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Full text of "History of Ashburnham, Massachusetts : from the grant of Dorchester Canada to the present time 1734-1886 with a genealogical register of Ashburnham families"

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I    C'  .  ^^C/^t  /iJ 







TO  ,(• 

THE  PRESENT  TIivIE,.,JJ34-1PM.   ^-  -  ' 

WITH     A  I  ,  ,    -■- 




By  EZRA  S.^rEABliS, 

Author  of  the  Histonj  of  Jiin'ltj'',  JV.  H.  '.  ■ 


*'^Vhateve^  strengtheiis  oar  IochI  attachiuents  is  favorable  both 
to  individual  and  national  charactor.  Show  me  a  man  •who  cares 
no  more  for  one  place  than  another,  and  I  will  show  you  iu  that 
same  person  one  who  loves  nothing  but  himself." 

A  S  H  B  U  R  N  H  A  >[ ,    M  ASS.: 

18  8  7. 

f  -  "^ 

'  V 

34  1626856 


15  V     THE 


This  volume  is  preseutinl  iu  response  to  a  ]>.:;i;ular  deinund. 
The  enterprise  was  instituted  and  sustained  l-j  a  generous  desire 
of  tlie  citizens  of  Ashburnliani  to  seciu-e  the  publication  of  the 
history  of  the  toAvu.  The  initial  action  to  this  end  is  found  in  a 
vote  of  the  town  in  1880,  nuiking  choice  of  ^Villjur  F.  AVhitney, 
l\ev.  Josiah  1).  Crosby,  Simeon  Merritt  and  ^Villinni  V.  J>llis  to 
jnake  preliminary  arrangements  for  the  compilation  and  })ubli- 
cation  of  a  volume.  By  subsequent  votes  of  tlic  town  the 
committee  has  been  directed  to  consummate  the  work. 

In  1882  Mr.  ^Vlerritt  died,  and  George  F.  Stevens  was  elected 
by  the  to^vn  to  complete  the  origin-il  number  of  the  committee. 
Subsequently,  on  account  of  age  and  feeble  health,  Mr.  Crosby 
resigned,  and  Charles  "Winchester  was  designated  to  till  the 
vacauc}'.  Mr.  P>llis  was  appointed  by  the  committee  to  gather 
material  and  family  registers,  and  from  this  point  the  work  has 
been  prosecuted  without  interruption. 

t  Early  in  the  spring  of  1884  the  committee  contracted  with 
Hon.  P^zra  S.  Stearns,  of  Kludge,  New  Hampshire,  to  wi'ite  a 
History  of  Ashburnham,  following  a  general  plan  which  he  sub- 
miited  for  our  consideration,  and  Avliich  met  our  approbation. 

'Sir.  Stearns  has  faithfully  and  ably  fniniknl  the  obligation  he 
assumed,  and  has  produced  a  work  which  nieets  our  warmest 
api)roval  and  unqualified  endorsement.  Yieldiiig  to  the  express 
desire  of  the  author,  we  reluctantly  refrain  from  a  more  particular 
expression  of  our  estimate  of  the  sterling  character  of  the  volume 
and  of  our  ready  appreciation  of  the  vigor  of  thought  and  felieiiy 
of  expression  which  will  not  escape  the  attention  of  the  reader. 

"NViLP.UR  F.  AVhitnev, 
William  P.  Ellis, 
Geokgk  F.  Stevkxs, 




A  New  Exglaxd  town  can  allege  no  antiquity.  Only 
ill  a  comparative  sense  can  one  assume  the  dignity  of  age. 
The  municipal  histoiy  of  Ashburnhani  is  compressed  witln'n 
the  1)rief  span  of  one  luuidred  and  fifty  years,  and  of  tins 
period  the  first  two  decades  are  isolated  from  the  connected 
narrative  of  the  remainder.  The  drama  is  limited  in 
duration,  yet  the  scenes  are  crowded  with  events.  At  the 
threshold  stands  the  surveyor  with  his  compass  and  chain, 
the  emblems  of  approaching  civilization,  ready  to  sever  from 
the  wilderness  a  defined  area  and  limit  the  stage  on  which 
will  appear  the  shifting  scenes  of  succeeding  years.  The 
early  settler,  struggling  with  the  subjugation  of  the  forest, 
and,  in  the  dying  flame  and  fading  smolce  of  the  clearing, 
rearing  a  cabin  and  garnering  the  product  of  a  virgin  soil, 
the  mechanic  in  daily  toil  dreaming  not  that  he  is  founding 
industries  that  will  Itecome  swelling  ti'ibutaries  to  the  com- 
merce of  the  world,  the  Rcvolutionarv  soldier  breathiu"-  into 
life  his  aspirations  of  liberty,  and  in  the  fruits  of  war 
revealing  the  possibility  of  a  republican  form  of  government, 
the  meeting-house  on  the  hill,  the  settlement  and  labor  of 
''the  learned  orthodox  minister,"  the  early  schools,  the 
primitive  roads  broadening  bv  use  into  thoi'ouohfares,  the 
rude  mills  exhil)iting  only  the  elements  of  mechanical   skill, 


are  a  part  of  the  lii*tory  of  eveiy  New  En^iland  town,  and 
each  occupies  a  })lacc  in  tlie  following  chapters.  And  yet 
throughout  the  work,  in  early  and  in  later  alfair.s,  it  has  been 
my  constant  aim  to  present,  in  a  proper  light,  the  forms  of 
procedure  and  the  phases  of  character  peculiar  to  this  town. 
The  stereoty})ed  features,  which  in  the  force  and  sc-iueiice 
of  eyents  are  common  to  the  histor}'  of  all  Xew  England 
towns,  haye  l)een  mainly  emplo}'ed  as  connecting  links  in 
the  succession  of  eyents  or  as  mirrois  to  tlie  individuality  of 
AshV)urnham.  The  glory  of  any  town  is  retlected  in  the 
liyes  of  sterling  men  whose  deeds  are  the  soul  of  its  annals. 
In  the  following  chapters,  generation  has  succeeded  genera- 
tion, and  each  has  left  to  })osterity  the  strengthening 
influence  of  an  ins])iring  example.  In  local  history  is  found 
the  most  })otent  incentive  to  activity  of  life  -and  an 
honorable  conduct.  The  nearness  and  fimiliarity  of  the 
exemplars  animate  the  example. 

During  a  review  of  these  many  years  I  have  found  enter- 
tainment, which  can  be  renewed  by  the  reader,  in  silently' 
noting  the  types  of  mind  and  character  developed  by  the 
several  families  which  have  constituted  the  population  of 
the  town.  —  each  generation  exhibiting  the  balances  between 
extremes  of  character  and  ability  that  incite  comparisons  and 
suggest  conclusions.  The  sunmiary  record  of  achievement 
and  conduct  demonstrates  that  the  genius  of  Ashburnham 
has  been  persevering,  that  the  average  ability  of  the  citi/en 
has  been  conspicuous,  and  the  general  character  of  the 
masses  has  been  well  sustained. 

Without  an  interruption  of  the  narrative  in  an  exhibition 
of  the  fact,  it  has  been  my  }iurposc  to  supplement  the  deeds 
of  men  with  an  elfort  to  also  portray  the  habit  and  thought. 
the  manners   and  customs,  the   aspirations  tmd  })assions  of 


I  ■     ;;■• 


eiicli  gonoL'atioii,  and  to  state  i'act.s  in  such  a  manner  tbat 
the  reader  l)e  loft  at  full  liberty  to  draw  suggested 
conclusions.  Leaving  the  discussion  of  philosophies  to 
more  pretentious  volumes,  it  has  remained  our  pleasurable 
labor  to  revive  fading  memories,  to  gi^e  form  and  substance 
to  the  shadows  of  the  past,  to  clothe  in  the  habiliments  of 
truth  the  fugitive  forms  of  tradition,  to  assign  to  deeds  of 
men  the  inspiration  of  a  good  or  an  unwoithy  motive,  to 
present  a  picture  of  the  past  in  which  can  be  seen  in  clearer 
light  the  outlines  of  the  present,  and  to  combine  the  past 
with  the  present  in  a  coimected  narrati\c  of  sequence  and 
fact,  ^ot  to  the  manner  born  nor  at  any  time  a  resident  of 
Ashburnham,  I  have  often  gleaned  in  the  iicld  at  a  disad- 
vantage, but  I  have  been  free  from  the  prejudices  of 
familiarity,  and  in  this  etfort  have  not  been  misguided  by 
the  vivid  impressions  and  false  estimates  of  childhood  and 
youth . 

The  lields,  from  %vhich  the  material  of  the  following 
chapters  has  been  garnered,  are  the  town  and  church 
records,  the  manuscript  volumes  in  the  State  archives, 
manuscripts  and  printed  volumes  wherever  found,  and 
registry  and  probate  records  of  several  counties.  Ceme- 
teries with  their  rigid  inscriptions  and  family  records, 
preserved  by  pious  care,  have  supplied  many  dates  that 
could  not  be  secured  from  other  sources.  To  the  custodians 
of  the  numerous  records  that  have  been  laid  under  tribute, 
and  to  a  multitude  of  friends  who  have  rendered  cheerful 
and  valued  assistance,  mv  wei2:htv  ol)ligations  are  revived  in 
the  memory  of  polite  attention  and  spontaneous  kindness. 
A  generous  measure  of  genealogical  information  has  been 
obtained  at  the  library  of  the  New  England  Historic- 
Genealogical  Society,  and  to  John  Ward  Dean,  A.  ^l..  and 

■.  1 

8  PKKiACE. 

]ii.->  obli^iiig  ;issisfants,  I  am  indcljiod  bovoiid  tho  coiivoti- 
tiojul  ibrms  of  acknowlndL-nu-ni.  And  duty  Joins  with 
pleasure  in  an  uni-rscrvcd  expression  of  my  gratitude  to 
Harriet  Proetor  Poorc,  ^vliose  ianiiliarity  with  the  reposi- 
tories of  historic  and  genealogical  lor*-  has  aid<'d  suecessful 
research  for  many  dates  and  facts  not  easily  accessi!;1e.  'J'o 
^Vilbur  F.  Whitney,  AVilliam  P.  I'^llis.  George  F.  Stevens 
and  Charles  AVimhcster,  who  have  faithfully  r<"])rcsented  the 
town  in  the  pi-eparation  and  ])ul)licalion  of  this  volume,  I 
am  pleased  to  ex])ress  persona.l  obligations  for  courteous 
treatment  and  polite  attention.  Their  zeal  and  interest  in 
the  prosecution  of  the  M'ork  have  been  a  constant  incentive, 
and  their  })ronij>t  attention  in  the  protler  of  facilities  has 
anticijtated  every  reasonal)le  rcsjuirement.  The  conmiittee 
has  relieved  me  tVojn  the  embarrassment  of  censorship  and 
the  restraint  of  dictation,  and,  in  a  ])roper  recognition  of 
the  fact,  I  assume  ]espon.>ibility  for  errors,  for  failure  of 
judgTuent  and  for  all  im])erfcction.>  which  appear  in  the 
following  ])ages. 

It  should  be  l)ornc  in  mind  that  manv  of  the  foUowiu" 
chapters  were  written  two  yeai-s  ago,  and  that  mention  of 
])resent  time  has  reference  to  the  begiiming  of  the  year 
ISrSG.  The  mention  of  a  subscijuent  event  and  the  emi)loy- 
ment  of  a  later  tlute  are  gratuitous  amendments  to  the  plan 
originally  adopted. 

EzuA  .S.  Stkauxs. 
Ri.vDoE,  N.  IF..  May  1,  1SS7. 

, ,  ,t , 

-t      .■;-..  ,'.vi 



Location. — lioundaries  — Area.— Surface. — Soil. — Course  of  the  Streams. — 
Connecticut  and  Merrimack  Drainage.- — rends.—  Products. 
— Wila    Animals. — Native    T.irds. — Fisli. — Klevations. — Scenery. 

CH.APTKR    I.  . 


Seven  Grant?  of  Land. — The  Policy  of  the  General  Court. — .Vr.  Era  of 
Grants. — Tiie  Starr  Grant. — Owned  by  Green,  "Wilder  and  .Toslin. — 
The  Cambridge  Grant. — The  First  Survey. — The  Lexington  Grant. — 
Sale  of  same  to  the  Germans. — The  Bluefield  Grant. — The  Early 
Tioad  to  Xortlifield — The  Grant  Sold  to  "William  .Tones  and  Ephraim 
Wetherbee. — The  Converse  Grant— Sale  to  Joseph  Yv^ilder. — The 
Polfe  Grant.  —Sale  to  John  Green-wood.-  The  Dorchester  Canada  or 
Township  Grant. — The  Canada  Soldiers. — Four  Towns  Chartered  in 
One  Enactment. — The  Township  Surveyed. — Area. — l^ersonal  Notices. 




The  Township  Awarded  to  Sixty  Person.s. — Their  Influence  over  the  Settle- 
ment.— Proceedings  of  the  First  ]Meeting.  —  Changes  in  Membership  of 
the  Proprietors. — House  Lots  Surveyed. — Site  for  Meeting-house 
Selected. — Saw-mill  Proposed  — Second  Distribution  of  Land. — A 
Fulling-mill  Suggested. — The  First  ^Meeting-house. — "War  witli  Heze- 
kiali  Gates. — The  Province  Line. — ]Mossmian's  Inn. — Fear  of  Indians. 
— Block  House  Built. — The  Settlement  Temporarily  Abandoned. — 
The  Situation. — Changes  in  Meuiber.-hip  of  the  Proprietors. — Personal 
Notices. — Mossman's  Petition 52-79 



Renewed  Activity  of  the  Proprietors. — Moses  Foster. — The  Second  Saw- 
mill.— Grain-mill. — Settlement. — Disagreement  between  Resident  and 
2Jon-resident  Proprietors. — Names  of  Early  Settlers. — The  German 
Settlement. — The  Province  Line.  — Manufacture  of  Potash. — Distri- 
bution of  Undivided  Lands. — P^arewell  to  the  Proprietors. — Persona! 
Notices 80-107 

10  .  CONTJCNTS. 


FKOAI    IHK.    IXCoViroUATIOX    TO    Till;    IMJ VOLfTIOX. 

Incorporation.— The  rctitions  of  the  Inhabitants  and  of  the  Proprietors.— 
The  name  of  Ashflcld  Proposed.— The  Cliarter.— i:arly  Town  Meetings. 

— Ashby    Incorporated.— Contribution    to     Asliby.— New    Arrivals. 

Salary  of  the  Minister.— Schools.  — Abatement  of  the  Province  Tax  — 
Kevolutionary  Flashes.— Death  of  First  Minister.— TJie  Common.— 
Tax  List,  1770.— Price  of  Commodities.  — A  Pouiul  and  Ficdd  Drivers. 
—Gardner  First  Suggested.— Warning  C)ut 108-1;{0 



Situation  of  the  Town.— The  Covenant.— Worcester  Convention..— The 
Juror  List. — I'eprcsented  in  Provincial  Congress. — Powder  and  Lead. 
— The  Militia  Organized.  —Prominent  Citizens  Interviewed. — The 
Salt  Problem.— .Vlann  at  Lexington.— Captain  Gates'  Company. — 
Captain  Davis'  Company.- The  Siege  of  Boston  and  Battle  of  Bunker 
Hill.— Captain  Wilder's  Company.— The  Declaration  of  Independence. 
—Enlistments  in  1776.— An  Hour  of  Gloom.— Town  Proceedings.— 
Soldiers  in  1777.— .\larm  and  Call  for  Troops.— The  Response  of 
Ashburnhani.— Continental  and  Oilier  Sol  liers.— Pul)!ic  Aid.— Assent 
to  the  Articles  of  Confederation. — Depreciation  of  the  Currency. — 
The  Soldiers  in  the  Field.— New  Recruits.— Clothing  fur  the  Army. — 
Alas!  One  Deserter.— Soldiers  in  1771).— IJepresentative  to  General 
Court.  — Price  of  Conmi'.)dities.— Constitution  Proposed. — Thanksciv- 
ing.— Soldiers  in  17S0.— Town  Meetings.— Observance  of  the  Sabbath. 
— Soldiers  in  17S1. — Bounty  Proposed.  — A  Fine  Pemitted.— Requisi- 
tions for  Beef. — Home  Trials i;ll-17G 



Personal  Xoticos. — P'.benezer  Munroe. —  Lowe.— Josepii  Jewett. 

Samuel  Kelton. — Reuben  Townseiul.— Isaac  Stearns.- William 
Stearns.— Isaac  Whitmore.— Charles  Hastings. — David  Wallis. — 
Cyrus  Fairbanks. — Ebenezer  Wallis. — Thomas  Cribson. — Jonas  Rice. 
Reuben  Rice.— Eliakim  Rice.— Jai)ez  Marble. — Lemuel  Stimson. — 
Abraham  Townsend. — John  Bowman. — .loshua  Fletcher. — Joseph 
Merriam. — .\sa  Brocklebank. — Jonathan  Gates. — Jonathan  Samson. 
— Ezekiel  S.  Metcalf.— David  Clark.— David  Chattin.  — Ebenezer  B. 
Davis. — Isaac  Merriam. — David  Merriatn. — John  Winter.  — William 
Ward. — Edward  Whitmore. — Reuben  Rice. — Abraham  Lowe. — Joseph 
Jewett. — Reuben  Townsend. — Letnuel  Stimson. —Jonas  Rice. — .Jabez 
and  Oliver  Marble. — Thomas  Gibson.— Charles  Hastings.— Joseph 
Gibbs.— David  Wallis.  — Cyrus  Fairbanks.  — Joshua  Fletcher  — Joseph 
Merriam.— Names  of  Pensioners  Residing  in  Ashburnhani  in  1840. 



CHAl'TKlt  VII. 
STATE  i;i:lations,  I'Olitic.-5,  town  oiuckrs. 
A  Season  of  l^isquietude. — Shay's  I\cvolt. — The  Loyal  Sentiment  of  Ash- 
burnham. — Volunteers  to  Suppress  the  lievolt. — Isaac  Stearns' Diary. 
— A  Bloodless  Campaign. — Constitutional  Conventions. — Piepresenta- 
tion  in  the  Legislature. — Vote  of  the  Town  for  Governor. — Proposed 
Divisions  of  tl;e  County.— A  List  of  Town  OOicers.     .     .     .    211-242 



Early  Measures  to  Secure  Preaching. — Kev.  Elisha  Harding. — Call  and 
Ordiratior;  of  Kev.  .Jonathan  ^Vinohester. — A  Church  Embodied. — 
The  Covenant.— Original  Membership. — Additions. — The  Fir*t  Dea- 
cons.— Death  of  Mr.  Winchester. — His  Character.— Call  and  Ordina- 
tion of  Rev.  John  Cushing.— A  Long  and  Successful  Ministry. — An 
Era  of  Concord. — Discipline  withnut  Asperity.  — Half  AVay  Covenant. 
—Death  of  Mr.  Cushing.— His  Character.— Call  and  Ordination  of 
Kev.  George  Perkins.  —  Installation  of  Rev.  George  Goodyear. — Rev. 
Edwin  .lennison. — Rev.  Elnathan  Davis.— Rev.  Frederick  A.  Fiske. — 
Rev.  Elbridgo  G.  Little.— Rev.  Thomas  Boutelle.- Kev  George  E. 
Fisher. — Rev.  Moody  A.  Stevens. — Rev.  Leonard  S.  Parker. — Rev. 
Daniel  E.  Adams. — Rev.  .Josiah  D.  Crosby.— A  Vacancy. — The 
Deacons 243-281^ 



The  First  Meeting-house. — Votes  Concerning  the  Edifice. — Pews  Con- 
structed.— The  Town  as  a  Parish. — The  Salary  of  Mr.  Cushing. — 
The  Hurricane.— The  Site  of  the  First  Meeting-house. — The  Second 
Meeting-house. — Proceedings  17D1. — Painting  of  the  Meeting-house. — 
Toleration. — Dissolution  of  the  Relations  between  the  Town  and  the- 
Church. — First  Parish  Organized.— Contention  over  the  Ministerial 
Fund. — The  Third  Meeting-house. — Location.— Continued  History. — 
— The  Edifice  Remodelled. — The  Parsonage 2S4-;30S 



The  Methodists.— The  Field  and  the  Situation. — The  Early  Preachers. — 

The  First  Meeting-house.  — Second  Meeting-house.— The  Miiiisters. 
The   Union    Chukch. — The  Elements  Collected. — The    Meeting-house. — A 

Church  Embodied. — The  Early  Preachers. — Elder  Edward  A.  Rollins. 

—Rev.  A.  A.  Whitmore. — Temporary  Supplies.— Rev.  Daniel  Wight. 

— The  Parish. — Personal  Notices. — The  Deacons. 
The  Baptist.?. — Preachers  without  Pay.  —  Stephen  Gibson. — Disintegration. 
Advextists. — Their  Belief. ^ — No  Churcli  Organization. 
The  Catholics. — First  Services  in  this  Town. — Purchase  a  Meeting-house. 

—Rev.  .Toim  Conwav 309-32i 


CllArj'EK  \l. 


A  Tnilliful  Koniark  of  >.u  Great  Account.— Karly  Actiun  in  Uelatiuii  to 
Sacred  Music. — Ye  I'ltch-pijic. — Kaily  Ilyiun-books. — Now  Tunes. — 
First  Choristers.— l)eacorii!ifc  the  llyinii.— Huss  Viol.— O^Iusical 
Families. --Later  ^[enlbers  of  the  Congregational  Choir.— The  Meth- 
odist Choir ;-;lM-3.>() 


I'UiiMC  sciioor-s. 

Home  Education. — First  Appropriation  for  Schools. — First  School-houses. 
—])istrict.s.— Eight  Districts  Defined.— A  New  District.— The  Tenth 
District.— New  Tjouudaries.— The  Eleventh  District.— The  District 
System  Abolished. —  School-houses. —  Text-books. —  Teachers. —  Ap- 
propriations—School Legislation. — High  Schools.  — Prudential  Affairs. 
—  Supervision :^.31-i''l'J 

THK   ccsiiiM.  a<ai>i:mv. 

Incidental  F'eatures  of  the  F:ndowu)ent. — The  Will  of  Thomas  Tarkman 
Gushing.— The  Trustees.— Progress  of  Events.— Winchester  Square.— 
The  Edifice.— Dedication.— The  School  Fund.— Jewett  HalL— The 
Crosby  Scholarshi[i.— Library  and  Apparatus.— Professor  Pierce. — 
Professor  Vose. —Board  of  Trustees,   Past  and  I'rcsent.     .     :'.:)<)-35;) 



Donations  of  Land  to  Other  Towns. — Original  Area.— Province  Line. — 
Incorporation  of  Ashby.— Gardner.— Area  Severed  from  Ashburnham. 
— The  I'amilies.— Land  Annexed  to  Ashby.— The  I'etitioners.— Ash- 
burnham Resists.— New  P.oundaries.  — The  Families. — A  New  Town 
Proposed.— Meeting-house  Built. — Renewed  lUlbrt  and  Opposition.— 
John  Ward  and  William  Barrell  Annexed.  — Petition  of  George  Wilker 
and  others '>t)0-^i  1 


liOAOS     ANU     l;  VII.UOVDS. 

The  Primitive  Roads.— The  Northfield  Road.— Early  Roads  in  Ashburnham. 
— The  Great  Road  to  Ipswich  Canada.— A  County  Road.— Road  tu 
Ashby  Line. —New  Roads.— The  Town  Imlicted.— Other  County  Roads. 
—South  Turnpike.— The  Wincliendou  Koad  Amended.— Turnpikes. — 
Teaming.  — Expenditure.  — Road  Commissioners.  — Railroads.     ;'.72-38.'^ 

cox  TK  NTS.  13 


The  Fir?t  Inn. — Several  Early  Ijinholders. — Uncle  Tim'.';. — The  Cockerel 
Tavern.— Two  llotel.s  on  ^fain  Street. — Chiklren  of  the  Woods. — A 
New  Tavern. — The  Central  Ilou.^e. — Tiie  Frye  Tavern — The  Tavern 
at  Factory  Village. 

Ti!K  Stokes. — The  First  Store. — Tiie  Jewetts  and  their  Successors. — 
Madame  Cushing  a  Merchant.— Several  Small  Stores. — The  "Winches- 
ters.— Adams  and  Grcenv.ood. — Ellis  and  Lane. — Newton  Hayden. — 
Parker  Brothers. — Marble  and  Gilson. — Georfre  llockwood. — Elliot 
Moore. — Mirick  Stinisnn.— Store  in  South     .     .    ."IS^-iOO 

:mkch.vnical  industries. 

Prominent  Position  of  Ashburnham. — Three  Early  Mills. — A  Multitude  of 
Grain-mills  and  Saw-mills. — The  ^fanufacture  of  Chairs. — The  Great 
Xuiuber  Eniiaged. — John  Eaton.-  The  Pioneers. — Philip  Ti.  Merriara. " 
— Charles  and  George  C.  Winchester. — The  Boston  Chair  Manufact- 
uring Company. — W.  F.  Wliitney. — The  Manufacture  of  Chairs  in 
South  Ashburnham.— Burrageville. — Tubs  and  Pails.  —  Thread  Spools. 
— Friction  Matches. — Baskets. — Miscellaneous  Wood-ware. — Wool 
Carding  and  Cloth  Dressing. ^(^otton  Factories. — Tanning. — Morocco 
Business. — John  and  S.  W.  Putnam 401-423 



Zeal  in  Military  Pursuits. — Early  Officers. — The  Light  Infantry  Organized. — 
First  Commanders. — A  Few  Veterans. — Service  in  War  of  1812. — 
The  KolL—Years  of  Prosperity.— List  of  OtBcers  1791  to  1S47.— 
Promotions. — The  Militia  Company. — Militia  Officers. ^ — The  Draft 
1814.— History  from  ISor,  to  18(12.— Brief  Record  from  ]8G'l  to 
Present  Time.— List    of  OlTicers 424-439 


^^•xu  or  the  kedei-liox.  '     '    ■ 

Prepared  For  War. — Mission  of  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry.  —  Early 
Enlistments. — Second  Regiment. — The  Home  Company. — The  Uni- 
form.— Liberality  of  George  C  Winchester.  —  State  Aid. — Twenty- 
first  Regiment. — Its  Piecord. — Names  of  Men  in  this  Service. — 
ColonelJoseph  P.  Rice.  —  Captain  Walker  and  the  Slavery  Problem. — 
Other  Enlistments  in  18".!. —  Record  of  18G2. — P'ifty-third  Regiment. 
— Resolutions. — Record  of  1803. — The  Draft. — P^nlistments. — The 
Second  Draft. — Conclusion 440-40:'. 

14  ■  CnXTEXTS. 


IMIYSICIANS.— J.VWVr.US.  — l-LU>ON.\I.  X<)1ICKS.— C()LI,i:Oi:til!AI.('ATi:S.— OTirKR 

Doctors  Brooks,  Senter,  Abraham  Lowe,  Abraliain  T.  Lowe,  Nathaniel 
Peirce,  Abercrombie,  Cutler,  Stone,  IMiUer,  Wallace,  Whitmorc, 
Mattoon,  Temple,  Jillson,  Cliarles  I,.  Pierce,  Stickney.  Aniory  .Tewctt, 
Nathaniel  Jewett.- -Lawyers  Cunningham,  Adams,  Parker  and 
A ndre-.vs.— Samuel  Wilder.— .losepli  .le%vctt.— Ivers  Jewett— Jacob 
Willard.— Silas  Willard.— John  Adams.— Enoch  V^'hitniore.— Jerome 
W.  Foster.— Ohio  ^Vhitney.—L«aac  Hill.— Thomas  I'arkman  Cushing. 
—Milton  Whitney.— A  List  of  CoUo-e  Graduates.— Other  Sons  of 
Ashburnham 4*34-517 



Pauperism.—— Town  House.— Union  Ilall.-Post  Offices- 
Libraries.— Pirst  National  Bank.— Savinsjs  Bank.— Farmers'  Club.— 
Pounds.— Bounties  on  Wild  Animals.— Thief  Detecting  Society.— 
Brass   Band.— Powder  House.— PopSlation .5ISI540 



The  Early  Burials.- Death  of  Mr.  Haskell— Germans  Buried  Elsewhere.— 
The  Old  and  the  New  Cemeteries.— Suicides.  — Accidental  Deaths.— 
Record  of  Deaths  of  Aged  Persons— List  of  Aged  Per'sons  now 
Living  in  Ashburnham o41-55r> 



A  Present^  to  Rev.  John  Gushing.— Seating  the  Meeting-house.— Minor 
Topics.— A  New  Town  Proposed.— A  New  Name  Suggested  for 
Ashburnham.— A     War    Cloud.— Sickness.— A    Severe    "Winter.— A 

Variety.— The  Great  Gale.— The  First  Fire  Engine Temperance.— 

Millerites.— The  Great  Freshet.— xMiscellaneous  Topics     .     ,     55G-.573 

Genealogical    Register 57.5-1007 

Index  of  Names 10O0-lu22 




A.  T.  LOWE      . 

IL  C.  110  BART 



KODNEY  HUNT       . 



IVERS  pniLLirs   . 


^^^L^iUR  k.  whitney 
































CO.           .        .        . 










*      •      .      • 


.          •          • 


::'^.)     :'  A  r,  "1.  ;- 


LOCATION'.   —    KOLND.vrilE.'?.  AKKA.  SUKFACK.   SOIL.   COUKSK    0>'      THE 




AsiiBuitxiiAM  is  tlie  mosl  eastern  of  t!ie  three  towns  in 
AVoreester  county  in  ^Massachusetts  ])ordering  upon  Xe^v 
IIam])shire  and  is  bounded  on  the  nortli  ])y  Rindge  and  Xew 
Ipswich  ;  on  the  east  by  Ashljy  and  Fitchburg  ;  on  the  south 
by  Westminster  and  Gardner  and  on  the  west  by  Winclicii- 
don.  The  old  common  on  ]Meeting-house  hill  is  fifty-five 
miles  in  right  line  northwest  from  Boston,  and  thirty-one  miles 
north  from  Vrorcester,  and  is  in  latitude  42°  38'  north,  and 
longitude  i^  10',  very  nearly,  east  from  Washington.  The 
area  of  the  town  is  about  twenty-four  thousand  five  hundred 
acres  includinsr  about  one  thousand  five  hundred  acres  of  water. 
The  surface  is  hilly  and  diversified.  Without  ranges  or  sys- 
tems of  hills  the  outlines  of  the  landscape  are  Iwld  and  majes- 
tic, and  promontories  are  fre(iuent,  yet  isolated.  Alany  of  the 
elevations  are  bold  and  rugged,  while  others  are  I'ounded  and 
elevated  swells  of  land  fertile  to  .the  summit.  There  is  very 
little  plain  and  intervale.      TJie  streams  are  gathered  in  bnjkcn 

and  narrow  valleys. 

2  '  17 

/  '.  >  [ 


The  soil  of  Asliliunibam  is  lliat  coinu.u)ii  to  the  hill  towns 
in  this  vicinity.  When  placed  in  conipai'ison  it  is  even  slnb- 
born  and  rockj^  yet  in  most  parts  aral)lG  and  i)rodnctive. 
The  surface  is  well  watered.  The  snl)soil  is  clay  retaining 
moisture  and  springs  of  the  ])urcst  water  are  abundant. 

The  altitude  of  this  town  is  greater  than  that  of  the  sur- 
rounding country  on  the  east,  south  and  west.  The  courses 
of  the  streams  are  outward  except  in  the  north.  The  line  of 
water-shed  l)etween  the  Connecticut  and  ^Merrimack  valleys 
extends  diagonally  through  the  toATii.  The  line  of  division 
is  irregular  but  is  easily  traced  from  Great  Watatic  to  Little 
■AVatatic,  thence  southerly  and  over  the  low  ridges  between 
Upper  Xaukeag  and  Eice  pond  to  the  old  connnon.  Diverg- 
ing to  the  noi-th  and  west  the  line  extends  near  the  ancient 
Winchendon  road  past  the  residence  of  Edwin  Hayward  to 
near  the  John  Woods  fiirm,  thence  southerly  into  the  forest 
about  one  mile  and  thence  westerly  and  southwesterly  about 
two  miles  to  the  southeast  corner  of  AVinchendon. 

The  northwestern  or  Connecticut  slope  is  drained  into  ^I'd- 
ler's  river.  ^J'he  Upper  Xaukeag  lake  which  flows  into  Lower 
Naukeag  is  the  source  of  the  south  liranch  of  that  river.  At 
the  Lower  Xaukeag  it  receives  a  copious  alHuent  from  the  north- 
east. This  stream  rises  in  Binney  pond  in  Xew  Ipswich  and 
receives  the  drainage  of  a  considerable  portion  of  the  eastern 
slope  of  Xew  Ipswich  mountains.  It  enters  this  town  through 
the  farm  of  Edwin  J.  Stearns  and  ilows  thence  through  the 
village  of  Xorth  Ashburnham  into  the  Lower  Xaukeag.  In 
its  onward  covu'se  from  this  lake  the  next  considerable  tribu- 
tary to  the  south  branch  of  Miller's  river  is  the  modest  con- 
tribution of  Eindge  which  flows  past  the  mills  of  liobert  \V . 
]McIntire  and  joins  the  stream  north  of  Burragevillc.  The 
river  thus  reinforced  abruptly  leaves  the  town  but  repenting 
before  a  mile  is  traversed,  it  returns  and  patiently  drives  the 


mills  at  Barragevillc.  In  compcnsalioii  for  (.'xhaiislcd  energy 
it  socm  receives  a  tril)ntai'y  from  the  south  atid  rushes  ou  to 
its  many  tasks  l)eloA\'  imtil  it  falls  into  the  CoDuecticui  near 
Greenfield.  By  this  river  a  half  of  the  tov,ri  is  drained.  'J'hc 
source  of  the  brook  rising  in  Xew  Ipswich  and  tlowing  through 
this  town  i.-  the  extreme  eastern  point  of  the  Connecticut 

The  southeastern  or  ^Merrimack  slope  is  divided  into  four 
sections  and  i-  drained  hy  as  many  streams  flowing  outward. 
The  first  drainage  is  in  tlie  northeast  part  of  the  town  and 
emTjraces  the  basin  detiued  i)y  Great  AVatatic,  Little  Watatic 
aiid  ]'>lood  hill.  Here  the  overtlow  of  Stoger  meadow  and  a 
few  smaller  streams  falling  into  Ward  j^ond  and  thence  into 
Watatic  pond  give  lise  to  a  l)rancli  of  the  Souhegan  river. 
Its  course  is  through  the  north  part  of  Ashby  and  Xew  ]})S- 
wich  :ind  onward  to  the  ^Merrimack  river  at  the  towu  of  ^Nler- 
riraack,  Xew  Hami)shire. 

The  second  drainage  is  of  small  area  lying  between  Blood 
and  Russell  hills  and  embraces  portions  of  the  Dutch  and 
Cambridge  farms.  The  streanis  leave  this  town  near  the 
residence  of  Joseph  AV.  Wilker  and  fall  into  the  Ashby  res- 
ervoir. Here  the  collected  water  assumes  the  name  of 
AVillard's  lirook  and  is  tributary  to  the  Squanicook  river  in 

The  third  drainage  is  bounded  on  the  north  and  cast  by  the 
Connecticut  slope  and  the  first  and  second  sections  of  the 
^lerrimack  slope.  The  western  boundary  is  the  height  of  land 
from  ]\Ieeting-house  hill,  thence  south  across  the  farm  of 
'Joseph  Harris  to  the  line  of  >\''estminster.  The  water  collected 
at  Kice  or  Reservoir  pond  is  drained  by  Phillips'  brook  flowing 
through  the  centi-e  village  and  onward  through  the  northeast 
part  of  "Westminster  into  Fitchburg. 

The  fourth  drainage  of  the  ^Merrimack  slope  embraces  the 


southwest  and  reiiiaiiiini^  aiva  of  tho  town.  Hero  are  several 
artiticial  ponds  ])ut  no  natui'al  ])ody  of  vrator.  The  drainai:rc 
is  collected  in  the  slream  risino-  in  the  Xashua  ivservoir  and 
flowing  through  the  village  of  South  Ashburnluun  and  Ihence 
through  Westminster  in  a  course  nearly  parallel  with  IMiillips' 
brook  to  the  line  of  Fitehhurg.  At  this  point  it  ahruptly 
turns  to  the  nortli  and  uniies  with  Phillips'  Ijrook  at  West 
Fitchburg.  Dashing  on  in  a  tirsl  embrace  thi-ough  tlie  rocky 
valley  of  Fitchburg  it  more  leisurely  i)ursucs  its  way  through 
Leominster  and  Lancaster  to  a  point  between  Groton  and 
Shirley  vrhere  it  receives  the  Squanicook,  beaiing  the  waters 
of  the  second  drainage.  Togetlier  the  triune  river  engulfed 
in  stronger  current.-  falls  into  the  Merrimack  river  at  Xashua. 
Perhaps  somewhei-o  in  the  river-bed  tliey  rccogniy.e  and 
mingle  with  the  clear  watei's  from  Watatic  |)ond  which  in  its 
onward  course  to  the  ocean  has  wandered  through  the  valley 
of  the  Souhegan.  Fallulah  or  J5aker's  iirook  ilowing  into 
Fitchburg  and  a  small  stream  ilowing  into  Westminster  are 
tributary  in  a  short  distance  to  the  larger  streams  and  are  not 
considered  separately. 

There  are  eight  natural  jionds  in  this  town  ;  four  are  trib- 
utary to  the  Connecticut  and  four  to  the  ;^^errimack  river. 

The  Ui'VFAi  Xaukeag  or  Meeting-house  pond,  beneath 
the  towering  sunmiits  of  the  surrounding  hills  and  dotted 
with  rugged  islands,  is  a  lake  of  peculiar  beauty  and  attrac- 
tion. The  water  is  clear  and  cool  and  the  basin  umisually 
free  from  sediment.  The  shores  are  maiidy  rocky,  some- 
times bold  and  rugged,  in  other  places  pure  sand  of  spark- 
ling whiteness  forms  the  encircling  l)arrier  and  extoids 
beneath  the  surface  of  the  crystal  water,  but  nowhere  is  the 
lake  ap])ro;iched  by  low  and  marshy  ground.  This  lake  and 
the  AVatatic  mountains  were  known  to  the  ex[)Iorers  before 
the    settlement   of  the    town.      The   names    undoubtedly  are 

INTUOnV'CTlOX.  ^  21 

()(■  I'uli-an  oriiriiK  l)ut  the  oriirinal  sound  lins  l)ecn  so  iiniier- 
lectlv  {)!-esorv('(I  and  tlio  names  have  ex})crienc'ed  so  many 
i-litinges  in  Kiiiilisli  orthograpliy  that  students  of  the  Indian 
dialeets  fail  to  discover  the  oriirinal  siirniiieation  of  the  tenns. 
Professor  I'runihull,  a  reeoirnized  authority,  lias  examined 
these  names  in  every  form  of  orthoii-ruphy  and  fails  to  find  in 
tlicm  any  element  that  designates  either  ])ond  or  mountain. 

'i'fiK  IvOWF.i;  \ArKKA(r  Lake  is  less  ruu«:ed  in  outline. 
At  the  eastern  extremity  the  aeeumuLitinir  deposit  of  cen- 
turies has  iijuiL-ared  ahove  the  surfaee  of  the  water  and  many 
acres  of  low  land  are  included  within  the  oriirinal  basin  of  the 
lake.      The  di-ainaire  is  controlled  by  artificial  obstruction. 

A  Xa.mkless  J^oxi)  of  small  area  is  found  in  the  forest  and 
.surrounded  l)y  marsh.  It  is  situated  a  short  distance  ^vest 
of  Little  Watatie  and  is  tributary  to  the  stream  ^vhieh  Hows 
throuirh  North  Ashburnham. 

Anotiihi:  Xamhless  roNi>,  a  lonely  sheet  of  water,  is 
found  in  the  marsh  in  the  southwest  })art  of  the  town.  It 
is  near  the  line  of  the  Cheshire  railroad  and  midway  between 
the  depots  at  North  and  South  Ashlnirnham.  It  is  tributary 
to  the  south  branch  of  Miller's  river  at  liurrageville.  The 
course  of  the  stream  is  northwest  and  near  the  line  of  the 
Cheshire  railroad. 

liiCE  P<)Xi)  is  the  most  important  body  of  water  in  the 
Merrimack  draina_u-e.  T'lie  dam  at  the  outlet  controls  the 
natural  current  and  overtiows  the  oriuinal  lunuidaries.  The 
declivity  of  the  shores  is  irenerally  uniform  and  the  natural 
features  and  contour  of  tlie  pond  are  generally  preserved. 
At  the  present  time  it  is  freijueutly  called  Keservoir  pond, 
Jind  in  1735  it  was  known  as  Wenecheag  pond. 

Mud  Pond  of  small  area  is  tributary  to  Ivice  })ond  and  is 
situated  about  one-half  mile  northwest  of  it. 

22  HISTORY   OF    ASHBUliXIT  V^^. 

Waui>  I\).\I),  tbniu'i'ly  i:ik)W1)  as  A\'liitoin;iii  nond,  is  a  li'eiii 
511110 ML^  the  lakes  <2.uai(lo(l  and  nurlurecl  by  the  enciivlinir  hills. 
Its  pebbly  shores  are  familiar  to  the  anuier  while  iis  j)laeid 
surlace  and  pieturcsqiio  surroundings  are  suggestive  of  rest 
and  tranquillity.  ;  '    ' 

.  Watatic  Poxi)  on  the  stream  belou'  Ward  i)ond  is  similar 
in  outliric  Ijut  smaller  in  area.  It  lies  jiartly  in  Ashby,  but 
the  greater  portion  is  in  tin's  town.  Xear  these  two  }:)onds 
were  the  homes  of  seveial  of  the  earliest  settlers  of  Dorches- 
ter Canada. 

In  addition  to  these  natural  bodies  of  water,  which  for  cen- 
turies have  enlivened  the  landscajie  and  mirrored  in  their 
crystal  waters  each  passing  bird  and  tlie  overhanging  hills, 
there  are  many  reservoirs  or  artificial  ponds  in  this  town. 
Maintained  by  the  M'ork  and  for  the  convenience  of  man  they 
are  perishable  and  unless  the  barriers  are  constantly  renewed 
the  waters  will  again  flow  within  the  banks  of  the  natural 
currents.  They  form  no  part  of  tlie  natural  features  of  the 

The  prevailing  arboral  products  are  white  pine,  spruce, 
hemlock,  maple,  birch  and  beech.  I'hese  are  found  in  all 
parts  of  the  town.  In  the  original  forests  the  heaviest  growth 
of  the  deciduous  varieties  was  found  in  the  southeast  part  of 
the  town,  while  the  soft  woods  were  in  gi-eater  abundance  in 
the  northern  and  western  portions  of  the  town.  The  red  oak, 
chestnut,  white  and  black  ash,  hard  pine,  juni}')er  or  tamarack, 
fir  balsam,  basswood,  leverwood  and  hornbeam  are  native 
here.  The  elm,  black  cheny  and  white  oak  arc  found  in 
small  quantity.  The  Avhite  willow,  poplar  and  gray  birch 
are  possibly  of  secondary  growth  and  ;ire  constantly  increas- 
ing in  quantity.  The  moose  wood,  with  its  large,  broad  leaves, 
flourislies  beneath  the  shade  of  the  forests.  JMack  alder, 
bearing  red  berries,  is  seen  upon  the  roadside,  and  tag  alder 

INTRODUCTION^.         ■  23 

linos  the  slioro  of  tlic  brooks  and  the  ninro'in  of  low  lands. 
Red  and  poison  sinnac,  or  dogwood,  arc  rave.  Clusters  of 
withe,  whitewood,  witch  and  nut  hazel,  and  laurel  are  found 
in  n)any  ]ilaces,  A  few  locust  —  two  varieties  —  l»utternut  or 
wliite  walnut,  and  Lonil)ardy  ]ioplar  liave  tlouri.^hed  as  shade- 
trees,  l)ut  are  not  natives  here. 

The  town  originally  was  heavily  wooded.  Tlie  denizens 
of  the  dense  forests  included  a  variety  of  animals  common  to 
the  locality.  In  the  early  progress  of  the  settlement  the  black 
bear  forsook  his- favorite  haunts  Avithout  thouglit  of  contest  or 
show  of  resistance.  A  coward  liotli  by  instinct  and  habit  he 
fled  at  the  approach  of  njan.  But  every  solitary  bear  that 
since  has  made  a  hasty  circuit  of  the  town  has  li\ed  in  peren- 
nial tradition  and  has  immortalized  CAcry  man  or  woman  who 
chanced  to  behold  the  fugitive  presence.  Very  few  of  the 
early  settlers  ever  belicld  the  countenance  of  a  living  bear. 
Habitually  his  face  was  directed  the  other  way  and  his  eye 
was  ever  resting  on  some  distant  point  he  desired  to  visit. 
The  wolf  in  early  times  was  more  numerous  and  troublesome. 
Fifty  years  ago  they  had  not  entirely  disai^})cared. 

Traces  of  beaver  dams  are  not  yet  wholly  oblit<n'ated  but 
the  liuilders  abruptly  refused  to  labor  in  conipctition  with 
man.  The  track  of  the  otter  is  yet  seen  occasionally  in  the 
new  fallen  snow  and  the  mink  still  inhal)its  along  the  courses  of 
the  streams.  ^Nluskrats  with  little  fear  of  man  continue  to 
build  their  round  moundlike  houses  in  the  shallow  water  of 
the  jwnds.  Foxes,  fed  by  the  garbage  of  civilization,  and  the 
woodchuck,  partial  to  the  succulent  vegetation  of  cultivated 
fields,  are  probably  as  numerous  as  at  any  former  period. 
The  several  varieties  of  squirrels,  the  hare  and  the  coney 
rabbit,  while  limited  in  the  area  of  their  jwssessions,  are  rel- 
atively niunerous.  Occasionally  the  slee])y  ])orcupine  is 
found  in  his  (jniet  home  in  a  hollow  tree  and  the  raccoon  visits 


the    fickls  of   ripening    corn    from  year  to  year  in  ujiequal 

The  l.inls  found  here  u]-e  .such as  are  comnionto  tlie  hititude, 
and  other  conditions  of  tlie  town.     The  melodies  that  greeted 
the  morning  iight  in  the  .solitudes  of  the  original  forests  are 
our  delight  at  the  present  time.     The  thrush  and  the  si)arro\v, 
first  to  contide  in  the  mercy  of  men  and  r,est  near  the  htimlets 
of  the  clearing,  if  not  a^  numerous  as  formerly,  are  still  the 
welcome  visitors  of  the  suimner-time.     The  red-headed  wood- 
pecker, whose  animated  rap))ings  broke  the  stillness  of  the 
forest,    was  frequently    seen    in  former   yeai-s    but    is    now 
extinct,  wliile  the  imported  sparrow  has  found  its  way  hither 
from  the  seaboard.     The  wild  goose,  the  black  and  gray  duck, 
of  migratory  habits,  visit  the  i)onds  in  their  spring  and  autumn 
transits.      The  Avood   a)id   dipper  duck  not  unfrequently  nest 
here,  and  can  l)e  found  in  their  retreats  during  the  summer 
and  autunm.     The  loon  or  northern  diver   (Colymhus  gla- 
cial is)  dining  the  summer  months  and  early  autumn  is  daily 
seen  floating  upon  the  lakes  or  is  heard  calling  his  mate  during 
a  flight  between  the  ponds.     They  frequently  nest  upon  the 
islands  in  rp|)cr  Xaukcag.      The  wild  pigeon  is  less  abundant 
than  formerly,  while  the  sonorous  whistle  of  the  quail  {Ortyx 
Virginia jucs)  is  sometimes  heard,  but  this  bird  seldom  nests 
in  this  latitude.      Partridges  (  Tetras  umbellus,  or  the  Bonasa 
umbellus  of  Linna'u^)  are  abundant,  and  the  loud  whirring 
sound  of  their  wings,  as  they  bui-st  away  at  the  ai)proacli  of 
visitors  to  their  haunts,  and  their  animated  drumming  in  the 
forest  continue  to  attest  their  familiar  presence. 

The  hdvrs,  reservoirs  and  rivulets  r)f  thi.-,  town  abound  in 
fish  peculiar  to  the  waters  of  this  vicinity.  So  far  as  known, 
none  of  the  natives  of  these  waters  have  become  extinct. 
The  black  bass,  land-locked  salmon  and  lake  trout  are  of 
recent   and  artificial    introduction.     The  brook,    or  spotted 


troiit.  fond  oi"  shude  and  cool  water,  have  been  di.stnrbod  in 
.  their  favorite  liaunt.s  I'V  the  ix-nioval  of  the  forest.'=;,  and  are 
Jess  nunjerons  than  forinerlv.  The  name  and  the  eliarac- 
teriritieis  of  the  habitants  of  the  hdves  and  l)rook.s  of  this  town 
are  familiar  to  all,  yet  the  followini:  list  ni;iy  l)e  of  interest  at 
some  future  time  : 

The  ])iekerel  {£^sox  reficulatus)  ;  bi'ook  trout  [Sohno 
fontinah's)  ;  ix'veh  {Perca  jlavc^^ccns)  ;  shiner  {StiJhe  chry- 
sohncas)  ;  bream  or  sunfish  (Pomotis  vulgaris)  ;  chub  or 
cheven  (Lenciscus  chejihaJus)  :  l)laek  sueker  (Catostomus)  ; 
chub  sueker,  another  of  the  same  frt'iuis  ;  the  minnov/,  or 
ii)inum,  a  very  small  tish,  and  a  specie  of  Lenciscus;  c;it  tish 
or  horned  pout  {Phnelodus  caius).  'Jlie  common  eel  {An- 
guilla  feniiirostns),  and  the  lamprey  eel,  a  specie  of  the 
Petrojiiyzon,  although  rare,  are  sometimes  taken  from  the 

The  most  prominent  elevation  is  Great  Watatic.  Its 
rounded  summit  is  one  thousand  eight  hundred  and  forty- 
seven  feet  a1)ove  tide  ^\ater.  This  grand  tmd  lofty  tower  on 
the  line  of  the  water-shed,  is  sy nnnetrical  in  its  form  and 
imposing  in  its  presence,  and  with  grim  visage  it  overlooks 
the  hamlets  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town.  In  a  right 
line  4ind  a  mile  nearer  the  old  connnon,  is  Little  Watatic,  of 
similar  iVn-ni  and  softened  outlines.  An  earlier  orthography 
of  these  mountains,  was  \\'autatuck.  Blood  hill,  south  of 
Great  Watatic,  and  on  the  line  of  Ashby,  in  the  morning 
light,  casts  its  fretted  shadow  over  the  lakes  at  its  base  and 
around  its  crest  the  rainbow  appears  in  the  lingering  rain  of 
an  evening  shower.  Across  the  intervening  valley  at  the 
south,  is  the  plateau  of  Russell  hill,  once  heavily  wooded, 
and  now  the  seat  of  productive  farms.  Jewell  hill,  n<>ar  at 
hand,  is  a  stuixly  watch-tower  on  the  limits  of  the  town. 
East   of  Kice    jiond,  suddenly  rises  tlie  bristling  form  of 


]\Ioui)t  llimgor.  It'  its  iiaino  and  sterility  are  sngi!'estivc  of 
famine,  its  situation  near  the  lake  is  a  stifeguard  auainst 
thirst.  And  on  the  line  of  the  water-shed,  is  ^Meeting-house 
hill,  A\hich  commands  an  extensive  view  of  the  surrounding 
countrv.  Here  our  fathers  literally  went  up  to  worshi]),  and 
eai-ly  called  it  "a  hill  with  a  very  fair  prosjiect."  lJro^\•n 
hill,  and  the  ridges  in  the  northwest  j)art  of  the  town,  and 
other  elevations,  on  Avhich  are  houses  and  cultivated  llelds, 
would  be  styled  mouiitains  amid  surroundings  less  grand  and 

The  altitude  of  the  town,  and  the  bold  and  rugged  outlines 
of  the  landscape,  are  the  elements  of  scenery  unsurpassed  in 
beauty  and  grandeur.  These  features  of  nature  are  a  living- 
inspiration  and  enjoyment  to  all  who  inhabit  here,  and 
treasured  among  golden  memories  are  the  visions  of  matchless 
subUmity  Avhich  delighted  the  childhood  and  youth  of  every 
absent  son  and  daughter  of  Ashburnham. 

"From  such  a 'scene,  how  numy  feelings  spring  I 
How  many  thouglits  tiash  throu'^li  the  kimlling  mind! 
Delightful  dreams  have  birtli ;  —  we  almost  seem 
PassM  to  another  sphere,  — and  the  glad  heart 

Forgets  that  earth  is  still  its  transient  home.        .  •       .. 

This  is  a  vision  for  the  rest  of  life, 
An  amarantliine  tenant  for  the  hreast, 
A  morning  star  for  nienfry,  which,  amid 
Life's  fitful  clouds,  shall  radiantly  shine  forth. 
When  scenes  less  beautiful  attract  my  gaze, 
I  shall  recall  tiiy  quiet  loveliness." 

THE  i:ai:ly  c;il\xts. 

SEVEN'    G1:AVTS    or    I.AXD. TUK    rOLTCY    OK    TUK    CrKXEUAL    COURT.    — AX    KII A 

OF     GXiANTS.  THE     STARK     GItANT. rnVNKU     BY     GUEEX,    WILDER     .VXD 


IXGTOX    GRAXT.  SATE    OF     tiAMR    TO    TH?;      GEUMAXS.  THE    lU.UEFIELD 

GRAXT. THE     EAREY     ROAD      TO     XORTHFIEr.D. THE     ORAXT     SOLD     TO 





Rome  "was  founded  on  seven  liills.  Ashburnliani  was 
founded  on  seven  grants  of  land.  To  give  some  account  of 
these  several  grants  will  be  the  })rovincc  of  this  chapter. 
One  hundred  and  fifty  years  ago,  ^Massachusetts  vas  rich  in 
lands,  but  poor  m  treasure.  The  public  treasury  was  con- 
tinually overdrawn,  and  in  place  of  money,  the  unappro- 
priated lands  became  the  currency  of  the  })ro\'ince.  Upon 
the  wilderness,  the  (Jovernment  made  frequent  and  generous 
drafts  in  the  pa3"ment  of  a  great  variety  of  claims  and  demands 
against  the  colony.  At  the  time  these  seven  g'rants  of  land 
were  made,  the  prolonged  controversy  concerning  the  loca- 
tion of  the  ])rovincc  line  between  ]\rassachusetts  and  Xow 
Hampshire  was  being  vigorously  prosecuted.  It  was  clearly 
the  accepted  policy  of  ^Massachusetts  to  fortify  her  claim  to  a 

28  IIlSTOPxY   OF    ASIinUKNlIAM. 

large  tract  of  the  coutrovcrtod  territoiy  In'  posseysioii  and 
occupancy,  in  the  hope  thereby  of  luaintainin^'  a  chiiiu  to  the 
domain  after  all  diplomacy  had  failed.  Thus  stimulated, 
both  by  necessity  and  ])oliey,  the  General  Court  n)ade 
numerous  grants  of  land  in  this  immediate  vicinity,  with 
unmistakable  alacrity.  It  was  an  era  of  bt'ne\'olence.  Per- 
ceiving tho  disposition  of  the  Ciovermnent,  many,  who  could 
only  niake  the  smallest  pretext  of  service  rendered  the  colony 
by  themsehes  or  their  ancestors,  were  found  among  the 
petitioners  for  land.  Seldom  were  their  requests  denied, 
and  even  old  claims,  which  had  remained  unanswered  majiy 
years,  were  suddenly  revived  and  rewarded  with  generous 
parcels  of  the  })ublic  domtiin.  AVhile  this  spirit  of  liberality 
was  rife  and  condescending,  the  territory  within  the  ancient 
boundaries  of  this  township  was  severed  from  the  wilderness 
and  l)estowed  in  recognition  of  service  rendered  the  colony. 
Included  within  the  limits  of  Dorchester  Canada,  v»ei-e 
six  earlier  grants,  which  were  located  and  surveyed  before 
the  bounds  of  the  township  had  been  estal)lished.  They  fell 
within,  yet  were  independent  of.  the  main  grant,  as  will 
appear  in  the  progress  of  our  narrative.  ]n  regard  to  the 
relative  dates  of  these  grants,  the  traditions  of  the  town  are 
not  in  harmony  with  the  facts,  and  AVhitney's  History  of 
Worcester  County,  1793,  incorrectly  asserts:  "To  the 
original  grant  were  afterwards  added  Lexington  farm  of  one 
thousand  acres,  Cam])ridge  farm  of  one  thfiusand  acres  more, 
and  Kolfe's  farm  of  six  hundred  acres,  and  another  of  about 
a  thousand  acres."  Kev.  Dr.  Cushing,  in  his  Half  Century 
Sermon,  l<sl8,  repeats  the  error  in  nearly  the  same  words  : 
''To  the  original  grant,  four  farms  were  annexed:  Lexing- 
ton Farm,  Cambridge  Farm  each  of  1000  acres,  Kolfs 
Farm  of  7  or  SOO  acres,  and  another  of  lOOO."  But  he 
nearly  corrects    the    statement    when    he    adds,   thtit  "these 



,'   1.;-:,; 


THE    K.MiLY    GKA]STS.  29 

rnrnis  wei'c  loctited  west  of  Luiiciibiirir  and  I'ownsciul.  and 
iioi'th  of  Westininsler,  ])eforc  tliis  town  ^\:ls  irrantod."  It 
will  a})})ear  that  there  were  six  farms,  or  <:ranls  of  land,  and 
that  all  of  them  were  conveyed  and  located  [nx'vious  to  tlie 
grant  of  Dorchestoi'  Canada.  In  the  survey  and  location  of 
the  township,  these  farms  were  included  within  its  boundaries, 
but  Avere  not  computed  as  a  part  of  the  thir(y-six  square 
miles  that  were  conveyed  in  the  grant  of  the  township. 

About  1G.")0,  Dr.  Thomas  Starr  accom})anied,  as  surgeon, 
one  of  the  expeditions  against  the  Pequots.  This  service  is 
the  earliest  event  of  vrhich  we  liave  any  knowledge,  that  is 
hnmediately  associated  with  the  history  of  Ashburnham,  and 
leads  directly  to  the  narrative  of  the  tirst  grant  of  land  within 
this  town. 

I.  Thk  Staku  (J rant. — On  account  of  this  service  of 
Dr.  Thomas  Starr,  who  died  in  Charlestown,  l()5-i-,  his  widow, 
four  years  la.ter,  }>etitioned  for  a  grant  of  land,  as  appears  in 
Court  Kecords,  1(55.^  : 

"NVherens  ^Ir  Thomas  Starrc  deceased  having  left  a  desolac 
widdow  and  eight  srnale  children  was  y''  ehirurgoon  of  one  of  y" 
companys  }*  went  against  }"  Pequotts  in  Ans"'  to  the  Request  of 
Several!  Gentl"  ou  y'  behalfe. 

The  Court  jedgeth  it  meete  to  grainit  fewer  hundred  acres  of 
Land  to  y"  sayd  widow  &  children  &  doe  impower  y*"  Tresurer 
and  Capt.  Norton  to  make  sale  or  otherwise  to  dispose  of  the 
sayd  as  may  best  conduce  to  y^  benefit  of  the  widdow  &  children 
as  they  shall  see  meete.  ,  • 

It  is  certain  that  this  gi-ant  was  never  located  and  that 
the  desolate  widow  and  eight  small  children  did  not 
receive  any  beneiit  from  the  kind  intentions  of  the  General 
Court.  Severity-tive  years  later,  the  descendants  of  Dr. 
Starr  revived  the  claim  as  set  foith  in  Council  Kecords. 
October  ID,  17;;8  : 


A  Pcftiou  cf  ]>ci)j:imiu  Starr  for  bimself  aiid  the  rest  of  the 
heirs  &  Descendants  of  the  AVidow  of  Thomas  Starr  late  of 
Charlcstown  dec"^  showing  that  the  General  Court  of  tlie  late 
Colony  of  the  Massachusetts  Bay  in  tlie  year  1G58  for  Service  done 
by  the  said  Thomas  Starr  made  a  Grant  of  four  hundred  Acres  of 
Land  to  his  said  widow  &Chihlren  whicli  lias  not  yet  been  laid  out 
and  therefore  praying  tliat  tliey  may  now  be  allowed  to  lay  out 
four  hundred  Acres  of  the  unappropriated  Land  of  the  province  to 
satisfy  the  said  Grant. 

In  the  House  of  Kepresentatives  Head  &  Ordered  that  the 
prayer  of  the  petition  be  granted  and  the  petitioners  are  allowed 
nnd  impowered  by  a  Survcj'or  &  Chaiumen  on  Oath  to  Survey 
and  lay  cut  four  hundred  Acres  of  the  unappropriated  Lands  of 
the  province  so  as  not  to  prejudice  the  Settlement  of  a  Townsliip 
&  that  they  return  a  Plat  thereof  to  tliis  Court  within  twelve 
Months  for  confirmation. 

In  Council  liead  &  Concurred,. 

Consented  to 


Again  the  petitioners  suffered  tlieir  grant  to  lapse,  and,  in 
jSToveiuber,  1734,  llie  General  Court  with  expansive  consid- 
eration "  ordered  that  twelve  months  more  be  allowed  to 
Benjamin  Star  of  Xew  London  and  other  heirs  to  take  and 
return  a  plat  of  land."  . 

Under  tlie  provisions  of  this  vote  the  grant  was  consum- 
mated and  the  service  of  Dr.  Starr,  after  the  lapse  of  nearly 
a  century,  was  rewarded.  The  survey  was  made  by  Joseph 
Wilder  and  returned  under  date  of  ^fay  30,  1735. 

Tlie  chaimnen  in  this  survey  were  John  Bennett  and  Joseph 
Wheelock.  In  the  mean  time  the  Cambridge  farm  and  the 
Lexington  farm,  which  were  granted  in  1734,  had  been  sur- 
veyed and  confirmed,  and  the  Starr  farm,  although  first 
gi-anted,  became  the  tliird  in  the  order  of  survey.  The  con- 
firmation or  a}^})roval  hy  the  General  Court  is  under  date  of 
June  10,  1735  : 


A  Plat  of  four  luni<])-ed  Acrois  of  l^iiiul  Granted  to  the  lioirs  of 
the  vriilo'.v  Slarr  laid  out  by  Josepli  AVikler  .Esq%  Surveyor  und 
Chainmen  on  oath,  lying  on  the  north  side  of  Narragansett  Town 
number  two  and  bounded  cver^"  other  -way  by  Province  l^ands 
beginning  at  a  stake  &  stones  on  the  aforesaid  Narragansett 
Line,  Eighty  rods  Avest  of  where  the  said  Ivine  crosses  a  Branch  of 
Lancaster  North  River  tliat  comes  out  of  Wcuecheag  pond  ;  thence 
running  north  IS  deg"^-  Avcst  three  hundred  &  thirty  rods  to  a  stake 
and  stones  ;  thence  Punning  west  IS  deg'''  South  two  hundred  & 
Eight  rods  to  a  stake  &  stones;  thence  Punning  South  18  deg" 
East  three  hundred  &  thirty  rods  to  the  aforesaid  Narragansett 
Line  to  a  stake  &  stones  ;  thence  with  said  line  East  18  deg" 
north  two  hundred  <S.  eight  Pods  to  where  it  first  began. 

In  the  House  of  Pepresentatives  :  Pead  &  Ordered  that  the 
Plat  be  accepted  and  the  Lands  therein  delineated  6c  described 
be  and  hercbj'  are  confirmed  to  the  said  lienjamin  Star  and  the 
other  heirs  and  descendants  of  the  widow  of  Dr.  Thomas  Star 
deceased  their  heirs  and  assigns  Pespectively  provided  the  plat 
exceed  not  the  quantity  of  four  hundred  Acres  of  Land  and  does  not 
Interfere  with  any  former  Grant. 

Consented  to 


This  tract  of  land  can  be  easily  traced  at  tbc  present  time. 
It  lies  on  the  line  between  Ashburnham  and  Westminster, 
its  southeast  corner  being  on  the  town  line  four  hundred  and 
fourteen  rods  westerly  from  the  connnon  corner  of  Ashl>uru- 
ham,  Fitchl)urg  and  Westminster.  It  is  a  rectanalc  extend- 
ing three  hundred  and  thirty  rods  northerly  and  two  Junulred 
and  eight  rods  westerly  from  the  ])(nnt  named.  Ten  nxls 
were  added  to  the  leugUi  an<l  eight  rods  to  the  width  on 
account  of  "  unc^'en  groimd  and  swtig  of  chain."  The  home- 
•stead  of  John  G.  "Woodward  lies  within  the  grant. 

Before  the  close  of  the  year  tlie  heirs  sold  the  grant  to 
Thomas    Green,    a    merchant   of  Boston,   for    t\\'o    hundred 


pounds,  wliicli  tlicii  Avas  alxnit  two  hundred  dollars  ii)  silver. 
Six  years  later  ^Ir.  (Jreen  sold  llie  >vli()le  lour  hundred  aercs 
todoseph  A\'ild<u'.  dj-.,  who  eonlinued  the  owner  alon(>  ;uid  in 
eonipauy  widi  John  doslin  until  the  time  it  was  sold  in  small 
lots  a  numbei-  of  years  later.  AVhile  Mr.  Wilder  had  ])osses- 
sion  of  tills  land  he  also  owned  the  Converse  jxrant  whicli 
lies  next  west,  and  together  tJiey  were  known  as  the  \\'ilder 
farm.  .  ' 

II.  Tin:  CA:\niRiDGE  Giiaxt. — For  many  years  the  Gen- 
eral Court  of  the  colony  made  it  obligatory  upon  Cambridge, 
Newton  and  Lexington  to  maintain  the  bridge  spanning 
Charles  river  between  Brighlon  and  Cand)ridge.  This  struct- 
ure, called  the  "Great  Bridge,"  was  built  in  1GG2  and  was 
justly  considered  an  aehie\'ement  of  considera])l<>  magnitude. 
These  towns  made  fre«|uent  re([uests  to  be  relieved,  wholly 
or  in  part,  from  the  bvu'dcn  of  its  sup})ort,  and  tinally  the 
three  to^vns  joined  in  a  }ietition  to  the  General  Court  pray- 
ing that  "they  may  Ite  in  soriie  measure  eased  of  it  or  that 
the  Court  would  make  them  a  (irant  of  Land  the  better  to 
enable  them  to  supi)oit  said  charge."  The  Court,  a[)par- 
ently,  was  more  inclined  to  give  them  land,  than  to  oiler  or 
suggest  any  other  relief,  and  with  connnendable  jn-omptness 
voted  to  each  of  the  three  towns  one  thousand  acres  of  land. 
These  grants  were  made  June  22,  IT.'U.  Xewton  located 
five  hundred  and  sixty-six  acres  adjoining  Athol  and  Peters- 
ham and  the  remaining  four  hundred  and  thirty-four  acres  at 
Berwick,  M:une.  Cand)ridge  and  I^exington  located  their 
grants  within  the  limits  of  this  town,  whi(.'h  for  many  years 
were  familiarly  known  as  Candtridge  and  Lexiniiicjn  farms. 
The  Cambridge  grant  was  surve}'e(l  previous  to  Septendier 
(),  of  the  same  year,  for  at  that  date  Xathan  I  ley  wood  made 
oath  that  in  surveying  this  grant  he  had  em})loved  his  bi'st 
skill   and    understautlinu'.      The    location    and    survev   of  the 


ijranl  were  eoiifirincd  September  13,  1784.  Tlii?^  grant  v/as 
the  tirst  tract  of  land  severed  from  the  ^vilderncs3  within 
the  tov\-nship  of  As]il)urnha)n  and  Avas  described  in  the 
records  : 

A  riat  Containing  one  thousand  acres  of  the  unappropriated 
Laud  of  tlie  Province  of  the  niassaehnsctts  Bay  Laid  out  to  sat- 
isfy a  Grant  made  by  the  great  and  general  court  in  tlioir  last 
sessions  to  the  Town  of  Cambridge  to  enable  them  the  better  to 
keep  in  Repair  their  great  Bridge  over  Charles  River.  Beginning 
at  a  certain  Pillar  of  Stones  erected  for  the  North  east  Corner  in 
the  line  of  Lunenburg  [  now  Fitchburg  ]  about  three  or  four 
score  rods  South  from  Northfield  Road  and  running  South  12  deg 
"West  on  said  line  of  Lunenburg  one  mile  and  a  half  and  twenty 
pole  with  17  pole  allowance  for  swag  of  chain  and  uneven  Land 
to  a -red  oak  tree  marked.  Then  running  West  12  deg  North 
on  unappropriaied  Land  one  mile  with  eleven  pole  allowance  to  a 
pillar  of  stones  and  a  Little  beech  tree  ;  tlie  other  two  lines  being 
paralel  with  the  same  allowance  and  bounding  on  Common  land. 

Let  it  be  remembered  that  in  the  survey  of  this  grant,  in 
the  smimier  of  1731,  Xatlian  Hey  wood  of  Lunenburg  per- 
formed tlie  iirst  act  vvithin  the  townshij)  that  is  a  part  of  the 
continuous  history  of  this  town.  Previous  events,  more  im- 
poi-tant  in  their  results,  occuiTed  remote  from  the  theatre  of 
action.  There  are  records  of  exploring  pa)-ties  through  tliis 
town,  and  Great  Watatic,  Little  Watatic,thc  Xaukeag  hikes, 
Stoger  meadow  and  Souliegan  river  were  associated  names 
at  an  earlier  date,  'lliis  gi-ant  was  the  iirst  tract  of  land 
severed  from  the  unbounded  wilderness.  There  is  no  record 
of  any  previous  act  performed  on  the  soil  that  influenced 
succeedino;  events.  The  town  of  Cambridge  owned  this  tract 
of  one  thousand  acres  about  thirty  years  and  during  this  time 
the  records  of  that  town  contain  frequent  reference  to  "the 
liridge  farm  in  Dorchester  C'anada."  In  1751  the  bounds  were 


renewed  l)y  direotiou  of  the.  toAvn,  and  in  the  succeeding  years 
several  committees  were  chosen  with  instruction  to  sell  the 
land,  provided  reasonable  terms  could  he  secured.  These 
measures  for  several  years  were  void  of  any  result.  In 
Xovemher,  1764,  "  the  town  chose  Deacon  Sanniel  AVhitte- 
more,  Thomas  Sparhavrk,  Esq.,  Joseph  Lee,  Esq.,  Captain 
Ebenezer  Stedman  and  Ca})tain  Thomas  Adams  to  efiect  a 
sale"  and  gave  them  more  peremptory  instructions  in  regard 
to  the  business.  Xo  I'ccord  of  a  sale  has  been  found.  There 
is,  however,  am])le  e^'idence  that  tlie  town  of  Cambridge 
sold  the  land  in  several  lots  prcviovis  to  1770.  In  17 OS, 
Captain  Thomas  Adams  owned  a  portion  of  the  farm  and 
sold  to  his  sou  John  Adams  one  hundred  acres  of  land  "Ijeing 
a  part  of  Cambridge  Grant,"  and  later  he  sold  to  Joshua 
Billings  eighty  acres  adjoining.  In  1772,  the  town  of  Cam- 
bridge enter  on  record  an  inventory  of  notes  and  mojiey 
"being  the  proceeds  of  the  sale  of  Cambridge  farm."  This 
record  includes  a  note  given  by  Isaac  Stearns  of  Billerica  for 
two  hundred  pounds,  dated  June  3,  176.');  a  note  given  by 
Sanmel  Eussell  of  Cambridge  for  ninety-four  pounds,  six 
shillings  and  eight  pence,  dated  August  4,  1760  ;  and  a  note 
given  by  Antil  Gallop  of  Cambridge  for  one  hundred  and 
thirty-three  pounds,  six  shillings-  and  eight  pence,  dated 
August  5,  1771. 

dSo  conveyance  from  the  town  of  Cambridge  or  its  com- 
mittee is  found  on  record,  nor  is  it  easy  to  discover  in  what 
manner  Gallop  and  Kussell  disposed  of  their  land.  In  regard 
to  the  land  owned  by  Isaac  Stearns  the  records  in  a  more 
accommodating  spirit  announce  that  he  sold  seventy-tive 
acres  to  Samuel  Adams  in  1769,  and  one  hundred  and  foily 
acres  in  1772  to  Simeon  Proctor  and  the  same  year  two 
hundred  and  fifty  acres  to  Ebenezer  Fletcher.  In  all  of 
these  deeds  the  premises  are  described  "as  a  pai-t  of  the 
Bridge  fiirm  or  Cambridge  grant."     It  has  been  frequently 



■•'  THE   EAKT.Y  GPvANTS.       "  So 

assertod  uiid  quite  generally  liolit'ved  that  llii.s  land  wa.'^  once 
the  cberislied  projievty  of  Harvard  University.  An  exliaus- 
tive  search  of  t!)e  records  of  that  institution  not  only  fails  to 
discover  any  proof  of  the  allegation  Ijut  tinds  an.iple  evidence 
that  the  flivorite  tradition  is  unsippported  and  erroneous. 
Jn  the  succeeding  chapters  the  families  bearing  the  name  of 
Adams,  Russell,  Billings  and  Fletcher,  which  have  been  intro- 
duced in  tliese  proceedings,  will  be  found  in  continued  occu- 
pancy of  the  pre7ni>es. 

III.  Thp:  LextxCtTOX  GitAXX. — It  already  appears  that 
this  grant  was  simultaneous  MJth  the  Cambridge  gTant,  and 
for  tlie  same  ct-nsideration.  'J'he  survey  was  returned  under 
date  of  September  18,  and  tlie  grant  was  confirmed  Xovember 
21,  1734.  Ebenezer  Prescott  was  surveyor  and  Ejjhraim 
AVelherbee  and  Isaac  Townsend  v^'ere  chainmen.  The  report 
of  tlie  survey  is  here  given  :  '    '      " 

At  the  Request  of-  Capt.  Boinan  and  other  Gentlemen  of 
Lexington  I  have  laid  out  pursuant  unto  a  grant  of  lOuO  acres 
for  t\v)  support  of  Cambridge  Bridge,  at  Stogers  west  of  Little 
"Wctatuck  beginning  4G  perches  S  12  d.  west  from  Lunenburg  [now 
Fitchburg]  Corner  on  South  west  side  of  Little  Wetatuck  to  a 
heap  of  stones  then  running  N.  W.  29  d.  N  320  perches  as  the 
shanmon  [chrdir.ocn]  say  to  a  ITemlock  with  stones  marked  with 
L  about  IG  p  *  *  off.  then  turning  S.  W.  29  ^Y  500  perches  to  a 
Hemlock  then  turning  S  E  29  d  S  320  perches  to  a  rock  with  stones 
laid  on  it.  Then  Turning  N.  E.  29^  d.  E  175  perches  to  the  line 
of  Cambridge's  1000  acres.  Then  turning  North  10  perches  by 
the  line  of  said  Cambritlge  corner  and  then  turning  by  Cambridge 
Line  40  perches  and  then  to  the  bounds  fir.4  mentioned  N  E  29'^ 
E.     One  perch  allowance  in  50  for  swag  of  chain. 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  northwest  corner  of  Cambridge 
tarm  enters  one  side  of  this  grant,  cuffing  from  it  one  and 
one-fourth  acres.  Accompanying  the  survey  is  a  map  detin- 
lug  the  location  of  the  brooks  and  of  two  meadows.     Within 


the  outlines  of  the  hirircr  of  these  is  written  "  Sto^^-ers  medov>' '" 
which  clothes  tliis  ntune  with  considenible  untiquity.  On 
this  map,  AN'ard  })ond  is  represented  a  short  distance  north 
of  the  grant,  but  no  name  is  applied  to  it.  The  brook  llow- 
ing  from  it  is  styled  Souhegen  in  one  place  and  Sougan  iu 
another.  The  to\\'n  of  Jvexington  received  no  benetit  fi'om 
the  grant  for  more  than  twenty  years,  when  the  town  voted 
"to  sell  tlie  Bridge  farm,  so  called,  that  lies  in  Dorchester 
Canada,  and  choose  AVilliam  Iveed,  El)enezer  Fiske  and  John 
Stone  to  conduct  the  sale."  In  a  deed  dated  December  31, 
1757,  the  whole  tract  was  sold  to  seven  German  emigrants 
for  two  hundred  and  eighty  pounds,  who,  with  others  of  the 
same  nationality,  immediately  settled  upon  their  new  posses- 
sions. The  origin  of  the  name  of  Dutch  farms  is  here  easily 

IV.  The  Bluefip:ld  Geaxt.  —  This  grant  of  four 
hundred  and  lifty  acres  was  made  to  secure  the  maintcuanee 
of  a  house  of  entertainment  upon  the  line  of  the  Xorthtield 
road,  which  was  laid  out  through  this  town  previous  to  the 
charter  of  Dorchester  Canada.  This  grant  was  loca.ted  in 
the  northwest  part  of  the  town,  and  upon  botL  sides  of  that 
ancient  road.  In  what  manner  the  name  of  Bluefield  became 
associated  with  this  grant,  is  uncertain.  The  earliest  records 
refer  to  the  Bluetield  farm  and  to  the  Bluelield  road,  but 
attentive  research  tinds  no  explanation  of  this  use  of  the  word. 
Tradition,  ever  ready  with  suggestions,  asserts,  but  without 
proof,  that  ]\[r.  Bluelield  lived  here  once  upon  a  time, 
but  the  only  indisputable  thing  that  we  can  assert  about 
Bluefield,  is  our  complete  ignorance  coiicerning  its  origin. 
Happily,  the  history  of  the  grant  is  less  obscure  than  its 
name.  To  several  prominent  citizens  of  Lunenburg  had 
been  granted  large  tracts  of  land  in  the  southwest  part  of 
New  Hampshire,  above  Xorthheld.     These  gentlemen  mani- 

I      A  ■ 


festo.l  a  lively  interest  in  tlic  coiisfnictioii   nnd  iiininteiumce 
of  tlie  "  £ri"eat  toikI  from  Luaenburir  to   Xortlitiold  and  the 
new  towns  at  Asliuelot."     In  the  autumn  of  1734.  Benjamin 
]k'llo\vs.  Ililkiah   Boynton  and  ]Moses   Willard  joined   in   a 
petition  for  a  grant  of  land  to  be  located  at  some  convenient 
point  on  the  line  of  the  road.     The  petition  sets  forth  that 
the  entire  length  o^^  the    road  is  forty-two   miles,  and  that 
about  twenty-four  miles   from  Lunenburg  there  is  a  "  house 
of   entertainment  set   u})  to   the  great   ease  and  comfort  of 
persons    travelling   that   ri^ad,"   and    continues:    "and  your 
Petitioners  ai)})rchending  it  would  greatly  accomodate  'J'ravel- 
lers  laore  esj^ecially  in  AVinter  seasons  to  have  another  House 
of  Entertainment  between    Lunenliurg  and  that  alread}'  set 
up  Humbly  })etition  your  Excellency  and  this  Hon"''  Court 
to  make  them  a  (irant  of  Land,  i)i  some   suilal»ic  place  if  it 
be   found  on  said  Koad,  of  four  hundred  and  fifty  acres  of 
land."     In  answer  to  this  petition,  the  General  Court,  ]S'ovem- 
ber  28,  1734,  granted  four  hundred  and  tifty  acres  on  the 
line  of  the  road  and   "near  to   Lexington  Farm.''     It  was 
stij^ulated  in  the  grant  that  the  survey  should  be  made  and 
returned  within  six  months.     The  survey  was  not  made  until 
July  2,  1735,  for  the  reasons  set  forth  in  another  petition 
f^o]n  the  same  gentlemen  : 

The  Petition  of  Bcnjainiu  Bellows  for  himself  Ililkiah  Boyu- 
toa  and  Moses  Willard  :  — 

Humbly  She\veth, 

That  ou  the  2.sth  Day  of  November  1734  your  Exelency  and 
Honours  were  pleased  to  Grant  your  Petitioners  four  Hundred  and 
fifty  Acres  of  Land  To  be  Laved  out  iu  a  rt-guler  form  on  the  new 
Road  from  Lunenburg  to  Northfield  ^Yithin  six  mouths  from  y'= 
giant  afoi-cs'''  On  the  Conditions  mentioned  and  Expressed  in  the 
Grant  and  order  of  Court. 

That  your  Petitioners  Soon  after  the  making  of  said  Grant  were 
about  to  Lav  out  the  Land  granted  Accordingly  ;  And   upon   the 

1     M; 


saiil  Koiul  as  then  markrd  out  viewed  a  Tract  for  that  purpose 
but  were  told  l.y  Coll.  Wiliard  and  others  Concoriied  in  Said  Koad 
That  it  would  be  iiece^.^^ary  to  alter  the  Same  and  if  Ave  Should  Laj' 
out  the  Land  before  the  Koad  was  Altered  it  might  not  ansv,er  the 
end  proposed  vi:^.  the  entertainment  of  Travaillers  cVe.  which 
oecassioued  Your  Petitioners  to  ])elay  Laying  out  and  Uuilding  on 
said  Land  Till  the  Time  Given  3'onr  Petitioners  was  Elapsed. 
Since  Which  Your  I'etitioners  by  the  Advice  and  the  Desire  of 
Col'  Wiliard  and  Others  Chiefly  conceriied  in  said  Koad  have 
Laved  Out  the  Said  Tract  as  Discribed  in  the  plat  herewith  pre- 
sented and  built  thereon  a  Good  Dwelling  House  And  furnished 
the  Same  for  y'^  Entertainment  of  Travailers,  Cleared  a  consider- 
able Quantity  of  Land  and  Got  Hay  SuUlcient  for  the  Accomoda- 
tion of  all  Travailers  using  Said  Road  and  have  Inhabited  for 
more  Than  Six  months  Last  past. 

And  Inasmuch  as  the  only  Reason  of  your  Petitioners  neglect- 
ing to  Lay  out  and  comply  with  the  Conditious  of  said  Grant  was 
That  the  Good  Ends  proposed  thereby  might  not  be  frustrated 
and  Travaillers  y*'  better  accomodated. 

Therefore  Your  Petitioners  Most  Humbly  pray  your  Exelency 
&  Honours  would  be  pleased  to  accept  the  said  plat  and  Confirm 
the  Land  therein  discribed  To  your  petitioners  their  heirs  &  assigns 
forever.  On  Condition  they  perform  upon  the  Same  within  Twelve 
months  next  coming  All  Things  enjoynod  them  in  the  Conditions 
of  y^  Grant  afores"^  they  have  omitted  ;  The  Time  being  Elapsed 
as  afores'^  notwithstanding. 
.  And  Your  Petitioners  as  bound  in  Duty  shall  ever  pray. 


Tis  hereby  certifyed  that  what  is  Above  Suggested  Eospecting 
the  Turning  the  Road  and  the  Petitioners  building  and  Improving 
upon  the  Land  is  true. 


The  date  of  this  petition  docs  not  appear  but  it  was  written 
between  July  2,  1735,  the  date  of  the  survey,  and  January 
17,   173(3-7,  when  the  General  Court  continned  the  grant. 


■■'   TJIE    V.AKLY  GPvA^"^S.  39" 

V\'it]j  the  ori^'-innl  papers  in  the  Slate  are])ives  ou  tin's  sul>jeet 
is  the  rei)ort  of  David  Farrar,  tlie  surveyov,  in  whicli  it  is 
stated  that  the  giant  is  located  on  the  Xortlitleld  road,  ])artly 
on  the  iil'teenth  and  partly  on  the  sixteenth  miles  from  Lunen- 
burg, tliat  it  was  laid  out  in  the  form  of  a  rectangle  two  luin- 
dred  and  eightA'-four  by  two  liundred  and  seventy  rods,  with 
about  one  rod  in  thirty  allowance  for  uneven  ground  ;  tliat 
the  direction  of  the  southern  l)oundary  is  north  70^  east,  two 
liundred  and  eighty-four  rods  ;  and  is  l)ounded  on  all  sides  I)}' 
unappropriated  land.  It  is  also  stated  that  tlic  southwest 
corne]'  is  forty  or  tifty  rods  soutli  of  a  brook  and  meadow. 
Ou  the  plan  is  represented  the  Xorthtield  road  entering  the 
gi-aut  ten  rods  north  of  the  southeast  corner  and  extending 
north  17°  west,  until  it  leaves  it  near  the  centre  of  the  north- 
ern side.  In  the  ea.-terly  part  of  this  grant  is  the  tarm  of  the 
late  Deacon  Daniel  Jones  and  in  the  western  part  is  the  Xo. 
7  school-house.  In  1737,  the  grantees  sold  tlic  whole  tract  to 
William  Jones  and  Ephraini  AVetherbee.  both  of  Lunenburg, 
for  ninety  pounds.  The  same  year  ]\[r.  AVetherl)ee  sold  his 
interest  to  Ephraiin  AVheeler  of  Lancaster.  In  these  ancient 
deeds  it  is  called  the  Bellows  farm  and  the  name  of  Bluetield 
does  not  a})pear.  AVilliam  Jones  died  in  17^1.  In  his  will 
his  interest  in  this  land  is  devised  to  two  of  his  sons,  Enos 
and  Isaac.  The  latter  son  died  soon  after  the  death  of  his 
honored  father  and  the  heirs,  in  1773,  joined  in  a  deed  con- 
veying their  interest  to  Enos  who  was  then  residing  on  the 

V.  The  Coxverse  Grant.  —  Several  grants  of  land 
were  bestowed  upon  the  heirs  of  ]Major  James  Converse  of 
Woburn  in  recognition  of  distinguished  seiwice  rendered  the 
colony,  among  them  was  a  grant  of  four  hundred  acres  of  land 
located  in  this  town.  In  the  House  of  Representatives, 
December  9,  1734,  it  was  ordered  that  the  petition  of  Robert 


aiul  Josiah  Convcvse,  soPiS  of  Major  Jaincs  Converse,  be 
revived  and  that  thov  be  i^ranled  fonr  liniidred  acic-^  on  (lie 
condition  lliat  "  M'ilhin  iive  years  t]ie  i)elitioners  settle  two 
families  on  tJie  granted  i)reniises,  each  of  wliicli  to  have  an 
house  of  eighteen  i'cct  square  and  seven  feet  stud  at  the  least 
and  four  acres  each  In-ouirlit  to  and  ploM'ed  oj-  stocked  v:ith 
English  gTassand  fitted  for  mowing."  The  land  was  surveyed 
by  Joseph  "Wilder  in  ]\Iay  and  the  title  confirmed  by  the  Gcn- 
-eral  Court  June  10,  ]7o.3.  The  descriptive  portion  of  tliese 
]3apers  is  as  follows  : 

Said  land  lietb  on  tlic  northerly  side  of  one  of  the  towns  called 
!Narragansett  viz  :  No.  2  and  hounds  Southerly  thereon.  Easterly 
it  bounds  on  a  farm  of  four  hundred  acres  laid  out  to  the  heirs  of 
Thomas  Starr,  Northerly  and  Westerly  by  common  or  province 
lauds.  It  began  at  stake  and  stones  the  South  Corner  of  the 
aforesaid  farm  and  from  thence  it  ran  with  it  North  18  degrees 
West  three  hundred  and  thirty  Hods  to  a  stake  and  stones;  from 
thence  it  ran  west  18  degrees  South  Two  hundred  and  Eight  rods 
to  a  stake  and  stones ;  and  from  thence  it  ran  South  Eighteen 
degrees  East  three  hundred  and  thirty  Rods  to  the  aforesaid  Nar- 
ragansett  line  to  a  stake  and  stones  and  then  v/ith  said  line  East 
18  degrees   North  two  hundred  and  eight  rods  to  where  it  began. 

In  othei-  terms  this  grant  was  located  on  the  Westminster 
line  extending  west  from  the  Starr  grant  nearly  to  South 
Ashburnham  village.  Robert  Converse  immediately  sold  his 
interest  to  Ids  l)rothcr  Josiah,  who  sold  it  to  Gershom  Keyes 
of  Boston,  Octob(>r  10,  17;b'),  for  one  hundred  and  fifty 
pounds.  It  jiasses  through  several  hands  and  is  soon  sold  to 
Ilezekiah  Gates,  who  in  17 IT,  sold  it  to  Jose})h  Wilder,  Jr., 
and  as  stated  it  then  became  a  part  of  the  AVikler  liirm. 

VI.  Thr  PvOLrE  Gkaxt. — Rev.  Benjamin  Rolfe,  the 
second  minister  of  Haverhill,  was  slain  by  the  Indians  in 
their  attack  upon  that  town  August  20,  170S.     His  wife  and 

1'    ■■  ^".:.>:i 


oiic  cliild  v.ore  also  killed.  '"Two  dauirlilors  were  prcsorved 
1)}-  Hairar,  tlie  maid  servant,  wlio  covered  Ibcin  with  luhs  in 
the  cellar, "  A  son  also  esca])ed  as  a})pears  in  the  records  of 
this  iTi'ant.  Tlie  survivino;  children  arc  petitioners  in  IVSiS 
for  a  tract  of  land  on  account  of  the  service  of  their  father 
and  v^'crc  L^-anted  six  hundred  acres  which  subseciuently 
]>ecame  and  still  remains  an  important  ]>art  of  this  town. 
The  records  of  the  General  Court  recites  tlie  petition  in  these 
words  : 

A  Petition  of  Benjamin  Rolfe  and  the  Kest  of  the  heirs  of  the 
Rev'  M'  Henjamin  Rolfe,  late  of  Haverhill  deceased,  show- 
ing that  his  said  father  was  employed  divers  times  as  Chap- 
lin to  the  Forces  in  the  late  wars  and  once  in  an  actual 
Engagement  with  the  Indian  Enemy  and  afterwards  settled  in 
the  work  of  the  Ministry  at  Haverhill  where  he  with  their 
mother  was  killed  by  the  Indians  and  therefore  praying  that  this 
Court  would  Grant  to  tlie  Pef  and  his  sisters  some  of  the 
wa*te  lands  of  the  Province. 

In  response  to  their  petition  the  General  Court  June  17, 
178."),  p-anted  six  hundred  acres.  The  land  was  surveyed 
by  Joseph  Wilder,  previous  to  Xovcmher  7,  when  the  chain- 
men,  John  Bennett  and  Joseph  AVlieelock,  made  oath  that 
they  had  i^erformed  the  service  "  without  favor  or  aticction 
and  according  to  their  best  judgment."  The  grant  was 
confirmed  December  23,  173.5. 

This  tract  of  land,  known  many  years  as  the  llolfe  farm, 
is  located  in  the  southeast  corner  of  this  town  between  the 
Stan-  and- the  Cambridge  grants.  It  is  l)ou)idcd  east  120 
rods  by  Fitchburg,  south  414  rods  by  Westminster,  west 
330  rods  by  the  Starr  grant,  and  northerly  320  rods  by 
Cambridge  grant  and  a  line  of  210  rods  joining  the  corners 
of  the  two  last  named  grants.  Phillips'  Brook  and  the  Fitch- 
burg road   divide   this  tract   into  two   unequal  portions,  the 


greater  ];art  lying  cast  of  them.  Xortlicrly  it  exiends  one 
mile  from  tlie  AVestminster  line  or  to  the  farm  of  the  late 
Dr.  Merrick  \7allace.  The  Rolfe  heirs  retained  the  grant 
until  17.30  when  it  was  sold  to  John  Greenwood  of  lio.^ton 
for  two  hundred  and  tliirty  pounds.  lie  sold  it  out  in  the 
years  immediately  following  in  seveiiil  lots,  and  in  this  way 
it  came  into  the  possession  of  the  eai'ly  settlers. 

y.TI.  The  DoiiCHESTER  Caxada  or  Towxsjiip  Grant. 
— The  immediate  consideration  leading  to  the  grant  of  this 
townshi})  and  other.s  in  the  vicinity,  is  found  in  connection 
with  the  ex})edition  to  Canada  in  1(100.  The  story  of  this 
ill-fated  exploit  fomns  an  interesting  chapter  in  the  early  his- 
tory of  New  England.  The  hardships  and  misfortunes  of 
the  hazardous  enterprise  were  shared  by  companies  of  sol- 
diers from  Dorchester,  Iixswich,  Rowley  and  many  other 
towns  in  the  colony.  In  fitting  out  a  Ibrce  of  two  thousand 
soldiers  and  thirty-two  shijis  the  treasury  of  the  colony  was- 
so  greatly  depleted  that  nothing  was  left  for  the  payment  of 
the  soldiers  on  their  return.  In  this  emergency  the  colony 
resorted  to  the  issue  of  treasury  notes  to  the  amount  of  one 
hundred  and  thirty-three  thousand  pounds  which  was  the 
first  paper  money  c\ev  issued  in  New  England.  These  notes, 
founded  sim})ly  on  the  good  intentions  of  an  impoverished 
colony,  so  rapidly  depreciated  in  value  that  the  soldiers,  to 
whom  they  had  been  paid,  sought  indemnitj'  from  the  Gen- 
eral Court.  For  a  long  time  their  solicitations  were  persis- 
tently pressed  and  renewed  without  avail  until  an  era  of 
grants  of  land  came  to  their  relief.  About  173"),  after  many 
of  the  petitioners  were  dead,  the  General  Court,  intluenccd, 
possibly,  as  nmch  ])y  a  newly  formed  policy  of  encouraging 
settlements  along  the  line  of  the  disputed  boundaries  betv,'een 
New  Hampshire  and  Massachusetts,  as  by  any  other  consid- 
eration, granted  a  township  to  each  company  of  sixty  soldiers 

,':)  ■■ » 


.  .'7 


and  the  heirs  of  those  deceased.  On  aecouitt  of  the  service 
for  'which  they  were  bestowed  liiese  gnuits  -were  styled 
Canada  townshij^s  and  tiiey  generally  received  the  additional 
name  of  the  town  in  whicii  a  majority  of  the  petitioners 
resided.  To  the  soldiers  from  }3orc]iester  were  assigned 
this  town  Y\'hich  bore  the  name  of  Dorchester  Canada  many 
yeai's.  In  the  same  manner  and  at  the  same  time  was 
grunted  Ipswich  Canada,  now  '\A'inchendon,  and  immediately 
after  Eowley  Cana.da,  now  Jiindge.  There  were  man}'  other 
Canada  to^vnshij)s  but  not  in  this  innnediate  vicinity.  The 
adjustment  of  the  province  line  found  several  of  these  town- 
ships in  Xew  Hampshire  aud  tlicir  charters  were  aimuUed, 

In  January,  1735,  the  (xcneral  Court,  premonitory  to  some 
action  in  the  premises,  ordered  the  a})pointment  of  a  com- 
mittee to  take  into  consideration  these  petitions  of  the  soldiers- 
and  '"report  Avhat  may  be  proper  for  the  Court  to  do."  The 
day  following,  the  committee  cleared  tlie  deck  for  action  in 
recommendi]ig  that  a  township  of  six  mik^s  squai'e  be  gTanted 
to  every  collection  of  sixty  soldiers  or  the  heirs  of  those 
deceased  and  that  these  grants  be  located  between  the  ]\Ierri- 
mack  and  Connecticut  rivers.  Tlie  committee  further  recom- 
mended that  these  grants  be  given  under  certain  restrictions, 
which  need  not  be  stated  in  this  connection,  as  they  arc 
repeated  in  the  charters  that  were  subsequently  enacted^ 
^\'ithout  great  delay,  four  townships  were  granted  under  one 
charter  which  i)assed  the  House  June  10,  the  Council  June 
18,  and  was  approved  by  Governor  Belcher,  December  29, 
1735.  In  the  order  named  in  tlie  charter  these  towns  are 
now  known  as  Warwick,  Ashburnham,  Guilford,  Vermont, 
and  Winchendon,  and  all  of  them  are  of  equal  age.  Should 
the  neighboring  towns,  Ashburnham  and  Wincheudon,  con- 
tend for  the  honors  of  antiquity,  we  can  enjoy  the  ample 
consolation  that  in  the  charter,  the  name  of  Tilestone  })recedes. 
that  of  Tilton. 


44  IIISTOUY    OF    ASHDUKXirAM.  • 

It  would  be  easy  to  be  led  into  tlie  error  of  presinainir  that 
each  of  these  towns  was  created  under  a  sjx'ciik-  crant,  for 
the  Deputy  Secretary  made  copies  for  the  grantees  of  each 
town.  In  some  of  them,  at  least,  is  omitted  all  i-eference  to 
the  three  remaining:  towns.  These  copies  have  been  mis- 
taken for  independent  cliarters.  11ie  quadripartite  grant  or 
charter  is  here  given  :  i 

In  the  House  of  Representatives  June  10,  1735. 

In  Answer  to  the  four  Petitious  of  Samuel  Newel  and  others, 
Thomas  Tilestone  and  others,  Samuel  Gallop  and  others,  and 
Abraham  Tilton  and  others  : 

Voted,  That  four  Several  Tracts  of  Land  for  Townships  each  of 
the  Contents  of  Six  Miles  Square  be  Laid  out  in  Suitable  Places 
in  tlie  western  Parts  of  this  Province  and  that  the  whole  of  each 
Town  bo  laid  out  into  Sixty  three  equal  Shares,  one  of  which  to 
be  for  the  first  Settled  minister,  one  to  be  for  the  use  of  the  Minis- 
try and  one  for  the  School ;  and  that  on  the  other  Sixty  Shares  in 
each  Town  there  be  Sixty  Settlers  admitted  and  in  tlie  atbnissiou 
thereof  Preference  to  be  given  to  the  Petvtioners  and  such  as  are 
Descendents  of  the  ofllcers  and  souldcrs  who  Served  in  the  Expe- 
-  dition  to  Canada  in  the  year  1G90.  Viz  one  Tract  of  Laud  for  a 
Township  to  the  said  Samuel  Newell  &  otlicrs,  one  other  Tract  of 
Land  to  the  said  Thomas  Tilestone  and  others,  one  other  Tract  of 
Land  to  the  said  Samuel  Gallop  and  others  and  the  other  Tract  of 
Land  to  the  said  Abraham  Tilton  a!ul  otliers  and  in  Case  there  be 
not  a  sunicient  number  of  Persons  named  in  each  of  the  said  four 
Petitions  as  ware  either  oOlcers  or  Sonlders  in  the  said  Expedition 
or  the  Descendants  of  Such  as  were  lost  or  are  since  Deceased  So 
as  to  make  Sixt}'  Settlers  for  each  Town.  Tliat  then  Such  others 
as  ware  in  the  Expedition  or  tlieir  Descendants  be  admitted  Set- 
tlers there  untell  Sixty  Persons  in  each  Town  be  admitted  and 
inasmuch  as  tlie  officers  and  Sonlders  in  that  Expedition  ware  very 
great  Sufferers  and  underwent  uncommon  Hardships,  Voted  that 
this  Province  be  at  the  Sole   Charge  of  laying  out  the  said  four 



Townships  in  a  Kegular  mnnner  rani  of  admilting  the  Settlers.  — 
That  the  Settlers  or  Grantees  be  and  hereby  are  obliged  to  bring 
forward  the  Settlement  of  the  said  four  Tov/nships  in  as  Ecgular  & 
defensible  a  manner  as  the  Situation  and  the  Circumstances  of  the 
Places  will  admit  of,  and  that  iti  the  following  manner,  Viz,  That 
they  be  on  the  Granted  Premises  Respectively  and  have  each  of 
them  an  House  of  eighteen  Feet  square  and  seven  Feet  stud  at  the 
least.  Thnt  each  Right  or  Grant  have  six  Acres  of  Laud  brought 
to  and  Plowed  or  brought  to  English  Grass  and  i'.ticd  for  mowing. 
That  they  respectively  Settle  in  each  Plantatiou  or  Township  a 
Learned  and  Orthodox  minister  and  Bild  a  Convenient  j\[eetin'T 
House  for  the  Publick  "Worship  of  God  in  each  Township.  The 
>vliole  of  these  Conditions  to  bo  duly  complied  v*-ith  within  five 
years  from  the  Confirmation  of  the  Plats. 

And  that  John  Bowles  and  John  Metcalf  Esq"^  with  such  as  the 
Honourable  Board  shall  appoint  be  the  Committee  for  laying  out 
the  Township  hereby  Granted  to  Sanuiel  Newell  and  others ; 
Thomas  Tilestoue  Esq'  and  M'  William  Royall  with  such  as  the 
Honourable  Board  shall  appoint  shall  be  the  Committee  for 
laying  out  the  Township  hereby  granted  to  Thomas  Tilestoue  & 
others  ;  Charles  Church  and  Joseph  2^Iason  Esq'''  with  such  as  the 
Honourable  Board  shall  appoint  be  the  Conimittce  for  laying  out 
the  Township  hereby  granted  to  Samuel  Gallop  and  others  ;  and 
Cap'  John  Ilobsou  and  Cap'  John  Choale  with  such  as  the 
Honoura^''''  Board  shall  appoint  be  the  Committee  for  Laying  out 
the  Township  hereby  granted  to  Abraham  Tilton  &  others,  for 
laying  out  the  Townships  Respectively  Sc  admitting  the  Settlers 
as  aforesaid  who  shall  take  Bond  of  each  Grantee  to  the  Value  of 
Twenty  Pounds  to  the  Province  Treasurer  for  the  Respective 
Grantees  Fullfillment  of  the  Conditions  of  their  Grants  each  lot  as 
aforesaid  to  be  entitled  to  and  draw  future  Divisions  in  equal 
Proportions  in  the  Townships  or  Plantations  Respectively  and  that 
the  Committee  return  the  Plats  of  the  said  Townships  to  this 
Court  within  twelve  mouths  for  Confirmation,  i;s  also  a  List  of  the 
Names  of  the  Respective  Grantees  and  their  Place  of  Residence 
into  the  Secretarys  Office  that  so  the  same  ma}^  be  examined  and 


liogulnted  by  a  Cominittce  that  may  be  hereafter  for  that  Purpose 

appointed  by  the  Court  and  further  it  is  ordered  that  iu  cose  any 

of  the  Grantees  sliall  neglect  or  delay  to  fullfiU  tlie  Terms  of  this 

Grant  such  Person  or  Persons  shall  forfeit  to  the  Province  all  his 

or  their  Right  and  Interest  iu  the  land  hereby  granted. 

Sent  up  for  Concurrence 

J.   QUINCY,  Spkr. 

In  Council  June  18  1735  :  — 

Read  &  Concurred,  and  ordered  that  William  Dudley  Esq'  be 
joyned  to  the  Committee  for  laying  out  tlie  first  'J'ownship,  Joseph 
Wilder  Esq""  for  tlic  second,  Edward  Goddard  Esq''  for  the  third 
?nd  Thomas  Berry  Esq'  for  the  fourth  To\\^nship. 

J.    WILLARD    Sec'> 

December  29  Consented  to  J.    BELCHER. 

Immediately  following  tlie  gi'anl  of  these  townships  the 
General  Court  instructed  the  several  connnittees  charged  with 
the  distril)ution  of  the  land  to  give  "preference  to  the  eldest 
male  lieir  if  such  there  be  otherwise  to  the  eldest  female" 
and  that  tlie  heir  of  any  soldier  deceased  receiving  a  right  or 
one-sixtieth  ]iart  of  a  township,  "shall  pay  the  other  descend- 
ants or  heirs  of  the  deceased  soldier  their  proportionable  part 
of  ten  pounds."  These  connnittees  were  further  instructed 
to  exercise  "the  Best  Care  they  Can  in  Examining  and  Keg- 
nlating  the  Claims  of  all  Persons  that  shall  appear  as  Heirs, 
Descendants  or  Ivepresentatives  to  make  and  keepe  fair  Lists 
of  the  names  and  Places  of  liesidence  of  tlie  Pespective  Gran 
tecs  or  Settlej-s  of  the  said  Towns  in  order  to  prevent  Mistakes 
in  settleins;  and  Rcc^ulatini;  the  Claims  and  admission  of  the 
Grantees."  At  the  same  time  it  was  ordered  that  if  the 
expense  of  surveying  and  admitting  settlers  exceed  fifty 
pounds  the  excess  should  be  paid  by  the  grantees.  The  for- 
mer vote  to  pay  tlie  whole  expense  had  been  in  consideration 
that  "the  officers  and  soldiers  in  that  expedition  ware  very 


THE  eauly  grants.  47 

irreat  suiTeivvs  and  iiudorwout  uncoiuinoii  JIardsliips."  In 
the  niiiended  vote -it  is  made  reasonably  certain  that  their  esti- 
mate of  tlie  gi-eat  sulFering  and  uncommon  hardship  of  every 
sixty  soldiers  and  the  heirs  of  those  deceased  did  not  exceed, 
when  expressed  in  financial  terms,  the  sum  of  fifty  pounds. 

Under  the  direction  of  the  committee  consisting  of  Joseph 
TVildev,  Tliomas  Tilcstonc  and  William  Ptoyal,  the  toAvnship 
of  Dorchester  Canada  Avas  promptly  surveyed  by  Jonas 
Houghton.  The  report  of  the  survey  dated  January,  1736, 
the  day  of  the  montli  omitted,  is  substantially  repeated  in  the 
act  of  coiiurmation  which  vras  passed  June  1,  1736.  <   •  . 

A  Plat  of  a  Tract  of  Six  miles  Square  Granted  to  Tlioruas 
Tilestone  Esq  &  others  for  a  Township  laid  out  by  Jouas  Hough- 
ton Survey'  aud  Chainmen  on  oath,  Bounding  Southerly  on  the 
Narragansett  Township  No  two  ;  Westerly  by  a  Township  laid 
out  for  Tiltou  &  others  Northerly  by  a  Township  laid  out  for 
Ipswich  aud  Easterly  part  on  Tovrnshcud  and  part  ou  Luncnhurg. 
It  begins  at  a  Hemlock  the  North  Easterly  Corner  of  the  said 
Narragansett  Town  &  Kuns  West  18  deg.  South  seven  Miles 
wanting  twenty  Jiods  from  thence  North  12  deg  East  Eight  miles 
&  two  hundred  Rods,  and  from  East  12  deg  Sonth  Seven  miles 
and  100  perch  from  thence  Southerly  by  said  Townshend  hue  One 
thousand  One  hundred  &  twenty  &  by  Lunenburg  line  Six  hun- 
dred &  twenty  Rods  to  where  it  first  began. 

In  the  House  of  Represent-'  :  Read  and  Ordered  that  the 
within  plat  bo  and  hereby  is  accepted  and  the  Lands  therein  Delin- 
eated &  Described  are  accordingly  Confirmed  to  the  Grantees 
Mentioned  in  the  Petition  of  Thomas  Tilestone  Esq'  and  others 
in  behalf  of  the  officers  and  Soldiers  in  the  Canada  Expedition 
Anno  1690  wdiich  passed  this  Court  in  their  late  Sittings  and  to 
their  heirs  and  assigns  and  Lawfull  Represent"  Respectively  for- 
ever :  they  Complying  with  the  Conditions  of  the  Grant.  Pro- 
vided the  Phat  exceeds  not  the  quantity  of  Six  Miles  Square  with 
an  addition  of   Three  Thousand  Eight   hundred   aud  Fifty  Acre 


formerly  Granted  and  coutaiued  in  the  plat  and  three  hundred 
acres  allowed  for  Ponds  and  docs  not  Interfere  with  an}'  Ibnner 
Grant.    . 

In  Council  Read  &  Concurred 

Consented  to  J.  BELCHER. 

Oar  new  township  now  usj,uines  the  name  of  Dorchester 
Canada,  whicli  it  retains  until  the  incorporation  of  Ashburn- 
ham  in  1765.  As  yet  it  is  merely  a  dotined  portion  of  the 
wilderness.  The  rudest  habitation  of  man  has  nowhere  a 
place  in  the  unbroken  forest.  The  echoes  from  the  Inistle 
and  activity  of  civilization  have  never  answered  back  from 
the  surrounding  hills  nor  lloatcd  over  the  lakes.  But  now 
the  compass  and  the  chain,  the  heralds  of  tlie  approach  of 
man,  hem  the  forests  within  the  pale  of  the  axe  and  the  torch 
and  the  greed  of  gain  fastens  its  despoiling  hands  upon  the 
hills  and  the  valleys  which  for  centuries  have  been  sleeping 
in  the  beauty  and  quietude  of  nature. 

The  intluences  which  guided  the  committee  to  this  locality 
c;ui  never  be  fully  known.  The  assignment  of  any  reaso]i, 
at  this  late  day,  is  speculative.  If  they  came  by  the  way  of 
Lunen/jurg  this  was  the  lirst  imappropriated  land  they  had 
found.  It  is  a  fact,  also,  that  one  of  the  conunittee  was  not 
a  stranger  to  the  place.  The  summer  preceding  Joseph 
Wilder  had  been  here  as  the  surveyor  of  the  Starr,  the 
Converse  and  the  Eolfe  grants. 

The  attentive  reader  has  observed  that  in  the  act  of  contir- 
matiou,  Dorchester  Canada  is  bounded  on  all  sides  by  town- 
ship lines.  A  literal  construction  of  the  terms  employed 
would  lead  to  the  conclusion  that  the  committee  here  found 
a  tract  of  unappropriated  hind  entirely  surrounded  by  estab- 
lished towns,  with  an  area  so  accommodating  that  an  exact 
equivalent  to  six  miles  square  was  conveniently  left  for  their 


1  V         •. 

1 .  . ; 

THE    EATJr.Y  GPvAXTS.  49 

acceptance.  Tlie  terms  delliiing-  the  Mesteni  njid  norihern 
])ouiidaries  need  c.\])Ianatioii.  At  this  time  TiUon's  to^vn  or 
Ipswich  Canada  had  not  ]jecn  surveyed,  l)ut  it  is  within  i-ea- 
son  to  infer  there  was  an  understandini^-  between  the  two 
committees  that  Ijjswich  Canada  was  to  be  located  next  "west 
of  Dorchester  Canada,  In  fact,  I])sm  ich  Canada  was  not  laid 
out  until  the  summer  following.  Xew  lps\N'i('h  bounding  on 
the  north  had  not  been  surve^^ed  at  this  time,  l»Lit  it  was 
located  before  Dorchester  Canada  was  conrtrmed.  The  south 
and  the  east  boundaries  were  already  established,  and  now  the 
surveyor  runs  the  M'ost  line  parallel  to  the  old  Lunenl)urg 
line  and  tlic  north  lino  at  a  right  angle  and  locates  them  so  as 
to  include  the  required  area. 

The  allowance  of  .3850  acres  for  former  grants  and  300  acres 
for  ponds  requii'ed  the  surveyor  to  lay  out  27,190  acres  instead 
of  23,0-10  stipulated  in  the  charter.  'J'he  survey  contained 
about  27,700  acres  which  was  not  an  muisual  allowance  for 
uneven  ground. 

In  this  account  of  the  several  grants  an  attempt  has  been 
made  to  discover  where  each  was  located  and  for  what  eon- 
sideratioli  it  was  bestowed.  An  outline  sketch,  at  the  close 
of  this  chapter,  presents  a  summary  view  of  the  form  and 
relative  position  of  the  township  and  tlie  six  smaller  and  earlier 
grants  which  were  included  within  its  boundaries.  The  la})se 
of  time  will  add  interest  to  these  initial  features  of  our  local 
history.  In  these  early  grants,  extending  wider  and  Avider 
from  the  centres  of  population,  new  fields  wei'e  dedicated  to 
the  occupancy  of  man.  To  this  poilion  of  the  Avilderness 
Avhich  has  now  been  located  and  outlined  the  succeeding 
chapters  will  welcome  the  arrival  of  the  settlers,  and  attend 
them  while  they  fell  the  forest,  build  houses  for  their 
families,  establish  churches  and  schools  and  wisely  direct  the 
civil  afFiHrs  of  the  new  settlement. 



MuiiY  of  llie  persons  n;nii(--d  in  tins  cliai)ter  "will  a])poar 
again.  Unless  incidentally  nientioncd  (he  n.anies  of  others 
associated  ^vitli  these  events  will  not  lie  repeal<'d  in  the  fol- 
loM'ing  cha])ters.  El)enezer  Prescott,  Jonas  Houghton  and 
David  Farrai',  the  surveyors,  were  residents  of  Lancaster. 
Jonas  Houghton  was  alst)  emjdoyed  in  the  original  survey  of 
Xew  Ipswich.  Ephraini  AVetherbee  and  llilkiah  Boynton 
were  of  Lunenburg.  I^jhraiiu  A^'ethcrbee  >ras  chainnian  for 
Nathan  He}- wood  in  the  tirst  survey  of  Eindgc.  Colonel 
Josiah  and  ^Sloses  AVillard  Avere  leading  men  in  Lunenburg 
at  the  date  of  their  niention  in  this  chapter.  They  ^vcre 
among  the  grantees  of  AVincliester,  New  Hampshire,  and 
became  ])roininent  in  the  amuds  of  Clieshire  county.  Their 
only  interest  in  this  town  was  in  connectioi]  Avith  the  Xorth- 
tield  road  which  extended  through  the  to^vnship  and  opeiied 
a  way  to  their  lands  in  Xew  Hampshire. 

Colonel  Benjamin  Bellows  was  also  of  Lunenburg  at  this 
date.  Su!)sequently  he  removed  to  "Walpole,  X"ew  Hamp- 
shire, whicli  for  a  time  was  called  Bellowstown.  Cond)ined 
with  a  remarkable  business  capacity  ^vere  cnei'gy  and  deci- 
sion of  character.  It  Avas  Ids  son  Benjann'n  who  was  a 
general  in  the  Ecvolution  and  through  a  long  and  useful  life 
distinguished  in  civil  atVairs. 

Major  James  Converse  was  of  AVoburn  Avhcre  he  closed  an 
active  and  eventful  life  July  S,  170G,  He  was  a  mcudjer  of 
the  General  Court  and  three  times  elected  speaker  of  the 
House.  In  unlitary  afi'airs  he  was  equally  distinguished  and 
his  gallant  defence  of  Storer's  garrison  in  KiSS  is  mentioned 
in  comidimentary  terms  in  the  histories  of  the  time.  His 
sons,  Robert  and  Josiadi,  to  whom  the  land  in  this  town  Nvas 
granted  on  account  of  the  service  of  their  father,  were  intlu- 
ential  citizens  of  \Vo])urn,  although  for  a  short  time  Josiah 
is  found  residinji  in  I^eicester. 


A  B  —  Ipswich  Canada  Line —  South  part  now  in  Gardner. 
B  C  —  New  Ipswich  Line  —  now  New  Ipswich  and  Rindge. 
CD  —  Old  Townseud  Line  —  now  in  Ashb}-. 
D  E  —  Old  Lunenburg  Line  —  now  Fitchburg. 
A  E  —  AYestminster  Line  —  West  part  now  in  Gardner. 
I  —  Starr  Grant. 
II  —  Cambridge  Grant. 

III  —  Lexington  Grant. 

IV  — Bluefield  Grant. 
V  —  Converse  Grant.  . 

\T--Rolfe  Grant. 
VII — Dorchester  Canada. 

i  IV 











DoiiCHESTER  Canada  now  foils  into  the  possession  of  its 
new  i)roprietors.  Three  shares  or  rights  are  reserved  for 
public  uses,  and  sLxty  arc  bestowed  upon  the  persons  con- 
templated by  the  charter.  Thus  each  person  to  whom  is 
allotted  a  right  becomes  the  owner  of  one  sixty-third  part  of 
the  township.  The  committee  promptly  completed  the  ser- 
vice enjoined  in  the  cliarter  by  naming  the  persons  who  were 
entitled  to  a  share  in  the  grant.  Fifty-four  riiihts  were 
besto^v  ed  on  account  of  service  under  Captain  John  AVithinjz- 
ton  of  Dorchester,  and  six  to  the  soldiers,  or  their  lea'al  rep- 
resentatives, in  other  companies.  Foi-tunately  the  report  of 
this  committee  has  been  preserved.  It  presents  a  sad  record 
of  mortality.  Only  one  soldier,  Philip  Godding,  comes  for- 
ward and  receives  in  person  this  late  rewai-d  for  service  to  the 
colony.     It  is  certain,   however,  that   a   few  others,    repre- 



sented  on  tliis  occasion  by  their  relsitives.  wore  still  living. 
The  sixty  rights  in  the  to^rnship  were  assigned  ris  follo^^s  : 

1  — Thomas  "Wilder of  Lancaster  in  Right  of  His  wife  Susannah 

eklest  Daughter  to  John  Pope. 

2  — ^  John  Swift  .Tun"'  of  Framingham  in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

M^  John  Swift  eldest  ]3rotlier  to  AViUiani  Swift. 
3 — Joseph  Warren  of  Roxbury  in  the  Riglit  of  Elias  idonk  of 

■4 — Benjamin  Cheney  of  Dorchester  iu  the  Right  of  his  Brother 

William  Cheney. 
5 — Joseph  Triscott  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

Joseph  Triscott. 

6  — Rumphiey  Atherton  of  Stoughton  in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

Consider  Atlit-rton. 

7  — Jonathan  Chandler  of  Dorchester  iu  the  Right  of  His  Brother 

Sarauel  Chandler. 

8  — Matathias  Evens  of  Dorchester  iu  the  Right  of  His  Brother 

Richard  Evens  at  the  Desire  of  his  Eldest  Brother  Thomas 

9  —  John  Toalman  Jun'  in  the  Right  of  His  P^xther  John  Toal- 

man  of  Dorchester  and  at  His  Desire. 

10  —  Seth  Sumner  of  Milton  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle  Josianiah 

Sumner  at  the  Desire  of  His  uncle  Vrilliam  Sumner. 

11  —  John  Robinson  Jun''  of  Dorchester  in  Behalf  of  his  Father 

John  Robinson  eldest  Brother  to  James  Robinson. 

12  —  Ebeuezer   Crane   of   Braintree    iu    the    Right   of  P^benezer 


13  —  William  Blake  of  Milton  in  the  Right  of  .James  Morey  in 

Behalf  of  his  Mother  Martha  Blake  eldest  Daughter  to 
said  James  ]More\". 

14  —  John  Andrews  of  Dorchester  in  the  Riy,ht  of  His  Brother 

Thomas  Andrews. 

15  —  Joseph  Leads  of  Dorchester  in  Behalf  of   His  Wife  Mary 

eldest  Sister  to  Josepli  Weeks. 

16  — Thomas  Lyon  Jiur  of  Dorchester  in  Behalf  of  His  Father 

Thomas  Lyon  Eldest  Brother  to  Henry  Lyon. 



VI  —  "Richsid    \Vitl,iiugtoii   of  Dorchester   in   the   Eight   of   His 

Father  Cnpt  John  Withingtou. 
18  —  Joseph  Weeks  of  Dorchester  in  the  Riglit  of  His  Brother 

Thomas  Weeks. 
19 — M"  William   Cooper   of  Boston  in  the  Right  of   Benjamin 

Hewins,  at  the  Desire  of  Joseph  Hewins  eldest  Brother 

of  said  Benjamin  Hewins. 

20  — Obadiah  Sv.ift  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of   His  Brother 

James  Swift. 

21  —  Hczckiah  Baiher  of  Dorchester  in  the   Right   of   Yonnite 

Modsley  at  the  Desire  of  His  Brother  Thomas  Modsle}'. 

22  —Ralph  Pope  of   Dorchester   in   the   Right    of   His   Brother 

Ebcuezcr  Pope. 

23  —  Samuel   Butt  of  Dorchester   in   the   Right    of    His  Uncle 

Richard  But. 

24  —  David  Joans  of  Wrenthara  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle  John 


25  —  Samuel   Sumner   of   Taunton    in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

Samuel  Sumner. 

26  —  Josiah  Baker  of  Boston  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle  William 


27  —  ]Mr.  William  Cooper  of  Boston  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle 

George  Menott. 

28  —  Edward  Kelton  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

Thomas  Kelton. 
29 — Robert  Redman  of  Stoughton  in  the   Right  of  His  Father 

Charles  Redman. 
SO  —  Samuel  Knceland  of  Boston  in  the  Right  of  Ammiel  Weeks 

at  the  Desire  of  His  son  George  Weeks. 

31  —  Xeamiah   Clap   of    ^lilton    in    the    Right  of    His    Brother 

Edward  Clap. 

32  —  Timothy   Tilestone   of    Dorchester    in    the    Right   of    His 

Brother  Cornelius  Tilestone. 

33  —  Samuel  Ilinshua  of  Milten  in  the  Right  of  Daniel  Hinshua 

His  Uncles  son. 

ivvU        '>'       ]0        t.   '     ^-    '    ' 


3i_f:(lwaia    Sumuci-  of    Roxbury   in    the    Kight  of   His  Uncle 

Samuel  Siuuuer'. 
35__]',enjamin  Sumuer  of  MiUeu  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother 

William  Sumner. 
3G— Robert    Cook    of    Xecdliam    in    the  Right  of    ilis  Brother 

William  Cook. 
37  —  Bartholame    GoM   of    Boston    in    the   Right  of    His  Uncle 

Ebenezev  Sumnei-. 
3S_Joha  Charhore  of  iMilten  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle  John 


39  __  licnjamin    Bird   Jun^  of    Dorchester    in   the  Right  of    His 

Uncle  Thomas  Bird. 

40  _  Samuel  Blake  of  Taunton  in  the  Right  of  His  uncle  William 


41  —Thomas  Tilestone  Esqr  of  ])orchester  in  tlie  Right  of  Capt. 

John  Galliver  at  the  desire  of  Jonathan  G-alliver  who  was 
admitted  a  Settler. 

42  — Timothy  Mossman  of  Sudbury  in  the  Right  of  His  wive's 

Brother  Samuel  Hix. 

43  —Joshua  George  of  Attleborough  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother 

William  George. 

44  _  James    Atlrerton   of    Harvard   in    tlie    Right  of  His  Uncle 

Joseph  Athertou. 
45 —William  Sumner  of  Milton  in  the  Right  of  William  Sumner 

His  Uncle  Increase  Sumners  Son. 
46  — Elizabeth  Trescott  of  Milton  in  the  Right  of  Her  Brother 

Samuel  Trescott. 
47 —  Joseph    Chaplin  of    Roxbury  in  the  Right  of   His  Brother 

Moses  Chaplin. 
48  —  Hezekiah  Barber  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of  Eliab  Lyen 

at  the  Deseir  of  Zachariah  Lyon  Son  of  Nathaniel  Lyon 

Eldest  Brother  to  said  Eliab  Lyon. 
49— Waitestill  Lyon  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of  Her   Uncle 

Edward  Wiat. 
50  — Benjamin   Mansfield   of    Dorchester   in    the    Right   of    His 

Neffue  Peter  Kelley. 

••    :|       I 




51  —  Sainuel    Biivch  of    Dorchester   in   the  Kight  of    Ills  Uncle 

Eliazcr  Wales. 

52  —  Isaac  Mow  of  Dorchester  in  the  Right  of  His  Cusscn  Joseph 


53  — Thomas  Tilestone  Esq''  of  Dorchester  in  the  Eight  of   Ilope- 

still  Sanders  in  BehalfVjf  John  Sanders. 
51  —  Vv'illiatn  Royal  of  Stoughton  in  the  Right  of  Samuel  Sanders 
in  Behalf  of  John  Sanders. 

55  —  John  Sheperd  of  Stoughton  in  tlie  Right  of  His  Uncle  John 

Sheperd  — Maj^  Wade. 

56  — Philip  Gooding  of  Stoughton  who  sarved  under  ^laj''  Wade. 

57  —  Joseph  AVilder  Esq""  of  Uaucaster  in  the  Eight  of  His  Uncle 

Samuel  "Wheelei'who  sarved  in  the  Expedition  to  Canada 
under  Maj'  Nathanel  AVade. 

58  —  Nathan  Heywood  of  Lunenburg  in  the  Right  of  John  Willis 

His  Wives  Father  who  sarved  under  Capt  Savage. 

5;t  —  Oliver  Wilder  of  Lancaster  in  the  J'Jight  of  Jonathan  Fair- 
bank  who  sarved  under  Cap'  Chaiupney. 

60 — -Joseph  Wheclock  of  Lancaster  in  the  Right  of  His  Uncle 
Timothy  "Wheclock  who  sarved  under  Cap'  Anderson. 

Except  Timothy  ]\lossmaii,  none  of  these  oiiiiiiuil  proprie- 
tors ever  resided  in  the  tov.n.sliip,  yet  several  of  them,  or 
their  sons,  retained  their  interest  and  attended  the  meetings 
of  the  propriety  for  many  years.  The  Wilders,  the  Sumners, 
Joseph  \Vhcelocl-:,  Xatlian  llevwood  and  Hezekiali  Barber 
became  intimately  associated  witii  the  foitunes  of  the  settle- 
ment. The  descendants  of  several  of  thesc^.  })roprietors  Avere 
subsequently  among  tlui  m<jst  useful  and  valued  citiy.ens  of 
Ashburnhani.  Here  is  found  the  probable  cause  which  led 
to  a  residence  here  of  the  AVilder,  Kelton  and  Crehore  fami- 
lies. And  in  the  succeeding  records,  as  the  change  of 
OAvnershi})  introduces  new  names,  will  a})pear  the  first  men- 
tion of  otlier  families  which  have  been  honorably  associated 
w^ith  the  annals  of  the  town.      A   miniature  town  was  con- 

r    '.1  yi. 

'     ■    '  'J 

■  •  .  1. 



conleJ  iii  iMs  report  of  IToG.  To  sixty  men  and  tluMi-  suc- 
cessors was  committed  the  destiny  of  a  future  xVsliburnham. 
Had  the  decision  of  the  committee  j)assed  ]>y  these  names 
and  bestowed  tlie  g-rant  on  sixty  other  pei-sons,  tlie  drama 
would  haye  jjroceeded  with  the  scene  unchanged,  Init  the 
actors  and  all  the  incidents  of  the  pla}"  would  haye  been 
changx'd.  A  town  ^vith  a  parallel  history  would  haye  suc- 
ceeded, but  the  name,  the  men,  the  order  and  color  of  the 
cyents  would  not  be  those  which  lill  the  pages  of  our  annals. 
While  these  proceedings  were  in  pi-ogress,  the  General 
Court  had  passed  an  ordei"  empowering  Timothy  Tilestone 
to  call  the  tirst  meeting  of  the  proprietors.  This  yaj-rant  is 
dated  Sejjtendjer  8,  IToG,  and  the  meeting  was  assembled  m 
Dorchester  fourteen  days  later.  The  proceedings  of  the  first 
meeting  outline  })lans  and  projects  for  the  benelit  of  the 
proposed  settlement  which  are  n.ot  consummated  for  many 
years.     The  record  of  the  nu:-eting  is  as  follows  : 

Att  a  fleeting  of  the  Proprietors  of  a  Township  Granted  to  the 
Officers  and  Soldiers  in  the  Expedition  to  Canada  anno  1C90  in 
the  Company  under  the  Command  of  Capt  John  Witiiington  late 
Deceased  on  the  22  Day  of  Sept  173G  att  the  Turkshead  in  Dor- 
chester, Legall}'  warned. 

Voted  That  Thomas  Tilestone  Esqr  be  moderator. 

Voted  To  Lay  ont  the  Land  as  Soon  as  may  be. 

Voted  the  first  Division  Lots  to  be  fifty  acres  and  the  Com- 
mittee to  ad  thereto  for  badness  of  Land. 

Voted  That  the  Committee  shall  Consist  of  Six  men  and  four 
of  them  to  be  a  quorum. 

Voted  Tliat  Edward  Hartwell  Esq.  Benjamin  Bird  Mr  Samuel 
Sumner  Mr  Benjamin  Sumner  Mr  Isaac  Howe  &  Joseph  Vvllder 
Esqr  be  a  Committee  to  Lay  out  the  fiist  Division  Lots. 

Voted  That  the  Committee  do  agree  with  the  Surveyors  and 
Chain  men.  -   ■ 

f\  ■■:/:'. 

!     M 


VoteJ  Tliat  tho  Sarv'eYor.s  each  Shall  have  fifteea  shillings  per 
Day,  tiiGj'  to  support  them  Selves. 

Voted  That  the  Chain  men  each  Shall  have  ten  Shillings  per 
Day  the^'  to  support  thera  Selves. 

Voted  That  the  Committee  Shall  have  Twelve  Shillings  per 
Day  they  to  Support  them  Selves. 

Voted  That  when  an  so  often  as  an}'  five  or  more  of  the  Pro- 
prietors shall  judge  a  Proprietor's  Meeting  to  be  necessary  they 
may  make  Application  to  the  Proprietors  Clerk  for  the  Calling  of 
a  meeting  Ex[ncssing  the  time  and  the  place  and  the  Occasion 
thereof  and  the  said  Clerk  is  hereby  Impowered  to  Grant  the  same 
for  such  Meeting  accordingly  and  to  Xotif}'  the  Proprietors  of 
the  Said  Meeting  and  the  time  and  place  for  the  same,  which 
Notification  Shall  be  given  in  Writing  Posted  up  in  Some  Public 
Place  or  Places  in  Dorchester,  Milton,  &  Stoughton  Fourteen 
Days  before  the  Day  appointed  for  the  Meeting  and  the  Notifica- 
tion to  be  put  to  the  Public  Prints. 

Voted  to  have  a  Clerks  Book, 

Voted  that  evry  Proprietor  to  have  a  Plan  of  his  first  Din^aon 
Lot  he  Paying  for  the  same. 

Voted  That  evry  Proprietor  Come  att  the  Next  Meeting  to 
Draw  his  first  Division  Lot,  he  to  pay  for  the  Laying  of  said  Lot 
out  before  he  Draws  said  Lot. 

Voted  That  the  Committee  Vew  a  Convenaut  Spot  for  the 
Meeting  House  and  that  the  said  Committee  leve  Couvenant 
High  ways. 

Voted  to  leve  Convenant  Places  for  a  ^lill  or  Mills  Common 
for  the  use  of  the  Proprietors. 

Voted  that  the  Committee  leve  out  thouse  peices  of  Medow  they 
think  Proper  to  be  left  out  for  the  use  of  the  Proprietors. 

Voted  that  r>enjamin  Bird  be  the  Proprietor's  Clerk  and  the 
said  Bird  tuck  the  following  oath  : 

Whereas  you  Benjamin  Bird  are  Chosen  by  a  Majority  of  the 
Voters  to  be  Clerk  to  the  Proprietors  of  the  Township  Granted  by 

"j^:  ■  r 

ill---;   --.';^■ 

t'  ) 

PROnUKTAUY    IIISTOKY.     ^  59 

the  General  Court  to  the  Coinpuu)'  in\cler  Capt.  Wlthiugton  in 
the  PLxpeditiou  to  Canada  You  do  Swear  b}'  the  true  and  ever- 
living  God  that  vou  will  Dul}'  and  faithfully  Discharge  that  Trust 
according  to  your  best  Skill  and  Knowledge.     So  Help  you  God. 

Piiovixci:  01^  THE  Massachusetts  Bay  S  S. 

Sept.  the  22'-'^  173G. 
Then   tb.e  above  Named   Benjamin  Bird   Farsonally  ap[>earing 
made  Oath  as  above.     Before  me 

JOSEPH  WILDER  Justice  of 
the  Peace  througli  the  Province. 

Thus  ends  the  record  of  the  lirst  meeting  of  the  propri- 
etors. All  organization  had  been  clfccted  and  the  clerk  had 
been  sworn  in  solemn  form.  It  is  Avorthv  of  note  that  after 
taking  the  oath  ]\Ir.  Bird  seldom  again  spelled  at  with  two 
ts  while  he  held  the  olKee.  His  best  skill  and  judgment 
had  Ijocn  invoked.  At  this  meeting  a})pears  for  tlie  iirst 
time  Edward  Ilartwell  of  Lunenbnrg,  He  was  not  an  orig- 
inal proprietor  but  had  jiurchased  a  right  of  Joseph  Letids 
and  became  an  active  and  leading  meml)er  of  the  organiza- 
tion. Thomas  Tilestone,  to  whom  in  the  admission  of  pro- 
prietors was  assigned  two  rights,  now  owns  the  former  rights 
of  John  Chandler  and  Samuel  Burch  ;  the  four  rights  were 
probably  acquired  hy  purchase.  Although  the  figure  head 
of  the  petition  to  the  General  Court  it  does  not  appear  that 
Mr.  Tilestone  was  entitled  by  inheritance  to  any  interest  in 
the  grant  which  had  been  secured  mainly  througli  his  intlu- 
encc.  William  White  now  owns  the  right  of  David  Jones 
and  the  right  of  Waitstill  Lyon  is  held  by  Thomas  Stearns. 
Jonathan  Dvright  of  Boston  takes  the  place  of  Joseph  Chap- 
lin, and  Andrew  "Wilder,  Jr.,  of  Laneaster,  is  the  owner  of 
one  of  the  rights  of  Hezekiah  Barl)er,  while  James  ^Nlears 
and  T'imothy  Green  represent  the  riglits  formerly  of  Ben- 
jamin Cheney  and  Elizabeth  Triscott. 



A  spirit  of  activity  i)ervade.s  tlie  record  of  the  first  meet- 
ing. ITiirdly  had  a  moderator  been  chosen  l)efore  a  ^■otc 
was  })assed  to  lay  out  a  liovisc  lot  for  each  proprietor  "as 
soon  as  may  be."  Five  days  after  the  meeting,  the  six 
members  of  the  conmiittce,  in  full  synipatliy  witli  the  zeal- 
ous enthusiasm  of  their  associates,  attended  1)y  two  surveyors 
and  nine  chainmcn  and  assistants,  are  u))on  the  ground.  For 
fifteen  days  the  stillness  of  the  woods  is  Ijroken  1jy  tl)e  sound 
of  the  axe  and  the  strong  voices  of  sturdy  men.  In  their 
dying  echoes  is  heard  the  doom  of  the  primeval  forest.  The 
sleep  of  centuries  is  ended.  Tiie  entire  expanse  of  foliage 
■warmed  in  an  autumn  sun  will  ntn'cr  again  present  its  varied 
hues  in  an  unbroken  picture  of  grandeur  and  beauty.  The 
despoiling  agency  of  mtui  has  been  invoked  and  soon  the 
flame  and  smoke  from  the  clearing  of  the  settler  will  ainiounce 
the  preparation  for  his  habitation.  Under  the  direction  of 
the  committee  sixty-three  house  lots  are  laid  out  by  Andrew 
Wilder,  Jr.,  and  Joseph  Wilder,  Jr.  'J'hc  chainmcn  and 
assistants  were  nearly  all  })roprietors  who  had  come  hither  to 
view  their  new  possessions.  These  lots  were  located  on  the 
west,  south  and  east  shores  of  Upper  Xaukeag  lake,  then 
extending  south  througli  the  Centre  Village  and  east  to  Cam- 
bridge farm,  then  westerly  on  the  north  lines  of  the  Rolfe, 
Starr  and  Converse  farms  and  on  the  west  line  of  the  latter 
ftirm  to  the  line  of  Westminster,  covering  the  site  of  the 
South  Village,  but  not  so  far  west  as  the  line  of  the  Cheshire 
and  Vermont  and  ^lassachusetts  railroads.  Two  lots  were 
detached  and  located  in  the  present  limits  of  Ashby.  The 
remaining  lots  were  in  one  continuous  tract  of  irregular  form. 
In  these  lots  were  included  three  thousand  one  hundred  and 
fifty  acres,  exclusive  of  any  allowance  that  might  have  been 
made  for  inequality  of  laud.  The  remainder  of  the  grant, 
or  above  three  hundred  acres  for  each  riijht,  was  still  owned 



111  common  by  the  pvojirietor.-.  Tliese  surveys  were  com- 
pleted Oelol>ci-  11.  Meuinvliile  the  commiitec  li-ad  selected 
a  site  for  the  meeting-house  and  had  laid  out  roads  leadmg- 
to  it.  For  tliis  ser\icc  the  committee  and  tliose  employed 
by  them  were  paid  £152-1(]-G.  The  sum  of  £2  was  '^Taid 
Sundry  People  at  Sundry  times  for  Bringing  the  Horses  out 
of  the  woods,'"  while  £2-19  N\as  paid  for  }.asturing  horses, 
wliich  ])Ossibly  indicates  that  some  of  the  liorses  were  past- 
ured at  expjnse  on  improved  lands  in  Lunenburg,  being 
more  highly  favored  than  those  let  loose  in  the  woods. 

The  second  meeting  of  tlu^  proprietors  was  held  November 
10,  of  the  same  year.  While  it  was  assembled  under  a  new 
warrant,  or  notification,  as  our  woilhies  styled  it,  it  was 
practically  a  continuation  of  the  former  meeting.  The 
account  of  the  committee  already  mentioned  was  allowed  and 
to  pay  the  same  an  assessment  was  ordered.  This  action 
called  for  a  new  class  of  officials.  Samuel  Sunmer  and 
Edv\-ard  Ilartwell  were  chosen  assessors,  Thomas  Lyon,  Jr., 
collector,  and  Benjamin  Bird,  treasurer.  The  following 
extract  from  the  records  outlines  the  most  important  of  the 
proceedings  : 

Voted  the  Confirmation  of  the  place  T\Iarkcd  out  by  tlic  Com- 
rait!;ee  for  Building  the  Meeting  House  on,  and  the  Highways  they 
have  Laid  out  thereunto  in  Said  Town.  The  :\[ecting  House  Lot 
Contains  10  acres  lying  squar  and  it  Lieth  on  a  Hill  180  Rods 
South  of  a  Greate  Pond  and  has  a  very  faire  Prospeck.  The 
North  East  Corner  is  a  young  Pitch  Pine  and  thence  it  Runs  west 
40  Rods  to  a  stake  and  Pillar  of  Stons  and  thence  South  40  Rods 
to  a  stake  and  Heep  of  Stones  and  thence  it  Runs  East  40  Rods 
to  a  stake  and  Hecpe  of  Stons  and  thence  it  Runs  North  40  Rods 
to  whare  it  began. 

Voted  to  Clear  the  Highway,  and  Edward  Ilartwell  Esq% 
Capt.  Oliver   AVilder  and    M^  Joseph  Wheelock  were  Chosen  a 


Committee  for  tliat  Sarvice,  unci  also  to  Fire  the  Woods  the  Gist 
Convenant  time.  ..    -, 

Voted  that  Edward  Hartwell  Esq'",  Capt  Oliver  Wilder  and 
M'  Joseph  Wheelock  be  a  Committee  to  a  Gree  with  a  Sutable 
Persou  or  Persons  to  Pmild  a  Sawmill  in  said  Town  in  tlie 
most  Convenant  Place  that  the}'  Can  find  therefor,  and  That 
in  Giving  eucurrageraent  to  any  Persou  to  undertake  therein  tliey 
do  not  exceed  one  Hundred  acres  of  Land  and  tliat  they  oblige  the 
Person  so  undertaking  (by  P.ond  or  other  ways)  to  have  the  Mill 
Going  within  the  &pace  of  five  rnontha  and  to  Keep  tlie  same  in 
Repair  for  the  space  of  Ten  years  and  that  he  saw  Boards  for  tlie 
Proprietors  for  forty  shillings  a  Thousand  and  Saw  timber  P)rought 
to  said  Mill  for  Twenty  shillings  a  Thousand  and  other  Timber 

The  same  iiiontli  the  committee  charge  the  proprietors  for 
four  days  each,  three  hired  laborers  four  days  each  and  one 
man  one  day  in  clearing  the  roads  leading  to  the  place  set 
apart  for  the  meeting-house  and  a  common,  "vvhich  we  are  here 
informed  and  fully  reali;^e  "has  a  very  faire  Prospeck." 

At  this  meeting  the  house  or  lirst  division  lots  are  distrib- 
uted among  the  proprietors.  The  eighth  lot  is  reserved  for 
the  ministry,  the  ninth  for  schools  and  the  fifty-seventh  for 
the  lirst  settled  minister.  Here  ends  the  record  of  the  lirst 
year.  A  Xew  England  winter  regains  control  of  the  wilder- 
ness and  for  a  time  closes  the  door  against  the  progress  of  the 

1737.  With  the  arrival  of  s})ring,  the  committee  chosen 
for  that  purpose  enter  into  negotiations  with  Hezekiah  Gates 
of  Lancaster  to  build  a  saw-mill  within  the  towniship  for  the 
acconmiodation  of  the  settlement.  The  committee  grant  him 
ninety  acres  of  land,  lying  on  the  stream  ])etween  the  Upper 
and  Lower  Xaukeag  lakes  and  receive  from  him  a  bond  of 
five  hundred  pounds,  obliging  him  to  build  and  conduct  the 


mill  on  tile  lei'tns  oatlincd  in  the  vote  of  the  proprietors.  The 
charues  of  tlio  coiuDiittee  for  their  serviees  estahlisli  the  date 
of  these  ])roeeediiigs  ; 

1737  May  17  tlie  Connniltee  four  days  eacli 

M'ith  the  man  that  is  to  Build  tlie  saw  mill  (a)  10^  £C  —  0  —  0  — 
h  (lay  eaoh  to  signe  the  Righting  0 —  15  —  0  — 

the  writings  with  M'  Gates  0 —    3 —  0  — 

In  effeeting  an  ngreement  with  }klr.  Gates  the  coinuiiftee 
consume  anijde  time  in  its  consideration  and  apparently  con- 
dnet  the  business  to  the  present  satisfaction  of  the  proprietors, 
l)ut  in  the  years  immediately  following  hioth  ]Mr.  Gates  and 
his  mill  were  an  endless  source  o^  perplexity  and  litigation. 
The  proprietors  continually  complain  of  the  construction  and 
management,  while  he  successfully  resists  their  directions  to 
raise  the  dam  and  make  re})airs,  until  the  fact  gradually 
develops  that  there  is  a  better  head  on  Gates  than  at  his 
mill,  and  more  revcdving  power  in  his  mind  than  i)i  his 

Two  foiiual  meetings  of  the  pro})rietors  are  held  this  year 
at  the  "  Turks  Head  Tavern  in  Dorchester,"  and  Henry  A^'ood- 
man,  James  Bishop,  Joseph  ]>ent  and  Jose})h  Herbert  make 
their  tirst  appearance  as  ])ro]>rietors  in  jdace  of  ]\Iatthias 
Evans,  John  Andrews,  Joseph  AVeeks  and  Thomas  Lyon,  Jr. 
At  the  first  meeting,  August  25,  it  was  voted  "  to  lay  out  in  a 
second  Division,  Sixty  three  Lots  in  the  up  land,  each  lot 
coiitaining  eighty  Acres  at  the  least  and  in  case  so  many  Lotts 
cant  be  laid  out  in  the  very  best  of  said  land,  that  it  be  in 
the  Power  of  the  Counnittee  to  add  to  every  eighty  Acre  lot 
so  much  as  to  make  them  equal  to  the  very  best  Lot,  not 
exceeding  Forty  Acres  to  any  one  Lot." 

Andrew  AVilder  was  cluxsen  to  lay  out  the  lots  and  a  com- 
mittee of  Xqw  was  chosen  to  conduct  the  business.     At  the 


':■     -J' 

C4  IIISTOHY    OF    ASlir.UllNlTAM. 

!<t'Cond  meeting,  ]")ecein})er  14,  live  suvvoy  of  tlic  second 
division  lots  was  a})pi-oved,  and  a  lot  Aras  assigned  to  each 
OAvncr  of  a  right.  'J'hc  tenth  lot  was  reserved  for  the  first 
settled  minister,  tlic  eleventh  for  the  ministry  and  the  sixty- 
third  for  schools. 

The  price  of  labor  o)i  the  highways  Mas  rated  at  seven 
shilJings  per  da}',  and  Ileniy  "Woodman  was  added  to  the 
committee  on  higliways  who  were  instrneted  that  "  but  one 
of  said  Committee  work  on  that  Business  at  won  and  tlie 
same  time."  During  the  year  the  roads  receive  the  benefit 
of  tvrenty-three  days'  labor  at  a  cost  of  £9-2-0.  The  charges 
for  laying  out  tlie  second  division  lots  were  £224-9-G,  the 
clerk  and  treasurer  receives  £5-7-0,  for  his  services  to  the 
close  of  the  year  and  a  few  small  charges  are  allowed.  To 
meet  these  demands  an  assessment  of  £2.58  or  £4-<3-0  on 
each  right  is  made.  Only  one  proceeding  of  interest  during 
this  year  remains  unnoticed  : 

Voted  That  jM'  Joseph  Harbort  have  five  acres  of  Land  and 
the  Stream  by  it  for  to  Set  a  fulUng  Mill  he  raataining  said  mill 
ten  years  for  the  Sarves  of  the  Propi-ietors,  the  said  Propiietors 
paying  him  for  what  work  they  have  don  at  said  ISIill.  And  the 
Committee  that  was  appointed  to  a  gree  with  a  man  for  to  Bulding 
a  Saw  Mill  he  the  Committee  to  give  a  Deed  and  take  Bond  of 
said  Harbort  lie  Paying  the  Committee  for  their  treble. 

This  solitary  mention  of  a  fulling-mill  is  all  that  is  heard 
of  it  for  many  years.  The  committee,  to  whom  the  project 
w^as  referred,  found  ample  employment  in  the  management 
of  ]Mr.  Gates  and  his  saw-mill.  This  addition  to  their  per- 
plexity was  an  act  of  great  iinkindness  on  the  part  of  the 
proprietors.  It  is  reasonably  certain  that  the  grant  of  land 
was  never  consummated,  perhaps,  admonished  by  the  perilous 
adventure  of  Don  Quixote  and  the  fulling-mills,  the  subject 
is  not  revived. 

'  ■•• -I 

rKOrKlETAKY    MISTO]n^  65 

173S.  Sjuimel  Hay  ward  has  become  a  proprietor  rc})rc- 
f>C!iting  the  right  formerly  of  Kobert  Redman,  and  Ilezekiali 
(iates  also  ap])ears  at  the  n\eetln<xs  of  the  board,  but  whose 
riiilit  he  has  purchased  is  not  certain.  Other  cliana'es  in  the 
nicmbcrshi]:)  of  the  proprietors  occur  from  time  to  time,  but 
the  general  management  of  aflairs  contiimes  to  be  refeiTcd  to 
tliose  whose  names  haxc  become  familiar.  Only  one  meeting 
is  held  this  yea]-,  Avhich  is  convened  .August  22,  "at  the 
l)ouse  of  Jonathan  Dwiglit  of  Boston,  Innliolder."  Timothy 
(ireen  is  elected  clerk  and  treasurer  in  the  place  of  Benjamin 
Bird.  'J'he  saw-mill  has  been  built  but  the  contention  con- 
cerning its  etHciency  and  management  has  not  as  yet  sufli- 
ciently  develo};ed  to  prevent  the  pro})rietors  from  considering 
a  I'eiiuest  from  its  owner,  in  a  lienerous  and  j^ood-natured 
manner  : 

Voted  That  Mr.  Hezekiah  Gates  of  Lancaster  have  liberty  to 
lay  oul  Thirty  Acres  of  Land  adjoining  to  the  land  he  has  already 
hiid  out  at  the  Mill  between  the  Pond  and  the  lower  end  of  his 
band  already  laid  out  in  part  of  his  Ninety  Acres. 

Voted  that  iM/  Hezekiah  Gates  have  liberty  to  build  his  blouse 
on  his  Land  near  the  Mill  and  clear  as  much  Land  there  as  any 
one  Proprietor  is  obliged  to  do  by  his  Grant. 

Also  at  this  meeting  Captain  Oliver  Wilder  and  ]Mr.  Gates 
are  chosen  "to  clear  a  good  cart  way  from  the  saw  mill  to  the 
place  wdiere  the  meeting  house  is  to  stand  as  strait  as  the 
land  will  uUoav  of."  For  this  purpose  an  appropriation  not 
exceeding  eight  pounds  is  made.  The  sentiment  of  the  pro- 
I»rict(n-s  was  taken  in  regard  to  building  a  meeting-house  and 
It  passed  in  the  negative." 

It-V,).  A  note  of  preparation  for  some  weighty  under- 
taking is  heard  in  the  early  call  for  a  meeting  of  the 
pnipnctors.     Earlier  by  several  months  than  in  former  years 

are  assembled  the  controlling  spirits  of  the  township.     Tliis 


niemornl)lc  inceiiiiii,-  \va^  held  in  Bosion  April  11,  at  the 
house  of  ]\Ir.  Dwiuht.  X(;ticcs  had  been  puljlished  in  the 
Boston  papers  and  posted  at  Dorehester  and  probably  at 
Milton  and  Stouirhtou,  announcing  to  the  proprietors  that 
they  will  be  invited  at  this  meeting  "to  consider  what  is 
proper  to  be  done  al)out  building  a  meeting  house  for  the 
worship  of  (rod. "  Of  the  time  for  building  a  meetirig-house 
stipulated  in  the  charter  two  full  years  yet  remained,  and  in 
consideration  of  the  small  progress  made  in  the  settlement, 
and  that  so  far  the  plantation  had  been  a  continual  source 
of  expense  to  the  proprietors,  an  excuse  for  delay  is  easily 
found.  The  recoi'd,  however,  presents  no  shadow  of  hesita- 
tion but  rather  the  cheerful  voice  of  a  united  purpose. 

Voted  That  a  Meetuig  House  for  the  Publick  Wor.->l)ip  of 
God  be  liuilt  as  soon  as  conveniently  uia}'  be,  on  the  Meelhig 
House  place  in  the  said  Township  to  be  Fort}'  Five  Feet  Long, 
Thirty  Five  Feet  wide,  the  Corner  post  to  be  Twenty  one  Feet 

Voted  That  Thomas  Tilestone  &  Edward  HartwcU  Esq^  Major 
Oliver  "Wilder,  Mr.  Andrew  Wilder  and  Mr.  Hezekiah  Barber  be 
the  Committee  for  Building  said  ^Meeting  House. 

Voted  That  a  Tax  of  Three  Hundred  Pounds  be  laid,  on  the 
Proprietors,  to  pay  Charges  past  and  towards  Building  said 
Meeting  House. 

An  omission  to  give  this  record  in  full  would  be  an  act  of 
injustice.  The  will  of  the  meeting  expressed  in  other  terms 
woidd  conceal,  in  a  great  measure,  the  resolute  purpose  and 
firm  determination  of  the  act.  On  the  strength  of  this  action 
alone  the  meeting-house  was  built.  Xo  postponement,  no 
amendment  nor  qualification  of  this  action  v/as  ever  tolerated. 
In  marked  contrast  with  the  early  history  of  other  towns  in 
this  vicinity  the  first  moeting-housc  was  located  with  rare 
unanimity  and  built  without  contention.     The  picture  of  the 

rnoi'KiETAin:  nisrouY.  67 

"  fuire  Pro:^peck"  was  not  inarrcd  with  an  cKliibilioii  of  the 
passions    of  contending"    men.     Under  the  direction  of  the 
connnittee,  the  meeting-house  v.'as  Ijuilt  1\y  ]3eni;imin  Ballard, 
who    received    in    six  i)a3'ments  £i?.")l-17-0.      In    his    Half 
Century  Sermon,  18]  8,  Rev.  Dr.  Cu.-hing  sa^'s  :  "In   1731', 
the  proprietors  erected  a  meeting  house  50  b}'  40.     It  was 
the  lirst  frame  that  was  set-up  in  the  town  and  it  has  l)ecn 
considered,  and  Avas  at  tlie  time,  as  an  cxtraordinar}'  enter- 
prise (hat  it  was  raised  by  only  sixteen  men."     This  refer- 
ence to  the   year   in  which  it  was  l^uilt  is  of  interest,  since 
th(>  records  do  not   make  it  a])pcar  whether  it  was  built  in 
1731'  or  the   year  following.      Xovember    19,   1710,   it  was 
voted  to  pay  ]Mr.  Jjallard  one   hun^U'ed  and  fifty  })ounds  in 
part  for  l)uilding  the  meeting-hou.--e,  and  at  the  same  time  the 
committee    was    requ.ested    to    make    a    report.     While  the 
records  admit  the  conjecture  that  it  might  have  been  built  in 
1740,  there  is  found  no  cause  to  qualify  the  assertion  of  Mr. 
Cushing  that  it  was  erected  in  1739.     In  regard  to  the  size 
of  the  edifice,  it  is  fair  to  presume,  that  referring  to  it  twenty- 
seven  years  after  it  was  removed,  it  would  have  been  easier 
for  j\[r.  Cushina:  to  overlook  the  exact  dimensions  than  for 
the  connnittee  to  exceed  their  instructions  so  tar  as  to  erect  a 
meeting-house  longer  and  wider  by  live  feet  than  directed  by 
the  vote  of  their  associates.     On  one  point  all  the  authorities 
are   in   liarmony.     At   this    time    the    roof  and  sides  were 
covered  with  boards  and  open  spaces  were  left  for  windows 
and  doors.     It  was  several  years  ])efore  the  roof  was   im- 
proved and  doors  and  window^s  procured. 

Two  other  meetings  were  held  at  Boston  this  year,  at 
which  considerable  business  was  transacted.  It  was  pro- 
posed to  clear  a  road  leading  from  Lunenburg  to  Winchester, 
Kew  Hampshire,  but  the  ambition  of  the  proprietors  was 
satisfied  in  the  choice  of  a  committee  to  view  and  estimate 

-  ■■',)■ 

68  }IIST01tY    OF    ASIlBrRXIIAM. 

the  expc'ise  of  ;i  road  tVoiu  the  coimnon  to  the  west  line  of 
the  tovs'iLship.  A  gnituity  of  four  pounds  eacli  was  voted  to 
the  first  fifteen  settlers  who,  previous  to  r^Iay,  1740,  should 
build  a  house  and  comply  with  the  other  conditions  of  the 
grant ;  and  a  grant  of  sixty  acres  of  land  was  made  to 
"Thomas  Gamble  who  lately  met  with  some  loss  l)y  fire  in 
said  township."  An  account  of  this  tire,  probahly  tlie  first 
in  the  settlement,  Avould  be  of  interest,  but  no  additional 
information  lias  been  found.  At  a  former  meeting  there  had 
been  a  decree  to  prosecute  all  persons  who  cut  any  white 
pine  trees  on  the  undivided  lands,  and  nov,'  a  committee  is 
chosen  to  number  and  mark  all  the  white  pine  trees  fit  for 
clapboards  and  shingles  on  the  ten-acre  common  that  they 
ma}"  be  reserved  for  future  use. 

17-tO.  The  chronicles  now  declare  the  vwar  of  1740.  The 
o-rowing  discontent  over  the  continued  mismanaL'-ement  of 
the  saw-mill  culminated  in  acts  of  open  hostility  at  a  meeting, 
assembled  at  the  inn  of  Jonathan  Dwight,  on  the  tenth  of 
April.  The  declaration  of  war  is  inscribed  in  a  bold,  firm 
hand  upon  the  records  : 

Voted  that  Edward  Hartwell  Esq.  of  Lunenburg,  Col.  Oliver 
"Wilder  and  Joseph.  Wheclock  of  Lancaster  be  a  committee  to  put 
iu  suit  and  pursue  to  final  judgment  and  execution  the  bond  of 
Mr.  Hezekiab  Gates  of  Lancaster. 

