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nmsfLVxa^iA  statb  lariTmsrTT^ 

The  Graauat*  School 
Dapartaent  of  Muaic 


A  thesis  by 

Subaittcfi  in  partial  fulfillaent 
of  the  requireaonts  for  the  degree  of 
Master  of  Arts 

August,    1957 

Approved t 


iiUtiAt)ij  «; 

m  as7  '^c  rwmts  a 

;  ugyoir.qA 


^  o•sx-:^, 


TjL&B  OP  coffTesnrs 



II.   THE  EAkLY  UaYS 6 

Ole  dull 11 

Louia  Xor«au  Gottsctialk 14 

III.      ai?n)S  OF  WILJulAXSPaiT 26 

The  Repasz  Band 26 

Other  Early  BanUs     ......    *  45 

The  risk  Military  aaaci 50 

The  Teteque  Bana        52 

Twentieth  Century  Bamis     50 

The  Verdi  aand 5d 

Lincoln  Laai(:>s*   3ancl    .    •    •    .    • •    .    •  dd 

Service«>)Cen*s  Dancia 60 

The  Black  eagles       62 

The  Little  Geraan  Banda     .....  6^ 


OKCHBSTKAS        69 

Early  Twentieth  Century  Groups       74 

Later  Ti«fentleth  Century  Groups       .......  7H 

The  Dave  Ilaraan  Orchestra 89 

Joe  Vannucci ^93 

Other  Recent  Dance  Orchestras   35 

IfVOd  %0 







t^^  as^ i.      txx 







1   MAJIHW      .VI 

»        '•        • 


r9  X1m'«*9  dtftiteMff  \ 
aerw^  vnfft^o'^   rttoltrU' 



T.     STKPnOKY  ORCai.STRiVS , 99 

T)M  Firwt  Symphony  (^ohastra 38 

Tli«  Prtsont  Civio  Symptony  Oi*ali««tra     ...  93 

VI.     STRZVO  M5iimiHB     •    .    .   • lt>l 


nil.    ciicfica  C3S)XRS io7 

IX,    CKQRAL  moiMiutiass uo 

Otnon  ClMntMs  •  • ill 

ftwioal  Association IIC 

Baiidsi  sad  llmfin  society 117 

Optra  C««paai*«      ••••  Iia 

TlM  Ladloa  yocal  Club  and  The  Schubert  Club  lia 

tfUUeMqjKirt  Oratorio  Seoiety 121 

The  Chsaiittcle       124 

Tht  Orpiieas  Club 127 

Tlie  ConsittoiT  Choir     ...........  123 

The  HiMDsifell  Club 131 

nM  CiMral  Art  Clttb 132 

The  Elks  Chems       133 

The  WUUjMspsrt  Civic  Choir l?A 

%•  wnm  mmtti 142 

Dr.  Joha  Heorjr  H^tikiiui,  Jr 112 

Jmk*  %•  aiaok 146 

Aredorisk  willia«  Vhademloot 160 











tSAO«  trntasiA::    .  iiv 

•        *        w 

.  .  .  djixoBD  mmx>    .ixrr 

•    8  9(lli*tOfK/  I9JUR1199 

....  '^tilooE  oi*»tanO  ti»qp  ? 

i}  4  •  »  7^ 

....  -^rft 

9anad9  mWS  tsff 

»    ,   .     SflffTIfli  VMFB 


XI.   wsicuss  or  THE  UkW  mtBmarm  mmd 


XH,     MUSIC  El  EDUCATIOHf        • ^^^ 

Public  School  MlttSlc      •    •    . IQO 

Lillian  M.  R«lii©r lCi2 

OtiMr  Suparvisoro     •   •   • ^^'* 

Instrumental  rir©ctor3  in  the  Higli  School     .  169 

High  School  DaM  ami  Orohostra l*?* 

High  School  Choral  Grottp* 1*^" 

The  Junior  High  Schools ^'*'^ 

F^r«er  StuUenta  in  the  M»aic  rvofeasion     ...  17 y 

Ur^tming  Collega       .   .  • •  ^** 


Ramr  Krapo • ^^^ 

Gomtanity  Concerts ^^^ 

Sfra.  Eatoa  N.  Friable 1*^ 

XIY.  MDSIC  FOR  TRB  ^njaLIC •  •  •  201 

CawRmitjr  Sioga 201 

Badio  Stations   . 206 

Mnsieal  Collections  in  the  Janes  V.  Brown 

Library 20« 

Tha  Willia*  C.  Keiloan  Collection     ....  2J8 

ir,     mJSICAL  ORGAiriZATTOirs 211 

yiM  t^lllioaaport  Music  Club 211 

V  ■ 

cMAJnm  ''**' 

AMri«aA  Guild  of  OrpHdsts 214 

WilllMMiport  F*il«ratioa  of  HtiAiclaiui, 

Local  761       216 

Xational  Guild  of  fiano  Toachors 217 

xTi.    ccamsRCUL  aspect  of  msic 218 

K«ef»r  Sauntf^cturtng  Coapta^  wid 

Hualc  School •  *W 

Husic  {^bllshins  CcM^anies 220 

T^  F,  W.  ▼•Bdwsloot  ^sic  ?tibli§hlng  Co.  22) 

Publication* 224 

Xusic  Store* 225 

D.  S.  Aodrus  ami  CMfWWflr     .........  223 

PIjuIO  Tuners 223 

Xni.     TSEATi3JS  OF  WILLIA3ISM8T 2^2 

TIM  UlMaa  Op«ra  House 2;iJ 

Jhm  Lycoaiag  Opera  House 237 

The  Payaily  Tlieat«r 243 

XVIII.     WmUKt 246 


APPBTDIX  A     Private  Ifiislo  Teachers 254 

APinSTDIX  a     Choir  Directors  sixs  (^aaists 235 

APpaniX  C     Conwnity  Concerts 25S 





■y.  'iQ    is# 



It  1«  agr  pl««saot  duty  to  aoknoKleUge  the  help  Z 
r«ceiveo  fron  frleaUs  and  Intereatcd  persons. 

Z  •m  gratsfui  to  Dr.  RommiI  Pis^burn,  bsad  of  th« 
Music  Ospartasnt  of  Tbs  Psnnvjrlvania  Stats  Uoivsrslty,  for 
bis  help  anu  advice  in  asseabling  the  aaterial  in  thesis 
for  a. 

I  tm   iiutebteU  to  Miss  Catherine  T.  Sbuleoborger »  ref- 
erence litM*arian  of  the  Jaaes  ?•  arown  Library,  for  her 
interest  anU  guidance  in  the  ssarcb  for  inforaation,  ana 
to  Mr.  John  P.  Grahaa,  acting  bead  of  the  English  Depart- 
Bttnt  of  Lycoaing  College,  for  assistance  in  aechanical 

For  supplying  needed  facts  on  the  various  subjects 
treated  in  the  thesis  I  thank  the  followingt  %*.  Osborne 
Rousel,  Mr.  F.  Rart  Bugbee,  Mr.  T.  L^oy  Lyoan,  Mr.  Prect 
SMUlcsy,  Mr.  Frank:  Hs— sr,  ?&*s.  Charles  Sweeley,  Mrs.  Ruth 
Tauaorsloot  Ea^er,  Miss  Minnie  Swart s.  Miss  LaReine  Molick, 
Mrs.  Miriaa  Claster,  Mrs.  Carol  Sweeley  LVenuen,  Mrs.  Rarry 
Gibson,  Mr.  Clyde  Rarer,  Miss  Carolyn  i^'illiaas.  Miss  Anna 
Gilaore,  Mrs.  T.  M.  B.  Hicks,  Mrs.  Eluoo  Pepperaan,  MTs. 
lelea  T.  Rolochwost,  Mr.  Georg«  iuewis,  Mr.  Leo  williaason, 
Mr.  Hu>old  A.  Reece,  Mr.  Charles  Askey,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred 
DeCanio,  Mr.  Michael  Bernard  1,  Miss  fCay  St  eager. 

Lastly  aty  tnai^^  no  to  XlM  li.lMtaoro  utestoa  for  hor 
oooporation  ana  willlngnoM  to  spend  aany  bouro  at  tbo 

■Ml     -St, 


stATEMgrr  of  the  projbct 

The  folloidj^;  thosls  Is  an  atto-^pt  to  record  tb» 
^owth  and  devolopaent  of  th«  auaical  life  of  the  city  of 
WilliAMsport ,  Peansylvania,  froa  its  oarliost  becinnings 
to  the  pf—nt   ti«e. 

TlM  desire  to  undertake  this  tasSc  case  about  quite 
by  accident.  It  was  by  chance  that  there  caae  into  the 
witer*s  possession  an  old  concert  prograa  of  John  Philip 
Souaa's  Band  appsfti*ia£  Skt   the  Lycoaiag  Opera  Rouse  in  1)02. 
The  opera  house  haviot,  been  long  since  gone,  a  sense  of 
curiosity  mm  aroused  concerning  the  early  siusical  lifo 
of  the  city. 

Inquiry  at  the  public  library  revealed  the  fact 
that  although  other  phases  such  as  public  buildings*  in- 
dustries, private  residences  and  the  like  were  outlined  in 
various  histories  of  Lycoaing  County,  no  such  information 
had  been  coflQ>iled  concerning  the  ousic  of  the  city.  Indeed 
ths  ifish  was  e3q>ressed  that  sosaeono  would  endeavor  to  do 
the  necessary  research  to  add  this  inforeuition  to  ths 
library's  historical  collection. 

•  Irrrr.* 



A  oursory  elanco  through  soae  cataloguod  reforonoea 
to  looal  ausical  ovents  antl   Interesting  personalities  of 
tbs  past  sorvoU  to  Incite  further  interast  in  the  subject. 
It  also  SMMd  convincing  proof  of  a  dsfinitc  ne«u  for  a 
■usic  history.  Such  a  history  would  presorvo  tho  naass 
aad  aocoaplishaonts  of  tho  oorly  lausicai  pioneers  antl  of 
those  who  have  contributed  to  the  city's  Busical  growth 
through  the  years. 


Having  decided  to  begin  the  history  it  was  necess« 
ary  to  choose  the  aethod  of  presentation.  The  question 
was  whether  it  should  be  chronological,  tracing  the 
dsvalf^Mtat  of  all  phases  of  nusic  in  each  quarter  cen* 
tury,  or  whether  it  should  becoae  a  aatter  of  classifica- 
tion as  t^  co^psaents  such  as  bands,  orchestras,  choral 
groups  and  the  like. 

For  s»urposcs  of  reference  it  •esasd  best  to  coabino 
the  two  Methods.  Therefore,  except  for  the  first  otaapter, 
The  Early  Days,  similar  types  of  BWical  organizations  or 
related  constituents  have  been  gronfsd  together,  and  each 
has  been  treated  in  chronological  orcer  within  its  group. 


An  appondix  has  been  added  to  include  data  not  suitablo 
to  the  Bialn  body  but  useful  for  future  reference. 


IQWn  the  project  vas  decided  upon,  consideration 
MRS  «;ivon  to  covering  tbe  ausic  history  of  the  whole  of 
Lycoaing  County,  However,  as  >rark  progressed,  it  was 
soon  apparent  that  the  naterial  to  bo  covered  in  Williaas* 
port  alone  was  of  sufficient  voluiae  to  warrant  a  history 
of  its  own.  Therefore,  except  for  the  inclusion  of  a 
few  persons  of  nearby  localities  directly  involvou  in 
natters  of  local  iiq>ortaace,  the  history  has  been  liaitsd 
to  the  city  of  Hilliaiasport . 


HM*etoforo  no  inf{»*aation  on  the  music  of  V/illians- 
port  Iiad  over  been  asseabled.  Therefore  it  was  necessary 
to  search  tlKj  local  nevispapers  for  the  sreatost  aoouat  of 
Material .  The  following  newspapers  were  covered i  The 
Gasstte  fro«  130G  to  1321;  the  Lycoaing  Chronicle  of  1333; 
the  Daily  Sun  and  3anner  froa  133G  to  133d;  the  Daily 
Gazette  and  Oulletin  froa  1370  to  11)24;  the  WHliaasport 
Gazette  and  Bulletin  froa  1J24  to  1JS6  and  the  Hillia^isport 



Sun  froB  1836  to  1955,  thoao  two  coAbining  a*  the  NiUlaxas- 

port  Sun<-Gazett«  In  1J5&}  tb«  Evening  V«ws  of  18^ J  |  th« 

Grit  froia  1343  to  195C;  a  Special  County  Centennial  r><li- 

tion  of  the  Gazette  eiMl  Bulletin  of  June,  1395,  Histories 

of  Lyoofting  County,  one  t>y  Colonel  Thooaa  Lloyd  and  another 

tqr  John  F.  Xsginnoaa,  were  axaniaed.  Other  books  which 

proved  useful  were  Kotos  of  a  Pianist  by  Louis  HcMreau 

GottsohaUc  secured  frea  the  Library  of  Congress,  Famous 

American  Cttsposers  by  (k*ace  Oversiyer,  Xusic  and  ?Iu8icians 

of  Pennsylvania"* coag>ile<a  by  the  Pennsylvania  Federation  of 

Xusic  Clubs.  Magazines  usod  were  the  Musical  Courier  of 

March  1,  1952,  International  Musician  of  Jvay,  1954  and 

the  Historical  Magazine  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church 

of  Deceaber,  IJOO.  Othor  sources  wero  various  brochures, 

prograos  of  events  and  scre4>booL3. 

Lastly  and  of  valuable  aid  were  personal  interviews. 

1  Colonel  Thooas  Lloyd.  History  of  Lycoming  County.  Ponn» 

gylvania.  k>.  445-447, 

2  John  P.  Xeginnsss,  niatory  of  Lycoainc  County.  Pennsyl- 

vania, pp.  366-330. 

3  Louis  Maraana  GottschaUc,  Motos  of  a  Pianist,  p.  209. 

4  Grace  Ovanqrer,  Fanoua  American  Cofooscrs.  p.  64, 

5  G«rtr\ide  Martin  Rohrar,  ?Iusic  and  Musicians  of  Pennsyl- 

vania (The  Povolopiaont  of  Husio  in  Tho  Public  &>chool8) 
and  (Three  Hundreo  Years  of  Jbimio   in  Pennsylvania.) 




ZaMMBCli  aa  th«  writ^  haA  the  «d¥uit«g«  of  growinf;  up  aad 
•a«i«ifi8  la  ■twicftl  aetivitlot  in  <#iXllMi»port,  it  «»•  her 
nrivllegu  to  bo  aequAitttod  with  Muqr  poo^o  wte  po— o— d 
TftXuAblo  inforflMtioa.    Throun^  portonftl  Istorrlowt  tli««o 
pMplo  lioro  ablo  to  fumith  <iot%il«  on  tpoclf ic  subjects 
MULch  sorvwl  to  glvo  a  «oro  coflploto  and  latoroatiiig 
picture  than  atght  havo  boon  aeooaplliiiaa  othorwiae* 


caAfvm,  u 


MM  vi«tr«  thtt  ttuaarous  mad  varied  ausieal  act* 
iviti«t  now  taking  ]Uac«  •vary  ^V  la  WilliasMport  it  la 
iataraatlag  to  raflact  on  how  tiiia  atata  of  davlopMant  Mas 
raatiad  aad  lAaa  it  had  it a  aarlioat  baaiaaiaga* 

■nar  y«ara  ago  in  tlia  aarljr  niaetacntH  oaatury  idien 
wi  1 1  laiport  naa  but  a  atrugglioi;  villa^s  of  about  two 
huodrad  in  poiHiiatlon  tb«  ioDabitanta  vara  ao  buoily  an* 
gagad  in  providiag  tba  praetioai  nacaaaitiaa  of  lifa  tbat 
thara  naa  ^fty  little  tlmi  to  think  of  cultura  and  tha  arta* 
Vot  that  tbaaa  aarl/  aattlora  wtre  uoaualcal  nor  that  thay 
ladrad  lataraat  in  tha  as*ta,  but  it  waa  aiaply  a  natter  of 
opportuaity.  Pm'  Nhat  <^pp<Mrtunltlea  coulu  a  handful  of 
pcopla  hava  to  uavelop  thu  art  of  isoaic,  aui^rounded  aa 
th^  ^mrm   bgr  virgin  foroata,  and  atrugfiliag  f^*  exiatonoe 
with  tha  aoaory  of  Indian  aaaaaoraa  and  tba  Aawioaa  uovo- 
lution  cloao  babind  thaaf 

Uami¥wr,   althouiiih  tbwa  wora  no  jauaiciana  tsj  traua 
in  th«  fir at  faw  yaara  of  tba  boroogb,  tho  firat  s«ttlara 
uodottbtedl/  iiaad  thoir  voicaa  la  caurch,  in  tha  fialua  and 
in  the  tavaraa*  AltlMvgb  aaaic  waa  aat  Mentioned  in  tiM 
oae  waakijr  oewepapar  of  thoae  Ua78»  the  L^ycouing  Gaaette, 
there  ware  aetleea  in  1^1   of  ca^p  aaatioga  baiag  bald 

:•  mi'  ^n«  »<. 


-.*;    jt* 

mroagteat  tte  •orroundlag  ooitatf7si(l«  with  lb*  dirvotioot 
to  "oooe  with  MigOBSt  t«at9  and  proviaieosi*     undoubtodly 

ttmm  vlio  att«id«d  iMleoata  tte  opportuaity  of  raiolag 
tlMir  voUoo  tocotkor  in  tlM  fotpol  kgraa*. 

At  t&o  MMM  tiat  a  Isttor  to  th»  ooitor  appoaroa 
objactiofi;  to  a  diaturbanct  of  tito  poaaa  bgr  aoao  /ouag 

of  th«  viUaga  i*o  for  divoraioa  tod  baaa  Watiag  tbeii' 

aatf  atoatioc  off  tboir  rifloa*    Tbia  polnta  to 

avidotto*  of  tho  proMaco  of  ttio  uaual  f lf«  aad  drua  corpa 
of  coXoaial  <U]ra»  ao  iaportant  to  Foartli  of  July  eolobra* 
tiaaa  aad  patriotic  raUioa. 

Tho  oarly  atagc  coaeht  oatabliabad  i>«twooa  viiiiaaa* 
part  awi  ^orttaaibarlaad  ia  XW2,  furaiabatf  aoaaa  of  traaa* 
partatioo  for  varioua  travailing  toaolMra  to  liolu  tboir 
aatoois  ia  the  vlllagaa  aXoag  tim  lioo*    An  annouao— eat 
of  a  travsUing  <iaaoiag  t«aolMr*a  "Pirat  PotiliG  Vi^t" 
NoaiU  iadicate  Vuxt  ttora  aara  a  faw  paoplo  arowKi  who 
caaiu  furaiab  auaie  for  <ianaiBg»    Plana  eallod  for  tto 
Oaaaa  to  "ooaHtneo  at  tliroo  o'clock  ana  eoatintie  till  aiaa 
for  aalMlara**    ▲ftamaroa  ta«i  "'coia^iaay"  aouia  havo  tb« 
yrivilsgo  of  4aaaiag«    A  noto  of  «au*aiiv  aaa  miami,  "doaa 

^    i^y^oa^v^  Oaaotto.  Aittiuat  30|  1307,  p.  3* 
2    Ibid. 


I!'.'    ■  ■:^WfiA'S-^- 

*.aj«sr^as.'   :*s>aiai^i.j;.-''<i--'    ««i»-4»i'i 

i^V  l-i-     N4?.. 


•hoas  and  oo  S«gars."  Ticlccts  trar*  fifty  c«nt«  •acH. 

Shortly  aft«r  1300  oa*  At»raa  (^afiut  Migrated  to 
villlaaoport  froa  York.  Aaong  bis  houaehold  posottsslona 
Mas  an  inttrtuMot  calltd  a  ■pinct.  ^poa  tho  aarriago  of 
hi*  daughtsr  to  Joaoph  B*  AnthoasTt  Saquir*,  th«  iaitrtanant 
was  includad  in  h«r  wadding  dowry.  Subsequently  it  beeaac 
the  property  of  a  aan  referred  to  as  "Old  Johnny  SeitK«" 
a  person  whoa  everybody  knew  aad  whose  parfturattnces  on  the 
spinet  were  the  adairation  of  the  town. 

Earliest  wisic  instruction  was  probably  through  the 

well*known  "singing  school,"  an  institution  of  early  Aaeri* 

can  life.  It  was  as  early  as  1821,  however,  that  the  first 

advert iseaent  appeared  in  the  newspaper  inforaing  the  pub« 

lie  that  I 

Charles  Low  respectfully  informs 
the  ^-entleaen  and  ladies  of  the 
borough  of  Killiaasport  and  its 
vicinity  that  be  intemis  to  teach 
sacred  ausio  dtiring  the  winter  and 
solicits  the  attention  of  those  who 
wish  to  be  taught  at  the  court  house 
oa  Thursday  evening  next  at  early 
oaadlelight.  ^ 

o^      ->    Through  the  efforts  of  Kr.  Low  and  probably  others 

8  Lycoaing  Gaaette,  August  20,  1807,  p.  3. 

4  The  Daily  Gaaette  and  Bulletin.  Special  Centennial  Edition, 
June,  ld98,  p.  31. 

6  The  Daily  Gaaette  and  Bulletin.  December  25,  1321,  p.  d. 

i  '■:  ■*' '  '^  ■    I ' 

■Ji^«J3  00  JMUt .  tt'^ivfSfi 




-.«    '^»S>R'f   ^»>' 

*<•  f 

»4juq  Ml  ^ivWuii  %mTM^- 

:•   l.rlraflc*rt»!:i  .fA.'ra 


off«rt<I  loatructioa  aa  interest  mm  d«v«lop«(i  ia  fora- 
iag  a  r«sutAr  sroap  to  •ajoj  ehoral  •iaging*  In  ld33  oa 
«nviisatlon  eallMi  th«  WilliaMpert  Singing  Sociaty  was 

fSTMtd,  and  aMdMir*  w»r«  roquentod  to  aaot  "on  Saturday 

•voning  at  oar If  eandlolight."  . 

Such  croups  as  this  no  doubt  aided  grsatly  in  ths 

■usic  for  the  church  services  of  the  day.  By  1840  the  town 

had  several  churches »  the  oldest  of  which  was  The  First 

Prestqrterian  Church  organised  in  1833  with  thirty-eight 

■Mhers.     The  iCethodist,  GeriAn  f^eforasd  and  Lutherans 

also  had  churches  by  that  ti»e. 

The  year  1830  witnessed  the  arrival  of  the  first 

piano  in  villiaasport.  An  tudcMm  writer  contributing  a 

coluan  of  rsainisoenses  to  the  nswtp^per  in  1981  was  the 

owner.  The  piano  was  brought  froa  Xiltoa  where  it  was  aade, 

and  it  created  quite  a  sensation  aaoAg  the  local  residents. 

In  the  words  of  the  writers 

/   irhen  the  piano  sounded  out  its  pleas- 
//    ant  ousic  crowds  of  people  would 
'     asseable  in  front  of  the  house  and 
hang  about  the  windows.  In  front  of 
a  great  aaay  of  the  residences  were 
posts  eight  or  ten  feet  apart  with 
a  rail  froa  post  to  post|  on  these 

6  Lyconini^  Chronicle.  Septeaber  18 ,  1888,  p.  3. 

7  Grit.  July  8t  l'J56,  Seoquicentennial  Section,  p.  21. 



fails  th«  bay  would  pmnh  liloi  / 

With  t2i«  ftdvtnt  of  pianos  tiioro  mm  aaturally  a 
dosire  on  the  part  of  aaajr  to  learn  to  play»  and  it  is 
thou^t  that  ths  first  piaao  t«ach«r  was  a  Mrs.  Griswold 
nhe  taught  at  tho  comer  of  Xarket  and  Fifth  streets. 
Other  early  ones  tfere  a  Mrs.  Jones »  widow  of  a  Pres'sfter- 
ian  clergysMuHy  and  her  daughtert  Sudora.  tfith  t^w  eotab* 
liihint  of  Dickinson  Semitmnr  in  I?4?  greater  advantages 
is  ansio  were  offsred. 

Opportunities  to  hear  public  concerts  were  rare  in 
the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  centtary.  Theater  accoao* 
dations  were  provided  in  0oebler*o  Ra^ll,  the  third  floor 
of  a  building  in  Xarlcet  Square,  Here  candles  placed  in  a 
row  served  as  footlights.  Dan  Rouse  and  his  troupe  of 
performers  were  alwajrs  hailed  with  delight  and  their  pre* 
sentatioa  of  Kast  Urnne  always  drew  houses  with  "standing 
rooa  only.**  Occasional  visits  from  the  Peak:  fanily  of 
bell  ringers t  the  Rstchinsoas*  known  as  the  "Continentals*" 
and  the  aon^i  of  Can  Gardner  were  the  only  attractions 

S  The  Daily  Gagette  and  Bullet io.  !iarch  17,  1881,  p.  4. 

9  The  Daily  Ca»ette  and  Itolltetln.  ap«cial  Cent^^nnial 
Mition,  June,  i3ve,  p,  3i. 


te  -Tftoal  #«• 


.•■K    ««: 

off«r«d  to  th«  su0lo  Iov«r«  of  thoM  dajra- 


Suuattnly  in  1802  thmf  occtarrdU  In  thin  ntmggling 

YillAgn  cf  Imp  tlinn  four  thonMoci  a  annt  unnxpnetod  •vant 
which  throw  tho  wbolo  toim  into  a  stato  of  groat  osraitoaont* 

At  that  tiJM  John  CoMan,  a  luatMr  laaroa,  roniilo4 
horo  and  van  in  tho  noaith  of  hin  faao  an  a  land  a^ocula* 
tor.  Olo  anil  Man  intorontoU  in  a  larj^  traot  of  CoMon'n 
tiatxnrod  pr«ncrv«n  hi£h  up  in  tho  mount  aion  of  Pott  or 
County  whero  ho  hopod  to  found  a  iforwogiaa  colony.  Ho 
eaat  to  VilllMiiport  on  Soptnahor  S2,  1863 »  to  noo  nr. 
Conan,  and  ttpon  ooasilotion  of  tUo  trannaction  tho  famnin 
violinint  favorod  irilliaanport  with  a  froo  concert  • 

An  account  of  his  viait  and  oonoort  appoarod  in  an 

aid  Lyooaiag  Poiioorat  aawapapor  datod  Soptoabor  28,  13S2. 
It  waa  writttB  hgr  John  P.  Cart«r»  a  jgosaipy,  brilliant  and 
daahing  writor  wteao  of  fusion*  attracted  auch  attention. 
Bocauao  itt*.  Carter's  descriptioa  of   the  event  reflects  so 
vividly  the  exeitsflsat  of  the  t>i^  ua/»  aad  becaase  his  re- 
view gives  us  a  tastt  of  aid •nineteenth  century  ausical 
criticisa  it  saeas  of  value  to  quote  a  snbstantial  part  of 

10  Ibid. 


?  tI»  { "(*» 

it  h«r«« 

At  high  noon  on  V9<in««cla/  last  a 
one  hoTM  buggy  vat  8*«n  dashing 
through  ths  aain  strsst  of  our  town 
with  a  braes  of  passsngers.  On«  of 
th«  paassngsrs  wklb  at  once  rscognized 
as  oat  of  oar  «ost  popular,  eatiaabls 
Mid  sotsrprising  citissas  (Coiiaa).  Ths 
othsr  Mas  •  01«  QuUt  Thsrs  Mas  ths 
whits  hat  •  ths  taU  cosMuiding  fora  - 
ths  aasealar  liah  •  all  truth,  all 
love,  all  qrapathj,  all  brother ly 

In  the  •twinkling  of  a  bsdpost,* 
to  aaks  oas  of  a  SimkeBpoarsaa  quota* 
tion,  it  was  soon  known  fros  oas 
sxtreaity  of  the  stats  to  ths  other 
that  01s  mill  had  arrivsd  in  our 
aidst  and  was  the  guest  of  our  fellow 
townsaan,  John  P.  Cowan,  Baquire. 

At  two  o'clock  a  highly  sxcitsd 
audisnes  had  asasablsd  at  ths  Court 
Houas.  On  jaotion  of  a  very  largs 
■aa  with  a  vsry  smll  voice  XT.  T. 
Coryell  was  callsd  to  ths  chair  and 
Col.  John  F.  Cartsr  appoiatsd  ssors- 
tary.  General  Pleaiag  briefly  sx-    ^ 
plained  the  object  of  the  assting^^p^ 
of fsred  the  following  prsaahls  and 
rssolutions  which  wars  — aniamasly 
adopt sd I 

Nhsrsaa,  ws  undsrstaad  that  01s 
Bull,  no  leas  cslsbratsd  for  his 
iti^ti?  genius  than  his  love  for 
Aasrica  and  Aaerican  institutions, 
has  just  arrived  in  our  borough  and 
will  leave  toaorrow  for  Philadslphia. 

Resolved,  that  a  coaaittee  of 
•even  bs  appointsd  to  wait  on  01s 
Bull  and  sarnestly  re^tuest  hia  to 
aeet  ths  citisoas  of  KiUiaaaport 
at  such  plaos  waA  at  such  hour  aa 


■ny  l>«tt  tult  his  coav«alenc«« 

Rssolvod,  that  if  our  distinsuiahtta 
visitor  should  favor  tha  oitiaaas  of 
Villiaasport  with  an  avidanca  of  that 
Skill  which  has  aaU«  hia  naaa  a  housa* 
|M14  word  throughout  tha  civillsaa  iiorld 
ha  itiU  ooof ar  a  favor  which  will  t>« 
IsiV  prisaa  aod  Maraly  appraciatad. 

<Tha  followlofi  wara  appoiatatf  to  sarva 
•a  tha  cooaittaai  Xssrs.  <!•  F.  Cowan, 
•aoaral  Sohart  Plaaing,  Col.  John  P. 
Cartar,  Gaorgt  White,  Jaflas  Arastroag, 
Jslui  Roghas  and  J*  X*  Qraaa* 

Tha  coNiittaa  prooptly  oallad  oa  Ola 
Bull  and  prasaatad  hia  with  a  copy  of 
tha  foragoiag  prtaAbla  and  raaolutiona 
MSSHpaalad  with  a  ahort,  appropriata 
aim  aiaquaat  spaach  suitable  to  th* 

Tha  si*«st  artiat  and  tha  still  graat ar 
philanthropiat  draw  hiasalf  ap  to  full 
height,  and  with  hia  right  hand  on  tha 
outaid*  of  hia  hig  warm  haart  rapliad  as 
follows I 

•«r  franst  I  tmx&L  you  froa  da  hottoas 
of  «y  haart.  Xy  will  is  sraatar  than  aor 
power  •  flQT  srvpftthsr  graat  ar  than  agr  aaana. 
Dara  ia  aoowtiag  in  da  very  aaaa  of 
Paaaaylvaaia  «id  aU  ita  historic  aaaoci« 
atioaa  dat  oausas  m  haart  to  beat  quiclcly 
and  proudly.  If  ay  poor  life  ia  apared  • 
for  which  I  tank  God  •  a  few  aontha  I 
sfaaU  be  an  Aaerican  citisen  •  not  only 
a  sitisan  of  Pennsylvania  but  a  citisen 
of  dia  great,  dia  glorioua,  dia  growing 
Kitst  Branch  country  of  which  ifilliaasport 
is  da  lii^t,  de  aun,  da  center.  < Oh,  I 
hava  bought  ao  anoh  fine  land  in  Potter 
County.  Z  shall  want  acre  ia  dia  beaut i* 
ful  region,  for  X  hava  iMda  ay  arraoge* 
fltata  to  bring  out  thoasaads  and  teas  of 
thottsaoda  of  my  oppressed  eouatryaea  to 
dis  free  and  happy  land.^  I  ia  proud  to 



think  Oat  you  will  lilce  dea.  Ah,  ^ay 
countrymen  we  brave  -  dtey  are  honest  - 
A9J  are  contended  -  <ley  are  industrloua  - 
and  though  day  are  atubborn  Republicans, 
cley  have  no  sympathy  wid  de  visaionary 
Mazzinea  and  Koaauths  of  the  day. 

Again  I  tank  you  my   frena.  If  it  will 
give  yott  pleaaurea  to  hear  ae  in  ay  old 
capacity  as  an  artist,  gladly  do  I  accede 
to  the  request  which  you  have  aade.  Use 
agr  tiae  and  my   servicea  in  any  oanner 
aoat  agraaable  to  the  j^ood  citizens  of 
Villiasaport  whoa  you  represent.' 

The  coffiBitte^  thai^ed  him.  The  Court 
RoQse  was  engaged  and  a  special  police 
force  hastily  sworn  in.  Free  tickets 
were  distributed.  Kaws  spread  that  the 
Ole  Bull  was  actually  going  to  give  a 
concert  in  the  Court  House  at  half  past 
seven  o'clock  in  the  evening, 

Lon^  before  the  hour  designated  the 
Court  House  was  literally  surrounded  by 
all  the  beauty,  fashion,  deaocracy  ami 
intelligence  of  williaasport.  Never  did 
we  see  a  more  exciting  and  excitable  aul* 
titudej  and  when  the  avenues  of  entrance 
to  the  court  rooa  were  thrown  open,  the 
huaan  tide  flowed  in  with  aaazing  rapid- 
ity. In  less  than  fifteen  ainutes  the 
rooa  was  one  co^^^mct  aiaas  of  heaving, 
t^eathing,  talking  huaanity  -  the  little 
children  having  been  flung  into  the  nooks, 
holes,  corners,  and  window  seats,  in 
order  that  every  inch  of  available  space 
should  be  occupied.   It  was  by  far  the 
largest  audience  ever  seen  in  the  Dorough 
of  Killiaasport ,  or  in  the  County  of       i^*--^ 
LycoddLng.   What  a  sea  of  headst  What  — - — ^^ 
an  upturning  of  eyes  and  noses! A  And  what 
piqaant  scraps  of  fragaentary  conversation. 
•Set  off  my   dress.*  'That's  ay  foot,  sir.' 
•••'He's  only  30  and  he  refused  Jenny 
Liad's  hand  3  tiaes  ruaaiag.*   'Guess  you 
aay  believe  ao  •  these  eaaal  thcivcs  (sic) 
are  aerely  getting  their  deserts,'   'Khat 
a  love  of  a  bonnet.'  ...'To  be  sore  he 
can't  out  fiddle  Dan  Repass,  he  can  beat 
hia  all  to  aaash.'   'Saw  bia  ayself  as  I 
was  scrubbing  out  the  kitchen.*  ...'Only 


throo  fipa  a  yar^r     Mfh«r«  did  you  g«t 
it?*   .•••Th«  exeitwwnt.  \b»  iiit«l* 
loctuaLity  of  thl»  ••      •Take  that,  you 
little  Mretch.*      *Can  he  realiy  fiddX* 
standiiig  on  his  bwul?*     *Xa,  looic  at 
Toa  •  ho»»  a  pindOng  of  me.*      'Gilbert 
IMM  got  the  best  sugar  ha^as  in  town.* 
...   *31es9  m9,  irtiat  a  cro>i^,*     *I  mm 
iKltinu  atmy,  like  butter  in  th«  sun.* 
•DiUn't  I  tsll  you  to  taJcs  a  fan?' 
*Xftry,  just  see  if  the  pin  is  out  of 
■or  collar  -  that's  a  cieai%'      ..♦•Vfty 
don't  you  blow  your  nos©  at  oncoj 
you^rs  alMays  itortifyiag  as  in  public* 
•The  empcrw*  of  Russia  cav«  him  $20,00a 
Just  for  one  tune,*      'Ilero  ho  ooaos. 
Ho  -  yes  -  ao  -  yes  tiJAt*s  hl«,  hurra  • 
hurra  -  hurra I* 

Surs  saou£h  it  was  the  grsat  wizard 
of  tlis  iiM*th,  white  hat  and  all,  accom- 
paaisd  by  Oon.  Fl^skiivz  and  J.  F,  Coimn 
aiKt  JttMss  Anuitronfi,  i^quiros,     Hr. 
Cowan  appeared  in  front  of  ths  party 
and  saiU,   'Ladies  and  Gentldsi«n,  psrait 
as  to  introduce  to  you  the  world -roaowiisd 
01s  Bull,     Ss  appsars  befcn^e  you  not 
•aly  mm  ths  grsat  artist,  but  as  the 
adoptsU  citizen  of  tiis  Msst  branch 
Tall«y«     Within  a  few  woelcs  he  has  pur> 
ohMisd  froa  ac  120, JO 0  acres  of  land 
in  Potter  County.     Be  intends  to  brin^i 
thousands  of  his  hardy  ami  industrious 
couatryaen  to  ococ^y  and  cultivate  that 
land.     If  his  life   is  sparsd,  within  the 
oext  5  years  he  will  be  the  efficient 
OMMuis  of  addin^7  thousands  to  the  popu- 
lation of  Horthern  Pennsylvania,  and 
hUQdrsds  of  thousands  to  its  wealth, 
V^sd  X  say  aorer* 

(Three  cheers  for  Ole  Oullt     'Hurra  - 
nurra  -  Hurral'      'Thrco  raoro  cheers,* 
•Hurra  -  Hurra  -  Kurral') 

After  the  cheering  had  subsided,  01s 
3all  aad«  his  appearance,  violi«}  in  hand, 
bowiag  sad  ffsillog  like  a  woIcoas  guest 
at  a  osrriags  fsast.     Ho  aaia,   'C^atloaun  - 
no,  Z  bag  pMrd<«  •  Ladies  anu  Gsntleaen, 
I  tank  yott  for  ds  kindness  of  dis  roception. 
Tou  aake  as  feel  proud  -  liappy  «  delighted. 


I  IM  •»*•  of  roar  wfa^thf  if  X  fail 
to  iaipirt  yo«  with  Mtitfaotioa*  X 
hold  in  agr  haad  a  PosaaflvMiia  violin  • 
th«  lot  one  of  tbo  kind  I  ovor  attoaptod 
to  oott,  I  shall  try  to  do  justice  to 
its  origin,  although  I  would  wich  prs» 
for  ay  own  instruaaat.* 

Kors  applause,  folloitoa  by  profound 
silsnos  and  brsathlsss  expectation. 
Ths  iastruMnt  <hs  had  iZaltsr  Willard«s 
and  Dan,  Rspass*  fiddlss)  is  plaood 
firmly  against  the  left  siiouldsr  •  the 
bow  is  raised  with  witcblns  srace  of 
a  wisard,  as  he  is  •  the  1st  note 
treahles  on  the  ear  like  the  low  wail 
of  an  inflsBt  •  aad  wliowS  pteisst  off 
he  dashes  in  one  of  those  wild,  ia- 
proflvtu  fantasias  that  have  carried  tqr 
stars  the  ears  and  hearts  of  so  "any 
thousands,  nay  oillions.  Tott  aiffht 
as  well  atteapt  to  iaprison  the 
gorssotts  colors  of  the  rainbow  as  to 
attei^pt  to  give  a  description  of 
Ole  Bull*s  playing*  You  are  lost  - 
bewildered  •  astonished  -  captivated! 
Surely  that  instruaent  he  holds  anst 
have  a  heart  and  soul,  and  all  the 
other  attributes  of  our  ^iritual 
nature  •  for  of  a  truth  those  sounds 
.saanot  bo  produced  by  the  friction 
of  oat  gut  and  horse  hairt  He  gives, 
as  it  wsre,  an  eobodiasat  to  svery 
eaotioa  of  the  heart  *  touohiag  the 
deep  wells  of  affections  and  reaching 
the  oonsuaing  fire  of  the  passions. 
At  tiaes  you  are  listening  to  the 
warbling  of  birds  •  the  soft  sigh  of 
the  suaaer  idLnds  as  it  woos  the 
quivering  leaf  •  or  the  pleasant 
flow  of  tears*  The  next  anaent  you 
are  transported  to  tha  cold,  bleak, 
fearful  wilds  of  Verway,  to  hear  the 
roar  of  foaaing  oataraots  aad  to 
listen  to  the  solean  surge  of  the 


••a  as  it  baats  agaioat  a  rook  booad 
coast.  Asaln  you  aro  in  aaotbar  and 
aors  ganial  ciia*  ••  in  th«  aidst  of 
ttoo  oaroiv^  *  watchia«i  tlia  tricks 
and  sailing  at  tiia  airth  of  tlM  baauti* 
f  ttl  bttt  dagradad  obildraa  of  tlM  sunny 
sotttb.  At  laagtb  Ola  Bull  oaasad  plajr- 
lag  I  but  tbtt  audianca  aovad  not,  for 
*Listanin£  still,  thay  saaa  to  baar.* 

Dull  f  ioall/  aade  a  aovaaaat  for 
tba  door  Mbao  tba  audlanca  rosa  aad 
gava  hia  (3)  baarty,  boaast  ebaars, 
loud  aaou^ib  anc.  atrong  enougb  to   _ ,  ..  w> 
raisa  tb«  roof  off  tba  Court  Hoasa.  jST^T 
Tba  naxt  day  ba  atartad  for  Pbilasr^'^ 
dalpbia,  aadd  tba  chears  of  a  larga 
waftsr  of  our  oitisaaa  «il»  bad  col« 
laotad  on  tbc  jmclcat  beat  wbarf ,  to 
witnass  his  dspartura.  ii 

TIM  story  of  tha  ill-fatad  Olaoaa  Colony  for  whiob 
Ola  BhU  bad  sucb  high  iMpaa  is  fairly  wall  kaOMi.  Plaguad 
by  aisfortants  sad  ill  baalth,  tba  colonists  finally  bad 
to  abandon  tba  projact,  soaa  of  tbaa  drifting  out  to 
Xionasota  aad  aoaw  raturning  to  lortaiy. 

Za  racant  ya&rs  intarast  in  the  Olaoaa  locality  baa 
baaa  revivad  with  tba  astabliababat  of  a  otata  park  on  tba 
apot  vbara  Ola  built  bis  cast la.  In  tba  fall  tba  animal 
Ola  BuU  SUta  Music  FSstival  is  bald  oadar  tba  diraction 
of  Inez  Bull,  a  daaoaadaat  of  Ola  Bull, 

11  Tba  ^aily  Cagatta  aad  Bullttin,  Saptaabar  27,  1^70,  p.4* 

•-'vn^la   fit 


LOUIS  maaEkV  cottsciuli: 

Tmk  y«ar«  afttr  th*  Ole  Boll  coooart  tfilXijuMport 

«»•  privil«s«<i  to  tmf  «  oonoert  ^  Louis  Moroau  Oottochalic, 

tbo  first  AaoricAii  pianist  of  any  note, 

yC^-  -  To  ths  studsnt  of  ausle  history  Gottschallc  bas 
always  apyaarsd  as  a  glaaorous  figiire.  Being  the  first 
Aacrican  to  aaks  a  caraer  as  a  concert  pianist •  ho   ful- 
filled the  expectations  of  his  audiences  with  his  sbow« 
Mnship.  AMMg  his  individual  naanerisas  was  the  habit  of 
appearing  on  the  stage  wearing  white  kid  gloves  which  he 
would  slowly  reaove  after  sitting  down  at  the  piano.  Be- 
fore beginning  the  proeraa  he  would  glide  swiftly  over  the 

keyboard  in  a  brief  iaprovlsed  prelud  of  "sweeping  glis* 

sandoSf  rippling  arpeggios  and  sptf^kling  trills*** 

Stories  are  told  of  how  the  woaen  who  attended  his 

concerts  would  swara  around  hia  after  his  porfornian<A8« 

They  would  even  follow  hia  to  his  hotel  bagging  for  his 

autograph  or  a  piece  of  his  white  gloves  as  a  souvenir. 

Sewral  days  before  Gottschalk*s  scheduled  appear- 

13  Barold  C.  SctMBberg,  "Facing  the  Kusic,"  Kuaiaal  Cour- 
ier, (lareli  1,  1953)  4. 

13  Grace  Overagr^r,  Faaous  Aaer<ffli  ^yi'At'rff-  ^^^  ^<^^> 

Tho«as  T.  Crowell  Co.,  X)#44,  p.  oe. 

14  Ibid. 

**tr>  it 


•nc«  the  foUoMlafi  advert iscacnt  appeared  In  tho  news- 


on*  occasion  only 


Strakosch  has  tbe  honor  to  infora 
the  pobllc  of  tiilXiaBsport  ami  vicinity 
that  tha  eadnant  Pianist  and  CtmpoB^r 

Xr.  L*  K«  Gottsohaik 

ViXl  giva  on  his  way  to  9aw  Totic, 

One  Qrand  Farawall  Concert » 

Ob  Xonday  evening,  Jane  ISth.  when  he 
will  perrora  a  oew  sad  brilliaat  pro* 

On  the  occasion  the  favorite  and  ereat 
firiaa  Donaa  Contralto, 

Xae.  Aoalia  Patti  Strakosob 

Mill  aake  bar  last  apsaarance  hare 
before  her  daparturs  far  Europe,  where 
she  is  eagagsd  at  tba  Eoyal  Italian 
Opara,  London. 

Wm   S*  Babrens,  Husical  i; Ir ector  ana 

iydaiasion  50  centst  Reserved  Seats  25 
cents  extra.  Seats  and  tickets  aay  be 
sastarad  at  Kr.  D.  S.  Aadnas  Nasic  Store, 
osaaaasias  this  sMrnlng. 
Door  a  open  at  7  1*4,  concert  to  ooaaeaoe 
at  u  o*cloe3c.   ,« 
13th,  lasa.*** 

1ft  west  araasli  laUatin.  June  13,  1363,  p.  3. 



la  tb«  aaat  pftp«r  a  shart  paragraph  r«iterat«d  tht 

faM  of  tbt  artist  h«r«  and  akraad  vltH  th«  proaiae  thati 

•  ••  tha  lovara  of  fiat  male  In  our 
boraugh  will  bava  a  rara  opportunity 
to  gratify  thair  taata,«,  to  all  wlio 
iHiva  kapt  paoa  with  tha  auaical  cola* 
britiaa  of  tha  world  tha  annooncaaant 
ia  all  tkat  la  aaadad  to  aacura  a 
fall  hooaa.iO 

TlM  additional  persons  nantioaad  in  th«  concart 

aaaaoaaaaaat  did  not  includa  all  of  tba  pianist* a  antouraga. 

XT.  Strakoaah  aaa  Gottschallc's  a^ont  and  iapraaaario  and 

alao  hoatiand  of  tha  singer.  In  addition  to  Mr.  Strakoach 

sad  lr«  lahraoa»  who  waa  the  acco^jaalst,  thare  was  also  a 


piano  tunar  to  look  after  two  Chlokariag  grand  pianoa. 

Gattachalk  waa  a  aan  of  taata  who  knew  hia  Europe 
and  AAsrica  Inside  out«  Ha  kept  a  diary  to  while  away  the 
hours  on  traina  or  in  hotel  rooraa.  In  it  he  discusses 
evarything  •  esthetics,  critic Isa,  eoapoaition,  huaan 
nature,  polltlca  and  woaaB*a  suffrage.  Hia  obaervationa 
often  have  a  quiet  wit.  Tory  intereating  iapreaalons  of 
oar  town  are  found  ia  this  diary.  Va  find  the  following 
paragraph  after  hia  arrival  in  Kiiliaaaport i 

Villiaaaport ,  Pn.,  Monday,  June  15,  1863. 
Left  Elaira  thia  aorning  at  4 

16  Ibid. 

17  Louia  Horeau  Gottachalk,  Hotea  of  a  Pianiat,  p.  209, 



r-s-i^d.  o<s:v»"T4^.i 

o'clock.     Arrived  la  wi 
mttmr  a  Journ«/  of  8«voii  hours* 
wiiiUmport  it  a  vory  protty  town, 
oootaiaiag  mbout  f  Ivo  tboutaod  ifi« 
habitants.    On  a  •illln«r*a  aifa  X 
•air  tiM  worda  •Xca  Croaa.*     This 
hgrbriA  buaiBtaa  rasindad  eta  of  tha 
Zslaad  of  St,  Thoaatv  whara  th« 
pvhliahar  of  tha  •Tidaada*  (a  Caniah 
aawapapar)  ia  tha  aanufaeturar  of 
t>athiaj(  tttba»  and  idiara  tahacconiata 
aali  pf—rv9  and  patant  aadioinaa. 
Tha  aiUinar  hat  a  vary  pratty 
lit t la  boodoir  la  tha  raar  of  har 
tfiopt     it  ia  tha  aanetua  aaactoroa, 
idiara  aha  pr^ably  triaa  on  tha 
draaaaa.    A  saall  aarbla^top  tabla 
■akaa  aaa  anapact  that  it  ia  tha 
rafrashnant  Milooa.     In  tha  window 
Z  —  hadkata  of  atrawb  rriaa  and 
•traw  hata.  tha  faraar  looking 
lika  boaaata  fuU»  and  tha  Uttar 
Ilka  baakata  aapty.    Tha  ntaaie 
•allar  ia  a  cloak  aakar.     Thara  ia 
an  air  of  aaaa,  aiaq»lieity  and 
ehaarfttlaaaa  about  tha  plaea  that, 
raaiada  mo  of  tha  5wiaa  villagaa.^^ 

Unfortttitttaly  in  a  faw  houra  tha  tranquility  of  tha 

town  was  grant ly  diatnrbad.  Tha  yaar  1809  waa  tha  tia*  of 

tha  Civil  Knr.  8y  four  o*elook  tha  whala  town  waa  in  a 

aawiotioa.  A  diapatoh  hau  baao  raoaivad  announcing  tha 

iavaaion  of  tha  atata  by  thraa  coloana  af  rtbala.  Bf  fiva 

o'clocic  aoothtr  diapatoh  froa  tha  Goramor  called  all  abla< 

bodiad  citizana  to  araa.  Ma  find  tha  following  entry  in 

Gottaehalk*a  aiaryi 

I  go  oat  into  the  atreeta.     Tha 

18  Ibid.,  p.  200. 

-'.»«*  f,. 

crowls  mUtiplj  wu!  IncrMMC  wrery 
■Mwnt.  I  pass  nsain  bsforc  th« 
•hop  of  the  fralt-Mlllner{  bsr 
hats  full  of  strawberries  and  hsr 
b(»rlbbonsd  baskets  ar(>  still  there, 
but  the  poor  Koaaa  app^'srs  terribly 
fk*ichtenetf . 

A  volttntarjr  ■llitary  band  draws 
op  in  battle  array  on  the  principal 
square I  is  it  neeessary  for  ae  to 
say  that  it  is  ooapctaed  of  Oerasaa 
(all  the  aiisieiaas  In  the  United 
States  are  Gsraaas)? 

Thsre  are  five  of  thenf  a  c<»*aet 
a  piston  with  a  inroken-dowa  eoosti* 
ttttioa  (I  speak  of  the  iastniasnt) 
a  savwnous  tron^wne,  aa  Mhideide 
too  low,  a  clarionet  too  high,  a 
sour^looking  fifer  •  all  of  an 
iadapeodent  and  irascible  teaper, 
but  united  for  the  aoteent  through 
their  hatred  of  tiae  and  their 
desire  vigorously  to  oast  off  its 
yoke,  I  anst  confess  that  they 
•asceeded  to  that  extent  that  I  aa 
doubtful  whether  they  played  in  a 
najor  or  aiaor  key. 

The  crowd  is  stirred  up,  patri* 
otic  aeetings  are  organised.  An 
old  n^ntleaan  in  black  clothes, 
with  a  large  officers*  scarf  around 
his  waist  harancrues  fron  the  porch 
of  the  hotel  aany  of  his  friends* 
The  band  strikes  up  and  aarches 
through  the  streets,  which  fills 
the  people  with  ailitary  ardour, 
thaaks  to  the  strains,  acre  noisy 
thaa  haraoaious,  of  this  perforaiag 

The  sadden  turn  of  events  caused  Gottschalk  some  ais* 

13  luiu.,  p.  202. 



givlags  *•  to  hi*  bavlog  an  audittno*  tbat  •vsaiiiK  as  h% 
MTottt,  "Tb«  cluMoaa  for  the  concert  thla  evaaiiig  are 

ratlMr  aubious.  Ttaa  racalpts,  which  proalaatf  faaoaaly 

tld.s  aorning,  ar«  auddeoly  paralysad." 

Momyr,   the  concert  went  on  as  •che<ialed,  for  «• 

find  the  foliowing  eo«Mnt  in  the  diarri 

11  P«  X.  I  pla7«<l  thla  •venlng, 
ftftar  all,  before  a  very  respectable 
aadience,  which  listened  with  aarked 
interest  and  a  aore  sostained  atton« 
tioo  than  I  always  aeet  with  in  the 
audiences  of  siaall  towns*  1^  little 
piese  entitleu  *The  Union*  was  suach 
applaudedi  it  suited  the  aoaent.'^^ 

TiMt  williaasport  residents  aajr  f««l  proud  of  the 

coaoert  aaaaers  of  their  forbears  is  ftirther  evidenced  by 

tiM  followin4ii 

At  the  concert  this  evening  X 
noticed  a  youog  aaa,  who  havias  occasion 
to  cross  the  hall  did  so  on  tiptoe »  not 
seeaio^  to  share  the  general  opinion 
in  this  country  that  in  such  cases 
it  is  best  to  aake  as  «ach  noise  as 
possible*  Ineoaparable  young  aant 
Row  I  regret  not  being  able  to  in* 
scribe  thy  naae  on  ay  tablets,  or 
have  it  engraved  in  letters  of  col(i* 
in  order  that  it  any  be  handed  down 
to  the  adairation  of  posterity! ^^ 

One  wonders  whether  the  white  golvss  ware  worn  at 

20  Ibid.,  p.  203* 

21  Ibid. 

22  Ibid.,  p.  204. 


th«  conoort  and  how  GottschaDc  Impressed  th*  WiUlaaaport 
music  lov«r3.  Unforlu?iat«ly  w«  iur«  donled  a  nusical  crit- 
icisa.  Tho  n<m3pap«r  did  not  app«m'  on  Its  usual  datfts 
folloiriiag  the  concert  because  all  of  the  c«iq^sitors  on 
tm  Bulletin  left  for  Harrisburg  in  ^oiswor  to  the  Governor's 

that  Vlllia»0p(H*t  cared  enough  about  Gottachalk  to 
want  a  repeat  performance  Is  shown  by  the  fact  that  he 
plajre^  here  again  a  year  later,  April  twelfth,  1H64.  This 
tiat  he  was  accompanied  by  >f«e,  Henrietta  Behr^ns,  pr iaa 
donna,  and  Sis.  Carlo  Pattl,  "the  younc  and  highly  talented 
violinist,"  Silled  as  "the  rsost  popular  pianist  in  the 
Uaited  States,"  Gottschalk  was  to  play  "several  of  his 
latest  coapositions  which  have  caused  so  great  a  sensation 

ia  »ew  York,  Boston,  Philadelphia  and  all  the  western 

cities."    Among   these  were  probably  the  Dyinu  I'oet  and 

The  Last  Hope,  favorites  with  the  audiences  of  those  days. 

ire  gain  an  iasight  into  the  hardships  and  the 

tH^ugbts  of  the  touring  concert  artist  as  we  read  the 

following  entry  in  GottschalicU  diary.  This  is  all  the 

information  we  have  about  his  second  concert  here: 

23  West  Dranch  bulletin.  June  20,  1363,  p.  2. 

24  West   fU-anch  ttulletin.  April  9,   1864,   p.   3. 

fllrf  1© 


jnfi  j;^? 

.nE«6  »< 


•Af   b 

»dt  lie. 


•  ii*i1l(j)*ilt 



Arriv«a  at  williaaaport  at  ttlght 
o'clock.  I  bani   sont  a  uiapatcb  to 
Stmkotob  tellinfi  of  mur  delay.  H« 
iflMdi«t«ly  put  t^  bills  annouaclog 
that  tbe  concert  would  not  cotanrnct 
until  oin*  iii0t«*(i  of  •ight  o* clock. 
Mjr  piano  trav«llo<a  Kith  a*  in  the 
train.  Arrived  at  half  iiast  eii^t 
'I'dock  at  the  hotel,  took  in  a 
hurry  &  cup  of  bad  tea*  aad  away  to 
busineaa.  One  barriog  for  dinner 
(picked  up  at  a  station  along  the 
May!)  nine  hours  in  the  traini  and, 
in  spite  of  everything,  fiva  hundred 
parsons  Mho  have  paid  that  you  say 
give  to  thea  ti#o  hours  of  poesy* 
of  passion,  and  of  inspiration*  I 
will  confess  to  you  secretly  th^ 
certainli;  wiU  be  cheated  this 


25  Gottsehalk  ,  p.  263. 

.89S    .q    , 

aumsk  III 



Perhaps  th«  awst  fascinating  chapter  in  the  history 

of  the  amsic  of  KlUiaasport   is  the  story  of  the  nationally 

fapotts  liepasa  Band,     isfot  only  was  It   the  first   bras*  band 

in  the  city,  but  it  claias  the  cistinction  of  being  one  of 

the  two  oldest  non-service  bands  in  continuous  service  in 

tlM  United  States,  the  other  being  the  Allentown  Banu, 

z;?^"^^ Althottgh  aost  towns  of  any  size  in  the  United  States 

/have  had  aoro  or  less  continual  service  of  bands  for  the 

iwat  century  and  a  quarter,  there  are  no  aore  than  ten 

which  have  not  only  a  consecutive  history  far  l»ck  into 

the  nineteenth  century  but  a  recorded  one  as  well. 

Established  in  1^531  before  the  era  of  telegraph  and 

telephone,  electric  light  and  autoaobiles,  before  Wllliaias- 

port  passed  fr<»  a  borough  into  its  epoch  of  nationwide 

proainence  as  a  luaberinj;  city  the  Repass  nand  has  survived 

to  this  date,  holding  an  unbroVcen  record  as  a  musical  orLiao* 

1  Hope  Stoodard,  "Xusic  in  Pennsylvania,"    International 

Mttsician,    (July,   1954),   13. 

2  Ibid. 


ittV     iJ9 



ization  of  liigb  attalmwnt.  ^wr  doflnlt*  contrlbutiona 
to  tlio  oonotrt  and  ailitary  music  of  our  nation  havo  ba«a 
Mdo  throush  thia  band,  which  is  oft«n  affectionately  ra-^^  /^ 
ferred  to  aa  tha  •Grand-daddy  of  Aaariean  iJanda.*^  ^* 

Cradit  ia  given  to  Jacob  L.  IbiMiim  for  organising 
tha  band  which  waa  originally  called  tha  hUliaaaport  Band. 
XT*  Xuaaina  ma  aada  the  firat  laadar,  and  during  the  firat 
faw  yeara  Christopher  Lawranoe,  L«  W.  Hyaan  and  A.  K*  Xabia 
aerved  in  thia  capacity.  Original  aeabera  in  1831  were 
tha  foUoiringi  Jacob  L.  Xaaaina,  Williaa  Grafiua,  John  S. 
Hyaan,  Jacob  D.  Hyaan,  Williaa  Coulter,  Henry  D.  Haylaan, 
Reuben  Ruch,  Saauel  Strayer,  George  Slate,  J.  Ryaan  Pulaer, 
ChrlatopAer  Lawrence,  A.  K.  Kabia,  Abrahaa  Rothrock  and 

John  Rothrock.^ 

Tha  inatruaentation  of  this  pioneer  band  waa  liaited. 
It  conaiated  of  flutea,  clarinets,  plccoloa  and  one  brass 
instmaent,  a  French  horn,  played  by  Christophar  Lawrence, 

fathor-in*law  of  Jacob  Jatter  and  a  aoldier  under  Hapoleon 


It  was  in  1338  that  the  yooog  aan  who  was  destinad 
to  bring  this  band  into  national  proainance  oaae  to  ViUiaas* 
port.  Daniel  Repass,  a  resident  of  Muncy,  oaae  to  williaas* 

8  Xaaical  Lnterorlae.  (July,  1917),  n.p. 

4  Tha  Williaasport  Sun,  May  31 »  1915,  p.  1. 

5  Ibid. 


vt*^fm&  '^t 

j.i-: " 

~  rf'lfS.W 



«*&»f;.a,iA  .'     -'Xitii*    •;»  i'.uii.'., 


fa«i  1 

J   av^^iivi*^-' 

iiyiUi»liSia  ,'*%  Hx;.'    •to'jt«»*v«  «l*ww    uvrrt'-'     A-v    '"■*>> 

port  to  tMich  aoasic  aod  (lanoin£,  bavins  hmA   slailAr  claaa* 
••  la  th«  toNDt  along  this  v&llrT  li«t;;o»a  Hilton  axKl  Lock 
Bavaa.  Ra  mm  a  aoat  aaMtioas  jomoq  «ui  and  not  aatiafitd 
with  a  Mr«  ooaaiOB  achool  adueati^n  >«liich  naa  all  that  was 
available  to  hia  at  that  tiJM,  advantas**  for  book  learniag 
baiag  varr  — agra.  Ha  had  a  atrong  <iaair«  for  ausic  and 
aarly  in  hia  Ufa  had  atodiad  tha  rudiaanta  of  auaic  with 
t«a  lagHilttn  aaMd  Tottaa  aad  Taraar.  Vpwn  raaohiag 
Williaaaport  h«  ooatinuad  hia  atody  with  ▲•  K.  Xabia,  a 
laadar  of  tha  wfilliaaaport  Band,  and  andar  hia  tuition 
btqat  vary  proficiaat  in  tha  art.  Ba  joinad  tha  band  in 
1S40  aad  baeaaa  it  a  l«adar«  Ha  introUuctd  nsw  and  iaprovad 
inatrtuMnta,  and  nadar  hia  akillful  leadarahip  tha  band 
attained  sraat  proficiency  and  jMrofldnonca  aa  it  travallad 
about  tha  country.  Tha  aaabara  of  tha  baad  ware  ao  appra* 

ciativa  of  hia  ability  aad  aooa^pliahaanta  thay  renaaad 

tha  band  tha  Rapaas  Baad  in  hia  honor  in  1S59. 

Daaial  Xapaai  manfd  mm  laadar  until  old  age  f oread 

hia  to  retire.  Re  had  few  auperiora  aa  a  auaician  and 

when  no  longer  able  to  uae  an  inatruaent  he  would  attend 

band  rehaaraala  and  liaten  with  a  critical  ear.* 

6  The  Daily  Gaaette  and  Bulletin.  Hoveabar  23,  1391,  p.  5. 

7  John  F.  Hasianeaa,  History  oC  Lygotain^  County.  Pennayl» 
'  i,   p.  872. 

8  i;^. 

•  •«        r.  J  IM 

1<»V>  <*i»>»rh'-  «.»;'>«*«• 

l«MUfl«»'it  v. 


,8    ..  .'liihr.t 

tfn^l^l^H  '^^^ 

Bdr.  Rspasz  was  a  gentlooan  of  uigniflod  al«n  in  his 
■sture  years*  a  writer  of  a  gonoration  later  recallinyg  ttM 
MBjaory  of  "Squire  Repaaz  atrolcing  his  long  beard  as  he 
wdked  about  under  the  trees  in  the  yard  surrounding  his 
boas  on  Pine  Street."   ne  was  eloctoc  olUeroan  froa  the 
third  ward  in  1359  and  held  that  office  until  1396.  His 
off ioe  Mas  on  willow  Street  in  the  old  fracie  building  Just 
east  of  the  old  Corner  Hotel,  One  ovening  in  February  of 
1885  ho  had  entered  the  Turn  Verein  on  nasin  Street  for 
ths  purpose  of  llstcnino  to  an  orchestra  that  was  playing 
thero.  Maaa   he  caao  out  he  slipped  and  fell,  tireaWing  his 
right  hip.  no  never  fully  recovered  the  uso  of  his  right 
lag  aad  warn   f(M*ced  to  uso  crutches  the  reoHiindor  of  his 
life.  Seoauso  of  this  be  gave  up  his  coaaission  as  alder-' 

For  the  last  several  years  of  his  life  he  was  in 
failing  health  and  confined  to  his  bod  for  nearly  a  yoar 
having  suffered  another  severe  fall.  About  eight  laonths 
before  his  death  he  expressed  a  desire  to  see  the  Reverend 
A.  L«  Yount,  at  ttiat  tiao  pastor  of  St.  Kariis  Lutheran 

Q  Anno  Linn  Cheyney,  "Jacqueline's  Lettor  to  the  Iloae 
Polks,"  Williaaaport  Sun,  August  13,  1331,  n.p. 

