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Full text of "Historical memorandum and genealogical register of the town of West Boylston, Massachusetts : from its early settlement to 1858 : together with miscellaneous items and incidents"

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or  THE 



riioM    ITS    Early    Settlement  to  18')S 





I J 

W  O  K  C  E  S  T  E  R  : 

186  1. 





















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p  11 E  r  A  c  ]■: , 

The  fi)llo\ving  brief  Historical  Memorandum  and  Gen- 
ealogical Register  is  iritended  to  extend  no  further  onward 
than  18.58,  or  fifty  years  from  the  organization  of  tlie 
town  of  ^yest  IJoylston,  and  138  years  from  tlie  time  of 
the  earliest  settlement  in  tlie  town. 

The  design  of  this  Memorandum  and  Register  is  to 
bring  to  view  the  circumstances  whicli  led  to  the  origin 
and  formation  of  the  town,  alao  to  bring  to  the  notice  of 
])resent  and  succeeding  generations  those  who  first  settled 
on  these  hills  and  in  these  valleys,  thereby  opening  the 
way  for  further  advancement  and  future  prosperity.  It  is 
designed  likewise  to  perpetuate  the  memory  and  recollec- 
tion of  those,  who,  by  their  untiring  and  persevering  ef- 
forts, amid  opposition  and  resistance,  eventually  succeeded 
in  establishing  and  organizing  the  town. 

The  few  biographical  notes  in  the  genealogical  sketch 
are  designed  merely  as  a  deserved  tribute  to  those  who  arc- 
thus  noticed. 

The  miscellaneous  items  recorded  may  be  thougl^.t  ot 
little  consequence  by  some,  while  others  may  feel  a  deep 
interest  in  the  incidents  and  occurrences  related.  It  niay 
be  interesting  to  the  inhabitants  of  West  Roylston  fifty 
years  hence,  who  may  in  1908  celebrate  the  centennial 
anniversary  of  the  town,  to  know  who  were  their  |)rede- 
cessors,  from  whence  they  came,  together  with  the  particu- 
lar locality  where  they  resided,  and  also,  who  may  at  that 
time  be  known  as  tlie  lineal  descendants  of  the  early  set- 
tlers. Many  wish  to  know  something  of  those  who  pre- 
ceded them  in  life,  wliile  otliers  have    a   curiosllv  to  trace 

birk  ihcir  lineage  to  ihc  early  settlomcnl  of  the  coiMitry, 
leclini^  ii  sympathy  and  respect  for  their  progenitors,  al- 
though tliey  may  long  since  have  finished  their  earthly 
course.  It  seems  necessary  therefore  that  sonic  notice  or 
rc.\)rd  of  individuals,  families  and  passing  events,  should 
>.e  preserved  and  transmitted  froia  one  generation  to  anoth- 
er for  the  use  and  benefit  of  the  living.  There  is  pleus- 
ure  and  satisfaction  in  recognising  our  ancestors,  and  it 
Mould  seem  that  fraternal  feeling  and  filial  gratitude  alike 
demand  a  remembrance  of  our  friends  and  relatives  avIio 
have  passed  av.ay  from  the  v.'orld,  and  we  should  ever  man- 
ifest a  due  respect  and  veneration  for  their  memory  and 
departed  worth. 

The  Memorandum  r.nd  Tiegistcr  was  designed  and  writ- 
ten in  18.JS,  wliilo  its  publication  has  been  delayed  from 
an  a[)prehcM.slon  that  it  might  not  be  useful  or  acceptable. 
But  after  further  consideration  it  has  been  determined  to 
give  it  publicity,  trusting  that  whoever  may  chance  to 
read  it  will  pass  lightly  over  its  defects  and  incomplete- 
ness. B.   F.   K. 

AN'kst  Boyt.stox,  "March,  18G1. 

cox  T  E  N  T  S 

"\Vc<t  lluylston — liuw  ^llulltnl  ;iiid  bumukd '> 

ICarlic-t Settlors,  Incllans.  .tt-., (> 

In^orporatiuii  of  West  UovL-i^n, N 

Legal  VotLM-d  in   IbU.S, '.) 

Gfncalo;iie:il  Sk-ct^li, 10 

Jle.-juk'fits — Not  Votcr.-i '.5 'J 

Original  and  Earlier  Settler^ LO 

Ucsitlents  bctwceu   ITSO  am]  i^)()H, 11 

Rettleri  from  1808  to  is'jd ic. 

KofideiitS  in  180S  luider  'Jl  ^  l.u>  of  a.;e    4',' 

Rcsidojits  and  Le;^al  Vtitci-.s  lii  1858 .jU 

Town  OlVicerrf  from  I>>U8  in  l.-^  js, 5"J 

Ecclesiastical  Record,   etc., V) 

PLybicians  in  West  I>uyl^t"ii Co 

Progveis  and    liiiprovtiiiLut, Cl 

Mis''.ollanei;iia  l'ncidLiit--= tlo 

Viirii'U-    Items, iJT 

Military Lh 

lli\  ers  and  l!iiJ.;,es, '. T(» 

larniinc;;  Jiitircst — J^xtia.rdihaiy  l^.■'.nt^,    TI 

K.\trai;rdinary  Lunvjevity, To 

Diugrapliical  Sketch  td"  Tii.iiias  Keyes,  Jr., 77 

C>iuoludin;i  Keiiiarli^ ^'1 



The  town  of  West  Boylstoii  is  situated  7  miles  from 
llie  city  of  Worcester,  unci  bounded  on  the  east  by  Boyl- 
8ton,  on  the  north  by  Sterling,  on  the  west  by  Holden,  on 
the  south  by  Worcester  and  Shrewsbury  ;  being  about  live 
miles  in  length  from  north  to  south,  and  about  tliree  and 
a  lialf  miles  in  width  from  cast  to  west. 

The  natural  position  and  scenery  of  the  town  is  multi- 
form and  somewhat  romantic  in  appearance,  diversified 
with  hills  and  valleys,  and  in  all  directions  interspersed 
with  springs  and  streams  of  water  suited  to  the  wants  and 
convenience  of  the  inhabitants.  The  soil  is  generally  fer- 
tile and  productive,  and  when  skilfully  managed  and 
properly  cultivated,  amply  repays  the  enterprise  and  labor 
of  the  industrious  husbandman. 

The  early  settlers  of  West  lioylston  were  a  hardy,  vig- 
orous race,  social  and  benevolent  in  their  feelings  and 
habits,  kind  and  generous  to  each  other,  hospitable  to 
strangers,  always  making  them  welcome  to  such  accom- 
modations and  entertainment  as  their  rude  dwellings 
would  afford.  They  were  strongly  attached  to  the  princi- 
ples and  customs  of  the  pilgrim  fathers,  carefully  observ- 
ing and  sustaining  the  institutions  of  ri?ligion  and  learn- 
ing, habitually  and  conscientiously  attending  public  wor- 
ship on  the  Sabbath,  and  having  their  children  sufficiently 
educated  to  enable  them  to  perform  the  common  duties  of 
social  life.  Their  children  also,  like  themselves,  were 
carefully  taught  to  cherish  the  principles  and  adhere  to 
the  customs  so  cautiously  preserved  and  maintained  by 
their  progenitors,  although  later  generations  seem  to 
have  de^^ciierated  and  departed  to  some  extent  from  the 

P'>    G 


course  of  their  ancestors,  riml  a|)parenily  lost  that  vtr.cra- 
tion  and  regard  for  their  instruction  and  exanipU*  ^^hich 
tiliiil  respect  and  a  fond  recollection  might  justly  require 
Ironi  their  successors  and  lineal  descendants. 

Jacob  Hinds,  Joseph  Wooley,  Ebenezer  Frizzol,  licnja- 
min  liigelow,  Jonathan  Fairbank,  Aaron  Xeuton,  Kzekiel 
Newton,  Edward  Goodale,  Stephen  lielknap,  Willian\ 
Whitney,  Phineas  I'ennclt,  Jonathan  French,  Jonathan 
Eovell,  and  Joi>iah  A'v'ihler  were  i)robably  the  earliest  set- 
tlers in  this  town.  They  came  from  llie  older  towns  bc- 
\o\v  and  made  an  opening  here.  Others  so'.)n  followed, 
thereby  gradually  increasing  their  numbers,  thus  cherish- 
ing the  hopes  and  encouraging  the  prospects  of  the  new 
settlers.  The  settlement  of  the  town  \\:\s  probably  com- 
menced in  1720,  or  soon  after   that  time. 

Trailition  says  that  I'oriaerly  the  Inilians  v.-ere  numerous 
in  and  about  this  town,  liaving  their  wigwams  and  corn- 
patches  on  the  interval  and  near  the  river,  occupying  the 
ailjacent  hills  and  plains  as  huiitiug  ground,  there  being 
])lenty  of  deer,  turkeys,  and  vuiier  wihl  game,  .suited  to 
their  wants  and  necessiiles.  Nearly  all  the  natives  h\u\ 
left  this  region  previous  to  the  settlement  of  the  whites,  in 
tills  immediate  locality  and  adjacent  vicinity.  Although 
the  early  settlors  built  a  garrison  or  block-houiC  to  which 
they  could  repair  for  the  night  as  a  ])lacc  of  security  when 
danger  was  apprehended,  yet  they  were  never  assaulted  by 
the  Indians,  nor  is  it  known  that  any  attack  or  molest.^- 
tion  of  the  new  settlers  was  ever  contemplated  by  ihcm. 

The  block-house  was  erected  in  the  southerly  ])art  of 
the  town  near  Stony  Rrotdc,  ami  about  80  rods  distant 
from  the  dwelling-house  of  Iv  V.  Ihigham.  Specimens 
of  antique  relics  of  the  aborigines  have  frecjuently  been 
discovered  and  picked  up,  such  as  arrows,  stone  chisels, 
gouges,  etc.,  clearly  manifesting  the  native  genius  of  tliese 
sons  of  the  forest. 

The  circumstances  which  ultimately  led  to  the  origin 
and  formation  ()f  this  town,  were  substantially  as  follows  : 
The  inhabitants  of  lioylston  having  determined  to  build  a 
new  meeting-house,  tlie  necessity  and  expediency  of  which 
M-as  generally  conceded,  a  dilHculty  arose  in  regard  to   its 

location,  the  majority  choosinp;  to  erect  it  near  tlie  oM 
house,  wliile  the  minority,  mostly  from  the  west  part  of  the 
town,  strenuously  insisted  tliat  it  should  be  erected  half  a 
mile  northwest  of  the  old  house.  The  majority  resolutely 
persisted  in  their  choice  and  determination,  relative  to  the 
location  of  the  new  house,  while  the  minority  were  equal- 
ly decided  and  unyieldin<^  m  re^^ard  to  their  choice  and  pre- 
ference. It  having  become  apparent  that  no  compromise 
or  mutual  adjustment  of  the  dilhculty  could  be  etVectcd,  the 
n\iuority  seceded,  and  being  joine<l  by  several  inhabitants 
froiu  tiie  adjoining  towns  of  Sterling  and  llolden,  forme«l 
themselves  into  a  a  society  and  proceeded  to  build  a  meet- 
ing-house for  their  accommodation  and  convenience,  locat- 
ing it  in  tlie  westerly  part  of  IJoylston,  about  three  miles 
distant  from  the  locality  wliere  the  majority  poriiou  of  fiie 
iidiabitants  erected  their  new  meeting-house.  Had  there 
been  at  the  commencement  and  during  the  progress  of  thi-; 
controversy,  more  calm,  deliberate  consideration  of  tiic 
subject,  and  more  pacific  conciliatory  feelings  mani tested, 
the  disruj)tion  and  division  of  the  town  might  have  beeji 
luoided  and  harmony  preserved. 

The  new  society  havijig  completed  their  place  of  wor- 
hhi}),  it  was  solemnly  dedicated  by  appropriate  religious 
services,  January  1,  1795.  After  the  dedication  of  the 
mceting-hoase,  a  petition  for  an  act  of  incorporation  as  a 
town  was  sent  to  the  CJeneral  Court,  signed  by  ninety  in- 
habitants of  the  towns  of  l^oylston,  Sterling  and  llolden. 
The  petition  had  a  hearing  in  17130,  but  being  strenuously 
o{)posed  by  the  representatives  from  each  of  the  towns 
where  the  petitioners  resided,  they  only  obtained  leave  to 
withdraw  their  petition,  when  they  immediately  sent  anoth- 
er petition,  asking  to  be  incorporated  as  the  second  precinct 
of  Boylston,  Sterling,  and  llolden.  This  petition  was 
also  earnestly  opposed,  but  in  June,  1790,  ;tn  act  was 
passed  in  accordance  with  the  ])rayer  of  the  petitioners, 
and  soon  after  a  le^'al  meeting  of  the  iidiabitants  of  tl]e 
precinct  was  called,  when  an  organi/zition  was  ellocted  by 
the  choice  of  precinct  officers,  etc.,  as  was  provided  tor  by 
the  act  of  incorporation.  In  less  than  twelve  years  after 
the  legal  organization  of  this  precinct  or  parish,  it  became 
a  town  by  an  act  of  the  General  Court,  agreeably  to  a  pe- 

lillou  of  its  inhabitants,  taking  the  name  of  West  Boyl- 
ston.  The  incorporating  act  is  dated  January  30,  1808. 
The  largest  pirt  of  this  town  was  taken  from  Boylston. 
the  other  portions  thereof  from  tlie  towns  of  Sterling  and 
Holden.  That  wliich  Avas  taken  from  Boylston,  originally 
belonged  to  Shrewsbury,  that  from  ^sterling  once  bfdonged 
to  Lancaster,  that  from  Holden  was  formerly  included  in 
the  township  of  Worcester. 

At  the  time  of  the  incorporation  of  West  Boylston,  it 
contained  98  dwelling-houses,  and  about  the  same  number 
of  lamilies,  with  a  little  less  than  600  inhabitants.  The 
number  of  legal  voters  in  the  town  at  the  first  election  of 
State  olficers,  whicli  occurred  on  the  first  Monday  in 
April,  1808,  was  105.  The  number  of  ratable  polls  was 
less  than  160  but  exceeded  150,  which  was  the  number 
then  required  to  entitle  the  town  to  a  representative  to  the 
Legislature.  The  whole  number  of  voles  cast  at  the  first 
I'lection  held  in  this  town  in  April,  1808,  for  governor, 
was  85,  of  which  60  were  for  Christopher  Gore,  18  for 
.fames  Sullivan,  and  1  for  Levi  Lincoln.  At  the  first 
election  held  in  this  town  for  the  choice  of  a  rcprescnta- 
tire  to  the  General  Court,  on  the  first  Monday  in  May, 
1808,  Ezra  Beaman,  Esq.  was  chosen  without  opposition. 
He  was  afterwards  annually  elected  until  his  decease,  hav- 
ing been  chosen  four  successive  limes  by  his  fellow  towns- 
men to  that  responsible  station. 

hi  1808,  this  town  contained  60  farmers,  some  10  or  12 
mechanics,  1  clergyman,  no  physician,  several  laborers  of 
various  occupations,  and  but  1  jierson  of  foreign  birth. 
There  was  1  cotton  mill,  2  grist  mills,  2  saw  mills,  1 
clothier's  mill,  1  tannery,  4  blacksmith  shops,  1  cabinet 
maker''s  shop,  and  2  book  binderies.  There  were  also  3 
merchants  occupying  as  many  stores,  and  1  tavern,  hav- 
ing been  kept  by  Major  Beaman  for  more  than  half  a 

Of  the  105  legal  voters  at  the  April  election  for  State 
officers  in  this  town  in  1808,  U-l  have  since  deceased,  and 
11  yet  survive  ;  of  those  who  have  deceased,  "79  have  died 
in- this  town,  and  15  elsewhere  ;  of  those  who  yet  survive, 
5  reside  in  this  town,  and  G  elsewhere.  Of  the  105  vot- 
ers, 97  were  at   the  head  of  families,  while  8  were  cither 

connectej  and  assoclatod  with  families,  or  in  the  cirploy 
of  some  of  tlie  inhabitants. 

The  foliowinir  arc  the  names  of  ihc  legal  voters  at  ihe 
first  elections  for  town  and  State  olFicers,  held  in  West 
Ijoylston,  in  March  and  April,  1808  : 

Ezra  Beaman,  Jabez  Eeaman,  Ezra  Ileaman,  Jr.,  Silns 
Beaman,  Abel  Bigelow,  Levi  Eigelow,  Stephen  ]jigelo\v, 
Dennis  Bigelow,  IStephen  Brigham,  Edmund  Brigham,  Jo- 
siah  P.  Brown,  Zacliariali  Child,  Amos  Child,  Barnabns 
Davis,  VAias  Davis,  Bcuben  Dinsmore,  Silas  Dinsmore, 
Joseph  Dwclley,  William  Eames,  Levi  Eames,  William 
Eames,  Jr.,  Samuel  Estabrook,  Jabcz  Eairbank,  Lemuel 
Fairbank,  Seth  Eairbank,  William  Fai.rbanli,  Alpheiis 
Eairbank,  Jabez  Eairbank,  Jr.,  Davis  Eairbank,  Barak  B. 
Eairbank,  Amos  Eairbank,  John  Eisher,  Oliver  Gab;,  Ol- 
iver Glazier,  Jason  Glazier,  ]Mosc3  Goodale,  Aaron  Good- 
ale,  Paul  Goodale,  Peter  Goodale,  Aaron  Goodale,  Jr., 
Abel  Goodale,  Levi  Goodale,  Jason  Goodale,  Elijah  Good- 
enow,  Ephraim  Iladly,  David  llarthan,  Jacob  Hinds,  Jo- 
seph Hinds,  Abel  Holt,  Abiel  Uolt,  James  Holt,  Jonas 
Holt,  Alvan  Howe,  Hiram  Howe,  Timothy  Johnson,  Reu- 
ben Keyes,  Thomas  Keyes,  Jr.,  Levi  Kilburn,  Asa  liOvell, 
Amos  Lovell,  Amos  Lovell,  Jr.,  Samuel  Alason,  Daniel 
Mason,  Ezra  May,  Calvin  }»Laynard,  Asaph  Merrifield, 
Louis  Merrifield,  Israel  Moore,  Joel  Moore,  Asa  Moore, 
Joseph  ]\Iorse,  Sylvanus  Morse,  Artemas  Murdock,  Joshua 
Murdoch,  William  Nasli,  Silas  Newton,  Ebenezer  Paine, 
Moses  Perry,  Joseph  Perry,  Oliver  Peirce,  Levi  Peiree, 
llollis  Peirce,  James  Peirce,  Jacob  Peirce,  Jonathan  Plimp- 
ton, Jonathan  Plimpton,  Jr.,  Brigham  Prescott,  John 
Prescott,  John  Heed,  Thaddeus  Shattuck,  AValter  Shat- 
tuck,  Isaac  Smith,  John  Smith,  Simon  Stone,  John  Temple, 
Uiiixc  Temple,  William  Thomas,  llobert  B.  Thoma.'*, 
Aaron  Thomas,  Peter  White,  Joseph  Whittaker,  Reuben 
Wilder,  Ebenezer  ^yiilington,  John  Winn,  William  Winn. 

At  the  time  of  the  incorporation  and  organization  of 
this  town  in  1803,  there  were  nine  persons  who  ucre  each 
at  the  head  of  families  but  were  not  legal  voters  in  conse- 
([uencc  of  their  not  possessing  the  specific  qualification^ 
re<iuired  by  the  State  Constitution   to    eiilitle  them  to   the 


elective  franchise.  The  names  of  tlicse  persons  -vvere 
Abiel  Boynton,  Benjamin  Carroll,  John  Dinsmore,  Simeon 
Farr,  Thomas  Hathcrly,  Benjamin  Keyes,  Jeremiah 
Morse,  Daniel  Prouty,  and  Nathan  Wilder.  Of  these^ 
seven  died  in  this  town  and  two  in  distant  parts  of  the 

At  the  first  town  election  in  West  Boylston,  held  on 
the  first  Monday  in  ISIarch,  1808,  the  following  town  offic- 
ers uere  chosen,  viz  :  Silas  Beaman,  Moderator  ;  Kobert 
B.  Thomas,  Toicn  Clerk;  ]']zra  Beaman,  Jonathan  Plimp- 
ton, W^illiam  Pairbunk,  Silas  Beaman,  and  Amos  Lovell, 
Selectmen  ;  Kobert  B.  Thomas,  Silas  Newton,  and  Moses 
Verxy^  Assessors ;  Ezra  Beaman,  Esq.,  Treasurer;  Silas 
Beaman,  Constable. 


Of  those  indiciduah  who  iccrc  householders  and  legal  vot- 
ers in  West  Boylston,  in  1808,  the  time  of  the  organ- 
ization of  the  town,  and  others  who   were  resid- 
ents and  also  legal  voters  but  had  no  respon- 
sible connection  with  anif  of  the  fami- 
lies of  tlie  town. 

Abretiatioxs. — Ch.  for  children,  dau.  daughter,  a.  son,  m.  married,  b. 
born,  d.  died. 

Beaman,  Etir.v,  Esq.,  more  generally  known  as  Major 
Beaman,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Jabez  Beaman,  was  born  iii 
Bolton,  October,  173<).  Jabez  Beaman  having  purchased 
a  large  tract  of  land  in  this  town,  then  belonginfj  to 
Shrewsbury,  situated  on  each  side  of  the  Nashua  Hiver, 
removed  here  with  his  family  in  174G. 

At  the  death  of  Jabez  Beaman,  which  occurred  in  1757, 
Ezra,  his  eldest  son  became  proprietor  of  the  homestead, 
Avhere  he  ever  afterwards  rLsidetl  until  his  decease,  which 
took  place  June  -1,  1811,  in  the  75ili  year  of  his  age.  In 
1768,  he  m.  Tersis,  dan.  of  Dea.  Cyprian  Keyes,  of  Boyl- 
ston, with  whom  he  lived  about  30  years;  she  d.  in  1788, 
aged  49  years.  Their  ch.  were  Jabez,  Ezra,  Levinah, 
Persis,  Betsey,  and   Eunice.     He  was  again  m.  to   Mary 


iJoylston  of  Charlestown,  who  survived  him  and  d.  June  6, 
1813,  aged  62  years. 

!Major  Beaman  was   endowed   by    nature   with  a  strong 
mind,  possessing  a  remarkable  &{)irit  of  enterprise,  togelli- 
er  with  great  energy  and  resolution,  which  enabled  him  to 
devise  and  execute  various  schemes  and  plans,  not  only  for 
liis  own  emolument  and  prosperity,  but  also  for  the  inter- 
est and  advantage  of  the  community  around  him.    His  de- 
signs seldom  failed  to  result  auspiciously   and  in    accord- 
ance with  his  desires   and   anticipations,     ^tlajor  Beamau 
possessed  and  held  a  large  amount  of  real   and   personal 
estate,  thereby  constituting  liim   the  wealthiest  man  who 
lias  ever  been  an   inhabitant  of  this   town.     Although  it 
may  in  truth  be  said  that  West  Boylston   eventually  be- 
came a  town   almost  wholly   in  consequence  of  his  great 
exertions  and  untiring  efforts,  and  that  he  laid  the  founda- 
tion for  its  future  growth  and  prosperity,  and,  although  he 
(lid  more  to  promote  the  general  interest  thereof,  than   all 
others  associated  with  him,  yet  very  little,if  anything,  of  ad- 
equate  importance  has  been  done,  (aside  from  a  common 
tombstone  erected  at  his  grave,)  either  by  individual  citi- 
zens or  the  town  as  a  testimony  of  his  extensive  usefulness 
and  great  worth  as  a  citizen  and  public  benefactor,  or  for  the 
perpetuation  of  his  memory  as  one  of  the  most  distinguish- 
ed and  influential  inliabitants  of  the  town  and  community 
in  which  he  resided.     At  his  decease  his  remains  were  in- 
terred in  the  family  burying  ground,  devoted  to  that  use 
more  than  fifty  years  previous,  by  his   father,  Jabez  Bea- 
man, whose  remains  were  also  deposited  there.     This  con- 
secrated spot  is  situated  half  a  mile   east  of  the  old  Bea- 
man mansion,  near  the  public   road  leading   to   Boylston, 
and  is  enclosed  by  a  stone  wall  built  in   a  neat   and  sub- 
stantial manner.     Mayor  Beaman  was  not  only   an  active, 
leading  man  in   the   immediate  vicinity  where  he  resided, 
but  sustained  a  prominency  and  wielded  an  extensive  and 
controling  influence  in  the  community  at  large.     When- 
ever a  project)  of  a  public  nature  having  the  benefit  of  the 
community   as   its   object  was  originated  and  brought  up 
for  consideration,  he  was  at  once  consulted  as  to  its  impor- 
tance and  practicability,  when  his  judgment  and  expressed 
opinion  generally  had  the  effect  to  cause  the  adoption  and 


cDiisumation  of  the  scliemc,  or  its  rejection  and  final  aban- 
donment, thus  clearly  demonstrating^  and  unmistakabW 
manifesting  the  high  estimation  in  which  he  was  lield  by 
the  leading  and  prominent  portion  of  his  fellow  citizens, 
on  account  of  his  sound  judgment  and  practical  wisdom. 
J t  is  a  fact,  that  in  justice  to  him  ought  to  be  recorded, 
that  several  of  the  public  roads  in  this  vicinity  Mere  pro- 
jected by  him,  and  although  encountering  severe  and  de- 
icrmined  opposition,  yet  through  his  unyielding  and  per- 
severing ettbrts  they  were  eventually  establislied,  and 
became  highly  useful  and  beneficial. 

!\Iajor  Beaman  was  a  patriot,  a  firm  and  ardent  friend 
of  his  country,  being  one  of  the  active  and  unflinching 
spirits  of  the  American  revolution.  He  early  took  a  de- 
cided stand  against  tyranny  and  oppression,  taking  up 
artns  in  favor  of  the  rights  of  his  country,  himself  marcli- 
ing  tothe  battle  field  to  resist  tlic  encroachments  of  the 
enemy.  He  was  \vith  the  American  army  at  Cambridge 
in  1775,  and  performed  a  conspicuous  i)art  during  that 
memorable  period.  He  was  ever  ready  to  render  aid  and 
assistance  in  any  emergency,  not  only  by  his  influence,  but 
when  circumstances  required,  he  promptly  devoted  his 
time,  his  proj)erty,  and  his  personal  exertions,  for  the  pur- 
})ose  of  sustaining  and  pushing  forward  the  severe  and 
arduous  struggle  for  American  Independence  then  in  j)rog- 
ress.  Thus  it  Avould  eeem  tliat  he  was  one  witli  many 
others  wlio  had  virtually  pledged  their  lives,  their  proper- 
ty, and  their  sacred  honors  in  fivor  of  obtaining  and  se- 
curing liberty,  justice,  and  equal  rights  to  themselves  and 
their  posterity.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Congregational 
Church  in  West  Ijoylston,  and  contributed  liberally  for  the 
support  of  the  ordinances  of  religion. 

Beama>-,  Jabiz,  eldest  s.  of  Ezra  lieaman,  Esq.,  b.  in 
17G4,  and  d.  in  1812,  being  47  years  of  age.  He  n\. 
Mary,  dau.  of  Jonathan  liond  of  Boylston,  wlio  d.  soon 
rtfter  their  marriage.  He  resiiled  on  the  homestead  dur- 
ing the  whole  period  of  his  life,  assisting  liis  in  the 
various  departments  of  business,  connected  with  his  ex- 
tensive farming  operations,  etc. 

Bkamax,  Ezra,  Jr.,  youngest  s.  of  Yz/.m  Beaman,  Esq., 
was  b,  December  27,  177U.      After  the  decease  of  his   fa- 

thcr  wliicli  occuiTcd  in  IfJll,  he  became  tlie  i)roprictor  of 
the  liomestead,  and  still  continues  to  be  the  owner  and 
occupant  thereol',  beingr  now  87  years  of  r^q.  It  is  a  re- 
markable incident  and  of  rare  occurrence,  tliat  this  ancient 
establishment,  has  now  been  held  and  occupied  by  father 
ant]  son,  each  bearing;  the  same  name,  during  a  period  of 
more  tlian  100  years.  Mr.  Beaman  is  the  proprietor  and 
liolder  of  a  large  amount  of  real  estate,  being  so  located 
and  its  soil  and  scenery  being  such,  as  to  render  it  ex- 
tremely valuable.  He  has  ever  clierished  a  filial  respect 
for  his  honored  fatlier,  and  yet  speaks  of  him  with  th;it 
deference  and  regard  which  true  greatness  and  other  valu- 
able traits  of  character  he  possessed,  ju.stly  deserve  from 
his  immediate  descendants  and  others  who  were  conver- 
sant with  him.  I'his  ancient  and  time  honored  establisii- 
ment  still  i)resents  in  many  respects  the  same  general  aj.- 
j)earance  as  when  Major  Beaman  left  it,  nearly  50  years  ago. 
Bea-man,  Silas,  Esq.,  s.  of  Epliraim  and  grandson  o| 
Jabcz  Beaman,  was  b.  in  17G5  and  d.  in  1811,  being  -If) 
years  of  age.  lie  m.  Persis,  dau.  of  Rev.  Asaph  Bice  of 
Westminster,  and  resided  with  his  parents.  At  the  de- 
cease of  his  father  which  occurred  in  1805,  he  became  the 
legal  proprietor  of  the  homestead,  continuing  his  residence 
tliereon  until  Ins  own  decease.  Ifis  wife  survived  liim, 
and  d.  in  1815,  aged  -IG  years. 

