  Ivandolplt  Jlearst,  and  kr;ov,-n  as  the  Mearst  papers. 
He  ar.d  !'is  v-i.e  rc-ide  in  Xew  "N'ork.     Th.ey  hj\-e  no  children. 

Vll  1867  Janies  Hugh  Moss,  Jr.,'  bori!  January  30,  1S65,  in  Cohnnh'a,  Alissouri. 
wh.erc  he  stii!  reside?,  and  is  .Miperiiiiendent  of  linj  E.  W.  Stepliens  Tubiish- 
iiig  yomnany.     Has  nc\ci'  married. 

Issue  of    1  C4o    MARY  ]ZLI2.ABETn  HICKMAN'  (Sopi-.ia  Woodsr.n,"  Major  josiah,«  Cob 
Jolm,"  Jo^iah,''  Jolin,'  Robert,-  J'-hn')  and  James  Sidne\  R.pUins 

I  ^'  186S  James  Hickman  Rollins,-  born  September  20,  1S41,  iri  Cob.imijia,  Missouri. 
lie  Was  a  Capiaiit  in  the  b'nited  SuUes  Ariiiy.  I-fc  married  Eiihilic  no\,-- 
man,  daughter  of  Cob  Alexander  Bowmarj,  ab;o  of  the  United  States  Army. 
Died  Februar\   5,  18';S. 

II  *  186Q  George  Binfhani  Rollins,'  born  March  S,  1S51  in  Boor.e  county,  'Missouri, 
v/as  m.arried  January  25,  1SS2,  to  Margaret  Clarkson  of  Columbia.  She 
died  September  29,  191-1.     He  died  at  Coiun-.bia,  Mi--.,curi,  June  17,  1915. 

ill  *  1870  Laura  Hickmar-  RolIii.s,-  born  Februar\'  1,  1SI4.  in  Coluiab-ia,  Missouri, 
was  married  I\biy  18,  1S69,  lo  Irxine  O.  Jlockaday.  Tliey  settled  in 
Columbia,  Missouri,  where  she  died  September  26,  1904-,  and  he  in  1907. 

IV  1S71  SalHe  Rhodes  Rollins, ^  born  1S4S,  in  Columbia,  Missouri,  and  died  in  iSV3. 
in  L')en\'cr,  Colorado. 

\'  *  1S72  Curtis  Burtiatn  Rollins, •■■  liorn  July  18,  1.S53.  in  Boon*:  county.  T(.ok  th'- 
A.B.  degree,  University  of  r^Iis.-^ouri,  1874;  LL.B.  degree,  l'ni\-ersily  of 
Missouri,  1S76;  M.A.  degree,  Universitj-  of  Missouri,  ISSl.  Hi.-  v-.-as  \'o\einber  21,  ISSS,  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  at  St.  George's  Ciiureh 
by  I'iev.  Rob!j.  A.  Holland,  to  3213  Rutli  McCune.'^  He  is  vice-president 
Board  of  Curators  of  Missouri  State  L'ni\ersity ;  also  \  ice-president, 
13oone  County  ."'wati(;nal  Bank,  Columbia,  Missouri. 

\'l  1873  I'rank  Blair  Rollins,'  born  December  26.  1857,  v.-as  graduated  fro.m  the 
S*ate  UriN-L-r.-ity,  Coln.nbi.i.  Mi  ;0'i;i,  and  f  re  ni  Harvard  Univers!t\-,  and 
iatei  fro:'!  Si .  l.r-tiis  Law  Scliool.  He  had  just  en  teed  upon  the  practice  of 
iavv  when  be  died  J->bruary  4,  1  S.%4. 

\'[1  *  IS74  l^Jary  Eli/abcvh  Rohius,'^  i^Tn  Ocioh.!  IC.  \^16,  i-i  eoiuinbia,  ^^iiffoiiri. 
was  married  J.uiiiary  !4,  1S74.  to  Jolm  Herir>-  C'vcrall  of  St.  I.oii'r. 
Sl'.e  now  rcsi'''^:-  in  tiial  city,     jtilni  H.  Ovra!'!  ciied.  Dccenincr,  1903. 