10  The  Daily  Gazette  and  3ullotin,  Jfovefsber  23,  1891,  p.  5, 



Church,  who  cKlninisterec  the  sacraasat.  Hr.  S«p«9z  gav9 
as  his  reasoa  for  soiccting  a  Lutheran  sinister  the  fact 
that  bis  fath&r  itad  baeo  a  minister  cf  this  cenoeinatioa. 
Fro«  the  tins  of  hi:*  fir  at  talk  Kith  Kcvsreod  Yount  up  to 
his  last  hours  Mr.  Kt^pasz  took  great  pleasure  in  reading 
the  aibie.  Us  often  spoke  to  his  friends  of  his  conver- 
sion  ai^  sssaeti  very  bai^py  in  the  thought  that  he  was 
prepared  to  die, 

Thout;h  his  activo  brain  becaae  cloudy  his  paosion 
for  ausic  re«saiaed.  Hs  would  talk  for  hours  upon  tho 
subject,  aad  even  in  his  wcb  e-neci  state  enjoyed  handling 
his  old  violin.  Thr««  days  beftnro  his  dsath  he  requested 
that  his  old  violin  be  brought  out  so  that  be  could  "tune 
it  up  once  nore,**  but  he  was  too  weak  to  holu  it,  and  the 
instruoent  was  laid  down  at  his  siUe  wiisre  hv  ^azstl  fondly 
at  it,  its  sight  aeetaing  to  bring  ^mtit   cherished  recollec- 

Passing  quietly  away  the  ui^ht  of  Moveitber  21,  1301, 
the  «Sousa  of  his  day*  was  laid  to  rest  as  ths  Flsk  Mili- 
tary jland,  attending,  his  funeral  in  a  body  coaplied  with 
the  veteran  Musician's  request  of  long  standing;  by  playing 
his  favorite  dlrgs,  "Flee  as  a  Bird," 

One  of  the  band's  earliest  trlu?aph«  cane  in  1341 

11  ri>iu. 

t  'Mjt  Jt >* ' »     >\  i  si    J5_ ; 

Mm.  floic 


i«    ^ 

vhen  It  acco^pnniod  the  Penna^rivimla  tfhig  delegation  to 
Baltlaotre,  ra<.l:lnii  tho  trip  In  a  «»n&l  bottt.     Th«r©  th«y 
played  ilm*±Tm  the  convention  whlcli  luvstlimtetU  Vtf^^nry  Clay 
f<w»  president, 

Tho  folltywinz  y<t«r  they  WMit  »  tMr  of  Pftnnaylvanla 
in  their  owa  baml  wagon,  giving  concert a  in  all  the  pria* 
dpal  towna  a;iKi  c;ro!?ttins  cvulto  a  a®n«atloa  nuaically.     For 

aoM  tuoknown  r«4Mron,  however,   the  trip  waa  labelled  a 

fallm<e  fltwneinlly* 

Throoijh  onr  nation*  t  hiatory  ha»aa  have  sMida  i«ar*9 

hardshlpa  «or«  «n<iurabl«  atna  their  vlctoriea  moi»e  triuisjph- 

ant.     Th«  RepnM  fkinrX  has  certainly  nlayad  a  laading  rola 

in  thia  re^poct,  having  takan  part   In  nunverous  sallitary 

•aiiagaaanta.     with  Daniel  Repass  as  leader  nnd  wllliara  IT. 

Jones  as  draa  aajor,  tH«  bnn<l  unlisted  in  a  body  at  tha 

outbreak  of  tho  Civil  War  in  April,  1B61.     It  was  attached 

first  to  the  11th  RaglMsatt  Pennsylvania  yolunteers.     KTion 

it  loft  ?^illiafiisport  on  April  26,   1161,  it  »ms  coaprlsed 

of  the  following  ttaobersi     Repass,  Jooes,  Jacob  H.  Schuck, 

TlMMui  A.  Hothroek,  Talna  P«  Aueril,  Gecm^ge  X.  Repass, 

AltHirt  Xartin,  $•  }fa<si£  Taylor,  M,  Huntor  Caldwell,  h\  D* 

flaailton,  Charles  ^,  Raadlton  and  John  Taylor, 

12    The  Daily  Gasette  and  gullet in.  Special  County  Centen- 
nial f^ditioa,  ^voidt   i390,  p,  ol. 

la     yjlliaasport  Sesqujcontennial  Historical  aosfc^et.  p.  34* 


.1     /'rr^w  .,  ■■    'iv',    •  .,,  ■■■.«f!   Vfc'il-    -r-t»TV    -^-.uism '  ^cs^   «#fT 

arfitt   Ji'-.r  '-.  't    .'aurtvo-*    .  wr^rtJ*?  PR 

JMfftl      tfttlNltei 

•  ^M-: 

■«».-,iW.-«l-*i      ' 

After  serving  thrM  WMths  the  band  re-eallated  with 
2dth  R«glAent«  Pftiinsylvania  Volunteers.  The  band  went 
throagh  the  rebellion  frcm  start  to  finish,  and  as  the 
bmii&   of  the  8th  Pennsylvania  Cavalry  it  Mas  at  Appomattox 
Mhsa  G«a4»ral  Robert  E.  Lee  surrendered.  In  the  line  that 
day  it  sottoded  out  the  "Star  Spangled  Banner,"  "Hally  Round 
the  TX»g*   and  "Yankee  Doodle,"  alternating  with  a  Confeder- 
at«  htmi.   which  played  the  stirring  "Dixie"  ana  "The  Bonale 
Blue  Flag."^* 

Kaay  aejabars  of  the  band  saw  service  in  the  field 
■a«ic  ©f  the  12 th  kegiaent,  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantry, 
during  the  Spanish*^Merican  War,  However,  it  did  not  be- 
coae  the  official  band  of  the  {Rational  Guard  until  1903. 
It  served  three  eolistaents,  retiring  in  l';>12. 

During  those  years  the  band  scored  saany  of  its 
greatest  successes.  It  headed  the  Pennsylvania  Guard 
in  Hew  York  City  at  the  centennial  of  the  inauguration  of 
OMrgs  Washington  as  President!  It  led  the  Guardsaian  in 
Harch,  1905,  at  the  Inaujiuration  of  President  Theodore 
Roosefvslt  and  again  in  1909  at  the  inauguration  of  Presi- 
dent w'illiaa  Howard  Taft.  One  of  its  outstanding  achieve* 
aents  was  the  presentation  in  1399  of  "The  Spanish  Hfar," 
a  ausical  extravaagaaxa.  This  entertainownt  was  repeated 

14  Itusicai  Enterprise,  (Hay,  1^17),  n.  p. 

iHi,^   ittLt 

>4iiyki  >tu>Hi  ^fa 

iWai^i^A   Al*i.    »«;«     l(.       J.'    Vt 

'f«/«iittd  <*v  •'•ntu  ii 

H  f  K>*  * 


Id  a  dozen  cities  from  €lmira,  K«>v  York,  to  Harrlsburg 

ami  f»«tur«d  the  world  fAOOUs  vrilllare  Kilpatrlck:  as 

drva  oajor. 

One  of  the  most  colorful  figures  of  Kepasz  Jiand 
history  ws  Wllligtm  Kllpatrlck,  or  "iCilly,"  as  he  was 
known.  Tie  Maa  a  Wlllla.'asport  product}  whea  he  was  but  16 
years  old  the  Kepasz  Band  becaac  interested  in  blai  and  toolc 
hla  into  its  raafes  in  1337,  He  always  delighted  the 
residents  of  the  city  with  his  exhibitions  of  twirling  as 
he  headed  the  band  in  its  appearances  on  the  atre'Sts,  His 
first  appearance  of  any  pro«ineace  was  in  Htyt  Tork  City 
ifith  the  ol:!  12th  Reijirieat  lDru<a  Corps  during  the  JiTashin^ton 
Centennial.  Th«  hish-stftpping  drua  aajor  saade  such  a  hit 
with  his  baton  twirlins  that  onif  of  the  ^shlagton  news- 
papers came  out  with  the  words  "there  are  two  «»a  in  Ifew 
York  tonight  -  the  President  and  '\ilpatrick.'» 

Later t  when  Villiaa  was  about  19  years  old,  he 
toured  tiurops  for  a  season  as  a  perforaer  with  XcCadden»s 
Circusi  when  he  returned  he  playsrt  aboard  a  river  boat 
that  ran  between  St,  Louis  and  ^ew  Orleans*  Up  to  the 
time  of  his  death  he  was  active  in  vaudeville.  His  body 
was  laid  to  rest  in  Vtilliamsport  April  11,  1915,  the  ser- 
vices bein^  in  charge  of  the  Repass  Bftad  i4)ose  drum  amjor 

15  Williaasport  Sesquicentennial  Historical  Boolclct,  p.  34, 


f  '-jrV  ©; 

vs  ;.= . 

eiJ   .  isXf   8'WWT  •  5  fvde  t-sn 

B*iJ.  1      i'£JE-J€i 

•XI  / 

^ni  •« 

IM  Iwd  b»«A  for  so  matf  f—r;     The  bAiid  followed  his 
body  to  the  er«v«  playing  hl«  favw-ite  faneral  hyran, 
•Th«  Honored  arnv«."^® 

MlMa  tho  eopMis  aand  docidod  to  withdraw  Tr^st  the 
Stato  Kilitia  la  l;il2  it  occasioned  Quit<?  a  shower  of 
protests  froa  th«  officers  of  th«  guard.     So  anch  object- 
ion was  encountarod  that  axplanat io«is  for  not  re -onli stint; 
ware  printed  in  the  news  to  Justify  the  position  of  the 
hand.     BseanM  ao«t  of  the  playars  itho  occupied  the  laad 
chairs  were  prevented  frsn  coiog  to  the  annua i  oncaapMMit 
that  year  due  to  their  businesses  it  wouid  have  neeessl* 
tatsd  taking  a  "ptttohed-ttp  hand*  nfhich  wsnld  not  he  in 
kai^lAK  with  the  standard  apheld  by  the  or^i^inlzation. 
Saving  the  reputation  of  hein^  <Mie  of  the  best  hands  in 
the  state,  when  at  ea«9»  the  people  fron  nlles  around  oaas 
ttt  tuMir  its  concerts.     Theref<»»s  the  «ftfl»h^rs  of  the  hiutd 

felt  they  would  bs  doJjig  as  injnntic?  to  the  band  and  to 

its  e^niritra  to  go  to  cau^  with  a  biwd  of  •roifclos,* 

Zn  1317  the  l^epasK  asad  a«Eain  volcntaorad  its 

services  and  offered  60  ausieians  fw  service  in  PTawis 

under  Colonel  John  ?•  lii»od»  eSMaaadar  of  n  Pennsylvasla 

Qftvalry  Kegi«sBt. 

l<*  Husionl  Sptsrprias«  (May.  1915) »  n.  p. 
17  Ibid.,  (May,  1312),  n,  p. 

^fj-g.    r^-- 

.- J- 




In  th«  •arly  yitT9  of  Ita  •xi9t«iio«  th«  Iwcvl  coa- 
tb«  position  of  l^ador  ami  dirtotor,  i>ttt  by  1372  a 
tfiraotor  waa  t>«iog  obOfl«9a  as  a  »&p£rate  officer.     Captain 
Jaaaph  Grafivt  waa  ta«  first  of  tb«s«.    At  latsr  periods 
tUtt  position  was  telA  hf  G.  XorrU  >;spaaa»  Xilton  £«pasa» 
both  sons  of  i/aoisl,  Lroaa  J.  Fis^,  Hamr  &*  ^ap^i  CbarXos 
S.  SliicidSt  and  W»  aordic  wood.    Hr.  i/ood  eontractsd  pasv* 
wtiilv  playing  for  Frssiaftnt  Taft*s  inau4;ural  and  U1«<1 

a  abort  tins  lat«r.^^ 

Throuj^h  tbo  years  th*  KspasE  Band  bas  alNays  snjoysd 
tbs  opportunity  oi'  xaarkiri^  tin^   v>.iiouu  unuivsrsarieo  of 
tbis  uausaal  orgaoisation  Mbicb  bas  belli  together  foi*  so 
aaay  yoars»  weathering  this  disc  our  ageaents  which  cone  to 
sv«r7  ouch  i;roap  and  reaaining  one  of  the  best  bands  in 
the  state.  These  eelefaratioos  have  taken  various  foras. 
There  was  the  43th  anniversary  in  Old  Oak  Park  when  proaise 
of  a  lively  day  was  given  with  the  Xllton  aaad  participat* 
tfig  aaA  a  plgeon^shootinb  coatc^st  occai^ring  bett«eti*n  Luvl 
Hill  of  Kuncy  and  Troxell  of  Lewisbta-g.^'  Than  there  was 
the  54th  aaaiversary  on  a  grander  ssale  in  Athletia  Parte 
whaa  laoes*  FlMOtts  lew  York  laad  gave  both  aftsraooa  anA 
evsaiag  concerts  followed  dgr  a  baton  exhibition  by  Williaa 

1}  Ti.'.  ly  .u  ■  .  .-■>  .iagiafe;-.  .iiOgust  22,  18^3,  p.  4. 

>stl  J-: 


■«  sas. 

•  if^o 

lUlpatrick,  The  last  number  of  the  evening's  concert 
auat  have  been  aost  spectacular.  Entitled  war  ana  Peace 
it  involved  aarchitti;  aolUicrs,  a  fifo  and  drun  corps,  a 
chorus  of  200  voices  and  rapidly  firing  artillery.  A 
battery  of  cannons  was  aade  especially  for  this  work:  and 

20  shots  (blank  cartridi;e8)  were  firetl  per  ainute,^^^ 

In  the  year  1910,  followinff  the  death  of  director 

Herulc  Uowif   there  casi©  to  the  post  of  director  of  the 
Kepasa  Band  a  nan  who  is  regarded  hy  laany  as  the  f^ost 
outstanding  contribution  Williaasport  has  ever  oade  to 
the  field  of  music.  He  was  John  Hazel,  who  in  the  peak 
of  his  career  was  world-faaous  as  a  performer,  cotsposer 
mna   conductor.  He  vas  one  of  the  "Big  Pour"  of  cornet ists 
in  the  world,  the  other  mciabers  of  the  select  group  being 
Prank  Seltzer,  ti.   Parish  Chanbers  and  Herbert  Clafir, 
Xusioinns  bef<we  the  turn  of  the  century  considered  Mr. 
Hazel  the  rival  of  Jules  Levy,  one  of  the  aost  brilliant 
and  powerful  cornet  soloists  of  that  tiaie.  During  the 
stwaers  of  18s)l  and  1392  they  played  rival  attractions  at 
Atlantic  City. 2^ 

Johnny  Hazel  was  born  September  23,  1265  at  Belle- 
fonte  but  Boved  to  hlllisagport  xhen  a  saiall  boy.  His 

20  The  Dsily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  AugMSt  :31,  1«?94,  p.  5, 

21  The  Williaweport  S«n,  T^nuary  27,  1945,  p.  l. 

fo    f^t^' 

«*    Hi- 


T '  >      B 

flMioal  car»«r  tMfu  at  tii«  as*  of  10  «b«o  he  roo«lv«d  his 
first  eorwfi.     It  la  lnt«r«stlay:  to  aote  that  altboia£;h  ho 
roaehod  groot  holghto  la  anaie  lft*«  Haaol  oftoa  roaarkod 
that  ho  aovor  haU  apont  aa  auch  aa  twoaty-fivo  ooots  for 
hla  aaalcal  odueatloa.  Hoars  tq>oo  houra  of  practice  In 
^tdah  Jm  blow  a«alnat  tho  tMrlole  wall  of  th«  old  Elliott 
Palat  Shop  (it  stoou  noar  tho  proaont  Qrtumrm  Xarkot)  for 
toao  holloa  gala  for  Johaoy  the  clala  of  holng  "tho  heat 
In  t»»e  United  States  ."^^ 

At  tho  as*  of  10  he  heoaao  a  ■•■bor  ?f  the  stopper 
Band  of  this  city  and  playad  his  first  solo  In  puhlio  at 
tlM  Albion  Botel  In  Atlantic  City  in  I'laa  when  a  aaaber  of 
tho  hotel  orchestra.  Lator  that  y^sa*  he  was  In  a  thoater 
orcheatra  in  Philadelphia.  Vext  he  Joined  the  band  of  tho 
laffalo  aill  iteow  and  played  with  thea  for  aost&  tlae  on 
their  toiars  ttarouijih  the  entir«  country.  Re  always  cheristiti- 
od  the  experieaoo  he  had  aa  gaest  soloist  with  the  fanod 


22nd  Reglaent  Hew  York  Vatlonal  Guard  flaod  In  13i»0. 

Hla  tours  of  the  country  tocA:  hla  to  aany  noted 
theateray  Includinis  the  beat  of  Vaw  Tork  and  Boaton.  He 
had  a  brilliant  career  as  a  aaaher  of  Sooaa*a  Band,  playing 
with  that  orgaalaatlon  In  every  state  in  the  union  and 

22  The  wiiUaasport  Son»Go»ette.  Deceaber  24,  136S,  p*  8. 
33  The  Wllliajnport  Saa.  January  27,  1943,  p.  U. 


directing  the  band  on  several  occasions  when  they  playou 
his  coaqxMiitlons. 

One  of  his  neatest  sxpericncos  caate  in  the  lato 
1S90*8  when  he  perforaoU  beforo  the  King  of  England,  and 
perhaps  ono  of  tho  things  for  which  he  was  best  known  was 
his  rocorctinu'  work  for  tho  Edison  Phonograph  Co.,  aaklng 
his  debut  with  th^i  as  cornet  soloist  in  1907. 

It  was  lAen  he  returnod  to  NUliaasport  in  1310 
that  hs  (Moami  director  of  the  Kepasz  3and  which,  durin^^ 
the  tiae  of  his  leadership,  becaae  imown  officially  as 
ths  El]cs«ftepasz  Band  because  of  tho  support  of  the  t/illiaas- 
port  Lodge  of  Elks*  Re  also  organised  and  diroctod  the 

,,1 ,  -r  p.  ^x'  y^ 

Xoatoursville  Aoerican  Legion  Dond,      ^  '   *- 

It  was  during  Mr.  ITazel's  tiae  that  the  Repass  Band 
suffered  a  severe  blow  vrtion  the  Lyooaing  Opera  House  burn- 
ed on  May  31,  191S.  The  band  occupied  quarters  thorc  and 
lost  its  ontire  oquipaent  -  a  $3,000.00  library  of  ausic, 
uniforas,  instruaents  and  trophies.  Scheduled  to  play 
at  the  high  school  coaaenceaent  uxcercises  June  first  the 
band  ma  graciously  offered  the  use  of  the  Imperial  Totc- 
ques*  instruaents  so  the  cottc«rt  could  go  on  as  planned. 
Citizens  also  eaae  to  the  aid  with  funds  to  help  the  band 
and  rehearsals  were  held  in  the  Alcott  Daocing  Acadeay 

24  The  Villiaasport  Sun-Gazette,  Deceaber  24,  1965,  p.  8. 





lA  his  lat«  f—r9  ^«  Haxcl  sptfat  hiM  tLoo  ciir«ct* 
lag  b«aiis  aad  coHpovioSt  fiodlOAi  it  v«rar  diffioult  «•  h« 
•ai<l  to  keep  «p  his  pi«/iag  with  'stars  tssth*"    Hs  wuls 
his  hoMi  aioos  ths  Lsfslsssk  Crssk  vhars  he  lovsd  to  in* 
dui;ie  ia  his  favorite  psstistd  of  fishiag* 

SsMi  of  Uis  coiipositioast  i>riiMipsily  asrcbss,  ars 
iatsrastlooai  favoritss  sueh  ssi     l03rC  Gmmltrr  MMPflf|> 
^ttsjsoHstf  iteea^  Coshfa  Post  a^ifc.  LycuJ..!..  Kotors 
WMHih.  BBJsit  Msroh.  s  Snaaish  Holsro,  s  trsuscriptioii  for 
cioriaet  of  s  popuX«kr  cisssio  with  iMUid  Misisisas  satitlea 

■  1  ■*  .  . 

I  ^'^^T*  AH  TilW  «a^  Tho  KlithtY  Kisoourl.  a  tributs 
to  ths  ftesd  U.  $•  BattXsship.^^ 

At  ths  tias  of  his  dsath  on  Jaaosr/  26 ,  1343,  aa 
sditoriai  rsfsrrsd  to  Joha  Bassl  as  "oas  of  this  ooaauo- 
ity*s  prissd  iastitutioas  •  a  aM  «Im  Isfvsa  anaio,  iovsd 
proviaio^;  ausic  for  othsrst  oontributiag  hsyoaA 
to  ths  sasmpafiSMut  of  aosio  in  >^Uliaaaport.«^^ 

Darine  tho  tasotsr^first  yoar  vmdw  «foha  Baasl*s 
4irs«tion,  ia  ^ogiust  of  1931,  ao  eiatMvats  t«o«i<laT  sslshra< 

U    Ths  Daily  Goastts  ana  aaUptin.  Jtaos  1,  ldl6,  p.  1. 
3ft    Ths  iTilliaaapotn  ,>un.  Jaauary  27,  1943,  p.   1. 
27     Ibid.,  p.  4 

•:^>  •   i '  mm 

tlon  was  Iwld  in  obtorvance  of  the  Repass  Oand's  onc- 
kniKlr«<lth  anniversary*  Pt'om  aany  of  the  noichborins 
towns  t«n  bands  totalling  five  honurod  ausioians  assoablsd 
in  v;iiliaBsport  to  participate  in  tho  celebration.  The 
strooto  of  tho  city  resounded  with  stirring  aarehes  all 
aftomooB  as  tho  bonds  gave  concerts  on  the  court  house 
lawn,  the  post  office  lawn,  at  the  oity  hall  and  in 
Diawmd  Square  in  Hewberry.  rjarly  in  the  ovcnins  they 
foraed  to  Join  in  a  auatters  parade  froa  Sarlcct  Square  to 
Xeaorlal  Field  where  a  gala  concert  was  {presented.  Horo 
than  two  thousand  people  heard  the  aassed  bands  play  under 
John  Hazel.  Preceding  the  aain  concert  a  half  hour  pro- 
graa  had  buen  eiven  by  the  Junior  Repass  Band,  a  group 
directed  by  Charles  H^.  Noll. 

Editorials  of  congratulations  appeared  in  the  nows- 
papsrst  and  during  the  week  tho  proainence  of  the  Band  mm 
attested  to  when  the  United  States  Iterine  Band  in  a  radio 
broadcast  played  the  Keoast  Band  ?!arch  written  for  and 
dedicated  to  the  local  organization  in  13i>6  by  Charles  C. 
SNseley,  a  aeabor  of  the  band. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  HSPaW  Band  March  con- 
tributed greatly  to  the  proainonco  of  tho  band  across 
the  nation.  It  attained  treaendous  popularity  not  only  as 

23  The  Williaosport  Sun,  August  11,  1>31,  p.  1. 


iO^J)  Bt 


avab%r,   but  in  tbosQ  days  it  Mas  slso  oftea  btard 
(Ml  the  str«bt  corners  froa  huroygiiraies  cr  froa  travtlliag 

Straagtly  enough  it  was  aurin£  the  ysar  of  the 
Espaas  BaiKi*s  centennial  that  ths  nan  ttkO  did  so  auch 
to  kssp  the  oaas  of  the  band  before  the  public  passsd 
aMiy  at  the  ags  of  fifty. 

Kr.  Sweeley  was  a  very  talented  ooaposcr,  having 
■any  other  succossful  jsarches  to  his  crsUit.  His  back- 
ground Mas  ousical,  one  of  his  uncles  having  been  a 
professcn:  of  nmsic  in  Leipsix,  Gsraaay.  At  ths  ags  of 
16  ha  won  a  priz«  at  a  soasioal  festival  for  a  Malts  he 
had  written.  BoMiev«r»  he  turned  chiefly  to  aarches, 
dedicating  tbea  to  various  bands  and  puttii^jt  th«  pictures 
of  the  bands  on  the  cover »  as  was  the  oustoa.  Soae  of 
thsss  are  I  The  Kival  JCing.  dedicated  to  ^ousa  Mho  Mas  a 
personal  friend,  Our  Qomaeu^olvrt   dsdioated  to  Wjklter 
Wiw—ii  and  the  leteque  Mad   to  which  he  also  belonged 
aad  Lulu  Sand,  dedicated  to  a  Shrine  band.  Kr.  SMseley 
Mas  a  versatile  ausician,  teaching  piano  and  troaboas 
and  also  playing  the  piano  in  the  I^rric  Theatsr  aad  play* 
lag  for  vaudeville  in  the  Fussily  Theater. 

The  Kepass  Baad  Mas  noted  not  only  tor   its  play* 
iau  tHit  also  for  its  entertainioj^  of  the  various  visiting 
bands  as  th^  would  coae  to  tfllliaasport  to  give  concerts. 

.  at**  9 

Mm     'Hi 


T»»i-;r»<«i  'aft*^. 

,v  '\(aaB 

laOM   MM 


£.-r   *.- 

•  0 

;£«!  .^ 






4M.J     XC 

)«  ««*ia 

ai*  ir;at»n 

^kTifiriK^       M  ^kjM«»      ^MU» 



This  IncludAd  a  turnout  of  th«  wliol*  iMusd  to  att«t  th* 
visitors  upoa  their  urrivaX  aad  to  oocorv  thMi  to  thoir 
hot*!.  Oft«a,  as  in  th«  cm«  of  tb*  UnitoU  Statos  lariaa 
■and**  appaaraaca  at  tlM  Lycoaiiig  Qpmra  House,  tho  viai* 
tors  would  hava  the  local  baod  aa  thtlr  gaaata  la  tba 
aftamoon,  aaa   io  the  availing  after  the  concert  the 
Rapaas  Baad  wotild  entertain  irith  a  suaptuous  supper  aad 
wnlrer  in  their  parlors  at  the  opera  house.  OldtixMrs 
enjoy  telling  of  the  aaior  tines  Sousa  aad  his  baod  appear* 
ad  at  the  opera  house  in  the  early  1300* a  anu  of  the 
social  tiaes  the  aaabers  of  the  two  bands  enjoyed  together. 

Many  and  varied  were  the  events  for  which  the 
Sapasc  Sand  was  relied  upon  to  furnish  oasic,  so  it  was 
natural  that  when  the  first  Christoas  tree  was  erected 
on  the  north  lawn  of  the  court  hoase  the  band  ahoulu  hare 
aa  iaportant  role  in  the  careaony.  It  was  back  in  ldl4 
that  the  Civic  Club  was  looking  for  soae thing  to  do  which 
would  be  beneficial  to  the  ooamanity  when  it  was  decided 
that  the  city  needed  a  Municipal  Christaas  tr^e.  It  was 
the  late  Senator  Charles  K.  Sones  who  aade  the  idea 

A  huge  evergreen  bealook  was  cut  up  in  Sullivan 
County.  It  was  brought  to  town  by  horses  and  sled  and 
erected  on  the  pavaaent  in  front  of  the  court  bouse  at  a 

i  i.Wx 



'LULi^Ct      si  !rfli^. 


ir   c/.rj#i   r.">u^  V  i"*tit"i*»     ji*' iasAi>*v   '^'liii 



cost  of  aort  than  $100 .03.  Tlarottgh  th*  g<a«rotity  of  th« 
lat«  hiibnr  .SalUila  of  Prior  afMi  SallaOa  Sloctric  Co.  tho 
trt«  Haa  uroasotf  up,  and  other  contributioaa  of  labor  aod 
■atarial  »av«  the  city  a  tre«  of  which  it  could  o«  v»ry 
.  Tbon  caao  the  quostioa  of  mx9iG,   aikl  through 
.  Pwiwrt  aaoagar  at  that  tijM  and  a  nost  astoaaad 
■naician,  the  aanricoa  of  tha  Ropaas  Baoa  mrc  offered « 

Chrlataas  eva  orrivad,  a  real  old  faahioacd  one, 
colder  than  Greealand,  and  tha  auaieians  took  their 
plaaaa  ittder  the  iqireaidiJig  healock  braoohaa.  The  aisoal 
to  atart  loas  given  by  Mayor  Stabler,  and  the  opening 
phraae  of  Oh.  Caae.  AH  Ye  Faithful  floated  out  of  the 
ahiaing  inatruaenta.  Then  aili^ace.  F^osea  hard  and  fast, 
no  aore  aouods  couia  be  coaxed  out  into  the  winter  air. 
Heeourae  to  the  court  house  corridor  had  to  be  aought 
until  the  iaatruaaata  could  be  thaweu  out  in  order  to 
rasMw  playing*  Far  aasy  years  afterwards  the  city  had 
to  be  sati9fI<Hi  Mith  a  sileat  Christaas  traa.'^ 

Eaoh  year  in  the  early  part  of  this  century  the 
Rspass  Band  went  on  tour  through  tha  aortham  part  of  the 
state  giving  ooneerta  in  Ridguay,  7)ubois«  Erie,  St.  »ary*a 
aad  other  tonns,  ana  the  noMspapers  of  tho«e  toaaa  were 
lavish  in  their  praises  aa  "thousands  listened  to  the 

29  Ann*  Linn  Cheyn^,  *JacqueIino*a  Letter  to  th«  Hoae 
PttlkSt"  The  miiaasport  Sua,  Deoi 

Deoeitfker  24,  1939,  n.  p* 





«n«ptioaftIlT  fine  programs  ao  faultlessly  rendsred." 

Stellar  solo  artists  wsrs  fsaturcU,  among  whoa  wsre  ths 
K«tropolltan  star,  John  Hazel,  Osborne  Housel,  »t  that 
tias  a  very  young  man  and  a  violin  pupil  of  the  celebra* 
tsd  Kneisel  who  spoke  of  hia  as  "one  of  his  aost  proais- 
iag  |>rote^es,"'*^and  Valentine  (Tiny)  Sierle,  singing 
star  of  the  ld20*s« 

Versatility  of  the  hand  is  evidenced  by  advert ise- 
■•ata  in  July,  1^14,  of  the  opening  of  the  Airdoae,  dancing 
pavilion,  featuring  the  tango  and  one  step  to  aiuaic  of  the 
Repass  BaiKi  while  the  Airdoae  Orchestra  furnished  ausic 

for  the  hesitation.  Dances  were  held  every  night  except 

Tuesday  when  the  band  played  concerts  in  Brandon  Park. 

After  John  Hazel  relinquished  the  position  of 

director  he  was  followed  by  David  M.  Gerry,  previously 

solo  truapeter  with  the  band,  then  by  John  R.  Robertson, 

a  nephew  of  Mr.  Hazel.  Mr.  Robertson  was  a  well-known 

local  attsician,  having  played  with  several  naae  bands  as 

a  youQg  aaa.  He  taught  truapet  for  nany  years  in  williains- 

port.  At   present,  the  band  is  directed  ky  8.  Hart  augbee 

30  Lrle  Tlaea,  a.d.,  o.p* 

31  Ridgway  Courier,  n.d.,  n.p. 

82  Kusical  Enterprise .  July,  1914,  n.p. 

'  »  uu-.  turn  BP»wi  X  rt 

\t>   Bno*  fen  ^iii  "Yc   9-^cm  oA 
s«»dK»  J4j^«t   •/^•vf'  i-j^Mi  ft^  "-a  «dJ  tai 

•»c£^.  uB*i;  Yn«»  lel  t^qnnt  tdgiajit  sii     «iuHi  SMMt  « 

, '...n    ,  .  :. .  1 

if.    .C«  ,  !.''■■  .-Jii/- 



Mho  took  ovtr  tlM  posit  ion  in  19(>^.     Tliis  yaar  tb«  *;ik»« 
EopftM  Buia  will  colobrat*  its  ono  tauidr«t  tiioiity-fifta 
aoBivwoary  of  unbrtAiea  oxiotonoo  aiKi  distiajguishwl 
••rvio«  to  .'«illlA«fipot*t* 


TlM  aia«toonth  oentury  ima  th«  om  of  baiids.    Tli* 
torn  band  pla/eU  a  larg«  part  la  villain  life,  accoapany- 
iat;  tb«  troops  to  tlio  wars,  loading  tht  para<l«8  in  patri* 
otic  oalo&ratiotts  and  fiiving  aiuuMr  nigitt  concerts  on  the 
viUago  firtsn. 

nrea  the  early  aineteeath  century  when  the  first 
hand,  the  Kspaaa*  was  orgaaixed  Kliiiaaaport  has  ted 
■any  f  iae  haads*  /^ 

Shortly  after  the  establlshaeat  of  the  Repass 
aaaa  in  13S1  the  £.xoelaior  flaad  was  foraeci.    This  croup 
hsmsver,  lasted  only  a  short  tiAe.        At  ahoat  the  aaas 
tiae  the  Baast  Baod  eaae  into  existence  to  last  likewise 
hat  a  Short  tiae.     This  group  consist  (Mi  principally  of 
of  the  Hibernia  Fire  Coopany* 

In  13S2  the  five  Stopper  brothers  arriv«<I  froa 



Pijnnwlvania.  Vol.  I,  p.  44g, 

T>e  Daily  Qagotte  and  Roll^^ 
Wition  J'uno,  mSV  P.  Bl. 

34  The  naily  Qagotte  a«^  Roll^ t  in  %   Special  Centennial 

'  "  ?6,  p. 

I  A\'-tl 

Owmeaxy,     Tboy  Joined  th«  Repass  Qand  but  «rithclreM  In  19G9 

to  fora  their  awn  band  under  th*  leailorshlp  of  Fred  Stopper. 

A  iMKling  iNiiici  tar  s»ny  Tears,  tbe  Stopper  Bond  Qcb loved 


mn  enviable  reputation.  ^  They  enlisted  in  the  lOCth 
reglwmt,  Pena^ylvania  Volunteers,  and  served  one  year. 
At  the  tl£M  they  were  in  caop  during  Civil  » ar  days  they 
were  icnown  as  the  Silver  Cornet  Z3and.  A  letter  desoribin<; 
their  life  in  ca^p  and  telliu^  how  they  spent  Christoas 
of  1961  ai^earsd  in  the  local  newspaper*  ^y^y'^ 

They  were  locateil  at  Caap  Observation  near  Poole s- 
villo,  KEuryli^tnd;  General  H.  W.  Btarns  was  Ccmnondor  of  the 
brigsxle*  The  brigade  was  put  tlirough  drills  "at  a  ri^t 
Sflttrt  rate"  every  other  day  aloni;  with  the  reviews  at 
i^ich  the  bands  figured  ];»*oaincntly.  There  were  three 
bands  in  the  brigades  Baxter's  Tire  Zouave  3and,  the  Band 
of  the  First  California  and  the  Villiansport  Silver  Comet 

It  t«is  reported  that  although  the  writer  did  not 
feel  it  was  his  place  to  give  an  opinion  as  to  the  best 
band,  "suffice  it  to  say  that  Willioosport  still  holus 
her  own"  ia  iq>ite  of  fomidable  opponents. 

A,^   As  for  Christoas  day  the  boys  said  it  was  the 
"dryest  Christnas  they  ever  experienced."  The  day  passed 

35  Ibid. 


V,,V  -•  *  I '■■-'.'.> 


i'X    '     't- 


as  usual  but  without  dutlos  to  porfora.  Toward  ovonlog 
an  Invitation  coac  to  visit  General  Durns'  quartors  for 
"a  aaall  jubilee"  with  his  friends  of  the  different 
eoaaaads.  The  band  "toc^  up  their  lino  of  aarch"  and 
halted  at  headquarters  where  thoy  playod  several  of  their 
"choice  pieces  -  aaon^;;  which  was  the  Anvil  Chorus,  it 
being  a  favorite  of  the  General  who  had  requested  it." 
The  writer  adds  that  "the  Gencoral  and  his  party  seeaed  to 
appreciate  it  if  I  were  to  jucii^o  frosi  the  ^plauso  that 
followed  each  piece  and  also  what  followed  all  -  a 
large  blac^^:  bottle  supposed  to  contain  Jersey  Cider." 

The  writer  concluded  by  reporting  that  the  band 
had  been  "very  kindly  reaeoberod  by  the  citizens  of 
Canton  v^o  presented  thsa  a  fine  goose  and  a  pair  of 
ohiokenSf  for  ^'rtiich  you  can  suppose  we  are  very  grateful, 
Wa  are  to  have  a  feast  this  oveninc  on  thoa,"  The  letter 
was  sii^nod  "Ccxrnot."'* 

In  the  oightssn  eighties  ./illiatasport  boasted  of 
three  rather  unique  bands  aade  up  of  susicions  who  playeU 
mostly  "by  ear."  Soae  of  the  city's  oldest  citizens  aay 
recall  the  Billy  Sips,  the  Boars  and  the  HaiaaMr  bands. 

86  The  Lycoaiin^i  Gazette,  January  1,  1JG2,  p.  2. 




lost  of  tbo  tunos  th«*o  band*  plny»<3  wero  plcfcod  up 
froa  liearinc  th«  llttl«  Oeramn   bamle  that  coxae  to  town 
••VQral  tiaos  MUtb  mummt,     "Clml  in  fiery  rod  viniforas, 
imffliis  away  on  thoir  big  braas  tioma,  raaaabllns  lobstars 
Juat  aftar  being  boilou  In  tiot  water,"  theae  banua  played 

on  the  atreet  corner a  and  In  front  of  the  aaloona.  The 

hat  waa  paaaed  to  take  oara  of  expenaea, 

Since  no  anaic  uaa  ever  purchaaed  the  only  expenaea 
ware  an  ooeaaioBaX  lunch.  Aa  the  big  olectiona  approached 
and  aa  political  ralliea  began  the  aaobara  of  theae  baada 
literally  thrived  on  lunchea* 

The  Billy  Sipa  Bond  took  Ita  oaae  from  a  town 
character  who  "tooSc  no  part  in  the  rehearaala  other  than 
to  help  eat  and  drlok:  anything  that  waa  aent  into  the 
boya  by  the  polltiolana  that  were  running  for  office." 
In  later  ycara  aoMeono  renairt  the  bond  Billy  Sipa  •Sheep- 
akin*  Bond. 

Bcodquartera  for  tUla  group  woa  on  Hulberry  Stroat 
near  Eaat  Jefferaon  Streot  on  the  aecood  floor  of  an  old 
fra«e  building  uaed  aa  a  carriage  abop.  "Here  the  aeabera 
of  the  band  would  ait  about  on  paint  kega  and  paint  buckets 
and  practice  the  'airs*  they  knew.  All  that  waa  neceaaary 
waa  for  aoae  aeober  of  the  band  to  atari  aoaathing  and  aU 

37  Q^^tte  a^   aulletin.  April  Q,  ld29,  a.p. 


th»   rost  f«Ii  in." 

Althout-U  the  Billy  Sipi  MaA   never  acquired  nation- 
al or  state  faae,  it  i«Mi  a  factor  in  all  torch  lifiht  par- 
•ilet  and  affairs  of  lUca  character  aany  years. 

The  Ooars  had  their  headquarters  in  the  Old  Star 

Brewery  slttMteU  oa  Market  Street  north  of  the  town. 

The  baml  was  coaposed  of  fron  four  to  olght  seabers, 

•according  to  how  mxsy  were  in  need  of  a  froo  lunch." 

Ths  TTnaiir  Sand  held  rehoarsals  In  the  old  tannery 
on  the  southeast  corner  of  Court  and   Church  Streets. 
The  hand  roon  on  the  —cooA   floor  of  an  old  work  shop 
was  a  very  precarious  place  to  roach,  Ths  aeabers  had 
to  pass  over  narrow  paths  hetwss*  4Mp  vats  fiUad 

with  brine. 

Organized  by  George  Baaasr,  this  hand  was  origin- 
ally started  as  a  burlesque  affair  with  tin  horns  for 
instruiaents.  Howevsr,  after  procuria*^  a  set  of  real 
instmaents  they  aade  a  very  creditable  showing,  even 
filling  so«e  out-of-town  engagsmmts.  In  1898  J^n 
Basel  becaae  leader  and  gaoeral  director  of  the 

30  Ibiu. 

30  Lloyd,  p.  446. 

40  Gasette  ana  aulletio,  April  St  1329,  n.p. 

:2JB    T0tmt. 

•Kj'k  t'VHi 

A  local  newspaper  connenteii  that  th«  nembors  "ar« 
beooHlag  very  proficient  ausiclans,  and  unUor  their  new 
leader  who  ia  a  thorough  teacher  they  will  soon  ranlc  with 
the  best  brass  bands  in  the  state,"    ^  ^ 

Other  bands  of  the  aiddle  eighteen  hundreds  which 
assisted  in  the  success  of  anny  political  rallies  and  par- 
ades were  the  following!  tho  Stokes  Bond  cooposou  of 
colored  aMrt>«*s,  the  City  Greys  n^^ch  foraea  in  1371  and 
disbanded  in  1374  and  the  Scdth  Dond.  The  Saith  Band 

had  a  short  existence  as  the  regiaental  band  of  the 

Twelfth  Regiaent,  ^rational  Guard  of  Pennsylvania. 


▲  proAinont  band  of  the  latter  nineteenth  century 
was  the  Pisk  Military  Band.  Organised  in  1379  in  South 
tfilliaasport  the  band  of  seven  asabsrs  was  originally 
kaoNB  as  tiM  Sauth  Side  Oand.  A  year  later  the  band 
secured  as  director  Lyaan  J.  Flsk  who  was  then  playing 
with  the  Repass  Band.  Chan^^ini^  its  naao  to  tho  Pislc  Xil- 
itwy  Skuid,  tho  organisation  inci^easod  to  twenty-two 
•sabers  and  in  ld86  stoved  to  Williaasport .  Here  the  band 

41  The  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  April  24,  1353,  p.  4. 

42  The  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  Special  Centennial 

Edition,  June,  1895,  p.  31. 


>«^«Jtw^'  .iAt,    %^i-i. 

^   a: 

^•JfT    -t    *-.♦*  ? 

iMOMM  MM  of  the  leaUing  aualcaX  <»*geuiizatlon8  of  central 
PcanajrlYBnla.  Over  a  period  of  about  fifteen  years  the 
group  aads  aany  trips  out  of  toiim  aocoagNMagring  local 
organizations.  Hired  by  the  Kni^^hts  Tooplar  as  thoir 
private  tiand,  the  organization  traveled  to  Washington » 
D,  C,  Boston,  Pittsburgh,  Philadelphia  and  rmny   other 
cities  in  Pennsylvania  with  the  l^ldwin  II  Coaaandery. 

Concerts  in  the  purks  were  one  of  the  band's  con« 
tributlons  to  local  residents*  onjoyiaent.  Mention  ia  aads 
of  one  such  concert  at  Vallauaont  when  **  three  thousand 
people  heartily  enjoyed  a  oost  delightful  affalr."'^^ 

ttm   Pitfc  Band  enjoyed  a  distinguished  career  until 
1904  Mhen  duo  to  the  pressure  of  business  affairs  on 
the  direct <»*  and  aei^>ers  the  group  disbanded.  Xeotbors 
were  quoted  as  saying  they  felt  "like  crying"  as  they 
left  their  hall  for  the  last  tiae.  Several  said  th^ 
were  "heartbri^cn"  to  see  the  band  "pass  out  of  existence 
forever,  leaving  but  a  jseaory  of  a  once  celebrated  ousic- 
al  organization." 

43  The  Daily  Gazette  Tix\a.   Oullctin,  February  10,  1904,  p.  5. 

44  Ttas  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  July  20,  1335,  p.  1. 

45  Ths  Daily  Gazette  and  aullctlOt  February  19,  1904,  p.  5, 

•:     iU©.': 

.9i>;u  4mi    lo 


qotri^  odT  BiMtoiMi  Has  1/ 

.3  .ija-»uv: 

•iO.     ^i 

Three  aore  baad«  Mblch  existed  during  the  U»t 
quarter  of  the  nineteenth  century  were  the  followlnfii 
WaAlngtoo  Cam  »o.  574  P.  0.  S.  of  A,  nond  of  Mewberry, 
•  fife  «nd  drua  corps  which  aaintaiiwd  hea<iquarter«  on 
the  aecond  floor  of  the  present  Suo-C«*ette  Building  and 
had  a«  director  John  F.  t^chteli  the  Diitin  Manufactur- 
iag  Ceivaay*0  b*nd  with  P.  J.  Stanton  aa  leader;  the 
Sixth  h'mr^   Brass  Band  under  the  leadership  of  Professor 
Osorge  If.  CronaiUer  of  the  Stopper  and  FlSk  Orchestra. 
At  the  tiae  of  this  haau's  organisation  in  Au^just  of  1 J35 
a  notice  appeared  in  the  press  that  a  hop  for  the  benefit 
of  the  bami  would  be  giv-n  in  Holler's  HaU  the  following 
Tuesday  night,  Aujjust  the  elghteeath.^^ 

ns  TBTBOCflS  aOD 

Williaasport  claias  the  distinction  of  having  the 
criclnal  all-Slasonio  ousical  orssnisation  in  the  United 
States*  aaasXy  the  Zaperlal  Teteque  Baad. 

It  was  in  the  ysar  1B94  that  the  seeU  for  this 
unique  grsap  sas  sown.  One  ovonias  Truaan  R.  Reitaoyor, 
John  K.  Bays,  lerbart  R.  Laird  ana  Clarence  Else,  all 
of  the  VSStmlc  fraternity,  wre  slttin^i  around 

46  The  Daily  Gazette  cuiu   Bulletin.  Special  Centennial 

Ldition,  June,  iJJ&,  p.  vii. 

47  Ths  Daily  r^f  tt«  ^nd  Bulletin.  August  12,  1835,  p.  1. 


Um  fire  in  thoir  lodi;«  rooa  i«h«n  tb«  subject  of  iausic 
rntf*    Aft«r  aoat  aisoussion  tbey  u«oid«(i  to  fom  a 
brass  quartst.  !&••  Reltaoyor  agrssU  to  teacb  the  others 
to  play*  This  Mas  aocoaplished  so  wsli  that  uboa  thoy 

■nte  their  first  appoaranco  at  a  Xodgo  asoting  thsy 

"brought  doim  tho  houss." 

Thas  bsgan  the  faaotts  orsanisation  whose  naas 
bsoaas  icnown  froa  coast  to  coast. 

TlM  quartst  istsHroved  with  a^.  Gradually  other 
■oabars  with  differaot  iastrunonts  were  taken  in,  leading 
to  thft  deveiopaent  of  a  brass  band. 

The  story  of  the  aaae  of  tho  band  is  an  intorostiag 
SBS*  lavias  started  out  as  the  '^Triple  Tongued  Quartot," 
the  groi^  ^MMgsd  its  asmo   to  the  T  T  Q  Band  as  the  aefli^ 
her ship  increased.  Finally  it  beeaas  the  laperial  Tete- 

TIM  hand  of  forty  aeabers  was  one  of  the  first 
Knii^hts  TesQ>lar  bands  in  the  country  and  was  noted  for 
its  exoeXlent  ousic  and  the  high  character  of  its  aeabers. 
Making  a  haadasMS  appearance  in  their  pluiaes  tlMy  aocooH 
panied  the  Kain^ts  Teoplor  to  oany  annual  conclavoo. 

Tho  Teteques  were  f(»*tuaate  in  having  an  interested 

48  Lloyd,  p.  447. 

49  Ibid . 



ivlt  itnrstf 

maA  8*a«rou«  godfather  ia  th«  p«r«oa  of  J.  Salter  Bowkui. 

as  tbo  "dean"  of  this  faaous  oivuiisation  %*• 
warn  to  it  tliat  uaifonas,  instruasnts  and  ausio 
wars  supplied.  Thos«  who  aro  faailiar  with  tb«  hasd 
tastifr  that  thera  was  not blag  in  tha  Una  of  band  aatarial 
that  ha  did  not  gat  for  thaa.  An  itaa  which  aada  baadlinos 
wban  it  was  procuraa  for  tha  hand  was  a  aaaaoth  bass  Ortui 
sarocured  froa  a  arooiOLya  nonufacturer.  Tho  UriMi  aaasurcd 
naarly  six  feet  in  diaawtar,  anu  thirty«sl};  inches  in  wiatlu 
It  was  understood  that  all  new  aaohinory  had  to  ha  oads 
for  the  oanufacture  of  this  drua.  The  two  hMtds  with  ono 
extra  cost  I73.00.  The  ooaplete  oost  of  the  dnoi  was 
around  $300.00.^^ 

Tbs  li^arial  Teteques  brooght  honor  and  prestige 
to  the  lodge  and  tha  city  for  aaBgr  years  until  the  death 
of  Hr.  BoMMan.  How  parasoont  his  support  was,  both  sorally 
and  materially,  was  evident  in  the  gradually  laggiag  inter- 
est of  the  ■sabers  after  his  death.  Althouj^h  efforts  for 
revival  ware  aada  in  tho  late  nineteen  tblrtios  bgr  Mq^Ia« 
■sating  the  group  with  high  school  students,  this  outcoae 
was  unsaooessful.  i^ith  tha  passing  of  Mr.  Bowaan  went  tha 
passiag  of  the  oldest  Sasooio  band  ia  the  country. 

Directors  of  the  bana  after  Mr.  Reitaeyer  were 

50  ?tusicai  j  ntorprise.  n.d.,  n.p. 






Flak,  Dave  Gerry  and  Osborne  Houael. 


TlM  baginnlag  of  the  twentieth  century  brongkl:  nura- 
•rotts  other  banda  to  the  local  scene.  One  of  these  vraa 
the  Wawtown  Band  which  changad  Its  iia«a  In  1J04  to  the 
Villiaaaport  Karlne  Band.^^  Another  waa  the  »awberry  Qaad 
which  waa  organised  In  the  weatern  part  of  the  city.  In 
1910  notice  waa  given  throu^gh  the  preas  that  on  a  certain 
avaning  in  Auguat  they  would  "aake  sweet  auaic  in  Diattsa4 
Square."  Proadiae  waa  made  that  if  the  concert  waa  a 
aucceaa  aiailar  entertaiaawnts  would  be  forthootting  durini; 
tba  raaainder  of  the  outdoor  saaaoa.  Mention  waa  aada  that 

the  band  was  in  "the  beat  of  shape  financially  and  poaaeaa- 

ed  of  the  baat  aquipawnt  in  its  history." 



One  of  the  awst  popular  banda  ra«eaibarad  by  local 
residents  was.  the  Verdi  Bana,  an  Italian  organisation  of 
great  aerit,  Porawrly  a  bugle  corps  it  was  organised  in 
1309  with  Guisoppe  Biffarella  as  leader,  Xichael  Chianelll, 

61  The  I>aily  Qasatte  and  ?3ullotln.  Kay  27,  1904,  p.  2. 
52  The  williaaaport  Sun,  August  31,  l')li),  p.  2. 


:;::s-Ml  i:juuiiii    t> 

eix  rri   s:\c^.:ix^i^ 

^/r.  j^i^HiV^y-ci  ;££«'js 


a  local  retired  tailor,  aarvatf  ••  mamgt* 

Attired  in  uniforms  of  black  witli  gold  tria  the 

tend  of  ab<Kit  forty  aealbera  aade  its  first  public  ^p«ar« 

wwe  ia  1910  •     ftaj  aida  a  floe  iflt>ressiOfi  as  th«]r  iMadatf 

tlM  Masonic  Conclave  parade. 

Ft*oa  that  tiae  on  the  Terdi  Qand  grew  in  popularity. 

Its  services,  always  freely  given  to  the  oowuinlty,  were 

in  constant  deoand. 

During  the  early  nineteen  hundreds  tlie  band  was 

always  present  at  the  liifhtins  of  the  great  Christaas 

tree  on  the  court  house  lami.  There  they  plasrsd  Christi 

carols  as  the  lights  were  turned  on.  On  Hew  Year's  night 

as  ths  holiday  season  ended  they  also  provided  oaslc. 

In  1916  three  thousand  pssple  gathsrsd  in  arandon 

Failc  to  hear  the  Verdi  Band  play  a  concert  for  the  benefit 

of  the  Rspass  Baa4  fire  loss  fund*  A  splendid  concert  of 

elassieal  aad  popular  aosic  was  given.  A  spccica  treat 

was  a  baritone  solo  Dear  M>aat  Mog  by  Orestes  Ci£;lio. 

Bp«  Giglio  was  forced  to  respond  to  the  insistent  ^pplauss 

with  thrss  encores.  The  hand  playvd  Tipperary  for  its 

saeore  "as  usual,"  closing  with  The  Star  Spangled  Baaay. 

Ladies  of  the  Civic  Club  conducted  a  candy  sale  which  net« 

63  The  Williasuiport  Sun  Gazette.  Deoeabsr  24,  1938,  p.  13. 

-^.  >jh&eim' 


-JiMM   iWMM*^ 

);&  jr^maoo 


rf  iH  I  iM j    > '  ''i/'i  ■ 


>  ffl^-rt^^.  ., 

t«<l  «  good  mm  for  the  Repoaz  Sand,^^ 

This  MRO  only  one  of  aany  concerto  filven  tqr  tho 
Yerdl  BmnA   In  the  nrandon  Parte  baadoliQll.  SVenln^  con- 
torts wore  also  given  on  the  court  house  lawn.  Largo 
oroiii2s  always  lioro  attractea* 

■ttsical  sondoffs  were  always  given  to  tho  local 
soldiers  leaving  the  Pennsylvania  liailroaa  Station  for 
Vdrld  War  I,  WlMn  the  war  was  over  the  old  !£ajastic  Tlioa- 
ter  was  *psoked  as  it  had  never  boon  pocked  before  wlisa 
the  hand  gave  a  concert  of  classical  and  operatic  ousic  to 
tho  end  of  the  conflict."  Xr.  Chianolli  and 

Tiac^ait  Purpari  served  as  chairoen  for  this  "standing  roos 
only"  event. 

Known  for  its  ability  to  aarch  either  fast  or  slow, 
the  Terai  band  signed  a  contract  calling  for  one  humored 
twsnty  steps  por  ainuto  for  the  conclave  parade.  A  very 
slow  step  was  so«etis»s  dsaonstrstsd  as  it  played  fnoorsl 
aarohos  for  Usceassd  band  aeabers. 

Itohsorsals  at  first  were  hold  wsskly  in  the  lardi 
building  at  the  corner  of  w  st  Fourth  and  Iwket  Streets. 
Later  thsy  were  hold  in  the  stem  building  in  !Iarkot  Square. 
Finally  the  hand  was  able  to  buy  a  buiXding  on  Caaal  Street 

54  Ths  Daily  Casctto  and  millet  in.  July  17,  131S,  p.  1, 
00  Ths  WilUaasport  Sun-Gaaettc.  Dsooaber  24,  IdOS,  p.  13. 


Ttn'^r    «    ^^rr/lB    'icj:. 


miich  they  aawKl  the  Tordi  BmoA  Rail.    According;  to  tho 
Vllliaitsport  SuB^Gasette  of  Docoab«r  24,  I9S&,  the  Tordi 
HiO— •  tiM  only  i)an(i  in  PMHMQrlvania  to  own  its  own 

On*  of  the  aany  coanunity  services  reail«r«d  by  th« 
hand  mm  th«  oraction  of  the  Daato  XMwrial  Statue  at  the 
Ifilliaaaport  Hitfh  School.     Wwihitra  ooUoctau  coatrihutioati 
for  tha  aoiMMMat  and  pl&yA  at  tha  dedication  oereoooies. 

KMfa  of  the  band's  aoooaplisluseiit  was  due  to  the 
•pXandiu  leadarship  of  the  conductor ,  Hr.  Bifforolla,     Bs 
«as  a  fine  oosiclan  and  teacher  and  oada  the  band* a  arron^ro- 
■ants.     The  orc«iiisation*s  drua  oajor  was  Caaillo  Vannucci 

nhoae  aon  Joseph  started  in  this  band  as  a  clarinet iat  and 

later  fcMnaed  his  oim  orchestra* 

Cowling  a  period  of  ye«*s  vhicb  lasted  until  the 

and  of  World  War  Z  the  Tardi  aaad  wiU  always  be  rwnrterid 

for  **it9  outstanding  character  and  service  to  the  coBKainity 

and  fine  auaical  ability ."^^ 


In  Hay  of  1U15  the  following'  notice  anpaared  in  a 
ie  pablication: 

66  Ibid. 

67  Ibid. 








•  s? 



Lincoln's  LadU»*  Band  of  Williams- 
port,  Pennsylvania,  under  the  dir- 
ection of  rfarry  J,  Lincoln,  the  well 
known  iitusical  coaposer  and  arrangor 
took  the  town  by  stora,  when  Lincoln 
and  his  twenty-five  nicely  uniforaed 
young  ladles  stepped  out  into  the 
llaelight  on  !lay  thirtieth  in  their 
initial  bow  to  the  public.  Thous- 
ands of  people,  laany  froa  out  of 
town,  filled  the  streets  and  side- 
waUcs  to  get  a  gliaqpse  of  the  lauy, 
■usicians  tx9   they  headed  the     ^ 
Xei!t(M*lal  Day  parade,  6d    ^^^^W 

Consisting  of  twenty-two  ladles  this  unusual  group 

Made  a  saart  appearance  in  their  new  uniforas.  The  en- 

••able  of  daris:  blue  trlaaed  with  i^old  hrald  consisted  of 

a 'ioog  lAclrt  in  the  fashion  of  the  day,  a  coat  and  cap. 

tfeaey  for  uniforas  was  secured  by  neans  of  a  tag  day. 

Rehearsals  were  held  weakly  to  prepare  for  concerts  and 

appearances  at  the  various  fairs. 

The  nucleus  of  Lincoln's  Ladies*  aand  was  the 
Doekey  faaily,  five  sisters  and  two  nieces  of  Mrs.  Fred 

Seeing  the  possibility  of  gathering  bis  talented 
faally  together  as  a  perforaln^  group,  Mr.  Jeremiah  H. 
Dockey,  father  ana  grandfather  of  the  girls,  formed  the 
Dockey  faally  oana.  arothers,  neptiews  anu  cousins  joined 

58  Musical  Enterprise.  Hay,  1915,  n,  p. 

59  Tha  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  August  ao,  1915,  p.  !• 

■^    i. 


the  girXs,  tM*inglng  tto«  muOMTWlhip   to  flftoon.  This 
uniqus  bonu  played  at  fairs  ami  various  local  events  aaa 
was  noted  tw   excellence  of  p«irfor4aanoe, 

Mr,  Dockoy  died  in  1^17  after  a  year's  lllnoss 
durin«^  wfaicb  tiae  activities  of  tlio  band  were  suspended. 
His  last  request  mk9   that  the  spirit  of  the  faoiily  hand 
be  reaetied.  In  1^20  Hr.  Fred  DeCanio  revived  it.  Activ- 
ities resuosd  for  a  period  of  about  three  years  until  the 
death  of  one  of  the  brothers  broke  the  fanlly  circle. 

A   band  Mhich  nas  oreanised  in  South  Williaasport 
in  1^20  was  the  South  williaasport  Citiseas*  Band.  A 
photograph  in  a  local  paper  in  1322  shows  the  group  in  new 
uniforas.  Under  the  direction  of  Charles  l^oll  the  baad 
gave  free  eoBO^*t8  in  churches,  schools  and  other  Inst  it u- 
tions  ia  aad  about  the  city. 

satncB  wastes  mst>s 

Sinoe  K or  11  War  I  patriotic  paraues  in  hilliaasport 
have  been  spori^ed  by  excellent  auaical  groups  representing 
Garrett  Coc!tf*an  Post  Ifo.  I  Aaerican  Le4;ion. 

The  first  service  aea*s  bond  was  orfianised  in  1920 
at  the  request  of  the  coaaittee  bgr  Kiohael  Bernard i»  a 

of  the  Legion.  It  consisted  of  forty-three  sen 

60  (k'it.  Septeober  11,  1J55,  Vews  Section,  p.  3i« 

iMid  played  la  allitary  and  navftl  \maA9  Uurini:  tbe  war. 

Uad«r  Mr.  BM*aftrdl*s  direction  tbo  baod  achlawd 
an  •nvlable  record.  Plrat  prlsM  iMr«  won  at  atata  oon- 
vaatiooa  In  wiuiaaaport,  Graasitant  Raaains  ami  Eric. 
A  thrilling;  •xparlenc«  caiaa  to  the  band  In  1922  when  tboy 
attondod  a  national  comrontlon  at  !7«w  Orleana.  Thore  tbo 
VlUlaaaport  and  Sioux  City,  XeMa  bands  tied  far  first 
plaoa  iMBars.  To  l«*eak  the  daadlook  a  coin  was  toaaad  giv- 
ing Kllliaaaport  tba  second  placa  aaiard.  Vr.   nernordi, 
tba  director,  recalvad  a  gold«atuddea  Conn  truopot  on* 
gravad  with  tba  Aasrioaa  Legion  iaaignia. 

In  1927  tbo  group  gave  Its  Inatruaonts  to  tho  high 
school  band.  Activities  i«ere  M«paadey  until  W22  when 
the  post  reoTi^aniaad  tba  band,  rhlllp  Shay,  a  foracr 
aSMauidar  of  Garrett  Cochran  Post  «us  choson  to  aamHie  tbe 
organisation.  Fred  OeCanlo  was  elected  director,  nrad  fi« 
Ketzcl  aasistant  director  and  A.  F.  Snyder  drum  aajor. 
With  a  aeflberahlp  of  forty-f ivc  acn  the  group  procurod  aaw 
unlf oros  and  baoaaa  self -controlled  with  a  coonittee  of 
flvo  In  QlMyrga.  Sowever,  clrcuastaBoes  deteradned  that 

tba  llfetlae  should  be  but  a  year  during  which  tlac  the 

band  appeared  at  a  state  convention  in  Philadolphla. 

61  Tba  Villiaasport  Sjm,  Vovaaber  10,  1920,  p.  1. 
88  Gasatte  and  auUetln.  July  15,  1029,  p.  1. 

..!»•'»_.■  VBI      *»«' 

«»  mr 

i»«    t 


After  ld30  a  Junior  drua  corps  was  fonnd  by  ths 
post.    After  yfotXtX  var  XZ  tbote  yoiiog  son  roturaod  to  Im 
iBMMB  as  the  lUaoic  llSaulos  Drua  aau  Bvigle  Corps. 

Wsntfsoi  io  tbeir  pliuMd  tasad«<lrssses  and  sfisppr 
unlforiao  of  tOack  and  i^old  tlie  youas  Alaok  Bafiles  with 
their  sbinins;  instruoents  are  o  tlurilliag  sight  in  local 
paradas.     Spectators  are  iiqpraaaed  with  tbe  exoallent 
taasMork  of  their  playing  snu  the  preolsion  of  their  oar  oh- 

The  BLa^  Bsflcles  are  <^asiotent  winnoro  of  stato 
tiMuipionship  titles  at  tiw  annual  Aaorican  Legion  state 
osarsatis— »    Moot  recently  they  retained  the  state  titlo 
in  1350  at  the  oaapotition  in  Philsdelphia.     On  their 
return  th^  held  a  victory  p£u*aclo  followed  hy  a  concert  aau 
driU  in  !fiin.:et  Square.^" 

First  plaea  was  also  won  this  year  in  a  drwi  aad 

bugle  eoapetition  at  Tyrone. 

\\     For  the  past  three  years  the  Olaak  £aeles  have 

sponsored  a  "Spectacle  of  Music"  at  Ifcwsiiri  Field.    At  this 

event  aany  drua  and  bu^^le  corps  froa  all  ovvr  the  state 

ea     Grit.  July  22,  1956,  p.  1. 