Mr.  Beaman  was  a  large  athletic  man,  more  tlian  6  feet 
in  heiglit,  and  when  in  the  vigor  and  maturity  of  life, 
weighed  more  than  300  pounds.  He  had  the  advantage 
of  a  good  education  together  witli  superior  native  talems 
whicli  qualified  him  to  act  in  tlie  vari(nis  departments  of 
life  advantageously  to  himself  and  beneficially  to  the  com- 
munity. He  was  distinguished  and  highly  esteemed  a.-^  a 
school  teaclier,  being  eminently  qualified  therefor.  So  far 
as  literary  attainments  were  necessary  he  was  well  fitted 
for  that  department,  possessing  a  thorough  knowledge  of 
the  rudiments  of  education.  He  also  possessed  the°verv 
important  faculty  of  governing  a  school  w  iihout  resorting 
to  harsh  or  severe  measures,  his  word  or  command  af- 
ways  h?A  a  controlling  influence,  causing  immediate  sub- 
mission to  his  wishes  and   requirements.     He  commenced 

school  tcaclilug  whtii  IG  years  of  age,  and  waa  thus  cm- 
})loyed  during  the  ^Yillter  seasons  for  twenty-five  years, 
jiln-ays  succeeding  to  the  general  satisfaction  of  his  sclioi- 
ars  and  emi)loyers.  Mr.  JJeainan's  residence  was  three- 
fourths  of  a  mile  cast  of  Major  Beaman's  place,  on  tlie 
road  to  Boylston.  It  is  now  the  residence  of  Charles  II. 

BiGELow,  Abel,  s.  of  Dea.  Amariah  Bigelow,  b.  in 
1755,  and  married  Martha,  dau.  of  Capt.  Joseph  Bigelow, 
in  1778.  They  had  seven  ch.,  six  of  them  living  to  ma- 
ture age.  He  d.  in  1821,  being  66  years  of  age.  His  wife 
survived  hira,  and  died  in  1848,  at  the  age  of  95  yeara. 
Mr.  Bigelow  was  a  farmer,  and  for  many  years  managed  an 
extensive  farm  with  profit  and  success.  His  residence  was 
situated  half  a  mile  south  of  the  Common  between  the 
roads  leading  to  Worcester  and  Boylston. 

Bigelow,  Levi,  s.  of  Dea.  Amariah  l^igelow,  b.  in 
17G5,  and  d.  iii  1833,  being  G8  years  of  age.  After  he 
had  passed  the  period  of  his  minority,  in  consequence  of 
a  severe  sickness,  he  was  frequently  subjected  to  a  state 
of  mental  derangement,  thereby  causing  much  trouble  to 
his  friends  and  the  community.  During  the  latter  portion 
of  his  life  he  resided  with  Joiin  Temple  of  this  town,  as  u 
constant  and  faithful  laborer,  and  having  become  free  from 
paroxisms  of  mental  aberation,  he  finished  out  his  life  a 
(piiet  and  useful  citizen. 

Bigelow,  SxEriiEN,  oidy  s.  of  Capt.  Joseph  Bigelow, 
1).  in  17G0,  and  d.  in  18  39,  being  79  years  of  age!  He 
m.  Rachel,  dau.  of  William  Pike  of  Framingham,  who 
survived  him,  and  d.  in  1855,  being  87  years  of  age. 
They  had  G  ch.  who  all  lived  to  mature  age.  He  was  a 
farmer,  resided  half  a  mile  west  of  the  Common,  on  the 
road  Jeading  from  the  West  Boylston  Bailroad  Station,  to 
the  south  end  of  Maiden  Hill.  His  only  son,  Joseph  Big- 
elow, now  resides  on  the  same  premises,  being  the  legal 
proprietor  thereof. 

IkcELOAv,  DEN^MS,  eldest  s.  of  Abel  Biirelow,  b.  in 
1779,  and  d.  in  1851,  aged  72  years.  He  m.  Cynthia 
Fletcher  from  Lancaster,  who  is  yet  living.  After  tlie  de- 
cease of  his  fatlier,  ho  resided  with  his  mother,  occuj)ying 
that  portion  of  the   homestead    which    she    received   as   r 


dowry,  together  with  what  he  received  us  liis  share  c>(  iiis 
father's  estate.     He  had  two  ch.  wlio  survived  him. 

Brigiiam,  Stephen,  was  born  in  17-10,  or  near  that 
time,  and  d.  in  1812.  He  was  m.  early  in  life,  had  sev- 
eral ch.,  and  resided  two  miles  south  of  the  Common  in 
this  town.  He  was  the  proprietor  and  oceupant  of  a  large 
farm,  and  although  not  one  of  the  wealthiest  citizens,  yet 
independent  and  free  from  pecuniary  embarrassment.  He 
came  from  Westboro'  in  the  early  part  of  his  life  and  set- 
tled in  this  town,  where  he  resided  until  his  death. 

Brigham,  Edmund,  s.  of  Stephen  Brigham,  b.  in  176U, 
and  d.  in  1841,  being  71  years  of  age.  He  m.  Mary,  dau, 
of  Nathaniel  Brooks  of  Worcester,  and  had  several  ch. 
She  d.  in  the  meridian  of  life.  He  afterward  m.  the  wid- 
ow of  Jonathan  Plimpton,  Jr.,  who  survived  him  and  d. 
in  1857.  Mr.  Brigham  settled  on  the  homestead  with  his 
father  at  whose  decease  he  became  the  legal  proprietor  of 
the  premises  and  continued  the  occupancy  thereof  for  sev- 
eral years,  when  he  sold  out  and  relinquished  the  business 
of  farming,  in  which  he  had  been  engaged  from  his  earli- 
est  years. 

Brown-,  Josiaii  P.,  was  a  native  of  Sterling,  and  re- 
moved to  this  town  with  his  flimily  in  1802,  becomintr  u 
resident,  and  occupant  of  a  farm  in  the  north  part  of  Tiir 
town  then  owned  by  Major  Beaman,  but  now  in  the  pos- 
session of  Lucius  Newton.  He  continued  his  residence 
on  this  farm  for  fifteen  years,  when  he  left  it  and  relin- 
quished the  business  of  farming,  and  d.  by  an  act  of  sui- 
cide in  1^30,  being  about  60  years  of  age.  His  wife 
survived  him  and  has  lately  deceased. 

Child,  Zaciiakiah,  b.  in  1763,  was  the  eldest  s.  ol 
David  Child  of  this  town.  In  1784,  he  m.  Lydia,  dau.  of 
David  Bigelow  of  Worcester,  and  settled  on  a  small  farm 
situated  in  the  south  part  of  the  town,  adjoining  the  resi- 
dence of  his  father.  Here  he  resided  until  his  decease, 
which  occurred  in  184.5,  at  the  age  of  81  years.  They 
had  a  large  family  of  ch.,  several  of  whom  are  yet  livlui^. 
His  wife  survived  him,  and  d.  in  1840,  at  (he  ago  of  Ho 
years.  He  was  a  soldier  o[  the  lv(M-.-luii<)ii  and  rccri\od 
r.  pension  for  several  years. 

Child,  Amos,  s.  of  David  Child,  b.  in  1765,  m.  Dorca.^ 
Davenport  of  lioylston,  and  resided  awhile  witii  liis  pa- 
rents, hut  in  consequence  of  sonic  difficulty  ariging  be- 
tween himself  and  his  brother,  Zachariah,  he  left  the  home- 
stead and  purcliased  a  farm  in  the  nortlnvest  part  of  the 
town,  which  he  occupied  several  years,  when  he  gave  up 
farming  and  became  a  merchant,  occupying  a  store  now 
used  as  a  dwelling  house,  and  situated  a  short  distance 
from  the  brick  meeting-house  in  this  town.  Here  he  re- 
mained until  his  decease,  which  occurred  in  1839,  being 
74  years  of  age.  Ilis  >vifc  d.  in  1822,  being  55  years  o{ 
age.  They  had  several  ch.,  but  one  of  whom  is  now  liv- 
ing. ^  In  1823,  he  m.  Nancy  Rice  of  this  town,  who  is 
yet  living. 

Dayis,  C.uiN.vBAS,  Esq.,  s.  of  Dea.  David  Davis  of 
Paxton,  b.  in  1778,  m.  Mercy  Bellows,  settled  in  this 
town  in  1802,  or  about  that  tin'ie,  and  established  himself 
in  the  business  of  tanning  and  currying  leather  on  the 
premises  previously  occupied  for  the  same  purpose  by  his 
brother,  Simon  Davis.  He  continued  his  residence  iierc 
until  1851,  when  he  removed  to  Paxton,  his  native  town, 
where  he  and  his  wife  soon  after  d.,  being  more  than  70 
years  of  age.  Tiiey  had  four  ch.  tw^o  of  whom  are  de- 
ceased. Mr.  Davis  sustained  an  unblemished  character, 
was  a  quiet,  peaceable  citizen,  enjoying  the  respect  and 
confidence  of  his  fellow  townsmen,  by  whom  he  was  fre- 
quently promoted  to  stations  of  trust  and  responsibility, 
lie  was  six  successive  years  elected  to  represent  the  town 
in  the  State  Legislature,  performing  the  duties  of  that  re- 
sponsible station  to  the  entire  satisfaction  of  his  constit- 

Davis,  Ei.ias,  a  younger  brother  of  Barnabas  Davis,  b. 
in  1784,  came  here  and  was  employed  as  an  assistant  in 
the  store  of  his  brother,  Simon  Davis,  several  years.  He 
afterwards  erected  a  store  in  connection  with  a  dwelling- 
house  and  went  into  trade  for  himself,  but  eventually  dis- 
[)';sed  of  his  business  and  went  to  Keenc,  N.  II.,  where 
he  remained  a  few  years  and  then  returned  to  this  town 
where  he  has  since  resided.  In  1805,  he  m.  Mary  Pigc- 
l(»w  of  this  town,  with  whom  he  lived  in  the  marriage 
relation   more   than  fifty  years.     Hor   death   occurred   in 



1857,  at  the  age  of  72  years.  They  had  tliree  ch.,  one 
son  and  two  daughters,  tlie  son  died  in  early  life,  the 
daughters  are  yet  living. 

DiNSMORE,  Reuben,  s.  of  John  Dinsmore,  b.  in  1771, 
and  died  in    1821,  in  the   50lh  year  of  his    age.      He    ni'. 
Polly,  dau.  of  Paul  Goodale,  in  1800,  who  survived  hira 
and  died  in  1856,  being  80  years  of  age.     They  had 
cral  ch.,  the   most  of  whom    are    yet   living.      He 
farmer  and  first  occupied  the  farm  now  in  the  pos...... 

of  Benjamin  Lee,  in  the  west  part  of  the  town.  He  af- 
terwards resided  on  the  farm  now  in  the  possession  o  I 
Stephen  Hemenway,  in  the  north  part  of  the  town,  and 
finally  removed  to  Princeton,  where  he  died. 

DrxsMORE,  SiL.^s,  s.  of  John  Dinsmore,  b.  in  1779, 
and  d.  in  1824,  being  46  years  of  age.  In  1802,  he  m.' 
Polly,  dau.  of  Amos  Lovell  of  this  town,  who  survived 
him  and  died  in  1842,  aged  65  years.  They  had  a  large 
family  of  ch.,  six  of  whom  are  yet  living.  lie  was^u 
cooper,  and  worked  at  that  business  during  the  earlier 
part  of  his  life.  Subsequently  he  worked  in  a  saw  mill, 
an  occupation  for  which  he  was  peculiarly  qualified.  He 
resided  in  the  house  now  owned  and  occupied  by  Eli  W. 
Holbrook,  near  the  central  bridge  in  this  town. 

DwELLEv,  Joseph,  was  b.  in  1765  and  resided  in  Wor- 
cester in  the  earlier  part  of  his  life,  where  he  m.  Mary 
Stearns  in  1791.  He  afterwards  purchased  a  farm  in  this 
town,  now  tli€  residence  of  James  Fiske,  on  which  he  set- 
tled and  resided  about  40  years,  when  he  sold  his  farm 
and  removed  to  Oakham,  where  he  d.  in  1840,  aged  75 
years.  He  enlisted  into  the  army  of  the  Revolut'ion  when 
15  years  of  age,  and  faithfully  served  his  country  as  a 
soldier  during  the  last  three  years  of  that  war,  when  he 
was  honorably  discharged  and  returned  home.  He  en- 
dured trials  and  hardships  while  connected  with  the  array, 
was  at  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis,  and  participated  in 
other  scenes  of  momentous  interest  and  importance.  His 
only  ch.,  Joseph  Dwelley,  now  resides  in  Oakham. 

E.iMEs,  William,  was  the  proprietor  and  occupant  of 
a  large  and  valuable  farm,  situated  at  the  extreme  south 
part  of  this   town,  contiguous  to   Worcester  and   ShrcTfs- 


bury,  on  wliich  he  soUled  in  the  earlier  part  of  life,  and 
wlicrc  lie  resided  until  Ida  decease  in  1814,  at  tlie  age  o!" 
n.j  years.  His  wife  d.  several  years  previous,  'i'hey  had 
several  eh.,  some  ot"  whom  arc  yet  livmf^.  This  farm  was 
lately  in  the  possession  of  Asa  Rice,  bein^-  the  place  of 
his  residence  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

Eames,  I.Evr,  s.  of  William  Eames  resided  witli  his 
father  untd  his  decease,  when  he  took  possession  of  the 
j)remises,  and  there  continued  as  the  occupant  in  connec- 
tion with  a  youni,^cr  brother  for  several  years,  when  lie 
left  the  homestead  and  went  to  Worcester'  where  he  now 
resides.  In  ISOO,  lie  m.  Jlcph/.ibah  Winter,  who  d.  in 
1816,  aged  38  years.  He  afterward  m.  a  dau.  of  Luther 
lUce  of  Worcester,  who  has  also  deceased. 

Eames,  WiLLiAxr,  Jr.,  s.  of  William  Eames,  m.  a  dau. 
of  Luther  Rice  of  Worcester  i.n  1808,  and  resided  on  the 
homestead  in  connection  with  his  elder  brother  for  several 
years,  when  he  removed  to  Worcester,  where  he  d.  in 
mature  life  leaving  a  flimily. 

EsTABRooK,  S.VMUEL,  s.  of  Samucl  Estabfook,  b.  in 
1747  and  d.  in  IN  1 6,  aged  69  years.  He  m.  Sarah  Mar- 
shall of  Holdcn,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1820,  at  the 
age  of  77  years,  lie  was  a  carpenter,  and  resided  on  a 
farjn  of  which  lie  was  the  proprietor,  situated  in  the  south- 
west part  of  this  town,  being  now  in  the  possession  of 
John  Phelps. 

Fairbank,  Jai'.e/.,  eldest  s.  of  Jonathan  Fairbank,  one 
of  the  early  settlers  of  this  town,  b.  in  1738  and  d.  in 
1822,  aged  84  years.  He  was  m.  in  1760  or  about  that 
time  to  Miriam  Davi.b',  and  had  a  large  family  of  children. 
His  wife  d.  in  the  meridian  of  life  much  lamented.  He 
afterward  m.  Persis  Roukcr  of  Petersham,  who  survived 
him  and  d.  in  1833,  aged  89  years.  He  resided  in  the 
north  jiart  of  the  town  on  the  tlirm  now  in  the  i)ossessinn 
of  his  gran-'lsou,  Uriah  Fairbank. 

Fairbank,  Lemuel,  s.  of  Jonathan  Fairbank,  b.  in 
17j1  and  d.  in  1S19,  aged  68  years.  He  m.  Phebe,  dau. 
of  Jacob  Winn,  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  town, 
who  survived  hiui  and  d.  in  1824,  aged  73  years.  Tliey 
had   several    ch.,  tv/o  of  whom  are  yet  li^i^g.      He  ;-i 

n       vir 



fanner,  and  resided  in  the  north  part  of  the  town,  his  resi- 
dence being  situated  on  the  iiill  road  leading  to  Sterling, 
and  lately  in  the  possession  of  John  H.  Stratton. 

Faiubvnk,  Setii,  s.  of  Jonathan  Fairbank,  b.  in  1765 
and  d.  in  1833,  aged  IS  years.  He  ni.  Relief,  dau.  of 
Amos  Sawyer,  in  1777,  and  settled  on  a  farm  in  the  north 
part  of  the  town,  near  the  residence  of  his  elder  brother, 
Jabez  Fairbank.  They  liad  ten  ch.,  iive  sons  and  five 
daughters,  all  of  whom  survived  their  parents.  His  wife 
d.  in  1839,  being  80  years  of  age.  Tliey  resided  tbrough 
life  where  they  settled  at  the  time  of  their  marriage. 

Fai  [iB\NK,  ^VILLrA^f,  youngest  s.  of  Jonathan  Fair- 
bank,  b.  in  1758  and  d.  in  1840,  aged  Si  years.  lie  ni. 
Keziah  Houghton  of  oterling,  and  had  several  ch.,  some 
of  whom  are  yet  living.  His  wife  d.  in  ISll,  and  in  1812 
he  m.  Persis  Sawyer  of  Boylston,  who  survived  him  and 
died  in  1851,  aged  78  years.  He  was  a  farmer,  and  occu- 
pied a  farm  now  in  the  possession  of  Silas  P.  Jh-ucc,  in 
the  north  part  of  the  town.  He  was  a  man  of  ability  and 
prominence,  being  often  chosen  to  oHices  of  trust  and  re- 
sponsibility by  his  fcUow  citizens.  He  was  a  soldier  of  the 
Jlevolutijii,  and  received  a  pension  the  latter  part  of  his 

FAinn.VN'K,  Alt  ILEUS,  eldest  s.  of  Jabe/  Fairbank,  b. 
in  1705  and  d.  in  1832,  aged  66  years.  He  m.  Polly  Wil- 
lard  of  Sterling,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1836.  They 
had  several  ch.  who  survived  them,  some  of  whom  liavo 
since  deceased.  He  became  the  proprietor  of  a  I'arm  situ- 
ated in  tlie  northwest  part  of  the  town,  now  in  the  posses- 
sion of  Solon  F.  Ikown,  on  whicli  he  resided  to  the  close 
of  his  life. 

Fairij\xk,  jAiiE7,  Jr.,  3.  of  Jabez  Fairbank,  b.  in  1773 
and  d.  in  1843,  aged  70  years.  He  m.  Hannah  Eager  oi" 
Sterling,  who  survived  him  and  died  in  lS47.  T'hey  had 
several  ch.,  four  of  whom  are  yet  living.  He  resided 
with  his  father  on  the  homestead  where  lie  continued  un- 
til the  ch)sc  of  life,  vvhen  the  premises  bacamr^  t!i3  p<is- 
strssion  of  liis  son,  Uriah  Fairbank. 

FArun.VNK:,  Davis,  youngest  s.  of  Jabez  Fairbank,  b. 
in  17  77  and   d.  in    1857,  aged  80  years.     In  ISO  I,  he  ni. 

*"  fj.l 


Rebecca  P'airbaiik  of  this  town,  who  d.  in  l80o.  He  af- 
terwards m.  widow  Sally  Holt  of  this  town,  wlio  d.  in 
1852.  He  occupied  during  the  earlier  portion  of  his  life 
the  premises  ori^^aiially  held  and  occupied  by  his  grand- 
father, Jonathan  Fairbank,  and  now  in  the  possession  of 
Francis  Johnson,  situated  in  the  north  part  of  the  town, 
He  had  but  one  child  who  survived  him. 

Fairbank,  Barak  B.,  s.  of  Lemuel  Fairbank,  b.  in 
1779  and  d.  in  1824,  aged  45  years.  In  1803,  he  m.  Sal- 
ly, dau.  of  Amos  Lovell  of  this  town,  and  settled  in  the 
north  part  of  the  town  near  the  residence  of  his  father,  on 
ihe  old  road  leading  to  Sterling,  where  they  continued  to 
reside  until  their  decease.  His  wife  survived  him  and  d. 
in  1847,  aged  G7  years.  They  had  several  ch.,  the  most 
of  whom  are  now  living.  He  was  a  carpenter,  and  work- 
ed at  that  business  the  most  of  his  time  during  the  last 
years  of  his  life. 

Faikbaxk,  Amos,  eldest  s.  of  Seth  Fairbank,  b.  in 
1779  and  is  yet  living.  In  1813,  he  m.  Lucy  Houghton, 
who  d.  in  1841,  being  about  UO  years  of  age.  He  lias  re- 
sided in  this  town  most  of  the  time  durintr  his  life,  work- 
ing  as  a  common  laborer. 

FisiiKU,  John,  removed  with  his  family  to  this  town 
in  1806  and  resided  in  the  south  part  of  the  town,  occu- 
pying the  farm,  since  the  possession  of  Cicero  Hinds,  and 
now  thcj  residence  of  Dana  Newton.  After  a  few  years' 
residence  he  sold  out  and  removed  from  this  town  and  has 
fcince  deceased. 

Gale,  Oliver,  s.  of  Jonas  Gale,  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  this  town,  b.  in  1771  and  died  in  1824,  aged  53 
years.  He  m.  Esther,  dau.  of  Ebcnezer  Willington  of 
Worcester,  who  survived  him  and  d.  at  an  advanced  age, 
having  been  four  times  legally  connected  in  the  marriage 
relation.  He  was  a  farmer  and  settled  on  the  farm  now 
in  possession  of  the  town,  and  occupied  as  a  pauper  es- 
tablishment, where  he  resided  several  years,  wheii  he  sold 
out  and  purchased  a  small  situation  near  the  centre  of  the 
town  where  he  resided  until  his  decease.  This  location 
now  belongs  to  N.  H.  Goodalc. 
^  Glazier,  Oliver,  s.  of  John  Glazier  of  Eoylston,  b. 
V  ill  1763  and  d.  in   1855,  aged   92   years.     He    was   nj.  in 


17&J  to  Raciiel,  eldest  daa.  oi'  Stephen  Ilastinj^b  of  l\oy\- 
ston,  who  d.  in  1841,  at  an  advanced  a^o.  They  had  ton 
ch.,  nearly  all  of  whom  survived  their  parents.  He  pur- 
chased a  plot  of  land  in  this  town  in  170G,  on  whicli  lie 
erected  a  dwellinfr-house,  which  was  the  place  of  his  resi- 
dence until  after  the  decease  of  his  wife,  when  he  went  U> 
Northborough  and  resided  with  his  eldest  daughter  until 
ids  decease.  He  was  a  carpenter,  and  worked  at  that 
business  the  most  of  his  time. 

Glazikr,  Jason,  youngest  s.  of  John  Glazier,  b.  iu 
1767  and  is  now  living,  being  90  years  of  af^e.  Jle  early 
in  life  m.  Sarah,  daughter  of  Joiui  Dinsmore  of  this  town, 
and  lived  in  the  marriage  state  about  30  years,  when  she 
d.  in  the  meridian  of  life,  leaving  several  ch.  lie  after- 
ward m.  Polly  Gerry  of  Sterling,  who  is  now  living,  lie 
resided  many  years  on  the  premises  now  in  the  possession 
of  George  Dana,  situated  in  the  north  part  of  this  town. 

GooDJLLE,  MosES,  was  b.  in  1739  and  d.  in  1815,  aged  7.5 
years.  He  was  the  eldest  s.  of  Edward  Goodale,  one  of  the 
early  settlers  of  this  town.  In  1797,  he  m.  Silence  Good- 
enow  of  Boylston,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  183G,  being 
about  80  years  of  age.  The  place  where  he  resided  dur- 
ing the  last  part  of  his  life  and  at  the  time  of  his  decease, 
is  situated  40  rods  southwest  of  the  railroad  station  in 
this  town,  and  now  the  residence  of  William  Bolton.  Ho 
possessed  mental  capacities  above  mediocrity  while  he 
much  accustomed  to  freaks  of  whimsical  fancy  and  humor- 
ous caprice  which  could  hardly  fail  to  excite  the  merri- 
ment of  the  most  serious  observer.  His  decease  was  sud- 
den and  unexpected  at  the  time  of  its  occurrence. 

Gooi)\Li:,  Aaiion,  second  s.  of  l-Mward  Goodale,  b.  in 
1743  and  d.  in  1817,  aged  74  years.  In  1767,  he  m. 
Eujiice,  dan.  of  William  Marshall  of  llolden,  who  surviv- 
ed him  and  died  in  1832,  aged  84  years.  They  had  eleven 
ch.,  five  s.  and  six  dan.,  each  of  them  living  to  mature  age; 
and  all  eventually  becoming  connectetl  in  the  marriage 
relation.  The  youngest  of  this  family  is  now  the  only 
surviver,  being  68  years  of  age.  Mr.  Goodale  was  a  farm- 
er occupying  a  farm  half  a  mile  west  of  the  Common,  now 
in  the   possession  of  his  grandson,  (,'hnrles  Goodale.     On 

this   farm  he  settled   in  early    life  iind  there  rei;idcd   luilil 
ids  d(;ccase, 

CiooDALK,  Paul,  third  s.  of  Edward  Goodale,  b.  in  1747 
nnd  (1.  in  1828,  aged  81  years,  lie  m.  Eunice,  dau.  of 
Jonathan  Lovell,  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  town. 
She  d.  in  1824,  aged  77  years.  They  had  nine  ch.,  four  s. 
and  five  dan.,  all  of -whom  jiave  deceased.  In  1825,  he  m. 
widow  Hetty  Lovell  of  this  town,  who  Burvived  him  and 
d.  in  lSo7,  af^ed  84  years.  Mr.  Goodale  was  an  enter- 
prisintr,  successful  farmer,  occupying  an  extensive  *nd 
valuable  farm  on  which  he  resided  nearly  60  years.  He 
accumulated  a  large  estate,  being  one  of  the  wealthiest 
citizens  of  the  town.  He  was  possessed  of  ability  and 
talents  which  qualified  him  for  extensive  influence  and 
usefulness.  He  Avas  frecpiently  chosen  by  the  citizens  of 
the  town  to  till  important  stations  of  trust  and  responsi- 
bility, discharging  tlie  duties  thereof  with  fidelity  and  to 
the  acceptance  of  the  town. 

Goodale,  Peter,  youngest  s.  of  Edward  Goodale,  b, 
in  1752  and  d.  in  1834,  aged  82  years.  In  1775,  he  m. 
Abigail,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Hinds,  who  d.  in  1809,  aged 
58  years.  They  had  six  ch.,  only  oneof  Avhomis  now  living. 
He  was  again  m.  in  1809,  to  widow  Rachel  Flagg  of 
this  town,  who  d.  in  1828,  aged  63  years.  He  first  set- 
tled in  Gardner,  where  he  resided  15  years,  when  he  re- 
moved to  this  town  in  1793,  and  settled  on  the  homestead 
then  in  the  possession  of  his  mother,  where  he  resided  un- 
til his  decease. 

Goodale,  Aahon,  Jr.,  s.  of  Aaron  Goodale,  b.  in  1779 
and  d.  in  1840,  aged  61  years.  In  1805,  he  m.  Mehita- 
ble  Blake  of  Holden,  who  is  yet  living.  They  had  six  ch., 
two  of  whom  are  now  living.  He  settled  on  the  farm 
originally  occupied  by  Kbenezer  Frizzol,  afterwards  by 
T3avid  Winch  and  now  in  the  possession  of  his  youngest 
son,  Aaron  Goodale,  being  situated  half  a  mile  west  of 
the  Common  on  the  south  Maiden  Hill  road  leading  to 

Goodale,  Abel,  Dea.,  s.  of  Aaron  GooilaU^  b.  in  1785 
and  d.  in  1853,  aged  68  yeare.  Jn  e.irly  life  he  m.  Grace 
Merrifitld,  who  d.  in  1819,  ajrcd  3i  vcur.s.      'I'hvy  had  five 


ch.,  two  of  whom  are  now  living.  He  was  again  ni.  in 
li:521  to  widow  Mchitable  Hubbard  of  Holden,  wlio  is 
yet  living.  They  had  two  ch.,  one  of  whom  is  also  living. 
lie  was  for  nearly  30  years  of  the  latter  portion  of  hi;* 
life  the  proprietor  and  occupant  of  the  farm  originally  the 
residence  of  his  grandfather,  Kdv.-ard  Goodale,  and  now 
in  the  possession  of  his  son,  Gardner  E.  Goodale.  Dea. 
Goodale  was  a  valuable  citizen,  a  firm,  substantial  man, 
ardent  in  feeling,  discriminating  in  judgment,  decided  in 
action,  never  vacillant  or  equivocal  in  his  course.  He 
would  thoroughly  investigate  a  subject  or  proposition  and 
decide  upon  a  proper  course  of  action  relative  thereto, 
then  proceed  to  act  with  [)romptness  and  energy,  never 
turning  aside  or  compromising  in  the  with  opposi- 
tion or  antagonism.  Thus  always  exhibiting  a  consisten- 
cy of  character  and  conduct,  he  won  the  respect  and  con- 
fidence of  those  with  whom  he  associated  and  acted  in  the 
various  departments  of  life.  He  was  irreconcilably  hos- 
tile to  secret  associations  whntever  might  be  their  charac- 
ter or  design,  believing  them  to  be  anti-republican  and  of 
dangerous  tendency. 