Forgetting  that  their  treasury  was  empty  and  that  Mr. 
Ballard  was  waiting  for  his  pay  for  building  the  meeting- 
house, the  proprietors  do  not  fail  to  vote  the  sinews  of  war : 

Voted  that  the  committee,  chosen  to  put  in  suit  and  pursue  to 
final  jadgmeut  and  execution  the  bond  of  Hezekiah  Gates,  have 
liberty  to  draw  upon  the  proprietor's  treasurer  what  money  may 
be  thought  proper  and  necessary  to  carry  on  the  suit. 

rr.opnirTAKY  iii story.  69 

Mr.  Gates  wns  sued;  probably  Daniel  Gookin,  the  first 
.sheriff  in  V,"oree.ster  county,  served  the  wi'it.  The  di?^con- 
tent  of  the  proprietors  had  become  chronic  an.d  relief  could 
not  be  found  in  treatment  less  heroic.  It  was  a  valorous 
attack,  but  the  enemy  was  not  wholly  routed,  as  appears  in 
a  call  fiv,-  a  meeting  to  be  assembled  at  the  inn  of  C^iptain 
Josiah  Shelden  in  IViston,  Xovem])er  19,  "to  liear  Avhat  ^^Ir. 
Hezekiah  Gate's  hath  to  oiler  for  an  aorcement  concerning 
the  saw  mill  and  damn."  The  records  of  Timothy  Green 
arc  spelled  with  great  accuracy.  lie  fails  now  in  the  oHliog- 
ra])hy  of  one  Avord.  Proltabl}'  he  did  not  use  that  ■word 
oficn,  but  we  are  sorry  to  find  him  using  it  in  this  form  when 
he  is  talking  about  Gates  and  the  saw-mill.  Mr.  Ilartwell 
is  allowed  and  some  time  later  was  paid  £3;'j-3-0  "  for  sueing 
Hezekiah  Gates  ;  for  charges  attending  Court  at  Worcester 
May  17-10  and  for  officers  fees  and  witness  fees  and  for 
laying  out  ten  acres  of  pine  land  and  laying  out  Hezekiah 
Gates'  land."  In  1743.  after  many  votes  and  references  to 
the  affair,  the  proprietors,  in  a  more  conciliatory  spirit,  pro- 
pose to  adjust  the  difUculty  on  receipt  of  £40  or  £10  new 
tenor.  The  proposition  was  accepted  and  pa^'ment  made  by 
Mr.  Gates  soon  after.  Complaint  however  vras  renewed  in 
a  future  year,  1744,  in  a  call  for  a  meeting  "to  see  what 
the  proprietors  will  do  concerning  Hezekiah  (rates  ;  the  saw 
mill  being  out  of  repair  and  no  boards."  When  the  meeting 
was  convened  nothing  was  done  about  it  for  the  saw-mill  and 
all  minor  troubles  were  forgotten  in  the  sorrows  and  discour- 
agements of  the  French  and  Indian  A\'ar. 

1741.  Several  of  the  })roprietors  of  Dorchester  Canada, 
compared  with  the  standard  of  their  time,  were  men  of 
wealth.  It  is  apparent  that  others  were  less  fortunate.  A 
considerable  portion  of  the  taxes  which  had  been  assessed 
from  time  to  time  on  the  rights  in  the  township  remained 

i';. •:;;-( 

I.  -•!!:*  -.:•;    ;u;' 


unjxiid,  and  iiKuiy  dcinaucls  the  prc)])rioty  were  unad- 
justed. The  ciiibai'rassincnt  occasioned  by  this  state  of 
alfairs  finds  iVeciuent  ex])ression  in  tlie  records.  Early  this 
3'ear  it  was  voted  to  sell  at  auction  the  land  of  the  delinquent 
owners,  but  before  the  day  apjxiintcd  for  the  sale  ari'ived,  the 
majority  took  a  more  cinicilialor}-  course  in  referrinir  the 
subject  to  a  conunittee.  It  is  jn-obuble  that  no  sale  of  land 
for  the  payment  of  taxes  was  made  until  17.>1.. 

In  the  annals  of  this  year  should  be  recorded  an  important 
event  over  which  the  ])roi)rietors  had  no  control.  The 
boundary  line,  having  been  adjusted  previously  by  the  con- 
tending provinces,  was  ruii  by  liichard  Ilazen  in  February  of 
this  year.  A  belt  of  land  along  the  northern  boundary  of 
Dorchester  Canada,  containing  nearl}'  one  thousand  acres, 
was  ruthlessl}-  given  to  New  Hampshire.  Overcome  by  a 
grief  which  refused  utterance,  or  sustained  by  a  stoic  resig- 
nation which  commanded  silence,  the  jn-oprietors  make  no 
reference  to  this  event  for  many  years. 

17-l:*2.  The  annals  of  this  year  are  somewhat  brief  and 
uneventful,  and  the  careless  reader  might  fail  to  discover  the 
feature  of  greatest  interest.  Here  is  found  the  first  trace  of 
faction  among  the  proprietors.  In  a  call  for  a  meeting  to  be 
held  at  the  meeting-house  in  ] Dorchester  Canada,  the  first 
attempt  to  hold  a  meeting  outside  of  ])orcliester  or  Boston, 
appear  the  names  of  Caleb  A\'ilder,  Joseph  AVheelock,  Ileze- 
kiah  Gates,  Jienjamin  Harris,  Crardner  AMlder,  Edward 
Phelps  and  Xathaniel  Caller.  These  MX're  the  })etitioners 
who  caused  the  meeting  to  l)e  called  and  designated  the 
place.  I'ormer  meetings  had  generally  been  called  by 
Thomas  Tilestone,  Jon;itiian  Dwight,  Hezekiah  Barber, 
Samuel  Kneeland  and  others  living  in  Boston  or  immediate 
vicinitv.  The  record  of  the  ])roceedin*2:s  of  the  meeting 
convened  in  Dorchester  Canada  is  brief:  "A  number  of  the 

'■  ,\r  ., 

PlJOl'RIF.TARY    inSTOKY.  71 

))r()]>i'ictor:^  mot  at  tlic  )nccting  liouse  in  Dorcliestcr  Canada 
and  thf^ro  was  ol)jection  aro.^e  about  the  oalUnL';  the  luectinir 
and  so  notliinL''  wa^  done." 

I'vvidently,  withoul  consulting  tlie  Tilestoiio  paily,  the 
same  gentleman  joined  liy  a  few  others  get  a  meeting  called 
sof)n  after  to  be  convened  at  Leominster.  Again  "there  Avas 
ohjectiiiu  arose  "  on  acconnt  of  the  absence  c-l'the  clerk  "and 
so  nothing  was  done."  It  becomes  ap})arent  that  in  the 
fictitious  phiy  of  Afohaninied  and  the  mountain,  the  Boston 
])arty  preferred  to  be  the  mountain.  A  meeting  Avas  then 
called  to  assemble  early  the  folIoAving  year  at  the  irm  of  Mr. 
Jonatlian  Dwight  in  ]>()ston  whei'c  matters  of  grave  im}K)rt 
were  considered. 

171-3.  At  a  meeting  convened  ^Niareh  31  at  the  house  of 
Jonathan  D^vight,  an  entertaining  proposition  was  considered 
and  decided  as  Ibllows  : 

Voted  That  the  proprietors  give  CDCOnragement  to  one  person 
that  will  settle  a  Family  and  Keep  a  public  House  with  Suitable 

Voted  That  tho  sum  of  £100.  O.  T.  be  paid  to  one  person  that 
shall  build  a  good  and  suflicient  House  — three  Rooms  on  a  floor 
with  Chimneys  in  each  Room  of  it  for  a  House  of  ICntertainment 
and  Rain  unit  provision  suitable  for  to  eniertain  men  and 

In  order  that  the  bounty  proposed  might  lie  paid  to  any 
person  complying  with  the  conditions  a  tax  was  assessed  at 
this  time,  bnt  the  money  was  not  ]n\)mptly  collected. 
Timothy  ^lossman  of  Sudbury  built  a  house  of  entertainment 
this  year,  and  received  eighty  pounds  of  the  one  hundred 
pounds  which  was  attempted  to  he  raised.  The  record  will 
establish  this  point  l)eyond  dispute.  Under  an  article  "To 
do  what  shall  be  thouirht  neeessarv  in  order  that  Mr.  Tiniothv 



^Mossi'iaii  ])ia_\"  have  tlie  iiioiic}'  ])ai(j  him  \\"hich  is  justly  due 
and  o\Yinu'  to  him  tVoui  said  ])ro]'))-iotors"  it  Wits  ordered  "  That 
tlie  sum  of  eiii;hty  pounds  ohl  tenor  be  a1h)V\-ed  and  paid  to 
]\lr.  Timothy  ^lossman  lor  his  service  in  building  a  house  of 
entertaimuent  and  if  theie  should  be  peace  with  France 
within  twehe  nuniths  that  tlie  aforesaid  ]\Iossman  to  have  the 
sum  of  forty  ])Ounds  old  tenor." 

In  recognition  of  faithful  service,  the  sum  of  twelve 
sliillings  per  day  for  seven  and  one-half  days  was  voted  to 
Edward  Hart  well,  Jose})h  W'heelock  and  Andrew  Wilder,  a 
committee  ''  to  view  out  and  mark  out  a  road  from  the  meet- 
ing house  to  the  west  line  and  that  tifty  shillings  bo  allowed 
to  each  of  them  for  their  extraordinary  hardshi])." 

174.-J:.  At  the  threshold  of  a  new  year  stand  the  waiting 
heralds  of  impending  war :  their  niessages,  borne  on  the 
wings  of  alarm  along  the  uiq^rotected  frontier,  are  answered 
in  hasty  p]"i'})arations  for  defence.  The  settlers  from  the 
unprotected  l»orders  through  fear  of  attack  from  the  Indians 
are  hastening  to  the  older  and  foi'titied  towns.  The  proprie- 
toi's  of  Dorchester  Canada,  })erceiving  that  the  existence  of 
the  settlcnu.-nt  was  invoUed,  adopted  early  measures  to 
create  a  feeling  of  security.  First,  they  i)lace  themselves 
squarely  on  the  rec(n\l  :  ''  \'^oted  that  the  proprietors  will 
foilify,"  and  at  the  same  meeting  one  hundred  and  sixty 
pounds  was  voted  to  Asher  Cutler  if  he  woidd  "build  a 
fortification  aroimd  his  house  and  receive  the  soldiers  that  is- 
ordered  for  that  }dace  and  have  the  }jrovince  pay  for  billeting 
and  kee})  a  ta\'ern  Viitli  good  staijling  ha\'  t^c  to  the  acce])t- 
ance  of  the  proprietors.''  Mr.  Andj-ew  Wilder  was  chosen 
"to  view  the  fortitication  ]Mr.  Cutler  is  to  build  in  said  town- 
ship." It  is  reasonal>ly  certain  that  this  contract  was 
annulled.  In  August  following  an  agreement  is  made  with 
Jonathan  Dwight  and  l^ihraim  "Wheeler  "  to  build  a   block 

riJOI'inETAliY   HISTORY.  73 

liousG  in  ?;ud  Dorcliostcr  Canada  and  keep  a  _<::ood  and  suffi- 
cient hon>o  of  entertaimnent  tit  both  for  man  it  horse  and 
to  entertaJn  all  soldiers  tliat  have  or  may  he  ordered  to  said 
townslii})  &  to  receive  tlie  province  ])ay  for  their  billeting.** 
The  consideration  for  this  undertakini.';  ^vas  two  hundred 
pounds  v>'hich  was  paid  them  the  following  year,  but  no 
record  of  any  pa3'inent  to  ~Sh\  Cutler  is  found. 

Only  two  months  preceding  this  agreement  with  Dwight 
and  AVheeler,  Timothy  ]\Iossman  was  chosen  "  to  take  care 
of  the  meeting  house  In'  nailing  boards  against  the  windows 
and  doors  and  prevent  the  burning  of  brush  near  it."  It  is 
probable  that  lietween  these  dates  ]\Ir.  ]Mossman  had  left  the 
house  of  entertainment  built  the  year  })receding.  Certainly 
in  the  following  year  he  was  residing  in  Sudbury.  It 
appears,  also,  that  Asher  Cutler  was  the  owner  of  the  ]Moss- 
man  inn  when  he  made  the  agreement  "svith  the  })ro})rietors 
to  fortify  his  house  in  Dorchester  Canada. 

In  contirmation  of  this  statement  there  is  the  record  of  a 
deed  dated  August  10,  1744,  of  Timothy  Mos.snian  of  Dor- 
chester Canada  conveying  the  fourteenth  and  tiftecnth  tirst 
division  lots  to  Asher  Cutler  of  Sudbury,  'iliese  lots  are 
west  of  the  highwa}*  and  between  the  house  of  Seth  P.  Fair- 
banks and  the  old  common.  There  is  also  a  distinct  tradi- 
tion that  this  ancient  inn  was  fortitied  and  stood  near  the  site 
of  the  Powder  House. 

At  the  time  Dwight  and  AMieeler  built  the  block-house 
IMr.  Wheeler  was  the  owner  of  one-half  of  the  liluehidd.  or 
Bellows  grant,  and  it  is  not  improljable  that  the  house  built 
on  this  grant  in  17;j4  was  a  part  of  the  l)lock-house  built  in 
the  autumn  of  1744  or  the  following  spring.  Enos  Jones, 
who  settled  on  the  Blueticld  grant  about  17G2,  was  accus- 
tomed to  say  that  there  was  a  l)lock-house  and  an  inn  situ- 
ated a  short  distance  south  from  the  house  occu})ied  by  the 
late  Deacon  Daniel  Jones. 

< !  T       ; , 

74  II13T0i{Y     OF    ASHDUKNIIAM. 

174-5~17:t9.  If  any  iiK^ctinii;  of  (he  pro))riclovs  was  con- 
vened, durini;-  tlie.-e  live  yenrs,  no  record  of  it  has  been 
preserved.  It  \\oidd  l)e  a  source  of  satisfaction  to  make  it 
a]>pc;ir,  upon  proof,  that  durini;-  these  years  of  gloom  and 
<3iscourageDient  to  all  tlie  frontier  settlements  our  little 
colony  had  maintained  a  continuous  ha])it-ation  in  Dorchester 
Canada.  But  a  knowledge  of  the  fortunes  of  other  settle- 
ments similarly  situated,  the  absence  of  any  sustaining 
evidence  and  tlie  voices  of  tradition  combine  to  destro^^any 
such  picture  and  to.  lead  to  tlie  conclusion  that  during  a  con- 
siderable jwrtion  of  the  time  the  settlement  was  entirely 
deserted.  If  it  is  true  that  the  fires  are  sutTered  to  burn  low 
on  these  primitive  liearths,  they  are  not  wholly  extinguished. 
In  a  little  wliile  the  ])ioneers  return  in  augmented  force  and 
the  infant  colony  grows  apace.  It  was  the  rest  and  inac- 
tivity (:f  sleep,  1)ut  not  the  eternal  silence  of  death  :  and  the 
little  clearings  in  the  forest,  the  meeting-house  and  tlie  mill 
will  await  them  on  their  return. 

Previous  to  this  date,  in  ad'lilio)i  to  grants  of  land  to 
the  saw-mill  and  for  other  ])urposes.  the  pro})rietors  had 
expended  above  one  thousand  five  hundred  pounds,  old 
tenor,  in  forwarding  the  settlement.  Substantial  jirogress 
had  been  uiade.  i*rimitive  roads  had  been  constructed 
frcan  Lunenburg  to  the  meeting-house  and  from  thence 
to  the  'Winchendon  line.  There  was  a  road  of  more 
pretension  from  the  saw-mill  to  tlie  meeting-house,  and  the 
jN'orthfield  road  extended  through  the  townshij).  A  saw- 
mill and  later  a  meeting-house  had  ])een  built  and  the 
fruit  of  civilization  had  l>een  enjoyed  in  a  lawsuit  of  very 
fair  proportions.  Through  several  clearings  in  the  forest 
the  summer  sun  Avarms  the  earth  and  paints  in  livery  of 
green  tlie  tender  blade.  A  i\'M'  houses  have  been  built  in 
the  centre  of  tlie  clearings.     The  house  on  Bluefield  farm  is 

I    1.' 



os(;il)lislied  by  tlie  records,  jj'lic  owner  of  (he  .saw-mill  w:is 
}>ermitted  to  build  his  iieiir  by.  Tlu;  house  of"  ^Ir. 
];in,  and  the  fortitlcd  house  of  Dwight  and  "Wheeler, 
were  eonii)leted  to  the  acceptance  of  the  ])ro])rietors.  But 
the  number  and  hK-ation  of  the  earliest  dwellings  have 
esca})ed  record  and  have  faded  from  the  traditions  of  men. 

Tlie  original  grant  of  several  towns  in  this  vicinity  was  at, 
very  nearly  the  same  time.  At  the  outset  it  M\as  an  even 
race.  The  pro})rietors  of  Dorchester  Canada,  manifesting 
a  li\  elier  interest  in  their  plantation  by  more  frecpient  meet- 
ings and  more  comprehensive  action,  seciu'cd  better  results 
and  made  more  progress  in  a  preparation  for  the  future  than 
was  made  by  their  rivals.  It  is  probably  true  that  if  the 
l)uildin2:  of  the  meetino-house  had  Ijeen  delaved  a  ^'ery  short 
time,  it  would  not  have  been  built  until  the  return  of  peace 
after  the  French  and  Indian  "War.  Admitting  the  conjecture, 
the  fact  remains  —  one  was  built,  and  it  was  more  than 
twenty  years  before  a  similar  edifice  ^^'as  reared  in  Ivindge 
or  in  W^inchendon. 

The  fear  of  attack  from  the  Indians  which  led  to  the 
desertion  of  the  settlement  was  not  without  good  and  suffi- 
cient reason.  Any  other  course  would  have  been  rash  and 
venturesome.  A  view  of  the  surroundings  as  they  were  in 
1745  leads  directly  to  this  conclusion.  Townsend,  includ- 
ing the  greater  part  of  Ashby,  and  Lunenburg  were  incor- 
porated towns  containing  several  block-houses  on  which  the 
inhabitants  relied  for  })rotection.  The  settlement  in  W^est- 
minster  had  made  substantial  progress,  containing  about 
twenty  families.  In  that  town  was  a  line  of  ten  block- 
houses or  fortified  dwellings  which,  joining  with  the  fortifi- 
cations in  Luiienl)urg  and  Townsend,  made  a  continuous  line 
of  defences  on  the  south  and  ea>t,  with  Ashburnham  on  the 
outside  doing  picket  duty  for  the  older  and  foilitied  towns. 


. .  -i  ^1 

76  »HISTOPvr    OF    ASHHUnXHAM. 

There  was  no  protection  from  the  nortli  and  west.  In  this 
direction,  between  the  lines  of  settlement  along  the  margins 
of  tlie  Connecticut  and  ^Merrimack  rivers,  v\as  an  exi)anse  of 
unbroken  >\'ilderness  through  which  an  insidious  foe  could 
approach  unchallenged.  The  only  settlements  on  the  dan- 
ger side  of  Ashlun-nham  were  at  New  I})swich,  Peter- 
borough, ivJndge  and  Winehendon.  All  tliese  were  deseiied. 
It  would  have  been  foolhardy  for  an}'  of  tliem  ov  all  of 
them  in  alliance  to  have  attempted  to  maintain  an  existence 
during  these  years  of  danger.  History  commends  the  Avis-. 
dom  of  the  course  pursued  by  these  unprotected  and  feeble 
settlements.  It  is  a  well-estal)lished  fact  that  the  Indians 
were  discovered  many  times  lurking  along  the  line  of  the 
gan'isons  and  ready  to  attack  any  unguarded  point.  They 
were  held  at  Ixiy  only  ])y  the  active  measures  taken  for 
defence.  They  even  entered  Westminster  and  Lunenburg 
and  in  a  part  of  Lunenbm-g  now  in  Ash1)y,  they  Inirned  one 
of  the  foiliiied  houses,  killing  two  of  the  three  soldiers  who 
had  been  stationed  there  and  carried  into  captivity  an  entire 
family,  consisting  of  John  Fitch,  his  wife  and  five  children. 
The  Indians  made  their  retreat  and  doubtless  came 
through  Ashburnham.  Electing  between  reti'eat  and  mas- 
sacre, these  settlements  were  aliandoned.  Even  within  the 
fortified  line  there  were  expressions  of  fear  and  repeated 
calls  for  assistance.  July  S,  1748,  three  days  after  the  cap- 
ture of  John  Fitch,  fifty-eight  citizens  of  Lunenburg  and 
Leominster  join  in  a  petition  for  more  soldiers  "for  the  pro- 
tection of  their  lives,"  giving  as  a  reason  for  their  re(|uest 
"that  we  are  soried  to  look  upon  ourselves  in  a  very  hazard- 
ous as  well  as  distressed  case  to  such  a  degree  that  we  can- 
not many  of  us  labor  on  our  farms  or  abide  in  our  houses 
with  tolerable  safety."  Four  days  later  the  connaissioued 
officers  and  the  selectmen  of  Luneiiburg  renew  the  request 


rKOPElKTAllV    IIISTOKY.  -  77 

for  help  declnrinii;  that  for  the  pas(  week  "nliuost  daily  the 
enemy  are  heard  sliootini;'  in  tiie  ^vood^■>  above  us."  In  the 
accumulated  evidence  of  these  and  oilier  documents  which 
care  has  preserved  and  research  brought  to  liglit  is  found 
the  danger  which  led  to  the  abandonment  of  our  little  settle- 
ment and  which  raised  alarm  in  the  older  and  stronger 

During  this  jieriod  of  suspension  in  the  afi'airs  of  Dorches- 
ter Canada,  material  changes  occurred  in  the  membership  of 
the  propriety.  'J'homas  Tilestone  died  October  21,  1745. 
No  other  name  has  become  so  familiar.  lie  was  the  letiding 
petitioner  for  tlic  grant  and  was  appointed  by  the  General 
Court  on  the  conmiittee  to  admit  the  grantees  and  also  to 
conduct  their  organization.  Sul)scquently  he  was  elected 
moderator  of  CA'cry  uieeting  of  the  proprietors,  was  named 
on  the  most  important  committees  and  until  his  death,  at  the 
age  of  seventy  years,  he  was  the  leading  spirit  among  his 
associates.  He  was  a  son  of  Timothy  Tilestone  and  was 
born  in  Dorchester  October  19,  1G75.  Tin-ongh  a  long  and 
useful  life  he  was  called  to  many  positions  of  trust,  both  in 
civil  and  military  affairs.  His  name  is  honorably  connected 
with  the  annals  of  his  time.  In  the  concerns  of  Dorchester 
Canada,  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Elisha  Tilestone,  who 
from  inclination  or  otherwise  made  no  attempt  to  exercise  an 
equal  influence  in  the  management  of  its  aft'airs. 

Joseph  Wilder  of  Lancaster  was  a  member  of  the  Council 
in  1735  and  was  one  of  the  committee  to  admit  the  grantees. 
At  first  he  was  prominent  in  the  councils  of  the  proprietors, 
but  occupied  witli  aft'airs  of  greater  moment  his  name  now 
fades  almost  entirely  from  these  annals.  He  was  Judge  of 
Probate  many  years  and  one  of  the  Justices  of  the  County 
Court  from  the  organization  of  the  county  in  1731  until  his 
"death  in  1757.     It  was  his  son  Joseph  who  was  one  of  the 


78  ■  IIISTOIJY  0¥    ASIir.UIJNITAM. 

sarveyor?  of  tho  iirst  division  lots  in  ]  7;>().  Aiiotl'Or  son 
Caleb  find  ;i  cousin  Oliver  continue  active  members  of  the 
propriety  for  many  years,  ;md  anK)ng  the  residents  ^vbo 
apj)ear  at  a  later  pei'iod  the  name  of  AVilder  w[]\  receive 
honoi"able  mention. 

Edward  ILirtAvcll  was  one  of  the  iirst  settlers  of  Lunen- 
burg wliere  be  contiimed  to  reside  until  liis  death  ]'\l)!ni;iry 
17,  178."),  aged  ninety-six  years.  He  continues  a  proprietor 
of  Dorcbester  Canada,  but  :dter  this  date  lie  gives  veiy  little 
tmie  or  attention  to  its  atlairs.  His  ,^ound  judgment  and 
vigorous  bitellect  made  bim  a  letider  among  men.  lie  was 
a  major  in  the  mibtia  and  was  frequently  in  service  in  the 
protection  of  the  frontier.  For  many  }ears  he  vras  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Legislature  and  served  in  that  capacity  after  he 
was  eighty  years  of  age.  lie  was  also  one  of  the  Justices 
of  the  County  Court  from  17G2  to  1771.  In  the  midst  of 
•  these  accuniulating  honors  and  with  ■weighty  responsibilities 
resting  upon  him,  he  is  found  clearing  the  roads  in  the  new 
township  seven  and  one-half  days  and  is  rewarded  with  a 
gratuity  of  titly  shillings  on  account  of  bis  extraordinary 

On  the  muster-roll  of  Captain  AVithington's  company 
which  served  in  the  expedition  to  Canada  in  IGiJO  a})pears 
the  name  of  Samuel  IJicks.  The  son  Samuel,  Jr.,  being 
dead  a  right  in  the  township  of  Dorchester  Canada  was 
awarded  to  Timothy  IMossman  of  Sudbury  who  married 
Sarah  Kicks  a  daughter  of  Samuel,  Senior.  ]Mr.  ]Mossman 
was  the  only  one  of  the  sixty  original  proi)rietors  who  settled 
in  the  township.  Driven  away  by  fear  of  the  Indians  and 
being  advanced  in  years,  he  did  not  return  when  the  settle- 
ment was  renewed  but  the  name  will  ever  be  associated  with 
the  earliest  annals  of  the  place.  While  he  resided  here,  as 
stated  elsewhere,  he  owned  and  occupied  a  house  and  lands 

1        I     .Vjv.;:^      :  .1','  .■       '^'1 

u-\\\    '.u :   .'■■■'     ■•  V 




rnorRiETAijY  histoky.  79 

a  short  distanco  south  of  (liti  comiiion.  From  a  petition 
found  in  tho  forty-sixth  ^■olunle  of  State  tiirhivcs  it  a})pcars 
that  Mr.  ^Mossuiiin  liad  a  lease  of  other  huid  and  that  potasli 
was  manufactured  there  at  a  very  early  date. 

The  petition  of  Tiujothy  INIossrinin  wliich  humbly  craves  leave 
to  show  that  your  petitioner  lived  in  Dorchester  Canada  and  was 
drove  off  b^'  tlic  IniHans  from  that  town,  and  thereby  I  losscd  niy 
House  Moveables  and  Improvements  and  being  impoverished  sold 
my  land  there,  J  was  put  in  possession  of  the  pottash  farm  by 
virtue  of  a  Lease  from  Capt  Plaistced,  where  I  did  much  labour 
in  fencing  improveing  and  n.akeing  roads  to  the  value  of  Two 
Hundred  pounds  where  a  so  I  met  uith  Great  sickness  in  my 
person  &  familly  and  was  furthei-  reduced  by  tlie  loss  of  the 
possession  of  the  proA'ince  land  as  it  became  profitable. 

Therefore  I  j;)ray  your  Excellency  and  Honours  from  your  own 
goodness  and  Humanity  to  Compassionate  my  distress'd  Circum- 
stances and  forgive  me  the  dclit  I  owe  to  the  ]*rovince  and  give 
me  a  small  Tract  or  Tracts  of  l'ro\ince  Land  that  ma}'  be  found 
to  L^-e  betwixt  Westminster  and  Leominster  that,  is  useless  to  the 
Govern'' or  the  Sum  of  Two  Hundied  Pounds  or  Equivolence  in 
laud,  and  as  in  duty  bound  shall  ever  pray. 


In  answer  to  this  petition  of  ]Mr.  ^NFossman,  the  General 
Coui-t  ordered  June  12,  17G1,  "that  the  sum  of  twelve 
pounds,  being  a  debt  due  from  the  petitioner  to  the  }n-ov- 
inee,  be  remitted  to  him  in  full  answer  to  his  petition." 

The  second  allegation  in  the  petition  concerning  the  pot- 
ash w*orks  under  the  lease  of  Ca})tain  Plaisted  relates  to 
events  wdjich  occurred  after  his  removal  from  this  town.  To 
Thomas  Plaistod  had  been  granted  fifteen  hundred  acres  of 
land,  now  a  part  of  Princeton,  and  while  ]Mr.  ^lossman  was 
occupying  this  grant  in  17G0  the  title  was  forfeited  on 
account  of  non-fulfdmcnt  of  the  conditions,  jt  is  this  mis- 
fortune that  is  recited  in  the  petition.  Timothy  Mossman 
was  born  in  AYrentham,  1670,  and  died  in  Sudbury,  177o. 
lie  did  not  reside  in  this  town  subsequent  to  1744. 









The  Coxgkess  of  nations  convened  at  Aix  la  Chapelle,  in 
1748,  effected  a  suspension  of  hostilities  between  England 
and  France,  but  during  the  summer  of  the  following  yeai', 
detached  bodies  of  Indians,  sometimes  accompanied  hy  a  fe^\' 
French  soldiers,  continued  to  menace  the  exposed  line  of 
settlements.  Not  until  1750,  did  a  feeling  of  security  invite 
a  return  of  the  settlers  to  the  frontiers,  nor  at  this  time  in 
any  considerable  number.  One  by  one  the  hardy  pioneers 
break  an  0})ening  in  the  wilderness  or  enlarge  a  clearing 
already  begun.  The  rude  cabins  are  separated  by  wide 
M'astes  of  unbroken  forest.  The  cheering  presence  of  a  new 
arrival,  or  the  return  of  a  former  companion  is  only  hailed  at 
long  intervals  of  time.  It  was  several  years  before  there 
were  many  settlers  in  the  townshij).  The  renewal  of  the 
war  in  1754,  and  the  news  of  sudden  incursions  by  the 
Indians  into  Salislniry,  Charlestown,  AValpole,  ]{.eene, 
Hinsdale  and  other  towns  in  New  Ilarap.shire,  continued  to 
cast  clouds  of  discouragement  over  a  second  attempt  to  pos- 
sess the  township.     While  this  state  of  ailairs  from  1750  to 


;  .  "1  " 

■■■'■  H 



17 GO  greatly  rct-irdod,  it  did  not  prevent  niatei-ial  progress 
ill  the  settlement  of  Dorchester  Canada. 

Early  in  the  year,  1750,  the  ],)roi)rietors,  aroused  by  the 
bustk'.  of  preparation  heard  on  every  hand,  are  convened  at 
the  inn  of  their  old  associate,  Jonathan  D wight.  For  five 
3^ears  they  have  beheld  their  possessions  in  Dorchester 
Canada,  through  the  dim  vision  of  gloomy  foar  and  fading 
hope,  but  now  assembling  with  cheerful  countenances,  they 
forget  the  misgivings  of  the  past  as  they  read  on  every  hand 
the  accumulating  promises  of  amended  fortunes.  They  can- 
not fail  to  note  the  vacant  chair  of  Timotliy  Tilestone. 
Joseph  Wilder,  engrossed  by  affairs  of  greater  moment,  has 
withdrawn  from  an}'  })articipation  in  their  aliairs,  and  Edward 
Hartwell,  after  this  date,  is  seldom  present.  In  their  room 
come  Elisha  Tilestone,  Richard  and  Caleb  Dana,  Henry 
Coolidge,  Eleazer  AVilliams  and  John  Moffatt,  while  the 
Sum-ners,  Colonel  Oliver  and  Captain  Caleb  Wilder,  Jona- 
than D wight,  Hezekiah  Barber,  Jose})h  AMicelock,  Xathan 
Heywood  and  others,  whose  names  are  familiar,  will  con- 
tinue active  members  of  the  board.  And  last,  but  not  least, 
from  year  to  year  there  will  be  added  to  their  councils  ne^v 
members,  residents  of  tlie  settlement,  increasing  in  numbers 
and  influence  until  they  gain  control  of  the  corporation. 
These,  in  whom  we  have  much  the  greater  interest,  will  be 
introduced  with  honorable  mention  as  they  make  their 
appearance  at  the  meetings  of  the  board. 

The  date  of  the  first  meeting  after  the  long  interval,  w^as 
February  20,  1740-50.  It  was  proposed  to  }.)rocure  windows 
and  finish  the  meeting-house,  and  the  expediency  of  calling  a 
minister  was  suggested  for  the  first  time,  but  nothing  was 
decided  in  reofard  to  a  minister  or  the  meeting-house.  A 
committee  was  named  to  report  at  the  next  meeting  concern- 
ing the  probable  expense  and  the  location  of  a  grist-mill,  and 

'    >i: 

v/     :,;:  I'll 


82  HISTOKY    OF   ASlinUKMlAM. 

then,  Avith  their  accustouied  alacrity,  they  achnoiiisliod  ?ilr. 
Gates  instructing  him  in  specilic  terms,  to  J^eep  the  sav>'-mill 
■  in  good  rcjiair  and  to  ''raise  the  dam  one  foot  and  a  half 
higher  than  it  used  to  be  or  ever  has  been."  xVfter  some 
attention  to  the  roads,  which  doubtless  ni-eded  mending,  the 
proprietors  directed  attention  to  one  sid)ject  of  no  little 
interest.  Present  at  this  meeting,  and  mingling  Avilh  them, 
was  jNFoses  J'^ostcr,  then  ahnost  sLxty  years  of  age.  For 
sevcnd  3'cars  he  had  resided  a  })ortion  of  tlie  time,  at  least, 
in  Dorchester  Canada.  lie  brought  them  tidings  from  the 
wilderness,  and  gave  them  an  account  of  what  had  happened 
there.  By  him  they  were  assured  the  meeting-house  had 
been  unharmed  and  he  gave  them  the  names  of  those  who 
had  b?en  to  the  wilderness  or  v.'cre  proposing  to  settle  there. 
Mr.  Foster  had  purchased  one  first  and  one  second  division 
lot  lying  adjacent  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town,  now  in 
Ash])y.  The  title  to  one  of  the  lots  was  in  dispute  and  the 
proprietors  at  this  meeting  made  him  a  grant  of  fifty  acres. 
Not  content  with  this  moasuro  of  kindness  to  their  aged 
guest,  the  proprietors  vote  him  five  })0unds  "  for  being  one  of 
the  first  settlers."  There  is  no  record  of  the  pnyment  of 
this  gratuity,  but  a  few  years  later  a  tract  of  about  iifty  acres 
was  granted  to  "Mr.  jNIoses  Foster  one  of  the  first  settlers" 
on  condition  he  "shall  come  personally  and  settle  and  inhaljit 
there  and  continue  there  for  several  years  provided  his  life 
be  spared  him."  This  grant  was  located  adjacent  to  and  east 
of  the  common,  and  for  man}''  years  was  known  as  the 
Deacon  Foster  grant.  It  is  now  owned  and  occupied  by 
Benjamin  Gushing.  Permission  was  also  given  ]Mr.  Foster 
to  throw  up  his  house  lot  Xo.  51,  and  lay  out  another  which 
he  did,  selecting  a  tract  extending  noiih  from  the  land 
granted  to  him,  but  not  extending  so  far  westward. 

•j'     Iww;    '   -.,<]  yi 


At  tills  time  occin-red  a  radical  chaiiL'o  in  New  EngLind  in 
the  terms  e))i})loycd  expressing  money.  In  J  730,  tlie  }iaper 
money,  styled  old  tenor,  comjxired  with  silver  was  worth 
about  one-ihird  of  its  nominal  value.  It  gradually  depreci- 
ated, until  in  1750  the  bills  issued  by  Massachusetts  were 
rated  at  about  fourteen  per  cent.  In  1740,  England  sent  to 
the  New  England  colonies  in  compensation  for  the  cost  of  the 
recent  "war  a  large  amount  of  specie.  1'he  proportion  of 
^fassachusetts,  amounting  to  $612,330.41,  was  employed  in 
redeeming  the  issue  of  paper  money  at  current  rates.  After 
this  date  when  a  sum  of  money  is  stated,  a  poimd  will 
represent  an  equivalent  to  $3.33j  in  silver.  Rel\}rring  to 
payments  of  money  previously  made,  the  vote  in  1737  to 
give  the  laborers  upon  the  roads,  seven  shillings  per  day- 
was  equivalent  to  thirty-oiic  cents,  and  the  cost  of  liuilding 
the  meeting-house  was  about  two  hundred  and  twenty-five 
dollars.  The  gratuity  tendered  !Mr,  Eoster  on  accouiil  of  his 
early  settlement,  was  equivalent  to  two  dollars  and  twenty- 
five  cents.  In  1751,  measures  were  adopted  which  led  to 
the  building  of  a  new  saw-mill.  In  order  to  accomplish  this 
desired  result,  the  proiirietors  first  declare  their  independence 
of  ]N[r.  Gates  and  his  mill,  and  then,  in  the  light  of  a  dis- 
covery, come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  former  grant  of  land 
to  him  is  revoked  and  can  bs  given  by  them  to  any  other 
person  or  persons  who  will  undertake  to  build  another  and  a 
better  mill.  With  the  summary  retirement  of  INIr.  Gates, 
the  old  mill  falls  into  decay.,  and  the  temi)er  of  the  proprie- 
tors is  reflected  with  more  serenity  in  the  pages  of  the 
records.  Let  it  not  be  presumed  that  this  continued  trouble 
over  the  saw-mill  has  been  unduly  colored  in  these  annals. 
Only  a  few  of  the  many  complaints  of  the  proprietors  have 
been  mentioned,  and  always  with  a  conscientious  elTort  to 
temper  their  acerbity.  ... 

t'.  ^ 

'   10 



The  iin;i.I  vole  was  passed,  XoronibiM- 5,  1751. 

Voted  that  the  proprietors  do  h.crehy  grunt  to  Caleb  Dana, 
Timoth}-  Green  and  Jonathan  Dwi^d^t  and  their  heirs,  tlie  stream 
of  water  whereon  tho  old  saw-rnill  was  built  by  Hczekiah.  Gates, 
and  the  ninety*  acres  of  land,  sixty  acres  of  which  arc  laid  out  near 
or  adjoining  to  said  stream,  which  was  supposed  to  be  granted  to 
the  said  Gates.  The}'  viz:  Calel)  Dana,  Timothy  Green  and 
Jonathan  Dwight  build  a  saw-mill  and  keep  the  sranc  in  good 
repair  three  years  after  said  mill  and  a  good  dam  is  well  finished 
at  or  before  the  20""  day  of  Ma}'  next  or  sooner. 

At  tlie  same  meeting  a  bounty  of  fort^'-eight  pounds  Avas 
ofiered  to  any  one  M'ho  would  build  a  grist-mill  on  the  same 
stream  "as  near  tlie  saw  mill  as  conveniently  can  be." 
There  were  stipulations  that,  at  the  saw-mill,  ^vork  should 
be  done  at  a  stated  price  and  that  the  grist-mill  should  be 
kept  in  good  repair  and  with  good  attendance  for  the  term 
of  fifteen  years.  It  was  proposed  in  April,  1752,  to  make  a 
further  gi-ant  to  encourage  the  building  of  •  the  grist-mill 
and  the  subject  was  referred  to  the  next  meeting  with  the 
encouraging  remark  "  l>y  which  time  the  grist-mill  will  be 
finished."  Stimulated  by  these  proceedings  a  new  saw-mill 
and  a  grist-mill  were  soon  built.  Caleb  Dana  of  Cam- 
bridge, the  owner  of  many  lots  of  land  but  never  a  resident 
in  this  townshi}!,  and  Elisha  Coolidge,  also  of  Cambridge, 
who  settled  at  this  time  in  Lane  Villaixe,  bou<'dit  of  Jonathan 
Dwight  fifty  acres  of  land  situated  southeast  and  adjoining 
the  old  saw-mill  grant.  On  their  new  purchase  they  built 
a  saw-mill  and  a  grist-mill  in  the  year  17.32.  These  mills 
were  near  each  other  and  possibly  under  one  roof,  and  were 
located  nearer  the  Upper  Naukeag  than  was  the  old  saw- 
mill. In  January,  1753,  Dana  and  Coolidge  sold  the  two 
mills  and  the  Dwight  land   to   Nathan  Dennis    of  Dudley. 


A    Ki:Ct)lll)    OF    SETTLEMENTS.  85 

]\[r.  Dennis  removed  at  oneo  and  took  possession  of  tlic 
mills  and  for  a  luimber  of  years  ]Mr.  Coolidge  remained 
here.  Danii  and  Coolidge  for  many  years  retained  posses- 
sion of  the  .>5aw-mill  grant.  For  some  reason  the  grant  Avas 
not  confirmed  to  tlicni  by  the  j^rojjrietors  until  1760,  nor 
was  the  graUiity  of  forty-eight  })oin)ds  to  encourage  the 
building  of  tlie  grist-mill  prom'ptly  paid.  This  delay  led 
to  the  second  lawsuit  which  attended  the'  of  the 
settlement.  Jn  this  in.stance  the  }>ro]n-ictors  Avere  the 
defendants  and  in  IToli  paid  the  successful  litigants  on  an 
executic)]!  tlie  sum  of  £77-15-2,  and  about  the  same  time 
Mr.  Dennis,  the  proprietor  of  the  mills,  secured  an  execu- 
tion for  the  sum  of  £14 -15 -3.  The  proprietors,  having 
secured  the  building  of  a  better  saw-mill  and  a  grist-mill 
for  th(^.  aeconnnodation  of  the  settlement  and  satiated  with 
vexatious  experiences  and  the  lawsuits  attending  ever}" 
enterprise  in  this  direction,  now  leave  their  management  and 
the  building  of  other  mills  to  the  enterprise  of  business  men. 
The  contiiuied  history  of  mills  and  manufactures  will  be 
found  in  another  chapter. 

In  regard  to  the  location  of  the  first  mills  in  this  town 
there  is  little  doubt.  The  mill  which  was  built  by  Mr. 
Gates  in  1737  was  on  the  saw-mill  grant,  located  on  the 
stream  between  tlie  Upper  and  Lower  Xaukeag  lakes. 
Between  the  grant  and  the  Upper  Xaukeag  was  a  lot  of  fifty 
acres  on  which  the  two  mills  were  Iniilt  by  Dana  and  Cool- 
idge in  1752.  The  bounds  of  these  tracts  of  land  are  defi- 
nitely defined  and  the  location  of  the  mills  ai)proximately 
shown  ])y  deeds  recorded  in  the  AVorcester  llegistry.  The 
first  mill  was  near  the  lower  mill  of  Packard  l>rotliers,  for- 
merly of  ]-]lias  Lane,  and  nut  many  years  since  ti'aces  of  the 
old  log  dam  could  be  seen  about  twenty  yards  south  of  the 
present  dam.     The  other  mills  were  about  sixty  yards  east 

80  iriSTOHY    OF   ASIinUIIXIIAM. 

of  the  mill  in  Lnnc  Yillao-c,  nov/  of  Packard  Brothers,  for- 
merly of  C.  &:,  G.  C.  Winchester.  Traces  of  the  dam,  in 
the  present  mill-pond,  still  remain. 

Referring  the  action  of  the  proprietors  in  regard  to  roads 
and  to  ecclesiastical  allairs  to  chaj)ters  devoted  to  those  sub- 
jects, there  are  found  remaining  many  items  of  interest  and 
information  which  relate   to  the  progress  of  the  settlement. 
In  the  proceedings  of  a   meeting  convened  in  March,  1751, 
and  between  the  record  of  two  other  votes  on  disconnected 
subjects  is  fourid  the  following  assertion  :  "Voted  that  thirty 
men  or  upwards  residing  in  tlie  township."     This  is  stLU-tlin<->- 
information.     Turning  to    the  warrant  for  an  article  intro- 
ducing this  vote  there  is  found,  "To  agree  upon  a  speedy 
and    full    complia)ice    with    the    conditions    of    the    General 
Courts  Grant."     The  conditions  of  the  chai-ter  requirijig  the 
settlement  of  a  certain  number  of  families  within  a  limited 
time  had  been  unfuliilled  several  yeai-s.     On  account  of  the 
troublous  times  which  had  retarded  the  progress  of  all  the 
younger  settlements,  the  General  Court,  by  tacit  consent  and 
sometimes  by  enactment,  had  extended  in  an  indefinite  man- 
ner the  time  stipulated  for  the  fulfilment  of  the  conditions  of 
the  gi-ants.     Yet  the  policy  of  reminding  the  settlements  of 
their  delinquency  was  being  pursued.     The  solemn  declara- 
tion of  the   proprietors  that  there  were  thirty  men  residin"- 
in  the  township  at  this  time  should  be  qualified.     It  was  not 
recorded  for  their  own  information  but  was  rather  addressed 
to   the   General  Court.     If  the  vote  had  a  desired  etiect  in 
the  quarter  to  which  it  was  directed,  it  did   not  increase  the 
mmiber  of  settlers.     The  population  of  their  plantation  could 
not  be    inflated    at   will    l)y    resolving    tliat    the    men   were 
there.     Only  a   few  families  were   residing   in  the   township 
when    this   startling  vote  was   passed,  and  any  mention  of 
thirty  men,  if  correct,  nmst  have  included  any  who  were 

A    KECOKl)   OF    SETTLKMKNTS.  87 

repairing  roads  for  the  propric  toi'.s  or  clcarinu'  lots  prepara- 
tory to  a  removal  of  their  families  ;  but  Iheir  existing  legal 
residence  and  tlic  houis  of  their  families  were  not  as  3'et  in 
Dorchester  Canada. 

Aliout  the  time  the  town  was  incorporated,  and  jjerhaps 
an  incident  of  that  event,  there  are  found  renevred  evidences 
of  discord  between  the  resident  and  non-iesident  [tropri- 
ctors.  For  several  years  the  nicetings  of  the  })ro})i'iety  liad 
been  held  in  Dorchester  Canada  and  in  thein  all  there  had 
l)een  o})portunJty  for  diliercnces  of  opinion  in  the  policy 
which  should  be  pursued  in  the  general  management  of 
affairs.  The  non-resident  proprietors  in  forwai'ding  the  set- 
tlement were  increasing  the  value  of  their  lands,  while  the 
resident  proj.u'ielors,  ha\'ing  a  twofold  interest  in  appro jn'i- 
ations  for  roads  and  other  public  conceriis,  would  favor 
larger  a})propriations  and  the  pursuit  of  a  more  liberal 
policy  in  the  general  management  of  the  coi'poration.  ]>y 
conciliation  and  sometimes  by  the  postponement  of  con- 
tested measures  an  open  issue  was  avoided,  leaving  the  pro- 
prietors at  greater  liberty  for  a  contest  over  the  place  of 
holding  their  meetings.  The  resident  pro})rietors  constantly 
increasing  in  number  had  now  maintained  the  meetings  in 
Dorchester  Canada  without  much  interruj^tion  for  several 
years.  Tiiere  vras  no  injustice  in  tlieir  claim  that  the  minor- 
ity and  wealthier  ])art  of  the  })ropriety  could  come  to  the 
plantation  to  attend  meetings  with  less  sacrifice  than  would 
attend  them  in  a  journey  to  Boston.  At  a  meeting  con- 
vened in  Dorchester  Canada  in  April,  Hi')'),  an  unusual 
amount  of  business  was  ti'ansacted,  including  a  vote  that 
nothing  be  done  about  holding  future  meetings  in  some  other 
place.  The  defeated  party  on  the  pretence,  real  or  imagi- 
nary, that  "they  were  hindered  from  giving  their  attend- 
ance   by  reason  of  the   extraordinary  freshets  at  that  time 

1         ■<■! 





which  vendered  Iravclliuij;  tliilber  iin])r;uticabk\"  iinjiicdi- 
ately  caUed  another  iiioeting.  In  the  wan-ant  for  tbis  meet- 
ing there  was  an  article  })ruvidi!ig  for  (lie  reconsideration  of 
all  that  Avas  done  at  the  A])v\]  nieetini^-.  They  assenibhul  at 
the  meetinii-hoiise  ^Nfay  8.  On  accounl  of  a  foi'nier  vote  a 
meeting  could  not  be  called  elsewhere.  In  the  organizalion 
of  the  meeting  Seth  Sunnier,  a  non-resident  proprietor,  was 
chosen  moderator  in  [)lace  of  either  Elislia  Coolidge,  Dea- 
con ]\Ioses  Foster  or  Sanuiel  Fellows,  who  had  frequently 
been  selected  at  former  meetings.  A\"itliout  a  vote  on  any 
other  question  the  meeting  was  adjourned  to  meet  in  Kox- 
bur}',  and  havir;g  met  at  that  place  was  adjourned  to  meet 
in  Boston. 

The  Boston  [tarty  continued  the  meeting  over  a  year, 
holding  by  adjournment  eleven  sessions.  They  elected 
Richard  Dana  clerk  in  i)lace  of  Sanniel  AVilder  of  Ashl)urn- 
ham  who  was  elected  in  ITGo  to  succeed  Xuthau  ITeywood  of 
Lunenburg ;  they  repealed  all  the  measures  adopted  ut  the 
April  meeting  and  voted  that  future  meetings  should  bo  held 
in  Boston  until  otherwise  ordered.  Not  mitil  1771  was 
another  meethig  of  the  i)rojn'ietors  convened  at  Ashburnham, 
when  Samuel  Wilder  was  again  elected  clerk  and  was  con- 
tinued in  otlice  until  the  organization  was  practically  extinct. 
Benjamin  Church  of  Boston  remained  the  treasurer  until 
1763  and  was  succeeded  by  Caleb  Wilder  of  Lancaster  and 
b}^  Jonathan  Samson  of  Ashburnham. 

It  is  certain  that  both  i)arties  were  united  in  a  vote  passed 
a  short  time  l^efore  the  trouldes  began.  It  was  proposed, 
in  1701,  to  "grant  Mr.  Taylor  any  certain  sum  of  money 
to  enable  him  to  build  a  grist  mill  in  the  northeasterly  part 
of  said  township  and  it  passed  in  the  negative  unanimously.'* 
On  the  question  of  mills  and  the  general  policy  of  having 
any  further  connection  with  them  there  was  the  fullest  meas- 

i     Hi 

Mbl      « 


lire  of  syiiipatliy  and  concord.  At  tlie  previous  meeting  it 
was  Yoled  to  "grant  James  Colnian  about  one  acre  and  one 
■  hundred  yo(1<  lying  between  the  house  where  he  now  dwells 
and  the  saw  mill  yard  which  belongs  to  ]Moses  Foster  Jr. 
and  Zimri  Ileywood."  The  records  also  declare  that  such 
favor  to  iSlr.  Coleman  was  on  account  of  '"his  good  service 
in  said  townshij)  in  ]nomoting  the  seUlemcnt  there."  This 
land  was  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town  and  is  now  in 

In  1701  the  General  Court  so  far  recognized  the  settle- 
ment as  to  impose  a  province  tax  upon  the  lands  and  inhab- 
itants of  tho  townsliip.  The  proprietors  instiiictcd  a 
conunittee  to  apply  to  the  Court  for  relief.  The  petition, 
containing  imformation  of  interest,  is  preserved  in  the  Court 
l\ecords  : 

A  retition  of  Joshua  Hcnshaw  Esqr.  and  others,  proprietors 
of  the  plantation  called  Dorchester  Canada,  Setting  forth  :  That 
in  the  year  3  7G1  the  General  Court  Inid  a  Tax  upon  them  of 
£4i-7-l.  and  tluee  yearly  Taxes  since.  'J'hat  the  Lands  lu  such 
a  new  riantation  do  not  yield  the  produce  as  in  tliose  that  are 
more  cultivated,  and  are  subject  to  early  and  late  frosts,  inso- 
much that  the  Inhabitants  have  not  been  able  to  raise  one  half 
of  their  bread  corn,  but  are  obliged  to  travel  to  other  places  to 
purchase  it.  That  they  are,  besides,  subject  to  the  ravages  of 
wild  beasts,  whereby  they  lose  more  young  Cattle,  Slicep  and 
Swine  than  tlie  value  of  any  Province  Tax  that  could  equitably  be 
laid  upon  thera  and  praying  Kelief. 

The  Eai:ly  Settleus.  —  A  complete  register  of  the  early 
settlers  of  this  town  cannot  now  be  made.  The  records  in 
thejncidcnt.d  employment  of  names  })resent  no  accurate  list 
and  there  is  no  account  of  an  enumeration  of  persons  or  of 
families  at  any  time  during  the  infancy  of  the  settlement. 
The  information  which  establishes  the  residence  in  this  town 

',*   lo 

;  f-'i 




of  the  pert^ons  hcreiU'ter  ii:iuied  bus  been  glcuned  from  many 
sources.  In  1751,  when  the  }))X)prIetoi-s  informed  the  Gen- 
eral Court  there  were  thirty  men  or  more  residing  in  the 
tovrnsliip,  Timothy  JMossman  and  Asher  Cutler  had  removed 
to  Sudbury,  from  whenee  they  came,  and  did  not  su))se- 
quently  return.  Thomas  Gamble,  who  w;is  here  in  17/59, 
liad  disappeared  and  in  sonic  other  settlement  w;is  recount- 
ing his  loss  hy  fire.  The  man  employed  b}'^  Benjamin 
Bellows  and  his  associates  on  Bhiclield  gr;inl,  and  to  whom 
tradition  assigns  the  name  of  Johnson,  is  not  mentioned  after 
the  desertion  of  Ihe  settlement  in  1744.  Ephraim  AVhceler 
of  Lancaster  who  ^vas  the  managing  proprietor  of  the  block- 
house was  frequently  here  until  1700,  but  probably  never 
resided  in  the  to^v'nship.  ■ 

IMosss  Foster  is  found  residing  here  in  17o(),  but  the  date 
of  his  arrival  is  not  defmiiely  known.  About  1750  ho 
removed  from  the  northeast  ])art  of  tlu^  township  to  land 
granted  him  near  the  old  common  where  he  was  a  licensed 
innholder  in  1751  and  in  latcn-  years,  llis  name  will  fre- 
quently occur  in  tlte  continued  record  of  the  settlement. 

James  Coleman  with  a  nuTuerous  family  left  Ipsv/ich,  Mas- 
sachusetts, 1743,  and  the  same  year  united  witli  the  church 
in  Lunenburg.  He  is  claimed  as  a  resident  of  Lunenburg 
until  17G0,  but  it  is  certain  that  he  early  settled  on  his  land 
in  the  northeast  [)art  of  the  township),  now  i'l  Ashby,  and 
very  near  if  not  adjacent  to  the  first  clearing  of  Closes  Fos- 
ter. Possibly  when  apprehensive  of  danger  he  retired  within 
the  line  of  the  fortifications  and  being  found  a  member  of  the 
church  in  Lunenburg,  it  was  ei'roneously  [)resumed  that  he 
was  a  resident  of  tliat  })lace.  lie  was  a  ])r(nninent  man  in 
the  settlement  and  was  later  a  valued  citizen  of  Ashby. 

Elisha  Coolidgc  came  from  Cambridge,  1752.  He  })rob" 
ably  assisted  in  building  the  mills   and  for  a  time  owned  an 


1     n , 


interest  in  theni  wiiich  he  conveyed  to  Nathan  Dennis, 
December  13,  1752.  lie  was  a  licensed  innliolder  1751), 
1760  and  ]7GL  He  was  one  of  the  original  members  of  the 
cljureh  aiul  will  be  frequently  named  in  the  following  jjages. 
Nathan  Dennis  was  from  Dudley.  He  owned  the  mills 
and  was  an  imiliokler  1753  and  1754.  lie  returned  to 
Dudley  about  175G. 

Jeremiah  Foster  remo\  ed  from  lIar^'ard  and  settled  on 
the  Gamaliel  Iladley  farm  in  1753.  In  1757  ho  was  chosen 
a  committee  to  repair  the  roads  and  subsequently  his  name 
is  frequently  repeated  in  the  records. 

John  P>ates,  lienjamin  Spaulding  and  Zimri  Ileywood 
were  residents  of  the  northeast  part  previous  to  17G0.  In 
17(w  they  were  included  within  the  new  town  of  Ashby. 

Thomas  AVheeler  was  here  and  an  innholder  in  175(;.  He 
was  one  of  the  original  members  of  the  church,  moderator 
of  the  second  town  meeting,  17G5,  and  probably  moved 
away  that  year. 

]\roses  Foster,  Jr.,  was  in  Dorchester  Canada  in  175S  and 
perhaps  came  with  his  father  several  years  earlier.  His 
eldest  child  died  here  in  17 GO.  The  family  removed  to  Shel- 
burne  in  1771.  He  lived  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town 
and  in  17G0  he  and  Zimri  Ileywood  had  a  mill  there. 

Unity  ]>rown  was  a  resident  here  in  1751),  but  the  date  of 
his  arrival  is  not  known.  The  marriage  of  Unity  Drown 
of  Dorchester  Canada  and  Eebecca  Arnold  of  Shrewsbury 
August  IG,  1759,  is  entered  on  the  records  of  Shrewsbury 
and  Lunenburg.  He  united  with  the  church  at  its  organiza- 
tion but  his  name  is  not  anywhere  found  after  17G2. 

Enos  Jones  from  Lunenburg  settled  on  the  I5hiefield 
grant  in  17G1.  He  was  then  nineteen  years  of  age  and 
was  not  maiTied  until  several  years  later.  A  part  of  the 
land  owned  by  him  has  remained  in  the  possession  of  his 
descendants  until  within  the  memory  of  many  now  living. 

1    Ju 



Samuel  Follo^.'s  roiuoved  from  Harvard,  1702.  He  set- 
tled in  the  centre  of  the  town  and  built  Ih^'  lirst  mill  on 
Phillips'  brook.  It  v.-as  located  just  north  of  the  blacksmith 
sho})  and  very  near  the  site  of  the  shop  of  Kockwood  Oi 
Walker  that  was  burned  in  18^53.  AVith  the  father  came  Sam- 
uel Fellows,  Jr.     They  removed  ten  years  later  to  Shelburne. 

Samuel  Nichols  from  Harvard  Ijought  the  mills  at  the  out- 
let of  Xaukeag  lake  which  had  been  owned  by  Dana,  Cool- 
idge  and  Dennis.  In  1777  he  removed  to  AValpole,  Xew 

William  Whitcomb,  also  from  Harvard,  settled  on  land 
which  was  later  known  as  the  George  Howard  farm.  For 
several  years  he  was  one  of  the  most  active  and  influential 
men  in  the  })laee,  but  later  his  name  is  seldom  found  in  the 
records.     He  died  here  at  an  advanced  age. 

Jonathan  Samson,  like  many  of  the  other  settlers,  was 
one  of  the  proprietors  and  had  OAvned  a  right  in  the  township 
sometime  previous  to  his  settlement  on  the  ]\[errick  Whit- 
ney farm  in  1702.  It  is  possible  he  was  here  before  the 
date  given.  The  birth  of  his  eldest  child  ^Nlay  7,  1759,  is 
recorded  here,  but  there  is  no  assertion  that  the  child  was 
born  in  Dorchester  Canada. 

Stephen  Ames  settled  east  of  Rice  pond,  as  early  as  1702. 
He  removed  from  town  in  177  7. 

Tristram  Cheney  was  from  Sudbury.  "Tie  was  an  active 
citizen.  While  he  remained  no  one  exercised  a  more  con- 
trolling intluence  in  the  direction  of  public  aifairs.  He 
settled  where  Horace  W.  Houston  now  lives,  and  in  1774 
removed  to  Antrim,  Xew  IIam|[)shire. 

William  Joyncr  was  [)rob.d)ly  from  Sudbury.  He  was 
here  in  1703,  town  clerk  17()0,  1707  and  170,s,  united  with 
the  church,  1700,  but  there  is  no  record  of  his  death  or  of 
his  dismissal  from  the  church.  In  1770  he  was  not  taxed 
and  it  is  probable  he  removed  late  in  1709  or  early  in  1770. 


!    L 

.-.  ,  tl-) 


A    liECOKD    OF   SKTTLEMEXTS.  93 

Ebenezer  Conant,  from  Coiu'ord,  settled  probably  near  and 
west  of  Kice  pond.  He  was  residing  here  in  1  703.  He  was 
sixty-four  j-ears  of  age  at  tluit  time.  With  him  came  his 
son,  Ebenezer  Conant,  Jr. 

John  ]\Iartin,  Ebenezer  ITemenway,  Abraham  Smith, 
Deliverance  Davis,  who  settled  on  the  David  Kussell  place, 
now  owned  by  ]\lrs.  Russell,  George  Dickerson,  Jeremiah 
Bridge  and  a  few  others,  arrived  here  so  near  the  close  of 
the  annals  of  Dorchester  Canada  th:d  they  should  be  counted 
among  the  early  arri\'als  in  the  new  town  of  Ashburnham, 

There  is  evidence  that  a  few  fiimilies  were  residing  on  the 
Eolfe,  the  Starr  and  the  Converse  grants  at  an  early  date, 
but  there  is  found  no  mention  of  the  names. 

During  tlie  arrivals  of  the  settlers  who  have  been  named, 
the  Germans  were  making  substantial  progress  in  the  settle- 
ment of  Lexington  grant.  They  were  independent  of  the 
proprietors,  and  except  in  the  sym])athies  of  a  new  settle- 
ment, they  were  a  community  by  themselves. 

yE  DuTCH:\rEX.  —  The  German  settlement  in  the  eastern 
part  of  the  town  was  a  substantial  contril)ution  to  the  intelli- 
gence and  population  of  the  settlement.  These  emigrants 
were  educated  people,  equal  in  character  and  ability  to  their 
contemporaries  in  the  township.  They  were  in  full  sympa- 
thy with  the  other  settlers  in  religion,  in  hatred  of  tyranny 
and  in  zealous  defence  of  their  political  rights.  In  the 
Revolution  no  portion  manifested  a  livelier  interest  or  con- 
tributed more  in  treasure,  sacrifice  or  service.  They  had 
fled  from  t}Tanny  in  their  native  land  and  were  quick  to 
recognize  and  resist  oppression  in  any  form.  The  sturdy, 
fnigal,  industrious  characteristics  of  the  i^ithers  have  been 
renewed  in  their  children.  From  the  first  they  have  been 
received  into  full  fellowship  and  admitted  on  equal  terms  to 
all  social  and  public  privileges.     By  assimilation  and   inter- 

■  'tti 


I  .J; 

■'  1 


rnarri;ig-c,  lliej  are  no  longer  a  distinct  people,  yet  tlie  im- 
press of  tliis  element  of  the  population  of  the  town  has  been 
healtliful  and  .salutary.  .  There  remains  an  impulse  not  to 
mention  the  German  settlers  in  a  separate  paraoraph  and  in 
no  mannei-  distinguish  them  from  other  members  of  a 
cemented  common  conn-nunity.  The  impulse  would  })revail 
save  from  a  fear  that  the  omission  of  particular  reference 
would  falsely  be  ascribed  to  an  indilierent  recognition  of 
their  character  and  worth.  The  events  which  influenced 
their  settlement  in  this  town  are  not  concealed.  They  were 
in  Lexington  in  1757  and  not  destitute  of  money.  Their 
imperfect  knowledge  of  the  English  language  and  other 
reasons,  at  once  aj^ijxu-ent,  urged  them  to  settle  in  one  com- 
munity if  sufficient  land  could  be  found  at  a  convenient 
point.  The  town  of  Lexing-ton  offered  to  sell  them  one 
thousand  acres  of  land  in  a  continuous  tract.  They  l^ought 
it  and  came  here.  If  Lexington  grant  in  1735  had  been 
located  in  any  other  place  they  would  have  gone  there.  The 
deed  bears  date  of  December,  1757,  and  is  recorded  in 
jNlarch,  1758.  The  original  grantees  were  Henry  Hole, 
Christian  AVilliam  AVhiteman,  Jacob  Schofle,  Simon  Roda- 
mell,  Peter  Perry,  John  Pich  and  John  Kiberling.  All  of 
these,  except  Peter  Perry,  whose  name  does  not  a})pear 
again,  immediately  settled  on  the  Lexuigton  grant.  At  the 
same  time  or  the  fol loosing  year,  Jacob  Selham,  Andrew 
Windrow,  Hemy^  Stack,  widow  Constantine  and  Jacob 
Barkardst  settled  near  them.  John  Oberlock  and  Philip 
Vorback  bought  land  and  resided  soutli  of  the  old  common 
and  near  the  site  of  Gushing  Academy.  In  1774,  Jacob 
Wilker  removed  from  Boston  to  the  farm  still  owned  and 
occupied  by  his  descendants.  These  were  born  in  Germany, 
and  Lexington  grant,  where  most  of  them  resided,  soon 
became  known  as  the  Dutch  farms. 

i;  •'•;     J' 

A    KEC'Oin)    OF    SETTLEMENTS.  95 

John  KiMingcr — the  n;iine  is  now  written  Kibling  —  fiTst 
settled  in  ]\raiiiG  l)ut  soon  removed  to  Boston.  In  1758,  with 
his  Avife  and  three  children,  he  came  to  Dorchester  Canada. 
He  was  prominent  in  puhlic  aflaii's  nntil  his  death,  Api'il  4, 
1777,  aged  about  tifty-livc  yeai's.  This  family  first  located 
north  of  the  Wilkcr  farm,  l)at  subsequently  they  exchanged 
farms  with  the  Constantincs  and  removed  to  the  farm  now  of 
George  A.  Willard. 

Constantinc.  — This  ftimily  consisted  of  a  widoAV  and  her 
children,  the  husl^and  and  father  having  died  in  Boston  a 
short  time  previous  to  their  removal  to  this  town.  She  died 
April  25,  1782,  aged  nearly  eighty  years.  Jacob  Constan- 
tine,  a  son,  married  July  5,  1773,  a  daughter  of  Christian 
William  Whiteman.  He  died  from  injuries  received  b}'' 
being  thrown  from  a  bridge  in  Ashl)y,  ^Nlarch  8,  1814,  aged 
sixty-one  years.  As  previously  stated,  this  family  linally 
settled  on  a  farm  still  associated  with  the  name  and  situated 
north  of  the  farm  of  Joseph  AY.  Wilker. 

Christian  William  Whiteman,  or  Whitman,  settled  on  the 
farm  now  of  AVarren  E.  ^Marble.  He  was  an  active,  intelli- 
gent man.  In  this  family  there  were  six  children,  three  of 
whom  were  born  in  this  town.  In  179G,  the  aged  i)arents 
removed  to  Haverhill,  New  Hampshire,  where  one  of  their 
sons  was  then  residing. 

Jacob  Schofte  resided  near  the  Whitemans  until  1777  when 
he  removed  to  Haverhill,  New  Hampshire.  While  he  re- 
mained, his  name  receives  honorable  mention  in  the  records. 

Henry  Hole  assumed  the  name  of  Hall.  He  was  forty 
years  of  age  at  the  time  he  settled  on  the  Captain  Lemuel 
Whitney  fann  now  owned  by  Levi  E.  Flint  of  Ashby.  He 
died  in  this  town  1794,  aged  eighty-three  years.  His 
eldest  son  was  born  on  the  ocean. 

i  ■;-'>' 

'I  '-A 

"    > 



Simon  Rodamoll  Imd  a  firm  near  the  homo  of  Jacob 
Schofle.  In  1777  lie  presenled  letters  of  recommendation 
from  a  Lutheran  church  in  Germany  and  was  admitted  to 
the  churcli  in  this  town.  In  later  years  the  name  has  been 
changed  to  Rodimon.  He  died  1813,  aged  ninety-three 

John  Kich,  one  of  the  early  German  setth.'rs,  was  an  active 
citizen  while  he  remained  in  the  township.  lie  was  living 
in  Ashburnham  in  1774,  but  previous  to  1778,  he  removed 
to  Haverhill,  Xew  Hampshire. 

-Andrew  AVindrow.  — To  end  a  season  of  discontent  con- 
cerning his  German  name,  he  found  a  glorious  sunnner  in 
the  name  of  Winter.  His  farm  was  northeast  from  the 
centre  of  the  town.  He  died  November  22,  1792,  aged 
seventy  years.  His  'widow  died  1814.  Andrew  "Winter, 
Jr.,  resided  on  a  firm  that  was  amiexed  to  Ashby  in  1792. 

Jacob  Selham  resided  on  the  borders  of  the  German  settle- 
ment. When  Ashby  was  incorporated,  he  was  included  in 
that  town.  The  name  was  changed  to  Sellenhara.  He  died 
17G9,  aged  sixty  years.  His  son,  Hemy  Sellenham,  is  fre- 
C[uently  mentioned  in  the  records  of  Ashby. 

Henrj^  Stack,  later  known  as  Steele,  is  said  to  have  been 
buried  in  this  town.  No  record  of  his  death  has  been  dis- 

The  Lexington  grant  was  originally  purchased  by  Henry 
Hall,  Christian  William  Whiteman,  Jacob  Schofle,  Simon 
Rodamell,  Peter  Perry,  John  Ilich  and  John  Kiblinger. 
Peter  Perry  immediately  sold  his  interest  to  his  associates 
and  the  land  was  divided  among  them.  James  Locke  of 
Townsend,  later  of  Ash})y,  was  employed  to  survey  and 
divide  the  land  into  lots.  About  one  hundred  and  fifty  acres 
of  meadow  were  reserved  as  connnon  lands  and  the  remainder 
was  divided  into  fourteen  lots  of  unequal  areas. 


In  tbo  distribution  of  land  among  the  i^ix  rcDiaining  pro- 
)>rictors,  to  Iicniy  Hall  vras  assigned  a  lot  in  the  northeast 
corner  and  a  lot  near  the  centre  of  the  south  line.  Christian 
A\'illia-,u  '\Miitemau  received  a  lot  on  the  e:ist  line,  south  of 
the  first  lot  of  -Mr.  Hall,  a  lot  near  the  centre  of  the  north 
line,  and  a  small  lot  near  the  centre  of  the  ^Yest  line.  Jacob 
Schoffe  took  a  lot  near  the  centre  of  the  east  line  and  south  of 
]\Ir.  Whiteinan's  first  lot,  and  a  lot  of  irregular  outline  in  the 
fc.outhwest  corner.  John  Eieli  became  the  o^vner  of  a  lot  on 
the  east  line  south  of  the  first  lot  of  ]Mr.  Schofle  and  a  gener- 
ous lot  in  the  centre  of  the  grant.  To  John  Kiblinger  was 
given  a  lot  in  the  southeast  and  another  in  the  nortlnvest 
corners  of  the  grant.  ''J'o  Simon  Jlodamell  was  awarded  two 
lots  near  the  centre  of  the  grant,  one  north  and  one  south  of 
the  lot  of  ]\Ir.  Kich  and  a  small  lot  near  the  centre  of  the 
M'cst  line  between  lands  of  ]Mr.  Whiteman  and  ^Ir.  SehofTe. 

The  Province  Line. — The  boundaries  of  Dorchester 
Canada  were  established  in  Januaiy,  173(3.  Five  3'ears  later 
tilt'  province  line  was  rnn  wliich  severed  a  considerable  tract 
of  land  from  the  township  and  gave  it  t(-«  Xew  Hampsliire, 
Allowing  for  a  variation  of  the  needle,  the  province  line 
was  run  north  80°  west,  while  the  northern  boundary  of  the 
townsliip  was  located  north  78°  west.  The  dift'erence  be- 
tween the  town  course  across  the  townsliip  would  lead  to  a 
divergence  of  about  one  hundred  rods.  The  province  line 
entered  Dorchester  Canada  about  ten  rods  south  of  the 
northeast  corner  and  passing  westward,  cutting  wider  and 
"wider,  it  severed  one  hundred  and  ten  rods  at  the  north- 
■Nvost  corner.  The  detached  area  was  two  thousand  three 
hundred  and  forty  rods  in  length  with  an  average  width  of 
t-ixty  rods,  amounting  to  eight  hundrt-d  and  seventy-seven 
acres.  In  the  northeast  corner  of  the  township  there  had 
been  laid  out  twelve  second  division  lots  which  were  clipped 



h}'  the  province  line.  On  llic  nortlicrn  side  of  tlie  township 
no  other  lots  had  l)een  laid  out.  Thi'ouo;h  the  remainder  of 
its  course  tlie  province  line  took  tribute  from  the  undivided 
lands.  Vyy  subsequent  grants,  the  pro])rictors  make  restitu- 
tion to  the  owners  of  the  nuitilated  lots,  but  their  loss  from 
the  common  land  was  never  compensated.  Twice  they 
chose  a  connnittee  to  petition  the  General  Court  for  remu- 
neration, and  as  late  as  17G^,  they  voted  to  have  the  claim 
revived.  It  had  been  delayed  too  long.  The  era  of  grants 
was  ended.  In  the  prosecution  of  this  claim  the  proprietors 
joined  another  which  arose  from  the  inadequate  allowance 
for  the  ponds  in  tlie  orig'inal  survey  of  the  township.  The 
proprietors  informed  the  General  Court  tliat  the  allowance 
of  three  hundred  acres  which  was  then  made  T\^as  an  error  at 
once  apparent,  as  indeed  it  was.  They  submitted  an  esti- 
mate of  the  several  ponds  in  the  township  made  by  Caleb 
Wilder  and  Xathan  Ileywood.  This  ancient  reference  to  the 
ponds  is  of  interest  : 

The  Great  pond  in  Dorchester  Canada  that 
the  mill  stands  on  [Upper  Naukeag] 

In  tbc  Lower  Mnnockceg 

the  long  pond  by  mount  Hunger  hill 

In  one  of  the  great  Watatock  ponds 

In  the  other       "  "  " 

In  one  of  the  little  Watatock  ponds 

In  the  pond  by  the  third  Divisioji  School  Lot 

The  pond  in  the  Southwest  corner  of  the 

That  part  of  the  Mcnomanack  lying  in  Dor- 
chester Canada 

Taken  off  b}'  the  Province  line  from  Dor- 
chester Canada         '  877     " 

•  In  these  statements  it  was  claimed   that    the  proprietors 
had  lost  one  thousand   three  hundred  and  ninety  acres  on 




















nocoiinl  of  (lie  ponds  and  ciglit  luaidred  and  seventy-seven 
acres  by  the  establislinient  of  the  pro^'incc  line. 

The  contributions  of  land  to  Ashb}'  and  to  Gardner,  when 
(liosc  towns  were  incorporated,  will  receive  mention  here- 
after. The  northeast  corner  of  the  original  township  before 
it  suffered  any  dismemberment  was  about  two  miles  east  of 
tlie  present  bound.  The  southwest  corner  Avas  at  Gai-dner 
Centre.  The  northwest  corner  was  within  ]Monomonock 
lake,  in  Rindge.  In  the  estimate  of  losses  exhibited  to  the 
General  Court  there  is  an  error  of  one  hundred  acres.  That 
part  of  ]Monomonock  lake  which  fell  within  tlie  limits  of  the 
old  survey  is  reckoned  a  part  of  eight  hundred  and  seventy- 
seven  acres  cut  oil"  by  the  i)i'ovince  line  and  is  also  included 
in  the  losses  on  account  of  the  ponds. 

The  ^Maxutactuue  of  Potash. — One  lumdred  years 
ago  }jotash  was  made  in  al]  the  ne^v  to^s■ns,  and  for  obvious 
reason  the  bushiess  was  continued  until  the  supply  of  asiies 
became  limited.  A  sketch  of  Ashburnham  found  in  AVhit- 
ney's  History  of  AVorcester  County,  1793,  contains  the 
assertion,  "here  are  potash  works  and  have  been  from  its 
infancy ;  and  the  first  complete  ton  of  this  article  carried 
into  market  was  from  Ashburnham."  It  is  ])robable  that 
this  sketch  was  contributed  bv  Rev.  Dr.  Cushinir.  The 
authorship  is  reflected  both  in  the  substance  and  in  the  man- 
ner of  expression,  and  many  of  the  details  are  repeated  in 
nearly  the  same  words  in  his  Half  Century  Sermon,  twenty- 
five  years  later.  Dr.  Gushing  ncA'cr  wrote  carelessly  and 
the  statement  can  be  accepted  without  qualification.  The 
earliest  reference  to  this  manufacture  appears  in  a  vote  of  the 
proprietors,  1753,  offering  to  Benjamin  Frobisher  one  right 
of  land  in  the  township,  whenever  he  commenced  the  manu- 
facture there  and  o-ave  four  shillinirs,  old  tenor,  fi^r  each 
bushel  of   ashes    delivered  at  his  place  of  business.     The 

100  IIISTOKY    OF    ASIIBUIJXllAM.  .,, 

price  uamed  was  equivalent  to  nine  cents  in  silver.  At  a 
later  meeting,  a  committee  v/as  instriK-ted  to  purchase  a  I'iglit 
of  land  for  tliis  purpose  at  an  approaching  sale  of  land  for 
the  payment  of  taxes.  Suhsequently,  it  was  proposed  that 
the  projirietors  agree  to  deliver  3000  busliels  each  year  at 
6^  pence,  or  near  8^  cents  per  bushel.  The  grant  of  land  to 
encourage  tliis  enterprise  was  never  made,  nor  is  there  any 
evidence  that  Mr.  Frobisher  ever  located  in  the  townsliip. 
It  is  more  probable  that  tliis  enterprise  in  its  infancy  was 
encouraged  b}^  Caleb  AVilder  of  Lancaster,  a  man  of  ability 
and  enterprise.  He  was  one  of  the  proprietors  of  Dorcliestcr 
Canada,  and  exercised  a  controlling  intluence  in  its  allairs. 
He  was  engaged  in  the  manufucture  of  potash  in  several 
places,  and  was  the  first  to  employ  kettles  in  forwarding  the 
process  of  evaporation,  and  it  was  here  he  manufactured  that 
historical  ton  of  potash,  ai  that  time  the  largest  shipment 
that  had  been  made  at  one  time.  One  of  the  early  and 
longest  continued  works  of  this  character  was  situated  nearly 
opposite  theXo.  1  school-house.  The  water  for  the  leaches 
was  conveyed  from  a  sj^ring  not  far  from  the  Powder  House. 
At  this  place  Josei:>h  Jewett  and  Ivers  Jewett  manufactured 
large  quantities  of  potash.  The  works  were  under  the 
supervision  of  John  AVoods.  Captain  Lemuel  Whitney 
and  several  others  were  engaged  in  this  manufacture  until 
a  comparatively  recent  date.  ',        . 

The  DiSTinnuTiox  or  Lands.  —  Very  early  in  the  pro- 
ceedings of  the  proprietors,  the  first  division  lots  of  fifty 
acres  and  the  second  division  lots  of  eighty  acres  were  laid 
out  and  became  the  private  pro])erty  of  the  several  proprie- 
tors. Exclusive  of  the  six  grants  within  the  township,  over 
which  the  proprietors  had  no  control,  the  undivided  land, 
comprising  nearly  two-thirds  of  the  township,  was  the 
common  property  of  the  corporation.     Passing  over  many 

-  ;■;'■) 

■    •  .A. 


A    inOCOKD    OF    SKTTLEMLNTS.  101 

votes  fuid  the  selection  of  eoimnittccs  to  lay  out  additional 
]:\u(\<  which  produced  no  results,  the  iirst  substantial  acconi- 
j)]ishuieut  was  in  17G2,  when  a  third  division  lot  of  eighty 
acres    was   assigned    to  the    owner    of    eacli  right.     A  few 
of  these  lots   were    assigned    pre\'iously  but  there    was  no 
i^encral   distribution  until    this  date.     A  fourth  and  a  iifth 
division  soon  followed.     The  last  were  called  equivalent  lots, 
for  the  reason  that  the  more  valuable  ones  were  given  to  the 
})Grsons  who  had  drawn  inferior  fourth  division  lots.     After 
tliesc   distributions  of  land,   there    remtiined  about    tv\'enty 
small  tracts  of  land  in  dillerent  parts  of  the  towu'^hip,  in- 
cluding five   islands  in  Upper  Xaukeag.       Those  remained 
common  property  until  an  auction  sale  in   1781.     At  this 
sale  a  tract  of  fifty  acres  was  purchased  l\y  Rev.  John  Gush- 
ing.    This  was  the  original  number  51  in   the  first  division 
wliich    the    proj)rictors    allowed    Deacon    ^Moscs    Foster   to 
relinquish  and  lay  out  another  lot  bearing  tlic  same  number 
a  short  distance  northeast  of  the  connnon.     The  great  island 
was  sold  to  Edvrard  AVithington  and  the  four  smaller  islands 
were    purchased    by  Timothy  Fisher.     The  common  lands 
were  the  capital  of  the  corporation  of  the  proprietors,  and 
when  this  was  all  disposed  of  tlie  organi;cation  was  dissolved. 
The  owner  of  each  right  in  the  township  had  received  five 
tracts  of  land  and  had   been  required  to  pay  one-sixtieth  of 
all  the  taxes  assessed  from  time  to  time.     AVhcn  the  remain- 
ing lands  were  sold    and    the  debts   liquidated,    there   was 
remaini)ig  in  tlie  treasury"  a  sum  of  money  which  was  divided 
among  the  proprietors,  and  on  each  right  was  paid  £2-10-2. 
From  a  financial  stand-point,  if  the  value  of  the  land  and  this 
insignificant  dividend  exceeded  the  amount  of  taxes  assessed 
from  time  to  time,  the   enter[)risc  was  successful.     But  in 
forwarding  and  solidifying  the  settlement,  in  extending  the 
fruits  of  organization,  and  in  their  agency  in  the  control  of 



■  I'T 



public  afTairs  the  jn'oprietors  were  iuspircd  l)y  loftier  pur- 
poses and  nobler  aims. 

The  folloAviug  tal>le  presents  a  list  of  the  owners  of  the 
several  rights  when  the  propriety  Avas  organized  and  the 
fu'st  di\ision  of  lands  was  made.  Compared  with  the  list 
in  Chapter  11.,  it  is  found  that  sixteen  persons  who  were 
admitted  as  grantees  of  the  township  had  sold  their  interest 
in  the  grant  previous  to  the  early  meetings  of  the  pro})rie- 
tors,  Tlie  right-hand  eolumn  gives  the  name  of  some 
suljsecjuent  owner  of  the  same  right.  Five  rights  were 
continued  in  the  same  name  throughout  the  existence  of  tlie 
organization.  Jn  some  instances  a  right  was  owned  by 
several  persons  in  succession.  In  filling  the  right-hand 
column  in  such  cases,  the  name  of  the  person  in  whose 
possession  the  right  remained  the  longest  time  has  been 

This  list  of  pro})rietors  introduces  many  names,  which 
became  intimately  associated  with  the  continued  history  of 
the  town.  Zimri  llcywood,  Ebenezer  Conant,  Jonathan 
Samson,  Samuel  Fellows,  James  Coleman,  Da"\id  Taylor, 
James  Spaulding,  Nathan  ^lelvin,  John  Bates,  Jonathan 
Gates,  Xathan  Dennis,  Elislia  Coolidge,  Moses  Foster, 
Josiah  Wilder,  J(niathan  AYinchester,  Stephen  Ames  and 
David  Clark  were  well-^known  resident  proprietors.  ^Slany 
of  the  non-resident  proprietors  were  succeeded  by  their  sons 
who  subsequently  occupied  the  lands  acquired  by  inheritance. 
Among  this  class  the  families  of  Wilder,  Stearns,  Keltou, 
Daria  and  Crehore  are  conspicuous. 

The  families  Avho  settled  on  any  of  the  six  minor  grants 
do  not  appear  in  these  records  of  the  proprietors,  and  not 
until  the  act  of  incorporation  did  they  constitute  a  part  of 
the  body  politic.  ^   ...  •...-..,. 



OKiGiXAL  rr.oi'i;ii;Toi:: 

Timothy  Mossman, 
Elisha  TilestoiU', 
WiUiiiiu  Coojui', 
Andrew  A^'ilder, 
ErlwnrJ  Sunnier, 
Joseph   Triscott, 
John  Swift, 

Ilezeklah  Rnrber, 
Samuel  Blake, 
Edward  Hart  well, 

Thomas  "Wilder, 

Joseph  Weeks, 
Josiali  Bnkor, 
Ebenezer  Crane, 
Ilezeklah  Barber, 
Joseph  Warren, 
Isaac  Royal, 
Timothy  Tiiestone, 
Isaac  Royal, 
Matthias  Evans, 
John  Andrews, 
Tliomas  Tiiestone, 
Kathan  Heywood, 
Joseph  Wilder,  E.sq., 
Benjamin  Bird,  Jr., 
Ralph  Pope, 
Humphrey  Atherton, 
Nathaniel  Blake, 
James  Mears, 
John  Crehore, 
Isaac  Kovv, 
Robert  Redman, 
Thomas  Tiiestone, 
Thomas  Tiiestone, 
Oliver  "Wilder, 
Benjamin  Sunmer, 
Joseph  Wheelock, 
Ebenezer  Clapp, 
John  Shepard, 
"William  "Wlute, 
Samuel  Heushaw, 
William  Cooper, 
Nehcmiah  Clapp, 
Jon;ithan  Dwight, 
Edward  Kelton, 
Samuel  Butt, 





































'■^  i 

LATIOU    ()VVXi:U.S     OF     THE 
SAML    Hit. in. 













13  !  41 


o  t 































































Zimri  Hevwood. 
William  Balicock. 
Joshua  llenshaw. 
William  Scott. 
Samuel  Sumner. 
John  Moffatt. 
Eben'r  Conant. 

Caleb  Dana. 
John  Mofl"att. 
Jonathan  Sauiion. 
Rccomjiense    Vt  ard; 

worth  Stinison. 

do        do         do 
Samuel  Follows. 
William  Bowdoin. 
James  Coloinan. 
Samuel  Fellows. 
Samuel  Fellows. 


Caleb  Dana.  .   . 


David  Tavlor. 
Caleb  Wilder. 
Caleb  Wilder. 
Caleb  Wilder. 
James  Spaulding. 
Ebenezer  I'opo. 
Nathan  II ey  wood. 
Isaac  Stearns. 
Sanmel  Dwight. 
John  Crehore. 
Isaac  Stearns. 
Isaac  Stearns. 
Nathan  Melvin. 
Caleb  Dana. 
John  Bates. 
Benjamin  Sunmer. 
Jonathan  Gates. 
Benjamin  Ilammett. 
Oliver  Wilder. 
Caleb  Dana. 
Caleb  Dana. 
Alexander  Hill. 
Neliemiah  Clapp. 
Nathan  Dennis. 
E^lisha  Coolid^c. 

-;f   .  :  S'.'.i  I' 

.  ,1 

i.   II  • 

..  .  ..  ■:  \ 



































— * 











LATI.ll     OV,'NEUS    OF     THE 

Benjamin  Jewett, 
Joshua  George, 
Kobort  Conk^ 
Thomas  Lyon,  Jr., 
Richard  Withiny:tjn, 
Jamc;^  Atherton, 
Setli  Sumner, 
James  Swift, 
Eirst  Minister, 
Bartholomew  Gonld, 
Samuel  Kneeland, 
John  Kobinson,  Jr., 
Thomas  Tilestone, 
Thomas  Stearns, 
William  Sumner, 































































Jonathan  Gates. 
Klisha  Coolidge. 
]\Ioses  Foster. 
Josiah  Wilder. 
Henrs'  Coolidge. 
Caleb  Dana. 
Caleb  J)ana. 
James  Swift. 
Jonathan  Winchester. 
Closes  Burgess. 
Samuel  Kneeland. 
Stephen  Ame.s. 
Ben)nniin  Church. 
David  Clark. 
Eben'r  Hemenvrav. 

Many  of  the  nou-residcnt  }M'()})ivietors  were  men  of  influ- 
ence and  character  and  during  their  connection  with  the 
affairs  of  thi.s  town  were  actively  engaged  in  other  pursuits. 
One  of  the  most  influential  and  useful  metnbers  of  the  pro- 
priety was  Caleb  AVildcr.  He  was  a  son  of  the  elder  Judge 
Joseph  "Wilder  and  a  lifelong  resident  of  Lanctister.  Own- 
ing several  rights  in  tlie  plantation,  from  an  early  date  until 
after  the  incorporation  of  the  town,  he  continued  to  exercise 
a  controlling  inllueuce  in  the  general  direction  of  its  affairs. 
He  introduced  the  manufacture  of  potash  here  and  wtis  a 
leading  spirit  in  all  the  concerns  of  the  settlement.  In  17G5 
he  was  styled  major  and  probably  held  other  commissions 
in  this  line  of  service.  He  was  a  deacon  of  the  church  and 
honorably  tilled  many  positions  of  trust  in  his  native  town. 
He  died  June  19,  177G,  tiged  sixty-six  years.  Two  of  his 
sons,  Caleb,  Jr.,  and  Samuel,  l)ecamc  useful  citizens  of  tliis 
town.  In  an  eminent  degree  thc}^  reflected  the  sterling 
character  and  marked  ability  of  their  honored  father. 

:    :..U 


Josepii  AVildcr,  unollicr  son  of  Judge  Joseph  Vf  ildcr,  was 
born  in  Lancaster,  1708.  He  was  a  surveyor,  a  magistrate, 
a  colonel  in  the  militia,  and  after  the  death  of  his  father  he 
was  also  one  of  the  Justices  of  the  County  Court.  lie  set- 
tled in  the  Nortli  Precinct  or  Lancaster  Ne^v  Grant  v.hich 
was  incorporated  under  the  name  of  Leominster  in  1710. 
Forgetting  tliat  Leominster  originally  was  a  part  of  Lancas- 
ter, it  is  sometimes  erroneously  stated  that  he  removed  from 
Lancaster  to  Leominster  in  1740.  Wliilo  a  proprietor  of 
Dorchester  Canada,  for  many  years  he  was  also  the  owner 
of  the  Starr  and  the  Converse  grants.  lie  died  September 
12,  1776. 

Oliver  Wilder  was  a  cousin  of  Judge  Arilder,  Sen.  An 
early  proprietor,  he  was  frequently  named  on  important 
committees  and  after  the  death  of  Tliomas  Tilestonc  he 
was  often  chosen  to  preside  at  the  meetiiigs  of  the  cor- 
poration. Like  nearly  all  the  Wilders  he  was  a  military 
man  and  rose  to  the  rank  of  colonel.  He  died  ]March  S, 

Thomas  AVilder  remained  a  pro^nietor  but  a  short  time  ; 
his  right  was  sul)sequently  owned  by  Caleb  Dana. 

The  Sumners  were  extensively  engaged  in  buying  and 
selling  land  in  other  townshi})s.  Seth  Sumner  was  the  only 
one  of  this  name  who  attended  any  consideral)le  number  of 
the  meetings  or  was  in  any  way  identified  with  the  settle- 
ment beyond  the  purchase  and  sale  of  lands. 

Caleb  Dana  was  of  Cambridge,  where  he  was  boi'n  1697, 
and  died  April  28,  1761).  Becoming  a  proprietor  about 
1750,  at  one  time  he  owned  nearly  four  thousand  acres  or 
over  one-eighth  of  the  township.  He  was  a  magistrate,  and 
at  his  home  and  in  the  councils  of  the  proprietors  an  active, 
energetic  man.  His  land  in  this  town  was  subsequently 
owned  by  his  son  George  Dana,  who  settled  here  about 
1776  and  died  in  this  town  April  11,  1787. 



, Richard  Dana,  a  brotlier  of  Caleb  Dana,  resided  in  Cam- 
bridge;  born  June  2(3,  1700,  and  died  IMay  17,  1772.  He 
was  a  graduate  of  Harvard  University  and  an  able  lawyer. 
Several  years  be  was  clerk  of  tlie  propriety,  leaving  a  clear, 
ornate  record.  His  son,  Francis  Dana,  and  grandson, 
Kichard  II.  Dana,  were  men  of  national  reputation. 

Henry  Coolidgc,  a  brother  of  Elisha  Coolidge,  who  set- 
tled here,  owned  a  right  several  years.  He  married  a 
daughter  of  Caleb  Dana  and  resided  in  Cambridge. 

Joshua  Henshaw,  Esq.,  of  Boston,  as  he  was  styled  when 
named  in  the  records,  was  proljably  the  same  who  was 
elected  to  the  Council  in  17 68.  On  account  of  his  patri- 
otism he  was  not  recognized  by  the  royal  Governor  and  was 
later  one  of  the  selectmen  of  Boston. 

Rev.  John  Swift  of  Framingham  married  a  sister  of 
Thomas  Tilestone.  An  original  pro])rietor  he  continued  his 
interest  in  the  township  until  his  death  in  1745.  In  his  will 
he  gnve  to  his  son,  Rev.  John  Swift,  Jr.,  of  Acton,  "his  right 
of  land  in  Dorchester  Canada,"  who  remained  a  projn'ietor 
until  the  common  lands  were  distril)utcd.  lie  was  admitted 
a  grantee  on  account  of  the  service  of  his  brother  William 
Swift  of  Dorchester  who  perished  in  the  expedition  under 
Sir  William  Pliipps  in  lGi)0. 

Joseph  Wheelock  of  Lancaster,  and  after  1740  of  Leom- 
inster, served  on  important  committees  in  the  earlier  pro- 
ceedings, but  after  1760  his  right  was  owned  by  Jonathan 
Gates  who  became  a  settler. 

Rev.  AVilliam  Cooper  was  pastor  of  the  Brattle  Street 
Church,  Boston.  He  was  the  original  owner  of  two  rights 
which  were  subsequently  owned  by  Alexander  Hill  and 
Joshua  Henshaw. 

Isaac  Stearns  was  not  a  proprietor  until  about  1760.  He 
was  a  son  of  Hon.  John  Stearns  of  Billerica  where  he  was 




A  KECOllD    OF    SETTLEMENTS.  107 

boi-ii  June  16,  1722,  and  tliere  resided  until  Lis  death  April 
23,  1808.  lie  was  a  representative,  a  senator,  a  magistrate 
and  a  most  useful  citizen.  By  his  associates  in  the  propriety 
lie  Avas  held  in  great  esteem  and  was  frequently  named  on 
important  conmiittees.  Two  of  his  sons,  Isaac  and  William, 
sul)serjuently  settled  in  this  town. 

Vritli  the  close  of  this  cliapter  we  leave  the  non-resident 
proprietors  in  the  retirement  of  their  homes.  Many  of  the 
later  proprietors  hecame  residents  and  in  the  following 
chapters  it  will  appear  th;it  the  projjj-iety  introduced  to  the 
town  a  considerable  mnnber  of  its  most  valued  and  useful 
citizens.  The  proprietors  left  the  town  many  legacies.  An 
unwearied  ellbrt  to  forM^ard  the  settlement  had  been  a  con- 
st:uit  aim  and  purpose.  The  meeting-house,  the  mills,  the 
division  of  tlie  town  into  lots,  and  an  initial  system  of  roads 
must  be  placed  to  their  credit.  In  the  proceedings  of  their 
meetings  the  settlers  hecame  familiar  with  method  and  sys- 
tem which  they  subsequently  called  to  their  aid  in  the  man- 
agement of  town  affairs.  They  left  an  impress  and  imparted 
a  character  to  the  settlement  that  retlects  in  pleasing  lines 
the  woi-th  of  the  men  and  the  spirit  of  the  organization. 




INCOIU-ORATION.  THE        PETITIOXS       OF       THE       INlfAmXANTS      A>"D      OF      THK 





DEATH      OF      FIRST      SIINISTEU. THE      COMJION.  TAX      LIST      1770.^ 


■        FIRST    SUGGESTED.  — ■WAl'.NING    OUT. 

AsHBURNii.\3t  was  iiicorporulcd  February  22,  1765.  In 
this  decisive  measure  several  interests  were  involved.  The 
concern  of  the  non-resident  projuietors  in  an  act  of  incor- 
poration was  measured  by  its  pro])a).)le  effect  upon  the  value 
of  thcii  lands  in  the  township ;  to  the  resident  proprietors 
with  an  equal  interest  in  the  value  of  lands  were  tendered  the 
responsibilities  and  privileges  of  citizenship  in  the  proposed 
to'wn  ;  there  were  also  a  few  residents  v,dio  were  not  pro- 
prietors and  whose  only  interest  was  of  a  personal  character, 
and  last  there  were  the  settlers  on  the  independent  grants  or 
farms,  as  they  were  commonly  called.  Nearly  all  of  the  last 
named  class  were  the  Germans,  who  had  settled  on  the  Lex- 
ington grant.  Until  the  town  was  incorporated  they  had 
constituted  a  little  republic  and  were  as  independent  of  the 
proprietors  as  were  the  inhabitants  of  the  neighboring  towns. 
Thev  built  roads  within  their  "rant  and  manaif;cd  their  inter- 

nal  affairs  with  no  intermediate  authority  betu'eeu  themselves 



it  '■ 


and  tlie  laws  of  the  province.  It  was  tlie  office  of  an  act  of 
incorporation  to  join  and  cement  these  several  interests  and 
give  to  everj-  citizen  an  equal  voice  in  tlie  management  of 
public  aflairs.  The  measure  of  deliberation  and  conference 
which  led  to  a  union  of  these  interests  in  the  solicitation  lor 
incorporation  cannot  be  determined.  There  is  no  evidence 
of  an^'  discord  in  the  progress  of  these  proceedings,  yet  it 
is  certain  tliat  the  resident  proprietors  were  the  first  to  pro- 
pose tlie  measure.  Their  petition  was  considered  by  the 
General  Court  as  early  as  June  7,  1763,  when  it  was 
resolved  that  the  prayer  of  the  petition  of  the  inhabitants  of 
Dorchester  Canada  to  be  incorporated  be  granted,  and  that 
they  have  leave  to  bring  in  a  bill.  At  a  meeting  of  the  propri- 
etors in  :\lay,  17G4,  it  was  decided  to  apply  to  the  General 
Court  for  an  act  of  incorporation.  Piichard  Dana,  Joshua 
Ilenshaw  and  Caleb  Dana  were  chosen  to  present  their  jjeti- 
tion.  To  this  committee,  Samuel  Fellows,  Elisha  Coolidge, 
Jonathan  Samson  and  Samuel  Xichols  were  joined  to  rep- 
resent the  inhabitants.  In  accordance  with  their  instructions 
the  committee  of  the  proprietors  joined  by  Samuel  Nichols 
representing  the  residents  of  the  township  presented  the  fol- 
lowing petition :  .., 

To  his  Excei'^-^  Francis  Bernard  I^sq-  Capt"  gcnerul  &  govern'' 
in  chief  in  &  over  his  Majesty's  province  of  Massachusetts  Bay, 
the  Hon'ble  his  Majesty's  Couucil  and  the  Ilon''''^  house  of  repre- 
sentatives in  general  court  assembled  at  Concord  on  y-^  5"^  day  of 
June  Anno  Dom.  17C-4. 

Humbly  Sheweth 

The  proprietors  &  inhabitants  of  that  planta- 
tion in  the  county  of  Worcester  eall'd  Dorchester  Canada  That 
its  inhabitants  are  cow  increased  to  such  a  number  as  in  the 
petitioners  humble  opinion  makes  it  fiting  &  Expedient  for  tlicm 
to  be  incorporated  into  a  town.     That  y=  s"^  proprietors  long  since 


>:-i\\<-j   r. 




built  a  racctiug  house  there  for  puhlic  worsliip  &  for  y"  space  of 
four  years  hist  past  &  more  have  had  an  uhle  learned  &  orthodox 
minist^  of  y"  gospel  settled  tliere  whom  v^  petit^^  have  snpi)orted 
hitherto.  That  y'  incorporatiDg-  y^  «''■  plantation  avIU  greatly  pro- 
mote the  growtli  thereof  by  removing  the  great  and  unavoidable 
inconveniences  which  they  have  hitherto  laboured  under  &  will 
continue  during  their  present  situation.  That  for  promoting 
their  incorporation  y°  petit"  have  agreed  &  voted  that  u  tax  of 
three  half  pence  an  acre  be  laid  by  y''  Excel'-''  &.  Hon'  upon 
all  y^  lands  &  farms  within  y''  limits  &  plan  of  y'=  s''  plantation, 
(except  y^  Cambridge  farm,  parsonage  or  ministry  lands  &  y" 
school  lands)  to  continue  for  y'^  term  of  three  years  from  y'^  25"^ 
day  of  Jan^  last,  sixty  pounds  thereof  to  bo  annually  applied  for 
y''  paym'  of  their  minister's  salary  &y^  residue  for  further  finishino- 
their  meeting  house  afores*^,  Keeping  y-^  public  county  road  there 
in  duo  repair  &  for  neccssar3-  cliai-ges. 

Wherefore  your  petitioners  pray  that  the  plantation  afores'^ 
with  all  the  lands  &  farms  within  y'  plantation  and  limits  tlicreof 
may  be  incorporated  into  a  town  &  that  >'■=  inhabitants  thereof 
may  be  invested  with  }■"=  like  power  &  privileges  tbat  other  towns 
in  this  province  are  invested  wilhall.  And  that  y*=  afores'^  tax  as 
agreed  upon  may  h?  ratiGed  ^fc  confirmed.  And  y'"  petit""  as  in 
dutj'  bound  will  ever  pray. 

rac"  DANA. 

.         .  •  SAMUEL  NICHOLS. 


It  is  prayed  y«  y"  intended  town  may  be  called  AsliGeld. 

The  request  of  the  petitioners  that  tbo  new  town  be 
called  Ashfield  was  disregarded  by  the  royal  Governor.  At 
that  date  the  nobility  of  England  were  frequently  compli- 
mented in  the  selection  of  names  for  the  incorporated  towns, 
and  Governor  Bernard  was  greatly  inclined  to  this  system 


of  noiiienclaturo.  The  tov,-ii  of  A.shfleld  in  this  Slate 
received  its  name  and  its  cliarter  only  four  months  after  the 
incorporation  of  this  town,  In  the  employment  of  that 
name  it  is  asserted  that  the  Governor  tendered  a  compliment 
to  Lord  Thurlow  of  Ashficld,  a  member  of  the  king's  coun-  '' 
cil.  It  is  possible  that  sonic  of  the  pro}n-ietors  of  Dorches- 
ter Canada  who  were  on  ijitimate  terms  with  Governor 
Bernard  proposed  the  name  with  a  knowledge  that  it  was 
one  he  lield  in  reserve  for  early  use,  or  with  equal  proba- 
bility it  may  be  presumed  tliat  with  more  immediate  associa- 
tions the  inhabitants  found  in  Ashfield  a  fitting  name  for  a 
town  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  potash.  In  either  event 
the  suirsrestion  was  of  no  avail.  The  General  Court,  with 
an  accommodating  regard  for  an  assumed  prerogative  of  the 
Governor,  in  the  act  of  incorporation,  left  the  name  a  blank, 
which  was  subsequently  supplied  with  the  name  of  Ashburn-  ■' 
ham  which  is  supposed  to  bo  in  honor  of  John,  the  second 
Earl  of  Ashburnham.  It  is  a  good  name  and  consequently  '' 
better  than  precious  ointment. 

It  is  probable  that  tho  settlers  had  selected  their  com- 
rnittee  in  advaiice,  and  that  they  were  joined  with  the  other 
committee  by  the  proprietors  in  courteous  recognition  of  the 
fact.  Further  evidence  of  conference  appears  in  a  vote  of 
the  proprietors  obligating  themselves  to  pay  into  the  treas- 
ury of  the  proposed  town  for  a  term  of  years  an  annual  tax 
of  three  half  pence  on  each  acre  of  land  owned  by  them,  , 
provided  the  other  lands  in  the  township  were  taxed  at  the  v 
same  rate.  This  agreement  between  the  resident  and  non- 
resident proprietors,  was  recognized  by  the  general  Court 
and  was  made  a  part  of  the  act  of  incorporation.  An 
exception,  however,  was.  made  by  the  Legislature  of  Cam- 
bridge larm,  then  owned  by  the  town  of  Cambridge,  and  for 
that  reason  it  was  exempted  from  the  payment  of  the  i)ro- 

1  i 

'■'-■■  A-t 

■'-.  ,' 


■   Y/ilJ 



posed  tax.  An  act  of  iiicoiporatioii,  AviUi  no  name  of  the 
town  inserted,  passed  both  Louses  of  the  General  Court 
Februtiry  15,  17(35,  and  tbur  days  later  tlie  engrossed  bill 
bearing  the  name  of  Asiibuknham  was  sent  to  the  Governor 
for  approval.  Tiie  bill  was  signed  February  22,  ]765,  the 
day  that  ^Fashington  entered  ujion  his  thirty-fourth  year. 
The  act  creadng  a  town  and  vesting  it  with  civic  powers 
and  privileges,  is  in  the  following  terms  ; 

An  Act  for  incorpornting  a  new  rUintation  in  the  county  of 
Worcester  called  and  known  bv  tlie  name  of  ];orehester  Canada 
into  a  Town  by  the  name  of  Ashburnham. 

Whereas  the  inhabitants  of  the  Plantation  called  and  known  by 
the  name  of  Dorchester  Canada  labour  under  many  difficulties  and 
inconveniences  by  reason  of  their  not  being  incorporated:  There- 
fore for  the  removal  thereof 

Be  it  enacted  by  tlie  Governor,  Council  and  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, that  the  Plantation  commonly  known  by  the  name  of 
Dorchester  Canada  according  to  the  bounds  of  the  original  grant 
thereof  made  by  the  General  Court  the  first  day  of°June"l736 
being  as  follows,  viz  : 

A  Tract  of  Land  of  six  miles  square  bounding  southerly  on  the 
Narraganset  Township  N«  2  M^esterly  on  a  Township  Laid  out 
for  Tilton  and  others.  Northerly  on  a  township  laid  out  for 
Ipswich  and  Easterly  part  on  Towuscnd  and  part  on  Lunenburg. 
It  begins  at  a  Hemlock,  the  northeasterly  corner  of  the  sard 
Narraganset  Town  and  runs  Vrest  Eighteen  degrees  South  seven 
miles  wanting  twenty  i-ods  ;  from  thence  North  twelve  degrees 
East  eight  miles  and  tu^o  hundred  rods;  and  from  thence  East 
twelve  degrees  South  seven  miles  and  one  hundred  perch;  from 
thence  Southerly  by  said  Townsend  line  one  thousand  one  hundred 
and  twenty  rods  and  by  Lunenburg  lino  six  hundred  and  twenty 
rods  to  where  it  first  began.  And  the  Inhabitants  of  the  same 
Plantation  together  with  all  the  Lands  and  Farms  included  within 
the  same  boundaries  be  and  hereby  are  incorporated  into  a  town, 

FROM  Tin:  ixt'orvVur.ATiox  tu  the  devolution.    113 

liy  the  name  of  AsnBur.xiiA^r,  aud  that  the  same  town  be  aud 
liercby  i.s  vested  with  all  the  powers  privileges  and  immunities,  that 
fiiiy  other  of  the  towns  in  this  Province  do  or  nia^'  by  law  exorcise 
and  enjoy.  ,. 

i'\nd  whereas  it  is  agreed  between  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Plan- 
tation aforesaid  and  the  Proprietors  of  the  common  and  nndivided 
lands  there,  that  a  tax  of  three  half  pence  an  acre  be  laid  upon  all 
the  land  within  the  same  (Excepting  Cambridge  Farm  and  the 
lands  alloted  and  reserved  for  the  ministr}^  the  first  settled  minis- 
ter there  aud  the  school)  for  tlie  space  of  three  years  from  the 
fifth  and  twentieth  day  of  Januars' one  thonsaud  seven  hnndred 
and  sixty-four;  Sixty  pounds  whereof  to  be  annually  applied  to 
and  fur  the  payment  of  the  minister's  salary  and  the  residue 
towards  finishing  the  public  meeting  honsc  there  aud  for  repairing 
the  pnblic  roads  through  the  said  Plantation  from  aud  after  the 
aforesaid  twenty-fifth  day  of  January. 

Be  it  therefore  Enacted,  that  there  be  and  hereby  is  granted  a 
tax  of  three  half  pence  an  acre  to  be  annually  levied  and  assessed 
upon  all  the  lands  in  the  aforesaid  Township  (except  the  lands 
and  farms  before  excepted)  for  the  term  aforesaid  and  for  the  uses 
and  purposes  aforesaid  and  that  the  proprietors  aforesaid  be 
thenceforward  discharged  and  free  from  all  further  and  other 
taxes  and  expenses  on  account  of  those  articles  and  every  of 
them,  unless  by  order  of  this  Court. 

And  be  it  further  enacted  that  Joseph  Wilder  Esq  be  aud  ho 
hereby  is  impowered  to  issue  his  Warrant  to  some  one  of  the 
principal  Inhabitants  of  the  aforesaid  new  Town,  requiriug  him  to 
warn  the  Inhabitants  thereof  to  assemble  at  the  aforesaid  Meeting 
House  sometime  in  the  month  of  March  next  to  choose  all  town 
ollicers  by  law  required  for  carrying  on  and  managing  the  affairs 
of  the  said  town  and  to  assess  levy  and  collect  the  tax  aforesaid. 

In  compliance  with  tlic  duty  enjoined  in  the  act,  Joseph 
Wilder  of  Leominster,  who  was  then  one  of  the  justices  of 
the  County  Court,  issued  the  following  warrant : 

8  ._-- 


■  J3 

r,  .;1 

:  . ; : :! 
,    Ml 



WoncESTER  53.  To  Dca  Snmiiel  Fellows,  one  of  llic  principal 
inhabitants  of  tlie  new  town  of  Aslibnrnluain  Greeting: — In  his 
Majesty's  name  you  are  required  to  warn  all  the  Inhabitants  of 
said  Ashburuham  to  assemble  at  the  Meeting  House  in  said  town 
on  Monday  the  twenty-fifth  day  of  this  instant  March  at  ten 
o'clock  in  the  forenoon  to  choose  a  Moderator  to  govern  said 
iiieetiug  and  to  choose  all  town  officers  as  before  recited  and  to 
agree  how  to  call  meetings  for  the  future. 

Hereof  fail  not  and  make  due  return. 

Given  under  my  hand  and  seal  this  eleventh  day  of  March  in 
the  fifth  3'ear  of  his  Majest3''s  reign  Anno  Domini  17C5. 


Justice  of  the  Peace. 

By  the  terms  of  his  instructions  Judge  "^Vildol•  was 
required  to  issue  his  warrant  to  one  of  the  principal  men  of 
the  phice.  The  mantle  of  honor  fell  upon  Deacon  Fellows. 
The  selection  was  approved  by  tlie  town  who  made  choice  of 
the  same  principal  inhabitant  to  jireside  over  the  first  town 
meeting  assembled  in  Ashlnirnham.  "William  AVliitcomb 
Avas  chosen  toAvn  clerk,  and  the  principal  inhabitants  were  so 
numerous  that  five  were  delegated  to  i)crform  the  duties  of 
selectmen.  They  were  Deacon  Sanmel  Fellows,  Tristi-am 
Cheney,  James  Coleman,  John  Rich  and  Jonathan  Gates. 
Jonathan  Gates  was  also  chosen  constable  and  Samuel 
Wilder  collector  of  taxes.  For  assessors  the  town  chose 
Samuel  AVilder,  William  Joyner  and  John  Bates.  The 
town  had  no  money,  but  anticipating  future  possibilities, 
Deacon  Samuel  Fellows  was  chosen  trea^surcr.  For  wardens 
the  town  selected  Deliverance  Davis  and  Jacob  Schofie. 
The  highway  surveyors  were  Stephen  Ames,  Tristram 
Cheney,  Deliverance  Davis,  James  Coleman  and  Jonathan 
Samson.  To  the  oflice  of  tithingmen  with  its  solemn  obli- 
gations the  town  called  Tristram  Cheney  and  John  Kil)linger. 




Klislia  Coolidge  ^vas  made  surveyor  of  boards  and  shingles 
and  also  of  wheat.  For  deer  reeves  the  town  solicited  the 
watchful  attention  of  Xathan  ]\rclvin  and  AVilliam  Bcnjaniin. 
Tlie  custody  of  "^eights  and  measures,  if  they  had  any,  was 
delegated  to  Elisha  Coolidge.  Christia]i  AVilliam  Whiteman 
and  John  Samson  were  selected  for  "vewcrs,"  an  office 
relating  to  the  division  of  lands,  and  then  with  the  choice  of 
Jlenry  Selham  and  Samuel  Foster  to  ofliciate  as  hog  reeves, 
tlic  list  of  officers  was  completed.  The  next  meeting  was 
called  in  his  ^Majesty's  name  to  assemble  on  the  twenty-ninth 
of  April  for  the  transaction  of  business  "which  could  not  be 
considered  under  the  former  warrant.  Thomas  Wheeler, 
who  was  not  named  in  the  pi'oceedings  of  the  first  meeting, 
was  chosen  moderator.  It  was  voted  to  raise  six  pounds  to 
defray  town  charges  and  ''fifty  pounds  to  make  and  mend 
private  ways."  For  labor  upon  the  roads  it  was  voted  to 
allow  two  shillings  and  six  pence  per  day  lor  each  man  and 
one  shilling  and  four  pence  for  a  pair  of  oxen.  The  number 
of  hoin's  was  not  stipulated.  Sjmiuel  "Wilder,  William  Joyner 
and  John  Bates  were  chosen  to  sell  the  land  of  delinquent 
tax-payers,  and  after  a  vote  to  let  swine  run  at  large  the 
ensuing  year,  in  a  motion  to  adjourn  they  secured  an  equal 
liberty  for  themselves.  Two  other  town  meetings  were 
called  before  the  close  of  the  year.  At  the  fonner  the  town 
declined  to  send  a  representative  to  the  General  Court,  and 
at  the  second  meeting  Samuel  Nichols  was  chosen  collector 
of  taxes  in  room  of  Samuel  ^Vilder  who  was  out  of  town 
about  one  year.  In  June  of  this  year  Tristram  Cheney  and 
William  Joyner  certify  that  they  have  ''perambulated  the 
line  between  Winghendon  and  Ashburnham." 

With  their  enlarged  privileges  under  the  act  of  incorpora- 
tion the  settlers  were  met  with  heavy  burdens  in  the  form  of 
taxes.     The  land  tax  for  1764:  and  1765,  amounting  to  £255, 


a  province  t;ix  of  £30,  a  couiily  tax  £1-11-0,  and  a  tax  of 
£C)  to  defray  to^^vn  expenses,  nuist  have  })laced  them  ou 
familiar  terms  and  close  relations  with  tlu-.  collector  of  taxes. 
Scarcely  had  the  town  ])ecn  organized  and  (he  inhabitants 
become  familiar  with  their  new  duties  and  privileges  when 
several  families  and  lifteon  hundred  acres  of  land  were  joined 
to  another  township.  Ashby  was  incorporated  ]\[arch  5, 
1767,  but  the  proceedings  in  which  the  inha])itants  of  Ash- 
burnham  jia.rticipated  occurred  at  an  earlier  date.  U)itil 
1764  the  territory  hicluded  within  the  present  towns  of 
Townsend,  Lunenburg,  Ashburnlnun,  Fitch1)urg  and  Ashby 
was  embraced  by  the  three  towns  hrst  nained.  In  1764 
Fitchburg  was  set  off  from  Lunenl)urg  and  at  that  time 
included  the  southern  jxirt  of  Ashby.  The  incorporation  of 
Ashburnluuii  in  the  following  year  did  not  change  boundary 
lines.  Very  soon  after,  Ashl)y  was  formed  from  poilions  of 
Townsend,  Fitchburg  and  Ashburnham.  Thus  John  Fitch 
and  others,  Jiving  in  17 60  in  the  vicinity  of  the  present  resi- 
dence of  Paul  Gates  in  the  southern  part  of  Ashby,  were 
residents  of  Lunenburg ;  in  1764  they  were  in  Fitchbur"-, 
and  in  1767  they  were  in  .Vshby.  A\'ith  bewildering  sud- 
denness and  without  a  change  of  residence  they  were  citizens 
of  three  towns  and  attended  town  meetings  in  as  many 
places  in  this  brief  space  of  time.  The  original  petition,  for 
the  creation  of  Ashby,  was  before  the  General  Court  several 
months  before  Ashburnham  was  incorpoi-ated.  "While  a 
part  of  the  petitioners  for  Ashley  Avere  pressing  a  solicitation 
to  become  inhabitants  of  one  town  they  Avere  included  Avitlu'n 
another.  They  continued,  however,  to  pursue  their  original 
project  and  joining  Avith  the  other  petitioners  an  organization 
was  ejected  and  a  committee,  consisting  of  John  Fitch  of 
Fitchburg,  Jacob  SchoJfe  of  Ashburiiham  and  James  Locke, 
Jr.,  of  ToAvnsend,  Avas  chosen  to  appear  before  the  General 

-/  :    /•  ;  ■•:  :j.';.'',     ■\i 

I     ■ , ,  ■  i 



■■>!"> ; 



Court  ill  siij^port  of  their  petition.  At  a  meeting  of  the  \)V()- 
))i'ietors  ojily  a  few  days  .ifter  tlie  incorporation  of  Ashhurn- 
hani  a  conmiittee  was  chosen  to  remonstrate  against  the  loss 
of  the  most  thickly  settled  portion  of  the  town.  The  follow- 
ing year  tlie  sultject  was  Liid  before  the  town  at  a  special 
mi'cting  called  for  that  ]")urpose.  The  petitioners  in  the 
iioi'theast  part  of  the  town  joined  l)y  the  Germans  were  a 
dear  majority  of  the  town.  Conscious  of  their  power,  they 
proposed  to  carry  with  themselves  a  very  considerable  por- 
tion of  the  township,  including  the  Cambridge  and  Lexing- 
ton farms  and  all  that  })art  of  Ashburnham  east  of  a  line 
running  from  the  northwest  corner  of  Lexington  farm  across 
the  summit  of  Great  Watatic  to  the  province  line. 

This  lilieral  proposition  included  a  majority  of  the  inhabi- 
ta.nts  and  al.)out  one-fourth  of  the  area  of  the  township. 
Innnediately  following  the  record  of  the  meeting  is  recorded 
a  protest  against  the  measure,  signed  by  Samuel  Fellows, 
Tristram  Cheney,  Samuel  Nichols,  Jonathan  Gates,  George 
Dickerson,  Xathan  Melvin,  Elislia  Coolidge,  AVilliam 
Joyner,  Samuel  Foster  and  Enos  Jones.  Xo  reason  is 
found  for  the  absence  of  the  names  of  Benjamin  AVhitcomb, 
]\roses  Foster,  Jeremiah  Foster,  Deliverance  Davis  and 
others  who  were  then  living  west  of  the  proposed  line  and 
who  very  iraturally  Avould  be  in  sjmipathy  with  the  remon- 
strants. This  proposition,  however,  was  very  materially 
modified  by  the  General  Court.  When  Ashby  was  finally 
incor|)orated  only  about  one-fourth  of  the  proposed  area  was 
severed  from  Ashl)urnham.  Alany  years  later  another  tract 
was  joined  to  Ashby,  but  the  original  division  line  between 
the  towns  in  1767  left  the  eastern  boundary  of  Ashburnham 
almost  a  straight  line,  extending  very  nearly  due  north  from 
the  northeast  corner  of  Westminster  to  the  State  line.  The 
corner  of  the  two  towns  at  the  State  line  was  very  nearly  a 

./'  i;'f 

•.li    '(; 

■1..    •    ■  .'H'«V 


■iwi-'/.   •.I'.xlY/      .*'!in>  I  (in  -MoV)  oils    /  !   i.»' 

>v   -i.ji>r  .J'  '  /►'■i^   j!;-i;-iJ-,   i\ 

118  lUSTOlvY    OF    ASHBUr.XHAM. 

mile  o;i>:('  of  the  iJi-e-^cnt  corner.  ]n  this  forin  the  town  of 
Ashbuniluuu  remained  until  after  the  lieNolution,  wlien  a 
second  donation  to  Ashl)y  and  the  ineo]'})oration  of  Ciardner 
cut  oJftwo  areas  from  tlie  oj)j)osite  corner^;  of  the  town. 

Among  the  settlers  inchided  v>ithin  the  town  of  Ashl)y 
were  sev(,'ral  town  otHcers  who  were  eliosen  only  three  days 
before  that  town  was  iricorporated.  Ca])  John  Jones, 
residing  on  tlic  Amos  ^\'eUington  farm  tlien  in  Ashburnham, 
was  a  selectman  here  in  IKIt!  and  again  elected  in  ITtiT. 
The  same  year  he  was  chosoi  a  selectman  of  Ashby. 

James  Coleman  had  bem  elected  one  of  the  constables, 
an  otlice  then  including  the  collection  of  taxes.  Xotwith- 
standing  the  change  in  to^vn  lines,  the  assessors  of  Ashljurn- 
liam  committed  to  him  a  tax  list  foi-  collection  and  in 
XoA'cmber  of  the  following  year  '"  y  to^vn  voted  to  Defend 
y*"  Town  Treasurer  in  a  'J'rial  with  James  Colman  for  to  get 
y*  money  that  was  assest  in  y''  year  170 7  which  assessment 
was  Delivered  to  s''  Colman  to  Colect."  It  is  i)robable  that 
both  toNNiis  claimed  the  taxes  assessed  this  year  on  the 
estates  set  olf  to  Ashbv  and  that  Mr.  Coleman  found  it  diffi- 
cult to  serve  two  masters.  IJy  this  change  in  town  lines, 
in  addition  to  John  Jones  and  James  Coleman,  Ashburnham 
lost  Thomas  Stearns,  Zinn-i  Ileywood,  John  l^ates,  David 
Taylor,  Henry  Selliam.  Benjannn  Spaukling,  Sanniel  Derby, 
Samuel  liice,  Levi  Houghton  and  i)erhaps  a  few  others. 
Several  of  these  l)ecame  promin.ent  in  tln'  allairs  of  Ashby. 
The  only  Germiui  was  ^Nlr.  Sdham  whose  name  is  genendly 
>\Titten  Sellenham  in  tlio  Ashby  records. 

Unless  there  Avere  two  })ersons  of  the  same  name,  ben- 
jamin Spaulding  returned  to  Ashlna-nham  in  1766  and  in 
1769  as  will  appear  joined  in  a  petition  to  be  set  olf  to 
Ashby  a  second  time.  Had  he  succeeded,  asd  continued  the 
process  he  v.ould  have  Avhittled  av,ay  tlie  entire  towushi}). 

),     ■  I '     .■  1 

-,  .j;,;i     !■ 

,'.;,>.,(  ■>■■  -^ii/' 


(/      ^y.\:      !...:. 


,  1  ., ,   iv 

SI      'it 

,     (,,.      '.i.i'i.':; 


I'Ofi.  Tlic  m;\v  names  iippearing  in  Iho  proceedings  of 
tliis  your  avf  Ilomy  Hall,  John  Conn,  Ziinii  Ileywood, 
>f<>ses  ]^\tst<'r.  fir.,  Saniucl  Salter,  Simon  Eodamcll,  Ileniy 
Selham  and  Joseph  Perry.  Some  of  these  had  l)een  here 
several  ycai's  but  were  not  named  in  the  records  of  the  pre- 
eedini;'  }'ear.  In  addition  to  the  land  and  ))rovince  tax,  the 
town  raised  twent}'  })ciunds  for  town  charges  tmd  appro])rinted 
sixty  ]'>onnds  of  the  la.nd  tax  for  the  sap})ort  of  roads.  This 
year  the  to'.vn  also  voted  not  "to  choose  a  man  to  lAe})resent 
them  at  the  great  and  geneial  Coart  or  assembly  to  bo  held 
at  Boston  on  Wensday  the  twenty  eight  Day  of  may  Current 
at  Xine  of  the  Clock  in  tlie  morning."  But  more  mindful  of 
internal  improvement,  the  town  voted  to  build  a  pound  of 
stone  or  timber,  two  rods  square  inside^,  to  be  located  near 
the  barn  of  Christian  '^^'illiam  "Wliiteman,  but  this  vote  was 
reconsidered  soon  after  and  a  pound  was  not  built  for  several 
years.  The  records  assert  that  this  year  "the  town  chose 
Mr.  1'imothy  pane  Esqnier  regeister  for  the  County  of 
Worcester."  ^Ir.  Paine  was  elected  this  year,  leaving  us  to 
infer  that  cither  the  remainder  of  the  county  magnanimously 
concurred  in  this  action  on  the  part  of  Ashburnham,  or  that 
the  record  i^s  a  simple  assertion  that  Mr.  Paine  was  the  choice 
of  the  voters  of  this  town.  The  custom  of  warning  out  all 
now  arrivals  is  mentioned  in  another  conn.:.:tion  ;  the  names 
of  the  men  sunniioned  to  renio\  ^'  during  V  ti'rst  two  years 
of  I  he  existence  of  the  town,  were  Sauni'  1  Salter,  Joseph 
Perry,  Oliver  AVetherbcc,  Daniel  ^Merrill,  Daniel  Harper, 
Timothy  Farley,  Amasa  Turner  and  George  Hewitt. 

1707.  Early  in  the  3'ear  1767,  a  special  meeting  was 
called  to  make  some  ari-angements  concerning  the  salary  of 
the  minister.  When  the  town  assumed  control  of  public 
aflairs,  ]Mr.  AMnchestcr  had  been  settled  several  years.  It 
only   devolved  upon  the   town  to  pay  him  the  amount  of 

('(  ': 

■     -I       :  ■■   »  I  ' 

,  I .  >■    ■      •  .111 .  ,  ■(  ■  . '   '       t,     :  ;■     ,'  i '•,••: 

;i    11 ! 

r,    I 

120  inSTOKY    OF    ASIiHURNJIAM. 

salary  stipulated  bv  tlic  proprietors  at  the  time  of  bis  settle- 
]iiGiit.  By  the  terms  of  the  act  of  inc(ji-})oration  this  smii 
was  to  be  })aid  out  of  the  land  tax.  It  only  remained  for  the 
io'^'ii  to  conduct  the  assessment  and  collection  of  this  tax. 
The  result  of  tliis  meetimr  iudicates  that  the  only  issue  raised 
at  this  time  I'elated  to  the  time  when  the  salary  of  the  minis- 
ter should  be  paid.  A  committee  was  chosen  ''  to  discourse 
with  Eev.  Mr.  AVinchester  relating  to  his  salary."  At  a 
subsecjuent  meeting  the  town  acted  upon  the  repoii  of  their 
committee  by  a  vote  ''  to  pay  ]Mr.  AVinchester  one  half  of  his 
salary  at  eiglit  months'  end.'' 

The  records  of  this  year  introduce  the  earliest  reference  to 
schools  in  a  vote  to  raise  eight  pounds  for  that  purpose,  and 
voted  tlnit  '\y*  y*^  school  should  be  a  moveing  school  and 
to  leave  it  y"  Select  men  to  make  y''  Quarters  where  y^ 
school  shall  be  Cei)t.     Yoted  it  to  bee  a  free  school." 

The  increasing  burden  of  taxation  and  the  inability  of 
many  of  the  settlers  to  meet  these  increasing  demands  upon 
their  limited  resources  find  frequent  expression  in  the 
record-.  In  June  the  town  chose  John  ]Moflat  of  Boston, 
Eev.  Jonathan  AVinchester  and  Tristram  Cheney,  to  apply 
to  the  General  Court  for  an  abatement  of  the  province  tax. 
In  connection  with  this  ethn't  the  following  petition  was 
made  to  the  General  Court  : 

To  His  Excellency  Francis  Ijjrnard  Esq.  Captain  General 
and  Governor  in  Chief  of  His  ^lajfsty's  Provence  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Bay,  to  the  Ilonnorablc  his  majostys  Council  &  the  Hon"* 
House  of  Keprcscntativcs,  In  General  Court  assembled. 

December  30  17G7 

The  Petition  of  the  Inliabitants  of  Ashburnham  humbly  Sheweth  : 

That  whereas  a  Provence  Tax  for  a  number  of  years  Past  has 
been  Laid  on  your  Petitioners  no  Part  thereof  has  been  paid,  that 
your  Petitioners  Labouring  under  great  poverty  think  them  selves 


!'  I 

.■    1!',,        -li^Jl 

;<    -/J 


ulteily  unable  To  make  an}-  sucb  payment,  that  the  soil  we  Possess 
is  very  Stubborn  Requiring  much  hard  Labour  befui-c  any  profit 
can  be  reaped  from  it,  Tliat  the  greatest  part  of  your  petitioners 
have  been  in  said  Town  but  a  short  time  and  are  unable  to  raise 
provisions  sutlicient  for  the  su[)port  of  our  families.  And  as  there 
is  far  from  being  enough  produced  in  the  Town  to  maintain  the 
Inliabitants  we  have  not  only  nothing  to  Conveit  into  money  ;  but 
are  at  much  annual  expense  for  the  necessays  of  Life  or  be  desti- 
tute of  them  ;  or  else  contract  debts  unpayable  without  the  for- 
feiture of  our  Lands. 

That  y''  growth  of  y''  said  Town  has  been  much  obstructed  by 
y'  said  tax  as  many  pei'sons  have  of  Late  gone  over  y*"  Provence 
Line  to  avoid  a  burden  which  seams  so  likcl}'  to  be  un^upportable 
and  fatal,  I'hat  3-our  Poor  petitioners  are  unable  to  keep  our  few 
cattle  alive  in  y*"  winter  season  without  driving  a  considerable 
proportion  of  them  out  of  town  for  subsistence.  That  your 
Petitiuuers  House  of  Public  "W^orship  has  lately  been  struck  by  a 
Hurricane  and  y'^  cost  to  repare  ('annot  be  less  than  £30,  Lawful 
money,  "With  all  that  can  be  done  to  said  House  it  must  be  Re- 
built in  a  few  A'ears.  That  the  Death  of  our  very  worth}'  Pastor 
y'  Reverend  M'  "W'inchester  v'our  Petitioners  must  needs  be  exerted 
to  a  very  great  additional  expenee. 

Therefore  your  Humble  Petitioners  vor}-  eariicstly  beseech  your 
Excellency  &  Ilouers  to  considerate  our  unhapy  circumstances 
by  Removing  3'e  grievous  Tax  or  to  Releive  u^^  hi  such  way  as  in 
3'our  great  wisdom  you  shall  Think  fitt.  And  your  Petitioners  as 
in  duty  bound  shall  ever  pray  &e, 

TRISTRAM   CL^KXEY  inbeli.dfof  sd  Town. 

Dated  at  Ashburuham,  December  y"  23'^  17G7. 

The  petition  was  kindly  received  In'  the  General  Court 
and  all  the  province  taxes  then  due  from  this  town  were 
forgiven,  Qiialifyhig  the  petition  with  the  reflection  that  it 
is  an  argument  for  etfect,  it  is  true,  however,  that  it  presents 
a  view  of  the  poverty  and  distress  of  a  new  settlement  and 

,1     ;;■//-)    'n     ';. 


..■>       I        '!■ 

.  ..■  J- , 

.,!,::;    ■...;    J-,,:    -.,1       •"     '''■■<     .-■'•^' 


'    '       5        ■■ 

■!    'i 
'''  i 

122  HISTORY   OF   ASIIiU'm'llAM. 

from  il  ^yc  learn  much  of  tlio  situaliou  of  tlie  town  at  tliis 

November  30,  17G7,  the  inliabitants  were  Avarned  to 
assemble  on  tlie  tenth  oi'  the  followinu"  morith  '^  to  see  if  liie 
town  v.'ill  comply  with  tlie  town  of  ]5ustijii  in  not  purchasing 
any  of  tlie  articles  montioi\ed  in  the  ])aper  sent  to  tlie  seh'ct- 
men."  The  pa}>er  refei'i-ed  to  was  the  historic  letter  of  tlie 
selectmen  of  Bostoii,  dated  October  2^,  and  sent  to  the 
selectjnen  of  the  several  toA\ns  in  the  proA'incc,  respecting 
the  sale  and  use  of  certain  foreign  articles  upon  which  Par- 
liament had  laid  a  tax.  At  the  meeting  in  Ashburnham  it 
v,-as  voted  ''to  compl)'  with  the  retjuest  of  tlie  selectmen  of 
Boston  respecting  the  articles  in  a  paper  they  sent  to  us." 
Here  is  found  the  first  and  a  very  early  act  relating  to  the 
Eevolution.  It  was  one  of  a  series  of  e^'eilts  which  foretold 
the  approaching  storm,  truthfully  relh'cting  the  progress  of 
puldic  sentimput  while  the  smouldering  tires  of  discontent 
were  being  fanned  into  the  ilame  of  open  revolt.  Otlier 
towns  actuated  by  an  equal  patriotism  ])assed  similar  votes, 
but  very  few  of  them  at  this  early  date  were  prepared  to 
speak  with  equal  em[)!iasis  and  pronq)tness. 

The  death  of  the  first  minister  occurred  this  year.  A  meet- 
ing was  promptly  called  at  which  the  town  voted  to  defray 
the  expenses  of  the  funeral  and  tu  pay  to  ]\lrs.  AVinchester,  a 
sum  equal  to  the  stated  salary  for  the  remainder  of  the  year. 
Xo  item  of  the  ex[)ense  of  the  l>urial  of  Mr.  ^^'inchester  has 
been  preserved,  but  in  accordance  with  the  custcnns  of  the 
times,  it  is  })robable  that  gloves,  weeds  and  other  insignia  of 
mourning,  wei'e  procured  for  the  bereaved  family  and  for  the 
bearers.  All  were  mourners  and  all  followed  the  rcmai))S  of 
their  beloved  pastor  to  tlie  grave.  The  measure  of  their 
sorrow  at  the  death  and  their  respect  for  the  charactm-  of 
IVtr.  "Winchester  were  continually  retlected  in  the  kind  con- 

■t  .;    1 

I      <■ 

,i    ,       I!     ::''':     !^•  •■ 

,1,:''    ■    >    •    ■('.     ,■     M.-vh 

' ,  \    •!:■■/' 

FliOM    THE   INX'O'RrOPiATION   TO    THE   EE VOLUTION.    123 

sidcnition  in  which  ihey  always  rcpai't.led  the  widow  and  llie 
children  of  their  lirst  n^iiiister, 

17GSc  This  year,  Kcv.  John  dishing  was  settled.  An 
account  of  the  ordination  and  of  a  prolonged  and  successful 
ministry  a\  ill  be  found  in  anotlicr  chapter.  Other  proceed- 
ings of  less  magintndc  complete  the  record  of  the  year.  In 
the  warrant  for  the  animal  ^NLu'ch  meeting  appears  an  article 
"To  see  if  y°  town  will  vote  y'  there  shall  be  no  ox  sled 
Drawed  in  y  Privet  Roads  in  Ashlnirnham  less  tlum  four 
feet  and  a  half  wide  on  Penalty  such  as  y"  town  shall  thinlv 
Proper."  ''Pa.ssed  in  y*"  negative."  Tlie  highways  in  this 
connection  were  styled  pri\'ate  roads  to  distinguish  them 
from  the  county  roads  wliich  had  been  constructed,  and  in 
some  measure  were  luider  the  supervision  of  the  court. 

It  was  also  ordered  this  year  that  ''y''  Dutch  sliould  dravr 
their  school  money "  u]ion  condJtio)i  it  was  used  for  its 
legitimate  pur})osc. 

The  increasing  discontent  of  the  colon}"  in  regard  to  the 
continued  acts  of  oppression  by  the  British  government,  and 
the  promptness  in  wliich  each  infringement  of  their  charter 
rights  was  resisted  by  the  watchful  spirit  of  democracy 
again  invite  the  citi/ens  of  Ashburnham  to  assemble  hi  town 
meeting.  Inmiediately  following  an  unsuccessful  attempt  to 
persuade  the  Poyal  Governor  of  the  province  to  convene  the 
GcTicral  Court,  letters  were  sent  to  all  the  towns  inviting 
t1)"!n  to  send  delegates  to  join  in  a  conference  over  public 
aiiairs.  The  citizens  of  this  town  unanimously  instructed 
their  selectmen  to  send  in  writing  their  desire  to  join  with 
the  assem])led  delegates  "in  all  jn-oper  way  to  defend  our 
rights  and  privileges  which  was  granted  to  us  in  oiu- 

1VC9.  It  will  be  remem])ered  that  while  the  inhabitants 
were  thus  assemblino-  jn  town  meetinir  from  year  to  year  and 

■i   .   ■        ,   !|v... 

.]     1 


a(loi)tin!jj  moiisuros  concerning  tlic  })riulcntial  iil]";iirs  of  llu; 
town,  the  ]>ro])i-ieto]s  wero  still  an  acTivc  oruanizalion. 
Under  the  hnvs  of  the  ]>rovince,  the  town  assuniod  tlic 
conti'ol  of  the  roads,  the  su])[)ort  of  the  ministry  tmd  the 
general  manaa'cnient  of  all  municijial  concei'ns,  while  the 
propriety,  owning  the  luidivided  lands,  was  still  an  organized 
corporation.  The  })ro])rietors  surrendered  the  meeting- 
house to  the  town  without  any  formal  vote,  and  in  1770  at  a 
meeting  eoiivencd  in  Boston,  there  was  a  proposition  under 
consideration  to  surrender  to  the  town  "  the  meeting  house 
square  with  the  reservation  thnl  the  whole  of  it  reniains  a 
common  forever.''  Tins  suhjeet  was  disnn'ssed  without 
action  and  it  is  possiljle  the  projn'ietcn-.s  considered  that  the 
connnon  already  l)elouged  to  the  town  imder  tlic  title  of 
public  domain.  If  any  consideration  less  friendly  prompted 
the  failure  to  relinquish  their  chiim  to  the  common,  the 
inhatiitants  of  the  town  h;ul  very  little  concern  ;il)out  it,  and 
were  masters  of  the  situation,  '^'hey  had  already  disposed 
of  one-fourth  of  it  and  Mere  holding  the  remtiinder  with  grim 
com})lacency.  I'^nder  an  ai'ticle  to  see  if  the  town  would 
sell  a  part  of  the  common  to  I\ev.  John  Cushing,  the  town 
in  ]Mav,  17G9,  voted  to  make  him  a  present  of  two  and  one- 
half  acres  at  the  east  end  and  instructed  the  selectmen  to 
give  him  a  deed. 

JUmJamin  Spaulding,  and  a  few  others  residing  in  the 
northeast  part  of  the  town,  petitioned  the  (ioneral  Court  to 
be  annexed  to  Ash  by.  The  town  promptly  e\'i>ressed  its 
dissent  and  submitted  the  matter  to  Sanuu-l  Wilder  who 
successfully  ojiposed  the  measiu-e. 

The  questions  arising  in  town  meeting  and  tlie  methods  of 
treatment,  are  continually  suggesting  the  changes  which  have 
attended  the  progress  of  years.  One  hundred  and  twenty- 
five   years  ago,  as  a  source  of  revenue,  the  town  voted  that 

f  ,1 

'.''I  "^  : 

,.d;  -'10 

..(l'^'  .,!' 

,  1...,    •..: ,   .  \:  ^M,,,;;.;i  i-j  .■> '' 

»      ''■■''•''! 

.    !       ■.  i  /.  ri  i 
•  '  '    ;■  :.i'"A   ■f^'g 


"e\'ciy  iiilKibitaiit  that  (akcs  caltlo  to  run  in  the  wtiods  shall 
])ay  to  the  town  four  sliillinu's  per  head."  The  same  j^'ear, 
not  having  paid  their  minister  the  sum  due  for  settlement, 
the  town  borrowed  the  money  of  Colonel  Caleb  AMlder  and 
ogrced  to  pa}'^  it  in  elearing  land  tor  him.  For  several  years 
tlie  town  aceej)ted  labor  on  this  aeeount  in  payment  of  taxes. 

1770.  The  annals  of  this  year  introduce  very  few  subjects 
not  anticipated  in  a  general  ^iew  of  a  town  "in  the  transaction 
of  the  ordinary  business.  The  year  })reeeding  the  town, 
voted  not  to  choose  a  conmiittee  "  to  see  where  the  town's 
money  had  gone."  They  probably  concluded  it  had  never 
been  gathered  in,  since  this  year  a  number  of  parcels  of  land 
belonging  to  non-residents  were  sold  at  auction  in  payment 
of  taxes.  From  this  source  the  town  realized  nearly  lift}' 
pounds.  One  of  the  purchasers  tit  this  sale  was  liev.  ^Iv. 
Gushing,  who  bought  six  and  one-half  aci'cs  between  the 
conmion  and  Upper  Naukeag  lake.  This  year  the  court  had 
under  consideration  the  location  of  a  county  road  from 
AVinchendon  to  Westminster,  passing  through  a  corner  of 
this  town,  now  in  Gardner.  The  town  of  Ashburnham 
histructed  Samuel  Wilder  to  oppose  the  project  and  "if 
need  be,  to  employ  an  attorney."  This  road  was  built  soon 
afier,  but  the  part  of  it  within  this  town  was  inconsiderable. 

In  accordance  with  an  act  of  the  General  Court,  an  inven- 
tory of  the  province  tax  for  the  year  1770  was  returned  by 
thr;  assessors.  Fortunately,  the  oiiginal  is  preserved  in  the 
State  archives.  This  rate  assessed  on  the  polls  had  no  con- 
nection with  the  land  tax.  The  list  preserves  the  names  of 
the  men  residing  in  this  town  December  14,  1770.  The 
names  followed  by  the  figures  2  or  3  paid  the  tax  of  as 
many  persons,  who  might  be  either  sons  above  sixteen 
years  of  age,  or  young  men  in  their  employ.  Ebenezer 
Conant,  Sen.,  was  probably  residing  here  at  this  time  ;  later 

■  {-,    iK 

■■■.i<    \n-J    i 

■■  :.:■.'  i  ■  !■''<> 

>:5  ■'    )->f  ii.. ■..!]'■ 

i    .!       1, 

li:   i  '111 

.  !■•'  -.1 

1 ,, 

':■^    '•;,'   ;'i;   ni;-'*-  ■;:.l;.:''.(   -.  'f^  fil 

1      .    f-r.,     -,■ 

•*MVf*0     ''J'!      rV'''!-' 


'    .1  j     .  ■■ 

!o'     :  ■>'■   ,1       I. 



ill  life  he  Ava.s  a  town  clmrgo,  Init  no  reason  apjieai's  for  tlie 
omission  of  liis  name.  It  ^vas  ])rol)ably  aeci<lcnl;il.  Tiie 
omission  of  the  name  of  Mer.  John  dishing  was  probably 
intentional,  ']"'he  number  of  names  in  the  list  is  seventy- 
four,  A\hich  would  indicate  a  population  of  less  than  four 
hundred.  '      '■  ' 

Jolm  Adams 
Stejjlieii  Ames 
"William  Eeiijamiu 
Jtloits  Bcunttt 
John  Bigflow 
Xalhnn  Bigclow 
Jo  sima  Billings 
Abrniiam  Blodt^ett 
Isaac  Bioduett 
Jereiuiah  Bridge 
P-eter  Brooks 
Tri^tram  Ciieney  (3) 
3;)avid  Clark 
Job  Coleman 
Ebenezor  Couant,  Jr. 
John  Conn 
Elisha  Coolidfre 
I.)eliverance  Davis 
Amos  Dickerfon 
David  Dickerson 
Salmon  Dutton 
Thomas  Dutton 
Elijah  EdsoTi 
Sanmt-1  Fellows  (3) 
Jeremiah  Foster 

Moses  Foster  (2) 
Samuel  Foster 
Henry  Gates     '^'''' 
Jonathan  Gales  (2) 
Henry  Hall  (2) 
Jacob  Harris 
Ebcnezer  llemeinvay 
Joseph  Holden 
^Moscs  Johnson 
En  OS  .Jones 
Abijah  Joslin  ' 

James  Joslin 
Peter  Joslin 
Jolm  Kiblingcr  (2) 
Benjamin  Kemp 
Nathan  Melviii 
Daniel  Merrill 
Joseph  jMetealf 
Sanniel  Nichols 
Simeon  Nuttiiiij 
Jolm  Oberlock 
Joseph  Perry 
Daniel  Priest 
John  liicli 
Simon  Kodanicll 

Samuel  Salter 
Aaron  Samson 
John  Samson 
Jonathan  Samson 
Jacob  Schofle 
Benjamin  Siiaulding 
Ephraim  Stone  (3) 
Oliver  Stone 
Jonathan  Taylor      ' 
Philip  Vorback         .     . 
Caleb  Ward 
Jacob  Wenneg 
Oliver  Wetherbee 
Plnnehas  Wetherbee 
Benjamin  Whitcomb 
Oliver  Whitcomb 
Christian    "Wm.  White 

Samuel  Wilder  (2) 
Hezekiah  AViUard' 
John  Willard 
Oliver  Willard 
Andrew  "Winter 
Timothy  Wood 
Abijah  Worcester 

1771.  lu  addition  to  specific  legislation  regarding  schools 
and  the  meeting-house,  which  will  appear  in  other  chapters, 
this  year  the  town  sold  the  riglit  of  land  resented  for  the 
benefit  of  schools.  ?;'rj;  r- 

From  the  incorporation  of  the  town  to  this  date  there  had 
been  little  change  in  the  i)rice  of  labor  and  many  articles  of 
merchandise.  The  depreciation  of  the  currenc}'  a  few  years 
later  introduced  tlctitious  values  in  all  business  transactions. 
Qlie  town  at  this  time  contiiuied  to  allow  the  selectmen  and 
other  town  otlicers  two  shillings  and  eight  pence  per  day. 
The  rate    of  labor  upon  the  highways  for  several  years  is 

.;<(••■';'■-■>'   n 

.!    .•■?:  :li 

it       T..-.. 

;!,  ...   •/  ,'.■(  -    'ill  J  'r.;'>"f 

■;!■•  I'.  A 

F]a)M    THE    IXCOJn'ORATIOX    TO   T]IF>    EE VOLUTION.     127 

rccordcil  in  staled  form:  "  tlireo  sliilling  })cr  day  from  now 
to  tlic  last  of  S('ptfml)cr,  one  shilling  and  four  pevict;-.  ibr 
0X011  and  eight  pence  for  a  cart  and  after  Sei)teniber  two 
shillings  per  day."  From  an  account  of  sales  made  in  an 
adjoining  town  at  this  date  it  appears  that  u])land  hay  sold 
at  £1-5-0  per  ton,  rye  at  four  sliillings  per  bushel  and 
])utter  from  six  to  eight  pence  per  pound. 

1772.  ''Voted  to  buy  some  grave  stones  in  memory  of 
Kev^  :Mr  Jonathan  Winchester  and  that  :\[''  William  Whit- 
comb  be  tlie  man  to  get  the  above  stones."  This  act  com- 
memorating, at  once,  the  virtues  of  the  dead  and  the  sci'ious 
ira[>ulses  of  tlie  town  resulted  i)i  the  erection  of  the  ])l:iin 
slate  stone  -which  yet  marks  the  grave  of  the  first  minister. 
Future  generations  may  ei'cct  at  this  grave  a  monument  of 
far  greater  pretension,  but  none  can  ever  express  a  more 
fitting  devotion  to  the  memory  of  him  ■^vhose  virtues  are 
inscribed  upon  this  "ancient  stone  in  language  of  sincere 
respect  and  love. 

1773.  Ilaviufr  l)uilt  a  ])Ound  the  i)recedina'  A'ear  the  town 
chose  Benjamin  Ih'gelow  and  Jacob  AVillard  to  conduct  the 
business  at  that  station.  Field  drivers,  or  hog  reeves  as 
they  were  formerly  called,  have  been  chosen  every  3'ear 
since  the  incorporation  of  tlie  town.  This  year,  with  a  new 
adjunct  to  the  office,  the  selection  was  made  with  due 
deference  to  ability  and  regard  to  place  of  residence.  The 
location  of  the  first  pound  is  not  certain.  The  pound  at  the 
southwest  corner  of  the  common  was  not  built  until  1794, 
but  time  and  the  elements  appear  to  have  been  unusually 
active  in  hastening  its  destruction. 

The  manner  in  which  our  fathers  regarded  the  obligation  of 
conh-acts  and  the  attention  they  paid  to  their  proper  fulfil- 
ment are  refiected  in  a  vote  to  '"  advtmce  thirty  pounds  to  the 
Rex-^  ^P  Cushing's  Sallary  to  be  assessed  this  year  to  make 

;<       u..i     '-•'.{}    !>:   ti  <•/■ 

i:  •;    ci  I 

r        .-,;!• 

-     ,.'••.7    !.i.o    •.;i;i<i,    OJ  -V-'r^T 
,•■       ;    l,ii;'.;M     V-:H   '■«■'>     to 

128  IirSTORV    OF   ASinnjRNlIAM. 

UT)  Uie  Damage  in  his  not  giting  his  SaUaiy  according  to 

1771.  In  pro})hecy  of  tlie  political  revolution  near  at 
hand  and  retlecting  the  sentiment  of  the  pco})le  a  town 
meeting  is  called  for  the  first  thne  williouL  invoking  the 
name  of  the  king.  In  former  3-ears  tlie  people  had  been 
warned  to  assemble  "in  ]]is  Majestv's  name."  A  mcetino- 
was  called  in  September,  177J:,  in  the  simj:)lc  terms,  "You 
are  requested  to  meet."  Later  the  ]ieo]ile  were  warned  "in 
the  name  of  tlie  govermiicnt  and  tlie  people  of  the  state  of 
Massachusetts  Bay,"  until  tlie  new  constitution  of  the  State 
iiiti'odnoed  "the  commonvrealtli  of  jMassacliusotts."  Tliese 
terms  clearly  indicate  the  })rogress  of  public  sentiment  during 
radical  changes  in  the  forms  of  government. 

The  incorporation  of  Gardner  was  almost  consummated 
this  year.  Tlie  project  was  suffered  to  sleep  dui-ing  the 
devolution  but  it  scarcely  failed  at  this  time.  The  petition 
was  signed  by  residents  of  Westminster,  Templeton,  AYin- 
chendon  and  Ashburnham  who  desired  to  be  included  in  the 
proposed  town.  In  answer  to  the  petitioners,  the  town 
voted  ]\Iay  23,  1774,  that  the  portion  of  Ashburnham  south- 
west of  a  line  extending  from  Samuel  Kelton's  lot  to  the  lot 
of  AVilliam  Ames  "be  set  off  with  portions  of  other  towns 
to  form  a  new  town  or  district."  The  line  described  in  this 
vote  is  substantially  the  same  as  the  one  established  eleven 
years  later.  The  Itcvolution  caused  a  delay  and  introduced 
a  name  for  the  town,  but  the  boundaries  first  proposed  were 
not  materially  changed  when  the  town  eventually  was 

Commencing  with  the  date  of  incorporation  and  extend- 
ing a  few  years  lieyond  the  limits  of  this  chapter,  the  tow^n 
continued  the  custom  of  warning  out  a  majority  of  the  arri- 
vals in  town.     It  was  a  precautionary  proceeding  suggested 

::[\   -.'^l    I' 

.jj  '''iifi   U'-ni 

1,)  •■    ■'} 




and  C'lifoui'agod  b}-  the  laws  of  t])e  proviuce.     The  statute 
})rovicled  that  persons,  who  wore  Icgall}'  warned  out  of  tlie 

town,  could  not  cain  at  once  a  full  leo-al  residence  and  that  J 

in  ease  of  extreme  povei-ty  tlic  toAvn  would  not  be  charge-  1 

able  for  their  sujjport.     It  was  a  cold  reception  but  inoditied  \ 

Aviih  a  fair  understanding  that  it  was  a  formalit3-  of  law  in  j 

which  there  "was  often   no   sincerity.     If  it  savors  of  inhu-  j 

inanity  it  was  a  fault  of  the  law  aiid  not  of  the  people.     Its  i 
practice    in   other  towns  led  to    its   adoption  here   in   self- 

defence.     In  tin's  connection  it  should  be  remcnibered,  that  \ 

while  the  sentiment  of  cliarity  and  brotherly  love   has   ever  | 

existed  in  the  heart  of  man,   tlic  present  system  of  public  | 

charities  which  embraces  all  classes  of  unfortunate  men  and  | 

Momcn  of  the  Connnon wealth  is  the  result  of  more  recent  j 

legislation.     If  the  early  settlers  of  this  to^^n  were  Avarned  I 

out,  they  were  at  once  admitted  to  all  social  })rivi leges.     In  I 

some  instance   men  who  were  warned  out  were  elected   to  1 

office    at   the   following  town    meeting  and   became   useful,  I 

substantial  citizens   contributing   largely  to  the   intelligence  I 

and    wealth    of   a    town   to   which   tliey    were    so    formally  l 
received.     Not  a  few  of  those  who  served  in  the  lie  volution 
were  welcomed  in  this  manner  to  Ashburnham.     In  their 

turn  they  joined,  in  a  more  serious  manner,  in  warning  out  | 

an  ai-my  of  invasion  before  it  gained  a  residence  on  Ameri-  1 
can  soil.     A  few  extracts  from  the  records  will  give  a  fair 
idea  of  the  spirit  of  these  proceedings.             ■    • 

To   JoxATHAX  Gatks,  cotistalilc   of   the   Town  of  Ashburnham, 

Greeting:  J 

Whereas  Joseph  Perry  and  iMary  Perry  his  wife,  Joseph  Perry,  I 

•Inner,   and    Mary    Perry    and   Abigail   Perry  and  Annie  Perry,  I 

ehil.lren  of  Joseph   and  ilary  Perry,  Hath   lately  Come   to  the  | 

Town  of  Ashburnham  and  came  last  from  Midway  and   Came  to 

■  1 1    I : 

//    \-'it\ 

[(.    :  •'! 

.■1.1  ;.....::  ,  I 

1.  ■•'j; ..  ill 
Li   u     . 

130  HISTOIJY    OK    ASIinrRXHAM.  . 


the  I'own  of  Asli])uvnbara  Novfiiibcr  17Go,  whom  the  Selectmen  of  | 


Ashburuhani  Ixefuse  to  admit  us  Inhabitants  of  the  said  Town. 

THESE  are  therefore  in  hi-;  majesties  name  to  Acquire  3'ou, 
the  said  Constable  to  warn  the  persons  a  Bove  lacntioned  forth- 
with to  Depart  out  of  the  town  of  Aslibnrnluim. 

Hereof  fail  not  and  make  Duo  ret'Jin  of  this  warrant  with  your  ; 

Doimrs  therein  to  sonic  one  of  us  tlie  subscribers.  ! 