\'l)l  ^'  IS'i'j  Florence  Holiins,-  !)■  ni  in  Ci-'liun'iia,  Mifsouri.  v.-as  inarricl  November  i, 
LSS2,  lo  Ri^\'.  Jo.^rpl)  R.  (.'.ia\',  an  15^;  iscopal  inini^^ier.  Ho  died  in 
May.  1880. 

IX  1576  Edv.'ard  Tutt  Rollins,'  i.n.'rn  Ainil  10,  IPCU,  ia  ("oiiiriibia,  Mis^-auri,  and  died 
Jaiuiai-y  23,  l^l.y. 

X       IS??  Karry  RolUns,'*  born  in  Columbia,  T\lii^S(niri,  jime,  1S6S,  and  died  >'oung. 

Issue  of  ^  G 44  NATHANIEL  WAR7IELD  "/ILSCN^  (Caroline  Randulpb  Woodson,' 
Major  Josiah,'"'  Col.  John,-"'  Jo^iah,^  John,'  Robert,-  John')  and  Mar>-  Jam-,  hi^  first  v.  it"e. 

I  1878  James  Stone  V/ilson,'  born  Aagusl  30,  1837,  in  Cobambia,  Mi.=;fouri,  Y/hcrc 
he  spent  all-  liis  life  ^\  iih  the  exception  of  Iiis  fcn-r-y-e^r  service  in  the  t.'on- 
federaie  army.  lie  r.ninaK-d  hon-,e  after  tb.t-  war  bui  fmly  s•ar\i^■ed  a  few 
\-ear?.  He  ilied  Aug^jst  24,  1870,  unmarried.  He  is  b-jried  in  the  cer.ietery 
at  Columbia,  Missouri. 

Issue  by  Mary  Axx  Eurxa.m,  his  secoxd  wirr,. 

IT  *  1875  Lucinda  Bnrnam  Wilson, «  bom  Oetober  8,  1842,  in  Columbia,  Missotiri, 
where  she  was  reared  and  rccei\ed  her  early  education.  She  was  graduated 
from  Glendale  College  near  Cincinnati,  Ohit>,  and  a!sc  from  Packer  Col- 
legiate In^titu:e,  Brookb.-n,  New  York.  She  was  inairied  January-  26, 
]Su5,  at  "]>clmoiue,"  the  famil\'  homestead  near  Columbia,  Missouri, 
1-lev.  J.  T.  W'illiuius  ofllciatine.  to  Ahab  George  Wilkinsoi-;,  son  of  Ahab 
Wilkinson  and  Eliza  Ann  Jilison.  They  at  once  settled  in  their  home, 
corner  of  K.  and  ISih Streets.  W'ashington,  D.  C.  She  wa:5  one  of  tlie  earlj 
members  of  ihe  Woman";  .Anthropoligical  Society  of  Americi  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  served  on  its  executive  board,  and  was  in  ch.arge 
of  one  of  its  six  departments  of  study.  She  was  appointed  a 
c'eh-^att:  to  the  Ecimienic-.l  Council  held  in  New  York  City 
and  v.-as  sekrtcd  as  a  d.jk-,:;ate  to  the  fir^t  Mother's  Cor.c;-;-ess  by  the 
Woman's  Anthropological  Society.  She  has  been  a  nicmbcr  of  the  National 
Indian  Association  for  more  than  twentN'-fu'e  years,  serving  for  a  long  tinn- 
as  president  of  its  ^^"ashington  City  Auxiliaiy.  She  is  a  chartei-  meniber 
(national  numljer  106)  of  the  Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution  and 
has  served  on  many  state  and  committees.  She  was  for  se\-eral 
years  one  cf  the  representatives  from  the  First  Bajrdst  Cluircli  to  tlie 
Association  of  Baptist  Churches  of  Washiiigton,.  I).  C,  and  fur  n;an%- 
years  has  b'-en  act:\-ely  identilled  with  Chri-lian  and  charitable  work  in 
the  Nation'.-  C.-ipita!.  Ucr  husbaatd.  Ahal?  George  Wilkinson,  was  l.>orn 
February,  22,   1334,  in  Willimanlic,  Connecticut,  and  was  twice  niarneci; 


ANji  -iiJinu 

fii>l,  u.  Jul-;,!  A.  Ij..rp,i;,n  w'iio  ciit.;!  in  1859.     The>-  luul  ov.v  child  wlm  difj 
in  irif.;r:C>-. 