Goodale,  Levi,  s.  of  Paul  Goodale,  b.  in  1783  and  d. 
in  1854,  aged  71  years.  In  early  life  he  m.  Abigail  Cros- 
by of  Holden,  who  d.  in  I8l0,  being  27  years  of  age.  He 
was  again  m.  in  1811  to  Eunice  H.  Brimhall  of  Oakham 
who  d.  in  1826,  aged  38  years.  In  1827,  he  m,  Orinda 
Cleveland  of  Medfield,  who  d.  in  1845,  being  59  years  of 
age.  He  was  again  m.  to  Sarah  Ann  Nelson  of  Mcdheld, 
wlio  is  now  living.  He  had  several  ch.,  the  most  of 
whom  are  also  living.  He  was  a  farmer  and  resided  on 
the  homestead  until  the  last  years  of  his  life,  when  he 
changed  his  residence  and  became  the  occupant  of  the 
premises  now  in  the  possession  of  AVinthrop  Snow,  situ- 
ated 80  rods  southeast  of  the  railroad  station  in  this  town. 

Goodale,  Jason,  s.  of  Peter  Goodale,  b.  in  1780  and 
d.  in  1852,  aged  72  years.  In  1807,  he  m.  Hannah,  dau. 
of  Dea.  Asa  Lovell,  Avho  died  in  1812,  aged  31  years.  He 
afterward  m.  Sarah  Kaymond  of  Ashby,  who  is  yet  living. 
He  was  a  farmer  and  resided  in  Winchendon  the  latter 
part  of  hi?  life.      Sevcril  of  his  cli.  arc  now  living. 


(i(H)DHNo\v,  ]*J.i.)Aii,  I  Idcst  s.  of  JuHIlS  (J (.odcilO V,  (if 
I^oylston,  I),  ill  ITG."^  ainl  d.  sudvU  nl  y  in  l^-Jl,a^c-(i  5:1 
years,  lie  in.  lumicc.  <,  oi  Micnu  Ilarlhan,  who  suv- 
vivfd  liini  and  d.  in  INJ^.  aL,-cd  .JfJ  years.  They  had  ten 
eh.,  onlv  three  td'  whom  are  now  living.  lie  resided  witii 
liis  lather-in-law,  a^.si^lin[r  him  in  the  managing  of  his 
l.ani  and  other  matters.  In  li^04,  he  erected  a  distillciy 
Nvhirh  svas  used  several  years  fur  manufacturing  gin  and 
cider  brandy.  These  ])remises  are  situated  near  the  l*>ap- 
lisr  meetinghouse,  and  are  now  in  the  ])ossession  of 
CJeorge  Holmes,  a  s.  of  the  late  Thomas  Holmes  of  this 

H.VDLY,  ]->riiJiATM,  Avas  b.  in  Sterling,  came  to  this 
town  and  m.  rrudence,  dau.  of  John  Dinsmore,  in  17'.*'.). 
He  (1.  in  1!^14,  being  nearly  40  years  of  age,  and  after  his 
»iecease,  she  m.  Jonathan  Nichols  of  Holden,  and  d.  in 
IS.OG.  Mr.  Iladly  was  a  cooper,  and  when  not  cngagfd 
in  that  business,  labored  where  he  could  find  (•mi)loymfiii , 
He  resided   in  this  town  some  1  *)  or  20  years. 

Hakthax,  David,  eldest  s.  of  ]Micah  Harthan,  b.  i:\ 
1704  and  d.  in  1S23,  aged  .09  years.  He  m.  Prudence, 
dau.  ol  Jacob  Winn,  and  had  six  ch.,  only  two  of  whon. 
are  now  living.  She  survived  him  and  d.  in  1840,  u'jcA 
70  vears.  He  d.  suddenly  and  alone,  in  consequence  of  a 
fall.  He  was  a  miller,  having  attended  a  grist  mill  fron: 
his  boyhood  until  his  decease.  He  was  the  jiroprietor  «>1 
the  well  known  and  far  famed  Harthan  Mills  in  this  town. 
His  dwelling  ])lace  was  situated  about  oO  rods  north  of 
tlie  railroad  station  in  this  town. 

Hinds,  Jacoi!,  s.  of  Ijcnjamin  Hinds,  b.  in  1707  and  o'. 
in  lS.r2,  aged  85  years.  He  m.  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Jona- 
than Fawcett  of  Ijoylston,  uho  survived  him  and  d.  i:. 
1850,  aged  82  years.  They  liad  four  ch.,  three  of  whoir. 
luive  deceased.  He  settled  on  the  homestead  wlierc  1..; 
resided  the  earlier  portion  of  his  life,  but  eventually  lef: 
the  place  of  his  nativity  and  resided  M'ith  his  son  in  the 
south  part  of  the  town  until  his  decease.  He  *.vas  a  furir.- 
cr  and  much  in  the  habit  oi'  originating  new  schemes  :ind 
urojects  L>f  a  i^^.dlosophica!   and.  >cientiHc    character,  sa.'.ri 

fiolnrr  mucli  lime  and  expense  in   piitliu;,;  iIilmii  into  opera- 
•    liDii  Tor  the  purpose  of   trial  ami  cxporiment. 

JliXDs,  .Tosiipir,  Es(|.,  s.  ol"  Benjamin  Hinds,!),  in  1773 
and  d.  in  ISIjo,  a;,;ed  G2  yuars.  in  1798,  lie  ni.  l{cd)c-L'ca 
Sawyer  of  Sleriiir^-,  wlio  is  now  livin^";,  bciir^  82  ycMi-.s  of 
i.^'O.  They  had  :::c'ven  cli.,  lour  of  whom  aio  now  livini;-. 
llu  was  a  bookbinder  and  a  larnici-,  succcvssiully  pursnin;^ 
aiul  inanaL^in^.^  two  kimls  of  bu.sinos.s  at  the  same  time. 
JL'  was  a  jirominent,  useful  citizen  of  the  town,  being  fre- 
ipicntly  clioson  by  the  inliabitants  to  fill  offices  of  trust 
and  responsibility,  and  several  times  represented  the  town 
in  the  State  Le;j;islature.  Jlis  residence  was  70  rods 
^ollth  of  the  Common. 

Holt,  Aekl,  s.  of  Ihir/.ilia  Ilolt  of  Ijoylston.b.  in  17-13 
and  d.  in  18!  o,  aii;c;d  72  ye-irs.  lie  m.  J-hmico,  dan.  of 
Henry  Keyes  of  ]]o)bt()n,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in 
1810,  a.:;ed  0-3  years.  They  had  bix  s,  antl  two  dan.,  two 
of  Avlioni  are  nmv  living.  He  \v;is  a  I'armer,  and  resided 
one  mile  south  of  the  Common,  on  the  premises  now  in 
the  possession  of  Cyras  L.  Kniglit. 

Holt,  Alill,  a  younger  brother  of  Abol  Holt,  was  \n.  in 
ill  the  earlv  [)art  of  life  and  h;id  several  cli.,  some  of  whom 
arc  now  living.  His  wih)  d.  in  1810,  aged  oO  years.  He 
snrvived  his  v;ifo  au'l  d.  in  181,3.  He  occupied  tlio  farm 
during  the  foKmer  part  of  his  life  time,  now  in  the  posses- 
sion of  Brigham  Prescott,  situated  in  the  north  part  of  tlie 
town,  on  the  old  road  lead  to  Sterling. 

Holt,  James,  was  a  s.  of  Earzilia  Holt,  Ji'.,  of  Ev^yl- 
ston.  He  d.  in  1855,  being-  about  84  years  of  age.  In 
1800,  ni.  Eunice,  dau.  ofDea.  Asa  Lovell,  who  d.  in  1S21, 
by  an  act  of  suicide  in  consequence  of  mental  derange- 
ment. They  had  several  ch.,  some  of'  whom  are  yet 
living.  He  resided  in  the  west  part  of  tlie  town  about 
20  years  of  the  earlier  part  of  his  life,  being  the  proprie- 
tor and  occupant  of  a  small  farm. 

Holt,  Jonas,  s.  of  Abel  Holt,  b.  in  1779  and  d.  in 
1853,  aged  73  years.  In  1802,  he  m.  Anne  Wran,  who 
d.  in  1845,  aged  G5  years.  They  had  severed  eh.,  four 
of  whom  are  now  liviiig.  He  was  a  carpenter,  and  resid- 
ed half  a  mile  south  of  the  Common  on  the  old  road  lead- 

'.i.g  to  Worcester.     I'hu   pvcnil.scs    are   now  in  Uie  posses- 
sion of  Jiis  soil,  Ward  K.  iiolt. 

Howe,  Alvax,  in  the  earlier  part  of  life  was  a  resident 
•  'f  Shrewsbury.  lie  in.  Mary  \\'illini(t()n,  liatl  a  hir;:c 
fanily  CI  ch.,  removed  to  this  town  perhaps  in  lSU'2or 
about  that  time.  Me  resided  in  tlie  north  part  of  the 
town  on  the  premises  now  in  the  possession  of  the  West 
Jioylslon  Manufacturing  Comj^.any.  L'or  several  years  he 
M'as  the  occupant  of  a  orist  mill  then  standinur  near  the 
location  of  the  brick  factory  riow  occu])ied  by  the  afore- 
said Company.  He  d.  in  1820.,  aged  60  years.  His  wife 
survived  him  a  few  years  and  also  died. 

Howe,  Hir.vm,  s.  of  Nathan  Howe  of  Shrewsbury,  b. 
i:i  1775  and  d.  in  1829,  aged  o4  years.  He  m.  Olive, 
(lau,  of  Micah  Harthan,  wlio  survived  him  and  d.  in  ISlj'i, 
a^'cd  78  years  V\\2y  hid  several  c!i.,  live  of  whom  -are 
now  living.  He  was  the  proprietor  of  a  iarm  in  the  north 
part  of  the  town  on  the  old  road  leading  to  Sterling,  where 
lie  resided  at  the  time  of  his  decease.  Since  that  time  the 
house  has  been  burned,  and  lluj  farm  divided  and  sold  to 
different  individuals  and  is  no  lon;.;er  a  family  residence. 

JoiiNSOx,  I'l.MOTiiv,  with  his  family  removed  from 
Sutton  to  this  town  in  180.},  having  purchased  the  black- 
smith shop  then  situated  near  where  tlie  factory  belonging 
to  Eli  W.  Holbrook  now  stands.  Here  he  pursued  the 
business  of  manufacturing  and  vending  scvthes  for  a  few 
years,  having  built  a  dwelling-house  for  liis  convenience 
a:id  accommodation,  when  he  sold  his  cstahlishment  to  Ja- 
cob and  Ezekiel  Peircc  and  removctl  back  to  Sutton  where 
he  afterward  died, 

Keyes,  Reuben,  eldest  s,  of  Simeon  Kcyes,  b.  in  17GG, 
IV..  Olive,  dau.  of  Capt,  Joseph  Bigelow,  had  two  sons,  one 
of  whom  is  now^  living.  He  was  a  blacksmdth,  and  erect- 
ed a  sho[)  on  the  premises  now  occupied  by  Charles  Morse, 
near  the  railroad  station  in  this  town,  where  he  pursued 
the  business  of  iiis  occupation  awhile,  and  then  disposed 
of  his  establishment  and  built  a  dwelling-house  now  in  the 
possession  of  N,  H.  Goodalc,  where  he  resided  a  few  years, 
tiien  sold  out  and  removed  to  l^arre,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  at  an 
idvanced  age,  his  wife  and  eldest  s.  having  previously  de- 

Keyes,  Thomas,  Jr.,  eldest  s.  of  Thomas  Keyes,  b.  in 
17<)7  and  d.  in  lS5fi,  aged  89  years,  lie  m.  Lydia,  dau. 
of  Micah  Harthan,  in  1791,  and  had  six  ch.,  only  one  of 
whom  is  now  living.  She  d.  in  1&2-1,  in  the  GOtli  year  of 
her  age.  He  was  a  farmer  and  settled  on  the  homestead 
with  his  father,  where  he  resided  durinjr  the  whole  period 
of  his  life.  Ho  was  respected  by  his  fellow  citizens,  who 
frequently  selected  him  to  fill  stations  of  trust  and  re- 
sponsibility. He  became  tlie  proprietor  of  the  homestead 
hy  inheritance  from  his  father,  and  left  the  same  with  ad- 
ditions and  iuiprovcments  to  his  only  surviving  son,  l^en- 
jainin  F.  Keyes. 

KiLBiiux,  Levi,  was  b.  in  Sterling,  and  there  m.  Cath- 
erine, dau,  of  Manassah  Sawyer,  from  thence  he  removed 
with  his  family  to  tiiis  town,  having  purchased  a  small 
farm  situated  in  the  north  part  of  the  town,  now  in  the 
possession  of  John  S.  Cutting,  where  he  resided  until  his 
decease,  which  occurred  in  1847,  aged  7^3  years.  His 
wife  d.  in  1850,  and  he  afterward  m.  a  second  wife  who 
survived  him  and  d.  in  1857.  He  had  four  ch.  who  are 
now  living. 

LovELL,  As.v,  Dea.,  s.  of  Jonathan  J^ovell,  one  of  the 
early  settlers  of  this  town,  b.  in  1751  and  d.  in  1814,  aged 
G3  years.  He  m.  Betty  Ilaymond,  had  one  s.  and  hve 
dau.,  three  of  whom  are  now  Jiving.  His  wife  survived 
him  and  in  1825  m.  Paul  Goodale,  and  also  survived  him. 
Dea.  Lovell  was  the  proprietor  and  occupant  of  a  farm  riow 
in  the  possession  of  h>astus  Broad,  situated  a  mile  west 
of  tlie  Common,  on  the  north  Maiden  Hill  road  leading 
to  Holden.  He  was  a  m;in  of  integrity  and  exemplary 
character,  and  a  valuable  citizen 

Lovell,  Amos,  s.  of  Jonathan  Lovell,  b.  in  1753  and 
d.  in  1815,  aged  02  years.  He  m.  Mary  liall  of  Concord, 
had  three  s.  and  five  dau.,  four  of  wIidui  are  now  living. 
His  wife  survived  him  and  d.  iu  183;],  at  the  age  of  7  7 
years.  He  was  a  farmer  and  resided  near  his  brother,  Aj-.i 
Lovell,  on  the  farm  originally  occupied  by  his  father,  and 
now  in  the  possession  of  his  grandson,  Addison  liOvell. 

Lovell,  Amos,  Jr.,  eldest  s.  of  Amos  Lovell,  b.  in 
1782,  and   is  now  living.      In  1307,   he  m.  Martha,  eldest 


dau.  of  Abel  Li-elow,  ulio  d.  in  1807,  a-ed  64  ycuiv 
'i  licy  had  ihreo  ?.,  two  of  wlioni  are  now  liviiii;-.  IIo  \va:< 
a  farmLn-  and  soUled  on  the  homestead  with  his  father, 
v.-lierc  he  resided  during-  the  cariior  part  of  his  life,  but 
eventually  relinqui>!ied  the  po.^;-es.,ion  of  tlic  preuiises  to 
liis  son,  Addison  Ljvell,  and  er-cleil  ;-.  l:iri;-e  coinm  jd:ous 
dwelling-house  near  the  Common^  where  he  iias  since 
resided.  •    . 

^^.l-vsox,  Samuel,  was  b.  probably  as  early  as  17;".:.  and 
d.  in  183U,  being  over  80  years  of  age.  He  was  m.,  and 
had  several  cli  ,  sonic  of  whom  are  now  living,  lie  was  a 
farmer  and  resided  in  the  iiortlnvest  part  of  the  town,  oc- 
cupying the  farm  now  in  the  posses.^ion  of  his  c!;iKiren, 
John  and  Lucy  Mason. 

Masox,  Daxiel,  ,s.  of  Samuel  r.Iason,  b.  in  1780  and 
d.  in  1818,  aged  oi  years,  ile  d.  by  au  act  of  suicide, 
supposed  to  be  in  consccpience  of  a  depve-ysion  of  mind 
or  a  kind  of  mental  derangement,  to  wliich  he  seemed  to 
be  constitutionally  predisposed,  lie  was  somewhat  re- 
served and  serious  in  his  general  deportment;  industrious 
and  frugal  in  his  habits,  and  respected  by  his  iViends  and 
associates  in  lii'e. 

May,  E/.iiA,  was  b.  in  Sterling  in  1772  and  d.  in  1815, 
aged  40  years.  IIo  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Ja!)L'z  I'airbank, 
who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1845,  aged  l-')  years.  Tliey 
::ad  several  cli.,  two  of  v/hom  are  now  iiviiig-.  lie  set'- 
tled  on  a  farm  in  tlie  nortiiwest  part  of  this  lown,  now  in 
tlic  possession  of  his  son,  John  May,  v.  here  he,  resided 
until  his  decease. 

.Mayxaud,  Calyi.v,  came  from  Marlboro"  in  ISO  I,  was 
a  trader  occupying  a  store  ncur  the  Common  in  ih:s  town, 
wdiere  he  continued  in  business  about  live  years,  when  he 
removed  to  ^Sterlinir,  and  there  c^labli.-Iicd  liijn.-.clf  as  a 
trader,  lie  m.  Olive,  dau.  of  John  I,.  AVhiting,  and  resid- 
ed in  Sterling  a  few  years,  whui  they  both  d.,  leaving 
no  children. 

Meki:ifield,  yVsAPir,  was  1).  in  1711  and  d.  in  18LM), 
aged  70  years.  He  removed  with  his  fimily  iVam  Slier- 
burne  to  tliis  town  in  178.;,  having-  piirclrased  a  firm  situ- 
ated   in   the  southwest  part  of  th.e  ^own,  now  occupied  by 



Ira  Warren,  who  m.  one  of  his  dau.,  wlierc  he  resided  un- 
til liis  decease.  His  wife  survived  him  and  d.  in  1845, 
aged  89  years.  He  had  ten  cli.,  several  of  whom  are  now 

Mehrifield,  Louis,  s.  of  Asaph  Merrificld,b.  in  1781 
and  d.  in  1851,  aged  70  years.  He  in.  Phebe,  dau.  of 
Sylvanus  Morse,  wlio  died  in  1839,  a-]jed  60  years.  Tiicy 
liad  several  ch.,  one  of  whom  is  now  living.  They  rcsiil- 
cd  with  her  father  assisting  him  in  the  management  of  his 
farm.  After  the  father's  decease,  he  became  the  proprie- 
tor of  the  farm,  and  the  occupant  thereof  during  the 
continuance  of  his  life,  leaving  the  prendscs  as  a  patrimo- 
ny to  his  only  son,  Louis  W.  Merrillcld.  He  was  m.  a 
second  time,  his  wife  survived  him  and  d.  in  185o,  aged 
C2  years. 

Mooui",  Israel,  s.  of  Dea.  Israel  Moore,  b.  in  1777 
and  d.  in  Ihll,  aged  o4  years.  He  m.  Mary  Cheney, 
dau.  of  Paul  Goodale,  who  survived  him  and  afterwards 
m.  Nathan  Rogers  of  Holden,  where  she  d.  in  1828,  aged 
50  years.  Mr.  Moore  settled  on  a  farm  in  the  north  part 
of  this  town,  adjoining  that  occupied  by  his  father,  where 
he  resided  a  few  years  and  then  sold  out  and  removed  to 
the  hoM'cstead,  of  which  he  became  the  proprietor  at  the 
decease  of  his  father,  where  he  resided  until  his  own  de- 
cease. He  had  two  sons  and  two  daughters  who  are  now 
living,  the  eldest  son,  James  H.  Moore,  being  now  the  pro- 
prietor and  occupant  of  the  homestead. 

MooiiE,  Joel,  s.  of  Dea.  Israel  Moore,  b.  probably  in 
1780,  m.  Susanna  Kennan,  of  Rutland,  and  settled  on  a 
small  farm  half  a  mile  north  of  the  Beaman  place,  on  the 
road  leading  to  Lancaster,  and  now  the  residence  of  L.  D. 
Newton.  He  afterward  removed  to  Holden  where  he  d. 
in  185G,  aged  76  years.  He  had  ch.  some  of  whom  to- 
gether with  their  mother  are  now  living. 

MooRE,  Asa.,  youngest  s.  of  Dea.  Israel  Moore,  b.  per- 
haps in  1784  or  about  that  time.  He  m.  Sabia,  dau.  ol 
Dea.  Asa  Lovell,  in  1804,  and  settled  on  a  farm  in  the 
north  part  of  this  town,  now  held  and  occupied  by  a  fam- 
ily of  aliens.  He  removed  from  this  town,  afterward  fre- 
quently changing  his  residence,  and  now  resides  in  Hub- 


banlsloii.      Ills  \\[['c.  d.  in  18.3-i,  a-cd  G3  years,  and   lie  U 
;igain  connected  in  inarriafre. 

Mojisr:,  Syla  anus,  s.  cf  Joi-.o])Ii  ^lorsc,  one  of  the 
early  setller.s  of  this  town,  b.  in  17 10  ;ind  d.  in  ISlu, 
aired  GG  years,  lie  ni.  Ph'-l)c  Church  of  New  Marlburo\ 
v.-ho  d.  in  the  meridian  ol^  liil'.  Tlu-y  had  f^evcral  cIj.,  all 
of  them  having  deceased,  lie  ws  a  iarnicr  and  c!Il!■in^ 
the  I  ittcr  j)art  of  his  life,  occupied  tlic  jjremises  ori-innf- 
ly  belonging  to  his  fatlier  where  he  resnlcd  uu'Sl  hi-i 

MoiisE,  JosF.i'ir,  s.  of  Josoi)h  :\Iursc.  b  in  17oS  and  d. 
in  182G,  aged  GS  years,  lie  r.i.  .Sojdiia,  dan,  cf  ]!LMJaini:i 
]3igciow,  one  of  the  early  settlers  gC  this  t()\^n,  win)  ^ur- 
vivcd  him  anul  d.  in  18:j],  ng-il  70  yeais.  'Ihev  had  nine 
ch.,  fonrof  wliom  aro  now  liwaL;,  'riic  i':,nn  c:!  w'.iicU  he 
residi^l  is  liiroj-fonnhs.of  a  ni'.lo  north  nl  ti.j  Cinnmun, 
and  lately  in  iho  posi^c-sion  cd'  liis  gr.-.nd.<on,  .Tt.'seph 
?|[ors:',  now  deceasjd.  A'r:dde  portion  of  this 
farm  once  belonged  to  the  elder  .lo.apli  .Moi-o.  li  is  an 
incident  worthy  of  notice,  that  f  .nr  persons  having  t!;c 
same  name  in  a  rei^alar  line  of  divalent,  liave  sucee.- .lively 
hehl  and  occujned  llie  same  p-remisL'S  during  a  periv)d  of 
more  than  one  hundred  Atars. 

:Murdock,  Artkmas,  Dea.,  (  hlest  s.  of  William  ^Jar- 
dock  of  \\'cstinin'-tLr,  b.  in  i77o  and  d.  in  iS^o,  aged  79 
years.  lie  m.  Keziah  (lark  of  Mediieid,  and  came  to  tins 
tvwnin  ISOl.  He  suttL.'d  on  the  p--einises  now  in  the 
possession  of  his  eldest  s  ,  D.ivid  C.  ?,;urdoch,  v.hi're  ho 
worked,  being  ii  cabim't  maker.  His  wife  d.  in  18  IS, 
aged  CS  years.  They  had  nine  eh.,  seven  of  whom  are 
now  living.  Dea.  Murdoch  was  u  valuable  and  exemplary 
citizen,  possessing  a  nnld,  pacific  temperament  and  di^po"- 
silion,  together  with  that  Jnmesty  of  ])urpose  and  integri- 
ty of  character,  which  enabled 'him  in  all  hnsincss  m.Jt- 
ters  and  transactions  to  act  with  that  fairness  and  just 
regard  for  the  rights  and  interests  of  oti)ers,  tha_,t  secureil 
for  him  the  respect  and  esteem  of  ail  \\ith  v.hom  he 
chanced  to  have  intercourse  relative  to  the  common  allair.-' 
nt  lile.  He  d.  suddenly,  a  victim  to  extreuAe  pain  ami 


MrunocK,  Jo.NiiL'A,  Dca.,  a  younger  hrothor  of  Arto- 
m:is  MurJuck,  Was  b.  ia  17sO.  He  iii.  ('Iaiis,s:i  ILntslioi  ii 
ni"  Afedii'jkl,  and  in  1 800,  SL>ttlcd  in  tins  town  near  liis 
brother,  tlK>  jjlice  of  liis  residence  being  now  iri  the  pos- 
session of  X.  li.  Good  de.  Jle  was  a  e.ibinet  nuducr  and 
worked  wiih  l,i.s  brother.  In  1  Si  1.  he  lenioved  to  Lei- 
cester, aiul  there  has  continued  to  pursue  his  occupation 
\yit!i  sii:cjss^  and  advanta- •.  His  wife  d.  in  kSl7,  aj^e.l 
Go  years.  'Diey  had  live  cli.,  lour  uf  whom  arc  now 

N.*.sir,  Wir.T.iA'.i,  r.ev.,  tiio  iirst  minister  of  tkis  town, 
was  a  native  (d'  W  ilkatn.-daur:.:,  H'anii;;diire  County,  ^rass., 
was  b.  in  ITGJ  and  (k  in  l^rl.),  aevd  (SO  vean-.  iJe  came 
here  in  ITll-i  and  ]r;eac1icd  as  a  cmdidate  for  settlement, 
and  was  ordained  Oct.  11,  1797,  as  a  minister  of  iIk' 
church  and  society  pr.n  ionsly  organized  ia  the  second  pre- 
cinct of  Ik.vlston,  Sterling,  and  Ilolden.  In  ly01,<^r 
about  til  It  tiiue,  .Mr.  A'axh  in.  kdi/.ahclh  Doubleday,  and 
liaviiig  purchased  a  farm  in  the  pouth  psrt  of  thc"tou  n. 
now  occ'Ji)i-d  by  ])  P.  u'orec-Ucr,  sellh'd  thereon,  wiiere 
he  continued  to  re-ddc  until  bl's  decease,  lie  caitinued 
in  the  mini-.try  until  hSlJ,  wiicn  hi:s  connection  witli  the 
chuch  and  saei-ty  was  formally  tlissolved  at  his  own  re- 
quest. His  oidy  surviving  s.,  Chai-l-s  Ixash,  iiov/  resides 
in  ^Vorc.:s;er. 

Xi:v/ro.v,  Silis,  was  b.  in  1770  and  d.  in  183(1,  aged 
Of)  years.  He  came  from  Paxton  to  this  town  in  the  ear- 
lier part  of  life,  m.  Eunice,  youngest  dan.  of  Ezra  Bea- 
man,  ICsq.,  who  survived  him  and  Is  yet  living,  being  8-1 
years  of  age.  He  had  no  pcrmar.ent  abode,  frequentlv 
changing  l)i.«i  residence  utitil  1810,  Avhen  he  purchased  a 
farm  now  in  the  posses.iion  of  his  .son,  Jabez  P.  Xewton, 
situated  in  the  northwest  j)art  of  tliis  toAvn,  wliere  he  set- 
tled and  resided  until  !iis  deec'.ae.  He  had  six  ch  ,  sever- 
al of  whom  are  now  living.  He  was  a  respectable  and 
useful  citizen,  heing  frequently  elected  to  i>laces  of  trust 
and  responsibility,  and  once  represented  the  town  in  the 
State  Legislature.  In  1811,  he  united  with  the  Congrega- 
tional church,  and  afterwards  became  a  [noaiinent  membei 
of  the  (]:!!)ti<t  cluirch. 

ii//      '.w 


•M'  ■  ■,  !;i') 


Paine,  Ebrnezhk,  was  b.  in  1777  and  d.  in  1847,  a^^a'd 
70  years.  Jle  canio  with  his  family  to  this  town,  proba- 
bly in  1800,  and  settled  on  tlio  f<irai  ])reviously  in  the  pos- 
session of  Israel  Moorj,  an  1  now  adjoining  the  farm  of 
James  II.  Moore,  in  the  north  part  of  the  town,  where  he 
continued  ids  residence  until  his  decease.  His  wife  tl.  in 
1S25,  at  the  age  of  -19  years.  He  afterward  m.  widow 
Cynthia  Harthan,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1H49,  aged 
G  I  years.     They  had  ch.,  some  of  whom  are  now  living. 

Perry,  Moses,  was  b.  in  17-33  and  d.  in  1843,  aged 
S5  years.  lie  removed  with  his  family  from  Hopklntoii 
to  tliis  town  in  1^01,  and  settled  on  the  farm  once  occu- 
pied by  Ebenezer  Inglesby,  an  early  settler,  and  now  thu- 
residence  of  Jabe/,  B.  Newton.  Here  he  resided  nine  or 
ten  years  and  removed  to  tiie  stale  of  Maine.  He  remain- 
ed in  that  state  a  dozen  years,  then  returned  and  re^ided 
in  this  town  until  his  d'jcease.  lie  bad  several  cli.,  some 
of  whom  are  now  living.  His  wii'e  d.  in  1843,  previous 
to  his  death,  aged  84  years,  they  having  been  connected  in 
nnrriage  04  years. 

Perry,  Joseph,  «.  of  I\Ioses  Perry,  b.  in  17  70,  came 
from  Ilopkinton  to  this  town  in  1801.  He  ni.  Sarah, 
daughter  of  Manassah  Sawyer,  was  a  carpenter,  resided 
with  his  father  a  few  years,  and  tlien  removed  to  the  state 
of  Maine  where  he  and  his  wife  are  yet  living. 

Peiroe,  Oliver,  s.  of  Josiah  Peir:e  of  Worcester,  b. 
probably  as  early  as  1750  and  d.  in  1813.  He  had  a  fam- 
ily and  resided  in  the  south  part  of  tliis  town,  and  occu- 
pied the  farm  now  in  the  possession  of  Nathan  Morse, 
where  he  continued  to  reside  until  his  disease.  His  wife 
died  in  1831.  Ho  had  some  eight  or  ten  ch  ,  several  of 
whom  are  yet  living. 