Given  under  our  hands  and   seal  at  Asliburnliam  This  Twelfth  '| 

day  of  February  A  D  17CG  in  the  Sixth  year  of  his  Majesties  Piain.  i 

TEISTKA:\r    CHENEY  )  Selectmen  I 

JOHN    KICn                     [■           of  I 

SAMUEL   FELLOWS     )  Ashburnham.  j 


Worcester  ss.                         Asiir;unNiiA>i,  Februar}' 24  17G6  : 

In  obedience  and  by  virtue  of  the  within  written  warrant  I  have  ■<, 

warned  the  within  named  Joseph  Perry  and   Mary  Perry  his  wife  •' 

Joseph    Perr}-   Juner   Mary    Perry   Abigail    Perry   Annie   Perry  ,; 

children  of  Josepli  und  Mary  Pcrr}-,  forthwith  to  Depart  out  of  the  ■' 

town  of  Ashburnham.  -J 


*         ■'                                      Constable  of  said  Town.  ■ 

In  some    instances  the  selectmen    made    a    memorandum  | 

of  the  arrival  of  a  family  into  town  and  in  such  cases  no  ' 

warrant  is  found.  ; 


Olive  Davis  and  ]Mercy  Davis   Daughters  of   Jonas  Davis  of 

Harvard   Deceased  and   Elizabeth  his  wife  came  into  this  town  ;| 

October  y^  l-I,  17G7,  and  came  last  from  Harvard.  'i 

Elijah  Edson  left  Bridgewater  June  17  17G9  and  brought  with 

him    Martha  Edson    his  wife  and     three  children    Sarah  lulson,  '; 

Oliver  Edson    and    Ziba   Edson,  whom    the  selectmen   refuse  to  ^ 

admit  as  Inhabitants  of  Ashburnham.                               '  ,i 




eiTUATiox  or  the   towx. — thr    covexast. — ■v^•ORCEsrl:R   coxvestiox. —  | 





gates'    COMPAXY.  CAPTAIX    DAVIs'    CO^fPAXY.  THE    SIEGE    OF    BOSTON"  j 


AXD     BATTLE     OF     BUNKER     }I1LL. CAPTAIX     WILDEr's      COMPAXY THE  j 


OF       GLOOM.   TOWN       PROCEEDIXGS.    SOLDIEI'.S        IX        1777.  ALARM  | 









AXCE     OF      THE     SABBATH.  SOLDIERS      IX      1781.  EOUXTY      PROPOSED.  \ 


TnE    story  of  Asliburiihaiu    in  the    Ivovoliition   compre-  | 

hciids   neitlier  the   movements   of   annics   nor  the   decisive  j 

results  of  sanguiiiarv  engagements.     The  cause.s  of  the  war,  | 

the  prevailing  sentiment  of  the  colonies  and  the  campaigns  j 

and  fortunes  of  the  army  are  subjects  of  general  history.  i 

It  falls  within  the   province  of  this  chapter  to   record  the  j 

names  of  the   men  of  A.shburnham  who  were  in  the  service 

and  to  present  some  account  of  the  hardships   endured  at  i 

home.     It  will  appear  that  the  inhabitants  of  this  town  were  j 

in  full  s^inpathy  with  the  patriotic  sentiment  of  the  colonies, 


--     T  .1  ■■■      .'.>  n;.r 

t        r    ■     I. 

-  ':\'uii''2^-',i 

■■  ■    :"    '  Ti  A  — 

■;  i;r; ,  J 1 -ii: 'it'. 

■-■<<;    V- 

ri ,    i;  ii  ■••     •  ,1   ■'.■  ,'ir(H  J. 


and  in  t]io  field  inifl  :il  the  lircside  clieerfully  bore  a  fu]] 
me;isui'c  of  llic  iKU-dsliij^s  and  burdens  of  t]ic  period.  Com- 
pared with  the  oldei'  sctllcments  the  frontier  towns  wore 
joung  and  fcel)le  ;  and,  if  remote  from  tlie  earlier  discussion 
of  pul)lio  jiTievances  and  from  the  theatre  of  war,  it  is  cer- 
tain they  felt  every  pulsation  of  the  heart  of  the  colonies 
and  responded  to  every  demand. 

The  population  of  Ashburnhnm  in  17  7G  was  fiA'C  hundred 
and  fifty-one.  U]ion  this  little  conununity,  situated"  upon 
the  border  of  the  })roviiice,  the  provisional  government  and 
the  patriotic  hnpulsc  of  the  people,  during  the  j^rogress  of 
the  war,  made  heavy  drafts  for  men  and  treasure.  Inured 
to  the  privations  and  hardships  of  the  frontier,  the  settle- 
ments bravely  assumed  burdens  which  would  have  been 
refused  by  people  less  familiar  to  lives  of  self-denial  and 
hardships.  During  the  Kevolution  the  sti'cngth  of  the  colo- 
nies rested  in  familiarity  with  })overty  and  toil.  Patriotic 
impulse  and  a  firm  reliance  in  the  righteousness  of  their 
cause  were  imjiortant  factors,  but  it  required  hardihood  as 
well  as  impulse  and  endurance  as  avoH  as  principle.  A  sol- 
diery more  tenderly  nurtured  and  le^s  inured  to  privation 
might  bravely  meet  the  enemy  in  the  field  but  would  have 
failed  in  the  sufferings  of  Yalley  Forge. 

Commencing  with  the  beginning  of  open  hostilities  the 
older  towns,  situated  near  the  theatre  of  the  war,  sent  an 
increasini:!;  stream  of  immisfratiou  to  the  frontiers  Vvdiere  a 
more  comfoilalde  feeling  of  security  could  be  enjoyed. 
During  the  war  all  the  towns  in  this  vicinity  increased 
rapidly  in  population.  From  1776  to  17S0  the  population 
of  Ashburnliam  was  increased  nearly  twofold.  The  names 
of  many  tamilies  which  are  conspicuous  in  the  annals  of 
Ashburnham  first  appear  at  this  tiiuc.  All  who  removed 
hither  were  fraternally  welcomed  and  the  older  resident  and 

■  hi,. 

I    ii:    ■>  rn.i 

n:]      .-.I 

.,■  ;■.   .':-    -lit    !lv   .       . 

■.I'lk        ■>     ';;:   1;' 

:;  -.•.,■'1 

i/r  ,    /ii  ,1     .;,m: 


the  nor  rivrivnl,  actiuitod  by  a  oojumon  purpose,  arc  found 
side  l>v  sii.le  in  tlie  arniv  or  ioinccl  in  procurinij  nionev'  and 
moans  to  cany  on  the  ^var. 

Tt  will  appear  in  t]ie  coiu'sc  of  this  narrative  that  nearly 
every  man  residing  in  tliis  town  and  neai'ly  every  boy  over 
sixteen  years  of  age  were  in  the  service  foi-  a  longer  or  a 
sliorter  period.  Tlie  records  of  Ashburnham  do  not  pre- 
serve the  names  of  any  revolutionaiy^  soldiers.  The  search 
for  the  material  for  this  chaj^ter  was  made  elsewhere.  The 
State  archives  and  the  fdes  of  the  Pension  Oilice  at  Wash- 
ington have  been  fruitful  fields  of  research.  It  is  believed 
that  the  following  pages  will  contain  the  names  of  nearly  all 
the  residents  of  this  town  who  served  in  the  army  during  the 
Revolutionary  "War.  Xo  name  has  been  admitted  without 
unquestionable  proof.  Tradition  and  the  records  are  fre- 
C]U(Mit]y  at  variance,  and  in  such  cases  the  autliority  of  the 
records  has  been  acce]:)ted. 

The  winter  preceding  the  repulse  of  the  enemy  at  Lex- 
ington and  Concord  was  a  season  of  gloom  and  uncertainty. 
The  colonists,  and  especially  those  of  ]\rassachusetts,  were 
anxiously  waiting  for  the  clouds  to  l)reak  or,  if  inevitable, 
for  hostilities  to  commence.  This  era  of  doubt  and  uncer- 
tainty cast  the  deepest  glooni  over  the  land.  The  inhabi- 
tants of  Ashliurnham  are  early  found  in  full  sympathy  with 
tlie  prevailing  sentiment  and  with  remarkaljle  untmimity  are 
early  prepared  for  the  deci-ive  issue.  As  early  as  1773 
mention  of  the  situation  of  public  atl'airs  fmds  ex})ression  in 
an  article  in  the  warrant  for  the  annual  ]March  meeting,  "To 
see  if  the  Town  will  consider  the  general  grievances  that 
are  laid  upon  us  by  acts  of  Parliament  &  disposing  of  our 
monies  without  our  consent."  At  this  tune  no  action  was 
taken,  but  in  July,  1774,  ''it  Avas  moved  that  the  Covenant 
sent  from    Boston    be    read    and   accordingly  it  was    read. 

:..,.(  '  ,h  5-1  I  ^■'■'<  '''-''■    I'i- 

:        M:    .■■::i. 


::)     :,i 

/.       "    t-J:..r 

ff  "i''i  ;/■      :'M' 

134  HISTOKY    OF    ASIIBU1^^^1IAM.  .,,. 

Then  a  Jiiolioii  was  made  for  an  alteration  and  that  Doctor 
Senior,  George  Dana,  Elisha  Coolidge,  Samuel  Nicliols  and 
Jonathan  Samson  l)e  a  committee  to  alter  said  covenant  and 
adjourned  said  meeting  for  lialf  an  lionr  and  tlicn  said  Cove- 
nant was  altered  to  tlie  acceptance  of  the  Town.'"  ''Voted 
that  Elisha  Coolidge  Samuel  AVildcr  and  Samuel  Xicliols  be 
a  connnitiee  to  keep  the  covenant  after  it  is  signed." 

The  covenant  adopted  in  the  foregoing  vote  was  a  solemn 
engagemenl,  signed  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  town,  that  they 
Avonld  refrain  from  the  })ure]jase  and  use  of  certain  articles 
of  British  merchandise,  and  tliat  risking  their  lives  and 
fortunes  in  the  defence  of  their  charter  rights  and  jn'ivileges, 
they  "would  resist  all  ofliccrs  holding  commissions  imder  the 
late  acts  of  Parliament.  On  tlie  third  day  of  September,  the 
town  Ayas  assembled  to  hear  the  rejiort  of  Jonathan  Taylor 
who  had  been  chosen  to  attend  a  convention  at  "Worcester, 
which  met  in  August  at  the  house  of  ]\[ary  Stearns,  widow 
of  Ca})tain  Thomas  Stearns.  The  records  do  not  aflbrd  any 
information  of  the  chai'acter  of  the  report,  yet  from  other 
sources  it  is  known  that  this  eonvention  recommended  the 
several  towns  to  appoint  military  ofliccrs,  to  provide  arms 
and  ammunition,  and  to  make  ample  provision  for  any  emer- 
gency that  may  arise.  At  the  same  meeting  the  progress  of 
public  sentiment  is  revealed  in  a  vote  to  indemnify  the  officers 
of  (ho  town  foi-  not  returning  a  Ji-t  of  jurors  as  required  by 
an  act  of  Parliament.  This  was  a  bold  measure  and  in  open 
resistance  of  royal  authority.  The  colonists  were  extremely 
sensitive  in  regard  to  the  influences  surroundinir  the  halls  of 
justice.  The  man  of  lowest  degree  justly  demanded  a  hear- 
ing on  e(]ual  terms  with  the  favorites  of  roytdty.  The  exist- 
ing discontent  arose  in  the  fact  that  the  judges  were  appointed 
by  the  crown  and  provision  was  made  in  England  for  their 
support  for  the  purpose  of  rendering  them  wholly  independent 

.1   ..  ■       i..i: 

I  1-  -n  v"'"'^ 

k'  ;jq 

,!■.      I  (^l      '. 

''  (i-M.    iri 

■■•1    iiod 


oC  colonial  intiueiico.  This  system  of  ai)[)ointment  and  salary 
of  the  judges  received  early  discussion  and  lirai  iTsistaiico. 
Tlie  vote  of  Ashhiirnhani  rofiisiiio-  to  recognize  the  courts 
thus  constituted  in  I'oturning  a  list  of  jui'ors,  was  a  part  of 
the  general  action  of  the  colony. 

"^Fwo  other  important  votes  ^\'cre  passed  at  this  meeting. 
First,  tlie  town  choose  Jonathan  Taylor,  a  representative  to 
tlie  famous  provincial  congress  which  assembled  at  Concord, 
October  11,  and  by  adjournment  to  Cambridge  continued 
their  deliberations  until  December  10,  1774.  Evidently,  not 
yet  content  with  these  exjiressions  of  opinion,  and  with  these 
provisions  for  the  future,  at  the  same  meeting,  nearly  a  year 
before  AVashington  assumed  command  of  the  army,  the  town 
voted  "to  buy  half  a  hundred  of  powder  and  one  hundred  of 
lead  and  ten  dozen  of  flints  as  a  town  stock."  At  this  meet- 
ing, as  stated,  the  town  heard  from  their  delegate  ti)e  recom- 
mendations of  the  "Worcester  convention,  and  ten  days  later 
were  agahi  asseml)led  to  carry  them  into  efl'ect.  The  action 
of  this  meeting  was  brief  yet  decisive.  A  connnittee  of 
safety  and  correspondence  was  chosen  and  the  miliiia  was 
organized.  The  record  of  the  meeting  preserves  the  roll  of 

Clioso  Samuel  ^sichols,  Jouathau  Samson,  Deliverance  Davis, 
Abijab  Joslin  and  Jouathau  Taylor  a  commitcoe  of  correspond- 

Voted  that  the  following  persons  be  the  officers  of  the  militia  of 
said  town  :  — . 

Abijah  Joslin,  captain. 
Deliverance  Davis,  lieutenant. 
Ebcnezer  Conant,  Jr.,  ensign. 
Amos  Dickerson,  first  sergeant. 
Jacob  Harris,  second  sergeant. 
Oliver  Stone,  third  sergeant. 

:,^!      !■;.  It'. 
.    ■  ■  1  ■  -     .   \'l 

<     ^     '    )r 



..,..-"■    :-'■. 


-;:'  ■v.ifw 


'to ',7 

■Ml      .if!) 


l.:w:    ,.i 


. ,  ■  ■  •  y.  1 1  i ; 

'■:    ■■:•..[ 
[.■.■■  I    i.\hl 

ill  A 



■.!>  h'Sn 


■  17/  '  .  t 




Euos  Jones,  fourth  sej-gennt. 
Pbiiichfis  Wcthcrbeo,  first  corporal. 
Salmon  DuLion,  second  corporal. 
George  Dana,  third  corporal. 
Ezra  Atherton,  fourth  corporal. 
John  Conn,  cleric. 

Tins  Dieetinir  completes  the  oiiicial  action  of  the  to-\vn  for 
the  rear  and  introduces  the  names  of  men  who  will  be  fre- 
quently :ind  lionorably  mcntiojied  in  tlic  following  pao;es. 
Early  in  177.3,  we  find  two  companies  of  organized  militia, 
of  which  Ca]>tains  Jonathan  Gates  and  Deliverance  Davis 
vrere  commanders,  but  no  record  is  found  of  their  election 
or  of  the  resignation  of  Captain  Joslin. 

1775.  At  the  aimual  ^hirch  meeting  this  year,  live  select- 
men, consisting  of  John  Kiblinger,  Sanuiel  Nichols,  Captain 
Jonathan  Gates,  Oliver  Stone  and  Amos  Kendall,  were 
chosen.  Through  tlie  extended  record  of  proceedino-s  con- 
cerning the  ordinary  town  allairs-,  the  gleam  of  the  devolu- 
tion is  revealed  in  a  v(jte  that  Captain  Jonathan  Gates  ))& 
instructed  to  procure  thirty-six  cartridge  boxes  for  the  use 
of  the  minute-men  at  the  expense  of  the  town,  A  fonner 
town  meeting  had  been  convened  early  in  the  month  at 
which  town  officers  were  chosen  and  the  usual  routine  busi- 
ness was  transacted.  At  the  second  meeting  all  the  proceed- 
ings of  the  tirst  meeting  were  declared  null  and  void  and  new 
otneers  were  chosen  wlio  continued  in  office  through  the  year. 
The  tirst  meeting  chose  Samuel  ^Vilder  town  clerk,  but  at 
the  second  meeting  Jacob  A\'illard  was  chosen  to  transcribe 
the  pu!)lic  records.  There  is  tradition  that  for  a  short  time 
in  the  early  stages  of  the  Revolution,  Tie  v.  John  Gushing, 
Samuel  Wilder,  Deacon  John  Willard,  and  i)ossibly  one  or 
two  others,  were  regarded  with  some  measure  of  suspicion 
by  the  more  ardent  patriots.     It  is  certain   that  about  this- 

(■',■,  I-. :iU 

•  '    '\->  -JO 

•  ■'    •  r 

■.■■tUi-  .-yl 

'■      H'      ';f}i 

.'  •'.  •'■  iiifo 
.■;■■■'•    ni 


time  a  company  of  men,  mainly  from  otlicr  towns,  waited 
upon  these  u'entlemcn  f  >r  an  expression  of  tlieir  views  on 
public  affairs.  AYhatevej-  may  have  been  the  character  or 
influence  of  tliis  interview,  there  was  no  further  question  in 
regard  to  the  political  o]:nnions  of  tliesc  men.  ]Mr.  ^Vilder 
was  elected  town  clerk  the  following  year,  an  office  he  held 
with  no  other  interruption  ii'om  17()9  to  1792,  and  all  of 
these  tnon  gave  a  cheerful  support  to  every  measure  for  the 
prosecution  of  the  war.  The  })0])ulation  of  the  town  was 
increased  during  the  year  1775  by  the  arrival  of  the  folloAV- 
ing  nu'u,  inost  of  wlioju  liad  families  :  John  Putnam, 
Nathaniel  Adams,  Peter  AVillard,  Captain  Jose})h  AVilder, 
Simeon  Xutting,  Timothy,  David  and  Levi  Chaplin,  Asa 
Brocklebank  and  Jacol>  AV'ilker,  the  first  of  the  name  in 
town.  I 

While  this  town  voted  throughout  the  year  not  to  send  a 
representative  to  the  provincial  congi'css,  it  is  api)arent  that 
there  was  no  want  of  interest  in  the  progress  of  public  aiTairs 
outside  of  the  to^vnship,  since  a  committee  of  inspection  was 
promptly  chosen  "to  see  that  the  re>-olves  of  the  Continental 
Congress  respecting  trade  Ije  strictly  adhered  to."  To  this 
duty  William  Whitcomb,  Jonathan  Taylor,  Jonathan  Sam- 
son, George  Dana  tmd  Sanuiel  Cutting  were  assigned. 
Similar  to  the  action  of  other  towns  in  this  vicinity,  Ashburn- 
ham  adopted  early  measures  to  secure  and  distribute  among 
the  families  of  the  town  a  supjily  of  salt  before  the  channels 
of  trade  were  closed  and  many  commodities  beyond  their 
grasp.  A  few  votes  on  this  subject  are  transcribed  from  the 
records  : 

Voted  to  Purchis  300  Bushels  of  salt  for  a  town  stock  and 
chose  Messrs,  Jonathan  Taylor,  Amos  Kindall  and  Samuel  Foster 
to  bee  a  committee  to  percure  the  same.  AUso  said  committee  is 
to  give  security  in  behalf  of  said  town  for  said  salt.     Said  town 

':  n.'!^ 

I  1;, 


J  ::2 

■( '••,[: 

;»   M 

t  w)     .  -lU 

'Mit:  si!!';'  -.  f' 
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.        ,    .   .ilif/;       !:;.:tlil   //"     iiiSb 

;f    ■ ,    :    f    ■.      •>  A 


to  alow  Mr.  Amos  Kindall,  18  shillings  for  going  down  to  percurc 
said  salt. 

•    Voted  that  the  committee  apply  to  the  town  Trea.surer  for  money 
to  Bair  the  charges  of  teems.  '      ..  ■ 

At  a  sulxsequcnt  meeting  : 

Voted  that  the  committee  Imploycd  to  git  the  Salt  take  the 
same  under  their  Cair  and  sell  to  each  man  as  they  think  his 
portion  is  for  the  space  of  six  months  frt)ni  the  first  of  July  1775, 
and  no  longer.  N.  1).  After  the  time  heir  prefixed  said  com- 
mittee may  sell  the  salt  to  any  person  or  persons  in  town  or  out. 

Plaviiig  given  some  account  of  the  proceedings  at  liomc, 
the  principal  events  in  the  histoiy  of  Ashburnham  for  the 
year  177.5  remain  as  yet  untokl.  The  town,  if  remote  from 
the  early  scones  of  hostilities,  bore  an  honorable  part  in  the 
alarm  at  Lexington,  the  battle  of  Ikinlvcr  Hill  and  the  sub- 
sequent siege  of  Boston. 

Thus  far  we  have  discovered  some  of  the  steps  which 
mark  the  progress  of  public  opinion.  The  evidence  of  a 
firmer  faith  and  a  more  resolute  purpose,  leading  to  the 
sterner  scenes  of  the  Jxcvolutionarv  struggle  is  at  ready 
command.  And  yet  the  alacrity  witli  which  the  inhabitants 
of  Ashburnham  responded  to  the  alarm  of  war  at  the  first 
call  of  their  country  was  the  simple  and  natural  outgrowth 
of  the  resolute  prei)aration  which  had  been  made  during  the 
past  two  years.  •      ;^  ■ '■    '     '       '       • 

The  s])ring  of  1775  was  unusually  forward;  the  warm, 
sunny  days  of  mid  April  had  invited  the  husbandman  to  the 
labors  of  the  field.  But  in  the  mid>t  of  a  peaceful  avocation, 
and  attending  this  external  appearance  of  security  and  com- 
posure, there  was  a  strong  undercurrent  of  sus})ense  and 
anxiety.  Xeitlier  the  vernal  sun  nor  the  balmy  air  of  spring 
could    dissolve    the  portentous    clouds  which    overhung  the 

•':"...  '  'i      '  :    »  ; 

H-    tr; 


,  ■■it 

;i  ■*•!  1 

■(•  I  ;••  ,:   '      r 

..7  '    •.    t       . 

i      m'I  '(' 


political  horizon.  And  now  at  a  season  of  the  year  most 
sugucestivo  of  tranquillity  and  gltidnes.s,  all  remaining  doubt 
was  suddenly  removed  and  all  anticipations  of  an  honorable 
j)eace  were  dispelled.  The  harsh  notes  of  Avar  and  eai'iiage 
resounded  over  the  dying  hope  of  a  peaceful  settlement  of 
the  })ublic  grievances.  With  unfinished  furrows  and  tields 
half  sown,  the  patriot  farmer  reversing  the  ])rophecy  lay  down 
the  {)runing- hooks  for  spears  and  quickly  beat  the  plough- 
shares into  swords.  The  ominous  intelligence  that  the 
British  Averc  marching  from  Boston  towards  I^exington 
swiftly  borne  on  the  wings  of  alarm  was  proclaimed  in  Ash- 
burnham  in  the  afternoon  of  that  historic  day.  To  the 
signal  guns  came  answering  echoes  from  the  surrounding 
hills,  and  1)eforc  the  reverberations  quivering  with  ahirni  had 
faded  in  the  distance,  there  came  res})onsivc  shots  from  many 
homes.  The  town  was  quickly  aroused.  The  p)atriots,  arms 
in  hand,  were  hurrying  forward  from  every  quarter  of  the 
town . 

Xo  intelligence  of  liostilities  at  this  hour  had  been  received. 
It  was  only  known  that  the  enemy  were  marching  inward. 
The  story  of  the  slaughter  of  their  brethren  at  Lexington  and 
at  Concord  was  then  unknown,  nor  was  it  needed  to  call 
these  men  to  arms.  Under  command  of  Captain  Jonathan 
Gates,  a  compau}''  of  thirty-eight  men  pronq>tly  responded 
to  the  call  and  marched  that  ufltM-noon.  Xor  was  this  all. 
Through  the  following  night  the  men  from  the  remoter 
portions  of  the  town  responded  to  the  alarm,  and  busy  notes 
of  preparation  were  constantly  renewed.  A  second  com])any 
of  thirty-three  men,  under  command  of  Captain  Deliverance 
Davis,  was  organized,  l^arly  in  the  gray  of  the  following 
morning  they  were  on  the  march.  The  rolls  preserve  the 
names  of  those  men,  seventy-one  in  number,  who  vos})onded 
thus  to  the  alarm.     Leaving  homes  and  famil}^  with  hasty 

.ir      •■'!:')' 


J     'II 

140  HISTORY    OF   ASnP.UIJNII.AM.  >  '  ' 

fnrcwcll^,  tlicy  hastened  to  the  relief  of  iheir  brethren,  :ind 
some  of  them  to  the  familifir  scenes  of  their  eliiklliood  and 
to  the  defence  of  the  homes  of  their  kindred. 

The  rapidity  with  which  the  alarm  ^vas  spread  over  the 
conntry  on  the  nineteenth  of  April,  has  excited  surpi-ise. 
It  was  not  accidental,  nor  one  of  those  hazard  enterprises 
that  sometimes  apparently  hapjien  in  a  fortuitous  manner. 
For  weeks  the  committees  of  safety  and  correspondence  had 
been  preparing  for  just  such  an  emergency;  in  man}" 
instances  it  had  been  aiTanged  who  should  ride,  and  to  whom 
deliver  the  message.  At  twilight  mariy  a  vigilant  ]xitriot 
had  carefully  stabled  and  fed  his  ilectest  horse,  half  in 
expectation  that  a  sunmions  to  ride  might  come  before  the 
rising  of  another  sun. 

The  pu1)lic  records  of  the  town  afford  no  information  of 
the  number  or  the  names  of  these  men  who  promptly 
responded  to  the  alarm.  If  tradition  was  the  only  remain- 
ing source  of  information,  the  lists  would  remain  uncertain 
and  incomplete.  The  traditional  statement  that  this  town 
sent  out  one  company  ^\hich,  on  the  receipt  of  intelligence 
that  the  alfray  was  ended,  returned  home  the  same  or  the 
following  day,  has  been  quite  generally  accepted.  Ashburn- 
ham  soldiers  in  the  devolution  did  not  ac'iuit  themselves  in 
that  manner.  For  once  tradition  shot  beneath  the  mark,  but 
has  made  ample  amends  in  other  fields  of  information.  For- 
tunately, the  muster  rolls  of  these  two  companies  are 
preserved  in  the  State  archives.  If  additional  evidence  is 
required  it  is  not  withheld.  Among  the  papers  of  the  late 
Deacon  .lohn  C.  Davis,  a  grandson  of  one  of  the  com- 
manders, is  preserved  a  list  of  the  men  under  the  command 
of  Captain  Deliverance  Davis.  This  list  and  the  roll  at  the 
State  House  without  exception  are  the  same,  and  the  per- 
sonal statements  of  :i  few  of  the  men  will  a})pear  in  another 

t   ;:•'.-    i.-r.i 

I' ,/' 

;i"'l!?     ''M: 


;r.  'in  >    >  i 

\  (•     M^ivfl 


t;;!;'i:,    ''jk 





<'onnection.     Botli  of  Ihe  coin])aiiies  inarclicd  to  Cambridge 
and  there  remained  with  the  gatliering  army  several  days. 

As  previously  stated,  Captain  Gates'  company  left  Ash- 
huruham  on  the  afternoon  of  the  alarm.  Ujion  the  muster 
roll,  under  the  liead  of  "  Time  Avhen  marched,''  llierc  appears 
oiii)osite  every  name  ''April  10.-'  This  com})any  continued 
an  organization  until  May  1,  when  it  was  disbanded.  A  few 
had  previously  returned  home  ;  a  few  came  home  when  tlie 
compan}'  was  disl>anded  and  sixteen  of  them  enlisted  in 
Colonel  "Whitconib's  regiment  and  remained  in  the  service 
until  the  close  of  the  year.  Captain  Davis'  company  is 
credited  with  marching  April  20.  It  was  disbanded  at 
Cambridge,  April  30.  Three  from  this  company  remained 
in  the  service.  "With  the  exception  of  three  in  Captain 
Davis'  com]~>any  and  a  few  in  Captain  Gates'  company,  these 
men  are  credited  with  tifty-five  miles'  travel. 

Ccq>^  Jonatlmn  Gates'  Muster  Roll  in  Col  John  ]niitcomb's  Regi- 
ment of  Militia  Men  lolio  marched  from  Ashhurnham  on  y^ 
Alarm  April  19'^  ]  775. 

Jonathan  Gates,  Captain 

Amos  Dickerson,  Lieutenant 

Ezra  Atherton,  Lieutenant 
George  Dana,  Sergeant  Henry  Gates 

"WilUani  AVilder,      do  Samuel  Joslhi 

Joseph  Metcalf,      do         ,;   '  .      Jonathan  AVarreu  Smith 
Ebenezer  Burgess,  do  David  Roluuson 

Daniel  llobart,  Cor/>'^  Jacob  Kiblinger   ''■■'■- 

Peter  Joslin,         do  Ileurj' Hall 

Francis  Lane,       do  Amos  Kiudall 

Joseph  Stone,  D/vt??i7ner     .  Henry  Winchester 

Amos  Lawrence  Samuel  Willard 

Phiuehas  Weatherbee  Philip  Lock 

Moses  Russell  '  Aaron  Samson  •- 

Nathaniel  Parker  '    ■'     '•      Samuel  Salter        •  v.  ;  . 


;...■  4-.t 

:   !->}ffr'l 



John  Gates  John  Whiluey 

.  Jonathan  Winchester  .^.  Joshua  Holt  ' 

Diinifl  Edson  ICbcuczor  Wood 

Jose]>h.  Wilder  Philip  AV inter 

Nathaniel  Harris  David  Clatk,  Jr. 
Peter  Osgood 

Capt.    Deliverance   Davis'   Muster   Roll   in  Col  Asa   Wh>tcomb' 
Jiegiment  of  Milida  men  who  marclied  from  AsJdnirnham  on 
if-  AJarhi  April  10^''  1775. 

Deliverance  Davis,  Capf.ain 
Ebenezer  Conant,  Jr.,  Lieutenant 

John  Conn,  2<^  Lieutenant 

Oliver  Stone,  Serrjceint  Nathan  Melvin 

John  Adams,       do  Nathaniel  Hastings 

Samuel  Cutting,  do  Samuel  Ma^on 

Shubuel  Hobart,  Corp''-  Ephraim  Wethcrbce 

Timothy  Wood,    do  David  Clark 

Oliver  Whiteomb,  do  Isaac  Blodgett 

Elijah  E<lson,  Drummer  Joshua  Hemenwny 

Isaac  :\[c!riam  John  Hall 

Oliver  Willard  John  Kiblingcr 

Uriah  Holt  John  Putnam 

William  Whiteomb  Jacob  Willard 

William  Uenjamin  Joshua  Holden 

Jacob  Constantiue  Jonathan  Taylor 

Caleb  Ward  Jonathan  Taylor,  Jr. 

Elnos  Jones  Joseph  Perry 

Immediately  following  tlie  aiTair  at  Lcxiii-lon  the  IMassa- 
chusctts  committee  of  safety  called  out  the  militia.  In  an 
address  to  the  sevei-al  towns  dated  Apiil  20,  the  conmiittec 
urged  them  '^to  hasten  and  encourage  by  all  possible 
means  the  enlistment  of  men  for  an  army."  "C)ur  all," 
says  the  address,  "is  at  stake.  Death  and  devastation  are 
the  certain  consequences  of  delay.  Every  moment  is  inli- 
nitely  precious.     An  hour  lost  may  deluge  your  country  in 

;jiri  >^i 

>,v  A. 

-   r 

..,1  ir/Mi 


blood  and  entail  perpetual  slavery  upon  the  few  wlio  ina\' 
survive  the  carnage."  An  answering  spirit  animated  Die 
inhabitants  of  this  tovrn  and  as  will  appear  a  considerable 
number  joined  the  army  gathered  around  Boston. 

In  response  to  this  appeal  and  i;i  full  sympjithy  witli  the 
sentiment  of  the  colony  the  enlistments  from  this  town  were 
neither  tardy  nor  few  in  number.  It  is  probable  that  some 
enlisted  at  this  time  of  whom  no  record  has  been  found. 
The  rolls  are  imperfect  and  there  is  no  reason  to  presume 
that  the  following  lists  contain  the  names  of  all  from  this 
town  who  were  in  the  service  either  at  this  time  or  at  subse- 
quent periods.  The  muster  roll  of  the  company  of  Captain 
David  Wilder  of  Leominster  in  Colonel  "Whitcomb's  regi- 
ment bears  the  names  of  sixty-eight  men  including  oflicers. 
On  one  of  the  rolls  of  this  company  the  residence  of  each 
man  is  stated.  The  following  abstract  contains  only  the 
Ashburnliam  men  : 


J ox]a{hra\  Gates,  First  Lieutenant  April  25   1775 

Francis  Lane,      Sergeant  "     26 

Peter  Joslin,  "                                           "26 

Joshua  Holt  "     26 

Jacob  Kiblinger  "26 

Philip  Locke  "     26 

David  Pobinson  :.   .    ,                                   "26 

Samuel  Salter  "     26         " 

Aaron  Samson  "     26 

Henry  H:.ll  "26 

Henry  Winchester  "     26         ' 

SamiielWillard  ■                          "26 

John  Whitney  "26 

Kbenczor  Wood  "26 

Philip  AVinter  :      .   ..             "26 

•;.}  ri 

'  I  i .'     i'  ;  "  ' ' 


I,:.';'   ,.'';(! 


,•')    !.'•-      *'       '' 



















144  lIlSTOlir   or   ASUBUKNIIAM. 

Davia  Clark,  Jr. 

Joshiuv  IlemiDCuway  ,^ 

Johrt  I-'\'i.rmer 

Joscpli  Smith,  Jr. 

Jonathan  Gates,  Jr. 

Isaac  Blodget 

John  Locke 

Jacob  Wiuter  --    •• 

Daniel  Edson 

The  men  participating  in  the  .siege  of  Boston  remained  in 
the  service  until  tlie  close  of  the  year  and  some  of  them 
remained  a  few  weeks  longer  or  initil  new  recruits  came  for- 
ward to  fdl  their  place.  In  the  same  service  were  David 
Clark,  Sen.,  in  the  company  of  Captain  Longley  in  Colonel 
AVhitcomb's  regiment,  Uriah  Holt  in  Captain  Burt's  com- 
pany and  Thomas  Dutton  in  Captain  Wyman's  company  of 
Colonel  Prescott's  regiment. 

Twentj'-three  men  from  Ashljuruham  participated  in  the 
battle  of  ]5unker  Ilill.  Several  others  who  subsequently 
removed  to  this  town  shai-ed  the  dangei-  and  glory  of  that 
memorable  engagement,  but  at  the  time  were  residents  of 
other  towns.  Of  these,  twenty  were  in  Captain  Wilder's 
company  and  the  remaining  three  were  Clark,  Holt  and 
DuHon  who  were  ntuned  in  a  former  paragrajih.  It  is  prob- 
able that  Colonel  "\A'hitcomb's  regiment,  as  an  organization, 
was  not  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill  but  it  is  cer- 
tain, and  the  fact  is  undisputed,  that  the  company  of  Cap- 
tain "Wilder  was  wtirmly  engaged  on  that  occasion. 

It  was  this  year  that  the  lirst  summer  boarders  amved  in 
Ashburnham.  We  do  not  know  their  names  nor  the  families 
that  entertained  them.  In  accordance  with  stipulations 
between  the  committee  of  safety  and  General  Gage  at  Bos- 
ton, many  families  of  that  environed  town  were  sulfered  to 



!.<]      lU 

l|!';,   nv 


leave  umnolested  and  b}'  the  eoiiiinittee  were  distributed 
among  the  scveual  tcwns  ot"  the  colony  for  temporary  sup- 
port. The  number  of  those  woi'thy  poor  assigned  to  Ash- 
biu'nham  Mas  twelve. 

At  tlie  close  of  the  year,  1775,  a  sim])lc  fonn  of  State 
government  was  in  oi)eration,  controlled  by  a  house  of  repre- 
scjitatives  and  an  executive  coimcil,  and  judicial  coui'ts  were 
duly  organized.  This  form  of  government  was  crude  and 
untried.  A  healthy  pu])lic  sentiment  and  vigilance,  tcm- 
])cred  "\vit1i  prudence,  were  tlie  main  protection  of  the  peo- 
ple. The  sunnner  of  this  year  had  been  extremely  hot  and 
dr3%  an.d  the  slender  harvests  occasioned  much  anxiety  and 
alarm  for  the  future.  This  condition  of  alfairs,  the  absence 
of  many  of  the  heads  of  families  in  the  army,  and  the 
extreme  solicitude  experienced  by  all  concerning  the  issues 
of  the  war,  cast  a  deepening  gloom  o^'er  the  trials  and 
anxieties  of  the  closing  year. 

1776.  The  year  1776  was  an  eventful  one.  The  for- 
tunes of  the  army  were  not  decisive  in  any  degree,  yet  the 
})atriotism  and  bold  faith  of  the  colonists  at  no  time  shone 
forth  more  conspicuf)usly.  The  record  of  the  year  will 
afibrd  ample  proof  that  the  inhabitants  of  Ashburnham  gave 
an  unqualitlcd  adhesion  to  the  more  comprehensive  plans 
and  the  dee}ier  senthnent  which  animats  d  the  colonies. 
The  war  commcncinii:  on  the  ])lea  of  defcnre  now  chancred 
to  a  war  for  indej^endence.  ]t  was  no  hjuger  a  domestic 
strife.  The  patriots  ceased  to  be  rebels  and  a  civil  war 
was  odious  to  many.  1'hey  were  now  ready  for  revolution 
and  by  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  in  which  they 
asserted  their  right  and  title  to  all  the  atti-ibutes  of  a  nation, 
their  position  among  the  nations  and  their  attitude  to  Eng- 
land were  suddenly  changed.  Heretofore,  the  proceedings 
of  the   conventions   were   recommendations   and   appeals   to 

if  t 

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tho  patriotism  of  llio,  ])co}:)lo  ;  now  siicli  enactments 
assmned  the  dia-nity  and  majesty  of  lavr,  and,  aided  l)y  a 
spirit  of  obedience  >Yl)icli  pervaded  the  colonies,  there  was 
uo  faihire  of  orderly  conduct  nor  any  hiatus  in  the  munici- 
pal government  of  the  people.  Tlu'ougli  radical  changes 
and  for  a  season  through  tlie  failure  of  any  organic  law,  the 
tov;n  of  Aslihurnham  lield  meetings,  chose  ofKcers  and  lev- 
ied taxes  with  no  authority  except  a  loyal  public  sentiment. 

In  May  of  this  year  the  OJeneral  Coui't  passed  an  order 
calling  upon  the  people  to  exj^ress  an  o})inion  concerning  a 
formal  and  ciitire  separation  from  Great  Britain.  It  wa> 
not  presumed  tliat  a  reconciliation  was  eltlier  probable  or 
possible,  but  an  explicit  expression  of  opinion  was  suggested 
by  this  action.  On  tho  twenty-fourth  day  of  June  a  war- 
rant for  a  town  meeting  was  issued  and  four  days  later  the 
inhabitants  of  Ashburnham  were  assemltled  to  deliberate 
upon  a  grave  and  momentous  question.  The  article  and  tlie 
vote  are  self-explantitory. 

Article  2.  To  see  if  the  Inhabitants  of  said  Town  are  wiUiDg 
to  stand  by  the  Plonourable  Congress  in  declaring  the  ColoDies 
Independent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  with  their  lives 
and  fortunes  to  Suppoit  them  in  the  measure. 

June  28,  177G.  Pursuant  to  the  above  vv'arraut  the  town 
being  met  made  choice  of  Mr.  Kii.^ha  Coolidge  uioderator. 

Voted.  We  the  Inhabitants  of  the  Town  of  Ashburnham,  in 
Town  meeting  assembled  being  sensible  of  the  disadvantage  of 
having  any  further  connections  ^ith  the  Kingdom  of  Great 
Britain  and  are  willing  to  brake  off  all  connections  with  them  and 
it  is  our  Resolution  that  if  the  Honorable  Congress  shall  declare 
the  Colonies  Independent  of  the  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  that 
we  the  said  Inhabitants  will  stand  by  them  with  our  lives  and  for- 
tunes to  support  them  in  the  measure.  •    ■ . 

The  foregoing  motion  being  put  was  voted  unanimougly. 

V  .I'M  ;:;}>! 

(V      ••;.-    v',    -(I'M 

M  '     ,m'|.' 


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.       .  ,      ,,      j!'  ■.    . 

llEVOLUTlONAlfY    ITfSTOlJY.  -117 

Soon  after  this  vote  tlic  Doclunitioii  of  ln(le})0)i'l('neo  ^vas 
ivc(!ived  in  prJiiled  form.  It  Avas  read  from  tlio  pulpit  and 
transcribed  at  leiigtli  upon  tlic  records  of  the  tov\'n. 

At  the  annual  meeting  the  toAvn  chose  Jonatlian  'J'a^-lor, 
John  Willard,  Jonathan  Samson,  Abijah  Joslin  and  El)en- 
czer  Conant,  Jr.,  a  eomniittee  of  correspondence.  Tlie 
only  remaining  action  of  tins  meeting  relating  to  the  M'ar 
was  a  vote  ''to  abate  the  soldiers  highway'  rates  for  the  last 
yenr."  The  selectmen,  upon  wliom  devolved  many  duties 
concerning  the  prosecution  of  the  war,  were  William  Whit- 
comb,  John  Kiblingcr  and  Oliver  AVillard. 

In  connection  ^vith  these  proceedings  the  service  in  the 
field  for  the  year  was  the  natural  sequence  of  the  spirit  per- 
vading the  town.  The  company  of  Captain  David  "W^ilder, 
containing  twenty-four  men  from  Ashburnham  which  par- 
ticipated in  the  siege  of  Boston,  was  discharged  on  account 
of  expiration  of  term  of  service  near  the  close  of  the  year 
1775.  Without  returning  home  Jonathan  Gates,  Jr.,  and 
possibly  others,  reenlisted  and  served  an  additional  term 
of  three  months.  About  this  time  the  army  became  so 
depleted  by  expiration  of  terms  of  eidistment  that  a  call  was 
issued  for  additional  troops,  and  to  maintain  the  army  while 
the  iiQw  recruits  were  being  enlisted  thei-e  vv'as  also  a  call 
for  men  for  a  short  term  of  service.  For  the  service  last 
named  this  town  furnished  tlu-ee  men  who  enlisted  for  six 
weeks  and  were  assigned  to  the  right  wing  of  the  army  at 
Eoximry.  They  were  Jonathan  Samson,  Jr.,  Joseph  ]Met- 
calf  and  his  son,  Ezckiel  Shattuck  Metcalf,  in  Captain  lliirs 
company  of  Harvard.  In  an  athdavit  of  the  widow  of 
Ezekiel  Shattuck  Metcalf,  in  su})port  of  her  application 
for  a  })ension  in  1839,  she  alleges  there  were  four  n.ien 
from  this  town  in  that  company.  Her  recollection  may  be 
correct  but  no  record  of  the  remaininir  soldier  has  been  di^- 

;  f 


•,:rr        .VJlr'/oJT. 


covered.  In  the  comj^any  of  Captain  liand  of  AVestminstcr 
and  in  tlie  same  service  was  David  Merriani  who  enlisted  for 
tliree  months  in  January  of  this  year.  "When  AVashington 
withdrew  tlic  army  to  New  York  he  left  at  Boston  onU'  three 
regiments  of  militia.  jNIassachusetts  promptly  raised  three 
additional  regiments  for  the  defence  of  the  harl)or.  In  these 
regiments,  serving  nndcr  General  Ward,  Ashliurnham  was 
honorably  represented. 

Jonathan  Samson,  Jr.,  after  completing  the  enlistment 
mentioned  in  a  former  paragra})li.  joined  the  army  again  in 
Oidy  and  served  in  the  company  of  Captain  Manasseh  Sawyer 
of  Sterling  iji  Colonel  Dyke's  regiment.  "With  his  company 
he  was  emraired  four  and  one-half  months  in  constructine: 
forts  at  Dorchester  Heights.  Agaiji  in  December  he  enlisted 
into  the  same  company  and  served  three  nionths  at  Dorches- 
ter. In  the  last  service  he  was  joined  by  ]3avid  illerriam, 
Ebenezer  Bennett  Davis  and  Daniel  Putnam.  In  Captain 
Warner's  company  of  Colonel  Josiali  "Whitiiey's  regiment 
are  found  the  familiar  names  of  Uriah  Holt  and  Thomas 
Ross  and  in  Colonel  Dyke's  regiment  was  David  Taylor. 
Jacob  Kiblinger  and  John  Hall  served  two  months  in  the 
sunmier  of  this  year  in  the  company  of  Captain  AVoods  in 
Colonel  Converse's  regiment,  which  for  a  time  was  stationed 
at  Dobb's  Ferry  and  at  Tarr}'town  and  constituted  a  part 
of  ilio  main  army  under  Washington.  In  the  same  corn- 
pan  v  was  Abraham  Gibson  v.lio  then  resided  in  Fitchburir, 
but  subsequently  removed  to  this  town  where  he  resided 
many  years. 

In  the  company  of  Captain  Sargent  of  Princeton  in 
Colonel  Josiah  AVhitney's  regiment  from  May  to  July  were 
John  Kiblinger,  William  Ward  and  Jacob  Podiman.  They 
were  stationed  near  Boston  and  for  a  short  time  were  with 
the  army  in  Phode  Island  in  an  unsuccessful  attack  upon  the 

•(■'•..    i:    :■;    »■ 


J        ,.     '\\^--' 

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/    -  .  ;   I..' 

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])ri(     In  the  same  coJiijonnv  Avas  C/hai'les  Hastings  -wlm 
enlisted  from  Princeton  but  soon  after  removed  to  this  tov/n, 

David  Stcdman  served  one  enlistment  in  Captain  Fiske's 
irompany  in  Colonel  Brooks'  regiment,  and  Nicholas  "White- 
man  enlisted  December  8  in  Ca})tain  Alden's  company, 
Colonel  ^Mitchell's  regiment. 

Three  soldiers  sealed  their  devotion  to  the  cause  of  their 
country  with  their  lives.  These  were  Peter  Joslin,  aged 
about  twentj'-tive  years,  who  died  on  his  Iiomeward  journey 
from  the  army  ;  Philip  Winter,  aged  twenty-two  years,  who 
died  in  the  service,  and  Daniel  llobart,  aged  twenty-seven 
years,  who  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  White  Plains,  October 
28,  1776.  Young  Hobart  enlisted  in  June  and  was  assigned 
to  Colonel  Coleman's  regiment  which  joined  the  army  under 
Washington.  In  this  cngr.gemont  Avitli  the  enemy  he  was 
wounded  in  the  thigh  with  a  musket  ball  and  left  upon  the 
field.  }Iis  retiring  comrades  beheld  the  enemy  appro;ich 
and  beat  him  with  clubbed  muskets. 

Dr.  Abraham  Lowe  and  David  Wallis  then  of  Lunenburg, 
Isaac  Whitmore  of  Leominster,  Cyrus  Fairl)anks  of  Harvard, 
Reuben  Townsend  of  Shrewsbury,  Isaac  and  W^illiam 
Stearns  of  liillerica,  Jonas  Kice  of  Sterling,  Peuben  Pice  of 
Lancaster,  Joshua  Fletcher  of  Westford,  CHiver  and  Jabez 
Marble  of  Stow,  all  of  whom  sul)sequently  removed  to  Ash- 
burnham,  were  in  the  service  some  portion  of  the  year. 

1777.  The  spring  of  this  eventful  year  was  a  season  of 
•deepest  gloom  and  depression.  To  this  time  the  American 
army  had  been  engaged  in  a  defensive  warfare  and  very  fre- 
quently had  been  found  unable  to  cope  with  the  disciplined 
■and  well-equipped  forces  of  the  enemy.  Yery  frequently 
had  the  American  soldier  ])een  obliged  to  retreat  from  scenes 
of  courage  and  heroism  worthy  of  victory.  The  discourage- 
ments of  the  hour  were  cumulative.     To  test  the  endurance 

':.•.'     fl 

••    1.)    :  r.;-.;  .    •    CM  ■ 

-    ,  ■,■■;  ■:■.'■  ■-<■(   ..i   ■..•..,  ^' 

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•  ;.     )<;■  .    ,,)'■  '*'     '■      ' 

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11.    '  >    '/-./<     ,i  i  J    .;    •>? 

loO  HISTOKY    OF    AS^RUH^MIA^r. 

and  fniili  of  the  colonics  came  tlic  depressing  intelligence  of 
the  })rogres.s  of  the  Jiaughfy  arm}'  niuh^r  lUirgoync  in  it.s 
advance  from  Canada  to  join  the  luali.i  army  at  Xcw  York. 
Apparently,  a  further  in\asion  of  the  country  Avas  inevitable 
and  es])ocially  was  New  England  menaced  with  instant 
danger.  Tlu^  inh;i1.)itants  of  this  town  evinced  no  evidence 
of  terror  or  dismay  but  calmly  proceeded  to  adopt  defensive 
measui'cs  and  to  raise  tlieir  full  proportion  of  men.  The 
activity  of  the  State  au(l)oi'iti(vs  and  the  generous  response 
of  the  ?^[assMchusetts  and  Nevv'  ITamjishire  militia  at  this 
critical  moment  are  important  events  in  the  histor}'  of  the 
American  lve\  olution  ;  I)ut  it  is  only  (he  part  borne  by  Ash- 
biirnham  that  appeals  for  expression  in  this  narrative.  The 
number  of  enlistments  in  this  town  during  the  year  was 
about  one  hundred.  Some  of  these  men  were  at  Stillwater 
and  Saratoga  in  the  gallant  army  of  General  Gates  which 
eventually  crushed  and  annihilated  the  proud  army  of 
Burgoyne,  so  recently  tlushed  with  the  hope  of  spoils  and 
devastation.  The  latter  they  realized,  but  from  a  stand})oint 
directly  opposed  to  their  lofty  expectations. 

Prelimiuary  to  an  account  of  the  enlistments  for  the  year 
some  reference  sliould  be  made  to  the  action  of  the  town  and 
the  home  trials  of  the  year.  IJeeogniziug  efficient  service, 
and  possibl}' as  an  encouragement  to  their  successors  in.  office 
to  pursue  a  similar  policy  in  the  conduct  of  town  aflairs, 
the  town  in  March  voted  "  to  allow  the  selectmen  additional 
compensation  for  extraordinary  services  the  past  year"  in  a 
special  appropriation  of  ''  twenty-four  shillings  for  going  to 
Boston  in  their  country's  service."  In  May,  William  AVhit- 
comb  was  chosen  ''  to  rejM'csent  the  town  in  the  great  and 
general  court  to  bo  held  in  Pioston  tlie  28"'  day  of  ^lay  cur- 
rent." This  record  presents  an  early  employment  of  the 
high-sounding  and  ponderous  title  that  has  tlattered  a  legisla- 

.1  yv>«,i. 

f  ■;■ 

\.-/     ■!■ 

in,'   :' 

-:     /:•:,   I: 

''.^.  ..,!•  ,,v    :i 

■  ■  ■  '  ,  ■  '  1  I  ■■  '  , 


(arc  -with  Oic  weiii'hi  of  it.^  own  dig'iiity.  It  Avas  this  session 
ol"  the  Gc^nci-al  Court  M'liich  submitted  a  proposed  constitu- 
tion for  the  acceptance  of  the  people  and  wJiicli  was  ]'cjoctcd 
by  a  o-reat  maioritv  earlv  the  folloAvinir  rear.  The  selectmen 
this  year  were  Samuel  ^Vilder,  Deacon  John  Willard,  Jona- 
than Samson,  Jonathan  Taylor  and  Captain  Abijah  Joslin. 
The  co)nmittee  of  correspondence  and  inspection  ^vere 
Samuel  Foster,  AVilliam  Wilder,  Enos  Jones,  Jose})h  ]Met- 
calf  and  Francis  Lane.  ICxpressive  of  the  sentiment  of  the 
town  on  the  subject  a  committee,  consisting  of  Captain 
Thomas  Adams,  George  Dana,  John  Conn,  Captain  Jonathan  ' 
Gates  and  William  AVilder,  was  appointed  to  remonstrate 
the  Legislature  against  the  proposed  measure  of  calling  in  the 
issue  of  ]japer  money.  Ca])tain  Adams  named  in  this  vote 
was  the  father  of  the  centenarian,  John  Adams.  The  elder 
Adams  removed  to  this  town,  1775,  and  very  soon  a{\er  the 
alarm  at  Lexington,  ^vhere  he  resided,  until  his  death  in 
1802.  If  this  statement  is  opposed  by  other  records,  it  is 
nevertheless  correct.  The  first  reference  to  a  depreciated 
currency  u})on  the  record  of  this  town  is  found  in  a  vote  late 
in  the  year  ''to  allow  Rev.  John  Cushing  £331  on  account  of 
the  fall  of  money." 

It  is  impossible  at  this  lafc  period  to  name  all  the  men  of 
Ashl>urnham  who  served  in  the  army  this  year.  xVs  is  well 
known,  a  portion  of  the  muster  rolls  were  never  tiled  among 
the  State  papers  and  others  have  been  destroyed  by  fire. 
The  roll  here  given,  although  imperfect,  is  highly  creditable 
to  the  town,  while  every  one  will  join  in  a  regret  that  any 
name  has  been  lost  from  the  record  of  patriotic  service. 
Among  the  Massachusetts  forces  sent  to  the  defence  of 
Khode  Island  in  1777,  was  the  regiment  commanded  by 
Colonel  Josiali  Whitney,  which  included  at  least  five  men 
from   this  town.     They  were  John  Kiblinaer,  Jacob  Eodi- 

'*  ■  <    ' 

•i      :t\\        K, 


C'C.  . 

•  '    ■■,■ 

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m;ni,  Saimirl  ]\Ietcalf,  Joualhtui  Coolidgc  atul  William  A\''ard. 
The  service  Avas  rendered  in  the  early  part  of  the  j'ear  and 
before  this  regiment  was  sen.t  to  Xew  York,  as  the  mileage 
for  five  of  tlicsc  men  due  from  the  State  was  allowed  to  the 
town  in  June.  From  other  evidence  it  a})pears  that  these 
men  were  in  service  four  months.  In  the  summer  of  this 
year,  intelligence  of  the  fall  of  CroAvn  Point  and  Ticonderoga 
and  the  steady  and  triumphant  advance  of  General  Burgoj'ne 
created  a  widespread  sentiment  of  the  most  painful  appre- 
hension. Eurly  in  July  General  Schuyler,  while  retreating 
before  the  enemy,  issued  a  proclamation  calling  to  his  imme- 
diate assistance  the  militia  of  New  England  and  New  York, 
and  aroused  by  the  danger  of  the  situation,  multitudes  obeyed 
the  call.  While  men  for  this  service  were  being  recruited 
in  Ashburnham,  there  came  the  startling  intelligence  that  a 
detacliment  of  the  enemy  had  invaded  the  soil  of  Vermont 
and  were  pressing  on  toward  the  Aveslcrn  counties  of  ]\Iassa- 
chusetts.  The  town  immediately  was  in  arms,  and  Captain 
Jonathan  Gates,  with  twenty  or  thirty  men  from  this  town, 
immediately  marched  to  the  relief  of  their  brethren.  So 
prompt  was  the  action  of  tlje  authorities,  and  so  responsive 
was  the  spirit  manifested  by  the  people,  that  all,  or  nearly 
every  town  in  this  vicinity,  sent  an  independent  company  of 
men  who  did  not  delay  for  regimental  organization,  but  each 
little  company,  independent  of  superior  ofliccrs,  conducted  a 
brief  campaign  on  personal  responsibility.  These  men  were 
not  mustered  nor  organized  into  regiments  and  never  received 
pay  nor  rations  for  their  service.  This  compan}^  with  others 
from  this  vicinity,  was  marched  to  Cliarlemont,  and  was 
there  held  to  await  information  of  the  ])rogress  and  probable 
course  of  the  enemy.  Learning  that  the  American  army 
under  General  St.  Clair  had  retreated  into  New  York,  and 
that  the  probable  theatre  of  war  had  l>een   removed  beyond 

'1    !  J 1 ". 

,     ',  ■  ^'I'-iJj     'M', 


llioir  vicinity,  they  '\vcre  dis;inis-sed  and  after  an  aVtsence  of 
lliree  weeks  returned  io  their  homes.  There  were  no  iniister 
rolls  of  these  men,  and,  with  few  exeeptions,  their  names 
haA'G  faded  beyond  recall.  It  was  an  anonymous  campaign. 
In  the  same  expedition  Avere  forty-eight  men  from  West- 
minster, under  coinniand  of  Captain  Elisha  Jackson  ;  Criptain 
Tlmrlo  Jed  a  company  of  twenty-two  men  IVom  Fitchburg. 
Lunenburg  was  represented  b}^  Captain  Carlisle  and  a  num- 
ber of  men  under  his  command.  In  the  latter  company  was 
T>i\  Abniham  Lowe,  later,  the  well-known  physician  of  this 
town . 

The  few  names  of  the  Ashburnham  company  that  can  now 
be  ascertained  are  Jonathan  Samson,  Jr.,  William  AYard, 
John  Adams,  David  ]\IerrJam  and  probably  Jacob  Constan- 
tine,  John  Kiblinger  and  Nicholas  AVhiteman.  Scarcely  had 
these  men  returned  to  their  homes  and  the  labor  of  their 
fields  before  they  were  again  called  into  service.  The 
annihilation  of  the  army  under  Burgoyne  was  a  preconcerted 
effort  and  this  call  upon  the  militia  was  a  part  of  a  well- 
matured  plan.  Catching  the  spirit  of  the  undertaking,  the 
men  came  promptly  forward  ''to  dri\e  the  Hessians  into  the 
woods."  Captain  Gates  was  commander  also  of  this  expedi- 
tion and  in  the  rapid  organization  of  the  army,  his  company 
was  assigned  to  serve  in  connection  with  a  New  Hampshire 
regiment  commtmded  by  CVilonel  Benjamin  Bellows  of 
AYalpole.  The  com})any,  quickly  enlisted  and  hurriedly 
equipjied,  was  marched  through  Charlemont,  AVilliamsto^vn 
and  thence  to  Bennington,  Vermont,  arriA'ing  there  two  days 
after  the  victory  of  General  Stark.  Here  they  were  per- 
mitted to  behold  the  prisoners  there  confined  and  guarded  in 
the  meeting-house,  and  thus  stimulated  by  a  view  of  the 
fi'uits  of  valor,  were  hurried  on  to  Fort  Edward  in  >seAr 
York,  where  a  part  of  them  remained  until  after  the  surren- 

l     .{!i,;V     ftiili:;^     'Vi^.V       .    .li< 

<  :  -■     y.ji 



.     ,(     I.,        ,  '!• 

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"•1     vf:40'iii)     ,V({t"MM<MV;     ■:■;■{ 

151:  HISTORY    OF    ASHBUI5N11AM. 

der  of  Burgoyne,  which  occurred  October  17,  and  some  of 
them  were  transferred  to  other  companies  and  participated  in 
the  battles  of  Still vcater  and  Saratoga.  The  number  of  men 
from  As]il)urnh;im  in  the  second  expediticni  connnandcd  by 
Captain  Jonathan  Gates  was  between  twenty  and  thirty. 
Only  a  part  of  their  names  has  l^een  discovered.  They  are 
AMViiam  \\"ard,  Xicholas  AVhiteman,  Jacob  Constantine, 
John  Adams,  Jonathan  Samson,  David  ]Merriam,  Jonathan 
Gates,  Jr.,  John  Iviljlinger,  Kzekiel  S.  ]Metcalf,  and  Mv. 
Gates,  a  brother  of  Captain  Jonathan  Gates. 

To  avoid  the  incon\'cnience  experienced  during  the  pre- 
ceding two  years,  on  account  of  the  short  terms  of  enlist- 
ment, and  to  create  a  more  stal)lo  and  a  better  disciplined 
army,  orders  were  given  earl}'  in  1777  to  estal;)lish  the, regi- 
ments on  the  continental  plan  and  recruit  their  decimated 
ranks  with  men  enlisted  for  tliree  years,  or  during  the  war. 
For  this  purpose  the  quota  of  Ashbnrnham  was  sixteen,  and 
an  earnest  elTort  was  made  to  supply  the  required  number. 
Thirteen  men  enlisted  and  were  mustered  into  service  May 
2(J,  1777,  for  three  years,  and  the  town  or  individuals  hired 
the  three  remaining  men,  Francis  Lee  of  Pep})erell,  Andrew 
Foster  of  Andover,  and  Josiali  Fessenden  of  Boston,  to 
conqdete  the  quota. 

■'{"he  men  from  Ashburuham  whose  names  arc  deeply 
inscribed  in  the  tablets  of  the  history  of  the  town,  were 
Ehcnczer  Bennett  Davis,  David  Clark,  David  Clark,  Jr., 
Jolm  "Winter,  Thomas  Pratt,  Sanmel  ^lason,  John  "White, 
Paul  Sawyer,  Jacob  Lock,  Thomas  Boss,  Joshua  ITolden, 
Timothy  Johnson  and  Adimi  Bodiman. 

A  considerable  number  of  otlier  men  from  this  town  was 
hi  the  service  this  year.  There  are  many  incidental  refer- 
ences which  establish  the  fact,  but  do  not  reveal  the 
names   of  the  soldiers.     In  August  this  year  there  was  a 

•   V         ;■>.!     y;!i   '■■■     i^i>'\-'-^\     ■  1)    'i^' 
,••!.   ,:i«r^    ;k.;';'!    .h^^.>    \a<u<\    , 

I    ,■:.,  .    ..     :  ■,■■■■- 

,i>;  ■;       I    .   ' 


draft  in  this  town  for  men  to  servo  tlirec  months,  but  the 
number  of  men  required  has  not  been  aseertained.  It 
appears  tliat  David  Chatlhi  was  drafted  at  tliis  time;  anvl  was 
assigned  to  Captain  Xathaniel  Carter's  company  in  Colonel 
Cusliing's  regimonf  and  joined  the  army  undei'  General 
Gates.  On  account  of  sickness  he  was  discharged  and 
arrived  home,  November  1,  1777. 

1778.  The  new  year  opened  with  a  tow)i  meeting  at 
wliicli  the  town  voted  that  they  ''  were  not  willing  to  send 
any  relief  to  the  Continental  soldiers  now  in  the  army." 
Tlie  natural  construction  of  this  language  unfairly  represents 
the  prevailing  sentiment  and  the  real  intent  of  the  town. 
It  was  the  intention  of  the  town,  as  appears  from  other 
records,,  that  the  needs  of  the  soldiers  beyond  their  stipu- 
lated pay  and  bountv  sliould  be  left  with  their  friends  and 
the  generosity  of  individuals,  which  liad  proved  adequate  in 
the  past  and  Avere  contidently  invoked  in  this  instance. 
Present  in  this  meeting,  perhaps,  was  Samuel  jSIctcalf,  then 
a  youth  of  sixteen  years,  who  had  but  recently  returned 
fi'om  a  ■  long  and  j^erilous  journey  to  the  army,  bearing 
clothing  to  his  brother  Ezekiel  to  supply  a  loss  caused  by 
the  burning  of  his  tent  which  had  left  him  destitute.  With 
such  evidence  of  the  thoughtful  care  of  the  soldier  in  the 
field,  with  the  hum  of  the  wheel,  the  click  of  the  loom  and 
the  busy  needk^  in  every  homo,  there  "was  present  in  this 
meeting  every  assurance  that  the  individual  and  not  the  tovvm 
could  best  respond  to  this  call  upon  their  charity. 

In  May  of  tliis  year,  the  town  approved  of  the  Articles  of 
Confederation  proposed  by  the  Continental  Congress.  The 
vote  was  decisive.  The  records  assert  ""  there  was  but  one 
against  it,"  but  the  name  and  motive  of  this  dissenting  voice 
are  not  revealed.  In  the  midst  of  the  weighty  responsibilities 
resting  upon  our  worthy  fathers,  perplexed  with  the  demands 

.  .;'i    .'■'*1  'io 
;i  //i  il  •>.iJ    '.    r  ;    ■■  :;;  i  ■■■  ■  '■  ''"'" 

'■■:A)    hi'. 

.,     .vilr.f^:    i.i}',    '::•  (-,>,    ■  I    I     i  J<! 


of  war  ajid  the  pro])lcms  of  new  forms  of  government,  tlie. 
tovY-n  eloquently  assert  their  nttenttve  eare  of  the  family  of 
the  soldier  in  a  ^-ot<^  "to  help  Timothy  Johnson's  wife  who  is 
in  needy  circumstajices,  so  that  she  may  he  made  comfort- 

Timothy  Johnson  is  found  in  the  list  of  men  enlisting  the 
previous  year  for  three  years  and  leaving,  doubtless  with 
confideuce,  his  wife  and  their  three  babes  to  the  considerate 
care  of  his  townsmen.  '  ;        i  _         .  ,'.'.; 

To  the  husbandman  the  summer  of  1778  was  one  of  great 
discouragements.  The  season  was  extremely  dry  and  the 
product  of  the  tield  was  small  and  unremunerative.  The 
partial  failure  of  the  crops  was  keenly  felt  at  a  season  when 
the  product  of  the  farm  was  the  onl}^  means  to  meet  the 
heavy  demands  for  money  and  provisions  to  carry  on  the 
war.  To  give  poignancy  to  their  despondency  the  currency 
depreciated  so  lapidly  in  value  that  financial  ruin  seemed 
instant  and  ineyitable.  During  the  year  1778,  the  equiva- 
lent of  a  unit  of  money  decreased  from  one-third  to  less  than 
one-sixth  of  its  nominal  value.  One  assessment  of  taxes  fol- 
lowed another  in  ra})id  succession,  until  the  constable,  who 
was  also  collector  of  taxes,  only  left  the  door  to  soon  return 
with  renewed  demands,  and  creditors,  beholding  every  dol- 
lar of  their  dues  fade  in  value  from  month  to  month,  were 
importunate  and  peremptory  in  their  demands  for  immediate 
payment.  In  the  midst  of  these  depressing  surroundings 
at  home  came  many  assurances  of  amended  fortunes. 

During  the  past  few  months  a  disheartened  and  retreating 
anny,  receiving  timely  reenforcemcnt,  had  fought  several  suc- 
cessful battles  which  had  completely  annihilated  a  proud  and 
invading  army.  The  patriots  had  taught  the  disciplined  and 
well-equipped  soldiery  of  Europe  that  they  were  their 
equals,  both  in  the  open  field  and  in  the  strategems  of  war. 

.SI  '■'  r  ■  -;' 

A     .1 

;  i  t  •  ', 

t-      1.' 

.i|   'lufij. 

>ji    ■   .M 

•I    '•';(;    .'1'»i)5-^;    ••   :  1 


They  liad  awakened  a  renewed  confidence  in  themselves 
which  imparted  the  strcngtli  of  cohesion  and  of  disciplineTo 
the  ]ialriot  army.  The  seat  of  Avar  was  removed  to  tJio 
South,  and  the  calls  for  troo})S  were  less  frequent  and  inoper- 
ative. The  sudden  and  tantalizing  alarms  whicli  had  char- 
acterized the  preceding  year,  giving  the  mimite-mea  but 
little  freedom  from  actual  service  or  solitude  when  at 
home,  for  many  months  were  not  repeated.  In  addition  to 
all  these  flattering  omens,  which  encouraged  hope  to  triumph 
over  despondency,  the  most  enlivening  hopes  were  associ- 
ated with  the  alliance  with  France,  and  her  profl'ers  of  assist- 
ajice  in  the  prosecution  of  the  war.  A  firmer  faith  in  the 
success  of  their  cause  was  everywhere  manifested,  until 
many  were  persua.ded  to  believe  that  the  war  was  sul)stan- 
tially  at  an  end.  And  yet  amid  these  cheering  omens 
another  vial  was  being  opened  wlioso  bitterness  soon 
drenched  the  land  ;  only  an  oasis  had  been  reached,  and  not 
the  fruitful  soil  be^^ond  the  desert  s:mds  ;  the  clouds  were 
not  breaking,  but  only  shifting  into  new  sha])es,  to  ao-aiu 
inundate  the  land  with  darker  days  and  greater  trials. 

The  record  of  the  preceding  year  left  the  continental 
soldiers  from  this  town  with  the  army  under  the  innnediate 
command  of  AVasln'ngton.  It  will  be  remembered  that  these 
men  enlisted  for  three  years.  -Tacob  Lock  and  Samuel  Mason 
having  died  the  remaining  fourteen  shared  the  suflering  of  a 
winter  of  unusual  severity  at  A'alley  Forge.  In  the  spring  of 
this  year  with  more  than  two  years  of  rugged  service  before 
them  they  follow-ed  the  fortunes  of  Washington  in  the 
extreme  heat  and  dangers  of  ]Monmouth  and  in  the  summer 
campaign  near  the  city  of  New  York.  In 'the  late  autunui 
they  were  marched  to  Middleljrook,  Xew  Jersey,  and  there 
erected  huts  for  the  winter.  The  new  recruits  this  year  are 
found  in  several  regiments  and  in  as  many  branches  of  the 

um;    !!-'->!i.if: 

!'    IJjI'J  'lO    J- 

M(.  /'■>.'.:;    <.r.  •■:  J.   '.i  ■•i''i::  n-'f 

■  ;>(   .(M^O';  «)■!••/'' 

I'jS  history    of    ASlinUKNIlAM. 

service,  and  there  is  simple  evidence  tlint  several  were  drafted 
or  enlisted  in  the  spring  and  summer  whose  najnes  and  ser- 
vice cannot  now  be  stated. 

The  ijien  tliat  were  being  enlisted  to  recruit  the  decimated 
ranks  of  the  coiitinental  regiments  were  so  fc\v  in  number 
that  the  General  Court  called  for  two  thousand  men  to  serve 
in  these  regiments  for  the  term  of  nine  months.  For  this 
seiTice  three  men  froni  tliis  town  volunteered  or  were 
drafted.  A^'^iHi;nn  Ward  enlisted  in  the  month  of  June  and 
was  assigned  to  Colonel  ^larshall's  regiment,  fi'om  which  he 
was  discharged  ]March  7,  177-'^,  and  al)Out  the  same  time  and 
under  tlu^  same  requisition,  Jonathan  Bcrijamin  and  Eenjaniin 
Clark  entered  the  service  and  were  niustered  at  Fishkili, 
Xew  York.  The  muster  rolls  describe  Benjamin  as  seven- 
teen years  of  age,  five  feet  and  six  inches  in  stature  arid  of 
light  complexion.  Clark,  the  roll  alleges,  was  at  this  time 
sixteen  vcars  of  age,  onlv  five  feet  and  two  inches  in  heiiiht 
and  light  complexion.  Young  Clark  was  not  a  tall  soldier, 
and  as  he  lived  to  enlist  again,  there  is  license  for  the  pre- 
sumption that  his  head  ^vas  carried  below  the  line  of  greatest 
danger.  Having  fdled  this  quota,  the  selectmen  express 
their  relief  in  a  letter  to  the  General  Court. 

To   THE    IIOX'''-^^    COUNCIT,    ^S:.    IIOUSK    OF    RepKKSENTATIVES    OF    THE 

State   Mass-vchusetts  Bay. 

These  m  ay  eertify  that  the  Town  of  Aslihurnhara  have  com- 
plied with  the  resolve  of  the  C'ouit  of  the  20'''  of  April  1778  Last 
in  raisiug  Continental  men  and  the  men  marched  when  called  for. 

AsHBUUNUAX  Aug  24""  1778. 


JOHN    COx\N  r  Selectmen. 

^  Wokcester  S3  Aug  20"'  1778. 

personally  appeared  Capt  Jonathan  Gates  of   Ashburnliam  and 
made  oath  to  the  above  certificate  before  me. 


Town  Clerk. 

:'.:      y< 

■^   .:    .1 

!..!.r  ill.titv.ri 

I/;    !• 

■v.  I 


!)■:/..       '.: 

'■.;■  t  .1:,.!'    ■        M:    '  ;    •'!      '       './'r   -•   '  •'''■ 

■)    /^;.'.^'. 

■  >  ',  .'"• 


Kefereiico  is  miidc  in  tlie  following  letter  to  ti  subjocl  of 
M-liich  the  result  cannot  be  stated.  The  fact  that  Benjamin 
Clark  was  eventually  mustered  into  service  at  Fishkill  for 
nine  months,  and  at  that  thne  the  father,  David  Clark,  ha.l 
two  frdl  years  to  serve,  Yould  indicate  that  he  was  not 
accepted  as  n  substitute  fo)'  his  tather. 

,,  .  •,  .  ,  :..---     AsiiROKKHASi  June  01  y'  177S. 

this  is  to  sort  if}'  that  Jonathan  Benjeman  has  ingaged  in  the  con- 
tinental sarvis  nine  rnout-'.  and  Likev.isc  Benjeman  Clark  in  llic 
Rom  of  his  father  David  Clark,  he  being  a  man  in  years  and  I 
should  be  glad  if  3'ou  vrould  es:cept  bi]n  in  his  rornm. 

JONATHAN  ■GATP:S,    Captain. 
To  Mr  "Worshbon  the  supereutendcnt  for  the  County  of  \Yoreester. 

In  the  summer  of  this  year,  a  combined  attack,  b}"  land 
and  water,  upon  the  British  army  at  Newport,  in  lihode 
Island,  was  projected.  An  army  raised  from  the  militia  of 
New  England  was  sent  to  reenforce  General  Sullivan,  and  to 
cooperate  with  the  French  fleet.  Calls  were  also  made  this 
year  for  men  to  serve  in  defence  of  Boston  and  the  military 
stores  deposited  there.  In  the  former  service  there  were  at 
least  four  men  from  this  town.  They  were  enlisted  or 
drafted  in  June  to  seiwe  the  remainder  of  the  year.  They 
were  assigned  to  the  company  of  Captain  Benjamin  Edgell  in 
Colonel  John  Jacob's  regiment,  which  was  a  part  of  the 
army  under  General  Sullivan.  They  arrived  home  the  first 
week  in  January,  1779.  The  descriptive  list  of  the  men 
from  Ashburnham  is  of  interest. 

XAME.  TIME  OF  F.NLISTMrKT,         TRAVEL.         TIME  OF  SERVICE.         WAGES. 

Ezekiel  Metcalf,       June  25th,               100  miles,  6  inos  12  days,  £20-15-3 

John  Chamberlain,  June  24th,  •        100     "  6     "    13      "  20-lS-l 

David  Chafiln,           Juno  2otb,               100     •'  6     '«    12      "  2'J-i:)-3 

Simon  Kodiman,       June  20th,                 80     "  6     "    11      "  2D-  5-8 

c,  f 

t   ii 

i!  ■:' 

■    1    ;M      ; 

'/    L.i:^. 

'    I  ,    ■  •'  1  ■    ■  '  • 

,!  ,'•;  /7    ,  :!•■  ifni.;,  1-i 

,1    )l.  I,       :!...0f.«       1-Ji 


IIJO'I     i'"!   ■.  .I*-'-' 


To  meet  tlio  rcqiurements  for  service  at  Boslon,  a  number 
of  luen  WHS  driiftod  or  recruited  to  serve  tlirec  moiiths. 
Anioi\ir  theiii  were  Joiuitlriii  Samson,  Jr.,  Nicholas  White- 
man  and  John  lTa.ll>  vrlio  were  assigned  to  the  company  of 
Captain  John  AMiitc  of  Lancaster,  and  stationed  at  Castle 
island.  In  service  at  this  time  and  near  Boston,  were  David 
Steadman  and  William  Ward.  Tiio  latter  served  only  one 
month  and  was  eniployed  at  I'rospect  Ilill  in  guarJing" 
prisoners,  the  rt'inains  of  Burgoync's  army.  From  this 
service  he  returned  in  season  to  enlist  in  Colonel  jMarshairs 
regiment,  as  stated  in  a  former  paragrajih. 

Ashburnham  was  now  required  to  furnish  its  proportion  of 
clothijig  for  the  army.  A  resolve  was  ado])ted  by  the 
General  Court,  ]M;irch  13,  1778,  requiring  each  town  in  the 
State  to  furnish  as  many  shirts,  pairs  of  shoes  and  stockings, 
as  Avould  1)6  equal  to  one-seventh  part  of  all  its  male  inhabi- 
tants. These  articles  were  ordered  to  be  collected  in  each 
county  and  forwarded  to  the  army  by  the  county  agent, 
whereupon  each  soldier  Avas  to  I'cceive  one  shirt,  one  pair  of 
shoes  and  one  })air  of  stockings  "as  a  present  from  tlie  people 
of  the  State."  Under  this  resolve,  the  quota  of  Ashburnham 
was  immediately  filled.  If  the  quota  of  this  town  was  seven- 
teen, more  shirts  were  forwarded  than  was  required,  but  it 
is  probable  that  the  excess  of  shirts  was  intended  as  an 
equivalent  for  a  deticiency  of  shoes  and  stockings.  If  this 
sup]>osition  is  correct,  the  quota  of  Ashburnham  was  twenty, 
which  represents  that  at  this  time  there  were  one  hundred 
and  Ibi-ty  male  inhabitants  in  this  town.  The  following 
letter  of  the  seleetmcn  is  a  part  of  this  proceediisg  : 

To    Mr.  John  Wait   Agent  and   Keeeiver   of   Clothing  for  the 
County  of  Worcester 

Sir     these  arc  to  inform  3-011  that  we  have  complied  with  the 

tin''    . 

,    •    11;  ■■■>IIOt> 

^    .  [ 

!  M    rL'.-il^ 

■     I!'    ' 

i      Ixtft 

1      ^'.     V 


resohe  of  Coit  last  sent  in  providing  clothing  for   the  solgert'. 
ycQ  have  provided 

Seventeen  pr  of  Shoes  cost  £3  pr  ^^  £51 

and  seventeen  pr  Stockings  £1  :lG-0  pr  ^^''^     £30=12=0 
and  tweut^'-seven  Shirts  at  £1  :1G      apiece    £48=12=0 
and  as.  we  have  received  no  furder  orders  Since  the  Resolve  of  the 
general   Cort  concerning  the  Clotliing  we  do  send  them  l)y  Dca" 
Samuel  Wilder  to  3'ou  to  be  Rec'^  as  our  part  of  the  clothing  for 
this  time 

Sum  total  ~ 

for  Clothing 
Ashburnham  Sept  lG-1778         £130-4-0  ■'     • 

So  we  reinain  your  friends  &  Humble  Serv. 


JOHN    CONN  [■  Selectmen. 


To  the  lions'''''  Corts  Committee  we  leave  the  Troble  of  Colect- 
ing  and  Cost  of  Transporting  37  miles  to  the  agent  to  your  Honors 

This  account  was  audited  June  5,  1779.  The  price  of  the 
shoes  was  reduced  to  forty-eight  shillings  a  pair  and  £5-11-0 
was  allowed  lor  transportation  thirty-seven  miles. 

Concerning  the  record  of  one  of  the  continental  soldiers  of 
the  town,  an  important  tact  remains  as  yet  mitold.  Adam 
IvodJman  descried.  If  he  had  been  a  man  of  diminutive 
stature,  like  Benjamin  Clark,  it  might  rc:iSonably  be  pre- 
sumed that  he  was  temporarily  overlooked  and  the  record 
made  before  the  oversight  was  noted,  but  he  is  deso-ibed  as 
twenty-three  years  of  age,  six  feet  high,  dark  eyes  and  hair 
and  by  occupation  a  blacksmith.  Whether  he  repented  and 
returned,  whether  he  was  returned  by  force  without  repent- 
ance, or  whether  he  neither  retm-ned  nor  repented,  does  not 
appear  in  the  records.  It  is  known,  however,  that  after  the 
war  he  resided  several  years  in  this  town.  Ah !  Adam, 

.-1,;  .  .   J  >.^Ji      •    '      'iih'): 

162  HISTOKY   OF    ASHBl'KXHA^r. 

badst  thou  known  thai  our  luindivd  :ind  more  years  after  lliy 
desertion  oi"  tlie  post  of  duty,  this  net  of  tliine  would  be 
recalkid,  that  tlie  iaitliful  Jn'storian  who  records  with  impartial 
I)cn  the  deeds  of  the  just  and  tlie  unjust,  giving  at  once  to  tlie 
prhieipal  inhabitant  and  niost  lowly  citizen  his  fair  measure 
of  censure  or  praise  as  his  life  and  service  are  revealed  in  the 
records  and  traditions  of  the  town;  hadst  thou  known  and 
realized  all  this,  thou  Mouldst  have  remained  to  share  the 
trial  and  dange]-s  bra^■ely  endured  b}-  thy  heroic  comrades, 
and  -wouldst  have  conquered  a  co-wardiee  that  gives  an  only 
stain  to  the  ensign  armorial  of  the  good  old  town  of  Asli- 
bui-nhani.  But,  alas  !  like  th}^  progenitor,  whose  name  thou 
bore,  thou  too  didst  fall. 

1779.  The  theatre  of  the  war  having  been  transferred  to 
the  Southern  States,  the  call  for  nu^n  was  less  imperative 
than  in  the  years  preceding.  At  the  same  time  the  military 
spirit  of  the  people  waned  with  the  removal  of  danger  from 
the  borders  of  New  England.  If  the  mnnber  of  meri  was 
com})arati\'ely  small,  the  labor  in  })rocuring  them  was  no 
less  onerous  than  in  former  years.  In  accordtmce  ^itli  a 
resolve  of  the  General  Coui-t,  passed  June  9,  eight  men  vrere 
raised  in  July  to  recruit  tlie  continental  army.  Three  of 
these  men  to  serve  nine  months  were  mustered  with  the 
following  description  :    . 

Ebenezer  Conant,  n^ze  oG,  height        5 — 9 
Jacob  Constantine,  '•    27,       "  5 — 9 

John  Kiblinger,         "    24,       "  G— 0 

The  roll  also  announced  that  all  of  them  were  of  dark 
complexion.  ^lany  of  the  continental  men  who  entered  in 
1777  were  in  Colonel  Greaton's  regiment  at  this  time. 
Succeeding  the  repeated  failures  in  the  past,  a  successful 
attempt  to  dislodge  the  enemy  from  Ivhode  Island  was  made 

'/.  /■ 


it  do  I 

i{EVO]XTioxA];r  history.  103 

thi>s  yviiv.  In  this  ^;ervice  Asbburnliaiii  Avas  rcpi'cs(MiUHl  hy 
at  least  live  men  mIio  were  drafted  in  Jul}'  and  served  six 
months.  They  were  marched  under  command  of  Sergeant 
Slonc  to  P]-ovidcnce,  and  at  the  close  of  the  campaign  were 
discliarged  at  Newport.  A  part  or  all  of  them  were  assigned 
to  Captain  'Jltoraas  Fiske's  com})an}'  in  Colonel  T3"ler's  or 
Colonel  Jackson's  regiment.  The  names  which  have  been 
found  from  nearly  as  many  sources  are  as  follows  :  Sergeant 
Joseph  Stone,  Jonatlian  Gates,  Isaac  ^NFerriam,  AVilliam 
"Winchester  and  Jonathan  AVinchester.  In  the  autnnm 
David  Merriam  took  the  place  of  his  Iirother  Isaac  Merriam. 
In  the  early  autumn,  Ashburnham  was  required  to  send  four 
men,  styled  fatigue-men,  to  serve  three  months  under  Clap- 
.tains  Henry  and  AVilson  at  Castle  AVilliam  and  Governors- 
island.  The  men  engaged  in  this  service  were  David 
Chaflin,  Edward  AVhitmore,  Xathaniel  Kendall  and  David 
Samson.-  Daniel  Bond  of  this  town  was  in  the  service  as 
fatigue-man  at  this  time,  but  probably  did  not  enlist  at  the 
time  the  others  were  recruited,  and  AVilliam  AVai'd  served 
three  months  this  year  at  West  Point  in  a  company  com- 
manded by  Captain  Burt  of  Harvard.  At  the  close  of  the 
season  the  Northern  army,  ^vhicli  included  the  continental 
soldiers  from  this  town,  retired  into  winter  quarters,  —  one 
division  at  'WQ:^i  Point,  Xew  York,  and  the  otlier  at  ]\Iorris- 
town,  Xew  Jersey. 

At  the  annual  meeting,  Isaac  Merriam,  Xathaniel  HaiTis 
and  Daniel  Putnam  were  chosen  a  committee  of  correspond- 
ence. The  selectmen  were  John  Conn,  Oliver  AMllard  and 
Amos  Dickerson.  William  "Whitcomb  was  ae:ain  selected  to 
represent  the  town  in  the  General  Court  at  this  session, 
which  did  not  adjourn  until  October.  He  was  pernn'tted  to 
join  with  his  associates  in  a  fniitless  attempt  to  regulate  by 
law  the  price  of  articles  of  merchandise.     If  such  legislation 


-*3     :1 

.     f-     '         I  I 

•Mir  oniit 


.].'    •;.«:>.;   ,•:/..; 

,  f     ■     '   '1    !: 


at  till  limes  and  uiidor  all  cireunistances  has  proved  futile^ 
in  tills  instance  the  Ici^-islators  recop-iiized  the  exif^-cneies  of 
the  hour  and  manifested  more  eoura^e  than  wisdom  in  the 
advancement  of  remedial  moahures.  The  ineJl'ectual  meas- 
ures of  the  Legislature  were  supplemented  l)y  the  recom- 
mendations of  county  conventions.  The  convention  which 
asseinbled  in  ^Vorcester  August  11,  jiroj^sed  a  schedule  of 
prices  for  many  articles  of  merchandise,  and  with  great 
earnestness  and  solicitude,  roconnnended  the  people  to  ^dopt 
them  in  the  conduct  of  their  business. 

In  this  proceeding  the  convention  essayed  to  ctTect  by 
apipeal  that  ^vhich  the  Legislature  failed  to  accomplish  by 
the  force  of  hnr.  The  town  of  Ashburnham  promptly 
•  adoi)ted  the  recommendations  of  the  convention  and  chose 
Samuel  Wilder,  Captain  Jonathan  Gates,  Jacob  Harris, 
]Nioscs  Tottingham  and  Francis  Lane  a  committee  to 
encourage  the  peoi)le,  and  through  the  force  of  a  firm,  public 
sentiment  compel  them  to  adhere  for  a  time  to  the  stated 
prices.  In  these  proceedings  the  necessities  of  the  people 
were  demanding  relief.  But  the  lo\e  of  gain,  the  insatiable 
gTced  of  speculation  and  the  personal  interest  of  the  few  who 
had  the  ability  to  profit  by  the  necessities  of  the  many 
rendered  all  these  measures  inctrectual.  In  February  the 
Gerieral  Court  sul)mitted  to  the  peo;[)le  the  proposition  of 
calUng  a  convention  for  tlic  p-urpose  of  forming  a  State 
Constitution.  The  town  of  Ashburnham  voted  ATay  21, 
"  That  this  State  have  a  new  form  of  Government  as  soon  as 
may  be,  and  also  that  our  representative  vote  to  have  a  State 
Convention  called  for  that  pui'])ose." 

On  an  article  in  the  warrant  for  the  ]\Iay  meetinir,  "To  see 
if  the  Town  will  allow  ^Nlr.  Jonathan  Samson  and  ^Nlrs.  Hem- 
meuway  for  two  small  Deer  sent  in  to  the  seiwice,"  the 
decision   was   in   the  negative.     The  same  fate   attended  a 

)t     :o 

,  -i'l-l    i.'i     '■) 

;■//      -j; 

.,!   -(M      i'.iiU;i,r 

,,    . ',. 

,.' '  .1  '  tr./  Lj'i" 

i;  '• '/If    '/)' 


pro})ositiou  (o  p:iy  Deliverance  DavU  "for  going  to  A11);inv 
lor  to  carry  cloalblng  to  tlic  soldiers."  If  these  decisions  of 
the  town  fail  to  satisfy  the  sensitive  nature  of  lo^'al  descend- 
ants, they  can  be  consoled  witli  the  iact  that  there  could  not 
liave  been  a  groat  sum  of  money  in  the  treasury,  and  any 
action  on  these  points  was  quite  immaterial  so  long  as  the 
soldiers  had  and  enjoyed  both  the  deer  and  the  clothing. 
Having  previously  chosen  a  committee,  consisting  of  Jacob 
Harris,  Captain  Jon;ithan  Gates,  Lietitenant  Amos  Dicker- 
son,  dolni  Adams  and  Francis  Lane,  to  estimate  and  equalize 
the  service  in  the  army  of  eacli  man  in  Ashburnham,  the 
town  adopted  the  report  of  this  committee  August  30.  Tliat 
report  if  it  had  been  preserved  would  have  afforded  the  out- 
line of  a  more  accurate  history  of  Ashburnham  during  the 
lievolution  than  can  now  be  M'ritten. 

Thursday,  December  9,  1770,  Avas  a  day  of  thanksgiving 
in  all  the  States.  The  observance  of  this  day  is  seldom 
noticed  in  histor}',  but  there  are  many  evidences  at  hand  to 
establish  the  fact  that  i)i  many  places  there  were  religious 
exercises,  and  that  our  fathers,  burdened  with  the  weighty 
proldems  of  the  hour,  and  oppressed  with  the  existing  state 
of  public  affairs,  did  make  a  solemn  etlbrt  to  find  occasion 
for  thankfulness  on  this  memorable  day.  The  journal  of 
Isaac  Stearns  informs  us  that  tiie  day  was  observed  in  Ash- 
burnham, and  that  Mr.  Gushing  preached  fro.m  the  text  : 
"The  \vorks  of  the  Lord  are  great,  sought  out  of  all  them 
that  have  pleasure  therein." 

1780.  The  record  of  death  continues.  Again  the  open 
ranks  of  the  continental  reiriments  are  the  silent  oracles  of 
their  valor.  In  prompt  response  to  renewed  acquisition  for 
men,  seven  recruits  from  Ashburnham  were  mustered  into 
the  service  for  six  months  at  Leicester.  "With  other  I'ecruits 
they  were  marched  from  Sjiringfield  July  2,  under  command 

^  '.di 



ol"  Capli'iiii  ririiu'bas  J^arkcr.  'i'licsc;  iiieu  wx'va  .slyled  new 
levies,  and  were  a.ssigned  to  the  ]\Ia.ssaehu.setts  regiments 
already  in  the  lield  and  stationed  at  AVest  Point.  The 
names  of  these  recruits  are  found  upon  the  desci'iptive  lists 
on  tile  in  the  State  archives. 





Samuol  Metcalf 


G— 2 


David  Chaflin 




Edwani  Vrhitniore 


.5— G 


Elijah  ]Mason 


5 — 5 


Simeon  llodinuin 




Isaac  Meiriam 




Jacob  Rodiinan 



On  anotlier  ro]]  crediting  tliis  service  to  Ashburnham,  is 
the  name  of  Xalhaniel  Breed,  but  there  is  no  otlier  evidence 
that  he  was  from  this  town.  Tlie  servidtc  of  tliese  men  and 
others  in  tlie  continental  army  at  this  time  covers  an  im- 
portant chapter  of  Revolutionary  history.  They  were  with 
the  Xorthern  army  at  tlie  time  of  the  treason  of  xirnold  and 
tlie  execution  of  Andre.  In  an  application  for  a  pension, 
David  Chailin  alleges  he  ^vas  one  of  the  o'uards  and  was 
within  ten  feet  of  Andre  when  he  was  executed.  Isaac 
!Merriam  says  he  ^vas  in  Xew  Jersey  when  Andre  was  hanged 
and  when  Arnold  attempted  to  deliver  up  A\'est  Point,  an.d 
afterwards  marched  back  to  ^^'est  Point  and  was  there 
discharged  at  the  expiration  of  six  months.  Edward  "Whit- 
more  was  in  a  detached  service  for  a  time  but  joined  his 
regiment  a  short  time  before  he  was  discharged.  He  says 
he  recollects  Ai-nold's  treason  and  saw  ]\[ajor  Andre 
executed,  hi  duly  there  was  another  requisition  for  men 
to  serve  three  months.  Jonathan  Samson,  Jr.,  Andrew 
Winter,  Jr.,  and  Peuben  Pice,  who  removed  to  Ashburn- 
ham this  year,  entered  the  service  and  also  served  at  West 

!,'  !       It;      /M  fJ-     \i-  ll!    '^' 

il     ■-.,    ;.•,'.■      V;;-f    ?  ■     •    'il. 

I     ,  -   ■ '  /  / 



'l.>J^     l'>         .        '    1 


In  the  suininer  o(  this  year,  the  men  Trho  oiilisled  for 
three  years  CLune  liome  at  diHei'eiit  times  in  tlie  order  of  their 
discharge  from  tlie  companies  in  wliich  they  had  sewed.  On 
llie  arrival  of  eacli  little  bund,  the  pastor  read  their  names 
the  following  Sabl):itli  and  offered  the  prayer  of  gi'atcful 
thanks  to  Ahnighty  God  for  tlieir  jireservation  from  the 
dangers  of  war  and  their  safe  return  to  the  avocations  of 
peace.  John  White  was  probably  dischaiged  on  account  of 
disability  the  })rc^'ious  year.  lie  continued  his  residence 
here  and  became  an  inhabitant  of  Gardner  when  that  town 
Avas  incorporated. 

The  selectmen  for  1780  were  Samuel  Wilder,  Isaac 
^lerriam  and  Francis  Lane.  For  a  committee  of  corres- 
pondence, Cajjtain  Deliverance  Davis,  Steplien  Kandall  and 
Jonathan  Samson  were  selected  and  the  town  also  made 
choice  of  Captain  Deliverance  Davis,  Levi  Whitney  and 
Amos  Lawrence  to  hire  the  soldiers  for  the  ensuing  year. 
The  vote  of  this  town  upon  the  adoption  of  a  State  Con- 
stitution was  an  emphatic  expression  of  approval  and  is 
mentioned  in  another  chapter.  In  September,  the  civilian 
and  the  soldier,  reaping  tlie  early  fruits  of  the  Avar,  cast  the 
iirst  vote  of  Ashburnham  for  State  otliccrs  chosen  by  the 
peoj^le,  and  at  the  same  time  Samuel  Wihler  was  chosen  as 
the  last  representative  imder  the  tem})ora7-}'  form  of  govern- 

The  winter  of  1779-80  was  one  of  unusual  severity.  The 
men  in  Ashburnham  brought  wood  for  their  daily  lire  upou 
their  backs,  an'd  the  brooks  and  springs  being  congealed  by 
frost,  a  scarcity  of  water  aggi-avated  the  discomforts  of  an 
inclement  winter.  The  extreme  cold  and  deep  snow  of  that 
season  were  the  theme  of  fre(]aent  remark  as  long  as  tliat 
generation  endured. 

)  .•■■; 

'   .'I'r 


I  -I  ' 

.>.    -'M^i. 

!l'7      'i'"! 

■  iiio    ;M 

/i  I       i"  A 


nSJ.  The  seleclinen  for  this  year  wove  Jiicol)  Harris, 
Hezelviah  Corey  and  Eiios  Jones.  For  a  committee  of  cor- 
respondence, the  town  selected  Samuel  Cutting,  Timothy 
Fislier  and  Ilenr}'  AYinchcster.  At  the  same  meeting  in 
which  these  ofiicers  were  selected,  wliile  struggling  with  the 
burdens  of  the  Kevolution  and  at  an  liour  Avhen  their  Imrdens 
were  most  onerous,  the  inhabitants  of  tlie  to^vn  were  pre- 
pared to  direct  their  attention  to  other  questions  and  to  give 
a  serious  thought  to  a  pro})cr  observance  of  tlie  Sabbath. 
Tliere  was  an  article  in  the  warrant  for  tliis  meetinir.  "to  see 
if  the  town  will  pass  any  vote  to  ])revent  travelling  on  the 
Sa];b:ith,"  The  succeedino-  article  was  the  one  of  set  form 
which  ap})eared  in  the  annual  warrant  for  many  years:  "to 
see  if  the  town  will  let  swine  run  at  large  the  ensuing  year." 
As  would  rationally  be  expected  of  our  devoted  worthie«>, 
they  voted  to  put  every  legal  restraint  upon  men  and 
pro  tiered  the  freedom  of  the  town  to  the  swine. 

If  a  smaller  munber  of  men  was  required  for  the  army 
this  year,  they  were  procured  with  increased  etfort  and 
under  great  fiuanci:il  emljarrassment.  While  the  three  years' 
men  were  l)eing  raised,  there  was  an  intermediate  call  for  men 
to  recruit  the  army  while  the  enlistments  for  a  longer  time 
were  slowly  progressing.  These  men  were  more  easily 
procured.  In  June  Corporal  l^hinchas  Hemenway,  Jona- 
than ]\Ierriam  and  William  AVard  enlisted.  They  were 
assigned  to  Captain  Sibley's  company  in  Colonel  Dmry's 
reiriment  and  were  discharsred  the  last  of  Xovember.  This 
was  the  seventh  enlistment  of  William  A\''ard.  With  the 
close  of  the  preceding  year  came  a  call  for  more  men  to 
seiwe  three  years  in  the  continental  army.  The  town, 
embarrassed  by  the  depreciatr-d  currency  which  had  nearly 
become  worthless,  and  by  their  inabilit\'  to  oiler  anything 
more  substantial  than  a  promise,  passed  the  following  vote 


.:     ji!i;CJ'.; 

ii)    7'-    / 


as  an  eiicouragoinent  to  anv  wlio  iiiiglil  be  prevr.ilecl  upon  to 
enlist:  "Voted  that  oaeli  )nan  that  will  enp:agc  to  sorvc  in 
the  army  for  three  years  shall   have  eighteen  head  of  three 
years  old  cattle  given  him  when  his  time  is  out,  and  if  lie  l)e 
discharged  in  two  years  tiicn  said  cattle  are  to  be  but  two 
years  old  or  if  he  serve  Ijut  one  year  the}"  are  to  be  but  one 
year  old,  all  to  lie  of  middling  si^.e."     In  other  >\'ords,  the 
soldier  v^"as  to  receive  a  bounty  of  eighteen  calves   and  the 
town    was    to   keep   them  of  middling   size  as  long  as  the 
soldier  remained  in  the  service.     The  vote  is  an  apt  illustra- 
tion of  the  straits  to  which  our  worthy  fathers  were  driven 
in  the  solution  of  the  fmnncial  problems  which  attended  their 
daily  lives  and  official   laljors.     The  cattle  bounty  was  not 
fayoralily  received.     The  proposition  savored  of  veal.     The 
town  could  not   reti'act  its   step  and  again  ofter  a  bounty  in 
currency,    for    that    in    the    mean    time  had    utterly   failed. 
There  could  be   no  failure   in   tlie   end.     The  originators  of 
the  calf  project  are  again  found   equal  to  the   emergency. 
They  called  to  their  aid  in  alluring  their  fellow-townsmen  to 
enlist,  the  click  and  gleam  of  silver  and  gold.     They  ottered 
each  man   who  would  enlist  for  three  years,  ninety  pounds 
lawful  money  as  it  was  rated  in  17  74:.     There  was  substance 
in  til  is  proposal.     True,  the  tender  was  not  necessarily  in 
specie,  but  it  was  of  a  known  and  absolute  value  and  equiva- 
lent to   three   hundred   dollars.      This  vote  was  adopted  in 
February  and  two  months  later  five  men  were  nmstered  into 
the  service  for  the   term  of  three  years.     All  of  them  were 
described  as  of  light  complexion. 

David  Clark  24  yrs  of  age  5  feet  9  inches  in  stature 

Jonas  Benjamin  19     "     "    "  5    "   10     " 

JohnCoolidge  17    "    "    "  5    "     3     " 

James  Ledget  27    "    "    "  5    "     5     " 

John  Mar— (bhirred)  29    "     "    "  5    "     7     " 

I    uyy 

'..•  a 

'm     .        I'l        '♦ 

'vF*  .-.j^r  >-^ 

r  :    ■    :   •....( 

■    ,  ■    :!  !■-. 

';    n'i 

170  HISTOTtY    or    ASHBUKNHAM. 

Ill  August  following  the  commitlee  Avas  instnictcd  "to 
hire  the  two  tliicc  years  men  that  were  still  wanted  on  the 
best  terms  they  can."  ]Sear  the  close  of  the  year  the  men 
were  procured. 

Peter  Eodiman,  age  IG,  hciglit  4  feet  11  inches,  enlisted 
Deceiliber  9.  A  bo}'  of  tliat  age  and  stature  enlisting  for 
three  years  might  be  expected  to  look  pale,  but  the  muster 
rolls  assert  that  at  the  time  of  engagement,  he  was  of  dark 
complexion.  The  other  man  was  our  old  acquaintance, 
Benjamhi  Clark,  who  has  added  two  inches  to  his  stature 
since  his  former  entrance  into  the  service.  One  week  after 
the  enlistment  of  Kodiman,  the  other  name  was  added  to  tlie 
muster  rolls.  Benjamin  Clark,  age  20  years,  height  .5  feet  G 
inches,  complexion  light,  and  occupation,  farmer.  This  was 
the  last  enlistment  from  Ashburnham.  At  the  close  of  the 
war,  young  Clark  returned  to  this  town  and  in  17S7  re- 
moved to  Keading,  Vermont.  The  three  3'ears'  men  were 
called  for  in  resolve  of  the  General  Court  adopted  December 
2,  1780.  The  call  was  for  four  thousand  two  hundred  and 
forty  men  and  the  quota  of  this  town  was  seven.  It  has 
appeared  that  more  than  a  year  elapsed  before  the  to\vn 
was  able  to  secure  all  the  men.  Eventually  the  General 
Court  took  note  of  the  delinquency  and  inqjosed  a  tine 
amounting  to  four  hundred  and  twenty-eiglit  pounds  and  five 
shillings.  In  the  mean  tinn-  the  town  had  fullilled  the 
demand  and  petitioned  the  Ijcgislature  to  remit  the  fine, 
which  request  was  granted  : 

To  THE   Honourable    Senate  and   House  of  Representatives 
IX  General  Court  assemeled  : 

The  Petition  of  William  AVhitcomb  in  behalf  of  The  Town  of 
Ashburnham  Humbly  sheweth  that  the  said  Town  of  Ashburnham 
is  Fined  in  the  Last  State  tax  for  a  Deficiency  of  two  three  years 

■■'•     ■'.''''■    '• 

\   ', 

!  1 


•I       .r.M 

I       M''.       '':'■:' 


.■■;/;  <'it 


•  "■  -} 

t   -n':    i..;:."  ' 

■;•                '  'f 





m?n  v.'liicli  were  absolutely  Raised  &  marched  agreable  to  the 
Kesolve  of  tlie  2'"^  of  Dec""  A.  D.  1780  &  subsequent  resolves  as 
will  appear  by  the  Kcceipt  of  the  Superintendent ;  your  Petitioner 
therefore  Prays  That  your  Honours  \vould  take  the  mattei'  into  your 
wise  Consideration  &  Grant  an  abatement  of  the  hues.  As  in 
Duty  bound  shall  ever  Pray 


In  suppoi-t  of  tlieir  petitioD  the  town  produced  the  receipts 
for  the  required  nurolxn-  of  men,  signed  by  Colonel  Seth 
AVasliburn  of  Leicester,  superintendent  of  enlistments. 

LiMCKSTER  June  y''  2G  1781. 
Eeceived  of  the  town  of  Ashburnham  five  men  who  have  enlisted 

and  past  muster  <S:c.,  &c. 



These  were  David  Clark  and  the  foin-  others  named  in  a 
former  paragraph. 

Leicester  March  y"  27  1782. 

This  day  received  from  Ashburnham  Benjamin  CLark  a  solger 

for  the  term  of  three  years. 

S.   WASHBURN   Supt. 

LEiCESxr.K  June  11  1782. 
This  day  received  from  the  town  of  Ashburnham  one  man  to 
serve  three  years. 

S.   WASHBURN   Supt. 

The  hist  receipt  probably  refers  to  Peter  Eodlman  and  it 
will  be  observed  tliat  all  the  receipts  are  dated  some  time 
subsequent  to  the  entry  of  enlistment  on  the  military  rolls. 
It  is  possible  that  these  receipts  wore  of  set  form  and  were 
issued  by  Colonel  Washburn,  whenever  the  town  liad  need 
of  them,  as  vouchers  in  answer  to  the  demands  ot  the 
General  Court. 

V.'.'     '•! 


f  •;<!,>./ 

.1  ■  vS'. 

W    i:'0.':.    I 


,  l-  (■ 
■  ir 

;:.i^ ' 

172  HISTORY    OF    ASHBUJlXllAM. 

Tlic  live  poldicrs  who  were  recruited  in  the  simiraer  for 
three  years  according  to  tradition  Averc  hurried  on  to  New 
York  and  from  thence  iinmediately  proceeded  with  the  army 
under  Wa-;hingt on  to  A'irginia,  and  tliere  is  amph.'  evidence 
to  sustain  the  assertion  tliat  some  of  the  men  enlisting  this 
year  remained  in  the  service  until  near  the  close  of  the  year 
1783.  The  discharge  of  David  Chirk  signed  by  General 
Knox  is  dated  Decemhcr  24,  1783. 

The  name  of  Jacol)  Winter  appears  in  Captain  Wilder  s 
company  in  1775.  His  subsequent  service  is  not  known, 
but  he  died  a  prisoner  at  Halit^ix  in  the  autunm  of  1777. 
Tiie  death  of  vSamuel  Mason,  mentioned  in  the  annals  of 
1778,  is  recorded  by  Mr.  Cushing  in  September,  1777,  and 
Jacob  Lock  who  was  in  the  same  service  died  a  few  weeks 
later.  He  was  a  son  of  Jolm  Oberlock  whose  children 
Assumed  the  name  of  Lock.  The  same  year  Francis  Iven- 
dall  died,  as  stated  by  Mr.  Cushing,  ''on  his  way  from  the 

And  now  after  these  years  of  carnage  in  tlie  field  and  of 
denials  and  endurance  at  home,  the  curtain  falls  at  lork- 
town.  Tlie  campaign  of  1781  is  ended.  The  nation's  hope 
gleanis  in  the  bayonet  and  flashes  in  the  sword  of  the  return- 
ing- soldier,  while  the  hardshiiis  of  the  campaign  are  witnessed 
in  his  weary  })rogress  and  the  residts  of  an  exhaustive  war 
are  felt  on  every  hand.  '  . 

In  the  pursuit  of  the  nari-ative  through  the  foregoing 
pages,  the  burdens  of  taxation  and  other  incidents  of  the 
home  life  of  our  fathers  during  the  Revolution  have  been 
suiiered  to  remain  for  mention  in  separate  paragraplis.  At 
the  beginning  of  the  war  the  colonists  were  not  without 
resources  but  were  unskilled  in  the  ail;  of  fina.nce.  The 
colonial  wars  in  which  the  people  had  been  engaged  had  been 
maintained  ])y  a  paper  currenc}'  m  hich  though  depreciated  in 

•\:\  >'  -■•i;t;Mo'   :< 

•'■■^'  ■..Ml  ,.l- 

ft  1(1 
;  'I  sift 

.,1      .w(j 


some  mcasuve  was  evciittially  redeemed  by  uUowances  from 
the  treasury  of  England  in  the  payments  for  service 
b}'  the  eolonies.     The  jiaper  money  of  the   Revohition  h:id 
no    such    foun(hition.       After    a    brief    season    of    ajiparcnt 
solidity  it   gradually  depreciated   in  vahie   until   in  1781   it 
utterly   faDed   and    suddenly    went    out    of    circulation    by 
general  consent.     The  experience  of  tlie  ])eo})le  of  Asliburn- 
ham  from  tliis  source  was  ])rol)ably  no  gi'eater  and  certainly 
no  less  than  that  of  other  towns.      Sums  of  money  voted  by 
the  tovrn  for  specific  puqioses  so  rapidly  depreciated  in  \aluc 
before  the  tax  could  be  assessed  and  collected  that  the  appro- 
priation became  inadequate  for  the  purposes  proposed  and 
fi'equcnt   disputes    concerning .  balances    arose  between    the 
debtor  and  the  creditor.     Exjilanatory  of  the  intrinsic  value 
of  sums  of  money  mentioned  in  the  preceding  and  subse- 
quent  pages,  the  following  table  commencing  with  the  year 
1777  when  the  depreciation  in  earnest  began  will  represent 
for  each  succeeding  month  tlie  number  of  pounds  that  were 
equivalent  to  one  hundred  pounds  of  standard  value  : 

1777  1778  1779  1780  1781 

January     ....  100  325  742  2934          7500 

February  ....  104  350  8G3  3322          7500 

March  ."....  106  375  1000  373G          7500 

April no  400  1104  4000          7500 

May 114  400  1215  4.S00          7500 

June 120  400  1342  5700        12000 

July 125  425  1477  GOOO 

August 150  450  1C30  6300 

September      ...  175  475  1800  6500 

October      ....  275  500  2030  6700 

November.     ...  300  545  2308  7000 

December  ....  310  634  2393  7300 

The  burden  of  taxation  is  seen  in  the  following  excerpts 
ft'om  the  town  records.  Other  sums  were  assessed  for  Avar 
purposes  under  command  of  the  General  Court,  of  which  no 
entry  was  made  in  the  current  volume  of  records. 

'.(■■   ;:■ 

I..;.  :jni. 

-i>  / 

:.|..-i.,r,  V, 

.  !■■■ 

' '  I .-  - , 

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1     '  ^'i 


1778  December  16.     We  ])  assessed  the  inliahitants  and  estates 

in  said  town  in  the  sum  of  £401-19-6  and 
have  committed  the  lists  to  the  constables 
for  collection. 

1779  Felauary   IS.     Town    and    county   rate  committed  for  col- 

lection £357-9-11. 
1779       August  SO.     Voted    and    granted    £Gir>0    to    defray    the 
charges  of  the  war. 

1779  September  13.     We  have  assessed  the  inhabitants  and  es- 

tates in  -Ashburnham  in  the  sum  of 
£26364-7-0  and  have  committed  the  same 
to  the  constables  for  collection. 

1780  January  27.     Committed  for  collection  state  and  county 

rate  amounting  to  the  sum  of  £4328-9-0. 

1780  June  14.     Voted  and  granlcd  £2500  to  defray  towii 


1780  June  27.     CoinmilLoil  State  tox  for  collection  amount- 

ing to  £6966. 

1780  July  3.     Voted   and   granted   £7000   to  defray  the 

charges  of  the  war  and  that  the  committee 
give  security  for  an}'  money  that  may  be 

1781  March  5.     Voted   that    each  man  be  allowed  fifteen 

pounds  per  day  for  labor  on  the  highway. 
1781  August  20.     Voted  and  granted  £300  silver  money  for 

town  cluirges. 
.  Voted  that  the  coustal-ks  take  four  shil- 

;,;  ,  '  lings  in  lieu  of  one  hundred  dollars  old 

:  *    ,  emission  from  those  persons  who  are  be- 

hind in  rates. 

By  a  resohc  of  the  General  Court  adopted  in  Septcm])cr, 
1780,  Asliburnliam  was  required  to  supply  the  army  with 
three  thousand  one  hundred  and  twenty  pounds  of  beef. 
The  new  obligation  was  promptly  met  by  the  toAvn. 


<A   ? 

ti  r^,\\! 


■t      !)■!!;;      I,.-.    M 

,■  .    ■-;...-     :  ■■•■  •*''•''' 

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,,     ;       1     .:;■■=  ;!:(.-i4, 

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1780  October  5.     ^"oted   that  Amos  La-wrence  bin- 3120  Ihs. 

of  beef  for  the  tinny. 

In  Dcecin1)or  following  Ibe  Gciiernl  Coinl  made  a  second 
I'equisition  for  1)ecf  and  again  the  inhabitMids  of  Asliburnbam 
are  assembled  in  town  meeting  prepai-ed  to  second  the  pro- 
visions of  the  Legislature  for  the  snpport  of  Ihe  arm}'. 

]  780     December  27.     Voted  and  granted  X'7200   for  buying  beef 
for  the  army. 

Probably  Oii  account  of  the  depreciation  of  the  currency, 
this  sum  proved  inadequate  for  the  purpose.  The  proportion 
of  Ashburnhani  was  five  thousand  nine  hundred  and  ninety- 
two  pounds. 

1781  January  15.     Voted  and  granted  £1800  to  be  added   to 

£7200  granted  at  the  last  meeting  and  voted 
that  Capt.  Francis  Lane  purchase  the  beef. 

In  June  following  came  another  demand  fiom  the  Legisla- 
ture and  anotl)cr  town  meeting  was  the  natural  sequence. 
This  meeting  was  convened  Julv  11,  and  after  listeninir  to 
the  requisition,  the  town  chose  Captain  Lane ''to  buy  the 
beef  \\-anted,"  and  at  the  same  meeting  instructed  their  agent 
to  procure  the  beef  for  which  ilie  town  was  in  arrears  on  the 
former  requisitions.  Either  reminded  of  tlieii*  delinquency, 
or  prompted  by  a  sense  of  dciy,  the  town  are  assembled 
again  in  August  and  pass  the  final  vote  on  the  subject  in 
choosing  Benjamin  Lane  to  buy  all  the  beef  that  is  wanted 
for  the  army.  The  last  requisition  was  for  twelve  thousand 
four  hundred  and  seventy-three  pounds. 

Among  the  cumulative  burdens  of  the  Ecvolution,  and 
another  item  in  the  extended  list  of  the  demands  upon  the 
resources  of  a  patriotic  and  uncomplaining  people,  was  a 
second  requisition  for  clothing:   which  came  simultaneously 

,,i  ,■  ,,.  ,  :;.r!:    io 

<lj  >(■  '<i!    '• 

f   !         .     <!!.'' 

!■,  '    t 


with  the  thiid  :rud  hist  requisition  for  beef.  It  "was  a 
renewed  a]")p<"';il  to  the  patriotism  of  the  times.  Our  wortlues 
neither  faltered  nor  eoin[)h'uned  ])U(  })rontptly  })aid  every 
demand  upon  their  slender  means  and  every  titlie  upon 
their  dailv  toil.  In  addition  to  the  meetinir  for  the  ehoico  of 
State  officers,  there  M"ere  seven  town  meetings  in  the  year 
1781,  and  the  burden  of  them  all  to  raise  money  and 
consequently  to  increase  the  lien  upon  their  future  crops  and 
the  future  labor  of  themselves  and  tlieir  families.  During 
the  elo^ing  years  of  the  war  the  experience  of  the  patriot  at 
home,  oppressed  by  povert}"  and  met  by  the  vigilant  demands 
of  increasing  taxation,  is  a  sublime  exhibition  of  patience 
and  courage.  Frequently  compelled  to  surrender  to  the  oft- 
returning  tax-gatherer  the  choicest  of  his  herds  and  the 
ripening  product  of  his  fields,  making  contrilnitions  of  beef 
from  the  needs  of  his  family  and  dividing  his  garments  with 
the  soldier  in  the  iield,  he  teaches  posterity  the  sacrilices 
made  and  the  ])rice  paid  for  national  existence.  Ever 
prominent  in  the  annals  of  ^Ashburnham  and  seen  in  the 
light  of  the  lustre  of  the  achievements  in  the  field  will  be 
the  home  trials  and  the  sacritices  which  attended  the  daily 
life  of  the  patriot  citizen. 

W  !  i  i 

I J      f!i.'|ft 

11,-..:,.  I,, 

:,  ;,   ,    :-'■        :■]      :■■■<..■.      ■ 

*!l;  in  ,,,,. 

chapt]':e.  yi. 

















A  coxsiDKKABLE  iiumbcr  of  the  citizens  of  this  town  -who 
removed  hither  during  the  hi-t  years,  or  .soon  after  the  close 
of  the  Itevohition,  li:id  prt;vioasly  served  in  the  unny. 
AVhih^.  tlieir  service  constitutes  no  part  of  the  histoiy  of  Ash- 
burnliani  in  the  Revohition,  these  men  sulisequeuth'  became 
so  intimately  connected  with  the  affairs  of  this  town  that  the 
events  of  their  lives  are  a  part  of  its  general  liistory  and 
their  seiwice  in  the  war,  even  if  perfonned  while  they  were 
residing  elsewhere,  claims  admission  in  this  record  of  the 
lives  and  services  of  the  citizens  of  Ashburnham. 

KiiENEZER  ^NIuxiiOE,   wlio    rcmovcd   to    this   town   about 

1782,  where  he  lived   highly  respected  until  his  death  May 
12  .  177 

/  ,:■ 


[(.!     ,h'!  ■'   J  ._  ■'        '■ ' 

.  (■  1 

178  IllSTOliY    OF    AS1IBU]INIIAM. 

25,  1825,  was  :i  pi-oniinont  ador  in  tlu-.  ongngeinput  tit 
Lcxinglou,  wliicli  is  clearly  estaljlislu;*.]  by  the  depositions 
of  tlioso  wlio  were  engaged  on  that  occasion.  Kcjilyiiig  to  a 
reniarii  made  \yy  a  eomradc  as  the  British  l)egan  tiring  that 
they  only  tired  powder,  Ebenezer  ]\runi'oe  exehiimed,  "They 
have  tired  sometliing  l.iesides  powder  now  for  I  am  w  ounded 
ill  the  arm."  lie  then  discharged  liis  gun  recei\ing  two 
balls  from  them  in  return,  but  neltlier  did  serious  harm. 
His  deposition  was  taken  April  2,  1;:^25,  only  a  short  time 
before  his  death  in  which  he  says,  "After  tlic  tirst  lire  (of 
the  regulars),  I  received  a  wound  in  my  arm  ;  as  I  turned  to 
run  I  discharged  ]\\y  gun  into  the  main  liody  of  the  enemy. 
Another  ball  })assed  between  my  arm  and  my  1)ody  and  just 
marked  my  clothi^s,  one  ball  cut  off  a  jiart  of  my  ear-locks 
which  v,-ere  piiin.ed  u}).  The  balls  i\c\v  so  thick  I  thought 
there  was  no  chtmce  of  escape  and  that  I  might  as  well  tire 
my  gun  as  stand  still  and  do  nothing."  He  claimed  that  he 
fired  the  lirst  gun  on  the  American  side.  Being  wounded  he 
mounted  a  horse  and  rode  from  town  to  town  alai'ining  the 
people  and  carrying  with  him  the  convincing  proof  that  the 
war  in  earnest  had  begun. 

Abhaiiam  Lowe,  while  a  resident  of  Lunenburg,  was  in 
the  service  two  months  at  the  siege  of  Boston,  two  months 
commencing  l)eeem1)er  1,  1775,  and  live  months  in  New' 
York  in  17 7().  He  was  also  a  volunteer  at  the  Bennington 
alarm  in  1777. 

Joseph  Jewett,  then  residing  in  Bolton,  enlisted  for 
eight  months  in  the  spring  of  1778,  and  served  in  New  York. 
Enlisted  again  in  1779  in  Colonel  ])enuey's  regiment;  also 
sciTcd  at  West  Point  three  montlis  in  1780  in  Colonel  Hand's 

Sa:\iuel  Keltox,  then  of  Xeedham,  was  a  sergeant  in 
Captain  Aaron  Smith's  company,  at  Lexington  alarm,  and  a 


i-i    T    fHJI 

'    ■   ■.M'A<\k 

-i     '  '  ■•:-":iri 

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.    ;   •    .  VilAii 


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(Mptaiii  in  Colonel  ]-':itter.soii\s  reuinierit  in  the  siege  of 
]^)OSton.  lie  WHS  know  n  in  AsliburnliMni  as  Captain  Kelion 
from  the  date  of  his  reinoval  hither. 

l\EUi>EN    TowNSENJ),    then    a    citizen    of   Shrews! )ury    in 

1776,  .served   in  Xew  York  five  niontlis  and   nine  months  in 

1777.  His  first  enlistment  was  in  Colonel  Smith's  regiment 
and  tlic  second  in  Colonel  Bigelow's  regiment. 

Isaac  Steakxs,  previous  to  his  removal  from  Bilk'rica, 
was  a  soldier  in  the  siege  of  Boston  eight  months  and  pav- 
tici{)ated  in  the  l)attle  of  Bunker  Hill. 

WiLLiA>[  Steauxs.  a  brother  of  Isaac,  >vas  in  the  same 
company  anvi  for  the  same  length  of  time.  Tic  removed  to 
this  town  soon  after  tliis  service. 

Isaac  ^Virroroin:,  while  a  resident  of  Leominster,  was  in 
Captain  ^Maxvcelks  company  in  Colonel  AVilliam  Prescolt's 
regiment  for  one  year  coumiencing  January  1,  1771),  and 
was  discharged  at  Peekskill,  Xew  York.  X^o  record  of 
service  after  his  removal  to  this  town  has  been  found.  Tlie 
war  record  of  Edward  AVhitmorc,  being  performed  after  his 
removal  to  this  town,  is  found  in  the  preceding  chapter. 

CiiAKLES  Hastings,  then  living  in  Princeton,  served  two 
months  in  17 7G  in  Phode  Island,  also  six  months  in  1777  in 
Colonel  Keyes'  regiment,  and  tliis  service  was  also  in  Phode 
Island.  Enlisted  again  in  1778,  and  vras  a  guard  over 
prisoners  from  Burgoyne's  army  at  AN'atertown  and  later  at 
Puthtnd.  This  service  was  three  or  four  months.  Lnmedi- 
utelv  after  he  enlisted  in  Colonel  A^"ade's  regiment  and  served 
six  months  again  in  Pliode  Island  and  was  in  the  eniraire- 
ment  at  Xewport ;  also  was  in  the  continenttil  army  six 
nionths  commencing  July,  1780,  and  serving  a  pai't  of  the 
enlistment  in  Colonel  Greaton's  regiment  he  was  transferred 
to  Captain  Haskell's  company  of  Light  Infantry  under 
General  Lafavette.     This  service  was  at  West  Point. 

cT  1 

1  •;  / 

■  ■■     \  ■'.    ;■■  .:  M 

.  r  !; 


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1    <Mfi\.  ■'■■■I- 


[       i;. 




Daaid  Wallis,  then  a  resident  of  Luaenburo:  and  a  youtli 
of  seventeen  years,  ^vas  in  the  service  one  month  in  Captain 
Bellows'  conipan}'  and  was  at  Fort  Edward.  In  1778  he 
was  three  months  at  Castle  A7illiam,  again  in  1779  he  served 
three  montlis  in  Captain  Martin's  eo]ni)any  stationed  at 
Governor's  island  and  Castle  William. 

Cyeus  Faiebaxks,  then  residing  in  Harvard,  was  a  volun- 
teer at  the  X^exington  alarm  and  sulisequently  a  drummer 
eight  months  in  Captain  Jonathan  Davis'  company;  was 
stationed  at  Caml)ridge  and  at  l*rospect  Hill.  In  177(3  was 
a  drum-3uajor  in  the  army  near  the  Hudson,  was  also  at  Fort 
Edward  one  month  in  1777. 

Ebene/er  AYallls,  at  the  age  of  fourteen  years,  was  in 
the  service  three  months  at  West  Point  in  1780.  The  fol- 
lowing year  lie  eidisted  again  for  three  months  and  -\sas  at  or 
near  AVest  Point.  The  tirst  service  was  in  Colonel  l^and's 
regiment  and  the  last  service  was  in  Colonel  AVebh's  red- 
ment.  After  the  war  he  resided  in  Lunenburg  and  in 
Vermont,  removing  to  Ashburnham  aljout  1830.  In  1835 
he  started  for  Xew  York  and  died  on  the  way. 

Thomas  Gibson,  then  of  Fitchbujg,  served  five  months 
in  the  siege  of  Boston  and  two  months  in  1776  in  New  York. 
In  1777  he  served  in  Captain  Thurlo's  company  and  in  1780 
he  again  enlisted  for  three  months  and  joined  the  Xoi-thern 
anny  at  and  near  West  Point.  He  also  served  a  few  months 
at  ]>()ston  harlx)r.  Removed  to  Ashburnham  ^  ery  soon  after 
his  last  term  of  service. 

JoxAS  PxicE,  then  residhig  at  .Salem,  was  a  volunteer  at 
the  alarm  at  Lexington  and  served  eight'months  in  the  sicire 
of  Boston.  He  then  removed  to  Sterling  and  from  there 
enlisted  in  177G  for  five  months  and  was  assigned  to  the 
anny  in  Xew  York.  In  1777  he  served  two  months  in 
Rhode  Island.      Removed  to  Ashburnham  in  1779. 

-•><  :         ■  '    I 

',       Iw      'V 

;.!-(, r; 

ii   .X)^r-  ;■:   I'D 

.... J  ivto"  •■-'(>!  v:fi»--       a'l  •-''.' 


T\F.i']4EX  }\iCK  was  dral'tcd  at  I>aiicastor  December,  177G, 
jor  a  term  of  tliree  montlis  and  served  tlie  time  in  Xew 
Jersey.  While  temporarily  I'esiding  in  Wineliendon  in  1777 
lie  served  in  Captain  Boynton's  company  in  Xew  York,  In 
tlie  spring  of  1780  lie  removed  to  this  town  and  was  subse- 
<|neiit]y  in  the  army  at  West  Point. 

ErjAKiM  liiCE  )-emoved  to  this  town  in  1771^  or  1780. 
He  resided  liej-c  several  years  and  removed  to  ITartland, 
Vermont,  While  a  resident  of  Salem  he  served  two  or  more 
enlistments.  He  was  at  the  siege  of  Boston  in  Colonel 
Bridge's  regiment.  His  company,  in  which  was  his  brother 
Jonas  Piice,  was  engaged  at  the  Ixittle  of  Ikmker  Hill. 

Jaeez  MAi;nLE,  then  of  Stow,  served  from  October,  1775, 
to  March,  177(3,  at  the  siege  of  Boston  in  Captain  Brooks' 
company,  Colonel  Dyke's  regiment.  This  service  was  per- 
formed for  his  twin  brother  Oliver,  who  had  previonsly 
served  three  months  of  an  enlistment  for  eight  months. 
Only  the  name  of  Oliver  ^larble  is  fonnd,  as  Jal)cz  ]\Iarble 
unsv:ered  to  that  name  while  completing  the  term  of  his 
brotlier.  He  served  terms  of  two  months  each  in  1777  and 
1779,  both  in  Kluxle  Island,  and  in  a  later  campaign  in  the 
sam(>  locality  he  served  thi'cc  months  in  1780.  The  two 
l)roti!ers  removed  to  Ashburr.ham  from  Stow,  1780. 

IvK.MUEL  S'liMsoN',  wlio  removed  to  this  town  near  the 
clovo  of  the  war,  had  })re\iousIy  served  two  or  more  enlist- 
ments. He  was  in  the  siege  of  Boston  and  was  engaged  in 
tl>e  battle  of  Bnnker  Hill.  His  second  service  was  at 
Ticonderoga  in  1770.  He  was  a  native  of  Weston  and 
resided  in  that  town  nntil  he  removed  to  Ashburnham. 

Abraham  Towxsexd  removed  to  this  town  aliout  1778, 
where  he  resided  many  yeai-s.  Later  he  removed  to  Berlin, 
Vermont.  He  was  in  the  service  eight  months  at  Fishkill 
Jn  1778.     Xo  further  record   has  been  found  and  tiiere  is  no 

I  -    V    ;■'  'i 

,..,7  •'•>'.     ^jr;^    .!.     ■■!'( 

182  HlSTOriY    OF    ASBBUIiN'HAM. 

reaso)i   to  presnine  that  ho   ^vas  not   in  tho  service  at  other 
times  during  tho  war. 

Joirx  licnvAfAX,  Avho  resided  in  Lexington  until  alter  the 
Revolution,  removed  lVom  AndoNer  to  this  lown  .^bout  1810, 
served  lour  enlistments  and  is  found  on  the  rolls  of  ^^crvicc 
in  New  York  and  Rhode  TsLind. 

Joshua  Fi.etcjieu,  then  of  AVestford,  served  an  enlist- 
ment of  seven  months  in  Boston  har])or  and  again  three 
months  at  Boston,  lie  then  in  February.  17  77,  entered  the 
continental  army  for  three  yeai's  and  ^vas  in  Captaiii  lliomas' 
company.  Colonel  ^Marshall's  regiment.  lie  was  at  the 
battle  of  Stilhvater,  the  surrender  of  Burgoyne,  and  passed 
the  winter  at  Valley  Forge.  Following  the  army  in  177(S  to 
Xew  York  on  account  of  disaliility  he  was  granted  a  leave  of 
absence  August  29,  1778,  })ut  was  unable  to  rejoin  the  army. 
lie  removed  to  Aslil)urnham  about  1810. 

JoSEi'ii  ]\Ieukia:m,  then  of  Lexington,  served  two  months 
in  Rhode  Island  in  1779.  In  the  following  yeav  he  was  one 
of  the  six  months'  recruits  in  the  continental  armv,  being 
assigned  to  Colonel  ^Marshall's  legiment.  This  service  M'as 
in  New  York.  In  1781,  he  again  enlisted  by  agreement 
with  the  town  of  Bedford,  and  counted  on  the  quota  of  that 
tov;n  and  was  again  assigned  to  the  Xortherii  army  on  the 
Hudson.  He  removed  to  Ashburnham  at  the  close  of  the 
war  and  subsequently  to  Tenq)leton.      •  • 

Asa  BuocKLEi'.AMv,  while  residing  in  irmdge,  served  two 
enlistments,  lie  removed  to  this  town  in  1777  and  returned 
to  Rindge  after  a  residence  here  of  several  years. 

It  is  possible,  and  the  conjecture  is  reasonable,  that  the 
names  of  some  revolutionary  soldiers,  who  resided  in  this 
town  during  the  war  or  soon  after  removed  hither,  are  not 
included  in  these  pages.  Indeed,  it  has  been  shown  that 
there    were    demands    for    men    and    (juotas   were   fdled    in 

r '■.;:  '!' 

.'■y  .J  "!'>  II  Hi:  , 

■    i     >■■  . 

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UM-:      •<) 

:•  '< 


sovcral   instances  wliorc  only  a  part  of  the  names  coukl  he 

The  fact  that  there  Avere  more  enlistments  than  are  liere- 
recorded  is  additional  credit  to  the  town  and  augments  its 
patriotic  record.  In  the  preceding  chapter  and  in  tlie  fore- 
jioing  record  of  service,  nothing  has  been  assumed.  If 
service  in  the  array  vras  not  sustained  by  the  record  it  has 
been  neither  disputed  nor  asserted.  It  has  now  l)ecome 
a  fact  that  the  men  of  the  Ixcvolntion  who  did  not  win 
the  laurels  of  war  by  j^ersonal  service  have  had  them 
thrust  upon  them  by  the  generous  and  applauding  lips  of 
tradition.  The  missing  rolls  of  many  Massachusetts  regi- 
ments oive  unusual  license  to  conjectural  statements,  but 
afhrmativc  testimony  is  the  prime  requisite  of  historical 
statement.  In  every  instance  au  honest  etlbrt  has  been 
made  to  obtain  all  the  available  record  on  any  sul)ject,  and 
Avhile  employing  every  established  fiict,  the  more  fanciful 
narrative  of  tradition  has  always  been  heard  with  many 
grains  of  allowance  ;  and  if  for  these  substantial  reasons  the 
history  of  Ashburnham  is  not  as  extended  as  might  be 
desired,  it  is  mainly  correct. 

The  following  statements  made  by  the  actors  in  the  great 
drama  of  the  Ptevolution  wei-e  secured  through  the  generous 
favors  of  Hon.  Henry  ^y.  T.hur,  United  States  Senator  from 
New  Hampshire.  These  papers  were  received  after  the 
material  for  the  preceding  chapter  collected  from  many 
sources  had  been  arranged  in  the  order  of  events.  Of  great 
interest  in  themselves  they  also  sustain  the  outlines  of  the 
narrative  to  which  they  are  subjoined.  These  papers,  being 
the  sworn  statements  of  the  revolutionary  soldiers  in  support 
of  their  several  applications  for  pension,  are  authentic 
accounts  of  their  service.  It  is  a  matter  of  regret  that  the 
personal  statement   of    all  who   bore  arms  in   the    war  tor 

.;.■  :     .'     I.I..'.  ;  t     !• 

h/;  = 

]','.  > 

'  r     '  :;i  ;:  ,  .. ;  i;',v<    ■ ;  i; 

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'•  I-.        !     ■  .'1 

">        ■■■:Ui         '.:'\       Ini 

-     >i!1    '    :     K.-iil' 


iudcpeudcncc  arc  no!  jiro^-cived.  It  is  sii;i"!2:csled  at  once  that 
only  the  youiigrr  soldier^  were  living  at  tlio  time  these  appli- 
cations for  pension  v/ere  made.  Jt  also  apj)ears  that  some 
of  the  a})})]ic'ants  g'a^'e  only  a  ])artial  account  of  the  service 
performed.  In  such  cases,  doubtless,  it  ^vas  not,  deemed 
necessary  to  assert  and  pi'ove  more  than  one  or  two  enlist- 
ments, and,  seizing  u}3on  th.^se  terms  of  service  Avliich  could 
be  jnost  easily  proved,  rio  mention  Asas  made  of  additional 
service.  Others,  it  will  be  observiul,  present  a  full  accoimt 
of  eacli  enlistment. 

JoxATJiAX  Gates,  whose  afhdavit  introduces  these  interest- 
ing accounts  of  personal  service,  was  a  son  of  Captain  Jona- 
than Gates.  AVhen  an  iiit^:uit,  and  previous  to  the  date  of 
incorporation,  the  fajnily  remoN'cd  U)  this  to^vn.  September 
11,  1832,  at  the  age  of  seventy  years,  he  says: 

I.  He  enlisted  at  Cambridge  in  April,  1775,  in  Captain  David 
Wilder's  company,  of  \Yhich  Jonathan  Gates,  Sen.,  was  lieutenant, 
in  Colonel  Asa  Whitcomb's  regiment,  and  marched  from  Cambridge 
to  Prospect  Hill  where  he  remained  during  the  eight  months  of  his 
enlistment,  and  after  the  expiration  of  his  time  he  volunteered  to 
sta}-  until  new  recruits  came,  and  stayed  there  tlirce  months  longer, 
making  eleven  months  in  all. 

II.  In  September,  1777,  a  sliort  time  before  the  taking  of 
Burgoyne,  enlisted  at  Ashburn'iam  under  Ca[itaiii  Jonathan  Gates, 
Sen.,  for  one  motith.  Colonel  bellows  connii:inded  the  regiment 
and  we  marched  for  the  place  when  Burgo^'ue  was  taken  near 
Beaman's  Heights. 

III.  Enlisted  at  Ashburnham  soon  after  tlie  taking  of  Bur- 
goyne, thinks  it  was  in  1777,  under  Captain  Whitney;  marched 
to  Castle  NVilliam  and  was  there  three  months  on  guard  over 
prisoners  from  Burgoyne's  army. 

IV.  Enlisted  at  Ashburnliam  in  1778  or  1779  [it  was  in 
December,  1777]  for  three  months  under  Cajjtain  Jonathan 
Gates,  Sen.,  marched  to  Bound  Brook,  Xew  Jersey,  and  remained 
there  for  the  full  term  of  his  service. 

i,i>;U-i'.'>:''     '•'.- 

i,.  :ij;  .-i:i-. 

1  .    I  .'.' 

.-|.iiJ   '!<;■••'    •v:v<'>rr 

^  ',:  i_  ^' 


V.  In  1780,  or  1781  [it  was  iu  1779],  enlisted  for  six  months 
at  Ashburuham  in  Co.ptJun  Fisko's  company,  iu  Colonel  Jficksou's 
regiment  and  remained  there  for  his  term  of  service. 

In  1838  'My.  Gates  gives  additional  particulars  of  liis  last 
service  and  says,  "That  orders  were  received  for  a  certain 
nundier  of  men  to  go  to  Ivliode  Island  ;  tliought  the  luniiber 
required  of  Ashburuham  v>as  seven,  and  he  turned  out  as 
one  of  the  seven.  Xo  oilicer  but  a  sergeant  ^vent  out  with 
Ihem.  Tiic  sergeant  v:is  Josepli  >Stone.  "SA'hen  tliey  readied 
Providence,  he  was  requested  to  go  into  Captain  Fiske's 
company.  lie  thinks  that  Captain  Fiske's  jirst  name  was 
J:ired.  Re  was  not  sure  lip  had  given  the  3'ear  correctly 
but  it  was  when  the  r)ritish  lay  on  Rhode  Island.  After 
about  two  months'  service  he  was  detailed  with  seventeen 
others,  a  li(^utenant,  one  corporal  and  sixteen  privates,  to  go 
on  board  a  prison  ship  in  which  were  tliirty-two  British 
prisoners;  the  ship  lay  at  Fox  Point,  below  I'rovidence. 
He  was  on  this  ship  about  six  weeks  and  received  a  wound 
on  his  head  b}'  the  breech  of  a  musket.  The  prisoners  rose 
upon  them  one  night  and  got  possession  of  some  of  the  guns. 
He  was  struck  on  the  head  in  coming  up  the  hatch^vay  and 
bore  tlie  marks  then  (1833)  of  the  blow.  They  succeeded 
in  getting  the  mastery  over  the  prisoners  without  the  loss  of 
any  lives  on  the  part  of  the  guard,  but  t^vo  of  the  prisoner^ 
were  nn'ssing.  Soon  after  this  he  was  detailed  with  twenty 
others  to  go  to  Bristol  after  hay  for  the  continental  horses. 
The  hay  was  brought  upon  three  boats,  seven  men  to  a  boat, 
the  whole  under  command  of  Lieutenant  Xestle.'' 

Ho  further  alleges,  "that  he  was  born  at  Harvard  Septem- 
ber 27,  17G2,  and  lived  at  Ashburnham  during  the  war." 
He  moved  to  Salisbury,  Xonv  York,  1798,  to  Antwerp,  Xew 
York,  1815,  and  to  Chami)ion,  Xew  York,  1818. 

I  •;.  I     -'.,!; 

,1  •'        'I 


::  .\,A--    ■:'r\I 

-)i';   ''ij 

!,'f-i  ■' i  ■'  i  o;::  (» 

'■7;    "»; 


JoxATiiAX  Sa:\isox,  oldest  soM  of  Jonathan  Samson,  was 
born  at  Harvard,  May  7,  1759.  The  family  settled  hi  this 
town  previous  to  date  of  incorporation.  His  slatement  was 
made  in  this  town  Septeml)er  G,  lS-'^)2,  in  which  he  says  : 

I.  He  enlisted  in  Decemlier,  1775.  for  six  months  and  went  to 
Roxbui'v,  ^Massachusetts,  and  was  put  into  tl>e  militia  eouipany 
of  Captain  Hill  of  IJaivard.  Thomas  iMcBiidc  of  Boston  was 
lieutenant  and  Samuel  Sawin  of  Westminster  was  ensign. 

IT.  Again,  enlisted  in  'early  part  of  smnraer  of  1776  for  four 
and  a  half  months  and  went  to  Dorchester,  jNIassaehusetts,  and 
was  put  into  militia  company  of  Ca[)tain  Manasseh  Sawyer  of 
Sterling.  Samuel  Sawin  of  Westminster  was  lieutenant  and  the 
ensign  was  Carter.  He  was  employed  the  whole  time  in  building 
forts  at  Dorchester  Heigiits. 

III.  Again  enlisted  in  December,  177C,  for  three  months  in 
the  last  named  company,  and  was  stationed  during  this  service  at 
Dorchester  Point  near  Boston. 

IV".  He  also  entered  the  service  in  July  or  August,  1777,  was 
called  out.  A  detachment  of  Burgoyne's  army  had  made  an  in- 
cursion into  Vermont  and  a  call  was  made  on  Ashburnham  for 
volunteers  to  go  to  oppose  this  force.  Says  he  marched  with 
about  twenty  others.  They  went  as  far  as  Charlemont,  Massa- 
chusetts, where  the}'  were  ordered  to  wait  further  orders  and  while 
there  the  company  was  dismissed.  They  volunteered  for  one 
month  but  were  out  only  about  three  weeks. 

V.  Again  enlisted  in  April,  177.S,  for  three  months  in  a  militia 
company  commanded  by  Cajjtain  White  of  r>ancaster,  Massa- 
chusetts, and  was  stationed  on  Castle  island  in  Boston  harbor. 

VI.  Again  enlisted  in  July,  1780,  for  three  months,  and 
marched  to  West  Point,  New  York,  and  on  his  arrival  there  was 
put  in  a  company  commanded  by  Captain  Reed.  The  lieutenant 
was  Brigham  of  Northborough,  IMassachusetts.  Arnold  had  com- 
mand there  during  tl^is  time  and  his  plot  to  surrender  to  the  enemy 
was  discovered  during  this  time. 

;■•■  ^r^■'^ 

.  U- 

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.  '  ■  Will 

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William  "N'^'ard,  of  As1ibur)ihain,  says  "tliat  lie  served  with 
the  claimant  dui'iui;:  (lie  last  eiilistmeiit." 

Joliu  Hall,  of  Ashlnunluim,  saj's  tliat  "he  served  witli  the 
claimant  during  the  fiftli  service." 

EzEKiEL  SuATTUCK  ^NIetcat.i",  a  son  of  Jose})h  ^[etcalf, 
was  born  in  Gvotoii  October  13,  1751).  The  family  removed 
to  Ashburnham,  1770.  lie  died  ?ila}'31,  1831.  In  support 
of  the  widow's  a])plication  fur  a  pension,  the  following  state- 
ments were  made  at  Ashburnlurin,  xVugust  20,  183U  : 

Eunice  (Brooks)  Metcalf,  widuvr  of  Ezekiel  Sliattuck  IMetcalf, 
alleged  that  her  husband  served  as  an  orderly  sergeant  and  private 
in  the  war  of  the  Revolution.  She  thinks  that  he  served  thirteen 
or  fourteen  uionths  in  all ;  and  that  one  term  was  in  Rhode  Island 
and  one  at  Roxbury,  and  that  one  of  said  services  was  rendered 
under  Captain  Gates  and  the  other  under  Captain  Jackson  of 
Gardner.  That  later  he  rendered  a  service  at  Bennington  at  tlic 
time  of  tlie  battle  there  in  Captain  Edgell's  company,  and  says  she 
was  in  the  field  with  her  father  and  while  there  ]\Icteali  came  to 
the  field,  being  on  the  way  to  the  north  part  of  Ashburnham,  to 
warn  some  of  the  soldiers  to  go  to  Bennington.  Says  she  was  an 
inhabitant  of  Groton  at  the  time  when  ^letealf  rendered  his  hrst 
services,  but  that  he  resided  at  Ashburnham  from  early  eliildliood 
to  his  death. 

Margaret  (I\Jotcalf)  Townsend,  widow  of  the  elder  Reuben 
Townseud,  September  10,  IS.Ll'J,  says  she  was  a  sisler  of  Ezekiel 
Shattuck  Metcalf,  and  that  he  being  ouh*  sixteen  years  old  served 
six  weeks  at  Roxbury.  Onl}'  four  went  from  .Vsh'ournham  and 
her  brother  and  her  father  were  two  of  them.  She  remembers  of 
preparing  clothing  for  her  brother  and  that  he  again  entered  the 
army  for  six  months  and  served  in  Rhode  Island.  He  left  liome 
then  in  the  spring  and  while  gone  his  tent  was  barned  and  he  h'st 
a  part  of  his  clothing  and  sent  home  for  a  new  supply  which  we 
prepared  and  sent  by  ni}'  brother  Sanmel.  He  was  an  orderly 
sergeant  in  tliis  service.     She  savs  her  father  and  brother  left  for 

iM':     -■     i'r.t  '•; 

:;.;..   GdJ 

Mll/1      I    I    !<'.  /■;!»''     1'    ''-.     -    ,     :   '    >li    /.l*i      i 

l.M/-      I 

188  HISTORY   OF    .\  SlIBUliNHA.M 

Koxbury  on  t!ie  six  weeks'  tour  in  llic  nionlli  of  November  or 
December,  and  tliat  licr  father  was  ii  sergeant  in  the  company  at 
home,  but  not  at  ]\oxbury. 

Charles  Hastings,  of  Asliburnham,  Marcii  10,  1840,  alleges  that 
he  enlisted  frorn  Princeton,  that  he  served  six  weeks  in  Rhode 
Island  with  Metcalf  and  was  in  another  cotnpan}'  of  the  sanie  regi- 
ment, and  that  after  the  war  he  purchased  a  farm  near  Metcalf 
and  they  often  talked  over  thoir  service.  lie  had  heard  Metcalf 
say  he  v/as  an  orderly  sergeant  in  that  service. 

On  iilo  with  these  aflidiivits,  lliere  is  an  original  order 
wliich  vras  })ut  in  as  evidence  in  the  case. 

AsunuuNHA^t  Jan'j-  15   1782. 
To  Mr.  Capt.  Bexjamix  Edgkal, 

Sir  please  to  pa3'  to  the  Barer  the  State  pay  for  the  sarvis  I  did 
in  your  company  in  the  year  1778  and  this  Resept  shall  be  your 

distorg  for  the  same. 


SA:\ruEL  ]Mktcalf,  a  brother  of  Ezekiel,  was  born  Marcli 
15,  17G1,  and  died  December  25,  1822.  The  widow  alleges 
"that  he  served  in  Ca})tain  Gates'  coni}>any  of  Asa  AYhit- 
conib's  regiment  at  the  alarm  April  111,  17  75."  If  so,  he 
was  only  fourteen  years  of  age  and  his  name  does  not  appear 
on  the  rolls  of  the  conijnuiy.  She  was  Ids  second  wife  and 
was  born  in  177t>,  and  })()-siI»ly  could  ho  in  eri'or  in  regard 
to  tlie  events  of  the  war.  In  the  case  are  tiled  nunut(^s  from 
muster  rolls  which  prove  service  of  Samuel  Mctctdf  in 
Captain  Joseph  Sargeant's  comjiany  in  Ivhode  Island,  1777  ; 
in  Captain  CoM'din's  comptiny  to  rcenforce  the  continental 
army  in  177t>  ;  and  his  name  appears  on  list  of  six  months' 
recruits  in  1780.  In  this  case  there  was  also  filed  tin  oriijinal 
order,  as  follows  : 

AsiiiiURNUAJi  July  3  178-i. 

Sir:  Please  to  pay  to  Sewill  Moore  the  whole  of  my  conti- 
nental wages  that  is  due  me  for  three  months  service  done  in  the 


'-'  /'■ 

1<  > 

'  i. 

■iM  :■■' 

•.    .>;h       .( 

7.    .:  ^li ■yj.'^> 

■■■■    ■:.:'    i,-'»"' 


t^  ,  ,">  '♦ill  ot 


;  I  fti  ^■ 


year  1779  and  this  shall  be  your  Kuflicicnt  discharge  for  tlic  same 
as  will  appear  b}'  the  Captain's  books. 

Attest :  Rebecca  Metcalf 

Sauah   Winchester. 

It  wPiS  represented  in  llic  preceding  cbapter  tliat  David 
Clark  and  bis  sons,  David  and  Benjamin,  were  in  the  service 
much  of  the  time  during  the  war.  The  family  removed  from 
Concord  to  Aslibiirnham  previous  to  1765. 

David  Clai;i:,  Jr.,  under  date  of  April  14,  1818,  testifies 
to  one  term  of  service.  It  is  kno^vn  tliat  he  A^■as  in  the  aiiny 
at  other  times.  He  alleges  that  he  served  in  the  continental 
establishment  from  ]\Iarch,  1781,  to  December  2-1,  1783; 
first,  in  the  company'  of  Ca])tain  Ivilby  Smith  in  the  wSixth 
Massachusetts  IJegiment,  ;ind  then  in  the  same  company  in 
the  Second  ^Nlassacluisetts  Ivcgimcnt  after  the  reduction  of 
the  Sixtli,  under  Major  Piurnham,  commandant.  Clark's 
original  discharge,  signed  by  General  Henry  Knox,  is  on 
file,  with  his  a})plication  for  })ension.  In  Jid}',  1820,  Cia.vk 
made  an  additional  statement  hi  which  he  asserts,  ''  he  is  a 
farmer  in  Ashburnham,  has  a  wife  Sarah,  aged  tifty-thrce 
years,  whose  health  is  good ;  a  daughter  Grata,  aged 
seventeen  years,  who  is  feeble;  a  daugliter  Sally,  sixteen 
years,  who  is  in  good  lieahh,  and  a  son  (ieorge  "Washington, 
aged  eight  years.  These,"  lie  says,  "are  all  the  children  who 
reside  with  me." 

David  Ciiaffix,  a  son  of  Timothy  ChafGn,  was  fourteen 
years  of  age  in  1775  when  the  family  removed  from  Ilaivard. 
Increasing  in  years  and  proljably  in  stature,  he  became  u 
soldier  in  1777.     Ho  says: 

I.  He  was  drafted  in  August,  1777,  at  Ashburnham  for  three 
months  [his  father  was  drafted  and  he  went  as  a  substitute],  and 
marched  to  Bennington,  thence  to  Stillwater  and  there  jobicd  tlie 

'  -M 

r...-;  .  ■■■I 

.'  J . .  : 

A   !. 

.  'j-ii:''  ,-.  <!;v  •  .■  ■'.M'.ui  r      .'■''1  ="{  ■ 


main  anin-  tvnd  remained  there  uutil  Ijiirgoyne  surreudcred  ;  then 
went  to  Half  Moon,  tlieuoe  to  Albany,  and  vrus  thei'c  taken  sick 
and  was  discharged  by  Major  Rand  and  arrived  home  at  Ashburn- 
ham,  November  1. 

II.  lu  June,  1778,  was  drafted  at  Ashburnham  for  six  months  ; 
marched  to  Providence,  and  from  there  into  the  Island,  tlience  to 
Tiverton  where  he  was  discliargcd  by  Captain  Edgell  and  arrived 
home  January  -1  or  5,  1779. 

HI.  In  September,  1779,  at  Asiiburnliam,  enlisted  for  three 
montlis,  as  a  fatigue-man,  undoi'  Captnin  Henry,  marched  to 
Boston,  thence  to  Castle  island  and  Governor's  island,  where  he 
served  out  the  tinK'. 

IV.  In  1780,  enlisted  at  Ashburnliam  for  six  months;  marched 
under  Captain  King  to  Spi-ingfield  and  there  joined  the  regiment 
commanded  by  Colonel  liradford  and  went  to  "West  Point  and  was 
one  of  the  guard  and  within  ten  feet  of  Major  Andre  when  he  was 
executed.  Ivemained  there  until  discliarged  and  reached  home  the 
last  of  December,  1  780. 

Daniel  Bond,  then  of  Claremont,  Xew  Hampshire,  in  July, 
1833,  testilies  that  "he  served  with  Chaffin  at  Boston  in  1779 
and  also  sa^'s  tlvdt  at  one  time  Challin  went  for  his  father  who 
had  been  drafted." 

ChalEn  removed  to  Claremont,  New  Hampshire,  soon  after 
the  lievolution  and  was  j-esiding  there  when  his  application 
foi-  pension  vras  made. 

Knr.XEZEii  ]'>exxett  Davis,  son  of  Captain  Deliverance 
Davis,  was  horn  in  Liilletun  February  4,  1701.  In  his 
infancy  tlic  family  removed  to  this  town.  His  statement  is 
brief  but  it  includes  three  3'ears  of  time  and  the  service 
modestly  stated  was  severe  in  the  .extreme.  April  14,  1818, 
he  alleges  that  "he  enlisted  in  the  conthiental  establishment 
^Slay  20,  1777,  and  served  until  May  20,  1780,  in  tlie 
company  of  Captain  Haflield  AVhite  in  the  Fifth  oVIassachu- 


.';.  U  .  :    I  ■   ^' 

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..J/T      13<.'l''i"i. 

/.il    '•■ 


1/       il.:?-' 


setts  Roginiont,   connnniided  by  Colonol   Jxufus  Putnam    in 
<^enoral  Xixon's  brigtide." 

His  original  discharge  is  on  file  with  his  application. 

This  certifies  that  Bennett  Davis  has  served  three  yenrs  in  the 
fiftli  Massachusetts  Kcginient  Being  the  full  term  of  his  Inlist- 
ment.  Has  conducted  Himself  as  a  good  and  faithful  soldier  and 
is  hereby  Discharged  the  Service. 

Given  under  j\Iy  hand  at  Quarters  Soldiers  foi tune  this  2G  day 

of  May  1780. 


Capt.    ConV^' 

He  states  in  expLaiation  tli:d'  he  was  discharged  in  the 
Ilighhinds  in  the  State  of  ><'e-\v  York  and  that  lie  enlisted 
under  the  name  of  Bennett  Davis,  but  that  his  full  nauic  is 
Ebenezer  Bennett  Davis. 

Isaac  ]\Ikrkiam  came  to  Ashburnhani  jjj'cvious  to  1774 
and  I'cmained  a  resident  of  this  town  until  after  the  Revolu- 
tion. In  1833,  then  a  resident  of  Xorthumberland,  New 
Hampshire,  alleges  that  he  enlisted  at  Ashburnham  and 
served  tlirce  months  at  Boston  harbor,  docs  not  remember 
the  date. 

II.  Again  in  1779  enlisted  at  Ashburnhcwn  for  six  months  in 
Captain  Fiske's  company  in  Khode  Island,  aiid  thin]<s  the  service 
commenced  in  the  spring.  When  he  had  served  tliree  months,  his 
brother  David  came  and  took  his  place  as  his  substitute. 

III.  Again  enlisted  at  Ashburnham,  he  thinks  in  1780,  for  six 
months  ;  did  not  remember  whether  he  was  then  in  the  Continental 
or  State  Service.  He  marched  to  Springfield  and  then  to  "West 
Point  where  he  remained  about  a  aionth  and  tlien  marched  into 
the  Jerseys  and  was  there  when  Arnold  attempted  to  deliver  up 
"West  Point  and  when  Major  Andre  was  hanged  ;  was  there  about 
a  month  or  more  and  while  there  marched  through  a  place  called 
Topon  or  Tampacin  and  a  place  called  English  Neighborhood,  also 

U.K.    ". 

U    '.i 

I  .       .'         ' 

t    ;  r    1  i :  ■  • 
•  1    ■'■     . 

I     ifi 

,>•    I.:    ..,r-iii^.  ,U-i 

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a  place  called  Haverstraw.  Afterwards  lie  marched  back  to  \Yest 
Point  and  was  there  discharged.  In  this  service  he  belonged  to 
General  Patterson's  brigade  and  Colonel  Bradford's  regiment. 
While  he  was  at  West  Point  two  men  were  sentenced  to  be  and 
were  shot,  lie, does  not  recollect  for  what,  and  two  were  condemned 
to  run  tlie  gauntlet  for  forging  discharges  from  General  Poor  and 
deserting.     He  saw  the  sentence  executed. 

David  Mekimam,  a  brother  of  Isaac  jNIerriam,  presents 
in  1832  the  evidence  of  several  enlistments.  He  was  then 
livino;  in  Brandon,  Vermont. 

I.  He  alleges  that  in  177C,  then  living  at  Ashbnrnhani,  he 
enlisted  January  27,  and  marched  to  Dorclicster  and  labored  on 
the  forts.  Tlie  enemy  killed  four  men  while  he  was  at  Dorclicster. 
The  next  day  they  picked  up  one  thousand  four  hundred  balls. 
It  was  in  jSIarch,  a  few  days  before  they  e^'acnated  the  place. 
Was  discharged  at  Dorchester. 