Ahab  (uxirs;.:  \\'i!kin:-'.>n  wa:-  cr.uit-atcd  from  Yah:  f'(il!(.'';e,  o!a>^  u! 
1856,  and  i^^  a  !P...-n!!K'-,  u'  \hv  Delia  Kai'pa  ICpMluii  Irau-rrniy.  lie  ivreiwr] 
the  dogioc  of  A.  M.  fron-,  Vale  in  185^,  and  ihc  Wun.  Vh.  D.  from  C.-j.ri.:.- 
\Va-.hint;lon  l'iii\  L-rsi.  \-  in  1S7S.  Do  was  appoiiitcd  in  !801,  af^si-iant  pro- 
fessor ot  r.iK-iciu  iiiji-uagos  and  Hteralure  and  infirucior  in  German  end 
French  in  llic  State  University  at  (.^.hr.nliia,  ?\li>;s(Miri.  (n  1864  he  a.cccpred 
an  appoiiunieni  in  the  United  Slate.-  patent  (liTiee,  and  >ince  186:;  'avs  been 
principal  examiner  with  the  rank  of  of  the  cxaminiiig  eor)5s.  A I  tiie 
Paris  F.xjju.-^itions  of  1S78,  1889  and  1900,  he  served  ar,  a  mcmher  of  int 
iniernaiional  jury  of  av, anis.  In  1893  he  was  one  of  tlie  (.'fficers  i;i  charge 
of  tliL  lU'tent  olTice  exhibits  at  the  \\■crld'^  I'air  at  Ch.icago.  He  v>-as  cno 
of  the  socretarie;;  of  the  intcrriaii(.>n;d  paieiu  conference  held  in  \Va:-hinuii.'n 
D.  U.,  (hiring  May  and  Jinic,  1^11.  About  forty-four  nations  i)articipaled 
in  the  conference.  He  is  a  nieniber  of  the  Xcw  York  A\entie  Prcsliylerian  in  Washington,  D.  C,  and  iVoides  '.viiii  his  family  at  1526  K.  Street, 
Washington,  I).  C. 

Ill       lESO  Thompson    Augustus    Wilson, «    !)orn    February    27,    1347,    in    Columbia, 
Missouri.     ITc  became  a  phvsiciiiii  and  was  practicing  his  profession  wh.en 

^  he  died,  February  12,  1S77,  near  Asidand,  Missouri.     He  is  buried  in  the 

cemetery  at  Cclumbia.      Me  never  married. 

(Noies  by  3248  Mrs.  IViarie  Wilkinson  Hodgkins.) 

l.-.sue  of    'i  047    A>IN    WARFFlZLD    WIFSON^     (Caroline    T;iando!ph    \^'oodson,'    >F\jor 
Josiah,<^  Col.  john,^  Josiidi,'  John,'''  Robert,- JohuO   and  Caleb  Smith  Stone. 

I  *  ISSl  Joiiali  Wilson  Stone, ^  born  February  6,  3837,  in  Coluiiibia,  >.[i;,^ouri, 
where  he  spent  almost  his  entire  life.  Fie  served  ses'eral  terms  as  shcrilT 
of  Boone  county,  and  several  term.s  as  clerk  of  tlie  circuit  court.  He  was 
married  September  28,  1S5S,  to  Elvira  H.  Uozier,  daughter  of  Capi.  jame.H 
Dozier  of  St.  Charles  county,  who  the  head  of  the  firm  of  Do-icr, 
We>-1  &  Co.,  of  St.  Louis.  Josiah  Wilson  Stone'  has  long  since  retired 
from  active  business,  but  still  li\es  in  Cohunbia,  Mi&30i;ri. 