Peirce,  Levi,  s.  of  Josiali  Pierce,  b.  in  17G0  and  d. 
in  1833,  aged  73  years.  He  m.  Porsis  Ilobinson  who  sur- 
vived him,  and  d.  in  1833  aged  71  years.  She  was  a  na- 
tive of  Lexington  and  distinctly  recollected  the  battle 
fought  in  that  place  in  177.3,  the  approach  of  the  Britisli 
troops,  and  other  scenes  which  there  occurred  on  that 
memorable  occasion.  They  had  seven  ch.,  all  of  whom 
arc  now  living.     His  residence   was   in  the  south  part  of 

the  (o'.\-ii,  uclug  nj\v  in  iho  ]i()sscssio,n  of  I.ukc  llips'y, 
lie  v.-j:,s  -i  r.urwyvjr  and  wa.-j  much  cmployetl  in  that  occi;- 

]'i:i!1;'m:,  Hollis,  eklost  .s.  of  Oliver  P^irco,  b.  jicrhap^ 
in  1777,  or  aboul  lliat  tinit^,  and  d.  in  ISoS.  J  [c  ni.  I/vi- 
cinda  '  L<'rrii:cUl,  who  d.  previous  to  HMO  ]  [e  ;ilt'^ r\var(i.s 
m.  MiM-cy  ?.I,'rrihoUl  of  tliis  t()^',n,  who  survived  Iiiin  and  p.. 
Timtvdiy  i-'arl-^r  and  reuiovcd  lo  tho  state  of  N.  Y.  ilo 
built  a  'lunsj  and  resided  durinL;-  the  earlier  part  id"  lile 
hair  a  leile  north  (d' tlic  ('i)ir.nion.  The  ])i-eini ses  a.r'.'  uov/ 
occupied  lyv --torr.^  j'.hhidi^e.  lie  at'terw.irds  re.ddvd  ^outli 
of  tiie  Comnion  and  tliere  deeea:jed.  lie  ii  id  ch.,  some  ui" 
whom  arj  no  .v   livin;;-. 

P;:rKi:r,  JA:n:s,  r,.  of  Oliver  Peiree,  b.  in  1770  and  0. 
in  18  11,  a  ;ed  Go  years.  He  m.  Sally  Pi^ke  of  lbdd(;:i 
v/ho  is  no.v  livin;.';-  'i'iioy  had  several  eh.,  aome  of  v,'honi 
are  also  livin.;-.  lie  v^-as  a  farmer  and  resided  in  tlie  soutli 
{)a]t  of  t!r>  to'.vn,  the  prcinisoo  bein;.;-  now  in  the  posses- 
sion of  his  yonn^c.  t  son,  Lyman  Peirce, 

Pi:ii'.ei:,  Jacoi^  came  from  Sutton  to  this  town  in  ISOo, 
bcin:i,-  ovir'Jl  year.s  of  a<;-a.  iPa  v/as  a  blacli-sruitli  an  1 
work'jd  wi'h  Timothy  Johnson  at  .scythe  i.oakine;,  lie 
eventually  became  the  pro])rietor  of  the  establishment  in 
conni'  tion  witii  a  youiiL^'er  brother.  Iw  181)8  he  m.  Aym- 
bah,  chh'.-t  diu.  of  Oliver  Gi.i/aer  of  this  t:nvn ;  and  in 
182.'j  sold  out  hii  interest  in  business  to  his  brotlear  1'//.l-- 
kicl  i'eirLi\  and  r..,:iiovcd  to  Xortiiboro'  v,hcre  he  drjd. 

Pr,i  M  r  ri-N-^,',  renioved  Aa)i;i  Shr-'W.-bury  tv) 
this  t;:.wn  in  I8UJ  v.dth  his  (ami!)',  and  ..'^ettlcd  on  a  larm 
in  the  soul'mpavt;  of  the  town,  pre\  i^)udy 'oacupi-tl  liy  'i'im- 
othy  iii!dr.::t!i  and  nov.'  in  the  possession  of  James  1). 
Moore.  Here  he  resided  20  years  and  d.,  bcinir  probably 
about  70  \  v.'irs  of  a'.^e.  Iii:swile  had  irrevixusly  deceased. 
They  ii;'.d  two  s  jus  and  perhaps   other  (  ii'.ldL\!t. 

I^Li.MP  rov,  .loxATiiAX,  Jr.,  eldast  s.  of  Jonathan  Plimp- 
ton, reside  I  in  th:'  sauth  part  of  the  town  cm  tiie  ])remi-,e.s 
]iow  in  tli,'  po.'sassion  o!  J.  P.  J'aimes.  [w  1 --(IG  he  ni. 
Petsev  ]  laii-is  of  this  town,  who  d.  in  ISIO,  lie  subse- 
qiientlv  m,  Ivatiiee  i*eirce  of  lloldeii,  and  d.  in  I'iio,  air^"'! 

,1  :       :■.)■  ■:) 

■•■'*  .  '\  ■■.o,J 

i-  ■  :. >)'.'. 


o3  years.      His   uife    survived  him  ami    m.  ]'^dtiiuii(l  Brig- 
luim — she  also  survived  him  and  died  in  I.S-jT. 

PrwEscoTT,  BRK.jfVM,  s.  uf  Jon.thaii  Tr-scott,  b.  in 
1783,  and  m.  in  1807  l-lunieo,  the  youngest  ilau.  of  Abel 
Holt,  'i'liey  are  both  now  liviiicr,  havin^j;  been  connected 
in  the  married  state  51  years.  They  liave  had  lour  ch. 
two  of  whom  are  now  livin;jr.  j\Ir  Trescott  is  the  ])ro[)ric- 
tor  and  occupant  of  a  farm  in  tlic  north  part  of  the  town, 
formerly  the  residence  of  Ablcl  Holt.  As  a  niai\i!cbt:'tion 
of  confidence  and  respect,  he  v>as  three  successive  years 
chosen  by  the  citizens  uf  this  town  to  rc})resent  them  in 
the  State  Legislature. 

ruiiscoTT,  John,  s.  of  Jonathan  Prescott,  b.  in  1783, 
<1.  in  1848,  aged  G3  years.  He  ni.  Ihmice,  dan.  of  John 
Dinsmore,  who  is  now  living.  His  residence  was  in  the 
north  part  of  the  town,  near  the  residence  of  George  Dana 
on  the  road  leading  to  Lancaster.  They'  had  several  ch. 
who  arc  now  living,  and  with  v^hom  the  mother  resides. 

Head,  John,  was  b.  in  lUuIand  in  1770.  He  came  to 
this  town  in  early  life,  ni.  Hannah  Dwelley,  and  settled 
in  the  southwest  part  of  the  tov/n,  residing  successively  on 
the  premises  now  severally  occupied  by  Lenjamin  Lei>, 
Moses  Fisher,  and  Jose|ih  C.  Lovell  In  the  latter  part 
of  his  life  he  erected  a  conuncdious  dwelling  house  near 
the  Common,  now  in  t'le  possession  of  t^iias  Dinsmore, 
whore  he  resided  until  his  decease  which  occurred  in  lSo8, 
at  the  age  of  GO  years.  He  had  four  ch  ,  two  of  whom 
arc  now  living.  He  w^.s  a  suc.'essfui  farmer  and  held  in 
jjosscssion  a  large  estate  at  the  time  of  his  decease.  His 
wife  survived  him  and  d.  in  1850,  aged  77  years. 

Sii.vTTCJOK,,  was  b.  ill  175J  and  d.  in  1819, 
aged  G7  years.  He  came  to  thi.i  ti)wn  in  the  earlier  part 
of  life,  ni.  Susannah  Wait  of  Sterling,  and  settled  a  niilc 
from  the  Beaman  phice  on  tlie  old  road  leading  to  Sterling, 
where  he  resided  until  his  decease.  His  wife  survived  him 
and  d.  in  1831.  He  had  two  S'Uis  wdio  survived  him  and 
have  since  deceased. 

Shattuok,  Wai/it-R,  s,  lif  Thaddens  Sliattuck,  burji 
in  1778,  and  d.  in  1843,  aged  0  1  years.  He  ni.  JJetsey, 
eldest  dau.  of  Jeremiah  Morse,  an<l  resided  on  the  home- 
stead  with   his    fatlicr  he   continued    his  residence 

..     .MM.(,  .<!;:i;i. 

■'-^      17788S6 

tlirou.;Ii  life  ;  his  w'dc  survived  him  and  is  now  living. 
He  was  a  cooper  aiul  pursued  tluit  occupation  as  long  as 
he  was  able  to  labor. 

S.\[[Tit,  Isaac,  was  b.  perhaps  as  early  as  17;35,  came 
to  this  town  in  l7So,  m.  Prudence  Catting,  and  settled  on 
a  farm  one  mile  west  from  the  Comnion  now  belonging  to 
L.  W,  Merrilield,  wliere  he  resided  until  his  decease.  His 
wife  d.  ill  1801,  and  in  1802  lie  m.  a  widow  Home  of 
Southboro',  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1846.  He  d. 
in  1824,  having  had  six  ch.,  four  of  whom  are  deceased. 
He  was  a  si)ldier  of  tiie  revolution,  and  ])erformed  good 
service  for  his  country  during  that  memorable  struggle  I'or 
liberty  and  independence,  imd  by  tlio  faithlul  discharge  of 
liuty  and  the  fatigue  and  hardship  enduretl,  he  merited 
and  ought  to  receive  the  gratitude  and  veneration  of  the 
present  and  future  generations.  lie  was  truly  one  of 
those  brave  spirits,  who  by  their  persevering  elforts  and 
untold  sufleringb',  helped  to  consummate  the  i)atriotic  and 
noble  enterprise  in  which  they  were  engaged. 

Smith,  John',  was  born  in  Southboro'  in  1773.  In  the 
earlier  r);irt  of  life  he  resided  in  Boylaton,  and  m.  a  clau. 
of  Artemas  Maynard,  who  lived  but  a  few  years  after  their 
marriage.  He  afterwards  m.  Martha  Hastings,  and  in 
180  1  removed  to  this  town  where  he  d,  in  18o;3,  aged  81 
years.  His  wife  survivetl  him  and  is  still  living.  He  had 
eleven  ch.,  six  have  died,  and  live  are  now  living.  He 
formerly  worked  at  shoemaking,  but  latterly  at  painting. 
Hii  residence  was  a  sliort  distance  south  of  tlie  Common, 
being  now  the  re:3ldcncc  of  his  son  Stephen  H.  ISmith. 

Stoxe,  Simon',  removed  with  his  family  from  IJolton  to 
thi.-3  town  in  1807,  being  ])robably  about  2o  yrs.  of  age.  He 
was  a  shoemaker,  and  resided  successively  in  dilferent 
parts  of  the  town  about  20  years,  v.dieu  he  removed  to 
Princeton,  and  there  became  the  occujiant  of  a  f:'.rm  where 
he  with  his  family  still  reside. 

Temtle,  John-,  the  eldest  s.  of  Jonas  Temple  of  Boyls- 
ton,  was  b.  in  17G2  and  d.  in  1841,  aged  79  years.  In 
1791  he  m.  Lois,  daughter  of  IMicali  Harthan,  who  d.  in 
1702,  aged  22  years.  In  1793  he  m.  Persis,  dan.  of  Ezra 
Ikaman,  Esq.,  previously  the  wife  of  Dr.  Amariah  Bigclow. 

v/j,;  ■<■ 

,    '-M'; 

:d:i       :H-li.:'W 

Mr  Temple  was  an  enterprising,  j^ucll.-m'uI  k.V;!,;  r,  j:..  >scss- 
in^  and  occupyini;-  an  exteii.sive  farm  t.lLniilcil  in  il.e  south, 
erly  part  of  tlie  town,  ibrnicrly  the  ri.oiuer.ce  oi'  ])ea. 
Amariah  Ei:,^(,-lo\v,  an  oavly  settler  ;,n'!  {iuinlncnt  cili/.eu 
of  tlie  town,  and  now  in  the  po;.-^e  .-ivjii  of  Jldivjund  V. 
Brij^liam.  His  sccokd  v.ii'c  d.  in  i;;.')!-,  :);;cJ  TO  v(;:rs. — 
.She  had  three  ch,  wliilc  t^hc  w:'s  the  wife  of  l)i.  D'^htw, 
and  three  after  her  second  niarria.e, — o)-,c  of  (  i.h  tn-.nioli 
lias  deceased.  I\lr 'i'eiuple  ^\•as  ;i  pioininont,  aeli;.- c;li/.cn, 
possessin;.^  an  enicrpri/in:r,  cncrj^-elic  tenipcraiweiit,  tvi^^etli- 
cr  with  iirnmess  and  duei-vion,  v.liicli  enabled  hiia  to  act 
])romptly  and  nnhesitatinirly  in  nialtcis  of  in(!:iieni:  and 
iinpoitance.  lie  w.;s  chosen  !L^eve::d  successive  years  I>v 
tlie  citizens  of  the  town  as  cliaiii/ian  hi  the  lhj:;rd  of  So- 
lectnicn  ;  and  frecjucnily  Avas  cnlh'd  to  (he  jKrfon/.nrA'e  of 
other  in)j)ortanc  dnties  o\'  a  j.nblic  charr.ctcr.  Alter  tlie 
decease  of  his  second  wife,  he  ni.  Tolly  Didiin  of  lioylston, 
uho  survived  hiin  and  d.  in  18ou. 

Tj-mtle,  Isaac,  yoiinirest  s.  of  Jonas  U'eniple,  b.  in 
1781,  and  d.  in  1832  ai^ed  -18  years,  in  l^.Ub,  hem. 
Hannah  Stillman  iJigelow  of  tliis  town,  a.nd  scaled  on  the 
homestead,  occupying  his  father's  farm.  In  I81G,  after 
the  death  of  his  haher,  which  occurred  in  1815,  he  kit 
the  homestead  and  became  tlie  occu.pant  of  the  premises 
formerly  tlie  residence  *of  Ca^^it.  Joseph  liigclow,  situated 
a  short  distance  west  of  the  Cominon,  v,herc  he  resided 
until  his  decease.  His  wife  d.  in  IJ'oO,  aecd  C\  3ears. 
They  had  three  ch.  but  one  of  v.-!io;n  is  now  livir.LT. 

TiroMAS,  AViLi.iA.M,  was  b.  1".  2  3  and  died  in  1810, 
aged  8.3  years.  He  came  to  this  (own  and  settled  on  the 
farm  now  the  residence  of  D.ivid  D.  Trescott,  situated 
half  a  mile  northwest  from  the  railroad  station  at  Oahdale, 
where  he  resided  until  his  decease.  He  wris  m.  and  had 
two  sons  who  survived  him.  His  wife.  d.  in  1781,  aged 
43  years.  He  was  again  m.,  his  w  ife  survived  him  and  d. 
in  1831,  aged  88  years.  Ho  possessed  a  peculiar  relish 
for  literature  and  science,  and  devoted  much  time  to  read- 
ing and  study,  thereby  becoming  intelligent  and  interest- 
ing to  those  with  whom  he  associated.  He  had  also  a  pe- 
culiar taste  for  astronomical  research  and  calculation,  his 
bias  and  genius  being  strongly  fixed  in  that  direction. 


Thomas,  Robert  B.,  Esq.,  eldest  s.  of  William  Tliom- 
as,  b.  ill  17G6  and  d.  in  1840,  aged  80  years,  lie  m. 
Hannah  Bcaman  of  Princeton,  who  survived  him,  and  d. 
in  1855,  aged  81  years.  He  resided  in  the  northNvest 
l)art  of  the  town,  two  miles  from  the  Common,  occupying 
a  small  farm  now  the  residence  of  iJea.  Joseph  White,  and 
near  the  railroad  station  at  Oakdale.  He  \vas  a  promi- 
nent man  in  the  town,  was  the  first  Town  Clerk  after  the 
incorporation  of  the  town,  several  times  chairman  of  the 
Board  of  Selectmen,  represented  the  town  in  the  State  Con- 
vention of  1820  for  revising  the  Constitution,  and  was  sev- 
eral years  a  member  of  the  State  Legislature.  He  originat- 
ed and  established  tiie  ''  Farmers'  A  lnuuiacJc  "  in  1793, 
annually  preparing  and  furnishing  the  matter  for  that  popu- 
lar manual  for  more  than  50  years.  He  accumulated  a 
large  amount  of  property,  leaving  no  children  to  inherit 
and  retain  his  estate  after  his  decease.  He  died  intestate, 
leaving  his  estate  to  his  widow  and  two  children  of  a  de- 
ceased brother  who  were  his  only  legal  heirs. 

Thomas,  Aaron,  youngest  s.  of  William  Thomas,  b. 
ill  17G9  and  d.  in  1833,  aged  64  years.  Hem.  Lydia, 
dau.  of  Dca.  Ebenezer  Mason  of  Sterling,  who  survived 
him  a  few  months  and  d.  the  same  year,  aged  62  years. 
They  had  three  oh.,  two  of  whom  "iire  now  living.  He 
resided  in  the  northwest  part  of  the  town  near  the  place  of 
his  father's  residence,  occupying  a  fium,  although  unable 
to  perform  much  labor  thereon,  in  consequence  of  partial 
ileprivation  of  sight.  He  enjoyed  the  confidence  and  re- 
spect of  his  family  and  others,  leaving  his  ch.  a  valuable 
j)atrimony  at  his  decease. 

White,  Peter,  was  b.  perhaps  in  1770,  or  about  that 
time.  He  m.  Sally  Moore,  and  settled  in  this  town  in 
1797.  He  liad  one  son  and  two  daughters,  one  of  whom 
d.  young.  His  s.  obtained  an  education  and  became  a 
settled  minister  of  the  gospel  in  the  State  of  Maine.  He 
^vas  a  clothier,  and  pursued  that  business  while  he  resided 
here.  His  place  of  residence  and  business  was  near  Har- 
than's  Mills,  the  premises  being  now  occupied  by  Ruel 
G.  Co  wee.  In  1813  lie  sold  out  and  removed  to  Spring- 
iield,  Vt.,  where  he  and  his  wife  have  since  deceased. 


Vv  JiiTTAKER,  JosETii,  Av.'is  probably  b.  as  early  as  17.50, 
or  previous  to  tliat  time,  lie  J.  In  1811.  Ho  m.  a  dau. 
of  William  V/liitney,  one  orUie  early  settlers  of  this  town. 
He  resided  on  or  near  the  premises  orij^inally  occupied  by 
^Ir.  Wliitney,  situated  in  the  nortlnvest  part  of  the  town 
and  now  occupied  by  his  grandson,  Luther  Whittaker. 

Wilder,  IIeubex,  s.  of  Asa  Wilder,  b.  in  1757  and 
^'..  ill  1832,  aged  75  years.  He  m.  Mary  Peircc  of  Boyls- 
ton,  who  d.  in  1807,  leaving;  several  children.  In  1808 
liC  111.  widow  Thankful  Whilcomb  of  this  town,  who  sur- 
vived him  and  d.  in  1855,  a-;ed  £0  years.  He  v/as  a  black- 
smitli  and  farmer,  and  resided  in  the  north  part  of  the 
town,  on  the  premises  originally  occupied  by  his  grand- 
father, Josiah  Wilder,  and  after v/ards  by  his  father,  and 
now  occupied  by  Jolin  Brace  who  is  llic  legal  proprietor 

Willi NGTox,  Ei^exf.zeu,  was  b.  in  17oS  and  d.  in 
1835,  aged  67  years.  He  m.  Susannah,  dau.  of  Jonas 
Gale,  wdiod.  in  1833,  aged  G4  yearo.  They  had  five  ch. 
'v/o  of  whom  are  living.  He  was  a  blacksmith  and  also 
a  farmer,  and  resided  in  the  soutlicrly  part  of  llu;  town  oa 
the  premises  crigirially  occupied  by  Mr.  Gale,  and  now  in 
tlie  j)os5C3sion  of  G.  W.  Mathews. 

Winn,  John',  s.  of  Jacob  \Vinn,'b.  in  1760  and  d.  in 
1843,  aged  83  years.  He  m.  Abigail  Cross  of  Boston,  who 
d.  ill  1853,  aged  89Yrs.  They  had  ch.,  some  of  whom  are 
now  living.  He  resided  in  the  north  part  of  the  town, 
v/as  a  cooper,  and  occupied  the  premises  formerly  the  res- 
idence of  his  father,  and  now  in  tlie  possession  of  Robert 
C.  Toombs. 

V\^iNN,  William,  s.  of  William  V/inn  formerly  of  this 
town,  born  perhaps  in  1780,  or  about  that  time.  He  m. 
Dolly  Goss  of  Sterling — w\is  a  cooper,  and  resided  half  a 
mile  north  of  the  Beaman  ])lace,  occupying  the  premises 
now  in  the  possession  of  \Vindsor  He  removed 
from  this  town,  and  afterwards  died  in  mature  life. 

//    , : !  V 

'~i    .D  onv/ 



The   following  persons   were  residents  here  in  1S08,   nnd 
eacli  at  the  liead  of  a  family,  but  were  not  legal  voters  : 

Boynton,  Abid,  \Yas  b.  perhnps  in  1755,  or  about  that 
Umc,  and  d.  in  1810.  He  m.  Lois  Ttaymond  who  surviv- 
ed him,  and  was  again  m.  and  left  this  town.  He  resided 
in  the  north  part  of  this  town,  near  Stillwater  river,  an.l 
liad  a  numerous  family  of  children. 

Carrull,  Benjamin,  removed  from  Kutland  with  his  fam- 
ily to  this  town  in  1807.  His  wife  d.  in  1808  and  in  1809 
he  left  the  town.     He  was  a  carpenter  and  millwright. 

Dinsmore^  John,  was  b.  probably  before  1750  and  d.  In 
1811.  Hem.  Sarah  AVinn  who  survived  him  and  d.  in 
1837.  They  had  some  eight  or  ten  ch.,  two  of  whom  are 
210W  living.  He  resided  one  mile  north  of  the  Beaman 
place,  where  he  continued  his  residence  until  his  decease. 

Farr,  Simeon,  a  native  of  Stowe,  b.  in  1745,  came  to 
this  town  in  1790,  and  d.  in  1810,  aged  65  years.  He 
m.  Mary  Snow  of  this  town,  who  d.  in  1800.  In  1803  Jie 
m.  Phebc  Bianchardof  Harvard,  who  survived  him  and  re- 
turned to  that  town  after  his  decease. 

Ilathcrly,  IViomas,  wash,  in  1743,  and  d.  in  1828,  aged 
85  years.  He  was  a  native  of  England  where  he  was 
pressed  into  the  military  service  when  young,  and  came  to 
this  country  wiili  the  Jh-itish  army,  which  was  stationed  at 
Boston  at  the  commencement  of  the  American  Bevolution. 
lie  deserted  from  the  army,  came  to  this  town,  was  mar- 
ried, and  afterwards  resided  here  until  his  decease.  His 
wife  survived  him  and  d.  in  1833,  aged  84  years. 

Kcycs,  Benjamin,  eldest  s.  of  Benjamin  Keyes  of  Boyls- 
ton,  b.  in  17G8,came  to  this  town  in  1807  and  d.  in  1821, 
aged  53  years.  He  m.  Annis«,  dau.  of  Capt.  Joseph  Big- 
elow,  who  survived  hini  and  d.  in  1845,  aged  77  year.s. 
They  had  six  ch.,  four  of  whom  are  now  livincT. 

Morse,  Jeremiah,  s.  of  Joseph  ^Morse  of  Holdcn,  b.  hi 
2.759  and  d.  in  1841,  aged  82  years.     He  m.  Belief  Strat- 

U)  iu;jo 


i'.     /    ,i\»-MUj'''     .•.'<"v>'\ 


ton,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1848,  aged  87  years. 
They  had  a  numerous  family  of  ch.,  several  of  whom  are 
now  living.     He  was  a  shoemaker. 

Prouty,  Daniel,,  was  b.  in  1779,  and  m.  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Aaron  Goodale,  in  1803,  had  ch. ;  was  a  shoemaker  ;  resid- 
ed in  the  west  part  of  the  town  one  mile  from  the  Common, 
the  place  of  liis  residence  being  now  in  the  possession  of 
Jonathan  J\I.  Keyes.  In  1814  lie  removed  to  the  far  west, 
where  lie  and  his  wife  have  probably  died. 

Wilder,  Nathan,  s.  of  Abner  Wilder,  b.  in  17G0  and  d. 
in  1822,  aged  G2  years.  He  was  m.  and  had  ch.,  some  of 
whom  are  now  living.  His  wife  d.  when  about  r>0  years 
of  asze. 

Of  the  Original  and  Earlier  Settlers  of    West  Boyhton, 
the  time  of  their  Settlement,  i^'c,   as   nearly  as  can  he 

Beaman,  Jabez,  came  from  Bolton  and  settled  here  in 
1746,  and  d.  in  1757,  aged  52  years.  His  wifed.  in  1774, 
aged  GO  years. 

Beaman,  Ephraim,  s.  of  Jabez  Beaman,  settled  here 
perhaps  in  17G3  and  d.  in  1805,  aged  G2  years.  He  m. 
T'amar  Howe  of  Boylston,  who  survived  him  and  d.  in 
1824,  aged  81  years. 

Belknap ^  Stephen,  settled  in  this  town  previous  to  1740 
and  died  or  went  elsewhere  before  1773. 

Belknap,  Ebenezer,  settled  here  in  17G4,  and  went  else- 
where previous  to  1773.  He  m.  Silence,  daughter  of 
David  Winch. 

Bennett,  Phineas^  settled  in  this  town  probably  as  curly 
as  1740,  or  previous  to  that  time,  and  d.  here. 

Bigelow,  Amariah,  Dca.,  came  to  this  town  and  setth^d 
perhaps  in  1745,  and  d.  in  1780,  aged  58   years.     He  ni. 


S;\ralj  Kvelctli    of  rriuccton  Avho  survived  him  and   d.   in 

Bigelow,  Benjamin,  came  here  from  Marlboro',  and 
settled  in  1735,  afierward  moving  to  Connecticut.  lie  m. 
a  sister  of  V/illiam  Tiiomas  of  this  town. 

Bigelotr,  Joseph,  Capl.,  s.  of  Joseph  Bigelow  of  Boyls- 
tun,  settled  here  in  1750  and  d.  in  1801,  aged  75  years. 
He  married  Olive,  dau.  of  Jabez  lieaman  of  this  town, 
who  survived  him  and  d.  in  1810,  aged  76  years. 

Biih/f,  Samuel,  came  from  "Woburn  and  settled  here 
probably  as  early  as  1750,  and  d.  in  1800.  His  wife  d. 
the  same  year. 

Child,  David,  t^ettled  here  perhaps  in  1740  or  about 
that  time,  and  d.  in  1803,  aged  92  years.  His  wife  d.  in 

Cutting,  Jonathan,  settled  here  in  1745,  or  about  that 
time,  and  d.  at  an  advanced  age.  He  had  a  large  family 
of  children. 

I'lstahrooh,  Samuel,  came  from  Concord  and  settled  in 
tliis  town  perhaps  as  early  as  1750,  and  d.  here,  beinj 

Fairhank,  Jonathan,  came  from  Woburn  and  settled 
herein  17:35,  and  d.  in  1708,  aged  89  years.  His  wife  d. 
ill  1799. 

Farr,  J)  an  id,  settled  liere  in  17  GO  or  about  that  time, 
ami  d.  in  1774.  His  wife  survived  him,  and  afterwards 
left  this  town. 

French,  Joseph,  settled  in  this  town,  in  1740  or  about 
that  time  and  probablv  d.  here,  lie  rciided  near  ^Maldch 

Frizzol,  FbcnezLT,  came  here  and  settled  as  early  as 
1730  and  resided  here  about  20  years,  then  d.  or  left  the 

(J ale,  Jonas,  settled  in  this  town  probably  as  early  ax 
1750  and  d.  here,  being  aged.  His  wife  survived  liim 
and  d.  in  1814. 

Glazier,  Joseph,  settled  here  perhaps  as   early  as  1755, 
and  d.  or  left  the  to^Yn  previous  to  1790. 


I'     '\ 
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(juodale,  Tldward,  came  from  >ravlboro'  iu  1738  and  d. 
)ioro  in  175(5,  aged  12  years.  lie  m.  Sarah  Temple  of 
^Marlboro',  who  survived  him  and  d.  in  ISIO  aged  96  yrs. 

Gos^^  IMlliam,  settled  here  in  17o0  or  about  tliat  time, 
and  after  a  few  years'  residence  d.  or  left  this  town. 

ILirtJian,  JMicah,  came  from  Marlboro',  and  settled  here 
in  17G1,  and  d.  in  1803,  aged  68  years.  lie  m.  Sarah 
Jones  of  Marlboro',  wlio  survived  him  and  d.  in  18-'U, 
aged  86  years. 

Ifinds,  Jdcoh,  came  from  T^Iarlboro'  and  .-settled  here  in 
1720,  or  soon  after  that  time,  being  perhaps  tlie  first  white 
settler  in  the  town.  His  re>idence  was  one  mile  soutli  of 
tlie  Common,  about  80  rods  distant  from  the  residence  of 
]Cdmund  F.  Brigham.  lie  m.  Grace  Morsu  of  Marlboro'. 
lie  probably  d.    in  this  town. 