II.  In  1777,  when  they  heard  of  Burgoyne's  approach,  he 
enlisted  for  two  [one]  months  in  Captain  Gates'  company  of 
Colonel  Bellows'  regiment.  We  marched  to  Bennington  but  did 
not  arrive  until  a  da}'  or  two  after  the  battle,  then  marched  to 
Furt  Pxlward  where  he  joined  the  Rangers  and  joined  the  main 
arm\'  at  Stillwater.  He  was  again  at  Fort  P>dward,  where  he  was 
discharged,  at  tlie  time  Burgoyne  surrendered. 

HI.  In  1779,  he  again  enlisted  for  three  months  in  Captain 
Fiske's  company  and  marched  to  Providence,  thence  to  Bristol, 
and  wlien  the  enemy  left  Newport  thej-  marched  in.  Was  sick  part 
of  the  time  and  was  discharged  after  tiiree  montlis'  service.  [The 
name  of  Isaac  Merriam  is  borne  on  the  rolls  from  July,  1779,  to 
Januar}',  17S0,  which  includes  the  service  of  the  two  brothers  in 
this  campaign.] 

It  also  ai)pears  that  the  attention  of  tlie  claimant  was 
culled  to  the  fact  that  in  the  first  service  at  Dorchester  his 
name  was  not  borne  on  the  roll  of  Captain  ]Manasseh  Sawyers 

S.,./!     Jiv^lV/  -h 

Ul  iit 

.;    T:^!) 

(.,..':i    ■/■.i;.     (    .-•:    .-V;      i^I 

^^j      uTJfiJl 


coriipanv  after  the  In.^t  day  of  February,  and  that  he  made  a 
su]>seqnent  statement  in  -wdiich  he  alleges  ; 

Thai  he  must  have  been  iu  service  at  Dorchester  in  1776,  later 
thau  the  last  day  of  February  and  that  he  ^vas  there  in  service 
when  the  British  left  Dostou  ;  he  saw  them  when  they  sailed  out 
of  the  harbor  and  saw  ouf  officers  enter  the  other  side  of  the  town  ; 
this  was  the  seventeenth  of  Maieh.  He  might  have  been  assigned 
to  some  other  company  but  recollected  that  he  was  certainly  there 
then.  He  rays  that  one  week  before  the  British  left  he  was  a 
part}-  of  three  hundred  to  go  at  night  and  build  a  fort  on  Dor- 
chester Point,  next  to  Boston,  and  that  the  British  discovered 
their  object  and  kept  up  a  constant  cannonade  all  night  and  four 
men  were  shot  dead  by  his  side. 

"  His  attorney,"  he  says,  "put  two  services  iu  1777,  for  one 
month  each  together  and  called  it  one  service  of  two  months. 
That  at  the  time  of  the  battle  of  Bennington  he  was  out  one 
month  and  immediately  after  he  was  out  one  month  and  joined 
the  army  under  General  Gates,  and  that  his  captain  in  this  service 
was  Jonathan  Gates." 

Ill  support  of  tlie  statement  of  the  claimant  in  regard  to 
his  first  enlistment,  Jonathan  Samson  and  Ebenezer  Bennett 
Davis,  ''both  of  Ashburnham,  alleged  that  they  served  Avith 
and  were  messmates  of  David  ^Nlerriam  at  Dorchester  in 
1776  in  the  company  of  Captain  Manasseh  Sawyer  of 
Colonel  Dyke's  regiment." 

Joiix  WiXTETi,  a  son  of  Andrew  Winter,  a  name  written 
Windrow  in  the  earl^^  records  of  the  town,  was  born  March 
1,  1756,  about  two  years  before  the  family  with  other  Ger- 
mans settled  in  Ashburnliam.  He  died  in  this  town  June 
19,  1811.  The  widow  made  application  for  pension,  pro- 
ducing copies  from  nmster  rolls  to  prove  that  he  was  in  the 
continental  army  three  years,  having  serAed  in  Captain  Hat- 
field White's  company  of  Colonel  Putnam's  regiment  from 

I    mI  ;• 

>'  H;<i 

, ,    ,7:>:»    ••i;i  ) 

.1      ''O',.'? 


)    vi  V       -'   ::'V  :;;'.-.         r    ' ; 

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?J;iy  2(),  1777,  to  Dce-ciiiber  31,  1779,  and  conlinuonsly  in 
the  Jviglit  ]nf;nitiy  until  ]\I;iy  2(5,  17^0.  T]u'  principal 
witness  ^liirijarct  (Motcalf)  Towns<Mi(I  allcgt's  in  iSlC), 
"that  slie  well  recollects  when  John  Winter  Avent  into  the 
arim'  as  lie  was  a  near  neighhor  of  her  iathei-  and  says  that 
he  with  others  who  were  going  into  (he  service  attended  ser- 
vice the  Sahbath  before  they  left  for  the  army  and  asked 
prayers  in  their  behalf  as  was  the  custom  of  the  thue,  and 
that  when  the  >aid  John  AMiitcr  with  Timotliy  Johnson, 
Ebcnezer  liennett  Davis  and  'j'homas  lloss  returned  from 
their  three  years'  serviee,  they  again  attended  church  and 
their  names  were  read  and  thanks  returiied  for  their  safe 
retur)!  which  was  customary  at  that  time." 

William  AVaud  was  born  in  Waltham  June  5,  17.37,  and 
came  to  this  town  when  tlfteen  years  of  age  with  his  older 
brother  Calel)  AVard.  A  few  3-ears  later  he  purchased  land 
in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town  where  he  resided  until  his 
death.  In  tlie  })receding  chapter  it  appears  that  lie  com- 
pleted seven  terms  of  service  during  the  war.  In  his  appli- 
cations for  pension  made  in  1818,  18o0  and  1833,  he  does 
not  refer  to  his  last  enlistment  and  service  undcj-  Captain 
Sibley  in  1781,  but  his  name  appears  on  the  muster  roll. 
]\Ir.  A^ard  and  other  soldiers  in  the  company  of  Captain 
Gates  in  177  7  aflirm  that  they  were  in  the  regiment  of 
Colonel  Benjamin  Bellows,  a  Xew  Hampshire  regiment.  It 
appears  that  this  statement  of  ^h\  Ward  was  questioned 
and  be  explains,  at  leng-th,  the  circumstances  of  the  case. 
This  company  from  Ashburnham  is  not  found  in  the  rolls  of 
Colonel  Bellou's'  regiment.  It  is  probable  that  Captain 
Gates'  company,  Ixdng  siuldenly  called  into  the  field,  was 
not  included  in  any  regimental  organizatioii  but  was  more 
closely  allied  to  Colonel  liellows'  regiment  than  to  any 

I'.l   ■( 

;  .  ■"  V    .  '  :  '  >  .J  i 

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'/.I ,  .,  I     I 

I'^ij  J 


I.  Mr.  Ward  alleges  that  he  enlisted  May,  177G,  for  two 
months  aud  served  in  a  militia  coinpauj'  commanded  by  Captain 
Sergeant  of  Princeton  ;  marched  to  Providence,  thence  to  Boston 
Neck,  thence  back  to  Providence  ulicre  ho  was  discharged  ;  tliat 
while  at  Providence  lie  la1)orcd  on  a  fort  at  Beacon  Hill. 

II.  That  in  July,  he  thinks,  1777,  he  volunteered  to  oppose  a 
detachment  of  the  British  army  that  was  defeated  at  Bennington 
and  at  this  time  marched  from  Ashburnham  to  Charlemont, 
Massachusetts,  where  he  remained  about  one  month.  He  cannot 
recollect  his  officers  for  this  tonr  of  duty.  [This  service  was 
under  Captain  Jonathan  Gates.] 

III.  That  in  September,  he  thinks,  1777,  he  again  enlisted  at 
AsubiUTiham  for  one  month  and  served  in  a  compan}'  of  militia 
connnanded  by  Captain  Gates  of  Ashburnham  in  the  regiment  of 
Colonel  Bellows  of  'VN'alpole,  ?New  Hampshire  ;  marched  through 
Charlemont,  "Williamstown,  Massachusetts,  and  Bennington, 
Vermont,  to  Fort  Edward,  New  York,  where  he  remained  until 
his  discharge,  and  where  he  was  at  the  time  of  Burgoyne's 

IV.  That  in  the  spring  of  1778,  April,  he  thinks,  he  enlisted 
for  one  month  and  served  at  Prospect  Hill,  near  Boston,  that  he 
was  engaged  during  this  term  in  guarding  prisoners,  a  part  of 
Burgoyne's  arm}',  who  were  kept  in  the  barracks  at  Prospect  Hill. 
He  did  not  remember  his  officers  at  this  time. 

V.  That  he  enlisted  about  the  first  of  June,  177S,  for  a  service 
of  rAnc:  months  in  Cnptain  William  Warner's  company  of  Colonel 
Mar^::hal^s  regiment  of  General  Patterson's  brigade  of  Massachu- 
setts line  and  was  discharged  March  7,  1779. 

VI.  That  in  the  month  of  September,  1779,  he  thinks,  he 
again  entered  the  service  for  three  months  under  the  following 
circumstances :  Francis  Lane  and  Oliver  Willard,  two  of  the 
principal  inhabitants  of  Ashburnham,  requested  him  to  enlist  and 
as  an  inducement  engaged  to  clear  four  acres  of  new  land  for  him. 
He  thinks  that  they  vrere  authorized  by  the  town  to  offer  such  in- 
ducements. He  served  the  three  months  at  West  Point  in  a  corn- 
pan}'  commanded  by  Captain  Burt  of  Harvard  and  Lieutenant 

!  in   ;-->iv' 

J    :-^i    '.     0 

,.1  :;■•;: ■";'>'f  (s 

.(    'I  -J  :'»I:    fj  i    •     .'-    I'l   ; 

,    ■    7   IM    ■     'j  !  i  .<-■;•! 

196  niSTOKY   or  ASHBLT.NILVM. 

Annanias  Uaiu^  Lieutenant  Rand  was  cashiered,  he  thinks,  for 
larceny.  They  marched  from  Ashburnham  through  Springfield 
and  Hartford  to  West  Point,  I\ew  York. 

In  tlie  last  statement  explaining  liow  lie  rcnK'niljcrs  about 
his  service  of  thirty  days  at  the  time  of  the  cajjture  of 
Burgoyne  in  1777  and  how  ho  remenihers  the  name  of 
Colonel  Bellows  of  Walpole,  New  Hampshire,  "I  have 
good  reason  for  remembering  the  name "  which  is  as 
follows  : 

"  Ou  the  night  previous  to  the  surrender  of  Burgoyne,  I  was  on 
guard  with  a  young  man,  about  my  own  age,  in  the  woods  nearly 
half  a  mile  from  Fort  Edward,  at  a  quarter  where  it  was  feared 
the  Indians  might  make  an  attack.  In  the  coui'so  of  the  night  I 
swapt  guns  with  said  young  man.  The  next  morning  he  came  to 
see  me  wishing  to  '  SAvap  back,'  which  I  declined  and  he  left  me  ; 
but  fearing  I  might  lose  a  good  bargain  I  immediately  exchanged 
the  gun  with  one  Gates,  a  brother  of  m}-  cajttain.  It  was  not  long 
before  this  young  man  came  with  an  oOicer  who  desired  me  to 
return  the  gun,  and  not  being  pleased  with  the  replies  I  made,  he 
left,  and  in  a  few  minutes  returned  with  a  file  of  men  and  ordered 
me  to  the  guard-house.  This  I  remember  was  early  in  the  after- 
noon and  the  news  of  Burgoyne's  surrender  was  received  while  I 
was  thus  confined.  Our  company  was  imraediatel}-  dismissed  and 
I  was  relieved  from  confinement  by  order  of  Major  Bridge.  The 
officer  wlio  came  M'ith  the  young  man  aforesaid,  was  Colonel  Bel- 
lows, and  he  it  was  who  ordered  me  to  the  guard-house.  "When 
we  arrived  at  Fort  Edward,  Captain  Gates  told  us  we  were  to 
serve  under  New  Hampshire  officers  and  that  the  Colonel's  name 
was  Bellows.  We  were  quartered  in  brush  huts  a  short  distance 
from  Fort  Edward,  and  were  allowed  to  follow  our  inclinations 
with  a  few  salutary  restraints.  I  cannot  remember  that  we  were 
ever  paraded  or  exercised  with  Colonel  Bellows'  regiment." 

Charles  Hastings  of  Ashburnham,  1832,  corroborates  the 
statement  of  Ward  in  regard  to  the  service  in  Captain  Sar- 

,•     '/    .:     '}0  I 

•J  .■■•{■  ;    ni;    ■!;iv,-   •• 

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,,v  Vi'i'.i'jrr.r 

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•.font's  comjiany  in  177G  and  pays  tluit  he  (Hastings)  served 
in  the  same  company. 

Jonutliau  Samson  of  Aslibuniham,  1832,  corroborates  as 
to  tlic  last  service  of  William  Wai'd  and  says  that  he  served 
at  the  same  thuc  and  adds  that  about  twenty  men  then 
volunteered  from  Ashlmrnham  and  served  without  pay  or 
rations,  volunteered  for  one  month  but  served  onl}'  about 
three  weeks. 

Xicholas  Whiteman  of  Ashburnham,  1832,  corroborates 
the  statement  as  to  service  at  Fort  Edward  in  1777  under 
Captain  Jonatlian  Gates,  and  says  he  (AVhiteman)  was  in 
the  same  service,  and  also  coiToborates  A^"a]■d's  last  state- 
ment and  adds  that  he  thinks  about  thirty  volunteered  fi'om 
Ashburnham ;  also  says  that  they  were  paraded  before 
Colonel  l^ellows  and  ]\Iajoi'  Bridge  who  furnished  them  with 
refreshments,  said  to  ha\'e  been  taken  from  Ihirgoyne's 
boats  as  they  were  attemptuig  to  pass  down  the  I'iver. 

Edwahd  Whit:^[OI{E,  3-oungest  son  of  Joseph  AVhitmore, 
was  born  in  Leominster,  August  12,  1763. 

Soon  after  the  reml.l^'al  of  the  family  to  this  town  he 
entered  the  Avmy  at  the  age  of  sixteen  years.  In  the 
following  statement  he  has  given  an  intelligent  account  of 
his  service.  .  .  . 

He  says  that  in  September  or  October,  1779,  he  enlisted  at 
Ashburnham  for  three  months  with  William  Kendall,  David 
Chafiin  and  Abraham  Samson  [it  was  probably  Nathaniel  Kendall 
and  David  Samson],  being  the  nmnber  called  for  from  Ashburn- 
ham. He  marched  directly  to  Boston  Avith  written  instructions 
from  his  captain  or  from  the  selectmen  (he  could  not  say  which), 
to  go  to  the  State  House  in  Boston ;  when  they  arrived  there  they 
were  ordered  to  Castle  island  ;  tlicre  remained  a  short  time,  then 
went  to  Governor's  island  in  the  harbor  of  Boston,  there  en)ployed 
in  repairing  the  fort  on  Castle  William  and  clearing  the  trenches 

,:(  :    !.'i  '.■'    i::' 

i(.t^.■<--■   !■ 

...  •  r^ 

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/.    ;>    'J  I     ii! 


&t  Governor's  island  uml^T  tlie  coniinniid  of  Captain  ^Yilson,  Tlie 
eugincor's  name  who  had  charge  of  the  vrorks  was  Burlmnks.  He 
next  enlisted  for  six  nioiiths  with  six  others,  David  Chafiin,  Samuel 
Metcalf,  Isaac  Merriam,  Jacob  Eodiman,  Simon  Eodiman  and 
Elijah  Mason,  in  the  inonth  of  June,  17S0,  marched  from  Ashburn- 
han^  to  Leicester  ;  there  mustered,  from  thence  to  Springfield  ;  again 
mustered  and  put  under  command  of  one  Captain  I'arker  ;  from 
thence  to  "West  Point ;  tl^ere  stationed  a  few  days  and  then  divided 
and  sent  to  the  scvei'al  companies  in  which  they  were  to  serve. 
He  was  put  into  Captain  King's  company,  Colonel  Bradford  and 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Bassett,  Fourtccnlh  Massachusetts  Regiment, 
Major  Smith,  General  Patterson's  l)rigade.  Soon  after  he  was 
placed  under  Captain  King,  the  troops  were  called  for  to  march  to 
"White  Plains,  cross  from  White  Plains  to  Robinson's  Farm  ;  there 
received  counter-orders,  and  from  thence  to  Yerplank's  Point, 
there  one  or  two  days,  and  from  there  across  ]ving's  Ferry  to 
Orangetown,  he  thinks;  from  there  to  Totoway,  Tunic  Plains, 
Peramus  and  other  places,  and  in  the  month,  of  October  or 
November  marched  to  a  place  called  New  "Windsor,  above  "\Yest 
Point ;  there  employed  in  taking  care  of  what  was  called  the  Park, 
military  stores  and  arms ;  tl)ore  about  one  month  and  then  joined 
his  regiment  at  the  Highlands  ;  remained  there  about  one  week 
and  then  received  his  discharge.  He  well  recollects  Arnold's 
leaving  West  Point.     Saw  Major  Andie  executed,  wliich  he  thinks 

took  place  at  l*aramns. 

•    io    ■-•■1     ..■■>      ■     ;  ■ 

.»  Isaac  Whitmore  of  Ashburnliam,  a  brother  of  Edward 
Whitniorc,  says  that  Edward  loft  their  father's  family  in 
June,  1780,  to  join  the  continental  army,  and  that  about  the 
first  of  January,  ITS],  "I  went  from  home  for  tlie  purpose 
of  assisting  my  In-cjihor  on  his  return  to  my  fatlior's  and  met 
him  at  Simsbui'y,  Connecticut,  as  near  as  I  can  recollect." 

Reubex  JiiCE  was  born  in  Ivancaster,  now  Boylston, 
August  10,  IT.")?.  lie  served  one  term  in  tlie  army  after 
his  removal  to  tin's  town  in  IT.'SO. 

]•    -•• 

. : '.  / 

■  i'.'-l- 

'-;■>  111  ..lO 
1   :  ri)y.:. 

'i     :   J' 

>.■   0'-.  ■  -'Vijdi 

.:  •   ..',M'.>T 

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,  1;;::.)       I   )!' 


I.  Ho  alleges  he  vras  diafted  at  Lancaster  iu  November  or 
Doccmber,  1770,  for  tlu\'c  months  and  sei'ved  in  the  eompraiy  of 
Captain  Enger  of  Sterling.  They  proceeded  to  Bound  I'rook, 
New  Jersey,  by  way  of  Worcester,  Daubury  and  Morristowu, 
crossing  the  river  at  King's  Fei-ry.  That  their  duty  was  to  protect 
the  i)erson  and  property  of  the  inhalntants  from  plunder  and  insult 
by  detachnients  from  the  British  army  which  lay  near  b}'.  They 
also  had  about  a  dozen  prisoners  of  war  under  guard. 

n.  In  September,  177  7,  again  enlisted  in  the  militia  company 
of  Caiitain  Boynton  of  ^Vinchcndou,  where  he  then  resided,  for 
the  term  of  one  month.  They  marched  to  Saratoga  by  way  of 
Northfield  and  Bennington,  then  went  up  the  river  to  Fort 
Edward,  then  down  the  river  a  few  miles.  This  last  move  was 
near  the  time  of  Burgoyne's  surrender.  He  saw  the  arms  of  the 
enemy  stacked  on  the  field  after  the}'  had  marched  off  and  saw  a 
party  of  Canadians  start  for  Canada  after  the  surrender. 

III.  In  July,  1780,  again  enlisted  iu  a  militia  com|)an3'  of 
Captain  Boutelle  of  Leominster,  of  Colonel  Rand's  regiment. 
Marched  to  West  Point  where  he  remained  during  this  term  of 
three  months'  service.  During  this  service,  Arnold  attempted  to 
betray  the  American  army. 

Eliakiin  Kice  of  Ilariland,  Vermont,  a  brothci'  of  Tvcuben 
Hicc.  testifies  that  "  both  vrere  in  the  sen'ice  at  abont  the 
same  time  but  not  in  tlie  s;une  company." 

Tliomas  Gibson  of  Ashburnham  testifies  to  service  with 
Keubeu  liice  at  AVest  Point  in  Caiitain  ]5outelle's  com})any. 

Dii.  x\.BKAiiA>[  Lowe  gives  an  intelligent  outline  of  his 
s"erviee  under  date  of  October  16,  1832. 

I.  lie  alleges  that  about  December  1,  1775,  he  entered  service 
as  a  volunteer  in  the  militia  company  of  Captain  William  Pope, 
the  lieutetiant  being  Thomas  Hartwell,  he  thinks.  He  enlisted 
from  Lunenburg  and  marched  to  Dorchester  and  remained  in  that 
service  for  two  months,  although  the  enlistment  was  for  six  weeks 


.  "If 

1  }■■■    ••M"     '^iii  ^^^■  *        ■•-.:''  ■  l^r    '.;(l,!(lOi 

r . 


ir.  He  enlisted  about  Jul}'  1,  177G,  for  five  months,  from 
Lunenburg  in  militia  company  of  Captain  Jabez  Keep  of  Harvard. 
He  marched  to  Xew  Ilaviu,  wont  thcuce  bj'  water  to  Ncvr  York 
city  ;  was  there  when  the  city  was  taken  by  the  British  under  eoui- 
luand  of  General  Fellows.  He  ^'as  on  guard  near  the  Bov.ery  on 
the  morning  when  the  British  landed  above  there  and  took  pos- 
session of  the  city.  General  Putnom  came  to  their  assistance  and 
took  tliem  away.     He  was  discharged  about  December  1,  177C. 

in.  In  summer  of  1777,  it  being  reported  that  the  Hessian 
troops  were  marching  on  Bennington,  he  volunteered  under  Daniel 
or  David  Carlisle  of  Lunenburg.  They  marched  to  Charlemont, 
where  the}-  heard  of  the  battle  of  Bennington  and  went  no  farther. 
After  a  service  of  about  a  month,  he  returned  home. 

JoSEPii  Jkw'ktt  in  his  ai)pIication  for  pension  only  asserts 
one  enlistment  and  that  in  concise  terms.  lie  savs  that 
vvliile  residing  in  Bolton  he  enlisted  in  the  month  of  May  or 
Jmie,  1778,  in  Captain  John  Dnir\''s  company  of  Colonel 
Woods'  regiment.  lie  })roceeded  to  White  T*lains  witli  a 
small  party  and  there  joined  his  ciinpany  ;  was  on  dnt\'  at 
Fishkill  and  AVhite  Plains  and  emjdoyed  during  the  winter 
in  building  l)aiT:icks  and  drawing  timber,  lie  was  dis- 
missed at  Peekskill  after  lie  had  completed  his  tour  of  eight 

ATrer  his  dea<]i  the  widow  m;ide  a  rer.ewed  application  for 
pension  and  said  her  husband  did  not  state  all  of  In's  service 
wlien  he  applied  for  pension.  At  that  time  she  presented 
proof  of  other  service  which  is  staled  in  a  former  paragraph. 

REUJiEX  TowxsEXO  ^vas  born  in  Shrewsbury  xVugust  23, 
1758,  where  lie  continued  to  reside  until  he  removed  to  this 
town  about   1780. 

I.  He  alleges  that  in  June  or  July,  1776,  he  enlisted  in  Cap- 
tain Newton's  company  of  Colonel  Smith's  regiment,  for  five 
months,  and  was  discharged  at  Philips  Manor,  New  York,  in 
December,  1776,  or  January,  1777. 

•    :jf't;i 

■,\\        li:  /.  >:  / 


•i     ,;      ;1,     i'i     VM    J.V.     ■    l;'     -■■     '-.'    "I'l    'I' 

,'.    .A         .,:.•   ,....,   •,,,•;    ^ '.■■'■ 



IT.  In  ]  777,  he  enlisted  iu  Captain  William  Gates' company 
of  Colonel  Bigelow's  regiraeut  —  the  Fifteenth  Massachusetts  — 
for  eight  months,  and  v>'as  discharged  at  Valley  Forge  Tiith  an 
allowance  for  pay  for  nine  months. 

Lieutenant  Joseph  Pierce  certifies  that  lie  enlisted  Reuben 
Townscnd  about  the  first  of  May,  1777,  in  the  continental 
service  for  the  term  of  ciglit  months  and  that  he  was  allowed 
one  moiith's  extra  p;iy  for  helping  build  the  barracks  at 
Valley'  Forg-c  and  that  after  discharge  the  said  Townsend 
had  to  march  nearly  four  hundred  miles  before  he  reached 
his  home.  ,1 

Lemuel  Stimsox  was  born  in  "\\"'eston,  July  U,  1758, 
and  removed  to  this  town  in  1780.  In  his  application  for 
pension  dated  October  10,  1832, — 

He  alleges  that  he  enlisted  while  residing  in  Weston,  in  May, 
177a,  for  eight  months,  in  the  company  of  Nathan  Fnller  of  New- 
ton, in  Colonel  Gardner's  regiment;  tliat  he  was  stationed  at 
Cambridge  during  the  entire  service,  and  was  engaged  in  the 
battle  of  Bunker  Ilili,  and  that  Colonel  Gardner  was  wounded 
iu  said  bottle  rrud  died  the  third  day  after,  and  Colonel  Bond  of 
Watertown  succeeded  Colonel  Gardner.         >.      r     :    1      ,. 

II.  He  enlisted  again  in  June  or  July,  1776,  for  five  months,  in 
the  company  of  Captain  Cluirles  Miles  of  C'oncord,  in  Colonel 
Reed's  regiment,  and  raarch(^l  to  Tieonderoga,  by  way  of  Fitch- 
burg,  Winchendon,  Keene,  Charlestown  (No.  4)  and  Rutland; 
was  stationed  at  Ticonderoga  nearly  all  of  the  service,  often  era- 
ployed  in  transporting  wood  across  the  lake  for  the  use  of  the 
army,  and  was  discharged  at  Albany  in  November,  was  alsa 
residing  at  Weston  at  time  of  last  service. 

JoxAS  Rice,  a  son  of  Zcbulon  Rice  and  a  brother  of 
Reuben  and  Eliakim  Rice,  was  born  in  Lancaster,  now 
Boylston,  February  IG,  1754.  At  the  time  of  his  first  ser- 
vice he  was  residing  iu   Salem   and   the   subsequent  service 



■>■  f<\:-yt  '::i\i 

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was   i)erforinc'd  Avbilc  lie  ^vas   a   rc-^idcnt  of  Storling.      lie 
removed  to  this  toMii,  1779. 

J.  He  alleges  that  lie  enlisted  April  J9,  1775,  in  a  company  of 
volunteers,  at  Salem,  commanded  hy  Captain  Derby  and  marched 
to  Cambridge.  After  a  week  of  service  he  enlisted  at  Cambridge 
for  eight  months  in  the  compan}-  of  Captiun  Juhn  Bachelor  of 
Colonel  Bridge's  regiment.  ['J^'his  company  wus  engaged  in  tlie 
battle  of  Bunker  Hill.]  He  was  stationed  during  all  of  this  ser- 
vice on  Cambridge  common  at  the  house  of  one  Hastings  ;  that  he 
was  employed  under  General  Putnam  in  an  attempt  to  construct  a 
fort  on  Lechmere  Point,  from  which  they  were  driven  by  British 

II.  He  again  enlisted  in  the  summer  of  177G,  for  five  months 
in  militia  company  of  Captain  Samuel  Sawyer.  Marched  from 
Sterling  through  ^^'orcester,  Hartford  and  New  Haven  to  New 
York  city ;  remained  a  few  days  in  New  York  and  then  moved  up 
the  Hudson  about  two  miles  ;  was  on  duty  at  Fort  Prescot  when 
the  city  of  New  York  was  given  up  to  the  British.  He  then 
moved  up  to  Harlem  Heights  where  he  remained  through  the  rest 
of  this  service. 

III.  He  again  enlisted  about  July  1,  1777,  for  six  months  in 
militia  company  of  Captain  Francis  Willson  of  Holden,  Colonel 
Ivej'cs'  regiment.  He  marched  to  Leicester,  thence  to  Providence, 
thence  to  a  place  about  two  miles  south  of  Greenwich,  thence 
through  "Warren  to  Tiverton  and  thence  back  to  Providence. 
During  this  term  of  service  he  v/ent  to  Point  Judith  to  assist  in 
collecting  boats  to  be  used  in  an  attack  on  Newport.  In  sailing 
around  the  point  many  of  tlic  boats  were  destroyed,  eight  men 
drowned  and  the  contemplated  attack  was  abandoned. 

Eliakim  Rico,  brother  of  Jonas,  of  Ilavtland,  Ycnnont, 
but  formerly  of  Salem,  testifies  that  he  .served  with  his 
brother  in  the  first  service  named  commencing  April  19, 

.j..   ,.•:•>■•/  V  .i.l    r, 

ii]i-L'  .■■^   •■i'l   ''»'.'     '' 

.:,,.,.^       ;':,  •    <':■■:    y.:--r'i:    ■:■'■■■ 

'      !  ■ .'  I  . 

,-.i.<l    il.     1"      -Uh.:-.    i      .       ■I/)'      ll-t; 

:(.■.•.■:  I 

I-,,    l^v     .,;ii 


Jaeez  and  Oi.ivku  Mauiile  were  twins  niicl  their  scrvico 
in  the  firniy  i-sirtook  of  the  close  alliance  of  their  lives. 
They  were  hoiii  in  Stow  September  15,  1755,  and  removed 
to  Ashburnhani  1780. 

I.  Jabcz  Marble  alleges  that  in  the  fall  after  the  British  left 
Boston  ho  went  to  Roxbury  and  look  the  place  of  his  brother  as  a 
private  soldier  in  Captain  Caleb  Brooks'  company  of  Colonel 
Benjamin  Dyke's  regiment,  and  served  a  tour  of  three  months  at 
Boston  and  was  verball}'  discharged  on  the  seventh  of  March, 

II.  In  jNIay,  1777,  he  enlisted  for  two  months  in  Captain  John 
Gleason's  companj'.  Marched  from  Stov/  to  Providence  where  he 
was  stationed  until  abont  seventeen  days  before  his  time  was  out, 
when  his  compan}"  and  Captain  Ilodgman's  marched  to  Greenwich 
for  the  defence  of  the  coast ;  remained  there  about  two  weeks  and 
then  returned  to  Providence  where  he  was  discharged. 

HI.  He  again  enlisted  at  Stow  in  August,  1780,  in  compau}- 
of  Captain  Moses  Brintnall  of  Sudbur}^,  Colonel  Howe's  regiment. 
He  went  to  Bhode  Island  and  was  stationed  the  entire  three 
months  at  Butt's  Hill  and  was  employed  on  fatigue  duty  buikVmg 
a  fort. 

In  a  subsequent  statement  explaining  his  service  as  sub- 
stitute for  his  brother  he  says  that  his  brother's  name  was 
Oli'/ev  ]\Iarble  ;  they  were  twins  and  that  about  two  months 
prior  to  the  end  of  Oliver's  term  of  service  his  brother 
became  sick  and  he  took  his  place  for  the  balance  of  the 
term  and  always  answered  to  bis  brother  Oliver's  name 
when  it  was  called. 

Thomas  Ginsox  was  born  in  Lunenburg,  uoav  Fitcliburg, 
1753,  and  resided  there  until  the  close  of  the  war.  After  a 
temporary  residence  in  Ashl)v  he  removed  to  this  town,  }n"e- 
vious  to  1787. 

I.  He  alleges  that  he  enlisted  in  the  spring  of  1775,  for  five 
months  in  Captain  Stearns'  militia  company  in  Colonel  Doolittle's 

'■.    si   vnjir:    .'.'■:  ^'^ ": 

J.':  ;  I?    '  ' 

..;):■:■. !:jr     u  ill 

':i    \.\/     .-,  ,1--  ■r.y  -i  .:!  i':-"?-^ '"-••'''■:.  •■':^ 

i«l  ;     '•';    ••!!'!   •  J 

20-i:  HISTORY    OF   ,\SIir.URXHAM. 

regiment.  He  lived  at  Fitcliburg  and  marched  tlience  to  Winter 
Hill  near  Chai'lestown  where  he  remained  during  the  term  of 
service.     Theni  were  also  continental  troops  at  Winter  Hill. 

11.  lie  again  enlisted  in  September,  177G,  at  Fitchbiirg  for 
two  months  in  Captain  Jonathan  Woods'  militia  company  of 
Colonel  Converse's  regiment.  He  marched  to  Dobb's  Ferry,  near 
West  Point,  passing  through  New  Haven.  ]\Iade  several  marches 
from  Dobb's  Ferry,  one  to  Fairlield,  Connecticut,  towards  New 
York  city,  etc.  There  were  continental  troops  at  Dobb's  Ferry  a 
part  of  the  time  while  he  was  there.  He  remembers  that  on  one 
occasion  tliey  brought  a  ficld-picee  to  bear  upon  a  vessel  at  anchor 
off  Dobb's  Ferry  and  drove  her  down  the  river. 

HI.  Again  in  July,  1780,  he  enlisted  at  Fitchburg  for  tiiree 
months  in  the  militia  company  of  Captain  Boutelle  of  Leominster 
of  Colonel  Rand's  regimvut.  Marched  through  Worcester, 
Hartford  and  Fairlield  to  West  Point.  Arnold's  treachery  was 
discovered  during  this  term  of  service,  which  enables  him  to  fix 
the  year  as  1780.  He  saw  Washington  at  West  Point  shortlj' 
after  Arnold's  treason  was  made  known,  that  he  was  on  guard 
when  Washington  rode  up. 

IV.  In  September,  1777,  he  thinks,  he  enlisted  and  served 
thirty  days  at  the  taking  of  Burgoyne  in  the  militia  company  of 
Captain  Tiiurlow  of  Fitchburg  ;  was  posted  first  at  BatterskiU  and 
after  at  Fort  Edward  to  prevent  the  British  crossing  the  Hudson. 

V.  In  April  or  ]May,  the  year  he  does  not  recollect,  but  thinks 
it  was  towards  the  close  of  the  war,  he  enlisted  for  three  months 
in  the  militia  con^pany  of  Cajilain  Joshua  IMartiu  of  Lunenburg 
and  served  at  Casllo  William  in  Boston  harbor,  in  the  regiment  of 
Colonel  Jones.  There  were  continental  troops  on  the  island  who 
were  quartered  in  the  fort  and  militia  were  outside  in  barracks. 

Keubcn  ]^ico  of  Ashbuniham  testifies  that  he  served  with 
Thomas  Gibson  from  July,  17^0,  in  Captain  Boutelle's  com- 

Ebenezer  AVallis  of  Ashbuniham  testifies  tliat  he  served 
with  Thomas  Gibson  in  the  tour  from  September,  17bO,  at 
West  Point. 


T  ■'.■■[  ■•:  c)  ".  <• 

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1.  ..1.  .  ,;■  '■■>:^>.i  '^'i  'li'-fiT 


HEYOLlJTIOXArvY    IIISTOllY.  .  905 

CiiAKLES  Hastings  was  born  in  Pi'inccton,  Xovember  2(), 
1760,  and  removed  to  this  town,  17N3.  While  a  resident  of 
Princeton,  he  entered  the  army  live  times.  Scptend^er  G, 
1832,  he  gave  the  following  intelligent  account  of  his 
ser^-ice  : 

I.  He  alleges  that  he  enlisted  in  May,  177G,  for  two  nionlhs 
in  a  rnilltia  com})aDy  commanded  hy  Captain  Sargeant  of  Princeton 
in  the  regiment  of  Colonel  Josiah  Whitney.  He  marched  to 
Leicester,  thence  to  Providence,  thence  to  Greenwich,  Rhode 
Island,  thence  to  Boston  Xcck,  and  thence  back  to  Providence. 

II.  He  again  enlisted  at  Leicester  in  June,  1777,  for  six 
months  in  Captain  Willson's  company  of  Colonel  Keyes' regiment. 
He  marched  to  Providence,  thence  to  Greenwich,  he  thinks,  thence 
to  Bissell's  mill,  about  two  miles  from  Providence,  and  thence 
back  to  Providence.  That  during  these  two  terms,  there  \fere 
only  a  few  troops  in  Rhode  Island  and  they  were  employed  in 
guarding  the  coast. 

ni.  lie  again  enlisted  about  April  1,  1778,  in  militia  company 
of  Captain  Nathan  Harrington.  Marched  to  Roxbury  and  thence 
to  Watertown  where  they  were  employed  in  guarding  a  part  of  the 
prisoners  from  Burgoyne's  army.  Marched  from  \Yatertown  with 
prisoners  to  Rutland,  where  the^-remained  guarding  said  prisoners 
to  July,  1778,  when  he  vras  discharged.  Tlie  guard  was  com- 
manded by  Majo}  Reuben  Ixcecl. 

IV.  He  again  immediatch"  ciillsted  Jul}',  1778,  for  six  months, 
in  the  militia  company  of  Captain  Belknap  of  Colonel  Wade's 
regiment.  Marched  to  Providence,  thence  to  Obdike  Newtown, 
or  a  place  of  some  similar  name  ;  thence  to  Newport  where  they 
joined  a  continental  brigade.  Engaged  in  the  battle  of  Newport 
in  October,  1778,  and  retired  from  there  to  Tiverton,  thence  to 
Obdike  Newtown  and  thence  to  Providence. 

V.  He  again  enlisted  about  July  1,  1780,  for  six  months  for 
service  in  continental  army.  He  was  ordered  to  Springfield  aud 
then   marched  to  West  Point  and  joined  a  company  in  Colonel 

t    li 


.•;         .ill 

'I  •■or;  .'1 

•■•:       '    ■lifiiU      OlU      til 

.;>  i:i 


Greaton's  ro^j,iinent  of  Geiicral  Nixon's  brigade.  Soon  flftor  was 
transferred  to  the  Light  Infautr}'  uudcr  General  Lafayette,  Cap- 
tain Haskell's  coiupauy  and  Colonel  Giminatt's  regiment  with 
wliieh  he  continued  to  tlie  fail  of  1780,  when  he  returned  to  his 
former  conijniny  from  wliich  he  was  discharged. 

AVilliaiii  ^Vard  testifies  to  service  with  Cliurles  Hastings 
from  ^lay,  ]77G,  in  Captain  Sai'gent's  com[)any. 

Jonas  Iviee  of  Asblmrnliam  testilics  to  scr\ice  with  Charles 
Hastinirs  in  Captain  Willson's  couj[)any  from  June,  1777. 
Savs  tliat  while  at  Providence  they  were  (quartered  in  the 

Josf:pji  Giniis,  son  of  .loseph  and  Ilaniiah  (Howe)  Gibbs, 
was  born  Octol:>er  12,  17,30.  During  the  Kevohition,  he 
resided  in  Princeton  and  removed  to  tliis  town  previous  to 
1780.  Connuencing  in  May,  1775,  he  served  eight  mouths 
in  the  siege  of  Boston  in  the  company  of  Captain  Adam 
Wheeler  in  Colonel  Doolittle's  regiment.  Seven  companies 
of  Colonid  Doolittle's  regiment,  including  the  comptiuy  of 
Gaptain  AMieeler,  were  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill, 
and  of  the  regiment  nine  were  wound(;d.  The  name  of 
Joseph  Gibl)S,  of  Princeton,  is  borne  on  the  rolls  of  those 
who  served  eight  months  in  the  siege  of  IVjston.  ^Nlany  in 
this  service  reenlisted  and  served  under  "Washington  at  Xew 
York,  but  the  date  of  his  return  to  Princ»'ton  does  not  appear. 
In  July,  1780,  he  enlisted  for  three  mouths  in  the  company 
of  Captain  Ephraim  Stearns  in  Colonel  John  Rand's  regiment. 
This  service  was  at  West  Point  and  King's  Ferry  and  a  part 
of  the  time  under  the  iuuuediatc  conunand  of  Washington. 
In  the  same  service  was  Jonathan  Samson,  Andrew  Winter, 
Jr.,  Thonuis  CTibson,  Ebcnezer  Wallis  and  Reuben  Rice,  who 
were  subsequently  his  neighbors  in  Ashburnham. 

David  Wallis  was  born  in  Lunenburg  October  1.5,  1700. 
He  removed  to  this  town  about  1795,  ^here  he  resided  until 
his  death. 

.M  :   ■••    ;.■'.;  ■/    (J 


)  'to 

:  .;  '   ;:V'    ■  ■';::'    !-./•:••■.  Imhi  J.-J^^i;;!..  ■■.    ••,>;;:•' 
■...■     ,:■>;  .  .,ii':M  ■•'  ;;;.'•    •(  ^:.!  ■'>:  :}]■■,<  ■  i^i   J>J'I 



I.  lie  alleges  that  iu  Septonber,  1777,  he  enlisted  iu  a  com- 
pany of  militia  under  Captain  Bellows  and  he  thinks  Colonel 
Ijellows  of  Walpole,  Xew  Hainpshiie,  -.vas  in  command  of  the 
regiment.  He  enlisted  for  one  month,  marched  to  Fort  Edward 
via  Northfield  and  Bennington  and  was  thei-e  when  Burgoyne 

II.  In  April,  1778,  he  enlisted  at  Lunenburg  in  militia  coni- 
pau}^  of  Captain  Mericlc  of  frincoton  of  Colonel  Stearns'  regi- 
ment for  three  months.  IMarchcd  to  Dorchester  and  then  to 
Castle  William  iu  Boston  harbor.  There  were  two  companies  of 
militia  and  one  of  continental  artillery  on  the  island. 

III.  In  April,  1779,  he  enlisted  at  Lunenburg  for  three 
mouths  iu  Captain  Joshua  Martin's  company  of  Colonel' 
regiment  and  served  at  Castle  A\^illiam.  They  were  employed  in 
building  foi'tifications.  During  this  service  the  artillery  company 
was  ordered  to  Khode  Island  for  a  few  days.  He  was  ordered 
several  times  to  Governor's  island. 

Nicholas  Whitcjuaii  of  Ashbunibam  tcstitles  that  lie  served 
with  David  Wallis,  on  Castle  island  from  April,  1778. 

Thomas  Gibson  of  Ashburnham  testifies  to  service  with 
David  AValli.-'  in  Captain  Martin's  compan}-  iu  1779  at  Castle 

Cvi^us  FAiHUAyivS  was  born  iu  Harvard,  '^Liy  20,  1752, 
and  removed  to  Ashburnlinm,  1788,  where  he  died  at  the 
advanced  age  of  one  hun^'aed  years,  June  18,  1852.  He 
gives  an  account  of  three  terms  of  service  while  residing  in 
Harvard.  ^  . 

I.  He  alleges  that  on  April  19,  1775,  then  residing  in  Harvard, 
he  volunteered  to  oppose  the  British  then  marching  on  Concord. 
He  proceeded  to  Concord  and  thence  to  Cambridge.  After 
reraainiug  there  about  a  week  enlisted  as  a  drummer  for  eight 
months  in  the  Massachusetts  militia  company  of  Captain  Jonatlum 
Davis  in  Colonel  Asa  Whitcomb's  regiment  and  served  out  full 


K;        (.■      --{'U'} 


^.'■;^:'I    c ', 


■'     I'-  U  r-  f 

•;■•.!. Ill    MflK'     I'"'     r-i;    b 

■..■..R     .1 

■d'jt  I    hiv.i    ■■  ■:■    -tlyj    , 

;   f!   ;r-;,.t^:;K     .'i'i    /.A 

208  HISTORY   OF   ASIlHURXn.V^r. 

term.     He  wa?  first  quartered  on  Cambridge  river  about  <i  mile 
from  the  college  and  afterward  on  Prospect  Hill. 

II.  In  the  month  of  September,  177G,  he  again  enlisted  at 
Harvard  for  two  months  as  a  drummer  in  the  militia  company  of 
Captain  Hill  of  Colonel  Converse's  regiment.  Marched  via  Worces- 
ter, New  Haven,  Fairfield  and  White  Plains  to  Dobb's  Ferry, 
where  he  remained  until  his  time  was  out.  He  says  he  served  as 
•drum-major  during  this  term.  The  regiment  was  employed  in 
transporting  supplies  up  tlie  river. 

III.  In  the  mouth  of  September,  1777,  when  Burgoyne  was 
advancing  he  enlisted  at  Harvard  for  one  month.  Marched  to 
Petersham  where  his  company  was  organized  and  he  chosen 
•corporal  in  militia  company  of  Captain  Hill,  he  thought.  He 
marched  to  Fort  Edward  passing  through  Bennington  ;  remained 
ill  service  entire  term  of  his  enlistment. 

Joshua  Fletciier  was  l»orn  in  Wcstford  February  22, 
1760,  and  removed  to  this  town  about  1810.  He  ^vas  a 
resident  of  Westford  during  the  following  service  : 

I.  He  alleges  that  he  first  entered  service  for  seven  months 
iu  Captain  Abisha  Brown's  company  of  Colonel  Whitney's  regi- 
ment of  Massachusetts  forces  and  served  at  Nantasket  island  in 
the  harbor  of  Boston  to  the  end  of  his  term. 

II.  He  next  served  at  Boston  three  months  under  Captain 
John  IMinot. 

III.  He  next  entered  the  army  on  the  continental  establish- 
ment, February,  1777,  for  three  years  and  was  mustered  at 
Boston  and  proceeded  in  Captain  Philip  Thomas'  company  of 
Colonel  Marshall's  regiment  of  Massachusetts  line  to  Ticonderoga 
iind  was  at  Fort  Miller,  Saratoga,  Valley  Forge  and  White  Plains. 
He  served  one  year  and  eight  months  vrhen  he  was  taken  sick 
with  a  fever  and  a  sore  on  his  breast  and  was  furloughed  until  he 
should  recover.  He  did  not  recover  until  after  the  close  of  the 
war  and  was  never  able  to  rejoin  the  army.  The  following  is  a 
copy  of  the  leave  granted. 

(,,'.■  .1 


:     oK     .1 


f'l    ji'J    ■'':■ 


I   ,«• 

-     I'JB 


Camp  at  Wiiitk  Plains,  August  29,  1778. 
His  excellency  approves  that  Joshua  Fletcher,  soldier  in  Col. 
Thomas  Mfirshall's  rcglraent   of    Massachusetts   Bay  State  shall 
have  leave  of  absence  until  the  recovery  of  his  health  and  spirits 
and  then  to  return  to  his  duty. 

The  Bakox  de  Kalb 
M.  G'. 

Joseph  Mej;t:iam  avjis  born  in  "W'ol)!!™  February  3.  17(53, 
and  lived  in  Lexington  and  ])cdford  during  the  war.  It 
ap])ea)'s  that  lie  removed  from  Bedford  to  Asbburnham  1781, 
and  remained  several  years  when  lie  removed  to  Teinpleton 
and  subseqncntly  retui'ned  to  Ashl)urnbam. 

I.  He  alleges  that  in  the  fall  of  1779  he  enlisted  for  two 
months  in  company  of  Captain  Samuel  Heald  of  Carlisle  in 
Colonel  John  Jacob's  regiment.  He  marched  to  Providence 
■where  they  encamped  about  three  ■weeks  and  then  marched  to 
Tiverton  and  ■when  the  British  left  Khode  Island  the}'  went  over 
Howland's  Ferry  to  Butt's  Hill  ■where  he  remained  until  dis- 
charged in  November,  1779. 

II.  In  1780  he  enlisted  for  six  months  in  Lieutenant-Colonel 
Thompson's  company  as  it  v/as  called,  but  it  was  commanded  by 
Ensign  Thaj'er,  in  Colonel  Marshall's  regiment — the  Tenth  Massa- 
chusetts. He  joined  the  regiuicnt  at  West  Point  wlicre  they  were 
encamped  for  i!oarly  three  weeks,  when  he  was  detached  with 
several  others  to  King's  Forjy  and  put  under  the  orders  of 
Colonel  Brewer  and  employed  iu  conveying  troops  and  baggage 
over  the  river,  after  which  he  joined  his  regiment  at  Verplank's 
Point  and  proceeded  with  his  regiment  to  New  Jersey  and  after 
serving  out  his  six  months  was  discharged  at  West  Point  in 
January,  1781. 

III.  In  1781  the  town  of   Bedford  hired  him  to  go  into  the 

continental    service  for  three  montlis.     He  was  mustered  in,  he 

thinks,  by  Colonel  Brown  of  Tewksbury  and  then  proceeded  to 

New  York  State  and  joined  the  army  at  Gallows  Hill.     He  was 


).'i    ^i/ii  oi  !!•)!■:  rf 


*    ;; 

, .-,( 

Si  ,.J 

;.' >■!  .1     no).bOri    iu   I.  , '■  ,'    ■■.!;    l-ri     .'i 

1     ..J   .1  !-/..■!<,•, 

,/     YM 

210  IlIS'l'OiJY   OF   ASlinLRNflAM. 

irnmcdia' eh'  put  under  orders  of  Colonel  Procter,  a  militia  ofilcer, 
and  went  about  seven  miles  to  one  Captain  Knapp's  farm  to 
guard  cattle,  where  be  remained  about  three  weeks  when  he 
returned  to  camp  and  was  taken  by  I\[ajor  Keyes,  wlio  was  a 
deputy-quartcrniastcr-general  in  care  of  forage,  as  his  waiter.  He 
was  stationed  at  Peekskill  and  his  quarters  were  near  General 
Hcatlr  s.  lie  remained  on  this  duty  during  the  ren)ai)tder  of  his 

Some  of  the  revolutionary  sohllers  to  wliom  ])cnsions  were 
granted  Inid  died  before  tlie  dale  of  any  com[)letc  li'^t  that  lias 
been  discovered.  la  1840  there  were  remaining  in  this  town 
tlilrtecii  revolutionary  soldiers  and  three  widows  of  soldiers 
who  were  i)cnsioned. 

Cyi'us  Fairbanks  survived  his  vcneral)le  associates. 

Lemuel  Stimson  died  September  22,  1840 

Charlotte  Lowe,  widow  of  Dr.  Lowe,  "  May  5,  1811 

Thomas  Gibson  "  June  11,  1841 

David  Clark  "  July  5,  1841 

Joshua  Fletcher  "  April  14,  1S4.> 

Jabez  Marble  "  December  23,  1843 

Joseph  Jeuett  "  May  3,  1847 

Zilpah  Rice,  widow  of  Jonas  Kice,  "  July  22,  1847 

John  Bowman  "  October  22,  1847 

William  Ward  "  Decembers,  1847 

Jonatlian  Samson  "  December  9,  1847 

Margaret  Townsend,  widow  of  Reuben 

Townsend,  "  March  20,  1848 

Isaac  Whitmore  "  Slay  2,  1848 

Joseph  INIerriam  "  April  4,  1840 

Charles  Hastings  '         •'  November  28,  1850 

Cyrus  Fairbanks  "  June  18,  1852 

,  •       i'rJ    ■!  .:';'}V 

r  '-'A  V>  v/.:,b; 

.  iMT.  ''    I!J 






ERNOR.  PROPOSED      lUVIilOXS       OF      THE      COUNTY.  A     LUST     OF    lOVN 


At  the  close  of  the  Ticvolution  the  situation  of  ilie  country 
Avas  perilous  and  critical.  The  diiijculiies  of  a  public  nature 
"vverc  changed  in  character  by  the  close  of  the  Avar  but  "svere 
not  removed  and  peace  broufrht  no  immediate  relief  to  the 
financial  difficulties  which  had  attended  the  prosecution  of 
the  war.  The  resources  of  the  State  were  exhausted  while 
the  towns  were  groaning  under  the  l;>urden  of  debt.  In  the 
exti'emity  of  the  hour,  the  most  oppressive  systems  of  taxa- 
tion Were  adopted,  and  if  strenuous  measures  were  demanded 
b}'  the  necessities  of  the  tiujos  they  did  not  put  money  in  the 
purse  of  the  tax-])a3'cr.  In  contimied  efforts  to  pay  the  taxes 
incident  to  the  times,  individuals  liad  suffered  their  lial.uHties 
to  accumulate  and  creditors,  seizing  upon  the  ageiicy  of  new 
laws  and  reestablished  courts,  resoiled  to  legal  process  in  the 
collection  of  debts.  The  tax  collector  had  scarcely  drained 
the  scanty  income  of  the  farm  before  the  sherifV  armed  willi 
executions  demanded  the  remaining  cow  and  frequently  the 
homestead.     For  a  season  the  wisdom  of  .statesmen  and  a 

multitude  of  laws  brought  no  relief. 


'-■\-):.,^'y\'.''  '-/;(■>'■    ,>-:tO ■".:■'''      '    •>■>'' 

W'Xi^    I.    ■     •' 

■f  i:i   V' 

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,•',',  .  .    !.■,'■■■,■;)'    '..1 


During-  the  contiiiuimco  of  tlio  v;ar,  ^vithollt  uinturcd  forms 
of  government  or  systems  of  hnvs,  tiio  peo])le  lirid  been 
united  and  held  together  in  a  connnon  purpose.  AVilh  free- 
dom eame  new  responsibilities  and  gi-ave  embarrassments. 
Tlic  government  was  new  and  unfaniDiai-  to  the  peoj/le,  and 
at  first  tljey  came  in  contact  wilh  the  liarslier  and  more 
exacting  features  of  tlie  laws.  'J'o  ijicm  tlie  new  laws  were 
little  more  than  a  code  for  the  colleetioii  of  debts  and  the 
courts  were  an  agency  for  the  o])pression  of  the  poor.  Feel- 
ing the  Aveight  of  tlieir  burdens  and  not  apprehendiiig  theii' 
cause,  the  people  became  dissatisiied  witli  their  government 
and  the  otiicers  chosen  to  administer  it.  The  murmur  of 
discontent  Avas  heard  on  ever3^  hand,  but  the  unsatisfactory 
state  of  pulilic  aflairs  and  the  uneei'tainty  of  the  future  -were 
only  shado^^^s  in  the  deeper  gloom  of  the  poverty  and  debt  in 
their  homes.  The  people  had  l)ravely  endured  extreme 
hardships  and  now  victorious  in  tlie  field  they  were  sadly 
disappointed  with  tlie  earl}^  fruits  of  a  freedom  which  had 
been  secured  by  their  service  and  sari'itice.  For  a  season  the 
destiny  of  the  repul)lic  was  evenly  bahinced  between  revolt 
inviting  anarchy  and  liberty  restrained  by  law.  In  common 
with  tlie  people  at  large  the  inhalnlants  of  this  town  shared 
in  thf'  gloom  and  bui-dens  of  the  hour,  Imt  tlirouo-h  discour- 
agement they  did  not  lose  faith  in  the  Ihial  success  of  the 
government  or  countenan-'c  any  disorderly  conduct.  The 
revolt  under  the  leadershij)  of  Sliays,  Day  and  Shatiuck  was 
encouraged  by  the  active  and  ojxni  support  of  many  in  this 
vicinity,  but  there  is  no  evidence  tliat  any  citizen  of  this  town 
was  ever  found  within  the  ranks  of  0})en  revolt. 

The  theatre  of  Shays'  rebellion  -was  wholly  outside  of 
Ashburnham.  A  complete  histoiy  of  that  ill-advised  and 
irrational  revolt  would  contain  little,  if  any,  reference  to  the 
people  or  the  sentiment  of  this  town.     The  compliment  is 

.I'i'     'thiO-jfi     ,;  (  i        ■'■'    lirOi 

)   ;    V 

^^f>    ,;,;  Y   b 

j;>i  .   ,  a:\{nwA 

il.:),."|-.  '-iF     ■!' 

'yy'ArW-yWAnyi    MO     t 

tf  .... 

-.  r;f.rr.  " 



almost  reciprocal,  and  these  pages  would  contain  no  vei'er- 
ence  to  the  riotous  proceedings  if  it  could  be  sboAvn  tli;it  the 
inhabitants  of  Ashxluirnhani,  surrounded  Ity  the  same  diffi- 
culties and  suli'ering  tlie  same  hardshi})S,  did  not  give  any 
expression  of  symiiatliy  to  the  movement,  or  utter  any  com- 
plaints against  the  heavy  burdens  ^vhicll  oppressed  the 
Commonwealth.  It  is  reasonal)ly  certain  that  none  from 
this  town  joined  the  revolt.  And  wln'lc  there  is  no  })roof 
that  any  considei-able  })ortion  of  the  inhabitants  were  in 
sympathy  "with  it,  there  is  evidence  tliat  they  seriously 
considered  the  state  of  existing  aH'airs.  Yet  their  voice  was 
not  rai.ed  until  the  re])ellion  was  crushed  and  the  govern- 
ment left  at  liberty  to  answer  their  complaint.  On  the 
fourteenth  of  ^Nlarch,  17S7,  a  full  month  after,  the  only 
remaining  remnant  of  the  revolt  was  dispersed,  at  Petersliam, 
the  town  met  in  a  legal  meeting. 

To  see  if  the  town  ■uill  take  ai]y  method  to  become  acquiiiuted 
with  the  minds  of  our  follow  citizens  in  this  eommonwealtii  con- 
cerniug  the  choice  of  our  oflleers  to  he  employed  iu  governracnt 
the  present  year  or  pass  any  vote  or  votes  that  the  town  shall 
think  proper  under  said  article. 

To  see  if  it  is  any  mind  of  the  town  that  there  is  any  matter  of 
grievance  worthy  of  notice  which  we  sutler  by  reason  of  the 
present  administration  of  government,  and  if  it  is  the  minds  of 
the  town  that  diere  is  maitor  of  grievance  to  see  what  method  the 
town  will  take  for  redress  of  said  grievance. 

Voted  to  send  a  man  to  Worcester  to  meet  other  towns  and 
chose  IM"'  Jacob  Willard. 

It  was  moved  to  see  if  it  was  the  mind  of  the  town  that  there  is 
matter  of  grievance  that  the  people  labor  under  and  it  passed  in 
the  affirmative. 

The  town  having  chosen  Jacob  Willard  to  represent  thcni 
at  the  approaching  session  of  the  Gcjieral  Court,  met  again 


■_    ■,■:.      .     .•■•r=iu;i 

',  ./ir.'rr'/i 

•:     ^.    :        .:-.!:..!) 

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,  .  :-;:if:!  j'li  .'L'ivf 

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-■.  I'l  'Jifl 

:.  .;           ■■,,  .-.uijlJ 

;    ;:1  :i  ''i   ft'X 

'214  HISTOKY    OF   ASHRUr.NIIA^r. 

in  May  to  give  Ihoir  represoutativo  instruction,  whorcupon 
it  was  ordered  tlnit  lie  bo  instructed  : 

1"     To  liavc  the  general  court  moved  out  of  15ostou. 

2'^  To  Endeavor  that  the  Courts  of  Common  Pleas  be 

3'^      To  Endeavor  that  the  salary  men  be  lowered. 

4"^     To  prevent  if  possible  a  i)aper  currency. 

S""     To  continue  the  Tender  Act  for  another  3'ear. 

6'-'  To  Endeavor  that  a  free  pardon  be  held  out  to  all  those 
persons  that  have  taken  up  arms  against  the  government. 

These  instructions  are  simply  a  l)ricf  statement  of  the 
most  prominent  measures  that  were  being  advanced  by 
many  as  a  remedy  for  existing  grievances.  And  while  the 
Lcgishiture  was' not  removed  from  Boston,  the  salary  of  one 
officer,  the  governor,  was  reduced  and  a  bill  providing'  for 
a  new  emission  of  paper  money  was  ciefeated.  On  the  last 
of  these  instructions  the  town  again  took  action  at  the  next 
meeting.  "Chose  Jacob  Willard,  Joshua  Holden  and 
Captain  Daniel  Putnam  to  draft  a  petition  requesting  the 
governor  and  council  to  further  reprieve  or  pardon  Captain 
Job  Shattuck  and  others  n^iw  imder  sentence  of  death  and 
that  the  petitiori  be  signed  by  the  inhaliitants  individually." 
There  were  fourlecn  persiins  under  sentence  of  death  and 
among  them  Job  Shattu<'k  who  was  ca})iured  in  the  early 
progress  of  the  revolt  at  his  home  in  Groton. 

In  all  of  these  proceedings  of  the  town  tliere  is  no  exhibit 
of  temper  nor  any  apparent  failure  of  candid  consideration. 
The  instructions  to  their  representative  are  moderate  and 
from  their  standijoint  not  unreasonable,  and  their  request 
for  an  amelioration  of  the  sentence  of  Shattuck  and  others 
might  have  been  attended  with  censure  of  their  riotous 
conduct.     At  all  events  the    persons    under   sentence  were 

I    'U,;     >:■!'!:    •t'v.'^i 

'  \- 

1    r 

■V  lit.'; 

,  ,'ri-. 

:    ,      ,■■  ■  Vi.  ■■■■:     ■■'/,,..;;  ■    ^^■■!    ^>''- 

:|       1 


pardoned  by  those  who  hud  h'.ss  reason  for  the  exercise  (>t' 

In  the  records  for  tlie  yeai'  1787  and  again  the  following 
yea]'  is  entered  at  length  the  formal  oatli  of  allegiance  i)rc-- 
scribed  in  the  Constitution  of  the  State  and  to  it  is  sub- 
scribed tlic  names  of  the  selectmen,  assessors,  treasurer  and 
constables  of  e:ich  }-ear.  The  town  that  took  this  precaution 
to  restrain  insubordination  tuid  to  secure  a  lirmer  loyalty  to 
tlie  State  and  the  men  who  voluntai'ily  subscribed  their 
names  to  that  form  of  an  oath  will  never  be  susj^ccted  of 
being  in  sympathy  with  the  revolt.  If  they  petitioned  for 
the  pardon  of  the  rebels  it  was  more  in  the  spirit  of  forgive- 
iiess  and  charity  than  frc>m  any  existing  or  former  approval 
of  their  conduct.  The  vote  of  the  town  for  governor  for 
four  years  commencing  1783  was  substantially  unanimous 
fo)'  James  Bowdoin  who  was  the  representative  of  tlie  law 
and  order  party,  louring  these  disturbances  it  is  evident 
that  the  controlling  element  and  the  voice  and  intluence  of 
the  town  did  not  fail  in  the  maintenance  of  an  orderly  con- 
duct and  of  a  firm  loytdty  to  the  State.  "While  the  revolt 
was  sustained  in  other  places  our  fathers  assembled  in  the 
meeting-house  "Wednesday,  January  17,  1787,  and  listened 
to  a  sermon  l>y  ]Mr.  Gushing  from  the  text,  "That  there  be 
no  l>reaking  in  nor  going  out,  that  there  be  no  complaining 
in  our  streets.     Happy  is  that  people  that  is  in  such  a  case." 

This  was  a  season  of  great  excitement.  The  laws  were 
openly  violated  and  defied  in  many  places.  The  inhabitants 
of  Ashburnliam,  impatient  of  the  delay  of  a  legal  meeting, 
held  intbnnal  meetings  the  following  Friday  and  ]\ronday. 
A-  company  of  thirteen  men  marched  to  the  assistance  ot 
the  militia.  The  details  of  this  voluntary  service  are 
recorded  in  a  diary  kept  many  years  by  Isaac  Stearns  trom 
"which  the  followinfr  extracts  are  transcribed. 

■••.{    '    rrC'.' 

-h\:    -0:^0.1 

' ,  \.    .  ;.M.      ,■. 

MV    1.(1 

"•  a:  !/'»     .irr;-"     ■■.    (' 

li:lU     li-j:.l     M  •■•    liiiT    '''     {  ■■■ 

216  HISTORY    or    ASIlBrPvNlIAM. 

Thursdaii^  January  IS,  1787.  I  went  to  toWu  to  tnxininjj  or 
rather  to  try  to  got  man  to  go  to  Worcester. 

Friday.     I  wont  up  to  town  raceting. 

Monday.     I  went  to  town  meeting. 

Thursday.  I  went  to  town  to  see  about  getting  men  to  go 
against  the  insurgents. 

Friday,  Januajy  2G,  1787.  1  set  out  with  thirteen  men  and 
lodged  at  Ivicliardson's  in  Leominster. 

Saturday.     Lodged  at  Patcii's  in  Worcester. 

Sabbath  ninl.t.     Lodged  in  Spencer  at  one  Jenks. 

Monday  ni'jLt.     At  Rugbee's  in  Brimfleld. 

Tuesday  n>ghf.     At  Burt's  in  Spiingfiekl  and 

Wednesday  ni'jht,  also  at  Burt's. 

Thursday,  Februar}'  1,  We  marched  through  Chicopee,  a 
parish  of  Springfield,  to  South  Hadley  and  lodged  at  one 

Friday  night.     I  was  on  guard. 

Saturday  night.  About  ton  o'clock  we  niarehed  from  South 
Hadley  to  Amherst  and  made  a  little'  halt. 

Sabbath,  Feby  4.  Marched  tlirough  South  Barre  and  lodged 
in  Petersham. 

Monday.     ]\Iarched  to  BaiTO  and  lodged  at  Capt.  Henrj-'s, 

Tuesday.     Marched  to  Oakhftm  and  back  to  Ileiny's  in  Barre. 

Wednesday.     We  exercised. 

Thursday.     I  wont  about  four  miles  after  in>urgents. 

Friday.  I  chopped  wood  for  Capt.  Henry,  at  night  I  mounted 
guard.  ' 

Saturday.     Came  off  guard.     Afterwards  did  some  writing. 

Sabbath,  February  11.  I  went  to  Carre  meeting.  Mr.  Dana 
preached  from  Psalms  97:1.  In  the  afternoon  we  marched  from 
Capt.  Henry's  to  Dr.  Strickland's  who  lived  in  one  Nurse's  house 
in  Barre. 

Monday.     I  walked  down  to  P'.sqr  Caldwell's. 

Tuesday.     I  went  on  guard. 

Wednesda//.  I  came  from  guard.  At  eight  o'clock  at  night 
we  marched  from  Barre  to  Hardwick  in  water  up  mid  leg  and  ia 


,/;i;f.;/:.     .^.M- 


f  ;> 

.Mii'J  /'    '".1 

)■; ';;- '    1"','    ''"'..   .1       .  1  I    ",'  ■  ::ir'''tv  7 


the  rain  and  came  to  one  Ilaskeirs  in  Harchvick  and  tliere  remain- 
ing part  of  the  niglit,  tarried  Tiairsday  ;  and  Frid;iy  in  the  fore- 
noon I  chopped  wood  for  Mr.  Haskell.  In  the  afternoon  we 
marched  back  to  Barre. 

Saturday.     I  looked  after  Dr.  Strickland's  cattle. 

Sabbath,  February  IS.     I  went  on  guard  ;  came  off  Monday. 

Taeschiy.  I  went  to  Esqr  Cald-sveli's  and  read  in  Worcester 
Magazine;  aftcr'ivards  drinked  some  cider  and  returned  to  m}' 

Wcdiicsday.  We  marched  to  lUitland ;  there  we  were  dis- 
missed, about  noon  we  sot  out  and  came  through  Princeton,  a 
part  of  ITubbardstoa  and  through  Westminster  to  Col.  Eand's 
where  the  men  lodged,  but  I  came  to  Lieut.  jNIunroe's  in 

Thursday.     I  came  home. 

This  was  a  Woodless  yet  an  industrious  canipniga.  From 
a  military  standpoint  the  results,  so  far  as  wo  know,  -were 
not  particularly  decisive,  but  as  an  exponent  of  the  prevail- 
ing sentiment  of  tlie  town  at  a  season  of  discontent  our  little 
army  of  invasion  made  a  most  cheerful  campaign,  and  as 
volunteers  in  the  cause  of  law  and  order  their  service  must 
bo  accredited  to  a  patriotic  impulse  which  commands  our 
willing  esteem. 

In  1778  a  Constitution  for  "the  State  of  ^Massachusetts 
Bay"  was  submitted  for  the  approval  of  tlic  })Coplo  and  by 
them  rejected,  'i'he  necessity  for  a  more  stable  and  com- 
prehensive form  of  govenmient  remained.  In  1779  t!ie 
General  Court  passed  a  resolve  calling  upon  the  voters  to 
decide  whether  they"  woidd  instruct  their  representatives  to 
call  a  State  convention  to  prepare  and  subu-iit  for  their 
approval  a  form  of  Constitution.  A  convention  was  ordered 
and  tlie  Constitution  then  pre})ared  was  ratified  by  the  peoi>le 
in  1780.  In  these  proceedings  the  following  votes  wiU 
reflect  the  sentiment  of  this  town. 

■}  ]\      '.:  '         li 

;>  ■':>\v.U}'::i-' 

.■XIV  ■.>■':• 

I      <-'(•>     J  _  ./         ■   i  !  ■  I 

'  I  :  '  .' 

218  iiiSTor.Y  OF  asiiburniia:\i. 

May  7,  1779.  Voted  to  have  n  new  form  of  goverunient  ns 
sooQ  as  iiiu}'  be.  Also  that  our  representative  vote  to  have  a 
State  convention  called  for  that  purpose. 

Willitmi  Wliitcoiiib  was  the  rcpreso^ttitivc  at  the  time  this 
vote  was  parsed.  There  is  no  record  of  the  choice  of  a  dele- 
gate to  tlie  constitutional  convention. 

Ma}-  31,  1780.  Voted  to  accept  of  tlie  form  of  government  as 
it  now  stands  all  except  three  articles.  Accepted  unanimously. 
The  articles  accepted  against  are  the  following  :  The  third  in  the 
bill  of  rights,  forty-seven  for  it  as  it  now  stands,  and  twelve 
against;  —  Chapter  2,  Section  first,  article  seventh,  accepted  with 
this  amendijicnt :  —  That  the  Governor  b}'  advice  of  his  council 
have  power  to  march  the  militia  to  any  one  of  the  neighboring  or 
adjoining  States  in  case  of  invasion  in  the  recess  of  the  General 
Court.  Chapter  first,  section  third,  article  fourth  :  —  Two  persons 
against  it  as  it  now  stands. 

The  persons  dissatisfied  witli  the  tliird  article  of  the  bill 
of  rigiits  were  the  ]japtists  who  contended  tliat  there  vras 
injustice  in  the  conditions  wliicli  required  them  to  contribute 
to  the  support  of  the  standing  or  Congregational  order  unless 
they  were  nieni1.)ers  of  some  other  society. 

A  convention  of  delegates  was  assonbled  in  Boston  in 
January,  178^',  to  cast  tic-  vote  of  ^Massachusetts  on  the 
question  of  the  acceptance  of  the  ConsticiTtion  of  the  United 
States.  The  town  of  Ashlnirnham  was  re})resented  in  that 
distinguished  body  by  Jacob  AVillard.  ^Vhile  a  majority  of 
the  convention  finally  cast  the  vote  of  ^Massachusetts  in  favor 
of  the  adoption  of  the  Constitution,  only  seven  of  the  fifty 
delegates  from  Worcester  county  voted  in  the  atlirmative. 
The  name  of  ^Iv.  ^Villard  is  found  with  the  majority  from 
tjiis  county. 


...    :     :  '■.     ...,         :   -     .  '  '.     '     .■..-..■■■'  ^i    '    !  I 
'  ^  .  •''■'11     I,.-  I  I,  •'.!    ,  :    •>!    :/■.,' 

STATi:    KELATIOXS,    I'OLITICS,    TOWN    OFFICEKS.        210 

1)1  179o,  tl'C  toNvn  voted  nnaiiimously  tlial  it  was  iuex- 
])odicnt  to  ivvific  tlic  ConMitntion  of  the  Slate,  but  in  1820, 
the  town  l>y  a  vole  of  sixty-tliree  to  scvenieen  deemed 
it  expedient  to  eall  a  eonventioii  for  revision.  In  both 
instanees  the  town  voted  witli  a  majority  of  the  vhole  vote 
of  the  State.  In  the  convention  wliich  was  assembled  at  this 
time  the  town  ivas  represented  by  Sihis  AVillard.  Of  the 
fourteen  proposed  amendments  the  people  of  the  State  ratified 
nine.  They  are  the  numbers  I  to  IX  of  amendments  to  the 
Constitution.  The  town  of  Ashburnham  voted  in  the  aflirma- 
tive  on  all  the  proposed  amendments  except  the  fifth.  This 
was  one  of  the  five  wliich  was  rejected.  The  amendment-, 
numbered  X,  XI,  XII  and  XIII,  were  proposed  by  the 
Legislature  and  ratified  l\y  the  people  T\-it]iout  the  interven- 
tion of  a  convention.  The  votes  of  the  people  of  this  town 
"were  as  follows  : 







Negative,    2 













In  1851,  a  proposition  to  call  a  convention  for  revision 
Avas  sul)mitted  to  the  people  and  defeated.  The  vote  of  this 
towi\  was  183  in  favor  of  a  convention  and  138  opposed. 
The  tliird  conveiUion  of  dek^gates  was  assembled  18.33.  In 
the  pieliminary  vote  220  desired  to  call  tlie  convention  and 
118  were  willing"  to  continue  the  constitution  without  chaniie. 
The  measure  having  received  a  sufficient  number  of  votes, 
the  town  was  called  upon  to  make  choice  of  a  delegate. 
Shneon  Merritt  was  elected,  receiving  1.53  votes  to  118  for 
Reuben  Townsend.  This  convention  submitted  to  the  people 
eight  propositions.  X'one  of  them  were  ratified.  The  vote 
of  xVshbuniham  was  203  in  favor  and  146  opposed.     By  a  light 

10    /. 

•:•■■■,■.  ';y>  :•.: 

I  I  :■■>:  i 

!  -'.IT 


/.  .>-i   .j)  ..:.  ...  ;■-  ■ .  JJ.-J"'i^. 


vote  the  town  voted  ^vitli  the  nitijorily  in  the  State  in  ratify- 
ing t])e  six  aniendineuts  tJiut  were  added  in  1855  and  no 
sidtsequent  anieiidnient  lias  elicited  a  full  vote  or  a  very 
decided  expression  of  o}>inioii.  In  laier  3'ears,  the  sentiment 
of  the  tovrn  has  been  expressed  by  printed  ballots.  But  on 
the  pending  amendments  in  1S20,  tlie  vote  was  taken  in  a 
more  captious  nianncr.  The  warrant  calling  upon  the  inhal)i- 
tants  of  Ashburnhain  to  assenil)lc  announced  that  the  ^'ote 
would  be  taken  in  the  iollo^ving  manner ;  "All  the  voters  to 
be  seated  and  when  called  upon  to  vote  then  all  that  vote  to 
rise  and  stand  up  with  their  heads  uncovered  until  they  are 
counted  and  then  sit  do\\n  in  their  seats  again  with  their 
heads  covered."  It  was  a  rare  display  of  brains  both  in  tiie 
record  and  in  the  ^ote. 

The  relations  of  Ashburnham  to  the  temporary  forms  of 
government,  existing  from  1774  to  17.'::^0,  have  been  noticed 
in  the  Revolutionary  History  of  the  to\vn.  The  first  election 
under  the  Constitution  in  the  autumn  of  1780  was  for  a  short 
term.  At  this  election  the  town  voted  not  to  send  a  repre- 
sentative and  continued  of  the  same  mind  at  tlie  annual 
election  the  next  spring.  In  fact,  until  the  close  of  the 
century,  Ashburnham  ^\'as  represented  in  only  eight  sessions 
of  the  Legislature,  ha^'ing  voted  thirteen  times  "not  to  send 
a  representatiN'e  this  year."  Jt  should  be  1,'orne  in  mind  that 
until  1881,  tlu^  State  otlli-ers  and  the  Legislature  were  elected 
iu  the  spring,  and  that  the  General  Court  was  con\  ened  the 
last  Wednesday  in  3[ay.  To  Jacob  A^'illard  was  reserved 
the  honor  of  being  the  first  representative  from  this  town 
under  the  Constitution.  lie  was  elected  in  1782  and  again 
in  1787,  1791  and  1702  ;  William  AVhitcomb  1783  and  Sanuiel 
Wilder  1788,  170G  and  1798.  Every  other  year  the  town 
was  not  represented  in  the  popular  branch  of  the  Legislature, 
and  in  1798  ]Mr.  Wilder  died  before  the  Legislature  con- 

:■/.     'h 

/  ■<•    '  '.    '     !r,'].;i>-i:.'  •u.  •'il'  1o 

STATE    KELATI<)^"S,    POLITICS,   TOWX    OmCElIS.       221 

Beginning  -with  the  present  century,  Jocob  Willavd  was; 
again  elected  in  1801,  and  following  a  familiar  precedent  the 
next  seven  year.-;  tlie  to^vn  voted  not  to  send  a  representative. 
Jn  1800,  Joseph  Jewett  Avas  first  chosen  and  reeleck'd  in 
1812,  18ia,  1814,  181G,  1821,  1820.  lie  Avas  also  elected 
in  1810,  1>nt  immediately  after  the  declaration  of  t1ie  vote 
the  town  from  a  chronic  halMt  "voted  not  to  send  a  ]'ej)re- 
sentative  this  year."  Notwithstanding  the  vote  of  the  town, 
JVlr.  Jewett,  having  been  elected,  assumed  the  duties  of  the 
office.  Elisha  "White  represented  the  town  1815  ;  Stephen 
Corey  1819;  Ivers  Jewett  182-1;  Abraham  T.  Lowe  182 ">  : 
Charles  Barrett  1828  :  Xathaniel  Pierce  1830. 

Simultaneous  with  tlie  ainendment  of  the  Constitution  in 
1831,  changing  the  tinu'  of  election  from  the  spring  t(^ 
November  and  continuing  until  the  auKjudment  of  1810,  the 
town  having  375  or  moro  rataltle  polls  was  entitled  to  send 
two  representatives.  Commencing  with  the  fall  elections 
and  winter  sessions  and  coni inning  until  the  adoption  of  the 
district  system  in  1857,  the  town  tailed  ten  times  to  be 

The  earlier  failures  to  elect  a  representative  arose  as  much 
from  a  sentiment  of  indiflerence  as  from  any  other  cause, 
but  al  this  tune  there  was  a  livelier  interest  in  political  atlairs 
and  party  lines  Mere  shari^ly  defined.  The  attem})t  was 
annually  made  and  an  election  failed  only  v.  hen  the  combined 
vote  of  the  Democrats  and  anti-slavery  party  deleated  the 
Whigs  in  securing  a  majority  which  was  then  necessary  to 
elect.  In  1850  tlie  AVhigs  were  not  only  prevented  from 
sending  a  representative  l)ut  witnessed  the  election  of  :i 
political  opponent.  During  this  period  the  following  persons 
were  elected  for  the  session  of  the  years  ensuing  : 

1831.  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Hosca  Stone. 

1832.  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Hosca.  Stone. 

1833.  Ilosea  Stone,  Asahel  Corey. 

I    ^  .1 


.    ■  -•■    .  ■ .    -Lcr 

.  ,      ••»,;;  ■'(■II '    "  I  ' 

!",    '.-•    r 

;.  i  .  ■  f 



Kilburu  Harwoocl. 
Kilburii  Harwood. 
Roubeii  TowDsend. 
Stephen  Ciishing. 
No  clioice. 

183i.  Asuhcl  C'oi'cy, 

1835.  Asahel  Corey, 

I80G.  Asabc'I  Corey, 

1837.  Heubcn  Townsend, 

1838.  Ivoiibeu  To^ynsclld, 
1810.  George  G.  Parker. 
1841.  George  G.  Parker. 
1845.  JohnC.  Gh/.ier. 

1850.  Ivers  Adams. 

1851.  Joel  Liteh.  .  ■ 

1854.  Edward  S.  FliDt. 

1855.  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr. 
1S5G.  Joseph  P.  Pice. 

In  tlic  district  sj'stcin  of  represcntnliou  Asliburnham  -was 
classed  with  Wiuclieiidon  until  187G.  The  representatives 
have  been  as  t'ollows  : 

1857.  Jacob  B.  Harris 

1858.  Josiah  D.  Crosby 

1859.  William  Murdock 
18G0.  Albert  II.  Andrews 
18G1.  Nelson  D.  White 
18G2.  Thomas  Bontelle 
18G3.  Giles  II.  Whitney 
1SG4.  George  C.  Winchester 
1865.  Giles  II.  Whitney 
18GG.  George  E.  Fisher 
1SG7.  Windsor  N.  White 

1868.  George  H.  Barrett 

1869.  William  L.  Woodcock 

1870.  Orlando  Mason 

1871.  Albert  G.  Sinclair 

1872.  Austin  Whitney 

1873.  Charles  A.  Loud 

1874.  Wilbur  F.  Whitney 

1875.  Charles  A.  Loud 

of  Wiuchendoii. 
of  Asliburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Ashburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Ashburuham. 
of  AVinchendon. 
of  AsLiburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Ashburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Ashburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Winchc!ulon. 
of  Ashburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 
of  Ashburnham. 
of  Winchendon. 

,;    .:'    .:;   :!(.•;: 

:;■...       .^'^-Si 

'/■'■    'o 

'  ?•■;  7 

:^.  :rJ    ^'  .:^i'. 

;!■  . '.   ,  >«\     vl" 


STATE   RELATIONS,    rOLlTICS,    TOWN    OFFICEKS.         223 

Under  a  revision  (»f  llie  di.-tricts  Ashburnliani  was  classed 
witli  Gardner,  AA'incbcndon,  AVcstuiinstcr  and  Princeton  and 
privileged  to  send  t>vo  repvcsontatives. 

1876.  Simeon   ]\Ioiritt  of  Ashburnbani  and  ^Vikler  P.  Clark  of 


1877.  C.  Webster  Bush  of  Gardner   and  Arternas  Merriam  of 


1878.  Wilder  r.  Clark   of  Winchendon  and  William  PI.  Brown 

of  Princeton. 

1879.  Edwin  J.  Cashing    of  Gardner  and   George  W.  Edd}'  of 


1880.  Giles  H.  Whitney  of  Winchendon  nud  J.  Henry  Miller  of 


1881.  John  D.  Edgell  of  Gardner  and  John  B.  Fay  of  Princeton. 

1882.  Walter  0.  Parker  of  Ashburnham  nnd  Wilder  P.  Clark  of 


1883.  Eoderick  11.  Bent  of  Gardner  and  Edwin  L.  Burnham  of 


1884.  Eoderick   R.    Bent   of    Gardner  and   Charles  J.  Bice  of 


1885.  Charles  J.  iJice  of  Winchendon  and  Herbert  S.  Stratton 

of  Gardner. 

The  vote  for  governor  at  one  hundred  and  live  elections 
presents  many  -nggestions  concerning  the  growtli  and  senti- 
ment of  the  town.  The  voic  for  presidential  electors  being 
substantially  a  repetition  ot  the  vote  for  governor  the  same 
year  aflbrds  no  additional  information.  If,  for  a  few  years 
early  in  tlic  present  century,  the  tow^n  evinced  an  unsteadi- 
ness of  purpose,  the  political  sentiment  of  Ashburnham  has 
been  mainly  in  sympathy  v.ith  the  Federal,  ^Vhig  and  Ib'- 
publican  parties. 


'vrT";  .'! 

7^'     '-!-.•;    ;;*-.].(■;■;.".■.:'./     In 


•>■  )     '. 

t     O/M'rf;    - 

/'.'.';'    .ti   .-  ■ ' 

.  1  Vl"  •/ 

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'*'!bfii'S!      I'lri     'i;     (Ofi'ri  .'■■>\.-      '•!    '■^.V. 

l"    '  •," 

iU/^.l.-,  M. 

'  1 1 : ' ;  ' ; 




Name  of 

"3  g 

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d    o 

Name  of 

0    a 

Name  of 


"A  > 


6  p 



^  > 




Bo^^  doin 








Xo  record 
of  a  vote. 





























































































































Gore  ~ 














































]i  rooks 























































































H-r^      Ou    I 

•  t-.i;.,  r,      :. 

.1 , 1 

,     I   '  ^;..-.f'1. 




<»-       1 

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Xame  of 

o   7,   1  of 

■^   ij 

K;inie  of 

0    5 

Xamo  of 

O     5 





~    o 

Ciiiididiitc     ,5  ^ 












103   ! 






Lincoln        i 

152    > 





87    1 







127   i 





98   1 






130   j 





141   1 



.,   ^ 








1S31>  j 














100   j 





1812  1 


100  ; 





'            \ 



159   j 







104  ; 








130   ' 








127   1 








123   ! 








102   1 
























Bout  v.- ell 




































18                      \ 

















5                     I 





























A:;  drew 








i    S3 





!    32 





!    40 





1  130 





'    89 




,  Adams 


r-:-  ■; 




;  Adams 

;  111 





i    30 

■ ' ' 




!  Bird 

!    71 




j  Gaston 

i    97 




j  Gaston 






i  Gaston 

j  130 




1  Adams 

1  107 






1  Gaston 

'    77 




i  Biitlei* 

i    90 



1  Long 


1  Butler 

;    80 

1  sso 



1  Thompson 

I    05 




1  Thompson 

!    24 




'  Butler 

•    97 





;  P.utler 





j  Endicott 






I  Prince 








I      f 

226  iiiSTOiiY  or  ASI^JUK^"llAM. 

The  county  of  Worcester  was  incorporated  when  the 
territory  of  Ashburnhnin  was  an  unnamed  wilderness.  The 
relations  of  tliis  toAvn  to  the  county  was  an  inheritance  in 
wliich  tlie  inhabitants  had  no  voice,  l)ut  ihoy  did  not  long- 
remain  silent  after  they  became  members  of  tlic  corporatiori. 
Situated  on  tlie  borders  of  the  coimt}'  and  remote  from  the 
shire  toA\n,  the  voters  of  Ashl>urn]iam  liave  debated  many 
projects  concerning  a  change  of  county  lines  or  the  creation 
of  a  new  county.  Some  of  tlicse  have  been  enterlahicd  with 
considerable  lavor.  The  discussion  began  one  hundred  ye;irs 
ago  and  has  been  renewed  at  fre(iuent  intervals.  The  old 
county  remains  unchanged  and  so  do  tlie  advocates  of  a  new 
one.  One  movement  began  in  1784  and  extended  through 
several  years.  To  the  iirst  convention  this  town  voted  not 
to  send  a  delegate,  but  in  a  convention  iield  in  Lunenburg 
in  1785,  the  town  was  represented  b}'  Samuel  "Wilder.  At 
this  time  it  was  finally  proposed  to  create  a  new  county 
comprising  towns  in  AVorcester  and  Middlesex  counties. 
To  this  projwsal  Asldnirnluun  iinally  dissented  and  witlidrew 
from  the  movement.        -  .■■■     ■-.     > 

In  178G,  the  toAvn  voted  not  to  join  with  the  petitioners 
of  Petersham  for  a  new  county  but  were  found  ready  to 
encourage  the  movement  for  a  division  of  AVorcester  county 
which  occiUTed  soon  after.  To  a  convention  held  in  Leom- 
inster in  1794  the  town  sent  Samuel  "Wilder.  The  con- 
vention recommended  the  creation  of  a  new  counfy  and  this 
tow^n  chose  Abraham  Lowe,  Sanuiel  Wilder  and  Jacob 
"Willard  to  petition  the  General  Court.  As  a  result  of  the 
solicitation  of  this  and  other  towns  the  General  Court  in  1708 
submitted  the  question  to  the  votei-s  of  the  county.  The 
vote  of  this  town  was  sixty-four  in  favor  of  a  division  of  the 
county  and  live  opposed.  Inmiediately  after  the  vote  was 
taken  in  the  county  a  convention  was  held  in  Templeton  in 

;;/■;:  ;:(:}!(<a,  'M  .    ;:(i)  i';^iif 

.  ,'.1     :      ' 

[v.:.--.    .'Jio^     !!/.'</)     -mIj     l^^Vf    ;]'    ')'?,)*ni 


which  tho  town  was  represonlccl  hy  Joseph  JcmcU,  but  the 
Dieasure  in  the  mean  time  was  defeated  and  the  town  took  no 
action  on  the  report  of  the  delegate  to  the  convention.  Con- 
cerning" the  sul>sequerit  cllbrts  tliat  liave  been  made  to  divide 
the  county  of  Worcester  the  sentiment  of  the  towji  of  Ash- 
burnham  was  divided  but  the  count}'  remains  ^vitll  its 
generous  domain  and  extensive  boundaries. 

]NrAGiSTi{ATES. — In  colonial  tinics  the  Justices  of  the  Peace 
were  commissioned  in  the  name  of  tlie  king  and  the  oflice 
was  regarded  as  one  of  marked  distinction.  I^])0)i  the 
adoption  of  the  State  Constitution  the  appointment  was 
vested  in  the  governor,  yet  the  duties  and  prerogatives  of 
the  ofHce  were  not  materially  changed  and  a  peculiar  dignity 
continued  to  attend  the  office.  In  later  years,  appointments 
liave  been  bestowed  with  greater  freedom  and  the  number  of 
persons  qualified  for  the  position,  both  by  education  and  a 
knowledge  of  legal  forms  and  pi'oeeedings,  is  so  numerous 
that  the  magistrates  of  the  present  time,  surrounded  l)y  men 
of  equ;d  inlluence  and  eminence,  do  not  enjoy  tlic  distinction 
that  once  attended  the  })Osition.  The  only  ]terson  appointed 
to  this  office  in  this  tow  n  by  I'oyal  favor,  was  Samuel  Wilder. 
For  many  ^'cars  he  was  the  only  magistj-ate  in  Ashburnham. 
Joshuii  Smith,  who  came  lo  this  town  in  1785,  was  styled 
Esquire  Smith  and  1)cforc  he  removed  li'ther  he  had  been  a 
Justice  of  the  I'eace  in  S(")uthl)orough,  but  no  record  of  his 
appointment  after  his  removal  to  this  town  has  been  found. 
In  the  following  list  of  the  Justices  of  the  Peace  the  tirst 
column  gives  the  date  of  the  first  appointment.  At  the  close 
of  seven  years  the  commissions  generally  have  been  renewed. 

1772.  Samuel  Wilder  died  May  9,  170S 

1796.  Jacob  Willard  died  February  22,  bS08 

179S.  Abraham  Lowe  died  October  23,  1831 

1811.  George  R.  Cushiug  died  FebrLiary  2,  1851 

!)'  \trff\y    '-r/i 


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■■'.J    I.' 






































Joseph  Jewett 
Elisba  "White 
Stephen  Core}' 
Ivers  Jewett 
Sihis  Willavd 
Hem-}-  Adams 
Hosea  Stone 
Nathaniel  Pierce 
George  G.  Parker 
Kilburu  IlaiwooJ 
Reuben  Townscnd 
Enoch  Wliituiore 
Cliarles  Stearns 
John  Pctts — Trial  Justice 
Jerome  W.  Foster 
George  Rock  wood 
John  L.  Cuuimings 
Charles  W.  Burrage 
William  P.  Ellis 
Albert  II.  Andrews 
Daniels  Ellis,  Jr. 
Ohio  Whitney,  Jr. 
Ivers  Adams 
William  F.  Burrage 
Alfred  Miller 
Wilbur  F.  Whitney 
Alfred  Whitmore 
Marshall  Wctlierbec 
George  W.  Eddy 
Austin  Whitney 
Melvin  O.  Adams 

died  May  3,  1846 

died  June  14,  1817 

died  October  7,  1823 

removed  from  town  1827 

commission  expired  October  1,  1852 

removed  from  town  1830 

commission  expired  Fein-navy  1,  1841 

"  "  June  12,  1851 

died  December  14,  1852 

rerjioved  from  town  1845 

commission  expired  Feb.  3.  18G0 

died  September  13,  1860 

died  July  11,  1874 

commission  expired  1857 

died  March  23,  1871 

died  December  20,  1864 

removed  fron  town  1859 

entered  army  1861 

died  February  G,  1879 

commission  expired  May  16,  1872 

removed  from  town  1867 

removed  from  town  1863 

died  January  4,  1873 

commission  expired  .January  7,  1880 
removed  from  town  1876 
John  11.  Wilkins,  Notary  Public 

S.  Joseph  Bi'adlee  removed  from  town  1884 

Samuel  G.  Newton        ,   ;.  ,.       .,     .  ;        died  July  23,  1884 
George  C.  Foster 

!>■■  vSH  ^1 

'\:^y.iri'M  ">' 

"t      >T,  ',;;   .,i 

;    (-^  ■,.■.;! 

h  ,,:.;.  ;;  s;   .;^i.ii; 


A  list  of  Modero.lors  of  the  Annual  March  meetintj,  Toivn  Clerl\s, 
Sde':'tinen.  and  Assessors^  from  (he  incorporation  of  the  town 
to  the  preseni  time. 

1765.     jModeiator,  Samuel  Fellows.       Cierk,  William  Whitcomb. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Fellows,  Tristram.  Ciienej',  JoIid  Rich, 

James  Colemaa,  Jonathan  Gates. 
Assessors,  Samuel  Wilder,  William  Joyner,  John  Bates. 
17G6.     jM.oderator,  Samuel  Fellows.       Clerk,  William  Whitcomb. 
Selectmen,   William    Whitcomb,   Tristram   Cheney,   John 

Rich,  Elisha  Coolidge,  John  Jones. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1767.  Moderator,  Tristram  Cheney.  Clerk,  William  Joyner. 
Selectmen,  Tristram  Cheney,  Jonti.  Gates,  John  Kiblinger? 

John  Jones,  Sanjiiel  Wilder, 
Assessors,  William   Wliitcomb,  Samuel    Wilder,  Tristrajn 

1768.  Moderator,  Samuel  Fellows.  Clerk,  William  Joyner. 
I  ;  ■  ,          Selectmen,  Tristram   Cheney,  William  Whitcomb,  Sauuiel 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1769.  Moderator,  Samuel  Fellows.  Clerk,  Samuel  ^Vilder. 
Selectmen,  John   Kiblinger,  Nathan  Melvin,  Samuel  Fel- 

Assessors,    Samuel     Wilder,  William    Joyner,    "\Mlliam 

1770.  Moderator,  Samue'  I'\'l!ows.  Ch.rk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
,  ,             Selectmen,    Samuv4    FcUov^s,  John     Kiblinger,    Ephraim 

'  Assessors,    Samuel  Wilder,  William    Whitcomb,    Nathan 

1771.  Moderator,  Samuel  Fellows.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Ephraim   Stone,   Samuel    Wilder,  John   Kib- 
linger.                V'l  ;;■:•'        .. \-  '  A  ■        ,  '. 

Assessors,  Samuel    Wilder,  William  Whitcomb,   Nathan 

!•  ■;  •...(1  ..r-)/-r.-.  ;-A 


1772.  Modev.ilor,  William  Wliiteomb.  Cleric,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Seleetmeu,  Samuel   Wildi'i',    Ephraira    Stoae,   John   Kib- 

Asses.sois,    Samuel    Wililei-,    Williaui     Whitcomb,    John 

1773.  Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,   Samuel  Wilder,    Ephraim    Stone,   John  Kib- 

linger.  ,  - 

Assessors,  Samuel  Wilder,  Vrilliam  Whitcomb,  Jonathan 

177-1.     Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.         Cferk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Wilder,  John  Wilhird,  Jonathan  Taylor. 
As.oessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1775.  ]\[oderator,  Deliverance  Davis.  Clerk,  Jacob  Willard. 
Selectmen,   John    Kiblinger,  Samuel     ""sichols,    Jonathan 

Gates,  Oliver  Stone,  Amos  Kendell. 
Assessors,  John  Adams,   John  Conn,  p]!>onezer   Hemen- 

1776.  Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,    William    Whitcomb,    John    Kiblinger,    Oliver 

Assessois,  Samuel  Wilder,  Jacob  Willard,  John  Adams. 

1777.  Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.         Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Wilder,  John  Willard,  Jonathan  Sam- 
son, Jonathan  Taylor,  Abijah  Joslin. 

Assessors,   Samuel  Wilder,  William  Wilder,  Enos  Jones, 
Joseph  IMetcalf,  I-'rancis  Lane. 

1778.  Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selcctmcu,  John  Conu,  Oliver  Willard,  William  Beujamin. 
Assessors,    Samuel    Wilder,   William    Whitcomb,    John 


1779.  Moderator,  William  Whitcomb.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  John  Conn,  Oliver  Willard,  Amos  Dickerson. 
Assessors,    Samuel    Wilder,    William    Whitcomb,    Jacob 


1780.  Moderator,  Joseph  Whitmore.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Wilder,  Isaac  Merriam,  Francis  Lane. 


''■  ;:;iv.i- , 

'  ■  ' '  I ' 

,1  .    M    ■■    ;    H   ,  (■       (;.|. 

!^  111.''  ,:i-jnil\)''r?f< 

•■'•■•      y'  )    .aril',  .■:.rv^  :tr^;nr'  ■  .  ■mj,/k.i.o]/[    .8. 

. .■■.•;'( -.7      . 


STATE    EKLATIO^'S,    POLITICS,    'J'OWN   OFITCEKS.       231 

Assessors,  Samuel  Wilder,  Jacob  Harris,  William  Pollard. 

1781.  ^Moderator,  George  Dana.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  .Jacob  Harris,  Hezekiah  Corey,  Enos  Jones. 
Assessoj's,  David  Stedmau,  Jacol)  Harris,  William  Pollard. 

1782.  Muderator,  Jacob  Vrillard.  Clerk.  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,    Samuel   "^''ilder,    Hezekiah   Corey,    Ebene^er 

Assessors,  Jacob  Harris,  Samuel  Wilder,  David  Stedmnu. 

1783.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Wilder,  Hezekiah  Corey,  Jacol)  Wil- 

Assessors,  Samuel  "\rildcr,  Jacob  Harris,  William  Pollard. 

1784.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,    Samuel    Wilder,    Hezekiah    Corey.    Francis 

Assessors,  Samuel  Wilder,  Francis  Lane,  Jacob  Harris. 

1785.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Saninel  Wilder,  Samuel  Foster,  John  Conn. 
Assessors,  Jacob  Harris,  William  Pollard,  Jacob  Willard. 

178G.     Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 

Selectmen,  .Joshua  Smith,  Samuel  Wilder,  Samuel  Foster. 

Assessors,  Jacob  Harris,  Williain  I^olhird,  Oliver  Hough- 
1787.     ^foderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 

Selectmen,  -John  Adams,  Amos  Dickcrson,  Jacob  Iviblinger. 

Assessors,  Jacob  Vriiiard,  Jacob  Harris,  .John  Adams. 
17S8.     ^Moderator,  .Joshua  Smith.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 

Selectmen,  John  Adams,  Jacol)  Kiblinger,  Samuel  Foster. 

Assessors,  John  Adams,  John  Abbott,  Oliver  Houghton. 

1789.  ^Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  John  Adams,  Jacob  Kiblinger,  Samuel  Foster. 
Assessors,  John  Adams,  Jacob  Harris,  Jacob  Willard. 

1790.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Samuel  Foster,  Samuel  Wilder,  Jacob  Willard. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

v-^-'i   « <.;i: 

I. •■":!,  .:■!',   '     :' 

<!     , 

■  \, .   It     f     •'""• '..   .  S' 

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;     !    ./•j      y.WAiy    ,/i 

232  •   HISTORY  OF  A;--;in'>u];x][A^r. 

1791.  Moderator,  Jacoh  Willard.  Clerk,  Samuel  Wilder. 
Selectmen,  Jacob  "Willard,  John  Gates,  Jacob  Kiblhigcr. 
Assessors,  Jacob  ^7ilIa!•d,  Jncob  Harris,  Jaco]>  l\"ibliiiger. 

1792.  Moderator,  Jacol»  "Willard.  Cleik,  Abraliiun  Lovre. 
Selectmea,  Samuel  Foster,  Francis  Lane,  Knos  Jones. 
Assessors,  Jacob  Harris,  Sanraol  AVildor,  "William  Pollard. 

1793.  Moderator,  Samuel  "Wilder.  Clerk,  Abraham  Lowe. 
Selectmen,    S:uniiel    Wilder,   Joseph    Jcn'ett,  Jacob  Kib- 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 
1791.     Moderator,  Samuel  Wilder.  Clerk,  Abi'aham  Lowe. 

Selectmen,  Francis  Lane,  I'nos  Jones,  Ebenezc)'  Munroe. 
Assessors,  Samuel  AVilder,  Jacob  Harris,  Jacob  Willard. 

1795.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Abraham  Lowe. 
Selectmen,  Jacob  Xibllnger,  Joseph  Jewett,  John  Conn. 
Assessors,    ^Matthias    Mossman,    Joseph    Jewett,     Caleb 


1796.  Moderator,  Jacob  Harris.  Clerk,  Aliraham  Lowe. 
Selectmen,  Jacob  Yvlllard,  Samuel  Wilder,  Caleb  Ward. 
Assessors,  Matthias  Mossman,  Jacob  Harris,  .John  Adams. 

1797.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Abraham  Lowe. 
Selectmen,  Jacob  Kiblinger,  John  Gates,  William  Stearns. 
Assessors,    jNTatthias   ]Mossman,   Abraham    Lowe,    Elisha 

179S.     IModerator,  Jacob  "Willard.  Clerk,  Abraham  Lowe. 

Selectmen,  John  Ca/u-s,  W^illiam  Steariis,  Abraham  Lowe. 
Assessors,  Samuel  Wilder,  Joseph  Jewett,  Jacob  Harris. 

1799.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Elisha  White. 
Selectmen,  Elisha  White,  David  Cashing,  Jacob  Kiblinger. 
Assessors,  David  Gushing,    Joseph   Jewett,  Jacob    Kib- 

1800.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Jose[)h  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  Joseph  Jewett,  Jacob  Kiblinger,  John  Adams, 

Hezekiah  Coiey,  Caleb  Ward. 
Assessors,  Joseph  Jewett,  John  Adams,  Jacob  Kiblinger. 





)    .      .),    /'  Ul 

STATE    KELATIONS,    rOLITlCS,    TOWN    OFFICERS.       233 

180i.     Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 

Selectmen,  Jacob  "Willard,  Ebenezer  Miinroe,  Jacob  Cou- 

Assessors,    Jacob    Willard,    Jacob    Constantiue,    Elislia 

1802.  i>Ioderator,  Ji^beiiezer  Muuroe.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  lilbcnezer  ]\Iiinroe,  John  Gates,  David  CushiiJg. 
Assessors,  Joseph  Jev/ctt,  David  Gushing,  Sanuicl  Cotting. 

1803.  Moderator,  Ebenezer  Munroe.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  David  Gushing,  Jolni  Gates,  Caleb  Ward. 
Assessors,  Joseph  Jewett,  David  Gushing,  John  Adams. 

1804.  Moderator,  l-^benezcr  Munroe.  Cleik,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,   Ebenezer    Munroe,    Amos   Pierce,   Hezekiah 

Corey,  Jr. 
Assessors,    Elisiia    White,    Ilczekiah    Corey,    Jr.,    Silas 

1805.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  Amos  Pierce,  Hezekiah   Core}',  Jr.,  Tliomas 

Hobart.  ,..•;■; 

Assessors,  Elisha  White,  David  Gushing,  Samuel  Gates. 
180G.     Moderator,  Jacob  W^illard.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 

Selectmen,    Thomas    Hobart,    Joseph     Jewett,    Lemuel 

Assessors,  Elisha  White,  Silas  Willard,  Samuel  Gates. 

1807.  Moderator,  Jacob  Willard.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Thomas     Hobart,    Joseph     Jewett,    Lemuel 

Assessors,  Elisha  White,  Silas  Willard,  John  Adams,  Jr. 

1808.  Moderator,  Caleb  Wilder.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Joseph    Jewett,    Thomas     Hobart,     Lemuel 

Assessors,  Elisha  White,  Silas  Willard,  John  Adams,  Jr. 

1809.  Moderator,  Elisha  White.  Clerk.  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Joseph     Jewett,    Thomas     Hobart,    Lemuel 

Assessors,  Elisha  "White,  Silas  Willard,  John  Adams,  Jr. 

jT.  "  '^.'  ■■■■ 



;;  i   ,      !ui>}.c(/?        OOJ^l 


1810.     Moderator,  Caleb  WiUlcr.  Clork,  Joseph  Jevrett. 

Selectmen,  Elisha  AVIiitc,  Silas  "Willard,  Samuel  Gates. 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 
ISll.     l\[uderator,  iLlisha  \Vhite.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jcv.-ett. 

Selectmen,  Ellslia  White,  Silas  "Willard,  Stephen    Corey. 

Assessors,     Joseph     Jewell,     Silas     Willard,     Ebenczer 

1812.  ]\ioderator,  Caleb  Voider.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jcwett. 
Selectmen,  Joseph  Jcwett,  Sihis  Yv' illard,  Stephen  Corey. 
Assessors,  the  Sclcctraen. 

1813.  Moderator,  Caleb  AVilder.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewctt. 
Selectmen,  Silas  Willard,  John  Willard,  Asa  Woods. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1814.  ]Moderator,  Caleb  Wilder.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Elisha    White,     John    Willaid,    William   J. 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1815.  Modeiator,  George  Tv.  Cashing-.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jev/ett. 
Selectmen,  Joscpli  Jcwett,  John  Willard,  John  Adams,  Jr. 
Assessors,  Elisha  White,  Silas  Willard,  Stephen   Corey. 

1816.  Moderator,  Caleb  Wilder.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  Joseph  Jewett,  John  Willard,  John  Adams,  Jr. 
Assessors,  Elisha  AVliitc,  Stephen  Corey,  Jacob  Harris,  Jr. 

1817.  ]\roderator,  Caleb  Wilder.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Jolni    AViIlard,    John    Admus,    Jr.,    Stephen 

Assessors,  Elisha  AN  hitc,  Stephen  Coroy,  Jacob  Harris,  Jr. 

1818.  ivrodcrator,  George  R.  Cashing.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
SeU'ctmen,  Joscpli  Jewett,  Stephen  Corey,  John  Adams,  Jr. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1819.  IModcrator,  Jose[>h  Jewett.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    Stephen    Corey,  John    Adams,    Jr.,    Thomas- 

Assessors,  Stephen  Corey,  Silas  Willard,  Joel  Foster. 

1820.  Moderator,  George  R.  Cashing.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,      Joseph      Jewett,      Thomas     Hobart,     John. 

Adams,  Jr.' 






Assessors,  Joseph  Jewett,  John  Adams,  Jr.,  Silas  "Willard. 

1821.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Tvers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,      Joseph     Jewett,     Thomas     IIoLart,     John 

Adams,  Jr. 
Assessors,  Joseph  Jewett,  Silas  Willard,  Hezeklah  Corey. 

1822.  IModerator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,    John    Adams,    Jr.,    Hosea    Stone,    Timothy 

Assessors,  the  Sclectaien. 

1823.  Moderator,  George  R.  Gushing.  Clerk,  Ivers  Jewett. 
Selectmen,  Joseph  Jewett,  Silas  Willard,  Rcnhen  Town- 
send,  Jr. 

Assessors,  the  Seleetnieu, 

1824.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Joseph  Jewett. 
Selectmen,     Silas      Willard,      Ilezekiah      Corey,      John 

Adams,  Jr. 
Assessors,     Silas     Vrillard,     John    Adams,     Jr.,    Enoch 

1825.  Moderator,  George  R.  Cashing.  Clerk,  Hosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,  Charles  Barrett,  Elias  Lane,  Oliver  Marble. 
Assessors,  Joseph  Jewett,  Hosea  Stone,  Benjamin  Barrett. 

1826.  Moderator,  George  R.  Cashing.  Clerk,  Hosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,  Charles  Barrett,  Elias  Lane,  Saranel  Dunster. 
Assessors,    Hosea   Stone,    Enoch   Whitraore,   John   Wil- 
lard, Jr. 

1827.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Hosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,  Charles  Barrett,  Reaben  Towusend,  Jr.,  P2noch 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1828.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Hosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,     Charles     Barrett,     Reuben    Townsend,    Jr., 

Asahel  Corey. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1829.  Moderator,  Joseph  Jewett.  Clerk,  Hosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,  Asahel  Corey,  Thomas  Bennett,  Joseph  Jewett. 

ii;->.:'''T^O    ; 

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236  HISTORY   OF   ASni'.UKNHAM. 

Assf'ssors,  the  Sclectnieu. 

1830.  jVlotlerator,  George  1\.  Cnshiug.  Clerk,  Hosca  Stone. 
Seleetinen,    Asahel    Corey,    Amos    Tierce,   Jr.,    Charles 

Assessors,  the  Selectineu. 

1831.  Moderator,  I^beuezer  Frost.  Clerk,  llosea  Stone. 
Selectmen,    Asahel    Corey,    Amos    Pierce,    Jr.,    Cliarles 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1832.  Moderator,  Ebonezer  Frost.  Clerk,  Ilosea  Stouc. 
Sclectnieu,    Asahel     Core}',    Amos    Pierce,   Jr.,    Charles 

Assessors,  tlic  Selectmen. 

1833.  IModerator,  Ebenezer  Frost.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,    Amos   Pierce,    Jr.,   Jehiel   "Watkins,  Kilburn 

Assessors,    Asahel     Corey,    Amos    Pierce,    Jr.,    Charles 

1834.  INfoderator,  Ebenezer  Frost.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,    Kilburn    Ilarwood,    Peuben    Towuseud,    Jr., 

Charles  Davis. 
Assessors,  the  Seleetinen. 

1835.  IModerator,  George  K.  dishing.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,  Asahel  Corey,  Charles  Duvis,  Ebenezer  Frost. 
Assessors,  the  Sck'Ctmen. 

1830.     Moderator,  Kilburn  Ilarwood.  CKik,  Charles  Stearns. 

Selectmen,  Asahel  Corey,  Ebenezer  I'rost,  Jehiel  "Watkins. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1837.  Moderator,  Kilburn  Ilarwood.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,    Asahel    Corey,    Kilburn    Ilarwood,    Charles 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1838.  Moderator,  Kilburn  Harwood.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,  Kilburn  Ilarwood,  Reuben  Townseud,  John  C. 

Assessors,    Nathaniel    Pierce,    Ebenezer   Frost,    Stephen 

■'.'■■' I' ^    > 

,'.    .^i-..!!;: 


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II 1 


STATE    DELATIONS,    rdLTTICS,    TOWN   OFFICEL'S.        937  I 

*"  i 

1839.  Modcrntor,  Kilburn  Harwood.          Clerk,  Charles  Stearns,  ! 


Selectmen,  John  C.  Glazier,  Ebenezer  Frost,  Ohio  Whit-  | 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  | 

1840.  Moderator,  Reuben  Townsend.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  ! 
Selectmen,   George  G.  Parker,  Renben   Townsend,  Elias  I 

Lane.  | 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  f 

1841.  Moderator,  Reuben  Townsend.        Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 

Selectmen,  Georfjfe  G.   Parker,  Reuben   Townsend,  Elias  i 


Lane.  | 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  | 

1842.  Moderator,  Kilburn  Harwood.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 
Selectmen,  George  G.  Parker,  Elias  Laue,  Ilarvey  Brooks.  ] 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  | 

1843.  Moderator,  Ebcnezer  Frost.             Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 

Selectmen,  Ilarvey  Crooks,  John  C.  Davis,  Charles  Bar-  i 

rett.  \ 


Assessors,    Ilosca    Green,    Walter    Russell,    Jerome   W.  I 

Foster.  | 

1844.  Moderator,  Ebenezer  Frost.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 
Selectmen,  Charles  Barrett,  Kilburn  Harv\ood,  Ohio  Whit-  | 

ney.  ] 

Assessors,  the  Selectii:ieu.  | 

1845.  Moderator,  Ebenezer  Frost.             Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 
Selectmen,  George  G.  T'urker,  Ohio  Wiiitncy,  Emery  Fair- 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  | 

1846.  Moderator,  Gilmau  Jones.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  | 
Selectmen,  Emery  Fairbanks,  Ohio  Whitney,  George  G.  I 

Parker.  j 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  | 

1847.  Moderator,  Ebenezer  Frost.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns.  j 
Selectmen,  George  G.  Parker,  Ohio  AVhitney,  Jerome  W,  | 

Foster.  | 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  j 

.,  'J 


;     ,  •'  1 

. ,    /- 


238  IIISTOKY  OF  asiibu];nh.\m. 

1818.  ■\rodorator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearns. 
Selectmen,  Jerome   W.  Foster,  Cliarles   Stearns,  Aiitipas 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1849.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmen,  Jerome  W.  Foster,  Antipas  Maj-nard,  John  A. 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1850.  Moderator,  Enoch  Whitraorc.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmen,  George  G.  Parker,  John  A.  Conn,  I  vers  Adams. 
Assessors,  Ohio  Whitney,  Enoch  Whitmore,  Pyam  Burr. 

1851.  jNloderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmen,  George  G.  Parker,  Ivers  Adams,  Jerome  W. 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1852.  Moderator,  Ohio  Wliitney,  Jr.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmeu,    Antipas    Mayuard,    Joseph   P.  lliee,   Walter 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1853.  Moderator,  Enoch  Whitmore.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmen,   Antipas   Mayuard,  Joseph   P.    Pice,   Jerome 

W.  Foster. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 
185'1.     Moderator,  Enoch  Whitmore.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 

Selectmeu,  -Jerome  V.',  Foster,  John  A.  Conn,  Ohio  Whit- 
ney, Jr. 
Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1855.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmen,  Jerome  W.  Foster,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.,  Henry 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1856.  Moderator,  Joel  H.  Litch.  Clerk,  Charles  Stearus. 
Selectmeu,  Johu   A.  Conn,  Elliot   Moore,  Ohio  Whitney, 

Assessors,  the  Selectmeu. 

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1857.  Moderator,  Enoch  Whitmorc.         Clerk,  P,  Ellis. 
Selectmen,    Elliot    Moore,  George    S.    Barrage,    Gcoii;e 

Assessors,  John  A.  Conn,  Daniels  Ellis,  Jr.,  Ezra  Randall. 

1858.  Moderator,  Oliio  Whitney,  Jr.        Clerk,  T/illiani  P.  Ellis. 
Selectmen,  George  S.  Barrage,  Joel  IL  Litch,  Addison  A. 

Assessors,  John  A.  Conn,  Joel  IE  Litch,  Pcrley  Howe. 

1859.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.        Clerk,  William  P.  Ellis. 
Selectrncu,  Addison  A.   Walker,  Elliot   Moore,  Leonard 

Assessors,  John  A.  Conn,  Perley  Howe,  John  G.  Wood- 

1860.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.    Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,  Addison  A.  Walker,  Leonard  Foster,  Simeon 

Assessors,    Pcrley    Howe,    Jerome    W.    Foster,  John  G. 

ISGl.     Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.     Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,  Simeon  Merritt,  Jesse  Parker,  Isaac  D.  Ward. 
Assessors,    Jerome    W.    Foster,    Perley   Howe,    Charles 


1862.  Moderator,  Ohio  AVhitney,  Jr.      Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,   Jesse   Parker,    Isaac   L>.    Ward,    William  P. 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1863.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.    Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,  Isaac  D.  Ward,  Perley  Elowe,  Elbridge  Stim- 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen. 

1864.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.     Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,    Ohio    Whitney,    Jr.,    Marshall    Wetherbee, 

Nathaniel  L.  Eaton. 
Assessors,  William  P.  Ellis,  Joel  II.  Litch,  Perley  Howe. 

1865.  Moderator,  Joel  II.  Litch.  Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 

I  u..-.-^^'!^   .-'--^^ 

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240  in  STORY   OF   ASlIBUrvNHAM. 

Selectmen,   Chailes   F.   Rockv.ood,    William  F.  I'urrage, 

John  G.  Woodwanl. 
Assessors,  Perle^'  ITovro,  Joel  II,  Litch,  Joel  F.  Mctcalf. 
18C6.     Moderator,  Ohio  Wliitnoy,  Jr.      Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,    Chailes  F.    Rock^-ooJ,    "WiHiam  F.  Biurage, 

John  G.  "Woodward. 
Assessors    Joel    H.    Litch,    Joel    F.    I^Ietcalf,    Marshall 

Wetherbee.  ~ 

1867.     Moderator,  Harvey  D.  .Jillson.     Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,     Charles    F.     Kockwood,    Elbridge    Stimson, 

Francis  A.  Vriiitney. 
Assessors,    Joel   H.   Litch,  Williaui  P.  Ellis,  Europe  H. 

18G8.     Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.     Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,  Elbridge  Stimson,  Jerome  W.  Foster,  Addison 

A.  Walker. 
Assessors,   John   L.   Cnmmings,    Austin    Whitney,   Luke 

1SG9.     Moderator,    John    B.    Thompson.      Clerk,    Jerome    W'. 

Selectmen,  Franklin  Russell,  Simeon  Merritt,  Nathaniel  L. 

Eaton , 
Assessors,  Newton  Hayden,  John  L.  Cummings,  Theodore 


1870.  Moderator,  Ohio  Vi'liitney,  Jr.     Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,  Franklin    Russell,  Jesse  Parker,  Addison  A. 

Assessors,  Austin  Wiiitney,  John  L.  Cummings,  TliL-odore 

1871.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney.  Clerk,  Jerome  W.  Foster. 
Selectmen,    Franklin    Russell,    Jesse   Parker,   George  E. 

Assessors,  Austin  Whitney,  John  L,  Cummings,  Theodore 

1872.  Moderator,  Ohio  Whitney.  Clerk,  Newton  Hayden. 
Selectmen,  Simoon  Merritt,  George  E.  Davis,  Addison  A. 


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Assessors,    John   L.   Cummings,     Theodore    Greenwood,  | 

Georp-c  C.  Foi;ler.  I 

1S73.     Moderator,  Ohio  VriiitDev.              Clerk,  Newton  Ilayden.  < 


Selectmen,  Simeoii  Merritt,  John  L.  Cunrmings,  George  E,  j 

Paris.  J 

Assessors,    John    L.    Cummings,   Theodore    Greenwood,  J 

Jesse  Parker.  s 

1874.  Moderator,  Melvin  0.  Adams.         Clerk,  Newton  Ilayden,  j 


SelectDien,   Simeon    Merritt,  Austin  Whitney,  Martin  B.  '/ 


Lane.  f 

Assessors,  Austin  Whitney,  Walter  R.  Adams,  Marshall  | 

Weiherbee.  | 

1875.  Moderator,  ]Melvin  0.  Adams.        Clerk,  Newton  Ilayden.  | 
Selectmen,   Simoon  JMerritt,  Austin  W^hitney,  Martin  B.  I 

Lane.  { 

Assessors,  Walter  li.  Adams,  Marshall  Wetherbec,  John  1 

L.  Cummings.  j 

1876.  Moderator,  Melvin  0.  Adams.        Clerk,  Newton  Hayden.  | 
Selectmen,  Simeon  Merritt,  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Benjamin  E.  ' 

W^etherbee.  I 

Assessors,    John    L.    Cummings,    Marshall    Wetherbec,  I 

Franklin  Bussell.  | 

1877.  Moderator,  John  11.  Vv^ilkius.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens.  | 
Selectmen,  John  L.  Cummings,  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Benja-  1 

miu  E.  Vretherbce.  I 

iVssessors,  the  Selectmen.  I 

1878.  Moderator,  John  II.  ^V'ilkins.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens.  I 
Selectmen,  John  L.  Cummings,  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Benja-  ] 

min  E.  AYetlierbee.  j 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  I 

1879.  Moderator,  John  H.  Welkins.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens.  j 
Selectmen,  John  L.  Cummings,  Nathaniel  Pierce,  Benja- 
min E.  Wetherbec.  | 

Assessors,  the  Selectmen.  i 

1880.  Moderator,  John  II.  AVilkins.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens. 

16  i 


.;   ) 

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Selectmen,    Simeon    IMonitt,    Ciiavles   T.    Litch,    Oj-ange 

As?csi;ois,  Yf  alter  11.  Ad:iu)s,  Francis  A.  "Whitney,  Charles 

W.  Whitney,  2d. 

1881.  Moderator,  John  H.  Wilkius.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens. 
Selectmen,  Simeon  Merritt,   Charles  T.  Litch,  John    M. 

Assessors,  Walter  R.  Adams.  Francis  A.  Whitney,  Charles 
W.  Whitney,  2d. 

1882.  Moderator,  John  11.  Wilkin s.      Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens. 
Selectmen,  Simeon   Jlerrilt,    Charles   T.   Litch,  John  M. 

Assessors,   Francis   A.   Whitney,   Charles  F.  Kockwood. 
Charles  E.  Woodward. 

1883.  Moderator,  Jolm  IL  Wilkins.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens, 
Selectmen,  Charles  T.  Litch,  Edward  S.  Flint,  Charles  H. 

Assessors,    Benjamin    E.  Wetherbee,  Daniels    Ellis,  Jr., 
Charles  E.  AVoodward. 

1884.  Moderator,  John  H.  Wilkins.     Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens. 
Selectmen,  Charles  T.  Litch,  Edward  S.  Flint,  Charles  H. 

Assessors,  John  L.  Cummiugs,  Walter  R,  Adams,  Henry 
C.  Newell. 

1885.  Mode: ator,  John  II.  Wilkins.      Clerk,  George  F.  Stevens. 
Select MU'.u,  Charles  T.  Litch,  Charles  H.  Pratt,  Edward  S. 

Assessors,  John  L.  Cummings,  Walter  R.  Adams,  Henry 
C.  Newell. 

!('      .{' 

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CHAITKU   \]I1. 


K  VKI,Y     MtASLEKS    TO    SECUl'.E     rilEACIIIXG. — -IJKV.    ELfSHA      HAKDIXG.  CALL 

A>-I)      OKOIXAlIDX      OF      l;r.V.     .lUNAlHAN     AVINCIiESTKn.  A     CirfRCll     KM-  | 

BODIEn.   Tlir.     0ON"ENA>'r. ORIGINAL     MEMBF.nSUIl'.  AUIUTIONS.  | 











REV.    LEuXARD    S.    PARKER. REV.    DAXIEL    E.     ADAMS.  REV.    JOSIAH  * 



IVexty  teaks  the  meeting-house  in  Dorcliestcr  Canada  | 

invited    oceupanc}"    l^'fore    tliere    was    a    settled    minister.  ] 

During  this  period  there  >vere  oceasional   supplies  but  moi-e  I 

frccjuf  nl]\-  the  .sel tiers  attended  chnreh  iji  Lunenhuro",  where  1 

Mose<  I'oster,  Jaincs  Coleman,  Unity  Ih-own,  John  IJates,  i 

Thonuis  "\'\lieeler  and  otlnT-  Avere  in  full  or  covenant  rela-  | 

tions.     The    church    record-    of  Lunenburg  represent    that  | 

many  of  the  children  born  in  Dorchester  Canada  preWous  to  | 

1760  were  bapti/ced  there.     It  is  not  known  who  preached  \ 

or  who  assembled  to  hear  the  first  sermon  in  the  towns!) ip  1 

and  previous  to  the  adA'ent  of  ]\Ir.  Winchester  the  name  of  j 

only  one  minister  is  found  in  the  records.     It  is  probable  | 

that  the  settlers  sought  and  on  week  days  sometimes  enjoyed  ! 

ihe  friendly  services  of  the  clergy  of  Lunenburg,  Townsend  j 

243  i 

a  I  /  :»:■■  r ,  / 

■1 .  ■. 

U  .!. 

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and  ^\''c.stininstor.  Any  other  sii])p1y  thai  was  secured  by 
the  settlors  -withoat  the  hiterventiou  of  the  pro})rietors  "would 
escape  inentiou  in  the  records. 

The  humble  plans  of  the  settlement   to  secure  preaching 
and    the    accumulating    purpose    retlecled  in  the   successive 
votes  on  tlie  subject  allbrd  a  renewed  illusti-ation  of  the  fact 
that  all  our  present  privileges  Iiavc  sjn-ung  from  unpreten- 
tious beginnings.     Their  ih-st  proposals  were  scarcely  more 
than  the  suggestion  of  a  ))rophccy  of  what  has  been  accom- 
plished.    In  1750  the  proprietors  decide  "  not  to  prosecute 
the  atfair  of  calling  a  minister,"  but  the  following  year  they 
are    found    ready  to    order  "that  an   Orthodox  minister  be 
applied  to,  to  agree  to  preach  the  Gospel   every  foui'  weeks 
if  suitable  ^veather."     No  money  or  connnittce  was  provided 
to  carry  the  vote  into  ell'ect.     It  was  a  tinjid  proposition. 
Possibly  they  viewed  their  proceedings   in  this  light,   since 
in  1753,  an    earnest   purpose  is  reflected  in  the  vote '' that 
:Mr.  Joseph  Wheeloek,  Mr.   Caleb  Wilder  and  .Air.  Benja- 
min Bigelow  be  a  connnittce  to  see  that  a   Crospel  minister 
preach   in    said    townsln'p    until    further  orders  of  the  pro- 
priety."    None    of  the  committee   resided   in  the  township 
and  it  is  quite  probable  that  they  failed  to  meet  the  desires 
of  the  proprietors  and  particularly  of  tho-e  who  had  removed 
to  the  settlem<:nit.     At  tl;"-  succeeding  iiu-eting  the  language 
becomes  more  emphatic.     It  assumes  the  dignity  of  a  com- 
mand.    "Voted  that  eighteen  pounds  be  put  into  the  hands 
of  ]SIr.  Foster  to  be  applied  by  him  to  secure  preaching." 
Moses  Foster  had  I'esided  in  the  township  several  years.     If 
he  did  not  secure  a  minister  it  was   not  through  a  failure  of 
personal    interest    or    of   his    instructions ;    but    to    j-rovide 
against    every  emergency  there  was   a    supplementary  vote 
that   Natlran  ■  Alelvin,  also    a    resident,  cooperate  with   Air. 
Foster.     In  1755  an    appropriation   was    made    for    current 


•1      r'i     ;    1..I    ",  r-    - 

>     . 

, !  i  ■  >■"> 

.i;  i-V:i 

i-    ,'!    ill.         ■     .  r  ii,.K]    ;r 

'r.    ..1      I    .  'I/?/ 


ox[)cn.sos    inchidiug  prcacliing  l)iit  no  spccilic  sum   av;is   sot  { 

a})urt  for  lliis  ]:>iirpose.     Between  tliis  d;iie  and  tlie   settle-  f 

nient  of  Mr.   "Winchester  several  i)ayinents  were    made  on  | 

this    account,  but    the  records  only   preserve  the  name    of  j 

]\ev.  ]'vli>ha  Harding,  wlio  received  four  jjounds  "for  preach-  1 

ing    in   Doi'chester  C;inada."     Mi".    Harding  was  settled    in  I 

Bi-ooldield,   ^lassachusctts,    September    13,    1749,    and  dis-  1 

missed  ]\Iay  8,  1755.     In  ]\Iay,  1759,  anothcu-  a})})ro})riation  j 

of  eighteen  pouiids  was  jnade   and   Ca])tain  Calel)  Dana   of  I 

CVnnbridge  and  John  ]>ates  and  Elisha  Coolidge  of  Dorches-  ] 

ter    Canada    were   selected    ''  to    provide    preachijig  in    said  ] 

township."     The  early  eflbrls  of  this  conmiittee  introduced  I 

to  the    settlement  Ilev.  Joruithan  Winchester.     The  candi-  | 

date  was  favorably  received.     A  call  was  extended  Novem-  j 

ber  27,   1759,  and  he  was  ordained  April  2o,  17G0.     The  | 

story  of  the  call  and  the  ordination  is  briellv  outlined  in  the  I 

records.  | 

1759     Oct.     22.     To  appoint  a  committee  to  treat  and  agree  with  I 

Mr.    Jonathan    AYinehcster,    who    has    been  | 

preaching  the  Gospel   there   for   some   time  ] 

past,  concerning  his  settling  iu  the  work  of  j 

the  miuibhy  there.  I 

1759     Nov.    22.     Voted   thai    tlieir    should    l-o   twenty   shillings  I 

lawful  money  Laid  as  a  tax  upon  each  Com- 
mon  Eight  yearly  as  a  salary  for  Mr.  Jona-  | 

than  Winchester  provided   he  shall  settle  in  | 

said  township  as  a  Gospel  minister.  One 
moitie  tliercof  to  be  paid  at  the  end  of  six 
mouths  from  the  time  he  shall  be  agreed  with 
to  settle  there  and  the  other  moietie  in 
twelve  months,  annuall}',  for  the  term  of 
seven  years  or  till  such  time  as  said  town-  .  . 
ship  shall  come  into  some  other  method  of 
Raising  said  sum  of  money  for  his  support. 

■     J : . ;  .'; 

:;  .7    :  ;;■; 

,   ,    ,     .  ,  I      .   ,        ,    ■  ; 
■     ■>.-,'.  ■  1  :     ■  ,    '  -    i  i  ... 

:  .ft  .;(lwl,  f.; 
<  .      I ,■  i^i'' 

■■■v.  t 

•h     ■.   ),    'uu;  1I;;0  o:M 


,'.'   ;:     .--,1  ,:■     .■■       ■■  .  :' ■>  7,/ 
-    'i '.'   -If..    ;'.  •*;■  -^    ,:'j7"i!J 

246  iirsToiJY  OF  ASURriixirA^r. 

Vulct,!  that  tlicie  be  t\veiit\'  shillings  Lawfiill 
money  Laid  as  a  t;ix  upon  each  Common  Ivight 
as  a  Settlement  for  the  above  said  Winchester 
if  he  shall  settle  as  aforesaid,  and  to  be  paid 
to  tlie  treasni-cr  by  the  time  the  said  "Win- 
chester shall  be  ordained  in  said  township. 

Voted  that  Cai)*"  Caleb  Dana,  Nathan  Iley- 
wood,  Cap'-^  Caleb  Wilder,  W  John  Moffat 
and  Mr.  Ik-nj''  Church  be  a  Committee  to 
treat  and  agree  with  ]Str.  Winchester  cou- 
cerning  his  settling  in  said  township. 
17G0  Feb.  18.  To  hear  tlie  Tiepoit  of  the  Committee  appointed 
to  treat  and  agree  with  JNP  Jonathan  ^Viu- 
chester  concerning  his  settling  in  the  work 
of  the  ministry  tliore. 

To  grant  and  raise  money  for  the  expense  of 
his  ordination  in  case  of  his  acceptance  of 
the  invitation  given  him. 
17G0  jNIarcb  25.  Voted  that  the  place  for  ordination  of  M'  Win- 
chester shall  be  in  the  township  of  Dorches- 
ter Canada. 

Voted  the  time  for  ordaining  M'  Winchester 
shall  be  on  Wednesday  the  twenty-third  day 
of  April  next. 

Voted  tliat  we  appl}'  to  five  churches  to  assist 
in  ordaining  ]\P  Winchester,  that  we  send 
to  the  first  Church  in  Cambridge,  to  the 
Churcli  in  Lunenburg,  to  tlie  Church  in 
Acton,  to  the  Church  in  Lancaster  and  to 
the  Church  in  Brookline  to  assist  in  said 

Voted  that  each  proprietor  pay  three  shillings 
to  defray  the  Cost  and  Charge  of  the  ordi- 
nation to  be  paid  forthwith  into  the  hands  of 
the  treasurer  or  other  person  or  persons  as 
the  i)roprietors  shall  a[)point  to  receive  the 

',/i    ;.- 

■  '  ■       '    ■     '    ■  -  -^  I  ■''' '   ; '     ■        ■•      ■ 
■■:-•',       '':'i        i    •':!   ;',   'l'     •■'-■•.,     . 

.  ■■•>;! ■:'■•'■   '    ■'■ 

■j'''     ;i;....-'iof..M;,   ti:'   ■,->    iii::r^ 
..  >.  -V'     ■■■  ■ '  '\    1  > 

.  :■■   jv .    •  ^  '•/■•]<!*:  ■■■"■  ^^    '   •'  ■>■/ 

.JOici.'    ''liH 

1  .1 


Voted  that  M'"  Moses  Foster,  Cap'"  Caleb 
Wilder  and  Cap'"  vSamucl  Hunt  be  a  Com- 
'  mittce  to  provide    for  said    ordination  in  as 

couvenieuL  a  place  as  may  bo  and  that  they 
or  au}'  of  them  be  itnpowered  to  receive  the 
money  granted  for  that  purpose. 

Voted  that  ]\P  Winchester  may  fence  in  and 
improve  the  meeting  House  Lot  being  forty 
rods  square  wliere  the  meeting  House  now 
stands,  provided  he  doth  not  incommode  tlic 
County  road  nor  obstruct  or  hinder  the 
Burrying  of  the  dead,  the  burying  place 
being  in  that  lot.  . 

The  ordination,  us  appears  in  those  votes,  was  arranged 
by  an  exterior  organization  but  the  minister  was  settled  ovcv 
the  people.     If  the  propi'ietors  directed  the  proceedings  tlieir 

duties    ended  with    them.     The   future  comprehended   only  \ 

the  new  relations    between  the    pastor    and   Ids  flock.     An  j 
agreement    was    made    \vith    ^Iv.    Winchester    in    January. 

Probably  the  ordination  was  intentionallv  deterred  until  the  | 

close  ot  the  winter  season.  | 

Beyond  the  mention  of  the  cluirchos  invited  there  is  no  I 

record  of  the  council,     '.rho  records  of  the  church  in  Brook-  I 

line  contain  the   following    entry  under  date  of  "  April  13,  | 

17G0. —  Lord's    Day.        The    pastor    conmnuiicated    to    the  | 

church  a  letter  from  the  comnu'ttce   of  Dorchester  Canada  j 

desiring  the  assistance  of  this  church  in  the  ordination  of  | 

]Mr.  Jonathan  Winchester,  whereupon  the  church  voted  to  | 

comply  with  this  request  and  cliose  Messrs.  AMiite,  Aspin-  i 

wall,  Croft,  Isaac  and  Joseph  Winchester  to  represent  them.  ! 

''Upon    the    request    of  ]\[r.  Winchester  the  church  dis-  j 

missed    and    recommended    him    to    the    fellowship    of    the  ; 
Church  in  Dorchester  Canada." 


<  ; .  '  J 

.^ '.(■•I') 

1:  \  .1  -     ■/ 

■  .    .    ;,  ;, 

^    I'  •;!"?   'ii.   -,.'■;■■■•.)      ,:'•'         !.;i  ;'';■■   0(J    !o   i.iiO\JVI 
:■<'•".     '■.\:'::.:-i      loi'i'Cj      -'ill'  .7  j;<  I     oM/JO.l    — 

%.-■  ■•■■       .'.,;  •.    ,  ■■  •     ■  ■'    ■■'  •'■;  ■■■^'-    ..\f 


The  pastor  of  the  Brooklinc  church  at  this  time  was  Kcv. 
Joseph  Jackson.  Josepli  Winchester  was  a  Ijj-otlier  of  the 
candidate  and  ]Mi'.  Croit,  probably,  ^vas  a  rehitive  of  Mrs. 
Wincliester.  Kev.  John  Swifl,  pastor  of  the  church  in 
xlcton,  was  one  of  the  projmetors  of  the  townshi}).  Tlie 
invitations  inchided  the  venerabk^.  Ivev.  Dr.  Nathaniel 
Ap])leton  of  C:nul)ridge  and  He  v.  Thnothy  Harrington  of 
Lancaster.  Cale!)  Dana  was  a  member  of  the  church  in 
Cambridge  and  tlie  AVilders  of  the  churcli  in  Lancaster. 
The  records  of  the  churches  last  named  are  incomplete,  and 
while  they  contain  no  rel^renee  to  the  ordination  of  ]Mr. 
Winchester  it  is  probable  that  all  the  churches  invited  were 
re[)resented  on  the  occasion.  The  invitation  to  the  church 
in  Lunenburg  was  significant.  It  was  the  voice  of  the 
settlement.  ]\Liny  of  the  settlers  had  been  accustomed  to 
worship  there  and  He^ .  David  Stearns  was  the  only 
minister  they  had  known  for  many  years.  AVitliout  his 
presence  the  council  would  have  been  incomplete.  The 
original  letter  of  ^Ir.  Winchester  accepting  the  invitation  of 
the  proprietors,  vrritten  in  plain  round  characters,  is 

To  Messrs.  Calkb  Dana,  Calkb  Wildi.i:,  Natiiax  Haywood, 
Jonx  MoFFATr  aud  Ijkk'amik  Ciickch,  a  committee  of  the 
prourietors  of  the  township  calked  Dorchester  Canada  in  the 
county  of  Worcester,  to  communicate  to  said  proprietors: 


Whereas  you  have  given  me,  the  subscriber,  tlic  most  unworthy 
and  undescrvlug,  an  invitation  and  call  to  settle  in  the  important 
work  of  the  Gospel  iMinistry  at  Dorchester  Canada,  I  thank  you 
for  the  respect  aud  favour  therein  discovered  to  me. 

After  due  consideration,  asking  advice,  and  especially  seeking 
to  the  great  Head  of  the  Chureii  for  direction  in  so  momentous 
and  weighty  an  affair,  esteeming  your  offers  for  my  settlement 

.  O     '.1 1 1" « ' 

:.;  ,-"m;  ■       lis   ''■)  •  i'1<>^ 


,)  >il'ir  ^'..  J  i:^:'!i 


and  support  reasonable  and  generous  and  relying  upon  this 
(>Yliieh  ^Yill  be  of  very  great  consequence  Avith  respect  to  my 
temporal  interests  and  the  comfortable  subsistance  of  m^'  family) 
viz.  :  that  the  right  of  land,  which  the  first  settled  Gospel 
minister  in  the  place  is  entitled  to  by  the  grant  of  the  gi-eat  and 
general  court,  be  good  and  convenient  for  m}'  settlement  and  that 
if  the  lots  already  appropriated  to  that  purpose  are  not  so,  they  be 
changed  for  lands  more  commodious,  I  have  determined  to  accept 
your  call  and  hereby  do  manifest  my  acceptance  thereof.  Asking 
your  prayers  and  depending  on  Divine  Grace  for  assistance  that  I 
may  be  enabled  faithfully  to  discharge  so  important  a  trust  and 
that  my  settling  as  a  Gospel  minister  may  be  a  means  b}'  the 
blessing  of  heaven  of  furthering  the  growth  and  prosperity  of  the 
place  and  promoting  pure  and  undefiled  religion  in  the  hearts  and 
lives  of  the  inhabitants  is  the  desire  and  pra^-er  of,  Gentlemen 
Your  devoted  and  most  humble  servant 

Brookltxk,  January  23,  17G0. 

The  cbuvcli  was  embodied  the  same  da  v.  Endorsinsj  the 
prevailing  creed  of  New  EngUmd  and  desiring  to  enjoy  the 
fellowship  of  the  churches,  it  became  necessary  to  adopt  a 
covenant  embracing  the  essential  features  of  their  faith .  It 
would  ])o  expected  that  coir.mon  forms  of  expression  would 
be  f  )und  in  the  covenant  -.  but  it  further  appears  that  the 
covenant  approved  by  the  church  in  Gardner  in  1786  is 
substantially  a  copy  of  tlu-  declaration  adopted  at  this  time. 
The  original  covenant  is  still  preserved  and  on  the  back  are 
written  the  names  of  the  thirteen  male  members,  who  were 
admitted  at  llie  embodiment  of  the  church.  The  covenant 
and  the  names  are  as  follows  : 


We,  whose  names  are  hereunto  subscribed,  being  as  we  appre- 
hend called  of  God  to  enter  into  the  Church  State  of  the  GosdcI 

I      ,    ,(•■,,'  l' 

■  i '  :    ( ■     1 1 

;.i=-,;.i>,:).'-    I' 


r...    „fv 


for  tl.iG  free  and  constant  enjoyment  of  God's  Worship  and  Ordi- 
nances, do  in  the  first  phice  aclcnowledge  our  uuworthiness  to  be 
so  highl}-  favored  of  God  at  the  same  time  admiring  and  adoring 
the  rich  and  free  Grace  of  God  that  triumphs  over  so  great 
innvorthiness,  with  a  humble  dependence  upon  the  Grace  of  God 
to  enable  us  to  do  our  duty,  we  would  thankfully  lay  hold  on  his 
Co\enant  and  choose  the  things  that  please  Him. 

"We  declare  our  serious  and  hearty  belief  of  the  Christian 
Religion  as  contained  in  the  Sacred  Scriptures  and  as  iisuall}' 
embraced  by  the  faithful  in  the  Churches  of  New  England,  which 
is  summarily  exhibited  (in  the  substance  of  it)  in  their  confession 
of  Faith  ;  heartily  resolving  to  conform  our  lives  by  the  rule  of 
Christ's  holy  Religion  as  long  as  we  live  in  the  world. 

"We  give  up  ourselves  to  the  Lord  Jehovah  who  is  the  Father, 
the  Sou  and  Holy  Spirit,  we  vouch  him  this  day  to  be  our  God, 
our  Father  and  our  Savior  and  Leader  and  receive  him  as  our 
portion  forever. 

We  give  up  ourselves  to  the  Blessed  Jesus  acknowledging  His 
true  Deity  resolving  to  adhere  to  Him  as  the  head  of  his  people 
in  the  Covenant  of  Grace,  and  we  do  rely  upon  Him  as  our 
Prophet,  Priest  and  King  to  bring  us  to  eternal  blessedness. 

"We  acknowledge  our  everlasting  and  indisputable  obligation  to 
glorify  God  in  all  the  Duties  of  a  sober  godly  life  and  very  par- 
ticularly in  the  duties  of  a  church  state  and  a  body  of  people 
associated  for  an  Obedieiice  to  Him  in  all  the  ordinances  of  the 
Gosp'!l  and  we  hereupon  depend  on  his  Grace  as  suflicient  for  our 
faithful  discharge  of  the  Duties  thus  incumbent  upon  us. 

"We  desire  and  also  promise  and  engage  with  assistance  to  walk 
together  as  a  church  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  in  the  Faith  and 
Order  of  the  Gospel,  so  far  as  we  do  know  the  same,  faithfully 
and  conscientiously  attending  the  Public  "Worship  of  God  and  the 
Sacrements  of  the  New  Testament.  And  that  we  will  be  observ- 
ant of  the  rules  and  laws  of  Christ's  Kingdom  which  regard  the 
Discipline  and  Government  of  the  Church  as  they  have  in 
general  been  administered  among  the  churches  before  mentioned. 
And  that  we  will  attend  all  God's  holy  institutions  in  communion 

I   ..'.'.V.     |.    •'! 

;-■?•!     :ilJ 

;l    ■■  /v         •        J' 

1      r.  J 

■;.)  ;-■:;  .''^      :i   c;    .-'    'Au-^ri 

.■■  '■.  ('v    ;m:    ••.'1  I  ... ';('  ''_,Hea 

II,    >fir.!   -.  .i  t>;'  I    L'.ij    lo 

■,f,.  •/.'/ 

,    u./ 


v,\[h  oue  anotiier,  wntciiing  over  one  iiuother  with  a  spirit  of 
meekness,  love  and  tenderness  eareftiUy  avoiding  all  sinful 
stumbling  bloeks,  strifes,  contentions  and  that  we  will  endeavor  to 
keep  the  unity  of  the  spirit  in  the  bond  of  Peace. 

We  do  also  present  our  Offspring  with  ourselves  unto  the  Lord 
resolving  v.-ith  Divine  Help  to  do  our  part  in  the  ]Mcthod  of  a  Relig- 
ious Education,  that  they  may  be  the  ]^ords,  and  that  we  will 
particularly  be  careful  in  our  endeavor  duly  to  sanctifie  the  Sab- 
bath and  to  keep  up  Religion  in  our  Families.  And  all  this  we  do 
flying  to  the  Blood  of  the  everlasting  Covenant  for  the  pardon  of 
all  our  sins,  praying  the  glorious  Head  of  the  church  who  is  the 
great  Shepherd  of  the  Sheep  Avould  prepare  and  strengthen  us  for. 
every  good  work  to  do  his  will  working  in  us  that  which  will  be 
pleasing  in  his  sight,  to  whom  be  glory  forever  and  ever. 

Jonathan-  \YiNcnESTER,  Pastor 

Philip  Vouback 

Christian  Wm.  Whiteman    , 

John  Rich 

Jacou  Schoffe 

John  Kiblinger 


Unity  Peow^n 

John  Oi'.culock 

MosES  Foster  "   •  . 

Thomas  Wheeler 

James  Cot.eman 

John  Bates 

In  th.'  transcript  of  the  covenant  and  signatures  made  by 
'Mv.  Gushing  tlic  name  of  Unity  Brown  is  written  Unight 
BroATu  probably  from  tlic  fact  that  his  Christian  name  was 
sometimes  n-ritton  Unite  and  incorrectly  pronounced  in  two 
syllables.  The  wives  of  the  original  members  united  with 
the  church  at  this  time  or  soon  after,  Imt  their  names  do  not 
appear  in  the  records.  ]Mr.  "Winchester  and  his  wife  brought 
letters  from  the  church  in  Brookline.     ^Nloses  Foster,  James 

•  v  /  .  !  >'v.  .:  .  .-••  •>"  ' 

':  'J.i 

''    .  "i.T 

',i  ■•,?■ 

■.-■■<  I  ■  jit  r;l 

•i'  V:/  '  ■)  "    '^ 

T     .vtf.,),-. 

252  inSTOi;V   OF   ASinUMJNJIAM. 

Coloni.'iu,  Uiiity  IJrcnvii  and  Iheir  wives  were  r(!cci\C(.l  on 
letter-^  from  the  ehurcli  in  Lunenburg  wliere  tliey  hud  niain- 
t;uned  relation.s  dui'ing  Ihoir  early  re.sidenee  in  the  settkMuent, 
and  it  is  prob;d)]c  that  some  oi"  the  Germans  presented  letters 
from  eliurehes  in  their  natiN'e  land. 

The  additions  to  the  chureli  duriuLC  the  ministry  of  ^Iv. 
Winehestor  wove  Jeremiah  Fosttu'  1)y  pi-ofession,  1761; 
Samuel  Fellows  and  Avife,  AA'illiam  A\'hiteomb  a))d  vrife  and 
Sarah  Dickerson  l\y  letters  from  ehureh  in  Harvard  and 
Stephen  Ames  and  wife  by  profession,-  ]7(J2;  Ti'istram 
Cheney  and  wife  and  Hannah  Joyncr  In'  letter  from  ehureh 
in  Sudl.')U;y',  l-^benezei'  Conant  and  m  ifc  from  church  in  Con- 
cord, 17{)3  ;  John  ]\[artin  and  wife,  Samuel  Fellows,  Ji'., 
and  Avife  and  Ebenezer  Ilemcnway  by  profession,  1764 ; 
Jerenn*;di  Foster,  Jr.,  and  Abraham  Smith  and  wife  by 
profes.-^ion,  17G5  ;  Deliverance  Davis  arid  wife  and  Ma^-y 
Wl'iitman,  wife  of  John  AVhitman,  by  profession,  17GG  ; 
Daniel  ^L?rrill  and  wife,  Sarah  Foster,  wife  of  Jeremiah 
Foster,  Jr.,  and  Job  Coleman  and  wife,  17G7.  The  whole 
mimber  is  forty-two,  to  which  should  be  added  the  names  of 
the  females  who  were  received  at  the  organization  of  the 
churcli.  The  lirst  deacons  were  ^Moscs  Fostc]'  and  Samuel 
Fellow.>  lint  a  reccu'd  of  tlieir  election  is  not  found.  r>eyond 
this  outline  of  the  ivsult--  of  his  ministry,  little  is  known  of 
the  labors  and  characteristics  of  Mr.  Winchester.  Tliat  he 
secured  the  love  and  respect  of  his  jM'oplc  and  was  regarded 
as  a  most  worthy  and  upright  man  is  reflected  in  the  measure 
of  their  sorro-w  at  hi'^  death.  Tlie  proprietors  also  manifested 
their  esteem  in  a  vote  to  make  him  a  gratuity  in  addition  to 
his  stated  salary.  "Voted  that  the  proprietors  will  grant 
Rev.  ]\Ir.  Arincliester  £18  as  a  consideration  of  the  extraor- 
dinary expense,  he  has  been  put  to  for  two  years  past,  on 
account    of    the    high    price    of    provisions."      This    action 

:;     :■.,;■.  ,.[.        \- 


1        J 

:!:    i  .v-:*'..;:if!;  ;'ii  't..  - 

■'■'■'  ■■■:  y'li'i   'iv     '..  ..■, 

^  ■•■]>■ 

•  i'.]  ")f, 

\    ••lit    !  ;j{' 

■  "■■  '<'■{'.'/.'. 


occuiTod  January  2(),  17(!3,  niul  is  sucrgostive  of  the  Imi-d- 
ships  and  trial.-?  attcndinii::  l>ot]i  the  pastor  and  hi-;  people  in  a 
new  settlement. 

The  death  of  Mr.  "Winehester,  Mdiie]i  occnri-ed  on  A^'ednes- 
day,  Xovember  2G,  17(>7,  was  a  serious  loss  to  tlie  young- 
parish.  At  once  they  A'>'ere  bereft  of  a  iaithful  p:istor,  a 
judicious  comisellor  and  a  sincere  fi-iend.  Their  established 
relations,  their  mutual  plans,  their  briglitest  hopes  of  the 
future  were  ended  l)y  the  sad  event.  That  the  people 
realized  tlieir  lo-.s  and  gave  unmistakable  expressioii  of  the 
deepest  sorrow  is  announced  in  the  records  and  continued  by 
man}"  traditions.  The  widow  continued  to  reside  in  tliis 
town  where  she  died  Juh'  27,  1704,  and  tlie  name  has  never 
faded  from  the  registers  of  the  town. 

Rev.  Jonathan  AVinchester,  sou  of  Henry  and  Frances 
A^inchester  of  Brookline,  was  born  April  21,  1717.  He  was 
graduated  at  Harvard  University  1737,  and  for  sc\eral 
years  was  a  school  teacher  in  Brookline.  He  married  ^lay 
5,  1748,  Sarah  Crofts,  an  educated  and  talented  lady,  of 
Brookline,  where  six  of  Iheir  ten  chihli-en  were  born.  If 
]\Ir.  Winchester  preached  anj'where  previous  to  his  removal 
to  tliis  town  the  fact  has  not  appeared.  Yv'hcn  he  began 
preaching  here  he  had  not  been  ordained  and  consequently 
this  was  his  first  settlement  in  the  ministry.  If  little  has 
been  f.umd  concerning  the  life  and  characteristics  of  ]Mr. 
Wincht'stery- there  is  abundant  evidence  that  he  was  a  man 
of  singular  purity  of  cliaracter,  a  kind  neighbor  and  an 
earnest  and  eflective  preacher.  That  he  was  respected  and 
greatly  beloved  by  his  })eople  is  clearly  retlected  in  the 
records,  and  that  he  was  a  man  of  earnest,  steadfast  pur- 
poses, of  generous  and  friendly  impulses,  restrained  by  a 
firm  adherence  to  the  connnands  of  duty,  is  supported  l)y 
many  traditions. 

;ii      nit     'Ui 

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It  is  tlio  to^timon}'  of  Dr.  Cusliiiig  that  ho  lived  in  peace 
and  ^^as  res]:»ee(ed  and  beloved  and  ^vlien  he  died  was  nmcli 
lamented.  And  liis  ))aris:li  soon  after  his  death  engraved 
upon  the  talilct  that  mark-;  his  grave  tlieii'  appreciation  of 
the  minister  wliom  the}-"  had  loved.        ,    ■ 

THE    CtENTLKMAX,    THE     SCHOLAR    AND    THE     ClUClbTIAN"    "NVERE    IX 



AS    A    NiaCIllJOK,    kind;     AS    A    FKIENP,    SINCERE; 

FOR       CANDOR,       MEEKNESS,      PATIENCE      AKD 


Intcfjer  vitcr,  scelerii^que  jnn'us. 

A  newspa})er  of  the  time,  The  Boston  Post  Boy  and 
Advertiser ,  in  the  issue  of  December  28,  1767,  announces 
the  death  of  IMr.  "Winchester  in  these  terms  :  "The  latter  end 
of  November  died  at  Ashburnham,  long  known  b}'  the  name 
of  Dorchester  Canada,  the  }\ev.  ]Mr.  Jonathan  Winchester, 
^Minister  of  tlie  church  in  tliat  town.  A  sensible,  worthy 

After  the  death  of  ]Mr.  AVincliester,  the  churcli  "  chose 
Deacon  Moses  Foster  moderator  while  destitute  of  a  pastor." 
'^  June  16,  176S,  the  clmicli  met  and  made  choice  of  John 
Gushing  for  thi^  minister  svitii  a  iull  vote  and  chose  Deacons 
Foster  and  Fellows  and  lUv^ther  Cheney  as  a  committee  to 
acquaint  him  of  it."  In  this  action  of  tlic  church  the  town 
on  the  fourth  of  July  unanimously  concurred.  "  September 
21,  1768,  the  church  met  and  voted  that  the  ordination  of 
the  pastor  elect,  John  Cushing,  should  be  on  the  second 
day  of  November  following,  and  voted  to  send  to  seven 
churches."  "Chose  Deacon  Fellows,  Eli.-ha  Coolidge  and 
Tristram  Cheney  to  sigji  the  letters  missive."  To  this 
decision  of  the  church  the  town  promptly  assented  and  made 
ample  arrangements  for  the  occasion. 



-■■■'■:   '.■;•    ■  ■  ■"'  1- 


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The  council,  if  til]  the  iiivitiilions  were  accepted,  was  com- 
posed of  Re^'.  Joscj^h  Sumner  of  Shrewsbury,  the  successor 
of  the  father  of  ]\Ir.  Cuslii))^  ;  ]'(^v.  Ebenezer  ^loi'se,  pastor 
of  the  Xortli  Parish,  no^\"  Boylston  ;  Uev,  Ebenezer  Parlc- 
man  of  Westl)oro',  the  fatlier  of  the  lutui-e  wife  of  Mr. 
Gushing;  Eev.  Jacob  Gushing  of  AValtliam,  a  brother  of 
the  candidate:  Itcv.  Asaph  Rice  of  ^^'estminster ;  Rev. 
Stephen  Farrar  of  XeT\'  Ipswich,  at  whose  ordination 
Mr.  Winchester  had  assisted  and  Rev.  John  Payson  of 

In  full  sympathy  with  this  sombre  day  in  autumn  and 
with  hearts  heavy  witli  sonow  for  tlieir  tlrst  minister,  ■nhum 
they  had  loved,  the  churcli  and  parish  look  to  his  successoi" 
with  lioi)e  and  courage.  Many  trivial  alTairs  liavc  made 
more  display  on  the  pages  of  the  records  but  in  its  pei-vading 
and  salutary  influences  in  directing  and  moulding  the  senti- 
ment of  another  generation,  in  the  full  measure  of  its  results, 
the  ordination  of  ^Ir.  Gushing  was  a  most  memorable  event 
in  the  annals  of  Ashl)urnham.  The  minister,  in  the  robust 
strength  and  courage  of  early  manhood,  assumes  the  laboi-s 
and  burdens  of  a  lifetime  ;  while  the  people,  entering  an 
era  of  concord,  willingly  comply  with  the  mild  yet  unyield- 
ing influences  of  his  faithful  ministrations. 