n  '■  1882  V/alter  Wilson  Stone,'  bo.n  July  20,  1840,  in  (V/mmbia,  Missouri,  was 
gradtiated  from  the  State  '/p.iversity  in  1S59.  At  the  Ixginning  of  the  C^ivil 
War,  in  1861,  he  enlisted  in  the  service  of  the  Confederate  States,  attained 
the  rank  of  captain  and  ser\-ed  until  the  close  of  the  war,  sunenderiiig  with 
his  command  in  1865,  at  S'.ireveport,  Louisiana.  Tlte  following  year  (1S66) 
he  located  in  \^'ashington  county,  >,nssis<ippi,  and  engaged  in  cotton 
planting,  in  which  he  was  very  successful.  He  represented  nis  county 
one  term  in  the  Mississippi  legislature  and  also  served  a  term  in  the  senate, 
and  for  ten  years— 1886  to  1896— was  auditor  of  public  accounts  for  the 
state  of  Mis-^issippi. 

He  was  married  Xovernber.  186'),  in  New  Orlean:=,  Loui-iaa.a,  vo 
Eleanor  Holt,   daughter  of   Dr.  Joseph   Holt  of  tiiat  cLy,  and   iiad   liine 

Page  ;nf;.  li.S2    Walici-    WilH.ji;    stoii"    n:nrr!r(i    Kl.  :,iir.r    ){.j1i,    a    il;nu,-lit^r    c:'    !)■■     -li- 
!r'.-(]  Cliarlr.s  Holt  ir.r;tia<!  o;'  Dr.  .Jr\-.--i,!]  fjijir. 

Pc.;^e  077.  ii^>A    O^o-ii    Wi.ifp^    S'nii-    r:.Prr;-:;l    ^:£:^y    !-o:t     a    i]:,„i\>,.;-    r.-:    in-     .vi.-..,i 

MMli   i.\-y\   K  XT', 

i-:i;ic!rfn,  of  wli'mi  iciir  Jirr!  in  inf.'.t'Cy.  Cr.i^lani  S'lVnc  Im.-r  rcvired  irorTi 
.iclivc  biisii'.c-^s  am!  lives  quietly  .u  hi:;  ii..!ViC  in  Grcciu  in^-,  \\  ashingior^ 
curiitv,  Mis?i:si|>].i. 

■11  *  1SS3  David  La-ime  L^lone,'-  Scjicm'DL-r  28,  1.S46,  in  C-hnuhia.  MissoL-ri. 
Ill  1867  !;.'  liHMletl  i'l  \\"j--!i;;v^U>n  C(iiui!\-,  ?.f i<s;!<sinpi,  wlu^rc  I'.C  cngaeccl 
exten?!\  oly  in  n  iHon  fjlancir.p,.  lie  soon  bcc.ime  a  proiniiu-tU  and  ii;fli!onii.-i! 
cilizcn.  The  town  StiMievilic  v\\is  licateit  ;it  lii.A  plani.atiou,  aiui  v\'as  ^o 
named  in  honor  of  I'.ini.  Uc  v  as  married  in  1.S6S  t'l  Ivaie  1  imu  of  \\'ashi:i-^- 
ton  county.  He  tlied  in  1.8"'^.  of  ycliow  fe-«-er,  v»-liicli  S'.-ai;  ciiicieniic  in  the 
Sculh  (.hiring  that  summer  and  fa!!. 

IV  *  18S1  Ov.en  V/alksi-  Stone/  born  ;\Iay  S,  jS5n,  in  (■o!umI>ia,  AIisM)U,i,  v^is 
graiiuatcd  from  tlic  Stale  l'ni\-errfit\-,  at  CG!i.!inl)ia,  sliidied  medicine  and 
wart  grailuated  from  ilie  MeiJival  Co!le:.;e  ai  Mobile,  Alabama. 

In  1S70  lie  weni  to  Grei-m  ille,  \Va.shing;on  county,  ]\Ii;;?!.^-ippi,  Vvhere 
he  hniii  up  a  \'iv.n  practice.  Me  was  married  in  ISSI  to  Mar\-  Holt,  daugluer 
of  j^r.  J-'<ep'i  lloh,  (if  Xew  (hdeans,  Loui-iana. 