64    VilUaasport  Sun^Caaette.  July  Q,  1956,  p.  1, 

1/  ~ 

it««     Ov«r  4,200  people  vmtcbeU  th«  apoctacle  this 

j%9r»    Til*  BIa^  BagL««  p«rforRiec  tar  tbe  hOA*  f*a«  twt 

iMOauso  of  tb«ir  rol«  of  ho«t  iXU\  not  coapot*. 

Tmo  oth«r  pr«sttnt-<^ay  <lrua  and  bUffX*  corps  whioli 

alMiys  partloipat*  in  local  patriotic  parados  ar«  tbs 

▼•torans  of  ForsifB  Mars  Drua  Corps  and  ths  Kahler  Post 

Dma  attd  Buglo  Corps. 


A  colorful  sidoline  of  tsand  lifs  in  teilUaasport  is 
that  of  the  littlo  Oeraaa  band. 

With  tho  sotting  to  this  ssction  of  aany  Gsraaa 
sstti«rs  it  was  natural  that  soall  groups  of  thoa  shotild 
est  togsthor  to  snjoy  this  IdLnd  of  ausic  poouliar  to 
thsir  nativo  country. 

In  the  latter  nineteenth  century  their  activities 
wtrs  aftationsd  in  a  local  coluon  called  "Dashes  here  and 
There"  with  the  line,  "Dot  Leetle  Taraaa  fluid  assisted  y^ry 
aatsrially  yesterday  in  giving  a  lively  appearance  to  the 

Early  in  tho  ttfentioth  century  a  group  of  Wtf^mtL 
Bsad  asat>ers  got  t«««thor  to  fora  a  Gsraan  Dana.  They 

60  MUliaasport  Sua^Qa£ette,  Aasvst  2,  13C6,  p.  2. 

M  Ths  Sally  Qaaette  and  flallstia.  Fehrunry  18,  1832,  p.  4 


called  thea««iv*»  th«  "Ju»t  for  Puo  aftnd."  Garbeti  in 
fantastic  costuaiiB  rcpreaentiat  the  r«al  Ceraan  tiaoda 
th«y  aad«  their  first  appaaraace  cm  th«  »tr«ets  of  wiiliaos- 
part  in  Octobar  of  lil4  to  rais«  funds  for  th«  Lycomian 
County  Tubarculosis  Soci©ly.  "Pot  lestle  Goiiaan  Bantf" 
asda  things  lively  on   th«  strsets  froa  early  aoralng  till 
evening  and  collected  oae  hundred  fifty  dollars. 

The  graop  had  just  returned  froa  a  tour  of  the 
sastern  part  of  the  state  where  they  visited  the  Pennsyl- 
vania Dutch  section  and  scored  aany  trluapba*  Th«  follow- 
ing acn  comprised  the  bandj  Valentine  Lupport,  G.  Otto 
n<K^,  David  K.  Gerry,  Frank  Haaasr*  Pred  Bidet,  Fred 
Staib,  Orion  Raltaeyer/®  John  R,  Robertson  and  Austin 
Witaar  joined  later  on. 

/^^For  several  years  this  band  took,  an  annual  ten-day 
trip  through  Haw  York  state  in  "Tiny*  Lupport's  white 
s«vea-passenger  Cole  automobile.  Indicative  of  th©  jovial 
spirit  were  the  three-page  folders  which  were  passed  out 
along  the  way  with  the  caption  "Who  Are  Kef"  and  the 


We  are  aonbers  of  the  Kftpasz  Hand, 
williaasport ,  Pa.,  the  oldest  hand 
in  Aaerica.  «•  are  out  for  soae 
fun,  nothing  aore,  nothing  less. 

67  Grit.  October  25,  1914,  Saw  Section,  p.  1. 

68  Ibid. 



Yt  XfiMfuuK  lus  Jioot  tmaa  uldt  •'«o<rt  i«*irr»«  -so^ 

fw  t«  It 


f  V  ji  .'  • 

!    ivf'*  I'i, 

.«ft9X  ^ittif^m  « 9*9011  Bn-^<^^Of^ 



W«  play  for  fun  and  if  you  have 
•ny  fun  hearing  us  play  then  It* a 
a  funny  tiao  all  around."  Qi 

Many  cities  were  visited  on  these  trips.  The  fol* 

lowing  ne«rq>aper  cooaents  fr<»  theia  toll  us  of  tbo  maccoss 

aod  fun  that  the  i^roup  enjoyed s 



taadra  was  charaed  by  the  visitors 
fra«  •BiUtown.*  70 

Tbsir  autoaobile  was  fially  Uecoratdd 
and  bore  a  banner  reading  *Just  for 
Pun.»  71 

Tourinji  in  an  autoaobile  and  stopping 
wherever  they  please  to  give  concerts, 
passing  the  nights  in  sjqpenslve  hotels 
and  taking  tine  out  frtm  their  play* 
iag  only  to  eat  and  slocp  is  the 
vacation  seven  sen  froa  v/illiaasport , 
Pa.,  are  talcing;.  They  reached 
Syracuse  ysstcrtiay  aftcrnotm,  gave 
concerts  up  and  down  the  Eiain  streets, 
took  part  in  the  parade  and  scorned 
persons  who  offorou  to  drop  aoncy 
in  their  car.  72 

Today  the  Geraaa  band  tradition  is  still  carrieu  on 

by  August  and  his  "Just  for  Pun  9aad."  This  yroup  was 

argaaised  in  1931  in  the  boiler  room  of  the  Capitol  Theater 

during  a  vaudeville  engagaaent.  Tbo  original  aaabers  ifsra 

Harold  Lyaan,  flute  and  piccolo,  Paul  Knauff,  clarinet, 

KiAlroy,   bass  horn,  Austin  v/itaer,  alto  horn,  John 

69  Kusicol  Enterprise,  August,  1315, 

70  BOjaira  Telearaa,  n.d.,  n.p. 

71  Elairn  Star  -  Gazette,  n.d.,  n.p. 

72  9yra<Ma8s  Post  Standaru.  n.d.,  n.p. 

v<    jl*>»        <' 

.*^i  /a> 

^  ■fi-'Ti.'  .-ic^rf  ?rflf 




lebortsoo,  tmiapet  aad  Otto  MkMPi«r,  troiriKme.     T!ir««  oi 
tiM  arisSlQAl  aeml>«r«  am  still  with  tha  i»resent  band. 
Thfty  aiHi  Mr*  Lywuit  Ift*.  Ijmuff  titid  Kr.  Magaer.    Hr.  Pr*<l 
DaCRnlo,  ?^.  Alf rt>4  !Ib««m11  aiid  Kr*  SlwrMUi  Stutzaan  Joiaod 
tlM  iMUid  la  reeaat  y«tt*a* 

Bmmb  originally  as  the  *Llttl9  Ooraaa  Baad,*  tlM 
0ra«p  eitt«ff«d  tba  imum  to  tbo  "Just  far  Fua  Baad*  Uuriog 
World  Var  II.     Boin^;  of  rennaylvania  Dutcb  extract  i<m, 
Mr.  L3raaa»  tho  loodar,  asswaad  tlia  aaoa  August. 

TlM  band  has  ted  an  active  oaresr  witb  aea^  import- 
aat  aagagaaBots.     In  its  oarly  exist eace  the  group  playod 
over  radio  station  MKAX  for  tUs  Flaok  ftHming  Cotapmisy  and 
for  Stroehaann's  balceryi     they  iqypsarsd  with  Joe  B.  isrown 
at  the  Tankee  Stadittti  in  Hew  York  and  with  Connie  Xaok 
aol  the  Philade^^la  Athletics  in  Philadelphia)     they 
played  for  /If red  Landon  at  Kkshington,  Psnaaylvaaiai  mImni 
he  Mas  runnins  for  President  and  for  President  nisealMMsr^s 
birthday  at  Bcn'stey,  October  13,  1953 1     ssvoral  yoara  ago 
they  played  for  the  Circus »  Saint  and  Sinn ore  Club  in 
Uradfoi^u,  Pa. 

Tte  praseat  tend  has  bad  soim  sajoyabls  sapiisasBt* 
in  Florida.     They  played  for  tho  Clyde  Baatty  circus  at 
CMAaa  iMMh  aad  for  the  Badio  Club  at  Port  Lauderdolo.  In 
199a  ttey  entertained  at  a  picnic  of  tho  Coaaittoc  of  One 
■ndrad  at  Belle  Isle,  Florida.     This  Mas  a  ssvea  oillioa 


'•  a&iii. 

^p{"ir:jTW|f»   irrr' 


(ioUjw   aetata  «alntaia«d  by  a  group  of  woaltlvj''  business 
ata  Mbo  coaprisod  this  cooslttcc.  Accordinj;  to  Xh»  amm 
b«rs  of  ths  band  this  was  "the  oost  tiao  ««•  svtr  hsd.* 
TlM  hf**^'  is  widely  known  for  its  ooasdy  acts  and  csuie  a 
asMdy  rocording  of  the  ''T"*  nWt  Ft***^^  Qvsrturs  for 
Wait  Disosyt 


GBAFint  X7 

It  MM  about  forty-slx  year*  afttr  th«  first 
\mm  organizad  before  an  orolieatra  oaao  mi  tho  Villiaaiport 
aceao.  HoiMivcsr,  oooa  begiBif  tte  procession  of  orcbestras 
tbrou4^  the  yoars  proved  to  ba  aa  lapresaivc  array. 

TlM  first  one  of  ^siy  ii^portaaoa  Mas  the  celebratoU 
Stopper  anu  Flak  Orohestra.  aagtnning  with  twelve  asabars 
on  Septeober  1,  X377,  this  ^;7*o«p  liad  Lyaan  J.  Fltfic  aa 
■aaager  and  Charles  Plschler  as  leader.^ 

Capable  of  playing  either  classical  of  dance  susic 
this  orchestra  was  ir.  groat  deaand.  Soon  after  its  foraa- 
tion  a  secondary  organization  called  the  "Annex**  was  creat- 
ed. This  enabled  the  orchestra  personnel  to  fill  two  on* 

ingaawnts  on  the  sane  night. 

Coagratulations  were  extended  to  the  orchestra  in 

the  pross  of  1331  on  the  occasicui  of  a  classical  concert 

given  in  the  Acadeay  of  Music.  The  Overture  to  Martha  wno 

aeotionod  as  having  been  played  particularly  well.  A  hopo 

Mas  e^QMressed  that  the  oanageaent  of  the  Acadeay  would  sec 

tbe  advisability  of  aaintaining  such  an  orchestra. 

1  Heginness,  History  of  Lycaiin;;  County,  Pennsylvania,  p.  372, 

2  Ibid. 

8    The  Daily  Gazette  anu  Liullctin.  April  2,  ISQl,  p.  8. 




:J-    "^r 

a  Asuas 
law  r 

iiQ  s.:  .  L.f 





Wamn   the  Lyc<Md«g  Opera  !{ou8«  opaatd  la  S«pt«ab«r 
of  1892  the  Stopper  and  Pislc  ims  th«  official  orchostra. 

Tbt  orchestra  aalntaln9d  its  headquarters  ttiXh   its  library 

and  iastrvuMats  la  the  basement  of  this  building. 

The  Stopper  and  Flsk  Orchestra  had  the  distinction 
of  beinc  the  first  to  be  invited  into  one  of  the  city's 
palatial  residences  for  private  entertaining.  This  occurr- 
ed in  1834  at  a  reception  of  one  of  villlamsp<M*t*s  nost 

fashionable  weddings  -  that  of  Florence  T.  Ryan  to  Pr. 

Sarcefield  Donellan  of  Philadslphia. 

The  sMSical  group  boasted  of  ths  fact  that  every 

■an  i«as  a  first-class  Busician.  They  had  the  reputation 

of  playing  for  more  society  and  public  events  than  any 

other  orchestra  in  the  state.  Theater  managers  olaiiaeu 

that  it  was  the  best  orchestra  th4^  had  aet  on  the  road 

outside  of  soae  Vew  TiHCk  orchestras.  A  look  at  a  list 

•f  sufagsflsnts  filled  by  this  group  convinces  one  of  its 

iMavy  public  schedule.  In  Decenber  of  1896  jsany  engage- 

jMttts  were  listed  for  the  typical  society  seas<m.  Aaong 

thsa  were  the  Woods-Rowley  wedding,  a  tea  given  by  ?frs. 

Allsa  P.  Perley,  a  tea  by  lirs,   P.  S.  Shaw,  the  twentieth 

faaliionable  Assesbly  at  Canton,  two  asseablies  and  "GsrsMM* 

4  The  Daily  Gaxottc  and  Bulletin.  June  1,  1915,  p.  1. 

5  Ths  Williaasport  Sun,  August  31,  1954,  p.  4. 

«f,' .;' »     /."  t/ 

at  Tlarrlsburg,  th«  charity  ball  at  the  Hotel  np<legraff»  a 
loap  year  clance  and  nuaerous  app6ara«:c8  at  Professor 
3^ebloy»8  dancing  school.  (Professor  7eblcy  conduct ed  a 
dancing  school  In  the  Acadeay  of  Music  whore  he  taught  all 
kinds  of  dancing  such  as  the  hornpipe.)  QssiUes  these 

special  sagagaaents  the  orchestra  appeared  rsgularly  at  the 

Opera  Kousc. 

Oldsr  residents  have  nostalgic  memories  of  moonlit 

MMMT  •vsnings  on  the  broad  porches  surrounding  four  sidss 

of  the  Rsrdio  Rouss,  later  tha  Park  Uotel«  ami  now  the  Park 

Hoaie.     Here  tha  ousic  of  "Tiny*  Stoi^er's  violin  and  Jia 

Pisic's  bass  viol  "fl-swed  through  the  open  windows."     Tha 

oroheatra  playad  nightly  in  the  ballroom  with  an  affair 

"by  invitation"  once  a  week. 

The  Stopper  and  fisk  Orchestra  enjoyed  a  continuous 
axistenct"!  for  over  twenty  years.  In  1)14  it  was  reorganiz- 
ed as  the  Killiaasp(»*t  PhilharBK>nic  Xusioal  Society.  Its 
object  was  "purely  educational,  to  establish  a  permanent 
orchestra  of  fifty  men  capable  of  pc>rforains  orchestral 
works  of  the  masters."  Offio<M*s  ware  K.  E.  Creamer,  presi- 
dent, 8.  P.  Toung,  vice-president,  F.  S.  Stopper,  secretary 
and  treasurer,  C,  LsXoy  Poulk,  conductor. 

6  The  Daily  Gaaetts  and  aullotia,  Daosa^ar  12,  13 JO,  p.  1. 

7  Anne  Linn  Cheyney,  "Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  Home  Polks," 

The  willlaasport  Sun,  July  IG,  1J32,  n.p. 

d  The  Daily  Gagette  and  Bulletin.  March  5,  1314,  p.  1. 

i&  ;• 

,s»-irir.  t*'?.-ir  sntra 

"^fitirsifp'-nafv   .■%t- 


Tlu*««»  orcheatraa  which  wero  formed  in  1890  andl 
1891 »  all  of  which  had  short  lives,  were  th«  Star,  th« 
Xstropolitac  and  the  Elite. 

The  Star,  or^nized  in  1390,  was  oanaged  tjy  J.  P. 
Langlois.  It  consisted  of  ten  asobers  with  F.  E.  Haswell 
as  leader  and  G.  Bert  Kepasz  as  auslcal  diroctor. 

The  Xetropolitan  was  formed  June  16,  1831  with 
eight  asabers.  Manager  Mas  Aloysius  Stopper;  leader  Mas 
Sylvester  Vo-el.  One  of  the  organizers  was  W,  Herdic  Wood, 
a  cornetist.  Hr.  t*food  had  studied  with  Xilton  Repass  and 
h&d  been  elected  band  aaster  of  the  Repass  Baad.^^ 

Tlie  Blite  Orchestra  had  John  Hasel,  the  celebrated 
cornetist,  as  aana^or  and  Gus  Lcttan  as  leader. 

Althoufi;h  those  orchestras  were  sli or t -lived,  never- 
theless they  were  known  to  be  cig^le  of  filling  any 
•agageaent  and  "rendering  the  highest  class  ausic."^^ 

An  orchestra  which  appears  to  have  gained  swift 
enco  near  the  turn  of  the  nineteenth  century  was  the 

9    Xe^inaess,  p«  372« 
10    LlojTd,  Iliotory  of  Lyconin^  County.  Pennsylvania. 

▼ol •    I,    p,    44G. 

XI     Xe^'lnness,  p.   372. 

12    The  Daily  Gasette  and  Dullctin.   Special  Centennial 
Edition,   June,   ICJJi,   p.   5i, 



v»t-»':*r,    art"-  tL/f    fiilt    ni^.f.r.    Tinan  ?.'pnt 


L«tt«a«CiMVP«ll  Orohastra.  It  wis  oreanlseU  in  April,  130S, 
Within  two  nontlui  tti«  iprwip  had  "won  the  hearts  of  masio- 

loving  siMple  -  not  only  with  their  Musical  oxcellenco  but 

with  their  pleasing  aannors  and  uesiro  to  please." 

0r8aaiSM*s  were  Gustave  Lettan,  the  loader,  and 
V.  Scott  Chappell,  pianist  and  aaaagor. 

lb*.  Lettan  was  iMca   in  Wiliiaasport.  Be  began  to 
study  the  violin  at  the  age  of  ten  with  his  half  brother, 
"Tiny"  Stoj^per,  an  organizer  of  the  St(^per  and  risk 
Orchestra.  At  the  tiae  he  assuaed  leadership  of  the  Ixsttan- 
ClM4>pell  Orchestra  as  a  young  aan  in  his  twenties  he  had 
Just  ooapleted  a  four-ycar  ongagsaent  at  the  opera  bouso 
in  Vilaiagton,  Delaware. 

w.  Scott  Ch^ppell  oaae  to  Hilliaasi>ort  in  1375.  Re 
had  attended  !)axter  University  of  Ifusic  at  Friendship, 
AUsgheay  County,  I7ew  York.  He  idontifiod  hiaself  with 
Musical  circlos  here  iaaediately.  He  uas  pianist  with  the 
Stopper  and  risk  Orchestra  for  fourteen  years  until  he 
Joined  with  Mr.  Lettan  to  fora  the  Lsttan-Chaiq^ll  Orches* 

Other  fine  ousicians  with  this  orchestra  were  V* 
Bardie  wood,  eornetist  and  Louis  E*  Beooe,  clarinetist. 
f)oth  of  these  aon  were  soloists  with  the  Repass  Band.  Mir. 

la  Ibid. 


■  ssii^rj. 


flood  studied  With  Hilton  RepasE  and  was  olacttd  hanrt— 1« 
•r  in  1J^)4.     riQ  MM  inatructor  of  tha  V«ifb«rr7  and  Trout 

Run  bands  and  oa«  of  tht  organizers  of  ths  Mstropolitan 


Orchestra.  Mk*'.  iri»se«  Mas  also  with  that  group  until  both 

■sn  Joiissd  tho  Lottan-Chappoll  Orchoatra. 

Ab  early  aove  of  the  orchestra  and  one  which 
given  special  praise  in  press  notices  was  the  purchase 
of  an  extra  sot  of  clarinets.  This  enabled  then  to  fill 
•agageasnts  desHMding  either  concert  or  international 
pitch. ^ 

Iflportsmt  a8u>ng  their  aaay  ensageaents  were  churok 
weddiags.  The  orchestra  aet  the  deoAnUs  of  such  occasions 
aost  adalrably  because  of  the  ability  of  Kr.  Ch^pell  to 
taandlo  a  large  church  organ.  Hs  ted  been  organist  six 
years  at  the  First  Presbyterian  Church,  five  years  at  the 
First  Saptist  and  five  years  at  the  Third  Presbyterian. 

Lighter  flKwents  were  also  provided  in  the  staaaer 
vhen  the  ^roup  played  in  the  evenings  at  the  various  porks. 
The  little  old  steamboat  that  plied  up  and  down  the  river 
carried  passsagers  to  Sylvan  Dell  where  "the  Lettan- 
Chappoll  Orchestra  played  the  Blue  Danube  and  all  the 
other  lovely  old  things  while  we  dancod  on  tho  dreadful 

14  Ibid. 

15  Ibid. 

16  Ibid. 

oan  til  oji 



platfora  floor ."^"^ 


With  the  twentieth  century  aany  other  orchestras 

In  1901  Ffd   E,  Haawell  organized  an  orchestra  of 
about  twelve  players  which  bore  his  none.  Hr.  Raswell 
was  foraerly  a  traveling  solosaan  for  the  n.  S,   Andrus 
Music  Co.  T.  LoRoy  Lyaaa  was  the  pianist  with  tho  group 
for  aasf  years* 

In  1902  the  Haswell  and  Keece  Orchestra  was  foraed. 
Boasting  of  having  "several  leading  local  ausicians  in  its 
personnell"  tho  group  was  "qualified  to  furnish  ^ood  rausic 
for  all  occasions." 

Aamig  their  eagagoaents  one  season  were  the  seai- 
■onthly  I.  F.  F.  Club  dance,  the  Golden  Rod  Club  dance 
•vmry  Monday  night,  the  Tuesday  evening  dancing  class, 

Enright*s  seai-aonthly,  the  Howe  building  weolcly  dances 

a  P.  0.  S.  of  A.  banquet  in  Mont our svillo. 

Aaotlior  early  group  was  tho  Fischler  Orchestra. 

17  Aone  Linn  Cheyney,  "Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  Hoae 

Polks,"  The  Williaasport  Sun.  Au«;u8t  2),   1927,  a.  p. 

18  The  Daily  Gaaette  anci  Bulletin.  IToveaber  2  ;,   1902,  p.  5, 

19  Ibid. 

..;  J »-, 


It  took  its  BMM  from  its  first  Uiroctor,  Cbarlss  Fischlor. 
ar*  Fischlar  left  Killiatswport  la  1904  to  fill  aa  oa^a^o- 
asat  playing  ia  Atlaatic  City.^^ 

Two  ottier  orchdatras  tMariac  tti«  oooo  Haoce  wore 
aotiva  in  tlia  first  dacaao  of  lbs  oanttary.  Ona  was  diroct* 
ad  by  Lawis  Vaaoa.  Porniahing  tumic   in  the  evenlnga  at 
tho  Vallaaioat  pavilion,  this  fiproi^  was  made   up  of  oesabcro 
of  Lawis  Vaaoa*a  faaily,  Lawia  playad  clarinet,  bia  father 
playad  violin,  and  his  two  sisters  played  piano. 

A  oousin  of  Lewis,  Horold  Vaaoa,  organised  his  own 
srolMstra  ia  1904,  Ra  bau  jtist  sroavrntoa  from  the  local 
Idgh  sabool  libera  ha  haA  written  his  class  song.  Hr.  ifocco 
was  also  a  aaaber  of  the  choir  of  Christ  Episcopal  Church 
ana  later  of  Trinity  iSpiscopal  Church  where  his  brother 
Jsssyh  was  srasnist.  His  siotbor  iMid  UngM  ausio  at  Back* 
nell  University. 

Playiag  for  parties  ant  aaall  affaira  tho  orchestra 
enjoyed  soocess  for  abont  six  years*  Maabars  other  than 
Harold,  who  direct e^l  and  played  piano,  wars  Oloncho  Rich* 
arda,  and  Gdward  Linoh,  first  violins,  Killian  Jordan, 
•eosad  violin,  Aaer  Ilartaan,  viola,  Rarry  Hartaaa  and 
itiaas  Barry  ICrape,  *  cello,  and  JTaaes  Linch,  flute. 

ao  The  Daily  Gasatte  and  Bulletin,  July  C,  1904,  p.  S. 

r  r; 

UCt^  Ja: 

t*  *»  >r  «^ 

la!  • 

v1«UiiJ    *./. 




Th«  c«lobrated  cor  net  let ,  Jolm  BassI,  diz*ect«l  aa 
orob«0tr»  Mhich  used  his  objm*    This  ^oup  played  f«r 
lUinciIng  srotaiK!  IQlo  at  the  Arlingtoa  nsnclng  Acadssor  Mhioh 
WAS  opATstsd  by  John  IkC—,     The  fire  Mhioh  destroyed  tbs 
L99Wiiii£  Opera  House  also  destroyml  the  Aoadsay,  putting 
■a  sad  to  tlw  orc}io8tra*s  activities. 

Oas  of  Villlafl^port*s  aost  popular  damco  orcfcsfg— 
of  the  early  twoatieth  coatury  was  tiM  Airdoae  Orohostra 
led  by  David  H*  Gerry,  a  trumpeter  of  renonm,  who  also 
■aoassd  the  AirUotte,    This  mm  a  new  danolag  pavilion 
erocteu  uy  Talontine  Lupp«*t  at  the  south  end  of  the  IfMlest 
Street  iarid^ie.     Oanclac  was  on  joyed  every  night  except 
Tuesday*     On  Tuesdays  hand  concerts  were  held  in  arsadon 
Park*     Featured  dances  were  the  ton^o,  the  besitatioa  and 


the  ooe«>step. 

Older  residents  can  rocall  hyBOoe  years  ulien  Gorry*s 
Airdoae  Orohestra  providod  the  siwical  sottinc  for  the 
annual  "nanaent,"  a  charity  danoo  held  in  the  hallrooa  of 
the  old  Parte  Hotel  on  Christmas  aftornoon.  Considered 
quito  the  faahionahlo  affair  for  tho  city*s  olito,  the 
Dansant  was  hold  froat  two  to  fivo  o'clock,  attracting 
huodrsds  9t  daaoers.  Profits  from  the  daaos  vers  givoa  to 

21  The  ^ical  Enterprise.  July  ID,  1314,  n.p. 


.*. -n  trsJ: 




the  KllXUMiport  Hospital.  PoIlOHlag  tiM  DBSsant  the  orch* 
••tra  traveled  to  the  wiiiiaaaport  Country  Club  to  provide 


daaoe  auaic  ChriatJHie  ni^^ht. 

Early  aeribare  of  Hr,  Gerry's  orchestra  were  Henry 
Keller,  violin,  Pan  Thoaas,  piano  until  1919  aad  than 
T.  LeBoy  Lyaan  for  the  rwtaining  years,  Al  Bidet,  clarinet, 
Fred  Staih,  troahooe,  Vtmak.  Haaasr,  druas,  and  Talentine 
("Ti.iy*)  Hicrlo,  saxophone  and  vocalist* 

I6*«  Gerry  was  a  prosdnent  fi^^ure  in  city  political 
circles  as  wsll  as  a  ansioian*  He  vos  city  treasurer  two 
terms*  Ris  influence  and  proaineiice  Mon  hia  the  leader- 
ship of  the  Deaocratic  i>arty  in  LycMdi^  County,  lie  playod 
solo  truapet  in  the  Repass  9aad  sad  bs«aae  its  director 
for  a  tiae.  In  1^22  he  helped  Sfvanize  the  Elk's  Band  as 
its  first  director.  He  also  directed  the  laporinl  Tste* 
Ques  for  ten  years. 

Later  Vt,   Gerry  enlarged  his  orchestra  into  a  Jass 
ioraphoais  group  capable  of  playing  concert  as  wall  as  dance 
aasic.  One  of  the  largest  crowis  ever  to  assesfele  in 
Iwuiisu  fark  iMard  Garry's  Orchestra  in  a  concert  in  1326. 
Excerpts  froa  li  Trovatore  aoil  ffsaai  ware  exceptionally 
well  done  according  to  press  notices.  Soloist  of  tho 

22  viiiiaasport  Sm«Gaaette.  Dsoslbsr  84*  1955,  p.  2. 

23  Ibid. 



evening  was  *Tiny"  Hierle,  a  local  baritone,  who  had 

rscantly  returned  froa  a  season  sint^inx;  in  ?Utzi, 

After  a  span  of  about  fifteen  years  the  group  dis- 

faaaded  in  1J30.  A  few  years  later  Hr.  Gerry  moved  to 

Knoxville,  TennsMwe,  whore  he  died. 

LATER  TuanriEni  csRutr  oroups 

Around  1917  and  into  the  nineteen-twenties  thept 
was  an  influx  of  bi^  naae  beusds  which  case  to  the  Araory 
on  Pine  Street  for  public  dances.  Fred  Waring,  Jim 
Shields  and  his  Mason  Dixon  Elcvon  and  others  gave  iflQ>etus 
to  local  liusicians  to  fora  orchestras  or  to  incorporate 
new  ideas  into  those  already  existing. 

Two  popular  local  orchestras  at  this  time  were  the 
Logue  suid  Straight  and  the  Van-Askey  orchestras. 

The  Logue  and  Straight  Orchestra  filled  nuaerous 
in  and  outsiUe  of  Killiaosport ,  playing  at 

aocknell  University  and  The  Pennsylvania  State  University. 

A  forerunner  of  tho  Van-Aakey  was  a  group  known  as 

Rsd  sod  Qis  Happy  Six.  This  group  was  under  the  direction 

24  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  July  15,  1J25,  p.  6. 

25  KilUaasport  Sun -Gazette.  Cccoaber  24,  1965,  p.  2. 
2G  The  Hueical  Enterprise.  April  29,  1314,  n.p. 

«f  Cterloa  (R«d)  ktUcmf,     It  hsxb  faraad  arounu  1JX7  aft«r 
tt*.  Airicey  ted  teftrU  «nd  asaoolated  with  tOM  of  lb«  4aao« 
baads  at  tte  Araory.     Thia  naa  th«  first  tiat  the  local 
■naidaaa  \mA  tearu  saxophones  uaoti  la  a  ^iaaes  orchtatra. 
It  proaptsd  tbea  to  try  to  achievs  tha  aaaa  plaaslog  effect. 

Poralntf  the  Ibg^ty  Six  were  Georga  Lewis,  piano, 
Paul  Knauff,  violin,  Oacar  Wagner,  troabone,  Jaaaa  Bsavar, 
teajot  Xicteel  Caaale,  saxophone*,  am!  Hed  Aidcey,  drum. 

At  the  aaaa  tiae  aaether  orchestra  tmder  the  direct* 
ion  of  Ccurl  Yaodorsloot  was  on  Joying  wttm  popularity. 
Since  aoae  of  the  pMVoenel  of  theae  ti«o  ^oups  were  the 
aaae  they  decided  to  aet^e  under  tha  aaas  of  Van-^Askey 
■ovelty  Oroheatra.    Aa  accusatioa  ted  teaa  aade  against 
Red  and  His  Oappy  Six  of  takiog  tte  aatts  of  a  Kow  York 
group  iQMMi  as  Terlces*  B^ppy  Six. 

Tte  new  daaoa  band  ted  aa  aetive  life  firosi  1918  to 
1922.     Being  of  consi<3erable  size  tbsrs  were  aooetiaes  as 
asuiy  as  five  units  froa  this  orchestra  perforaiag  in  one 

After  the  7an«4j|tej  Oroteatra  diabaadad  Xr.  Aakey 
received  and  aooepted  an  offer  froa  Paul  Speck,  a  Saw  Torle 
racmrdiag  artist,  to  play  with  one  of  his  units. 

other  orchestras  of  the  ninetuon  twenties 
the  Lagloaairea  directed  txy  Blosr  L.  Diehl  and  Oabomo 

-ji  »»mD  A»' 

Koaseli«  Dance  Band.  Thoy  8U{>plle(l  (lanc«  onaslc  arotmd 
town,  in  Xhm   theaters  ttiui  in  th«  Mnnrial  Park  daaclng 


It  was  in  the  nineteen  twenties  that  Villiaawport 
rose  to  fame  in  the  dance  ImukI  world  with  Dave  HarsAB  aad 
his  orchestra. 

An  aluMBttS  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Dave 
laraan  started  in  1^20  with  a  saall  group  of  six  men.  With* 
in  four  years  his  orchestra  was  raiflEed  one  of  the  three  top 
bands  in  the  country  with  Paul  hMteaan  and  Fred  Waring. 

Original  aeirtters  of  the  ImuiU  in  1923  ware  Jaaos 
SsaevsTp  banjo,  George  Hachaoer,  saxophone,  Jao^s  Barry, 
banjo,  George  Lewis*  piano,  and  Dave  llaraan,  troa2>one. 
Vithin  a  year  others  had  been  added  including  Paul  Knauff , 
Joe  Tannucoi  and  Huss  Qrownlee,  saxophones,  John  Tiobcrtson, 
brass,  Charles  Touog,  violin,  Frank  noClroy,  tuba,  and 
Miles  Jacobus,  druas.  Gsorge  Lewis  and  Joe  Tanaucci  wars 
the  arrangers. 

Others  froa  Williaasport  who  wars  asabers  of  Dave's 
orchestra  at  one  tiae  or  another  include  Fred  Wetzel,  Dill 
wydar  and  Thoaas  Levering. 

Baraan  aade  ausioal  history  with  his  renditions  of 

27  Grit,  July  10,  1366,  Jlews  Section,  p.  3. 

lUl  Sec  You  In  «?  Dreqao,  Wlio'a  Soriv  riow.  oua  If  You 
|^>t  Lov»  Hft.  Stop  !)oi„.^in«  !to  Arounu. 

From  1320  to  102 J  tho  oami  played  regularly  for 
Oaaoas  at  tba  Daoao  daocing  hall.  Local  ad  above  the 
Kayatonc  Theater  on  Third  Street,  thia  i«aa  a  popular  apot 
yii»»g  the  younger  set  of  those  days.  Dance  oogaceoMiiits 
ware  also  filled  in  other  tot/ns  throughout  Penaaylvania, 

Tba  hard  work  and  long  hours  apent  in  rohoarsal 
proved  vortHwUile  «hen  in  1924  opportunity  for  bi^j^ger 
things  arose,  A  song  plugger  who  haU  coao  to  town  heard 
the  bond.  He  tooic  thea  to  Hew  York  City  and  helped  thoa 
to  4;et  a  booking  in  the  faaed  Cinderella  Ballrooa.  They 
■pant  two  very  auccoasful  years  there  alternating  with 
the  Molvoriae  aand  of  Chioago,  an  outstanding  juzz   band  of 
that  <^ay  whose  reo^nla  are  now  collect  or  s»  itooia. 

It  was  tho  ultimte  goal  of  every  orchestra  in  thoss 
days  to  record.  The  difflcultios  wore  great  in  beoooing 
associated  with  a  recording  coapsny*  However,  Oavs  Bar- 
iMn*s  Orchostra  did  a  sizable  asKyunit  of  recording  for 
■dison,  Coluabia  and  Oennett,  a  subsidiary  of  Victoi%  (  It 
is  Interesting  to  note  that  at  tliat  tiae  Thswss  Cdison 
persooally  passed  on  ovory  record  coaing  out  of  his  labora- 

t(»*i08«  ) 

DiB*iag  1J25  and  1920  the  orchestra  ployed  in  anny  of 
tho  loading  cities  of  the  east,  appearing  in  such  plaess  as 

icd«ii  ooc^ 



the  Haillaoa  Gorclens  in  Tolodo,  OhiOi  Dancaland  la  Phila- 
delphia, the  Outterfly  Ballroon  in  Springfield,  Xassachu- 
^tts,  DoocolatKl  in  Cleveland  and  Land  o*  Danco  in  Canton, 
Ohio.  Oa  Mie  occaaion  FSranlcie  Carl  oubstitutod  in  the 


It  is  intoroatinc  that  the  OanBa  Banc  operated  aa 
a  cooperative  group,  all  earnin^^s  belag  split  evenly 
aaoa«^  the  aaabera* 

aadk  in  that  day  of  oryatal  aeta  Baruan*8  band  tna 
one  of  the  first  ever  to  broadoaat.  It  Maa  from  KESk 
which  Maa  opened  in  1^19,  Later  they  appeared  over 
atatioaa  HQR,  lOSAP,  WJZ  aod  othera.  Playing  at  aany  of 
the  hig  univeraitiea  of  the  eaat,  the  aouth  and  How  Cnc* 
land,  the  bond  waa  a  regular  feature  at  hooaa  partiea  at 
■any  of  theae  institutions. 

Aa  tiae  went  on  the  personnel  changed  until  diariag 
the  years  i:>29  and  1931  the  only  original  awabers  loft 
were  George  Lcwia  and  Dave  narnan. 

Under  the  new  aaaageaent  of  the  Orchestra  Corpora* 
tion  of  Aaerica  Saraan'a  tand  contiaiiad  to  play  at  loading 
hotels  throughout  the  country.  Other  eagageaeats  to(^ 
thea  to  such  placea  of  note  as  the  Evoryladea  Club  and  tho 
Kentucky  Club  in  law  York,  the  Piccadilly  Club  in  Phila- 
delphia, the  Steel  Pier  in  Atlantic  City  and  Conveatian  Qall 
in  Aabury  Park.  They  appeared  for  a  year  at  the  Rainbow 

-■«♦»  « 


'Jjt^    Vi'^rUVRffit    J.  Jr. 


C«f«  In  Miami.  Wh«n  Vincent  Lopez  opened  the  Euclid  Gar- 
den in  Cleveland  Har«»an*8  orchestra  followed  hia. 

Xaay  one  night  standi  aade  it  a  strenuous  routiie, 
■•■bsrt  recall  being  notified  after  the  close  of  a  Uance 
•ngageaent  in  Philadelphia  that  they  were  to  leave  Ittnedi* 
ateiy  for  Kansas*  The  trip  waa  aade  in  a  STew  Jersey  sight- 
seeing bus.  Members  also  re«e«ber  nuaerous  times  when 
Tewir  ancl  Jiaaqr  Horsey  used  to  sit  in  with  Dave's  band. 

For  several  years  tUe  aeabers  of  the  band  contributed 
to  a  special  account  which,  when  sufficiently  built  up,  was 
used  to  purchase  gold  instruments.  All  were  proud  of  the 
fact  that  only  one  other  band  -  Fred  taring's  -  pos«e»«aU 
such  instruaents.  When  the  band  disbanded  these  were  kspt 
as  fitting  msasotoes  of  a  glittering  past. 

JOE  TAinnK:cx 

Those  who  attended  high  school  in  the  late  nineteam 
twenties  anc  early  nineteen  thirties  remember  the  thrill 
of  dancing  to  the  auslc  of  Joe  Vannucci»s  Orchestra.  Al- 
though death  cut  short  what  would  undoubtedly  havs  been  a 
brilliant  career,  Joe  Vannucci  is  remeaibered  as  one  of 
Killiamsport»s  hvaX   among  jazz  musicians. 

Following  his  Mother's  wishes  that  he  be  a  drugj^ist 
Jos  matriculated  in  1921  at  Penn  State  where  he  became  a 
member  of  the  famous  Blue  Band.  There  he  forced  a  friend- 


■fit  !>»ft»5ro  »ki  e»"*f  t'^ 


•3  :  .>vi      ^fc 


H    i-*^^.»  »*.• 

r-  assiO  svMa  '^;}ij^ ;:ijB!Oi}izu   ujl«.c«  iui^a    iwv 




ship  with  Fred  Waring  who  was  also  a  student.  The  two 
of  them  organized  a  small  group  and  played  around  the 
vicinity  of  State  College.   Joe's  main  instruments  were 
the  clarinet  and  saxophone,  although  he  was  able  to  play 
many  others. 

In  time  music  prevailed  over  all  other  studies, 
and  Joe's  mother  withdrew  her  objections  to  his  following 
a  musical  career. 

In  1923  Joe  left  school  to  join  Dave  Harman's 
Orchestra  which  was  gaining  widespread  fame.   He  remained 
with  him  until  1926  during  which  time  he  played  and  did 
much  of  the  arranging.   Many  of  his  arrangements  were 
published  and  recorded. 

In  1926  he  left  Dave  Harman's  Orchestra  and  later 
that  year  formed  his  own.   Many  of  his  orchestra  were 
those  who  had  been  with  Dave  Harmian's  early  group.   They 
played  throughout  Pennsylvania.   In  demand  particularly 
at  the  colleges,  they  established  a  wide  reputation  as  one 
of  the  leading  dance  orchestras  of  the  state. 

Unfortunately  in  the  middle  nineteen  thirties  Joe 
contracted  the  illness  which  was  to  prove  fatal.   Forced 
to  give  up  his  work  he  was  confined  to  bed.   In  spite  of 
suffering,  however,  the  urge  to  write  continued  within  him. 
>Iany  times  in  the  middle  of  the  night  his  family  would  find 
the  light  burning  in  his  bedroom.   Joe  would  have  taken  out 


vf    q'z'^.r 

■     'to 

'  fix   ti '  «^ub   Line 
ceum  c 

bib  bns   bsyfilq  srf  smit  rioiriw  gxiiiub  9SGI  Xxtnu  aiiri  iltiw 
jiew   fslnsmeanBT'ijs  eirf   lo   yneK      .snip.nBT^c   fK+   "^c   rfoum 

'oiGl   bHE  B^te^^^^^O  e'nimisH  eyad   tlel  6ri  9261  nl 

^^^w  sTtesrioio   eiri  lo  ynsK      .nwo  arr?    be.'mo't  ^f;9y   t£rit 

V3'  '"      .quoiii  Y-t'ifiS   6 'nauritii.  ^v;.,'!  ritiw    .;•/."    ....n   unw   -Jtorit 

YlifilJioiJiBq   L  .jsinfivlxemie*!   tw  di   bey^jslq 

8B  noitfituqoT  ohrvr  ^irdf-tsa   yerft    ,893oIIoo  : 

-'OL  aaitiirit  neatani  ;jt'io1;nU 

!~    c'['  ft    8J3Tff  riojrivr   :^^!erlli    en't   betorttnoo 

.mill  niritiw  bsuriitnoo  9ti^lff  c  -r  srit    ,i©v9woi  i9  llue 

f:>rfi;T:    birfovr  Y-r!"Wj?'i    '  "s?, rn    9'^t   T"o   9lbM«    Sift    nj    ■eem'-f   vrRK 

tin  pad  froa  under  his  pillow  ami  would  be  w*itins« 

■•  diod  in  1936  at  tbt  a^a  of  thirty-four  leaving 
a  gap  difficult  to  fill  in  tha  hearts  and  aaaoriea  of 
those  who  know  hia  and  listened  to  his  ausic. 

onns  wscan  dahgi  crgbsstras 

During;  the  aiddle  nineteen  thirties  the  Sunset  Park 
Pavilion  was  the  soeno  of  aany  re^^ilarly  scheduled  Uancos. 
Vvr  a  few  seasons  George  Lewis'  Dance  Orchoatra  held  forth 
four  or  five  nights  a  week.  Ceocga  tMMl  bsaa  pianist  and 
arrant/er  with  Dave  Harnan  and  later  played  with  Joe  Taanu- 
cci.  Basldea  his  regularly  scheduled  engagements  George 
also  iKKdced  aany  nase  bands  idilch  drew  capacity  crowds 
fron  t'illiaavort  and  outside  ths   city* 

Copitolinns  were  x>roainont  at  this  tine  also. 
Taking;  their  naae  from  the  Capitol  Theater  utioro  th^ 
played,  they  furnished  auslc  for  oany  dances  and  special 
occasions  throughout  the  aroa. 

Vith  the  nineteen  forties  a  aew  orchestra  anMMursd 
on  the  scene  having  as  its  nucleus  a  ^^oup  of  boys  who  had 
played  together  in  the  high  school  band  aiMl  orchestra. 

Leader  Gerry  Kehler  had  hopes  durin4;  junior  hi^ 
school  days  of  soae  day  having  his  own  dance  band.  Two 
years  later  in  1943  he,  Dill  Seitaer  and  Roy  Griess  foroed 

Ml  orchestra  to  play  for  daiioas  at  th«  Tean  Cantaan  whan 
It  orlginataa,  Tb«  orchestra  haa  coatinuou  to  play  alnca 
than  for  tha  eaater  latar  knoim  at  Baziuy  Uaven. 

Otbar  aaabers  wbo  jolnoU  tha  orohostra  later  on 
•ra  OmM   Broag  who  laft  to  Join  tha  Air  Force  in  1953, 
Earl  Willia«a,  the  orcheatra'a  huaiaesa  aanagar,  Dick 
Spotts,  Jerry  Tietbohl,  Larue  Zellers,  Ernie  Xitcheltreo, 
Bill  hfright  and  Johnny  Killer.  Tbata  aan  all  have  pro- 
faaaiooa  other  thaa  ausic.  In  contraat  to  orcheatras  of 
earlier  <iayd  they  are  not  dependent  t4>on  auaic  for  a 
living. 23 

The  hand  plays  for  nany  high  school  and  college 
4a»ces  in  the  area.  It  plays  frequently  at  Lycoaing 
College y  Bttcknell,  Penn  Stato,  Look  Ilaven  and  Blooosburg. 
It  has  also  playod  at  the  state  laurel  festival  in  Wells- 
boro  for  several  yaars. 

Another  conteaq)orary  band  itfiich  has  been  gaining 
steadily  in  popularity  in  recont  years  is  that  of  Johnny 

Joteoj  was  a  ninth  grade  student  when  ha  aaide  his 

2 J  Grit.  August  21,  1JS5,  Haws  Section,  p.  14. 
2Q     Ibid. 
30  Ibid. 


V*t      vu: 


»;4K.4.  fJi* 


'V-^^ii-^'J  ct>«^r-  .',vi-'^e 


first  public  appearaac*  at  tb«  Xtdtfies*  Sing  of  A«0wt, 
134S.     !•  taftd  alr«ikdy  b««ii  pla/irti^  tho  piano  for  G«rry 
K»hler*9  Orohcstra  and  also  had  a  part  tiaie  Job  playiof 
for  a  local  dancing  studio.     It  ms  at  tho  roquost  of 
JtHfor  Loo  Ifill  ipi.n9<Mi  tlmt  Johnny  got  together  thro*  of 
his  tr i9mlm  to  plar  vith  hia  at  tho  Sing. 

9rtm  that  tl««  on  tho  grosp  vtajod  together  incroas* 
iag  tlw  sMaborsliip  to  six.     Early  mutoWB  troro  Wayne  Pack- 
ard and  Davo  Phillips,  saxophoao,  Jcrtuuiy  Rtea,  tn»pet, 
Xiekey  Caaalo,  dnaat,  and  Mkry  DiXareo,  vocalist.     Johnny 
playoU  tho  piano. 

Tha  only  one  of  the  original  atiri>ers  with  tho  pros* 
oat  hand  is  Wayao  PMlcara.     Othors  of  tho  prosont  group 
aro  Mart  Dillons,  Xiko  Allogrucci,  sax^>honos»  Charlio 
Borgor,  truapot,  Jiaay  Bubb,  bass,  Blanchard  Burkhart,  druas 
and  Toaaio  Sinibaldi,  vocalist. 

Equippsd  with  a  fine  trailer  tha  orchestra  raaintains 
a  bui^  s<^odale  covering  a  radius  of  over  two  hundred  niloo 
in  this  state  and  in  ifow  Tork.     Collegos,  country  clubs 
•an  private  parties  provide  ths  oaln  oourco  for  saBsgaasnts. 


sTxreomr  orcbcshas 


Xa  Xny  of  IdlS  lunaipApM*  iMadlines  oarriad  th«  words, 
"Sya|>hoiiy  Qrohoatra  Undo  a  Sit."    THa  nl^jiht  before,  on  nay 
twantlatb,  willlaaaport*s  first  igrflffeaiqr  orehastra  had 
aada  its  initial  appaaronoe  in  concart  in  the  ewditoritMi 
of  the  higb  school.    Ths  aawapapar  account  coatimtad  with 
words  of  Praia*  for  a  "^laadiu  ooocart"  with  "iaost  uiffl* 
oult  works  plaarwl  in  finished  style. «^ 

A  foreword  on  the  evening's  progron  stated  tha 
purpose  of  the  organization,  "to  aaqqnrage  the  study  and 
perforaanoo  of  the  biehar  orchestral  faros  of  auoic  aad  in 
presoatiae  their  profiraa,  to  incraaaa  in  this  cownmity  the 
appreciation  and  uaderstaodiag  of  soob  ausic,**^ 

Tha  following  prasraa  was  praaaated  under  the 
direetiaa  sT  E.  Rart  Bagbaat 

1*  Harch  •  "Sakoczy"  ~— — ———  Ci 

2.  Ouafiarian  Luat spiel  -.i^.-.*.^.  Seler-Oela 

3.  Surpriae  ^raphony  ~.— .«•«—«.•..    iiayiln 

4.  (a)  Asa's  Daatii  frosi  "?oer  Gyut  Suite" 


1     Tiio  wiiiiaasport  Sun,  May  21,  1316,  p.  1. 

3     ProfflPiMi  of  The  hiUJaasport  Swioiway  Orcheatra.  Hay  20, 



(b)  niuKir«iko    — .— .—M—- ™      Dvorak 

(c)  HuHj^ariaa  Diuic«  Ho.  5  ~       Brahas 

5.  (a)  Intwattsso  froa  asULlet  "Haila* 

(b)  Csartios  froa  aallet  "Coppolia** 


6.  Overt  iir«  -  "Rayaond"  ™— ~    TIumhis 

of  the  orchestra  wero  tlio  follawia^i 

First  Violins 

aw.  A.  £•  ate3c«r 
Hr.  Rogr  Foalk 
Xr.  H.  L.  S^ttllttr 
Xir*  Rmiainir  DaWitt 
9b>«  Aadraw  Stoppw 
Xr*  w«  L.  Jacobs 
llr*  Vt  B.  Jordaa,  Jr. 
Xr.  B.  E.  Riobarus 

iftr.  CliarXes  Youog 
ttr.  Barnr  Kaa«flan 
Xisa  B«  M.  Rothrusa 
ttUlo  H.  Casnor 
Hiss  H.  K«  Start 
Hiss  Eliaabeth  Trs^xp 
Slaa  fiXai«  Pott 
Mau  B.  H.  Bataa 

Saoood  Tiolios 
Hir.  y*  ffiarla  Mr.  R.  L.  rctara    Hi*.  iRradk  aoy« 

n*.  n.  G.  Bedford    Hr.  Ed.  Lloyd  !fr.  Lewis  M^ers 

tt>«  0*  Soaaol  Iffm  Joe  Xaloaajr      ftr*  X*  Palaar 

tt*.  C*  L,  nrit£       Hv,  C.  L.  Vfera     Xlaa  E.  Long 

Xias  r^liaabeth  Stopper 


Wm  V«  E.  Creaoor 
»•  r.  Vierle 
Mr*  S»  Siial4iart 
tt*.  P.  Craaaer 
Xr*  K«  F«  Allon 

Mr.  £•  mark 
Xr*  0*  X.  Puraaa 
Xr.  S.  R*  XeyHart 
Xr«  C*  n.  Haod 

Xr*  0*  Stopaar 
Xr*  w*  B*  XetiMreU 
Mr*  Killiaa  Heebnor 
Xr*  B*  F*  BaMi 

Xr*  H«  Bernardi 
Mr.  E.  Oalleti 

xr.  C*  L*  BuasQtt 

Trumpet a 
3ir*  C.  X^er 
Xr*  M.  stopper 

Vlraa^  Bonia 
Mr*  L*  0*  LaBelle 
Xr*  H*  Xclntire 

Xr*  P.  Staib 
Mr*  D*  Baraaa 
Mr.  S.  Wsiditel 

i»d9«  ^iimrSl 





Flu  t  OS  TolHl 

Mr.  C2iArl«s  r.  Shioxas  Mr.  J.  R.  Sayticr 

lb*.  H.  LjnMB 

OIMM  Vt.  Chas.  Fowler 

tt*.  A.   hUii 

ftanll  DruB  and  Traps  &m«  Crua  aod  Cyaibals 

yfr,  P*  S.  BasMier  »•  A,  V.  Soq^ar 

Offlc<u*9  of  t  tie  orspanixation  which  support ttd  ths 
orcbs^stra  ware  Mr*  Bdear  Hunson,  pr«siaent,  }^»  P.  E.  lUii* 
son,  vico  prssidftat,  Hr.  S.  J.  9ta/dHiiU.«ii«  ssorstary  and  trsas* 
«rsr  and  ST.  w,  a*  Jordan,  Jr.,  assistant  saeratary  aatt 

"^  TtM  suecossful  roalisation  of  a  local  srsphooy  or 

cb&8tra  was  nada  possible  by  tho  efforts  of  its  oondoctor, 
£•  Bart  Oiagbso.  Hr.  aiagbss,  a  fins  violinist,  bad  coae  to 
Williaasport  in  1909.  Hs  opcnad  a  violin  studio  at  4  Oast 
Third  Street  in  Horizet  Square,  the  foraer  Ulaaa  Opera  Hooas* 

Sam  in  Jaiacatoim,  Haw  Tork,  Mr.  Bu^bee  gained  pro- 
ficiency early  in  his  violin  study.    At  thirteen  he  joined    '"^ 
Aathooy  Iratt's  orchestra  in  a  vaudeville  circuit  around 
ChautaaqiiBt  9ew  Tork.    A  year  lator  ho  had  his  oio  hand  in 
a  resort  theater  at  Celeron,  Vew  Tork. 

Before  coapletin^  hiffh  school  ho  ontored  the  Aoori- 
Instituto  of  Applied  ?{uoic  in  Sew  Tork  City  in  1305. 

3     Ibid. 


if   tV6»- 



Kapid  proigr««8  brought  hta  opportualiloe  to  substitute  for 
rsgttXar  violinists  in  the  STsw  York  Sgtiftnny  OrcUcstr 
tiM  Ssw  Tark  PliiltenMmic  Orchestra.  lie  playod  on  those 
occasions  ttader  ths  baton  of  Arturo  Tosoaoini,  wait ctr 
DMTOsch,  Bruno  K'alter,  Gustav  HshXsr  ana  others.  Aftor 
eo«in4i  to  h'illiautport  he  coatinuou  violin  study  with  tho 
late  frmiz  Xaeisel  of  the  intornatlonally  faiaous  ISneisel 

Otsrins  the  next  few  years  he  developed  classes  for 
strings  and  wood««lnd8»  hoping  that  soaa  day  they  ^i^ht 
play  togslOier  in  cm  orchestra.  Kuch  individual  work  was 
dsM  at  first.  Pupils  wore  not  poraitted  to  enter  an  en- 
•eable  class  until  th^  wore  able  to  keep  up  with  the  class. 
Such  a  gsal  provided  so  auch  enthusiassi  that  oftea  tho  boys 
had  to  stand  dtirine  rehoarsals  duo  to  the  lack  of  available 
cdiairs.  Rehearsals  were  held  at  the  Y.  w.  C.  A.  two  ovo- 
ninjifS  a  week. 

The  8Qf)Vho<V  orchestra  was  active  for  about  ten 
y«ar8,  contributiag  p'eatly  to  ths  MWioal  culture  of  ths 
city.  World  War  I  presented  aany  obstacles  to  its  oontin« 
uanoe  because  of  the  enlistaents  of  aany  of  tho  aeobera. 
8o«e  of  these  enlisted  in  the  ailitary  and  naval  baods  of 
the  United  Statos. 

4  Grit.  Soptcabar  4,  19SS,  !?«ws  Section,  p.  10. 





In  1913  th«  orchestra  was  oa©  of  only  thirty-»evon  in  the 
country  vdiich  reaaiaed  froa  avor   two  humirca  dinllar  groups 

•xistini;  in  1917. 

series  of  concerts  ifsrs  given  by  the  orches* 
tx'a  each  season,  Soastiaes  guest  artists  were  included  on 
the  prosrnm.  Oa  one  such  occasion  the  Cretarion  Quartet  of 
Wiliiaasport  isndo  its  firot  appsarancc  before  the  public. 
IBlMtinri  of  the  vocal  iproxxp   were  >Ir.  and  HTs.  Leon  Abbot 
Boffaeister»  ?Cis3  Sara  L.  Bsrnlncer  and  Dr.  J.  h',  Jackson. 
Jlt9,   E.  Hart  Biigbee  was  the  occonponist.  They  were  received 
v«ry  enthusiastically  by  the  audlsace  as  they  sang  operatic 
in  Italian.  For  several  years  this  quartet  enjoyed 

aa  enviable  reputation. 

Besides  the  concerts  of  the  rsgular  series  the 

orchestra  also  £avo  special  prognuMl.  One  of  these  ias 

hold  in  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  in  the  winter  of  1917. 

Having  had  a  very  successful  indoor  festival  there  by  the 

Ecpasz  IkuKl  the  year  before,  people  were  eager  to  repeat 

mch  a  prograa.  The  event  oaae  up  to  the  expectations  of 

all  with  a  capacity  audience  in  attendance.  An  eight 

ainute  seraon  was  delivered  bf  the  pastor  on  **Religion  and 

3  The  WUllaasport  Sun.  January  31,  1D18,  p.  3. 
6  Ibid. 

•w  ;: 

.4t. 'i^^^    :'  ---^  du;  .  \E!i 

.;  teciia«  ii£JUd[2.  -.T'id;;«MCic  agj  i: 



Art"  and  "on  ataosphero  of  iiO<xS  uature  and  Inforaality 

Oealdes  th«  Willia-'asport  Symphony  Mr.  Bugb«e  organ- 
ised slAllar  iiTOups  In  Elalra,  Danville  and  Hilton,  with 
r^iearaals  held  for  all  the  orchestras  once  a  week. 

In  tbe  ninetoen-thirties  Hr.  Bugbeo  conducted  the 
WPA  Orchestra.  He  considered  this  croup  one  of  the  finest 
he  ever  had.  J<^ux  Bssel  uss  the  arranger.  After  that  he 
revived  the  loccO.  Syophony.  3otb  croups  lasted  until 


early  1^4G. 

!b*«  Qugbeo  also  conducted  the  Elks  Chorus  for  about  : 
airtcoa  years.  In  1983  he  resigned  this  post  to  take 
cliori^e  of  the  Elks  aand  after  John  Robartson's  death. 

Although  he  conducts  local  lausical  groups  Mr.  3u£boe 
tsdaar  plays  his  violin  only  for  his  own  enjoyaent  in  his 
hoae.  With  his  wife  as  accocq^nist  ho  still  plays  the 
concertos  of  Hendelssohn,  Xozart,  Saint-Saons  and  others. 

IBB  nasBsn  civic  sykpuohy  orchestra 

In  1M7  in  response  to  nutaerous  requests  on  the  part 
of  local  ousicians  and  nusic  patrons,  the  hTilliaosport 

7  The  Williaasport  Sun.  Februar-''  12,  1317,  p.  7. 

8  Grit.  Septsaber  4,  1D55,  Hews  Section,  p.  10. 

^3^   V  ,•  am  t  .*\/   ■  «  /  "  »•;  ^y% 

'  -A  1  «  A  a  «r  ^ 



fi«<  t»qt^-. 


School  lUstrlct  conducted  a  survey  to  d«teraioe  tte  iaterost 
of  pcopXo  in  th«  foraation  of  a  ^faphony  orchestra.  rinUing 
tha  results  vory  favorable,  the  school  board  decided  to 
wpwimor   the  project  as  a  feature  of  the  Adult  Bdtuoation 
Pro0ra«.  All  equipsMnt  was  to  be  provided  hgr  ths  school 

district.  The  prioAry  swurpose  mss  '*to  provide  a  aeans  of 
■osical  expression  for  the  orchestra's  MSfliborship." 

On  February  24,  1047  the  first  rehearsal  was  held 
at  the  high  school  with  about  one  hundrsd  acabers  under 
ths  direction  of  Osborno  IIousol. 

Although  those  who  heard  the  first  season's  conc(H*t8 
Mere  eatlMisiastic,  local  civio-ainded  ausic  lovers  realized 
tbs  projset  needed  aoral  support.  Sons  incentive  beyond 
playing  for  their  own  onjoyaent  i«ui  nesdsd  to  hold  the 
orchestra  together. 

Oae  day  Xr.  Frank  Zeigler  and  Xr.  Bousel  dsterainsd 
to  do  soaethins  about  it.  A  soall  grottp  aet  at  Xr*  Zsiglor's 
house.  Out  of  their  plans  the  Williaaivort  Syophony  Society 
Mas  foraed.  Their  purpose  tm*   to  seeitt*s  patrons  fen*  t!ie 
concerts  aod  to  assist  the  orchestra  In  any  way  possible. 
Officers  elected  were  viiiiaa  R.  Winn,  president,  Killis  C. 
Dice,  vice  president,  :¥rua  C.  Keefor  III,  secretary,  and 
Aaae  Gllaore,  treasurer.  Tihe  board  of  directors  wsre  f1:*ank 

9  The  vfilliaasp<»rt  Sun,  February  14,  1947,  p.  1. 


l«i|jl«r,  Xrs.  Mary  L.  Keliher.  Walter  G.  Mclvor,  Erich 

Springer,  George  L.  Stearns  II,  Clyde  F.  Kllllaaaon, 

Lmmmr^   Witzeaan  and  Xr.  Houael. 

The  newly  inspired  orchestra  opened  it«  first 
sponsored  season  on  Noveaber  30,  1343,  with  Louise  Edler 
as  concertaeister.  They  used  as  their  saajor  selection 
Hayun«s  Surprise  ^yaphony  as  did  their  forerunner  of 

thirty-three  years  i>efore.  Kazel  Dorey  and  Xary  Kusseil, 

local  duo  pianists,  appeared  in  two  ijroups. 

Many  and  varied  occupations  are  represented  in  the 
orchestra's  personnel.  Ministers,  doctors,  businessnen, 
aeehanics,  housewives,  office  workers,  school  teachers  and 
students  froa  the  iaaediate  city  and  the  surrounding 
sections  of  the  West  Branch  Valley  are  aeabers. 

Potir  or  five  regular  concerts  have  been  presented 
each  season  either  in  the  high  school  or  the  Stevens  Junior 
High  School  auditoriua. 

Hany  nationally  known  artists  have  appeared  as  guest 
soloists  through  the  years  includini;  the  Rabinofs,  Aaron 
Bosand,  Hortense  Monath,  Dorothy  Sarnoff,  Doris  Doree,  Uta 
Graf,  Louis  Kichardo,  Hugh  Thoapsoa,  Ruth  Slensczyns  a 
and  others. 

10  Grit,  Noveaber  28,  ls»48,  5few»  Section,  p.  1  and  p.  64, 

11  Ibid. 


':ir!  ;>'      ■ 

,»£•#  ljiftlt9«li 

tf  "'"t'T.  '    fifths ffB    r!lMi# 

rtA»*«A    ,»'>i',-'>rf#t?r  ev  9ilt   itsno-rift  tttiolon 

ri  bom.  i   .4  ,iioitd»lB  »w»V   ,«*ei  i«rti'sv«:  r     OX 


Itony  local  people  anU  «oa«  from  nearby  towas  haw 
also  haci  the  opportunity  of  appearing  with  th«  orchestra. 
AAong  thes«  hav«  b«on  Elizabeth  Viaceat,  soprano  and  Knily 
Earon,  contralto  of  Lock.  MAVaa»  Donald  Freed  anci  Russell 
Xiller,  violinists,  Elizabeth  Sias,  contralto,  1^'ich 
Springer,  pianist,  and  ICazel  Dorey  and  Xary  Russell,  duo 
pianists,  of  Williaasport.  In  the  1056-57  season  Fredericlc 
Snell  and  Mary  Russell  played  concertos  with  the  orchestra, 
Mr.  Snell'a  playing  of  the  Concerto  Gregoriano  for  organ 
by  Pietro  Yon  occasioned  the  first  presentation  of  this 
concerto  with  orchestra  in  Williaasport. 