Iliads,  Benjamin,  s.  of  Jacob  Hinds  settled  jiere  in 
1746.  He  d.  in  1791.  aged  69  years.  He  m.  IJizabeth, 
iddest  dau.  of  Isaac  'I'emiile  of  IJoylston.  She  d.  in  mid- 
dle life.  He  after .vards  m.  Tabitha  Holhmd,  who  siirvi\eil 
]iim  and  d.  in  1326,  ag'.;d  81  years.  He  had  17  eli.,  Iti 
of  whom  lived  to  mature  age. 

Inglcshy^  Ehcufzcr,  settled  iicre  probably  a.s  early  as 
17o0,  and  removed  from  this  town  in  1791.  He  married 
a  dau.  of  Aari)n  Newton.  Thev  had  a  large  family  ot 

[\tycs,  Siinton,  s.  of  Henry  Kevcs  of  Boylston,  settled 
herein  1765,  and  d.  in  17h2,  aged  42  years.  Hem.  Lucy, 
dau.  of  Isaac  Temple  of  I'oyl^ton — she  died  in  17T9,  aged 
o5  years. 

Kej/es,  Thomas,  s.  of  Dea.  Jonatlian  Keycs  of  Boyh.ton, 
settled  here  in  1767,  and  d.  in  1812,  aged  75  years.  He 
m.  Mary,  dau.  of  Isaac  Temple  of  Boylston,  who  died  iu 
1800,  aged  59  years. 

Lovcll,  Jonathan,  came  from  jMedfield  and  settled  hera 
in  1735,  and  d.  in  1792,  aged  79  years.  His  residence 
\\as  at  the  west  part  of  this  town, 

Marshall,  William,  came  from  Concord  and  settled  in 
this  town  in  1765.  He  afterwards  removed  to  Holdeii 
whore  he  died. 


Moorc,  Isrof^l^  Doa.  settled  liore  probably  soon  auer 
1760,  and  d.  in  1807,  aged  7 <■*,  yc.irs.  He  was  a  native  ol' 
•Sterling,  and  resided  in  tlic  north  p.irt  of  this  town. 

Mnrsr,  Joseph,  came  from  ^r:irlboro'  and  settled  hero 
in  17-in,  and  d.  in  1770,  anred  51  years.  He  m.  Mary 
Thomas  of  Marlboro',  wlio  survived  him  and  d.  in  1801, 
a^'ed  71. 

Ncivtnn,  Anrnn,  settled  here  in  1730,  and  afterwards 
removed  to  IJolden  where  lu  probably  died. 

Newton,  Kdward,  came  to  this  town  and  settled  in 
1  730,  and  d.  here,  being  aged. 

Newlmi,  Kzrkifl,  was  prob^ibly  as.  of  Edward  Newton, 
and  settled  here  in  17j2,  and  d.  in  mature  life. 

Pike.,  Ehtnczer,  settled  in  this  town  in  17G0,  or  previ- 
ous to  that  time  and  d.  here  being  aged.  He  was  a  sol- 
dier in  the  revolutionary  war  and  .^erved  his  country  faitli- 

P?'fsrofl,  Jonathnii,  32U\q<1  in  this  town  in  1770  and 
d.  in  1801,  aged  78  years.  He  was  a  s.  of  Kl»enc/.er 

Prcscott,  Jonal/ian,  Jr.,  s  of  Jonathan  Prescott,  settled 
here  in  early  life,  and  d.  in  1805,  aged  55  years.  He  m. 
Mary  Brighani  of  Shrewsbury,  M'ho  survived  him,  and  m. 
Joseph  Goss  of  Sterling — she  d.  in  1831,  aged  85  years. 

Raymond^  Paul  and  William,  were  early  settlers  here. 
Paul  left  the  town  previous  to  1780,  and  William  d.  sud- 
denly about  the  same  time. 

SnoWy  Sith,  settled  in  tills  town  perhaps  in  1770,  or 
near  that  time,  and  resided  here  some  "JO  years  then  remov- 
ed elsewhere. 

Temple,  Ephraini,  eldest  s.  of  Isaac  Temple  of  Boylston, 
settled  here  in  1751  and  removed  from  this  town  in  1767.. 
He  m.  a  dau.  of  Jacob  Hinds  ;  she  d.  soon  after  their 

Ward  Jonas,  settled  here  in  1758,  and  d.  or  went  else- 
where previous  to   17''.0. 

Whitney,  William,  settled  in  this  town  probably  as 
early  as  1730,  and  d.  liere,  being  aged. 


Wildtr,  Jo^iah,  settled  in  this  town  as  early  as  17o(i 
uud  d.  here  at  an  advanced  age. 

Wilder  Abner,  s.  of  Josiah  Wilder,  settled  here  in  ITo!) 
or  about  that  time,  and  d.  in  1813,  aged  88  years. 

Wilder,  Asa,  s,  of  Josiah  AVllder,  settled  here  j^erhnj).-* 
in  1765,  and  was  killed  by  accident  when  about  oU  years 
i)f  age. 

Willard,  Thomas,  settled  in  this  town  perhaps  as  earlv 
us  1750,  lie  afterwards  went  to  Iluldcn  where  he  d.,  beinir 

Winch,  Dauid,  canie  from  Franilnghani  and  settled  iu 
this  town  in  1750,  and  died  in  1776,  being  a"-ed. 

Winn,  Jacob,  came  from  Woburn  and  settled  in  tluM 
town  probably  as  early  as  17-15.  He  d.  here,  bein'^  a^ed. 
He  ni.  Sarah  Buck  of  Woburii,  ^\\lo  survived  hirn  and  d 
in  1798. 

Woolej/,  Joseph,  came  from  Concord  and  settled  herj 
in  1730,  or  about  that  time.  He  afterwards  went  to 
i'rinccton  where  he  died. 


With   ihcir    Families,  had  a   residence  in  this  Tvwn  <o:nr 

portion  of  the  time  between  the  years  of  1780  and  1808: 

Anderson,  Allen,  came   here  from  N.  H.  in    1790,  went 

to   Holdcn  in    ISOo,  and  returned  to  this  town  and   d.  in 

1838,  being  about  70  years  of  age. 

,  Andrcios,  Samuel,  settled  here  perhaps  in  1780  or  pre- 
vious to  that  time,  and  afterwards  went  to  Boylston  where 
lie  died. 

Ball,  Jonah,  came  here  from  Concord  previous  to  17'J5, 
and  left  this  town  in  1802. 

JJaihf,  Ephraim,  settled  in   this  town,    vent    elsewhere 
previous  to  1790. 

■  'm 

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7r//>\.],u)'f  '. 

Barthtt,  Phincas,  settled  heu,  left  tliia  town  in  ISO  I, 
went  to  Oliio  and  died. 

Digdow,  Am  Uriah  ^  Dr.,  s.  of  Dea.  Amarlah  Bigeluw, 
.settled  liere  in  1780,  and  d.  suddenly   in  1787. 

Btaman,  Josiah,  settled  here,  lett  this  town  in  I8O0, 
and  went  to  Siiulesbury  and   there  died. 

Bontwdl,Juhn,  settled  here  in  1792,  and  went  to  Town- 
send  in  1805,  where  he  died. 

Cutting,  Josiah,  settled  here  perhai).s  n\  1780,  or  about 
that  time,  and  d.  previous  to  1797.  His  wife  d.  in  1815, 
aged  91  years. 

Cutting,  Siias,  was  a  native  of  this  town,  settled  here 
probably  as  early  as  1780,  went  to  lioylston  in  180(i,  and 
there  died. 

Dauis,  Siiiwn,  came  from  Paxton  and  settled  here  in 
1790,  went  to  Boston  in  1803,  and  from  thence  to  Maine, 
where  he  died. 

Dioellty,  Joseph,  came  from  Old  Colony,  settled  here, 
and  d.  in  1807.  His  wife  survived  him  and  d.  in  1831, 
aged  about  95  years. 

Estabruol:,  Ezra,  was  a  native  of  this  town,  settled 
here  in  1790,  went  to  Stratton,  Vt.,   in  1795,  where  hed. 

Elagg,  llufus,  came  from  Worcester  and  settled  liero, 
and  die<l  in  1805. 

Fletcher,  Benjiimin,  came  from  New  Hampshire  in  179<), 
settled  here,  and  went  to  N.  Y.  in  1798. 

Goodale,  David,  a  native  of  this  town,  went  to  Oak- 
ham in  1793,  and  d.  in  183.!,  aged  82  years.  He  was  a 
s.  of  Edward  Goodale. 

Gatci,  Amos,  settled  here  perhaps  in  1790  and  removed 
elsewlicre  in  1801 . 

Harris,  Danid,  settled  in  lliis  town,  and  in  1806  went 
to  Lancaster. 

Ilildrrth,  Timothy,  settled  here,  and  went  to  Sterling 
in  1803,  and  there  died. 

Holt,  Amasa,  s.  of  Abel  llult,  settled  here,  went  to 
Berlin  in  1798,  and  there  died. 

Kci/cs,  Francis,  s.  of  Thomas  Keyes,  settled  here  in 
1793,  went  to  Central  New  York  in  1807,  afterwards  to 
Pennsylvania  where  he  d.   in  1851  aged  80  years. 




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Merrijidd,  Timothy,  came  to  this  town  probably  in  1785 
from  Sherburne,  and  afterwards  went  to  Worcester  where 
he  died. 

Parlru/i^e,  James,  came  from  Mcdway,  settled  here  in 
1778,  and  went  to  Boylston  previous  to  1798,  afterwards 
returned  and  d.  in  1S21,  aged  92  years. 

Pifce,  Ephraim,  a  native  of  this  town,  removed  there- 
from previous  to   1800. 

Sawijer,  Munassah,  came  from  Sterling  and  d.  here 
suddenly  in  1801. 

Townscnd  Jacob,  came  from  Keading,  settled  liere  and 
d.  in  180R. 

IVhitcomb,  ^Samuel,  came  from  Sterling,  settled  here, 
and  d.  from  accident  in  1805.  He  m.  Thankful,  dau.  of 
Lemuel  Fairbank. 

V/liite,  John,  came  from  Groton,  settled  here,  went  tu 
Grafton  in  1798,  afterwards  to  Springfield,  Vt.,  where  he 
died.     He  m.  Acsah  Bigelow. 

Whiting,  John  L.,  came  from  Shrewsburv,  settled  here 
and  d.  in   1807. 

Winn,  William,  a  native  of  this  town,  removed  to  Vcr- 
tnont  in   1805. 


Of  several  Persons  who  scitJtd  in  West  Boyhion,  and  he- 
came  I^egal  Voters  therein  after  the  organizatian  of  the 
Town  and  jJrtvious  tu  1&20. 

Bigelow,  Ezra,  s.  of  Dr.  Amariah  Bigelow,  b.  in  1782, 
settled  here  in  1809,  m.  Cynthia  Child,  who  d.  in  1820, 
aged  35  years,  afterward  m.  Sarah  Grossman  who  lias  al^o 

Cheney,  Joseph,  from  Newton,  m.  Sarah  Merrincld,  set- 
tled here  in  1809,  d.  in  1856,  his  wife  having  prcviouslv 

I       'HttJ 


Davis,  Francis,  from  Northboro',  s.  of  Phineas  Davis, 
settled  here  in  1818,  m.  Mary  Parmenter,  who  d.  in  1828, 
aged  33  years.  In  1833,  he  m.  Eunice  Parmenter,  unci 
d.  in  1838,  being  44  ye^irs  of  age. 

Fisher,  Alpheus,  from  Medfield,  m.  Sylvia  Cleveland, 
settled  here  in  1813,  d.  in  1851,  aged'cG  years.  Mr. 
Fisher  was  honest  and  Justin  all  the  transactions  of  life, 
ever  actuated  by  the  sublime  principles  of  the  "  higher 

FUigg,  Samuel,  from  Holden,  m.  ^larirarct  Kennan,  set- 
tled in  this  town  in  1808,  removed  to  ^Vorce3ter  in  1840 
v,-herc  he  now  resides. 

Gerrish,  Paul,  from  Ashby,  m.  Sophia  Kilburn,  settled 
liere  in  1817  and  removed  to  Townsend  in  1822. 

Ilariwrll,  Ednnnid,  m.  Olive  Lovell,  settled  here  m 
1810  and  d.  in  1856,  aged  71  years.  His  wife  survived 
him  and  is  still  living. 

Hastijigs,  Ezra,  from  Holden,  m.  ]']unice  Eice,  settled 
in  this  town  in  1810  and  d.  in  1820,  being  70  years  of  age. 

Holmes,  Piter,  from  New  Hampshire,  m.  Olive  Graves, 
settled  here  in  1809,  and  continued  his  residence  in  this 
town  15  or  20  years,  then  went  elsewhere. 

Holmes,  Thomas,  brother  of  Peter  Holmes,  m.  Sarah 
Graves,  settled  here  in  1810,  d.  in  1848,  aged  r)9  years. 
His  wife  survived  him  and  d.  in   1857,  aged  72  years. 

llolt,  Asa,  s.  of  Abel  Holt,  settled  in  this  town  in  1816 
and  d.  in  1847,  aged  72  years.  His  wife  survived  him 
and  is  yet  living. 

Howe,  Asa,  settled  here  in  1810,  resided  in  this  town 
10  or  15  years  then  wemt  elsewhere. 

Hoice,  Joel,  a  brother  of  Hiram  Howe,  b.  in  1779,  m. 
Dolly  Peirce,  settled  in  this  town  in  1815  and  d.  in  1843, 
aged  63  years. 

Knight,  Elijah,  from  Worcester,  m.  Eunice  Lovell,  set- 
tled here  subsequently  to  the  organization  of  this  town, 
and  d.  in  18-13,  aged  63  years. 

Lee,  Benjamin,  from  Douglas,  b.  in  177G,  m.  Eunice 
Lesurc,  settled  in  this    town  in  1811,  being  now  82  years 

»8T;;07  Oi:   J./  oi    I,  ;:U' 


of  ago.     His   wife    d.  ia  1858,  nged   54  years,      lie  after- 
ward m.  Lydia  Sheldon. 

Lccs,  John,  from  JMiglaiid,  settled  in  tills  town  in  1814, 
resided  here  20  years  then  removed  to  Wtircestcr.  He 
was  several  years  agent  for  the  IJcaman  I\!anufacturiu^r 

Jlourc,  Oliver,  from  Boylston,  settled  in  this  town  in 
1813,  m.  Olive  Temple,  d.  in  1831,  aged  -10  years.  His 
wife  survived  iiim  and  m.  Chester  C.  Cutting. 

Peirci\  Ezclcid,  from  Sutton,  brother  of  Jaeob  Peirco, 
b.  in  1787,  settled  in  this  town  in  1808,  m.  llutli  Perry  in 
1811,  having  been  connected  in  marringe  47  years. 

Scvcry,  Caleb,  from  ]]c)yLston,  iii.  Sarah  Moore,  .settled 
in  this  town  in  1810,  was  suddenly  killed  in  ISlo,  when 
attempting  to  stop  a  horse  and  carriage  while  running, 
having  escaped  from  the  owner.  He  d,  in  early  life,  be- 
ing 28  years  of  age,  in  the  midst  of  usefulness  and  prom- 
ise, having  the  respect  and  confidence  of  the  citizens  of 
the  town,  who  greatly  lamented  his  jjremature  deatli.  His 
wife  survived  him  and  n\.  John  I^Ierriam  of  Westminster, 
who  has  also  deceaseil. 

Taft,  Andre,  from  Uxbridge,  settled  here  in  1818,  and 
after  a  residence  of  30  years,  removed  to  Worcester  and  d. 
in  18-50,  aged  59  years.  His  v.-ife  survived  him  and  is 
still  living. 

White,  Joseph,  Dea.  s  of  Thomas  White,  settled  here 
soon  after  the  organization  of  this  town,  m.  ]\Iatilda  Davis, 
in  1817,  and  during  a  series  of  years,  was  principal  agent 
of  the  West  Boylston  Manufacturing  Company. 

Whitcomb,  John,  settled  in  this  town  [)erhaps  in  1813, 
was  accidentally  killed  in  1820  while  in  the  emjiloyment 
of  the  Beaman  Manufacturing  Comi)any.  He  was  50 
years  of  age,  and  left  a  wife  and  several  children  to  mourn 
his  untimely  death. 

Winter,  Call-in,  settled  here  after  the  organization  of 
tliis  town,  and  d.  in  1838.  liis  wife  survived  him  and  is 
now  living. 

Wood,  Nathaniel  G.,  settled  here  in  1814  or  about  that 
time,  and  after  a  residence  of  several  years,  removed  from 
this  town.     Ilis  wife  died  here  in  1819,  aged  46  vears. 



•■-.  .    ,>  ..-/:  ^::'!  >.h},7 

)■  ('oM   '^.v//^'  '/jit   i( 


Of  those  Individuals,  ir/io  in  ISl'S,  uurc  resident   citizens 
of  ^Vcst  Boyhton,  and  under  21    i/cars  of  age,  but  suh- 
sequcnthj  aitaintd   that  age  and   became  legal  voters  in 
the  town. 

JJigelow,  Ei)liraim,  s.  of  Abel  IJi!,^ol.j\v,  m.  Mary  liritjliam  in  1812. 

Ligeluw,  Asa,  s.  of  Abul  Digoluw,  ui.  Lois  llartliaii  iu  IblT. 

Ligclow,  .lusopb,  s.  of  Striilioa  Jli-X'luw,  m.  I'ct.~ey  .AJ;ir.-li:ill  iu  1S21. 

CliilJ,  Amos,  s.  of  Amos  Child,  m.  iMiuiirc  (louknuw  iu  l^'il. 

Dwelly,  Joseph,  a.  of  Joscpli  Dwully,  m.  Tryidiusa  Parmtntcr  iu  1S15. 

Fairba:ik,  Isaac,  s.  of  Sctb  Tairljiink,  ui.  rruaeuce  (Jorrish  iu  1817. 

Fairbank,  Aretas,  s.  of  Sctli  Fairbauk,  m.  Hannah  Cook  iu  l>i'iG. 

Fail-bank,  G.  W.,  s.  of  Alphous  Fairbank,  ni.  Juanna  Fla-g  in  1S2S. 

Gla/.ior,  John,  s.  uf  Oliver  Glazier,  lo.  Lueiuibi  rurineuter  in  lsl3. 

GuoJcile,  Asaph,  s.  of  Peter  Goodiilc,  ni.  Pet.-'.y  rarnienter  in  1812. 

Guudale,  Ezra,  s.  of  Aaron  Gooilalc,  m.  Sona  Perry  iu  1813. 

Goodale,  Charles,  s.  ef  Aaron  Goodalc.  Jr.,  i:\.  Sarah  LnrJett  in  1820. 

Goodenow,  Lyman,  s.  of  Elijah  Goodenow,  m.  Kcbecea  Fhigg  in  1830. 

Uarthan,  A.  tf.,  s.  of  David  JIarthan,  m.  Cynthia  Fairbank  iu  ISIO. 

llarLlian,  Silius,  s.  of  David  Ilartlian,  d.  unmarried  in  1S13. 

Jlaithaii,  Dennis,  s.  of  David  llarthan,  ui.  Anna  lledding  in  1822. 

Uarthan,  W .  D.,  s.  of  David  Uarthan,  m.  Harriet  jNIorsc  in  1827. 

Hinds,  Cicero,  s.  of  Jacob  Hinds,  d.  unmarried  iu  185G. 

Hinds,  Solon,  s.  of  Joseph  Hinds,  m.  Sarah  Underwood  iu  1SJ9. 

Holt,  H.  K.,  s.  of  Abel  Holt,  m.  Lydia  Fairbank  in  1813. 

Holt,  Tyler,  s.  of  Abel  Holt,  m.  Arathusa  Fairbank  iu  1812. 

Holt,  Russell,  3.  of  Jonas  Holt,  m.  Sarah  Parker  iu  1847. 

Howe,  Larney,  s.  of  Hiram  Howe,  m.  ^Mclinda  Knowlton  i)rcviou3to  IS  10. 

Keyes,  P.  F.,  s.  of  Thomas  Kcycs,  ui.  Lois  Nichols  in  1S22. 

Keyes,  Thomas,  s.  of  Thomas  Keyes,  in.  Eveline  Wurdock  in  1827. 

Koyes,  Artemas,  s.  of  Penjamin  Keyes,  m.  Susan  Parker  in  1837. 

Keyes,  Hezekiah,  s.  of  Penj.  Keyes,  ni.  Phebe  Keyes  in  1823. 

Lovell,  Asa,  b.  of  Dea.  Asa  Lovell,  m.  Hannah  Raymond  in  1812. 

Lovell,  John,  s.  of  Amos  Lovell.  lu.  Maria  Lyman  iu  1822. 

May,  John,  s.  of  Ezra  May,  m.  Anna  Hasting-!  in  1828. 

Moore,  J.  U.,  s.  of  Israel  Moore,  m.  Jane  Delano,  previous  to  1830. 

Morse,  Joseph,  s.  of  Joseph  Morse,  m.  Dolly  Pullard  iu  1822. 

Morse,  Pernico,  s.  of  Joseph  Morac,  in.  Edna  Couant  in  IS  10. 

Morse,  Sylv.xnue,  3.  of  Joseph  Morse,  m.  Harriet  Jcnks  iu  1838. 



C  M  I  U  A  L  O 


.M.>i;o,  A\'illi;iiu,  s.  of  Joromiali  ZU>vso,  in.  Miiuhvcll  rrcsc^tt  in  l>ls. 
.Morse,  Wind.sor,  s.  of  Jcrcmiiih  Mur.-ie,  m.  Sanili  (jllazicr  in  Ib'iO. 
.Mui'.-c,  Siinun,  s.  of  Jeieuiiah  .Morose,  m.  Lncy  (JIazier  in  l.s'Jl, 
-Murdock,  L).  C,  s.  of  Dua.  Aite:iia=-  MiuJuclw,  in.  Adalinu  Jviii^'  in  ls2' 
Miu-dock,  Artoiiuis,  s.  df  Dlm.  Art.  :\lurdock,  in.  31ary  Sluiunda  in  IbJ: 
Xcwton,  E.  Vj.,  s.  uf  Silai  Xowton,  m.  Sarah  Turnur  in  IblS. 
A'owton,  L.  D.,  f.  of  bilas  Xcwt'in,  ni.  Xancy  liobinson  m  16'1G. 
I'circe,  Luvi,  s.  of  Levi  I'eirce,  ui.  iMary  ?derriani  in  ISlS. 
J'oiree,  Jusiah,  s.  of  Levi  Pcirce,  m.  Sarah  ^[crriaiu  in  LS'iL 
I'eirec,  E.  I>.,  s.  uf  Levi  Poirce,  m.  ^liiiy  S.  I3i;^elo\v  in  I'^'.'A. 
J'liini)ton,  Simon,  s.  of  Jonathan  riiniptun,  in,  Letjoy  Lrigliaui  in  ISL). 
I'rescott,  David,  s.  of  Jonathan  Prc^cott,  d.  unmarried  in  ISl  I. 
Prcjcott,  David  D.,  s.  of  John  Pres^ott,  m.  Lucy  C.  Peiroo  in  1327. 
llecd.  John,  t.  of  John  Reed,  m.  Lydia  Couant  in  IS'Al. 
Smith,  Amos,  s.  of  Isaai^,  ni.  Ly.lia  Marshall  in  1S13. 
Whitin^r,  Seth,  s.  uf  J.  Lake  AVhitin.^r^  i.,.  :M;iiy  Kendall  in  1313. 
M'illiu^ton,  Oliver,  s.  of  Eb'jUL.'.er  ^\'lllingtun,  m.  Lujy  AWbjli  in  ]S2:i, 

VOTERS   IX   1868. 
The  following  named  persons  are  citizens  and  legal  vot- 
ers of- West  Boylston,  at  the  present  time,  (1858)  having 
been  residents  here  during  a  series  of  past  years  : 

IX  W.  Allen,  C.  II.  Baldwin,  0.  C.  Bassett,  Ezra  Bea- 
nKUi,  Joseph  Bigelow,  A.  M.  Bigolow,  Ezra  liigelow,  E. 
W.  Bigelow,  Euther  Bigeluw,  8.  L.  Bemis,  Etlian  Blotlg- 
ett,  Joseph  Blnnt,  ^Villiam  Bolton,  John  Bolton,  Era-tiis 
Broad,  S.  E.  Brown,  E.  E.  Brigham,  G.  T.  Brigham,  John 
Bruce,  S.  P.  Bruce,  Ira  Bruce,  Charles  Buck,  Bliny  Buck, 
Joshua  Chamberlain,  B.  T.  Ch;i:.e,  Abner  Chase,  Amos 
Child,  Lotan  ClevelantK  CM.  Clevclanel,  E.G.  Cowec, 
J.  ^V.  Cross,  O.  B.  Cutler,  J.  S.  Cutting,  Ecwis  Cutting, 
E.  L.  Cutting,  N.  L  ]kiggett,  George  Dana,  G.  E.  Dana, 
Eli;.s  Davis,  J.  H.  Davenport,  Eibcrty  Dinsmore,  lAither 
Eames,  G.  ^V.  Eanics,  J.  B.  Eamcs,  Gershon  Ivames,  Storrs 
Eldridge,  Washington  Eairbank,  Iliiah  Fairbank,  Harri- 
son Eairbank,  James  Eisk,  Ecwis  Eletclier,  Jotham  Glaz- 
ier,  E.    A.   Glazier,  N.    H.  Goodale,  Charles  Goodale,  G. 

,>i   '].'■■'  '■'■■  .:>■ 


1*'.  Goodale,  Aaron  Goodale,  F.  E.  Goodalc,  Levi  Go>^, 
Sninuol  Haley,  L.  3.1.  Harris,  T.  H.  Harris,  O.  JJ.  Harris, 
Xalmm  Hastings,  Dennis  Hartlian,  W.  li.  Hartlian,  S.  F. 
Hcmmenway,  Henry  Hcnncssy,  Solon  Hinds,  ]')ertran(i 
Hinds,  Albert  Hinds',  E.  H.  IFinds,  Luke  Hipslev,  E.  AV. 
Holbrook,  Stephen  Holt,  Henry  Holt,  H.  F.  Holt",  Uussell 
Holt,  AV.  I'i.  Holt,  George  Holmes,  Horatio  Honghton, 
John  Houghton,  E.  ;^L  Hosnier,  L.  ?.L  Hosmer,  G.  L. 
Howe,  Samuel  Hov.c,  W .  V.  Howe,  Joel  Howe,  G.  F. 
Howe,  r)arney  Howe,  Francis  Johnson,  W.  11.  Johnson, 
II.  S.  Jewett,  JL  F.  Kcyes,  Arlcmas  Kcycs,  Ile/ekiah 
Keyes,  J.  M.  Kcyes,  T.  N.  Keyes,  W.  AV.  Keyes,  A.  l\ 
Knight,  C.  L.  Knight,  J.  F.  Ivnight,  Samuel  Lawrence, 
John  Lawrence,  I).  IL  Lamson,  Lenianiii\  Lee,  U.  M.. 
Lord,  Washburn  Lombard,  l^.  A.  Lesure,  H.  A.  Loring, 
Amos  Lovell,  Addison  Lovell,  Fphraini  Lovell,  J.  C.  Lov- 
ell,  John  -May,  John  Mason,  Samuel  Mason,  William 
Mason,  G.  W.  Matthews,  William  Matthews,  C^iarles 
Merrifield,  L.  W.  Merrilield,  Windsor  Morse,  Simon  Alorse, 
liernice  Morse,  Cliarles  Morse,  Nathan  ?>Iorse,  F,  E.  ]^.Iorse, 
J.  11.  Moore,  J.  D.  Moore,  D.  C;.  Murdock,  William  Mur- 
dock,  G.  L.  ]Murdock,  Cephas  !^.Iaz/.y,  Jonas  Ahiz/y,  J.  1> . 
Newton,  L.  D.  Newton,  L.  F.  Newton,  William  ^siclu)ls, 
Henry  Norcross,  Albert  Oakes,  T.  X.  Phelp.s,  E/ekiel 
Peirce,  Estes  Peirce,  Levi  Peirce,  Jonathan  Peirce,  Lyman 
Peirce,  p].  B.  Peirce,  Henry  Peirce,  C.  L,  Pratt,  Aionzo 
Pratt,  lirighani  Prcscott,  D.  D.  Prescott,  Sylvester  Pres- 
cott,  D.  G.  llawson,  David  lleed,  11.  G.  liecd,  Thomas 
Sargent,  0.  B.  Sawyer,  Henry  Sawyer,  llandoli)h  Scarlett, 
S.  H.  Smith,  Benjamin  Smith,  Boland  She])ard,  p]mcrson 
SpofFord,  A.  V.  Sheldon,  Levi  .Sturtevanl,  Pliny  Stearns, 
A.  G.  Taylor,  A.  W.  Taylor,  AVilliam  'i'homas,  N.  II.  Til- 
ton,  Aaron  Tilton,  L,  B.  Tilton,  P.  C.  Toombs,  I).  T. 
Tenny,  Horace  Warner,  \V.  W.  Warner,  G.  \V .  Warren, 
Ira  Warren,  Eli  Walker,  Josej)li  ^\'hite,  Thomas  AMiite, 
W.  N.  White.  T.  11.  White,  Joseph  Whittaker,  Luther 
Whiltaker,  Woodbury  Whittemore,  J.  N'.  West,  A.  J:. 
^Vinter,  A.  H.  Wood,  John  Wheeler,   D    P.  \Vorcester. 

L>,ra  Beaman,  ]']lias  Davis,  vVmos  Lovell,  and  Brighani 
Prescott,  were  residents  and  legal  voters  here  in  18'LS,  as 
they  also  are  in  1858. 