During  the  Spanisli-Amcrican  War  iii  1S9S,  lie  an  a'ttaclice  of  th.e 
surgical  and  medical  stalT  of  the  United  States  army  on  tiie  Island  of  Cuba. 
He  has  been  for  se\"era!  years,  health  ofticer  of  Washington  conniy,  Missis- 
^  sippi,  and  resides  in  the  city  of  Grecn\ille. 

V  *  i8G5  Kate  Stcne,"  bf-'rn  Decembei'  17,  1S53,  in  Columlila,  /.lissouri,  receiN'cd 
her  education  in  that  city  anrl  was  married  there  or.  Juno  50,  iSSO,  to 
En<3cli  llansljiough  F'udgc,  of  St.  Joseph,  Missouii.  In  September,  1SS3, 
they  settled  in  Chicago,  Illin.ois,  v.liere  Mr.  Fudge  is  an  exteiisive  dealer 
in  municipal  bonds  and  stocl-:s  of  various  kinds. 

Issu3  of    X  04S   JOHN   WOODSON   llklir^Y^   (John   Railey,'  Susannah   Woodson, ^   Coi. 
John,^  Josiah,-"  Jolm,^  Robert,-  John',)  and  Nancy  Farris  Xunn. 

I  *  1836  Caroline  Railey,''  born  bS35,  in  Cumberland  count)-,  Kentucicy,  was  married 
there  May  18,  IS54,  to  William  Cary.  It  appears  that  they  v^■en^  immedi- 
ately to  Marshall,  Missouri,  and  settled  on  a  farm,  and  that  all  of  their 
children  v.  err   bo.n  lhe:c. 

n  1SS7  Susan  Aiir  Rrdley,'  born  June  9,  18.^7,  at  RurksviUc,  Cumberland  county, 
KeatuckN',  anrl  died  tliere  about  1850. 

III  '■    1S8S  Isharn  Tarleton  Railey,'  born  December  S,  18-10,  at  l^urksville,  Kentucky, 

went  vvdih  the  family  in  1860  to  M.arshall,  Missouri,  and  was  there  marri.  d 
December  2,  ],-60,  to  Loretta  M.  Bailey.     They  are  still  living  there. 

IV  18S9  Isabella   Ra-'Isy,'^   I'orn   Ja  luary  4,    ]^i5.   at    BiirksviUe,    Kentucky,   Y^■ent 

with   lite  family  in    1860  to  Marshall,   Mi.-i-.!v!,  i\here  she  is  stil!  li^■ing, 
iinraariied.  and  corin:-  for  her  aecd  moihc.-. 

:;;•:  \^(l^lpvo^^;  anh  tiifm;  conm:'  j  i.  .X: 

V  *   1S90  Jolm   Randoij)!i   Railey,-   I'tini   Maifli   4.    1S50,   ni.    oLirV-.-,\  ille.   Kfiilii.jk> . 

went  to  JMarsliai!,  MiVsmiri,  in  1860  and  was  niorrioil  thore  Fcbiuary  2,^, 
ISSI,  to  M;;:  ,.:ar,  I  ri\-;ic'i.  'Jc  and  •;!-;  f:::iiiiy  iwr  siill  l''\-iii_<^  in  Salm-."' 
comuN-.  >.Ii.-;^  .uri. 

\'I  189/  Boone  R&iley,'  born  August  ?.'",  iS?2.  in  Ki-aiif  !•  >',  and  died  Auiiusi,  vS 
1871,  at  Marsliall,  ^lissouri. 

Issue  cf    t  t>5^   ISKAM   RAILEY^  (RandolMl;    Railey,"  Su.-.mnaii'  Co!.   Julin,-' 
Jo.->ia'i.--     Jo!;;;.-'     Robert,"     Jolm')      arui      [■".v':':a     S. Hinders. 

I  18^2  Margaret  Saunders  Railey,'  b'.Tii  June  2.  1870,  near  \'crriail)e;j.  Kentucky, 
\\a,  ir.arricfi  August  1,  1888.  to  I'r.i'ord  Twyman.  They  b.avc  a  dautiiUer, 
Ezza  Railey  Twyman"' l)orn  .\j)rii  .14,  18S'>. 