Donald  Freed  was  a  asaber  of  the  orchestra  and 
served  for  a  tlae  as  concert aeister.  He  was  supervisor  of 
elsaeatary  ausic  in  the  Killiaasport  School  District.  ^. 
Freed  had  started  his  violin  study  with  Osborne  Housel  at 
the  a{ie  of  seven.  He  graduated  with  honors  froa  neut 
Chester  State  Teachers  College.  After  throe  years  in  the 
Araqr  Air  Corps  where  he  received  the  Distinguished  Flying 
Cross  he  finished  his  Haster's  Degree  at  the  Pennsylvania 
State  University, 

Russell  Hiller  had  appeared  locally  in  recitals 
previous  to  this  tiae.  He  had  played  benefit  concerts  for 
the  Red  Cross  and  the  Surgical  Dressings  League.  Kr. 
Miller  had  started  violin  at  the  age  of  eight  with  Osborne 
Housel  and  continued  with  Florence  Dewey  at  the  former 


a.  .,■..,           ■ . .,  r 

tdy  cl  »*ui«\  *Jw'MJ  *i»jii4     •»;ii«j.i.c..                      ^i&jn^  is^evctd 

aUi«iv1T**** ^'^  '**^^  **  Bsnnta  a**t<)t«isX  Bill  iMMl-               rt  l«M^^ 

vmt  •••; 

iff  tiff 







p»  ' 

«?  ya 

-yliiu    9jr«x« 

1ft«'C/./j    L'Oll 

*4      1 

tcl   a  tfdonod   ♦f'^en'W?    havnfq  h&f.    bW      .«?!».>  t  ••<*liW>lM| 



Dickinson  Junior  Colle«ie.  H«  attomlod  tIM  ft*n««t  Williaas 
Seliool  of  Xusic  on  a  scholarship  sftsr  Mhlch  he  grsdustsd 
froa  the  JuilliarU  School  of  Husic.  After  four  yoars' 
ssrvios  in  ths  United  States  Wavy  he  Jointed  the  Vew  Orleans 
SyvpiMny  Orchestra.  Later  he  returned  to  Juilliard  to 
eoMplete  his  Master's  Degree.  After  three  years  of  teach* 
lag  at  Buclcnell  he  left  to  join  the  sausic  faculty  of  Korth 
Texas  State  College.'*'^ 

Elizabeth  Sias,  ausic  Instructor  at  Curtin  Junior 
Hi£h  :>chool  has  appeared  as  soloist  innuaerable  tioes 
throughout  the  esanmity.  She  graduated  froa  the  local 
schools  and  West  Chester  :i»tate  Tsaohers  Collego.  She  is 
prsadnent  in  ausic  circles  of  the  city. 

Srioh  Spriati;er  had  been  a  resident  in  ^illiaasport 
only  a  siiort  tijM.  Be  was  oorn  in  l*ra£U6,  Czchoslavokia, 
aa4  iMid  bsen  a  recognised  concert  pianist  in  burope.  He 
warn  deeply  interested  in  the  civic  orchestra.  He  devoted 
ouch  tine  and  effort  to  th«^  work  of  the  Synphony  Society 
serving  as  its  president  for  two  terms. 

In  addition  several  youny  artists  were  selected 
through  auditions  to  appear  with  the  orchestra.  These 
incltided  Ann  Ross,  Sylvia  Soloiaon,  Jane  Keyto  Landan, 
Cora  Sue  Canning,  pianists,  anU  Kichard  Casqpbell,  basoon* 
ist,  of  WilliajBSport .  Others  were  Jano  KoIIjhui  and  Horris 

12  WilliaAsport  Sun«Gazette.  December  24,  1355,  p.  G. 

13  The  Williaasport  :>ua,  Jsuiuary  J,   lJ4d,  p.  11. 




i^vf  ere-<  ovsb 


LAOdis,  pianists,  out-of-tovm  studsnts  stuuyiai;  at  Lytsoaiag 
Coll«g«,  Martha  TiaoMea  of  Altoona,  vioiinist,  and  Rioliard 
Xsrrill  of  Hm{h«svill«,  pianist. 

Thus  the  «,oaX  of  every  young  ausician  to  play  a 
coacsrto  with  an  (n*Ghe8tra  mmi  Mids  a  rsality  for  thssa 
budding  artists. 

For  a  nuaber  of  years  Toung  Psoples*  Concerts  were 
pressnted  annually.  TTeld  on  Sunday  afternoon  these  con* 
corts  ware  planned  to  appeal  to  youn^  people  fron  the 
fourth  grade  through  Junior  hi^. 

Ono  of  the  aias  of  tho  $ym)tMmy  Society  has  been 
the  misini::  of  funds  feu*  the  purpMs  of  laaklng  attendance 
and  scholarship  SMards  to  aeabers  of  tho  orchestra.  TIm 
first  annual  anards  prosraa  was  given  Hay  3,  104 J.  To  date 
twenty-eight  mich  awards  have  heen  aade.  Recipients  were 
in  this  way  assisted  in  aeeting  tuition  costs  at  flmsio 
•oiiools.  A  list  of  the^  would  include  l^^astaian  School  of 
Xusic,  Slew  Rnc^land  Conservatory  of  nusic,  Oberlin  College, 
Xaasfield  State  Teachers  College,  Pennsylvania  State  Uni- 
versity, Lycoming  College  and  Ifew  Torlc  State's  Tally-Ho 
Vwio  Caa«>« 

Za  addition  to  contributions  froai  aany  individuals  -" 
toward  the  scholarship  fund  Cavalcades  of  yftisic  were  hold 
tot   several  years  to  raise  aoney  for  this  purpose.  A 
bonefit  concert  was  also  givsa  on  April  23,  1955,  by  the 

'B^"  m 

Aom  tnr 



miliaasport  Plaao  QoMrtttt.  Four  piaaos  w«r«  providod  for 
ikm   occaalon.  Th«  quartet  waa  cooprlaod  of  Hazel  Doroy, 
MtfT  Kuaaall,  Dr.  Vyor  Soioaon  ana  i^lch  Spriafcr.  Thla 
Mas  tha  fourth  appearance  of  the  local  group  Mho  tawL  playad 
tttfathar  far   the  fir  at  tlao  on  the  Muaical  Cavalcada  of 
ld52.  Aaalating  on  the  pro^raa  waa  3eulah  Xclvary  aaaso 
aoprano,  with  Jay  Stenger  aa  acconpaniat. 

MMqr  local  people  have  Uavoted  their  tiae,  ■naicol 
talent  and  service  to  K^^portini,'  the  civic  orcheatra*  It 
aaea»  appropriate,  however ,  to  aontion  two  who  cave  out« 
ataodiiifi  aarvice  to  the  ^mphony  socioty  and  wboa«  Uvea 
were  takon  while  they  wore  yet  in  their  ;»*ljae,  Wllliaai 
Dotwilor,  a  leader  in  the  ouaical  life  of  the  co«aainlty» 
vtts  especially  helpful  in  eulciini;  tho  Sypbooy  Society  in 
the  early  foraativo  yoara.  Basal  Dor^  wmr^ed  oooeaaingly 
to  develop  the  relationahip  betweeB  the  young  pe^le  of  tho 
city  anu  the  oroheatra*  Through  tar  work  with  the  Toung 
Peoplea'  Concerts  and  hor  naaatfaaent  of  student  auditions 
aany  young  pe^le  of  the  coaaauiity  henofitted  iaaaasurabl.  • 

C<wMn1ng  with  the  iviiliaMport  Civic  Choir  and  the 
Lyooaing  College  Choir  to  aake  a  group  of  two  hundred  fifty 
people  the  orchestra  took  part  in  two  proaentations  of 
'*''^*^**  ^^••»i*fc  c^t  Christiaaatiiao  of  1948  and  1943.  An 
overflow  audience  of  threo  tbousaKt  attended  the  first 
perforaaaee  in  the  Capitol  Theater.  Soloist  a  were  Gloria 



iiilsi.ifr       ,>fr  TVfii'i   tivrf    rtXjcmr. 

t-ifiu*.?   ■••nr..*f  f.'  !:i-v-7aa   satr 

tff  r  iit'itliit'ii' 

LanUoa,  soprano*  Dorottxy  Br»ti({ht,  contralto,  Ealph  Kthlcr, 
bariton*  and  Carl  Hooro,  tenor.   Tha  atcond  p«rf<tt*]iaao« 

in  tba  bij£h  aohool  syaoaaiua  with  a  capacity  audience. 
Soloists  ware  Xary  E«  XcLucas,  soprano,  I::iisabeth  Sias, 
contralto,  Carl  V.  Xoore,  tenor,  and  Daan  Gross,  barltomo, 

Tha  orobsstra  tias  appaarad  in  the  mmmr  in  tha 
Brandon  ?ark  bandaliell.  One  thousand  people  enjoyed  a 
varied  pro^^raa  on  a  balogr  night  in  the  auMaer  of  1356. 
The  ataosphva  was  most  relaxing  a«  faoiliaa  and  their 
children  sat  (m  the  benches  or  strolled  aaK>ng  the  trees. 
(Bvaa  ona  of  the  aany  (log»  present  aeaadared  to  the  stage 

WMWrliW  U«  tail  as  he  went  froa  the  violin  section  to 

the  'cello  section.) 

14  The  HiUiaasport  Sun,  DaosMbsr  13,  IMS,  p.  9. 

15  Villiaasport  Sun-Gazette,  Juno  27,  1356,  p.  4. 







la  adUitioa  to  the  larger  orchestral  organizations 
a  nuflb«r  of  aaaller  «i««»bla«  have  appoareu  through  th« 


A  program  at  the  First  Jlaptiat  Church  in  April,  1891, 
f«atar«<l  tli«  X«sart  String  Quartette  with  the  follotfiag 
p«rsooa«lj  Hr.  Frank  Steubgea,  }(r,   Craawr,  Kr.  Heller, 
Mr.  Xrape  with  Miae*  Abbie  Crippen,  orsanlst  of  tho  church 
as  pianist.  Th«  program  was  a  testimonial  to  Kr. 
Steubgen,  a  violinist,  for  "his  aaay  kind  8orvlc«a  in  the 
nusic  of  the  church,* 

During  the  years  between  1027  anU  1929  E.  Hart  Bugbee 
9m&   Osborne  Housel  had  a  string  enseable  of  about  forty 
players.  Under  the  oaae  Bugbee-Housel  String  Ensemble  this 
group  was  composed  of  violin  students  anu  others  who  played 
in  the  willlaasport  and  «ilton  Symphony  orchestras  which 
Mr.  liugbee  directed,  A  most  unusual  and  well  trained 
OTftanization,  this  ensemble  gave  many  concerts  in  Williams- 
port  and  out  of  town  and  played  for  ;jpecial  services  of 
various  kinds. 

1  The  Daily  Gazette  and  bulletin.  April  23,  1391,  p.  5. 


.11:  ;  &4m  ^^.u'tqjiC'sci  «»£» 


la,  Xb»  oarly  alMtota  tMOtisii  tlM  ftraluis  Trio  dad* 
it  a  initial  app«uranca.    liaviiig  b««n  orgaaizod  by  Xls*  Sa« 
ItfiMKly  in  aastfer  to  t^  roqueat  of  variiua  woaeu*8  clubs 
for  prdgTMWt  tnia  group  haa  contiaueU  its  existence  to 
t!i«  present  da/» 

Orioioal  g^aiinirQ  wore  Joyco  Breinins  Frooft,  violin, 
JIarjorit  Vsrailya  L«ii.aaii,   fluto,  and  Carol  Siitt4l«y  Evendsn, 
piano,     Lat«r  oa  L9uis«  Togt  Cdl«r  replaced  Sis*  ^reining 
as  violinist,  and  M:\3.  Lcliaan  addsd  th«  aariaba  on  occasion 
for  variety. 

With  the  death  a  few  years  ago  of  )&*••  LsluMui  her 
hnibaxKi,  Ernest  Lehaan,  a  percussion  artist  trtio  has  been 
proalaMt  with  the  various  jsusical  groups  of  the  city,  took 
her  place  in  the  trio. 

Haintaining  a  standard  of  excellent  ausicianship 
down  through  the  years  the  Brahas  Trio  is  in  constant 
deaand  for  banquets,  wedding  reoeptions  and  aany  special 
proipraas  throUjj;hout  the  city. 

With  the  opening  in  1930  of  Willianaport's  first 
radio  ataticm,  MUK,  a  new  string  group  was  created.     It 
consisted  of  Louise  Togt  Edler,  Joyce  Dreininj;  Frooa, 
Ruth  Shuler  Docmorth,  violinists,  and  Torothy  Reece  Srnat, 
piaaist.     Porcod  on  the  wpvof  of  the  ooaent  to  give  thea  a 
aaae,  the  announcer,  lb*.  HoMard  waldrmi,  introduced  tliea 


m  •Ii4>^: 


Mi  th«  Siuglo*  ViolifiS.     TUo  aam»  Maa  aUoptoU  and  iuw4 
throu^^hout  a  sariau  of  sixtoon  woekly  Itr oaUcast o .     On  each 
of  these  pro^aas  a  vocalist  also  appeared.     Appearing 
with  tba  strings  wsre  Townssml  Carroll,  Robert  Phillips, 
Thox&as  Dahl£p:'en  and  Heory  Fessler. 

In  Uai  tho  t.U"ee  violins  were  featured  on  concerts 
by  the  Xilton  Syiaphony  and  the  vt.  P,  A.  Orchestras.     Soon 
aftencards  oarriages  of  the  ^irls  forced  th«a  to  split  up 
tbsir  enseable. 

About  twelve  years  after  the  Singing  Tiollns  iMroks 
up  Louise  Edler  forta«d  another  trio  known  as  the  Singing 
Strings,     Meflibers  in  addition  to  Hrs.  Edler  were  Elizabeth 
aurnite,  cellist,  and  Eva  Orwlg,  piaaist.     Later  on  Wayne 
Hall  replaced  ?frs.   !kirnite.     This  sjroup  vns  active  for 
sevsral  years  furnishing  ousic  for  dinners,  recoptions  and 
othor  social  occasions. 


.ija    Mi^ 


«r»1  r«i 

csuFfm  VII 


naadc  ia  •<»■•  of  tlM  early  churoha*  wa«  alUtd  iqr 
tiM  aoquieitioa  of  organs  aft«r  tne  fir«t  iialf  of  tiio 
ainet«eatli  cetitory. 

kooords  inaioatc  tbai  th<»  first  caui'ca  orgaa  eaa* 
to  the  ii«oona  ?r*»<aytorlan  Church  ih  1351,     U>c«t«a  than 
at  th«  corner  of  UmtM^^t  auai.  Fourth  Str««t«,  th%  prosoht 
•ittt  of  tho  MmsoIc  f«^^*,  this  church  later  baoaas 
kaowi  as  tiM  Fk^si>^«rlao  Ctatireh  of  tha  Covenaat.     Still 
later  in  1324  a  awger  with  th«  Coatral  Caurch  f  oraoU  tha 
prasont  Covanaat-Central  Prashyteriaa  Church. 

This  early  orgaa  Mas  built  by  John  C.  B.  Standbridga 
of  Philadelphia  for  |d20.00.     The  articles  of  agreeaent 
for  its  construction  were  entered  into  Vovaaber  7,  1360 
and  tlM  organ  was  installed  Kay  2G,  USl.     Placed  in  the 
bsSk  gallery  it  was  heard  for  the  first  tiao  at  a  coonunioi 
service  June  1,  1351,  with  Adas  K«  Xabie  as  or^uiist. 

\\     A  few  years  later  in  1^65  this  saae  church  purchasod 
a  new  or^jan  at  a  cost  of  $2,500,a0  disposing  of  the  old 
site  at  ISOO.OJ.^ 

warren  L.  liarrti,  jaiato^  r  of  Cavaaant-^Central  Pregtytoriqff 

Church,    ¥llHT^«tr^^,    i^annajyivamiAr    ia4Q*iJl> J .    P»    XJ« 

2     Ibid. 

'M>  i^  •   ■'^t 

■  ••V«*v« 

^.itiiiui    Mm    Q4iv' 




The  oldost  organ  at  1X1  la  existence  in  K'illiaBUiport 
is  a  Hook  and  Qastlngs  organ  at  the  Xulberry  Street  Ketbo* 
dist  Church.  Now  electrified  it  was  purchased  for  lia, 000.00 
and  installed  in  1372.  T.  LeRoy  Lyswn  astahlishod  a  Xoaa 
record  as  orijianist  here  froa  130C  until  his  retireasnt  In 
1969  with  an  absence  froa  1<J23  to  1930  when  he  filled  the 
sajM  position  at  the  Lycoaing  Presbyterian  Church.  • 

Another  early  origan  was  in  the  Christ  Eipiscopal 
Church.  Located  originally  where  the  present  laoanuel 
Bnuigelical  United  Brethren  stands  this  church  aoved  to 
its  present  site  at  Fourth  and  If&ilborry  Streets  in  1369 
at  which  ti«e  an  organ  was  install od. 

In  1670  the  Third  Presbyterian  Church  installed  a 
Harrison  ort^an.  This  church  was  located  on  Moynard  Street, 
the  site  of  the  present  Christian  Science  Church,  and  was 
later  known  as  the  Central  Presbyterian  Church. 

Shortly  after  the  St.  Ooniface  Catholic  Church 
tmildiag  was  dedicated  on  April  19,  1875,  an  or^an  was 
given  to  the  church  by  the  St.  ?Iicholas  ctMii^regation  of 
Wilkas  Barre. 

In  1376  the  congregation  of  tho  Trinity  Episcopal 
Church  left  its  original  building  on  Vine  Avenue,  now  occu- 
pied by  the  Sales  Lutheran  Church,  and  aoved  to  its  pres- 
ent church  which  was  built  and  given  lay  Peter  Ilerdic. 
Along  with  the  church  an  organ  wua  consecroteu. 




'•tC    Rtl 


;:5  «* 

f^cnn  fft!  nt  1  r^r:'-- 

,  /   Xr*  T.  L«Ko]r  hytmn   recalls  that  an  orgaa  factory 
existed  In  Williaaaport  In  the  latter  nineteenth  century. 
Located  on  Anthony  Streat  the  Guilder  was  Gottlieb  Somaer, 
Re  is  creUituU  with  having  built  t!ie  original  organ  of 
the  First  rt*u abyti^rian  Church  on  the  west  side  of  Market 
street  between  Killow  and  Fourth  Streets  and  that  of 
St.  Kark*s  Lutheran  Church.  Others  built  by  Hr.  Somaer 
were  those  of  the  Third  4»treet  KethoUist  Church  and  Old 
Pino  Strotit  !i[ethouist  Church  located  on  the  present  Sears 
and  Roebuck  site. 




First  neat  ion  of  cliolrs»  tholr  laatlwrs  and  tbtlr 
■Alari««  Is  foumi  in  sosie  trustees*  notes  of  ldS7  of  tbs 
SscoxKl  Presbyterian  Church.  Here  we  f  InU  that  D«  S.  Andrus 
cn*i;anist,  was  allowed  a  Mtlary  of  $200,00  a  year  with  the 
stipulation  that  he  pay  v^   of  that  the  aaount  assessed 
iH>oo  his  pew*  A.  K.  Habie,  loader  of  the  choir,  was  givon 
a  salary  of  $100,00  a  year  and  was  also  assssssd  for  a  psw. 
C.  L.  RsrriCk  was  given  $75.00  a  yoar  as  a  acabor  of  ths 
choir,  and  "suitable  ooopeasat ion"  was  to  be  aode  to  llfrs. 
Staf*lrweather,  Hrs.  notohiciss  sad  Miss  Cassis  HcCluro  as 

choir  asabers. 

Motive  power  for  the  organs  of  the  early  clays  was 
not  by  electric  current  anu  aotcn*,  but  by  oanpower.  There* 
for  the  sua  of  125.00  Mas  paid  to  the  person  whoso  duty 
it  was  to  puap  the  organ. 

Church  choirs  cooposod  of  several  aenibers  of  one 
fsaily  were  quite  the  order  of  the  day  in  the  latter  nine- 
teenth century.  Colonel  and  Vr%*   S.  S«  Starkweather  and 
Mrs.  Star!nireath4tt**s  sister  and  her  husband,  Mr.  and  ?(rs. 
Linn  Herrick  aaoe  up  tho  dioir  at  the  Second  Prosbytorion 

1  warres  L.  Marsh,  History  of  Covenant -Central  Prcsoytorian 
Church.  H'liliaasport ,  ^enn9ylVBaia,  1:40-1350,  p.  IJ. 


.TOlttl'*,'^     ^:  *l.; 

Ti    .s*^  'tuff 

>  •Ai 

-  :s                          affi  vd   fan                           tn«mno  n 

■trlT.iss  «»tr  ',■•' 

Churcl)  for  a  nuabor  of  years* 

KdooUttctions  of  soao  of  tb«  tarly  Easter  services 

there  desorlbeu  the  seraons  mad  antheas  as  "saU  axxl  laoking 

in  exhilaration.** 

Then  as  today  innovations  were  tried  in  hopes  of 
betterins  the  church  ausic.  Kith  the  arrival  froa  tho 
West  of  the  Reverend  David  Winters  in  1389  new  ideas  were 
larousht  to  tho  Second  Presbyterian  Church.  One  of  these 
was  tho  aanoiincoaiant  of  a  propoasd  choir  prooossional* 
Church  aeabors  were  aghast  at  the  JUiea  and  took  sides  in 
the  controversy.  The  plaas  wars  to  have  a  proainent  church 
asaiUMr  load  the  processioiial  carrying'  a  banner.  Only  oas 
oaa  was  willing  to  assuae  the  ta^.  He  was  itriUiaa  C. 
Doane,  a  hanUsoae  aan  "with  rather  aavanoeu  iueas  on  reli- 
gion who  liked  to  be  in  the  thici^  of  thint^s.**"^ 

Tbs  aatter  of  selecting  the  ausic  to  which  the  pro- 
cession was  to  oove  was  left  to  the  choir.  It  will  prol>* 
ably  never  be  known  wlio  selected  the  Iqraa  irtiose  first  line 
waSt  "A  Iflghty  host  advances,  Satan  leading  on.** 

This  was  the  last  appearance  of  tho  processional  for 

2  Anno  Lijon  Cheyney,  "JacQueline^s  Letter  to  the  Hmw  Polks," 

the  (ifilliaiisport  Sun,  Harch  2C,  1932,   n.p. 

3  Anne  Lino  Chsyasy,  **Jaceiuelino*s  Letter  to  the  Bone  Folks,** 

ttM  Villiaasport  Sun.  April  5,   1932,  n,p. 

i\  /J     T'X 


As  the  years  pa»»9d  anny  chan^ret  «M  advances  hay« 
takra  plac«  in  tHo  church  luslc  of  '/llliaMport*  8a^f  v«ry 
fliw  orVMM  and  tralnad  :aualc  cHrectJK-s  !iav»  troufiht  tha 
aaale  profraas  of  the  city  chtxrches  to  a  v«ry  high  leval 
of  davalopaaat .  la  adtiltloa  to  th«  auslc  of  th«  regular 
services  cantatas,  oratorios  and   other  prograras  an^.  recitals 
ara  pr«9«ntaU  frequently, 

Kixad  choruses  or  volunteer  choirs  Kith  or  Trt.thout 
soloists  are  the  aoat  popular  and  «>at  frequently  eaployed* 
Many  of  tha  larear  churches  have  a  systea  of  siultiple  choirs 
at  diffsrent  aea  levels.  Thus  It  Is  now  possible  for  both 
chllc^ren  and  wtalts  to  receive  valuaijlc  choral  instruction 
ami  to  participate  In  the  services  a«I  life  of  the  church 
through  music . 

4  IbiU. 




Xg  Man  th«  cas«  tiiroaghout  otir  coxxatry  during  th« 
iatc  eighteenth  and  early  aiacte«nth  ccnturia*  instnuwatal 
auoic  iu  WUiiaosiKirt  va«  cultivated  aiaMt  to  th«  exclusion 
of  choral,  uf forts  M*r«  saad*  to  draw  tha  latter  forth  chief- 
ly £roa   tiio  wlwrct  choirs  and  singing  schools. 

Instruct  ion  ia  siii^iag  fsr  asajr  years  was  confined 
to  psriodic  viaits  of  "convention  holders."  For  several 
•onths  after  sach  convention,  obonal  societies  would  be 
organ ixsd  only  to  dish&od  wbsa  sach  siagiiic  asMbar  h««a«a 
convincod  ha  or  itaa  was  ths  only  «««bar  capable  of  direct- 

In  1953  Charles  Croawell  gavs  le»aons  in  the  do-re- 
al systea  of  sight  slagiag.  At  about  the  same  tl«e  a  Dr. 
Twaed  gave  instruction  in  The  Pine  Street  Methodist  Church, 
In  1307  a  aaa  aaaod  Siogar  ooadnetad  daaaas  in  singing, 
and  aiany  persons  who  afterward  becaa>  prooioent  in  church 
choirs  were  his  pupils.  In  1070  Villiaa  A.  Sufforn  tau;;ht 
*oa  the  oonsei'VBt<M'y  plan." 

1  0.  G.  Soane«k,  Early  Concert  Life  in  Aaerioa.  p.  324. 

2  TUs  Daily  (^zetta  and  ;tollctln.  Special  Centennial 

Edition,  Jun4?  i  jJS,  p.  ul. 

3  Ibid. 

afio««^i  «VA8  Xi^vrr^iO  e 

jI;  ovf  T 

0«tW   Itilt 

•"MRA   «.v 

Q«raan  iaalgrants  to  this  soction  brought  with  thoa 
a  lovo  for  sia^^ins  which  hod  boon  handad  down  to  thca  ia 
thoir  native  land  throu;;h  ttm  agistor  singers*  ffuilds. 

It  was  in  1666  that  the  first  Geman  singing  society 
WM  srgsniBsd  in  wiXliooaport  •  This  ^oup,  L:nown  as  ths 
Saagsrbund,  existed  tintii  l<iOS  when  a  split  occurred  re« 
sultinti  in  the  fonntion  of  the  Maennerchor,  In  1870  the 
two  caate  together  again  anu  took  the  aa«e  Liederloranz. 
This  ijroup  continued  until  1876.  Director  of  this  or^ani- 
satiOQ  wss  Prans  Lohaan,  an  excellent  nusician,  who,  it  is 


reported,  objected  eaphatically  to  being  called  "profossor." 
Shortly  after  the  demise  of  the  Liederkranz  the  Turn 

Tsrein  was  ort^onized  June  12,  1^02.  rroa  this  social  or- 

gaaisatioa  a  asle  chorus  was  foraed  t^ich  through  the  yoaro 

has  presented  aaay  free  concerts  at  various  civic  evsats 

in  the  area. 

Another  Osraui  choral  group  is  the  Raraonia  GcMSaac 

Terein  which  Mas  founded  FShruary  10,  1392.  This  tmle   chor-> 

US  fulfills  nuaerous  engageaents. 

4  Xoiu. 

5  Grit.  June  12,  135d,  Kens  Section,  p.  56. 

6  I big. 



M^'VO  -'')'^ 

In  Pennsylvania  the  various  Geraan  choral  organiza- 
tions combined  into  the  United  States  Federation  of  Penn- 
sylvania Which  through  the  years  lias  sponsored  annual 
Saeaserfeots  or  Festivals  of  Son^;.  In  139C  the  Haraonia 


Gesaag  Verein  capttired  first  priEe  at  this  event. 

The  Turn  Veroln  chorus  fi^mred   proalnently  also  in 

those  state  festivals,  having  won  third  prize  at  Reading 

in  loJl  and  first  prize  at  t/ilkes  Barre  in  1393  •   At  this 

tiao  the  Turn  Verein  tms  under  the  direct ion  of  Gustavus 

A.  Toelkler,  a  prooinent  Musical  fi^^ure  of  that  day. 

A  native  of  Germany,  where  as  a  boy  he  had  iMien  a 

pariah  organist  at  the  age  of  ten,  Voclkler  was  educated 

in  ausic  through  the  special  insterest  of  Prince  Victor  of 

Schoenburg  at  Waldenburg,  Saxony.  After  cooing  to  this 

country  he  taught  music  in  ITsw  York  froa  1862  to  1371.  In 

the  fall  of  1371  he  eame  to  Wiiiiaasport  to  head  the  isusic 

depmrtmonf  of  Dickinson  Seminary  where  he  remained  for 

twsnty  years.  After  that  time  ho  conducted  his  own  music 

school,  Voelkler*s  Husical  Institute,  at  420  Arch  Street 

in  Newberry  and  served  as  organist  at  the  Lycoming  Presby- 

terian  Church. 

7  Ibid. 

8  The  Daily  Gaaette  and  Bulletin.  Special  Centennial 

Edition,  June,  liJij^   p.  jl, 

9  Ibid. 






'q«       *»» 


'1    BiL     'J-XJiTil     "i'itiUXtiet-     CU-»3i^' 

"t^t-V  -^i 


In  131)7  the  Gsraon  Sln£ln£  ooclaties  wf  f(»*tunoto 
to  ooae  under  th»  <Urection  of  anoth4»r  fine  ausiclaa,  Gu9« 
tav  Kliostttnn. 

Professor  KIImhuio  ofton  rooallod  to  his  students 
the  experience  of  paying  sMziey  into  the  hand  of  the  sreat 
Franz  Lisst  himself.  As  an  evpl^ee  of  the  Schubert  Pub«- 
lishiag  BoMse  in  Leipzig  be  mas  sent  as  a  owssenscr  to  pick 
up  one  of  the  ooaposcr*s  aanuscripts  and  to  pay  his  for  it* 
TlM  story  goes  that  although  ho  gave  hia  the  aoney  he  did 
not  reoeive  the  aanuscript  because  a  pupil  of  Liszt  was  Mor^» 
iag  oa  it.  Liszt  proaisod  to  deliver  it  in  person  the  next 
day.  However,  the  pupil  refused  to  give  it  up  so  that  tbo 
publishing  iMMse  never  rocoivsU  it. 

After  coding  to  Aacrica  Gustav  Elieaann  becsfte  a 
■sabor  of  the  Chordiri^enten  derbund  in  Hew  York  City.  This 
is  an  or;;;anization  still  in  existence  for  ohoral  directors. 
It  was  to  this  aocioty  that  a  groop  of  coal  barons  fro« 
Sazleton  went  to  secure  a  director  for  their  local  singing 
groups.  With  the  proaise  of  pupils  as  well  as  choral  work 
Professar  Klieaaan  went  to  Hazleton.  It  was  from  there  that 
he  eaae  on  to  Kiliiaasport  in  18 J7,  with  a  siailar  offer 
froa  the  G«*aan  ehoruses  hare. 

Bduoated  in  the  aothods  of  the  old  world  Professar 
nieaana  was  reputedly  a  very  stern  director,  a  friend  of 
all  but  intiaate  with  no  one.  Those  ulio  rsaeMhsr  his  ro- 

to  P.y 

,9ttsvt  -w" 




^9t*.rM.  p^TnttfsBeo  tfl 


^  afll 

'?sjr?>»«*  ftfiar 



If-ftTfr  ^ 

recall  that  card  playing  durlnc  intaraisaion  caao 
to  aa  abrupt  halt  on  his  (MMer  to  remum  utotic. 

Itedar  Profaaaor  E:iittBann*s  direction  the  Geraan 
olMMTuaaa  eatabliahad  a  notable  reputation  in  the  state. 
With  proainent  directors  froa  the  aetropolitan  areas  aa 
judges  they  won  aany  prizes  at  the  annual  cosqpetitions. 

A  local  singer  who  benefitted  froa  Professor 
Klieaann*s  training  and  Mho  roso  to  proaincnce  throu^'h 
the  Gaman  choruses  Mas  Valentine  (Tiny)  Vierle, 

!lr«  Sierle*s  singing  career  began  in  WiUiaauport 
ah<»*tly  after  hrorld  War  Z.  Upon  his  return  froa  the  Havy 
ha  angagad  in  intensive  study  with  Professor  Klieaann. 
Later  ha  want  to  New  Toric  where  he  won  a  part  in  The  Merry 
yjdow.  The  cliaax  of  his  very  active  stage  aareer,  fro« 
the  point  of  view  of  his  i«illiaaaport  friends  came  during 
the  ninetecn-twentios  in  aa  appearanee  with  a  road  coapany 
of  '*****  fM^*"  ^***I6    ^  Williaasport.  ne  co«-starred  with 
Jaaaaetto  KcTonalU  and  Sydney  Grconstreet  at  the  old 
Majestic  Theater  on  Pine  Street.  After  his  rctireaont  froa 
show  business  in  the  early  nine teen-thir ties  he  retiirned 
to  wiiliaaaport  i^ere  ho  died  Deoaaber  61,   1955.    .^ 

The  Xooae  Ch(n*us  also  enjoyed  the  benefits  of  Prof- 
asaor  KliasAim's  siiillful  leadership.  It  was  he  who  wrote 

10  tvilUaosport  Sun^Gozette.  January  3,  1956,  p.  7. 


■  t*''^1^T: 



th«  auaical  arraagvaonts  for  tiM  Xooae  ritual.     For  this  ho 
rmomiyA  MM^qr  froa  lod^ioa  all  over  the  United  States.  All 
of  this  ho  turneU  over  to  tiam  Moo«9li«u*t  orphatiage. 
.//        Xaintalnlni:  his  studio  first  on  Market  Street  then 
at  his  horie  at  49  NiMliington  Blvxl.,  Profesaor  Klieaaan 
tjEUight  piano  and  all  the  strli^ed  instruawnts  to  a  large 

•f  ptvils. 

Aaoag  his  pupils  was  his  dmgliter  Julia,  who  1»«pui 
study  of  the  harp  with  her  father  and  cootintaed  with 
Taa  ▼eachton  Rogers,  harpist  with  the  Boston  Festival 
QroSiestra  under  13mil  Holleahaur.  Vow  lb>s«  Charles  A. 
Bower,  she  has  figured  proAiaently  in  ausioal  circles  of 
the  city. 

Professor  KUeaann  was  a  vnry  interested  aaaber  of 
the  Aosrican  Guild  of  Ban  Joists,  Handolinists  and  Guitar- 
ists. A  aost  Intorostinj;  account  of  a  trip  to  Europe 
undertakoa  by  hiii  and  his  wife  and  daughter  in  1911  was 
published  in  The  Crescendo,  a  aoathly  publication  of  the 
Guild.  r^ntitlcHl  A  Husical  Traiap  in  Etyppo  and  published  in 
two  installjseats,  the  story  ^vo  aa  iatioate  picture  of  the 
■Milflnl  shrines. 
/              Both  the  Turn  Tereln  Chorus  and  the  Hanwmia  Gaflaag 

11  Gustav  KiiesHinn,  "A  !iusical  Tra^p  Throufli  Biirope,** 

The  Crescendo.  IT  (ifoveabsr,  I'JU),  20  and  (Deo«al>sr» 

iJii),X. — 


79jr9iA  ar*  •tUi.  aotivo  la  loo«l  maA  stat*  •v«at«.     Dlroct- 
or  of  tiM  forsar  at  prosont  la  Ba>art  Sbaffari    airoctor  of 

tlM  Xattar  la  Cjrria  J*  29igX*r  witU  Carl  Baafaor  aa  aocoa* 

MSICAL  ASSOCUTIQSI  ^^^        ^~- 

A  vaiy  aarljr  —atcal  orjsaaisatioa  whicb  apparantly 
«»  «liiefl7  oborai  lata  tba  Xnsioal  Aaaoeiatioo.    atntloa 
of  a  eoaoart  at  Do«bler*a  Rail  W  thim  gro^p  In  April,  lM4t 
la  found  in  a  XocaX  aamv«par.    TtM  yoigafi  laia  aaacribad 
aa  "a  rara  eiit«rtaiaHttatt  cr«ditabl«  to  tfaa  jMrforaora  aai 
to  tijo  town** 

Thia  t»oiafi  tt»«  tiao  aft«r  Civil  War  days,  ams^stion 
Mas  aada  flipw^  tba  prwMi  ttet  th«  ?fiuaioal  Aaaoclatloa 
Xiw  a  coocart  for  tiia  b«iiafit  of  tli«  Graat  Contral  F&ir 
of  tlM  Sanitary  CooMiaaion  in  PhUadolpma.    Tlic  fair  Maa 
an  t:diibit  of  pra^Nieta  froa  all  atatca  for  tl»»  roliof  of 


tba  ailitarjr  forcaa. 

Two  aoatha  later  t2i«  Mssofltiaa  mm  awioa  o«ft  nfeaa 
Uw  IftMrical  AaaoeiAtiM  pr«aaiit««i  a  baaafit  parforaanoo  ia 

Jua«,  iaC4« 

13  Of  It,  June  U,  ld&5,  8«Ma  Soction,  p.  5€. 
U    Wit  ipaMhaBnotln  AprU  16,  1864,  p.  8. 

14  £^4* 

CoHMtnts  oa  tlM  coneort  war*  aost  favoraDU.     Prof- 
•Mor  L«iaktM««  pw^oraance  on  the  piano  won  "imiveraal 
•tairatlon|»  all  •inglae  was  "well  porforEMdi"     Co—  Hbra 
^  Lara  I4»a  Droaaiog  was  tha  "best  quartet  of  tho  evonlA;;" 
To  Tht  MoM|Btaias  Away  proviaod  tba  "best  cborxasi"     MlP. 
larrick«s  porforoaoce  of  The  Swora  of  QunLor  Hill  was 

The  ooooert  was  •ucceasful  financially  as  well.     ^Tot 
proceeds  to  be  aont  to  the  Creat  Central  Ffeir  aaounted  to 

masFSL  xKD  wtm  socittt 

Aa  early  choral  group  which  ssm  sreat  iapetus  to 
the  ouaioal  life  of  Williaa^ort  toui  the  Hanxiel  and  HayUa 

a«oiety  of  ICTl. 

Thia  oraanizatioo  aaiotaiaea  not  only  a  ohoraa,  bat 
a  ««rr  efficieat  srcheatra  ondar  tha  direction  of  P.  Si^ua* 


Gastaw  Vooliffler  of  earlier  aeation  was  director 
of  the  oharaa*  Local  talent  was  encouraged  and  developed 
tlvoagh  tha  study  and  presentation  of  serious  choral  anaio 
OS  v/oll  as  lighter  opcrottas. 

A  list  of  maboTB   iocludos  the  following; s  D.  S. 

15  West  araaafc  Bullet  in,  June  13,  XW4,  p.  3. 


.''   .T  BTinlwrllc^ 

'A  aw/ 


Aattros,  Col.  ana  %*••  T.  S.  Starlcinatli«r,  Juds«  Cunain, 
0*«r8«  S*  llAngor,  a.  S*  B«atley,  i"8qulr«»  Ebar  Culvor, 
Charles  Gl«ia,  A.  W,  P,  HaoCollln,  Mrs.  Josopti  Sevan,  Liz- 
sis  Bitchcock,  Miarion  Ruch,  Jfirs.  T.  S.  Helstiy,  ?Irs,  J.  »• 
Psaras*  Mrs.  B»  a.  Taylor,  Mrs.  G.  K,  Kspass,  Carrio  Dlo« 

In  1879  aa  opsra  Qoapaaxsr  of  homo  talent  was 
or^tutlzod  through  tDs  of  forts  of  A*  >/•  F«  XaoColllo  aad 
WPBm  T.  S.  Ikilsby.    A  «ssk  of  psrforsaatoss  of  Piaafw 
was  eivon  to  crowdsU  boiisss  for  tho  benefit  of  the  City 

In  1386  tbls  opera  company  was  reorj^anizod  aa  tho 
XUesfdo  OpM«  Coopany  under  the  direction  of  Charles  R«  Saft, 
The  foUowlag  ware  offioersi     w.  T.  Aa<IrewS|  president, 

T.  X*  BassnssDt  secretary*     Productions  idiich  were  given 

ftiaed  the  Amw  for  the  Friendless  eod  the  City  Hospital. 

m  UDIBS«  VOCAL  cms  and  TBS  SGRnERT  CLDD 

Dorio^E  ths  eifhteea-ielshties  two  separate,  hut 
•lailar  f^^^gf*^  groups  eidsted,  one  for  woswa  kamm  as  tho 

10    The  Daily  Qasette  sad  BuHotin.  Special  CentGonlal 
Edition,  3me  laJSTpvM. 

17    Ihlu. 

;V*iV-.      »-.  ■'j'V^J.:'  h   iS^i^ 

.  .  ttf 

:  »  -:^.'. 

1  ■>  ^*«\  '       T  ^  ^  i 

L«li««*  Toeal  Club  ana  the  othar  far  aua  kamm  as  tbo  Scbu« 
tm-t  Club. 

In  April  of  Idii^l  the««  two  clubs  Gtm»   toijethcr  as 
tiM  United  Sifigiag  Clubs  to  present  ths  "grand  concert  of 

Tlires  ooatlui  of  training  nadsr  nr.  Pt^uik  Cornell 
preosdsd  Xbm  prograa.  lYocoods  of  tlio  concert  i^ro  to  t>« 
used  to  proviclo  a  fund  nklQii  aiji^t  saable  the  group  to 
■set  exponsos  of  futivo  plans. 

Anticipation  of  the  c<»3iQC  concert  tms  high. 
paper  ssHMats  proalted  not  only  a  large  tMt  a  "select** 

audience.   They  also  callo(i  attention  to  the  novelty  of 

tearing;:  part  ausic  tunc  byr  aea's  voices  without  accos^[>ani- 

sent  while  the  lodias  would  "render  thoir  ttmeful  glees 

without  aid  of  bass  or  tenor. "'^'*' 

The  mUjb  nuaber  of  the  pro^p^oa,  that  ttxe  which  the 

cUorusoa  ooahined,  was  the  cantata*  Ths  Datmhtor  of  JainMi 

by  Stainer.  Xo  this  Xr.  Cornell  played  an  or^^an  accoapani* 

sent,  sang  the  tenor  solos  and  directed. 

10  The  Dally  Gagetto  and  Bulletin.  April  2,  1891,  p.  5. 

20  Ibid. 

21  The  Daily  Gagotte  and  3ullctin.  April  1,  1391,  p.  5. 

22  TIM  Daily  Gtaiette  sou  3ullctia.  April  2,  1091,  p.  3. 

.-/iW  ft?*.' 

•c  ,^  ,a  Mr;<tfii/tfii  fm  Mttim  '^- 


Am  Musiiift  letter  to  tbo  •ditcr  appeared  la  tbo 
ammptipw  after  tbe  ccMioert.  It  voiced  objection  to  tbe 
aaay  duties  undertaken  by  the  director,  Hr.  Carnelli 

To  tbe  editors 

It  Is  aa  op9n   secret  that  Xuslcua, 
the  wmlcal  oorreapoadent  of  the 
Son  and  )Cr«  rrank  Carnell  ore  ono 
axvi  tbe  aaae  person,  :iu8lcus  has 
at  different  tlraes  expressed  his 
diseust  for  overrated  sstisatloa 
and   fulBoa  flattery  very  dn*oaeou8- 
ly  oalied  ouslcol  crltlclaa.  He 
has  had  an  cxc  llont  oppcurtunlty 
to  sit  down  on  Just  suob  riUlcu* 
Xsiis  effusions  since  the  Owiglkter 
of  Jkirus  concert  given  last 
Thursday  evenlns,  but  for  8<M8e 
iHtaswis  to  the  surprise  of  his 
friends  he  accepts  this  as  true 
and  juat.  "Of  course  ms  know  It 
Mdces  a  dlfferonco  lAoss  ox  Is 
being  gorod.** 

Soer  a  little  adverse  crltlclsa 
on  tbo  concert  • 

Orchestra  is  absolutely  asces—ry 
ts  aa  effective  product loa  of 
Daughter  of  Jalrus«  Ws  have  lastru- 
■ea-taULlsts  and  ansloiaiM  in  our  city 
cspahie  of  rendering  aad  smuiging 
the  ouslc  of  this  cantata. 

The  chorus  woric  Mas  oorrou  tsy 
oost  lamentable  portaacnto  by 
siaears  mIio  unuouutouly  thought 
they  tiere  slni;ln4;  solos. 

Mr.  Cat*noll*8  boat  Is  certainly 
ast  all  that  could  "oe  desired  • 
WBVttrins  and  uncertain.  The  oh(»<u8 
Mas  deficient  in  rhythalcal  accent. 
Vfm   Carnell  is  l>ottGr  as  a  singer 
thaa  a  director,  and  It  is  hoped 
that  us  aoy  soon  be  peraittod  to 
listen  to  another  work  in  which  be 
will  not  atteiqyt  to  bo  the  whole 


^■*  *.^»*i . 


•how  hlMMlf ,  but  do  lot  vm  tevt 
oroiMistral  accoapaaiflnnt  ana  aparo 
«•  froai  **tb«  Hui  with  thi  orgao." 

•  An  awMfl  oaaa« 

Fortuaataly  tim  adverM  raaarka  did  not  disoourafio 
tho  cluha  too  fluch  for  shortly  aftanmrd  ttere  a^paarod 
an  amiouiioMwat  of  plans  to  pr«aent  Roaaini*8  Stat>at  Miter. 

GMar  tho  dirootlon  of  tha  Bavaraad  Puthoi*  Ckmns 
of  !!llton  tha  eborua  miflbarad  ahoat  oaa  laiMlrad  fifty 
9iasmn  aaaiatad  tgr  an  orchoatra  of  twooty  «oirt>era.    Tho 
concert  which  waa  praaaotad  ia  Hajt,  IB'iX,  was  doacribed 
aa  baiag  *on  a  gigantic  acalo  navsr  attaaptod  hoforo  in 
Williosi^part  and  aeldott  outside  the  large  cities.**     The 
enthuaiaaa  in  the  city  for  the  evaat  was  likened  to  "tha 
daya  of  the  old  Handel  and  Hayida  Society." 

An  orgaoiaation  which  aada  a  atroog  iapact  and  laft 
a  laatiag  aarlc  on  the  snaioal  life  of  the  city  uos  the 
Kiiiiaoaport  Oratorio  Society  which  flourished  througii 
the  eighteen-ninotioa* 

awiag  hMl  its  hegioning  back  in  1684  as  the  hriHioaa* 

pctt*t  Choral  Union  it  reorganized  noder  its  now  oaae  in  1"X)* 

23    rb»  Daily  Qaaatte  and  aallotin.  April  IC,  1331,  p.  6. 
34    Tha  Daily  Gaastte  and  3ullctln.  April  16,  isai,  p.  1. 

26    The  Daily  Qaaatte  and  Bullet  In.  Special  Centennial 
Bditiao,  JSSe,  ITO;  p.  31. 

MUHk;    "« J;^  - 

Jdt  «. 



^^■Mfc— ii—il>i|»i>.. 


^  ^'  122 

Tte  aovla4;  force  of  thcao  orgftnlzatioaa  Mts  their 
director,  Ro«co«  Ruff,  oae  of  the  finest  and  aost  evteeaed 
■ueiciaas  in  the  aaoals  of  WillioMport's  acwic  history* 

Rr.  Ruff  case  to  Wiilia««>ort  In  ld84,  hAViog  been 
bcM*n  in  Trenton,  Mew  Joraey,  tdiere  he  received  his  early 
■iiaioal  traiaiag.    Bo  Has  an  outstaadiag  organist  ao<i  had 
hsea  a  piq>il  of  IVeUoric  ^ircher,  organist  of  Crystal  Palace, 
London,  later  of  Chicago,  and  llexander  Guilj&atit,  organist 
of  Trinity  Church  in  Paris. 

O^aa  aaain^;  to  ^'illiaBSport  Kr.  Huff  beoaac  or^^w 

ist  of  the  First  Preslqrterian  Churoh  where  he  played  oany 
years.     Re  Maintained  a  studio  at  the  old  Y«  H.  C.  A*  on 
West  Fourth  Street  aad  hecaae  closely  identified  with  local 
ana leal  circlos. 

^  Mr.  Ruff  establiahed  aa  alaost  legsadary  reputation 

in  this  city  as  a  concert  organist.     Monthly  organ  recitals 
were  given  tiqr  bia  on  the  first  Monday  of  each  aonth  during 
the  winter  season.     Lodced  190a  as  the  ■naioal  treat  of 
the  weak,  tlioas  recitals  were  attended  regardless  of  the 
weather  hy  oi^>aoity  audiences  who  showed  daap  interest  is 

the  classical  prsigraaa.     Cootsents  in  the  [M*ess  noted  that 

people  were  held  "sp^H'^ound"  by  Ki*.  Huff^s  artistry. 

86  Ibiu. 

27  The  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  April  3,  1391,  p.  &. 

lf>  f"^ 





Vadw  tha  direction  of  !fr.  Huff  th«  Oratorio  Society 
carried  oa  o  oost  aabitious  prograa.  Ttie  cliiMX  of  each 
year  brousht  tlio  Doaton  Festival  Orchestra  to  t^illiaasport 
for  a  joint  concert  with  the  Oratorio  Society.  Afternoon 
aoa  evenias  ooDoerts  were  given. 

tea  aoob  pr<KXf^  ^f  outstanding  aorit  was  the  third 
aamial  Festival  of  Kay,  1307.  It  naa  held  in  Asaociation 
Ball  with  a  aoatine  capacity  of  03.  The  afternoon  conoort 
preaeated  the  faaous  DostOQ  Festival  0s*cho8tra  xxxjfiwr  the 
direction  of  Call  ?iollealiBner  in  Beethoven**  Fifth  Sya-> 
j^g£«  Spaoial  aoloa  were  alao  praaaatad  by  ainsars  and 
instrtaientalists  who  aoooapanied  the  orchestm  on  ita 
toura.  At  this  tioe  Wllliaaaporfa  own  Jdui  Basal  uao  a 

oLuaber  of  the  orchestra.  In  tha  evaaiag  tha  Maaaiah  waa 

given  hy  the  Oratorio  Society  unaor  Mr.  Haff*8  direction. 

Graat  onthuaiaaa  aocoopaaied  those  ?tay  Foativals, 
althou£^  aa  years  went  hy  it  hecaaa  inoraasiniily  difficult 
to  aoet  exponsea  tasrely  froa  adaiaaion  feea  to  the  concerts. 
In  order  to  raiao  the  needed  aoney  the  aociety  gava  aoae 
local  ontcrtaincicnts  and  initiated  a  plan  to  obtain  8ub<- 
8a:*it>or8  for  65.00  cm*  atxre.     Lists  of  subscribers  woro 
pHhliahad  in  the  n4iwapic>«r. 

28    Tlis  Daily  Qaaette  and  BoUetin.  !!ay  11,  li^7,  p.  3. 
2^    The  Daily  Gazette  anu  Bulletin.  Soveaber  J,  IddG,  p.  3. 


iV  U  s'U. 


i«.- j»*< 

{|K  or; 

f*   S.***««ift       .•.^*^A*i,4'-V 

A  ^ 

••♦»J«    2l« 




PwtimpB   th«  sost  vcnoratod  and  oft*rocalleU  choral 
club  of  Wllllaasport  is  The  Cbamioado,  Foraed  in  1893 
this  group  cnjoyod  an  active  exist onco  until  the  ninctoon- 

Instrumental  in  the  organization  of  this  club  for 
woasn  singsrs  visrs  the  following  i  Kiss  Josophino  Colaasn, 
Xrs.  Ernest  Qreenwood,  Kiss  Jessie  Slline,  Krs.  Ifabsl  Dublo* 
Sehiele  and  Hiss  Kinnie  Swartz. 

Xsabors  iiere  secured  throuj^h  invitation.  Hr.  Roscos 
Huff,  then  organist  at  the  First  Presbyterian  Churchy  mbs 
•i^pgsd  as  director,  and  Kiss  Edith  Reider  as  accoaqMUiist. 
Kni*  Xsbsl  Duble-Sohiele  mm  elected  president. 

The  object  of  the  club  wag  "tlio  stiKlying  of  part 
songs  and  ch(»*uso8  as  a  aeans  of  cultivation  and  general 
iaprcMT^Mnt  with  ultiiaato  object  of  giving  at  Isast  two 
public  recitals  annually."   The  nonborship  was  Halted  to 
thirty  active  and  twenty-five  honorary  aoobors.  A  two 
hour  rehearsal  was  held  every  Thursday  a(»rning  at  ten  o'clock 
in  Mr.  Huff's  studio. 

SoflStiaes  as  zoany  as  four  concerts  were  given  ia  a 
ysar.  The  first  concerts  were  invitation  concerts;  in- 
vltationo  wore  sent  to  friends  of  ths  asirtMrs  and  wrs 

00  Coastitution  of  The  ChanliMMls  of  Williaasport .  Pennsyl- 
"vSKla.  p.  1. 





TIM  first  concert  of  The  CliaiUjuul*  ms  giv«o  April 
17,  liOO,  In  Association  Hall.  Ths  first  part  of  ths  pro- 
graa  consisted  of  part  aonjs  by  the  club  and  selections 
by  assiatioi:.  soloists  Relnhoid  Ivanovitch  Warlich,  bari- 
tone, and  Charles  E*  Krape,  cellist.  The  second  part 
contained  a  cantata,  The  Fisheraaidens  by  Henry  Saart  with 
■sabers  of  the  club  sin-iins  both  the  choruses  and  solo 


The  Chaainsvde  very  soon  established  a  reputation 
for  artistic  singing.  On  Itoy  10,  1902  at  the  invitation 
of  Mk*.  Harry  S.  Krape,  concert  aaaager,  the  club  took 
pert  in  a  concert  at  Association  HaU  with  The  Kneisel 
Quartet,  Siijnor  Guiseppe  Caapanari,  baritone,  Msdsaoisells 
Solange  ae  Croze,  pianist  ana  Isadore  Luokstone,  accoapan- 
ist.  On  this  prograa  the  club  sans  three  groups  of  songs. 

Purine  the  succeedinij  years  the  club  continued  to 
present  concerts  whleh  twoui^ht  lavish  praise  froa  local 
Bewspapers.  After  a  concert  in  May  of  1915  a  newspaper 
critic  teraed  the  prograia  "artistic,  convincing  and  calcu- 
lated to  appeal  to  the  lover  of  ausic  in  whatever  fora  it 

aay  have  iaplanted  itself." 

On  July  3,  1913  the  Chaninade  assisted  the  Turn 

31  The  Villiaatport  Sun,  a^r  U,  1313*  p.  2. 

,„,,.  )^^.     .  ,U.J.      -jp,       ^^^gj,.jjy       J 

■  .i         ,■    .'    '• 




.4t^i»'Mi  itd^ttw  tt^u;^^te. 

T«r«ln»  in   thalr  Strnt*  Saeagerfest  sincrlag  Xataacht  by 
riadl^*  anc  Indian  Saranad»  by  nresford.  Th«  Chaainade 
MVpri9a4  a»i  dolifiht»d  thoir  hosts  and  the  audience  by 

IbMOr  baaaflt  concerts  wars  givsa  by  tho  club.  It 
mm  tl»  first  club  In  tha  city  to  volunteer  its  servlcos 
to  raise  aSBsgr  for  war  ncods  during  Ndrld  Uar  I.  It  gava 
tlM  first  banofit  concert  in  town  for  tha  Sad  Cross  on 
Mi^  3,  1917.  Aftarwords  the  chorus  sang  in  nearby  tawns 
to  raise  aonoy  for  the  cause. 

Khtn  tha  national  appeal  >«s  flscle  for  pbono^praph 
rsesrds  to  ba  sent  to  our  soldiers  and  sailors  The  Choiai- 
aade  Club  did  all  the  worls,  of  solicitin;!,  collecting  and 
sbipping  the  records  in  this  district.  Baaring  the  entire 
•j^aasa  of  the  drive  the  group  visited  hundreds  of  hoaas 
to  ijQther  a  total  of  3,076  records  ond  two  aaohincs  for 
distribution  at  the  front  and  to  training  casaps. 

During  the  Liberty  LcMsm  Drive  tlie  club  was  again 
called  upon  to  supply  ousic  for  meetings.  Quartettes  and 
soloists  wsre  furnished  for  froa  four  to  six  aeetings  aaoli 
night.  The  woaen  accoopanieu  the  speakers  as  they  traveled 
by  aatoasbile  over  all  smta  of  roads.  Re^jordloss  of  the 
wsather,  thoy  wont  into  tlw  asst  raoote  corners  of  tho 

On  June  26»  1930,  tha  club  established  a  fund  of 



its  9^ 

r3\     _^_«  i 




■.^acrcf  ti?X!09^  fv 


ism    5?ijr' 

€^-"4.31^    4iiiJ    I. 


Mi  a* 



;£ia4!  QIC   oj  sii^atKivs 

,iij  ■dvi'sjc  cxur 


Stat  iiii^o  a&i' 

7>  &artR.^ir!irt 


|S00«09«     T&Q  incoaa  of  this  aisount  mqs  to  l>«  um%d  «•  aus* 
ic  lyrisea  to  sttxt^nts  of  Tho  wiiilaAaport  Hlfh  School. 
Itotablialied  io  ataory  of  Roacoo  Huff,  the  club's  direotor, 
anU  kMMB  aa  tiM  Roaooe  nuff  Memorial  Puod,  the  annual 
aaard  Is  still  aads  to  that  student  whose  work  and  proiX^QS 
in  vocal  study  and  psrforaaaes  hava  aeritod  the  greatest 
approval  of  ths  ausic  deportoent  of  the  school. 

m  aumxj^  cum 

Ths  Orpheus  Club  was  an  organizatioo  of  sale  sineMra 
which  was  active  during  the  aaaa  pariod  in  which  The  Chaai* 
aade  flour iahed. 

rororuiuiar  of  the  Orphous  Club  was  the  Trinity  Glos 
Club,  a  yroup  of  oen  froQ  Trinity  Episcopal  Church. 

Boaeae  Raff  was  the  director  of  this  men's  choral 

group  as  well  as  that  of  the  woaen's  club.  Sehearsals 

were  lield  in  his  studio. 

The  Orpheus  Club  Imd  as  its  purpose  *to  take  up  a 


of  hi£:h  class  ausic.**' 
In  1Q14  officers  worci  B*  BUdn  aikle,  ];M!*esident , 
John  Slos,  vice  president,  Gottlieb  Knoeller,  secretary, 
WilUaiM  F.  Zahn,  treasurer.  Maabara  wm*«  l^*  H*  Goulu, 
ir«  J«  BoaeiHtfni,  G*  S.  Cnollcr,  P*  B.  Hullag,  ni*ad  ir.  Koha, 

32  The  Daily  Gaaette  atx.  3ulia l^n.  Xm^sIi  28,  1314,  p.  1. 

.uc6m  .owl 

«>  h 


eraoanie     X;:ua  to  .'?oA>ftaiJtoa>io  fui  •«»  a£j»cic^ 

;i:a«  iuisjw 

iUitei         4.>yy^'  ^t* 

P«  H.  aullard,  J«  FVec  Poroaaaa,  flrat  tenorat  V,  P. 
Zaha,  ▼•  Kiag  Pifer,  if*  c«  WattoAv  tf*  ¥•  Kussina,  Praflk 
B*  Kaapp,  G«  W,  lfwi«val,  second  tenorsi  John  R.  Heia, 
G.  R.  Pletaing,  W«  C*  fUurcr,  H*  P  ClarlCf  H.  H.  Xclntyrtt» 
B.  D.  BoIloaIiatigli»  Archibald  %•  Boagland,  T.  BAOd,  first 
ba«««t|  E.  0«  Bilde,  John  SimB,   D«  R*  Graffius,  C.  E« 

Loverlnc,  l<^,  Mlllsioaugh,  W,  G.  Cupp  and  P.  X.  !fsror9» 

Mcowl  laiMies. 


TlM  villlMMport  Consistory  has  Urmight  crodlt  to 
Itself  and  to  tbe  city  ttxrough  its  fino  choir.  For   ov«r 
forty  years  the  Consistory  Choir  has  senred  in  th«  dasrss 
nerlc  of  the  Consistory  and  has  proviaad  entertainaont  not 
only  for  that  orgaxiisatioo  but  for  aany  other  occasions  as 
i«cll«  The  <dioir,  noif  mmb^rUig  about  forty •fiv»  msn,   is 
raakad  as  oae  of  tho  best  choirs  in  the  Northern  Xasonic 
Jurisdiction  of  the  Ancient  Scottish  Rite. 

Cradit  for  the  establishiasnt  of  the  fine  aaXe  choir 
goes  to  Araderic  Haaaoo*  Ho  Mas  appointed  in  inS   by 
Dictrick  Laaade,  the  coaaander-io*chief ,  to  ix^>rovG  the 
geaaral  aimic  situation  in  the  Consistory.  Although  Pk*ed* 
eric  HaaMa  kad  recoivad  vary  little  foraal  ausic  instruc- 

33  Ibid, 



1I0T-  ■-:'!/ •^.'  ''Trr 

TiRie  ▼Jtno 


«-  >«"  1 


tion  as  a  bogr,  h«  bad  a  craat  intor«st  and  natural  talent 
in  auaic,  !&*•  ffli— nn  randarad  valiiable  Mjrvicc  to  tba 
CooAlatory  aad  raoeivcd  the  thirty-third  degroa. 

Mk*.  Xanaon  had  ooac  to  hiUiaawport  in  1394  at  tha 
Mfueat  of  a  ^oup  of  local  aen  to  atort  a  rival  mwjwipar. 
Aftar  the  paper  hoi  run   for  a  te^i  years  Die  trick  Laaada 
af farad  A*.  Xaaaoii  the  position  of  editor  of  The  Grit.  Hr« 
laaaoQ  took  tbu  job  and  later  becaae  —naglng  editor. 

Born  the  aon  of  a  Bi^tist  sinister  in  Haine,  he 
received  soon  orgaii  leaaona  froa  his  aother.  He  had  a 
special  intereat  in  the  aechaoics  and  construction  of  tha 
pipe  organ.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he  took  the  church 
oroan  apart »  spread  it  all  over  the  church  and  put  it  back 
tsiga'UMr  asain. 

Za  addition  to  his  work  with  the  choir  Ttr*   Ifanson 
direct ed  the  rebuilding  of  the  Ifssoaie  Temple  or^jan.  Sa 
Mas  also  the  architect  for  tho  t'nrao  aanual  $10,000.00 
XoUer  organ  which  was  installed  in  the  nftlliaiMiport  High 
School  auuitoriuja  in  1922,  During  hia  llfctiaa  be  kept 
a  watchful  ayo  on  this  or^^an.  He  supervised  the  care  of  it 
and  took  a  paraoaal  interest  in  any  young  organ  students 
who  plnyod  it. 

Other  organs  for  tdiich  Hr,   Hanson  drew  plana  wwe 
those  of  Trinity  Episcopal  Church,  the  Dethony  Lutheran 
Church  of  Hontoursville  aad  St.  Lidce*s  Lutheran  Church. 


.....  ".;  ■  iiC'O  *     v. 

ti3M  \kAS.-J3 

rta-   a.  -i^iui 


Vttiibers  of  tha  Crphoue  Club  foininl  tUo  nucltiui  of 

TlM  Consistory  Choir.     Xk*.  Kauisoti  ais  director  was  a  stsm 

tmtfUKistsr,  usMandlng  nothing*  short  of  the  best. 

At  th«  tias  of  its  ••tablishaont  in  Januarj'  of  1316 

the  choir  MM  0Qfl9Me4  of  the  following  athi 

F.  tvaittr  Xan«v«il  Charles  T,  A.  Kallallmi 

Brosst  E.  Laadoa  O«orgs  X*  Busch 

S.  Isrrlll  winner  Archibald  K.  SoaglSAd 

Llsyti  G«  Bullard  G€orgs  J.  KeoM 

J(^a  r..  Ho  la  John  R.  Sias 

W.  Clyde  Harsr  Clarence  E.  Sprout 

Carl  G.  Allen  f^ojr  G,  Lauer 

Serving  aa  organists  for  the  choir  ware  Barvay  L* 
Ferguson,  Harry  P.  ftottcic»  Charles  r,  jSrownell  and  Mr.  Kaa- 

Directors  after  Xr,  Maaaon  have  been  Albert  Och, 
Clytde  Barer,  George  Lehaan  and  PTederiok  Stevens,  the 
present  director.  President  of  the  choir  is  Hr.  Ilareri 
John  neia  is  ja^eaidcnt  ester itus. 

Henry  Hippie  was  an  accompanist  for  the  original 
choir  until  1913  «#hen  he  aoved  to  Lock  Oavan.  T.  LeRoy 
Lyaaa  baoasa  pianist  and  baa  continued  in  that  capacity 
to  the  present  tiae. 