The  years  of  a  successful  ministry  crowned  with  the 
reward-  of  peace  and  hatinony  are  only  the  links  in  a  con- 
tinuous chain  of  similar  events.  They  are  so  alike  in 
outline,  so  connected  in  record,  they  cannot  be  regarded 
separately.  The  labor  of  Mr.  Gushing  began  with  his 
ordination  and  ended  with  his  death.  It  admits  of  no 
divisions.  For  fifty-live  and  one-half  years  the  course  of 
his  labor,  like  the  flow  of  a  river,  was  uninterrupted  and 
onvN'ard.  To  measure  the  flood  emptied  into  the  sea  ^\e 
must    notice    the    duration    as    well    as    the  volume    of  the 

•■:•    I    , 

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II    -w::    .o:: 

2oG  HISTOKY    OF    ASlIBUiiNlIAM'. 

current.  Before  his  allotted  v\'ork  was  scarce  begun  those 
aged  at  the  time  of  liis  orduuition  had  faded  away ;  the 
middle-aged  and  those  in  the  strength  of  early  manhood 
gre\v'  old  and  al>o  died  ;  while  3^et  with  vigor  unahuted  lie 
ministered  to  their  children  and  beneath  his  sight  the  youth 
he  tlrst  beheld  passed  the  stages  of  life  and  sunk  l)eneath  the 
weight  of  years.  Without  a  change  of  scene  his  charge  and 
congregation  were  many  times  renewed. 

The  registers  of  the  church  during  his  ministry  are  a 
continued  record  of  Avisdoin  in  administration  and  freedom 
from  any  serious  contention.  At  the  beginning  the  town 
was  uniled  in  religious  opinions  and  in  harmony  with  the 
creed  of  the  church.  At  -a  later  period  the  pastcu-  and  the 
church  found  frequent  employment  in  dealing  with  an 
inci'easiiig  number  of  dissenters.  First,  a  tV'W  announcing  a 
change  of  opinion  on  the  doctririe  of  baptism  desii'cd  ti)  with- 
draw and  unite  with  those  of  kindred  faith,  and  early  within 
the  ]:)resent  century  a  larger  number  Avithdrew  and  united 
with  the  ^Methodists.  Compared  with  the  prevailing  usage 
and  practice  of  the  times  a  liberal  policy  was  pursued  and 
a  cojunicndable  measure  of  forbearance  and  toleration  was 
exercised.  In  a  review  of  the  position  of  the  church  in 
these  proceedings  Mr.  Gushing  says,  —  ''There  has  geuerally 
been  manifested  a  dis]:)osiiioti  that  each  ^.liould  enjoy  lil)erty 
of  ctuisc  ience.  I  have  unitbrmly  endea\ored  to  exercise 
cliavity  towards  dissenters  and  to  avoid  asperity  and  cen- 
soriousness.  And  the  reflection  that  I  have  thus  endeavored 
affords  satisfaction.  In  exercising  the  discipline  of  Christ's 
kingdom  I  have  aimed  to  avoid  severity.  I  have  offer 
thought  of  an  observation  of  the  bishop  of  St.  Asaph  as 
worthy  of  regard  :  '  Tlie  art  of  government  consists  in  not 
governing  too  much.' " 

The  great  embarrassment  of  the  church  rested  in  the  fact 
that    each  measure  of  discipline    on  questions  of  faith  was 

■I'l   '!:'■■ 

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answered  by  a  request  for  a  letter  of  dismissal  and  recojw- 
mendation.  This  they  could  not  gi'ant  Avithout  officially 
recognizing  a  church  of  another  denomination  and  that,  for 
many  years,  tliey  would  not  do.  The  church  also  main- 
tained that  a  withdrawal  v\iihout  leave  was  amenable  to 
discipline  and  that  a  dismissal  coidd  not  l.)c  granted  until  the 
ojflcnding  persons  had  given  satisfaction  to  the  church.  A 
candid  review  of  these  proceedings  must  lead  to  iho  conclu- 
sion that  the  church  in  fact  vras  laid  inider  the  sternest 
discipline  and  vriscly  profited  by  it.  With  a  laudable 
degree  of  justice  and  in  advance  of  the  practice  of  the 
churches  in  this  vicinity  the  chiu'ch  in  Ashburnham  began 
to  grant  dismissals  when  requested  and  to  give  a  general 
certificate  of  good  moral  character.  This  procedure  at  once 
freed  the  churcli  from  a  perpetual  season  of  discipline  and 
left  the  dissenters,  armed  with  a  commendation  "to  whom  it 
may  concern,"  at  full  liljcrty  to  follow  the  loadings  of  duty 
or  inclination. 

In  1778,  the  following  persons  ^vere  dismissed  uj)on  their 
declaration  that  they  had  changed  their  sentiments  in 
respect  to  Infant  Baptism,  the  manner  of  supporting  the 
Gospel,  and  of  admitting  church  members  :  Elisha  Coolidge, 
Ebenezcr  Conant,  Ebenezer  Conant,  Jr.,  and  wife,  Nathan 
Putnam  and  wife,  Nathan  liigelow  and  ^\iie,  Jacob  Willard 
and  wife,  Jacob  Constantino  and  wife,  Joliu  .Martin  and  wife, 
and  John  Bigelow.  Upon  their  dismissal  tiioy  were  favored 
with  the  following  letter  : 

Whereas  Elisha  Coolidge  and  others,  members  of  this  church, 
have  withdrawn  themselves  from  this  church  and  plead  their 
chaugiug  their  religious  sentiments  with  respect  to  Infant  Baptism, 
etc.,  as  the  reason,  and  that  they  can't  in  conscience  hold  com- 
munion with  us  as  heretofore  and  desiring  a  dismission  from 
their  relations  to  this  church,   TJiese  are  to  signifj'  that  we  would 

'■■    1/ 


■i^:f';^f    '  '    i  iv'j.:    -:■•;   ^n   \- 

i    i    .  ;  1.,    ■,\-^!V^   y-,  ■  I 

'J     r-  fi. 


not  forcibly  cletaiu  them  or  bold  them  against  their  consent,  but 
do  dismiss  them  from  their  rchitions  to  us  and  certify  withal  that 
before  they  withdrew  from  communion  with  us  they  were  free 
from  scandal  and  while  thoy  appeared  bef(»re  the  church,  to  give 
their  reasons  for  absentujg,  they  conducted  iu  a  brotherl}-  and 
christian  manner. 

AVhilo  tbc  persons  who  Aritlidrew  at  tliis  time  were  styled 
Baptists  on  account  of  a  featuro  of  tliclr  creed  they  furtlier 
contended  that  it  "was  sinful  and  unscriptural  to  maintain  a 
salaried  clergy,  or  in  their  own  words,  "-we  are  against  those 
that  preach  for  hire  or  those  that  ask  }iay  for  hindling  a  fire 
on  God's  altar."  T]ie  case  of  Mary  Glieney  who  joined  the 
Baptists  without  requesting  a  dismissal  was  attended  with 
more  difhcult^' : 

The  Church  of  Christ  in  Ashhurnham  to  Mary  Cheney : 

At  a  meeting  of  the  church  regularly  held,  your  conduct  in 
leaving  this  church  without  leave  or  notice  given  Mas  taken  in 
considerotion  and,  after  maturely  weighing  the  matter,  judged  that 
it  was  a  breach  of  covenant  and  that  you  ought  to  be  admoriished 
for  3"0ur  disorderly  conduct.  When  you  was  admitted  among  us, 
you  solemnly  promised  to  walk  in  communion  with  us  as  far  as 
you  knew  your  duty,  and  we  promised  to  watch  over  you  and  are 
now  endeavoring  to  perform  cvur  engagement  by  sending  you  this 
letter  of  admonition.  Wh'^'n  you  Avas  dissati-.fied  with  us  and  could 
not  ill  conscience  have  con^muDiou  with  us,  why  could  you  not 
have  manifested  your  mind?  We  do  not  v^-ant  to  debar  any 
from  enjoying  liberty  of  conscience,  but  how  can  the  purity  and 
order  of  the  church  possibly  be  kept  up,  if  members,  contrar}-  to 
solemn  engagements,  break  away  from  one  church  to  another  with- 
out the  least  notice  given?  Your  change  of  opinions  can't  justify 
your  conduct,  for  God  is  a  God  of  order  and  not  of  confusion. 

We  therefore  admonish  j'ou  for  breach  of  covenant  and  earnestly 
entreat  you  to  consider  seriously  of  what  you  have  done  and  of  the 
bad  and  dangerous  consequences  of  such  disorderly  behavior  and 

•\'ll  '.  ■'■"1 

:,■  r  ,'1    1,;    •■■■■' 

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to  give  the  cbiirch  you  have  justly  offended  christinn  sfitisfaction 
without  whieli  we  cannot  at  an}'  lime  admit  you  to  any  privilege 
among  us  if  }'0u  should  desire  it.  And  we  judge  also  that  the 
church  to  which  you  have  joined  are  disorderly  and  ought  to  be 
admonished.  Wc  pray  tlie  great  Shepherd  would  lead  and  guide 
you  b}'  his  spirit,  make  you  fully  sensible  of  your  evil  couducl  and 
dispose  you  to  make  that  satisfaction  wl)ich  we  must  suppose  your 
conscience  upon  mature  deliberation  will  readily  dictate. 

"We  subscribe  ourselves  your  offended  brethren,  yet  read}-  to  be 
reconciled  u})on  rcasonal.»le  and  christian  terms. 

The  defection  of  a  few  from  the  church  to  the  Methodists 
occurred  at  a  hiter  })eriod  and  under  tlic  warmth  of  a  more 
charitable  and  tolerant  s])irit.  The  followir.g  letter  truthfully 
reflects  the  pacific  policy  vrhich  pervades  the  records  at  this 

Ajtril  1,  179G.  —  Whereas  our  brother  vStephen  Eandall,  Jr.,  has 
requested  that  he  may  be  dismissed  from  this  to  the  Episcopal 
Methodist  Church  because  he  finds  he  is  better  edified  than  to 
continue  with  us  and  is  not  fully  satisfied  with  the  custom  of  dis- 
ciplining members,  we  would  say,  we  wish  not  to  deprive  him  of 
any  good  which  he  thinks  he  mn}'  gain  for  his  soul,  we  are  free 
and  willing  that  every  one  should  have  liberty  of  conscience. 
Also  a  letter  of  dismission  vrould  introduce  him  into  the  Methodist 
Church,  from  the  principle  of  christian  charitv  and  communion  vre 
should  readily  grant  it,  certifying  that  his  moral  character  is  good. 
"We  desire  and  pray  that  he  may  adorn  the  doctrine  of  Jesus 
Christ  with  those  of  his  denomination,  though  we  would  not  be 
understood  as  fully  approving  all  their  doctrines  and  discipline. 

In  other  cases  of  discipline,  with  limited  knowledge  of  the 
facts  and  surroundings,  it  would  be  folly  to  inquire  if  the 
church  had  been  severe  or  if  the  offenders  had  sinned.  Only 
one  case  evincing  the  breadth  and  tenderness  of  brotherhood 
will  be  cited.     This  report  of  a  committee  delegated  to  visit 

'>^5    VJ;  ;(>      \  tl 

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':/  <rT     „;.:,.. 


cue  of  the  most  i)romineiit  citizens  of  the  low)i  is  in  tlie 
language  of  ]\Ir.  Gushing  who  was  one  of  the  conimittee  and 
is  dated  January  1,  1818. 

We  waited  upon  Lim  soon  after  oui*  appointment  and  after  say- 
ing everything  v.'c  eould  on  the  one  hand  to  dissuade  him  from  the 
excessive  use  of  spirit,  and  on  the  other  to  encourage  him  to  a 
reformation,  at  leuglh  Jic  told  us  that  he  had  come  to  a  resolution 
to  refrain  entirely  for  one  month.  At  the  end  of  which  we  might 
visit  him  again  and  if  we  found  he  had  broken  over  the  resolution 
we  might  do  with  him  as  wc  thought  best.  Accordingly  at  the 
end  of  the  month  we  all  visited  him  again  and  he  .declared  he  had 
not  taken  a  drop  of  spirit,  and  upon  being  asked  what  his  purpose 
was  for  the  future  he  told  that  it  was  his  determination  to  per- 
severe, so  that  M'e  were  relieved  from  the  disagreeable  work  of 
leaving  the  letter  of  admonition  with  him,  and  we  rejoiced  together 
at  the  pleasing  and  happy  prospect  of  a  reformation.  He  seemed 
to  have  uncomfortable  apprelicnsions  that  he  should  not  be  able  to 
remove  the  offence  he  had  given  the  church.  But  we  answered 
him  that  the  ofTencc  would  cease  innnediatel}'  upon  his  reformation, 
that  the  church  would  rejoice ,  that  his  family  and  connections 
would  rejoice,  yea  and  the  angels  in  Heaven  would  rejoice. 

It  is  within  the  memory  of  many  of  the  aged  among  us, 
that  ]\rr.  Gushing  maintained  an  advanced  position  on  the 
question  of  temperance  and  tliat  in  tlic  pul])It,  more  fre- 
quently than  in:iny  of  ln"s  contemporaries,  he  boldly  preached 
the  error  and  evils  of  intemperance.  If  his  views  on  this 
subject  were  presented  with  a  characteristic  rigor  of  opinion, 
they  wei'c  attended  in  his  daily  walk  among  his  people  with 
that  spirit  of  forgiveness  and  brotherly  love  and  tenderness 
which  pervades  the  report  we  have  cited. 

The  church  in  Ashburnham  was  among  tlic  fir--?t  to 
abandon  the  custom  of  administering  the  rites  of  baptism  to 
the  children  of  parents  who  were  not  members  of  the  church. 


'A'"  ',  f)ij 

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This  custom  of  very  ctirly  origin  pi'cvailcd  in  many  of  the 
Xew  England  churclics  until  a  compnratively  recent  period. 
Q'he  ])arents  %Yho  thus  desired  to  present  tlieir  ollspring  for 
baptism  were  required  to '' own  the  covenant,"  or  in  other 
words,  to  publicly  express  a  general  belief  in  the  creed  of 
the  church.  They  were  not  required  to  profess,  and  it  is 
reasonably  certain  they  did  not  always  possess,  the  moral 
qualification  of  membership  and  they  were  only  expected  to 
express  an  intellectual  assent  to  the  general  truths  of  the 
church  covenant.  The  persons  who  had  only  owned  the 
covenant  were  not  admitted  to  communion  nor  were  they 
amenable  to  church  discipline,  but  being  admitted  to  the 
privik-ge  of  presoiting  their  children  for  baptism  on  an 
equality  vntli  those  in  full  communion  they  were  frequently 
styled  "half  way  members."  This  practice  continued 
throughout  the  ministry  of  ^Nfr.  Winchester,  but  it  never 
fully  met  the  approval  of  Mr.  Gushing.  With  an  habitual 
conservatism  in  regard  to  measures,  and  mindful  of  the  vigi- 
lant tendency  of  his  people  to  oppose  any  abridgment  of 
their  privileges  or  accepted  customs,  he  presented  the  follow- 
ing proposition  which  was  adopted  without  evidence  of 
opposition  : 

We  the  church  of  Christ  in  Ashhurnbara,  being  desirous  of  pro- 
moting practical  religion  in  U'is  place,  taking  into  consideration 
the  geneial  practice  in  the  churches  of  persons  owning  the  cove- 
nant, and  ho-viug  reason  to  fear  that  such  are  left  to  ran  too  mnch 
at  large  without  being  watched  over  and  not  seeing  the  consistency 
of  their  solemnly  owning  the  covenant  and  then  not  paying 
regard  thereto  as  is  the  case  too  much  with  respect  to  some  it 
appearing  too  evident  that  the  main  design  of  some  is  for  the  sake 
of  enjoying  the  ordinance  of  baptism  only :  We  have  come  into  the 
following  vote  : 

That  we  will  not  for  the  future  admit  any  to  the  privilege  of 
baptism  except   members  in  full.      And   that    we  might    not  be 

ii '  \r- 

:'     '-.  .  -i 


i :  •  ^o 

;j  ' .    ,  •      !   :  '  I         a'  (    J    '      '       I 

262  mSTOr.Y    OF    ASIIBUllNHAM. 

tbonght  too  severe  — if  there  should  be  rniy  (Avhich  ~svg  hope  will 
not  bo  the  case),  who  nre  so  full  of  doubt  aud  fear,  that  they  dare 
not  approach  to  the  table,  but  yet  are  desirous  of  enjoying  the 
privilege  of  baptism  and  putting  themselves  under  the  care  and 
watch  of  tlie  church,  we  shall  not  insist  upon  their  participation 
under  such  a  situation  of  their  mind,  nor  proceed  to  censure  them 
if  they  do  not  immediatel}'  partake  of  the  ordinance. 

Inasmuch  as  there  are  several  that  are  in  covenant  that  are  not 
members  in  full,  this  vote  is  not  to  ])e  coasidered  as  cutting  them 
off  from  a  privilege  granted  to  them  heretofore.  However  we  will 
consider  them  as  under  the  inspection  of  the  church,  and  we 
engage  that  we  will  watch  over  them  as  though  they  were  mem- 
bers in  full. 

This  action  occarred  A}n"il  7,  177H.  There  were  some 
precedents  for  it  nt  this,  date,  but  it  was  twenty  or  more 
years  in  advance  of  very  many  cluu-clies  situated  nearer  the 
schools  of  tlieology  and  the  centres  of  infhience. 

]^fot\vitlistanding  the  disintegrating  intiueuces  which  were 
felt  at  times  not  only  in  tliis  town  but  throughout  Xew 
England,  the  membership  of  the  cluirch  slowly  increased  in 
numbers  throughout  the  ministry  of  Mr.  Crushing.  The  loss 
occasioned  by  death,  by  removals  from  the  town  and  by  a 
transfer  of  relations  Avas  more  than  compensated  by  an 
increas<^  in  population  tmd  the  fruit  of  several  seasons  of 
unusual  religious  interest.  The  registers  of  the  church  in 
the  handwriting  of  iNIr.  Cushing  represent  that,  at  the  time 
of  his  death,  there  were  about  one  hundred  and  thirty 
resident  members.  In  one  small  volume  tlie  statistics  of 
more  than  fifty  years  are  carefully  entered.  The  summary 
includes  the  names  of  three  hundred  and  thirty-one  persons 
admitted  to  the  fellowship  of  the  church  ;  the  Iniptism  of 
nine  hundred  and  sixty-three  children  and  twenty-four  adults 
and  the  record  of  three  hundred  and  twelve  marriaires. 


■:1J    .i! 

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.  .  J.  -w'l  tJ(i 


Key.  John  Cusliing,  D.  1).,  was  bom  in  Sbi'ewsLujy, 
jNIassaoluisetts,  August  22,  1744.  A  desceudtuit  of  tlie 
Gushing  family  of  Ilinghani  he  inherilcd  the  strong  and 
vigorous  traits  of  character  wliich  have  distinguished  many 
generations,  lie  was  a  son  of  Kcv.  Jol)  and  ]\Luy  (I'ren- 
ticc)  Gushing.  Ilis  father  was  the  first  nn"nister  of  Shrews- 
bury where  he  died  August  G,  IT  GO.  JTis  inother  was  the 
daughter  of  llev.  John  and  IMary  (Gardner)  Prentice  of 
Lancaster  and  an  honored  name  in  the  annals  of  that  town. 
She  died  at  the  age  of  ninety  years  May  24,  1798. 

]Mr.  Gushing  entered  Harvard  l^'niversity  where  he  main- 
tained an  honorable  standing  and  was  graduated  1764; 
exactly  fifty  years  after  his  father  had  received  a  diploma 
from  the  same  institution.  At  the  age  of  twenty-four  years 
he  was  ordained  and  settled  over  the  clnu'ch  in  this  town, 
November  2,  17G8,  and  died  April  27,  1823.  From  his 
alma  mater  he  received  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Divinity 

The  most  fitting  tribute  to  the  memory  of  ^Ir.  Gushing  is 
found  in  liis  works.  For  many  years  he  was  the  only 
minister  in  the  town,  lie  stood  in  the  midst  of  an  increas- 
ing pari>h  scattered  over  a  large  township,  yet  his  influence 
peiwaded  every  portion  of  it.  He  wa^>  faithful  in  every 
service.  Two  sermons  Avjre  regularly  prepared  for  the 
Sabbath,  frequent  discourses  were  written  for  week-day 
lectures  and  his  ministrations  to  the  sick  and  the  bereaved 
were  prompt  and  unfailing.  He  was  constant  in  his  attend- 
ance upon  the  schools  and  in  all  social  relations  with  his 
parish.  At  ever}"  fireside  the  serenity  of  his  countenance, 
the  wisdom  of  his  speech  and  the  purity  of  his  life  and 
example  were  continually  deepening  the  impression  and 
enforcing  the  influences  of  his  public  ministrations.  PTe 
gladly  welcomed  all  the  moral  and    benevolent   enterprises 


. ;  I  . 

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of  his  time.  The  cause  of  temperance  and  the  early  mission- 
ary organizations  received  from  him  a  warm  and  cfiicient 

In  stature,  Mr.  Gushing  was  tall  and  portly;  in  bearing 
dignified  and  erect.  He  moved  witli  })recision  and  with  the 
incisive  mark  of  strengtli  and  vigor.  As  the  infirmity  of 
age  grew  upon  him,  his  step  was  slower  but  never  faltering ; 
his  form  became  slightly  bowed  but  lost  none  of  its  original 
dignily  and  commanding  presence.  His  mild  blue  eye  and 
the  serenity  of  his  countenance  were  undimmed  even  when 
his  whitened  and  flowing  locks  were  counting  the  increasing 
furrows  of  age  in  his  fiicc. 

As  a  preacher  he  adhei'ed  to  the  fundamental  doctiiues  of 
his  creed  and  suppoi-ted  them  with  frequent  quotation  from 
the  Scriptures.  The  plan  of  his  discourse  was  hicid  and  bis 
methods  of  reasoning  direct  and  losrical.  If  he  Avas  tenacious 
in  the  use  of  set  terms  and  forms  of  speech  he  invariably 
applied  them  with  aptness  and  precision.  He  did  not  rely 
on  the  abundance  of  words  or  the  exliibitlon  of  emotion,  but 
upon  the  weight  and  sequenc(;  of  the  central  truths  ^s"hich 
formed  the  theme  of  his  discourse.  His  voice  was  clear, 
strong  and  pleasing.  He  read  his  sermons  closely  and 
without  gesture.  In  deliAery  he  was  moderate,  earnest  and 
impressi\  e.  At  home  and  abroad  he  was  justly  regarded  as 
an  able,  instructive  preacher.  The  ability  of  Mr.  Gushing 
in  an  intellectual  sense  was  conspicuous.  Measured  by  men 
of  acknowledged  power  and  a))ility  he  was  not  deficient. 
He  held  a  foremost  rank  among  illustrious  compeers  in  his 
profession  and  was  an  equal  in  mind  and  character  of  Rev- 
erends Payson  of  Rindge,  Farrar  and  Hall  of  New  Ipswich, 
AYaters  of  Ashby,  Rice  of  Westminster  and  Pillsbury  of 
Winchendon.  ■  •    . — 


I,,--     -yfi-^^;     V\|    .,, 


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,;■    'tiv    r-c  ■;   -^'^    '::*■    ''i';.^  ■  ••■   ■-^' 
,    ,;     vior     •;T!:        .m;,.^     ,:^i?«    ^'-l      !w      -u;.'/:;!    Milt    T 

;,j!  I  Hi 


As  a  ooinisoUor  ho  av:is  ))rudeiit  and  jiulicial.  Possf^ssinnr 
a  tliovough  kiiONvlodgc  of  ecclesiastical  hr>v  and  skilled  in  llie 
usages  of  the  church,  his  advice  "was  frcquentlv  souiihl  in 
the  settlement  of  contention  in  other  churches.  In  such 
service  his  counsels  Avere  invaluable.  If  his  associates  were 
exacting  and  harsh  in  tlicir  conclusions,  his  judgments  were 
always  tempered  with  nicrcj'  and  his  decisions  fragi'ant  Vvitli 
forgiveness  and  reconciliatioii.  In  the  midst  of  every  form 
of  contention,  his  goal  was  peace  and  seldom  was  he  moved 
from  his  accustomed  paths  by  the  passions  of  contending 
Dien.  In  ecclesiastical  councils  of  a  more  pacific  character 
his  services  were  frequently  solicited  and  cheerfully  ren- 
dered and  for  many  years  a  council  was  seldom  convened  in 
a  circle  of  many  miles  to  which  he  was  not  invited. 

In  his  daily  life  Mr.  Gushing  was  la])orious.  Ilis  dis- 
courses were  carefully  written,  his  parochial  visits  were 
reoT.ilarly  made  and  the  schools  were  familiar  with  his 
presence.  "With  these  uninterrupted  ministrations  and  the 
care  of  his  fanii  he  found  time  in  some  wa^-^  for  reading  and 
music.  He  was  regaj-ded  by  his  associates  in  the  ministry 
as  a  man  of  liberal  knowledge  and  varied  acquirements. 

lie  ^vas  preeminently  a.  minister  of  the  olden  time.  His 
parish  was  his  field  of  hiboi-  and  no  one  was  neglected.  His 
charge  was  his  constant  thought  and  ihity,  and  while  he 
watched  for  the  fruit  of  his  labor,  he  toiled  on  with  unfail- 
ing hope  and  courage.  Even  in  the  decline  of  life  and 
under  the  weight  of  nearly  eighty  j'ears  his  service  was 
acceptable  and  his  parish  united  in  their  love  and  respect 
for  their  venerable  teacher.  It  seems  that  their  aflection  for 
him  increased  as  he  paled  and  grew  feeble  in  their  service. 
And  when  death  came  and  stilled  the  pulsations  of  his  warm 
and  generous  heart,  his  people  paid  a  fitting  tribute  in  the 
lines  of  sorrow  engraved  on  every  countenance.     From  that 

M    ,  |i---i|':!-^ 

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hour  the  yuice  of  Inidiiioii  began  to  assert  tliat  liis  gciihis 
was  solid;  his  uiiderstniidiug  clear:  his  jiidginent  strong; 
his  memory  faithful;  his  emotions  cool  and  restrained  yet 
his  sym})athies  tender  and  his  atlections  warm  ;  that  his 
resolution  and  perscvei'ance  wei'e  unusual,  that  lie  vras 
foithful  to  every  trust  and  tJiat  his  heart  was  so  honest,  his 
friendshi[)  so  sincere  and  his  tongue  under  such  control,  tliat 
his  smile  Mas  a  benediction  and  his  speech  a  sermon. 

]\[v.  Cusliing  married  September  28,  1700,  Sarah  I'ark- 
man,  daughter  of  Kev.  Ebenczer  and  liaintah  (iJreck)  Park- 
man  of  AVestboro,  who  survi^■ing  her  husl);ind  died  in  tlds 
town  ]\Iarc]i  12,  1S25.  The  j-ecord  of  the  family  is  con- 
tinued in  the  ii-enealoo-ical  registers. 

f^  o  o 

After  these  many  years  the  church  and  the  parish  were 
without  a  minister.  There  were  several  families  in  town 
that  had  removed  hither  soon  after  the  settlement  of  ]Mr. 
Gushing,  but  very  few  were  living  who  witnessed  his  ordi- 
nation. Tiie  only  groAvn  persons  li\'ing  in  this  town  in  1708 
who  remained  here  and  survi^'cd  Mr.  Cushing  were  Enos 
Jones,  Eebccca  (Foster)  AA'ard,  widow  of  Caleb  AA'ard, 
Judith  (Foster)  Brooks,  widow  of  Dr.  Peter  Brooks. 
,  The  tbllosving  June  the  town  chose  AVilliam  J.  T/iwrence, 
Thoma-  Jlobart,  Peubeii  Townsend,  Jr.,  Jose})h  Jewett  and 
Benjamin  Barrett  to  sujif*)}'  the  jxdpit.  At  a,  meeting  early 
in  Oein1>cr  the  commit! ce  reported  that  "they  had  hired 
Mr.  Geo]-gc  l*erkins  to  preach  four  Sabl)aths."  Three 
weeks  later  the  town  votcnl  to  hear  Mi\  Perkins  four  addi- 
tional Sabljaths  and  on  tlie  iirst  day  of  December  insti-ucted 
the  committee  to  emi)l()y  Afr.  Perkins  until  further  orders 
from  the  town.  Decemlier  24,  eight  months  after  the  death 
of  ]Mr.  Cashing,  the  churcii  extended  a  unanimous  call,  in 
which  the  town  concurred  in  a  vote  of  sixty-eight  to  sevtm- 
tceu.     The  town  instrutted  the  connnittee  formerly  chosen 

: :  < 

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to  notify  tlic  candidate  and  tlie  church  joined  Deacon  Hunt, 
Dr.  Lowe  and  Doddridge  Gushing.  The  letter  of  accept- 
ance is  su1)joined  : 

AsiiDURNHAM,  Jfln3\  24,  1824. 
To  the  Cougrcgatioanl  Churcli  and  Society  in  Ashburuhara  : 
Chridian  Brethren  and  Friends  — 

Having  been  presented  by  your  committee  with  the  votes  of 
this  church  and  eonL!,regation  giving  rne  a  call  to  settle  "svdth  you 
as  jour  Gospel  nnuister  aud  having,  as  I  trust,  attentively  and 
prayerfully  sought  to  know  my  dut^'  in  a  case  of  such  vast 
importance  in  its  conseqaences,  both  to  you  and  to  myself,  I  have 
come  to  a  determination  to  accept  of  the  invitation  contained  in 
your  votes,  subject  to  tlie  conditions  specified  therein.  I  am  also 
ready  to  unite  witli  the  church  and  society  in  such  measures  as 
may  be  necessary  to  carry  3'our  votes  and  this  answer  into  effect. 
As  there  may  be  occasions  which  will  render  it  necessary  for  me 
to  leave  this  place  for  a  longer  period  than  one  week  at  a  time, 
I  think  it  reasonable  to  claim  the  privilege  of  being  absent  two 
Sabbaths  in  each  year,  without  abatement  of  compensatiou,  —  this 
being  the  least  num^ber  usually  granted.  The  church  and  society 
will  also  expect  me  to  make  such  exchanges  as  are  customary 
among  neighboring  ministers. 

Feelir.g.  as  I  do,  my  unworthincss  of  so  importtint  a  trust  and 
my  utter  insufficiency  in  my  own  strength,  to  lead  a  life  of  use- 
fulness amongst  you,  I  cannot  close  without  making  the  further 
request  that  I  may  at  all  times  have  your  fervent  prayers  to  God 
that  lie  would  make  me  a  zealous,  faithful  and  successful  minister 
of  the  New  Testament  to  the  souls  of  this  people. 


Mr.  Perkins  was  ordained  February  2."),  1824.  'i'ho 
council  comprised  the  Eevercnds  Baseoni  and  Putnam  of 
Asbby,  Putnam  of  Fitchburg,  Mann  of  Westminster,  \\  di- 
ington  of  Tcunpleton,  Estabrook  of  Atliol,  Sabin  of  Fit/- 
william  and  Deacon  Georije  Coffin  of  AVincIiendou. 

,u'.X.  .>.' 

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268  iiiSTony  of  asiiblkniiam. 

The  niinistiy  of  ]\[r.  Pcrkiii.s  was  successful  :iud  unusually 
acceptable  to  the  church  and  congregation.  Entci'ing  the 
Diinistry  without  pursuing  a  prcsci'iljed  course  of  study  he 
had  not  acquired  the  conventional  manners  of  the  schools, 
yet  in  him  vrcve  combined  dignity  with  affability  and 
umisual  plainness  of  speech  with  equal  kindness.  In  the 
pulpit  he  was  ofiott  colloquial,  sonictin\es  eloquent  and 
always  instructiye.  A  few  lines  from  a  letter  written  by 
Sar;di  Jcwelt  in  December,  18i^3,  will  be  accepted  as 
authority  in  regard  to  his  characteristics.  "  Mr.  Perkins  is 
our  candidate.  I  am  certain  you  will  like- him  much,  as 
you  like  unassuming  maimers.  He  is  an  unconnnonly 
interesting  man.  His  manner  in  the  jjulpit  is  easy  and 
natural ;  his  composition  chaste  ;  and  his  reinarks  original, 
and  we  seldom  witness  such  urbanity  of  manner."  It  is 
the  united  testimony  of  all  who  remembc^r  him  that  he  was  a 
deyoted  minister  and  a  kind,  sympathizing  friend.  By  his 
ready  sympathy  and  his  cxemplaiy  walk  and  conyersation 
he  secured  the  alfections  and  respect  of  his  peojjle.  In  his 
public  ministrations  he  v,as  discreet  and  faithful.  At  a 
season  of  controyersial  discussion,  which  was  rending  many 
cliurcli(^s,  his  flock  was  united  and  by  avoiding  doctrinal 
preachini;  he  persuaded  hi-  peoi)le  to  drown  dissension  in 
forget fub.i ess.  The  mini>try  of  ^Ir.  Perkins  in  this  place 
was  interrupted  by  the  fLtbleness  of  the  aged  parents  of 
his  wife  who  souirht  his  care  and  assistance.  Obtaining  a 
dismissal  from  his  charge  he  returned  to  Connecticut. 

A  mutual  council  was  convened  July  3,  18o2,  and  after 
formally  assenting  to  the  desire  of  !Mr.  Perkins  to  be 
released  from  his  charge  the  record  proceeds  : 

The  council  are  happy  to  state  that  in  the  dissolution  of  the 
pastoral  relatious  of  the  Kev.  George  Perkins  to  this  church  and 
people  the  most  mutual  good  feeling  has  prevailed  and  we  wish  to 

'i    l\:'j. 

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state  explicitly  that  the  reasons  assigned  for  a  dissolution  of  this 
relation  arc  such  as  do  not  show  any  dissatisfaction  of  the  church 
and  people  towards  their  pastor  nor  an}'  dissatisfaction  on  his 
part  towards  them. 

Rev.  George  Perkins,  son  of  Dr.  Elislia  and  Sarah 
(Douglas)  Perkins,  was  l^orn  in  Plainiield,  Connecticut, 
October  19,  1783.  lie  ][)ursued  a  preparatoiy  course  of 
study  at  the  Academy  in  his  native  town  and  was  graduated 
at  Yale  College  1803.  After  reading  law  in  the  office  of 
Hon.  Charles  ^Slarsli  of  Woodstock,  Vermont,  he  soon 
became  a  prominent  lawyer  in  Xorwich,  Connecticut.  In 
the  continued  practice  of  his  profession  he  earned  an  excel- 
lent reputation  as  a  safe  and  prudent  counsellor  and  an  able 
advocate.  Such  was  his  integrity  and  conscientious  adher- 
ence to  his  idea  of  right,  he  was  familiarly  styled  by  his 
brethren  in  the  profession  and  often  ])y  the  public  as 
"  Plonest  George,"  In  1821,  and  soon  after  the  death  of 
his  first  wife,  closing  his  office  in  Xorwich  and  with  little 
remark  conccrninir  his  intentions,  he  sous^ht  tlie  home  of  his 
brother,  Rev.  J.  Douglas  Perkins,  in  Coatesville,  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  under  his  tuition  he  pursued  the  study  of  tlieology 
a  year  or  more.  Entering  the  ministry  at  the  age  of  forty 
years  and  after  preaching  a  few  Sabbaths  in  Ashby,  his  first 
contiiuied  pastoral  labor  was  in  this  town.  After  his  dis- 
missal from  this  church  he  was  installed  in  1832  over  the 
church  in  Jewett  City,  Connecticut,  where  he  remained  six 

Of  his  ministry  in  that  place,  Pev.  Thomas  L.  Shipman, 
his  successor,  has  written,  "He  preached  elocjuently  seven 
days  in  the  week  by  the  power  of  a  holy  life."  Later  he 
was  occupied  some  time  in  the  settlement  of  the  estate  of 
Dr.  John  Turner,  tlie   father  of  his   wife,   and   residing   in 

.■-:    I' 

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Norwich  lie  supplied  in  llic  vicinil}'  from  time  to  time  until 
death  ciiinc  to  abide  with  him  Scptem1.)er  15,  1852. 

Mr.  Perkins,  after  a  l)rief  interval,  was  succeeded  hy  Kev. 
George  Goodyear.  lie  avus  the  last  minister  who  jn-cached 
in  the  meeting-house  on  the  hill  and  the  first  who  ministered 
in  the  new  house  in  the  village.  He  was  installed  October 
10,  1832,  and  dismissed  at  his  request  Xovember  16,  1841. 
This  was  a  pastorate  of  pleasant  and  enduring  memories  and 
a  season  of  temporal  and  s])iriturd  prosperity.  The  new 
meeting-house  was  built  soon  after  tlie  labors  of  ]Mr.  Good- 
jeai'  began.  The  congregation  was  large  and  many  names 
were  enrolled  on  the  registers  of  the  church ;  one  lumdred 
and  ten  members  being  received  in  a  single  year,  of  whom 
seventy-seven  were  adriiitted  the  tirst  Sal^bath  in  July,  1834. 
DuriuiJ  this  memorable  season  the  r»astor  was  assisted  bv 
Horatio  Foot,  the  evangelist,  ^lany  who  read  his  name 
will  recall  his  earnest  words  and  impassioned  manner  as  they 
wonder  if  his  ai)peal  to  the  emotions  was  as  enduring  as  the 
address  of  abler  men  to  the  intellect. 

In  the  discharge  of  miiiisterial  duty,  ~Sh\  Cioodyear  was 
faithful  and  in  all  his  relations  with  his  fellow-men  he  was 
kind  and  sympathizing.  Xo  one  approached  him  as  a  friend 
without  feeling  an  answei'i ng  kindness  ov  in  sorrow  without 
"being  comforted.  His  sermons  were  the  expression  of  an 
earnest  })urpose  and  a  sincere  desire  to  im])rove  his  hearers, 
and  when  he  came  down  from  the  pulpit  mingling  with  his 
people  his  religion,  his  gentleness,  his  alfability  did  not 
forsake  him.  In  an  eminent  degree  he  secured  the  love  of 
his  people  and  the  respect  of  the  community. 

Rev.  I.  Sumner  Lincoln,  now  living  at  an  advanced  age 
in  Wilton,  X^ew  Hampshire,  has  paid  an  appreciative  tribute 
to  his  friend  and  neiirhbor. 


'  rri 


■:■    I     . 


jNIy  ncquain l:\uce  with  ]Mr.  Goodjear  commenced  in  1821  when 
he  entered  Yale  College,  of  which  T  became  a  member  in  1818. 
After  completing  his  academical  and  theological  studies  at  Yale, 
and  vrhile  preacbiugin  pursuit  of  a  place  of  settleraeut,  he  visited 
my  settled  home  in.  Gardner  and  preached  for  me  on  Sunda}-  a 
good  seriuou.  Ashburaham  Avas  then  destitute  of  a  j^astor.  On 
INIoriday  morning  I  carried  him  there  and  introduced  and  recom- 
mended him  to  the  parish  committGO.  From  tliat  time  he  became 
their  minister  and  my  good  neighbor  for  nine  years.  During  that 
tinie  he  made  fuU  proof  of  his  gospel  ministr}'  both  as  a  good 
.preacher  and  pastor.  lie  sustained  a  good  reputation  as  a  man 
and  a  minister  and  made  many  most  worthy  friends.  After  he 
left  that  place  and  I  left  Gardner  we  were  widely  separated  for 
some  years,  but  for  the  last  fifteen  years  we  have  been  happy 
neighbors  again,  he  in  Temple  and  myself  in  Wilton,  where  our 
friendly  intercourse  was  renewed  and  continued  to  the  time  of  his 
recent  departure  to  his  celestial  home.  Full  of  Christian  faith, 
virtue  and  hope  he  has  passed  into  the  personal  presence  of  his 
Lord  and  Savior. 

Key.  George  Goodyear,  son  of  Simeon  and  Ilannali 
(Beadsly^)  Good^'car,  was  liorn  in  Ilamden,  Connecticut, 
Becembor  9,  180i.  The  Goodyears  of  Connecticut  have 
been  distinguished  in  many  "vvalks  of  life.  Charles  Good- 
year, the  patentee  and  manufacturer  of  ru1">l»cr  -wares,  was  a 
first  cousin  of  the  fourtli  minister  of  Asiilnirnham,  lSh\ 
Goodyear  prepared  for  college  under  the  tuition  of  Rev. 
Edward  Hoolcer,  D.  D.,  and  at  Bacon  Academy  in  Col- 
chester. Ho  was  graduated  at  Yale  Colleo-e  1824  and  at  the 
Theological  Seminary  in  Xew  Haven  1827.  Ordained  with- 
out charge  July  22,  1828,  Previous  to  his  installation  in 
tlils  town  he  preached  as  stated  supply  at  Gaines,  Xew  Y'ork, 
and  at  East  Windsor,  Conneclictit.  Upon  his  removal  from 
this  town  after  supplying  nearly  two  years  at  Benerville, 
Xew  York,  he  was  installed  over  churches  in  Truro,  181G-9, 

I'-:'.     I'.C     ',. 

... ,  ,  I  ,■ 

y.u'j       .'i^i-    '■'^'       ■•■  •■  ■"'  V!-''*ii 


.  i  !  I'   •■  I 


South  lioyahUm,  184i'-5i  and  Temple,  New  ILunpsliire, 
185-1-65.  ]\lr.  Goodyear  was  a  member  of  the  Kcw 
Ilampsliire  Legislature  1865  and  18G6.  Ills  last  f1i.--mi.ssal 
wa.s  at  lii.-^  earnest  desii-e  and  on  aecount  of  his  fuilir.g  heallh.' 
lie  died  in  Temple,  ^Ybere  he  liad  continued  to  reside, 
XoYcmbcr  18,  188-1. 

After  hearing  two  or  more  candidates,  the  cbureh  and 
.parish  united  in  a  decision  to  liirc  liev.  Ed^in  Jenaison  for 
two  years.  This  action  was  soon  modiiied.  A  call  was 
accepted  and  ]Mr.  Jenui^on  was  instaUed  May  12,  1842,  or 
within  si.\:  months  after  the  dismissal  of  ^iv.  Goodyear.  In 
the  first  year  of  this  pastorate  the  cbureh  in  North  Ashl)urn- 
ham  was  organized  to  which  twenty-five  niembers  of  the 
clmrcb  transferred  their  relations.  ^Ir.  Jennison  entered 
upon  bis  laliors  under  fa\'orable  auspices.  He  was  an 
acceptable  preacher  and  Avas  justly  regarded  as  an  earnest, 
devoted  mini.ster.  His  bealtb  soon  failed,  but  with  fading; 
strength  he  continued  his  labor  until  the  close  of  the  fourth 
year.  I'he  relation  was  dissolved  May  12,  184G,  and  from 
the  record  of  the  proceedings  it  appears  that  "The  couiicil 
regard  'Mr.  Jennison  with  high  esteem  and  confidence  as  a 
worthy  Christian  brother,  an  able  and  fiiithfid  ])reacher  of 
the  gorjicl  and  an  aflcctionate  pastor." 

Rev.  Edwin  Jenni.son,  a  son  of  Major  William  and  Phabc 
(Field)  Jennison,  was  born  in  ^\'alpolo,  New  Hampshire, 
August  2G,  1805.  He  vras  graduated  at  Dartmouth  College 
1827,  and  at  Andover  Theological  Seminary  1830.  Previous 
to  his  labors  in  this  toA^'n  IMr.  Jennison  had  been  settled  over 
churches  in  AValpole,  his  native  town,  1831-5,  ]Mont  Ver- 
non, New  Hampshire,  1836-41.  Subsequently  he  was  in- 
stalled at  Hopkinton,  New  Hampshire,  January  6,  1847,  and 
dismissed  September  5,  1849.  In  each  in.stance  the  relation 
was  dissolved  on  account  of  his  feeble  health.     For  twentv- 

u:iUJ:r;  > 

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five  ycnrs  he  litis  been  incapucitatccl  from  labor  and  has 
resided  in  Winclieatci-,  Xcw  Ilainp^hiie,  and  of  late  in  Con- 
way, jNIassachusetts. 

The  dismissal  of  Mr.  Jcnuison  had  been  anticipated.  His 
failing  health  had  prepared  his  charge  for  the  event  and  a 
successor  was  soon  chosen.  To  Rev.  Elnathan  Davis  a  call 
Avas  extended  by  the  church  ]\Iay  25,  vrhich  was  ratitied  })y 
the  pai'ish  June  27,  184G.  For  some  reason,  not  now 
apparent,  the  installation  .was  deferred  and  in  the  mean  time 
Mr.  Davis  continued  to  preach  with  unqualified  acceptance. 
A  council  being  convened  early  in  Septemljer  exce].)tion  was 
taken  to  the  views  of  the  candidate  on  tlie  doctrinal  question 
of  infant  baptism.  The  solemnities  w^erc  postponed.  The 
council  was  recalled  Sei)tember  3  0,  184.6,  and  recognizing 
the  merit  and  abib'tvof  the  candidate,  and  findins:  the  church 
and  sociot}'  tenacious  in  their  increasing  desire  to  have  tlie 
pastor  of  their  choice  settled  over  them,  the  insttdlation  was 
consummated.  The  minutes  of  the  council  are  evidence  that 
all  the  proceedings  were  conducted ,  in  a  friendly  spirit  and. 
that  the  only  embarrassment  was  found  in  a  diflerence  of 
o[)inion  on  a  single  question  of  doctrine.  ;    ■  . 

]Mr.  Davis  Avas  a  man  of  j^ositive  ideas  and  enduring  con- 
victions, lie  was  an  able  preacher  and  an  active  pastor. 
His  labor  \vas  incessant,  knoAving  CA'ery  member  of  his  flock 
he  kindly  and  faithfully  ministered  to  thoni.  The  church 
and  the  parish  Avere  united,  the  social  meetings  Avere  fully 
attended  and  the  influences  of  this  pastorate  haA^e  been  per- 
manent and  salutary.  In  the  dawn  of  many  golden  promises 
of  a  long  and  happy  ministry,  ]\Ir.  Davis  was  invited  to 
attend  the  World's  Peace  Congress  held  in  Paris  in  1849. 
Knowing  that  this  overture,  if  not  refused,  Avould  inA'ite  a 
continued  connection  Avith  the  American  Peace  Society  and 
consequently  lead   to  a  dissolution    of  his  relations  to  the 


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274  niSTOEY    OF    ASIIBUKXHA.M. 

clniivli  ;{i!d  ]')eo):>]c  of  Ashbuvnliam,  he  aeeeplcd  Iho  protlered 
mission  witli  great,  reluctance.  Soon  afler  bis  return  from 
Europe  Mr.  Davis  l>ecanie  tlic  sccretaiy  of  the  Peace  Society 
and  tendered  his  resignation  as  pastor  of  this  church.  He 
was  foi'niall^^  dismissed  ^lay  21,  1851. 

Key.  EInathan  Davis,  son  of  Ethan  and  Sarah  (IIu))bard) 
Davis,  was  born  in  ITolden,  August  19,  1807.  Gra(hiaiing 
at  WiUiams  College  1831,  East  AVitidsor  (Cojmeeticut) 
TheoloiTJcal  Seminary  ISot),  he  was  ordained  as  an  evanijelist 
at  Holden  in  November  follo^ving.  He  labored  in  the  cause 
of  Home  Missions  several  years  in  Indiana  and  ^Michigan. 
Keturning  to  the  East  in  1815  ho  was  settled  in  Ashburnham 
the  follovring  year.  Later  he  vv-as  pastor  of  the  Trinitarian 
cluirch  i]i  Fitchburg  fourteen  years.  In  1869  he  was  elected 
to  the  Legislature  from  the  Fitchburg  district  and  imme- 
diately after  this  service  he  removed  to  Auburn  and  preached 
there  until  1870  and  there  resided  until  his  death,  April  9, 

The  seventh  pastor  was  llev.  Frederick  A.  Fiske  who  was 
installed  December  30,  1851.  This  was  a  brief  pastorate. 
Mr.  Fiske  came  at  a  season  of  inactivity  in  the  church  and 
indirVerence  in  the  pari-h.  If  he  did  not  mingle  with  the 
people  vrith  the  brotherly  and  ready  sympathy  that  attended 
the  walk  of  ^fr.  Davis  aii'l  ]\Ir.  Goodyear,  he  set  before  them 
the  cxam})le  of  a  well  orcieved  h'fe  and  conversation.  In  the 
pul})it  he  was  unemotional  but  instructive  ;  earnest  but  never 
eloquent ;  his  sermons  were  carefully  written  but  delivered 
with  little  animation.  At  the  close  of  two  years  of  lal)or  he 
made  a  request  for  an  increase  of  salary.  It  came  at  an 
inopportune  moment.  The  failure  to  accede  to  the  request 
•  was  chargeable  more  to  the  temporar}^  condition  of  the  parish 
than  to  the  general  impulses  of  the  }^eople.  AVith  fraternal 
sentiment  on  other  points  the  relation  was  dissolved  April 
17,  185d. 

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l\ev.    Frederick   Augu.stus    Fiskc,    the    sou   of  tlio   Kev. 
Elisb:i  and  ^Miirgaret  (Shepard)  Fiskc,  Avas  born   in  ^^ren- 
tliam,  ^lassachnselts,  April  15,  181G,  and  was  prepared  for 
college   at   Day's  Academy  in  his   native  town.     After  his 
£rraduation,  he  at  once  eno-ao^ed  in  teaohins;;  tirst  as  assistant 
in  Washington  Institute,  New  York  city,  then  in  Xorwalk, 
Connecticut,  next  as  principal  of  ]\fonson  Acadeui}"  (1833-4), 
later  in  Fall  River,  and  finally  as  principal  of  the  High  School 
in  Clinton.     After  taking  the  full   course  of  three  years  at 
Yale  Theological  Seminary  (from  1817  to  1850),  he  entered 
upon  the  work  of  tlie  ministry,  being  ordained  pastor  of  this 
church.     For  about  three  3'ears  from  November  16,  1854, 
he  was  pastor  of  the  Congregational  church  in  East  Marsh- 
field,  ^Massachusetts ;  for  the  next  eight  years,  principal  of  a  ; 
boarding  school  in  Newton;  from  18G5  to  1868,  Superin- 
tendent of  Education   for  North  Carolina,  under  the  Freed- 
men's  Bureau  ;  and  fj'om  January  26,  1869,  to  November  28 
of  the  same  3^ear,  pastor  of  the   Congregational  church  in 
Raynham.     The  remaining  years  of  his  life  were  spent  in  the 
service  of  the  Protestant  Episcoiml  church,  his  ordination  as 
a  deacon  occurring  June  25,  1870,  and  as  a  priest,  November 
0,  1870.     From  July,  1870,  to  ^lay,  1873,  he  was  rector  of 
Trinity    church,    Van    Deusenville ;    from   May,    1873,    to 
September,   1876,  rector  of  St.  Paul's   church,  Prookfield, 
Connecticut;  from  Septei!ii>er,  1876,  till  his  death,  rector  of 
Grace  church,  North  Attleborough.     He  died  December  15, 

]Mr.  Fiske  was  succeeded  by  liev.  E.  G.  Little,  who  was 
installed  August  22,  1855.  This  was  a  memorable  pastorate. 
In  the  autumn  of  the  first  year  ]Mr.  Day,  an  evangelist, 
was  joined  with  the  pastor  in  a  scries  of  meetings  which  were 
fully  attended.  The  visible  fruit  of  their  labor  is  found  in 
the  record  of  forty-two  admissions  to  the  church  before  the 

•I'l"     'hi      ,f'V^      M;*i      ,■ 

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close  of  the  year.  'Mr.  Litlle  vras'.  a  diligent  pa:^lor.  His 
sermons  Avcre  v\Tonalit  "svith  care,  logical  in  aiTangemcnt, 
sometimes  glowing  with  tlie  warmth  of  an  ardent  nature  and 
always  teaching  the  fundamental  doctrines  of  his  fiith.  His 
brief  ministry  in  this  town  was  terminated  at  his  request 
May  13,  1857.  • 

Elbridgc  Gerry  Little  was  born  in  Ilampstcad,  Xew^ 
Hampshire,  Xo^eraber  11,  1817.  He  was  a  sou  of  Joseph 
and  Eebecca  (Webster)  Little.  At  an  early  age  he  com- 
menced teaching.  ]Mainly  meeting  the  expenses  of  a  liberal 
education  by  his  own  elToris,  he  fitted  for  college  under  the 
instruction  of  Prof.  Benjamin  Grecnleaf  of  Bradford  and 
entered  the  college  of  Nassau  Hall  at  Princeton,  New  Jerse}^ 
iu  sophomore  year,  graduating  in  the  class  of  1845.  He 
pursued  a  full  course  of  study  at  Princeton  Theological 
Seminary  and  was  licensed  to  preach  in  April,  1848.  His 
first  charge  was  at  ]Manayunk,  I'ennsylvania,  a  suburb  of 
Philadelphia.  Eeturning  to  New^  England  in  1850,  he  was 
installed  over  the  church  in  ^Merrimack,  New  Hampshire,  in 
September  of  that  year.  After  his  dismissal  from  this 
church  and  after  preaching  a  year  or  more  in  ]Middleborough 
he  was  installed  over  the  church  in  that  place  April  13,  1859, 
and  dismissed  Septemb;  v  15,  18()7.  ]\lr.  Little  then  removed 
to  A\'eUesley  where  ho  amis  mainly  engaged  in  secular  and 
literary' pursuits  until  liis  death  which  occurred  December 
29,  1809.         -    -^    ■  ■■  ^       •      ■    -    -   -      '^^'^.i''  •  ■■'  '^    ■     ■ 

Succeeding  Mr.  Little,  Rev.  Thomas  Boutelle  supplied  the 
pulpit  nearly  six  years,  from  the  spririg  of  1857  to  January, 
18li3.  His  health  was  not  firm  and  atlbrded  so  little  assurance 
of  continued  service  that  a  call  was  not  extended.  The  friend- 
ly offices  of  an  ecclesiastical  council  were  not  invoked  and  the 
neighboring  churches  were  permitted  a  brief  respite  from 
attendance  upon  the  accustomed  solemnities  in   this  phice. 



\'V^I   .■ 

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]Mr.  Boutclle  was  greatly  beloved.  Hi.s  pj'mpathics  Mere 
Avanu  and  constant,  bis  f'riendsbip  was  enduring  and  bis 
interest  in  tbe  bigbest  welfare' of  bis  cbarge  was  unabated. 
Tbe  memories  of  tbis  pastorate  are  savory  and  imperisbal)le. 
"AA'itb  generous  impulses  was  joined  tbe  consttmt  force  of 
superior  mental  endowment  guided  l)y  wisdom  and  prudence. 
Always  instructive,  sometimes  eloquent,  be  was  at  once  an 
iible  and  a  popular  preaeber.  In  18G2  be  was  elected  to  tbe 
Legislature  from  tbe  Wincbendon  and  Asbburnbam  district. 

Kev.  Tbomas  Boutelle,  son  of  James  and  Abigail  (Fau-- 
banks)  Boutelle,  was  born  in  Leominster,  February  1,  1805. 
He  completed  bis  preparatory-  studies  at  Xew  Ipswicb  and 
entering  Amberst  College  at  tbe  age  of  twenty  years  be  Avas 
graduated  in  tbe  class  of  ]829  and  at  Andover  Tbeological 
Seminary  1832.  After  a  sbort  engagement  witb  tbe  Ameri- 
can Fducational  Society,  be  was  ordained  and  installed  over 
tbe  Congregational  clmrch  in  Plymoutb,  ]May  21,  1831; 
dismissed  ^larcli  23,  1837.  His  next  cbarge  was  at  Wood- 
stock, Connecticut,  Avbere  be  remained  twelve  years.  From 
1850  to  1856  be  labored  at  Batb,  Xew  Ilampsbire.  At  tbe 
close  of  bis  })astorate  in  tbis  toAvn  be  removed  to  Fitcbburg 
and  tberc  conducted  a  bookstore,  preacbing  occasionally  as 
opportunity  was  otlered.  lie  died  suddenly  of  beart  disease 
Xovember  28,  l^GG. 

Tbe  sup})ly  of  ]Mr.  Bout«'ile  Avas  succeeded  by  tbe  settle- 
ment of  Ilex.  George  E.  Fisber  Avbo  Avas  installed  INIay  21, 
1863.  It  was  a  successful  nrlnistry.  Tbe  cburcb  was 
united  and  increased  in  membersbip  and  tbe  parisb  strengtb- 
ened.  His  sermons  Avere  tbou2;btful  and  instructive  and  bis 
social  relations  were  firmly  supported  by  enduring  friend- 
ship. In  1867  be  represented  tbe  district  in  tbe  Legislature. 
His  request  for  a  dismissal  reluctantly  granted  by  tbe  cburcb 
Jind  parish  Avas  approved  by  a  council  conA'ened  September 
2,  1867. 

.;    •.  '11 

witr  >  nJir 


278  IIISTOKY    OF    ASIinUlJXlIAM. 

Rev.  Gooi'ge  E.  Fis]]or,  .<oii  ol'  llov.  Goorgo  and  M;uy 
(Fiske)  I'^islior,  was  lK)rii  in  JTarvaid  Jaimaiy  22,  L'^23. 
Pursuing  liis  preparatory  sludy  under  llic  tuition  of  his 
lather  and  at  the  Lawrenee  Aeademy  in  Groton,  lie  ^vas 
graduated  at  Amherst  College  18iG,  and  :it  Andover  Tlieo- 
logical  Senn'nar\'  1841).  He  was  sueeessively  settled  over 
the  ehureh  in  JIutland  Feltruary  27,  I'SaO  ;  the  North  ehureli 
in  Amherst  September  10,  1852  ;  the  ehui-eh  in  !Mason 
Village  (now  Greenville),  Xe^v  Hampshire,  June  22,  1850. 
Following  his  removal  from  this  town  ^Nli'.  Fisher  was 
installed  over  the  ehureh  in  South  ITadley  Falls  September 
2,  18G7,  and  over  the  Hast  ehureh  in  Amherst  Deeend^er  10, 
1879,  where  he  remains  an  aetive  and  >ueeessfal  pastor. 

Leaving  Mr.  Fisher,  the  ninth  and  last  minister  who 
received  installation,  the  ehureh  :uid  ])arish  entered  an  era 
of  supply  as  yet  unl)roken.  The  ministry  has  been  eon- 
tinuous  and  not  without  a  character  of  stability. 

Rev.  ^Nloody  A.  Stevens  was  employed  three  years  com- 
mencing in  1867.  During  this  ]M'riod  the  meeting-house 
was  thoroughly  rej^aii-ed  and  it  is  ])rol»able  the  })rogress  of 
his  labor  was  considerably  intcrru})ted  by  the  activities  of 
the  ])arish.  lie  was  a  devoted  m;in  ;i!id  he  earnestly  and 
faithfully  labored  Ibr  the  I'iuhest  good  "<'  his  people.  He  was 
singularly  free  from  ostentation,  prudint  in  his  methods  and 
manifested  a  friendly  iiiun'est  in  the  \\elfare  of  his  parish. 
Being  a  eultured  musi('i;;ii  he  took  a  livtdy  interest  in  church 
music  and  enlivened  tlie  soeial  meetings  with  the  spirit  of 
sonij.     His  ministry  Mas  successful. 

Kev.  Mood}'  A.  Stevens,  son  of  ]>avid  and  Elizalieth 
(Eyder)  Stevens,  was  born  in  liedford,  New  Hanip-hire, 
February  7,  1X28.  He  titt.'d  for  college  at  ]'hillii)s  Acad- 
emy, Andover,  and  at  Exeter,  New  Hampshire,  and  at 
twenty  ye:irs    of   age  he   entered  Dartmouth   College'      JJlr:, 

■t;  i    .!'    ::•  '^ 


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Lealtli  failed  and  ho  did  not  coin|)lote  a  course  of  study  at 
that  time.  For  seven  years  lie  made  a  tliorough  study  of 
music  and  Avas  a  student  and  instructor  in  Boston  and  in 
St.  Johns,  New  Brunswick.  Subsequently  he  comjjleted 
his  academical  studies  at  the  University  of  New  York  and 
is  a  graduate  of  Union  Tlieological  Seminary.  In  1861 
he  was  chaplain  four  months  of  the  Second  New  York  CMly 
Volunteers.  He  was  ordained  and  installed  over  the  church 
in  Plymouth  December  9,  18G2.  Since  his  labors  in  this 
town  he  has  supplied  at  Anoka,  Michigan,  and  at  Minne- 
apolis, Minnesota,  and  is  now  tempoi'arily  residing  in 

The  following  six  yeai-s  and  until  1876  the  pulpit  was 
supplied  by  lie  v.  Leonard  S.  Parker.  He  is  a  man  of 
sti'ong  convictions  but  generous  in  all  his  relations  to  his 
fellow-men.  A  diligent  })astor,  a  frequent  A'isitor  in  the 
schools,  a  willing  supporter  of  every  laudable  enterprise  the 
pastorate  is  a  record  of  labor  and  substantial  results.  The 
Gushing  Academy  was  opened  while  ]\Ir.  Parker  was 
preaching  in  this  place.  June  10,  1874,  he  was  elected  a 
trustee  of  that  institution  and  is  now  in  duration  of  service 
the  fourth  memlier  of  the  board. 

Kov.  Leonard  S.  Parker,  son  of  'William  and  Martha 
(Tenney)  Parker,  was  born  in  Duubarton,  New  Hampshire, 
December  G,  1812.  He  pursued  his  preparatory  studies  at 
the  academies  in  Hampton  and  ilopkinton.  New  Hampsliire, 
and  at  the  Boston  Latin  School,  and  is  a  graduate  of 
Dartmouth  College  and  Oberlin  Theological  Seminary.  In 
early  life  he  enlisted  in  the  anti-slavery  movement,  and  his 
public  etTorts  elicited  the  favorable  notice  of  Giddings  and 
other  pioneers  in  the  cause.  He  has  been  settled  over 
churches  in  Mansfield,  Ohio;  I'rovidence,  Rhode  Island; 
West  Brookficld  and  Haverhill;  and  Derry,  New  Hampshire. 

'-:'JJ  '.• 

.,!•■;. li- 

i-  />-t. 


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Mr-    ■.i\*.i,'.<.V 

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Following  bis  liiinistry  in  this  town  ho  supplied  at  ]\[iller's 
Falls  and  Turner's  l^^ills,  preaehing  eaeh  Sabbath  at 
churches  four  miles  dislujit  and  having  a  class  in  each 
Sunday-school.  At  the  connnencenicnt  of  these  labors  both 
were  niission  churches,  l)ut  during  the  ministry  of  ]Mr. 
Parker  both  l>ecame  self-supporting  and  erected  houses  of 
worshij:).  xVt  present  Mr.  Parker  is  acting  pastor  of  the 
Congregational  church  in  Berkley. 

]\fr.  Parker  was  immediately  succeeded  1)}'  Pev.  Daniel  E. 
Adams,  who  was  acting  pastor  from  July  IG,  1876,  to  Jul}' 
5,  188o.  In  duration  the  ministry  of  ]\Ir.  Goodyear  exceeds 
that  of  Mv.  Adams  by  only  a  few  Sabbaths  ;  and,  except  the 
prolonged  ministry  of  Dr.  Gushing,  no  other  pastorate  of 
this  church  has  been  continued  an  equal  length  of  time. 
Assuming  without  he.-:itation  the  prerogatives  of  his  sacred 
calling,  ]\]r.  Adams  preached  the  whole  truth  but  with  a 
sincerity  and  kindne>s  tliat  provoked  neither  bitterness  nor 
controvers.y.  In  his  administration  of  the  alTairs  of  the 
church  he  pursued  a  pacific  policy  and  his  ministry  was  an. 
era  of  concord  and  harmony.  The  memory  of  the  fraternal 
relations  continuously  maintained  in  the  church  and  parish  is 
a  living  tribute  to  his  judicious  ministiy  in  the  pulpit  and 
among  the  peoi)le.  Of  the  one  hundred  and  tifty  funerals 
attended  l)v  ^Ir.  .Vdams  \\l;ile  in  this  town,  the  extreme  acfe 
of  l\\»i  <'f  the  deceased  i-  remarkable.  The  funeral  of  ]\[rs. 
Ernmn  (AVillard)  Skeltun,  aged  103  yeai's  and  10  months, 
occurred  November  7,  1881,  and  that  of  Golonel  Gharles 
Barrett,  aged  07  years  and  4  months,  June  10,  1885. 

l^ev.  Daniel  E.  Adams,  son  of  Kev.  Darwin  and  Catherine 
(Smith)  Adams,  was  born  in  Ilollis,  Xew  Hampshire,  June 
22,  1832.  His  grandfither  was  Daniel  Adams,  the  author 
of  Adams'  Arithmetic  and  other  popular  school-books,  and 
his  mother  was   the  daughter  of  Pev.  Eli  Smith  of  Ilollis, 

I  .nr   I   ^  I 

I'    ! 

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!Ncw  llampsliirc.  Gradu.iiting  at  Bangor  Theological  Semi- 
nary 1800,  Mr.  Adani.s  was  ordained  and  installed  over  the 
Second  Congregational  church,  AVilion,  Xew  Ilampsliire, 
December  5,  ISOO,  and  dismissed  ^la}'  5,  187G.  Since 
December  5,  1885,  lie  has  been  acting  pastor  of  the  Pilgrim 
Oongreaatioiial  church  of  Soutldjoro.' 

During  several  of  the  intervals  belweun  the  pastorates  and 
when  called  upon  by  the  sickness  or  absence  of  the  stated 
supply,  liev.  Josiali  D.  Crosby  of  this  town  has  been  a 
present  hel})  in  every  time  of  need.  He  sup})lied  contin- 
uously during  the  absence  of  ^Ir.  Davis  in  Eui'ojie  and  in 
tlie  aggregate  he  has  preached  more  Sal^baths  than  son\e  of 
the  pastors  who  have  been  in  charge.  Any  record  of  tlie 
ministry'  of  this  cliurch  ^voiild  be  incomplete  without  a 
generous  recognition  of  his  willing  service.  His  interest  in 
the  pros})erity  of  the  church  and  parish  has  been  unfailing, 
and  in  matters  of  moment  his  advice  frecjuently  lias  been 
solicited  and  cheerfully  given,  and  to  the  sick  and  the  aged 
he  has  been  an  attentive  friend. 

Rev.  Josiah  Davis  Crosby,  eldest  son  of  Fitch  and  Rebecca 
(Davis)  Crosby,  born  in  Ashburnham,  ]\iarch  1,  1807. 
He  pur.-ued  his  preparatory  .studies  at  Xew  Ipswich  Academy 
and  uridor  the  tuition  of  l^jjhraim  ]M.  Cunningham,  Esq., 
then  a  lawyer  in  xVshburrjham.  At  tlie  age  of  fifteen  years, 
he  enter- -d  Amherst  College  and  not  completing  the  course 
in  that  institution  he  entered  senior  year  at  Union  College 
graduating  in  class  of  182G.  He  studied  theology  at  An- 
<lover  and  was  licensed  to  preach  by  the  North  ^^^orcester 
Association  in  1830.  October  4,  1837,  he  was  installed 
colleague  to  the  venerable  Rev.  Laban  Ainswoilh  over  the 
churc:h  at  Jaflrey  Centre,  Xew  Hampshire,  and  was  dismissed 
jMay  18,  18-15..  He  supplied  at  Xew  Butlalo  from  Ociober  1, 
1857,  to  July  1,  1858,  and  from  Sei)tember  1,  1801,  to 
September  1,  1802. 

f    ■::.ii- 

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;ii-:  -U 


Here  at  the  close  of  one  hundred  and  Iwenty-five  }'ears 
the  record  ends.  Xinc  niinislei's  have  heen  instaliiM.!  o\  er 
the  church  and  five  have  sn])plied  about  twentv-five  veai-s. 
The  ministry  of  Mr.  Cushing  was  a  continent  of  time  and  in 
comparison  the  shorter  pastorates  were  litUe  islands  in  an. 
adjacent  sea.  Yet  each  of  tliem,  influenced  in  some  measure 
by  its  climate,  has  produced  fruit  in  accru'dance  willi  the 
tillage  of  the  vineyard.  The  ministry  has  been  continuous 
and  in  its  character  it  has  been  able  and  sid^stantial.  If  the 
pulpit  has  been  graced  by  none  who  have  electrified  audiences 
and  by  the  power  of  eloquence  have  swayed  ihe  passions  of 
men,  each  in  his  sjshere  has  lieen  an  accept-djle  pj-eacher  and, 
apparently,  more  concerned  to  secure  the  approval  of  his 
Master  than  tlie  ap])lause  of  men,  has  faithfnlly  discharged 
his  dut}'  to  the  church  and  to  the  parish. 

The  offices  oj'  the  church  in  forming  and  inoulding  character 
and  in  its  ]ninistrations  to  the  souls  of  men  foi"m  a  })art  of  the 
un^vi'Ittcn  history  of  another  world.  The  ^'isible  results  of 
the  record  aggregate  the  admission  of  one  thousand  and 
twenty-six  to  its  membership,  l.)eside  the  few  names  that 
escaped  record  during  the  ministry  of  ]Mr.  AVinchester.  Of 
these,  four  hundred  and  t^vo  have  died  in  full  relations 
and  four  hundred  and  forty  have  been  dismissed,  a  few 
with  censure  but  genertdh'  with  reconu-nendation  to  other 
churches.  There  have  been  convened  sixteen  ecclesiastical 
councils  for  the  settlement  and  dismissal  of  ministers  and 
only  one  in  ar])itration  upon  a  proceeding  of  discipline,  and 
this  church  has  been  invited  to  meet  in  nearly  one  hundred 
councils  upon  the  allairs  of  other  churches. 

Through  all  these  years  the  church  in  Ashbiu'nham  has 
remained  steadfast  to  its  early  priirciples,  yet  ready  to  accept 
the  enlargement  of  its  creed  which  has  attended  the  })rogres5 
of    the  age.     In  the  succession  of   worshi}ipers    they  have 

■A   I't-w'    -r 


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I     ii-)     'H        -I'-f 



borne  tlic  prayer  arA  the  praise  of  four  generations.  In 
blameless  lives,  in  self-denial,  in  devotion  and  in  courage 
they  have  honored  the  fathei'S  ^viio  planted  tlie  vine  in  the 
vrilderness.  As  a  thousand  tender  memories  warm  the  heart, 
the  inHucnce  of  their  faitli  and  devotion,  as  reflected  in  the 
record,  will  become  the  enduring  inheritance  of  their  suc- 

Since  the  organization  of  the  church  the  following  persons 
have  ofliciatcd  as  deacons  : 

Moses  Foster,  17C0, 

Samuel  Fellows,  1700, 

.Tmtrani  Cheney,  17C9, 

John  Willard,  1772, 

Samuel  Wilder,  1773, 

Peter  Stone,  1788, 

Jacob  Harris,  178S, 

Elisha  Vrhite,  1798, 

Sherebiah  Hunt,  1708, 

Samuel  Ward,  1817, 
William  J.  Lawrence,   1819, 

Daniel  Jones,  1824, 

John  G.  Glazier,  1830, 

Amos  Taylor,  1843, 

John  A.  Conn,  1849, 

William  P.  Ellis,  1849, 

Harvey  Brooks,  1862, 

Diivld  Laws,  1805, 
J.  Newton  Hastings,  18 70, 
Ch:^r!o3  E.  Woodward,  1870, 

resigned  1709,  died  Oct.  17,  1785. 

removed  to  Shelbuine  1772. 

removed  to  Antrim,  N.  H. ,  1773. 

died  July  4,  1793. 

died  May  0,  1798. 

removed  to  Townsend  1799. 

died  in  Windham,  N.H.,  Sept.  20,  1826. 

died  June  14,  1817. 

died  March  0,  1820. 

resigned  1843. 

died  July  8,  1844. 

dismissed  to  Union  Church  1843. 

dismissed  to  Methodist  Church,  1857. 

removed  to  Ashby  18ol. 

removed  to  Fitchburg  1805. 

resigned  1802. 

removed  to  Tlardner.  ; 

removed  to  V.'orcester  1871. 

resigned  1877. 

resigned  1877. 

Since  1877  the  deacons  have  been  elected  for  a  limited 
term  but  are  eligible  to  reelection.  The  new  system  com- 
prises the  election  of  two  deacons  every  other  year  for  tlie 
temi  of  four  years.  Under  this  arrangement  the  following 
persons  have  been  chosen  and  are  continued  in  office  : 

J.  Newton  Hastings,  1877. 

Charles  E.  WoodAvard,  1877. 

jNIortimer  M.  Stowo,  1877. 

George  W.  Eddy,  1883. 

,m:-      T. 

;',:t  T  n-r,.':;7/' 

.       .0,'-';     i. 

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il    •-      .]:      il^-      ■    Of'.M    ''■■^ 

I     .  '^i      '  ■    f^''  .,  > 



THE      riP.ST      JIKEriNG-IIOUSE.   VOTES     CO.NCr.RNIXG      THE      KDIl  IC?:.   I'lU'S 

COXSTRUCTED.  THE    TOWX    AS    A    PARISH.  TUE    SALARY    OF    3tU-    CUSIi- 








Coxsricuous  in  the  annals  of  A.^hburnliam  are  tlie  veiy 

early  measures  coneerning  the  location  and  huikling  of  the 

first  meethig-housc.      The  worship  of  God  in  a  stated  form 

was  a  subject  of  earnest  concern  and  solicitude.     "J'he  ''hill 

Avith  a  very  fan-  prospect "  was  fitly  chosen  for  the  site  of 

the  temple    in    the    forest.     The  work  was  not  suflered  to 

sleep.     At  a  date  which  excites  no  small  measure  of  sur})rise 

and  far  iii  advance  of  other  settlements  a  meeting-house  was 

built  iu   1739  or  possibly  very  early  in    1740.     At  a  later 

period,  the  abandonment  of  the    gettlement  and,  owing  to 

disturbance  excited  by  continued  war,  the  tardy  return  of 

the  settlers  did  not  permit  its  use  for  many  years  ;  but  tlie 

edifice  inviting  occui)ancy  remained  as  a  monument  to  the 

enterprise  and  faith  of  its  builders.     True  it  was  a  long  time 

before  it  was  completed  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  proprietors, 

but  through    all  the    period    of   repairs  and  amendments  it 


ri  ^1!"  > 

■'1  •'i;i    ^1.     y,  -r:  i^'i.r /);■•: 

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r    :'_    :  ').  '      w  ■-.'.'  •/.''.'   •  •,  ■  T.  .u.  .i--;;;j,„.<i.;i  ]■ 

■    -■   .-("'  r^■••  •!/.'■ ':''      ,'•  ■'-   '    ;p'l    f"M'.   'rj' 


could    be    used,    and    in  tlic  light  of  the  times  Aviih    some 
degree  of  comfort. 

Iiev.  Dr.  Cu.sbing  speaking  midway  hotAVCcn  the  event 
and  the  pre.seut  has  preserved  the  information  tliat  tliis  was 
the  first  framed  building  c]'eeted  in  Ashburnham  and  that 
it  was  raised  by  only  sixteen  men.  It  may  be  inferred  that 
an  event  like  the  raising  of  a  meeting-house  invited  the 
whole  settlement  to  tlie  scene  of  action.  It  is  more  proba- 
ble that  some  came  from  Lunenburg  than  that  any  settler 
remained  at  home.  At  this  time  the  proprietors  would  not 
be  sustained  in  tlie  declaration  that  there  were  thirty  men 
residing  here.  The  vote  of  the  proprietors  instnieting  Mr. 
Mossman  to  nail  up  the  -windows  and  doors,  and  their  com- 
mittal of  this  meeting-house  in  the  wilderness  to  the  care  of 
Him  in  whos^'  service  it  had  been  reared  and  its  wonderful 
preservation  during  the  French  and  Indian  "War,  add  new 
interest  to  its  history.  Reversing  the  traditions  of  the 
temple  of  Janus,  whose  gates  were  thrown  open  in  time  of 
war  and  only  closed  under  the  mild  commands  of  peace,  our 
fathers  closed  their  temple  in  this  season  of  danger  and 
opened  it  not  until  the  kmd  was  quieted  and  messages  of  a 
sweeter  peace  were  spolccn  beneath  its  roof.  The  records 
relate  the  progress  of  the  impro-\'emcnts  made  upon  the 
building  in  the  early  years  of  its  occupancy  and  convey 
impressions  which  would  be  lost  if  stated  in  other  languao-e  ; 

1752.  Voted  that  all  the  wiudovrs  saving  the  four  lower  windows 

in  the  south  side  of  the  meeting-house,  which  four  win- 
dows arc  to  be  glazed,  the  others  to  be  fully  boarded  up 
for  the  present. 

1753.  Voted  that  a  tax  of  ten  shilJings  on  each  right  lawful  money 

be  paid  by  the  third  Wednesday  in  May  next  towards 
finishing  the  meeting-house. 

Il  ■■  ,    ••lli 

•Ji      !..      M 

•    ■•1  iihfii 

.11   rV 

'I    /    I",    ,■••   i!'     '•.•  J.:-    >. 

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175-'..  Voted  that  a  tox  of  three  shillings  l3.wful  money  lie  laid  on 
each  right  for  doing  soiiiething  for  the  meeting-house  to 
secure  it  from  the  v,-eather. 

1759.  Voted  that  IVIr.  Elisha  Coolidge  be  appointed  to  bord  np 
the  wiudoAv  places  iu  the  lueeting-house  with  rough 
bords  to  keep  out  the  wet  and  to  make  window  shuts  for 
two  of  the  windows  that  are  most  convenient  to  let  iu 
the  light  when  there  shall  be  preaching  there. 

In  17G0  ;i  miuister  was  settled  aixl  in  commemoralioii  of 
the  cYent  the  sura  of  forty  pounds,  to  which  eight  pounds 
was  added  the  following  year,  amounting  to  more  than  tlie 
original  cost  of  constrnctiou,  was  expended,  and  now  for 
the  first  time  was  the  house  referred  to  as  fmished. 

jMoses  Foster,  Caleb  Wilder  and  Caleb  Dana,  one  resi- 
dent and  two  non-resident  proprietors,  were  chosen  to 
conduct  the  repairs  and  assign  the  several  pevrs  to  future 
owners.  The  worlv  was  substantially  completed  before  July 
31,  1700,  for  at  that  tune  the  committee  report  the  assign- 
ment of  a  part  of  the  pe^vs.  The  ponderous  pulpit  of  the 
past  century  Avas  built  upon  the  north  side  of  the  room,  stairs 
were  erected  to  the  unfinished  galleries  and  there  were 
doors  ill  the  centre  of  the  three  remaining  sides.  On  the  out- 
side of  tlie  room,  nineteen  rectangular  pows  or  enclosures, 
constructed  after  the  cu-tom  of  the  time,  occupied  the  spaces 
between  the  pulpit  and  the  doors.  Possibly  there  were 
two  additional  pews  on  tlic  south  side,  making  twenty-one 
iu  all.  The  central  space  surrounded  by  the  pevrs  was  not 
occupied  at  this  time.  First  west  of  the  pulpit  were  the 
stairs,  and  next  was  the  pew  assigned  to  the  ministry.  The 
next  was  in  the  corner  and  was  given  to  Caleb  Wilder  of 
Lancaster,  and  between  that  and  the  west  door  were  the 
pews  of  llicliard  Dana  and  Moses  Foster,  Jr.  The  first  pew 
south  of  the  west  door  was  assiirned   to    Jeremiah  Foster. 


<i'r       .r 

.  ■;->l'i,       f 


.sol'         >C-i       i'!i-       li'iii'ilf       'JlP 


Passing  l>y  four,  ])ossil)ly  five  pews  not  assigned,  the  firsl 
one  west  of  tlie  south  door  is  given  to  Caleb  Dana  of  Caiu- 
bridgc  who  then  owned  eight  I'iglits  in  the  township.  Xo 
other  pews  were  then  dis[)0sed  of  exeept  the  five  whieh 
filled  the  spaee  between  tlie  west  door  and  tlie  puljiit  and 
these  were  given  to  Jonathan  Samson,  Jonathan  Gates, 
John  Motiatt  of  Bosto'i,  Elisha  Coolidge  and  Deaeou  ^tfoses 
Foster.  The  pew  of  ]Mr.  JNIoftatt  was  in  the  northwest 
corner  and  lliat  of  Deacon  Foster  was  nearest  the  pulpit. 
The  rcj)ort  of  the  committee,  each  of  them  having  secured 
a  good  pew  for  himself,  concludes  with  the  remark,  ''the 
remaining  pew  ground  we  have  not  dis})osod  of  no  other  pro- 
prietors appearing  whoiii  we  thought  had  the  best  right  to 
pews  there."  This  information  explains  the  omission  in  their 
report  of  tlie  names  of  James  Coleman,  Thomas  AVheeler, 
John  Bates,  Wright  Brown  and  other  residents. 

The  German  settlers,  a  majority  of  whom  M'ere  members 
of  the  church,  and  others  living  on  the  independent  grants, 
not  being  proprietors,  could  only  come  into  possession  of 
pevrs  by  purchase  from  some  proprietor  to  whom  one  had 
been  assigned.  Further  proceedings  of  the  proprietors 
were  obstructed  by  tlie  act  of  incorpoi'ation  and  in  this 
condition  the  meetino-h.juse  was  transferred  to  their  lonal 

Assuming  the  powers  and  duties  of  a  towu,  the  inhabi- 
tants of  Ashburnham  in  17G.')  came  into  possession  and 
control  of  the  first  meeting-house,  and  in  accordance  with 
the  laws  and  usages  of  the  times  the  town  in  its  corjiorate 
capacity  began  to  exercise  the  functions  of  a  parish.  In  the 
settlement  and  dismissal  of  a  minister  the  church  had  a  con- 
current vote,  but  the  control  and  re})air  of  the  meeting- 
house, the  salary  of  the  minister  and  all  other  parochial 
afiairs  were  debated  and  determined  in  open  towu  meeting. 


>    u.- 

(  M  ,7 

,    :...(;'! 

1-  ..!;■;] 


■  .;  V   I'.  ,    '"'■'i   -■./■tf| 
/^ .    '         ,  i-  '■  -'-- ' ''    .;-J-y(I 

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,  t;  .'.  I  - :     i; 

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J  -r     !.■ 

■mU    .•>. 


Tlic  maintenance  of  the  slated  ministration.s  of  llie  Gospel 
imolved  an  ouiev  and  an  innei'  organization ;  the  first  em- 
braced all  ilie  citizens  of  the  toAvn,  ^dule  the  latter  Avas 
limited  to  tlie  mem1>ership  of  the  church.  If,  in  the  present 
light,  such  relations  appear  inconsistent  it  should  be  remem- 
bered that  the  people  generally  were  in  full  S3"m})athy  with 
the  creed  of  the  prevailing  churcli  and  that  few,  if  tin}-,  wei-e 
unwilling  to  pay  their  proportion  of  the  tax  assessed  upon 
all  for  the  support  of  the  ministry.  Wliatever  opposition 
the  system  finally  provoked  in  this  town,  no  suggestion  of 
discontent  was  heard  for  many  years.  The  early  records 
are  a  continued  narrative  of  concord  and  harmony.  Witli 
unusual  unanimity  the  people  mourned  the  loss  of  their  first 
pastor  and  joined  in  the  selection  and  settlement  of  his 

During  the  many  years  the  town  continued  to  discharge 
the  ofiices  of  a  parish  the  settlement  of  ]\Ir.  Gushing  was  the 
only  occasion  it  was  called  upon  to  assume  the  bustle  and 
parade  incident  to  an  ordination  of  the  olden  time.  That 
the  tovrn  realized  tlie  solenmity  of  the  occasion  and  was  fully 
equal  to  the  emergency  is  fully  demonstrated.  First,  they 
chose  one  of  the  deacons  to  jn-eside  over  llie  town  meeting 
at  whicli  tlie  important  }>reliniinaries  were  arranged,  and 
then  graciously  admitted  all  the  freeholders  to  the  privilege 
of  voting  on  the  pending  (juestions.  The  records  portray 
the  gravity  of  these  proceedings. 

Y^  town  Chose  ]Mr.  John  Cashing  to  settle  in  y^  nainistry  by  a 
unaniTnons  vote,  also  voted  y'  all  y*"  freeholders  Should  vote  in 
sum  y'  they  Should  Give  to  y*"  minister.  Y*  town  voted  to  give 
Mr.  John  Cushitig  one  Iluudrcd  thirty-three  Pounds,  six  shillings 
and  Eight  Pence  for  settlement  to  be  Payd  in  money  and  Labour. 

It  was  eventually  paid  with  great  labor.  After  voting 
that  the  annual  salary  of  ^Mr.  Gushing  should  be  sixty  pounds 

T;.-  ': 

'-     .     -i      IV 

'<)    'fiUtTl  jIII'j^ 

1         .   •:/■? 

I,  ;,;''•    r.r.    I.-:   ^,r;   .   :.1)J 

■>:    "^I    J'' 


and  :it  the  eiiJ  of  seven  years  it  slioukl  1<o  iuereased  to 
sixty-six  and  t\\'o-tl)irds  pounds,  the  town  made  elioice  of 
Sanmel  Wilder,  Elisha  Coolidge  and  Jilphraim  Stone  to  eoiu- 
innnieate  these  propositions  to  ^Nlr.  Gushing.  At  a  subse- 
qut-nt  meeting  it  -was  ordered  "y'  y"  lirst  wcdnesda}'  of 
november  next  Shouhl  be  y*^  ordination"  (Xovember  2, 
17GS).  "Y"  town  voted  to  send  to  scveu  ehurches  to  y''  ordi- 
nation." '"Y""  town  voted  to  Give  Capt.  AVilder  four  Pounds 
to  Provide  for  y''  Counsel  with  tliis  Proviso  y*  y  Cap^"  Sliould 
Keep  an  cxaet  aeonipt  of  y^  Cost  and  if  y"  town  sliall  think 
y'  lie  l)cars  too  big  a  Proportion  y'  they  Mill  Consider  him." 

The  town  further  sti[)ulated  that  the  salary  should  be  [)aid 
amnially  and  that  one-fourth  of  the  settlement  sliould  be 
paid  in  labor  and  direeted  that  '"  ^Nlr.  Keperlinger  and  Mr. 
Ephraim  Stone  and  "William  Joyner  should  bo  y"  Committee 
to  see  y*  y^^  work  be  done  as  Mj-.  Cushing  wants  it."  The 
financial  problems  being  solved,  there  was  remaining  an 
artiele  ''  to  Chuse  men  to  Keep  y'^  Doors  and  Seets  of  y'- 
meeting-house  till  y°  Church  and  Counsel  have  taken  their 
Seets,"  and  a  committee  was  chosen  to  carry  into  effect  this 
res})ectt\d  impulse  of  the  town.  It  is  not  a  duty,  however, 
to  conceal  the  fact  that  a  majority  of  the  voters  on  this 
occasion  were  members  of  the  church  and  consequently  in 
this  })oli;e  attention  to  the  church  and  council  they  were 
tender!] ig  an  acceptable  compliment  to  themselves. 

The  gratuity  granted  Mr.  Cushing  as  a  settlement  in  addi- 
tion to  his  stated  salary  was  in  contbrmity  with  the  customs 
of  the  time.  It  will  be  remembered  that  by  the  conditions 
of  the  original  chaiier  of  this  township,  a  right  of  land  was 
bestowed  on  the  first  settled  minister  and  another  reserved 
for  the  use  of  the  ministry.  While  Mr.  Cushino-  continued 
to  enjoy  the  use  of  one  reservation  the  other  had  been  given 

unconditionally  to  Mr.  W^inchester.     The  conditions    were 



I    U:.J         ,i:     >   /  I'.) 

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■■'■■■       ■■mW-.  ;■      ;i,       ■  '. 


)   lY    lif!  /; 

•>  • .  -nj  ';.' 


similar  in  ether  t(^wns,  'I'ho  custoin  of  oraiitiiig-  settloincnts- 
was  clesigiK'd  to  bestow  on  ilic  sneccssors  ilie  same  d(\aro('  of 
favor  they  had  granted  to  the  tii'st  settled  minister.  To  ])ay 
the  gratuity  granted  ^[r.  Gushing  the  town  borrowed  the 
greater  part  of  Colonel  Caleb  Wilder  of  Lancaster  and  sul)- 
sequently  cancelled  the  debt  by  clearing  land  with  la])or 
which  was  accepted  in  })ayinpnt  of  taxes. 

It  is  impossible  to  determine  what  benefit  ]Mr.  Cashing 
received  from  the  use  of  tlic  ministerial  lands.  One  lot  was 
sold  in  1794  and  in  consideration  of  his  consent  to  the  sale 
the  town  thereafter  furnish(^d  him  thiHy  cords  of  wood 
annually  or  paid  an  eciui\alent  in  money.  It  is  wortliy  of 
note  that  during  the  loni^;  ministry  of  Mr,  Cushing  the 
annual  salary  proposed  in  ITG-'^  Mas  never  chauged.  On 
one  or  more  occasions  an  increase  M'as  ordered  but  the  vote 
Avas  reconsidered  before  another  payment  was  made.  At 
the  close  of  the  Revolution  remuneration  was  made  for  the 
depreciated  currency  and  later  the  |)ayments  were  rendered 
in  Federal  money,  but  from  the  close  of  the  first  seven  years 
to  the  end  of  his  ministry  the  salary  was  neither  lessened 
nor  increased.  The  salaiy  of  Mr.  Winchester  was  sixty 
poun<ls  which  was  paid  hy  the  proprietors  until  the  date  of 
incorporation.  The  town  assumed  the  original  contract  and 
continned  to  pay  the  same  amount. 

Scarcely  had  the  town  succeeded  to  the  control  of  allairs 
before  a  storm  came  and  beat  upon  the  meeting-house. 
Contrary  to  either  scri[)tural  precedent  it  neither  stood  nor 
fell.  The  gale  in  the  summer  of  17GG  moved  the  building- 
from  its  foundation  but  the  injury  was  re})aired.  IJefcrring 
to  this  event,  Dr.  Cusliing  states,  "that  in  the  sunmier  of 
1766  a  hurricane  passed  over  this  hill  and  made  a  wreck  of 
the  meeting-house,  and  moved  it  to  the  north  and  to  the  east 
two  or  three  i'Qct.     It  Avas  thouirht  at  first  that  it  could  not 

^■i■|■•  '■'■ 

■  i    •a- 

•  !■!((!■'''   .''■):  (•; 

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..    ■,-  ,,  ;'   .    ..  •    :.  ,  .    r  I  .  :.'  .•  ■■■■'  V  ,Ti: 


he  I'opaired  but  it  ^v;is  :nid  stood  until  1791;"  or  in  tlie 
language  of  Tristram  C'honey,  ''The  house  of  public  ^vorship 
has  lately  been  struck  l)y  a  hurricane  and  the  cost  to  icpair 
cannot  be  less  than  £30."'  The  following  year  and  about 
three  months  before  the  death  of  ]Mr.  AVinchester,  Sanuiel 
Fellows,  Tristram  Cheney  and  Elisha  Coolidge  were  in- 
structed to  brace  up  the  galleries  and  to  repair  the  roof.  A 
corner  of  a  leaf  of  the  records  is  gone  and  an  account  of  these 
repairs  is  partially  lost,  but  Jeremiah  Foster,  Jr.,  was  paid 
four  shillings  and  eight  pence  "  for  peeling  the  bark  for  the 
meeting-house,"  which  probal:»ly  was  used  in  re])airing  the 
roof.  The  next  rcp:iirs  v:ere  under  a  vote  to  lay  the  Hoor 
in  the  front  gallery,  build  a  pair  of  stairs  in  the  southwest 
corner  and  mend  the  glass.  This  was  followed  by  an  order 
in  1771,  "to  give  Jacob  Harris,  Daniel  Priest,  Peter  Joslin, 
Samuel  Joslin,  Oliver  \\'ilder,  Francis  l^ickerson  and  John 
Oberlock,  Jr.,  the  room  in  ihe  front  gallery,  behind  the  seats 
that  are  now  built,  to  build  a  long  pew  on."'  At  the  same 
meeting  a  committee  was  appointed  "to  seat  the  meetii>g- 
house  according  to  age  and  pay." 

In  1772,  the  meeting-house  was  underpinned  in  a  sub- 
stantial manner  and  to  keep  }vace  with  the  increase  in  popu- 
lation acl'l'tional  acconnuodations  were  arranged  in  the  un- 
occupied portions  of  the  galleries.  At  this  time  the  glass 
was  set  in  the  remainder  of  the  windows  and  the  following 
year  it  was  decreed  that  "  eight  persons  that  will  be  at  the 
cost  of  finishing  ofl'  the  room  behind  the  seats  on  the  west 
side  of  the  gallery  may  have  it,"  and  "  likewise  eight  other 
persons  may  have  the  east  side  at  the  same  rate." 

Xotwithstanding  those  repeated  measures  "'to  finish  the 
meeting-house,"  it  is  probable  that  even  in  the  estimation  of 
our  fathers  it  never  was  fini>hed  and  that  further  work  was 
delayed  liy  the  Revolution  and  later  by  the  contemplation  of 

1.' . 

ti    j;jM    ! 

J    ,< 

1  ..•  u 

if    ;/..      .-'ii'*' 


:     ir-i  .,    lii,;,. 
jr.- I    'illl      I..' 


I     -cu 

■292  IIISTOKY    or    ASIllU.'l.'NIlAM. 

a  new  ;i!Ki  more  coiuniodious  house.      ]n  tlie  c-ouditioi)  sot 
forth  in  tlio  rei-ouls  and  coiitiriiK'd  by  tmditioii  the  town  con- 
tinued  to  occupy  it  and  to  compensate  in  ^onie  measure  the 
decay  of  years  until  near  the  close  of  the  century.     Beneath 
its  nnpretentious   roof  I\Ir.  "Winchester  was   accustomed  to 
meet  his  iiock  and  he]-e  Mr.  Cusliing  ex]3ounded  the  doctrines 
of  liis  faith   during  the  first  t\vent\-threo  years  of  his  pi'o- 
louged   ministry.      Before   its  humble  altar   two  hundred  or 
more  were  admitted    to   the  church  and   over  six    hundred 
children  were  presented  for  the  ordinajice  of  baptism.     It  is 
supposed  that  none  arc  no^^•  living  M'ho  ever  entered  within 
•    its  primitive  wal]<.     Jt  humt)ly  served  its  day  and  generation 
J      and  tlie  first  meeting-jjouse  in  Ashburnliam  will  ever  remain 
a  conspicuous  figure  in  the  annals  of  the  settlement.     Actu- 
,'    ated  b}-  this  sentiment,  the  town,  in  1882,  erected  an  ap})ro- 
^    pi-iate  tablet  on  the  ground  where  it  stood,  both  as  a  memorial 
;'.     of  the  past  and  as  an  index  directing  future  generations  to  a 
,      locality  around  which  the  earliest  and  most  sacred  memories 
of  the  town  will  linger  with  unfailing  delight.     The  cere- 
...  monies  occurred   July  4,  and  an    appropriate    address  was 

delivered  by  ^Melvin  O.  Adams,  Esq. 

[:•  -    The  inference  is  just  and  honorabh:  to  our  fathers  that  a 

•-1    decision  to  remove  the  old  house  was   not  reached  until  the 

=  \  increasing  wealth  and   p-opulation  of  thr   town  demanded  a 

more  pretentious  and  connnodious  structure.     How  \o\vs  or 

how  earnestly  the  question  of  building  a  new  meeting-house 

was  debated,  what  arguments  were  presented  on  either  side, 

with  what  reverence   tliey  regarded  the  old,  or   w'lih   Avhat 

anticipations  they  contemplated  a  new  liouse,  cannot  now  be 

determined.     The  decision  was  not  reached  without  serious 

conference  and  debate  among  individuals,  but  so  far  as  the 

town   is  concerned,  the  decisive  blow  was  struck  without  a 

note  of  warning  or  any  bustle  of  preparation.     A  warrant 

■yuty  /  •! 

:i;    ■•);({  --M 

t       .11     w ,     . :     ) 

;.  .1  ■■        '■■!j;M  >: 


lor  ;i  town  meeting!:  is.sucd  Oc-tol)er  ]'">,  1789,  con(:iin>  the 
Hrst  reference  to  the  siibjeet.  Tt  was  then  })roposed  ''to  see 
if  tJie  Iowa  are  ^\illin(i■  to  build  a  new  Meeting  House  and  to 
pass  such  votes  as  shall  ])e  necessary  for  that  purpose,  viz.  : 
to  agree  upon  a  s])ot  of  land  to  set  said  House  and  to  choose 
Committees  that  may  a}>pear  to  be  necessary  to  carry  on  the 
Avork,"'  The  meeting  was  assembled  Octobei'  30  and  tlic 
record  })roceeds  :  ''  The  question  being  \n\t  Avhether  the  Town 
are  Avilling  to  build  a  new  meeting-house  and  it  passed  in  the 
affirmative.  Also  voted  to  set  the  new  house  as  ]iear  the 
other  mecting-liouse  as  may  l)e  and  not  to  })lace  it  on  the 
same  gi'ound.  Also  voted  to  choose  a  committee  of  seven 
persons  to  make  a  draft  of  a  meeting-house  and  chose  Mr. 
Caleb  Kendall,  ^Mr.  Samuel  Foster,  ]jieut.  ^^lunroe,  Samuel 
Wilder,  Col.  Lane,  ]\Ir.  Joseph  Whitmoi-e  and  Lieut.  John 
Adams  for  said  committee  and  then  said  meeting  was 
adjourned  to  the  ("Jth  day  of  November  next."  This  com- 
mittee is  charged  with  grave  responsibilities.  To  present  a 
single  phin  that  woidd  be  accepted  by  a  majority'  of  their 
toAvnsmen  is  no  ordinaiy  imdertaking. 

While  they  are  studying  the  models  found  in  the  older 
towns,  we  are  left  at  liberty  to  notice  tiic  measure  of  respect 
shown  th'.'iu  in  i)relixing  lilies  to  their  names,  ^^'ith  one 
exception  ;dl  are  honored  with  a  title,  and  in  the  solitary 
omission  Samuel  Wilder  modestly  annomices  that  he  was  the 
clerk  who  made  the  record.  Formerly,  the  law  of  usage  in 
regard  to  civic,  militar\'  and  ecclesiastical  titles  was  inex- 
orable. Whenever  an  individual  was  advanced  from  the 
plane  of  mediocrity  to  the  honors  of  a  deacon,  a  justice  or 
military  conmiand,  his  name  was  subsequently  spoken  and 
written  in  connection  with  the  distinuuishino;  title  which 
announced  the  rank  and  new  importance  of  the  individual. 
Sanuiel  Wilder  was  a  captain  and  a  deacon  but  he  was  never 
styled  Captain  Wilder  after  he  had   reached   the  honors  of  :i 


■^'.r.\  ■■■i:i.    •*;-  t 

'.  (I       ill. 


■  -IJ. 

U  it  r^      ,.  i'l  ci'    ■'.    •'■■■!  ^'"Ji;  •'■"   t?""'' 

,..!■    [> 

■        .  ,,     •■■.r    \.\y.    .1:-^'!    -^!    '^ 

29-4  111ST(;»1!Y    OF    ASIIIUKXIIAM. 

deacon;  Init  avIkmi  Ir-  was  roiniiii-sidiu'd  a  jiistii-o  of  Uu- 
poace,  l']si|uu'o  AA'ildcr  rose  in  lriuiii})h  over  his  fc^vnier  ^elf. 
Th(^  t"o]]<n\ing  se]ioliiini<  are  appaj-enl.  In  the  fornicr  em- 
ployment of  titles  many  nice  discriminations  Avere  made  A 
deacon  uas  next  in  honor  and  importance  a1)0ve  a  ca})tain, 
"wliile  an  esquire  easily  ranlced  both  tlie  deacon  and  the 
captain  and  even  contested  honors  with  the  major  a.nd  the 

The  i(n\\\  beinu"  asseml^led  according  to  adjourimieut  a 
matured  })lan  was  presented  for  the  consideration  of  the 
to"\\'n  : 

The  Coraanttee  chosen  the  30"'  of  October  last  have  made  the 
foUowing  draft  of  a  meeting-house  viz  :  tliat  said  House  be  sixty 
feet  in  Icngtli  and  forty-fivo  feet  in  width,  twenty-six  feet  between 
joints  with  two  porches  and  a  cover  over  the  front  door  ;  with  an 
elder's  seat  for  people  who  ai'c  liard  of  bearing  between  the 
deacons  seat  and  the  pul[)it ;  70  Pewes  :  4()  below  and  twenty-four 
nbove.  The  Pewes  to  be  sold  at  Vendue  to  the  highest  bidder. 
Boards  and  Shingles  and  Clapboards  to  be  got  in  the  same  way. 
The  Committee  propose  to  begin  to  fraim  the  house  on  the  20--'' 
of  May  in  tlie  year  of  our  Lord  1791.  Tlic  question  was  then 
asked  wlietlier  the  report  should  be  accepted  and  it  passed  in  the 
alllnuativc.  It  was  then  voted  to  choose  nine  men  to  be  a  com- 
mittee to  direct  tlie  builllug  of  the  new  meeting-house.  Also 
voted  t')  set  the  nev/  mecling-house  back  s.,>  far  as  the  burying 
yard  wall  and  that  the  east  end  of  the  hou:se  be  placed  six  feet 
east  of  the  west  end  of  the  old  house. 

The  length  of  both  meeting-houses  extended  from  east  to 
west.  The  new  liouse  was  u  short  di.-taiu'C  north  of  tlie  old 
and  extended  westerly  tifty-four  feet  beyond  it.  'J'here  is  no 
record  of  the  choice  of  the  conmiittee  of  nine  ordered  by  the 
town,  but  incidental  referenees  to  the  ])rogrcss  of  tln^  work. 
under  the  direction  of  a  l)uihling  conmiittee,  I'endcr  it 
certain  that  such  a  committee  was  clioscn.  And  at  a  subse- 
quent meeting   it    was '"  voted  to  dismiss    the  old  committee 

1  •   ,!-)o  ;    <i''r'< 

'V.  .'   •■!  ■     '.■(.. 

<.'l:-i     i    '■    1 

■<■  \\u\.  U),.i  Hj;«' 

■•;.;■  -     I   ■;-;'•-;     "■   ■  -t\    ■■.''      '.<' 

;■:.■;        ,  ■      :.  ::•■     ';'i'(.M-;  .■;    ■      i\      •■■■»!! 

..'.I'll!,  'ii   ]•■'■' 

'  .:^     -.!•       I-.  /-Ml)    <•'! 

..,■      :    (.m;  1 1  "  -;■■■:'    >(    ;ji'ir'-!i:i   ■ 


lor  I)iiildi)m"   the   iueotinu-l!OU-;o   and   olioso  Sanuu'l  "\^'il'l^.'l•, 

.1().-lm;i    Siuitli,    Es(|..    and    Saiimel    Foster  a    coivmiittee   to 
coiiij»leat  the  ^',ork/' 

t-  -v^  ,-^.. 

The  Skconk  ^lEKTiN<,-HorsK  ix  Anhhl-rnham,  Erkctk.u  1791. 

The  now  comiiiittec  vigorously  tbrwarded  the  work.  The 
frame  was  raised  ]May  24  and  the  house  ^vas  completed 
Xovemher  4,  1701.  Three  days  later  the  town  aeee})tcd  the 
tinal  re}>>n-t  of  the  committee,  and  the  new  mceting-hou-^e 
was  dedii-ated  with  approjiriate  ceremonies  on  the  tenth  of 
the  same  month.  ]n  anticipation  of  the  com[)h?tioii  of  the 
house  the  pews  Mere  sold  and  the  proceeds  of  the  sale  was 
applied  to  the  cost  of  construction.  The  records  ailbrd  very 
little  information  coneerning  the  cost  of  the  house.  The 
town  appropriated  in  all  one  hundred  and  sixty  pounds,  and 
added  to  this  sum  the  amount  received  from  the  sale  of  tlio 
old  house  ^\liich  was  torn  down  in  October.  It  is  therefore 
<ipparent  that  the  greater  part  of  the  cost  of  the  new  meeting- 
house was  })aid  with  money  receiNcd  from  the  sale  of  tlie 

.1      ,     ,  '    .' 

1  -11,  .  .•■  J    ■  I,-,!     ;■    .■ ; 

•V       ■•(       111) 

f        .('.in-,:!    ■: 

■   !f  :(JJ! 

I    .;■,(  • 

..     1    .hi,     '     .     .    7, 

29G  HlS'J'ni;Y    dV    ASHlirilXlIA.M. 

Ill  ISOS,  llu-  town  i);ikl  J;i':--_)li  Fiiirhanks  for  buildinii;  four 
additional  pows  on  the  uroinul  lloor.  These  were  sold  at 
anction  for  tlic  sum  of  three  hundred  and  ninety-two  dollars. 
The  proeeeds  of  this  sale  was  the  origin  of  lh(^  p<,'W  notes 
which  became  a  bone  of  contention  l)etwecn  the  town  and 
the  parish. 

'J\)  paint  the  new  nieetinu-housc  in  l)econiing  color  next 
demanded  the  attention  and  united  wisdom  of  the  town. 
Kverv  citizen  vras  jM'ivilcged  (o  vote  and  it  was  the  coneui- 
rent  taste  of  the  town  that  "the  color  should  be  a  pea  green." 
The  meeting  was  asscndiled  at  a  season  of  the  year  when  the 
vernal  sun  first  begins  to  >varm  Ihe  brown  and  russet  fields 
which  gayly  respond  with  the  Sj'jringing  l)Lide  and  burstings 
leaf,  and  in  warm  sympatliy  with  nature  as  she  paints  the 
eaii:h  in  the  fresh  liveries  of  green,  the  town  produces  its 
first  poem.  For  some  reason  there  was  a  delay  in  carrying- 
the  vote  into  ei^Vet.  At  a  meeting  assembled  ]Mareli  2,  1798, 
having  escaped  an  inspiration  to  copy  the  yellow  of  the 
liarvest  or  the  crimson  and  gold  of  the  autumn,  and  behold- 
ing the  earth  covered  with  the  sno\s'  and  ice  of  winter,  they 
consistently  resolve  to  reconsider  the  former  vote  and  to 
paint  the  meeting-house  white. 

The  town  continued  in  the  faithful  }H'rfoi-)nancc  of  the 
auxiliary  otlices  of  a  [)aiisli.  until  1^21.  d'he  causes  ^\hich 
led  to  the  dissolution  of  the  long  estal)lish»Nl  relations  between 
the  town  and  the  church  are  apparent.  The  system  was  not 
in  harmony  with  the  spirit  of  our  Goverimient.  In  the  dual 
organization,  the  mem])ers  of  the  church  and  those  in  full 
sympathy  with  them  were  a  majority  of  the  town,  and  hy 
their  controlling  voice  the  minorit}"  were  aimually  taxed 
under  a  continued  protest.  The  spirit  of  tolerance  some- 
times abated  :i  resisted  tax,  l>ut  it  presented  no  argument  in 
support   of  the  general    princi[)les    involved.      Indeed,    the 

!■'  I. 

I    i'.    ' 

;    .-.<~t    '.'\ 


I  '.  ''I      i-in  /■■■'  ■  .  .    ': 

,v      ;    ;-j<i'Mii       •(! 

:    -,Mi;.-:    Vf:.>-, 

■  ,■[;   ■     J  i.;i:i/«)K 

!'    :    .  ■..  .-■-:?(  iU 

iiIm)'/;:]   ,' 
.  I  1,'.  >'\     '. 

I  if  V,     [■ 


majoriiy,  conscious  of  the  itijnstice  of  the  system,  secured 
its  contimumce  many  years  by  (he  exeivise  of  a  commend- 
able degree  of  tolerance  to  those  mIio  stoutly  resisted,  yet 
excusing  the  act  in  a  plea  of  the  sacred  use  to  which  the 
mone^'  was  devoted,  they  exacted  triliute  from  all  who  only 
passively  objected.  Like  every  revolution  of  a  system  the 
beginning  was  remote  from  tlie  end  and  early  eiforts  produced 
no  immediate  effect.  Manifestations  of  discontent  and  the 
rcspou'^ive  answei'S  of  a  s{)irit  of  tolerance  gradually  led  to 
the  abatement  of  so  considerable  a  part  of  the  taxes  assessed 
that  the  system  was  practically  overtlirown  some  years  before 
tlie  outward  forms  were  abandoned.  During  the  last  year 
of  this  nominal  connection,  warrants  for  town  meetings  for 
the  transaction  of  parochial  business  were  addressed  to  all 
the  inhabitants  qualified  to  vote  Avho  are  membei's  of  the 
Congregational  societv.  The  town  clerk  attended  these 
meetings  and  recorded  the  proceediiigs  in  the  town  I'ecords. 
Under  this  amended  system,  the  town  only  assessed  those 
for  the  support  of  the  jwi'ish  whose  consent  was  tu'st  obtained. 
This  procedure  viiiually  created  a  volimtary  parish  for  which 
the  town  was  only  an  agent  and  in  such  capacity  continued 
to  call  meetings  and  to  assess  and  collect  the  annual  taxes. 
In  principle  it  was  an  amendment  on  tlie  former  system,  con- 
taining the  germ  which  speedily  developed  in  the  organization 
of  a  permanent  religious  society. 

Among  the  many  votes  of  the  town  expressive  of  public 
sentiment  on  the  subject  of  the  preceding  paragra})h  is  an 
order  adopted  in  1781  that  Jacob  ^nilard,  Jacob  Kiblinger, 
John  Kiblinger,  Nathan  Bigeliow,  Jacob  Constantine,  Joshua 
Ilolden,  Elisha  Coolidge,  Ebenezcr  Conant,  Jr.,  and  Jonathan 
Taylor  be  excused  from  the  payment  of  a  minister  tax  for 
that  year.  In  1797  Colonel  Francis  Lane  was  excused  from 
the  payment  of  the  same   tax.      Immediately  after  the  com- 

!    io  I'.v!  ■;  ■■' 'I*- 

it-.;   •' 


J.  .   'iiii     t-'i' 


■  .7     I 

'.,1    ■.■].  I    jv     •  )_<>/    /i     1  ■      .:;    '..i"! 

,    ,    ,    I    I  ■1.;    ■  .', ■'<  ■     '•>    'n  ■ 

298  lirSTOUY   OF    AS  [I  urn  XII  AM. 

jjlotion  of  tlie  .scooiul  luei'linu-liouse,  in  to  the 
rfiquest  of  ceit:iiii  iiidividiuils,  tbo  town  "  A^olccl  tlint  ilie 
Baptist  Society  h-AVv  leave  to  meet  in  the  new  jnectinu-liouse 
on  week  days  for  religious  woi'sliij)  by  a])[)]yiiiu-  lo  the  dooi'- 
kecper  tor  tlie  keys.  Also  wlien  it  shall  so  happiMi  that  the 
Church  and  Cona."reu"ation  usually  nieetini;'  in  said  house  are 
destitute  of  a  jireacher  and  d<j  not  vrant  to  Use  said  house  on 
the  Sabbath  that  said  Jkiptist  Society  shall  have  leave  to 
meet  in  said  house."'  }'hicoui'aged  by  this  ])roeeedinu"  the 
town  was  requested  ''to  abate  the  minister  tax  laid  on  tlie 
non-resident  lands  owned  ])y  the  ]iaj)tists."  Upoji  this 
pro})osition  the  toAvn  voted  in  the  neuati\e.  'J'lie  linal  paro- 
chial service  of  the  town  occurred  in  iN'i.)  and  1S24.  The 
town  assumed  the  exj^cnses  ol"  the  funeral  of  Kev.  J)y. 
Gushing  amounting  to  $Ik").45,  and  continuctl  the  salary  until 
the  following  Xovembei'.  It  aNo  joined  Nviih  the  church  in 
extending  a  call  to  Rev.  George  Perkins  and  directed  the 
nrrangements  for  his  ordination.  These  offices  at  the  eve  of 
ji  dissolution  of  the  relations  between  the  town  and  the  churcli 
were  a  litting  conclusion  of  a  eontinueil  and  honorable  service. 
So  far  as  the  town  was  concerned,  the  oidy  )-emaining  topics 
of  a  kindred  nature  were  th'.'  custody  of  the  meeting-house 
and  the  control  of  the  ministerial  funds.  U'he  debate  on 
these  points  between  the  town  and  the  GonuTcgational  society 
€aii  be  presentt>d  more  clearly  after  the  other  part}'  to  the 
controvei-sy  has  been  introduced. 

The  causes  which  suggested  the  organi/tition  of  an  inde- 
pendent parish  consecutively  follow  those  wdiich  led  to  the 
tci'mination  of  the  former  relations.  In  the  early  history  ot 
the  town  nearly  all  the  inhal)itants  were  united  in  matters  of 
religion  and  thev  adoi)t»'d  the  readiest  and  most  feasible 
method  of  sustaining  [Hiblic  worshij).  The  removal  into 
town  of  families  of  other   dtuioniinations   and  the  alienatii;)n 

i  1  ,.■'■'*■[:■■  i< '  J 

I'M.'     'Hm    /I 

'  i'  ^  '  /  -    .. : 

"  ■    '■  i .  ■) 

,,rv,    ,  ;    ,,     ,;•     ^     ;(  .■•:-■:'■•  '     ■-      '■   '   '■'     '  '    ■■-■  ■■"" 
•  .•  i-i'     ,,; '   ')  ,     '  !  i_  J    i    ,.'*:,  I  •••i'>  ■'/     ;>  I  ;f.ii  li    '  ■ 

■'t    .')■)!;  v!-!..  . 1m    •'.'in'i    jv.iir    •'•i<|  'icf  II 

)  ■  ;      ,  * 

, ir     ;  •  -I   '  Itp  N'M 

{'  ji:''ii 

f,.;I.M,..    ■). 


of  as  in;niy  from  the  slandiiig  church  and  particuhirly  tli(^ 
ra])id  growlh  of  tlie  ^.L'thodist  society,  and  Ihc  boKler  inde- 
pendence of  tho>e  ^vho  adhered  to  neither  tlie  Orthodox, 
^Methodist,  Baptist  nor  any  otlier  creed,  made  it  clearly 
apparent  that  e^'ery  dcnominatio)i  should  assume  the  control 
and  manau'cment  of  its  ])rudential  all'airs.  The  ex])ediency 
of  such  an  organization  wa.s  seriously  debated  during  the  last 
years  of  the  ministry  of  Dr.  Cushing.  Indeed,  an  association 
at  that  time  M'as  formed  l)ut  ''  The  Congregational  Society  or 
First  Parish"  did  not  have  a  legal  existence  until  April  27, 
1824,  a  short  time  after  the  sefllemcnt  of  ]Jev.  George 
j^erkins.  At  that  date  the  society  assumed  the  ollices  of  a 
parish  and  has  continued  an  ctlicient  ally  of  the  churcli  with 
which  it  has  been  connected  until  the  ])resent  time.  The 
petition  for  a  meeting  of  organization,  dated  ,\})ril  ''^,  182-1, 
Avas  signed  by  Ivers  Jewett,  Oliver  >hirl)le,  Charles  Barrett, 
Elisha  AVhite,  Fitch  Crosby,  Asa  AVoods,  Grover  Scollay, 
Joshua  Townsend,  Abraham  Lowo,  Joseph  Ivice  and  Dod- 
dridge Cushing.  That  eighty-one  or  more  members  were 
present  at  tlie  Ih'st  meeting  is  slunvn  by  a  statement  in  the 
records  that  "the  whole  number  of  votes  for  a  clerk  of  the 
parish  Mas  81  and  all  for  Charles  J>arrett."  At  tlie  same 
meetiiiL':  over  whicli  'J'iniothy  Stearns  was  called  to  preside, 
Josejih  tiewett.  Est].,  Elias  Lane  ;ind  A\'alter  liussell  were 
seh'ct(>d  for  assessors.  'J.'he  duties  of  this  otlice  were  more 
onerous  than  the  term  suggests.  In  addition  to  the  assess- 
ment of  taxes  the  assessors  were  expected  to  oversee  all  the 
prudential  concerns  of  the  society.  At  this  meeting  the  sum 
of  four  hundred  and  tifty  dollars  was  raised  to  pay  the  salary 
of  tlie  minister  and  b}'  the  follo'wing  vote  the  unsettled 
questions  with  the  town  were  inti'oduced.  "Voted  that  the 
assessors  l)e  a  connnittee  to  look  up  the  funds  of  the  society 
laving  in  the  hands  of  the  selectmen."  • 

■I   1 1  •  •  I . 

fl  •■;:      I!      !i 

■  :    ^  .'i ■.•.:••;■■■  ::;■!_-!:;;   vfiv'Vi;"    _,;M:i."    !-•- 

,     -  -       ,'...■■•:  .      -  ••'.■■'.'  ''■■.■  ;"-^'tl 

;  .     . .  ;    1      ■;].'•'     :.,ii     ■  ■>]  u.i:m     '  ') 

'     :U!.Mi'    I     I.      )'        '•''>- 


Tiiis  fund  consisted  of  certain  inoney  and  credits  derived 
from  the  sale  of  the  rninisteiial  lands  and  th  ■  residue  of  the 
sale  of  the  pews  in  tlie  second  nieeting-house.  This  action 
of  the  society  explains  in  a  measure  a  vote  of  the  tov.n  on  the 
tlrst  day  of  Xo^'ember  ''  to  choose  a  committee  of  four  to  join 
vrith  tlie  selectmen  to  meet  ^vith  the  committee  of  the  Con- 
gregational Society  or  Fii'st  Parish  to  regulate  the  ministerial 
fxmd.^  and  the  })e\v  notes  if  they  belong  to  said  society  and 
give  tlicm  u]^  to  said  society,  ('hose  George  E.  Gushing, 
Dr.  Abraham  Lowe,  Oliver  Samson  vSL  Capt.  John  Willard. 
Voted  to  choose  two  more  men  to  add  to  the  connnittee  and 
cliose  Joseph  Jewett  and  Ivers  Jewett."  The  selectjnen  for 
the  time  beinii'  Avere  Silas  Willard,  Hezekiah  Gorev  and 
John  Adams.  Jr. 

This  vras  an  able  committee  and  it  represented  both  sides 
of  the  pending  question.  ^Vfr.  Gushing,  Dr.  Lowe,  Joseph 
and  Ivers  Jewett  were  active  memlicrs  of  the  Gongregational 
society,  A\-bile  Silas  A\'illard,  John  AVillard,  Mr.  Samson  and 
]\[r.  Gorcy  were  equally  prominent  in  the  ^lethodist  society. 
Jolm  Adams,  Jr.,  held  the  balance  of  power  in  case  the 
deliberations  of  the  committee  were  influenced  by  selfish 
motives  or  denominational  proclivities.  It  was  undoufitedly 
at  the  suggestion  of  memboi's  of  the  Gongr'-gational  society 
that  tlie  Jewett'^  were  added  to  the  comndttec  in  order  to 
secure  a  stronger  represenlation  in  its  councils.  The  result 
of  their  deliberations  was  laid  before  the  town  at  a  meeting 
asseml)led  April  4,  1S2."),  in  the  following  report: 

The  committee  chosen  at  the  town  meeting  on  the  first  day  of 
November  last  for  the  purpose  of  making  a  division  of  the  uiinis- 
teriul  fund  and  property  belonging  to  the  first  parish  met  at  Jewett 
&  AV^oods'  store,  and  beg  leave  to  report  viz:  ehosc  L  Jewett 

2''  On  motion  voted  that  all  votes  passed  by  said  connnittee 
be  laid  before  the  town  at  their  next  annual  I^Iarch  u^eetintr. 

rfi  (;:••":'  i-,n;-./    ■[■!    j  \->'f-<:n 

.1.     I 

, I  •  m;  '.',;,"»   (• 


^:    ,.ny::i     .ill    ■!..> 
;        i.    -    1    );!     1)1(8 

;:,  r,M  •;(!   > 

,;    ^    I'.iM      ■:'   ^,!       ,'''!^'  I'-" 

<■'■  .',  . 


o'^  Voted  tliat  tlio  Fil•^<t  Parish  in  said  town  of  Ash1)uinliam 
shall  draw  the  interest  of  the  Pew  Notes. 

4*'''  Voted  that  the  said  First  Parish  shall  draw  the  interest  of 
■one  half  of  the  ministerial  and  school  funds. 

5""     Voted  that  the  clerk  and  chairman  sign  the  above  report. 

'siLAS  WlLLAPvD,  \  ,P^''f}''''''\''^ 
J  the  Conumttee. 

I.  Jkwett,   Clerk. 

To  the  school  fund  the  parish  laid  do  claim  and  it  is  prob- 
nble  through  careless  methods  in  the  conduct  of  town  busi- 
ness it  had  been  united  so  long  witli  the  ministerial  fund 
that  tlie  identity  of  each  was  lost.  Since  the  two  funds  were 
deri\ed  from  the  sale  of  equal  parcels  of  land,  iieither  would 
greatl}^  exceed  the  other  in  value.  It  appears  to  have  been 
the  intention  of  the  committee  to  reserve  the  interest  of  the 
school  fund  for  the  town  and  to  bestow  the  interest  of  the 
ministerial  iund  on  tlic  parish.  To  these  reconnuendations 
the  town  Avas  not  favorably  inclined  and  refused  to  adopt 
any  of  tlic  votes  suggested  by  the  committee.  In  the  mean 
tiui.c  the  following  petition  had  been  presented  to  the  select- 
men and  a  town  meeting  had  been  called  to  consider  the 
same  questions  in  anothci'  form. 

To  tliL  C'ntlemen,  Selecfi,i"n  of  the  tovm  of  A.shhurnlunn  : 

We  the  undersigned  iuljabiiants  of  the  said  town  request  you  to 
insert  an  article  in  your  next  Mr'rch  meeting  warrant  "  To  see  if 
the  town  will  give  up  to  the  Congregational  Society  or  First  Parish 
in  said  town  the  ministerial  fund  belonging  to  said  parish  it  being 
for  what  the  ministerial  land  was  sold  for,  Also  the  notes  that  are 
in  the  Treasury  which  were  given  for  pews  sold  in  the  meeting- 
house belonging  to  said  Society  or  Parish  with  the  interest  on  the 
^foresaid  notes  for  one  year  last  past." 

1  (,^: 

n  ,.r 

.1     ^.^    ,;Mii.-',' 

'I'Uil     <y^ 

f      !  ■ 

<    '  '      ■  rr.U'  ■  ■.,'1  ':■■?  nii: 

!■  'ili'lli'  111  ^:itnli-:vi.t;'   '.'1   " 

302  HISTOliY    OF   A^lllJUKNHAM. 

AsiToL-RNiiAM,  Feb.  12,  1825. 

Jos i: I'll  Je^vktt 
Am-wMiAM  T.  LuwK 
David  Ccsiuxct 
d.  cusiiixg 
Olivi:r  Gkkex 
Jonas  Ki tjixg 


John  Caldwkll 

An  article  was  duly  inserlcd  in  the  warrant  an<l  a  decision 
was  iinally  I'cachcd  : 

Vc'lod  to  give  the  ministerial  fuiul  and  the  pew  notes  to  tbe  First 
Parish  in  said  town  of  Ashburnhani  agreeable  to  the  request  of 
Josepli  Jewctt  and  others  and  the  selectmen  are  required  to  give 
orders  according! \- . 

In  pursuance  of  this  liberal  course  on  the  part  of  the  tow  n 
the  fmids  were  transfei-red  to  tlu;  custody  and  jJO'^session  of 
the  Congregational  society.  For  ten  years  the  decision  was 
accepted  as  final  and  so  fa)-  as  evidence  is  found  it  wa^ 
generally  regarded  as  just  and  proper.  From  ^^■hat  motive 
the  question  was  oi)ened  and  the  controversy  renewed  would 
be  difllcult  to  determine,  lii  a  warrant  for  the  annual  meet- 
ing in  1S;').'»  the  heralds  declare  that  the  armistice  is  ended 
and  the  cdutestants  who  liave  rested  on  their  anns  for  a 
decade  are  again  sunimoned  to  renewed  hostilities. 

To  see  if  the  town  will  reconsider  the  vote  that  was  passed  in 
1825  ;  the  town  then  voting  that  the  pew  notes  and  other  property 
in  fund,  originally  belonging  to  the  town,  into  the  hands  of  the 
clerk  or  treasurer  of  tlie  First  Parish  and  also  to  choose  a  com- 
mittee to  examine  into  all  those  fimds  and  to  see  what  part  thereof 
rightfully  belongs  to  the  first  parish  and  have  the  other  put  riglit. 

..1  .  rv:.} 

'    '  '    '■'>!;     ,<  i  U'^wri    :    •    '■  ■■Ml'''!:,;;         ,'!.'::;    -.'),: 

1)    >■(  I 

■  'o  o'l' 

■   I't"' 

I'  '  '■'.'M  ;  ■,  ■!  •  'ij 


On  the  lir^l  clause,  tlie  town  took  no  iiction  but  chose  :i 
coram itteo  of  five  to  make  the  speciried  exannnation.  This 
connnittee  consisted  of  Geori:-e  1\.  Cushing,  Cliarlcs  Hast- 
ings, Jr.,  Dr.  Xathaniel  Tierce,  Sihis  '^Vil]ard  :ind  Kljcnuzcr 
Frost.  ]Mr.  Cusiiing  was  tiic  only  earnest  friend  of  the 
parisli  and  he  refused  to  join  with  the  others  in  the  follow- 
ing report  : 

Your  committee,  chosen  at  the  March  meeting  to  investigale  the 
state  of  tlto  funds  arising  from   the  sale  of  school   and   niinistr\- 
lands  and  oilier   property  &e,  have  attended  to  that  duty  and  ask 
leave  to  report.     Your  cotnmittee  find  hy  the  Proprietors  Book  of 
Kecords  that  the  tract  of  land  nov,-  called  A?;hburnham  was  granted 
to  sixty  soldiers  or  individuals  or  their   heirs  who  served  in  the 
Canada  Expedition  as  a  bounty  for  their  services  hy  the  General 
Court  of  the  Province  of  jNIassachusetts  r>ay,  and  said  Court  in 
their  grant   reserved  lots   of  land  viz  :     one   to  the  first   settled 
Minister,  one  for  the  Ministry,  one  for  tlie  sciiool ;  and    the  sixty 
Proprietors  of  tlie  Tovvusliip  six  miles   square  tlien   called   Dor- 
chester Canada,  gave  one  lot  in  each  division  (as  it  appears  they 
made  four  divisions)  it  being  four  lots  in  all  for  the  Minister,  four 
for  the  Ministry  and  four  for  tl\e  school  witli  Equivalents.     Also 
the  Proprietors  granted  one  lot  of  ten  acres  where  the  meeting- 
house stands,  provided   the  town  build  and  keep  a  house  thereon 
for  Pul>Iic  Worship.     The  lots  granted  to  the  first  settled  minister 
seem  {u  liave  been  disposed  of  by  the  Rev.  ?dr.  Winchester.     Your 
comnii' ICO  find  by  the  records  that  the  town  Aoted  and  chose  agents 
to  sell   the  public  lands  and  we  find   by  the  records   that  some  of 
the  Ministry  and  School  lots  ^ere  sold  and  tlie  interest  applied  in 
buying  the  Kev.  ■Mr.  Cushing's  fire  wood,  and  tlie  said  funds  have 
ever  since,  except   a  small   part,  been   retained    in  the  hands  of 
agents  or  persons  then  belonging  to  the  first  parish  but  have  since 
alienated    themselves  from   the  old  meeting-house  Elsewhere  for 
public  worship  and   the\'  have  seized  upon   the   school  fund  or  a 
part  thereof  contrary  to  any  vote  of  said  town  and  carried  it  away 
with  tliem.     Therefore  your  committee,  after  due  consideration, 

'    •-'-,j1-.|     'ul 


f  -• 

•u  ,.r, 

304  HlSTOItY   OF    ASHHUKNllAM. 

j'l'solvos  that  tlie  Ionvii  p:i.>.s  ii  vote  to  retiirii  tlic  fiiiult;  that  Avas 
givoii  to  siiiAl  town  Ibr  the  use  of  the  ministry  to  the  hund.s  of  the 
town  trcnsuroi',  there  to  remain  a  fmid  according  to  the  ap])ropria- 
tiou.  Ixesolvod  as  we  fitid  by  records  and  a  parchment  plan  of 
said  town,  that  tin?  common  land  that  has  been  sold  and  deeded 
for  ministry  land  the  amonnt  of  sncli  should  be  rctnrncd  to  the 
treasury  for  its  proper  use.  liesolved  that  as  the  town  sold  Pews 
in  the  old  meeting-house  on  conditions  that  the  amount  Uiey  sold 
for  should  be  funded  and  the  interest  of  said  f  uiid  be  appropriated 
to  repair  the  meeting-house,  that  tlie  principal  with  the  interest  be 
returned  to  the  treasury  to  be  kept  for  that  purpose.  Ecsolved 
that  those  members  or  agents  that  have  alienated  from  the  old 
meetir.g-house  elsewhere  for  public  worship  delivei-  to  the  hands  of 
the  lo'vn  treasurer  the  amount  of  monies  that  accrued  from  the 
sale  of  school  lands  with  the  interest  that  it  may  be  applied 
agreeable  to  the  appropriation,  liesolved  that  the  town  pass  a 
vote  aad  iigree  ^vith  some  per;;on  residing  ne:ir  said  meeting-house 
to  take  and  keep  the  key  of  said  house  so  that  the  Baptist-i  may 
occupy  the  same  for  I-'eligious  Yv''orship  agreeable  to  a  vote  of 
said  town. 

Should  the  agents  or  members,  belonging  formerly  to  the  first 
parish  or  old  meeting-house,  but  have  since  alienated  themselves 
with  monies  or  property  belonging  thereto,  refuse  to  compl}'  with 
these  terms, 

liesolved  that  the  town  jc^ss  a  vote  authoiizing  the  committee 
or  agents  to  prosecute  forthwith  to  final  judg;r;:at. 

CHARLKS    HASTINGS,    3e..,    ^  ^ 

SILAS   ^Vll.LARD,  /  Committee 

NATIIANJEL   riEHCE,  (  ?, 


May  4,   1S35. 

The  report  was  accepted  but  none  of  the  recouimcndations 
wore  adopted.  The  town  clerk  found  employment  hi  its 
entry  npr-n  ll'c  records  but  no  other  result  ensued.  How- 
ever,   tlie    general    issue,    which  was    crushed    beneath    the 




:■[     c  r:;'!'>in 

i.iU   lf\[)y]  vi  .'■• 

;    :.^i/: 

(;••     ''>r  IK  .        i'l'/l")      1-  ;">) 


weii^bt  of  11) is  ponderous  report,  was  rcfoiTod  to  Chnrlos 
Stoarns,  Asaliel  Corey  and  Kilburn  Ilarwood,  with  instnie- 
tions  to  meet  a  like  coinniitt<^e  of  the  Congregational  society 
'■  with  the  view  to  ascertain  more  fully  the  rights  of  the 
town  and  parish  in  said  funds." 

An  early  re])ort  from  this  committee  was  also  accepted 
but  uo  trace  of  its  recommendations  has  been  found.  At 
the  succeeding  meeting  the  tow)i  ''  voted  to  accept  of  the 
ministei'ial  fund,"  but  through  a  failure  of  the  society  to 
pass  a  responsive  vote  to  give  it  up,  the  vote  at  once  ex- 
pressed the  willingness  and  the  inabilit}'  of  the  town  to 
secure  it.  Through  the  last  stage  of  the  controversy'  the 
society  had  the  advantage  of  possession  and  during  the  pro- 
lor\ged  demonstrations  of  the  town  they  continued  to  fortify 
their  position  with  a  dignified  silence.  At  other  times  the 
subject  was  debated  in  town  meeting,  but  the  remaining 
votes  of  the  town  were  only  repetitions  of  those  that  have 
been  noticed.  ]f  any  one  desires  to  learn  more  of  this 
dispute  between  the  worthies  of  the  town  and  the  olhccrs  of 
the  parish  lie  may  fan  the  embers  of  the  controversy  found 
in  another  eha])ter  in  connection  with  an  account  of  the 
removal  of  the  second  meeting-house  to  its  present  location. 

In  l'So2  the  Methodist  society  completed  its  first  house 
of  worshi})  in  the  village.  Actuated  we  inist  more  from  a 
spirit  of  emulation  thtm  of  rivalry,  the  I'ii-t  Parish  began  to 
consider  the  expediency  of  removing  its  house  from  the  old 
common  to  the  centre  of  the  village,  and  to  rebuild  the 
interior  after  a  more  modern  i)lan.  Xo  sooner  was  the 
project  proposed  than  a  decided  o])})osition  was  developed. 
The  owners  of  the  pews  in  the  old  house  demanded  pay- 
ment for  their  property  interest,  and  the  to^^  n  asserting  an 
undefined  control  of  the  house  frowned  upon  the  society 
in  the  pretence  of   any  right   to    remove    it  or  to  exercise 


.ii   \\^  ^^di'l- 


)  ■      .a 

'I   ■■■'■■:    S/-^!     'Vi     :---:.f.'fii- 

'    '  "' ■  ■ '  '  '■•'    .III J  'i'>  ft, /oiii'ya 

,      .1,.       ,        .'  ,  .,: - 

ii':  (     li;     .:   ',■■)■ 

M|1K.;[      't 

';i)      i>     /O  ■  ;,''I   :  > 

306  HIS'l'UKV    OV    ASIIBU^.MIA^[. 

any  control  over  it  bojond  ^l^i  tiecustomed  use  Mlicro  it 
stood.  And  tlio  fact  tliat  the  town  had  )io  clear  idea  of  its 
o\Yn  authority  in  t]je  premises,  left  it  free  to  assert  -Any  pi'e- 
tcn.^ion  and  to  0})pose  the  society'  at  every  })oint.  J^^oresec- 
ing  the  difficulties  that  would  attend  any  other  course  of 
proceeding,  the  society  early  and  wisely  decided  to  huild  a 
ncw^  house  and  subsequently  (o  sun-endei'  the  old  house  and 
the  pending  demands  of  the  ])ew  owners  to  the  town. 

In  Septenibei-,  1832,  tlie  society  ].)os(poncd  but  did  not 
abandon  the  enterprise,  aiid  while  the  iutenlions  of  tlie^iarish 
were  beginning  to  ripen  into  an  early  execution  a  voluntary 
association  of  its  menibei-s  })roposcd  to  build  the  house  on 
their  own  responsibility.  It  only  remained  for  the  society 
rts  an  organization  to  grant  the  gentlemen  leave  to  proceed 
and  to  select  a  location  for  the  new  meeting-house.  In 
Feln'uary,  1833,  the  following  proposilions  were  adopted: 

.  Voted  that  certain  indiviiUials  who  are  disposed  may  build  a 
new  meelingdiouse  agrceahlc  to  their  pioposition  which  is  that 
the  expense  of  buiUbng  be  divided  into  twenty  shares  and  after 
the  house  is  completed  to  sell  or  lot  the  pews  as  tliey  have  oppor- 
tunity. .  ■ 
■  Voted  to  choose  a  committee  of  five  to  £c!eet  a  suitable  location 
for  said  meeting-house  and  chose 

GKOIiOE    G.    PAr.Kl 

''.."■'  '" ■  Samuel  Ward, 

-•■'■-■■'<■     -    -    ••■•••..     ■:.  Jonx   Caldweli,,      )    Committee. 

:.--':  '.,.-.:■  :  /..v.:  .  IIosea  Gueex, 

,         .  ..  .  .  ;  ■  John  C.  Glazier, 

Voted  to  adjourn  for  one  week  from  this  day  at  one  o'eh^ck  in 
the  afternoon. 
>  Feb.  11,  met  according  to  adjournment,  the  committee  presented 

their  report  wliich  was  read. 

Voted  that  the  meeting-house  may  be  built  on  either  of  the  two 


■>■'    ;);[(;? 

'J^  I J  -  V  :  ; 

'j'v'^  o;  s  /it  % 

■  Vj-;;  ^il'vMji. 

,(Aj;lyi'.)'V'.,  iMjr  .  U'  .(-/'■ 





lots  —  Sawyer's  or  the  one  George  R.    Cnsliing    proposes.     The 
Siiwver  lot  was  selected. 

Othet*  locations  Averc  considered  by  the  committee  but 
were  not  embraced  in  their  report.  One  of  these  -svas  on 
the  opposite  side  of  Main  street ;  anotlicr  a  short  distance 
south  of  the  Powder  House  ;  another  at  the  junction  of  the 
road  from  Xoith  Asliburnham  and  Main  street ;  and  another 
whei'e  tlie  barn  of  Nathaniel  Pierce  ]iow  stands.  The 
an.iouut  paid  'Mv.  Sawyer  for  the  lot  ^\'as  two  hundred 
and  twenty-five  dollars.  The  addition  to  the  lot  on  tlio 
noi'th  -was  jjrcsented  in  1869  by  Colonel  Charles  Barrett. 
The  names  of  the  persons  who  assumed  the  responsibility 
and  proceeded  to  build  the  meeting-house  do  not  appear  in 
the  records.  The  tvrent}'  sliares  were  taken  as  follows  : 
Thomas  Hobart,  two  shares ;  Peuben  I'ownsend,  Charles 
Barrett,  Ebenezer  Flint,  George  G.  Parker,  Dr.  AYilliam 
H.  Cutler,  Joseph  Jewett,  Harvey  M.  Bancroft,  Pliilip  R. 
Merriam,  Philip  E.  Merriam,  Jr.,  Harvey  Brooks.  Elijah 
Brooks,  Samuel  AVoods,  Samuel  S.  Ste^'ens,  Joel  Brooks, 
Horatio  J.  Holbrook,  Hosca  Green,  Levi  Kice,  Edmund 
Sawyer,  one  share  each. 

Under  the  direction  of  this  efficient  organization  the  present 
meeting-house  was  begun  in  the  summer  of  1833  and  speedily 
completed.  It  was  dedicated  February  19,  1834.  The 
cost  of  construction  exceeded  the  amount  received  from 
the  sale  of  the  pews,  but  the  loss  was  sustained  by  the 
organization  that  had  volunteered  to  build  the  house.  The 
heavy,  clear-toned  bell  which  still  hangs  in  the  belfry  Mas 
purchased  by  subscription  in  January,  1834,  at  an  expense 
of  five  hundred  and  seventeen  dollars. 

The  new  meeting-house  being  completed,  and  the  former 
entangling   alliances   with    the    town    dissolved,    the    parish 

ry.!  |-'i;;. 

-jv,.,  I     ,■ 

'"M  '<  >'■''■■  i    )'■   )  ■.-■'■ti:;,-.    1.;  I     '[    ..;J:;;';ii  j^;. '    ^  :,■ 

1  .i,n>    ,    11 ; 

lie    ;v  ■■;•■    v.M  1     i»\  ■■;  ,/>  V  (•    'I'  .'  (!•'' 



entered  upon  an  era  of  concord  and  quietude.      Occasionally 
called  upon  to  join  willi  tlie  cLurcli  in  the  dismissal  or  settle- 
ment of  a  minister,  its  chief  and  successful  employment  has 
been  to  raise  money  for  the  payment  of  current  expenses. 
At  times  the  money  lias  been  secured  ^vith  dilUcuUy  but  the 
parish,  by  a  conciliatory  policy  and  by  consulting-  its  mem- 
bers in  regard  to  methods  of  taxation    and  voluntary  sub- 
scriptions, has  met  its  obligations  and  has  seldom  suffered 
its  fortunes  to  be  dimmed  by  the  cloud  of  debt.     Through 
the  inditlerence  of  many  the  burden  has  rested  more  heavily 
upon  others,  yet  at  all  times  a  reliant  purpose  has  met  every 
obstacle    and    overcome    every  difficulvy.     During  the  past 
sixty  years  the  salary  paid  the  minister  has  been  increased 
from   time  to  time  from  four  hundred    and    lifty  to  twelve 
hundred  dollars. 

The  meeting-house  was  thoroughly  remodelled  in  1.^09. 
After  an  ineffectual  discussion  of  many  plans  and  several 
inoperative  votes  of  the  parish  a  number  of  gentlemen  gen- 
erously volunteered  to  become  responsible  for  the  expense 
of  rebuilding  the  house.  The  repairs  were  innnediately 
made  under  the  direction  of  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.,  William  1'. 
Ellis,  Jerome  AV.  Fostei-,  George  C.  Winchester  and  Addi- 
son A .  Walker.  The  anu^unt  expended  about  thirteen 
thousand  dollars.  The  d./tlcit,  after  the  sale  of  the  pews, 
was  asauucd  and  soon  paid  by  the  parish.  At  this  time 
a  supeiior  pipe  organ  ^s•as  purchased  by  subscription.  The 
parsonage  was  purchased  in  1864,  and  in  it  arc  invested  the 
ministei^al  fund  received  from  the  town  and  the  legacy  of 
Mrs.  Lucy  Davis. 

'//     <Hi 

/'  ■(:,:  '-n 


■'I.  i' 

^*';u    fjfi  'j'J'^A 



THE    METHODISTS.  — THE    field   axd    tuf.    siTnATioK. — the 



TIffi   UNION    CHURCH.  —  the    elements   collected.  —  the   meeting- 


EDW.UID      A.      ROLLIXS.'—  KEV.      A.      A.      WHITltORE.   —  TEMPORARY      SUP- 



ADVENTISTS.  —  THEiK  belief. —no  church  organization. 

THE    CATHOLICS.  —  FIRST    services    in    this    town.  —  purchase    a 


;     jVTethodist  Churches  were    orgauizt'd    in    niuiiy  of  the 

towns   in   this  vicinity  in    rapid  snccossion.     It  was  during 

the  hist  decade  of  the  past  century.     In  its  outline  features 

the   history  of  the  introduction  of  ^Nlctliodism  and  of  the 

growth  and   progress   of  the  churches  |)Ianted  by  the  early 

preachers  is  the  same  tlu'oughout  New  Enghmd.     Until  the 

arrival  of  the  pioneer  preachers  of  a  new  faith,  in  every  town 

there  was  one  church  of  the   standing  order  which,  founded 

soon  after  the  settlement  of  the  town,  had  remained  the  sole 

occupant    of  the  field.     Over  eacli   of  these    churclies    tlie 

"learned  orthodox  minister"  was  settled  for  life  and  lahored 

without  a  rival.     The  orthodox  minister  of  the  olden  time 

was    an    earnest    and   solemn    laborer,    austere    in    n)anner, 


V  in    ;■"   /      ,V;{r       (If      ,;''1  /'/'OJ 

I  "■'  ■   '"■  -■■''•'  ■'■ 

.(I'M-:     ■■    ■•.,:-         .',f; 

I     /  ■■. .. 

I\-Jl.l    '  .   ' 

310  HISTORY  or  asiibukxiiam. 

dignified  in  bearing;  initltful  and  diligent  tis  a  pastor  lie 
labored  for  his  people  M-'itli  singleness  of  pui-pose.  AVilh 
formal  precision  he  visited  the  siek  and  eoniforted  the 
mourner  in  learned  ])h]'ascs.  His  counsel  was  the  voice  of 
wisdom,  "while  liis  sympathies  were  congealed  in  the  solem- 
nity of  bis  presence.  Standing  half  way  between  God  and 
man,  there  was  a  li.vedness  .about  him  tbat  invited  the  rever- 
ence and  commanded  the  homage  of  the  people.  His 
sermons,  logically  ai-i'anged,  were  earnest  and  solemn 
appeals  to  the  reason  of  his  hearers.  Froni  the  lofty  pulpit 
of  the  olden  time  he  maintained  his  accustomed  eminence 
amoniT  his  ilock  and  throuoh  the  week  he  walked  in  even 
lines  above  them.  They  respected  him,  addressed  him, 
thought  of  him  with  reverence,  and  if  ariy  loved  him  they 
loved  him  with  an  admixture  of  awe  that  sulfered  no  passage 
of  the  gulf  that  separated  the  minister  froni  tbe  hearts  of  the 
people,  lif  neither  the  example  of  his  life  nor  the  spirit  of 
his  discourse  invoked  the  emotions  or  aroused  the  sudden 
impulse,  he  moulded  and  solidified  the  character  and  per- 
suaded men  to  live  under  the  guidance  of  principle  and  a 
rational  sense  of  duty.  ■    .i-  . 

The  n)inister  of  that  day  is  a  character  prominent  and  still 
honored  in  the  annals  and  traditions  of  the  past.  In  the 
midst  of  his  supremavy  came  ihe  pioiicer  preacher  of 
Methodism.  These  herrdds  of  a  new  creed  announced  their 
message  ^vith  plainness  of  s})eech  and  sinij)licity  of  maimer. 
Their  early  success  sprang  more  from  the  manner  of  the 
man  than  from  the  matter  of  their  discourse.  They  lived 
among  the  ))eoplc  and  when  not  engaged  in  exhortation  they 
con\ersed  and  mingled  with  them.  They  neither  s[)oke  from 
pulpits  nor  held  themselves  aloof  from  their  fellow-men. 
They  preaclied  in  dwellings,  in  barns  and  in  the  groves. 
AVhile  preaching  they  stood  on  a  level  with  their  hearers. 

!'"  .■  J ' ''  ,! ' '  ;  .1  !''■■. .''     ..'''•     {■,'<,!  '<",■■:'.  1' 

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"Wisely  assuming  thul  tlic  el('r<rv  of  the  standing  order  had 
faithfully  instructed  the  niasses  and  inculcalcd  anjong  IIk-ui  a 
general  knoAvledge  of  the  Christian  i-eligion  they  asserted 
the  tenet.--  peculiar  to  tluur  sect.  If  liiey  ap[)caled  to  tlie 
emotions  of  men  they  satislled  a  hunger  of  tlie  soul  that  the 
teachings  of  tlie  older  school  could  not  a})pease  ;  and  if  they 
became  earnest  and  im})assioned  in  manner  they  felt  a 
responsive  echo  in  the  \vorshi[)  of  the  multitude. 

Witli  such  labor  ar.d  under  such  conditions  the  early 
Methodist  preachers  found  adherents  in  every  comnmnity. 
They  rapidly  planted  clmrches  and  confiding  them  to  the 
S(df-sustaining  influences  of  the  class-meeting  they  passed  on 
to  new  fields  and  to  renewed  conquests.  Over  these  infant 
churches  a  preacher  was  not  assigned  for  a  stated  time. 
Indeed  the  earlier  i)reachers  were  not  fixed  in  their  fields  of 
lai)or,  but  were  transferred  so  rai)idly  Itoiu  one  station  to 
another  tliat  we  gain  but  glimpses  of  tluir  approaching  or 
retiring  presence.  When  assembled  for  worship,  mysteri- 
ously there  came  a  minister  to  preach  to  them  ;  from  whence 
he  came,  or  where  he  went,  or  the  name  of  the  roving 
preacher,  is  dilficult  to  determine. 

The  introduction  of  ]\rethodism  into  .Vshburnham  in  method 
and  in  the  attending  conditions  was  similar  to  the  general 
M'ork  and  success  of  the  youthful  clnircli  throughout  the 
country.  In  a  historical  discourse  deli\cred  at  .\shburnham 
July  0,  16S2,  Itev.  Stephen  Gushing  ha.-,  succinctly  stated  the 
prominent  events  connected  with  its  growth  and  progress. 
To  that  discourse  is  credited  many  of  the  events  in  the 
following  paragraphs.  Within  five  years  from  the  inti'oduc- 
tion  of  ^Methodism  into  New  England,  liev.  John  Hill 
preached  the  first  ^lethodist  sermon  at 'the  house  of  Lmnuel 
Stimson  in  the  north  part  of  the  town.  This  was  in  the 
autumn  of  1703.     Earlv  in  the  followinir  vearasocietv  of 

f;-.  ,.    ...  ':    'I 

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;  ■  '      '   '■'•    '-'II.    iii'/i'tH',  \ .1.    ;,'.    atii* 
■  ■-nil,.   i/;'',.,(;'vi/'  ),-■'. ^!  '  !•    rr!<r>\v,ri- 


eight  members  was  conslLtutcd  and  soon  meetings  began  to 
be  hold  with  considerable  regularity  at  the  house  of  Silas 
yrillard,  Esq,  In  the  autumn  of  179G  Lorenzo  Dow 
preached  to  the  infant  society  in  this  town.  This  ftunous 
preacher  was  then  nineteen  3'ears  of  age.  The  following 
extract  from  his  journal  refers  to  this  occasion  :  ''  October 
23,  179G,  I  spoh'c  in  Hard  wick  to  about  four  hundred  people  : 
thence  to  Petersham  and  "Winchendon,  to  Fitchl)urgh  and 
likewise  to  Xotown  where  God  gave  me  one  spiritual  cliikL 
Thence  to  Ashburnhtan,  where  we  had  some  po"s\  erfid  times." 

In  1800  a  quarterly  meeting  attended  by  Rev.  John  Broad- 
head,  a  presiding  elder,  was  held  in  the  town.  At  this  time 
the  church  embraced  a  membeiship  of  fifty  or  more.  Three 
years  later  Bishops  Asbury  and  Whatcoat  preached  at  the 
house  of  Mr.  Willard  by  whoni  they  were  entertained. 
Preaching  was  maintained  in  the  north  part  of  the  town  and 
a  society'  v^ith  increasing  numbers  was  in  existence  thiity- 
eight  years.  The  preachers  were  frequently  transferred  to 
other  fields  in  the  intervals  between  the  formal  assignments 
by  the  Conference.  From  the  records  of  such  ap[)0)ntments 
and  transfers  it  is  found  that  during  this  thue  sixty-five 
preachers  had  been  designated  for  Ashbundiam  and  depend- 
ent societies.  A  society  was  organized  in  Westminster  in 
1814  and  a  few  families  in  the  south  part  of  the  town  were 
included  in  its  membership.  .  ,       .    : 

In  18.j1  the  Ashburnham  and  AVestmiuster  societies  were 
made  a  station  and  a  pastor  assigned  them.  This  arrange- 
ment was  of  short  duration  and  only  one  appointment,  that 
of  Rev.  Xathan  B.  Spaulding,  was  made.  The  following  year 
the  Ashburnham  society,  having  proposed  to  build  a  meeting- 
house at  the  centre  of  the  town,  was  made  a  station  and 
has  continued  to  the  present  tinier  an  independent  organiza- 
tion.    It  was  durino;  the  vear  of  the  union  with  the  West- 

. .'.  / . 

^4h  o\  ■■)-.,; 

''{'''■  I'i ./'" 

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'11  j     If'  )  (.,    1'     r; 


minster  society,  and  perhaps  sup:gested  by  the  inconveiiioiu'c 
of  that  aiTtiiiacnieiit,  that  active  measures  foi-  bialdiiiij;  a 
meeting-house  were  proposed  and  favorably  oitertained.  At 
that  time  the  trustees  were  Joshua  Burgess,  Luther  Barrell, 
Jolin  Kibling,  Lemuel  Wliitney,  John  ^Villard,  James 
Pufier,  Silas  Willard,  Lemuel  wStimson,  Stephen  Cushing, 
Oliver  Samson  and  Ilezekiah  Corey.  A  considerable  sum 
of  money  "was  I'aised  by  subscription  and  the  work  fairly 
begun  in  the.  autumn  of  1831.  The  house  was  completed 
without  suspension  of  the  work  and  was  dedicated  July  4, 
1832.     The  dimensions  were  fifty-six  by  forty-one  feet. 

Again,  thirty-eight  years  is  an  epoch  in  the  history  of  the 
Methodist  church  of  Ashburnham.  The  present  commo- 
dious house  of  worship  was  erected  in  1870.  It  was  then 
seventy-six  years  since  the  organization  of  the  church  in  this 
town.  Dividing  the  time  in  Uvo  equal  portions,  was  the 
building  of  the  lirst  meeting-house  in  1832.  The  first  span 
of  time  had  witnessed  the  2i'o^"*^tli  of  the  church  from  a  class 
of  eight  persons  to  one  hundred  members.  Through  many 
discouragements  they  had  existed  and  had  increased.  At 
all  times  their  ardor  had  been  unabated.  Through  all  these 
years  of  their  early  history  they  found  many  occasions  for 
devout  gratitude  for  the  past  and  buoyant  hope  for  the  future. 
During  the  second  peri(^><!,  or  while  occupying  the  first  meet- 
ing-house, they  were  attended  with  continued  prosperity. 
The  visible  results  are  witnessed  ])}'  many  seasons  of  spiritual 
power  and  by  frequent  and  considerable  addition  to  the 
membership  of  the  church. 

At  the  close  of  the  second  epoch,  the  erection  of  the 
present  church  edifice  was  undertaken.  In  18G9  the  site 
for  the  propo^eil  building  was  purchased  and  the  foundatiinis 
were  laid.  From  the  board  of  trustees  Keuben  Puller, 
Xathaniel  Eaton  and  Andrew  J.  Smith  were  chosen  a  build- 


'rvr>/  U: 

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,C';    7vVr 

I    /,•;;  ;-j.'.i  .     -ti 

31-1  iiiSTOiiY  OF  ASirBrnNi!A:\r. 

ing  coujiiiitlee,  to  Avliicli  Charles  Wineliosti'i'  was  joined. 
Under  the  managcincDt  of  ll)ese  geutlcmeii  the  work  upon 
the  building  was  begun  in  the  spring  of  1870  and  the  house 
was  substantial!}'  eomplctevd  during  that  year.  The  interior 
deeoration  and  furnishing  were  completed  the  foHowing 
summer  and  tlie  house  was  dedicated  July  20,  1871.  The 
cost  of  construction  was  about  thirty  thousand  dollars  which 
far  exceeded  the  tirst  estimates  and  the  burden  fell  heavily 
upon  the  society.  The  organ,  from  the  factory  of  Hook  and 
Hastings,  was  })resentcd  by  Charles  Winchester.  During  the 
Kucceedinii'  ten  years  the  debt  contracted  in  constructino"  an 
expensive  edilice  was  gradually  reduced,  but  was  not  fully 
paid  until  during  the  ministry  and  through  the  eilbrts  of 
Eev.  Xathaniel  B.  Fisk.  Two  members  of  th.e  church  con- 
tributed at  this  time  a  sum  exceeding  the  entire  cost  of  the 
first  meeting-house.    ..j...        .  ,■  .    li 

From  1870  to  the  present  time  the  outward  history  of 
the  church  has  been  uneventful.  The  stated  ministrations 
have  been  maintained  and  commendable  donations  have  been 
credited  to  the  benevolence  of  the  society.  The  spiritual 
history  of  all  these  years  and  the  iutluences  of  the  church 
over  the  souls  of  men  are  among  the  unwritten  revelations 
of  another  world.  The  miiuites  of  the  Conferetice  contain 
the  names  of  sixty-five  preachers  who  were  assigned  pre- 
vious to  1832  to  the  stalion  to  which  Asiiburnham  belonged. 
It  is  evident  tliat  several  of  them  after  a  brief  labor  here 
were  transferred  to  other  stations  ;  and,  possibly,  a  few  of 
them  did  not  even  arrive  here  before  they  received  new 
appointments  to  other  places.  Xor  wei-e  any  of  them 
assigned  um-eservedly  to  the  Asiiburnham  church  but  to  the 
circuit  to  which  this  church  belonged.  A'ery  few  of  them 
•Were  temporarily  resident  here.  Their  labors  were  divided 
among  several  societies  of  which  this  was  the  strongest  and 
most  prominent. 