II  *  ISC',^  I'vlorton  Saunders  Railey,'*  born  .-\u£ust  14.  1871 ,  ne.u  V'ers.-.ilies,  Ki-ntucky, 
was  married  July  2.^,  1900,  i"  Icia  B.  O'Hannon.  They  now  re.-ide  ii; 

Ill   *    1801   Mary  Stuart  Railey,'  born  June  9,   1873,  near  \ersaille.-..   Kentneky,  v.;.-; 
n-.arried  November  12,  1894,  to  Ben  W.  \\'iliian"!S.     Tiiej-  live  at  X'ersaillo:;., 
\  Kentucky. 

I\'  1895  Louise  Sharon  Railey,-'  born  June  21,  IS'- 4,  near  X'crsaiUes,  Kentuckx , 
was  married  Xovendicr  21,  1900.  to  Jobn  Al.  McC'onnell. 

V  1896  Sue  Tevis  Railey,-'  born  August  17,  187.^,  near  \'ci-.?ailles,  Kentucky. 

VI        1807  L'dith  Hunter  R.ailey,*  born  December  25,  1879. 

VII  1898  Lav.Tence  Am? dcD  Raiiey,-  born  March  1,  18s4,  near  \'erfai;ies,  Kentucky, 
studied  law  and  is  iio'a  practicing  liis  profcs-^ion  in  Birniingljani,  Alai)ania. 
He  was  married  June  2,  1909,  to  Jo;-ei)]iine  ?\Iar-liaik 

Issue  of     l  057    CATHERmE    C.    RAILEY^    (Randoli.h     Railey,'    Susannah    Woodson.'' 
Col.  John,-'  Jobiaii,"  John,^  Robert,-  J'>]in'')  and  George  i\l(  .f^dn'y  Fiskbaeic. 

I  1899  Emma  Railey  Fishljacd:,"  burn  Mareli  3,  J870,  in  \'er-a;!ied,  KTriiuekw 
where  she  was  reared  and  educated.  Slie  was  married  June  19,  1899,  to 
Rev.  V.  P.  Yearnan.  a  Preslj\  lerian  mini-ter.  They  ha%-c  a  son,  Gcorye 
F.  Yearnan,''-'  bom  July  .S,  1902. 

II  1. 900  Mary  Randolph  Fishback,'  born  February  6,  1S72,  in  \'ersailles,  Kentucky, 
died  July  11,  1873. 

HI  190)  Jane  Lyle  Fishback,''  l;orn  Aoril  12,  1874,  ii?  Versailles,  Keulueky,  and 
li\-ed  liiere  uniil  hhv?  was  niariie'4  J.'ir.i!ar_\  1.  1903.  to  ke  G-rand  .\t\vi.if)d, 
a    jjronii.^in^'   Ja-^-yer  of  \Trsaille^>.      Tliey   seuieri   in   St.    Louis,    Missouri, 

XI.Ni!!  (.KM-.R.\n  li.iN  .^7'; 

\vhere  lie  is  )>raciifi!i|.':  hi;;  i'i()ft>^;--inii.  Tiicy  iuwc-  iwo  chilrlror..  (i) 
Goorge  F.  Aiwood,''^  b'un  ()i-iobor  5,  190.5;  (J)  (/.  Aiwocd,'"  horn 
All-list  11,  1"0S. 

lY  1902  E-r/a  RaiJr.y  Fishbaol:,-  h.jni  Doccp.ihci  11,  1S75,  i:i  Vcr-.ullo^,  Kcmu-.-kx-, 
ant!  i>  siill  livi  ii;  ihere  -.vitli  wiijov.od  ui<;;,  luisviariiod. 