The  Consistory  Choir  has  entertained  locally  on  aai^r 
occaaions.  For  aaay  years  the  choir's  annual  appaaraaos 
in  the  achoola  during  Husic  Vaak  Mas  keeoly  anticijtatad  and 
greatly  enj<ved. 

.  if\'\  f  ■  aW    •"' 

■■-"«.■>  *" 

I.  .       ( 

201'  ■■■"    i. 

In  1^54  Xtm   obolr  «pp«ared  with  the   wixiiaoaport 
SytKphoay  Orcaoatra  ain;:ia4:  th«  i^iX;Xlu*3  Chorut  fro« 


Tbo  KaoDowell  Club  was  a  aixtd  choral  croup  coa- 
poaod  of  tho  voice  atudQiits  of  !.con  Abbot  noffaeitter. 
Hr.  Hoffiaoistor  had  established  a  voice  studio  hero  after 
coainj;  to  the  city  froa  Reading  in  the  early  ainetoon- 

The  aia  of  the  club  was  "to  stuoy  good  ausic  and 
to  mresent  to  the  aosic  loving  public  concerts  of  o  ciis* 
tinctive  nature," 

Tha  fgniap  aade  a  nusabor  of  appearances  over  a  period 
of  several  years.  On  a  few  coocorts  gtiest  artists  includ- 
log  Laabert  Murphy  of  The  Netropolitan  Opera  CosiMMy  were 
presented*  This  was  in  accordance  with  the  <lesii*e  of  the 
group  "to  tring  foreoost  Asaerican  artists  to  tho  city  ot 
a  Moderate  iMrioe  within  the  reach  of  everyone." 

Officers  of  tho  club  wore  Hsrshall  Hough,  president* 
Joan  Dawson,  s.^crotary,  Arthur  ThmmSt  treasurer,  ana 
Leslie  Isbelly  librarian,  Kr.  noffneister  was  direct  or 

34  firograa  of  HsoPowell  Club  Concert 
99  Ibid. 



uwv  «> 

with  Sara  8«  S«»iimw  as  acco^paaist. 


On  tha  avaoXng  of  Octobor  10,  1J33,  a  group  of 
lator«ato<l  pooplo  aot  in  tha  studio  of  Loon  Hoffasiater 
in  tiM  TMllaaa  Apartaaat,  iiaat  Tbiru  Stroct.  Tho  purpoaa 
of  the  ooatin^;  Maa  to  coaaioar  uajra  and  aoana  for  tha 
fortaation  of  a  choral  club  and  ooaaablo  training;  achool. 

Under  tha  laadarsiiip  of  ?!arahall  l>«  Hough  and  with 
foraar  HacDowoll  Club  amaiiorB  as  a  nucleua  tha  Williacsaport 
Choral  Art  Club  waa  forwKl.  Mr.  BoffMaiatar,  tho  airootor 
aaa  by  this  tiao  taa^dUi^  and  conduct  In^;  choral  groups  in 
Philadalj^iia  and  othar  cities  in  tha  aastam  part  of  tha 

Officars  alcctod  wore  ?Iar8liall  L,  Hough,  preaiUcnt, 
Ralph  3*  GraMMT,  vico-proaiuont ,  LaRoino  lCallick»  rocoru- 
ing  sacratary,  Ilolen  Poaar,  corraspMdiag  secretary,  Charles 
Balaar*  traasuror,  Anna  Ballo  Barding,  librarian,  Bary 
Solliner,  assistant  librarian.  Miss  Xullinor  was  also 

ssssupaiiiat .  Thia  group  of  officers  retained  their  poai- 

tiooa  throui^hout  tho  ton  years  of  tho  club*  a  oxistenco. 

Sahaarsals  tiara  hold  for  a  tioe  in  the  studios  of 

radio  station  >mjiX.,   then  at  D.  S.  Andrus  Huaic  Store  and 

36  ?Unutes  of  tho  Will l^^isport  Choral  Art  Club.  Octobar 
IJ,  ijJw  to  Januaiv  1»  1J^4, 



'crfa  •  ..iitscflt  oait  iaJtrtf  -tf  crsw 

f^nr?!  f^jprj  bsy^fil'tt  S'ViO^JJ/ 

''.t    !*>   STIC* 

r,    .     <»^;    "  ■1.1> 


later  at  the  Trinity  Parish  Hou8«.  In  the  fall  of  1935 
the  club  secured  nuiraon  robes  which  were  worn  for  their 

The  organization  established  a  fine  reputation 
through  its  fine  singing.  "The  art  of  blending  voices, 
technique  and  interpretation  wer«  regarded  carefully  with 
fine  results. "^"^ 

Many  outstanding  concerts  were  presented  through 
the  years.  Aaong  the  highlishts  were  one  in  the  Oicklnsoa 
Junior  College  gyaaasium  in  1935,  concert  presentations  of 
Elijah  and  Caraen  in  1940  in  the  Lycoming  Hotel  ballrooa 
and  a  prograia  entitlad  "Three  Hundred  Tears  of  Pennsylvan- 
ia  Song"  in  1941  at  the  Lycoalng  Hotel,    Out-of-town 
tagagsments  were  also  fulfilled  iaclxtdlng  a  presentation 
of  the  3raftns  Reguleia  in  Canton, 

In  1943  Mr.  Hoffaelater  too'<  a  traveling  position 
Ifith  the  Darling  Valve  Manufacturing  Company,  With  his 
leaving  th  ?  city  the  choral  jjroup  disbandad. 

A  wtll  established  local  ualc  chords  is  that  of  the 

37  The  Villiaaaport  Sun,  December  3,  1935,  p.  4, 
3B  Pro.';ra.^s  of  tHe  Willia--asport  Choral  Art  Club, 


■>,'\f    !/»><<      l-'l'    JVV'W*'      '"■   '- • 


owl»T<r89l  «r' 



^TilJ.Vtf   v. 

^   Sf  1.' 

9'MI    Jt 


jtnt^'Mr  *  '*■«> 



.icrun^'        ~  1o 

'!.;■:.' Sit' i"  f 


I  r 

BliOi.     Iixttadinfi  over  tiM  Ia«t  quarttr  century  it  mmi 
dirooted  uuriog  thm  •ariy  yoai'S  by  h'iiiiaa  £•  Wiiliaasoa 
and  narolxl  Pries.    After  «  period  of  inactivity  the  chorus 
MAS  reorpuiiseti  umlor  the  direction  of  C.  Hart  Bugbee. 

Today  tlM  S%k»  Cboruo  miabers  abont  thirty  voices. 
Csodiictors  sloes  lb*.  Oufibes  hanrs  been  Thoass  Leverizsg, 
Xelth  Walts  ami  Irvin  Zelgler.^ 


Tbs  Civic  Choir  was  fornod  in  1944  as  the  outfjrowth 
of  the  Villi swsport  Sitaosr  Choir  School  conducted  at  the 
Covoaant -Central  Preshyterian  Church.     The  School  was 
under  the  direction  of  f^ilter  G.  Hclvor  ndio  had  been  called 
froa  Harrisburc  to  direct  the  prsgraA* 

As  the  result  of  a  general  invitation  to  the  public 
the  first  tiiniaasport  Civic  Choir  rehearsal  mtM  held 
ispteabsr  10,  l.)44,  with  67  voic&s.^ 

The  history  of  the  dioir  Is  "the  eabodiaent  of  tho 
energy  of  Walter  C.  Hclver,  Its  director,  the  desire  to 
slnjj  on  tlM  part  of  tho  choirs*  aeitfbers  and  the  enj(Qnaeat 
of  hearing  good  choral  concerts  on  the  part  of  the  coofaun* 

39  VilUaasport  Sun«Gazettc.  OsMribsr  34,  195S,  p.  2. 

40  VilllAOSport  Sun-GazGttOt  Pecoirt>er  24,   1335,  p.  C, 

41  Ibid. 

■^•Ssifci  -uJL-jav*  i'   "WtJii*.      •* 


Altnouj^  Kalter  ?lclv«r  is  not  m  nativo  of  infilXiaos- 
port  he  has  taken  its  interests  to  heart  and  has  bsooos  a 
leading  figure  in  the  development  of  the  city*8  choral 

BMrlsg  atodied  ausio  as  a  boy  in  Cleveland,  XT* 
Xclver  later  entered  the  if estainster  Choir  Colle(]:e  in 
Priaoeton,  Ifew  Jersey  as  a  scholarship  student,     v.iiiio  a 
student  there  he  toui^cu  Europe  with  the  faaious  WestAinstar 
Cboir«    After  graduation  Hr.  Hclver  mas  called  to  the  post 
of  choral  conductor  bgr  the  HarriirtNa*j{  fla^ivlKmy  Orchestra. 
He  also  served  as  ainister  of  smsic  at  the  ]farkot  Squars 
RrsirtqrtMrian  Church. 

After  cofldUig  to  i^fllliaa^ort  to  direct  the  Suaaer 
Choir  School  he  became  minister  of  music  of  Covenant - 
Central  Church.     Later  he  filled  a  similar  position  at 
the  First  Evangelical  United  Qrethren  Church.    At  i»*esent 
lie  is  minister  of  ausio  at  the  Pine  Street  Ketluxlist  Church, 

la  1946  Kr.  Mclver  i«a8  elected  to  the  faculty  of 
Lycoaing  Collogo  to  serve  as  Chairman  of  the  Mtisic  Depart- 
ment and  director  of  choral  music.     There  hs  luui  devolopcd 
the  Lycominfi  College  Choir  which  ranks  as  one  of  the  out- 
standing collosiato  choirs  in  tbs  Bamt* 

Xa  1947  the  city  awu^dsd  1ft* •  MeXvcr  a  citation  for 
outstaadiag  achlevu:asnt  •     In  l!^49  he  was  selected  by  ths 
Villiam^port  Junior  Chaiti>er  of  Commerce  as  "Youiib 



r^*   *w 

s  ?fafjr  l»r»l*i»*- 



■i9  »  c                                     ym^rfl 

•»»V  »«o«i«^  trrft  r 

:  ■r-ar!*  h*''met  f'                 ffttbofn 

■  mi^.jwnt,                       xmx-j 

■.m  ^mt  t                                   10 

■  .  i.^i^j^wivt'l 

.  ,w  oox^'.iiooq  •Mfjb^j.^c 

li*.'    jU»' 

ffrnwcfts  tclbCMltsS  t■^ 

?»■  «!•!»%>  "sfrfcln*  -31! 

■!inM  laiorfa  ^  -Wtpo-ttft  Htm  t-  'i 


the  Teax*t"  "for  his  contribution  to  tho  cultural  life  of 
tb«  CBiiiiiity  through  off(u*t8  to  organize  the  Killiaosport 
Civic  Choir. "'^^  In  rccont  yoars  tf  bmM  b««ii  guest  conduct- 
or  at  Miymrml   soholastic  choral  festivals. 

atulah  McXvar,  also  a  graduate  of  th«  Kestainster 
Choir  School  and  a  foraar  assiisr  of  the  famed  VTestainstor 
Choir,  lias  baen  cxtrescly  holpful  in  assisting  in  the 
development  of  the  Civic  Choir.  ShG  has  been  proninent 
in  ausical  activities  throufihout  the  c<Mttninity.  She 
assisted  her  husband  in  the  choral  work  of  the  Covenant- 
Central  Church}  for  a  nui^or  of  years  idie  was  ainister  of 
■usic  at  the  Xaaaauel  Bvaagslloal  United  Brethren  Churchi 
at  present  she  assists  in  the  direction  of  the  choirs  at 
Fine  Street  Methodist  Church.  Hrs.  Xclver,  a  asszo- 
soprano,  has  appeared  as  soloist  befors  asiqr  groups  as  wall 
as  in  nuaerous  Civic  Choir  concerts. 

Accoapanist  for  the  choir  is  Kary  Landon  Russell 
lite  Mas  with  the  choir  for  their  first  rehearsal  in 
Septeober  of  1944.  Kra.  Russell  is  head  of  the  piano 
dspartaent  at  Lycooinc  College. 

Tba  various  executive  boards  of  the  oholr  have  bssn 
responsible  for  the  continuous  a^^adnistration  of  affairs 
through  the  years.  The  following  have  served  as  presidents 

42  Grit.  January  30 ,  1949,  Reus  Ssction,  pp.  1  and  10. 



J    iMTWV: 


IMtlgii  -ia^ilBi^iik  ttl 

3»*ui  fa 


triBSMTt  SwtgMlek:  BMUiatty  flamr  C.  Fithlan,  Sr,, 
RicterU  V»  Oomrf  Kenneth  v.  Kolft,  Tfirs*  N«wtoa  lltfiifcii— 1, 
Alfk*«d  J«  WteMMHMhsr,  warr«ii  L.  IQMFtli  and  EUmt  Kooos. 

DM  im  tiM  eiioir**  first  season  tbo  only  concerts 
srsMststf  iHH^  ■Mdsl*s  WiSftUfc  sad  aralMs*  Regmi— « 

In  s«ptti^«rt  1340  tti«  first  p«tr«m  caapaign  mis 
isMgvstsd*    TlH»si«ibsitt  tbe  7«ars  tbo  flaAacial  obXisa- 
tioaa  of  tlM  steir  tuif  iMsn  «et  Isrgsly  thrswgli  patron 
■MtSM'iptions  and  tb*  ammal  sbsir  asabsr^ip  fss  of 
aigirt  tfallars. 

la  VMl  ths  sUsir  bsgaa  iMldiaf  its  rsgular 
als  at  Lyesaiag  Coilsfs  slisre  it  bos  ooiitltiuvu  to  tbo 

AS  ai^jrooiatioo  for  tlM  oboir  grew  requasts  for 
ssassrts  saa*  ia  froa  otber  ouaaaaitios.    Tlia  itinarary 
of  tbs  sboir  bas  laclaasd  Lotie  Bavaa,  XUton,  Canton, 
■satgsawjr»  ShaaoidLa,  iftXlEss  Bwrs,  Trof,  Isaegr  ^aA 

At  various  tiats  tb«  cboir  bas  apsaaorad  cooosrta 
ia  k'llllawspsrt  Hr  MCdl  ant  standing  £roups  as  tba  Kastaia- 
atar  Cboir  and  tba  Coluabua  3oy  Ch'!»ir.    Tba  Cteir  bas 
alaa  partieipatact  ia  aasy  ooaaimlty  aotivitias  suob  as 
tba  Psraat  TaadMr  Asaociation,  Civic  Club  partioa*  Caa- 
aaaitr  Cbristaaa  Traa  lisbtine  and  oarol  aings  and  Union 

■u/    y^ 



f!A;  ■ .     ;• 

"«.;-i.n.#-.  rr" 


For  sacred  concerts  the  choir  la  robed  in  aaroon 
vestaents.  For  secular  concerts  the  sen  of  the  choir  are 
attired  in  dark  blue  ^ilts  and  the  ladies  in  long  black 
skirts  and  white  t&ilorea  blouses. 

To  express  appreciation  for  the  support  of  its 
patrons  the  Civic  Choir  held  its  first  patron  reception  In 
Idf4  at  the  Lycoaing  Hotel,  This  event  was  repeated  in 
1355  and  195G  at  Clarke  Msaorial  Bulldlnfi  at  tycoatiag 

Za  the  1953-54  season  Civic  Choir  gave  its  first 
drmaatic  preaontation,  the  on«*act  ciiristaas  opera  Aaahl 
and  the  Hight  Visitors  by  Glan-Carlo  Xenotti.  Young  3111 
Xclver,  son  of  Hr.  and  Mrs.  Kalter  Xclvsr  sang  the  title 
role.  Mrs.  Kolver  sang  the  role  of  the  saother.  3111  had 
flaiaed  national  faaie  when  he  was  chosen  by  Xenotti  to 
sing  the  role  on  the  )f.  B.  C.  television  production  of  the 
opera  in  1;)52.  At  that  tlae  he  was  ten  years  old  aad  a 
student  at  the  Coluabus  Boy  Choir  school.  He  saog  in  the 
S,   B.  C.  presentation  three  successive  years* 

In  1961  a  saall  group  known  as  the  Chorallers  was 
cliaasn  froa  the  regular  aeabershlp.  This  group  fulfilled 
aoaerous  coaiuaunity  sngageaents.  In  April,  1355  the  Ch<M<a- 
liers  included  in  their  foraal  concert  The  Telephone  by 

■^■J,    ;-J     '•   'iJ-.'  ■•  ■.i.v'--'  * 

i»iit  to  2 


--it:s^V    ^'^ 

j&7i    vs.  wiuin   'vaut   dtt 

.o.  *i.M«f   ■  -^ae.  ri*u^w,  itwu 



Pollowiog  ar«  ttM  Civic  Choir  protfraa  bighlichts 
tbe  years I 

>1946  Handel 

1945-194C  Handel 

1940-1347  Handel 


1947-1943  Handel 

194S-134J  Handel 

1I)49-19&0  Handel 

Messe  Solenne 

Mssse  Solonnc 

Messiah  l^ith  Dickinson  Jr.  College 

Tho  Seven  Last  v^ords  of  Christ 
Elijah  Vith  Dickinson  Jr.  Collogo 


Messiah  Vith  Lycooing  College  Choir 


Requiea  With  I^rcoaing  College  Choir 

Messiah  With  Lycoaing  College  Choir 
and  Williaasport  Civic 

Passion  According  to  St.  Matthew  - 

With  Lycoaing  Coll«3ge  Singers 

Creation  kVith  Lycoaing  College  Choir 

Messiah  With  Lycoaing  College  Choir 
and  Williaasport  Civic 

Miscellanemis  Lenten  Choruses 

Mendelssohn  Elijah  With  Lycoming  College  Choir 

1930-1951  Baadsl      Messiah  Vith  20<-pieoe  orchestral 

aecoapaniaent,  organ  and 
Christaas  in  Draaa  and  Song  -  Pageant  of  the 

Holy  nativity  -  Kiiiioaa  with  Lycoa- 
ing  College  Drasiatic  Dept. 
Rossini     Ifesse  Solonne 
Miscellaneaus  Oratorio  T'^xcerpts,  Antheas  and 
Polk  Songs 
19S1-1J52  Baadsl      Messiah 
Hrihas      Requiea 
Pop  Concert  Selections  froa  Gilbert  £  Sullivan 

,  i,-.  ^ 




19S2-1:^S3  Thanksgiving  Concert  of  Miscellaneous  Hyaas 

and  Anthsjas 

H&ndol      MASsiah  With  14~piece  orchestra 

Fkur«       Rsquiea 

Handel       Kaster  portion  of  Xessiah 

Pop  Concttrt  Mi8c«llanoous  Songs  by  Schubert, 
Drahms  and  Richard  Rogers  - 
With  Lycofliag  Collsfis  Band 

1933<-1954  Schubert  Miriaa^s  Song  of  Triuaph 

Jh'ahns  Alto  Rhar>sodi« 

Rogers  ShOK  Tunes 

Sandel  Messiah 

Mcnotti  AiWihl  and  the  Kight  Visitors  -  Opera 

Ha7dn  The  Seven  Last  Wnrds  of  Christ 
Pop  Concert     With  Auijust  and  His  Just  for  Pua 

1954-1986  A  Harvest  of  Song 

Christmas  in  Song:  nntJ  Opera 

]fonotti     Aaahl  and  the  Night  Visitors 

Britten  Carols 
Verdi       Requiea 
Choraliers  in  Concert 

Itenotti  The  Telephone 
Tenth  Anniversary  Concert  Si.   Choral  Festival 
(500  singers)  Koseaary  Kuhlaan,  soloist; 
Dr,  John  Plnley  WilliaaUKm,  fuest  comluctor 

195ft«19ee  Mendelssohn  Elijah 

laodel  Hessiah 
Gilbert  ft 

Sullivan  The  Hikado 

iM6-lJ57  Ha^ic  of  iSozart 

Halt!  el      Hesslah 
Folic  Songs  of  the  World 
Willlnnsport  Symphony  Orchestra  Concert 
Finian's  kainbow 

For  soae  concerts  out-of-town  soloists  have  been 
eeQ>loyed.  For  aany  others  solo  parts  have  been  ably 
filled  froa  the  choir* s  sieaibership.  The  Killiaasport 
Civic  Choir  has  as  its  motto  "Music  for  the  People  -  by 
the  People,*  It  has  as  its  purpose  "to  stimilate  and 

W  .»   f'^L' t    '■'^     .  <»'.- ^' IV-..''*.  .* 

br>  *t»onc 

>  try    yvt  ry' 

itimAlU  •til       iUi' 


pronoto  the  advancestent  of  choral  auslc  in  the  Groat  or 
Villiaasport  ar«a." 

Today  the  choir  has  achieved  tremendous  success 
with  a  m»abwship  of  over  one  liunureU  people  of  all 
faiths,  and  occupations. 

44     Gritt  January  33,  1J52,  TTews  Section,  p.  56. 

roMMCMMVik  aonoi 

GBAiTm  X 

stMK  mirms 

WilliaMiportera  alwn/s  point  with  pri<l«  to  th« 
fact  that  tUe  coaq;>oscr  of  the  boautlful  Christaas  carol, 
«V«  Tte*««  Eia^s  of  OrUat  Aro,«  Uv«4  bare  froa  I^TC  to 
1887,  Uurloii  v&lch  time  be  Mas  the  rector  of  Ciarlat 
ii^laoapal  Church. 

Bora  In  Plttsburgli  oa  October  2a,  1U2Q  th«  E«veroad 
John  n«arr  Hopkins,  Jr.   Mas  a  mn  of  unusual  versatility. 
In  studying  his  biography  It  is  difficult  to  3ay  vrhctbsr 
hs  Mas  oost  wldsly  knofwn  and  appreciated  as  a  scholar, 
NTlter,  preacher,  Journalist,  jsoslclain,  poet  or  artist, 
becaase  he  iml   aany  talents  and  excelled  in  all* 

Xa  ausic  he  mm  well  endowed,  havlsf;  coaa  froa  vary 
artistic  aad  auslcal  parents.  His  father  was  vry  profi* 
ciont  in  laagaases,  auslc  and  art,  and  at  the  age  of 
•eveatsaa  was  the  leadlns  * cello  soloist  of  the  city  of 
PUlladelphia.  He  mbs  also  a  gifted  coaposor  and  organist, 
aad  aost  of  tho  choir  auslc  of  the  church  in  Pittsburgh 
ahsrs  lie  nss  rector  was  froa  his  psa.  At  the  aaaa  tiac  iie 
provlasd  aost  of  the  auslc  idilch  youn;;  John  Jr.* a  aoth«r 
used  for  teachiai;  in  the  dsy  school  which  the  Hopkins 

^    ■;*-!. 




oponed  ia  c»*Uer  to  aula  to  tho  slonder  stlpeml  rttceivvd 
froa  tb«  church.     Jfrs.  Hc^kiua  taught  harp,  piano  and 

It  MM  in  this  atao«9lMr«  that  Joha,  Jr.  found  hia- 
••If  at  tlM  ag*  of  thrao,  and  his  nimblo  and  sensitivo 
aiad  j«8an  at  oac«  to  grasp  •agarly  ftvararthini;  that  uan 
raligiwm  and  churchly  aa  w«ll  aa  litM*ary  aiid  artistic. 

In  1&02  the  foaily  aovad  to  PiUx^iin^rton,  Vrnntont, 
on  Lalc«  Chaflplain*     Tbers  Jolm,  Jr.  at  tha  age  of  fourteon 
was  a  tutor  in  his  father*s  Tsraont  episcopal  Institute, 
hearing  dasoaa  ia  Latin  and  French.    Ko  pXa/ed  flute  and 
bagX9  ia  the  school  orchestra  ^and  sang  ia  the  c^ir. 

In  Xii^ij  be  graduated  with  honors  fron  the  University 
of  Tsraont  and  then  assisted  his  father  until  the  school 
was  foroed  to  close  in  1340  duti  to  the  Calhoun  panic  of 
1337.     3ishop  Hopicins*  school  and  fiaaa««s  mr9  ruiaed 

and  the  family  was  throim  into  nearly  twenty  years  of  pov- 

1     Joiui  iMiury  Uopicins,  "Th*  Rov«r«ad  John  Henry  Hopkina,  Jr.* 
aistoiHlcaj^  Maptzino  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church. 

2    The  Rever««l  Edmard  Henry  ^c^el,  a.  D.,  Chj-oniclcs  of 
Christ  qwrch  Pfyrish.  Killiajasport ,  Pennsylvania, 
Qasetts  and  suiietin  ?r«M,  IJIO,  p.  4J. 

a  SM» 






The  rtorf  of  those  years  is  «n  inapirlns  one   as 
the  Bishop* 9  eight  sons  b'lilt  a  faaily  hom<»  and  cloaretJ 
the  wilderness  of  Rode  Point.  They  worked  on  the  fara, 
and  one  by  one,  under  John,  Jr.'e  tutelage,  they  entered 
the  University  of  Vermont,  The  ?lishop  never  nll'jwed  the 
ohildren  to  Msste  any  tliie  on  gfumm   exeept  chess.  They 

devoted  all  their  time  when  not  at  work  on  the  fara  to 

literature,  nusic,  art  and  their  studies. 

Proa  X843  to  1345  John,  Jr.  i»s  a  tutor  in  Savan- 
nah, Georgia,  returning  then  to  the  University  of  Vermont 
to  receive  a  ataster's  degree.  Following  that  he  was  a 
reporter  on  the  Kew  York  "Courier  and  Enquirer, ■  and  in 
1847  he  entered  the  General  Theological  Seminary,  gradtia* 
ting  in  leJSO.^ 

Through  his  college  years  he  had  already  begun   the 
systeiuatic  study  of  harmony  and  counterpoint  in  nusic,  anU 
his  book  of  "Carols,  nytsns  and  Sonns"  was  y^ry   effective, 
diiq>layin^  a  scholarly  touch.  His  *hf>   Three  Kings"  cort- 
posed  in  18f>2,  has  been  sun??  at  Chrlstna*»tide  throughout 
the  English  speaking  world  fnr   years.  His  "Little  !>ovfts" 
has  delighted  school  chlluren  for  «»evernl  decades. 

4  Bo^ins,  p.  271. 

5  Ibid.,  p.  270. 

6  Ibiu. 

\  etc  I9 

*4l»r    .  :;»    ^fUiG\»    S^hbJL   9i    i. 


4i  ritx 

%>«p  t«i!y« 

OrdalnoU  a  Ooacon  In  1350  h«  rwsolvcd  to  devot* 
hla  life  to  church  Journalise.     Under  hia  dlroctlwi  th« 
"Church  Journal"   ksi«  istoMt,  tli«  first  church  journal 
worthy  of  the  n&ne  in  th«  country.     Aft«r  aany  succtMfal 
years  In  thi3  work  h«  sold   the   jourtial  in  ord«»r  to  devote 
tdmmlf  to  tho  writing  of  hi»  father*s  biography.     Upon 
the  collation  of  this  he  was  iadaced  to  be  ordained  a 
priest,     ffls  ordination  took  s»lac«  Jun«  23,   1?»72  while  h« 
«»•  »ervlng  the  parish  of  Trinity  Church  In  Plattsbur,:H, 
Jfew  York,     It   t-ras  from  Plattsbtsrgh  that  Dr.  Hopkino  cn'Tjo 

in  1?76  to  a»au«G  the  rectorship  of  Christ  Episcopal 


Dr.  Hopldns  was  completely  devoted  here  a-s  alwqrs 
bafore  in  his  pastoral  work.     In  seeking  out  the  slclr  and 
forlorn,  he  drove  -nany  <tlltts  ov^r  rfmzh  roads  through  the 
ilduataias  to  c'ainister  the  Ol^saed  Sacraflsnt. 

Ha  Wk9  a  aaster  of  ocdesiaetlc^l  art;  his  deslgii* 
for  church  silvor,  furniture,  stained  slass  windows  and 
•vea  acedlewor'c  on  veatacnts  and  altar  linans  wera  gens  of 
ayobolic  artistry.  His  oark:  was  left  upon  whatever  church 
he  aarred  and  nay  b«  traced  la  Villiaraaport  outsiJ?  the 
parish,  as,  for  exaapla,  la  soae  chast^xly  wrou-ht  toabs  in 
WlXdwood  cesrotery. 

7  iijcksi,  p.  4y, 

8  Ibid.,   p.   35, 




t9m   BUM 

a  J    jt. 

>  5LU     f 



f.i    rf?. 




Pr.  Hop'^ns  left  h'tlliamsport  in  1887  to  fill  an 
position  at  the  Gon«ral  Theological  Seainary, 
V«w  Tork  City.  The  night  before  he  left  a  great  faraiMll 
rasaption  and  a  purse  of  $1,000,00  mss  given  bia,  evideoce 
of  the  high  MTtaea  in  which  he  was  hald.  Ho««evor,  througk 
asae  unfortunate  circtowtanoaSy  the  position  i4aa  deaied 
td«  wpm  his  arrival* 

In  ^»itc  of  the  great  UiaappoiataaBt  Dr.  Hopkins 
stayad  la  Ifaw  York  City  and  gave  five  hundred  booics  from 
hia  valuable  library  to  the  See  Iswii  on  LaFayatte  FOaee 
la  payaant  for  the  use  of  a  room  as  long  as  he  would  need 
it.  The  tlae  proved  to  be  very  short,  for  in  less  than 
four  years  he  died  at  the  hoae  of  an  old  friend. 

Dr.  Hopkins  was  buried  beside  his  father  in  the 
faaily  ceaatary  at  Sock  Point  in  the  shadow  of  the  beauti- 
ful moaumeni   ha  hisself  had  dasigaed.  Oae  of  the  aost 
notable  aod  widaly  known  acn  the  Ajserican  Church  ever  pro- 
duead,  Dr.  R<qtcins  will  alwajrs  be  raoMribarad  hayand  all  of 
his  oth«*  aohievaaents  far  his  sisvle  and  beautiful  carol. 


It  has  been  racoroed  that  Panaaylvaaia  was  the 
"fountain  soiurco,   the  kindergarten  of  ijospel  hyamody,** 

u    Ho|AiJX8,  p.  27:i. 

i. ;     '^1  Iff  BSfJhtf;- 

•Pita  .'^.f*'/^  #y?5w<0.  «, 


tevlag  turawl  out  mat*  cotpeX  hyaos  than  any  other  state 

in  the  Union.  Killiaasport  pl«y«d  aa  important  part  in 

«9plyin£  Binaag  ami  ainoare  talent  in  thia  field  in  tb« 


parson  of  Jaaaa  K*  BXmtik, 

Ttr,  alack  ^ent  tha  graat ar  part  of  hia  life  la 
igllUft— pnrt ,  having  com  in  isn  flro«  Vaw  Tork  state 
«lMra  ha  was  ham  in  1353,    Ra  had  studied  haraooy  and 
caapasitioa  with  J<Aa  Boward  of  Ifew  Totit  and  Daniel  &• 
TawBtr  of  the  2toody  Qible  School.     He  haipui  writing  gospel 
in  1900  and  has  written  soaa  1500,  both  the  words 

aad  the  ausie.^ 

lb*,  Blft^  is  known  throughout  the  country  for  his 
workf  porticularlar  f<Mr  his  hyan,  iiThw  the  Roll  lo  Galled 
Ite  Yooder.  which  has  baaa  simg  hgr  ftU  daoottiaatioos  all 
over  the  BaigliA  i^Makiag  world  maA   translated  into  four- 
teen different  laa^uag^a*  Sun^  in  great  churchca  and 
little  rural  ohapela,  this  hyaa  is  as  firaly  established 
as  any  of  the  great  harans  of  Christaadoa*  The  Salvatioa 
Anqr  has  had  a  large  part  in  carrying  it  to  the  far  comers 
of  the  world. 

As  it  oftMi  happena  that  there  ia  a  story  bohiad 
^a  writing  of  aaogr  of  the  tiae<^ionored  hyaas  of  the  church, 

10  Osrtrude  Hart  in  Hohrer,  ?!uaio  and  MCusicians  in  Ponn« 
Tlvaoia.  p.  04. 





:  »f«s.Clii<"#»''     jtiL-S     ■---*  tW 





•o  tb«r«  im«  aa  ixwpiratioo  for  tbo  writioe  of  Vbmn  tho 

Roll  19  '^nUi*^-  ^'r  ^^«^>'* 

tfc tiring  hOMo  froa  clHiroh  oat  Sucxiay  aornio^  fir. 
Slaok*a  teart  «aa  htavy  i>«oauae  aae  of  tte  70008  atoboro 
of  his  SaaOmy  Scbool  claoo  had  not  onmTored  tho  roll  lihen 
IMT  aaae  aaa  oallad,     Soaeont  tmX  oaid  tbat  3*aoi«  «ao 
vary  ill  BOii  tlmt  tho  doctor  hcia  littlo  hopa  for  hor 
llfo.    7tr.  Hack  hal  fouid  aoaslo  oae  day  aagtootad  aad 
in  rasa  aitting  on  tho  atops  of  a  tM*ok«a«down  h<m8e  "on 
tlM  othor  sicio  of  the  tracko'*  of  the  town,     Tba  Uttlo 
Ctrl  hosltatod  at  first  to  accept  the  iovltatiOQ  of  tlM 
taU  ahite-haired  auk  to  cooc  to  Soaday  School  becauac  of 
her  raegad  clothos*  tjut  after  aoaaone  loft  a  box  of  aoir 
clothoa  at  her  houae  the  aext  Oay  Beaoie  aevar  failed  to 
aaaaer  the  roll  coll.    Bvary  Suoaay  Jaaea  Blaok  would  look 
up  aad  aaile  ahea  he  oaae  to  her  nooe* 

Aa  he  walked  bone  that  day  la  1393  be  waa  thinkioi: 
that  aayhe  the  next  tloe  rJcoaio  aaowered  to  her  nosio  it 
trould  be  at  the  sireat  roll  call.    Tlie  worue  for  tlio  hysan 

to  oaae  to  hia  spontanoouoly  and  he  wrote  tbea  dowa 

that  afternoon.  That  ni^ht  he  oet  thea  to  nuslc. 

Othero  of  hio  beat  known  hyoBO  arei  T  Iteaeaber 
Calvary.  Mhare  Jeana  is  'tis  neatraa.  Ve  Shall  nojgn  with 

12  Cliat  Boaaer,  A  gya  la  Porn,  p.  90, 

L-t .  •J      >•>  -1  f J 

♦     #^ 




HIH  fg  ftlairy.  and  Wh^n  th«  Saiflta  .\re  MMTChim:  In.  the 
lattw  bavins  taken  on  a  trcaemious  burst  of  popularity 
in  ptcent  •ontha  as  It  !ia«  becoaw  n  favorite  hit  with 
tlM  Dixieland  bands* 

In  one  or  two  of  his  hyans  Kr,  Slack  aade  use  of 
iiar4a  written  Isy  a  Killiaasport  woaan,  Mrs.  Kate  Purvis. 
Krs.  Purvis,  a  JMal>er  of  a  proaiaeot  faAily*  was  activo 
la  civic  work  and  a  very  sifted  poet.  She  was  an  assist- 
aat  vooal  instructor  at  DicidLason  Swiinary  in  the  late 

tt>.  «Wi>*<»g  waa  aditor  of  several  gospol  acmg   books 
puhliaiiad  by  tbe  Xethodist  Book  Coacern  at  Hew  York  aad 
Cincinnatti,  the  McCoke  Publishing  Coapany  of  Cliicago  aad 
tlM  Sall«*lbck  Company  of  Philadelphia.  Ai^ointed  t^  the 
toiUMpa  of  the  Xethodist  Episcopal  Church  he  was  a  aeabor 
of  the  oonittee  which  aode  up  the  Methodist  BjpKaml   of 
1906.  Re  was  also  a  noted  gospel  worker,  acting  as  soag 
Imrttr  of  gospel  aeetin^s  all  over  the  country. 

At  the  tiae  of  his  death  in  1933  it  was  said  that 
•tfcs  country  lost  one  of  its  aost  outstanding  coaposeps 
of  church  hvaaa*" 

10  Garotte  aad  ■nlletio.  Doootfbsr  23,  1930,  p.  10. 

.cv   *"g;; 

i.iM   wa  tid'U 

rj3f«  f 



•lit  to 

:   rr-^crr . 

:£:o    ^ 


i'':    '.  .  1  ■"    ^+  *"'i'M' 


Another  local  hsraa  wr±  tor  at  th«  turn  of  the  contury 

was  r.  V,  Tandorsloot,  founder  of  the  Tandersloot  Music 

Publishing  Coapany.  A  dsspljr  roligious  flftn  and  a  asAbor 

of  Pine  Straet  Xsthodist  Church,  he  wrote  a  collection  of 

nineteen  gospel  sont'S  an»I  called  thea  "F.cliOGo  froia  Old 

Fine,*  The  collection  i>oar8  a  picture  of  the  churoh  on 

the  outside  cmwr  aad  contains  the  following  aeaiaatiant 

This  booklet  I  expressing  in  song 
the  religiwui  experience  of  the 
author,  is  dedicated  to  the  aeaory 
of  John  R.  Hazelot,  for  aany  years 
a  faithful,  loyal  aeober  of  Pine 
Street  Church;  vdio  loved  to  call 
the  aotma  within  these  pagest 
*lcho«s  froa  Old  Pine.*  Hence  the 

P,  W,  Vandersloot 

Xany  of  the  hgrnns  were  headed  with  a  line  of  scrip- 
ture. Two  of  then  contain  words  tagr  E,  G»  Kacutney  and 
81aer  E.  Person,  amiibers  of  Pino  Street  Church.  The  mmie 
for  one  was  written  by  Xabel  C.  Gohl,  organist  of  the  churoh, 
aad  a  devout  Het^odist. 

Althoufl^  aany  copies  of  the  collection  were  published 
they  were  never  sold  but  ww*e  given  to  friends  aad  aeabers 
of  the  church  in  which  he  served  as  choir  director. 

_.       Off 


In  searclilna;  Wllllaaaport's  ?w8lcal  pti9t  th'^r*  cotes 
Into  view  a  lwt2  ll«t  of  tal«nt«4  mslclnns.     Alttww^h  aany 
•re  forjrottcn  or  uiikaoim  to  the  present  gen«ratl«>n,  th«y 
coiitrlbi!t«K?   slenlflcantlj'  to  the  eulturpl  en.1oyi«cnt  of 
their  tin©.     The  tlsie  ims  the  late  eighteen-ninetlosi  «od 
extemllni:  into  the  first  decade  of  the  present  c*?ntury. 
This  was  a  j»erlo<1  mmt^tit^n  referred  to  as  KlXXi*«»port«8 
"golden  ase  of  awsic,"  the  plush  days  of  the  LyooMiac  Opera 
House  before  the  troubled  nineteen-tv^eotles. 

TiMMS  awiiclans  who  are  mentioned  In  this  chapter  are 
in  ftddltton  to  the  iirllvitiunls  connected  with  the  orgsnlaa- 
tions  is  9r«risti8  chapters. 

Aaong  the  singers  was  Charl«js  Oreen,  always  known 
••  •Cltakrlle.^     !7c»t0s  of  nn  enrly  writer  indioate  that  ^. 
Green  was  In  sr«at  dessmd  as  a  8?>X?tlst  for  njncsrals  in  that 
day.     Sh«  writes  thnt  "no  voice  wa*?  ev?*'  considered  better 
suited  for  that  part,*^     Charles  Glei'^,  powssaor  of  t\ 

1  Williaajsport  Sun-Gazette,  Itaea^ber  24,   1955,  p.  IS. 

2  Anno  ?,lnn  Cbeyney,  »JacfiU«Xlno*«  ?.«tter  to  the  nom 

Folks,"  The  Williaiiai^ort  Su^i  August  13,  13iil,  a.p. 




■♦♦i».0/?T Mil?        i' 

*4fap«tlMitic  voice  full  of  patnoa,"  vf^n  known  for  his  evor 
woloofto  ranuitioa  of  Little  Boy  Blue.       Oth«r»  ware  WIIIImi 
Omild,  Kto  iMid  •  *b*autlfal  tomler  voic«"  and  Mas  tlM  tooor 
la  th«  S«oood  Pi*««tt]rt«rlan  Chitroh  cboir,  Adiui  Belter »  Bdtnrd 
Schltih,  Charles  ^^olf  aiid  Kevrton  Chath&m,  all  of  whoa  were 
ttnmkamKkt  in  church  worlc* 

RoMw  talent  »hows  v/er«  tha  ord«r  of  that  day. 
Popular  in  th«»e  were  the  MlcCollua  toothers,  A.  K,  F,  and 
liMMra.     Leavlas  >mmm  to  achieve  sucoem  on  the  auaical 
•tage  in  the  larsfer  cltiea  Mare  Fr*ii  Mk^taugbtoa  M/ttn  aang 
tenor  in  the  choti'  of  the  Third  Preabyterian  Church  in 
1918,  and  Trevatte  Xaffatt.     Bat^  ara  raputeu  to  have  luid 
unuffttally  beautiful  voices,       Hawapapara  io  St.  Louia  la 
the  auaoer  of  ladl  praiaod  Hr«  Haff«tt*s  perforaance  as  Sir 
Harry  Leighton  io  The  feed  Sergeant*     Ha  waa  reimrded  aa  a 
fine  acQuiaition  to  the  Casino  Opera  Coajpany,     Ho  «na 
described  as  presenting  a  "hands/nte  appearance, **  acting:  *beooning  grace"  and  singing  "splendidly.''     with  such 
m  baautlful  voice  a  brilliant  future  was  predicted  for  Jiiia. 

8    iJias  Lisa  Chayney,  *Jacaueline*a  Letter  to  the  Baas  Polica,'* 
the  WiiULa^aaport  Stifi.  iune  14,  XJsHj,  n.p. 

4  laid, 
6  Ibid. 
8    The  i^Uliaiiaport  Sua,  and  ikinner.  July  27,  1891,  p,  1, 



:     C"  -i  i  ■'«>? 

♦A  ff 


L.iKi     iJ'ii*    ri  *     ■ /^itti'tir**!     ?^*i 

ay    •i^t.f. 

/   '^r' 

HIMIHIIH    •i^t 

1    .  .T» 


Aaoag  the  wooon  vocalists  of  early  days  ware  Horioa 
Rucb  and  Xrs.  Iliraa  Herrioan.  Carrie  Dlotrick  recelveU  an 
Ofiportunity  to  go   oa  tb«  stage  >ibon  a  Gilbert  aod  Sullivan 
eoflpttiiy  appeareti  in  H'illiaasport .  After  her  singing  tlie 
role  of  Huttercup  in  their  porforaaace  here  they  took:  hor 
with  thea  ulien  they  left  the  cityj 

Others  were  Ellen  Reading  HeSaffie  who  spent  ssae 
tlae  studyiac  abroad,  Xathryn  Shsffel,  Hay  Fisk,  Mrs. 
Bertha  Allen  Flock,  Eoily  Canfield  Wood,  Helen  Peaslcc 
Hotfcins  and  Embs  Kiess.  Clarence  Sprout  is  reaeiti>ered  for 
his  interpretation  of  On  the  Road  to  Kaaaalny.^ 

Blanche  Derr  3ubb,  soprano,  and  ^iianns  Krape,  con- 
tralto, joined  with  Trevatte  Haffett,  baritone,  to  fors 
the  wiiliaasport  Concert  Coapanor*  Other  asiU>er8  of  the 
group  were  Charles  Krape,  *oellist,  and  Xay  Stuart  Otto, 

Keaombered  as  accosiplishod  pianists  are  Xrs.  fkrsd 

Kaastsad  and  Xrs.  Encie  Herdio-Rawle.   I^oainont  as  an 

organist  and  piano  teacher  was  rratf:  Sbsr  who  ployed  the 

7  Anne  Linne  Cbsyn^,  "Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  nomo 

Folks,"  Th«  tfilliaasport  Sun,  Jtme  14,  IDGO,  n.p. 

8  Ibid. 

9  The  tfilHaasport  Sun.  February  2,  1399,  p.  1. 

10  Anne  Linn  Choyney,  "Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  HoAS 
Folks,**  The  Wiliiaasport  Sun,  Deoaaber  3,  1323,  n.p. 

S*    A%^*/         to* 



at  ttf  Third  Pr««tytM*ljMi  Cliurch,  A  aativ*  9t 
0«rMui3r»  Hr*  r>t>«r  mm  known  for  his  gontX«  dignity  ana 
old  fashioood  elagance  of  Ureas.  A  whit*  vaat  waa  always 
part  of  his  attiray  aa  wall  aa  a  walklOo'  stick. 

In  lator  years  )tr.  Ebar's  aausht«r,  Xrs.  Helen 
Arthtar,  later  Urs.  Hunziagery  followed  in  his  footsteps. 
She  taught  piano  aou  serveu  as  orgaaist  In  soae  of  the 
churches*  the  last  being  the  Covenant -Central  Preshyteriaa 
Chur^  in  1910.  In  tha  early  nineteea«>thirties  she  aovsd 
to  the  west  to  join  her  son,  Eber  Arthur  t^o  was  a  *oellist 
with  the  ClUiHkso  Syaplumy. 

A  proedaent  fi^jure  in  the  anislcal  life  of  tfilliaoa*  ^ 
port  at  the  turn  of  the  oentury  vms  'Irs.  JCary  Stuart  Otto. 
Hsr  heaefloial  iaf lueaee  was  felt  la  the  coannity  over  n 
Isag  i^an  of  tlae,  for  aho  died  in  1969  at  the  age  of 
ainoty-on«!,  Hra.  Otto  was  a  flee  pianist.  As  part  of  har 
training  she  studied  abroad,  partioolarly  ia  Berlin.  She 
attended  !)ioUinaon  Sejtioary  in  1332,  and  later  taught  there 
for  several  years  as  head  of  the  aitsic  departaent.  Just 
before  her  death  Krs.  otto  pres^ntedi  har  valuable  oollectioe 
of  ausic  to  the  Jssies  V.  Srown  Public  Library.  It  is  iiuiown 
aa  the  Ifsry  Stuart  otto  ColloctiOQ.-^^ 

li   rmo  Linn  Cheyney,  "Jaoqaeliae*a  Letter  to  t?io  none  FolJi:s,<' 
TUn  .illiaasport  Sun.  October  13,  1930,  n.p.. 

12  Ibid. 

13  the  WilliaMport  Sun,  August  11,  1350,  p.  16. 

ftr.f'tr.'^rtJa--  .njfjp^   tar-  -tSr*.' 

it  e« 


Oa«  of  the  .-lost  color fal  and  delightful  pursonaliti«» 
of  the  rtusioat  life  of  ^/illlaasport  wis  Mary  3.  Lundy.  A 
nat.lve  of  thla  city,  Hls3  Lundy  was  onu  of  its  aost  out- 
standing piano  taachars  over  a  period  of  aearly  half  a 
century.   She  was  a  faailiar  figuro  at  all  ovnnts  concern- 
ing; the  advancofaent  of  Vv3   comjfttinlty.  To  all  who  9aw  her 
this  netite  lady  was  a  choerinj  sight  as  9h«»  defl^jd  th« 
seasons  -xnt*.   the  weather  as  «h«  did  the  rajirs.      -^^     ^^'^ 

Following  hor  graduation  fro^  Elaira  College  in 
1335)  Hiss  Luwiy  saads  hw  first  trip  to  Europe  to  study  with 
the  r«nown«d  Vlennost  teachor,  Theodor  Leschetlzky.  As  a 
prolininary  she  received  instruction  from  his  wife,  Prau- 
l«in  Prentnar.  There  was  a  second  tri:^  to  Vienna  for 
further  instruction  froin  LeochetizVy  ?\rvi   another  In  Ifitar 
years  to  study  with  two  of  his  disciples,  Ethel  Leginsica 
and  Xotherinf  Goodson, 

Except  for  thtB  years  at  the  Stat©  College  of  WRsh- 
inston  in  Pullaan,  Waihincton,  Xiss  I^undy  spent  all  her 
teaching  jrears  In  Wlllla.nsport.  She  -maintained  a  studio 
oear  Market  Square  in  the  Lundy  Suildln:];  now  occupi<M'v  ^yy 
the  Reliahle  Purnlturc  Company. 

Kiss  Lundy's  studio  hr««thed  an  at«inaph'»re  of  enchant- 
oent  for  hor  students,  filled  as  it  wns  with  aiitograph^J 
photogranhs  of  the  ansical  ST*"?^**  ^^^   forsnor  students 
vmmt^er   fondly  the  ausical  t«»a«.  t?pon  these  occasions 

■     m-'  r  •  ,-,r      >/T  ♦ 


Xiss  Lunoy  WMiIil  tail  of  her  experience*  in  Vienna  wben 
th»  ■usicnl  center  im9  at  its  li«i8ht  of  gaiety. 
Aluairs  maintaining  an  Intoreat  and  enthuaiaan  for  h«* 
foraar  twflhur,  aka  attanSed  atmnally  tba  Lea^atiiky 
A— ooiation  of  Aaarica.  Thia  ia  coiqKiaed  of  hia  pupila 
maA   tbair  pupila  with  aany  faMwa  artist  a  aa  «caber8. 
Praaidant  of  tlia  p*oyp  ia  Xias  BtftiiMi  Balura,  a  vary  old 
friend  of  Xiaa  Lundy.  At  the  aaaw  tiaa  alM  alwaya  attond- 
ad  a  round  of  ooncarta.  From  tbaaa  aba  tiroiight  baok  to 
IMT  pupila  tlM  lataat  coapoaitiona. 

Tha  aineerity  of  her  intoreat  in  aualo  aea  boat 
revealed  \if  a  aide  of  hor  native  which  tb/B   triad  to  keep 
hiddan.  Yet  tboae  Mho  benefitted  revealed  it«  Thia  Maa 
her  concern  tar   thoae  ttmt   aha  felt  wera  gifted  but  who 
IftOkad  tha  financial  oeana  of  davelopini;  their  talent.  To 
tlMaa  tlM  gwra  of  heraalf  without  thooght  of  raauaaration. 

Sana  of  Kiaa  Lundy*  s  pupila  wlio  vara  aaaociated 
with  har  aa  aaaiataata  in  hor  studio  ai'e  Carol  Sweeley 
fivandea  and  Emily  Barer  of  Williaa^port ,  Sarah  Opp  of 
■BBoy  aad  Alma  Clark  of  Picture  Raoka.  Xiriaa  Claatar,  a 
promiaaat  pianiat  of  Lock  Bavan,  ia  a  former  pupil,  aa  ara 
Dorothy  Reeaa  iSrnat,  Eliiabatli  flroMB  Xillar  aad  Kancy  Ball 
isrunoor  of  Killinaoport . 

(Hie  of  Xiaa  LunOy's  aapaeially  ^iftaU  pupila  was 
the  late  Ploramoe  Crauford  of  Hun^.  Through  Xiaa  LunOy^a 

imtm  Mt. 



Mix  'i 


'  ir>J 

efforts  an  auuitlon  was  arranged  with  Henry  Hadlcy,  ths 
eminent  teacher  and  conductor  of  Hew  York.  She  was 
accepted  at  (Mice  as  soloist  with  his  concert  orchestra, 
launching  her  on  a  successful  concort  career.        Ji^ 

Miss  Lundy*s  ausical  intt^r^st  extended  into  the 
popular  field  also.  Frisads  recall  that  when  in  Hew  Tork 
Kiss  Lundy  invariably  stayed  at  the  Taft  Hotel  in  order 
to  hear  the  aodem  and  popular  ciusic  of  Vincent  Lopez 
•JMl  his  orchestra. 

During  World  War  I  Hiss  Lundy* s  patriotic  spirit 
was  evidenced  ia  a  song  which  she  wrote.  Many  local 
•lagers  recall  Liberty  that  Shall  Hot  Pass  Away.  Tho  words 
were  Iqr  Hiss  Lundy,  and  the  ausic  was  by  Carol  Evenden. 
Proceeds  of  the  publication  went  to  the  Red  Cross.         ri 

A   pupil  of  Kiss  Lundy  recalls  the  last  birthday 
party  held  shortly  before  bar  death.  When  aSIced  what  she 
would  have  liked  for  a  birthday  gift  if  she  had  hsen  given 
a  choice  Xiss  Lundy  replied,  "Thsre  is  nothing  I  ^ould 
have  aiked  for,  because  I  have  overythins  in  the  world  I 
ever  desired.**  This  reveals  the  character  and  philosophy 
of  this  fine  and  talented  woma  whose  oterM  and  sraolous- 
ne«i  "aade  a  lH9fy  impression  which  now  becoaos  a  happy 

14  The  Williaasport  Sun,  Juno  11,  1J43,  p.  2. 



jLaotter  local  ausiclan  of  aor«  r«c»nt  tijw«  !• 

Mrs.  Prank  Plankanhorn.  A  fine  pianist,  ohe  studieU  at 

Fontaine-bleu,  Pranc*.  She  appeared  froquontly  in  rocltals 

bofore-  such  local  groups  as  tho  Clio  Club. 

ProsLasat  in  the  nineteen-twentios  and  thirties 
mm  Barold  Pries.  Kr.  Pries  ■aiataiaou  a  studio  ia  the 
Bottssl  building  for  a  ti«s  and  later  at  his  hOM  at  -WO 
HUb  Strast.  Hr.  Pries  was  an  excellsnt  pianist  and 
taught  piano  and  •cello.  In  193d  he  aoved  to  SUver 

Springs,  HsrylMkd. 

Two  of  Mr.  Pries»  sons  inherited  his  talent. 
Theodore,  Mho  aied  at  the  a«e  of  seventeen,  played  with 
the  aatlonal  Syaphony  and  the  Boston  Syaphony  Orchestras. 
Another  yooaser  son  Roger  also  appeared  with  the  national 
syaphony  Orchestra.  3oth  have  appeared  locally  In  recital. 

Ksescalsed  as  an  outstanding  vocalist  was  Pfederlc 
C,  Erdaan.  As  a  child  he  saag  in  the  Trinity  Church  choir 
and  later  with  the  Orpheus  Club.  In  1920  he  went  with 
the  Victor  Talkcinii  Kachine  Coiapany  in  Cleveland  and  sang 
with  the  Orpheus  Choir  of  Cleveland.  Ttiia  choir  in  1926 
went  to  Swansea,  Wales,  to  coi«»«te  in  the  Eisteddfod  and 

10  Anne  Linn  Cheyney,  -Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  Hone  Faia,» 
The  Willlaosport  Sun,  June  15,  1029,  n.p. 

16  WiUlwMport  Sun»Gazette.  Deceatoer  24,  1955,  p.  19. 

■u.    iXtXUiJii:  ■ 

fL^Jii-:^^  -tfn-u. 

A  A  •.»  w  •,»       t%tf     Kg  Aj^ 





won  tbm  ocuqMitition  for  large  group  ciiorusos.     Xr.  EMaan 
placed  in  charga  of  th«  aastarn  uivision  of  ASGAP  in 
1934  and  in  1947  MMsad«  naatl  of  tlM  oaaoart  division.     His 
interest  in  local  jaasic  mm  recognized  bgr  the  d^ication  of 
a  concert  to  his  anamory  by  the  WilliaiBsport  Civic  Orchestra 
in  1953. 

17    Pr^anM  of  Kiliiaasport  S3 

^w'  nr. 

ttX       iJw.*i     it.     tlUi.  fi-»*«.JPft  »4i 






PvaLZC  SCHOOL  misic 

By  th»  9p*nLag  of  the  twentieth  century  th«  value 
ot  mumio  in  tn«  wahool  carrlculuja  waa    ^«ginnias  to   >c 
reallEGo,     Records  Indicate  that  the  first  cloaoroora  in- 
struction   '7  8j>ociai  teachers  canie  to  PittabiJrgh  in  1344. 
The  introduction  of  sauaic  In  the  othor  larger  cltios  foliaw- 
eU  in  more  or  less  closo  success ion. 

In  v/ililaasport  guslc  was  first   introduced  into 

tbs  pu&lic  schools  la  October  of  1531.     laeanor  rioagland 

2        .  • 

was  the  first  ausic  supervisor,      y^y 

Only  the  prii^ry  teachers  engaged  in  the  expsriaeot 
the  first  year,     a  very  sisal  1  ssi^r  of  these  teachers  knew 
aa^mog  at  all  a  Kwt  ausicf     aone  had  stuiiied  It  for  the 
purpose  of  teaching.     However,  "a  large  aajority  took 
hold  of  the  work  with  interest  and  dsteraination"  so  that 
the  r©9ult  was  "beyond  eKpec tat loos •* 

The  next  year  ausie  was  exteiKied  through  the  inter- 

1  GertinKiG  :?artln  Hohrer.  Music  anfl  IBBMiicians  of  Penasyl* 

vania,  p.   11. 

2  Ainal  r:cport  of  tho  UlI^«W»rt  :>shool  v:i3trict  for 


otmc.  wit  «ijn»o 

-latni  •!!»  :  mm  okiam  ifi»T 

..^slLIl .uUtti  .'••'«^< 


Mdlat*  grades,  Ml«»  Boaglami  visit o4  siglity-tKO  schools 
twico  s  aontb.  Sho  found  that  the  work  mss  rathor  hard  in 
the  larL'c  assoahly  rooas.  Host  of  the  tsaolMTS  woro 
•ti«i<l"  hut  "in  90Q0  of  the  rooas  the  work  mss  vry  good," 
Xoprovosieat  of  tone  was  Miss  Hosfiland's  chief  objective. 
She  requested  that  pitch  pipes  l>e  supplied  all  teachers. 

In  1^06  Miss  Jessie  laino  bocaas  aosic  suporvisor. 
B^  this  tiae  ausic  had  been  extended  into  the  hi4;h  school 
sod  progress  was  being  aado  in  all  grades.  The  teachers 
BOW  had  pitch  pipes  which  proved  to  bo  of  valuable  aid. 
Many  schools  could  now  "sing  through  poges  of  exercises  up 
to  pitch  while  heretofore  they  would  be  out  of  tune  at  the 
end  of  tho  first  exercise  and  continue  worse  to  the  end  of 
the  lesson,"  This  was  considerod  "worth  a  year's  work." 
Efforts  wore  laade  to  olevat©  the  aiisical  taste  of 
pupils  by  giving  the  "best  song's  la-ocurablo"  to  all  iprades. 
Miss  Kline  devised  a  systca  of  aonthly  outlines  to  obtain 
aore  uniforaity  of  wora:.  Stories  of  Lives  of  ?Iusiciana 
were  placed  in  the  sixth  grade  as  suppleaentary  readioij. 
This  was  intended  as  a  start  in  a  chronological  study  of 
the  great  ausic ians. 

4  Ibid, 

3  Annual  Report  of  the  Public  Schools  of  l/illiaasrxyt  for 

G  Ibid. 

AT  eef  ian« 



Kiss  Kline  cancludMl  h«r  work  a9  auslc  aap«rvisor 
in  Hay  of  1910.  At  tho  enci  of  this  school  year  a  concert 
givon  by  fourteen  hun<3r«<l  childron  friw  all  over  tho 

city.  It  was  to  everyone's  satisfaction  that  they  avAg 

•with  precision  and  aociiraoy  of  tone," 


In  1910  Lillian  M.  Reider  Ueca«s  nasic  supervisor. 
KMCh  of  the  story  of  the  developaent  of  ausic  in  the  public 
schools  of  K  illiaJtsport  is  e«bodietl  in  her  w<wW,  As  super- 
visor of  ausic  froa  1310  to  1036  Mrs.  Reider  won  the 
highest  respect  anU  gratitude  of  ths  entire  coamunity  for 
her  zeal  aaU  devotion  to  her  work.  Hundreds  of  aen  and 
woaeii  ewe  their  interest  in  good  anaic  to  the  fact  that 
Mrs.  Seider  accepted  her  assigfiasat  »•  aore  than  a  Job 
or  position.  She  looked  upon  it  as  a  aission. 

Raving  received  her  ausical  training  at  Cornell 
University  she  suppleaented  her  original  study  with 
suaaer  courses  from  tiae  to  tiae.  Always  alert  to  iaprov* 
ing  her  aethods  of  teaching  she  never  nissed  an  opporttiaity 
to  attend  conventions  to  exchange  ideas  with  other  super- 

7  Annual  Ueport  of  the  Public  Schools  of  i  illiasasport  for 
1910  »  1911,  p.  36. 

3  The  Williaasport  Sun,  July  25,  1340,  p.  8, 


;^1««  tIMfl'   l^etft  ml.  :    t*«r  10 

, 'toe ivt.^ <%;»;•    j.r?'"''*    -»f;»;o« 

if.'.      J  4*   t   V'     '^' 

-.-JJ'    25.7"  r     n 

.i     *K**'"  JlWiV 


■m*  ICidM*  put  lauch  Ofl^Iiasls  on  toacliine  tbo  school 
<All(lr«ii  to  road  ausic  and  to  sing  on  pitch.  Sh«  trainod 
the  various  grade  school  teachers  to  carry  out  tbo  proiTui 
add  flBMle  periodic  visits  to  each  grade  to  chock  tho 
students*  progress. 

Observance  of  National  Husic  V^k,  was  instituted  in 
the  Williaaaport  Schools  in  132U  at  which  tiae  hunurous  of 
school  chilxlren  troa  the  ^^rades  Joined  in  laass  concerts 
with  tho  Higli  School  Glee  Club.  Kany  forocr  students 
recall  the  thi*ill  of  joining  in  sin4;in42  with  such  a  £;roup« 
Clad  in  white  and  placed  on  bleachers  extending  tier  upon 
tier  on  the  stage  the  pupils  exhibited  the  practice  and 
training  they  tiad  undergone. 

Xosic  aeoory  contests  were  also  an  i^ortant  annual 
event,  tly  aeans  of  these,  school  children  were  introduced 
to  tho  aaatorpiocoa.  In  the  spring  thoy  asseoblea  at  tho 
high  school  to  be  tested  on  their  recognition  of  then. 
Those  lAo  successfully  passed  the  tost  proudly  wore  pins 
which  wore  awarded  tbea. 

One  of  tho  earliest  aabitiona  roaliced  by  ?£rs. 
Eeider  was  the  fonaatioa  of  tho  High  School  Orchestra. 
This  occurred  in  1314  soon  after  the  new  hifib  school  was 
built.  When  ansio  was  requested  tor  the  opening  of  the 
new  building  Hrs.  Reider  trained  about  tifo  dozen  instru- 
■eatalists  to  play  for  the  dedicatory  program. 



....  ,.  f 

air'  -^wMp*- 





&*••  Rei<lor  folt  It  was  laQwrtant  to  train  children 
at  as  early  ag«  to  provlda  a  £t>od  nucloua  for  hl^  school 
aatorlal*  To  this  ond  she  put  hor  efforts  into  (M<saiiis» 
lig  a  grade  sciiool  orchestra  in  Dsosal»er  of  1314.  Basio 
to  this,  violin  classes  were  foniea.  The  seaborshlp  of 
these  classes  eventually  rooohed  236  In  the  grades  aad 




hlsh  school.   Fiv»5i  Instructors  wars  rsqulrod.  t   ^k^' 

First  violinist  la  this  first  orchestra  uas  a 
frsshaan,  Osborne  Housel,  the  present  director  of  Instru- 
aental  ttislc  at  the  hl^h  school.  Pianist  was  Sloanor 
Sebrlog  Karaaa. 

After  Krs.  Relder  had  organised  the  orchestra 
Professor  C.  S.  Shields  took  on  the  duties  of  director. 
Professor  Shields  taught  bond  Instruaeats  in  a  studio 
la  Tlarket  Square.  He  gave  two  hours  of  class  instruction 
Mtoh  week  to  all  hlj^h  school  orchestra  aMribers.  On  Hon- 
dSQTt  WMaasdar  and  Priclay  aornings  the  orchestra  appsarsd 
In  chapel.  On  Tuesday  and  Thursday  the  Kandolln  Club  play* 
ed  uador  the  direction  of  Profsssor  Gustav  r.lioimnn. 
Professor  Shields  also  directed  the  T.  H.  C.  A.  Orchestra 
irtilch  was  cooposod  mostly  of  high  school  students. 