;;    i'   .'HI   .J      .:  .M    ,  ;•  !/ 
1/    .0.  .!.  ,}t  'm:/5    .;)    ,f, 

TOWN  OFFICERS  FROM  1808  TO  1858. 

MoDEP.ATOii.  The  following  pcr.sons  were  severally 
Moderators  of  the  annual  ^larcli  Meetings  in  West  Bo}k- 
ton,  from  1808  to  1858,  viz. : 

Silas  Bcaman,  Silas  Newton,  Paul  Goodalc,  William 
Fairbank,  R.  B.  Thomas,  J.  M.  Smith,  Andre  Taft,  J.  F. 
Fay,  E,  ^I.  Ilosmer,  I).  C.  ^Murdoch,  Benjamin  F.  Keyes, 
J.  C.  Lovell. 

Town  Clerk.  Since  the  organization  of  the  town  of 
West  Boylston  in  1808,  to  1858,  the  office  of  Town  Clerk 
lias  been  held  as  follows: 

From  1808  to  1809,  R.  B.  Thomas;  1800  to  1813,  Jo- 
seph  Hinds;  1813  to  1823,  Ezra  Bi^^elow  ;  1823  to  1825, 
Francis  Davis  ;  1825  to  18S0,  Scth  White  ;  1S30  to  1837, 
Ephraim  Bigclow  ;  1837  to  18-10,  B.  F.  Keyes;  18-10  to 
1850,  Barney  Howe  ;  1850  to  1855,  0.  B.  Sawyer  ;  1855 
to  1858,  Horatio  Houghton. 

Selectmen.  The  following  persons  were  each  elected 
and  respectively  served  one  or  more  years  as  Selectmen 
of  West  Boylston,  from  1808  to  1858: 

Ezra  Beainan,  Jonathan  Plimpton,  William  Fairbank, 
Silas  Beaman,  Amos  Lovell,  Paul  Goodale,  John  Temple, 
Barnabas  Davis,  Silas  Xewton,  Jacob  Hinds,  R.  I>.  Thom- 
as, Josepli  IHnds,  Hiram  Howe,  Alplieus  Fairbank,  F.ben- 
ezer  Paine,  Ezra  Bigclow,  Cal^b  Scvrry,  Jonathan  IMimp- 
ton,  Jr.,  Ezekicl  Peirce,  Ezra  Beaman,  Jr.,  Thomas  Keves, 
B  B.  Fairbank,  John  Reed,  Paul  Gerrish,  Levi  Goodale, 
F'rancis  Davis,  Simon  Plimpton,  Oliver  ]\Ioore,  Jacob 
Peirce,  Abel  Goodale,  Brigliam  Prescott,  Seth  White, 
liCvi  Peirce,  Jr.,  Joseph  White,  Thomas  Holmes,  Dennis 
Harthan,  Asa  Bigelow,  Aaron  Goodale,  Silas  Walker, 
Amos  Lovell,  Jr.,  Samuel  Brown,  John  ]\[.  Smith,  Ephm. 
Bigelow,  Charles  Nash,  B.  F.  lv(\ves,  J.  H.  Moore,  Thom- 
as White,  Jr.,  John  Lees,  Cicero  Hinds,  ]•].  M.  Ifosmcr, 
Moses  Brigham,  Lotan  Cleveland,  E.  F.  Brigham,  W.  B. 
Hartlian,  D.  C.  Murdoch,  Samuel  Lawrence,  John  May, 
E.  W.    Holbrook,    Addison    Lovell,    J.    D.  Lovell,  L.  D. 


New'ioii,  John  Lawrence,    Jofiatli-an  Peircc,  L.  11.   Harris, 
Joliii  i^rontiss,  G.  F.  Ilov/e,  Levi  Gos3,   H.  F.  liult. 

CiiAiRMAX  OF  SLLr.'jTNiKN'.  Tlio  scvcrul  individuals 
hero  indicated,  were  cich  respectively  Chairman  of  the 
board  of  Seloclineu  of  West  Buyhtou  one  or  more  years, 
from  1808  to  13^38,  as  follows  : 

i-:zra  iJcaman,  4  years  ;  William  Fairbank,  1  year  ;  John 
Temple,  G  years;  il.  B.  Thomas,  3  years;  Ezra  Bigelow, 
3  years;  Joseph  Hinds,  4  years ;  Francis  Davis,  1  year; 
Joseph  White,  4  years;  Silas  Newton,  1  yenr  ;  Asa  iri;^r- 
elow,  1  year;  Dennis  ILirthaii,  2  years;  B.  F.  Iveyes,'^2 
years  ;  'i'homas  Holiiios,  1  year  ;  K.  M.  Hosmcr,  3  years  ; 
Lotan  Cleveland,  5  years;  D.  C.  Murdock,  4  years  ;  Addi- 
son Lovell,  1  year;  Jonathiai  I-idrco,  1  year;  L.  M.  Har- 
ris, 1  year ;  John  I'rentiss,  1  year ;  Samuel  Lawrence, 
1  year. 

Ovi:rsi:eus  of  the  Pook.  From  1808  to  1335  the 
Selectmen  had  the  oversight  of  the  paupers  of  West  Boyls- 
ton.  Since  183o,  Overseers  liave  been  chosen  who  have 
had  the  charge  and  direction  of  those  supported  at  the 
expense  of  the  ti)wn.  The  following  persons  here  named 
have  been  severally  and  successively  chosen  Overseers  of 
the  Poor  from  1835  to  1858  : 

^^  Joseph  White,  Fr.mcis  Davis,  Fphraim  Bigelow,  Andre 
Taft,  Cephas  Muzzy,  V/aldo  Winter,  P.enjamin  Smith, 
Windsor  Morse,  Thomas  White,  Jr.,  Cicero  Hinds,  E.  :M. 
Hosmer,  Henry  Hcdt,  Levi,  Charles  Goodale,  J. 
li.  Moore,  John  Lawrence,  R.  C.  Toombs,  James  Fisk, 
L.  M.  Hosmcr,  L.  ^L  Harris,  Aaron' Goodale,  Levi  Stur- 
tevaiit,  Moses  Fisher,  S.  H.  Smith,  J.  C.  Lovell,  C.  C. 
Cutting,  E.  F.  Brigham. 

Assessors.  The  following  j)erson3  were  chosen  and 
served  as  Assessors  foi'  the  town  of  West  Boylston,  one 
or  more  years  from  1808  to  1858  : 

K.  B.  Thomas,  Silas  Newton,  Moses  Perry,  Barnabas 
Davis,  Jacob  Hinds,  John  Temple,  iJiram  Howe,  Ezra 
Beaman,  Jr.,  Thomas  Kcyes,  Levi  Kilburn,  John  Bead, 
B.  B.  Fairbank,  Ezra  Bigelow,  Ezekiel  Peircc,  Jacob 
Peirce,  Alpheus  Fisher,  Francis  Davis,  J.  W.  Fairbank, 
Joseph  White,  Levi  Peirce,  Jr.,  Asa  Bigelow,  A.  E,    Win- 


tcr,  Cicero  lliiids,  Amos  Child,  Jr.,  James  Lees,  D.  C, 
Aturdock,  AV.  P.  Howe.  E.  }^I.  llosmcr,  Francis  Fla-i:, 
Samuel  Lawrence,  Erigham  Prescott,  A.  P.  Kiiif^lit,  F.  L. 
CuttiniT,  Elias  Davis,  i)aviil  Head,  O.  J5.  Sawyer,  Henry 
7Iolt,  Jonathan  Peirce,  Horatio  Houghtun,  A^hlison  Lov- 
ell,  S.  H.  Smith,  L.  ^I.  Harris,  Uriah  Fairbank. 

ToAVN  Tra:AsuiiEK.  The  oHice  of  Town  Treasurer  of 
West  Boylston  has  been  tuccessively  held  from  1 808  to 
185S,  by  tiie  Ibllowiiig  persons,  viz  : 

Ezra  Bcaman,  Ezra  Bcaman,  Jr.,  Barnabas  Davis,  Jon- 
athan Plimpton,  Andre  Taft,  Francis  Davis,  Jolin  Lees, 
Scth  White,  Thomas  Holmes,  Ezekiel  PL-iice,  A.  ]■].  Win- 
ter, E.  B.  Newton,  Moses  Bri^dian,  Samuel  Brown,  11.  W. 
Holbrook,  Dennis  Harthan,  6.  B.  oawycr. 

IIepreSkntativks.  West  l^oylston  has  been  entitled 
to  one  Representative  each  year  since  lier  incorporation  as 
a  town,  and  has  been  represented  frour  ISOH  to  lfi68  as 
follo\^•3  : 

Ezra  Beaman,  4  years  :  Barnabas  D.ivi:*,  G  years  ;  Jo- 
seph Hinds,  5  years;  11.  J^.  Thomas,  5  years;  Silas  Xew- 
ton,  1  year:  Thomas  AVhite,  jr.,  1  year;  Siias  Walker,  1 
year;  B.  F.  Kcycs,  1  year;  Levi  Pierce,  jr.,  1  year; 
Dennis  Harthan,  1  year;  Samuel  lirown,  1  year  ;  Brii;hain 
Prescott,  3  years;  Addison  Lovell,  1  year  ;  Amos  Child, 
jr.,  3  years  ;  Eli  W.  Holbrook,  '2  years  ;  V].  M.  Hosmer,  'i 
years;  O.  B.  Sawyer,  1  year;  D.  C.  ^hirdock,  '2  years. 
Deleg.vtes  to    State  CoxvEXTroxs. 

In  1820,  a  State  Convention  was  held  in  Boston  for  the 
purpose  of  revising  the  Constitution  of  ^Lissaciiusetts. — 
Ilobert  B.  Thomas  waa  chosen  delegate  to  the  aforesaid 
Convention  from  AVest  Boylston,  and  accordingly  repre- 
sented the  town  on  that  occasion. 

In  1853,  a  second  State  Convention  was  held  in  Boston 
for  the  purpose  of  further  revising* the  Constitution,  llev. 
Joseph  W.  Cross  was  chosen  a  deleg:ite  from  this  town  to 
said  Convention  and  performed  the  service  for  which  he 
was  appointed. 

Delegates  to  the  County  Coxventiox  of  18P2. 

At  a  legal  town  meeting  in  West  Boylston,  held  in  July, 
1812,  Joseph  Hinds,  Jolin  Tem})le,  and  William  Fairbank, 


were  ciioscn  delej^atcs  to  the  Couniy  C'onYcntion  then  ^oan 
to  be  holden  at  Worcester,  to  take  into  C(jnsl(lerati()n  the 
situation  of  the  country  in  conseciiience  of  the  war  then 
rxistincT  between  the  United  States  and  Great  Britain,  and 
to  adopt  such  measures  as  eircunistances,  the  exigenees  of 
the  times,  and  the  public  <x<m)vI  nn^i;lit  seem  to  demand.— 
Tliey  accordingly  attended  tlio  Convention  and  pnrticip:aed 
in  its  proceedings. 



The  original  church  (Congregational)  in  ^Vcst  I'ovh- 
ton  uas  formed  in  179G,  consisting  of  o3  members,  em- 
bracing widely  different  oj)inions  relative  to  religions  doc- 
trine. The  majority  favored  Armenian  sentiments,  while 
the  minority  were  decidedly  Calvinistic.  Kev.  AVilliam 
Nash,  the  tirst  minister,  favored  the  Armenian  side,  and  on 
that  account  was  o])posed  at  t!ic  time  of  his  settlement  by 
the  Calvinistic  ])ortion  of  the  church  and  society,  wdio 
were  never  satished  with  his  ])reaeliing  and  ministerial 
labors.  In  lh02,  religious  conference  meetings  were  orig- 
inated and  regularly  held  on  the  first  Thursday  of  each 
month,  by  a  respectable  portion  of  the  church,  the  meet- 
ings being  oj)en  to  all  who  wished  to  participate  in  them. 
This  movemefU  received  no  favor  from  Mr.  Nash,  although 
repeatedly  consulted  and  urgevd  to  aftbrd  aid  and  assistance 
in  its  origin  and  eventual  progress,  'i'hese  meetings  were 
sustained,  although  ^Ir.  Nash  and  the  majority  of  the 
members  of  the  churcli  declined  to  countenance  or  assist 
in  promoting  the  object  iir  any  way   whatever. 

In  1809,  the  first  religious  revival  in  this  town  occurred, 
and  continued  with  increased  interest  for  several  monthg. 
It  caused  much  excitement  and  encountered  severe  oppo- 
sition, although  a  large  ])ortioii  of  the  people  \vcre  favora- 
bly alfectcd  thereby.  During  this  revival  season  many 
persons  became  interested,  were  hopefully  converted,  and 

'I'i:'  ' 


0-:    ;«!1VI 

f    <;i'    ]:■■ 

nr:'.    W' 

afterwards  })rorc--sed  relii^ioii,  sonic  joining  the   Congrc^'a* 
tional  cliurch,  while  others  unitjil  with  the  Ihqjtists. 

The  Cc)ngreg:ition;il  church  :uul  society,  (iurin::;  tlie  l:isl 
40  years,  have  been  l'avor(;d  '.vith  several  inLere-^ting  tea- 
sous  uf  special  religious  attention,  resulting  in  the  hojio- 
ful  conversion  and  addition  of  many  })ersons  to  the  chuicli. 

The  fir;it  mueting-hoLisc  (Congregational)  in  Wobt 
Boylston,  was  dedicated  to  the  e:ervicc  and  worsljip  of  Al- 
mighty God,  January  1st,  17'Jo.  A  sermon  v/us  prcaclied 
on  the  occasion  by  llev.  Daniel  Grosvenor  of  Paxton. — 
After  that  period  several  candidates  were  successively  em- 
ployed to  ])reach  until  March,  1797,  wlicn  Mr.  William 
Nash  from  Williamsburg  and  a  graduate  of  Yale  College, 
received  a  call  from  the  church  and  society  to  settle  with 
them  as  a  preacher  of  the  gospel,  with  a  stipulated  annuul 
salary  of  {i?3o3.ou,  which  invitation  lie  acce^jted,  and  was 
accordingly  ordained  the  lith  day  of  October  of  that  year. 
The  church  and  society  in  extending  the  invitation  to 
]\Ir.  Xash  to  become  their  minisier  were  not  altogether 
united.  In  his  answer  of  acv:L[)tancc,  j.Ir.  Nash  s})eaksof 
"the  want  of  entire  unanimity",  and  furllier  says,  "  those 
gentlemen  to  whom  my  services  have  not  been  so  accepta- 
ble as  I  could  wish,  I  respect."  He  continues,  "  In  act- 
ing agreeably  to  their  own  best  judgment,  they  have 
exercised  a  right  which  belongs  to  every  christian,  and 
ought  not  on  that  account  to  receive  the  censure  or  disaf- 
fection of  any." 

The  opposition  to  ]'^^r.  Nasli  came  from  tliose  wlio  ad- 
hered to  the  Calvinistic  iaith,  and  sup})(ising  him  to  cherish 
sentiments  decidedly  antagonistic  to  their  vieus,  believed 
it  to  be  their  duty  to  oppose  his  settlcm.ent  with  them  in 
the  ministry.  The  minority  for  the  time  quietly  submitted 
to  the  wishes  of  the  majority,  and  for  several  years  "  kept 
the  unity  of  the  sj)irit,  not  by  an  entire  union  of  opinion, 
but  in  the  bond  of  peace." 

Although  the  feelings  of  disapprobation  of  the  senti- 
ments and  services  of  J,Ir.  Nash  seemed  for  a  while  ti^  be 
dormant,  yet  they  were  never  extinguished,  but  remained 
smouldering,  preparatory  for  an  explosion  when  the  pres- 
isure  should  become  suihciently  intense.  In  181 '2,  the 
disafiection  tov/ard  Mr.  Nash  had  become  tio  great  that  ?n 

attcii)]U  \v;i.s  to  dlbiniss  him.  In  1 81  1,  his  lic;ilth 
became  seriously  impaired,  rendering  him  unable  to  ])re;if,h 
or  disciiarye  oilier  parocliial  duties.  In  1815,  ho  was  dis- 
missed at  his  own  rccpiest,  and  liis  connection  willi  t'.e 
society  formally  dissolved  by  a  nuitua!  council,  in  accord- 
ance wilh  the  conditions  of  his  settlement.  After  tlie 
dismission  of  Mr.  Nash,  various  gentlemen  were  succes- 
sively employed  to  preach  as  candidates  until  1820,  Avhen 
^larshall  Siicdd  frcnn  Xcwton,  received  a  call  to  settle,  wl'.h 
.111  annual  s;dary  of  8')00,  wdiich  he  ileclioed  to  accept. 

In  December,  1820,  ]Mr.  John  I^oardman  IVom  Xew- 
buryport,  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  College,  wa>s  invited 
to  settle  lierc  in  the  ministry,  M'ilh  an  annual  salary  <jI* 
8500,  by  a  vote  of  05  to  28,  wdiich  invitation  he  accepted 
and  was  ordained  as  pastor  of  tlio  Coni^rregational  church 
and  society,  February  28th,  1821.  In  18ul,  xMr.  IJoard- 
man  was  dismissed  at  his  own  request,  and  afterward  set- 
tled in  luist  DouL^-las  wliere  lie  died  in  1842,  in  the  merid- 
ian of  lile. 

In  September,  183-t,  llev.  Elijali  Paine,  a  native  of 
Ashlield,  and  who  had  been  a  settled  minister  in  Claro- 
mont,  N.  II.,  was  invited  to  become  pastor  of  the  Con- 
gregational church  anil  society  in  this  town,  \vitli  an  annual 
salary  of  C'GOO.  lie  accepted  the  invitation  and  was  in- 
stalled tlic  od  day  of  November,  in  that  year.  i\lr.  Inline 
died  suddenly,  Sept.  Mth,  i8;U),  aged  o8  years. 

In  1837,  Mr.  Brown  I-hnerson  of  Harvard,  was  ordained 
as  successor  of  Mr.  Paine,  having  received  a  call  from  the 
church  and  society,  with  an  annual  salary  of  {r'GOO.  lie 
was  dismissed  at  his  own  recjucbt,  Nov.  Gth,  1800. 

Kev.  Joseph  W.  Cross,  who  had  been  settled  in  iiox- 
boroucih  and  dismissed,  was  installed  pastor  of  the  Con- 
gregational church  and  society  in  this  town,  March  11th. 
1840,  witii  an  annual  salary  of  {^700. 

THE    2;  ATT  I  ST    SOCIETY. 

About  70  years  ago,  a  Ihiptist  clergyman  from  abroad, 
of  reputable  character  and  standing,  on  one  or  two  oc- 
casions, prL-ached  at  the  huusj  of  David  Goodale  in  tliis 
town,  being  probably  tlio  iirst  minister  of  that  denomina- 
tion   that    had    ever    [)rcaclied  here.      It  has  been  said   by 


■'1    :'\ 

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i .  1     '   '    1 . 

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',  '     '     :.-J         '-    *■-    !>    /■:..!:•.;. 


/iliv  .''i  Bf 

those  who  were  in  ritlciulauce  at.  the  time,  that  his  Uilmrs 
wore  able,  elTectlvc,  and  well  lecLivcd,  i)rodticiii,i;  a  p;c)od 
impression  upon  the  hearers.  Not  lon<r  after  tliis  time, 
another  minister  of  the  same  order  preaclicd  at  ^^r.  Good- 
ale's  to  a  respectable  audience,  which  was  edified  and  much 
interestotl.  After  this  tiiUL'  it  is  not  luiown  that  any  liap- 
tlst  minister  ])reached  in  this  town  until  the  sprini,'  of 
1 810,  when  idder  Luther  Goddard  of  Shrewsbury,  was  in- 
vited by  a  member  of  the  Con^rc^fational  church,  to  attend 
a  reli^^^ious  meetinji,-  at  the  Centre  School-house  in  this 
town.  lie  cordially  accepted  tiie  invitation  and  preached 
on  that  occasion,  and  also  on  a  similar  occasion  not  long 
afterward.  Probably  the  year  1810  is  the  period  from 
wdiich  to  date  the  origin  of  the  B.iptist  denomination  in 
West  lioylston,  wiiich  has  gradually  increased  until  it  h;is 
become  an  cHicient  church  and  society. 

In  l&lo,  the  Jiiptists  formed  a  society  in  this  town,  but 
bad  preaching  only  a  part  of  the  time  for  several  years  — 
In  1819,  a  Baptist  church  was  organized  liere,  consisting 
of  about  50  members,  and  since  that  period  the  church 
and  society  have  sustained  and  enjoyed  the  regular  preach- 
ing of  the  gospel.  They  have  also  been  favored  with 
several  seasons  of  special  religious  interest,  resulting  in 
the  hopeful  conversion  and  ultimate  accession  of  a  large 
number  to  the  church. 

The  following  ministers  have  been  successively  pastors 
of  the  Baptist  Church  in  this  town  since  1819,  viz:  llev. 
Nicholas  Braiich,  Bev.  Alien  Hough,  Uev.  C.  C.  B.  Crosby, 
Bcv.  Abiel  Fisher,  Bev.  Josej)h  G.  Binney,  Bev.  Borenzo 
().  l^ovell.  Rev.  Sewall  S.  Cutting,  Bev.  Leonard  Tracy, 
Bev.  Kazlett  Arviue,  Bev.  Timothy  C.  Tingley,  Bev.  Zcnas 
V.  Wild,  Bev.  Geo.  11.  Darrow. 


The  Liberal  Society  in  this  town  at  the  commencement 
of  its  existence,  was  composed  of  those  who  seceded  from 
the  Congregational  Society,  in  consequence  of  the  s<ittlc- 
nient  of  a  minister  who  held  and  preached  Calvinistic 

'i'he  history  of  the  origin  and  formation  «d'  this  society 
is  subst mlialiv  as  follows  : — In  1  81  5,  the  connection  exi^t- 

,      !■ 

r  .ry;i 


in;;  between  the  R.ev.  Mr.  Xasli  anil  the  Cungrci^^ationai 
chui-cli  nnd  society,  was  dissolved  at  his  own  request,  after 
which  the  majority  of  the  society  manifested  an  unyieldini;- 
dctcrnnnation  to  have  Unitarian  prcachin;^;,  and  eventually 
to  settle  a  minister  of  that  stamp  ;  wliile  a  majority  of  tlie 
Ciinrch  and  a  minority  of  the  Society  were  oj)poscd  to 
every  movement  liaving-  a  tendency  in  that  direction.  The 
exertions  put  forth  to  edcct  the  fav(nite  and  anticipated 
result  eventually  })roved  an  entire  I'ailurc. 

Tho  comniittce  for  supplying-  the  pulpit,  after  having 
employed  several  Unitarian  candidates  to  preach,  inadver- 
tantly procured  one  of  the  Ortliodox  stamp,  who  made  a 
favorable  impression,  llius  entirely  chan;,Mn<;  the  f-elin^'s 
and  course  of  many  of  the  peojde,  tliereby  giving  the  Or- 
thodox the  ascendency,  which,  after  much  edbrt  and  perse- 
vering; exertion,  resulted  in  liie  settlement  of  a  minister 
embracing  evan<^elical  sentiments.  The  opposition  event- 
ually seceded  and  formed  a  new  Socict}',  taking  tlie  name 
of  The  First  Liberal  Society  in  West  ]joylston.  T'his  So- 
ciety at  the  present  lime  (1858)  has  little  more  than  a 
nominal  existence.  Most  of  the  prominent  original  mem- 
bers have  deceased,  and  llie  society  has  had  ])reaching 
during  the  last  few  years  only  a  portion  of  the  time. 


The  Methodists  have  also  a  Church  and  Society  at  Oak- 
dale,  where  tliey  enjoy  the  stated  ministratimis  of  the 
gospel,  attended  with  apparent  benefit  and  success.  Ke- 
spectable  numbers  attend  meeting  here  on  the  sabbatli, 
and  considerable  interest  is  manifested  by  the  people  for 
the  support  and  maintenance  of  tiie  institutions  of  religion 
among  themselves. 

In  former  years,  dissension  and  aniniosity  prevailed  to 
some  extent  between  the  several  religious  societies  in  this 
town,  but  during  the  last  20  years  very  little  denomina- 
tional feeling  has  been  manifested,  while  harmony  and 
fraternal  intercourse  have  generally  been  in  the  ascendent. 



Dr.  Ainari.'ili  ni^elow  '.v;is  llio  llrst  rosiJont  j))iy.slcl;in  in 
this  town.  lie  sjttlo;!  licro  as  a  ])i\icl.itio:icr  in  ITrfO,  ur 
iibout  that  time,  and  died  .sndilenly  in  11  til. 

])r.  Uriah  ]'ij^eh)\v  i'rom  Weston,  .settled  here  as  a  jdiy- 
sician  in  1788,  and  aftorwartls  went  to  central  Xcvv  York,  ho  died  at  an  a.lvanced  a'jc. 

Dr.  Nicholas  Jcnks  iVoni  North  l^fooknold,  settled  in 
t)ii.-5  town  as  a  physician  in  IbD'J,  and  after  a  residence  of 
ten  years,  went  to  Southbrid<;e. 

Dr.  John  i\[.  Smith  settled  in  this  town  as  a  phiysiciaii 
in  1810,  and  resided  hero  lil'teen  years,  then  \vent  to 
JSonthbridge,  where  he  died  in  the  meridian  of  life. 

Dr.  Jacob  Moore  settled  here  as  a  physician  in  1828  and 
died  in  1831.  lie  was  a  youn:;  man  of  amiable  character 
and  of  much  promise  relative  to  the  fa ture. 

Dr.  Sherman  Smith  settled  here  as  a  ])hvsieian  after  the 
decease  of  Dr  Moere,  then  went  to  Y\'alpole,  N.  11.  ^vhelc 
he  afterwards  died  snddenly. 

]3r.  Samuel  Gri^^gs  settled  here  as  a  physician  in  1832, 
and  remained  in  this  town  some  fourteen  or  fifteen  years, 
then  went  to  N\'estborougli  where  he  now  resides. 

Dr.  Ephraim  Loveil  is  a  native  of  this  town,  and  settled 
here  as  a  physician  in  1811,  and  still  remains  here. 

Dr.  George  \V.  Warren  settled  here  as  a  successor  to 
Dr.  Griggs,  and  still  continues  his  residence  liere  as  a 
practising  pliysician. 

Dr.  Isaac  Chenery  settled  in  the  easterly  part  of  llolden, 
adjacent  to  this  town,  in  1770  or  about  that  time,  Avlicre 
he  resided  until  his  decease  in  1822,  being  in  the  eighti- 
eth year  of  his  age.  lie  was  distinguished  on  account  of 
his  skill  and  sound  judgment,  and  also  for  his  moderate 
demands  upon  his  employers  for  medical  attendance.  lie 
obtained  the  contulence  and  respect  of  the  community 
around  him,  including  the  population  of  this  town.  The 
people  here  became  so  attached  to  Dr.  Chenery,  and  so 
highly  appreciated  his  practice,  that  younger  physicians 
who  made  the  experiment  of  locating  here,  failed  to  obtain 
sufficient  encouragement  to  remain  permanently. 

u,i\i^\y.    ^1 


TON  FROM   1803  TO   1858. 

During  the  lust  fifty  years,  mucii  has  been  done  to  pro- 
mote tlie  })rosj)crity  and  improve  the  condition,  and  general 
appearance  ot"  this  town.  Within  the  last  liftecn  years 
the  Worcester  and  Nashua  Railroad  lias  been  built,  pas- 
sing directly  through  the  town,  affording  such  convenience 
and  accominodation  to  tlie  inhabitants  as  in  no  other  way 
could  be  secured.  At  the  West  Boylston  station,  a  dis- 
tinct and  delightful  view  of  a  large  portion  of  the  town 
presents  itself  to  the  eye  of  the  observer,  often  attracting 
the  special  notice  and  attention  of  the  passing  stranger. 

'J  he  several  Manufacturing  Establishments  in  West 
Boylston  present  a  thrifty  and  flourishing  appearance, — 
Much  taste  and  skill  are  disccrnable  in  the  location  and 
construction  of  tiie  several  manufactories,  and  in  layin<r 
out  and  building  up  the  villages  connected  therewith.  The 
scenery  about  them  is  pleasant  and  dclighil'ul  and  cannot 
fail  to  attract  the  attention  of  every  observer. 

That  which  first  meets  the  eye  ^vhcn  viewing  the  prem- 
ises of  the  lieaman  Manufacturing  Company,  is  the  artifi- 
cial pond  filled  with  water  for  the  operaticni  of  machinerv. 
This  pond  was  originally  designed  and  built  by  Major 
Jjeaman,  sixty-five  years  ago,  for  the  purpose  of  operating 
a  gristmill.  It  has  been  recently  enlarged,  and  now  pre- 
sents a  sublime  and  magnificent  appearance.  The  trees 
and  railing  about  this  pond,  and  elsewhere  in  the  vicinity, 
contribute  essentially  to  the  beauty  and  splendor  of  the 
village.  The  proprietors  of  this  establishment  have  made 
large  expenditures  for  the  purpose  of  rendering  it  commo- 
dious and  valuable  as  well  as  pleasant  and  attractive.  The 
])roperty    of  the  corporation  is   estimated    at    more    than 


The  AVest  Boylston  Manufacturing  Company  at  Oakdalc, 
together  with  the  village  connected  with  it,  is  pleasantly 
and  commodiously  situated,  exhibiting  neatness  and  order 
in  its  position  and  arrangement.  This  establishment  lias 
long  been  mostly  under  the  superintendence  and  direction  of 

De:i.  Joseph  White,  who  is  one  of  the  proprietors,  and  lias 
devoted  much  time  and  attention  to  tlic  promotion  of  its 
prosperity  and  success.  The  farm  belonging  to  the  ccmu- 
pany  is  a  specimen  of  good  liusbandry,  having  by  proper 
care  and  judicious  management  become  fertile  and  produc- 

The  Central  Manufacturing  Kslablisliment  is  conven- 
iently located  near  the  centre  of  the  town  and  in  the  vicin- 
ity of  the  railroad  station.  The  scenery  about  this  es- 
tablishment consists  mostly  of  trees  of  various  kinds 
planted  by  the  proprietor,  E.  W.  Holbrook,  and  presents  a 
tasteful  appearance,  and  a  few  ytars  hence  will  probably 
exhibit  a  decree  of  beauty  and  splendor  which  will  attract 
the  notice  of  strangers  and  others  who  may  cliance  to  view 
the  same. 