!  i  'A ', 

■  )  ru«'^'!'Hin 

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i .  I  'i?    '■  fi I;   ■fr^.r:;- 

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■■     ■  u'  'io   ■•.'';^!!n(^-■"!i'^:' ■  ■  ■.■J')!  fvi-,v- tc"-^  -    ■    '•- 

■^  iw'ii:     ;ir.ji>  '';.;     i.;j^j/£»'     I'.'ii     i;'J'i/;    ■•ji    Xl 


Since  Asliburnliani  became  a  station  in  1832,  a  pa-^tor  lias 
been  assigued  without  rescrvatiou  and  lias  lived  during  the 
term  of  his  appointment  among  his  chai-ge.  The  number  of 
these  appointments  is  thirty-four.  Of  these  seventeen, 
including  the  present  pastor,  have  remained  one  year,  foui'- 
teen  two  years  and  under  the  modern  revision  of  tlie  rules, 
tliree  have  received  a  third  a})pointmcut.  After  an  intervtd 
of  several  years  Ilev.  Pliny  "Wood  and  Eev.  Austin  F.  Iler- 
rick  "svere  returned  to  this  to^vn  and  are  twice  enumerated, 
but  the  brief  pastorate  of  Rev.  11.  B.  Skinner  who  filh.d  an 
unexpired  appointment  is  not  included.  All  v\'ere  worthy, 
exemyjlary  pastors.  With  varied  gifts  and  acquirements, 
none  have  failed  in  duty  to  their  charge,  and  -all  have  been 
fellow-laborers  with  men  of  tbeir  own  and  other  denomina- 
tions in  tlie  reforms  and  benevolence  of  their  time. 

'J'he  names  of  the  pastors  and  tlie  membership  of  the 
church  since  Ashburnham  was  made  a  station  are  as  follows  : 

'T'f    «, 




Nathan  B.  Spauldiug 



Hebron  Vincent 



John  W.  Case 




Charles  Noble 



William  R.  Stone 



"WilHain  P.  White 



Horace  Moiilton.     H.  P. 

Skiinier,  <j  months 



John  W.  Merrill 



Newell  S.  Spaulding 



Howaid  C.  Dunham 



William  P.  Olds 



David  Kilbura 



Pliny  Wood 



Jonathan  L.  Esty 



Moses  P.  Webster 



Cyrus  L.  P>astnaau 


'?.;m  L 

'.'-'<!    r- ; 

/I'     ':>y'<f.i    )■).;,; 

,1     /  Ir 

^■'■i    }l:^  ': 

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I/'J  .:j  ir'-i)];7»' 


1855-6.  Austin  F.  Ilerrick  180 

1857.  Lorenzo  White  138 

1858-9.  Pliny  Wood  135 

-1860-1.  Ichabod  Marcy  131 

1862-3.  William  Pentecost  •               137 

1864.  Jonas  M.  Clark  122 

1865-6.  John  A.  Lansing  .            153 

1867-8.  Walter  Wilkie                                     ..•--.  1^0 

1869.  Nathan  D.  George  170 

1870.  Joseph  W.  Lewis  149 

1871.  L.  P.  Causey  140 
■    1872-1.  Austin  F.  Ilerrick  171 

1875-6.  James  W.  Fenno  165 

,,    1877-9.  William  H.  Cook  '                                    159 

;    1880-2.  Nathaniel  B.  Fisk  '           149 

1883.  John  H.  Mansfield   •  .                    149 

;     1884.  Emory  A.  Howard  153 

1885.  Austin  IL  Herrick  147 

The  L^xion  Church.  —  The  causes  which  led  to  the 
buildiuo:  of  a  meetinsr-house  and. -the  embodiment  of  a  church 
at  North  Ashburnham  are  mainly  apparent  at  the  present 
time.  It  is  probable  :ind  it  is  reasonable  to  presume  that  the 
controUinfT  motives  were  sustained  and  encouraged  by  many 
minor  impulses  which  are  neither  reflected  in  the  record  nor 
preserved  in  tlic  memory  of  the  few  now  li\'ing  wlio  were 
active  in  the  initial  proceedings.  A  half  century  ago  that 
portion  of  the  town  was  more  populous  than  at  present  and 
in  that  community  were  several  men  of  influence  and  enter- 
prise. The  families  residing  in  that  vicinity  for  a  long  time 
had  been  sensible  of  the  burden  of  the  distance  that 
separated  them  from  the  church  at  Ashburnham  Centre  to 
which  they  belonged.  These,  for  many  years,  had  frequently 
yet  timidly  suggested  some  measures  of  relief.  Among  them 
were  a  few  families  who  were  not  in  full  sympathy  with  the 


f  ■■-'  I 

'itifr/;'")  -'I  .J- 



controlling  influences  of  the  parent  church,  and  joined  Tvith 
these  were  others  not  allied  to  the  church  at  the  Centre  nor 
were  they  Congregationalists. 

The  latter  class,  actuated  both  by  conscience  and  conven- 
ience, were  ready  to  join  in  the  organi;^ation  of  a  union 
church  with  tenets  invithig  an  evangelical  alliance.  There 
were  many  meetings  and  conferences  of  which  no  record  was 
made,  and  concemins^  which  very  little  accurate  information 
can  be  secured.  The  work  Avhich  met  them  at  the  outset 
was  the  buildino;  of  a  meetino:-house  and  to  this  undertakius: 
they  directed  their  efforts  with  courage  and  enthusiasm. 
The  edifice  built  for  the  proprietors  by  Ohio  AVhitney,  Jr., 
and  Samuel  Howard  was  completed  in  1842  and  dedicated  in 
December  of  that  year.  In  the  new  house  preaching  was 
maintained  by  voluntary  eflbrt  for  several  months.  The 
church  was  embodied  February  21,  1843.  The  creed  was 
evangelical  and  while  it  omitted  any  declarations  upon  doc- 
trinal questions  that  were  the  distinguishing  tenets  of  the 
Congregational,  Methodist  and  Baptist  faith,  it  was  an  un- 
equivocal expression  on  all  points  entertained  in  conmion  by 
those  churches.  The  original  membership  was  fifty-live,  of 
whom  a  majority  was  of  Orthodox  Congregational  ante- 
•cedents  and  the  remainder  were  iNIethodists  and  Freewill 
Baptists.  Of  this  membership  twenty-five  were  received  by 
dismissal  and  recommendation  from  the  parent  church  ;  a  few 
from  the  Freewill  Baptist  church  and  several  from  the 
Methodists.  During  the  earl}'  years  of  its  existence  the 
church  and  parish  had  no  settled  minister. 

The  earlier  preachers  were  Kev.  William  Hills,  who 
remained  several  months,  and  Rev.  Samuel  Cole,  who  was 
acting  pastor  three  years.  Early  in  the  year  184G  Elder 
Edward  B.  Rollins  was  hired  to  preach  one  year.  This 
ministry  introduced  an  era  of  discord.     The  season  of  har- 


'  &■-->. 

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1      ^  I         'f'  I 

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raoii}'  and  fraternal  relations,  -which  crowned  the  early 
history  of  the  church  with  continued  blessmgs,  was  abruptly 
ended  and  for  many  years  the  bitterness  of  feeling  then 
engendered  was  frequently  the  cause  of  renewed  contention. 
Following  ]Mr.  Rollins,  llev.  Josiah  D.  Crosby  preached  one 
year  and  he  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  A.  A.  Whitruoi-e,  who 
remained  four  years  and  was  the  first  minister  installed  over 
the  church.  Succeeding  ^Slr.  AVhitmore  was  a  prolonged  era 
of  supplies  and  at  times  the  records  atibrd  ample  evideilce 
that  the  salary  of  the  minister  was  raised  with  great  labor 
and  eflbrt.  During  this  period  the  pastors  were  Rev.  Josiah 
W.  Brown,  Rev.  Woodbury  and  Rev.  Asa  Barnes. 

In  1860  the  original  church,  known  as  the  Union  Church, 
was  disbanded.  The  few  members  remaining,  who  were 
found  prepared  for  continued  effoi-t,  at  once  proceeded  to 
organize  a  new  church,  to  be  known  as  "  The  Second  Con- 
gregational Church  of  Ashburnham."  The  creed  was 
amended  and  the  church  was  embodied  June  19,  1860. 
The  number  of  members  received  at  the  time  of  reorganiza- 
tion was  eleven.  The  nunil>er  was  small  and  the  burden 
comparatively  heavy ;  yet,  aided  by  the  Congi'egational 
Home  ]Missions,  they  succeeded  in  overcoming  many  obsta- 
cles and  for  several  years  in  maintaining  the  stated  ministra- 
tions of  the  gospel. 

Rev.  Samuel  H.  Peckham  supplied  the  desk  for  a  season 
and  in  1863  Mr.  George  H.  Blake  was  made  pastor  in  charge 
and  engaged  for  one  year  with  an  understanding  that,  unless 
for  cause,  the  relation  should  be  continued  indefinitely. 
Soon  after  ]Mr.  Blake  began  his  labors  he  was  ordained  in 
the  ministiy  but  was  not  installed  over  the  church  and  the 
existing  relations  were  abruptly  terminated  before  the  close 
of  the  first  year. 

Rev.  Daniel  Wight,  having  supplied  a  few  Sabbaths, 
accepted   a   call    extended    with   great   unanimity  and    was 


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installed  June  22,  1864.  The  relation  was  "profitably  and 
fraternally  continued  until  April  1,  1871.  Immediately  pre- 
ceding this  ministry  the  creed  and  rules  of  procedure  M'ere 
amended,  and  during  its  continuance  the  ati'airs,  both  of  the 
church  and  the  parish,  were  promptly  and  prudently  admin- 

Succeeding  Mr.  Wight,  Eev.  Charles  Peabody  was  made 
an  acting  pastor  and  continued  his  labors  until  May  16,  1875. 
He  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  "William  T.  Lewis  who  main- 
tained a  dual  relation  with  this  church  and  the  church  in 
AYinchendon  Centre. 

I'he  preliminary  conferences  in  regard  to  the  maintenance 
of  stated  preaching  at  North  Ashburnliam  led  to  an  early 
decision  to  build  a  meeting-house.  A  society  was  immedi- 
ately formed  and  under  its  direction  the  meetinjj-house  was 
soon  erected.  In  1847  the  society  became  a  legal  corpora- 
tion under  the  name  of  "  The  Proprietors  of  Union  Mecting- 
House."  Of  this  organization.  Colonel  Enoch  Whitmore 
was  clerk  for  many  years  and  until  the  organization  was  lost 
through  a  failure  to  hold  annual  meetings  and  elect  ofiicers 
as  required  by  law.  In  1868,  and  during  the  ministry  of 
Mr.  "Wight,  the  organization  was  revived  and  assumed  the 
nome  of  the  "  North  Parish  of  Ashburnham."  It  is  apparent, 
however,  that  there  was  an  active  society  durhig  the  years 
immediately  preceding  the  new  organization,  but  there  is  a 
hiatus  in  the  records  from  1857  till  1868.  The  new  parish 
held  annual  meetings  for  a  short  time  and  then  suffered  the 
organization  to  lapse  and  at  this  time  it  has  not  been  revived. 

The  bell  was  purchased  by  subscriptions  obtained  in  the 
autumn  of  1867  and  was  placed  in  position  January-  23, 
1868,  by  Ohio  Whitney  and  Samuel  Howard  as  a  part  of 
their  original  contract  for  building  the  meeting-house.  The 
bell  soon  fiiiled,  but  a  new  one  was  furnished  by  the  makers, 
without  charge,  which  was   hung  in  the  belfry  January  28, 

'J  [  K 

u    (•■ 


/•;, :■•.',•!. 

"•'    ',i'',)U!    >^*;V'    r':'fr.,v 


1869.  It  is  a  steel  couibinatiou  bell  aud  weighs  about  eight 
himdred  pounds.  The  expense  attending  its  purchase  and 
hanging  was  $205.51. 

During  the  existence  of  this  church  and  parish  only  two 
ministers  have  been  installed  and  no  eftbrt  has  been  made  to 
4\nnounce  the  names  of  all  who  have  been  acting  pastors  for 
^hort  periods  of  time.  The  church  and  society  are  indebted 
to  Isaac  D.  Ward  for  the  careful  preservation  of  the  files  and 
records  from  which  the  information  in  these  paragraphs  was 
mainly  secured.  .       < 

Rev.  Alfred  Alonzo  Whitmore,  son  of  Luke  Hayden  and 
Phoebe  (Cowing)  Whitniore,  was  born  near  Geneva,  Ontario 
•county,  Xew  York,  July  7,  1817.  The  family  removed  in 
1825  to  the  Territory  of  Michigan  and  settled  near  Ann 
Arbor.  Attending  the  local  schools  in  youth,  ]Mr.  Whit- 
more  entered  the  school  at  Oberlin,  Ohio,  in  1838  and  was  a 
student  in  the  several  departments  eight  and  one-half  years, 
graduating  from  the  academical  department  1843  and  the 
theological  school  in  1846.  After  a  brief  supply  in  several 
places  he  began  his  labor  with  this  church  in  1848  and  was 
installed  October  18  of  that  year.  lie  was  an  earnest,  faith- 
ful pastor  and  a  plain  and  acceptable  preacher.  He  was 
dismissed  at  his  request  August  25,  1852.  After  supplying 
a  few  months  at  Richmond  he  removed  to  Ohio,  in  1864  to 
Illinois,  and  since  1875  he  has  resided  at  Anita,  Iowa,  where 
he  completed  a  successful  ministry  in  1880. 

Rev.  Daniel  Wight,  a  son  of  Daniel  and  Zillah  (Gould- 
ing)  Wight,  was  born  in  Xatick,  September  18,  1808.  He 
is  a  graduate  of  Harvard  University,  class  of  1837,  and  of 
Andover  Theological  Seminary  1840.  His  first  charge  was 
in  Scituate  where  he  was  ordained  and  installed  September 
28,  1842.  Here  he  labored  successfully  sixteen  years. 
•Commencing  1859  he  was  stated  supply  two  years  at  13oyl- 
ston,  and   subsequently  labored   for  the   American    Board 

q    b 

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't    'i  '1     , •:  i''fii;I    vii.i'i:'!!  /;''liif'    itnti  ,, 


uiiiong  the  Seneca  Indians.  On  account  of  the  failing  health 
of  his  wife  he  returned  to  Natick  in  18G3  and  immediately 
after  he  was  called  to  preside  over  this  church.  His  prudent 
councils,  his  untiring  interest  for  the  welfare  of  his  charge 
and  his  earnest  labor  in  this  town  m  ill  he  held  in  grateful 
remembrance.  At  the  com})letion  of  his  ministry  here  he 
returned  to  Xatick  where  he  continues  to  reside. 

Durincj  the  history  of  the  church  iiye  have  been  called  to 
serve  as  deacons.  Daniel  Jones  was  chosen  deacon  at  the 
organization  of  the  church.  Soon  after,  under  the  adoption 
of  a  rule  to  choose  one  deacon  each  year  for  a  term  of  two 
years,  Gilman  Jones  and  Joseph  Wetherbee  were  chosen. 
Except  one  year  Deacon  Jones  was  continued  in  office  by 
reelection  until  his  removal  from  town,  and  in  1845  John  C. 
Davis  was  elected  and  was  continued  in  office  until  his  death 
June  19,  1883.  After  1849  the  officers  were  elected  for  an 
indefinite  period.  Upon  the  reorganization  of  the  church  in 
1860,  Deacon  Davis  was  continued  in  service  and  Horace 
Balcom  was  also  elected  to  the  office. 

TitE  Baptists. —  At  an  early  date  there  were  several  fami- 
lies in  this  town  who  were  styled  Baptists.  Others  of  the 
same  faith  were  residing  in  Ashbv  and  in  Fitchburg.  They 
maintained  preaching  with  considerable  regularity  during  the 
closing  years  of  the  past  and  the  early  years  of  the  current 
century.  Professing  an  mibelief  in  the  maintenance  of  a 
salaried  clergy  they  derived  their  religious  instruction  from 
voluntary  labor,  and  in  the  absence  of  a  minister,  which  was 
usual,  they  enjoyed  the  exhortations  of  their  own  number. 
Stephen  Gibson  of  Ashby  was  gifted  in  this  direction  and 
for  many  years  he  preached  to  them  with  more  acceptance 
than  compensation.  In  1795,  when  this  sect  was  most 
numerous,  there  were  twenty  fomilies  in  this  town  and  as 
many  in  Fitchburg  connected  with  this  society.     They  held 

•','.}\    iL'  '■  ■■"■  i  ;vi;r>';)H 

,1h>  V 

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their  meetings  in  dwelling-houses  iind  in  sehool-liouses  near 
the  limits  of  the  adjoining  towns,  but  they  never  erected  a 
church  edifice.  The  meeting-house  built  in  the  north  part 
of  Fitchburg,  about  1810,  was  erected  and  occupied  by 
an  organization  of  Freewill  Baptists  with  w^hom  the  older 
society  had  little  sj'mpathy.  The  families  who  waited 
upon  the  ministrations  of  Stephen  Gibson  and  other  laymen 
belonged  to  a  sect  which,  one  hundred  years  ago,  found  a 
few  adherents  in  many  New  England  towns.  Professedly 
they  were  Calvinistic  Baptists  and,  doubtless,  their  adher- 
ence to  the  cardinal  doctrines  of  that  church  fully  sustained 
their  ria'ht  to  the  name.  But  the  distiuij^uishino-  feature  of 
their  iuith,  and  one  in  which  they  were  not  in  harmony  with 
the  Baptist  church,  was  an  unyielding  hostility  to  the  pre- 
vailing custom  of  providing  a  stated  support  of  the  ministry. 

Professing  that  it  was  "  a  sin  to  preach  for  hire  "  they 
relied  upon  itinerant  and  local  preachers  who  labored  with- 
out compensation.  Xo  doubt  this  feature  of  their  creed  was 
fostered  and  intensified  b}^  the  intolerant  laws  of  the  State 
wliich  compelled  all  to  contribute  to  the  support  of  the 
standing  order.  Those  belonoino-  to  this  societv  were 
excellent  people.  Some  of  them  were  influential  and  prom- 
inent citizens.  As  soon  as  the  spirit  of  toleration  repealed 
the  com{)ulsory  statutes  in  relation  to  the  support  of  the 
clergy,  in  a  great  measure  the  ground  of  their  ofience  was 
removed  and  they  gradually  became  absorbed  in  other 
religious  societies.  In  later  years  there  have  been  Baptists 
of  the  modern  school  in  this  town  but  there  has  been  no 
other  organization. 

Secoxd  Adventists.  —  For  several  years  there  have  been 
a  number  of  families  in  this  town  who  are  known  as  Second 
Adventists.  They  have  occasional  preaching  at  South 
Ashburnham  but  have  no  church  organization.     In  religious 

^    ■-•!„ 


'(.li  Jiiii  I 


belief  they  are  closely  allied  to  the  Evangelical  churches  and 
are  uot  in  full  sympathy  with  the  Seventh  Day  Adventists 
whose  annual  conference  is  held  at  Battle  Creek,  i\[ichigan. 
The  members  of  the  denomination  in  this  town  observe  the 
first  day  of  the  week  and  cordially  unite  with  the  other 
denominations  in  the  Sabbath-school  and  ii>  forwarding 
every  good  work. 

The  Catholics  began  to  maintain  religious  service  in 
this  town  in  1851.  xVt  that  time  the  number  of  lamilies 
was  small  and  they  assembled  at  private  houses.  With  the 
progi'ess  of  years  the  number  has  increased  and  for  a  number 
of  years  service  was  held  in  the  Town  Hall  with  consider- 
able regularity.  In  1871  they  bought  the  house  they  now 
occupy  of  the  Methodist  society.  The  interior  has  been 
remodelled  and  thoroughly  repaired.  The  congregation  is 
steadily  mcreasing  and  the  visible  influence  of  the  service  is 
in  the  support  of  good  morals.  The  church  is  under  the 
spiritual  direction  of  Rev.  John  Conway  who  is  also  in 
charge  of  the  church  in  Winchendon.  The  Catholics, 
having  no  cemetery  in  this  town,  bury  their  dead  in  Fitch- 
buriT  and  in  AVinchendon. 

'..-'      -lit        :V       -;. 


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(    ■.'.  ,' 

■  CHAPTER  XT.         . 







The  men  of  Ashburnham  haye  produced  their  most  stir- 
ring music  in  tlieir  frequent  town  meetings,  but  being  of  a 
character  unsuited  to  waft,  on  the  wings  of  praise,  the  sen- 
timent of  sacred  sons:  it  cannot  be  considered  under  the  head 
of  church  music.  Holding  an  easy  rein  over  their  proclivi- 
ties in  the  arena  of  debate  they  have  made  ample  amends  in 
curbing  opposition  to  the  innovations  which  have  marked 
the  progress  and  elevation  of  sacred  music  in  this  place. 
The  first  reference  in  the  records  to  this  subject  occurs  at  an 
early  date  : 

To  see  if  the  town  are  willing  that  the  singers  should  sett 
together  in  the  Public  Worship  in  any  part  of  the  gallery  that  shall 
be  thought  proper. 

'  Voted  that  the  singers  shall  have  the  front  gallery  to  set  in,  in 
time  of  Public  Worship  viz :  the  men's  side  as  far  back  as  the 
long  pew. 

Thus,  as  far  back  as  1773  and  as  far  back  as  the  long 
pew,  the  town  provided  for  the  accommodation  and  recog- 
nised the  existence  of  a  choir.     That  the  singers  increased 


■Hi.    fr^.n    TiArft    ,\.,r.,,h..x' 

3 1    t'«JS 

:r    :w,    rv.'f    ir:)   > 



in  numbers  is  seen  in  a  vote  a  few  years  later  "  to  let  tlie 
singers  have  the  front  part  of  the  gallery  to  set  in  that  they 
may  not  be  so  crowded." 

In  1774  the  church  by  vote  consented  to  the  use  of  the 
pitch-pipe  '■  if  the  chorister  please  to  pitch  the  tunc  "  and  at 
the  same  time  it  was  ordered,  the  records  say  by  a  consider- 
able majority,  "  that  no  new  tunes  should  be  introduced  for 
twelve  months  and  that  they  should  be  confined  to  the  tunes 
that  are  already  in  use."  There  was  opposition  to  the  last 
vote  and  the  records  explain  that  to  relieve  the  minds  of 
many  on  this  point  the  pastor  was  requested  to  name  a 
proper  tune  for  every  psalm  that  was  sung.  The  same  year 
and  in  connection  with  these  votes  a  proposal  to  introduce 
the  verse  of  Dr.  Watts  was  defeated.  The  version  of  Tate 
and  Brady  remained  in  use  until  near  the  close  of  the  cen- 
tury. This  version,  a  literal  arrangement  of  the  Psalms  and 
some  other  portions  of  the  Old  Testament,  with  modest 
pretension  to  metrical  composition,  was  employed  in  the 
Presbyterian  and  Reformed  churches  of  Great  Britain  for  a 
long  time,  and  until  eventually  supplanted  by  the  psalms 
and  hymns  of  Dr.  Watts  it  was  in  general  use  in  the 
churches  of  Xew  England.  In  that  version  our  fathers 
found  the  familiar  lines  of  the  Scriptures  and  they  regarded 
with  gi-ave  suspicion  the  same  sentiments  expressed  in  new 
forms  of  speech.  A  copy  of  the  ancient  version  is  seldom 
found  and  many  of  the  present  generation  have  little  idea  of 
the  poetry  which  the  fathers  were  accustomed  to  sing.  A 
part  of  the  fifth  and  the  sixt3--tifth  Psalms,  in  the  version 
of  Tate    and   Brady,  will   afford  some  idea  of  the  general 


"  Lord,  in  thy  wrath,  rebuke  me  not, 
Nor  in  thy  hot  wrath  chasten  rae, 
Lord,  pity  me,  for  I  am  weak ; 
Lord,  heal  me,  for  my  bones  vex'd  be, 

fi  •[''r;u:,r! 

^    ■••^''''    ■'■-■'■->   1'^  '—'■■--'■■■•I    b,:!i:  •»..- 

'    .  >■     -1    ("  i^'JO".'  "!i  ■)i-ji.');    'Hit  'jo  7_'n  fi     /,       ,  rl'. '>./'- 'M  ::V'!rrcv> 
''•'I  '':iJ:i  •'.';:.;  m.  ■.i('-i';)n^«  t;;v<^)';M   'mM  "■■■  ■;f\.'.:c   ;  ,;j,:  f, 

■'■    ■■■'■■  <   :  •     ',1     ''M;:  -  J  r,/,'      ■.,    I     '  M  .;    ,]-\i^    •  ■       ' 


, .-  Also  my  soul  is  vexed  sore ; 

How  long,  O  Lord,  wilt  thou  rue  forsake? 

"Return,  O  Lord,  luy  soul  release; 
O,  save  rae  for  thy  mercy's  sake. 
In  death  no  mem'ry  is  of  thee 
And  who  shall  praise  thee  in  the  grave. 
I  faint  with  groans ;  all  night  my  bed 
Swims  :  I  with  tears  my  couch  wash'd  have, 
Mine  eyes  with  grief  is  dim  and  old, 

Because  of  all  mine  enemies,  .  . 

But  now  depart  away  from  me 
All  ye  that  work  iniquities. 

"  Silence  to  thee;  thy  praise  O  God, 
In  Sion,  paid  shall  be. 
The  vow  to  thee,  who  hearest  prayers, 
All  flesh  shall  come  to  thee. 
Works  of  iniquity  prevail 
Against  me  sore  do  they. 
But  as  for  our  transgres-si-ons, 
Thou  shalt  them  purge  away." 

The  opposition  to  the  introduction  of  new  tunes  is  easily 
understood  and  was  prompted  by  an  impulse  \Yhich  com- 
mands resi)ect.  For  many  years  our  fathers  had  reverently 
sung  their  praises  in  the  familiar  strains  of  York,  St.  ]Mar- 
tin's,  Mcav  and  a  few  other  substantial  compositions.  By 
constant  use  these  tunes  had  become  sacred  to  them  and  a 
sentiment  of  reverence  triumphed  over  their  musical  taste 
and  the  allurements  of  new  compositions.  The  earliest 
chorister,  of  whom  there  is  any  certain  information,  was 
William  Benjamin.  He  was  a  resident  here  at  the  settle- 
ment of  ]Mr.  Winchester  and  remained  until  1785  when  he 
removed  to  Vermont.  He  led  the  choir  several  years  and 
was  succeeded  by  Joseph  Jewett,  Esq.,  and  Lieutenant 
John  Adams.  Amos  Dickerson,  Ebenezer  Wood,  Levi 
Whitney,   ^Mrs.    Joseph   Jewett,    Betsey    Dickerson,    after- 


.,i;^.;W  ,>J. 

:f',fM    '  ''.iij;.'!^   !■!    ■ .'  .'."ii 

!'/;;■; :.'t,|  /:»«(•)!  HhiSf.  ModT 

KIt/lj         i«-)l 

•  '  ■  ''      !•:■•■•>'.    \'ul'.'     ..-{';     \i'A     m\        . /ii'.'iM  i'vV    ui 

It,///    •  .....:,,■  .;      ,. 

A :r'.        '  .  -■    ■'•    M 


wards  the  wife  of  Isaac  Jackson,  were  prominent  singers  in 
the  first  meeting-house,  and  some  of  them  are  found  m  the 
choir  at  a  later  period.  Jacob  Kiblinger  M'as  a  famous 
singer,  but  he  generally  worshipped  with  the  Baptists  and 
was  not  a  constant  member  of  the  choir. 

Although  led  by  a  choir,  for  many  years  the  singing  was 
mainly  congregational,  and  on  account  of  the  small  number 
of  books  in  the  possession  of  the  worshippers  the  practice  of 
readinjji:  or  lininir  the  hymns  was  continued  about  thirty 
years.  After  the  hymn  had  been  read  by  the  minister  one 
of  the  deacons  would  read  one  or  two  lines.  When  that 
passage  had  been  sung  in  the  animated  manner  of  the  time, 
and  while  the  singers  were  regaining  breath,  the  deacon 
read  another  line  or  couplet  and  by  this  alternating  process 
the  longest  hymns  were  fully  rendered.  In  1788  the  church 
voted  that  no  hymn  should  be  sung  without  reading  if  any 
deacon  was  ju-esent  to  read  it,  except  the  last  hymn  in  the 
service,  but  the  following  year  at  the  request  of  the  town  the 
practice  was  discontinued  altogether. 

At  the  time  the  congregation  began  to  worship  in  the 
second  meeting-house  a  bass  viol  was  introduced,  but  there 
is  no  reference  in  the  records  to  other  instruments  until 
several  }  ears  later,  but  it  is  certain  that  from  an  early  date 
the  singers  were  accustomed  to  select  a  chorister  and  to 
nccept  the  sup})ort  of  any  musical  instrument  that  was  avail- 
■able.  For  these  reasons  very  little  mention  of  the  conduct 
of  church  music  is  found  in  the  records.  For  one  hundred 
years  an  interest  in  the  subject  and  a  commendable  pride  in 
home  talent  has  been  manifested  by  the  town,  and  later 
by  the  parish,  by  frequent  and  liberal  appropriations  ^'  for 
the  encouragement  of  sino:in£j,"  and  schools  of  instruction 
under  efficient  teachers  have  been  numerous. 


ill  jfii  -rx^nk 



•.       -  ■.  T     M 

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'.    >      ''>"('.    .7.i/',:(! 


More  than  any  other,  musical  ability  is  a  gift  of  inheri- 
tance. In  every  community  can  be  found  families  of 
musicians.  This  faculty  may  present  different  phases  in 
succeeding  generations  but  the  musical  ability  of  the  parents 
is  ever  renewed  in  their  cliildren.  This  town  has  counted 
among  its  residents  many  excellent  musicians  and  many 
natives  of  the  place  have  been  famous,  while  others,  more 
remotely  associated,  can  trace  their  musical  inheritance  to 
an  Ashburnliam  parentage.  In  the  follo\ving  paragi-aph  it 
will  be  discovered  that  many  of  the  prominent  members  of 
the  choir  through  all  these  years  were  descendants  from 
some  of  the  earliest  singers  in  this  town.  Catherine,  wife 
of  John  Kiblinger  the  emigrant,  is  distinguished  in  tradition 
for  qualities  of  voice  and  skill  in  music,  and  the  choir  has 
been  indebted  to  her  descendants  through  several  genera- 
tions. The  musical  talent  of  the  Adams,  Kice,  Barrett  and 
the  Charles  Stearns  families  has  been  conspicuous  through 
succeeding  generations.  As  the  voice  of  the  parents  grew 
feeble  in  age  or  was  silent  in  death,  the  unbroken  song  has 
been  sustained  in  the  tuneful  notes  of  their  children.  ]Many 
of  these  have  been  prominent  in  the  choir  where  their 
services  have  been  appreciated. 

Among  the  singers  in  the  second  meeting-house  on  the 
old  couunon,  whose  voices  are  still  heard  in  the  traditions 
of  the  choir,  were  Colonel  Charles  Barrett,  Benjamin 
BaiTctt,  ]Mr.  and  ]\Irs.  Charles  Stearns,  Mr.  and  ]\[rs. 
Reuben  Townsend,  ]\[r.  and  ^Nlrs.  Charles  Hastings,  the 
brothers  John,  James  and  Walter  R.  Adams,  George  Law- 
rence, Josiah  White,  Harvey  ^I.  Bancroft,  ]Mrs.  Benjamin 
Gibbs,  a  daughter  of  Reuben  Rice,  ]\Irs.  James  Russell, 
assisted  by  the  violins  of  Colonel  Charles  Barrett  and  Jonas 
Rice,  the  clarionets  of  "Walter  R.  Adams  and  Samuel  Foster, 


IV;;:  0  'IM7    i(^    ;,,<,, 

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iji  ■>/h  /fi  i. 


i:   .  -i>f    iru',,,.H  1  .   .,1,1:.,,.;,, 


tlie    bugle    of    James    Barrett   and    the    bassoon    of   James 

Several  of  these  continued  with  the  eboir  in  the  new 
meeting-house  in  the  village,  and  from  time  to  time  were 
reenforced  bj'  Amos  Taylor,  Josci)h  Kibling,  Colonel  Joseph 
P.  Eice,  Colonel  Francis  J.  Barrett,  Colonel  George  H. 
Barrett,  "v\lio  entered  the  choir  at  an  early  age,  Harvey  I\I. 
Bancroft,  Stephen  A.  Miller,  Mr.  and  ^Irs.  Josiah  E. 
White,  ]Mrs.  Sally  (Thurston)  Phillips,  Mrs.  Shepherd, 
David  and  Harvey  Laws,  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Miller,  Mrs. 
Josephine  (Stearns)  Tenny,  Julia  and  Caroline  Barrett, 
Mrs.  Pebecca  (Stearns)  Walker,  whose  cultured  voice  led 
the  choir  several  years,  and  the  viols  and  violins  of  Deacon 
J.  A.  Conn,  Haiwey  M.  Bancroft,  George  H.  Lowe,  Stephen 
A.  Miller,  Horace  Samson,  the  flute  of  J.  E.  White  and  the 
clarionet  skilfully  played  by  Captain  A.  A.  Walker.  In 
this  choir  ^Irs.  Julia  Plouston  West  began  her  public  singing 
and  C.  C.  Stearns,  when  a  lad,  accurately  played  the  bass 
viol.  The  present  choir,  under  the  eiEcient  direction  of 
Colonel  George  H.  Barrett,  with  ]Miss  Augusta  Ames 
organist,  is  well  sustained  by  the  leading  voices  of  ]Miss 
Lizzie  F.  BaiTctt,  Mrs.  Georgie  S.  (Whitney)  Greenwood, 
Mrs.  Theresa  (Rockwood)  Litch  and  Homer  T.  Rice. 

In  the  early  seiwice  of  the  Methodist  church  sacred  song 
was  the  voluntary  praise  of  the  congregation,  rather  than  the 
skilled  performance  of  a  choir.  In  this  style  of  music  any 
failure  of  culture  was  fully  compensated  by  fervor  and  ani- 
mation. Since  the  occupancy  of  the  meeting-house  in  the 
central  village  a  good  choir  has  been  quite  generally  sus- 
tained and  very  many  acceptable  singers  and  several  cultured 
voices  have  participated  in  this  feature  of  public  worship. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  Stearns,  who  had  been  teachers  of 
music,  were  prominent  in  this   choir  many  years  and  later 


I  ■^■'''■'■:i\i::  i 

fiH.'.i'T    ;:.:)•     .;.'•:.;:,     '\;Ji 

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their  duugliter,  Mrs.  "Walker,  was  leader  of  the  choir  and 
leading  soprano  thirteen  years.  The  strong  and  not  untune- 
ful  voice  of  Antipas  Mayuard  is  well  remembered  and  his 
daughters  have  rendered  efhcient  service.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Charles  Hastings,  Sawyer  liice,  Li.'wis  Sabin,  Nathaniel  F. 
Cutter,  Sarah  A.  Cutter  and  many  others,  are  often  named 
in  the  traditions  of  the  Methodist  choir.  At  the  present 
time  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Xathan  Eaton  are  leading  singers  and 
Miss  iSIabel  W.  Tenney  is  organist. 


■ . ';  r 

..-?-  .  / 

• '  I .-  : 

'     r^ 

■[     7/ 




No  sooner  had  a  few  families,  at  remote    distances   and 
connected  by  rude  paths  through  the  intervening  wilderness, 
secured  the  stated  ministrations  of  the  gospel,  than  means 
were  provided  for  the  education  of  the  young.     During  the 
early  years  of  the  settlement,  in  which  there  were  no  public 
schools,  the  young  were  not  suffered  to  grow  up  in  ignorance. 
The  parents  were  generally  people  of  intelligence  and  not  a 
few  of  considerable  culture.     They  personally  attended  to 
the   education  of  their  children   and   there  were    as  many 
schools  in  the  settlement  as  there  were  families.     Whatever 
may  have  been  the  measure  of  instruction  in  the  home  circle 
the  results  are  unmistakable.     Xone  grew  up  in  ignorance, 
and  the  many  evidences  of  a  fair  education,  made  known  m 
the  lives  of  those  whose  only  schooling  was  at  the  fireside, 
aie  the  substance  of  our  knowledge  of  the  instruction  of  that 
early  period.     A  part  of  the   children  of  the  Winchester, 
Foster,  Coolidge,  Kibling,  Whiteman  and  Coleman  families 
were  advanced  youth  when  the  first  public  school  was  estal)- 
lished  in  this  town  ;  yet,  compared  with  the  standard  of  their 


■-"-■.•  ,y 


times,  they  were  educated,  inlelliuciit  men  tind  women,  and 
it  is  clearly  evident  that  the  edueation  of  tlie  youth  of  that 
period  was  not  neglected  through  a  failure  of  pu])lic  support. 
The  date  of  the  first  entries  found  in  the  records  on  this 
subject  is  17G7.  Compared  with  the  schools  of  to-day  it 
was  a  humble  beginning :  "  Voted  to  Keep  a  School  and 
voted  Eight  Pounds  for  y*'  school." 

At  a  meeting  assembled  a  few  months  later  and  before  any 
of  the  appropriation  had  been  expended  under  an  article, 
"To  see  where  y*^  Town  will  keep  their  School,  whether  in 
y*  middle  of  y®  Town  or  Divide  it  into  Quarters  or  Pass  any 
votes  on  s^  article,"  it  was  "Voted  y'  y*"  School  Should  be  a 
moveing  School,  voted  to  leave  it  to  y*'  Select  men  to  make 
y®  Quarters  where  ye  school  Shall  be  Ccpt,  voted  it  to  bee  a 
free  School."  The  terra  quarter  was  here  employed  in  the 
sense  of  district  or  division  and  this  use  of  the  word  per- 
mitted the  selectmen  to  divide  the  town  into  an  accommo- 
dating number  of  quarters,  which  was  frequently  done,  with- 
out defiance  of  mathematical  terms.  During  the  early 
existence  of  the  schools  the  town  was  divided  into  three 
districts,  a  school  being  maintained  at  the  centre  of  the  town, 
another  at  the  Dutch  farms  and  the  third  in  the  south  part  of 
the  town.  In  1774,  in  accordance  with  the  existing  arrange- 
ment of  the  disti'icts,  the  town  voted  to  build  three  school- 
houses.  This  action  was  promptly  reconsidered,  and  an 
order  was  adopted  that  the  town  be  divided  into  five  quarters 
and  that  five  school-houses  be  erected  at  the  expense  of  the 
town.  At  this  point  tliere  is  found  no  reference  to  any  new 
districts,  but  in  some  way  there  were  seven  in  the  following 
year.  For  several  years,  commencing  with  1780,  there  were 
ten  districts  ;  in  1786,  there  were  nine ;  in  179-4  the  number 
of  districts  was  reduced  to  eight ;  but  in  1801  a  new  ninth 
district  was  established  in  the  southeast  part  of  the  town, 


•.'■.■juTri.    -^ili    i 

ini'.-)  .;       „  i  o  \  i. 

<{<:     l:.\B     IU:>V 



includino:  the  estates  of  Joshua  J>illinus,  Reuben  BilHno's, 
Eeubeii  Eiee,  Jomithaii  Wiiiehoster,  Thomas  Gibson,  Joseph 
Gibbs,  Calel.)  Wilder,  Jr.,  and  Sanuiel  Dunster. 

Thus,  at  the  close  of  the  century,  we  find  the  town  divided 
into  nine  districts,  and  in  each,  as  will  appear,  tliere  was  a 
comfortabL.'  school-house.  While  tlie  boundaries  of  these 
districts  have  been  subject  to  frequent  changes,  and  the 
tenth  and  eleventh  districts  ha\  e  been  created  by  a  division 
of  the  sevoith  and  first  districts,  the  remaining  numbers  were 
bounded  substantially  as  they  exist  at  the  present  time. 
From  the  beginning  changes  in  the  boundaries  of  the  dis- 
tricts and  requests  of  individuals  to  be  transferred  to  an 
adjacent  district  have  been  a  prolific  source  of  leoislation. 
In  1805,  the  subject  of  a  general  revision  was  referred  to  a 
committee  of  one  fi'om  each  district  who  reported  the  follow- 
ing year  "  that  it  is  their  unanimous  opinion  that  a  general 
rearrangement  throughout  the  town  cannot  be  advisaltle,  but 
some  alterations,  in  the  southern  part  of  the  town,  may  be 
attended  with  good  eflect."  This  action  did  not  pacify  the 
town,  and  many  petitions  were  renewed.  In  May,  1808, 
the  whole  subject  was  referred  to  a  committee,  consistiu«^ 
of  Dr.  Abraham  Lowe,  Captain  Caleb  Wilder,  Captain 
George  11.  Cushing,  Lieutenant  John  Adams,  Mr.  Timothy 
Crehore,  ]Mr.  Lemuel  Stimson,  Captain  John  Willard,  Mr. 
Caleb  Ward  and  ]Mr.  William  ]Merriam.  On  the  twentj'- 
ninth  of  Xovember  following  the  committee  made  a  report 
dividing  the  town  into  eight  districts,  as  follows  : 

District  Noiber  Ose. — To  consist  of  Rev.  John  Cashing, 
Mo3es  Tottinghara,  Abraham  Lowe,  Horatio  Hale,  David  Cushing, 
David  Cushing,  Jr.,  Joseph  Jewett,  Grover  Seollay,  Wm.  J, 
Lawrence,  Ephraim  Cobleigh,  Fitch  Crosby,  Hosea  Stone,  widow 
Nancy  Stone,  Joseph  Miller,  widow  Brooks,  Luther  Brooks, 
Sewell  Brooks,  Phinehas  Stimson,  Cyrus  Fairbanks,  Jacob  Fair- 



fi     .ai.'  1'"'  •■' 

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banks,  Oliver  Samson,  David  Russell,  Caleb  Ward,  Jr.,  Nathan 
Jones,  Stephen  Randall,  Phineho.s  Randall,  Jonas  Randall,  Joel 
Barrett,  Oliver  Marble,  Oliver  Marble,  Jr.,  Thaddeus  Brooks, 
Jonas  Robbing,  Shebuel  Ilobard,  Deacon  Jacob  Harris,  Ezekiel 
S.  Metcalf  (35). 

District  Number  Two.  —  Oliver  Green,  Jesse  Ellis,  Jonathan 
Brooks,  John  Winter,  David  Wallis,  "William  Ward,  Henry  Hall, 
Lemuel  Whitney,  Nicholas  AVhitemau,  John  Hall,  David  Taylor, 
Nathan  Taylor,  George  R.  Gushing,  Jacob  Willard,  Jacob  Con- 
stantiuc.  Wait  Broughton  (16). 

District  Number  Three. —  Lieutenant  John  Adams,  Walter 
R.  Adams,  James  Adams,  John  Adams,  Jr.,  Thomas  Russell, 
Isaac  Hill,  Ebenezer  Adams,  Isaac  Reed,  William  Gates,  John 
Hadley's  place,  widow  Ruth  Conn,  James  Cowee,  Jabez  Marble, 
Jonas  Rice,  Peter  Policy,  Asa  Woods,  Asa  Sawiu,  Joshua  Bil- 
lings, George  Wilker,  Josiah  Fletcher  (20). 

District  Number  Four.  —  Reuben  Rice,  Jonathan  Winchester, 
Joseph  Gibbs,  Thomas  Gibson,  William  Merriam,  Samuel  Gates, 
Samuel  Dunster,  Nehemiah  Maynard,  Stephen  Maynard,  Thomas 
Hobart,  ^Irs.  Sarah  Earle,  William  Whitne}',  Samuel  Whitney, 
.Stephen  Bemis,  Deacon  Sherebiah  Hunt  (15). 

District  Number  Five.  —  Reuben  Townsend,  widow  Conn, 
Caleb  Wilder,  Jr.,  Captain  Silas  Whitney's  place,  Samuel  Clark, 
Heni-y  Gates,  Ebenezer  Munroe,  Samuel  Phillips,  John  Gates,  Jona- 
than Samson,  Stephen  Corey,  Deacon  Elisha  White,  John  Willard, 
Joshua  Smith,  Grover  Scolla}',  Joseph  Burgess,  Ebenezer  Burgess, 
Simeou  Brooks,  John  Corey,  Joseph  Stone,  Ezra  Stone,  Elial 
Bacon,  Jonas  Reed,  Daniel  Knight,  Jonathan  Haven,  John  Haven, 
Nathaniel  Adams,  James  Haynes,  Phinehas  Taylor,  Hezekiah 
Corey  (30). 

District  Number  Six. — Timothy  Crehore,  Benjamin  Angler, 
Joseph  Merriam,  Moses  Sanderson,  Timothy  Crehore,  Jr., 
Frederick  Crosby,  Adam  Stone,  J.  Hayden,  William  Holbrook, 
Jonah  Rice,  Nathaniel  Foster,  David  Clark,  William  Harris  (13). 

Di-^TRiCT  Number  Sevex.  —  Samuel  Cotting,  Ithamer  Fair- 
banks, James  Weston,  Colonel   Francis  Lane,  Caleb  Ward,  Ezra 


ij  -i'  •  •'-.:'•  .<:'!;i  a>i.^',;L 

T  ^i;: 

.,ui,-:    '  v..-:i.(:i.^    .,.zi  ■:■ 

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1.1 ,  :v)    .  I'  ,<:h  . :"'.    ';v  'if..   , 


La^vrenee,  Enos  Joues,  Joseph  Fenuo,  Baruabas  Baldwin,  Abra- 
ham Cummings,  Grant  Houston,  Moses  Lawrence,  Isaac  Whit- 
more,  Edmund  Jones,  Ebenezer  B.  Davis,  widow  Kezia  Hobart, 
Captain  Silas  Willard  (17). 

District  Number  Eight.  —  Simon  Willard,  Amos  Pierce, 
Daniel  Benjamin,  Daniel  Benjamin,  Jr.,  Nathan  Jones'  place, 
William  Stearns,  Jesse  Stearns,  Joshua  Barton,  James  Stearns' 
place,  Joseph  Steele,  Daniel  Mclntire,  Ezra  Hastings,  Lemuel 
Stimson,  Benjamin  Lane,  Josiah  Lane,  Captain  Charles  Hastings, 
Henry  Willard  (17). 

At  a  previous  meeting  the  same  year,  on  the  petition  of 
several  families  residing  in  the  vicinity  of  Eice  pond,  a  new 
district  had  been  created  for  their  acconnuodatiou.  Under 
the  aiTangement  embraced  in  the  report  of  the  committee 
these  families  were  restored  to  the  first  district  and  their  new 
district  was  annulled  as  soon  as  organized.  Immediately 
they  renewed  their  solicitations  for  an  independent  district 
and  were  again  successful.  In  ^May,  1810,  after  several 
hearings  the  town  "  Voted  to  grant  the  rec]uest  of  Jacob 
Hanis  and  others,  which  is  to  set  off  the  following  pei'sons  as 
a  school  district  by  themselves,  viz.  :  Jacob  Harris,  Shebuel 
Hobart,  Oliver  Marble,  Ezekiel  S.  Metcalf,  Charles  Hastings, 
Joel  BaiTctt,  Thaddeus  Brooks,  John  "Winter,  Jonas  Eandall, 
Josiah  Lane,  Oliver  Marble,  Jr.,  and  Jonas  Eobbins." 

These  radical  changes  in  the  district  organizations  did  not 
restore  tranquillity.  The  continued  petitions  of  individuals 
to  be  annexed  to  a  contiguous  district  were  sometimes 
gi'anted  but  more  generally  denied.  After  several  refusals 
the  inhabitants  of  Lane  Village  were  permitted  to  organize 
the  tenth  district,  but  the  boundaries  were  not  defined  by  the 
town  until  1829.  The  vote  of  the  town  was  as  follows  : 
''That  Samuel  Foster,  Ezekiel  ^Nktcalf,  Francis  Lane,  Henry 
Kibling,  Henry  Ivibling,  Jr.,  David  Hadley,  Caleb  Ward, 


';■:');.:    J  ■■■■a 
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.<  [ 


John  Kihlina-,  Frnncis  Kiblin^',  Ricliard  W.  Houiiliton,  Elias 
Lane,  Alvin  Ward,  Henry  Gipsoa,  Moses  Lawrence, 
Ebeuezer  B.  Davis,  Charles  Davis,  John  C.  Davis,  Joseph 
Davis  and  Humphrey  Harris,  togetlier  with  their  estates  and 
all  the  non-resident  lands  lying  within  the  Ihnits  (together 
with  Joel  Foster  and  his  estate  if  he  wishes) ,  shall  constitute 
school  district  Number  Ten  in  the  town  of  Ashburnham." 

Again,  in  1832  the  boundaries  of  all  the  districts  were 
definitely  established  and  several  changes  were  made.  Many 
now  living  were  attending  school  when  this  order  of  the  town 
was  executed.  Those  whose  former  relations  were  ruthlessly 
severed,  who  were  thus  compelled  to  attend  school  in  new 
places,  who  trod  no  more  the  old  familiar  paths  to  the  school- 
house,  nor  met  the  familiar  faces  of  their  former  playm^ates, 
will  even  now  recall  the  proceeding  with  vivid  recollection. 

A  committee,  consisting  of  George  G.  Parker,  John  Hall, 
Asa  Woods,  Elijah  J3rooks,  Elisha  White,  Timothy  Crehore, 
Jr.,  Enoch  Whitmore,  Jonas  A^^illard,  Charles  Hastings, 
Elias  Lane, — one  from  each  district, — made  the  folio  wins: 
recommendation  which  was  adopted  :       .,•      ,^ 


Your  committee,  appointed  at  the  last  March  meeting  to  deter- 
mine and  define  the  limits  of  the  several  school  districts,  having 
attended  to  that  duty,  would  respectfully  recommend  that  the 
several  territories  as  hereafter  bounded  and  described,  with  the  in- 
habitants at  an}-  time  residing  thereon,  should  constitute  different 
districts  in  this  town,  to  wit : 

\  District  Number  One. — Beginning  at  the  southeasterly  cor- 
ner of  William  Whitney's  farm  and  ruuniog  northerly  to  the 
central  point  iu  the  road  between  Reuben  Townsend,  Jr.,  and 
Mrs.  Hunt ;  theuce  northerly  so  as  to  cross  the  county  road  lead- 
ing through  the  village  at  the  north  end  of  Dr.  Pierce's  east  wall 
near  Thomas  Ilobart's  laud  ;  thence  northerly  to  the  junction  of 
the  Ashby  road  and  the  road  leading  to  Emery  Fairbanks' ;  thence 

'•^■:..^''      ■'•!     -jiu;!!! ,]".'l  }i.-'ih     (i  )/::>    ;:[,)  tl    v,,;o 


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I'Mii'wi    ;;'ui/ir 


northwesterly  to  a  stake  and  stones  on  the  west  side  of  New 
Ipswich  road  north  of  Corey  &  lioss'  mill ;  thence  in  the  same 
direction  to  a  stake  and  stones  on  the  west  side  of  the  road 
between  Jonas  Robbins'  and  the  said  bank  ;  theuce  westerly  to  the 
south  end  of  Meeting-house  pond  ;  thence  to  the  centre  of  the  road 
fifty  rods  south  of  Ezekiel  Metcalf  ;  thence  northerly*  in  the  [line] 
of  said  road  five  rods  north  of  Joel  Foster's  ;  thence  westerl}-  so  as 
to  meet  the  county  road  at  the  east  side  of  the  French  farm  ;  thence 
southeasterly  to  the  junction  of  the  roads  leading  by  Oliver  Sam- 
son's and  Josiah  Eaton's ;  thence  to  a  stake  and  stones  on  the 
north  side  of  the  road  between  Samuel  Whitney's  and  Stephen 
Corey's  at  the  division  line  between  their  farms ;  thence  south- 
easterly so  as  to  cross  the  road  leading  by  Joseph  Harris'  at  the 
east  end  of  his  south  wall  near  Captain  Willard's  land ;  thence 
north  of  Mr.  Barrett's  to  the  southwest  corner  of  "William  AVhit- 
ney's  farm  at  the  line  of  the  town  of  Westminster  ;  thence  ou  said 
town  line  to  the  bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Nujiber  Two.  —  Beginning  at  Wilker's  new  road  at 
the  line  of  the  town  of  Ashby  ;  thence  running  northerly  on  said 
Ashby  line  to  the  northwest  corner  of  Elnathan  Lawrence's  farm  ; 
thence  southerly  to  the  north  end  of  Brooks'  pond ;  thence  to  the 
junction  of  the  roads  leading  by  Salmon  Rice's  and  Joseph  Dud- 
ley's ;  thence  southerly  to  the  east  side  of  Mount  Hunger  ;  thence 
on  District  Number  Three  to  the  bounds  first  mentioned. 

DiSTTaCT  Number  Tukee. — Beginning  at  the  junction  of  the 
Ashby  road  and  the  road  leading  by  Emery  Fairbanks' ;  thence 
easterly  to  a  pair  of  bars  across  a  pathway  leading  to  Nathaniel 
Cutter's ;  thence  easterly  to  the  southeast  corner  of  Joshua  Bil- 
lings' farm  ;  thence  north  on  the  line  of  the  town  of  Ashby  to 
Wilker's  new  road  ;  thence  westerly  to  the  side  of  Mount  Hunger ; 
thence  westerly  to  the  northwest  corner  of  Stephen  Lane's 
pasture  ;  thence  southerly  to  the  bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Nu3iber  Four. — Beginning  at  the  southeast  corner 
of  William  Whitney's  farm ;  thence  on  District  Number  One  to 
the  central  point  in  the  road  between  Reuben  Townsend,  Jr.,  and 
Mrs.   Hunt's  ;   thence  northerly  crossing  the  county  road  at  the 

''  ' ) 

I    );ii: 

V..U»j.J;;-'r.   "r.M!/iJt    ;"n 


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north  end  of  Dr.  Pierce's  east  wall  to  the  junction  of  the  Asliby 
road  and  the  road  leading  to  Emerj'  Fairbanks' ;  thence  easterly 
on  District  Number  Three  to  a  pair  of  bars  across  a  passway 
leading  to  Nathaniel  Cutter's ;  thence  easterly  to  the  southeast 
corner  of  Joshua  Billings'  farm  ;  thence  southerly  and  -westerly  on 
the  line  of  the  towns  of  Ashby,  Fitchburg  and  Westminster  to  the 
bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Number  Five.  —  Beginning  at  the  southwesterly 
corner  of  "William  Whitney's  farm  ;  thence  northwesterly  on  the 
north  side  of  William  Barrell's  and  on  District  Number  One  to 
the  junction  of  the  roads  leading  by  Oliver  Samson's.,  and  Josiah 
Eaton's  ;  thence  westerly  so  as  to  cross  the  turnpike  leading  to  P. 
K.  ]\rerriam's  at  Sanderson's  corner  ;  thence  to  the  line  of  Gardner 
on  the  north  side  of  Ilezekiah  Corey's  farm  ;  thence  southerly  and 
,  easterly  on  the  town  line  of  said  Gardner  and  Westminster  to  the 
bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Number  Six.  —  Beginning  at  the  line  of  the  town  of 
Gardner  on  the  north  side  of  Hezekiah  Corey's  farm ;  thence 
easterly  on  District  Number  Five  to  Sanderson's  corner ;  thence 
on  Districts  Number  Five  and  Number  One  to  the  county  road 
leading  from  Ashburnham  to  Winchendon  at  the  east' side  of  the 
French  farm,  so-called ;  thence  to  the  northeasterly  corner  of 
James  Laws'  land ;  thence  westerly  to  the  line  of  the  town  of 
Winchendon  at  the  northwesterly  corner  of  William  Harris'  farm  ; 
thence  on  the  town  lino  of  said  Winchendon  and  Gardner  to  the 
bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Number  Seven.  —  Beginning  at  the  line  of  the  town 
of  Winchendon  at  the  northwest  corner  of  William  Harris'  farm ; 
thence  easterly  on  District  Number  Six  to  the  northeast  corner  of 
James  Laws'  land ;  thence  easterly  to  the  southwest  corner  of 
Asa  Tottingham's  land ;  thence  easterly  to  the  southeast  corner 
of  William  Houghton's  land  ;  thence  northerly-  to  the  northeast 
corner  of  said  Houghton's  land  ;  thence  westerly  to  the  southeast 
corner  of  Silas  Willard's  land  ;  thence  north  on  Silas  Willard, 
George  Wood,  Daniel  Jones  and  Rial  Cummings  to  the  line  of  the 
State  of  New  Hampshire  ;  thence  westerly  on  said  State  line  to 

'■i  --lb  U  , 

iX'ir  ^'-^i  '•     i"V^    V.%i\. 

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the  northwc'^it  corner  of  Ashburnham  ;    thence   southerly  on   the 
line  of  the  town  of  Winchendou  to  the  bounds  first  inentioned. 

District  Number  Eight.  —  Beginning  at  the  northwest  corner 
of  Captain  T.  Stearns'  farm  at  the  line  of  New  Hampshire  ;  thence 
westerly  on  Rial  Cummings,  Daniel  Jones,  George  Wood  and 
Silas  Willard  to  the  southeast  corner  of  Silas  Willard's  farm  ; 
thence  on  District  Number  Seven  to  the  southeast  corner  of 
William  Houghton's  land;  thence  southeasterly  to  the  northwest 
corner  of  Lewis  Willard's  farm  ;  thence  to  the  southeast  corner  of 
said  Lewis  A\'illard's  farm  ;  thence  easterly  to  land  of  Charles 
Hastings  ;  thence  to  the  northwest  corner  of  said  Hastings'  land  ; 
thence  southeasterly  to  land  of  Oliver  Marble  or  Oliver  Green  ; 
thence  easterly  to  land  of  Jesse  Ellis  ;  thence  north  to  the  State 
line  at  land  of  EInathan  Lawrence  ;  thence  on  said  State  line  to 
tlie  bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Number  Nine.  —  Beginning  at  the  junction  of  the 
Ashby  road  and  the  road  leading  to  Emery  Fairbanks'  ;  thence 
westerly  on  District  Number  One  to  the  south  end  of  Meeting- 
house pond  ;  thence  northerly  on  District  Number  Ten  to  John 
Lane's  land  ;  thence  easterly  to  Jesse  Ellis'  land  ;  thence  southerly 
to  the  north  end  of  Brooks'  pond ;  thence  on  District  Number 
Two  to  the  east  side  of  !Mount  Hunger ;  thence  westerh'  to  the 
northwest  corner  of  Stephen  Lane's  pasture ;  thence  on  District 
Number  Three  to  the  bounds  first  mentioned. 

District  Number  Ten.  —  Beginning  in  the  centre  of  the  road 
five  rods  north  of  Joel  Foster's;  thence  westerly  to  the  south- 
westerly corner  of  Captain  Francis  Lane's  farm ;  thence  to  the 
northwest  corner  of  Caleb  Ward's  land ;  thence  easterly  and 
northerly  on  the  pond  to  the  northwest  corner  of  Jacob  Ward's 
farm ;  thence  easterly  to  the  northwest  corner  of  Lewis  Willard's 
farm  ;  from  thence  to  the  southeast  corner  of  said  Lewis  Willard's 
farm ;  thence  south  to  the  Meeting-house  pond  ;  thence  south  on 
the  west  side  of  said  pond  to  the  south  end  ;  thence  westerly  and 
northerly  on  District  Number  One  to  the  bounds  first  mentioned. 

Few  changes  in  the  boundaries  of  these  districts  are  noted 
until   1850,  when,  by  the  division   of  the  tirst   district,  the 

.p.a^)OU')h  0'C}'\'.i'i- 

■  ■■)  T     ,, 

'  .■'  1.', '  [■:':' 
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elevt'Tith  was  organized.  This  measure  was  warmly  debated 
and  was  carried  by  a  small  majority  and  at  best  it  must  be 
regarded  as  a  measure  of  doubtful  expediency. 

Under  the  pi-ovisions  of  the  recent  school  laws  of  tlie  State, 
with  Avhich  all  are  jiresumed  to  l)e  familiar,  sev^cral  attempt* 
to  vacate  the  district  system  were  defeated  by  a  majority  of 
the  town.     In  the  mean  time  the  measure  was  fully  debated 
and   was    met    with    accumulating    support.       In    1878  the 
school  district  system  was  abolished  and  the  a})})rnisal  of  the 
houses  and  other  school  property  was  referred  to  the  select- 
men.    Since   then  the  employment  of  the  teachers  and  the 
prudential  afl'airs    of   the    schools    have  devolved  upon  the 
committee  of  supervision.     For  half  a  century,  under  the 
school  code  of  1827,  the   districts  were  organized  corpora- 
tions, assuming  and  exei'cising  the  control  of  tlieir  prudential 
afiairs.     Previous  to  that  date  the  town,  in  the  choice  of  the 
piiidential  and  superintending  committees  and   in  building 
school-houses,  maintained  a  control  over  the  schools  which 
was  renewed  in  1878  when  the  district  system  was  abolished. 
In  the  early  history  of  the  schools  the  town  chose  two  com- 
mittees instead  of  one,  yet  in  theory,  and  so  far  as  the  source 
of  authority  is   concerned,  the  ancient  and  the  modern  sys- 
tems, separated  by  fifty  years,  are  practically  the  same. 

Very  little  information  of  the  first  school-houses  is  found 
in  the  records,  and  in  some  instances  the  action  of  the  town 
appears  contradictory.  In  1782  it  was  ordered  "that  each 
school  quarter  Imild  school-houses  by  themselves  if  they  are 
willing  to  have  houses  and  that  each  quarter  assess  them- 
selves for  that  purpose."  Within  three  months  from  the 
foregoing  vote  the  town  "  gi-anted  one  hundred  and  twenty 
pounds  to  be  laid  out  in  building  school-houses  and  voted 
that  each  quarter  draw  their  proportion  of  it,"  and  at  the 
same  meeting  permission  was  granted  to  build  a  school-house 


TO    Yui,,  . 

-'If  ^>':=;  <',■   :■ 


on  the  common.  In  178G  sixU'  pounds  and  in  1793  seventy- 
live  poimds  AViis ''granted  to  tinish  the  scliool-houses."  In 
171)1,»  the  to^Yn  appropriated  seventy-tive  dollars  ''towards 
building  a  school-house  in  Lieut.  John  Adams'  ward  in  room 
of  the  one  lately  burned."  Three  years  later  it  was  voted 
to  give  Joseph  Gibbs'  school  district  tifty  dollars  towards 
building  a  school-house.  This  vote  is  connected  with  the 
reorganization  of  a  ninth  district  which  subsequeuth'  l^ecame 
kjiown  as  the  fourth  district.  At  this  date  the  districts  were 
not  numbered  and  were  distinguished  by  the  name  of  some 
prominent  citizen.  In  1800,  when  many  of  the  school-houses 
were  found  too  .small  or  in  need  of  repair,  the  town  asserted 
its  independence  of  continued  responsibility  in  the  premises 
in  a  declaration  that  "each  school  district  should  build  its  own 

It  is  apparent  from  the  records  and  confirmed  by  tradition 
that  a  school-house  was  built  on  the  northwest  part  of  the 
<;ommon  at  the  close  of  the  Revolution.  In  1809  a  new  house 
was  built  on  the  common  north  of  land  of  Moses  Tottingham 
and  east  of  the  highway  leading  south  from  the  old  meeting- 
house. It  was  removed,  to  the  village  in  1818.  The  site 
then  selected  has  been  occupied  to  the  present  time.  At  an 
early  date  there  was  a  school-house  at  the  foot  of  the  Charles 
Lawrence  hill,  but  changes  in  the  boundaries  of  the  districts 
joined  the  families  in  that  vicinity  to  the  second  and  the 
eighth  districts.  A  school-house,  which  was  burned  in  1810, 
stood  many  ye;irs  on  the  ledges,  east  of  the  residence  of 
AVaiTen  E.  ^Marble  and  not  far  from  the  house  of  Nathan  and 
Oliver  Taylor,  and  a  second  building  was  erected  on  the 
same  site.  This  was  removed  sixty  or  more  years  ago  and 
stood  several  years  across  the  road  from  its  present  location. 
The  flowage  of  the  meadow  caused  the  last  removal.  It  has 
been  repaired   frequently  and  is   yet  a  comfortable   school- 


\J-iM.r  I     .  '• 

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house.  Ill  the  third  district,  iifter  the  tii-st  house  was  burned 
another  was  built  near  the  residence  of  Xewell  ]Marble  which 
was  succeeded  In'  a  brick  house  which  proved  too  licavy  for 
the  moist  groiuid  on  which  it  stood,  and  was  repLiccd  by  the 
present  frame  buikling-  al)out  forty  years  ago. 

An  early  house  in  the  fourth  district,  built  above  eights^ 
years  ago,  stood  in  the  mill-yard  of  Cyrus  A.  Jefts.  The 
present  house  was  built  in  1838.  A  few  years  before  the 
close  of  the  past  century,  a  school-house  was  erected  about 
two  hundred  yards  north  of  the  residence  of  Benjamin  E. 
Wetherbee.  The  next  house  in  this  vicinity  was  located 
about  ;is  far  west  of  the  residence  of  Mv.  AVctherbee  and  was 
burned  almost  forty  years  ago.  In  1848  a  two-story  brick 
house  was  built  on  the  present  site.  This  house  was  burned 
in  1865.  The  new  house,  commodious  and  substantial,  was 
built  in  18G7.  Another  ancient  school-house  was  erected  on 
the  old  road  to  AVinchendon  and  near  the  Frederick  Crosby 
place.  Many  years  ago  it  was  removed  or  a  new  one  built 
near  the  Astor  House.  Later  the  centre  of  population  was 
in  Burrageville  where  rooms  were  rented  for  the  accommo- 
dation of  the  school.  In  1882  the  present  house  was  built. 
A  portion  of  Number  Seven  has  formed  a  part  of  several 
geograpfiical  districts.  Tradition  stoutly  afhrms  that  in  very 
early  tunes,  for  the  acconunodation  of  a  large  section  of  the 
town,  there  was  a  school-house  west  of  the  saw-mill  of  Isaac 
D.  Ward  and  on  an  old  road  leading  from  and  north  of  the 
meeting-house  in  Xorth  Ashburnham.  The  tradition  is  prob- 
ably in  accordance  with  the  fact  and  it  is  also  certain  that 
one  hundred  years  ago  a  house  was  built  on  a  road  long 
since  discontinued,  and  about  eighty  yards  north  of  the 
residence  of  Xathaniel  R.  Butler.  The  house  was  burned  in 
1812.  Immediately  another  was  built  north  of  the  village 
of  North  Ashburnham  at  the  junction  of  the  llindge  road 


.    (■'    It 

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and  a  road  now  discontinued.  In  response  to  changes  made 
in  the  boundaries  of  the  district  the  house  was  removed  to  a 
point  on  the  road  leading  from  the  Deacon  Jones'  place  to 
the  present  site.  The  house  near  the  residence  of  Henry 
Tuckerman  ^yas  built  in  1850,  and  is  situated  two  miles  from 
the  centre  of  the  original  district.  The  first  school-house  in 
the  eighth  district,  built  at  an  early  date,  was  located  on 
the  Stearns  road,  a  short  distance  from  the  present  house. 
It  was  burned  in  1814  and  its  successor  built  the  follow- 
ing year.  The  school-house  in  the  ninth  district  was  so 
thoroughly  constructed  at  the  organization  of  the  district  that 
attentive  repairs  have  continued  its  preservation.  The  school- 
house  provided  in  Lane  Village  at  the  organization  of  the 
district  was  continued  until  1852  when  the  present  substan- 
tial house  was  erected. 

The  commencement  of  the  present  century  w^as  the  begin- 
ning of  a  new  era  in  the  cause  of  popular  education.  The 
efibrts  of  the  past  had  taken  root  for  a  more  vigorous  growth, 
and  many  happy  changes  occurred  within  a  few  years.  In 
most  cases,  to  learn  to  read,  write  and  spell,  with  some 
knowledge  of  the  rules  of  arithmetic,  was  all  that  had  been 
attempted.  The  text-books  in  use  previous  to  1800  were 
not  numerous,  and  of  a  most  primitive  character.  Dil- 
worth's  and  Perry's  Spelling-Book,  and  Pike's  Arithmetic 
would  cut  a  sorry  figure  in  the  school-room  at  the  present 
time.  Late  in  the  past  century,  Webster's  Reader  found  its 
way  into  the  school-room,  as  well  as  a  small  abridgment  of 
Morse's  Geography,  which  gave  the  briefest  description  of 
the  earth's  surface,  and  contained  many  startling  facts. 
Alexander's  Grannuar  was  in  the  hands  of  only  the  most 
advanced  and  ambitious  pupils.  In  any  mention  of  the  l>ooks 
of  the  period,  the  Xew  England  Primer  must  not  be  omitted. 
This  volume  of  diminutive  size,  filled  with  wholesome  truths, 

/_  ■-,  r;r 
f  .  ■     ,  '  -; 

;,).-ri    :^.-'  \' 

I...."    :'j. 

/  .        r^'i     ;■.;,,.     .,.,„.,.;i     ;.,,  ill. ;■,.-;     .  ■   „    ;•,/;■       ; , , 

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was  found  tit  every  iiroside,  and  was  received  in  the  school- 
room as  a  reavding-book  and  safe  .counsellor.  Every  Satur- 
day, and  sometimes  more  frequentl}^  the  entire  school  was 
required  to  "say  the  catechism,"  as  found  in  this  little  volume. 
These  exercises,  and  the  truths  inculcated,  are  not  forgotten 
by  the  aged  among  us,  but  are  shining  brightly  in  their 
Avaning  years.  To  them  education,  in  an  intellectual  sense, 
w^as  simply  the  measure  of  mental  force,  furnishing  facilities 
to  action,  while  these  moral  instructions  were  seized  upon  to 
direct  and  be  the  guiding  principle  of  their  lives. 

From  an  early  date  the  most  successful  teachers  in  the 
public  schools  have  been  nati\'es  and  residents  of  this  town. 
Within  the  limits  of  this  chapter  it  would  be  impossible  to 
name  even  those  who  secured  an  enduring  "reputation  in  the 
traditions  of  the  town.  As  early  as  1790,  Hon.  Samuel 
Appleton,  then  of  New  Ipswich,  was  an  instructor  one  term 
at  least  in  the  first  humble  school-house  on  the  old  common. 
Captain  Caleb  Wilder,  portly  in  form,  genial  in  manner,  yet 
firm  in  discipline,  was  a  successful  teacher  many  years. 
Master  Jesse  Stearns,  the  physical  counterpart  of  ]Mr. 
AVilder,  upright  in  bearing  and  incisive  in  mtmner,  was  em- 
ployed in  several  districts.  Ilis  fame  as  a  teacher  is  familiar 
to  the  traditions  of  several  towns  in  this  vicinity.  These 
worthies  were  succeeded  I)y  Hosea  Green,  Eleazer  Flint  of 
Winchendon,  Stephen  ^Vyman  of  Ashby,  Artemas  Longley, 
Ebenezer  Frost,  lion.  William  B.  Washburn,  Hon.  Amasa 
Norcross  and  many  natives  of  Ashburnham  whose  dis- 
tinguished labor  will  be  noticed  in  the  family  registers. 

It  has  been  stated  that  the  first  appropriation  made  for 
schools  in  1767  was  eight  pounds.  With  the  exception  of 
the  years  17G8,  1709  and  1776,  in  which  no  appropriation 
was  made  for  this  purpose,  the  town  raised  twelve  pounds 
annuallv  until  and  includinsf   1777.     In  1778,  £10;    1779, 

.'-,.   i 

>i!r  ii-1 

l}!j-l^--^ii>     )t;l      Uf"  ,  rv.jj  !',;,'■    ;-;i',,     s.'f:)i;!?   i:!' 

:■£•.  J.;  ■';;•}; 



£200;  1780,  £1000;  1781,  £4000  were  respectively  voted, 
but  on  account  of  the  rapid  depreciation  of  tlie  currency 
dnriniT  the  Kevohition,  the  schools  did  not  receive  any  sul)- 
stantial  benefit  over  the  former  years.  For  several  years 
after  the  Revolution  £50  was  annually  raised  and  then  the 
amount  was  increased  from  year  to  year  until  in  the  year 
1800,  S300  was  appropriated,  and  the  gradual  increase  to  the 
present  time  is  brietiy  represented  in  the  sums  raised  through 
the  decades  of  the  present  century  :  1810,  $400 ;  1820, 
$500  ;  1830, $500  ;  1840, $900  ;  1850,  $1400  ;  18G0, $1700  ; 
1870,  $3000;  1880,  $2800.  From  1872  to  1875,  $3500, 
and  from  1880  to  1884,  $3000  has  been  appropriated  for  the 
schools  of  the  town.    ^  '  ■  ..  •    .    .    /.         .i-   -, 

From  the  first  the  amount  of  school  money  was  determined 
by  the  town,  but  the  vote  was  only  the  united  voice  of  the 
districts.     The  tax  was  assessed  and  collected  by  the  ofiicers 
of  the  town  because  they  could  most  readily  and  accurately 
proportion    the  amount  each    person    should    pay,  but   the 
school  money  was  received  and  expended   by  the  agents  ot 
the  districts.     Beyond  the  slender  assistance  of  the  towns, 
the  public  schools,  in   their  infancy,  were  not  the  growth  of 
public  support  nor  the  creation  of  State  legislation,  but  w^ere 
spontaneous  in  the  several  communities  to  meet  the  demands 
.of  each.     Our  common  school  system  has  clearly  originated 
with  the  people.     The  perfection  of  our  code  of  school  laws 
rests  in  the  fact  that  it  is  not  creative  but  that  it  has  rather 
seized  and  solidified   the  most  advanced  methods  and  the 
fullest  measure  of  public  sentiment.     The  law  has  seldom 
introduced  new  forms  and  unfamiliar  methods,  but  has  been 
content  in  the  encouragement  and  support  of  those  at  once 
familiar  and  approved  by  the  people.     The  schools  have  con- 
tinually been  in  advance  of  the  statutes. 

.".  r :: 

T,;'\     I: 

Vjt  .;,.;. 

■M"'.!    'vyfo 

i»     i 

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Tho  settlers  in  the  towns  in  this  vicinity  divided  them- 
selves into  commnnities  of  convenient  })ro[tortions,  which 
existed  upon  the  slender  authority  of  the  town  for  sixty 
years  before  the  law  vested  these  school  districts  with  cor- 
porate power.  The  towns,  in  behalf  of  the  districts,  con- 
tinued to  raise  money  for  the  establishment  and  maintenance 
of  schools  a  long-  time  before  there  was  any  statute  compel- 
ling an  appropriation  which  had  been  imiformly  and  cheer- 
fully made.  The  town,  and  later  the  several  districts,  built 
school-houses  and  subsequently  the  law  gave  them  permission 
to  continue  a  laudable  practice.  The  people  in  the  capacity 
of  a  town  chose  "  committees  to  visit  and  ins})ect  the 
schools "'  many  years  before  the  statute*^  made  mention  of  a 
superintending  school  committee.  True,  law  has  given  uni- 
formity and  perfection  to  our  school  system,  Imt  the  whole 
of  it  has  sprung  from  and  has  first  been  tested  and  approved 
by  the  people. 

Various  methods  for  the  division  of  the  schodl  money 
among  the  districts  have  been  employed.  A  few  years  each 
district  has  received  an  equal  share  of  the  annual  appropria- 
tion without  regard  to  the  tax  paid  by  the  district  or  the 
number  of  scholars  attending  school.  This  system  was 
succeeded  by  a  division  according  to  the  number  of  scholars 
and  also  on  the  basis  of  the  wealth  or  the  tax  paid  by  each 
district.  After  a  trial  of  one  and  then  another  of  these 
antagonistic  systems  for  several  years,  a  compromise  was 
adopted  which  led  to  an  absolute  division  of  the  greater  part 
and  a  discretionary  division  of  the  remainder  of  the  school 

From  1868  to  1875  the  town  maintained  a  high  school 
one  or  more  terms  each  year  with  a  reasonable  measure  of 
success.  The  schools  were  assembled  in  the  basement  of 
the  armorv  and  in  the  school-houses  in  the  first  and  eleventh 


■.Vi\'.)    I  ■.  i:     ln\:y-iv     i:'r>«i    ^(.«,;    ii'\f\'''  (I'M  )J:r','v;'j! 

't   *='"■" 

".     :>-::-   ;} 

'■'    !.'l 

'  -.On;'-;''   'iii  f   :M    i'T 


districts.  The  touchers  were  Saiuuel  J.  Bullock,  Melviii  O. 
Adam^,  Charles  E.  Woodward,  Fred  AV.  Russell,  Fniucis 
A.  Whitney,  Martin  II.  Fiske,  F.  T.  Beede,  Mary  A. 
Sawyer  and  E.  A,  Hartwell. 

Coramencini!:  with  the  inauouratiou  of  Gushing  Academy 
in  1875,  the  youth  of  tliis  town  have  enjoyed  the  benefit  of 
a  permanent  high  school.  For  several  years  the  town  paid 
cue  thousand  dollars  and  at  present  is  l)aying  seven  hundred 
dollars  annually  to  the  academy  for  the  nmintenance  of  a  high 
school  department  without  tuition  from  resident  pupils. 

The  prudential  affairs  of  the  districts,  including  the 
emplopnent  of  the  teachers,  were  conducted  by  the  select- 
men until  1778.  At  this  date  the  town  proceeded  to  choose 
a  prudential  committee,  or  agent,  for  eacli  district  and  con- 
tinued to  exercise  this  authority  for  fifty  years.  Not  until 
1828  were  there  any  district  organizations.  The  laws  of 
1827  introduced  many  suljstantial  improvements.  By  it  the 
districts  were  permitted  to  assume  the  control  of  their  local 
affairs,  and  towns  were  required  to  choose  annually  a  com- 
mittee of  supervision.  Previous  to  this  date  the  choice  of 
a  superintending  committee  was  optional  with  the  towns. 
Commencing  at  an  early  date  three  or  more  persons,  styled 
"a  committee  to  visit  the  schools,"  were  chosen  nearly  every 
year,  but  under  the  operation  of  the  new  law  the  committee 
of  supervision  was  vested  with  increased  authority  and 

The  tirst  committee  "  to  view  "  the  schools  was  chosen  in 
1793.  It  included  the  minister,  the  selectmen  and  Joshua 
Smith,  Stephen  Randall,  John  Adams,  Jacob  Willard  and 
Enos  Jones.  In  the  years  immediately  following,  to  Joseph 
Jewett,  William  Pollard,  John  AVhiteman,  Ezra  Dana, 
William  Stearns,  Elisha  White,  Dr.  xVbraham  Lowe, 
Thomas  Adams,  Timothy  Crehore,  Isaac  Whitmorc,  Francis 

■   '-Ml!- 1 

.'?       VM."..::!/. 

^■.%i    .-.'r 

/t..'  r:    :i'f;> 

■  1  i .  '  V 


'iliJir     .:-;.m:-7','I|!      ;(j,;v/     \,' 

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L:ine,    Joshua    Townsend,    Amos    AVelberbeo    and    Samuel 
Wilder  was  committed  tlie  supervision  of  the  schools. 

During  the  first  decade  of  the  present  century  there  is  no 
record  of  the  election  of  a  superintending  committee.     Com- 
mencing in   1811,   with  the  exception   of  four   years,  from 
three  to  nine  persons  have  been  annually  elected  ;  introduc- 
ing new  names  each  year  the  roll  of  the  committee  is  the 
reo-ister  of  a  legrion.     The  names  of  those  who  have  served 
two  or  more  years,  the  date  of  their  tirst  election  and  the 
term  of  service  are  appended  :    Eev.  John  Gushing,    1811 
(4)  ;  Caleb  Wilder,   1811   (7)  ;  Jesse  Stearns,   1811    (5)  ; 
Ivers   Jewett,   1811   (6)  ;  Dr.   Abraham  Lowe,  1811    (3)  ; 
Jacob  Harris,   1812   (2)  :  George  R.    Cushing,   1813    (9)  ; 
Caleb  Ward,  1815   (3)  ;  Jacob  Harris,  Jr.,  1816  (2)  ;  Dr. 
Abraham  T.  Lowe,   1818   (2)  ;   Jonas  Willard,  1818   (2)  ; 
Charles    Stearns,   1820    (3)  ;    Hev.    George    Perkins,    1826 
(4)  ;  Hosea  Green,  1826   (2)  ;  Thomas  Bennett,  1826  (2)  ; 
Colonel  Enoch  AVhitmore,  1826  (3)  ;  John  C.  Glazier,  1828 
(3)  ;  Gihnan  Jones,  1829  (2)  ;  Ebenezer  Frost,  1829  (12)  ; 
Kev.  George  Goodyear,  1833  (4)  ;  George  G.  Parker,  1833 
(2)  ;  Rev.  eTohn  A^^  Cast-,  1835  (2)  ;  Dr.  Nathaniel  Pierce, 
1835    (3)  ;     Dr.    William    P.    Stone,    1838    (3)  ;    Jerome 
W.  Foster,  183!»    (S);    John  A.  Conn,  1841    (10):    Elliot 
Moore,  1841    (3  )  ;  AVilliani  P.  Ellis,  1845  (3)  :  Rev.  Elna- 
than    Davis,    1847    (3);    Dr.    Alfred   Miller,    1848    (10); 
Eev.  Jo.siah  D.  Crosby,  1850  (  U)  ;  Francis  A.   Whitney, 
1850  (16)  ;  Edward  S.  Flint,  1855  (3)  ;  Levi  W.  Russell, 

1856  (2)  ;  Hosea  F.  Lane,  1857  (3)  ;  Charles  W.  Burrage, 

1857  (3)  ;  Albert  H.  Andrews,  185-^  (4)  ;   Dr.  L.  L.  AVhit- 
more, 1860  (4)  :  Henry  Tuckerman,  1860  (3)  ;  John  W.  Fay, 

1860  (2):    Asher  Moore,   1860   (4);    Ohio  Whitney,  Jr., 

1861  (3)  ;  Samuel  Howard,  1862  (3)  ;  Dr.  Theron  Temple, 
1864  (3)  ;  Charles  E.  AVoodward,  1865  (11)  ;  Dr.  Harvey  D. 


O'T  a  ■i-.>'  -J ;  v'i::i 

,,,'(,      ' 

i'  \  ,<.; 

1      M'»' 

.J  .     ;  i 



Jillson,  1867  (.3);  Rev.  Daniel  Wight,  1870  (3);  Xathaii 
Eatou,  1870  (8);  Wilbur  F.  AVhitney,  1870  (10);  Kev. 
Leonard  S.  Parker,  1872  (5);  :\rarsball  Wetherbee,  1873 
(3)  ;  Charles  F.  Rock  wood,  187r)  (  (1 )  ;  Prof.  James  E.  Vose, 
1878  (3)  ;  Fred  D.  Lane,  1880  (5)  ;  Mrs.  :\[ary  S.  Barrett, 

* '  <-  z 

•  ^."'O'^'ilOr;   r>!.TH,';''I 

'Tr -r:'. 






AXD    PRESENT.  . ..  .  ' 

The  causes,  which  led  to  the  endov/ment  of  Gushing 
Academy  and  its  establishmeut  in  Ashburnham,  are  not 
adventitious.  'In  the  mission  of  the  school  the  ministry  of 
the  father  is  renewed  in  the  munificence  of  the  ^on.  Illib- 
eral and  ungenerous  would  be  the  thought  that  by  a  single 
act  of  beneficence  on  the  part  of  Thomas  Parkman  Gushing 
the  academy  bearing  his  name  was  founded.  An  impulse 
of  princely  benevolence  without  the  means  to  sustain  it,  or 
the  wisdom  to  direct  its  course,  is  unavailing.  The  pre- 
requisites to  the  endowment  of  Gushing  Academy  were  a 
life  of  toil,  supported  by  habits  of  frugality,  and  the  wisdom 
displayed,  in  the  conditions  of  the  bequest,  was  the  fruitful 
thought  of  a  sagacious  mind.  When  the  youth  left  the 
parental  roof  engaging  at  an  early  age  in  the  activities  of 
life,  the  seminary  was  deferred  only  by  the  measure  of  a 
lifetime,  and  as  often  as  his  thought  returned  to  the  place 
of  his  nativity  and  the  familiar  scenes  of  his  childhood,  its 
location  in  Ashburnham  was  assured. 


i«.fX  AJV-i/AV.) 

'j:  :'fi'j  ;. 

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'   ;/-!*   •;.ii:-':fi- 

■Kli    r.ii 

THE    CrSriIXG    ACADEMY.  3,31 

The  events  of  the  p:ist,  the  utility  of  the  present  and  the 
possibilities  of  the  future  can  be  most  clearly  presented  in 
an  unpretentious  narrative  of  what  has  been  done  and  what 
is  contemplated  by  the  trustees  who  have  faithfully  and  suc- 
cessfully executed  the  express  desire  and  have  created  in 
substantial  form  the  image  of  the  matured  thought  of 
Thomas  Parkman  Gushing.  With  meteoric  splendor,  the 
Gushing  Academy  did  not  spring  into  existence.  Like  the 
sturdy  oak  its  growth  has  been  slow  and  solidified.  Its 
character  and  features,  cemented  and  hardened  by  the  lapse 
of  years,  are  strong  and  enduring.  The  visible  origin  of  the 
institution  is  the  will  and  testament  of  Mr.  Gushing,  dated 
July  30,  1850.  In  its  provisions  it  is  a  most  happ^^  alliance 
of  wisdom  and  philanthrop}',  of  liberality  and  pi-udence. 
There  is  no  shadow  of  an  impulse.  It  is  the  language  and 
it  carries  the  impress  of  a  conclusion.  It  is  apparent  that 
every  clause  of  this  beneficent  document  was  formulated  and 
clear  in  the  mind  of  its  author  before  it  was  written.  Xor 
need  we  invoke  the  license  of  imagination  to  presume  that 
on  some  of  the  hills  in  Ashburnham  he  was  accustomed  to 
behold  in  the  clear  lines  of  reality  the  completed  edifice  on 
which  the  thought  of  his  mind  wa-  so  vividly  inclined  ;  that 
he  beheld  the  established  seats  of  learning  shedding  their 
beneficent  rays  of  light  and  kno\vledge  over  a  wide  expanse 
of  country,  and  that  with  his  mind  thus  allied  to  the  future, 
his  appeal  for  the  cooperation  of  others  was  the  prayer  of 
an  earnest  purpose  that  these  influences  should  not  fade  with 
the  lapse  of  years.  • 

The  launaiaiie  of  the  testator  in  the  eighteenth  item  of  his 
will  is  evidence  that  his  plans  were  fully  matured  and  "that 
he  was  earnest  upon  the  subject  of  education  as  the  saving 
grace  of  the  republi*." 

,>'l'.:.''* I. ».':>./     ."r/is;i>-.  t ."»    ■■iMi  !' 


•■■I,i',      mI-. 


f  w   ,  ,^ 

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"  ^'''  '■■  '■' '     '■'  •  -.'^  '  ''   'rib  ^^'-■:t!i  i/!'-  [i'i-^n 

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'-       •'•'■"'■  •-  '■     ■      ...  .,;-»  biw.  .  J 

!   "'■;•, r*!^/-   ■■■'■■• '!■!  ":,.    ;;vi):;r'.. ,.,,.,•>   •,,;;  -vvr  ,] 


And,  where.'is,  it  is  my  opinion  that  tlie  stability  of  our  Laws, 
and  the  safety  of  our  Government,  the  right  direction  of  our 
Republican  Institutions,  the  preservation  of  virtue,  and  of  good 
morals  :  and,  in  short,  the  well-being  and  happiness  of  society, 
depend  in  a  great  degree  upon  the  general  ditfusion  of  practical 
and  useful  knowledge  among  the  people,  I  am  particularly  desi- 
rous of  using  a  portion  of  the  estate  with  which  God  has  blessed 
me,  for  the  promotion  of  so  important  an  object  as  that  of 
improving  the  education,  and  thus  of  strengthening  and  enlarging 
the  minds  of  the  rising  and  of  future  generations.  Hoping  that 
others  having  similar  views  and  opinions,  will  hereafter  cooperate 
with  me  towards  effecting  the  same  great  and  desirable  end :  my 
"Will,  therefore,  further  is.  That  two  schools  or  seminaries  of 
learning,  shall  be  established  and  forever  continued  in  my  native 
town  of  Ashburnham,  in  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  ; 
entirely  distinct,  and  separated  from  each  other  by  a  distance  of 
at  least  a  quarter  of  a  mile  —  the  one  for  males  of  over  ten  years 
of  age,  and  the  other  for  females  of  over  ten  years  of  age.  And 
for  the  foundation  and  endowment  of  these  schools,  I  give  to  the 
Executors  hereinafter  named,  and  to  their  successors  forever,  in 
trust  only,  as  follows. 

Following  with  unfailing  precision  of  statement  and  having 
appealed  to  the  cooperative  philanthropy  of  others,  the  donor 
enumenites  several  specific  becpiests  "  for  improving  the 
education  and  thus  strengthening  and  enlarging  the  minds  of 
the  rising  and  of  future  generations."  lu  regard  to  the 
magnitude  of  the  bequest  it  is  sufficient  in  this  connection  to 
state  that  in  round  numbers  ninety-six  thousand  dollars  was 
placed  to  the  credit  of  the  Gushing  Academy  immediately 
after  its  organization  Under  the  charter  of  1865.  The  founder 
of  our  academy  did  not  fail  to  provide  for  the  future.  With 
implicit  confidence  in  "the  judgment  and  discretion  of  the 
trustees  "  and  in  "  the  wisdom  and  foresight  of  the  Legisla- 
ture "  his  advisory  wishes  are  clearly  set  forth. 


^'/J  (<>■>:'''{.: 

^''■CQ'.':.,-^'     '-iai   -;-•■:(-   1: 

'!■       -.'i      Iff    ;fl' 

■?n../f{V,  (■,!>(;:,  i  (It?  ('^))::(:.]„iii:i]  -aH-^ 

V   'ir^;''  >      ,^'!    ':,^    ,/:,.'•;■;■.    Mil!     .,1 


And,  in  order  to  render  the  seminaries  of  learning  herein  estab- 
lished more  efficient  and  extensively  useful  by  an  enlarged  founda- 
tion, it  is  my  further  'W'ill  that  the  Trustees  hereinafter  named, 
shall  diligently  and  promptly  invest  the  several  sums  herein  given 
to  them,  in  trust,  as  they  may  be   realized,  for  the  foundation  of 
said  seminaries  in  such  funds  and  securities  as  they  in  their  dis- 
cretion shall  think  best,  and  reinvest  the  income  of  the  same  during 
the  period  of  ten  years  after  my  decease.     "When  that  period  shall 
have  elapsed,  my  further  Will  is,   that   the  Trustees,  hereinafter 
named,  shall  apply  for,  and  obtain  from  the  Legislature  of  this 
Commonwealth,  a  suitable  Act  of  Incorporation  or  Charter,  under 
which  all  the  business  and   affairs  of  the  schools  herein  founded 
may  be  conducted  forever.     The   details  of  the  Act,  such  as  the 
number  of  Trustees    under  it,  how  the}'  shall   be   appointed  or 
elected,  so  as  to  insure  as  far  as  possible  in  perpetuity,  a  succession 
of  honest,  honorable,  judicious  and  intelligent  men  ;  the  guai-ds 
to  be  adopted  to  prevent  the  waste  or  loss  of  the  property  belong- 
ing to  the  institution,  etc.,  etc.,  I  leave  to  the  good  judgment  and 
discretion  of  the  Trustees  hereinafter  named,  and  to  the  wisdom 
and  foresight  of  the  Legislature. 

The  trustees  selected  by  the  testator  were  Rev.  Dr.  Francis 
Wayland,  a  brother  of  his  wife  ;  Hon.  Heman  Lincoln,  wlio 
married  his  sister  ;  "William  D.  Sohier,  Esq.,  for  many  years 
his  legal  adviser  ;  and  Hon.  Charles  G.  Loriug.  Mr.  Sohier 
resignifio',  the  appointment  of  the  remaining  gentlemen  was 
approved  and  the  will  confirmed  by  the  Probate  Court 
December  •2Cy,  1854.  The  immediate  control  of  the  fund  was 
committed  by  his  associates  to  Mr.  Loring.  In  accordance 
with  the  express  desire  of  Mr.  Cushing,  ten  years  having 
elapsed,  an  act  of  incorporation  was  secured  in  1865,  and  the 
trustees  of  the  will  were  succeeded  by  a  board  of  trust 
created  by  the  charter. 

The  trustees,  thiileen  in  number,  with  power  to  fill 
vacancies  were  as  follows  :  Eev.  Dr.  Francis  Wayland  of 


;-:■  :r^>.ti  a'-,  ivrn  ii- 

1 J  -.  , 

ii'  .i-Tft'c,;  -lo 

'.■'•J,  •■'  ;=>):  CI- 

>t:^-'    'o-;::}- 

1    Ml  'nv-:(.':ot  /,P: 

.(■/       '»lf;rio-f"I       •J)     Vf*     Lsf:r'r -'■::.     ffl;;     ;■»;]::     bili:     !■ 


Providence,  E.  I.  ;  lion.  Alexander  H.  Bullock  of  AVorecster  ; 
Kev.  Josiah  D.  Crosby ;  Iiev.  Asa  Rand  ;  Hon.  Ohio  Whit- 
ney, Jr.  ;  Jerome  AV.  Foster,  Esq.,  and  George  C.  Win- 
chester of  Ashburnhani ;  Dr.  Abraham  T.  Lowe  of  Boston  ; 
Ebenezer  ToiTey,  Esq.,  Hon.  Alvuh  Crocker  and  Hon. 
Amasa  Norcross  of  Fitcbburg ;  Rev.  Abijah  P.  MarWn  and 
Isaac  M.  Murdock  of  Winchendon.  At  the  organization  of 
the  board,  September  G,  1865,  Rev.  Dr.  Waylaud  was 
chosen  president,  Mr.  Torrey  treasnrer  and  Rev.  i\Ir. 
Crosby  secretary.  Upon  the  death  of  Rev.  Dr.  AVayland, 
he  was  succeeded  by  Governor  Bullock  July  10,  1867. 
As  none  of  the  original  fund  could  be  used  for  building 
purposes,  the  board  of  trust  early  decided  to  build  whenever 
the  accumulations  would  be  found  sufficient.  Under  the 
sagacious  management  of  Mr.  Loring  and  his  able  successor, 
Mr.  ToiTey,  the  fund  accumulated  beyond  the  most  sanguine 

In  the  mean  time  the  trustees  clearly  perceived  that  the 
school  could  be  organized  earlier,  by  several  years,  if  only 
one  edifice  was  erected.  After  mature  deliberation,  and 
mindful  of  the  provision  of  the  testator  that  while  there 
was  to  be  only  one  institution  but  accommodated  in  two 
school  buildings,  separated  from  each  other  by  a  distance  at 
least  of  a  quarter  of  a  mile,  they  obtained  the  uncjiialified 
consent  of  the  heirs  and  of  the  executors  of  the  will  to  a 
modification  of  the  plan  of  the  founder  in  a  single  provision. 
The  separate  education  of  the  sexes  in  schools  and  seminaries 
was  more  warmly  advocated  at  the  time  the  bequest  was 
made  than  in  later  years.  The  tendency  of  public  sentiment 
which  probably  influenced  Mr.  Gushing  with  equal  force 
appealed  in  another  direction  to  the  board  of  trust. 

In  1873  the  accumulation  of  the  fund  was  found  sufficient 
to  meet  the  expense  of  a  suitable  school  edifice,  and  while 

'i.;  ---'>il   -ill  k>_  .;o 

'    f 

'y'i;\   ,?( 

'''■'',•■  1 1    .■  ((va'C.'.-ii 

TIIK    GUSHING    ACxlDEMY.  355 

the  location  of  the  building  Avas  under  consideration,  the 
<juestion  wtis  happily  solved  ]>}'  the  liberality  of  George  C. 
AVinohester  Avho  presented  the  corponition  the  site  of  the 
institution  with  ample  grounds  for  the  accommodation  of  the 
school  whicli,  in  appreciative  recognition  of  the  donor,  has 
received  the  name  of  "AVinchester  Square." 

The  academy  and  the  square  having  other  names  would  be 
held  iu  less  esteem.  The  |)ark  and  the  building  are  a  memo- 
rial of  the  first  and  the  second  ministers  of  Ashburnham. 
The  analogy  is  complete.  Eev.  Jonathan  "Winchester  kid 
the  foundations  of  a  church  and  defined  a  lield  of  labor. 
Rev.  John  Gushing  builded  in  fair  proportions  on  a  site 
selected  and  a  structure  begun.  These  venerable  names, 
living  in  the  memories  and  history  of  the  town,  are  together 
perpetuated  through  the  thoughtful  tributes  of  their 

"SYTiile  under  the  general  control  of  the  board  of  tmstces, 
the  construction  of  the  school  edifice  was  referred  to  George 
C.  Winchester,  Ebenezer  Torrey  and  Jerome  AV.  Foster. 
In  1871  Ohio  Whitney,  who  was  the  efficient  superintendent 
of  construction,  was  chosen  to  fill  a  vacancy  caused  by  the 
death  of  Mr,  Foster.  The  entire  cost  of  the  building  and 
the  furniture  was  $92,011.75. 

The  material  of  the  building,  one  hundred  and  thirty-two 
feet  in  length  and  fifty-two  feet  in  width,  is  gi-anite  and 
brick.  Above  a  light  and  commodious  basement  of  granite 
are  two  spacious  stories  of  brick  with  gTanite  trimmings, 
surmounted  by  a  ^Mansard  roof  which  encloses  a  principal 
hall  extending  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  building. 
There  are  projecting  tui-rets  at  the  corners  and  a  lofty 
central  tower  which  contains  a  heavy  bell  and  an  expensive 
clock.  In  synmietry  of  outline,  in  elegance  and  thorough- 
ness of  construction  and  in  the  convenience  of  all  its  appoint- 

'!]r-i:<:i-L':)f:  .:iv.T;f.':".)'.>  ;nv 


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mcuts,  tho  edifice  of  the  Cashing  Academy  is  equalled  by 
none  in  this  vicinity.  Faciuu,-  the  rising  sun,  and  overlook- 
ing the  vilhige  and  tlic  spreading  valley  below,  it  occupies  a 
commanding  site  and  will  long  remain  a  conspicuous  tigure 
in  the  landscape  and  in  the  continued  annals  of  the  town. 
The  building  Avas  mainly  completed  during  the  year  1874. 
It  was  substantially  furnished  the  following  season  and 
dedicated  September  7,  187.3.  Addresses  were  delivered  by 
Governor  Bullock,  jiresident,  and  by  Rev.  Mr.  Crosby, 
Eev.  J^Ir.  !Marvin,  Hon.  Amasa  Xorcross  and  Professors 
Hubbard  and  Thompson  of  the  board  of  trust.  A  liberal 
course  of  stud}'  had  been  arranged  and  the  school  was  opened 
the  following  day. 

The  accumulating  Cushins:  fund,  after  meetins;  the  cost  of 
construction  of  the  school  edifice,  was  found  in  November, 
1876,  to  be  $120,542.34,  and  since  that  date  the  fund 
remains  unimpaired,  the  income  only  being  used  for  the 
maintenance  of  the  school. 

The  spacious  dwelling,  appropriately  named  Jewett  Hall, 
and  now  employed  in  the  accommodation  of  instructors  and 
pupils  connected  with  the  school,  was  presented  to  the  cor- 
poration by  Charles  Hastings,  and  the  Crosby  house  on  Cen- 
tral street  was  donated  by  Rev.  Josiah  D.  Crosby  to  found, 
in  memory  of  his  wife,  the  Elvira  W.  Crosby  scholarship. 

A  library  of  nearly  two  thousand  volumes,  including 
generous  donations  from  Dr.  A.  T.  liowe  of  Boston  and 
from  several  residents  of  this  town,  has  been  collected  and 
will  become  of  inestimable  service  to  the  school.  The 
apparatus  for  scientific  illustration  and  experiment  is  annu- 
ally increasing.  Prominent  in  this  department  is  a  valuable 
telescope,  presented  by  J.  H.  Fairbanks  of  Fitchburg. 

The  mission  of  Curbing  xVcadeniy  is  scarce  begun.  Its 
brief  history,  if  conspicuous  and    honorable,    fades    in    the 


•M'J    u 

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li^ht  and  warmth  of  its  hopes  and  its  aspirations.  These 
pages  are  annals  of  the  past.  The  face  of  this  youthful,  vig- 
orous institution  is  turned  the  other  way.  Situated  in  a 
broad  tield,  with  a  rapidly  increasing  patronage,  and  bear- 
ing the  confidence  of  the  public,  it  enters  upon  its  second 
decade  with  hope  and  courage. 

The  tirst  principal  of  Gushing  Academ}"  was  Edwin 
Pierce,  A.  M.,  who  continued  in  cliargc  four  years,  and 
whose  name  is  honorably  associated  with  the  initial  history 
of  the  institution.  The  excellent  reputation  of  Professor 
Pierce  as  a  scholar  and  an  able  instructor  led  the  board  of 
tiiistees  to  solicit  his  services  and  to  his  care  they  confided 
the  school  with  unlimited  confidence .  In  character,  in  purity 
of  motives  and  in  faithful,  earnest  endeavors  to  carry  the 
school  through  the  exacting  ordeal  of  its  inauguration,  the 
confidence  of  the  trustees  was  not  misplaced.  In  the  prog- 
ress of  his  labors  in  this  institution  it  gradually  became 
apparent  to  Professor  Pierce  and  to  the  board  of  trustees 
that  they  were  not  in  full  sympathy  in  regard  to  discipline 
and  that  there  was  a  failure  of  cooperation  on  the  part  of 
all  the  friends  of  the  academy.  With  the  universal  confi- 
dence and  respect  of  the  community,  Mr.  Pierce  retired 
from  labors  auspiciousl}'  begun  in  June,  187!).  From  the 
first  he  "uas  recognized  as  a  cultured  gentleman  and  in  all 
his  relations  with  the  school  and  with  the  peo])le  he  was 
frank,  sincere  and  honorable. 

Edwin  Pierce,  son  of  Dana  and  Diadema  (Paul)  Pierce, 
was  bom  at  Barnard.  Vermont,  eTune  2.'),  1826.  He  pur- 
sued a  preparatory  course  of  study  at  Woodstock,  Vermont, 
and  at  Kimball  Union  Academy,  Meriden,  Xew  Hampshire, 
and  was  graduated  at  Dai-tmouth  College  18.52.  The  suc- 
ceeding four  years  he  was  instructor  of  Latin  and  Greek  at 
Seneca  Colleiriate  Institute,  Ovid,  Xew  York.     From  185G 

'!'  '        .;i. 

•J     ■  .  ■:  :■ 

.)^"   'I! 


vci'  V;;,r 

358  HISTORY    OF    ASIinURNlIAM. 

to  ISi'i?)  he  w:is  professor  of  Latin  and  Greek  at  Yellow 
Spring  College,  Iowa  ;  his  connection  Avith  that  institution 
was  severed  by  its  decline  at  the  outbretdc  of  the  Rebellion. 
During  the  succeeding  eight  years  he  successfully  taught  a 
private  school  in  Jersey  City,  Xew  Jersey,  and  later  he 
taught  the  classics  in  the  High  School  of  Clevehmd,  Ohio, 
until  he  became  connected  with  Cushing  Academy.  He 
now  resides  at  West  Xewton,  ^Massachusetts. 

Professor  Pierce  was  succeeded  by  Professor  Vose  who 
has  been  a  member  of  the  faculty  since  the  opening  of  the 
academy.  During  the  past  six  years  he  has  continued  the 
efficient  principal  of  the  school  and  his  successful  administra- 
tion has  been  a  continued  season  of  prosperity.  His  service 
to  the  school  and  to  the  cause  of  education  cannot  be  esti- 
mated until  the  remaining  chapters  are  added  and  his  labor 
is  completed. 

Prof.  James  E.  Vose,  son  of  Edward  L.  and  Aurelia 
(Wilson)  Yose  of  Antrim,  Xew  Hampshire,  was  born  July 
18,  183G.  His  life  has  been  devoted  to  educational  pursuits. 
He  has  had  charge  of  several  institutions  of  learning  and 
'  was  ]H-incipal  of  Francestown  (Xew  Hampshire)  Academy 
two  years  immediately  preceding  his  removal  to  this  town. 
He  is  the  author  of  an  English  Grammar,  and  in  1877  he 
delivered  the  Centennial  Address  at  Antrim  which  is  pub- 
lished in  the  History  of  that  town. 

Of  the  persons  who  constituted  the  original  l)oard  of  trust 
only  four  now  remain.  The  term  of  service  and  the  date  of 
appointment  of  the  trustees  are  brietiy  stated  : 

Francis  \\'aylaiid,  1865,  died  1SG7. 

Alexander  II.  Buliock,  ISOo,  resigned  1876.  . 

Josiah  D.  Crosby,  1865. 

Asa  Rand,  1865,  died  1871. 

Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.,  '  1865,  died  1879. 

•;?:•'';;.    >     oiU 



Jerome  W.  Foster, 
George  C.  Winchester, 
Abraham  T.  Lowe, 
Ebenezer  Torrey, 
Alvah  Crocker, 
Amasa  Norcross, 
Abijah  P.  Marvin,       ' 
Isaac  M.  Murdock, 
George  H.  Barrett, 
Leonard  S.  Tarker,     . 
Eli  A.  Hubbard, 
■    Charles  O.  Thompson, 
.  .     B.  K.  Pierce, 

George  E.  Stevens, 
Francis  A.  Whitney, 
Orlando  Mason, 
Charles  Winchester, 
Henr>-  M.  Tyler, 
George  P.  Davis, 
Preside nis  : 

Kev.  Dr.  Wayland, 
Gov.  Bullock,  - 1 

Dr.  Lowe, 
Vice-Presidents  : 
-    Gov.  Bullock, 

Hon.  Amasa  Norcross, 
Treasurers  : 

E.  Torrey,  Esq., 
Hon.  Ohio  Whitney, 
G.  F.  Stevens,  Esq., 
Clerks  : 

Rev.  J.  D.  Crosby, 
Col.  Geo.  H.  Barrett, 

1865,  died  1871. 

1865,  resigned  1882. 



1865,  died  1874. 


1865,  resigned  1880. 

1865,  died  1875. 


1874.     "    ' 

1874,  resigned  1879. 

1875,  resigned  1882. 


















Encroachment  upon  the  borders  of  this  town  has  been  a 
favorite  pursuit  of  our  neighbors.  Four  considerable  tracts 
of  land  h'Lve  been  severed  from  the  original  township,  and 
other  attempts  have  been  successfully  resisted.  Our  fathers 
could  spare  the  land  such  as  it  was,  and  no  doubt  both  the 
donors  and  the  recipients  wished  it  had  been  better,  but  the 
loss  of  several  worthy  citizens  was  a  more  serious  considera- 
tion. According  to  the  surveys  of  the  several  grants  the 
original  township  contained  twenty-seven  thousand  one 
hundred  and  ninety  acres.  The  early  surveys  were  of  liberal 
proportions.  The  wilderness  from  which  the  grants  were 
severed  was  large  and  there  was  no  one  to  protect  the 
province  from  excessive  measurements.  The  actual  area  of 
this  township  was  very  nearly  thirty-one  thousand  acres. 
The  first  encroachment  upon  our  domain  of  fair  proportions 
was  by  the  province  of  New  Hampshire  in  1741.  By  this 
act  eight  Imndred  and  seventy-seven  acres  were  severed  from 
Dorchester  Canada.     The    incorporation  of  Ashby  severed 



13-     l.»  'U--'H: 

r.Th   ,>T    i_'/aJ 

;.,:*  <    I  'rr-- 

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11  bout  lifteeu  hundred  acres  from  the  area  of  this  town. 
The  proceedings  were  so  iutimtitely  connected  with  the  in- 
corporation of  Ashburnhani  that  they  were  admitted  in  an 
earlier  chapter  of  these  annals. 

The  erection  of  a  new  town  out  of  parts  of  Ashburnham, 
Westminster,  Templeton  and  Winchendon  was  earnestly 
debated  and  the  preliminaries  arranged  as  earl}"  as  1774. 
In  the  intent  of  the  petitioners,  in  the  generous  impulse  of 
the  remaining  portions  of  the  several  towns,  in  the  general 
policy  of  the  General  Court  to  increase  the  number  of  the 
towns  in  the  province,  in  the  spirit  of  the  event,  Gardner  is 
a  decade  older  than  the  number  of  its  3'ears.  The  Revolution 
delayed  but  did  not  defeat  the  project.  In  the  dawn  of 
returning  peace  it  was  successfully  renewed.  So  far  as  the 
action  of  Ashburnham  is  concerned,  the  suggestion  of  a  new 
town  near  the  close  of  the  Revolution  was  not  presented  as  a 
new  measure,  but  as  a  continuation  of  the  proceedings 
begun  several  years  earlier.  In  1774,  or  eleven  years  before 
Gardner  was  incorporated,  the  town  ''voted  that  the 
petitioners  from  Westminster  and  other  towns  be  so  far 
answered  in  their  petition  as  to  take  the  lands,  after  named, 
from  this  town  beginning  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Kelton's 
lot,  number  4G,  second  division,  and  running  from  thence  on 
a  straight  line  to  the  southeast  corner  of  William  Ames'  lot, 
number  55,  in  the  second  division,  and  the  said  corner  of 
land  is  voted  ofi'  to  join  with  the  other  towns  to  be  incor- 
poi^ated  into  a  district." 

Referring  to  this  vote  it  was  proposed  in  1781,  "To  see  if 
the  town  would  vote  otT  t^^'o  ranges  of  lots  in  addition  to 
what  was  foi-merly  voted  off  in  the  southwest  corner." 
Whereupon  the  town.  May  21,  1781,  amended  the  former 
vote  but  added  only  a  small  part  of  the  two  ranges  included 
in  the  proposition. 

ly    liif, 

■I  ■•'!  ■'?.]( 


Voted  that  the  southwest  corner  of  this  town  be  set  off  to  join 
with  a  part  of  Vv''estrainster  and  Winchendon  iutij  a  separate  town 
as  far  as  the  following  lots  viz.  :  beginning  at  the  northwest 
coruijr  of  lot  number  45,  second  division  ;  from  thence  by  the 
north  line  of  said  lot  to  the  northeast  corner  of  said  lot ;  from 
thence  straight  to  the  northeast  corner  of  lot  number  55,  second 
division  ;  thence  by  the  east  line  of  said  lot  to  Westminster  town 
line.     Including  2:348  acres.  ,■■••■     ..'^v  >- 

The  point  of  beginning,  as  defined  by  this  vote,  is  about 
eighty  rods  nortli  of  the  point  established  in  1774.  The 
other  terminus  in  Westminster  line  is  the  same  in  both  votes. 
"V\Tien  Gardner  was  incorporated  four  years  later  the  land 
severed  from  Ashburnham,  and  consequently  the  line  then 
established  between  the  two  towns,  coincided  at  all  points 
with  the  line  defined  in  the  last  vote  of  this  town.  In  later 
years  the  line  has  been  broken  at  two  points,  at  least,  for  the 
accommodation  of  individuals.  The  records  of  Ashburnham 
.  in  this  connection  define  only  one  of  the  boundary  lines  of 
the  territory  severed  from  this  town.  If  the  existing  lines 
between  Ashburnham  and  Winc^hendon  and  between  Ash- 
burnham and  Westminster  be  extended,  the  former  southerh' 
and  the  latter  southwesterly,  they  will  meet  at  Gardner 
Centre,  and  with  the  former  line  will  enclose  the  triangular 
area  that,  until  1785,  was  a  part  of  Ashburnham.  Con- 
cerning: the  number  of  acres  inchided  within  these  lines  the 
doctors  disagree.  Rev.  Dr.  Cushing,  in  his  historical  dis- 
course, estimates  it  at  four  thousand  acres.  To  the  record 
of  the  vote  the  town  clerk  has  ap])ended,  "  including  2348 
acres."  This  amount  is  too  small  but  it  is  much  nearer 
exactness  than  the  more  liberal  conjecture  of  Mr.  Cushing. 

Ashburnham,  still  rich  in  the  extent  of  its  territory,  could 
easily  afford  the  lands  donated  to  the  new  town,  Init  the  loss 
of  several  worthy  citizens  from  the  municipal  connnunity 

;?  M-^T  ■,  ' 


I:      ,.■.),, 

••11,1       .,. 

■>'V;':  ■'■•.'(■ 


w:is  Ji  more  important  consideration.  The  families  residing 
on  the  area  severed  from  this  town  were  in  themselves  and 
have  continued  in  their  descendants  a  material  element  of  the 
chai'acter  and  population  of  Gardner. 

Captain  Samuel  Kelton  came  from  Xeedham  to  this  town 
1778,  and  settled  on  land  belontjino-  to  the  heirs  of  Edward 
Kelton  who  was  an  early  proprietor  of  right  number  47,  and 
afterwards  of  right  number  49.  The  eminent  services  of 
Captain  K','lton  are  noticed  in  another  connection.  He 
resided  on  the  northern  part  of  the  land  set  off  to  Gardner 
and  near  the  line  of  Winchendon.  In  1785  his  family  com- 
prised a  wife  and  three  or  four  children.  One  child  died  in 
this  town  November  30,  1780. 

iMarvi'ick  Hill,  from  ]Medway,  and  five  sons,  three  of  whom 
had  fiimilies,  resided  in  this  town  several  years  before  their 
farms  were  annexed  to  Gardner.  Moses  Hill,  the  eldest  son, 
had  four  children  in  1785,  and  in  the  family  of  Jesse  Hill, 
another  son  of  Marvrick,  were  three  or  four  children.  ]\Ir. 
Cushing  has  left  the  record  of  the  baptism  of  James  ]Marvrick 
and  Thomas  Adams,  sons  of  Moses  Hill,  and  Enos  and 
William,  sons  of  Samuel  Kelton,  baptized  at  the  house  of 
Mr.  Hill,  at  a  lecture.  In  another  connection  Mr.  Cushing- 
refers  to  "the  lecture  at  ^Iv.  Hill's  in  the  southwest  part."^ 
In  these  families  there  were  probably  twenty-two  persons. 

Josiah  Wilder  removed  to  this  town  from  Sterling  about 
1776.  His  wife  and  one  child  died  in  1782,  and  he  married, 
second,  Febi'uary  4,  1784,  Joanna  Baker.  He  was  a  distant 
relative  of  other  fomilies  of  same  name  in  this  town.  Three 
children  were  living  in  1785. 

Jonas  Richardson  came  from  Shrewsbury  in  1781,  and  was 
admitted  to  the  church  in  Ashburnham  October  21  of  that 
year.  In  1785  his  family  consisted  of  his  wife  and  eight 
children,  the  eldest  thirteen  years  of  age. 


-*;ri      J' 

II";  .'j      '  ■ 

364  IIISTOKY    OF    ASIir>l'UNIIA>[. 

Jolai  AYhito  ^vas  born  in  Lexington,  June  1,  1748,  and 
settled  in  the  east  paii:  of  the  tract  annexed  to  Gardner  about 
six  years  before  the  incorporation  of  that  town.  There  were 
three  children  in  1785. 

Peter   Goodalc  was   born    in  Shrewsbury,  December  12, 
1751.     He  was  married  in  the  north  parish  of  Shrewsbury, 
now  West  Boylston,  March  9,  1775,  and  their  eldest  child 
was  born  there  December  23,   1775.      Soon   after  the  last 
date    the    family    removed    to    tlds    town.     They    had    four 
children  when  Gardner  was  incorporated. 
. ,   Scarcely  had  Ashburnhani  generously  and  good-humoredly 
contributed    materially  to    the  creation    of   Gardner   before 
another  draft  was   made  upon    its  domain  and  inhabitants. 
This  time,  the  attack  was  made  upon  the  opposite  corner  of 
the    town.     In    the    end    it    was  vigorously  opposed.     The 
original    line    of  Ashby    extended    from    an    existing   town 
bound  on  Blood  or  Prospect  hill,  nearly  due   north  to  the 
State  line.     For  twenty-five  years  the  northeast  corner  of 
Ashburnham  was  nearly  two  miles  east  of  the  present  corner. 
A  number  of  families  in  this  part  of  the  town  for  several 
years  had  not  been  in  sympathy  with  a  majority  of  the  town 
in  the  support  of  the  ministry.     And  as  soon  as  a  new  meet- 
ing-house was    proposed    their    slumbering    discontent    was 
fanned  in  open  revolt.     In  the  spring   of  1791,  under  the 
leadership  of  John  Abbott,  they  signified  to  Ashby  a  desire 
to  be  annexed  to  that  town.     Ashby  promptly  responded  in 
a  vote    "  to  receive  Isaac  Whitney,  Josiah  Burgess,  James 
Pollard,  James  Bennett,  Josepli  Damon,  Jeremiah  Abbott, 
John    Hall,  Daniel    Brown,    John    Abbott,    Amos    Brooks, 
John  Shattuck  and  others  with  their  lauds  together  with  the 
non-resident  land  within  the  bounds  of  a  plan  that  they  shall 
exhibit  to  the  town  if  they  can  be  legally  amiexed  to  this 
town."     The  following  month  a  meetinir  was  convened    in 

'l.-w      .'-.[A 

IX  •'- 

,    ,ij;:Ml     .-f 

'  ,"'•1'  ■';.;  J'i  '■,,ii";'T-; 

■'<Ij  »{',*[' 

BOUNDARIES.  "  365 

this  town  "To  bear  the  petit iou  of  Ensign  John  Abbott  and 
others    requesting   to    be  voted    off  with  fourteen  hundred 
acres  of  land  to  be  annexed  to  Ashby  if  the  town  see  fit." 
The  town  did  not  see  fit.     The  petitioners  were  answered 
with    a    cold    and   unqualihed    refusal.        Undaunted,    they 
renewed  their  solicitation  and  caused  another  meeting  to  be 
called  in  the  autumn  of  the  same  vear.     At  this  stage  of  the 
proceedings  the  town  attempted  to  crush  the  revolt  by  paci- 
fying the  lender  of  it  and  proceeded  to  "vote  off"  about  five 
hundred  acres  including  the  homestead  and  other  lands  of 
Mr.    Abbott.      The    proposed    compromise    was    a    failure. 
The  petitioners  refusing  to  accept  the  proposition  renewed 
their  original  demands   and    secured  another  town  meetinir 
early   in  the   spring  of  1792.     Again  the   town  refused  to 
grant  their  petition.     It  is  plain  the  petitioners  were  depre- 
ciating in  the   good  opinion  of  the  town.     The  gentleman, 
whom  they  styled  at  the   outset  as  Ensign  John  Abbott,  is 
now  called  Mr.  John  Abbott  and  soon  after  he  was  degraded 
to  plain  John  Abbott.     Another  town   meeting  was   called 
in  May,   1792,   at  which  the    town    "voted  to    oppose   any 
families  or  land  being  taken  from  this  town  and  annexed  to 
Ashby  more  than  was  voted  off  at  a  former  meeting  and  that 
the  representativ^e  act  in  behalf  of  the   town  in  that  matter 
at  the   General   Court,  —  the  vote   being  unanimous   except 
seven  persons  and  those  were  petitioners  for  being  set  off."' 

The  issues  were  now  sharply  defined  and  the  controversy 
was  transferred  to  the  Legislature.  Samuel  AVilder,  Abra- 
ham Lowe  and  Jacob  Willard  were  chosen  to  remonstrate 
with  the  Legislature  against  this  encroachment  upon  the 
territory  of  the  town.  Jacob  Willard,  also,  was  the  repre- 
sentative at  this  time.  The  earnest  effort  of  the  town  and 
its  agents  in  opposition  to  the  measure  was  met  w4th  defeat. 
The  act,  severing  the  land  of  the  petitioners  from  this  town. 

"li    ,'0   v>t- 

1.  '-ur 

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a;(   .■;:•,;.  'tj 


w.-is  passed  November  10,  1792.  By  the  terms  of  the  net 
the  nortlicast  corner  of  Ashburnham  on  the  State  line  was 
established  live  hundred  and  four  rods  west  of  the  former 
bound  and  at  land  of  James  Spaulding.  The  dividing  line 
from  the  new  corner  extended  southerly  by  the  east  line  of 
James  Spaulding  one  hundred  and  forty-five  rods,  and 
thence  sonthcasterlj^  eight  hundred  and  seventy  rods  to  the 
line  of  Ashby.  Henry  Hall,  Sen.,  who  lived  within  these 
limits,  did  not  join  in  the  petition.  His  fann  was  divided 
by  this  proposed  line  and  by  a  special  clause  in  the  act  all 
his  land  remained  in  this  town. 

If  the  purpose  of  the  Legislature  had  been  faithfully 
executed  the  div'iding  line  between  Ashburnham  and  Ashby 
^ould  have  been  located  between  Ward  and  Watatic  ponds 
and  would  have  annexed  to  Ashby  a  larger  area  than  was 
subsequently  included  within  the  established  bounds. 
AVhen  the  line  was  run  southeaster!}''  from  the  State,  line, 
local  attraction  at  the  base  of  Watatic  mountain  caused  a 
variation  of  the  needle,  deflecting  the  course  to  the  east. 
Giving  a  liberal  construction  to  the  act  of  the  Legislature, 
the  line  was  run  straight  to  Blood  or  Prospect  hill.  The 
selectmen  of  Ashburnham  and  Ashby  in  a  joint  repoi-t 
informed  their  respective  towns,  "That  when  we  came  to 
the  easterly  corner  of  Potatuck  hill  a  mine  draAved  the 
needle  and  ran  between  Henry  Hall  Jr.'s  house  and  barn 
and  came  to  the  old  line  between  Ashburnham  and  Ashby 
on  a  hill  called  Prospect  hill  and  erected  a  stake  and  stones." 
The  line  here  described,  which  was  nm  according  to  the 
needle  and  not  according  to  law,  has  been  maintained  to  the 
present  time  ;  the  only  exception  being  a  slight  change  to 
restore  to  Ashburnham  a  part  of  the  farm  of  I^emuel  ^^'hit- 
ney,  formerly  of  Henry  Hall,  Jr.,  which  had  been  divided 
bv  the  new  line.     The  hidden  mine  at  the  base  of  Watatic 

Kl      '^■•■■.     t    . 

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saved  the  town  many  acres  of  land.  It  is  the  only  mine  in 
Ashburnham  that  has  been  successiully  operated.  At  the 
beginning  it  was  worked  for  all  it  was  worth  and  possibly 
its  resource:;  were  early  exhausted. 

The  fiimilies  transferred  to  Ashby  included  those  of  John 
Abbott,  five  children ;  Jeremiah  Abbott,  two  children ; 
Daniel  Brown,  three  children;  James  Bennett,  two  children; 
John  Hall,  one  child;  Amos  Brooks,  eight  children;  Isaac 
Whitney,  four  children ;  Judah  "Whitney,  one  child  ;  the 
widow  of  Ephraim  Whitney,  two  children ;  James  Pollard, 
John  Shattuck  and  Joseph  Damon. 

The  remorseless  knife  of  the  General  Court,  which  three 
times  had  clipped  a  considerable  tract  from  the  corners  of 
the  township,  was  next  brandished  over  the  peaceful  hamlets 
in"  the  southeast  pail  of  the  town.  These  depredations  on 
the  borders  were  becoming  a  most  serious  matter.  The 
original  pentagonal  township,  with  its  sharp,  projecting 
corners,  would  soon  be  trimmed  to  a  diminutive  circle  if 
the  process  was  not  stayed.  The  project  of  creating  a  new 
town  out  of  adjoining  portions  of  Ashburnham,  Westmin- 
ster, Fitchburg  and  Ashby,  now  buried  beneath  tlie  accu- 
mulating dust  of  ninety  years,  was  bold  and  aggi-essive. 
The  measure  was  forwarded  with  ability,  but  was  crushed 
beneath  the  united  opposition  of  the  four  adjoining  towns. 
A  list  of  the  names  of  the  persons  engaged  in  the  enterprise, 
and  living  within  the  limits  of  the  proposed  township,  has 
been  preserved.  It  bears  the  names  of  thirty  citizens  of 
Fitchburg,  sixteen  of  Westminster,  six  of  Ash])urnham  and 
two  of  Ashby.  Eight,  and  possibly  more,  names  were 
added  previous  to  1791  and  one  or  more  of  these  resided 
in  Ashburnham.     The  movement  originated  in  1785. 

The  petitioners  continued  their  solicitations  and  the  town 
a  persistent  opposition    until  the  beginning  of  the  present 


;  !r;:'\ ?)[;((■>    n.uif 

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:r'.      :l  , 

'*.         )    ■»•(',;   I     ■■' 

-f   ':d  ! 


ceutiuy.  In  the  mean  time  the  petitioners  adopted  a  limited 
organization  and  built  a  meeting-house  and  laid  out  a  com- 
mon in  anticipation  of  securing  from  the  liCgislature  the 
desired  act  of  incorporation.  The  meeting-house  was  built 
by  voluntary  contributions.  The  long  list  of  pledges  for 
the  material  presents  a  bewildering  assortment  of  sills, 
beams,  posts,  girts,  rafters,  boards,  shingles,  nails,  a  little 
money,  and  other  donations,  to  forward  the  underttiking. 
There  was  also  a  special  subscription  in  labor  and  stimulat- 
ing material  to  assist  in  framins^  and  raisino^  the  buildinir,  — 
containing  pledges  for  one  hundred  and  fifty-eight  days  labor 
at  framing,  sevent3^-five  at  raising,  a  few  modest  sums  of 
money,  twenty-four  bushels  of  rye,  one  hundred  and  fifty- 
eight  quarts  of  rum  and  forty-tive  gallons  of  cider.  With 
Landlords  Cooper  and  Upton  living  hard  by  in  case  of  a 
failure  of  any  of  the  supplies,  these  douglity  church  builders, 
surveying  their  situation  with  complacency,  entered  on  their 
records,  "  enough  has  been  subscribed  to  raise  and  cover 
the  meeting-house  except  a  part  of  the  boards  and  shingles." 
In  1780,  with  spirit  and  understanding,  as  long  as  the  last 
requisite  remained,  they  raised  a  frame  forty-five  feet  square. 
Two  years  were  consumed  in  fitful  eftbrts  in  completing  the 
outside.  The  interior  was  never  fully  completed.  The 
building,  profanely  called  the  Lord's  barn  standing  in  plain 
view  on  Cooper  hill  in  Westminster,  was  a  fiimiliar  ol»ject 
for  many  years.  At  a  late  day,  it  has  been  suggested  that 
the  impulse  which  led  to  the  building  of  this  house  was  a 
failure  of  sympathy  with  the  creed  of  the  surrounding 
churches.  The  most  reliable  information  leads  to  the  con- 
clusion that  they  were  adherents  to  the  prevailing  creed  and 
could  not  fairly  be  considered  as  an  association  of  dissenters. 
Their  first  ellbrt  to  obtain  preaching  was  a  vote  extending  an 
invitation  to  the  Orthodox  ministers  in  Ashburnham,  AVincli- 

'!(.  '■■<! 

V  •!    ,;;,■• ,  ■.,..,  (  J,   j.»    ]/• 


cikIoh,  "Westminster,  Fitchbuvg  and  Lunenburg  to  preach 
to  tbeiii.  ]Many  of  the  leading  men  in  this  enterprise  were 
members  of  the  standing  order  in  the  several  towns  in  which 
they  lived.  Xot  organizing  a  church  as  they  anticipated  at 
the  outset,  tlieir  original  relations  were  continued  until  dis- 
soh  cd  by  death. 

Joshua  Billings,  Joseph  Gib])s  and  Reuben  Eice  were 
members  of  the  church  in  Ashburnham,  and  so  was  John 
Ward  wlio  lived  over  the  line  in  Westminster.  Even  under 
the  unyielding  discipline  of  the  time,  their  association  with 
this  movement  did  not  provoke  the  censure  of  the  church. 
Tlie  Lord's  barn  and  its  builders  were  orthodox.  Of  itself 
the  old  meeting-house  in  Westminster  has  little  coimectiou 
with  the  history  of  this  town  ;  but  as  a  part  of  a  more  com- 
})rehensive  project,  as  the  first  step  towards  the  incorporation 
of  the  proposed  town  of  Belvoir,  it  caused  our  fathers  great 
alarm.  The  erection  of  an  unpretentious  building  was  of 
little  moment,  but  this  persistent  attempt  to  slice  a  corner 
from  the  town  greatly  irritated  the  good  citizens  of  Ash- 
burnham. Four  town  meetings  were  called  at  an  early  date 
to  oppose  the  movement.  Samuel  Wilder,  Jacob  AYillard 
and  John  Adams  were  chosen  to  confer  with  the  other  towns 
;ind  Joseph  Jewett,  Jacob  Willard  and  John  Adams  were 
instructed  to  oppose  the  petitioners  at  the  General  Court. 

The  residents  of  Ashburnham  included  in  this  movement 
were  Joseph  Gibbs,  Joshua  Billings,  Reuben  Rice,  Jonathan 
Winchester,  Thomas  Gibson  and  Silas  Whitney.  The 
?i'heme  was  revived  in  1815  when  forty-two  petitioned  for  a 
town  to  be  culled  Yernon.  The  following  year  a  new 
petition  bearing  ninety-eight  names  was  considered  by  the 
General  Court  and  a  public  hearing  was  ordered.  This 
lime  the  petitioners  suggested  the  name  of  Belvoir  for  the 
proposed  town.     Town  meetings  were  promptly  called  and 


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-«  '    .-t.  ,. 

/';.;     i-:u{k:i 


Elishii  White,  George  R.  Cushiiig  and  Joseph  Jewett  were 
selected  to  oppose  the  Vernon  petition.  The  Bel  voir 
petition  was  successfully  resisted  by  Elisha  White,' Thomas 
Hobart  and  Abraham  Lowe,  and  thus  ended  a  contest  which 
had  been  contiimed  over  thirty  years.  From  beginning  to 
end  the  arguments  of  the  petitioners  were  the  same  and 
stated  with  little  change  of  language.  The  last  petition 
was  as  follows  : 

The  petition  of  the  undersigned  inhabitants  of  Filchburg,  West- 
minster, Ashburnham  and  Ashby  humbly  sheweth  that  whereas 
your  petitioners  are  situated  quite  distant  frorn  the  meeting-houses 
in  tlie  towns  to  which  we  respectively  belong  (especially  in  West- 
minster and  Fitchburg,  some  in  the  former  town  living  at  the 
distance  of  seven  miles  from  the  meeting-house),  and  the  land  on 
which  we  live  formed  as  if  nature  itself  intended  it  for  connection, 
and  the  interests  of  those  living  in  the  remaining  parts  of  the  towns, 
especially  in  Fitchburg  and  Westminster,  being  in  many  and  most 
respects  totally  different  from  ours,  it  is  therefore  the  prayer  of 
your  petitioners  that  the  General  Court  would  be  pleased  to  incor- 
porate us  into  a  distinct  and  separate  town  by  the  name  of 

But  Vernon  and  Belvoir  fouud  little  support  on  Beacon 
hill.  The  little  town  with  euphonious  titles,  so  clearly  out- 
lined in  the  hopes  and  imagination  of  the  petitioners,  was 
destined  to  slumber  in  the  gloom  of  defeat.  Ashburnham 
was  not  only  successful  but  recovered  cost  with  the  verdict. 
About  this  time  the  farms  of  John  Ward  and  William  Bar- 
rell  and  a  considerable  tract  of  non-resident  land  was  severed 
from  Westminster  and  annexed  to  this  town. 

Only  one  attempt  to  secure  a  change  of  the  boundaries  of 
the  town  occurred  after  this  date.  In  1827  George  Wilker 
and  twelve  others,  residing  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  town, 
petitioned  the  Legislature  to  annex  to  Ashby  all  the  land  in 



•;)'i'r.-   -P 


I"' J 

'  ,)' 


Ash<iurnhaiii  lyinir  cast  of  a  straia^hi  line  extcndins;  from  the 
nortlnvest  to  tlie  southwest  corner  of  Ashby.  Henry  Adams, 
Charles  Barrett  and  Hosea  Stone  were  chosen  to  remonstrate 
in  the  name  of  the  to\^•n.  The  following  year  the  petition 
was  renewed  and  the  Legislature  sent  a  committee  to  view 
the  premises.  The  town  chose  Joseph  Jewett,  Charles 
Barrett  and  Ste})hen  Marble  to  confer  with  the  committee. 
The  measure  was  defeated,  at  an  adjourned  session  of  the 
Legislature,  182S. 


''nr-      invOT     :i;.'^ 

CHAPTER   XY.  .; 

;        ;•  ROADS    AND    lIATLltOADS. 







Like  the  veins  in  the  human  system  centring  at  the  heart, 
the  i)rimitivG  roads  of  every  town  had  a  general  tendency 
towards  the  meeting-house.  It  was  not  until  the  movement 
of  surplus  production  gave  additional  employment  to  the 
roads  that  much  attention  was  jiaid  to  any  outward  facilities. 
The  early  roads  of  Ashburnham  ^vere  for  the  benetit  of  the 
settlers  within  the  town.  The  only  roads  which  otlered  any 
suo-o-estions  for  the  accommodation  of  the  surrounding;  towns 
were  built  imder  the  commands  of  the  court  and  in  opposition 
to  the  will  of  a  majority  of  the  inhabitants.  These  roads 
from  the  tirst  were  styled  County  roads,  and  to  keep  them 
in  repair  a  separate  tax  was  assessed  and  special  surveyors 
were  chosen.  The  family  of  Jeremiah  Foster  rode  into  town 
in  a  cart  drawn  by  oxen.  The  chaise  in  which  rode  the  wife 
of  Rev.  Mr.  Cushing  on  her  wedding  journey  from  West- 
borough  to  her  future  home  could  proceed  no  farther  than 
Fitchburg  and  the  remainder  of  the  way  was  performed  on 
horseback.  But  a  general  knowledge  of  these  early  times 
will  present  a  good  idea  of  the  first  roads  in  this  town.     So 


.  '-i;;  \.>'\n  f.'A    Mv:/.   ,•<(/,(  ii 

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I'.       'f''.^      * 



far  as  any  have  been  better  or  poorer  than  the  average  road 
oi"  ihe  time  the  fact  will  ap}>ear.  If  the  number  of  roads  in 
the  early  history  of  the  town  excites  surprise,  it  should  be 
I'emenibered  that  every  settler  demanded  one  leading  from 
bis  clearing  to  some  existing  road.  With  a  reasona1)le 
-ii^niute  of  those  built  -svithin  the  independent  grants  previous 
to  17(55,  of  which  there  is  no  record,  it  appears  that  no  less 
tlian  forty-five  roads  were  laid  out  in  this  town  previous  to 
the  Revolution.  ]\Iauy  of  these  were  only  a  continuation  of 
an  existing  road  or  the  substitutioii  of  a  more  feasible  route, 
and  in  the  mean  time  a  considerable  number  were  discon- 

While  Ashburnham  remained  a  part  of  the  vast  wilderness 
of  unappropriated  land,  boundc^d  on  the  south  by  Townscud, 
Lunenburg  and  Westminster,  and  on  the  east  and  west  by 
the  settlements  in  the  valleys  of  the  Merrimack  and  Connec- 
ticut rivers,  the  road  from  Lunenburg  to  Xorthfield  was  cut 
through  the  forest.  The  distance  was  forty-two  miles  and  it 
was  constructed  about  1733.  John  Fitch,  in  a  petition  to 
the  General  Court,  states  that  in  1739  he  settled  on  the 
Xorthtield  road  seven  miles  above  Lunenburg.  Mr.  Fitch 
settled  where  Paul  Gates  now  resides,  in  the  southern  part 
of  Ashby.  The  petition  establishes  the  location  of  the  road 
at  that  point,  and  the  account  of  the  Cambridge  and  the 
Bellows  or  Bluetield  grants  in  Chapter  I.  atibrds  additional 
information  in  regard  to  its  course  through  this  town  and 
the  date  of  its  construction.  This  ancient  road  entered  Ash- 
burnham north  of  Russell  hill  and  near  the  point  where  the 
new  road  from  Riudge  to  Fitchburg  crosses  the  Ashbv  line. 
It  continued  throuixh  Lexinirton  farm  and  north  of  Mount 
Hunger  and  northwesterly  through  the  Bluetield  grant  into 
the  north  part  of  Winchendon.  A\Tien  the  proprietors  of 
I>orchester  Canada  established  the  boundary  lines  and  came 

■•'T     ■;-:     JIUU      -     .h 

i;f    I'i 


•!  .::;:.r 

>!'■  \  '    '  ■' 


into  possession  of  tlie  township,  they  found  this  road  ahetidy 
opened  and  extending  through  tlieir  grant. 

In  1752  a  road  was  proposed  from  a  point  now  in  Ashby 
"along  to  the  southward  of  AVatatuck  hill  to  the  Blueiield 
road  so  called."  Other  mention  of  the  Bluetield  road  gives 
no  additional  information  in  regard  to  its  location  at  any 
point  in  its  course  through  this  town.  In  its  westward 
course  through  the  northern  ]iart  of  Winchendon  it  was 
sometimes  called  the  Earlington  road,  for  the  reason  that  the 
grant  of  land  adjoining  Northfield  was  frequently  called 
Earlington,  or  more  correctly  Arlington,  now  Winchester, 
Kew  Hampshire.  The  road  was  constructed  by  the  Wil- 
lards.  Bellows  and  Boyntons  of  Lunenburg  to  forward  the 
settlement  of  that  grant.  The  tirst  road  pro})Osed  by  the 
proprietors  of  Ipswich  Canada  was  "  from  Earlington  to  the 
meeting-house  lot,"  meaning  from  some  point  in  the  Earling- 
ton or  Northfield  road  to  the  meeting-house  lot.  xVt  the 
next  meeting  they  otfered  six  pounds  "  to  such  proprietor  as 
shall  cut  a  horse  way  from  Earlington  road  to  the  meeting- 
house lot."  These  two  votes  are  parcels  of  the  same  })roject. 
The  magnificent  suggestion  in  the  History  of  Winchendon 
that  the  tirst  vote  contemplated  a  road  from  Northfield  to 
Ipswich  Canada  is  extravagant.  In  the  tirst  vote  supply  the 
omission  of  the  word  ""road''  after  Earlington,  then  the  two 
votes  are  consistent.  In  iiny  other  light  the  worthies  of 
Winchendon  are  found  build  ins:  a  road  from  the '  meetino- 
house  lot  to  Earlington  and  supplementing  it  with  a  road 
from  the  same  point  to  the  Earlington  road. 

The  records  do  not  define  the  location  of  some  of  the 
earliest  roads  in  this  town,  but  a  considerable  sum  of  money 
was  expended  for  this  purpose  during  the  infancy  of  the  set- 
tlement. The  first  road,  wdiich  can  be  definitely  located, 
was  between  the  saw-mill  and  "  the  place  where  the  meeting- 

ni     ■':•,■-'..;.,/(.•!      !,.,i.;-,l      -I     '.ij 

,1  »     ;;,'-■      I ; 

■'''l    'I. 

1^;   .fidii- 

*'     11 

:■     I    ."      ■!:■'    :1    .-■,,?    ,j, 

'.'        .      ■! 


liouse  is  to  stand  as  strait  as  the  land  will  allow  of."  The 
first  road  of  considera])Ie  lono'th  would  naturally  be  some 
inlet  from  the  lower  towns.  In  1742  a  committee  was 
chosen  "to  clear  what  is  ahsolutely  necessary  in  the  eastei'n 
road  already  laid  out  and  to  see  if  a  better  road  could  be 
found  out  to  Lunenburg."  In  171o  "  Edward  Hartwell, 
Esq.,  and  jNIr.  Andrew  ^Viluer"  Avere  paid  for  marking  out 
a  road  from  the  meeting-house  to  the  west  line. 

In  1753  increased  sums  of  money  were  paid  to  committees 
and  laboreis  on  account  of  the  rotids,  but  without  reference 
to  their  location.  The  same  year  ap})ears  an  article  "to  see 
if  it  would  be  agreeable  to  the  proprietors  to  have  the  great 
road  leadinii-  to  Ipswich  Canada  and  Rovalshire  six  rods 
wide,  as  it  is  likely  to  T)e  the  principal  road  to  the  upper 
western  towns  and  Albany."  However  agreeable  it  might 
have  been  to  secure  a  road  of  such  ambitious  proportions, 
the  proprietors  voted  they  would  not  do  it,  and  it  is  possible 
Albany  never  heard  of  it.  The  truth  is,  the  proprietors  so 
long  delayed  the  building  of  any  suitable  road  to  the  line  of 
Ipswich  Canada,  that  soon  after  this  date  the  aid  of  the 
court  was  invoked  and  a  county  road  wns  built.  In  the 
midst  of  these  proceedings,  with  a  buoyancy  of  spirit  that 
approaches  audacity,  the  proprietors  vote  to  perfect  all  the 
roads  in  the  township. 

In  1758,  and  in  succeeding  years,  with  little  change  in  the 
form  of  expression,  an  agent  is  chosen  "to  oversee  those  that 
shall  be  employed  in  working  at  the  road,  that  they  are 
ftiithful  in  their  service  and  have  no  more  allowed  them  than 
they  deserve."  In  17G1  it  was  ordered  "that  the  same  com- 
mittee, that  laid  out  the  road  from  the  meeting-house  to  !Mr. 
^Vinter's,  proceed  to  lay  out  said  road  till  it  comes  to  the 
road  by  Mr.  James  Colman's  house,  excepting  where  it 
goeth  through  Stouer's  farm,  so  called."     Stoger's  farm  is 

■nil}.'.  ;j:. -r  V, .!,(;  .:., 

r-  i,'. 

,  I      -.',.,  f «:  i    1     I 


another  name  for  liOxington  gnmt  or  the  Dutch  forms.  The 
propj'ietors  were  unable  to  tax  the  settlers  on  this  or  the 
other  grants  and  were  justly  excused  from  building  any  roads 
through  them.  Andrew  "Winter  ll\'ed  near  the  west  line  of 
Lexington  grant  and  James  Coleman's  house  was  near  the 
Stacy  mill  in  Ashby.  In  17G1  there  was  a  division  of  the 
highway  tax ;  six  ])ounds  was  expended  on  the  county  road, 
nine  pounds  in  the  south  })art  and  four  and  one-half  pounds 
in  the  north  part  of  the  township.  ' 

•  Xo  sooner  had  the  settlement  assumed  the  dignity  of  a 
town  than  the  building  and  maintenance  of  the  roads  became 
familiar  subjects  of  legislation.  Witliin  two  years  fourteen 
roads  were  laid  out  by  the  selectmen  and  accepted  by  the 
town.  Others  followed  in  rapid  succession.  While  many 
of  these  original  roads  noAV  constitute  a  })art  of  the  existing 
highways  they  have  been  so  many  times  extended  and 
amended  that  their  identity  is  buried  beneath  the  weight  of 
continued  record.  The  first  road  laid  out  by  the  selectmen 
was  from  a  point  now  in  Ashby  to  meet  a  I'oad  south  of  the 
Reservoir  |)ond  :  •  '   .    .  - 

June  27,  1765.  We  then  Laid  out  a  Road  from  Fitchburg  Line 
through  Bridge  Farm  and  then  the  marks  are  on  the  West  and 
South  side  of  the  Road  to  Stephen  Ames'es. 

N.  B.  The  above  said  Road  Runs  through  Lexington  Farm, 
so  C'aled.  '  ■  ..... 

■  The  bounds  are  generally  stated  in  very  indefinite  terms, 
.but  a  majority  of  them  were  said  to  end  at  the  meeting-house 
or  in  some  road  leading  to  it  "w  hich  assists  in  locating  veiy 
many  of  them.         .       ,     ■_  .       ;         ,  .  .     ,•  , 

Laid  out  a  road  from  Samuel  Fellows  Juner  to  the  meeting 
House  Running  North  Through  Wetherbees  Land  and  Williams 
Laud  and  Stones  Land  and  Turning  Northerly  on  Stones  Laud 

(     ;' ■;;i-->;:n- 

■  J}i) 


';:J,K    ) 

■Ml-      -l., 


,1    ■'     ,      1-. 


aiul  Dickersons  Land  a.nd  Sampsons  Land  and  Oaks  Laud  and 
AVheelevs  Land  and  Common  Land  till  it  comes  to  the  publick 
Dieeting  House,  is  two  Rods  Avide  and  marked  ou  tbc  easterly  side 
of  said  Koad.  ;  ■    ^  ■ 

The  eeneral  course  of  the  above  road  recorded  in  1765  is 
stated,  but  like  many  others  its  location  at  intermediate 
points  cannot  now  be  determined.  In  some  instances,  like 
the  following,  the  care  of  a  road  was  assumed  by  the  town 
without  the  intervention  of  the  selectmen  : 

■  The  toAYU  excepted  Mr.  Melvius  Road,  sd  Road  runs  from 
Nathan  ^Melvin's  by  Willi'"  Benjamins  and  through  Creehor's  Lot 
and  through  Simeon  Willards  Lot  &  Oliver  "Willards  Lot,  and 
through  Mr.  Whitemoor's  Lot  through  Elisha  Coolidge's  Lot  to 
Bhiefield  Road  sd.  Road  is  two  Rod  wide  and  marked  on  y' 
I^ortherly  side. 

The  first  county  road  was  not  a  voluntary  enterprise,  and 
probably  it  was  not  maintained  with  any  degree  of  enthu- 
siasm. In  1773  parties  residing  in  adjoining  towns  secured 
its  indictment.  The  town  "chose  Samuel  "Wilder,  Esq.,  to 
make  answer  to  the  Court  of  General  Sessions  of  the  Peace 
to  be  holden  at  Worcester  the  last  Tuesday  of  March  instant 
to  an  Indictment  found  against  the  said  Town  by  the  grand 
Inquest  for  the  body  of  said  county,  for  not  mending  or 
keeping  in  repair  the  County  road  or  King's  Highway  from 
Winchendon  Town  line  to  the  meeting-house  in  Ashburn- 

The  descriptive  portion  of  the  indictment  allbrds  some 
information  of  the  condition  of  the  road.  The  Court  liecords 
declare  that  it  "was  founderous,  miry  and  rocky,  encum- 
bered with  great  stones,  deep  mud,  stumps  and  roots  and 
destitute  of  necessary  bridges  whereby  the  travelling  that  is 
necessary  in  c*c  through  the   same  road  is  greatly  impeded 

iVriv.'  ',,'.-,!' 

-'■■'f    ■■ 


and  hi.s  ^Injesty's  Liege  Subjects  who  have  occtision  and 
right  to  pass  and  repass  in  and  tlirough  the  same  road  by 
themselves  and  with  their  horses,  teams  Sz  carriages  cannot 
conveniently  and  safely  pass  in  &  OA'cr  the  same  road  but  in 
so  doino-  are  in  orre-at  daniier  of  losinii'  their  own  lives  &.  the 
lives  of  their  cattle  iS.  of  breaking  and  destroying  their 
Carnages. " 

Mr.  Wilder,  clothed  with  plenary  }>ower,  went  to  AVorees- 
ter  to  make  answer  to  the  court,  ))ut  when  he  heard  himself 
addressed  in  such  terms  it  is  impossible  to  imagine  what  he 
had  to  say.  To  f^ice  a  court  breathing  anathema  and  making- 
such  assault  upon  himself  and  his  town  required  great  cour- 
aire  and  fortitude.  Whether  fear  aaye  strength  and  coura^'e 
to  the  ambassador  or  his  utter  discomforture  appeased  the 
temper  of  the  court  is  uncertain.  In  any  event  the  case  was 
continued,  and  then  the  court,  possibly  in  sorrow  for  an 
assault  upon  innocence,  calmly  reviewed  the  field  and  came 
to  the  conclusion  that  inasmuch  as  the  road,  meanwhile,  had 
been  repaired  the  town  should  be  forgiven  on  the  payment 
of  five  shillings  and  costs. 

In  177(3  the  maintenance  of  a  new  county  road  was  added 
to  existing  burdens.  For  several  years  after  this  date  a 
special  surveyor  was  chosen  for  the  "  south  county  road." 
It  extended  from  the  centre  of  the  town  past  the  school- 
house  in  the  first  district,  and  thence,  nearly  by  the  present 
road,  past  the  Jose[)h  Harris'  place  to  the  Westminster  line. 

Soon  after  the  Revolution  the  project  of  a  county  road  from 
Winchendon  to  Westminster,  passing  through  the  south- 
west corner  of  the  town,  was  revived.  With  its  usual 
{ilacrity  in  such  cases,  the  town  instructed  the  selectmen  to 
oppose  the  road.  The  following  year  the  incorporation  of 
Gardner  intervened  and  with  other  legacies  the  town  trans- 
ferred all  responsibility  in  the  premises  to  the  young  town. 

-/"    .  ■'  '-  ■-'•■J  I    Oi    .'J',/'-.,))}    ■=■ 



'.'■  'i',t 

I '       'I     .. 

1  ■  .'    .1 

;  '  ■,'■;'> 


Tnit  xVslilmrnbum  was  scarcely  relieved  from  one  vexation 
concerniug  county  roads  before  others  of  a  more  weighty 
character  demanded  attention. 

In  1790  a  county  road  in  amendment  of  the  old  tliorough- 
fare  from  Winchendon  Centre  was  ]:»roposed.     An  agent  was 
scut  to  'NYoreester,  but  his  eftbiis  were  attended  with  limited 
success.     Three  years  later  the  }>etition  was  renesved,  and 
Samuel  AVilder,  A])rahani  Lowe  and  Colonel  Francis  Lane 
were  selected  to  continue  an  active  opposition  to  the  project. 
The   town    instructed    their   committee  to  measure    all  the 
county    roads  in    the    town    and   to    ask   the    court  if   any 
additional  burdens  would  be  reasonable  and  just.     Again,  a 
delay  was  etfected,  but  the  suspension  of  hostilities  was  only 
for   a    brief  season.     The    petition    was  renewed    in   1798. 
Samuel  "Wilder,  on  whom  the  to\sn   relied  for  council  and 
service    in    every   emergency,  was    dead.  '  The   town    sent 
David  Cusliing,  Joseph  Jewett  and  Hezekiah  Corey  to  the 
rescue,  but   without    avail.     The    road  was   laid  out  and  a 
majority  of  the  town  was  greatly  discomforted.     Before  the 
fate  of  this  road,  of  which  mention  will  be  made  again,  was 
decided  another  of  greater  proportions  was  proposed.     The 
preliminary   proceedings  were   brief.     Before   the  town  had 
fairly  set  its  face  against  it,  a  county  road  was  laid  to  com- 
plete a  line  of  travel  from  Winchendon  Centre  to  Leominster. 
passing  through  this   town  b}-  the  town  farm   and  on  sub- 
stantially the  same   route   as  the  Fifth  Turnpike  was  subse- 
quently built ;  and,  in  fact,  the  county  road    influenced   the 
location  of  the  turnpike  which  was  tinally  accepted  in  room 
of  it.     One  of  the  advocates  of  this  county  road  was  Joseph 
Stone  who  lived  on  the   farm  later  owned  by  the  town.      In 
this  proceeding  Mr.  Stone  was  strongly  opposed  by  a  large 
majority  of  his   townsmen  and    public  sentiment  upon  this 
subject   is  reflected   in  the  records.     At  first,  the  road  was 

-^  :i.- 

If  ;w  .;       ■    >■ 

•f'  ,■■■■  •:,■//  [■• 

' ! :' ! 



styled  Captain  Stone's  road,  but  as  the  controversy  grew 
warmer  it  was  called  Stone's  road,  and  there  is  a  tradition  in 
this  town  that  the  popularity  of  ~Mv.  Stone  faded  as  rapidly 
tis  the  fortunes  of  the  road  were  advanced. 

After  the  road  was  laid  the  town  selected  Abraham  Lowe, 
Joshua  Smith  and  Josc})!!  Jewett  to  draw  up  a  remonstrance 
in  support  of  an  appeal  to  the  General  Court.  The  proposed 
construction  of  the  turnpike  otVered  the  town  some  relief,  and 
measures  were  introduced  to  inlluence  the  location  of  the 
turnpike  in  a  manner  that  would  lead  the  court  to  discontinue 
the  original  road,  l^benezer  Munroe,  Joseph  Jewett  and 
John  Gates  were  chosen  to  confer  with  the  directors  of  the 
turnpike,  and  upon  hearing  their  report  the  town,  1802, 
"Voted  to  make  the  road  from  the  foot  of  the  hill  below 
Abraham  Foster's,  so  on  to  the  county  road  by  Oliver  Sam- 
son's, at  town  expense  on  condition  that  Stone's  road,  . 
so  called,  can  be  discontinued  and  the  town  be  at  no  more 
cost  or  expense  on  or  about  said  road.  Also  the  town  voted 
to  put  in  one  thousand  dollars  in  the  road  on  condition  that  it 
be  made  a  turnpike  road  to  run  from  AVinchendon  line  by 
jS'athaniel  Foster's  mill,  so  on  to  the  foot  of  Abi-aham  Foster's 
hill,  so  out  by  Oliver  Samson's.  Also  voted  to  put  in  five 
hundred  dollars  on  condition  that  they  go  with  the  road 
where  they  think  best  in  the  town.  Stone's  road,  so  called, 
to  be  discontinued  and  the  town  be  at  no  further  expense  on 
account  of  Stone's  road." 