He  also  directed  th«  Grade  School  Orohostra  which 

0  Tbs  muiaasport  Sua.  July  20,  1945,  p.  4« 
10  The  Dally  Gaaette  and  amiotla.  Movsaber  12,  1024,  p. 


9  c^ 


its  IzUtlAl  app««rano«  at  a  higH  aohool  assoably  on 
3,  1315. 

A  piniMicl*  in  Jfrs.  Reider's  aiabltioua  uodortalcloga 
MM  thm   organization  of  the  Higti  8«lMOl  Band  in  1:;25.  TlM 
band  Naa  forswd  to  raapoad  to  a  raquest  for  a  nusioal  unit 
for  a  state  oslstiration  now  forgotten* 

Mrs*  Ksid«r  rooallod  thlo  as  a  oost  difficult  pro- 
ject bsoanaa  of  ths  lack  of  funds.  Tier  budget  Mas  $75.00 
at  the  tiae.  nowever,  ^s  built  up  coawnity  Interest. 
Vitb  tbe  airport  of  Ibjor  Soagland  aaa  such  inaiviUuols 
as  Eimest  Oavis»  Walter  9oiMan»  Cbarlos  .^kufk,  Ciiorlos 
arewaell,  and  Pk*edariok  Hanson  the  wgatiization  of  the  baad 
Mas  realized,  me  Tetsqits  aaad  aod  tlie  Aaarioan  Legioa 
Bsad  helpea  by  delating  instruaents.  The  Parent -Teachers 
Association  with  Vr9*   STei^ton  Chatbaa  aided  greatly  by 
sultscrlbin^  funds  for  instraasats  and  for  the  salary  of 
the  hsodi  director.  This  i£i*oup  continued  its  financial 

support  until  the  williaaaport  School  Ooard  aade  allowanco 

for  the  band  in  its  badi^t.   TlM  hand's  first  uniforas 

consisted  of  cherry  and  white  paper  caps  and  dark  trousers. 

Kshsarsals  of  both  the  band  and  orchestra  were  held  in 

Trinity  Parish  House  because  of  the  objection  of  other  hi|^ 

school  t  sQcbars  to  the  noise. 

11  The  hHliaa^>ort  Sun,  August  ai,  l^SO,  p.  IG. 

imqivt  iMt 

1  VjH^UA  ' 

.jCNftR^  »<; 


yWK«»->  •• 

A  -^  ..  «>«.. 


fr  iii  *%•'*'■■  r-'t 


tiM  lauaical  projects  for  which  Hrs.  RttlUar  Mas 
greatly  responsible  was  the  securing  of  a  $10,000.00 
Mollor  pipe  w^an  for  the  hitjh  school.  In  hor  visits  to 
the  city  schools  lira,   Reider  aroused  the  enthusiasa  of 
all  the  school  children  to  bring  pennies  for  the  organ 
fund.  A  cosmittee  of  citizens  was  f(»raed  with  Mr.  Cliorlos 
G,  Ourk  as  chaiman  to  raise  the  needed  aoncy.  The  Paront- 
Teacher  Association  also  gave  its  support.  As  a  result 
the  (»*gan  was  presented  to  the  school  October  5,  1^22. 
A  plaque  to  this  effect  was  placed  in  the  hig^  school. 
Mr.  Frederic  Ifanson  was  the  architect  for  the  organ. 

Mr,  T.  LeRoy  Lyaan  served  as  school  organist  tor 
soao  years.  Later  Paul  Daugherty  fillod  the  post;  finally 
Students  were  allowed  to  play  the  orjan. 

When  Mrs.  Reider  resigned  as  ousic  supervisor  in 
1935  her  interest  did  not  wane.  She  t<^s  active  in  the 
Susquehanna  Valley  In-and-^^bout  Music  Club  and  Mational 
Music  Eklucators  Club  in  both  of  which  ah9   was  a  past 
president.  She  was  prominent  in  the  Pennsylvania  State 
Education  Association,  having  been  chairoan  of  the  lausic 
section  in  1932.  She  was  given  an  honorary  aenbership  in 

the  Williaasport  Music  Club  and  often  served  on  cocmitteos 

for  state  casipetition  imisic  festivals. 

12  The  hilliaasport  Sun,  July  20,  1945,  p.  4. 


.  'iz. 




BeeauM  l&*s.  Relder'a  interest  lay  in  her  foraer 
students ,  the  Lillian  X.  ReiUer  Male  Chorus  was  tormnil. 
On  August  Vi ,   193C,  a  group  of  «sa  who  had  sting  in  JftB, 
Relder's  sale  quartets  between  1)1?  and  1935  aet  at  Leo's 
Dining  Roon,  Quest  of  honctf'  was  Xrs*  Raider  to  wh(Mi  joth 
the  party  and  the  plans  were  a  surprise.  The  group 
wished  to  L>scoa«  active  as  an  aaateur  singintf  <»*sanization 
with  the  purpose  of  providing  siusical  ontertaimnent  for 
civic  and  coaaunity  affairs* 

After  1J36  others  were  added  to  the  chorus.  Accoo- 
psnists  have  i>eea  ^ther  noa^lanat  HawftTd  Reese  and  i:ieanor 
Earnan.  Presidents  have  been  Andrew  Winter,  Charles  Shooter, 
Ernest  Lei^h,  Forrest  Condon  and  Archibald  Roacland, 

The  gTMV  enjoyed  auch  popularity.  Aaon^  its  cn- 
gageasnts  was  as  appsaranco  at  the  Pennsylvania  Polk  Pesti* 
val  in  Keaorial  Stadiua,  Bucknell  University.  At  this  event 
the  chorus  provided  their  own  stage  settinj^  of  seaaen*s 
paraphernalia  as  they  appeared  in  sailor  aiddies  to  slag 
a  ip^oqp  of  sea  chanteys. 

Mtaaa  the  chorus  was  forced  to  break  up  during  world 
w«r  II  Xrs.  Keider  ixaintaineu  postal  headquarters  at  her 
haae.  She  saw  to  it  that  a  steady  flow  of  correspondence 
slowly  but  surely  found  its  way  to  each  of  the  aen  scatter* 

13  The  Killiaasport  Sun,  August  17,  1936,  p.  4 

-rT   ntrrr' 

;  ;■ 







•d  all  aver  tlM  world.^^ 

Vtma   the  \mr  •nd«U  the  groBp  reoriranlzod  la  1D46. 
AlthoMgh  Xr««  ReiUer  was  in  her  el|;hty-*f Irot  yr   tfie 
renHMd  dii^ection  of  the  croup  with  sprightly  ea«rg7. 
The  chorxis  reaained  together  for  a  few  yeara  until  Krs. 
Raider  loft  the  city  to  live  nith  her  son  at  Weat  I^eania, 
Ifasaaehuaetts,  where  she  now  realdas* 

Tha  City  of  iUUaasport  haa  reaUsed  the  s^at 
Gontrihution  Hra.  Rcider  haa  aade  toward  helping  younr; 
people  to  appracUte  ausic.  She  haa  baea  the  recipient  of 
aeveral  honors.  She  received  a  citation  at  a  aran<lon  Pai^ 
CoMamity  Sin;;  in  1341.  A  concert  by  the  Willianaport 
Civic  Oroheatra  on  Deoaabar  6,  1960,  was  dedicated  to  her. 
One  of  the  aoat  covetiKl  prizes  at  hi^;^  school  coosaKsnccacnts 
la  the  one  sivea  by  the  Parent -Taachar  Association  in  ?{rs. 
Raider's  honor.  It  recognises  "high  aeholarship,  excell- 
in  ayaic  aad  aost  willing  asd  da|»aadable  aervicc." 

"Wharavar  Krs.  Reider  aovad  In  this  cosaaunity  auaic 
want  with  her  -  and  it  lingera  on  in  her  abaence  through 
aearea  of  acn  and  waaaa  wba  continue  to  draw  pleaaure  froa 
tha  anaic  appraoiatioa  ahe  gave  thea*"^^ 

14  Tha  willlaaaport  Siyt.  Hay  4,  1943,  p.  4, 
16  The  WUliaaaport  S^a,  S^y  23,   1952,  p.  3. 
16  Ibid. 

itB  tf 


sO    91tC 

'■-*-   ti^^ 



turn*  Xrs.  R«i(i«r  left  ttia  acbooi.  igrstMi  ttMure  has 
IHMQ  no  ousic  8upei*vlsor  av«r  all  the  schools.     In  1341 
Louis*  Stryter  itos  appolntod  sopsrvlsor  of  th«  grsds 
MlUMls.     Miss  Strykwr  ba4  taught  auslc  at  Cur  tin  Junior 
Ilgh  School  froa  1335  to  1341  after  sraduating  froa  Te^lo 
Tteiverslty.     She  lator  receivsd  hw  «ast«r*s  dsjcrse  thers. 
Pollowing  her  wsrk  in  the  grade  sehools  Kiss  Stryker  wsnt 
to  Stevens  Junior  nigh  School  nhere  slM  *ias  In  charge  of 
ousic.     In  19S6  she  was  appointed  to  teach  ausic  at  ths 
Higli  soiiool.    Hiss  Stryker  is  also  organist  and  choir 
ciirector  of  the  Ieirt>erry  Kethodist  Church. 

Following  Louise  Stryker,  Dooald  Frsed  was  appoint od  - 
to  w^ervlse  ausic  in  the  grafOss*    Wm  tfsvsloped  a  Si»ll 
orohestra  eoivotsd  of  grade  school  children.     In  1980  he 
was  transferred  to  assist  in  the  instmoental  prograa  at 

ths  high  school. 

In  1 >3C  Deloyce  Barringtoa  was  hired  for  instrunental 
teaching  in  the  grades.     John  v,  Tetersoa  was  also  atfdod      _- 
to  assist  In  the  instrutsental  work  at  the  high  school.     This 
includes  direction  of  th*  hand  In  outdoor  perforaanoes  ouch 
as  football  gaaes  or  parades. 


After  the  High  School  Band  was  first  organised  tqr 




m»0  U»itlWf  amrlM»  IToU  vaA  VilliMi  Gowera  w«re  oarly 


OmrlmB  Xoll,  a  bond  ImmIm*  for  mora  than  forty- 
•ovoa  yeare»  boo  dircctou  tho  Junior  Ropaoz  rkmd,  tho 
Citismis  BMd  of  South  i^Ulioaoport ,  tlM  L  0  0  X  Qandv 
t!n  Vlllijuaaport  Wlro  Ropo  Buid,  ths  HuiKor  Citizono  3ana 
and  tuo  Jww&f  Shof  aond.     Mftny  local  rosldont*  roaM^or 
tiM  KixopUoae  quartet  of  whioh  Kr.  IToll  «rm  a  naolMrt 
ubioh  ploywi  carola  at  Cbristaaa  tlreugh  tbe  olty.     Ttot 
otbor  pillars  More  LoKoy  SchoU,  Patar  £•  Solnaidar  aad 
hoaley  Xmuff .    At  aionlsht  tha  0P«qp  alMaya  coacludaa 
thalr  caroUias  ^  playing  0  Holy  Hight  fro*  tha  balfry 
•f  St*  Mark* 8  Lutharea  CburoU.     For  tha  paat  five  years 
Mr»  Voll  Has  boon  airoctor  of  inatruaental  ooaic  at  tha 
eaatern  Pil^rlB  Holiaosa  Collasa  at  /aiontowa.* 

Mr.  Gowers  Kaa  froa  Kuncy.     He  ooae  to  tho  hlQti 
school  oaly  for  bona  practice* 

In  1927  Gaorga  LalMaa  baeaaa  haad  ooU  orohaatra 
director.     Ha  was  aupplantad  by  J»  Moi'nard  Wettlauf«»r  in 
1330  whan  ha  loft  tUo  city  to  take  a  poaition  at  tha  LoA 
Havon  State  Teachers*  Collego.^ 

17    Tac     iilisMport  Stttt«Qe»atta.  Daoairtbar  24,  1965,  p. 
13    TIM  VUliaaaport  San,  Aiaguat  31,  1360,  p.  16. 
19    VdA. 

t  • 




^x*>  tton 


Vj  i ' 



AMR  i0f* 



»H      .•» 

4-i         ,>.i       ^V»- 

J  •*»/TJli»«*[3  i,  A  i. 

Dr.  J.  Kaynard  v^ttlaufw  Is  a  product  of  th*  Vill* 
iMMport  soUools.     Sioo«  I»«giattia8  lii*  stuuy  of  tha  piano 
and  vloXia  at  tha  age  of  six  ha  baa  advancaa  atcadily  In 
auaio  to  :>ecoae  aatioaally  raco^ised  for  his  brilliaut 
•SSS^plislMaata  with  school  tiands* 

AltfMM(2h  he  was  prfxainent  in  tha  ausical  organiaa* 
tions  of  tlia  high  school,  tia  aatarad  Colgate  University  the  idea  of  becoming  a  elMsiat.     HoNvver,  after  %fln- 
ikiiig  a  ousic  scholarship  th^r^e,  be  gava  up  science  for 
.  car..r  ta  «>,lc.'' 

Olpsa  graduation  in  lC}2a  Us  usiit  to  the  higti  school 
at  Harrisburt:,  Illinois,  whore  he  directed  band  and  orch« 
estra  for  oaa  year.     Following  that  ho  Joined  the  faculty 
sf  Vorth  Dalcota  Uaivoralty  as  head  of  tl^  string  depart » 
sent.     In  1330  he  returned  to  his  ho«s  town  as  instruaontal 
director  in  the  hi^^  school.     In  his  spare  tiae  he  studied 
violin  with  K.  Hart  Dugbss  and  played  in  the  TimiiiMUMii  t 


Symphony .^  During  the  soaaar  aonths  he  studied  at  the 
Sherwood  Cooservatory  at  Chicago  whara  he  received  a  ousic 
dagrae  in  Iddd* 

In  1986  lb*.  Wettlaufer  loft  ifilliaxisport  to  talcs  the 

20  Grit.  Hay  30.  194a,  Saws  Section,  p.  2. 

21  kiiliao^yort  Sua^Ggusette.  Deoaahar  24,  1355,  p.  7. 
«    Ibicl. 




i  a  't&LxJis>t.   -v its  3fci 

«•!;»?'<««    ^r 





post  of  nrnalc  director  of  the  schools  at  Prc^port,  Long 
Islanil.  rurlni:  ^is  twenty  years  there  he  has  gained 
national  faae  for  his  bands  and  orchestras.  Ills  groups 
have  pcrfontsd  at  sany  Important  events  auch  as  pro- 
fessional t>aseball  gflUMS,  Madison  Square  Garden  affairs 
and  aovie  premiers.  Television  viewers  MEttched  Dr, 

t#ettlaufer  and  his  band  laarch  up  Fifth  Avsnue  in  Macy*s 

gigantic  Christnas  parade  on  Thanksgiving  Day  in  1^)55 • 

After  taking  his  present  position  at  Freeport  Dr. 
Wettlaufer  continued  his  study  to  attain  his  laaster's 
dsgree  froa  Sew  York  University  and  his  doctor's  degree 
in  anisic  from  ^e\<  York  College  of  Xusic  in  1950. 

Hunerous  articles  by  Dr.  Wettlaufer  have  appeared 
in  "Ktude,"  "Musical  Journal,"  "Instrumentalist,"  "School 
Musician,"  and  others.  Ke  has  also  written  a  text  bo^ 
"Suildlng  a  Show  Jland,"  for  the  use  of  young  band  oasters. 
In  addition  he  has  written  several  susical  shows  for 
leading  Hew  York  companies. 

Dr.  Wettlaufer  has  supervised  the  Kassau  County 
orchestra  prograas;  he  is  a  asaber  of  the  executive 
board  of  the  iTew  York  State  School  Music  Association}  he 

23  Ibid. 

24  Ibid. 

otAD  MUMS  mitil  IMM  tai\vmltf^ 

-Mil    •«d 
(.ViJv..       >.    ..  -'•«> 


1«  listed  in  "Who's  Nho  in  ?<u8lc."^ 

Folloiriag  Dr*  i/«ttlaufer,  Osboma  Rousel  b«c«BO   — 
direct (u*  of  instruaeotal  ausic  in  the  higti  school. 

Bora  in  Pbil«Ml«lphia  on  Dsosahsr  16,  la-iJ,  OslKsms 
ISMsl  cam*   with  his  faoily  to  this  city  at  the  ago  of 
five.  On  his  sixth  birtfKiay  he  mss  given  a  druci.  Be 
Uiscarded  this  y^ry   soon  in  favor  of  a  violin  given  his 
by  an  uncle  who  Mas  in  the  ousic  buslnosa  in  Muncy.  After 
eight  years  of  study  with  Oustav  Klieoann  ho  continued 
violin  uith  E.  Hart  !^bee.  Re  playod  in  tho  Wiiliaosport 
tymnhony's  first  concert  under  Hir«  BHgbss  in  I^IS.  Having 
started  in  the  last  chair  of  the  second  violins  he  advancoU 
id-thin  four  years  to  tho  first  chair  of  ths  second  violins. 

At  the  oncoura«sa«»t  of  fb*.  Bwg^ee  hs  ifsat  to  Hqv 
Terk  i^ere  he  studied  for  two  years  with  Frans  Kneisel. 
Upon  his  return  to  Williaasport  IM  Altered  into  a  versa- 
tile anisioal  career.  Besides  doing  soae  toaching  aou 
occupying  ths  first  chair  as  concertaeistor  of  the 
Wiiiiaasport  Syaphony  (^chostra  hs  sppear^l  frequently  as 
a  soloist}  ha  also  played  in  the  theaters  and  had  his  own 
daaos  orchestra. 

An  unfortiaoats  sijht  weeks  SMgngsasnt  at  a  dance 
hall  in  Doidcirk,  Vsir  York,  prompted  hia  to  give  up  his 

2^  Q«*lt.  Hoy  ao,  1943»  Hews  Section,  p.  2. 




a' J  i  d  kit^  ■-■• 

7  <W«  VSH4    •>' 

•W    tl^O    9i-«K 




donoo  orchfistra.  Th«  mu  tiho  bail  hired  th«a  diwpp— fd 
witliout  p«7ins  tboir  feoa.  TCr.  nou««l  aMiuaiod  the  re«pon« 
•ibllity  to  pA7  aaob  Mm  firoa  his  own  poekat. 

Aftar  giving;  up  tho  danco  orchestra  Mr.  Bouse  1 
taught  with  ?fr.  Bugbae.  He  also  tauc^t  violin  classes  in 
the  public  schools  until  1936  when  he  he<»«e  instruaental 
director  at  the  high  sohool,  the  positisa  he  now  occupies. 
Nhile  teaching  in  the  high  school  Xr.  Housel  pursued 
studies  at  the  Sastann  School  of  M[usic  until  he  reccivod 
his  Bachelor  of  ?tusic  de0*e«« 

Hr.  Hoiasel  has  been  active  in  the  Pennsylvania 
■Mie  Educators  Association.  He  mm  prosident  of  the 
central  district  in  l^ii&i     be  has  often  ctmducted  auditions 
and  sectional  rehearsals  for  the  ausic  festivsas}  hs  Imm 
conducted  on  the  pr<H7'aas  of  th«  association  several  tines. 
For  six  successive  sumeners  he  Mas  guest  conductor  at  the 
Tally  Bo  Music  Ca^p  in  ITsw  York  State. 

Xr.  nousel  is  at  present  the  onductor  of  the 
tifilliaBSport  Syaphooy  Orchestra  disousMd  in  an  earlier 

Ifli  BX08  SOnOL  1M3ID  AID  ORCBBSTRA  '^"^ 

With  tht>  succession  of  directors  the  ausic  progrwt 
of  the  high  scnool  has  enlarged  its  activities. 

The  band  has  increased  froa  its  original  size  of 


in  flMTt)  nzn  xLatte  tJitt  t-f  v 


i<ft?r  crit 

v^-/ :'  lOB*^  .-r-r'^ 

t«  caSftott 


4iD;j  A£^Z^ 

'  *    ^*v   tr.-triilijrjf  !:5 


?«!t  f»   !»tJ» 

s.n  Gt*  ','«rrr».ftXi5»  e«ri  ieorJae  r^ 


tiMnt7-flvtt  SMibers  to  about  one  hnadiMkl  timnty«-thr«e. 
Traveling  in  throo  buses  th«  bmoA  plsys  at  out <-of -town 
football  aal  basest  ball  gMMS  mm  trail  as  tboso  at  hoow. 
It  plays  for  civic  paraiclss* 

AltlKNigli  tbs  band  la  ioainly  subaidized  by   th«  School 
District  a  BanU  Parents  Association  mtpplies  and  cares  for 
uniforas.  The  band  aakes  a  saart  a^p««*ance  in  its  cherry 
maA   whito  unifonto  preceded  by  a  higb^steppiog  group  of 
■ajorets.  The  girls  have  received  instruction  during  the 

froa  Oliver  Helarich,  local  nationally  known  bnton 



With  the  close  of  the  football  soason  the  eaphaais 
shifts  froa  the  band  to  the  orchestra. 

Forth-three  years  has  seen  the  orchestra  aoisbcrship 
fro*  twenty-five  to  over   fifty, 

Xk*.  Housel,  the  j»*esent  director,  recalls  that  amay 
havs  taken  place.  The  orchssti^a  of  ldl4  consistsd 
of  violinsi  'cellos,  clarinets,  cornets,  druas  and  piano. 
Ths  instrtiaentatioa  of  the  present  orcbostra  is  13  violins, 
ft  violas,  4  •cellos,  2  string  basses,  4  flutes,  4  ciixrincts, 
3  saxophonaa,  2  oboos,  1  bassoon,  5  French  norns,  4  trump- 
ets, a  troabones,  1  tuba,  1  tiflq;>ani,  'J   percussion  and  a 


*•    flEil»  Oct«^r  16t  ■•H*  Ssction,  p.  ID^   (1955) 
27     Grit.  Deooabar  13,  1955,  5few8  Section,  p.   3G. 

iy  I  .Eli';.         '  *  ■  ■>*'%1[ti9fi1/ 

'^  Mr-  w 



*■  ^  ?;rT?^?'5 


:j5*£s;^-ai   isi4*j 


Another  inter oat inc  oooparison  of  the  oarly  and 
pr«s«at  orcli««tra«  Is  the  chance  In  personnol.  >/hll»  the 
«arllor  orchestra  had  only  ohout  thro«  girls  ths  prss«Bt 
otts  tmm  aors  Qirl9  tbaa  tx^s. 

TIM  Bleb  School  Orchestra  proviUes  ■usic  for  various 
iOlMoi  ma   coowmlty  affairs.  During  Susie  Wools  the  group 
appears  in  concert  in  tho  Junior  hi-h  schools.  Durinc  the 
•ohool  tcra  the  orchestra  as  weU  as  the  band  plays  for 
otepel  prosroas.  The  two  organizations  appear  in  ooe 

foraol  concert  each  spring.  A  tiaace  orchestra  also  fur- 

nishes  the  aosic  for  senior  ana  junior  hifih  parties. 

Dirine  the  school  tern  one  period  a  day  is  given  to 

tlie  hand  aad  one  to  stringed  instrui^nts.  Thsse  elates 

aay  be  ohosen  by  tho  student o  as   elective  subjects. 

Since  1333  soanor  ousic  prograas  have  been  carried 

on  in  July  and  August.  In  1045  tho  tiae  was  increased 

fron  si>:  to  ei[^t  weeks.  Hero  sooo  of  the  school  cbiiaron 

get  tlisir  first  experience  with  iastruoents  and  continue 

with  instrtatents  of  their  choice  tbroagli  the  school  tero. 

Lsssens  ore  given  on  all  instrunents  as  well  as  baton 

twlrliBg,  rifle  spinning  and  the  mdiasnts  of  precision 

28  Ibid. 

29  Ibiu. 
80  Ibid. 




,,i,A  f.  .1  j»'«4     iV 


In  tiM  saaaer  of  1030  over  six  hundred  studonts 

froA  tho  throe  ;}unlor  hi£ha  and  the  •enlor  hlgli  school 

took  aUvaataco  of  this  prosram. 

men  SCHOOL  oioral  orodps 

In  tho  oarly  nlaeteen«t%ieotio8  Hiss  Emm^  Kiess 
MBS  in  clisrss  of  the  glee  olubs*  SIM  is  reaeaberea  for 
lier  lovely  voice  and  her  frequent  oppeorancds  as  a  solo- 
ist with  tho  glee  clubs.  In  addition  to  her  school  work 
siM  also  taught  voioo  privately. 

Aa  exteasive  choral  protraa  has  been  developed  dur« 
ing  the  past  thirty  years  under  the  direction  of  Hiss 
Katbryn  Riggle  i4ho  caae  to  the  hij[;h  school  in  1^20.  Hiss 
Louise  Stryker  was  appointed  vocal  diroctor  when  Hiss 
Riggle  retired  in  1356. 

Aasae  the  choral  groups  are  a  aixod  chorus,  a  senior 
glee  club,  sirls*  trioa  and  other  saaller  grmq>s.  A  boys* 
quartet  specialised  in  barber  shop  haraoay.  All  theso 
orpuiisatiaiM  appew*  frequently  at  service  clubs  and  on 
other  prosraos* 

Classes  ia  ousic  thoory  are  also  taucht  as  elect ivo 

31  willisasport  Sun-GasettOp  July  5  1356,  p.  10. 

;f  eWP^J   *f9ti 



'Zi'^tii    i  j^ ci-in:.  Lii 



At  tbm  Curt  in  Junior  Higb  Sobool  isisio  uireotors 
tew  !>•«&  XiM  Xolli*  M«is>  Xi88  Louise  Stryicor,  fUM 
BliaalMth  Sins  sua  Mr*  EiciiarU  Sloyjaugh.    Tin  Jjittsr  tvo 
•r«  pr»««atly  in  cubits*  of  voeai  aou  instruoGntal  work 

At  the  Stevens  Junior  ni^b  ^ios  Pauline  Lloyd , 
Kiss  Louise  Strylcer  tana  ot  present  Hiss  Pliyllis  Courtney 
have  direeteU  the  aosic  progntfu 

At  the  Boosevelt  Junior  Rlsh  School  Hiss  Florence 
Kilsoa  woo  tho  first  ausic  toochor.    Siss  Wilson  ba<l  been 
an  aaella>>  teacher  at  the  Ja^soa  School.     During  tho 
siMssMm  she  stuaioo  ausic  as  w^st  Chester  ana  took  tfork 
with  Bollis  Daim*    Khsa  the  new  Roosevelt  Junior  nigh 
SsiUKil  was  built  sho  was  appointed  ausic  uirector  there* 
After  a  loas  aatt  ciistinsuishoa  tera  of  service  she  was 
jMOoesilsd  hy  Mrs*  Letha  Sincor  tfetRMXi&r  in  1J8^« 

In  the  early  aineteen-thirties  an  orchestra  was 
Started  by  Oshorne  Sousel  in  the  aominu'S  before  school. 
Mhoa  Wtm  Housel  w«nt  to  the  high  school  in  X9B6  E.  Hart 
H^lhoe  took  over  the  orohestra.    Later  !lrs*  GlnUys  Crooor 
Kle^caer  was  appointed  to  diroct  iostruaental  work*     She 
aaa  lirs*  MoMOOHer  directed  tho  ausic  prograa  until  1^01. 
At  present  Seaoeth  Ifasterson  is  Instrustontol  director. 
Aqr  Steo^er  was  appointed  in  1950  as  vocal  diroct <»<. 

r^'WtX^  ^g.^'Ki  »'iU 

■■■^t»   Itr, 'rj**!^* 

3  em 

All  tlic  Junior  hlshs  iaaintaia  ninth  grade  choru«6«, 
slxed  slo9  olut>s,  boy  cboirt,  Qirl9*   gl«o  clubs,  bonds  anU 
gr«b««tras*  Spaoial  and  •laborats  |»ageant8  and  oporattas 
ara  praMotad  aaoli  r«ar* 

fORHR  SimXfS  I^  lOS  TSUSIC  PROfBSSICar       ^ —  Q  <^ 

TIM  afforts  of  tha  priatfy  «ad  aMooUary  schools  to 
ifl«»lant  In  cixlldroa  an  appreciation  of  ausic  hava  succaaaad 
In  Wllliaaaport  on  a  fraqoaocy  wall  aMva  tha  avoraga  for 

nniiiinlttm  of  tbla  siaa.  Haay  looal  young  people  bava 

gons  on  to  aBaioal  careers. 

I^llowina  !•  a  list  of  aany  who  having  asda  aarious 

auaic  thair  profasaion  are  eagagad  in  concert  work  or 

taaohiag  la  acboolsi 

KLaiaa  Siiaffert  Graduate  of  Curtis  Xnstituto  of  Ttuaic) 
flautist  with  Kansas  City  SgrapHsagr  and  Houston 
a|fpi!isny;  concert  work  in  this  country  and  in 
Baropat  aarriod  to  Cfraa  Hurtz,  ooaductor  of  tha 
Liverpool  Orcheatra  in  Baglaad.'^ 

DaiMld  Voorbaaai  Conductor  of  Dell  TeXaphooe  Orchestra. 

Robert  Swan I  Graduate,  Eustaan  School  of  Ibiaic;  San 
Antonio  Syai^ony  orcheatra  i  bead  of  percussion 

32  The  iv'illiaasport  Sui|,  Siarch  4,  ia55,  p.  1. 

aa  Milliaa^>ort  3un^<iaacttc .  Daoaabar  24,  IJOS,  p.  6. 

iittnsi  iVjli 


■f?*  «" 


■  ■? 

inatrwusents  ana  business  aaoafitr  of  Radio  City 

Kussell  Hillert  Stuaied  violin  Kith  Osborne  Housel  and 
Florence  D^vrey  of  Dickinson  Jr.  College}  graduate 
of  Juilliard  School  of  Music |  S««  Orleans  Symphony { 
on  faculty  of  Suckaoll  University;  now  on  faculty 
of  Jlorth  Texas  State  College. ^^ 

Bslle  Piticei  Miss  Mabel  Rothfuss  in  in*ivate  lifet  graduate, 
Peabody  Institute  of  Music $  soprano  with  Don  Carlos 
Opera  CompsLjaf   in  Sew  York.   City. 

John  Kintersteen}  Staff  organist  for  Anerican  Broadcasting 
Ca^pMor  in  ITew  T<Hrk  City}  solo  organist  for  Para* 
■ouat  Theaters  in  Denver,  Dallas,  Sasbville  and 
Cedar  Rapids  and  for  Kivoli  ana  Rial to  Theaters  la 
jfs»  York  City}  staff  <xrgaaist  for  national  Inroad- 
oastins  Coiapany;  radio  and  television;  known  today 
as  "Johnny  hint or s  and  his  Keyboards." 

Pearl  Applegate  3oylei   Studied  piano  locally  with  Blanche 
▲liplegate  and  Mrs.  Prank  Otto;  i;raduate.  Pea body 
Conservatory  of  Music;  on  faculty  of  Marcum  School, 
Srya  Mawr  and  Curtis  Institute  of  Music;  co-director 

34  Ibid. 

35  Ibiu. 
8«  Ibid. 

with  husband,  the  late  George  Boyle,  of  CU>yle  Piano 
Studios  In  Philadelphia)  now  teaching  privately 
in  Philadelphia. 
Donald  lYeedt  (See  chapter  on  Villlamsport  Civic  Sya^hony) 
BmLly  Oavisi  Graduate,  Juilliard  School  of  Husic;  Ifastcr's 
fieigrse,  1347}  taught  piano  privately  in  ifilliaasport ; 
on  faculty  of  Randolph  Kacon  Woaan*s  College  194  3  - 
1^51;  now  of  faculty  at  Castaan  School  of  Husic. 
Paul  Harding)  Graduate,  Buckncll  University,  1923} 

Xaster*s  Tegree  froa  The  Pennsylvania  State  Univers- 
ity, 1933 {  attended  Cincinnati  CoU.s«;e  of  Music  and 
Ohio  State  University;  taught  vocal  and  instrumental 
■usic  at  Hars,  Pa.,  Corapolis,  Pa.,  four  suiaaer 
ssssions  as  string  instructor  at  Pemi^lvaaia  State 
University)  sLx  years  teaching  band  and  orchestra 
in  evening  school  of  Washington  and  Jefferson 

College)  now  at  Washington,  Pa.  lAsre  he  organized 

a  band  of  ninety  persons  in  1927. 

Osborne  Houselt  (See  chapter  on  Music  in  Education) 

Haynard  Wettlauferi  (Sse  chapter  on  Husic  in  Education) 

G.  LeRoy  Hsttlaufcrs  Graduate,  Colgate  University,  192G) 

taaght  at  Aabridge,  Pa.;  director  of  band  and 

assistant  director  of  orchestra  at  Colgate;  director 

37  Killiaasport  Sun'^jgaette,  Decesber  24,  1955,  p.  3. 

■.tn*:*jTsm.e^n«,*T    fr. 



lO   JL 

Mm.:*,*    t.t   T..- 


>II   •iTWKttO 

srTn    -•■              •  i?i1ii«» : 


J'U.  ti 

tc  ,K*rtp r.ffs>TO  lo  1at3s^ifc  taa: 


ot  ot*chC9tx-a  aod  t^aebtr  of  ttriiifieU  inotruaents 
in  A9bcvill«»  27.  C.|  now  teaohiog  in  Cleveland 
R«i£lits,  Ohio. 

Bmoo  Boutekneolit :     Oraduate,  The  P«anaylvania  State 

UaiversitjT,  l;)33;  !^8ter*8  Dagrae*  Gaataan  School 
of  ataftiei  Mpanrlaor  at  Xiltoa,  19d8|  l^4G  to 
preaent,  teaching  in  Joliet,  Illinois,  uliere  his 
Mile  with  the  Joliet  ToMoahip  Bigb  SoIkmI  Band  liaa 
HOB  hia  aatimial  faoe;  concertaaater  of  the  Jollot 
Synphaay  QrelM^rat  Hated  in  1948  edition  of 
"WTio'a  Hho  in  iftiaic.*^^^ 

Bathar  Xafatea  Meaachi     Graduate,  Paabody  Coaaervatory  of 
MmHc}  on  an»ic  faculty  of  Dickinaon  Seainanr  and 
private  piano  teaching  in  ivilliaMiport . 

■alaa  Louiae  Eiedjrt    Gradaate,  liiaataaB  School  of  Kuaic} 
perforsior's  certificate  in  voicef  private  atutiio 
for  voice  and  auaic  theory  in  hTliliaaaports 
director  of  Harian  ChiMriatcrsi  fraqneat  soloist 
at  Coaaninity  Singa  and  othor  local  prograaa* 

Hory  Hoaa  Filler i     Graduate,  Eaataan  School  of  Xuaio,  134T| 
taaabar  of  stringed  instmasata  in  schools  of 
harg»  9*  Y.|  teaching  in  ?larristowB,  !7.  J. 

S9    Kiiiiaaipart  Son^Qaaatte.  Daestfbar  24,  1963,  p.  2. 
99    tmilaasport  Suo*<iayette.  Daoatfhar  24,  1985,  p.  10. 


•  "(.'»■«• 


Kiohfurd  t     Graiiuatc,  Caataan  School  of  Huaic}  teaching 
at  Kaaatch  Acadei^jr*  Mount  Pleasant,  Utah. 

Sttty  PftrrlAgtoa  Kroiaert  Graduate,  K'cst  Chester  State 
Teachttrs  College,  1^47;  music  supervisor  in  the 
grade  schools  of  Milton,  Pa.;  atusic  teacher  at 
Leigh  Acadeaiy,  Edinburgh,  Scotlan4|  saperrisor  of 
■usic  in  schools  of  Calvert  County,  Pa.;  elementary 
■usic  supervisor  of  Springfield  Towaahip,  Pa.; 
dircctcn'  of  junior  choix-s  in  Springfield  Xethodist 

Walter  Cupp,  Jr.:  Graduate,  Hansfleld  State  Teachers 

College;  director  of  musical  broadcasts  at  Great 
L«lces  Naval  Traiain^;  Station,  Chicago;  director  of 
Waves*  Choir  at  U,  S.  Naval  Air  Technical  Trainint,' 
Center,  Maaphis,  Tenn. 

Daniel  Bddinger:  Graduate,  I^astnan  School  of  Music  1951; 
violist  with  Atla^ita  Synphony  Orchestra. 

John  Rheat  SfeM  England  Conservatory  of  Xusic  1957;  truiap- 
etcr  and  ausic  instructor  in  Havy  School  of  llusic 
in  Washington. 

Glen  Law:  Graduate,  Eastman  School  of  Music  1947;  Master's 
Degree  Coluaola  University;  Minneapolis  Public 
Schools;  University  of  Horth  Carolina;  troabonist 
with  OLclahooa  Syaphony. 

John  Petersons  Graduate,  Hansfield  State  Teachers  Colloge{ 



laift^^  ao^f1t0tl*na^  xyi^'- 

.1 »:,.  ir»J    -i-i"  I J       .  *>•> 

4«    16l*#«li£» 

t  ♦!  «  f'K 



gmdoat*  work  at  Ithaca  Coasurv^tory  of  Hudlc; 
ta«gbt  in  Xontgoaory  Uiah   School,  Juniata  ni«;h 
School,  Kilt on  High  School;  instructor  in  instru- 
asatal  ouaic  at  VilliaM^^ort  High  School. 

Dorothy  Housel  Hegis:  Graauate,  iSaataan  School  of  Music, 
IdSli  teaching  in  public  schools  of  P«rry,  ST.  T. 

Eliaabsth  Siast  (S««  Ciaptor  on  Syi^ony  Orchestras, 

ssction  on  tht  Prsssnt  Civic  Sj^mMMioy  Orchestra) 

Louisa Strykert  (S««  chapter  on  Kusic  in  Education, 
section  on  Kusic  Supervisora) 

lary  London  nusssllj  (See  chapter  on  Music  in  Education, 
asotioa  on  Lycoain^^  Collegs) 

Aoao  Wiiliaaaoa  Bulls)  &!*aduate,  vestaiaster  Choir  Collsgs 
1949 I  taught  ausic  at  Southwest  State  Teacbors 
Colldgs,  San  )forcus,  Texas;  tau«;ht  at  Horth  Texas 
State  Teachers  Collage  and  received  aaster*s  dagrss 
there  in  1951 {  frequent  soprano  soloist  in  Williaas« 

Pl(H*eaoe  Lehaan  Kaust;  Graduate,  Syracitsc  University; 

organist  at  Third  Stroot  liethodist  Church,  St.  Luke*s 
Lutheran  Church  and  Lycoalag  Presbyterian  Chia*ch* 

•liaabeth  Xiller  Leach}  Graduate,  Diclcinson  Jr.  Collegs 

wid  Saaqushaoaa  University;  private  teaching  locally 
and  in  Troy,  Pa.;  one  seoester  on  piano  faculty  of 
t^rssslag  College  in  ld55. 



At:^  «um2 

•lit   et:  :  i 

Jf:,'?  .iii 




Rowara  QoMnni     Crftduate,  Kantfisld  Stat*  TtAObirs  Coll«g«t 
■DOic  tupervisor  at  Loyalsock  Townahlp  Jr.  High 
Schnol , 

Ttelaft  Xil«a  Dralnt     Graduate,  K«9t  Chester  Stats  T«ftctei*« 
CoIl«s«  in  1343f  toachir^*  in  public  schools  of 
Dover,  I>ttlav<are, 

Harrjr  Rosco«  Andr9w«t     Graduate,  West  Chectar  Stato  Teaoli* 
•rs  College  1J35|  direotcir  of  chorus  and  band  at 
■oMard  Bigh  School,  itTllalnirton,  DalaMare, 

torothy  Peach  Earriat     Graduate,   west  Chester  State  Teach- 
•rs  College  ld49t  misic  suporvlaor  In  Ceatervlllc, 

Joaeph  Suracei     Graduate,  Penm^lvanla  Stmte  Univeraityi 
recipient  of  Killiaa  Haaon  Scholarahip  at  Coluabia 
University  in  1^55 f     Associate  in  the  AsMrican 
Guild  of  Organist s}  editorial  assistant  for  Xuslo 
Publishers*  Holding  Corporation  in  Hew  YtMnci  organ- 
ist and  choir  Blaster  at  Roaaa  Catholic  Church  of 
St.  Thotttfis  the  Apostle  in  Xsatettant     supply  organ- 
ist at  Radio  City  ?Cusic  BaU.^ 

Biriljr  Rossvssr;     Graduate,  Lyosaing  Colls^  IdSCf  private 
piaBO  tsASbiiig  locallyi  auaic  teacher  in  Wonteomiuy 
and  EXiaQ>ort  grade  schools. 

40     The  tifilliaasport  Sun,  July  12,  1990,  p.  9. 


Httl«a  Reitaif«r  Str«lf|  Cradtiate,  >if«stmla«tcr  Choir  Coll* 

9g»   1992{  KMiter*s  D«gr«e  1363 1  vocalist  on  telo- 

visloni  pr limit*  piaoo  teaching. 
Ana  D«laaey}  Graduat*,  Cincinnati  Conseurvatory  of  Xusic 

l')94}  7{ast3r*9  r«gr««  1956 1  t«acher  in  public 

•elMOla  at  Allcntown.        • 
iMWy  Dattliagt  Oraduat*,  Syack  Missionary  Coll  eg*  1954} 

teaching  »uaic  in  schools  of  Steaa  ?fill  and  Pias 

Run;  private  piano  te(»chin<;. 
Alice  Carl  Xaguiret  Graduate,  T««pls  thiiversity;  churob 

«*SMiist  and  choir  director  in  Chicago. 

Xa  addition  to  theso  others  arc  eagageu  in  private 
teachinti  in  KiiiiaflMport.  n^as  are  included  in  the  appen- 

Still  others  bava  attained  proslaonce  in  the  fieLa 
of  Ulster  ousic. 

Dorothy  Rasas  Ernst  appsars  frsquently  as  a  pianist 
aad  a  fls— nirl  ori^anist  in  Miiiiaasport  and  in  other  citiosf 
^e  had  done  ccmsidsrablo  radio  and  television  work  aad 
also  toacltsa  piano  privately  in  t/illiaaaport  • 

Lillian  Luptoa  Cra^^aoy  is  Icoown  ifidsly  in  Villiaas- 
port  and  surrounding  areas  as  an  accooplished  organist) 
shs  has  parforaed  fraquently  at  ths  SUgs  audit oriua  for 
entertaiaaents  and  has  had  her  oms  radio  projgraa,  "Aunt 

ir..-t?rv!'»i,''    ff-nl 


\  M   bOB 

Lillian's  Clilldren's  ProcrflM"  and  "Lillian's  Kitohftni" 
irtM  is  orjanist  and  choir  director  at  th«  ?funcy  Daptist 
Church. ^^ 

lOright  Xm^«7  is  a  asabar  of  tha  staff  of  radio 
•tat  ion  WIUIC*     He  is  kncwn  tlirou^hout  ;  illiaNSport  and  tlio 
vicinity  for  his  talent  and  originality  aa  a  pianist  and 
organist.     He  has  had  considerable  theater  experience, 
aad  his  piano  and  organ  prf^sraBS  are  a  regiular  feature 
over  the  local  radio  station.     In  1950  Xr.  Kackey  received 
a  citation  at  the  annual  Coataunity  Sins  f<Mr  his  contril>u<- 
tion  to  the  ausic  of  Williaasport« 

The  BroMnlee  Sisters  oado  their  first  public 
a^^aaranoe  at  a  Kiddies'  Sins  ia  1^46*     ifith  this  as  a 
start  the  four  sisters  went  on  to  achieve  success  in  the 
professional  entertainacnt  field.     Daughters  of  Kr.  aad 

Ttrs.  Russell  nrownlee,  they  appeared  with  Horace  Heidt, 

witli  other  leading  orchestras  and  on  radio  aad  television. 

Kiss  Leab  aell  b^fan  her  auaical  activities  as  a 

daaoiag-school  pianist  at  the  age  of  thirteon.  At  fifteen 

•ho  played  in  the  Lyric  Theater ,  accoaponying  tho  silent 

aovias.  She  continued  this  work:  far  eigbteso  years  in 

41  Williaaaport  Sun^Gagetto.  July  3,  1956,  p*  0* 

42  Grit.  Aagnat  12,  laGG,  Hews  Section*  p.  41. 

43  Ibid. 

J  t  4wi« 


n  :ir 

•i  tilt 




iiiil    iMW 

♦s»*t    ei*W   if5>9r" 


vwiottt  thcatars.     Vith  the  uUvent  of  talliin^  picturoa 
all*  wtnt  into  ais^X  club  work  and  providing;  mutic  for 
vai*i'>u0  organlsationt*    R«contly  sh«  torwA  a  quartet  knoun 
aa  tho  Chordett«9.     Other  aimbwa  euro  ?(r9.  Vilatk  Flakl>ein«r, 
truapet,  lira,  FXorenca  Xoaato,  basa  fldUlo  and  atcuidolla, 
ana  lira,  iSlisabeth  Goriol,  guitar  and  banjo. 

John  ^icoloai  and  Jerry  Kohlor  have  achieved  recog- 
nition locally  aikd  la  aurroundinc  tovns  for  their  dance 
orchestras,     ^fention  of  than  liaa  been  md«  in  the  cluipter 
on  dance  orchostraa. 

A  few  of  thoae  who  hanre  had  aucceaa  in  coe^osition 
are  Dr.  Tfiajmard  ffettlaufor,  Howard  Reaae»  Louiae  Stryicer, 
John  Wintorate«tt,  Charlea  Sweelojr  and,  in  the  popular 
field,  Rlebard  holfe. 

Still  others  too  nuawroaa  to  aention  have  eafagad 
la  auaic  aa  aaaiteura.     AH  of  theaa  people  have  tiirou«;h 
their  participation  and  Intereat  furtiiored  tlio  developownt 
of  auaic  In  W'iiiiafliaport . 

LYcoxzvG  cauusm 

I9rer  aineo  wiiiiaaaport  waa  a  aaall  locgiae  town 
ita  aaaioal  aad  cultural  ncoda  have  been  aerved  by  the 
iaatitutlon  now  Icnown  aa  Lycoaing  Colloga.  Tatabliaheu  in 

44  Grit,  October  30,  IdSG,  Social  Section,  p.  1. 

-.vJVl..-  iff 



^»^i«t<is;i  Mii 


1312  9M   .iUiuaafort  AoaaMur  its  pwrpose  ftt  fir  at  uas  to 
t««ch  tl}2  t^uhj;.     la  1?43  th«  Mlidol  b^eaat  WlXliuHipQrt 
Dickiason  St^slnary  vrith  aa  aaqmiidad  program  to  iacluda 
2iiski«r  graiiiaa  aati  c<>llo^«  prttpguratory  wor^c.     In  192')  it 
bccaaa  Dltfciaaon  Junior  Coll*£«,  addlnj^  tuo  ytars  of 
collags  to  Ita  preparatory  worS:,     Ftswiiiy  in  January,  1^47 
tba  Mliool  IAS  authorised  to  asauao  its  prvasat  rol«  as 
a  aaoior  liboral  art  a  collQiio,     With  thio  the  preparntory 
daj^artasat  ims  dlacontintiail  and  tlia  ]M*ea«nt  naaa  Mas 

Iftt^e  ima  givea  aach  oa^jhaata  at  the  Sandnary  siany 
I^Hara  prior  to  iH'^  introduction  of  auaic  into  the  public 
aaiMMla  of  VllXiaiMpori.     It  ima  natural  that  tboaa 
daairiag  auaical  training  would  grasp  tho  opportunity  to 
study  there.    A  glanco  throu^rh  the  seliaol*8  eatalogiiaa 
reveals  the  nai»«8  of  aaay  looal  resitfeats  i<^o  studied 
ausic  th^v  aod  appeared  on  recital  prograas.     Faculty 
■aabsra  thr«agl>  the  yeara  have  Influsassd  and  to  a  larga 
dsgrae  coatributed  to  the  fmaieal  life  of  the  osaaHaity, 

Oas  of  the  eerlieat  teachers  on  record  Mas  Gustavus 
Toolkler  uho  canst  to  the  tctesl  in  liTl  and  raaaiaed  twaaty 
years  as  an  instruaiMital  and  vooal  instructor.    His  nark 
with  the  Geraan  choraaes  of  the  city  has  twon  desoribod 
in  the  chapter  on  Choral  Qrganiaatioas*     During  his  tiaa 
a  noraal  coarse  of  one  y^ur  was  offered  to  aoet  the  4i 

^••«U,uu-.  J'Sr^e; 

•»  ',-jv  t^^^  ■  v  toi:Mi*l 


■^  ^f -■:'• 



iiUa*mS>    *> 



1  »•«»€?  -  dL» 

for  coapotont  ouslc  toacliera  in  t!M  «r«a«    Adaiasion  to 
tlM  olMHi  M»o  Uy  a     dipiosm  for  tha  pr«torltMKl  thros  year 
onaic  courae  or  by  eacsMlnation*     T!m  noraol  coursa  con- 
sist od  of  ioatruction  tsy  a  Gsraoo  profossor,  obsorviag 
■itliods  of  t each L Off,  practice  tsoohing  and  "cultivation 
in  taste  through  coacorta*"     Up<H)  ooBq;>Xotion  of  this 

courae  a  dipltKa  and  t2ie  degree  vt  Sactielor  of  ICusic  was 


Baoorda  froa  iaa4  to  1903  list  the  following 
teachers  in  aciciitioii  to  Professor  Voolklcrt  ITellie 
]f«  Lake,  AlUe  K.  i3atea,  Ifary  LilU;u2  Quion,  EUon  Soptiia 
KaaaoK,  instructors  in  instruoontal  ousici  2fra«  Kate  £• 
Purvis  and  Anna  Metta  Gibaon,  vooai  instruct or 8|  A^oea 
Louise  HileSf  Ifary  Warthaan  Seeley,  piano  instructorsf 
Arestus  B*  Baker,  violin  teadieri  and  Charles  S,   Shields, 
instructor  in  (;;uitar,  banjo  sad  aandolin.  Hr,  Shielda* 
work  with  the  hi^h  school  groups  has  been  mentioned  earlier 
ia  this  clApter* 

During  these  yoars  foculty  recitals  and  artists* 
courses  were  givon  for  the  benefit  of  all  intoreated  local 

In  11)04  Nsry  Triable  Stuart,  a  local  person, 
to  DicScinaon  SsMinary  as  bead  of  the  ausic  departaent 

4;*  UatalQ.:ue  of  DicJginscM)  Seainary.  18d4*ld36,  p.  40, 


itsnt  iiXe.^^ 

K'>  y#j   ''.':  t^.ivt. 


■  icjui-Aec  ■-    -accii-Jic 

^tjT  i«*ttp€v'rtessJ 


i"X«i  ua£  su.;^;^;^^' 


a  6  ^St^>{}JbB9*T 

i4i«r«  ^ttm  taogtit  piano  for  about  ten  yoaro.    »wy  local 
r««i<l«ats  mm  their  2su»ic«a  training  to  thi«  ••te«Ms<2 
■Mician.     m»  wrk  HM  been  di«ctt«ied  mmm  fully  in  the 
ohaptor  on  Jfijuiciami  of  the  Later  Hlaeteenth  MMt  Barly 

TMMrtiet^  Century. 

AawthM*  aueician  of  pr«ainonce  who  cmtm  to  tl» 
Seainarr  ia  1904  was  Dr.  Kill  George  Sutler.     Dr.  autler 
remiiie<Sl  until  1D14.     During  this  tiae  h©  taught  striageA 
laatroaMita  a«i  awaic  hlatory.    Dr.  autler  achiewi  faae 
thrott^out  PanaaylVMia  for  hia  offorta  to  preserve  our 
folk  ouaici  a  collection  of  hia  oHmttacrlpts  ia  on  permoeat 
f^implM^  at  Barri*burg.     In  1933  he  waa  calleu  "the  graateat 
liviag  Paaaaylvania  coapos-'r."     H»  conducted  the  flrat  All 
State  High  School  aanwiiony  of  two  hundred  playera  b^fof 
the  Pennaylvxinia  i:xiucation  Aaeociation  at  Harriahurg  in 


Other  teaohara  of  the  early  nlneteea-hunorccia 
included  Cornelia  Rose  Ehrea,  Jenaette  Cowloa  Vorce, 
KLriaa  Landon  Chandler,  ilaache  LaFewe  Parlette  and 
ftegina  I^igley  in  piano)  Mahel  Gohl  in  piano  and  harwwyi 
S«n  aiaaohe  Xarot,  Lulu  Babb  anti  T'ior«aoo  Vincent  in 
voioei  Ommtt  mmm   in  violin.  Roacoo  Huff  Maa  Inatructor 
in  orsnn.  Hia  iaportaat  influence  on  the  local  acoaa 


HiUiaaaport  Sun-Goaette,  Deceitf>ar  24,  1950,  p.  4. 


'3V  :■  .!V     •'Jii--'-      "'-.'l: 

i.^     i-ES^iGX  VZl*.  -•*-'0*tBik   £;^;4. 

bos  been  covorod  in  tlM  ohapt<Mr  oa  CttoraJ.  CM^sanlBatloas, 

Za  tli«  aiiiato«o*t«f«iitle8  PstiMr  MitBiUtttn,  later  !frs* 
JiMts  SMMht  otam  to  the  school  as  a  piano  instructor*  A 
iooal  r««id«at,  alia  Had  gmduatad  from  tbe  Faabouy  loati- 
tute  of  lioaio*  LatM>  Hra«  Sonach  oponsd  bar  omd  atudio 
at  bar  lioat  miara  aba  taaobaa  privately  to  the  pre8<uit 
tiao.  At  the  aaae  tlae  Murguorito  Vellea  Stiles  ijas 
addad  to  the  auaic  flsoulty  to  teach  violin  aod  theory* 

With  the  Qotahliahoont  of  the  junior  oolloo®  in 
19M  a  two  year  courae  ia  anaic  was  offereti  wbioh  parallol- 
ed  the  first  tvo  yeara  of  a  ausic  cooaonratory.  Thus 
aany  local  stuclonta  to<&  tho  (Opportunity  of  getting  a 
start  on  their  oaiaic  ouucatioa  at  cooaidarablo  fimmciol 

Daring  the  late  ninoteon*twentieti  and  ninotoon- 
tbirtiea  MnsAA  A«  Richoy  was  uiroctor  of  tho  ousic  uopart- 
asat*  Many  local  pianists  raaeaber  bia  for  bia  aoperb 
auaiciaaabip  and  fino  teaching  ability*  He*.  Hichoy  was 
proodLaeat  in  tbe  ooaonoity  for  bia  piano  reoitals  and 
choral  condoctiag.  Steny  siii(;cra  of  tho  city  were  aertbera 
of  the  CoUego  Choral  Club  under  ?&*•  Ricb^'s  diroction. 
He  also  served  aa  ori^uiist  and  choir  ciirector  for  a  BOilber 
of  year  a  at  St*  Paul's  Luthoron  Gtanidi* 

At  tbe  sam  tiae  Marion  Affhaosor  aaa  a  aeabcr  of 
tho  piano  dapartaiot.  nias  AffbattSM*  tiaa  also  organist  of 






St.  Uilce*s  Lutb«r&a  Church,  SM  •■*  **•  Rlchwy  ware  kaom 
for  their  two-pifiao  rocitals. 

CoaiBg  in  the  tvontios  and  r«aaiaing  throutjh  tte 
forties  were  Mrs.  Hyi^ra  Batoa  aiKl  Floreaoe  Dewey. 

»>••  QAtes  who  taujht  voice  and  conciuctod  the 
choral  groups,  was  QotoU  In  the  city  and  sm-roundin^ 
as  a  contralto  soloist.  Hor  vocal  onseahle  and  double 
aalo  quartets  gave  nuaerous  prograas  for  the  public  and 
provided  aasic  for  aany  church  affairs  throughout  the 
area.  Aa  annual  event  was  the  presentation  of  the 
at  Pino  Streot  Church.  Soloists  wars  hrought  in  froa 
Curtis  Institute  of  nusic  for  this  occasion*  Several 
^a^rs  who  later  roso  to  faos  sppaarod  here  when  thay 
ware  students  at  Ctartis.  Aiaonu  thea  wore  Rose  Seapton, 
Helen  Jepsoa  and  Barbara  Troxell.  KTs.  aatos  is  rsaeal)er« 
ed  ^  bar  laay  forner  students  for  hor  interest  and  on- 
couracsMsnt  in  their  work.  For  aany  yoars  she  gava  a 
voioe  ssiiolarship  to  a  sraduating  senior  of  the  williaias* 
port  High  School.  In  1941  «rs.  iSates  received  a  cltetlf>n 
at  a  Coaounity  Sing  for  hor  contribution  to  tho  ousic  of 
Ifl^iaa^ort.  In  1544  sIm  retired  froa  teaching. 

Hlas  Dewey  taught  violin  and  theory  froa  1123  to 
1040.  At  this  tiae  violin  students  were  nuaerous,  and 
Kiss  Dowey  had  an  active  violin  enseablc.  This  group 
appeared  fraqaeatly  in  recital  and  played  for  special 

■Vi.  £ii 

-.'•i&i^  at' 

,fK*  fte^i*  ©"VAf  «^' 



tik  idl 




j^oy  i  .Lj.   V,  «,ji»v'ji^i<. 

tHroughout  tlM  00— intty.  MlM  Dvway  also  s«rr*d 
«•  choir  Ulrcctor  f  sr  a  nual>er  of  years  at  Halt>erry  Batbo* 
dist  Churotk. 

la  1333  Carolia*  MaOC   easM  to  tlM  school  as  head 
of  tha  piaao  dapartawnt  followlxii;  »r.  Riohay.  fUohard 
Welllvar,  Jr.,  taoftht  piano  and  organ  froa  1934  to  IdSS. 
Ifary  LtsnUsOf  Iat«r  Ifirs*  Glen  Russollt  caa«i  as  a  piaiM 
iastructor  In  13ZC,    Aftar  a  yaar's  ahaaass  «*#•  Itassell 
rattiraad  as  haati  of  the  piaao  capartatot  la  1943 •  1lk*s« 
■asal  &•  Doray  ^m^^  aildaU  to  tho  departaaat  ia  1943.  Sha 
raaaiaad  tyitil  har  daotb  in  1)53.  ?Qro.  r:oroy  and  ifirs. 
i^usaeil  angBgad  in  two^iaao  tforb  axtansively  for  taa  yoars 
throughout  tba  aastern  part  of  tha  state. 

Xa  1946  Eva  L.  Orwi^;  tattgM  piano  for  one  year. 

VlPQB  1944  to  1946  n*ad«riak  Stevaas  was  head  of 
tha  attsia  dapartatnt.  Hr.  Stevens  taught  voice  and 

proainaat  throofih  hia  solo  apyesraaces  and  his 
as  director  of  the  Consistory  Choir. 

In  194u  Ralter  G.  Mclver  bocaew  head  of  the  «Mis 
departaaat*  Sr«  ]iclver*8  wm*k:  tias  haaa  diacuaaod  in  the 
chapter  on  Choral  Orsaaisations.  The  college  a  oappella 
ohsir  haa  ^oim  and  developed  to  a  nicb  degree  under  his 
leadership*  It  haa  established  a  reputati<m  as  oog  of  the 
fine  oollege  choirs  in  tha  i%st.  At  the  invitation  of  the 
Xithodist  Charsh  of  Great  Britain  the  choir  will  sake  a 


i      ;-j-i&.> 

. .-.  *     *r/>*^     -. 



concert  tour  of  Englaiid  in  th«  wwbi    of  1967* 

With  tlM  ••t»bllsluMnt  of  the  four  y—r  collo^o  ia 
1947  local  stuacnts  iMr«  givon  the  Mklod  opportunity  of 
«xt«adiag  thoir  oollese  coutm  to  incltid*  all  four  years. 

la  ftiildltion  to  regular  coUog*  ttactentt  otbor 
local  resldeats  bave  talMs  admuitag*  of  auaic  couraoa 
of  farad  both  during  t!ie  day  and  ia  evening  claaaea. 
Special  students  of  all  ai{e«  are  alao  adaitted  for 
private  auaic  study.     Frequent  rooitala  are  opea  to  tho 

Ifeat  recent  additions  to  tite  auaic  flaculty  includU 
Jaaes  tiT.  Skeaffer  in  IMQ.    !fir.  Slieaffer  teaches  auaic 
appreciation.    Be  Ims  also  been  choir  director  at  the 
First  Evaaeelloal  United  arethrea  Church  ami  at  the 
loataursTille  Methodist  Church.     Dr.  Ifatthew  Uuidqtiiat 
taq^t  theory  froa  1950  to  19SGt  wiiiiaa  Ibucaoa  case  in 
1M6  to  teach  piano  aad  theory  and  to  direct  the  college 
bead  aad  orchestra.     Jams  Bssrte  Laadon  case  ia  1966  to 
teadi  piano.    Mrs.  Landon  is  a  gradimto  of  Lycoalaa  Mid 
has  been  proMloettt  as  a  piano  soloist  throi«bout  the  area. 
She  is  orsanist  of  St.  Joha*s  Lutheran  Chui^ch  and  active 
ia  atusic  circles  of  the  city. 

Beoent  local  graduatos  in  addition  to  7(k*8.  Latidoa 
«ho  bavo  beaa  proaineat  in  naaical  activities  of  the  city 
are  the  foUowtngi     Claor  Kooaa,  Albert  Mortiaer,  Jr, 

•  ♦ 


We-liJfiJ       -,1,  iU     ,JJJ^iJUifi£^ 

'vfn  faotizr^'' 

'sjjc  -4  '.seal   ii 

^    '.I'ii- 

':yvt^*9f^    ^f»i!• 

rtijESt-  Vf 

RiebmrC  Volf ,  Jos«phia«  aaboacfc,  Vtaof  HaU  arons^, 
Jtartha  Soars,  mmtA  tmutfap  CaXHtnll  Hatiiias,  Jajr 
St«ii8«r,  Doria  Heller,  ^Evleoe  Carls  Daaaeker,  aiiljr 

onU  !^  Ann  Clraulo. 




K«oo(Ll«6tioii«  of  acyrly  coiKsorts  in  Williaaspcrt 
alMRys  bring  forth  tho  ooae  of  Harry  S«  Si*ap0«     It  mm 
this  big,  giMd*4Hitur«d,  friMMlly  mn  irt»  btmaght  to 
wiUiaaaport  a  touch  of  tlio  ■iwtnal  ologiMeo  of  tbo  old 
liar  Id  •      nstabliotiinf;  cot^itacts  wit  a  great  ansicians  and 
tbolr  oflonts  in  ttk*  poriod  of  1900  to  1320,  Mr.  Krapo 
attraotod  9mm  of  the  world* a  aoat  Urilliaat  talont  to 
tlw  city  for  ooooorts*    Soaa  of  t lie 00  wara  liniaaa  ftfttwiinn- 
laiak,  Pfe>its  nraialar,  Jolu  Pliilip  Souaa  and  Goraldiaa  nvror.' 

Br.  Srapa  apaat  aoat  of  hiM  Ufa  in  kfiiliaaaport 
until  IK)  died  in  1944.     n*oa  18^1  to  1 3J4  and  aifoia  in 
1897  to  lJi)3  ha  aorvad  aa  director  of  tba  Rapasa  Sana.    Ho 
Naa  a  fina  pianiat,  having  graduatad  froa  tba  Vaw  Kng^ftrvi 
Conaervatory  of  Xusic.     Ha  aaa  alao  a  fine  piano  tuner 
and  aieht  nail  have  oaahod  in  on  this  talent  in  tba  largar 
oitiaa  MiMra  h«  waa  wall  knoua  for  hia  ability  in  thia  lioa, 
Saifavor  be  preferred  to  stay  in  T/iUiozasport  where  lit 
derived  t3uch  ploaourc  in  introdociag  gr«iit  auaic  to  the 
reaidcQto  mImi  sight  othorwiao  have  bcon  deprived  of  the 

1     '/HliMMport  Sun-Gnzctto.  Deoaabar  24,  1968,  p.   19, 

f>  in     s%. 