V  1903  George  Taylor,'  ly.;-..  jui-.-  6,  iS77,  in  \'er;-.:;!;cs,  Kontuok>, 
v.b.CTe  lio  iivi'i  imiil  lie  wn.^  manic-c  Juivj  12.  1005,  lO  Klizaljcti)  rnavrnar. 
Tho\-  si.-iilfii  (.>•;'-  tlieir  faiin  a.  ;-'po,-i  distance  iron;  \'er.-.iillo3.  They";; 
W.o  c'hildron.  (1)  Cjt'orge  'i'a\lar  Fi^iibacic,  Jr.,'--'  born  Iviarch  IS,  1906; 
(2)  (.'■aihcriiu-  (/.  Kishback,"  b.orn  Aprii  12,  100/ . 

VI  1904  Catheriiie  Mary  Plahback/  born  Marc!;  21.  1S80.  ai  \Vr>aille>.  I\fiUurk\'. 
She  was  mariicd  Jaiiuaiy  IS.  lQi)5,  t^)  J.  T.  Stone.  He  lived  but  a  few 
\-cars  and  died  in  190';,  ;.ur\i\efi  I.)\-  Ii's  widow  ai'd  one  son,  R.indolpli  F. 
Stona,''  botii  ot  \vh(.ni  arj  u<yx  li\'in;;  w 'Ui  iiei  nanlier  in  \'er;=aiiies. 

Vll  1905  Randolph  Rniloy  Fishback,'-'  bom  Oeto'icr  0,  1SS7,  at  X'er.sailies,  Kentucky, 
was  married  October  -5,  IMfiV,  to  (.  \rene  Ilniiter.  'i"lu\  at  once  bcgaii 
housekeepinir  on  their  farm  a  few  miles  from  \'ersai'ies,  and  ha%e  one  son, 
William    Flunler   Fishback.^'^ 

Issue  of    1  C5>3   VvILLlAM  HUNTjXR  KAILEY*  (Randoij.1i  Railey,'  Susannah  \'voodsc-n,« 
Col.  John.^  Josinii.^  John,'  Rol^ort,-  Jolir;')  and  I\Iartlia  McC'onnell. 

1        1906  Randolph  V/oodson  Railey,''  born  L)crend:'ti  .",  1872,  in  Vcr:5ai!le.s,  KentuL-ky. 

11        1907  Robert  l\IcConnell  Railey,'  IxTn  Febni^ry  -r  1S74,  in  W-r.saiUe.-,  Krrtiic!;%. 

in  190y  William  Riinttr  R;.-,ley,  Jr.,-'  i)orii  J'lne  \.  1875,  in  Ver.^aidts,  Kcutu-ky, 
wa.s  married  April  2,  1901,  lo  Mary  Lane. 

]\'  1909  James  Railey,'-'  born  May  22,  1S79,  ir.  \'cr.~;ullcb,  Koiitiieky,  Vv'a.s  married 
September  10,  1909,  to  Gladys  Blair,  of  Anaconda,  Montana,  where  they 
now  reside. 

\'       1510  Mary    Railey,"    bo:,i    I'rbwu.y    13,    1?S2,    in   \Vi  ■.  .lil.-s.    Kenmcky,    w;..-; 
married  Auf;iist  .50,  1906,  to  R.  L.  Given.     They  stiU  reside  in  X'ersailies. 

VI        19)1    Lrniria  Railey,''  born  May  11,  18S1,  in  \'ersai!les,  Kenturky. 

VII  1912  Martha  Railey, «  born  September  10,  1885,  in  Versailles,  Kentucky,  and 
still  li\es  there. 

I;Kue  of    f  060   MARYLIGHTFOOTWOODSOKMThomas  Jcffor?on,'Jo!in,"rol.  Joim,-^ 
Josiali,'  John,''  Robert,-  John'}  and  Charles  T.  Pleasants. 

Tiir.  n\)oi>.-i,!\>  ANn  iiii-.ik  fONXii'/noNs 

I  iy!3  Thomas  jc-flerson  p;e:ii;iius,-  i.orn  r';-crnii)Oi-  10,  IS  10.  near  Mir!i.';,.i!i 
City,  M.^r.-li'.ll  couTr,v,  ?\ii.---.!><ippi,  M'-.i  died  ivd  f-otnonibrr  IS. 