The  following  year  the  town  made  a  fourth  proposition, 
offering  the  corporation  $1500  if  the  turnpike  was  constructed 
■oyer  the  old  common.  The  corporation  accepted  the  smallest 
sum  otl'ered  and  reserved  the  right  to  "go  with  the  road 
where  they  think  l)est  in  the  town."  The  turnpike  was 
built  in  180.3  and  1800  and  the  county  road  was  discon- 

7tb;u(r"  I'.n  iyoiuil 

■l':-    't:>   , M.J!  !<;■..;:'    -MiT 

•\;;.     J' 

.'i.M    ^;:m..':    or 


The  town  next  directed  attention  to  an  amendment  of  the 
tirst  county  road  "svhich  had  been  ordered  by  the  court.     To 
this    date  the    travel    from  Winchendon  was    compelled    to 
make  the  ascent  of  ]\Ieeting-lioiise  hill,  and  thence  abruptly 
down  into  the  valley  as  it  ])roceeded  to  Fitchburg,     A  more 
feasible  route  had  been  debated   for  several  years,  but  the 
town  steadily  refused  to  divert  any  travel  from  the  old  com- 
mon uutil  the  authority  of  the  court  had  been  invoked.     A 
section  of  new  road  was  now  built,  commencing  at  a  point 
on  the  old  road,  one  and  one-half  miles  west  of  the  old  com- 
mon and  meeting  the  road  again  in  front  of  the  present  resi- 
dence of  Seth  P.  Fairbanks.     This  road  was  built  in  1817  at 
a  cost  of  $10()().     It  was  clearly  a  benetit  to  the  public,  but 
the  dwellers  around  the  old  common,  and  many  others,  who 
shared  v.ith  them  a  commendable  regard  for  the  centre  of 
their  town,  its  meeting-house,  its  cemetery,  its  pound  and 
its    aristocracy,    were     greatly    discomforted.       "When    this 
entei-prise  was  completed  it  was  the  most  thoroughly  con- 
structed   section    of   road    in    the    town.       The    conditions 
required  it  "to  be  sixteen  feet  between  the  ditches,  crowned 
eighteen  inches  in  the  centre  and  all  stones  to  be  removed 
that    come  within    six    inches  of  the  surface."     Before  this 
road    ^vas    completed    measures  were    taken    to    secure    the 
indictment  of  the  road  leading  from  the  centre  of  the  town 
to  the  guide-board  near  the  house  of  Calel)  "Ward  who  then 
resided  west  of  Lane  Village  and  near  Lower  Xaukeag  lake. 
At  a  special  town  meeting  some  one  proposed  to  repair  the 
road  by  subscription  and  escape  an  indictment.     Thirty  days' 
labor  were  immediately  pledged,  and  then  the  town  com- 
placently directed   that    the    labor   be   performed    at    once, 
and  after  that  the    complaint  be  defended  by  the  town    if 
prosecuted.  ■     ■  .       '     . 

:'!l^;rr"*-    '^n  —  ilj 

'■'I'?',.)    "•■);■' 

V  '::■'■;  -■     .■;(     1. 

.'     .■■  ■'.   ,    f      ., 

I.  f'l   '■     ,'■■       •;;  'M'l 

;:v<-  ''  T''. 


Coiiimoncing  with  the  present  centiny  there  Avas  an  era  of 
turnpikes.  After  the  extreme  depression  in  business,  which 
Avas  the  natural  consequence  of  the  drain  of  the  Eevolu- 
tionary  War,  the  countr}'^  made  substantial  progress  in 
wealth  and  development.  A  moderate  accunmlation  of  cap- 
ital began  to  seek  channels  of  investment  and  everj'  enter- 
prise which  promised  a  fair  return  for  the  capital  employed 
failed  not  for  want  of  money  or  the  encouragement  and  support 
of  business  men.  Stimulated  by  an  increasing  travel  and 
traffic  to  and  tVom  the  centres  of  trade,  turnpikes  built  and 
controlled  by  corporations  were  extended  into  every  field  of 
supply.  Towns  on  tlie  lines  of  these  throroughtiires  were 
greatly  benefited,  and  great  efibrts  were  made  to  influence 
their  location.  Taverns,  stores  and  blacksmith  shops  were 
multiplied  and  many  of  them  were  mainly  dependent  on  the 
patronage  of  these  roads. 

An  early  line  of  travel  from  the  north  and  west  was  from 
Iveene  through  Jatirey  and  New  Ipswich  and  thence  to 
Boston  by  way  of  Townsend.  It  was  incorporated  in  1799, 
and  built  without  delay.  Another  turnpike  incorporated  1802, 
fi'om  Keene  through  Winchendon  and  Leominster,  passed  by 
on  the  other  side.  This  Levite  came  nearer  and  indeed  was 
located  through  the  southwest  part  of  the  town,  but  it  was 
of  little  local  benefit.  It  is  now  included  in  the  town  roads, 
and  the  houses  of  John  ]M.  Pratt,  John  V.  Platts  and 
Stephen  Wood  are  on  the  line  of  it.  The  next  turnpike  in 
this  vicinity  came  no  nearer.  It  was  incorporated  in  1807 
and  completed  1811.  It  was  an  important  line  of  travel 
from  Iveene  through  Kindge,  Ashb}^  and  Groton.  This 
tunipil-ce  entered  Ashburnham  near  the  residence  of  Edwin 
J.  Stearns,  and  the  present  road  from  that  point,  where  there 
was  a  toll-gate,  to  the  Ashby  line  at  Watatic  pond,  marks 
its  course  throu^rh  the  corner  of  the  town.     While  this  turn- 

i:./?:^     IM<:«1     f>^4;.  ri;-,,.; 

■1   i.'i    1 1-; ;■'.»' 

lIj;    ■■,.  »     <c'  '/'i!:;  _-  '  .  x 

,M  Im;j- 


pike  was  patronized  considerably  by  the  inhid^itants,  it  was 
of  little  benefit  to  the  town.  If  Ashburnluim  was  not  highly 
favored  by  this  era  of  turnpikes,  the  inhabitants  generally 
escaped  the  losses  which  ultimately  attended  the  deprecia- 
tion of  stock. 

In  other  towns  many  men  of  comparative  wealth  were 
financially  mined,  and  the  savings  of  the  poor,  which  were 
allured  by  golden  promises  from  the  scanty  accumulations 
of  continued  toil  and  many  self-denials,  were  lost  in  the 
general  ruin  which  ensued.  If  these  early  turnpikes  were 
not  successful  from  a  financial  standpoint  they  greatly 
encouraged  the  growth  and  development  of  the  country, 
and  by  competition  and  example  they  did  much  to  improve 
the  general  condition  of  the  other  roads.  -      .    . 

About  the  time  of  the  decline  of  the  turnpikes  a  large 
amount  of  money  was  expended  in  building  and  repairing 
roads.  A  new  line  of  travel,  in  which  this  town  had  a  lively 
interest,  was  opened  through  the  valley  of  ^Miller's  river  and 
from  Winchendon  through  the  centre  of  Ashburnham  to 
Fitchburg  and  the  lower  towns.  For  many  years  long  lines 
of  teams  and  a  great  amount  of  pleasure  travel  passed 
through  the  central  village.  Very  many  now  living  are 
fond  of  telling  of  the  heavy  wagons,  drawn  by  four,  six  and 
eight  horses,  laden  with  produce  for  the  market  and  return- 
ing with  merchandise  for  the  country  stores,  or  of  the  four 
and  six  horse  stages  that  daily  passed  each  way.  The 
scenes  of  life  and  activity  that  attended  their  arrival  and 
departure  and  other  features  of  those  days  are  well  remem- 
bered. The  active  landlord  answered  the  demands  of  mau}^ 
guests,  while  the  busy  hostlers  in  the  spacious  barns  grew 
wearv'  in  attendance  upon  the  overflowing  stalls.  The 
hamuier  of  the  smith  awoke  the  stillness  of  night  and  the  fire 
in  the  forge  scarcely  burned  out  before  the  beginning  of  a 



new  diiy.  A  much  Lirgor  business  to-day  is  done  with  one 
tithe  of  the  noise  and  confusion  of  the  olden  time.  Then, 
the  newspapers,  unuidcd  hy  the  telegraph  and  other  modern 
facilities,  gave  little  information  of  passing  events.  Items 
of  intelligence  were  noisily  communicated  by  word  of  mouth 
wliile  bustling  crowds  around  the  taverns  and  the  stores 
gathered  the  latest  news  from  the  passing  traveller.  Xow, 
the  current  price  of  commodities  and  the  records  of  the 
world  are  gleaned  from  the  papers  in  the  quiet  retirement  of 
home.  Then,  orders  for  goods  and  the  general  intercourse 
of  trade  ^yel•Q  often  verbal  messages  transmitted  through 
man}'  mouths.  The  message  of  to-day,  silently  committed 
to  the  mail,  or  to  the  swifter  transmittal  of  the  telegraph 
and  the  responding  shipment  of  merchandise,  left  by  the 
passing  train. ,  are  in  happy  contrast  with  the  noisy  methods 
of  the  olden  time. 

During  the  construction  of  the  Fitchburg  railroad  from 
point  to  point,  the  teams  and  stages  in  that  direction  made 
shorter  journey's,  but  the  condition  of  affairs  at  this  point  was 
not  materiallj^  changed  :  but  the  building  of  the  Vermont  and 
Massachusetts  and  the  Cheshire  railroads  which  soon  followed 
drove  the  stages  and  the  teams  from  the  road. 

The  amount  expended  for  the  annual  repair  of  the  roads 
during  the  early  history  of  the  town  conformed  to  the  in- 
crease of  population  and  secured  highways  that  reasonably 
met  the  requirements  of  the  times.  The  appropriation  in 
1770  was  £?,')  ;  in  1773,  £80  ;  in  1790,  £120  ;  in  1800  the  sum 
was  increased  to  $900.  For  many  years  the  town  chose  one 
and  sometimes  two  suiweyors  for  the  county  roads  and  com- 
mitted the  town  roads  to  the  care  of  from  two  to  ten  persons, 
the  number  being  gradually  increased  as  the  roads  were 
extended  and  more  thoroughly  repaired.  In  1818  the  town 
was  divided  into  twenty-one  highway  districts.     The  county 

'■''iv.;,-.  ,h'}ilj: 

■i--  „!l-K 

'',r'-i;i     I. 

i^ii     ■'/>;,! 

!    I  ' 



roids  :incl  turnpikes,  gniduull}*  losing  their  individual  cbarac- 
ter,  "svere  included  among  the  several  districts.  In  18-45  the 
number  of  highway  districts  was  increased  to  twenty-tlve, 
which,  with  slight  changes,  were  continued  luitil  a  recent 
date.  From  the  tirst,  and  until  the  present  system  was 
adopted,  a  surveyor  was  annually  chosen  for  each  district. 
In  1832  and  1837  the  town  voted  to  raise  one-half  the  usual 
amount  in  money,  but  before  the  tax  was  assessed  the  action 
was  reconsidered  and  the  former  system  of  a  labor  tax  was 
continued  until  a  comparatively  recent  period.  The  amount 
annually  expended  for  the  repair  of  the  highways  was  gradu- 
ally increased  from  $900  to  $1500  ;  the  last  sum  was  deemed 
sufQcieut  until  1865,  when  $1800  was  raised,  and  since  that 
date  the  amount  has  ranged  from  $2500  to  $4500.  In  1870 
the  town  committed  the  care  of  the  highways  to  the  select- 
men and  the  following  year  a  board  of  commissioners  was 
established.  The  members  arc  elected  for  three  years.  On 
this  board  Simeon  Merritt  has  served  eleven  years  ;  Samuel 
Howard,  nine  years ;  Jesse  Parker,  two  years ;  Stephen 
^Vood,  three  years;  Frederic  E.  Willard,  three  years; 
Charles  II.  Whitney,  one  year;  Robert  W.  ]McIntire,  six 
years ;  Charles  W.  Whitney,  2d,  five  years ;  Justin  W. 
Berais,  one  year.  The  three  last  named  constitute  the 
present  board. 

Railroads.  — The  charter  of  the  Vermont  and  Massachu- 
setts railroad,  now  operated  by  the  Fitchburg  raOroad,  is 
dated  March  15,  1844,  but  the  road  was  graded  from  Fitch- 
burg to  South  Ashburnham  in  the  summer  and  autumn 
preceding  and  in  anticipation  of  an  act  of  incorporation.  At 
this  point  there  arose  an  animated  contest  over  the  continued 
location  of  the  road.  For  two  years  it  was  an  even  question 
whether  it  would  be  extended  through  Gardner  or  throui^:!! 
Winchendon.     In  this  controversy  the  town  of  Ashburnham 


;•,">■  I    )iu\ 

';!    -iU'l    ,     -1' 

'!  ■-'     'Vi,  I 

;  I  / 


was  an  inditreieut  spectator,  as  in  either  event  it  would  not 
materiiilly  cluingc  its  course  tlirough  this  town.  The  busi- 
ness men  early  perceived  that  the  route  through  Gardner, 
which  was  linally  adopted,  would  accommodate  this  town  as 
well  as  the  other,  and  it  would  also  leave  an  invitation  to  the 
Cheshire  railroad,  then  in  contemplation,  to  build  from 
Winchendon  through  Ashburnham  Centre  to  Fitchburg. 
For  a  seasori  the  town  was  so  deeply  engrossed  with  this 
project  that  little  attention  was  paid  to  the  controversy  over 
the  location  of  the  first  railroad  that  was  built  within  the 
to^^^l.  The  causes  and  influences  which  controlled  the  loca- 
tion of  both  of  these  roads  were  wholly  outside  of  Ash- 
burnham, and  while  a  considerable  portion  of  the  town  were 
disappointed  neither  of  them  approached  the  central  village. 
Both  of  the  roads  have  been  of  material  benefit  to  the  town. 
The  AsTiBURXiLur  Railroad  lies  wholly  within  this  town 
and  materially  contributes  to  the  general  prosperity  of  the 
place.  It  is  young  in  years  and  limited  in  length,  yet  it  has 
more  history  to  the  linear  mile  and  in  certain  years  of  its 
duration  has  developed  more  stratagem  than  has  attended  the 
fortunes  of  many  older  and  longer  roads!  The  difiiculties 
which  surrounded  its  construction  and  early  manai>:ement  are 
fortunately  settled  and  only  the  exterior  history  of  the  road 
demands  attention.  In  May,  1871,  a  charter  was  obtained 
for  a  line  of  railroad  from  the  junction  of  the  existing  roads 
to  the  central  village,  a  distance  of  about  two  miles.  A  com- 
mittee, consisting  of  George  C.  Winchester,  Austin  Whitney, 
William  P.  Ellis,  Ohio  Whitney  and  George  II.  Barrett, 
was  immediately  chosen  to  solicit  subscriptions  to  the  capital 
stock  which,  at  this  stage  of  the  proceedings,  was  limited  to 
one  hundred  thousand  dollars.  To  aid  and  encourage  the 
enterprise  the  town  of  Ashburnham,  on  a  vote  to  invest  five 
per  cent,  of  its  valuation,  purchased  shares  to  the  amount  of 

'1     :ll 

•  ;.:ri-/,-   K 


'i/M.     .)':,>■' j 

-,-     .I-., 

"'■''■    ■<''•     Mtr'i; 

'i;/r;    ^wd^ 

T?<)ADS    AND   liAILKOADS.  387 

forty-eight  thousand  dollars.  EloAcn  thousand  five  hundi-ed 
dollars  was  subscribed  by  three  men  residing  in  Fitclilmrg 
and  in  Boston  and  the  remainder  of  the  stock  'was  taken  by 
residents  of  this  town.  At  the  o)-ganization  of  the  corpora- 
tion which  promptly  ensued,  George  C.  AVinchester,  Ohio 
Whitney,  Austin  Whitney,  Addison  A.  Walker  of  Ashburn- 
ham,  Daniel  Xevins,  Jr.,  Hiram  A.  Blood  and  Otis  T. 
Rnggles  were  chosen  a  board  of  directors.  George  C. 
Winchester  was  subsequently  chosen  president  and  Colonel 
George  II,  Barrett  clerk  and  treasurer. 

The  construction  of  the  road  was  prosecuted  with  energy 
and  without  any  unreasonable  delay.  About  the  first  of 
January,  1874,  the  road  was  completed  and  a  turn  table  and 
engine  house  were  built  at  the  northern  terminus,  but  the 
depot  was  not  erected  until  the  following  year.  At  the 
annual  meeting  in  the  summer  of  tliis  year,  the  following 
board  of  directors  was  chosen  :  Austin  Whitney,  Addison  A. 
Walker,  Walter  R.  Adams,  Simeon  IVIerritt,  Ohio  Whitney, 
Daniel  Xevins,  Jr.,  and  Thomas  H.  Clark.  William  P. 
Ellis  was  chosen  clerk  and  treasurer  and  was  continued  in 
office  until  the  corporation  was  dissolved.  He  was  also 
station  agent  and  to  his  care  was  confided  the  details  of  the 
operation  of  the  road.  In  1875  Mr.  Xevins  declined  a 
reelection  and  the  board  was  increased  to  nine  members. 
The  new  members  elected  were  George  C.  Winchester, 
Franklin  Russell  and  George  G.  Rockwood.  The  only 
chauo^e  in  the  board  of  directors  in  1876  was  the  election  of 
Wilbur  F.  Whitney,  in  room  of  Austin  Whitney.  From 
1874  to  1877  the  road  was  equipped  and  operated  by  the 
stockholders  under  the  immediate  management  of  the  board 
of  directors.  In  the  adjustment  of  claims  against  the  corpo- 
ration the  debt  was  gradually  increased  and  the  earnings  did 
not  exceed  the  current  expenses  to  an  extent  that  aflbrded 

k  f\< 

if.  il, 


,  1     ,-, 

^(  ■;'    •{■ 


any    relief.      The.   covponition    issued    mortgage    bonds    for 

tAvelve  thousand   dollars  and  at  that   time  it  was  generally 

presumed  that  ultimately  all   the   debts  would  be  licjuidated 

by  the  net  earnings  of  the  road.     In  1877,  and  after  the  road 

had  been  in  operation  three  years,   George  C.  Winchester 

demanded    payment    of    a    claim    of    eleven    thousand    five 

hundred    dollars    for  personal    service.     This    demand    was 

unanswered  for  a  season  with  a  spirit  of  resistance  and  a 

consciousness  of  inability  to  pay  it.     A  linal  settlement  was 

subsequently  made,  and  in  the  summer  of  1877,  the  franchise 

of   the  road  and  the  rolling  stock  were  conveyed  to  Mrs. 

"Winchester   and    the    corporation    was    dissolved.     To   this 

enterprise  the  town  and  the  inhabitants  of  Ashburnham  have 

contributed    eighty-eight    thousand    five    hundred    dollars. 

The  loss  was  serious  to  a  few.     Had  the  burden  been  more 

equally  distributed,  it  is  probable  that  in  the  general  utility 

and  convenience  of  the  Ashburnham  railroad,  every  one  will 

find    ample    compensation    for    the    loss    sustained.     Mrs. 

Winchester  continued  to  own  and  operate  the  road  in  the 

interest  of  the  public    until  1885  when  it  was  sold  to  the 

Fitchburg  railroad  corporation.        s      ,    r    i.;  ;•-  '     :, 

.!•'!/-.  If 

I'M    TM- 

0';i;^    / 

■-.■'  --  ir,r 

7  ''.   ■  ■•:  ;t 

.    .  CHAPTEK    XVI. 










Inxs  or  taverns  were  uumorous  in  the  olden  times,  and  a 
fictitious  prominence  is  frequently  assigned  them.  Around 
these  ancient  hostel ries  tradition  is  wont  to  linger  and  prone 
to  crown  them  with  a  dignity  they  did  not  enjoy  and  to 
regard  them  with  a  j)eciiliar  charity  especially  reserved  for 
the  dead.  In  fact,  a  large  majority  of  them  were  simph' 
farm-houses  in  which  the  traveller  was  entertained.  The 
proprietor  was  more  a  farmer  than  a  landlord  and  the  busi- 
ness was  only  sup[)lementary  to  his  stated  avocation.  And 
often  in  the  pursuit  of  gain  the  license  of  the  innholder  was 
secured  more  for  the  sale  of  spirituous  liquors  than  for  a 
rational  enteitainment  of  man  and  beast. 

The  first  inn  of  this  town,  of  which  there  is  any  record  or 

tradition,  was  built  upon  the  old  Bluefield  road  extending 

from  Lunenburij:  to  Xorthfield.     It  was  situated  on  the  Bel- 

low's  grant  in  the  northwest  part  of  this  town,  and  was  not 


•  I     •  ( ■  ■  ■    ■  / , 

;    » 

-'    ' .  i  ;  ■'  i  i 

390  ■       UISTOIJY   OF   ASHBURNHAM. 

ocoupicd  after  1741:,  when  the  settlement  was  abandoned. 
The  Court  llecords  represent  that  ]\Ioses  Foster  was  a 
licensed  innliolder  hi  1751  and  through  several  succeeding 
yeai-s.  lie  lived  at  tirst  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town 
and  at  an  early  date  removed  to  a  lot  adjoining,  south  of  the 
common.  His  house  after  he  removed  was  an  inn,  but  it  is 
uncertain  at  which  place  he  was  residing  when  first  licensed. 
The  next  landlord  who  appeared  on  the  scene  was  Xathau 
Dennis  wIjo  lived  at  Lane  Village  and  owned  the  mill.  He 
was  here  only  two  years,  1753  and  1754.  In  17 50  Thomas 
Wheeler  in  the  northeast  part  of  the  town  was  an  innholder 
and  was  succeeded  by  James  Coleman  who  was  included 
within  Ashbv  in  17G5.  For  several  vears,  commenciu<r  with 
1759,  Elisha  Coolidge  Avas  licensed.  He  probably  resided 
in  the  house  previously  occu[)ied  by  Nathan  Dennis.  In 
1767  Nathan  Melvin  who  lived  near  the  Amos  Pierce  place, 
in  the  eighth  school  district,  received  permission  from  the 
court  to  entertain  the  solitary  traveller  who  might  acciden- 
tally pass  that  way.  Captain  Deliverance  Davis  was  a 
licensed  innholder  in  17<!7  but  he  did  not  continue  in  the 
business  many  years.  Among  the  ancient  hostelries  in  this 
town  none  were  so  popular  as  "  Uncle  Tim's."  Tradition 
assigns  no  other  name  to  the  public  house  kept  by  Timothy 
Willard.  He  was  probably  the  first  landlord  in  this  town 
who  ever  gave  his  undivided  attention  to  the  business  and 
his  house  was  known  "from  Canada  to  Boston."  On  his 
tables  often  were  fresh  pickerel  which  an  hour  before  were 
sporting  in  the  clear  waters  of  Upper  Naukeag.  At  this  inn 
Dr.  Lowe  was  entertained  the  first  years  of  his  residence  in 
this  town.  The  house  was  on  the  old  road  from  Ashburn- 
ham  to  Winchendon,  on  the  site  of  the  residence  of  Mrs. 
David  W.  Russell.  In  1798  David  Russell,  Sen.,  pur- 
chased the  hotel  and  farm  and  continued  the  business.     lie 


'>'.Ui     .lii.i"  -i>f<U  ,!>, 

•'  ^^o:,;  fit    J, ,•; , 

)u....\  \<i  ;i-/"! 

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1       ' .  >'  -J 

(    r  ;      , .  1 

*"      •  ■.■;•!;.  I     II 


",'.■        i!'       ,..,        ,;v.'       .,.,;.;,(      .^,rf',  ,^.,^,,.,5 

',.■    I'll-? 


procured  a  new  sign  on  which  was  piunted  ti  profile  of  a 
chanticleer  in  the  constant  occupation  of  crowing  over  the 
fame  of  the  place.  In  a  few  years,  so  fickle  is  fame,  the 
name  of  "Uncle  Tim"  was  heai'd  no  more.  The  inn  Avas 
known  as  the  "Cockerel  Tavern." 

About  the  close  of  the  century  two  hotels  were  opened  on 
jMain  street,  —  one  by  Captain  David  Cushing,  where  Xahum 
Wood  now  lives,  and  one  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  street, 
over  which  Joseph  Jewett  presided  when  not  engaged  in 
other  pursuits.  Commencing  with  about  1815,  and  con- 
tinuing with  a  Asaning  patronage  until  about  thirty  years  ago, 
there  was  a  hotel  on  the.  north  turnpike,  and  either  the 
hotel  or  the  locality  was  familiarly  known  as  Children  of  the 
AVoods.  The  travel  on  that  once  busy  thoroughfare  has 
been  diverted  into  other  channels  and  the  old  hotel  has  fallen 
with  the  weight  of  years.  There  was  a  hotel  several  years 
where  the  brick  store  now  stands.  It  was  built  by  John 
Adams,  son  of  the  centenarian,  about  1826.  Hobart  F. 
Kibling  and  Merrick  Whitney  were  the  landlords.  In  the 
same  building  there  was  a  store  which  is  mentioned  in 
another  connection.  This  hotel  was  built  soon  after  the 
road  from'  Winchendon  to  Fitchburg  had  been  thoroughly 
repaired  and  many  teams  from  Vermont  and  the  valley  of 
Miller's  river  passed  through  this  town.  The  new  hotel  was 
successful  and  its  prosperity  led  to  the  building  of  another 
on  the  opposite  side  of  the  street,  now  known  as  the  Central 
House.  The  hotel  last  mentioned  was  built  by  Captain  Silas 
Whitney  in  1829,  but  it  was  not  finished  until  1832.  It 
was  called  the  Washington  House  and  in  front,  leaving  space 
for  the  passage  of  teams,  there  was  a  huge  sign  suspended 
between  two  posts.  The  sign  bore  a  supposed  likeness  of 
George  Washington  who  proclaimed  that  he,  at  least,  was  a 
cold  water  man   by  having  beneath  him  a   huge  watering- 

"■    <j'*)i'i u,!''*  -Um. 

'MVli:.U.-'   '  ••' 

'  1;  .1 

■  v'  ,  ; 

■/    !-/,iS 

;  'f-i^;  lij'. 

■'    '     u': 

■i    I, 

<  -  -'•;•/! 

S92  III3T0KY   OF    ASrinrRXFIAM. 

trongli  which  occupied  all  the  space  between  the  posts.  In 
this  house,  also,  Ilobart  F.  Kibling  was  the  first  landlord. 
He  was  succeeded  by  Samuel  AVhitney  and  his  sons  who  had 
acquired  possession  of  the  projierty.  Later,  the  house  was 
conducted  by  Stinison  and  Howe  and  by  Knight  and  Forris- 
tall  who  were  succeeded  by  Israel  AV.  Knight,  a  son  of  one 
of  the  preceding  landlords.  ^h\  Knight  conducted  the 
business  many  years  and  until  his  death,  September  5,  1858. 
His  son,  James  ]M.  Knight,  succeeded  him,  remaining  in  the 
business  two  or  three  years,  Ferdinand  Petts  was  the 
next  landlord.  The  property  was  purchased  by  Walter  R. 
Adams,  1866,  who  assumed  the  ntanagement  of  the  business 
until  1879  when  he  was  succeeded  by  John  C.  Stone.  Mr. 
Stone  has  thoroughly  repaired  the  Iniildings  and  built  a  block 
of  stores  on  the  site  of  the  driveway.  The  a])pcarance  and 
convenience  of  the  buildings  are  mnch  improved  and  the 
house  is  well  conducted. 

The  Frye  Ta\'ern,  more  recently  known  as  the  Astor 
House,  was  a  prosperous  hotel  fifty  years  ago.  The  land- 
lords were  James  Frye,  ^Ferrick  Whitney,  James  Barrett, 
Orin  Morton  and  Otis  Metcalf.  It  has  been  owned  many 
years  by  the  Cheshire  railroad  and  occupied  by  tenants. 

About  the  time  the  Frye  Tavern  was  opened,  Norman 
Stone  had  a  hotel  at  Factory  Village  for  several  years. 
Public  houses  on  the  main  lines  of  travel  Avere  numerous  in 
those  days  and  many  at  intermediate  points  between  the 
villages  were  successful. 

Stores. — Until  the  close  of  the  Eevolution  there  were  no 
stores  in  Ashburnham.  If  any  one  returned  from  the  centres 
of  trade  with  goods,  which  were  ofiered  for  sale,  the  business 
was  not  of  sufficient  mai^nitude  or  duration  to  secure  the 
appellation  of  merchant  or  surround  his  abode  Avith  the 
dignity  of  a  store.     In  the  mean  time  the  store  in  Luneu- 

tffC''    ■-^■^■l(). 

>)      l.i.K-,.  -/})! 

,.:  r 

',1  .« 

f,'.    .,i...-i;  vi. 




.       HOTELS    AND   STOKES.  393 

burg  was  frequently  visited,  and  upon  an  old  ledger  of 
Moses  AVhitney,  who  had  a  store  in  Kindge  in  1772,  are 
extended  accounts  with  several  residents  of  this  town.  It  is 
prol)al>lo,  however,  that,  for  many  years,  the  greater  part  of 
the  home  supplies  were  procured  in  tlie  lower  towns  in 
exchange  for  the  product  of  the  farm,  or  for  shingles,  split 
and  shaved  from  the  stately  pines  which  were  abundant  at 
that  time. 

Josepli  Jewett,  Esq.,  removed  to  this  town  in  1783,  and 
immediatel}'^  opened  a  store  in  his  dwelling-house  which 
stood  at  the  corner  of  Main  and  Gushing  streets.  In  a  few 
years  he  built  a  store  near  by  which  remains  to  this  time 
and  is  a  part  of  the  building  owned  and  occupied  by  Charles 
Hastiness.  Associated  in  trade  with  ]\Ir.  Jewett  for  one 
year,  about  1790,  was  Sanuiel  Applcton,  the  generous  bene- 
factor of  several  educational  and  charitable  institutions,  and 
in  later  years  General  Ivers  elewett  was  admitted  to  a  part- 
nership with  his  father.  The  Jewetts  were  men  of  enter- 
prise, and  succeeded  in  building  up  a  prosperous  business 
which  was  ex'tended  into  the  surrounding  towns.  They 
exchanged  goods  for  every  product  of  the  farm,  sending 
annually  many  tons  of  pork,  butter,  cheese,  gi'ain  and  wool 
to  the  seaboard-  Ashes,  too,  with  them,  were  an  acceptable 
tender  for  goods  from  the  store.  These  they  converted  into 
potash  and  forwarded  it  to  the  market.  In  later  years  they 
received  yarns  from  the  Slaters  of  Rhode  Island  and  other 
manufactures  of  the  time.  At  that  time  the  power  loom 
was  a  sleeping  dream  in  the  soul  of  invention.  This  yarn 
was  distributed  among  the  families  who  wove  it  in  hand- 
looms,  returning  the  cloth  to  the  store  and  receiving  their 
pay  in  goods.  In  this  and  many  other  ways  these  enter- 
prising merchants  invited  trade.  They  oflered  every  facility 
for  the  payment  of  goods.     They  entered  into  close  relations 

!i-'rffo[_  _',,i\'''--:-  ".U   m. 

;/i    ,  *  ".;'// 

■■:■  -.'iiy  ,i 

-MO     '■'■,-■;      r   f ".;  i!,      ,  ;  ,;"       r.    [ 



with  the  people  of  Ashburnhain  and  many  others  in  the 
adjoining  towns.  "In  accordance  with  a  custom  of  the  times 
they  sold  wines  and  liquors  in  (piantity  and  by  the  glass. 
They  supplemented  their  business  with  an  inn,  and  mixed 
and  vended  grog  from  the  ramparts  of  the  store  and  the 
skirmish  line  of  the  hotel.  They  clothed  the  naked,  fed  the 
hungry,  relieved  the  thirsty,  and  in  their  more  substantial 
trade  provided  all  against  future  want.  The  "  Jewett  Store" 
was  an  institution  which  suticred  no  rival  and  has  witnessed 
no  successor.  ■ : 

Joseph  Jewett  retiring  from  an  active  interest  in  the  busi- 
ness it  was  continued  by  General  Ivers  Jewett.  For  a  short 
time  Colonel  Hosea  Stone  was  associated  with  General 
Jewett,  and  in  1824  Samuel  Woods,  who  had  been  a  clerk 
in  the  store  nine  years,  bought  a  half  interest  and  the  firm 
became  known  as  Jewett  and  Woods.  Soon  after,  the  new 
firm  bought  a  store  and  a  cotton-mill  in  Fitchburg  and  sold 
the  store  in  this  town  to  Samuel  Barrett.  The  Fitchburg 
enterprise  was  not  successful.  General  Jewett,  in  this  and 
other  speculative  transactions,  met  with  less  success  than 
had  attended  his  career  as  a  merchant.  In  1828  Samuel 
Woods  bought  the  store  of  Mr.  Barrett  and  returned  to 
Ashburnh:un  and  in  company  with  George  H.  Lowe  he 
continued  in  trade  until  1831.  Samuel  S.  Stevens  suc- 
ceeded ]Mr.  Lowe,  and  soon  after  Jonathan  O.  Bancroft  and 
Elbridge  Stimson  were  admitted  to  the  firm  then  known  as 
Woods,  Stevens  &  Co.  In  1833  they  sold  to  George  PL 
Lowe  who  continued  in  trade  until  1842.  ]\[r.  Lowe  sold 
to  Jacob  Osgood  of  Weston,  whose  son,  Charles,  had  an 
interest  in  the  business.  The  Osgoods  were  succeeded  in 
1851  by  James  Learned  who  was  in  ])usiness  sixteen  years 
when  he  sold  the  store  and  goods  to  Henry  Yanness,  who, 
with  unrutiled  placidity,  fostered  a  waning  trade  until  1877, 

r,  ■)    i-:fH     ;/ 

;     '■•(.■it; 

I,      ., 

t:i;/M.    , 

HOTELS   AND    STOKES.  '  395 

when  the  curtain  fell.  The  fastened  door  and  the  boarded 
windows  shut  out  the  light  of  day  but  not  the  memory  of 
many  years. 

The  second  store  in  order  of  date,  and  the  tirst  in  the 
elevation  and  tlignity  of  its  surroundings,  was  on  the  old 
common.  Here  Mrs.  Gushing,  assisted  In'  her  sons,  con- 
ducted a  small  trade  several  years.  The  modest  store  was 
at  the  east  of  the  common  and  was  established  about  1795. 
A  few  years  later  Deacon  Ilenum  Lincoln,  on  this  site, 
erected  a  dwelling-house  and  enlarged  the  store.  For  a 
short  time  ho  conducted  the  business  and  was  succeeded  by 
Doddridge  Gushing,  who  continued  in  trade  several  years, 
when  the  Jewetts  purchased  the  goods  and  removed  them  to 
the  foot  of  the  hill.  Subsequently,  Leonard  Stearns,  from 
Xew  Ipswich,  was  in  trade  a  year  or  more,  and  later  Charles 
Hastings  purchased  the  real  estate,  enlarged  and  repaired 
the  buildings,  bought  new  goods  and  continued  in  trade  until 
1829.  He  sold  to  Lemuel  Stimson,  and  in  the  spring  of 
1830  the  business  was  assumed  by  his  sons,  Elbridge  and 
Mirick,  who  closed  out  in  1833,  and  since  then  no  one  has 
engaged  in  trade  at  this  place. 

About  the  time  the  Jewetts  withdrew  from  an  active 
interest  in  trade  three  small  stores  were  opened  in  this  town. 
William  Brooks  in  the  Ikjusc  of  his  father,  Thaddeus  Brooks, 
in  the  ninth  school  district  conducted  a  limited  business 
several  years  ;  and  Reuben  Rice,  who  lived  in  the  fourth 
school  district  where  Alfred  D.  Kinsman  now  resides,  had  a 
store  in  his  house  an  equal  length  of  time.  Neither  of  these 
securing  a  monopoly  of  the  trade,  Asahel  Corey  and  Salmon 
Rice  opened  a  store  on  A^"ater  street.  Later  Mr.  Rice  sold 
his  interest  to  Levi  Corey.  The  Coreys  were  succeeded  in 
1839  by  Charles  Winchester,  and  it  was  in  this  store  of 
modest  pretension  that   ]Mr.    AVinchester  outlined   the   first 

'.iri    v,b   b:;n 

(»j., 'fU; 




!■»     .;■   l.-,,-i.      ■   1; 



chapter  of  iiu  active,  saccessful  career.  Asaliel  and  Levi 
■Corey,  having  sold  their  Ijusiuess  iu  Water  street,  opened  a 
new  store  in  tlie  hotel  buikling  on  the  site  of  the  brick  store. 
After  a  few  years  they  were  succeeded  Ijy  Philip  R.  ]\Ierriain 
Avho  removed  fj'om  a  small  store  ou  the  south  turnpike.  ^Nlr. 
Merriam  and  his  son  were  followed  l)y  Horace  C.  Crehore 
who  continued  in  trade  several  years. 

In  1842  Charles  Winchester  sold  the  store  he  had  out- 
grown on  Water  street  and  bought  this  store.  Six  years 
later  he  admitted  his  brother,  (leorge  C.  "Winchester,  to  an 
equal  partnership.  The}'  were  eminently  successful.  For 
the  accommodation  of  an  increasing  trade,  and  to  provide 
accounting  rooms  for  their  other  business  they  erected,  in 
1855,  the  substantial  building  now  occupied  l)y  Adams  and 



The  Bricic  Stoke,  now  of  Adams  &  Gkkknwood.     Ekectkh  bv 
C.  &.  G.  C.  Winchester,   1855. 

Greenwood.     The  iinn  was  dissolved  in   1870,  and  George 
C.    Winchester   continued   the    business    until   1879.     This 

i'         ■       "    ' 

''•'•j'l'^  '■"    ''V^tM-    ■'_;;-ii,,'  -iJ,     ',;i  (fu.-f'V' i , ',-    r»^i'- 

'I!  u;.  ,.'!     •Ill  t     I-'  1  ■,!  Iiiv 

hotp:ls  and  stokes.  397 

store  was  reopened  in  1881  by  Adams  and  Greenwood,  llie 
partners  being  AValter  1\.  x\.dams  and  ]Moses  P.  Greenwood. 
"With  a  full  line  of  miscellaneous  goods,  they  at  once  secured 
an  extensive  trade  and  are  reaping  the  fruit  of  merited 

The  store  now  occupied  by  Parker  Brothers  was  built  by 
Ivers  ^^^lite  in  1855,  and  leased  to  William  P.  Ellis  for 
eight  years.  Mr.  Ellis  formed  a  partnership  with  Martin  B. 
Lane,  and  under  the  name  of  Ellis  and  Lane  they  conducted 
a  trade  in  stoves,  tinware  and  groceries  for  several  years. 
The  firm  was  then  dissolved  by  the  retirement  of  Mr.  Lane, 
who  removed  the  stove  and  tinware  department  to  the  store 
in  the  Town  Hall.  Xewton  Hayden  being  admitted  to  a 
partnership  with  ]Mr.  Ellis,  the  business  was  enlarged  and 
included  the  wares  usually  displayed  in  a  country  store.  In 
1866  Mr.  Ilayden  became  sole  proprietor,  and  he  was 
succeeded  by  several  firms  which  included  Hon.  Ohio 
Whitney,  Walter  K.  xVdams,  ]\loses  P.  Greenwood  and 
Captain  Walter  O.  Parker.  In  1876  Captain  Parker  and 
his  brother,  Frank  H.  Parker,  under  the  firm  name  of  Parker 
Brothers,  assumed  the  business.  Lender  their  judicious 
management,  the  demands  of  the  community  have  been  fully 
answered  and  a  good  trade  has  been  firmly  established. 

After  the  removal  of  ^Nlr.  Lane  to  the  Town  Hall,  he  was 
associated  with  Joel  P.  ^Marble,  and  in  1876  he  was  succeeded 
by  Frank  B.  Gilson.  The  business  was  continued  under  the 
firm  name  of  Marble  and  Gilson.  In  1880  they  built  a  new 
store  on  Central  street  and  added  a  line  of  groceries  to  their 
former  tiade.  They  continue  in  the  management  of  a  pros- 
perous business.  There  were  earlier  dealers  in  stoves  and 
tinware  than  any  named  in  the  preceding  paragraphs.  Ben- 
jamin iSIerrJam  was  an  early  dealer  in  this  line  of  ware  in 
the  old  store  on  Water  street,  and  Elliot  Moore,  for  a  few 


■J    -'i^iul/    ,vv; 

■ '...  [ 

■'i-'^.a,;.,:   :-:iJ 




years,  was  in    this  line  of  trade  iu  the  George  KockM-ood 
store . 

George  Ivockwood  opened  a  store  about  1833,  where 
Marshall  Wethcrbee  now  resides.  lie  continued  in  trade 
several  years  and  a  part  of  the  time  Dr.  William  II.  Cutler 
had  an  interest  in  the  business.  He  was  succeeded  ])y  the 
Union  Store,  which  was  continued  four  years,  and  later  Elliot 
Moore  continued  the  business  a  few  years. 

After  Asahel  Corey  had  been  in  trade  on  AYater  street  and 
in  the  hotel  building  on  the  south  side  of  the  street,  he  built 
in  184G  a  store  on  the  site  of  the  residence  of  George  C. 
Winchester.  In  this  building  his  son,  Jonas  Corey,  opened 
a  store  and  was  succeeded  immediately  by  George  Rock- 
wood  and  Austin  Whitney.  Then  the  firm  of  Corey,  Barrett 
and  Ivibling,  comprising  Jonas  Corey,  Colonel  Francis  J. 
Barrett  and  Joseph  W.  Kibling,  was  actively  engaged  in 
trade  at  this  place  for  a  few  years.  They  were  succeeded 
by  Austin  Whitney,  and  while  his  brother,  Samuel  Y. 
Whitney,  was  postmaster,  the  post-office  was  located  here. 
The  building  was  purchased  by  George  C.  Winchester  in 
1856  and  remodelled  soon  after. 

George  W.  Kibling,  who  lived  in  Lane  Village,  where 
Merrick  Hadley  now  resides,  had  a  store  in  his  house  a  few 
years,  commencing  about  1835.  There  was  no  other  store 
in  this  village  until  Mirick  Stimson  began  trade  in  18G8. 
Mr.  Stimson  has  continued  without  inteiTuption  to  the 
present  time.  In  North  Ashburnham,  Asa  E.  Lovell  was  in 
trade  about  three  years,  commencing  in  the  autunm  of  1845. 
The  goods  were  owned  by  several  gentlemen  who  lived  in 
that  vicinity,  and  who  sustained  the  stpre  as  a  local  enter- 
prise. The  goods  were  subsequently  sold  at  auction. 
Except  the  trade  in  groceries  conducted  b}'  Daniels  Ellis, 
there  have  been  no  other  stores  in  this  village. 

';,..;       ' 

■'•'■'4  '■ 

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:-     lir,     _,.,,..!. 

•r"i     ;'.,,fJi_./'! 

■.-     r.  -.1 


Stores  ill  the  Tillage  of  South  Ashhunihain  have  l)eeu 
numerous.  In  1822  Jonas  ^Nlunroe  opened  a  store  and  eon- 
tinned  in  trade  several  years.  The  building  occupied  by 
Mr.  jNIunroe  was  later  the  ell  of  the  Deacon  Glazier  sho}). 
Mr.  Benjamin  E.  Wetherbee,  the  present  owner  of  the 
premises,  tore  it  down  a  year  ago  and  completed  its  history. 
Hosea  Hosley,  in  183G,  began  trade  in  a  building  still  known 
as  tlie  red  store,  opposite  the  residence  of  Hezckiah 
Matthews.  After  a  vacancy  of  several  years,  the  next 
trader  in  this  store  was  Lewis  G.  Matthews,  who,  with  a 
line  of  groceries  and  patent  medicines,  began  business  in 
1852,  and  continued  until  1874.  Oliver  A.  Raymond,  in 
the  autumn  of  1846,  began  business  under  favorable 
auspices  in  the  May  store.  He  died  the  following  year  and 
the  goods  were  sold  out  by  his  brother.  The  Protective 
Union  Store  was  opened  in  the  ]May  l)uilding  in  1848. 
Stores  established  on  this  plan  were  found  at  this  date  in 
almost  every  village.  Generally  conducted  by  men  un- 
skilled in  the  arts  of  trade,  very  few  of  them  were  successful. 
This  proved  no  exception,  and  was  closed  before  the  expira- 
tion of  a  year.  The  May  store,  which,  like  the  temple  of 
Janus,  has  been  sometimes  open  and  sometimes  closed,  was 
occupied  a  year  and  a  half,  commencing  August,  1863,  by 
John  B.  D;iy,  who  displayed  a  line  of  dry  goods  and 
groceries.  In  1868  Mr.  T)ay  resumed  business  in  the  same 
building.  The  following  year  he  was  succeeded  by  Stephen 
V.  Ware,  who  remained  tAvo  years  and  again  the  doors  were 
closed.  The  next  occupant  was  Luther  Osborn,  who  con- 
tinued about  three  years,  and  from  that  time  until  1876,  the 
store  was  unoccupied.  In  the  autumn  of  that  year  Stephen 
V.  Ware  resumed  trade  with  a  line  of  dry  ijoods  and  irro- 
ceries.  In  March,  1884,  he  sold  to  John  Davis,  who  moved 
the  followins;  summer  into  the  store  under  Union  Hall  where 



i  '.  >  .,«'Jj:o/     .i>:j-:>V'i-.    '■;, 


7  ■:'  1     .-li, 


he  was  iveeiitly  succeeded  by  Alfred  E.  Garlick  and  James 
H.  Long,  who  have  built  up  a  prosperous  trade. 

More  to  accommodate  his  employes  thau  to  solicit  a 
general  trade,  Edward  S.  Eliut  dealt  in  stajde  groceries 
about  nineteen  years,  commencing  1857.  In  1860  ]\Ir3. 
Mary  Blodget  iitted  a  room  in  her  dwelling  ioi-  the  accom- 
modation of  a  limited  stock  of  ladies'  furnishinir  ijoods. 
The  business  was  successfully  continued  eight  years.  Near 
the  depots,  Sumner  H,  Upham,  Francis  Eaton,  Sewell  vS. 
Lane  and  Stephen  V.  Ware  have  each  been  in  trade  a  short 

.;      t,  =/.|-»i 

loJ'.-   :;     •jj;'"''   i:t    .(rv;-.;   ,1; 

■J     ■'■■m;'!ii! 

:    I     "'OJiJ-O^'     iH.l 







BeSTOX      '-HAIR      MAXUFACTL-RIXG     COMPAXT.   AV.     F.      -VVHITXEV.  THE 





S.    W.    PUTNAM. 

The  genius  of  Ashburnham  shines  forth  most  conspicu- 
ously in  a  variety  of  manufactures.  In  the  employment  of 
capital  and  in  the  daily  toil  of  a  large  number  of  artisans  and 
mechanics,  the  town  maintains  a  commanding  position.  The 
frequent  seats  of  power  along  the  courses  of  the  brooks  and 
rivers  have  invited  the  people  from  the  cultivation  of  a  rugged 
soil  to  mechanical  pursuits.  The  number  of  mills,  past  and 
present,  in  this  town  is  unusually  large.  There  are  fifty 
mill  sites  in  this  town  where  at  some  time  the  water  power 
has  been  utilized.  These  enterprises  have  offered  employ- 
ment to  the  mechanic  and  have  augmented  the  wealth  of  the 
town.  If  the  first  mills  were  rude  affairs  they  v/ere  neces- 
sary to  the  progress  of  the  settlement,  and  in  their  weakness 
^'as  found  a  living  suggestion  of  improvement.  If  brought 
into  comparison  with  modern  mills  and  modern  machinery, 

the  primitive  saw-mill,  with  rheumatic  movements  laboring 
26  iOl 

i    .::-■;:!'(    ■     .>' 

^  1  ■;■'  o=-.''! 

4  03  ■  HISTORY    OF    ASPTBURNIIA.V. 

slowly  through  a  log,  grunting,  meanwhile,  as  if  in  pain, 
presents  a  vivid  picture  of  the  progress  and  triumph  of 
mechanical  skill.  Xo  eftbrt  is  made  to  name  every  mill  that 
has  been  erected  in  this  town.  Many  of  them  in  the  whole 
extent  of  an  uneven  existence  have  not  materiall}'  increased 
the  product  of  the  town  nor  stimulated  its  energies.  Among 
this  class  are  included  several  saw-mills  ui)on  the  smaller 
streams  that,  at  best,  were  employed  but  a  small  portion  of 
each  year  and  were  early  suffered  to  present  a  picture  of 
dilapidated  old  age. 

The  modern  industries  have  been  more  fortunate  and  are 
the  life  and  activity  of  the  town.  The  first  mill  in  this  town 
was  built  at  Lane  Village  in  1737.  This  mill,  erected  by 
Hezekiah  Gates,  during  the  municipal  administration  of  the 
proprietors  of  Dorchester  Canada,  and  in  itself  a  conspicuous 
fioaire  in  the  record  of  the  settlement  of  the  town,  was  men- 
tioned  in  a  preWous  chapter.  In  the  same  connection  was 
o-iven  an  account  of  the  second  mill  which  was  built  in  1752 


and  near  the  site  of  the  first  mill. 

The  third  mill,  within  the  limits  of  the  original  township, 
was  also  built  at  an  early  date.  The  proprietors  located  the 
first  and  second  mills,  over  which  they  assumed  a  nominal 
control,  as  near  the  centre  of  the  town  as  the  conditions 
would  permit.  The  numerous  settlers  within  and  north  ot 
the  Dutch  Farms  were  far  removed  from  the  only  mills  in 
the  township  and  caused  one  to  be  built  in  their  vicinity 
previous  to  1758.  It  w^as  owned  at  that  time  by  ]Moses 
Foster,  Jr.,  and  Zimri  Hey  wood,  and  was  situated  near  the 
outlet  of  Watatic  pond.  The  site  of  this  mill  is  now  in 
Ashby  and  was  a  part  of  the  substantial  contributions  of 
Ashburnham  when  that  town  was  incorporated.  Previous 
to  the  Ile\olution,  a  saw  and  grist  mill  was  built  at  the  out- 
let of  Rice  pond  near  the  site  of  the  reservoir  dam.     In  the 


I   ■:(' 

;!;'■*   ■l-MVji'M.i    fT 

'.(■//u^    '.W.j 

'"  *  ■>, 

,'i      •;.   -Il^.-v ,..■,■  tq 

M    ",  '  .-'.I/I 

'-■;  '.r 

' '  I  '  >  I  .':. 

;  ( '  ': ' 


first  division  of  lots,  the  eighth  lot  was  oneof  tho  ministenal 
lots  and  subsequently  was  under  the  control  of  the  town.  It 
included  the  mill  privilege  and  extended  southerl3\  In  1772, 
for  eighteen  dollars,  the  town  sold  the  north  part  of  the  lot 
to  Ebenezer  Conant,  Ji.,  for  a  mill  site,  and  for  some  reason 
subsequently  refunded  the  money.  j\Ir.  Conant,  however, 
built  the  mill  and  in  1778  a  road  was  laid  from  near  the 
village  "passing  over  the  mill-dam  of  Ebenezer  Conant,  Jr., 
and  between  said  Conant's  house  and  barn  and  through  lots 
seven  and  eight,  until  it  strikes  the  old  road."  At  the  age 
of  forty  years,  Mr.  Conant  died  August  3,  1783.  The  mill 
Mas  afterwards  owned  b}'  Jonas  Randall,  Jonathan  Brooks 
and  others.  About  seventy  years  ago  it  was  removed  to 
Water  street. 

Philip  Oberlock,  who  assumed  the  name  of  Locke,  owned 
a  saw-mill  at  an  early  date  in  the  south  part  of  the  town. 
It  situated  near  the  shop  of  Reuben  Puffer.  In  1778 
Mr.  Locke  sold  the  mill  to  Daniel  Gibbs  who  owned  it 
several  years.  The  early  proprietors  of  the  mill  property, 
now  owned  by  Elijah  Gross  and  Son,  were  Simeon  Brooks, 
Caleb  Wilder  and  Jason  Mead.  In  18 IG  it  was  purchased 
by  Peeks  Gross.  The  mill  was  burned  in  1844  and  rebuilt 
the  following  year.  For  many  years  there  has  been  a  saw 
and  grain  mill  at  this  site.  The  present  proprietors  have 
gi'ound  and  sold  a  large  quantity  of  western  corn.  At 
times  a  portion  of  this  mill  has  been  occupied  by  tenants. 
Chairs  have  been  made  here  by  Liberty  Holt,  Charles  But- 
trick,  James  Blodget,  Ira  Brooks  and  Irving  E.  Platts. 
Samuel  J.  Tenney,  William  Tenney  and  Henry  Lawrence 
have  manufactured  tubs  and  pails,  and  John  Davis  has  pre- 
pared excelsior  at  this  mill. 

Ezra  Dana  removed  to  this  town  about  1790.     He  did  not 
remain  here  many  years,  but  he  found  employment  in  build- 

■ij!'!     ;^         '-, !'.  i-:<.''?    ■<:!  >   -.i:;;;   --r^i'it:.'     ','j    JjtQ.v  „V 

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ing  the  ihst  mill  on  the  river  at  Burrageville.  The  ancient 
•dam  and  also  the  evidence  of  the  sudden  tlood  which  occurred 
under  his  administration  still  i-emain.  To  irrigate  a  field  of 
corn  suffering:  from  a  drought,  he  cut  a  small  channel  throuirh 
the  banks  enclosing  his  mill-pond.  The  treachery  of  a  sandy 
soil  suddenly  drained  the  pond  and  ruined  the  corn.  No 
subsequent  trace  of  Dana  is  found,  yet  it  is  more  probable 
that  he  removed  from  town  than  that  he  was  washed  away  in 
the  sudden  current.  The  second  mill  in  Lane  Village,  which 
was  built  by  Caleb  Dana  and  Elisha  Coolidge,  was  removed 
by  Colonel  Francis  Lane.  Li  1786  he  built  a  new  mill 
whero  the  upper  mill  of  Packard  Brothers  now  stands.  In 
1805  he  enlarged  the  building  and  continued  to  maintain  a 
saw-mill  and  a  grist-mill  until  1822,  when  he  sold  the 
pro})erty  to  John  Kibling,  and  four  years  later  it  was  pur- 
chased by  Samuel  Foster,  who  sold  it  to  Enos  Emory  in 
1830.  In  1846  Francis  Lane,  Jr.,  and  his  sons  became  the 
proprietors,  and  in  1854  the  buildings  were  renewed.  Mil- 
ton Lane,  who  had  acquired  possession,  sold  it  to  C.  and  G. 
C.  Winchester  about  twenty  years  ago.  Charles  F.  and 
Albert  D.  Packard,  the  present  owmers,  bought  it  in  1881. 

About  forty  rods  below  Packard  Brothers'  upper  mill  is 
an  unoccupied  mill  site.  Here  Francis  Kibling  built  a  mOl 
in  1832.  Dr.  Stillman  Gibson  of  Xew  Ipswich  subsequently 
o>viied  it  until  it  was  removed  about  thirty  years  ago.  It 
was  occupied  as  a  saw-mill  and  shingle-mill.  On  the  same 
stream  near  Packard  Brothers'  lower  mill  is  the  ancient 
Gates  dam,  and  near  by  are  found  traces  of  the  dam  where 
Francis  Lane,  Jr.,  built  a  saw-mill  and  turning  shop  in  1833. 
In  1846  it  was  purchased  by  Enos  Emory,  and  was  burned 
about  tvventy  years  ago.  The  lower  mill  of  Packard 
Brothers  was  built  by  Elias  Lane  for  a  turning  shop  in  1822. 
It  was  sold  to  Eaton  and  Harris  in    1855,  who  occupied  it 

<i{>     'I'y, 

"    Vi^-i-iiWO'fi  .•■: 


7    .'> 

■  I  m 


about  seven  years,  Passini^  through  several  owners  it  was 
bought  by  Packard  Brothers  in  1874. 

If  the  power  of  the  stream  in  North  Ashburnham  was  not 
occupied  a's  earl}'^  as  at  Lane  Village,  forty  years  ago  it  was 
quite  thoroughly  utilized.  There  are  four  mill  sites  within  a 
short  distance  and  all  of  tlioni  at  times  have  been  quite  fully 
emplo3''ed.  The  lower  one  was  built  and  occupied  many  years 
by  Alvin  AYard.  It  was  burned  in  1860.  The  second  mill 
in  order  of  location  was  owned,  and  is  said  to  have  been  built 
by  ]Moses  and  Ezra  Lawrence.  The  next  owner  was  Daniels 
Ellis  w^ho  held  it  several  years.  It  was  subsequently  owned 
by  W.  I-.  G.  Ward,  and  later  by  Isaac  D.  Ward.  The 
present  owner  is  Joseph  H.  Small.  The  unoccupied  mill 
was  built  by  Deacon  John  C.  and  Joseph  Davis  in  the 
autumn  of  1820.  It  is  owned  by  Isaac  D.  AVard.  The  first 
mill  on  the  fourth  privilege  was  built  by  Alonzo  L.  Willard 
about  1842,  and  has  been  occupied  in  the  manufacture  of  a 
variety  of  wares.  The  successive  owners  were  John  Bald- 
win and  Daniels  Ellis,  Jr.  Mr.  Ellis  removed  the  original 
and  built  the  present  mill  about  1863.  He  sold  it  when 
completed  to  LaKoy  A.  Butler.  Isaac  D.  Ward  now  owns 

The  iir>;t  mill  on  the  stream  flowing  from  Rindge,  in  the 
order  of  location,  was  built  by  Eliphalet  Eddy  about  fifty 
years  ago.  About  1845  he  was  succeeded  by  Corey, 
Barrett  and  Kibling,  and  later  by  Jonas  Corey.  It  is  now 
owned  and  occupied  by  Roljert  W.  Mclntire.  Daniels  Ellis, 
Jr.,  built  the  next  mill  on  this  stream  nearly  forty  years  ago. 
Edwin  Hayward  has  owned  it  about  ten  years.  The  next 
mill  was  built  by  Daniels  Ellis,  Jr.,  and  Avas  owned  several 
years  by  Air.  Ellis  and  Horace  W.  Houston  and  later  by  Mr. 
Houston.  The  dam  was  destroyed  by  the  freshet  in  the 
autumn  of   1869.     Three   mills  have   been  erected  on    the 

■■-,'■  r 

■  i   '  ■''         r 

406  HISTORY  OF  AsnnunNiiAM. 

'\^^litlno^c  rnd  Jones  privilege,  and  are  mentioned  in  another 
paragraph..  The  first  mill  on  the  privilege  of  Leonard 
Foster  was  built  al)0ut  the  commencement  of  the  present 
century.  It  was  owned  many  years  by  Nathaniel  Foster 
who  died  in  1826.  After  a  few  years  it  came  into  the  pos- 
session of  Thomas  Bennett,  and  for  many  years  has  been 
owned  by  Leonard  Foster,  who  built  the  present  mill  about 
1850.  A  large  quantity  of  lumber  has  been  sawed  at  this 
mill.     Two  mills  have  been  burned  on  this  site. 

The  saw-mill  at  Burrageville  was  built  and  owned  man}' 
years  by  George  L.  Beals  and  later  it  was  a  part  of  the 
property  of  the  Burrage  Brothers.  Later,  J.  H.  and  E.  L. 
Hodge  owned  it  several  years,  and  manufactured  chairs  as 
well  as  coarse  lumber.  For  seventeen  years  it  has  been 
owned  by  C.  L.  Beals  and  occupied  by  rreorge  L.  Beals,  Jr. 
There  have  been  several  saw-mills  in  the  central  village, 
but  generally  they  have  been  connected  with  manufacturing 
establishments  and  are  incidentally  mentioned  in  such  con- 
nection. A  saw-mill  was  built  in  1835,  on  the  site  of  the 
chair  factory  of  AVilbur  F.  ^7hitney,  by  Joshua  B.  Burgess. 
A  few  years  later  ]Mr.  Burgess  sold  it  to  Europe  H.  Fair- 
banks and  Colonel  Ivers  Phillips,  who  annually  sawed  a  large 
quantity  of  lumber.  The  subsequent  owners  were  Bailey, 
Spaulding  and  Sherv\-in,  who  sold  it  about  18 B2  to  Charles 
and  George  C.  Winchester.  The  dam  was  destroyed  by  the 
freshet  in  1869  and  was  not  rebuilt  until  1882,  when  Mr. 
Whitney  purchased  the  premises.  On  the  Xorth  Turnpike 
, there  have  been  two  saw-mills  and  one  is  still  standing. 
They  possessed  all  the  requirements  for  business  except 
water.  Failing  in  this  essential  requisite  they  were  in 
operation  only  a  small  })ortion  of  the  time. 

Samuel  Dunster  removed  from  Mason,  Xew  Hampshire, 
to  this  town,  in  1801,  and  here  found  employment  for  many 

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ye;irs  in  building,  selling  and  excluiuging  mills.  First,  he 
built  a  saw-mill  and  grain-mill  at  Factory  Village,  "which  he 
sold  to  Benjamin  Gibbs  about  1816  and  then  removed  to  the 
central  village,  where  in  1817  he  built  a  grain-mill  on  the 
site  of  the  mill  of  Colonel  George  II.  Barrett  and  soon  after 
he  became  interested  in  other  manufacturing  enterprises 
which  are  mentioned  in  another  connection.  Mr.  Dunster 
removed  to  Factory  Village  in  1830  and  bought  the  mill  of 
Mr.  Gibbs  which  he  continued  to  own  until  his  death.  For 
man}'  years  it  was  under  the  care  of  Elijah  and  Joel  Brooks 
and  at  last  it  was  washed  awav  bv  the  freshet.  The  o-rain- 
mill  on  ^lill  street  has  been  owned  by  many  individuals  and 
firms.  Among  them  are  included  Josiah  Lane,  the  Cald- 
wells,  Piam  Burr,  Colonel  Charles  Barrett,  ]Mirick  Stimson, 
Charles  and  George  C.  "Winchester,  John  Pladlcy,  Moses  P. 
and  Theodore  Greenwood.  The  present  owner,  Colonel 
George  11.  Barrett,  has  conducted  an  extensive  business  in 
grinding  western  corn  and  in  the  sale  of  grain.  The  present 
saw-mill  and  grain-mill  at  Factory  Village  Avas  built  by 
Ebenezer  Frost  in  1855.  Mr.  Frost  sold  it  in  18GG  to 
Cyrus  A.  Jefls,  Tiieodore  Greenwood  and  Frank  "W.  Wal- 
lace, but  the  firm  was  soon  succeeded  by  Mr.  Jefts,  who  is 
in  possession  at  the  present  time.  The  lower  mill  of  Warren 
E.  Marble  was  built  by  Jacob  "\Miiteman  about  1825.  The 
saw-mill  was  built  by  his  father,  Luke  Marble,  in  1863.  On 
this  stream  and  at  an  early  date  there  were  two  other  mills. 
The  first  one  was  built  by  Plenry  Hall,  a  son  of  the  emigrant, 
immediately  after  the  Revolution.  It  stood  between  the 
cwo  mills  of  Mr.  Marble.  After  several  years,  ]Mr.  Hall 
removed  his  mill  to  the  outlet  of  Watatic  pond  and  near  his 
residence.  It  was  not  kept  in  repair  many  years  and  no 
other  mill  has  been  erected  on  the  same  site.  The  other 
mill  on  the  stream  falling   into  Ward  pond  was  built  by 


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Nicholas  Whitemau  and  was  subseciuently  owned  by  his  son 
Jacob  AVhiteman.  It  was  burned  about  1820.  During  the 
past  twenty  years,  Luke  ]Marl)k^  and  his  sons  have  lyanufact- 
ured  a  considerable  quaiitit}'  of  lumber  and  chair  stock. 

CiiAiKS. — The  monkey  for  ages  has  sat  upon  the  ground. 
In  this  way  he  enjoys  his  rest  and  consumes  his  leisure  hours 
in  the  contemplation  of  the  simplest  philosophies.  Assuming 
that  the  Darwinian  theory  is  correct,  there  is  ample  evidence 
for  the  conclusion  that  the  progressive  development  of  man 
and  the  stages  of  his  civilization  and  enlightenment  have 
been  marked  by  his  use  of  seats,  and  by  the  genius  displayed 
in  their  design  and  construction.  The  chairs  of  the  present, 
in  o-race  of  outline,  and  in  a  practical  adaptability  to  the  use- 
for  which  they  are  designed,  are  a  sure  exponent  of  the  prog- 
ress of  the  times  in  the  art  of  mechanism.  In  this  manu- 
facture, both  in  the  nuaiber  and  the  value  of  the  annual 
product,  Ashburnham  yields  the  palm  to  Gardner  and 
surveys  the  remaining  field  without  a  peer.  In  the  early 
manufacture  of  chair  stock  in  this  town  the  conditions  re- 
quired only  a  small  room  in  some  part  of  the  dwelling-house, 
a  saw,  a  frow  and  a  shave,  while  a  foot-lathe  introduced  the 
owner  to  the  front  rank  among  the  chair  makers  of  that 
period.  The  terms  of  admission  to  the  business  were  so 
simple  and  the  outlay  of  money  so  small  that  the  number 
who  supplemented  their  other  emi)loyment  with  the  manu- 
facture of  chairs  or  chair  stock,  was  only  exceeded  by  the 
tax  list.  To  make  an  entire  chair  was  an  early  ambition  of 
Ashburnham,  while  to  turn  a  good  chair  leg  was  only  the 
simplest  inspiration  of  intuition.  Ask  the  aged  man  of  Ash- 
burnham who  were  lievolutionary  soldiers,  and  beginning 
with  his  father  and  his  uncles  he  slowly  names  a  few.  Ask 
him  who  were  early  Federalists  or  Orthodox  or  Methodists 
and  his  memory  fails.     But  ask  him  who  were  chair  makers 


ti>     fHi 

-■;i  ''•■■;0;(i'>  'I  ^'    .■>•■!■!' 

1  ^*;f)"S 

;  '-■'    '.I'll 


when  he  was  young  and  instantly  his  eye  brightens  with  the 
light  of  returning  memories.  He  becomes  loquacious.  He 
counts  the  names  of  all  he  knew,  traversing  his  finger-tips 
over  and  over  again,  and  if  in  the  pauses  of  enumeration  the 
reckless  instigator  of  the  proceedings  essays  to  retire,  he 
calls  him  back  and  names  every  son  of  these  chair-making 

If  not  the  first  to  entraire  in  this  business,  certainly  amono: 
those  who  early  made  the  manufacture  of  chairs  an  occupa- 
tion, was  John  Eaton,  a  native  of  Lancaster,  who  removed 
to  this  town  in  1805  from  Asliby,  where  he  had  learned  his 
trade.  Here  he  remained  four  years  when  he  removed  to 
Royalston.  It  is  said  that  Enos  Jones  persuaded  Mr.  Eaton 
to  locate  in  Ashburnham,  and  that  he  agreed  to  purchase  a 
stipulated  lunnber  of  chairs.  Some  of  the  daughters  of  iNIr. 
Jones  were  recently  married  and  others  were  seriously  con- 
templating a  similar  event,  and  in  order  that  he  might  add  a 
certain  number  of  chairs  to  the  marriage  outfit  of  his  daugh- 
ters, he  engaged  the  services  of  IMr.  Eaton  who  not  only 
answered  the  demands  of  his  employer  but  supplied  the 
wants  of  other  families  in  the  neighborhood.  While  thus 
engaged,  and  possibly  to  stimulate  his  business  by  creating 
a  new  demand  for  his  wares,  Mr.  Eaton  married  the  youngest 
daughter  of  his  patron.  For  several  years,  commencing 
about  1820,  Charles  and  Deacon  John  C.  Davis,  at  North 
Ashburnham,  and  Charles  Munroe  at  South  Ashburnham, 
were  actively  engaged  in  this  business.  In  the  course  of  a 
few  years  water  power  was  employed  in  turning  stock  and 
Joshua  Burgess,  Deacon  John  C.  Glazier,  Alvin  Ward  and, 
probably,  others  were  engaged  in  some  branches  of  the 
business.  These  pioneers  were  soon  joined  by  John  Conn, 
Iiai-\-ey  M.  Bancroft,  Lyman  Conant,  Thomas  E.  Glazier, 
Moses    Koss,  James  Blodget,  Joseph   Rice,  Josiah    Eaton, 


•  i    i'n:  i|i;m'   rr 

'I  /  ■' 

■I.     -;■[;■;■  J,': 


'.'»    i' 


Jes.'^e  Ellis,  Sumner  May,  Hezckiah  ^Matthews,  Samuel  S. 
Stevens,  and  many  others.  A  feature  of  the  l)usincss  at  this 
time  -was  the  sale  of  turned  stock  in  the  lower  towns  and,  in 
fact,  many  persons  named  conducted  no  other  business,  and 
few  of  them  were  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  finished 

In  1833    Philip  R.   Merriam    began    the  manufacture    of 
chairs  where  the   extensive    factories   of  the    Boston   Chair 
Manufacturing  Company  now  stand.     He  was  also  engaged 
in  teaming  chairs  to  Boston   and  other  places  and  hauling 
freight  of  all  description.     From  the  little  mill  and  small 
beginning  of  ]Mr.  ]Meri'iam  has  been  developed  an  industry 
which  has  added  fame  and  wealth  to  this  town.     To  this 
date  the  development  of  the  business  had  been  slow  and  un- 
productive of  substantial  results.      Even  in  sanguine  dreams 
the   possibilities   of  the   future  had   never  been   suggested. 
Upon  the  clumsy  methods  and  tedious  processes  of  the  early 
days  the  genius  which  has  attended  the  later  years  had  shed 
no  light.     Yet,  if  slow,  the  early  growth   was   solid.     The 
foundations   were   laid  in   patient    toil  and   upon  them   the 
modern  stnicture  has  been  safely  reared  and  supported.     At 
this  date,  and  in  a  field  inviting  conquest,  Charles  and  George 
C.  "Winchester  began   an   intelligent  study  of  the  business. 
Charles  Winchester  bought  the  shop  of  Philip  li.  Merriam 
and,  subsequently,  joined  in  the  enterprise  by  the  younger 
brother,  an  important  bushiess  was  soon  established.     In  the 
ardor  of  sanguine  temperaments,  and  the  hope  and  courage 
of  young  men,   they  quickly  comprehended  a  measure,  at 
least,   of  its   future    possibilities.     At   once,  rebels  against 
antiquated  methods  and   patrons  of  every  approved  innova- 
tion, they  increased  the  capacity  of  their  works  as  rapidly  as 
the  profits  of  the  business  would  permit.      With  unwearied 
application  they  directed  their  energies  to  the   accomplish- 

Ifi  i' 

i()  Tr 

;i':;t  ';•>  '•>: 





nient  of  a  denned  purpose  until  the  images  of  their  early 
dreams  became  material  forms.  AVith  them  in  their  active 
days  every  success  was  an  incentive  to  renewed  conquest. 
They  held  every  point  for  which  they  had  contended  and 
fought  their  way  to  the  foremost  rank.  To  these  men  the 
town  of  Ashburnham  is  indebted.  If  the  Winchesters  have 
retired  from  an  active  participation  in  the  business  the  fact 
remains,  that  it  was  fostered  by  them  and  that  it  was  the 
force  of  their  genius  and  energy  which  ably  assisted  in 
assigning  to  xVshburnham  an  important  position  among  the 
manufacturing  towns  of  the  Commonwealth.  The  facts  are 
not  at  hand  nor  is  it  possible  to  state  the  details  of  the 
^owth  and  magnitude  of  the  business,  while  under  the 
•direction  of  the  Winchesters.  They  were  building  and 
•enlarging  continually.  The  record  of  advancement  enlivens 
the  trans;" ctions  of  every  year.  A  few  of  the  dates  and  a 
summary  of  the  results  are  briefly  stated. 

In  184i'  the  small  shop  and  the  business  of  ]\lr.  ]\[erriam 
was  purchased  by  Charles  Winchester ;  in  1848  George  C. 
Winchester  was  admitted  to  an  e<iual  interest  in  the  business. 
The  mills,  from  time  to  time,  were  enlarged  to  nearly  their 
present  capacity  and  chairs  of  their  manufacture  of  every 
style  and  design  were  found  in  every  domestic  and  foreign 
market.  Tliey  purchased  and  erected  many  tenement 
houses,  and  many  mills  in  the  surrounding  towns  were  under 
their  control.  At  the  dissolution  of  the  firm  in  1870,  the 
number  of  men  employed  in  the  manufacture  of  chairs  was 
iibout  two  hundred  and  at  times  this  number  was  considerably 
exceeded.  From  1870  to  1878  the  Imsiness  was  continued 
by  George  C.  Winchester.  At  the  first  he  assumed  the 
burdens  and  conducted  the  enterprise  with  his  accustomed 
energy,  and  the  volume  of  the  business  for  several  years  was 
fully  sustained,  but   it  gradually  became  apparent  that   his 


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bri'.m  w:;s  overworked  and  his  uativc  forces  were  failing  him. 
After  a  few  years  of  partial,  and  finally  of  entire,  suspension 
of  business,  the  property'  was  purchased  in  1880  by  several 
individuals  who  organized  a  stock  company. 

The  value  of  the  })Iant,  exclusive  of  stock  and  personal 
property,  is  $75,000.  The  capital  stock  is  $150,000.  In 
the  manutacture  of  chairs  the  corporation  owns  and  occupies 
thirty-four  buildings,  having  a  total  ilooring  of  300,000  feet 
or  about  seven  acres.  The  main  factory  is  of  wood,  four 
stories,  and  ground  dimensions  of  160  by  48  feet;  the  saw- 
mill is  briclv,  two  stories,  100  by  50  feet;  the  main  paint 
shop  of  wood,  four  stories,  is  1(30  by  40  feet.  The  works 
are  driven  by  an  engine  of  200-horse  power  and  the  river 
rated  at  35-horse  power  is  fully  utilized.  The  accompanying 
illustration  faithfully  represents  tlie  number  and  the  relative 
location  of  the  buildings.  The  number  of  men  now  em- 
ployed is  200,  beside  100  inmates  of  the  Hampden  County 
Plouse  of  Correction  and  as  many  women  and  children  in  this 
vicinity  who  are  engaged  in  tilling  cane  chairs.  The  present 
annual  product  is  3(30,000  chairs,  which  yield  an  income 
from  sales  of  $200,000.  The  facilities  will  accommodate  an 
annual  business  of  $400,000  and  arranirements  are  maturins" 
to  employ  every  resource  at  command.  With  one,  and 
possibly  two  exceptions,  this  is  the  most  extensive  chair 
manufactory  in  New  England.  In  addition  to  the  manufact- 
ure of  the  standard  lines,  and  following  a  series  of  success- 
ful experiments,  this  company  is  now  making  chairs  com- 
posed in  part,  and  in  some  patterns  wholly,  of  bent  material. 
With  ingenious  appliances  the  wood  is  shaped  into  graceful 
forms  and  swiftly  directed  into  circles  and  all  manner  of 
curves.  These  chairs  of  many  patterns,  presenting  no  right 
lines  or  angles,  are  graceful  and  attractive  in  outline,  and  are 
admitted  to  be  superior  in  strength  and  general  appearance 

I   •    -   ;  ■   ,(■ 

7  V, 

M     ; , 



to  the  foreign  chair  from  wliicli  they  hfivc  been  copied.  The 
process  of  this  jnanufacture  originated  in  Austria,  and  skilled 
mechanics  from  that  country  were  here  employed  in  perfect- 
ing the  required  machinery  and  patterns.  The  present  facili- 
ties "uill  produce  30,000  chairs  of  this  kind  annuall}^  and  in 
the  markets  there  is  an  increasing  demand.  AV.  G.  Whcil- 
don,  whose  office  is  in  Boston,  has  been  treasurer  of  the 
company  from  the  date  of  its  incorporation.  Luther  B. 
Adams  was  the  manager  until  1885  when  he  was  succeeded 
by  F.  S.  Coolidge. 

Prominent  among  the  chair  manufactories  of  this  town  and 
in  this  \'iciuity  are  the  extensive  factories  of  Wilbur  F. 
Whitney  at  Ashburuham  Junction.  Mr.  Whitney  has  been 
schooled  in  the  business  from  boyhood.  He  is  in  the  prime 
iind  strength  of  life,  yet  within  his  experience  all  the  modem 
machinery'  in  general  use  has  been  tested  and  approved.  In 
mechanical  skill,  in  a  prompt  and  clear  comprehension  of 
the  growing  demands  of  the  trade  and  in  the  adoption  of 
new  methods  to  meet  the  changing  requirements  of  the 
business,  he  has  advanced  to  a  prominent  position  among 
th,e  manufacturers  of  the  present  time.  The  business  was 
originally  established  by  his  father,  John  Whitney,  in  W^est- 
minster  nearly  sixty  years  ago.  In  1865  Mr.  Whitney 
purchased  an  interest  in  the  Glazier  mil]  in  South  Ashburn- 
ham  where  he  was  eniraged  in  active  business  three  years. 
In  1868  he  sold  his  interest  in  the  Glazier  mill  and  boug-ht  a 
mill  of  Merriam  and  Allen,  situated  one-fourth  mile  east  from 
the  depot.  Here  he  remained  fouiteen  years  and  was  suc- 
cessful. A  part  of  the  time  he  was  in  partnership  with 
Irving  E.  Platts.  Sustaining  and  constantly  enlarging  his 
operations  with  the  profits  of  the  business  and  with  the 
erection  of  a  new  building,  he  increased  the  capacity  of  his 
works  until   he  gave  employment  to  eighty  men  and  manu- 

.■;ja  i^c   !.. 

'Vih    -;f; 

'<"':;;j;n'i,i.a<  -f;; 



factured  chairs  to  the  amount  of  $150,000  annually.  In 
March,  1882,  the  factory  was  burned.  The  loss  above  in- 
surance vras  heavy.  To  build  again  was  an  early  and  for  the 
town  a  fortunate  resolve,  ^fr.  Whitney  purchased  a  site 
near  the  depot  and  immediately  erected  a  factory  of  three 
and  one-half  stories,  136  by  -40  feet,  and  a  paint  shop  100 
by  30  feet.  The  chairs  made  in  these  works  are  the  modern 
styles  of  cane-seat  chairs.  The  wood  material  includes  all 
varieties  of  native  hard  wood  and  black  walnut,  which  is 
procured  in  the  AVest.  Ilavmg  built  a  new  mill  for  its 
accommodation,  GO  by  40  feet,  and  three  stories  above  the 
basement,  he  supplemented  his  business  in  1884  with  the 
manufacture  of  rattan  chairs.  In  1886  this  factory  was 
enlarged  by  the  addition  of  fifty  feet,  and  it  is  now  110  by 
40  feet,  with  a  flooring  of  17,600  feet.  At  the  present  time 
Mr.  Whitney  employs  140  men.  His  manufacture  yields  an 
annual  product  of  $175,000.  The  full  capacity  of  his 
factories  at  prevailing  prices  is  about  $250,000.  The  rattan, 
from  which  the  cane  for  chairs  is  taken,  is  a  product  of 
Sumatra  and  the  adjacent  islands.  The  improved  machinery 
employed  by  Mr.  Whitney  in  splitting  and  shavmg  the 
material  was  made  under  the  patents  and  is  operated  under 
the  immediate  supervision  of  George  W.  Lombard. 

Orange  Whitney,  who  occupies  the  Burgess  mills,  gives 
employment  to  thirty  men  and  manufactures  chairs  to  the 
amount  of  $50,000  annually.  Since  1881  he  has  resided  in 
Winchendon.  The  first  mill  on  this  site  in  which  there  was 
a  saw-mill  and  a  irrist-mill  was  built  by  Joshua  B.  Bur^ress 
in  1844.  The  building  was  burned  in  1850  and  immediately 
rebuilt.  Mr.  Burgess  was  also  engaged  in  the  manufacture 
of  chairs.  In  1856  he  was  succeeded  by  Edward  S.  Flint, 
Jonathan  II.  I*Iper  and  James  Blodget  under  the  fiiiu  of 
Flint,    Piper   and   Blodget.       In    1861    Mr.    Flint   became 

'.  id  V   '. 

T.'   ■-;  i 





— i 








■  W  - 

V/if--?^" .   1  ^  55  E       -: 

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proprietor  of  the  business  which  he  continued  alone  and  with 
partners  until  1873.  Abner  White  succeeded  Mr.  Flint  and 
continued  the  manufacture  until  1878.  At  this  time  Benja- 
min E.  AVetherbee  purchased  the  propeily  and  leased  it  to 
Mr.  Whitney. 

Irving  E.  Platts  has  been  actively  engaged  in  this  manu- 
facture several  years.  He  occupies  the  Glazier  mill  and 
usually  emploj^s  about  fifteen  men.  There  has  been  a  mill 
upon  this  site  many  years.  In  1824  Deacon  John  C.  Glazier 
bought  the  premises  of  Charles  Munroe  and  after  his  death 
in  1861,  the  property  had  several  owners  and  was  purchased 
by  Benjamin  E.  Wetherbee  in  1868.  The  new  mill,  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  highway,  was  built  in  1872.  It  is 
occupied  by  ]SIr.  Wetherbee  in  the  manufacture  of  bent 
chair  stock.  He  gives  employment  to  several  men. 
Another  chair  shop  in  South  Ashburnham  was  built  in  1856 
by  Sumner  and  Charles  S.  ^lay.  They  were  engaged  in  the 
business  until  recently  when  the  premises  were  leased  to  B. 
Duane  &  Co.,  the  partners  being  Bernard  Duane  and  Orange 
Whitney  who  manufacture  towel  racks  and  cradles. 

From  about  1837  to  1848  chairs  were  manufactured  on  the 
site  of  the  Xaukeag  Cotton  Factory  by  several  individuals 
and  firms,  includins;  James  Osgood,  Samuel  S.  Stevens  and 
Alvin  Kendall.  From  thirty  to  forty  years  ago,  for  some 
reason,  nearly  every  merchant  in  the  central  village  was 
also  a  manufacturer  of  chairs,  and  while  Corey,  Barrett  and 
Kiblingf  were  selling  staple  floods  at  their  store  thev  were 
making;  chairs  in  a  mill  which  stood  on  the  site  of  the 
morocco  shop.  '        •        • 

Burrage ville ,  once  the  scene  of  a  promising  and  active 
enterprise,  was  founded  by  chair  makers.  George  S.  Bur- 
rage,  then  of  Leominster,  about  1848,  bought  of  George  L. 
Beals  a  saw-mill,  dwelling-house  and  a  large  tract  of  timber 


<"'^(--,<:     i.-fvi;   7  t-; 

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land.  The  price  paid  was  thirteen  thousand  dolhirs.  The 
saw-mill  was  burned  about  that  time  and  rebuilt  in  its 
present  form  and  chairs  were  made  in  the  u}>per  story.  The 
company,  including  George  S.,  William  F.  and  Charles  W. 
Burrajje,  was  formed,  and  under  the  firm  name  of  Burrage 
Brothers  they  built  in  1853  the  paint  shop,  40  by  80  feet, 
which  still  remains,  and  the  following  year  a  chair  factory, 
40  by  100  feet,  was  erected  on  the  sti'cam  above  the  saw- 
mill. For  a  number  of  years  the  firm  was  actively,  engaged 
in  the  manufacture  of  chairs  and  gave  employment  to  a  large 
number  of  men.  In  the  mean  time  they  built  several 
tenement  houses  and  were  conducting  a  store  in  another 
building  which  they  erected.  In  the  midst  of  these  scenes 
of  activity  and  promise,  in  1858  the  chair  factory  was  burned 
and  the  enterprise  was  crippled  beyond  recovery.  William 
F.  Burrage  retired  from  the  firm  in  1857  and  returned  to 
Leominster  where  he  died  November  11,  1873.  Charles  W. 
Burrage  sold  his  interest  to  his  brother,  George  S.  Burrage, 
who  again  became  sole  owner  of  the  premises  in  1859.  The 
■  younger  brother,  Charles,  completed  his  studies,  which  had 
been  interrupted  by  the  allurements  of  business,  and  gradu- 
ated at  Yale  College  1861,  and  since  that  date  he  has  resided 
in  Portland,  Oregon.  George  S.  Burrage  removed  to 
California  where  he  died  ^lay  16,  1876.  AVhile  residents 
of  this  town  they  were  useful  and  prominent  citizens  and 
occupied  many  positions  of  trust. 

From  about  1864  to  1868  a  limited  business  was  con- 
ducted in  the  saw-mill  by  J.  II.  and  E.  L.  Ilodge  who  came 
from  Templctou.  The  property  was  purchased  by  Charles 
L.  Beals  of  Winchendon  in  1869,  and  is  occupied  by 
George  L.  lieals,  Jr. 

Tubs  and  Pails  were  made  in  this  town  a  few  years, 
beginning  about  1825,  by  Joshua  Townsend.     His  shop  was 

' «  ;'  ) 

'■;  y'  I! 

ft;;;   !»i-:.  . 


ou  Mill  street.  The  quantity  made  at  this  early  date  did 
not  materially  exceed  the  demands  of  a  limited  market.     In 

1839  Oliver  G.  Caldwell  and  Elbridge  Stimson  began  the 
manufactare  on  a  more  extensive  scale,  which,  under  succes- 
sive firms,  has  been  continued  to  the  present  time.  In  1848 
Mr.  Stimson  sold  his  interest  to  William  P.  Ellis  and  the 
firm  of  O.  G.  Caldwell  &  Co.  was  continued  until  1853  when 
the  mill  and  machinery  were  jjurchased  by  George  Rockwood 
and  Addison  A.  Walker.  Mr.  Ivockwood  sold  his  interest 
to  his  son,  George  G.  Eockwood,  in  18GG,  but  the  name  of 
the  firm  was  not  changed.  The  firm  was  dissolved  by  the 
retirement  of  Mr.  Walker  in  1876,  and  the  mill  was  burned 
m  1883.  Mr.  Eockwood  })uichased  the  "Winchester  mill  and 
has  continued  the  manufacture  to  the  present  time.  The 
business  has  been  successfully  conducted  through  these 
many  years  a)id  is  an  im|X)rtant  feature  of  the  manufactures 
of  this  town. 

From  about  1843  to  1851  this  manufacture  was  conducted 
by  two  or  three  firms  which  included  William  Tenney, 
Samuel  J.  Tenney  and  Henry  Lawrence.  They  occupied  a 
part  of  the  mill  of  E.  Gross  and  Son  and  were  successful. 
In  1856  Colonel  Enoch  Whitniore  began  the  manufacture  of 
tubs  and  continued  the  business  several  years. 

Thread  Spools  were  foi-merly  made  in  this  town,  and 
the  manufacture  was  a  prominent  industry  for  many  years. 
About  1830  Colonel  Enoch  Whitmore  and  Deacon  Gilnian 
Jones,  under  the  firm  of  AVhitmore  and  Jones,  built  a  mill 
in  the  northwest  part  of  the  tow^n  on  the  western  border  of 
the  Bellows  grant,  and  established  an  extensive  business  in 
the  manufacture   of  this  ware.     Their  mill   was  burned   in 

1840  and  another  in  1850.     The  large  mill,  now  unoccupied, 

was  erected   in  the  autumn  of  1850  and  the   business  was 

continued  by  Colonel  Whitmore  until  his  death.     The  water 


■I':    i\i-?.A'K\     "o- 



power  was  su[)plemcntcd  by  steam  and  in  the  last  mill  there 
was  ail  eni;"iiio  of  forty-horse  power  and  for  several  years  the 
full  capacity  of  the  mill  was  emj>loyed.  This  manufacture 
has  been  controlled  of  late  by  the  proprietors  of  the  thread 
mills  and  has  been  conducted  near  the  centres  of  the  trade. 
Xathaniel  L.  Eaton  and  Lysander  Harris  also  manufactured 
spools  in  the  lower  mill,  now  of  Packard  Brothers,  from 
1855  to  18G2,  In  1859  Leonard  Foster  purchased  new 
machinery  and  prosecuted  this  industry  with  success  several 

FincTiOX  Matches  have  been  made  in  this  town  quite 
extensively.  In  1837  AVilliam  Brooks  bcijanthe  manufiict- 
ure  in  North  Ashburnham  in  a  small  shop  built  for  the 
purpose  and  from  time  to  time  enlarged  the  business  until  a 
new  sho})  was  built  for  its  accommodation.  In  itself  the 
business  of  ]Mr.  Brooks  was  successful,  but  he  became 
involved  in  litigations  concerning  infringements  of  patents 
which  oftset  the  legitimate  income  of  the  enterprise.  ]Mr. 
Brooks  was  succeeded  by  Eliakim  T.  Kussell  who  continued 
the  manufacture  until  18G5. 

Byam,  Carlton  it  Co.  of  Boston,  for  a  few  years,  made  a 
part  of  their  matches  in  this  town.  They  occupied  a  shop 
now  owned  by  Daniels  Ellis.  Francis  Kibling  and  Daniels 
Ellis  were  also  engaged  in  the  business.  Another  industry 
has  been  the  manufacture  of  match  stock  or  cards  prepared 
for  dipping.  Those  engaged  in  this  business  were  Alvin 
Ward,  Leonard  Foster,  Alonzo  L.  Willard,  Eaton  and 
Harris,  ^Nlilton  Lane  and  others. 

Baskets  have  been  made  by  John  M.  Pratt  in  South 
Ashljurnhara  during  tlie  past  thirty  years.  His  shop, 
formerly  a  ]\Iethodist  parsonage,  was  moved  from  West- 
minster. He  has  steam  power,  a  trip-hammer  and 
machinery  adapted  to  the  business.     Fomierly,  the  baskets 


ii'f'  ii-cn. 

;rv       .    ;!,:,'■ 




for  fjirni  and  household  use  were  made  entirely  of  ash.  Of 
late,  rattan  has  been  used  for  filling  and  new  patterns  of 
baskets  for  a  variety  of  uses  have  been  niauuftictured. 

Doors,  Sasii  axd  Blinds  have  been  manufactured  by 
Reuben  Putter  in  South  Ashburnliam.  Like  all  other  mills 
in  this  town,  some  parts  of  it  have  been  used  in  the  manufact- 
ure of  chairs.  In  this  mill  there  has  been  a  number  of 
tenants  but  none  of  them  have  conducted  a  very  extensive 

Miscellaneous  wood- ware,  not  included  in  the  foregoing 
paragraphs,  has  been  manufactured  in  this  town  by  Colonel 
Whitmore,  Warren  F.  Sawtell,  Isaac  D.  Ward,  LeRoy 
Butler,  F.  H.  Rideout,  William  P.  Ellis,  Fletcher  Brothers, 
and  in  1884  Samuel  N.  Noyes  began  the  manufacture  of  toys 
on  Water  street,  giving  employment  to  ten  or  twelve  men 
and  producing  a  variety  of  miscellaneous  wares. 

Wool  Cardixg  axd  Cloth  Dkessixg.  — Thomas  Park 
removed  to  this  town  in  1779  and  about  1790  he  built  a 
small  mill  on  the  east  side  of  the  river  and  nearly  opposite 
the  present  site  of  the  blacksmith  shop.  In  this  mill  he  was 
the  first  to  engafre  in  fullins:  and  dressing  the  cloth  which 
had  been  woven  in  hand  looms.  He  sold  in  1800  to  Fitch 
Crosby  who  conducted  a  prosperous  business  until  about 
1840.  This  mill  was  subsequently  owned  by  Horace  Black, 
who  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  furniture.  It  was 
finally  destroyed  by  the  freshet  in  1850.  Commencing 
about  1815  Mr.  Crosby  and  Joshua  Townsend  began  wool 
carding  by  power.  Their  cards  were  in  a  shop  that  stood  on 
the  site  of  the  morocco  shop. 

Samuel  Dunster,  about  1820,  built  a  shop  for  wool  carding 
where  the  tub  shop  of  Rockwood  and  Walker  was  burned. 
In  this  business  he  was  succeeded  by  Dr.  Nathaniel  Pierce. 
Mr.  Dunster  built  another  shop  for  this  business,  below  his 

I  l.'J'. 

, ;  •        r'M 



grist-iiiill,  :it  Factory  Village.  This  building  was  waslicd 
away  by  iho,  freshet  l)ut  the  cards  had  not  been  run  for 
several  years  previously.  In  1825,  or  about  the  time  card- 
ing machines  were  introduced  on  Mill  street,  Joshua,  Moses, 
and  Jorcnjiali  Stowell,  from  Temple,  New  Hampshire,  built 
a  shop  on  the  North  Turnpike  and  began  wool  carding  and 
spinning.  With  the  aid  of  hand  looms  they  manufactured 
broadclotli  of  a  firm  texture  and  substantial  character.  In 
this  business  the}"  were  succeeded  about  1830  by  Charles 

CoTTOX  Factoiues.  —  Cotton  spinning  by  power  and  the 
manufacture  supplemented  by  hand  looms  was  begun  in  this 
town  as  early  as  1811  or  1812.  Samuel  Dunster  of  this 
town  owning  three-fourths  and  Roger  Chandler  of  ]Mason, 
New  Ilampshii'e,  ownimj;  one-fourth,  were  the  first  to  ensjajre 
in  this  business.  Their  mill  was  at  Factory  Village.  It  was 
subsequently  owned  by  Samuel  Barrett,  Jewett  and  Woods 
and  George  Blackburn  &  Co.,  who  purchased  it  in  1843. 
The  mill  was  burned  in  1816  and  a  larger  mill  was  built 
immediately  after.  The  last  mill  was  burned  in  1877.  The 
factory  on  Water  street  was  built  by  an  incorporated  com- 
pany in  1849.  The  stock  was  held  by  residents  of  this 
town  who,  without  previous  experience  in  the  business,  run 
the  mill  a  few  years  and  until  the  debt  of  the  cori)oration 
was  equal  to  the  value  of  the  plant.  The  mill  was  sold  in 
1856  to  George  Blackburn  and  Ohio  Whitney,  Jr.  The 
amount  received  from  this  sale  paid  the  indebtedness  of  the 
coi'poration  and  thirteen  cents  on  one  hundred  dollars  of  the 
capital  stock.  It  will  be  observed  that  the  corporation  could 
have  run  the  mill  about  eight  hours  longer  without  an  assess- 
ment. Mr.  Whitney  continued  his  interest  in  the  mill  and 
the  business  about  ten  years  when  he  sold  to  George  Black- 
burn &  Co.,  who  have  continued  to  the  present  time. 

r;'"   '1     .  .'     (  , 

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'i;:-    ■:■'%?'■   V'.,:) 

1 ';•,;'    'Ml 

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'    1i.-',;    ■ 


Tanneries. — Following  a  custom  of  the  time,  the  hides 
of  domestic  animals  were  tanned  on  shares  or  for  stipulated 
compensation  and  the  leather  returned  to  the  owner.  The 
operation  of  tanning  hides  and.  dressing  leather  consumed 
time  and  often  the  leather  fell  into  the  hands  of  an  admini;^- 
trator  or  the  heirs  of  the  orioinal  owner  of  the  hides.  In  all 
the  old  New  England  towns  there  were  numerous  little 
tanneries  located  near  a  convenient  brook  where  without 
machinery  of  any  kind  the  process  was  slowly  conducted. 
Mention  will  be  made  of  some  of  the  old  locations  where  this 
business  was  formerly  conducted,  and  if,  by  any  chance,  one 
or  more  of  them  have  not  been  discovered  in  this  review  of 
the  past  no  immediate  prejudice  against  the  industry  of  a 
former  generation  will  be  encouraged  thereby. 

Near  the  close  of  the  Eevolution,  AVillard  Lane  commenced 
this  business  where  now  is  the  residence  of  AValter  O.  Parker. 
He  sold  in  1797  to  Deacon  William  J.  Lawrence  who  en- 
larged the  facilities  and  for  the  time  conducted  an  extensive 

Captain  David  Gushing  divided  his  thne  between  tanning 
and  other  employments.  He  lived  where  Nahum  Wood  now 
resides.  His  vats  were  north  of  the  house  and  part  of  them 
are  now  covered  by  the  highway.  Levi  Adams  succeeded 
Mr.  Gushing  but  soon  closed  out  the  business. 

Stephen  Corey  had  a  yard  where  George  F.  Corey  now 
resides  and  was  engaged  in  tanning  a  number  of  years  early 
in  the  present  century.  In  one  of  the  vats  his  daughter  was 
drowned.  The  business  was  later  conducted  by  Stephen 
Corey,  Jr.  On  his  farm  on  Eusscll  hill  James  Adams  had 
several  vats  and  conducted  the  business  a  number  of  years. 
This  farm  was  subsequently  owned  and  occupied  by  Joseph 

•'■'.  r       :  .'11  ■/?•.>  'V,; 

I--.,.-..     ,r:_-    ^ 

^  *•.»-■ 

■■     /;/o».     -,-.7     --'.-..;,VT 


John  Caldwoll  was  also  a  taiinor  as  well  as  a  farmer.  lie 
lived  on  the  farm  now  of  Alden  13.  Marble  and  was  succeeded 
by  his  son,  Oliver  G.  Caldwell.  The  father  and  son  con- 
ducted a  limited  business  about  thirty  years,  commencing" 
early  in  the  present  century.  The  Caldwells  were  the  first 
in  this  town  to  employ  water  power  in  grinding  bark. 
Formerly  it  had  been  ground  in  a  crude  mill  turned  by  a 
horse  which  described  the  same  circle  many  times  in  the 
labor  of  the  day.  The  horse  was  spoiled  for  other  work  and 
literally  died  in  the  harness.  So  slowly  did  he  move  even 
under  the  lash,  and  so  gradually  did  his  energies  waste  away, 
that  it  required  nice  discrimination  and  keen  exercise  of  a 
sound  judgment  to  determine  with  accuracy  the  precise  time 
to  transfer  the  half-tanned  hide  from  the  dying  animal  to  one 
of  the  vats. 

Fletcher  and  Warren  of  Stow  once  had  a  yard  where  the 
pail  shop  of  George  G.  Rockwood  now  stands.  The  yard 
was  formerly  conducted  b}*  Deacon  AVilliam  J.  Lawrence 
who  was  owner  of  the  yard  at  the  foot  of  Lawrence  street. 
The  yard  was  badly  injured  and  the  buildings  destroyed  by 
the  freshet  in  1850  and  the  business  was  never  resumed  on 
this  site. 

From  1855  to  186G  Elbridge  Stimson  conducted  the 
business  in  the  old  morocco  shop  which  was  recently  burned. 
At  the  time  he  Avas  the  only  tanner  in  the  town  and  no  one 
has  succeeded  him. 

The  ^VIoFtocco  BrsixESS. — Thomas  Russell  began  the 
morocco  business  in  this  town  about  sixty  years  ago.  His 
shop  was  on  Russell  hill  in  the  third  school  district  and 
opposite  the  farm  of  Ward  Russell.  After  about  five  years, 
he  sold  the  business  to  "Walter  Russell,  who  was  succeeded 
by  Frank  Russell  and  Samuel  V.  Whitney.  In  1852  they 
removed  the  business  to  Water  street,  occupying  the  old  tan- 

.If      -.■■^'iT 

■  i    -It 

,.    A,;! 

■■"      .ill 


,'.■   I 


iierj-  buildings  where  the  factory  ol"  George  G.  Eockwood 
now  stantls.  xVliout  thirty  years  ago  they  erected  tlie  build- 
ing familiarly  known  as  the  morocco  shop.  At  this  time  the 
busmess  was  enlarged,  becoming  an  important  factor  among 
the  industries  of  the  town.  In  the  new  shop  they  were 
succeeded  by  Austin  "Whitney  who  with  several  partners 
continued  the  business  until  the  shop  was  burned  in  1882. 

Ivers  and  Thomas  Adams  were  successfully  engaged  in 
finishing  morocco  on  Eussell  hill  from  1838  to  1800.  In 
1833  James  Adams  built  a  shop  on  the  site  of  the  mill  now 
of  Cyrus  A.  Jefts.  In  connection  with  pulling  wool  and 
tanning  he  finished  morocco  until  he  removed  in  1849  to 
Pennsylvania.  He  was  succeeded  by  Luther  B.  and  Andrew 
J.  Adams.  The  following  year  the  property  was  destroyed 
by  the  freshet  and  Luther  B.  Adams.  Elbridge  Stimson  and 
Austin  Whitney  built  the  shop  on  Brown  brook  where  they 
conducted  the  same  business  a  few  years. 

Among  the  possibilities  of  this  town  should  be  mentioned 
the  business  and  residence  here  of  John  and  Salmon  W. 
Putnam,  who  removed  from  ^Mason,  New  Hampshire,  in 
1837  and  commenced  business  as  machinists  in  the  old 
cotton  factory  at  Factory  Village.  Here  they  remained 
three  years  when  they  removed  to  Fitchburg  where  they 
established  an  important  industry  which  still  bears  their 
name  and  continues  to  contribute  to  the  fam.e  and  wealth  of 
that  citv. 






1791     TO     1847. PROMOTIONS.  THE    MILITIA     COMPANY. MILITIA     OF- 
FICERS.  THE      DRAFT      1814.  HISTORY    FROM      1855     TO     1862. BRIEF 


Entiiusiasiii  ill  milit;ay  affnirs  for  many  years  succeeding 
the  Revolution  was  spontaneous.  The  man  of  middle  age, 
familiar  with  the  manual  of  arms  and  the  school  of  the  soldier, 
was  fond  of  the  pomp  and  display  of  military  pageants.  The 
youth,  listening  fi'om  childhood  to  the  stories  of  battles  and 
campaigns  in  which  the  eloquent  narrators  had  been  engaged, 
were  earl}'  imbued  with  a  kindred  zeal  in  these  pursuits. 
1'hc  old  soldier,  debarred  by  the  indrmities  of  age  from 
active  participation  in  the  exercises  of  the  tleld,  was  ever 
present  with  words  of  encouragement  and  support.  In 
those  days,  either  in  deed  or  in  spirit,  all  were  soldiers. 
Encouraged  by  public  sentiment  and  fostered  by  the  laws  of 
the  Commonwealth,  a  military  establishment  was  easily 
maintained,  and  in  addition  to  other  incentives  there  was 
associated  with  rank  and  with  military  titles  an  acknowledged 
dignity  and  honor  which  firmly  appealed  to  the  ambition  of 
men.  With  such  surroundings  every  military  parade  was 
conducted  with  enthusiasm  and  was  witnessed  by  a  crowd  of 


iiV/;  -)VA  !'•!>,  J !".) 

1    '  *'•■!., I    '■'.'■  I'/.rj-^'tVnr;.  ::n'ir 

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a})plaiidiii2'  people.  On  thc^e  occasions  the  drum,  the  fife- 
and  the  attending  juvenile  suflered  no  restraint.  The  stated 
trainings  and  the  musters  were  scenes  of  bustle  and  activity 
in  which  a  Quaker  would  ha^•e  been  regarded  with  contempt 
and  supremely  pitied  in  his  loneliness. 

The  town  of  Ashburnham,  eagerly  participating  in  the 
prevailing  sentiment  of  the  times,  manifested  a  lively  interest 
in  the  local  military  organizations  which  for  many  years  were 
sustained  w  ith  a  steadtast  enthusiasm.  In  addition  to  all  the 
requirements  of  the  State,  an  independent  military  organiza- 
tion has  been  maintained  in  this  town,  almost  w^ithout  inter- 
ruption, since  the  Revolution. 

In  a  fomier  chapter  it  appears  that  the  minute-men  of  this 
town  were  under  the  command  of  Captain  Jonathan  Gates 
from  1775  to  1781.  Upon  a  reorganization  of  the  militia, 
the  company  in  this  town  became  knovrn  as  the  seventh 
company  of  the  Eighth  Regiment.  July  1,  1781,  Francis 
Lane  was  commissioned  captain,  Ebenezer  Conant,  Jr.,  first 
lieutenant,  and  Daniel  Putnam,  second  lieutenant.  Lieuten- 
ant Conant  died  in  1783  and  Captain  Rand  was  promoted  to 
major,  and  to  lieutenant-colonel,  1787.  In  connection  with 
these  events,  other  officers  of  the  Ashburnham  company 
probably  were  appointed,  of  which  no  record  has  been  found. 
May  2,  1787,  Daniel  Putnam  was  commissioned  captain, 
Ebenezer  ]Munroe,  lieutenant,  and  John  Abbott,  ensign.. 
Lieutenant  Munroe  and  Ensign  Abbott  w-ere  not  promoted. 
These  titles  became  permanently  affixed  to  their  names. 
The  next  conmiander  of  the  company  probably  was  Josei)h 
Jewett.  No  record  of  his  first  commission  has  been  dis- 
covered, but  he  was  in  command  of  the  company  in  178!>, 
and  about  this  time  John  Adams  was  an  ensign  and  a 

y;-  i'Y. 

:ii)    ■''■)  •   i'V:y 

:;■.»  ;    .;•%./    It 




Until  a  later  date  there  was  only  one  company  of  militia 
in  this  town,  and,  until  1791,  it  does  not  appear  that  the 
company  organization  was  privileged  or  distinguished  from 
any  other  militia  company  organized  under  the  general  laws 
of  the  State.  But  in  Jane,  1791,  the  General  Court  granted 
the  petition  of  the  military  men  of  this  town,  presented  by 
General  Timothy  Xewell,  and  under  the  rights  and  privileges 
thus  secured  the  Ashburuham  Light  Infantry  was  promptly 
organized.  Its  legal  existence  properly  dates- from  the  issue 
of  the  tirst  commissions  to  its  officers,  July  13,  1791.  The 
petition  and  the  proceedings  of  the  General  Court  were  as 
follow.s  : 

To   THE    HON'OURABLE,    THE     SeXATE    AND    THE     HoUSE    OF     REPRE- 
SENTATIVES IX   General  Court  Assembled  : 

The  petition  of  Timothy  Newell  Major  Geueral  of  the  seventh 
division  of  Militia  in  said  Connuonwealth  humbly  sheweth  :  — 

That  a  number  of  persons,  in  the  town  of  Ashbarnham  in  the 
4'^  Regiment  in  the  2*^  Brigade  of  said  Division,  did  (when  under 
the  command  of  the  Hon."''  Maj.""  Gen.'  Warner)  agree  to  form 
themselves  into  a  Company  of  Light  Infantry  and  as  doubts  have 
arisen  whether  said  persons  can  be  formed  into  any  other  than  an 
independent  company  and  as  it  is  not  the  wish  of  said  persons  to 
be  thus  established,  your  petitioner  therefore  prays  that  liberty  be 
granted  to  raise  a  Company  of  Light  Infantrj-  within  the  aforesaid 
Regiment  to  be  considered  as  a  Company  of  Regimental  Light 
Infantry  nnder  the  command  of  the  Colonel  or  Commanding 
ofiieer  of  said  Regiment. 

The  foregoing  petition  was  presented  June  18,  1791,  and 
in  response  the  Legislature  passed  the  following  resolve  : 

•  Resolvfd,  That  His  Excellency  the  Governor  be  and  he  is 
hereby  empowered  and  requested  to  issue  orders  for  forming  a 
Company  of  Light  Infantry  in  the  town  of  Ashburuham,  provided 
they  do  not  reduce  the  standing  company  of  militia  in  said  town 

i   .:.:  ■:'  ,' 


to  a  less  number  than  sixty  privates  of  the  train  band  ;  the  ofliccrs 
of  said  Light  Infantry  company  to  be  appointed  and  commissioned 
in  the  same  way  and  manner  as  is  provided  b^'  hiw  for  the  appoint- 
ing and  commissioning  other  militar}'  ofliccrs.  Said  company 
when  so  formed  to  be  under  tlie  command  of  tlie  Coh^nel  or  com- 
manding otlicer  of  the  fourth  regiment  of  the  second  brigade  in 
said  division. 

Under  the  privileges  extended  by  this  proceeding  the 
Ashburnham  Light  Infantry  was  promptly  organized.  The 
first  officers,  commissioned  July  33,  1791,  were  Joseph 
Jewett,  captain,  Caleb  Kendall,  lieutenant,  and  Charles 
Hastings,  ensign.  The  following;  year  Captain  Jewett  was 
promoted  to  major,  and  Charles  Hastings  was  commissioned 
captain,  August  27 ,  1792,  and  consequently  was  the  second 
commander  of  the  company. 

Concerning  the  names  or  the  numl)er  of  men  who  belonged 
to  the  company  during  the  first  twenty  years  of  its  legal 
existence  there  is  no  complete  record.  Beginning  with  the 
command  of  Ivers  Jewett  in  1813  the  Ashburnham  Light 
Infantry  entered  upon  an  era  of  prosperity.  A  book  of 
enlistments,  containing  the  names  of  all  who  were  members 
of  the  company  in  1813,  with  dates  of  original  enlistment 
and  the  names  of  all  who  enlisted  from  that  date  to  1815,  is 
carefully  preserved  in  the  archives  of  the  company.  At  the 
close  of  the  year  1813,  the  number  of  rank  and  tile,  including 
non-commissioned  officers  and  musicians,  was  fifty  men. 
The  only  original  member  of  the  company  was  James  Laws, 
Jr.,  of  Westminster,  who  enlisted  first  in  the  militia  in 
April,  1789,  two  years  before  the  company  was  organized 
under  pemiission  of  the  Legislature.  The  next  in  duration 
of  service  was  Joseph  F.  Burgess  who  joined  in  179G,  and 
following  with  a  record  of  seven  years  or  more  of  service  are 
the  names  of  Joseph  Miller,  Jonas  Holden,  John  Gates,  Jr., 

■■\ii\-"^   ■1-1 

'■J'J        -^I't,-)        l',l       ,;/■,;;.■,'■!  I  V 

') .      -'.'■)  I 

■>       :\'      )/-■    ■;    il, 

'  >'} 


Jacob  Vrard,  James  Adams,  Ebenezer  jNIunroe,  Jr.,  Charles 
Muiiroe,  John  Hastings,  Ebenezer  Adams,  Ivers  JeAA'ctt, 
Walter  K.  Adams,  Timothy  Crehore,  Jr.,  Dickerson  Brooks 
and  Jonathan  Samson,  Jr.  Including  the  existing  company 
iu  1813  and  the  subsequent  enlistments  to  1845,  the  record 
contains  three  hundred  and  ninety-eight  names. 

The  obligation  to  which  each  recruit  subscribed,  copied  on 
the  first  page  of  the  book  of  enlistment  by  the  hand  of  Ivers 
Jewett,  is  probiibly  a  copy  of  the  obligation  adopted  in  1791. 
It  is  here  transcribed  nnd  will  be  familiar  to  many  now 
living : 

To  facilitate  the  perforujance  of  the  duty,  which  we  owe  to  our 
couutr}',  of  adding  to  our  character  as  citizens  some  portion  of  tlie 
skill  of  the  soldier,  to  increase  our  usefulness  as  militia  men  by 
adding  to  the  zeal  which  is  excited  by  patriotism,  the  ardor  which 
is  inspired  by  emulation  and  to  give  to  each  one  of  us  who  exert- 
ing himself  for  his  own  and  his  State's  defence  that  confidence  in 
the  zealous  and  skilful  cooperation  of  each  other  which  can  result 
only  in  military  discipline  ;  We  do  hereby,  agreeable  to  a  resolve 
from  the  General  Court  of  this  Commonwealth,  passed  June  the 
eighteenth,  A.  D.  seventeen  hundred  and  ninety-one  for  the 
raising  of  a  Light  Infantry  company  iu  the  town  of  Ashburnham, 
voluntarily  enlist  as  meuibers  of  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry 
company  and  to  govern  us  in  the  pursuit  of  these  objects  we  agree 
to  equip  ourselves  according  to  the  laws  of  this  Commonwealth,  to 
uniform  according  to  the  uniform  of  said  company,  which  is  per 
according  to  the  clerk's  book,  and  to  submit  to  the  rules  and 
regulations  of  said  company.  All  of  which  we  pledge  our  honors 
to  perform. 

In  the  war  of  1812,  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry  was 
held  in  a  state  of  suspense  thi-ough  the  summer  of  1813  and 
a  part  of  the  following  }  ear.  The  indifference  of  ^Vlassa- 
chusctts  to  the  prosecution  of  the  war  is  a  part  of  the  general 

•f    ;    ■■■    i:\)   .;.-•> 


liistoiy  of  the  times.  So  far  as  individual  opinion  was  con- 
cerned the  general  sentiment  of  the  town  was  in  support  of 
the  position  of  Governor  Strong.  But  the  spirit  of  the 
soldier  arose  in  triumph  over  the  prevailing  sentiment  of  the 
town.  During  the  progress  of  the  war,  the  compan}^  was 
frequentl}^  disciplined  in  the  exercise  of  arms  and  expectantly 
awaited  the  summons  to  march. 

During  the  summer  of  1814   the   presence  of  an  unusual 
number  of  the  armed  vessels  of  the  enemy  caused  frequent 
and  grave  alarm  on   the  sea-coast.      At   this   time   several 
regiments  of  State  militia  were  called  out  and  wei'e  stationed 
in   Boston  and  vicinity.     The  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry 
was  ordered   into  the  service  early  in  the  month  of  Septem- 
ber.    There    are    several     now    living   who    remember   the 
hurried  preparation  and  departure  from  this  town.     It  was 
on  the   Sabbath.      The  company  assembled  at  the  Jewett 
store  and  after  brief  words  of  counsel  and  fervent  prayer  for 
their  safe  return  by  Rev.  Dr.  Gushing,  the  arms,  ammunition 
and  equipage  were  on  a  long  line  of  \\agons  hastily  engaged 
for  the  occasion.     The   soldiers  were  in  uniform  but  in  the 
general  features  of  the  day  there  was  only  a  faint  suggestion 
of  a  military  demonstration.     The  highway  was  tilled  with 
vehicles  of  all  descriptions  which  were  employed  to  transport 
the  army  on   its  way.     The  wagons  were   unloaded  at  Lan- 
caster.    The  men  were  ordered  un.der  arms  and  they  pro- 
ceeded on  their  way  in  a  more  warlike  demonstration.     They 
arrived  in  due  thne  at  Boston  and  were  mustered  into  the 
service  September  0.     The  company  was  stationed  at  South 
Boston  and  Dorchester   fifty-one  days  and  was  discharged 
October  30,   1814.     Soon   after  their    safe    return    to  their 
homes,    Rev.    Dr.    Gushing    preached    a    sermon   addressed 
particularly  to  the   soldiers,   congratulating    them    and    the 
public  on  the  prospect  of  peace.     The  sermon  contains  some 


;r;,r..:;!   -..[■! 

■  i      ■■■' ^    (>?%,:!/■    ' 

'f    •..!■ 



wholesome  advice.  "Let  mc  caution  you  to  take  heed  that 
yon  rejoice  without  infringing  ujion  tlie  ruhis  of  tenipciance. 
The  pk^isure  of  this  da}'  is  marred  if  anything  takes  phice 
inconsistent  with  your  characters  as  men  and  Christians." 

The  following  is  the  roll  of  the  company  at  this  time. 
The  three  last  names  were  enrolled  a  few  days  before  the 
compan}-  was  ordered  into  service.  The  remaining  names 
are  transcribed  from  the  ollicial  roll  at  the  annual  inspection 
in  May  preceding.  Four  of  the  company  —  James  Laws, 
Jr.,  Jonas  Holden,  Joseph  PoUey  and  Adam  Butler — were 
residents  of  AVestminster.  ,  ,  ,, 

Ivers  Jewelt,  Captain 
Timothy  Cvehoxc,  Lieu' enant 
Walter  11.  Adams,  Ensign, 

Ebenezer  Adams,       Sergeant 
John  Gates,  Jr.,  " 

Eeuben  Townsend,  Jr.,  " 
Elijah  Brooks,  " 

Jamos  Adams,  Fifer 

EcDJarniu  Barrett,       " 
Oliver  Barrett,  Drummer 
Amos  Stone,  " 

Labaa  Cushiog,        "• 
Jonathan  Samson,  Jr. 
Josiab  AYhite 
Reuben  Rice,  Jr. 
Luther  Bigelow 
Joseph  F.  Burgess 
James  Billings 
Ebenezer  Flint 
James  Laws,  Jr. 
Charles  Munroe 
Ebenezer  Munroe,  Jr. 
Joseph  Miller 

Stephen  Marble 
Joseph  Rice 
Joseph  Townsend 
Ephraim  Taylor 
Jonas  Holden 
Humphrey  Harris 
Henr}'  Gipson 
Joel  Marble 
George  Wilker,  Jr. 
Adam  Butler 
Thomas  Howard 
Charles  Stimson 
Asahel  Corey 
Caleb  WiUard       , 
Elisha  Garfield 
Ellas  Blodgett 
Enoch  Whitmore 
Charles  Barrett 
Asia  Phillips 
Dickerson  Brooks 

'-■'^'-•i    '   ^'•'     ■-    (^'^    .--tv'''^     ':;^r;■c.-l  ,Mr:J,^,u 

,     ..',■">  :;rVvi. 



•'  -i^rrri/r-) 


Edward  Mayuard  John  Hastings 

Joseph  PoUey  ,  Reuben  Slimson 

Jacob  Ward  He  man  II  arris 

Stephen  Adams  Jabez  ]Marble 

For  many  years  succeeding  the  war  of  1812  the  independ- 
ent company^  was  maintained  with  full  ranks.  In  proficiency 
of  drill  and  standard  of  disci] )line  it  was  among  the  first 
companies  of  the  regiment.  The  officers  were  frequently 
promoted  to  command  of  the  regiment  and  the  citizens  of 
the  town  evinced  a  reasonable  pride  in  the  organization.  In 
the  progress  of  years  the  military  spirit  was  suff'ered  to 
decline,  the  laws  of  the  State  were  frequently  amended  and 
proffered  a  diminishing  support  and  encouragement  in  the 
maintenance  of  a  military  organization.  In  an  hour  of 
despondency^  the  company  appealed  to  the  town  for  assist- 
ance, but  in  this  direction  they  were  met  with  a  cold  refusal. 
In  1838  a  proposition  to  make  a  small  appropriation  for  the 
benefit  of  the  company  and  another  to  loan  them  a  small 
amount  of  mone3\  were  promptly  denied.  The  sentiment 
of  inditTerence  which  pervaded  the  community  as  a  natural 
consequence  was  disseminated  among  the  ranks  of  the  com- 
pany. From  about  1845,  the  record  is  gloomy  and  often 
overcast  with  inactivity,  but  the  compan}^  maintained  a  legal 
existence  and  occasionally  manifested  a  spasmodic  effort  at 
resustication  until  December  1,  1851,  when  the  remaining 
ofiicers  were  officially  discharged.  From  that  date  until 
1855,  the  company  remained  beneath  the  surface.  The  last 
captain  was  Nathaniel  F.  Cutter  who  resigned  November  14, 
1846,  and  no  successor  was  commissioned.  Lieutenant 
Clarence  M.  Proctor  remained  lieutenant  commanding  until, 
as  stated,  December  1,  1851.  In  the  mean  time  orders  for 
the    choice    of    oiEcers    were    issued,  and   in  1847  Colonel 

f '. : 

■Ml  ii.]" 

u:i.:.  It',,  (Vii  .•  ;  ■7,- 

'"'"';'/)') 'J  I 

'  •  ■,.!'.■■ 



Francis  J.  Barrett  was  choseu   captain,  but  he  declined   to 
<]u;dify  and  assume  command  of  the  companv. 

From  1791  to  1^51  the  following  officers  of  the  Ashlmrn- 
ham  Light  Infantry  have  been  commissioned.  The  absence 
<^f  a  date  in  connection  with  a  very  few  of  the  names  indi- 
cates that  no  official  record  of  the  commission  has  been 
found,  yet  no  name  has  been  admitted  without  ample  proof 
■of  service  in  the  capacity  indicated. 



Joseph  Jevrett, 
Cliarles  Hastings, 
"Willard  Lane, 
John  ScoUay, 
Phinehas  Kandall, 
Silas  Willard, 
Caleb  Wilder, 
Grovener  Scollay, 
Henry  Willard, 
Moses  Lawrence, 
Ivers  Jew(  tt, 
TimotliyCrehore,  Jr. 
Ebenezor  Adams, 
Hosea  Stone, 
Charles  Barrett, 
John  Willard,  Jr.,  V\iC'-, 
Ktul)en  Rice, 
Samuel  Foster, 
Emery  liice. 
Asa  Merriam, 
Kilburn  Hirwood, 
Alvin  Kendall, 
Henry  Kibliiii;,  Jr., 
John'W.  Mossman. 
Asahel  Wheeler, 
Jonas  Corey. 
Natlianiel  F.  Cutter, 






Caleb  Kendall,  17',»1 

Willard  Lane,  1702 

John  Scollay,  1795 

Phinehas  Randall,  17'J7 

Silas  Willard,  1798 

Grovener  Scollay,  1^05 

Henry  Willard,  "  1807 

Ivers  Jewett.  1811 
Timothy  Crehore,  Jr.  181.^. 

P^benozer  Adams,  1815 

Charles  Barrett,  1817 

John  Willard,  Jr.,  1820 

.Joseph  Rice.  1822 

Enoch  Whitmore,  1^24 

Reuben  Rice,  1820 

Samuel  Foster.  1827 

Oilman  Jones,  1828 

Enjery  Rice,  1830 

.Vsa  Merriam,  1831 

Lewis  G.  Houghton,  1832 

Asahel  Corey,  is33 

John  W.  Mossman,  1838 

Asahol  Wheeler,  1841 

Jonas  Corev.  1844 

Nathaniel  F.  Cutter.  1845 
Clarence  M.  Proctor,  184G 


Charles  Hastings.  1791 

:  John  Scollay,  1792 

.  Phinehas  Randall,  1795 

!  Silas  Willard, 

Grovener  Scollav,  1802 

Henry  Willard,  '  1805 

'  Moses  Lawrence,  lf;07 

Samuel  Gates,  181U 

,  Walter  R.  Adams,  1813 

John  Gates,  Jr..  1815 

;  John  Willard,  Jr.,  1817 

Joseph  Rice,  1820 

Reuben  Rice,  1S22 

I  Sanuiel  P'oster,  182C 

Gilfuan  Jones,  1827 

Emerv  Rice,  l><2s 

Asa  Merriam,  1830 

i  Lewis  G.  Houghton,  1.^31 

I  George  Woods,  1832 

!  Alvin  Kendall,  1834 

■  Henrv  Kibling,  Jr.,  1S.37 

'Asahel  Wheeler.  I,s38 

I  Francis  J.  Barrett,  1841 

Jotias  Corey,  IS41 

1  Nathaiuel  F.  Cutter,  ls44 

Clarence  ^L  Proctor, is}5 

i  Alonzo  P.  Davis,  ISJ'I 

During  the  last  liv<>  yeais  of  this  period  there  were  more 
than  two  lieutenant-.  After  isll  there  was  a  tliird  lieu- 
tenant and  the  ollieers  who  held  rliis  eonmiission  were 
Nathaniel  F.  Cutter,  lsH-11;  Clarence  .M.  Proctor, 
1.S44-45 ;  Alonzo  P.  Davis,  1,S45— M', ;  Joseph  P.  Kice, 
1846-51.     The  only  fourth  lieutenant  was  Samuel  \'.  AVhit- 

;'rj;"iii;;     :,>• 


iicy  who  was  in  cominissiou  IVom  184(3  to  1851.  From  the 
officers  of  the  Ashlnirnhaui  T>iglit  Infiintiy,  there  were  many 
jM'omotions  in  the  service. 

Colonel  Joseph  Jewett  was  commissioned  major,  June  28, 
17i)2,  and  lieutenant-colonel,  April  13,  1795.  General  Ivers 
Jewett,  major,  April  24,  1815  ;  lieutenant-colonel,  June  20, 
181G  ;  colonel,  August  12,  1817  ;  brigadier-general.  May  11, 
]819;  major-general,  June  10,  1822;  resigned,  ]May  30, 
182G.  Colonel  Timothy  Crehore,  Jr.,  major,  August  12, 
1817;  lieutenani-colonel.  May  7,  1818;  colonel,  June  '28, 
1819.  Colonel  Ilosea  Stone,  major,  March  23,  1820;  lieu- 
tenant-colonel, :March  19,  1822.  Colonel  Charles  BaiTctt, 
major,  March  19,  1822;  lieutenant-colonel,  April  15,  1822; 
colonel,  ]\Iarcli  2,  1824.  Colonel  Enoch  AVhitmore  promoted 
from  lieutenant  to  major,  July  1,  1820:  lieutenant-colonel, 
July  23,  1827  ;  colonel,  August  31,  1829.  Colonel  Kilburu 
Ilarwood,  major,  ^lay  13,  1837,  and  colonel,  July  24,  1841. 
Colonel  Francis  J.  Barrett  promoted  from  ensign  and 
adjutant  to  major,  August  20,  1842 ;  lieutenant-colonel, 
September  2,  1843;  colonel,  August  G,  1844;  resigned, 
February  26,  1846. 

It  w^ill  be  remembered  that  in  the  resolve  of  the  General 
Coui-t  creating  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry- ,  there  was  a 
provision  that  from  the  men  in  this  town  liable  to  perform 
military  duty,  sixty  or  more  should  be  reserved  for  a  militia 
company  under  the  general  laws  of  the  State.  This  service, 
upon  those  not  legally  exempt,  was  compulsory,  yet  for  many 
years  it  was  rendennl  with  apparent  alacrity.  The  company 
of  militia  was  continued  and  it  maintained  a  visible  organiza- 
tion until  the  annual  trainings  and  musters  were  abolished. 
The  officers  of  the  militia  company  from  1792  to  1834  were 

as  follows  : 


;:iv-0  -/,.:*.vrrr 

J 1 1  J:< :  '.• ;  I 

.  i     ■  '^  )  ■■ 

I  ■:;:•  n 

"  I ,  I " " 




Jonathan  Merriam,  1702 
Silas  Whitney,  1705 

EbenczerT.  Adams,  17'.<!> 
Henrv  Kiblinsier,  1801 
John'Willard',  1802 

Samuel  Cottinjr,  ISO.". 

George  K.  Cushing.  1807 
Philander  J.  Willard,lSll 
Lemuel  Wliitney,  1813 
Jacob  Fairbanks,  1814 
Elias  Lane,  181 1! 

Timothy  Stearns,  1818 
Francis  Lane,  Jr.,  1821 
Benjamin  Gibbs,  1S22 
Jonas  Munroe,  182-1 

John  C.  Davis,  182G 

Jehiel  Watkins,  1827 

Henry  Kibling.  Jr.,  1828 
Jonas  Nutting,  Jr.,  1830 
Asa  Merriam,  1832 

Josiah  L.Wetherbee,  1834 


Isaac  Whitniore,  I7'.*L' 

KlicnezerT.  Adams,  17'.'j 

Henry  Kiblinger,  17'J7 

Nathaniel  Foster,  ]7'.''.> 

Caleb  Wilder,  1802 

Silas  Whitney,  1803 

Itliamer  Fairbanks,  1805 
riiilander  J.Willard,180'.t 

Lemuel  Whitney,  1811 

Elias  Lane.        "  1814 

Timotliy  Stearns,  18 It! 

Francis  Lane,  Jr.,  1818 

Benjamin  (jibbs,  1821 

Jonas  Munroe,  1822 

Jolm  C.  Davis,  1824 

Jehiel  Vv'atkins,  182(1 

Henrv  Kibling,  Jr.,  1827 

Jonas  Nutting,  Jr.,  1828 

Charles  Davis,  1830 
Josiah  L.  W  etherbee,  1833 


Henry  Whiteman,  1792 

l.lolu/Adams,  Jr.,  17'.l5 

I  John  Willard,  Jr.,  1707 

Nathaniel  Foster.  1708 

i  Saumel  Cotting,  1701> 

i  Ithamer  Fairbanks,  1803 

I  Lemuel  Whitney,  180S 

iFliasLane,  1813 

iTinu)thy  Stearns,  IS  14 

I  Francis  Lane,  Jr..  181fi 

i Charles  Stearns,  1818 

'Jonas  Munroe,  1821 

:,lohn  C.  Davis,  1822 

[Jehiel  Watkins,  1824 

j  Henry  Kibling,  Jr.,  182G 

I  John  Leathers,  1827 

iCIiarles  Davis,  1828 
i  Josiah  L.Wetherbee. 1830 

In  1814  this  company,  then  under  the  command  of  Cap- 
tain Jacob  Fairbanks,  contained  seventy  men,  inckiding 
officers.  In  the  summer  of  this  year  a  draft  of  two  men  was 
made.  Tradition  asserts  tliat  the  lot  fell  on  Deacon  AVilliam 
J.  Lawrence  and  Thomas  Ilobart.  Both  of  these  men  were 
Federalists  and  opi)Osed  to  the  prosecution  of  the  war  and 
the  administration  party  greatly  rejoiced  over  the  result.  In 
regard  to  Deacon  Lawrence  the  tradition  is  correct.  He 
was  drafted  at  this  time  and  furnished  a  substitute,  but  the 
name  of  Thomas  Ilobart  does  not  appear  on  the  roll  of  the 
company.  Jesse  Ellis  was  the  other  man  drafted  and  Henry 
Whiteman  was  his  substitute.  From  this  company  Colonel 
Benjamin  Gibbs  was  promoted  to  major,  March  2,  182-1,  and 
to  lieutenant-colonel,  ^larch  2,  1825.  Colonel  Jehiel 
Watkins  was  promoted  to  major,  August  7,  1841  ;  to  lieu- 
tenant-colonel, September  C,  1841,  and  to  colonel,  Septem- 
ber 2,  1843.  Among  the  regimental  officers  several  were 
adjutants.     Dr.   Abraham  Lowe  was  appointed  regimental 


surgeon.  Octol>er  3,  1805  ;  Dr.  Abriiliain  T.  Lowe,  surgeon's 
mate,  !\rarch  24,  1821,  and  ]Melzer  Pludson  was  appointed 
quartermaster,  July  5,  17^>7. 

The  Ashburnham  Light  lulantrv  did  not  h^ng  remain 
beneath  the  surtaee.  The  second  epoch  of  its  history 
extends  from  1855  to  18G2.  If  it  faded  from  existence 
through  the  tardy  processes  of  disintegration  it  sprang  into 
life  with  spontaneous  and  vigorous  animation.  The  slum- 
bering military'  spirit  was  swiftly  kindled  into  flame.  The 
occasion  was  found  in  a  Fourth  of  Jul}^  celebi'ation  at  Fitch- 
bun^  in  1855.  The  reviving;  sentiment  of  tlie  town  invited 
Captain  Henry  Kibling  to  call  together  the  remaining  mem- 
bers of  the  company  and  to  fill  the  ranks  with  new  recruits. 
The  men  were  drilled  and  participated  in  the  celebration  with 
credit  to  themselves  and  to  the  town.  The  spirit  of  former 
years  was  fully  aroused.  The  company  was  reorganized  and 
continued  in  a  flourishing  condition  until  the  war  of  the 
Rebellion.  A  eonspicuous  record  of  service  in  the  field  is 
continued  in  another  chapter.  Under  authorit}-  of  the 
following  general  order  the  old  company  Avas  revived  : 


Head  Quarters,  Boston,  July  13,  1855. 
Special  Order  No.  30. 

Whereas,  AlonzoP.  Davis  and  fifty-eight  others  of  Ashburnham 
have  petitioned  His  Excellency  the  Governor  and  Commander-iu- 
Chief  for  liberty  to  organize  a  company  of  Infantry  in  the  town  of 
Ashburnliam  and  vicinity, 

The  Commander-in-Chief  giants  the  prayer  thereof  and  directs 
that  orders  be  issued  for  the  choice  of  ofllcers  immediately ;  the 
notification  thereof  bo  addressed  to  Alonzo  P.  Davis  of  Ashburn- 

The  Commander-in-Chief  further  orders  that  when  said  Com- 
pany is  organized  it  be  known  as  Company  G,  Niutli  Regiment  of 


<\     10    T 

'f.i' ' ) 


Infantry.  Upon  the  application  of  the  Captain  when  duly  quali- 
fied, and  a  certificate  from  the  Selectmen  of  Ashburnham  that  they 
have  provided  a  suitable  armory,  the  arms  and  equipments  will 
be  furnished  by  the  Adjutant-General. 

By  command  of  His  Excellenc}', 
.     ,  IIENKY  J.    GARDNER, 

Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief. 
Ebeneakh  W.   Stone, 


The  company  promptly  organized  with  Joseph  1*.  Kice, 
captain,  and  four  lieutenants.  This  number  of  officers  was 
continued  until  18G1.  Tlie  number  of  men  on  the  company 
roll  at  the  close  of  the  year  was  sixty-five,  nearly  all  ot 
whom  enlisted  immediately  after  the  order  and  before  the 
choice  of  officers. 

The  petitioners  met  in  the  Town  Hall  July  26,  1855,  and 
completed  an  organization.  At  this  time  the  regulations 
prescribed  four  lieutenants  for  the  company.  The  officers 
chosen  at  this  time  were  conunissioned  under  same  date  as 
ibllows :  . 

~  Captain,  Joseph  P.  Kice;  First  Lieutenant,  Addi- 
son A.  ^Valker ;  Second  Lieutenant,  Jonas  Morse ; 
Third  Lieutenant,  Alonzo  P.  Davis ;  Fourth  Lieutenant, 
George  IL  Barrett.  Fifty-five  men  were  included  in  the 
original  enlistment  and  eleven  were  added  innnediately  after 
the  organization.  With  full  ranks  and  ably  commanded,  tlie 
company  attended  the  division  muster  at  AVest  Brookfield  in 
September.  At  this  date  Colonel  Edwin  Upton  of  Fitch- 
burg  was  in  command  of  the  regiment.  From  1855  to  18G1, 
it  Avas  known  as  Comp:iny  G  of  the  Tenth  Regiment,  and 
until  all  companies  of  militia  were  depleted  by  individual 
enlistments  in  the  service,  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infantry 
was  in  a  prosperous  condition  and  was  maintained  with  full 

i,    O' 


i\  i 



ranks.  The  whole  number  of  enh'stnieuts  from  the  date  of 
reorganization  to  April,  1861,  -svas  one  hundred  and  forty- 
three.  After  this  date  many  members  of  the  company 
entered  the  service  and  a  large  number  joined  the  com})any, 
but  they  were  enlisted  for  service  in  the  army,  rather  than  as 
members  of  a  local  company  of  militia.  During  this  period 
there  were  few  changes  in  the  otlicers.  Late  in  December  of 
the  same  3'ear  Jonas  ]Morse  resigned.  Lieutenants  Davis 
"and  Barrett  were  promoted  and  Silas  Xims  was  commissioned 
fourth  lieutenant,  February  28,  1857.  At  the  promotion  of 
Captain  Eice  Lieutenant  Walker  was  commissioned  captain, 
August  11,  1860.  Lieutenants  Davis  and  Barrett  were 
promoted  May  7,  1860.  Lieutenant  Nims  resigned  and 
Samuel  A.  Taylor  was  commissioned  third  lieutenant,  and 
James  W.  Gardner,  fourth  lieutenant,  June  15,  1860.  On 
the  occasion  of  the  resignation  of  First  Lieutenant  "Walker 
in  March,  the  company  was  under  command  of  Lieutenant 
Davis  from  June  to  August,  1860.  Colonel  Joseph  P.  Eice 
w^as  promoted  to  colonel,  June  19,  1860.  On  his  staff  Dr. 
Alfred  ]Miller  was  surgeon  and  ^Marshall  Wetherbee  was 

At  the  close  of  the  war  the  independent  organization  in 
this  town  was  revived.  ]Many  of  those  who  were  members 
before  the  war  desired  the  establishment  of  the  old  company 
and  a  greater  number  who  had  served  in  the  war  eagerly 
seized  a  favorable  opportunity"  to  continue  in  this  manner  the 
companionship  and  association  of  arms.  Early  in  the  year 
1866,  the  contemplated  movement  was  earnestly  forwarded 
and  in  response  to  a  petition  numerously  signed  the  decisive 
order  was  issued  August  11,  1866. 

Special  Order,  No.  99. 

Asahel  Wheeler  and  fifty-nine  others  of  Asbburnham,  having 
forwarded   to  the  Adjutant-General  a  roll  of  enlistment  for  the 

<  A 


->:'■"■    ■>     'I"'    ''■  ."I     :.    ■,.]    ;»-'!!• 

438  niSTOllY   OF    ASHBrKXHAM. 

Voluutter  Militia  of  the  Commonwealth,  agreeably  to  the  lav/s  of 
this  Commonwealth  governing  and  regulating  the  militia, 

It  is  ordered  that  a  company  be  organi/:ed  of  the  men  thus  en- 
listed and  that  a  captain  and  one  first  lieutenant  and  one  second 
lieutenant  be  immediately  chosen.  The  order  to  assemble  the 
men  for  the  election  will  be  directed  to  Asahel  Wheeler  of  Ash- 
burnham  who  will  furnish  the  presiding  olficer  with  an  attested 
copy  of  the  enlistment  roll  previous  to  the  meeting. 

The  chairman  of  the  board  of  Selectmen  of  Ashburuharn  will 
preside  at  the  election.  The  company  when  organized  will  be 
designated  and  known  as  Company  E,  First  Battalion  Infantry, 
M.  V.  U. 

By  order  of  the  Commander-in-Chief. 



Tlie  conii)any  ^vas  promptly  organized  and  the  commis- 
sions of  the  first  ollicers  bear  date  of  September  3,  186G. 
Tie  past  twenty  years  have  been  an  era  of  prosperity.  The 
organization  owns  the  armory  which  was  purchased  1883,  and 
liave  camp  property  valued  at  about  three  hundred  dollars. 
The  present  number  of  men,  including  ofCeers,  is  fifty-eiirht, 
and  sustained  by  public  sentiment  the  future  of  the  compan}- 
is  secure. 

Soon  after  the  reorganization  of  the  company  in  18GG, 
■vvith  unqualitied  unanimity  of  sentiment  and  in  memory  of 
the  gallant  Colonel  Joseph  P.  Rice,  the  organization  assumed 
the  name  of  The  Rice  Guards.  The  official  designation 
is  Company  P].  From  LS(J(!  to  18(10,  the  company  composed 
a  part  of  the  first  battalion,  tirst  brigade,  and  first  division; 
from  1860  to  1878,  the  company  was  in  tlie  Tenth  Regiment, 
third  brigade  ;  and  since  the  reorganization  of  the  militia, 
December  3,  1878,  the  company  has  formed  a  part  of  the 
Sixth  Regiment  of  infantry  in  the  tirst  l)riuade.     The  officers 


'.  .1-' ,•• 

I    .'/j;i'::  o 

■■^\     .U'->U'.   Ik-'     1:  -iT'l 

fO-ijl    >^',', 


( -■' 

THE  .\SI^5Ul,•^•iIA^^  light  ixfantki' 


of  Company  E,  and  the  date  of  comuiission,  from   LSHH  to 
the  present  time,  are  given  as  foiloNs^s  : 




Asahel  Whpoler. 


Georjrc  E.  Davis. 


Harrison  C.  Chenev 


George  E.  Davis. 

18  OS 

Samuel  C.  Lesure, 


Samuel  C.  Lesure, 


William  11.  Liudkn- 


Geor^re  E.  Davis, 


James  M.  Garnet. 


Walter  0.  Parker, 


William  H.  Litidlev 

,  1868 

Georce  E.   Davis, 


Josiah  W.  Bride, 


Walter  0.  Parker, 


Leander  W.  Libbv, 


Walter  H.  Laws, 


Euizene  A.  Putier, 


Harrison  C.  Clienev 


Charles  H.  Pratt, 


C.  Edir^r  Wilhird. 


Miehael  FitzGibhon 


Josiah  W.  Bride, 


John  H.  Stoddard. 


Walter  1 1.  Laws, 


C.  Edi,'ar  Willard, 


Cliarles  H.  Pratt, 


Daniel  F.  Kvan, 


Alvah  S.  Fullford, 


Lucius  R.  Hodunnan 
Charles  H.  Pratt, 
Alvah  S.  Fullford, 
Charles  H.  White, 


Major    €To8iah   W.  Bride  was  commissioned  major,  Feb- 
ruary 7,  1^82  ;  resianed  ]March  2b,  1684. 












Mas.^achusett.-,  for  many  years  preceding  the  War  of  the 
Rebellion,  had  occnpied  an  advanced  position  among  the 
Northern  States  in  the  maintenance  of  an  organized  and  dis- 
ciplined militia.  At  the  first  call  for  men  to  suppress  the 
Eebellion,  no  State  responded  with  less  delay.  The  regi- 
ments from  this  State  Avere  not  only  early  in  the  field,  but 
they  entered  the  service  in  a  better  state  of  discipline  than 
was  a  majority  of  the  army  hastil}^  gathered  at  ^Washington. 
In  these  measures  of  military  preparation  the  town  of  Ash- 
burnham  maintained  a  foremost  rank,  and  during  the  earl}' 
progress  of  the  war  the  influence  and  the  mission  of  the 
Ashburnham  Light  Infantry  was  clearly  revealed.  The 
military  spirit  fostered  by  the  organization,  joined  by  a 
stronger  force  in  the  patriotic  impulse  of  the  people,  was 
represented  by  over  eighty  men  from  this  town  in  the  army 
durintr  the  first  eiuht  months  of  the  wtu-.  To  present  the 
names  of  the   volunteers  from   this  town,  with  the  date  of 




enlistment,  the  regiment  and  duration  of  service  and  ;i  record 
of  casualties  and  disability,  will  be  the  province  of  this  chap- 
ter. A  faithful  account  of  the  service  of  each  soldier  would 
fill  a  volume. 

In  the  spring  of  18G1,  the  Ashburnham  Light  Infontry, 
under  the  command  of  Captain  Addison  A.  "Walker,  was  in 
a  good  state  of  discipline  and  promptly  tendered  service  to 
the  governor  as  an  organization.  The  disciplined  companies 
were  held  in  reserve  by  the  State  authorities  to  be  dis- 
tributed amon£r  the  regiments  that  were  soon  to  be  recruited. 
For  this  reason  the  company  from  this  town  was  not  called 
into  the  service  until  the  Twcnty-tirstlvogiment  was  organized. 
This  delay,  complimentary  in  itself  to  the  company,  was  the 
prolific  source  of  embarrassment,  and  several  men  impatient 
of  delay  enlisted  in  other  organizations. 

Joseph  H.  Whitney,  George  P.  Xuttiug  and  Martin  V.  B. 
Grimes  enlisted  ]May  22,  18G1,  in  Company  A,  Fourth 
Regiment,  ;md  were  discharged  at  expiration  of  term  of 
service  in  July  of  the  same  year. 

The  Second  liegiment  was  mustered,  for  three  years. 
May  2o,  18iJl,  and  by  reenlistment  was  continued  in  the 
service  until  July  14,  1865.  In  this  regiment,  which 
rendered  gallant  service  in  Virginia,  participating  in  the 
historic  battles  of  that  State,  and  later  formed  a  part  of 
General  Sherman's  army  in  the  grand  march  to  the  sea, 
Ashburnham  was  represented  by  six  men  :  Charles  H.  Heald 
was  promoted  to  second  lieutenant,  July  3,  18G5  ;  Sergeant 
Allen  A.  Xuttiug  was  killed  June  9,  18G3,  at  Beverly  Ford, 
Virginia  ;  Ilarvey  A.  Cheney  was  discharged  Septeml)er  13, 
18G1  ;  Benjamin  F.  Fay  was  killed  at  Cedar  ^Mountain, 
Virginia,  August  9,  181)2  ;  Charles  W.  Kendall  was  trans- 
feiTed  August  G,  18G3,  to  the  Veteran  Iveserve  Corps,  and 
Augustus  ^Idntosh  was  dlschariied  with  the  reoinicnt  after 
four  years  of  service  in  July,  18G5. 



I ..',..   1  ■.  ,     :i:i 



In  the  Fifteenth  Ivegnnent  there  were  two  originiil  enlist- 
ments from  this  town.  They  were  mustered  July  12,  18G1. 
Their  record  is  as  follows  :  John  K.  Walker  was  killed  at 
Ball's  Blutr,  Virginia,  October  21,  18G1,  and  liobert  J. 
Elliot  was  transferred  to  the  regular  army,  September  24,  r 

In    the   Sixteenth    Begiment  was    Patrick    McCoolif  who 
enlisted  Jul}-  2,  1861,  and  completed  three  years  of  service. 
In  the  Twentieth  Begiment  was  Francis  Sacket  who  was 
discharged  on  account  of  disability,  a  month  after  his  enlist- 

John  Finan  enlisted  in  First  Begiment  of  Cavalry  in 
September,  and  was  discharged  on  account  of  wounds  in 
February,  1863. 

During  the  early  montlis  of  the  war,  and  while  the  soldiers 
already  named  were  enlisting  into  the  service,  the  thought 
of  the  people  and  the  action  of  the  town  related  more  par- 
ticularly to  the  home  compan}-  which  was  momentarily 
expecting  a  summons  to  march.  In  a  town  meeting  held  at 
this  time  it  was  voted  to  raise  the  sum  of  eight  hundred 
dollars  to  procure  a  uniform  for  the  company,  and  a  short 
time  after  an  additional  sum  of  six  hundred  dollars  was 
appropriated  for  this  purpose.  The  material  was  purchased, 
a  tailor  was  employed  and  a  hundred  Avomen  of  Ashljurnham 
promptly  volunteered  to  assist  in  making  the  military  suits. 
This  action  of  the  town,  prompted  by  a  generous  impulse, 
was  of  little  benelit  to  the  company.  When  the  men  were 
called  into  service  they  were  required  to  uniform  in  accord- 
ance with  the  regulations  of  the  army. 

The  generosity  of  the  town  was  unappeased  with  this  act 
for  the  comfort  and  appearance  of  the  soldier.  The  enthu- 
siastic liberality  of  George  C.  Winchester  furnished  each 
member    of    the     company    with    a    knife    of  otfensive  and 

i-  }i- '■■■■-  :J    i'-'-'.  ,■!.'  ■•'   .  fi.    ■r'^^^y^t■■^:)- 


■.\<r       I         '■);./ 

';   ;.:rt 

WAR   OF   THE    REBELLION.  443 

defensive  pi"0]:)ortions  and  se^  oral  of  thorn  are  still  pi-eservod 
among  the  treasured  relics  of  the  Avai'.  There  "svas  con- 
.sideral)le  talk  of  procuring  a  revoh'er  for  each  man  of  the 
company,  and  indeed,  suggested  l\v  emphatic  votes  [)assed 
at  an  informal  meeting  of  the  citizens,  a  large  numl)er  Avas 
purchased  before  it  became  apparent  that  a  military''  company 
could  not  enter  the  field  of  active  service  in  the  capacity  of 
a  movable  arsenal.  One  levolver  Avas  finall}'  presented  to 
■each  ofiicer  :ind  the  remainder  v>-as  sold.  In  this  proceed- 
ing the  to\vn  in  its  corporate  cai>acity  took  no  part  except  to 
express  an  emphatic  dissent ;  l)ut  with  greater  wisdom  and  a 
more  attentive  regard  foi-  the  future  necessities  of  all  con- 
cerned, the  selectmen  ^vere  instructed  to  provide  for  the 
needy  families  of  the  men  in  the  service.  During  the  con- 
tinued progress  of  the  war,  this  proposal  was  faithfully 
executed  and  large  sums  of  money  from  the  treasury  of  the 
town  and  of  the  State  were  expended  in  the  relief  of  the 
families  of  the  soldiers. 

The  Twenty-first  Eegiment  was  recruited  in  July  and 
August,  18G1.  Com})any  G  of  this  regiment,  composed 
largely  of  men  from  this  town,  entered  Camp  Lincoln  in 
Worcester,  July  19,  and  with  the  regiment  left  for  the  seat 
of  war  August  23.  The  record  of  this  gallant  regiment  is  a 
prominent  feature  of  the  re})orts  of  the  Adjutant-General  and 
its  history  has  been  published  in  an  interesting  and  authentic 
narrative  by  Captain  Charles  F.  Walcott.  The  regiment 
was  assigned  to  the  Burnside  expedition  to  North  Carolina 
and  there  participated  in  the  l)attles  of  Roanoke,  Newbern 
and  Camden.  In  the  summer  and  autunm  of  1862  they 
participated  in  the  cami)aign  in  Virginia  and  there  inscribed 
on  their  colors  the  sanguinary  lines  of  ^lanassas,  Chantilly, 
South  Mountain,  Antietam  and  Fredericksburg.  The 
casualties    in    these    enuairements    will     be  noted    with    the 


:t'     ['I     ■^: 

- 1     \    , .  ■   f 


several  individual  records.  In  the  spring  of  18Gii  tlie  regi- 
ment rendered  efficient  service  in  Tennessee  tind  in  this 
campaign  the  battles  of  Blue  Springs  and  Canipbell'vS  Station 
and  the  siege  of  Knoxville  were  inscribed  on  their  banners. 

About  the  time  Genoi-al  Grant  assumed  command  of  the 
armies  of  the  United  States,  the  regiment  joined  the  army  of 
Virginia  and  shared  tlie  arduous  service  and  honors  of  that 
decisive  canjpaign.  In  August,  18t!4,  at  the  expiration  of 
the  term  of  service,  those  who  had  not  reenlisted  were 
honoiablv  discharojed  and  the  veterans  wlio  had  enoaued  to 
serve  durino-  the  war  were  transferred  to  the  Thii-tv-sixth 
and  subsequently  to  the  Fifty-sixth  Eegiment.  They  re- 
mained with  the  army  in  ^'^irginia  and  shared  the  glory  of 
the  capitulation  of  the  rebel  army. 

The  following  list  contains  the  names  of  the  men  from 
Ashburuham  who  served  in  the  Twenty-tirst  IJegiment. 
Nearly  all  of  them  were  members  of  the  Ashburuham  Light 
Infantry,  were  mustered  into  the  service  in  July,  18G1,  and 
w^ere  members  of  Company  G. 

Captain  Addison  A.  Walker,  the  senior  ca})tain  of  the 
reo-iment,  was  the  couuijander  of  the  Liiiht  Infantry  at  the 
beginning  of  the  war.  To  the  governor  he  promptly  tendered 
the  service  of  a  disciplined  and  ellicicnt  company.  In  Janu- 
ary, 18i>l^  the  regiment  sailed  for  North  Carolina.  Captain 
"Walker,  on  account  of  sickness,  was  left  at  Annapolis.  Sul.i- 
sequently  he  was  detailed  on  recruiting  service  for  several 
months.  He  then  joined  the  regiment  at  Xewbern,  Xorth 
Carolina,  ))ut  being  detailed  on  special  service  he  coidd  not 
be  assigned  to  the  conunand  of  his  com[)any.  At  tliis  time 
General  Burnside  tendered  him  a  position  on  his  staff,  but 
impatient  at  the  restraints  and  embarrassments  of  the  situa- 
tion he  resigned  ]May  13,  18G2.  From  the  tirst  he  enjoyed 
the  respect  of  his  men  and  tlie  confidence  of  his  superior 

.    ''       I",'  !■    'IjJ    ^ 

:,^'l         ■i.<.^ 

I'M^i/i;  ;';,.■; 

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,<      V.    i: 

'.r.U' :  ^C) 

■      'Ml  'H.-.M  '')  ,'0' 
L'.'  '  '    'i!r;;'  .'I 

\Y\V>    OF    THE    IJEBELLION.  445 

First  Lieutenant  Alonzo  P.  Davis  was  a  veteran  in  the 
Liglit  Infantry,  of  whicli  he  had  been  an  officer  several  years. 
He  resigned  in  January,  18(32. 

Second  Lieutenant  Samuel  A.  Taylor  was  promoted  first 
lieutenant,  January  24,  18G2:  captain,  ISTay  2S,  1862; 
resigned.  January  13,  18G3.  He  was  subsequently  a  second 
lieutenant  in  the  Fourth  Heavy  Artiller}'. 

Sergeant  Asahel  Wheeler  was  promoted  second  lieutenant, 
January  24,  18G2  ;  first  lieutenant,  ]\[ay  28,  1802  ;  captain, 
January  14,  1863  :  resigned,  April  25,  1863.  He  was  sub- 
sequently a  ca})tain  in  the  Sixty-first  Regiment. 

Sergeant  Charles  II.  Parker  promoted  first  lieutenant. 
May  28,  1862 ;  resigned,  March  2,  1863.  Wounded 
severely  while  in  command  of  the  company  at  the  battle  of 
Antietam,  September  17,  1862. 

Coi^ioral  George  E.  Davis  was  an  adjutant  and  sergeant- 
major ;  lu'omoted  first  lieutenant,  April  26,  1863;  he  reen- 
listed  and  was  honorably  discharged,  August  30,  1864,  at 
the  reduction  of  the  regiment. 

Sergeant  Joseph  II.  Whitney  promoted  to  sergeant-major, 
July  21,  1862,  and  second  lieutenant,  October  30,  1862; 
resigned,  February  23,  1863. 

Sergeant  Samuel  C.  Lesure  reenlisted,  and  in  a  reorgani- 
zation of  the  regiment  was  discharged  as  a  supernumerary, 
September  24,  1864.  " 

Sergeant  M.  Thomas  Russell  was  discharged  on  account 
of  disability,  May  8,  1862. 

Corporal  Lorenzo  II.  Gilbert  promoted  first  sergeant, 
January  2,  1864  ;  reenlisted  and  was  honorably  discharged, 
September  24,  1864.     He  was  wounded  in  the  service. 

Corporal  Harrison  C.  Cheney  promoted  sergeant  and 
acting  sergeant-major  and  discharged  at  expiration  of  term 
of  service,  August  30,  3  864. 

!<;  --■'  ;,  Vjl^'^ff 


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,;!      ',.:' 


Corporal  Charles  G.  Lawrence  reenlistod  ;  was  wounded 
at  Spottsylvania,  May  12,  18G4. 

Corporal  Charles  Henry  Putler  reenlisted  ;  was  jiromoted 
to  serireaut  and  killed  at  Sj)ottsylvania,  May  12,  18G4. 

Corporal  Henry  11.  ]\lartindale  reenlisted. 

George  F.  Puller  promoted  corporal  and  sergeant ;  •reen- 
listed and  was  honorabl}'  discharged,  September  2-1,  18(54. 

Jonas  "W.  Dwinnell  pron:ioted  to  corporal  and  discharged 
on  account  of  wounds,  January  22,  18(53.  He  was  wounded 
and  sutfered  the  loss  of  an  arm  at  the  battle  of  Fredericks- 

Erastus  Mcintosh  promoted  corporal ;  reenlisted. 

Alfred  Piper  promoted  corporal  ;  discharged  on  account 
of  disability,  October  IC,  1862. 

Frank  J.  Litch,  wagoner,  discharged  at  expiration  of  term 
of  service,  August  30.  1861. 

Peter  Archambeau  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
May  25,  1863. 

Joseph  B.  Brown  discharged  on  account  of  wounds,  May 
7,  1863. 

Merrill  Farwell  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
August  4,  1862. 

James  M.  Garnet  was  transferred  to  Company  II,  Octo- 
ber 20,  1861  ;  promoted  to  sergeant ;  reenlisted  and  honor- 
ably discharged,  September  24,  1864. 

George  G.  Iladley  was  wounded  at  Camden,  Xorth  Caro- 
lina, and  discharged  on  account  of  wounds,  December  4, 

James  P.  Hare  was  wounded  at  Chantilly ;  discharged  on 
account  of  woumls,  January  16,  1863. 

George  W.  Lawrence  reenlisted. 

"VYashburn  Lewis  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
March  18,  1864. 

•h]    V-H'fT 

);f.  --rh^jr;  '■'.'  I'M 

•^   l^    vfijiii'    ;>::>!■    i: 

'  i^io  ffi;  to  .-',•:■  ^i(i ; 


■':„.-'';i:"  '.:    i]  '  ^'m   ■!     w,; 

''L  '''«■''•■;  -f 

WAR   OF   THE    REBELLION.  447 

James  ^Mclntirc  died  at  Xewbcni,  North  Carolina,  April 
21,  18G2. 

Ezra  ]\I.  Merritt  dischai-ged  011  account  of  disability, 
August  9,  1862. 