:i    <i>Vaw 


opportunity.  Those  who  reMabor  Xr,  Krap««8  efforts 

rM»iX  M  wsll  th«  personal  financial  sacrifices  he  ofts« 

■ade  to  obtain  the  Dest  in  ausic  for  willlamsport. 

During  the  nioeteen-twentles  concerts  were  sponsored 

by  the  Lion*s  Club.     The  Cleveland  Orchestra,  Galli-Curci 

and  Rosa  Ponselle  were  aaong  the  attractions. 

1325  to  1930  a  series  known  as  the  Celebrated 
Artists*  Course  provided  such  nuabers  as  the  Philadelpnia 

ChMkbsr  String  Siafoaietta  and  Kathryn  Xeisle.  Xusic  and 

drafta  were  combined  in  this  course. 


In  1923  Williaasport  becaa«  one  of  the  first  ten 

cities  in  the  United  States  to  adopt  the  Coaounity  Concert 

plan.  A  voluntary  comaittee  of  eighty-five  was  ori^anlaed 

with  John  H,  McCoradck  as  chaimaii  and  Mrs.  Eaton  n.   Prisbie 

as  vice  chairaoa.  A  vigorous  caaipaign  succeedea  in  obtain- 

injj  a  aeBii>ership  of  five  hundred  the  first  year. 

During  the  first  few  years  concerts  were  presented 

2  Ibid. 

3  Anne  Linn  Cheyney,  -Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  Hone  Folks," 

Tlis  tfilliaasport  Sun,   February  27,   l'92n   n.  p. 

4  Aone  Lini  Cheynsy,  "Jacqueline's  Letter  to  the  Ho«s  Polks," 

The  Williasisport  Sun,  .Harch  22,  1930,  n.  p. 

5  Grit,  August  21,  IMJ,  Mews  Section,  p.  39. 

UVf  iV     a^l*    Vfii*  »«  i- 

1  f>(HU  t>i^l^      •^£tlilt>ttlK}1|C 

.jt»';0«aeqft  atoM  Ht-v. 

9tif  i 

■a  a  Hitnl  oJ 

wif  t^ 

liJGUE    ^X6' 

'0«    «.. 

i  ounii 

^iJt'iC    S*5(N 

la  th«  hij^  sohoai  uuiiitoriuuii,   tii«  Y«X#G«A.  ijyatttasiua,  th4» 
Elks  Attaitoriu^i  am!  tii«  Dickinson  Junior  College  gywuMlua, 
As  cotiri«i<ifi6«  in  tb«  coocttrt  association  iacreasoiil  ths 
auill«iioss  grsw  to  tbeatsr  osi^city.     In  li'dG  the  series 
>cas  present •<]  ia  the  Karlfon  tUester  w^ere  they  continued 
until  then  theater  was  torn  Uown,     After  that  snU  up  through 
the  prssest  tlae  concerts  have  been  giv^n  in  the  Roosevelt 
Junior  High  School  AuUitoriua« 

The  CoMsunity  Concort  Assooiation  has  increased  its 
aMd>ership  to  nearly  twelve  huwirsu  in  its  tiort'  than 
tt««uty«>rive  years  of  exist  once*     Gerald  Devlin,  an  execu- 
tive of  th«  Coluabia  Coacerts  A3a9<;i£itioa,  has  said  that 
no  city  in  the  Uaitsci  States  couia  put  up  a  list  of  con* 
certs  finar  tlian  ticie  on«is  which  have  ;>eoa  Resented  in 
KilliaflM^crt*    A  list  of  these  appears  in  the  appendix. 

MIS.  ajitOS  ir«  FSIS3I£ 

Credit  tor  successful  contini«ince  of  the  Cosmunity 
Concerts  y;oed  to  ^ft's.  Eaton  ;J.  Frisiiie,     In  Decsaher  of 
lfS«  Tir9,  F^isbid  received  the  <k»it  Award  for  ?Ceritorious 
CsMsuaity  Service  for  her  untiring  enorgy  "in  bringing 
happiness  to  a  good  saay  citisens  for  oaay  years 
through  devotion  to  killiamsport*s  Co«i»unity  Concert 

®    S£M.*  ^^'•^•■boi*  ^Of  li»6G,  Hews  Section*  p.   2^. 

'."r'*    ,'ht^isjtt%fv;  bum  i/no4Mt  *ilt  nl 

i»- *"'««  aril   ?>/^ei  e:i      ,Tt>»«see»  ^ot»?  *»*n^  B49«i*Jtte« 

^4'V  <ff  «»A•'^  k» 


I'  '/•«»»f\ 


ttra.  lYlsbie  spent  aor«  than  tlilrty  yoors  in  Kill- 
iun^ort  until  M«  UittU.     Hwr  dsath  ocounreu  shortly  aft«r 
r«c«lvia£  the  Grit  AmbiM*     She  bad  b—a  a  concert  pianist 
in  bar  aarlisr  daya  in  th«  waat.     Sb»  taught  piano  for 
thirty  yoors  in  her  studio  in  tha  J)*  S»  Andrus  buildioc. 
lar  talent  fwr  knowing  artists  and  their  teaperasients, 
her  astuteness  in  choosing  pro^raos  aad  bmr  gift  for  lsttd« 
arirtiip  have  bean  ioportant  factors  in  aaintainii^  a  strong 
concert  aasociation.     "Her  vision,  love  of  the  artistic, 
her  ^MCgy  and  peraevorance  have  pr'ivided  inspiration  for 
youth,  enjayaant  for  aany  aad  a  cultural  benefit  to  tha 
city  itaelf ,"' 

7  Grit.  December  30,  1356,  H  vs  Section,  p.  1. 

8  Grit,  Deceaber  00,  19SC,  News  Section,  p,  23. 




auipfw.  xvf 


camtssirr  szsos 

A  popular  •ttOHMr  ooasiunity  prognM  in  vuilMWport 
Mao*  1340  !iAS  b««a  the  C<Msaunity  Sing  in  nrandon  Park. 

Although  the  slag*  hav*  b*«a  hald  with  roi;uIarity 
only  9lac«  1940,  records  liiaicatc  that  a  similar  affair 
MRS  bsld  as  early  as  1918  in  Jrandem  Paric.  It  was  planaed 
with  the  h^e  that  the  "inspiring  lau*  songs  anu  folk  songs, 
identified  with  the  history  aou  spirit  of  this  country, 

would  instill  anci  encourage  a  new  ^>irit  of  Aaericanisa 

in  local  residents.* 

An  interesting  feature  of  this  1313  pr«graa  mms  the 

presentation  of  four  songs  written  by  looal  pe^le.  yiotory 

with  words  by  Hiss  X*  Allen  and  «usic  ixy  Mrs.  R.  H.  Arthur 

was  soag  by  \i»   E.  Williaas}  Aasrioa  by  K«  L.  Paxon  was  sung 

tgr  A  double  quartet  fron  the  Tetequs  Baadi  Kow's  the  Tias 

to  ^ake  Ttp  A^impi^ai  |f|,th  w<M*ds  by  Aaaa  B.  Haines  and  misic 

bgr  Aran  Bmtsoq  was  suag  by  n*ed  XMMlghtonf  Liberty  That 

Shall  got  Pass  Away  by  Kary  B.  Lmdy  with  ausic  by  Carol 

1  Grit,  Au^st  12,  IdSe,  I^ws  Ssctioa,  p.  41. 

2  The  Willisaiport  Sua.  Sept saber  14,  1918,  p.  1, 


SiMiol«9r  MM  suag  Iqr  ^*  ClyUt  Har^r. 

Tht  Murles  of  sink's  laaasuratM  in  1940  wer«  direct- 
ed t|r  L«o  C.  Williaason  wtio  serv«d  as  aayor  froa  1930  to 
196X*  A  ainger  of  ability  and  a  patron  of  aiuaic,  Mr. 
WiUiaaacm  contributed  i«Maaiarably  to  tho  succosa  of  the 
aiaga  la  his  rola  aa  aaator  of  cereaooioa.  Tha  foraar 
aayor'a  reputation  for  direct in^  coauaunity  sin^^ing  ia  wide* 
apraad.  Pwrtu4>a  hia  groatost  tliriil  in  that  role  coaa 

he  led  ten  thousand  voicea  in  aioging  "Hi^ypy  Oirthday» 

Ilea"  on  the  oooaaicMi  of  President  £iaenhower*8  birthday 
calebration  ut  Herahey  in  1353.  A   certificate  of  citation 

preaaated  to  Xr«  vfilliaason  in  1943  by  the  Orandon  Parte 
Caaaiaalon  in  recognition  of  the  work  he  had  done  in  tha 
■aaical  life  of  tha  coaounity, 

Vawly  eight  thousand  people  attended  the  first  aiog 
ia  tha  aaries  starting  In  1140.  Special  features  wore  tho 
MPA  Orchestra  under  the  direction  of  C.  Dart  augbea,  an 
iaaogarml  addraaa  bj  Jadga  Saaaal  H*  Haaes,  the  Turn 
▼arain  Choraa,  and  aoloa  t^  Helen  Louiae  Ri&dy»  Paul  Urian 
aatf  Brvin  Zaigler*  ?layor  kHiiaaaon  preaeoted  certificates 
of  citation  to  tlxree  local  reaidants  for  their  contributioo 
to  ausio  in  Killiaaaport.  Those  honored  ware  Xrs.  Lillian 

3  Ibid. 

4  H'iUiaaaport  Sun-Gaaettc.  Daaaabar  24,  1935,  p.  2a« 

M  \fUibmA 


o^ifOi  V  isy^j 

'c£ii,i»'X4   £%«M. 


X.  Ri«<l«r,  Miss  Plor«ao«  Vil«oxt  ana  Jotui  Hasol.     Siailar 
AMftrds  ware  aaa«  each  year  throuL'^out  Xajror  Williamson.  *  s 
yvars  in  offlco.     la  1956  Mayor  Thooas  H.  Lovcrlng  rea«if«di 
tlM  awarding  of  citations. 

Mko  have  reo«iv«<i  citations  ara  tha  followioi;! 


^thryn  H«  Rlgcle 
Siatar  Carletta 
Sister  »•  Boatia 
Paaliiia  LloyKi 
Laitln  S.  HoMconer 
Riolam  S.  Slaybattgh 
nradariok  Stavsns 
Will  Georga  ISutler 


Elisabatli  H.  Sias 
!•  LeRogr  Ljraan 
L«oa  A.  Roffaeistftr 
Harsball  L«  Hough 
Constanott  B*  Piah«r 
^.  Clyde  Rarar 


narold  L,  Lyimn 

l-^aaora  H.  ^'enner 
lUcbaol  A,  Chianolli 
Olaf  C.  Sttyt>Qrt 


John  K.  Zorian 
Oordon  areorey 
John  R.  Schell 
Morion  n.  Lahoan 


lira.  LUlian  M.  Said«r 

John  Basel 

Xiss  FloroncQ  T.  Wilson 


Mrs*  £iatoa  S.  IVisbie 
Xrs.  I^yrra  F.  Bates 
Krs,  J.  Frank  audd 


Hiss  Ifahel  F.  Gohl 
£•  lart  Bugbao 
!•  tf«  Rotheaberg 
Osborne  L,  Roosel 


Xiss  }fary  !)•  Lundy 
John  !£•  Reixa 
Harry  S,  Krape 
Giuscppo  Biffarella 
Xollie  S.  Weiss 


Helen  Louise  Raidy 
Xarloa  D.  williaason 
lAfULter  G,  llolvw* 

0  Grit.  August  12,  1966,  Hews  Section,  p.  41. 

6  Lists  of  award  winners  for  years  1940<»1901,  inclusive 

S9peared  in  the  Grit.  Au^^ust  12,  li56,  Hews  Section,  p.  41* 


ft4»l*»i.  •"■■'•''■^"    ,.'•11 



Wtna  m.  mammrf  «"•  Elchard  L.  D«Sayle«  Gray 

1049  Mm.  Josalo  P.  Xaggs 

Jalm  R.  Robert  •on  t 

Louise  B*  SUjlcw  iBt 

aurian  R.  Wilcox  ^^       *    w  » 

1960  Gaorgo  WoodfoUt 

J.  wrl^iiit  Haolwy  Flradarick  Sndl 

Carol  S.  h}venden 

Ervio  J.  Zi«gl«r 

Fran^  L.  Sclio«<Kl«rf«r 

Bstbor  Ralpb 

lK*y  lAodon  RuMall 

TlM  popularity  of  the  1940  sing  icaa  so  groat  that 
in  1941  a  tpccial  prograa  oallod  tHo  Kidaiea*  Siog  was 
arraogod.  Thia  mo  to  give  the  yooagor  talent  of  tho  city 
an  opportunity  to  be  hoard.  This  prograa,  too,  taaa  booMo 


Through  the  yoara  aany  local  organizatioaa  and 
aoloiata  tavo  a«>paarod  en  tho  annual  ainga.  Many  younger 
paopio  h«va  roooivod  a  atart  in  the  entertainaont  world 
throucli  such  an  opportunity. 

During  tbo  years  froa  1352  to  IdM  Xafor  C  L. 

tooic  charge  of  the  slimo  ooaistod  by  George  Fry* 

and  Eshart  Shef fer  aa  directors  and  aastars  of  ceraaonies* 

7  Grit.  Augast  2C,  1350,  Vews  Section,  p,  36, 

8  frit,  A«gwt  2C,  1056,  Haws  Section,  p.  30^ 

<t:J''7.  ^'WOlMi 



•>  .1  tr  »« 



In  135G  Mayor  Thoaa»  Levering  direct eU. 

With  Thorns  Layering* 8  election  as  aayor  WiUiaas- 
porf.  reputation  as  a  -city  of  aia^^ing  -ayora"  was  stren^jtH- 
•nsu.  Ito  iaheritsd  musical  talent  froa  his  aother  and  fron 
his  fathw,  Harry  W.  Levering,  a  well-knoim  basso-prof unoo 
of  his  clay.  At  the  age  of  ei^ht  he  started  to  sing  in  the 
ciioir  of  the  Christ  Episcopal  Church.  In  October  of  1958 
Xr.  Levorins  observed  his  forty-fifth  year  of  service  la 
this  choir.  Hs  was  active  in  the  choral  groups  in  high 
school;  ho  played  banjo  in  the  high  school's  fii'St  dance 
orcaiestra.  At  Penn  State  University  he  was  also  active 
in  a  dance  band.  For  a  period  he  played  with  Dave  Har-anU 
Orchestra.  He  has  directed  the  Blks  Itole  Chorus  and  has 
been  a  ■fftfrrr  of  the  Haraionia  Chorus  for  thirteen  years; 
he  has  sunc  i#ith  the  Consistory  Choir  for  twenty-six  years. 
Xa  earlier  years  the  saiae  tradition  was  exea«»lified 
hx  Archibald  Hoa«land,  aayor  froa  1317  to  1924,  and  Charles 
D.  Wolfe,  aayw  froa  190i  to  1311.  Both  were  known  as 
singers  and  wwe  proainent  aembers  of  the  Consistory  Choir. 
As  far  baok  as  1872  we  find  a  "singing  aayor*  in  the 
person  of  Colonel  S.  S.  StaTJcweather ,  a  «e«ber  of  the  quart- 
et  of  the  Second  Presbyterian  Church. 

9  Grit.  AuGUSt  26,  1956,  Mews  Section,  p.  S6, 
10  KiUiaasport  Sun-Gazette.  December  24,  1955,  p.  28. 
U  Grit.  July  ),  1356,  Sesquicontennial  Section,  p.  3. 


tfith  tbt  •trtAblUlHMnt  of  rmAio  statioa  ^mjJS.  of 
mHawport  la  IdOO  looaX  ausiciwis  ii«r«  giv«a  tlM  oppor- 
toaity  to  tiroadcast,    Tbo  ciiwmlty  at  largo  Maa  able  to 
liaar  outataadlai;  auaical  prognvaa  froa  tte  largar  citlos 
Iqr  ttMHM  of  a  looal  liook«-up  wltb  t!i«  aaior  broadoaatiag 

TIM  fiatcal  atAff  for  IKAK  ooaaiatod  of  tilrigM  HMleqrt 
Dorot^  Rooao  zsraat,  tllllan  Lupton  Oraalay  and  I>orott)sr 
Laylan  3onidt.    Al  XortlaBr  aarvad  aa  saiaioal  anaouaoar  far 
•avaral  yaara  for  a  late  evaaing  pragraa  faaturiog  olaaaloal 

Xa  JtOy  of  1940  ia.tC-4PX  MM  OfMttaa  ^  Slobard  Carlaoo. 
AX  MM  added  la  Jul/  of  l^&l*    Ttiia  atatlon  tiaa  aade  a 
praetloo  of  taping  looal  prograM  or  ooooorta  of  loteroot 
fa  tti*  9«ftIio  aad  later  putt  lag  th«a  over  ttie  air« 

IB  TIasr  of  194d  atatiOD  iflfPA  mm  eatabllabocl.     Special 
anaioal  annanaoera  have  been  will  ibsyle,  Lou  Cate  aad  EioHard 

The  ataff  of  the  Jaaaa  f  •  BroMo  Librar/  haa  alwayv 
been  «apaoiall;r  intoreatoU  in  beiog  of  aervlco  to  the  auaic* 
lana  of  the  coaounity.    Tbla  la  duo  largely  to  tbe  Influeaee 
of  Dr«  0*  R«  RoMard  Thuioii  Mho  vaa  librarlaa  froa  the  tiaa 





of  tbt  library's  •stablitteMit  la  190G  until  hi«  Uoatb  in 

Dr«  Thoason  Mas  a  native  of  London  and  tha  aoo  of  a 
Mtaa  librariaa.  Ba  mm  nationollr  known  aa  a  laadar  in 
library  circles.  Ha  mm  tha  author  of  aaiqr  fine  poetioal 
MQti^s  wbich  appear  in  araitbwaito's  Anthology  and  in 
CaatSMwrary  Yar—  AntlMfl^gy^  Xa  addition  to  his  litorzury 
iat«raata  ha  mm  C^mi^  abaarbad  ia  auaic.  Svidonce  of 
this  was  an  extanaiva  privata  collection  of  choice  record* 
in«;s.  His  ohiaf  social  ploaaura  mm  in  sharing  this  Musio 
vdth  his  friaods  at  hoae.^ 

Dr.  Thoa8oa*9  wife  waa  also  iafliiantial  in  tha 
Ileal  life  of  hiiUaasport.  Sba  mm  activa  in  auaio 

of  tha  city  and  taught  auaic  in  the  achools  of 
Sauth  Nilliaasport.  In  her  later  years  before  her  death 
in  ia4d  aha  gave  valuable  aaaistanea,  Mhioh  was  not  ganer* 
ally  kaoMEi.  Although  advaaceU  in  years  and  in  ill  health 
she  olTerad  her  Icnoif ledge  of  nuisic  to  laany  who  poaaaaaed 
talent  but  were  unabl  to  pay  for  professional  inatructioa. 

Thua  aany  Uvea  wero  enrichad  &tr  tiMP  aaoouragaaant  ana 

taaahii^  during  this  period. 

Since  Dr.  and  Xrs.  ThOMSon's  daatha  tha  library 

13    nia  KriuiaMVport  Sua.  Daeariber  28,  1943,  p.  1. 
13    The  >ft1HanMport  Sua.  HovaMbar  19,  1945,  p.  17. 

Wi0tiMiktm»  «' 

i'^   ■         I      •- 


>i«»j|  » 



14   (Ttaw  ««i. 


/■>■»  «»«#  #-* 

staff  bam  continued  to  carry  out  tlieir  irislios  of  Mdciag 
th«  library  a  r<»p08itory  ot  aatcrlaX  reflttctini;  th«  history 
•ad  cultural  llfo  of  tha 

im:  iriLLIAIl  C.  BBXUbUr  oollbctzoii 

A  gaaaraaa  eoDtri^utioa  to  tiM  library** 
ooUactlott  imm  baaa  maOt  tmigii  tba  yaara  by  wiUlaM  C* 
lailaaa,  oa«  of  VilUaaaport's  noat  aaiiMat  ausioiaos. 
Uatil  hla  daatu  la  1946  Im  praaaatad  aanually  a  oaabcr  of 
opara  aeoraa,  aaay  voluoas  of  olaaaleal  piano  raportolra 
and  voluaaa  of  aooga*    Ha  alao  authoriaod  the  purcbaaa  of 
•avaral  voloaea  of  Baoh*a  orpui  Miaic,  alx  Baetboven,  thraa 
anthaa  and  six  Baoh  violin  cmMartoa. 

tt*,  Bailaaa  was  adtioatad  la  tha  public  acbools  of 
Willlaaapart,  at  Xtroarahnrg  Aeatfaiqr  nad  at  Barvard  ColXo£:a 
iinBrm  ha  raeaivad  hishaat  honors  la  anaic  in  1900.    lie 
ooatlnuad  hia  attidy  for  four  y««ra  with  RhaiabersM*  in 
Bmiflli,  Witfar  in  Par  la  and  othora.    Ha  taught  auaie  at 

larvard  fraa  1905  to  IdSO.  In  addition  to  taachtng  ha 

oaapaaad  for  voica,  piano,  chan^bar  inatrvuiicats  and  orchaatra. 

A  l«ttar  to  tha  aditor  of  tha  Barvard  Aliuaii  Balletin  oao« 

earning  Xr*  Bailaan  la  on  fila  in  tha  library*     Wiritten 

bgr  a  fallow  profeaaor  it  pays  tribute  to  ST.  Hailann's 

aalnant  ^rvlcea. 

"J    A 


*ijr>.fx  m^ 

liMi^  ii 


»1   A 


In  1941  Ht^s.  Cora  Sixottcr  Antlwiqr  presented  a  lorgt 
aatount  of  piano  and  vocal  rauaic  to  the  library.  Ttiia 
conaiated  of  nuaeroua  bound  voluaa«  and  noarly  one  thous* 
aad  piaooa  of  afaeat  ousic.  Mrs.  Anthony,  Mbo  diod  in  1945, 
ted  bean  a  taaoher  of  piano  in  H^iillamport.  She  had  alao 
fiXlad  a  amaber  of  prominent  poaitions  in  the  south  and 

west.  Mth  hor  j;ift  the  library  began  ita  collection  of 

•heat  flttsic. 

In  1940  lira.  Koy  C.  Spangle  presented  over  aaventy 
voluaos  of  light  opera  collected  Isy  her  brother  J.  HemT 
BeilJBan.  This  collection  spans  the  period  from  137)  to 
1920,  fra«  the  beginning  of  lli^ht  opera  to  the  auaic 
revues  of  the  early  twentieth  century. 

Other  gifts  to  the  library  include  one«bundred  and 
aeveaty  pieces  of  sheet  ausic  and  bound  voluaos  of  Bach* a 
■oaic  for  organ  froa  Jlrs.  Aa»cac  o.  Hall,  tiro  thousand 
pieces  of  sheet  ausic  froa  the  di^plicate  V9wv   of  the 
nree  Library  of  Philadelphia  and  soae  aaaller  collect loos 
froa  Dr.  John  w.  Cuouain  of  Host  on,  the  late  Koaooe  Itoff 
and  the  vHiiaBH^ort  Kitslc  Club.  Anothor  collection  of 
piano  isusic  was  given  bf  Ifrs.  C.  ■'.    /illiaaaon,  or&eaiiat 
for  may  years  at  the  First  teptist  and  St.  X.idce*s 
Latheran  ChHrolMa.  An  upright  grand  piano  was  proaeatad 

19  The  KUliaaspoi*t  Sun,  Mareh  14,  1941,  p.  1. 



tor  tbo  ooaauAlty  ratm  by  tar.  John  P.  Harley. 

Hm  BMt  r«c«at  adUltlon  to  tb«  ansie  coXloctlon 
baa  b««a  th«  pcrsooal  collcsctian  of  Mrs.  H»ry  Stuart  Otto. 
Pro*ont«d  sbortly  bofore  her  death  in  1;>65  l!&*9.  Otto*  9 
gitt  ooaqprlacc  about  two  hundred  mad  ols^ty  titl«9  inclod* 
i«g  fom^tocn  bound  voXuaca. 

To  bring  all  theo«  collect Ions  together  and  to 
tmkm  tkmk  of  aarvloe  to  the  ausicians  of  th«  city  a 
spocial  oatalogut  of  ovor  ti^lv^  thooaaad  cards  was 
aM«abi«U.     It  Is  noir  possible  to  borrow  any  of  this 

lA    Ths  KiUiaasport  Sw,     Augiist  3,  1956,  p.  4. 



la  P%te««ry  of  193V  tbo  wilUiuwport  Music  Club  wb« 
M  an  affiliate  of  th«  ?ena«ylvania  PWoration 

•f  aosic  Clubs. 

PiMiiKl^r  of  the  club  was  Urs.  J.  Prank  3udd  1*0  had 
rsssntly  coae  to  wUllaosport.     Fs«lin£  that  thar«  «as  a 
naod  for  the  ausical  women  of  the  city  to  unite  togethar 
Mrm*  9nM  ssntacteu  a  faw  intorastad  Msasa*     These  wonen 
wgrked  industriously  to  contact  others  aaC  to  arouse  •athtt* 
aiasA  for  su(^  a  project, 

Ths  oraanizational  aeeting  nas  held  at  the  Y.  >\  C.  A, 
The  group  ware  encoun^ed  and  goldsd  in  their  foraation  by 
JSra.  C.  Arthur  Sttllmft:  who  was  then  president  of  the 
Beethoven  Club  of  Canton,  i'omi^l¥aaia|  later  she  Mas 
elected  first  vice  presiUont  of  The  national  Federation  of 
Uttsic  Clubs.     Mrs.  C.  K.  Ottoson,  also  ox  Canton  and  third 
vice  irasident  of  the  P«»sylvania  PoUeratlon  also  assist  od. 
Those  sraseat  const itutca  the  charter  aaaborahip  as  followsi 

Xrs.  T.  R.  Adaas 
Mrs.  J.  Albert  Aadarson 
Mtm*  M.  J*  aarricic 
Ifrs.  C.  A.  Ooner 
Kiss  LVa  L»  8U03C 
»s.  J*  n*aiik  Ihidd 



^fSH   HJlft    -.  -i^    1<- 



Hrs,  John  R.   Uyrnes 

Mrs.  denjoaln  S.  Cohn 

Mr»,  Olivor  J.  Decker 

Mrs,  Kathryn  K.   Farley  (Hrs,  ICathryn  K,  Gstalddr) 

Mrs.  Arthur  E«  Feirriastaii 

Kiss  Mabel  F.  Gohl 

Mrs.  Prank  Haug  (!tra.  ECarl  Plankenhorn) 

Mrs.  William  E.  Hosi^ins 

Xrs.  Clarence  llurr 

Mrs.  Charles  Mut china on 

Miss  Dorothy  Jacobs  (Hrs.  John  Street cr) 

Mrs.  John  K.  Kauffaan,  III 

Miss  Mary  Laadon  (Mrs.  Glen  Kassell) 

Mrs.  Lawrence  L.  Long 

Miss  Glemilr  MacMlllan 

Mrs.  Clarence  fi,  Martin 

Mrs.  Jaaes  M.  Mensch 

Miss  Hilda  M.  Meyer 

Hrs.  K.  F.arl  Miller 

Miss  Margaret  1:).  Ovens 

Miss  Mary  w.  Pyles 

Miss  Margaret  K,  Re  Oder  (Mrs,  Fredericlc  Cehr) 

Mrs.  Lillian  M.  Reidor 

Miss  Elizabeth  H.  Sias 

Mrs.  athel  ^,  Smith 

Mrs.  Leonard  Spotts 

IStb,   0.  R.  H.  Thomson 

IbTB,   Carl  Vandersloot  (Mrs.  Clan  Kheeler) 

Mrs.  John  M.  Vogel 

Mrs.  Alfred  Wertz 

Mrs.  w.  w,  Wilcox 

Mrs.  C.  W.  Williaaisoa 

The  object  of  the  club  hiis  be-sn  to  acquire  a  broader 

kacnrledge  of  music  and  ausical  literature  and  to  proaote  a 

greater  love  and  appreciation  of  aiusic  in  tfilliamsport . 

Meetings  were  held  for  siany  years  twice  a  acinth;  one  was  a 

study  group  meeting  and  the  other  a  prograa  aoeting.  Later 

the  study  aeetini;s  were  dropped,  so  that  at  present  the  club 

aeets  at  the  T.  W^.  C.  A.  for  a  program  on  the  fourth  Tuesday 

of  each  oonth  from  Septsaber  to  Jane.  These  prograaa  ars 



al»«iys  op^n  to  the  public. 

The  senior  clnb  with  a  tteartnershlp  of  about  ninety 
wimm   8^0ft«or8  two  Dther  groups  for  young  people ,  the 
Juv«nllc  Xuslc  Club  for  children  froa  «lx  to  thirteen  aiKl 
th«  Junior  JCuelc  Club  for  those  froR  thirteen  to  eight 9«n« 
(Froa  1950  to  1<>54  there  was  al«o  a  Student  Kusiciena  Club 
far  girls  of  colloge  sge.}  Those  cluba  are  very  active 
ottintainlni:  their  own  yearly'  progrims,  entertaining  fre- 
quently as  choral  groups  at  local  affairs  anU  pwticipating 
each  ytar  in  the  various  junior  festivals  tUrouijhout  the 

Kach  year  slnc^  their  for«Bation  the  cottbine<i  senior 
aa<3  junior  clubs  imve  heralded  the  Ghristrnas  season  v,'lth  a 
traditional  candlelight  service.  The  program  was  first  held 
in  the  First  Baptist  Church.  Bach  year  it  grew  iintll  a 
larger  auditor iita  was  needed.  The  service  was  then  trans- 
ferred to  iJt,  Paul's  Lutheran  Church  and  then  to  Pine  Street 
ifsthodist  Church.  Finally  it  was  iioved  to  the  First  Tvangel- 
ical  United  Brethren  Church  wh«r«»  it  has  been  held  for  the 
last  eleven  years.  This  prograa  is  largely  devoted  to  the 
^pearances  of  tho  vocal  enseables  of  the  clubs.  For  aany 
years  Kiss  g,li2abeth  H.  Slats  has  directed  the  Senior  Eas«i^le| 
Krs.  Arthur  Farrington  is  the  accoapanist .  A  special  feature 
of  the  Candlelight  Service  is  a  sroitp  of  solos  on  the  Swiss 
bells  hy  Hrs.  John  K.  ICauffaan,  111,  nho   is  widely  known 




,x>s  i.-.a. 





•titt  •; 

avt   boa 


»<  f.     A' 



^o  sdj 



far  iiGv  artistry.     Tho  offorlog  rooeiVMl  at  this  servios 
is  slMsys  ooatrilMttod  to  vat<lous  charltUs  of  the  olty. 
terviiqr  ■•  prssidsats  of  Hm  KlUiMSport  Mamie 
duo  OKVs  ossa  tin  folXoMiziBt 

]b*s.  J«  Fk%nlc  3ua<I  IMn  •  19S9 

IPS*  K.  fisrl  XlU«r  ltt9  •  1941 

»»••  JtaM  H«asoli  1941  -  1^40 

1ftr».  C.  W.  WilXlMMw  1943  *  IMS 

Mrs*  K.  J.  asrri^  IMS  «  1947 

anu  ItttohsU  &•  TiBiirun  194'<  •  1M8 

Xrs.  G.  Bdwird  r;iseab«i8  1^3  -  1350 

mrm,  Clsa  SimssU  1930  •  id62 

Hiss  niixsbstb  H.  Slas  lt)&2  *  1904 

am*  Plraiiois  A.  Courtricht  1964  •  1954 

Xi#s  SMTtte  PoXasr  1954  • 


A  iraap  of  IooaI  srasalsts  aot  nl  tlis  Trinity  y^rl^i 
P^xnmrf  3,  1946,  to  foro  a  local  o2i£kpt«r  ctf  tbs 
Aatriflsii  Guild  of  Qrssaists*    Oordoa  Brssrsgr  mm  slsctsd 
dsaa  of  tiw  grouiR*    Ilr«  ar«srsy«  orgaaist  ana  cboir  aaatsr 
of  Trioity  Lpiaoopal  dmreh  at  ttut  tias,  is  oow  at  St. 
•tsfvsaa  Cath«(iral  in  Barriatmrs.     OtHor  officora  »f»ro  T. 
Lii^  Lgrasa,  aotoxlaaay  »m.  ittigaaa  viaBsr»  sscrotary  ana 
J.  Las  Baas*  trsaaorsr.    Ciiartsr  aapbsra  tisrs  tbe  followiagi 

■ra.  C.  Lss  Artlsgr  Mr.  Gordon  Orttary 

95ra«  V»  a«  Ificeiy  ttr.  nrwaorick  Sooll 

ara.  Saaasl  G.  tiarr  Mr.  wubsrt  ft*  Porao 

Mr.  T. 

»»•  J.  Laa  Saaa  Mr.  T.  Lsftsr  liraan 

Ira.  E.  v«  Andrswa  !tr.  Loster  C.  Dircbaru 

WLaa  Loaias  a.  StryMr  »••  Dallaa  tf«  OMUJLn 

1    Villiaflipart  SwB«Gaastto«  Ceossibcr  24,  1350,  p.  IS. 

mlm  ml 


Mr..  A.  RarrUon  Kotzg^r  *;..  J-  Hj«ry  Stahl 

E:  f  iSs/oiaf  sJybert  Jisa  Y^\^^l^^^ 

Mrs.  rhillp  K.  &afflp  K^'nf™  t'  wSuSason 

Mrs.  Eugonti  n.  winner  )tr.  Harry  ♦*.  wmiaason 

Mrs.  Ciair  liart 

Th«  Guild  meets  once  a  aonth.  Prograos  are  plannwi 
to  serve  th«  interest  of  church  ausicians  with  the  purpose 
of  raising  the  standards  of  church  auaic.  Workshops  such 
as  the  Paul  Smrm  Workshop  of  1>5G  are  aoaetiaea  held 
i^ercin  aeabws  and  interested  persons  «ay  receive  valu- 
able help  froa  experts  in  various  phasss  of  church  ausic. 
Wmeh  ywtf-  a  Junior  Choir  Festival  is  held.  For  this 
inspiriiuj  event  junior  choirs  froa  aii  over  tiie  city  cone 
together  to  sing  antheas  whicn  each  choir  iiaa  prepared 
individually.  For  several  years  Guild  aaabers  have  pre- 
sented prograiw  over  the  radio  during  Christinas  week. 

In  addition  to  these  prograias  the  chapter  has  made 
a  practice  of  bringing  nationaUy  known  organists  and  choirs 
to  the  city.  The  first  such  prograa  was  a  concert  by  Flor 
Pesters  in  li>46.  Hrs.  i»oods  M.  Kicely  served  as  chairman 
for  this  and  aany  other  successful  concerts.  Soae  othsr 
artists  presented  have  been  Virgil  Fox,  Walter  Balcer, 
Claire  Goci,  Rollo  «Iaitland,  Prank  Asper,  Uelen  Morgan  and 
ths  St.  Olaf  Choir, 


Lj  J  :  " 


.  jK 
*«  .ftnll 


;i.  f,j   'lit) 

;©   r^rjia^iu"   ii'iaw' 

t«  INC^I  «nJ:»Jld  *»<' 


!;.nf>   rtET 


The  Killlaasport  Federation  of  Musicians,  Local  761 
Me«  established  in  l:ll^.   It  is  an  affiliate  of  the  Aaor« 
lean  FeUeration  of  Musicians. 

lb*,  Ft*f»d  DeCanlo  was  Instrua^c.ital  in  ^f^puiixing 
the  local  group  of  which  Bcli«rd  Lloyd  tma   the  first  pre8i«> 
deat.  &*•  DeOanlo  had  C9£i«  to  Vlllia«tport  ia  Jfsrch  of 
1919  to  play  for  the  openijrtij  oC  Kaofi^y^a   Theater,  where 
he  played  ttar   about  a  y«ar  as  leader  of  the  orchestra. 
Later  ho  worked  at  Reefer's  factory  repair iiifj;  instruaents. 
lie  organised  The  Keefer  School  of  :iu;3lc  ani  airocted  a 
student  ."^arid.   In  ih*d   late  niatstQan-rii'tlos  he  expanded 
his  activities  to  opettinj^  a  rapalr  «diop  at  D.  3.  Aiidrus 
]|li«ic  Store  lAiere  he  also  teachos  piano,  accordlan,  guitar 
and  all  band  irtstruisents. 

The  object  of  the  local  stusicians*  uaion  is  *to 
unita  the  iastruuental  portion  ot   the  jmsical  professioa 
for  the  hettor  protection  of  its  interoot  in  ijaneral,  and 
the  establiahaeat  of  a  tainiaua  rate  of  prices  to  be  charged 
by  the  aeobars  of  the  Federation  for  thdir  professional 
services,  and  the  eaforce.-aeat  of  i;oo£i  faith  and  fair 
iealini^s  oetMean  its  aajil»ers,  also  its  patrons."^  Mrs. 
Marian  Serdan,  u  popular  enturtalner  on  the  or^an,  has 

2  Const itut ion  and  3y-Uxw3,  Wllllayssport  Federatioo  of 
Musicians.  Local  761.  t^iillaEiSport.  Pa. 



f-c  JtAH^   ■■»    V>ff>':i: 

.%b«)'K   /loooiafiz 

»iij    '* 

ft  4-  w^-y-  r- 

'  want'  %^ 


^  J  .ii^f «» 

%i4i  K 

<  '.-J.f?le;r.-.   ^i..,-. 



,  i;uv 

t*^    Ai 


W _  ^^ >mr>^ )»yt'.,_  nc^ 

••or«t«ry  of  the  local  i^roup  for  stvtral  /cars. 


A  «lu^t«r  of  tba  Xatiooal  Guild  of  Piano  Teachers 
MM  ••tAbliahsa  ia  Wiiliaiasport  in  1344.     Ba^al  B.  Dar«y 
MAS  the  local  chairaon*     Tlis  parpo«s  of  the  group  was  to 
uphold  standards  of  piano  ttachiog  and  to  sponsor  the 
local  fiuulltioos  for  piano  students  annually.     Xnry  Russell 
served  as  ehalraan  in  13SC.    Myrtle  St  roup  aatnssd  tlie  chair* 
■sntmp  in  1057.    other  local  aeabers  are  Msgdia  Glaaert 
Irene  Vcley,  Jane  Xeyte  London,  :7ancy  Dot t ling,  Constance 
Viflber,  Jessie  KsgBt  and  Harry  KiUiaasoo* 


ouupim  xfz 



0¥ir  OM  bundrod  yeoro  aco  a  buoiiMss  mm  ••tabliebed 
Is  l—nltnd  wtilch  lator  omm  to  settle  In  b'illtaaaport  as  ono 
of  tiio  clty*o  oldest  entsrprlsos.    This  was  ths  Ewarf  nistin 
IfaumlteturlQg  Coapony  later  Iomnsi  as  tlM  Sssfsr  MumfiMtur* 
ing  Coqpfti^* 

This  ywMpBHy  oaac  to  tbo  Uoitou  Gtatos  in  1975  and 
to  WllUaa^port  la  1333  uaaer  tlis  owaors&ip  of  tho  l&to 
Stats  Ssaator  Lutiisr  It*  Sssfsr»  eraocifatber  of  ttie  prosoat 
aMMTt  Ortia  C«  HCssfsr,  J^«     Bras  C*  Sssfsr,  Sr.,  fattier 
of  today's  omor  -—  .'  -  -     ---: — a  the  busiasss  untU  his 
death  In  1927.    Too  coqpaqy  mm  ohartered  ia  1808  with  a 

capital  of  $2G,J0O,O3  Mhioh  iaersased  to  |60»000.00  hr 

laao*  About  fifty  oea  wore  employed  • 

This  inUustry  attractoct  ouch  attention  for  its  aon- 

ufacturc  of  highest  erado  of  brass  and  silver-plated  iostru* 

Mints.  Instmaeots  were  asde  for  aany  prsaiasat  ausioiaas 

incltidiac  J<di8  Basel,  local  cornctlst,  Tod  »eeas»  orch« 


1  uUIliaasport  Sua-Gasette.  Deoesabcr  24,  liOS,  p. 

3  Mscinasss  -  History  of  Urooaiaii  County.  Psaasylvania.  p.  8* 


imt  bft^i^^  f»i 

'ujftmV  at-: 


••tra  Itt»der»  Bmest  wllllaos,  fcuious  truapater  with  the 
Phiiodolpbia  OrolMStra  onU  Gordoll  Siaons,  troaboaist  with 
tlM  rhiladolpbiA  Orob«stni.^ 

In  1940  tho  corpar«ti(m  dinhiuKlod  its  oanufacttjurina 
fftoilitios  to  coac«atrato  oa  r«tailiac  aad  iastructioa,    Aa 
•xtoasiv*  repair  dajMrtaoat  is  also  aalataiaeu.     Hfc*.  Arsd 
DsCaaio,  already  rcfsmid  to  la  tbo  soction  on  tho  Husioiaas* 

Uaioo,  was  larijely  respoasiblo  for  organisciti^ia  of  ths 

auslo  school, 

Oinia  C,  Ki»«f«r,  Jr.  plays  tlM  truapet  and  guitar 

and  was  a  aiabsr  of  tho  Cornell  University  Sand  in  his 

oollsgs  days*  His  son,  arua  C.  Ksefer  Hit  ^o  has  boon  la 

the  firs  for  the  last  twelve  years  played  truapet  with  the 

iNlHaasport  High  School  Baad  aad  has  servsd  as  president 

of  Tbs  Villiaasport  ammilisny  Society.  The  Reofcr  interest 

in  tho  instruction  of  yo«nfi  peoplo  of  the  area  was  citod 

JUly  13,  1349,  when  M^ror  Loo  Williaason  prossated  Qrua  C. 

Sesfer,  Jr*   a  oortifioate  for  "sarvicos  rendered  to  tausic 

ia  Villiaasport ."^ 

3  tfilliaasport  tF  "iTiT""'  DMMber  24,  lOdG,  p.  3. 
5  Ihid, 


>■•.«'; -iv:?  ^lilShm^  f^x 


•.leoar  'cmmI 

•my  baa 

tM  '^i   901 


MUSIC  puQLZsrnjR;  comumss 

A  mmhw  0f  wasiOAX  pubilthiag  oo«paai««  hava  Im«ii 
la  b— I— —  iii  wiiliaaaport  ttarooBli  th«  year  a.    An  ttarljr 
mm  nmm  tn*  TUky  Criaa  and  Coapacsst  wbioh  ttxlstod  armmd 

laM*  Qm  af  tiMir  ptiiaioattoaa  mcui  thu  Paonaylvaoia 
Grit  Jfaroa  urltton  by  Jool  a.  Ettio8«r  of  this  city, 
Anotbor  ptdkliahiag  bamiamm  mm  ttio  Hazel^erry  !Cu»lc  0 
pMT  i*ioli  opwMa  of  fleas  In  1915  •  John  RamI  aiKl  David 
Gorry  fonMU  ttia  otMpaoor*  Tbay  oaiS*  a  spoclalty  of  pub- 
ilaiila£  varlatlona  for  liand  and  orthtttrm  of  all  popular 


anMMra*    THelr  f Irat  publlcatloa  wu  Tjbm  QIC  Gray  !fero. 

Oaa  of  tlia  nation's  iar4*oot  «islc  put>lialiing  bouass 
flourlittiod  in  i/llliaa^>ort  during  tbo  fii*8t  thirty  yoara 
of  tUs  prsasat  esntury.     This  was  the  F»  W*  Taiidaraioot 
Xiiaie  Pui>liii>ii%  Company* ' 

Zt  una  froa  the  kltcUsa  of  lOs  horn  at  20  iMUUigtatt 
BlvU,  tbat  tt**  Taadarsloot  be^an  uis  Ixislneaa  aliortly  !>ofare 
1900.    Bs  ocGopiea  several  otber  locations  in  tbo  city 

<  Grit.  July  IS,  135C,  ^ews  Soction,  p,  6* 

^  «»  imWA^-lh'  ^''^♦*'W4r-  August  31,  1310,  n.p, 

8    NiUiaMip  -Ogsctte.  Dsssalher  24,  1038,  p.  15. 


later  and  also  had  a  publlshiag  i»*anch  la  Hew  York  City 
at  42  hrest  Thirty-eighth  St,  and  one  in  Toronto,  Canada 
luadM*  thci  name  of  Whaley,  Koyce  aiic  Cos^any.  J^non^^   tholr 
publications  were  popular  hits  of  the  da/t  tuaee  froai 
Broadway  shows  such  as  Untier  Southern  .Skl«s  and  Sweet 
Clover,  aarches,  ballads,  riovelty  nua'oers,  religious  son;j3, 
a  teaching  edition  for  tiao  first  three  grades  of  piano 
and  solo  piano  folios  ontitlea  For  the  Pianist ^  For  the 
Photoplay,  For  the  !}ooie  and  For  the  School.  The  popular 
RapASX  Band  March  by  Charles  Sfi^eley  was  first  published  by 
the  VaJisuorsloot  fins, 

Mr,  Vamlersloot  and  his  wife  Cora  were  both  susic- 
inns  as  were  other  aeabers  of  the  family  including  his 
brother  CairU  Mhorn   he  took  into  the   firm  in  li;*OS.  ?lls 
son  Carl  ims  a  pianist  and  cooposer;  his  daughter  Kuth, 
now  the  wife  of  Colonel  Arthur  ICalcer  of  Muncy,  cod^osed 
the  ausic  and  worus  for  aany  songs t  another  daughter 
Esther,  now  deceased,  wrote  ukelele  accoatpaninents  to  the 
pieces  which  were  publii^ed* 

Shortly  after  the  siarriage  of  his  dau.'jhter  Ruth  to 
Colonel  ivaScer,  Mr.  Vandersloot  sent  a  portfolio  of  Vanuer- 
sloot  publications  to  the  colonel  at  Fort  Niagara,  >?.  Y, 
where  he  was  stationed,  F;«ch  song  was  autographed  by  the 

9  Ibid. 

,id    :  ^:?:  e-\-J..y 


•^•S!    tf. 



with  scverel  personal  assMkccs*      It  kxio  in 
fflancinr:  throuijh  thin  coll*»ctlen  tl»t  OB^ny  faalliar 
ambmra  i««r«  found.     Anoiig  theii  were  the  aarches  School 
H»tg3,  Trluj^hant  Limlbersh  nnd  W«  by  Harry  J.  Lincoln 
1^0  i«ti»  astistajnt   In  th»  business  for  a  short   time,     Hfuia- 
bers  by  itr.  Vanderslrtot  w«ro  Chri«t«©»  ChiA*  K«verie, 
Cr<faBfr  *ffff*^  ^^^  Xyrixs  by  Ray  ,Sh«r*rood,   a  Jfew  York 
repress ntatlv«»,   Dear  Little  P^l  «f  Hln«  with  wnrfis  bv 
Ruth,   Garden  of  Flowers  R«vori«,   .sunrtae  i-icho**  Reverlv. 
and  Twilight   Shaoowg  Reverie.      s*ing»  )3if  Ruth  wore  Ky  Love 
Pal  and   Jun^   Causf.     Carl  vaa  r«>.n*'»«'»nt«d  by  eiany  ntuabers 
including  the  Q<»nnr^.l  Per^lnfr  Harch,   th»  Att<»rlcAn  legion 
SfflBff  and  Hjyiollnyt  Moonlight ,   tin**  lntt*»r  two  with  wor4t  by 
Saj'  Sh'srworKl,   A«^rlcan  hagiryn  '^no  St^^n  March,   ^^xr  SasMlos. 
Srtagy  South  S»a  1{<»Qn  with  word^  by  Ruth  nnrJ  Gr«at«r  Aner- 
lean  ^farch  Two  Sttqp.     Another  song,  Plnio*  Jnfit   for  You, 
with  words  by  Jam«8  Royce,   a  fri<»n<i  of  Mr«   Van<le>rsloot ,  was 
attributed  to  Spenser  6.  Adaon.     This  was  actually  co«- 
pe*a4  bar  Xahel  Oohl,   orf^anist  of  Pin«  Street  Methodist 
Church  for  aaagr  years.     According  to  frs.  Ea*<er  the  na?ae 
Spenser  Adaas  was  one  which  her  father  nut  on  fisttiy  pieces 
of  isuslc  which  w«*re  written   ?iy  new  co«p09**r»  whose  music 
he  bought.     The  (J  in  this  instanc**  was   ins<?rt'sd   for  Gohl. 
Kiss  6ohl  taught  niano  privately  fnr  a  nnmh€>r  nf  years  and 
was  &I50  an  assistant   in  the  «ianrt  <1eTtif5rtr4««nt   of  nickinson 

■m*f  s^%*- 

''^H   f-  *•( 




t.  .;  '\  "}'* 

if.    yt 

f,'^*«r^'n    ■"Cfi"    ^-f    bfttrr?iR««»r©*?   «.V-' 

«»tjfea«/»r'    •« 

^>4«K  a). 

0i?,v     -•♦•''<  f^T; 





f5    rr^ 

from  1907  to  11)13.     She  went  to  the  D.  S.  Andru* 
Music  Store  id  1922  tr*  take  chara<3  of  tb«  aiheet  eiusic 
Uepartaent.     She  has  been  there  thirty-five  years.     Miss 
Cohl  hat:   sone   other  music  puhliahsd  by  the  Tandersloot 
nrmpa^y  ttmtcr  her  onm  mme.     These  included  two  waltses, 
Innoconcc  and  Southlanu. 

A  ntaiMT  of  Xr.  Vandersloot  which  gained  widesfipsad 
popularity  was  I  Wondor  How  The  Ot<j  Polks  Are  at  Uoma, 
Acccardlng  to  Hrs.  Baker  this  soiig  which  was    rltten  in 
1904  cleared  $>3,0J0.00  in  five  aonths.     It  is  now  pub* 
lishetl  by  the  Vogel  Music  Coapany,  Inc.,   112  Vest  Forty- 
fourth  St.,  Hew  York.     The  story  goe  ;  that  Jerry  Vogel 
was  once  shflMB  a  favor  oy  Sr.  Vandersioot.     To  show  his 
gratitude  he  decXared  that  aa  long  as  he  lived  the  Vamier- 
sioat  name  would  never  go  out   of  print. 

The  entire  Vandersloot  catal^^goe   is  now  publii^i«4 
fair  Kills  .Cusic  Incorporated,   161^  Broadway,  Neiv  Yfwk. 

Mr,   Vander9ioot»8  contribution  to  hyia.n  wj'itini,' 
iMM  been  dealt  with  in  the  chapter  on  Uyran  l^ritera.     At 
the  present  ticae  his  daughter  Ruth  is  engaged   in  writing 
a  book  of  hysms. 

It  is  felt  by  soa<!  that   tins  Tomleraloot   Cotapany 
would  tiave  aet  with  even  greater  success  if  they  had 
published  tiie  new  jazz  of  the  day.     However,  Jft*.  Vandcr- 
sloot  was  not  in  sympathy  with  it  and  would  not  publish   It. 

ftBjtv.  f-miit  ^tterfiij 

•  ^^/iMJiiSi:  ^^  ccfltpv 

n!*I«»«di  ui'v  ..fva   n*tf'oi<' 




to  witing;  it  laui  a  naabw   called 

Xa  1330  the  f  Ira  aoved  to  Philadalpbia  t«h«re  it  has 
fiaallT  tekaa  over  by  Hills  Music  Xncorporatsd  • 


TIWFtim  tlM  lattsr  oighteon-oichtios  ssvorol  ousioaX 
inablicatioaa  bad  thsir  or  iff  ins  In  Williaasporl* 

TIM  earliest  mas  a  aoathly  onjsasiae  called  MMdo 
aatf  Hlrth.  Devoted  to  the  interest  of  ausical  orgaaisa* 
tiaaa  it  Mas  startad  in  Wav  of  1337  t^f  Charles  T.  Lo't^o, 
Zt  is  reputed  to  have  lisd  a  good  ciroulatioii  aaong  lovers 
of  aaaic. 

^.  Loi^ue,  a  veteran  newsuwiparaan,  Mas  icoown  as 
"David  of  Bopnr  Tallejr*  for  the  daily  coluan  he  lorote 
for  ttM  QaiMtte  and  Bulletin.  At  tte  age  of  twelve  he 
aas  eqploared  by  the  D.  S*  Aaitraa  Music  Store  iihore  he 
aorked  for  twenty-five  jrears,^ 

la  Doosafber  of  1391  a  foiarteea  pas*  monthly  publica* 
tion  uaa  started  by  the  Distin  Huaioal  Instruoont  Monufac- 
turing  Coapaay.  This  aasosiae  was  devoted  to  cusic  and  the 
iaterosts  of  the  ■'-—"-*  **^ 

10  Xbid. 

U  Xeginaoast  p.  3  7. 

12  The  ViUiMwport  ^jg^,  August  17,  1J54,  p.  G. 

13  Xiginiiesa»  p*  03j. 


'  9  liPlPlf  WP'* 

^aJLS'iSa^:t»*a«*«r0yM^  '. 






In  the  early  ainota«a«ht»ar«a«  Frank  S.  Tliiitr 
th«  local  correspooaant  for  a  amthly  oagasloe  callad 
tiM  II^Miii^  aaftarprtac  wiilch  mrs  publiahad  at  Caadaa,  Vav 
Jaraay^  and  vhloli  o<mtaia»a  nualoal  aawa  fraa  oil  ov«r 
tha  cauatry*  ?&*•  Hataatr  la  kaoim  in  Willlaaaport  lor 
hia  aany  yeara*  aarvice  to  baad  anaie.  Ha  Joinod  tba 
Kapaas  aaad  fifty  yaara  ago  aa  a  druaaer  aad  atill  per- 
foraa  at  tlaoa  with  tha  baiKii  in  1906  he  waa  elected 
preaitlent  of  tha  organiaation.  At  a  apeoial  proiraa 
nn— ninariitins  tha  one  hundred  twonty-fifth  aanlvcraary  of 
tte  Kapaaa  9aad  in  October  of  199$  Vuyot  Thoaaa  Levariag 

praa«oted  Hk**  aaaaer  a  special  citation  for  hia  "outatanci- 

ins  contribution  to  aualc  in  WiUiaaaport." 

WaSlC   STfMW 

D,  S.  .fiSORUS  iSD  COKPAVr 

One  of  the  oldeat  iwaiaaaaaa  ia  Viiiiaoaport  la  the 
D«  S*  Aadrua  !luaic  Store  located  at  IdO  ifeat  Third  St* 
Tha  huaineaa  waa  forsad  by  D*  S.  AnOrua  in  1360  to  aoU 
■uaioal  inatrutaenta.    ikt  that  tina  the  city*a  population 
woa  only  5,604*     The  orifiinal  location  of  the  buaineaa  Maa 
on  Piae  Straet  aajoinii«  tho  CUiott  Block.    Later  tha 
firai  aovQd  to  Xartcot  Sqtwre  in  tha  huidling  foraerly 

14    wiiliaa^ort  :^uo*Qaaotto.  Octohar  2B,  1966,  p.  10. 


occupied  by  th«  C,  C«  ■■*•!•«  Jctwlry  stcvre.     Vinr*  >U*. 
Aadrus  tad  as  his  p?(rtn«r  for  a  tlMs  villlan  R«  VafHt«rbllt. 
His  interest  was  purcl^iased  In  1874  by  William  and  James  J. 
OiWoa*     After  a  fire  aestroyeU  the  store  rooit  mnd  stock 
tbe  business  wss  «ovac!  to  the  old  three  story  First  2?ation« 

ai  ilank  building  where  it  occupied  half  of  th*s  builcilng 

for  forty  years. 

After  Xr.  Andrus*  death  in  13d3  Charles  E.  Brownell 

becaae  afflliateii  with  th^  store  as  a  salesTnaR.     Be  was 

soon  adaitteu  to  partnership  with  the  Gibsons.  On  July  1, 

1916  Hr.  Brownell  purcha«<*d  the  partnership  int«»re«t»  of 

the  Gibsoss  and  continti«<d  a»  sole  owner  until  the  business 

i«as  incorpCHrate<!  In  1527.  Xr.  arownell  €erve<J  as  prostdent 

until  his  death  in  192?.  Tracy  L.  Kic«ly  and  Lavrpnce  P. 

Maynard^  his  sons-in-law,   held  the  offices  of  vice-presivient 

sad  secretary-treasurer  respectively,  }ir,   Xaynard  had  become 

associated  with  the  store  in  1916  ai2d  Hr.   JTictly  in  1920. 

la  Koveaber  of  1S45  Lawrence  P.  Maynar»3,  Jr.  grandson  of 

Charles  arowaell,  joined  the  fira.  Present  officers  are 

Tracy  L.  Kicely,  president,  Lawrence  P.  ^Jayn^rd,  Sr,, 

secretairy-treasurer ,  and  Lawrence  P«  Maynard ,  Jr.,  vic«- 


15     Grit,  April  1,    1956.   >fows  vSoctf.on,  :>.   10. 
IG     Ibid. 

rut*   V; 

;.t«  mnv. 


.-^ffW    J. 




««  U0V*: 

01  tioo3^ 

m>Ai^     iMbCt     ^^i'Miat'' 





Until  1J52  tho  D.   $.  Andrus  firm  contributed  to  tho 
Chrittama  ••«son  by  playing  Chriataaa  anaic  oo  a  special 
set  of  chifliva.     Locattd  on  tht:  roof  of  th«i  stor^  tho  chiaaa 
were  played  eleotrically  on  a  keyboard  inside  the  building. 
Tlila  praetloe,  ioMtgoratad  hy  Mr.  Qrownoll  at  the /turn  of 
tiM  oentury,  beeaae  a  tradition  as  it  ima  carried  on  by 
bia  buainesa  auoceaaors.     In  the  early  yoara  the  chlaes 
wn^  aouated  on  an  atttOMobile,  and  Xr.  and  KTs*  3raimell 
woiiiA  go  aaout  the  city  and  outlying  areas  taking  Chriatoaa 
carols  to  the  hospitals  and  oth«r  institutions.     (Xiaa  Xable 
tt«hl  «te  lUM  been  with  the  store  mmof  years  la  the  only  por- 
MA  STar  to  play  the  chlaes.)  "cj   /y-e-    ^f  ^ ^ 9 f j      ^/4.  v^-^   -  -'C 

Another  very  old  ausic  store  is  31oob*s  Xusic  Store 
••tablished  in  1343  aa  a  retail  store.     Itendtandise  includ* 
atf  raeords,  mislcal  inatruiseats,  ausic  boxes,   sh<»«it  astsio 
and  pianos.     In  ViO'^  a  wboleaale  bvalneaa  waa  added.     The 
location  of  this  store  is  311  v/ost  Fourth  Street. 

Kawivapers  of  tJM  ei||^teea*eighties  contain  adver- 
tiaeaenta  of  Xlagle's  Kusic  House  aa  "aiming'  to  be  always 
in  the  lead  -  never  two  or  three  yeara  behind."^        At  the 
aajM  tijM  the  Central  Xitaic  Houae  at  301  vest  Fourth  vStreet 

advert ia«d  aaveral  oakea  of  pianos,  or^ana  ana  sewing 

aaohiaes.     J.  X.  Hall  naa  tbs  aaaagar.         Stopper,  Flak 

1?     i^llliaflisport  Sun-Qaactte.  Deoaober  24,  1955,  p.  2d. 
IS    Dally  Sua  a^  o^^ttt*.     Jaaaary  12,  l<i3G,  p.  2. 
19    Ibia, 

•dt  of  u#l«rii*itn«d  nil  wriii..^  -   ;  Hnll 

•  MtlsfO    »l<t    9'«Ot«    tilt    lO   l0«^i    iitff    M    '■  .AtlUltO    !•    I«» 

)e  a«»»t\Mlt  tA  iittowoib  ••df  nsfi  tetfiHiiiiiAiil  ««9itaiiiQ:  tliiT 
Xii  nc  id  votf  ti  ««  &  «il  «  MMOttf   (-xiiitado  »it 

n   .a'di  uiA  .tji  oo^'  ,t»Xiac:«c»|yji  cut  no  i>9fauam  •itw 

{/..         ^  ;    «««n«  4Al  v>   Oiit    tllOdft  Oft  hlMOW 

'-jiiid'MiX     ••'njf^    '      '    -  n  *«  l^tl  aX 

ao'Sf     ,  .  saw  #ti.n-i irw.<-    Ar.>«r. rrrf-  ^  crc  r   r.T      ,%oaml<i  tUxM> 

.i  ^<«  al  dio^tt  nidi  10  ii«itjioaX 

•lit  le  ti»<|>qti>»l 

isvoii  •  um»l  •df  al 
f  U  <^«0oB  oituK  lAitned  tti(t  otUI  MM* 

■  H  I  ■    II      »    II 

•nd  Cootpany*9  Huaic  House  flourished  In  this  period  at 
49  Bast  Third  Street.  **i::;vor/thing  in  the  nusic  line"  was 

offered  with  special  co^hasis  on  pianos*  organs  and  alaa 


sewing  flashiaes.    In  1694  Pi^»  Kriaa  and  Coflq>any 
professed  to  be  sole  agent  for  the  Lehr  piano  case  organs 

Mbioli  were  advertised  as  being  "the  first  ever  brought 

to  this  oiiy."    Other  stores  were  the  Shade  aad 

flreinin^'  Music  Store  on  the  northeast  corner  of  Third  mad 

Hepburn  Streets  and  Logue  Brothers  Store  which  sq^ecialixed 

in  pianos. 

In  the  early  nineteen  hundreds  other  music  storas 
appeared.  Harry  Kaseaan  istalntained  the  Central  Xusic 
Store  at  Laurel  and  Fourth  Streets  around  1315.  At  the 
saae  tiae  he  had  a  studio  in  Maiicet  Square  where  he  taught 
violin  and  directed  an  orchestra  coaiposed  of  his  stuueats 
and  saae  townspeople.  This  store  is  now  owned  by  Francis 
Carduccl,  HecorUSy  susical  iastruaents  and  accessories  are 
sold.  Another  store  of  this  era  was  the  Fersuson  Piano 

Xa  1923  aryon  L.  Gleckner  and  FJrnest  E.  Landon 
OpSBSd  the  Landon  and  Gleckner  Music  and  I^Harniture  Stors 
at  327  Harket  St.   Pianos,  radios,  iastroatents  and  ausic 
were  sold  over  a  period  of  twenty-six  years. 

80  The  Daily  Sun  and  Banner.  Au^gust  22,  183S,  p.  4, 

21  The  Daily  Gazette  and  aull&tin.  March  20,  1894,  p.  5, 







A  «ore  recftnt  atot'o  is  that  of  R*>b«rt  K.  Sid«9  of 
43  liMhin£ton  Blvxl.  I'lstablished  la  Jund  of  1948  this 
store  saphasix**  plaflos  and  olectric  organs.  Another 
recoat  store  is  ths  Swartz  Piano  Store  of  West  Fourth 
Street,  Although  this  fir-a  was  established  In  1926  in 
Altooaa  and  Johnstown »  tho  local  store  opened  on  July  16, 
1954.  Pianos  aaU  electric  organs  are  sold.  Associated 
vith  this  at  or  3  is  Colias  Griggs,  a  s'icillful  and  popalar 
tatertainer  in  this  area  on  the  electric  organ. 

An  interesting  business  is  that  of  3udd  J.  Leavy, 

at  140  West  i^illow  Street.  Here  !Q*.  Lsavy  oaintaias  a 

violin  repair  8h<^  aad  keeps  a  rara  and  valuable  colloction 

•f  siiproxisatoly  four  hundred  violins  of  all  agea.  For 

twenty-five  years  Mr.  Leavy  jsade  and  repaired  violins  at 

his  h««e»  Bis  violins  are  knoim  throughout  Paansylvania. 