The  ^lanufactory  at  Ilarrisville  has  a  substantial  and 
enduring  appearance,  being  built  of  stone.  This  establish- 
ment exhibits  ap})arent  thrift  and  enterprise,  and  speaks 
favorably  of  the  industry  and  perseverance  of  the  proprie- 

The  public  roads  in  various  parts  of  the  town  are  to 
some  extent  adorm^d  with  trees,  mostly  elm  and  maple, 
planted  by  enterprising  individuals,  not  only  beautifying 
their  localities  but  also  affording  convenience  and  comfort 
to  the  pasiiing  traveller,  protecting  him  from  the  scorching 
rays  of  a  meridian  sun,  during  the  summer  months  of  the 

There  are  now  standing  in  different  sections  of  the  town, 
not  only  within  the  limits  of  the  highways  but  also  on 
adjoining  localities,  several  large  majestic  elms  and  other 
trees  of  original  growth,  which  it  is  hoped  will  long  be 
permitted  to  remain  as  objects  of  splendor  and  attraction. 
It  would  seem  ruthless  indeed,  and  exhibit  an  utter  desti- 
tution of  that  good  taste  and  generous  feeling  which  ought 
ever  to  be  cherished,  to  allow  these  monuments  of  individ- 
ual protection  and  care  to  be  destroyed. 

Within  the  last  few  years  there  have  been  erected  in  this 
town  two  large  buildings,  which  are  occupied  as  Bool 
Manufactories;  one  near  the  Railroad  Depot  and  the  other 
on  tliC  o])posite  side  of  the  river  near  the  brick  meeting 
house.     A  considerable  amount  of  business  is  done  at  each 

"■■A.   \.<J 

of  these  establishments.  A  large  quantity  of  hoots  arc 
annually  manufactured  at  Oakdale  village  in  this  lown  ; 
there  are  also  several  shops  in  tiie  town  where  boots  are 
manufactured  to  some  extent.  A  large  number  of  ])crsons 
ure  here  actively  engaged  in  this  business,  profitably  alike 
to  themselves  and  their  employers. 


FiiiE,  that  devouring  element,  has  occasionally  broken 
over  the  restraints  of  caution  and  care,  and  done  its  fearful 
Avork  here.  Tlie  first  destructive  fire  which  is  known  to 
have  occurred  in  this  town,  one  in  which  was  invoh  ed  the 
most  seiious  and  awful  consequences,  was  the  burning  of 
the  dwelling  house  of  Josiah  VVilder,  situated  in  tlic  north 
part  of  the  town,  on  or  near  the  spot  where  the  house  now- 
occupied  by  John  Bruce  and  son  stands.  This  tire 
occurred  in  January,  1740.  About  the  middle  of  the 
night,  jMr.  Wilder  and  his  wife  were  aroused  from  sleep, 
their  house  being  on  fire  ;  the  flames  had  alreacK-  made 
such  progress  as  to  compel  them  to  leave  the  house  as 
speedily  as  possible.  Mr.  Wilder  rushed  out,  siezed  an 
axe,  cut  a  hole  through  the  side  of  the  burning  house  near 
the  bed  wdiere  his  son  Asa  lay,  and  pulled  him  out  thereat, 
while  the  room  w^as  full  of  fire  and  smoke.  He  wasnearly 
suffocated  nnd  badly  burned,  but  soon  recovered.  Mrs. 
Wilder,  in  haste  to  make  her  escape,  inadvertantly  opened 
the  cellar  door,  and  with  a  child  in  her  arms,  plunged  into 
the  cellar,  where  they  perished.  Three  other  children  also 
perished  in  this  dreadful  conflagration.  Abner,  the  eldest 
son,  was  fortunately  from  home  at  the  time,  staying  at  a 
neighbors  for  a  few  days,  and  consequently  escaped  this 
calamity  so  fatal  in  its  effects. 

On  the  6th  of  May,  1770,  the  dwelling  house  of  Cap(. 
Joseph  Bigelow,  situated  near  where  the  house  of  Jonas 
Muzzy  now  stands,  a  short  distance  west  of  the  common, 
took    lire    by   a   spark  from   the   cK'imncy  alightinif  on  tlie 


roof,  and  the  liouse  with  a  portion  of  its  contents  was 
entirely  consumed.  This  fire  occurred  on  the  sahhatli 
wliilc  the  people  were  generally  gone  to  meeting  three 
miles  distant,  and  only  Mrs.  Bigelow  with  the  younger 
children  of  the  family  were  at  home  ;  consequently  no 
seasonable  effort  could  be  made  to  extinguish  the  fire. 

In  1842,  a  dwelling  house  belonging  to  Liberty  Dins- 
more  and  Mrs.  Olive  Whitney,  situated  near  the  brick 
meeting  house,  was  burned  with  a  portion  of  its  contents. 

In  1848,  a  dwelling  house  belonging  to  Luther  Eamcs 
and  occupied  by  him,  situated  in  the  southerly  part  of  the 
town,  took  fire  on  the  roof  and  was  mostly  consumed,  with 
some  portion  of  its  contents. 

In  1853,  the  Yalley  Hotel,  situated  near  the  Bcamaii 
place,  belonging  to  Elias  Davis  and  occupied  at  the  time 
by  James  E.  Wood,  was  destroyed  by  fire  with  a  part  of 
its  contents. 

A  few  years  since,  a  dwelling  house  belonging  to  Charles 
Fairbank,  and  30  years  ago  the  residence  of  Hiram  Howe, 
situated  in  the  northerly  part  of  the  town,  then  unoccu}>iecl, 
was  entirely  consumed  by  lire,  sui)posed  to  be  the  work 
of  an  incendiary. 

August  23d,  1831,  the  Congregational  Meeting-house 
then  standing  on  the  common,  was  set  on  fire  by  a  fiash 
of  lightning,  and  entirely  consumed.  The  fire  took  in 
conse{}uence  of  shavings  being  carelessly  left  under  some 
part  of  the  flooring  at  the  time  the  house  was  erected. 

In  1801,  a  Christ-mill  belonging  to  ]Micah  Harthan,  and 
the  fulling-mill  adjoining  belonging  to  Peter  White,  with 
most  of  their  contents,  were  entirely  destroyed  by  fire. 
Another  mill  upon  an  improved  plan,  M'as  immediately 
erected  on  the  same  spot,  and  also  burned  in  1847,  then 
belonging  to  Amos  Child  and  G.  W.  Dinsmore.  Another 
building  standing  near,  and  formerly  occupied  as  a  cloth- 
ier's shop,  was  also  burned  at  the  same  time.  Still  anoth- 
er grist-mill,  more  valuable  and  commodious,  in  connection 
with  a  shop  for  mechanical  purposes,  has  since  been  erect- 
ed and  put  in  successful  operation  on  the  same  j)remiscs 
by  lluel  G.  Cowce.     It  is  hoped  that   this  valuable  build- 

lag  will  never  fall  a  prey  to  tlie  same  devouring  elcincut. 
which  consumed  its  predecessors. 

In  182o,  the  blacksmith  shop  situated  near  where  tlie 
Central  factory  now  stands,  then  belonginLi;  to  E'.ekicI 
l*elrce,  and  occupied  by  him  as  a  scythe  manufactory,  was 
entirely  destroyed  by  fire. 

Within  the  last  20  years  three  valuable  cotton  manufac- 
tories have  been  destroyed  by  fire  in  this  town,  and  others 
erected  in  their  stead. 

During  the  last  50  years,  4  barns  have  been  burned,  I) 
by  lightning  and  1  by  an  incendiary. 

In  1790,  there  were  four  families  in  this  town  and  nearly 
in  the  same  neighborhood,  whose  children  then  living 
amounted  in  the  aggregate  to  4  5,  all  of  whom,  with  two 
exceptions,  lived  to  mature  life,  were  married,  and  had 
from  live  to  ten  children  each.  Four  of  the  original  num- 
ber are  now  living. 

Sarah  Harthan  is  the  oldest  person  now  living  in  this 
town.  Siie  was  the  eldest  child  of  Micah  Ilarthan,  was 
born  January  19,  1703,  being  now  95  years  o(  age.  She 
was  born  in  Lancaster,  where  slie  resided  18  years;  then 
resided  in  Sterling  five  years  ;  afterwards  in  I3oylston  22 
years  ;  and  during  the  remainder  of  life  to  the  present 
time,  her  residence  has  been  in  West  Boylston.  During 
()0  years  of  the  first  part  of  her  life  she  resided  successive- 
ly in  each  of  the  four  towns  just  mentioned,  not  changing 
licr  residence  or  leaving  the  place  of  iier  nativity.  Since 
that  time  she  can  hardly  be  said  to  have  left  the  homestead, 
still  living  with  one  of  the  family  descendants  and  within 
a  short  distance  of  the  very  place  where  she  commenced 

The  dwelling-house  now  occupied  by  Ezra  Beaman  was 
erected  in  1764,  by  his  father  Ezra  Beaman,  Esq.  It  was 
built  in  a  thorough  and  substantial  manner,  perfect  and 
complete  in  all  its  parts,  special  care  being  exercl-sed  in 
selecting  materials  and  in  the  construction,  ^vith  reference 
to  durability  and  permanence.  It  is  now  in  a  good  state 
of  preservation  from  its  base  to  the  top,  clearly  showing 
that  with  proper  attention  and  care,  it  may  remain  another 
century  as  a    memento  of  its  original   and  venerable  occii- 


f)^nt,  unless  destroyed  by  some  unforeseen  casualty,  or 
demolished  by  u  ruthless  hand,  careing  little  or  notliin^r  fur 
antique  specimens  of  innate  enterprise  and  adventurous^ 
active  energy.  This  ancient,  noble  structure,  in  its  size, 
form  and  appearance,  was  probably  at  that  time,  Avith  few 
(.'xceptions,  unsurpassed  by  anytiiing  of  the  kind  in  the 
adjacent  towns  or  even  in  the  county.  If  nothing  further 
is  to  be  done  to  perpetuate  the  memory  of  Major  Jiennum. 
the  father  and  benefactor  of  this  town,  it  is  to  be  lio[)ed 
that  this  specimen  of  early  enterprise  may  be  allowed  to 
remain,  and  be  carefully  preserved  to  mark  the  residence 
of  one,  who  by  his  own  persevering  efforts,  arose  to  wealth 
and  distinction,  at  the  same  time  accpiiring  and  exercising 
an  influence  justly  belonging  to  a  patriot  aad  jniblic  ben- 

In  1794,  the  first  meeting  house  in  this  town  was  erect- 
ed;  and  in  1831  it  Avas  destroyed  by  fire,  caused  by  a 
stroke  of  lightning.  At  the  raising  of  this  house,  a  man 
whose  name  is  lost,  was  suddenly  killed.  Jn  1832,  three 
commodious  meeting  houses  were  erected,  belonging  re- 
spectively to  the  Congregational,  Baptist,  and  Liberal 
Societies.  A  convenient  Hall  has  been  erected  at  Oakdale, 
and  is  now  occupied  by  the  Methodist  Society.  A  Chapel 
has  also  been  erected  in  the  central  part  of  the  town  for 
the  accommodation  of  the  Catholic  portion  of  the  popu- 

In  1808,  now  50  years  since,  there  was  but  one  church 
and  religious  society  and  but  one  clergyman  in  this  town. 
To  that  society  every  family  in  the  town  belonged,  and  all 
taxable  persons  paid  their  legal  proportion  towards  the 
support  and  maintenance  of  the  ordinances  of  religion. 

In  1818,  George  ^Icirifield,  a  lad  nine  years  of  nge  and 
brother  of  Charles  Merrifield  of  this  tov^^n,  when  sliding 
from  a  hay  scaffold,  came  in  contact  with  a  hay-puller 
which  entered  his  body  and  caused  his  deadi. 

In  1855,  Emmons   Glazier,  son   of  Jonas  Glazier,  was, 
drowned  here  while  bathing  in  the  river. 

There  have  been  six  deaths  in  this  towi\,  by  suicide, 
within  the  last  60  years. 

Various  itkms. 

At  the  time  of  the  incorpor.itiou  of  tlic  town  of  West 
Boylston,  Jonas  Temple  and  Tliomas  Keyes  of  lioylstofi, 
and  Jonas  Mason  of  Sterling,  although  included  within 
the  limits  of  the  new  town,  were  allowed,  together  with 
their  estates,  to  remain  connected  with  the  respective 
towns  to  w^hich  they  then  belonged.  This  privilege  so 
liberally  granted  them,  they  tenaciously  adhered  to  until 
their  decease,  when  their  real  estate  came  under  the  juris- 
diction of  the  town  within  the  limits  of  which  it  was 

Antliony  Taylor,  son  of  Eleazcr  Taylor,  of  Boylston, 
was  born  in  1749,  came  to  West  IJoylston  in  180S,  where 
he  resided  until  his  decease  wliich  occurred  in  1819,  aged 
70  years.  He  was  a  large,  stout  buJIt  man,  and  supposed 
by  his  contemporaries  not  to  be  surpassed  in  physical 
f«)rce  and  muscular  strength  by  any  man  in  New  England. 
In  early  life,  while  in  full  possession  of  vigor  and  vivacity, 
he  performed  several  extraordinary  feats,  the  relation  of 
which  might  seem  to  challenge  the  belief  of  the  most  cred- 
ulous. Yet  the  credibility  of  those  wh.o  witnessed  and 
have  given  an  account  of  the  wonderful  exhibitions  of 
power  and  strength  manifested  and  put  forth  by  this  man, 
would  render  it  quite  certain,  and  perhaps  beyond  a  rea- 
sonable doubt,  that  nothing  more  than  the  truth  has  been 
stated  relative  to  him.  An  instance  of  the  manifestation 
of  his  extraordinary  muscular  power,  was  the  lifting  of  a 
ticld  piece,  while  with  the  army  at  Cambridge  in  17 75, with 
the  intention  of  placing  it  upon  his  shoulder,  which  he 
probably  would  have  accomplished  had  not  those  around 
him  by  their  interference  prevented,  regarding  such  an  ef- 
fort imprudent  and  hazardous.  Other  accounts  relative  to 
the  developement  of  the  uncommon  physical  force  of  this 
individual  might  be  mentioned,  having  been  received  from 
reliable  sources  and  corroborated  by  indisputable  testi- 

The  number  of  deaths  in  West  Bovlston,  from   180H  tu 


^r.    ji'.vi;,;     'j:: 


l8o8,  was  near  1100.  Daring  tlie  t\vc4ve  years  previou!-: 
vo  1808,  while  the  town  was  a  precinct,  the  number  of 
deaths  was  between  70  and  80.  Much  the  larger  portion 
of  tlie  mortal  remains  of  those  who  have  deceased  in  this 
town  since  1796,  are  deposited  in  the  public  buryiii;^^ 
l^rouud  adjoining  the  Common. 

There  is  a  large  buttonwood  tree,  venerable  for  age  and 
appearance,  standing  by  the  roadside  near  the  ancient  Bea- 
man  mansion  house,  planted  there  more  than  one  hundred 
years  ago  by  the  elder  Ezra  Beaman  while  in  his  boyhood, 
being  at  the  time  but  thirteen  years  of  age.  This  relic  of 
the  early  doings  of  him  who  once  resided  on  those  prem- 
ises, may  serve  as  a  memento  to  awaken  the  memory  rela- 
tive to  the  distinguished  individual  who  possessed  a  larger 
share  of  energy,  enterprise,  and  public  spirit  than  any  one 
else  who  ever  resided  in  this  town. 

There  is  standing  at  the  present  time,  within  the  limils 
of  the  road  and  opposite  the  Eeaman  burying  ground,  near 
the  residence  formerly  occupied  by  l-^phraim  and  Silas  Bca- 
nian,  a  stately  oak  of  venerable  appearance  and  ancient 
growth,  which  should  be  permitted  there  to  remain  as  a 
s[)ecimen  of  enduring  permanence.  Although  there,  have 
been  instances  in  this  town  of  splendid  and  beautiful  trees 
situated  in  special  localities,  having  been  unnecessarily 
<Aestroyed,  it  is  hoped  such  examples  hencefortli  will 
be  of  rare  occurrence. 


Benjamin  Blgelow^  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  this 
town,  went  as  a  soldier  with  others  in  1745,  and  assisted 
in  the  reduction  and  capture  of  Louisburg  and  Cape  Bre- 
ton, then  belonging  to  France  and  considered  as  the  Gi- 
bralter  of  America.  Tlie  capture  and  possession  of  this 
place  with  its  fortress  was  regarded  as  a  highly  important 
acquisition  to  the  British  crown.  On  his  return  from  this 
•expedition,  Mr.  Bigelow  bfouglit  with  him  several  ar'aclc:i 

".   vj  :'':  <■ 



of  iron  nianufactiire,  some  of  whiili  are  yet  in  use  on  the 
farm  which  he  then  occupied,  and  which  is  now  iti  tiiu 
possession  of  B.  F.  Keycs. 

Ephraini  and  Ithanicr  Bennett,  sons  of  Phineas  Bennett, 
one  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  town,  enlisted  as  soldiers 
in  the  army  which  went  to  Ticonderoga  in  1758,  and  at- 
tempted the  reduction  of  the  fortress  at  that  place.  They 
were  in  the  so  called  "  ^ilorning  Fight  "  that  then  occur- 
red, and  wdiich  continued  four  hours,  resulting  in  a  disas- 
trous defeat.  These  two  young  men  were  both  killed  in 
that  terril)le  conflict. 

At  the  commencement  and  during  the  progress  of  the 
war  of  the  American  Revolution,  the  inhabitants  of  the 
district  now  comprising  the  town  of  West  lioylston,  were 
zealous  and  active  in  ellorts  to  obtain  and  secure  ibr  tiiem- 
selves  and  the  Colonies,  liberty  and  independence.  Major 
Beaman  was  a  prominent  and  leading  spirit  in  this  impor- 
tant and  patriotic  enterprise,  while  others  around  him 
Avere  also  firm  and  determined  in  favor  of  freedom  and 
the  rights  of  the  people.  On  several  special  and  import- 
ant occasions  the  citizen  soldiers  here  turned  out,  readily 
leaving  their  families  and  business  to  engage  in  the  service 
of  the  country,  and  that  witliout  ])ay  or  remuneration, 
other  than  the  satisfacticjn  of  having  promptly  discharged 
their  duty.  During  the  continuance  of  the  war,  several 
men  here  enlisted  and  were  joined  to  the  regular  army  at 
different  periods,  all  of  whom,  with  a  single  exception, 
served  out  their  time,  returned  hon\e,  and  live'd  to  enjoy 
the  blessings  and  advantages  resulting  from  the  toils  and 
suffering  which  they  had  bravely  endured.  Their  names 
were  Kzra  Beaman,  John  Bixby,  Jos.  Bixby,  Z;ichariah 
Child,  Jos.  Dwelley,  Wm.  Fairbank,  Oliver  Glazier,  Benj. 
Hinds,  Jr.,  Jason  Hinds,  '  Ebenezer  Inglesby,  Ebenezer 
Pike,  Paul  Kaymornl,  Isaac  Smith,  John  Temple,  Nathan 
Wilder,  and  John  Winn.  These  bravo  and  patriotic  men 
have  all  deceased,  but  tlieir  memories  should  long  be  cher- 
ished by  a  grateful  people  with  feelings  of  respect  and 
veneration.  Several  of  them  lived  to  receive  from  the 
country  a  ])ension,  which  their  faitiiful  services  merited  and 
to  whicli  tlicy  were  justly  entitled.  Oliver  Glazier  who 
survived  all  the  others,  died  in  I800,  airod  92  years. 


Tivc  first  Military  Company  or  Train  Band  in  this  town, 
'.vas  organized  in  1801,  consisting  of  the  able  bodied 
men  between  18  and  45  years  of  age.  This  company 
then  numbered  about  50  men,  and  at  the  first  election  of 
officers,  Sihis  Newton  was  chosen  Captain  ;  Elijah  Goode- 
now,  Lieutenant ;  Hiram  Howe,  Ensign.  Tlie  following 
persons  were  severally  and  successively  elected  to  the  Cap- 
tainship of  this  company,  from  time  to  time,  during  the 
continuance  of  its  organization,  viz  :  Silas  Newton,  Elijah 
(ioodenow,  Levi  Kilburn,  Silas  Dinsmore,  Barak  B.  Fair- 
bank,  Josiah  P.  Brown,  Jonathan  Plimpton,  Jr.,  Peter 
Holmes,  Levi  Goodalc,  Ephraim  Bigelow,  Asa  Bigelow, 
Dennis  Harthan,  Levi  Pierce,  Jr.,  Willard  Worcester,  Eb- 
ciiezcr  Fisk,  and  Ward  B.  Uarthan.  This  company  con- 
tinued some  30  years  in  an  organi/ed  capacity,  and  then 
l)ecame  extinct. 


There  are  two  rivers  running  into  this  town,  the  Still- 
water from  Sterling,  and  the  Quinepoxet  from  Holden, 
forming  a  junction  near  the  village  of  Oakdale,  thence 
passing  along  through  the  central  portion  of  the  town  to 
iioylston  and  Lancaster,  continuing  its  course  to  Nashua, 
N.  IL,  where  it  empties  into  the  Merrimac. 

There  are  four  prominent  bridges  in  the  town  ;  two  at 
Oakdale,  one  at  Central  Village,  and  r.nother  near  the  an- 
cient and  well  known  Beaman  situation. 

In  1856,  the  Beaman  bridge  was  rebuilt  with  stone,  at 
an  expense  of  about  $4000,  and  is  considered  durable  and 
permanent.  It  has  three  arches  of  sufficient  capacity  to 
take  the  water  that  passes  along  in  the  channel  of  the 
river.  The  committee  chosen  by  the  town  to  superintend 
the  building  of  this  bridge,  were  Addison  Lovell,  John 
Prentiss,  and  Samuel   Lawrence. 

In  1819,  the  Central  Bridge  was  rebuilt  in  a  thorough 
substantial  manner,  upon  an  improved  plan,  principally 
under  the  direction  and  superintendence  of  David  C.  Mur- 
dock.  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Selectmen  at  that  time, 
at  an  expense  of  about  $900. 


The  number  of  fanners  in  West  Boylston  at  the  pres- 
ent time  (1858,)  is  70,  liaving  slightly  increased  durin^L'; 
tlie  last  50  years.  Althougli  some  advance  has  been  made 
in  tlie  bui^iness  of  agriculture  and  Ihe  art  of  husbandry, 
yet  it  is  doubtful  \v)ielher  larger  quantities  of  grain  and 
otiier  valuable  products  are  now  produced,  than  tiicre 
Avere  50  years  ago.  In  1808  and  j)revious  to  that  tiiiiu, 
there  were  annually  produced  in  this  town,  probably  not 
less  than  3000  bushels  of  rye,  and  perhaps  about  the  same 
quantities  of  corn  and  oats.  Most  of  the  farmers  produc- 
ed a  sufhcient  quantity  of  wheat  to  alYord  a  supply  I'or 
their  families.  It  M'as  an  occurrence  almost  unknown  at 
that  time,  for  a  farmer  to  purchase  a  barrel  of  flour.  During 
the  winter,  season  the  farmers  transported  considerable 
(juantities  of  rye  me.d  to  ]h)ston,  for  which  they  received 
$1.25  per  bushel,  thereby  realizing  a  fair  proht. 

rifty  years  ago  and  previous  to  that  time,  large  quanti- 
ties of  cider  were  made  in  the  town  which  was  not  oi'ten 
sold  for  less  than  $1.00  and  sometimes  for  82.00  or  more 
per  barrel,  consequently  it  was  a  profitable  production. 
It  was  then  generally  considered  a  necessary  article  for 
common  use,  and  almost  every  family  used  several  barrels 
annually.  Most  of  the  large  farmers  considered  a  cider 
mill  to  be  a  necessary  appendage  to  their  farm,  and  would 
feel  themselves  greatly  deficient  if  not  in  possession  of 
this  convenience. 


The  following  peculiar  and  extraordinary  events  have 
occurred  in  by-gone  years,  operating  not  only  in  this  im- 
mediate locality,  (West  Boyiston,)  but  were  experienced 
and  their  effects  felt  generally  throughout  New  England. 

"  The  Gnat  Earlhqi/aL-r,''  as  it  has  been  termed,  linp- 
[iL'iied  late  in  the  evonin^^  (jf  Ndv.  Is,  IToo,  uiiil  produced 
1,'rcLit  alarm  ;md  conster.i  it'u)n,  its  ttllcls  being  very  appa- 
rcnt  and  siirprisini^.  Dwcllinu^  liouses  were  shaken  so 
severely  as  to  cause  Iteltles  and  other  tilings  to  rattle  and 
make  an  unusual  noise,  dishes,  plate.-:,  &g.,  falling  from 
shelves,  and  beds  on  which  j)eople  were  sleeping,  apparently 
rocking  like  a  cradU-.  In  the  westerly  part  of  this  town 
a  hmall  piece  of  land  settled  down  sever;d  feet,  evidently 
in  consequence  of  this  occurrence,  traces  of  it  being  yet 

The  Hard  IVintcr.  T!ic  "Winter  of  17S0  has  ever 
been  spoken  of  as  '•  Th-  Hard  Winter,"  by  those  who 
lived  at  that  time,  ami  otliers  Avho  have  succeeded  them. 
It  was  remarkable  for  the  great  depth  of  snow  which  lay 
upon  the  grouiul  for  a  long  while,  and  on  account  of  the 
severe  cohl  Avcather,  which  continued  for  several  successive 
weeks.  A  snow  of  some  depth  fell  in  November  before 
tlic  ground  was  frozen,  niid  remained  through  the  winter. 
Towards  the  last  of  December,  a  snow  storm  occurred  of 
several  days  continuance,  and  huvin.g  subsided,  the  snow 
was  ascertained  to  be  five  or  six  feet  in  depth,  entirely 
covering  the  rocks,  fences,  iSic,  the  roads  being  wholly  im- 
passable and  so  remaining  for  several  weeks.  Oxen  and 
horses  were  not  used  lor  a  long  time.  Wood  for  the  hrc 
was  cut  from  day  to  day  in  the  lots,  and  drawn  to  the 
dwellings  on  hand-sleds,  by  men  and  boys  wearing  snow- 
shoes.  By  the  same  process  grain  and  meal  were  trans- 
ported to  and  from  the  mill  for  family  use.  After  the 
lapse  of  six  or  eight  weeks  trie  cold  began  to  abate,  the 
snow  gradually  settled  down,  and  eventually  vanished 
away,  the  ground  immediately  became  dry  and  ready  for 
cultivation.  There  was  no  rain  after  the  ground  was  cov- 
ered in  November,  until  the  snow  had  entirely  disappeared 
in  the  spring — a  period  of  four  or  five  months. 

"  The  Dark  DayT  ever  remembered  and  spoken  of  by 
tliose  who  witnessed  it,  occurred  ^.lay  19,  17«0.  It  was 
remarkable  on  account  of  its  extraordinary  appearance, 
iilling  the  minds  of  the  people  generally  with  wonder  and 
surprise.  So  strange  and  novel  was  the  appearance  on  that 
day  that  many  were   struck   with   consternation,  .spending 


:j;','':i.  ::'" .'    r; 


the  most  of  their  time  in  conversation  relative  to  this  sin- 
gular phenomenon  and  what  mijjjht  follow  it.  Early  on 
the  morning  of  that  daj',  the  atmosphere  had  the  appear- 
ance of  being  filled  with  dense  fog  of  a  yellowish  hue, 
being  in  great  commotion,  apparently  rolling  abowt  in 
large  masses,  constantly  rising  and  moving  along.  So 
great  was  the  darkness  at  mid-day  that  many  families 
found  it  necessary  to  use  lighted  candles  while  they  par- 
took of  their  dinner.  The  following  night  was  as  uncom- 
monly dark  as  was  the  preceding  day.  Nothing  unusual 
followed  this  phenomenon. 