George  E.  Page  killed  at  Fredericksburg,  December  13, 

Calvin  Pindar  reenlisted. 

Wilb'am  Pratt  wounded  at  Antietam  and  discharged  on 
account  of  wounds,  Xovember  25,  18G2. 

Eugene  A.  l\ilicr  wounded  at  Antietam :  discharsrcd  on 
account  of  wounds,  ]March  27,  1863. 

Pobert  X.  Shaw  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
Xovember  29,  1862. 

Ransom  G.  Stowell  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
May  8,  1862.  He  subsec]uently  served  in  the  Fifty-third 

George  M.  "Wetherbee  discharged  at  expiration  of  tenn 
of  service,  August  30,  1864. 

James  E.  Whipple  reenlisted.  ■  '    : 

Charles  H.  White,  musician,  reenlisted. 

Frank  B.  AV  hit  more  discharged  at  expiration  of  term  of 
service,  August  30,  1864. 

!Mcn'ick  Whitney,  Jr.,  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
January  26,  1863. 

George  W.  Wilson  discharged  on  account  of  disability, 
September  20,  1862. 

Waldo  Dwinuell  enlisted  January  5,  1864,  and  was 
assigned  to  this  company ;  he  was  taken  prisoner  at  tlio 
battle  of  the  Wilderness,  ^lay  6,  1864,  and  died  in  Ander- 
sonville  Prison  in  September. 

Frank  G.  Kibling  enlisted  Januaiy  4,  1864,  and  died  in 
hospital  at  Cauip  X'clson,  Kentucky,  Febniary  22,  1864. 

Sylvester   F.  Oliver  enlisted  January  5,   1864,  and  was 

•^..  !r:Iii:rv:-;'i    .a. 

■>1DM   .  /../      .vIm:: 

K'^     ]- 

.^.,,^,M,--    -M 

r    '..'!  .'•'Vl:*-^ 

■•',.. -J. 

■!■,'',!;!  i.i:',  I  )''" 

,  J    '     '    '     ■■;,"' 


tmnsfi'iTod  t(»  Thirty-sixth  Regimenl.  lie  died  Jiuuiaiy  20, 

Henry  E.  Thomas  enli>ted  Dcceni1)cr  31,  ISBo,  and  was 
killed  in  battle  of  Cold  nav])or.  June  2,  1864. 

Hosea  Wallace  enlisted  July  2P>,  18(i2,  and  was  discharged 
with  the  regiment,  August  30,  1864. 

Lenaiel  Whitney  enlisted  in  Company  A  of  the  same  regi- 
ment, August  14,  1862,  and  was  discharged  -with  the  regi- 
ment,  30,  1^864: 

James  H.  Willard  Mas  an  original  member  of  company  IT, 
and  was  discharijed,  August  30,  1864. 

Fernando  C.  L.  "W.  Thayei"  enlisted  in  January,  1864, 
and  was  assigned  to  Company  A.  He  was  transferred  with 
the  veterans  to  the  Thirty-sixth  Kegiment. 

While  the  regiment  was  in  Tennessee  in  December,  1863, 
a  large  part  of  the  men  reenlisted  for  the  war.  The  vet- 
erans wore  granted  a  furlough  of  tliirty  days  and  were  per- 
mitted to  visit  their  homes.  When  the  regiment  was  dis- 
missed  at  the  expiration  of  term  of  service,  the  veterans  were 
transferred  to  the  Thirty-sixth  IJegiment.  In  this  connection 
their  continued  service  is  stated.  They  remained  with  the 
army  in  Virginia  until  the  regiment  was  disbanded  at  the 
expiration  of  term  of  service.  They  were  then  transferred  to 
the  Fifty-sixth  Kegiment  and  were  honorably  discharged  with 
that  regiment,  July  12,  186.5.  The  service  was  long  and 
the  record  honorable.  The  veterans  who  counted  twice  on 
the  quota  of  Ashburnham  were,  George  E.  Davis,  Samuel 
C.  Lesure,  Lorenzo  IT.  Gilbert,  Charles  Henry  Pufier, 
George  F.  Putfer,  Charles  G.  Lawrence,  Erastus  Mcintosh. 
Charles  IT.  White,  George  W.  La^vl•encc,  Henry  TI.  ]Martin- 
dale,  James  M.  Garnet  and  James  E.  Whipple. 

Calvin  Pindar  enlisted  on  the  quota  of  Ashburidiam  and 
reenlisted   on  quota    of  Clinton.     Lynian  F.  Thurston    of 

-inc:  .;:'>■ 

i  ,■,(. 

'i'f^ --■■.':;:!  -li: 

,.  ,r,- 

f      i  ,■;•  :i':\:U<if'1' 

AVATl   OF   Tin:    EEBELLIOX.  449 

IToldcii,  Luther  E.  Ste^Yal•t  of  Clinton,  Henry  C.  Perkins 
of  Fitzwilliaiu,  New  Hampshire,  Frank  liumerzettc  of 
Hoklen  and  Timoth}'  Donovan  of  AVoreestcr,  on  rcenlist- 
jnent,  were  assigned  on  the.  quota  of  Asliburnham.  The 
veterans  wlio  wej-e  credited  to  the  quota  of  this  town  antici- 
pated a  bounty  which  they  did  not  receive. 

After  the  transfer  to  the  Thirty-sixth  Eegiment  in  18G4 
there  were  several  casualties  which  have  not  been  stated. 
Sylvester  F.  Oliver  died  January  29,  180,3  ;  Waldo  Dwin- 
nell  was  taken  prisoner  at  the  ])att]e  of  the  Wilderness,  'May 
G,  18()4,  and  died  within  the  rebel  lines  in  September  fol- 
lowing ;  Frank  Lumerzette  died  of  wounds.  August  12, 
1864  ;  Henry  C.  Perldns  was  transferred  Fel)ruary  11,  18G.3, 
to  the  Veteran  Reserve  Corps,  and  James  Id.  Whipple  was 
discharged  on  account  of  di>-al)ility,  January  li»,  18G.3. 

In  the  Tweuty-tirst  Regiment,  associated  with  and  one  of 
the  men  of  Ashburnham,  was  Colonel  Joseph  P.  Rice.  He 
early  manifested  a  military  spirit  and  ability  to  command. 
He  had  been  an  able  and  po})ular  connnander  of  the  Ash- 
burnham Light  Infantry,  and  at  the  outbreak  of  the  war  he 
was  colonel  of  the  Ninth  Regiment  of  militia  to  w^hich  the 
Light  Infantry  belonged.  In  this  service  he  had  enjoyed 
tlie  respect  and  contidence  of  his  associates.  In  the  begin- 
ning of  the  war  he  early  tendered  the  service  of  his  command 
to  the  governor  and  was  greatly  disappointed  that  his  regi- 
ment was  not  accepted.  Ready  to  enter  the  service  in  any 
capacity  he  was  commissioned  a  captain  in  the  Twenty-first 
Regiment  and  assigned  to  the  command  of  Company  H.  In 
Febi-uary  following  he  was  })romoted  to  major  and  to  lieu- 
tenant-colonel. May  IG.  He  "svas  a  soldier  in  the  best  use 
of  the  term,  and  to  bravery  and  courage  he  united  manliness 
ot  character  and  c^enuine  kindness  of  heart.  At  the  battle 
of  Chantilly,  September    1,   18G2,  while  advancing  beyond 


■  {.'.  /.-i  i     ■,':.•'•      I  I 

,\':'  'r  '■ 

]   -■ 



his  comiuiiiRl,  to  dctevinine  whether  a  force  in  his  front  ^vere 
friends  or  enemies,  he  was  shot  through  the  body  hy  a 
musket-b;dl  and  died  instantly.  llie  intelh'gence  of  his 
death  was  received  with  sudden  grief  and  unfeigned  expres- 
sions of  personal  sorrow.  At  a  meeting  of  the  town, 
November  4,  1862,  the  following  resolutions  were  unani- 
mously adoj)ted  :  . 

Besolved,  That  as  citizens  of  Ashburnham  we  desire  to  express 
our  deep  sense  of  the  loss  wc  have  sustained  in  the  recent  death 
of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Joseph  F.  Rice  at  the  battle  of  Chantilly, 
and  our  appreciation  of  the  lasting  obligations  under  which  we 
rest  for  the  great  service  he  has  rendered  us  and  his  country  in 
the  time  of  need,  and  to  show,  as  far  as  in  us  lies,  a  becoming 
respect  for  his  memory. 

Resolved,  That  in  the  death  of  Colonel  Rice  we  mourn  the  loss 
of  one  who  has  been  to  us  a  friend  and  a  townsman  faithful  to 
every  delegated  trust,  discharging  all  the  duties  imposed  upon  him 
with  a  generous  disregard  of  self  and  in  such  a  manner  as  to 
entitle  him  to  our  warmest  admiration  and  respect. 

The  best  and  wisest  laws  that  have  governed  and  fostered 
civilization  often  have  been  the  crystallization  of  some  rule 
of  action  which  the  people  practised  by  choice  a  long  time 
before  th-.-y  were  required  to  yield  a  willing  obedience  to 
statute.  In  the  same  manner  an  humble  and  subordinate 
officer  in  the  discharge  of  duty  in  a  limited  field  has  often 
employed  methods  of  procedure  which  subsequently  have 
been  grasped  and  dignified  with  the  authority  of  a  policy  in 
the  conduct  of  national  affairs.  The  officers  of  the  army,  who 
were  the  first  to  come  into  immediate  contact  with  the  institu- 
tion of  slavery  and  the  attending  embarrassments,  originated 
and  early  put  in  practice  the  liberal  policy  which  was  finally 
adopted  by  the  Government. 


\i\V.:     ■tvjii 

(    ■-  .    :      )  ■: 

,  ,.,,.) 



In  the  autumn  of  18(U,  while  the  Twenty-tirst  Rei;-inicnt 
was  in  Maryland,  in  accordance  v,  irh  a  practice  theii  prevail- 
ing and  encouraged  in  the  arm}-,  the  officers  were  expected 
to  return  to  the  owner  any  slave  who  might  be  found  in  their 
vicinity.  Captain  Walker,  faithfully  rc})rcsenting  the  .senti- 
ment of  the  men  from  Ashburnham  under  his  comnjand,  was 
the  first  officer  who  refused  to  perform  this  service.  On  an 
occasion  when  Captaiii  AValker  was  officer  of  the  day,  the 
dignified  personage  of  Governor  Plicks  applied  to  him  for 
the  recovery  of  a  slave  then  within  the  lines  of  the  regiment. 
The  governor  was  met  with  a  decided  refusal,  from  which  he 
appealed  with  etfect  to  the  colonel  of  the  regiment.  The 
colonel  ordered  Captain  AValker  to  hnd  and  deliver  the 
fugitive  to  the  expectant  owner.  To  this  Captain  Walker 
replied  that  he  did  not  enter  the  service  for  an  opportunity 
of  hunting  slaves  and  politely  requested  his  superior  officer 
to  detail  some  other  captain  to  perform  this  servile  duty. 
Then  every  captain  in  the  regiment  was  in  turn  detailed  for 
this  work  and  every  one  followed  the  example  of  Captain 
Walker.  The  negro  finally  escaped.  Had  the  fortunes  of 
this  slave  been  less  fortuitous,  the  events  of  the  day  were 
the  harbinger  of  the  freedom  of  his  race. 

The  large  number  already  named,  who  entered  the  service 
in  1861,  did  not  exhaust  the  patriotic  impulse  of  the  town. 
Immediately  after  the  departure  of  Company  G,  Tsventy- 
first  Regiment,  twenty  men  enlisted  in  Company  F,  Twenty- 
lifth  Regiment.  They  were  mustered  into  the  service  at 
Worcester  in  September  and  left  for  the  seat  of  war, 
October  31,  1861.  This  organization  has  an  excellent 
record.  It  was  a  part  of  the  Burnside  expedition  and  was 
retained  in  North  Carolina  until  the  decisive  campaign  in 
Virginia.  It  then  participated  in  the  battle  of  Cold  Harbor 
and  other  engagements  near  Richmond.     In  October,  1864, 



the  recnlistcd  vcteiaiis  luul  the  later  recruits  formed  a  bat- 
taliou  of  four  companies  and  remained  in  the  service  until 
July  13,  18G5.  Tluee  recruits,  credited  oii  the  quota  of 
Ashbiirnbam,  subsequently  were  assigned  to  this  regiment 
and  will  be  named  in  later  paragraphs. 

Frank  A.  Davis,  ^Michael  FitzGibbon,  Francis  PI.  Morion 
and  Carlos  P.  Ward  were  veterans  in  this  regijnent.  Davis 
and  FitzGibbon  were  discharged  at  the  close  of  the  war  in 
July,  18(55.  ]Vlorton  was  transferred  to  the  Veteran  Reser\-e 
Corps,  and  Ward,  whose  original  enlistment  was  not  credited 
to  the  quota  of  this  town,  died  at  Xewberu,  North  Carolina, 
Xovember  14,  1804. 

Corporal  Augustus  S.  Eockwood,  Corporal  John  A. 
Spaulding,  Octavius  W.  Brown,  Harvey  Clark,  Lincoln 
Wallace  and  Martin  Burgess  were  discharged  at  expiration 
of  term  of  service  in  October,  1SG4.  Burgess  was  a  member 
of  Company  I,  and  Ilockwood  was  wounded. 

Stephen  C.  Hastings,  musician,  was  honorably  discharged 
August  30,  18G2,  at  the  reduction  of  the  band,  and  Francis 
J.  Barrett  was  killed  at  Cold  Harbor,  Virginia,  June  3, 

The  remaining  eight  were  discharged  on  account  of  dis- 
ability as  follows  :  Sergeant  Oliver  D.  '\A''ilder,  March  12, 
1863 :  James  L.  Walker,  April  G,  18G3 ;  Luther  Clark, 
March  12,  18G3 ;  Parley  :McIntire,  May  20,  18G3  ;  Orin 
Morton,  January  31,  1863;  Charles  E.  Smith,  May  26, 
1862;  Joshua  T.  Stowell,  August  7,  18G2,  and  Michael 
Thompson,  April  27,  1863. 

In  this  regiment  and  in  Company  I,  was  Henry  K.  Samp- 
son who  was  originally  credited  on  the  quota  of  Royalston. 
He  recnlistcd  on  the  quota  of  this  town  in  January,  1864, 
and  was  discharged  in  July,  1865. 

WAK    OF    TUi:    KKBELLION.  453 

The  remaiiiin2:  enlistments,  during  the  year  18C1,  included 
Samuel  D.  Holt  who  enlisted  on  the  quota  of  Readville  in 
the  Twenty-fourth  Regiment.  December  4,  IStil,  and 
reenlisted  on  the  quota  of  Ashburnham  and  was  promoted 
corporal  in  Jainiar}^  ISivl  ;  he  continued  in  the  ser\ice 
mitil  January,  18G6  ;  Bartliolomew  Coughlin,  who  enlisted 
December  6,  in  the  Twenty-ninth  lieginient  and  died  ]Si>2: 
Pascal  Brooks  enlisted  Xovernber  1,  in  Thirty-second  Regi- 
ment and  died  October  1,  1802,  at  Sharpsburg,  Maryland; 
Francis  S.  Wilhird  enlisted  Xovernber  1,  in  Thirty-second 
Regiment  and  died  in  Virginia,  February  0,  1863  ;  Leroy 
A.  Howe  enlisted  X^ovember  6,  in  Thirty-second  Regiment 
and  was  discharged  on  account  of  disability,  Xovember  '20, 
1862  ;  Charles  F.  Leathers,  a  veteran,  enlisted  X'ovembcr  4, 
in  Thirty-se(!ond  Regiment,  promoted  to  corporal,  reenlisted 
January  5.  1864,  and  was  dismissed  with  his  regiment,  June 
21t,  1865:  Marcus  L.  Ward  enlisted  October  30,  1861,  in 
Thirty-second  Regiment  and  was  discharged  on  account  of 
disability,  February  26,  1863  ;  John  Hare  enlisted  Xo\'em- 
ber  7,  1861,  Thirtieth  Regiment,  died  at  Ship  Island, 
Mississippi,  ^Nfarch  8,  1862  ;  George  G.  Farwell  enlisted 
X'ovember  2,  1861,  on  the  quota  of  Fitchburg,  in  Thirty- 
second  Regiment:  he  reenlisted  Jamiary  4,  1864,  on  (juota 
of  this  town  and  was  killed  June  18,  1864. 

lu  1862  there  was  a  call  for  three  hundred  thousand  men. 
The  quota  of  Ashburnham  was  twenty-seven.  In  the 
Thirtv-fourth  Regiment,  which  left  the  State  August  1.'), 
there  were  live  men  from  this  town.  They  enlisted  in  rluly. 
Sergeant  Charles  "Wood  was  promoted  to  second  lieutenant, 
^lay  15,  1865,  and  discharged  with  his  regiment;  Walter 
O.  Parker,  musician,  was  discharged  with  his  regiment,  June 
16,  1865  ;  Sumner  AV.  IMack  died  at  Harper's  Ferry, 
Virginia,  X'ovember  10,  1863  ;  xVlfred  Castle  was  discharged 

iv  ^-'uir 

1'  ■;. 

■if  •  ■■    '  ':  '■    y-- 


on  account  of  disability,  Fdn-uary  11.  1805,  and  Martin  V. 
B.  Grimes  was  dischavged  on  account  of  wounds,  February 
16,  18(^5. 

The  Thirty-sixth  licgiment  was  recruited  in  July  and 
Auo-ust  and  left  the  State  September  2.  This  organization 
contained,  at  this  time,  twenty-three  men  from  this  town. 
It  will  be  noted  that  a  few  of  them  were  tem})orary  resideuts 
at  the  date  of  enlistment. 

Of  tlie  twenty-three  in  this  service,  nine  were  honorably 
discharged  with  their  regiment,  June  8,  1865,  as  follows: 
Sergeant  Charles  AV.  Whitney  promoted  to  second  lieu- 
tenant, Xo\ember  13,  1864,  Sergeant  George  N.  Duncan, 
Sergeant  Charles  I.  Fish,  Chester  B.  Gale,  Francis  H. 
Perkins,  Frank  S.  Learned,  John  C.  Lawrence,  Cyrus  W. 
Xickerson  and  Joseph  Oaks. 

On  account  of  disability  the  following  six  were  discharged  : 
Thomas  H.  Ryan,  :March  11,  1863;  Sergeant  Waldo  A. 
Foster,  May  30,  1863;  Corporal  John  B.  Harty,  date 
unknown;  John  L.  Finney,  January  13,  1865;  Mitchell 
Larby,  no  record;  Edward  Sibley,  April  12,  1865. 

The  individual  record  of  the  remaining  men  is  as  follows  : 
Sergeant   Joseph  Ilames   died    of    wounds,   June   4,   18<U : 
Cori'oral    Frederick    Biron    died    of   wounds   at    Knoxville, 
Kentucky,  January  11,   1864;  Corporal   ^lax   Hotlman  was 
killed  at  Petersburg,  Virginia,  June  17,  18t)4  ;   Otis  Metcalf 
and  Edward  B.   :Srerriam  were   transferred   to  the  Veteran 
Reseiwe  Corps;  Dennis  :\Iurphy  rei-nlisted   and  was  trans- 
ferred   on    the    quota    of  Hardwick    to    the    regular  army: 
Charles  W.  AUard  was  left  in  the  hospital  at  A\'orcester  and 
there   died,  September    15,   a  few  days  after  the   regiment 
left  the  State.     The  record  of  the  remaining  man  from  Ash- 
buruham   is  exceptional.     Charles   Sherbert   deserted   April 

..u:  1 

W.AH    OF   THE   REBELLION.  455 

The  Thirty-sixtli  Regiment  "was  an  organization  of  good 
repute.  In  the  army  in  Virginia,  in  IMissis.sippi  and  the 
siege  of  Vicksburg  and  later  in  Virginia,  in  the  closing  3'et 
sangiiinar}'  service  of  the  war,  it  has  left  an  honorable  and 
gallant  record. 

In  the  autumn  of  this  year  tlie  Fifty-third  Ivegiment  was 
recruited  under  the  call  of  the  President  for  men  to  serve 
nine  months.  In  this  organization  Ashburnham  was  repre- 
sented by  twenty-seven  oHicers  and  men.  Of  this  regiment,  1 
Oeorge  II.  Barrett,  who  had  been  an  otficer  of  the  Light 
Infantry,  was  lieutenant-colonel.  The  regiment  was  ordered  •' 
to  the  South  and  rendered  eiHcient  service  in  Louisiana 
under  General  Banks.  The  organization  was  mustered  out 
Septembers,  l<S6o. 

In  this  service  four   died   of  disease,    one  was  killed  in 
action  and   U\o  were   discharged   on  account  of  disability. 
Henry  A.  M:irble   died  at  Xew  Orleans,  May   19  ;  Rinaldo 
Shattuck  died  May  8,  at  Brashear ;    Stephen  C.   Whitney 
died  February  '20,  at  Xew  Orleans ;  James  ]M.  AVoodell  died 
June    7,   at   Xew  Orleans;   Kussell  AVhipple  was  killed   at 
Port  Hudson,  June  14  ;  Corporal  Orange  E.  Howe  was  dis- 
charged February  25  and  AVilliam  M.  Young  was  discharged 
March  12,  l^iVo.     The  remaining  twent3--one  completed  the 
term  of  enlistment  and   were    returned    to    their  homes  in 
September,   1863  :  Lieutenant-Colonel    George  II.  Barrett, 
Sergeant  William  D.  Capron,  Corporal  Spencer  Frost,  Cor- 
poral   William    Wallace,    Corporal    Ransom    G.    Stowell, 
Francis  S.  Balcom,  :Marshall  II.  Bourne,  Aaron  G.  Buttrick, 
David    M.    Gushing,    Edwin    J.    Gushing,    Lewis    Glazier, 
Thomas  M.  Howard,  Charles  B.  Jones,  James  F.  Lincoln, 
Horace  O.  :\I;mstield,  Augustine  :May,  Francis  11.  Merriam, 
Francis  A.   Munroo,   Hobart    W.   Piper,   Harvey  J.    Kice, 
Frederick  R.  Whipple. 


Colonel  Barrett  w:is  coninii.s.sioiied  euptain  of  Company  1, 
and  promoted  to  lieutenant-colonel,  Xovember  lO.  He  was 
in  command  of  the  regiment  at  its  departure  from  the  State 
and  remained  in  tlie  service  until  the  reo-iment  was  dis- 

These  numerous  enlistments  tilled  the  quota  of  18(r2.  At 
this  time  the  town  met  and  passed  the  following  resolution  : 

Resolved,  That  we  recognize  the  devotion  and  disinterested 
services  of  all  our  fellosv-townsmeu  who  have  gone  out  from  among 
us  to  engage  in  the  service  of  the  country,  and  that  the  town  clerk 
be  requested  to  collect  and  enter  upon  the  town  records  the  names 
of  all  oui'  tov.-nsmen  who  have  been  or  may  hereafter  be  killed  or 
otherwise  lose  their  lives  in  the  service  of  their  country  in  putting 
down  the  present  unholy  rebellion. 

The  generous  impulse  of  the  several  towns  which  tendered 
temporary  relief  to  the  families  of  the  soldiers  was  sustained 
and  continued  by  the  State  and  through  the  war  the  generous 
measures  adopted  by  the  Commonwealth  were  faithfully 
executed  by  the  towns.  The  continued  action  of  the  citizens 
and  of  the  town  otlieers  of  Ashburnham  was  in  full  accord 
with  a  generous  and  comprehensive  system  of  benevolence. 

The  enlistments  of  1^61  and  18(32  called  a  large  propor- 
tion of  the  men  of  suitable  age  into  the  service.  The  quota 
of  18G3  was  filled  with  less  alacrity  and  a  draft  was  ordered. 
This  peremptory  demand  for  troops  was  general  throughout 
the  North,  and  Ashburnham  shared  with  other  towns  a  new 
experience  of  the  war.  Sixty-four  men  from  this  town  were 
drafted.  Of  these  a  considerable  number  were  discharged 
on  account  of  disability  and  of  those  held  for  service,  several 
furnished  substitutes  or  paid  commutation.  The  names  of 
those  who  entered  the  service  in  response  to  this  imperative 
command  will  appear  in  the  subseijucnt  paragraphs   in  the 

uiJ  "U 
ui    1: 




list  of  those   who   entered  the  service, 
drafted  men  ure  tis  follows  : 

The  names   of  the 

John  D.  Hapgood 
Charles  F.  Rockwood 
George  A.  Stone 
Austin  Brooks 
Granville  B.  Gilchrist 
Samuel  E.  Stone 
Albert  F.  Johnson 
Willard  P.  Drury 
William  Dah-ymple 
Hiland  Hall 
Orrin  N.  Bennett 
William  Briggs 
Alexander  Morse 
WiUiam  W.  Lane 
George  L.  Beals,  Jr. 
Asah'jl  Wheeler 
Earl  Richel 
Merrick  Hadley 
Nazzar  Dane 
Charles  W.  Lane 
Stephen  Sawin 
Edwin  .J.  Russell 
Henry  Pelky 
Jonas  P.  Sawin  . 
William  Franklin 
Thomas  Doolan 
William  L.  G.  Ward 
Alexander  Grout 
Jesse  W.  Goodwin 
Hosea  S.  Whitney 
Charles  H.  Wallace 
Rodne}'  King 

Frankhn  S.  Oliver 
Osmore  A.  Brigham 
Timothy  O'Keif 
Walter  Lawrence 
Irving  Brooks 
Jona.  E.  Goodwin 
David  S.  Brown 
Wendell  P.  Clark 
Frederick  Wilder 
Benton  Adams 
Robert  N.  Shaw- 
Ed.  W.  Weston 
George  F.  Potter 
Joseph  L.  Brigham 
George  G.  Hadley 
Chai-les  C.  Eaton 
Orange  S.  Ma}- 
iNIartiu  B.  Lane 
Patrick  Mulchy 
John  M.  Baldwin 
Augustus  G.  Nutting 
Edward  G.  Newell 
Henry  W.  Ward 
Charles  S.  Keyes 
Fred  M.  Stanley 
Edwin  A.  Whitney 
Osman  Casvant 
William  C.  Marea 
Mark  Dunlap 
Theodore  Ban-on 
Peter  Sherbert 
Cyrus  D.  Hortou 

■:ia   t: 

livi. .,■/.'/ 

„ . :,")    ■//• 


The  immediate   effect  of  the  draft  was  depressing.     The 
gloomy  days  of  the  war  and  the  season  of  discontent   were 
durino;    the    s])rin£r    and    early    summer    of     1863.       The 
spontaneous   enthusiasm  among  the  masses  wliich  attended 
the  early  progress  of  the  war,  reflecting  the  warm  colors  of 
hope  and  courage,  began  to  wane  and  a  general  sentiment  of 
depression  was  instant  and  pervading.     Presently  the  victory 
at  Gettysburg  and  the  success  of  the  army  in  the  West  in- 
vited the  pec>ple  to  ralh^  for  the  closing  struggle.     The  finu 
command  of  General  Grant  and  a  unity  of  movement  and 
purpose,  which  controlled  tlie  separate  armies,  restored  the 
■couiideuce  and  elicited  an  enthusiasm  scarcely  less  exultant 
than  that  which  tlirilled  the  loyal  North  at  the  fall  of  Sumter. 
During  these  fluctuations  in  the   general  sentiment  of  the 
North,  the  people  of  Ashburnham,  unmoved  b^'the  influences 
of  the  hour,  maintained  a  record  unstained  by  the  shadow  of 

The  men  who  entered  the  service  in  1803  were  generally- 
assigned  to  regiments  already  in  the  field  and  very  few  of 
them  were  in  any  one  organization.  In  July  Rodney  King 
was  assigned  to  the  Nineteenth  and  transferred  to  the  Twen- 
tieth Reiriment :  John  ]M.  Baldwin  was  assisrned  to  the  Thirty- 
ninth  and  transfeiTcd  to  the  Thirty-second  Regiment ;  John 
E.  Valentine,  a  corporal,  to  the  Fifteenth  Regiment;  and 
John  Fitzgerald  to  the  Nineteenth  and  transferred  to  the 
Twentieth  Regiment.  These  men  remained  in  the  seiwice  to 
the  close  of  the  war  and  were  honorably  discltarged. 

In  July  and  August  the  quota  of  the  town  was  credited 
wnth  the  nttmes  of  Charles  Lepond,  John  Shaffer,  James 
Burke,  Charles  A\^ilson  and  Thomas  Andrev.s.  These  were 
hired  recruits  and  all  of  them  deserted  soon  after,  and  to 
secure  additional  bounty,  undoubtedly,  they  enlisted  and 
deserted  aiiain  before  the  close  of  the  war. 


,1  li' 

AVAR   OF   THE    l^EBELLTON.  459 

George  F.  Potter  enlisted  July  14  and  was  assiirned  to 
the  Sixteenth  Ivegiment.  He  was  subsequently  transferred 
to  the  Eleventh  Regiment  and  was  discharged  in  ]\Iay,  18«)5. 
In  the  Second  Regiment  Heavy  Artillery  was  Harvey  P. 
Brooks  and  Edwin  A.  Pollard  ;  the  former  enlisted  in  July 
and  served  to  the  end  of  the  Avar ;  the  latter  enlisted  in  Octo- 
ber and  died  at  Newbern,  North  Carolina,  November  16, 
1864.  Francis  Sacket,  who  enlisted  in  November,  was 
assigned  to  the  Twenty-seventh  Regiment  and  in  January, 
18()5,  was  transferred  to  the  Veteran  Reserve  Corps.  Pat- 
rick Doolan  enlisted  in  December  and  served  to  the  close 
of  the  war  in  the  First  Battery  Light  Artillery.  John 
Cassidy  enlisted  in  August  in  the  Sixteenth  and  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  Eleventh  Regiment.  He  was  discharged  after 
a  service  of  eighteen  months  on  account  of  disability. 
Archibald  ^IcMahon  enlisted  December  25  and  deserted  from 
the  Twenty-fifth  Regiment  after  a  service  of  eight  weeks, 
and  Theodore  A.  Dodge  enlisted  in  the  Veteran  Reserve 
Corps  in  November. 

From  January  1,  18(54,  to  April  1,  1865,  eighty-throe 
enlistments  were  credited  to  the  quota  of  Ashburnham. 
This  number  includes  four  entries  into  the  Twenty-first 
Regiment,  twenty-six  reenlisted  men  and  fifty-three  new 
enlistments.  A  few  of  the  men  who  entered  the  service 
during  this  period  were  hired  recruits  who  received  the 
bounty  oftered  by  the  town  without  reluctance  or  conscien- 
tious scruple,  and  with  equal  alacrity  deserted  at  the  first 
opportunity.  Others  were  residents  of  this  town  and  all  of 
these  earned  an  honorable  record.  In  the  following  list  will 
appear  the  names  of  several  who  had  previously  been  honor- 
ably discharged  from  a  foniier  service.  Unless  otherwise 
.stated  all  of  the  following  were  honorably  discharged  on 
account  of  expiration  of  term  of  service  or  at  the  close  of  the 

■VrMj-l-yA     ii 



"Vrilliam  S.  White 
John  Fre.iieau 
Louis  C.  E.  Coderre 
Morris  Smeddy 

Dennis  O'Neill 

Josiah  Thomas 
Job  Foster  Doolan 
James  Kelley 
Frank  B.  Sawtelle 

Henry  T.  Lane 
Charles  T.  Chamberlain 

Charles  L.  Starkey 

Albert  H.  Tuckerman 

Hobart  W.  Piper 

Frank  W.  Berais 

Irving  Brooks 
Harlem  E.  ^\  ard 

Alexander  O'Brien 
Samuel  A.  Tavlor 

Asahel  Wheeler 

Joseph  H.  Whitney 

Oliver  I).  Wilder 
Theodore  Greenwood 
Ebenezer  Hart 
Frederick  Hammond 
Jaraes  Farjjjo 
William  H.  Smith 
Geortre  O.  Whitney 
Joseph  Hanwart 
Etiene  Lechu^a 
Sereno  Newton 
Richard  C.  Chase 
David  O.  Williams 
Charles  H.  Whipple 
Walter  C.  Clark 

Harlem  E.  Ward 

Michael  llorritran 
Geor-e  G.  Hadley 
Isaac  Call 
Michael  Mulloy 


Jan.     4,  1864 

Jan.   18,  18C4 

Jan.     5,  lg64 

Jan.   29,  18&4 
May   13, 1864 

June    2,  1864 
June  14,  1SG4 

June  14,  1SG4 
July  20,  1864 

July   20,  1S64 

July  23,  1864 

Aug.    6,  1864 

Aug.    6,  1864 

Aug.  11,  1864 
Aug.  16,  1864 

Aug.  20,  1864 

Aug.  20,  1864 

Aug.  20,  1864 

Sept.  21,  1864 

Feb.  6,  1865 
Feb.  21,  1865 
Feb.  2,  1865 
Feb.  2.3,  1865 
Feb.    6,  186.3 

Jan.  3,  1865 
Ftl).  I.H,  1865 
.lune  28,  1^64 
.\ug.  29,  18i>4 
Aug.  27,  1864 

Mil  itai;y 


57th  Regiment 
7th  Regiment 

25th  Regiment 

5th  Cavalry 
19th  Regiiiient 

2d  H.  A. 

2d  H.  A. 

60th  Regiment 

5th  Regiment 


29th  Regiment 
4th  H.  A. 

4th  H.  A. 

4th  H.  A. 

4th  H.  A. 

30tli  Regiment 

2d  Cavalry 

IstH.  A. 
14th  Artillery 
19th  Regiment 

4th  C.ivali-j' 
19th  Regiment 
V.  R.  C. 

Discharged  July  30,  1865 
Died  .May  30,  1864 
Deserted  A  jail  1,  18r.4 
Transferred  to  37tli  aii<l  to 
20th    Regt.;     discharged 
June  10,  1865 
Died  in  Rebel  J'rison  Aug. 

6,  1864 
Discharged  Oct.      1,1^65 
Discharged  :Mar.  25.  1865 
Dischargetl   Julv  20,  18';5 
Dischari;ed  June  30,  1865 
Discharged  May6,1805.   He 
had    previously    been    in 
Regimental    Band     20th 
Died  Oct.  29,  18C4 
100  days  service;   dischar'd 

Nov.  30, 1864 
100  days  service  ;  dischar'd 

Nov!  30,  1864 
100  (lays  service  ;  dischar'd 

Nov.  16,  1864 
Proiuoted     corporal  ;     dis- 
charged Nov.  14,1864.     He 
formerly    served    in    53d 
Discharged  Nov.  14,  1S64 

This  name  is  repeated  in 

a  later  service 

Discharged  July  29,  1865 

Formerly  a  captain  in  21st 
Regt.  In  this  service  he 
was  a  lieutenant ;  resig'd 
March  8,  1865 

Formerly  a  captain  in  21st 
Regt.  He  was  commis- 
sioned a  captain  in  this 
service  find  assigned  to 
the  61st  Regt.  Mu.stered 
out  at  expiration  of  term 
of  service 

This  was  his  third  enlist- 
ment. He  was  formerly 
a  lieutenant  in  21si  Regt. 
Promoted  in  this  service 
to  sergeant-major,  Oec.  1, 
1864  ;  ilischarged  June  17, 

Discharged  June  17,  1865 

Discharged  July   5,1866 

Discharged  May  18, 1865 
nischargrd  July  20,  1865 
Deserted  Oct.  4.  18t;) 
Discharged  June  15,  1865 
Di.scharged  Kel..20,  1865,  on 

account  of  disability 
Discliar-icd  \uc.  12,  ls05 
Discharged  .lune  3ii,  186.J 
Discharged  Aug.  31,  1«''6 
Discharged  Nov.  15,  1865 
Deserted  Sept.  29,  1864 



1>ATE  OF 






James  Walker 

Sept.    1,1864 

V.  R.  C. 

l)ischarpred  Nov.  14, 1864 

Newton  15.  "\\  hitman 

Sept.   2,  1864 


No  record 

William  Pfaflle 

Feb,  20,  ISflo 


Charles  W.  Keudall 

Dee.  20,  ise4 

Hancock  Corps 

Michael  Murphv 

Jan.   IS,  1865 


John  E.  "Waliaiit 



John  Rebel 

Feb.     6,  1865 

N.C.  Regiment 

William  G.  Davenport 

Sept.  14.1864 

U.  S.  A. 

Geor>:e  H.  Litch 

Nov.  11,  ISiM 


Charles  W.  l<ri>;ham 

Mar.     2,  1865 

Francis  il.  Ihighani 

Mar.    ,3,  i?65 


William  Jiutler 

Feb.     4,  1665 


lu  the  midst  of  the  Liter  enlistments  and  accounting 
for  a  few  of  them  the  following  persons  were  drafted  ]May 
16,  1SG4  :  Patrick  O'Brien,  Martin  N.  Ward,  Thomas  Ham- 
mond, Thomas  Mahan,  Amos  F.  "Willard,  Patrick  J.  Hare, 
Timothy  A.  Tenney,  INIerriek  Iladley,  George  A.  Stone, 
Job  Foster,  Orange  S.  Whitmore,  Hezekiah  Matthews, 
Joseph  L.  Brigham.  Frederick  Pelky,  George  G.  Rockwood, 
Aaron  Rice,  William  Doolan  and  Ilartwell  Tenney.  Xo 
official  statement  of  the  several  quotas  of  this  town  has  been 
found  and  the  records  of  the  town  afibrd  no  information. 
The  number  of  enlistments  in  18G1  was  eighty-tive  ;  in  1SG2 
fifty-seven;  in  18G3  eighteen  and  in  1804  and  the  early 
months  of  1865,  including  the  veterans,  there  were  eighty- 
three  enlistments,  making  an  nggregate  of  two  hundred  and 
forty-three  entries  in  the  service  from  this  town  during  the 
war.  The  whole  number  of  individuals  who  entered  the 
service  from  Ashburnham,  so  far  as  found  in  this  record,  is 
two  hundred  and  thirteen.  Joseph  H.  Whitney  is  credited 
with  three  enlistments  and  the  following  persons  were 
counted  twice  upon  the  (juota  of  the  town  :  Charles  II. 
Heald,  Martin  V.  B.  Grimes,  Charles  W.  Kendall,  Francis 
Sacket,  Augustus  Mcintosh,  Samuel  A.  Taylor,  Asahcl 
Wheeler,  George  E.  Davis,  Samuel  C.  Lesure,  Lorenzo  II. 
Gilbert,    Charles    G.    Lawrence,    George    W.    Lawrence, 


imAI      -  .'■■: 




Charles  11.  Putrer,  George  F.  Putl'er,  Ileiuy  JI.  Martindale^ 
Charles  II.  AVhite,  Erastus  ]\Icliitosh,  James  ^I.  Garnet, 
George  G.  Iladloy,  Pansoui  G.  Stowell,  James  E.  Whip[)le, 
Frank  A.  Davis,  ^Michael  FitzGibbon,  Francis  H.  Morton, 
Oliver  D.  ^Vilder,  Charles  F.  Leathers,  Hobart  W.  Piper, 
Harlem  E.  AA'ard. 

Several,  vi-ho  were  residents  of  Ashburnham  at  the  time 
they  entered  the  service,  enlisted  on  the  quota  and  their 
names  appear  in  the  records  of  other  towns.  It  is  not  pre- 
sumed that  the  following  list  is  complete. 

Noyes  B.  Herrick,  Clarence  D.  Proctor  and  Alden  W. 
Parker,  on  the  quota  of  Fitchburg,  served  in  the  Fourth 
Eegiment  Heavy  Artillery  from  August  20,  1864,  to  June 
17,  18G5.      . 

Lieutenant  George  M.  Munroe,  on  the  quota  of  Boston, 
was  an  original  member  of  Company  G,  Twenty-tirst  Pegi- 
ment.  He  was  promoted  from  first  sergeant  to  second  lieu- 
tenant, September  26,  1862,  and  to  first  lieutenant,  ]March 
3,  1863.  At  the  battle  of  Antietam,  after  Lieutenant 
Charles  H.  Parker  was  removed  from  the  field  on  account  of 
wounds,  he  assumed  command  of  the  company  and  was 
wounded  in  the  knee  and  the  arm. 

Charles  L.  Stimson  was  in  Company  E,  Tweut^^-fourtb 
Pegimeut,  on  the  quota  of  Boston.  He  was  detailed  as 
military  secretary  to  General  Burnside  and  subsequently  was 
commissioned  a  lieutenant  in  the  First  Ohio  Cavaliy. 

George  Henry  Stearns,  credited  to  Bridgewater,  was  a 
member  of  the  Brigade  Band,  Twentieth  Army  Corps. 

William  H.  Pichardson,  Otis  Pratt  and  Aaron  Pratt 
served  in  Phode  Island  regiments. 

Aaron  B,  Bixby  enlisted  from  Fitchburg  in  Company  A, 
Thirty-sLxth  Regiment,  and  was  transferred  in  September, 
1863,  to  the  Veteran  Reserve  Corps. 

'■■    V    .'1 

1 '  .    ' '' 

WAR   OF   THE    REBELLION.  463 

Corporal  Charles  M.  Whitney,  assigned  to  quota  of  Fitch- 
burg,  was  a  member  of  Company  D,  Tweut^^-first  Jxegiment. 
lie  was  killed  September  1,  18G2,  at  the  battle  of  Chantilly. 
Ephraim  "W.  Moore  enlisted  from  Boston  in  Company  F, 
Second  Keghnent.  He  died  August  20,  1802,  from  wounds 
received  in  the  euo;ao;ement  of  Cedar  Mountain. 

Xewton  Brooks,  on  the  quota  of  Gardner,  was  a  member 
of  Company  G,  Fifty-third  Eegiment. 

Patrick  Fitzgerald,  there  known  as  James  Fitz,  was  a 
member  of  Com])any  K,  Sixth  Xew  Hampshire  Regiment. 
He  serv^ed  from  November,  1861,  to  July  17,  1865. 

AYebster  W.  AVallace,  on  the  quota  of  Lawrence,  enlisted 
in  First  Regiment  Heavy  Artillery,  August  1,  1861.  He 
was  promoted  a  sergeant  and  died  of  wounds,  July  2Gy 
1864.  v.-  .  ■      ■  -  ■  -.- 

In  other  regiments  are  found  the  names  of  Henry  Memam, 
George  Willard,  Charles  Stone,  John  L.  Cook,  Reuben  A. 
Buzzell,  George  O.  Metcalf  and  George  P.  Ward. 

A  large  number  of  the  sons  of  Ashburnham  who  removed 
from  their  native  town  previous  to  the  war  were  in  the 
service  and  several  were  ofhcers  of  rank  and  distinction.  So 
far  as  the  facts  are  ascertained,  a  record  of  service  will  be 
given  in  the  l^imily  registers. 

*  ■■'.^  /'Onp  «■••> 





MATTOOX,       TE3IPLE,      JIT.LSON,      CHARLES      L.     PIERCE,     STICKNEY,     AMOKV 







Physicians.  —  Ashburnham  has  been  fortunate  iu  the 
character  and  ability  of  the  resident  physicians.  The  follow- 
ing list  includes  several  men  of  superior  ^skill  and  professional 

Dr.  Peter  Brooks  was  the  first  physician  of  Ashburn- 
ham, and  during  the  greater  part  of  his  practice  here  he  had 
no  competitor.  Dr.  Senter  was  here  a  sboit  time,  but  his 
practice  was  not  of  sufficient  duration  to  disturb  him  in  the 
full  possession  of  the  field  which  he  held  until  the  arrival  of 
Dr.  Lowe.  Dr.  Brooks  lived  on  the  old  AVinchcndon  road, 
between  the  common  and  the  David  Russell  farm.  About 
1792  he  loft  town  and  nothing  is  known  of  his  subsequent 
histor\'.  His  family  remained  permanently  and  his  descend- 
ants in  this  town  have  been  numerous.  Of  the  native  ability 
and  professional  skill  of  Dr.  Brooks  little  is  known.  From 
the  fact  that  he  remained  here  twenty  years  it  is  reasonable 




1o  })rcsumo  that  lie   enjoyed  some  measure  of  puldic  conti- 

1)k.  SKNTrn  was  here  a  short  time  immediately  preeeding 
the  devolution.  In  1774  he  was  chosen  one  ol'  a  committee 
to  amend  the  Boston  Covenant  l)efore  it  was  signed,  but  his 
name  does  not  appear  again  in  the  records.  Tradition  ])re- 
serves  his  name  and  compliments  him  wath  good  ability  and 
a  liberal  education.  His  stay  was  Ijrief  and  his  connection 
w'ith  this  town  unimportant. 

De.  AniiAHAM  Lowe,  son  of  Jonathan  and   Sarah  (Per- 
kins) T^owc,  was  born  in  Ipswich,  February  31,  1755.     The 
homestead  of  his  father  was  in  the  parish  of  Chebacco,  and 
is  now  a  part  of  the   town  of  Essex.     In  his  infancy  the 
family  removed  to  Lunenburg.     If  Dr.  Lowe  did  not  pursue 
a  lilyeral  course  of  academical  study  at   the  schools  he  was  a 
<?lose   and    attentive   reader  and    an  accurate   scholar.     His 
professional  studies   were  pursued  under  the  tuition  of  Dr. 
Abraham   Haskell,  a  justly  fomed  physician  of  Lunenburg. 
At   this  time  Dr.  Lowe  became  acquainted  with  Dr.  Peter 
Snow,  who  was   a  fellow-student,   and   subsequently  a  dis- 
tinguished   physician    and    esteemed    citizen   of    Fitchburg. 
The  acquaintance  ripened  into  a  mutual  friendship  which  was 
sustained  through  life.     In  1786,  or  the  year  preceding,  Dr. 
Lowe  removed  to  xVshburnham  and  here  began  the  labor  of 
a  Ions:  and  useful  life.     In  an  eminent  deirree  he  was  trusted 
as  a  physician  and  esteemed  as  a  citizen.     He  was  frequently 
chosen  to  positions  of  trust  and   in  professional  employment 
he  had  no  rival  for  many  years.     Among  his  minor  euq'loy- 
meuts  Dr.  Lowe   was  town   clerk   seven  3'ears,  transcrii)iug 
the   records   in  a   clear  hand   and  in  well-chosen   language. 
i'Ut  for  municipal  service  he  found  little  leisure.     His  active 
years  were  devoted  to  his  profession  and  few  physicians  have 
practised  with  less  criticism  and  greater  success.     Among 



•;•.!•)    ;  I  i!i,!^-.  Mihi; 

>Ci  <;;  <t  '' 

>'.  y:l  ■    ■•>     -ol      I  ,     ■•      '•,      ■  ,     .  ;,  ,7 


:  his  fellow-men  he  Mas  accorded  a  supremacy  which  h  only 
surrendered  to  superior  abilities  and  unchallenged  character. 
The  aged  who  remem])er  him  are  familiar  with  the  courtesy 
of  his  manner,  the  kindness  of  his  heart  and  the  impress  of 
trutii  and  wisdom  which  attended  his  speech.  He  died 
October  23,  1834. 

De.  Abraham  T.  Lowe,  a  son  of  Dr.  Abraham  Lowe 
and  Charlotte  (Kale)  Lowe,  was  born  in  this  town,  August 
15,  1796.     The  influences   of  his  home  invited  study,  and 
at  an  early  age  he  attended  the  acadeniy  in  Xew  Ipswich, 
and  at  twenty  years  of  age  he  was  graduated    a  Doctor  of 
Medicine  at  Dartmouth  Medical  College.     At  the.  solicita- 
tion of  his  father  he  commenced  practice  in  this  town  where 
he  was  successfully  employed  nine  years.     His  circuit  ex- 
tended into  ^Westminster  and  other  adjoining  towns.     Of  his 
professional  labors  at  this    time  Dr.  Lowe  has    said,  "^fy 
duties  called  me,  I  believe,  almost  without  exception,  into 
every  house  and  family  in  town.     I  knew  the  direction  and 
condition  of  every  road,  bridle  path  and  passable  cross-cut 
way.     I  never,  while  in  health,  declined  a  professional  visit. 
I  rode  on  horseback,  in  a  light-wheel  carriage,  or  sleigh,  to 
meet  the  requirements  of  the  season  or  state  of  the  travelled 
ways;    but   there  were    times  when  travelling  in  either  of 
these  modes  was  impracticable  ;  then  I  took  to  my  rackets, 
or  Indian  snow-shoes  ;  and  I  have  frequently  in  this  manner 
made  visits,  both  in  and  out  of  town." 

In  the  midst  of  this  arduous;  professional  employment 
Dr.  Lowe  took  an  active  interest  in  the  schools  of  this  town 
and  was  a  member  of  the  committee  of  supervision.  He 
was  popular  with  all  classes  and  is  held  in  grateful  rcmen\- 
brance  by  the  aged  who  were  his  associates.  In  182')  or 
182G  he  removed  to  Boston  and  engaged  in  the  business  of 
a  wholesale  and  prescription  druggist.  In  this  business  he 
was  successful  and  retired  with  a  comi^etency  in  1839. 

■r -.■:':: 

.■:r,   ,   ._  i\n 

PERSONAL   NOTICES.       '  467 

Dr.  Lowe  bus  been  a  director  in  several  monetary  institu- 
tions and  in  this  direction  bis  service  has  been  conspicuous. 
In  1859  he  was  chosen  president  of  the  Safety  Fund  Bank 
which  subsequently  became  the  First  National  Bank  of 
Boston,  and  under  liis  sagacious  management  this  institution 
has  maintained  a  prominent  position  among  its  energetic 
rivals.  Dr.  Lowe  was  an  able  advocate-,  and  was  promi- 
nently identified  with  the  construction  of  the  Boston  and 
Lowell  railroad.  At  that  date  many  regarded  the  project  as 
experimental,  but  the  substantial  results  are  a  tribute  to  the 
foresight  and  judgment  of  Dr.  Lowe  and  his  associates.  He 
was  one  of  the  early  directors  of  the  road  trom  ^Vorcester  to 
Albany  and  for  several  years  a  director  of  the  Boston  and 
Worcester  railroad  and  also  the  Fall  Biver  railrotid.  He 
early  and  clearh'  comprehended  the  importance  of  these 
gigantic  enterprises  and  with  energv  and  courage  he  labored 
for  the  future  interests  of  his  city  and  Commonwealth. 

In  addition  to  efhcient  ser\nce  for  the  public  schools  of 
Boston,  he  has  repeatedly  served  in  the  Board  of  Aldermen, 
and  beginning  in  182-1,  he  has  been  a  member  of  the  ]Massa- 
chusetts  Legislature  several  years.  In  this  service  he 
disclo.-ed  the  rare  traits  of  mind  and  of  character  which 
distinguish  his  successful  career  in  business. 

In  early  life  Dr.  Lowe  compiled  the  Columbian  Orator,  a 
school-book  which  was  favorabl}'  received,  and  subsequently 
he  puljlished  the  Second  Class  Book,  for  younger  pupils  ; 
but  he  is  better  known  as  the  author  of  several  papers  upon 
scientific  and  medical  subjects.  He  is  one  of  the  original 
trustees  of  Cushinir  Academy  and  durin<j'  the  past  ten  years 
he  has  been  president  of  the  board. 

Dr.  Lowe  at  the  age  of  almost  ninety  years  has  earned  a 
respite  from  active  employment.  Without  ambition  or 
ostentation  he  has  conscientiously  met  every  responsibility 


^68  inSTO];Y    OF   ASHBUKXIIAM. 

anfl  faithfully  directed  every  interest  contlded  to  his  eare. 
His  industry,  his  integrity  .and  his  purity  of  eharae(er,  which 
attended  him  through  life,  now  crown  his  age  with  blessings 
and  honor.  '^ 

Dn.    Xathaxiel   Pkikct:,    a     son    of    Oliver   and    Mary 

(Smith)  Peirce,  was  born  in  Lunenburg,  October  8,  1778. 

He  pursued  his  preparatory  studies  at  New  Ipswich  Academy 

and  was  a  teacher  in  the  public  schools  several  years.     He 

entered  HarA'ard  University,  but  on  account  of  MYuvj:  health 

did  not  graduate.     Later  he  pursued  a  course  of  prolessional 

study  and  received  his  diploma  at  the  Medical  School,  then 

in  Wcathersfield,  Vermont,  and  in  that  town  he  practised  a 

short  time.     Leaving  M^eatherslield  he  removed  to  his  native 

town  where  he  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  ^n  ool  or 

felt  hats,  at  that  time  one  of  the  home  industries  of  Xew 

England.     He  removed  to  this  town  in  IS'25  and  immediately 

entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  profession.     From  the  first 

he  secured  and  maintained  the  coniidence  of  the  people  and 

for  many  years  his  practice  was  large  and  remunerative.     In 

the  mean  time  he  purchased  many  acres  of  land  and  became 

a  prosperous    farmer,  and  as  the  infirmities  of  age  invited 

him  to  less  active  pursuits  he  gradually  retired  from  practice 

and  gave  his  attention  to  the  supeiwision  of  his  farm. 

A  tall,  commanding  man,  his  head  towering  above  the 
multitude,  ho  was  dignified  in  manner  and  deliberate  in  the 
use  of  words.  Li  method  he  was  direct  and  aggi-essive,  and 
if  he  was  sometimes  blunt  in  his  speech  he  wis  generally 
just.  His  opinions  were  well  matured  and  when^-equired  . 
they  were  expressed  Anthout  evasion  or  concealment.  If  he 
honestly  ditlered  with  others  in  opinion  and  expressed  his 
own  views  plainly,  he  tolerated  no  contention  and  conducted 
no  quarrels.  He  was  a  kind  neighbor,  an  honest  man  and  a 
foithful  citizen.     He  was  frequently  chosen  by  his  townsmen 

J' ■' '  i:: 

4,    -V.  >^ 




.^-^     t..   -^ 







v-y^  /y. 





to  local  ofBce  and  was  a  member  of  the  Lejrislatiirc   1831 
and  1832.     He  died  September  3,  18G2. 

Dr.  Otis  Abekcrombie,  a  native  of  Deei-field  and  a  grad- 
uate of  tlie  Yale  Medical  School,  came  to  Ashburnham  in 
1827.  He  was  favorably  received  and  was  chosen  a  member 
of  the  school  committee  soon  after  his  arrival.  At  this  time 
the  field  was  occupied  by  members  of  the  profession  who 
had  become  established  in  the  confidence  of  the  people.  In 
1829  he  removed  to  Fitchburg.  After  a  successftd  practice 
of  nine  years,  on  account  of  failing  healtli,  he  retired  from 
business  and  removed  to  Lunenburg  where  he  died  Jai\uary  . 
24,  1851,  aged  forty-nine  years. 

Dr.  AVileiam  H.  Cutler,  son  of  Jonathan  and  Iveziah 
(Hutchins)  Cutler,  was  born  iu  Plainfield,  Connecticut,  July 
2,  1787.  After  attending  school  at  ,the  academy  in  Plain- 
tield  he  pursued  his  professional  studies  with  Dr.  Darius 
Hutchins  of  Abington,  Connecticut.  His  first  professional 
labors  were  in  Winchendon  where  he  practised  about  seven 
years.  In  1820  he  removed  to  New  Salem  and  was  there 
successfully  employed  until  lie  removed  to  this  town  in  1829. 
In  AVinchendon  he  was  a  member  of  the  school  committee  in 
1819  and  in  Xew  Salem  he  was  frequently  chosen  to  positions 
of  ti'ust,  among  which  he  was  for  many  years  one  of  the 
trustees  of  the  New  Salem  Academy.  In  this  town  Dr. 
Cutler  rode  a  wide  circuit  many  years  and  was  justly  i"e- 
garded  as  a  conscientious,  skilful  physician.  As  a  man, 
he  was  upright,  sincere  and  honest,  and  was  held  in  high 
esteem.  As  the  infirmities  of  age  grew  upon  him  he  retired 
from  active  practice  and  removed  in  18G4  to  Audover  where 
he  died  July  16,  1867.         ■    '         '■    "  .;...■'-■ 

Dr.  AVilliam  P.  Stone,  son  of  David  and  Lydia  (Per- 
kins) Stone  and  a  brother  of  Rev.  Benjamin  P.  Stone,  D.  D., 
late  of   Concord,  Xew    Hampshire,    was    born  in  Reading, 

.!/  V.r;')i:T'T 

'/i(t';!>;t\:   -  t 

•f    •;lTn^'-> 

if,    3/ 


Vermonf,    July  23,    1809.      A    few  years    after   this    date 
the  family  removed   from  Keadiug  to  Eiiosburg,  "S^enuont. 
Dr.  Stone  graduated  at   Dartmouth  :Medical  School  in  1835 
and  came   to  this  to^yn  in    1837,  where  he  was  successfully 
emi)loyed  eight  years.     From  the  first  he  was  well  recei^'ed. 
Beneath    a    modest  and  unassuming  manner,  there   was  no 
failure  in  the  discovery  of  an  intelligent   mind  and  a  iaiihful 
and   competent    physician.      lie   had    many  friends  and  no 
enemies.     In  the  spring  of  1845  he  removed  to  Boston  and 
previous  to  1850  he  removed  to  Danbury,  Xew  Hampshire, 
.where    he    remained    several   years.     In  October,   18G2,  he 
was    commis..ioned    assistant    surgeon   of  the    Second    Xew 
Hampshire  Volunteers,  and  was  promoted  to  surgeon  of  this 
regiment,  July  6,  18G4.     He  remained  in   the  s^ervice  until 
the  regiment  was  mustered  out,  December  19,  1865.     Soon 
after  the   war  he   removed   from  Danbury  to  AVestminster, 
Vermont,  where  he  continued  the  practice  of  his  in-ofession 
a  few  years.     He  died  in  Burke,  Xew  York,  1872. 

Dr.  Alfred  Miller,  son  of  John  and  Betsey  (Kobinson) 
Miller,  was  born  in  AVeslminster,  Vermont,  March  15,  1815. 
He  pursued  his  preparatory  studies  in  the  schools  of  AVest- 
minster  and  Bernardston  and  graduated  at  :\Iiddlebury 
College  ]840.  AVhile  reading  for  his  profession  he  taught 
school  several  years  and  completed  bis  study  Avith  Dr. 
Alfred  Hitchcock  and  at  the  Medical  School  in  Woodstock, 
Vermont,  where  he  graduated  in  1844.  In  the  following 
year  he  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  this 
town  where  he  was  successfully  employed  until  he  removed 
to  Fitchburg  in  18G3. 

He  was  a  skilful  physician  and  was  highly  respected  by 
all  who  knew  him.  Afilible  and  kind  in  his  manner,  atten- 
tive to  the  calls  of  his  profession,  he  was  a  popular  physician 
and  a  valued  citizen.     Dr.  :\Iiller  was  repeatedly  elected  a 

,  i. 


Lieniber  of  the  school  committee  and  to  other  positions  of 
trust.  In  Fitchhurg  he  was  eminently  successful.  He  con- 
tinued in  active  practice  in  that  city  until  his  death,  Novem- 
ber 15,  1877,  aged  sixty-two  years.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  Legislature  186G  and  187G. 

Dr.  ]\Iei:rick  Wallace,  a  son  of  Kahum  Wallace  of 
Oxford,  was  born  Api'il  12,  1808,  In  1847  he  completed  a 
course  of  study  at  the  Botanical  ^Medical  College  then  in 
"Worcester,  and  to  this  school  of  medicine  he  closely  adhered 
in  his  practice.  His  remedial  methods  were  tlien  compara- 
tively new  and  he  early  secured  a  liberal  patronage.  Ills 
practice  extended  into  the  adjoining  towns  and  frequently  he 
made  long  journeys  in  response  to  demands  for  his  profes- 
sional attendance.  Dr.  "Wallace  was  also  a  successful  farmer 
and  in  this  jmrsuit  he  manifested  a  constant  interest.  He 
died  May  22,  187. i. 

Dr.  Lorenzo  Locke  Whitmore,  a  son  of  Colonel  Enoch 
and  Clarissa  (Willard)  Whitmore,  was  born  in  this  town, 
July  2,  1823.  AVith  the  exception  of  Dr.  Abraham  T. 
Lowe,  he  is  the  only  physician  in  this  town  who  was  born 
•within  the  iield  of  his  professional  labor.  He  pursued  a 
liberal  course  of  academical  and  professional  study,  gradu- 
ating at  the  Harv^ard  ^Medical  School  in  the  class  of  1852. 
After  a  brief  practice  in  AVarwick,  he  returned  to  this  tov/u 
and  assumed  the  management  of  a  large  farm  which  for  more 
than  one  hundred  years  has  been  the  homestead  of  his 
ancestors.  For  several  years  he  rode  an  extended  circuit  in 
this  town  and  in  Ilindge,  and  fully  maintained  the  confidence 
of  his  pati'ons.  ]More  recently  he  has  found  full  employ- 
ment in  the  management  of  his  farm. 

Dr.  Joirx  Orlando  ]\LvrrooN  (eclectic)  was  a  native  of 
Vershire,  Vermont,  born  October  10,  1837.  He  w^as 
educated   at   the    academy    in    Chelsea,   Vermont,    and   the 


..<^  1  ■- 1   i  *x> 

i'.     ;('(  f 


AveI]-known  institution  in  New  London,  Xow  Hampshire, 
lie  read  for  lii.s  profession  with  Dr.  George  Iv.  Bagley  of 
Chelsea,  Vermont,  and  graduated  at  a  medical  school  in 
Cincinnati  in  1858.  The  same  year  he  located  in  this  town 
and  practised  with  a  fair  measure  of  success  until  his  early 
death  which  occurred  January  13,  18(i2. 

Dit.  TuEROX  Tejiple,  son  of  John  and  Sally  (Taylor) 
Temple,  was  horn  in  Heath,  April  20,  18oo.  He  is  a  gradu- 
ate of  Berkshire  Medical  College  in  class  of  1856.  In  1857 
ho  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Bolchertown 
and  M-as  there  successfully  employed  until  18G1,  when  he 
was  commissioned  assistant-surgeon  in  the  Twenty-fifth 
Massachusetts  Volunteers.  This  regiment  Avas  assigned  to 
the  Burnside  expedition.  In  this  service  Dr.  Temple  con- 
tracted malarial  fever  and  resigned  in  the  spring  of  1802. 
The  same  year  he  removed  to  this  town  where  he  connnanded 
the  respect  of  the  community  and  secured  a  lucrative  prac- 
tice. While  residing  in  this  town  he  was  examining  surgeon 
by  appointment  from  Governor  Andrew.  In  the  autunm  of 
1861,  he  removed  to  Amherst  and  continued  in  active  prac- 
tice until  1875.  During  the  past  ten  years  he  has  been 
employed  in  the  customs  seiwice  at  Boston  with  a  residence 
in  Waltham. 

Dk.  Harvey  D.  Jillsox  (eclectic)  pursued  his  pro- 
fessional studies  at  Harvard  Medical  School  and  at  Worces- 
ter. Adopting  the  theories  of  the  eclectic  school,  he 
entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Leominster  in 
1860.  He  removed  to  this  town  in  1864.  He  was  elected 
a  member  of  the  school  committee  for  three  years  but 
removed  to  Fitchburg  in  1868  before  the  completion  of  the 
term.  For  two  years  he  was  president  of  the  Worcester 
North  Eclectic  Society,  and  ele\en  years  its  secretary,  and 
was  a  vice-president  of  the  National  Eclectic  ]Medical  Society. 

't,     ;.  .^<.\  ■' 

> ;      ,  ■  r 


Jle    died     September    25,    1877,    aged    forty-three    year?. 

Dk.  Charles  L.  Pierce,  son  of  John  F.  and  Abigail 
•Fiske  Pierce,  was  born  in  Derby,  Vermont,  ^lay  17,  1810. 
He  attended  school  at  Newbury,  Vei-mout,  and  at  INIerideu, 
New  Hampshire,  and  gTaduatcd  at  the  New  York  College  of 
Physicians  and  Surgeons.  He  practised  his  profession  a 
short  time  at  Charlestown,  Xew  Hampshire,  and  removed  to 
this  town  in  18().5.  Dr.  Pierce  was  generally  regarded  as  a 
skilful  physician  and  was  employed  by  a  considerable  part 
of  the  community.  He  removed  to  Xatick  in  1871,  and 
from  thence  to  San  Francisco,  California,  where  he  died 
May  11,  1885. 

Dr.  Aeonzo  Lawrence  Stickney,  son  of  Alvah  and 
Eebecca  ("Wright)  Stickney,  was  born  in  Townsend,  ^lay 
26,  1835.  He  attended  the  academies  at  Milford  and  Xcw 
Ipswich,  Xew  Hampshire,  and  graduated  at  Harvard 
Medical  School  in  the  class  of  1862.  His  lirst  professional 
labors  were  at  Sutton.  In  the  spring  of  1864  lie  was 
appointed  assistant-surgeon  in  the  regular  army  and  served 
to  the  close  of  the  war.  Returning  to  Sutton  he  was  there 
successfully  employed  in  the  practice  of  his  profession  until 
his  removal  to  this  town  in  1871.  In  an  unusual  degree,  he 
early  secured  and  has  merited  the  confidence  of  his  patrons. 
His  success  as  a  physician  and  his  usefulness  as  a  citizen  will 
elicit  prompt  recognition  in  future  reviews  of  completed 

Dr.  Amory  Jewett,  son  of  Amory  and  Lucy  E.  (Die- 
waide)  JcAvett,  was  born  in  Boston,  January  17,  1833.  He 
attended  the  public  schools  of  Boston  and  graduated  at  the 
Eclectic  ^Medical  College,  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  xVfter  a  brief 
practice  in  Boston,  he  removed  to  this  toAvn  in  1868  and 
remained  in  successful  practice  until  1873.  Since  he  re- 
moved from  this  town  he  has  practised  in  Clinton,  Fitchburg 


1    .         •  ( 

474  IirSTOTiY   OF    ASHBlTj.'NIIAM. 

and  Hiibl.aidston.  On  account  of  fiiilinii-  healtli  he  has  retired 
from  active  practice  and  mnv  resides  in  Somerville.  Dr. 
Jcwett,  while  residing  in  this  town,  was  successively  secre- 
tary, councillor  and  president  of  the  "Worcester  Xorth 
Eclectic  Medical  Society.  "., 

.  Dn.  Xathaxiel  Jewett,  a  brother  of  Dr.  Aniory  Jewett, 
was  born  in  Boston,  March  10,  1.S41.  lie  gi-aduated  at  the 
Boston  High  School  in  1858  and  pursued  a  course  of  pro- 
fessional study  under  private  tuition.  He  graduated  at  the 
Boston  Dental  College  18G9,  and  at  the  New  York  Eclectic 
College  1871.  In  the  mean  time  Dr.  Jewett  attended 
lectures^  at  Harvard  Medical  School  and  at  the  College  of 
Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Xew  York.  He  removed  to  this 
town  in  1871  and  has  maintained  a  lucrative  practice  to  the 
l-)resent  time.  He  has  l)een  president  of  the  Worcester 
Xoi-th  Eclectic  Medical  Society,  and  for  many  years  the 
secretary  and  treasurer.  He  has  been  councillor  and  presi- 
dent of  the  Massachusetts  Eclectic  ^Medical  Society  and  is  a 
member  of  the  National  Eclectic  Medical  Association.  Dr. 
•Jewett  is  the  eighteenth  resident  physician  who  has  practised 
in  this  town  and  among  this  number  none  has  been  more 
constantly  employed. 

Dk.  Ciiakles  Kxowltox  was  here  a  few  mouths  in  the 
autumn  and  winter  of  1830-31. 

Dr.  Milks  Spauldixg,  now  of  Groton,  practised  in  this 
town  from  April  to  September,  1845,  supplying  the  time 
between  the  practice  of  Dr.  Stone  and  Dr.  Miller. 

Dpw.  Joiix  Pett.s,  who  resided  in  this  town  for  many 
years,  was  a  physician,  but  he  did  not  engage  in  practice 
after  he  removed  to  Ashburuham. 

.•  Lawveus.  —  Of  the  four  resident  lawyers  of  this  town 
only  one  remained  any  considerable  length  of  time.  If  the 
good  people  of  Ashburuham  have  not  been  wholly  free  from 

■/^   ■■•1)     i:;    ?,«J'-;   .' 
'(  'i     ■ 


I    ■ , ,   ( ? 

■•     ''C'     V  f, 


"  ''  ■'\  I*' 


■*-■  ' 








•  i 




,      ■■if 






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'ill        UJ 













strife  and  contention,  they  lune  seldom  appealed  to  the 
courts  for  arbitration.  And  in  some  instances  it  is  })ossii)le 
the  contestants  have  found  more  entertainment  in  a  continued 
prosecution  of  some  domestic  quarrel  than  could  be  realized 
in  any  possible  terms  of  legal  adjustment.  May  CrNNixGHAM,  Esq.,  practised  law  in  this 
tovrn  from  about  1818  to  1821.  He  i-emoved  to  South 
Eeadinij,  now  "Wakefield.  AVhiic  in  this  town  he  boarded 
with  the  Jewetts,  and  by  tradition  he  is  furnished  with  the 
credentials  of  a  f>of)d  character  and  respeetal)le  abilities. 

Hexky,  Esq.,  came  to  this  town  in  1825,  or  early 
in  182(),  and  remained  four  or  live  years.  He  was  a  man  of 
fair  abilities  and  met  with  a  reasonable  measure  of  success. 

Geouge  G.  Packer,  Esq.,  was  born  in  Coventry, 
Connecticut,  May  10,  180Q,  and  was  graduated  at  Yale  in 
the  class  of  1828.  He  pursued  his  professional  studies  in 
the  office  of  ]Myron  Lawrence,  Esq.,  of  Belchertown,  and 
began  the  practice  of  law  in  this  town  in  1831.  He  was 
quite  deaf  and  labored  under  great  embarrassment,  yet  he 
was  successful  and  was  highly  esteemed  by  the  profession 
and  by  his  townsmen.  He  served  two  years  in  the  supervi- 
sion of  the  public  schools  and  for  many  years  he  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  board  of  selectmen.  In  1840  and  1841  he  ably 
re})resented  the  town  in  the  Legislature.  He  died  Decem- 
ber 14,  1852. 

Albert  Haynes  Andrews,  Esq.,  son  of  Jeremiah  and 
Abigail  Anna  (Flaynes)  Andrews,  was  born  in  Waltham, 
December  29,  1829.  He  attended  the  schools  in  Ashby  and 
Fitchburg  and  the  Academy  at  Westminster,  and  pursued 
his  }n"ofessional  studies  in  the  office  of  Judge  Thornton  K. 
Ware  of  Fitchburg.  Pie  was  admitted  to  the  AVorcester 
county  bar  in  180().  "With  a  view  of  entering  upon  the 
practice  of  law  in  the  West,  iVIr.  Andrews  went  to  Chicago 

-(!■■:>      >(r')> 



and  there  becomiuir  interested  in  the  controversy  attendiuf 
the  political  situation  of  Kansas  he  raised  a  coaipany  of  sixty 
meD  and  hastened  to  tlic  relief  of  the  Free  State  party  in  this 
memorable  conflict.  Eeturning  to  the  East  he  entered  upon 
the  practice  of  law  in  this  town  in  the  autunni  of  18^)7.  He 
was  the  fourth  and  last  resident  lawyer  in  Ashburnhani. 

While  a  resident  of  this  town  he  was  a  member  of  the 
school  connnittee  and  in  1860  and  1861  he  represented  this 
district  in  the  Legislature,  and  was  adjutant  of  the  Xinth 
Eegimeut  of  Militia,  then  under  conmiand  of  Colonel  Joseph 
P.  Rice.  In  May,  1861,  Mr.  Andrews  was  commissioned  a 
first  lieutenant  in  the  regular  army  and  assigned  to  the 
Nineteenth  Infantry.  He  continued  in  the  service  about 
nine  years  and  during  this  time  he  was  in  fact  a  citizen  of 
Ashburnham.  For  gallant  and  meritorious  service  at  the 
battle  of  Shiloh  he  was  breveted  captain  and  at  Stone  River 
he  won  the  brevet  rank  of  major.  In  the  antnmn  of  1863 
Major  Andrews  was  ordered  Xorth  on  recruiting  service. 
After  enlisting  two  hundred  and  sixty-five  men  he  remained 
with  his  regiment  in  Tennessee  and  Georgia  until  the  sur- 
render of  the  Confederate  army.  Subsequently,  Major 
Andrews  was  with  his  regiment  in  Arkansas  and  Louisiana 
until  he  resigned  January  1,  1870.  During  this  time  he  was 
commandant  of  military  posts  much  of  the  time  and  was 
frequently  assigned  to  important  trusts. 

During  the  past  seventeen  years  Major  Andrews  has 
resided  in  Fitchburg,  in  Kansas  and  in  San  Francisco,  Cali- 
fornia, and  since  Xovember,  1879,  he  has  been  Inspector  of 
Customs  at  Boston.  In  a  life  of  diversified  employment, 
Major  Andrews  has  been  faithful  and  efficient  in  the  dis- 
charge of  duty  and  has  commanded  the  respect  and  confi- 
dence of  his  associates. 

r ' 

•   If. :•,':'■  ) 

>  ,  ■  .'* 

'     'I        1;, 


Deacon  Samukl  AVildeu  was  born  in  Lancaster,  ]M:iy  7, 
17o9.  He  was  a  son  of  Colonel  Caleb  AVildor  and  a  irrancl- 
son  of  Judge  Joseph  Wilder.  Colonel  Caleb  Wilder  owned 
many  acres  of  land  in  Dorchester  (Janada  and  was  much 
employed  in  forwarding  the  settlement.  His  name  frequently 
appears  in  the  records  of  the  proprietors,  but  he  never  re- 
sided in  this  town.  Samuel  Wilder  settled  here  previous  to 
1765.  At  the  tirst  town  meeting  under  the  act  of  incorpora- 
tion, March  25,  17G5,  he  was  chosen  collector  of  the  land 
tax.  Before  the  close  of  the  year  he  temporarily  removed 
from  the  town  and  in  November  following  Sanuiel  Nichols 
was  chosen  in  place  of  Mr.  Wilder  who  was,  as  the  record 
asserts,  ''  out  of  the  province.''  He  soon  returned  and  in 
1767  he  vras  a  selectman  and  received  other  mention  in  the 
proceedings  of  the  meetings.  From  this  date  he  resided  in 
Ashburnham  continuously  until  his  death.  In  early  life  he 
was  a  captain  in  the  colonial  militia,  but  he  was  never  honored 
with  the  title  after  he  was  chosen  a  deacon.  The  records 
assert  his  popularity  and  the  unlimited  confidence  of  his 
townsmen.  He  was  several  years  a  member  of  the  General 
Couii  ;  ^\  as  the  town  clerk  t^venty-two  years,  a  selectman 
fifteen  years  and  an  assessor  twenty  years.  In  addition  to 
this  extended  sei^vice  he  was  fre(|uently  chosen  on  important 
committees  and  in  every  emergency  his  service  was  invoked. 
For  many  years  he  was  justice  of  the  peace  and  in  his  time 
few  legal  paj^ers  were  executed  in  this  town  which  did  not 
bear  his  tamiliar  signature. 

The  advancement  of  Mr.  Wilder  was  attended  by  no  for- 
tuitous circumstances.  His  honors  were  merited  and  his 
position  among  his  townsmen  Avas  the  voice  of  mature  senti- 
ment. If  not  brilliant,  his  qualities  were  solid,  and  if  he  did 
not  win  the  applause  of  his  fellow-men,  he  enjoyed  in  an 
unusual  degree  their  trust  and  confidence.  At  fifty-nine 
years  of  age  he   died   suddenly  May   9,  1798,  but  he  lived 


M-1   ■.■;■.' 

478  HISTORY   OF    ASHliCllNHAM. 

until  Josejib  Jewott  b;id  been  advanced  to  bis  assi^tancc  in 
town  affairs.  Leaving  bis  muntlc,  like  tbc  propbet  of  old, 
upon  tbe  slioulders  of  bis  successor,  be  closed  u  record  full 
of  bonor  and  unstained  witb  an  ignoble  deed. 

Joseph  Jeavett,  son  of  Edward  and  Sarab  Jev,ett,  was 
born  in  Stow,  May  10,  17G1.  Tbe  family  had  previously 
resided  in  Concord,  wbere  some  of  tbe  older  cbildren  were 
born  and  subsequently  removed  to  Bolton.  Deacon  Ed^  aid 
Jewett,  a  man  of  superior  ability  and  a  prominent  citizen  of 
Ivindge,  was  an  older  After  serving  in  tbe  Ke volu- 
tion, of  which  mention  is  made  in  another  chapter,  .Joseph 
Jewett  removed  to  this  town  in  1783.  lie  was  a  merchant 
and  a  farmer  and  for  many  years  the  leading  business  man  in 
the  place  ;  but  in  other  employments  be  was  even  more  in- 
timately identified  with  tbe  town's  history.  In  this  con- 
nection his  record  as  a  citizen,  and  the  sterling  qualities  of 
bis  character  demand  more  than  a  passing  notice.  At  tlie 
age  of  tu'cnty-two  years  he  entered  upon  the  scene  of  bis 
future  activity  and  immediately  the  town  recognized  the 
qualities  of  the  man.  The  proof  of  his  popularity  and  the 
measure  of  tbe  confidence  reposed  in  him  are  witnessed  by 
the  records.  He  was  a  member  of  the  board  of  selectmen 
fifteen  years,  an  assessor  fifteen  years,  town  clerk  eighteen 
years  and  was  ten  times  chosen  to  preside  over  tbe  annual 
March  meeting. 

In  the  midst  of  these  accumulating  honors  and  responsi- 
bilities he  was  a  member  of  tbe  Legislature  seven  years  and 
was  frequently  chosen  to  serve  on  committees  an<I  render 
other  service  to  tbe  town.  ]>ut  no  numerical  statement  of 
his  official  service  will  fairly  express  tbe  measure  of  confi- 
dence reposed  in  him,  or  the  unanimity  in  which  he  was 
called  to  these  posts  of  duty.  In  militarj-  affairs  he  evinced 
a  lively  intere.->t.  Tradition  asserts  he  was  the  first  captain 
of  the  Ashburnham  Li<rht  Infantrv.     It   is  certain  that  he 

:-   .,-.->:i;i  .     .  J.!'^    ;^i'    "h: 


coramanded  a  company  in  this  town  as  early  as  1789  and  was 
commissioned  a  captain  of  the  independent  comjiany  in  this 
town,  July  12,  1791,  and  the  following  year  was  promoted 
to  major.  He  was  lieutenant-colonel  in  1795  and  colonel 
of  the  regiment,  to  which  the  Ashburnham  companies 
belonged,  in  179G.  For  many  years  he  was  a  justice  of  the 
peace  and  was  frequently  called  upon  to  act  in  this  capacit}'. 
A  rear  room  in  the  store  building  was  styled  the  court-room 
and  there  manj'  official  pa})ers  were  executed  and  many 
minor  suits  were  adjudicated. 

In  these  outlines  of  a  life  work,  if  other  evidence  failed, 
there  would  remain  the  inference  of  capacity,  honesty  and  a 
measure  of  urbanity  through  which  his  fellow-men  clearly 
recognized  these  sterling  qualities. 

In  civil  aflairs  Josej)!!  Jewett  is  the  most  conspicuous  per- 
sonage in  the  town's  history.  He  was  the  oracle  of  his  time 
and  an  autocrat  among  his  townsmen,  yet  his  ambition  was 
limited  and  he  wisely  exercised  authority  when  thrust  upon 
him.  The  aged  who  remember  ]\Ir.  Jewett  are  united  in  the 
testimony  that  he  was  a  man  of  rigid  integrity,  —  that  the 
distinguishing  qualities  of  his  mind  were  an  intuitive  per- 
ception and  a  sound  judgment,  and  that  he  was  kind  and 
considerate  to  his  fellow-men.     He  died  May  3,  1846. 

Geneijal  Iveks  Jewett,  a  son  of  Colonel  Joseph  Jewett, 
was  born  in  this  town,  May  7,  1788.  His  record  as  a  mer- 
chant in  his  native  town  has  been  stated  in  another  chapter. 
In  1827  he  removed  to  Fitchburg  and  was  interested  in 
several  manufacturing  and  other  enterprises.  ^lany  of  the 
business  ventures  which  he  forwarded  with  enthusiasm  and 
supported  with  his  money  and  credit  were  unfortunate  for 
him  and  his  friends.  General  Jewett  was  of  buoyant,  ardent 
temperament,  of  attractive,  personal  appearance  and  com- 
manding presence.  He  was  aliable,  kind-hearted  and  gener- 
ous.    Popularity  was   his  birthright  and   the  record   of  his 

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480  HISTORY    OF    ASnBURXnA>r. 

early  lift'  is  attractive  and  inspiriting.  At  thirty-four  years 
of  age  he  had  risen  from  the  ranks  of  the  Ashlturnliani  Li2;ht 
Infantry  to  the  i-auk  of  a  general  of  tlie  State  ]\filitia.  At 
every  step  in  this  rapid  transition  he  had  been  an  eUicient 
and  po})ular  officer.  He  had  been  a  successful  merchant  and 
had  enlarged  the  business  established  by  his  father.  lie  had 
been  employed  in  town  affairs  and  had  exercised  unusual 
sway  and  command  among  his  fellow-men. 

Few  men  at  this  age  and  in  a  rural  community  of  limited 
population  have  made  a  more  brilliant  record.  In  mental 
capacity,  in  fitness  to  lead  and  ability  to  command  among 
men  and  aptitude  in  the  routine  transaction  of  Inisiness,  he 
resembled  his  father  in  an  eminent  degree.  In  boldness  of 
conception,  in  power  to  persuade  and  in  originality  of  project 
he  was  his  superior ;  but  in  ripeness  of  judgment,  in  pni- 
dence  and  caution,  he  failed  at  the  threshold  of  his  fathei"'s 
success.  Of  his  later  life  little  is  known.  He  removed  to 
the  South  and  there  accumulated  a  handsome  property  which 
was  swept  away  by  the  fortunes  of  war  during  the  Ivel)ellion. 
He  died  at  Mobile,  Alabama,  April  2G,  1871. 

The  Willards.  —  The  brothers  Deacon  John  and  Jacob 
Willard  removed  from  Harvard  1768.  They  were  men  of 
ability  and  occupied  prominent  positions  in  public  affairs. 
Deacon  Willard  died  July  4,  1793,  having  been  in  feeble 
health  for  several  years.  He  was  a  man  of  most  estimable 
character  and  was  highly  respected.  Had  he  been  sustained 
by  health  it  is  probable  that  very  few  in  the  history  of  the 
town  would  have  been  more  conspicuous. 

Jacob  Willard  was  a  strong,  aggi-essive  character.  His 
sei'vices  in  behalf  of  ijrood  government  during  the  disturb- 
ances  succeeding  the  llevolution,  and  especially  during  the 
excitement  attending  the  revolt  of  Daniel  Shays,  were  instant 
and  effective.     He  was  a  delefjate   to  the  Law  and   Order 

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("oi'voutiors  hold  ;it  th:it  time,  and  was  a  tinu  supporter  of 
the  Government.  He  "svus  a  rei)resentati"S'e  to  tlie  first 
Legishiture  convened  under  the  Constitution  of  the  State, 
and  was  four  times  elected  suhsequently.  His  name  fre- 
quentl}'  appears  in  the  list  of  town  officers  in  another  chap- 
ter, and  few  men  have  exercised  a  stronger  or  more  salutary 
influence  in  town  atlairs.     He  died  February  22,  1808. 

Silas  "Wlllaiid,  Esq.,  son  of  Deacon  John  "Willard,  was 
another  prominent  citizen  of  this  town.  In  1820  he  was  a 
member  of  the  Constitutional  Convention  and  was  frequently 
chosen  to  positions  of  trust.  For  twenty-eight  years  he  was 
a  justice  of  the  peace  and  through  a  long  life  he  commanded 
the  esteem  and  respect  of  all  ^vho  knew  him.  He  died  June 
14,  1855. 

John  ADA:Nrs,  son  of  Captain  Thomas  and  Lydia  (Chad- 
wick)^  Adams,  was  born,  January  22,  1745.  In  17G6  he 
began  a  clearing  on  Cambridge  farm,  on  land  purchased  of 
his  father,  and  here  he  was  ena'aoed  each  summer  in  clearing 
land  and  in  building  a  house  and  a  barn  until  1770,  when  he 
became  a  pennanent  resident  of  this  town.  That  John 
Adams  was  a  man  of  unusual  vigor  of  body  is  an  easy  infer- 
ence from  the  fact  that  he  lived  to  the  advanced  age  of  one 
hundred  and  four  years,  one  month  and  four  days,  and  that 
he  was  a  man  of  superior  mental  endowment  is  swiftly  wit- 
nessed by  the  record  of  a  prolonged  and  useful  life.  He  was 
frequently  elected  assessor  and  selectman,  and  in  other 
municipal  afhiirs  he  was  much  employed.  In  an  unusual 
degree  he  commanded  the  respect  and  good  will  of  his  towns- 
men. The  fruit  of  a  life  of  industry  and  frugality  he  dis- 
tributed, while  living,  among  his  children,  and  when  over 
ninety  years  of  age,  with  a  horse  and  light  wagon,  he 
journeyed  to  Harford,  Susquehannah  county,  Pennsylvania, 

and  back  to  Ashburnham.     His  son,  James,  had  previously 

■)  .-       Mi;       : 

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removed  to   Harford  and  tioon  after  his  visit  there  he    re- 
turned to  that  phice  and  there  resided  until  his  death. 

In  the  elosing  years  of  a  ]'cniarka])h^  life  he  passed  through 
no  t\vili<Tht  of  mental  decay  and  feebleness.  "When  over  one 
hundred  years  of  age,  in  a  letter  to  Mis.  Samuel  Gibson, 
who  durlno;  many  years  was  a  near  neighbor,  he  writes  of 
himself  in  these  clear,  intelligent  sentences,  —  "  ]My  eyesight 
remains  much  as  it  has  been  for  many  years.  1  can  see  with 
"•lasses  to  read   an  hour   or  two  at  a  time  which  answers  in 


the  room  of  hearing."  Not  until  he  had  closely  approached 
one  hundred  years  did  his  hearing  fail,  and  to  the  end  he 
was  able  to  converse  with  his  friends,  although  his  hearing 
was  considerably  impaired.  Under  date  of  February  7, 
1846,  he  writes  to  his  grandson,  John  Adams,  as  follows  : 

Beloved  Grandson: —  This  morning  I  received  the  kindness  of 
your  letter,  and  among  other  things  it  brought  the  sorrowful  and 
melancholy  tidings  of  the  death  of  your  venerable  grandmother 
Gibson.  The  news  has  struck  me  with  uncommon  feelings  of 
sorrow.  I  presume  you  are  not  unacquainted  with  the  friendship' 
that  has  for  many  long  years  subsisted  between  the  old  lady,  your 
grandmother,  and  myself,  and  hope  you  will  not  wonder  at  my 
being  overpowered.  My  mind  is  too  much  distiu'bed  to  be  able  to- 
write.  0,  what  a  vale  of  tears  is  this  pilgrimage,  — this  worldly 
state  in  which  we  are  placed  !  And  how  are  we  excited  to  sym- 
pathize with  each  other  under  tlie  bereavements  which  we  have 
sustained  since  I  saw  you  last,  when  we  look  around  and  see  what 
slaughter  the  King  of  Terrors  has  been  permitted  to  make  in  our 
family.  O,  how  many  of  our  nearest  relations  and  even  bosom 
companions  are  no  more  ;  —  and  last  of  all  your  beloved  grand- 
mother, my  friead  and  sister.  And  where  now  shall  we  look  for 
consolation?  To  God  and  to  the  Gospel  of  his  Son.  There,  and 
there  alone,  shall  we  find  relief. 

Love  to  your  children  and  all  enquiring  friends,  your  uncle 
Samuel's  [Gibson]  family  in  particular.  With  the  affections  of  a 
parent,  I  remain 




111  :i  l.-ttei"  to  tlool  Foster,  sou  of  Samuel  and  grandson  of 
Jeremiah  Foster,  an  early  settler  in  this  town,  vivid  evidences 
of  an  unimpaired  memory  are  apparent.  The  letter  was 
written  at  Harford,  February  3,  1846. 

Respected  Friend :  —  I  am  now  with  a  weak  and  faltering  hand 
attenpting  to  comply  with  your  request  hy  writing  a  few  lines  to 
you,  hoping  this  will  find  you  and  your  family  in  healtli  and 
prospering.  I  would  inform  you  that  my  health  is  as  good  as  may 
be  expected  by  a  person  like  myself  under  the  infirmities  of  old 
age  and  the  deca}-  of  mental  faculties.  Dear  sir,  I  received  your 
friendly  letter  b}'  my  son  James  and  took  much  pleasure  in  read- 
ing the  contents  of  it ;  it  always  gives  me  much  pleasure  to  receive 
a  letter  from  my  Massachusetts  friends,  but  especiall}  from  a 
family  where  I  have  been  so  agreeabl}-  acquainted  as  I  was  with 
your  honored  father  and  his  family.  It  reminds  me  of  by-gone 
days  wh.en  we  were  doing  town  business  together.  If  ever  I  took 
satisfaction  in  that  business  it  was  when  I  was  connected  with 
your  fatlier.  True,  he  was  not  a  ready  writer  ;  but  his  candor,  his 
judicious  and  sound  judgment  and  unprejudiced  mind  and  ex- 
tensive knowledge  of  the  town  and  its  affairs,  qualified  him  for  the 
business  in  which  he  was  often  engaged.  I  presume  you  remember 
me  often  at  your  house,  and  I  knew  something  of  its  afl'airs  ;  and 
truly  I  thought  your  father  and  his  faiuily  was  a  worthy  example, 
and  on  his  farm  a  pattern  of  industry,  dilligence  and  economy  ; 
in  the  town,  a  pillar  to  the  community  a  blessing  to  all,  an  honest 
man,  which  is  the  noblest  work  of  God.  But  his  God  whom  he 
served  saw  fit  in  the  midst  of  his  days  to  call  him  hence,  and  shall 
not  the  Lord  of  heaven  and  earth  do  right?  And  who  shall  say 
to  the  Almighty,  what  doest  thou,  or  why  doest  thou  so? 

I  understand  by  your  letters  that  in  years  past  you  have  been 
visited  by  sickness  and  the  loss  of  friends,  even  your  bosom  friend. 
In  this  I  can  feelingly  sympathize  with  you,  having  been  tried  in 
the  same  furnace  of  affliction,  losing  the  wife  of  my  youth  with 
whom  I  lived  fifty-three  years,  every  year  adding  strength  to  the 
tic  of  affection.     But  under  these  trials  it  becomes  us  to  cultivate 

•  ■■'  ■■■.■    «;'■ 

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a  spirit  of  resignation  whereby  we  raay  be  enabled  to  &ay  from  the 
heart, —  "  Xot  my  will,  henvonly  Father,  but  thine  be  done." 

Dear  friend,  I  now  take  the  liberty  to  congratulate  you  on  the 
happ3'  connexion  which  you  have  formed  with  the  once  jNIrs. 
Cobleigh,  a  lad}-  with  whom  I  have  in  time  past  had  some  acquaint- 
ance, and  view  her  to  be  a  lady  of  virtue,  intelligence  and  benefi- 
cence, and  with  whom  I  wish  you  to  enjo}'  a  long,  pcacefnl.  J03'ful, 
prosperous  and  happy  life. 

I  must  write  one  sad  piece  of  news,  if  you  have  not  heard  of  it. 
Our  C()al  mine,  aliout  eighteen  miles  from  here,  about  a  fortnight 
ago  broke  in  and  covered  seventeen  men  which  have  not  yet  been 

Give  my  respects  to  all  your  surviving  family  and  enquiring 
friends.  When  I  think  of  Ashburnham,  it  seems  as  though  I  was 
at  home,  being  the  place  where  I  spent  the  prime  and  vigor  of  my 
days,  and  where  there  are  now  many  of  m\'  near  relations  and 
dear  friends  sleeping  in  the  dust.  Peace  to  their  ashes ;  and 
peace  to  the  town  ;  long  may  it  continue  to  prosper ;  and  ma}' 
tiuth  and  righteousness  grow  and  flourish. 

Divine  Providence,  it  seems,  has  so  ordered  that  my  body  must 
return  to  dust  in  a  strange  land,  that  is,  in  a  land  far  distant  from 
where  rest  most  of  the  ashes  of  my  beloved  relatives.  Truly  such 
would  not  have  been  my  choice ;  but  wh}'  should  we  be  anxious 
about  the  clay  when  the  spirit  has  taken  its  flight  to  God  who  gave 
it?  And  blessed  be  God  for  the  hope  which  is  the  anchor  of  the 
soul  sure  and  steadfast,  that  we  iu  his  own  time  shall  meet  and 
worship  him  and  his  son  Jesus  Christ  our  Kedecmcr,  joining  in  a 
new  and  never-ending  anthem  and  song  of  redeeming  love. 

And  here,  dear  sir,  I  must  conclude  my  broken  epistle  ;  and 
bidding  you  goodby,  I  remain  3'our  sincere  friend, 

JOHX   ADAMS,    aged  one  hundred  and  one  years. 

Mr.  Joel   Foster. 

Other  letters  and  writings,  treasured  by  his  descendants, 
assert  the  vigor  of  an  active  mind,  and  tliose  written  when 
this  aged  man   had  lived  an   hundred  years  are  without  a 


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parallel.  He  died  Febniai'v  26.  1840.  Ilis  descendants  in 
this  town  have  been  and  still  are  numerous  and  have  ever 
been  useful  and  prominent  citizens. 

CoLOXEL  Enoch  Whit^ioke,  son  of  Isaac  and  Rebecca 
(Foster)  Whitmore,  was  born  in  this  town,  September  8, 
J  796.  He  >vas  a  farmer  and  a  manufacturer,  and  resided  in 
the  northvrest  part  of  the  town.  In  early  life  he  was  an 
efficient  officer  in  the  militia  and  rapidly  rose  to  the  connnand 
of  the  regiment.  ILning  held  the  commissions  of  lower 
rank  he  was  commissioned  colonel  of  the  Fourth  Regiment 
in  1829.  In  town  aiTairs  he  was  frequently  called  to  positions 
oftini-tand  was  chosen  to  nearly  all  the  offices  within  the 
gift  of  the  town.  /  ■•        - 

The  anti-slavery  cause  early  enlisted  his  sjinpathies  and 
found  in  him  an  intelligent  and  steadfast  support.  With 
him  the  sentiment  was  not  the  oftspring  of  emotional 
sympathy,  but  a  living  principle  of  human  right  and  justice. 
In  this  and  in  all  questions  of  moment.  Colonel  "Whitmore 
was  a  radical  but  not  a  fanatic.  In  his  view  the  institution 
of  slavery  was  wrong,  and  to  oppose  it  with  the  force  of  a 
persistent  nature  was  a  natural  sequence.  For  many  years 
he  was  in  the  minority  and  during  an  age  of  strong  political 
prejudices,  his  political  views  were  a  bar  to  promotion  in 
public  service  ;  yet  his  frequent  election  to  office  was  a  spon- 
taneous recognition  of  his  worth  and  ability.  In  his  daily 
life  he  was  above  reproach,  and  in  his  social  relations  he  was 
generous  and  afiectionate.     He  died  September  13,  1860. 

Jerome  'W.  Fostek,  Esq.,  son  of  Joel  and  Dolly 
(Wetherbee)  Foster,  was  born  in  this  town,  December  15, 
1810.  He  was  a  great-grandson  of  Jeremiah  Foster,  one  of 
the  earh-  settlers  of  this  town,  and  inherited  in  an  eminent 
degree  a  firmness  of  character  and  t^oundness  of  judgment 
which  had  distinijuished  his  ancestors.     Mr.  Foster  was  a 

'x.:\    uAi. 

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man  of  varied  em])loyinciits  and  many  ti-usts  were  safely 
confided  to  liis  efficient  management.  He  Avas  a  civil 
engineer,  a  justice  of  the  peace,  for  many  years  the  superin- 
tendent of  the  post  office  and  was  frequently  employed  in  the 
conduct  of  town  aftairs.  lie  was  also  a  trustee  of  Gushing 
Academy  and  a  member  of  the  committee  of  construction, 
and  to  his  prudent  and  sagacious  counsels  the  Academy  is 
much  indebted.  For  eighteen  years  he  was  town  clerk. 
The  records  by  him  transcribed  are  expressed  with  precision 
and  orderly  arrangement.  In  every  labor  of  an  industrious 
life,  Mr.  Foster  has  left  the  impress  of  mature  judgment  and 
integrity  of  character.  If  he  never  sought  the  applause  of 
his  fellow-men  and  never  suggested  his  own  advancement  he 
did  not  fail  to  receive  the  spontaneous  confidence  and  un- 
qualified respect  of  all  who  knew  him. 

Mr.  Foster  was  reserved  in  manner  and  conservative  in 
his  habits  of  thought,  yet  he  never  failed  in  the  discharge  of 
important  trusts,  nor  in  courage  to  maintain  his  convictions 
of  right  and  duty.  He  was  prominent  in  all  measures  per- 
tahiing  to  the  welfare  of  the  town  and  on  questions  of 
moment  his  advice  was  frequently  sought,  and  in  his  loyal 
service  the  best  interests  of  the  community  were  encouraged 
and  advanced.     He  died  ]March  23,  1871. 

Hon.  Ohio  ^Viiitney,  son  of  Ohio  and  Mary  (Bolton) 
Whitney,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  June  9,  1813. 
He  was  honorably  connected  in  direct  and  collateral 
branches  of  his  ftmiily.  In  early  life  he  was  an  apprentice 
■with  Josiah  White,  a  carpenter  of  this  town,  and  sub- 
sequently he  was  foreman  with  Mr.  Tower  of  Worcester,  a 
few  years.  Returning  to  his  native  town  at  the  age  of 
twenty-six  years,  he  was  mainly  employed  as  a  contractor 
and  builder  tlu-ough  the  earlier  years  of  an  active  and  useful 
life.     He  was  engaged  at  different  times  in  manv  business 

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enterprises,  nnd  especially  those  in  v.liieh  the  prosperity  of 
the  town  was  more  innncdiately  involved.  But  he  M'as  best 
known  and  is  more  eonspicuous  in  the  annals  of  this  town  as 
u  public-spirited,  loyal  eitizen.  With  him  the  fame  and 
growth  of  Ashburnham  was  not  merely  a  series  of  sudden 
impulses,  enlisting  his  energies  for  a  day,  but  rather  a  con- 
trolling and  ever  renewed  inspiration  which  neither  failed 
under  discouragement  nor  suflered  abatement  under  oppos- 
ing obstacles. 

Every  commendable  enterprise  has  found  in  ]Mr.  AMiitney 
unfailing  encouragement  and  to  the  aid  of  very  many  his 
willing  service  has  been  summoned.  For  many  years  he 
was  a  trustee  of  the  Fitchburo;  Savini^s  Bank  and  a  vice- 
president  of  the  Ashburnham  Savings  Bank,  and  an  original 
director  of  the  Ashburnham  National  Bank.  He  was  presi- 
dent of  the  Worcester  North  Agricultural  Society  in  186-1 
and  186.5,  and  an  active  member  of  the  Fitchburg  Board  of 
Trade.  His  etTicient  service  in  behalf  of  Gushing  Academy, 
is  mentioned  in  another  chapter. 

In  the  afl'airs  of  the  town  he  was  much  employed.  His 
service  in  this  direction  was  efficient  and  cheerfulh'  rendered. 
Eighteen  years  he  presided  over  the  annual  ^Nlarch  meetings 
and  was  frequently  elected  to  the  board  of  selectmen  and 
assessors  and  upon  important  committees.  In  1856  he 
represented  the  town  in  the  House  of  Kepresentatives,  and 
the  following  year  he  was  a  member  of  the  Senate. 

But  such  enumeration  of  public  services  fails  to  suggest 
the  characteristics  of  the  man.  In  this  direction  others  have 
earned  equal  honors,  but  few  have  served  tlie  public  with 
equal  acceptance  and  efficiency.  In  his  intercourse  with  his 
fellow-men  he  was  atlable  and  charitable.  He  bore  malice 
to  none.  In  the  inner  walks  of  his  daily  life  his  atl'ections 
were  constant  and  his  friendships  enduring.  He  died 
February  G,  1879. 


•I    •'!!■ 


Personal  Xoticks,  —  To  the  following  notices  are 
nppeiided  lirief  sketches  of  Governor  Isaac  Hill,  Thomas 
Parknian  Gushing  and  Hon.  Milton  AVhitney.  AVhile  they 
removed  from  this  tov.n  in  early  life  they  were  members  of 
Ashburnham  families  ;  Mr.  Gushing  and  Mr.  Whitney  were 
natives  of  this  town. 

Hox.  Isaac  Hill,  eldest  son  of  Isaac  and  Hannah  (Rus- 
sell) Hill,  was  born  in  Gamln-idge,  now  Arlington,  AY)rii  6, 
1788.  The  family  removed  to  Ashburnham  in  1798  and 
here  found  many  ties  of  kindred.  The  mother  of  this  dis- 
tinjruished  man  was  a  <rrand-dauo-hter  of  Gaptain  Thomas 
Adams  who  removed  to  this  town  in  1775  and  a  sister  of 
Thomas  ]-usseil  who  removed  here  about  1790.  The  parents 
continued  to  live  and  died  in  this  town,  anci  three  of  the 
daughters  became  the  Avives  of  Ashburnham  men.  Assist- 
iu2:  in  the  manafrement  of  a  farm  and  attending:  the  prhnitive 
schools  of  this  town  a  few  weeks  in  each  year,  ]Mr.  Hill 
remained  here  until  December,  1802,  when  he  was  appren- 
ticed to  Joseph  Gushing,  the  pul)lisher  of  the  Farmers' 
Cabinet  at  Amherst,  New  Hampshire.  ^Mr.  Gushing  was 
a  son  of  Captain  David  Gushing  of  this  town. 

Having  improved  every  opportunity  for  the  acquisition  of 
knowledge,  he  left  the  employ  of  'Mv.  Gushing  and  went  to 
Concord,  Xew  Hampshire,  April  5,  1809,  the  day  before  he 
was  twenty-one  years  of  age.  In  the  autumn  preceding  the 
American  Patriot,  a  small  weekly  paper,  had  been 
established  in  Goncord  and  at  this  time  'Mr.  Hill  purchased 
the  establishment.  On  the  eighteenth  of  April  he  became  a 
citizen  of  Goncord  and  entered  upon  a  career  enlivened  by 
many  weighty  and  brilliant  achievements.  He  was  an  able 
controversial  writer  and  for  many  years  the  vigorous  editor 
of  the  New  Hami^shire  Patriot.  Through  the  colunms  of 
this    paper   he  v,on  a  national    reputation  and   became  th& 

I.  A.".: 



ackiiowledgrd  lojidor  of    the  Deuiocrallc  parly  of  tlie  State. 

Ho  was  a  rigid   pai-tisan,  ready  at   all  times   to  give  and  to 

receive   viiiorous  blows  ;    and   if  he  was  stronir   and  some- 

tmies  scathing  in  attack  he  was  generous  and  noble  in  all  his 

personal  relations  with  his  fellow-men.     His  friendship  was 

i  unfailinij,  he  was  frank,  sincere  and  honest  and  his  character 

i  was  above  reproach.     It  is  easily  within  the  limits  of  con- 

;  servative    estimate    to    assert   that   Isaac    Hill  had    a  more 

i  nmnerous  personal  following  and  firmer  adherents  than  has 

I  fallen  to  the  lot  of  any  man  in  New  Hampshire. 

i      In  the  course  of  an  active  life  lie  was  called  to  numerous 

I  positions  of  trust  and  responsibility  and  in  this  varied  service 

:  his  integrity  nnd  ability  were  conspicuous.     He  was  a  di- 

I  rector    of  several    local  monetar}'    organizations ;  twice    the 

clerk  of  the  State  Senate,  a  member  of  both  branches  of  the 

\  Legislature  and  in  1829  he  was  appointed  by  President  Jack- 

I  son  second    comptroller  of  the  Treasury  department.     He 

I  was  chosen  United  States  senator  for  a  full  term  commencing 


I  March,  1831.     Having  been  elected  governor  of  New  Hamp- 

I   shire  in  the  spring  of  1836  he  resigned  his  seat  in  the  Senate 

!.   a  few  months  before  the  completion  of  the  term.     In  1837 

\    and  1838  he  was  reelected  governor,  and  in   IS-IO  he  was 

;    appointed  sub-treasurer  of  the  United  States  at  Boston. 

Tho3ias  Pathoian  Gushing  was  born  in  this  town,  Octo- 

!    ber  7,  1787.     He  was  the  youngest  of  the  eight  children  of 

Rev.  Dr.  John  and  Sarah   (Parkman)   Gushing.     In    lineal 

descent  this  family  is  not  represented  in  this    town    at  the 

present  time,  but  the  name  is  crystallized  in  the  annals  of 

Ashburnham.     It  will  live  for  ages  and  will  be  read  in  fair 

characters,  both  in  the  prolonged  and  useful  pastorate  of  the 

father  and  in  the  life  and  benevolence  of  the  son.     At  the 

age  of  thirteen  ye:irs  he  entered  the  store  of  an  elder  brother 

in  Boston.     This  ensfaijement  was  interrupted  bv  the  death 


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of  his  hrotior.  In  1800  he  became  one  of  the  linn  of  Tuek- 
erman  and  Eogers,  subsequently  known  as  Tuckennan  and 
Cushins;  and  as  Cushinfr  and  AVilkinson.  In  this  firm  lie 
was  actively  engaged  until  he  retired  from  business  a  few 
years  previous  to  his  death. 

In  an  address  delivered  by  Rev.  Josiah  D.  Crosl)y  at  the 
dedication  of  Gushing  Academy,  1875,  appears  the  following 
outline  of  the  business  life  of  Mr.  Gushing. 

"The  knowledge,  varied,  extensive  and  valuable,  necessary 
to  conduct  such  establishments  successfully,  is  almost  an 
education  of  itself.  Besides,  the  habits  of  the  man  of  busi- 
ness in  respect  to  order,  punctuality,  observation,  large 
generalization  of  facts,  of  close  and  consecutive  thinking,  of 
decisive  and  instant  action,  conjoined  with  honorable  dealing, 
are  of  hiiih  value. 

"Not  unfrequently  men,  so  trained,  have  stepped  into  the 
highest  offices  of  the  country,  and  have  tilled  them  with 
great  profit  to  the  people,  as  well  as  honor  to  themselves. 
Mr.  Gushing  seems  to  have  applied  himself  with  a  clianicter- 
istic  enthusiasm  to  a  thorough  mastery  of  all  the  knowledge 
connected  with  his  business,  and  much  more  than  this,  as 
w^ill  appear  farther  on.  He  went  abroad  for  business  pur- 
poses early  in  life,  uud  made  good  use  of  his  opportunities 
for  general  improvement.  But  all  this  was  incidental  to  his 
main  purpose,  that  is,  success  in  business.  Al)Out  1812,  he 
formed  the  purpose  of  going  to  FAirope  to  purchase  goods 
to  be  put  upon  a  bare  market  after  the  war.  He  was 
defeated  in  his  first  attempt,  but  finally  reached  England 
through  Halifax.  He  remained  in  Europe  to  the  close  of 
the  war.  He  bought  his  goods,  and  they  came  upon  the 
market  at  a  favorable  time,  with  nmch  advantage  to  himself 
from  his  venture. 

11'  ,/'.i..  ,'i'  '>d>  "^ 

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"  Mr.  Cu>hing  was  an  upright  and  lioiioraljle  merchant  of 
the  old  school.  He  guided  his  conduct  b}'  principles,  and 
not  impulses.  Ilis  gains  were  not  from  speculation,  dash  or 
reckless  movements,  but  were  the  results  of  fair  trade.  His 
morals  v.ere  pure  and  his  habits  good.  Though  a  man  of 
great  energy  and  persistency,  yet  he  was  a  quiet,  noiseless 
man,  especially  pleased  with  home  and  domestic  scenes. 
His  relief  from  toils  of  business  was  not  in  the  gatherings  of 
men,  but  in  reading,  many  times  till  late  at  night.  It  may 
suffice  to  say,  that  by  good  conduct,  untiring  industry  and 
excelK-rit  judgment,  he  gained  for  himself  an  ample  fortune 
in  the  sense  of  his  time,  and  achieved  a  place  among  the 
solid  men  of  Boston.'' 

In  his  youth  the  exterior  educational  advantages  of  ^Slr. 
Cusliing  were  limited,  but  the  influences  of  his  home  in 
childhood  gave  direction  to  his  habits  of  thought  and  his 
maimer  of  life.  He  was  a  student  always  and  with  an  ex- 
acting employment  of  his  leisure  hours  he  ])ecame  a  master 
of  English  literature  and  acquired  a  fair  knowledge  of  French 
and  Spanish. 

By  attentive  reading,  by  observation  and  through  the  asso- 
ciation with  persons  of  similar  tastes,  Mr.  Gushing  fully 
comprehended  the  enlargement  of  education  and  the  progress 
of  ail  and  the  sciences  that  have  attended  the  age  in  which 
he  lived.  In  these  habits  of  thought  and  in  such  employ- 
ments, stimulated  by  a  thirst  for  knowledge  which  his  early 
advantages  could  not  satisfy,  the  foundations  of  Gushing 
Academy  were  wisely  and  firmly  laid. 

Goncorning  his  manner  in  his  daily  life  the  affectionate 
hand  of  a  daughter  has  written  : 

"My  father  had  a  remarkably  even  temper,  and  rarely 
gave  way  to  anything  like  excitement  in  tone  or  look.  He 
had  a  quick  sense  of  humor  and  enjoyed  telling  and  hearing 

.  •''  -  ••     -cv-    ■'(» 

492  lilSTOllY    OF   ASHBUKIsHAM. 

a  g<^od  story.  His  muimers  were  ever  tliose  of  a  highly 
bred  goutlemun,  his  voice  uaturally  low,  and  uniform  urban- 
ity and  courtesy  diotinguished  him  in  his  family  as  abroad. 
He  had  a  line  musical  ear;  in  younger  days  Avas  a  good 
singer  and  played  the  flute  well.  Even  to  the  last  year  of 
his  life,  it  was  a  delight  to  him  to  accompany  the  piano  with 
his  favorite  instrument,  and  our  evenings  were  often  spent 
in  music  and  singing. 

"He  was  also  fond  of  art,  and  though  never  in  Italy,  was 
familiar  with  lier  treasures  of  sculpture,  architecture  and 
painting,  and  possessed  many  tine  engravings  of  the  same." 

Thomas  Parkman  Gushing  died  Xovembcr  23,  1854.  His 
will  which  had  been  written  a  few  years,  making  ample  pro- 
vision for  an  institution  of  learning  in  his  native  town,  was 
then  announced.  The  wisdom  and  the  liberality  of  the 
bequest  have  received  willing  tributes  of  commendation,  but 
no  one  can  present  a  clearer  picture  of  the  man  or  give  a 
bettei"  interpretation  of  his  thought  than  are  revealed  in  the 
pages  of  his  will. 

MiLTOX  WiiiTXEV,  Esq.,  son  of  Captain  Silas  and 
Hannah  (Gushing)  AVhitney,  was  born  in  this  town, 
October  9,  1^2'o.  In  an  exact  use  of  an  ambiguous  term, 
Mr.  AVhitney  was  a  self-educated  man.  His  only  educa- 
tional privileges  were  found  in  the  })ublic  schools  in  this 
town  and  at  a  time  before  high  schools  and  academies 
presented  an  opportunity  for  an  advanced  course  of  study. 
At  an  early  age  he  entered  the  law  office  of  Torrey  and 
Woods,  Esqs.,  of  Fitchburg.  He  was  an  attentiA  e  student 
and  was  admitted  to  the  Worcester  county  bar  about  1845. 
After  a  brief  practice  in  Fitchburg,  he  removed  to  Baltimore, 
:Maryland,  in  1850.  There,  as  if  awaiting  his  arrival,  the 
laurels  of  conquest  abundantly  crowned  his  industry  and 
earnest  eflbi-ts.     His  ability  as  a  lawyer  and  his  power  us  an 

.  U  I 

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udvocato  -were  promptly  recognized,  and  he  early  secured  a 
large  aud  lucrative  practice.  In  1854  he  was  chosen  county 
attorney  for  the  county  of  Baltimore,  and  at  the  completion 
of  his  term  in  1858,  he  was  reelected.  In  the  conduct  of 
this  office,  he  manifested  botli  ability  and  courage,  lie  in- 
stituted a  fearless  and  vigorous  in-oseciition  of  a  disorderly 
element  of  the  popuhition,  and  liberated  the  city  from  a 
reign  of  terror  which  had  prevailed  for  many  years.  With 
unrelenting  energy  he  brought  men  of  high  and  low  degree 
to  feel  the  power  of  offended  law,  and  gave  to  human  life 
and  property  a  security  unknoAvn  in  former  years.  In  this 
direction  his  success  was  brilliant  and  substantial.  Often  he 
labored  in  the  midst  of  an  adverse  public  sentiment  and 
wrested  a  verdict  against  crime  from  a  sympathizing  jury. 

In  1860  he  resigned  an  office  in  which  for  six  years  he  liad 
won  unusual  distinction  and  had  secured  the  merited  regard 
of  his  fellow-men.  During  the  remaining  years  of  his  life  he 
conducted  many  trials  that  are  historic  in  that  State. 

The  national  government  recognizing  his  ability,  contided 
to  his  care  several  important  cases.  In  one  of  these  he 
secured  a  verdict  of  three  million  dollars  on  a  claim  of  the 
Post  Office  Department  against  a  delinquent  contractor. 
This  successful  issue  attracted  considerable  attention  from 
the  fact  that  the  defendants  had  successfully  resisted  all 
former  proceedings  against  them.  But  he  was  best  known 
and  won  the  highest  distinction  as  a  criminal  lawyer.  With 
the  training  he  had  received  as  a  prosecuting  attorney,  with 
an  intimate  knowledge  of  criminal  law  and  the  ability  to 
summon  every  energy  for  instant  use  he  was  as  successful  in 
defence  as  he  had  formerly  been  in  the  prosecution  of  persons 
accused  of  crime.  He  was  frequently  brought  into  com- 
petition with  men  of  the  highest  legal  attainments  and 
ability  as    advocates,   but   on    all    occasions    he    sustained 


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liimself  with  credit  and  houor.  His  intellect  brigbtcued  in 
the  contest  and  each  encounter  added  to  his  fame. 

In  the  midst  of  his  greatest  achievements  his  strength 
failed  him  and  he  sought  his  native  town  for  rest  and  in  the 
hope  of  amended  health.  Surrounded  by  friends  and  visited 
by  the  acquaintances  of  his  youth,  his  courage  triumphed 
over  his  weakness,  yet  he  found  no  relief  and  lived  only  a 
few  weeks. 

Mr.  Whitney  was  of  medium  height  and  of  slender  fonn. 
Sudden  and  nervous  in  his  movements,  he  Avas  yet  atlable 
and  inviting  in  his  manner.  In  his  clear  blue  eye  beamed 
the  light  of  restless  force  and  the  tone  of  his  voice  gave 
acciQ'ate  expression  to  the  ardor  of  his  emotions.  ]Modest 
and  unassuming,  he  seldom  referred  to  his  achievements  or 
appeared  conscious  of  the  magnitude  of  his  labor.  He  died 
in  Ashburnham,  September  3,  1875,  and  was  buried  in 
Baltimore,  ^Maryland. 

College  Graduates.  —  The  following  list  of  college 
graduates  both  in  number  and  ability  is  highly  creditable  to 
the  town.  All  of  them  are  either  natives  of  Ashburnham  Op 
removed  hither  in  early  childhood.  A  few  arc  included  who 
did  not  graduate,  although  they  substantially  completed  a 
collegiate  course  of  study. 

Asa  Steaijxs,  son  of  William  and  Lydia  (Davis) 
Stearns,  was  born  in  Ashburuhaai,  October  14,  1784. 
Graduated  at  Harvard  University,  1807.  He  was  a  young 
man  of  promise.  His  early  death  is  recorded  by  Eev.  John 
Gushing: — Asa  Stearns,  A.  B.,  a  candidate  for  the  gospel 
ministry,  died  December  19,  1809,  ^E.  25." 

Rev.  Oliver  Gkeex,  son  of  Oliver  and  Dorothy  Hildreth 
Green,  was  born  in  Pepperell,  July  4,  1781.  Oliver  Green, 
Sen.,  was  a  native  of  Pepperell  and  resided  there  until  about 
1782  when  he   removed  to   Ashby.      The    year   1790   he 

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resided  in  AVcstlbrd,  and  in  1800  Le  removed  to  this  town 
where  he  died  May  15,  1834.  Oliver,  the  son,  was  nineteen 
3'ears  of  age  when  the  fomily  removed  to  Ashhurnliam.  He 
graduated  at  Dartmouth  College,  1807,  and  studied  divinity 
with  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel  Austin,  of  Worcester.  He  taught  at 
New  Salem  from  June,  1807,  to  October  1808,  and  at 
Saratoga  Springs,  New  York,  from  October,  1808,  to 
September,  1809.  In  the  autunm  of  the  last  year  he 
removed  to  Sparta,  New  Jersey,  where  he  was  pastor  of  the 
Presbyterian  church  and  a  teacher.  He  died  at  Sparta, 
October  24,  1810. 

De.     Samut:l    ScoIvLAY,    son    of    Grover    and    Rebecca 
(Harris)  Scollay,  was  born  in  Harvard,  January  21,  1781. 
The  femily  removed  to  Ashburnham  when  he  was  a  child  of 
three  or  four  years  of  age.     He  fully  improved  the  public 
schools  of  this  town  and  labored  upon  the  fann  of  his  father 
until  he  became  of  age  and  was  at  full   liberty  to  direct  his 
future  course.     He  then  pursued  a  liberal   course  of  study 
and  was    graduated   at    Harvard   University,    1808.     After 
teaching  a  short  time,  he  studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Samuel 
J.  Cramer,  of  Charlestown,  Virginia,  and  in  the   spring  of 
1816,  he  received  his  degree  from  the  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania in  Philadelphia.     He  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his 
profession    in    Smithfield,   Jetlerson    county,  Virginia,  now 
West  Virginia,  and  there  remained  in  active  labor  until  his 
death.     He  was  a  man  of  superior  ability,  and  in  his  pro- 
fession he  merited  and  enjoyed  an  excellent  reputation.     He 
acquired  a  substantial  estate,  but  the  memory  of  his  spotless 
character  and  excellent  r|ualitics  of  mind   and  heart  was  the 
richer   inheritance  of  his   children.     He  died    January  11, 

JIev.  Jonathan  David  Winchester,  son  of  Henry  and 
Lois  (Phelps)  Winchester,  and  a  grandson  of  Rev.  Jonathan 


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Winchester,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  April  2S,  1781. 
Graduated  at  Middlebiuy  College,  1800.  He  read  theology 
"with  Rev.  Holland  Weeks,  of  Abington.  After  preaching  a 
few  years  at  Madrid,  Xew  York,  he  was  pastor  of  the  First 
Presbyterian  church  in  Madison,  Ohio,  from  1826  to  1828, 
and  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  church  in  that  place  1830-31. 
He  was  a  noted  biblical  student  and  devoted  considerable 
time  to  a  critical  stud}',  but  a  literal  interpretation  of  the 
prophecies  concerning  the  restoration  of  the  Jews.  He 
believed  in  their  early  return  to  Jerusalem  with  their 
Mosaic  rights  and  ceremonies  and  that  their  conversion  to 
Christianity  would  immediately  follov\'.  Until  his  death  he 
labored  assiduously  to  direct  the  attention  of  the  Christian 
public  to  this  subject,  and  also  to  convince  the  Jews  of  the 
general  truths  of  Christianity.  Imbued  with  these  senti- 
ments and  improving  every  opportunit}^  to  give  them  ex- 
pression, he  travelled  extensively  in  this  country  and  also 
visited  England  where  he  was  engaged  several  months  in 
active  labor.  "With  a  lofty  faith  and  courage  unabated,  he 
was  contemplating  a  journey  to  the  shores  of  the  ^Icdi- 
terranean,  in  a  hope  that  he  might  render  more  signal  service 
in  preparing  a  way  for  the  return  of  Israel  to  their  ancient 
Jerusalem,  when  death  overtook  him.  He  died  at  Madison, 
Ohio,  August  17,  1835. 

Hexry  Ckosby,  son  ot  Frederick  and  Martha  (]Maynard) 
Ci'osby,  was  born  in  Shrewsbury,  July  18,  1785.  The 
family  removed  to  this  town  1795.  He  graduated  at  Dart- 
mouth College,  1810,  and  read  for  the  profession  of  law  in 
the  State  of  Xew  York,  where  he  practiced  several  years. 
Subsequently,  he  removed  to  Middlebrook  Mills,  Mont- 
gomery county,  ^Maryland,  where  he  was  engaged  in  teach- 
ing many  years.  About  1838,  it  is  supposed,  he  removed 
to  Missouri  and  his  subse^^uent  career  is  unknown. 

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Asa  Gkekx,  :\r.  D.,  son  of  Oliver  and  Dorothy  (Hil- 
dretli)  Green,  was  born  in  Ashby,  Fe])ruary  11,  17S9.  He 
entered  sophomore  ehiss  of  Williams  College  and  graduated 
1813.  In  college  he  held  a  good  reputation  as  a  scholar  and 
was  distinguished  for  wit  and  vigor  of  thought.  lie 
]>ractised  medicine  in  Lun<'nburg,  Townsend  and  North 
Adams,  and  while  residing  in  the  last  named  place  he  con- 
ducted a  paper  for  a  short  time.  Later,  he  removed  to  New 
York  city  and  published  a  readable  work  of  fiction  which 
was  intended  to  ridicule  quackery  in  medicine.  He  received 
his  degree  of  Doctor  of  ^Medicine  from  Brown  University, 
ilc  died  in  New  York,  1839. 

Hox.  PiiixEHAS  Randall,  son  of  Phinehas  and  Sarah 
(Crosby)  Randall,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  June  5,  1787. 
About  1810  the  fomily  removed  to  AVillistou,  Vermont,  and 
while  a  resident  of  that  place  he  entered  the  University  of 
Vermont  where  he  graduated  in  the  class  of  1813.  He  was 
principal  of  the  academy  in  Cherry  Valley,  New  York,  for 
a  short  time  and  was  early  admitted  to  the  bar.  He  was 
successfully  engaged  in  the  practice  of  his  profession  at 
Bowman's  Creek,  later  known  as  Ames,  in  ^Montgomery 
county,  New  York,  until  1851,  when  he  removed  to 
AV'iukesha,  Wisconsin,  where  he  died  1853. 

In  1828-9,  he  was  a  member  of  the  New  York  Legislature 
and  was  appointed  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  for 
the  county  of  Montgomery  1839.  Among  his  children  are 
included  Hon.  Alexander  AV.  Randall,  governor  of  Wiscon- 
sin, and  Hon.  Edwin  M.  Randall,  Chief  Justice  of  Florida. 
The  family  record  is  continued  in  the  Genealogical  Register. 

Rev.  Joilv  Stearns,  son   of    Isaac  and    Mary  (Crosby) 

Stearns,  was  born   in  this  town,  May  11,  1791.      Graduated 

Jit   Union    College,    1821.      lie    studied    divinitv    and    was 

ordained  in  the  ministry  without  charge.     He  was  a  teacher 


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in  AVashington,  D.  C,  Avlier*^  he  died   September  10,  1824. 

Rev.  ]\[ekkick  Augustus  Jewett,  D.  D.,  youngest 
son  of  Colonel  Joseph  and  Sarah  (AVoods)  Jewell,  was  born 
in  this  town,  August  2G,  1798.  He  is  remembered  as  a 
youth  of  excellent  qualities  of  mind  and  heart,  and  was  held 
•  in  high  esteem  as  a  pupil  and  subsequently  as  a  teacher  iu 
the  public  schools  of  his  native  town.  He  pursued  his 
preparatory  studies  at  Phillips  Academy,  Andover,  and 
graduated  at  Dartmouth  CoUcire  iu  class  of  1823.  Durino- 
the  ensuing  two  or  three  years  he  assisted  in  the  store  of  an 
elder  brother  who  was  established  in  Baltimore,  ]\Iaryland, 
and  while  there  he  studied  theology  under  the  direction  of 
Ecv.  Dr.  John  McKim  Duncan.  After  preaching  nearly 
eight  years  in  Bedford  county,  Pennsylvania,  in  the  sum- 
mer of  lSo4,  while  journeying  to  St.  Louis  where  a  field  of 
labor  was  inviting  him,  he  tarried  for  a  day  at  Terre  Haute, 
Indiana.  The  labor  of  a  lifetime  now  met  him  on  his  way. 
Ke  was  cordially  invited  to  remain  and  preach  the  ensuing- 
Sabbath.  The  first  sermon  determined  the  future  relations 
between  the  preacher  and  the  settlement.  Terre  Haute, 
now  a  city  of  thirty-fi\'c  thousand  inhabitants,  was  then  a 
village  of  twelve  hundred.  At  their  earnest  solicitation 
jSlr.  Jewett  remained  and  preached  to  them  through  the 
week,  and  early  in  December,  1834,  a  Congregational 
church  was  organized  with  eleven  members.  '\\'ith  an 
ardent,  eloquent  preacher  and  a  respected  and  beloved 
pastor,  the  church  grew  with  the  town.  In  1841,  during  a 
scries  of  revival  meetings,  Mr.  Jewett  was  assisted  by  Bev. 
Henry  Ward  Beechcr  and  over  one  hundred  names  were 
added  to  the  roll  of  the  church. 

An  incident  connected  with  his  early  labors  in  Terre 
Haute  was  never  forgotten  by  the  pastor  or  his  sympathizing 
flock.     After  he  had  preached  a  few  weeks  he  returned  to 

'  1 




B:iltinK)ve  to  attend  his  faiiiily  on  the  journey  to  their  future 
liome.  Returning  they  arrived  at  Terre  Haule  Christmas 
eve.  The  foHowing  morning  liis  little  son  "was  instantly 
killed  by  the  accidental  discharge  of  a  gun  in  the  hands  of  a 
servant.  If  his  labors  were  begun  •with  tears,  the  sorrowful 
event  awoke  the  tender  sympathy  of  his  people. 

In  1860,  and  after  a  successful  and  able  pastorate  of  nearly 
twenty-six  years,  Mr.  Jewett  resigned  his  charge.  AVithout 
charge,  "though  frequently  engaged  in  religious  labor,  he 
continued  a  residence  in  that  place  until  a  few  months  pre- 
ceding his  death.  AMiile  journeying  in  the  South  for  the 
benefit  of  impaired  health  he  died  at  Paris,  Texas,  April  3, 
1874,  aged  nearly  seventy-six. 

In  regard  to  the  ministry  of  Eev,  Dr.  Jewett,  one  who 
knew  him  through  all  the  years  of  his  devoted  labor  in 
Terre  Haute,  pays  him  a  cheerful  tribute:  "He  was  a  man 
of  great  ability,  bearing  a  high  reputation  as  a  pulpit  orator 
and  as  a  faithful,  sympathetic  pastor."  "Added  to  his  social 
qualities  and  to  his  strong  sympathy  and  to  his  broad 
catholicity  were  his  superior  talents.  He  was  an  earnest 
preacher  of  the  truth.  He  was  a  man  of  thought,  a  man  of 

Eev.  Josiah  Davis  Crosby,  Union  College,  1826. 
Vide  Chapter  VIH. 

Rev.  Jesse  George  Davis  Stearns,  son  of  Jesse  and 
Lucinda  (Davis)  Stearns,  was  born  in  this  town,  February 
24,  1812.  The  family  removed  to  New  Ipswich  in  1829 
where  he  pursued  his  preparatory  studies  and  graduated  at 
Amherst  College,  1836.  He  was  principal  of  Hopkins 
Academy  in  Hadley  1836-8,  and  tutor  in  Amherst  College 
1839-41.  Mr.  Stearns  pursued  a  full  course  of  theological 
study  at  Andover,  1838-9  and  '41-2.  He  was  ordained  at 
Billerica,  the  home  of  his  ancestors,  May  29,  1843,  and  was 


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500  HISTOKY    OF    ASirr,U3iNIIAM. 

dismissed  ^Iny  8,  1867.  He  was  subsequeDtly  ucling  pastor 
at  Znrabrota,  Minnesota,  from  1876  until  his  death  Avhich 
oceniTcd  November  1,  1882. 

Of    bis    pastorate    iu    Billcrica,    Rev.    Henry    A.    Hazen 
accords  the  follo^ving  merited  tribute  :  "  The  long  and  faith- 
ful pastorate  of  Mr.  Stearns   deserves  especial  recognition. 
A  scholar  of  exceptional  diligence  and  culture,  modest  and 
devout   and  active  in  every  good  word  and  work,  he  com- 
mended himself  to  the  citizens  of  the  town  as  well  as  to  his 
own  charge.     As  a  teacher  of  a   useful  private  school  and 
superintendent  of  the   schools   of  the  town,  he  exerted  no 
little  influence  and  represented  the  town  in  the  Legislature." 
Mr.   Stearns    is   the    author    of    "INIeaning   and   Power   of 
Baptism,"  and  of  several  printed  discourses  and  pamphlets. 
E.:v.    AA'iLLi-Oi    Raymond,     son    of    Daniel    and    Sally 
(Green)  Raymond,  was  born  in  Ashby,  October  27,  1815. 
The    family  removed    to    this   town    in  1822.     He  entered 
Amherst  College  in  1834  and  remained  two  years.     Subse- 
quently he  was  an    academical    and    theological  student    at 
Oberlin    College    but    did    not    graduate.        Having   been 
appointed  to  the  ^leudi  ]Mission,  Africa,  under  the  auspices 
of  the  American  :Missionary  Association  he  an'ived  with  his 
wife  at  Freetown,  Sierra  Leone,  January  15,  1842,  after  a 
passage  of  fifty  days.     During  tlie  voyage  they  experienced 
considerable  sickness    and    buried   their  ordy  child.     They 
immediately  returned  to  their  native  land,  but  again  sailed 
for  Africa,* November  21,  1843.     In  this  service  he  died  in 
Africa,  November  20,  1847. 

Rev.  William  Saffoed  Spaft.dixg,  son  of  Isaac  and 
Lydia  (Brown)  Spaulding.  was  born  in  this  town,  March  4, 
1809.  He  was  a  student  at  New  Ipswich  Academy  and 
graduated  at  Marietta  College  1830.  He  was  principal  of  an 
academy  iu  East  Brooklyn,  New  York,  1841-2  ;  of  Brooklyn 

li  'i 

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Fein.ile  Collegiate  Institute  184?>-4  ;  of  Salisbury,  Ne\v 
Ilanipshirc,  Academy,  1845-6;  of  lloscaweu,  Nc\y  Han:ip- 
shirc  Academy,  1847-8.  AVbile  residing  in  »Salisbury  he 
studied  divinity  with  Rev.  C.  1^.  Tracey  rmd  was  ordained 
in  the  ministry  Septem1)er  18,  1848.  During  the  succeed- 
ing ten  years  lie  was  engaged  in  teaching  and  in  the  ministry 
in  Ohio,  Commencing  in  18JI)  he  was  two  3'^ears  acting 
pastor  of  the  Congregational  church  in  Bristol,  New  Hamp- 
shire, and  agent  of  the  American  Tract  Society  from  1867  to 
1870.     He  died  in  Lynn,  June  10,  1884. 

Genkkal  PlATausox  C.  Hop.akt,  a  distinguished  lawyer 
and  politician  of  Wisconsin,  was  born  in  this  town,  January 
31,  1815,  He  was  a  son  of  Peter  and  Keziah  (Hobart) 
Hunt  and  at  the  solicitation  of  his  maternal  relatives  he 
assumed  the  name  of  Hobart.  In  his  youth  he  served  an 
a})prenticeship  of  three  years  in  a  printing-oflice  at  Haverhill, 
Xew  Hampshii'e.  Through  his  own  etlbrts  at  his  trade  and 
in  teaching  school  he  pursued  a  liberal  course  of  study  grad- 
uating at  Dartmouth  College  1842.  He  studied  law  in  the 
office  of  Hon.  Kobert  Rantoul  of  Boston  and  emigrated  to 
the  Territoiy  of  Wisconsin  in  1846.  Mr.  Hobart  entered 
upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Sheboygan.  His 
talei'ts  and  sterling  qualities  commanded  immediate  recog- 
nition and  on  the  year  of  his  arrival  he  was  chosen  to  the 
territorial  legishiture  from  Sheboygan  and  Washington 
counties.  On  the  organization  of  the  State  government  he 
was  the  first  senator  from  his  district.  In  this  service  he 
was  appointed  chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Judiciary,  a 
most  important  position,  and  many  of  the  early  statutes  of 
the  State  were  drafted  by  liim.  The  following  year  he  was 
returned  to  the  Assembly  and  was  elected  Speaker  of  the 
House.  In  the  years  iumjediately  following  he  was  twice 
nominated  for  Congress  and  conunanded  the  full  support  of 
his  political  party  which  was  in  the  minority  in  his  district. 


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In  1855  he'removed  to  Chilton  in  Caiiuilot  count}'  and  from 
that  district  ho  was  elected  to  the  Assembly  iu  1859.  The 
followiuii'  year  he  was  the  standard  hearer  of  the  Democratic 
party  in  the  gubernatorial  contest.  In  this  canvass  the  town 
of  Ashburnham  was  exclusively  and  honorably  represented, 
the  Eepublican  and  successful  candidate  being  Hon.  Alex- 
ander ^V.  Kandall  whose  father  was  a  native  of  this  town. 

During  these  years,  crowned  with  many  and  substantial 
honors,  Mr.  Hobart  has  been  a  successful  lawyer  and  has 
been  thoroughly  identified  M'ith  the  prosperity  of  a  vigorous 
State  and  the  Avelfare  of  its  public  institutions.  At  the  first 
call  for  troops  in  the  Spring  of  18(31  he  closed  his  office  and 
enlisted  as  a  private.  In  the  organizcition  of  the  Fourth 
Wisconsin  Regiment  he  was  commissioned  captain.  Having 
l)oen  stationed  several  montlis  near  Washington,  in  ^Nlarch, 
1862,  the  regiment  was  ordered  to  Xew  Orleans  under  com- 
mand of  General  Ikitler.  In  this  ctimpaign  the  regiment 
rendered  gallant  service.  Captain  Ilobart,  then  at  Baton 
Eouge,  was  promoted  August  21,  18G2.  to  lieutenant-colonel 
of  the  Twenty-first  Wisconsin  Regiment.  Colonel  Ilobart 
joined  his  regiment  in  Kentucky  in  October.  The  colonel 
being  absent  on  account  of  wounds,  Colonel  Hobart  was  in 
command  of  the  regiment  from  the  time  of  his  arrival  in 
Kentucky.  At  the  battle  of  Stone  River  which  ensued  soon 
after.  Colonel  Hol)art  and  his  command  received  honorable 
mention  in  the  report  of  General  Rosseau.  On  the  evening 
of  the  memorable  battle  at  Chickamauga,  General  Thomas 
ordered  a  retreat  ;  in  this  movement,  Colonel  Hobart  who 
had  been  holding  a  forward  position  was  taken  prisoner. 
With  many  other  Union  prisoners  he  was  incarcerated  in 
Libby  prison.  At  tlie  end  of  four  months  he  with  many 
others  escaped  through  a  tunnel  which  they  had  excavated 
under  the  street  and  a  distance  of  sixty  feet.     He  returned  to 

•    '^.    ;■':>. 

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PERSONAL   NOTICES.         '  503 

his  regiment  and  participated  in  the  siege  of  iVtlanta,  Georgia, 
und  in  the  "^^larch  to  the  Sea."     In  the  closing  scenes  of  the 
war  he  %vas  in  command  of  a  brigade.     At  the   request  of 
General  Sherman  and  dating  from  the  capture  of  Atlanta,  he 
was  brc vetted  brigadier-general  for  meritorious  service.     On 
his  return  to  civil  life  in  1865  General  Hobart  removed  to 
Milwaukee   and  there  renewed  the   practice  of  his   profes- 
sion.    In    1865    he  was  again  a  candidate  for  governor  and 
was    defeated    by  Hon.  Lucius   Fairchild    on    party  issues. 
Two  years  later  finds  him  again  in  the  Assembly  when>  his 
service  was  conspicuous.     Through  several  succeeding  years 
he    was    a    member    of    the    city  council    and    in    1878    its 


His  career  has  l)een  brilliant  and  honorable.     As  a  lawyer, 
tm  orator,  a  legislator  and  a  soldier,  he  has  won  many  laurels 
and  has  secured  the  confidence  and  respect  of  his  fellow-men. 
Kev.  Josiah  Milton  Stearns,  son  of  Jesse  and  Lucinda 
(Davis)  Stearns,  was  born  m  this  town,  June  17,  1818.     He  ' 
fitted    for    college   at    New  Ipswich    Academy  and    entered 
Amherst  College  in  class  of  1843  but  graduated  at  :\rarshall 
College,  Pennsylvania,  in  class  of  184-1.     He  studied  theol- 
ogy at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  was  ordained  over  the  Congre- 
gational   church    at  Lunenburg,    Vermont,    June    6,    1849. 
From  his  first  charge  he  was  dismissed  February  3,   18-)2. 
After  a  brief  pastorate  at  Brentwood,  Xew  Htmipshire,  he 
died  in  that  town  June  12,  1853. 

Rev.  Danfoutii  Leandeu  Eaton,  son  of  Josiah  and 
Mary  (Reed)  Eaton,  was  born,  July  4,  1822.  Entering 
Oberlin  College  he  graduated  in  regular  course  1843  and 
remained  in  the  theological  <lepartment  of  that  institution 
the  ensuing  two  years.  During  a  prolonged  and  a.tive 
career  he  has  been  a  successful  preacher  in  Michigan.  (All 
the  places  named  in   the  following  paragraphs  are   in  that 

'Hi;;    •!!>.;!    1  ,  .;■■■   -H'.t 

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Stafe.)  He  was  ordained  in  the  mini.stiy  at  Farmersi  Creek, 
]\Iarch  1,  1848,  and  the  same  year  he  was  installed  over  the 
Conizrcgatioual  church  in  Oakland,  where  he  remained  until 
185G.  Sul)se(]uently  he  labored  four  years  at  Howell  and 
•at  Brighton.  In  18(10  he  was  installed  over  the  Congrega- 
tional church  in  Lowell.  From  18()2  to  18G6  he  was 
engaged  in  business  but  returned  to  tlic  ministry  and 
preached  in  several  places  in  the  A-icinity  and  again  in 
Lowell  from  1874  to  1878.  During  the  past  eight  years, 
with  a  home  in  Lowell,  he  has  supplied  in  Ovid,  Cannon  and 

]Mr.  Eaton  has  been  a  faithful  |)astor  and  an  acceptable 
preacher.  lie  has  ever  maintained  friendly  and  intimate 
relations  with  his  charge,  and  with  rare  executi\e  ability  he 
has  l)een  eminently  successful  in  building  u})  the  churches 
over  which  he  has  presided. 

Peter  Thatcher  Huxt,  son  of  Peter  and  Hezckiah 
,  (Hobart)  Hunt,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  Septeml)er  9, 
1819.  He  irraduated  at  Dartmouth  College,  1847.  He 
taught  at  Lexington  and  at  Louisville,  Kentucky,  and  was 
principal  of  the  Glasgow  Academy  in  the  place  last  named. 
In  the  mean  time  he  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  prac- 
tice in  Louisville.  Removing  to  Iowa  he  entered  upon  a 
succes.ful  practice  of  his  {)rofession.,  but  failing  health  led 
him  to  modify  the  matured  plans  of  a  life  work.  In  quest 
of  health  he  visited  the  Pacific  coast  where  for  several  years 
he  w^as  familiar  with  a  life  among  the  mines  and  with  Indian 
warfare.  Later  he  removed  to  Washington  Territory  and 
was  there  engaged  in  teaching  and  in  stock-raising.  During 
the  war  he  was  active  and  influential  in  the  Union  cau.->e  and 
a  leading  member  of  the  Legislature.  In  1872  he  removed 
to  Denver,  Colorado,  where  he  continues  to  reside  and  is  a 
useful  and  influential  citizen. 


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Dr.  Chaklks  Edsox  Davis,  son  of  Charles  and  Elvira 
(Buss)  Davis,  was  boru  in  this  town,  May  11,  1822.  lie 
entered  Dartmouth  Collcixe  18-lG,  and  remained  thrQuah 
Freshman  and  Sophomore  years.  With  impaired  health  he 
pursued  his  prntessional  study  with  Dr.  Ilarriman  of  Gard- 
ner and  graduated  at  Dartmouth  Medical  School,  1852.  He 
practised  successfully  in  Greenwich.  Hard  wick  and  Ashl)y. 
He  died  in  this  town,  June  8,  1863. 

Oliver  Davis,  son  of  Charles  and  Elvira  (Buss)  Davis, 
was  born  in  this  town,  August  7,  1823.  He  entered  Dart- 
mouth College  with  his  brotlier  and  graduated  in  class  of 
1850.  He  studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Alfred  Hitchcock  of 
Fitchburg,  and  later  he  was  a  student  at  Harvard  ^Medical 
School.  On  account  of  failing  health  he  returned  to  his 
home  a  few  weeks  before  tlie  completion  of  the  prescribed 
course  of  study.  With  ample  preparation  and  ability  for  a 
life  of  usefulness,  he  died  ]\[arch  1,  1853. 

Rev.  Waltkr  Rice,  son  of  Silas  and  Almira  (Corey) 
Rice,  was  ])orn  in  this  town,  December  25,  1836.  He 
attended  the  public  schools  of  his  native  town  and  of  Ash])y 
and  in  early  life  removed  to  Illinois.  With  a  view  to  enter 
the  ministry,  he  entered  Beloit  College,  Wisconsin,  where  he 
graduated  witli  honor  in  the  class  of  1862.  He  pursued  the 
prescriljcd  course  of  study  at  Xcwton  Theological  Institution 
and  graduated  1865.  In  July  of  the  same  year  he  was 
ordained  and  installed  over  the  church  in  West  Acton.  In 
18G8,  he  became  acting  pastor  of  the  church  in  South  Royals- 
ton.  Commencing  in  April,  1874,  he  was  a  student,  in 
special  course,  at  Andover  Theological  Seminary,  and  sub- 
sequently was  pastor  of  the  church  in  Lunenburg.  Since 
May,  1880,  Mr.  Rice  has  been  pastor  of  the  church  in 
Brandon,    Vermont.     He    is    in    the   midst    of  a  successful 

■'■'    :■■     !''';       f 

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career  and    every   year  is  presenting    the    fruit   %vhieh  M'ill 
attend  the  hibor  of  a  lifetime. 

Ej:v.  Francis  Joel  Faikiiaxks,  sou  of  Emory  and 
Eunice  (Ha^'-ward)  Fairbanks,  ^s'as  born  in  tliis  town,  Sep- 
tember 8,  1833.  During  his  })reparatory  studies  he  was  a 
popular  teacher  in  the  public  schools  of  this  town,  Lunen- 
burg and  Gardner  and  one  term  in  the  High  school  at  Ashby. 
He  entered  Amherst  College  the  last  term  of  Freshman  year 
and  graduated  in  class  of  1862.  He  pursued  a  course  of 
theological  study  at  the  Theological  Seminary,  Princeton, 
New  Jersey,  and  Union  Theological  Seminar}',  Xew  York 
city.  Licensed  to  preach  May,  1863,  by  the  Worcester 
T\ort!i  Association.  Having  supplied  at  Westminster, 
Vermont,  during  vacations  while  at  the  seminary,  he  was 
installed  over  the  church  in  that  place  August  31,  1864,  and 
dismissed  in  ^lay,  1871.  From  January  1,  1872,  he  was 
acting  pastor  two  years  of  the  church  in  Ayer  and  acting 
pastor  of  the  church  in  Paxton  from  April  1,  1874,  to  Sep- 
tember 1,  1877.  Since  the  last  date  he  has  been  acting 
pastor  of  the  Congregational  church  in  West  Boylston. 
]\[r.  Fairbanks  is  an  earnest  laborer  in  his  profession.  With 
the  force  of  a  vigorous  mind  and  a  fixed  purpose  he  has 
commanded  the  attention  and  respect  of  his  charge.  His 
M'ai-m  s^-mpathies  have  sought  their  confidence  and  love,  and 
in  his  daily  life  his  public  instruction  is  continually  renewed. 
He  has  delivered  a  number  of  discourses  on  miscellaneous 
subjects  and  is  the  author  of  the  History  of  Westminster, 

Joseph  Wiiitcomb  Fairbanks,  Ph.  D.,  son  of  Emory 
and  Eunice  (H:iyward)  Fairbanks,  was  born  in  this  town, 
March  26.  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Williston  Semi- 
nary, Easthampton,  and  graduated  at  Amherst  College  1866. 
He  was  princij)al  of  the   High  School,  South    Hadley  Falls, 

'J.  I  i . 

i:!    u-m:h1 

■,•  •  !:,■    r.  ,.-:     h:    ;-',  >!<  ''i'  : 


1806-8  ;  of  Centre  School,  Xorw.'ilk,  Connecticut,  1808-74  ; 
of  Dix  Street  Grammar  Scliool,  Worcester,  1874-5  ;  of 
Worcester  High  School,  1875-8  and  of  Williston  Seminary, 
Easthampton,  1878-84.  During  the  past  two  years  he  has 
been  private  tutor  at  St.  Paul,  Minnesota.  Mr.  Fairbanks 
is  a  person  of  strong  and  massive  frame,  genial  in  manner 
and  of  commanding  ]iresence.  Endowed  with  rare  executive 
ability,  combined  with  liberal  culture  and  ripe  scholarship, 
he  is  a  popular  and  eflicient  instructor.  The  labor  of  his  life 
has  been  attended  with  an  unusual  measure  of  success. 

Melvix  O.  AD.urs,  Esq.,  son  of  Joseph  and  Dolly  Win- 
sliip  (Whitney)  Adams,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  November 
7,  1847.  He  pursued  his  preparatory  studies  in  this  town 
and  at  New  Ipswich  Appleton  Academy  and  graduated  with 
honors  at  Dartmouth  College  in  the  al)lc  class  of  1871.  He 
was  sub-master  of  the  Fitchburg  High  School  1871-2,  and 
read  law  with  Hon.  Edward  xVvery  of  Boston,  and  Hon. 
Amasa  Norcross  of  Fitchburg.  He  received  the  degree  of 
Bachelor  of  Laws  from  Boston  University  1874,  and  the 
same  year  he  was  admitted  to  the  Suffolk  county  bar.  Until 
the  year  187 G  he  continued  a  legal  residence  in  this  town  and 
was  moderator  of  the  annual  ]March  meeting  1874,  '75  and 
'76.  Mindful  of  the  partiality  and  appreciative  regard  of  his 
townsmen,  he  has  responded  to  many  invitations  for  ad- 
dresses on  miscellaneous  subjects. 

In  his  professional  labors  in  Boston  since  1874,  he  has 
been  successful  and  has  won  a  merited  reputation  for  chtiracter 
and  ability.  Since  1870  he  has  been  assistant  district  attor- 
ney for  the  district  of  Suffolk,  and  has  probably  been 
engao-ed  in  the  trial  of  a  greater  number  of  cases  than  has 
fallen  to  the  lot  of  any  lawyer  of  his  age  iu  the  State.  In 
habit  of  thought  he  is  quick  and  vigorous.  In  attack  or 
defence   his   resources  are  at*  instant   command,  and   all  his 


i!fi',v  roM.ii- 


work  is  sustained  by  tlic  weight  of  intcirrily  tind  (.•haracter. 
]Srr.  Adams  is  yet  a  young  man,  possessing  ability  and 
opportunity  to  complete  a  career  which  lias  l)een  al)ly  and 
firmly  outlined. 

Dr.  Ekxest  p.  Mili.eii,  son  of  Dr.  Alfred  and  Elsie  L. 
(Kibling)  Miller,  was  born  in  Ashburnham,  January  4, 
1851.  He  attended  the  public  schools  of  this  towji  and  of 
Filchbnrg,  and  graduated  at  Harvard  University  187"?,  and 
at  Harvard  ^Medical  School  1877.  He  innnediately  entered 
upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  Fitcli])urg,  and  has 
been  successfidly  employed.  Since  1877,  he  has  been 
Medical  Examiner;  in  1878  and  1883  he  was  elected  City 
Physici;;n  and  since  1884  he  has  been  a  mendjer  of  the  Board 
of  Examining  Surgeons  for  Pensions. 

Feedeijic  D.  Laxe,  son  of  Samuel  and  ^Sancy  H. 
(Eaton)  Eane,  was  born  in  this  town,  July  4,  184ib  He 
cattended  the  public  schools  of  Ashburnham  and  Appleton 
Academy  at  Xew  Ipswich  and  graduated  at  Dartmouth  Col- 
lege in  class  of  1878.  He  taught  one  year  in  the  public 
schools  of  Ashby  and  this  town  and  since  December,  1879, 
he  has  been  an  instructor  of  mathematics  and  German  in 
Gushing  Ac-idemy. 

FitAXCis  A>'.  Lane,  son  of  Allen  F.  and  Laura  (Tyler) 
Lane,  was  born  in  this  town,  October  24,  1858.  He  pur- 
sued his  studies  in  the  public  schools  of  his  native  town  and 
at  Gushing  Academy,  and  graduated  at  Dai-tmouth  College 
1881.  He  has  taught  in  Yonkcrs,  New  York,  and  in  AVash- 
ington,  D.  G.  At  the  present  time  he  is  examiner  of  pen- 
sions in  the  Department  of  the  Interior. 

Dr.  Henry  E.  Gl-^hing,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Loi!> 
(Holbrook)  Gushing,  was  liorn  in  this  town,  Xovember  oO, 
1853.  Pursued  his  preparatory  studies  at  Westtield  High 
School   and    -raduated    at   Diwtmouth    College    1882.     He 

:!i  ■f^' 


received  his  degree  froiu  the  Chicago  Medical  College  in 
]March,  1884,  where  he  had  pursued  a  prescri]»ed  course  of 
study.  lu  April  t'oliowing  he  ivmoved  to  Chauipion,  Illi- 
nois, and  is  junior  nieuibcr  of  the  iirm  of  Howard  e*i:  Cush- 
ing,  physicians  and  surgeons. 

Walter  Herbeut  Marble,  son  of  Warren  and  ]\Iary 
L.  (Wilker)  ]\Iarble,  was  born  in  this  town,  September  13, 
18.')8.  He  was  a  student  in  the  public  schools  of  this  town 
and  at  Cashing  Academy.  He  graduated  at  Dartmouth 
College  in  class  of  1883.  At  present  he  is  a  student  at  the 
Chicago  ^ledical  College,  where  he  will  graduate  in  March, 

In  addition  to  the  college  graduates  a  considerable  number 
from  this  town  have  been  admitted  to  the  learned  professions. 
Some  of  them  have  been  distinguished  in  their  calling  and 
none  have  failed  to  honor  the  town  from  whence  they  came 
and  in  which  the  early  habits  of  life  were  formed. 

Eey.  Stephex  Eaxdall,  son  of  Stephen  and  Sarah 
(Fail-banks)  Randall,  was  born  in  Stow,  Januajy  20,  1763. 
He  was  the  eldest  of  ten  children,  seven  of  whom  were  born 
before  the  family  removed  to  this  town  in  1780.  He  was 
married  and  resided  in  this  town  imtil  about  1808.  In  1795 
he  was  dismissed  at  his  request  from  the  Congregational 
church  in  order  that  he  might  unite  with  the  ^lethodists. 
He  was  a  preacher  in  that  denomination  several  years.  He 
died  in  Sweden,  New  York,  April  16,  1828. 

Rev.  Samuel  Harris,  son  of  Deacon  Jacob  and  Eli^^a- 
beth  (Winchester)  Harris,  and  a  grandson  of  Rev.  Jonathan 
Winchester,  was  born  in  this  town,  August  18,  1774.  He 
read  theology  with  Rev.  Dr.  Seth  Payson  of  Rindge,  and 
with  Rev.  Saumel  Worcester  of  Fitchburg.  and  was  licensed 
to  preach  1803.  After  preaching  a  short  time  at  Alstead 
and   Xew  Boston,  Xew  Hampshire,  he  was    ordained    and 

,,l  1      1 

'.Hly   . 

'  ■     ;i     '  v.   i  ,-■{, 

I  /] 

>..    v^;;/       i , 


installed  over  the  Congregational  church  in  Windham,  New 
Hampshire,  October  9,  1805.  In  consequence  of  loss  of 
voice,  he  was  dismissed  at  his  request  in  Df^cember,  182G. 
In  1830  and  1831  he  preached  in  Dublin,  New  Hampshire, 
but  his  voice  again  failed  and  he  returned  to  "Windliam, 
where  he  died  September  5,  1848.  He  was  a  faithful  pastor 
and  a  useful  man,  and  Avas  held  in  high  esteem  by  all  who 
knew  him. 

Rev.  Elijah  Wiixakd,  son  of  Deacon  John  and.-Sarah 
(Willard)  Willard,  was  born  in  this  town,  Aprirfo,  1782. 
At  nineteen  vears  of  a^e  he  entered  the  ^Methodist  ministry 
and  was  then  received  into  the  New  England  Conference. 
For  several  years  he  was  assigned  to  stations  in  New  Hamp- 
shire, Vermont  and  Canada.  Subsequently,  he  filled  several 
pastorates  in  this  State,  but  for  many  years  he  was  retained 
in  the  Conference  in  superannuated  relation.  He  was  an 
attentive  student  of  the  Scriptures  and  eminently  biblical  in 
the  matter  and  the  language  of  his  public  instruction.  It  is 
the  unanimous  testimony  of  all  who  knew  him,  that  he  was  a 
sincere,  earnest  preacher  and  a  most  worthy  and  exemplary 
man.     He  died  at  Saugus,  September  5,  1852. 

Dr.  Abel  AYildeu,  son  of  Samuel  and  Dorothy  (Carter) 
Wilder,  was  born  in  this  town,  June  24,  178G.  He  was  a 
man  of  marlced  ability,  and  for  many  years  a  distinguished 
citizen  and  eminent  physician  of  Blackstone,  where  he  was 
engaged  in  active  practice  from  1823  to  1864.  A  few  weeks 
before  his  death  he  removed  to  New  York  where  he  died 

SoiEOX  Sandeusox,  Esq.,  son  of  Moses  and  Mary 
Proctor  Sanderson,  was  born,  September  24,  1790.  After 
attending  the  public  schools  of  this  town  and  several  terms 
at  the  academies  in  this  vicinity,  he  read  law  with  Mr. 
Dustan  of  Westminster,  and  entered  upon  the  practice  of 


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