Orders  for  violins  and  repairs  to  fiddles  come  tr<m   this 

•tata»  Yaw  York  and  ^mv  Baffland  states.  In  1^^46  Xr*  Leavy 


opsaed  his  prison t  store. 

FZAXo  wmsis 

WwUmnce   points  to  the  fact  that  for  aany  years 
local  piano  owners  had  to  dtpmtA   on  aoaeoae  froot  the 
larger  cities  to  care  for  their  piaaoa.  In  1864  BdMard  H, 

22  Grit,  Jmnmary   17,  11)94,  Vews  Section,  p.  4. 


iQtlifin^     ,aasn,tt.  s^ittslfs  fin^r  Bcrnslrj  Bftalrflrimst?  9*xi}te 

iSiTwoi  ?esj"  'Jo   iTsor  il'tmic  n^i"  «i   s'lei's  jaoasi 

al  dfiGX  til  b»dmtiatifnti  «iw  tt^l  ei^t  Ai^utfiiflk    •t»o*^a 

,0i  vlut  rif)  ber«>oo  ©^ote  laoel  crtt   ,nMCtcc*f?ot.  bna  AoootlA 

botiiiDcceA     .LilRB  »iA  eaasio  oxitt^^ii?  baa  soa&ii     •^dti 

-sAfoqoq  bma  iutlllTtti  «  ,c^  ftciXoO  ei  etttt  elrft  dtJtw 

i»lt8f»XIeo  <»X(ljBtiX£v  ima  «n«t  a  er«9af  bfia  «t©iI«  *ti««?©t  ffi.XoXv 

tii%     .atj)^  iXfi   zo  fiiuioxv  ijniujp-.uti    imvi  ^vija^^^t  i<j^a  lo 

t&  «<iiXoXY  i^oilAqtfi  Mm  •Aaa  igyiiftJ  <iX  •'W«x  •vll-'^tfivwJ' 

cxay  SIC  ii  MBOo  aoxiiJill  "  i>fi«  •olXoiv  •h>1  «l»fcnO 

tVMKi  .-ili  ^KX  flZ     .aotftte  T  w»¥  ,»tclB 

^^    _.      ...,•.<...,>   jj^jju  ^j»ccx    ,"''   — ----^      tliO  ■  2S 

Valk«r,  Jr.  advert isctl  his  services.     Since  his  hoaw  wa* 
la  Blalra  orders  for  tuning  had  to  be  left  at  tho  store 

of  G«arii«  L,    halicer.     Professor  JiaUcor  had  an  afioncy  for 

a  certain  piano < 

Th«  earliest  local  piano  tuner  reaoabered  is  Baurry 
S.  Krape  of  the  ei^^'hteen-ninctles  and  early  ninete^sn- 
hondreds.  Aaong  the  tuners  of  w'lllisrasport  Mr.  Krape  is 
always  spolcan  of  aa  the  "clean"  ot   this  profession.  7.1^ 
splendid  reputation  In  this  line  a-aong  Musicians  of  the 
larger  citl«rs  has  been  a^ntioncji  in  the  chaptf"  o«  Concert 
Courses.   Present  tun?r«  recall  Mr.  .'Crape's  ST>Rndin£  a  full 
afternoon  tuning  a  piano  for  a  fee  of  $2,00, 

Earl:7  tuners  of  the  early  nineteen  hundreds  were 
G«8  Lettnn  of  the  Lettan-Chappell  Orchestra,  Louis  Knoellcr 
and  Janes  fi»   Saith. 

Veteran  tuners  of  the  present  tiae  are  Fred   W'inter- 
ttleen  and  T.  LeRoy  Uyaaa;  Hr,  hjTHmi   also  tunes  and  repairs 
organs.  Both  of  these  moa   have  given  -aany  years  of 
valuable  service  to  this  profession.  Other  pro-sinent 
tuners  are  Robert  >1.  Sitios  of  the  Sides  iHano  Store,  Ralph 
Heller,  William  Guadrun  aid  La-aar  Schamtts.  Mr.  Schmaui 
is  the  soa  of  the  late  Antnoay  SchJiaus  who  had  been  an 
••teemed  tan»r  in  williaaiapor  t  bsf'»rf>  hta  death  in  1932, 

23  West  aranch  ^ullatin,  April  IC,  1864,  p.  3. 


yf.<ti    4H»<>ii 

■f'-.-'ii  Likt    CK»»/  t'tv    it     •a- 


1."       -^winfi  i   ! 


-tu   ti&r  » : 


'.  ■  :    -  '    f  mrl  r-ud 

,f->A   c    .??      rty    t   OCR 

>     i«>  .*  \,  ^it  I  A 

V     I    ;;       *: .  -^  i  i 

Fvi  ocfc      ii^ut^Ju  fiJ'A'tlin    ♦*!*    ioi: 

i^««*WX    *v4.     Ji4>  '    ^^    C^ 


«  violinist  in  the  )!riilla.«»port  Civic 
Orchfiotra.     A  concert  by  t>ir  orcheetra  ?n  October  27, 
1982  was  tfedicatffci  to  bis  r^isory. 

-,l-i-l'^-      V-^r  rtfcfw't  I  r  r  JW    *n;t     nt      fs- jr.  ?  fr-ty    r.     n^iHtX     hn'i    rif^     hnn 
,  V£    1.-  ''lO 

rf  oi  KM  saei 


mt.  xjuuiif  opmA  house 

the  last  lialf  of  the  nineteenth  ceottjrj'"  ush«P«d 
In  the  w«althy  lumbtasr    la;'3  when  Killlaa«port  was  kaown 
throughout  th«  nation  as  a  town  of  aiUlonalros.       K'lth 
the  rapid   increase  in  population  and  wealth  after  1360 
there  developticl  a  greater  awareness  of  qjm  aeaire  for 
cult'^rtil  ai'vanta4:es. 

This  Inteiretrt  resulted  in  th«  erection  of  the  first 
of  a  group  of  theater-i  whicli,   taken  all  tOfa;etUer,   bear 
teaticiony  to  an  orxltinc  atmosphere  of  ICiiitimatu  theater 
oiMl  auolcnl  concerts  thi'ough  the  y©ar»« 

UlsuiK*t3  Opera  House  ims  built  by  Isaac  Ulaao  in 
lS6e.     Located  In  Market   vSquare,    it  was  th«*  first  theater 
with  stage  and  acenen'  th&t  Hilliaa»|«)rl   ever  had.     As 
previously  aienticacci,   up  to  this  titac  all  cnttrtainaents 

of  a  theatrical  nature  were  given  In  Doebler*s  Hall  with 

nothiag  tut  a  pU^tfora  for  a  sts^e. 

In  the  early  ystra  of  the  Ulaan  Opera  House  soias 

noted  stars  of  their  clay  appeared  there.     One  in  particular 

Kas  tlie  Irish  t*;nor,   Fritz  Eaact.     .'ippJorinii  «i  lirat 

1  Willia:3sport  Sesquicentannial  Historical  aooS.let,  p.   89, 

2  The  Daily  Ga»ette  and  3ulletia,  Jiarch  9,   1303,   p.   J, 



<v« , 

."  '    f\'-f  *T  v^yji?  '::;if? 

ifalas!-.  ^L^z-E^mBiMM  ^ 


in  OMpUQr  with  XhQ  3c  11  Ringars,   on  mch  8uo«««(iiiig  visit 
h»  had  adviQiKiad  ci  st«p  hlghor  ui%  tbo  lad6«r  of  faa«.     !!• 
Muo^  his  inii4i table  Gcnoan  dialect  adaga  with  taadsroeaa 
and  baauty.    His  St.  aamard  dog*  Vara,  ias  his  constant 
cofl^Muiion.     A  favorite  aiua>er  Kith  the  aiKlienos  Mas  tlM 
niiMbar  Nbsrc  taro  useU  to  K^Xk  oajastically  onto  the  staga 
abaa  PTits  aang,  "Say*  Schneider «  don*t  you  vant  to  buff 
a  dagf"* 

Durin;;  the  lost  fen  years  of  its  existence  as  a 
theater  nothing  hut  variety  shows  wars  giiraa*    Haywood 
awt  ]fo&irr*s  v^aridties  oocai>ied  the  place  all  on4»  winter. 
This  aaa  due  to  the  arrival  of  the  new  Aaadaagr  of  Xuaic 
in  1370,     Maturally  the  i>ettdr  artists  ware  attracted  to 
the  aore  ao«nouiss«  and  aod«rn  theater,  aad  the  Ulaan 

Hoiuie  £;ot  only  the  chsapsr  shows*     It  oloseu  aa  a  theater 

in  1*374  and  was  conv^rteu  into  aa  ^ 

Aetsmx  OF  3a;sic 

The  Aondeiqr  of  JHasic  opeasd  Deoe«h«r  10,   la70.     It 
is  the  cmly  aae  of  t</illiaj»port * s  theaters  to  regain  to 
the  preaeat  day  la  a  structural  seaae.     The  Afaaii^y  occu* 
pled  the  Elliott  block  which  coutinuco  to  aark  the  south- 

3  Anae  Ciwyaey,   *Jac  '  \er  to  the  H'>cic  Polks,* 

T!k      ^--.iaasport  Sun*   .  .  *f»2,   n.t). 

4  The  Daily  Gaactto  and  bulletin,  lUirch  .^,  1903,  p.  3. 

9%»en»tm0t  Afim  mtfite  i^XMib  nsstaO  •XcSAtiAloi,  •ill  aoct 

tcAteaoc  jBJt^  naif  ,€!%»%  «3|»l^  ^i«eiMti  .td  aiit     ,\iam»C  kam 

•d$  mm*  •9«aiiJMM  m2>  litJhf  *i«dMJiii  •tiioy«l  A     .ficiiiaqiivo 

•late  »Ai  otac  ^ll4SDit««iaft  Mkh  cf  Imi«u  oioU  0-uMtMr  iMdawi 

tIKi    Ot    tOliV   IfOY   t*IIOi»    tlAtkXwiUloe    *X«i*.*    tSIMi    Stl«rt   OlUltM 

MKWtAlI     •oavil  rt«w  vvoito  Yt«ii£v  i/ltoii  t«fii«ill 

«*totAi«  oflo  IXj*  ftOAiq  «Mtt  ^l^de«  (B^ttmitM^  •^nrtiOoM  to* 

oieiiiK  lo  \pu»AMU»A  KNlfi  vdlt  1N>  X«vli*M  9iit  ^f  wjb  mm  cldT 

at  b»to««itt£  oisw  t^fLltna  *i*#t»d  94t  xLlM'wtatL     .•'^■"'' ^  ai 


912X9!  ^0  UrSOAOi  SSf 

ot  AiaM£'i  ot  ti9ti¥Htt  •'HefSMBiljULn  lo  t>n«  x^^>0  *At  •! 
««oo0  ^gntfitf^A  aifT     •••lum  Jti;  its  «  ^  tai»«cii4  •di 

•tftcos  Adt  3l*uaR  ot  fr«MsiaitaoG»  ti£>''''^  ^ooi.    .    w..^  <  <jAt  tflq 

WNrt  corner  of  Fourth  and  Piae  stro«t».     Skylights  In  tho 
ooator  iwil  of  thtt  iipp«r  floors  of  this  tmildiog  stlU 
glirt  svidoiMift  of  thtt  »tructur«8*o  arigijiftl  pttrpo««,^ 
w«  G.  Elliott  WAS  ths  |»ro9ri«tor.     Tbs  A««taiv 
scctipitta  tlM  i|pp«r  floor  ma&  loft  ths  street  Iwol  thoa 
*s  noi*  to  stores.     Ths  maIq  cutranos  una  oa  Plas  Str««t. 
1  Aoard  of  Trade  pttULicatioa  In  1S86  Uoscrib^i  the  /^codai^ 
ia  thk9  Mart 

Thsre  £ir«  ssvsral  public  halls  in 
tl»  city,    t>at  njost  important  as  well 
as  the  favaritd  placs  of  aaRiaaasot 
is  th«  Aeada^iy  of  iiualc.    Ti»  buil<:i« 
i«fi  is  lar^s  aaa  im»mia$  ia  app^r- 
•see  aa<J  is  worth  prolsalsly  or« 
hua(lre<2  thousaad  dollars*     It 
asatalao  aany  firs«  stars  roons, 
sfeO|»i  ana  offices.     The  theater, 
*»^ich  is  abm'c,   is  farnlitfsed  wit^^t 
all  the  {soU^m  appllaacea,  scenery 
aafi  sta4;«  prapertlea  to  facilitate 
the  aomting  of  any  play.    The  aad* 
itsriaa  will  m%t  I,  32  persons 
ooatfcrtahly,  and  fully  200  aore  oaa 
fta2  oofstfdrtablj  tst^.ndtag  roaa. 
The  aecoratloats  uf  a«at,  appropri- 
ate anu  rich.     It  is  *«vr!aed  by  sts^sia:, 
aais  electric  hwa-aers  iUtwiaate  it. 
»es«rly  nil  tbr  theatrical  stern  aad 
finrt-class  actors  of  tte  <lay  have 
appeare<2  h«ri:  r  t  -^n"  tlae  or  another 
a«  vuiiaaaport  is  aaa  of  points 
sslectee  by  al!   t!ia  travsilla^  co»- 
paoies.  ^ 

6     The  KilllaMport  ^m*  Scpteaber  22,  1352,     p.  !•• 
6     Ihi4. 

^41 '««»'' 


-h  ^1 

fia  s$^;j&i 

r^^tJS      r« 

TIM  buildiAg  wft«  «alMrg«4  iKjr  the  aoaition  of  M 

annex  in  XBii4,  anSciog  tiM  fulX  Iftogih  of  tiM  buXluiag 

two  luiodiHKl  •isM  feet  sxasX  iacremaiiie;  ttici  seatixti^  capaoit/ 

to  oofi  thmumaA  one  lutisdlrHKl  eixty^five,     A  new  gallM*/ 

i«Ml  erected,  aatl  new  ohiUre  were  inetaiied  on  tiM  aftin 

floor.     They  wes*e  deearl^Mci  nm  follows s 

fha  new  oiinirt  «re  of  iroa  and  wood 
with  perforated  backs  nad  Mnts. 
UatfwaMith  1»  &    wire  «Senrioe  for 
iMMiKii^  out  of  the  yumy  a  hiit  in 
•afetyf     nl«o  a  eiailar  wire  on 
the  ba<^«  of  tbe  chaire  to  receive 
n  eont  or  nhawl*    There  in  tm 
diui2«r  of  eoilin.;  cl()tbe«  ci«  th*^s*« 
i»  no  lenther  or  clirth  ooanentnd 
with  the«.? 

mm  4mpih  of  the  stnge  wns  incrwMMO  to  fifty  f^ot. 

^reaniag  voosm  were  orbited  leAding  directly  to  tho  etagoi 

ttBffiUrr  reel  were  added  along  with  an  elevator  to  mise 

*^llTir  fiP^tk  the  p-ouad  floor.     A  tvmmf  tmr  tniciiig  hTiei 

up  and  dowa  led  f^r^i  the  rear  of  the  stage  to  Pin«)  All«y« 

Hm  orchestra,   lost  end  of  being  la  tnvst  of  the  stage  aa 

hefore,  was  to  ^fiddle  and  hl<»r  froa  the  n<rth  eltie  of  the 

•taee***  •*  fine  graad  «prl,fht  Sohtatr  piano  frow  th*?  i«re« 

rooam  of  Hwwm,  r.  S,  Aadrtts  and  Co,"  was  proour«^  whieh 

aade  it  tawiegeaaary  f<jr  concert  trou?>cirs  to  s^ek  a  piaaa 

elaewhere.*    Elch  mirtains  to  decorate  the  archcetra  box 

The  S^ly  Gaaette  moa  aoll^tln,  Avt^at  28,  IwM,  p.  4. 


-IW  ^ 



coapletcil  th«i  effect. 

Frict^s  or  aduij»3ion  to  th«  AcaiMur  of  Xu^ic  in 

1888  were   ii3t«d  as  thirty-fivo  cents,   fifty   cont»» 

»ev«aty-f ivc  c«inlK  attd  du«  uuilar.        With  th«.'  aciciition 

of  a  new  c£ur^^^«t   that  yeur  Manager  Elliott   aent  word 

tbx*o\Ji^h  t2ic  prieas  tiiat  "he  hopea  tobacco  chewcrs  xill 

rMMaber  this  lact  and  act  ac^cordin^ly." 

A  is'iter  ot  an  earlier  day  rccalloU  the  goo<l 

acoustics  and  tixc  ability  to  sec  cvcryoao  in  the  house 

a#  fliatt«r  where  oo«*s  s^&t  w;;3  loc&tcd.     X^4«fe  &lc^&ac-,   of 

th«  occasion  found  tiki.  1&-Iics  x/carin^  dr68S«s  wit&a 

•noraOQS  puffetl  slccvea  &nr:  cart- 
trtieal  hats  which  wer&  never  rsooved 
duria^;  tht  pti' ioViStuiiC^*     2]o  t^au 
waa  worth  reraesibering  who  fulled 
to  scrivl  the  au-;'.ireJ  a  bii;  corsasc 
bouquet  whan  expecting-  to  escort 
her  to   ihc   theatar.      Tais  vaa 
pinned  on  tht  ahouldar  aidiway  bt- 
tvccn  the  puffed  ale«ve  and  cart- 
whael  hat.      11 

Xaoy  wcri»  the  uaforget table  entertaiainents  at  tha 

Acadaay,    (including   ao&e.  which  auat  hav«  BC«entarily 

disturbed  the  usual  decorum.)     Aaoag  tUeia  was  an  a>ausing 

8  Ibid> 

9  Ibid. 

10  The  Daily  Gazette  and  BtfXXotia.  September  1,  1333,  n.p. 

11  Anne  Lina  Cheyney,  July  16,  1932,  n.p. 

rcUf'    «*  ■■■■  M**  f»  ftvll«'^,Jn^«Ttf« 


/  .ti'  .   "  >•  rftsf. 


Ir.cidftnt  wliich  occurred  ot  the  tine  th«  South  wt^s  suffer- 
ing' frotn  n  deowrgd  of  j-allow  fever.     hTllil^a  l-llliott 
brought  a  cel^&tM'etod  asncsrt  coapaay  to  cpp^ar  in  a  bene- 
fit.    The  affair  was  wldftly  advertised.     People  were 
•9p9cinXHj  excited  abotit  th»  prrtctlsed  slnrln^^  of  Tfae  I^ast 
Roflc  f?f  SufBM»r  hy  the  world  fa»ott»  prlaa  rtf>?ina.  Earn 
Ka-vws,     Th€  !9i»ata  sold  at  a  fast  rate,   one  of  the  choic«8t 
i;oin:;  to  E&nry  stf^-ftSt   5»  v»»ll  known  flgwr*  «b<»at  town  in 
that  day,     Mr.   Stokos,   wHo  reportedly  did  not  i*an  toimrd 
tlM  classic  style  of  BuslCf   was  to  enjoy  hi»  first  con- 
cert ©xperlencc,     Whili*  waiting  for  The  taut  P<»ne  of 
.SMrnnfir,    he   IndnXgrM   in  an  <K:crAf^lf»n?»t  rv%Pj    th^  reat   of  the 
progrv!  nattirnlly  b-istn^^  »  llttlp  borln,"?  tn  htm.     IJnfor- 
tunntelf  he  w»c»  th«»  f»n^3ii|»#H?  Khcrj  th«  antii:in«+<'d  nuather 
ca'jo  on.     It  'rfould  hav«  resulted  only  in  Henrj^'s  lonn  had 
ho  not  decided  to  Airniah  the  alns:«r  with  "the  lo«de«t 
snors  ncconrvanlsn^nt  you  ejv«r  hftnr<i.     And  «la«i,   the  piece 
de  y'^^,^^tanco ,   plann^fJ  to  draw  t«nr*»  and  dollrirs  for  the 
afflicted  South  went  off  with  a  laugh. ""^^       -p/i^^r^  r'.?^ 

LtcomsG  Q^mA  mum 

*flth  the  orjenin,?  of  the  ^yco-^in:;  Onnra  Hnuae  on 
Septemhor  8,   1892-   th«  city*n  cultural  life  ar<]mndod. 

12     Anne  Linn  Cheyney,  December  24,   1928,   n»p. 

-  jc  r:  r  f  ■!? 

,      ■  * 

'  rj  ^; :.'  >  C' ;"  ;•  .  •  "^fE^ 


■  ^      ■..'.  '  ■  .   ■  ■    <»<]XO    2n90 

•Ht  1  ^ 


Tbe  Op«ra  Rouse  wao  established  Xay  19th  of  ths 
I»*svlous  year  with  ths  issuing  of  a  charter  to  a  board 
lissdsd  by  Renrsr  V,  hatsoiit  president,  and  John  D.  Guinter, 
ssorstary  and  treasurer.  Hsabers  of  the  building;  coanuLttee 
were  Eaauiuel  Andrews,  Fred  H.  Sweet  and  Charles  K.  Stearns .^^ 

Previous  to  this  tise  Mr.  Andrews  had  visiteu  the 
principal  theaters  of  the  country  and  had  secured  ouiny 
pointers  in  theater  construction.  Later  the  buildini^ 
csMdttee  sngageu  Culner  and  Hudson  as  architects  and 
visited  Now  York  and  Philadelphia  theaters  bef(a*e  beginning 

the  plans.  The  structure  finally  was  sodelled  lurgsly 

after  the  Chestnut  Street  Opera  House  of  Philadelphia. 

Ths  Opera  House  stotKi  proudly  four  and  a  half 

floors  high  just  east  of  Laurel  Street  on  Third,  It  \mB 

built  of  Portage  red  stone,  red  and  buff  brick  with 

terra  cotta  and  galvanized  iron  trlmings.^^  It  was 

heralded  as  being  "in  advance  of  its  tise  in  all  its 

appointaents."  Adaissions  in  1392  ranged  froa  twenty-five 

cents  in  the  gallery  to  one  dollar  for  parlor  chairs  in 

13  The  h^illiaosport  Sun,  Septeaber  22,  19S2,  p.  15. 

14  The  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  June  1,  1915,  p.  1, 

15  The  williaaaport  Sun,  August  31,  1954,  p.  5. 


'  ul©q 

?i.Ti'»»f17      ♦»;  f.  till  ■•,-■■ "'      (<:■<■?        kri*'*^ 

'  5  .<    jrjrt'-J      '  \f-.  j: 



th»  flr«t  eiijht  rows  of  the  theater. 

On  the  opening  night  the  Stopper  and  Fiak  Orchtatra, 

Xhn   official  orchestra  of  the  Opera  House,  played  the 

following  prograa} 

Overture  •Feat»  —————  Lartzlag 
March  froa  "Tannhaueer"  —-  Wagner 
Intermezzo,  •Slnfonico"  — -  Mascagni 
Pittaford's  Para  —————  Keigand 

'laa  Fantasy  — — —  Tobini   17 

During  the  first  twelve  years  the  Opera  House 
suffered  froa  Managerial  difficulties.  In  1895  John  L, 
Guinter,  Manager,  ha£i  retired,  unUer  protest  from  the 
directors,  ami  the  board  of  Managers  leaae<2  the  theater 
to  Wagner  and  Heis  of  Braaforci.^'*  Within  the  next  five 
years  the  place  became  rather  run  down  and  began  to  lose 
caste  in  tbe  theatrical  world.  In  1900  Fisk  and  Seeber 
a»su»ed  the  ManageMsnt,  and  by  sound  business  principles 
brouifht  it  back  to  nearly  its  foraer  position. 

In  December,  1903,  a  nsw  patron  of  the  theater 
MOnred  onto  the  scene  to  purchase  the  building  from  the 
stockholders  of  the  corporation.  Fred  H.  Laaade,  himself 
a  Shakespearean  actor  of  record,  was  the  purchaser.  He 

Itj  The  Williaasport  Sua,  September  22,  1952,  p.  15, 

17  The  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin,  June  1,  1915,  p.  1, 

18  The  Daily  Gaactte  and  Bulletin,  April  30,  1JJ95,  p.  1. 
I»  Ths  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin,  DaceMber  17,  1903,  p.  5. 

,*'Vt«»ikMfA:  %m-f'>    ui'ir    'v^  ,t  ' 

•toil  rfo'ic?'': 

^       ttC 

'*■;.-   >■;'-  1.    '<'     «•■      ■'•!     -  v  •  .' i      «.    .1. 

«  t<j  *.>v 



*«T         fi:| 

flwcared  full  p08e«a9ion  on  June  th«  first  and  l«ua«d lately 
gaw  notice  that  reaodalling;  would  begin  tho  following 
wteic.  Lywu)  J*  Flak  of  the  old  fira  of  Piek  and  Baeber 
was  to  be  the  new  oaaageri  Roy  Poulk  was  to  direct  the 

The  coat  of  the  Opera  House  had  b«en  $150, 000 .00. 
130,000.00  «ore  was  spent  by  Xr«  Laaade  on  renodellini; 
the  interior  and  exteri(»*  in  an  elaborate  aaaner.  lbs 
walls  ware  painted  a  light  blue  with  buff  trioainiji  tha 
downstairs  boxes  were  lowered  and  all  boxes  were  surround- 
ed with  brass  rails}  the  rear  of  each  box  was  elevated. 
Scenery  was  repainted  and  many  aore  lights  were  added 
throughout  the  house.  Evan  electric  floor  fans  were  in- 
stallcKu  A  aarqueo  was  constructed  at  the  entrance,  oak- 
ing  a  very  handsoae  and  artistic  appearance  with  its 
ayriads  of  electric  lights.  Seating  capacity  was  eighteen 

The  night  before  the  re-opening'  the  auditor iua 
lij^bted  up  J   the  new  electrical  apparatus  was  tested  and 
found  to  be  in  excellent  condition.  Fire  drills  were 
also  practiced. 

20  The  Daily  Gazette  and  nulletin.  May  27,  1904,  p.  2. 

21  The  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  June  1,  1904,  p.  5, 

•  ^«•vV^;Jl      0^m$3        ^€bJi 

:  r<.>^     wit 

1  no  •OTV  *W;  .    00,0t| 


SottMt*8  aaad  was  a  frcquwnt  attractloa.  On  one 

occasion,  Hovaiiber  26,  li:)02,  tSie  noted  Hetropolitan 

opera  star,  Bstalld  Lieblinj^,  appeared  with  the  bami.  Sh« 

sans  Thou  3rllllant  BirU.  from  Pearl  of  Brazil,  by  David. 

On  th«  avenini2*8  prograa  folder  is  found  a  coluon,  "Stage 

Gossip f*  nuaerous  advertiseaects  of  local  iaerchants* 

products,  Golf  Queen  Sachet  powder,  Bseoan^s  pepsin  gaa 

aad  others.  On  the  back  in  a  box  is  th&  st@rn  earning t 


Eating  peanuts  and  throwing 
shells  on  the  fl<jor  is  positively 
prohibited  in  this  theater,  and 
persons  doing  so  will  be  Gject©d, 
The  saiae  rale  applies  to  spitting 
tobacco  juice  on  the  floor.  22 

Many  people  can  still  reaeaber  the  long  waiting 
lines  that  foraed  even  on  the  coldest  winter  evenings  to 
bwy  tickets  fw  the  grab  seats  in  the  "peanut  gollery" 
of  ths  Opera  House.  Artists  always  recalled  the  discri- 
adnation  of  Williaosport  auiii&ncca  with  the  truisa  that, 
•If  they  applauded  you  in  williajasport  you  were  good!"  " 

It  is  ironical  that  when  fire  destroyeii  the  Lycooing 
Opera  Houm  on  Hay  10,  1315,  so  rmch  ejq;>ha8i5  was  placed 
on  the  building* s  safety  features.   It  boasted  of  an  asbestos 

22  LycQffluLnj;  Opera  House  pro^syaa,  J'oveabcr  2G,  1902,  p,  4. 

23  The  «flllla«sport  Sun,  Septeiaber  23,  iaS2,  p.  j. 






&  bam^'i  *■                   •mans^tn^ 

'■f^    t*^f  <I0 

.    A.ioiv,     iV     '  ji);«sv«^< 


JBI««i    ifMi,'> 



»A-LJsa3-i  £ifiiri.j3  *;xc 



ciirtain  that  mighed  over  a  ton.   It  was  woven  over  a 
brass  wir«  network  and  mas  hung  so  as  to  ssotirs  autmntio 
action  in  ease  of  oeeU,  Tho  ciittiji^  of  a  thin  rope  at 
any  one  of  th«  nujaerous  points  on  the  sta£o  releaaeU  it* 
Thax^  wero  twalve  existing  exits.  On  one  occasion  elghtsea 

himUrad  persons  left  the  theater  vithin  three  ainvttes  of  a 

final  curtain.  Only  eight  of  the  twelve  doors  were  used. 

The  building  was  totally  destroyed  by  the  fire 

tililoli  was  one  of  th«  tsost  8p«ctacular  and  aost  costly 

ev«r  to  occur  in  the  city.     The  twilding  alone  was  worth 

$130, 000 .00.     Pixttxres  and  equipaent  brought  it  to 

$176,000.00.     Only  one  third  of  the  loss  was  covered  hy 

insurance.     Nothing  was  saved,     the  Kepaaa  iBand  lost  its 

csflv»lete  eqaiiMtsat  of  instruments,   lausic,   uniforns  and 

relics}  the  Airdoae  Orchestra  lost  all  its  music  and  a 

set  of  druaa  and  traps |  the  Stof^er  and  Fisk  Orchestra 


lost  its  snsic,  droas  and  traps. 

The  scene  was  one  of  tragedy  as  the  fire,  thoaght 
ta  bava  be«n  caused  by  defective  wiring,  ragsd  froa  four 
A.  M.  cmtil  about  six:  A.  K.   The  walls  caved  in  one  by 
one,  and  several  explosions  hlew  out  plate  £lass  windows. 
Coffee  and  sandwiches  were  served  to  the  fireaen  by 
D,  S.  Andrus  aiul  Co. 

24  The  Williaa0pc»<t  Sun.  September  23,  1952,  p.  9. 

25  Ths  Daily  Gazette  and  Bulletin.  May  31,  IJIS,  p.  !• 

26  Ibid« 

JO«»f        s-'H...;'      ji*kA>.i  i,.-r<if  k^. 


'^tf:  (Ml>  )o  •««  •aw  AdJkAit 

\"j  i^ 


ifw-awi^   '. 




■JtSSL  ViLflU 






Thus  endttci  the  existence  of  what  was  probably 
Williara3port«s  iiost  lavish  theater.  !!f«arly  aai  th« 
l««iding  artists  and  stars  of  tbat  day  w»re  seen  on  its 
stage •  After  the  iaprovements  were  acldeci  theatrical 
people  coning  here  from  all  ov^r   the  world  saiU  that  for 
a  city  the  size  of  Killiaizsport  the  Lycoraing  Opera  House 
was  the  best  found  anywhere. 


TtHNM  years  after  Fred  M,  Laisade  purchased  tho 

Lycoaing  Opera  House  the  announceaiont  was  finds  that  he 

planned  to  build  a  new  theater.  His  plans  were  brought 

to  public  notice  in  a  centennial  edition  of  the  williaas- 

port  Sun  in  July,  1906? 

The  opera  house  owner  has  recent- 
ly acquired  the  lot  south  of  the 
city  hotel  on  Pine  Street,  frontage 
104  feet,  aepth  20a  feet,  and  on 
this  will  be  erected  this  coming 
fall  a  new  high-class  family  theater 
with  a  ^k4»tini^  rini:  in  the  riiar.   The 
cntertainaents  to  be  given  here  will 
bo  of  a  high  and  polite  order  that 
lady  or  child  can  properly  see  and 
enjoy.  The  new  place  of  aauseaeot 
will  probably  be  opened  about  Novea- 
ber   1,  1906.   It  will  be  conducted  on 
the  popular  price  idea,  probably  ten 
or  twenty  cents  except  on  special 
occasions  when  the  price  any  be  a 
little  higher.   27 

27  The  Williaasport  Sun,  Septeaber  23,  1952,  p.  9. 

ifi.  ■■rij    ' 

■■  Vi  yi'^  J-*^       c  ri  » ^r    t 

*■  *•{  V 

a  itmux  tun* 

t*4tor  ^^XMi«««i  - 

flM  fteUjr  TtMAtcr  itas  l>ullt  la  1907  «t  m  oo«t  of 
forty  th9U«ttml  dollar »•  $«atiag  ottpcioltjr  mmi  ooft  thou** 
«iks,  ott«  iMaKir**!  fifty  .^^ 

AftM*  the  ei«fttb  of  ^*.  i4M»dOt  his  mm,  MAlt«r  0. 
Tiiwirlt,  op«r»t«)a  tho  t!k«ttt«r,     Tti«  younger  Hr.  UhmkIo 
It—od  afl4  sold  tu«  tb«ater  aoTaraX  tiado  bvit  £oa«nmy 
to  ta&e  It  iMMSc  b«eau9«  of  flaiuaolAl  difflsultlfto  of 

tlM  ep9emi9t»* 

fott  y««r«  aft^r  tmim  tullt  ttM»  &■««  mmi  chetm^ 
to  tlMi  Mijostici    aft  AT  two  aor«  doeaiot  It  boowM  tlio 

DvrlAg  Ito  yofkTo  ao  tlw  lf»i«9tlc  *th«  tlMat«r*s 
lll^to  dUnnS  Iwforo  tk9  a^vaxta*  of  tnc  fiick.«r8,  lat^r 
tHo  toAkloo."*"^    A«  tim  KATltoe  it  blUod  ^laolpaUy 
4««tto  foattiro  aotries  stmi  an  oeoaoloaal  VMHdoviUo  unit. 

lo  later  yeara  anln  ovonta  of  tim  tfto&tcr'o  ol^* 
tlao  trwlitiaa  waro  tlM  CoaaiMiity  Cooeart  SorUa,  a  fow 
raaei  prodaotlooa  of  ota^e  slioHa  axMt  attaaol  <Iiiiioo  rocltata 
Hr  3looal  otudloa, 

f*iaally»  aftor  running  at  a  loao  for  aovoral  y«ara» 
tbm  oaat  of  liodpins  tt»  theater  going  t)ooaa«  too  groat 
for  tiii3  oMiiaro.     la  iaS2  It  Maa  doel^oa  to  toar  the 





bttildljig  4mm  to  «•)£•  m^  far  soHntliiiig  uahcarc  of  wh*a 
it  MM  bitilt  •  «  pttriciag  lot. 

flit  flr*At«st  of  tliicatricaX  flgiar««  appoar^d  on  thm 
•tag*  of  thift  tiMftt«r,  laoliidiiig  tli*  SmnfmarsB  suki  aat«r« 
of  ttMlr  «iai&<!r.     lit  th®  wwiiofcl  warM  tte  t;r«at««t  of 
art  lata  pwfmev»^  from  Sadftam  Sainaiatin-^leliik  to  Paul 

Mmtoaaii,  it  la  reo«dX«d»  ^la^faOi  a  iai4al4,ht  con- 
Gcirt  at  tiM  l&M«stic  b«BattM  a  tiaolWTyi  tot^  ^irouglit  hiii 
faaa  to  face  vdth  t6«  looal  '*bluo  la^n*  ifhiob  forbada 
tlHMitrloal  parforMMMa*  an  teactar*^^ 

OMHttnitr  Ca^sc«art  nealiara  of  today  can  recall  alioa 
UMPMwa  TiUtett  aaae  liara  aa  a  pmtsilf  xaOmnm  aad  wi* 
hwiKiaiad  FtplaffiMWl  for  tli«  i«tea«i«l«<i  artlat*'"^ 

i<rit2i  tlt«  d«it3olitian  of  th«  JSarlton  Ttwstar  a 
laadaarlE  9t  a  pa«t  «t«  x«ft  tiM  eitr  ae«a««    Proaant 
ialialtltaMitc  of  t^  oitr  rcHHMfear  wltn  «Nrtalgia  tuo 
•xciting  ataoapliara  of  lagltlaato  ttioator  aatl  «^«at 
an«ifial  or^c^srta  eii|er*d  tlitrft* 


ax     ¥ii8  St^illiaauqpKU^t  Sua,   S«|>t«AMH^  22,  1:^52,  p,  15, 

♦  J'.>.: 
llMMi  AiMlJllllK  Ml" 

'tArfjf  f',,;  '-••••:■  *«*i*0 


tfT    ir. 

CBiiprm  XVIII 

historr  of  (^illiamport^s  wwdoai  lif«  has  b«on  rooor«l<i<u 
Tkis  bam  e«r«r«a  a  q^wa  t>f  «9fr«aciaftt«ly  oih»  hunar«4  and 
fifty  T^mPBt  bagiwiiag  with  tli«  «&r2y  aiaeto^nlh  contury 
mad  •eAiag  with  tiM  adMlo  of  th«  tM»iiti«tii  e«atury. 

Baviai;  Immi  born  and  raiaatf  in  wUIiaMport  and 
havlas  anvagad  in  tlM  auaic  profaaaioa  thmrtt  for  a  ntartMn* 
of  yMkra»  tbe  tritor  lawi  itpoa  xmajt  oaeaaioos  liaard  refsr- 
aaoa*  mu&m  to  aariler  paracm«y  «irftats>  plac«s  aoa  organ* 
isatiooa  liliioh  tia«l  f Igurod  proaiaMitly  in  ttio  ausical  Uf@ 
of  the  city*    Uaaalijr  tlwao  ooflMKita  ware  laoiflng  in 
(lotaiX,  aad  aasqr  of  th«  su^joots  to  trinicb  tiiay  t*«ferrod 
waro  QaftQMMn  to  tb«  ptraaant  i£«a«s*ation»    Horoov«r  thoro 
aaa  so  plac^  ono  could  go  to  fiadi  iafor^tttion  oonoaraiag 
tbMu    AXi  ttiia  atirroil  tbo  writer* a  iaagi^it^tioa  oooo«*a» 
iag  iftHlttai^«3g*t*o  ^sBsai^^ai  paat*    as  otatod  ia  tho  Xatro- 
ttt»ctior}  t!ui  isaidant  of  fin^iag  the  souaa  iBiaa  pragraa 
aaa  the  aiibsoQttaat  oatliuaiassi  of  tlio  public  litirarT  ia« 
araaaod  tua  4aairo  a»a  ^roaptac!  ttio  dociaioa  to  Uo  tlia 
rmmurtOkm    it  tlidr«  w«ra  ootable  auaioiaaa  aa<l  iiq;>ortant 
aaeooipliabBftata  in  tiota  paat  it  aaasKt  fitting  tliat  tbi^ 
tbaalA  be  broagbt  to  Xi^tst  and  reoordaa  aa  a  nattar  of 


W**     f^'r^rn  ^% 

•?  mamtA^^t^i^   mwij    £^irx>i 

tt'.'ViiV      i""!^' 

-(^wK  IMJtt  odt  tf##  tea 

4«^'iK'  f       u^ 


^Jtffr  '(!»#^4#*» 

■i'    #*"//'  #  «;««» 

«!N   ^  r>t«l> 

11        Si       i"!*?      «**      U*r«Vt;Ji" 

>  1 » I. . 



^»«i^|^     kj». ; 

■^iw  , ..  »*^  5  V 

^'jr>  IS 

.  »■* 

r      «  t  i^  '■■wir  r«  < 

interest  and  future  reference. 

The  nature  of  the  problem  was  to  find  the  first 
•igns  of  any  <-ausical  activity  in  the  earliest  days  of 
Williamport * s  existence.   Proa  those  early  beginnings 
the  project  involved  tracin^j  the  developaent  of  nusic 
in  its  various  aspects  down  to  the  present  tiaie.  Person* 
alities,  ory;anizations  and  events  had  to  be  searched  out 
and  considered.  The  research  covered  a  period  of  approx* 
iSAtely  two  years.  Allowing  this  auch  tiae  was  iiaportant 
because  of  the  local  interest  which  developed.  As  people 
learned  of  the  project  they  often  8Ui;:g0Sted  iteas  of 
poasible  value. 

Several  aethods  of  attack  were  employed.  Throufll 
the  two  years  naiaes  of  all  personalities^  or^iauizations  or 
related  constituents  ever  stent loncd  to  or  rswuihsred  by 
the  writer  were  kept  on  file.  Clippings  froa  all  local 
newspapers  concerning  nusic  were  collected.  Contacts 
ware  then  ande  with  all  possible  people  who  night  have 
inforaation  on  any  of  these  subjects.  One  interview 
naturally  led  to  another  as  inquiry  on  a  particul£ir  Hqox 
often  brought  forth  suggestions  of  other  interesting  sub- 
jects hsretofore  unknown.  The  circuastance  of  the  writer's 
being  a  native  of  •(illiaasport  afforded  her  the  advantage 
sf  often  linowing  whoa  to  contact  for  pertinent  inforsiation. 
These  personal  intwviews  were  sxtreAsly  valuable.  Soae 

Sift-ill  d..  J    -s  ■'.'   r.  ,*a  «iv 

.         l-'ttt  .f: 

^•V't  ifti-  ^'^.•^;■^^*I  > 

If       t?^tHI:fi»i.'i<%'^'t'S     4».'  ■  •^.i-.i'&j 

r«f«r«tteo«  to  aew^pn^er  article*  wore  on  flXe  at  Urn 
public  library,    tiimm  «f«r«  ejuniMa,     la  ad<litioa  muay 
Jmoal  mmmpap9r9  wtro  taMmfcta  goiag  ^ca.  to  tite  city's 
first  publicdtioaa  la  l^e.    MMa  orfaftixationa  w^re 
fo«uMi,  afforta  mr^  m»A9  to  locat«  $mf  oarly  raeorAa  of 
•Itch  that  aigttt  b«  ia  exiatenoa,    Barly  hiatorl&a  of 
Lf^Mttias  County  taai  •6ra{»)>ooic»  ifsra  a»Biiaa(l«    All  faaata 
oi  attaioal  activity  war*  iiwludad  «a  ia  alMMa  in  tha 
fable  of  Coat en to. 

▲ftar  rfrtlng  thia  hiatory  tlMra  aay  ba  thmMi  iito 
flay  leaonf  of  othar  iafonatlon  tZiat  ougbt  to  bava  baaa 
iacludad  in  this  iiritiiis.     It  ia  ontlrely  poaaible  that 
•om  iteaa  of  lnt«r«at  teva  raaainad  liicid«a«    l^aai  tto 
«a*itar*a  point  of  Yiaw  vfty  paa«iblo  aaMrao  af  atttarlal 
Naa  aaarelMMl  to  obtain  aa  oom^ata  a  pletura  aa  poaaible 
of  irilliaaaport  *  9  stuaieal  davalapoast. 

Tba  UtMk.  baa  baac  a  faaelnatiaf  adv^tore  io  aaaar 
aaya.    Saw  paraoaalitioa  have  baan  aaeount^eU}     olii  faota 
bava  baaa  givaa  a  nav  aigoificancoi     a  city  aaa  baan  V" 
4i9cov«ra4«    la  sl»»oi«g  tbrattgli  tba  pacta  of  tbia  theala 
tbM«  Miio  are  iatareated  in  i^'illiaasp3rt*a  aaiaical  lifa 
aay  nail  ba  prattd  of  b«r  aoeoi^lialiaaata* 

:'M*  >p»  •ttm  ■^•mm  i'-'iiifiu  svv 

t-.  ,i.«i   Ic^M-'c;;^ 

.t^vji.rt**    5^  »♦% 

"til  mti 




Co.,    1>JG, 

Aonual  Report  of  tha  Public  SehooU  qf  Strjlllamiwyort  for 

Friatlng  Oooae,  X9X0, 

Bonner t  Clint »  A  gyaa  i»  ^fflpo.  Chloa^,  Viloox  and  Poilet 
Co.,  19&2. 


l«9lei»9»  J<^m  Boarjr  XXI,  "Tiio  iKoveroiiU  Jolm  Henry'  Bo^liui, 

JaCQUQline's  Letter  to  tbo  Ho«m»  Folks  (a  coluam  by  Xrs. 

Arusu  Linn  CJaejraay  pttUllsbod  ia  Th«  ifilliejaaport  Sun  frm 
1927  to  1332  wookly  and  otherwlao,}  Lycoadng  Couniy 
:velectlons,  3  vols. 

irvt"  li'ISrvT.  W  TT 

1  I- 




,  Giwtav,  "A  Xnsloal  Ttmq)  la  Bw*«|»t,"  TbttCr«i* 
Sa0t*  ^  ilXwmifr,  UlL  ,  20  and  (Docetf>or,  13117, 

Lloyd,  Col.  Tiiowia,  aiatory  of  LTnmdam  C—ty,   p#umn^»-^«>- 
ia.  Tor«iJa^y«tlaaiSaria,  HialJMal  MKia&iasco»> 
l92»,  2  vola. 

Uroomlmt  <^ip|ff]a  nous®  Pro^jraa.  Noveabur  2Q,  1902 »  \ 

liMTsh,  Harr«u  L.,  Ujgtory  of  Cqfraaaat »Cen ti-ai 


Mttort  Choral  Art  Club.  Octo!H>r  10, 

,    1934. 

Sua  aad  aannor,  1386  to  ItSfl* 

-   (,  Octobar  7,  l"^3'», 

'Bullotin.  1025  to  liSe, 

•;'  i;>i^  to  i^)5(i. 

.tfaltlon  9f  the  C^ett<»  W^ 

Tha  Dally  Gosetto  aaa  ^^ilotia.  1370  to  1^24, 

tlia  <l^attjrii?ac  to  l;ii!l. 

flM  UlUiaanport  Sun,  lc'>:iG  to  1956. 
Hfft  ftWMCh  BulloTIn .   1964. 
vmiaigaport  Sua^Gozatto,   i35S  to  1366. 

Ovariyer,  Q!^g>^j}jpg^^^||y^  ^Offpofarf,  Maw  Tork, 


Proaga«  of  MMPWfall  Cln'o  Coacort ,  Aja-il  9,  li)23. 

Rohrar,  Gartrud*  Itortta.  Maa^c  ay^  ?fnfti,ciaft;p  of  yeoi|ayl> 
t>moia.  ruLladelpJda,  ?a. ,  Tbeodoro  Praaaar  Co.,  1J40. 

Sctumborg,  Harold,  "Pacing  the  ?fu»ic,"  Huaical  Courier 
(Xarob  1,   1J52),  4. 

Soimaok.  0.  G,,  Early  Concert  Lifa  in  Aaerica.  Lelpalg, 
araitkopf  aodllariel,  ^'t. 



•  SMI  ,9£: 

n         .   (••TT' 




^oittill  •diHi»«i«d  ,*ir«MI 


SioaOmr^t  HopOf   "Music  in  Ponnsylvwiia,"   Infrnatlonal 
WUAStiM  <«^»»ly»  1"^S4),  13.  — * ^""^^ 

Wllllaasport   Sosqulcenteanial  Booklet,  p.   63. 

» ■  •  -.1    4         '   -     »  y.  •■  <- 



AS  OF  JUNE,  ld57 

Miss  31anoh«  Applegate 
Hiss  Lena  Qeal 
Mi9S  Leah  IXll 
Fr«<l  DeCaalo 
Xi««  Hanesr  Dcttling 
Mr*.  Carol  Uvoouen 
Miss  Constance  Fisher 
Mrs.  Kurt  Glaser 
Miss  Kadi  Is  Itorrer 
Hrs.  Carl  k.  Hunter 
Mrs.  Garth  Kleckner 
Mrs.  C.  R,  Hartln 
Mrs.  Jaiws  Jfensch 
Miss  Mary  Pyies 
Mrs.  Esther  Ralph 
Mrs.  M«  M.  Hosevear 
Miss  Enlly  Ros^vear 
Mrs.  Paul  Shoeoaker 
Pred  ».  Snell 
Miss  Carol  Steele 
Miss  Myrtle  Stroup 
Mrs.  Grace  Tressler 
Mrs.  Uonald  Veley 
Doxter  We ike 1 
H.  vi,   Willlaxnson 


Mrs,  Walter  Hclver 
Miss  Helen  l^oulse  Reldy 

Lolaml  Mallet 
Mrs.  Anthony  Schoaus 
ft»e<i  R.  Snell 
Miss  Carol  Steele 
Cexter  ii^e.lkel 
H.  V.  Kllllaason 


Mrs.  Louise  Vogt  Edler 
Osborne  Housel 
Mrs.  John  Ross 
Mrs,  Ronald  Veley 

&mm  issTRPMEirrs 

Earl  Cawr,   banjo,   guitar, 

FVeU  DeCanlo,   clarinet,    tru?iy>et 

William  Hoebner,   Jr.,   truapct 
Paul  Knauff,   clarinet,   saxophone 
Bmest  Lehoan,   drusis  and  aariaba 
Harold  Lysaan,  clarinet,   saxophone 

flute,   piccolo 


T';^    i'KA.  -JJi^L- 

•  BO- 

«»0< -J 


of  the 
AS  OF  JUlfK,    1957 


Trinity  Episcopal 
Christ  rpiscopal 
St,  Kary's  Episco- 
All  Sta.   Episcopal 
Church  of  the  Good 
Shephsrd  Episco- 
Pine  Street 
Mulberry  Methodist 
Jfar^et  Street 

Method ist 
High  St.  Methodist 
Grace  Methodist 
Newberry  Methodist 
Salea  A.M.E.   - 

Zion  Methodist 
So.  Kliliaa«p«rt 

Third  St.  Methodist 
Calvary  Methodist 

Bethel  A.M.E. 

Dunoistown  Parrish 

Faxon -fTemaar 

St.  Mark's  Lutheran 
St,  Paul's  Lutheran 
St,  Luk(i*9  Lutheran 
Redeemer  Lutheran 



J.  Bertram  Strickland  J,  Bertram  Strickland 

David  Smith 

Lauretta  Ha£enbuch 

Mrs.  Bcrle  binder 
Hev.  A.  n.  Head 


Mr,  &  Mrs.  Walter  G. 

Charles  Miller 

killiam  Huffman 
Kaltcr  Shaffer 
Harry  Williamson 
Louise  Stryker 

Constance  Fisher 

Williaa  Bailey 
Mrs.  Harry  Tho-Tias 
Kenneth  Masteraon 


Mrs.  k'arren  Zubcr 

Mrs.  Sols  Hall 
Frederick  Saell 
Harold  R,  Hunt 
Mrs.  Eugene  i* inner 
Mrs,  Edweurd  Eisenbeis 
&  Marian  Law  Hall 

James  Schnars 
Mrs,  Robt.  Harer 

lira.  George  Parke 

Jay  Stenger 
Mrs.  Dewey  Craw 

John  Conrad 
!tr3.  Komer  Bennett 
Harry  h'illiamsoa 
Louise  Stryker 

Constance  Fisher 

Mrs.  Ruth  Mitchell 
Mrs.  Harry  Thoaias 
lira*   Samuel  Hutchin< 

Mrs.  Mabel  Andrews 

Mrs.  Guy  Haloifell 

Mrs.  Paul  Cervinsky 
Frederick  Snell 
Harold  R,  Hunt 
Mrs,  Eugene  winner 
William  H,  ifurster 

.-.  V«rU  H...iJ;4i.      -:   -■ .    '.r  A.  /:  1    1  -?    5aC/:w 

>^  .      .kti-J  *ljM*i 



St,  John's  Lutheran 
Sales  Lutheran 

St.  Mat-liieii'd 

Xeasiah  Luthoian 
Covenant  -Central 

First  Pre  Siberian 
Lycoaing  Preslqrter- 

Bethany  Praaby« 

First  ij.  U.  B. 

St.  John's  E.  U,  B. 

St.  Paul* 3  E.  U.  a, 

Grace  K.  U.  B, 

Christ  1.,  U.  B. 

Trinity  h;.  U.  B. 

WilliaMsport   Uii'o 
cult  £.  u.  a. 
BaXitf  riilxa 

iMumuei  Evangelical 
anti  kiforaed 

St.  John's  Evangel- 
ical anci  Rttforaifd 

Calvary  lUptist 

Central  Baptist 

First  Baptist 
Xeaorial  Baptist 
Bast  End  Baptist 
Ebenozer  Ba4>tist 

Shiloh  Baptist 
Tabernacle  Baptist 

virs.  iiobert 
Wilbert  Porss 

Mrs.  H.  X.  Kossvear 
Dexter   Weiu.el 

Leiaad  >tallct 
Lester  Bir chard 

Harold  Reusaer 

21rs.   Twain  L.   firewer 

B«igh   Willioioson 

Mrs.  John  Streeter 

Hrs.    Vanct>  Gail' 


Ei'oa  ISLelley 

Krs.  Jaaes  Cooper 

Roacoe  Heiiu 
Hanoy  Steiger 
Dale  Bower 

Dorothy  Gallup 

Hrs.  John  3.  Ross 
John  Schliof 
Hr^j.  A,  Harrison 

David  SAith 
Hrs.  Lee  R.  Decker 
Xrs.  Lester  Burkhart 
Krs.  Lee  Dar<ien 
MJrs.  Lewis  Coins 
TXra,   Burgess  Jamison 
Mr.  Dallas  Andrews 
Mrs.  Clyde  Ryder 

Garden  View  IJaptist  Wilbur  Weld 
Church  of  thti  Annun- 
ciation Catholic   Lrneat  Fisher 

Church  of  the  Ascen- 
sion Catholic      John  Blooai 

St.  Boniface 

Catholic  iili^vin  Zeigler 

Xrs.  Bttgenc  Land on 
tfilbert  For»e 

Mrs.  X.  M.  Rosevear 
Dexter  We ike 1 

Leland  T-Callet 
Lester  Hirchard 
Hrs.  Kenneth 

Mrs.  R,  C.  Sobriag, 

Hu£;h  Williaason 
Carol  Steele 
Hrs.  Carl  R.  Hunter 
Xrs.  Darel  Cass 
Geraldine  aetts 
Mrs.  Jaoes  Cooper 

WfMm   Ardon  Mutchler 


iiram  Richard  Din^^le 

Dorothy  Gallup 

Kra,   John  B.  Koss 
John  Schlief 
Hrs.  A.  Harrison 

Leo  Hess 

?£rs.  Lee  K.  Decker 
Mrs.  Lester  Burkhart 
Mrs.  Rudolph  Hyers 
Hrs.  tfilXiaia  Hyers 

Mrs.  Gertrude  Todd 
Barbara  Sheapp» 

Mrs.  Grace  Jlintz 
Robert  Kane 

Irene  Pantaskey, 

John  31ooa 

Carl  liaefner,  Jr. 







Mater  Dol.fjrota 

Holy  Rosary 


St.  Aim's  Catholic 
St,  Lawrence • a 

Te-TOle   Beth  Ha« 

Ohcv  Sholom 

First  Chltrc^  of 

dewberry  Church  of 


East  Ena  Alliance 

N^st  End   Gospel 

Pllgria  Holiness 

Calvary  Chvrch  of 

tha  Saznrene 
St,  Jacis'g  l:^';irn?inu«5l 

Eaaaauol  Lutheran 
Chereh  cf  the  open 


Pantecostai,  /^ssoMb- 

ly  of  God 
Seventh  Day  Advent- 

Priands*  First  Church 
First  Church  of 

Christ  Scientist 

Salvation  Arsqr 

Goorge  Clapa 
Krs,  Mary  Haclejko 
Eiiwaru  5  tar  on 
Carl  Crousi! 
Lester  lUrchard 
Xorris  Lang I  cantor 
Hrs,  Edwin  Kurtz 
Kanneth  Master son 
Lewis  Muffley 

Clifford  Bedford 

James  Lantz 

LaUora  Drike 
?Crs.   John  H'olfe 



Mrs,  Maxine  Bair 

Shirley  Cogswell, 


Hilda  Heyar 

Xrs.  Francis 
iiidward  Staron 

Xrs.  Raynond  Cowdsa 

Lester  air chard 


Xrs.  lidwln  Kurtz 

Mary  Margaret  Lape, 

Jlrs.  Lewis  Muff  ley, 


Marion  Froy 
Hazel  Gin tor 

Jaaos  Lantz,  pianist 

Lad or a  Dr ike 
Mrs,  John  JiOlfo 

Mrs.  Clyde  ?Coor<i, 

Mrs,  T,  8,  Terry 

Mrs,  Maxlno  Bair 
Martha  Hall 

Mrs.  G,  Hell 

Joan  white 





by  the 


John  Charlea  Thomas, «  Oar it one 

Lawronce  Tibbett,*  iJarltone 
Vilss  Oall«t 


Elizabeth  Rethborg,#  Soprano 

Maler  and  Pattison,  Duo  Pianists 

Opera  Recital 

Xischa  Elaan,  Violinist 

Philadalphia  Siafoniotta,  Jvatherine  Me  isle.  Contralto 


The  Revelers,   Ja?iie»  Helton.*  Tenor 

Eriki  Korini,  Violinist 

Robert  Goldsand  ana  Maria  Kurenko  -  Joint  Recital 

JuLrrorn  Little  Sytaphony 


Cherniavslcy  Trio 

Grace  Hoore,«  Soprano 

FlreUerictf  naer,«  aaritonc 

Clevolanu  Syaiphony  Orchestra,  Kikolai  Soicoloff ,  Conductor 


Niicolai  Orloff,  Pianist 

Toscha  Seiiiel,   Violinist 

Don  Cossack  Chorus,  Serge  Jar off,  Conductor 


Jose  Iturbi,  Pianist 

Hart  House  String  Quartette 

Hino  Xartlni,«  Tenor 

•Indicates  Moaber  Metropolitan  Opera  Association 

tWS'Vk         •    •  *.  r 

V    V        -       V'   '-ll-' 

fi^' J  4"  oC  <«iV    •j»4,">c'*.      ,  uv  ."» 


;j|i  o«./B 

l»d«(«K  tc 



H«if  Torlc  Ssraphony  Orchestra,  HUcoIai  Sokoloff ,  Conauctor 
Xalcola  and  Godden,  Duo  Pianists 
Boss  asui^ton,<»  Soprano 


Xiisissl«Ald«n*TttrnM'  String  Trio 
DAlies  PVantE,  Pianist 
RicluuM  Crooks, «  Tenor 
Cbarlotto  Sy»ons,«  Soprano 


Xatienftl  Syaplxony  Orchestra,  llans  Killer,  Conductor 
Ricluurd  Boaelli,  Baritone 
PowJler  and  Taaara,  Dancers 
Aaam  SjMicaSt*  Contralto 


Jooss  a&llst 

ClevelanJl  S^paptony  Orchestra,  Artur  Rodsinslci,  Conducts 

Sigrid  Onegin,«  Dramatic  Soprano 


Cuiosar  ^ova«9,  Pianist 

John  Charles  Thowis,«  Baritone 

Cloiraland  Sftaphonr  (^ohestra,  Artur  Rodsinstci,  Conductor 


Devi  rja  Dancers 

Jsan  ?>ictrson,«  Soprano 

Cleveland  STaphooy  Orchestra,  Artar  lodzinski.  Conductor 


Tshudi  Henuhia,  Violinist 

Xetropolitan  Opera  <iuartet 

Dartlett  and  Robertson,  Duo  Pianists 


ilruna  Castagna,«  Contralto 
Qrsgor  Plat  Igor  s^.  Cellist 
Rnllet  Rttssa  de  Xonte  Carlo 
Igor  Oorin,   Baritone 

•Indicates  Meaher  Hetropolitao  Opera  Associati<m 









Helen  Traub«l,«  Soprano 

Robert  Casactesus,  Pianist 

Cleveland  SyBq>bony  Orchestra »  Artur  Rodzinski,  Conductor 


Zino  Franeescatti,  Violinist 

Laurltz  Melchior  ami  Astrid  Varnay  -  Joint  Recital 

Xla  Slavenski,  Dance  Group 

Bartlett  and  Robertson ,  Duo  Pianists 


The  Ciiarles  Wagnar  Opera  Company  in  "Carmen"  with 

Hona  Paulee 
Rudolph  Serkin,  Pianist 
Mary  ?an  Kirk,*  Contralto 
irilliam  Priarose,  Violist 


Alexander  Kipnis,<>  s^ss 

>7icoli  and  Johanna  Grauden  -  Cellist  and  Pianist 
Pittsburgh  Symphony  Orchestra,  Prltz  Reiner,  Conductor 
Licia  Allxinese,*  Soprano 


Trapp  Paally  Singers 

Si8K>n  aarrere,  Pianist 

Indianapolis  Ssnaphony  Orchestra,  Fabian  Sevitsicy, 



The  Robert   ri&gner  Opera  Coopany  in  "Xadaae  Butterfly" 

Bu^ene  List,   Pianist 

Coluiabia  Concert  Trio,   Walter  Cassel,   Baritone 


Khite  Series 

Cleveland  Sya^hony  Orchestra,  George  Szell,  Conductor 

Leopold  Simoneau,!^  Tenor 

ICaryla  Jonas,  Pianist 


Slue  Series 

Cleveland  Symphony  Orchestra,  George  Szell,  Conductor 

Jean  Katson,  Contralto 

Whittemore  and  Lowe,  Duo  Pianists 

•Indicates  Xsi^er  Metropolitan  Opera  Association 


»  ^  ■  '  * 

\9CtdSf  i>n. 

'i  tm^ 



j»<Uu«ll  ■. 



White  Scries 

Xia  Slavenoki  Dancers 

DePaur  Infantry  Chorus,  Leonard  DePaur,  Conductor 

Patricia  Travera,  Violinist 


Blue  Series 

The  Robert  Wagner  Opera  Coapany,  in  •!  Pagliacci  anu 

Cavello^ria  Rusticana* 
St,  Louis  Sitafonietta 
Apploton  and  Field,  Pianists 


White  Series 

DePaur  Infantry  Chorus,  Leomurci  PePaur,  Conductor 

Xona  Paulee,*  Soprano 

Loewen^th  Ensemble,   Strings 


aiuc  Series 

Joseph  Battista,   Pianist 

ikiwin  Steffe,    baritone 

Cleveland  ;:>ymphony  Orchestra,  George  Szell,  Conductor 


Kuaolf  Pirkuany,  Pianist 
The  Robert  Shaw  Chorale 
Xragard  Seefried,*  Soprano 
Svstlova  Dance  Enseable 


George  Load on,  Bass-Baritone 

AlUo  Parisot,  Cellist 

Carol  Br ice,  Mezzo-Soprano 

Xonique  de  la  Bruchollcrie,  Pianist 

Cincinnati  Syaphony  Orchestra,  Thor  Johnson,  Conductor 


Sasclta  Coroanitzki,  Pi«iii«t 

Szysion  Goldberg;,  Violinist 

Frances  Bible,  Mezzo-Soprano 

Aagelaires,  Harp  Quintette 

Gershwin  Concert  Orchestra,  Robert  Zellcr,  Conductor 

Sanrojsa,  Pianist 

Elizabeth  Doubleiiay,  Soi»*ano 

Theodor  Uppiaan,*  rsaritone 

^Indicates  Xsober  Ketropolitan  Opera  Association 


Bljr»*«*^    f^ 

»V*i^«    4»j 

r?-,».»x'>      r  r  i 


1,  *«f  t»  .«rf  • 


((ti    li^ald^ 



Vienna  Acadsagr  Chorus 
Baltlau>rG  Synphony  Orchestra 
Sabastian  and  Jarnac 
Tl  K«rol  Sze,  baas 
H«rmatt  Codes,  pianist 


Mildrsd  Hillsr,  Soprano 
Leonard  Kosc,  Cellist 
Jorga  Qolet,  Pianist 
rjastan  Pops  Concert  Orchestra 


Eujeiia  Conley,  Tenor 
Festival  Qaartet 
Gary  Graf f Man ,  Pianist 
DeFaur  Opera  Gala 

«wA<i«»A^       p^    X-W1-,        *.•■ 

,-,.*•,      ■'•--0  *'is. 

-.r  ■  ■    i   r:r.' 