A  Severe  Frost  occurred  on  the  night  of  May  17th, 
1794,  causing  great  damage  and  loss  to  the  farmers' in  con- 
sequence of  its  destructive  eirects  upon  grain,  fruit,  &.c., 
not  only  in  this  immediate  vicinity,  but  also  throughout  a 
large  portion  of  New  England.  The  day  preceding  was 
unusually  cold,  and  during  the  night  the  surface  of  the 
ground  was  frozen,  and  in  many  localities,  ice  was  formed 
on  water  an  eighth  of  an  inch  in  thickness.  The  spring 
was  early  and  unusually  forward.  The  farmers  had  larwc 
quantities  of  winter  rye  growing  upon  their  lands,  which 
at  this  time  looked  remarkably  well,  and  seemed  to  prom- 
ise an  abundant  crop.  It  had  already  attained  its  full 
lieight,  and  was  in  bloom,  but  was  so  severely  frozen  that 
on  the  next  day  being  thawed  by  the  rising  sun,  it  fell  to 
the  ground,  and  was  entirely  destroyed.  A  second  growth 
sprung  up  but  produced  no  grain  of  any  value,  being  en- 
tirely blasted.  Indian  corn  having  been  planted  early,  was 
up  and  looked  well,  and  although  much  frozen,  was  not 
materially  injured.  Apples  at  this  time,  in  some  localities, 
were  nearly  as  large  as  full  grown  cranberries,  and  with 
very  few  exceptions  were  wholly  destroyed,  and  most 
other  kinds  of  fruit  also  shared  the  same  fate. 

Drought  of  1805.  During  the  summer  of  1805,  a 
drought  was  experienced  in  this  vicinity  and  other  portions 
of  New  England,  probably  of  greater  severity  than  has 
occurred  since  that  period,  or  for  many  years  previous. 
On  the  tenth  of  June  of  that  year,  the  rain  fell  in  torrents 
during  the  day,  thoroughly  soaking  the  ground  and  filling 
the  streams  with  water  to  overflowing,  producing  the  great- 
est freshet  which  happened  throughout  the  year.  From 


that  time  tlierc  ^\-as  no  rain  liereabouta  until  the  last  daj 
ol"  July  following,  ulicn  a  small  cloud  came  over  late  in 
the  afternoon,  raining  moderately  twenty  or  thirty  minutes. 
The  drought  continued  with  increased  severity  until  Sep- 
tember, ^vhen  frequent  showers  occurred,  sufficient  to 
moisten  the  ground  and  revive  droopin^;  nature,  thereby 
dissii)atiny;  the  alarm  and  gloomy  forebodings  then  exten- 
sively prevalent.  During  this  season  of  drought  the  pas- 
tures and  other  grass  lands  became  sere  and  destitute  ol' 
any  thing  green,  aflbrding  but  a  scanty  subsistence  for 
cattle,  sheep,  &lc.  In  some  localities  grasshoppers  became 
so  numerous  as  to  devour  and  destroy  every  kind  of  vege- 
tation that  came  in  their  way,  causing  great  injury  and 
damage  to  grain,  fruit,  and  other  productions  of  the  soil, 
resulting  in  loss  to  the  farming  interest,  and  consequently 
to  the  community. 

A  Total  Eclipse  of  the  Sicn,  visible  in  this  vicinity  and 
adjacent  parts  of  the  country,  occurred  June  1»),  1806: 
probably  the  most  remarkable  one  in  its  appearance  and 
effects,  that  has  occurred  for  a  hundred  years.  The  day 
on  -which  tliis  phenomenon  happened,  was  fair  and  pleas- 
ant, the  atmosphere  still  and  serene,  and  the  sky  cloudless, 
thus  affording  ample  opportunity  for  notice  and  observation. 
This  eclipse  occurred  in  the  forenoon,  the  middle  being 
between  eleven  and  twelve  o'clock.  The  sun  v/as  in  total 
obscuration  about  two  minutes,  when  nature  assumed  the 
appearance  of  evening,  the  fowls  hastened  to  their  roosting 
places,  apparently  overtaken  by  surprise,  the  chill  of  even- 
ing was  felt,  and  stars  were  distinctly  visible  to  the  eye  of 
the  observer.  The  greatest  splendor  of  the  scene  was  the 
suddenness  of  total  obscuration  and  afterwards  the  sudden 
and  precipitant  rush  of  the  sun  into  open  day.  Asa  whole 
the  scene  was  sublime  and  magnificent,  and  highly  grati- 
fying to  the  many  who  beheld  it. 

7Vic  Great  Blow,  as  it  has  generally  been  termed, occur- 
red Sept.  23,  1815,  was  severely  felt  in  this  vicinity,  and 
throughout  a  large  portion  of  New  England.  It  was  de- 
structive in  its  effects,  causing  much  damage  and  loss  to 
the  community.  Extensive  quantities  of  wood  and  timber 
were  blown  down,  many  valuable  fruit  trees  were  turned 
over    and    destroyed,    apples,   i>ears,   peaches,   <S>lc.,   were 

nearly  all  blown  iVom  the  trees,  almost  entire) v  covering 
tlic  ground  in  orchards  and  other  localities  where  fruit 
trees  chanced  to  stand.  In  many  instances  sheds  ami 
^rnall  buildings  were  blown  down  and  demolished,  and 
wooden  fences  generally  shared  the  same  fate.  Traces  ol 
this  tempest  arc  yet  to  be  found  in  some  ])laces,  and  prob- 
ably will  be  visible  for  years  to  come.  This  was  undoubt- 
edly the  greatest  and  most  extensive  tornado  that  has 
occurred  in  this  region  since  the  bcltleinent  of  New  Eng- 

Culd  Summers.  During  the  last  fifty  years,  or  from 
ISOs  to  1858,  several  seasons  have  occurred  which  were 
rather  cold  and  consequently  unfavorable  to  agricultural 
pursuits.  The  coldest  and  most  unpropitious  season  was 
that  of  1816,  it  being  unusually  cold  from  the  commence- 
ment to  the  end  of  the  year.  During  the  summer  months 
there  was  very  little  warm  weather,  and  many  days  were 
so  cold  as  to  render  the  clothing  of  winter  convenient  and 
necessary.  In  June  of  that  year,  spots  on  the  sun  were 
distinctly  visible  to  the  eye,  the  atmosphere  frequently 
presenting  a  thick,  dusky  appearance,  like  that  of  a  severe 
winter's  day,  the  cold  at  the  same  time  being  so  severe  as 
to  make  it  pleasant  and  desirable  to  sit  by  a  lire.  It  was 
frequently  so  cold  as  to  render  it  uncomfortable  to  labor 
in  the  field.  One  farmer  in  this  town  (West  Boylston,) 
on  one  of  those  cold  days  in  the  latter  part  of  June,  being 
busily  engaged  in  ploughing  a  piece  of  land,  actually  lei't 
the  field  and  turned  out  his  team,  then  retired  to  his  house 
saying  it  was  so  cold  he  could  not  stand  it  to  follow  the 
plough.  During  the  summer  there  was  a  scarcity  of  feed 
in  the  pastures,  and  not  more  than  half  the  usual  crop  of 
hay  was  cut  fr"om  the  mow-lands.  So  scanty  was  the  croj» 
in  some  cases,  that  hay  was  taken  from  the  field  and  sold 
for  825  per  ton.  Many  farmers  disposed  of  a  portion  of 
their  cattle  the  best  way  they  could  for  fear  of  starvation. 
Indian  corn  was  mostly  spoiled  by  the  autumnal  frosts, 
very  little  of  it  being  fit  for  use.  English  grain  being 
i)etter  adapted  to  a  cold  season,  was  heavy  and  good,  and 
;i  fair  crop  was  generally  obtained  by  the  farmer. 

In  1832,  the  season  was  colder  than  usual.  During  the 
night  of  the   last  Wednesday   in  ]\Iay   of  that  year,  snow 


fell  in  llils  region  so  as  to  entirely  cover  the  ground,  an«l 
remained  through  the  next  day,  it  being  so  cold  as  to  pre- 
vent thawing,  but  no  damage  was  caused  thereby.  Indian 
corn  on  low  land  was  mostly  spoiled  by  the  early  frosts  of 
autumn,  M'hile  on  more  favorable  localities  it  ripened  and 
produced  an  abundant  crop  of  hale  heavy  corn. 

Remarkable  Longevity.  Mrs.  Sarah  Goodalc,  relict  of 
Edward  Goodaie,one  of  the  early  settlers  of  this  town,  was 
born  in  Marlboro'  in  1714,  and  died  here  in  1810,  being 
in  the  ninety-seventh  year  of  her  age.  She  Avas  the  oldest 
person  who  has  died,  here  since  the  settlement  of  the  town, 
having  been  a  resident  here  nearly  80  years.  She  was  a 
robust,  vigorous  woman,  industrious  and  frugal,  being  well 
qualified  for  the  station  she  occupied  in  life.  When  about 
40  years  of  age,  i\Ir.  Goodale  died  leaving  six  young  child- 
ren, (five  sons  and  a  daughter,)  with  their  mother,  to  get 
along  in  the  world  the  best  they  could.  The  mother  be- 
came the  guardian  of  the  children,  assuming  the  direction 
and  management  of  them  until  they  arrived  at  the  age 
when  they  might  legally  act  for  themselves.  She  retained 
the  ftirm  in  her  possession,  and  by  her  industry  and  econ- 
omy attended  by  the  blessing  of  God,  she  was  enabled  to 
award  to  each  of  her  children  their  just  proportion  of  their 
father's  estate,  at  the  time  when  they  became  legally  enti- 
tled to  assume  the  possession  thereof,  while  at  the  same 
time  herself  had  become  the  bona  fide  owner  of  the  home- 
stead. These  children  all  lived  to  old  age,  and  in  their 
turn  manifested  a  fdial  respect  for  their  honored  mother 
by  extending  the  same  dutiful  care  to  her  during  the  latter 
portion  of  her  life,  which  she  bestowed  on  them  Avhiie  in 
their  cliildhood  and  early  years.  She  was  a  professor  of 
the  Cliristian  religion  and  always  apparently  acted  in  the 
fear  of  God  and  in  accordance  with  the  principles  of"  the 
Higher  Law."  During  her  life,  she  manifested  a  firm 
I'aith  and  confidence  in  Christ  as  her  Savior,  and  conse- 
quently her  death  was  peaceful  and  jiappy.  Her  children 
survived  her  and  afterwards  died  as  follows  : 

Moses  died  in  1815,  aged  75  years  ;  Elizabeth  died  in 
1837,  aged  96  years;  Aaron  died  in  1817,  aged  74  years  ; 
Paul  died  in  1828,  aged  81  years;  David  died  in  1832, 
aged  82  years  ;   Peter  died  in  1854,  aged  82  years.  These 

ckildren  were  early  taught  to  regard  and  observe  tlie  prin- 
ciples and  customs  of  the  puritans,  and  manifested  through 
life  a  becoming  respect  and  veneration  for  the  instruction 
received  from  an  affectionate,  devoted  p;!rent.  They  were 
also  professors  of  the  Christian  religion. 


Thomas  Keycs,  Jr.,  was  born  April  20,  1802,  and  died 
Oct.  30,  1831,  at  the  age  of  20  years.  He  was  the  sec- 
ond son  of  Thomas  and  Lydia  Keyes,  of  West  Boylston, 
and  grandson  of  Thomas  Keyes  who  settled  here  in  1767. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Congregational  Church  in  this 
town.  The  following  biographic  sketch  is  taken  from 
''The  Young  Mechanic,"  for  April,  1832.  Tiie  writer 
v)f  the  sketch  was  then  and  is  now  a  citizen  of  Boston,  as 
indicated  by  the  signature  : 


It  is  a  pleasing  task,  to  follow  through  all  the  mazes, 
and  to  dwell  upon  the  incidents  connected  with  the  rise- 
of  an  ingenious  man,  however  he  may  have  been  favoreil 
bv  circumstances,  or  assisted  by  fortune.  If  we  dwell 
with  pleasure  upon  the  character  of  such  a  man,  with 
what  sensations  must  we  trace  the  rise  and  progress  of 
that  man,  who,  imitating  the  course  pursued  by  Franklin, 
Ferguson,  and  Simpson,  rises  from  obscurity  by  his  own 
efforts,  without  tlie  advantages  of  education,  the  assist- 
ance of  fortune,  or  the  advice  of  friends,  and  beats  out  a 
path  which  those  in  better  circumstances  would  scarcely 
attempt  to  follow.  That  the  life  of  a  mechanic,  distin- 
guished for  his  perseverence  and  application,  and  with  all, 
u  native  of  our  own  states,  will  te  interesting,  (at  least  to 
mechanics,)  I  will  not  question.  It  indeed  must  be  a 
fiource  ofinterest  to  any  one,  to  see  an  individual  of  their 

own  class  in  society,  in  circumstances  inferior  to  tlicnl'' 
selves  and  with  less  means  of  improvement,  struggling  to 
overcome  the  difficulties  and  disadvantages  with  which  lie 
i.-s  surrounded  ;  endeavoring,  by  every  means  in  his  pow- 
er, ;^witIiout  injury  to  otliers)  to  better  his  condition, 
cither  in  fortune  or  acquirements.  Such  an  individual 
should  surely  be  tlie  object  of  universal  esteem.  It  has 
been  justly  remarked,  that  although  the  disadvantages 
are  great,  of  those  who  are  obliged  to  begin  their  acquaint- 
ance with  science  late  in  life,  yet  all  tlie  chances  of  ihe 
race  are  not  against  them.  Tiic  time  they  have  lost,  and 
are  anxious  to  redeem,  of  itself  gives  a  stimulus  that  will 
m.ikc  up  for  many  disadvantages. 

Such  was  the  case  with  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  who 
\vas  born  at  West  lioylston,  Mass.  His  time  appeared  of 
so  much  importance  to  him  that  he  often  denied  himself 
the  necessary  time  for  sleep.  As  he  did  not  apply  him- 
self to  a  mechanical  business  until  he  was  20  years  of  age, 
lie  considered  it  a  duty  to  redeem  it  if  [)ossible.  Tlic 
(•  luse  which  prevented  him  until  this  age  from  following 
iiis  favorite  pursuit,  was  neither  poverty  nor  inclination, 
hut  the  wishes  of  his  friends,  who  "not  seeing  as  he  saw," 
endeavored  to  check  what  they  considered  his  wayward 
fancies,  and  to  fix  his  mind  upon  the  cultivation  of  the 
farm,  of  which  he  ^\'as  to  become  a  part  possessor.  Al- 
though he  appeared  to  yield  tt)  tlie  wishes  of  his  friends, 
yet  he  never  could  bring  his  mind  to  acquiesce  in  the  idea 
of  spending  his  life  in  a  pursuit  so  contrary  to  his  inclina- 
tions. While  with  his  hands  he  cultivated  the  soil,  his 
Tuind  was  panting  for  that  knowledge  which  he  knew  as  a 
mechanic  he  could  practice.  And,  the  time  which  was 
not  occupied  in  labor  on  the  farm,  he  spent  in  the  cultiva-* 
J  ion  of  his  mind.  Although  he  devoted  himself  to  math- 
ematics, natural  philosophy,  and  astronomy,  yet  his  taste 
for  music  appears  first  to  have  shown  itself;  and  the  in- 
:::cnuity  displayed  in  his  first  attempt  to  gratify  himself  is 
worthy  of  notice,  and  is  thus  described  by  a  friend  :  "the 
ilrst  known  of  his  musical  performances  was  upon  an  in- 
strument of  his  own  manufacture  while  he  was  very 
young ;  it  was  made  of  a  shingle,  with  silk  strings  strained 
ricross   in   tlie  m.aniier  of  a  violin,  a  small  stick  from  an 

i>.pple  Iran,  and  some  ]i:ur  from  a  horse's  tali  served  lor  a 
bow;  and  upou  this  rude  instrument  the  young  performer 
lias  pro(hiced  music  which  has  been  listened  to  with  con* 
sidcrable  pleasure."  From  this  rude  but  successful  at- 
tempt miiy  probably  be  traced  the  first  desire  he  had  to 
make  himself  master  of  the  art  in  which  he  afterwards 
became  very  proticient  as  a  performer  npon  several  instru- 
ments. Some  time  previous  to  his  leaving  the  farm,  his 
attention  was  attracted  by  a  description  of  an  organ  in  a 
cyclopedia  to  which  he  h;ul  access,  and  from  the  accurate 
account  of  the  different  parts  there  given,  he  formed  the 
idea  of  making  one  himself,  the  parts  of  which  were  to 
be  of  wood.  This  was  considerable  of  an  undertaking  to 
one  situated  ns  he  was,  without  tools  or  materials,  and 
many  would  probably  have  abandoned  the  scheme  as  im- 
practicable ;  but  his  persevereancc  led  hiui  to  devise  means 
to  obviate  these  dithculties,  and  by  the  friendly  assistance 
of  a  cabinet  maker  who  allowed  him  the  use  of  his  tools» 
lie  was  enabled  to  accomplish  his  object  to  his  perfect 

But,  with  all  the  fi\-cination  and  pleasure  which  natural- 
ly follows  the  study  of  music,  it  was  made  to  give  way  to 
the  more  solid  sciences.  Of  these,  mathematics,  (wliich 
is  considered  by  some  as  the  most  dry  and  insipid  of  all 
studies, )  held  the  first  place  in  his  esteem.  It  was  con- 
sidered by  him  in  its  true  light — as  the  only  foundation 
on  which  the  other  sciences  could  be  firmly  built,  lie 
thought  no  time  mispent,  while  engaged  in  solving  the  in- 
tricate and  abstruse  problems  with  wiiich  it  abounds  ;  and 
1  have  ofteu  heard  him  observe,  that  "mechanics  were  not 
aware  of  the  disadvantage  of  attending  so  little,  to  this 
all-important  science."'  It  must  certainly  be  confessed, 
that  it  has  been  very  much  neglected  by  this  class  of  the 
community;  for  if  we  look  around  and  see  how  many 
liave  been  ruined  by  schemes,  which,  with  a  little  atten* 
tion  to  the  truths  explained  in  this  science,  they  might 
have  avoided,  we  cannot  lail  of  being  impressed  with  the 
necessity  of  urging  it  upon  the  candid  consideration  of 
mechanics.  Let  it  but  be  realized,  that  this  is  the  key 
vtone  by  which  the  grand  arch  of  science  io  secured,  and 
on  which   the    hopes  of  genius   must   be  based,  then  will 


,    io    .      .  .       ,  ,      ,    .      f  ; 

■"■'"  i 



those  difficulties  which  appear  insurmountable,  vanish— 
the  abstruse  will  be  simple,  the  useless  important,  and 
the  tedious  pleasing. 

In  the  study  of  astronomy,  which  had  engaged  his  at- 
tention during  the  latter  part  of  his  life,  he ''found  his 
knowledge  of  mathematics  of  the  greatest  service  in  mak- 
ing the  numerous  calculations  which  were  necessary  in 
the  construction  of  apparatus,  by  the  aid  of  which  correct 
ideas  could  be  conveyed  to  the  minds  of  the  youthful  and 
uninformed,  of  this  sublime  and  interesting  science.  An 
Orrery,  which  he  contrived  for  the  purpose  of  illustrating 
the  relative  motions  of  the  solar  system,  is  very  simple 
and  economical,  and  when  united  with  its  correct  calcula- 
tions and  ease  of  management,  forma  one  of  the  most 
useful  instruments  of  tlie  kind.  To  be  used  in  connexion 
with  his  Orrery,  he  had  in  view  an  apparatus  wliich  was 
to  embrace  the  Lunarium  and  Tclhirium  on  a  different 
plan  from  any  at  i)rcsent  known.  ]]ut  unfortunately  the; 
traces  of  the  design  which  he  has  left  are  so  obscure,  that 
it  is  impossible  for  any  one  to  understand  his  views  suffi- 
ciently to  complete  it.  A  piece  of  board  which  he  had 
prepared  for  the  purpose  of  making  a  working  draft  of 
liis  plans,  was  not  used,  in  consequence  of  liis  being  taken 
ill  with  that  disease,  from  which  he  never  recovered. 

In  addition  to  the  studies  which  have  been  mentioned, 
he  likewise  pursued  that  of  drawing  and  painting  ;  the 
latter,  liowever,  occupied  but  a  small  share  of  his  time. 
To  his  taste  for  painting,  may  be  attributed  an  apparatus 
he  contrived,  a  description  of  wliich,  may  not  be  uninter- 
esting ;  an  experiment  in  optics,  which  is  no  doubt  famil- 
iar to  many,  and  is  performed  by  having  a  piece  of  circular 
board  painted  in  equal  proportions  of  blue,  yellow  and 
red,  and  made  to  revolve  with  great  velocity.  The  board 
Will  appear  while  whirling  of  a  dirty  white.  If  the  board 
were  divided  into  twelve  parts  instead  of  three,  and  should 
have  four  series  of  the  colors,  blue,  yellow,  and  red,  one- 
fourth  of  the  velocity  would  produce  the  same  effect.  The 
•  camcleoscope  '  is  tlic  name  of  the  machine  contrived  by 
Mr.  Keyes,  so  called  from  the  various  changes  of  color 
produced  by  it  while  in  motion.  It  is  made  by  cutting 
out  nine  of  the  twelve  parts  of  the  board,  and  leaving  but 


one  series  of  col«)rs  equally  divided.  Then  by  making' 
four  such  boards  jiainted  \vith  various  colors,  revolve  be- 
hind each  other  with  diflerent  velocities,  it  will  exhibit  a 
continual  change  of  color;  and  if  by  any  means  it  could 
I>e  stopped,  when  a  pleasing  shade  presented  itself,  it 
might  be  known  what  colore  had  produced  it.  This  was 
a  scheme,  which  is  probably  more  curious  than  useful. — 
But  although  it  might  not  have  been  of  any  practical  utili- 
ty, yet  it  might  have  contained  hints  which  may  hereafter 
be  applied  with  advantage. 

We  may  licre  regard  a  trait  in  the  character  of  Mr. 
Keyes  which  is  worthy  of  all  imitation,  that  of  communi- 
cating information  to  others  freely,  and  especially  those 
discoveries  which  we  have  made,  and  do  not  know  to 
what  purpose  to  apply  them.  A  free  communication  of 
sentiment  and  opinion  between  different  persons,  is  ac- 
knowledged to  be  of  the  greatest  benefit,  Tlie  institu- 
tion of  Lyceums,  and  other  societies,  is  but  to  assist  in 
accomplishing  this  end.  Mr.  Keyes  was  fully  aware  of 
the  advantage  resulting  from  persons  associating  together 
for  mutual  instruction  ;  and  acknowledged  that  he  had 
been  greatly  assisted  in  the  study  of  astronomy  by  being 
a  member  of  a  small  society  of  individuals  in  his  native 
village,  who  met  together  for  mutual  improvement  in  that 
science.  At  the  head  of  this  social  club,  was  the  venera- 
ble and  respected  astronomer  and  philosopher,  Ilobert  B. 
Thomas.  To  this  gentleman  Mr.  Keyes  looked  up  with 
reverence  ;  his  kindness  in  furnishing  books,  and  assist- 
ing him  in  his  various  studies,  were  favors  which  were 
never  forgotten. 

Let  it  not  be  urged,  that  a  person  who  (urns  his  atten- 
tion to  many  things  can  do  nothing  well ;  for,  although 
it  may  be  true  in  some  degree,  yet  it  is  not  without  excep- 
tions. Sir  William  Jones,  the  greatest  civilian  of  modern 
times,  contended,  'Mhat  no  opportunity  for  improvement 
in  any  study,  which  presented  itself,  should  be  neglected;'' 
and  he  himself,  while  studying  the  law,  took  advantage  of 
vacations  lo  peruse  the  light  works  of  the  French  and 
Italians,  besides  makinir  a  favorite  pursuit  of  dancing  and 
fencing.  And  yet,  all  this  variety,  which  would  be 
thought  to  distract  his   attention,   aided    in    making    him 

the  greatest  lawyer  and  most  i)rofound  scliolar  of  liis 
age.  The  uhol(j  object  of  all  tlie  studies  of  Mr.  Kcyes 
tended  to  one  grand  point— the  acquisition  of  knowl- 
edge. If  Ills  pursuits  are  various,  they  were  no  Ic^s 
correct.  A^  a  cabinet  maker,  a  clock  maker,  an  ap- 
paratus makir,  or  a  student,  his  work  bore  the  stamp  of  a 
matliematical  mechanic. 

I  have  thus  attempted  to  compile  a  few  incidents  of  the 
life  of  one,  worthy  of  the  respect  of  all  classes,  but  cs- 
l)ecially  of  that  of  which  he  was  the  ornament.  1  will 
not  pretend  to  say,  that  he  was  more  of  an  ornament  to 
mechanics  that  many  others  who  have  preceded  him  ;  for 
there  have  been  those,  whose  names  have  been  suffered' 
to  moulder  in  oblivion,  when  they  deserved  to  have  been 
handed  down  for  the  admiration  of  posterity.  But,  if'» 
bome  have  been  neglected,  it  does  not  follow  that  we 
should  neglect  all.  Instead  of  neglecting  them,  let  us  en- 
deavor hereafter,  to  perpetuate  the  remembrance  of  those 
whose  lives  aflbrd  an  example  worthy  of  imitation.  The 
rapid  march  of  intellect  and  improvement  among  the  pro- 
ducing classes,  within  a  few  years  past,  awakens  the  fond- 
est hopes  for  its  permanence  and  duration.  If  this  state 
of  things  should  continue,  biographies  and  examples  will 
be  needless.  And  we  can  now  apparently  lift  the  veil  of 
futurity  and  see  the  existence  of  that  state,  **  when  in  the 
proud  career  of  mind  our  country  will  seek  her  fame." 

J.    .M.    w.  ■ 


In  closing  tlie  Historical  Memorandum  of  West  Boyls- 
ton,  it  may  not  be  thought  improper  to  inquire  somewhat 
in  regard  to  the  past  and  respecting  the  future. 

Where  are  those  adventurous,  enterprising  men,  together 
with  those  directly  and  intimately  associated  with  them  in 
life,  who  cominonced  the  settlement  of  West  Boylston, 
and  others   who    followed  and  resided  here   from  1720   to 


1770,  or  a  portion  of  that  time,  some  in  llie  niadiiit)-  oi* 
life,  others  in  childhood  i^nd  youth,  all  lookinj^  forward 
with  hope  and  anticipation  r  None  of  thut  interesting  and 
long  to  be  remembered  portion  of  our  ancestors  and  prede- 
cessors are  now  living,  all  having  paid  the  debt  to  nature 

Wliere  are  those  who  commenced  life  in  this  town  after 
the  close  of  the  first  50  years  froni  the  ])criod  when  the 
original  settlers  located  here  and  previous  to  ISOS,  the 
time  when  the  town  assumed  a  legal  organized  position  : 
Some- 50  or  60  of  that  number  are  y(^t  living  and  reside- 
here,  and  perliaps  about  the  same  luunber  dvc  also  living 
and  reside  elsewhere,  thus  showing  th;it  since  the  incorpor- 
ation of  the  town,  now  fifty  years  since,  about  five -sixths 
of  those  in  life  and  residing  liere  at  that  time,  have  found 
"  the  last  of  earth  "  and  gone  to  participate  in  scenes  be- 
yond this  fleeting  world. 

What  is  in  the  future  and  will  be  developed  to  human 
view  and  observation  during  the  next  50  years,  is  to  a 
great  extent,  altogether  beyond  the  stretch  of  the  imagina- 
tion or  conception  of  the  far-seeing  and  accurate  calcula- 
tor ;  and  what  might  now  be  suggested  for  consideration 
as  a  probable  or  possible  occurrence,  may  not  only  be  a 
demonstrable  fact  but  an  existing  reality,  before  the  close 
of  the  next  half  century.  Events  auspicious  and  desirable 
and  also  adverse  and  lamentable,  will  undoubtedly  trans- 
pire, alternately  causing  joy  and  sorrow,  not  only  to  indi- 
viduals and  to  distinct  families,  but  to  the  whole  com- 

In  1908,  when  the  centennial  anniversary  of  this  town 
shall  be  celebrated,  perhaps  some,  how  many  c;innot  be 
conjectured,  who  are  now  here  enjoying  and  participating 
in  occurrent  scenes  and  events,  may  be  present  with  others 
yet  unborn  on  that  interesting  occasion  ;  while  much  the 
larger  portion  of  the  present  inhabitants  of  this  town  will 
then  be  numbered  with  the  silent  dead. 

What  will  then  be  said  of  us  who  arc  now  here  actively 
engaged  in  the  busy  scenes  and  transactions  of  life.  Will 
our  general  course  as  social  beings,  residing  and  acting  in 
this  community,  and  our  individual  moral  influence  be 
such  through  life  as  to  merit  and  elicit  tlie  grateful  recol- 

lection  and  approval  of  our  successors,  who  may  chance 
ihon  to  hold  and  occupy'  these  dwellings,  which  we  must 
ere  longr  vacate,  and  leave  to  be  remodelled  and  become 
tlie  residences  of  our  descendants  and  others?  Shall  wl- 
rightfully  deserve  the  same  trilmte  of  veneration  and  rc- 
s])cct  from  those  we  leave  behind,  to  which  our  ancestors 
and  predecessors  are  justly  entitled  to  from  us?  Consid- 
erations like  these  might  protitably  occupy  some  of  those 
leisure  moments  which  occasionally  overtake  us,  imd  nioy 
the  ellect  be  to  cause  our  mark  in  life  to  be  so  made  as 
not  to  prove  a  blot  on  our  future  memory. 

E  R  R  ATA. 
On  page  10,— 4th  line  from  the  bottom,  read  Persis  for  Tersi.'. 
On  pa-e  11.— 0th    lino   from  the  bottom,  read  Major  Beaman  for  Mayor 

Un  pa-o  25— last  lino  in  the  sketch  of  Abiel  Holt,  read  leadms  for  lead. 
On  page  29— 5th  lino  from  the  bottom,  read  S<:bra  for  Sabia. 
On  page  37,— in  the  sketch  of  the  life  of  Aaron  Thomas,- 3d  line,  read 

Dca.  Jonas  Mason  iuitcad  of  Dea.  Ebcnczcr  Mason, 


61^       ^