II        3?M   Charles  T.  J'iea.^an:s.  Jr.,"  l.orn  Scin.-ir.bcr  2?.,  li'-52.  on  ihc,  tlin  j 

niili-s  Mi-aih  of  Mar.-ui,  'I'miu-s-i-c,  -wis  m, -rriel   lo  .Aiinic ,  aw!  tlicd 

■shordy  ciriorvvaid.;.  lii^  vwJuu  i,->  iicnv  living  on  lli..:iilai>d  Ave:.'ao,  Mc!:>- 
phis,  'rcnac-^si-c. 

III  ]■.  i%   Sanuie!    F.   Pleasants. ■■   Im.-u   Ju-.ic    14,    Ic-."--!,   on    the   farm    near   Ma.coii. 

Fayctu-  n'lmtN-,  Teim--'>?cc,  \va~  nia.iric-d  Ivai  I'ac  r.anic  uf  his  wife  ha>  r,o;- 
be'on  asrer'-.diiod.  He  died  ,-iir\-i\-ed  1>\'  iii.s  witlow  and  se%-eral  chiliiie'i 
\iiio  K\'c  near  Cordt  \a,  Teririe^.-o.:'. 

IV  1016  Josiah  Alexander  Pleasants,'-'  horn  An-nsi  7,  185.=;,  on  ll;e  farm  Macorj. 

Ten^e^sce,  married  and  nov,-  Ijxe.---  v.  idi  idr  in  Co\i;:- ion,  Tenne.-..s.\^. 

V  1917  B'andina  Homozelle  Pleasants/-'  born  i'chru;\ry  ,S,  I.S57,  in.  Fa\-ctu-  county, 
Tennc5,-ce,  and  died  N-ount;. 

VI  1918  Lucy  W.  Pleasants,'  born  ?\l\ty  S,  LSiS,  at  the  Pleasanis'  home,  near 
Matron,  Tennc.=icc.  ^vrlS  married  ro  Arilnir  E\-ans.  Thev  li\e  near  Farni- 
viUe,  Te.vas,  R.  P.  D.  Xo.  2. 

\'II        IPig  V/iC-am  Q.  Pleasants,^  bo:-Ti  February  29.  1*60,  on  the  farm  near  Macon. 
Tennessee,  and  died  t  liere  J  anuary  7.  18S4. 

\'I!I  1920  Elizabeth  D.  Pleasants,'-'  born  April  2,^  l.'iCl,  at  tlie  old  home  near  Mac:ou, 
Tennessee,  %vas  married  to  Rich.ard  rsIcRee.  Tliey  li^e  on  a  farm  near 
Rossvdlc,  I'ayettc  county,  Tennessee,  R.  F.  .').  Xo.  1. 

IX  3921  June  L.  Ple-isa-ais,'  born  Feliriiary  ,S,  lSu3,  near  Alacon,  Ter,nes.~e,',  is 
n-arried  and  !i\-es  near  RoFs\ille,  in  his  native  coeauv. 

X  1Q22  Benjamin  Lauderdale  Pleasants,'-'  born  .March  4,  1866,  near  M.u-on. 
Fayette  county,  'I'eimessce,  is  married  ai:d  !l\-es  I'.ear  Ross\iiIe.  in  !-ds 
native  county. 

XI  1923  John  H.  Picasanis,'^  iiorn  on  the  farm  near  Macon,  Termei^see,  on  March  1  2, 
ISeS,  anrl  nov  lives  near  Colliersxille,  Sheiby  county,  Tenne.-^see. 

XII  1024  Mollie  L.  Pleasants,-'  born  April  23,  1S70,  near  Macon,  Tc'nnesseC;  was 
married  to  Jesse  .(oiinson  and  now  li\  at  Rossville,  Tennessee. 

XIII  K.25   Sallie  Belle  Plea.^ants,'-'  born  April  30,      1872,  near  Macon,  Tennessee,  was 

married  Uecember  21,  1S90,  to  Je;.:--c  G.  Chdm.bers. 

XIV  *  1526  Granville  M.  Pleasant;, ^  bom  April  2C,  1874,  at  the  o!d  home,  three  milrs 

south,  of  Macon,  Fayette  county,  Te^ne^K•:•e,  was  married  August  23,  1903,